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JoAnne Epps '73 Dean of Templ.e University's Beasley School of Law


One Day The Reporter follows Christoph Geiss, associate professor of physics and environmental science, through a busy work day

Building Community • New f1ouse System • Implementation Committee • A vi brant hub: Vernon Social


New Residence l-lalls Townhouse-style residence hall s under construction on Crescent Street


Mandala Leaves Imprint Tibetan nuns create sand mandala at Trinity


Learning from Secondary Cities New book on giQbtJ urbanism _ includes researcMy Trinity faculty and students

The Trinity Reporter Vol. 43, No. 2, Winter 2013 Published by the Office of , Communications, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106. Postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut, and additional mail ing offices.

The Trinity Reporter is mailed to alumni , parents, faculty, staff, and friends of Trinity College without charge. All publication 'f'lghts reserved, and contents may be reproduced or reprinted only by written permission of the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the editors or contributors and do not reflect the official position of Trinity College. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Trinity Reporter, Trinity College, Hartford, CTo61o6 The editor welcomes your questiorts and comments: Drew Sanborn, Office of Communications, Trinity Colle e, 300 Su mit Street. ij;o§lfor or drew.sanborn@trincoll.e u. Pleasii it the Coli-sa' ~'ite at www. f<'l'r alum...U news, admissiol)s information, faculty and student pro · es, and much more.

On the cover JoAnne E::pps '73, Dean of Temple Un iversit y's Beasley School of Law. Photo by Bob Handelman On this page Snow! Max A Le Merle '16 and Shannon Bu rke '16 took advantage of an early storm to bu ild a snow figure on the Quad. Photo by Rita Law

2 8

Along the Walk Volunteer Spotlight

13 24

Trinity in the news

32 33 36 41 72

Books and other media

76 78

Career Development Center Update


Giving to Tri~ity Class notes Obituaries NAA News


he section of campus immediately in front of Mather Hall underwent a complete transformation last summer. The renovations converted what had been a utilitarian, steeply graded crossroads into an elegant open space, featuring sculptural mounded lawn areas surrounded by pedestrian walkways. On Homecoming Weekend in November, the area was



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dedicated as the Gates ~adrangle in recognition of the lead gift from John Gates, Jr. '76, P'13 and Weezie Gates P'r3. The $2.65 -milJion project was designed by Chicago-based Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects, and the work was carried out by the construction firm Kirch.hoff- Consigli. Gates, who is a Trinity parent, Trustee, and member of the Trustees' Facilities Committee, noted, "This was an opportunity to change a part of campus quickly and to have a big impact on the feel of the campus."


Matthew Mainuli, a senior editor for the Trinity Tripod; station manager for WRTC , Trinity's radio station; and an English and French double major, has been selected to represent the College as a Jim Murray Scholarship wmner. Mainuli was selected as one of five college students nationally to win a $5,000 Jim Murray Scholarship for a work entitled "The Trade," a comedic essay about his uncle Joe's love/ hate relationship and witty outlook on sports, specifically the New York Yankees.

Other leade rship donors recognized for helping make the Gates ~ad project possible through their contributi ons were Martha Lyn Dippel! and Daniel L. Korengold ' 73, P'o9, 'n , ' r4; Jennifer B. and Jeffrey E. Kelter '76; Thomas L Safran '67; Belinda and Luther L Terry '67; and Elizabeth F. and W James Tozer '63, P'89, '90. Chairman of the Board Paul E. Raether '68, P'93, '96, 'o r made special acknowledgement of the Facilities Committee of the Board- especially the leadership of Chair Luke Terry and member Karen Kelsey Thomas '78, P'n .

Murray graduated from Trinity in 1943 and was named "America's Best Sportswriter" 14 times by the ational Association of Sportscasters & Sportswriters. Murray, a longtime sportswriter for The Los Angeles Times, died in August 1998. Along the way, he won a Pulitzer Prize; was inducted into the Baseball Hall ofFame in Cooperstown, New York; wrote for Time magazine; founded and wrote for Sports Illustrated; aJ1d authored four books. To date, students at coll eges and universities across the country have collectively received approximately $400,000 in financial aid as a result of the competition held in Murray's honor. Mainuli, who is from Glastonbury, Connecticut, played sports growing up, including baseball, track and field , and cross country At Trini ty, he is a member of The Fred, involved at The Mill, sings with the Chapel Singers, and has been both the editor in chief and senior editor of the Tripod.

FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS Faculty Highlights is a new blog featuring scholarship, awards and honors, and selected publications of Trinity's outstanding faculty. Please go to http:// for more.






Matthew Longcore

NEW DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI RELATIONS Matthew Longcore, Class of 1994, has been named director of alumni relations, responsible for programs and initiatives designed to build and strengthen relationships Trinity alumni have with the College and with other members of the Trinity community Longcore brings a strong background in higher education management, and comes to his new position from Naugatuck Valley Community College in Waterbury, Connecticut, where he was responsible for all programs and services



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for nearly 1,000 students at Naugatuck's Danbury Center. Previously, he served in enrollmentmanagement positions at Norwalk Community College and Gibbs College in Norwalk, Connecticut, and at Skidmore College Continuing Education and the College of Westchester in New York. After receiving his B.A. in American studies at Trinity, Longcore earned an M.A. in education from Fairfield University and a master of liberal arts degree in management from Harvard University. As a Trinity volunteer, he

has served recently on the executive committee of the Trinity College ational Alumni Association, and from 2004 to 2009 he was president of the Trinity Club of Fairfield County.

bring to 19 the number of winners from Trinity since 2006.The Fulbright Program is the U.S. government's flagship international educational exchange program.

President James F. Jones, Jr. says, "Matthew has a deep appreciation of the value of education and of service to the community, as well as extensive personal understanding of Trinity's alumni as one of the College's most important strengths. We are delighted to have Matthew lead our very capable Alumni Relations team in meeting our goals to honor the excellence of our graduates and to foster lifelong relationships with our students and alumni."

The winners from Trinity were Sophia Becker '09, who is in Colombia; Jessica Cote ' 12, who is in Chile; Eliot Fearey 'ro, who is in Germany; and Danielle Padula 'n, who is in Panama. A fifth Trinity student was a finalist and will have an opportunity to reapply.

Longcore says, "I am excited and honored to have been selected to serve in the chief alumni officer role at my alma mater, and I look forward to making a positive contribution in this area. Trinity has a vibrant, talented, and diverse alumni community around the globe, and working to strengthen these school ties and this connectedness will truly be fulfilling and rewarding."

TRINITY AGAIN AMONG TOP PRODUCERS OF U.S. FULBRIGHT STUDENTS Four recent Trinity graduates won Fulbright awards for 20I2 -20I3, making the College one of the top producers in the category of bachelor's degree-granting institutions. The four

Trinity's four recent graduates are among the 1,700 American students, artists, and young professionals in more than roo different fields of study offered Fulbright Program grants to study, teach English, andjor conduct research in more than 140 countries. Their assignn1ents began in the fall. Since its inception in 1946, the Fulbright Program has granted more than 318,ooo participantschosen for their academic merit and leadership potential - the opportunity to study, teach , conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns. The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Participating governn1ents and host institutions, corporations, and foundations in foreign countries and in the United States also provide direct and indirect support.

STUDYING STUDENT MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT PLANT BIOLOGY The American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) Education Foundation has awarded a $26,853 grant to Kathleen Archer, associate professor of biology. The grant will pay for a portion of a project designed to measure how well students understand the key concepts of plant biology. That information in turn can help instructors know what educational reforms are effective and what reforms are not. The catalyst for reform in undergraduate biology education is the proliferation of information that the field has experienced during the past 50 years. "Initially, we could take an introductory textbook and cover it in a semester," says Archer. "But now it takes sometimes two or three semesters. As biology knowledge continues to increase, we are going to have to make decisions about what essential things students should know on which they can build in upper-level courses." This perspective is reflected in a 2009 report called Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action, which was sponsored by the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) , with contributions from the Howard Hughes Medical

Institute (HHMI) . Although the report was one of several that pushed for reform of introductory biology instruction, Archer says that Vision and Change was the most articulate in laying out what steps need to be taken. "It says we are spending too much time trying to have students learn facts and not enough time teaching them how to be scientists, and it asks that we focus on big-picture ideas of how knowledge is acquired." Archer is working with co- investigators Maryann Herman, assistant professor of biology at St. John Fisher College in New York; Grace Ju Miller, associate professor of biology at Indiana Wesleyan University; Laura Olsen, professor of biology at the University of Michigan; and Jodie Itarnsay, associate professor of biology at Northern State University in South Dakota. Archer developed the grant proposal in partnership with her

co- investigators whom she met in 20 I I after she delivered a lecture at the ASPB annual meeting. Together, they are working on creating a concept assessment, a collection of questions that can

universally evaluate what students know in a particular area of study. Once they are assembled, Archer says, "they can help us reform the way we teach undergraduate biology."

small group of recognized writers, literary scholars, and editors who are appointed annually by the foundation. Both nominators and selectors serve anonymously A native of Dublin, Ireland, Berry grew up in County Galway and County Donegal, but has spent the past 15 years living, writing, and teaching in the United States. He joined Trinity's faculty in 2009

Ciaran Berry



Berry received his B.A. from the University of U lster and his MFA from New York University and was awarded a New York Times Fellowship.

Ciaran Berry, assistant professor of English and director of creative writing at Trinity, is one of IO writers to have won a 2012 Whiting Writers' Award, which carries with it a $50,000 stipend. The honor, issued annually since 1985, is given "not for a specific work, but for the abundant promise of future work," says Barbara Bristol, director of the program. The awards are bestowed by the Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation, which has given away more than $50 million, most of it to writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and plays.

His work has appeared in AGNI, The Threepenny Review, Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, and The New Republic. His first full-length collection, The Sphere ofBirds, won the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition in 2007 and was published by Southern Illinois University Press in 2008. He is working on his next collection, The Dead Zoo.

The candidates are nominated by people whose experience and vocations have brought them in contact with individuals of extraordinary talent. The winners are chosen by a committee comprising a

The list of previous winners of the Whiting Award includes people who went on to snare Pulitzer Prizes and National Book Critics Circle Award. "It feels great to join that list," says Berry.



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$902,000 NSF GRANT FOR COMPUTER EDUCATION Computer Science Professor Ralph Morelli has been awarded a $902,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to promote the use of a mobile computer science principles curriculum (Mobile CSP) in Connecticut public schools. Starting first in Hartford, high school teachers will be trained to teach computer science courses in schools that don't currently offer them. Students in the Hartford public school system are currently not given the opportunity to study computer science. The program marks a unique collaboration between Trinity, the Hartford Public School System, the Connecticut Chapter of the Computer Science Teachers Association, and Hartford -area high schools. The project will expand to other Connecticut cities and towns, and it is estimated that between 300 and 6oo students will be involved. The grant runs through the end of 2015. The Mobile CSP will use a new computing language, App Inventor for Android, to provide a rigorous, programmingbased introduction to computational thinking. Inventor for Android was created by Hal Abelson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with the goal of making smart phone programming

Ralph Morelli

accessible to everyone. The student projects will focus on building socially useful, place-based mobile apps. Morelli, who is spending a sabbatical leave at MIT, is in the process of developing teaching resources and the curriculum for the project. A member of Trinity's faculty since 1985, Morelli says computer science is a good discipline for high schools students to acquire because "it teaches them to think logically and abstractly and to break down problems into parts and solve them." This project builds on Trinity's Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) initiative, which, since 2007, has been engaging undergraduate students at Trinity and other schools in building free software for socially beneficial applications. The h~p~ , according to Morel11 , LS to get high school students excited about building open source mobile apps that benefit their communities.


President Jones

(1.) and Ka thleen Livesay (r.)

Trinity Head Women's Lacrosse Coach Kate Livesay has been elected Best Women's Coach by readers of Lacrosse Magazine. Livesay, a four- time NESCAC Coach of the Year and the 2012 ational Coach of the Year, guided a Bantam team that defeated previouslyundefeated alisbury, 8 -7, on May 20 to complete the best season in the program 's history with its first NCAA Division I II Championship title. The Bantams set a new College record for wins in a season with 21 against just one loss, and qualified for the ESCAC Championship

Tournament for the sixth straight season and the eighth time overall with a 9-1 league mark that gave the Bantams the top seed in the league tourney for the third straight time. Trinity downed Bates, 15-4, Hamilton, 9-8, in overtime, and Middlebury, II - 10, on a last-second goal in the NESCAC Tournament to capture its second -straight league crown, qualifying for the CAA Division I I I Championship Tournament for the eighth time and the third year in a row.

connection to the 1954 campus visit of President Dwight Eisenhower, itself commemorated in a plaque located near the entrance of the Chapel. WardS. Curran '57, the Ward S. Curran Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus, has prepared an historical

account of the Trinity visits of these two presidents, including their intergenerational connection at Utah Beach on D - Day. Read the fuU text of Professor Curran's essay on the Trinity Web site at About Trinity/ Documents/ TwoPresiden ts. pdf



YOU DIDN'T WALK ON IT, AND YOU GRADUATED! This inscription, set into the Long Walk, commemorates the 1918 Commencement speech

given by former President Theodore Roosevelt. Taken from the Bible,! Kings 20: 11 , the text can be translated "Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off " Now you can learn the fuU story behind the inscription , including its



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Charles Wallace II '92 President, Black Alumni Organization By Brianna Diaz Charles Wallace II '92 recognizes that alumni volunteerism is a two-way street. While donating time and money provides institutional support for the College, volunteering can also provide avenues for personal fulfillment and growth for the volunteer; or, as he puts it simply: "It helps the school and it helps our brand as Trinity alums." This philosophy informs ways that Wallace approaches his roles with Trinity's Black Alumni Organization (BAO) and National Alumni Association (NAA). Through his involvement in these groups. he strives to create opportuni ties for more alumni to participate in this mutually beneficial exchange. Before he began formally volunteering with the College, Wallace, who majored in English and recei ved an M .B.A. from the University of Chicago, enjoyed getting together with fellow Trinity alumni at area events in New York City His consistent activity lead to a greater appreciation of the value of the Trinity network, and he soon decided to push his involvement with the College to the next level.



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As president of the BAO, Wallace is working to expand the accessibility of resources to Trinity alums by coordinating new events that are designed to promote career development. He points out that, even if a person has been in the workforce for a while, it is still important to network and learn from successful peers. Just as crucial to Wallace is setting an example for current students. "It is important that students can also tap into the alumni network early on so that when they graduate they are aware of the wealth of resources available to them and the expectation of giving back," he said. [n 2012. Wallace worked closely with Trinity's Alumni Office to create a new BAO -sponsored event that invites prominent black alumni

back to Hartford for the purpose of sharing their stories of career success and how Trinity resources helped them with current students and fellow alumni. In October of this past year, Frank Borges '74- a former Connecticut state treasurer who also served as deputy mayo r of the City of Hartford and legal counsel for The Travelers Insurance Company- led the first of these events, which took place in Hamlin Hall on the Trinity campus. In addition to the career development series, the BAO sponsored a second new event in 2012: a Black History Month lecture that took place in New York City and featured Robert Stepto '66, professor of English. African American studies, and American srudies at Yale University. Wallace is optimistic that these networking

and lecture events can serve as models for what is possible throughout the alumni network, and he is interested in expanding the number of BAO -affiliated programs in regions with large populations of Trinity alumni. He also hopes to foster interaction between BAO and other NAA groups and their respected constituents. "We welcome all alums, and we are completely open to working with other groups and sharing resources that benefit the entire Trinity community." said Wallace. Established in 1993, the Trinity College Black Alumni Organization is a subset of the National Alumni Association that is open to all black alumni, faculty, and administrative staff of the College as well as others affiliated with Trinity who support the work of the association. Its purpose is to enhance the undergraduate experience for black students, to establish a closer, more active relationship between the College and its black alumni, and to provide alumni programs of special interest to black alumni. For more information or to get involved with the BAO, please contact Charles Wallace at, or Abigail Smitka, alumni relations officer at (86o) 297-4239 or Abigail.



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oAnne -pps '73 Dean of Temple U niversity's Beasley School of Law By Rhea Hirshman

"Get a passport," said the dean of Temple University's Beasley School of law to JoAnne Epps '73 when Epps was the school's associate dean for academic affairs. 'Tm taking you to China." That 1999 trip, Epps's first overseas, was the beginning of a series of travels and explorations that has taken her all over the globe to teach law, monitor international legal proceedings, and see how the law intersects with the cultures in which it is practiced. By 2008, when she assumed the deanship of the law school, Epps had helped train Sudanese lawyers representing victims of the DarfUr crisis, taught jury trial advocacy

to over 20,000 members of the Japanese Bar Association, joined other international law faculty in teaching advocacy skills to prosecutors at the United Nation's ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) in Tanzania, and taught courses in advocacy to Chinese lawyers enrolled in Temple's "rule of law" graduate program and to lawyers from the Beijing Supreme People's Procuratorate (the Chinese prosecutor's office) . Trinity-the importance of institutions Epps's route to the Temple law faculty and her foreign travels, and ultimately to the law school deanship,



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professionals. Although she says that she had never seen herself as an academic, her legal practice often included teaching others, and encouragement from peers led her to think about a career in legal education. In 1985 she began her academic career at Temple, teaching courses in criminal law, criminal procedure, evidence, and trial advocacy She sti ll offers a class in litigation basics to first-year students every fall. "It's important for me to get to know our students," she says. "Alld I believe that leaders of institutions should know what the people around them are thinking and doing."

"That time is among my fondest memories. I was deeply influenced by my years at Trinity, learning to figure out who I wanted to be. Trinity showed me the importance of institutions in shaping people."

began in suburban Philadelphia, then took her to Trinity, Yale law School, and positions as deputy city attorney for the City of los Angeles and assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. "We were lowe r middle class," she says of her growing-up years, "never hungry and always loved, but we never took a vacation. Neither of my parents went to college there was only one college grad uate in the family My mother always told me the story of wanting be a doctor, but having her high school counselor literally laugh at the idea of a black girl 's going to medical school. So she encouraged me to dream big." Although Epps knew that college was in her future, she didn't know that the school might be Trinity until she got a calJ from a Trinity student who had




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graduated from her high school, but whom she hard ly knew. "For whatever reason," she says, "he had decided that I was just the sort of young woman who should be in Trinity's first co-educational class, and he offered to bring me up to visit the school on hi s way back there from spring break." Epps liked what she saw during that visit and, the fo ll owing fall , she was a Trinity freshman . It was her first time away from her family, and it was a time of turmoil on the Trinity campus. "When I got there," she says, "I saw big signs saying 'co-eds go home.' My dad told me that he would come to rescue me any time. But 1 stayed and survived and flourished . That time is among my fondest memories. I was deeply influenced by my years at Trinity, learning to figure out who I wanted to be. Trinity showed me the

importance of institutions in shap ing people." After Yale law School, and before coming to teach at Temple, Epps spe nt four years as a deputy city attorney for the City of los Angeles and then another five as assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pe nnsylvania. "J loved legal practice," she says. "Be ing a trial lawyer combines intense attention to detail with creativity. ln one sense, it's all about yo u because your personality is in it- no two people will try a case exactly the same. But what's most important is that law is a service profession- you are always serving your client. That's been the gu iding principle of my career." To make changes in the world ow, Epps serves an institution whose mission is to train the next generation oflegal

Under her leadership, in turn, Temple serves both its students and the larger community. Epps notes that while part of her job is being a CEO - running an enterprise with a $40 miLlion budget- her priority is delivering a high-quality ed ucation and "maximizing the opportunities for greatness" for the school 's students and faculty At the same time, she says, "This institution should be cen tered in what is happening in the larger world." She notes that the school is deeply involved in a number of initiatives focusing on the city of Philadelphia, including launching a Ce nter for Social Justice. The center will partner with the city's public-interest entities to pursue legal and policy responses to a range of social justice concerns. "My vision for everything we do at Temple," she says, "is based on both 'how

will this help our students>' and 'how will this make an impact beyond our walls?"' Epps has been deeply involved in social justice issues throughout her professional life, starting with her Yale law School days, when she was a national officer in the Black law Students' Association, and continuing to the present with her work in helping some of the world's most war-torn regions to embrace the rule of law. In her community, Epps's activities have included chairing the Mayor's Task Force on Police Discipline, serving as an outside monitor of Philadelphia's compliance with a settlement over stop-and -frisk procedures, and service as a member of panels that included the Pennsylvania Commission for Justice Initiatives, the Pennsylvania Women's Forum, the Advisory Council for the Pennsylvania Prison Society, and the Pro Bono Task Force of The legal Services Corporation. "''ve always looked to be involved with organizations whose beneficiaries may need others to help speak for them," she says. Epps is the author or co-author of numerous academic publications, focusing particularly on evidence, procedure, and advocacy She is in demand as a speaker locally and nationally; including having testified at the Senate hearings on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to be associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. She has received dozens of honors, including being named a Distinguished Daughter of Pennsylvania, being cited as one of the most IOO influential black lawyers in the U.S., receiving the Sandra Day O'Connor Award from the Philadelphia Bar Association, and receiving the Wiley Branton Award from the National Bar Association for "demonstrating leadership on the cutting edge of law for civil, social and economic justice." Trinity honored her with the Alumni Service Award in 1998 and recognition in 2009 for career achievements in law. With all her accomplishments, Epps refers to herself as "a pretty ordinary servant" who is keenly aware both of progress made and work still to be done. ''I've achieved more than I could ever have dreamed of, and met wonderful people, some famous, many not," she says. "I have been blessed beyond measure to be in a profession I love, to help make changes in the world, and to work with those launching their own careers."






Trinity graduate named president of Temple University Temple University not only enjoys the leadership of JoAnne Epps '73 at the helm of its law school , but now it has chosen another Trinity alumnus as it president. Neil D. Theobald '78 began his tenure as Temple's lOth president on January I , 2013. Theobald came to Temple from Indiana University, where he had been senior vice president since 200 7 He previously served as the senior vice provost at the University's flagship campus in Bloomington and as special assistant to l U's president. ln addition to his administrative responsibilities at Temple, Theobald holds a professorship in education finance. His research interests in the appropriate role of decentralization in educational financing and in modeling educational labor markets are reflected in more than S1.S million in funded research , numerous books and book chapters, dozens of articles published in professional journals, and nearly so policy reports for state governments across the United States. At Indiana University, Dr. Theobald directed a research center that assisted state governments in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, and Washington in devising education funding processes that equitably facilitated academic excellence. In addition, Theobald was a three-time winner of IU's Teaching Excellence Recognition Award. A native of Peoria, Illinois, Theobald had planned to enter an electrician's apprenticeship after high school. However, an Illinois Scholarship made it possible for him to attend Trinitr and he earned a bachelor's degree in 1978. After a short time in the corporate world, Theobald began his education career as a secondary school mathematics teacher in the state ofvVashington, where he also coached baseball. He subsequently served as both an assistant professor and an associate professor at the University of Washington. where he earned a doctoral degree in educational finance in 1988.

