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LETTERS National Alumni Association EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICERS President Vice Presidents Alumni Fund Campus Activities Admissions Public Relations Career Counseling Secretary-T reas~rer

William H. Schweitzer '66, Washington, D.C. Jason M. Elsas, Jr. '58 , New York, NY Jeffrey J. Fox '67, Avon, CT Susan Martin Haberlandt '71 West Hartford, CT Wenda Harris Millard '76, New York, NY Robert E. Brickley '67, West Hartford, CT Alfred Steel, ]r. '64, West Hartford, CT

MEMBERS Elizabeth Kelly Droney '79, West Hartford, CT Thomas M. Chappell '66, Kennebunk, ME James A. Finkelstein '74, Solana Beach, CA DanielL. Korengold '73, Washington, DC David A. Raymond '63, South Windsor, CT Stanley A. Twardy, Jr. '73, Stamford, CT Anne Knutson Waugh '80, Brooklyn Heights, NY Victor F. Keen '63, New York, NY, Ex Officio Athletic Advisory Committee

Lawrence H. Roberts '68, Collinsville, CT Donald J. Viering '42, Simsbury, Susan Martin Haberlandt '71, West Hartford, CT


Alumni Trustees

Marshall E. Blume '63, Villanova, PA Stanley J. Marcuss '63, Washington, D.C. Donald L. McLagan '64, Sudbury, MA David R. Smith.'52, Greenwich, CT Carolyn A. Pelzel '74, Hampstead, NH Arlene A. Forastiere '71, Ann Arbor, MI Nominating Committee

John C. Gunning '49, West Hartford, CT Wenda Harris Millard '76, New York, NY Norman C. Kayser '57, West Hartford, CT Peter Lowenstein '58, Riverside, CT William Vibert '52, Granby, CT

BOARD OF FELLOWS Dana M. Faulkner '76, Guilford, CT George P. Lynch, Jr. '61, West Hartford, CT JoAnne A. Epps '73, Glenside, PA Scott W. Reynolds '63, Upper Montclair, NJ Ann Rohlen '71, Chicago, IL Bernard F. Wilbur, Jr. '50, West Hartford, CT Mary Jo Keating '74, Wilmington, DE . Norman C. Kayser '57, West Hartford, CT Victor F. Keen '63, New York, NY Charles E. Todd '64, Hartford, CT Robert Epstein '74, Cambridge, MA Andrew H. Walsh '79, Hartford, CT Margaret-Mary V. Preston '79, Baltimore, MD

Dear Editor: Enclosed is an article from the I 0/17 issue of the San Antonio Express reporting loss of all civil rights in Nicaragua. This should be posted on your bulletin board for the edifi cation of your left-wing faculty and students who seem to be in the majority at Trinity. Somoza was an angel compared to the Sandinistas. The white Rhodesians were vastly superior to the blacks now running that country. Ethiopia, Angola and all other African countries formerly controlled by whites are black-run . disasters. Trinity's recent South African divestment is not only a disgrace, it's stupid. JackS. White '40 Fredericksburg, Texas Trinity recently sold stock in two r:ompanies doing business in South Africa that had not signed the Sullivan principles. The Trustees did not vote to divest all holdings in companies with South African connections at this time. The Editor Dear Editor: The Trinity Reporter is my first "first hand" contact with Trinity. Our daughter, Gail, is a freshman and very very happy. She just declared herself a biochem major, is on the cross country team and writing sports articles for the newspaper. Obviously all this is very · exciting to us. But a little dark cloud hung over my acceptance of all of this. From all that I hear and am told, Trinity is a very conservative institution. That is why I especially wanted to th~nk you for the piece by Melissa Everett, "In Search of Nicaragua." I learned tw,o things from this article. One, that all the graduates of Trinity are not conservative · and two that the school itself is willing to sponsor provocative material on a controversial subject. Thank God for both of the above. I somehow had the sense that our daughter was now immersed in a bastion of conservatism that I could neither relate to nor admire. Thank you for makiBg me feel more a part of our daughter's school comm1,1nity. Sincerely, • Mary Brent Wehrli Los Angeles, Califqrnia P.S. Please, if you can, .thank Ms. Everett. for her excellent article and tell her how much it meant to a parent of a member of the class of '89! I agree with her conclusion about this "flawed but vital experiment in democratic socialism" and hope that oth ers reading her findings and insights will be provoked to read more and question the path our country is taking with regard to the Sandinistas. Dear Editor: Now that Melissa Everett has given us the "real'.' Nicaragua, perhaps she can next visit Cuba and see what lies twenty-five years down the road for that "democratic socialism" the Sandinistas have so benevolently offered their countrymen. And since the Trinity Reporter has decided to publish an avowed political position, perhaps it can in the next issue offer another point of view. How about a George Will article on the intellectual left which presides in American colleges and universities? Sincerely, Robert Ierley '58 Manasquan, New Jersey Our hope is that the articles appearing in the magazine reflect the diversity in our alumni body. We seek interest rather than mere balance. On that basis we did carry an article entitled, "A Conversation with George Will" in the Summer 1978 issue. The Editor

TrlnjfyREPORTER Editor: William L. Churchill Associate Editor: Kathleen Frederick '71 Associate Editor: Roberta Jenckes Sports Editor: David G. Nagle '83 Staff Writer: Martha Davidson Publications Assistant: Kathleen Davidson Consulting Editor: J. Ronald Spencer '64

Vol. 16, No. 1 (ISSN 01643983)


Frank M. Child Ill Professor of Biology

Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. '51 Director of Alumni & College Relations DirkKuyk Professor of English

Articles Theodore T. Tansi '54

THE PRICE OF EXCELLENCE By James F. English, Jr. In his remarks opening the 163rd year, Trinity's president shares his vision of the challenges facing the College.

Susan E. Weisselberg '76


A TALE OF TWO COMETS By Steve Lowe M '7 3 Fresh from his first novel starring a villainous comet, an alumnus tells the story of Edmund Halley's discovery.


MAY SARTON: A POET'S VISION By Roberta Jenckes A Reporter editor and the dean of students team up to interview one of the nation's distinguished poets.


Published by the Office of Public Relations, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Issued four times a year: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Second class postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut. The Trinity Reporter is mailed to alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends of Trinity College without charge. All publication rights reserved and contents may be reproduced or reprinted only by written permission of the Editor. Opinions expressed are those of the editors or contributors and do not reflect the official position ofTrinity College. Postmaster: Send address change to Trinity Reporter, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106.

HOMECOMING 1985 The excitement of the traditional fall weekend is captured in a series of photographs by Jonathan Lester.



Along the Walk Trintype Campus Notes

2 19 24

In Memory

26 32 47

Alumni President's Message


Sports Class Notes

Photography by ]on Lester except as noted

Cover: An awesome field hockey team posted an 11-2 record and won a second straight New England title. Elise Boelhouwer (32) was one of the top scorers. For more fall sports see pages 26-31.

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk $1 MILLION GOAL FOR ALUMNI FUND


At the annual Class Agents Conference in October it was announced that the College sought to raise $1 million from alumni this year to support Trinity's academic program. The new goal is an increase from the $84 7, 799 raised in the 1984-85 Alumni Fund, and is the first million-dollar goal in the history of the College. To reach this objective, the class agent network will be expanded, particularly in classes out ten years or less. Increased participation is an essential ingredient for reaching the new target. The $1 million to be raised by the Alumni Fund represents two-thirds of the Annual Fund goal of $1.5 million. This amount includes contributions from parents, friends and the business community. During the recent Class Agents Conference, more than 100 people attended an awards dinner to recognize outstanding achievements during l~st year's alumni fund drive. George P. Kroh '60 captured four awards for his class, including the 1934 Trophy and the Bernard Dignam Class Agent Award, as well as awards for raising the most dollars and for the greatest increase in contributions. Other awards were: The Class of 1916 Trophy, to the Class of 1975 (Benjamin Brewster, class agent); the Alumni Association Award, to the Class of 1940 (Walter E. Borin, class agent) ; the Rookie of the Year Award, to Alan S. Farnell '70; Greatest Participation, the Class of 1936 (Albert M. Dester, class agent); Increased Participation, the Class of 1932 (Richard C. Meloy, class agent); Most Donors, the Class of 1984 (Todd M. Knutson, David R. Lenahan, and Jane W. Melvin, class agents); The Review, Trinity's biannual literary magazine, is now accepting alumni submis路 sions. The Review publishes artwork, photographs, short fiction, and poetry. Submissions for the Spring, 1986 edition should be received by March 1 and should be sent to Box 4000, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106.

A LUNCHEON for the 1985-86 Capital Area Corporate Scholars introduced the scholars to representatives of the companies which are providing them with financial aid. Of the 26 scholars helped by 11 Hartford-area corporations, the following students are shown here. Standing, left to right: Maria Garcao '86, Hartford Insurance Group; Sally Kalve '86, Barnes Group; Lisa AlvarezCalderon '88, CIGNA; Kimberly Jones '89, CIGNA; Sandra Jedziniak '89, Barnes Group; Susan Curley '89, Hartford Insurance Group; Susan Wolf'87, Aetna Life and Casualty; Rita Colasacco '87, United Technologies. In the front row are James O'Loughlin '88, Hartford Insurance Group; James Sickinger '86, Coleco Industries; Kevin Scollan '89, Hartford Courant Foundation; Steven Dube '87, Aetna Life and Casualty; David Sagers '86, Hartford Courant Foundation; and Constantine Andrews '88, United Technologies.

Increased Donors, the Class of 1983, (Todd C. Beati and AnneN. Ginsburgh, class agents); and Greatest Percent of Goal, the Class of 1923 (Sereno B. Gammell, class agent).

NEW DORM ON DRAWING BOARD Planning is under way for the financing and 'construction of a new student residence on campus. The dormitory, to house 100-125 students, will be sited between Psi Upsilon fraternity and the English department building at 115 Vernon Street. According to Robert A . Pedemonti, vice president for finance and treasurer, the north campus location was chosen "to provide a more cohesive atmosphere at that end of campus." In addition to student accommodations - all single rooms - the building is expected to include a snack bar and a large facility

for meetings and social events. The decision to construct the dormitory was an outgrowth of a residential master plan, completed by Vice President Thomas A. Smith in the summer of 1984. Smith noted that the College had made substantial strides in improving student housing in recent years, most notably the construction of Funston Hall in 1977 and the renovation of apartment-style residences on Crescent Street and Allen Place. Extensive refurbishing of Elton Hall was undertaken last summer. In his report, Smith said that "staff involved in student affairs and students in residence are agreed that Jones Hall and North Campus are overcrowded ... " He pointed out that a new dormitory would allow the College to convert 100 double rooms in Jones and North Campus to single occupancy. President English, in his long-range plan issued last September, acknowl-

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk edged the need for more high-quality residential space, and proposed the construction of a new dormitory as one means of improving student life outside the classroom. The College will finance the project, expected to cost around $6 million, through a Connecticut Health and Educational Authority bond issue. The architects are Russell, Gibson, von Dohlen of Farmington, CT, who did the $4 million renovation of Mather Campus Center in 1984. The dormitory should be ready for occupancy some time in 1988.

The College History: Volume Two

HELP WANTED FOR PHONOTHONS Volunteers and facilities are needed for the alumni phonothons, which are slated for February. Designed to reinforce the work of the class agents, the phone campaigns will be conducted on a regional basis. Cathy Cosgrove '83, assistant director of annual giving, is directing the phonothons and urges alumni of all ages to volunteer. "Participating in these sessions is a wonderful way to get involved in Trinity activities and also spend an evening with a group of enjoyable people," she said. Office sites are needed as well as telephone solicitors, especially in Boston, Washington, D.C. and Chicago. Typically phonothons have been held in brokerage houses, law firms and banks where a number of phones are available. From 10 to 30 phones is ideal, according to Cosgrove. Anyone interested in making telephones available to the College for an evening should contact Cosgrove in the Development Office at Trinity (203) 527-3151, Ext. 532.

NEW ADMINISTRATORS ANNOUNCED Four people have recently been appointed to continuing positions in the administration: JUDITH V. BRANZBURG, affirmative action officer. Branzburg has held the position of Women's Center coordinator since 1984. She received her bachelor's degree from the University of Rochester, her master of arts degree in English literature from the State University of New York and a docto-

To Alumni and Friends of the College: I am delighted to say that Professor Glenn Weaver has agreed to take up again the writing of the College's history. It is now more than twenty years since his splendid first volume, The History of Trinity College, appeared and was instantly recognized as a fully authoritative account ofTrinity's past as well as a model for a college history. That volume carried the story of the College from its beginning down into the first decade of the Ogilby presidency, which began in 1920. In planning his second volume, Professor Weaver contemplates an important first chapter which will recapitulate Trinity's history prior to 1920 to be followed by a detailed narrative of the Ogilby, Funston, Jacobs, and Lockwood presidencies. Covering the period 1920-1981, therefore, it will describe more than one-half of Trinity's second century. We are fortunate indeed that Glenn Weaver is willing to undertake this task. A distinguished American historian, he is particularly familiar with the history of Trinity and of our city and state. We all look forward to the completion of this new volume. In addition to his own remarkable knowledge and memory, Professor Weaver will have at his disposal the College's extensive archives. He will a:lso want to draw heavily on the recollections of as many Trinity people as he can. I urge everyone who has materials or experiences they are willing to share to get in touch with him promptly. As he began his work in 1960, Professor Weaver wrote an article for the Trinity College Alumni Magazine entitled "Let's Write the College History." I'm sure he is as eager for assistance now as he was then. It is expected that this important work will take several years to complete. The Reporter will keep us all informed of its progress. James F. English, Jr.


Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk


rate in English literature from the University of Massachusetts. She came to Trinity in 1983 as visiting assistant professor of women's studies. Previously, she worked as a research assistant for the Five College Black Studies/Women's Studies Faculty Development Seminar in Massachusetts, as managing editor of "Massachusetts Studies in English" and as assistant to the director of the Hillel Society at Harvard University. She has written articles and papers in the area of women's studies and serves on Trinity's Women's Studies Committee. GRACE J.E . MORRELL '79, parttime adviser to black and Hispanic students. Morrell, who holds a bachelor's degree from Trinity, worked as a legal assistant for CIGNA Investment Group before coming to Trinity. Previously, she worked as a research analyst and as a junior underwriter for Connecticut General Corporation. She is a member of the Black Women's Caucus for Political Action and a mentor for the Minorities in Higher Education Project. She has worked as a volunteer for the Women in Crisis Program in Hartford and at Newington Children's Hospital, Newington, CT. JOANN PULVER, assistant dean of student activities. Pulver holds a bachelor of arts degree in human services from Nasson College in Maine and a master of science degree in counseling from Central Connecticut State University. Before coming to Trinity, she worked as assistant director of resi- 路 dence life at Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ, as residence hall director at Westfield State College, Westfield, MA, and as assistant residence hall director at Central Connecticut State University. She is a member of the American College Personnel Association and other professional organizations. ANNE LUNDBERG UTZ, internship coordinator. Before coming to Trinity, she was a consultant for the Challenge Program, an enrichment program for gifted students in West Hartford, CT. Earlier, she was a program assistant in international education and exchange for the Academy for Educational Development in Washington, D .C., and a program officer in the Office of International Visitors for the U.S. Information Agency in Washing-

ton, D.C. She received her master of arts degree in law and diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a bachelor of arts degree in history from Smith College.

RESEARCH LEAVES AWARDEDTONINE The Faculty Research Committee has awarded leaves to nine faculty members for the 1986-87 academic year. The program provides full course relief for faculty so they can devote their energies to research, and replaces their courses in the curriculum through the hiring of additional faculty. Recipients of sabbatical extension leaves are: Noreen Channels, associate professor of sociology, whose research topic is "Criminal Courts as Formal Bureaucratic Organizations;" Diana Evans, assistant professor of political science, who will study "Interest Group Influence in Congressional Committees;" James A. Miller, associate professor of English and intercultural studies, whose project is "Afro-American 'Little Magazines,' 1961-1976;" and Paul Smith, Goodwin professor of English, who will work on "A Reader's Guide to the Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway." Awarded supplemental leaves were: William N. Butos, assistant professor of economics, whose topic is "Conceptual and Methodological Foundations of . Monetary Theory;" Samuel D. Kassow, associate professor of history, who will do research on "Jewish Warsaw: 1915-1939;" Ronald Kiener, assistant professor of religion, who will work on "The Hebrew Paraphrase of Saadra Gaon's Kitab al-Almanat wa'l-I'tigadat;" Kenneth Lloyd-Jones, professor of modern languages, whose project is "Critical Edition of Etienne Dolet's Orationes Duae in Tholosam;" and Susan D . Pennybacker, assistant professor of history, who will explore "The Labour Question and the London ,County Council, 1889-1919."

FIRST WOMAN ELECTED SGA HEAD Kathryn C. George, a senior from Sudbury, MA, has been elected president of the Student Government Association. George, who got more than


sixty percent of the vote, is the first woman to hold the post at Trinity. An economics major, she has been a resident assistant and has been active in student government since her junior year. George has been a student representative on the Curriculum Committee, a tutor in the Writing Center, and a teaching assistant for the economics department. George ran on a platform of improving all aspects of student life, and increasing student-faculty interaction. She cites the new alcohol policy, boosting minority enrollment, and the College's position on South Africa and divestment as some of the major issues that Student Government will address in the coming year. Elected as SGA vice president was Paul J. Powers, a senior economics major from Rome, NY.

FACULTY CHOOSES PRESIDENT'S FELLOWS Twenty-six members of the Class of 1986 have been selected by the faculty to be this year's President's Fellows. Each fall, every academic department and program nominates a senior major for this honor, with the selection being based on outstanding achievement in the major along with evidence of wideranging intellectual interests. The Fellows meet with the President and members of the faculty and administration throughout the year to discuss a vari-

i\long the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk ety. of topics related to college life and other educational issues. This year's President's Fellows are: American Studies, James N. Mancall; Art History, James A. Ganz; Biochemistry, Christopher A. Scola; Biology, Elizabeth A. Smart; Chemistry, George D. Banta; Classics, James P. Sickinger; Comparative Literature, Holly H. Dando; Computer Coordinate, Howard A. Blumstein; Computer Science, John R. Gregg; Economics, David R. Fontaine; Educational Studies, Claudia A. Baio; Engineering, David S. Zendzian; English, David H. Ericson; History, Juliana Garro; Intercultural Studies, Elizabeth A. landoli; Mathematics, William G.

Main; Modem Languages, Thomas A. Zoubek; Music, Marceline Lee; Philosophy, Theresa A. Calderone; Political Science, Ronald E. Lavoie; Psychology, Kristin M. lllick; Religion, Dennis J. Vincenzo; Sociology, Theresa J. Dougal; Studio Arts, Miriam F. Handelsman; Theatre and Dance, Linda G. Comeau; Urban and Environmental Studies, Trina A. Brown.

TRINITY LAMBDA ORGANIZES One of the visible social trends in the

U.S. during the eighties- an emergent gay culture - is also being reflected in

the alumni organizations and activities of a growing number of educational institutions. Alumni/ae from Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia and Radcliffe are among those who have formed gay and lesbian support groups on both regional and national levels. At Yale, such a group has been operating since 1982, and now sponsors a full schedule of activities during the University's annual reunion. Among the primary goals of these organizations are: to offer educational and social programs; to strength en alumni/ ae ties to the institutions; and to help make the campus environment

_ 5

.A SAM SHEPARD FESTIVAL in Hartford was kicked off at Trinity ~ith the production of the award-winning play, "Buried Child," in the Austin Arts Center. Director Arthur Feinsod, assistant professor of theatre and dance, is also offering a course on Shepard in Trinity's VISTAS program this fall, and directed "True West" at the Wadsworth Atheneum. In a scene from "Buried Child" are (l. tor.): Lisa Van Riper '87, Todd Gillespie '89 and Timothy Cunningham '88.

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk asked that the College immediately mount an educational program on South Africa to continue throughout the year and authorized the expenditures necessary for it. Faculty, students and administrators are organizing the program which was launched with visits by two wellknown experts on the South African situation. Simeon Nkoane, Suffragan Bishop of Johannesburg, talked about "Black Initiatives for Change" on November 7 before an audience of about 200 people. Nkoane, who is an associate of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Bishop Desmond Tutu, stated that the youths in South Africa have mobilized adults and communities into taking action against the apartheid system. He said that increased activism among blacks is due in part to a revolutionary theology framed by South African church leaders which challenges the old precepts that "kept the oppressed oppressed."


THE PARENTS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS were among the many hundreds on hand for Parents Weekend, October 4-6. The officers are (1. tor.): President Ralph Vogel of Beverly Farms, MA; Secretary Roger Craig of Washington, D.C.; Vice President Mary-Ellen Cunningham路of Grosse Pointe Farms, MI; and Wylie Whisonant, Jr. of Wyckoff, NJ, chairman of the Parents Fund. more accepting of students, faculty and staff with alternative lifestyles. In Hartford, an informal group, known as Trinity Lambda, has been meeting since last May. Its first func路 tion, a reception on campus, coincided with the reunion weekend. About 40 men and women attended, drawn from classes graduating over the past 30 years. A second Lambda social gather路 ing took place on Homecoming weekend following the football game. Though Lambda has no official ties to the College - and is not seeking such recognition - the founders see the group as a "vehicle of reconciliation" for many alumni/ ae who have been alienated from the College because of negative experiences during their undergraduate years. "We are committed to Trinity College and want to be fully participatiBg members of the Alumni Association," said one of the organizers. Lambda is seen by its members as providing a "supportive environment where gay, lesbian and bisexual alumni/ ae can be , themselves ." Names and membership information are held in confidence . .

Individuals wishing to receive more information about Trinity Lambda are invited to write to the organization at Box 6651, Hartford, CT 06106.

SOUTH AFRICAN ISSUES EXPLORED An educational program on South Africa proposed by the Board ofT rustees began during November and will continue throughout the academic year. The program, which includes films and lectures by prominent guest speakers, is intended to provide first hand information about South African problems to the College community as well as to the public. The concept was an outgrowth of the Trustees' October decision to strengthen their opposition to the South African system of racial apartheid and discrimination. The Board voted to divest $900,000 worth of stocks in two companies which have not signed the Sullivan principles, although the corporations adhere to similar guidelines. The Trustees then

Nkoane Nkoane added that black youths intend to boycott the school system, sacrificing their education at least temporarily, to work for change in South Africa. David Welsh, a widely-published scholar on South African politics, spoke at Trinity on November 19. Welsh, who is professor of political studies at the University of Capetown, is the author of The Roots of Segregation,

Along the Walk Along the W'alk Along the Walk Along the Walk 1845-1910, and co-author, with Frederick van Zyl Slabbert, of South Africa's Options: Strategies for Sharing Power. Welsh commented that despite growing unrest in South Africa, he does not see revolution as imminent. "The violence will be inconclusive for a long time," he said. An opponent of divestment, Welsh stated that the imposition of sanctions by foreign governments would result in "black unemployment on a massive scale," and probably would not force the government into improving conditions for blacks in South Africa. Welsh echoed Nkoane's view that the police in South Africa have used unnecessary and brutal force in quelling unrest in the country.

CLASS IDENTITY PLAN LAUNCHED For the first time, class officers - the president, vice president, and secretary, who serve a class until its first reunion - have been elected in the fall of the senior year. The move is part of a new effort to enhance the sense of class identity among undergraduate classes, according to Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. '51, director of alumni and college relations. Hansen notes that Lee Coffin '85, assistant director of alumni relations, was hired in July to direct that effort among undergraduates and also to work with young alumni. Prior to this year, officers were elected by the seniors in late April. Coffin recalls from his own experience as a senior last year that, by the old process, individuals could be nominated who were not interested in holding an office, and also that few seniors voted. By contrast, under the new system this fall, members of the Class of '86 who were interested in holding an office were asked to submit a petition with 25 signatures to qualify for the ballot. There were four candidates each for president and vice president, and two for secretary. "Over 250 members of the senior class cast votes, which is very good," Coffin says. "That's a better turnout than in SGA elections." The senior class officers are: Marilyn R. Weiss, president; Margaret M. Figueroa, vice president; and Regina J. Bishop, secretary. They have chosen 16 seniors representing a broad cross-section of the

DR. ROBERT KRIEBLE of the Loctite Corporation presents the Krieble Schol路 arship to George Banta of Indianapolis, IN, as chemistry department chairman Dr. Ralph Moyer looks on. The scholarship is given annually by Loctite to the outstanding senior chemistry major.

Class of '86 to work with them in planning the traditional Senior Week activities preceding Commencement. This committee will also arrange special events for seniors throughout the year. This plan is one of the chief advantages of the fall elections and larger committee, according to Coffin. "The officers and the committee will become familiar with the alumni office operation and staff, so that a relationship will be formed," he says. "This will be particularly valuable when the time for the first reunion comes around." The '86 officers and committee have already worked successfully with the alumni office on a pep rally and bonfire held on the Friday evening before Homecoming. A Senior Snow Ball was held in December and a January event is in the offing. They have launched a monthly newsletter, "The '86er," which highlights senior accomplishments and offers news and announcements of specific interest to seniors. Plans for Senior Week activities will be very similar to those of the past - a dinner, ball, cruise, and brunch. Along with social activities, the class is spon-

soring at least one lecture in the spring semester on a topic like "senior stress." Coffin acts as their advisor, meeting with the officers on a weekly basis, and the committee monthly. He is impressed by their enthusiasm and commitment. "The committee meml;lers are really interested in trying to make the events better," he says. "They have been really involved in the whole effort. And, they know that the juniors and underclassmen are watching them to see what they do." He notes that eventually the concept for building class identity in '86 will be extended to the other undergraduate classes. The benefits are obvious for both the undergraduates and the College, Coffin feels. "The College wants alumni who are committed to the school," he observes. "We want to give them a good experience as undergraduates, because it's a natural progression. When they become alumni, we hope they will remain involved through Area Association events and reunions. These activities will, in turn, help them to keep the friendships they made at Trinity."


The Price of Excellence By James F. English, Jr. welcome you all to this Convocation, which celebrates the beginning of Trinity's 163rd academic year. It is a pleasure to have a number of friends from the Hartford Community and parents here today, as well as the two special guests - Guy Shafer and Arthur Winograd - whom we will be honoring later in these exercises. They represent, with distinction, the cultural, business, and educational institutions of this city, which enrich Trinity in ways that are almost unique among colleges of its type. I want to talk for a few minutes about the price of excellence. Let's start with excellence. I'm afraid it has become a rather over-worked word. It is also a word which, in a sense, begs its own definition: rather like that other over-used word, "meaningful," which Peter Ustinov once said means "there must be some significance here somewhere, but I haven't had time to sit down and figure out what it really is." Everything has its own individual potential for excellence. To demonstrate excellence you must do the particular things you are intended to do, and do them consistent! y, and very well indeed. What is it that Trinity should do, and do well, in order to demonstrate excellence? For several years now, that question has occupied the thoughts of many of us at the College: faculty, trustees, administration, students, and alumni. I think we have now come to a pretty general agreement on it. This agreement is reflected in the curricular recommendations



and the over-all institutional plan which will, I hope, receive formal approval in the coming weeks. Last spring I attended a retirement party for a splendid woman who had worked in our financial office for many years. She and her husband had escaped from the Ukraine during World War II and endured many dangers and hardships before arriving here in America. They had worked prodigiously hard and, in the great tradition of our country, established a solid place here for themselves and their son, now a physician. At the end of the evening, Irena made a short statement, and it went something like this: "It has been a privilege for me to work at this College and watch these fine young people gain knowledge, develop character, and prepare for life." I think Irena stated more eloquently than our formal plan, and certainly more succinctly, what Trinity must do to be excellent. Our job is to help students grow and develop their own special faculties, to help them prepare themselves for lives which will be reasoned and responsible, valuable to those around them and satisfying to themselves. We want the education they receive here to be not an end in itself, but the beginning of a life-long process in which the well-disciplined mind, stocked with at least some of the accumulated wisdom of the ages, trained in basic skills and habits of thought, and capable of clear reasoning and precise expression, joins with the well-disposed heart to produce the men



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A Convocation Address marking Trinity's 163rd year

and women who can help hold ~ur fragile world together. To do our job, we offer students a demanding education in the liberal arts and sciences. We offer it on a residential campus, where they can also develop their social, political, and physical selves within a group that is more diverse than many have previously known. And we are set in urban America, a pretty good microcosm of the kind of world into which most of our students will graduate. It presents lively cultural opportunities and the chance to sample the world of the workplace which will soon be home for most of them. But it also displays the problems of our urbanized society; through internships and volunteer work, students can test the theories and values of the academy against the intractable realities of late-industrial America. This is Trinity's job. We have always done it well, and in some ways, I think we have done it better in recent years. Our faculty has been firming up academic standards, and the academic standing of our students has been rising. Opportunities for faculty travel and research have been increased, and phased early retirement made easier for those who wish it. We have enlarged and improved our Student Center and increased the number and quality of organized student activities in the dormitories. We have also begun to take greater advantage of the opportunities offered by this City as well as to discharge more conscientiously our responsibilities as corporate citizens. But our planning process has convinced us that to achieve the excellence of which it is capable Trinity must perform its proper tasks ever more consistently and well. Three successive faculty groups have examined our curriculum, and we now have before us a group of recommendations which should strengthen the already demanding education in the liberal arts and sciences which Trinity offers its students. They would be required to strengthen their quantitative skills, their consciousness of language as a medium of communication, and, above all, their ability to write clearly. They would also be expected at least to sample each of the major areas of the curriculum, including the natural sciences, and to complete a group of related courses which integrate knowledge across the boundaries of traditional disciplines. I am satisfied that our faculty committee has proposed a curriculum which will help Trinity perform its basic mission even more effectively than it does now: to achieve a higher degree of excellence.

