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From the President At a luncheon in May for departing College Chaplain the Rev. N ancy Charles, The Right Rev. Arthur Walmsley, C lass of'48, offered a prayer in gratitude for the singular capacity humans have for memory; what a gift that is, he said. His observation at the event was a perfect way to keep Nancy in our thoughts, as she begins h er duties as deployment officer for the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut. This issue of the Reporter offers the same kind of opportunities for remembering. In the lead story alumni contribute their recollections of a transformative time in the history of the country and the College. Twenty-five years ago the first women undergraduates ascended to the Commencement platform, capping t he first year of the transition to coeducation. While this was undoubtedly the most dramatic change at Trinity in the 20th century, at the same time there were a number of other important events taking place . The student body was becoming m ore diverse, the new curriculum was adopted, and foreign study, including at Trinity's own Rome campus, was emerging as an important study option. In addition to remembering the events of 25 years ago, this issue takes time to look back at another generation changed by history. Trinity's Class of'44 has been an extremely unified and successful one, as you will see. Their accomplishments seem especially remarkable, when you consider that only 13 members of the Class actually graduated in 1944. Also in this section Lewis Walker '38 recalls his invo~vement in the planning of a top-secret m ilitary event which never happened 50 years ago. Paul Kincade '46 recalls w ith appreciation his years in the N avy V-12 Program at Trinity. Paul is an internationally recognized consulting and investigative hypnotist, who, coincidentally, taught the techniques of self-hypnosis at Reunion this year. The C lass Notes section looks back on Reunion 1995, w h en the Classes w ith the Os and Ss reconvened for conversation, fun, learning, and remembering. Those of us in attendance enj oyed the contributions that several alumni made to the success of the overall program. Reunion was one memorable feature of the warm welcome extended by the entire Trinity community to me and my w ife, Kit, and our son, Harry. Other events these past few months - Commencem ent, cheering on the crew teams at the Henley Regatta in England and meeting th~ London alumni, and trips to visit area clubs and individual alumni- have made me feel excited about Trinity's future. Ki t and I feel so privileged to be part of this great institution and worldwide family. We thank you for your great kindness to us and en couraging support. I look forward to seeing you at the College this fall or at an alumni event in your area. With best wishes,


Evan S. Dobelle

• Contents Remembering 25 years ago 3

When a College, and a country, greatly changed by Jon Zonderman '79


Highlights of the Times at Trinity: Years of Drama and Decision


Creating a Fundamentally Different Curriculum


25 Years Out: Reflections from the Class of '70 on Life and Trinity

10 Recalling Trinity/Rome's first ¡ golden summer by George Cooper Hon. '83

Remembering 50 years ago

Published by the Office of Public Relations, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106. The Trinity Reporter is mailed to alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends of Trinity College w ithout charge. All publication rights reserved, and contents may be reproduced or reprinted only by written permission of the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the editors or contributors and do not reflect the official position of Trinity College. The Trinity Reporter Vol. 25, No.2 September 1995 Editor: Roberta N. J enckes M'87 Sports Editor: Albert C. Carbone, Jr. '95 Publications Assistant: Kathleen H . Davidson

13 Another generation affected by war 14 Prologue to the Class of'44 Reunion Book by Elliott K. Stein '44 15 50 Years Out: Reflections from the Class of '44 on Life and Trinity 16 Deception Plan for "Operation Olympic" by L ewis M. walker '38 20 When the NavyV-12ers invaded Trinity by Paul Kincade '46

Departments 25 Along the Walk 32 Sports 35 Books 36 Area club corner 38 Class Notes 75 In Memory Inside back cover From the archivist's perspective

Keep in touch with us on e-mail L earn about campus news as it happens. You can receive Trinity College News (TCN)', a campus newsletter, via e-mail. Just send a note that says "I want my TCN" and your e-mail_address to: Rachelle. Sanders @mail.trincoll.edu To send a change cif address: The College has an e-mail address for alumni to use in informing Trinity of change of addresses. To use e-mail, contact: address. change @ mail.trincoll.edu And of course, you may also continue to notifY us of changes through correspondence by mail to the Alumni Office, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106.

Contributors: Rachelle Sanders, Andrew Walsh '79 and Eugenie Devine National Alumni Association: Executive .. Committee: President- Peter A Sturrock '65; Vice Presidents - Admissions, Gwynne MacColl Campbell '77; Alumni Fund, William H. Reynolds, Jr. '71. M embers: Raymond]. Beech '60, Nina McNeely Diefenbach '80, Donna F. Haghighat '89, Creighton R. Hooker '65, Stuart H. Kerr '78, Sarah M. Larkin '82, Paul D. Lazay '61, Karen L Mapp '77, BryantS . McBride '88, P. Alexander Monaghan '78, Kevin A. North '74, Rhea Pincus Turteltaub '82, and Alden R. Gordon '69, Faculty Representative. Board of Trustees: Charter Trustees: Francisco L Borges '74, Cassandra Henderson-Carney '75, William J Eakins '66, Raymond E. Joslin '58, George A. Kellner '64, Alfred J Koeppel '54, Eileen S. Kraus M'65, Worth Loomis, Charles H . McGill '63, Donald L McLagan '64, Michael M . Michigami '69, Ruth]. Nutt, Carolyn A. Pelzel . '74, Paul E. Raether '68, Scott W Reynolds '63, Harvey F. Silverman '65, Emily B. Swenson '75, Douglas T. Tansill '61, and Henry M. Zachs '56. Trustee Ex-Officio: EvanS. Do belle, President. Alumni Trustees: Paul A. Cataldo '57, Benjamin Foster '71, Jeffrey J Fox '67, Karen A. Jeffers '76, Peter T. Kilborn '61, Richard W Stockton '60.

G. Keith Funston Trustee: Lisa Alvarez-Calderon '88


-when a College, and a country, greatly changed 路 by Jon Z o nderman '79

This past year the campus community came together around events marking the beginnings, 25 years ago, of coeducation and of the Umoja House. But the academic years 1994-95 and 1995-96 are, additionally, milestones for a host of programs, activities and ways of operating that, taken together, created what might be called "today's Trinity." It was, indeed, during 1969-70 that the first women undergraduates enrolled and around this time that the number of minority students rose from a handful in each class to two or three dozen per class. Umoja House, the center for black students, was created, and the black community developed a voice through the Trinity Coalition of Blacks. Black studies classes were created and merged into the "non-Western studies" program to create a new Intercultural Studies Program, one of the most hotly debated topics of the new curriculum (see story on the chang- . ing academic landscape, page 7). In 1969, for the first time, the College hired a woman, Dori Katz, into a tenure-track position. She later became the first



woman to achieve tenure and to be made a full professor. Today, almost two-fifths of the Trinity faculty are women. In March of 1970 the College hired Herbert Years Harris as the first black full-time faculty member. His Ago appointment was two-thirds time in the religion department and one-third time as assistant dean for human relations in the office of community life. The administrative portion of the appointment was made in response to a recommendation by a panel that studied an incident between a black student and a white member of campus security. Today, 11 percent of the faculty are minority individuals. It was also during these years that students began sitting on 路 faculty committees, and when they began, in large numbers, to involve themselves in politics and service in the community. Today, the College's internship program, providing academic credit for work at one of more than 200 Hartford-area institutions, is an important Justin VanEtten '96 did an internfeature of a Trinity education. ship last semester with Paine Webber. Thomas Lips, center, has Community Service and Outreach sponsored dozens of Trinity Programs involve hundreds of students through the internship students in programs and events program, which has grown substantially over 25 years. each semester. The institution also became more involved with the other Hartford-area colleges, the Twel,ve College Exchange, and other opportunities for Trinity students to study at other campuses or abroad. (In a story accompanying this article, Professor Emeritus George Cooper recalls 1970, the year of the first summer program at Trinity's Rome Campus.) Also making a debut in 1969 was a plan for "democratic" campus governance. At the convocation, President Theodore Lockwood '48, Thomas Smith, former vice then newly installed, proposed "a president of the College. deliberative body with authority to review any question of general college policy. .. (with) representatives from all the members of the community: faculty, students, administration, staff and alumni." Noticeably absent from the list were trustees. The Trinity College Council (TCC), which had been instituted the year before and was made up of four faculty, four students and four administrators, opposed



the idea; another governing body would have made it superfluous. The TCC was an attempt to "find ways to add the student voice and return the faculty voice to campus governance," says former Vice President of the College Thomas A. Smith '44, whose 35-year administrative career at Trinity takes in this critical period. Smith says that by the end of the 1960s many colleges and universities realized that the postwar trend toward residing campus management in the hands of full-time administrators rather than faculty had caused some breakdown in the feeling of campus community. Administrators tended to respond to trustees rather than faculty and students, and trustees are "removed from the daily life of campus, although they often had great expectations about how that life would be led." While the TCC counterbalanced that trend, Smith said that after two or three years of dealing with weighty issues-a new disciplinary code foremost among themthe TCC became bogged down in debate of campus minutiae. "Most students really couldn't care about all the details. They expend their energy on academics and social outlets." While the TCC has disbanded, the student voice continues to be an important one in campus governance today. This sense of Trinity students' being adults resonated throughout campus life at this time, from Lockwood's notions of democratic governance through self-guided academic studies, into how the College and its students dealt with urban and national politics. The TCC had spent much of the 1968-69 academic year trying to develop a new discipline code to fill the void created when all of the members of the honor society Medusa resigned after taking part in the takeover of the administration offices in April 1968 in protest of the Vietnam War. In the fall of 1969, it was still struggling with creating a drug policy and a judicial process that would not give final power of punishment to the trustees. In addition to TCC's dissenting voice on Lockwood's suggestion, Trinity's small chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was against it, seeing the new Lockwood model as a dilution of the student body's voice in campus matters. SDS had been the driving force behind the takeover of the president's office in the spring of 1968-two days before the famous takeover at Columbia University. By the fall of1969 SDS had lost most of its following on campus as the national organization became more radical. Blowing up ROTC offices and research labs where military research was done, as happened on many campuses, didn't sit well with a student body that emptied trash cans and otherwise cleaned up after itself when it ended its 1968 sit-in. (continued on page 6)

Highlights of the Times at Trinity: Years of Drama and Decision • FALL 1967-A group of Trinity students organize the Hartford Educational Cooperative, an alternative "free university." • FALL 1967-Students in Religion 235 negotiate a covenant with Prof Albert Rabil stipulating the duties and responsibilities of both students and faculty. • FALL 1967-A Tripod editorial denounces "the War Monster": "Our government cannot politically or economically maintain peace domestically and simultaneously pursue its Vietnam policy." .FALL 1967-Dean of the College Harold Dorwart places limits on military recruiting on campus and agrees not to report the names of students who protest against the Selective Service. • APRIL 24, 1968-More than 150 students organized by the Trinity Association of Negroes and the Students for a Democratic Society barricade the Trustees in a room in the Downes Memorial and demand a large increase in scholarship aid to black students. The Trustees agree to guarantee 15 scholarships and to increase the aid budget for minority scholarships from $75,000 to $200,000. The student government pledges $15,000 annually from its budget for minority scholarships. • SPRING 1968-President Jacobs resists pressure from Trustees to suspend all 160 student protesters, insisting that the College follow its normal disciplinary procedures. Jacobs then charges six student leaders with "false imprisonment." • FALL 1968-A Tripod poll reports that 78 percent of the student body supports coeducation. President Lockwood announces an immediate study of the feasibility of coeducation and begins negotiations for a spring exchange program with Vassar College. The April1968 sit-in by Trinity students in Downes Memorial.

-Summer 1969-Writing in The Washington Post, Ward Just '57 expresses astonishment at the rapid transformation of Trinity College from a rule-bound institution into one with virtually no rules."It is not that the inmates have taken over the asylum; it is that no one has." • FALL 1968-The Vassar exchange offers Trinity students their first opportunity to enroll in anthropology and sociology classes. • JANUARY 1969-Trustees unanimously approve coeducation and aims to recruit for a 40 percent female student body by 1971. • JANUARY 1969-President Lockwood announces that Trinity has abandoned its policy of acting in loco parentis towards students. •JANUARY 1969-The Trinity Coalition of Blacks issues a 12point ultimatum to the administration. TCB demands that blacks make up at least 11 percent of subsequent freshman classes, that a black educator be hired in every College department, and that the TCB play a determining role in the admission of black students and the hiring of black faculty. • APRIL 1969 Trinity admits 40 black freshmen, the largest group in its history. .APRIL 1969-Tripod attacks special privileges it claims are accorded to the College's Air Force ROTC program.

• APRIL 1969-A group of conservative students organizes HELP (Help Eliminate Lockwoo~'s Policies), stages demonstrations. It opposes the expansion of the College's enrollment, the new policy of giving black students highest priority for scholarship funding, and calls for more financial aid for all students. The group also demands Dean Robert Fuller's dismissal. •WINTER 1970-Aseries of student protests demand that Trinity hire radical black journalist Chuck Stone, a native of Hartford, to direct the College-proposed program in black studies. Mter considerable controversy, Stone declines an offer of an associate professor's post to take another job. • SPRING 1970-Eight students are elected to the new 22-member Trinity College Council, which also includes eight faculty, two alumni, two administrators, one staff member, and a parent. • SPRING 1970-Trinity ends contract with Air Force ROTC.

• NOVEMBER 1970-College deficits cause cutbacks in financial aid. President Lockwood proposes an optional three-year degree program that is never approved by Trustees. .FEBRUARY1971-The Faculty votes to admit a Tripod reporter and students sitting on Faculty committees to the monthly Faculty meeting. • OCTOBER 1971-Seventyfive students gather in the Chapel Undercroft for the first meeting of a campus Gay Liberation Organization. • OCTOBER 1971-Dean of the Faculty Edwin Nye issues a reports on grade inflation. Between the 1959-60 and 197071 academic years, t)1e percentage of''N.' grades at Trinity rose from 11 to 23.4 percent. The percentage of "B" grades jumped from 35.2 to 41 percent. "F" grades. rose from 3.5 to 3.6 percent. • DECEMBER 1971-H. Susannah Hesche! elected editor of the Tripod, the first female editor in the newspaper's history. • FEBRUARY 1972-The Trinity Women's Organization sponsors the first Women's Week "Until this year," the Tripod editorializes, "most women at Trinity felt they were unwelcome visitors . A radical change in the atmosphere occurred at the beginning of the year, due to a substantial increase .in the number of coeds, to a decision within the administration to include a dean concerned with the problems of women and to the addition of various courses in women's studies." • APRIL 1972-Students declare a "n9n-coercive strike" on campus to protest the resumption of US bombing of North Vietnam.


25 Years


(continued from page 4) In fact, on September 26, 1969 the Trinity SDS chapter removed itself from the national organization, renaming itself the Theodore Lockwood chapter of the Ghost Shirt Society, a remembrance of groups of American Indians who roamed the plains states after most of their people had been forced onto reservations in the late 19th century. Just a few weeks later Trinity took a decidedly measured stance regarding the Vietnam Moratorium Day. While Loc'kwood refused to cancel classes so students could mass at the University of Hartford for an 11 a.m. rally and march to the Old State House at Constitution Plaza, he did sanction an ecumenical service at noon in the chapel. No students were penalized for missing classes that day, and many students attended the service, then marched downtown and joined the marchers from UHart at Bushnell Park, which had been pressed into service as the rally site because of the crowd's size, estimated by police and the press at more than 10,000.

Soon after, the President authorized the college chaplain to establish an office for draft counseling and the college counselor to advise students on drug use and abuse. Student ombudsmen positions were created in the office of student life, and the next year the Resident Assistant program began. To this day, the R.A. position includes a healthy dose of peer counseling and ombudsman/ombudswoman activities on behalf of students. Over the next six months the campus played host to a debate between the Rev. Joseph Duffey, chairman of Americans for Democratic Action, and William F. Buckley, publisher of National Review. Herman Bedillo, the former Bronx Borough President, spent a week as lecturer in residence; he spoke against "community control," of schools in the Ocean Hill-Brownsville section of New York, but urged Trinity students to "adopt a school" in Hartford and create a "new condition for cities." Allard Lowenstein visited campus to discuss

(continued on page 8)


The Individualized Degree Program was launched during this time; here, Professor Leslie Desmangles, left, talks with IDP students.

Creating a Fundamentally Different Curriculum

"'T"' .1 he most exciting and important change" to come about during the late '60s and early '70s, says]. Ronald Spencer '64, was the "open curriculum," which remains at the core of the Trinity academic experience. Spencer, currently associate academic dean and lecturer in history, had returned in the summer of 1968 as a lecturer in history. He arrived at the same time as President Theodore Lockwood, who had been dean at Union College, and Lockwood's assistant from Union, Robert Fuller, who became Dean of the College. Lockwood announced the new curriculum in April 1969; the Class of '73, which matriculated in September 1969, was the first to study under it. The open curriculum had no College-wide requirements-no more math, foreign language, or physical education requirements; students only needed to fulfill the requirements of a department .for the major and complete 36 courses to graduate. The new curriculum was the application in the classroom of an attitudinal change that swept Trinity and other colleges across the country, an attitude that asked students to take more personal responsibility for their academic and non-academic experiences, including working out disputes where "moral collisions" occur. As Vice President Thomas Smith wrote in an essay in the Tripod of December 14, 1971, "the development of personal moral standards is each student's responsibility .. .! would not expect, nor would I encourage, the college or the university to resume its attempt to assume moral custody for students." Over the years, curricular innovations approved by the faculty

have been reintroduced; a new general-education curriculum took effect with freshmen entering in fall, 1988. Students today fulfill a distribution requirement by taking one course in each of five areas (Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Numerical & Symbolic Reasoning, and Social Sciences); and an integration of knowledge requirement, usually by completing a five- or sixcourse interdisciplinary minor; and before graduation, they must demonstrate proficiency in writing and mathematics. Despite this, much of the thrust of the open curriculum remains in place today. Open semesters to pursue independent projects came into being with the open curriculum. Open periods in both the Christmas and Trinity terms date from October 1969, and pass/fail grades were first discussed and adopted during this period as well. There was a move by some to go to a complete honors/ credit/fail grading system, a move that was crushed by graduate schools unwilling to accept such a system. It was also during this time that new academic programs were launched, including the Individualized Degree Program for nontraditional students, and the Urban and Environmental Studies (now Public Policy Studies), American Studies and Religion majors. Interdisciplinary departments were created, such as comparative literature. Black studies classes were created and merged into the "non-Western studies" program to create a new Intercultural Studies Program. The creation oflntercultural Studies was important for a black community struggling to find its voice. Since then, Intercultural

Studies has gone through two more incarnations, first as Area Studies and today as International Studies. Study of Mrican nations resides here, while Mro-American studies was passed in the 1980s to the American Studies department, which has moved from its original focus on the myth-andsymbol school of thought about American icons to what is described today as "the study of a culture in the process ofbecoming." In 1969 the first rumblings of American Studies began at Trinity, and one of the four women transfer stude'nts who graduated in the Class of 1970, Judy Dworin, majored in American Studies. She brough~ the Smith College program with her, and for her thesis created a staged interpretation through dance of John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia. The years 1969-1971 also saw the development of Urban and Environmental Studies from a small think tank to a full-fledged academic program. Perhaps most surprising, given Trinity's historic attachment to the Episcopal Church, 1969 was when the College first sanctioned a major in religion. The new major, unencumbered by a tradition of comprehensive exams, rigidly prescribed courses of study and other vestiges of the academic version of in loco parentis, created a major with a junior seminar, a senior colloquium, a faculty adviser and an educational philosophy described to the Tripod by Alan Tull, then college chaplain and associate professor of religion, as: "The way of learning is provided by the department, but what is learned is determined by the student." •



(continued from page 6)


the "new politics," and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Hesche! also appeared to speak against the Vietnam War.


Long-time Trinity administrator and current Associate Academic Dean]. Ronald Spencer '64 remembers a college that once again looked for a middle ground. Acknowledging the intense interest of many students in the N ationa! Student Strike called for May 1, 1970 and in anti-war activities, yet not wanting to jeopardize students' grades and credits and seeking to stave off any lawsuits from conservative students or parents about breach of contract for not providing a semester's education for a semester's tuition, he helped the College

Alfonso Carney '70, left, looks over a scrapbook at a Umoja House 25th Anniversary celebration.

orchestrate a "non-coercive strike." Classes would meet if faculty wanted, and faculty would have the option of scheduling finals if they chose. Term papers would be

"That's one of the things that sticks with me most strongly, and which I have missed deeply since-a sense

due, but no student or faculty member would be

of community. Sure there were frictions; sure, there were differences. But isolated as we were, enclosed by the wrought-iron fence that surrounds the campus, we were

penalized for not going to classes, and students who did not attend any scheduled final would have grades determined by their work to the time of the strike, so long as they were using the time away from class to engage in


J. Ronald Spencer '64, longtime Trinity administrator.

held in some crucial way apart from the larger societyapart in a manner that allowed us the time and space to think and grow...

activities meant to end the Vietnam War.

"Remarkably, it seems that the passage of twentyfive years has not eroded our commitment to social

"We worked very had to keep things channeled in a positive direction," Spencer

justice; we remain aware and committed and politically liberal; we're still concerned with issues such as the

recalls. The driving force, vital to all of the changes made at Trinity at that time,

decay of the inner cities, poverty, the preservation of the environment, as well as with new issues such as AIDS. "

Spencer says, was "an extraordinary sense of expectation and possibilities," on the part of students, faculty and the adminis

Bauer's classmate, Alfonso L. Carney, Jr. , also

tration. This year's 25th reunion class of 1970 still shows that feeling. In the prologue to his Class's Reunion Book this

reflects with satisfaction on his years at Trinity. Now vice president and associate general counsel of government affairs for Philip Morris, Carney for almost 20 years thought he would never visit Gallows Hill again. A founding member and current president of the three-

year author and university professor Steven Bauer

year-old BlackAlmpni Association, he recalls feeling that

recalled: "Twenty-five years ago, when we were twentyone or twenty-two, the world seemed defined by the War, our fierce feelings about it, and our prospective places in it .. .In New Haven on May 1, a National Student Strike was called, and three days later four students

"the College didn't give minority students a sense of ownership. ...We were there as a matter of necessity rather than a matter of belonging." Although he never felt overt hostility, he sensed that the institution had a "sincere inability to realize what it was like for a student

were shot and killed by National Guardsmen at Kent State University.. .

who had grown up in poverty to come to a place of such high circumstances."

"Some of us moved out of the dormitories and onto the quad; we ate brown rice and granola made in huge quantities and served to whoever was hungry. I remember clearly, on a night not long before commencement, dancing in a huge circle on the roof of the then- new

Today, returning for Reunion and other campus events, Carney looks back and reflects, "1hnity did no less for blacks than it did for its white graduates. What I am today is in no small measure because of what Trinity did for me." •

high-rise dormitories offVen:w n Street, lots of us, drunk and stoned, our arms around each others' shoulders in a huge circle, men from Theta Xi and Pi Kappa Alpha and Sigma Nu and the Hall, in an ecstatic celebration of community.

j on Z onderman, a free-lance jo urnalist and book author, w rote t he article on President Evan D obelle in th e last issue of t he Reporter.

25 years out: Reflections from the Class of '70 on Life and Trinity ~

"A .r\.lthough it is easy to despair

"I look back on my 4 years at Trinity

about the fractiousness and anger now in our society, I take some solace from a letter I received from (former Professor of Biology) Jim Van Stone in 1988 not too long before his death. I had written him after his retirement to tell him how his teaching had enriched my experience at Trinity. In his reply, he said, ... 'No more biology books for me. I now ask the question whether it is so grand that evolution along the vertebrate line has led to man, and I seek the answer by reading his recorded history from the ancient Sumerians to the present. So far I see endless repetition of rise and fall cycles accompanied now by unharnessed growth in numbers. But repetition is order, and cycles by their very nature are symmetrical. So what's new? The Krebs cycle is still the repetitive Krebs cycle, and bacterial colonies on an agar plat still flourish only to perish in their own waste ..... Enough of that. Hopefully all goes well for you, and that you are finding life to be a fulfilling adventure. It has been for me, even with all its ups and downs. Good luck, Tom. Thanks again for the letter. It meant a lot to me.' And so too did Trinity mean a lot to many of us."

as perhaps the most formative and pivotal time of my life, though this may be due less to Trinity and more to my age and the social and political unrest of that era. Most of the beliefs, opinions, feelings that I formulated at that time stay with me, remarkably unchanged, to the present."

Tom B. Ewing of Lewiston, Ill., attorney in private practice and assistant Illinois Attorney General


ur era at Trinity was a unique period in American history. Twenty- , five years later our generation is moving into 'middle age.' What values and beliefs are we passing on to the next generation?"

Tony DiBella of Natick, Mass., assistant professor of organizational studies at Boston College

Alan R. Gladstone of Exeter, N.H., cardiology group practice


"The major impact was Vietnam. It caused great divisions in the country and on campus. For the first 15 years after graduation, I distanced myself both physically (West Coast) and emotionally from Trinity. Upon returning to Conn. in 1984, my thoughts returned to Trinity and to some of the more pleasant memories from the late 60's."

David P. Wolff of Ridgefield, Conn., employed with IBM in New York

"I greatly value the few close friends I met at Trinity. I never connected well with the school's social environment or institutions. I had some fantastic teachers and benefitted immensely from Trinity's size and urban location. It was a good place to experience the late 1960's. I developed a love for literature and I learned to question the established order. My memories of Trinity are vivid and ultimately bittersweet."

B. Curtis Willcox ofEugene,Ore., council representative AFS_CME Council 75

he students I teach are pretty smart - maybe as smart as we were. But they lack a number of things we had. They lack a sense of security, and any belief in the perfectibility of the future; they lack a belief that they have a moment to spare to find out what they're good at. They have no time for 'electives.' They declare a major even before they matriculate, and they have a teeth-gritted, handsclenched view of what they'll do when they grow up, even if they doubt that they'll be able to do it when the time comes. They're nostalgic for a time before they were born - they're nostalgic for the college years that belonged to us ..."

Steven Bauer, director of Creative Writing Programs, Miami University in Oxford, Ohio




Recalling Trinity/Rome's first golden summer


by George Cooper

In the summer of1989, Inez and Mike Campo and I were sitting on the rear patio of the Camoldolesi convent on the Aventine. We had just returned from a lively walk through the Circus Maxim us - the brisk pace set of course by Mike - and the serenity and beauty of the rambling buildings of the convent sparked our memories of the summer nearly two decades earlier when Mike had the imaginative hardihood to establish the first session of the Trinity College Rome campus ....


ries of that first summer. We had an

The following is excerpted from a memoir of Michael Campo '48 written by George B. Cooper, Northam Professor ofHistory, Emeritus, Hon. '83, for a book entitled, Perspectives on Italy: Essays in Honor of Michael R. Campo, published in 1992 by the Cesare Barbieri Endowment for Italian Culture. Campo, the John]. McCook Professor of Modern Languages, Emeritus,founded Italian Programs at Trinity, beginning with the turbulent, but ultimately triumphant events ofthe summer of 1970, recalled here by Cooper in his inimitable style. The Reporter plans further coverage ofthe anniversary of the Rome campus and the burgeoning Italian Programs department at Trinity in an upcoming issue.

excellent and well-behaved student body drawn from Trinity and from several other institutions. Mike insisted from the start, in a firm and civil way, on strict adherence to reasonable rules, on a code that suggested to some a parietal system that was at the time being rejected in America. Rules were set up against excessive noise, the hiring of motor bikes and against unannounced absence for jaunts to other parts of Italy. His insistence on punctuality, attendance at class, and participation in excursions, ensured a decorum

Nineteen seventy was a risky time to take a group of American undergraduates to Europe, or indeed, to take them anywhere. The antic behavior of students on some campuses

that made that pioneer summer a grand success. In bluff good humor, but I fear that its connotation did not amuse Mike, he was referred to as il Duce. It was a jocular term; all of us, staff

had turned from legitimate debate about war and racism to an attack on the vulnerable colleges and universities and on the symbols and practices of discipline that had been the h allmark of the academy. The injection here of what might appear to be

and students, were aware of the wide and heavy range of responsibilities he had to carry on his shoulders. Let me count

an obstinate and gratuitous opinion is pertinent to my memo-

same time in different parts of Rome. In addition to launching

some of the burdens Mike faced that summer. In the first place, he was supervising two projects at the

On-site lecture at Paestum, south of Naples, for students at the Trinity/Rome Campus.

the school at the convent, Mike had ultimate responsibility for a Trinity archeological progra~ that required daily visits to the Villa della Pineta Sacchetti, a pensionestyle hotel on the other side of Rome. He was directing and teaching on the Aventine (his class in Italian soared from twenty to thirty-four after the first week); then at intervals

convocations at which he dealt with questions and complaints ranging from bus schedules, textbooks, rescheduling of class times, broken slide projectors, and trivial collegiate complaints abo_u t food . One student complained that strawberries had been the dessert for " three days in a row; and there was the usual unsophisticat~d advice that the Italians should Mike went by car- it often took Professor Michael Campo, circa 1970. fifty minutes at peak traffic time stop serving pasta with every to face the problems of the neophyte diggers who had to lunch. Mike had designed a curriculum and assembled a staff that attested to his keen academic acumen. There be transported to introductory lectures being offered by the Gruppo Archeologico located just behind Castel were courses in art, music, classics, and sociology. Several students, under the tutelage of Paul Smith, were reading SantAngelo. The students made the not unreasonable complaint that the lectures were in Italian. This was conThe Marble Faun and other American and English novels concerned with Italy. Most of the teachers were from trary to the assuranc~s that Mike had received before the sessions started. In the midst of taking th~ Aventine group Trinity - Mitchel Pappas, Alan Tull, Paul Smith - and on a tour of the catacombs, Mike finally produced an Mike had enlisted the services of Professor Arnoldo English interpreter for the archeologist. The catacombs Franchetti in music and David Belmont (Trinity '59), a brilliant young classicist from Washington University in come to mind because I have a dim and perhaps imprecise recollection that he found there an interpreter in the St. Louis. Professor Len Moss ofWayne State taught courses in the sociology of contemporary Italy and he and person of a Biafran studying at the University of Rome. Many of these problems today seem comic and their Mike guided walks around Rome in their sparse free time Waugh-like resolution, as in the case of the Biafran, even during the day and at night when they explored the more so, added to the tasks that daily faced Mike at the delights ofTrastevere and the Capitol. The antiquities convent. Six double rooms never materialized; several and the customs and traditions of Rome, and indeed this small rooms were being completed the day we arrived. In can be said of so many Italian cities, can be a lesson in taste and good manners. Seve;al students adopted a kind the emergency, Mike found accommodation for several students in small hotels close by. Meanwhile, there were of cosmopolitan persona. Some of them whom I see nowadays from time to time are quick to recall that the blown fuses, plumbing problems, bad lighting, and a complete absence of minimal storage space. Mike calmly summer of 1970 was the most memorable summer of and firmly - this was no forum for uncertainty - held their salad days. •

At a reception honoring Campo, second from left, he is joined by, left to right, Professor of History and Director ofltalian Programs Borden Painter '58, former Dean of the Faculty Andrew DeRocco, and Northam Professor of History Emeritus George Cooper.


Another generation affected by war Trinity's Class of '44 has seen history and made it. Fueled by the affecting experiences of their late teens and twenties and a deep love for the institution which had guided them toward a hastened adulthood, they adopted many resolves for their 50th Reunion in 1994, for attendance and for their reunion gift. Their success was remarkable. The Class is especially proud of the vehemence with which they broke the record for giving by a 50th Reunion Class. Their total of $332,195 beat the old mark by 82째/o and produced the second-largest reunion gift in the history of the College. The gifts helped to bring the T' 44 Scholarship Memorial fund to $247,~82 in gifts and bequests. "Quite something," they note, "for a class which had only 13 memable to graduate in 1944."

At Reunion in 1994, from left, Harry Gossling, R. T. Toland, Elliott Stein, and Bill Peelle present the class check.



by Elliott K. Stein, class secretary and retired managing editor of The Newport Daily News in Newport, R.I., who wrote this Foreword for the Class's Reunion Book for the 50th.


The Class of 1944 entered Trinity College at a trying time. Europe was at war. And unless we deluded ourselves, we knew in our hearts we likely would be directly involved sooner or later. On December 7, 1941, this prophecy was fulfilled. Our domestic American scene provided its own fears in 1940. We were more optimistic that year than in 1929, but the Great Depression still lingered. In truth, it really did not end until Hitler and Tojo forced us to make the tools of war that would save the United States and Western civilization. Well above half our class of'44 went to war overseas before ever graduating. Some died. Others were wounded. Scattered to the four winds, we drifted back to college at different times to earn our bachelor's degrees. Some continued in school for advanced degrees in the humanities, medicine, law, etc. Others started right in the marketplace. We had to make up for the years lost during World War II. We had no more time for the fun part of college - the parties, the foolishness that traditionally have been part of college life as far back as the late Middle Ages .... A grand classical education had taught us how to think - in fact, had given us the spiritual strength, the mental toughness

to survive the war, even battlefield hell; and the challenges and adversities that followed in our civilian lives . ... As we neared our 50th Reunion this year, we increasingly focused on how we could best pay back what Trinity College gave to us. Just 99 of us are left of our original class. Fifty-two of us have passed away. We of the '44 executive committee spoke among ourselves. We polled our classmates, and finally settled on our prime class project. Our class gift would be the T'44 Memorial Scholarship Fund. This fund is particularly directed toward scholarships for prospective Trinity College students whose families have never had a son or daughter enter college. We want to do our best to fulfill the American Dream for those who realistically had ) limited chances to better themselves. It is a far different world in America today than it was in 1940 .... Trinity College today spiritually and educationally continues in the forefront of America's great, primarily undergraduate colleges. Our Class of'44 is proud to be an integral contributing part of that great tradition. •

50 years out: Reflections from the Class of •44 on Life and Trinity

Short of changing my sex, virtually nothing else remains of the carefree undergrad who traipsed 'neath the elms in the 40s. ... Since then I've grown more liberal socially, more tight-fisted fiscally. ... Board member of Citizens for Safety, a Boston non-profit which last year ('93) pulled off a city-wide gun "buyback" program which bought 1302 guns offHub streets for $65,000, all privately funded. I now feel I have made a difference in the little world where I grew up, Boston, and maybe saved some lives young ones .

affairs , both locally and nationally. I have always encouraged my students to work for political candidates of their choice, as a natural extension of my many American Government and Constitutional Law courses.

Harry Balfe II, armorer-gunner, Army Air Corps., retired professor ofpolitical science, Montclair State College

Trinity provided a good start even though WWII made a neat completion

My Trinity education has helped me to work out the meaning of my life. Also, it has provided an indispensable step toward a graduate degree, a career, and now toward retirement. As for the world ... there are huge problems including wholesale chaos as entire nations and empires "go under." However, there are also huge opportunities to help limit damage, and to build anew with enterprise that works for all humankind.

Robert Toland, Jr., wartime naval aviator, founder and president of Plymouth Chairable Fund

of a four-year program impossible. The

Lewis S. Dabney, World War II service, including 70 ETO missions, retired after 40-year career in advertising, marketing, and publishing

reunions help to pull the class together.

Edward W. Dexter, military service, work at Los Alamos Lab in New Mexico, retired from Brookhaven

Trinity's location- both in a capital city yet one small step removea from it - helped raise my political awareness by affording opportunities both for action and for contemplation (~s Dr. Ogilby told me when I first met him). Accordingly, immediately after Trinity, having experienced the total segregation of the U.S. armed forces during a war in which we were presumably fighting racism, I became a political activist. As a member of the American Veterans Committee (AVC) , I helped to manage - and served on the board of directors of- the first interracial eating club in Washington, D.C., and took part in other civil rights activities. .. .I have been involved in many political campaigns and other public

National Lab

World War II really set a pace for our lives. A pace that had behind it the Great Depression. For me these things forced me onto a stage where life was lived against a constant awareness of public affairs. Very healthy. A lifetime perspective. For the new generations, would a three-year hitch in some public-service program do the same? Military, conservation, community policing? It has certainly worked for me.

Charles]. Harriman, volunteer staff, Moral Re-Armament and Up With People; former executive director, Tucson Festival Society

I'd love to live it all again- knowing what I know now. But, there's no way to bring back the civility, the innocence of those pre-war years.

Merritt ]ohnquest, Army Air Force-Burma, retired from 40-year career in Cleveland advertising agencies

In general, I am concerned with rationalization and compromise of morals and ethics. These seem to be taking the back seat to personal pl easu ~e and gain. I am concerned with the growing, strangling menace of the legal profession with its liberalism and political greed. I am hopeful that the family unit will return to its rightful position as backbone to strength and moral fibre of the U .S.

Richard C. Hastings,]r., Lead Navigator, 305th Bomb Group, retired Stanley Works VP


Remembering a battle that never happened ... Deception Plan for ((Operation Olympic)) •April1, 1995, marked the 50th anniversary of the invasion of Okinawa, an event recalled somberly by many Americans, including Lewis M. Walker '38, Commander USNR (retired). Over the years since that date, he has had many opportunities to reflect . on the events of that spring, including one topsecret plan of the Navy, which involved him. In the following article, excerpted from a paper which he presented last year at a naval conference, "World War II in the Pacific," he recounts his part in the planning for a bold, and ultimately unnecessary "Operation Olympic."


by Lewis M. Walker '38


may be the only surviving Naval officer to have direct knowledge of a deception plan related to "Operation Olympic," the proposed assault on the Kurile Islands of Japan on November 15, 1945. "Operation Olympic" is of interest from an historical viewpoint, and is covered to a considerable degree in the National Archives as "Operation Coronet," the main assault planned for the Tokyo area on March 1, 1946. What is not covered in the Archives is any clear reference to a deception plan that was formulated in late May and early June 1.945 whose purpose was to make the Japanese believe the "Olympic" assault was taking place sometime near the end of October 1945, rather than on the actual established date of November 15. As is well recorded, the Japanese resorted to the use of suicide plane missions against the Navy during the assault on Okinawa. They did not resist the landing phase on Sunday, April 1, 1945, but on Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6, the fleet suffered over 600 kamikaze attacks, and many casualties. At Okinawa, we had 26 ships sunk, 368 ships damaged, and 4,900 people killed and 5,000 wounded. For the first two months at Okinawa, the Navy counted more dead and wounded than the Army and M arines combined. The attacks continued daily and often at night throughout April, M ay and early June.

Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner was the senior Naval officer in the area. He witnessed these kamikaze attacks, and the Naval losses, from his flagship, USS Eldorado. The leading pl an-ner in the Navy, Turner was a brilliant but demanding leader. He got things done. In February 1945 he had started planning for the invasion ofJapan: "Operation Olympic," on November 15, 1945, would land 500,000 men oq the southern islands of Japan, to secure air and naval bases with which to support the main attack on Honshu and the Tokyo area; "Operation Coronet," with 1,000,000 troops, on March 1, 1946. The ferocity of the kamikaze attacks throughout April and May convinced Admiral Turner that had the enemy launched a major kamikaze attack on our shipping the first day or two of our landing effort, coordinated with a massive counterattack of Japanese troops, we would probably ~ave been prevented from getting the great force of troops and supplies ashore that we did. He came to believe that the enemy also recognized this, and would be prepared to vigorously oppose the landing on Kyushu with thousands of suicide planes, boats and baka bombs (piloted engine-less gliders launched from mother planes). If our assault forces were thus opposed from the first hour, the chances of carrying out a successful landing would, in all probability, be crushed. Admiral Turner's plan was ingenious. We would form a fleet of 400 ships, sufficient to carry 500,000 men, equipment, supplies, and protective screen, etc. However, no troops would be carried - no equipment would be aboard. The screening carriers would carry only fighter planes. This phantom fleet would be large enough to be credible to the Japanese and would go through all the usual routines associated with a normal assault. Pre-recorded radio traffic would fill the airwaves; boats, with no troops aboard, would be put in the water; a line of departure would be formed; and, waves of boats would approach the control vessels marking the line of departure. Shore bombardment would follow, and the enemy, believing this was the main assault, would unleash their thousands of suicide defenders. The risk to the US Navy was the probable loss of many of the 400 ships involved, along with their operating crews. But the reward, if successful, was the elimination of the kamikaze force in the Kuriles , and the assured success of"Operation Olympic," when it took place two weeks later.

Lew Walker '38 in his Navy Whites and today.




Ago the area, we spent the day protecting the USS Wichita (CA-45) as her eight-inch guns freed up the US Marines who had been






From: ________l'- ~!--------------------------,-----


__________________ ..,. _____________



Tactical Cover an4 Deception Plan tor OLYllPIC.

1. The dlversioLery tLreet against SLlk:ku, x-:s to X f 2, ~ppe~rs well ti~ed and r.sy drew out the Kssek~s1 boys in force • ?or tt.!s reason I thirJc 1 t highly edviseble tte;t tte ri?ks ~nd e~conp~ny1ng exped1t1onery vesse~s carry no troops, be ca~outleged to represent e troo'P!'oed, end be protecte~ by the heaviest poss!ble cor:c~.::tri::t1on of csrrit:r stre!'lt:th.


C. D. GLO'V'T.R.

The top-secret memo which was the long-sought verification for Walker.

I learned of my involvement in this deceptive scheme in June 1945. At the ti~e, I was commanding officer ofUSS _SC1272, a submarine chaser attached to the 5th Fleet. We were to protect hospital ships, supply ships and cripples with a smoke cover to protect them during air attack. This duty was every night, following an all-clay presence at radar picket sta~on #9, one of 13 stations ringing Okinawa to give early warning of approaching enemy planes to the forces inside the picket line. We also were called upon for special assignments, such as the penetration ofNakagusuku Wan (later called Buckner Bay) . We were the first American ship to enter this bay, the reported base of midget submarines and suicide motor boats. Mter a sweep of

pinned down at Shuri Castle. For a small ship, we had many interesting assignments, apparently to the satisfaction of Captain B.B. Adell, USN, who was commander control group for Admiral Turner. Captain Adell summoned me in early June 1945. He informed me under sworn secrecy, that I was to return to Pearl Harbor and take command ofUSS PCS-1379, a larger ship, and then return to him at Okinawa. He told me of the deception plan being formulated, and that my job would be to command the central wntrol ship. By the time I assumed command of the 1379, in late August 1945, Japan had surrendered, making the return to Okinawa unnecessary. I shortly thereafter left active duty and returned to civilian life. Forty years went by, and I had not disclosed the plans for the "Olympic" deception to anyone. Then in 1985, I met George McMillan, a well known author who was commissioned by Random House to write a book to be titled The Invasion ofjapan. It would describe the planned two-part invasion, code-named "Olympic" and "Coronet," assuming the atomic bomb had not been available, and the war would be carried to completion by the all-out assault on Japan itself George interviewed m:: a number of times, and prevailed upon me to write various recollections for him. I continued this writing during 1986 and 1987, consisting of various chapters which I eventually put into chronological order and published under the title, "Ninety Day Wonder." One of the things I had disclosed to George was the planned deceptive attack on Kyushu. George was surprised that he had never heard of this, which suggested that it had indeed been carefully guarded. Unfortunately, George McMillan acquired Lou Gehrig's Disease and died in 1987, his work unfinished and unpublished. Some of the incidents I had written about needed clarification, and others I wanted to verify with official records. I wanted to track down the historical proof supporting my recollection of the proposed decoy invasion, and the part PCS1379 was to play in it. I went to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, but found ·no records or historian who could shed any light on it. Then I journeyed to the National Archives in Washington, where I spent several days poring through all the records relating to operation "Olympic." There was no reference to any planned decoy invasion or feint intended to draw out the kamikazes. However, in the voluminous records of the planning for "Olympic" entitled ''Arrangements for Preparation, Initiation and Coordination of 'Operation Olympic"' was one curious


A PCS, central control ship for which author Walker would have had command in "Operation Olympic."

paragraph from CINCPOA (Commander in Chief Pacific Ocean Area) signed by Rear Admiral Forrest Sherman, Deputy Chief of Staff It read as follows: June 6, 1945 "Para (I) deception planning (1) CINCAFPAC and CINCPAC will jointly submit an overall cover and deception plan by letter to the Joint Chiefs of Staff" It suggested to me that it joined the highest levels of pacific command (air and sea) directly to the Joint Chiefs. The term "by letter," suggested the highest degree of security, being delivered only by official courier. I had only one last recourse- the Naval Historical Center

On May 27, 1988, Dr. Allard wrote to me and confirmed that the deception plan was in fact planned at the highest levels and would in all likelihood have been implemented had the war continued. Had the plan been carried out as scheduled in late October 1945, the full weight of Japan's kamikaze force would have carried out a frenzied attack. Whether they were successful and crashed into our mostly empty ships, or were shot down, or fell damaged, into the sea, one thing was certain. Once they had been launched, these aircraft would not survive to oppose "Olympic" two weeks later. •

at the Washington Navy Yard. My search through their record_s was unsuccessful. Finally, I wrote a letter to Dr. Dean C . Allard, the senior Naval historian. A few days later, I received a phone call from Dr. Allard. He said he was intrigued by my story, and he vaguely remembered once hearing something about that. He would look into it and get back to me.