TRIHITY IN THE HEWS this show, would yield some of the most radical and beautiful paintings of his era. Mary Tompkins Lewis,

Edited excerpts from media coverage cif the College For current press releases and more coverage of the College in the local and national press, please go to the Trinity Web site at ewsEventsj Pagesjdefault. aspx. The Relentless Reviser

"Matisse: In Search of True Painting," organized by Rebecca Rabinow, a curator of modern and contemporary art at the Met, and Dorthe Aagesen of the Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, includes more than 50 paintings, a handful of drawings, and related documentary photographs. They are arranged chronologically and represent almost every phase of Matisse's career and argue definitively for the primacy of serial production in his art. Although other early20th -century artists, such as Picasso, frequently repeated subjects and motifs, only Matisse in this period used his paired and serial paintings as part of an intensely analytical practice to illuminate the potentials- and perilsinherent in his new art. At times, as in the increasingly reductive views he painted in 1920 of the beach at l'Etretat, France, Matisse's provocative, modernist take on a subject long favored by French painters left some of his critics aghast. His cautious deliberations, however, as manifested throughout

Visiting Associate Professor of Fine Arts Wall Street journal December 17, 2012 Trinity receives $902,000 science grant Computer Science Professor Ralph Morelli

has been awarded a $902,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to promote the use of a mobile Computer Science Principles curriculum (Mobile CSP) in Connecticut public schools. Beginning in Hartford, high school teachers will be trained to teach computer science courses in schools that don't currently offer them. The program marks a unique collaboration between Trinity, the Hartford Public School System, the Connecticut Chapter of the Computer Science Teachers Association, and Hartford area high schools. The grant runs through December 31, 2015. Identitad Latina: Hispanic Newspaper Connecticut December 20, 2012 So much depends . ..

Great poets are articulating something that is very difficult to articulate. It may well be so difficult because its meaning is multivocal and to render it on the page therefore requires Forster's ironically stated magical formula: "Only connect." In other words, poets are being as clear as possible about an elusive truth, not as coy as

possible about an idea that can be whatever truth you please. Lucy Ferriss, Writer-inResidence The Chronicle cifHigher Education January 3, 2013 Hartford's Harriet Beecher Stowe Featured In PBS's 'The Abolitionists'

Harriet Beecher Stowe was not a member of antislavery organizations in the 1830s and 1840s. She opposed slavery, and was enraged by the fugitive slave law, but she wasn't an activist. "She wasn't an abolitionist. She was a writer. She wrote for money . .. to help the household and because she loved doing it and it came easily to her," said Trinity College Prof. Joan Hedrick.

So it must have come as quite a surprise in 1852 when "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was published and Stowe suddenly became the most famous abolitionist in the country Her fame increased when it was adapted into a stage play, which delivered the humanitarian message to people who could not read. "Frederick Douglass acknowledged the power of Uncle Toms Cabin and how much good it did in changing people's consciousness .. .. She and William lloyd Garrison began a dialogue on a variety of issues," said Hedrick, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life. Hartford Courant January 3, 2013

CREC Montessori Magnet School Teams Up With Trinity College to Produce Art

On Thursday, ov. 29, 2012, the Broad Street Gallery in Hartford hosted an exhibition titled "Dragons and Castles." The exhibit was the culmination of a semesterlong collaboration between students from Trinity College and CREC's Montessori Magnet School Each semester for the past nine years, between 10 and I 5 students from Trinity crossed Broad Street to CREC Montessori Magnet School to assist with art education. located on the learning Corridor Campus, the school features stateof-the-art facilities designed to support the Montessori philosophy of individualized education. With direction from lena Stein, CREC Montessori Magnet School's art teacher, the Trinity students are assigned to a small group of Montessori students between the ages of 5 and 12. The Trinity students work with the budding artists to help them create personal artwork, giving them feedback and encouragement. Trinity students participating in the program are not required to have any particular artistic skill, the only major requirement is a willingness to listen to and mentor the young students. Jarrett Stevens, CREC (Reader Submitted) January 16, 2013





Chris.toph - -Ge1ss

Associate Professor of Physics and Environmental Science

by Mary Howard Photographs by Nick Lacy

Walk by one of Christoph Geiss's classes, and you're likely to hear laughter. "He can relate to just about anyone, which makes it easy for him to crack jokes," says Emily Kleidon '14. "Most of the class period, there is someone giggling about something he has said." • Not just a funny guy; though, Geiss, associate professor of physics and environmental science, "has a knack for pushing students to their fullest potential," says Jonathan Gourley; a lecturer and lab coordinator in the Environmental Science Program and a frequent collaborator with Geiss. • On Thursday; October 18, The Reporter spent the day with Geiss.






8:30a .m.

Geiss pedals nis ancient mountain bike to campus. The trip takes about 20 minutes. "It's the conservationist's way to get from point A to point B." He grew up in Freising, Germany, a small town near Munich and home to the oldest brewery in the world, a fact he is quick to point out. After finishing secondary school, he enrolled at Ludwig Maximilians Universitat, where he was literally bowled over by geophysics. On his way to his first advising meeting, Geiss stepped into an elevator and was "run over with a cart full of rocks." The cart was pushed by the chair of the university's geophysics department. Geiss was unhurt, but the incident piqued his interest in geophysics. Within five years, he had a master's in the subject. He earned his Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Minnesota in 1999 and began teaching at Trinity in 2001 8:35a.m.

Geiss is planning for his "Introduction to Earth Science" class (E VS 112), which will take place in a few hours. He enjoys teaching nonscience majors, he says. "It's a challenge. They're often deadly afraid of science and scientists." Since his class may be the only science course these students take at Trinity, Geiss wants to leave them with a good impression, and he wants them to learn something.




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"He makes the material very accessible and easy to understand," says Jeremy Rees '14, an economics and math major who is taking "The Earth's Climate" (ENVS - II2L) with Geiss to fulfill his science requirement. 10:00a.m.

It's time to pick up a minivan from the College's facilities management office for this afternoon's field trip. Geiss is taking his soil science class (ENVS 305) to visit several spots in the Connecticut River valley. He loves field trips. In addition to local excursions, he's taken students to southern Utah and Iceland. The main purpose of the trips is to expose students to different environments and landscapes, he says, and to explore "the ways humans fit into those landscapes." On a recent trip to Iceland, Geiss took his group, including President Jones and members of his famil y, on a five -day overnight 1-tik.e. "On the trips, students entertain us with nightly campfire talks based on their work throughout the semester," he says. (Iceland slideshow: youtube.comj trinitycollegect) Colby Tucker '09, a science teacher at the Pomfret School, accompanied Geiss on three of these trips, two to Iceland (2008 and 2010) and one to Utah (2007) . "I always wanted to hike with him so I could ask questions when we stumbled upon something interesting," he says. Tucker says he is a teacher

today because of Geiss's example. "I aspire to do with my students what he did with me." 10:50 a.m.

Today's lesson is on paleomagnetism, the magnetic properties of soils and sediments, and how it helped initiate a paradigm shift to establish plate tectonics as the leading theory in geology. Heady stuff. especially for non-scientists, but Geiss's lively teaching style has the class enthralled. "There is nothing worse than 20 kids giving you that 'look' that says, 'Professor, I would rather be anywhere than in your class.' I avoid that look at all costs. It's important to live it up a little, ja?" Geiss retains traces of a German accent and that well-placed "ja" frequently punctuates nis comments.

12:15 p.m.

Geiss is planning this afternoon's field trip with Kip Kolesinskas, a conservation scientist with the Connecticut Farmland Trust who will lead the trip. Simon Bunyon '13, a student in Geiss's soil science class, joins them for lunch . 12:45 p.m.

Geiss is at the wheel of the van, driving Kolesinskas and students Bunyon, Renee Swetz '14, Billy Watts '13, and Daniel Chow '13 to Dinosaur State Park in Rocky Hill. The purpose of the trip is for the students to get a first-hand look at various Connecticut soils and explore the relationship between these soils and agriculture.

The group then takes a ferry- the oldest continuously running ferry in the countryacross the Connecticut River from Rocky Hill to Glastonbury to examine floodplain soils. At Belltown Orchard, the students learn about the unique geological and climatic conditions that make this region so well suited for orchards. At the end of the trip, everyone enjoys freshly baked apple cider donuts. "These trips can be deep and philosophical, but we also have a lot of fun," says Geiss between bites. 4:10p.m.

Geiss heads home to join his veterinarian wife and two sons, ages six and eight, for dinner. Some nights, Geiss takes his children to Williams Rink in Trinity's Koeppel Community Sports Center to watch the women's ice hockey team . He is the faculty liaison to the women's ice hockey and tennis teams, and he and his sons attend as many games and matches as they can. "He is by far our numberone fan , along with his two sons," says Kleidon, an ice hockey player. "He will sit on our bench and cheer on our practices, and before games he is sure to be there to get us pumped up." 7:30p.m.

The boys are in bed, and Geiss heads back to Trinity. He's working on research in the lab, running soil samples for a colleague from Mexico. On Wednesdays and

Fridays, he leaves campus early to take care of his children. "So I make it up on Thursdays." His current research projects include investigating the carbon budget in the Arctic wetlands and determining erosion and soil formation rates in the Midwest. A good deal of the earth's readily accessible carbon is stored in wetlands and soils, he explains. With collaborators from Bowdoin and St. Olaf College, Geiss is trying to uncover how these carbon reservoirs react to, and influence, our changing climate. Each semester, he also supervises up to five or six research students. 10:00 p.m.

After a long day, Geiss is finally ready to go home. With a full schedule of teaching. writing, and research, he has little time for hobbies. He loves photography, though, and brings his camera on all his field trips, as well as to most of the women's tennis matches and ice hockey games. Many of the women's ice hockey photos on the Trinity Web site were taken by him. Despite the hour, he is cheerful. "I like what I do," Geiss explains "I never have to drag mysel f to work."






by Rhea Hirshman The 590 first-year students who arrive at Trinity in the late summer of 2014 will find the campus and




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New House System offers students stronger • • community t1es its fall -term rhythms much the same as have generations before them. They will be surrounded by a classic New England college quadrangle, the College's visible center

that has welcomed incoming classes since the r870s. They will sign the matriculation declaration in a ceremony familiar to classes from the College's earliest days in the r82os.

They will meet roommates and classmates, figure out the campus map, plunge into coursework, and learn to use the College's resources. At the same time, they will be

Board of Trustees committee that included faculty, students, and administrators) , and approved by the full board in October, the House System is designed to enhance the integration of social and intellectual life throughout the College community

Nuts and bolts

experiencing the Trinity of the 2Ist century, as it has expanded, changed, and diversified continually over nearly 200 years. The Class of 2018 will find a Trinity that has embraced a new organizational structure for residential and student life: the Trinity House System. Proposed by the Charter Committee for Building Social Community at Trinity College (a

Each of the six houses is a living/ learning community that will include about 375 students (about 95 from each of the four classes) , and each will have its own dean and an associated faculty member. According to the Charter Committee's report: "(Association) with a house would begin with first-year housing and carry through four years as one of the primary centers of a student's experience .... These groups, designed for manageable size ... would give every student an automatic affiliation with a representative group of fellow students, help organize the way the College provides services and support ...and increase the opportunities and expectations for students to be engaged in and contribute to the vibrancy of campus life." The plan calls for students to live in a residence hall associated with a particular house for their first two years at Trinity. They will then be free to live in whatever housing they choose for the junior and se nior years, while maintaining affiliation with the original house. In keeping with the idea that the houses will be centers of intellectual as well as social life, entering students will choose first-

year seminars as they do now and will be assigned to houses based on the seminars they choose. Each house will have a mix of seminars from different disciplines - one way of ensuring diversity within house populati ons. Frederick Alford, dean of students, notes two interconnected ways to think about the implementation of the House System. The first involves the physical placement of students into living spaces. Trustee and committee member Co rnelia Parsons Thornburgh 'So says that, while decisions are still being made about how best to use and adjust the physical plant, " Ultimately, once the House System is fully in place, campus planning will revolve around the houses." The other aspect of implementing the House System, Alford says, "is understanding it as a new approach to organizing the College and its exis ting resources."

House deans and faculty affiliations Among the organizational changes will be the creation of a dean's office for each house. Students will maintain relationships with the same dean for their entire time at Trinity Deans will track academic progress, handle routine disciplinary matters, act as primary contacts with families, and serve as advocates and mentors for the students in their houses. Working closely with each house dean will be a senior faculty member,

who will serve for a threeyear term and continue to teach. According to the report, "The senior faculty member would be responsible for setting the tone of community life, leading bi -weekly house meetings, attending house dinners, and creating frequent and varied forms of interaction (among) students and faculty " Thornburgh notes that "faculty will be full partners in the House System, expanding opportunities for intellectual stimulation beyond the classroom." Faculty teaching firstyear seminars will also be affiliated with the houses in which the students they teach and advise are li ving. "But beyo nd that," Alford says, "we expect that both the senior faculty members and those teaching the first-year seminars will draw upon faculty and staff colleagues to create and participate in house activities."

Systemic shifts According to Alford, the House System will both take over certain existing systems, and function as a support mechanism for some larger College systems. "For instance," he says, "course registration will always be a Collegewide system. But we could have house-based sessions on how the registration process works, how to plan programs of study, or how to select majors." Areas where the House System is likel y to become the locus of student life include program funding, academic support, and governance. Houses could become the basis for electing Student TRINITYREPORTER


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Government Association (SGA) representation, with funds through the SGA helping to support programming developed and run by the houses. In addition, each house will have its own leadership structure, providing opportunities for students to serve in executive capacities, manage budgets, and organize service, social, and intramural programs. Houses might have programming committees, involving faculty, students, and staff in developing activities that fuse social and intellectual life. Houses could become the mechanism for teaching and upholding the College Integrity Contract and electing representatives to the Honor Council. Alford says, "Imagine if a house hosted a discussion on the importance of honor within a community and

then had nominees for the Honor Council present their views at the house meeting preceding the election process. These sorts of activities can transform an abstract concept like honor to something immediate and fundamental to the life of the individual and the house and College communities." Effective communities don't interact solely on Facebook or e- mail; the House System will enable house members to meet in person. At weekly meals and biweekly meetings, houses would conduct business, address problems, and celebrate members' accomplishments. Houses could sponsor game nights, lecture series, arts events, and parties. Houses will field teams, and inter-house competitions will become a staple of the intramural and recreational programs. Each house could develop its own traditions and could build up the means to support

Building • community at Trinity Plans for putting the following recommendations into action are the responsibility ofthe Implementation Committee. See page 21for detat1s.




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their chosen activities by how they spend their discretionary money The report also suggests that houses might march together to Convocation and Commencement, and be the sites of receptions at Homecoming, Family Weekend, or Reunion.

that our approach will be to invite everyone to join."

What stays the same

Underneath these specific changes, Alford says, is an overall shift in perspective. "Whether we are talking about organizing parking, getting out messages to students about health concerns, deciding what kinds of athletic facilities to invest in, or making hiring decisions, every committee and every office will be thinking about how possible courses of action can reinforce the House System."

While the House System will have an impact on most areas of College life, Thornburgh emphasizes that it is not meant to replace other longstanding and cherished structures, such as the fraternities and sororities or the cultural and theme houses. "Rather," she says, "establishing this system is part of a comprehensive plan to build community at Trinity. We want to take the positive experiences that so many of our students have, and build a system that will increase the likelihood that all of our students will be able to get the most out of their time here."

Alford notes also that a mechanism for integrating upperclass students into the House System in 2014 is within the purview of the implementation committee. "Given that the system's purpose is to unite the community," he says, "I would anticipate

Alford adds, "We're throwing the implementation process wide open to students, faculty, staff. and alumni. While the underlying concept is in place, there is still plenty of opportunity for discussion of what the House System can be."

At its October meeting, the Board of Trustees unani mously voted to approve the recommendations of the Charter Committee for Building Social Com munity at Trinity College. After a fact- finding process that involved input from a broad spectrum of campus interests, the Committee's conclusions are designed to retain and strengthen those aspects of our community that position Trinity as a nationally respected leader among liberal arts colleges. The intention of

these actions is to create a student-centered com munity of scholars who are fu!Jy engaged, both socially and inte!Jectually, inside and outside the classroom. To that end, the Board of Trustees has endorsed the following six Committee initiatives:

• Develop a House System that will provide a new residential, inte!Jectual, and social center to our students' lives and shape our students' sense of identity within the Col-

"We seek to support an intellectual environment where social and academic dimensions are fused within the best liberal arts tradition. The College has the opportunity, with careful investment and attentive leadership, to transform the social ethos to match the quality of our academic character."

lege. Our residence halls will be clustered around six Houses, each led by a designated House Dean and an Academic Adviser. These houses will be small, comprising 375 students each, and students will remain affiliated with their Houses throughout their Trinity years. The House experience will feature regular shared dining opportunities and specific programming such as lectures, special speakers, and extra-curricular events; • Strengthen the first-year experience by extending

orientation, expanding pre-orientation ~est type programs, and adding rigor and discernment as each student undertakes his or her intellectual journey at Trinity; • Improve the quality and quantity of social spaces by

opening a reconfigured and refurbished Vernon Social Center with new hours of operation and purposes that appeal to students and faculty alike; investing in better lounges for each of the new Houses; and designating other College properties for social spaces based on the organic input of students themselves; • Institute a clear and transparent Social Code that

outlines the standards, principles, and expecta-

tions of the College and provides directives for appropriate behavior among our students. A designated committee will oversee the implementation of this Social Code and diligently monitor and support those social organizations that function with a defined membership comprised predominantly of Trinity students, that involve initiation activities, andj or that occupy real estate. New G PA standards, community service requirements, and the Trustee amendment to abolish pledging are principal features. Failure of an organization to abide by all aspects of the Social Code will result in the inability of that organization to continue to operate; • Restore staff positions and program funding cut over

the last decade in order to support the new House System, oversee the new Social Code, and create vibrant cultural and social options for the campus community; • Reinvigorate the co-education mandate, initially approved

by the Board of Trustees in 1992, to ensure that all social organizations with access to facilities, and particularly the fraterni ties and sororities, have gender parity

The full report of the Committee is available on the College Web site at www.

Implementation Committee An Implementation Committee for Building Social Community has been formed to carry forward the initiatives as outlined here. President Jones chairs the committee and the members are drawn from the faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Steering Group President James F. Jones, Jr. (Chair) Cornie Parsons Thornburgh '8o (liaison to the Board of Trustees) Board of Fellows (2000 2002) , Board ofTrustees (2004-2014) , Women's Leadership Council (2010 - ) Christopher McCrudden '68, National Alumni Association (2010 -2016) Patricia Mairs Klestadt, Esq. '8o, P'o9, ' II , Women's leadership Council (2010 - ), Board ofFellows (2orr -20I4) , Parent Di rector (2005-20II) Faraj Saghri '81, Board of Fellows (2011 -2014) Staff: Mary Jo Keating '74, Secretary of the College and Vice President for College Relations; David

Andres, Special Assistant to the President; James Hughes, Director of Institutional Research and Planning; Carla Pereira, Assistant to the Vice President of Finance and Operations

Subcommittee on Compliance and Support for Social Organizations This committee will work to help fraternities and sororities meet the new requirements and iden tify opportunities for new social organizations to emerge. · Robin Sheppard, Professor of Physical Education and Associate Director of Athletics (chair) Prcifessor Sheppard has been on the faculty in the Athletics Department since 1976. · Daniel Blackburn, Thomas S. Johnson Distinguished Professor of Biology Prcifessor Blackburn has been on the foculty in the Biology Department since 1988. · Christoph Geiss, Associate Professor of Physics and Environmental Science Prcifessor Geiss has been on the foculty in the Physics Department since 2001. · Milia Riggio, James J Goodwin Professor of English Prcifessor Riggio has been on the faculty in the English Department since 1973. TRINITY REPORTER

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Subcommittee on First-Year Experiences, Special Programs and Academic Initiatives


· Matthew Glasz '04, Senior Associate Director of Annual Giving

Mr. Glasz has been on the stqff in the College Advancement Division since 2006. · Hal Bruno 'r6

· Harold Smullen, Jr. '76, P'r4, National Alumni Association (1999-2005), Board of Trustees (20042007)

Subcommittee on Standards and Assessment This committee will clarify the rules that will govern the theme houses, cultural houses, fraternities, and sororities and the process and policies for assessing them. · Jane Nadel - Klein, Professor of Anthropology (chair)

Prcifessor Nadel-Klein has been on theJo.culty in the Anthropology Department since 1987-

Prcifessor Mauro has been on theJo.culty in the Mathematics Department since 1982.

·Fred Alford, Dean of Students (chair)

Dean Alford has been on the staffin the Dean ofStudents Office since 2003. · Matthew Greason '03, Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Head Coach of Men's Ice Hockey

Prcifessor Greason has been on thefaculty in the Athletics Department since 2007-

· Susan Salisbury, Director of Residential life

Professor Reuman has been on the faculty in the Psychology Department since 1987-

Ms. Salisbury has been on the stqffin the Office ofCampus Life since 1999.

· Karla Spurlock- Evans, Dean of Multicultural Affairs

· Dom DeNigris IDP · Causey Dunlap 'r4 · Nathaniel Nurmi '14 ·Andrew Fink '07

Dean Spurlock-Evans has been on the staffin the Multicultural Affiirs Office since 1999.


Subcommittee on the House System

Prcifessor Kehres has been on thefaculty in the Language and Culture Studies Department since 2004.

· David Reuman, Associate Professor of Psychology


·Connor Wells '09

·Jean -Marc Kehres, Associate Professor of language and Culture Studies

· David Mauro, Professor of Mathematics


·Robert Martino '15

This committee will design the new house system. The group will focus on how the houses should be organized, named, and funded; what should be their primary activities; how to distribute residence halls; and ways the College offices, programs, policies, and practices might best support the house system.

