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November, 1948 HARTFORD,





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Issued six times a year by Trinity College- Ja nuary, March, May, July, October a nd ovember. Entered January 12, 1904, at H artford , Connecticut, as second-class matter, under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 3, 1919. EDITED BY JOHN A. MASON, '34




National Association Revives Alumni Fund To Help College Meet Operating Expenses TRINITY CoLLEGE needs additional operating income which the Alumni Association hopes to raise by a reactivated Alumni Fund campaign. This was announced by Colonel John R. Reitemeyer, '21, Alumni Association president, in a special letter last month to all alumni . The fund will be raised by annual contributions and the goal each year will be an amount equal to the financial return from an endowment of one million dollars. SydneyD.Pinney, '18, has been named national chairman of the campaign by the Association's executive committee. It will be the first time that the Alumni Association itself has conducted an annual alumni fund . "The Anniversary Development Campaign brought home the importance of alumni financial support to the future of the College," Colonel Reitemeyer said. "In the past, the Alumni Association was content to leave the moneyraising efforts of Trinity 's sons to the alumni secretary. But with the College facing unprecedented financial problems, an annual fundraising campaign conducted among alumni by a lumni seems to be the best answer to a long-range fiscal problem." Money raised in the campaign will be paid directly to the Trustees of the College to be used for operating expenses and campus improvements in the regular budget of College necessities. Current budgetary forecasts by the College treasurer indicate that without substantial alumni gifts the College will have a deficit this year. The annual report of President Funston published last month indicated that a total of 80,000 of plant maintenance and rehabilitation, still carried over from wartime, had to be curtailed last year because of insufficient funds. While operating expenses of the College have risen more than $723,000 or 260 percent since 1940-41, income from endowment has increased only three percent of that amount or $22,000. Although some of this increase in expense has been caused by a temporary increase in the number of students, a large share has been ca'..lsed by inflationary increased in fixed costs. Maintenance expenses, for example, which were $108,031 in 1940-41 were $270,027 in 1947-48 and are not expected to drop as the numbers of students decrease. Colonel Reitemeyer told class agents who met at the College on October 15 , that "we all know that tuition alone cannot pay for the kind of liberal education that we received at Trinity. When the College expanded to accept returning veterans, endowment income was spread too thin over a student body expanded more than

70 percent. At the same time, costs have skyrocketed. Wisdom still remains more precious than rubies, but the production of wisdom requires more and more rubies. "Although faculty pay has been increased, most of Trinity's teachers can no longer afford to entertain their colleagues or students. Trinity ca nnot maintain its reputation as a 'personal college' for long under such circumsta nces. Boardman Hall is badly in need of repainting. While science is making rapid progress, our science departments, all on tight inflation budgets , are getting along with equipment used for years. The battle against the Dutch Elm disease is only one new expense facing the College. "It is to help provide the many little things which are real necessities in a liberal education of the best type that the annual alumni fund is being reconstituted." Objective of the Alumni Fund for 1948-49 is 30,000, set at a low total because of the many alumni still paying on pledges to the Anniversary Development Program. Alumni raised $37,000 in the last Alumni Fund of 1945-46. Mr. Pinney has appointed a committee which includes John S. McCook , '35, general vicechairman; Special Gifts - Fred C. Hinkel, Jr., '06, chairman and Paul W . Adams, '35, vicechairman; Class Agents - George C. Capen, '10, chairman and Harmon T. Barber, '19, William W. isbower, '33, vice-chairman; Promotion - George Malcolm-Smith, '25, chairman and L. Barton Wilson, '37, vice-chairman. John F. Butler, '33, is executive secretary. Solicitation for the Alumni Fund will be conducted by an organization of class agents from January until June. Contributions from alumni who can gain tax advantages from gifts to the College are requested in December.

Alumni meet to plan fund campaign - First Fred Hinkel , '06; Syd Pinney, '18, Chairman; Reitemeyer, '2 1; H am Barber, '19. Back row: Wilson, '37; George Malcolm-Smith , '25; Bill bower, '33.


row: Jack Bart Sis-

Study of Government In a Liberal Education by LAURENCE L. BARBER, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Government

ONE OF THE harder problems faced by a liberal arts college is a proper balancing of cultural course material and its vocational uses. This dilemma is especially acute in the social sciences, where a student must learn the fundamental principles of modern social life, while at the same time he lives in a world which is applying those principles in dramatic fashion. Our new major in government, like those in other social sciences, attempts a coordination in this respect. From the very beginning of a student's program, during the first weeks of the elementary course in Modern Government, we present analysis of the ways in which great thinkers of the past and present have sought to apply moral principles to social needs. This theme continues through advanced courses such as Modern Political Thought. At the same time, we constantly try, in subject and materials, to show the present-day technique of governing. While this is found in all courses, it is most obvious in the study of Public Administration. Trinity has always insisted that a liberal arts training must stand by itself, and not rely on vocational possibilities. College work in government does not envision the direct training of politicians or administrators, any more than that in English tries to produce novelists or economics stock-brokers. Although a few of our students may be encouraged toward civic professions by their college courses, clearly every Trinity graduate will remain at least a citizen and taxpayer throughout his life. Alumni records indicate that many will become prominent in both respects. If the study of government is to avoid duplicating secondary school civics, it must aim at training these citizens and taxpayers for an intelligent and high-minded relationship to their governments. With college graduates there is the further responsibility of civic leadership. Every Trinity alumnus, whether in the church, business, or

professions, finds himself at one time or another in a position of responsible participation in government. He may be a member of the local welfare board, or a lobbyist before the state legislature, or perhaps a leading supporter of some candidate for public office. Men from a college such as ours should certainly approach such non-vocational civic duty with high ideals. Preferably they should also be primed with sufficient practical knowledge to avoid both the naivete of innocence and the cynicism of disillusionment. To further such broad training, Trinity established last spring a major in government, with a small department to administer its program of courses. At the present time a student electing this major will take at least six semester courses in government, plus two others in government or in specified allied subjects. The last of these requirements is a feature new to Trinity, reflecting the need of avoiding course duplication in a small college and, more important, pointing up the basic interrelationship of the several social sciences. Especially at the present time, amid the ti!rtnoil concerning the values or dangers of experiments in so-called "general education," we should not be blind to that ever-accepted closeness of departments and subjects within the major divisions of collegiate learning. Government cannot be taught in 路 a curricular vacuum at Trinity or elsewhere. A~ an example, its development until this year as路 a part of the scope of our History Department has created relationships which those teaching each subject are most desirous of retaining. If the student is to avoid a parochial attitude toward the subject of his special interest, similar coordination is obviously necessary with many other departments. For these reasons , the government major allows and even encourages a student !tO broaden his program of courses by study of such subjects


as Roman Law (Classics) , Public Finance and Regulation of Industry (Economics) , Contemporary Affairs and International Relations (History), and Social Psychology and Philosophy of the State (Philosophy) . All of these subjects are essential to the work of the several departments which present them. All are equally desirable to the student of political science. The specific offerings in government are necessarily limited in this first year. As has been indicated, the introductory semester begins with political theory, developing the fundamental problem of the relationship of individualistic man to his collective state. It continues with a rapid survey of the ways in which the United States and other nations are attempting to solve this relationship. The student may then go on to semester courses in Modern Political Thought, Comparative Government, and American National Government. The last of these furnishes a base for advanced work in State and Local Government, Constitutional Law, and Public Administration. The program culminates in a senior workshop or seminar, where formal class meetings are replaced by field trips, periodic evening informal sessions, personal conferences, and an emphasis on individual projects of reading or research. In this advanced work a program of undergraduate internship is being developed through collaboration with several local governments and research bureaus in the Hartford area. While still in the pilot stage, this has proved extremely popular with mature students, and has been far more effective than many times the amount of classroom or textbook study time. The materials of a subject frequently determine its techniques of teaching and study. We are fortunate in this respect. The Trinity library is a federal depository, containing nearly all items published by the Government Printing Office. Students thus have not only textbooks and learned analyses available, but may use actual documentary material such as copies of legislative bills, departmental reports, and court opinions. In addition, the libraries of the state and nearby municipalities supply many other needed items. The benefits of our civic location are most obvious in regard to non-documentary materials. A college in a wilderness may have fine library facilities. But Trinity is unusual in being located in a state capital, a county seat, a metropolitan center with suburbs of varied governmental structures, and a city whose form of government is among the most progressive in the nation. Students can see much of modern government actually working before their eyes. Where some colleges must rely on textbook descriptions of a legislative session, our students can actually watch such a session in progress and meet with legislative leaders. Where some colleges must

necessarily content themselves with written surveys of municipal finance, our students can interview municipal financial officers or hear them in the classroom. As a further example of this type of activity, attempts have been made to ensure that every student in Trinity government courses will have participated in the 1948 election campaign by direct work in support of some candidate or party. In actual practice, all this means a four-part program. There always must be available and assigned to a student much basic written work , frequentl y dealing with the history and general principles of governmental institutions. This must be supplemented by faculty or professional lectures, giving personal analysis and emphasis to many features of the subject matter. There must be abundant opportunity, especially in a small college, for free informal discussion among the students, to reveal their questions and share their discoveries . Finally, there should be a constant catalytic action of student contact with working government, through assigned investigations for course papers, through field trips, through discussion with guest lecturers, and through personal contact outside college work, made more fruitful by the knowledge and enthusiasm developed in studies. No Trinity man completing such a major will graduate directly into the presidency of the United States , or even top the list on any specialized civil service examination. But it is our fundamental hope and aim that every student who participates in this work will become a graduate who is better prepared to live as a citizen and act as a leader in a democratic society. T

T welve Alumni Sons in Fresh man Class Twelve sons of alumni are enrolled in the class of 1952 and two are third generation in the Trinity family. John W. Beers of West Hartford is the son of Henry Beers, '18, and grandson of the late George E. Beers, '86, and Frederick R. H o isington, Ill's father is a member of the class of 1920, and his grandfather the class of 1891. Incidentally the senior Mr. Hoisington played every minute of every football game for four years, and in those days Trin met the best in the East. Other alumni sons are Edwin W. Bleecker William H., ' 12; Edward A. Carroll - Edward C., '18; Terence M . Crowley - James H., '45 (began his academic course at the University of Maine in 1919) ; Wyatt N. Elder - George H., '14; Alan R. Gurwitt- Robert I., '22; Romilly H. Humphries - Floyd T., '22; Isaac L. Newell, Jr. - Isaac L. , '24; Gordon L. Partridge - Irving E., '19; James C. Perkins - Clifford H., '16; Richard P. Yeomans -John H., '24.