Lewis Walker '38, CDR USNR (Ret), is the author of the book,

, Ninety Day Wonder (published by Harlo Press, Detroit, Mich.). He is t he retired chai rman and CEO of a metal finishing corporation in Greenville, S.C.

When the Navy V-12ers Invaded Trinity Paul B. Kincade '46

Kincade drew the illustration on the program cover for a 1943 variety show staged by the V-12ers.

20 The buglen were sometimes the target of early-morning pranks.

Since Trinity has no ROTC program, current students might have difficulty imagining military personnel on campus. But, some 50 years ago, the Navy invaded Trinity in full force, a move that no doubt enabled the

standards were lowered to permit the enlistment of college juniors and seniors. In February of 1942, the V-1 program was implemented to recruit college sophomores and freshmen. The V-1 standards were set somewhat

College to remain in existence. The rapid expansion of the Navy during World War II created an unprecedented demand for officers. The

higher than those ofV-7, because it was found that V-7 officer candidates had academic deficiencies. Since V-1 was more stringent, both academically and physically,

traditional sources of officer personnel, the Naval Academy and Naval ROTC units throughout the country, could not provide the numbers required. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Navy required its officers to have a college education before commission-

dropouts were permitted to go into the new V-5, aviation cadet program, as were high school graduates. When the draft age was lowered from 20 to 18 in 1942, the ~avy realized its source of officer candidates was going to suffer greatly. To avoid instituting a draft for

ing. With war on the horizon, the Navy established the

officers, plans were set into motion to create a Navy

V-7 program in June 1940, combing the country for college graduates to serve in its officer corps. Later in the war years, the Navy changed the requirements to include

college-training program. Thus, was born the Navy V12, designed to provide not only deck officers, but also

college freshmen, 路and even high school graduates, for

medical, dental and chaplain trainees. Meanwhile, as the war siphoned thousands of young

some of its programs. When the war began, the V-7

men into the military services, the nation's colleges


Years Ago began to feel the pinch of lost tuition income. The Navy's V-12 program saved many colleges by inviting their participation in the training program. Trinity was

pancake-thin mattresses the Navy provided. We also exchanged our dressers for some in better' shape.

one of those selected to provide training for officer candidates.

straggling in and we quickly became acquainted. There were 11 fleet men assig?-ed to Trinity; about half of us

The first classes convened, after much planning and logistical headaches, on July 1, 1943, with men reporting to 131 colleges and universities to start their training.


During the day, other men from the fleet began

had had sea duty and had experienced combat. Under the provisions of the V-12 program, all men from the fleet were required to revert from their present rate to that of

Five percent of the selectees came from the active fleet. I had been in the Navy since early February 1942, serving as a signalman assigned to the Navy Armed

Apprentice Seaman (NS), so all personnel in the program would be equals. For some of us, this entailed a

Guard, Atlantic. The Armed Guard provided gun crews, radiomen and signalmen to ride merchant ships deliver-

S, which was $50 per month. For me, it meant a loss of approximately $100 per month, no small sun in 1943.

ing men, equipment and supplies to our troops in all theaters of war around the world. In March of 1943, a

The next morning we assembled in the auditorium, where we were greeted, and the curriculum was

written examination was given to interested, qualified personnel in the Navy to fill the five percent of billets

explained to us. For the first year, we were required to

loss of pay, since we also reverted to the pay scale of an N

take English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Drawing, Descriptive Geometry and Naval Organiza-

allocated to the fleet. Upon passing the written test, selectees were given an oral interview and a physical

tion. The Commanding Officer was tasked with

examination. Passing these, the men were then issued

instructing the Naval Organization course, consisting of

orders to report to their respective schools. Mine ordered me to report to the Commanding Officer, Navy V-12

two years, at the conclusion of which the student would be sent to midshipman school at Columbia University, to be schooled in naval officer duties and be commissioned

Unit, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, no later than midnight, 15 June, 1943. When I arrived at Trinity, the campus was empty, except for some administrative staff and maintenance personnel. Checking in at the Admissions Office, I was directed to the office of the Commanding Officer, where

Ensign in the Naval Reserve. The Executive Officer, Paul Brust '45, told us that, because of our prior military training and experience, we would be assigned as platoon commanders, with the men of each dormitory constituting a platoon. There were 10

a yeoman took my records, logged me in and assigned me to Jarvis II, which was to be my home for the next

platoons and, since there were 11 of us from the fleet,

seven months. I was told to report to the auditorium at 0800 the next morning. When I took my gear to the dormitory, I entered the

request was promptly granted. During the last week of June, the other members of the V-12 program began checking in. They were students

first room on the right, on the ground floor, and looked around. There was a large study room with two small

from high schools and other colleges, and some were carry-overs who had been civilian students at Trinity and

bedrooms adjoining. Coming out of one of the bedrooms to greet me was Robert Sernoffsky '49, a signalman third class (I was second class), who also came from

stayed on for V-12. The total enrollment was 204 cadets, plus a small handful of civilian students who went their

the Armed Guard, Atlantic, where we had met briefly during the examination process. We decided to share a

various platoons and housed in the respective dorms.

room, if they would allow us to do so. Temporarily, however, we moved into one of the bedrooms and then went exploring our new environment.

aboard tea" for the men from the fleet, where it quickly became apparent that he had a special affinity for this small group who had experienced wartime military

Touring other dorms, we found a set of matching

Sernoffsky asked to be assigned as my assistant. His

separate way. The V-12 members were assigned to the President Remsen B. Ogilby held a "welcome

service. Many a Sunday afternoon, he would pile some of

twin beds that apparently belonged to a former resident who left them behind. Noticing that all other beds were

us into his Buick sedan, with personalized license plates of"RBO," and drive us off to some lake to picnic and

Navy steel double (two-high) bunks, we immediately appropriated the twin beds, along with their box springs and mattresses and moved them into our room. They

swim. We dearly loved that venerable old gentleman. On the other hand, we soon learned that we were held in low esteem by our non-fleet shipmates. They

were a great improvement over the flat wire springs and

resented having to take orders from us, as their platoon

Author Kincade's platoon members were photographed on the steps ofWilliams Memorial. Kincade is kneeling in front; Ken Wynne '48, is in the second row, first man on the left, and Robert Sernoffsky '49 is the last man on the right in the last row. leaders, and m ade no bones about their belief that we didn't belong in their college. They went out of their way to make us feel unwelcome and constantly played tricks on us, shortsheeting our beds or lifting the bedrails out of their retainers, so the bed would collapse when we sat on it. They also would steal my official whistle, so I couldn't wake them in the morning. Of course, we responded in kind, but usually in a more vicious way We would fill a large milkshake cup (brought back from the malt shop on Trumbull Street) with water and put it on the shelf in their closet. A string was tied to the rim of the cup and then tacked to the closet door, so the person opening the closet would get a wet surprise. Ken Wynne '48, an upperclassman, was a trumpet player, so he volunteered to be the unit bugler. This gave him special privileges, because he had to get up earlier than the rest of the students. Specifically, after he blew Reveille and Assembly for physical exercises, he got to go back to bed. It was Wynne's habit to set his alarm for 5:20. When it rang, he would turn it off and just doze until the janitor knocked on his door and announced "5:30, Ken." Then, he would pull on his sweatsuit, dash out the door and blow Reveille. One night, I snuck in and set Ken's alarm for 2:30 a.m., then waited outside his door and announced in a low voice, "5:30, Ken." Shortly after, he dashed out and blew Reveille at 2:35a.m.! Not only did a bunch of unhappy sailors fall out for PT, but the XO and his

act, running from dorm to dorm, banging on the doors and yelling, "Reveille, Reveille!" We ate in the dining room, marching there in ranks by platoon. Due to food rationing, the College food service was apparently limited in quantity and selection. As a result, an overabundance of pork was 'served. We had pork chops, pork roast, pork ribs, pork stew and pork hash. Until ordered to desist, students would stand in the chow line oinking in unison. We had some interesting professors, the most memorable of whom was a Dr. Perkins, head of the physics department. A wizened little man, he was the prototype of the old-time college professor, sporting a Vandyke beard, pince-nez glasses, black suit with stovepipe pantlegs, celluloid collar and string tie. Dr. Perkins had taught himself to play every known musical instrument, so he could use them to demonstrate the principles of sound. It was routine for him to ask if the class woul? rather hear him play the double bassoon (oboe, saxophone, etc.) or take a test. We used to opt for the test, so we got both. He enjoyed lecturing and always tried to include the students in his demonstrations. He loved to demonstrate the force pump, using a large, clear glass model. As he showed each stage of the pump's operation, he would pump water up into the chamber; then, once it was filled, he would begin pumping furiously, spraying all within reach.

family, who lived on campus, also got up and prepared for breakfast! Wynne was awarded two weeks' restriction for his apparent mental lapse. I felt so badly that I kept him off the watch bill for a month. Another time, in the

At the end of the ~em ester, the students put on a variety show for friends , family and staff I'll never forget Dr. Perkins attired in an old time sailor's suit, doing a

middle of winter, we snuck in and got his bugle, filled it with water and set it outside his window to freeze. When he couldn't use it in the morning, he did a Paul Revere

Lest I give the impression that all we did was perform in variety shows and play dirty tricks on each other, be assured that we studied hard. We were there in

hornpipe jig.



50 Years

Ago an accelerated program, in which there were no summer

giving blood, the nurses gave us a shot of whiskey. Then,

or spring breaks. We had a five-and-one-half day workweek. In addition to academic studies, we had a vigorous physical program. There were three athletic

we would head for Papaleo's, the best Italian restaurant

specialists assigned. They were enlisted men who had been coaches or professional athletes and were brought into the N avy under heavyweight champion Gene

worked there .. Hartford was an ideal liberty town for N avy men , since the sailor suits worn by the Trinity V-1 2ers were

Tunney's program. They were called "Tunney Fish." At Trinity, there were two chiefs and two petty officers.

about the only ones seen in tow n, except for an occasional submarine sailor visiting from New London.

They led us in calisthenics and j ogging each morning before breakfast and instructed us in various combative

T here was an abundance of Army and Army Air Corps

sports. We had w restling, boxing and judo and a crosscountry obstacle course. Physically, we were in better condition than we had ever been. Perhaps the most trying function for me, being from Californ}a, was having to march in the snow. Having served in the North Atlantic in winter, I had no love for the cold and it seemed as though my feet never thawed out. On the other hand, I loved to march through the


in Hartford. It was owned by boxing champ ion Willie Pep, w ho bought it for his parents, and the w hole family

heavy layer of leaves that dropped from the beautiful elm trees. The pleasant rustling noise of the formation moving through them was a lovely sound that I can still hear.

(later redesignated the U.S . Air Force) personnel, so sailors were a special attraction. In addition, there was a plethora of young women w ho streamed out of the many insurance company buildings each evening. The YMCA on Pearl Street offered a snug harbor between paydays. There was always some interesting activity available, including dances, w here we were able to meet the local young ladies. The Knights of Columbus H all also offered entertainment for the military and, unlike the YMCA, had a bar in the downstairs meeting room. There we met men of the community who usually had sons or daughters in the service. Those of us with campaign ribbons and battle stars were the most popular with those

There was a medical officer, a navy lieutenant, assigned to the unit. He and his civilian nurse provided our physical examinations and for other medical needs.

people, and our m oney was no good at the bar. In February of 1944, I was transferred to Yale University, having passed the examination for NROTC,

roommate was sent to him with a toothache; Skee

w hich would lead to a regular N avy ~ommission, instead of a reserve commission. Subsequently, I returned to the

reported the dentist didn't have an electric drill , but used

fleet as an enlisted man and participated in the Okinawa

one that he operated with a foot treadle! Needless t9 say;

campaign aboard an Australian destroyer of the British

Skee did not return to have the temporary filling

Pacific Fleet. Ultimately, I made the Navy a career, retiring as a lieutenant commander in 1968. Robert Sernoffsky went to the University of Pennsylvania for

Dental care was provided by a civilian dentist. My

replaced, choosing to wait until he could go home to Buffalo on leave and see the family dentist. Religious needs were also met, usually in the College's C hapel. However, there were 15 or 20 men of

NROTC and after the war returned to Trinity to complete his education. He went into teaching, including atJhe Fox Middle School in Hartford, got his

the J ewish faith for whom no on-campus services were available. Men from a local synagogue would pick these

doctorate and is now retired, living in British Columbia.

men up on Friday night and take them to services, where they also were fed some wonderful homecooked food, a welcome relief from the in-house bill of fare.

In the intervening years, I have only been back to Trinity twice, for a nostalgic walk beneath the Elms, but I am a m ember of the Alumni Association and make my

There was an announcem ent that any student donating blood at the local Red C ross Blood Bank would

regular contributions, for my short time at Trinity was a special time in my life. I look forward to my next visit. •

be given special liberty for the rest of the day. Very few volunteered and the bulk of those were the men from the fleet. Having seen a number of our friends die in combat, we felt guilty being in school w hile the war raged on. So, we gave a pint every eight weeks, the minimum time permitted between donations. Mter

Paul Kincade, M.A., is an internationally recogn ized consu lting and investigative hypnotist. Twice nominated to the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame, he lives in Reno, Nev.


Top administrators named In his first months since taking office, President Evan Dobelle has announced the appointment of three top administrative officers. Jim Mullen was named vice president for strategic planning and government relations; Christopher Small, vice president for enrollment management; and Linda S. Campanella, vice president for marketing and public relations.

Christopher Small, vice president for enrollment management

Jim Mullen, vice president for strategic planning and government relations Mullen, formerly vice president for fiscal and developmental affairs at Middlesex Community College in Lowell, Mass., began at Trinity in August, overseeing long-range planning, including the College's master plan and its coordination with the plans of neighboring institutions. "I am excited about the potential Jim will bring to Trinity. His expertise in educational planning as well as government and community relations will be an asset to the College and the C ity of Hartford," President Dobelle said. In addition to his work at Middlesex, Mullen's professional experience includes serving as special projects coordinator for the City of Springfield (Mass.) Office of Community Development and as executive assistant to Peter Goldmark, during his tenure as executive director of the New York-New Jersey Port Authority. Mullen holds a doctorate in higher education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a master's degree in public policy from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, where he served as marshal of his class. He also holds a bachelor's degree magna cum laude from the College of the Holy Cross.

Christopher Small, the former vice president for administration and director of athletics at the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma, was hired for the position of vice president for enrollment management. "Chris Small brings extensive admissions and management experience to Trinity," said Dobelle. "He will provide leadership and forward thinking in student recruitment, an area in which Trinity is committed to expanding and diversifying further." In this new position at Trinity, Small will oversee all recruitment efforts, in pursuit of the College's goal to have the most academically superior, the most intellectually curious and the most diverse student body of any liberal arts college in the country. During his nine-year tenure in Tulsa, Small served as vice president in several areas. From 1986-89 he ~as vice president for student services, responsible for admissions, financial aid and all student services areas. From 1989-91 he was vice president for student and administrative services, adding development and university relations to his duties. From 1991-94 he served as vice president fo r administration, adding responsibilities for the departments of housing, dining, international students, recreational and intercollegiate sports, student activities, and safety and security. Small's previous experience includes tenure as dean of admissions and financial aid at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., and dean of admissions and student services at Ripon College in Ripon, Wis. Small earned his bachelor's degree in history at Ripon College and his master's degree in American Colonial History at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. He is a native of Bellport, N.Y.

Linda s. Campanella, vice president for marketing and public relations Linda S. Campanella, previously the vice president of marketing and planning at Pratt & Whitney, began her du~ies as vice president for marketing and public relations at Trinity in August. "Trinity has found a dynamic and experienced professional in Linda Campanella," said Dobelle. "With her extensive marketing background and business skills she will provide the College with tremendous leadership and an integrated marketing and public relations program." In this position, she will be responsible for developing and implementing strategies to draw widespread attention to the College's strengths and distinctions, solidify Trinity's reputation as one of the nation's premier liberal arts colleges, and leverage the unique advantages which Trinity's city location offers prospective students. She is expected to work closely with faculty, students, alumni and administration to position Trinity as the college of choice in an increasingly competitive market. Campanella spent 10 years with United Technologies Corporation (UTC), from 1985 to 1988 in the Washington, D.C. office, followed by two years in corporate headquarters, and the past five years at Pratt & Whitney. Prior to working at UTC, she was an international trade negotiator in the executive branch as director of aerospace trade policy in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. Campanella graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a bachelor's degree in German from Amherst College and earned a master's in foreign service as an honors graduate from Georgetown University School ofForeign Service.




Commencement '95 Kennelly calls upon Trinity graduates to redefine community


S aying " ... only the educated and the informed can successfully debate the purveyors of prejudice, hate, and anarchy," U.S. Rep. Barbara Kennelly M'71 (D-Conn.) called upon Trinity's newest graduates to "redefine community [and] ... the way we live together as citizens in a democracy. "Americans seem to find less and less time to volunteer, to work together, to associate," Kennelly said at Trinity's 169th Commencement ceremony. Speaking to an audience of several thousand on a sparkling May day, the former Trinity trustee noted that "This is happening even while federal budget cuts are demanding that our churches, our homeless shelters, and our other volunteer groups do more. "Just as your grandparents struggled to lift America from the Great Depression and fought to defeat the Nazi menace; just as your parents helped bring about unprecedented prosperity and the end of the Cold War; so you must take on the task of redefining what it means to be a contributing member of a free society," she said. "You must find new ways to participate-in the workplace, as a neighbor, and as a citizen." Liberal Arts Graduates Are Well Prepared Kennelly noted that the grad uates are entering a world, and a workplace, that are changing "with dizzying speed." The Trinity graduates, however, are equipped to meet the challenges ahead of them, she said. "I see you, as liberal arts graduates, as particularly well prepared," Kennelly told the grad uates. "Frankly, there are no merely technical skills that will last a lifetime any more. What will serve you best is the intellectual endowment your education at Trinity has enriched: that is, your ability to learn, to adapt, and to assimilate. With these qualities, you will be able not only to seize the opportunities- but to create them." Degrees Awarded Four hundred seventy-seven bachelor's, 43 master's, and nine honorary doctoral degrees were presented at Commencement. Valedictorian of the class was mathematics major Adam K. Ondricek of Springfield, M ass. Salutatorian Karen Sullivan of Glastonbury, Conn. graduated with honors in English, earning her degree through Trinity's Individualized Degree Program for adult students. At the mon1ing Baccalaureate service Emily Goodwin H olcombe '71 gave the

The honorary degree recipients, photographed with President Evan Do belle and Chairman of"the Board Alfred Koeppel, are: front row, left to right, Do belle, Fred Fwu-Ty~n Ho, Barbara Kennelly, John ,E wing, and Borden Painter; back row, Koeppel, Edward Montgomery, Denis Mullane, William Weaver, Walter Hurley, and Emily Holcombe. address. The associate pastor of Stamford's First Congregational Church, Holcombe was the first female graduate of Trinity to serve on the College's Board ofTrustees. In addition to Holcombe and Kennelly, seven other individuals received honorary degrees at Commencement. They are: Sen. John H. Ewing '41 (R-N.J.) , retired chairman and chief executive officer of New York - sporting outfitter Abercrombie & Fitch; Fred Fwu-Tyan Ho, president of National Pingtung Teachers College in Taiwan; Walter ]. "Doc" Hurley Sr., longtime co-director ofTrinity's summer sports program for Hartford children and leader of the City's summer recreation program for 25 years; Edward A. Montgomery J r. '56, former banker and chairman of the Trinity trustees, now vice president of the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania; Denis Francis Mullane, retired president and chairman of the board of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.; the Rev. Borden W Painter Jr. '58, Trinity professor of history and director ofltalian programs, and former interim president of the College; and William Weaver, writer, critic, and acclaimed translator of contemporary Italian literature. Borden Painter and Senior C lass President Laurie Chiaverini ofWarwick, R.I., also addressed the class. Ashley L. Gilmor, Joshua B. Lahey, and Mary E. Parker presented the C lass Gift. For the first tim,e in recent memory, a separat~ ceremony took place preceding the formal Commencement ceremonies in which three members of the C lass were inducted into the U.S. Marine Corps. They were: Aaron B. O'Connell ofWestport, Conn.; David G. Irving of Duxbury, Mass.; and Brian S. Zabin of Lexington, Mass.

COMMENCEMENT HONORS Phi Beta Kappa Alexandra Pierce Adams, Nicolle Denise Anderson, Cameron Elizabeth Barrett, John Wallace Brien, Marsha Newsom Byrne, Marcia McDavid Callahan, Minerva Marfa Carrasquillo, Matthew]. Cassarino, Jason Chu, Nancy Shou-Lan Chu, Heather Anne Conklin, Julia Freedson, Barbara Galbraith Furbish, Sarah Elizabeth Godcher, Melissa Lynn Griffin, Jean H. Hoffman, Cynthia H. Hsu, Larry D. Jacob, Jr., Jamie Katzman, Peter Andrew Krawiec, Mary Ellen Lear, Nathan Daniel Marinoff, Adam John Messenger, Karen A. Miller, Karen Renae Milner, Chi H. Nguyen, Deborah Jean Nicolls, Aaron Breault O'Connell, Adam Kyle Ondricek, Katherine Elizabeth O'Sullivan, Matthew Peter Orlando, Elaine Marie Palucki, Michael Scott Radin, Kathleen Ellen Robinson, Kathleen Mary Roberts, Kristin McAllister Russell, Eleni Saltourides, Rachel Greer Schneider, Ann Marie Semeraro, Thomas Joseph Sevigny, 路 Dominic Skowronek, Justin Brownrigg Stein, Karen Marie Sullivan, Paul John Sullivan, Eric Edward Vensel, Deborah Marshall Vernon, J aren Duncan Von Arx, .Kiersten Lynn Zimmerman.

Salutatorian Karen Sullivan and Valedictorian Adam Ondricek

Pi Gamma Mu

Psi Chi

Catherine Ann Adajian, Carter Pratt Agar, Nicolle Denise Anderson, Daniel Henry Anixt, Elizabeth McKenzie Anning, Russell Thomas Arrigoni, Matthew]. Cassarino, Timothy Andrew Chisholm, Michael David Chittick, Jason Chu, Heather Anne Conklin, Kevin B. Crawford, Marjorie M. DeBonee, Treena Marie Deka, Christopher Donahue, Elizabeth Anne Downer, Erik Otto Eigenbrod, Gregory Charles Eisenhauer, Vanessa Susan Fertaly, Richard Matthew Fonte, Barbara Galbraith Furbish, Evan Keith Goldberg, David Morse Guilford, Gilbert Schuyler Havens, Cynthia H. Hsu, Eric Russell Jewett, .Stephen]. Kane, Susan Houghtaling Kasfeldt,Jamie Katzman, Joyce Shoghig Kurdian,Jennifer Jackson Laaback, Joseph William LaPlume, Mary Ellen Lear, Gerald Hon Jing Lee, Sabine Muriel Marangosian, Nathan Daniel Marinoff, Maura Kathleen Martin, Julie Ann McCloskey, Heather Christine McCubbin, Karen Renae Milner, Alicia Linda Mioli, Carrie Michele Modzelewski, Matthew Peter Orlando, Julie Seran Papazian, Kristin McAllister Russell, Eleni Saltourides, Jean-Paul Saulnier, Laurie Anne Schaeffer, Christine Elise Siegfried, Ian O'Neil Smith, Suzanne Clare Stevens, Paul John Sullivan, Jennifer Lynn Truesdell, Sarah Hempstead Tyre,Jared Duncan Von Arx,James Paton Whitters IV, Linda Papineau Woodward.

Elizabeth McKenzie Anning, Marsha Newsom Byrne, Vanessa Susan Fertaly, Richard Matthew Fonte, Melissa Lynn Griffin, Katherine Joyce Innes, Jennifer Jackson Laaback,Joseph William LaPlume, Mary Ellen Lear, Sabine Muriel Marangosian, Maura Kathleen Martin, Heather Christine McCubbin, Karen Renae Milner, Michael D. Powers, Kristin McAllister Russell, Dominic Skowronek, Jared Duncan VonArx, Kiersten Lynn Zimmerman.

Holland Scholars I 994-9 5 Tanya L. Ferraro '96 Joseph P. DeAngelis '97 H. E. Russell Fellowship Paul]. Sullivan

W. H. Russell Fellowship Michael S. Radin Mary A. Terry Fellowship Neil R. Smith Thomas J. Watson Traveling Fellowship Raffi H. Khatchadourian Joy K. Wright


ALONG THE WALK President Dobelle, right, signs agreement with Pingtung Teachers College of Taiwan; President Fred Fwu-Tyan Ho is at left.


Trinity creates link with college in Taiwan Over Commencement weekend, a significant new connection was formalized: Trinity and the Nationi!l Pingtung Teachers College of Taiwan established a partnership. The new partnership will permit one Trini ty graduate who is a student of Chinese

to teach English in Pingtung each year. Trinity, for its part, will an nu.ally bring one student from Pingtung to study at the College. T he agreemen t between the two institutions creates the likelihood of fac ulty exchanges and encourages collaborative research projects that wi ll link the two fac ulties . President Dobelle and Pingtung President Fred Fwu-Tyan Ho signed the

partners hip agreement during a Saturday luncheon w ith the Trinity trustees. President Ho also received an honorary degree at Commencement. Architect of the partner- · ship is Michael Lestz '68, associate professor of history and director of international studies . "This agreement is significant because it's Trinity's first institution-to-institution exchange with a college or university in East Asia," Lestz says. "It will give Trinity; like Yale or Amherst, a way of regularly sending its best students of C hinese language and East Asian studies to work for a period of time in the Republic of China." Lestz notes that, because Pingtung is a state-operated institution, Trinity had to obtain the permission of Taiwan's Ministry of Education in negotiating the agreement . . Ho has been president of National Pingtung Teachers College since 1988 and is one of the Republic of China's foremost experts on the training of educators for early childhood and elementary school education. He is well-known in Taiwan's educational community for his personal visitation of more than 300 elementary schools overseen by Pingtung in 1993-94. Trinity offers an undergraduate degree in Asian Studies. Among the languages taught at the College are Chinese and Japanese. •

Trinity's community'service efforts count in the city Trinity volunteers made positive contributions to Hartford during the 1994-95 academic year. Coordinated through the College community service office and 'oth er departme!'lts, a host of new and ongoing projects added up signifi cantly in terms of hours and dollars contributed by students and the other members of the Trin ity College community. "We have dedicated student, faculty, staff and administration volunteers here at Trinity," says Tara Gill, coordinator of the community service office. "Their efforts are appreciated and they truly do impact our neighborhoods." Statistics maintained by Gill's office showed the foll owing in the 1994-95 academic year, for ongoing volunteer placements, onetime placements, donations and community attendance :

298 ongoing Trinity volunteers in 22 programs; (approximately 73 percent were women) 591 one~time volunteers in 14 events sponsored by no fewer than seven departments or organizations on campus 596 hours of community service, w ith an average time commitment of two hours a week

$29,985 in monetary donations to nine agencies/countries/ states deriving from nine events sponsored by at least six departments or organizations donations - 8 0 trash bags of clothing to three local agencies • • • •

2000 books to two local agencies 52 units of blood 250 toys to four local agencies 65 shopping bags of food to two local agencies • at least 10 miscellaneous items to five agencies

2138 community members attended (or participated in) 13 Trinity-sponsored events *Additional events and/or donations may have occurred without the assistance of th e community service office.

Terry Lee is shown with Masai people from her study abroad as an undergraduate.

Senior Terry Lee wins Fulbright Grant Teresa Lee '95 was awarded a Fulbright grant to teach English in Korea for the 1995-96 academic year. According to the]. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the United States Information Agency (USIA), Lee is one of nearly 2,000 U.S. grantees traveling abroad this year under the Fulbright Program. Established in 1946 under Congressional legislation introduced by former Senator Fulbright of Arkansas, the program is designed "to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries." Born in Korea, Lee has lived in the U.S. since infancy. Much of her interest in education stems from her mother's experi-

ences teaching in Korea in the late '60s and early '70s . During her year abroad, she expects to teach English as a second language to middle- or high school students ten hours each week. She also plans to spend time researching the impact of American culture on Korean culture, particularly since the time of the Seoul Olympics. Lee is particularly

Young alumni eligible for Luce Program

If your 30th birthday falls after September 1, 1996, you might be eligible to apply to be a Luce Scholar in Asia in 1996-97 (expenses are paid by the Henry Luce Foundation). Trinity is one of three-score American colleges which have been invited to submit nominations in the fall of 1995. The deadline to submit a draft nomination to the Office of International Programs at Trinity is Monday, October 16, 1995. Anyone interested in this possibility should contact Robbins Winslow, director of international programs at Trinity (phone- 860297-2437; fax- 860-297-2257; or electronic mail robbins.winslow@mail. trincoll. edu), well in advance of this deadline to discuss his or her nomination. The following excerpts from Foundation material provide a sketch of the program; more information is available from Winslow. The program is "experiential rather than academic in nature. At the heart of the enterprise are the internships ... These work assignments run ... from mid-September until July... " The program is meant " ... to broaden their [young alumni] professional perspectives and to sharpen their perceptions of Asia, of America, and of themselves." "Candidates should have a record of the highest academic achievement, combined with the evidence of outstanding leadership ability. More important than any other single criterion, candidates must have a mature and clearly defined career interest in a specific field and must have given evidence of potential for professional accomplishment within that field. Applications cannot be considered from whose who already have had significant exposure to Asian culture or who have a specific career interest in Asian affairs." •

Maya Angelou

New class is biggest in several years Events in First-Year Program greet Class cf'99

The College launched its dynamic, new First-Year Program with incoming new students, starting with three exciting evening programs in late August: An Evening with Maya Angelou, a talk with Ralph Nader, and a mock press conference with Thomas Jefferson scholar/impersonator Clay J enkinson. The Class of'99, 509 strong, is the first to participate in this yearlong program linking their intellectual and residential experiences. "The academic and social transition to college life is particularly challenging to firstyear students," says David Reuman, associate professor of psychology and director of the First-Year Program. "Rather than limit our energies to a one-week orientation, First-Year enables us to provide an organized, ongoing learning environment that encourages collaboration among students , faculty and administration." "Angelou, Nader and the Jeffersonian scholar were chosen to kick off Trinity's First-Year program for reasons beyond name recognition and entertainment value," says Senior Associate Dean of Students Mary

interested in its effect on education there, including whether the curriculum refl ects women's and environmental issues. Lee majored in philosophy at Trinity and participated in crew, student government, orchestra and the residential life program. She lives with her family in Rochester, New York. •

Thomas. "Each professional speaks to issues that will touch students' lives while at Trinity and after they h'ave graduated." In addition to the guidance ne~ students receive from the faculty leader of their fi·eshman seminar (renamed First-Year Seminars), they get support from First-Year mentors, selected juniors or seniors who provide academic assistance, counseling and programming for students. Mentors live among First-Year students in one of six designated coed dorms on calppus; each student is assigned to a room with or near others enrolfed in the same seminar. Resident assistants also live in these dorms. The C lass of 1999 is the largest since the Class of 1992. Its members came· to Trinity from more than 350 different high schools nationwide in 35 states and the District of Colu!llbia and 12 foreign countries. "This has been a very successful year in admissions," says Dean of Admissions David Borus '68. "The yield on our offers of admission increased and we consequently have an unusually large and able group of students joining ns this fall. " Applications increased by 1.5 percent this year and the number of students accepted to the College \ decreased . The largest percentage of students come from Massachusetts, fo llowed by Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and California. Minority students make up 16.5 percent of the Class of 1999, with 84 students who are Asian-American, Mrican-American, Hispanic/Latina or Native American. There are also 23 sons and daughters of Trinity al umni and an increase in first-year students who have brothers or sisters who attend or graduated from the College. •


ALONG THE WALK Trinity faculty win grants The following Trinity faculty, students and administrators have recently been awarded grants: Shelby Anderson, assistant professor of chemistry,. received a grant of $5,000 from Pfizer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program on behalf of Robin Nemeth '96 for summer research on their project, '~cyl Carrier Protein: Multidimensional NMR Studies." Daniel G. Blackburn, associate professor of biology; Christine C. Broadbridge, assistant professor of engineering and computer science; and Priscilla Kehoe, associate professor of psychology, received a two-year grant of $221,000 from National Science Foundation Instrumentation Development and Acquisition for the.ir project entitled, '~cquisition of a Transmission Electron Microscope for Research and Research Training in the Liberal Arts College Environment." Carol Clark, assistant professor of econom1cs, received a grant of$2,385 from International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)


Foster wins trustee election Benajmin Foster '71 of Hartford, Conn. won a six-year term as alumni trustee on Trinity's board of trustees . One of three candidates selected by the Nominating Committee of the

for travel to Moscow from June 27- July 19, 1995 for her ~esearch project, an examination of the activities of the newly independent Mining and Metallurgy Trade Union of Russia. Connecticut Pre-Engineering Program (CPEP) Trinity Summer Program: Glenn A. Cassis, director of CPEP; John D. Mertens, assistant professor of engineering and computer science, project director; Naomi Amos, director of faculty grants and government sponsored programs, Trinity CPEP coordinator; Beverly Hunter Daniel, associate director of CPEP; and David J. Ahlgren, professor of engineering and computer science, received a two-year grant from National Science Foundation for CPEP Summer Science Camp at Trinity College. First-year funding is $62,500. Judy Dworin (Professor of Theater and Dance) Performance Ensemble received the following grants: l) From the Greater Hartford Arts Council, a $1,000 grant for the development and performance of Burning; 2) From Connecticut Commission on the Arts, a $6,000 grant for professional development.

National Alumni Association to run in the annual election by alumni, Foster replaces Thomas R DiBenedetto '71, an international investment banker from Boston, Mass. The principal of Bloomfield High School in Bloomfield, Conn. , he was previously the assistant director of the Albert I. Prince Vocational Technical School in Hartford. He earned his B.A. in sociology, with honors, from Trinity; the M.A.T. in history from Wesleyan University; C.A.G.S.

Richard V. Prigodich, associate professor of chemistry, received a three-year grant of $105,912 from National Institutes of Health/ Academic Research Enhancement Awards (AREA) for his research project, "Footprinting Single-Stranded DNA Binding Proteins ." Edward W. Sloan III, Charles W Northam Professor of History, and Benjamin W. Labaree, The Munson Institute, Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic, Conn. , received a grant of $169,538 from the National Endowment for the Humanities for a Summer 1996 Institute for College and University Faculty at The Munson Institute entitled, '~erica and the Sea." Robin Staples, assistant professor of biology, received a three-year grant of $105,456 from National Institutes of Health/Academic Research Enhancement Awards (AREA) for her research project, "mRNA Decay in Yeast Mitochondria." •

New area code for Trinity callers Those of you calling the College should note the new area code - 860 - that has gone into effect for H artford and five other counties in Connecticut. To reach the College now, call the main number at 860-297-2000.

in human services from the University of Massachusetts School of Education; and Ed.D in Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts. Foster was founder-convener of the National Committee for Commemoration of America's Revolutionary War Black Patriots and serves on the National Dropout Prevention Network, among his professional and civic affiliations. The Trinity C lub of Hartford named him "Person of the Year" in 1994.

"Her Stages" performers this past year as part of the 25th year anniversary of coeducation celebration were alumnae, left to right, Allison Dubin '91, Nancy Adams '84, Phoebe McBride '87, Elizabeth Lyra Ross '74,Judy Dworin '70, Tucker Ewing '77, and Sonia Plumb '84.

In the spring the College honored employees completing 25 years at Trinity, or retiring from the College. T hose attending the reception in their honor are shown with President Evan S. Dobelle. They include (front row, 1. tor.): Joseph Geraci, Angelo Cusano, Maria E. Santos, Margaret Collins, Judy Dworin, Gentil Oliveira; (second row), Elizabeth McCue, Cora Hahn, Carole Lawson, Finlay Whittlesey; (third row), James Bradley, John Valdes, Ivan Backer; and (fourth row), James Heeren and President Dobelle.

Want to phone for funt Tracy Tobin in the College's development office extends an invitation to alumni, parents and friends of Trinity to take part in an upcoming phonathon in their area. The 199596 phonathons are a key part of the Annual Fund and contribute to Trinity's reaching its three-year, 25 ,000-gift total. H ere are the dates and locations for the phonathons: Chicago - O ct. 4, 6 p.m . Bob Kehoe '69 host Philadelphia - O ct. 11, 6 p.m . N at Prentice '69 host Wellesley - O ct. 15, 4 p.m . Boston- Oct. 16, 6 p.m. Jeff Phillips '70 host

Reese named • D aniel Reese '75 has ;joined Trinity as Capital ; Programs and Corporate . Relations Officer, with responsibility for managing selected major gift prospects and for overseeing all corporate solicitations. H e returns to Trinity fo llowing 14 years of service in management positions in retail consumer banki ng, most recently as senior vice-president of M id-Coast Mortgage Corp. Previously, he was with First Fidelity Bancorp. , Shawm ut Bank, and Citicorp/Citi bank NA. From 1977 to 1981 he was special assistant to Connecticut Governor Ella Grasso, managing her Was hi ngton office and serving as Connecticut's chieflobbyist. Prior to this he was executive assistant to the staff director and chairman, the Federal Election Commission . In addition to the B.A. in political science fro m Trinity, he holds a master's degree in business administration from Columbia U niversity. H e will be pursuing his doctoral degree at the Hartford Seminary. •

1995-96 Annual Fund leadership, goals announced The goal for the 1995-96Annual Fund is $3 .1 million and the goal for participation is 50% for the Alumni Fund, according to Alexandra Ablon, director of annual giving. Leading the Annual Fund effort is D onald L. M cLagan '64, chair. Working with him are : Lisa Alvarez-Calderon '88, Vice C hair fo r Participation; William H . Reynolds, Jr. '71, Alumni Fund Chair; N orman C. Kayser '57, Corporations and Foundations C hair; A. John and Marie C. Brauer P'96, Parents' Fund C hair; Carol G. Cimilluca P'90, '92, Parents of Alumni Fund Chair; Rhea Pincus Turteltaub '82, National Alumni Phonathon C hair; and Worth Loomis, Friends' Fund C hair. Serving as Decade Chairs are: Charles E. Jacobson, J r. '3 1, N eil M . D ay '57, William H. Schweitzer, Esq . '66, Harriet Smith '77, and H. Jonathan Rotenstreich '92. T he Decade C hair position fo r the '80s has not been announced.

San Francisco - O ct. 16, 6 .m. · Rod Thompson '77 host Los Angeles - O ct. 17, 6 p.m. Tom Safran '67 host San Diego - Oct. 18, 6 p.m . Jim Oliver '67 host Washington - O ct. 23, 6 p.m. D avid Beers '57 host Baltimore - O ct. 24, 6 p.m. Jeff Seibert '79 host H artford - O ct. 25, 6 p.m ., Smith H ouse, Trinity, Kathy Murphy '78 host N ew York - O ct. 30, 6 p.m . D oug Tansill '61 host H artford - N ov. 13, 6 p.m. Smith H ouse, Trinity, Kathy Murphy '78 host H artford- Jan. 30, 6 p.m. Smith House, Trinity, Kathy Murphy '78 host For more information, contact Tracy Tobin '92 at (860) 297-5334. •


Tom McDavitt '95 has continued his football career by playing professionally, in Germany.

Fall Preview The T:rinity football team,


despite losing 13 starters and 18 letter-winners, will seek its 16th consecutive winning season. The captain, All-New England linebacker.Ryan Hankard '96, led the team in tackles (132) a year ago. Also returning for the Bantams will be senior offensive linemen Tiger Reardon and John Dugan. Head Coach Don Miller (154-65-5) will have to find a quarterback to replace Steve Mikulski '95, who graduated after two brilliant seasons leading the high-scoring Bantam offense. The season-opener was at Colby on September 23, a game scheduled to be broadcast on New England Sports Network (NESN) the following night, tape-delayed. The men's soccer team will look to replace last season's leading scorer Patrick Bruno '95 with high-scoring forwards Greg Cartin '96, Kevin Kane '96, and Sean McElligott '96. In goal, P.J. Louis, who had a 1.61-goals against average in 1994, returns for his senior season. The team opened up the 1995 season September 13 at Albertus Magnus at 3:30 p.m. The women's soccer team, coming off an appearance in last season's ECAC playoffs, is armed and ready for a big year. Leading the charge

will be Alyson Guild '97, who scored a team-high eight goals in 1994, and Jenny Rogers '96. Susan Lally '96, who set a College record with 207 saves last season, returns for her fourth year in goal for the Bantams. The team's season opener was against Eastern Connecticut at Trinity on September 14 at 4:00p.m. This fall the field hockey team will be coached by former assistant Tanya Meek. Meek assumes the duties for Robin Sheppard, who is on sabbatical leave from the College in the fall semester. The team returns its two leading scorers, forwards Anna Norland '98 and J ory W aidman '97, along with rnidfielder Mali Barkman '96, who is a co-captain along with Heather Morgan '96. The Bantams opened the 1995 season at home on September 14, hosting Elms College at 3:30 p.m. The women's tennis team will be led in 1995 by co-captains Holly Nelson '96 and Anne Chick '96. Also returning after a big year in 1994 will be Carrie Birgbauer '97. The team's 1995 season began at Mount Holyoke on September 14 at 3:30p.m. The men's and women's cross country teams will look to improve their finishes at the NESCACs in 1995. The men's team will be led by Eric

Lavigne '98 and Charles Baker '97, while the women's captain is Meredith Minerd '96. The first meet of the 1995 season was the Quinnipiac Invitational on September 9 at 11:00 a.m. The women's volleyball team returns eight letter-winners; they are led by Stephanie Kupa '96 and Maritza Ubides '97. The Bantams opened the 1995 season at home against Albertus Magnus on September 13 at 7:00p.m. The men's golf team will have to replace Brendan Monahan '95, an All-New England performer in the fall. However, Captain Kevin Donovan '97 will look to improve on his fourth-place finish in the NESCAC Cham.p ionships last year. The first match for the men's golf team was at the Williams Tournamenton September 23.