· Maggie Wiatr 'r5


· Anne Do 'r6


This committee will help redefine Orientation and how the first-year students can be engaged in shaping their intellect and personal development as well as plans for the sophomore declaration process, a Sophomore Symposium, and a Bridge Program. · Alison Draper, Director of the Science Center and lecturer in lnterdisciplinary Science (chair)

Prcifessor Draper has been on the faculty in the Science Center since 2003. · Dan Lloyd, Brownell Professor of Philosophy

Prcifessor Lloyd has been on thefaculty in the Philosophy Department since 1987·Joseph Barber, Director of Community Service and Civic Engagement

Mr. Barber has been on the stqff in the Office ofCommunity Service & Civic Engagement since 1996.

Subcommittee on the Revitalization of Social Spaces This committee will finalize the plans for the renovation of Vernon Social Center and identify the policies that will govern its use. The committee will also recommend improvements to common spaces in residence halls and identify facilities on campus that can be used to accommodate new theme houses or other initiatives that will add to the social fabric of Trinity andjor create opportunities for student-faculty interaction andjor new forms of social interaction. · Tom Fusciello, Director of Construction, Design and Capital Projects (chair)

Mr. Fusciello has been on the staffin the Office ofthe Vice Presidentfor Finance and Operations since 2006. · Kathleen Curran, Professor of Fine Arts

Prcifessor Curran has been on theJo.culty in the Fine Arts Department since 1990.

· Ann Reuman, Associate Dean of Students

· Amy DeBaun, Director of Campus life

Dean Reuman has been on the stqffin the Dean ofStudents Office since 1998.

Ms. DeBaun has been on the stqffin the Office ofCampus Life since 1998.

Andrew Cappello '14 · Danielle Carp ' r5 · Diane Fierri Brown '73, P'o3, Board of Fellows (1998 -2000) · Staff: Margaret lindsey, Dean of the First-Year Program

Dean Lindsey has directed and taught in the First-Year Program since 2002.

· lisa Kassow, Hillel Director

Ms. Kassow has been on the staffin the Spiritual and Religious Life Office since 2001 · Fayola Fraser '15 · William SchreiberStainthorp '15 · Donald Mclagan '64, Board of Trustees (1988 1991) · Craig Woerz '93, Board ofFellows (2012 -2015)


A vibrant



An important cornerstone of the plan to build community at Trinity is the transformation of the former Vernon Social Center into a hub for student life and improved faculty-student interaction. Work will begin during the second semester to create a dynamic, welcoming, and flexible space that will attract a diversity of students throughout the day and evening. The main part of the building will be completely renovated and refurbished to provide a space where members of the campus community can grab a deli sandwich, linger over their laptops, warm themselves around an outdoor fire pit, listen to music, or just hang out. The new center is expected to open in August of this year.

"Students have expressed the need for a neutral social space that unites the campus and [where] every student feels welcome to visit at any time, day or night," said a report issued in October by the C harter Committee for Building Social Community at Trinity College, which was composed of trustees, faculty, administrators, and students. "Vernon Social is positioned in an ideal location to 6.11 this need - in the heart of Vernon Street- however, its current configuration is not. We seek to transform Vernon Social into a vibrant hub for student life."

A social space that unites the campus, where every student feels welcome, day or night

The project architect is Tecton Architects, Inc. of Hartford , and landscaping is by Towers/ Golde of New Haven .


I winter



have to get a job. What do I do now?"' Fulco, who serves as a pre-law adviser at Trinity, met Keating shortly after she arrived at Trinity last May. "We had a productive conversation about career development," Fulco says. "and she asked me to convene a council of faculty members who could help assess existing resources and determine how to use them efficiently and productively

Advisory committee links faculty and career center by jim Smith A number of changes are taking place at Trinity's Career Development Center, and these changes are reflected in its new name. Formerly the Office of Career Services, this critically important center is growing and changing to better meet the needs of contemporary students. One of the most important new initiatives is the formation of a faculty advisory council. The council, co-chaired by Adrienne "Renny" Fulco, associate professor of public policy and law, and Stefanie Chambers, associate professor of political science, was convened by Mary Jo Keating, secretary of the 24



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college and vice president for college relations, the person to whom the Career Development Center now reports. "One of the important changes we are making at the center is a much stronger effort to engage our students, so they will actively use their four years of undergraduate education to plan for their lives after Trinity," says Keating. "We're going to offer services that will appeal to first-years, sophomores, and juniors, encouraging them to think carefully about their aptitudes, capabilities, and interests. No one should find himself or herself, at the last minute, suddenly thinking, 'Oh, my gosh, I

"Faculty are already advising students about careers, and individual faculty members in all disciplines connect current students with alumni on an ad hoc basis. One goal of the council is to create a more systematic way of linking current students and recent graduates to alumni who are already established in their fields and professions. This kind of personal networking enhances career decisionmaking and enriches alumni relationships across generations of Trinity graduates." Work currently under way is being documented by the faculty advisory committee in a department-bydepartment inventory that will be available to students via the Career Development Center. "When you look at what's being done already, you quickly find some really exciting things," says Chambers. "Faculty members assist students in finding internships. They have strong connections to alumni who can help students network, and

many of our alumni are doing amazing things to help students with their careers. The fact is, we've been doing a lot of this on our own for many years. The role of the council is to assess what's being done, streamline our work as faculty, staff in career development, and our alumni base." The array of services being provided by faculty is quite remarkable. For instance, Mitchell Polin, associate professor of theater and dance, has spearheaded the identification of some 200 alumni and how and where they work in the field. This effort is helping students connect with potentially helpful professionals. Carol Clark, associate professor of economics, leads the College's Community Learning Initiative Program and research colloquium, working with faculty advisers to design and carry out experiential creditbearing research or creative projects in partnership with community members and organizations in the Hartford area. And William Church, associate professor of chemistry and neuroscience, chairs the College's Health Professions Advisory Committee, which regularly holds meetings to help faculty stay abreast of rapidly evolving changes in the nation's healthcare delivery system and their implications for students interested in health -related careers. "There's a lot of work to be done," says Chambers, "and we're making progress."

New Townhouse-S!Yie Residence Halls on Crescent Street

The $25-million project will mark the first of two phases that will eventually result in a total of five new townhouse buildings and more than 340 beds in suite-style layouts. The second phase is expected to begin in June 2013-

Trinity College and a New York developer are partnering to build three new residence halls for upperclass students, which are expected to be completed by the start of the 2013 -2014 academic year.

Phase two of the project will include between 7,500 and IO,ooo square feet of new retail space on New Britain Avenue. ''As far as the community goes, this will be of great economic benefit," says Vice President for Finance and Operations Paul Mutone. "The concept of the project, with its retail space, is to not only serve Trinity students but local residents, as well." A Hartford Police Department substation, to be located in a building owned by the College, is also planned for the nearby corner of New

Britain Avenue and Broad Street. Trinity's partner is Kirchhoff Campus Properties of Pleasant Valley. New York, whose related construction firm worked on the $33-million renovation and restoration of the historic Long Walk buildings (Seabury and Jarvis halls and Northam Towers) and has been involved in projects at Vassar College, Marist College, and Mt. Saint Mary College, among others. The architect is EYP Architecture and Engineering P.C. of Albany, New York, which has extensive experience in designing higher education buildings. Kirchhoff will own and finance the project, but Trinity will manage the property. The land is owned by the College and will be leased to the developer.

The students who live there will be subject to all College rules, regulations, and policies, Mutone says. Residential supervisors will live on site. Each of the suites will have a kitchen, dining room, washing machine and dryer, and si ngle bedrooms. The buildings will be airconditioned and have wireless connectivity The energy-efficient, threestory townhouses, built to LEED Gold standards, will be brick, shingle and metal , and will be handicapped accessible. The new facility will replace existing housing stock and is not intended to support an increase in the College's enrollment, which now stands at 2,II6 undergraduates, about 90 percent of whom live on campus.


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Tibetan nuns create a sand mandala at Trinity by Rhea Hirshman

Long-standing Trinity connection

On a cloudy, mild Saturday afternoon in mid- October, anyone walking near the Charter Oak landing at the Connecticut River would have seen the unusual sight of a contingent of six Tibetan Buddhist nuns in full ritual regalia. In the company of students, faculty, staff and friends of Trinity, as well as a group of Tibetans from New York City, the nuns were performing the final part of an ancient ritual . Having spent the better part of their six-week stay at Trinity creating a mandala, a sacred sand construction representing the palace of the Buddhist deity of compassion, the nuns had ceremoniously dismantled it that morning and were now pouring the brightly-colored sand into the river- taking the spiritual power of the mandala and offering it back to the earth.

The connection between Trinity and the nuns, whose home is the Keydong Thuk- CheCho- Ling Nunnery in Kathmandu, Nepal, dates back to 1998, when Trinity faculty members Judy Dworin and Ellison Findly, and alumna Melissa Kerin '94, collaborated to bring a group of the nuns to campus. Kerin's involvement with the nunnery began when she lived there during her junior year, participating in the nuns' daily lives and immersing herself in Buddhist practice. A fellowship took her back tl1ere after graduation and, in 1996, she returned to Trinity to present a paper on her experiences at a conference called Revoicing the Feminine Sacred, organized by Dworin, a professor of theater and dance, and Findly, a professor of religion and international studies who herself engages

in Buddhist practice. At that conference, Dworin recalls, ''A woman in the audience, in response to Melissa's presentation, suggested, 'Why don't we bring the nuns here,' and we decided to give it a try" Two years later, Kerin was again traveling to Nepal, this time to accompany the Keydong nuns on their first trip to Trinity, where the y became the first Buddhist nuns to create a sand mandala in the United States. Their presence sparked numerous mandalainspired activities, including a performance piece called wheel, choreographed by Dworin, and connections with a local elementary school, whose students developed a performance piece of their own. After their time at Trinity, the nuns were invited to Brandeis University, where his holiness Tenzin Gyatso, TRINITY REPORTER

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the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, was receiving an honorary degree, and where the nuns created another mandala. "For the first time," Fimily says, "the Dalai Lama, who had given his blessing to the nuns' endeavors, oversaw the dismantling of a mandala that had been created by women. Dworin remained in close contact with Ani gawang Tendol, who serves as the group's leader and interpreter. ("Ani" is the honorific prefix used before a nun's name in Tibetan Buddhism.) Nuns from Keydong returned to Trinity to create another mandala during a shorter stay in 2005. Then, last year, Dworin and coorganizer James Latzel, noting that seven years had passed, thought that this would be a good time to have the nuns here again. The nuns' story

The Keydong nuns' own long journey to a safe home began in 1959, when China occupied Tibet, the Dalai Lama fled, and many Tibetanssoughtrefugein Nepal and India. Among the refugees was a small group of women monastics from Tibet's southwestern Keydong region. The nuns first settled in a epalese border village, moving to Kathmandu in 1980 and then traveling throughout epal and India seeking donations to purchase land and a smalJ house. The nunnery has grown, becoming a center of education and spiritual practice for approximately 130 nuns from India, Nepal, and Tibet. Kerin notes that the Keydong nuns are "part of a sea




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change- but a gradual one- in Buddhist monasticism ." While the primary focus of Tibetan Buddhist nunneries has traditionally been performing prayer ceremonies for the world and cultivating contemplative practices, the Keydong nunnery is one of the first to develop an educational program that includes Tibetan debate, T ibetan language, Tibetan ritual arts, English, mathematics, health, and traditional Tibetan medicine. The nuns sometimes tend the sick and may also do community organizing, advocating for better conditions and services for people in their neighborhood. In addition, the Keydong nuns have been pursuing higher Tibetan religious education, including learning sand mandala creation, a practice involving scriptural knowledge, meditation, and the development of specific techniques. Reserved for centuries to highly-educated male monastics, mandala creation, says Kerin, an assistant professor of art history at Washington and Lee University, "is one of the most meritorious activities that one can undertake in the Tibetan Buddhist world," and one available now to women in large part because of the support of the Dalai Lama. "In the past," she adds, "nuns were not oriented toward studying the scriptures, but more toward devotional practice . But the scriptures never actually stated that nuns were not allowed to make sand mandalas."

Mandala as meditation

Each mandala is an act of meditation at the same time that it is an extraordinary work of art, a celestial palace with complex and beautiful architecture supporting a wealth of symbols. "If the mandala is done correctly," Kerin says, "the deity takes up residence along with its entire retinue. Creating the mandala means creating opportunity for sentient beings to experience the divine presence. Garmany Hall,where the nuns worked, was open to the Trinity community and the public six days each week. While the nuns were in residence, the campus hosted related activities, including a keynote address by Kerin entitled "Tradition Changing Women, Women Changing Tradition: The Interface of Tibetan Nuns and the Sacred Art of Sand Mandala Making." Trinity classes visited, as well as students from throughout the region, community groups, and thousands of individuals. "The impact of the mandala on the campus was palpable," Dworin says. "The work of creating the mandala is an example of sacred ritual that becomes unintended performance by the fact that people witness it." As Alanna Lynch '14, one of Dworin's students, wrote: "This idea, the interconnectivity of the particles that make up the universe, is part of the reason the mandala is so moving for me. It is the representation of the beauty of bringing those particles together. To create something so

beautiful from dust, from nothing, fills me with a sense of wonder." Inherent in the creation of the mandala and essential to its message is the knowledge of its own inevitable transformation, done with the same attention to ritual detail. Findly describes the process as "de-sacralizing": removing the sand in a specific way, cutting through the mandala in each of the four primary directions and the midpoints, and sweeping the sand into jars and chanting and circumambulating the site of the mandala. "The main jar is wrapped in brocade," she explains, "much as a dead body would be in Tibetan Buddhist tradition." Then it's on to the nearest river where the sand's bright colors, now transmogrified into a neutral gray, become part of the water's flow. "Buddhism teaches us that the world is transitory, and we suffer when we are attached to transitory things" Findly says. "We become attached to the process and the beauty of the mandala itself, and are sad when we see this beautiful creation being undone. What the mandala tells us is that we can care and have compassion, but cannot possess and cling to. Dworin adds, "There is also something beautiful about the final ritual, reminding us of the cyclical nature oflife. The mandala is gone - but who knows where the energy of that sand may turn up again~"


by jim H. Smith In the autumn of 2007, Xiangming Chen arrived at Trinity to become the founding dean and director of the College's Center for Urban and Global Studies (CUGS) , which began that year thanks to a major donation from the Andrew W Mellon Foundation. Chen brought with him strong credentials- a distinguished 18 -year career at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an impressive body of scholarship. He was precisely the sort of leader that the new center, the first of its type at a top liberal arts college in the United States, required.


CUGS is at the epicenter of Trinity's strategic mission to integrate urban and global education in Hartford and globally. And Chen wasted no time tackling that mission. In ovember 2008, he convened the new center's first major conference. It was a twoday program that drew speakers, panelists and participants from all over the region, including 13 prominent scholars from Harvard, Brown, MIT, Yale, and other major universities, plus a large, interdisciplinary contingent of Trinity faculty. "The Center plays the central role in promoting

Trinity's new strategic initiative of integrated urban and global teaching, research, and engagement on campus, in Hartford, and globally;" Chen wrote in the introduction to the compendium of scholarly papers that were presented at the event. "By organizing this conference and bringing a number of yo u to campus, the Center is reaching out to develop exchanges and cooperation with scholars and institutions, especially those in the greater ew England region that may share a broad research interest in urban and global studies."

He was doing more than that, however. The collective focus of the conference- Rethinking Cities and Communities: Urban Transition Bifore and During the Era of Globalization- signaled Chen's determination that the center would lead, rather than follow, in defining new and innovative ways of thinking about the role of cities in the future of the planet. And the subjects of many of the papers, inspired by that focus, spoke volumes about his vision for the new center, which seeks to balance Trinity's commitment to international learning opportunities with the

College's commitment to employing Hartford and the region as an experiential learning laboratory Now, four years later, a book- Rethinking Global Urbanism: Comparative Insights from Secondary Cities- has emerged from that seminal conference. Edited by Chen and Ahmed Kanna, assistant professor in the School of International Studies at the University of the Pacific, the book's I2 chapters are expanded from papers presented at the 2008 conference


ever before," asserts Chen, "but scholars often do not explore the importance of cities beyo nd a handfi.J of mega- metropolises. This is a narrow- minded and short-sighted view of the interconnected world of cities. Many secondary cities are playing increasingly stronger roles in the global economy than many people might imagine. They deserve more focused scholarship."

The importance of secondary cities Not surprisingly, some papers presented at the conference focused on issues related to the Connecticut River Valley and the historic impact of economic change on Springfield and Hartford. But several papers ranged far abroad, tackling such diverse subject matter as social accountability systems in African cities; the intersection of global politics and community politics in San Francisco's Chinatown during World War I I and the Cold War; the struggle of Black women for land rights in BraziJian cities; and the community-based nature of women's activism in response to global economic and political change.

This innovative reimagining of the planet's metropolitan networks reflects "a coming of age within the recent proliferation of comparative urban studies," wrote Tim Bunnell, associate professor of geography at the ational University of Singapore, and James D. Sidaway, professor of political geography at the same institution, in the preface to the book. They added that "...the scholarship assembled in [the book] engages with the global dimensions of the cities in ways which extend beyond the elite, top-down and advanced service and financial sector networks that have predominated in the world cities literature. As such, we believe [it] will inspire others to participate in the exciting challenge of remapping the contours of what it means to be urban in the twenty-first century"

Those themes are explored in depth in Rethinking Global Urbanism. "Today cities play a more important role in the connection and organization of global economic activities and everyday activities than

The work of The Center for Urban and Global Studies is nothing less, says Chen. "It's the first center of its type at a top liberal arts college in the United States," he notes. "We have an institutional commitment



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"Today cities play a more important role in the connection and organization of global economic activities and everyday activities than ever before, but scholars often do not explore the importance of cities beyond a handful of mega-metropolises." Xiangming Chen, founding dean and director of Trin ity's Center for Urban and Global Studies (CUGS)

to international education with a strong urban component. But I want to do more. l want the center to inspire dialogue about urban issues with scholars at other colleges and universities in the region and around the world. When we held the conference in 2008, I wanted to put us on the intellectual map right away. "

Assistant Professor Scott Tang of the American Studies Program. And several of Chen's former students left Trinity with a credential few undergraduates, in any discipline, are able to boast, a citation in a significant scholarly book. Michael Magdelinskas 'u , now a second -year

Faculty and student research

law student at Cornell, was one of three students who contributed to Rethinking Global Urbanism, co-authoring the epilogue, "Second May Be BestTheorizing the Global Urban from the Middle," with Chen. A talented singer, who had toured America with traveling productions of Broadway shows before he enrolled in Trinity, he began his undergraduate work as an English major, but added a second major in urban and global studies after a summer spent studying severalmegacities along China's Yangtze River between his first and sophomore years.

In addition to Chen, the book includes chapters by two other Trinity faculty members, Associate Professor Beth Notar of the Anthropology Department and

Still deciding what he wants to do with his career, Magdelinskas says international law is a possibility. But he adds, "1 will always be interested

Since then the center has flourished , promoting and sponsoring an array of curricular initiatives, research projects and civic engagement activities. leading philanthropic organizations have collaborated with it to fund those activities. And the first students who've had the opportunity to work with Chen at the center have now graduated and gone on to further their education; not without taking along important lessons learned.

important in terms of refining me as a professional.

in urban globalism, no matter where my career takes me. The Center for Urban and Global Studies had a huge impact on me." It's a perspective shared by Chang liu ' 12, now a law student at Harvard, and Tomas de'Medici ' 12 , who most recently worked as a field organizer during the Obama campaign. Both characterize the opportunity to do exacting scholarship in collaboration with Dean Chen as an unexpected bonus in their undergraduate experience. Kanna, who was a postdoctoral fellow at the center at the time of the 2008 conference, says editing Rethinking Global Urbanism was particularly meaningful for him. He had completed his graduate work, but he says, "The year I spent at Trinity was enormously

"The conference was highly interdisciplinary," he adds. "lt was an extraordinary opportunity to engage with people from many different intellectual traditions. We tried to sustain that interdisciplinary approach in the book. Many cities are global even though they don't fit the conventional view of globalism . If you're not tracking what's going on in these cities, which are onl y 'secondary' because they are smaller than the Tokyos and Londons and Shanghais of the world, you're missing some very exciting trends that have the potential to change the planet in significant ways. I think we've captured that in Rethinking Global Urbanism. " To learn more about Rethinking Global Urbanism: Comparative Insights from Secondary Cities, visit the publisher's Web site at http://www routledge.comjbooks/ details/ 9780415892230/



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Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience Xiangming Chen, Dean and Director, Center for Urban and Global Studies and Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of Sociology and International Studies; Anthony M. Orum; and Krista Paulsen Wiley-Blackwell, 2013; 382 pages Adenosine: A Key Link between Metabolism and Brain Activity Edited by Susan Masino, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, and Detlev Boison Springer, 2013; 679 pages










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Routes and Realms: The Power of Place in the Early Islamic World Zayde Antrim, Associate Professor of History and International Studies Oxford University Press, 2012; 212 pages Veterans on Trial: The Coming Court Battles Over PTSD Barry S. Schaller, Visiting lecturer in Public Policy and law Potomac Books, 2012; 263 pages

Is Renewable Really Doable? Exploring Clean Energy's Opportunities and Tough Realities Craig Shields '77. Editor 2GreenEnergy; 2012; 334 pages Underdogs: The Making of the Modern Marine Corps Aaron B. O 'Connell '95 Harvard University Press, 2012; 381 pages


http://retronuevo. Tom Santopietro '76 A blog about pop culture and movies http://www. Wendy Farnham Schon '83 A blog containing recipes and tips that embrace the philosophy of taking small steps in everyday life to help sustain our planet


As It Is On Earth Peter M . Wheelwright, '72 Fomite, 2012; 297 pages The Mortal Sea: Fishing the Atlantic in the Age of Sail W Jeffrey Bolster '76 The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012; 378 pages

Message Delivered Born 2 Soon (Gary Gates, Robert C. Reynolds '79, Rick Sigman) "On a wide- ranging musical journey; Message Delivered asks the big questions about politics, war, poverty, religion, and inequality" last Cafe Artists, 2012

http://wifeandwar. word press. com / 2012/10/24/arming/ Amalie Flynn '98 Based on Flynn's experience as a military wife. The blog has been featured in the New York Times and Time Magazine.

Hadley Duncan '13

FIELD HOCKEY Field hockey senior forward Hadley Duncan was named to both the Synapse Sports womensfieldhockey com Division III AllAmerican Second Team and the National Field Hockey Coaches Association (NFHCA) Division III AllAmerican Third Team. Hadley Duncan also graced both the NFHCA Division III All- Region First Team and the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) All- Conference First Team. Senior co-captain midfielder Haley Thompson, and junior defender Sarah Duncan were each named to

the NFHCA All- New England West Region Second Team, and Sarah Duncan also graced the All- NESCAC Second Team. Trinity, coached by Anne Parmenter, finished the 2012 season with an rr -4 overall record and qualified for the NESCAC Championship Tournament for the eighth time and the fifth year in a row with a 7-3 league mark. The No. 4 -seeded Bantams lost to Amherst, 3-2, in double overtime in the NESCAC ~arterfinals .

