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In This Issue:

Commencement Fund Reports Annual Alumni Association Report VOLUME Ill •



JULY 1962


Again it is my pleasure to transmit to you in the following pages the Annual Report of your Alumni Association for the College Year ended June 1962. As in the recent past, the report embraces the separate reports of your several Vice Presidents covering the various areas of their responsibilities, together with minutes of the Annual Meeting held at the College commencement weekend. It has been a good year. The increasing activities of our Alumni are being reflected in most gratifying results. Our Alumni Fund has exceeded its goal of $125,000, the highest in history; our Campus Activities - Homecoming, Campus Conference, Seminars, Reunions, Commencement and the like - have been outstanding. Our local Alumni Association functions have been well attended and a number of new associations have been established. Alumni Interviewing has been most effective and of real value to the Admissions Department. Our Alumni Magazine is now a most attractive publication and is being received with more and more interest. It has been our purpose, through the recent reorganization of your Alumni Association, to anticipate the impact of our larger graduating classes. To President Jacobs and his staff and to my colleagues in the Alumni Association I again express my deep appreciation for their helpful co-operation in this direction. Your new President and his associates have my heartiest good wishes. To all of our members may I express my renewed conviction that, with your continued support, we will accelerate our momentum and broaden our activities in all areas to the end that our Alumni Association will be an everincreasing and meaningful resource for the ultimate benefit of Trinity College. Faithfully yours,

Glover Johnson '22




President Senior Vice President Vice Presidents JOHN L. BONEE '43 JOHN GOODING JR. ' 31 LLOYD E. SMITH '23 WILLIAM R. PEELLE '44 BARTON WILSON Ill '37


Secretary Treasurer Alumni Secretary


'40 '34

Alumni Fund Area Associations Admissions Interviewing and Recruiting Campus Activities Public Relations and Publicity ROBERT W. BARROWS '50 ROBERT A. GILBERT '38 JOHN A. MASON '34

Executive Committee



Nominating Committee

1962-63 1962-64 1962-65



Athletic Advisory Committee

1962-63 1962-64 1962-65


CovER: Former Trinity President G . Keith Funston '32 receives Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from President Albert C. Jacobs. He was presented for the degree by Vice President and Dean Arthur H. Hughes, twice Acting President- before the term of President Funston, and between the terms of Presidents Funston and Jacobs. Second Class postage paid at Hartford , Connecticut. Published six times a year, November, January, March, April, May and July by Trinity College, Hartford , Connecticut.


MI UTES OF THE AN UAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association of Trinity College was called to order by President Glover Johnson '22 at 1:20 P.M., June 9, 1962, in the Field House immediately following the Alumni and Senior Luncheon. President Johnson welcomed the Alumni and their friends and then introduced Senior Vice President, Herbert R. Bland '40; Vice President of the Alumni Fund , John L. Bonee '43; Vice President of Campus Activities, Stewart M. Ogilvy '36; Vice President of Public Relations, L. Barton Wilson III '37; Secretary, Robert W. Barrows '50 ; and Alumni Secretary, John A . Mason '34. The President reported that the Minutes of the previous Alumni Association Meeting held in June 1961 had been sent to the members of the Alumni Association in the Commencement Issue of the Alumni Magazin e, and there being no additions or corrections the Minutes stand approved as submitted. President Johnson called on HughS. Campbell '32, Chairman of the 1962 Reunion Committee, who presented the following Alumni Prizes : Oldest Returning Alumnus: The Rt. Rev. Robert B. Gooden '02, Glendale, California. Alumnus of a Reunion Class traveling longest distance : William A. Bird IV ' 12 of Tangier, Morocco. The Jerome Kohn '22 Award to the Reunion Class with the largest percentage of returning alumni: The Class of 1902 with eleven out of twelve present, accepted by Anson T. McCook, Class Secretary. Matthew T. Birmingham Jr. '42 , presented the Board of Fellows Bowl to the Class of 1937 for the Reunion Class exhibiting best combination of Alumni performance, spirit and percentage of members returning for reunion. Milton L. Kobrosky accepted for the Class of 1937. Wilson Haight, on behalf of the Class of '37, presented President Jacobs with a check for $2,000 from the Class for the College Library to be used for microfilming. Reunion Chairman Campbell announced the Class of 1927 has presented the College with a gift of $1 ,200 for unrestricted use by the Coll ege Library. John L. Bonee, Vice President of the Alumni Fund, reported that th e 1961-1962 Fund had reached its goal of $125 ,000 with over 3,000 alumni having contributed Robert 117. Barrows '50 $125 ,500 as of June 8. Mr. Clarence U. Carruth Jr. of Scarsdale, N . Y .. National C hairman of the Parents Fund, reported that th e Fund had exceeded its goal of $40,000 with $40,739 on hand to date from 589 parents. Stewart M. Ogilvy '36, Chairman of the Board of Fellows. presented the Eigenbrodt Trophy to Frederic T. Tansill '22 , of New York City, Executi ve Vice President of Chock Full o' Nuts Corporation . Alumni Medals for Excellence were presented by President Albert C. Jacobs to Harris K. Prior '32, Robert H. Smellie Jr. '42, and Melvin W. Title ' 18. An Alumni Medal was also presented to Richard L. Maxon ' 16, in absentia. Citations for the awards were read by Lyman B. Brainerd '30. Life Trustee and Secretary for the Board of Trustees of the College. Dr. Jacobs then delivered his report on the state of the College. Judge John P. Cotter '33 , Chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the slate of candidates listed on page 2. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the Secretary cast one ballot for the slate presented by the Nominating Committee and those named were so elected . Retiring President John son then introduced Herbert R. Bland '40. newly elected President , at whose request a standing vote of appreciation was given to President Johnson upon his retirement. There being no further business, President Bland called on Andrew B. Beattie '48 to lead in the singing of 'Neath the Elms. The meeting was adjourned at 2:25P.M. Respectfully submitted, ROBERT W. BARROWS '50 Secretary

Reunion Highlights: Clau of 1902- 11 out of 12 presentwinner of j erome K ohn A ward. (l. tor. front : Gooden, Tuke, Canon, White, McCook . Back: Seym our, Backus, Walker, Morba, Merriam, Wheeler). Fred T . Tamill '22 receives Eigenbrodt Troph y fro m Stewart M. Ogilvy '3 6 . Th e R ev. Howard R. Wh ite '02 registers. President Jacobs ioim '32 dinner. Toga-clad '37 in parade-winner of Board of Fellows Bowl.

REPORTS CAMPUS ACTIVITIES Alumni activities on Trinity's campus have been frequent and fruitful during the year past, chiefly because of the energy and imagi nation of our Alumni Secretary, John A. Mason '34. He has had able help from the men named below as chairmen 9f Campus Activities subcommittees and from a number of other men, also able, who gave of their time and talent as committee members, speakers, a nd seminar participants. They are not named only because of space limitations, but on behalf of the Alumni Association I want here to record thanks to all who contributed to Trinity's successful campus activities of 1961-1962. A list of the Campus Activities subcommittees, their year's performance and future plans, follows: THE CAMPUS CoNFERENCE COMMITTEE (Chairman, John T. Wilcox '39) arranged the fifth annual fall conference, held October 13 and 14, 1961. This meeting, to plan the year's work of the Alumni Council , Alumni Interviewers, Area Officers, Class Agents, and Class Secretaries, also saw the a ward of the Capen Trophy to Philadelphia, the outstanding area association, and various awards to the most diligent and successful agents. The meeting heard from President Jacobs, Vice President Holland, Professors Cooper and Nye, Assistant Admissions Director Edwards, and Assistant Development Director Frost, as well as Alumni Association President Johnson and other distinguished alumni. Some 150 men attended. Participants were guests of the College for meals on both Friday and Saturday, and at the Trinity-Tufts football game. John T. Fink '44 has accepted chairmanship of the 1962 Conference, to be held September 28 and 29, 1962. THE HOMECOMING COMMITTEE (Chairman, Frederic T. Tansill '22) astutely planned the annual fall return to the campus to coincide with Trinity's signal victory over Wesleyan on November 18, 1961. About 500 alumni and members of their families enjoyed a buffet lunch in the Field House before the game. Many attended an alumni reception in Wean Lounge, and the Alumni Council and Faculty were guests of Chairman Tansill and Alumni President and Mrs. Johnson at a second reception in Hamlin Hall. David Tyler '43 has agreed to serve as Homecoming chairman in "1962. The date will be that of the Amherst game, November 10. THE REUNION COMMITTEE (Chairman, Hugh Campbell '32) arranged an excellent program for the weekend of the !36th Commencement, June 8, 9, and 10, 1962. Approximately 700 alumni and members of their families participated. Activities commenced at 2 p.m. Friday with Alumni Reading Program seminars (see below). Other alumni seminars followed and, at 6, clams, beer, and a buffet were served in the Field House. The evening saw a facult y reception, a dance, and fraternity meetings. Saturday's program began with a memorial service in the Chapel. A seminar followed. At noon, the traditional Reunion parade led guests to a luncheon and meeting of the Alumni Association in the Field House. After lunch , ground was broken for the new Arts Center, and an exhibition tennis match played between Gardner Mulloy and William Talbert. President and Mrs. Jacobs entertained the alumni at a reception in Hamlin, during which a new portrait of the President commissioned by the Trustees was unveiled. Class Reunion dinners, the 1823 Dinner, and the Dinner of the Immortals completed the evening. THE SEMINARS COMMITTEE (Chairman, Viggo Andersen '27) arranged two highly successful seminars for alumni returning to Reunion. One, chaired by John Reitemeyer '2 1, dealt with the Alliance for Progress a nd U.S.-Latin American relations. The other, chaired by Keith Funston '32, discussed the Common Market. THE ALUMNI READING PROGRAM (Chairman, Scott Bil/you '50) climaxed its first year with three seminars at Reunion time. The program , devised and ably directed by Douglas Frost '59 of the college ad ministration, offered three subjects for semester-long study. Participants were encouraged to read at home in their chosen field and to join in seminar discussions on return to the campus. Although enrollment was limited, the program is off to a promising start. I recommend it to all alumni. THE ALUMNI LOUNGE CoMMITTEE (Chairman, William R . Peele '44) arranged for appropriate plaques in the new Alumni 4

H oward D. Doolittle '3 1

Stewart M. Ogilvy '36

Lounge in Mather Hall. These, installed late in 1961, now record the names of all past presidents of the Alumni Association, all Alumni Trustees, and all winners of the Eigenbrodt Trophy and of the George C. Capen '10 Area Association Award. THE CLASS SECRETARIES COMMITTEE (Chairman, John Friday '5 I) has aided in the supervision of class secretaries. The committee has prepared a questionnaire to encourage reporting of personal alumni news to the Alumni Magazine. A PUBLICITY CoMMITTEE (Chairman , Winfield A. Carlough '54) has assisted other Campus Activities subcommittees in their work, notably the Alumni Reading Program Committee in publicizing its courses. Respectfully submitted, STEWART M. OGJLVY Vice President Campus Activities

ALUMNI INTERVIEWING AND RECRUITING The past academic year has been a most active and fruitful one for the Alumni Interviewing Program. The Class of 1966, which will enter the College in September, embraces many unusual and exciting men from all over the world. The fine quality of the 287 incoming freshmen is clear evidence of a job well done by nearly 400 interviewers. Of particular significance during 1961-1962 was the enthusiastic effort made by several interviewing groups to establish and coordinate a Recruiting Program designed to seek out and attract outstanding young men for the College. Dick Royston '55 and Sandy Campbell '54 in Pittsburgh and Jerry Hansen '51 in Philadelphia deserve special credit for their efforts in the recruiting area. The Admissions Office is working with the various chairmen in order to increase the effectiveness of this program. During the fall of 1961, the College, with close cooperation of the alumni, sponsored dinners in three cities- Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and Washington, D. C. -for leading secondary school officials. The meetings were extremely well attended and served to bring these important educators up to date on recent deve lopments at Trinity. Also, the alumni were able to meet the school people with whom they will work in the future. The College is planning to hold three similar meetings this fall . Another important development in 1961-1962 was the production of a film strip program about the College. This audiovisual program has been sent to the Interviewing Chairmen and should be especially helpful in relating the "Trinity story." In addition, similar film strip sets were offered to many of the outstanding secondary schools all over the country. These programs were sent in late May and as of this writing the reaction to them has been most encouraging. The College had 1470 final candidates for admission during the year and requested the ah,Jmni to contact and interview almost half of these men. Again this year the quality of the interviewing reports was most helpful to the Committee on Admissions. The alumni interviewed 104 members of the Class of 1966. One area of the Interviewing Program does need some improvement- that of following up on men who have been admitted to Trinity but who are undecided about their college choice. In a day when Trinity is competing for outstanding candidates with the Ivy League colleges and the Little Three, an extra effort by the alumni is increasingly necessary. On the whole, the efforts of the many alumni who have generously given so much time to the Interviewing Program have brought the College much closer to its goal of excellence. Respectfully submitted, HowARD D . DooLITTLE '31 National Vice Chairman Admissions Interviewing and R ecruiting