M.:Davitt plays Pro Football In Ger10any Tom McDavitt '95, an AllNew England wide receiver in 1994 and the College's alltime leader in receiving yards and touchdowns, played football in the German Football League for the Noris Rams. The German League allows eight Americans on a team and only two on the field at the same time. McDavitt, the NESCAC Offensive Player of the Year in 1994, played wide

receiver. In four games, he accumulated 11 catches for 160 yards and three touchdowns. Showing his versatility, McDavitt also saw time at quarterback, punt returner, punter, and free safety for the Rams, who were 4-4 in midJuly. McDavitt, in a phone interview, explained that the German Football League is comparable to Division I-A or IAA collegiate football. "The guys here are big. However, they seem to respect my skills and have confidence in my abilities to make me a big part of the team." The Rams play 12 games in the regular season, with the hope of advancing to the playoffs for the German Bowl, like the American Super Bowl. The fans support football in Germany, even though soccer is also popular there. "Germans love football," said McDavitt. "Even though some of the fans don't really understand some of the plays and concepts, they really are enthusiastic. We have crowds over 5,000." McDavitt will be back in Hartford this fall, working as an assistant coach for the Bantam football team, in charge of the receivers. He still hopes to continue his professional football career. "I may get a shot to play in the Canadian Football League next year. If not, I may return to Germany and play there again."

AI Carbone '95 capped his Trinity career by earning All- New England honors at first base.

1995 Spring Wrap-up Leading the way in the spring was the women's lacrosse team, w hich received an invitation to the NCAA tournament. After riding high into the gam e with a ten-game winning streak, the Bantams lost to Middlebury 15-8 in the quarterfinals, finishing the season w ith an impressive 11-2 record. Coincidentally, the two losses came at the hands of the Panthers. Post-season accolades were bountiful as three Bantams were selected All-Americans. Sarah Menoyo '95 made the firs t team while R obin Leary '95 and Kara Ryczek '96 were selected for third- team honors. Leary, the team's leading scorer in 1995 with 72 points (48 goals, 24 assists), finished her Trinity career second all路路路~ time in scoring

Two-sport captain Kara Ryczek '96 was named Third Team lacrosse in 1995. Right: Sarah Menoyo '95 and Robin Leary '95 finished their outstanding careers on the lacrosse field by being named All-

with 203 points, just one shy of Grace Cragin '93's 204. Freshman J en Martinelli, w ho was second on the team with 58 points (47 goals, 11 assists) , and Jenny Dakin '97 were also narried to the R egional AllAmerican second team in 1995. The tri-captains for 1996 will be Ryzcek, Sarah Berkman '96, and Sharon Fernandes '96. The baseball team finished their season with a 21-12 record, setting a College record for victories. Though the team was not selected for the NCAA regionals, 1995 was still a very good year on the diamond. Some of 1995's highlights included a no-hitter by lefthander Al Carbone '95 agaipst Middlebury; a midApril doubleheader sweep over rival Wesleyan; an outstanding pitching month in April for Rob Dowling '95, who defeated Amherst, Wesleyan, Tufts, and Williams consecutively; and a race for all-time hits led by Dan Coppola '95 and Mike Ranieri '96 . Ranieri has 119 career hits, w hile Coppola finished with 11 8. Several Bantams were cited for their outstanding efforts in 1995. Carbone, a first baseman, and Ranieri, an outfielder,

were selected to the N.E.I.B.A. First Team All-New England team and played in an AllStar game at Fenway Park in M ay. Third Baseman Chris Lembo '96 was named to the second team. In addition, Carbone (.420, 2 HR, 20 RBI) was named as a first team ECAC Division III All-Star and Ranieri (.390, 5 HR, 36 RBI), as a second team AllStar. Next year's captains will be Ranieri and Lembo . The men's lacrosse team finished with a 6-9 record. The Bantams played one of the toughest schedules in the nation, facing perennial playoff teams like Washington & Lee, Roanoke, and Gettysburg. In the H averford Tournament

the Bantams took the title when they defeated Amherst 17-6 for the championship. Midfielder Clay Siegert '96 and attackman Gus Phelps '95 were named to the AllTournament team. After returning to New England with a modest 4-4 record, the Bantams hit a skid, los-

winning two of the last three games, and finished 6-9 . Phelps路 led the team in scoring with 48 points (38 goals, 10 assists) and Greg Cartin '96 was second with 42 (28 goals, 14 assists). N ext year's captains will be Siegert and Ryan Hankard '96. T he softball team had a rough year, finishing 6-14. The women lost a few tough games along the way, but will improve in 1996 as 10 letterwinners return. Tina Rideout '98 had an outstanding year, leading the team in hitting (.447), home runs (3) and runs batted in (17). A highlight of the season was a 10-0 shutout over Williams. In that game , Rideout hit two home runs, including a grand slam, and Kirsten Graham '98 pitched a three-hit shutout. The team's three seniorsAudrey Stross, Patty Sarmuk, and B.]. Toolan- finished their careers as four-year letterwinners. Laurie Small '96 and Susan Church '97 were elected co-captains for 1996. In track & field , the women's 4 X 100 relay team competed in the NCAA Division III Championships at Carleton College in M inne-


The 1995 winners of Special Athletic Honors were saluted at a reception on campus, with President Evan S. Do belle as the master of ceremonies. The athletes received their awards from the individual coaches. The winners were:

34 Mike Ranieri '96 was named All-New England for the second consecutive year.

sota. The members of the relay team were Michelle Miller '97, Michelle Stone '95, Christine Siegfried '95, and Val Walker '98. Stone was also named to the NESCAC All-Academic team for her outstanding efforts in the classroom and on the track. The men's tennis team finished 5-5, its first non-losing record in 11 years. Under first year coach Paul Assaiante , the team improved as the spring progressed. Having outstanding seasons for the Bantams were captain Adam Beard '95, and the doubles team of Chase Toogood '96 and Jamie Lawrence '95, who were NESCAC semifinalists. Toogood was elected captain for the 1996 season. Brendan Monahan '95 earned a chance to compete in the NCAA Division III Golf Championships in Terre

Haute , Ind. Monahan shot a three-day total of 229, winning eighth place among 120 golfers, and All-American honors. His finish capped a brilliant golf career at Trinity, where he was All-New England and NESCAC champion during his four years. The crew teams had outstanding seaons this spring, with the 1nen's heavyweight boat, led by co-captains Tucker MacLean '95 andJeremy Wilmerding '95, finishing with an impressive 7-1 record. The m en's lightweight boat, led by cocaptains Douglas Connelly '95 and Matthew Cirri '96, was 2-4. The women's boat, led by captain Susan Taylor '96 and Aanika DeVries '95, finished with a 74 mark.

George Sheldon McCook Trophy N. Tucker MacLean of Haverford, Pa.: for diligence, conscientiousnes~, manliness, courtesy, self-control, and honor at all times, especially in athletic contests. This is the most prestigious award that a male athlete can earn at Trinity. MacLean was a member and captain of both the wrestling and crew teams at Trinity. In wrestling, he was a three-time All-American.

Trinity Club of Hariford Award Barbara "BJ" Toolan of Tarrytown, N.Y.:the most coveted award that a female athlete can earn while at Trinity, presented to a senior woman of good scholastic standing and with distinction in athletics. She must have shown diligence and conscientiousness in drill, training, discipline, as well as dependability in practice, courtesy, selfcontrol, uprightness, and

honor. Toolan was the captain ofTrinity's NCAA tournament basketball team, where she was a First Team AllAmerican and ECAC New England Division III Player of the Year. She also was a fouryear letter-winner on the softball' team.

ECAC Student-Athlete Award Jared D. VonArx of Vienna, Austria: presented to the senior male who is voted the most outstanding in athletics and scholarship . Von Arx, a psychology major, was a four-year member of the swimming team at Trinity. In 1994 VonArx received the Harron A ward, which is awarded to the junior male voted most outstanding in athletics and scholarship.

Bob Harron Award Keith Wolff of Manchester, Conn.: for excellence in both athletics and academics. The award goes to the junior male who is voted most outstanding in athletics and scholarship. Wolff was a member of the NCAA Final Four basketball team at Trinity this past season and an All-Northeast Region selection, while leading the team in scoring (20.8 ppg).

Back Row: (L toR) Dane Aiken, Keyne Barry, Audrey Stross, B.J.Toolan, Tom McDavitt, Josh Newsome, Keith Wolff, Dan Smith, and Tucker MacLean. Front Row: (L toR) Jared VonArx, Christie Siegfried, Mali Barkman, Alexis Colby, and Sharon Fernandes.

Susan E. Martin Award Audrey A. Strauss of Farmington, Conn.: for excellence on the fields of competition combined with excellence in the classroom. Strauss, who graduated with a double major in mechanical engineering and mathematics, was a four-year letter-winner and captain this past season for the women's softball team at Trinity. Her talents both on and off of the field are truly remarkable.

Board of Fellows Award S. Mali Barkman of Canton, Conn.: honoring the junior woman who is voted most outstanding in athletics and scholarship. Barkman is a member of, and a three-year letter-winner on the field hockey tean1. and has already been part of two championships.

Robert R. Bartlett Awards D ane Aiken of Bloomfield, C o nn., and Sharon Fernandes ofBronx, N.Y.: honoring a male and female student who have combined excellence in athletics with devotion to community and/ or campus service. Aiken was a member ofTrinity's NCAA Final Four basketball team and was a four-year starter for the

program. Fernandes wins this award for the second consecutive year. She is a goalie on the women's lacrosse team, which was invited to the NCAA tournament and finished with a 11-2 record.

Larry Silver Award Keyne Barry of Shrewsbury, Mass.: to the student who, by vote of the Athletic Department staff, has contributed most to the Trinity athletic program as a nonplayer. As the manager of the women's basketball team last season, Barry received praise not only from her Trinity teammates and coaches, but also from many opponents throughout the season. Her efforts went above and beyond the call of duty.

The Trinity Bantam Award Daniel B. Smith of Greenfield, Mass.: presented annually to a non-student who has made a distinguished contribution to the Trinity sports program. In his fifth year at Trinity, Smith has filled several different"positions over the years, including assistant football coach, assistant baseball coach, and assistant women's basketball coach.

B 0 :0 ,K :s f

JURY INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRACT CASES by Robert E. Kehoe, Jr. ' 69 Comerford and Boyd, Wilmette, Ill. (1-800-5675995), 1995, 1774 pages, two softcover volumes, to be supplemented annually, $165 "Never again will trial lawyers have to search for help to prepare jury instructions for contract cases," say the publishers of this impressive two-volume set containing 1000 pattern jury instructions and more than 2500 case citations. This new work "provides expert guidance for drafting the most effective and appropriate instructions possible," they claim. Volume I provides numerous contract jury instructions offering the best thinking of hundreds of other pattern instructions and innumerable court decisions in the field. The accompanying commentary provides comparative analysis of the topic as it has been covered in other current pattern instructions, with the texts of these instructions presented for reference. The format is very user-friendly. Volume II guides the reader through a comprehensive study of contract instructions,

Correction: In the last issue of the Reporter, the photo which appeared of Brendan Monahan '95 was his brother, Jay, Class of'93. The error was made by the printer; this is Brendan, above. Our apologies to him.

by Trinity Authors

reprinting more than 900 official pattern jury instructions on contract topics. Kehoe's analysis of"Theory and Technique" closely explores the development of the standardized contract instructions currently in vogue and points out their strengths and weaknesses for today's jury trials. Kehoe is a partner in the Chicago firm ofWildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon. PAUL WAYLAND BARTLETT AND THE ART OF PATINATION by Carol P. Adil '91 and Henry DePhillips, Jr. The Paul Wayland Bartlett Society (53 Desmond Drive, Wethersfield, CT 06109) 80 pages, paperback, $9.95 Alunma Adil and DePhillips, the Vernon K. Krieble Professor of Chemistry at Trinity, published this book about Connecticut sculptor Paul Bartlett in 1994. Bartlett experimented extensively in his Paris fotmdry with the lost-wax casting of bronzes and the color patination ofbronzes and other materials. According to the authors, Bartlett's work displays an astounding depth of knowledge of chemical reactions as they relate to the patination of a wide variety of materials. Moreover, they say, Bartlett was the principal force behind the transfer of this technology to America's fledgling foundries. The book analyzes primary-source notes obtained directly from Bartlett's papers and translates them into terms of modem-day chemistry. Some 200 sculptures by Bartlett are located in art museums, universities, government buildings and private collections. His Lafayette equestrian was presented to France in 1900 by the United States as a thank-you gift for the Statue ofLiberty. The only copies were conmussioned for Metz, France, and Hartford, Conn.





The Trinity Club of Balti路 more invited alumni, parents and friends to a lecture by Drew Hyland, Charles A. Dana Professor of Philosophy. Professor Hyland discussed his popular course, Philosophy of Sport, which was followed by a lively conversation. Jeff Seibert '79 organized this entertaining and educational evening. The Trinity Club of At路 lanta extended a warm welcome to Borden W Painter, Jr. '58 and his wife, Ann, at a March reception hosted by Nancy and Bob Brickley '67 and their daughter, Lisa '93, at their home. Borden, who was serving as interim president at the time, discussed the College's progress on its strategic plan. Many thanks to the Brickleys for their gracious hospitality. In March, The Trinity Club of Pittsburgh held a winter reception at the historic Harvard/ Yale/Princeton Club. Area alumni and parents turned out for this chance to socialize, clear away the winter blues, and enjoy wine and hors d'oeuvres. Club President Anne Madarasz '81 earned cheers for planning a truly enjoyable evening. The Trinity Club of Hart路 ford has been very active. In March ,John C. Chapin,Jr. '70, director of communications for Governor of Connecticut John Rowland, addressed the Club at its Downtown Luncheon Series. John spoke on "Managing Change in Connecticut," discussing timely and interesting issues affecting the state. His talk drew a record number of Club members. Thanks to Ernie Mattei '70 for recruiting such a popular speaker. The Club hosted a reception on campus in honor of Borden W Painter,Jr. '58 in May in recognition of his service as interim president. On behalf of the Club, its president, Hal Smullen '76, presented Borden and his wife, Ann, with several gifts, including a Hitchcock chair with an engraved plaque, as a token of appreciation for their service in the past year as well as for their past involvement

Hosting the London gathering at their home were Alex Kairis '68, second from left, and his wife, Caterina, at left. With President Evan Dobelle are his wife, Kit, and son, Harry.

in the College. Borden was also presented with a very complimentary proclamation from the Governor's office and Clyde D. McKee, professor of political science, spoke of Painter's contributions to the Phi Beta Kappa organization. Douglas Johnson, assistant professor of music, volunteered his time and talent to provide music with his harpsichord. Many thanks to Hal, Alan Mandell '61, and Kathy Maye Murphy '78 for arranging the event, and a special hurrah for Hal's wife, Mary, who created a lovely floral centerpiece for the evening. The Club'sYoungAlumni Group forged on with an event in May at Zuzu's Coffee Bar. Zuzu's is one of the hip new places cropping up in downtown Hartford, and a large group gathered there to watch the season finale of the television series , "Melrose Place." Donna Haghighat '89 brewed up this great event idea! Borden W Painter, Jr. '58 was welcomed to the windy city by The Trinity Club of Chicago in March when it hosted a special reception for him at the University Club. Borden spoke to an audience ranging from past students to his own college roommates, and everyone appreciated hearing his update on the College and its plans for the future. Kudos to Eliz abeth McDonald '92 who served as the event chairperson. The Trinity Club of Phila路 delphia hosted a halftime gathering at the men's lacrosse tournament at Haverford College in March. Bantam fans thanked organizer Scott Growney '81.

Meg and Don Callaghan '68 graciously opened their lovely home to alumni and parents for a reception in May introducing President Evan S. Dobelle. More than 100 people, including recently admitted students to the Class of 1999 and their parents, gathered to meet the College's 18th president. Many thanks to the Callaghans for the wonderful setting and great evening. The Trinity Club of New Haven enjoyed a Sunday afternoon of minor league baseball when the New Haven Ravens took on the Canton-Akron Indians. Alumni and their families turned out to root, root, root for their home team. More peanuts and cracker jacks for Club President David Lenahan '84 and Treasurer Jack Barton '56 who planned this fun outing. In late June, David and his wife, Laura Rebmann Lenahan '85,

hosted the Club's annual meeting and cookout to welcome members of the Class of '99. Many current students and recent graduates joined the gathering to greet the new students and their parents. Three cheers for the Lenahans who sure know how to throw a great cookout! The Trinity Club of Boston kicked off the Spring by offering tickets to members for the international music sensation, Les Miserables. A pre-performance gathering was held at Brew Moon in the theater district where ticket holders munched on free hors d'oeuvres. Thanks to Marc Chabot '85 who continues to do a great job as the Club's box office connection.

The Club joined other alumni groups from Amherst, Bowdoin, Smith, Middlebury, Wellesley, Wesleyan, and Williams for a luncheon featuring guest speaker Fletcher H. ("Flash") Wiley speaking on "Business & Politics in Massachusetts." Flash, a lawyer with Goldstein & Manello and chairman of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, spoke in April at the Union Club. Thanks to ~ndy Goldstein '88 who has maintained the Club's involvement in this great luncheon series! In May, the Club invited Political Science Professor Adrienne Fulco to present "The Republicans Take Congress: A 1994 Election Post-Mortem." The reception and lecture took place at the Hampshire House (right above the authentic Cheers bar). Professor Fulco was reunited with many former students, making for an enlightened discussion of the issues. Much appreciation to event organizer Ted Shannon '87. In March,. The Trinity Club of Washington toured the Old Executive Office Building where the Vice President and senior cabinet members work. The building is a classic example of 19th century Empire-style architecture, and members enjoyed the Saturday morning tour. Thanks to Nathan Sage '92 for coordinating this informative program. Nathan also led the Club on a program to commemorate Earth Day in April, arranging for members to join volunteers from DC Cares and the Anacostia Watershed Society in helping to clean the banks of the Anacostia River. In early April, the Club hosted the 1995 Alumni College, The American City at a Crossroads . The faculty program featured three perspectives on American cities: Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Kathleen Curran on the architectural evolutions, Associate Professor of History Cheryl Greenberg on the post-World War II history, and Professor of English and Director of American Studies James A. Miller on the city in the literary imaginations of selected American authors. Alumni representing six different decades enjoyed the program as did parents of current students. Thanks to Stuart Kerr '78 for providing space for the event at the International Law Institute.


On a Saturday morning in Ju ne, Club members enjoyed a lecture on the work of American painter James McNeill Whistler by A lden R. Gordon '69, Gwendolyn Miles Smith Professor of Art History. Following his presentation, Prof. Gordon led the group through the Whistler exhibit at the National Gallery of Art. Ford Barrett '66 did a masterful job coordinating this event! The C lub extended an enthusiastic welcome to President Evan S. Dobelle during a M ay reception hosted by Daniel K. Korengold '73 at the Historic George Town Club. The event drew a record turnout of alumni and parents, and several recently admitted students to the Class of 1999 attended with their parents. Special thanks to Danny for hosting this evening. Lizzie H ardman '88 recruited Donald Wigglesworth '50, a longtime docent of the National Cathedral, to provide a special tour for Club members one May evening. She also selected a nearby restaurant w here tour-goers could enjoy a meal afterward. Kudos to Lizzie for organizing the evening and to Don for sharing his expertise w ith fe llow alumni. The burgers were sizzling and beverages were chilling at the Club 's annual meeting and barbecue in June at the Potomac Boat Club. The riverside spot, provided courtesy of Stuart Kerr '78, attracted a crowd of alumni and parents. A tip of the chef's hat to Anne Fickling '79 who presided over the grill, and to Club President E lizabeth "Currie" Smith '80 who recruited new committee members for the Club 's board. The Trinity Club of New York invited yo ung alumni to an April gathering at Reminisce, a


The Black Alumni Organization of the Natiol;lal Alumni Association, together with two student groups - the Pan African Alliance and the Trinity College Black Women's Organization - sponsored a 25th anniversary celebration ofUmoja House. The April 29th event began with a blessing of the house at 110112 Vernon Street, formerly known as the "Black House," by the Reverend Canon Cecily Broderick y Guerra '82. (In the 1980s, students named the house Umoja, a Swahili word meaning unity.) The Trinity Gospel Choir performed several selections specially chosen for the occasion, and Saundra Kee Borges '8 1, Hartford's city manager, presented a proclamation from the Hartford mayor declaring Umoja House D ay. Donna Williams '7 5 gave the students a memory book that included old Tripod articles, photographs and memories of life at the house w ritten by alumni, includin g Peggy Smith '76, Donald jackson '83 and Norma Davis '83. In addition to the students and alumni, celebrants included President Evan Do belle, faculty and administrators. A brunch was held immediately after the ceremony. popular night spot. Thanks to J ohn Dalsheim '87 and Robin H alpern '91 for planning the evening. New Yorkers also enjoyed the eve of summer solstice at a cocktail party held at The Terrace in midtown, thanks to John and Robin. The Trinity Club of San Francisco offered members "An Evening at the Arts" in March. The Trinitones serenaded the gathering followed by Professor Arthur Feinsod's lecture and performance of the Commedia dell' Arte, the comic theater tradition that flourished in Europe between 1550 and 1750, and inspired 20th-century comedians such as Charlie Chaplin J

Trinity Club of Washington Executive Committee members with visiting faculty are, front row, left to right: "Currie" Smith '80, Anne Fickling '79, Marian Kuhn '77; second row, left to right: Prof. Cheryl Greenberg, Ford Sarrett '66, Nathan Sage '93; back row, left to right: event host Stuart Kerr '78, Prof. Kathy Curran, Prof. Jim Miller.

and Marcel Marceau. Applause for the evening's organizers, Andrea Mooney L eavitt '83, R ebecca Burt '92 and C lub President Lori Davis Shield '85. During their spring break in M arch, the Trinity Pipes traveled to Saint Louis w here Carl "Skip" Schumacher '65 hosted a gathering of alumni and parents for the occasion. The Pipes reported that they were warmly welcomed and very well fed! Alumni and parents living in and around London, England, gathered in June at the ho me of Caterina and Alex K airis '68 for a doubly special occasion: it was President Evan S. Dobelle's first official visit to London and the evening of the R oyal Henley Regatta in w hich Trinity crew teams competed. President Dobelle was accompanied by his wife, Kit, and their young son, H arry. Also representing the College were Gerald ]. Hansen,]r. ' 51 , special assistant to the president, and Gordon Sewall, director of capital programs. Among the guests was one of the newest members of the Trinity family, Bernard Schulte '99 . The Kairis family decked out their backyard in Trinity colors with a festive tent, yellow and

white striped tablecloths, chairs ado rned with blue sashes and centerpieces of small lemon trees. Many thanks to the Kairis family for their strong Bantam spirit and warm hospitality. President Dobelle also enjoyed m eeting 40 alumni and friends in Honolulu at an event organized by the R ev. David K ennedy '54. T he President also met with five-time mayor of Honolulu Frank Fasi '42 . Fans of winter sports and others w ho enjoy the comforts of a lovely inn set in the Green M ountains gathered in March fo r the second annual Trinity Weekend at Vermont's Cortina Inn, owned by Breda and Bob Harnish '59. In addition to the attractions of the inn and the Killing-ton area, participants enjoyed fac ulty lectures on art history presented by Alden R . Gordon '69, the Gwendolyn Miles Smith Professor of Art History, and Jean Cadogan, a visiting associate professor w ho is a curator ofEuropean art at Hartford's Wadsworth Atheneum. The Saturday afternoon lectures concluded with a reception. Alumni and parents w ho wo uld like to receive notice of the M arch 1996 weekend may contact the Alumni Office, (860)297-2400.



1992 WILLIAM LAPLANTE and Tamara Hourigan, Dec. 2, 1994


ENGAGEMENTS 1983 MIKE HOWE and Margo Daley 1987 . RICHARD MERHIGE and Sandra Iranzo LISA VAN RIPER and David Masucci 1987-1989 WILLIAM EASTBURN IV and CHARLOTTE DUNHAM 1988 ANN MARIE GRUNBECK and Thomas Monaghan LAURA MANN and Bruce Eidelson JOCELYN ROLAND and Douglas Erb


1989 EDITH SILVER and Breaux Walker 1991-1994 MICHAEL JUD and DIANA PABICH

WEDDINGS 1953 STEPHEN PLUM and Hazel Budreau, Nov. 26, 1994 1954 BRUCE SHAW and Jane Merrick Chisnell, Oct. 20, 1994 1973 CHRISTINE REYNOLDS and James Greaney, March 19, 1994 1982 PATRICIA HOOPER and John Kelley, Oct. 22, 1994 1986 ANDREW CAESAR, JR. and Laurie Larson, June 25, 1994 LISA DINNICK and James Brenzel, June 11, 1994 1988 CHARLES CURTIS II and Rebecca Stern, May 1, 1993 STACY STAMPER and Timothy Mayer, Nov. 26, 1994 TRACI SCHNEIDER and JOHN TINDALL, Oct. 1, 1994

1975 Richard and ELLEN CUNNINGHAM WEAVER, daughter, Emma Stoddard, Sept. 1, 1994 1976 Alexander and ELIZABETH SIENER BODELL, daughter, Adelaide Arnold, Dec. 16, 1994 DR. SALVATORE and Meg SENA, son,Julian Patrick,June 19, 1994 1977 Joseph Caputo and LINDA MALLON, daughter, Tessa Eileen Caputo, Feb. 3, 1994 1979 David and STAPLEYWONHAM EMBERLING, daughter, Rachel Hayden, Dec. 9, 1994 THOMAS and Helena KEENAN, son, Joseph Bailey, Nov. 23, 1994 1980 Gary and MARLAJO FRIEDMAN, son, Paul Raymond, July 3, 1994 RICK and Karen NAHILL, triplet sons, Anthony, Andrew an~ Robert, Oct. 18, 1994 James and LYNNE JOHNSON PEASE, daughter, Sarah Lynne, Jan. 7, 1995


1985 BRIAN and Mary Mazzone BOHALL, son, Max Brian, Oct. 26, 1994 STEPHEN and ANN KEZER LAZARUS, daughter, Margaret, June 1,1995 1985-1986 TOBY and DANA MORRIS BIENKOWSKI, son, Robert Michael III, March 22, 1995 1986 Doug and ROBIN COHN EBENSTEIN, daughter, Lori Heather, Oct. 8, 1994 Andrew and GLENNA KING FREEMAN, daughter, Emma Isabel, June 2, 1994 John and ELIZABETH WRAY LAWRENCE, son, John W III, May 21, 1994 1987 Mario Alfano and MARY GIURLEO, daughter, Lucia Mary Alfano, Feb. 15, 1995 KEVIN and Nancy MCKAIG, son, Conor Brady, March 24, 1995 Mr. and Mrs. DAVID RUBINGER, daughter, Jill Elizabeth, July 10, 1994 MURPHY and NAN TELLIER VANDERVELDE, son, John Patrick Qack), Sept. 22, 1994 1988 Richard and FRANCESCA TRESNIOWSKI LANNING, daughter, Emily, Oct. 6, 1994 Michael and REGINA RODRIGUES LEE, son, Michael Adams, June 8, 1994

1980-1983 JOHN and DIANE RAPALUS BEIR, daughter, Meredith Avery, Nov. 16, 1994

1990 Shawn and ARLENE ANGULO KELSEY, daughter, Elena Patricia, Feb. 21, 1995

1981 Bennie and KAREN LQREN CAMPBELL, daughter, Karaline Marie, Dec. 15, 1993

1991 Robert and ELIZABETH STING MILLER, son, Robert Griffin, Nov. 13, 1994

1982 DR. and Mrs. ROBERT LEAVITT, son, Benjamin, Jan. 23, 1995 Michael Laser and JENNIFER PROST, daughter, Helen Prost Laser, July 3, 1994 1983 KEVIN HIGGINS and Hilary Rose, daughter, Bailey Rose Higgins, Feb. 3, 1995 Daniel and PANIPORN PHIANSUNTHON POTREPKA, son, Nathaniel Seumsuk, April 17, 1995 1984 JORDAN and Anne BAIN, son, Michael St. John, Jan. 28, 1995


LEW GIFFIN writes, "GEORGE MACKIE, Class Agent of the Class of '31, is no longer with us (see In Memory). Pneumonia, the 'old man's friend,' took him in April. He was a faithful friend to Trinity College. For 64 years he acted as Class Agent. He was the glue that kept his class informed and welded together in bonds of friendship. In all those years he never mis~ed a football game until this past year when infirmities kept him housebound. He was a faithful member of his church. He will be sadly missed.

Rest in peace, old friend." Class Agent: G. Jerome Wyckoff


On May 22 HUGH CAMPBELL was presented with the "Buist M. Anderson Distinguished Service Award" by the Association of Life Insurance Counsel. He was chosen by the ALIC board of directors for his outstanding service to the industry and the association, having served as president and in several other offices in addition to his distinguished career in the life insurance industry. During 40 years of service with the law department of Phoenix Home Life, he played a pivotal role in many of the legal and regulatory issues facing the life insurance industry at a critical point in history. In particular, he had a significant role on behalf of the industry at hearings before Congress and the Connecticut Legislature on the debate concerning antitrust reform following the Southeastern Underwriters litigation. He has been active also in numerous civic and educational organizations, including the Wadsworth Atheneum and the Wethersfield Library Board, as well as Trinity. He was chosen for this honor for these contributions and for his integrity and humanity. Julius Smith, D.M .D. 142 Mohawk Dr. West Hartford, Conn. 06117


GEORGE LACOSKE was selected for "Who's Who in New England." He is a volunteer assistant teacher at Casimir Pulaski School in Meriden where he helps with reading and writing and teaches a course in ethics. In addition, he was appointed by Meriden's mayor to oversee the refurbishing and renovation of the senior center. He notes, " Incidentally, I'm a fiscal conservative Democrat, but alive to human causes."

m Phyllis Mason, a long-time winter resident of Captiva, Fla., is pictured on the front page of the February 24 edition of the Captiva Current. The article in the paper, titled "Shellcrafter supplies heart of


the ... Sale," describes Phyllis as the person who most embodies the personality of that island community, bringing her indomitable spirit and energy to all aspects of life there. She is particularly involved with shell craft and sells intricately detailed shell mirrors and clowns made of shells at the annual benefit sale. Charles A. Tucker, M .D. 7 Wintergreen Ln. West Hartford, Conn. 06117

SHERRY RAYMOND chairs the development committee of Yarmouth's (Mass.) historical society, which involves not only membership and publicity, but also hospitality and ways and means. The society's chief project this year is the production of a 40-minute video on the history ofYarmouth and the immediate Cape Cod area. JACK HANNA reports that his essay, "Skiing at Eighty," appeared in the local papers of Portland, M aine' and "drew a wide and apparently delighted senior audience." Jack also speaks and leads discussions at senior centers and nursing homes in both Cumberland and York counties . His topics include "Blossoms and Bombshells," on modern poetry, and "Straight and Crooked Thinking," on logical fallacies in contemporary arguments and advertisements. "Broker Profile: Robert I. McKee" is the title of a feature article in the Los Angeles Daily Commerce. A founding member of the American Industrial Real Estate Association, Bob served in World War II as a skipper in command of a landing craft tank at Omaha Beach, w here he dropped numerous cargoes. Later, he served in the Pacific as executive officer of a landing ship tank (LST) and participated in the invasion of Okinawa. After the War, McKee entered the industrial real estate field, first in Las Vegas and then in Beverly Hills. H e selected store sites, arranged purchases, and sup ervised the removal of existing buildings. By 1956 he had opened his own office on Wilshire Boulevard. A charter member of the Certified C ommercial Investment group, he won the Clinton B. Snyder Award for "the most imaginative exchange transaction in the United States." Bob explains it this way: "I sold nine service stations to a gro up of

doctors. When the leases expired, the buyers were able to sell, through me, for big profits. My last sale produced $1,050,000 - it had cost $150,000!" Would he do it over again? "Yes," Bob replied. " I am a frustrated musician. If I had followed music," [l}.e is a concert pianist] "I would have been a musical hack. This way, I am a successful industrial broker and an amateur musician. I have the best of both worlds." In addition to his interest in music, Bob writes fiction. His latest, Right Full Rudder, I Said, depicts a suspenseful moment docking the Queen Mary at its berth in Manhattan during a 70knot gale and a strike by dock workers and tugboat crews. Bob reports that on a recent stopover in Phoenix, he visited with HARRY DAVIS whom he first met in 1925 w hen both were members of the choir of Grace Church in Utica, N.Y. Bob w rites that Harry still retains his wry wit. All of it. Back from a cruise of the Greek isles as well as a to ur of Switzerland, SAL PIACENTE writes, "The 'Silver Wind's' cabins and itinerary were fabulous - the only ones I know that live up to a line's brochure. As for Switzerland, if you started converting Swiss francs to dollars every time you ate, you'd end up at McDonald's." (Editor's Note: The preceding information was sent by Jack Hanna who keeps the alumni office up-to-date on many of his classmates. The following report comes from BOB CHRISTENSEN.) First off, this is to announce the re.turn ofBob Christensen to the office of Secretary of the Class of '36. At least that is the decision of Jack Hanna and myself. Jack has served as secretary, in his own inimitable fashion for the past several issues of the Reporter. He wondered if I might be willing to return to the position, and I am glad to do so. We have assumed thatJERRY HANSEN '51 (director of alumni and college relations) will not dispute our deciSion.

Jack has and is serving as both secretary and agent for the class of '32 at Kent School in western Connecticut. We must recognize that Kent School preceded Trinity. Last year he was still instructing classes at the University of Southern Maine, where he is professor emeritus of literature. Meanwhile, wife, Inga, carries on a financial advisory practice at home, regarding budgeting and investing. They


make me feel awfully idle. So, here I am. From BOB MCKEE, the following, in part: " I have, through disuse, lost the slight ability I once had to sing. To be a part of a performance of good music is a privilege at any age. I am studying piano and can play most of the last piano works of Brahms. C urrently I am trying to master the Prelude, Chorale and Fugue of Cesar Franck (1886) . I know just enough abut the piano to know that I am not playing very well and I am not improving. It is an absorbing activity, nonetheless ." From DOUG RANKIN: "Marguerite passed away last October and life for me is not the same. We had our honeymoon on the Cape and returned there every summer and fall (Harwichport area) . We saw many changes in the 48 years. It is still nice the minute one passes over the bridge! My sailing ended w hen Marguerite could no longer handle the bow lines. We had 42 years on the beautiful waters of Ipswich Bay and Plum Island Sound. I am a life member of the Ipswich Bay Yacht Club and pas t commodore, so I still keep my oars in the water." FromJACK (AMOS) CARR: "The Carrs took off on their regular summer exploration of the wild and wonderful Northwestern states. They visited Pinedale, Wyo., once again, to enjoy that charming little town's re-creation of the famous 'Rendezvous on the Green.' Jackson Hole, Grand Tetons and Yellowstone followed, as did the obligatory stay in spectacular Glacier National Park. The trip back to Orange Beach took a side trip to Evergreen, Colo. to welcome a new路 granddaughter, Shelby Rose. A perfect climax to all the other summer delights!" Robert M. Christensen 66 Centerwood Rd. Newington, Conn. 06111 Class Agent: Sherwood H. Raymond

m BILL HULL recently received a letter from HOWARD GALE informing him that H oward has sold his home in St. Augustine, Fla. and that he and Edith will move to England about the first of May. They have a nice home in the Essex countryside and are looking forward to a more laid-back and leisurely lifestyle. The new address is: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gale, "Westacre," Maldon Road,

Tiptree, Essex C05 .0QA, England. We wish H oward and Edith the best. Bill also adds that he is still donating blood Gust over 16 gallons to date) and that his blood pressure is 112/62 without medication. Michael J. Scenti 226 Amherst St. Wethersfield, Conn. 06109 Class Agent: William G. Hull


Typical of any class after 56 years, there's not too much major activity. No new Nobel Prize winners, no literary prize winners and no lottery winners (unless someone is holding out to surprise us with a major donation to Trinity). Nonetheless, there is some news. YOUR SCRIBE has had several responses to his plea for information, and he thanks you. Appropriate to our age group, we have reports of j oin t repairs, age-related illnesses and BOB MUIR with chicken pox, w hich says something abo ut his age. But it was complicated by pneumonia; he spent two weeks in the hospital and is now recuperating. JACK WILCOX received a new hip joint last fall. "Doing nicely, but H elen still has to tie my right shoe," he reports. We also have some very active guys. HANK HAYDEN says "swimming and golf are regular activities," while MIKE BASSFORD writes, " I have always been opposed on principle to exercise and sports, but I finally broke down last summer and took up the game of lawn bowling. Little talent but lots of fun." Your Secretary, now permanently moved to Florida, has joined the norm: morning group exercises, shuilleboard and billiards occasionally, and afternoon swimming. As for late-blooming talent, Hank Hayden paints regularly out there in Claremont, Calif. and reports that he sold 33 of his watercolors last year. That's a lot, even for a professional! He is retired after a 40-year career in the Congregational ministry, serving from N ew England to Hawaii with stops in California and New Mexico. He finds nearby Pomona College, about the size ofTrinity, to abound with lectures, concerts and other activities. Trinity /Bassford history: Mike confirms that his father, Charles, and uncle, Horace, graduated in 1910; Uncle Ethan in 1914; Mike in 1939; son, Andrew, in 1976;


Classes of 1935 & 1940

Dear Class of 1935,


reetings from your newly elected CLASS SECRETARY The subject of this letter is the June Reunion at our Col-

lege. As in previous years,JERRY HANSEN '51 and his assistants did an outstanding job of managing this event. Previous attendees will remember the diversity and high quality of the various activities. There really was something, or more, for every graduate who attended. Our Class joined others in a luncheon with the new President, Evan Dobelle. He is a tall, genial, and outgoing type with the diverse background to join a line of fine past presidents. And he is assisted by a charming wife, Kit, who also greeted us. The next meeting was the Half Century reception and dinner in Mather Hall. Great to see old friends. I was seated with classmates TOM HAGARTY, who is suffering with facial surgery and showed anyway, and JACK ZIETLOW, who is healthy, intellectual and as obstreperous as remembered. An enjoyable serving in this evening was the seafood appetizer table loaded with all the goodies that are so rare and expensive on the West Coast. The College lost money on my ticket. The next marvel was the clambake on the Quad that for a seafood lover was very enjoyable and efficiently served. All classes up to and including 1940 met under one tent. Here it must be stated, that the College arranged for an open bar with all the lunches and dinners we attended. I saw no overindulgence. A campus tour presented the fine new buildings for the better education of students. The Ferris Athletic Center has displays "that summon grand memories, some of which are listed in a following paragraph. We attended several interesting lectures by faculty: "Clipper Ships and Open Boats," the story of ):wo graduates who were shipwrecked off the coast of South America in 1866 and survived; "The Soviet Union" (how things are today and may be later); and for computer nerds "Surfing the INTERNET," a

hands-on class. You would have enjoyed the Annual Reunion Class Parade. It was led by a brass band followed by a 1923 Ford sedan driven by the Class of 1940. Riding were one member of the Class of 1930 and his wife. Next in line, two more men from the 1930 Class, one of whom marched with his wife and a small dog. Then came the great Class of 1935 -Jack Zietlow and, carrying the sign, your Secretary. The parade ended on the Quad with a meeting of the National Alumni Association. Many classes presented the College with very large checks, both in dimension and amount tendered. All in all, it was a rewarding meeting, and maybe we can make a Reunion in 2000. Please surprise the new Secretary with cards, letters and phone calls. It's disappointing to see a blank space for 1935 in the page of the Trinity Reporter devoted to class news. A walk through the Ferris Athletic Center was rewarding! It brings back glorious memories of great teams of the past. First, in the lobby is a football used in one of the games in our undefeated, untied season, inscribed with the score of each game. Photos of football captains back to 1862 include JACK MAHER of our Class who appears again as the Most Valuable Player that year. Also displayed is my brother,JOHN '39, who captained the '38 team. There are large oak boards on the walls engraved with the names of sports captains. For b~sketball,JOHNNY MARTENS; track, LOU KELLAM (also a great in football); and for baseball and football, my high school classmates JOHN AMPORT (captain in 1934) and Jack Maher. BILL HENEBRY '34 captained the '35 team. Naturally, I gazed with affection at the team photos of our Class. We had some great ones in addition to those mentioned above: MIMI MARQUET, my roommate and our quarterback for four years, and PAUL ADAMS, track; HARLEN CHAPMAN, te'nnis and squash; FRANK EIGENBAUER, football and baseball; DUANE FLAHERTY, baseball; GEORGE DIC~RSON, swimlning; DENNY FARNELL, football; JIM HANAGHAN, football and baseball; ART HAZENBUSH, track; JOHN HERALD, basketball; RALPH HOULIHAN, basketball and baseball; TOMMY KEARNS, basketball and baseball; MAL LANE, track; HARRY OLSON, soccer; TERRY MOWBRAY, four sports; BOB ROACH, football; SIS SAMPERS, football and basketball; TOM SISBOWER, track; RALPH SLATER, baseball; BILL WARNER, basketball and track. I must not forget MICKY (the Cobra) KOBROSKY, the All American running back; without him we would not have achieved that undefeated season in 1934. -R. Pearce Alexander

or all of us who attended the 55th Reunion of our Class, the event could not have been better. The office of alumni relations and the local weather cooperated to present us with the utmost in hospitality, a well prepared program and a campus more beautiful to behold than before. We enjoyed the privilege of being introduced for the first time to our recently chosen President of the College, Evan Do belle, and his family. He promises to bode well for Trinity. The following list of members of our C lass participated in the Reunion activities: GUSTAVE and PEGGY M'66 ANDRIAN, Dorothy (Mrs . HERBERT) BLAND, WALLY BORIN, GUIDO CAMMISA, CLARENCE and Ruth GRANDAHL,ALVIN and Jean HOPKINS, Irene (Mrs. WILLIAM) KELLY and son, Audrey (Mrs. RICHARD) LINDNER, THOMAS and Doris MCLAUGHLIN, RICHARD and Alice MORRIS, RICHARDSON ONDERDONK, STEPHEN and Irene RILEY, DONALD and Patricia SMITH, LESTER TIBBALS, CHARLES DODSLEYWALKER and DUNCANYETMAN. The Saturday morning parade, under a beautiful sky, was led by an antique car driven by CHARLIE WALKER '47, w hich set just the right pace for us. We were third in line after a few good men from the Classes of '30 and '35 . The parade was followed by the meeting of the National Alumni Association on the Quadrangle. For the Class of 1940 Steve Riley and Wally Borin presented our Class Gift, an oversized check covering our contribu-


tions to the 1994-95 campaign. The Class goal of $10,250 was exceeded, with 46 percent of the Class participating. T he final amount was $12,520! At the Class meeting for the election of officers for the next five years, the members present elected Walter E. Borin, Class President; Clarence B. Grandahl, Class Secretary; and Stephen M. Riley, Esq., C lass Agent. We certainly want to express our appreciation to AL HOPKINS for his many years of dedicated leadership, and we are confident that we will continue to see him from time to time. COL. R . PEARCE ALEXANDER '35 and two of his classmates plus one member of the Class of 1930 were invited to dine with us at our Class dinner in the North Terrace Room of the newly enlarged Mather Hall. Pearce, you may recall, is the brother of the late JOHN ALEXANDER '39 and of our own H. STANLEY (STAN) ALEXANDER, who died most recently. Stan was married to the late RICHARD LINDNER's sister, Marian. If you missed this Reunion, we sincerely hope you make the next one five years hence. But better yet, come to Homecoming this year, or any year for that matter. Your new slate of officers and as many others as we can entice to come can promise you a reunion then.