Hadley Duncan started all 15 games with 14 starts for the Bantams, leading the team in goals with 12, scoring with 25 points, shots with 62, tying Sarah

Duncan for the team lead in game-winning goals with three, and adding one assist. Hadley Duncan was named as the NESCAC Player of the Week once this fall. Sarah Duncan had five goals, tying Hadley Duncan with a team-high three game-winners, and seven assists for 17 points in 15 games and 14 starts this fall at defense for the Bantams. In 2010, she was named as the NESCAC Rookie of the Year, and to both the All - NESCAC Second Team and Synapse Sports womensfieldhockey com National All- Rookie Team. Thompson recorded six assists and a team-high eight assists for 20 points while starting all 15 games in the Bantam midfield this fall .

FOOTBALL The Trinity College football team, coached by Jeff Devanney. posted an 8-o record this fall to win its sixth NESCAC title in an rr-year span. The Bantams finished ranked No. r in New England Division II I Final Poll and are tied with Johns Hopkins for No. 6 in the ECAC Lambert Meadowlands Poll. Trinity has recorded 13 consecutive winning seasons, including five perfect seasons, and has compiled a record of 6-2 or better in each of


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the last II seasons. The Bantams kept their home winning streak alive at 47 games to remain unbeaten on the artificial turf at Jesseej Miller Field. Trinity clinched sole possession of the league title with a 30-24 overtime win at Wesleyan on November 10 in the season finale. The banner season also included a 17-13 road win against Williams, a 32-20 victory over Amherst in the Homecoming Game, and a 45-7 triumph against Middlebury, which finished second in the league with a 7-1 record. Senior tri-captain S Rae Haynes was named to the Beyond Sports Network (BSN) All-American First Team and the D3 Football. com All-American Third Team, while jw1ior RB Evan Bunker graced the BSN All-American Honorable Mention. Haynes was also named to the All - East Region First Team, while Bunker made the All - East Second Team, and senior tri-captain G Mike Valenti was selected for the All - East Third Team. Haynes, Valenti , and senior OL Gino Arnold and Tom O 'Brien were also each invited to play in the 2012 Aztec Bowl Senior All -Star Game in Monterrey, Mexico. Haynes joined Bunker and junior ILB Brett Cde Baca on the 2012 New England Football Writers Division II/ Ill AllStar Team, while Trinity Head Football Coach Jeff Devanney and Haynes were selected as the NESCAC Football Coach and Defensive Player of the Year, respectively. 34



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5 Rae Haynes

Haynes, Valenti, senior NT Donald McDonald, senior S Julian Brown, Cde Baca, Bunker, sophomore FB Michael Budness, and first-year P Kyle Pulek were named to the All- NESCAC First Team. Arnold, senior WR Drew Grombala, junior RB Ben Crick, and sophomore OLB Tom Szymanski made the AllNESCAC Second Team. Devanney was also named the Gridiron Club of Greater Boston Division II/ I I I Coach of the Year. WOMEN/S SOCCER First-year forward Abbey Lake was selected as the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) Women's Soccer Rookie of the Year. The Bantams, coached by Michael Smith, finished the 2012 season with a 5-8-1 record and tied for seventh place in the ESCAC with a 3- 7 league mark. Lake led the Bantams in scoring with nine goals, one gamewinning goal , and two assists for 20 points in 12 games (all starts) in her rookie campaign. MEN/ S SOCCER Senior captain midfielder Anthony El - Hachem was named to the 2012 New England Small College

Athletic Conference (NESCAC) All Conference Men's Soccer Team for the second consecutive season and was chosen as a New England Intercollegiate Soccer League ( EISL) All -Star. He played in the NEISL All-Star game held at Harvard University in November. Trinity, coached by Michael Pilger, finished the 2012 season with a 5- 6-4 overall and a 3-5-2 mark in the NESCAC. Trinity lost, 2-1, at Wesleyan in the NESCAC ~arterfinals . El- Hachem, an All - ew England First Team honoree and an AllNESCAC Second Teamer in 20II, moved up to the All - NESCAC First Team this fall. He started all 15 games at midfielder in 2012, leading the team in scoring with II points on four goals (tied for team lead) and a team high three assists. He is a three-time member of the NESCAC All -Academic Team a two-time SCAA Scholar All -American selection, a 2012 Capital One Academic AllDistrict honoree, and represented the Bantams on the 2010 NESCAC All -Sportsmanship Team. VOLLEYBALL Trinity College junior OH Hannah Brickley was named to the 2012 (NESCAC) AllConference Volleyball Team for the second year in a row, while senior co-captain OH Danielle lsaman was selected to play in the New England Women's Volleyball Association (NEWVA) Senior Classic All -Star Game on December 2 at Babson College. New England's top 35 volleyball

seniors were invited to compete in the game and earned the distinction ofNEWVAAI I- New England Seniors. Trinity, coached by Jen Bowman, finished the 2012 season wiili a 12- n record and finished seventh in NESCACwith a 5-5 league mark. Trinity lost, 3-0 , against Middlebury in the ESCAC ~arterfinals.

Brickley played in all 23 matches and all 83 sets this fall, leading me squad with 243 kills (2 .93 per set, 7th in NESCAC) , 746 kill attempts, and 272 digs. Brickley also ranked second on the squad in hitting percentage at .217 (tied) to go with 20 service ace and 21 blocks. She was named as the NESCAC Player of the Week once this season, and was recently selected for the Capital One Academic All - District Volleyball Team. Brickley was an American Volleyball

Anthony EI-Hachem '13 Coaches Association (AVCA) Division III All- New England First Team, a NEWVA Allew England Third Team honoree, and an All - ESCAC First Team last fall. Brickley was Trinity's representative on the NESCAC AllSportsmanship Team as a rookie in 2010 and is a rwo- time NESCAC All-Academic honoree. Isaman played in all23 matches and all 83 sets this fall , finishing second on the team in kills with 234 (2.82 per set, 10th in ESCAC), attacks with 672, hitting percentage (tied) at 217, aces with 25, digs with 265, and blocs with 22 (13 solo).

WOMEN' S ROWING The women's eight entered in the Collegiate race at the 20I2 Head of the Charles Regatta took home the gold medal, winning a 26-boat race with a time of 17:42.65. Trinity finished 1776 seconds ahead of the second -place crew from William Smith, while Williams took third -97 seconds later. On Saturday, the Bantam women's club fours entry

Don Miller and former players: I- r Mike Foye '79, Paul Romano '81, and Todd Beati '83. recorded a fourth- place time of 19:28.32, while Trinity's club eights boat posted a nth-place time ofi8:03-55, and the club fours registered a 12thplace time of 19:52.71. Trinity also won varsity races at the Head of the Riverfront, Head of the Housatonic and Head of the Schuylkill this fall. GOLF Sophomore Greg Palmer earned medalist honors with a rwo-day score of 147 while leading the Trinity College Bantams to first place in the NE CAC Golf Cham pionship ~alifying Tournament at Hickory Ridge Golf Club. Trinity led Hamilton by rwo strokes, 304 to 306, after the first day's play, and pulled away from the field on the second day with a team score of 288 to take the team title by 15 strokes over second-place Williams, 592- 607 Trinity, Williams, Hamilton, and Middlebury will play in the NESCAC Championship Tournament in the spring, and the Bantams will host the event for the second time. Trinity won the NESCAC ~alifier

in 2007 and hosted the Championships in 2008. The Bantams were the NESCAC Championship Runners-Up in 2006, 2009, and 20II , and won their first league title in 2010. Palmer shared fifth place with three other Bantams after Saturday's round and edged classmates William Burchill and ick Buenaventura by one stroke to finish alone in first among individuals. Trinity senior tri -captain Jack Pal ley, last year 's NESCAC ~alifier medalist, improved by six strokes with a 79 yesterday and a 73 today to tie sophomore teammate Donald Hunt for seventh place and give Trinity five of the top- ten scorers in the field . Palmer is the sixth Bantam in the past eight years to earn NESCAC Medalist and NESCAC Player of the Year honors, as he joins former Trinity linksmen George Boudria (2005) , Reid Longley (2006, 2008) , and Josh Grossman (2007). and Palley (2011). Palmer also joins Buenaventura and Burchill on the AllNESCAC First Team,

while Hunt and Palley grace the All-NE SCAC Second Team. COACH MILLER AT FOOTBALL BANQYET Former football head coach Don Miller was in attendance at the annual football banquet in December. Miller compiled a 174- 77- 5 record and a winning percentage of .693 from 1967 to 1998 and was named ew England Small College Coach of the Year five times (1970,1974, 1978, 1980, and 1993). At the banquet, the Trinity Touchdown Club Award was renamed the Don Miller Touchdown Club Award. The award is given to a non-player who gives ofhisjher resources to the betterment of the football program. Mike Foye '79 presented that award to its first recipient, Paul Romano '8r. Todd Beati '83 was on hand to present the Offensive Playe r of the Year Award to junior Evan Bunker, who became Trinity's alltime leading rusher and workhorse of the 8-o ESCAC championship team.


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The Class of 1963 Scholarship provides: • Grants to replace loans and work-study as part of the recipient's financial aid package When the Class of 1963 created their scholarship at their 25th Reunion in 1988, they linked themselves to every new Trinity class and more closely to each other. Each year since, the Class of '63 Scholarship has ...,...,.,...,....,....,..,.,... made it possible for an outstanding student, who otherwise might never have come to Trinity, to stand where '63 alumni stood and to benefit from the unique Trinity experience that transformed their own lives many years oefore. Now, as members of the Class of '63 prepare to celebrate their soth Reunion, they have committed to enhancing their legacy by raising $2 million to double the number of students to be granted this life-enriching scholarship each year. Since 1988, 23 men and women- from the first scholar, Tony Canata ' 93, to the latest, Briana Chang 'r6 - have been attracted to and then developed admirably at Trimty, thanks to the Class of'63 Scholarship. Over the next few pages, read more about this unique scholarship and meet some Class of'63 Scholars past and present, as well as some of the '63 alumni whose support and mentoring have been so significant for the recipients.

• A travel stipend for a scholardesigned summer educational opportunity • A network of class members and scholars available for mentoring and support • An on-campus community of scholars and staff

• Assistance with the cost of books and other college incidentals • An opportunity to graduate and consider graduate school without crippling debt

• lifetime associated membership in the Class of '63 and in the administration of the Scholarship

Left: Several members of the Class of '63 and their wives are shown amidst full-size replicas of the famous terracotta warriors in Xi'an, China, during a September 2012 trip led by Class of '63 Fellow Michael Lestz '68 (L-R): Lestz, Peggy Reynolds, Scott Reynolds, Bill Howland, Martha Howland, Vic Keen , Charlie McGill, Patricia McGill, Dick Chang, Dee Chang, Jeanne Ruddy, Jim Tozer, and Zibby Tozer. Read more about the trip on page 46 in Class Notes.




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Asia (Joanna) Grabska-Tabakhov '03

The Class of '63 Scholars Anthony J. Canata '93 Chakisha M. Blanchard '94 Amy Fisher Strachan '95 Ellen A. Kendrick '96 Ian Sample '97 DevinS. Tindall '98 Ernesto C. Anguilla '99 Jennifer A. Noakes 'oi Maggie Croteau Greenlee '02 Asia (Joanna) GrabskaTabakhov '03 Brian P. Collesano '04 Edgardo lugo '04 Jamie Calabrese Bratt 'os Bao Ngoc L Pham 'o6 David C. Calder 'o8 Brett D. Jackson '09 Alexander D. Salvato Yuwei Xie 'n ikki Carrido Vince

' 12

ovelli '13

Maggie lawrence '14 Shaina lo '15 Briana Chang '16

' 10

Trinity Major: International Studies, Pre-Med M.D. , St. George's University School of Medicine (2010) Resident M.D. , University of Connecticut Health Center

l cannot say enough about how this scholarship benefited me personally and professionally. On a personal level, it gave me the opportunity to travel throughout South America and build relationships that will last a lifetime. In my travels, 1 was able to learn Spanish, which I now speak A.uently, and that in turn is benefiting the hospital! work for and the patients in my care. In addition, I am forever connected to the wonderful members of the Class of'63, as well as to past and future scholars. This network of professionals has proven to be invaluable and will be enriched as the pool of candidates grows through the years .

Asia with her husband , Gene, son, Jack Alexander, and Oakley, their boxer.

Thanks to the scholarship, I do not have an undergraduate debt burden to cope with, which might have made medical school im possible. I will always be grateful. Without my "1963 Uncles," their encouragement, and the program they set up, it would have been a lot more challenging for me to reach my lifelong goal of becoming a physician. Jack Waggett, right, and Scott Reynolds, left-shown with '63 Scholar Vince Novelli '13developed and played the role of on-campus mentor to the Scholars for many years. The structure of the scholarship now includes the endowment of a Class of '63 Fellow, currently filled by Professor Michael lestz '68, to perpetuate that on-campus mentoring role.

Class of '63 mentors and scholars gather in front of Seabury Hall before heading out to dinner at a local restaurant. Back row, L-R: Professor Michael lestz '68, the Class of '63 Fellow, Brett Jackson '09, former Class of '63 Scholar, and Tony Canata '93, the first '63 Scholar. Front row, l-R: Scholars Shaina lo '15, Brianna Chang '16, Vince Novelli '13, and Maggie lawrence '14.


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Each star indicates a travel destination one or more of the Class of '63 Scholars visited during their Trinity experience.

Ian Sample '97 Major: Computer Science M.Ed., University of Washington (2007) Math teacher, Garfield High School , Seattle, Washington

I worked for several years in the computer science field before deciding to lan Sample '97 with daughter, Lucia, and niece, switch careers. I wanted Sophia to do something that would give me a strong sense of making a difference in my community. I decided to pursue teaching, working with students in poor urban areas. From my own experience growing up poor, I learned that education was the path out of poverty. I was helped along my educational path by a lot of people. The teachers I had, the Class of '63 Scholarship, the mentors and supporters- all contributed their time and energies to help make me the best I could be. At this point in my life, it is time to give those same opportunities to the next generation of students. Teaching calls upon everything I learned at Trinity, from psychology, philosophy; and math, to the intangibles- like desiring to help, make a difference, and give back to my community. Teaching math is a way that I can help young people become the inventors and creators of the next generation.



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Shaina Lo '15 visits with a Hmong elder during a summer trip to Laos.

Class-Endowed Funds Supporting Scholars Below is a sampling ofendowed scholarship funds established by Trinity class gifts. For more information about giving to support an existing scholarship fund, or to explore creating a new one, please contact Amy Brough, director ofinstitutional support, (86o) 297-5315 or Class of 1916 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Class of 1952 Goralski Scholarship Fund

In honor of their 40th Reunion, members of the class created this fund (and contributed to it with subsequent gifts) "with affection and gratitude to Alma Mater, and in memory of deceased classmates." Current scholar: Kaitlyn Sprague '16, intended major: public policy and law with minor in Hispanic studies

Established with gifts from members of the Class of1952 to honor William J. Goralski '52, classmate and student-athlete who was injured in the final football game of his distinguished college career and who inspired classmates and friends with his optimism during his phenomenal recovery. Current scholar: Paul McCarthy '16, intended major: economics

Class of 1935 Scholarship Fund in Memory of William Henry Warner

Established with gifts from members of the class at their 25th Reunion, in memory of their classmate killed in World War I I. Current scholar: Daniel Badolato '16, intended major: economics T'44 Scholarship Fund Established with gifts from members of the Class of 1944 in memory of classmates who have died. Preference given to "first generation" or Individualized Degree Program students. Current scholar: T Clftford Dunlop TD P '20,

philosophy major

Class of 1952 Goralski Scholar Nour Bahgat '12 and William J. G oralski '52

Class of 1960 Fund for Presidential Scholars

Gifts from members of the Class of 1960 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion. Income used to support financial aid for Presidential Scholars at the College. All Presidential Scholars are supported in part by this endowedfund. Class of 1965 President James F. Jones, Jr. Scholarship Fund

Established in celebration of their upcoming 50th Reunion and in honor of President Jones, income from the fund used for scholarship purposes for qualified Trinity students who demonstrate financial need and scholastic excellence. Current scholar: Nam T Thai '15, intended doublemajor: economics and theater and dance

Note: in addition to endowed scholarship jimds such as the examples above, for the past seven years, beginning with the Class of2006, Trinity senior class gifts have established two-year scholarships for members ofeach incoming class.

T Clifford Dunlop IDP'20, recipient of the T'44 Scholarship Fund, accepts a Trinity Papers Award from President Jones at Honors Day 2012, while Megan Fitzsimmons, director of College events and conferences, looks on


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Brooks Barhydt '08 and his dad, Dutch Barhydt '81 , M '04, P'08, say there's no doubt that family tradition influenced each of them in their decisions to attend Trinity. Dutch followed in the footsteps of his father, Dirck Barhydt '53. Brooks arrived at Trinity well aware that both his grandfather and father preceded him on cam pus, as well as his aunt (Dutch's sister), Caroline Barhydt Francis '84. What's more, Brooks's parents fell in love 'neath the elms, and his mom, Hilary Chittenden Barhydt M '04, P'08, had a Trinity faculty member in her family: her grandfather, Goodwin Beach, taught classics in the 1950s and '6os. "Trinity has had a profound impact on my life," says Brooks. "I received a world-class education, had the opportunity to study abroad, and made many lifelong friends - most important among them my fiancee, Andrea Chivakos '08." As for Dutch, he observes: "Just about everything that is important in my life has a Trinity association, so giving back is natural. As an investment, I can't think of any better use for our philanthropic dollars than helping Trinity thrive for the students of today and of tomorrow."

"It's a way to ensure that future generations of students have the opportunity to attend Trinity, share in some of the same experiences I had, and add their own . " great memones. Brooks Barhydt 'o8

Recently, Brooks decided to incorporate a gift to Trinity in his estate planning, something his parents have done as well. "As I approach my five -year Reunion," says Brooks, "I want to recognize all that the school has done for me. While I cannot write a one-mill ion-dollar check today, I can add Trinity to my estate plans. It's a way to ensure that future generations of students have the opportunity to attend Trinity, share in some of the same experiences I had, and add their own great memories."

Strengthening Trinity for future generations ENVISION ENRICH ENDOW

Tomorrow's Trinity

To notify the College of your plans for Trinity or for more information about how you can help Trinity in the future, please contact: Eve Forbes Director of Gift Planning (860) 297-5353




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class notes Alumni Fund Goal (1932): $25 Alumni Fund Goal (1933): $250 Alumni Fund Goal (1934): $250

Alumni Fund Goal: $150 Class Secretary: R. Pearce

Alumni Fund Goal: $5 ,000 Class Secretary: Joseph J.

Bonsignore, 9105 Santayana Drive, i=airfax, VA 22031-3026 E-mail: joseph.bonsignore.1942@

Alumni Fund Goal: $725

Alexander, 4025 Pulitzer Pl. #335, San Diego, CA 921224220 E-mail: rowan.alexander.1935@ Alumni Fund Goal: $50

Alumni Fund Goal: $5,500 Class Secretary: A. f.-larry

Sanders, 33 Mill St. Apt. 4E, Wethersfield, CT 06109-3830

Alumni Fund Goal: $4,000 Class Secretary: Thomas A.

Smith, 21 Grieg Rd., Westerly, Rl 02891-4771 E-mail: thomas.smith.1944@ Class Agents: Roger Conant, Richard f-laske ll, Merritt Johnquest, Robert Toland, Jr. Alumni Fund Goal (1945):

$1,500 Alumni Fund Goal (1946): $750 Alumni Fund Goal (1947):

With the recent passing of classmate John Olshesky my task of serving as your class reporter will soon be phasing out. John intended to be present at the June Reunion , which marked the passage of 75 years since we received our sheepskins, but he was unable to make it. He was one of the few members of our class who majored in engineering. Ten years after receiving a degree in civil engineering he received a degree in civil engi neering from the University of Connecticut. He was a licensed professional engineer with the right to add P. £. after his signature. Dan Alpert, our Class President, is still skiing in Snowmass Village in Colorado and lives there year round. He never learned to "come in from the cold."

$60,000 Class Secretary: George A.

Oberle 'tS, 45 Ocean Ave, Apt. 3J, Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750-2401 E-mail: Alumni Fund Goal: $7,000 Class Secretary: The Rt. Rev.

Otis Charles, 584 Castro St., Suite #379, San i=rancisco, CA 94114-2594 E-mail: Alumni Fund Goal: $10,000 Class Agents: Robert Bowden;

John !=. Phelan Alumni Fund Goal: $500 Class Secretary: John M.

Leon, Jr., 3217 f-leatherwaod, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675-7427 E-mail: john.leon.1938@trincoll. edu In September 1934, the Class of 1938 was formed 125 strong. In 2013, we mark our 75th Reunion with but seven survivors. Wouldn 't it be great to be together one more time? Plan to be there. 1 hope conditions will permit your coming. Alumni Fund Goal (1939): $300 Alumni Fund Goal (1940):

$6,000 Alumni Fund Goal: $11,000 Class Secretary: Richard T.

Blaisdell, 31 Ridgewood Road, Windsor, CT 06095-3026 E-mail: • Births • Marriages • New Jobs • Photos

Alumni Fund Goal: $30,000 Class Secretary: Richard G.