AREA ASSOCIATIONS Most of our twenty-three area associations had an active year. We are indeed indebted to President Jacobs who took the time from his busy schedule to visit nine of our groups, and to our Alumni Secretary, John Mason '34, who assisted in the forming of new Ass0ciations in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Cincinnati. John also met with alumni in San Diego and Denver and hopes to form active alumni groups there. It is interesting to note that nearly all our area presidents and their officers are alumni who have been graduated since World War II. We appreciate their time and effort to spread the name of Trinity, and feel sure that their respective groups will grow in numbers and in usefulness to our College. Active participation in alumni interviewing of prospective freshmen candidates is a prime interest of all our area groups. We believe that the interviewing chairmen worked closely with the association officers. We are pleased to note the increase of the practice of Book Prize awards to outstanding juniors of local preparatory and high schools. The Trinity Club of Hartford donated some twenty-six prizes, and our thanks go to James R. Glassco Jr. '50, committee chairman, for his organization and execution of this work. The New York Association gave ten Book Prizes; New Britain, four; and Fairfield, two. It is our hope that other Associations will wish to participate in this most worthwhile activity. In a few instances it was necessary to prod the officers of some associations to advise. us of their meetings and to encourage them into attempting some additional activities. It is our hope that the stimulus of the George C. Capen Area Association annual award will awaken and arouse our alumni officers to note what is being accomplished throughout the country. And thus make a better Trinity. Respectfully submitted, H. DAUT Vice President A rea Associations ROBERT

READING PROGRAM SEMINARS They were very close to being seminars in the "real" sense of that term. Alumni, graduate students, and graduating seniors were present and they had read and become familiar with the topics. The atmosphere was that of a classroom and not of a lecture or a panel discussion. It was serious. Dr. Gwynn had in his group a writer, a secretary from the College and several (twenty or so) interested alumni and their wives. He gave a disciplined lecture upon the background of recent American fiction; in the discussion that followed particular points were tackled. In another classroom, Professor Johnson (he is so young, the students cannot help but think of him as "Bill") explained the nature of Existentialism: what the reason for this movement is, who the people are, and why. He asked questions of the listeners, and sometimes the questions were tricky. Alumni occasionally fell into a trap but the graduating seniors who attended were more agile. Even though the seminar ended after two hours, a few stayed and talked for another half hour. Fifteen people met with Attorney Joseph Skelley in the next classroom. The topic: "Pornography, Literature, Censorship and The Law." Mr. Skelley has defended a man who sold Tropic of Cancer (the book is "illegal" in Hartford County) and has his own opinions as to the right of individuals to read what they please. While panel discussions and lectures can be very informative, the Alumni Reading Seminars have a different kind of significance. The reading lists are provided several months in advance. The interested alumnus or wife may obtain an introductory essay from the College, and the seminar in June (on Friday of Commencement Weekend) is planned and based on the reading. The program can be thoroughly stimulating. It "sticks to the ribs." This was the first year for the Alumni Reading Program. For many alumni, Trinity is once again the source of intellectual life; perhaps next year even more alumni will be able to make the time to take part.- D.L.F.

REUNION 1962 Saturday noon the alumni formed for class pictures and the traditional parade to the Field House. The reuning graduates lined up behind the class of 1902 with eleven of twelve members back on the campus earning, deservedly, the Jerome Kohn best-attendance award. In the line of march which stretched from the Field House door to the Bishop's Statue came the class of '07; ' 12 - with Foreign Legion hats- perhaps in deference to their classmate who came the furthest distance, William A. Bird IV of Tangier, Morocco ; then the class of '17, followed by '22 with matching caps and jackets of gold with blue; ' 27 had arm bands and caps and most of '32 wore popular sports caps ; then came the Toga Class of '37, winners of the Board of Fellows Bowl , complete with laurel wreaths and signs spelling out "Class of '37, the last of the 'intellektuals' "; the classes of '42 and '49 had yellow caps and blue letters; '52 wore pith helmets and carried one member on the safari to the Field House; '57 with monogrammed shirts and almost 57 signs completed the parade. In the afternoon many attended the ground breaking ceremonies for the Arts Center. Also in the afternoon many witnessed a tennis exhibition, others heard Mr. Bird talk on "Authors and Printers in Paris in the 1920's," and then most attended the President's reception in Wean Lounge where a portrait of Dr. 1a cobs was unveiled. It was painted by the renowned Belgian-born artist Alfred Jonniaux who was present.


Charles T. Kingston ]r. '34

Harris K. Prior '32

Harris K. Prior '32, director of the Memorial Art Gallery at the University of Rochester, was elected Alumni Trustee for a term of six years. Mr. Prior is a member of the Arts Center Steering Committee and was graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Trinity. Charles T. Kingston Jr. '34 of Charles T. Kingston and Associates of Hartford, was elected Alumni Trustee for a term of one year. Mr. Kingston will fill the unexpired term of Barclay Shaw '35, who was elected a Life Trustee of the College in January 1962. 5


Dr. and Mrs. Jaco bs view Portrait with artist Alfred Jonniaux.

Alumni seminars on Latin America and another on the Common Market attracted many graduates during the reunion weekend. A panel discussing Latin America and the Alliance for Progress concluded that the alliance is a good thing but so far has been disappointing. All three panelists agreed that before the program can reach true success it is paramount that the underdeveloped countries receive education and technical assistance. Participating in the discussion were Col. John R. Reitemeyer '2 1, Trinity Trustee, publisher of the Hartford Courant and vice president of the Inter-American Press Association; Dr. Walter Howe, former ambassador to Chile; and Guillermo Gutierrez of Bolivia, managing director of the Inter-American Press Association. Mr. Reitemeyer, who moderated the discussion, emphasized the differences in history of the Latin-American countries and underlined the need for "friendship and understanding" as more important than giving away large quantities of money. Dr. Howe traced the history of the alliance from President Franklin Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor" policy and the need for coordination in implementing the present program. Mr. Gutierrez said that each country must be treated separately under the aid program to meet vastly different needs each has and that first and foremost the underdeveloped countries need technical training and education before the aid can be used effectively.

John R . R eitemeyer '22 opens Alumni Seminar on Latin America and the Alliance /or Progress. A bove: Chairman o/ the Physics Department, Dr. F. W oodbridge Constant, President Jaco bs and Chairnuzn o/ the Mathematics Department, Dr. Harold L. Dorwart, pose with shovels after breaking ground /or new Mathematics-Physics Building. Shovel held by Dr. Jacobs has been used / or all ground breaking ceremonies beginning with the Hal/den Engineering Laboratory in 1946. Below: Chairman of the Music Department, Professor Clarence E. Walters, Chairman o/ the Fine Arts Department, Professor John C. E. Taylor, and A ssociate Professo r of Drama George E. Nicho ls Ill breaking ground /or the Arts Center.

The impact of the Common Market was agreed to be a powerful third block in world politics by a panel discussion in the Chemistry Auditorium which attracted some 250 alumni . The panel was moderated by G . Keith Funston '32, Trinity Trustee and president of the New York Stock Exchange. Dr. Lawrence W. Towle, G . Fox Professor of Economics at Trinity, opened the discussion tracing the development of the market from the Marshall Plan aid to Western Europe following World War II . "Politically, our greatest advantage lies in influencing and holding closely to our idea of the emergent European group. " Michael G. Duerr, European economic specialist for the Chase Manhattan Bank, said "Our larger and well-developed economy would swamp the boat if we were to join the common market today," but, he added, "President Kennedy's program to further reductions in tariffs and to subsidize those industries hurt would go a long way to providing a position for competition for the United States." Another panelist, Dr. Orson H. Hart Jr. , second vice president of the New York Life Insurance Co., said textiles, low grade steel and glassware are among the industries most likely to be hurt by the change in trade relationship. The panel agreed the United States should attempt to lower the tariff but felt this would not cut down on American-European investment.

COMMENCEMENT 1962 The College's 136th Commencement was blessed with sunshine and, on occasion, a light breeze moved the tassels dangling from the mortar boards of 227 men who received bachelor degrees and 51 men and women who received masters degrees. More than 2500 parents, alumni and friends gathered for the occasion 'Neath the Elms in front of Northam Towers and watched the seniors take their last undergraduate journey down the Long Walk. Eight men were awarded honorary degrees including two alumni, Trustee G. Keith Funston '32 and Dr. Jacob C. Hurewitz '36, Columbia University Professor. Another honorary degree went to a Trinity parent, Joseph Verner Reed, executive producer of the American Shakespeare Festival Theatre and Academy, father of Nathaniel P. Reed '57 and Samuel P. Reed '58. DavidS. Gates of Needham Heights, Mass., was graduated valedictorian of the class of 1962 and David E. Wilson of Milwaukee was class salutatorian. Twenty-two other students were graduated with honors. Of those receiving bachelor degrees, 52 received a bachelor of science degree including four who received B.S. degrees in Engineering; two in Mechanical Engineering and two in Electrical Engineering. Masters degrees awarded included 34 masters of arts and 17 masters of science. Thirty-one of the total receiving masters degrees were from the Greater Hartford area, and only ten of the 51 received their undergraduate education at Trinity. H onorary degree recipients with Dr . j acobs : Front row, l. to r., Dr. Jacobs; Dr. Jacob C. Hurewitz "36, professor of government, Columbia University, doctor of letters; Dr. T. Stewart Hamilton, executive director of Hartford Hospital, doctor of science. Back row, l. to r., Donald F. Hyde, partner, McKenzie, H yde, W illson, French and Poor of New York, doctor of letters; G. Keith Funston '32, president and governor of the New York Stock Exchange, doctor of laws; the Rt. Rev. ]. Warren Hutchens, suffragan bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut, doctor of divinity; ]. Doyle De Witt, president of the Travelers Insurance Company, doctor of lau•s; Joseph V. Reed , executive producer of the American Shakespeare Festival Theater and Academy at Stratford, doctor of humane letters; and the Rev. John Crocker, headmaster of the Groton School, doctor of divinity.

"Our present civilization is based upon capitalistic control of the stores of earth and the power driven tool. This is true whether in private capitalized America or in statecapitalized Russia. It is developing at great speed, growing out of hand, pushing the mobs into cavernous cities, taking from the individual the joy of craftsmanship, penalizing family life, and in many ways running amuck. The Church of the living God did not make it. Man made it. Whether it can be tamed by its creator, no one can be sure. The point is that the Church of the living God will go on whether it survives or not. If capitalism joins feudalism, and imperialism, and Bolshevism in limbo, God will still sit between the Cherubim be the earth never so unquiet ... "Brethren, let us by all means have more religion, but let it be this real religion of the Church, centered in the Eternal God, awed, a thing of beauty, and of deep humility. And let us not seek it for the sake of preserving civilization which is relatively unimportant. Let us seek it because we have lost our way, in a modern maze of sin and pride; because God is our lost treasure ; because we are children and the Father's house is home; because we would eat again the bread of God and drink once more the wine of heaven."

"How do you achieve that delicate balance between private initiative and government control? Where private initiative has lagged-where the people have been unable or unwilling to assert their fundamental control of the governmental process- freedom has diminished. "The answer lies in stimulating, with every resource we can muster, a concept of enlightened self-regulation- on a national scale. "If, for selfish reasons, or through simple neglect, you choose to restrain your participation in the vital matters affecting the nation , then you must expect that government will assume more of the burdens and gradually, even unintentionally, encroach upon your freedom . " If you take the trouble to keep informed about major issues, to think them through and make your views known , then and only then will you practice the kind of personal self-regulation that can help maintain an effective balance between the freedom that is priceless and the restraint that is necessary. "Many of you will return to Trinity-perhaps with the same nostalgic feelings I have experienced today. "And you , too, will discover many changes. You will find that you have helped to direct many of those changes. Those changes- in your personal lives and in your world, as well as your college- will give new and personal meaning to the line from George Moore: 'A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it. ' And to each of you, may I wish a happy and successful journey- and a safe return."

The Rt. Rev.]. Warren Hut chens

G . Keith Funston '32

WE QUOTE: from the Baccalaureate Sermon and the Commencement Address


THE progress of the Parents Fund and Alumni Fund in recent years has been remarkable. This year was no exception. The two alumni who offered challenge gifts provided an unusual incentive to alumni; the dedicated volunteer workers in both the Alumni Fund and Parents Fund carried out their responsibilities admirably, but it was the generous support of 3126 alumni and 589 parents that made the final achievement possible. Many thanks go to all who have done so much for the College. ALBERT



ALUMNI FUND E have made our W goals . . . and gone over the top! 3196 Alumni (56% of the Alumni body) contributed $125,635. My thanks to all loyal Trinity Alumni who contributed, to the members John L. Bonee '43 of our steering committee, class agents and assistants, and alumni in cities all over the country who took part in the personal solicitation. Last, but most important of all, thanks to the anonymous alumni who, by providing challenge gifts of $7500 and $5000 respectively, provided the incentive and the spark to make our 1962 Alumni Fund DFive the huge success that it was!