Dean Reports Veteran Influence Disappearing Excerpts from Annual Report by Dean Arthur H. Hughes AT LEAST A semblance of normalcy in the antebellum sense began to be noticeable now and then during the academic year that ended in June, 1948. Fleeting visions of "Joe College," unmarried and hedonistic and not quite as grown up as his veteran brother, could be detected here and there if one cared to look closely; indeed, there was no need to assume that wishful thinking played any part in conjuring up glimpses of campus life as it existed ten years ago. Unfortunately, the two outstanding disadvantages of the postwar period路 seem to be endowed with an unusual longevity. Over-crowding and accelerated courses of study persist and give promise of remaining to plague us for some years to come. Our student body last year was too large and the same thing will be true next year. There is no cause for alarm, however, since we have not been forced to give instruction to sections of inflated size (the average Trinity class last year contained 20 students) and the new Elton Hall will bring about a material improvement in the situation in donnitory rooms. Accelerated programs are on the wane as veterans become fewer in number and as a consequence of our abbreviated summer school that starred in June, 1948. It will cut in half the amount of work that can be completed by our students during the summer months, and, in addition, we are attempting to discourage our younger students from entering into any kind of formal summer study for college credit. Despite those difficulties and others, the year 1947-48 as viewed from my office and in retrospect seems to have flowed by with only a few minor interruptions and with practically no major ones.

though the young man himself realizes that he cannot succeed in the highly competitive field into which he is forced. In any event, I find that the unfortunate choices are made quite frequently in the sciences and engineering subjects, and unless we manage to remedy the error at a relatively early point in a student's academic career, we have problems eventually regarding the eligibility of our men for admission to professional schools, and we also find it virtually impossible to arrange a suitable curriculum for the men who realize too late that they have made a mistake by remaining in the science fields. STUDENT AcTIVITIES AND FRATERNITIEs A spontaneous burgeoning of a number of new organizations characterized the year. Some of them were short-lived, being either experiments or the results of whimsey. Others seemed to meet a real need and will continue to exist. The old a nd well established activities, furthermore, attracted new members and flourished to greater extent, I believe, than at any time since pre-war days. (con tinued on page 7)

Convocation Opens 126th Year

ENROLLMENT AND REGISTRA noN IN CouRSES In my opinion, we should be more disturbed perhaps by the relatively high proportions of students registered in Chemistry, Engineering, and Pre-Medicine. Our courses in those fields are overcrowded and there is little that can be done at present to expand our facilities for giving instruction in the laboratory sciences. I have been conferring with the departments involved to help establish a control of the number of students that can be allowed to continue as science majors at the end of both the Freshman and Sophomore years. It happens all too often that young men embark blithely on a course of study for which they have little aptitude but which seems to them to carry a high degree of social prestige, or it may be that the parents of a student insist upon his taking work that will prepare him for some particular profession even

President's parry in th e acad emic procession approach th e Chapel for the formal Convocatio n which opened the !26th Academic year of th e College. Left to right: Governor James C . Shannon, Ma yor Cyril Coleman, President Funston , Dean Hughes, the Rt. Rev. W alter H. Gray, Hon. '41.


Owen Morgan, '06, Trustee, Former Treasurer, Dies OwEN MoRGAN, trustee and former treasurer, died at his summer home in Weekapaug, R hode Island, on August 31. In his passing the College loses a most loyal alumnus who served his Alma Mater faithfully as treasurer during World War II and was an active member of the Executive and Finance Committees of the Board ofT rustees.

Mr. Morgan was born in Dallas, Texas, on January 14, 1883, the son of the late Richard and Lilly Morgan. His father had been a judge of the Forty-Fourth District Court. After receiving his early education at the St. Paul's School, Garden City, Long Island, Mr. Morgan entered Trinity in September, 1902, with the class of 1906. He was elected class president his Freshman year and class day chairman his Senior year. For three years he played on the football team, being named captain in 1904. He was a member of the baseball team for four years. At graduation he was awarded the McCook Trophy for his athletic prowess and all-round leadership. Mr. Morgan was a member of the Sophomore Dining Club and Medusa. His fraternity was the Epsilon Chapter of Delta Psi. From 1906 to 1909 Mr. Morgan was associated with Brown Durrell Company in New York City. He then joined the actuarial department of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company in Hartford. After two years of traveling for the company, he entered the cashier's department and in 1923 was elected assistant cashier. Two years later he was named assistant secretary. In 1930 Mr. Morgan left the insurance business to join the Society for Savings Bank. He was named assistant secretary, and shortly afterwards became vice president and secretary, positions he continued to hold until his death. Mr. Morgan always maintained his interest in Trinity affairs. He served as a member of the Athletic Advisory Council and as treasurer of the College Athletic Association. In 1924 he was elected Senior Fellow and in 1927 Alumni Trustee for a three year term. The Trustees appointed him treasurer of the College in January, 1939, and for nearly ten years his sound financial judgment has been of tremendous value. He resigned the office of treasurer on May 1, 1947, but still continued to serve on the Executive and Finance Committees of the Trustees. Funeral services were held at Trinity Church, Hartford, with Bishop Walter H. Gray, Honorary 1941, officiating. Mr. Morgan had been treasurer and vestryman of this church for fifteen years. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Emily Tenney Silsby, whom he married on June 28, 1913, at Newbury, Vermont; and two sons, Richard, IV, and William S., Trinity 1939.

Owen Morgan

DEAN'S REPORT (continued


page 6)

The major dances sponsored by the three upper classes were successful affairs from the point of view of the student body. The ]esters presented a repertoire that was unusually large because of the experience gained by them in summer stock during the vacation period. The Tripod, the IV)', and the Review had their usual problems, but appeared regularly so that any student who felt an urge to write for publication had a chance to do so. We have not preserved the programs that went out into the night air of the campus from WR TC, although some of the features, particularly in the early evening hours, were done very well and provided a valuable experience for those who helped to create them. The College Senate evinced a willingness to accept responsibilities and a considerable ingenuity in dealing with the problems of student life. Progress was made towal;l:i our goal of increasing the scope of student government to the point of autonomy. The Interfraternity Council was also active and helpful. A new constitution was drawn up and approved, including among other features the membership on the Council of an alumnus from each fraternity chapter. I am glad to report that the Interfraternity Council has been showing a wholesome interest in all matters that pertain to fraternity life instead of limiting itself to rushing rules, as was the case only a few years ago. According to the new constitution, the Council may exercise authority with regard to the conduct of social affairs at the several fraternity houses . The use of such powers will constitute another step toward the student government that we want to establish at Trinity.


The Rev. Henry DuBois, '7 6 Becomes Oldest Alumnus

Since the death of Or. Alfred P. Grint, the Rev . Henry Ogden DuBois, '76, is the College's oldest alumnus. He was born in Zanesville, Ohio, on March 27 , 1855, and after preparing at the Shattuck School, Faribault, Minnesota, he entered Trinity in 1872 with the class of 1876. As an undergraduate he rowed stroke oar on the crew for two seasons and was elected captain his senior year. He was Class Day Poet and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. His fraternity is the Epsilon Chapter of Delta Psi. After his graduation in 1876 Mr. DuBois studied a year at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. He then decided to enter the ministry and transferred to the Philadelphia Theological Seminary from where he graduated in 1880. The year before he received his Master of Arts degree from Trinity. The Rev. Mr. DuBois was ordained a priest in 1881 at Trinity Church, Philadelphia, and served as an assistant to the rector of the Church of the Transfiguration and the Church of the Ascension in that city until 1888. He then removed to Rye, New York, and served as a priest in the Catholic Apostolic Church, New York City, but still retained his standing as a priest of the Episcopal Oioce e of Pennsylvania. For many years the Rev. Mr. DuBois was coadjutor to the Bishop, and in 1897 he moved to New York City where he is now living. The Rev. Mr. DuBois has always maintained an active interest in his Alma Mater. He has had several relatives who have attended the College: his brother, George M., 1874; his brother-inlaw, the Rev. William R. Mackay, 1867; and his nephew, Gaylord M. DuBois, 1925.

Eighty-two Graduates Placed Eighty-two recent Trinity College graduates have accepted positions in business and industry at an average starting alary of $2600, according to the annual report of John F. Butler, '33, Director of Placement. While 82 students have reported acceptance of jobs, 62 have been accepted at graduate schools. Twenty other men received job offers, but did not report their decisions to the College. Because many companies were still looking for young men for training programs, June graduates experienced little difficulty in getting jobs, Mr. Butler said. Some fields such as personnel, advertising and industrial production did not provide as many openings as in the previous year, but on the whole there were ample opportunities for the 1948 graduate. Graduates received an average of three job offers. Salaries ranged from 1800 to $3700. In the business field 23 men entered industry, 21 are employed in insurance and insurance sales and 10 are teaching. The remaining men entered selling, merchandising, utilities, investments, banking, civil service, journalism, personnel, radio , and social service work. Among those students in the graduate school group, 12 have been accepted in medical school, 11 are entering theological schools, 7 are continuing studies in business school, while 6 each have gone into the fields of law and engineering. Other students hope to receive their graduate degrees in art, chemistry, drama , education, English, history, languages, literature, music, physics, and social service. Mr. Butler reported that career counseling is considered the most important function of Trinity's Placement Office. Consequently, the program last year included 1,495 personal interviews by the placement director. Eighteen career meetings featured guest speakers from various fields of business and the professions. Forty-seven companies conducted 510 路 oterviews at Trinity while Trinity men were referred to 276 other companies. Two hundred ninety-nine undergraduates registered for part-time and summer employment, 525 referrals were made and 264 were employed through the Placement Office. T

Book U ses Campus Scen e A picture of the campus showing the main walk and Jarvis Dormitory appears on the jacket of "Behind the Academic Curtain" by Archibald Macintosh. The book is a guide to getting the most out of college for secondary school students and their parents.


Enrollment 892; Non-Vets 1n Majority For the third year student enrollment broke all previous records with 892 men registering in the regular College. In addition, there are 17 graduate students and 405 men and women in the evening division making a total of 1312. For the first -time since the war, there are more non-veterans than veterans. The figures show 490 non-veterans and 402 former service men registered; but the veteran bulge is still reflected in the class statistics which list 230 freshmen, 259 sophomores, 246 juniors and 157 seniors. Usually the freshman class is the largest in College. Because of the small number of seniors enrollment may increase slightly next year. Ir is then expected that the total will gradually shrink to 650 or 700. Four hundred and ninety-two men are living

in the dormitories or fraternity houses, and 400 at home. Thirty-seven percent are residents of Greater Hartford. The undergraduates come from twenty-five states and eight foreign countries - China, England, Greece, Hungary, Panama, Spain, Venezuela and Yugoslavia. Dean Clarke, recently appointed Dean of Students, reports that the College has one teacher to 12.6 students. There are 65 full-rime faculty members and 9 part-time instructors who teach courses equivalent to 5.4 full-time faculty members. In extension, 147 are taking a full time program of five courses, 50 are taking four courses, 23 are in three courses, 65 are taking two, and 120 are taking a single course. Evening registration includes 69 women.