Mecaskey, 2635 N. Moreland Blvd., Cleveland, Of-l 44120-1411 E-mail: richard.mecaskey.1951@ Class Agents: Timothy R. Cutting; David F. Edwards Now that we have gotten past the noise of American po litics and the punishment of the " Perfect Storm." it's time to read the Reporter and

all the news about Triniry College and our fellow alumni. Jim and Phyllis Bulmer toured Bangkok, Cambodia, and Vietnam- no more orth and South. They described Angkor War in northern Cambodia as a fascinating site. Vietnam interested them from the prospective of the war which is cal led the "American War." Interestingly they seem to hold no animosiry toward Americans. Their fee lings were expressed as "we won, you lost, let's move on." At this writing Phyllis and Jim are sailing in the western Mediterranean Sea on a clipper ship. They do take such interesting trips. The College forwarded a very touching e-mail from Lynn Cowburn '92. She is the daughter of Bruce 1-!inkel, our classmate, and wanted to report the news of his death on March 7 You may recall that Bruce attended Triniry's lunch at our 6oth Reunion with his wife, Nancy, a real ball of fire, despite his ill health. Triniry meant a great deal to Bruce, Lynn, and her grandfather, Fred, Class of 1906, who served as alumni secretary for a numbe r of years. I got a nice e- mail from Bob Wilson, who lives in Sun Ciry West, AZ, with his wife, Nancy. I talked with him in November and he boasted of 82 degree weather and sitting in the sun in shorts and a polo shirt, decidedly different from Cleveland weather in November. Bob is involved with silversmithing and lapidary while Nancy does a lot of clogging with a group in the area. They also travel a lot and recently took a cruise from Sydney to Honolulu last spring followed by another one along the Mexican Riviera. When it gets hot in the summer rl1ey journey to Utall where they take classes at Utal1 State Universiry and attend performances by the Utall Festival Opera. Sounds like the good life. Look forward to hearing from more of you. Tell us what you are up to. Alumni Fund Goal: $80,000 Class Secretary: William J.

Goralski, 49 Blueberry Ln., Avon, CT 06001-4012 E-mail: williom.goralski.l952@ Reunion Tri-Chairs: Tom DePatie, John f-lubbard, Phi l Trowbridge I did not receive any class notes for the Trinity Reporter. My e- mail address is: wgoralski29@gmail. com and class president Phil Trowbridge's address is: Please e- mail either of us for the next publication. Your class secretary received the following e- mail from friends who live in New Zealand. My friend was an exchange teacher to Simsbury High School from Z and was a colleague of Lloyd MacDonald. Many in our class will remember him. He was the tennis coach at Triniry for a few years after "Whitey" Sheffield died in 1949. "Hello Bill and Norma, How are you rwo coping with 'Sandy' and its aftermath> It is not clear from the reports we get on TV how badly Connecticut was affected, bur the storm was so enormous that I imagine you would have some pre try wild weather at least. " It is a very frightening thing to see- the scale and the violence of the storm. And, it seems mat it is an unprecedented event for the east coast of me



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class notes Uni ted States. The pi ctures of the destructio n and devastation are unbelievable. "Anyway- I just wanted to let you know that we have been thinking of you bo th and hoping that you just hunkered down in Avo n whil e the storm passed you by All is O. K. here since the earthquake in C hris rchurch ... spring has sprung and our gard en if full of roses!" 1 made an informal su rvey of the 140 members o f rhe C lass of 19 52 who we re contacted by th e 6o th Reun ion committee las t year. I wanted to know the percentage of classmates who were in harm's way throughout the U.S because of hurri canes, tornadoes. earthquakes, drough ts, wild fires, fl oods, and "Sandy." NJ, PA, NYC, NY, CT. Rl , MA (47%) FL. GA. C, VA , MD (25%) CA. V, CO. AZ, NM (16%) O R . WA (7%) LA, T X (4%). The last year was fi.U ed with natural di sas ters. O ur thoughts and praye rs go out to those who suffered from the storms.

. . .. 53

Alumni l=und Goal: $45,000 Class Secretary: Stanley R. McCandless, Jr., 371 2 Ri ce Bl vd., Houston, TX 77005-2824 !=:-moil: stonley.mccond less.l953@trincol Class Agents: Richa rd T. Lyford , Jr.; Joseph B. Wollenberger, !=:sq.

O nce agai n 1 enco urage classma tes and spouses of classmates to use thi s "bulletin board" as a means to keep in touch. C all me at (7 13) 669 1830; snail mail, 3712 Rice Bl vd., H ousto n, T X 77005; and e- mail, stanmac J@sbcglobal. net. As sec retary of our cl ass, I will submit your info rmati on to the Trinity Reporter publishe rs for the fall . winte r, or spring deadlines. I try to se nd a message to my acti ve e- mail list just pri or to my print deadl ine, usuall y just after th e arri val of your Trinity Reporter. March s. 20 13 will be our nex t deadline. So what has bee n going on in your li ves> Get in touch with me at an y time! Secretary's pri vilege: 1 th ink l menti oned in our last co mmuni ca ti o n that the present Trini ty ad mini stratio n is having trouble with th e frate rni ty so ro ri ty enviro nme nt on cam pus. It is th e perception o f the admin istratio n that th ese instituti ons interfere with th e "rich and co mplex interaction betwee n th e Coll ege's social life and its intellec tual life." A co mmittee wi ll ove rsee and moni tor fun ctions with de fin ed memberships, initiation activities, and/or that occu py real estate. There wi ll be no mo re pledging. The admini stration's solutio n is to create units, houses, o r colleges of 300 to 400 rando m student freshmen through se nior class mates "th at will p rovide new reside nti al, intell ectu al, and soc ial ce nte rs," perh aps theme houses> I personal ly do not know if th e frate rni ty/ sorority environme nt has anything to co ntribute to the modern Libe ral A rts College. Pe rh aps it should be a d iscuss ion to pi c during Reunio n. Ed Lorenson wro te: " 1 haven't had much news to pass o n so I have been one of your sile nt repo rters. I am spending the summer sailing, working around the ya rd, and enjoying vis its fro m the grandkids. I do see Jack Walsh most every month for an ex tended breakfast- he li ves in Oxford .



wi tJte r 13

CT. which is about 50 mil es fro m he re so we mee t about hal f way I've enclosed an articl e th at was given to me by my ni ece, who lives in G lastonbury. She knew o f my fri endship with Roy [ utt] and I'm glad she had thi s, since I had see n nothing of this in the H artford papers or any announce me nt from Trinity. A few of us who we re math majors took this course ar United Aircraft with Roy and also wo rked nights during our se nio r year. I had to go in the Air Fo rce so my tour with UA ended with our graduati on. Ed enclosed an article fro m the Glasto nbury paper on rhe dedication of the Roy N utt Mathemati cs, Engin ee ring & Co mpute r Scie nce Ce nter." (See the article in th e fall 20 12 iss ue of rhe Trinity Reporter.) Evelyn Rowland contributed, I'm sure, a diffi cult message for he r and a sad message fo r the C lass of 19 53 th at Ron died July 31 , 20 12. Jim Coulter wrote: "Just returned fro m Trini ty. It was H omeco ming Weekend. Par and I watched an exciting football ga me. Trin was trailing 18 to 20 going into the fourth quarter but managed to win their 47th co nsecutive home game 32 to 20! Wore my sweater with 19 53 numbers o n the back hoping it would catch the eye of a class mate o r two. It didn't happen. I did reunite with Tim C utting and Dave Barrett, C lass of 19 51. T he campus is as beautiful as eve r. Mi ssed hearing the C hapel bells after the game. "At the end o f Jul y, I had a right knee joi nt repl aced. I was out of ac tio n for a few weeks. The procedure was a success. I'm walking without a ca ne but still feel some res idual muscle pains, especiall y whe n I squat o r rise from a chair. No tennis for a whil e. H ope thi s message reaches you before th e deadline. Bes t to you and fellow cl ass mates." Sal and l had a ve ry active summer. We saw AI and Joanne Moses early July on Cape Cod. Th en we crossed the country to Manhattan Beach, CA, for a visit with number two daughter and our two gran ddaughte rs. Th en I we nt with my number o ne daughter to Stea mboat Springs, CO, fo r a basebal l tournament fo r our nine year o ld grandson. Ou r Wes t Uni ve rsity Place, T X, team was seeded 13 o f 23 tea ms. O ne week and many gan1es later we ended with a fourth place trophy. Fro m there we d rove down to C rested Butte, CO, fo r number o ne daughter "remarri age." All 's we ll that e nds well. We are all prese ntl y back ho me in our respective cities preparing fo r Thanksgiving and then C hri stmas. Number two daughte r just left with her husband fo r Basel, wirze rl and, for a three- to- fi ve year stint. We plan to visit in April 20 13- So if you want to hea r more about you and less about me start putting some stu ff togethe r and se nd it to me. Alumni l=und Goal: $45,0 0 0 Class Secretary: Gord on A. West , 100 Vicar's Landing Way C30l/302, Ponte Ved ra Beach. I=L 32082-3121 !=:-mo il: gordon.west.1954@t rinco Class Agent: Gerold Dyor

It see ms a bit odd to find that Flo rida is a haven fro m hu rrica ne attack but he re we are, moving just in time fro m the Je rsey Shore, and enj oying a new way of life in a retirement res idence while we scan the news and worry about ou r old fri ends an d old pl aces.

David Kennedy is inching his way into retirement. He will co mpl ete hi s term as inte rim recto r at the Chu rch of the H oly Nativity in Honolulu. H e has held a continuous se ri es of such pos itions fo r th e past sixteen years. bu t is still not ready to declare th at he is no t going to take another one. He was rece ntly honored by the D iocese of H awaii by being appointed an hono rary Ca non of St. Andrews Cathedral . He thinks that thi s might be a hint that he should "hang it up," but I think that they are go ing to have to be more explicit if they expect h im to beco me a part o f the co ngregation. Charlie Bowen knows how to reti re. He and Calvin e have bee n li ving in a retire ment communi ty in Lake Forest, spending summ ers with fam ily on an island in Canada. He reports that his granddaughter was just married in Mai ne and that he has bee n playing water spo rts and tennis and enjoying good health . l-larold Morrison repo rts that he is recove ring well from th e Whipple operation fo r pancreatic cancer that he we nt through in October 20 !!. H e is pl aying te nnis seve ral times a week and will be in Manasota Key, F L. from C hristmas until April. So me sad news. John Bloodgood repo rts that Lou Berrone died on Se ptember 27. H e had bee n living in Ephrata, PA. Dave MacKenzie lost his wife, Debo ral1. to lung cance r las t May. He then spent th e summer in Jackso n Hole, W Y, with his fo ur chi ld re n and 12 grandchildren. He plans to spend much of the winte r at his home on Captiva Island , boating and playing a little golf Dave's oldest grandso n is a se ni or (first cl assman at the aval Academy) and his graduation will be a big eve nt for Dave th is spring.

Writing this in November, l just learned that the Trini ty footbal l tea m defeated Wesleyan in ove rtim e to cap a perfect 8-o seaso n. Many of our cl ass have e nj oyed fall foo tball mini - Reunions. parti cularl y because Trini ty co ntin ues to hold the reco rd fo r th e longest streak of not losi ng a home game (now 4 7 games). We need a cl ass coordinator to revive thi s fun and enterta ining class tradi tion. Any suggesti ons ... Bob Laird> I had seve ral enj oyable pho ne visits rece ntly with cl assmates who are ge nerally in good health and living active li ves. Th ere may be others (1 would like to hea r fro m th em) , bu t Fred Starr takes the "li ve wi re" trophy as he has fo rmed th ree small start- up co mpanies and is on a management pace th at most of us would be exh austed just thinking about. T hi s incl udes travel to Ind ia whe re co pper p roducts are produced for sale in the U.S. housing marke t. H e has a new dot-co m co mpany that ass ists retai l furniture companies to mo re effec ti vely es tablish new custo mers via their Web sites. He al so has fo rmed a start-up company which is developing new uses of copper products within th e medical i11dustry. l-lank Scheinberg continues to actively sell res iden ri al real es tate and surpri singly repo rts he

has more buyers than listings (his California locale is most unique in a nationally depressed market) . Dave Roberts has made a recovery from some physical challenges and is now back playing 18 holes of golf and slugging the ball out of sight (generally deep into the rough) . He wiU be attacking the courses in Florida through March while staying in his condo in Delray Beach. Lou Magelaner, sporting two new knees , maintains a full schedule of competitive tennis at his club in Vero Beach. His wife, Bev, is in a recovery mode and will be back on the courts soon. Bob l=reeman neve r slows down and is also fully engaged in an active tennis program . He takes advantage of their Lakeland, Fl, getaway through March to keep his game at a high level. Your secretary has been active on two U STA tean1s on Hilton Head Island and the over 75 (3.5) tennis team won our region, so we all went to Charleston, SC, for the state playoffs. It was a learning experience. Cam Hopper continues to manage a Greenwich, CT, two -attorney law firm , but fortu nately during the cold winter season, he and Peggy manage to spend time at their place in Vero Beach, FL. Also in Vero, but mostly full time, are lyn and Lucky Callen. No more alpaca farming for them. Joe Reinman has stayed very active as he is on two academic committees at University of Tampa and University of South Florida. But the most fun for him is maintaining a leadership role in Tampa's gala GaspariUa Pirate Festival held each February, attracting so me 400,000 attendees to the area. Dick Royston enjoys watching hi s grandson, Michael Rocco, on national TV, hand ling the quarterback position for tl1e University of Virginia (yes, Phil Truitt, the last name is - Rocco) . Emmy and !=rank Cerveny split the ir time between Jacksonville and Naples and are on the go keeping up with nine grandchildren, spread as far as london, England. Carol and I are involved in an "Alpha" progran1 here at our Hilton Head church, but it was Frank who brought the program to the USA from England some thirty five years ago when he was a priest at a church in New York City. Thanks to David Hoag we will be enjoying another Florida mini class Reunion in early February 2013. I'II report on that in our next letter.

Jack Barter wrote (through ilie ever reliable conduit of David Taylor) to bring us all up to date on his life, at least since getting together for our 55th Reunion at Trinity. His life sounds lovel y and well ordered: winter on Marco Island, Fl (as far soulli on the west coast as you can go) , and summers in western Massac huse tts in the Be rkshire Mountains. It see ms he has a place on an island in Big Pond in Otis, MA. He has five children and 12 grandchildren, which should make fam ily Reunions, either in the Berkshires or Marco Island, lively. He reports that two long term


of Trinity students study abroad or away.

employees embezzled significant funds from hi s company, the John H . Barter Associates Insurance agency I assume (although he runs several other firms.) He also says he particularly enjoys Trinity alumni gatherings in aples eve ry winter. I am told it is a large and popular group. George Stone, who lives in Alexandria, VA, wrote to report that he survived a storm in mid summer (the July 4 weekend) that took down a lor of trees but he lucked our. He and his wife, Patti , arrived home after church that Sunday to find power out but it was restored in time to save his food supply, and this was a weekend of air temperatures over 100 degrees. I hope he fared as well with hurricane/ tropical storm Sandy in late October. Alan Schaertel responded to David Taylor recently to bring us up to date on his life. He has been listed in alumni records as business and financial editor for the Associated Press/ Radio, working our of Washington, D.C. In his note to David he reports that he is now retired but that his career had been spent mostly in Europe (primarily Germany) as a broadcast journalist. He sold a home in Florida just al1ead of the real estate bubble collapse (2008) and moved to Grand Rapids, MI, where his daughte r is a university professo r of chemistry. He also told David that he had to have a kidney transplant, which , happily, was totall y successful and that today he feels fine. We are glad to lea rn of this and hope Alan will become a regular correspondent to this, our column. Here is some exciting news - and unexpected for so meone our age. Alastair Taylor reports to me that he was married to longtime girlfriend Margy on October 12 in Maclean, VA. As he put it: C•After yea rs of pursuit, Margy has stopped running- and said yes!" Great news and we congratulate you, Alastair. My wife and I spent a lovel y two weeks in southern Rhode Island in Jul y, enjoying the pleasures of shore life in Little Com pton. While there I had the pleasure of spending some time with Jim Tewksbury and his wife , Joan. O ne day he took my wife, Sunny, and I ou t on his boat for a tour of the waters in and around Westport harbor. and then a long, fascinating tou r of the vacation spots of Massachuse tts, around South Dartmouth , Padanaram , Nonquitt, and other pi ctu resque shore towns. We dined well on lobster and chowder and good company. Dave Renkert called me in late October and we talked about old friends and fishing. Dave had a hip operation last year, which went well , allowing him to resume golfing. but restricted hi s ability to wade a trout stream. As a resu lt he had little time for fl y fishing, which is always a shame. At the time of our talk he was planning to go up to Hartford with his wife, Ann , for Homeco ming. I hope he

made it and had a good time, and one time maybe he and I will fish together. I also talked with Charlie Stehle about me new initiative that President Jones and the trustees are proposing. Evidently it has created some strong negative reaction . Finally, I sent e- mails to several classmates who were in the path of the big tropical storm Sandy (October 29/ 30) to see how they had made out. Gil Vigneault (who lives much of the year in East Brunswick, N J) reported back that he had been very fortunate in that he and his wife, Gert, had fared much better than most. One large tree hit his house but only with minor damage. He was wim out power for less than 24 hours, but he had had to shut down hi s business (because of no power and Internet service) for a fuU week. We wish you well , Gil , and hope your power is restored soon. I also talked with Ken Weisberger in Westport, CT, who lost power for six days. He came through the storm and its aftermalli reasonably well thanks to a propane- powered generator that he had had installed in his house's system. They lost some limbs but no one was hurt. I myself got out of New York just in time on Saturday the 27. I had taken students from my VM I marketing class to visit ad agencies in Manhattan . We left ew York about 48 hours al1ead of the storm. Alumni I=und Goal: $100,000 Class Secretary: t:rederick

M. Tobin, !:::sq., 116 Camp Ave., Darien, CT 06820 !:::-mail: frederick.tobin.l957@ Reunion Tri ·Chairs: t:red Tobin, Neil Day, Ward Curran In case you have wondered, the sequence of my reports is based upon the sequence of tl1e messages that I receive from our classmates. The first that I receive is tl1e first one in my report, etc. l am writing thi s report on ovember 15, 2012. In early September, Paul Amadeo Cataldo hosted a lovely luncheon for Ward Curran, Neil Day. Don Stokes, and yours truly in his beloved home town of Franklin, MA. Prior to the lun cheon Paul entertained us at his sumptuou law offices in Franklin. Since he did not appear at our Reunion we were curious to know what he looks like. The answer> Essentially tl1e same. Of note is the fact that there is a lavatory with a shower adjacent to o ne of his conference rooms but it does not have a mirror. Does anyone care to speculate on that> Pe rhaps we should take up a collection. Bill Morrison has barel y eked out quire Cataldo for the most miles logged in international travel in 2012. Bill's wife, Anne. became a member of the Traveler's Ce ntury Club as she visited her 103rd international destination. The Morrisons had two very different trips. The first trip after Easter was to Sydney for mree fuU days. and the n a 29-day cruise. Ports of call included New Zealand . Fiji, American Samoa. Tal1iti, and Moorea . The cruise continued to Honolulu where Bill had the pleasure of speaking to his grandson Jack's fourth -grade class. The subject was "What's it like to be a published author." The children asked many questions and Jack's teacher was very pl eased. The ship then moved to Maui, and then finall y to San Francisco. They totaled



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class notes 9,969 nautical mil es on the Pac ific. Th e seco nd trip was to Africa in July and August whe re Anne and Bill spent almost a month on Safari in Ke nya. Tanza ni a, and Rwa nd a. During th at stretch they saw all o f the big five ani mals (El ephant, Rhin o, Li on, Leo pard, and Cape Buffalo). Th ey then moved o n to two nati onal parks in Kenya and four parks in Ta nzani a. They enj oyed four days in the wo rld fam ous Se rengeti National Park. Unfortun atel y I have bee n unable to provide you with the full details o f these wo nderful tri ps th at Bill gave me. Neil Day reports that 65% of the members o f our cl ass made gifts in honor o f our 55th Reunion. As usual Ne il ( Batman) and Bertram aka Terry Frazier (Robin) did a marvelous job in producing a handso me gift to the Coll ege. Appl aud please. Ne il went on to say that "all o f us should be ve ry proud of this excepti onal evidence o f our respect for Trini ty and o f our class spirit. Whe n Trini ty se ts targets for this kind of participati o n, our cl ass always targets as few classes do." During thi s fall o f 20 12, Vivian and Neil enjoyed a six-week tour to France and Germany visiting fri ends in seven el egant places. They spent the final week in Paris with Neil, Jr., Brooke, and his son. So n Alfred Day '94 is a litigato r for the S.E.C. and li ves nearby. Vivien and Neil enjoy weekl y visits with Alfred's two children, the oldest being fi ve yea rs o f age. Robbins Winslow, who res ides in Napl es. FL, states that although he is slowed by hi s "decrepit body," he helped President O bama win Florida's electo ral votes. He also wo rked acti vely fo r the successful defeat of a Florida co nstituti onal amend ment, proposed by the GO P state legi slature to remove the Florida co nstituti onal wal l of separati on betwee n church and state. l have hea rd from a bunch o f people who wo rked for O bam a in Florida, but no one who worked for Mitt in the Sunshine State. Since thi s is an equal opportuni ty publication I invite our eleph ant people to tell us what they did . Sam Stone writes that three ge nerations of Sto nes completed a sailing return fro m Bermuda in August with his granddaughter Jess ica at the hel m in up to 45 kt winds. Sam, did you major in geo logy> Jerry Channel, who is in a picture o n a wall in my offi ce, was del ighted to see that the Bantam footbal l team we nt 8-o this season. Dick Hall, who Jerry calls "H arvey" (that was my wife's maiden name) , kept Jerry abreast o f the Trini ty gridiro n feats this year. Mary and Jerry had a great time at Reunion and Je rry says that Mary is do ing be tter. T heir children and grandchildren are th e joys of their eyes. I hope th at is true fo r all of us- it is for Carroll and me. We now come to Terry Frazier. Just think if he bought the Pittsburgh tea m in the National League, we could call them "Te rry and the Pirates." Hi s big news is that his grandso n now li ves in Cook 101 on the ground fl oo r just unde r the arch. He proposes th at we, Terry an d I, se t up our nex t lecture either on the quad outside his room, o r in his room. He is sure that we would have a large attendance. It's a long story but it stems from a lecture that Te rry and I gave to some undergradu ates at I:OO a. m. during a ho mecoming weeke nd man y years ago. The subj ect was Caree rs- Te rry




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lec tured on insurance and I lec tured on law. It was awesome and inspiring. Terry has a kidn ey stone problem and hopefull y it will be surgicall y removed on Nove mber 28. He will furni sh pictures o f the procedure o n de mand. Barbara and Terry are still res iding in their retire me nt co mmuni ty and enjoying their ho me in th e Poconos. Since the electio n is ove r they have thrown their T V away- they do n't want to hear an y mo re propaganda and th ey need space to store the ir go ld . He is applying to become a member o f the 47%. Finall y he misses us al ready and he wants us to set up a pl an ning mee ting fo r the next Reunion. Mel Tews wants th e C lass to kn ow that he was an O bama foo t so ldie r in Florida. He canvassed seve ral neighbo rhoods encouraging people to vote. He talked to abour 200 peopl e and met less than five Romney suppo rte rs. He reported that the people he visited we re enthusiastic and th anked him fo r his effo rts. T hi s was Mel's first endeavo r in the poli t ical realm. H e see med to be sensitive to my remarks about hi s math problems so l to ld him that I am taking re medial math at the Ox Ridge G ran1mar School in Darie n. Don Stokes, Ca rroll, and 1 enjoyed our visit to the Coll ege at Homeco ming o n Nove mber 3- Brother Cataldo appea red and treated us to his usual culinary spl endo r. We had the pl easure o f seeing Dick Hall, Ka thy and Ward C urran, and H. Dyke N. Spear. The wea the r was wonderful and so was the game as Trini ty rallied to defea t Amherst. O ur very bes t to all of you and I since rely hope th at you have enj oyed a wo nderful holiday season. Alumni Fund Goal: $40,000 Class Secretary: Alan f=.