-Clarence B. Grandahl


and wife, Beth, received her M.A. in 1970. Mike and Beth have continued to audit classes almost every year. " I would be happy to see all three of our grandchildren go there:" What furth er endorsement do es Trinity need? Although we have not reprodu ced the entire contents of your letters, please be assured that they are really appreciated. Sherwood Martin 433 Millstream Dr. Vernon, Conn. 06066 Class Agent: Ethan F. Bassford



GUS ANDRIAN joined emeriti professors Rex N eaverson, Bert Gastmann and DICK MORRIS for lunch in Old Saybrook, Conn. in early February. Gus Andrian and wife, PEGGY M' 66, sojourned in Florida this pas t winter after Gus completed work on another revised edition of his successful Spanish literature reader w hich is used in colleges throughout the country. Dick Morris continues to pub!ish. In December, Turner Publishing released the Navy Submarine League 's book, Steel Boats - Iron Men, which Dick co- authored with Rear Admiral W H. Randquist (ret.). The February 1995 iss ue of "Highlights for C hildren" contains his article on the boyhood adventures of ADRIAN K. LANE '41, a condensed version of the Log of the Downit which Dick edited and illustrated. The National Library for Poetry includes one of Dick's poems in its 1995 volume, Best Poems. Last O ctober, D ick and his wife, Alice, visited the Northwest and cruised the inside passage to Alaska, as he says, " mostly by w heelchair." Walter E. Borin 67 Cypress Rd. Newington, Conn. 06111 - 5601 (Editor's note: new secretary for the Class of 1940 is Clarence Grandahl, 87 Frederick St., Newington, Conn. 06111.) Class Agent: Stephen M. Riley, Esq.

m In a continuation of the chronicle of LOU BUCK's involvement in the affairs of his adopted home, DON DAY sent me a newspaper clipping with

picture of Lou's being sworn in as a member of the town council of Indian River Shores, Fla. As for himself, Don reports " I have had muscle surgery on both eyes and will get glasses fine-tuned aft er one month of healing. Still try to play tennis, golf and banjo none very well." I had a Christmas greeting from C HI CK KIRKBY, who has apparently retired. He said that he averages between 20 and 25 hours a week in volunteer work: taking cancer patients to the hospital for treatment, a breakfast program and a food pantry. To quote him direedy, " I keep healthy, reasonably moral and just about as ornery as ever, although I may be slipping a bit in the last category. Every so often I catch myself feeling tolerant toward all the stupid people in the world and all the idiotic things they do or say. I'll have to work on that." Yes, indeed. We would hate to see C hick ge tting soft and mushy on us. MOE BORNSTEIN has retired and turned the Kingswood M arket in West Hartford over to his son, David. Moe still works in the Market which is now about 75 years old. "The w ives of all the presidentsa nd chairmen of the board of all the leading banks were our customers," Moe said. I remember his telling me that John Filer, the now deceased former chairman of the Aetna and one of his good customers, invited him to be a participant in his weekly poker parties. When Moe learned that it was not unusual for the players to lose $300 a night he pleaded other engagements. David and his wife, Agneta, have a daughter, Kristina. Moe has been known to speak in favorable terms of his granddaughter. I recently had a chance to talk with JOHN O 'BRIEN. H e is retired from the full- time travel business, but occasionally leads groups to Europe, one time on a tour of the World War II battlefields. He said that he has tried to interest DICK MOODY, w ho has retired to Florida, to go to Europe with him. On a previous trip to England, Dick spent some time in the British records offices, trying to solve the mystery of Jack the Ripp er. One wo uld think that after over 100 years the trail would have grown cold, but Dick has apparently absorbed the traditional English bulldog determination. John also reported that BILL RYAN might come East to attend his wife's college reunion. JAC K EWING, as chai rman of the New Jersey Senate's Education Committee, has frequently been in


New York Times news stories in connection with Governor Whitman's attempts to deal with the N ew Jersey public school systern. At a recent Trinity gathering YOUR SECRETARY and Iva had the opportunity to hear and observe Evan Dobelle, the new president. We got the impression that the College is in good hands. Frank A. Kelly, Jr. 21 Forest Dr. Newington, Conn. 06111 Class Agent: Donald J. Day

m H eard from HENRY GETZ, who tells us this is his year of 50th anniversaries: marriage, ordination as a deacon and as a priest. Henry now modestly signs himself as simply, R everend, but we all know he was a bishop - a status predictable to all of us who kn ew Henry as an undergraduate. Met with FOSTER RHINES for a couple of days in Sarasota. Chatted with BOB YOUNG while I stayed at St. Augustine. Bob's a great-grandfather now, which seems to settle the question of w ho among us was the firs t to be that blessed. Mrs. FRANK FASI wrote a long and enthusiastic letter abo ut husband, Frank, who is now a media commentator - move over, Rush . A family picture came with the letter - an enthusiastic group lawyers and other professionals. Corresponded with C HARLEY JOHNSON. I wanted him to identifY an anonymo us book I had on the Civil War - C harley has become an authority on that conflict. He shared with me a note he had sent to William Safire, putting that smart alec in his place. H eard from HANK ROTHAUSER that he's off to Yellowknife - won't insult you by telling you where that is. On the somber side, got a note from FRANC LADNER enclosing the obit of classmate, ANDY WEEKS. Andy had spent wonderful twilight years caring for the elderly and the handicapped as a volunteer. (See In Memory .) If you read the Class Notes of , the Class of' 43 in the D ecember issue of the R eporter, you noted that the Class had initiated a memoria! fund for the students of Trinity who had been killed in action or died in service during World War IL Our Class lost eight members: BILL CLEVELAND, HERB GILMAN, BILL

JOHNSON (Charley's twin brother), ALEXANDER JONES, BOB MAN ION, ROD MURRAY, NED O'MALLEY and JOHN WAMSLEY. The names of the 64 deceased will be carved in stone on the campus. RAY CUNNINGHAM of the Class of'43 is heading up the fund-raising effort. Joseph J. Bonsignore 9105 Santayana Dr. Fairfax, Va. 22031 Class Agent: Martin D. Wood

m KENYUDOWITC H , one of '43's intellectuals, and a good athJete to o, has sent me a "draft" of an autobiography of his first onethird century, to wit: 1920-1993, inclusive. Ken, a physics Ph.D. has taught and/ or studied at, inter alia, Trinity, Columbia, Missouri University, Chicago University and Florida State University. H e has five children, 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. YOUR SECRETARY found Ken's book engrossing. He writes in a unique, interesting and humorous style. Anyone who grew up and attended public schools in Hartford during the 1920s and 1930s will relive his/her childhood-teen years through Ken's "total recall." Trinity classmates, near classmates and all who simply enj oy a good storyteller reminiscing of his undergraduate and graduate days at the College-on-the-Hill are sure to enjoy it. Former Weaver High School students of the period will love it. Ken has the faculty of weaving contemporary current events of moment, cultural landmarks and the achievements of the famous and the infamous of the period into his narrative, relating the same to his own progress through life. Ken worked as a researcher on the Manhattan Project and was involved with the early development of nuclear energy. H e has led an interesting life and has allowed no grass to grow under his feet. His inquisitive mind, errormous energy, exuberant good health, outgoing nature and genuine affection for his fellow man (especially the fema le gender) make this book enjoyable reading. The finished product, as well as sequels of later years, are looked forward to with enthusiasm.Your Secretary is placing a standing order with Ken for whatever is forthcoming . It is hoped that w hen Ken reads these notes, he will send his current address and



' ' Ken [Yudowitch] writes in a unique, interesting and humorous style ... Ken has the faculty of weaving contemporary current events of moment, cultural landmarks and the achievements of the famous and infamous of the period into his narrative ... ' ' The Class of '43 telephone number to Your Secre- . tary and to the College alumni office. Ken moves fast. The alumni office has "lost track" of him. The envelope which brought his book to us, including return address, was inadvertently discarded. When we have it, we will include it in a future edition of these notes so that other interested classmates might communicate directly with Ken concerning his book. Incidentally, proficiency in photography being another of Ken's attributes, numerous interesting contemporary photos of classmates, Trinity College, Weaver High School, early Hartford and Connecticut are adroitly sprinkled throughout Ken's book. The title: !Vhat am I Doing Here? (Growing Up in America in 1920-1966). PETE PETERSON, another of '43's intellectuals and a member of Phi Beta Kappa, phoned Your Secretary one evening while reading Ken's book, to ask me if I had read it, and to tell me how much he enjoyed it. Pete wanted Ken 's address so that he could write him about it. Pete, now retired, was a top reporter for The Hartford Times, which was at one time the Connecticut newspaper with the largest daily circulation. Pete recognizes the well-turned phrase when he reads it. BOB HINCKLEY writes that he recently obtained an 8x11 print of the photograph of classmates in attendance at our 50th Reunion from the alumni office for a nominal sum. Bob writes, "The first impression from reviewing it was that, not only were they very young, but handsome, too."Your Secretary's recollection is that Bob and Betsy Hinckley have attended Class Reunions every five years since "the memory of man runneth not to the contrary." JACK FAY, along with his wife, Marie, was at the funeral in Harwinton, Conn. of his brotherin-law, the Hon. Robert A. Wall, a highly respected Connecticut Superior Court judge, who died on Feb. 19,1995 at the age of85.

Jack, DONVIERING '42 and Your Secretary were able to renew old acquaintance after the ceremony. Jack and Marie have a lovely home in Stuart, Fla. to which Your Secretary and his wife, Elaine, were invited for dinner one evening in January of 1994. Jack plays golf, raises magnificent grapefruit and looks after his investments. Both Jack and Don look great ... good enough to go 60 seconds or so at center and tackle, respectively. John L. Bonee, Esq. One State St. Hartford, Conn. 06103 Class Agent: Carlos A. Richardson, Jr:


Trinity College was host last Jan. 27 to the first state summit on school readiness in the United States. The Class of 1944's president, DR. HARRY R. GOSSLING, played a major role (and is still doing so) in the success of that symposium. In a subsequent recent address to the Connecticut General Assembly, Harry spoke against some state government efforts to cut back the budget of the Connecticut Commission on Children. "Prevention is the front-end strategy against crime, poor health, family strength and a decline in the social contract," said Harry, who is Gray-Gossling Professor and chairman emeritus of the department of orthopaedic surgery, University of Connecticut School of Medicine. Speaking of the Jan. 27 summit at Trinity, Harry said: "The Trinity College Class of 1944 recently Gune, 1994) celebrated its 50th anniversary from graduation and worked with the Commission to design a meaningful health-related event for children that would have long-term effects ... The capacity to organize, raise funds, bring in national experts, coordinate a mean-


ingful event with action steps and follow-up was laudatory. This is one institution you (the legislature) might want to "claim ... with pride." That conference spoke of children coming to school unready to learn because of poor learning environments. The summit briefing paper noted that 82 percent of prisoners are high school dropouts - a figure now higher than the relationship of cancer to cigarette smoking. Harry had opened that Jan. 27 conference by introducing Trinity's interim president, BORDEN PAINTER '58, and noting that "Today we are facing one of the great crises in American society: the plight of children ... destined to be lost as independent participants in an increasingly complex world society. Society is becoming impatient with dependency but appears unable to deal with basic tenets of its causes." He likened Trinity College of 50 years ago as "a comfortable haven of intellectual pursuit in an urban neighborhood of working middle class families to today's sodifferent neighborhoods in decay, representative of the crisis in Hartford ... and in America." Participating at that Summit were a number of national, regional and state leaders in childhood education including the Carnegie Corporation's Fred M. Hechinger, Bush Center's Child Development Senior Associate Sharon Lynn Kagan ofYale University, Chairperson Laura Lee Simon of the Kids Count School Readiness Campaign, President Painter, the Connecticut State Department ofEducation's George Coleman, National Education Association President Keith Geiger, among many others. Also participating were parents' groups and representatives of caregivers, such as Yale-New Haven's Children's, Newington Children's and Hartford hospitals, and others. The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) honored the late SPIRO PETERSON as a Great Teacher through a contribution in his memory to its Shirley Bill Fund. Spiro was an English professor at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He died in June 1992. The Great Teacher award was announced at the ASECS's annual meeting in Tucson, Ariz., April 59.

Spiro's wife, Yerevan, recently established the Spiro Peterson Center for Defoe Studies at 路 Miami's King Library. Spiro had

concentrated his scholarly research and writing on Daniel Defoe. The new Center includes books, microfilm, documents, notes and files primarily on Defoe and the history of the early novel. The collection has more than 70 different printings ofDefoe's most recognized work, Robinson Crusoe. The Center was dedicated officially by Miami University last March 26. In 1994, Spiro's wartime letters (1943-46) were given to the Trinity College/Watkinson Library's archives. Most of his letters were written to his brother, PETER W PETERSON '43, and a few were written to and received from Spiro.'s former professors, particularly Professor James Notopoulos, Spiro 's wife writes. Peter and Yerevan gave at least 70 letters to Trinity. Yerevan writes, "They truly belong in Trinity archives because they reflect his education and ambitions inspired by his experiences at Trinity College." A note of special interest from Interim President Painter: "One of the most enjoyable parts of this job is seeing the kind of support our alumni and other friends liave given to the College - and saying 'thanks' to those who have given it. I am especially pleased to report to you on the T' 44 Scholarship Fund, which provided income of $1,173.12 for financial aid last year. The very first T' 44 Scholar named by the director of financial aid is Adrian Reyes, a freshman from Bridgeport and graduate of Notre Dame High School. He is the first in his family to attend college ..." We are sure that our '44 classmates will be happy to learn that your generosity already is bringing results, and we wish Adrian well on his studies at Trinity College. As mentioned in a previous issue, RICHARD HASTINGS and his wife, Lorain, recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married April 1, 1994 in the United Church of Christ in Coral Gables, Fla. He retired from the Stanley Works as vice president in 1983 and as a board member from the FletcherTerry Company in 1993. The West Hartford News write-up said that "Mrs. Hastings, the former Lorain Jaworski, continues in her capacity as wife, mother and grandmother without equal." C. JARVIS HARRIMAN is the author of The Man from the Hills, a biography of Leland D. Case. Jarvis lives at 694 East T hird St., Tucson, Ariz. 85710. The new address of ALEXIS DEYAN BRASHICH '90, former



associate director of annual giving at Trinity and an honorary member of the Class of 1944, is 1601 Third Ave. #11kw, New York, N.Y 10128. "Lexy" is now director of annual giving at Nightengale-Bamford School on New York City's Upper East Side. Best wishes to all you classmates and your families. And please keep writing! Elliott K. Stein 215 Gibbs Ave. Newport, R.I. 02840-2816 Class Agents: Harry R. Gossling, M.D. Merritt Johnquest Elliott K. Stein

45 46 47


LOUIS FELDMAN ' 46 has written the following articles: "Josephus' Portrait of Korah," Old Testament Essays 6 (1993) 399-426; "Josephus' Portrait of Ahasuerus," Australian Biblical Review 42 (1994) 17 -39; " R eflections on John R. Levison's 'Josephus' version of Ruth' ," Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 8 (1991) 45-52; "Josephus' Portrait of Manasseh," Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 9 (1991) 3-20; and "Josephus' Portrait of Elijah," Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 8 (1994) 61-86 . He also contributed an article on his beloved professor of classics at Trinity, James A. Notopoulos, in Ward W Briggs, Jr., Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1994) 450- 452, as well as entries on Werner Jaeger, 306-309; Harry L. Levy, 358- 360; Ralph Marcus, 397-398; and Arthur Stanley Pease, 484-487. JACK REED '46 writes "In 1981 I finally got my degree out here from the University ofPuget Sound - only 39 years after entering Trinity. Trinity has always been first in my heart. As I look back, I'm certainly sorry I didn't 'keep my nose to the grindstone' rather than ' goof off' while there 'beneath the Elms."' Mark W. Levy Esq. 290 North Quaker Ln. West Hartford, Conn. 06119 Class Agents: Andrew W. Milligan Siegbert Kaufmann David J. Kazarian, Esq. Irving J. Poliner, M.D.

Two Bantam boosters at Reunion: Jerry Hansen is at right.

Thank you, jerry! At the meeting of the National Alumni Association and Reunion Awards presentation on Saturday, Director of Alumni and College Relations Gerald]. Hansen, ]r. '51 was surprised by the reading of the following citation in his honor, read by its author, Lee Coffin '85. Chagrined and pleased, Hansen admitted to surprising a number of award recipients over the years and found himself speechless when it was his turn. Along with the citation, the National Alumni Association presented Hansen with a gift certificate for a gas grill for his Cape Cod home.


n behalf of the alumni of Trinity College, the National Alumni Association is proud to honor jerry Hansen, Class of 1951, in recognition of his twenty years of service as Director of Alumni and College Relations. Jerry joined the Trinity administration in 1975 after many years as an alumni volunteer leader in his beloved Philadelphia and has served four College presidents and survived three office managers. As one of the longest-serving administrators at the College today, jerry is known for his bow ties, duck belts, kelly green jackets and booming laugh - all of which add color to the College landscape and vitality to its operation. jerry's longevity and success are no accidenti he is a tireless and effective champion of the College and its 19,000-plus alumni. To the nearly 10,000 alumni who have


graduated since his term began two decades ago, jerry Hansen is the alumni relations effort. If someone else can lay a legitimate claim to the title "Mr. Trinity;' then jerry is the consummate Bantam booster. The Hansen connection to Trinity also includes an impressive bloodline. His three sons and two of his daughters-in-law are all Trinity alums and a surging swarm of grandchildren should produce Bantam Hansens well into the 21st century. And then there is his wife, Georgia, who gives new meaning to the term "better half"! His storied legacy as alumni director is marked by distinctionj jerry guided Trinity's alumni relations program through coeducation and brought scores of women into its leadership ranks. He redesigned Reunion and masterminded its growth into a Trinity tradition and a truly Bantam Vacation. He championed the construction of the Smith Alumni-Faculty House, implemented innovative programs for undergraduate class identity, young alumni relations, career advising and admissions support, and maintained an expansive network of alumni clubs that spans the country. On the squash courts, in the football stands or by the lacrosse field, jerry also stands out as one of the College's most fiercely loyal partisans, especially when Williams or Wesleyan comes to town. To those of us fortunate enough to have called jerry our boss, he is a cherished colleague and insightful mentorj he is tough but fair, hard-charging yet kindhearted, professional while lovingly paternal. No detail is too small, no alumni event too insignificant. As jerry assumes his new duties as Special Assistant to the President, we rise to thank him for his enormous contributions to our alma mater. jerry has travelled thousands of miles and shaken many hands in his 20 years at the helm of the alumni relations program. Whether he was at the Cape Cod Chowder Party or Buttondown Sounds, Alumni College or Alumni Sons and Daughters Admissions Program, his integrity and commitment yielded great dividends. In jerry Hansen, our new president has found a wise, just, and loyal adviser. Godspeed, jerry, and thank you

HOOT NICHOLSON passed away on Feb. 28, 1995. His good humor will be missed by all of us. (See In Memory.) ED SOUTH is retiring from his medical practice. We wish him well. I remember JOHN WENTWORTH- a fine athlete and well thought of by his classmates. Col. Edmund C. Morrisey, J r. P.O. Box 709 Alcoa, Tenn. 37701 Class Agen t : Lyndon H. Ratcliffe


We have received word that STEPHEN PLUM was married on Nov. 26, 1994 to Hazel Budreau. Stephen reports that their blended families number seven children and eight grandchildren. T hey live in Austin, Texas. JOE WOLLENBERGER was elected president of the Charleston Community Music Association. He is the district manager for the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) . H e also serves as a trustee of his church and as a volunteer in several other community organizations. Samuel H. Ramsay, J r . 8 Greenwood Ave. Rumford, R.I. 0291 6 Class Agents: Richard T. Lyford, J r . Joseph B . Wollenberger, Esq .


Good news from BRUCE SHAW He and Jane Merrick Chisnell tied the knot in late October '94 in Hamilton, Bermuda (see Weddings). If that weren't enough, he retired as president of the Woonsocket Supply Company in D ecember! Double congratulations! JOSEPH ESQUIROL writes that he is retiring in late April from the bench of the Family Court of the State of New York, County of Kings. H e plans to retire to a new residence in Mattituck, N.Y While all others around us are retiring, TOBY SCHOYER has taken on a new position as chaplain for the Biddeford, Maine Fire Department!


of 1950 & 1955

Class of 1950

ur 45th Reunion was an outstanding success. The attendance was re.c ord-setting and a number of classmates made their first Reunion visit since graduation. They included HENRY WELLINS, FRANK EBLEN, HAVEN KNIGHT, HAL SUTTON, MONTYYOUNG and JACK CORCORAN.


Frank Eblen, who lives in Texas, came the greatest distance. To top off the Reunion, we were awarded the Board of Fellows Bowl for our spirit, participation and contribution to the Reunion. Our Class Gift was a record $51,107. At our Class meeting on Saturday, the following officers were elected: President FRANK SHERMAN, Vice President DAVE BELLIS, Secretary BOB TANSILL, Historian RORY O'CONNOR, and Class Agents JOHN GRILL, BOB BLUM and HARRY KNAPP.

Accepting the Board of Fellows Award for the Class are, from left: Bob Tansill, Dave Bellis, and Frank Sherman.

There was general agreement among those attending that we should hold some sort of get-together every year on campus and two proposals are being studied. We will keep you advised .We also agreed that we would begin now working on our 50th Reunion Class Gift. I can't over-emphasize how much everyone enjoyed the entire weekend. We talked about those of you who were not there, and agreed to urge you to make a special effort to come to the mini-reunions and to definitely plan now for the 50th. We were most pleased to have Lois Barrows, widow of BOB BARROWS, and Lilian Rekas, widow of JOE REKAS, attend our Class Dinner Saturday night. We need to hear from you about your activities for the next newsletter.

-Bob Tansill

being recognized as one of the country's best in corporate restructuring. He has just recently been quoted by Gail Sheehy in h er latest book, New Passages. Pick up a copy of this bestseller, and read about yo ur highly regarded classmate. It was wonderful to see and have a chance to visit with JOE and Betty REINEMAN, SCOTT PRICE, BRUCE WHITMAN, DICK and Doris WAINMAN, TOM and Nancy ALLOCCO, HAROLD and Louise BURDON, BILL and Judy GARDINER, BOB and Barbara ROWE , BOB and Shirley MILLER, and JOHN and Marge FOLEY. Also in at-

Class of 1955

ur Reunion committee did a fantastic job in organizing a three-day happening which was blessed with excellent weather. All the events went smoothly and created an atmosphere of enjoyment and relaxation with good friends. Particular appreciation and commendation are due to committee members BILL LA PORTE, JOE MICHELSON, DICK ZAMPIELLO, BOB HODES, BILL O 'H4RA and LEE LAHEY Thanks to BOB "The Welshman"WELSH, our Class Reunion Saturday night dinner was indeed a festive occasion. Although absent, Bob thoughtfully provided both red and white wine for the group to enjoy with an excellently prepared meal. No one had too much, but the Welsh wine helped to keep everyone loose. Thanks to THE REV. KEN WILDRICK for a very moving and memorable message in his blessing prior to our Saturday night dinner celebration. Ken has turned the timetables around by now taking on an ambitious challenge of building a mission or start-up church when his p eers are winding down their life 's challenges. Bill O'Hara was recognized for his many accomplishments. He contines as President Emeritus for Bryant College and contributes significantly to several important programs and projects


at the institution. He and his wife, Bobbie, added so much to the weekend. FRED STARR was literally the "star" of our Reunion show. He was recognized during the Saturday morning annual meeting by the College for his many contributions to several community organizations and we were informed he had b een named "Humanitarian of the Year" by his home furnishing industry peers for 1991. Most of us had not appreciated th e fact that Fred was a third generation Trinity graduate and later became a parent ('82) , creating a fourth generation rung to a legacy ladder that started with his greatgreat grandfather, Jonathan, who was a Trinity founder and trustee. DAVID ROBERTS was in a good mood, having made a major career change - moving from 40 years with Bethlehem Steel to being an independent manufacturers' representative, creating his own company. Dave's wife, Shirely, was, as usual, a pleasure to see and b e with. GORDY and Betsy MAITLAND ventured from Michigan and it was great to see them again. Good buddy, LINC HANSEL, was there to entertain us with great stories and escapades of a consummate bachelor. Now retired, professor WILLIAM "Kit" MORGAN seems to be enjoying a life of travel and was his

usual happy self. BOB FREEMAN showed h e has not lost his jumpshot and touch in a Saturday afternoon shooting demonstration. We were all happy, especially spouse, Jean, to see Bobby there after a scare with throat surgery just a few months ago. He is now on a retirement track from coaching and teaching. A lot of young people have benefited from his great coaching talent and caring nature. HOWIEYOOD, in a bit of a serious mood, contributed much to the weekend. Watching the Saturday afternoon softball game, he squirmed, itching to get on the field and test his rifle arm again, but spared the first ) baseman of such trauma. We were advised that HANK SCHEINBERG could not attend because he and his bride are expecting a child. Hank has always been a record-breaker and it looks like he continues to amaze all of us. We were sorry that TERRY FORD could not make it from Panama, but he sent his best wishes to all. He also advised that he recently received the Panama Canal College Medal which was awarded to recognize his effort in higher education aimed at the betterment of the Panamanian and U .S. communities. BOB SIND has kept up a dynamic schedule; he is literally a fixer of troubled companies,

The Gary McQuaid Award FREDERICK B. STARR '55 Representing the third generation of Trinity graduates from your family, you have achieved much success both in College and the business world. As an undergraduate working toward your degree in English, you participated in many activities including basketball, soccer and varsity track. You also worked extensively at The Tripod and WRTC radio and were a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Upon graduating from Trinity you served in the U.S. Army for two years. Soon after, you joined Armstrong Cork Company, where you rose through the ranks over 24 years to earn the presidency of its subsidiary, Thomasville Furniture Industries, in North Carolina

CLASS tendance and good to see again were SANDY ROSE, J OHN GLE ASON, PAULL H INES, DAVID N ELSON, and BO B D IAMOND. DICK BITTN ER, traveling from Yorba Linda, Calif. , came the farthest, but clearly he had a great incentive to venture East. Grandchildren! During the weekend we had the opportunity to m eet and be with Trinity's n ew president, Evan Dobelle, and it looks like we've got a real winner and a great leader fo r the College, hopefu lly for a long time.You can see th e w hole weekend was a special event; those w ho missed the R eunion, m ake sure we see yo u the n ext time. -E. Wade Close

in 1982. Since that time, you have successfully led the company to a leadership position in the furniture industry. Your success and commitment do not end with business. In 1991, you were honored with the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the Home Furnishing Industry for your work on behalf of City of Hope National Medical Cen te r and its Beckman Research Institute in Duarte, California. Recognizing you for your "industry leadership and noteworthy contributions to philanthropic and civic endeavors," the group established a research fellowship in you r name. In addition, you serve as a trustee of University of North Carolina, on the board of directors of Wachovia Bank & Trust and the executive committee of North Carolina Citizens for Business & Industry. You have been an important part of you r family legacy and the College's history. Your greatgreat-grandfather Jonatha n was a Tri nity founde r and trustee, great-grandfather Jared was a member of the Class of 1856, and son Jonathan was a member of the Class of 1982. Mr. President, on the occasion of his fortie th reunion, I am honored to present to you for the Gary McQuaid Award, a true Tri nity family member, a proud Trin ity pa rent and an outstanding business leader, FREDERICK B. STARR, Class of 1955.


Keep the news flowing ' D on Read 116 Sheephill Rd. Riversid e, Conn . 06878 Class Agent: T. Gerald D yar

DAVID ROBERTS no tes that h e is sen ding his eighth child through college at Villanova. E . Wade Close 622 West Waldheim Rd. P ittsburgh, Pa. 15215 Class Agents: Robert I. Hodes, Esq. Joseph S. Michelson

DIC K STANSO N called m e to tell me of n ews from California. They h ave moved from their house in La Canada to a cond o in Pasadena. D ick con tinu es to work w ith the hospital. His wife, Betty, is working part-time and enj oying it, and his daughter, C hris, is m oving to N ew York from West Hartford. She works for Securi ties Software and C onsulting Company there. JERRY PAU LEY recently changed jobs but is still in the furniture business, and still in the Philadelphia area. He seem ed happy and busy, and had recently visite d w ith RON WARREN and BILL EASTBURN, but didn't have any n ews to pass on to m e. I spent a week w ith BILL DAKI N in Oregon, skiing at Mt. Bachelor. Bill and his wife, Gretchen, moved to Sisters, Ore. from Marin County outside San Francisco. They built a lovely house on th e edge of a m eadow w ith wonderful views of the Cascade Mountain range. H e is active in local civic fun ctions . The skiing was good, as was the weather and the scenery. Bruce N. Macdonald 1116 Weed St. New Canaan, Conn. 06840 Class Agents: P eter C. Luquer G erald E. P auley, Jr. Henry M . Zachs

YOUR SECRETARY recently completed an exciting 12 months as interim president, fro m April 1994 through March 1995. Now I am settling back into the life of a fac ulty m ember and also doing

Eigenbrodt Cup Award BORDEN W. PAINTER, JR., '58 From your first days here we have seen you r absolute dedication to this institution and your willingness to work untiringly on its behalf. Your gifts to this College have been enormous - as an inspired and inspiring teacher, a gifted administrator, enthusiastic alumni volunteer, and, as you so eloquently put it once, a "cheerleader" for Trinity. You quickly hit your stride as a freshman, academically and on the football and baseball fields. In your senior year you added golf to your repertoire, along with election to Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Gamma Mu, prizes in history, and a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship. In addition to your scholarly achievements, you were known on campus for your wonderful wit and sense of fun. A thoughtful and curious student of history, you also felt a strong calling to the Episcopal priesthood. And so, after graduation you earned a Ph.D. from Yale University and an advanced degree from Genera l Theological Seminary. Aspects of church history have found their way into your research, and you have added modern Italian history, especially the Fascist period, to your broad and eclectic intellectual interests. You are highly regarded as a professor who can lead students of history to a passion for learning, as your mentor George Cooper did for you. But, you have also shown your skills as an administrator, serving two terms as department chair, as secretary of the faculty and dean of the faculty, as director of our highly successful Italian programs, and for one important year in the life of the College, as our president. It was in this role that we saw anew your special gifts as a community builder and institutional leader. In a time of transition and challenge, you moved Trinity ahead in several important directions. The ideal of alumnus is sometimes elusive, but not in your case. Through your professional dedication, integrity, and loyalty, you have shown us this ideal at work. For your faithful contributions of labor and spirit, .for your achievements in scholarship and in administration, for your distinction of character, we have the honor today to bestow upon you, BORDEN W. PAINTER, JR., Class of 1958, the greatest honor the College can give to an alumnus, the Eigenbrodt Cup.

President Dobelle, left, congratulates Borden Painter.



administrative duties with our undergraduate program in Rome and our Italian Elderhostel programs. In the latter capacity I visited MIKE ZOOB, Elderhostel's vice president, in Boston. Trinity now has two-week Elderhostel programs in 10 locations in Italy, with close to 4,000 enrollments each year. Now here is good news for all members of our Class: Elderhostel programs are now open to young folks like ourselves who have reached 55 years of age, replacing the 60 years formerly required. For more information call our office at the College (2972166). (Editor's note: Michael gave a lecture, "Continuing Your Education through Elderhostel Programs," at the College Reunion in June.) One of the joys of my presidential year was traveling to talk to alums all across the country. At various times I got to Boston, New York, Seattle, Chapel Hill, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. One of my last trips was to Chicago where I saw classmates BRUCE GLADFELTER and BOB BACK. Another trip to Los Angeles found me in the company of GEORGE BOGERT and PETE ADDISON. In early April I represented the College at the inauguration of William Chace as president of Emory University. He was formerly President ofWesleyan. JIM FLANNERY greeted me at the airport and escorted me that beautiful day. Jim heads the theater department th:ere. He gave me a first-class tour ofEmory's impressive campus and then one of the Carter Center after the inauguration ceremony that included Jimmy Carter's presence on the podium. The alumni office has received news ofthree Class of'58 alums: JOE REPOLE, bicyclist extraordinaire, cycled 5,000-plus miles in 1993 and, when he wrote, was well on his way to equally impressive mileage in 1994. He cycled 30 straight months with at least one "century" ride. PETER GARRETT writes "I ran into LAIRD MORTIMER '57 at the ordination of the Rev. Jack Potter recently at our parish, Trinity Church, in Newtown, Conn. I hadn't seen Laird since 1957 and it was wonderful catching up - he had been a friend of the Rev. Potter for years. Also at the ordination was the REV JIM KOWALSKI '73, who previously had been our curate." The Rev. Dr. Borden W. Painter, Jr.

110 Ledgewood Rd. West Hartford, Conn. 06107 Class Agents: John M. Catlin, M.D. Joseph J. Repole, Jr. Edward B. Speno

Spring, such as it is, has visited the Northeast and the signs of liveliness and growth seem to be more apparent on the Trinity campus than just about anywhere else that this reporter has seen. Our new president has hit the ground running and is committed to all of the same things that all of us are, namely taking an already enviable history and tradition and improving our competitive positioning by using it to present our credentials to the world. We are committed to making Trinity the finest small college in the country and we are optimistic about our chances of doing it. One of the truly wonderful aspects of Evan's taking over the presidency is the wonderful shape that BORDIE (PAINTER '58) left it in for him. In the 10 or so months that Bordie was our president, more important projects were agreed to b e executed and more initiatives begun than in the previous five years put together. We all, as Trinity alumni, owe Bordie a huge debt of gratitude. Make no mistake, the College could have suffered during this difficult past year. Not only did it not suffer, it moved ahead smartly in a variety of areas, including getting the capital campaign off to a flying start. Although Bordie is much, much older than we of the Class of '60, I would like to make him an unofficial member of our gang. He's just about the best that a Trinity man can be. Thanks, Bordie. Job very well done ... again. Recently, at a Trinity reception for Bordie at a Madison Avenue gallery, I ran into GERRY DESSNER, who is .having a good time these days doing philanthropic work that began for him as a minor time commitment and has become a n early full-time job. H e recently returned from a wonderful trip to Australia and seems to have it pretty much together. I heard recently from KARL KOENIG, w ho is still very busy making art/science news in Albuquerque. His book on gum oil painting is receiving great reviews from the art cognoscenti and is being featured around the country. I chatted with ROGER

EMLEY, who continues to work for Hallmark Cards in Kansas City. All is well with Roger and life seems good. He doesn't get East too often so we'll just have to stop in and see him when we're in Missouri the next time. MIKE SIENKIEWICZ continues to have his hand in a lot of different ventures and he surely can't be bored. As many of you know, Mike has had a long 25-year association with Lees Carpet in a variety of sales and management capacities. More recently, he has revisited an even longer love affair, that being with The Solebury School. He has been working with them in a variety of capacities, including serving as an art critic for them as they deck their halls with things worthwhile. Additionally, he has developed an interest and business presence in the local residential real estate market. When we spoke he was hopeful of returning to Trinity for our Reunion, but was unc ertain if it would fit. After listening to his busy life these days, it is totally understandable. SKIP MORSE sounds like a teenager out on his first date. He has recently set out on his own and is doing for himself what he had been doing for someone else, namely offering marketing, promotional and general strategic business advice to corporations. Business is great and it's well deserved for Skip. Congratul-ations. I had to smile recently when I was talking with ERNIE HADDAD and he was telling me that his youngest son is playing Bantam-level hockey. The Haddad seniors are loving it, though they are freezing to death throughout the winter at outside rinks. Oh, do I remember those days . They were great. Ernie j ust received some bigtime recognition from his long time employer, M ass General. H e had been general counsel and was recently named to the additional position of secretary of the corporation, while retaining the title and function of head legal beagle. Congrafulations, Ernie. His two Trinity sons, SCOTT '90, and MARK '91, are both well on their way, with Scott at the University of Chicago Business School and Mark at Fidelity in Boston. There is a future Bantam in the household now, just to ensure that Ernie and Kathi don't start to become too relaxed. BILL CRANE and I chatted briefly the other day. He continues to be an investment banker with Parker Benjamin. He's living in New Canaan, is planning to give his daughter away this fall when

she marries, and just to round out the picture, reports that his summer vacations are typically at the Cape. Not a bad program, it seems to me. TIM BAUM and I chatted about our reunions taking place this year and agreed that it would be great to get back and see some of the old gang. He did say that h e thought that he was going to be following his passion, however, and would be in Europe looking for art in all the right places. He listed himself as a doubtful starter for this year's festivities. Speaking of festivities, by the time we all receive this, our 35th will be history. I was talking with BOBBY JOHNSON last week and he told m e that we expect about a quarter of the Class to return. I'm writing this ahead of the Reunion and you're reading it after. .. nonetheless, let me to so bold as to congratulate Bob and DAVE GOLAS an d BILL DE COLIGNY now on a wonderful job of getting the word out and generating the interest developed to bring us together again. Thanks, guys! You're a great team. ED CIMILLUCA has just joined a new firm by the name of Oak Hall Capital. I don't fully understand this business (too bad for me and my family), but I understand this is a major "buy side" player. More to the point, Ed joins it as a principal, and is sounding very enthusiastic about his work. Ed and Carol, of course, were blessed in that both of their kids attended and graduated from Trinity and both are living nearby. COURTNEY '90 is married and living in Summit, and working at Merrill Lynch , and DANA '92 is living and working at Smith Barney in New York. The pair of apples don't seem to fall very far from the tree, do they. Carol is the only one of the group without a Trinity sheepskin (back in our days young ladies were not educated in the formal sense at Trinity), but she may be the most ac tive of the bunch in vario us efforts supporting the College. Finally, Ed and Carol just moved from Summit to New Vernon where they will enjoy a lot more land, more birds chirping and, for Ed, a much longer commute. I will close as always ...take care of yourselves and stay in tou ch . And give generously to the capital campaign. Richard W. Stockton 121 Whittredge Rd. Summit, N.J. 07901 Class Agents: George Kroh Curtis Scribner Robert Spahr


of 1960 & 1965 A PERFECT DAY For mem'ry has painted this perfect day W ith colors that never fade, And we find at the end of a perfect day The soul of a friend we've made. CARRIE j ACOBS BOND


nee again, I performed the task of the Class of '60's recording secretary in my normal far-Jess-than-perfect fashion. I didn't show up for the fi rst half of Reunion! My sch edule for the pre-weekend period had been absolutely impossible and I was. unable to ge t on to campus until about mid-morning on Saturday. I missed seeing several of you, so advance apologies fro m me if I have omitted any of you good classmates from this already imperfec t chronicle. All reports from survivors testifie d that th e big Friday night cookout as always was a w hole lot of fu n. T h e H omarus A mericanus (doesn't anyone remember the classics?) was succulent and the kegs were working almost as well as w hen we were tapping them. For those of you who missed our Saturday night "do," the more formal of the evenings, I fee l a little sorry for yo u. It was such a really great nigh t for everyone there. We were also proud to be selected as the host class for Evan and Kit D o belle. By my reading of the evening, the Dobelles had a great time and I think Evan secretly wishea that h e had been •a member of our class. Ki t disagreed, of co urse, as th at would make him a half dozen years older. We had some real travelers come back and it is always heartening to see that kind of effort m ade to come home. BOB ADAMS cam e up from Kentucky and M ATT LEVINE cam e all the way from San Jose's Shark tanks. MAC COSTLEY scooted up from Washington , BUDDY BERGMANN and LEE KALCHE IM are both hi-coastal now, but let's give th em some extra Trinity freq uent flyer miles and count them as coming from the Pacific. ERNIE HADDAD sh ot across from B oston, as did JACK LAMOT HE and BUD ANDERSON. GEORGE KROH was with us,


Class of 19 60

continued on page 50

Alumni Medal for Excellence RICHARD W. STOCKTON '60

Evidence of your leadership is apparent in such first-rate publications as USAk Magazine, which falls under your purview.

You are that rare and gifted person - one who moves easily in the world of action as well as the world o"f ideas. Fortunately for your alma mater, your profession and the community which you call home, you are gifted with both abilities and, for as long as we can remember, you have shared them willingly to benefit others.

Yet, beyond your accomplishments, it is your dedication to those who share your special sense of family that we salute today. For you serve as a devoted husband and father of three (two of whom graduated from Trinity), and tireless civic volunteer in your community of Summit, New Jersey. Through it all, you have always made time for Trinity: as class agent, class secretary, parent di rector, adviser to The Trinity Reporter, member of the National Alumni Association executive committee, vice chair of the Board of Fellows' college communications subcomm ittee, and now alumni trustee. Trinity benefits greatly from your creativity, tenacity and good humor.

Du ring your undergraduate years, you r influence extended across campus as a student of economics, cheerleader, Jester, basketball team manager, radio announcer, junior class marsha l and president of Theta Xi. Upon graduation, you began immediately to make your mark in consumer ma rketing and planning as sales manager for the James and Laughlin Steel Corporation. You have risen steadily in this highly competitive profession, working for Benton & Bowles, Avon Products, and, currently, The New York Times, where you are general manager and president of The Times' Custom Publishing venture.

On the occasion of your thirty-fifth reunion, it is an honor to present you, RICHARD WARREN STOCKTON, Class of 1960, with the Alumni Medal for Excellence.

C lass of 1965

coming from America's heartland, and ED SEIFERT came in from Pittsburgh. From places to the south, we were joined by ROGER DICKEY (I missed him), BOBBY SPAHR, BILL DE COLIGNY, MICKEY LLOYD and ole number 35, BOBBY J O H NSON. And then there were the group of us locals (within 100 miles or so) that includes NEIL COOGAN, DAVE GOLAS, RAY BEECH, KENNY LYONS (I missed him) , CHARLIE MACKALL, CHUCK MIDDLETON, SKIP MORSE, BOB PEDEMO NTI, R ICK R ICHARDSON, GEORGE RAYNOR, DAVE RUSSELL, CURT SCRIBNER, BRU CE STONE, FRED WAGNER, PETE T H OMAS (I missed him, too) , LOUIS GERUNDO, DAVE CHASE, BOBBY LANGEN,J IM T ILZER and GEORGE MACKEY. Most of us were accompanied by wives, a couple of us brought kids, and all of us brought the kind of fraterna l love for every other Class m ember that needs to be experienced to be understood. I have only two regrets: first, that I could only be there on Saturday and Sunday and, a second larger regret is that all of you couldn't be with us to share the weekend. Our turnou t was terrific with so me 37 Class members accounting for about 75 to tal fo lks with a Class of '60 connection .We owe our leaders, Bill De Coligny, D ave Golas and Bobby Johnson a big thanks for a j ob well done. In the business area, such as it was, we nominated and elected George Kroh as Class Agent .. .yo u'll be hearing from him soon and often. Be nice and be generous. We also decided to u tilize Matt Levine's marketing and promo tional skills, guided by Buddy Bergmann's planning skills, and have elected them to organize and run our 40th. Be there! Stay in touch, gang.You're important to all of us. Let's hear from yo u and stay happy and healthy. -Richard Stockton

Outstanding Class Secretary Award PETER KNAPP '65

This award is presented annually by the office of alumni and college relations to the Class Secretary who best fulfills the assignment. In the best journalistic tradition, this person shows persistence in digging for news of classmates for the Class Notes and always meets the deadline. This year's recipient has been one of The Reporter's most faith ful and dependable correspondents for the past 10 years. In addition to his career as Trinity's College Archivist and -his voluntarism for community and civic groups, he takes the time to turn in a lively and informative report on the great Class of 1965. For his contributions to the spirit of the Class of '65, we recognize today Peter Knapp as the Outstanding Class Secretary of 1995.