PARENTS FUND NE wonders about Trinity parents. Their loyalty and generosity exceed the most optimistic expectations. This year 589 parents contributed $40,739.00. Both are records, and can only be acknowledged by Clarence U. Carruth Jr. thanking all the parents who did contribute, and all the parents who volunteered to work on the campaign. I think the response indicates the deep appreciation we, as parents, feel for the College-for the contribution Trinity is making in the mental, moral, spiritual and physical development of our sons.


CLARENCE U. CARRUTH JR. National Chairman 1961-62 Parents Fund

JOHN L. BONEE '43 National Chairman 1961-62 Alumni Fund


$125,000 55% Alumni participation $125,635 56%


$40,000 $40,739 589 contributors

ALUMNI GIVING INCENTIVE AWARD TRINITY COLLEGE received a Certificate and an Award of $I 50 from the 1962 Alumni Giving Incentive Awards Program at the annual conference of the American Alumni Council. The Awards are sponsored by Amercan Business and Industry, financed by the United States Steel Foundation and administered by the American Alumni Council. Trinity received honorable mention for "Sustained Performance" in its Alumni Giving Program for men's colleges. Also receiving honorable mention were Amherst, College of the Holy Cross, Lehigh and Williams. 8



CLARENCE U. CARRUTH JR.- National Chairman REGION I (Massachusetts, Connecticut and Western New York) ALAN N. ANDERSON, Regional Chairman • Edgar H. Kent, Robert C. Knox Jr. , James R. Joralemon REGION II (New York and New Jersey) ROBERT D. MURDOCK, Regional Chairman • Courtier L. Parsons, John K. Holbrook, Selven Feinschreiber, Robert C. Howland REGION III (Mid-Atlantic and South) ALBERT D . HUTZLER Jr. , Regional Chairman • Alfred Steel, Walter A. Frey Jr. , Richard C. Palmer, Joseph L. Fraser REGION IV (Near Midwest) JAMES R. PITCAIRN, Regional Chairman • Elliott B. McConnell, Sherman J . FitzSimons, Robert H. Anning REGION V (Midwest, Far West, No. Central and Southwestern States) FRANCIS V. LLOYD, Regional Chairman • Thomas W. Pettus, S. T. Spitzer, Harold A . Lenicheck, Herbert Kunzel





1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-58 1958-59 1959:-60 1960-61 1961-62

$19,689. 27,806. 36,916. 36,174. 44,511. 51,221. 62,819.

846 1128 1452 1624 1954 2038 2342

22.2% 26.6% 33.4% 35.5% 40.7% 40.3% 45.0%


100,517. 108,088. 111,203. 125,635.

TOTAL ALUMNI GIFTS 1961-1962 Alumni Fund .................... $125,635 Other Gifts* Endowment. .................. . 46,500 New Buildings ................ . 80,100 Restricted and other purposes ... . 26,100 TOTAL ALUMNI GIVING .......... . $278,335 *Does not include pledges

2252 2391 2820 3196

43.0% 43.3% 51.1 % 56% ALUMNI STEERING COMMITTEE

• • • • • • •

JoHN L. BoNE E '43, National Chairman ETHAN F. BASSFORD '39, General Vice Chairman PAUL W. ADAMS '35, Chairman Leadership Gifts SEYMOUR E. SMITH '34, Chairman Special Gifts HARRY K. KNAPP '50, Chairman Class Agents E . LAIRD MoRTIMER III '57, Chairman Promotion JEROME c. CUPPlA JR. '43, Chairman Corporate Gifts 9



Hull '37


Craig '54


1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1947 1948 1949 1950

VICTOR F. MORGAN John D. Corcoran Robert L. Russell Clay Stephens 1959 Robert E. Custer JAMES A. WALES Edward B. Thomas james M. Thomas, Jr. WILLIAM C. Douglas Donald ANSON T. McCOOK Benneville D. Wilmot, Jr. Clarence A. Vars JOHNSON, JR. Gordon C. Gilroy john B. Wynne FREDERICK C . Kenyon J . Wildrick Herbert H. Moo~in Wardwell G. Hadley 1953 HINKEL. JR. Robert M . Woronoff Samuel S. Polk David M. Hadlow, Jr. WINTHROP W. FREDERICK C. 1956 Michael E. Borus The Rev. john Hardwick FAULKNER HINKEL, JR. Donald W. Farmer BERTRAM R . justin Maccarone The Rev. David J. Dean ALLEN R. GOODALE Douglas L. Frost SCHADER John R. MacKesson Umberto Del Mastro FREDERICK C . John R. Hamlett Lt. Richard G. Abbott Francis Mullane G. Bruce Fox HINKEL, JR. Peter R. Henriques Robert D. Davis Henry S. W. Perez FREDERICK C. John B. Hanford, Jr. Philip E. McNairy Donald W. Anderson Harry C . Rowney. Jr. Romilly H. Humphries HINKEL, JR. Brian E. Nelson Bruce N. Macdonald james A. Sexton, Jr. Benjamin F. Jones IV FREDERICK C. Warner R. Pitcher John H. Barter Andrew N. Shepard John H. Larson HINKEL, JR. R. Evan Scharf Frank G . Foley Fra nk W. Sherman THE REV. PAUL H. William G. Lauffer, Jr. A. Thomas Guertin Albert R. Smith II Merrill R. Stein G. Philip Lecrenier BARBOUR, D.O . Edward A. Montgomery, Jr. 1960 Wendell S. Stephenson GEORGE C . CAPEN Philip J. Mallon Richard F. Nissi MARVIN W. PETERSON James M. Stewart William S. Miller THE REV. JOHN Gerald E. Pauley , Jr. Emil D. Arle John F. Trousdale Raymond C. Parrott H. ROSEBAUGH Eero Raig Grosvenor Richardson james C. VanLoon, Jr. Samuel H. Ramsey, Jr. HARRY WESSELS George W. Skinner Peter Strasser Peter Van Metre Quentin R. Starr WILLIAM P. BARBER , JR. James M. Streeto John W. Bassett Nelson P. Wainman , Jr. Elliott H. Valentine CHARLES W. COOKE j ohn C. Swett Robert G. Beaven Montgomery L. Young William R. Whitelaw THE REV. JAMES A. Peter C. Turner Charles A. Bergmann Jay E. Geiger Peter L. Winslow MITCHELL J ohn R. Vaughan, Jr. Neboysha R. Brashich Joseph B. Wollenberger REV. FRANK LAMBERT 1951 The Rev. George J . Sanford A. Bredine KINGSTON L. HOWARD 1954 ARTHUR RABINOWITZ Willis, Jr. Charles S. Burger DONN D. WRIGHT SYDNEY D. PINNEY JOHN G. CRAIG, JR. The Rev. William J. Zito Carrington Clark, Jr. James T. Barber John H. Bloodgood HARMON T. BARBER Nei l W. Coogan 1957 David M. Blair Charles C. Bowen DR. GEORGE A. BOYCE Richard P. Hall RONALD G. FOSTER Karl J . Berg The Rev. George H. Bowen ARTHUR N. MATTHEWS Morris Lloyd , Jr. E. Laird Mortimer Ill Bayard Bridge PAUL A. H. deMARCARTE Bernard Braskamp, Jr. Richard E . Macho! H. Brooks Baker James 13. Curtin William B. Conner I. LAIRD NEWELL Clark Phippen John J . Bonsignore Timoth y R. Cutting Eric Fowler R. GEORGE ALMOND Robert L. Puffer James R. Bradley Robert S. Elliott GEORGE George T . Hill, Jr. Robb N . Russell Franklin W . Bulkley Thomas F. Ferguson MALCOLM- SMITH John H. Kaelber II Curtis M. Scribner McP. Day Neil Alfred J. Koeppel john E. Friday, Jr. KENNETH W. STUER Richard W. Stockton Bertra m G. Frazier Ill Raymond G. Hampson, Jr. james A. Leigh ANDREW H. FORRESTER Bruce Stone Norman C. Kayser The Rev. Richardson A. Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. JAMES E. BENT Peter B. Underhill Lt. Paul S. Kennedy Robert S. Harding THE VERY REV. Libby, Jr. John J. Kuiper 1961 james P. Logan GEORGE D. HARDMAN John F. Kearns, Jr. Stephen P. Letcher FRANCIS B. John F. Klinger james H. Mitchell, Jr. HERBERT E. SNOW William D. Luke, Jr. GUMMERE, JR. Wayne W. Loveland Stanley N. Muirhead , Jr. ARTHUR D. WEINSTEIN Manny Myerson Donald J . Fish OT. Maurice H. Martel Dr. Frederick G. Oberender EVERETT S. GLEDHILL William 0. Richards Christopher A. Hodges W. Howie Muir The Rev. George H. JOHN G. TRACY Gordon W. Szamier F. Benedict Hubby ANDREW ONDERDONK Louis Raden Pike, Jr. Frederick M. Tobin Christopher D. lllick Armando T. Ricci, Jr. BARCLAY SHAW ArthurS. Rathbun, Jr. John E. Koretz 1958 Lewis G. Taft VICTOR E. BONANDER Robert H. Wilson , Jr. CARL H . SHUSTER Donald LeStage Ill William H. Van Lanen Ralph L. Tompkins WILLIAM G. HULL George P. Lynch , Jr. Robert W. Back ROBERT A. GILBERT John H. Weikel Arthur G. Von Thaden 1952 1955 Robert F. McCammon, Jr. LEWIS M. WALKER John L. Thompson DAVID R. SMITH DAVID A. ROBERTS ETHAN F . BASSFORD Charles G . Mixter Ill Charles G. Blumstein HERBERT R. BLAND Edwin W. flleecker William T. O'Hara Frank A. Morse H a rold J. Drinkaus RAYMOND E. THOMSEN Nicholas J. Christakos Robert L. Sind MichaelS. Perlman Barry A. Elliott ROBERT P. NICHOLS john H. Cohen, Jr. John H . Callen, Jr. Jack A. Perry Bruce Gladfelter Maurice Fremont#Smith DREW Q. BRINKERHOFF E. Wade Close, Jr. David W. Hasson John E. Romig Philip D. Craig WILLIAM B. STARKEY Bidwell S. Fuller Mil ton Israel John P . Rorke BEVIN D . KOEPPEL The Rev . A. Hugh William M . Gannon Thornton G. Sanders Harry C. Jackson, Jr. THOMAS M. MEREDITH William J. Howard Dickinson John E. Stambaugh William J. Kilty j ohnS. Hubbard Robert J. Donahue ALONZO G . GRACE, JR. William A. Sullivan , Jr. Edgar W. Lorson HARRY K. KNAPP Came ron F. Hopper Robert G. Hubbard Roy H. M c llwaine Douglas T. Tans ill Lee A. Lahey Robert L. Beattie Robert N. Hunter Samuel Wagner Bernard R. Moran , Jr. Raymond M. Beirne Antony Mason Robert A. Laird Thomas J . Watt Lt. Wa yne R. Park Robert M. Blum J ohn L. Palshaw John Nesteruk Edward M. Wiener Michael A. Schacht Thomas S. C laros Richard E. Nic holson J oseph F. Riccardo, Jr. Robert Compton Henry Scheinberg Lyndon H. Ratcliffe Robert L. Wodoward , Jr. Clifford L. Terry


ALUMNI FUND CLASS STANDINGS BY PARTICIPATION I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.




1917 1922 1919 1916 1918 1920 1913 1934 1957 1937 1923 1914 1912 1932 1961 1925 1921 1930 1954 1915 1935 1959 1944 1942 1924 1928 1938 1939 1952 1958 1926 1950 1960 1951 1929 1931 1943 1956 1953 1940 1936 1927 1947 1948 1941 1949 1955 1933 1945 1946

40 46 36 39 36 36 27 101 196 93 32 27 23 68 230 49 23 51 217 39 109 230 104 127 35 62 103 115 239 208 58 271 235 237 58 61 122 202 192 102 96 37 112 190 110 175 240 68 77 85

36 40 31 33 30 30 22 76 142 67 23 19 16 47 157 32 15 32 134 24 67 137 61 73 20 35 58 64 132 108 30 137 118 115 28 29 58 96 91 48 45 17 50 82 46 72 97 24 25 25



1889 1894 1895 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911

100 66.6 33.3 50 100 33.3 92.3 100 20 100 83 .3 50 47.3 70.3 86.2 42.4


5.00 70.00 65.00 1,000.00 220.00 35.00 916.00 1,403.56 20.00 109.00 452.00 200.00 221.00 4,136. 16 2,790.64 1,041 .00

% 90.0 86.9 86.1 84.6 83 .3 83.3 81.4 75.2 72.4 72.0 71.8 70.3 69.5 69.1 68.2 65.3 65.2 62.7 61.7 61.5 61.4 59.5 58.6 57.4 57.1 56.4 56.3 55.6 55.2 51.9 51.7 50.5 50.2 48 .5 48.2 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.3 47.0 46.8 45.9 44.6 43.1 41.8 41.1 40.4 35.2 32.4 29.4

BY AMOUNT I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.



1916 1922 1917 1935 1934 1918 1928 1939 1925 1936 1923 1952 1950 1937 1943 1915 1931 1954 1938 1932 1944 1930 1929 1951 1957

$ 8,534 5,109 4,221 4,203 3,725 3,593 2,982 2,952 2,902 2,823 2,767 2,688 2,647 2,582 2,527 2,500 2,188 2,023 1,890 1,869 1,833 1,750 1,747 1,657 1,635

26. 27 . 28 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48 . 49. 50.