Krupp, M.D., 294 Gri ssom Rd., Man cheste r, CT 06040-2223 !;:-moi l: olon.krupp.1958@trin co ll. edu Class Agents: Joseph J. Re pole, Jr.; l;:dword B. Speno I rece ived no co rres po ndence from our classmates so our C lass o f '58 notes will be rather brief O ur 55th Reunio n planning co mmittee has bee n fo rmed and met Saturday, Nove mber 3 from 11 :0 0 a.m. to noo n in the Alwnrti Lounge in Mather Hall. Pres ident Gary Bogli chaired the meeting and Noell e Beach, ass istant director o f annual giving, introduced the agenda, coordinated the discuss ion to outline our plans, and introduce the process fo r fund raising. In attendance we re Bordie Painter, Mike Zoob , Pete Bailey, Joe Repole, Bernie Moran, Art Polstein, and AI Krupp.

Al ong with Reunio n acti vities we di scussed a new initiative started in Oc tober 20 11, when the Boa rd o f Trustees form ed th e C harte r Comm ittee for Building Soc ial Co mmuni ty in respo nse to Preside nt Jones's vi sio n o f what Trini ty will be like at its 200 th annive rsary. This is a huge undertaking and in volves a va ri ety o f e ndeavo rs to improve the ove ral l soc ial enviro nment at Trini ty. So me of the initiati ves to be und ertaken include developing a house sys te m, improving the quali ty and quanti ty of social spaces. instituting a cl ear and transpare nt soc ial code, and reinvigorating the coeducatio nal mandate. As progress takes pl ace I'm sure we will learn mo re from the admini stratio n about thi s

initiative. The afte rn oo n highlighted the Trini ty v. Amherst foo tball game. We we re los ing at hal f tim e and at the beginning of the 4th quarte r Amherst was leading 20 to 12. Trini ty then di spl ayed its scoring prowess and wo n the gam e 32 to 20 under a beautiful sunn y sky. Reminding everyo ne th at our Reuni on will be Jun e 7-9, 20 13 and we hope to see as many cl assmates as poss ibl e re turn fo r the big eve nt. Very happy holidays to all. C hee rs, Alan Alumni Fund Goal: $50,000 Class Secretary: Jon A.

Reynol ds, P.O. Box 4204, Wilmington, D!;: 19807-0204 !;:-moil: jon.reynold Class Agents: Robe rt D. Coykendall; Robert Pi zze llo G reetings C lass of '59, I started writing thi s le tte r o n Monday, Octobe r 29, just prio r to the arrival of Hurricane andy e ntering continental U.S. via New Jersey. Three things we re on my mind. Sandy and climate change- although I am no t a fan of AI Gore, when New Jersey replaces Fl orida as a hurricane center during my lifetime so mething has changed. Seco ndl y, the election - onl y a wee k or so to go. but at your rece iving thi s current iss ue the electio n is now history and I will not comment. T he third and final issue is Trini ty. As you may know, espec ially if you attended H o mecoming las t Nove mbe r, change may be coming big- time to our favo rite alma mater. During 20 12 the Trini ty Boa rd o f Trustees, respond ing to a variety of near-crisis incidents involving Trinity students, es tabli shed a C harter Committee tasked to submi t recommend ations to the Trustees des igned to transform the social landscape (or lack the reof) at Trini ty. The ove rall goal was to co me up with a plan to pro mote a more robust intellectual climate o n ca mpus and to improve Trini ty's role as a co mmuni ty. Recomm endations to achieve thi s plan were included in a fin al report of the C harter Committee, a fifty page document avai.l able on th e Trini ty Web site. The ce ntral reco mmendatio n in creating a Social Communi ty at Trini ty was to es tablish a "house system" o f six "houses" co mpri sing approximately 375 stude nts each. As o ne might expect, the pl an as written was controve rsial, especially among unde rgrads and grads that feared the whole fraterni ty system, and Trini ty as we re membered it, would be co mpro mised. Many of you rece ived letters fro m undergrads and our own cl assmates express ing co nce rn as to th e pro posed changes. In any case. the C harte r Committee's repo rt was app roved unani mously by the Board o f Trustees at the ir retreat on October 13, 2012. Howeve r, wh en prese nting the plan to the Trini ty co mmuni ty at Homeco ming last November, there was considerable resistance. Homeco ming was a success though and Trini ty beat Amh erst. The imm ediate future of the C harter Co mmittee's repo rt, as of this pe nning on Nove mber 5, is not quite clear. Stay tuned as [ suspec t there will be an effo rt to rectify co ntrove rsial ite ms within the o rigin al report.

According to the Trinity Reporter you received last October you will note that there are now three less surviving members of Trinity's C lass of 1959: Dick Jaffe, Si Levit , and Mark Healy. Unfortunatel y I have neither seen nor communicated with any of them since graduation. There were brief obituaries of Si and Dick. I found Dick's interesting as I wasn't aware he had been a member of the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds ae rial demonstration team. Dick did not mention this in our 50th Reunion class book. Perhaps he was on the team later. For the record, Mark Healy was from Pawtucket, Rl . His undergraduate activities included program director for WRTC, member of Jesters, a junior adviser, and a member of Theta Xi. Additional information would be greatly appreci ated. May tl1ey Rl P. Class of '59 had at least two brilliant poets. You may remember our class poet and Salutatorian Michael Rewa, who graced the last page of ou r soth Reunion class book with the moving poem "L." 1 would also like to add the name of Arnold L. "Butch" Lieber. currently of Aventura, F L, to this list. Butch earned his M .D. at University of Miami in 1964, and then served as a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon from 1963 until 1968. Noting me multiple challenging opportunities in the Air Force, he completed his residency in psychiatry at me University of Miami in 1972 and tl1en a very successful career in psychopharmacology from 1972 to 2003. Butch's initial inspiration to write (poetry) was at Trinity via his association with Professor of English Samuel French Morse. Morse was a poet and me biographer of Wallace Stevens, the famed Hartford poet of me early twentietl1 century. Butch began writing poetry in medical school and his first publication, titled "An Intern's Lament," appeared in me Journal of the An1erica Medical Association in September 1965. He received a letter of commendation by me Air Force Surgeon General for his poem, and it was reprinted widely in newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and abroad. Numerous subsequent verses appeared in medical journals and literary periodicals over me next twenty years. Butch spent most of last sun1mer alone at his mountai11 retreat in New Hampshire, where he took me opportunity of so rting, revising and re-writing his collected verses and even creating some new pieces. Xlibris Publishing Co. agreed to provide hardback, softback, and e- book editions currently available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Xlibris. The book is titled Chasing the Muse: Poems by A.L. Lieber. You can reach Butch via Psycdocal@aol. com. Following the summer in H , Butch sold his retreat and he and his wife Saundra, a successful realtor in Miami, transited Charlie and Linda Nichols' home in nearby Chads Ford, PA, where we were able to squeeze t!Us information out of him. During September and October, yours truly and Emilee visited Warsaw where our son and daughter-in -law are assigned to the U.S. Embassy Our trip included Krakow, Wroclaw, and Gdansk (where WWI I started in Poland, Prague, and Dresden and Berlin in Germany. If you haven 't been to Berlin lately, you may want to give it a try It has been under construction since 1989 when me Berhn wall came down. They are still rebuild ing, but we spent four nights in Berlin and really only scratched the surface with visits to Potsdam (where WWI! ended) and the rebuilt cathe-

drals, museums, hotels, WW II sites, the totally rebuilt Reichstag, etc. Their public transit system above and underground, designed and operated by Germans, staggers the imagination. Best to you all, Jon Reynolds Alumni Fund Goal: $75,000 Class Secretary: Grosvenor

Richardson, 236 Alpine Dr, Rochester, NY 14618-3747 ~-mail: grosvenor.richardson.1960@trincol l.ed u Class Agents: Morris Lloyd, Jr., Bruce Stone For me the Trinity highlight of me summer and fall was Homecoming Weekend, ovember 2-3- Classmates who came back for the Amherst football game were Ray Beech, Bob Johnson, and Skip Morse. Tried to get Bud (Hodell) Anderson to change his plans to stop off to see the game on his way to his winter quarters in Bluffton, SC, but plans had already been made. Bud, plan now for next year to see Bantam football. They are awesome! It seems this year's football team always found a way to win .... especially in the fourth quarter. The Homecoming game played on a beautiful autumn day against Amherst was no exception. The Fighting Bantams scored 20 points in the final quarter for meir seventh straight win, 32-20. Had a brief message from Jere Bacharach, who was trying to get in touch with Marv Peterson. I fulfilled my duties as class secretary and gave Marv's e- mail address to Jere. While on me subject of e-mail addresses, it is important to have an up - to-date list. Please update your e- mail address to Thank you. In talking with Ray Beech, he mentioned his renovation and restoration company had recently received their largest renovation and restoration project. He is very excited about tl1e project that should keep him busy for a few years. ln July, Matt levine passed on tl1e following information that Charlie Burger, Diane, and Maggie the dog have recently made a change in their lives. After remembering what Kenny Rogers once said, "You have to know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em"- and as Diane recently said to Charli e, " It's better to bite the bullet before the bullet bites you" - they have retired their 11 -year-old motor home with their little red Mazda that is 19 years old and has 285,000 well -earned miles. They have been traveling for 15 fun - filled years. They plan to take a European river cruise in mid -September, and men return to Boise where they plan to downsize. Sounds like a wonderful plan. Ed Cimilluca and Carol took a trip in August to Germany, visiting Berlin, Dresden, and Leipzig, where they witnessed firsthand the incredible rebirth of East Germany. He reports mat on the way home they stopped in London to see their son, Dana '92, and his family. They feel they were lucky to see the Brazil/ Mexico soccer final at the Olympics. "Spectacular setting at Wembley Stadium. The Brits did themselves proud." Charlie Hawes is still going strong. He wishes everyone was closer and during Homecoming asked to hoist one for him. In September Mike Sienkiewicz forwarded David Steinberg's (Albuquerque jounwO September 9 review of Karl Koenig 's book, Fragments. Karl

spent 10 years documenting and photographing the remains of Holocaust sites. His images were created in his unique patented "gum oil" process. Sadly, Karl passed away earlier this year. I am continuously amazed by the wonderful accomplishments of our classmates. On the Lighter side, Mike added that "Karl was George Black's and my roommate freshman year for about a week or so and had the good sense to move out." Our Class President, George Kroh. was not able to make Homecoming. He and Carolyn were in Maniche, Haiti , in the mountains at St. Augustin School. Their church, St. Andrew's in Kansas City, has been the sole support of t!Us school of 140 chi ldren for the past 25 years. Carolyn held a two day teaching seminar while George worked wim a construction crew seiling the roofs and painting exteriors of two buildings. In me fall Bob Johnson and Faim attended me annual AD "Bankers Open" in Vero Beach, and on their way north stopped to see Gina and Bud Anderson in Bluffton, SC. Ken lyons was not able to make Homecoming, but he did report returning from Santa Fe where he saw Jim Gavin. Jim's oldest daughter just graduated from Smith and his youngest is a junior in Claremont, CA, group of five colleges Ken can't believe most of us will turn 75 next year. "V./e are not old, just growing older, which is a privilege...... Keep well." Marv Peterson and Sarili spent the holidays with their kids in Santa Cruz before heading to Big Sky and some great skiing after the ew Year. Your secretary had a busy fall and end of me year. After Homecoming Weekend, Margy and I were off to Captiva for a few days to visit friends who had Red tl1e high waters of the Connecticut shore. Then, it was on to Grenville, SC, for a few days to attend a Garden Club of America meeting that was on Margy's schedule. Thanksgiving was celebrated in Winnetka, Il, with our two daugh ters and three grandchildren. It was men back to Rochester where we celebrated me holidays with our son and his two children. We ended me year and saw the New Year in at Big Sky with our Chicago clan endeavoring to get our ski legs back in shape. We just missed Marv and Sarili Peterson who arrived as we headed back home. If any classmates have recently been published, l want to remind them that the Watkinson Library maintains the Trinitiana Collection devoted to pubhcations by alumni/ alumnae , faculty, and students. For more information please contact Peter Knapp '65, Special Collection Librarian and College Archivist at me Watkinson Library, at or (860) 297-2269. Stay well and remember keep the Class of 1960 spirit alive! Alumni Fund Goal: $90,000 Class Secretary: William Kirtz,

26 Wyman St., Waban, MA 02468-1517 ~-mail: william.kirtz.1961@trincoll. edu; fax: 617-373-8773 Class Agents: William P. Kohl, ~dward P. Seibert, Vincent R. Stempien, Douglas T. Tonsil! Retirement? What retirement? Classmates seem to be busier now than ever, as mese messages detail. TRINITY REPORTER





class notes Gordon Pomeroy reports that he and his wife are still in the same home in Rock Hill , SC. He is working part- time as a chemistry adjunct faculty member at York Technical College and is consulting for a company that is constructing a manufacturing facility to produce diesel fuel from syngas and biomass. Randy Ryan reports that he and his wife , Pam, just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by taking an around the world cruise from Sydney to Sydney on a ship with about 95 percent Aussies and Kiwis. "What a great trip! They all like to drink a lot and laugh even more! (It also helps that they still like Americans.) " Bob Woodward has been inducted into the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame and is working on a new magazine, 1859 (the year O regon became a state). George Odium, retired from dentistry for five years, continues to keep active as a director of Simsbury Bank and the Farmington Valley Visiting Nurse Association. Peter Kilborn is back on the links after a heart attack that two stents have fixed. His advice is well worth passing on: "If you get a heavy pain in your chest and start sweating enough to soak a whole shirt in ten minutes, take an aspirin to thin your blood and call an ambulance .... rninutes are critical. Every minute lost amounts to that much more permanent damage to your heart from the blocked flow of blood." Warren Simmons and his wife, Leslie, recently celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. Their son, Tyler, is engaged to Trinity '07 classmate Devon Lawrence. His youngest grandso n just turned one while his four other grandchildren "are getting older much too quickly:" Alumni I=und Goal: $200,000 Class Secretary: Paul J. LaRocca

'62, 82 Whiting Road, (::ast ~artford, CT 06118-1549 (::-mail: paul.laracca.1962@trinco 50th Reunion Chair: Bill Polk Bill Polk reports that a former student of hi s, Ben Coes, has written a series of thrillers; in several, the deputy director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service is named Bill Polk. Those of us who have taught at any level can certify that seeing a former student succeed is one of the greatest pleasures that the profession provides! Alumni I=und Goal: $135,000 Class Secretary: (::Ji Karson,

11801 (::.Rambling Trl., Tucson, AZ 85747-9154 (::-mail: eli.karson.1963@trincoll. edu; fax: 860-654-1659 50th Reunion Chair: Bill ~o w l and I received a number of reports of international travel this summer and fall. The first was from Zack Zachary who traveled to the Ukraine this summer, returning to his ophthalmology practice in Cleveland at the end of August. Bob Perrin reported that he and Gary Knisely embarked on four -week adventure to the Far East. They traveled together across China, Kyrgyzstan , and Uzbekistan for four weeks in ~6





August and September. "We took the 200- mph bullet train to Beijing where we began the 5,000mile long trek along the ancient trading routes to the west called the Silk Road. We also visited Xian, the Buddha caves of central Chi na, and then the Gobi desert in the northwest before crossing the mountainous and dangerous border into the two 'sta.ns' where we toured the wonderful Samarqand Registan and other Moslem monuments." According to Charlie McGill, the official Trinity China "Ramble" covered much of the same ground: "The Great '63 China Ramble finally occurred ove r nineteen days in autumn 2012. Twelve intrepid, hearty classmates and spouses toured a sign ifi cant portion of China in search of adventure, intellectual challenge, good fellowship, and celebration of our approaching 50th Reunion. Dee and Dick Chang traveled the shortest distance as they came from Hawaii , where Dick now is the retired Episcopal Bishop. The others arrived from the East Coast: world travel ers Martha and Bill J.lowland (escaping briefly his Class President's responsibilities) ; Jeanne and Vic Keen from Philadelphia; Pat and Charlie McGill. tl1rilled to get a break from unpacking after moving from New York City to Florida; Peggy and Scott Reynolds, undoubtedly happy to put big mileage between them and Trinity lest Scott be recalled to Hartford again; and our trip impresarios, Zibby and Jim Tozer, nervously hoping that the Ramble would come off as planned. "We visited the famous places: in Beijing, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden C ity, Summer Palace, Mao's Tomb and, of course, the Great Wall seen from an 'off- the -beaten- path' perspective; in Xi'an, the world -famous terra -cotta warriors followed by a dumpling banquet (one of many to come): in Shanghai, astounding twenty- first centu ry architecture along with optimistic and successfu l planned development. We went also to the Gobi Desert's oasis town of Dunhuang and its Grottos of the Thousand Buddhas carved in caves within desert cliffs; the Gansu Provincial Museum on the Si lk Road ; Tibet's Labrang Monastery offering an intimate insight into Buddhism and the daily routine of its monks: Sichuan Province's City of Chengdu and the Giant Panda Breeding Place (Guilin's cruise on the Li River flowing beneath classic rock formations such as Elephant Trunk

Hill and ine Horses. Throughout, our extraordinary guide and planner was Trinity Professor Michael Lestz '68." With many thanks to Bob Bordogna, l can now provide further updates for a number of classmates. Bob Bylin, hasn 't been back to Trinity since he left, reportedly said that Bob Booth hounded him into turning in his bio. Now he is at least thinking about coming back for the 50th. Way to go, Boother' Bordogna goes on to report, " Bob Bylin started worki ng at Fairchild Semiconductor after college and left sometime after they were acquired by aPE firm. Like many of us, he flunked retirement and is back in the workforce. 1 also caught up with Steve Jones, who retired ten years ago to Asheville, NC, where he and his wife have a son and some grandchildren. He's pretty much doing the volunteer thing and liking retirement. His main interest is his involvement in the Unitarian Church and he is a definite for a return for our soth, unlike Pete Bogert. Pete called from his office in Fort Mill, SC, where he too has flunked retirement. He and wife Kimberly have a twelve-year-old son named Alex and Pete has been experiencing the joy of living life again through an accomplished athletic son. Weekends and hi s off time are devoted to shepherding his son to football and baseball practices and games. June will be bringing the arrival of several tournaments so he will not be at the Reunion. Mal McGown also called me. Mal must have been playing football without a helmet because he moved from San C lemente, CA, to Valparaiso, lN. I have nothing against Vappo but come on: San C lemente for Valparaiso! Anyway, the lure was to be near his grandchildren who live there. Mal is a "yes" for the Reunion . He retired from the San Onofrio, CA, nuclear power plant where he was an engineer for many years. Jim Blair advised me that fellow Deke, John Reeder (who did not graduate with our class) , died on September 20 . He lived in Fair Oaks Ranch , TX. I also caught up with Jim Goodridge. I found him to be pretty chipper. He had just finished radiation therapy and is leaving on a cruise starting in Venice on October 30 and ending in Monte Carlo on November 8. Lee Chirg wi n has been getting around in a wheelchair after ankle fusion surgery on October 16. He writes, " I will be housebound for six- toeight weeks , and then in a walking cast for another six- to-eight weeks. I have more than enough books piled up, and I should be fine for our big Reunion." Linda and Tom Calabrese, in their camper R V. dropped by to see the Bordognas in Louisville, KY They were attending a nephew's wedding and were taking the long route to get in as much sightseeing as possible. For baseball fans like Tom, the Louisville Slugger Museum was a must. I hear he whiffed on the pitching machine but the rudi ments of his old swing were sti ll there, albeit a little slower and a little rusty. As usual , Bob and Elaine continue to provide a hearty welcome to all who come through the city Vic Keen has transitioned into an "of counsel" position at his law firm. l n effect, he is now a parttime lawye r. "In my 'retirement' I continue to serve as a board member of two very interesting high tech compan ies- Research Frontiers, Inc. and 3D leon

Corp- and , with Jim Tozer, own and manage commercial and residential real estate in Manhattan's Meatpacking District. My wife, Jeann e, and I continue to own and operate The Performance Garage, a Philadelphia dance venue that has served as a performance and rehearsal space for over 200 dance companies and groups over the last 1o years. More recently I acquired a 150-year-old church and restored and converted it into an art gallery, now housing my coll ections of 'outsider' art and vintage radios and toys. Other very satisfying activi ties include board positions at the Philadelphia Theatre Company and the Play Penn, Inc., an organization whose mission is to support new plays and playwrights in various ways." On the Sunday befo re Homecoming, Nancy and l had the pleasure of having Richard Birney路 Smith dine with us at our desert home ou tside of Tucson. Richard's sister had been living in Tucson and recently passed away, necessitating his travel to the Southwest. Five days later, we would again meet as both of us attended Homecoming in Hartford, along with eighteen other classmates. In atte ndance were Jim Tozer, Vic Keen, Steve Repetto , Scott Reyolds, ~unter Marvel, Bill ~owland , Carroll Stribling, Sandy Creighton, Dave Raymond, Jim Davison, Jack Waggett, Steve Perreault, John Watson, John Kent , Marshall Blume, Tom Calabrese, ~arvey Thomas, Jim Blair, Richard Birney-Smith and, yours truly, Eli Karson . This was our 27th class

gathering at Homecoming, a testan1ent to the spirit of '63- ln June, we will once again have an opportunity gather and celebrate the C lass of 1963. For those 'o n the fence' I wanr ro share a recent personal communication: "I think it would be a mistake to deprive yourself of the opportu nity to see old friends that you might never have another opportunity to see again. Even selective attendance at events and alternate personal planning for pri vate informal gatherings can make this a time you will never forget or regret. As we get closer, you can do your own planning to assure that the 50th Reunion is for you, what you want ir to be. It is a unique opportunity we should nor squander." The dates are June 6 through June 9, or anywhere in benveen. Our 50th Reunion headquarters hotel will be the Hartford Marriott and we will kick off Thursday night with a class dinner at the Crew's Boathouse on the Connecticut River, which is a gift, free for all rhose who attend. See you rhere! All the best, Eli Alumni l=und Goal: $80,000 Class Secretary: Christopher J.