We also recognize that life outside the classroom can be improved at Trinity. Living conditions for some are crowded and unattractive, even by the standards of our students, which are (I'm glad to say) a good deal more tolerant than my own. We are concerned, too, with the chasm which often seems to separate academic life in the classroom and social life in the dormitory. Our plans call for the addition of at least one new dormitory, to relieve crowding, and the devotion of greater attention (and more money) to renovating present dorms. We also plan to mount next year, on an experimental basis, a "mentor" system in which graduate students, under the direction of Trinity faculty members, will work with students in the dorms to offer constructive programs and generally improve the intellectual tone of student life outside the classroom. Our plans also call for other facilities which will help us do our job better. We need more space for the arts and also for engineering and computer instruction. Some of our athletic facilities should be improved, particularly the women students' locker rooms. And, perhaps even more important, we badly need added endowment funds to provide financial aid for needy students of high promise who want a Trinity education. We seek a diverse student body, and unless scholarship funds can keep pace with rising charges, our students are likely to become increasingly homogeneous and, necessarily, somewhat limited in their experience and perspective. These are some of the ways in which Trinity can do its own partiCular job better. They point the way to an even higher level of ex~ellence. What is the price of achieving this level of quality? In the first place, it is a great deal of hard work. We know that our students can achieve excellence only if


they work extremely hard. The demands on them have clearly increased and will be even greater under the requirements of the revised curriculum. We hope that students of Trinity will learn to order their lives and extend themselves to their full potential. But the demands of excellence will also be great on members of the faculty and administration. Teachers will have to prepare new courses and to work together, across departmental lines, to integrate some of their present offerings. It is their knowledge and their efforts which, more than anything else, help our students stretch and develop their minds: which determine the academic excellence of the institution. Our administrators must also work hard and imaginatively. As we set higher standards for student life outside the classroom, for our facilities, and for our relationships with the Hartford Community, it is they who must devise and execute the plans to attain them. Another price of excellence is a willingness to concentrate on major tasks and work together to accomplish them. Of course we are all individuals, for whom personal careers and professional recognition are properly important. But there is great satisfaction to be had in working hard with loyal colleagues to achieve common goals, and I suspect that without a

nancial aid. Local corporations and individuals also help Trinity. They know that it serves this community well by educating able people both of traditional college age and older, by being a conscientious institutional citizen, and by offering a variety of cultural and intellectual opportunities to the people of greater Hartford. Above all, we continue to look to our alumni for the means to build and maintain the quality of a T rinity education. As those who acquired it, they value it most. And as those who value it most, they are most willing to share the cost of maintaining and increasing its excellence. This is an unusually appropriate time for me to make the kind of announcement that college presidents dream of making. I am delighted to be able to tell you today of the largest single gift this College has ever received. Many of you here today knew Allan Kellogg Smith. He was the dean of the Connecticut Bar, and when he died last spring, at the age of 96, he was our oldest alumnus. Allan deeply loved the English language, and, as a lawyer, he knew the power of lucid expression. He deplored the decline in the quality of writing, which he perceived around him, and undertook his own program to assure that the graduates of his college achieved excellence in their writing and in their appreciation of English literature. Some years ago he endowed what became a very successful Writing Center at the College. He also began to establish a professorship - and now I will use his own engaging language "for the study and teaching of English in both its discursive and literary forms, including theories of language, rhetoric and criticism and their practical application to the teaching of composition and literature. The purposes of the Chair are to provide special courses and instructional activities in Advanced Composition which are directed toward the effective use of language to persuade and to elucidate with style and grace."

considerable measure of such commitment no institution can significantly raise, or long sustain, the high level of its excellence. We will also need financial resources, and as a private institution we must look to many sources. One largest single source, of course, is our students and their families. Fees at independent colleges are already high and going higher, and we cannot look exclusively to them for the funds which will enable us to do our 'job at the level to which we aspire. In recent years, we have had generous support from a number of major foundations that are sympathetic to the type of education we offer; I am confident that they will continue to help us refine and strengthen the academic experience of our students. Trinity parents have been extraordinarily generous Stlpporters. They realize that the College, from its endowment income and annual giving revenues, makes a large financial contribution to the education of even those students who are not on fi-

Mr. Smith also made arrangements which, on his death would complete the funding for the Writing Center and the professorship as well as provide substantial further support to the College's faculty, particularly in the Department of English. It is now estimated that these arrangements will add over $4 million to Trinity's endowment funds, the largest single amount ever received by this College. We are all deeply grateful for what Allan did. And we are delighted too, that with characteristically acute perception he saw a need which, properly met, would help this College attain the excellence to which it aspires. The life of Allan Kellogg Smith was an honor to this institution, and his generosity and devotion to it will be an inspiration to all of us. I have said a little about the price of excellence but nothing of its rewards. The reward for our students will be the excitement of beginning to realize their true potential. The reward for those of us who teach, manage and sustain will be knowledge that we have helped them discover their place and assume their responsibilities. The reward for this institution will be a lasting place among the finest Colleges in our land. •

By Steve Lowe, M.A. '73


n 1687 Sir Isaac Newton boldly announced: "I now demonstrate the frame of the System of the World." His Principia did just that, formulating among other wonders the law of universal gravitation. He banished doubt and tossed aside mystical beliefs cherished since the time of Aristotle. Ending two thousand years of superstition, guesswork and experimentation, Newton presented to the world mathematical proof that an everyday force such as gravity works throughout the universe. Here, his Principia proclaimed, is evidence that the world near and far operates according to quantifiable rules. The same invisible force that keeps the captive moon in orbit around the orbiting water planet also knocks an apple from a tree. But Isaac Newton wasn't so bold seven years before. In fact, he wasn't even certain of his own calculations until a spectacular comet lit up the sky at Christmas time in 1680. Master inventor and optician Robert Hooke made this low-key entry into his diary December 12, 1680: "comet appeared with a very long blaze." This "blaze," or tail, was seen all over the world from Paris to the new colony of Maryland, where another diarist called attention to "a Sword streaming from the horizon." England's Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, joined in the excitement, predicting to a colleague, "I believe we shall see it longer than any hath been seen of late." Flamsteed was referring to another comet spotted heading toward the sun only a month before. Another distinguished British astronomer, Edmund Halley, wrote to Hooke at Christmas that he too had seen the new comet while crossing the English Channel to France. And the same day Hooke made his diary entry, Isaac Newton began recording the comet's tail observations into his notebook. Wise men all over Europe had the new bright spot in their eyes and agreed with the Astronomer Royal that what they saw was "some planet belonging formerly to another vortex now ruined," another wandering fragment far from earth which, according to the great Kepler, produced reflected light as it sped in a straight line out to infinity.

Yet this standard, sixtymotion too? It was a hunch, year-old explanation didn't needing only a formula to adsit well with Flamsteed, who vance it to a truth. suspected that the DecemFrance's Royal Astronober comet and the Novemmer, Giovanni Cassini, ber comet might be one and seemed to agree with this the same. To go with this theory in his year-old "Obbelief, he had a hunch and servations on the Comet." a plausible explanation: the According to Cassini, not November comet, headed only was the Novembertoward the sun, had someDecember comet of 1680 a how reversed direction, persingle phenomenon, but it haps due to the sun's was also the very one tracked magnetism, and had come and studied in 1577 by Tycho out from behind the sun to Brahe. Comets, he said, have Newton reappear in December's sky. orbits. They can and do Two tails- November's aimed toward the sun return. and December's racing away from it - could Hooke's newly published "Cometa" asked be from the same comet. the central question: Do comets move in obeHis colleagues, Hooke and Halley among dience to the same laws that control planetary them, mulled over the interesting theory, but motion? finally settled on the more apparent possibility Based on a rereading of Kepler's laws on that November's comet had either burned up planetary motion, Newton accepted this possiafter impact with the sun or had simply disapbility. Comets can have curved orbits, elliptipeared beyond sight forever. December's comet cal, like the planets. Comets, too, can be part was a separate phenomenon. With no means of the force called gravity. They can join the of quantifying a belief, they were forced to earth, the moon, the planets in a general principle of universal motion. In fact, there was speculate. room in Newton's mind for a whole universe. When pressed for his opinion, Cambridge University's renowned mathematician, Isaac He now put aside his work on optics and pulled out some preliminary calculations. Within a Newton, disagreed with Flamsteed. For the few days, he reversed himself on the "two comet Great Quantifier, there were two 1680 comets. theory" of 1680. His still-forming laws of physics allowed for , predictable planetary motion, but had no room It was one comet after all. And Mr. Halley's was another. Each comet apparition reprefor those mysterious cosmic outlaws called comets. Newton filed his observations in his sented one orbit around the sun, a repeat pernotebook and went back to studying optics. formance. And with gravity as its moving force, By September of 1682 Edmund Halley had its return could be predicted with the same ease as that used to track the path of Venus. lost a lot of sleep, arising before dawn each day to adjust telescope and sextant in his home The Royal Society, a 20-year-old, private observatory north of London. What he had in body of Europe's top scientists, was the official sight was the comet that was to immortalize his clearinghouse on empirical truth. Its motto, name. He saw clearly an "outgoing" comet, its Nullius in Verba, means "take no one's word tail racing away from the sun in the manner of for it." Theories, even from esteemed matheDecember, 1680's comet. And it made him maticians, have the weight of air without inwonder aloud with Hooke and Flamsteed about contestable proof. And proof was what the a pet theory: the inward force of attraction young Halley came to Cambridge in 1684 to between the planets and the sun decreases in get from Newton. Yes, the professor agreed, he inverse proportion to the square of the diswould reassemble the numbers, rework his fortance between them. mulas on gravitational motion. Halley waited three months. If Isaac Newton believed this was so for the mutual attraction of the earth and its moon; It was four years almost to the day that Edand if this was also true for the newly discovmund Halley presented to the Fellows of the ered moons of Jupiter, then might it also be Royal Society Newton's nine-page work "On the Motion of Orbiting Bodies," the now fatrue of comets? Can they move in orbit around the focus of the sun? Does gravity. control their mous De Motu. Here at last was quantifying

A COMET QUIZ *Where has Halley's comet been for 76 years? Since last visible from earth May 23, 1911, Halley's has traced its long cigar-shaped orbit to its farthest point from the sun, between the orbits of Neptune and Pluto. Since 1948 it has been gathering speed and "falling" back toward the sun's gravitational pull.

*How big is the comet? Average size; almost a mile in diameter with a tail as long as 25 million miles when nearest the sun.

*What is it made of? Halley proof of the laws of motion. The world had a general theory of dynamics powered by the verified law of universal gravitation. A light in the sky illuminated a theory and gave birth to the most brilliant rediscovery in western thought: that the universe is measurable, knowable. Terrestrial as well as celestial dynamics exist by the same ground rules. And the heavens, as distant as they are, operate not in mystery, but in harmony with man's mind. It was Edmund Halley who financed the publication of Newton's monumental Principia. Halley waited twenty-three more years to match the master's boldness with a prediction of his own: in 1758 the comet of 1682 would return. This time, however, it was a prediction unlike any before it. It had the backing of Isaac Newton, and was more like a promise. Neither man witnessed the 1758 apparition of "Halley's" comet, but sure enough the dawn sky that winter showed a new visitor, a vagabond tribute to two bold adventurers. Halley's comet came as expected, as if Halley's and Newton's view of the universe commanded its presence. As a result, when the comet next appears late this fall, no ruler need tremble on his throne and no one need wonder what all the fuss is about. It will just be one lucky generation's reminder that Sir Isaac's universe still holds true.• Steve Lowe M.A. '73 left a twelve-year career teaching French in Wayland, Massachusetts in 1979 to produce the radio program OUR TIME. In 1981 he began research on his first novel AURORA, published this past November by Dodd, Mead & Co. The fictional thriller is set in the presidential election year of 1992 and explores a question posed by Dr. Carl Sagan: "Could a rare but natural cosmic event, the impact of a sizable cometary fragment, trigger a nuclear war?" Lowe, who lives with ' his wife Shirley (Gernhardt) (M.A. 1975) in Hudson, Massachusetts, is currently at work on a second novel.

A collection of gases including methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia and water. A comet is, literally, a dirty snowball.

*Where did it originate? The latest theory pinpoints the distant Oort cloud as the cradle of our solar system's comets. This is a band of icy debris left over after planet-building five billion years ago.

*When will Halley's comet appear? It already has. Electronic equipment at California's Mount Palomar picked up its faint light as early as October, 1982. It will be visible to the naked eye by mid-Decemb~r 1985.

*Where is the best viewing location? Away from the atmospheric interference of large cities. Best viewing will be along the equator, in places like Hawaii, rural Arizona and in the Florida Keys.

*Why will the comet disappear in Janu¡ ary 1986? After splendid before-sunrise and after-sunset views in November, Halley's will be engulfed in sunlight until it passes the far side of the sun in January. Outgoing in February, it will reappear daily until April1986.

*How far will it be from the earth? At its closest approach: 21 million miles away.

*Does Halley's switch direction? No. Its tail trails its head until perihelion (the closest approach to the sun), then the tail precedes the head outward bound.

*Will the comet orbit our sun forever? Nothing lasts forever. With each perihelion, a comet loses some of its small mass to solar radiation through the tail. It will eventually disintegrate.

May Sarton:A Poet's Vision The distinguished writer talks about her journey to self-awareness. oet and writer May Sarton came to Trinity i~ October to give a reading of her poetry for an appreciative audience of over 400, and to take part in a freshman seminar based on her works. Her visit, sponsored by several departments and programs, resulted from an invitation by Dr. David Winer, dean of students and associate professor of psychology. Winer joined the legion of faithful Sarton fans when he discovered her works two years ago. As a psychologist, he was particularly attracted by her honest and compelling recounting of one person's search for greater self-understanding and growth. He subsequently integrated a study of her work in a freshman seminar, "On Becoming a Person." May Sarton was born in Belgium, the daughter of George Sarton, the eminent historian of science, and of Mabel Elwes Sarton, an English artist. For a time she pursued a career in the theatre, and later taught at Harvard and Wellesley, among other colleges, before devoting herself full-time to writing. A prolific writer, she is the author of more than 40 books, including At Seventy: A Journal, which was a best seller, and her latest novel, The Magnificent Spinster, published in October under the Norton imprint. She holds 12 honorary doctorates, and has been a Danforth Foundation Visiting Lecturer, a Guggenheim Fellow, and a Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar. In 1983 she gave the Ware Lecture at the Unitarian-Universalist Assembly and received the Avon/ COCOA Pioneer Woman Award, and in 1984 she received the Fund for Human Dignity Award in New York. She journeys frequently from her house by the sea in Maine for numerous public appearances. Her visit at Trinity afforded a first meeting with Winer, although the two had corresponded. The following interview by him and Reporter associate editor Roberta Jenckes records excerpts of that meeting, a conversation punctuated by Sarton's hearty laugh and rich and expressive voice, one which still rings with a former thespian's resonance.


Winer: I know we've communicated quite a bit about your work and about you. Do you hear from other psychologists? Sarton: Yes, I do. Not so much from psychologists. I hear a great deal from therapists, who use my work in therapy, especially Journal of a Solitude, you will not be surprised to hear. My favorite story is of a woman who wrote some years ago, and said, "My therapist suggested that I read Journal of a Solitude, and I did, and now I don't need the therapist any more." Jenckes: I think that book is a good example of day-by-day living of emotion and experience; it demonstrates how personal growth happens.

Sarton: Except, very few people can do it. You see, you've got to have back of the day-by-day experience a person ... a real person, a person who is. I see a great many journals - teachers often require students to keep journals - and they are so self-indulgent. They are so weak al)d lacking in perception, because the person writing it hasn't any. I'm 73 now, and I have a lot behind me so that I can say these things. I wouldn't have said them 20 years ago, that there is a person behind my books. That's what makes this work appeal to people, you see. Anybody can keep a day-by-day journal, but people wouldn't write to them, and say, "I gave up my therapist." There's a difference between Montaigne and a student who keeps a journal in his sophomore year which is full of self-adulation and self-pity. There are all these dangers. The journal is quite a difficult art. It looks very easy. Winer: Do you think a student of 18 or 19 or 20 would be able to be other than self-indulgent? Sarton: Right, there isn't a person there yet, you see. They're trying to find the person. People say one reason they like the Journal is because I'm honest. It's not easy to be honest. Everything in one wants to excuse oneself somehow, unconsciously. In Journal of a Solitude, for example, I've talked about anger as a problem. I've never really conquered my anger, but I'm very aware that it's a problem. I've found that young people who read the book were very touched that I admitted that I could be wrong. Somehow this got to them. I don't know why exactly. Jenckes: Because they struggle with it, too? Sarton: Yes, because they feel that perhaps you should always be right; there's something wrong with you if, say, your temperament is quick to anger. If they see somebody who is fairly well-known and has produced a lot who does have this problem, it makes them feel at least reassured enough to look at it, instead of simply pretending it isn't there. . Winer: One of the things you do so marvelously in your writings, and I'm sure in your personal life, is honor your feelings, and get those of us who are your readers to do the same. Is this something that it has taken a long time to do? Sarton: I think it's only that it took me a long time to justify it. The fear of feeling is at the root of a great deal that's wrong with us in America. You see, anything sexual, I don't need to tell you, is all right. It's feeling that is dangerous, because you're going to pay a price for it. You may be hurt, in other words. And people go around just trying not to be hurt. That's a terrible way '

May Sarton and David Winer

to live, because by the time you're ready to die, where's your life? What's happened? People who are afraid of death are afraid of it because they've never lived.

Jenckes: At one time you were called a feminist writer. Do you think that applies to you? Sarton: I don't think I ever have been, really. I suppose I am a feminist. I'm certainly aware that women don't get a break in many of the professions, and in the academic world certainly not also. It's still a terrific struggle. There still is no equality. On the other hand, we have to live with men; they're part of our world. You're never going to eliminate men, obviously. One feminist poet, whom I won't quote by name, at one point wouldn't allow men in her audience. That seems to me going much too far. I love men. Men have been among my very dearest friends, and many of my poems are addressed to men. I've been nourished by men, and my friendships with men have been extremely important to me. So, I'm a feminist up to a point.

Jenckes: Humanist, perhaps? Sarton: Yes, I think humanist is a better word. Winer: On your book, Mrs. Stevens Hears the Mermaids Singing, it seems to me that there are two sets of reviews: one saying that it's really a lesbian book, the other saying it's really a book about writing. Sarton: It's about the creative woman really. It hadn't been done before. It's been very, very useful. I think it's helped a great many people in many ways, because here again we come back to this thing of sex versus feeling.

The literature on homosexuality is very often almost entirely concerned with sex. I'm not concerned with it at all in my work. It's love that matters. It's the quality of feeling, the quality of love. This really transcends the sexual preference. It happens that women have been my muses. But, I've had such marvelous male friends and lovers, but long ago when I was much younger, and at one time really did think that I wanted to marry. I'm glad that I didn't because here again there is a difference between men and women. It's very much harder to be a woman artist than a man artist. Here, I'm a feminist. You just have to look around. A woman who comes out of college with a degree and has been bent toward say, writing or being a philosopher or whatever it may be, marries and immediately for ten years, she's frustrated in all that she intended to do. That's what I tell people who write me desperate letters saying, "I'm so tired. I have three children." I say, "Wait ten years, then you can do it. But, if you try to do it now, you're going to be so exhausted that you're going to be neither a good mother nor a good philosopher. You're just going to be drowning." Now, this is changing because men are helping women. I think things are possible now that weren't when I wrote Mrs. Stevens. But, the young man who comes out of college and marries gets a helper, . . . it's just the opposite. He gets somebody who cooks his meals, takes care of him, and gives him some children and a lovely home, so he only benefits by marrying. Whereas for the woman, who often wants to marry and

''The fear of feeling is at the root of a gr~at deal that's wrong with us in America.'' should be fulfilled in that way, it's much harder. That's the point.

the song- "I Did It My Way," by Frank Sinatra? I mean that.

Jenckes: Do you think that solitude has been key for your creative output? Sarton: Yes. I find it absolutely essential. I don't know

Winer: Do you think the critics are gaining greater understanding and becoming a little kinder as the years progress? Sarton: No, I really don't think so, and curiously

what's happened to me until I'm alone and can think it over. That's another thing, by the way, about feeling. So often people rush out, say, go on a beer-drinking thing - I'm thinking of young people in college with their pals - and talk about everything; and get drunk, and come back. If they don't think over what has happened on that occasion - whatever it was, whether it was good talk or bad talk, or they had some insights about somebody they hadn't had before - if they just put it behind them, they're never going to grow. So, I think everybody needs a lot of solitude. And, again, this is one of the problems with a young woman with three small children:

enough, my best reviews have come from men, not women. I think women are very jealous of other women who succeed. I hate to say this, but in my case, it's the truth. The meanest reviews have been by women, although I've had some very good support from Carolyn Heilbrun, the professor at Columbia University who is going to be my literary executor. You see, the problem is, Dave, that I'm traditional in form. I didn't do something new with form, and I think this is the real root of it. I came just too late. If I had been of the generation of Louise Bogan or Edna St. Vincent Millay, or Elinor Wylie, I would probably have had very good reviews, and be in the anthologies now, but I came just 20 years after that. The other thing is that lyric poetry is unfashionable. I love it. But, it's not meat for the critics. You can't go into the symbolism - I think the critics love puzzles, like T.S. Eliot, or Pound. "The Olive Grove" that I wrote is a really good lyric, but what do you say about it? I haven't had a good review in the Times for 20 years, on about 20 books, some of which are classics and are being taught today at Trinity College, at Harvard, and at other places. Everywhere I go people are teaching my books, not always in the English Department. Women's studies - of course, I'm a natural for that - has helped me, because it's opened the door into my work for great numbers of students.

Jenckes: Some people aren't comfortable with solitude. Sarton: It's terrifying, because at the other side is lone16

liness. I've said it, and it's often pointed back to me, that loneliness is the poverty of self, and solitude is the riches of self. Right now, for instance, I have enough to think about -of course, I've had a very long life - I could just sit and think for days. I do often on planes. I suddenly go back over and think about something that happened a long time ago. I've been editing my mother's letters, which are absolutely marvelous. They'll be published, 50 of them, next spring. I'm very excited about it. She was a very extraordinary person, because she left me absolutely free ... no possessiveness. I left home at 17, an only child, to go into the theatre, but she was always there, and she had her own life. She was an artist and a very distinguished person in her own right. This may be one of the things one would say to parents: you must have your own life because otherwise the child does feel possessed even if you're not possessive in an obvious way. If the mother doesn't have something which is going to be there when the children leave home, what is going to happen? Winer: As I read many of your books, it seems to me that there are common threads throughout, be it poetry or prose. What would you say are some of those common threads from

your perspective? 路 Sarton: Well, the importance of solitude, and the point you hit before, which is that fear of feeling is often what keeps people from growth, self-protectiveness because you may be hurt. I've been very badly hurt many times, in various ways, by the critics, by lovers and so on. But, I wouldn't go back and not do something that had hurt me. I wouldn't go back and not write the book that the critics didn't like because these books are getting through to my real audience without the critics. What's

Winer: I know you have respect for those craftsmen who work for craft's sake. I find many people today, not just the adolescents, are less concerned with doing a good job than they are with getting an appropriate reward, i.e., money, for getting the job done, whether there's quality there or not. Sarton: I think it's everywhere. I think it's in writing, too. Is it that technology has done this? So much is done by machines, that people don't any longer have this feeling about work they do with their hands or even with their minds. Writing is so careless. I won't teach poetry any more. I'm asked to do ~orkshops. I won't, because the work that's shown is so bad, and they're so pleased with themselves, and for ,nothing for something which is again self-indulgent. They have an idea, and they write down a few sentences, and then they say, "that's how it came to me, and I'm not going to change it. It's perfect." Well, this is maddening to me. What I consider the very beginning, the very first thing you do, of course, is that, but then you begin to work with it. You begin to think about it. You begin to think about feeling. Poetry

Denise Rosano '86, teaching assistant in Winer's freshman seminar, presented May Sarton with a card from the class.

The Olive Grove

Here in the olive grove, Under the cobalt dome, The ancient spirits move And light comes home, And nests in silvery leaves. It makes each branch a cloud, And comes and goes, and weaves Aerial song aloud. Here every branch is gifted With spiritual fruit And every leaf is lifted To brightness from the root. Where the terrestrial plane Meets vision and desire, The silver and the green Are strung on a great lyre, And leafy seraphim The sun and shade among Turn each grove to a hymn; Whole hillsides are in song. Silvery, shadowy now The fruit over our head, Who lie and hardly know which is light, which is bread.

Reprinted from Selected Poems of May Sartan, edited by Serena Sue Hilsinger and Lois Brynes , with the permission ofW.W. Norton & C ompany, Inc. Copyright Š 1978 by May Sarton.

is a match of intellect and emotion, and they must both be at white heat, and I think this is what most people who start writing poetry do not realize. They think the feeling is enough. They don't realize that the critical mind is at work, you see, at once. Why do you choose one word and not another - because it isn't accurate or because it doesn't sound right in the sentence. There are about a thousand different reasons for choosing a certain word in a poem. You see, when you're inspired to write a poem, you are in a state of high excitement, and this is where poetry is very different from anything else. I compare it to playing very intense games of tennis, perhaps at Wimbledon. You've got to be there, fully there, and most people are half there, half or quarter there when they're writing a paper in college.

Jenckes: Issues of social justice, like apartheid, have really concerned you for a long time ... Sarton: A long time. I was in the theatre in the middle of the Depression, and the Civic Repertory, that marvelous theatre in New York, failed for lack of$100,000 a year. Of course, I was quite radical then. I wanted to go to Spain during the Civil War, of course against Franco. My parents were Socialists - this is talked about in I Knew a Phoenix, "The Fervent Years" - the years before World War I when people still believed in the perfectability of man and that we could all work together and make a better world. I think World War I was the beginning of the disillusionment of that, and then Nazism was even worse. I suppose I've always been a liberal. I'm proud of being a liberal. One of my novels, Faithful Are the Wounds, deals with being a liberal. It's about the suicide of a professor at Harvard who was a liberal, a Christian Socialist as he called himself, and I suppose that's what I am in a way. I feel everybody should have a chance to do what is in him to do, and every child should have a decent education and enough food, and of course this simply isn't true in the United States today. As you say, we have this huge underclass. As long as it exists, we've got to fight. And, apartheid is so shocking. That's the pariah among the nations now. They've got to face it. Finally something is going to happen. There's no way to stop it. _ I think not to care about pain and suffering in your world, in my world, is almost as if you've had a lobotmn.y of some kind. Some part of the psyche has been removed. Poets have to be concerned with the world, you know. "The unacknowledged legislators of the world": I think it was Wordsworth who said that. This is where something like H.O.M.E. in Maine, which I support, is so marvelous. It was started by a nun who left the convent because she, a little bit like Mother Teresa, saw the suffering outside the walls. She has

''Poetry is a match of intellect and emotion, and they both must be at white heat.''


single-handedly lifted a whole poverty-stricken, alcoholridden, unemployed part of Maine, and done so much, opening a day care center, building houses, giving courses, getting some of the alcoholics to AA. What H.O.M.E. has done for me is to give me back my faith that one person can still move mountains. The impossible can still be done if you have a dream. The thing I still feel about America which I used to always say is that it's the country in the world where, if you have a dream, you have the greatest chance of realizing it. But, the tragedy is the poverty of the dreams. Jenckes: You have written in concern about the treatment of elderly in this country. What kind of solutions do you envision, particularly for the emotional starvation of the elderly, which is so shocking? Sarton: There are lots of solutions. Some of it has been done, like Meals on Wheels. I think more and more what we're realizing now is that the elderly must be kept at home. The nursing home is not the answer until the person is terribly ill, and has to be physically taken care of. It's traumatic for somebody, say 85 years old, who suddenly finds himself in a hospital room, with none of his own things, no tat. Animals, we're realizing more and more, are terribly important in keeping people going. I feel it already. I have to get up at five, which is very good for me, because of my dog, who wants to go out. I'm not retired. But, if I were, it could occupy quite a lot of my time just taking care of the animals, walking the dog, talking to the cat, and having them with me. It's your family. So, I think more an9 more the emphasis now is se~ ting up ways by which old people can be allowed to stay at home, for instance, having somebody who would take them out once a week to shop and in a very subtle way be supervising what they're eating. An awful lot of old people are starving, who have lots of money, be-

cause they're afraid of spending. That's one of the psychological things that happens. They're afraid there'll be no money. What we have to do is find ways to make it possible for people to be able to live alone ... visiting nurses - somebody who comes in once a week and looks at the health situation - and somebody who helps with meals. More important than the food, they know that the person is alive, and it's somebody to say, "How are you today," a voice that comes into the house. A lot of old people look at "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," because he has this faculty with little children, but now, they're realizing with old people, of making you feel loved. He says, "I like you just the way you are," and "Won't you be my neighbor?" I've known two older women for whom that was the high point of the day. It's very human ... touching. Jenckes: What do you feel your mission in life is? Sarton: At the end of a film about me I'm asked, "How would you like to be remembered?" I didn't know that they were going to ask that question. I could have thought of a great many answers, like, "I hope I've written one immortal poem." What I said was, "As wholly human, ifi am." My mission, ifi have one, is to help people to become wholly human and to keep on growing myself ... to be more and more human, not less and less, as some people become as they get older. Not to ever be rigid, to still flow with things. Maybe to come to no permanent conclusions, but to keep on asking questions. Jenckes: Do you think you have a good sense of understanding yourself as a person? Sarton: I think so, yes. I mean, I still have problems, you know. Winer: That's being wholly human. Sarton: Yes, exactly. Jung says somewhere that the really essential problems are never solved. I mean, like my anger. I have much less of it now, partly because I'm not in an intimate relationship with anybody and partly because I'm not fighting the whole world to get my work through, which I was for so many years. The frustration was enormous, and now I see an audience that is very nourishing and fulfilling. And I feel, well, it's all right, Sarton, you've made it. Y oil don't have to struggle so hard any more. •

Trintype Evenings with nothing whatever to do are what Jerry Moshell could use more of. "From the second week in September until the last week in November, I essentially had no free nights," he says. Chairman of Trinity's music department, Moshell teaches courses, directs the orchestra and mounts two musical theatre productions a year. On the occasional evening that he is not booked for a rehearsal or performance, he is off to a local university or concert hall, reviewing music and theatre productions for The Hartford Courant. In a position that requires an unusual degree of versatility, Moshell, a California native with degrees from Pomona and Harvard, views himself primarily as a performer-a pianist and conductor-and an educator, rather than as a scholar. Part of his pedagogical role is introducing the 85-or-so students in Concert Choir to complex musical literature, and helping them to see the value in mastering a difficult repertoire. "In Choir, we do a lot of works that are just plain, downright hard. These are not the sort of things students have sung in high school, or may ever sing again, if they go on in adult choirs," Moshell explains. Stravinsky's Les Noces, which the Choir performed in November, is "a conceptually difficult piece from any point of view. I think students sometimes want to sing more things that are more fun. My position is that you only have real fun if you do something challenging, do it well, and have learned something new in the process." There's plenty of fun to be had by the cast and the audiences who flock to the musical theatre revues and productions, held in the Austin Arts Center each term. In selecting the shows, Moshell considers the pool of available talent on campus, and the quality of a show's lyrics, theatrics, and music. "Also, I am, by and large, dedicated to the concept of the ensemble musical, which means you have a group of people who are more or less equal in the cast, like in Sondheim's Company or even in Grease," Moshell explains. "We have a lot of very good students, and an ensemble-oriented show gives a number of them good parts." No preference is given to

music majors in casting the productions, and freshmen get their share of the limelight. "Kids with good voices have a lot of opportunities at Trinity," Moshell notes, including Choir, musical theatre, Chapel Singers, the Pipes and After Dark. The IS-member orchestra, augmented by musicians from the Hartford community, presents a concert each spring and plays with the Choir or in a musical theatre production in the fall. Other students play in the Jazz Band. A professional chamber music group, headed by artist-in-residence Linda Laurent, has also featured Trinity undergraduates as guest artists. On the more strictly academic side, Trinity's music department offers survey courses, populated by primarily non-majors and nonmusicians, as well as classes for advanced music students. Interdisciplinary courses, such as Women in Western Music and the Psychology of Music, have wide appeal. About 60 undergraduates enroll each term in Trinity's private lessons program. The hub of musical activity on campus is the Austin Arts Center. Though the facilities there are ex cellent, high on Moshell's wish list are a concert hall for the Choir and a place for rock bands to practice and store their equipment. About five years ago, Moshell was invited to become a music and theatre critic for The Hartford Courant, a role he finds valuable. "It's given me a good overview of what's going on musically in the Hartford

area and how we fit in at Trinitythe sorts of things that we can do that both complement and can add to the musical life of the region." Some of Moshell's candid reviews have stirred the ire of concert and theatre goers, and he admits that "there was a time when I would look with trepidation at the lettersto-the-editor column each morning." But, he says, out of the hundreds of reviews he's written, he wouldn't retract any of them, except maybe one or two that turned out to be too favorable. As much as he values high musical standards in the performances he reviews or directs, Moshell gives almost equal weight to what he calls "the sense of musical community" that students, working together in Choir or on a show, can develop. He speaks with satisfaction about the camaraderie among Choir members, particularly those who participate in the group's East coast tour, every other spring. Moshell has shared in these friendships, and in the last several months alone, he has traveled to see six professional productions in which "music department alumni" from the classes of '78 to '84 have had leading roles. "In a sense, Choir is the largest fraternity on campus, and it's certainly a coed one. And the people who do musical theatre get very close. They learn to depend on each other and learn from each other at the same time they are engaged in an activity that enlightens their aural and aesthetic awareness." -Kathleen Frederick

Homecoming 1985 R

ecord crowds and renewed participation by the student body made Homecoming '85 a memorable weekend. The celebration began Friday night with a rally on the Quad organized by the senior class and Lee Coffin '85, assistant director of alumni relations, who served as master of ceremonies. Highlights of the rally were performances by the Trinity Jazz Band and cheerleaders and cameo appearances by Vice President Tom Smith, Professor Ted Mauch and Coach Don Miller. Football Captain Mark Murphy capped the evening by torching a Wesleyan "W." Saturday saw the return of many graduates, particularly from the younger classes. Alumni/ae teams played the varsity field hockey and soccer squads, while another group heard President English talk about Trinity's future. Other highlights included the

Photo by Daniel Hyland

traditional buffet in the rejuvenated field house, and a spirited post-game Pipes concert. •

Trinity in Action


T AILGATERS were out in force, adding to the record crowd at Jessee Field. Bob Hunter '52 and his family enjoy a pre-game picnic.


hadng in the intellectual life of the College over Home路 coming weekend were some 65 alumni, parents and friends invited to attend "Trinity in Action Visits China." The program featured seminars by faculty and students, covering Chinese arts, history, archeology, politics and economy. Other note路 worthy features were a Chinese

cuisine prepared by Saga food ser路 vice; an early morning T'ai Chi class on the Quad; and a panel on China's business climate with Thomas S. Johnson '62, Joan Kaufman '75 and Bernard Rittenberg P'85. Another Trinity parent, Micki Dworin, planned the week路 end with the assistance of Professor Michael Lestz. The program will be held annually with a different focus each time.