The Class of '60 took golfing honors in the Reunion golf tourney: Low gross - Rick Richardson (85) and Low net- Bill de Coligny (68).

hirty-seven classmates gathered in June for our 30th Reunion and it was great to see them again. Among the first-time returnees were ERNIE and Judith HENDRY.JOHN ELLWOOD and BREWSTER PERKINS are to be congratulated for all of the effort they put into m aking our Reunion so pleasant. I'm delighted to note that John's son, John, Jr. , graduated "Neath the Elms" in May. Our grateful thanks also to our Class Agent, PETER STURROCK, for encouraging us to contribute $88,041 as our Reunion Gift, with 49 percent of the Class participating. New Class officers are DAVE GRAYBILL and JIM BISHOP, w ho will head up our 35th Reunion in the year 2000 (that has a sci-fi ring to it') .YOUR SECRETARY has gladly agreed to continue compiling Class Notes. The Class Agent positions remain open as of this writing in midJuly. Peter Sturrock has honored us all by accepting the presidency of the National Alumni Association and we wish him the very best in this extremely important post. Congratulations also to HARVEY SILVERMAN w ho now serves on Trinity's Board ofTrustees. At the annual meeting of the alumni association on Reunion Saturday, Your Secretary, to his complete surprise, received the award as Outstanding Class Secretary. The award itself was a handsome letter opener suitably inscribed. I am deeply grateful, and to have been recognized in


such a way for doing something I really enjoy makes the award all the more meaningful. Thanks to all of you for giving me interesting things to report and please keep sending me yo ur news. In this regard, ERIC LODGE offered an excellent suggestion that I give my e-mail address so that you can send me notes over the Internet. My address is Peter.Knapp@mail.trincoll.edu. My thanks to Eric for the suggestion and for some email addresses he thoughtfully collected at Reunion. Your Secretary was kept busy at Reunion by two appearances on the program of events. On T hursday I gave the opening lecture entitled "Clipper Ships and Open Boats: The Ferguson, Twain & Trinity Connection" which recounted the ordeal of the Ferguson brothers, both Trinity alumni, who survived the loss of the clipper ship, "Hornet" in 1866 and w hose story helped launch Mark Twain's literary career. On Saturday I moderated a panel discussion on 25 years of undergraduate coeducation at Trinity. Our Reunion dinner was a pleasant conclusion to the weekend's events. I learned in an interesting conversation with BEN BARBER that he is now State Department correspondent with the Washington Times. A week and a half following Reunion, the Knapp family moved into our new home which we are enjoyin g greatly. That's all for now and please remember to keep me posted on news of note. -Peter Knapp

Seems as if the rise in stamp prices has stemmed the flow of' 61 info. So, keeping in mind PETER KILBORN's masterful New York Times piece on financial woes, all postage-due letters will be accepted. A role model for all with 32 cents to spare is GORDON POMEROY, who writes that he's a quality control manager at Miles Inc., Rock Hill, S.C., teaching chemistry at York Technical College, and expecting his fourth grandchild. DOUG TANS ILL is Paine Webber's new managing director in the investment banking division, and box scores hereabouts track son Luke's scoring exploits on Trinity's lacrosse team. PETER KREISEL dropped in for dinner during the second annual Trinity ski weekend at Killington, Vt.; JERRY HANSEN '51 stopped by to make sure Your Humble Scribe had paid for the meal, which will be easier to afford next year now that Antioch and , Dartmouth are through with my two youngest sons. According to reliable sources, Peter's game attempt at putting together a third '61 Big Chill weekend last fall will be followed by a spouses-too event in another venue. Stay tuned. Bill Kirtz 26Wyman St. Newton, Mass. 02168 Class Agents: William P. Kahl Vincent R. Stempien

Many of you have heard or read that BILL RICHARDSON is leaving the presidency of Johns Hopkins University. Battle Creek, Mich., home of Rice Krispies, has lured him to run the Kellogg Foundation. The Kellogg Foundation is the nation's second-largest foundation. It gives money to health care, education, community development and international programs. For those interested classmates, it may be a good idea to become very fri endly with Bill. JIM WHITTERS reports that he has left Peabody and Brown to become director of career services at Suffolk University Law School. Jim is also leaving the Trinity board after 11 years. I know of no one more loyal to the College than Jim.



DON CARROLL is becoming a grandfather. His son, Sandy, and daughter-in-law, Diane, are expecting in August. LEDGE MITCHELL reports he is soon to be married to Jacalyn Butterworth. He and Jackie had an early honeymoon last year, spending two weeks with ROB BOWLER and his wife, Jana, at their winter home in South Island of New Zealand. The trout fishing was as spectacular as the country itself. When Rob isn't stalking browns on the Oreti River "down under," he is casting to steelheads on the North Umipqua in Oregon. As he so gleefully says, "somebody's got to do it." Congratulations to TOM and Ann JOHNSON who are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Frederick Pryor TFC Financial Management Inc. 176 Federal St. Boston, Mass. 02110 Class Agent: Thomas F. Bundy, Jr.


CHARLES MCGILL is vice president/ corporate officer at American Brands. RICHARD TUTTLE's work was exhibited at Mary Boone on West Broadway in New York City this spring: G. Alexander Creighton 117 Lincoln Rd. Lincoln, Mass. 01773 Class Agent: Scott W. Reynolds

LARRY BORY writes that last March he joined the design consulting firm of Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc. located in Greenbelt Md. As vice president of corporat~ marketing, he will participate in developing a new corporate strategic plan for the 700-person firm and will be principally responsible for overseeing the marketing division's research, communications, administrative and proposal support capabilities. Larry indicates that he prefers the rifle to the shotgun approach to marketing and that this philosophy will guide him as he helps G&O reorient itself to changing markets. His previous experience in both public and private sectors has ranged from legislative lobbying and consulting

work for government agencies to economic development and regional policy planning, including involvement with the conversion of the Brooklyn Navy Yard into a commercial industrial park. Larry was previously director of business and program planning for the American Consulting Engineers Council. Best wishes to you, Larry, in your new position. Last summer, President Painter appointed YOUR SECRETARY to oversee completion of volume two of the Trinity College History. I am pleased to report that Professor Glenn Weaver is at work on the manuscript which is scheduled for completion by the end of 1996. The story ofTrinity's post-World War II development will address a number of major transformations at the College, including coeducation. This is an exciting project and I am delighted to have the opportunity to be involved with it. Also, at Reunion I will be moderating a panel discussion on 25 years of undergraduate coeducation at Trinity, as well as presenting a lecture on the Ferguson Brothers ofTrinity, who survived the loss of the clipper ship, Hornet, in 1866. News received in the alumni office: PARK BENJAMIN works for an entrepreneurial investment baking firm in N.Y. C. BERNARD BARBER works for The Washington Times in the area of foreign news/State Department. MARK HOBSON teaches German in a middle school. His two sons are 13 and 15. TOM CURREN's daughter, MEGAN, graduated from Trinity this past May. ROBERT DAWSON has been teaching for 20 years and is currently teaching French at the University ofTexas in Austin. He was in Europe at Reunion time. ASHLEY CAMPBELL had two other reunions at the same time as Trinity's. That's all for now and I hope you were able to attend our 30th Reunion. Peter J. Knapp 5 Sulgrave Rd. West Hartford, Conn. 06107

We have heard from PHIL MURPHY that he has a new job as manager of Information Systems, a/d/s/ Inc., One Progress Way, Wilmington, Mass. 10887. Phil lives in Marblehead, Mass., which dominates our Class Notes


this issue. Another classmate and Marblehead resident, DAVE CANTREL,~, has been appointed the new r:t;J.anager of the Bass River Tennis Club in Beverly. In the fall, does Dave still kick extra points? By the time you read this, the Class of '65 will have held its 30th Reunion. Believe it or not, we are next. Mark your calendars for next June and plan to return to Hartford. In the meantime, drop us a note to let us know what is happening in your lives. Joseph A. Hourihan, Esq. 18 Tumble Brook Cir. Somers, Conn. 06071

Alas, it was路 the last party at the historic Alpha Chi Rho fraternity house. It was the last party because the house - 114 Vernon St. - is condemned and will undoubtedly be torn down. (Because most people do not have up-to-date yellow fever shots, the party was under tent on the lawns.) Over the last 50 years, the brothers of AXP and their parents and their friends (and the men and women of other fraternities and sororities) invested millions of dollars to sustain the social structure ofTrinity College. Too bad they didn't get an I.O.U. The last party was great. Like all fraternity parties it was well-attended, dignified, and reserved. The party was hosted by graduating Cro seniors, and graced by parents, grandparents, big and little sisters and, brothers, classmates, and friends., Since planning is not yet a finely honed skill of college students, a veteran Alpha Chi Rho party-goer, Marlene Fox (mother of DAMIAN '95) was asked to consult. Relying on her experience attending many AXP parties during Trinity's halcyon days (1964-1967, when ogres roamed the land), Marlene arranged all the ingredients crucial to the success of a sophisticated college party: shelter, vittles and brew for 200 people. It is rumored that due to the success of the party, the faculty is going to give Marlene an honorary degree in political sociology. Dropping by were GEORGE (AXP '67) and Sue DAVIS. They were on campus to see one of their twin sons, JEFFREY, graduate. Their other son graduated from Holy Cross. George built a new house in Madison, Conn., from which he commutes to Waterbury to run logistics and material for the Cuno Corp. George reports that the Dolly

Madison restaurant serves cold beer. DAVE CHARLESWORTH (AXP '66) and his lovely wife, Jane, on campus to see their daughter, JILL '95, graduate, could not pass up the chance to attend another fraternity party. Dave is a heart surgeon in Manchester, N.H. He attributes his eyehand dexterity to many hours of thumper in the Cro party basement. Also on hand to make a final toast to 114 Vernon St. was JOHN ELLWOOD (AXP '65).John and family were at Trinity to see son, JOHN '95, graduate. John was reluctantly dragged away to catch a plane back to Illinois, where he has a successful law practice and happy family life. It is ironic that this column would use The New York Times as a source. Their motto, "All the news that's fit to print," is elitist compared to our guiding principle, "Only news that's (rhymes with 'fit') to print." At any rate, CHARLIE HECKSCHER was featured in a major story in the Times business section ... even had his picture and everything. Charlie is a sociologist at Rutgers University and is an expert on the cultural dynamics of downsizing in American companies. Based on extensive research at several companies, Charlie believes that the historical value ofloyalty, which defined employee/ employer relationships, is defunct. Charlie's findings are detailed in his new book, White Collar Blues: Management Loyalties in an Age of Corporate Restructuring (Basic Books, $23). If you own a resort, particularly a ski resort, and you want to increase business, call Harwood, Moses, Chamber, Inc. at 802-2537141 and ask for BRAD MOSES. As you have probably surmised, Brad is a partner and owner of the firm, which is an exceptional advertising agency located in Stowe, Vt. Brad's agency has earned a reputation for resort marketing, but serves a wide range of clients. According to Brad, you get New York City-creative atVermont prices. That's a bit syrupy for some of us, but we are believers. Like Brad, who prays for snowmaking cold weather, so, too, does CHARLIE KURZ. Charlie hates nice, mild, comfortable winters. He wants the nation gripped in the frigid paws of the frostmeister. Cold weather means warm furnaces. And warm furnaces mean heating oil. And heating oil means Charlie's tankers are needed to ship the oil to keep you warm. And keeping you warm means Charlie can 路pay for Katie Kurz's


tuition bills at Trinity, which start in the fall of '95, when she enters as a freshman . If you would like a gallon or two million gallons of oil, call Charlie at his new office number, 610-617-6836. He moved the headquarters of Keystone shipping to Bala Cynwyd, Pa. (Bala what?) It can be unsettling to get a letter from the "United States Bankruptcy Court." Maybe the Trinity College Library is going to bring you down for an unpaid fine on a late returned book on Walt Whitman or something. Relief, relief: it was only the Honorable RAY GRAVES, Michigan's top repo judge. Ray had dinner with JIM and Sue OLIVER in SanDiego, where Ray regaled and delighted the Olivers with a comprehensive and lengthy explanation of his workshop: Federal Bankruptcy Judges: Financial Statements in the Courtroom. Jim said the subject compares favorably to a full bottle of valium. Let us hope that Jim was able to pry some dinero out of Ray for the alumni fund. As luck would have it, when Ray returned to Detroit Metro Airport, his car was stolen .. .or so he says. Maybe it was repossessed. For future columns, forewarned is forearmed: your faithless and ÂŁlawful SECRETARY has found his 1967 College yearbook (missing for 25 years, or so) . Now putting name to picture, a systematic discovery and interrogation of the Class of '67 will still be told. In the meantime, fax whatever The New York Times finds unfit to print to 203-677-5349. Jeffrey Fox Fox & Company, Inc. 34 Dale Rd. Avon, Conn. 06001 Class Agent: James H. Oliver

DON BARLOW has moved from Michigan to Florida, where he is teaching Spanish at Cocoa Beach High School. While at the High School, Don was named teacher of the year for 1994-1995. BOB GLASSMAN has written from Indianapolis, Ind., where he continues in the practice of invasive cardiology. His son, Dave, is a junior at Northwestern and his son, Steve, is a sophomore at Harvard. Bob credits his sons, Andrew and Jon, with a "greater sense of fiscal responsibility" by being in the first and eighth grades, respectively. PAUL HOLINGER has coau-

thored a book, Suicide and Homicide Among Adolescents, which was described in a January 1995 review in the Journal of the American Medical Association as "an important contribution to our understanding of a troubling social ill of our time - violence by and upon adolescents." RON KLEINMAN, a professor of pediatric medicine at Harvard Medical School, has written a book, Let Them Eat Cake, about childhood nutrition. Now I have a few comments about the 1994 Trinity College Alumni Directory, which also apply to the 1988 edition. Trinity's long tradition as a men's school has apparently rubbed off on many of our women graduates. They are putting "Esq." (esquire, a title for a gentleman) after their names. In times past, Esq. was a title that could be used by any man who matriculated at a college. I started using it a couple years after arriving at Trinity. Perhaps every Trinity student should be given the title. This way, women who want to use Esq. will not have to go through the trouble of passing a bar examination. William T. Barrante, Esq. P.O. Box 273 Watertown, Conn. 06795 Class Agent: Stephen Peters

JUDY DWORIN, artistic director of the Judy Dworin Performance Ensemble since 1989, has received grants from the Connecticut Commission on the Arts, Dance Theater Workshop's Suitcase Fund, the NEA/Rockefeller Fission/Fusion Re-grant Program and Trinity College. She founded Dance Services Network in Hartford and the dance program at Trinity, where she is currently professor of dance and chair of the theater and dance department. Her ensemble recently performed "Becon1.ing," a work about women emergmg. John L. Bonee III, Esq. One State St. Hartford, Conn. 06103 Class Agents: Ernest J. Mattei, Esq. Andrew F. Stewart, M.D.


NANCY HEFFNER DONOVAN was among those select few named to receive The


Enquirer's Women of the Year honor in Cincinnati back in March of this year. Nancy is president of the May Festival board which sponsors the oldest choral festival in North America. The May Festival is 122 years old this year. Nancy is a successful entrepreneur who owns the Ames Travel Service in Cincinnati, and serves on the board of directors of the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport Board. Nancy and her husband, Stephen, and daughter, Katie, reside in East Walnut Hills. Your Secretary attended the kickoff event for The Trinity College Campaign on April 22. The kickoff and all-day liberal arts festival were terrific and well attended by alums and students alike. Other '71ers I encountered were our trustee, TOM DIBENEDETTO, and JEFF STURGESS, both of whom are doing well and enjoyed the festivities. As chair of the Trinity Alumni Fund, I urge you to give generously to the Alumni Fund in each of the next three years of the Trinity College Campaign. The Alumni Fund is responsible for producing nearly one-fifth of the funds to be raised for the College in the Campaign. Trinity continues to make great strides on many fronts and our collective financial support is one of the best ways we can ensure the College's future stature. Next year is our 25th Reunion year and there is a nucleus of us in '71 who want to produce record attendance and a record Class Gift to Trinity. You will hear from us and we hope you will join in the effort to get our entire Class involved. William H. Reynolds, Jr. 10808 Lark Glen Cr. Dallas, Texas 75230 Class Agents: L. Peter Lawrence William H. Reynolds, Jr.

STEPHEN R . GYLLENHAAL is the director of the recently released film, "Losing Isaiah." HERMAN ASARNOW, an associate professor of English at the University of Portland, writes that his wife, SUSAN D. BAILLET '74, who also teaches at the University, was awarded the University's Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award at the commencement ceremony in May (see Class of1974 notes). Kristin L. Anderson Boston Portrait Co.

1 Faneuil Hall Market Pl. Boston, Mass. 02109 Class Agents: Thomas M. Buchenau, Esq. John C. Matulis, Jr.

m Although based in Connecticut, paintings conservator LANCE MAYER has been on the road lately - to Detroit to treat Rembrandt Peale's 13 x 22 foot painting, The Court of Death, in front of the public, and to Phoenix to treat a number of paintings at the Phoenix Art Museum. CHRISTINE REYNOLDS and James Greaney were married last March. SARAH NELSON '82 attended the wedding. Daniel M. Roswig, M.D. 3 Stonepost Simsbury, Conn. 06070 Class Agents: The Rev. Dr. James A. Kowalski Patti Mantell-Broad Paul H. Zolan, Esq.

m One of the most "notable" alumnae of our class is ELIZABETH LYRA ROSS who came back to campus on April 8 to perform in a gala at the Austin Arts Center. Elizabeth is concentrating her musical career on operatic repertoire. While at Trinity, Elizabeth sang in the Concert Choir and the Chapel Singers (along with YOUR SECRETARY) and was a member of the Trinity Pipes. After leaving Trinity, she served an enlistment as a vocal soloist with the U.S. Army Band and Chorus. Since pursuing her opera career, she has performed featured roles in Aida, Madama Butteifly, Tasca, and as Bess in Porgy and Bess. Her gala performance at Trinity included selections from Puccini and Verdi, as well as a spiritual and a special musical setting of a poem by Langston Hughes. Speaking of notables, SUSAN BAILLET was awarded the University ofPortland's Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award during commencement ceremonies in May 1994. Susan is an associate professor of psychology, specializing in cognitive psychology, and has taught at the University of Portland since 1982. Before that she taught at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Ore., in whose graduate program she still teaches in the summer. Her husband,



of 1970 & 1975

Class of 1970

s you can see from the included list of the attendees for our Reunion this past June, we had a great group! Attendance started out small on Thursday, the first day of the Reunion weekend, but it grew gradually until Saturday afternoon to its full force. Because of the lack of interest, we did have to cancel the cruise planned for Thursday night. Our luncheon "al fresco" at the Library Quadrangle on Friday, however, was delightful, especially assisted by the picture-perfect spring weather. It was wonderful to catch up with classmates in such a bucolic environment. On Friday and Saturday we enjoyed Trinity's brand new swimming pool, plus the squash and tennis courts and the fitness center. The swimming pool was really a delight w ith the onset of summer, and is a million times better than the oversized bathtub (by comparison) into w hich we were plunged for our swimming requirement back in 1966. R emember that? It was part of the liberal arts ideal. What we went through


to become well-rounded! Many of our classmates brought their children. The pony rides, sports camp, and campus facilities in general provided a great time for kids of all ages. The clambake on Friday night was delicious - especially the lobster! A relaxed setting under our own tent on the Quad provided us with the perfect opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with one another. On Saturday morning the first order ofbusiness was a C lass meeting in the courtyard of th e math building. ERNIE MATTEI, ANDY STEWART and I discussed the College's alumni fund, capital cam.paign and the future of Trinity. When it appeared that our Class Gift w as just under $90,000, may stepped forward to provide sufficient fund s to raise us over $90,000 . Certainly the largest amount our Class has ever contributed, and it was the largest amount contributed by a reuning class this year. We then marched in the parade as a Class and presented our gift to our new president,

Evan Do belle. We were also gratified that our percentile contribution was 59 percent - a high percent for us. After the formaliti es, we had lunch on the Quadrangle. It was such a gorgeous afternoon that conversations continued on the grass until almost dinnertime. We just did not want to stop. From my perspective, those of us who traveled the farthest had some of the most interesting tales to tell. ALEX BELIDA's adventures in East Africa were fascinating, and TOM SAGER was like a travel log with respect to his newfound-land, New Zealand. Yet it was just as enriching to learn of STEVE BAUER's newly found Nook Farm in Vermont, GEORGE WHEELWRIGHTs' navigation of Camden Harbor, and BILL LAWRENCE's new digs at Martha's Vineyard. From wherever, it was truly rewarding to interact w ith old friends w hom we had not seen for so long. Saturday night's dinner in th e Washington Room was extremely warm and pleasant. After dinner,

ED WELLS was incomparable on the piano. It is so wonderful that we have a classmate such as Ed who can provide 's uch excellent entertainment to raise the spirit of our gatherings. CHARLIE TAYLOR and DICK WYLAND's bellowings were, shall we say, memorable as we sang into the late hours of the evening. I was so moved by Steve Bauer's thoughtful and literate history of our Class, that I had the College mail it to all of us in July. It well captured the history of our rather unique generation. When we recall w hat we experienced in those four short years at Trinity, the changes which we brought upon Trinity, our communities, and ourselves, it is a remarkable achievement. Neither Trinity nor the nation will ever be the same, nor will we. Our bonds were reinforced by our 路Reunion experience. Let us resolve to keep up the conversation and "reunioning" in the months and years ahead. Those from the Class who signed the " book" at R eunion: Ernie Mattei, John Pye, Bob

LaPorte, Charley Taylor, Dale Reed, Andy Shaw, David Kennard, Dix Leeson, Randy Gretz, Bob Duncan, Walt Moody, Peter Orgain, Rod DeArment, John Bonee, Mike Sobotka, Jack Hale, William Redfield, John Robson, Steven Bauer, Bob Wilson, Tom Sager, Stan Robinson, Bill Peelle, J r., Rob Geary, Bob Bingham, Jim Hubbell, Larry Baetj en, Alex Belida, Andrew Stewart, Curt Shaw, W Steve Bush, Bill Lawrence, Bob Harrity, Carlo Forzani, Richard Wyland, Richard Dale, John Hagaman, Steve Anderson, Bill Newbury, Elliot Weinstein, Tom Lom, Douglas Lee, Kevin Kerr, David Fentress, Ed Wells, Gene Newell, Dan Maxwell, Howard James, George Wheelwright, John Warmbold, Larry H awkins , William H. Green, Alfonso L. Carney, Jr. , John Chapin, Peter Wiles, Ken Johnson , Ryan Kuhn, Jerry Milbank, Dave Wolff, Howie Alfred, Lawrence A. Fox and Charles Foss. - john Bonee

Judy Odium Pomeroy '70, left, and her husband, Bill '68, think their daughter, Whitney '96, second from right, is the first Trinity "double legacy."

Alumni Medal for Excellence ALFONSO L. CARNEY, ]R. 70 You are one about whom it can be said with certainty that you are making a difference. Your thoughtfulness in consideration of the world around you was apparent in your undergraduate activities, as a member of the Trinity Coalition of Blacks and Delta Phi fraternity, and in your choice to major in philosophy. Since graduation, it has been evident in your commitment to community service and to involving African-American alumni in this College. You have said that your life has been different because of Trinity and that you feel now it is your turn to give back. You have done so unequivocally and impressively, as an active volunteer for the alumni and development offices. As the first president of the Trinity National Alumni Association's Black Alumni Organization, you have worked hard to launch the group and attract members. Under your leadership, this organization succeeded in involving 26 alumni in an alumni mentor program with Trinity students and in creating an alumni admissions support program aimed at increasing the number of AfricanAmerican students who choose Trinity. Your vision and leadership gifts helped to establish the Black American Alumni Scholarship Fund, which already has benefitted a deserving student. Your efforts for Trinity compete hard with a demanding professional career and rewarding family life. An alumnus of the University of Virginia Law School, you practiced corporate law for General Foods Corporation and Kraft General Foods, Inc. before joining Philip Morris Companies, where you are vice president and associate general counsel. In your community, you serve on the board of directors of the New York Urban League, on the advisory board of the Columbia University Not for Profit Education Institute, and on the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. For your generous gifts of time and spirit to these organizations and to Trinity, for your achievements in law and your willingness to extend yourself in carving out new frontiers, we have the honor today to present you, ALFONSO L. CARNEY, JR., Class of 1970, with the Alumni Medal for Excellence.

Ctparles Sager took the honors for traveling the furthest to come to Reunionfrom Wellington, New Zealand.

Alumni Achievement Award EMILY BARRON SWENSON '75 Your outstanding contributions of time and talent to our fair College are made more extraordinary by your skill in balancing career, family, and volunteer activities. Since you earned your degree in American Studies at Trinity, young people have been the focus of your personal and professional labors. You began your career as a history teacher and then earned a master's degree from Yale University's School of Management. In 1982, you joined Children's Television Workshop, best known for Sesame Street. At CTW, you started as a dynamic director of finance in the interactive technologies division . Now, as executive vice president and chief operating officer; you are responsible for all of CTW's dayto-day operations.

Class of 1975

t's a real pleasure to change hats and write to you as a Class Secretary rather than in my most recent role of asking you all to give money to Trinity. But, b egging turned out to be less onerous than I'd expected and I am pleased to report that, as of June 30, 1995, 148 of us made a Class contribution totaling $60,938 . Betts and I attended Reunion and, from our perspective, the College put on a classy weekend, pretty low key, if you wanted, but also plenty of events for both alumni and their children. Our kids adopted the campus as their own after only a couple hours and cruised all over - swimming, basketball, movies, burgers - all supervised by an impressive crew of undergraduates organized by Trinity to let the alumni off the "watching the kids" patrol. It worked! M y take on Evan Dobelle was very positive: he expressed a sincere commitment to the College and seems to really understand the vital linkage between the various south Hartford neighborhoods and the College in th eir midst. Good luck, Evan! It was great to see many people who made it back for our 20th. Several transcontinental awards are


due: ROBIN LANDY AMADON from Seattle, JEFF CLARK from California. I'm sure I am missing someone from the Coast; apologies, if so. Everyone looked great. Well, okay, there was some grey hair, but all seemed compos mentis! I know that after sitting at dinner with CHRIS MAX, BILL CURREN, MARK CLEARY and their spouses, and all going on at excessive length about collegiate experiences , I wondered how we all survived the four years. Bill we ende'd up having dinner with OLIVIA DAVIS BROWN '78 and friends from Louisville, recently. She said to say h ello and wished you well. T h e 20 years flew by, and one of the many moments where I really saw that was dow n in th e gym. My eight-year-old, Brendan, and I were shooting baskets for a w hile with two yo ung men. T h e older, w ho looked about 17 and was over six-foot-one, and his brother, were called to go by their mother, ELLEN HUMPHREVILLE MCGUIRE. I can 't believe that tall fellow was your son! You haven't changed a bit. T h e oth er timeless one was my old roomie, NICK BENSLEY. Good to see N .J. architect work is a fit for

Nick. I also enjoyed talking to BETSY KELLOGG HAMILTON; the news from Philadelphia was positive. I look forward to hearing the latest from all of you. Drop me a note at 626 Esplanade, Pelham Manor, N.Y. 20803 (yes, that's the same street DEBBIE DONOHUE grew up on family's still there). Our phone at h ome is 914-738-6098 . My work number is 203-353-6513. -Chris Mooney

As a student, you excelled in the classroom, earned varsity letters in field hockey and tennis, and studied in England. A member of Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Gamma Mu, you earned departmental honors and honors in general scholarship. Today, you are a key leader among Trinity's volunteers. As a Trustee, you chair the Student Life and Enrollment Committee, and you served effectively on the committee that studied fraternities and sororities. You also chair the College Communications Subcommittee of the Board of Fellows and have been a career adviser. Trinity and CTW are not the only recipients of your wisdom and guidance. You serve on the national advisory board of KAPOW, a program that introduces children to the world of work. And no one counts on you more than your husband and three young children. Mr. President, on the occasion of her twentieth reunion, I am honored to present to you for the Alumni Achievement Award, a devoted and respected alumni leader, EMILY BARRON SWENSON, Class of 1975.


HERMAN ASARNOW '72, is an associate professor ofEnglish at the University of Portland, as well. ROB STARKEY notes that he is back at Purnell School where he is head of the studio arts department. He teaches art history, drawing, painting, etching, pastels, etc. He also does his own impressionist landscape painting and pastels as Purnell's artist-in-residence. In the fall of 1994, Rob was part of a select group of artists in a show called "Hidden Treasures: The NJ Landscape." H e is also represented in the Concept One Gallery in Pittsburgh. Finally, Rob went with a group of students to Spain for four weeks in early 1995 for language and cultural study (three blocks from the Prado). Rob and his wife, GAIL '75, had a great fam ily visit with DAVID STABLER and family in Keene, N .H. Gail reports that David had spent a week bicycling across tlie State of Iowa with his 13-year-old son, Hank. What an achievement! CLARE HUDSON PAYNE writes that she argued in front of the Maine Superior Court against applying the so-called snack tax to Girl Scout cookies. While the judge ruled in their favor on Jan. 23, 1995, as of Clare's letter of Jan. 31, they were still awaiting word as to whether the State appealed. C lare handled the case on a probono basis .Yes, she currently is a Girl Scout as is her 13-year-old daughter, Julia. FRANK BORGES is bringing order and accountability to the NAACP. He joins Chair Myrlie Evers-Williams. The Hartford Courant notes in its Feb. 22, 1995 editorial, "If there is one person who could restore the financial viability of the National Association of Colored People it is Francisco L. Borges." Prior to going to Wall Street as an investment banker, Frank had served for more than seven years as the state treasurer of Connecticut. Frank will serve as the NAACP's board treasurer. The New York Times quoted Frank as saying, "I've had a little experience in the management of finances." Congratulations to all of the Class of '94 high achievers in this report - Elizabeth, Susan, Rob, David, Clare and Frank! James A. Finkelstein 17 Bracken Ct. San Rafael, Calif. 94901-1587 Class Agents: Stacie Bonfils 路Benes Jon H. Entine

It's Reunion year, our 20th! Can you believe it? Here 's hoping that we had the opportunity to see many of you from the Class of '75 in June! Those attending were able to see who still has hair on top or to see if we're all afflicted with double chins and cheese-cake thighs. Oh, w hat fun it was ! THIS WRITER has undergone many changes this past year - new job, new house, new expanding body! I left Ross Systems after three years and followed my boss into a startup operation for a Swedish firm. We are running the North American operations for Industri-Matematik, Inc. (IM I), providing high-end order management and distribution software for Fortune 500 consumer product companies such as Campbell Soup and Bristol Myers Squibb. I am vice president of marketing and sales support and having the best time of my career. I'm traveling like crazy to places such as Stockholm (I know what you're thinking and it's true, w hatever you 're thinking), San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Toronto, etc ... With a little bit of luck, this endeavor will pay off, if we can grow the business and go public - we'll see. In addition, Susan, Alexander and I have m.oved to Demarest, N.J. as of July 1994. We have more space and a much bigger mortgage, but I guess that goes with success, right? Our new phone number is (201 ) 767-1884 and my work number is (914) 631-2700. I received a wonderful letter from BEN and SYLVIA BREWSTER, who have big news to report. They have traded in their rural, down east address of Portland, M aine for Austin, Texas. They moved this July, and are both employed at St. Stephen's Episcopal School. The school is a 500student prep school, which was founded in 1950 by Ben's father. Ben will be replacing the retiring business manager (hired by Ben's dad in 1951), after 15 years as the manager of a financial services firm in Portland. Sylvia will be inhouse counsel, as well as assistant director of the $16M capital campaign for the school, giving up her high-powered insurance defense attorney position . Rumor had it that Sylvia was offered a position on the O.J. "dream team" to balance the Hollywood and L.A.laden team with a ~eal "down easterner" lawyer (ay yuh!). B en


reports that the school is strategically placed on the banks of the Colorado River ... and guess what they don't have? As a "pet project," Ben hopes to restore the rowing program which ended in the early '50s, when a major flood washed away the boathouse. Stephanie is completing her sophomore year at Trinity, where she is a mathematics major. Ben and Sylvia believe that Stephanie could possibly be the first double legacy. Alexander is a junior at Holderness School, while Elliot, their yo ungest, is in kindergarten. In a somewhat delayed announcement, I am finally reporting on a letter I received from CONNIE (PROUT) and TED BERGHAUSEN. Connie and Ted had their second child, Nina, born on July 3, 1994. Their first daughter, Chloe, is rapidly approaching three (they grow up even faster when the writer delays the announcement!). They spent part of last summer at their vacation home in Chatham on Cape Cod, where they visited with PEG and VON GRYSKA and went sailing on Peg and Von's sailboat. Ah yes, the good life. Rumor has it that after the Reunion, the B erghausens and the Gryskas are having everyone come to their place and sailboat on the Cape - thanks, guys - it should be the best R eunion ever! (Ay yuh!) I received a series of sticky tab notes from GAIL MARDFIN STARKEY that read like a fanfold notebook - must have been a very spontaneous update from Gail. Husband ROB '74 is back with his family at Purnell School in Pottersville, N.Y. , where he is head of the studio arts department. Rob teaches art history, and also does his own impressionist landscape painting as Purnell's artistin-residence. He just got back from four weeks in Spain this past February with a group of students for language and cultural studies . While in Madrid, he stayed only three blocks from the Prado (major art museum). Gail and Rob spent part oflast summer with DAVID STABLER '74, a Psi Upsilon brother of the writer, and his family in Keene, N.H. David had spent a week bicycling with his 13-year-old son, H ank, across the state of Iowa. Gail also works at the Purnell School, teaching less art, but as full-time director of publications and public relations. She spends time writing, doing photography and designing the publications for the school on her computer. Gail and Rob's two children, O'Neil (age 12) and Avery (age 10) are in the seventh

and fourth grade, respectively. Faxed in over the wire is a note about MICHAEL STAVOLA, who has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society. This is an honor in recognition of sustained outstanding research in a particular field. His citation reads "For innovative use of spectroscopy in the study of point defects in semiconductors." Less than 200 physicists received the Fellow from the A.P.S. this year. Michael is currently professor of physics at Lehigh University. PreviousLy, he was a member of the research staff at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J. The New York Daily News (2/1/ 95) reported the recent birth of noted Knick fan and movie producer/ director Spike Lee's son, Satchel Lewis Lee at Montefiore Hospital in N.Y. C. Satchel was delivered by our own DR. CASSANDRA HENDERSON, w ho is pictured in the newspaper clipping with the young boy and his mom, Tonya Lewis Lee. Another news release from N.Y. C. announces the exhibition of"Picture Element," an exhibiting group whose membership includes CLAY DEBEVOISE. This gro up meets monthly to exchange feedback and examine ramifications of computer use in their lives and art. The word "picture element" is the derivation of the term "pixel," the equivalent of an atom in the digital realm. Using the re-elongation of"pixel" to name themselves, Clay's group claims a conscious orientation to their tools, and an awareness of their group, itself, as a basic building block. The group points to the potential use of digital technology for collaboration among groups. Whew! Sounds like they're ready for an episode ofVRS! The exhibition took place at The Lobby Gallery in N.Y.C. during January. Another "memo" was received from CHARLES LEVINE, who informs us of a new job as president of a division of Octel Corporation, w ith offices in Dallas and Silicon Valley, Calif. Octel is the noted provider of voice mail systems that all of us in business couldn't live without. Who knows, C harles, with my schedule, we'll probably run into each other during a layover in some airport sometime soon. If not, leave me a voice mail message at my office sorry, we don't use Octel, but for the right deal... Now fellow classmate alumni, I come before you, humble and ashamed, for I have committed the highest sacrilege a Trinity R eporter secretary can commit. I have failed to pass along a letter that was sent




directly to me! Forgive me classmates, for I have sinned - I now must make amends and apologize to WILLIAM OGONOWSKI, w ho wrote to me three years ago (holy oversight, Batman!). Seems I misplaced my Trinity Reporter file after receiving William's letter. Then, recently, I was unpacking the last of the boxes from my move when what to my astonishment should I find, but ... the long-lost letter from William. So h ere it is folks -April 30, 1992 - Bill reported that h e was elected to his sixth consecutive term as executive vice president of his trade union local. "When not toiling on behalf of the proletariat," he rides the Harley he has owned for the past 14 years. Now I am sure you're all asking if Bill were re-elected to a seventh, eighth and ninth consecutive term as EVP, and if he is still doing his rendition of"Easy Rider" w ith Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda on his Harley. T h ese are questions that demand a feature column in the next Reporter, so, Bill, do you have enough faith in my filing system to try for another letter? You might do better to send it direct to JERRY HANSEN '51 atTrinity, just in case I move again or get stu ck in Stockholm w ith food poisoning from some bad Swedish meatballs - hey, you never know. So Bill, let's hear it, or maybe you can come to Reunion weekend and tell all . Henry E. Bruce, Jr. 321 Windsor Rd. Englewood, N.J. 07631-1423 (Editor's note: new secretary for the Class of 1975 is Chris Mooney, 626 Esplanade Pelham Manor, N.Y. 108032403.)

There's news from all over the country and all over the world this time around! G IN! DURNFORD wrote from Boston that she and husband, Carl McPhee, were blessed with the birth of their first child, John Durnford McPhee on Oct. 19, 1994. RON BLITZ was named as John's godfather and is delighted with his new role. In addition to enj oying John, Gini is a psychotherapist in private practice in Boston and on the adjunct faculty at Lesley College. Related to the Boston area, PHIL BlELUCH wrote that he has been promoted to business development vice president - U.S.

operations at Manulife. He is responsible for strategic planning, long-term product development, customer and competitive research. The company is moving U.S. management to Boston next sun1mer, so Phil will be relocating as well. Moving south, closer to campus, RICH HOTES sent news that he has been in private practice with New Britain Anesthesia, P.C. for 12 years . Having known Rich since high school, I was amazed to read that his dau ghter, Gennifer, is already 17 years old, a junior at Hall High School in West Hartford (our alma mater) and ready to apply to colleges. Son, Todd, is 12 years old and, according to Dad, is a "super ath lete and drumn1er." Saving the best for last, Rich reports that wife, ANDREA (SILVER), is "as pretty as ever." Also in Greater Hartford, The West Ha rtford News had an article about ROCHELLE HOMELSON-MEISTER appearing in a Valentine's Day musical program featuring three generations of the Homelson family. Rochelle was accompanied by her mother, May, a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music, and Rochelle's seven-yearold son, Benjamin HomelsonMeister, performed as pianist and vocalist. Rochelle is married to PHIL MEISTER and is employed as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Connecticut. PEGGY SMITH sent a very interesting note from Nashville as follows: "This past weekend, after a very strenuous week in Washington, Dr. Henry Foster returned home to Nashville and to church on Sunday. When he and his wife, Sandy, came down the aisle, the congregation gave them a standing ovation. Behind the pulpit, he spoke about his nomination as U.S. Surgeon General and urged the American public to judge him on the many positive things he has done as a physician. On many occasions at Meharry, I've watched Dr. Foster leave with his black leather book bag over his shoulder. The office of U.S. Surgeon General could not ask for a better physician or a better man than Hank Foster. I hope that at the time of this printing in the Reporter, Dr. Foster will have been confirmed as our next U.S. Surgeon General." And now, for the long-distance award in this column, comes a note from LISA HEILBRONN reporting that sh e has joined the foreign service in Kampala, Uganda. Lisa left her teaching position at St. Lawrence University and is now with the U.S. Informa-


tion Service (U.S. Information Agency in the U.S.) based in Uganda. Small world- her training officer was ano ther Trinity alum, DONALD BISHOP '67 . I think Lisa will have some amazing stories for next year's 20th Reunton. Speaking of small worlds, I ran into SCOTT REID at an Arthur Andersen LLP client meeting in St. Petersburg, Fla. in February. It's only natural - Scott lives in Pittsburgh, I live in Los Angeles, and we met in St. Petersburg w here the average age in the hotel outside of our conference was about equal to our combined ages . Although we had not seen each other since graduation, we agreed that neither one of us had aged a day. Thanks to all for their corresponde~ce. H ave a happy summer and send news of those summertime vacations and exploits! Elaine Feldman Patterson 824 South Ridgeley Dr. Los Angeles, Calif. 90036 Class Agents: John P. Clifford, Jr. Harold A. Smullen, Jr.


TUCKER EWING, an Equity actress based in New York City, participated in the program, "Her Stages," which was part of the 25th Anniversary of Coeducation at the College. Tucker performed an excerpt from the one-woman play, The Belle ofAmherst. DOUGLAS MCGARRAH was named a partner at Foley, Hoag & Eliot, a Boston law firm. ANTHONYTRIVELLA was elected assistant vice president at Hartford Steam Boiler. Mary Desmond Pinkowish 15 Lafayette Rd. Larchmont, N.Y. 10538 Class Agents: Harriet F. Smith Stephen M. Sunega


CHRISTINA POOLE THOMAS, ran in the New York City Marathon on Nov. 6, 1994. She writes, "It was terrific, but my first and last marathon." DANIEL KEHOE, our College Carillonneur, played the Reunion carillon concert on June 10, 199 5. As usual, it was wonderful! My goodness, that's all the news I have to report this quarter. Please send in some juicy tidbits so I can

fill up our Class column! Kathryn Maye Murphy 6 Kneeland Rd. Marlborough, Conn . 064471225 Class Agents: Gary D. Markoff James P. Smith

m CYNTHIA FLANAGAN GOSS writes that in November 1994 she married longtime beau, yacht engineer and service maven, Stuart "Ty" Tysen Goss, whom she describes as a "past hippie."They celebrated the formality of union with a three-week New Zealand honeymoon and acquisition of a brown spaniel mix named Teak, like the wood. (Future joint human projects will be named Turnbuckle and Transom. Just a little yachtsperson humor, Cin.) In time for America's Cup news, Cindy co-authored a book with Dawn Riley, one of the principals in the Cup competition's mostly women's boat. Riley sailed around the world in the famous Whitbread (named for the brewery, no doubt) race. The book, Taking The Helm, America's Top Woman Sailor Tells H er Story, is about the race and was scheduled for publication by Little Brown & Co. in April. It warranted a splashy color spread in Little Brown's spring catalog. I saw the catalog at a friend's bookstore. Ingram Books' April "Advance" describes the book thusly: "America's preeminent woman sailor brings to life the astounding story of her against-all-odds finish in the most demanding sailing competition ever. .." It would follow then that Cindy is now "America's preeminent woman sailing writer," I guess. Indeed, Cindy is quite the freelance yachting writer, according to my cousin-to-be, an editor at Sail Magazine. She also does free-lance editing and media relations and now has an agent with whom she is pursuing new book ideas. She and Ty live in Guilford, Conn. Cindy also writes that DIANE MOLLESON is writing children's books in Washington (State, not D.C.) with her physicist husband. Diane was expecting a baby in Spring 1994. And Cindy says that BARRIE ANDRIAN, married to archaeologist Nick Dixon, is rebuilding a sunken city in the Scottish w ilderness and helping with fund-raising for the project.



Alumni Medal for Excellence JEFFREY H. SEIBERT 79 What a lucky day it was for Trinity when you decided to come our way from Somerville, New Jersey. Even as an undergraduate, majoring in mathematics and political science, you showed initiative and diligence. In addition to playing squash and tennis, you were a Tripod photographer, member of SGA and Concert Choir, and worked in the cafeteria and libra ry. After receiving your law degree from Georgetown University, you joined the firm of Miles and Stockbridge, where you advanced quickly, becoming a partner in 1988. No doubt your impressive organizational skills and insistence on first-rate work have contributed to your success in the legal realm, as they have in all you have done for Trinity. You are the volunteer leader who has put our efforts by the development and alumni offices over the top, in so many cases. You have given unstintingly of your time, never missing a meeting or event, taking every opportunity to educate yourself further in Trinity affai rs in order to be a more articulate spokesman as a phonathon caller and Baltimore club leader. As national alumni phonathon chair, you rallied clubs throughout the country, encouraging them to come out and answer the call for the alumni and parents' funds. On your watch some cities hit record high numbers for caller attendance, an important factor in involving younger alumni in the giving effort. Even during your busy years as president of the National Alumni Association, you pitched in to help your Class surpass its goal for the 15-year Reunion gift. By your outstanding example, you have provided a model for alumni involvement which all of us can strive to emulate. For your achievements and energetic leadership, we have the honor today to present you, JEFFREY H. SEIBERT, Class of 1979, with the Alumni Medal for Excellence.