McNeill, M.D., 406 Cooper Loke Dr., Georgetown, TX 786335356 !;:-mail: christopher. 50th Reunion Chair: Phineas Anderson Scott Gregory and his wife Linda have lived in Annapolis. MD, for the last 25 years. They moved there after putting nvo of their three boys through Michigan universities. With four grandchildren in Michigan, th ey bought a house on Gu n Lake in Western Michigan where they can spend summers near them. Scott is still working part time as a retirement consulting acntary. Both he and his

wife are very active in their community- music for Linda and community service, golf and biking for Scott. He was dee ply involved in the second annual "Annapolis barBAYq Contest and Music Festival" that entertained over 12,000 people on a beautiful May weekend. Every fall his Rotary Club directs parking for all of the Naval Academy football games (a job that he states matches his pay grade!) . Th e year 2012 has been a very busy travel year for Scott, crisscrossing the U.S. with visits to Banff and Jasper Provincial Park in Alberta, Canada; Marbella, Spain; and Peru to boat on Lake Titicaca, watch the giant condors soar in Co lea Canyon, and climb Machu Picchu. Your secretary cruised to Antarctica in January and expe rien ced the incred ibl e mountains, glaciers, and wildlife that abound tl1ere. In May, Jan and L Aew to Ft. Lauderdale to cruise through the Panama Canal again to see our family in San Diego. In mid -August, we Aew to Alaska, rented a car and spent 3+ weeks driving through America's truly last frontier. We had an extended stay in Denali National Park and witnessed the brilliant fall reds of the dwarf birch and tundra. We were able to take a Aight-seeing tour to Mt. McKinley on a cloudless day and a glacier landing 14,000 feet directly below the summit. We then spent several days off tl1e Cook Inl et observing the large coastal brown bears gorge themselves on salmon and clams. It has been a fantastic year of travel for us. Mike (Phin) Anderson writes to check out www.trincoll.eduj Aiumni j class; I964, our new Web page, set up by Ron Yates and the College as we prepare for our 50th Reunion, June 13- 15, 2014. Please put those dates o n your cale nd ar! We want everyone to attend! Alumni l=und Goal: $140,000 Class Secretary: Peter J.

Knapp, Watkinson Library, Trinity College, 300 Summit St., Ha rtford, CT 06106-3100 !;:-mail: peter.knapp@trincoll. edu; fax: 860-297-2251 50th Reunion Tri Chairs: Merrill Yavinsky, John !;:llwood, Peter Sturrock Roland Ca rlson has written recently to record his wonde rment at rhe passage of time as we contemplate our rapidly nearing soth Reunion . He is not alone in his reflections as I and many classmates wi ll agree. Roland retired last January after 45 years in the hospital11ealthcare management business that spanned five different hospital organizations. Not, however, wishing to lose touch as major changes continue in the healthcare delivery system and its financing, Roland sees himself as "rewiring" rather than retiring and has established a consu lting firm. He and Rosemary will continue to have their home base in central Illinois. Roland notes espec iall y that they are looking forward to our soth . Thanks, Roland , for bringing us up to date. In otl1er news the planning committee for the soth had a productive meeting at Homecoming in early November and you can look forward to an interesting and enjoyable program. Also, as chair of the Reunion book committee, I'll be making arrangements to send out to all classmates the data forms for the book based on updated contact information we'll be asking for shortly.

That's all for now and please remember to keep me posted on news of note. Alumni l=und Goal: $85,000 Class Secretary: David C.

Charlesworth, 5 Kittanset Road, Bedford, NH 03110-4508 E-mail: 50th Reunion Chair: Brian Grimes Well the Class of '66 has done it again. But I don 't know what. OK, so I promise not to write about Rod Van Sciver or Scott Sutherland this time, but I will if you ask me. How about l=ord Barrett > OK, Ford Barrett. You wi ll be pleased to note he has just retired after 42 years of service from the Office of the Comptroller of the U.S. Department of the Treasury That office is in charge of the big banks. A round of applause for Ford (for servi ng or retiring, you take your pick). He plans to stay in Washington, D.C., where he can watch us go over the fiscal cliff close up. By the time this note is printed, we will know just how high the cliff was: one foot or 6oo- billion feet. Of interest to many is the difficult time Paul Diesel has had following his heart surgery a couple of years ago. He then developed a clot on the brain that had to be removed. Since then he has required extensive and intensive rehabilitation. Brian Grimes and yours truly had the opportunity to take Paul out to lunch at the Mill Wharf Restaurant in Scituate Harbor, MA, in early October. Paul was in good form. He declared he was managing his own portfolio, and that it was doing well. We were not in a position to question. So it's time for a Bruce Bodner story. He says, "Do you want to go to Sicily?" I say, "Sure. Who's paying?" So he sets it up, and he, Linda, Jane, and I go to Sici ly for 10 days in October. It never rains in Sicily; it rained for us. It's always warm; not for us. The privately-guided trip was seamless; every few days we were handed off to another guide. We didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Some of them actually spoke English. A couple of things to know: If you want ro eat good Italian food , go to Ital y, nor Sicily. Sicilians are Sicilian: they are not Italian. While there are some lovely Sicilians, all the smartest and most tal ented Sicilians live in ew Jersey, not Sicily Why> Because there is an organization in Sicily that contro ls everything, I mean everything. othing gets done without a little extra payment. So. tl1e important tl1ing about having Bruce along is that he already knows more than tl1e guide does. He just pretends that he doesn 't, and that is the fun part to watch. While this wi ll be old news in March, at this point Dennis Dix is leading rhe charge for "The Concerned Brothers of Psi Upsilon" against the Charter Commission for Building Social Community at Trinity College, which was approved by, yes, a Psi U Brother, Paul Raether. That would be Paul Raetl1er, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Trinity CoUege. Many of us in the southern H area are plam1ing to hear President Jimmy Jones speak at a forum discussing the need for change and the changes that will


winter 13


class notes be made. Homecoming was last week. and Joe Hourihan was again in charge. Joe and Antoinette were in every photo taken by the Trinity photographer. Brian Grimes made the game as did Dennis Dix. 1 did see a picture of Ben Tribken as well. Furthermore, there was a meeting of the 50th Reunion Committee during Homecoming weekend, and Brian, Randy Lee , and Bill Eakins artfully represented all of us. They remind us to plan ahead and to start saving to make a really big gift to Trinity. Our dollars matter. They will have an impact on Trinity students, and, to me, that is reason enough. Be well. Alumni l=und Goal: $300,000 Class Secretary: James L. O'Connor , 675 West ~nd Ave Apt 15B, New York, NY 100257380 ~-mail: james.oconnor.l967@ Reunion Chair: Vacant Rob Boas wrote to say that "we continue to make progress on the construction of our summer home on a lake on Cape Cod, and expect to be able to move in next summer. A possible future location for a Trinity alumni gathering one summer>" Sounds good to me. Rob also reminded me that wh.ile Jim Oliver is our new class agent, Alex Levi will be soliciting all of us for the 50th Reunion gift. So you can send your pledges to one or both of them . Dan Haden and his wife, Susan, visited us in Madison, CT, in October. They are great house guests. Susan, who is a dedicated gardener, explained the mysteries of composting and mulching to us while Dan gave me a much needed se minar on home repairs. If you would like to invite them to visit your home, call Dan at (215) 247-6416. My wife, Jane, and I visited Vietnam and Cambodia in late October. Both countries are very beautiful and very welcoming to Americans. Go there if you have a chance. In the small world department a member of our tour group was a high school girlfriend of my TX fraternity brother, Jim Shepard '66. As I said last time, please send me any news, no matter how trivial , so that I don 't have to make stuff up. I'm not kidding. Alumni l=und Goal: $1,000,000 Class Secretary: Daniel L. Goldberg, 53 Beacon Street #1, Boston, MA 02108-3531 ~-mail: daniel.goldberg.1968@ Class Agent: Lawrence J. Slutsky, M.D.

In our senior year, TriJlity's football tean1 went undefeated except for a one-point loss to Amherst. So it was with particular satisfaction that so many stalwarts of our team showed up for homecoming to watch the undefeated Bamams crush Amherst. Larry Roberts escaped his Super Storm Sandy home-without- power and overcame endless traffic to cheer on the second half come- from - behind victory. Others from our fleet backfield, Bruce 18





Greene and Doug Morrill, as well as some of our other gridiron gladiators- Rich Coyle, John Miller, Tom Nary, and Paul Goldschmidt- joined your secretary and other non - footballers Dick Meloy and Paul Raether for the homecoming

game. Dick Meloy, who followed his Trinity career with an MBA at the University of Chicago, has retired from a career in banking and finance to teach economics for University of Phoenix, and was recently named Teacher of the Year (a particular accomplishment for someone teaching "the dismal science"). Bruce Greene returned to Trinity for a mas ter's degree about a dozen years ago and is now involved in archeological investigations. (Bruce initiated a post-game beer fest with discussions of the worst places in the world to have visited.) As a result, we all removed Bangladesh from our bucket lists. Paul Goldschmidt has retired from practicing medicine with the benefit of having his son, also a Trin alum, take over his Connecticut practice. John Miller will retire in the spring of 2013 from various business endeavors and will be moving from Lexington, MA, to Charlottesville, VA, once he can shed decades of items accumulated at his home. Rich Coyle flirts with retirement (ballplayers say tl1ey are "day- to-day") while Rich's motto is that his continued working is "month - to- month ." Rich has had a terrific career in financial PR and corporate communications that included travel across Asia, Australia, and New Zealand while working for IBM in Tokyo. After retiring, he and his wife, Tina, will relocate from Granite Springs, NY, to Savannah, GA. "My plans are fluid to say the least. I may do so me consulting and freelance writing, bur it's far more likely I 'II focus on volun teer work and finally getting around to learning how to play golf" He also said he just heard from Bill Walsh , who is doing well as a health industry consultaJlt in New Mexico. Doug Morrill, retired for seve ral years and living in Simsbury; has started to consider whether three major storms in 15 months is a message that he and his wife Carol should consider moving south. Doug reports that he sees Ralph White monthly, is gettiJ1g back to his playing weight, and welcomes contacts from classmates coming to the Hartford area. " It was a great Homecoming, filled with stories of football prowess, flying Bantams, and L Gill. A great warm - up for the Reunion ." For tl10se of you concerned about whether Trinity's plan to move to a residential house model will eliminate fraternities, I can pass along Paul Raether's assurance, provided to me in tl1e third quarter of the game, that this is not the case and that the residential house plan will co-exist with the Greek life ... and since the Psi U house (where Paul was a brother) was a social Mecca on Vernon Street during Homecoming. I am confident in Paul's assurance. I bought tickets to see Avenue QJn NYC upon Stu Bluestone telling me that his son Darren has the lead in the show. (You may k.i1ow it as the long- running, extremely creative musical based loosely on Sesame Street but with an adult, urban theme.) Rich Coyle has seen it and reports that Darren's performance is terrific. Stu continues his "semi- retired" status working witl1 tl1e New Mexico Attorney General on legislative matters,

aJld has become Grandpa Stu. Paul Jones reports that he is in his tlurd year of retirement but keeping busy with travel , woodworking and volunteering at the VA Hospital in Milwaukee. At least to date, his woodworking has not led to digital subtractions that would interfere with guitar or golf. Also in the healthcare field , Phil Pennington recently retired from a career in hospital administration and health insurance. He and his wife have gotten seriously into boating. They have a Monk 36 trawler, with planned trips across the ew York state canal system and beyond. Phil passes on useful advice to those about to retire: take some time to breathe and avoid over-committing early. He fu1ds it working well for him. Don Barlow, retired from teaching and is now tutoring students in SpaJlish, up to 35 miles a day on his bike, and running three times a week. Our retired classmates are anything but sedentary! The star of our swim team , Bill Bacon, has continued as a competitive swimmer in both the Masters and Senior Olympic programs, as well as coaching a group of triathletes. Bill spent the first 28 years after Trinity in the navy as an explosive ordinance disposal officer (think The Hurt Locker) . He had four tours of duty in Vietnam and four commands before retiring as a Captain. Then Bill used his avy expertise as a consultant, determin ing the best approach, cost, and manning for clearing unexploded ordnance from firing raJ1ges at numerous base realignment and closure sites and formerly- used defense sites. And aJlother non -sedentary retirement: Ten months into 2012, Steve Peters already had posted scores for 41 rounds of golf. Stan Kosloski has completed his move to Petaluma, CA, about 45 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge, and figures that the Red Sox' miserable season was in protest against his relocation from the East. Barry Bedrick retired in 2012 after six years as headmaster at St. Michael's School in Tucson, AZ, which honored him by creating the Barry and Susan Bedrick Endowed Fine Arts Scholarship. Barry and Susan have moved back to Snowmass, CO, and will split their time between Snowmass and Tucson . He's looking forward to another major league baseball park odyssey with Larry Roberts and continues to maintain his loyalty to the Red Sox. We can thank (or blame, depending on your politics) Bob Price for helping put Florida in the win column for President Obama. Bob is president of the South Shore Democratic Club (Tampa area) and was elected precinct committeeman in the November election. Just in time to do something about the Chinese drywall that needs to be removed from his home and force him to move out for three months ... but all the more time to putter around tl1e golf course with his Black Lab caddy. Finally, thanks to the generous hosting of Joe and Jean McKeigue, a group of classmates continued our annual long weekend retreat, time in Cotuit, MA. In addition to the McKeigues and Your Secretary, we were joined by Tom Nary, George l=osque, Kim Miles, John Vail, Ben Jaffee, Stu Edelman, and Rod Cook, et ux. Yes,

touch football has become croquet, water skiing has morphed into a boat ride, and stories of past exploits (many captured in the old photographs that Joe organized) and the football scrapbooks

Stephen 1-iorenstein '69 DEGREE: B.A. in music; M.M. in music composition, University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Hebrew University, Jerusalem JOB TITLE: Composer; researcher; faculty member, Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance; founder and director of the Jerusalem Institute of Contemporary Music I=AVORITE TRINITY MEMORY: The regu'l ar Wednesday night ("frat night") screen ing s of short experimental films by Stan Brakhage, Bruce Conner, etc. It was for us "independents" who needed a home-it was where we met other members of our "tribe."

REPORTER: What is the Jerusalem Institute of Contemporary Music? !-!ORENSTEIN: The institute was founded in 1988 to bring music of our time to a wider audience through performance, research, and education. It was founded with the assistance of the Jerusalem f=oundation with the goal to help culturally energize Jerusalem. At present, the institute hosts a chamber ensemble, a small experimental orchestra, regular concerts, and multi-media events. In the past we did a great deal of research and social outreach with underprivileged youth. REPORTER: How would you define "contemporary music?" HORENSTEIN: Contemporary music is music of our time that is exploratory and pioneering in its discovery of new vistas of expression and architecture. Though it can embrace many styles (after all , we are in a "post post-modern" era), for me it is music that is, by and large, not necessarily "popular.'' This principle is readily understood in the world of modern art museums, but less so in music. REPORTER: As a composer, how would you describe your own personal style? !-!ORENSTEIN: My greatest inspiration comes from the modernist composer Charles E. lves. It's multi-layered, so while you may hear a lyric melody or strong rhythms, you may be also be surrounded by ethereal webs of sounds and sometimes even cacophony. I use a range of musical techniques and materials (as my men tor Bill Dixon described, "by any means necessary''). I draw much of my inspiration from living in this bizarre but vibrant city (Jerusalem)-a modern city built on ancient soil-where one

that Kim brought bear less and less conn ectio n to real ity. See you at Reunion! Alumni l=und Goal: $140,000 Class Secretary: Alden Gordon,

f=ine Arts Department, f-lallden

114, Trinity College, 300 Summit St., f-lartford , CT 06106-3100 E-mail: alden.gordo n@tri ncol l. e du Class Agent: Nathaniel S. Pre ntice

looks back into centuries through a matrix of electric wires. REPORTER: You teach a course at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance on electro-acoustic music. What is e lectro-acoustic music? HORENSTEIN: The Britis h composer Trevor Wishart, whom I greatly admire, speaks of "audible design" and the breaking with past paradigms of what we think music is. Instead of the more simplistic, two-dimensional matri x of pitch and time, he sees the new world of music as sound objects that can be transformed and codified through digital means. Many of those sounds come directly from our rich acoustic environment (in historic terms, "musique concrete"). All this excites me deeply, and I try to impart my exc itement to my students-especially in the realm of real-time interaction between composer/performer and technology. REPORTER: Was there a course or professor at Trinity that helped shape your career? HORENSTEIN: After moving from psychology to literature, I affirmed my passion for music as a profession. It was the late professor Clarence Barber who agreed to spend countless hours invigorating my knowledge of harmony and counterpoint. He also encouraged me to take a broader view of my education, and to let other educational adventures energize my musical creativity. Around 1968 I also took a "Religion and Social Change" course with Dr. Albert Rabil. It was an amazing and wrenching course-a n experience that codified my commitment to social responsibility as an artist and later led to 25 years of research and work with youth at risk.

As we al l turn 65, th e reports a re m ixed on whom amo ng us are retiring ve rsus those incapabl e of co nfronting the idea. Jeff Gordon and hi s wife, Arlene. joined Susan Lewis '76 and husband Joe Kluger '77 at the opening of the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia on May 19. Rece ntly relocated to Center C ity, the Barnes features the wo rld 's la rgest collection of paintings by Cezanne and Renoir, and an exceptio nal collectio n of wo rks by other PostImpress io nist and early modern masters juxtaposed with African sculpture, Native American

REPORTER: Can you tell us about your recent composition, an evening-length work for soloist and interactive computer-based live electronics? HORENSTEIN: It is about one player becoming an orchestra. The soloist triggers various layers of material through pedals, switches, sounds, and gestures. With all this, however, the audience simply hears the music. Last year, I did such a performance with an abstract film that I created. At present, I am challenged by doing "pure music" and allowing the audience to imagine the "film" in a darkened room, surrounded by speakers. Electronics enhance; they are a means to an end-the effective translation of what I hear in my inner musical imagination. REPORTER: What other new projects are you working on? HORENSTEIN: Right now I am composing using concrete and synthesized sounds man ipulated and shaped through the computer, while simulta neously working toward also bringing my ideas into the orchestral medium. I am currently working on composing a large array of miniature pieces; I see them much like the little boxes of Joseph Cornell. I also have an ongoing project with two other composers, where we collabo rate on real -time compositio n to classic silent films. Our latest challenge is the recently reconstructed Metropolis [1927] by f=ritz Lang.

sculpture, and much more. Jeff urges classmates to visit Philly fo r th e arts. as well as the cheesesteaks. H e is retiring this year as manage r of corporate rela tions fo r PECO, and he and Arlene are relocating to Lewes, DE, where Jeff will "co ntemplate t he prospect of reinventing myself one more time." 1 checked just before we went to press and am happy to report that Jeff's ho use in Lewes escaped the wo rst of Hurricane Sand y. Nat Prentice, 1969 class president, writes: "This past June 6 and 7, I participated in Trinity's first ever C lass o n the ~ad alumni eve nt. The TR I NITY REPORTER


winter 13


class notes program, organ ized by the Alumni Office at the suggestion of the Executive Committee of the National Alumni Association, is intended to give alumni an opportunity to return to the campus for an intimate Trinity experience involving the faculty and administration. This year's inaugural session was subtitled ' Liberal Arts in Transition: New Subjects for the 21st Century.' The group of 25 pioneering alums chose their own classes, explored the Hartford area during the lunch break, had dinner with President and Mrs. Jones, and met with Dean of the Faculty Rena Fraden. All agreed that the faculty members they met were outstanding individuals who are dedicated to the mission of helping Trinity students think critically and express themselves clearly." at plans on attend ing again next year and hopes that several other members of the Class of 1969 will participate in this very worthwhile program. Leighton Smith has no retirement plans and is thriving on a new whole foods regime. Leighton reports that he has lost "almost 20 pounds in three weeks." His reward to himself is "I an1 still going to more than 50 baseball games a season, mostly in ew York." I guess that means that he wi ll not be eating stadium hotdogs. Michael Beautyman has changed his emphasis in Philadelphia to the real estate business. He is building a home in Naples, FL, and would love to hear from any classmates in the Naples area. By the time The Reporter is in your hands, Tony Lewis shall have become a retired person. That became official on 31 December, 2012, at which point, Tony writes: "I will have left being the Molly Laird Downs Professor of New Testament at Virginia Theological Seminary (where Steve Cook '84 has been a valued colleague) since I returned here in 2000. In truth priests and teach ers do not really retire. They simply begin to do what they always have done , but witlwut the con straints of faculty committee work or vestry meetings!" Tony plans to stay active in the Washington, D.C. metro area theological community doing adjunct teaching and being a volunteer assistant at t Paul's Parish where Tony was a seminarian assistant before he was ordained. Tony adds tl1at "Jonatl1an Chesney '05 is now seminarian assistant at St Paul's. On classmate news, I had tl1e honor and joy of assisting at Pete Maxson's marriage. Then, along with Frank Kirkpatrick '64 from the Trinity faculty, I will continue to serve on the General Board of Examining Chaplains of The Episcopal Church. AU that plus I will have turned 65 in November and will have celebrated 40 years as a priest on 2 December 2012. So retired, yes. But not likely to become bored in my new estate. As for location, location, location, I'll stay here in northern Virginia. Despite moving up and down the East Coast since tl1e fall of 1965, this has always been home, and those roots are deep." Another classmate with no plan to retire is Bill Canning who writes that he is "Still having fun after 41 years in the securities business. Glad to be working at Morgan Stanley with my son Peter Canning '05. Will Canning '0 2 works for Morgan Stanley in the City. Will and his wife, Tracy, are the parents of a baby girl born June 21 , 2012." Bill had a great summer racing his Melges 32 and with wife Suzie goes duck hunting here or in Argentina. His ideal winter is to spend "40 days on the hill" skiing. Matt Simchak and you r Secretary attended the TRINITYRÂŁPORTER




memorial service for our good friend and mentor Professor Ted Sloane of the history department, who died in August. Alumni l=und Goal: $110,000 Class Secretary: John L. Bonee Ill, Esq., 19 Scarsdale Road, West 1-jartford, CT 06107-3339 E-mail: john.bonee.l970@trin; fax: 860-522-6049 Class Agent: Ernest J. Mattei, Esq.