Freshmen Have Active Orientation W eek TRINITY FRESHMEN, 228 strong, were given a good start in College life this fall by a week of orientation preceding the opening of classes on September 20. New features of freshman week included an afternoon picnic directed by Dean Clarke, and fraternity receptions. The picnic featured field sports, swimming, hiking, singing and talks by Dean Clarke, Dan Jessee, Ray Oosting and student activity leaders. Each freshman was invited to visit every fraternity at receptions held from Wednesday to Sunday of freshman week. This pre-rushing feature was considered an outstanding success by both the houses and the new men. The week opened with the traditional Chapel service, followed by a meeting at which Professor Wilbert S. Ray spoke on study habit and John F. Butler, '33, spoke on career selection. Early in the week, each freshman met for a half-hour or more with his faculty advisor to discuss courses and schedules. High point of

the week was the President's Dinner for the class Friday evening. Speakers were Pre ident Funston, Colonel John R. Reitemeyer, '21, president of the National Alumni Association, and Dean Arthur H. Hughes. Judge Alex W. Creedon, '09, acted as toastmaster. Receptions by the four Interfaith Council organizations and a Sunday Vespers service closed the freshman week. During the registration periods for sports and activities, 60 freshmen signed up for football, 40 for soccer, 12 for cross country, 25 for the Tripod and Review, 63 for the Glee Club and many others for the Jesters, Band and Radio Station. One hundred and nineteen men were pledged to the fraternities during rush week: Alpha Chi Rho 22, Alpha Delta Phi 12, Delta Kappa Epsilon 17, Delta Phi 15, Delta Psi 10, Psi Upsilon 18, Sigma Nu 10, Theta Xi 15. Freshmen hear student leaders at gl!t-togcther picnic


Jessee Fields Powerful Eleven TRIN's 71sT football season opened in September Frank Eblen, two hundred pound fullback can when Co-Captains Joe Ponsalle of Bridgeport really pound a line and in the Williams game and Mitch Holmgren of East Hartford, giant he broke loose for two fine touchdown runs. tackles, led a squad of seventeen lettermen onto Jack Corcoran showed he has lost none of the new practice field directly north of the new his speed when he stepped through the Williams Field House. To Dan Jessee, starting his seven- team for 65 yards. Last season he was high teenth season, it was a welcome sight to see scorer in Connecticut with 48 points. Jack such good material because there were also Carroll and Bob Barrows will see plenty of fifteen sophomores and several promising upper- service and both can cover ground. Rag Hall is a classmen reporting. Last year's captain and star good reserve and the sophomore backs Eddie center Roger Bestor, Hal Heintz, consistent Ludorf, Jim Pickett and Tom Naud should see ground gainer, Bob Boland and Bill Powell a lot of action. Ludorf is a fine passer and are the key men who are not playing this season. Pickett, while weighing only 155, is very fast. Dan is spending a good deal of time with the Sparked by Frank Eblen's two touchdown ends, because last year this position was the runs of 41 and 84 yards, Trinity easily smashed team's weakest point. Bill Pitkin, Charley Os- out a 33 to 6 victory over Williams in the season's borne, Ken Kochanski, and Dick Seymour are opener on October 2nd at Williamstown before battling for the job. Ken is a converted back 2,000 fans. Jack Corcoran just missed scoring a and Dick was Roger Bestor's understudy at touchdown when he fumbled on the goal line with Bob Barrows recovering for the score. center last fall. The two Co-Captains Mitch Holmgren and Jack later took a lateral from Kunkiewicz and Joe Ponsalle give a combined weight of 440 scampered through the entire Williams team pounds for the tackle positions and these boys 65 yards for a touchdown. He tossed Bill Pitkin are fast on their feet. Holmgren was on the all a perfectly executed jump pass for the last score. New England small college team last season. Co-Captains Holmgren and Ponsalle played Don Surgenor and Frank Sherman are their their usual fine game at tackle while Whitey Kunkiewicz was a tower of strength both on the substitutes. At guard letter wearers Merl Kolakowski and offense and defense. Jim McDonnell can be counted on for a bang-up FOOTBALL SCORES game and their replacements Fritz Albright and Trinity 33 Williams 6 Bill Trousdale are plenty rugged . Trinity 65 Norwich 0 Lyn Ratcliffe, 210 pound sophomore and Lem Trinity 52 Hobart 0 Oberg, 195 pound junior are both playing well. Ratcliffe made several excellent defensive plays Trinity 13 Middlebury 24 against Williams. Trinity 33 Worcester 6 In the backfield there is a lot of talent. Whitey WTIC BROADCASTS GAMES Kunkiewicz, one of the best passers ever to Arrangements have been made for Station wear a Trinity uniform, is kicking well this season and against Williams showed that it WTIC to broadcast three football games took more than one man to bring him down. Norwich, Amherst and Wesleyan.


Largest Freshman squad, left, reports to Coach Fred Booth on new practice field north of the Memorial Field House. Dan Jessee's va rsity is practicing at the right.


Record Frosh Squad Reports

Plan Atomic Energy Exhibit

The freshman squad has depth and experience reports Fred Booth the new coach and former Springfield College star. Sixty-five men answered the opening call and Fred hopes to use many of them against Springfield, Amherst, Wesl eyan and Cheshire. " Ike Woolley, '16, has kind ly volunteered to help coach so that the men will get more individual instruction. Leading backfield candidates arc Bill Nakaso, George Smith, Bernie Lawlo r, Bill Vibert, Bob Buffum, Art 路 'Ike' Wooley, '16 French, Bill Goralski and Bill Gannon. Dave Smith and John Wentworth will play center while Don Rathbone, Dick Ahern, Mac A ldrich, a nd Ed Law are barding for the guard positions. Ernest Buck, Bill Dougherty and Charlie Medford are the leading tackles a nd Dick Aiken, Bob O'Brien, Charlie McElwee a nd Ed Blank, Jr., show good ability at end.

The Atomic Energy Exhibit of the Brookhaven National Laboratories will be at Trinity November 18-21 for a weekend of public education on nuclear science sponsored by the College.

Soccer Outlook Bright The homers hav a new mentor this season, H arold Shetter, former West Chester State Teachers College star and captain, who is replacing Bruce Munro. Harold has some good players on his squad . Captain Jay Geiger, the team's leadi ng scorer last year, should have another good year. The Nelson brothers, Dick Winchell and Boley Wood, all veterans from last year, have been doing well in practice. The schedule is a difficult one this year Worcester, M. I. T., Yale, Tufts, Mass. U., Amherst, and Wesleyan - but Trin should make a good showing. An enthusiastic freshman squad has several good men who have played in school. Dave Hatfield, Maurie Smith, Dick Thompson a nd Spyros Rogkakos have shown mu ch promise in practice.


To Dedicate Field House in February Dedication of Trinity's Memorial Field House the 70 men who died in World War II has been tentatively scheduled for February 5 or 12. Alumni , donors to the 125th Anniversary Fund, and parents of men killed, will be special guests at the formal ceremonies at 3 p.m. in the afternoon and for a sports pageant in the evening. The sports evening will include varsity swimming and basketball competition. Further particulars will be sent to alumni in a special winter letter.



Eight Direct Community Chest Eight Trinity men served as directors of the 25th annual Greater Hartford Community Chest: John F. Butler, '33; chairman of the Individual Subscribers Section for the City, Bert Holland, '34; L. Coates Coit, '34; the Rev . Raymond Cunningham, '07; Charles T. Kingston, Jr., '34; H enry T. Kneeland, '22; Francis S. Murphy , Hon. '47; John R. Reitemeyer, '21. Heading campus solicitations were Professor Gustave Andrian, '40, and Marty Rouse, '48.

Lemieux, '48, Coaches Harriers Eddie Lemieux, '48, college cross country a nd two mile record holder, is coaching the team this year. H e has a squad of fifteen upperclassmen and twelve freshmen working out daily. Jack Kearns, Don Wolfo rd a nd Don Barry will be th e varsity mainstays.

BASKETBALL AND SWIMMING SCHEDULES 1948路49 Dec. 8 - M. I. T. Dec. 11 - Williams Dec. 16 - Harvard Dec. 17 - Coast Guard

Home Away Home Away

Dec. 8 Dec. 11 Dec. 16 Dec. 18 -

Trinity-Pawling Yale H arvard Coast Guard JV

Prel Away Pre! Away

7Jan. Jan. 8 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 -

Away Away Home Away

Jan. 8 Jan. 11 -

H opki ns Amherst

Home Pre!

Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.

Bowdoin Bates Amherst W. P. I.

5 - Mass. U. 8 - Wesleyan 12 - Middlebury 16 - Amherst 18 - H amilton 26- Tufts

M ar. 1 M a r. 5 -

Wesleyan Union




Away Pre!

Home Home Home Away Home Home

Feb. 5 - M ass. U . Feb. 8 - Wesleyan Feb . 12 - Jr. Co ll ege ofCommcrcl! Feb. 16 - Amherst Feb. 18 - Cheshire Feb. 19 - St. Thomas Feb. 26 - Monson

Away Horne

Mar. 1 Mar. 5 -

Away Pre I

Wesleyan Union


Prcl Away Prel Away Pre I

Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar.

17 8512 16 19 26 4512 -

Bowdoin M.I.T. Boston U. Worcester T ech Amherst Tufts Union Wesleyan Prep. Schools lnrercoll egiates

Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Away FRESHMAN SWIMMING Jan. 12 - Yale Away Hom e Jan. 15 - Trinity-Pa wling Feb. 9 - Deerfield Away Feb. 12 - Mount Hermon Away Feb. 23 - Hopkins Home M ar. 4 - Wesleyan Away

Treasurer,s Report Shows $200,000 Expense Increase

income from 25.5 to 21.8, indicating need for increased general endowment. Fuel and equipment cost increases caused a $37,000 hike in maintenance expense. The rate of return on co nsolidated endowment funds amounted to 5.02 percent in 1947-48 as co mpared to 4.61 percent in 1946-47. Endowment funds were increased by $60,000 during the year. Copies of the Treasurer's Report are available to alumni who write to Mr. Getzendanner.