T he Hartford law firm, form erly Polinsky & Santos, is now Polinsky, Santos & Borea, w ith the addition of MORRIS R. BOREA. Morris w ill be in charge of the firm's litigation division. Polinsky, Santos & Borea specializes in personal injury law. A Hartford attorney for 13 years, Morris has concentrated on litigating medical malpractice, wrongful death, fraud, product liability and unfair trade practices cases . H e has lectured and published on civil liability issues such as "premises liability, municipal liability and products liability." Morris, an active member of the Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association, also works in arbitration. And he is chairman of the Wethersfield adult education "People's Law School " program . H e graduated from the University of Connecticut Law School in 1982 and his first law jobs were for the State of Connecticut in the offices of the Attorney General and Secretary of State. Before joining Polinsky and Santos, he was a lawyer with the

Hartford firm of Halloran & Sage. STAPLEY WON HAM EMBERLING has a new baby, Rachel Hayden Emberling, born Dec. 9, 1994. She joins brother, Ryan, age three. Stapley is working part-time as an editor and associate director of the Center for Education Studies in New York City. She is enjoying the n ew house in Westport, Conn., and inquires as to whether anyone is interested in purchasing h er former abode, "a small, slightly run-down Chelsea coop." LENORA THOM, conductor, pianist and organist, is the music director/conductor of the New J ersey Choral Society and Orchestra. She's also the director of music/ organist at St. Joseph's Church in BroiD.--ville, N.Y. and organist/ choir director at the Jewish Community Center ofWhite Plains, N .Y. The recipient of numerous awards, Lenora was the assistant condu ctor of the Stamford Symphony from 1986-19-90. JANE MASSEY JONES, who was active in Trinity crew, is busy

raising five children in Atlanta. They are: C harles, Jr., Mark, Ashley, Sarah and Ralph. She says motherhood is certainly life's most challenging career. She is no longer in the medical field (outside of related parenting tasks) in which her last job was a m anagement position at an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation hospital program. Jane says sh e may join the Atlanta rowing club. or take a long vacation when all the children are of school age. LISA HILL MCDONOUGH , also a mother of fi ve, was presented as a 1994 Outstanding Young Leader by the Greater Worcester (Massachusetts) Jaycees. She was 1992-93 president of the Junior League ofWorcester, vice presiden t of the m embers council of the Worcester Art Museum and a volunteer for the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. As Junior League president, Lisa implem en ted and oversaw a $10,000 plus fund raiser to keep Worcester's 14 public swimming

pools and beach es open after the city ran out of money to do so. Lisa also instituted the "Done-ina-Day" program of monthly proj ects that ge t Junior League members directly into community service. Th e collection and distribution of children's books, canned foods, clothing and toiletries to sh elters and other communi ty agencies are some examples of the program. Lisa also started the Junior Leagu e's "Angel Tree" program for needy children at Christmas time. Local banks place trees in their lobbies w ith children 's w ishes written on paper angel ornaments . Last year, bank patrons donated more than 300 gifts later distributed by the Junior Leagu e. Lisa played a pivotal role in the first collaboration between the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and four of the five regional Junior Leagues in Massachusetts. Since 1983, the M.S.P.C.C. has worked with the Boston Junior League to "provide parents of every child born in Massachusetts access to parenting education an d support services ." Lisa interviewed staff in several Central M assachuse tts hospitals to generate material for parenting education and support groups. Trained as a museum do cent, Lisa has been named a corporator of the Worcester Art Museum, a group of volunteers from which the board of trustees is selected. As vice president of the members council, she was in line for the m embers council presidency. Lisa lives in Paxton with her husband, NEIL MCDONOUGH, and their five children - Caitlin, Shaun, R yan, Kelsey and Darcy. Deborah Cushman 1182 11th St., Apt. 30 West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 Class Agents: Jane Terry Abraham Peter R. Ziesing

Although these notes for the R epo rter will be wri tten weeks

b efo re our 15th R eunion, they w ill not appear until weeks after. PATRICE BALL-REED, DAVID CLARK and CURRIE SM ITH have been hard at work planning an exciting weekend for us, and two of our classmates will be featured speakers for the Reunion program. On Friday, JOAN STEUER, president of Chocolate Marketing Inc., will conduct a tasting of European and Am erican chocolates. Joan is the founding editor of Chocolatier Magaz ine and



of 1980 & 1985

Class of 1 980

t was unanimously agreed that Ibestthis year's Reunion was the one yet. We were congratulated by the College for our strong attendance and giving efforts. Special thanks are extended to CURRIE SMITH, DAVID CLARK, W ILLIAM BULLARD, MARK LEAVITT and NINA DIEFENBACH for all of their hard work on our behalf. It seems that as the years pass, we all have more in common. Those of us who had not been to Trinity in recent years were impressed with the new look of the campus. President Dobelle's goal of reaching out to the neighborhood surrounding Trinity was also applauded . Several classmates attended the Reunion from distant homes. They included BRUCE MITCHELL from Texas, LANIER DREW from Florida, and JOAN STEUER from Cali-

fornia. Hungry alumni in the greater Hartford area should check out JOE TROIANO and GRACE HARONIAN TROIANO's new restaurant for breakfast or lunch. JOHN ALEXANDROV (our new Class President) is the senior partner in the law firm Alexandrov & Metzger, and also hosts a radio call-in program entitled "It's the Law" on WTAG AM 580. Congratulations to RICK NAHILL and his wife, Karen, on the birth of their triplet sons (wow!) . I also heard that ELENA HOVEY and her husband recently had a baby boy. BOB SHAW is teaching history in Princeton, N.J. and is anticipating the birth of his second child. The Class of 1980 was featured at the Reunion. PETER HALPERT shared his impressive photography collection in a striking exhibit in Austin Arts

Center. Joan Steuer demonstrated her expertise on the art of the chocolatier in a special semmar. PAUL CANNING is now working for Aetna Realty Inves-

tors . PETER JONGBLOED, an attorney living in Connecticut, attended the Reunion with his three children. TOM MELLY is running a financial consulting business in the New York area. GIUSEPPE CAPASSO is working at AT&T Bell Labs in New Jersey, as are SUWATHIN PHIANSUNTHON and DAVID GATENBY. JORDAN FRIED is a lawyer, working for the government in Washington, D.C. I have attended the past three Reunions with my former roommate, KATY YOUNGDAHL-STAUSS. It was great to see that other former roommates, like SARA SHERMAN and LYDIA BLIVEN, also attended together. The friendships that were formed at Trinity have endured. -Anita Spigulis

Greetings Class of '85!


ur 1Oth Reunion has come and gone and was a great success by all measures. On Friday evening, an unspecified group gathered to elect officers for the next five years. As a result, I'll be bringing you periodic updates on our Class members through the Reporter. Our new Class President is KATHLEEN O'CONNOR BOELHOUWER, ANNETTE BOELHOUWER is Vice President and ERICA THURMAN MERRILL is Class Agent. We had a great Reunion turnout with 105 alums returning to campus, as well as spouses, significant others and kids! Though I missed the festivities on Friday night, rumor has it, it was a wild old time. Saturday evening started out with cocktails and dinner in Mather followed by dancing and more socializing in the Washington Room (who could forget the Washington Room?) . At Saturday's dinner, LOU SHIPLEY took the award

Class of 1985

for the farthest distance traveled to Trinity, all the way from Tokyo! Rather than make you endure my meandering memories of Reunion conversations, I'm just going to say that everyone looks great 10 years later and it was fun to catch up. When 1 get my first batch of news from the alumni office, I promise to provide specifics on who is doing what and where. Meanwhile, for the benefit of those who did not make it to Reunion and did not get that big directory, here's a very brief synopsis of the results of Lee's Class survey. The majority of us are married, without children, live in our own homes in the suburbs near New York, have a graduate degree, go to bed around 11 p.m., drink Sam Adams and diet Coke (not together), watch Seinfeld and Letterman, and vote regularly. I wonder what we'll say by 2000? Look forward to hearing from y'all (sorry, but I live in Atlanta now)! -Alison Berlinger Holland

Lee Coffin, center, and Ted Coxe, right, accept the Jerome Kohn Award for the Class from President Dobelle. The ' award recognizes the reunion class with the largest percentage of its members returning to Reunion.



co-author of Best-Ever Brownies. On Saturday, the Widener Gallery in Austin Arts Center will feature the Contemporary Photographs from the Collection of PETER HAY HALPERT. Hopefully our record attendance will provide the next Class Secretary with much gossip for the following issue of the Reporter. LEONIE HERSHFIELD KRAMER sent word from California that her second son, Elan Jonah, was born Sept. 14, 1995. Isaac, their oldest, is now almost four. Leonie reports that she and Jay are very busy with the boys, but very happy, and very tired almost. all the time! They survived the terrible fires that Laguna Beach suffered in '93, and the floods of '95, and in spite of all the natural disasters still love living in California. RICK NAHILL and his wife, Karen, are also the proud parents of baby boys. On Oct. 18, 1994, "My Three Sons," Anthony, Andrew and Robert, arrived a couple of months premature, but they and Karen are doing well. Rick and his family recently moved to Osterville on Cape Cod, and in January he started a new job. On May 13, at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, MACEY RUSSELL was presented with one of the 1995 Ten Outstanding Young Leader (TOYL) Awards. The Boston Jaycees have sponsored the TOYL Award program since 1952. The program. seeks to recognize and pr:omote outstanding leadership and community commitment. This goal is reached by honoring 10 young men and women between the ages of 21 and 40 for their professional accomplishments, personal development, and most of all, community service."Some earlier recipients include John F. Kennedy, Leonard Bernstein, F. Lee Bailey and Michael Dukakis, to name a few. Congratulations, Macey! I have received some wonderful postcards from KEECY HADDEN WEINER. She was in Washington, D.C. for United Way meetings in early March, and in Australia and New Zealand exploring the Outback and Great Barrier Reef at the end of the month. LEE CLAYTON has also kept us apprised of her business travels through postcards. Since January she has traveled to Malta, the Czech Republic, England, Morocco and India. The spa vacation she was planning should have been a welcome change of pace before she returned to England for more work.

Over the Easter holidays I decided to venture south with my boys and enjoy some of the spring weather that is still eluding New England. After stops in Gettysburg and Charlottesville to visit family, we spent a few days in Washington, D. C. While in Washington, we had dinner with JIM MARTIN and PAGE LANSDALE and their families one night and with LISA BLOCK and SARAH MCCOY MCCARTHY and her family on another. Cynthia Rolph Ballantyne 101 Abbott Rd. Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181 Class Agents: Mark A. Leavitt Elizabeth W. Parker Elizabeth Curtiss Smith (Editor's note: new secretary for the Class of 1980 is Anita I. Spigulis, 182 Hill St., Holliston, Mass. 01746 .)

m Received a lovely bunch of news for this issue, as wide-ranging as we are, all of us. Thank you. Wonderful to read about HELEN BUCK BARTLETT in a clipping from. Trinity's "Her Stages" celebration program on April 7, for which Helen served as a panelist. Her bio reads as follows: "She was vice president of the Mount Company and Paul Maslansky Productions at Warner Brothers Pictures. Since 1993, she and Tony Bill have formed a new company, Barnstorm Films, with MGM/UA. She produced 'Untamed Heart' for MGM in 1993, associate produced 'A Home of Our Own' for Grammercy in 1993 and will produce 'Kill the Messenger' for Showtime. Before her involvement in film, she studied poetry, earning an MFA from 1 the creative writing prog ram at NYU. As a journalist and poet, she worked for The Paris Review where she continues to be a contributing editor." SAUNDRA KEE BORGES was officially sworn in as permanent city manager of Hartford last Dec. 15, as reported by The Hartford News. VIRGINIA O'BRIEN BRENNAN gives news of her life: "Brian Brennan was born in l993,joining brother, Patrick (age five and one-half). I am still working for Aetna in Parsippany, N.J., running their pension office." She met TOM ROCHE at a business meeting and they caught up on Trinity news. "I think often of what fine people I knew while at


school - really special folks. Although I haven't been in close touch, I'd love to hear from any alumni in the New Jersey area," Virginia writes. SUE WALSH was recently the maid of honor at NANCY LUCAS 's wedding. She recently moved to Park Slope, Brooklyn, and manages a private banking group for the Bank of New York. Nancy Lucas corroborates Sue Walsh's account of her wedding to Ian Lipner in January '95, although Nancy chooses the term "Best Woman" rather than maid of honor. Nancy also lives in Park Slope, but plans to move way out west this year. She spotted GARY PALMER '81 in Bed Bath & Beyond where he was furnishing his new East-Side apartment. KAREN LOREN CAMPBELL says there aren't enough hours in the day. She spends hers with son, Jamie (eight), and. baby, Karaline (one) (see Births), teaching Spanish to three- and six-year-olds and participating in the San Antonio Roadrunners. She keeps in touch with JEAN HAYDEN, MARGARET HENDERSON and WENDY MELVILLE. Karen writes, "Runners World mentioned that ALEX MAGOUN was the first qualifier for the 1995 Boston Marathon. Congratulations and good luck, Alex." Karen would like to hear from anyone down in Texas. I'll close with a message from ED THEURKAUF: "I grew my hair long (again), got a job, ride my Harley, and listen to Neil Young records. I'm lean and fit, and life is pretty good. I don't see my old friends as much as I'd like to, but when we do meet, it's like old times again. Keep the rubber side down!" Penny Sutter Grote 19 Delaware Ave. Long Beach, N.Y. 11561 Class Agents: Timothy P. Henry John F. O'Connell, Jr. Michael D. Reiner, Esq.

MEREDITH DESPINS was named vice president of Leggat McCall Properties, a real estate operating company based in Boston, Mass. ANDY FOX was promoted to ge~eral manager of the Union Camp Corrugated Container operations in Kansas City, Mo. He is responsible for two facilities employing over 150 people. He writes, "My new position is very

challenging but also very satisfying. I guess 12 years of hard work can truly be rewarding." WILLIAM GRISWOLD was named head of the department of drawings and prints at the Pierpont Morgan Library in Manhattan. DIANE BROUDER HARRIS enjoys her work as a family therapist in a community youth services bureau. She traveled to Dallas by train last year, which she terms a "real adventure." She notes that life in Connecticut is quiet, and that she still enjoys Cinestudio after all these years. Two years ago ROBERT LEAVITT moved from Rochester, N.Y. back to Longmeadow, Mass. where he opened his own pediatric practice. He and his wife have two sons, three-year-old Samuel and six-month-old Benjamin. ALICE HARLOW RONCONI continues to work as a production shift manager for Ethel M. Chocolates and has begun to take courses focusing on human resource managetnent. Her husband, Massimo, is a freelance photographer. Their son, Alessandro, starts first grade in the fall. Their younger son's name is Armando. Steven R. Andsager 1255 Cromwell Ln. Naperville, Ill. 60564 Class Agents: Victoria S. Aronow, Esq. Andrew S. Fox

The College alunmi office acted as intermediary between a Wareham, Mass. resident and TODD BEATI. While metal-detecting on a Massachusetts beach, Mildred Carrigan ofWareham found a Trinity College class ring with Todd's name engraved on the inside. After Todd and his ring were reunited, he phoned the office to say that his ring had been missing for nine years. Singer ANN BROWN participated in the program, "Her Stages," which was part of the 25th Anniversary of Coeducation at the College. In her performance, she took a "pregnant pause" to exam.ine musicaltheater's view of motherhood. WENDELL STRAWBRIDGE COZZI lives in Westfield, N.J. with her husband, John, and their two children, Emily (five) and Peter (two). MARK DIBBLE and Anne Stetson were married in August 1994.



KAREN MACDONALD LYNCH has been named vice president, creative supervisor at Mullen, an advertising agency in Wenham, Mass. Class Agents: Margot C. Blattmann Charles S. Ingersoll, Jr. Bruce C. Silvers, Esq.

NANCY ADAMS, co-director of Mobius, Boston's artist-run center for experimental work in all media, participated in the progran1, "Her Stages," w hich was part of the 25th Anniversary of Coeducation at the College. Her performance was an excerpt from Bringing Home the Bacon, an aesthetic and conceptual exploration of brown paper grocery bags. MICHAEL and JUDITH PETERSON HAVARD are living in Old Greenwich, Conn. Mike is a product manager with Kraft General Foods in White Plains and Judy is a senior investment officer with Chemical Bank in New York City. WEEZIE KERR received a fellowship from the Syvenna Foundation and spent three months in a cabin in the Piney Woods of Northeast Texas fulfilling their writer-in-residence program. She notes, "The solitude was remarkable compared to my lifestyle in C hi cago (no TV or phone or visitors), but allowed me to write my second novel, the second draft of which I've just completed. Now to sell it. I continue to write and work temp jobs in the Loop. I see JANE MELVIN MATTOON as much as possible (and try to get myself invited for breakfast because her husband Rick makes amazing pancakes). RANDIBORTROSENBLOOM was expecting her third child last May. She teaches biology at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. MARTHA CROSS STEWART writes, "At our ten-year reunion last Jun e I think I was the most pregnant woman on campu s eight months along. I am now enjoying staying home with our son and don't miss the nine-to-five world at all." After graduating from the American Graduate School of International Management in 1992, MARK HENDERSON was hired by the Investment Software division ofThomson Financial Services to start up their Asia/Pacific operations. After a stin t in the

company's London office, he went to Hong Kong where he's worked for two years as the sales and marketing manager in Asia/Pacific. He no tes that he wo uld be happy to advise any alumni on matters relating to employment in Asia. Jane Melvin Mattoon Apt. #1N, 2535 N. Orchard St. Chicago, Ill. 60614 Class Agents: Salvatore Anzalotti III Deirdre Scudder Martin Stephen J. Tall

MIYUKI KANEKO is an associate in the law firm, Hill Wallack in Princeton, N.J. KAY MILLETT is a Ph.D. predoctoral candidate in higher ed ucation administration at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. SONIA PLUMB, artistic director and choreographer of the Sonia Plumb Dance Company, participated in the program, "Her Stages," which was part of the 25th Anniversary of Coeducation at the College. Her company performed "Molecular R eality," an abstract work featuring eight dancers as electrons, elen1ents and catalysts as they form spatial relationships. (Editor's, note: new secretary for the C lass of 1985 is: Alison Berlinger Holland, 2339 Delverton Dr. , Atlanta, Ga. 30338.) Class Agents: Marc Shabot John Wilson

I hop e these C lass Notes make the fall edition of the Reporter, as I missed the deadline, BIGTIME! My only excuse is Miss Emma Margaret Sheehy, born April 19, one week before the deadlin e. She is sweet, wonderful , and, of course, beautiful, but she did mess up my writing schedule! Emma is an angel baby (except today as I try to write this, she refuses to sleep!). MARCELINE LEE was the first classmate to see the new arrival. She is finishing up h er master's work at Penn State and then she and hubby, Philip, are returning to northern California. State College just isn't enough of a computer-mecca for Philip and Marcy is rethinking her Ph.D. plans. KAREN RESONY and KIM CROWLEY came down to D. C.


in March to help paint the qursery. Actually, Kim painted, Karen ran errands, and I ate and supervised (at eight-and-one-half months pregnant, I wasn't good for much else!), and TOM played golf - he's no dummy! Kim's single-handedly running Connecticut State government (any complaints ...just call her). Karen is working at a health food store, and developing PR projects (rigging customer contests, as best I can tell!). K & K report that ANDY HERN and MARGARET FIGUEROA HERN's daughter is adorable. Geez, you guys, yo u get married five years after we did and you still beat us to a baby! Congratulations! TOM ZOUBEK wrote me a long letter to get me caught up on 10 years of activity. The Reader's Digest version ...M.A. in history, Brown; second M.A. in archaeology, Yale; Ph.D. in anthropology pending, Yale. Tom spent a great deal of time in Peru at a dig. He discovered a piece of sculpture of note, and intends to publish an article about it. Tom and his wife, Aidan, continue to do musicals ... Aidan, professionally. JOE SCORESE, Tom says hello and says it feels like yesterday we were doing musical reviews at Austin Arts! JOHN ZELIG also wrote a (shorter) letter, to let us know he got married - on Sept. 18, 1994 to Amy Swan, whom he met at U.Ha(Ha) .. .that's University of Hartford to you serious folks ... They live in Salida, Colo., which J ohn describes as the "Northern Exposure" of Colorado, complete w ith single, tiny, radio station . John is the director of marketing for a company that sells apparel nationally to resort and ski markets. JILL HAGBERG TWOMBLY also got married on Oct. 30, 1994. She married Lawrence Twombly on the Cape, and they currently live in South Yarmouth where Jill works for a CPA firm. As we're into weddings, LESLEY ABRAMS marriedJohn Nicholson on Sept. 24, 1994 in Wilmington, Del. After a twoweek honeymoon in Bali, the happy couple moved to Tokyo where she works for Bear Stearns and he works for Lehman Brothers. ANDREW CAESAR married Laurie Larson on Jun e 25, 1994. Drew is still associate pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Pendleton, Ore. Drew wants to use Class Notes to send his Christmas cards, I think ... he says hello to PETE and LISA DEPATIE and "hi" to his older sister, TRACEY

TOLERICO '82 . Next time, Drew, pick up the phone. CAROLYN MUELLER VON MEISTER just had time to write a quick note that she is a very busy mom living in Pottersville, N.J. with her husband and three children, William (six), Hannah (four) and Charlotte (one). TOM and OLIVE COBB WAXTER are also busy and enjoying life in Baltimore with two children, Olive, born in May 1992 and M aggie, born in September 1994. Tom is a lawyer with Smith Somerville and Case, and Olive is in advertising at Gray Kirk/Van Sant. GEORGE BANTA (a Ia Tom Z.) also sent in 10 years of news in one concise letter. Do you think perhaps everyone is getting ready for our 10-year Reunion next year and polishing up his _ _ ?! George is a materials engineer for Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. in Akron, Ohio, volunteers at the Cleveland Zoo and takes biology classes to further his knowledge of the animals. I began to wo nder when I read he teaches people about talkin g to animals ... but he wrote "animal conservation ," not "conversation"! He adds a P.S.: "My swashbuckling days came to an end in graduate school when I 'blew out' my knee against Case Western R eserve." MIMI GATCHELL writes, "The Midwest isn't so bad ...." Now there's a ringing endorsement. She loves teaching German to seventh-to-tenth graders and plans to take some to Germany this summer. O h yes, and sh e likes the Midwest because she could afford to "purchase lodging" (her phrase, not mine) on a teacher's salary! On official (ahem, excuse me) William Weld/Commonwealth of Massachusetts letterhead came the announcement that LYNN DANN graduated from Northeastern University School of Law in 1993, passed the Massachusetts Bar, and is now assistant general counsel at the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Office for Children, enforcing day care and adoption regulations for the state. ERIC ROSOW and JOSEPH ADAM have founded Premise Development Corporation, a consulting firm w hich specializes in computer solutions for the biomedical and environmental cleanup industries . CHRIS LORENZ is currently a tennis pro at the Weston Racquet Club near Boston, and is planning to spend the sununer in Peru (look out for Tom Zoubek), Bolivia and Ecuador, climbing and exploring. T he alumni office was notified





SALLY HURTIG '91 and Nick Taylor were married in Cohasset, Mass. on Sept. 17, 1994. Trinity alumni/ae attending were: (1. tor.} Pat Enright '92, Diana Carr '91, groom, bride, Susanna Swanson '91, Erica Hall '91, Cheryl Constantine '91, Jackie Maraziti '91; (standing, I. tor.} Sue Erickson '91, Todd Coopee '90.

64 MAJA LUNDBORG '89 and Daniel Gray were married on Dec. 10, 1994 in the Trinity College Chapel. Trinity alumni/ae and faculty in attendance were: (seated, I. to r.} groom, bride; (second row, 1. to r.} Devin Schlickmann '89, Lisa Shapiro '89, Katherine McGowan '89, Steven Palmer '89, Patricia Faltin'sky '89, Raymond Faltinsky, '87, Mrs. J.K. Heeren, Dr. J.K. Heeren, Tanya Lundborg '94, Brian Williamson '94; (third row, 1. to r.} Ami Alissi '89, Paul Schlickmann '88. RACHEL KROH '91 and Steve Shook were married in Kansas City, Mo. on Aug. 27, 1994. Trinity alumni/ae attending were: (standing, I. to r.} Matt Greenberg '91, Laura Gaines '91, Trip Manley '89, Frank Monaco '91, Maria Nevares Manley '91, Tony Paruszewski '91, bride, Ren Whiting '91, groom, Russ Kauf '91, Heather Watkins '91; (kneeling} George Kroh '60. MARGARET M. FIGUEROA '86 and ANDREW J. HERN '86 were married on June 18, 1994 in the Trinity College Chapel. Trinity alumni/ae attending were: (1. to r.} Bill Main '86, Cass Bycoski M'60, Tom Dunn '86, Kim Crowley '86, Juliana Garro McCormick '86, Allison Smith '86, Liz Smart Gustafson •'86, groom, bride, Borden Painter, Jr. '58, Karen Resony '86, John Stratakis '86, Sheila Andrus Buckley '86, Karen Carney Goettelmann '86, Jennifer Petrelli '95. Missing from photo: Steven Hirshberg '86, Kay Burke Tateronis '86, Craig Tateronis '85, Anne Kelso Gubitosi '87, Marilyn Weiss Cruickshank '86. >

LAURA VON SELDENECK '88 and DANIEL PROCHNIAK '89 were married in Cape May, N.J. on Oct. 1, 1994. Trinity alumni/ae attending were: (front row, kneeling, I. to r.}: Matt Madaus '89, Scott LaLonde '89, Don Freytag '88; (second row, kneeling, I. to r.} Matt Cost '89, Jen Burns Cost '90, Alexa Richman '90; (third row, I. to r.} groom, bride, Billy Brooks '89, Pam von Seldeneck '85, Eliza Edwards '88, Pam Ingersoll '87, Jen Brewster '88, Biz Hosler Voudouris '88, Ginny Vogel Yonce '87, Becky Jelsma Freytag '88; (fourth row, 1. to r.} Chuck Bunnell '89, Rob Hanson '90, Dave Barcomb '89, Steve Seiber '89, John Germain '89, David Lenahan '84, Lou O'Brien Anderson '88, Peter Voudouris '87, Robert Bush '87, John Ralston '89, Liz Cahn Goodman '88; (fifth row, sitting, 1. to r.} Lizzie Hardman '88, Trina Pew Gandal '88, Matt Gandal '89, Robin Silver '90, Matthew Keator '88, Neil Bisson '89; (sixth row, I. to r.} Claire Capeci '85, Nan Campbell Bussey '89, Jennifer Hardman Turner '86, Laura Rebmann Lenahan '85, Ginny Spahr Keator '88, Beth Davison-Hyde '80.

LESLEY ABRAMS '86 and John Nicholson were married on Sept. 24, 1994 in Wilmington, Del. Trinity alumni/ae attending were: (1. to r.} Gretchen Rorick '86, "Judge" McKee '87, Kate Simonds McKee '86, groom, bride, Michael Abrams '79, Lynn Snyder '86, Lisa Dinnick '86, Karina Fabi Walker '86, Cappy Flynn Daume '86, Sam Daume '86.

STEPHEN HOOKER '92 and KELLEY MCDEVITT '93 were married in the Trinity College Chapel on Nov. 26, 1994. Trinity alumni/ae attending were (seated, first row, I. to r.} Chrissy Hewitt Woerz '93, Ammer Garrahy '93, Elizabeth Wiegand '93, Jenine Decaprio '93, bride, groom, Elizabeth Lifland '93, Marcia Gray '94; (standing, second row, I. tor.} Craig Woerz '93, Chris Gillon '93, Ren Getzendanner '92, Brian Claussen '92, Kitzia Skipsey '93, Elizabeth Mcintyre '93, Jamie Murphy '93, Elizabeth Hedges '93, Raana Zia '93, Sarah Adam '93, Gabrielle Lawrence '94, Allison Picott '92, Neal Sprafkin '92, Keith Norton '92; (standing, third row, 1. to r.} Mario Maturo '93, Barry Hudson '94, Scott Brown '92, Nicholas Maglio '92, Loren Strand '94, Creighton Hooker '65, Adam LaPut '93; (missing from photo} Eric Holtzman '92, Craig Dietter '92, Courtney Sferro-Crane '94.





STEVE POULIN '87 and Joan Satz were married on Aug. 7, 1993 in Darien, Conn. Trinity alumni/ae from the Class of 1987 in attendance were (seated, 1. tor.} Deborah Moran, bride, Jane Kang; (standing, I. to r.} Gregory Williams, groom, Mario Neto, Tim Anderson.


JILL HAGBERG '86 and Lawrence Twombly were married on Oct. 30, 1994 on Cape Cod, Mass. Trinity alumni/ae attending were: (1. to r.} Wendy Hagberg '88, Liz Craig '88, Dana Morris Bienkowski '86, Toby Bienkowski '85, Rhonda Kaplan '86, Andrew Grimaldi '85, Jane Swift Hunt '87, bride, groom, Sarah Oman J86, Dan Goslicki '85, Lynn Dann '86, Lis Sobkov '86, Christina Williamson '86, Torrie Keefe '86.

JUDITH PETERSON '84 and MICHAEL HAVARD '84 were married on Oct. 30, 1993 in Granby, Mass. Trinity alumni/ae attending were: (front row, I. to r.} Scott Fuller '84, groom, bride, Becky Texter Arlauskas '84; (back row, 1. to r.} Kurt Berky '84, Liesbeth Severiens Parke '84, "Colonel" McKee '84, Sue Casazza Sienko '84, Bob Peterson '76, Greg DeMarco '84, Eric Linsley '84, Anne Mahoney '84, Dan Barach '84.


AMY SELVERSTONE '88 and Andy Silberlein were married on May 14, 1994. Trinity alumni/ae attending w ere: (front row, 1. to r.} Matt Gandal '89, Victor Consoli '87; (back row, I. to r.} Trina Pew Gandal '88, Marc Selverstone '84, groom, bride, Diane DePatie Consoli '88, Kate Eklund Wise '88.


KATE REAVEY '89 and Thomas H. Harris were married on Aug. 21, 1994 in Spring Lake, N.J. Trinity alumni/ae attending were: (front row, I. to r.} Peter Eisler '85, Peter Reavey '86, Pam Boulton '88, Meg Bishop '85; (back row, I. to r.} Mimi Hall '86, David Felber '82, Christy Chase '88, Geoff Greene '87, bride, groom, Mary Kate Hallisey '89, Louise McCarthy '89, Jonas Katkavich '89.


STEPHANIE CARPENTER VAUGHN '91 and Todd Decker Rosseau were married on Aug. 21, 1994 in Dedham, Mass. Trinity students and alumni/ ae attending were: (front row, 1. to r.} Edmund Gill Woods '89, Laura ("Lisa"} Crounse '91, Christine Lindsay '91, Ann Newman '91, Catharine Amy Whitter '97, Anastasia Penniman Talbot '91, bride; Nathaniel Austin ,Vaughn '97, William Montgomery Vaughn IV '96; (back row, I. to r.} John H. Ramsey II '91, Patrick McCabe '91, Scott Michael Zoltowski '91, Brian G. Schulz '91, David Kirk Fitzsimmons '90, Ingrid Boonisar Fitzsimmons '91, groom.


that the April 23 issue of the New York Times Magazine contains an article about people who have won the lottery. DAVID FONTAINE, the lawyer for one of the winners, is quoted in the piece. Well, that was a lot of news. Keep it rolling, at least until Reunion when one of you can volunteer for the Class Secretary position! Emma is waking up from her (brief) nap. TOM SHEEHY is a pro at the dad stuff, and is already lecturing his daughter on the nationa! interest and foreign policy! Elizabeth Heslop Sheehy 2512 N. Lexington St. Arlington, Va. 22207 Class Agent: Kathryn George Tyree

m 68

When I first began my tenure as Class Secretary, I found that the two most common themes were weddings and advanced degrees. However, this time I've noticed a switch to a different category babies! It seems as though many classmates are getting busy making families! Can you believe some of us are someone's parents now? First let me get to those expecting in the near future, or recent past. Included in this group are CHRIS MILES and his wife, Jeannie, who were due sometime last May. NAT PERKINS and her husband were expecting their first baby in July. Former Class President, MISSY BRONZINO, expected her first baby in August. JOHN and Suzie MONTGOMERY are expecting their ·first in September. Also expecting their first baby in September are Clay and GINNYVOGEL YONCE. JUDGE and KATE '86 MCKEE were looking forward to a sibling for their daughter, Taylor, sometime in July. As for recent arrivals ... SKIPPY REDMON BANKER and her husband, ALEX '83 , recently welcorned their second daughter, Sarah, into the world. Skippy and Alex already have a daughter, Carter, who is almost four. OLIVER CARR and wife, BONNIE ALENDER CARR, recently had a baby boy. I did hear of two entries on the wedding front. STEVE POULIN married Joan S. Satz on Aug. 7, 1993 in Darien, Conn. (see wedding photos). Classmates attending the wedding were GREG WILLlAMS, MARIO NETO, TIM ANDERSON, DEBORAH MORAN and JANE KANG. Steve is a manager of Royal Bank

of Canada's U.S.A. securitization group based in New York City, and is responsible for sourcing transactions for a Royal Bankadministered asset-backed commercia! paper funding vehicle which a colleague and he helped to establish. Joan also works at Royal Bank and is a corporate banking associate. In May 1994, Steve completed his nighttime studies and received an MBA in finance from Fordham University Graduate School. Steve and Joan currently reside in Little Neck, N.Y. LISA VAN RIPER was married in May to David Masucci (SUNYNew Paltz '85). Lisa is a managing supervisor of the Atlanta office of Fleishman-Hillared International Communications. David is a freelance commercial photographer in Atlanta. I received a much-welcomed letter from KURT STOUT (who has managed to stay out of Class Notes since graduation), and he proved to be a good source of information. Kurt is currently working in Washington, D.C. for the International Forum. The alumni office informs me that CAROL HELSTOSKY is currently completing her dissertation in Italian history at Rutgers University. In 1993-94, she was a visiting researcher at European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy. She was also the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship. In 1994, she was the recipient of the Woodrow Wilson Women's Studies Dissertation Grant. The alumni office has also learned that RICHARD MERHIGE is planning a September wedding in northern Spain (see Engagements). They will, however, "continue to live long and prosper in our 'fair city' of New York," Richard notes. Also from the alumni office PHOEBE MCBRIDE participated in a performance at Trinity's Austin Arts Center this past spring. Phoebe has performed both musical-theater and dramatic leading roles in regional theater, summer stock, and in a national tour of Some Enchanted Evening. She has concluded that "acting and singing are essentially the same." In her Trinity performance, she integrated a variety of songs and short monologues from well-known works specially adapted for the evening's "quest for identity." I recently attended the grand opening of Sazarac Grove, a bar and grill owned and operated by three Trinity grads,JOHN EMERY '89,JIM BEAKEY '89 and NED ROWLAND '90. There


were swarms ofTrinity people there, but unfortunately not nearly enough from our Class. One of the evening's highlights was DAVE JESSUP's emergence from a long hibernation. He has been cooped up out at UMass AII).herst in pursuit of higher learning. I chatted with ANDY ZIMMERMAN '88 who gave me an update on BOB EDMUNDS and DAVE STEDT. Bob is either working on or has completed his MBA (I forget what Andy told me) at New York University and is working for The New York Times. Dave and his wife are living in Hopkinton, Mass. and Dave is working for his family's trucking business. Other classmates at the fete were ISABELLE PARSONS LORING and JOHN MONTGOMERY. INGRID KOTCH ROWLAND came to visit recently, and she is now officially an M.D. She did most of her fourth year rotations here in Boston, but she and her husband, Michael, will be heading to Philadelphia in June so that she can begin her obstetrics residency and he can continue his orthopedic residency. As for me, I recently turned 30 (I'm sure many other '87ers recently met with the same fate). Definitely made me feel old - 30years-old, eight years out of college, 12 years out of high school, two kids, a house in the 'burbs this old gal ain't no spring chicken any more. But to help gloss things over, my husband, MURPHY, planned a surprise birthday party for me in Palm Beach and recruited a good group ofTrinity friends to come help me forget my woes. BILL and LISA DETWILER, PETER and BIZ '88VOUDOURIS,JOHN and Suzie MONTGOMERY, and a handful of other good friends and family members were there for three days of golf, tennis, sun, swimming, eating and drinking (and no kids!). The weather was perfect and we all had a ball. And now for the "game show" part of Class Notes .. .I am going to randomly pick 12 classmates and if your name comes up, you have to write me with an update. Okay? So, where are you ... SARAH COUCH,JEB DOGGETT, NANCY HOCHSTIM, LAUREN LOVETT, PAUL MORICO, LUCIUS PALMER, TOM ROOKS, MARIA RODRIGUEZ, CHRIS SANDEN, ALEX STEIN, KATIE TOPPER,JIMMYYU? As for the rest of you ... please write or call! Nanny Tellier VanderVelde 48 Radcliffe Rd. Wellesley, Mass. 02181-6623

Class Agents: David J. Blattner III Pamela F. Ingersoll Judith Seibert Schall Anthony A. Sirianni

m •

Spring has sprung ... at least here in Boston, and I haven't even seen the Reporter from my last "essay" and here I am writing another. Apologies to all who seem to have to wait a year to see their news; the deadlines seem to come directly before you all get the news in to my tiny mailbox. As the days get longer, so do the work hours, but looking in my Trinity file, I seem to have gathered a lot of news from all of you ... so here goes. First (and foremost of course!) is the news from right here in Boston. HOLLY DAVOREN DEWOLFE is building her first home with husband, Mike, in Bradford, Mass. They should be moved in by May - when they also expect their first child. Also, Holly is in her second semester at Suffolk University, pursuing a master's of science in human resources, while also working for Enterprise RentA-Car as recruiting department manager for all of Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. DIANE MANNING ABE and her husband, Dave, purchased their · first home and are living in Arlington, Mass. Diane is finishing her master's in higher education administration at Boston College, and works there as well. Ran into KEVIN CHARLESTON on the street recently. He works here in Back Bay and he and his wife are expecting a baby. LAURIE CARLSON is working at Harvard Community Health Plan and is living in Brookline and travels to Italy a few times each year for vacations. The biggest Trinity social event of the winter was the opening of Sazarac Grove Bar & Grill in Cambridge, Mass. Owned by JIM BEAKEY '89 and JOHN EMERY '89, this new hot spot hosted a great party in March, which featured special Boston appearances by out-of-towners such as DAVID MCNAUGHTON and ROB REISKIN. Local '88ers showing support for the boys from AD includedJOANNE PALANDRO, JULIE SHUTT, NANCY SPALDING, BOB FARNHAM, MATT and GINNY SPAHR KEATOR, DON FREYTAG, ANDY ZIMMERMAN and DAVID LEMONS. It felt a lot like


Wednesday night at AD, except no beer pong. I'm sure it will turn out to be a popular hangout for Trinity graduates! In NewYork,WHITNEY ST. JOHN FAIRCHILD seems to be the most visible of us all. A feature on her lifestyle was recently published in Bile Magazine Gan. '95 issue), and a spotlight on her marriage to James Fairchild was ineluded in The New York Times "Style" section in September '94. Whitney is currently a fashion director for Ralph Lauren's "Ralph" line. Further north, in Albany, N.Y., LISA NIGRO has become an associate at DeGraff, Foy, Holt-Harris, Mealey & Kunz, a law firm. She went to Vanderbilt University School of Law. Down in Washington, D.C., TARA LICHTENFELS is engaged to be married ... no word on the exact plans yet. LIZ CAHN GOODMAN has moved her family (husband, Adam, and daughter, Alex) to Tallahassee, Fla. and taken a job as the director of the Commission on Long-Term Care in Florida. They have bought a house and are enjoying the joys of northern Florida and home ownership. From Hershey, Pa. we hear that ANDREW WAXLER, M.D. is married and has a new son, Eric, who was born in September of 1994. Andrew will be starting his cardiology fellowship at the Hershey Medical Center in July of 1995. In Tennessee, DOUG CURTIS is married and living in Chattanooga. He is writing for The Chattanooga Free Press and has had stories run nationally and on CNN. STACY STAMPER MAYER writes from Kansas City that she was married in November of 1994 and is working as marketing director for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas and pursuing a graduate degree for her master's in public administration from the University of Missouri at Kansas City. KIM COGSWELL is finishing up a physician's assistant program in Atlanta this summer and may be moving a little further north to begin her career (rumor has it she may be in Vermont). News from the western part of the country includes a report from Denver that JOHN TINDALL and TRACI SCHNEIDER were married in October of 1994 and J.T. is working at Brad Adams Walker Architecture there. In Los Angeles, JOCELYN ROLAND is engaged and planned to be married in May to Douglas Erb. She is a clinical psychologist with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. Jocelyn also writes that SUSAN and TIM CONNOR are living in London

and have had visits from Justin and !SOBEL CALVIN BONAR and GREG DRUCKMAN. She also reports that SCOTT MARSHALL is happily living in Santa Barbara, Calif. and working for a software company that has him traveling a great deal. LAURA VON SELDENECK PROCHNIAK was recently seen on the "Leeza" show, participating in a panel on exercise. Laura and husband, Dan, are living in California where he works for a computer company in Irvine. LAURA MANN sent news from her new home in San Diego. Laura is still working for Manufacturers Bank as a commercial lender and is an assistant vice president. She owns a condo in Carlsbad, Calif. (with room for visitors!) and is happy out West after five years in New York City. Laura was visited by RUTH TAYLOR in January '95. Ruth works as a financial analyst at the Museum ofNatural History in New York, after earning her MBA at Yale. Laura also reports that KIM HALL is living in Seattle, is planning to go to graduate school in the fall of '95, and is doing a great deal of traveling in the meantime. Well, that's all I have to report for this time. Please keep me upto-date with all that is going on in your lives - or at least the things that you want to share with the rest of the Trinity world. The alumni office has heard that KIMBERLY COURSEN PARKER, a Ph.D. candidate at Georgetown University, is assistant director of research at the Times Mirror Center for the People and the Press in Washington, D. C. After graduating from Wharton with an MBA, BRUCE HAUPTFUHRER moved to Atlanta to begin working for Coopers & Lybrand Consulting in their information and communications practice. They do management consulting for telecommunications, cable, wireless and media companies. Wendy A. Goldstein 293 Marlborough St., Apt. 1 Boston, Mass. 02116 Class Agents: Constantine G. Andrews Nancy E. Barry Mark B. Davis Lisa Trocki Smith


We have had a few phone calls, letters , visits with classmates, and several Internet updates. So far, we have a grand total of five electronic


correspondents: MEREDITH SMITH WElL, JONATHAN COX, BECKY HOLT, MATT MAGINNISS and STEVE HARROD. They have brought us news from the far corners of the woi:ld. Keep that e-mail coming! (See the Internet and American Online addresses at the end of this article. It's so much easier now that a stamp is 32¢.) VICTORIA ARTHAUD (Washington, D.C.) graduated Georgetown Law in May arid is with a plaintiff's law firm working on environmental toxic tort cases. H er husband, JON KULOK, works for a political consulting firm in Washington, D.C. Could a move back to the Big Apple be in their future? Only time will tell . KATIE SHERR BOGART (Paris, France), an analyst for Citibank, and her high-flying pilot husband, Pierre, have been married almost two years and enjoy living in the City of Lights. However, if you are thinking of visiting chez Bogart, do it soon as the couple is planning to move down south to Toulouse this July. Jonathan Cox (N.Y.C.) completed his first year of Columbia Business School and is a summer associate with Goldman Sachs' Investment Banking Group -just say no to derivatives! Jon will be saying "I do" to his fiancee, Ruth, in August. He also mentioned that "HILLARY DAVIDSON is still in L.A. working around the clock." MARC DE SANTOS is with the law firm of Kramer Levin in New York City. ISSY DUFF is at Northwestern (Kellogg). ANDRES ESTRADA and WOODY BROOKS are planning a July wedding in Maine. They just bought a house in D.C. She is teaching and he is with Kroll Associates. JAY FLEMMA (Syracuse) called to report he is a '93 graduate of Syracuse Law and is currently working in entertainment law representing bands - his personal favorite is the Ominous Sea Pods. Jay mentioned that JEFF DOWNlNG (New Haven) is a religion professor at Sacred Heart University and there are possible wedding bells in Jeff's future. Steven Harrod (Needham, Mass.) traveled the infobahn to announce his engagement to Candace Naegel (you may have met her at Reunion). The wedding date could be this summer or 1996. Good luck with all the details! Steven is a computer consultant. Becky Holt (sleepless in Seattle) is in the University ofWashington's

graduate program for multiethnic education. She enjoys Seattle in many ways, except for winter's constant cloud cover. Becky, didn't you rent the movie first? Becky is trying to get in touch with DICK MAHAFFY. Does anyone know w here to reach him (or his Internet address)? JENNIFER KEHL has returned from Spain (temporarily?) and settled in New York where she lives on the Upper West Side and works in the human reso urces department of Bankers' Trust Company. SAMANTHA KOSTER recently graduated from Columbia Business School and works at Citibank; she lives on the Upper West Side. STACEY DRESDALE LEVINE and her husband are now the proud owners of an apartment in Brooklyn H eights. MAJA LUNDBORG-GRAY (East Meadow, N.Y.) writes that she and Dr. Daniel Gray were married in the Trinity Chapel last December. Maja is at N ew York Medical College and hopefully, by now, has found her perfect "professional" match in an emergency medical residency program somewhere in the Northeast. CAPT. MATTHEW MAG INNISS (Lexington, Mass.) will be easing back into civilian life soon and is excited about entering Babson's MBA program this fall. AMY MCPHERSON completed her MBA from Columbia Business School and is the business manager for the Roundabout Theatre in New York City. Amy spent three years as the stage manager for the Arizona Theatre Company before returning out East. PIKE PETERS and MARIANNE STILLWELL '88 (South Yarra, Victoria, Australia) were married Down Under this sun1n1er. KATE REAVEY (Washington State) writes that she and her husband are living on the Olympic Peninsula, just south ofVictoria, British Columbia and that she is teaching at a Peninsula college. JUDY SANDFORD was promated to editorial and graphic design manager for the Leukemia Society of America's national office and recently moved to Brooklyn Heights. EDIE SILVER (Shanghai) and her fiance , Breaux Walker, are planning not one, but two wedding ceremonies; the first, a traditional wedding banquet in Shanghai, and the second on the Chesapeake this fall. While perfecting her Mandarin, Edie will be working as a


Class of 1990

Class of 1990

he proud Class of '90 (Motto: "It took us five years, but we finally have jobs!") had a terrific weekend at the Reunion. We spent much of our time catching up with one another, meeting new friends, and trying to earn back our tuition in freebies from the Hospitality Tent. Many of us were housed in the Wheaton/Jones/Elton area, meaning we'll probably have a very good place in the lottery for our lOth Reunion housing. It was fun staying in the dorms, if only to remind us our apartments really aren't so bad after all. Friday night, we all sort of walked around trying to find each other. Occasionally we'd find a friend,join up in a group, and then walk some more. It was just like freshman year. Once we got reacclimated, we noticed the many changes at


Trinity since we graduated. ("The Cave is huge. But it took me an hour to find itl") We showed tremendous school spirit and enthusiasm as we were shuttled to 15 different places for our Class picture. I don't know how much

money we gave to the school, but it must have been quite a lot because ALEXIS BRASHICH got me to give not only a donation to Trinity, but also money to Save the Whales, Help the Bosnians, and Contribute to President C linton's Legal Aid

Fund. I have Alexis to thank for my new job as Class Secretary. She also did a great job with the Reunion. I look forward to writing about Trinity again, and apologize to the editors of this magazine in advance for my somewhat goofy writing style. I can't help it. I learned to write at the

Tripod. I'd like to invite my fellow '90ers to write me from time to time and let me know what you're up to. For the next five years, I and my fellow class secretaries (I believe there are abo ut 50 of us) will be responsible for keeping track of you, writing about you, and exaggerating how well we and our friends are doing. You can write to me at 11 Liberty St., Natick, Mass. 01760. Drop me a line. I'm here to help.