1955 1942 1941 1919 1959 1912 1948 1956 1927 1940 1958 1924 1913 1953 1960 1949 1920 1926 1921 1947 1961 1933 1914 1945 1946

1,621 1,714 1,590 1,572 1,503 1,474 1,361 1,321 1,305 1,283 1,256 1,216 1,184 1, 182 1,069 1,050 1,035 985 955 899 789 655 637 637 381

• SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS • HONORARY ALUMNI: Frank D. Ashburn, Goodwin B. Beach, Francis Boyer, The Rt. Rev. Charles F. Boynton, John Byrne, Charles W. Deeds, The Rt. Rev. Horace W. B. Donegan, The Rt. Rev. John H . Esquirol, Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman, Peter M . Fraser, Alfred C. Fuller, The Rt. Rev. Walter H. Gray, Joseph C. Grew, William P. Gwinn, Frederick E. Hasler, The Rt. Rev. Robert McC. Hatch, Allerton C. Hickmott, H. M. Horner, The Rt. Rev. Harry S. Kennedy, The Rt. Rev. W . Appleton Lawrence, The Hon. John D. Lodge, Francis S. Murphy, The Rt. Rev. Lyman C. Ogilby, Stanley H. Osborn, The Rt. Rev. James A. Pike, The Rev. Dr. Daniel A. Poling, Leslie R. Severinghaus, Clare nce Newton Wesley, The Rt. Rev. Lewis B. Whittemore. • GRADUATE SCHOOL ALUMNI: E . M. Beecher, Robert M . Bishop, John J. Boyle, David W. Brewer, Arthur E . Cebelius, Herbert Chester, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Comerford, Miss Bette 1. DelGiorno, Henry C. Dixon Jr. , Merrill H. Dooey, Seymour M. Ebner, Mrs. Dorothy W. B. Farrell, Richard C. Gillette, Theodore Allen Guest, Foster Gunnison, John M. Hetherington Jr., Allen R. Hyde, Donald K. Kuehl, Robert M. Ladd, Major John F . LaMar, McMillan Lewis, Mrs. Christine R. Lyman, Miss Jean MacKesson, Lawrence P. McGovern, Miss Dorothy M. McVay, Joseph K. Milnor Jr., Edgar M . Palmer, Miss Dorothy L. Quigley, Henry I. Schweppe, Edward S. Shia, John L. Stanley, Donald F. Sullivan, Edward S. Swanson, Samuel A. Talbot, Mrs. Hilma L. Talcott. • V-12: Eugene W. Jakos, Dr. Melvin Klickstein, Dr. WilliamS. Licht, Donald J. O'Hare. • BEQUESTS: Frank D. Woodruff-1883, Howard A. Pinney-1887, Hill Burgwin-1906, Matthew G. Bach-1910, Robert 0. Muller-1931. • FRIENDS: Charles Holman, Robert I. Laggren.


• CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS (Matching gifts and/ or special grants): !Etna Life Affiliated Companies (Ma tching and special grant), Armstrong Cork Co., Burlington Industries, Chase Manhattan Bank, Chemical Bank New York Trust Co., Combustion Engineering, Inc., Connecticut General Life Insurance Co., Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., Corning Glass Works Co., Deering, Milliken & Co., Inc. , Diamond Alkali Co., Dow Chemical Co., Ford Motor Co., General Electric Co., B. F. Goodrich Co., W. T. Grant Co., Hercules Powder Co., International Business Machines Corp., Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Lubrizol Foundation, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Mellon National Bank & Trust Co., Merck & Company, Inc. , Merrill Lynch Foundation (Special grant), National Distiller & Chemical Corp., National Lead Foundation Co., Olin Mathieso n Chemical Corp., Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Phelps Dodge Corp., Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rust Engineering Co., Scott Paper Co., Simmons Co., Smith Kline & French Laboratories, Stauffer Chemical Co., Textron Metals Co., Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby, Inc., Union-Tribune Publishing Co., R. T . Vanderbilt Fou ndation (Special grant), Western Printing & Lithographing Co. II



1832 In Memoriam: The Rev. Lucius Maro Purdy. 1857 In Memoriam: The Rev. Edward J. Purdy. 1884 In Memoriam : 1888 In M emoriam : Charles E. Purdy. 1889 Beers. 1894 Greenley, Phair. 1895 Philip J. Lawson Purdy. McCook, Agent, Littell, McCook. 1898 Waterman. 1899 Victor F. Morgan, Agent, *Littell, Morgan, In Memoriam: The Rev. Charles Henry, Elton G . Littell. 1900 Clement, Fuller. 1901 ¡James A. Wales, Agent, *Bellamy, Brown, Clement, Cochrane, Evans, Hahn, Hudson, Rudd, Van De Water, Wales, Wharton, Wheeler, In M emoriam: The Rev. Aubrey H : Derby. 1902 Anson T. McCook, Agent, Backus, Bentley, Carson, Gooden, Higginbotham, McCoo , Merriam, Morba, Seymour, Tuke, Walker, Wheeler, White. 1904 Frederick C. Hinkel , Jr. , Agent, Townsend. 1905 Allen R. Goodale, Agent, Bulkley, Campbell, Carr, Clement, Goodale, Harriman, Pelton, Roberts. 1906 Frederick C. Hinkel, Jr., Agent, Brainerd, Butler, Cowper, Curtiss, Fallow, Hinkel, Hunt, Lauderburn, Moulton, Rehr. 1907 Frederick C. Hinkel, Jr., Agent, Chamberlin, F. Coggeshall, Ferguson, 1908 Frederick C. Hinkel, Jr. , Agent, Bedell, Buck, Budd, Donnelly, Edsall, Off, Porter, Randall, Wentworth, In Thompson. Memoriam: Saul Berman. 1909 The Rev. Paul H. Barbour, Agent, Backus, Barbour, Buchanan, Buck, P. Butterworth, Cadman, J. Carpenter, L. Carpenter, Creedon, Gilbert, Hallden, Harriman, Kean, Livingston, Reineman, Roberts, Snow, Vaughn, Xanders, Friend of 1909: Raymond John Wean Foundation, In Memoriam: Dr. William D. Dwyer. 1910 George C. Capen, Agent, Abbey, Capen, Carpenter, D. Clark, J. Clark, J. Cook, Eaton, Francis, Gamerdinger, Geer, Gildersleeve, Harris, Judge, Larned, Leschke, McElroy, Neff, Nelson, Oliver, Olsson, Skinner, Smith, Townsend, Turner, Webster, Friend of 1910: E. B. Capen, In Memoriam : Charles Hobby Bassford, Horace R. Bassford. 1911 The Rev. John H. Rosebaugh, Agent, Berman, Buck, Christie, Dissell, Farrow, Foster, Green, Pomeroy, Rees, Rosebaugh, Sher1912 Harry Wessels, Agent, Barnett, Bates, Blake, man, Skinner, Smith, Trachtenberg, In Memoriam : Clarence E. Needham. Breed, Carpenter, Evison, Herrick, Holcomb, Humphrey, McClure, Penn, Pettigrew, Pulford, Rankin, Segur, Wessels, Friend of 1912: 1913 William P. Barber, Class Agent, F. Moran McConihe, Friend of 1912: Anonymous, In Memoriam: William Hill Bleecker, Jr. Adkins, Barber, Barnett, Bentley, Brown, Case, Cook, Deppen, Fairbanks, Foot, Hsi , Marr, McCreery, McGee, Sansbury, Sawyer, A. Sayres, C. Sayres, Smith, Vail, Ward, Withington. 1914 Charles W. Cooke, Agent, Allen, Baridon, Barton, Blachford, Cooke, Craik, Cross, deRonge, Dexter, Edgelow, Ehlers, Hudson, Moore, O'Connor, Senay, A. Walker, R. Walker, Wessels, Woodward, In Memoriam: Ethan F. Bassford. 1915 The Rev. James A . Mitchell , Agent, Bailey, Barnett, Barns, T. Brown, Budd, Chapin, Cowles, Edsall, *Furnivall, Kinney, S.M. Merrill , Mitchell, Murray, Olafson , Peck , Pressey, Roberts, Scofield, B. Smith, R. Smith, Stratton, Thompson, Young, Zipkin, In Memoriam: Lt. Harold Mills. 1916 The Rev. Frank Lambert, Agent, Baker, Berkman, Bond, Easterby, Elder, English, Ferris, Hansen, Harding, Ives, Jennings, Johnson, Lambert, Linton, Lyon, Martin, Maxon, Meyer, Miller, Morris, Niles, O'Connor, Peck, Pierce, Pierpont, Rask, Redding, Schmitt, Spencer, Spofford, Tiger, Townsend, Woolley, In Memoriam: James L. Cole, Edgar T. Morgan. 1917 Arthur Rabinowitz, Agent, F. Barnwell, J. Barnwell , Barthelmess, Bierck, Clement, Creamer, Dennis, Dworski, Fendell, Fenton, Francis, Griffith, Gummere, Hasburg, Hatch, *Higgins, Hungerford, Jepson, Johnson, Kirkby, Kramer, Ladd, McCoid, McKay, Parker, Pratt, Rabinowitz, Racioppi, Rock , Sather, Schlier, Schwolsky, Stark, Storrs, Tree, Williamson, Wooster, In 1918 Sydney D. Pinney, Agent, Beach, Beers, Blease, Memoriam: A. Northey Jones, The Rev. William B. VanValkenburgh. Brandt, Buffington, Burnap, Caldwell , Carlson, Gaberman, Griffith, Grime, Gurian, Hampson, Hatheway, Ives, James, Kates, Mitchell, 1919 Harmon T. Mullen, Noll, Phillips, Phister, Pinney, Pollock, Robertson, Shulthiess, Silverman, Simonson, Title, Wessels. Barber, Agent, Antupit, E. Armstrong, Barber, Brill , Buckley, Casey, Grayson, Hodder, Jarvis, Jessen, Kenney, King, Leeke, Nirenstein, Nordstrom, Norris, Partridge, Potter, Pressey, Rorison, Schortmann, Shepherd, Silverberg, Skau, Sturman, Traub, Tuska, Valenti ne, Vogel, Williams, Wyse. 1920 Dr. George A. Boyce, Agent, Adkins, Biedler, Bond, Boyce, Bruce, Cahill , Hartzmark, Hoisington, Jackson, Kolodny, Levin, Lynch, Lyon, Miller, Mitchell, Murtha, Nichols, O'Hearn, Ortgies, Perkins, Priest, Puffer, Purdy, Ramsay, Rosenberg, Shulman, Stansfield, Tilton, Warner, Whipple. 1921 Arthur N . Matthews, Agent, Ameluxen, Bradley, Butler, Clark, Hersey, Hoffman, Hutchison, Kingeter, Matthews, Neiditz, Ransom, Reitemeyer, Saling, Shepard, Strong. 1922 Paul A. H. de Macarte, Agent, Brainerd, Brown, Buckley, Byrnes, Callaghan, Carey, C. Case, Chapin, Clapp, Cram, Cuningham, deMacarte, Doran, England, Gable, Goldenberg, Graham, Grime, Guertin, Hurwitz, Johnson, Kendall, Kneeland, Kunkel, Loomis, Miller, Newsom, Nordlund, Ortgies, Parker, Plumb, Puels, Reynolds, Richman, Soule, Styring, Tansill, Thomson, Tucker, Walsh. 1923 I. Laird Newell, Agent, Berube, Bowdidge, Calano, Canner, Clark, Coogan, Fitzsimons, Gammell, Gaudian, Gesner, Hallberg, Hartt, Manion, Merritt, Miller, Newell, Norman, D. Perry, Post, H. Smith, L. Smith, Wallen, Webster. 1924 R. George Almond , Agent, Almond, Bleeker, Dorison, Goodrich, Goodridge, Hawley, Johnson, Kennedy, Lundborg, Marranzini, Mills, Mitchell, Morton, Mulford , Murphy, O'Connor, Rich, Sutcliffe, Thomas, Yeomans. 1925 George Malcolm-Smith, Agent, Birch, Carey, Casey, Chapman, Dubin, Fleming, Geetter, Geiger, Goodridge, Guillard, Hadlow, Hawley, Jones, Lischner, Malcolm-Smith, McNally, Meranski, W. Merchant, Montgomery, Noble, Peiker, Phelps, Ricci, Samponaro, Shannon, Singer, K. Smith, Stone, Thorburn, Valerius, Weiner, Wilcox. 1926 Kenneth W. Stuer, Agent, Burr, Coletta, Cook, Dann, D'Esopo, Farrell, Fertig, Gamble, Hough, Hubbard, Hull, Jackson, Lindsay, Linnon, Loeffler, Messer, Newell, Newsholme, Nicol, Noble, R. O'Brien, Parke, Pitcher, Reisman, Sheehan, Sherman, Stuer, Wallad, Whiston, Williams. 1927 Andrew H . Forrester, Agent, Bashour, Bell, Bloodgood , Cahill , Celentano, Condit, Conran, Eberle, Forrester, Hartt, Johnson, Kerridge, Manierre, Meade, Muller, Segur, Wilbur. 1928 James E. Bent, Agent, Baldwin, Beers, Bent, Berger, Burr, Condon, Doolittle, Ebersold, Even, Farris, FitzGerald, Gibson, Gordon, Gotkis, Green, G. Gregory, W. Gregory, Jackson, A. Katz, H. Katz, Lacy, Libbin, Lonsdale, Mastronarde, 1929 The Very Rev. George D . Meier, Moses, Platt, Ravich, Rosenfeld, Rulnick, Saliske, Walter, Ward, Whitaker, Young. Hardman, Agent, Blank, Brown, Cole, Cutler, DeBonis, Gillespie, Hallstrom, Hardman, Hey, Ihrig, Kneeland , Koenig, Loomis, May, Mills, Nordstrom, Perlstein , Reindle, Rowland , Spekter, Toomajian, Turney, Uhlig, Walker, Wardlaw, White, Whitney, Zinner. 1930 Herbert E. Snow, Agent, Barto, Belden, Bobrow, Brainerd , Bush, Cooper, Cornwell, DesChamps, D'Esopo, Forastiere, Fuhlbruck, Glaubman, Johnson, Kazarian, Keeney, Knurek, La Bella, Linn, Lovering, Macinnes, Nye, Polo, Raffa, Regnier, Rogers, Rosenbaum, Ryan, Saliske, C. Smith, Snow, Squillacote, Wise. 1931 Arthur D. Weinstein, Agent, Blakeslee, Blauvelt, Childs, Dann, Diman, H. D. Doolittle, Durand, Griffin, Gooding, Higgins, Jacobson, Kearney, Keating, Mackie, Mathes, Meeker, Mitchell, Norris, Scaife, Schmolze, Tobin, Twaddle, Vogel, Wallbank, Waterman, Weinstein, Welivar, Wilkinson, Wyckoff. 1932 Everett S. Gledhill, Agent, Abbott, Adams, Andrus, Backstrom, Baldwin, Bialick, Boeger, S. Bronstein, Burgess, Campbell, Carlton, Christy, Convey, Disco, Elliott, Fontana, Funston, Garrison, Geiger, Glassman, Gledhill, Golino, Graham, Grainger, Greene, Heydenreich, Kibitz, Lawton, McPherson, Meier, Meloy, Muenchinger, Muzio, Norman, Ouellette, Phippen, Prior, Reuter, Re ynolds, Sayers, Sidor, Slater, J. Smith, Sykes, Warwick, White, Zazzaro. 1933 John G. *Now deceased