The College balanced its books with $1,076 surplus of income over expenses for the fiscal year 1947-48 according to the annual report of Treasurer Joseph W. Getzendanner, Jr. The operating expenses of the College reached $1,127,702 an increase of more than $200,000 over the preceding year. Educational and general expenses totalled $912,711 with the bookstore and dining hall doing a $113,665 business. Other expenses of $101,325 included an appropriation of $80,000 toward Elton Hall dormitory to supplement Development Fund receipts and bank loans for this building. Largest items of income were $693,678 in student tuition, $219,420 investment income, and $118,451 from the bookstore and dining hall, $73,000 in dormitory rent. The College Balance Sheet showed total assets of $9,123,155, an increase of $500,000 over last year's total assets. Endowment funds and valuation of the College land, buildings and equipment stood at more than four million dollars each. Investment income increased by $15,000 over the previous year bur decreased significantly in percentage of total educational and general

Delta Phi Wins Scholarship Cup The Fraternity Scholarship Cup was won for the second year in a row by the Sigma Chapter of Delta Phi. It is disappointing to observe that not one of the fraternities on our campus had an average grade as high as the average for all the undergraduates: The results of the cup competition are: Delta Phi, 76.1; Alpha Chi Rho, 75.1; Delta Psi, 74.8; Theta Xi, 74.4; Alpha Delta Phi, 74.1; Psi Upsilon, 72.5; Sigma Nu, 72.0; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 71.5; Whole College, 76.3; All Fraternity , 73.6.

Miss Beaumier Marks Anniversary Miss Ethel J. Beaumier, secretary to the treasurer, Joseph W. Getzendanner, Jr., marked her twenty-fifth anniversary at Trinity on September 1st. She received a silver bowl from the College and a pen and pencil set from her associates, and her genial boss gave her a brand new office!

Lost Alumni Anyone knowing the whereabouts of any of these lost alumni, please notify William R. Peellc at the College 1878 Ly man, Augustus julian

1881 Hardee, Charles Henry ]o nes, Charles Waring 1882 Brewer, Seabury Doane Moore, William Arthur \'V alker, \Villiam Dundas 1888 Warner, Malcol)ll Clark Wrighr, Adam Empie 1891 Ho ll y, Joh n Anhur 1892 French, George Herbcrr Hutt, Frank Wolcott 1893 Cary, Henr y Auguscus

Sccclc, Floyd Thomas 1895 Gallagher, Charles 1896 Hubbell , Frederi c Cady James, H e nry H. Kn app, Henry Alan Zook, Samuel Kurtz 1897 H op kins, louis A lben 1899 Baxte r, Irvi ng Knott 1899 Golden, William Robert H a rri s, Chauncey Ka rl Kerner, Howard Sinda_ir Mead, Ralph Curler

Mcchrold, Roland Henry Morehouse., Ferris Ste phen Warner, William Alfred Ziegler, joseph Warren

1907 Bryan, Charles Stanley Chambers, Geo rge D . Kenyon, Irving Rinald o M cCune, Geo rge Boston Po nd , Lester Munroe

1901 Dewell , Franklin W . Fo lso m, H aro ld Morrell Hargrave, John Graham Stacey, Evert:tt Eugene Wharton, William Parker

1908 Beac h , Cleveland Harvey Chase, Herbert G iles Mack, Clinton leroy Phillips, Thomas Mitchell

1902 Brad field , Herbert Stanley Ge rnhard t, Harry Francis Hill , Charles Hawley Lane. Charles Heald Wyman, Alben Lincoln

1909 Cameron. Ral p h Evelyn Casscna, Rev. Do mini ck Hall. Leo Griswold Hamm , Franklin Pie rce Snow, Baya rd Francis

1903 Cozzens. H enr y G ra y 1910 Brown, G ilbert McConnell, Rev. Perley S. Mun cie, Clinton Jessee Rau, Harry Edward Robertson, Carroll M.ilco n

1904 Pratt, Charlie Clayton Van Tine, Ra ymo nd B. 1905 Hill, Frederick T ., Jr. Wall ace, William Sev.. ard

1911 Brehm, Edward Phili p Burdick, Verc Gerald Green, Rev. Stephen W. Jackson, louis Angelo Welron, Allan Judd

1906 Connette, H o no re C. Kellam , Rich a rd Prescott N o rth , H orace N. Simmons, William H . Sutcliffe, Allen Beekman Winston, Ernest F.

19l2 Arnold, David Jacob


B:ucm an, D a niel Webster Ho well, Charles H. Kelle y, Floyd Clinton Levine, Benjamin Samuel Newh all, G uy Hubba rd Olive r, Fe rgus Sallsman, Ralph Hen ry Smith, M errill Wolverton Tyrrell, Guy H arri son 19LJ Chow. Chambers H o ran, James Francis Howell, Al(rcd H si, Turpin joseph, Paul Elihuc Roberts, H obart james 19 14 Chambers, Louis Samuel Friedhof, Theodon路, Jr. Rccca, john Silversmi t h, Levi Francis l9l5 Brinkman, \Villiam W. Curley , Francis Thomas

Duns(ord, AI herr Edward Evans, D aniel Harold Gregg, Walter Gibso n

Faculty Appointments EDWIN N. NILSON, '37, has been appointed assistant professor of Mathematics. He replaces Dr. Feodor Theilheimer who joined the Naval Ordnance Research Laboratory last June. Mr. Nilson was elected to Phi Beta Kappa at Trinity and continued his studies at Harvard receiving his Master of Science degree in 1939 and his Doctorate in 1941. He taught Mathem atics at H a rvard a nd th e University of Maryland before serving as assistant professor of Mathematics at Mount Holyoke College. During the war he taught Mathematics and seamanship at th e United States Naval Academy. For the last •two years he h as been an aeronautical engineer in the Research Division of the United Aircraft Corporation.

Necrology-ALFRED POOLE GRINT, 1881 The Rev. Dr. Alfred Poole Grint, oldest Trinity Alumnus, died at Providence, Rhode Island, on September 19, in his ninety-sixth year. He was born in London, England, on May 3, 1853, the so n of James and June Poole Grint. Before his family came ro America in 1869, he was educared at St. Mark's School, Chelsea. In 1875 Mr. Grine gave up a successful draftsman's position tv enter Williston Seminary, Easthampton, MassachusettsJ in order to prepare for college. Entering Trinity in 1877 with the class of 1881 , he distinguished himself by winning the Turtle Essay Prize and the Silver Med a l for Oratory, and also was chosen Commencement Speaker. In hi s Junior year he was ed itor of the Tablet. His fraternity was Delta Kappa Epsilon. Graduaring with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1881, he continued his studies at the General Theological Seminary in New York. It was at this time he became associated with the inventor, James Hammond who was working on a new typewriter. Despite a large financial offer from Mr. Hammond to continue with him , Dr. Grint persisted in finishing his course and graduated from the seminary in 1884. Th at year he also received a Master of Arts degree from Trinity. Dr. Grint became the curate at St. Mary's Church in Brooklyn, New York, and did further study for his doctorate in philosophy at Columbia which he received in 1889. He beca me rector of St. John's Church, Warehouse Point, Connecticut, a nd two years later rector of St. James Church, New London , Connecticut, until 1909.

NlCHOLAS F. PEDERSEN has been appointed assistant professor of Engineering. H e graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1936. For the next four years he was production engineer for Raybesros M a nhattan Inc. , Passaic, New Jersey , and then he was affiliated with Hanovi a Chemical Company in Newark. From 1943 until 1945 he was chief engineer for this firm. After a year as industrial designer for General Electric in Bridgeport, he entered as a partner of the design firm of Hadley, Ryder, and Pedersen in Hartford. Since January 1947, h e has taught in our Extension Department. EUGENE W. DAVIS h as been appointed instructor in History. A graduate from the University of Texas in 1940, Mr. Davis received his Master of Arts degree from Harvard the following year. He taught at the University of North Carolina before serving as a first lieutenant in the Coast Artillery and Infantry in the Pacific theater. Upon his separation &om the Army in 1946, he returned to the University of North Carolina for graduate study, and was appointed instructor. He is a member of the American Historical Association. ALBERT MERRIMAN has been appointed an instructor of Classical La nguages. He is a graduate of H a rvard and was electe~Phi Beta Kappa. In 1937 he received his Master of Arts degree &om Harvard a nd then went to the University of Chicago for further study. H e expects to receive his doctorate from Harvard this January. In 1933 he held a fellowship from the Ecole Normale d'Instituteurs, Macon, France, and from 1935 to 1939 he served as instructor in French and teaching fellow in Greek at Harvard. Mr. Merriman served with the Ninth Air Force in the European theater, and was awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French government. He then returned to Harvard for further graduate study, and was appointed instructor in Latin there.

In 1910 he went to St. Andrew's Church,St. Johnsbury, Vermont, where he remained until 1922. While there he was president of the state's standing committee from 1915 to 1922 in the absence of a Bishop, and in 1919 was a delegate to the General Convention. In 1922 Dr. Grint became vicar of St. Mary's Church, Warwick Neck, Rhode Island, until his retirement in 1931. Dr. Grint was rhe author of "The Seabury Thanksgiving" published in 1886. On February 16, 1886, Dr. Grint married Miss Martha James Sampson of New York City. There are three children; Mrs. John Stark Cameron and Mrs. Edmund Selinger Parsons, and Stanley Poole Grint, 1911, who survive. All his life the Rev. Dr. Grint was a devoted alumnus and follow~ all of Trinity's activities with keen interest. He was especially proud to learn of the admission of his grandson, John Parsons, in this year's freshman class. ~.

CARTER LEE BOWIE, 1893 ALPHOt SE J. BELLA VIA h as been named instructor in Romance Languages. A graduate of Denison University, Granville, Ohio, he received his Master of Arts degree from Middlebury College last June. He has also studied at the University of Rochester. Mr. Bellav ia taught foreign languages at Pittsburg Academy in Owatonna, Minnesota, from 1940 to 1942, and during the war he served as an interpreter in rhe European theater. After his discharge in 1945, he taught foreign languages in Rochester high schools.

Word has reached the College of the death of Carter Lee Bowie, last surviving son of Maryland's former governor , rh e late Oden Bowie, on June 21, at the Veterans Hospital, Fort Howa rd, Maryland. He attended public school at his home in Collingron, Maryland, before entering Trinity in 1889 with the class of 1893 . In college h e was a member of the freshman football team; treasurer of the football team in his junior year; and manager his senior year. H e was also a member of the "69" Club and vice-president of the Democratic Club. In the Spanish American War , Mr. Bowie served with rhe Fifth M ary land Regiment. Mr. Bowie was well known to the racing public because of his long tenure with the Maryland Jockey Club as paddock and patrol judge. He was with the club for over a quarter of a century. For man y years he was also associated wirh the Saratoga Race Track in an official capacity.