Campus Notes

.... Associate Professor of Engineering DAVID AHLGREN and Assistant Professor of Engineering ROY DAVIS jointly presented a paper entitled "A Multi-Disciplinary Undergraduate Engineering Project at a Liberal Arts College" at the annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference in Scranton, P A in October. .... Associate Professor of Fine Art MARDGES BACON gave a paper entitled "The Transatlantic Misunderstanding: Le Corbusier's First Visit to America in 1935" at a conference in Paris, France in October on L' Americanisme et la Modernite, sponsored by the Centre des Hautes Etudes and the Institut Francais d' Architecture. She received a travel grant from the Division for the Study of the United States, United States Information Agency to attend the conference. ...... W. MILLER BROWN, professor of philosophy, gave a lecture entitled "Sports and Social Values" at a conference on the Philosophy of Sport at Pennsylvania State University in October, 1985. His article "On Defining 'Disease' " appeared in The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 10, No.4 (1985), pp. 311-328. His article "Paternalism, Drugs, and the Nature of Sport" was published in The Journal of the Philosophy of Sport XI (1985), pp. 14-22. .... Assistant Professor of Economics WILLIAM N. BUTOS published "Hayek and General Equilibrium Analysis" in Southern Economic Journal, October 1985, pp. 332-343. His paper "Menger: A Suggested Interpretation" was published in Atlantic Economic Journal, July 1985, pp. 21-30. He reviewed Conversations with Economists by A. Klamer, Eastern Economic Journal, November, 1985. He presented a paper entitled "The Knowledge Problem under Alternative Monetary Regimes" at the Cato Institute Third Annual Monetary Conference on "The Federal Reserve: Performing the Monetary Regime" in Washington, D.C. He participated in the Liberty Fund and Political Economy Research Center Seminar, "Institutions of Liberty," in Big Sky, MT. He presented the paper, "Hayek and Rational Expectations," at the New York University Colloquium on Austrian Economics. .... Associate Professor of Sociology NOREEN CHANNELS attended a

month-long workshop in Quantitative Analysis in Crime and Criminal Justice, sponsored by the National Institute of Justice and the University of Michigan's Criminal Justice Data Archive. .... GEORGE E. CHAPLIN, professor of fine arts & director of studio arts, exhibited his works at: "Invited Celebrities," 25th Anniversary Exhibit, Gallery-on-the-Green, in Canton, CT; 125th Anniversary Exhibit, Munson Gallery, New Haven, CT; 20th Anniversary Exhibit, Wooster Community Art Center, Danbury, CT. He served as judge at the Annual Arts Festival of Marlborough, CT Community Arts. His recent paintings were also on exhibit in the Widener Gallery of Austin Arts Center at Trinity in December. ....John R. Reitemeyer Professor of Political Science WALKER CONNOR presented a paper, "Ethnocracy and Democracy," at the Thirteenth World Congress of the International Political Science Association in Paris, France. During April and May, 1985, he gave the following: two "University Lectures" at the National University of Singapore; lectures in Seoul, K wangju, Pusan, and Taegu, Korea; five lectures at the University of Sydney, and single lectures at Macquarie, LaTrobe, Monash, and Murdoch Universities, Australia; three lectures at the University of Canterbury, and single lectures at Christchurch College, Otago University, the Dunedin Institute of International Affairs, the W ellington Institute of International Affairs, Victoria University, Waikato University, and Auckland University, New Zealand. He chaired a panel on "Nation-States and Multi-Ethnic States and Their Future Prospects," at the Conference on Nationalism, Mi-

norities and the Quest for Political Order in Eastern Europe at Oberlin College, and also presented a paper entitled, "Leninist National Policy: Solution to the National Question." He also chaired a panel on Ethnic Conflict at the Annual Meeting of the New England Conference of the Association for Asian Studies at Wellesley College, and presented a paper, "Theoretic Dimensions of the Kurdish Movement," at a Conference on the Kurds, Middle East Institute, Washington, D.C. in October. His article, "Homelands, State Myths, and theReception Accorded to Diasporas," appeared in Modern Diasporas in International Politics, Gabriel Sheffer (ed.), (London: Croom Helm, 1985). He served as general editor and wrote the introduction, the first and last chapters, and the introductions to each of the thirteen chapters of Mexi-

can Americans in Comparative Perspective (Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1985).

.... BETTY ANNE COX, director of internships and external affairs, was a speaker at the annual meeting of the National Society of Internships and Experiential Education in Pittsburgh, P A. The topic of the talk was "Maximizing Intern Hours." She has presented similar material as consultant to the Voluntary Action Center of Southeastern Connecticut, and as speaker for the state-wide meeting of Coordinators of Volunteers in Criminal Justice earlier in the year. .... LESLIE G. DESMANGLES, associate professor of religion and director of intercultural studies, presented a paper entitled, "Children of the Diaspora: Cultural and Educational Adaptations of Haitian Children in the U.S. Public Schools," at the Roxbury School in Stamford, CT in November. .... Assistant Professor of Religion and Intercultural Studies ELLISON B. FINDLY co-authored "Gargi at the King's Court: Women and Philosophic Innovation in Ancient India," which appeared in Women, Religion and Social Change, (Albany, SUNY Press, 1985). She gave a paper entitled "Persistent Themes in Indian Culture" at the Four Corners Club in Hartford, CT . .... ALBERT L. GASTMANN, professor of political science, coauthored articles for the events of the years 1983-1984 for the French and Netherland Antilles for Latin America and the Caribbean Contemporary Record Vol. III. He co-authored an article, "Mitterand's Headache," which was published in the Caribbean Review Vol. XIII, No.2, Spring 1984. At the Northeast Political Science Association Conference held in Boston, he presented a paper on "The Political Role of the Courts in Benelux Society." At the 26th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in Washington, D.C. he presented a paper entitled "The United States System as a Basis for Enhanced World Order." Last spring he gave a talk at the Watkinson Library, Trinity College, on "The Dutch and French in the Caribbean to 1800: Ideals, Ambitions, and Consequences." .... FABIO GIRELLI-CARASI, assistant professor of modern languages, gave a lecture at the University of Delaware-Newark on the subject of the cinema of Fellini, entitled, "When Art Imitates Dreams." The lecture was given in November. .... Professor of Psychology KARL HABERLANDT co-authored 路 "Component Processes in Comprehension and Some of Their Interactions," in the Journal of Experimental

Psychology: General, 114, pp. 357· 374. .... Associate Professor of Chemistry DAVID E. HENDERSON co· authored "Enhanced UV Detection of Sugar Phosphates by Addition of a Metal Complex to the HPLC Mobile Phase" which appeared in the Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 23, May, 1985. .... SHARON D. HERZBERGER, asso· ciate professor of psychology, orga· nized the conference, "Dilemmas of Child Abuse, Policy and Treatment," which was sponsored by the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education and held in Qctober. .... Athletic Trainer MARGARET E. HOGAN was head trainer for the National Women's Rowing Team of the United States Rowing Associa· tion. She traveled with them to the World FISA Games in Belgium for the world championships. .... DIANNE HUNTER, associate pro· fessor of English, gave a paper enti· tled "Timon of Athens: an Eriksonian Reading" at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, MA in October. ....JEFFREY H. KAIMOWITZ, cura· tor of the Watkinson Library, was a co-consultant on printing for the Wadsworth Atheneum's exhibition, The Great River: Art & Society of the Connecticut Valley, and co-authored the section of the exhibition cata· logue entitled "Printing in the Con· necticut Valley, 1764·1820." During 1985 he has prepared three reviews for Choice magazine. .... Professor of Modern Languages ARNOLD L. KERSON presented a paper, "Enlightened Thought in Diego Jose Abad's De Deo, Deoque Homine Heroica," to the Sixth Con· gress of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, August 1985, in Wolfenbuttel, West Germany. He has recently been appointed to the ed· itorial board of Dieiocho, Hispanic Enlightenment, Aesthetics and Liter· ary Theory. .... FRANK G. KIRKPATRICK, asso· ciate professor of religion and sec· retary of the faculty, published "From Shackles to Liberation: Religion, the Grimke Sisters, and Dissent," in Women, Religion, and Social Change, Albany: SUNY Press, 1985. .... Artist-in-Residence LINDA LAURENT founded and directs the Chamber Players which began its second season in September. There· maining concerts will take place on February 9, and April13 in Hamlin Hall. In November, she performed the Bartok Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion at Wesleyan University.

.... Associate Professor of Economics CHARLES W. LINDSEY wrote "The Philippine State and Trans· national Investment" which appeared in States and TNCs in the Capitalist World Economy: Case Studies on Re· lationships, ed. by Robert B. Stauffer. He presented a paper entitled "Trans· fer of Technology to the ASEAN Re· gion by U.S. Transnational Corporations" at the Workshop on ASEAN-US Economic Relations which was held at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore. .... KENNETH LLOYD-JONES, pro· fessor of modern languages, partici· pated in research seminars at the Universities of Paris and Saint· Etienne while on a faculty research grant. He was a discussant in a session on "Ronsard's Images, between Meta· phor and Description," at the New England Renaissance Conference held at Amherst College this fall. ....Professor of Political Science CLYDE D. McKEE, JR. gave testi· mony before the elections and administration committee of the Con· necticut General Assembly on the topic, "Why We Need a National Constitutional Convention." He pre· sented a paper, "Connecticut's 1984 Election: Consequences and Implica· tions," at the New England Political Science Conference at Durham, NH, and another paper, "The Incompati· bility of the Practice of Law and the Practice of Politics," at the American Business Law Association in Kia· meska, NY. In August, he gave six lec· tures and workshops on "Problem Solving in Local Government" at the New England Municipal Clerks' Insti· tute in Newport, Rl. .... Visiting Assistant Professor of His· tory MARK MILLER delivered a paper at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in New York on the subject, "Toward La Culture Generale, Republican Moral Instruction in the French Lycee, 1890-1914." .... ROBERT PALTER, Charles A. Dana professor of the history of science, is serving as a member of the steering committee for New Liberal Arts Activities at Stony Brook, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY. He chaired a ses· sion on "Astronomy and Cosmology from Copernicus to Galileo" at the In· ternational Congress of History of Science at Berkeley, CA. He repre· sented the College at the Tome Cen· tennial Symposium on Science and the Liberal Arts at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PAin September. ....JOHN ROSE, college organist and director of chapel music, has been selected as the first solo artist to be featured on a new project which com·

hines video display capability with the latest advanced recording techniques on compact disc. The CD, which was released in August, is one of only two such discs to be distributed worldwide. His record series, "The French Romantics," will soon be succeeded by a series of digital compact discs bearing the same title. The LP series, which is now in its fifth volume, con· tains many recordings from the Trin· ity Chapel. He records for Towerhill Records of Hollywood, CA. Towerhill plans to release its second organ compact disc later this year featuring him at the organ of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. .... THALIA SELZ, writer-in-resi· dence, read and discussed one of her short stories at the 11th Annual Connecticut Writers Conference. This past summer, she again judged the annual Literary Competition for Alpha Delta Phi International. Her short story, "The Olive Tree," has been published by New Letters, Vol. 52, No. 1. Her short story, "Daugh· ters," has been awarded second place in a short fiction competition held by Druid Press of Birmingham, AL. .... Associate Professor of Physics, MARK P. SIL YERMAN, pub· lished "Specular Light Scattering from a Chiral Medium," in Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 43 (1985) p. 378. He also published "On the Use of Multiple-Valued WaYe Functions in the Analysis of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect in the same publication, 42, p. 376. His article, "Science as a Human Endeavour," was published in the American Journal of Physics 53 (1985), p. 715. He presented the pa· per, "Test of Gyrotropic Constitutive Relations by Light Reflection," at the 1985 Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America in Washington, D.C. It was published in Abstract in Optics News 11 (1985), p. 135. .... ELIZABETH L. TRACY, artist-in· residence, had her work exhibited in the legislative offices of the Con· necticut State Capitol. .... Charles A. Dana Professor of Po lit· ical Science RANBIR VOHRA was co-presenter of a seminar on "Insta· bility in South Asia" at the 9th An· nual Foreign Policy & Defense Conference in Hartford, CT. He was moderator and panelist on "Asian Studies: The Insider's View," at the Asian Studies Conference at the Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, CT. He also delivered a lecture on "The Sikh Problem" at the Unitarian Church in Hartford, CT. "The Mak· ing of China's International Rela· tions, 1949-1976: The Mao Factor," was the title of a paper he presented at the 13th International Political Science Association World Confer· ence held in Paris, France in July.


Sports FOOTBALL (5-3)~~~~~= The Trinity football program entered its second century exactly as it finished its first - as an exciting, pass-oriented team that usually wins. The 1985 season, the team's 101st, was the sixth consecutive that ended on the top side of .500. In the process, the Bantams thrilled the fans with some heroic comebacks and by throwing the ball more than any previous Trinity team. In the opener, quarterback Dan Tighe was named to the ECAC Honor Roll in his first varsity start by completing 23 of 33 for 310 yards and 4 touchdowns in a 45-29 romp over Bowdoin. Eight of the receptions and one touchdown went to Mike Doetsch. But it was Doetsch's punt returns that changed the game around. Tied at 7 in the second period, he took a punt 53 yards for a score that took the life out of the Polar Bears. His 129 yards on the day (on only four returns) broke the school record for punt returns of 118, set by Milt Marquet way back in 1934 against Wesleyan. The next week's game at Bates was delayed 24 hot,~rs by Hurricane Gloria. In the first Sunday game in .

memory, the team displayed for the first time its great comeback abilities. Down 14-3 at the half, Tighe threw 3 second-half touchdowns for a 24-21 victory. The first two came in the third quarter to Rich Nagy. After Bates scored to go up 21-17, Tighe hit Ted Shannon on 4th and 10 from the Bates 13-yard-line with under six minutes to go for the winning score. Trinity sloshed through the monsoon of Parents Weekend to defeat Williams for a seventh straight year, 14-13. Williams used two Trinity turnovers near the end zone to grab a 13-0 halftime lead. It would have been 14-0 but cornerback Mike Dolan blocked the second extra point. The Bantams scored twice in the third period and Mark Mignone's extra points were the difference. Linebacker John Montgomery had fun in the mud with 21 tackles, a sack, a fumble recovery and a pass break-up. Week four saw Trinity again trailing by a doubledigit margin at intermission. Tufts led 12-0 and the Bantams had the Jumbos just where they wanted them. Within six minutes of the second half Trinity had cut the deficit to 12-10. Tufts held on valiantly, but with 2:19 to go Trinity began a 69-yard, 12-play drive that featured 4th-and-long passes to Shannon

JUNIOR QUARTERBACK Dan Tighe stood tall under the pressures of succeeding Trinity legend Joe Shield and, in this picture, of the opposing pass rush to throw for 17 81 yards and 17 touchdowns, numbers that are .inferior only to Shield's of 1983 and 1984.

and Don Fronzaglia. Tighe needed all 51 of his recordtying passes Qay Bernardoni vs. Williams, 1968) as the last one went to Wally Wrobel for the winning touchdown with just 55 seconds remaining. The 18-15 victory proved costly, however, as defensive linemen Andre John and Tony DeNicola were lost for the year with injuries. Along with the pre-season injuries to lineman Randy Vyskocil and linebacker Todd Fairfax, both seniors, these losses would soon catch up with the Bantams. The effect began to show the next week in Clinton, New York. Hamilton gave Trinity its first loss of the year by taking a 24-6 halftime lead and cruising home, 30-6. It was the first road loss after an amazing 11game win streak, dating back to another game in upstate New York, Union 1982. The Blue and Gold got back on the winning track at home with a 34-27 wild game with Coast Guard. Using a no-huddle offense for over three quarters, the Coast Guard quarterback passed for 412 yards and

ran for 92 more in a record-setting performance, but threw five interceptions to self-destruct. Three were picked off by safety Mike DeLucia who also blocked an extra point and had 3 pass break-ups to be named to the ECAC Honor Roll. Initially flustered and confused by the game's pace, the Trinity defense, led by Fran Funaro's 2 1/z sacks, bore down and caged the Bears. By then, the Trinity offense had enjoyed a big day of its own, breaking the 20-20 halftime tie and leading 34-20. A pair of sophs had career highs: fullback Wrobel rushed for 75 yards and 3 touchdowns and Fronzaglia broke the school record with 15 pass receptions. The old record of 13 had been set in 1971 by Ron Duckett and tied in 1973 by Duckett and in 1984 by Tim McNamara. Amherst led Trinity 15-0 after six minutes the next week and a fluke interception just before half provided them with a 22-0 advantage. This proved even too much for the Comeback Kids. The gap was closed to 22-12 before the Lord Jeffs put an end to the issue with a 35-12 win. Homecoming '85 saw the Wesleyan Cardinals take out five years of frustrations in the 100th anniversary of the first meeting by winning for the first time since 1979,41-20. Tighe completed 20 of 39 for 271 yards

Sports and 3 touchdowns but it was not enough to defeat the inspired men from Middletown. Todd Nizolek's 10 punts tied the record he already shared with three others, and his total of 56 for the year broke the mark of 51 by Bill Schauffler in 1979. It is a small senior class that leaves the Summit, but the loss will be felt severely on the lines. Tackle Mike Reilly, guards Jim Sickinger and George VanderZwaag and center Paul Castonia made for an experienced offensive line. Defensive tackle Funaro and team Captain Mark Murray at end were near the top in tackles and at the top in sacks. Along with the departure of Doetsch, the 1986 Bantams will be hard-pressed to find replacements. With players like Tighe, Wrobel, Fronzaglia and most of the defense returning, however, it should not be long before they record their next win, Coach Don Miller's lOOth of his career.

necticut College led Trinity 1-0 with under 8 minutes left before Pierce banged home a pair for the win. Williams was beaten 2-0. It was actually the second time the Bants had shut-out the Ephwomen. A 4-0 Trin lead with about 10 minutes remaining on Parents' Weekend was wiped out when the officials decided the rain and mud had created "dangerous conditions." Forced to re-play the game, Trinity again prevailed. The unusual conditions of Westfield's astraturf field were overcome with a 2-1 victory in overtime. Division II Keene State succumbed to a relentless Bantam attack in .a 2-1 thriller. In the tourney, Bowdoin was out-classed 4-1, and in the final, the defense made Vogel's first-half goal stand up as the game-winner. Just as in 1984, Trinity h ad defeated the #1 seed and host for the championship. Sheppard, now owner of a gaudy 96-30-10 record, was impressed with the way her team "bit, and scratched, and crawled their way" to the tournament after .digging such a big hole. Once there, the Trinity "killer instinct" took over, Sheppard claimed. "There is a winning attitude and tradition of success. It is passed down from class to class," she continued, "No-

FIELD HOCKEY (11-2) N :I.A.C. CHAMPIONS==-::==:=====:


Like the heavyweight champion who gets off the canvas from a first-round knockdown to keep on fighting and ends up defending his crown, Robin Sheppard's field hockey team rebounded from a pair of early season upsets to defend their Northeast Intercollegiate Athletic Co"nference championship successfully. They ended the year with 10 straight wins including tournament victories over Bowdoin and Tufts, wins which were especially sweet as they avenged the two earlier losses. Bowdoin had surprised Trinity 3-2 in the opener and Tufts had held on from a 5-l lead to edge the Lady Bants 5-4 in the third game. Suddenly faced with the unfamiliar position of having a losing record, Coach Sheppard rallied her troops. It was a particularly tense time as the losses "made each game a mustwin," according to the coach of 12 years. Responding best were sophomores )en Brewster and Ellie Pierce. Neither had scored in the first three games, but Brewster went on to record a smashing 15 goals and Pierce added 7 with 6 assists. Brewster's total is second only to Dottie Bundy's 16 in 1978, and she not only tied a school record with 4 goals against Mt. Holyoke, but ,she did so in one half! Others leading the attack were Ginny Biggar (8 goals, 5 assists) and Elise Boelhouwer (7, 1). These players would be the first to admit, however, that they were dependent upon the work of tbe mid-fielders and backs, such as tea,m Captain and M.V.P. Priscilla Altmaier, Ginny Vogel, Betse Jones, Kate Simonds, Laura Von Seldeneck, and sweeper Anne Scribner. Netminder Pam Ingersoll gave up only 8 goals in the fin allO games and set a team record with 137 saves. Simonds was awarded the new Coach's Award for dedication and attitude. Certain victories were particularly memorable. Con-

CAPTAIN PETER AMMIRATl shows off some of his moves at mid-field for the men's soccer team.

body wants to renege on that." Nobody did. And losing only three seniors, Altmaier, Biggar and Simonds, it is doubtful that in the near future anyone will.

MEN'S SOCCER (4-8)====:====:====:====:= The men's soccer team fl irted with a .500 record this year but fell short in the end dropping their final four games to finish at 4-8. After an opening day loss to Coast G uard, Robie Shults' group won four of their next seven, three on shut-outs by junior goalie Bill Eastburn. Chris Hyland had the only goal in a 1-0 game at Connecticut College. After a loss, Hyland had a pair and George Manthous scored once, all in the first half, to beat WPI 3-0. Following a loss to powerful Eastern Connecticut, the Bantams went to Tufts where Hyland, Manthous, and Matt Gandal pitched in a goal apiece in another 3-0 triumph on the road. Trinity got its only home victory when John Ralston scored early in the second half of a fightmarred game with AI C. Trinity won 2-1 and had a 4-4 record. Things went downhill from there, however, and in the final four games Trinity found the net only three times. Of the four games, they trailed at the half only once, but were outscored 7- 1 in the second half. T en of the team's 16 goals came off the foot of junior forward H yland. The speedster became the first Bantam to score in double digits since Duffy Shea had 10 in 1976. Other top veterans returning for 1986 are halfback Murphy VanderVelde, fullbacks Jim Crews and Pete Voudouris, and, at forward, Manthous who had 2 goals and 2 assists. Three freshmen emerged as talented players for the future. Ralston (2 goals) and Gandal played forward and fu llback Steve Ryan proved fast enough to usually be assigned to cover the opponent's top player. T hree seniors finished their careers as valuable contributors. T earn Captain Pete Ammirati was an excellent playmaker at halfback, fullback Bob St. George played tough defense, and Chris Downs was the emotional and vocal leader at mid-field and sweeper.

The year "was something to build on" for Coach Karen Erlandson. Only one player graduates, CoCaptain Gina Cappelletti, a stand-out at sweeper. Other veterans who played well were Co-Captain fullback Betsy McKay, speedy halfback Ceronne Berkeley, and at forward, smooth-dribbling Lyford and Lisa Lake whose indomitable spirit led her to a team-high four goals. Promising rookies included Tracey Decker and Layne Pomerleau who each had a pair of goals.

VOLLEYBALL (7 .. 5) ====:====:====:====:====: Finishing with a flourish, Trinity's first-ever varsity volleyball team posted a 7-5 record. Under the tutelage of Coach Mary Eckerson, the Lady Bants rode through the storm of a 1-3 mid-season slump and won their last three matches to end up winners. "We had trouble in the middle with our serving and came on strong in the last few matches," the coach said. The lowpoint came with a heartbreaking 3-2 loss to Fairfield in which Trinity had led 2-1, and then a 3-0 blanking at the hands of Wesleyan. Bouncing right

WOMEN'S SOCCER (1-9),=:::::::==:==: Suffering through the loss of seven starters to graduation and four juniors to study abroad, the women's soccer team stumbled to a 1-9 finish. The roster of mostly freshmen and sophomores fought gamely to the end but was unable to keep up with superior competition. The year's high point came in the mud of Parents' Weekend. The Lady Bants got two first half goals from Cary Lyford and sloshed their way to a 3-2 win over Williams. T hat kind of scoring punch was an all-too-rare commodity, however, as the team managed to find the net only 11 times, being shut-out on four occasions. Inexperience hurt Trinity at both ends of the field. No matter how well the Lady Bants played between the 20-yard lines, they could not seem to finish off plays offensively, and suffered momentary, but crucial, breakdowns on defense.

GINA CAPPELLETTI was a soccer Co-Captain and was selected to play in the New England All-Star Game.


the basketball team, proved to be a great blocker, spiker and server.

WATER POLO (5 .. 6} ====:====:====:====:=: It was a fairly good year for the water polo team as victories were recorded over Bridgewater State, Bowdoin, Wesleyan and Coast Guard (twice). Late in the season the lack of substitutes caught up with the Ducks and they fell to powerful teams who were also well rested. Leadership by the senior tri-captains was important on this club team that is student-run. Barb Brennan and Stuart Szikles were stand-outs on defense and Adam Kimmick played forward. The top scorer was again sophomore Nick Clifford who posted a tremendous 8-goal performance in the 18-10 win over Bridgewater and had 7 more in the 16-8 triumph over Coast Guard. Freshman Roberto Sifuentes was a key playmaker and was the second leading scorer. Sophomore goalkeeper Andy Zimmerman played well, especially when Trinity took defending champion Amherst into overtime before losing 13-11.


SIS VAN CLEVE gets set to return the ball for Trinity's first varsity volleyball team. The Captain and only senior, Van Cleve led the team to a 7-5 record.

back, Trinity won a 5-game match for the first time, edging Quinnipiac 3-2 in a match that saw 4 games go into overtime. A doubleheader sweep of Albertus Magnus and Becker ensured a winning season. Trinity was led by MVP and Captain Sis VanCleve. The only senior, she was the inspirational leader and gave 110% with great saves and spikes. The other five starters were all sophomores. Kris Cadelina played a very consistent season and Kathleen S'trauss put on a fine display of spiking down the stretch. They will cocaptain the squad next year. Liz Breiner, Debbie Smith and Chever Voltmer also played well. Off the bench, freshman Kristin Gilson supplied a spark of pep and junior Susan Babcock, who plays center for ,


The women's tennis team enjoyed an excellent season, winning their final 6 matches to end at 9-2 and then finishing fourth in the New England Tournament. T earn Captain Claire Slaughter compiled her third undefeated season in four at #1, going 11-0 and totaling 40 career wins, 5 more than the previous Trinity best of 35 by Wendy Jennings '79. Robin Wentz and Patti Neumann competed at #2 and #3 while Chris Sanden gave Trinity a strong #4 with an 8-3 year. Priscilla Payne and Beth Cottone shared time at #5 while Lauren Lovett went 7-2 at #6. Trinity jumped out with 3 quick wins, although the Amherst match came down to the #3 doubles team of Sanden and Payne, who lost the first set and came back for the win. After a pair of losses Trinity was forced inside on Parents' Weekend against Williams in a match where singles players were prohibited from doubles competition. Again it was the #3 doubles team, now Margaret Driscoll and Krisi Kinsley, who were last on the court and who pulled it out for Trinity. The season's final match against Smith was another nail-biter as the #2 pairing of Sanden and Chris Pastore had the final and decisive victory. Overall, second-year Coach Wendy Bartlett was pleased with her team's performance in that they never had an offday and "beat all the teams they were supposed to." In the New England Tournament Sanden lost her bracket's singles final while Slaughter and Neumann reached the consolation finals after first-round upsets. Payne and Lovett made it to the semi-finals to contribute points to the Trinity total. The #1 doubles duo of Slaughter and Neumann who went 8-1 on the season won their bracket. The Trinity total of 21 points was 1/z point shy of third-place Brandeis who trailed Tufts and Amherst.



Before the season began, new Coach Alex Magoun expected an excellent season from the women's team while preparing for a rebuilding year from the men. That is exactly what he got as the women went 10-5 and the men finished with a 2-8 mark. Magoun called the women's season "very satisfying." Senior Co-Captains Alex Steinert and Ann Malabre finished out excellent careers as Trinity's top runners, although Malabre missed the early portion of the schedule with an injury. In her stead, freshman Gail Wehrli showed promise by giving Trinity another strong runner. Behind the front group, a number of runners "formed a pack," according to the coach, and ran together, giving each other motivation and support. This group included senior Wendy Pillsbury, juniors Jenny Elwell and Meredith Lynch, and freshman Sue Kinz. Magoun was especially pleased with the women's performance in meets at Smith and Babson. Although Steinert consistently was fastest, and won the MVP Award, it is Malabre, now fully recovered, who has the best hope of placing well at the upcoming New England Championship and qualifying for the national championships in Ohio in late November. The men's team, not overly deep to begin the season, was beset with injuries to two of the top six runners. Considering this, Magoun was not too upset with how his young Bantams fared. The only senior, Co-Captain Brian Oakley, led Trinity in every race and was MVP. Aside from the victories over Hartford and Babson, the highlight was Oakley's thrilling duel with the top runner from Williams in the downpour of Parents Weekend. Particularly excited about trying to beat the school of which his father is president, Oakley clocked the fourth best ever by a Trinity racer on the home course- 26:04. Unfortunately, he and the Bantams were edged out in this meet. Junior CoCaptain Paul Deslandes, soph Matt Donahue and freshman Sam Adams give Magoun hope for the future.

SHIELD PLAYING IN CANADA Former Trinity star quarterback Joe Shield '85 is back from Canada, after a stint with the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League. Shield, who was drafted last spring by the Green Bay Packers of the NFL, made their regular season squad, but was released after three games. The consensus among football fans was that the Packers were not disappointed in Shield, who was a combined 7 of 13 for 60 yds., with no touchdowns or interceptions, in pre-season games against the Dallas Cowboys and

the New Yark Jets. But the team decided it needed a more experienced third-string quarterback, behind the inconsistent and injury-prone Lynn Dickey and Randy Wright. Green Bay signed Jim Zorn, a nineyear veteran, to replace Shield. Once released by the Packers, Shield was a free agent, and got a call from Toronto. Before heading north, Shield stopped in Hartford to watch his old teammates defeat Williams on October 5. "I'm disappointed, but I understand Green Bay's thinking," Shield said. Spotted in the crowd at Trinity's game at Amherst November 2 after the CFL season had ended, Shield commented that he had enjoyed his Canadian experience although he did not see any action. Though happy for the chance with Toronto, Shield hasn't given up on the NFL and predicted, "I'll be somewhere in training camp next summer."