Tracy, Agent, Adams, Bernstein, Butler, Campion, Cherpak, Cronin, Cullen, Egan, Frothingham, Grant, Holmes, Houle, Melrose, Norvell, Nugent, Ogg, Pratt, Prutting, Robbins, Sharkey, Sheafe, Sisbower, Sivaslian, Tracy, Friend of i933, in Memoriam: Bernhard 1934 Andrew Onderdonk, Agent, Albani, Allyn, Ananikian, Arnold, Baker, Basch, Bashour, Bayley, Benjamin, Berndt, H. Perry. Bierkan, Bose, Burnside, Callery, Civittolo, Clark, Coale, Coit, H. Cook, Cowles, Craig, Daut, DeBonis, Dixon , Eddy, Ely, Ewing, Ferris, Fidao, Flynn, Fritzson, Gallaway, Gay, Gladwin, Goddard, Grafe, Grenfell, Haring, Henebry, Holland, Howard, Jackson, Kelly, Kingston. Lokot, Mason, Mayo, McCornick, Midura, Muir, Mullarkey, Newman, A. H. Onderdonk, A. Onderdonk, Rankin, Remkiewicz, Reuber, Rollins, Rosenfield, Rostek, Schack, Schmolze, Schneider, Schultze, Shaw, Smiley, S. E. Smith, Snowdon, Spellacy, Sutherland, Thomson, Tucker, Uhlig, Ward, Wheeler, Zlochiver, Friend of 1934: Mr. Charles Mason, in Memoriam: Francis H. Ballou, Albert W. Hanninen, Ernest H. Higgins, John P. Hodgson, Lionel L. Long, Raymond A. MacElroy, Patrick L. McMahon, John C. Melville, James V. Shea, James B. Webber Jr. 1935 Barclay Shaw, Agent, Adams, Amport, Baskerville, Boeger, Boothe, Brown, Buckley, Buess, Bullock, Cacase, Chapman, Coffey, Cooney, Cosgrove, D'Angelo, Darrell, Dickerson, Duennebier, Eigenbauer, Farnell, Fleisch, Giber, Goldenberg, Gordon, Hagarty, Hanaghan, Hart, Heyel, Hoddinott, Hurd, Irvine, Jaffe, 0 . Johnson, Junker, Kunze, Lane, Lau, Madorin, Maher, Marks, Marquet, McCook, McGarvey, McKenna, McQuade, Mixter, Ohanesian, Olson, O'Neill, Paddon, Parsons, Purdon, Rimosukas, Rodney, Roisman, Roos, Senf, B. Shaw, J. Shaw, Sisbower, Slater, Trantolo, Trask, G. Walker, Ward, Yahn, Zietlow. 1936 Victor E. Bonander, Agent, Benson, Blades, Bonander, Brewer, Brezina, Buckley, Carberry, Christensen, Clark, Collins, Crawford, Davis, Dexter, Geare, Grant, Greenberg, Hanna, Heimer, Henderson, Hollins, Houston, Hurewitz, Jennings, Keane, W. Kirby, Leavitt, Littell, McKee, Miller, Mirsky, More, Nielsen, O' Brien, Ogilvy, Piacente, Podoro wsky, Roberts, L. Rogers, Scott, Scull, Spelman, Starkey, Stein, Weeks, J . Williams. 1937 William G . Hull, Agent, Alpert, Bainbridge, Baker, Baldwin, Banks, Barrows, Bauer, Bellis, Brooke, Broughel , Budd, Burdett, Calderwood, Campbell , Carter, Colton, Cramer, Cushman, D'Angelo, Davis, Dexter, Doty, M. Downes, Dunn, Edstrom, Egan, Fanning, Fien, French, Gagnon, Gale, Greco, Haight, Haskell, Hazenbush, Henderson, Hull, Kelly, Kobrosky, Lehan, Lepak , Lindell , Lloyd , Lusk, Martin, May, McCarthy, McVane, Musgrave, Nelson, Nielsen, Nilson, Onderdonk, Parker, Patton, Payne, Paynter, Penfield, Sanders, Scenti, Scharf, F. Smith, Storms, Taylor, Urban, Urbanik, Wilson. 1938 Robert A. Gilbert, Agent, Anderson, Armstrong, Astman, Barbour, Benjamin, Berg, Blake, Brennan, Chotkowski, Clapp, Connar, Corso, Cross, Culleney, Davidson, DeMonte, DiCorleto, DiLorenzo, Drury, Fuller, Gilbert, Gladstein, Glassman, Goddard, E. Griswold, W. Griswold, Hoegberg, Holmgren, Horn, Jackson, Kenney, Koret, Lahey, Layton, Leon, Lindsay, Lundin, May, McCafferty, McKee, Montgomery, Motten, O' Malley, Parsons, Pfanstiel , Podorowsky, Pomeroy, Pugh, Richman, Schmid, Sherman, Shields, 1939 Ethan F. Bassford, Agent, Barrett, Bartlett, Bassford, W. Bates, Spring, Stevenson, Tiedeman, Tulin, L. Walker, Weir. Blake, Buths, Colton, Couch, Cromwell, Cruson, Davidson, Decker, Driggs, Dunne, Flynn, Follansbee, Gilman, Glaubman, Gorman, Greenleaf, H . Hall, Hamilton, Hanson, P. Harris, R. Harris, Hart, Hayden, Heath, Hill, Hope, R . Johnson, W. Johnson, Leggett, Madden, Mador, Maynard, McCarthy, Merrell, Mills, W. Morgan, Morris, Naylor, Nelson, Newhall, Olson, Sackter, Schmuck, Schreck, Skelley, D. Smith, E. Smith, G. Smith, Spink, Starkey, Sterbens, Stockwell, Tulin, Turner, Twiss, Upham, Waterman, Werner, Wilcox, Yates. 1940 Herbert R. Bland, Agent, Alexander, Andrian, Bengston, Bilka, Bland, Burnham, Canfield, Child, Clarke, Collins, Crabbe, Duennebier, Ferguson, Gallagher, Grandahl, Greenwood, Harrison, Haslach, Hazen, Hopkins, Howe, W. Johnson, J. Jones, Lavieri, Lindner, McLaughlin, Nickel, Onderdonk, Pankratz, Porter, Randall, Riley, Rinehart, Ritter, Rountree, Schaefer, Shapiro, Shelly, Slate, Speed, Stubbs, Vogel, Walker, Webber, J . White, Wolf, Yetman, Zaretsky. 1941 Raymond E. Thomsen, Agent, K . Adams, Bennett, Blaisdell, Bornstein, Buck, Butterworth, Callaghan, Carpenter, Chauser, Clapis, Conway, Cormier, Day, DeBona, Desmond, Ewing, FitzGerald, Fuller, Gavert, Gilley, Goodman, J . Harris, Holcombe, Humphreyson, Hungerford, Insley, A. Johnson, F. Kelly, Lancaster, Lavieri, Mancall, Merwin, Nickerson, Pedicord, Prendergast, Rector, Reese, Roberts, Russo, Sehl, E. S. Smith, Spangler, Stenbuck, Thomsen, Welcher, Willia mson, Special Student-194i: RalphS. Grover. 1942 Robert P. Nichols, Agellf, Anderson, Ayer, Barber, Beaty, Beidler, Bestor, Birmingham, Bonsignore, Bowman, Calaceto, Cannon, G. Carey, Colton, Czarnota, DeBerry, Dickson, Donahue, Dunn, Earle, Elrick, Fisher, Ford, F"resher, Getz, Glynn, Hagedorn, Hinckley, Hotchkiss, Jacobs, Jacobsen, Jehl , Jensen, Jerome, C. Johnson, H . Johnson, Kloss, Krulikoski, Kuehn , Madama, Madison, Manning, McGee, McKibbin, Meshenuk, Middlebrook, Morris, Nichols, Nilson, Paddon, Payne, Pillsbury, Pizzo, Pulito, Rhines, Rosen, Rothauser, Scully, Siems, Simpson, Smellie, Sweetser, Taber, Tamoney, Thenebe, Tuttle, Viering, Vincent, Weeks, White, Whitsitt, Wilson, M. Wood, T. Wood. 1943 Drew Q. Brinkerhoff, Agent, Bailly, Barnaby, Baxter, Bolton, Bonee, Brinkerhoff, Bromberg, Brown, Byers, Carrabba, Cobb, Corliss, Cunningham, Cuppia, Daley, Denny, Dickinson, Fay, Gager, Glidden, M. Guillet, Gulliver, J. Hall, R. Hall, Heubner, Hultine, C. Jones, S. Jones, Kavanaugh, Kelly, Kennedy, Knowles, Loweth, Lutkins, McLaughlin, Miller, Morrison, Paine, Peck, Potter, Rackemann, J. Resony, Richardson, Rossi , St. John, Scott, Stafford, Steitz, Sullivan, Tamoney, Tracy, 1944 William B. Starkey, Agent, Acker, Balfe, Barstow, Bellizzi, Tribelhorn, Tullar, Tyler, Upham, Warren, Weisenfluh, Williams. Boardman, Borden, Burros, Buttery, Chambers, Christensen, Conant, Cooper, Danyliw, Davett, Day, Dexter, Donohue, Eaton, Eichhorn, Elton, Farnsworth, Fay, Fink, Fried, Ghent, Goslee, Gossling, Harriman, Hastings, Jacobs, Katz, Kelly, Larson, Litke, Ohrenschall, Paine, Peelle, S. Peterson, Rago, R . Richardson, L. Roberts, Root, Rutt, Sessa, Shera, Starkey, Stein, Stevenson, Tenney, Torrey, Toland, Traub, Tweedy, Twitchell, Urban, Vanderbilt, White, Williams, Zak, Friend of i944 : F. Osborne Pouchot. 1945 Aiello, Aspell, Brennan, Carothers, Cohen, Cross, Dix, Fredrickson, Frommelt, Gardner, Gerent, Golkowski, Graves, Marzialo, Meyer, Milligan, 1946 Argenta, Burbank , Feldman, Ferrante, Moyer. Oberle, Peterson, Pinsky, Rhein berger, M. Smith, Stack, Taylor, W. Wildman. K. Golden, Hart, Hazen, Kaufmann, Kelly, Klickstein, Knight, Laschever, D . Loomis, R. Loomis, Marra, Milford, Milling, J. Reed, 1947 Bevin D . Koeppel, Agent, Ahlberg, Bonifazi, Bradley, Dabney, Rittner, Shafer, Sturges, Tietze, Vincent, Washer, Wickenden. Daly, Dubinsky, Egan, Ellis, Flynn, Friedland, Gallone, Gelderman, Hane, Hayc:s, Hotez, Hunt , Jennings, Johnquest, D. Jones, Kelly, Kingston, Kinsella, Koeppel, Lapp, Levitt, Lorenson, Lorenzo, Lozier, Marr, Martino, Neusner, O'Connor, O'Neill , Pierre, Piligian, Poliner, Pope, Reiche, R. Richardson, Rosen, Rosenberg, Schroeder, Sherlock, Tapogna, Thomsen, Verdi, C. Walker, Wickenden , Wicks, Woodward. 1948 Thomas M. Meredith, Agent, Alexander, Andrian, Anthes, Barnett, Beattie, Begg, Brand, Brieant, Brown, Burns, Campo, Carter, Casey, Charles, Cogswell, Colosey, Davidson, Dickinson, Donnelly, Dunn , Faber, Faillace, Forster, Frankel, Glazier, Gleason, Goldstein, Gottesman, I. Greenberg, Guttenplan, Helman, Huntington, Jacobs, Krinsky, Kuehn, Lambert, Lewis-Jones, Lim, Lockwood, Loegering, Longo, Luby, Macy, Ma ncall , R. Martin, Marut, Maue, May, Meredith, Minturn, M. Mitchell, Morrell, E. Murray, Norris, Nourse, Peseux, Prendergast, Pricopoulos, Proctor, E. Reynolds, W. Reynolds, Richman, Rivkin, Schachter, Schwartz, Shippy, Simmons, Simpson, Singer, Sitarz, Steinfeld , Stokes, Stratton, Strongin, Thomas, Tyler, Weitzel, Winquist, Wynne, 1949 Alonzo G. Grace Jr. , Agent, R . Anderson, Armstrong, Bartman, Beeghly, Beisel, Bingham, Bird, Zajicek, Zdanuk, Ziegra . Blake, Bowden, Bracken, Cherpack, Chesney, Chrekjian, Church, Cohen, W. Connors, Coughlin, Crafts, Cudworth, Davis, DeGrandi, DeKanter, Duncan, Duy, Ferrante, Giffin, Ginzauskas, Grace, Gunning, Howard, Jopson, Julavits, Jurczyk, Kayser, A. Kennedy, J. Kennedy, King, LaMotta, Later, Loveland, McGaw, Missell, Mueller, Norman, Obert , Olesky, Overto n, Phelan, Ponsalle, Prigge, Requardt, Richardson, Rouse, Shepherd , Sherman, Simonian, Simons, S. Smith, Steidel, Straley, Summers, Surgenor, Taylor, Tribelhorn, 1950 Harry K. Knap p, Agellf, Albright, Aldeborgh, Urquhart, Wagner, Waugh, Williams, D . Wilson, W. Wilson, Wolfe, Wood . F. Austin, Avitabile, Barrows, Beirne, Bellis, J. Bennett, Biddle, Billyou , Blake, Blum, Bourgeois, F. Brainerd, J. Brainerd, Brown, Brund-