GEORGE W. ADAMS has been appointed research assista nt at the College Library. A graduate of Dickinson College and the Drexel School of Libra ry Science, Mr. Adams h as been on the staff of the Newark, N. J., Public Library since 1946. During World War II he served with the Eighth Air Force in England on military police duty. Mr. Adams has also served as librarian at the Free Library of Philadelphia, the Linco ln City Library of Lincoln, Nebraska, and the University of Pennsylvania Library.

Mr. Bowie leaves a niece, Mrs. Albert C . Bruce of Baltimore, Maryland.



fraternity affiliation was the Alpha Chi Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Mr. McKee graduated from Trinity in 1903 and from the Columbia Law School three years later. Jn 1908 he was admitted to the New York Bar and engaged in the practice of law in New York City. He married Miss Anna Lois Dixon of Gilbertsville, New York, on February 8, 1908. They had two sons, Theophilus John, Jr. , Trinity 1932, and Douglas Dixon.

Carroll Charles Beach, son of Dr. Charles Lewis and Anne Eva Lamson Beach, died at his horne in Hartford on August 16. He was born in Unionville, Connecticut, on December 12, 1874, and was a direct descendant of Thomas Beach, a settler of New Haven, who died in 1662. On his mother's side he was in lineal descent from William Lewis and William Wadsworth, two of the first settlers of Hartford. Preparing for Trinity at the Hartford Public High School, Mr. Beach entered college in 1893 with the class of 1896. He was a member of the track team and manager and member of the basketball team. In his senior year he was elected class treasurer. His fraternity affiliation was the Phi Psi Chapter of Alpha Chi Rho. After graduating in 1896, Dr. Beach attended Boston University Medical School from which he obtained his degree in 1899. For a short while he interned at the Roxbury Hospital, Boston, and at the Homeopathic Insane Asylum, Westboro, Massachusetts. He then returned to Hartford where he remained in practice for forty-nine years. He was a member of the South Congregational Church, the Connecticut Homeopathic Society and Alpha Sigma Medical Society. On April 22, 1903, Dr. Beach married Miss Mary Bishop White of West Hartford, who died last February. Dr. Beach leaves two daughters, Mrs. Beaufort R. L. Newsom and Miss Marion Beach; and a son, Dr. Carroll C. Beach·, Jr., Trinity 1934.

THOMAS LYNN MORRIS, 1911 Word has been received at the College of the death of Thomas Lynn Morris in Pittsburgh, Penns ylvania, last January 24. Mr. Morrill_ was a n attorney. It is hoped that more information will be received about Mr. Morris. In College he was on the hockey team for two years and belonged to Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. CLEMENT COLLESTER HYDE, Hon. 1912 Clement Collester Hyde, principal of the Hartford Public High School from 1911 to 1938, died July 7, at Peterborough , New Hampshire. Born on June 27, 1871, at Gardner, Massachusetts, the son of John Milton and Mary Sawyer Whitney Hyde, he attended Gardner High School before entering Harvard in 1888. Afrer receiving his bachelor's degree in 1892, Mr. Hyde was an assistant in Physics at H arva rd and at Radcliffe. In 1894 he moved to Hartford and became a science teacher at the Hartford High School until his election as principal in 1911. Mr. Hyde worked continuously to raise the scholarship standards of both the students and faculty. Under his leadership the commercial and industrial training departments were built up from only a few students to over 1500 taking these courses. And under his administration the school grew from less than one thousand pupils to nearly four thousand . In 1912 Trinity awarded Mr. Hyde the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, and in 1924 Yale granted him the honorary degree of Master of Arts. Mr. Hyde always maintained his interest in Trinity and last May, as he had done for many years, judged the Frank W. Whitlock and F. A . Brown Prize speaking contests. Mr. Hyde married Edith Ladora Risley of Hartford on July 9, 1908, who died in 1935. They had three children, Richard Whitney; Eleanor; and Allan Risley, Trinity M.A. , 1940. who survive. His son, Allan, teaches mathematics at Trinity.

GEORGE FRANCIS LANGDON, 1896 George Francis Langdon died August 29, at Poughkeepsie, New York. He had been seriously ill for nearly a year. Born on April 18, 1874, at New York City, the son of John Lanigan and Judith McLoughlin Langdon, he prepared for college at Trinity School in New York. He entered Trinity in 1892 with the class of 1896 and was awarded the Chemistry Prize and Senior Prize at his graduation. His fraternity affiliation was Phi Gamma Delta. After graduating from the General Theological Seminary in 1899, the Rev. Mr. Langdon served St. Ambrose Mission, New York Cfty, and as chaplain for the City Hospital on Welfare Island. He was also the rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Elizabethtown, New York; Sr. Peter's and Middleham Chapel, Solomons, Maryland; and Sr. Simon'son Staten Island. In 1914 he came to Pine Plains, New York, as rector of the Church of the Regeneration. After twenty-eight years of faithful service he retired.

JEROME HARTMAN KOHN, 1922 Jerome Hartman Kohn, H artford civic leader and philanthropist, died suddenly in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 12, while attending the Democratic National Convention as a delegate from the State of Connecticut. Born in New York City on Janoltry 16, 1900, he entered Trinity in 1918 with the class of 1922 and stayed six months in college. Mr. Kohn was affiliated with the A. & S. Hartman Tobacco Company but left for World War I service. He returned to Hartford in 1919 to enter the tobacco business with his brother. Their business was known as Sol Kohn and Company, and in 1928 it merged with the Hartman Tobacco Company, Mr. Kohn being made treasurer. Two yea rs later he became president. In 1932 the brothers formed the Kohn Brothers Tobacco Company. Mr. Kohn was prominent in fund raising campaigns of the Hartford Jewish Foundation, a nd recently had been appointed chairman of a $2,500,000 capital funds campaign for the new Jewish Commurtity Center and the Mr. Sinai Hospital. In 1939 he became an officer of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies. He had served several times with the industrial division of the Hartford Community Chest •campaigns and was active for many years in the American Red Cross. In 1946 Mr. Kohn was appointed a delegate to the United Jewish Appeal National Conference which was

The Rev. Mr. Langdon was chaplain of Stissing Lodge 615. He was a life member of the Pine Plains Grange and was a former member of New York State Grange 638, Order of Eastern Star. He leaves his widow, the former Miss Emily Lovina Smith of Buffalo, New York, whom he married on June 22, 1907, and two daughters, Mrs. Eugene Fitzgerald of Atlanta, Georgia, and Mrs. Edwin Benjamin of Grand Island, Nebraska. THEOPHILUS JOHN McKEE, 1903 Theophilus John McKee died August 4, at Fort Lee, New Jersey. The son of Douglas Syphax and Abbie McKee, he was born at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 29, 1877. Preparing for college at Phillips Exeter Academy, he entered Trinity in 1899 with the class of 1903. He played football four years being elected captain his senior year. A fine all-round athlete, he played on the basketball and baseball teams for two years and was a member of the track team three years. He was elected to Medusa, Senior Honorary Society, and was chosen Class Day Orator. For three years he served on the Tablet, being business manager his sophomore year, and he sang in the Glee Club. His


called ro present a plan ro aid world Jewry. He served as a national co-chairman and as a member of the administrative and executive council of the United Jewish Appeal, and gave unsrintingly of his time and energy to the work of alleviating the distress of homeless refugees in Palestine and other countries. Mr. Kohn leaves his wife; a son, Jerome; and a daughter, Mary; his mother, Mrs. Theresa Kohn; his brother, Sol; and two sisters, Mrs. Lottie Lilienthal and Mrs. Stella Greenberg. EVERETT JOHN LAKE, Hon. 1922 Everett John Lake, Connecticut's sixty-seventh governor, died September 16, at the Hartford Hospital at the age of seventy-seven. He was born on February 8, 1871, in Woodstock. Connecticut, the son of the late Thomas A. Lake and Martha Cockings Lake of that town. Mr. Lake attended schools in Woodstock and at Stromsburg, Nebraska, before entering Worcester Polytechnic Institute from which he was graduated in 1890 with a bachelor of science degree. He continued his education at Harvard, graduating in 1892 with a bachelor of arts degree. At Harvard he starred as a halfback and was chosen on three All-American teams. Mr. Lake joined the Hartford Lumber Company as a clerk. He quickly was appointed secretary, treasurer, and in 1901 was elected president. Like his father Mr. Lake became active in politics. He was elected to the General Assembly and the State Senate. From 1906 to 1909 he served as lieutenant governor. During World War I he was in charge of all YMCA work at the port of Brest. He also worked with the 26th (Yankee) Division in the Toul sector. ln 1920 Mr. Lake attended the Republican State Convention to work for the nomination of his friend, Colonel Hall of Willington. Afrer a deadlock Colonel Hall withdrew in favor of Mr. Lake, and the convention nominated him on the following ballot. On November 3, 1920, he was elected governor by the largest plurality recorded up to that time. His administration was successful, but he differed from the state organization and his name did not figure in the 1922 convention. It was in this year that Trinity granted him the honorary degree of bachelor of laws. His third wife, the former Barbara Grace Lincoln, whom he married in 1940, survives. ln 1895 he married Eva Louise Sykes, who died in November, 1935. He later married Mrs. Eli!abeth Keeney Gordon, rhe widow of Lewis E. Gordon. She died the following August. Two children by his first marriage, Harold S. and Mrs. Marjorie Lake Leonard, also survive. PRESTON BROWN, Hon. 1926 Preston Brown, U. S. Army retired and World War 1 commander of the Third Division in the battle of the Meuse-Argonne, died at his home in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, on June 30. He was born the son of John Mason and Mary Owen Preston Brown on January 2, 1872. at Lexington, Kentuckv. Mr . Brown, the former Miss Susan Ford Dorrance of Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, survives and a sister, Mrs. H. M. Waite of New York and Washington. A son, Dorrance, was killed several years ago in an accident. After graduating from Yale in 1892 and studying law at the University of Virginia, Mr. Brown enlisted in the Army as a private in Battery A of the 5th Artillery. He was promored through the grades ro major general on December 10, 1925. For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services at a most critical time in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, General Brown was awarded rhe Distinguished Service Medal. He also held the Order of the Crown of Belgium and was a commander of the Legion of Honor of France. Trinity awarded General Brown honorary LL.D. degree in 1926 and Yale granted him an honorary M.A. degree. General Brown was made deputy chief of staff in 1930, and was commanding general in the Panama Canal Zone and of the Sixth Corps Area before he retired in 1934.