FOOTBALL (5·3) Bowdoin Bates Williams Tufts Hamilton Coast Guard Amherst Wesleyan MEN'S SOCCER (4·8) Coast Guard Nichols M.I.T. W.P.I. E.C.S.U. Williams Tufts A. I. C. Conn. College Clark Wesleyan Amherst

45-29 24-21 14-13 18-15 6-30 34-27 12-35 20-41

1-3 1-0 0-2 3-0 2-6 1-2 3-0 2-1 0-1 0-2 2·4 1-3

WOMEN'S SOCCER (1·9) Bowdoin 0-4 Yale 0-2 Amherst 0-3 Wesleyan 2-3 Westfield St. 3-4 Williams 3-2 Smith 1-5 Conn. College 0-1 Mt. Holyoke 1-6 Wheaton 1-3 FIELD HOCKEY (11·2) Bowdoin 2-3 Fairfield 3-2

Tufts Mt. Holyoke Amherst Smith Conn. College Wesleyan Williams Westfield Keene State Bowdoin Tufts

4-5 5-1 3-0 7-2 2-1 6-1 2-0 (OT) 2·1 2-1 4·1 1-0

WOMEN'S TENNIS (9·2) Univ. Hartford 9-0 Amherst 5-4 Conn. College 8-1 Tufts 2-7 c.c.s.u. 2-7 Williams 5-4 Univ. Connecticut 5-4 Wesleyan 9-0 Mt. Holyoke 8-1 Wellesley 7-2 Smith 5-4 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL (7-5) Wesleyan 2-0 Yale 0-2 Amherst 0-3 Albertus Magnus 2-0 Briarwood 2-0 Williams 0-3 Hartford Coli. Women 3-0 Fairfield 2-3 Wesleyan 0-3 Quinnipiac 3-2 Albertus Magnus 2-1 Becker J.C. 2-1



' Class Notes Vital Statistics




MICHAEL J. BEAUTYMAN and Megan D. Sanford, September 8, 1985



DAVID W. CLARK and SARAH L . KINDER MARGOT A. TAMONEY and Steven P. Marenakos MEGAN P. WHITE and Douglas Evans

THADDEUS J. DEMBEK and Dorene M. Toffoli, August 23, 1985




NANCY F . BRODIE and Robert F . Stern, August 7, 1985 VICTORIA T. PAGE and David C. Bevan, Jr., October 26, 1985 SCOTT R. SMITH and Wendy Avery, June 9, 1985 C. STOW WALKER, JR. and Susan H. Draper, September 14, 1985

HAROLD A. SMULLEN, JR .. and Mary Quish


1972 JANE GINSBERG and William I. Roderick

1984 MARTHA CROSS and Walter J . Johnson JOYCE FRYKLUND and Eric Thormann


1979 JUDITH FEINBERG and Christopher McGhee

PETER H. HANSEN and Lauren Dustin, May 11 , 1985 ELIZABETH C. SMITH and John N. Howard, Jr., June 29, 1985



CLIFTON P. GERALD and Vivian Marie Preston TIMOTHY P. HENRY and Holly D. Meckal MARLA J. HEXTER and Kiatro 0. Abisinito

JOSEPHINE C. FAILLA and James J. Cunha, August 3, 1985 WILLIAM D. HORN and Carolyn Armstrong, September 9, 1984 JAMES M. McGRATH, JR. and Jill A. Frushour, June 1, 1985

1968 JOHN R. THIBODEAU and Noreen Keenan, September 15, 1984

1978 DAVID S. HENDERSON and Dolores J. Falotico, September 14, 1984

1974 JOHN T. WILCOX, JR. and Patricia A. McCarthy, September 7, 1985

1983 TAMMY J. BANKS and Gerald T. Spooner RUTH A. FLAHERTY and Thomas D. Beaton STEVEN C. GROSS and Teri L . Woodard

STEVEN P . SIEGRIST and Elizabeth Stephens, June 8, 1985 GALE P. SIMON and ROSS LEWIN, November 11, 1984

1979 ELIZABETH J. BLACKMAR and George B. Adams, Jr. , August 17, 1985 CATHERINE K. BOSTWICK and Harrison M. Wilson, October 19, 1985 DEBORAH L. MEAGHER and JONATHAN L. STANLEY, September 14, 1985 YOLANDA SEFCIK and John P. Preysner, Jr., September 28, 1985

1979-1981 JOSEPH P . LoRUSSO and CAROLYN FRASER HAMPTON, October 19,1985

1980 PAUL BEERS and Martha Moses, October 5, 1985 CHARLES D. BENNETT and Carol A. Saydlowski, August 24, 1985 LAURA FERGUSSON and ROBERT J . PLUMB, III, June 8, 1985 WHITNEY GEORGE and Meredith B. Mallory, December 7, 1984 ELIZABETH ISHAM and Foster Nicholson, September 7, 1985

THOMAS L. MELLY and Victoria B. Adams, August 10, 1985 1981 GAIL ALWANG and ROBERT MURDOCK, June 15, 1985 ALISON MARIE BRENNAN and CHARLES E. TOPPER SHUTT II, August 3, 1985 M. DIANA CHADWICK-COLLINS and John C. Sykes, November 8, 1985 PAUL HOUGH and Linda Reed, October 19, 1985 JUDY KLEIN and Sidney L. Gardner, September 21, 1985 JEFFREY OSBORN and Elizabeth Stebbins, June 1, 1985 C. MADISON RILEY III and Laura Hewitt, December 29, 1984 CARL J . SCHIESSL III and Lynn A. Tarascio, September 20, 1985 1982 JOYCE ACKERMAN and JAMES R. McGHEE II, June 15, 1985 RICHARD BERNSTEIN and Gail Harris, March 31, 1985 DAVID W. CLARK, JR. and SARAH KINDER, October 19, 1985 ROBIN H. EHRLICH and Randall Pence, October 19, 1985 ERIC GAYDOSH and MINDY HAMMER, May 26, 1985 ALICE B. HARLOW and Massimo Ronconi, August 24, 1985 GWENDOLYN ILLICK and John Neumann, May 4, 1985 SARAH M. LARKIN and Peter A. Harvey, September 21, 1985 MARY ELLEN MAHONEY and Scott W. Hickes, May 25, 1985 CHRISTINA MASTERS and Roger L. Jones, June 22, 1985 AMINDA PICKERING and John R. Halsey, Jr. , July 27, 1985 1982-1983 GARY J. ROMANO and MAURA I. McINERNEY, July 31, 1983 1982-1984 DANIEL D. CAVE and MARYBETH PIETRORAZIO, September 21, 1985 1982-1985 BAILEY JOHNSTON and JAMES FARRIN, August 3, 1985 1983 JACOBS . EDWARDS and Bonne A. Bucchi, August 10, 1985 GLENN E . HARTSOE , JR. and TERESA A. JOHNSON, August 3, 1985 HILLARY H. SPIZZIRRI and Alfonso H.M. Ossorio, May 11, 1985 1983-1984 DAVE BEREY and CATHERINE VILLANO, October 4, 1985 KEITH I. GALLAGHER and LORIE A. MILLER, April20 , 1985 1984 MICHAEL LaFORTEZZA and Beth Theiss, September, 1985 1985 THERESA GUTKOWSKI and John Schneider, August 24, 1985


1963 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J . Mackie, son, Tyler Godding, December 26, 1984

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sherin, son, David Winer, June 25, 1985 1967 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Ferguson, son, Ian Dunreath, January 8, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. G. Theodore Ruckert, daughter, Christina Brynn, February 21, 1985 1968 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Getzendanner, daughter, Susan Kathryn, June 6, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tyner, son, Paul Kirwan, May 22, 1985 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Greenberg, daughter, Callie, May 18, 1984 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hill, twin son and daughter, Terence Edward and Amanda Elyse, May 2, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. William Mason, son, David, December 19, 1984 1970 Mr. and Mrs. William K. Peelle, Jr., son, Samuel Gayley, March 6, 1985 1971 Mr. and Mrs. Gwazda (Deborah Endersby), son, Chester Endersby, October 25, 1984 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Houston, daughter, Morgan Waverley, April25, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seltzer, son, Brian Ervin, May 31, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tingley, son, Cyrus Moore, August 14, 1985 1972 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D'Agostino, daughter, Julianne Marie, July 8, 1984 Mr. and Mrs. James Frost, daughter, Kimberly Ann, April13, 1984 Rev. and Mrs. Gregory Sammons, daughter, Elizabeth, June 2, 1984 1973 Mr. and Mrs. Rabiner (Stephanie), son, William Nathaniel Miner, March 18, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zivin, twin boys, Jacob Aaron and Samuel David, July 11, 1985 1973-1974 Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes (Valerie), daughter, Elissa Keum Mee, November 7, 1984 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Green (Cathy J.), daughter, Michelle Casey Starr, January 5, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lawson, son, William Stanley, March 12, 1984 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Moller, son, Leif Erik, March 27, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Orfitelli, daughter, Robyn Marie, August 10, 1984 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Preminger, twin son and daughter, Seth David and Sally Caryn, May 24, 1985 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Alden-Dunn (Elizabeth Alden), son, Miles Harrison, March 4, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Hirsch, son, Michael Randolph, February 22, 1985 Sharon Laskowsky and Joseph Jaja, daughter, Nicole Marie Jaja, July 28, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kuncio, daughter, Meganne Elizabeth, April 9, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Leone, son, Philip John, May 4, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds (Sarah Detwiler), daughter, Elliot Crane, July 28, 1985 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Burkett, son, David Gordon, January 15, 1985

Mr. and Mrs. Goldman (Debra Heidecorn), son, Eric Benjamin, August 17, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. A. Hobart Porter, son, Andrew Roberts, August 19, 1985 1976-1977 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Romanik (Margaret Felton), son, David Felton, August 3, 1985 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Meltzer, son, Barry, June 21, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Ruiz-Figueroa(Luz), son, Felipe Javier, AprilS, 1984 Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Sands, daughter, Courtney Elizabeth, April21, 1985 1978-1977 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Benson (Lisa Mindnich) son, Guy Pelham, March 7, 1985 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Jablow (Barbara), son, Noah Jacob, March 24, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Montini (Debra), son, Matthew Marc, November 12, 1984 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Borkowski, daughter, Rachel Kurre, April23, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. David Greenfield (Rosie Matchmaker), daughter, Meghan Eileen, July 6, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Phelan, daughter, Emi Mamada, July 6, 1985 1979-1980 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Seibert (Jane Dwight), son, Jeffrey H., Jr., July 27, 1985 1980 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Adler, daughter, Sarah Elisabeth, June 26, 1985 1980-1983 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Dowling (Joan H. Dunkle), daughter, Katherine Page, October 10, 1985 1983 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck S. Ingersoll III, son, Luther Marquis, July 4, 1985 1984 Mr. and Mrs. James Bates, son, Michael, February 25, 1985 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cowen (Judith Katz), son, Dylan Jacob, May 2, 1985

MASTERS 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Breitbart, son, Jesse Benjamin, August 5, 1985 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farwell, son, Jonathan Hayward, June 15, 1984 1982 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lembo, Jr., son, Joseph A. III 1983 Mr. and Mrs. Lepak (Kathleen), son, John Henry, February 18, 1985


Erhardt G. Schmitt 41 Mill Rock Rd. New Haven, CT 06511

Well, here we go again! " 'Wes-le-yan' is coming to town." How many of us came back to greet her as of yore!

GEORGE FERRIS told me he expected to make it, and your SCRIBE was due to meet him, God willing, if my oldest son, De De Schmitt, Yale '50, would keep away from the "Bowl" that day, and take me up and back in one piece. I don't drive much these days and I suspect some of you feel the same way. George Ferris tells me he has had glaucoma in one eye and is worried about his golf. He still shoots to his "14" handicap. Nothing like that in our Connecticut State Seniors. My doctor allows me 9 holes per week and I feel lucky about that. My Carol is doing pretty well and we are both "hanging on to the rigging" as it were. Let me hear from you all, and we will broadcast it here in the Reporter. Class Agent: James F. English, Jr.


Melville E. Shulthiess Taunton Hill Rd. Newtown, CT 06470

A recent note from Jane, daughter of our Class Agents for many years, Louisa and SYD PINNEY, informs me that her parents had a grandson, WILLIAM GRISWOLD PINNEY, Syd Jr.'s son, graduate from Trinity in May '85, a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She adds, "Wouldn't Dad have been proud!" An obituary in the Hartford Caurant told me of the death of DAVID GABERMAN, ' 89, of North Miami Beach, FL, on Saturday, August 10 (see In Memory). He was a former pediatrician and practiced in West Hartford many years. Services and interment were held in Florida. Dave left Trinity after two years to attend medical school and I can't recall having seen him since, although for years we both lived in West Hartford. He was one of five of our class members who entered the medical profession: MAX BERK, JOHNNY MITCH- . ELL, PEN HAHN, and MYRON JACKSON. A few small contributions have been received for our Class Memorial Scholarship Fund. Our eight surviving class members will appreciate it if any of the readers of this column would care to contribute in memory or honor of any of our class members.


James A. Calano 35 White St. Hartford, CT 06114

DOC LUKE CELENTANO writes in that he is still practicing medicine at the age of 85. Congratulations, Doc!! We learn with sorrow that MARTIN F . GAUDIAN passed away April 24, 1984. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family. Class Agent: Sereno B. Gammell

24 WILLIAM HAWLEY writes that he is in good health and "active at 84. " His son, William, is a divisional manager of Syntex Laboratories in San Diego and his daughter, Stella Skitch, and her husband manage Elmhurst Ballet School in London. He notes that the school received Princess Diana last summer. She is interested in the Trust which owns the school. J. ELMER MULFORD sold out his Buick franchise in 1980 and is working 3 half days per week for the new Buick dealer. " At my young age of 83 the Lord has provided good health. That ain't bad!" Class Agent: G. Waldron O' Connor



Winthrop H. Segur Park Ridge, Apt. 516 1320 Berlin Tpke. Wethersfield, CT 06109

Just perhaps some of you might have noticed the absence of any 1927 class notes in the fall issue of the Reporter. At the time of the deadline for reporting there was the usual zero of news received from classmates. For some reason or other I just could not get into my usual filler of doggerel so I missed the deadline. Well, what do you know? The very next day I received a nice letter from ROGER HARTT! At that point they had attended seven high school graduations of their grandchildren with four more to go plus a college graduation! At present he has two boys at Dartmouth, a boy and a girl at the University of Iowa and a boy at Hope College. His oldest grandson was to be married in August and the only reason he was not at the Half Century Club dinner was because of a mixup in dates (his). Now that's the kind of news I am happy to eat up and pass on! I've tried to keep you out-of-towners apprised of the progress of JOE SHIELD '85, Trinity's four-year superb quarterback. Well, he was finally cut by the Green Bay Packers and currently is on a 21-day trial with Toronto of the Canadian Football League. Let's hope the wider field and extra receiver proves to be just what the doctor ordered. Class Agent: The Rev. Robert Y. Condit


Royden C. Berger 53 Thomson Rd. West Hartford, CT 06107

LOU RULNICK, MOE GREEN and JIM BENT send their greetings to all. Moe and GEORGE SALISKE attended the Half Century Dinner - and were the only representatives ofT '28. Jim and Frances Bent visited several countries and islands in the Pacific recently. Many years ago the Bents sponsored a young man from Japan to Trinity for two years' study to improve his English. On this trip Jim looked him up and discovered that he is now president of an insurance company in Tokyo. Frances Burton sends greetings to RAY's friends and reports that a horse which she and Ray bred and raised, and was four years old when Ray died, has now become a world champion Morgan horse stallion. Class Agent: William F. Even

29 We're sorry to report the death of MORRIS CUTLER on October 10 (see In Memory). A devoted Trinity alumnus, he was our class agent for 35 years. Our sympathies go out to his wife, Belle, and family. HENRY E. FAIRCHILD writes that he's now retired but doing some architectural work. He's also "engaged in wood carving of decoys, shore birds and other birds." The following letter comes from FREDERICK READ. "At its annual meeting in May 1983 the Nassau County Bar Association honored me on the occasion of my 50th year of admission to the New York Bar. "On June 1, 1985 I resigned as chairman of the committee on association insurance programs of the New York State Bar Association after serving in that capacity for 11 years. "Keeping active in local Lions Club, Masonic Lodge, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, and historical society." Class Agent: Mrs. Belle B. Cutler


The Rev. Canon Francis Belden 411 Griffin Rd. South Windsor, CT 06074

We have four notes. The first has to do with wedding bells. Helen C. Emrick and NORMAN M. BUSH have the pleasure of announcing their marriage on Saturday, January 26, 1985. Joy to you! The second is from a doctor who makes calls on senior citizens. Praise be! DR. LOUIS TONKEN says that being semi路 retired means he works 15 hours a week instead of 15 hours a day. The third made your SECRETARY think of the television announcer who calls out "Come on down." JOHN MAC INNES is the friendly one who would be delighted to hear from members of the Class any time they are in the vicinity of Coronado, CA. DAVID SLOSSBERG is now a greatgrandfather. His great-granddaughter, Sarah Danielle Bills, was born in Hawaii on October 12, 1984. Class Agent: J. Ronald Regnier, Esq.

31 MILTON COOKSON and his wife, Emogene, recently visited Arizona. He writes "This is our triple crown year - 50th anniversary of ordination to priesthood, 80th birthday, and golden wedding anniversary!"

JOHN GOODING, JR. writes that he is doing some insurance consulting and playing quite a bit of golf. He says he has been seeing Muff and TOM BURGESS since they moved to Boca Raton. FRANCIS KING notes that he and his wife, Mildred, celebrated 50 years of marriage. He says, "Tell GEORGE MACKIE we'd love a visit." Class Agent: George A. Mackie

where he has had a summer home for 15 years. Class Agent: Thomas S. Wadlow


Charles A. Tucker 7 Wintergreen Lane West Hartford, CT 06117

Ruthie and I spent a most pleasant after路 noon and evening with Cindy and ELLIOTT MAYO who were in Hartford to watch their granddaughter, Celinda Shannon '88, play field hockey for Trinity. She is the third consecutive generation enrolled in Trinity since she is the daughter of Celeste Mayo Shannon and WALTER SHANNON '57. Other mini-reunions included a casual meeting of ANDY ONDERDONK and HOFF BENJAMIN on 5th Avenue in New York City and a not-so-unexpected gathering of Inez and DON SNOWDON and CHUCK KINGSTON who successfully rooted for the Trin football team when they played Tufts. Mildred and FRED BASHOUR will be spending at least six months of each year in Florida. They have just had their fourth grandchild. Fred &till plays golf in the seventies and is a more than occasional prize winner. We are pleased to report that the Class of '34 Scholarship for 1985-86 has been designated for Gwendolyn Heine '88. Cryptic note from BRYANT GREEN who states, "I'm still on the green side of the grass." Interpretation of this was not available at press time, but will be investigated by your SECRETARY in person. Class Agent: John E. Kelly


Albert W. Baskerville 16 Osprey Rd. Niantic, CT 06357


There must be a superabundance of good news with '35ers as I have very little and you know the axiom, "No news is ... " For what it's worth, I did get a note from GEORGE DICKERSON via JERRY HANSEN '51. Note: "I bought a house from him in 1943(!) in Leawood, KS." I give up, George, whom did you buy the house from? Your SECRETARY enjoyed an interesting and convivial evening at a reception/picnic sponsored by the New London Trinity Association just prior to the Trinity-Bowdoin game. The event was hosted by TOM and LEW WAD LOW '33. A heterogeneous group of alumni and wives sipped, ate and chatted. Also present were old friends, Ginny and Karl Kurth. Spoke at length withAL DEXTER '36. Very pleased to get a letter from DUANE FLAHERTY. Duane, who wasn't able to make the 50th, identified 19 of the 21 stalwarts from '35 in the Class picture. He incorrectly identified YOURS TRULY as PEARCE ALEXANDER. I am ho路 nored. Unfortunately, although I attended all four days, I missed the 1935 Class picture. Mea culpa. Puleeze! Drop me a line- you must have some news - a grandfather visiting you, a grandson playing for the Dallas Cowboys ... I'll answer it. Also, don't forget the Warner Fund. Class Agent: Dr. Orson H. Hart

After working in the roofing and sheet metal trade for about two years, RICHARD J.P . EICHACKER started the Portland Roofing Co., Inc. in 1955. He writes that the company is celebrating its 30th year. He plans to turn over the business to his son-in-law who now runs it. "He will carry on the company for me." After 37 years' residence in Northford, RICHARD HEMENWAY is now becoming a year-round resident of Block Island,

DR. HARRY DAVIS is "semi-retired" from the Maricupa County Health Department of Scottsdale, AZ. He notes that he


Julius Smith, D.M.D. 242 Trumbull St. Hartford, CT 06103

We received a note from GEORGE SLATER that he met CLIFF MORSE '31, at a Phillies game in Clearwater, FL. Your SECRETARY and wife, Lillian, will be in that southern state for the winter previous to retiring after 48 years of practicing dentistry. DR. "MIKE" ZAZZARO was the other 1932 dentist who retired from practice several years ago but maintains his position as secretary of the Connecticut State Dental Association. Another member of our Class nearing retirement is DR. DAVID GALINSKY, gastroenterologist of many years. A pleasant winter to all. Class Agent: Richard C. Meloy

has 11 children, the youngest being 13 and the oldest four in college! BENNETT GREENBURG writes news of his two daughters. Donna is on the staff of Mass. General Hospital and faculty of Harvard Medical School. She is an internist whose specialty is psychosomatic medicine. Janice is on the faculty of Marymount College of Arlington, VA in the department of fine arts. Your Reunion Committee is hard at work planning for a fabulous 50th Reunion Celebration. I am sure by now you have heard from BERT MOORE and SHERRY RAYMOND. Early indications point to a record turnout. Class Agent: Albert M. Dexter, Jr.


James M. F. Weir 27 Brook Rd. Woodbridge, CT 06525

ERNEST S. CORSO has been named to life fellow membership in the American Biographical Institute Research Association, an international organization which promotes fellowship among people through biographical research and communication. We are sorry to report the death of our class agent and loyal Trinity alumnus, DR. JOSEPH G. ASTMAN, in September (see In Memory). Our sympathies to his family.


Edward C. Barrett 52 Sowams Rd. Barrington, RI 02806

MILT BUDIN has recently retired and now lives at 4 Tanglewood Court, Bloomfield, CT 06002. He writes, "Just purchased new home and am now broke." Now that RICHARD CLOW is retired, he plans to live full time at his summer home on Vashon Island in the Puget Sound area. GREG GABOURY reports that he is "playing duplicate bridge, studying computers, and doing yard maintenance." HENRY HAYDEN, now doing interim ministries, is presently in Kapaau, Hawaii for 6 months and finds the "Big Island a fascinating place." ROBERT MUIR has moved from Maine to Rhode Island and notes that he is still active in racing horses, which he finds "fun and exciting." Class Agent: Ethan F. Bassford


Dr. Richard K. Morris 153 Kelsey Hill Rd. Deep River, CT 06417

Professor GUS ANDRIAN and wife, PEGGY (M.A. '66), took off for another sojourn in Spain, their visit coinciding with Trinity's Open Week in October. They were, hopefully, to be met by their daughter, BARRIE '79, of Bosham, England, and her husband, David Burden, who would be taking time out from his duties on the oil rigs in the North Sea. AL HOPKINS has been corresponding with GUS ANDRIAN, HERB BLAND, WALLY BORIN, DICK MORRIS and FRANK SHERMAN '50 about the "headcount" for the Class of 1940. How many of us are there? This is a difficult question for both the alumni office and ourselves, but AI will get to the bottom of it. The RT. REV. BISHOP BOB KERR, back from the 200th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, held at Anaheim, CA, plans retirement and awaits the appointment of a coadjutor who will one day replace him as bishop of Vermont. Interviewed for The Mountain Echo, with a fine series of portraits of the bishop, Bob says that in retirement he plans to write the history of the diocese, then, "I want to

much enjoy their life. As you may remem路 ber, Jack manages a Saudi Arabian consulting engineering firm. DR. JOHN CHURCHILL retired from a big hospital in Birmingham to the "serene Appalachians of the South" (Johnson City, TN) to write. He reports, "- now find a new career busy as the last with barely more time to write and less time to ponder my fate. This is as I would have it." JOHN BOND retired last year from teaching political science at the University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, CO. DON VINCENT and wife have settled down after traveling around the country since retiring in 1984. They have located in New Hartford, NY with a summer house in Fourth Lake, Old Forge, NY. BOB SIMPSON reports that his daughter graduated from Vanderbilt Law School in June; his son also graduated in June with a degree in computer engineering. Another daughter was just married. In addition to which they have a grandson of 6 months. A very busy spring? ED ROSEN reports that he continues to enjoy retirement in the Holy Land. Class Agent: Milford F. Rhines, Esq.

Headliners Robert M. Cooper '40 has retired as professor of English from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. In April, his book, The Literary Guide to Southern England, was published by Ohio University Press.

Elliott K. Stein '44 received the 1985 Lions Clubs' International President's Humanitarian Service Award, which is the highest award given by Lions International. Stein is managing editor of the Newport Daily News in Newport, RI.

43 travel, health and money permitting." The Holy Land, of course, is one of his objectives. In Anaheim, he met with LYMAN OGILBY Hon. '54, bishop of Pennsylvania, and ARTHUR WALMSLEY '48, bishop of Connecticut. With our own classmate, AL VAN DUZER, retired bishop of New Jersey, this makes a pretty impressive foursome of Trinity men in the hierarchy of the Episcopal Church. Professor Emeritus DICK MORRIS and his wife, Alice, were guests aboard the classic Crosby catboat of Captain ADRIAN K. LANE '41 on Fisher's Island Sound in July. The two old sailors had much to reminisce about, though Dick was embarrassed to catch in the prop a lobster buoy deftly removed by Marian, the captain's mate. In September, Dick and Alice endured ten days without light, heat and water following hurricane "Gloria." They were among the last in the state to have their electric power restored. "But it was nothing like the devastation of the Great Hurricane of 1938, when we were beginning our sophomore year at Trinity College," he concluded. That was the time that President Ogilby corralled the student body, including members of the Class of 1940, to sandbag the dikes of Hartford to hold back the rising waters of the Connecticut River. Captain Lane reported to Dick Morris, "I took my catboat up into the bullrushes behind Mason's Island (Mystic, CT) before 'Gloria' struck. Many damn fools don't know the power of a hurricane." President James F. English, Jr. wrote, "A real professional," and added that his own craft rode out the storm on its mooring in Noank "with nothing worse than a cockpit full of seawater and mud." Dick's boat, a 20-foot Eastporter, was hauled out in Saybrook the day before the storm and survived unscathed. In the last issue of the Reporter, BILL WOLF was referred to as a "Headliner." But then, Bill has been honored before by the College (Hon. S.T.D. '60) and his rep路 utation as theologian, author - and now novelist, is well known. STAN ALEXANDER writes that his brother has retired to LaJ oil a, CA. MILTON SAUL writes, "At my age, no news is good news. Planning to be at the 50th Reunion, in wheelchair if necessary,

on a pogo stick, iflucky!" RICHARD WALES was recently admitted to the Connecticut Association of Pur路 chasing Management. He notes that he is ''semi-retired.'' Class Agent: Walter E. Borin

JOSEPH CORMIER retired from The Travelers on 9/1/84 after 35 years of service. WILLIAM G. OLIVER, JR. notes that his daughter, Pamela, graduated from Wheaton College in May and was elected to the National Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi. G. KENT STODDARD has moved to California's north coast where he is writing a history of the Stoddard family dating back to 13th century in Yorkshire. He is also giving private lessons in painting and drawing. The July 26th issue of the Los Angeles Times describes the festive 70th birthday party of wine connoisseur GEORGE REESE. George has been interested in fine wine collection since 1937 when he attended a French class at Trinity and was asked by his French teacher to select a French vocabulary improvement project for his class. His eye caught the classroom wall French wine chart distributed by Antoine's restaurant of New Orleans. French wines became his choice and he has been at it ever since, improving both cellar and vocabulary. Class Agent: John T. Carpenter


Martin D. Wood Nat. Rural Electric Coop. Assoc. 1800 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20036

JACK SWIFT and Fran have been in Saudi Arabia for over 2 years. They very

John L. Bonee, Esq. 50 State St. Hartford, CT 06103

FRANK RACKEMAN advises us that he retired on January 4, 1985 after 30 years as general assignment reporter on the Evening Sun of Baltimore, MD, beginning November 8, 1954 to January 4, 1985, and as garden editor from March 1963 to January 4, 1985. BOB HINCKLEY also advises us that he retired in July of 1984 and is presently doing consulting work two days per week. He states that his wife, Betsy, is a travel agent and that she "brings home some goodies." As to his golf game, he is "still trying." JIM DENNY writes that he is a retired professor emeritus at West Virginia University. BOB GUNSHANAN advises us that he has retired from sales and now holds volunteer positions as curator of The King House Museum, Suffield, CT, and is a member of the Suffield Police Commission. CARL WILLIAMS tells us that he is still having fun teaching math, coaching skiing in the winter and canoeing in the summer. "I wish I could keep doing them for another 40 years," writes Carl. In April, 1985, STANLEY WOODWORTH published Glad to Remember, an "irreverent chronicle" of boarding school life. He writes that next summer he plans to take seven students on a 64-foot chartered yawl, starting on the island of Crete, 1600 sea miles, to visit the sites of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. "(Well, six of them: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were in what is now Iraq maybe a good place to stay away from just now.)" Class Agent: Thomas V. W. Ashton


Lockwood R. Doty II 3603 Oval Dr. Alexandria, VA 22305

JOHN DAY is "pleased and proud to be a grandfather to two males and a female." ANTHONY NEWTON of Mellor, Cheshire, England visited the campus in October. He spent one year at Trinity before returning to his native England to serve in the Royal Air Force during World War II. He was back in the United States for the first time since 1941 for his 45th reunion at the Westminster School in Simsbury, CT. Trinity alumni may remember him for hosting two visits of the Trin-

ity Choir to sing in his local parish in 1974 and again in 1976. He sends his greetings to all his former classmates and was impressed with how much Trinity has changed and grown since World War II days. LAURENCE ROBERTS, JR. just gave his 65th pint of blood. He also notes that his son, Mark, just passed multistate Vermont and professional standards sections of bar exams. JAMES STEVENSON began working as ship's carpenter in Noank, CT in April, 1985. He hopes to move to Mystic soon. Class Agent: Elliott K. Stein

LINCOLN COLLINS writes that he enjoys part-time work of auditing banks for the CPA firm of Shatswell, MacLeod and Co. in West Peabody, MA. MELVIN SMITH and his son, ROBERT '83, received degrees from the Hartford Graduate Center in June. Robert was awarded the master's degree in biomedical engineering, while his father received a master of science in management with a concentration in health care. Class Agent: Andrew W. Milligan

J. William Vincent 80 Newport Ave. West Hartford, CT 06107 During October, 1984, JOHN J. FERRANTE gave 17 concerts in 28 days of the "P.D.Q. Bach" comedy show in the United States and Canada. In November, 1984, he played "The Beadle" in "Sweeney Todd" with the Michigan Opera Theater in Detroit. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the "P.D.Q. Bach's" comedy show, four big shows were given at the Avery Fisher Hall in Lincoln Center in December, 1984. PAUL KINCADE is going to open an office as consulting and investigative hypnotist. He is listed in the 1985 International Who's Who in Crime Prevention. Class Agents: Siegbert Kaufmann David J. Kazarian, Esq.

Paul J. Kingston, M.D. Barbourtown Rd., RFD 1 Collinsville, CT 06022 GERALD ODENTZ writes news of his children. His daughter, Sheryl, was married to Brant Maller, an attorney, on June 23rd. A second daughter, Lauren, is a systems analyst with Data General. His son, Howard, is an English major at the University of Massachusetts. ART SEBELIUS is still researching the Sebelius name in Sweden. He has found over 100 related families, here and in Scandinavia; one, with both names identical to his, who lived in Connecticut and whom he had never seen until 4 years ago.


Rt. Rev. E. Otis Charles 4 Berkeley St. Cambridge, MA 02138

BRADFORD COGSWELL writes that he retired from Monarch Life in Spring-


Headliner Leonard E. Greenberg '48 has become chairman of the board of directors of Coleco Industries, Inc. The West Hartford, CT company is perhaps best known for its Cabbage Patch Kids dolls and accessories.

field, MA on August 1, 1985 after 35 years. "It is time!" he writes. DR. JOHN PETER FANDEL, JR. notes that he recently published a sequel to A Midnight Question entitled A Morning Answer. Both are reflections on prayer. PAUL KUEHN was recently elected president of the New England Cancer Society. ADAM LAZARRE has been appointed chairman of the department of theatre at SUNY College at Brockport, NY. He began his new duties on September 1. He will continue as director of the performing arts and as director of the Summer Theater Festival, posts he has held at the college for the past two years. MILTON BRAND writes that May 9th was the 25th anniversary of the founding of his firm, the Brand Group.



Charles I. Tenney, CLU Charles I. Tenney & Assoc. 6 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

JOHN BLAND writes that his daughter, Susan, will be initiated into the Phi Beta Kappa chapter at the University of Richmond. She graduated in May, 1985, receiving a B.A. degree in speech communication from Westhampton College of the University of Richmond. The REV. TED WEATHERLY wants to know if there are Trinity graduates in Macon, GA. I looked in the Trinity College Alumni 1983 book and at that time, Ted, there was an ANTHONY BURTON '72, and a ROSEMARY KOSEK M '69. I am sure you will have quite a flow of them to Macon, GA, if you're not quiet. However, we need to hear from you other '49ers. Class Agent: Joseph A. DeGrandi, Esq.


Robert Tansill 270 White Oak Ridge Rd. Short Hills, NJ 07078

DR. JOSEPH BENNETT's son, WADE, graduated from Trinity in the Class of 1985. BRENTON HARRIES has been named president and chief executive officer of Global Electronic Markets Company which is a joint venture of McGraw-Hill and Citibank. ERNEST SUNEGA is currently affiliated with Kaman Aerospace Corp., located in Bloomfield, CT. RONALD WATSON has recently retired after 31 years in public education (in· eluding 28 years as a high school principal and assistant principal). With sons 8 and 61/ 2, J. WILLIAM WETTER, JR. has become active in Little League as a coach, and also in the boys' school activities. He notes that he handled the sale of the home of BY BRIDGE '51. By has retired and moved to North Carolina. Class Agents: Scott Billyou John G. Grill, Jr.