age, Bunnell , Campbell, Carpenter, Carter, Cerosky, Chapin, Chidsey, Clapp, Claros, Corcoran, Cromwell, Custer, Dabrowski, DeLuca, Detwiler, Dick, DiLorenzo, E. Donovan , R. Donovan, Dorison, J. Dougherty , D. Dunbar, Durbas, Eblen, Edgar, Elovitz, Erickson, Gabree, Ga ve ns , Geiger, Glassco, Goodyear, Grinsell , Hadley, Hadlo w, Halasz, Harries, Haselton, Herbert, Hickok , Higginbotham, Holden, S. Hotchkiss, Katzman, E. Kelley, Kestenbaum, Kn app, Knight , Kochanski , Leahy, Lohnes, Long, Maccarone, MacKesson, Marte, Martino, Matthews, Mazotas, McCiister, Mellins, Meskill, Mull a ne, Nicholas, Paddock, Page, Palau, Palmer, Parker, Parmelee,J.M .Perry, Rankin , Rau, Rekas, Riley, Robinson , Robottom, Romaine, Ro wney, Ruthman , Sanseverino , Scannell , Schear, Shepard, W . Smith, Snow, Stein, Stephenson, Stewart , St yles, Sulli va n, Sutton, Ta nsill , Taslitt, Thomas, Thornton, Tiedemann, B. Torrey, Tsu, Turkington, Urban, Vanderbeek, Va n Loo n, Va n Metre, Van Why, Wadswo rth , Wainman, Warner, Watson, Wetter, L. White, P. White, Wigglesworth, Wilbur, Wildrick , Wolford, Wood, M. Young, Za zza ro, Zenowit z, Ziemba .路 1951 Kingston L. Howa rd and Donn D . Wright, Agents, Aldrich , Allen, Anderson, Bacon, Barber, Barrett, Bartoes, Behley, Berg, Bertrand, Blair, Bridge, Browne, Bulmer, Byers, Conran, Curtin, Cutting, Dickey, Dickinson, Do rma n, Edwards, Elliott, Elmes, Emmons, Ferguson, F. Fiske, W. Fiske, Freeman, Friday, Grant, Greer, Hami lton, Hanse n, Hardi ng , Hardy, Holl yday, Howard, Hungerford, Hurwit z, Irons, Jachens, Jaco by, Jennings, H. Johnson, Jones, R. Ka ufma n, Kear ns , Kirschner, Klingler, Kulp, La nders, Laub, La wrence, Leeds, Lo ve land, Martel , McCallum , McGaw, McGill , McKea n, Mc Kel vie, Mecasky, L. Mitchell , Moore, Muir, Murray, Nash, Nettel, o rden , Norton, Oberg, O 'Co nnell , O 'Co nnor, Osborne, Parker, Paul, Pierce, Pressey, Rade n, Ranso m, Rentz, Reynolds, Ricci , Richmond, Roche, Rogers , Rome, Roth , Schubert , Simoni , Simpso n, Sinaguglia, Single, L. Smith , Stahl , Stanger, Stark, Steve ns, Stuart, Talboom, D. Thomas, Timour, Va n Horne, Van Lanen, Vaun, von Schrader, Wack, Weikel, J . Wilson, R. Wilson , Woods, Wright, 1952 Dav id R. Smith , Agent, Ahern , Aldrich, Angelastro, Anton, Banks, Becker, Beers, Bernabe, Bickford, C. Young , Zawa lick . Bleecker, C. Buffum, R. Buffum , R . Carver, Christakos, Clipp, Clough, Cohen, Corwin, Cowdery, Currie, DePatie, Downs, Edwards, Elder, Ellison, Farrell , Fetters, Fisher, Forte, G. Foster, J. Foster, Fremont-Smith, French, Frost, Fuller, Geary, Gilliland, Goodwin, Goralski, Gurwitt, R. H. Hale, T. R. C. Ha le, Harve y, Hatfield , Head, Hoisingto n, Holmes, B. Hopkins, J. Hopkins, Howard, J. Hubbard, R. Hubba rd, Hungerford, R. Hu.nter, Keyes, Kilt y, Kirschbaum , Knapp, Krogman , Kunkel , Larso n, Laub, Lee, Lehrfeld, MacLean, Magnoli , Malkin, Mandery, McElwee , J. Miller, Morehead, Nesteruk, Nicholson, Norman, Norris, H. Northrop, J. Northrop, O'Brien, Park, I. Parsons, J. Pa rso ns, Petro, Phelps, Pratt , Quinlivan, Rafte ry, Ratc liffe, Rathbo ne, Raybo ld , Rigopou los, Rogerso n, Roth, Russell , Sawyer, Schaer, Schild , Scott , Shap iro, Shaw, Simmons, D. Smith, G. Smith , R . H. Smith , R. M. Smith, W. Smith, Spears, Sproul , Stanley, Start , Steck , Steve r, Stewart, Taylor, Tho mas, Tomkiel, Trowbridge, Tryon, Tuttle, Ulrich, Vaile, Vibert, Welna, Went1953 Winthrop W. Faulkner, Agent, Astlett, worth, Werdelin, White, Wiberg , Wilmot , Woodhouse, Woodruff, Wynne, Young. Ba rber, Barhydt, T. Barnett , Barrows, Bendi g, Berdick, Bernhard, Binda, Bird , Blackler, Bogoslofski, Brewer, J. P. Campbell, Chew, Chistolini , Clem, Clifford, Coutler, Crawford, Davis, Dea n, Del Mastro, Douglas, E. Dwight, Faulkner, Fitz-Randolph, Fox, Godsick, Guardo, Hamblet! , Hambly, Heller, Holmquist, Hooper, Howa rd , Humphries, Kurl a nd, Larson, Lauffer, Lecrenier, R. Lee, Longobucco, Lorenson, Luquer, MacArthur, Mallon, Marde n, Marriner, McA lpine, McCa ndless, Michie, S. Miller, W. Miller, Mittleman, Mo rtell, Moses, Moskow, Nelson, Nutt , Parro tt, Patti so n, Perk ins, Peterso n, Poll ock, Ramsay, Rh odes, Richards, Roback, Ro mai ne, Rosow, Rotondo, Rowe n, Sambogna, Shigo, Shri ve r, Simmons, F. Smith, Starr, Stenberg, Stewart, D. Sulliva n, Tinsz, Valentine, Walsh, D. Werner, Whitelaw, Wollenberger, Wrinn , Yates, Zit o . 1954 John G. Craig, Agent, J . Adams, R. Adams, Aiken, Alexander, P. Anderson, R. Anderso n, Anthon y, At wood, Avit ab le, Backe nstoe , Bard , Benton, Berrone, Bisson nette, Bloodgood , Bojor, C. Bowen, G. Bowe n, Braska mp, Brown , Bunnell , Burroughs, Butts, Campbell, Carlough, Carlson, Carter, Christakos, Clemmer, Condron, Conner, Craig, Crenson , Crosier, D'A bate, J . Davis, R. Dillo n , Dobrovir, Duff, D yar, Egge rt , Engelh ardt, Esler, Esquirol, Farnham, Farrar, Ford, E. Fowler, Goodhart, Gree n, Griffith, Hibbs, G. Hill, J . Hill , H irsch, Hodges, Hunter, Jager, D . Johnston , R. Joh nsto n, Kaelber, Kalinowski, D . Kenned y, Kimmick , Kipp , Knight , Knut so n, Koeppel , Kronholm, Laub, Leigh, Libby, Logan, MacColl, MacKay, Mac Kenzie, Mack immie, MacLea, Mars hall , Mayer, McCau ley, Mease, Mitchell , Mo rph y, Moylan, Muirhead, Murray, Mutschler, Norman, Oberender, O xholm, Palmer, Pa ri s, Pea rso n, Pike, Potter, Rathbun , Read, Robinso n, Ru sso, Sauvage, Schenker, Schoyer, Schreiber, Scott , Searles, Shaw, Shechtma n, Silve rberg, Si vaslia n, A. Smith, E. H. Smith, R. Smith , Taft, Tansi, Teece, Thatcher, G. Thomas, Toggenburger, Tompkins, Tucker, Vanderbeek, Van La nen, Von Thade n, Waldman, Webber, Weinberg, West, Wilson, Windesheim, Wolff, Woodbury, Woodwa rd , Wormer. 1955 Dav id A. Roberts , Agent, Allocco, Bemis, Bennett, Bl ye, Britto n, Brotma n, Bryer, Burbank, Burdon, Burto n, Callen, Cardwe ll , Champenois, Close, Cunningham, Detzler, Dia mo nd , Dickinson, Dimling, Donahue, Dyke, Eberle, Farnham, Fed den, Feinberg, Ferra ro, J . P. Foley, Ford, Freeman, G ardi ner, Geetter, Goll edge, Hoag, Holla nd , H ollister, Hoppe r, Hunnicutt , lslamoff, Kent , Kopp , Kramer, Lahey, Laird, Lap ham, La Pointe, La Porte, Loga n, Luby, Mait land , McCrea, Meh ldau, Michelson, D. Miller, Moock, Mo rga n, Moss, Mo untfo rd , Nash, elso n, Newlin, O ' Hara, Palshaw, Penfield, Peterso n, Price, Ra lph, Reed, Reese , Reineman, Riccardo, Roberts, Rowe, Rudner, Scheinberg, Simons, Sind , Sn yde r, Squires, Starr, Stephens, J. Thomas, Trefts, Truitt, Tudor, Ullman, Valz, Volpe, Wainman, Watters, Welc h, Welsh, Werner, Whitman , Wildrick, Wright, Yood, Za mpiell o. 1956 Lt. Bertram R. Schader, Agent, Abbott , Abrams, Ahlberg, B. Anderson , D. Anderso n, Baker, Barnett , Barter, Bates, Beren , Berge rm an, Boss, Brigga man, Burr, Callen, Casale, Crilly, Daley, Davis, D odds, Eastburn, Eaton, Fleming, Foley, Ginns, Guertin, Hick in, Hoare, Holmstrom , Jewett, Johnston , Kelley, Knight , Kotch, Kramer, T. W. Lawrence, Limpitlaw, Li vin gsto n, Loeb, Love rid ge, B. MacDonald, W. Mac Donald, MacLeod , Martin , Matt he ws, Montgomery, Mo rley, Murph y, Nissi, O ' Brien, Osborn, Page, Pau le y, Pengel, Piper, Plotts, Price, Raig, W. B. Reed , Renkert , Rice, Sayre, Schade r, S. Scott, See, Shaw, Si vi tz, D. Smith, L. Smith , W. Smith, W. Smith Ill , Stea rns , Steh le, Steinmetz, Stiles, Stone, Streeto, Sulli va n, Swett , A. Tay lor, D. Taylor, Temple, Townley, Townse nd , Tulk, Vigneault, Wareing, Warren, Weisburger, Wilkins, Willis, Wood, Woodwa rd , Zac hs, Zimmerma n, Zito. 1957 Ro nald G. Foster, Agent , Almquist, Arrington, Babington , B. Ba ker, Ba rber, Becherer, Beers, Behr, Bennett, Bo nsignore, Boos, Bowen, E. Brad ley, J. Brad ley, Bratt, L. Brown, T . Brown, Bruno, Bulkley, Cammarano, Case, Cataldo, Channell, R. Clark, Clinton, Condon, Couch , Curran, J . Daniels, Darcey, D o herty, Doolittle, Douglas, Drabowski , Drayton, Duff, Elder, Elliott, Ewald , Ferguson , Finkbeiner, Foster, Fox, Frazier, Geetter, Giammattei, Giffin, Gocht, Gould , Gu ay, J. Hall , R. H all , Harlow, Hoffma n, Jo hnsto n, Ka yse r, Kelleher , Kenefick, Kenned y, Kompalla, Kratz, Kuiper, Kylander, Learnard, Letcher, Linscott , Lockfeld , Luke, Macisaac, Mac Leod , Makrianes, Man n, Ma ri o n, Mc Burney, McCracken, McGill , Melrose, J. Miller, Miner, Morh a rdt , Mo rrison , Morse, Mo rtimer, Murra y, Myerson, Niness, Oarr, Partridge, A. Payne, M. Payne, Percy, Pershouse, Pierce, Pill sbury, Pisetsky, Pitchell , Popo wics, Purd y, Ray nard , H. Reicha rd , Richard, Richa rds, Richardso n, Rohlfing, Rose nfeld , Rowley, Russo, St. Jo hn, Sa la mo n, Shannon, Shaw, Sheffield , Sherma n, Shields, Sill , Slate r, Sleat h, Snider, Solmsse n, Spear, Stokes, Stone, Stout, Sza mier, D. Ta ylor, Tews, Tobin, Vald ati, Varat, Vincent, vo n Molnar, Webster, Williams, J . Wilso n, P. Wilson, Winslo w, Wolcott , Wolin , Wood, Woodwa rd , Worthey, In Memoriam: Ra ymond C. Ki so nas. 1958 Carl H. Shuster, Agent, Back, Barth , Baxter, Blumstein , Becki us, Boge rt , Bogli , Bowde n, Boy nt o n, Buswell , Caruso, Cass, Catlin, Chekas, Corbett, Corcoran, Corley, Crandall , Creamer, Crombie, A. Crowe, J. Crowe, Crystal, DeSola , Edgerton, Eldredge, Elliott, Elsas, Elting, Enepekides, Ferrucci, Flannery, Foy, Fuchs, Gibson, Gl adfe lter, Gleason, Goldenberg, Hasso n, Hawe, Hazzard, Headle, Illick , Israel, Jackson, James, Kay, Kenny, Kidder, Kilt y, Kiso r, Kulas, La rkin , Larsen , Lockie, Lorso n, Lo urie, Lowe nstei n, Mcllwaine, Merrill , D . Moore, R. Moore, Moran , Muench, Ne vins, ewton, Noble, o rri s, O ' Reill y, Pa inter, Pa rk , Pa rker, Perkins, M. Perry, W Perry, Polstein, Reed , Renard , Renelt, Repole , Robertso n, Rosc hen, Rose, Sargent , Satterth wai te , Sa unders, M. Schacht, Scharf, Schaupp, Segur, Shenkan, Shuster, Simmons, D. Smith, J. Smith, Spencer, Thorpe, Tolis, Traut, Tucker, Vaughan, Wallace, Weinstein, Werner, Wilkinson, B. Williams, 14