CHARLES CALLAWAY WIL ON, 1933 Charles Callaway Wilson, son of the late Homer H. and Jewell C. Wilson, died August 12, at Mr. Vernon, New York. Born in Pueblo, Colorado, on July 31, 1912, he entered Trinity in 1929 after preparing at the Weaver High School in Hartford. In his junior year he was awarded the Halsey Scholarship. Upon his graduation in 1933 he entered Massachusetts Institute of Technology from where he received his Bachelor of Sci<'ncc degree in 1935. At M.l.T. he was a member of Sigma Xi. He joined the Ward Leonard Electric Company thar year as a laboratory technician and was advanced to the Engineering Department and later promoted to head of the Design Section. He recently had been associated with the American Institute of Electrical Engineers as assistant to the secretary. Besides his mother and two sisters, Mr. Wilson leaves his wife, the former Miso Theresa Gatti, whom he married eptember 22, 1945, at Mr. Vernon, New York. EDUARD BENES, Hon. 1939 Eduard Benes, co-founder and former president of Czechoslovakia, died September 3, at his villa in Sezimovo Usir, near Prague. Many alumni will remember his visir to our campus at Commencement in 1939 when he addressed in Czech his countrymen from the outdoor pulpit of the Chapel. The Germans had recently occupied his beloved Prague, and Dr. Benes came to this country as the representative of free Czechoslovakia in exile. T riniry conferred the Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws upon him ar this rime. Eduard Benes was born May 28, 1884, at Kozlany, Bohemia. His parents were Czech peasants who somehow managed to send Eduard ro Charles University in Prague where he met T. G. Masaryk. The great philosopher took an interest in him and supervised the choice of studies which shaped Benes' entire life. At Paris on October I, 1918, Eduard Benes was named minister of foreign affairs of the first Czechslovak Provisional Govrenment. He became the acknowledged representative of the smaller European stares and campaigned tirelessly for international co-operation and collective security. President Masaryk resigned in 1935 and Dr. Benes was elected to succeed him. The new president was confronted with many problems but guided his nation with a firm hand. After the Munich accord the Germans occupied Prague in March, 1939, and Dr. Benes came to rhe United States and England as rhe representative of free Czechoslovakia. He served as professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago. During World War U Dr. Benes continually broadcast encouragement to his countrymen, and his prestige held together diverse elements of the Czechoslovak government so that in March, 1945, when the c untry was liberated, his exile group was able to return intact. In 1946 Dr. Benes was unanimously named president for the third time. He attempted to follow a middle course between communism and western democracy. Last February this struggle ended with the Communist coup, and Dr. Benes resigned in June. LESLIE JAMES BAILEY, JR., 1950 Leslie James Bailey, Jr., died August 29, near Trumbull, Connecticut, in an automobile accident. He was born January 7, 1922, in Deal, New Jersey, the son of Leslie James and Jennie Devine Bailey. After graduating from Farmington High School, Farmington, Connecticut, he entered Trinity in 1941 with the class of 1945. He enlisted in 1943 and served in Headquarters Company, 26rh Infantry Regiment, First Infantry Division in the European theater. For meritorious service he was awarded the Ribbon Combat Infantry Badge. Last year he was separated from the service with the rank of first lieutenant and then returned to Trinity. A member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, Bailey was very popular on the campus.

Faculty News

Association Items

PRESiDENT FUNSTON attended the Association of New England Colleges meetings at Middlebury College on October 5. He represented the College at the inauguration of General Eisenhower as president of Columbia University on October 13. He was the principal speaker at the annual meeting of the New England Association of Purchasing Agents at the Hotel Bond, Hartford, on October 23. PROFESSOR BARBER became the father of a son, Luther Laurence, on August 24. DEAN CLARKE has been appointed to the newly created post of Dean of Students. PROFESSOR CONSTANT is writing a book "Elementary Theoretical Physics."

Five alumni areas held luncheons or dinners for incoming freshmen before College opened. At Boston, Bob Withington, '13, and his good wife gave a luncheon at their home for fifteen of the new men. In the New Haven area, thanks to the hospitality of Breck Armstrong, '33, a field day with buffer supper found all the new men attending with their fathers. John Cunningham, '22, of New York arranged a most successful party at the Bronxville Field Club for sixteen of the incoming class and their fathers. Norman Pitcher, '26, president of the Philadelphia alumni, directed a fine sub-freshman dinner while in Springfield; Ken Case, '13, invited all the new men to a luncheon at the Hotel Highland. At all these patties a representative group of alumni were invited.

PROFESSOR DADOURIAN has had a paper published in the September American Journal of Physics entitled "Equiparrition of Energy in a Problem of Impact." He is completing a book "Analytical Geometry and the Calculus" and is also working on a trigonometry book. DEAN HUGHES served on an examining team of the Connecticut State Education Department which has accredited the University of Bridgeport as a four year degree granting institution. He represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Ralph A. Van Meter as president of the University of Massachusetts on October 16. PROFESSOR LOCKWOOD has been elected second vice president of the Engineers' Club of Hartford. He is consulting engineer for Vulcan Radiator Company. As an arbitrator for the State Labor Board, he has heard a number of hearings on disputed labor and management problems. He represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Arthur S. Adams as eleventh president of the University of New Hampshire on October 9. DR. FRANCIS L. LUNDBORG, '24, has succeeded PROFESSOR SWAN as the College medical director. PROFESSOR NOTOPOULOS has completed the "Chronology of Athens under the Empire." It is to be published this fall. The Classics Department has published Francis C. Kowalczyk's thesis "Homer as an Oral Poet" for use as 21 text book at Trinity and at other colleges. (Kowalczyk was a member of the class of 1938 and died in the service of his country March 24, 1945.) CHAPLAIN O'GRADY preached at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., on October 24. He will participate in the Williams College Embassy on November 15, and preach at Taft School on November 28. He has been elected to the Commission on College Work of the Province of New England of the Episcopal Church. MR. RISDON became the father of a daughter, Anne Elisabeth, on June 11. PROFESSOR SHAW delivered the major address at Connecticut's Independence Day celebration at Hartford on July 4th. His subject was "Preparedness for the United States." He has written recent book reviews in the Hartford Courant, Military Engineer, and Churchman. In the 2,000 mile Wisconsin Centennial Tour he finished second in his 1915 Mercer. Last September he attended the Mayflower Society Convention at Plymouth, Mass., as a Connecticut vice president. MR. STONE attended the 41st Intercollegiate Field Geology Excursion at Burlington, Vermont, on Oc.tober 9. PROFESSOR THOMPSON attended the Economic History Association meetings in Boston on September 10 and 11. PROFESSOR BARRET read a paper entitled "Latin becomes French" at the October meeting of the Classical Association of New England. He has finished his concordance of the Atharva-Veda, and hopes to have it published soon by the American Oriental Society.

Bert Holland, '34, has planned the middle west to visit schools. meetings in Chicago, October 22; Cleveland, October 29; Pittsburgh, November 3; Rochester, November

an extensive trip in He attended alumni Detroit, October 26; November 2; Buffalo, 4.

The Springfield alumni held their annual fall meeting Friday, November 5, at the Hotel Sheraton. The New York alumni will hold their annual dinner at the Yale Club, Thursday, December 2. President Funston and Dan Jessee will speak. The Hartford alumni sponsored football movies at the Hotel Bond following the Williams, Middlebury, Amherst and Wesleyan games. Dan Jessee acted as moderator and explained the action. The Alumni Association also plans its annual buffer supper dance after the Wesleyan football game at the Hartford Golf Club on Saturday, November 13. Tickets are $5.00 per person. Last year the affair was a huge success.


Alumni Notes HON. - 1 9 3 1 0WEN J. ROBERTS, former associate justice of the United States Supreme Court, has been named Dean of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. HON. -1947 FRANCIS S. MURPHY has been appointed to the First Regional Loyalty Board. Each regional board will review and pass upon findings ~f the Federal Bureau of Investigation whenever a question of loyalty develops involving a Civil Service applicant or conditional appointee. On September 24 he completed fifty years with the Hartford Times. Since 1937 he has been head of the newspaper and now holds the title of publisher. HON. 1948 CHARLES A. GOODWIN will resign as president of the Greater Hartford District Commission on January 1st. -1879The REV. MELVILLE K. BAILEY'S verse entitled Summer Kallender appeared in the New York Herald Tribune's letter to the editor column on September 5. 1884 LA WSON PURDY writes that he and his classmates - WILLIAM C. DEMING, FRANK W. RICHARDSON, and FRANK F. RUSSELL - have kept in touch with one another at least once a year for over thirty years, and before that at frequent intervals. They all contributed to the Development Program, and all have given to the Alumni Fund each year since it started.

PROFESSOR HUMPHREY is teaching at Hillyer College, Hartford.


-1894The REV. and Mrs. LOUIS 1. BELDEN celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on September 1. The REV. CHARLES N. SHEPARD, '91, who married them, was present at the family dinner at the University Club, Hartford. 1895The REV. CHARLES D. BROUGHTON was honored at a dinner on August 31 by Church of the Ascension, Buffalo, N. Y., in recognition of his fifty years of service in the ministry. In presenting him with a gold traveling clock it was noted that Dr. Broughton's activities have not been confined to his own parish but extended all over the city. Race and creed have been no barriers for him, as he has served wherever the need has been apparent. Dr. Broughton has been rector of the Ascension since January, 1915 . . . JUDGE PHILIP ). McCOOK spoke on "The Significance of the Constitution of the United Stares" at the Constitution Day Ceremonies in New York City on September 17. 1900SAMUEL R. FULLER, JR., has retired from business and lives in Litchfield, Conn. 1901 MARTIN W. CLEMENT'S biography appeared in the August 15 issue of Forbes Magazine of Business. It contains some very interesting anecdotes about the president of the world's biggest privately owned rail system.