Louis Raden General Tape & Supply, Inc. 7451 West 8-Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48221

Received a note from our class agent, JIM CURTIN, saying the dates are set for our 35th Reunion - June 13, 14 and 15, 1986. Set those aside on your work and home calendars now. BILL QUORTRUP called me from Dal· las, TX to bring me up to date on his success in the oil business. We reminisced on our Trinity days. BOB RICHMOND wrote me an informative letter saying that after 31 years in the field of education, he has made a significant career change transferring, as of September 1, from the U.S. Department of Education to the Treasury Department, accepting a position at the United States Mint in Philadelphia. He also made contact with NORM WACK, JOHN MeGA W and ROD CRITTENDEN, all of whom are interested in returning for our reunion. CLIFF STARK wrote me a long letter bringing me up to date on his four sons. His oldest, Jeff, and wife, Val, brought Cliff and Bev into the grandparent class on June 27th with the birth of Brian. Doug graduated with his M.B.A. from Boston College and is located in Boston. Phil is working and attending Nichols College. His youngest son, Steve, a super soccer prospect, chose Bryant College. Too bad - Trinity could use a good goal scorer. Cliff has shed 20 pounds since our last reunion and has taken up golf again. TED LAWRENCE and wife, Teddy, moved from Birmingham, MI, on June 30th to Hanover, NH, where they are building a house on a high hill viewing the mountains. Professionally, Ted is "moving across the desk" to manage his own account and trade options. He is very excited about their future. BILL AUSTIN is the Episcopal priest at the Hilo Campus Ministry in Hawaii. Bill said that this ecumenical ministry of the local churches is probably unique in the United States, if not the world, in that Protestant, Anglican, and Roman Catholic churches have combined to sponsor one single ministry. BRUCE HINKEL has been reassigned and is doing corporate business plans and organizational effectiveness work for AT&T in Parsippany, NJ. BILL VAUN is professor of medicine and assistant dean at Hahnemann University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, P A. BILL CONRAN wrote to tell us his daughter, Ciorsdan, is a member of Trini' ty's freshman class. KING HOWARD reports that his man· agement company is responsible for operation of a new Comfort Inn at T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rl. DAVE COLLIER wrote that he coauthored with his wife, Mary Alice, a new, illustrated history book entitled A Capital Place, the story of Trenton, NJ. Class Agent: James B. Curtin, Esq.

Douglas C. Lee P.O. Box 5321 Modesto, CA 95352

An official chronicler of the Class of 1952, I routinely receive the mailings which Syd and BOB BUFFUM send out from their Manasota Beach Club in Englewood, FL. Although I've never been a guest there, I am constantly amazed at the creativity and humor that they manage to pack into their brief mailing. On the front of the current mailing is a picture of Bob and Syd. They are sitting on a roof (presumably the beach club), and the message accompanying the picture says, "Join us on the house for the 25th Anniversary of the Manasota Beach Club." Bob is sitting on the peak of the roof with his legs out in front of him in a rather baggy-looking suit. His shirt is open and the necktie is barely hanging on, while his hat looks as though it's going to fall off the back of his head any second. Sort of like he used to look all the time after making the rounds of the various fraternity houses on Vernon Street back in undergraduate days. Syd is sitting on a folding chair (the kind they often have as emergency seating at churches and the YMCA), with her hand on Bob's shoulder. I'm unable to tell whether she is helping support him, or vice versa. Leaning against Syd's chair are a couple of suitcases and a tennis racquet, and she has a second racquet in her hand (it looks as if she needs a little support). The hat she is wearing appears to be a version of the one made famous by Carmen Miranda in the mid-' 40s. When you turn the page the message continues "unless you would rather be inside."

I'm not planning a trip this winter, but someday ... I'm going to take them up on their invitation . .. If the beach club is half as much fun as their modest promotional pieces, it should be a ball. After all that build-up, I would be greatly remiss if I didn't tell you how to make reservations. Call 813-474-2614. The season starts January 8th. As we are rapidly approaching our 35th reunion (1987) more and more the news is of retirements, and not what we're doing, but what our children are up to. TOM WARREN writes from Alexandria, VA that he recently retired from the U.S. Navy, after 31 years of service, and has recently taken up a position as a senior engineer at VSE Corporation in Alexandria. JOHN STEWART also penned a note from Brooklyn saying he will retire shortly from the geology department at Brooklyn College, CUNY. Future plans are uncertain, but it may include living in Barbados, BWI. YOURS TRULY continues to give advice to almond growers in the central valley of California. Farmers here abouts, as is the case everywhere, are having a very tough time, and it is spilling over to sup· pliers, consultants, etc. Fortunately, I put out a newsletter that seems to continue building circulation, and provides a little offset to the general farm malaise. My son, Brian, swam in the first annual Golden Gate Bridge Invitational Swim on the 29th of September. Starting point was Baker Beach on the San Francisco side and finishing point was the Sausalito Yacht Club on the Marin side. Due to heavy currents he did not finish the race (slightly over half of the participants did), but he's looking forward to giving it another try in 1986. My oldest son, David, was recently in Northern California interviewing law firms. He's been in Washington, D.C. the past 5 years working full time and attend· ing Georgetown School of Law nights. He finishes this coming spring, and appears to be headed back to the Golden State. Class Agent: William M. Vibert


Paul A. Mortell 757B Quinnipiac La. Stratford, CT 06497

PHILIP MALLON is the new owner of a restaurant and pub in Brownsville, VT (J.P. Mallon's Pub). The first beer is on Phil if you can find his pub. JOHN BIRD has been accepted as a candidate for deacon in the Episcopal Diocese Holy Orders. He is currently assistant director of the Alcoholism Council of Contra Casta, Inc. in Pleasant Hill, CA. Class Agents: Dirck Barhydt Peter B. Clifford Sanford A. Dwight


Theodore T. Tansi Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co. 1 American Row Hartford, CT 06103

On March 29, COLONEL PAUL W. ARCARI retired from the Air Force after more than 30 years of service. BERNARD BRASKAMP is manager/ market support planning for IBM Corp. in White Plains, NY. HENRY KIPP is active in the Society for Range Management and serves as chairman of the Northcentral New Mexico chapter. He gave a lecture on integrated forest-range-fire management at New Mexico State University recently in the College of Agriculture. MICHAEL MORPHY and CHRISTOPHER MORPHY '82 have formed MorMarketing, Inc. in Pasadena, CA. PAUL NEAL was recently elected chalice bearer for St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Wilton, CT where his daughter, Betsy, is head acolyte and his wife sings in the choir. THEODOR OXHOLM's daughter, Wendy, graduated from the University of Colorado in June, 1984, and was married the following April. TOBY SCHOYER writes that he ran into GENE SMITH in Munich and DON READ in Belfast last September. BRUCE SHAW is a partner in C&B Realty Co., president of Ballou Home for the Aged, and on the board of directors of the Woonsocket Kiwanis Club. BLAIR J.V. WORMER recently retired from Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. and is enjoying the "good life." Class Agent: Alfred M.C. MacColl


E. Wade Close, Jr. 622 West Waldheim Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15215

ROBERT S. FEINBERG lists his occupations as chemical plastics engineer, inventor-consultant, and manufacturingmarketing executive. He is co-chairman of Edgeroy Company in Ridgefield and Palisades Park, NJ. He holds 29 patents on marketed polymer and mechnical engineering products. ALVAN FISHER writes that his son, John, graduated from high school in June and is planning to attend the University of California at San Diego. His daughter, Andrea, is a freshman in high school and "doing much better than her dad ever did. Trinity '92?" His wife, Barbara, is a paralegal working on social security disability claims with the legal aid society. WILLIAM F. LaPORTE, JR. of West Hartford has been appointed vice president of Connecticut General Pension Services, Inc. JOHN MORRISON has recently authored a text on the insurability of punitive damages. This work was published by The National Underwriter and provides analysis and commentary on the critical and current issues relating to punitive damages considered by American and Canadian courts.

PETER NASH has been appointed principal of Scudder, Stevens & Clark, one of the largest independent counsel firms in the country. JOHN NYQUIST opened Vanderbilt and Company in St. Helena last summer. They specialize in hand-painted pottery dishes, table and bed linens, garden and park furniture. He writes, "If anyone's in the Napa Valley for wine tasting, stop in at 1429 Main Street and say hello. My grapes are still going into St. Clement's cabernet sauvignon wine."

ROBERT WELSH wrjtes that the "Mercedes is paid for." Class Agents: David S. Dimling William F. LaPorte, Jr.


Bruce N. MacDonald 1116 Weed St. New Canaan, CT 06840

DICK FLEMING has been 14 years now at the First United Methodist Church in Richardson, TX, as minister of music and worship. He serves a large congregation of 7000 and has been providing them with impressive chorale works by Mendelssohn and Bach throughout 1985. JOHN LIMPITLAW and his wife recently returned from a summer vacation in France where they visited their daughter, Amy, who is a member of the Trinity Class of 1986 and studying in Paris. RUSTY MUIRHEAD recently moved from Ross to the charming San Francisco Bay village of Sausalito - which puts him about 5 miles from BILL DAKIN. DON SCOTT sends the delightful news from Naples, FL, that he got married last May 25th to the former Gale Waterland. We are happy for you, Don. Finally, next year marks our 30th Reunion, which will be clebrated at the College in June of 1986. We should begin making plans for that always fun event, now. Class Agents: John D. Limpitlaw Bruce N. MacDonald


Paul A. Cataldo, Esq. c/o Bachner, Roche & Cataldo 55 W. Central St., Box 267 Franklin, MA 02038

News is relatively sparse as of the deadline date for submission of articles, which leaves me no alternative but to write about BILL LUKE. Bill continues to branch out and has purchased yet another Chevrolet Oldsmobile dealership and, as a result of his success, has been cited by Time Magazine, various automobile journals, the Chester County Press and various other publications either owned or operated by Bill or other members of his family. Bill is off to China for several weeks, where he hopes to open another agency selling bicycles in Canton. DICK BEHR has notified us of his recent marriage on June 15, 1985. Best of luck, Dick! LAIRD MORTIMER continues to show his interest in the College and its fraternities by serving on the Fraternity Advisory Board. CLINTON REICHARD had a surprise 50th birthday party thrown for him. When it came time for someone to jump out of the cake, out came Dick Behr, Clinton's old roommate. A great time was had by all. Fortunately, I receive my periodic correspondence from DAVE MAC ISAAC, who lets me know that he's still alive and occasionally sees DAVE McCRACKEN, alumni director at Troy State University

way down in Alabama. Dave bumped into JON REYNOLDS '59, Colonel, USAF, now our nation's air attache to the People's Republic of China. He tells me that Jon never got over the lemon squeezer deal in the Chapel. Dave suggests maybe some joint class reunions, as for example, Class of '55 through the Class of '59, which would take in other friends we had. Please let your CLASS SECRETARY know what you think of that. Dave ended by asking me if PAUL RUSSO really is still alive and whether or not we could get him out of the woods for the 30th Reunion. I'll do my best, Dave! Again my stern warning, send information or else. Class Agent: Frederick M. Tobin, Esq.


The Rev. Dr. Borden W. Painter, Jr. 110 Ledgewood Rd. West Hartford, CT 06107

FRANK CARUSO has assumed a new position as vice president, medical affairs for Roberts Laboratories in Red Bank, NJ. ART POLSTEIN now works for USAir in Pittsburgh. On a recent trip to England, Art found time to visit Trinity College, Oxford. GUS CROMBIE serves as a financial analyst for Hamilton Standard and lives in nearby Manchester. Gus, MIKE ZOOB and I were among the fathers of '58 bringing sons and daughters to visit Trinity in September as part of the alumni office's annual program for the offspring of alumni and faculty interested in applying to alma

mater. DAVE SMITH has been on leave from Duke University, where he is a member of the mathematics department. Dave was a scholar-at-large of the United Negro College Fund at Benedict College in South Carolina last year. This year he will serve as a visiting scientist of the Minority Access to Research (MARC} Program of the NIH. REM ROSE currently lives in Macon, GA, where he continues doing freelance editing, assists in alcohol rehabilitation counseling and participates in The Life Training, the International Who's Who in Education. For some years now, Peter has edited the Virgin Island Education Review as public information director for the Virgin Island department of education. Class Agent: Joseph J. Repole, Jr.


Paul S. Campion 4 Red Oak Dr. Rye, NY 10580

JIM HARROD's older son, Steven, is a member of the freshman class at Trinity. SINCLAIR MARTEL is still living in the Washington, D.C. area. Last July he changed jobs to become commanding officer of the Navy Operational Intelligence Center. He writes, "With both children (Beth and Chuck) graduating from college in 1986, that looks to be the year for Jean and me to move on to new horizons." Class Agent: William J . Schreiner


Robert T. Sweet 4934 Western Ave. Chevy Chase, MD 20816

Our 25th reunion was the success we all expected. For those who did not read the fall Reporter, GEORGE KROH, BOB PEDEMONTI, and LEE KALCHEIM garnered awards for excellence and achievement. Those who did read the Reporter saw our reunion leaders BOB JOHNSON, MAC COSTLEY, and PETE TSAIRIS pointing to the troops who made

Headliner Peter F. Mackie '63 has assumed new responsibilities as president of Bankers Trust Company of Florida, N.A. His office is in Palm Beach.

it so successful. BOB BEAVEN is now a partner in Private Capital Partners in New York. CHARLES BERGMANN made the trip east from Seattle where he is involved in architecture and urban planning. KARL KOENIG sends a note that his children are following in the footsteps of Ph.D. dad. Karl has seen them through Harvard, Colgate, Oxford, and a Phi Beta Kappa at Trinity. ANTHONY PHILLIPS is now professor of art at the Art Institute of Chicago and has won a number of awards for exhibited works. WOODY OSBOURNE, unable to attend the reunion, sent a note of his activities. He and his wife are restoring a 100-yearold house on Capitol Hill (Washington, D.C., for those in Hartford, Albany, Trenton, etc.). NED CHALKER and DAVE RUTHERFORD also missed the reunion to work on a 100-year-old artifact - but in their case it was a sailboat and not a house. We have also heard from S. WOODRUFF BENTLEY. Now retired from a successful Air Force career, Stewart is working for the Secretary of Defense as a civilian in the criminal investigation unit. His wife is a division manager for a Northern Virginia insurance firm, and his children are at the University of Chicago, the Citadel, and the youngest is in high scho.:>l. As a final request, please send any notes of interest, and keep in mind that even if you fail to send items your SECRETARY may spot your name in the public press which he will duly note. In this last regard, I have observed a publication on growth stocks by BUD ANDERSON and work in the sporting world by MATT LEVINE. With the success of our 25th so close, I don't think it is too early to start thinking about the 30th. If you have any thoughts don't hesitate to contact me or the alumni office.

~Reunion 61

Class •



Gordon P. Ramsey, Esq. Ramsey and Murray One Washington Mall oston, MA 02108

PETER POSTMA is now employed by Braniff and Braniff in Houston, TX. WARREN SIMMONS announces the birth of Tyler Maxwell Simmons on 2/1/85. DANIEL THURMAN wrote that he was looking forward to his daughter, Erica's, graduation from Trinity in May. His second child, Josh, has just finished his first year at Harvard, and Peter, age 16, is still in high school. CARL ZIMMERMAN is moving from Illinois to a large century-old house in Webster Groves, MO. This location will be closer to his and his wife's workplaces. Carl is employed by Monsanto. Class Agent: DaleN. Peatman


Francis J. Cummings, M.D. 55 Chapin Rd. Barrington, RI 02806

A variety of news items has come to our attention recently. ALLAN RUDNICK and his wife, Paula, proudly announce the arrival of their daughter, Allison Hayley, born February 5, 1985 in Encino, CA. Allan is a partner at Beer Steans Asset Management in Center City, Los Angeles, and Paula is an independent TV producer at Universal Studios. DEYAN BRASHICH may lay claim to being in the family with the most Trinity alumni - 7 - and there is at least another coming in 1986. CHARLIE JOHNS has been elected to the vestry of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Bethlehem, PA beginning January 1, 1985. He also serves as chairman, building-up-of-the-church committee, a cantor, and a lay reader. In addition, Charlie completed the March of Dimes' 25-k "Walk America" in Allentown, PAin the spring. A few other "jocks" wrote to us. JIM WHITTERS ran this year's Boston Marathon. CHARLIE CLASSEN planned a sixday kayak trip down the Salmon River (The River of No Return) in Idaho with his family, and also a tour through the national parks of the West. ALAN COYNE has settled on the beautiful island of Hilton Head, SC, where he sells resort-residential real estate. Alan and his wife, Deanna, have four children - Andrew, 11; Amy, 8; Ian, 6; and Matthew, 4. They moved from Chicago five years ago. FRED METCALF has been hired as a special projects developer for a suicide prevention center. He also continues to do a lot of writing, editing, revising and researching. "SKIP" McNULTY wrote to mention he has moved from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, PA, where he is rector of Calvary Church, the largest Episcopal church in the area. He has written a new book on "process theology" entitled Co-Creators with God, which was published in the Spring of 1985 by Sheed and Ward (Leaven Press). That's all for 1985. Class Agent: Samuel Bailey IV, Esq.


Timothy F. Lenicheck 25 Kidder Ave. Somerville, MA 02144

BOB BYLIN has returned from Paris, and is back home in Cupertino, CA. MICHAEL DALY has been elected president of the New England Hospital Assembly in Boston. The June 7, 1985 issue of the Rochester, NY Times-Union describes the sailmaking workshop of STEPHEN HAARSTICK, one of the top dozen single-site sail workshops in the country. The article says that the designs were developed by Steve who has been around sailboats all his life. LLOYD REYNOLDS writes that Rey-

Headliner Dr. Edward J. Lazzerini '65 has received the University of New Orleans' 1985 Excellence in Teaching Award given by the University's Alumni Association. A member of the UNO faculty since 1973, he specializes in Russian history with a particular interest in the Moslems in the Soviet Union.

nolds Marine (charter sailing yachts) continues to enjoy success under the outstanding management of Rachael and ROBERT POPE of Fort Lauderdale, FL. (Both Rachael and Robert now fly for Pan Am.) Another successful Trinity joint venture! DAVID WICKS, JR. has been elected president of Criterion Investments, Inc. of Houston, TX. CYRIL YONOV has been named technical manager of Asia/Pacific international division for Owens-Corning. He will be located at the company's headquarters in Toledo, OH. Class Agent: Rev. Michael A. Schulenberg

64 38

Keith S. Watson, Esq. 8520 River Rock Ter. Bethesda, MD 20034

ROBERT BENNETT plans to do his senior year at divinity school in 1985-86 at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, OH. He hopes to be ordained to the Episcopal diaconate and priesthood in 1986 and 1987. He invites all to come and visit- he bought a new house in October, 1984. BEVERLY COINER continues to work in advertising as writer, president and owner of Coiner, Garcia and Associates. LT. COL. JURI RANDMAA was made a colonel in the Air Force in May, 1985. JAMES C. ROWAN, JR. has been elected assistant vice president at The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. He is responsible for the management of the investment department. Class Agent: Kenneth R. Auerbach


grams in the area of economic development. In July, DAVID WILLIAMS was promoted to professor of medicine at Rhode Island Hospital - Brown University. DICK GANN was recently elected chairman of a technical study group formed in connection with the U.S. Cigarette Safety Act of 1984. He continues as chief of the fire measurement and research division of the National Bureau of Standards. DICK MECK, Colonel U.S. Air Force, is now studying at the Naval War College in Newport, Rl. His address is Jackson Court, Fort Adams, Newport 02840. DAVE CARRAD has left private practice and joined the legal staff of W.L. Gore & Associates in Newark, DE. The firm manufactures a variety of products including rainwear. CHARLIE MEECH writes from London to report he is now managing director of Maryland Bank International. He was formerly with Norwest American Bank's European subsidiary, Merchant Bank, which Maryland National Banking Corporation acquired with Charlie's assistance, and renamed. DAVID RA WLINGS writes that his daughter is presently a freshman at Trinity. Speaking of freshmen, this year's Class of 1989 (gasp!) are keeping your SECRETARY and his library colleagues on the qui vive. Planning continues for the future automated library system at Trinity, the central element of which will be an online public access catalog. Within the foreseeable future a bank of computer terminals will displace the card catalog, and the increased search capabilities the new system offers will greatly improve access to the library's collections. That's all for now, and remember to keep me posted on news you would like to share with your classmates.

Peter J. Knapp 20 Buena Vista Rd. West Hartford, CT 06107

The Class of '65 continues to show distinction in a variety of fields. JOE MOORE currently is a doctoral candidate at Fordham University's School of Social Science. With his comprehensive exams successfully completed, Joe is now at work on his dissertation. VINCENT LOMBARDO reports that this past February he was appointed assistant director in the data processing department at Travelers Insurance Company in Hartford. DICK KIRBY writes from Dungannon, VA, near the borders of Tennessee and Kentucky, that he and his partner, Tom Bledsoe, are working on a recording of traditional mountain music. They have written a play with this music as accompaniment and are performing widely. Dick is also involved with a headstart program and teaches American history at the local community college. JOHN ROZETT is working for the New York State Assembly's Program Development Group, part of Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink's staff. The Group is formulating pro-

Dr. Randolph M. Lee Office of College Counseling Trinity College Hartford, CT 06106 We received a number of notes over the past month and hope that we will hear from you all between now and our 20th reunion in June. One of them was from BOB POWELL who was recently appointed senior vice president and branch manager of Johnson and Higgins of Tennessee, Inc. Another classmate in presidential ranks is PETE KOEHN, who just concluded a term as president of the faculty union at the University of Montana during what he described as a modestly successful legislative year. PETE PERHONIS wrote to say that he just completed an American version of the play "No Great Brilliant Waltz," by Drago Jancar, the Yugoslavian novelist and playwright.

TOM HART wrote to say that his wife, Christopher Jane Corkery, just had her book of poems, Blessing, published by Princeton University Press. MARTY GALL is in the midst of his sabbatical from Upjohn working until July at Columbia University with Professor Clark Still on molecular modeling and computer chemistry. Marty and his family are living at 1291 Dickerson Road in Teaneck, NJ 07666 during this year. WealsohearthatPAUL EDMONDS has a new position as vice president of research and development for the Genisco Computer Corporation of Costa Mesa, CA. Paul's son, Trevor James, was born in September, 1984. PAUL HOPKINS also has a new child, a daughter, Elizabeth. Paul didn't mention Elizabeth's birthdate. DWAINE STONE has a new position as a general and vascular surgeon in the Superior Clinic of Superior, WI. We heard from JOHN COLVIN who is an insurance broker with Bayly, Martin and Fay in Los Angeles, and is also now attending law school. John and his wife have two children, Amanda and Ted (11 and 9 years old, respectively). Finally, FORD BARRETT writes to tell us that he took his oldest son, Blair, 5, skiing in West Virginia last February, and despite frequent falls and tears Blair has become a committed skier. Class Agent: William H. Schweitzer, Esq.


Robert E. Brickley 10 Banbury Lane West Hartford, CT 06107

CHARLIE JACOBINI was always a pretty smart guy. He writes that in June of this year after serving the State Department as foreign service officer in Tokyo, he has moved to Cairo, where he will be the financial attache at the embassy there. Another of our fellow classmates getting it done is TOM RIPLEY who has been appointed general manager of health care information systems in Europe for Baxter Travenol in Brussels. Nice to see our class taking on such an international involvement. Not to be outdone on the international side of things, MIKE MacLEAN writes that he was recently elected president of the London and district branch of the Clan MacLean Association and has resided in Wimbledon, England since February of 1983. A happy note arrived from MIKE FERGUSON who was married "some years ago" to Alison. He announces the birth of their first child, Ian, on 118/85 (see Births). BILL SIGFRIED has notified the alumni office that he has recently moved to Matthews, NC, where he is employed with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. And that's about all regarding individual moves and motion within the Class of '67. I would like to take a liberty not necessarily afforded the job as Class Secretary and bring you up to date on some of the happenings within the National Alumni Association you may be interested in. Many of you will remember BILL "THE JABBERING RABBIT" SCHWEITZER when he played goal for the Trin soccer team. Well, Bill is out of goal but his enthusiasm and verve remain well intact both as a successful attorney in Washington and most recently as the newly appointed president of the Trinity College National Alumni Association. As they used to say in the military, those of us on the executive committee of the Association have been asked to put our boots on. I would like to give you a few details. The executive committee is restructuring by-laws, statement of purpose, and responsibilities to allow more active and meaningful input by the alumni/ae into the life and development of the College. We feel strongly our influence should be more widespread geographically and establish a

network for clearer communications to the entire alumni body as a whole: Career counseling connections for graduating students in major cities and interviews by alumni with prospective incoming freshmen are just a couple of specific examples of programs being implemented. We are in the process of analyzing how to further support alumni fund activities. We are trying to more fully understand our role within the larger Trinity College community. In short, we feel we have the commitment of important, capable people within our executive committee to begin a five-toten-year plan directed at heightening visibility and effectiveness of your alumni association. It's exciting! The rabbit's got us on the move. Any input any of you might provide would be greatly appreciated. WILLIAM BLOCK, JR. was recently made vice president of operations, and a director of the newspaper, Toledo Blade, and its parent company, Blade Communications, Inc. This year, as chairman of the newspaper's 150th anniversary, he coordinated the publishing of a 400-page book about the history of the newspaper. He also serves on the boards of the Toledo Recycling Center, the Toledo Suzuki Institute, and that of his daughter's school. Two of his daughters play the violin - Diana, at 12, "is doing fairly well with Vivaldi concertos." JESSE H. BREWER III has been remarried to Pat Sparkes, who is from Vancouver. He has been a professor at U.B.C. since 1977. His son, Jedidiah, was born in 1980 and his daughter, Rebecca, joined the family in 1983. He bought his first home in 1984. KEVIN DALY recently made his Carnegie Hall debut in a revival of Jerome Kern's 1919 musical, "Zip! Goes a Million."

CHARLES KURZ met JEFF FOX while both of them were bicycling on Sanibel Island, Florida on Aprill9. "A nice place to see fellow classmates," he notes. DR. PAUL SCHEINBERG is practicing pulmonary medicine in North Atlanta. He relates that he just took in a new associate and also built a new home. He has been elected chief of the section of internal medicine at St. Joseph Hospital. He is actively developing a new physiologically-based smoking-cessation program. His family wife, Suzy, and sons, David, 6, Jacob, 4, and Daniel, 2 are all well. He would welcome a call from classmates passing through Atlanta. GEOFFREY WHITE and his wife, Eleanor, have built a house on Martha's Vineyard, and, until their son, Hubbard, starts school in a few years, they plan to continue living there half the year and in Philadelphia the other half. All for now. Thanks. Class Agent: Roger K. Derderian


Edward F. George, Jr. 19 Eastern Ave. Arlington, MA 02174

STU EDELMAN, GEORGE FOSQUE, DAN GOLDBERG, and KIM MILES met in early March for a glorious week of skiing in Jackson Hole, WY. TOM GETZENDANNER writes that he enjoyed the London gathering with President English last fall. His sixth child, Susan Kathryn, was born in June. "Sure hope President Reagan's 'pro-family' tax revolution occurs soon," he writes. WILLIAM E. MacDONALD III has been named executive vice president of National City Bank in Cleveland, OH. GEORGE MINUKAS has been promoted to regional planning engineer of the southern region for the CL&P Co., which is located in Stamford, CT. After ten "exciting and rewarding years

wallcovering manufacture and sales. LOUIS N. SLOCUM III recently accompanied JIM STUFFLEBEAM and his wife, Lois, to the enchanting, seedy section of Tiajuana where they discovered an "awesome rendering on black velvet of a weeping Elvis Presley. Who says science majors have no appreciation of art?" he asks. In July, HENRY SMITH was promoted to manager of general banking for Bank of Bermuda, Ltd. BENNETT TABER obtained his commercial pilot's license with instrument and multi-engine ratings. He is general manager of Alaska Repertory Theatre and lives in Anchorage. KENT TARPLEY has begun serving as rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Sheboygan Falls, WI. BEVERLY DIAMOND THURBER is an English teacher at Champlain Valley Union High School in Hinesburg, VT. Class Agent: Theodore J. Kowalski, M.D.

working with kids in independent school," FRANKLIN MOORE has returned to the government securities business and is now with the Chase Manhattan Treasury Corporation in its Boston office. ROBERT S. PRICE delivered a paper, "Gas Development in the Soviet Winter" at the Raw Materials Conference of the International Fertilizer Association in Palm Springs, CAin September, 1984. Class Agent: Richard P. Morris


Frederick A. Vyn 112 Suffolk Crescent Brentwood, TN 37027

MICHAEL BEAUTYMAN has moved to Philadelphia to become the coordinating partner for the health care group at Drinker, Biddle and Reath. DR. MARK EDINBERG is a clinical psychologist and director of the Center for the Study on Aging at the University of Bridgeport. EDWARD HILL has been elected a corporator of The Banking Center, a Waterbury, CT savings bank. RABBI ANDREW HILLMAN writes that he is "enjoying Florida's Space Coast, a growing congregation, and his family." He sends his regards to all. MILES KING has returned to San Francisco with a promotion to western regional manager for Hay Management Consultants. ANDY MASSIE was recently named a managing director at Scudder Stevens & Clark (investments counselors). For the past three years he has managed the Scudder Capital Growth Fund which now has assets of $340 million. Since July, JAMES F. SCHUMAKER has been working in Leningrad, USSR as the number two person at our consulate. He has hosted visits to Leningrad by the Agriculture Secretary and HUD Secretary. He says, "Classmates should visit. Don't worry about NPPD." LEIGHTON L. SMITH moved to Virginia in August. He works in McLean in human factors engineering research. J. AVERY SNYDER is director of educational services in Wayne, PA. He is the father of four-month-old twin girls. Class Agent: W. Frederick Uehlein, Esq.


John L. Bonee III, Esq. One State St. Hartford, CT 06103

JAMES BOLAN sends greetings from "exotic Boston." He hopes to return for reunion but "the press of business may dictate otherwise," (sounds just like a lawyer). He says, "It was good seeing ALAN GIBBY's house in 'Witness.' My how Lancaster has improved!" he adds. JOHN CHAPIN's popular Hartford restaurant, Shenanigans, was featured in the Hartford Courant's 8/4/85 edition. In addition to the fine food served, the jazz programming undertaken by John has given the establishment a distinctive reputation. THOMAS P. LOM has been promoted to executive vice president of Saatchi & Saatchi Compton, Inc. In February, Sharon and RAY McKEE received custody of Carly, a Korean orphan born last September. They are in the process of adopting her. An interesting letter arrived from CHARLES SAGER. Previously a vice president of Rothschild, he left that position a year ago to act as venture capital consultant to start-up companies. While the consulting work has been rewarding and challenging, he and his wife are taking advantage of a rare opportunity to take a few years off. They have acquired a 37' fiberglass sailboat and left New York in September for an extended sailing journey

72 Susan Martin Haberlandt '71 became the first woman to receive the Trinity Club of Hartford's annual award for community and College service when she was presented with the award at the club's annual banquet in November. A member of Trinity's Athletic Advisory Committee and vice president for admissions of the National Alumni Association, she is also class secretary for '71. She is director of college counselling at the Kingswood-Oxford School. Here she is congratulated by Don Reder '69, chairman of the nominating committee of the Trinity Club of Hartford.

around the world. "Provided we can make the transition from our current life and work styles and not get bored, we will probably be gone three years. Our general course is west. We plan to pass through the Panama Canal late in February and end up in New Zealand by December, 1986. After that, the itinerary gets a little hazy, with the major current choices being a side trip(?) to Japan or continuing through the Indian Ocean to South Africa." WILLIAM SEARLE writes that he has completed his second book on computer programming which was due to be published in May of '85. DAVID WOLFF, who was married in 1984, and his wife are the proud parents of David Wolff, born 3/28/85. He notes that he works for IBM in the national accounts division headquarters in White Plains, NY. Class Agent: Alan S. Farnell, Esq.