-Steve Safran


photojournalist with The Tiger Proj ect's newsletter. PETER WAY (Pocasset, Mass.) and Marie Christine O'Shaughnessy were married in October '94 in West Falmouth ; the wedding party included J OHN PENDLETON and MARK LANE. Peter is general manager of Cataumet Boats. ROGER WELLINGTON (Boston) is working for a h ealth care company. ED WONG is applying to business schools. Meredith Smith Weil (Cleveland) had a baby in October. Michael and Meredith report that their son, Sam, sits up, giggles and enjoys watching their cats. She is working at Bank One in C leveland as manager of market research. She completed her MBA in 1993 w hile working at the bank. M eredith reports that FIFFA TAFFURI and RAY FALT INSKY '87 tied the knot last summer. Among those in attendance were LAURA EVANGELISTA and LAUREN DELUCA. Fif is teaching at my (RC) alma mater: Wampus Elementary School in Armonk, N.Y. Laura is practicing law in New Haven and is engaged to Brad Siciliano. Their wedding date is October 1995. (Maybe this issue will be their wedding present!) Lauren just moved back to Connecticut from Boston and is "working like a maniac' \ for Filene's. She lives in Danbury. Did yo u recently move, get married, get promoted, climb Mt. Everest, climb out of bed this morning, decide the Witness Protection program wasn 't for you ? Tell us about it. Feel free to use this column as a way to communicate with friends w ho seem to have fallen off the face of the earth, or if you just want to say 'hi' please drop us a line. Thanks for all yo ur alumni news! Ciorsdan Conran and Robert Cummings 1015 Washington St. Hoboken, N.J. 07030 intemet!tjcummings@attmail.com internet!hoda!aol.com Class Agents: Katherine C. Agnew Emily A. Miller Edmund Gill Woods III


By the time yo u receive this, I w ill have seen many (if not all) of yo u at the Reunion. Hopefully, it was a blast! As I write this, I am studying

for my last final ever at Boston College. I am graduating in two weeks with an MBA and do not plan to go back to sch ool for a long time. Now about this job thing. I have heard from many of you with good news: our esteemed president, SCOTT GOLDSMITH, and I have been talking often in preparation for the Reunion. H e graduated from Fordham Law School this past May and is with a land use and zoning law firm in New York City. Other Trinity alums in New York include the following: ANDREW KATZ and AND REW SCHINDERMAN are both living in the city and working in advertising. GUY OSKENHENDLER is doing criminal defense work at a law firm. DAVE BROSGOL recently graduated from the University of Virginia Law School and is moving to New York to work in a law firm. DORIAN SHAW is graduating from Fordham Law School in May. NINA TIGER is at New York Law School studying to get a JD, as well. Scott also tells me that ROB STRENT is graduating from law school in Washington and moving to Phoenix to live. JD CREEDON is living in D.C. and JOHN GREENSPAN is living in Connecticut somewhere. JENNI FER SCHULTZ is living in Stamford, Conn. and is the art director for Skye Advertising in New York C ity. ANDREWWATSON is at Columbia Medical School. Though med school has been tough, he has managed to see lots ofTrinity alums. H e has caught up with DAVID KILBORN and LAURA LYNCH '92 and keeps in touch with NEIL WALSH, RANDY HANNAN and JEFF PROULX . Andy is also president of his med school class for th e next two years . He spent last summer in Oxford, England publishing his thesis. GABIN RUBIN is working for a small law firm in New York City, focusing on special projects in entertainment law. SCOTT ENGLISH is living it · up in New York C ity and was rec€ntly seen on the inside cover of D etails Magazine. MALCOLM MILLER recently earned an MBA from the U niversity of North Carolina at C hapel Hill. LIZ MACGONAGLE is doing pre-pre-dissertation research in Africa for a year and will return to


Michigan State after _that to continue studying for a Ph.D. in African history. Over in Boston, ANNE STUART is living in Brookline, Mass. and is working for Youth Build, a no nprofit organization in Roxbury, Mass. MEG WATTERS is at Boston University, studying for a Ph.D. in archaeology for, she says, the next "10 or 15 years." She plans to spend the summer in Greece. ELYA SCHWARTZMAN is working at DRI/McGraw Hill . Elya has just completed a year in the MBA program at the Sloan School of Management. TIM CALLAHAN has been at a successful consulting firm, Epsilon, in Burlington, Mass. for about a year now, and just moved to Newton, Mass. Ii!e is reportedly doing well. KIM LINCOLN is working in a research position at Brigham and Women's Hospital and going to Boston University part-time to study the composition of school curriculum. GREG ST. CLAIR is also at BU in the law school. HEIDI WISBACH and SCOTT HADDAD are both studying at the University of C hicago Graduate School of Business. They have seen CHAD OPPENHEIMER, who is attending the University of C hicago Law School. BETH LINCOLN finished the education certification at Harvard, and moved to Washington, D. C. to teach at Georgetown Day School. CHRIS POUNCEY is dow n in Florida in a graduate program, pursuing his interests in art history and architecture. GOOSE LOPEZ is wrapping up his MBA/JD endeavor down in Florida . And in Connecticut, LISA MATIAS SERRAMBANA is living in Hartford and teaching dance classes at St. Joseph C ollege, T he Hartford Camerata Conservatory and Trinity, as well as in her own studio. She has performed with several regional dance companies and is currently on maternity leave from WORKS/Laura Glenn Dance, Sonia Plumb Dance Comparry, and the Judy Dworin Performance Ensemble. Congratulations, Lisa! Also in Connecticut, SUZANNE DAVIDSON TALBOT is the school psychologist for the town of North Stonington. She and her husband, David, a plant physiologist at DeKalb in Mystic, have moved into their recently completed home in Stonington. Working dow n at our old alma


mater are TODD COO PEE and CAROLYNVOELKE NING WALLACH. And the wedding list: I am very pleased to announce the engagement of MS. TERESA SCALZO to Chris Bennick of Bethlehem, Pa. In the midst of wedding plans, Teresa is practicing law in Easton, Pa. A December 1995 wedding is planned. DENISE CHICOINE got engaged in October of last year. She is also a practicing attorney in Newton, Mass. I believe an October 1995 wedding is planned for Denise and her fiance, Bill. This past sununer STEVE C OYLE was engaged to JEAN HAMANO '89. KRISTIN CUMMINGS recently was transferred back to Boston with her company, Bank of Boston. She also got engaged and will be married to her fiance, Mark, in September of this year. LAURA CARTER WELKE was married in 1992 to Stephen Welke and this past summer she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, R ebecca. She says she loves the domestic side oflife where the dress code is jeans and the salary is peanuts, but the benefits can't be matched by any Fortune 500 comparry! Congratulations and best wishes to all of the above. And finally, by the time you all read this, I will be back from my sunny honeymoon in Antigua and a newly married woman with a new name. This is my final note to you all, so it's time to say goodbye. I have truly enjoyed doing the Class Notes for you guys, although I must admit it is not the easiest thing in the world to track you all down! I wish my successor the best of luck, as well as all of you . Take care. Gina M. Tarallo 2 LaRose Pl., Apt. 12 Brighton, Mass. 02135 (Editor's note: new secretary for the Class of 1990 is Steve Safran, 1415 Commonwealth Ave., #403, Brighton, Mass. 02135.) Class Agents: Alexis Deyan Brashich Suzanne E. Carroll Peter L. Denious Raymond Hannan


As you can see from my address, I have moved to California! Stephen (my boyfriend, not a Trin alum) , and I packed all of our belongings into the back of a 15-




foot Ryder truck and left New York on the first day of spring (rather poetic, I thought). We spent 10 days (I wish we could have taken longer) driving out on the southern route. A good friend of mine from high school lives in New Orleans, so we took a detour to visit h er and various relatives of Stephen's in Texas. The trip was great but I am glad to have reached California. We are currently staying with Stephen's parents in Marina del Rey while we look for a place of our own. Feel free to send notes to the currently listed address, but look for my new address in the next issue! And let me know if you are con1.ing out to L.A. for a visit! I was able to convince my company, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing, to give me a job as a sales rep out here. I get to work out of my home (and my car) and travel around to bookstores. I have a lot to learn, but so far the job seems great! A few weeks before I left New York, I had one last opportunity to see the NIELDS at the Bottom Line. If yo u don't know whom I am talking abou t or if you aren't on their mailing list, you are missing out! They have quit their "day jobs" and are touring full-time now, so make sure you get out and support KATRYNA! Unfortunately, I don't have the number for you to call to get on their mailing list (it's a really easy number to memorize but I seem to have forgotten it in the aftermath of my cross-country move) but I'll let you know in a future issue. EVE APPLEBAUM KNAPP wrote and told me that she and JON will be moving out to San Diego in June. Eve w ill be doing a family medicine residency at U.C.S.D. and Jon will be doing his internship at Balboa Naval Hospital. Jon plans to go into either emergency medicine or criti cal care. Eve told me that STEVE GALLUCCI and KAREN BEAN were married in late March up in Massachusetts. Congratulations to them both! Also living in California: LAURA DEMKO and MICHAEL HALL. They have b een living in Mill Valley for nearly three years. Laura teaches high school math at Tamalpais High School in Mill Valley and Michael works at a. software consulting company there. They see BEN AULT frequently; h e lives in San Francisco. All three are planning to return to the East Coast soon. Back in New York, COREY WATSON has completed his first

year at N.Y.U.'s Stern School of Business. He is a full-time student, pursuing his MBA in,marketing, and will graduate in '96 Gust in time for Reunion!). I heard that ALLISON DUBIN is co-artistic director at The Momentary Theatre in New York. She has also worked as a stage director and performer there. In Boston, MARK HADDAD is working as an analyst at Fidelity Investments . H e is living with COLIN KISOR and MICHAEL MILLER '89. Colin is working at Boston City Hospital and Michael is working at Shawmut Bank. Mark has seen RICHARD DIPRETA who is at VConn Law School and JACKIE MARAZITI, who is an elementary school teacher up there. KRISTEN ("KRISTY HUEY") MELVIN wrote from Boston to let me know that she got married last October in Hartford and went on a two-week honeymoon to Greece. She and her husband live in the Fenway area of Boston. She is working as an executive assistant to the genera! manager and director of operations at the Boston Newton Marriott Hotel. LISA PAWLEK wrote that she is the development director of the Japan Society in Seattle. Between rainstorms, she has been restoring a 60-year-old wood sailboat on which KATE ALEXANDER (who is living in San Francisco), VAL REED (who is living in Tacoma, working at UPS) and she w ill cru.ise the San Juan Islands this summer. Lisa let me know that JOHN GAINES '93 is in Malawi in the Peace Corps. JENNIFER BOBER wrote me in the winter to let me know that she is living in Garfield, N.J., which is just across the river from N .Y. C. She is working in a nursing home in Clifton, N.J. to pay her rent, but is spending a lot of time singing at the Cathedral of the Sacr,ed Heart in Newark. She is a professional member of the choir. Her choir has a CD out on the Pro Organo label called "Love is Come Again," which they recorded during the first spring Jennifer was in the choir. They will b e releasing a Christmas CD later this year. When the first CD came out, one of the pieces was featured on the NPR show, "Pipe Dreams." They were supposed to be part of last fall's Papal visit, which was canceled. Jennifer is in contact with HEATHER (PECKHAM) EMERSON, who is living just outside ofBoston w ith her husband .JOANNE PRAIRIE is liv-


ing and working in the Boston area as well. In January, I got a note from BRIAN SCHULZ. Brian had been working in Washington, D.C. until last July when he left his job to head up to the Amos Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth for his MBA. A week before he was to head up to school, however, h e received a letter from the admissions office stating that too many people had enrolled and offering a year deferral to those who submitted an acceptable proposal on plans for the year. Within days Brian had drafted a proposal to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity in Budapest w hich was accepted by Tuck. Brian is the organizational director at the Budapest affiliate of Habitat for Humanity which means he organizes the business aspect of the national office and enlists local volunteers to serve on committees and boards. The Budapest affiliate is one of over 1,000 affiliates in the U.S. and 42 countries. His office has been open for almost three years and they have completed close to 30 houses in that time. His term there ends in June and he plans to head up to Tuck this fall . Well, that does it for now! Thanks to everyone w ho wrote! Now that I am in California, I will be relying on my mail for news since I won't be bumping into alums - so send me a note and let me know what you are up to! Hope everyone is well ... Seana Hayden 484 West 43rd St., Apt. 44N New York, N.Y. 10036 Class Agents: Elizabeth Anne Bakulski Barbara B. Brecht David Friedman Russell Glen Kauff Mona Vance Mennen

m Time again for another edition of Class Notes. I must say, first of all, many thanks to all of you who answered my desperate and pathetic plea. for mail, which I made a few issues ago. I got a couple of letters from some people I hadn't heard from in a. while, and I really appreciate it, so keep up the good work! For instance, SARAH JACKSON sent me a note from her abode in Manhattan Beach , Calif. As of January, Sarah was working on her master's in communication at the Annenberg School for Communication at U.S. C., and she

also works at Golin / Harris, a PR firm in Los Angeles. She sounds very busy, but happy ou t on the West Coast. She also told me that ERIN MARKEY is still in D.C., working for Burson-Marsteller. I also heard from entrepreneur CRAIG DIETTER, w ho has started his own gardening business in San Francisco. His company, "Dietter's Water Gardens," installs waterfalls and fish ponds throughout northern California, and they also have a mail order catalog. Craig has had help with the business from the many Trinity grads h e employs. What's more, if anyone out there is planning on moving west, Craig thinks he should have some more positions opening up this year. Congratulations on your success, Craig! In addition to sharing that good news, Craig had some information to pass on about other '92ers: NESSYTHOMPSON and MARGOT RING are living in San Francisco, as are MIKE MCHUGH and NOAH MACKENZIE '93, an d also REBECCA BURT. DENNIS CORMIER moved out West, but has since moved to Chicago. MIKE PERRONE has apparently been moving back and forth between Chicago and New York City. And in the spring, JOHN ROMEO was finishing up at WNEC Law, while CAMPBELL BARRETT was doing the same at the law school at American University. (I hope they're having better luck finding jobs than I am!) CYNDY NAHABEDIAN sent me a nice letter, giving me an update on life in Chester, N.J. Cyndy is still at Rutgers and w ill have, by now, received her master's in criminology. She has been accepted to the doctoral program in criminology at Rutgers and w ill begin that program in the fall. She continues her work at the Center for Crime Prevention Studies, where she has been promoted to associate director, and it sounds like she's doing well. Cyndy attended LAURA TYBURSKI's wedding in the summer of '94, where she saw LAURA BICKNELL, ALI RIVERS and COYD KURDZIEL '94. Cyndy also mentioned that she often visits N.Y.C. for fun, and she gets to seeTITOVASQUEZ and MARY JO PUGLISI quite a lot (gee, I hope that's accurate - I tend to have bad luck in reporting Vasquez/Puglisi information!). Anyway, many thanks to Cyndy for writing. Now, I also received an interesting letter from JEFF MACDONALD. Jeff is working


pany executives. She also spent two months backpacking through South America. Now Stephanie lives in Pennsylvania and, last we h eard, was looking for a job in Philadelphia. Speaking of Philly, STEVE BURGESS dropped a note to the alu mni office last fall, and at that time he was taking classes at UPenn, volunteering at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and planning on applying to med schools for the fall of 1996. Steve lives with RICH GETZOFF (who is still doing well at Merrill Lynch). He h as run into DARIN STEINBERG '9 1 (who is at Temple Law), and also ANN NEWMAN '9 1. Steve also tells us that TOM SCULL is workin g in New York for th e Maury Povich show as a staff assistant to the executive producer - and he even go t to meet Connie Chung! Out in cheese country (Madison, Wis., that is), HEATHER SMITH is an assistant coach for the varsity women 's rowing team at the University ofWisconsin, and is responsible for their new lightweight women's squad. Although it sounds like Heather is enjoying the exp erience at the Big Ten

for Fidelity Investments and living in Quincy, Mass. He tells me that, in his spare time, h e has taken up the sport of pair's ice dancing. He and his partner placed third overall in a competition in Rochester, N.Y. Go figure! (No pun intended.) Jeff also mentioned that h e has seen TOM PRESZ and KEVIN KAVANAGH '93. Kevin finished up his term as the sports information director at Trinity in June. Happy news from B ILL LAPLANTE: h e was married to Tamara Beth Hourigan in December of 1994. Class of '92ers MICHAEL SULLIVAN and DAN FELDMAN were attendants in the wedding ceremony. Bill works in his family business, B.E. LaPlante Construction Co. ANNE WEEKS sent word that she has moved from Boston to Lake Forest, Ill. MARIE ELENA RIGO has recently joined the public relations firm of Agnew, Carter, McCarthy, Inc. in Boston, as an account associate. Congrats! STEPHANIE SPAHR has returned from h er one-year stint in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she was teaching E nglish to com-

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We want to keep in touch with all our classmates and alumni friends. So, if you have changed your address, let us know in the space below.

Name --------------------------------------

Class ______

If your present address does not match that on the mailing tape please ch eck here 0 N ew R es . Address -------------------------------------C ity _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Res. Tel:

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Your present employer ---------------------------------------Title Bus. Address-------------------------------------City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

State _________


What's new? ------------------------------------------------



school, she has no permanent plans to settle in Wisconsin. Even farther away from our dear old alma mater, DAVID CAIN is working on commercial fishing boats out of Kodiak, Alaska, after spending most of last winter out in the Bering Sea of the Aleutian Islands. KATHLEEN POWERS participated in a panel sponsored by Trini ty's department of theater and dance last April. Kathleen has been working in the theater in New York since graduating, and h er recent credits include directing the N .Y. premiere of the play, "Post Mortem," at the New Perspectives T h eater Company. Last year, two articles in The New Physician mentioned '92er BRENDAN CAMPBELL. Brendan, w ho is currently a med student at UConn, has developed a lecture module for UConn physicians in training that addresses violence. I got the chance to see many Trin grads at AMY CHIODO's wedding last February in Portland, Maine. Class of '92ers in attendance included JO MARIE RUCCI, KATHY KIMBALL, PAULA CINTI, M IKE ALLEN and ELLEN MCCUSKER. BETH TRUGLIO was one of Amy's bridesmaids, and both JENN MURPHY and BEE BENNETT did readings during the ceremony. It was a beautiful wedding, and we really had a great time. Here at UConn Law, Trinity alums TOVAH KASDIN and DAVE SHAPIRO are making names for themselves: both Tovah and Dave advanced to the final round of the first-year moot court competition, which Tovah and her teammate eventually won. It's great to see such Trinity presence at the law school! Tovah and Dave finished up th eir dreaded first year in the spring - it was nice to see th eir friendly faces around campus . Tovah mentioned to me that ALLISON PICOTT would be graduating from law school at the University ofPittsburgh in spring of'95. YOURS TRULY will be in the Hartford area only until the end of July, and will be moving back home to New York after the (dare I say it) bar exam . In th e meantime, I hope to hear from some more of you, and wish all those graduating from grad school much luck in the job search! Erin Kelly Galvin 82 Robin Rd. West Hartford, Conn. 06119 Class Agents: Rachel Kathleen Ballard Malcolm Fraser MacLean IV


CLASS OF 1993, it's time to CELEBRATE! Plan to come back . to Trinity for our 2-1/2 year Reunion this November 10 & 11 of Homecoming Weekend. There are lots of exciting activities planned with just you in mind, so join us! For more details, see the Homecoming Weekend schedule sent to you by the Alumni Office. --Your 1993 Reunion Committee. And w h at did I do today? Well, let me see ... After leaving work abou t 10:30 a.m., I went Ollt to lunch , and then h eaded to Fenway Park on this perfect spring day to watch the Red Sox opening day. Afterwards, we played pool, had dinner, etc. - all the good stuff and all of this was the treat of another company. Ah, corporate America.You h ave to admit, w h en the system works, it really works. Yesterday, I spoke w ith SUSAN OLSEN, who explained to me a bit about h ow sh e was milking ... excuse me .. .working diligently at her job w ith Citicorp in New York. She had just returned from a business excursion to my beloved hometown of San Francisco, and had a great review of that fair city. While madly jealous of h er visit there, I was not so overwhelmed wi th emotion that I failed to notice a distinct lack of the mention of extensive business being transacted. Hmmm ... While I went to the first Sox game of the year, Susan promises to be in Boston for the Bruins' last game at the Garden, adding herself to the large body of our Trinity brethren already hanging around Bean town. Out for drinks and dinner a few weeks ago with CLIVE BARD and new arrival (at least in these pages) J OHN TREVISAN, DAN SCANLAN was playing with his corporate toy cellular telephone. Upon arriving home later, Dan was panicked to find the phone in question no longer attached to his person. When h e desperately dialed the number, the thieving party who answered the phone was none other than ... Mr. Bard. John Trevisan, it seems, is hard at work just outside of Boston as a large group underwriter (Large groups? Or small groups with large members?) for a company called Consolidated Group. O r is it Company Corp? O r Partner Associates, Inc. ? So hard to remember things these days. Whatever h appened to Larry's Shoe Company? Now it's called LarShuCo. And sp eaking of corporate






perks, Genzyme hotshot DAVID RIKER blessed me with a sixpiece, three-dimensional Genzyme corporate logo foam-rubber puzzle (which I promptly sent through the wash in a pocket). David is working hard and hopes to be promoted soon from the corporate gimmick division. H e is, in fact, working a bit too hard, but perhaps you should ask him about that. He is working especially hard on his game. Not golf, as you might expect, but whiffieball. On the first beautiful sunny day of spring, alongside the lovely River Charles, dodging doggy droppings and being dodged by rocketing rollerbladers, David and I met for a downright fierce whiffieball game. We were accompanied by architectural assistant MINNA KIM, SUSIE DYSON, MEG "Margaret" DUNN, and MILO COGAN '94, along with a cast of zany, though less-well-known characters. PRASANT SAR also was a warrior of the basepaths that fine day, but I feel it better to mention him in conjunction with the epic story of The Very Early Morning. One Sunday, Prasant and I met at 8:45 .in the morning down at the Charles and spent two misty, damp and dreary hours running from one side (through perilous traffic) to the other of the Mass. Ave. bridge to cheer on various Trinity boats as they raced Boston College up the river and into the fog. Sadly, Trinity did not appear to be faring all that well... ... Which reminds me of my own crew days, and my dear coxswain, RACHEL TOTMAN, who writes from New York City that she has just gotten back from Venezuela, and how is everything with me? Come on now... what am I supposed to say? Can't anyone just send a postcard from the Grand Canyon a~y more? Rachel seems to be doing well, and I got a call from KATIE ABEL (special events coordinator for GQ - she's in the masthead!) the other day, so I assume that she is well, but generally New York has been close with its news, as of late. Except that this Christmas, when I was back in S.F. at my high school five-year reunion, I ran into an old acquaintance who'd been hanging around with certain Trinity folk in New York and had some interesting stories to tell, which are entertaining but sadly not fit for these pages. Speaking of interesting stories, ASHLYN HILEY called me yesterday to let me know that there was a big bee flying around her apartment. Oops .. .I think I took that last item from the wrong pile.

Wait ...here's one. I recently received a call from BILL PEDACE, who had just returned from a year in Florida, and has now settled into Newburypo rt to open his own business as a stockbroker. So, if anyone has any extra capital lying around and is wondering what to do with the money, Bill's number is ... On second thought, I'll wait until I get those insider tips Bill promised me. And on to the mail bag .. . Susan Olsen reports that KATE SHAFFER is in Alabama on the eternal quest to Stay in School, and is striving toward the coveted master of library science and art history. Also, KATE CADETTE has migrated to New York and just finished her first off-Broadway production, while GREG CREAMER has ditched the bellhop cap and taken up the mantle of Smith Barney. Also from New York, CARA CAHALAN is in her second year of her Ph.D. program in psychology at Fordham University, doing research on Ghanian education and the relationship between asthma and learning disorders. (Copies of that thesis will be available to the public for a nominal fee.) She reports that AMY SECREST is in the same program, and working part-time as a... excuse me .. .with truant children. JEN DECAPRIO, on the other hand, is working at Yale in the molecular psychiatry department. JODI FALCIGNO is teaching sixth grade and coaching junior high basketball; DOUG RAUSCH is finishing up a second management training program at Brown Brothers, Harriman in New York; SCOTT WILKINS is finishing up his second year at Fordham Law School and is on Fordham's moot court team; and FERNANDO CACELA is living on the Upper West Side and is working for a Portuguese bank, and is on his company's moot banking team. CRISTIN KEARNS, finishing up h er first year at University of North Carolina Dental School, is gearing up for a summer in Mexico aiding dentally-underprivileged youths. (Some of these kids have never even heard of braces!) SARA N. WEDLOCK was living in Decatur, Ga. and working at a paid internship with the public relations and advertising department of the Prudential Healthcare System's Southern Group Operations. (Huh?) Since, however, she has trod steadily along, and is now assistant editor of Modern Paint and

Coatings, a magazine for model train buffs...okay, it's really for chemists and engineers. She is now living in Atlanta with JENNIE BAKER. Speaking of former Tripod editors made good,JAY AKASIE has some big news, aside from leaving his plum position as a reporter for The New Britain Herald for an even better summer spot with the Nantucket Inquirer/Mirror, but I won't spoil the surprise. Just ask Jay what. he is doing this fall ... BREENE FARINGTON writes that she is living in New York, working in publicity at a book publishing house. NICOLE CRISCIONE writes that she and KATI KWAK '92, hard at work .at Albany Law School, took a road trip down to Washington, D.C. to divert WILL MACON from his toils at American University. Mystery Person, w hose name was not on the note, writes, "I live in Boston and work at Dana Hall School in the development office. I often see JIM HAZELTON, who lives in Boston and who works for Oppenheimer and Co. as a broker. He lives with SUSAN ROST and LEXI RICE." NANCY SWEENEY has tuned in from planet New Mexico w ith an amusing and information-filled note which I promptly threw away. Just kidding, Nancy. .. It seems that Nancy is plodding away at U.N.M. studying playwriting, and hopes to have her MFA in theater in a brief half-decade. And Nancy's cast of characters: TONY CANATA is studying law at UPenn. BRITT STOCKTON is studying for her Ph.D. and M.D. at Tufts, while SARAH HAMMOND is pursuing social service work in D.C. JASON SLAVIC is in Jerusalem, very far away. KARALYN KINSELLA is studying medicine at UConn, KELLEY MCDEVITT joined the ranks of the matrimonially attached (along with STEPHEN HOOKER '92), and STOREY SMITH is studying psychotic (or was that psychiatric - your writing, Nancy) nursing. Her less well-grounded rumors will have to wait for a time when there's less material. RICK ZEDNIK checks in from his paternal homeland of Slovakia, to report that he is helping to launch an English-language newspaper in that far-off land. Good luck, Rick. I'm sure that you can teach those budding capitalists a thing or two about opportunism. A final note - last week my father and little sister stopped at Trinity as they made the obliga-


tory junior-year-in-high-school pilgrimage to eastern college campuses. My kindly former roommate and Trin-lore aficianado,Jay Akasie, expertly guided the pair around Gallows Hill, until, alo ng the Long Walk, they bumped into an official tour group listening with rapt attention as the peppy undergraduate expounded a bit on the plaque at the foot of Northam Towers. "The initials on the stone are those of two former presidents, and students can't walk on it until their senior year." "Actually," piped up Jay, clearing his throat, "T.R. is U.S. President T heodore Roosevelt, and F.S.L. is Trinity President Flavel Sweeten Luther. And, students cannot walk on the stone until they graduate." "You n1ean," asked the incredulous tour guide, "They were doing that back when you were here." "That's right," answered my father, as Jay's jaw dropped to the ground. "Way back in the early '90s ." Anybody feel old yet? Jonathan E. Heuser 39 South St., #6 Brighton, Mass. 02135 Class Agents: Kathleen D. Catrini Maureen A. Duff Mandy Roth Rachel E. Schreier Clifford H. Swain, Jr.


Hi, Class of '94! I have a feeling that by the time you read this, we w ill no longer be the youngest Trinity alumni in the Reporter. I can't b elieve that right now, as I am writing, we are approaching the end of our first year out of college. I hope that everyone that I have not h eard from (or heard about) is happy and healthy! T his time I have actually received a few letters and notes from you to let me know what you are doing, and many of you have written to the alumni office, which is really helpful. One letter I received was from STEVE MARCUS who wrote and said that he was in Boston doing "City Year," which is a one-year Americorps community service progran1. However, at the time h e wrote he mentioned that he was about to leave Boston to start a new "City Year" program in Kansas City, Mo. with five other people. Good luck, Steve! Steve also wrote about a bunch of other Trinity people in Boston and elsewhere: Living together in Boston are JASON WILKINS, ERIC SYNN,


RICHARD DOPAZO andJOSH MARTIN. Jason is a research associate of ophthalmology at New England Medical Center, and Eric, Rich and Josh have all been working at the Harvard Office for Information Technology since last August. Eric is the computer coordinator there. Also in Boston, AARONWHITE has been busy sending out applications for graduate schools and DAVE KINSMAN has entered a pre-doctorate program in chemistry at Boston College. Steve reports that all of the above mentioned have been spotted at The Sunset Grille in Allston from time to time. NICOLE RAY is in NewYork City working on the staff of Aperture, a fine photography publishing foundation. KATE GSCHWEND is busy in Virginia studying at the College of William and Mary in the Ph.D. program for American studies. GABE HANDEL (who also wrote to the alumni office) is living in Cambridge and working at Harvard's Fairbank Center for East Asian Research as a staff assistant and publications editor. Steve also wrote that "the enigmatic FRED FALKSON" has interned for several public relations firms throughout Taipei, China, Washington, D.C. and Hawaii. He is now back in New York and applying to graduate school. CLIFF FULLER is in Hartford raising money and preparing to produce his first Hollywood movie. YAJEN CHANG is developing an environmental curriculum at Boston's New England Aquarium. Finally, Steve wrote that PAT GINGRAS, TANYA KHOURI, JENNIFER JORDAN, MATT SIMPSON andANDYWANG are frequently "spotted on the Green Line in Boston." Thank you, Steve, for so much information! SETH GERBER wrote from Los Angeles to say that he is currently working as a paralegal at Bet Tzedek Legal Services, a free legal aid for the elderly and low- income residents of Los Angeles. JULIA STRONG also wrote to the alumni office from Manhattan to say th at she is enjoying living in New York and studying dance at Broadway Dance Center. She is working full time as a paralegal in a matrimonial law firm. She reports that "other members of the Class of '94 Paralegal Club" are ROBYN ADCOCK (Cravati, Swain and Moore) and JESSICA BORST, who works in the World Trade Center. DIANA PABICH wrote to say that she is currently living in

Simsbury, Conn., and working as an actuarial analyst at Tillinghast Towers Perrin, a consulting firm. She also reported that she is engaged to MICHAELJUD '91, who still lives in Boston. Their wedding is planned for May of 1996. Congratulations! LISA WHITNEY h as been accepted at Tufts School ofVeterinary Medicine. She wrote that she and Ralph will be h eaded back to Boston this fall to attend. CRADY HILGENBERG wrote 路tO say that since graduation, she started her own business as an independent contractor for a marketing company, and reported that she "loves being my own boss." She said that she had 15 people working for her, and that she was constantly interviewing more. I recently spoke with DAVE HETHERINGTON who will be so unhappy that I am mentioning him, but too bad! He is living in Fayetteville, N .C. and working hard for the Fayetteville Generals, a minor league baseball team. He told me that GARRISON LAMOTHE (who, by the way, was noticeably absent from Homecoming last fall, and better be there this fall!) is in Dallas working as a loan collector. Dave said that Gar loves his job and is really happy. Last weekend, Tom Socha and I went up to Boston to see LIZ DUNCAN, SARA TITUS, TASCHA KONTNY and KEN THRESS. Tom is still living with CHRIS FOLEY in Manhattan. Tom still works at Banker's Trust and plans to spend his weekends this summer in the Hamptons. Chris is still with Skadden Aarps working as a paralegal, but he, unfortunately, did not join us for the weekend. He is now spending lots of time playing volleyball (surprise, surprise), but instead of being on the Quad with Kirk Peters, Foley is playing in Central Park! Anyway, Sara Titus has switched jobs and is now working at the Gardner Museum in Boston and she loves it. Ken Thress, who is currently at Dana Farber, will be sorely missed after he moves to Seattle this summer with MEGAN REILLY '95. But h e assures me that they will come back soon, and I intend to hold them to that. While in Boston, we ran into MARK KASTRUD, WILL SARGISSON,JANETYORK and MICHELLE FALBO. Mark and Will are living together in Somerville, outside of Boston. Mark works at a publishing company and Will is working for The Boston Company. Janet told me that she is living in Needham and


working at the State Street Bank and Michelle works at Harvard. I recently spoke to ANDREA PICOTT who had lots of news for me. She, too, is living in Boston with her sister, ALLISON PICOTT '92, and working for Shawmut Bank. She told me that she runs into Trinity people frequently on her lunch hour in Boston, including MARLEIGH PHILLIPS, STEVE TEDESCH I, MARY ROBINSON and BRIAN WILLIAMSON. Also in Boston, MOLLY MCKENNA is in law school at B. U. , and she is apparently working really hard. Andrea also told me the good news that AMY CLARK is engaged to her boyfriend, Dennis Lucenta, and they were planning to be married in the Boston area on Aug. 11, 1995! Congratulations, Amy! In other news, LIZ MAYORGA is working as a paralegal in NewYork and JULIE BAKER is getting her Ph.D. at UPenn in chemistry. She said that CORISSA GALLO is going to be starting the same program at Penn next fall. Also in Philly, DEB WATTS recently completed her first clinical affiliation for physical therapy school in New Hampshire, and she should complete her master's in June of '96. Well, I guess that's it, everyone. I tried to dig up as much information as I could about you all, but if you did not see your name in print this time, just drop me or the alumni office a note about your whereabouts and any news you may have! Until next time... Molly Thiele 214 Melody Ln. Fairfield, Conn. 06430 Class Agents: Stephanie E. Cope Michael Kurdziel (Editor's note: JENNIFER PETRELLI of 1520 Farnell Ct., #1626, Decatur, Ga. 30033, the Secretary for the Class of 1995 was appointed after this edition's deadline for Class Notes. Watch for her report in the next issue.)


Hope everyone is able to return for Homecoming, Nov. 10-11. Look for classmates selling Class of '95 hats! Class Agents: Joshua B. Lahey Ashley L. Gilmor Mary E. Parker

CAROL LINSLEY '88 writes that she and her husband had a wo nderful three-week trip to Beijing, Chongquing, Xian, Shanghai, Guilin and Hong Kong, and a cruise on the Yangtze River in May of 1994. They had visited Thailand, Nepal and Tibet the prevwus year. Class Agents: Joyce Mecartney Gwendolyn G. Ifkovic

MASTER'S 1965 Shawmut National Corporation Vice Chairman and Shawmut Bank Connecticut President EILEEN S. KRAUS has assumed responsibility for the organization's expansion and integration activities in Florida, New Hampshire, New York and Rhode Island.


IN MEMORY SHERMAN CLIFFORD PARKER, 1922 Sherman C. Parker, 94, of Cummaquid, Mass. died of pneumonia on Feb. 19, 1965. After graduating from high school in Wallingford, Conn., he attended Trinity with the Class of 1922. At Trinity he was a member ofPhi Gamma Delta fraternity, the Jesters and the track team. He had been president of the Pittsburgh Gage Co. and moved to Cummaquid in 1948. A loyal alumnus, he received a Trinity College Alumni Medal for Excellence in 1975. A contribution he made to Trinity resulted in the establishment of the Izaak Walton Room in the Library. He was an honorary vice president of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, and a member of the Society of Cincinnati, Boston Atheneum, Tihonet Club and Wianno Club. He was a member of the vestry of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Barnstable. Among his survivors are his wife, Kathleen Sheldon Horne Parker, of Cummaquid, Mass.; a daughter,


Kathleen Graff, ofWashington, D.C.; five grandchildren, including Margaret Beers '82; and eight great-grandchildren.

RICHARD CONRAD PUELS,1922 Richard C. Puels of Albany, N.Y. died on April 30, 1995 at age 94. After graduating from high school in Brooklyn, N.Y, he attended Trinity with the Class of 1922. At Trinity he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, the baseball team, the Tripod and Ivy staffs, and the Sophomore Dining Club. An Army veteran ofWorld War I, he was employed as a real estate broker and at Bankers Trust in New York City. Subsequently, he operated Universal Vendors in Albany. Survivors include his wife, Anabel Smith Heath Puels, of Albany, N.Y.; five grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.



Louis H arris of Arlington, Va. died on Feb. 20, 1995 at age 92. A gradu,ate of Perkiomen School in Pennsburg, Pa., he attended Trinity with the Class of 1925. Until his retirement in 1959, he owned a wholesale food business in Hartford. He leaves his daughter, Natalie Riffin, of Lexington, Va.; two grandsons; and two great-grandchiidren.

FRANK RICHARD SALISKE, 1930 Frank R. Saliske ofWest Hartford, Conn. died on March 7, 1995 at age 88. After graduating from Hartford Public High School, he attended Trinity where he was a member of Alpha Chi Rho fraternity. He received his B .S. degree in 1930. He was a Navy veteran ofWorld War II and the Korean Conflict. For many years he was a project engineer for the Metropolitan District. He was a member of Connecticut Professional ,Engineers, the Conservation Commission, and St. James Episcopal Church in West Hartford. Surviving are his wife, Catherine Daniel Saliske, ofWest Hartford; two daughters, Margaret Thompson, of Hudson, N.Y., and Mary Foster, of Surrey, England; and three grandchildren.

DAVID SEYMOUR SLOSSBERG,1930 David S. Sloss berg, 87, ofWest Hartford, died on May 8, 1995.