bridge reacher and some years ago conducted a Connecticut tournament for Ely Culbertson. 1918 LISPENARD B. PHISTER represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Abram L. Sachar as first president of Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., on October 8. 1919 LANSING W. TOSTEVIN married Miss Elizabeth H. Ivins of Trenton, N. J. , on August 28. He is registrar of the Lawrenceville School. - - 1921 - JOHN R. REITEMEYER will be marshal of the Hartford Armistice Day Parade. -1922EDWARD C. ANDERSON has been appointed superintendent of agencies of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insura nce Company of Hartford . . . BERT GABLE'S son, Samuel, is a freshman at Middlebury College . . . LOUIS GUZZO is district plant engineer for the Southern New England Telep hone Company . . . KARL P. HERZER has joined R. L. Day & Co., as ma nager of their New York office . . . DR. ROBERT G. REYNOLDS' son is a senior at Williams. He is raking a pre-medical course . . . MILTON R ICHMAN is a major on the staff of Governor Shannon. 1925 HAROLD BENNETT h as been elected a national director of the United Stares Junior Chamber of Commerce from Connecticut. He is assistant controller of the Reinhold-Gould Corporation, New York . . . SAMUEL C. WILCOX has been reelected treasurer of the Peck, Stow and Wilcox Company, Southington, Conn. His father, FRANK L. WILCOX, '80, is a director of the company. -1926FRANK R. AIKIN, JR., is in charge of the new Hartford Accident a nd Indemnity office in Norwich, Conn . . . . RICHARD J. O'BRIEN is with station WCLX, Middletown, Conn. -1928DR. EDWIN NUGENT has been appointed mP.dicai director for the Allison Division of General Motor~ Corporation. He is located in Indianapolis ... DR. CHARLES SOLMS attended a stunt flyer who fell 1,500 feet with a collapsed parachute. He miraculously excaped death because he landed in a swamp and only suffered fractures of four ribs and a compound fracture of the left leg . . . JOHN J. STEVENS, JR., is news director of station WLA W, Lawrence, M ass., and broadcasts from the Boston studios. 1929 KARL F. KOENIG is co-author with Professor John S. Tremper of an edition of the famous German Novelle Michael Kolhaas by Heinrich von Kleist for use in classes of German. It is being published !1Y• D. C . Heath and Company . . . MILTON NICHOLS, fullback of the 1925 freshman and WILLIAM ROBINSON, captain and quarterback of the same team, are both officials of the New York Eastern Intercollegiate league .. . JOHN F. W ALKER, JR. , represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Fred G. Holloway as president of Drew University on October 16. John is now living in Madison, N. ]. . . . JAMES V. WHITE has been promoted to New York district sales representative of General Electric Company. Since 1945 he has been assistant to the manager of the automatic blanket a nd sunlamp division. 1930 DR . NICHOLAS D. D'ESOPO represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Jess H arrison Davis as eighth president of Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, New York, on October 8 . . . ]. RONALD REGNIER became the fath er of a son, Paul Shattuck, on August 28.

-1908KARL A. REICHE received the seventh annual "Man of the Year" award of the Press Club of Bristol, Conn., for service to the community and especially for his youth work. 1912 WILLIAM A . BIRD, IV, is president of the American Club of Tangier, Africa. 1913 ROBERT P. WITHINGTON represented the College at the 50th Anniversary Convocation and Banquet of Northeastern University on October 2. 1914 ERNEST T. S~MER VILLE represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. William T. Wickham as the ninth president of Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, on October 9. He was elected a National Councillor for a term of three years at the Alpha Chi Rho national convention in September. 1915 The REV. SAMUEL H. EDSALL represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Alan W. Brown as president of Hobart College on October 23. -1916VJCTOR F. DeNEZZO delivered the first of a series of talks for senior law students at the University of Connecticut Law School on September 29. His subj~ct was "Police Court Procedure" . . . ROBERT B. O'CONNOR has been elected a Fellow by the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. He was admitted to the Institute in 1930 and his leadership in the affairs of the New York Chapter has been characterized by conscientious devotion to the highest ideals of his profession. His firm designed the new Firestone Memorial Library at Princeton University which was opened this September. He is also the architect for the proposed new Cornell U ni versiry Library. 1917 JOHN E. BlERCK has been elected to the Executive Committee of the New York Alumni Association of Williston Academy . . . EINAR SATHER has resigned as secretary of Colt's Manufacturing Company . . . DONALD J. TREE married Mrs. Theodosia Van orden Emery of West Hartford on July 24th at Christ Church Cathedral in Hartford. Mrs. Tree is an expert contract

1932THOMAS BURGESS has been elected treasurer of the New York Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors,


and chairman of rhe Auditing Commirtee of the National body of the same organization . . . JAMES CARSON became the father of a son, Thomas Dudley, on July 3 . . . DONALD A. McPHERSON has been appointed manager of the education department of Wiley's in New York City. He will continue as their editor in the physical and natural sciences. 1933 The REV. JACK SHARKEY has received the permanent rank of lieutenant commander in the Chaplains' Corps, U.S.N.R. He was chairman of the Navy Day program at Bethel, Conn . . . . THOMAS S. WAD LOW is president and general manager of Saybrook Marine Service, Inc., Saybrook, Conn. Tom is living at Old Lyme.

the REV. FREDERIC WALMSLEY, '08, at Sr. Paul's Church, New Rochelle, N. Y. 1938 JOSEPH G. ASTMAN has been appointed assistant professor of German at Hofstra College, Hempstead, N. Y. He received his Ph.D. degree from Yale last June . .. JOHN D. BRENNAN, JR., has resigned as temporary clerk in the Hanford Superior Court to devote all his time to the practice of law . .. GARY MERRILL has continued acting in local plays. He recently played the ririe role in "Dr. Sramwish, Medical Examiner." While in the Army he had an opportunity to act under Ezra Stone's direction. 1939 DR. GUY B. MAYNARD announces the birth of a daughter, Alice Gale, on July lst.

1934 JOHN A . MASON represemed the College at the inauguration of John M. Kemper as eleventh headmaster of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., on October 15. He has been elected vice-president of the Sr. Mark's School alumni . . . JAMES B. WEBBER, JR., has been named vice chairman of the Detroit Red Feather Community Chest Campaign. His division has charge of the corporation gifts from large industries. 1935 CAPT AJN R. PEARCE ALEXANDER is serving in Korea .. . DR. ANTHONY J. D'ANGELO married Miss Patricia Ann Noonan of Waterbury, Conn., on September 14. His brother, EUGENE, '37, was best man and FRAN FERRUCCI, '37, was an usher . . . ROBERT J. LAU has been unanimously elected commander of the Trenton, New Jersey Chapter, American Veterans Committee for 1948-49 . . . The REV. JOHN P. McGARVEY received the degree of Master of Sacred Theology from the Berkeley Divinity School in June . . . FRANCIS J. McVANE was married to Miss Lorraine Mary Neville on July 17 in Hanford. WILLIAM E. EGAN was best man . .. DR. W . ANTHONY PADDON visited the campus recently. He is practicing on the Labrador Coast and works on the "Maraval" which covers 600 miles of wild rugged coast each summer season. Tony is very anxious to build up the ship's X-ray equipment which is badly in need of replacement . . . ERIC PURDON writes that he h~ returned to active duty with the Navy. He is on the Secretary of the Navy's Committee on Unification, with the rank of commander. His home is near Rockville , Maryland, where he does some gentleman farming. A hay mower nearly amputated his right forefinger, bm the Navy sewed it back on and there will be no disability! 1936 DONALD BURKE announces the birth of a daughter, Kate Morgan, on July 20. He has left Jerusalem and after a flying trip to New York is now in Berlin with Time magazine . . . JOHN E. GEARE reports the birth of a son, John Scott, on August 10 . . . DONALD M. SELLARS is manager of the Carnation Washington office of the Washington State Bank. Last summer he attended the Pacific Coast Graduate School of Banking at the University of Washington. 1937 ALBERT S. ANTHONY married Miss Jeanne Marvin Ballou of Rochester, N.Y., on August 28. He is an instructor of education at Dartmouth ... ROBERT P. BAINBRIDGE became the father of a daughter, Anne Spaulding, on July 25 . . . LAWRENCE M. BALDWIN married Miss Joanne Thornton of Rock Hill , South Carolina, on September L He is general office supervisor of Hamilton Standard in East Hartford . . . DR. EUGENE J. D'ANGELO married Miss Marjorie Frances Shepard of Guilford, Conn. , on June 28. His brother, ANTHONY , '35, was best man. The couple ate living in Southington, Conn., where he is practicing . . . WILLIAM J. McCARTHY is in Washington, D. C., with the Rubber Reserve . . . EDWARD N. NILSO reports the birth of a son , Richard Edwin, March 11 ... The REV. RICHARD W. WALMSLEY conducted the services during August for his father,

1940 WlLLIAM E. BLANCHFIELD is engaged to Miss Mary Frances Blackall of West Hartford. He is at the University of Connecticut College of Law . . . THOMAS E. CANFIELD is assistant to the sales manager of the Torrington Company. He is in the Cycle Parts Division, and is living in Litchfield, Conn . . . . QUENTIN P. GALLAGHER has been appointed a senior secretary of the Hartford YMCA . . . RICHARD D. LINDNER has joined the Allen, Russell and Allen insurance agency in Hanford . . . CHARLES D. WALKER is organist and choirmaster of the American Pro-Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity in Paris, France. He is studying extemporization at the Paris Conservatory. Last year he was music master at Trinity School and also organist at Sr. Thomas Chapel, New York City. 1941 ROBERT E. BROATCH, JR., announces the birth of a son, Robert, Ill, on July 21 . . . JOHN T. CARPENTER was tournament director for the third successive year of the Vermont Stare Open Tennis championships . . . DR. DAVID CUNNINGHAM is a surgical resident at the Flower Hospital, New York City. He was chairman of A.K.K. (Medical Fraternity) 32nd National Convention . . . ADRIAN K. LANE of Noank, Conn., is continuing his work stttdying the ocean bottom. Life magazine ran an article about him in their August 9 issue . . . WILLIAM G. OLIVER, JR., graduated from the American Institute for Foreign Trade at Phoenix, Airzona , in June . . . DR. JOSEPH N. RUSSO announces the birth of a son, Nicholas Joseph, II, on July 4. 1942 MA TTHEW BIRMINGHAM reports the birth of a son, Matthew, Ill, on September 12 ... FRANKS. BURNHAM married Miss Shirley Anne Kearney of East Windsor, Connecticut, on July 24. He is with the Aetna Fire Insurance Company . . . RUSSELL BURRAGE, JR., was married to Mrs. Betty Forbes fliber of Providence on July 31 . . . FRANCIS J. DO AHUE has opened a law office in West Hartford . . . The REV. HENRY B. GETZ is chaplain to the Episcopal students at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas . . . DR. PAUL S. PIZZO has opened an office for the practice of medicine in Hartford . . . ROBERT C. WHITSITT is reaching at the Horace Greeley School, Chappaqua, . Y. . . . DR. JON M. WILSON and his wife, Dr. Laura Virginia Van Dyke, entered general practice together at Bound Brook, New Jersey, last August. 1943 DR. RUTH RIPLEY, M.A. '43, married Mr. LeRoy B. Butler of Hartford on August 21. They will live in New London where she is an instrucror at New London Junior College . . . DR. EDWIN AKUTOWICZ has been awarded a research fellowship by the Atomic Energy Commission for study in atomic energy developments . . . JOSEPH P. D'AQUILA married Miss Tina Pistrirto of New Britain, Conn., on June 19. He is employed by the Stanley Works . . . CHARLES H. UPHAM received his M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School last June. He is an assistant


buyer at John Wanamaker's in New York ... KENNETH 0. VINCENT an nounces the birth of a daughter, Susan Elaine, last Easter . .. KENNETH L. YUDOWITCH received his Doctor of Philosophy degree on July 30 at the University of Missouri. He was probably the youngest scientist engaged in atomic bomb research. In September he joined the reaching staff of the University of Florida.