ALEX ACHIMORE writes that he has been married for many years to Judith McKibben. He is an associate at ELS Architects and is directing current projects in Honolulu, Phoenix and Denver. GREGORY BEEDY writes that he is "busy using our own products to build internal business systems as director of MIS Development at Cullinet Software in Westwood, MA." He notes that he is "raising Diana (5) and Elizabeth (2) with Helen," and that Babson M.B.A. courses keep

him busy in his spare time. CHRIS CURWEN and his wife were expecting their second child in June. BRUCE DERRICK writes that he left academic surgery at Temple Hospital in Philadelphia, P A for private practice in Bucks County, P A. His sons, Matt and Zach, send best regards to their aunt, LYNNE '73. DEBORAH ENDERSBY GWAZDA writes that her third son was born last October. They all live in a "wandering old house in Pennington, NJ. It requires lots of work to restore and/or make livable." She spends extra time as an artist/craftswoman. JOEL HOUSTON is a vice president at CAHA in Mamaroneck, NY. RUSSELL KELLEY is deputy general counsel at Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corporation in Mountain View, CA. DAVID KIMBALL is president of Kimball Building Works, Inc. in Florida. MARK MACOMBER is now flying copilot on Boeing 737's for Delta Airlines. He has been promoted to major in the Air Force Reserves, flying C-130H's as flight examiner and instructor pilot. JOHN GASTON writes that he and his wife, Gloria, are now parents of two sons, David Keith (4) and Kevin Oliver (2). BILL OVERTREE notes that he has the "same profession, same home, same kids," but that he is now a Westerner. He lives in Tempe, AZ and "welcomes visits from old Trinity friends." JOHN ROLLINS is comptroller for Yale University Press. DR. GLENN RYER recently moved to Abington, PA with his wife, Hillary, and his son, Evan. TOM SASALI is assistant controller for Frazee Industries, high quality paint and

On a recent trip out west I was fortunate enough to catch up with a few old friends. JAY GOODWIN has just finished building a beautiful home on the side of a mountain in Telluride, CO. In his spare time he fishes, hunts and singlehandedly battles the polit' ical bosses of the town. JEFF KUPFERMAN continues to enjoy the climate of Santa Barbara. He has plenty of fresh fruit in his back yard and is only an exhausting twenty-minute jog from the beach. TOM ROBINSON is torn between the careers of television and education, but he still has time to take off occasionally for a surf in the cool waters of Northern California. Also out west, IRV "The Times They are a Changin' " PRICE has earned the title of vice president of real estate for the Colorado National Bank in Littleton. ANDY CUELLAR is a deputy district attorney in Oakland. PAUL AMBROSINI is an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University. He also will function as a director of a child depression clinic. ANTHONY MARCHETTI is currently practicing critical care medicine in New York City. Turning to the arts, PETER GRIESINGER has just produced a short video entitled "The Merchant People." It is an authentic presentation of traditional American values for classroom discussion and enrichment. ROBERT D'AGOSTINO is in the sixth year of private practice in Canton, MA. His specialty is family medicine. ANDREW GAINES says, "Call or write me for I.R.A. and annuities info." His address is 661 N. 50th Street, Omaha, NE 68132. JOHN GOULD recently organized a new interdenominational Christian church. His wife, Brenda, is completing a B.S.N. degree. Their children are John III (15), Rebecah (13) and Darius (8). DR. LARRY K. GRAVES has just moved to General Electric Space Center as senior systems analyst. GEORGE GRAVES is completing an academic year as a journalist-in-residence at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He will be returning to his job as associate opinion page editor of The Louisville Times in Kentucky. (The journalist-in-residence program is a national competition for journalists. Recipients receive salary and the chance to pursue any course of study at the University.) OLIVIA HENRY has been working for the State of New Hampshire for 10 years,


Headliner A first book by Michael Battle '73, Voices of Experience, was published by Martin Luther King Fellows Press. The book contains the autobiographical statements, in article form, of ten prominent black clergymen who have made significant contributions to the ministry, and who have been in the ministry for more than 20 years.

the first 4 as a psychologist/treatment coordinator in the juvenile correctional rehabilitation facility. Her duties include program planning, staff supervision and counseling. Her other interest is photography. She exhibits her work in juried shows and sells it through art associations. She's considering broadening her involvement in this activity. She says she's considering a career change, looking into working in private industry in human resource management, employee assistance, international work. "Any ideas?" she asks. DICK HESS is a full-time grad student with two jobs and he also does volunteer work, so "I'm keeping pretty busy." He recently vacationed in Mexico with his sister, LIBBY '75. ANTHONY JENNEY just completed defense of his Ph.D. dissertation in electrical engineering at the University of Vermont. BERT LUCAS has been promoted to national sales manager at Fortune Systems Corporation. DANIEL A. REIFSNYDER, a foreign affairs officer for the Department of State, writes that he had dinner with ADAM WALMUS in early April. Adam now works for the Veterans Administration in Houston, TX. Daniel also got together with DAVID McCLOUD and his wife, Roberta, in March,. just before their departure for Nairobi, Kenya, where Roberta begins her first overseas assignment. David plans to free-lance there. BARBARA SAWBRIDGE has been in England for nine years, although her original intentions were to stay for only six months. Her husband, Nick, is English, and their 21/ 2 year old daughter is "half/Brit, half/Yank." she writes that she'd be happy to hear from old friends. Class Agent: Harvey Dann IV 1/ 2


Kenneth M. Stone 2221 Empress Dr. St. Louis, MO 63136

ELIZABETH HARVEY ADAMS writes, "My years since graduation have been anything but dull. After three years working in Washington, D.C., with 11/2 years on Jaworski's Watergate Staff, I moved with my foreign service officer husband to Zanzibar, then Brussels, back to D.C. and now Budapest. Coping with life behind the Iron Curtain cconsumes any time left over from my four and one-yearolds, but I trust anyone coming this far will call me." STEVEN BARKAN's book, Protesters on Trial, was published by Rutgers University Press this fall. DIANA KIRK '75 and HARRY BARRETT have one child, Benjamin, who is almost 3, and expected their second child in October. ELIZABETH CHAMISH is a regular book reviewer for the Christian Science

Monitor. JOANNE WILLIAMS COUTRAKON wrote that she expected the birth of her third child, a son, in May. IRA MOWITZ has been a visiting composer at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics at the Department of Music at Stanford University. SUSAN SNYDER PRICE is an attorney in Denver, CO. ROBIN PURVIN moved to New York City, NY in June where she is working in public relations. Her husband, Jonathan, will be starting a residency at St. Vincent's Hospital. KATHLEEN ALLING RAYMOND, Esq. was elected the state's attorney of Jefferson County in November, 1984. She continues to reside in Mt. Vernon, IL with her husband, David, and their four-yearold daughter, Britte Lee. ADRIAN THOMAS writes that the "welcome mat is always out for Trinity students or staff passing through Hong Kong." JOHN TYLER will be on a leave of absence from his job at Groton during the academic year 1985-86 and will be a visiting scholar at Wolfson College, Cambridge, England. He also has a book which was due out in October entitled Smugglers arul Patriots: Boston Merchants and the Advent of the American Revolution. MARK and Margie Morrison ZIVIN "were blessed with twin boys, Jacob Aaron and Samuel David, on 7/11/85." Class Agent: Stanley A. Twardy, Jr., Esq.


James A. Finkelstein c/o The Wyatt Company 9339 Genessee Ave. Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92121

The fall brings new news of several of our classmates. The REV. DAVE TAYLOR was selected as the new minister for Church and Society of the Connecticut Conference for the United Church of Christ. This appointment was effective on June 17th. LEVA UN BELL GRAULTY writes that her husband, Bill, and she continue to thrive on Berkshire living, especially the year-round activities of cross country skiing and summer Tanglewood concerts! "It's impossible to take advantage of everything the Berkshires offer," Levaun notes, "so we occasionally sit back and enjoy being at home in Stockbridge, MA with our two children, Sarah (age six) and Lyon (age three)." Levaun is working at Miss Hall's School in Pittsfield and free-lancing as an educational psychologist and learning disabilities specialist. HEIDI JACOBUS writes that they have just moved to Ann Arbor, MI. Her husband has joined the Industrial Technology

Institute (applied robotics). Their children are Monica, 3, and Patrick, 1. She says that she "may go back to finish my all-butdissertation in computer science." They are enjoying Ann Arbor. GLENN "OTTO" PREMINGER proudly notes the birth of twins (see Births). Congratulations, Otto! You must really have your hands full. While not tending to baby affairs, Otto is assistant professor of urology/radiology at the Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, TX. In the baby announcement column you will also find proud papas BILL BROUSE, DAVE DOERGE, JAY MOLLER, BILL ORFITELLI, BILL LAWSON and YOUR SECRETARY, and proud mamas CATHY GREEN and VALERIE BARNES. We also heard from LYNNE BUCHWALD, who notes that she has started her own consulting company in the field of software engineering and reliabili ty. Lynne has already landed a major contract with AT&T and Bell Labs. Congratulations, Lynne! FELICITY TUTTLE left the Middlesex District Attorney's office on maternity leave and decided she wanted to balance her time between caring for daughter, Katie, and.working with her husband, Jim Weisman, who is also an attorney. JOAN L. JEFFERYS (DAVIES) notes that she is a statistician/analyst at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. DAVID YERKES is working in Stamford as a tax attorney for the Continental Group, Inc. and was recently named director, international tax, for the company. His wife, Debbie, and he are expecting their first child in December. Having just completed a "lengthy and ruinously expensive home renovation effort," DAVID SELTZER says he realizes he should have "majored in shop and not urban studies." Keep those cards and letters coming they are dwindling! Class Agent: Karen Tucker


Gary Morgans, Esq. 638 Independence Ave. SE Washington, D.C. 20003

In 1985 KATHERINE EPES BARRETT received her M.S. degree in information from George Washington University. DEBORAH McAFEE BAYER has beerr accepted as a student (Class of '89) at the New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine. She expected to begin last August. SYLVIA BREWSTER and her husband, BEN, live in Kennebunk, ME with their two children, Stephanie, 10, and Alec, 8. She is "pleased to report" that she plans to resume her education next September as a first-year student at the University of Maine School of Law in Portland. BRIAN GREENFIELD is a child psychiatrist at McGill University School of Medicine. MARGIE BAIN HUOPPI and her husband and two sons spent a month in England and Scotland this summer on a sabbatical grant from Pomfret School. PHOEBE KAPTEYN WILLIAMS is at home in Stockbridge, MA taking care of a six and seven-year-old and " looking forward to our third child in November." KIYOSHI MATSUMI is assistant manager in the carbon products department of the Mitsubishi Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. DANIEL W. REESE of Citibank has been awarded his master's degree in business policy from Columbia University's master's degree program for executives. This four-term graduate business program permits executives to enhance their professional skills without interrupting their careers. All participants must be sponsored by their organizations.

DR. RICHARD SLUTSKY and his wife, Susan, recently relocated to Yorktown Heights, NY. He wishes to announce the opening of his dental practice in Peekskill, NY. STEVE THOMAS received his J.D. degree in May and is an associate with McKiernan, Garolla, Miriwaki and Brady in Los Angeles, CA. KATE WOODWORTH has been named advertising and public relations director of Stein Eriksen Lodge and Olympic Conference Center in Park City, UT. Class Agent: Benjamin Brewster

A. Hobart Porter 10 West 66th St. New York, NY 10023 KAREN JEFFERS and your SECRETARY are working with the alumni office on Reunion #10. Let someone know if you have ideas or want to help us get 100% turnout! As for class notes, babies rather than graduate degrees are the hot topic, and as a recent father (son, Andrew Roberts see Births), I wholeheartedly recommend trying it. ROB MEYERS and wife, Betsy, also had an August arrival, daughter Abigail, and I've learned that DEBBIE PACKER's son, who should be two years old by now, has potential as a future oarsman. Many other "births" have been noted before and I hope all of the new generation can join the reunion. Information about several weddings has also come in this quarter. ELIZABETH SMITH HOWARD was married on June 29 (see Weddings), and Trinity was well represented by JEFF KELTER, GINO BARRA, JANE OLBERG PROWELL and husband, BILL, STACIE HE WIT '77, and TERRY MICHEL GUMZ. TOM SHULTZ also took a bride this year. Trinity was well-represented by classmates CHRIS JENNINGS, PHIL OSMAN '77, GEORGE STEELE, JON DONNELLY, MIKE MOFFIT and BILL PETERSON '77, along with the Class of '77 representation of BRIAN McFADZEN, BOB GREENAWALT and BILL HORN, and veteran BILL BROUSE '74. Other news- GERRY LaPLANTE and Nancy spent four weeks hiking in the Rockies; PETER HANSEN visited West Africa and Southern Africa (Zimbabwe) on behalf of UNICEF with John Denver and a film crew, and he notes the impressive "spirit and determination" of the villagers remained constant in the face of poverty and severe drought. Peter also announced his May 11 wedding (see Weddings). HAL SMULLEN writes that he received his M.B.A. from UConn, SUE WEISSELBERG is working as staff counsel to the House Democrats in the Connecticut General Assembly. JAMES KING is assistant officer-in-charge of a Patrol Combatant Missile Hydrofoil Squadron in Key West, FL, and MIKE O'BRIEN is now back in Hartford (from California) and working for Keefe, Bruyette and Woods. PHIL BREWER is a special agent for the Jason Stone Agency of Northwestern Mutual; SUE McGILL CROSS writes that she is in full-time practice as a pediatrician, while husband, TIM, received an NSF Presidential Young Investigators award, winning research money for five years and industrial matching from Procter and Gamble. PHILIP MEISTER '77 and ROCHELLE HOMELSON of West Hartford represented Connecticut at the Young Democrats of America National Conventi9n in August. GORDON BURKETT writes from Portland, OR, that he and his wife are "buying our first home."

LINDA GESUALDI is still living in Hermosa Beach, CA and teaching mathematics in Santa Monica, CA. She writes that she enjoys winters in southern California and summers in Connecticut. JONATHAN GOMBERG is finishing his residency in internal medicine at the Medical College of Pennsylvania and is starting a cardiology fellowship at Presbyterian/University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. He writes that he's "got the most beautiful daughter - at two years old, she's already modeled in the newspaper!" DR. CAROL A. HANNON is associated with Danbury Hospital. Both JACK ORRICK and MARGARET JOHNSON-ORRICK received their master's degrees. Hers is in business administration and Jack's is in tax law. Margaret is managing an operations department at a venture-capital funded start-up in Bethesda. LAURA FECYCH SPRAGUE is directing a National Endowment for the Humanities research and publication project which is sponsored by the Brick Store Museum in Kennebunk, ME. The catalogue, Agreeable Situations: Domesticity and Commerce in Coastal Maine 1780-1830 will contain the federal period fine and decorative arts in southern Maine historical institutions. Class Agents: Thomas P. Santopietro Greer Candler Lerchen


George W. Jensen II 3 Englewood Ave., #11 Brookline, MA 02146

GAIL BOGOSSIAN-ROY graduated from the University of Connecticut Law

School in May, 1985 and started work with Murtha, Cullina, Richter & Pinney in Hartford in September. WILLIAM BOND reports in from the streets of San Francisco that he is now a senior surgical resident and that their first child is expected soon. SUE BUDNICK is working as a litigation attorney in Phildelphia for Dilworth, Pakson, Kalish and Kauffman. JEFFREY MELTZER is the director of internal audit for Stern's in Paramus, NJ. He and his wife, Laurie, recently became parents (see Births). R. JEFFREY SANDS and his wife also became parents recently (see Births). In light of the recent blackouts due to Hurricane Gloria, stay tuned for a barrage of birth announcements in summer 1986. MARTY KANOFF is now a chief resident of obstetrics/gynecology at an unnamed hospital. Also in the field of medicine, JUDY BRILLMAN finished her residency in emergency medicine in June and is now a clinical instructor, emergency medicine at Stanford University Hospital. LUZ RUIZ-FIGUEROA received her master's degree in industrial psychology in June 1983 from the University of Puerto Rico. In 1979 she married Felipe Rodriquez Figueroa and they recently became parents (see Births). Luz is the employee relations and training coordinator for Millipore Cidra in Cidra, Puerto Rico. TIM GHRISKEY is an equity analyst for Loomis, Sayles & Co. in Boston. BOB O'LEARY writes that he is still making it in insurance and trying to maintain his sanity with a two-year-old son and a set of thirteen-month-old twins, Brian and Jimmy. I saw the '85 edition of the football Bantams pull out a last-minute victory over Tufts in October. While there was a surprisingly small Class of '77 turnout from

Area Association Events BOSTON- President James P . Whitters III '62, Tel. (617) 426-4600 Young alumni and undergraduates gathered on the banks of the Charles River on Sunday, October 20th for a Head of the Charles Regatta Party. The informal get-together drew several hundred people and gave Trinity one of the largest contingents on the river. Young alumni had gathered the night before at the Jacob Worth House near Tufts in another informal event coordinated by Matt Golding '84. The Trinity Club of Boston continued its luncheon series on November 6th at Joseph's Aquarium Restaurant. The event was co-sponsored by Amherst, Smith, Wesleyan, and Williams and featured Gerald T. Mulligan, former Massachusetts Commissioner of Banks, as the guest speaker.

HARTFORD/HOMECOMING - The Classes of 1980-85 gathered in the Broad Street parking lot behind Jessee Field for a pre-game Tailgate Party on November 9th. Over 100 alumni and friends attended the event, intended to be a kick-off to our annual rout of Wesleyan. While the latter never materialized, the tailgate proved a success, giving many members of the classes of '84 and '85 a chance to renew old friendships.

HARTFORD- President Jay T. Hostetter '71, Tel. (203) 241-2404 The Trinity Club of Hartford held its 26th annual Banquet on November 14th in Hamlin Hall. More than one hundred Hartford-area alumni gathered to hear Dean of the Faculty Borden Painter '58 give an update on the College and to honor Susan Martin Haberlandt '71, who was the recipient of the Trinity Club of Hartford award for outstanding service to the community and Trinity College. Haberlandt is the first woman to receive this distinction from the Club. The Club also sponsored a Downtown luncheon on November 19th. Trinity Director of Admissions Don Dietrich was the guest speaker.

Boston, the overall Trinity crowd was bigger than the local Tufts turnout. At the game I spoke with JOHN GRIGLUM and his wife. John is living in Milford, MA, and said that JOHN "OTTO" BRUCATO has returned from Florida and is now teaching and living in Milford as well. BILL HORN is a deputy attorney general in New Jersey and living in Toms River. Bill became a married man in fall, 1984 (see Weddings). JAMES FURLONG is the special projects director for the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers. This organization supports opera and all forms of American musical theater and is based out of the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. DAVE JANCARSKI dropped a line from Santa Monica, CA. He was testing some new Navy planes out there and trying to catch some rays in his free time. The long distance award again goes to LISA MINDNICH BENSON from somewhere south of Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia. As reported in the Summer '85 Reporter, Lisa and her husband, NICK '78, are over there due to Nick's job with the AIG Insurance Co. They finish year two in February 1986. Apparently the Trin post office found them and they do receive the Reporter. The biggest news is the birth of their first child (see Births). They are enjoying the local Saudi life and are able to travel, hopefully to Tokyo, before they return for good. GWEN MacCOLL CAMPBELL and her husband have recently purchased and are running a private education center - The Sylvan Learning Center - with two locations in Darien and Westport. They provide after school remedial and enrichment instruction in reading and math to all ages. MARY DESMOND-TAIT started a new job as a medical writer for Ayerst Labs in New York City. "Great fun," she writes. She and Keith also bought an apartment in Mt. Vernon, which is more convenient for them, she notes. ROBERT ELLIS is "alive and well, living in Falls Church, VA." He is working in human services for a private company. They have over 90 spaces available for abused and neglected teens from Virginia and D.C. SUZANNE FARRINGTON's daughter, Katherine Elizabeth, is now one year old. After finishing a civil rights/environmental law fellowship at the Center for Law in the Public Interest in D.C., KENNETH GOLDBERG spent eight months backpacking in Asia with his girlfriend. He notes that he "almost remained in India." He is now in Philadelphia, developing commercial real estate and taking graduate courses in anthropology and economics at the University of Pennsylvania. He bumped into DIANA LEE on Amtrak. She appeared to be "on her way to bigger and better things in Australia." He sends his warmest regards to SANDY WHEEDON and DUFFY SHEA ("wherever he may be!"), Jim Miller, Bob Battis and Kim Steele. LISA HUGHES's daughter, Adrienne Elizabeth, is one year old. JOHN KITCHEN recently went to Africa with RICH BURDGE. Rich has decided to stay there and help out with the relief efforts in the Sudan. "A true humanitarian," writes John. JOSEPH KLUGER has been appointed general manager of the Philadelphia Orchestra, effective September, 1985. JAMES MOSKOW is living in Marblehead, MA with his wife, Linda, and their three-year-old daughter Melissa. MARTIN NWEEIA has received board certification from the State of Hawaii and is an associate for a prominent Honolulu dentist. He recently published an article in the International Association of Dental Research Journal about his work on childhood dental diseases documented during 'his stay in the Ulithi Atoll, Yap State, Micronesia. VIRGINIA SANCHEZ-BURUSS is a sales manager with Xerox Corp. in Pitts-

burgh. She says, "Come visit- Pittsburgh is the #1 City in America." ANDREW TAMONEY writes that STEVE STUECK has moved back to the east coast. "He now lives in a house in Wilton, CT, which is rumored to be haunted." MARY WERTHEIM graduated from law school in May and plans to stay in the Washington area. C. ROBERT ZELINGER recently purchased a home in West Hartford. He graduated from UConn Law School in May and from Trinity with a master's degree in public policy. Class Agent: Cynthia S. Mohr


Gretchen A. Mathieu-Hansen 8800 Montgomery Ave. Wyndmoor, PA 19118

The news from our Class continues to look good. Keep writing in ! NAN HARVEY, her husband (Stan Hochberg), and their 15-month-old son, Chad, are now living in Storrs, CT. Nan and her husband will be working-in a group of family physicians and will be "job-sharing." Also in Connecticut is BRIAN BACZYK who has taken a new position with CIGNA's investment management group in Bloomfield. ROBERT PHILIP WUCHERT, JR. is in Wallingford and has published his second book, Memories oftheNw Haven, Vol. II, a book about the New Ha' ven Railroad. LISA PASSALACQUA BURCH writes that she路 and her husband purchased their first home in South Windsor, with a move-in date of June 1st. NANCY KELLNER moved to Manchester in January with her husband, CHARLIE '76. Both have new jobs. Nancy is in corporate planning at CBT and Charlie is a public finance representative with Fleet Financial Group of Connecticut. Nearby, ELIZABETH (LEE) CARABALLO has been having a good year. In May, she graduated with a master's ~e颅 gree from Boston University's School of Public Health. She then writes, "Best yet, come Sept. 14, I will marry Melvin D. Wesley, a graduate from Harvard's Graduate School of Design '83 and presently a practicing architect with a Boston firm." Unfortunately, due to a time delay of these notes, Lee's invitation to her wedding which she extended to all could not be received. ELISE WEAKLEY entered her first year of law school at Boston University this September. Further away is STEVE BERGHAUSEN, who has been selected for the NATO Exchange Program to Germany. Following an eight-month basic language training at the Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA, Steve will be on a two-year tour on board a German destroyer as a navigator. Good luck, Steve! CINDY KING is currently a staff nurse in a bone marrow transplantation unit at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Concurrently, Cindy is working on her master's degree in nursing, serves on hospital, city and state nursing committees and has bought a home. W. ROSS NEWLAND has been newly assigned to San Jose, Costa Rica as political officer with the U.S. 路Embassy. He will be there three years. BRIAN THOMAS is a financial analyst in Cincinnati, OH. He writes, "Enjoying Cincinnati and working in the toy industry," LEIGH BRESLAU is a senior designer with Skidmore, Owings and Merrill in Chicago. He notes that previous projects included University Place, Boston; Park Synagogue, Cleveland; and prize-winning design for The National Gallery in London, England. His present project is the 1992 Chicago World's Fair. He was married to Irene Sherr, who is assistant commis-

sioner for economic development for the City of Chicago. ELIZABETH HAYES was married this summer to John T. Fitzsimons. Debra and MARC MONTINI have a new family member - a son, Matthew Marc (see Births). HUNTER FOWLER was made an offi· cer at Union Trust Bank. JOHN MACK was married to Angela Spinelli on August 3, 1985. Angela is also his business partner in their vintage cloth· ing store, Uptown Jazz, Ltd., in New York City. MIRIAM BARON is doing graduate work in mediation and negotiations and has become'a scuba diver. Closer to TRIP's and my present home base in Wyndmoor, PA is TONY SCHAEFFER who is in King of Prussia, working to create a niche for himself in the management and corporate world. ALEC MONAGHAN is doing nicely with the real estate company, Cushman Wakefield, in Philadelphia. THOMAS HEFFERNAN is in his fourth year at Temple Medical School. Tom is aiming for a surgical resi· dency and is well on his way. TRIP HANSEN will be done with his family practice residency in June. I'm presently a school psychologist in Philadelphia as well as a counselor at the University of Pennsylvania Counseling Center. Working on my dissertation also keeps me very busy. Thanks to all who wrote in. Keep the letters coming!


Michael Tinati 153 E. 85th St., Apt. 2 New York, NY 10028

JANE TERRY ABRAHAM and her husband, Joe, live in Milford, CT. She man· ages the information systems training and development group at Emery Worldwide in Wilton. WILLIAM AMBROSE received his M.B.A. degree in January, 1984 from Co· lumbia University School of Business. BARBARA K. BLITSTEIN says hello to all her friends. She and Mark are enjoying their home, traveling a bit, and work· ing hard. Beside that, "everything is status quo."

JAMES CROPSEY received his M.B.A. in May from Babson College. KATHA DIDDEL WARREN is presi· dent of Twin Panda Trading Co. in Hong Kong. ELIZABETH DRONEY has completed a fellowship sponsored by the National En· dowment for the Humanities at Connecticut College in New London. Participants in the month-long program developed secondary school curricula on Latin American studies. Liz teaches history at Avon High School. WILLIAM EGAN and his wife, Anita, were expecting their first child at the time this was written. TED EMERY recently completed the Ph.D. in Italian Studies at Brown University with a dissertation on the opera li· bretti of the Venetian playwright Carlo Goldoni. Ted's still teaching Italian at New York University, where he has been pro· moted from instructor to assistant profes· sor. LISA GILLETTE is a "bartender, dogtrainer, and painter" in Playa Del Rey, CA. MARK GLICK received his M.D. degree · from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in May. ROSIE MATCHMAKER GREENFIELD and her husband, David, have moved to Venice, FL where he is opening a medical practice in rheumatology. DOUG HALBERT is production man· ager with Hewlett Packard Company in Palo Alto, CA. MARYANN HYSON left the Army in

SAMUEL SAVOCA received his M.B.A. degree from Boston College in December and is currently working to start up a new shoe manufacturing business in southern Pennsylvania. A. TRACY SCHACH is in the second year of a dual degree M.B.A./M.A. program offered by the Wharton School. One of the requirements entailed spending the summer of '85 living and working in Geneva where she writes that she "traveled, skied and climbed all over Europe." KENT SCRIVENER is a group insurance sales representative at Prudential Insurance Company in San Francisco, CA. ROBERTSHAW is teaching history and coaching football and hockey at The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey. ANTHONY SHORE is working for Maxi-Cube as corporate counsel. CHRISTOPHER SLOAN graduated from Western New England College Law School in May and took the Massachusetts Bar Exam in July. He and his wife are enjoying living in Framingham, MA and are "looking· forward to staying in the area.' '

Present at the spring wedding of Audrey Patrone Peartree '80 and David Peartree were the following alumni/ae,_also from the Class of '80: from left, Thomas Casey, Lisa Block, the bridegroom and bride, Sarah McCoy, and Thomas Melly. The couple is now living in Beau· fort, SC. October and has moved to California to practice law. She will be living in Huntington Beach. JACK KASSEL writes that he is "plugging away; thank you very much." VICTORIA DAUPHINOT McEL· VENNY is now living in the woodlands just north of Houston and has a jewelry company which sells merchandise at about 40o/o less than retail stores. "So if anyone is getting engaged or needs an anniver· sary gift, give me a call and I'll help out," she writes. She spends a lot of time inN ew York City on buying trips. JEREMY MEYER has joined Selwyn and Associates, Inc. as creative director. He will be in charge of overall creative development for Selwyn's business-tobusiness and consumer accounts. TIM PHELAN is an English instructor at Ferris Women's College. He writes that he wishes Trinity weren't so far away! ROBERT C. SHIELDS III is attending Columbia Business School and expects to receive his M.B.A. in May of 1986. He was a summer intern at Bankers Trust Co. in New York. ANN TREGLIA-HESS represented Aetna Life and Casualty at the life and health compliance association meeting in May in Dallas, TX. MARK VIBERT is attending New York University's two-year business program. Class Agent: Andrew M. Storch


Stephen B. Slade Trolley Place Apt. 5 Rowayton Gardens Rowayton, CT 06~53

KATRINA ABBOTT received her M.S. degree in May 1984 in botany. She is as· sistant scientist for SEA semester aboard the 125' schooner, Westward. She contin· ues to work as instructor and climbing staff for the North Carolina Outward Bound School. PATRICE BALL-REED has become an associate with the law firm of Washington, Kennon, Hunter and Samuels. C. DOUGLAS BENNETT was married in the Trinity Chapel in August. DAVID DEACON has moved to Larch· mont, NY and was married on May 4, 1985 to Karen L. Seehafer. Both MIKE SCINTO and SHAWN FINNEGAN '81 were in the wedding party. DAVID GATENBY keeps busy with

computer-aided design at AT&T Bell Labs. He is enjoying some musical moonlighting and recently performed in three groups: jazz-fusion, Latin-jazz, and Afro-Caribbean. The jazz-fusion group included ED WROBEL - "just like the Trinity days of the 'Boko Marv' group!" he writes. CAROL ANN GOLDBERG writes that she has "graduated" from the marketing training program with GTE in Stamford. This, two years after getting her M.B.A. degree from Boston College. She is now in network product/service marketing with GTE in southern California, managing the network services consulting program. She says she misses New England, but you can't beat the weather! PETER HAY HALPERT writes that he attended TOM GERKE's wedding in May. He saw NAT MILLS '79 and ANDY CASTELE '79 there, also. Tom is a Marine Corps captain now and had a military wedding at Fort Meyer in Alexandria, VA at the Old Post Chapel with all the pomp and glory! ROBERT HERBST is currently associated with the New York law firm of White and Case. He is also ranked in the top ten in the country in his weight class in the sport of power lifting. MICHAEL HUEBSCH graduated from Wharton in May with an M.B.A. degree. Following a trip to Europe, he began work at First Boston in New York in the fixed income department. BRUCE JOHNSON graduated from Emory Law School and is serving as staff attorney at the Atlanta City Attorney's Office. ROBERT KEE has been promoted to the rank of captain in the Air Force. DANIEL MEYER was in the process of opening a restaurant in New York City. The Union Square Cafe was due to open some time in the fall of 1985. ROBERT NERO planned to spend two months in Glasgow, Scotland for advanced training in CAD/CAM and product engineering with Howden home office engi· neers at Howden headquarters. JOHN O'BRIEN completed work on his master of arts in liberal studies at Dartmouth College in August. STEPHANIE RA VETT is a resident at Abington Memorial Hospital in Pennsylvania. EUGENE RUSSELL is an associate with Morrison, Mahoney and Miller in Boston, MA.