After graduating from Hartford High School, he attended the University of Connecticut, transferring to Trinity in 1927. At Trinity he was a member of the Student Senate, the Senior Ball committee, and the football, basketball and 15'aseball teams. He was awarded the McCook Trophy for best scholar athlete of the year. He received his B.S. degree in 1930. Subsequently, he attended . Tufts Medical School and received his M.D. degree, c~m laude, in 1934. He interned and did his residency at McCook Hospital in Hartford, and in 1936, he began his practice in Hartford. After serving as a Navy doctor in World War II, he reopened his practice in Bloomfield, Conn., retiring in 1986. He was a member ofTemple Beth Israel ofWest Hartford and Tumble Brook Country Club ofBloomfield. He was elected to the Jewish Hall of Fame in Hartford. Surviving are his wife, Evelyn Goldman Slossberg, ofWest Hartford; two sons, Peter, of Rowayton, Conn., and Barry, and his wife, Dr. Tamar Glaser Sloss berg, of Rehovat, Israel; a son-in-law, M. Joel Berman, of Bloomfield; 11 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

HOWARD DANIEL DOOLITTLE, 1931 Howard D. Doolittle, 85, of Stamford, Conn. and Old Lyme, Conn. died on April 3, 1995. After graduating from Loomis School in Windsor, Conn., he attended Trinity where he was a member of the track team and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received his B.S. degree in 1931. He subsequently attended the University of Chicago where he received his master's degree in 1934 and his Ph.D. degree in 1936. From 1936 to 1942, he was a professor of physics at Trinity. During World War II, he was one of the scientists chosen by Franklin D. Roosevelt to work on the Manhattan Project at M.I.T. where he remained until 1945. In 1945 he began work at Machlett Laboratories of Stamford, retiring in 1975 as vice president and chief engineer of Machlett/Raytheon Laboratories. He held numerous patents on xray tubes and contributed to landmark discoveries in radar, modulation and image intensifiers. He invented improved high power vacuum tubes under patents assigned to Raytheon. He held 24 patents and was published widely in professional journals. A Fellow in the American Physical Society, he was also a member of the New York Academy of Science,


the Electrochemical Society and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Upon retirement, he was retained by Raytheon as a consultant. He received the U.S. Certificate of Merit and a civilian citation for his work on the Manhattan Project. He leaves his wife, Phyllis Johnson Doolittle, of Stamford, Conn. and Old Lyme, Conn.; a twin brother, Horace, of Palm Coast, Fla.; and many nieces and nephews.

GEORGE ALBERT MACKIE, 1~31 George A. Mackie ofWest Haven, Conn. and Nokomis, Fla. died on April 24, 1995 at age 85. A graduate ofWeaver High School in Hartford, he attended Trinity where he was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity and the varsity football team. After working as a reporter on small newspapers, he joined the staff of the New Haven (now Hartford) bureau of the Associated Press. In 1958, he became a research assistant on the staff of Governor Abraham Ribicoff. He also worked in that capacity on the staff of Governor John Dempsey. In 1970, he became a special assistant for the Connecticut State Historical Commission, serving as coordinator of events connected with the 197 6 Bicentennial. He retired in 1973. He held several offices in the Hamden Plains Methodist Church where he was a long-time member. He was a past president of the Laurel Club, an organization of news reporters covering the Connecticut General Assembly. A loyal Trinity alumnus, he served as Agent for the Class of 1931 for many years. Surviving are his daughter, Mary Hunter, ofWest Haven, Conn.; three granddaughters; and three greatgrandchildren.

ANDREW ONDERDONK, 1934 Andrew Onderdonk, 82, of Bloomfield, Conn. died on June 18, 1995. After graduating from St. James School in S~ . James, Md., he attended Trinity where he was treasurer of the Senate, stage manager of the Jesters, business manager of the Tripod, and a member of Medusa, the Sophomore Dining Club, the Interfraternity Council, the soccer team and Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. He received his B.A. degree in 1934. From 1943-1946, he served in the Army. He was employed by Aetna Life and Casualty from 1934 to 1970, when he retired as director of ad-

ministrative services. His many accomplishments include serving as a board member for the YMCA, Hartford branch, from 1972-1980, and as treasurer of the Phi Kappa chapter of Alpha Delta Phi from 1946 until his death. A former vestry member ofTrinity Episcopal Church in Hartford, he also served as treasurer for the church from 1971 to 1992. A loyal alumnus, he worked on behalf of the College in many capacities including serving as national chairman of the Alumni Fund from 1970-1972. He was awarded the Eigenbrodt Trophy in 1972 and received the Alumni Medal for Excellence in 1968. He leaves his brother, Arthur Onderdonk '37, of Fort Myers, Fla.

STEPHEN JOSEPH COFFEY, 1935 Stephen J. Coffey, 76, of Bloomfield, Conn. died on May 10, 1995. After graduating from St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, Conn., he attended Trinity whe~e . he was a member of Alpha Tau Kappa fraternity and the Interfraternity Council. He received his B.A. degree in 1935. During the 1940s, he was employed by the Cincinnati, Ohio branch office of the Hartford Insurance Group, and taught accounting at Xavier University in Cincinnati. In 1954, he returned to Hartford where he opened a private accounting practice. He was chosen by the Archdiocese of Hartford to serve as its accountant for the construction of St. Joseph Cathedral from 1956 to 1962. He taught at St. Joseph College in West Hartford, and was dean of faculty and students at Hartford Institute of Accounting. He was active in many accounting societies, and was an enrolled agent for the IRS. He belonged to the Bloomfield Lions Club where he was a member for 30 years, serving two terms as treasurer. He was active in many civic organizations, including the Hartford Officers Club; he served as treasurer for the Bloomfield Vietnam Monument Committee. He was a communicant of St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford. Among his survivors are his wife, Patricia Lynch Coffey, of Bloomfield, Conn.; five children, Susan C. Brimmer, of Hartford, Michael A. Coffey, of Chicago, Ill., William J. Coffey, of Hartford, Robert N. Coffey, of Hartford, and Kathleen M. Coffey, of Bloomfield, Conn.; and eight grandchildren.


CURTIS WILLIAM VALEN· TINE JUNKER, 1935 Curtis W V. Junker of 0 klahoma City, Okla. died on July 27 , 1994 at age 81. After graduating from high school in Watertown, S.D., he attended Trinity where he was a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity and the InterFraternity Council. In addition, he was a manager of th e Glee Club and worked on the staff of the Tripod. He received his B.A. degree in 1935. Subsequently, he graduated from The General Seminary in New York, N.Y, was ordained a deacon in 1938 and an Episcopal priest in 1939. From 1939-1942 he served a church and Indian mission in South Dakota. During World War II he was Pacific Fleet chaplain. After the War, he was appointed canon and worked with youth in the diocese ofDallas, Texas. He became rector ofTrinity Parish in Tulsa, Okla. in 1958 , retiring in 1980. H e received an honorary degree from Episcopal College of the Southwest in 1952. In 1961 he was selected as Ecumenical Scholar by the Council of Christians and Jews and traveled to Jerusalem. An active M ason-Knights Templar, he served as chaplain for the National Grand M aster in 1964. He was a trustee for the Episcopal R adio and Television Foundation. He is survived by his wife, Jane Asher Boles Junker, of Oklahoma City, Okla.; two sisters; and two step-daughters.

WILLIAM ANTHONY PADDON, 1935, HON. 1976 W Anthony Paddon of Labrador, Canada, died on Jan. 5, 1995 at age 80. After attending Lenox School in Lenox, Mass., he m atri culated at Trinity w here he was a member of the Commons Club and the swim team. He received his B.S. degree in 1936. In 1940, he received his B.S. degree from Long Island College of M edicine. In 1957, London University awarded him the D.P.H. and he received the honorary doctor of science degree from Trinity in 1976 . After serving as a surgeon with the Royal Canadian N avy during World War II, he returned to Labrador, where he was born, in 1946. There he worked as a medical officer, traveling the region by dog team and on foot in winter, and visiting coastal communities by hospital ship in summer. H e was the director ofNorthern M edical Services, International Grenfell Association of Newfoundland and Labrador

from 1960-1978 ; he retired in 1979. His life was devoted to the development and expansion of health and education services in Labrador. From 1981-1986, he was Newfoundland's lieutenant governor. He was twice named to the Order of Canada, first as a member (1978) and then as an officer (1988). H e also served on the executive board of the New foundland Medical Association for two years. Among his survivors are his wife, Sheila Fortescue Paddon, of Labrador; and his brother, Richard '42.

REUEL ALLEN BENSON, JR., 1936 Reuel A. Benson, Jr. , 81, of Jupiter, Fla. died on April 5, 1995. After graduating from Choate School, he attended Harvard University and then Trinity, where he •was on the staff of the Tripod and a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. H e received his B.S. degree in 1937. Mter graduation, he joined the public relations department of Southern N ew England Telephone Co. in N ew H aven, Conn. In 1976, when he retired, he was general advertising manager. H e served on numerous civic organizations, such as the school board, library board and junior chamber of co mmerce in New Haven and other Co nnecticut towns. In Roxbury, Co nn., he was a member of the board of fin ance and the R epublican town committee. H e was also a director of the Connecticut Society for the Prevention of Blindness and a member of the Association of National Advertisers. He leaves his wife, Elizabeth Rynex Gifford Benson, of Jupiter, Fla.; four children, Reuel A. Benson III, of Milford, Conn., Sabra Benson and Louisa Spinelli, both of California, and Rob ert Benson , of Bethlehem, N.H.; five grandchildren; and th ree great-grandchildren.

ALEXANDER VAN CORTLANDT HAMILTON, 1937 Alexander V. C. Hamilton of Whitefi eld, N.H. died on Aug. 12, 1994 at age 79. After graduating from Kent School in South Kent, Conn., he attended Trinity with the Class of 1937. At Trinity, he was a member of the Commons Club, the Atheneum, the Political Science Club, Pi Gamma Mu and the Seabury Society. Subsequ ently, he attended Brown University, where he received his A.B. degree in 194 7, and Nashotah House Seminary, where he received


his B.D. degree in 1945 . H e was ordained a deacon in the Episcopal Church in 1939, and in 1940 he was ordained a priest in Milwaukee, Wis. H e served on state and natio nal boards of ancestral societies, including the Sons of the American Revolution. H e was national president of the Railroad Enthusiasts, Inc. and president and chairman of the board of the New England Electric Railway Historical Society, Inc. , the " holding company" of the Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, Maine. H e was also executive vice president of the Cog Railway on Mount Washington. When he retired in 1979, he kept active with several societies and served var ious churches. Among his survivors are his niece and longtime companion, Ellen Crawford Teague, ofWhitefield, N.H.

ALBERT SPENCER HALL, 1938 A. Spencer H all of Olympia, Wash . died on Aug. 30, 1994 at age 77. Mter graduating from East Hartford High School, he attended Trinity where he received his B.A. degree in 1938. Subsequently, he attended the University of Connecticut Graduate School of Education. H e had been employed by Boeing Co. of Seattle, Wash. as an industrial engineer. Among his survivors are four children and six grandchildren.

PAUL JASPERSOHN, 1939 Paul Jasperso hn of Guilford, Conn. died on O ct. 15, 1993 at age 80. After graduating fro m high school in Branford, Conn., he attended Trinity with the Class of 1939. At Trinity he was a member of the baseball team, the Student Council and the Student Senate. In 1976 he retired from the Norden division of United Technologies w here he had worked as a design engineer. He leaves his wife, Dorothy D aley Dickson Jaspersohn , of Guilford , Conn.; and three sons, Ronald, of Shutesbury, Mass., William, of Johnson, Vt., and Paul, of Guilford, Co nn.

JOHN VOLZ DIMLING, 1940 John V. Dirnling, of R eisterstown, Md. died on Jan. 31, 1995 at age 78. After graduating from

M cDo nough School in M aryland, he attended Trinity where he was a member of Delta Psi fraternity. He received his B.S. degree in 1940 . For many years, he was employed by United States Rubber Co., retiring in 1959. H e leaves two children, John Dimling, Jr. and Carol Lee; and five grandchildren.

ERNEST MOSES ESSEX, 1940 Ernest M. Essex, 81 , of Enfield, Conn . died on April 26, 1995. H e graduated from Mt. H ermon School in Mt. H ermon, Mass. before attending Trinity where he was a m ember of the Glee Club and Choir. He received his B.S. degree in 1959. For many years, he was employed by Colt Industries in Hartford. H e retired in 197 6. H e was a member of the United M ethodist C hurch in Hartford, w here he sang in the choir. H e was also a member of the Connecticut Society of M ayfl ower Descendants, the C onnecticut Society of Genealogists, and the Coggeshall Family Association. Surviving are his wife, B etty Fairweather Essex, of Enfield, Conn.; a son, Alan Essex, of Clinton, Conn.; and three daughters, Linda H orn, of Lake Wylie, S.C., Betty Jane Gobeille, of Miillintown, Pa., and Pamela Lyons, ofVernon, Conn.; a brother; a sister; 13 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

RICHARD LOUIS VOGEL, 1940 Richard L.Vogel, 76, of New Britain, Conn. died on June 8, 1995 . After graduating from N ew Britain High School, he attended Trinity w here he received his B.S. degree in 1940. An Army veteran ofWorld War II , he was the form er co-owner of Eddy Awning Co. H e was a life-long, active m ember of St.John's Evangelical Lutheran C hurch in N ew Britain where he was a m ember of the choir, the Lutheran Adult Fellowship, and the church council. At various times he had been president, vice president, secretary and treasurer of the council.- Also, he had served as the treasurer ofNew Britain Area Conference of Churches. In 1992 he received the Conference's ecumenical award, " M an of the Year." H e leaves his brother, the Rev. David L. Vogel, of Ancram, N.Y. (Editor's Note:A reminiscence of Richard's life h as been compiled by Claire H elene M eyer, a m ember of



St. John's C h urch in New Britain. Copies may be obtained by contacting the College publications office, 297-2141.)



Robert E. Broatch, J r., 76, of Orange, Conn. died on Nov. 13, 1992. After graduating from high school in Milford, Conn., he attended Trinity where he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, the freshman swim team, the Glee Club and the cheerleading squad. He received his B.A. degree in 1941. He was a controller for th e former Bassick Company in Bridgeport for many years until his retirement. Active with the Co nnecticut Junior Achievement, the Orange Little League, the United Fund of Bridgeport, and the former Kennedy Center of Bridgeport, he was a member of the Milford Yacht Club, the Quarter Century Club of the Bassick Company and the Connecticut Post Walkers. He leaves his wife, Katherine Biebel Broatch, of O range, Conn.; two sons, Robert E. III '70, of Farmington, Conn., and James W of Milford, Conn.; two daughters, Katherine Broatch Regnetoro, of Woodbridge, Conn., and Rachel Broatch, of Orange, Conn.; a sister; and 10 grandchildren.

ANDREW GRAY WEEKS, 1942 Andrew G. Weeks, 74, of Great Barrington, Mass. died on March 23, 1995 . He graduated from high school in Brookline, Mass . before attending Trinity where he was a member of Delta Psi fraternity. He received his B.A. degree in 1942. During World War II, he was a first lieutenant in the Navy. In 1974, he retired as vice president from Vance Sanders and Co., after 25 years of service. He was active in the Boy Scouts while in the Boston area. In 1981, he began to drive a handicapped service van for the Great Barrington Council on Aging. He helped found the Southern Berkshire Elderly Transportation Corp. in 1986. He leaves a daughter, Martha Windhurst, of Hopkinton, N.H.; three sons, Andrew, Jr. '66, of Morrison, Colo., Robert, of Dillon, Colo., and Warren, of St. Charles, Mo.; two sisters; three grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.

JEROME ENNIS, 1943 Jerome Ennis of Harwich Port, Mass. died of cancer on May 14, 1995 at age 73 . After graduating from Kent School in Kent, Conn., he attended Trinity w here he received his B.A. degree in 1947. In 1948, he received his M.A. degree from McGill University. During World War II, he was a pilot with the U.S. Army. He was an English teacher, adm inistrator and a baseball and football coach at DeVeux School in Niagara Falls, N .Y. and at St. Dunstan's Episcopal School in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. He was also a licensed independent investment broker. In Chatham, Mass. he was a member of St. Christopher's Church and the Stage Harbor Yacht C lub. He leaves his wife, Helene "Penny" Baxter Ennis, of Harwich Port, Mass .; a son, Jerome "Skip" Ennis, of Jersey City, N .J. and Chatham, M ass.; and a brother.

EVERETT MILLER PETERSON, 1944 Everett M. Peterson of Glastonbury, Conn ..died on Oct. 29, 1994 at age 73. A graduate of Hall High School in West Hartford, he attended the University of Alabama from 1939 to 1942 when he matriculated at Trinity. He received his B.A. degree in 1946. A Navy veteran ofWorld War II, he worked for over 30 years at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co. in East Hartford, retiring in 1980 from the personnel department. He was a member of the First Church of Christ Congregational in Glastonbury, Conn. Among his survivors are his wife, Virginia Lowell Peterson, of Glastonbury; a son, Gary, ofVernon, Conn.; and two daughters, Linda and Laurie, both of Glastonbury; a sister; and two grandchildren.

HENRY DALE TWITCHELL, JR., 1944 Henry D. Twitchell, Jr. ofWinchester, Mass. died on May 6, 1995 at age 73. After graduating from Wilbraham Academy in Wilbraham, Mass., he attended Trinity with the Class of 1944. At Trinity he was a member of the Commons C lub, the Amateur Radio Club and the soccer team. His education was interrupted by World War II and he served with the Army in Europe. He received his B.S. degree in 1947 . For 24 years he was employed by


RCA as an electrical engineer. He operated his own home maintenance/ repair contracting business until 1980 when he became superintendent of buildings and grounds at M iddlesex Community College in Bedford, M ass. He was a lay reader, a licensed radio am ateur and a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. He was one of the founders and officers of the Winchester Swim and Tennis Club, where he was director of maintenance. Surviving are his wife, P. Jean Baker Twitchell, ofWinchester, Mass.; a daughter, Ellen Twitchell Schultz, of San Ramon, Calif.; a son, H . David Twitchell, of Bren twood, N .H. ; two sisters; a brother, George '46; and two grandchildren.

DOUGLAS ARTHUR CARTER, 1948 Douglas A. Carter of Fredonia, N.Y. died of emphysema on March 25, 1995 at age 67. After graduating from high school in Tarrytown, N.Y., he attended Trinity w here he was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity, the Pipes, the basketball team and the Glee C lub. He received his B.S. degree in 1948, and in 1959 he received his M.A.L.S. and M.S.Ed. degrees from Wesleyan University and the University of Pennsylvania, respectively. From 1948 to 1955, he was a science teacher and athletic coach at St. Peter's School in Peekskill, N.Y. H e served in the same capacity at Loomis School in Windsor, Conn. from 1955 to 1962. He then became a member of the chemistry department at Fredonia State University College. In 1964, he was named facilities program coordinator at the college where, in conj unction with state officials, he was responsible for the preparation of all space inventories and projections, and the architectural and equipment programs for the $70 million dollar expansion of the campus. From 1969 until his retirement in 1985, he served as the assistant vice president for administration as well as the facilities program coordinator at Fredonia State. H e also was the director of the college planetarium for 21 years. He was a former chairman of the planning board for Fredonia and of the zoning commission for Pomfret, N .Y.; he was a former vice chairman of the D unkirk-Fredonia Regional Planning Board and of the Northern Chautauqua Intermunicipal Planning Board. Active in Boy Scouting, he was a former scoutmaster for Troop 67 of

Fredonia, a former member of the Chautauqua County Council, and a former executive board member and past president o(the Allegheny Highlands Council. He also served as chairman of the Dunkirk/Fredonia Salvation Army Advisory Board. He was past president of the United Way of Northern Chautauqua and chairman of its annual fund.drive in 1976 and 1977. He was also a former member of the D u nkirk Humane Society and Consumer Advisory Council of the N iagara Mohawk Power Corp. He received the Gerald Dengler Community Service Award from the Fredonia Jaycees, the District Award of M erit from the Chauterie District, Allegheny Highlands Co uncil, and the Silver Beaver Award from the Allegheny Highlands Council BSA. A member of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in New York City and its choir, he was also a member of the 路 First Presbyterian Church of Fredonia where he served as an elder, a trustee and choir member. He leaves his wife, Ann Morgan Carter, of Fredonia, N.Y.; three sons, Charles Carter, of Minneapolis, Minn., Bruce Carter, ofWaterport, N.Y., and Scott Carter, of Oakdale, Pa.; one daughter, Sharon Garland, of Nacogdoches, Texas; one brother; and eight grandchildren

WILLIAM CARRINGTON BROWN, 1951 William C. Brown, 66, of Wethersfield, Conn. died on June 19, 1995. After graduating from high school in Wethersfield, he attended Trinity where he was a member of the Brownell Club. He received his B.A. degree in 1951. H e served with the Coast Guard during th e Korean Conflict. For 34 years he was employed as an accountant for Pratt & Whitney. He leaves his wife, Barbara H athaway Brown, ofWethersfield, Conn.; three sons, William, of Wethersfield, Conn., James, of Durham, Maine, and Robert, of Seattle, Wash.; two daughters, Mary La Valley, of Bernardston, Mass., and Judith Hartman, ofWayne, Pa.; and a sister.

W I LLIAM HASTINGS QUORTRUP, 1951 William H. Quortrup ofDallas, Texas died on April 24, 1995 at age 67. A graduate ofTrinity School in New York, N.Y., he attended Trinity with the Class of 1951. At Trinity he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. H e received his

' I

bachelor's degree from Southern Methodist University in 1952. In 1960 he started Quortrup Petroleum Product~, w hich he operated as a gasoline distributorship for Phillips Petroleum Company for 18 years. H e began an environmental consulting company, Integral Engineering, in 1988. An active participant in many professional organizations, he became a member of the Northlake Exchange Club in 1961, serving as president in 1962 and 1972. He had been a member of the Texas Oil Marketers Association since 1963 and was president in 1973 . For his many contributions to the industry and to TOMA, he was given the E .K. Bennett Award in 1992. H e was also elected president of the National Oil Jobb ers Co un cil in 1981 and received the Distinguished Service Award in 199 1 in recognition of his outstandin g service on behalf of the Council. In 1975 he served on the Small Business Administration Adviso ry Co uncil; he was a director of The R epublic Bank of Carrollton for 15 years. H e was appointed to the Texas Air Control Board in 1987 and continued to serve until its dissolution in 1993. He leaves his wife, Claire Pratt Quortrup, of Dallas, Texas; two sons and daughters-in-law, William, Jr. and Dewie Quortrup, and Robert and Mary Ann Quortrup; a daughter and son-in-law, Helen and Peter Hilbert, Jr.; and six grandchildren.

RICHARD ECROYD NICHOLSON, 1952 Richard E. " H oot" N icholson, 65, of East Bloomfield, N.Y. died suddenly of a heart attack in Feb. 28, 1995 . After graduating from Loomis School in Windsor, Conn., he attended Trinity where he was a member ofTa u Alpha fratern ity and the varsity football team. An Army veteran who served in Germany, he worked for Westinghouse in Pittsburgh, Pa. Most recently, he was a self-employed theatrical manufacturer's representative. A former Bloomfield village trustee and school board member, he was a member of Farmington Friends Church and was active for many yea rs in th'e ministry of Auburn prison. He leaves his wife, Polly Scherrer Nicholson, of East Bloomfield, N.Y.; two daughters, Carol Desmond, of Geneseo, N .Y., and Anne Nicholson, of Canandaigua, N.Y.; three sons, Richard Nicholson, of Lakeland, Fla., Kerry Nicholson, of Orlando, Fla., and James Nicholson, of Surry, N.H.; a brother; and a granddaughter.


JOSEPH JOHN MELLO, 1953 Joseph J. Mello of Harwinton, Conn. died on Jun e 3, 1995 at age 71. After graduating from H artford Public High School, serving in the Army Air Force, and worki ng as a fire fighter, he attended Trinity w here he rece ived his B.A. degree in 1953. H e was employed by the Factory Insurance Association, Kaman Aircraft, Boeing Aircraft, United Aircraft, and was appointed director of fire and industrial safety and security for C hrysler Corporation World Wide. He was a member of Michigan Association of C hiefs of Police, American Society for Industrial Security, the Torrington Lodge of Elks, and the Harwinton Lions. Among his survivors are his w ife, Dorothy Douglas Mello, of H arwinton, Conn.; two so ns, Joseph, of H arwinton, Conn., and Douglas, of Deco rah, Iowa; two daughters, Denise Scorvillo, of Torrington, Conn., and Lynn M ello, of H arwinton, Conn.; five grandchildren; and a brother.

GEORGE HARRIS COSBY Ill, 1954 George H. Cosby III of Ri chmond, Va. died on June 4, 1995 at age 62 . After graduating from high school in Mt. Lebanon, Pa., he attended Trinity w here he was a member of Delta Phi fraternity. He rec eived his B.S. degree in 1954. He served with the Air Force from 1954 to 195 7. In 1958 he began work for The Travelers Insurance Co. as an underwriter. H e was subsequently employed by The Key Gro up, Inc. in Midlothian, Va . Among his survivors are three sons, George I"V,James and William; a daughter, Janet Denson; three granddaughters; and two sisters.

JAMES MARTIN WIEGMAN, 1957 James M. Wiegman, 59, of LaH abra, Calif. died on Oct. 12, 1995. After graduating from Peddie Preparatory School in Hightstown, N.J., he attended Trinity w here he was a member of Delta Phi fraternity. He received his B.A. degree in 1957, and in 1959, he received his M.B.A. degree from Cornell University. In 1992 he retired from General Dynamics in California. Following retirement, he was a consultant for the company as chief of wage and


compensation. H e was an active m ember of the LaHabra Lions Club and did volunteer work at St. Jude's Hospital in Fullerton, Calif. Surviving are a daughter, Karen, of Placentia, Calif.; two sons, Jonathan and James, both of LaHabra, Calif.; a sister; and a grandson.

GEORGE MYER CORYELL, 1965 George M. Coryell , 52, of Houston, Texas died of a heart attack on April 9, 1995. After graduating from high school in Penfield, N.Y., he attended Trinity where he was a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, the Jesters, the swim team, and the staff of the radio station. H e received his B.S. degree in 1965 . In 1967, he received his M .B.A. degree from Columbia University. H e had been employed in the treasurer's department of Exxon Co., U.S.A. since 1967. Among his survivors are his wife, Cheryl Coffman Coryell, of Houston; a son, George III; and a daughter, C ristin.

WILLIAM LAMAR PARHAM, 1965 W Lamar Parham, 50, of Pompano Beach, Fla. died on April 8, 1993. He graduated from high sc hool in Atlanta, Ga. before attending Trinity with the Class of 1965. At Trinity h e was active in the College radio station, WRTC-FM. Among his survivors are a sister, M ary Jane Holliday, of Nashville, Tenn.; and a brother, C harles Parham , Jr., of Amherst, M ass.

RALPH WILSON GLENDINNING, 1970 Ralph W Glendinning, 46 , of Vineyard Haven, Mass. died suddenly on Dec. 20, 1994 from hyp ertrophic cardiomyopathy. After graduating from University School in Shaker Heights, Ohio, he attended Trinity where he received his B.A. degree in 1970 . For m any years he was president of Flint Industri es in Cleveland, Ohio. H e leaves his father, William T. Glendinning, of Cleveland, Ohio and M artha's Vineyard, Mass .; a sister; and a brother.

KENNETH KOSSUTH TATE, 1975 Kenneth K. Tate, 40, of New H aven, Conn. died on April 23,

1994. A graduate of North H aven High School, he attended Trinity where he was a member of the Co ncert Choir, the track team, and the Board of Inquiry. He received his B.A. degree in 1975. H e had been employed as assistant treasurer/ commercial loan officer at M echanics and Farmers Savings Bank in Bridgeport, Conn. Amon g his survivors are his parents, O yarma and Alene Robert Tate, Qf North Haven, Conn.; three brothers, O yarma, Jr., of North H aven, Stanley IV, of Ro chester, N.Y. , and David, ofWest H aven; a sister, Cheryl Tate Harrigan, ofWest Haven; and his long- time con1.panion, John Farrand,Jr. , of N ew Haven , Conn.

SUSAN MADDEN TESSMANN, 1983 Susan M. Tessm ann, of Tolland, Conn. di ed on April 19, 1995 at age 34. After graduating from high school in Farmington, Conn., she attended Trinity where she received her B.S. degree in 1983. She was a programmer analyst at Time Insurance Co. in Milwaukee, Wis . She was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church in North Prairie, Wis. Surviving are her husband, Brian Tessmann, of Oconomowoc, Wis.; her parents, Bernard and Jane Madden, of Marlborough, Conn.; a daughter, Lisa Christine; a brother; and a granddaughter.

PATRICK EDWARD DAILEY, 1991 Patrick E. Dailey, 26, of Glen Cove, N.Y. died in Ecuador of an acute allergic reaction on M ay 4, 1995. After graduating from Glen Cove High School, he attended Trinity where he was a member of the freshman class council, a community service volunteer, a recipient of faculty honors, a writing tutor, and editor of the Trinity R eview. H e received his B.A. degree in 1991. Upon graduation, he worked for three years as a customer service representative at the American Automobile Association in Garden City, N.Y. Recently, he went to E cuador as one of 15 persons chosen by World Teach, a Cambridge, Mass .-based group that sends Americans to teach in Third World countries . He leaves his parents, David and Joyce Dailey, of Glen Cove, N.Y.; a brother; a sister; and his grandparents.



(Editor's note: JOHN CLAUD '9 1 has also w ritten an obituary for Patrick. C opies may be obtained by contacting the College publications office, 297- 2141.)

CATHERINE LARISSA BRESCIA, 1993 Catherine L. Brescia, 24, of Cornwall , Conn . died on June 3, 1995 as the result of injuries received in an automobile accident in Missouri. Mter graduating from high school in Arlington, Mass. , she attended Trinity where she was the manager of C inestudio and the program director and manager ofWRTC. She was also named to the faculty honors list. She received h er B.A. degree in 1993. After graduation she wo rked at WGBH- TV until October w h en she moved to C onnecticut to becom e editor of a newspaper. She was a lifelong member of the Park Street C hurch in Boston. She leaves her parents, Ruth and Michael Brescia, of Arlington, Mass .; a sister, Barbara Brescia, of Arlington, Mass.; and her grandparents, Eleanor and Harold Zook, of Ft. Wayne, Ind.

MILDRED LEONE LAKE, M.S. 1948 Mildred L. Lake, 96, of South Portland, Maine died on May 3, ' 1995 . Mter graduating from Machias Normal School in Machias, Maine, she became a school teacher in Lubec. and Augusta, Maine. She continu ed h er education at the U niversity of Maine, Harvard University and Yale University, and received h er M .S. degree from Trinity in 1948. She was the principal of Hartford's Noah W ebster School fro m 1944 until her retirement in 1964. A past worthy matron of the Eastern Star in Hartford, sh e was also active in the College Club, the Eastern Maine M edical Center as a volunteer, and the First Congregational C hurch on Meeting Hous e--Hill in the Portland, Maine area. Sh e leaves her nephew, Gordon Lake, of Mt. Holly, N.J.

NANCY DUNN NELLEN, M.A. 1959 Nancy D. Nellen, 67, of Boston, Mass. died on April 5, 1995 of com plications from AIDS. A 1949 graduate ofWellesley College, she received h er M.A. degree from Trinity in 1959.


An eco nomi cs professor for over 30 years, she taught at the University ofBridgeport and Norwalk Community College in Connecticut, and at Upsala College in East Orange, N.J. She was a m ember of St. Cecilia Church in Boston. She leaves a son , Theodore; two daughters, Susan and Nancy; fi ve grandchildren; and a dear friend, Steven ]. Madeiros, of Somervill e, Mass.

H e was an active volunteer w ith Connecticut Public Broadcasting, the American Red Cross and Meals on W h eels. Among his survivors are his wife, Mary R abbett Brouder, of Glastonbury, Conn.; a daughter, Kathleen , of New York City; two sons, John , ofWinchester, Mass., and Edward, Jr. , of M an chester, N.H.; and two grandchildren.



Barbara D. Sweeney of Bloomfield, Conn. died on June 2, 1995 . In 1954 she received her B.A. degree from St. Josep h College, and in 1960, her M .A. degree from Trinity. She earned her sixth-year certificate at the University of Connecticut. For over 30 years, she was a Latin and English teacher in the Windsor, Conn. school system. She was a member of the Classical Association and a communicant of Sacred H ear t C hurch in Bloomfield. She leaves a son, Edward IV, of Windsor, Conn.; a dau ghter, Nell, of Hartford; and a sister.





THOMAS TURNER TONGUE II, M.A. 1968 Thomas T. Tongue II, 67, of Oklahoma City, Okla. died of complications from a brain tumor on April 26, 1995. In 1953 he rec eived his B.A. degree from Washington and Lee University and in 1968, his M .A. degree fro m Trinity. He had been a teacher and coach at St. Paul's School in Baltimore, Md. and at Avon Old Farms School in Avon, Conn. before going to Casady School in Oklahoma City in 1965. At Casady he held var ious administrative positions; he retired in 1993. Among his survivors is his wife, Barbara Tongue, of Oklahoma C ity, Okla.

EDWARD WILLIAM BROUDER, M.A. 1983 Edward W Brouder of Glastonbury, Conn. di ed after a long illness on M ay 13, 1995 at age 80 . In 1935, he received a B.A. degree from Tufts University and in 1942, a B.S. deg ree from the University of Connecticut. Trinity awarded him the M.A. degree in 1983. H e worked in many capaciti es at the ITT Hartford Insurance Group for 40 years before retiring in 1977 .


Leslie R. Severinghaus, 94, of Coconut Grove, Fla. died of heart fai lure on June 22, 1994. H e received his bachelor's degree from Corn ell University in 1921, and then taught English in Beijing, China for several years. H e earned a master's degree at Columbia University in 1927 and was later awarded four honorary degrees, among them the Hon. Litt. degree from Trinity in 1960. H e taught at Haverford School in Pennsylvania from 1929 to 1942 w hen he became headmaster. He retired in 1965 . Over the years, h e was president of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Country Day Schools Headmasters Association, as well as vice president of the H eadmasters Association of the United States. He was a trustee of several educational institutions and organizations. In visits to Taiwan from 1966 to 197 4, he established an English language labo ratory for students. His writings included the book, R eligio ns in History. H e leaves two daughters, Elizabeth Warner, and Margaret Boles, both of Osterville, Mass.; a son, Dr. Sheldon Severinghaus, of Ulan Bator, Mongolia; eight grandchildren, including Elizabe th Boles Gutterson '76; and 12 great-grandchildren.

ALSO NOTED HELEN GRANBERRY WATERMAN Helen G. Waterman, 101, of Bloomfield, Conn. died on M ay 17, 1995. T h e wife of Edgar F Waterman, C lass of 1898, she was born in Newark, N .J. and lived in H artford most of her life. She was a m emb er ofTrinity C hurch in Hartford. Surviving are four daughters, H elen G. Waterman of Bloomfield, Lucy Hamilton, of D etroit, Mich., M ary Waterman, of Greenwicl1, Conn., and Marjorie M cMaster, of C hatham, Mass.; and four grandchildren.

V-12 CHARLES W. SCHNERR Ill, V-12 Charles W Schnerr III of Broomall, Pa. died on Aug. 23 , 1994 at age 68 . After graduating from high school in Broomall, Pa., he attended Trinity in theV-12 program. For 45 years , he worked for Campbell Soup in Camden, Pa. where he was a sales analys t and in charge of the company's fle et of cars. H e was a member of St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church in B,roomall, Pa. and a past president of its Home and School Association. H e was also a member of the National Association of Fleet Administrators. Among his survivors are h,is wife, Mary Anne Quinn Schnerr, of Broomall, Pa.; three daughters, Eileen Schnerr and Amy Norgate, , both of Utah, and Anne Madden, of Wallingford, Conn.; two so ns, Charles Schnerr IV, of Bromall, Pa. , and Joseph Schnerr, ofWashington; and a brother.

RECENT DEATHS The College has received word of the following alumni/ ae deaths, but information for complete obituaries is unavailable. Name

Date ofDeath

John August Weisman '42

July 22, 1990

Edmund Jayne Gates '44

July 9, 1981

Jo seph W ilkinson Ink, Jr. '44

D ecember 28, 1992

Michael Jon Masterson '68

November 1994

Eldon B. H eft M '62

September 2, 1993

Trinity's tribute to its Civil Uizr veterans turned his attention to Mobile, Ala., an important industrial center. On August 5, 1864 occurred the battle with which Farragut and the Hariford beThis year marks the 130th ancame synonymous for their niversary of the end of the heroic achievements and which Civil War; this past March two gave rise to Farragut's immortal relics that memorialize the utterance, "Damn the torpeconflict were returned to the does [i.e., mines], full speed ca1npus after an absence of sev- ahead!" The ship returned to eral months. New York late in the year for repairs and thereafter served on The two cannons situated on various stations overseas, the eastern edge of the Quad mainly in the Pacific, until originally formed part of the conversion in 1887 for seamain arman1ent of the steamtraining use. Her armament powered sloop-of-war us_s_ Hariford. In February 1994, the was removed in 1894 and after refitting as a training ship she Navy League of the United was transferred to the East States borrowed the cannons Coast. Last decommissioned in for display at the Electric Boat 1926, she was declared a relic Company in Groton, Conn., during commissioning ceremo- in 1945. The Hariford sank at her berth in the Norfolk Navy nies for the second US.S. Yard in November 1956 . Hariford, a 360-foot attack subDeemed beyond restoration marine of the Los Angeles class. burned to the watershe was The Navy League refurbished line and sunk off Norfolk a the cannons and provided new year later. In addition to the gun carriages for them based other relics of the cannons on original plans held at the Hariford survive, including the Smithsonian Institution. How figurehead at the State Capitol, the cannons first came to Trinthe ship's bell at Constitution ity and what they signify is an interesting story.




Plaza and one of her anchors at the University of Hartford. The cannons weigh 9,000 lbs. each and are of the muzzleloading, smoothbore Dahlgren design. In 1898 the City of Hartford received four of the cannons from the Federal Government and for a time they were situated at each corner of the State Capitol grounds. In 1949 G. Keith Funston, Trinity's president, learned that two of the four were in the City Park Department's storage yard and inquired of City Manager Carleton Sharpe whether they could be loaned to the College for display as a Civil War memorial to Trinity men in the Union and Confederate forces. Agreement was reached in September 1950 and the cannons were moved to the campus later in the year. What happened to the remaining two cannons is unknown. The cannons are a visible reminder of the service and sacrifice of 105 Trinity men in the war. Of that number 81 fought for the Union and 24 for the

The cannons always attract toddlers, these at Reunion.

The first US.S. Hariford was launched at the Boston Navy Yard in 1858 and commissioned the following year. Mter service in the Orient the ship returned in late 1861 to undertake wartime duties. In January 1862 she sailed under the command of Admiral David Farragut as flagship of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron. On April 25 under Farragut's leadership, Union naval forces captured New Orleans. By July 4, 1863 the Mississippi River had been opened following the conquest of Vicksburg. Farragut then

Confederacy. Of these, 16 men gave their lives. An inscribed plaque with a memorial text is affixed to eachg un carriage and, in addition, one carriage bears a plaque in memory of Henry Howard Brownell, Class of1841, Honorary M.A. 1844, who served on Admiral Farragut's staff as personal secretary. Nephew ofBishop Brownell, Trinity's first president, Henry described in verse the conflicts in which he participated, including the Battle of Mobile Bay. His poetry was published in 1864 under the title Lyrics of a Day which was received with great acclaim and which won him the accolade "Our Battle Laureate" from Oliver Wendell Holmes. A familiar sight to generations of undergraduates, the cannons are a symbol of supreme heroism and selflessness. Further research on Trinity's contribution to the Civil War will be pursued and shared with Reporter readers in the future.




Austin Arts Center


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OCTOBER 5 AND 6 the San Francisco Mime Troupe in a punchy political satire, "Escape to Cyberia-A Virtual Odyssey," which pits scapegoat immigrants against street criminals in a comedic, yet serious look at racism, societal unrest and fear ' OCTOBER 20-22 AND OCTOBER 25-28 "Tales of the Lost Formicans," haunting humor in a drama written by Constance Congdon and directed by Trinity's J oshua Karter

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OCTOBER30 The Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir performing the contemporary music of Part in the Chapel; the Choir appears w ith the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra

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OCTOBER25 Workshop production by the Judy Dworin Performance Ensemble, feauring Hartfordbased gospel group, "Women of the Cross," in an inspiring performance, 7:30p.m. in Seabury 47, free

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THROUGH OCTOBER 22 an exhibition by Deborah Morris, a vi ~ iting professor in the Studio Arts program, "HOME"

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Inauguration of Evan Dobelle


as Trinity's 18th President October 1 All alumni welcome

Parents' Weekend September 29-30

Volunteer Leadership Weekend September 29-30

Conference, "Votes for Women: A Conference Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Suffrage" October 7, 8:30 -3:30 For information, phone (860) 297-2408 or (860) 247-6090.

Trinity Urban Issues Forum Race, Poverty and America's Cities: The second in a series of Urban Issues Forums, sponsored by Trinity and underwritten by a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts October 16, 9 a.m. -5:15p.m. To register, call (860)297-2144 by 10/4.

Inaugural lecture by Jan K. Cohn, the G. Keith Funston Professor of American Literature and American Studies October 24

Homecoming Weekend November 10-12 Trinity vs. Wesleyan November 11, 1 p.m.

For more information about Austin Arts Center events, call the Box Office, (860)297-2119.

Sports VARSITY FOOTBALL Sept. 23 Colby Sept. 30 Williams Oct. 7 Hamilton Oct. 14 Tufts Oct. 21 Bowdoin Oct. 28 Middlebury Nov.4 Amherst Wesleyan Nov. 11

1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:00 1:00

Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Home

For the schedules of other varsity sports in the fall term - golf, men's soccer, women's soccer, fi eld hockey, women's tennis, men's tennis, women's vo lleyball and varsity cross country (men and women), call the Ferris Athletic Center office, (860)297 -2058.

Cesare Barbieri Endowment for Italian Culture 15th anniversary year program OCTOBER9 Lectura Dantis, Purgatorio XIV; by Anthony Cinquemani, SUNY at New Paltz, 7:30p.m. OCTOBER 18 "Crime & Punishment in Bribe C ity & Lessons from Eastern Europe," by Trinity's John Alcorn, 4 p.m., Faculty Research lecture OCTOBER23 Lecture, "Guarini's Chapel of the Holy Shroud in Turin," by J ohn B. Scott, 4:15p.m. , Boyer Auditorium OCTOBER30 Lectura Dan tis, Purgatorio XV, by VirginiaJewiss, Dartmouth College, 7:30p.m. NOVEMBER 13 "Great Expectations in Italian History," by Raymond Grew, University of M ichigan, 4:15 p.m., Seabury 9/17, lecture co-sponsored by The Shelby Cullom Davis Endowment and The Public Policy Studies Program NOVEMBER27 "The Political Economy of Corruption in Italy & Lessons for Latin America," by Susan Rose-Ackerman ofYale Law School & World Bank and Sylvia Colazingari, 4:15p.m., lecture co-sponsored by The Shelby Cullom Davis Endowment and The Public Policy Studies Program DECEMBER4 Lectura Dan tis, Dante & the Vernacular, by Lori Repetti, SUNY at Stony Brook, 7:30p.m. Barbieri Endowment events are free; for more information, call (860)297-2562.

Gay and lesbian alumni to meet at Homecoming

A group of gay and lesbian alumni will meet from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 11 (Homecoming Weekend), in Alumni Lounge on the second floor of Mather Hall. They plan to develop bylaws as a special-interest alumni organization that would be a subset of the National Alumni Association. Its primary focus w ill be on helping students, faculty and administrators to make Trinity a more comfortable place for gay men and lesbian women. Participation in the organization, as we ll as this meeting, are open to all al umni who support this effort. Alumni and students are co-sponsoring a reception that evening from 6 to 7:30p.m. , which also will be held in Alumni Lounge. If you would like to be involved w ith the group, please contact Mike Duffy '85 at work: Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, One Ash burton Place, Room 601 , Boston, MA 02108, (617)727-3990, Ext. 202, or at home: 1661 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118, (617)424-9942.

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