Wolfe, Zoob. 1959 William C. Johnson, Agellf, Adams, E. Anderson, G . Anderson, Backman, Bailey, Baskin, Beristain, Bigelow, Borus, Brian, C. Brown, Burleigh, Burns, Cables, Campion, Case, Cerrito, F. Clarke, Cleveland, Coykendall, Crowell, Dorwart, Dubel, Dunning, Edwards, Elwell, Englehart, Fairbanks, Farmer, Fineshriber, Fitts, Ford, Foster, Franz, Freeman, Frost, Gay, Gebelein, Gignoux, Goodman, Gowing, Grant, Graves, Hamlett, Hardman, Harnish, Harrod, Hart z, Hathaway, Henriques, Hersch, Hoag, Hoover, Hoppner, Horne, Hunter, Jacklin, Jessen, Johnson, Joy, Kardon , Kellogg, Kenney, Klinck , Krawski, Krim, LaGarde, LaRochelle, Lessal, Lieber, Lomnitzer, Loven, Luczak, Ludlow, Lukens, MacDonald , Macintire, Mayo, Mcllvaine, McNairy, Melling, A. Miller, Mills, Moorin, Moreschi, Morgan, Muir, Murray, Nelson, Nolan, Olson, Olton, Outcalt, Owen, Perce, Pfeffer, Pingpank, Pitcher, Pizzella, Polk, Price, Putnam, Reopel, Rewa , Reynolds, Rovno, Salver, Scharf, Scheibe, Scheinberg, Schoff, Schram, Schreiner, Seastrom, Sgro, Shea, Simonaitis, A. Smith, F. Smith, Spielman, Spivak, Stein, Thurston, Tubman, Vaughn, W. Ward, Wassong, Weeks, Wei! , Whitbeck, Widing, Wischenbart, Wright, Young, Zinner, Friends of 1959: Sherman P. Voorhees, Mrs. Robert J. Pizzella. 1960 Marvin Peterson, Agent, H. Anderson, P. Anderson, Arle, Arvantely, Bacharach, Barlow, Bassett, Beaven, Bergh, Bergmann, Brashich, Brenner, Broder, Bromley, R. Brown, Butler, Carey, Chalker, Chase, Clarke, Coogan, Costley, Coxhead, Crane, Curry, Dagata, D 'Anzi, Davenport, Davy, de Coligny, Down, Dunlaevy, Farnsworth, Filiurin, Fleischman, Foy, Gabrielson, J . Gage, Galati, Gavin, Gerundo, Golas, A. Green, Greenlee, Greenwald, Gudas, Haddad, R. T . Hall, Hammaker, Harland, Harrison, Hawes, Hochadel, Hokanson, Huffer, Jago, M. Johnson, Joseph, Keroes, Koenig, Kroh, LaMothe, Langen. LaVa lle, LeClerc, M. Lloyd, Lyons, MacDermott , Macho!, Mackey, Mason, McKelvy, Middleton, Morse, Narins, Newman, Paterson , Perlman, Perrew, Peters, Peterson, Phippen, Plank, Puffer, Rhodes, Richardson, Riter, R. Russell, Rutledge, Ryder, Sallinger, Salm , Salmon, Schneider, Schwiebert, Scribner, S. Smith , Snow, Stephens, Stockton , Stone, Strasser, Strawbridge, Swigert, Thibeault, Thomas, Til ze r, Tracy, Tsairis, Yarbalow, Wachs, Wagner, Wardell, Wilcox, Wright, Wyckoff, Yam, Zitt. 1961 Francis B. Gummere Jr., Agent, Alogna, Anderson, Anello, Beebe, Bell, Bernstein, Blanken, Bridge, Briger, Brosgol, Brown, Cantor, Carter, Cochran, Coleman, Colket, Cowley, Cramer, Cressey, Cuddigan, Cullen, Devendittis, Dinsmore, Dove, Draper, Ewart, Finkbeiner, Fish, Fitzpatrick, Fitzsimmons, Forrest, Frumkes, Gage, Georgeady, Giegler, Gleason, Gregg, Guertin, Guild, Gulotta, Gummere, Hamilton, Handler, Hankins, Harrison, Haynie, Hecht, Henry, Herzig, Hodges, Hoffman, Honish, Hubby, Hudson, P. Hughes, lllick, Itsou, Johnson, Kahl, Kallas, Kauff, Kilborn, Kimball, Kirtz, Knight, Koretz, Kreisel, Layne, Lazay, Leiser,- LeStage, Lord, Lovell, Lowe, Lue, Lynch, MacDonald, MacMillan, MacNett, Mandell, Marvel, Mayer, McCammon, McFarland, McRae, Mixter, Morse, Musante, Mutschler, D. Myerson, P . Myerson, Newberg, Nichols, O'Brien, Odium, Pare, Peatman , Perlman, Perry, Phelps, Polstein, Pomeroy, Postma, Price, Quigley, J. Rade r, Ramsey, Reese, Refalvy, Rice, Rincon , Rodney, Rohlfing, Romig, Rorke, Ross, Rotenberg, Rowley, Rustigian, Ryan, Sanders, Schnadig, Schoenfeld, Seibert, Shaw, Shilkret, Slater, D. Smith, Snyder, Stambaugh, Steeves, Steiner, Stempien, Sullivan, T. Swift, Tansill , Tattersfield, Thomson, Thrower, Turner, Tuttle, Urban, Wachtel, Waggoner, Wagner, Waldeck, Waxler, Werly, Wiener, Williams, T . B. Wilson, Wood, Woodward, Wright, Zelley, Zimmerman, Zousmer. 1962 Kuehnle, Lackey, Mehringer. 1963 Clark. 1964 Corris, Melrose .