DANIEL VINCENZO graduated from the University of Houston Law School in May. Class Agents: Deborah Brown Murdoch Nina W. McNeely Diefenbach


A. Leigh Mountford 147 Green Hill Rd. Kinnelon, NJ 07405

JEFFREY BAKER passed his bar exam last summer and was sworn in as an attorney in the spring. He is living in Boston, MA. SUSAN BAUERFELD has entered a doctoral program in clinical psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is studying the effects of non-traditional healing on the psyche. She is living in J ersey City, NJ. LIVIA BENAVIDES finished her M.S. degree in civil engineering at M.I.T. in June, 1984, and is now working in a consulting firm in Cambridge, MA. CYNTHIA BLAKELEY will finish her M.A. degree in theology and cross-cultural studies in June of 1986. Once her degree was finished, she expected to do one of two things: another degree in psychology or a several-year voyage to the Third World · (Africa). DAVID CAMERON is a resident in in· ternal medicine at the Albany Medical Center Hospital in Albany, NY. TOM CHASE is head coach of the University of Washington's ice hockey team. He enjoys canoeing and hiking and says he "loves the Northwest." RICHARD DARLING is attending the Colgate Darden School of Business Administration at the University of Vir· ginia. JOHN F ARMELO has taken a 14-month leave of absence from Price Waterhouse and is taking his 30' sailboat from Essex, CT to Granada and back by way of Bermuda, the Bahamas, Haiti and the British Virgin Islands and through the Lesser Antilles. CLIFTON GERALD has begun studying at tht Sloan School of Management at M.I.T. PHILIP GRABFIELD is studying at Lauder Institute at Wharton School of Business. KEVIN HALL and his wife, Lorna, have moved to Los Angeles, where he will be associated with a law firm. He recently graduated from Columbia Law School. CAROLYN FRASER HAMPTON is banking officer-commercial lending at the

Bank of New England in Boston, MA. JAY HERSKOWITZ received his J.D. degree from Whittier College School of Law in Los Angeles. JUDY KLEIN is a consultant at the Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce. ROBERT MALKIN graduated in May from UConn Medical School. He is now an intern in internal medicine at the Boston Veterans Administration Medical Center in Jamaica Plain, MA. ROGER KNIGHT is vice president and senior credit officer at Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc. in Greenwich, CT. JAMES LONGENBACH received his Ph.D. in English from Princeton Univer¡ sity in June and has joined the English department at the University of Rochester as an assistant professor of English. He recently published critical essays in Ezra Pound: Man and Poet, Paideuma, English Literary History, and the British Yeats Annual. ' ELLEN D. LOOK recently returned from a trip to Nairobi, Kenya. She describes "long dusty safaris by land rover, but wonderful adventures and superb wildlife." RICHARD MALAMUT of Hatboro, P A, received a doctor of medicine degree from the Hahnemann University School of Medicine. He will complete a neurology residency at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. ROB MURDOCK and GAIL ALWANG MURDOCK are attending Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. He is working toward a master of divinity degree and Gail is studying for a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. MACAULEY NASH is moving to Boston to assume the director of admissions position at the Fessenden School in West ' Newton, MA. SARAH A. NEILLY graduated in June from Harvard Medical School and began her internship at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital soon thereafter. She writes that she misses a lot of old Dekes and others from Trinity. KEVIN O'ROURKE is living in Chicago and working at Foote, Cone and Belding Advertising as an account executive on the Coors Beer account. JEFF OSBORN is a sales engineer at Com Design Inc. in Santa Barbara, CA. EDWARD PHELAN finished his last year with Arthur Andersen and Co. working in their Chicago World Headquarters and is now enjoying the life of a student at Harvard Business School. He sees BEN BARON '82 daily as they are in the same section. TOM JOHNSON '79 is also a member of the first-year class. He writes that he runs into Trinity people all the time in Harvard Square and that it is always fun seeing old friends. He took a summer job in Philadelphia working for a real estate development firm, which is the career he intends to pursue after graduation. Private First Class BRAD PHILLIPS has arrived for duty in West Germany. J. GAVIN REARDON is now a lawyer with the law firm of Reardon and Reardon in Worcester, MA. C. MADISON RILEY III is staff consultant with Kurt Salmon Associates in Atlanta, GA. G. SAMUEL ROGERS became a fulltime talk show producer of Miami's 50,000 watt A.M. talk-news station, WGBS-710, covering the entire state of Florida. JAMES SHAPIRO graduated from law school in May and has gone to Chicago to work for a litigation firm. He won first place and best oralist awards at William and Mary Moot Court Tournament in February, 1985. DAVID 0. SMITH received his master's degree in business administration from the Harvard Business School. Following graduation he began work with American Express in New York City as a marketing manager. EMILY SINGER graduated from law

school in June. NOEL SORVINO graduated from SUNY-Downstate College of Medicine and plans to pursue a career in pediatrics at Cornell University in New York. ELEANOR WENNER has been promoted to federal lobbyist from a legislative aide position. She writes that she sees lots of STUART KERR '78, who works for International Law Institute and goes to Georgetown Law School at night. JAMES WHELAN has taken a new position with the pharmaceutical division of G.D. Searle Inc. He is working as a medical sales representative in the Boston area and is living in Waltham, MA. ERIC WOODARD received his M.D. degree from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Class Agents: Richard P. Dahling Sibley Gillis


Thomas Hefferon 5128 S. Hyde Park Blvd., D-1 Chicago, IL 60615

In May MARY BADOYANNIS received her degree from Wake Forest University School of Law. She expected to return to Connecticut to take the bar exam in July. LISA BAILYN began graduate work in clinical psychology at the University of Cincinnati in the fall. JAMES BIRMINGHAM and LISA NOLEN were married in November. He is a student at the Culinary Institute in Hyde Park, NY and she is at Grey Advertising in New York City. DIANE BROUDER recently became a contract underwriter for The Travelers. She notes, "It's great to have an opportunity to use my college education!" SCOTT CASSIE is assistant treasurer for the National Westminster Bank, U.S.A. in New York City. DAVE CLARK is an assistant engineer with the U.S. Navy. LUCY COLE writes that she has been working as an actress in Washington, D.C. since March. A mysterious note states, "Uncle Sam

wants you to lend a hand to DAVE GARTEN, TOM CROWELL and RUSSELL WILNER who may be bicycling by your home at any moment. Starting in Portland, OR on June 4, these adventure-loving grads plan to propel themselves across the continental United States. Beer, soap, razor blades, and Ben-Gay will be much appreciated." Sorry this is a bit out of date, due to publication deadlines. Hope your trip went well! LAURIE MONTANO DE PAOLA is working in youth services at North Haven Community Services. ALLISON FRIDAY is dancing professionally with two Hartford-based dance companies. She is teaching jazz, modern dance and ballet at the Trinity Dance Workshops. She is also choreographing musicals for Hartford-area community theaters. SARAH GILLILAND is attending Columbia University to get her master's degree in architecture. SUSAN HAFF has been promoted to promotions manager of MIS Week. THERESA FERRERO HANSEN writes, "Sorry I don't have any impressive academic or professional accomplishments to report, but this former 'Chet's Chick' and new mommy recently swam the 3.5 mile Pensacola Bay Open Swim. I finished 14lst in a mixed field of close to 300 swimmers.''

POLLY LAVERY has been accepted into Northwestern University's Ph.D. program in molecular biology and has been awarded a University fellowship for 1985. GLENN McLELLAN has recently been appointed senior account representative for CIGNA Corp. in the group insurance division. He writes that they are expecting a second child and that they are moving to Dallas, TX. ERIC MENDOZA-WOODS says that he "recently opened a soap boutique with PAUL SCOLA, specializing in animal shapes and bubble bath."!! CHRISTOPHER MORPHY and MICHAEL MORPHY '54 have announced the formation of MorMarketing, Inc. in Pasadena, CA. MARK MURPHY is teaching history and coaching sports at the Peddie School in Hightstown, NJ. NANCY KESSLER NETCOH is work-

ing as a systems analyst at The Travelers in Hartford. CLAUDIA PIPER was recently transferred to the Wilmington office of her company and also received a promotion. PHILIP PROPPER is flying the F-4 phantom in the Republic of Korea. ELLIN CARPENTER SMITH has begun an intensive master's program in advertising at Northwestern University. RUTH WATSON has been accepted at three law sj:hools, one of which she is currently attending. KAREN WEISS is attending Smith's School for Social Work. MEGAN WHITE has "loved my three years at Dartmouth Medical School" and is currently applying for a residency in pediatrics. Class Agents: Patricia Hooper Steven A. Elmendorf


Laura A. Wilcox 596 Navaho Trail Dr. Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417

ALEXANDER BANKER has returned from a week-long visit with the U.S. Ambassador to Morocco. He "rode camels, bargained for rugs, and ate too much." MARGOT BLATTMANN was anticipating finishing her second year as a Monbusho English Fellow in Japan. Afterwards, she "will travel 'the world' to find • a job and to get home!" LOUISE BOND lives in Astoria, Queens where "the rent is reasonable." She has been working as a social worker for over a year and is looking into graduate school. Her job continues to be rewarding, she writes. LINDSAY BURKE finished at Lehman in May and expected to take the summer off to travel and relax before starting Harvard Business School in September. WENDY FARNHAM is ''having a great time in Japan" and continues to teach English to Japanese people and manage some of the business aspects of the school where she teaches. "Teaching English in Japan can be a profitable business, and the many English conversation schools here are run-for-profit," she writes.

Many Trinity alumni/ae came to the October wedding of Dave Berey '83 and Cathy Villano Berey '84. From left are: Arthur Rice '84, Paul Kennedy '83, Steve McManus '83, Dave Curtis '83, Steve Mongillo '83, Dennis Gillooly '82, Steve Guglielmo '82, the Bereys, Kaye McManus '81, Ami Clymer '83, Lisa Muik '86, Diane Warshauer '86, Sarah Ragland '85, Lisa Klemes '84, and Maria DiBella '84.

WENDY GORLIN was recently promoted to project manager at Bruce J. Bloom, Inc. She is also free-lancing, writing market research reports and looking for a full-time market research position. JAMES GRENEN has finished his second year of Jaw school at the University of Pittsburgh. He worked for a mid-sized Jaw firm in Philadelphia this summer. STEVEN GROSS is a first-year law student at the University of Santa Clara. BRUNO JUGOVIC recently purchased a home and writes that he now has "a piece of the rock." JAMES KAPTEYN is living in "Alphabet City" in New York with TODD CLARK and TOM LEE. He is working at Grey Advertising. JUDITH LEIBHOLZ received her master's degree from the American Graduate School of International Management and is working in the international department of Republic Bank as a loan officer trainee. JAMES MAFFIOLINI writes, "For the second year in a row I received my promotion on April 1st (from programmer I to programmer II at the Hartford Group). I am beginning to wonder if this is some sort of statement concerning the date." TIMOTHY MARTIN completed his first season as a full-time dancer with Dinosaur Dance Company in Boston. "The director

made a solo for me and the reviews, so far, have been good," he writes. JOHN MUSERLIAN began working toward his M.B.A. at Wharton this fall. His wife, Eileen, will be the director of therapeutic recreation at Care Pavilion and will be the "family bread-winner until I graduate," he notes. CHRISTOPHER OAKLEY is pursuing a master's of architecture degree at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus. MARISSA OCASIO has been promoted to assistant manager of health products in the portfolio management department of the individual financial group at CIGNA. DOMINIC RAPINI writes that he "keeps busy at Westminster developing the sports medicine program and teaching biology. Having fun!" AGNES SARDI is "alive and well and living in Newport, RI." She is "still doing the 8-5 with LYNDA GAINES and BEV GEBELEIN. Both of them are well and living in Jamestown, RI." ED SHARP began a Ph.D. program in history at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as has STEVEN SOPER. ALICE SIMON has been promoted to assistant director of communications at her job. KEVIN SLATTERY writes that "things

We want to keep in touch with all our classmates and alumni friends. So, if you have changed your address, let us know in the space below. A special plea to the class of 1985 - where are you? Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ciass _ _ If your present address does not match that on the mailing tape pl ease

check here 0 New Res. Address - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - City - - -- - - - - - - - State - - - - - Zip _ _ _ __ Res. Tel: - - - - - - - - - - Bus. Tel: Your present company-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Title - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Bus. Address - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - City - - - - - , . . - - - -- WHAT'S NEW-

State _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ __

_ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....:...._

Mail to: Alumni Office, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106


are going well in the Philippines." ROBERT SMITH received his master's degree in biomedical engineering from the Hartford Graduate Center in June. He is attending medical school at UConn. His father, MELVIN SMITH '45, also received a degree (master of science in management) at the same ceremony. KAREN SPRINTHALL is employed by Johnson & Higgins. JOSEPH TUCKER is living in Boston and working two part-time jobs; one as a stockroom clerk and one as a volunteer intern at WBCN-FM, a major radio station . He writes that he "plays music in my spare seconds." ANNE ZINKIN entered her first year of law school at New York University this September. She writes that she "will miss Hartford, but hopes to enjoy the change of pace."

Class Agents: AnneN. Ginsburgh Todd C. Beati


Jane W. Melvin 251 Asylum St.r #4W Hartford, CT 06103

Hello from Hartford. I've relocated for the next year to this familiar city of fond memories and I hope you'll all stop by as you pass through this crossroads of the northeast. Buzz my doorbell if you're in the vicinity of the Civic Center (I'm across the street). I promise a hot cup of tea and maybe a bad joke or two. It's been fun to see so many of you this fall - by the time you read this, Homecoming will have come and gone, but I hope a lot of you will have been able to come back for it. LORIE (MILLER) GALLAGHER was married April 20th to KEITH GALLAGHER '83. Keith is a navigator in the Air Force and Laurie and Keith have been stationed in Shreveport, LA. Lorie has some great news on the career front. Presently, she's writing the advertising for a 56-store retail chain in her area - she's happy to have broken into her "field." She invites any or all of you for a visit if you're down that way- free room and board!! PEGGY SMITH writes from Georgetown that law school and part-time employment are hectic but enjoyable. She worked for a large firm in Washington during the summer but has now moved on to try out a new one. She hopes to be in Chicago this summer working for a firm speciafizing in international trade. She may squeeze in a trip to Japan for a month this winter - so I better get a postcard!! STEVE KLOTS promised me a recipe, if not the entire cookbook, when I saw him in New York. From the brief conversation we had, it sounds as if things are going fairly well in the publishing world. Alums in the classes of the '80s in the New York area benefited from the organizational skills of our own NANCY KATZ. Besides being promoted to account executive at Ted Bates, she masterminded a very successful alumni gathering at the Museum of Broadcasting in October. Forty members of the great Class of '84 attended. KATHY CARUSO received her M.A. degree in English from Tufts in May. She spent part of the summer in the Radcliffe Publishing Procedures course. She spent time with MATT BRADLEY '83 and MARTIN BIHL '85. She also had a reunion in the early part of the summer with a couple other Trin folk, including FRANCIE NORRIS and MARC ACKERMAN. I saw SCOTT FULLER a couple weeks ago. He's l:iusy as a commerical underwriter for Chubb. CHRIS PALMA returned from an extended trip to Europe to spend some time with BOB FLYNN in Washington. Also in Washington, you can find further Class of

'84 representation. GREG DeMARCO graduated from Officer Candidate School for the Coast Guard in March of 1985 (congratulations are in order, by the way, because Greg graduated first in his class) and is now stationed at the National Response Center in Washington. JIM ERMILIO is currently in his second year of law school at American University. He worked for the Department of Transportation's safety law division over the summer. Give Jim a call if you're in the area - he says he'd love to hear from you. Finally, rounding out the crowd in the D.C. area, you can find DAN BARACH. He reports having worked on some interesting and exciting projects for his employer, the Rouse Company. We have congratulations for a couple of our classmates. CATHY VILLANO was married on October 4th to DAVID BEREY '83 (see Weddings). Also, JOYCE FRYKLUND recently married Mr. Eric Thormann. Joyce and Eric are living in Paris. And even more congratulations . .. this time to MICHAEL LAFORTEZZA who at last report planned a September wedding with Beth Theiss (see Weddings). Finally, DAVE LENAHAN and LAURA REBMAN '85 were married in June. Ann and JIM BATES had a baby boy (Michael) this past February. Roger and JUDITH COWEN also had a baby boy (Dylan Jacob) in May (see Births). Congrats! JON WICKS lives in Cambridge and works for MCI. ANNE GURIN writes that she's trying to make it in New York City on an advertising salary but she finds she has to rely on her very successful roommates, STEVE TALL and PETER YEARLEY, for support. But, most importantly, it's fun, she says! ROB AFZAL's studying physics at Brown. They have a Trinity annex in Providence, including Trin alums MIKE TOPP '83, JEFF RAVEN and ROB DEVLEN. DEB PRIESTLEY is a programmer analyst for State Mutual in Worcester. She's working on a project to develop a table maintenance support function. She'd like to know where you are, SCOTT ALLYN, SARAH ADAMS, and TOM DaSILVA. ROGER LEVIN survived his first year of medical school. He says he found little time for music but enough to keep himself sane. He received a fellowship to complete his summer research on multiple sclerosis. JEFF MANDIGO is teaching at the Blue Ridge School about 25 miles outside of Charlottesville, VA. He coaches varsity football and baseball and teaches algebra. Our quote of the season comes from Jeff: "Teaching is not easy." PENNY PERKINS reports from Albany that she is well and runs into HILLARY MAYER who is at an ad agency in Albany (and that's alliteration!). BLYTHE BACHMANN is working as a layout specialist for two journals (one in clinical medicine and one in arts and humanities) at the Institute for Scientific Information in Philadelphia. NINA PORTER currently resides in Toronto. She recently spent a month in Ireland at the Women's World Squash Championship Tournament. BRUNO '83 and JOYCE (ROBINSON) JUGOVIC recently purchased a home in Manchester, CT. LAURA AUSTIN continues her acting career. Her latest role was in the Dorset Theater Festival's production of "5th of July." Before that, she appeared in the New Theater (NYC) production entitled "Only Man." I had a pleasant conversation over dinner at the Trinity Class Agents Conference with ALISON LIMPITLAW's father. He updated me on Alison's latest news. She's moved to Brooklyn and works at Conde Nast. THOMAS ALLEN has been accepted for graduate study with the history department at Brown.

JOANNE MATZEN is in her first year of law school at the University of Minnesota. THACHER STORM is teaching English for the second year at the University Liggett School outside of Detroit. Thacher, I'm looking up "redundant" in the dictionary. SARAH SHAPIRO lives in Greenwich Village and is now teaching school there as well. MARC SELVERSTONE is working in the Westport School system and taking courses at Fairfield University. Just as the New York alums had a fall get-together, the Boston crew had a Head of the Charles weekend gathering. MATT GOLDING helped out ... his directions were so good that I never got there. One item of business . . . the development office at Trinity has set up a new system. Many of you have generously donated your energy to serve as assistant class agents. So, classmates, you will be hearing from some different voices regarding your gifts to the Alumni Fund. Please continue to give generously. Your efforts count a lot - we can set a lot of records with this great Class. But, we've got some tough competition, especially with the Class of '85. I think we have to show them who's best. You'll be hearing from us. If you have any questions on this or any other way you'd like to get involved with alumni activities, call the College or me, TODD KNUTSON, or DAVE LENAHAN. We need your help! Once again, if you're in the Hartford area, I'd love to hear from you. You can find me at the State Capitol in the Senate Majority office (that's for you, KEVIN O'CONNOR) during the day. I hope all of you are happy and well. Don't forget to send your news - we want to know what you're doing and thinking. Class Agents: Todd R. Knutson David R. Lenahan Jane W. Melvin


Lori Davis 50 Walker St. Apt. 1 Somerville, MA 02144

Welcome back to our quarterly update. Wow! I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I accepted this position! Your responses have been so overwhelming that I almost had to call in sick at work for several days to write about all of you! Before I let you all in on what's up with our Class, a few corrections have to be made: STEVE DREW is working for Procter and Gamble in Portland, ME. MARTHA BONNEVILLE somehow was mistakenly given CLAIRE CAPECI's job! Martha is at Grey Advertising, and Claire is at S.S.C.&B. as a media planner. KIM KOV AGE is teaching geometry, general science and introductory computer science at the Hoosac School in New York. Finally, CRAIGTATERONIS isatYaleLaw School (what a quick-change artist!). A million apologies for any other errors I might have made. What can I say? I'm new at this job! The Hartford area appears to have the largest contingent of '85ers (or else they write more letters!). BOB McDONALD is working as an underwriter for CIGNA and writes that he and his wife, Cathy, have recently purchased a house in West Hartford. Also at CIGNA as a CAM technician is KATHY O'BRIEN. Arthur Andersen has added MARK HAMEL and JOHN KLIMCZAK to its staff. Mark also informed me that he's living with MATT HARTH UN and working towards his master's in accounting at the University of Hartford. Also studying at UHart is MARIA SCOTTI. KIM FORD has joined

the G. Fox executive training program and wishes to announce her engagement to VANDER CORLISS. They are planning a September 1986 wedding. Vander is an assistant auditor for Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co. in New York. STEVE KISH is a credit analyst for CBT. He'd like to inform everyone that the "After Dark" album is in: For those who pre-paid, please get in touch with him so he can send you this musical masterpiece (86 Reservoir Road, Newington, CT 06111). Hey, Steve, you can send me mine, but autograph it first! Also in the field of banking is DAVID SHERRILL, who is a credit analyst for Connecticut National Bank in Hartford. Four members of our Class in the Hartford area have tied the knot. JIM F ARRIN married BAILEY JOHNSTON '82, and they are now living in Wilton. ELIZABETH ARNOLD informed me that she married CHRIS PAPPAS '84 twice (once in a Greek Orthodox service and then in a Methodist service). Elizabeth is currently a group manager for Sage Allen. THERESA GUTKOWSKI and John Schneider were wed August 24th in the Trinity Chapel (see Weddings). Theresa is now a medical assistant for M.E. Savage, M.D. in Windsor. LAURA ALDERSON married William A. Conticello, Jr. Laura is now a software design engineer for Dynamic Controls Corp. in South Windsor. JOSEPH AMAT is working towards his M.S. in electrical engineering at the Hartford Graduate Center and is employed at Chandler Evans as a control engineer/systems manager. He expects to be married on October 4, 1986. After spending June traveling in Europe with JANET O'CONNELL, Mimi Hall and Ann Alford, SANDI STOTT joined Pratt and Whitney Aircraft as a software engineer. Also at Pratt and Whitney is CATHY WALLERT, who is a systems/analyst programmer. JANET O'CONNELL is a systems engineer at IBM as is JULIE MILLER. (Hey, Jules, your new "do" looks great!) THERESA ZIOBRO and KIRSTEN VON MOLTKE can both be found at Hartford Hospital, in patient accounts and data center computer operations, respectively. Along similar lines, DAVID PERELES is a staff engineer at St. Francis Hospital. LORI ANASTASIA can be found participating in The Travelers assistant analyst management training program. Also at The Travelers, as a systems analyst, is BROOKE BALDRIDGE. Not too far away is JOHN WILSON, working at Advest, Inc. as a corporate finance associate. MICHAEL ZIKOVICH can be found at Delta Actuaries, Inc. as a programmer. SCOTT WEAVER is working as an executive assistant for the World Affairs Center in Hartford. NANCY BOMBACI is doing some parttime graduate work at Trinity and is also an "historic interpreter" for the Mark Twain and Stowe-Day Foundations. DEANNA LANDRY can also be found at Trinity as the assistant to the director of residential services (i.e., Tina Dow's right hand). Also working in college administration is MIYUKI KANEKO (assistant in research for Yale's development office) and KATHI O'CONNOR (admissions counselor at St. Joseph's). In the surrounding area numerous '85 alums can be found doing a wide variety of things. At UConn/Storrs NANCY SENICK is a graduate assistant/student, and CARIN VINCENT is in her first year of the M.B.A. program. FRANCA DE ROSA is a paralegal at Serignese, Sorrato, Collins and Petrone in East Hartford and reports that she loves her job. In Glastonbury we have JAY GOODMAN (First Investors Corp.) and DAVID RODNEY (Airflo Instrument Co.). DONALD MORAN is a trainee at Citicorp., and JEFF LANG is a systems consultant at the Entre Computer Center- both in Greenwich. SETH MAN路

AKER can be found working in Norwalk as director of real estate operations for Nutmeg Real Estate Services, Inc. In Stafford Springs, PATTY GUNTHER is working as a veterinary technician for the Stafford Veterinary Clinic. DOUG BURBANK is a research and development assistant for Electrocel in South Windsor. THOMAS "SANDY" MONAGHAN and KAREN PIOTROWICZ are both working in West Hartford at Cushman and Wakefield and Underwriters Service Agency, respectively. ANDY "The Rock" BIVONA is a salesman for U.S. Industrial Chemicals in Westport. Telling jokes and wearing funny hats, STEVE NORTON is doing what every Trinity student has secretly wished to do yet only a few dared: working at B.T.'s. He has grad school plans for fall, 1986. Moving onto the Big Apple ... LUC HELSON is working at the Banco di Roma after touring Europe as a roadie for Joe Cocker. His only word describing this experience is "awesome." BRIAN BOHALL is an assistant manager for Chase Manhattan Bank. CHRIS DOYLE is working for National Westminster Bank. Harper and Row has BOB FLANAGAN in its advertising and promotions department and ALLYSON GELLER as an editorial assistant. MATT BRADLEY is a publicity assistant for MacMillan Publishing Co. KIRSTEN KIMBALL writes that she's enjoying life in New York and has recently been promoted to an assistant buyer for Polo Fashions, Inc. MARIA ROSENFELD is an executive trainee at Bloomingdale's and doing some modeling parttime. ALISON BERLINGER has involved herself with showroom sales for Boston Traders. MICHAEL CONNELLY is a sales rep for Welch Allyn Inc. in New York and wait 路 'til you find out the territory he covers: Orange County, Southern California; Arizona; New Mexico; El Paso and Las Vegas (talk about mileage!). LORI STINE can be found at Dancer Fitzgerald Sample, Inc. as a network radio buyer. JIM SCHACHT is a financial analyst for Salomon Bros. KRISTINE SMITH is "doing editorial" at Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co. KRIS SOLTIS is a commerical real estate broker at Cross & Brown Company. CHRIS "Don't call me Spanky" GASKIN is employed at Marsh McLennan and loving life in the City. (Sorry, I just put three Chris's together.) "Paralegalizing" in the Big Apple are DIANE GOLDRING at Stults and Marshall and TATINE SCHWAB at Humes, Andrews Botzow and Wagner. MURIEL CASTADOT is an administrative assistant at Kanematsu-Gosho Inc. CRISS LEYDECKER is an assistant to the art and production department for Town and Country. DAVID BAYLISS is an intern at the Bronx Frontier Development Corporation. KRISTER JOHNSON can be found in front of the class - he's teaching and coaching at Cardinal Hayes High School. Students in New York include SUSIE RITTENBERG at St. John's Law School, ROB MORAN at Mt. Sinai Med School and ANGELO LOPRESTI at NYU's Law School. Angelo writes that he's "not getting married, having a baby or getting divorced. Just studying." In the state of New York, we have ADAM STREISAND working as a stockbroker/account executive for Dominick and Dominick, Inc. in Mt. Kisco. JEFF RANDLEMAN is in Purchase as an assistant investment advisor for Meyer Handelman Co. KEN WARNER is a general surgery sales specialist for the Richards Medical Company. Finally, look out New York- MARIA RITTER is planning a move to the Big Apple! Not too long ago, Boston Trinity alums played host during the weekend of the Head of the Charles. Many of you attended

the party Saturday night at Jacob Worth's, largely organized by MATT GOLDING '84, as well as the cocktail party held during the race put together by our own LEE COFFIN. As Lee put it, "I felt like it was our five-month reunion!" The Bay State holds our third largest contingent, the Boston area in particular. Belgium by the end of August could no longer remain a possibility - I had to get a job! So I moved to West Somerville (right across the street from the Tufts football field!) where I have the likes of KAREN RODGERS, BEN BARON '82 and JIM KACHADOORIAN '82 for neighbors. I'm working as a media assistant for Advertising Agency Associates, a division of the Allan R. Hackel Organization in Newton Center, and really enjoying the advertising field. At the Museum of Science, LESLIE COHN can be found as part of the education staff. Sharing an apartment with Leslie in Brookline is SARAH RAGLAND. RACHEL DONHAM is an intern for the Conservation Law Foundation. Working as paralegals are TIM HUBBARD at Burns and Levinson and KAT! GERBER at Katz & Kravetz. I ran into DONNA GILBERT on the "T" a few weeks ago and learned that she is working at two art galleries - one in Newton and one downtown. She's living with BARB SIEBAL, employed by Digital, and ERICA THURMAN, who is working for an insurance company (Erica - fill me in on the details!). Working at Child's Gallery Ltd. is JANE WEINFELD (Jane, please get in touch with BARBARA ELlA!). Speaking of Barbara, she's made the switch from banking to journalism and is writing for the Burlington News (MA) as well as functioning as an editorial assistant. DAVE O'DONNELL is a staff auditor for U.S. Trust in Boston. LINDA LETOURNEAU is living in Brookline and working at Beth Israel Hospital. Also living in Brookline is MEG ROBE, who is looking for work in the psychology field. Meg reports that she's psyched to be back in Boston. In Cambridge, SUSIE CUTLER can be found coaching at B.B.&N. J. HUNTER BARR is also in Cambridge as a consultant for Arthur D. Little, Inc. BEN LETCHER is a research assistant at UMass/Amherst. Also in the college/ university environment is LOUISE GABRIELLE, who is studying at Boston College. GLENN WILSON is studying at Tufts Dental School. MIKE DUFFY is attending the JFK School/Harvard. CYNDY MUNCH is studying and working at the Boston Architectural Center. CATHERINE GILLET is centering her post-grad studies on hotel, restaurant and travel administration at UMass/Amherst and is also the area coordinator of housing at Smith College. LESLIE BLAIR will enter law school January, 1986 and is currently the assistant treasurer at Robert Motor Sales in Attleboro. MARIA FORMISANO writes that after spending the summer in Manhattan with N.Y.U.'s magazine and book publishing program she has decided she prefers Boston and is currently job-hunting here. In Groton, SELDEN WELLS is working as the assistant director of development at the Groton School. KAREN REFALVY is a child development specialist at the May Institute in Chatham. ELLEN VOYNOW is an instructor at Learning Skills, Inc. in Amherst. MICHAEL JACOBSON is an environmental health inspector for the Barnstable Co. Health Department. MIKE TIGHE can be found at Avco in Wilmington as a subcontract administrator. EILEEN DURKIN is residing and working in Worcester as an assistant at a child care/child development center.