ARTHUR L. C HAMBERS married Miss Irene L. Champagne of New York on June 10. He is raking his surgical internship at the Flower Hospital, New York . . . RICHARD DOTY has been elected a director of the National Association of Radio News Directors . . . DONALD C. PAINE married Miss Ruth Powell of Emporia, Virginia, on July 20 . . . FRANCIS PALFREY married Miss Katharine Dewey of Weston, Mass., on August 30.

-1945WILLIAM ASPELL received his LL.B. from Harvard Law School in June . . . FRANCIS J. CHESTER reports the birth of a son, Stephen Francis, on April 6 . . . WILLIAM ORA YES is teaching at the Malcolm-Gordon School, Garrison, N. Y . . . . JAMES KAPTEYN is reaching English at the Avon Old Farms School, Avon, Conn. . . . FREDERICK H. RACE married Miss Marie Annette Landry of West Hartford on September 18. He is with the Seth Thomas Clock Company .. . WILLIAM VINCENT married Miss Rachael Mae Cox of Hanford on September 11 at the College Chapel . .. DEWEES YEAGER married Miss Jean Henderson of West Hartford on September 11. They are living in Philadelphia where he is in the advertising business.


1946 -

RICHARD P. LOEWENBERG married Miss Marie Virginia Deckelman of West Hartford on September 11.


1947 -

KEVIN J. BRENNAN married Miss Lorraine J. McGovern of West H artford on June 12. He received his master's degree from Columbia in June . . . WILLIAM D. FLYNN married Miss Mary Elizabeth Cusick of Nahant, Mass., on July 31 . . . JOSEPH D. FLYNN, '34, was best man and ROBER)" JENNINGS, '47, an usher . .. RICHARD P. HORA~ married Miss Helen E. Callahan of Hartford on March 8. He is a special agent of the F. B. I. on the West coast . . . CHARLES JOHNSON is

with Darmell Publishing Company in Chicago . . . C HRISTOPH ER E. MAR TIN is teaching mathematics in the Woodbury High School, Thomaston, Conn. He received his master's degree at last June 's Commencement . . . GEORGE L. SMITH and MARTIN WISH received their M.B.A. degrees from the Harvard Business School last June. The former is an assistant in accounting at M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., while the latter is training in retail merchandising at G. Fox, Hartford . . . CHARLES W. WALKER, JR. , became the father of a daughter, Nancy Wade, on July 18. He is reaching mathematics and physics at the Watkinson School in Hartford . . . WILLIAM WELLING is with Case, Lockwood and Brainard, H artford. He reports the birth of a son , William Brewer, on Sep路 rember 8.


1948 -

ROBERT J. BOLAND is reaching English and History at the Lewis High School, Southington, Conn. He also coaches football and basketball . . . THOMAS CLARO$ reports the birth of a daughter on September 14 ... DON CRAIG helped the Pitchfork Players have another successful season in Sharon, Connecticut, last summer. We hear Don and his bride have moved to California . . . WILLIAM CROWLEY is reaching English at the Stafford Springs (Conn.) High School . . . JOHN E. GAISFORD married Miss Rosemary Kathryn Tierney of Wallingford, Connecticut, on August 21 . . . PHILLIP B. HALE married Mrs. Barbara Rosenkranz of West Hartford on July 3. They will live in Farmington . . . JULIAN F. HOWELL married Miss Dorothy Wells Schoenfuss of Hartford on September 18 . . . HAROLD G. LEARNED is engaged to Miss Marjorie W. Trevirhick of Middletown, Conn. . . . DICKINSON MacNULTY directed the Bridgeport, Conn., "Y's" summer camp at Mount Washington, Mass . . . . ELLIOTT MANCALL is at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School ... MICHAEL MITCHELL married Miss Hope Dechert of Philadelphia on October 30 . .. PETER MITCHELL, '36, and ERVIN DUNN, '48, were ushers . . . COURTENAY K. PAGE, JR., is with the New York Herald Tribune sports department .. HERBERT SCHURMANN spent the summer in Milan, Italy . . . WILLIAM SINGER is doing graduate work in Public Health at Yale.

-1950JOHN T. STEEL is engaged to Miss Patricia Hoyt of Stamford, Conn.

Eating Out of the Window by ROBERT RAMAKER, '48

(Ed1tor's Note. Robert Ramaker, who graduated last February, is a short-term missionary of the Near East Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He is stationed at T alas, Turkey, where he is on the staff of the Boys' School.) Traveling by rail in Turkey is a novel and a reasonably prompt means of transportation, especially to teachers who travel at half fare. During the summer months, everyone leaves the car windows open, preferring to defy the fierce sun and flying soot, in favor of being fanned by the hot breath of June, July, and August. Few passengers use the dining-car. Most bring their provisions in thatched baskets, or lack ing these, "ear our of the window." "Eating out of the window" can be a painfu l excurs ion for the unadjusted stomach. As each passenger train draws to a village or city stop, clamoring youngsters run alongside the cars displaying and selling bread of all shapes and tastes; glasses of water "cold as ice" served from one cup; "ayran," a sour milk concoction - healthy, bur it tastes abominable to this resident - it, roo, is served from one cup, dipped into a metal pail or pitcher; "gazosu," a bottled, lemon-flavored, carbonated beverage, a lso greers the parched traveler. Gazosu is a hasty drink since the young-

seers wait impatiently for the emptying bottles. The passengers usually oblige by taking all six qunces in one tilt. The youngsters who don't call our their liquid fare, have themselves loaded with bunches of veregables or fruit . . . whatever is grown locally. A dozen apples may be sewn together with green thread, or bunches of grapes may be neatly inclosed in bags made from old newspapers. Cucumbers, small watermelons, and honeydew melons find ready rakers amongst the summer travelers. The many soldiers favor the bags of green pears. (Uniforms appear in conspicuous numbers over here.) What greenness isn't eaten, furnishes ideal ammunition to fling from car windows. This boisterous practice quickly disconcerts fellow passengers and th e conductors. (It's then that volatile dispositions come in full view.) During August, hot corn is offered, the texture of which resembles field corn. The young, eager vendors, in most cases, walk with bare feet, beckon with dirty hands, scamper through the hot railway yard dust in clothes ill-fitted and grimy, bur their black eyes d a nce with delight whenever they make an exchange. Their lor is a happy one in spire of irs unsanitary appearance. "Eating our of the window" has great sport, but a jack-knife and a silent prayer for the intestines art! vital utensils.


Appoint Three Air Officers To Military Science Faculty

Capr. Hamilron

Major Taylor

Capr. McGann

UNDER THE command of Major William E. Taylor of The Dalles, Oregon, recently appointed Professor of Military Science and T aeries, eightyfive students have enrolled in the Basic Air Force Reserve Officers Training Program and seventeen others are taking the Advanced Course. The ROTC headquarters are in Alumni Hall. The unit drills once a week in their new forest green officers' uniforms directly behind the building. Major Taylor, a graduate of the San Antonio Air Force Training Center, also studied at Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, and the University of Oregon. He was commanding officer of the 25th Materiel Squadron at Wheeler Field in Hawaii when the Japs struck at Pearl Harbor. During the war he served at Hickam Field, Hawaii, and as assistant operations officer of the 7th Bomber Command. Later he has been stationed in Panama with the 6th Bomber Command, and as an instructor at the Air Tactical School at Tyndall Field, Florida. At Trinity he will teach History and Organization of the Air Force, Maps and Aerial Photographs, Aeronautics, Air Intelligence, and Air Operations. Captain Hamilton of Austin, Texas, enlisted in the Air Force early in the war and served sixteen monrhs in New Guinea and the Phillippines as a B-24 commander. He also has flown with the Air Transport Command and the Troop Carrier Command. As assistant professor of Military Science and T aeries he will teach Military Organization, Military Leadership, Supply, Navigation, Meteorology, and Guided Missiles. Captain McGann of Forest Hills, Long Island, taught last year at Colgate with the rank of assistant professor of Military Science and Tactics which position he holds here. A graduate of Queens College he was a communications officer in the Air Forces in this country, Australia, New Guinea , the Philippines, and Japan. At Trinity he will teach Leadership and Drill, Military Law, Communications, Transportation, and the National Defense Act and ROTC.

Merle Walker Directs Band Under the supervision of Merle Walker, newly appointed director, the Band should make marked improvement and distinct expansion over last year's group. Already twenty-five men are hard at work and several instruments are badly needed to attract new members. If any alumnus has any of the following items which he is not using, please communicate with or send them to Joseph C . Clarke, Dean of Students, at the College; one pair of cymbals; two B-Flat clarinets; one trumpet; one flute or piccolo; one Sousaphone or double B-Fiat bass; one alto horn; and one snare drum.

Campus Improvements Completed Workmen were busy on the campus throughout the summer in several improvements for buildings and grounds. A black-top walk was laid from the Class of 1890 Gate on Vernon Street to Alumni Hall and across the lower campus to Jarvis Laboratory. The rest-rooms on Trinity Field were rebuilt, four tennis courts were resurfaced, the interiors of the Chemistry and Jarvis Laboratories were repainted and fluorescent lights were installed in the Biology Laboratory. Drainage work was started on ard which will be used for an enlarged parking lot near Hallden Laboratory and hundreds of truckloads of fill material were dumped in this lot. The campus roadway, adjacent to the new Field House, is being widened. Landscaping of the south section of the campus is being extended in the Elton Hall area. A generous gift from Nelson A. Shepard, '21, provided top-soil for the athletic areas. Final conditioning was given the new Freshman baseball diamond which will be ready for use in the spring. The playing area in front of Memorial Field House has been converted into two practice football fields to relieve wear on Trinity Field. Soccer has been shifted next to the Alumni Hall. Professional tree experts • brought the Dutch Elm disease to a standstill.

Radio , Lecture Series Resumed The College Faculty Radio series has resumed again for the third year on Station WDRC Sundays at 12:45. The Lecture Committee has announced the following lecturers for the fall season : Austin M. Wolf of the Society of Automotive Engineers, October 7; Or. Michael Dorizas, University of Pennsylvania, October 21 and George W. Hamilton, Yale University, November 11. Sir Alfred Zimmern has kindly consented to give again his fortnightly series of lectures on World Affairs starting November 4.

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