In Memoriam: Cy Caine (given by Mrs. Cy Caine), Seymour H. Abrams, Otis H. Adams, David G. Ahlgren, AbrahamS. Albrecht, Ralph W. Allen Jr., Michael P. Alogna, Arthur M. Alvord Jr., Alan N. Anderson, Irving J. Angell , Robert H . Anning, Mrs. Donald B. Anthony, Paul Arcari, James H. Arensman, Charles S. Arms, August H. Arp, The Rev. F. H. Arterton, Morris Ascher, Harry M. Auerbach, Jack H. Bagan, David C. Bailey, John W. Bailey, Joseph Balciunas, Robert W. Bangert, Dr. Miriam Barber, W. Lloyd Barnard, William J. Barnes Jr., Robert M. Bartlett, John H. Bartol, Mrs. Philip K . Bartow, Samuel R. Basch, Theodore S. Beck, Mrs. Lyman A. Beeman, Park Benjamin Jr., Victor A. Bennett, Charles L. Bergmann, Bernard Berkley, Charles Berman, Benjamin Bernstein, Jack J. Bernstein, H . Lloyd Beyer Jr., Nelson Bigelow, Reeve K. Biggers, Harvey W. Bingham, E. Stanley Blackman, Edward S. Blackwell Jr., Alfred W. Blanken, Abraham J. Bloomstein, Lester S. Blumberg, Mrs. Mildred D . Bobruff, C. Van R . Bogert Jr., Andrew C. Bohn, William W. Bois, Allen M. Bond Jr., Robert B. Booth, Alexander W. Borawski, Richard Borden, Anthony F. Bordogna, Frederick Born, Joseph Bosch, Arthur H. Boultbee, Harry A. Bowen, The Rt. Rev. Charles F. Boynton, Mrs. Thomas Brackett, Charles E. Brainard, William G. Brandt, Mrs. Beverly H. Brasfield, Mrs. F. W. Brecker, Charles H . Brewster, John L. Bricker, Hugh G. Bridegroom, Sigmund S. Briger, Frank H . Brigham, James M. Brittain, Mrs. Arthur F. Brown, Howard H. Brown Jr. , Jacob B. Brown, Frank Bruno Sr., Frederick C. Buffum, Thomas F. Bundy, Eifert C. Burfeind, Joseph E. Burger, Douglass 0 . Burnham, DonS. Burton, Richard S. Bylin, Louis W. Camp Jr., William F. Campbell, Harry A. Cantor, Donald Cardwell, Frank V. Cargill, Andrew J. Carlson, Anthony L. Carrad, Donald W. Carroll, Clarence U. Carruth Jr., Mrs. Richard S. Cass, Louis C. Cerrito, Mrs. Harry Chagnot, Charles E. Champenois, Dick Chang, E. William Chapin, William G. Chase, Louis M. Childs 11, Alan G . Clifford, Mrs. James R. Cogan, Major General R . T. Coiner Jr., Philip A. Coleman, Captain Thomas E. Cone Jr., John M . Conover, Dexter G. Cook, Laurence Cooper, George M. Coryell, William J . Cotta, Donald A. Coulson, Stuart P. Coxhead, The Hon. Frank H . Coyne, George Crawford, William B. Crane Jr., W. Kennedy Cromwell Jr., Thomas E. Cummings, William C. Daley, Robert W. Daly, David B. Dalzell, The Rev. Gibson I. Daniels, William B. Davison, Mrs. Joy M. Dawson, Leonard Y. Day, Rodney D. Day Jr., Searls Dearington, Leon Densen, Edme H. Deschamps, Richard E. Deutsch, Paul B. Dickey, Robert K. Dickson, Fred E. Dule, Stephen J . Doorley Jr., Guy 0. Dove Jr., John H. Draper Jr., J. Marc Droulers, John Duncan Jr. , Robert G . Dunlop, Harry T . Eaton, The Rev. Edward H. Ehart Jr., William P. Ellwood, Mrs. Edward S. Emery Jr. , Robert H. Ensign, John A. Ewing, Henry W. Farnum, Holden K . Farrar, Henry W. Farrow, Waldron Faulkner, Sherwood A. Fehm, Marvin Fein, Harold I. Feingold, Selven F. Feinschreiber, Abraham Feirstein, Anthony C. Ferrara, Oscar H. Fidel!, Mrs. Harold J . Field, James D. Finley, Kenneth Fish Sr., William A. Fitzsimmons, Sherman J. FitzSimons, Matthew G . Forrest, Louis L. Foster, Fred C. Foy, Norman W. Foy, William H. Frackelton, J. Lester Fraser, Eli Freedson, John D. Freeman, Louis Friedman, Joseph A. Gaines, The Rev. Gordon B. Galaty, Oliver M. Gale, Henry Gamson, Mrs. Freda S. Gann, Sherwood H. Friedman, Arthur Garson, Robert H. Gay, Nathan A. Geetter, Eugene W. Gilson, Nicholas P. Giorgio, Francis H. Gleason, Irwin Golann, Frank H. Gold, Samuel Goldberg, The Rt. Rev. R. H. Gooden, William D . Gordon, Samuel Gould, Edward Graham, Thomas A. Graham, Philip D . Granger, David Gregg Jr., Mrs. Eleanor G. Griggs, Mortimer Grossman, Bernard W. Guenther, Frank A. Gulotta, Mrs. M. Haarstick, George M. Haddad, Volta R . Hall, Clarence C. Hallcher, Philip M. Hallowell, George L. Hampton Jr., A. Brooks Harlow, Mrs. Thomas Harney, Lawrence R. Harris, Mrs. Mettie T. Harris, Albert Harrison, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Hartz, Mrs. John H. Heldt, Mrs. Lillian R . Hemmerle, Luther D . Hemphill, James J. Henry, T . Jack Henry, Fred L. Herdeen, Mrs. Walter R . Herrick, Donald S. Hersey, Manfred Hess, Alexander D. Hill, Mrs. Scott Hill, Emanuel Hirsch, Richard Hirschmann, Charles F. Hobson Jr., Stanley 0. Hoerr, Maurice J. Hoffman, John K. Holbrook, Benjamin L. Holland, Dwight W. Hollenbeck, Mrs. Franklyn J. Holroyd Sr., Ross B. Hooker, George K. Hopke, Samuel Hopkins, Raymond J . Hornfischer, Joseph D. Horowitz, The Rt. Rev. William W. Horstick, Robert C. Howland, Frank W. Hubby III, Earl C. Hughes, Howard Huntoon, Donald B. Hurwitz, Hugh H. Hussey Jr., W. R. Hutch, Albert D. Hutzler Jr., Merritt A. Ierley, Donald T. Imrie, J . Henry Ingram, Francesco lntagliata, Orton P. Jackson, Francis Jacobs, Mrs. Helen C. Jaeger, Alden James, Thomas E. Jansen Jr., Hilger P. Jenkins, John P. Jewett, Charles P . Johns, Clifford G . Johnson, Ernest A. Johnson, Walter A. Johnson, Benjamin F. Jones III, Herbert B. Jones, Thomas P. Jones, William P. Jones, James R. Joralemon, The


COMING EVENTS: Sept. I 0 Freshman Week RegistrationUpperclassmen Sept. 13 Sept. 17 Classes Begin Sept. 28, 29 Campus Conference Parents Day Oct. 27 (Footba ll-Susquehanna) Nov. 10 Alumni Homecoming (Foo tball and Soccer-Amherst)

VARSITY FOOTBALL Sept. 29 WILLIAMS Oct. 6 ''St. Lawrence Oct. 13 '"Tufts Oct. 20 '''Colby Oct. 27 SUSQUEHANNA (Parents Day) Nov. 3 COAST GUARD Nov. 10 AMHERST ( Hom ecoming Game) Nov. 17 *Wesleyan

VARSITY SOCCER *M .I.T. *U niv. of Mass. TUFTS U. OF HARTFORD '''Will iams '''Union AMHERST ( Homecoming) Nov. 13 '''Coast Guard Nov.l6 WESLEYAN

Oct. 6 Oct. 10 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Oct. 27 Oct. 31 Nov. 10

CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PARENTS FUND (Continued) Rev. J . M. Kadyk, J . William Kapouch, Milton M. Kardon, Harry E. Karson, Jacob D. Katz, Louis E. Kaufman, Paul Kellner, Charles L. Kent, Edgar H. Kent, Edward I. Kessler, Israel Kestenbaum, I. George Kinzler, Harold A. Kipp , F. Shallus Kirk, Edwa rd H . Kirsch-

baum, Ernest Kirtz, The Hon. Charles B. Knight, Werner G. J. Knop, Robert C. Knox Jr., Walter F. Koch , M. Herbert Koeppel, John F. Kolb Jr., Alexander C. Kopper, Robert J. Koretz, Louis T. Kotch, John F. Kraft, Mrs. Ruth L. Kriteman, Paul C. Kroczynski, Samuel H. Krone, Herbert Kunze! , Loy Hung Kwang, Edward G. Ladewig, John D . LaMothe, Robert H . LaMotte, John E. Lamphear, Louis H . Landay, Maurice A. Landerman, Carl G. Langen, Asger F. Langlykke, J. W. Larrabee, George A. Laub, Edward Lazzerini, James C. Leigh, Harold A. Lenicheck, Chester D . Leonard, Geoffrey J . Letchworth Jr. , George B. Levy, Robert C. Levy, Irving Liebowitz, Max Lipkind, Harold Lippitt, Francis V. Lloyd Jr., Morris Lloyd, L. Maxwell Lockie, Richard C. Lockton, Hilmer D. Lodge, Lester H. Loeffel, Mrs. Martha B. Lorch, Joseph F. Lord, John W. Losse Jr., Grove W. Loveland, Alan H. Lowenthal, Joseph A. Lubitz, Joseph Donald MacKa y Ill, John M. Mackie, Alexander A. Mackimmie Jr., Donald M. A. Lubitz, George C. Ludlow, Frank S. Lyons, MacLeod, Gordon R. Maitland, Albert E. Makin, Carl J . Maim, Benjamin D. Mandell , Julius J . Marion, Leroy C. Marshall, Briton Martin, Mrs. Anne C. Martindell, Harold M. Masius, Elwood W. Mason, Lee Mason, C. Ronald Mather, Berti! G. Mattison, James S. McAlister, David H . McAlpin, Robert F. McCammon, Elliott B. McConnell, George F. McCord, Josiah C. McCracken Jr., Mrs. Charles H. McCrea, Eugene E. McDaniel, Alex J. McFarland, James L. Mcintire, Renwick S. Mciver, John E. McKelvy, James P. McKune, Blakely R. McNeill, William B. McPherson, James McQuaid, James J. Meehan, Mrs. G. Clayton Melling, Frederick U. Metcalf, John M. Meyer Jr., Ernest S. Meyers, Mrs. Margaret Milholland, Harry J. Miller Jr., Preston A. Miller, Robert C. Miller Sr., William E. Miller, Donald C. Mills, William Minot V, Danforth S. Mitchell, Robert G. Mitchell, William H. L. Mitchell, Morris Molinsky, Dan T. Moore, Joseph A. Moore, Charles B. Morgan, Fred A. Morisse, James P. Morrill , John T. Morris, Harvey R. Morrison, Murray H. Morse, William B. Morse, Gilbert B. Moyer, Salvatore Mozzicato, Mrs. Stanley N. Muirhead, Robert D. Murdock, Nathan M. MyerVincent N. Nardiello, Sidney A. Narins, Mrs. Atherton Neblett, Morris Newberg, Mrs . Margaret Newman, Sam F. Niness, son, Dr. George B. Odium, Louis F. Oldershaw, Horton O'Neil, Mrs. John A. North, Joseph C. Noyes Jr., Mrs. Charles E. Nygard, Richard C. Palmer, Charles V. Parham, Augustin Isabelle S. Orbell, George D. Ornata, Mrs. William D. Orr, Thomas K. O'Sullivan, H. Parker Jr., Courtier L. Parsons, Edward W. Pastore, Lawrence Perin, Seymour Perkins Jr. , Raymond T. Perron, Archie R . Perry, Charles N. Perry, Howard C. Petersen, Thomas W. Pettus, Gentry L. Pierce, Louis Pierucci, Ja mes R. Pitcairn, John H. Pitman, Mrs. Mrs. Maria Querida, Maurice George F. Plass, Mrs . Andrew Pleva, Mrs. FrankS. Polk, William H. Pope, Charles E. Purdy Jr., J. Quirk, Edward H . Raff Sr., George K . Raymond, T. Deal Reese, Willis L. Reese, Albert A. Repetto, Cyril F. Reynolds, Carl K. Rhine, Neil W. Rice, Sidney Richards, Henry B. Richardson, William M. Richardson, John Rimer, Franklin M. Robert, Edward P. Roberts, Mrs. Lewis S. Robinson, Walter F. Rockwell, Sidney J. Rodner, Irving Rogow, James A. Roosevelt, Gerald F. Rorer, John W. Ross, Hugo Roth, Berna rd Rothbard, James C. Rowan, John M. Rowlett, Oscar Rozett, Harold Rudnick, Richard J . Rushmore, Sidney Sachs, Brant B. Sankey, Henry B. Sargent, Charles A. Scaturro, Sidney L. Schiro, James S. Schoff, Willard G. Schulenberg, F. Carl Schumacher, Sol Schwartz, Don 0 . E. Schwennesen, Theodore C. Scull, Walter R . Seiberg, Edward E. Seifert, Mrs. Jennie Selchow, Wilbur Shenk Jr. , Ellsworth H . Sherin, Mrs. Dorothy W. Sifton, Abraham E. Silverman, Edward P. Simonian, Peter M. Sivaslian, Francis J. Skret, Edward K. Smith, Mrs. Erskine E. Smith, Frederick A. Smith, Richard A. Smith, Lewis F. Snow, Michael C. Somma, Michael C. Sommer, Jacob R. Satter, Charles A. Southwick, Kenneth A. Southworth, Charles H . Spencer Jr., J. Gordon Spencer, Erwin S. Spink Jr., S. T. Spitzer, Mrs. Phelps Sprague, JohnS. Stanley, Robert E. Sta nsfield, Theodore Stebbins, Alfred Steel, Charles G. Stehle, George R. Steiner, Austin Stevens, Harvey B. Stevens, Ralph P. Stevens, Lewis M. Stewart, Henry F. Stocek, John C. Stolz, James C. Stone Jr., G. Carroll Stribling, Robert R. Stroud, William 0 . Stuart, Andrew J. T. Sturrock, Clarence E. Sweet, J. Mack Swigert, John L. Swope Jr., Robert D . Syer, Vincent H. Szamier, Paul D. Talbert, Mansfield K. Talley, Reuben C. Taylor Jr., Robert L. Tetro, Fred Thomases, Kenneth A. Thoren Sr., Clifford P. Tiffa ny, Everett A. Tisdale, John B. Tokheim, Harry C. Tomford, Mrs. J. Gordon Tompkins, Ralph L. Tompkins, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Tousey, James W. Tower, Edward A. Twerdahl Jr., Edmund S. Twining Jr. , Frederic Wadhams, Mrs. Anthony J. Urbanetti, Clarence A. Vars, Harold Vickery, Ernest R. vonStarck, RobertS. Voorhees, John Waggett, Joseph A. Wagner, Arvine C. Wales, Mrs . Hamilton Wallace, W. Dean Wallace, Mrs. Philip Wallis, The Hon. Hamilton Ward, John C. Wardell , Mrs. Porter L. Washington, Alfred N. Watson, Charles N. Watson, Thomas J. Watt, Solomon Waxman, Clark Weaver, Nathan H . Weinstein, Woods K . Wellborn, Thomas E. Wells Jr. ,George B. Wendell, Paul N. Wenger, John L. Westne y, Wendell K. Wheelock, Harold T. White Jr. , William A. White Jr. , James N. Williams Sr., Mrs. Mary L. Williams, Ralph B. Williams, Mrs. William Clayton Williams, Thomas Wiltbank, Henry H. Wiltsek, Edwin Winner, John H . Witherington, Arnold S. Wood, Millard F. Wood, Stanley A. Yocom, The Rev. Alexis Yonov, M. K. ZachJ . Donald Woodruff, Norman M. Wright, William A. D. Wurts, ariasewycz, C. Vail Zuill.

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