RON PRUET, who spent an exciting summer in Washington, D.C. at the Heritage Foundation, writes that he is "in transition" and living in Beverly Farms. Contrary to popular belief, ANDY CARLSON has not eloped (yet) and is dividing his time between the East Coast and Arizona. In the world of professional sports, three members of our Class are competing with the pros. BILL DOYLE and MIKE GEORGY are playing professional squash and taking part in tournaments across the country, Canada and around the world. The tour continues through June - keep your eyes peeled and your ears alert they may be playing in your neighborhood! After being released by the Green Bay Packers, JOE SHIELD was immediately picked up by the Toronto Argonauts, where he did a three-week stint becoming familiar with the Canadian league and its system. To date he has also had an offer from the New England Patriots, but will enjoy his status as a free agent and check out what other teams have to offer. While in Toronto, Joe ran into NINA HOQUE at a Blue Jays game. She's attending law school in Toronto, but I still don't know the name of it! (Get the hint, Nina?!) Moving on to Rhode Island ... MELISSA BROWN can be found at Aquidneck Data Corp. in Middletown as a programmer/analyst. GREGORY ACCETTA is a staff appraiser at Appraisal Services in Cranston. In New Jersey, ROBERT ANDERSON is a claims rep for The Travelers in Morris Plains. JEFF PILGRIM is in the same state, teaching science and coaching soccer at the Peddie School. STEVE MUSICANT is an administrative assistant at The Princeton Review ofBooks. Not too far away in Philadelphia are quite a few '85ers including PAUL NEWMAN, who is a commodities broker for the Philadelphia Hide Brokerage Corp. ANN P ANKIN is also at the Provident National Bank. JEFF KISE is a bond underwriting intern at CIGNA. After working on fishing boats off the coast of the Canary Islands, DAVE MOUGHALIAN has become the personnel supervisor at Maxwell's Cat Farm in Philly. HOWARD SADINSKY, CRAIG CURRY, and JIM BUTLER are all studying at Hahnemann UniversityHoward's in the grad school preparing for med school, Craig is working towards his master's in pharmacology, and Jim is attending the medical school. Just outside of the city, LOUISE WILLIAMS is working at McCabe Capital Managers as a research assistant. Four pals are living in Baltimore, MD. ROB HOPKINS is a law student at the University of Maryland and living with TOM FITZPATRICK, who is a personal lines underwriter for Chubb and Sons. JANE McDONOUGH is a designer for Whitman, Reguard and Assoc., and rooming with JOY HAYDEN who is a case worker for the Baltimore Assoc. for Retarded Citizens. Several people are living and working in Washington, D.C. SARAH GRANGER is a research economist for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. PAUL KIPNES is an intern at the Religious Action Center. JOHN KOCHNOWICZ has also moved to our nation's capital and is working for the government. Down south, JEANNE MONNES is working as an insect scout at the Open Ground Farms in Beaufort, NC. CAROLINE CARNEY has recently moved to Atlanta, GA and is going through a training program for Prentice-Hall and is working real hard on her "y'all." She will eventually settle in Birmingham, AL. I know of two '85 alums in Chicago: NANCY SCHNEIDER is attending Northwestern Medical School. MATTHEW MOORE is part owner/producer of Working our way towards the West Coast, we find KEITH WAEHER in Port-

land, OR, working as an economist for Bonneville Power Administration. (Does everyone feel as if he's on a guided tour of the United States?!) Way out in California, NANCY POPKIN is working as a naturalist for the Marin County Outdoor School in Lorna Mar. TRACEY HANLEY is studying film production at Loyola Marymount University. JULIA HORKY is continuing her free-lance photography work and started production-assistant work in September. JULIE MASTERS (hi, Julie! - North Campus buddy from freshman year!) is studying at U.C. Berkeley; she will graduate in December and job-hunt in the Bay area. It's now time for the law school update (for those who haven't been previously mentioned). BARRY SILVER couldn't resist California and finally decided on U.C.L.A. Law School (I didn't want to keep anyone in suspense any longer!). At UConn Law School are JEAN JABOUIN and STEVE LAZARUS. JON MILLER and PETER APPLETON are both at B.U. Law School (hi, neighbor!). ANNETTE BOELHOUWER is at New England School of Law and wishes to announce her engagement to ALEX BURGER. They plan a summer 1986 wedding. Congratulations! TONY CONSTANZA can be found at Western New England Law School. PETER MATHIEU is in law school in Washington, D.C. HUGH GORMAN (hey, how did he get in here?!) graduated from Bowdoin and it, now at Suffolk Law School in Boston. Two medical students who haven't been mentioned are DAVID HERR, who's at Tufts in Boston, and GRETCHEN KIMMICK, who is attending Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University in North Carolina. (Have you seen RICK ANDREOLI there yet? Does he really have a hot tub?) Others in the teaching field include KAREN OLIVER who's teaching English at Riley Country Day School in Maine. SALLY WEISSINGER is a classics teacher at the Brooke School in North Andover, MA. DOUG WEISBURGER is a history teacher at Miami Country Day School. His co-curricular activities include coaching j. v. football and soccer and acting as the head of the Interest Club. He's also chaperoning a group of 15 students to Washington, D.C. in mid-January. (Thanks for the warning, Doug!) TOM BAKER is a history teacher at the Webb School in Knoxville, TN and coaching j.v. soccer and basketball. KEN DOROSHOW is a teaching assistant and grad student in philosophy and English at SUNY/Albany and is living with RICK HAYBER. Teaching abroad are PAM NICHOLS, at the Salam School in Egypt, DOUG GASS at the American Language Institute in Lisbon, Portugal, and MARIANNE ALLESSIO who is teaching English at a school in Kyoto, Japan. Marianne is also designing costumes for a Japanese Noh theater. BARBARA OLES is studying and working in Madrid. BRIAN WANERMAN is a student at Nanjing University in the People's Republic of China. ANNIE PROCTOR is working towards her master's in French at the Middlebury program in Paris (give my regards to Reid Hall!). ANDREW WHITNEY is an assistant to the management at Sudatlantica, Cia de Seguros in Buenos Aires, Argentina. CAROLINE COCO sent me a nice postcard and informed that she's working at Christie's in London. London is also home for PRUDENCE "Prudy" HORNE. KATIE YORK and CAROLINE VAN HOUTON have moved to Paris for one year. DEBBIE WOOL has moved to Rome and is enjoying the Italian way of life while working as an au pair. MARK PINTO is also in Rome working for the U.N. MIKE McGOWAN is working towards

getting a job overseas. Somewhere in Europe is LAURA HIGGS (details, please!). TIM WHITEHOUSE writes that he's taking a year off before graduate school and "traveling through Europe and avoiding reality and Cleveland." KIM JOHNSTON has finished her Peace Corps training and is in Ecuador. She'd really appreciate some letters from the U.S., so if you get a chance, drop her a line at Cuerpo de Paz, Casill 635A, Quito, Ecuador, South America. FLOYD HIGGINS wrote me a most interesting letter from Doncaster, England. He's been accumulating a fantastic firsthand knowledge of 19th century organ design. He's in England until Christmas, then in France for a few months, followed by Austria, Germany and the Netherlands. Floyd states that his two most favorite possessions are his new manual typewriter and his 1974 Mercedes, which he purchased from "a former Watson." Well, this concludes our second column. This has been quite a writing marathon for me, and probably exhausting for you to read. But you must admit that squeezing 191 people into this small space is no small feat - in fact it might be Guinness Book material! Nevertheless please continue to write; it's great to hear from you. Besides, my landlady thinks I have a fan club due to all of my mail! Until the next issue! Class Agents: Lulu Cass Camille Guthrie Stephen Norton Howard Sadinsky

MASTERS 1933 JOSEPH G. FITZGERALD has moved to 50 Goshen St. in Hartford. He notes that he has six grandchildren. 1941 During 1984-5 DEBORAH ELKINS taught American literature to college teachers of English in Wuhan, at the invitation of the People's Republic of China. She writes that it was a great experience. 1948 ALMA NYE was president of the Gideon Welles Senior Center in Glastonbury during 1985. 1952 LIL ADAMS writes, "Nothing new, especially. I continue to edit my church bulletin (Holy Trinity, Middletown), volunteer one day a week at school, and do some writing for its own sake." 1956 THEODORE YONAN has developed a method of encrypting computer software that a computer (Cyber) capable of 800 MIPS (millions of instructions per second) will require 774 years to break code. It promises to be a boon to the growing demand for information privacy in both the business/industrial and government arenas. 1960 The September 29th edition of the Courant's Northeast magazine contained an article written by MICKI SAYIN describing the challenges she faced when she designed and built a new house. 1965 LIZ WARNER, professor of communications at Miami Dade Community College, has written Communication: The Bottom Line, which was published this year.

1966 BARBARA ELLIOTT writes that her son, CHRISTOPHER, graduated in Trinity's Class of 1985. 1967 REGINA DRISCOLL has joined the part-time faculty at the Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. JOYCE GAROFALO writes news of her children: daughter Adrienne, 14, is a freshman in high school; daughter Lesley, 11, is in sixth grade; and son Robert is in fourth grade. 1969 DAVID BROWN has been appointed president of Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. ANTHONY SHOOK US sends details of an August canoe trip in northern Ontario. "The trip took 14 days and covered 236 kilometers, and required 14 portages, 8 linings and the running of 50-60 rapids." He also spent a June weekend with the Vermont Country Cyclers biking in the Ludlow-Plymouth area. 1971 DONALD L. KOCH has been appointed executive vice president and chief financial officer of the Georgia Federal Bank. 1972 JOHN CRELAN, the director of the Cambridge, MA organization, Arts & Society, is a participant in "Bloomsday," an afternoon of music, poetry and dramatic readings based on the text of James Joyce. The program has been presented on campuses and theaters in the Boston area during the past several years, and was held at Trinity's Austin Arts Center in March. LAWRENCE FINK is vice president and senior trust officer of the Commonwealth National Bank in Harrisburg, P A. ART SHARP, senior technical writer at The Travelers, has published about 80 articles on a variety of subjects in several magazines and newspapers. He was instrumental in launching the "In the Shade of the Charter Oak" history column in the Hartford Courant.

1973 ROBERT NIEDBALA has been promoted to associate professor in physics at Thames Valley State Technical College in Norwich, CT. BETSY SHARP has recently assumed duties as Mattatuck Community College's first director of Cooperative Education. In addition, she has co-authored several articles with her husband, ART M'72. 1974 SYD ELKIN, partner in Farrelly, Tapper and Elkin notes that the law firm has recently relocated to 780 Farmington Avenue in West Hartford. 1975 V. CURTIS HUNTER is a school psychologist at RHAM Junior/Senior High School in Hebron, CT.

1978 C. HOWARD BAILEY completed her Ph.D. in theatre and graduated in June from the City University of New York. 1979 ROBERT FARWELL is director of the Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, ME. ROBERT HOLLAND is the author of articles appearing regularly in Audubon Magazine and has been selected as the official biographer of Edwin Teale. L. KAY STARK has just returned from the Indochinese Refugee Camp in Indonesia and is presently teaching English-as-aSecond-Language at Hartford Public High School. ANN M. TREGLIA-HESS is product

manager at Monarch Life Insurance Company in Springfield, MA. 1982 JOSEPH BIBISI is administrative hearing officer at the department of human resources for the State of Connecticut. CURTISS ROOKS has been promoted to associate dean of students and residential life at Pomona College in Claremont, CA. He has begun work on his Ph.D. in Asian studies. 1983 • GAIL GENE NETTLES is executive director at Connecticut Preservation Action in Hartford. FRANCES EPSTEIN WALTMAN recently established, with her husband, Irving, the Pincus Bernikier Lecture Series which will bring a Yiddish speaker to Hartford each year to memorialize this educator and writer. 1984 DAVID RADKA has recently been appointed a graduate assistant in the doctoral program in philosophy at Pennsylvania State University. He writes that the Ph.D. program should take him three years to complete. 1985 LYNN DAVIS is assistant registrar at the University of Hartford. JEAN JOHNSON is currently working on the sixth year program in American studies at Trinity. She was appointed social studies resource teacher in the Farmington School System.

HONORARII WILLIAM WALSH, JR., a physician and president of Project HOPE , Health Services Education Center of Millwood, VA, was named an Honorary President of Xian Medical College in China. DONALD LINDSLEY recently celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary. He is professor emeritus of psychology and physiology at UCLA.

trician at St. Francis and McCook Hospitals and a consultant at Mt. Sinai. He served as president of the Hartford Medical Society in 1952 and had held memberships in several medical organizations. Prior to his retirement pe practiced pediatric medicine for many years in West Hartford. CLARENCE DENTON TUSKA, 1919 Clarence D. Tuska of Cranbury, NJ died on June 30, 1985. He was 88. Born in New York, NY, he graduated from Hartford Public High School. He attended Trinity with the Class of 1919 and received his B.S. degree in 1939. In 1934 he received his LL.B. degree from LaSalle Extension University. He served in the Air Force in World War I. A co-founder of the American Radio Relay League and a manufacturer during the early 1920s, he headed his own company, which operated a radio telephone broadcasting station and manufactured and sold radio receivers and parts. He had been director of the RCA patent department and later, a patent consultant to RCA. A pioneer figure in radio, he had a varied career as an amateur wireless operator, editor, inventor, manufacturer, patent attorney, and author of several books. He was the holder of about 20 U.S. patents, and author of several historical radio papers and books. His memberships included election to the Hall of Fame, American Radio Relay League; honorary membership in the Antique Wireless Association; fellow member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.; life member of the Philadelphia Patent Law Association; and member of the Old Guard of Princeton. He leaves a son, James W., of Pennington, NJ; a daughter, Shirley T. Jenks, of Cranbury, NJ; and two granddaughters.

LOUIS SAMUEL COHEN, 1918 Louis S. Cohen of Atlanta, GA died on March 27, 1980. He was 85. Born in Lowell, MA, he graduated from Hartford Public High School. He matriculated at Trinity with the Class of 1918 and received his B.A. degree in 1920. He also attended Cumberland University, Chattanooga College of Law, and Yale Law School. He was a practicing attorney for 34 years, 12 years in private practice and 22 years for the U.S. government. He was a life member of Ahavath Achim Synagogue and a 32nd degree Mason. Surviving is his daughter, Adrienne Cohen-Ivy, of Atlanta, GA.

FREDERICK REED HOISINGTON, JR., 1920 Frederick R. Hoisington, Jr. of Fayetteville, NC died on September 9, 1985. He was86. Born in Chicago, IL, he graduated from Brunswick School in Greenwich, CT. At Trinity he served as class secretary, circulation manager of the Tripod, and secretary-treasurer of the political science club. He was also a member of the 1920 class football and track teams, the mandolin club, and Delta Upsilon fraternity. Hereceived his B.S. degree in 1920. He served in the U.S. armed forces from 1917 to 1918. Before his retirement at age 75, he had been a stockbroker. He was a member of the U.S. Tennis Association for 50 years. He leaves a son, F. Reed, of Fayetteville, NC; three daughters, Elizabeth Stewart, of Rochester, NY, Lucy Carver, of North Point, ME , and Edith Miller, of Sackville, New Brunswick; two brothers; a sister; thirteen grandchildren; and four greatgrandchildren.

DAVID GABERMAN, 1918 David Gaberman of North Miami, FL died on August 10, 1985. He was 89. Born in New York, NY, he graduated from Hartford Public High School before attending Trinity with the Class of 1918. He received his medical degree from Columbia University in 1920. He interned at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City and was in residency in Berlin, Germany where he specialized in diseases of infancy and childhood. In 1923 he began his pediatric practice in Hartford. He was the attending pedia-

MOSES JACOB NEIDITZ, 1921 Moses J. Neiditz of West Hartford, CT died on August 1, 1985. He was 86. Born in Palestine, he graduated from Hartford Public High School before attending Trinity with the Class of 1921. He also attended New York University. He was the founder and president of M.J. Neiditz Co., Inc. and was active in real estate development, management, appraisals and insurance for more than 60 years in Hartford. Together with other business associates, he developed the complex of office buildings on Pearl and Lewis Streets in Hartford, including 111 Pearl Street, which was the first downtown of-

In Memory

flee building constructed in Hartford after World War II. He was also a co-developer of Windsor, Wethersfield and Elmwood shopping centers, Loomis Drive apartments and other business and apartment developments. He held many professional and civic positions, including past president of the Greater Hartford Real Estate Board and was recipient of the Charter Oak Leadership Medal of the Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce. He was a founder and Regent of the University of Hartford, and a former chairman of its Building Committee. He was formerly a trustee of the Emanuel Synagogue, and member of the Mount Sinai Hospital Executive Board, director of United Bank and Trust and member of the Connecticut State Housing Commission. In 1964, he received the Herbert Lehman award for distinguished service to the Jewish community, and in 1982, the National Conference of Christians and Jews Human Relations Award. He was also a trustee of the Endowment Fund of the Hartford Jewish Federation. He leaves a son, Daniel M. , of West Hartford, CT; a daughter, Mrs. Jerome E. (Eleanor) Caplan, of West Hartford, CT; and seven grandchildren. THOMAS JOSEPH QUINN, 1924, M '28 Thomas J. Quinn of Hartford, CT died on August 15, 1985. He was 83. Born in Hartford, he graduated from Hartford Public High School. He received his B.S. degree in 1924 from Trinity and in 1928 he received his M.S. degree, also from Trinity. He subsequently attended the University of Connecticut Law School and the University of Hartford. He served as secretary for the Class of 1924. A mathematics instructor at Bulkeley High School for 36 years, he also coached the golf team and was the driver education teacher. He was the state director of the National Retired Teachers Association, and also served as a volunteer coordinator for the Internal Revenue Service. He was a member of the Holy Name Society of St. Lawrence O'Toole Church, where he served as lector, the Southwest Senior Citizen and Southend Senior Citizen Clubs. He is survived by his wife, Margaret Class Quinn, of Hartford, CT; a daughter, Joan Zuralo, of Hamden, CT; two brothers; two sisters; and two grandchildren. HARRIS HENDERSON THOMAS, 1924 Harris H. Thomas of New Brunswick, NJ died on August 20, 1985. He was 81. Born in Louisville, KY, he graduated from Caroline High School in Denton, MD. At Trinity he was a member of Delta Phi fraternity, the football and baseball teams, and was a class officer. He received his B.A. degree in 1924. He also studied at the Sorbonne in Paris and was awarded his master's degree in 1935 from Middlebury College. From 1924 to 1931 he taught French and Spanish at the Phillips Exeter Academy. From 1931 until 1971, when he retired, he was director of the study abroad program there. He leaves his wife, Dorothy Young Morganstern Thomas, of New Brunswick, NJ; three sons, Julian, of Poughkeepsie, NY; Charles, of Belmont, MA; and Benjamin, of Chevy Chase, MD; and eight grandchildren. MORRIS JOSEPH CUTLER, 1929 Morris J. Cutler of Bloomfield, CT died on October 10, 1985. He was 78. Born in Hartford, CT, he graduated from Hartford Public High School before attending Trinity, where he was a member of the baseball (captain), football and bas-

ketball teams. He received his B.S. degree in 1929 and in 1932 he received his LL.B. degree from Yale University. For 52 years he was in private practice as an attorney. He was Bloomfield Town Attorney, and a prosecutor in Bloomfield. He served as a judge eight years in Bloomfield Municipal Court, and was a member of Connecticut and Hartford county bar associations. He was the last surviving active charter member of the Bloomfield Lions Club, first president of the Citizen Scholarship Fund, and was a motivator in its formation. He was past president of West Hartford Jewish Community Center, which later became Beth David Synagogue, a charter member and past president of Beth Hillel Synagogue in Bloomfield. He was active in sports and played semipro baseball with the Hartford Twilight League. He later helped organize the Bloomfield Little League. An active Trinity alumnus, he served as agent for the Class of 1929 for 35 years, and chaired his 30th reunion committee. Surviving are his wife, Belle Bercowetz Cutler, of Bloomfield, CT; a son, Dr. Willim D., of Gales Ferry, CT; two daughters, Joyce Shane, of Avon, CT, and Miriam, of Millerton, NY; seven sisters; and two grandchildren. HAROLD GEORGE EBERLE, 1931 Harold G. Eberle of West Yarmouth, MA died on September 22, 1985. He was 77. Born in Hartford, he graduated from Hartford Public High School before attending Trinity with the Class of 1931. He also attended the University of Connecticut. Prior to his retirement, he was a selfemployed insurance broker. He is survived by his wife, Pauline Eberle, of West Yarmouth, MA; a son, Laird, of West Hartford, CT; two daughters, Joan Nelson, of West Hartford, CT, and Susan Bates, of West Yarmouth, MA; and three grandsons. GEORGE HERBERT WALKER, 1935 George H. Walker of Old Lyme, CT died on September 23, 1985. He was 73. Born in Wilmington, MA, he graduated from Hartford Public High School before attending Trinity with the Class of 1935. At Trinity he was a member of Pi Gamma Mu fraternity. He received his B.S. degree in 1937. Before his retirement in 1980, he had been employed for forty years as a quality control inspector at the Defense Contracts Administration Services in Hartford. Surviving is his wife, Evelyn Otto Walker, of Old Lyme, CT. WILLIAM VAN HORN REYNOLDS, 1936 William V.H. Reynolds of Darien, CT died on October 13, 1985. He was 71. Born in New Haven, CT, he graduated from William Hall High School in West Hartford, CT before attending Trinity, where he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, the Jesters, and the Tripod. He received his B.S. degree in 1936. During his professional career, he held executive positions with several multinational corporations. After working for Smith-Kline Corp. in Philadelphia and Vick Chemical Co., now Richardson-Vicks, Inc., he had joined Lehan and Fink Corp. in 1960. He retired in 1979 from Sterling Drug, Inc., a Sterling division. He leaves his wife, Jeannette Gallagher Reynolds, of Darien, CT; two sons, Bradley and Peter, both of California; three daughters, Katherine, of New York City, Patricia, of Providence, RI, and Barbara Rawlins, of Baltimore, MD; and a brother.

JOSEPH GUSTAV ASTMAN, 1938 Joseph G. Astman of Levittown, NY died on September 2, 1985. He was 68. Born in Willimantic, CT, he graduated from Hartford Public High School'before attending Trinity, where he received his B.A. degree in 1938. Subsequently, he attended Yale University where he received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in 1942 and 1948, respectively. During World War II, he was in the Army's signal corps and military intelligence. He served on the faculties of Avon Old Farms School and St. Joseph College, before his appointment in 1948 as associate professor in languages at Hofstra College. He chaired the foreign language department from 1954 to 1966. In 1976 he formed the Hofstra University Cultural Center and was its director until his death. In 1983 he was awarded Trinity's Alumni Award for Excellence and was also named Honorary Hofstra Alumnus. He was vice president of the New York chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages from 1951 to 1955. He was active in the Modern Language Association in New York City, and was director of testing from 1955 until his death . He was a member of the Woodrow Wilson Selection Committee in 1964 and 1965. He was also a member of the American Society of Eighteenth Century Studies and was treasurer ofthe Friends of the Nassau County Museum. He was an active Trinity alumnus, serving as class agent, a member of the Board of Fellows, and an interviewer for the admissions office. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Rennie Astman, of Levittown, NY; two sons, Joseph III, of Farmingville, NY, and William, of Honolulu, HI; a daughter, Toby Selda, of Northport, NY; his mother; a brother; and a sister.

JOHN FRANCIS DALY, JR., 1938, M'39 John F. Daly, Jr. of West Hartford, CT died on October 6, 1985. He was 79. 路 Born in Hartford, he graduated from Hartford Public High School before attending Trinity with the Class of 1938. He received his B.A. degree from Holy Cross College in 1938 and his M.A. degree from Trinity in 1939. He was a retired educator, businessman, and owner of Industry路 services Co. During his lifetime, he had served as the first director of the Hartford branch of the University of Connecticut, and was the New England regional director of the War Manpower Commission from 1942 to 1945, a former director of the Hartford chapter S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. , and former soloist and choir director in several area churches. He had taught in the Hartford Public School system from 1936 to 1939. He was a former grand knight of the Bishop McMahon Knights of Columbus, a member of the West Hartford Squires, and a former member of the 3rd district, West Hartford Democratic Committee. He leaves two sons, John F., Jr., of West lfartford, CT, and Kevin J., of Bristol, CT; two daughters, Ann Crimmins, of Granby, CT, and Marion, of Marlboro, MA; and two grandchildren.

JOHN CHARLES TIEDEMAN, JR., 1938 John C. Tiedeman, Jr. of Sun City, AZ died on May 11, 1984. He was 68. Born in New York, NY, he graduated from Riverdale Country School before attending Trinity, where he was a member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, the Jesters, and the Interfraternity Council. He received his B.S. degree in 1938.

During World War II, he was a captain in the Air Force. He had been employed as an advertising salesman, in real estate management, and as budget officer for the National Broadcasting Company. Before retiring in 1973, he had been comptroller of the Philadelphia National Bank.


WILLIAM JAMES HOFMANN, 1940 William J. Hofmann of East Hartford, CT died on September 29, 1985. He was 67. Born in Brooklyn, NY, he graduated from East Hartford High School before attending Trinity with the Class of 1940. At Trinity he was a member of the track team. He received his B.S. degree in 1941. He served as a staff sergeant with the Army Air Force during World War II. During this period, he was awarded the Victory Medal, Asiatic Pacific Theater Campaign Ribbon, American Theater Campaign Ribbon, Philippine Liberation Ribbon with one bronze star, and the Good Conduct Medal. In 1978 he retired from Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company where he had been an officer of the policyholder service division. He leaves his wife, Marie Breton Hofmann, of East Hartford, CT; a daughter, Claire Wilkos, of East Hartford, CT; a sister; and two grandsons. ALEXJ,NDER WILLIAM WALLIS NETTEN, 1940 Alexander W. W. Netten of Jamestown, RI died on October 24, 1981. He was 65. Born in St. John's, Newfoundland, he graduated from Hartford Public High School before attending Trinity with the Class of 1940. Before his retirement in 1974 he had been a customer's engineer with International Business Machines for 27 years in their Providence, RI office. He leaves his wife, Elizabeth Barnard Netten, of Jamestown, RI; two daughters, Bonnie Reilly, of Jamestown, RI, and Andrea. Sechrist, of Sacramento, CA; a son, Bruce, of North Andover, MA; and six grandchildren. FREDERICK WILBUR CARLSON, 1954 Frederick W. Carlson of West Hartford, CT died on September 24, 1985. He was 54. Born in Hartford, he graduated from Wilbraham Academy before attending Trinity, where he was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity, the football, basketball and track teams, and served as class marshal. He was a lieutenant in the Air Force during the Korean War. He had been a salesman with American Cyanamid and American Mutual. At the time of his death, he was self-employed as a salesman. He is survived by two sons, George J ., of West Hartford, CT, and Mark W. , of New York City; a daughter, Kimberly Ann Eggert, of Columbus, OH; his mother; and a sister. FELIX THOMAS COSTA, 1951 Felix T. Costa of Newport Beach, CA died on September 5, 1985. He was 56. Born in Hartford, CT, he graduated from Hartford Public High School before attending Trinity, where he was a member of the swim team . In 1954 he received his B.A. degree. Subsequently, he was awarded his M.A. and Ed.D. degrees from Columbia University. He taught at California State College in Los Angeles, where he was named professor in 1978. He leaves his wife, Susanne Costa, of Newport Beach, CA; his mother, and his brother, both of Hartford.

SARAH JANE MULCAHY, M.A. 1958 Sarah J . Mulcahy of West Hartford, CT died on September 24, 1985. She was 77. Born in Newington, she received her B.S. degree from Central Connecticut State University. She subsequently attended the University of Connecticut, Boston University and the University of Hartford, receiving her M.A. degree from Trinity in 1958. She had taught in the Hartford public school system for many years, where she also worked as a reading consultant. She had also been a teacher at the University of Hartford. She was a member of the Church of St. Brigid, West Hartford, and was a past president of the Ladies' Guild of the church. She was also past president of the Elmwood Chapter AARP 3117, secretary of the West Hartford Music and Art Club, a member of Delta Kappa Gamma International, a member of the Retired Teachers Association, State of Connecticut, and had been active in various educational organizations. Surviving are a brother and two sisters. JOHN J. BOYLE, M.A. 1960 John J . Boyle of New Britain, CT died on June 22, 1985. He was 73. Born in Cambridge, MA, he received his undergraduate degree from the University of Connecticut and his M.A. degree from Trinity in 1960. He was a Navy veteran of World War II. In 1979, he retired from the federal government, where he had been employed by the Internal Revenue Service of the Treasury Department. He was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Church, the Elks Lodge of Plymouth, MA, VFW, the American Association of Retired Persons and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees. Surviving are his wife, Gertrude Downey Boyle, of New Britain, CT; a daughter, Patricia Pearman, of San Dimas, CA; a sister; and five grandchildren. BETTY SLOCOMBE WELCH, M.S. 1965 Betty S. Welch of Brockton, MA died on August 23, 1985. She was 72. Born in Worcester, MA, she was one of the first women to graduate from Cornell's Sibley College of Engineering in 1936 with an M.E. degree, becoming a registered professional engineer in 1944. She stayed in aeronautical engineering until 1964, when she pursued a career in teaching. She earned her M.S. degree in physics from Trinity in 1964. She taught physics at the University of Connecticut from 1965 to 1978, retiring as assistant professor. She developed the Branch Science Fair in 1967 at the University, involving all science departments, to challenge students with an original, college-level science presentation. She was an active officer of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Cornell Women's Club. In 1980, she was awarded one of the engineering industry's highest recognitions, the American Society of Mechanical Engineer Centennial Medallion. She is survived by a son, Dr. Christopher, of Gloucester, VA; a daughter, Dr. Susan Briggs, of Randolph, MA; and four grandchildren. JOHN DAVIS LODGE , HON. 1951 John D. Lodge of Westport, CT died on October 29, 1985. He was 82. Born in Washington, D.C., he received his undergraduate and law degrees from Harvard University. Upon graduating from Harvard Law School, he became associated with the law firm of Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swaine and Wood in New York City. He was active in the New York theater and in motion pic-

tures in the U.S., England, Italy and France. He served in the Navy from 1942-46, becoming liaison officer between the French and U.S. fleets and later public relations officer and press censor in the Sicilian Operation. He was in the landings at Salerno and Southern France and was decorated by the French with the Chevalier Legion of Honor and the Croix de Guerre. From 1947-1951 he was a member of the 80th and 81st Congresses, representing the 4th District of Connecticut. In 1950 he was elected governor of Connecticut and served a four-year term. Subsequently, he served as ambassador to Spain, Argentina, and Switzerland. He then became a special delegate to the United Nations. In 1951 he was awarded the honorary doctor of laws degree at Trinity's 125th Commencement, where he delivered the Commencement address. He is survived by his wife, Francesca Braggiotti Lodge of Westport, CT; two daughters, Lily Lodge of Manhattan, and Beatrice de Oyarzabal, of Madrid, Spain; a sister; and eight grandchildren.

JOHN FREDERICK ENDERS, HON. 1955 John F. Enders of Brookline, MA and Waterford, CT died on September 8, 1985. Hewas88. Born in West Hartford, CT, he entered Yale University in 1914, but his studies were interrupted by Navy service in World War I. He received his A.B. degree in 1920. In 1922 he was awarded the M.A. degree and in 1930 he received his Ph.D. degree, both from Harvard University. His early research centered on the study of immunity. He worked his entire professional career at Harvard, beginning as an assistant in the department of bacteriology and immunology in 1929. His productive career in virological research led to his sharing the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1954 (for work on the cultivation of polio virus in tissue cultures, a crucial step before a vaccine could be developed) and to the development of an effective measles vaccine that became available in 1962. In 1963 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Other honors included membership in the Royal Society in England, the French Academy of Sciences, and the Robert Koch medal from Germany. He also received an honorary M.D. from the Connecticut Medical Association. In 1953 he received an honorary D.Sc. degree from Yale University and in 1955, from Trinity. He leaves his wife, Carolyn Keane Enders, of Brookline, MA and Waterford, CT; a daughter, Sarah Staffian, of Baltimore, MD; a brother, Ostrom Enders Hon. '76, a charter trustee of Trinity; and two grandchildren.

LORETTA BEAL JACOBS Loretta Beal Jacobs of Chappaquiddick, MA and Ann Arbor, MI, widow of former Trinity President Albert C. Jacobs, died on October 11, 1985. She was 88. Trained as an Army nurse during World War I, she was in the Red Cross Motor Corps during World War II. While she lived in Hartford, she was a member of the Connecticut Society of Colonial Dames and a director of theW ebb-Deane-Stevens Museum in Wethersfield. She and her husband, who was president of Trinity from 1953 to 1968, retired to Ann Arbor and spent summers on Chappaquiddick Island. She leaves two daughters, Loretta Edwards and Sarah Malcolm, both of Ann Arbor, MI; a son, Travis Beal, of Middlebury, VT; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

A Message from the Alumni Association President To All Trinity Alumni/ae: The Executive Committee of the National Alumni Association has embarked on an ambitious program for the 1985-1986 academic year. We recognize that a major problem in the past has been the lack of communication with, and input from, our members. As a result, w~ have commenced a number of projects which will begin to remedy this problem as well as set the cou~se for the Association for the remainder of this decade. First, a Constitution Committee, consisting of David A. Raymond, Victor F. Keen, Gerald J. Hansen, Jr., director of alumni relations, and myself, has been formed to revise the Association's Constitution. The major purpose of the revisions is to make certain that the leader_ship of the Association is drawn from a more widely divergent group of people and that the flow of ideas is from the "bottom up" rather than our present "top down" structure. In other words, we must reward individuals who have worked effectively at the local level. A broader membership on the Ex, ecutive Committee will also provide a built-in and muchimproved communication system. Furthermore, we intend to seek funding from the College for the Committee's 路 expenses. The amendments to the Constitution will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting of the Association in June. Second, a Long-Range Planning Committee, consisting of Thomas M. Chappell, Wenda Harris Millard and DanielL. Korengold, is preparing a five-year plan for the Association. A pressing problem has been a lack of consistent goals and purposes. The Committee is charged with presenting the members of the Association with a clear path for the future and a method of measuring performance. The long-range plan will be presented to the members at the Annual Meeting. Third, the Executive Committee has conducted a review of the Alumni Fund during the past year. A committee consisting of Robert E. Bric;kley, Elizabeth Kelly Droney, Jeffrey J. Fox and Alfred Steel, Jr. is preparing a report on the Fund for distribution to the members at the Annual Meeting. Fourth, I intend to attend the meetings of a number of the local clubs in order to report on the activities of the Executive Committee, as well as listen to the ideas of local members. I began this process in September with a speech to the Trinity Club of San Francisco. Fifth, the Executive Committee unanimously endorsed the inclusion in the upcoming capital camp'aign of funding for an alumni-faculty house. Such a house will be used as a campus meeting place by both alumni and faculty. Finally, the Committee intends to open a dialogue with the Administration and the Board ofT rustees on a number of issues. Again, communication is a critical factor in raising the effectiveness of the Association. We have a great deal of work to do this year in order to create the basis for an Association which is a forceful advocate of the views of its members. I look forward to seeing and talking with many of you during the coming months. Sincerely, William H. Schweitzer '66 President

Make your plans now to come back to the campus for the best reunion ever. Highlights include: • New England clambake and jazz concert on the Quad • Lectures and mini-courses by Trinity faculty and alumni on a variety of topics • Golf and tennis tournaments and a 3-mile mini-marathon • Class dinner reminiscences • Complete children's program including a trip to Mystic Aquarium • Elegant dormitory housing with your former classmates Bring the whole family and enjoy all the campus facilities as you relax with your friends on a spring weekend in Hartford.

It's a Bantam Vacation!

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