"Oh ye of littl e faith - do nat be doubting Thomases! " That was the mood of the Trinity Football team as it walked off the field at the end of halftime at Homecoming Weekend in an incredibly spirited football game against Amherst. When our team returned, and as the third quarter dragged on, Trinity trailed 20- 12. The mood was grim. Apparently, as Coach Devanney said, "Trinity players just can not believe they can lose and they didn't! " It was probably the most exc iting moment Your Secretary has ever seen in all of the time he has faithfully watched Trinity football games. That phenomenal interception by senior, Rae Haynes, was just overwhelmingly inspiring. Rae grew up just down the street from the Trinity campus and he turned around the game in a way that both he and the audie nce will never forget. He ran to a touchdown and the team added another before it was all over with a 32-20 victory. The official count for the crowd was 7,219, but the stands were absolutely packed all around. It appeared to be more than 10,000 in reality. What a spectacular autumn moment with a bright crisp sun; the campus looked abso lutel y gorgeous. Homecoming has never been better. It was great fun to see so many of you at Homecoming. I particularly enjoyed chatting with trustees Bill Reynolds and Tom DiBenedetto, both from the C lass of 1971. Tom 's enthusiasm for Trinity sports is boundless. He was probably the last person to leave the field after relishing chatting up all tl1e players in their traditional post-game hug with their parents on the sacred turf which refuses to lose. As I threw my last pass of a blue and gold colored Trinity football to my son, John Alexander, when we walked off the field , l looked over my shoulder and saw Tom talking to rwo or tluee of the absolute last to remain. He just could not give up the relish of the moment and the victory at hand. Tom told me that he believes that a new renaissance man is emerging: the coach for a university or college level sport in America. lt potentially can be one of the best qualities of lives one can attain in this hyper-competitive and stressful environment among overburdened professionals. Food for thought. At th e spring 2012 meeting of the American Bar Association's Section of International Law, classmate Jonathan Granoff held an entertaining, substantive, and inspiring wide - ranging dialogue with others in front of an audience of several hundred of the world's top lawyers. The audience included senior and present U officials, such as Hans Co rrell , who was under Secretary General for Legal Affairs and Legal Counsel to the UN from 1994 to 2004, and Ben Ferenz, a prosecutor at the uremberg trials who has led efforts in the creation of an international criminal court. The

dialogue was exceptionally well received and is part of a series of such dialogues that Jonathan Granoff developed for a section meeting. Jonathan is president of the Global Security Institute and chair of the Section of the International Law's Taskforce on Nuclear Nonproliferation. Mike Ramseur put on an art show at Provident Bank in Amesbury, MA, on October 25, 2012. The exhibition will run through December of 2012. Mike is a resident of Amesbury and has been a pastel artist for over thirty-five years. He focuses on a range of subjects, including riders on the Boston M BTA Subway System, the textile mills in the Merrimack Valley, and the former Danvers State Hospital. Mike has been drawing and writing about Danvers State since 1986. He appeared on NECN in the context of the USA film production of Session 9, in which he was interviewed along with photographer Jeremy Barnard and sculptor Andrew Chulyk. His work appears in the 2004 book Weird US by Mark Moran and Mark Sceurman. He also has written three books: The Eye ~Danvers 2 , Haunted Palace, and The Spirit~Antoinette. Alumni l=und Goal: $175 ,000 Co-Class Secretary: Diane A. Clancy, 32 Abbott Street, Greenfield, MA 01301-2510 E-mail: Co-Class Secretary: David M. Sample, 49 Partridg e Lane, Concord, MA 01742-2600 E-mail: Class Agents: Robert Benjamin, Jr., Phil Khoury


Thank you to Da vid Pumphrey and Tom Weiner for sending me news so we have a showing for '71! Tom Weiner is the Trinity person with whom I have stayed the most closely connected, so l am particularly glad to share this: In early September, Tom Weiner and his wife, Susan, got a call from their son, Stefan, a senior at the C live Davis School of Recorded Music at NYU's Tisch School. Stefan invited them to his band's concert that evening at ... Trinity! The band, Town Hall, an indie folk/ rock group (http:/ , performed for the arriving students at the Fred PFeil dormitory (http:ffwww. thefredcommunity.comfabout/). "What a treat," Tom said, "to be back at Trinity surrounded by students from classes that will graduate more tl1an 40 yea rs after ours, in a setting hon oring a professo r who clearl y made an extraordinary contribution to the lives of his students and the Hartford community." In April, Tom gave a presentation at Trinity from hi s book Called to Serve: Stories ofMen and Women Catifronted by tlte Viettlam War Drift. Peter Jessop '72, a subject in the book, accompanied him. The book is now available through Amazon and on Kindle; it's also being adapted into a play by award-win ning playwright, Peter Snoad. (Just to let you know, I have been interviewed by Peter Snoad and I am a character in this play.) Diane Clancy, Professor Emeritus George Higgins, and Jack Anderson '70, were in the audience. Tom is working on another book project, this one about men's and women 's support groups, including the one he has been a part of for thirty-five years. Tom's Web site is h ttp:ffwww.called David Pumphrey wrote and shares what he is

Nick Lazares '73, P'08, P'lO DEGREE: B.A. in economics; J.D. and LL.M., Boston University JOB TITLE: Chairman of the Board and Chief ~xecutive Officer of Admirals Bonk;

participated in a summit organized by the Hellenic Initiative-a non-profit institution established to help resolve the Greek economic crisis-alongside former U.S. president Bill Clinton and prime minister of Greece Antonis Samaras. FAVORITE TRINITY MEMORY: I used to travel all over the country to perform with The Pipes. One of the most memorable trips was during my freshman year when we drove a 1956 Mercedes from Ithaca, New York, all the way down to Miami, Forido.

REPORTER: How did the economic crisis in Greece catch your attention? LAZARES: My heritage is Greek, and I maintain relationships with relatives and friends there, so I am naturally interested in what is happening. I know that Greece has some historically entrenched issues related to labor and political favoritism. Also around 2007 I was analyzing the assets of a Greek bank, and it became clear that the banking system there wasn't as robust as the banking system in the United States. The level at which assets were carried were not realistic.

he explained to me what they are trying to do, which is to bring together individuals of Greek heritage living in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, and elsewhere to see if they could come up with solutions to the financial crisis. They managed to bring in former president Bill Clinton at the last moment, and Antonis Samaras, prime minister of Greece, was also present. REPORTER: f-low would you describe the crisis

in its current state, and what so lutions did you discuss at the summit? REPORTER: What do you think the U.S. and LAZARES: The focus was on how to get jobs

REPORTER: How did you come to participate

in the summit in Greece? LAZARES: A year ago I was asked to speak

at a forum hosted by an Athens-based group where Steve Forbes was the keynote speaker. I brought along some of my colleagues who had real professional expertise and perspectives that were outside of the country. Attending this event was the first step in getting involved with the summit, which was put together by the Hellenic Initiative. The Hellenic Initiative is a non-profit organization founded by Andrew Liveris, Chairman and CEO of The Dow Chemical Company; Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company; George David, Chairman of the Coca-Cola f-le ll enic Bottling Company; and George Stamas, Partner at Kirkland and Ellis LLP. I am friendly with George Stamas, and doing: "After 30 + years working as a fine arts and antiques appraiser in NYC, l decided to take a break and to treat myself to a so-called 'gap year' in Berlin, where my goals are to relax, re- invent myself, and learn German. In a due diligence effort to balance the mindjbody equatio n, I alternate swimming lengths in one of the excellent communiry pools and working out at a centrally located fitness center with grea t views over the ciry. It wasn 't al l that difficult to apply for and be granted a two-year official residency permit (to 'make art' and then, with the help of a few old and new friends , to go through the process of finding a modest Aat to lease). It'd be glad to hear from old pals: Give my best to Bob Benjamin and Phil Khoury." Thank you, David ! Good luck in Berlin! I am very busy with my own business- artist,

going and how to create some sense of hope. Generally speaking, the group agreed that austerity, while it is well inte ntioned , is not the best thing at this time. You ca n't take a country that has been operating under one system, dysfunctional as it is, for 40 or 50 years, and just overnight shut off the faucet. People have lost their jobs, and that causes political unrest. To complicate things further, the number-two political party in Greece right now is the Communist Party. Our fear is that austerity will be implemented to a point where people will jump on board with an extremist group. The biggest component is youth unemployment, which is approaching 50 percent, and that is a formula for disaster. So we discussed what members of the summit could do to help create enough small victories and opportunities for investment to give people a sense of hope.

graphic des igner, and Web designer. When I first sta rted in 1999 one of my main goals was to have my work on functional items so people can enjoy them and be inspi red in their daily lives. The other day I realized that I have the foundation of that dream! Having at shop at Zazzle (http://zazzle. com/ DianeClancyArt) al.lows me to offer my art on products. It is POD (print on demand) - the wave of the future in printing. I put my artwork on items on the Web and they get printed when someone purchases them. I still get very excited at each sale and l have some incredibly satisfied customers which makes me feel like I am positively impacting some lives. Please e- mail me with your news, preferably with the wording you want. Thank you for reading our news no tes! Diane C lancy

the rest of the world can learn from what is happening in Greece? LAZARES: We must be cognizant of the fact

that the banking syste ms in all of Europe and the political systems are closely tied, but government policies are unable to directly deal with a broken banking system. Typically, a country has the ability to print money and inflate its way out of its debt, which is not the case in Greece. Breaking up the Eurozone would create a level of uncertainty that would be devastating to the European community and the worldwide economy. At the same time, disruption in banking and political systems in Greece leaves spots for radical politicians to gain power. We must be careful not to put the blame on the people as that may force them into positions that could be politically explosive.

Alumni Fund Goal: $225,000 Class Secretary: John C.

Matulis, Jr. 72, 260 Beckley Road, Berlin, CT 06037-2506 E-mai l: Reunion Co-Chairs: Peter Blum, Bill Miller Greetings to (and from) members of the Class of 1972! Several of you have provided information about recent activities, much of which is reported below Thanks for the updates and for letting us share with our classmates. For the rest of you, please let us hear from you also about activities, developments, etc. A brief note to works just fine. l-lam Cla rk is completing his eleventh year TRJNITY REPORTER





class notes as Head of School at Episcopal Academy outside of Philadelphia. He and spouse Ceci are moving to Lebanon where he will lead the American Community School of Beirut. Founded in 19 07, the school serves approximately 1,000 students from K- 12 and is adjacent to the American University of Beirut. Should be an exciting new chapter! Peter Wheelwright's debut novel, As It Is on Earth, has been released by Fomite Press. Peter describes it as "a tale of New England," and advises that "the Trinity Coll ege campus is only thinly disguised." Peter is associate professor at the School of Constructed Environments at Parsons, the New School for Design at New School Unive rsity Bill Miller and spouse had a book party for Peter shortly after the book was published (by th e way, it's avajJable on Amazon) . Bill reports a lot of Trinity people atte nded , including Elizabeth Beautyman, Hilary Lewis, and Tim Wallach , all from our class. Others in attendance from our "era" included Mel Kendrick '71 , Scott Phillips '71, Christie Nichols '73, Patrick and Jane Cu rl ey '73, and Kathy Harris '73- Bill states that everyone had lots of fun visiting and catching up with each other. Yet another classmate made his first foray into the world of fiction . John Kirshon published his first novel, An American Centllry. John has retired from 40 years in journalism. He had worked at the Associated Press, CBS News, and the New York Times. He had also served as executive ed itor of Chronicle rf the Twentieth Century and as erutorin -chief of Chronicle of America.Both are best-sell ing illustrated history books. More information about the novel is ava ilable at http:/j John WK.irshonj. Meanwhile, Tom Regnier was chosen in October to serve a one year term as president of the Shakespeare Fellowship, a group that exp lores in depth the Shakespeare authorship question . Tom gave a lecture o n the themes oflaw and equity in Merchant of Venice and Measure for Measure at the fellowship's annual conference in Pasadena. Tom, an appellate attorney, recently started a new job in the appellate division of Conroy Simberg, a private law firm . Finally, Homecoming Weekend was November 2 - 4, 2012. Trinity played Amherst on a sparkli ng New England Autumn football afternoon and came from behilld to win 32-20, thereby assu ring that it will at least share, if not win outright, the NESCAC Championship for tills year. C lassmates encountered during the festive afternoon included Peter Blum, Rob Lawrence, and Ray Goldsich (Dunaway) .

Please continue to let us know about events, developments, activities, and classmates encountered. The amount of time that has passed since our graduation is now ten times greater than the four years wruch we spent as undergraduates. Yet the memories continue and tl1e friendships fl ourish. Let's keep it going.

. . .. 73

Alumni l=und Goal: $140,000 Co-Class Secretory: Diane Fierri Brawn, 62 Westwood Road, West Hartford, CT 06117 !:::-mail: Co-Class Secretary: Robert P. Hoff, 33 1:::. Rocks Rd., Norwalk, CT 06851-2916 Class Agent: Patti Monteii-Broad



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Alumni l=und Goal: $80,000 Class Secretary: Matthew 1:::. Moloshok, !:::sq., 1006 Prospect St., Westfield, NJ 07090-4221 !:::-mail: matthew.moloshok.1974@; fax: 973-621-7406 Class Agent: Connie Hart Walkingshaw

The Alumni Office reports: Jonathan Reik won a gold medal in his age division at the Sprint Triathlon World Championship in Auckland, New Zealand on October 22, 2012. Jon plans to compete at next year's World C hampionship in London . Auckland was Jon's seventh World C hampionship competition with Team USA , having compe ted previously in Cancun, Madeira, H amburg, Vancouver, Gold Coast, Australia and Budapest. Jon regrets having bypassed participation in team sports whi le at Trinity but looks back on his regular undergraduate workouts at Ferris Athletic center with undimini shed joy and views those workouts as the seed that has only now borne fruit, a short 40 years later. As a member of Trinity Episcopal Church in Hartford, Jon also works to promote the annual Bishop's sk Run for Kids held in West Hartford, usually run on the third Saturday in May. He urges any members of the Trinity College community who are considering a return to competi tion to participate in the Bishop's Run which benefits chariti es for kids across the State of Connecticut. Distinguished race volunteers usu ally include President and Professor of History Emeritus Borden Pajnter '58. Alumni l=und Goal: $200,000 Co-Class Secretary: Steven 1:::. Hirsch, 11 Ricky Beth Ln, Old Greenwich, CT 06870-1013 !:::-mail: steve n.hirsch.1975@ trinco Co-Class Secretary: Christopher G. Mooney, 6700 Gunpowder Ln, Prospect, KY 40059-9333 !:::ma il: Class Agent: Henry 1:::. Bruce


Your scribes report the following while the cal endar still awaits the November elections and the dialogue is ongoing about Trinity's new progran1 of residential houses, which for some seems a matter of controversy. You will read this after both matters have hopefully been settled to the satisfaction of the majority Joan Kaufman just moved back to China for her third stint since 1980. She joined Columbia University on September 1 as the Director of the Columbi a Global Center/ East Asia, based in Beijing. Tills is one of eight inter connected global centers around the world (in Rio, Santiago, Mwnbaj, Nairobi, Istanbul, Amman, Paris, and Beijing) wo rking on issues of global concern and developing a new approach to global learning. Joan's daughter, Rosie, a junior at University of Michigan, is studying Chinese in Beijing this semester and keeping her company. Son Isaac, a high school senior at Wellesley High School, is finishing up and he and Joan's husband Mark will join her next swnmer, so she's back and forth a lot this year. She hopes to see Trinity friends - e- majl

is jak2241 Cheryl Madigosky Brischetto reports a Ph. D. in psychology in 1980, and has worked as a psychologist for the last several years. She married an attorney. Stephen Brischetto, and they have two grown sons, Matthew and Aaron. They've lived in Portland, OR, since 1978. C heryl has made only one trip back to Trinity for Rew1.ion , but hopes to be ab le to do it agajn in the not too distant future. We have encouraged her transcontinental journey for 20 15. Consie Prout Be rghausen and Ted had brwKh with Chris Mooney this past July in Louisville. They'd gathered the clan for their oldest son's wedding, with a fly-in from Dr. Von Gryska, whom they also saw in Chathan1, MA, last summer for fishing, dinner, and to help plan his daughter's wedding. Peg Holmes Gryska also came to visit the Berghausens in C hatham for some girl time. Chris Mooney's daughter, Elizabeth, Trinity 'o6 PBK, has announced her engagement to Kyle Garvey 'os, and they are to be wed in Vermont next August. Anne Warrington Wilson sends greetings. She and Gene just sent twin daughters East to col lege- one to Philly and one to D.C. They are excited to be away from parents and each other. Anne remembers the thrill of freshman independence. Gene is long retired and teames in a GE 0 school, and she serves in Episcopal churches arou nd Cincinnati, and - like many of us- notes that the inmates (two cats and two dogs) run the asylum. Kathy l=ehrman's quick note: H ad a great rime in England this summer with Ann Conve ry '74 presenting at the John Moores University on using media training to teach persuasion. We took a few side trips to Oxford, London, and ferried 'cross the Mersey too. Charles a ka Chuck Levine serves on corporate boards, including as chairman of Sierra Wireless in Vancouver, and ElephantTalk in Amsterdam. He is a Board member of the first not-for- profit to take over operation of a California State Park (Jack London State Park in Glen Ellen, CA) and is on two other local not for profit boards, and one international education board. Finally, he adds, "we are so old that my wife and I now have a grandchild in her first year of coll ege." Bill Curren was among many at the Bantam football victory over Amherst during Homecoming. He reports: "Two great teams to watch, and an exciting finish! Hung out with Larr y Haas, Bob Yusem, Bill Levy, Tom Cangelosi, Jim Balesano, Alex Murenia, Ted Roman '77, and Hal Smullen

'76. It was a lot of fun commise rating on freshman sports with Coach C het McPhee- and lamenting the loss of the freshman team experience. "I am li ving in Litchfield County, CT, producing TV commercials and other form s of 'digital content,' primarily out of NYC. My wife, Dariel. is an EVP at DC I, a New York PR firm , specializing in economic development. "Son Jamie graduated from the University of Maine (enviro scijbio) in May of 2011 ; worked on a lobster boat wnil Christmas and is back in Con necticut working in excavation and construction while majntaining a 3,000-acre land trust. "Daughter Ella is working at Lazard in ew York City, after graduating in 2012 from Bowdoin College (history) , where she was a member of two

D -Ill National Championship teams, was captain as a senior and made us very proud. She also had the opportunity to make a ton of friends at Trin dur~ng her junior spring at Trinity's Rome campus. I had to withstand some abuse from Rick Hazelton a year ago when Bowdoin beat the typically tough Bantams 1-0 with a late goal from Ella. Speaking of Rick, it's an1azing how he helped surmount the physical limitations of the College to create a top- notch athletic facility. "The four autumns spent following Ella were shared with another Bantam parent, Ro (Spier) French '81 , whose daughter, Emily, was a fellow field hockey stalwart for the Polar Bears. I also ran into Lyman Delano on the NESCAC circuit whose daughter, Chase, was at Middlebury, and kept many a coach sleepless. I see Alex Murenia, as he is nearby and working in development at Choate. Frosty Schofield is in Seattle and working in theater management. George Rose '76 and I had some correspondence and he is in LA with SONY "I encourage all to make the 40th Reunion in June 2015. I have been to three or four over the years and they never fail to reveal something new about the wonderful experience Trinity was, and still is." Alumni Fund Goal: $350,000 Class Secretary: Scott F=. Lewis, 45 Bayberry 1-lill Road, Avon, CT

06001-2800 f::-mail: scott.lewis.l976@trincoll. edu Class Agents: John Clifford, Jr., 1-larold Smullen, Jr.

. As I, Scott Lewis, your Class Secretary, prepare this report, we in the Northeast just survived the "super storm" Sandy My family was fortunate. Our hearts and prayers go out to all those who have suffered and are suffering. It was quite a storm. It makes the words "cUmate change" seem ~oo gentle of a term to define what is happen mg to our planet. On a lighter note, I have been asked to continue in my role as president of The Trinity Club of Hartford. I run into a few of our classmates at the Club's events, which include ice skating, fly fishing, and educational social events. And: my law practice continues to be very busy and mterestmg. Andy Williams and his wife, Sally, joyously announce tl1e arrival of their granddaughter, Anna, whose mom is their daughter, Kate '04. When Andy and Sally are not bouncing babies on their knees, they've found some time to spend with classmates Mike Moffitt, Pete Collins, and Mark Baird. Rebecca Dunn says that she and her husband, Paul Reinmann, are happy to report that their son, Owen Onderdonk, was married to Anne Talley this past June. Paul's brother. Anson , led the ceremony Rebecca is proud to report that Owen has a degree m phys1cs and a master's in education and runs a middle school tech lab outside of Lynchburg, VA, while her daughter- in-law, Anne, also has physics degree works at Babcock Wilcox in Lynchburg. Rebecca and Paul happily enjoy their residence on the inter-coastal waterway (Day Marker 146) m W!lmmgton, NC, where she is still running the Cooperative Fund of New England. She was recently nominated for the National Cooperative

Trinity hosted


alumni events with

1,571 attendees in the fall of 2012.

Hall of Fame and will be inducted in May of 2013 at the .National Press Club in Washington, D.C. In addmon, she was a presenter at two meetings held at the White House regarding information on the economic development benefits and job creatton of cooperatives. Finally, Rebecca wants to let everyone know that her father, Leroy Dunn, retired professor of economics at Trinity; and her mother are well and living in D.C. . Dwight Brown wrote to say that he is a priest m the Eptscopal Church and is serving two rural churches in Berryville, VA, which is located at the northern end of the Shenandoal1 Valley. Dwight ha~ been married for 31 years and has two grown children - a son who has an MBA and is a consultant with HCL and a daughter who is a scuba dive instructor in Kona, HI. He says he has been greatly blessed. The education that he received while at Trinity prepared him well for good life and for a great career. Robert Paskowitz asked me to tell our classmates that he performed on the alto and soprano saxopho~es at the Summer 2012 Monday Night Jazz Senes that was held in Bushnell Park. He fronted for Latin ~arter Jazz Collective, a band he founded back in the late 1990s. Robert was joined by several excellent musicians, including Warren Byrd, Nicki Mathis, Saskia Laroo, and Sinan Bakir. . Leslie l-lyde, who recently attended her 40th h1gh school reunion at Miss Porters, says that she has been happily ensconced in Maine for these past 24 years. She ran a five -year, federally-funded grant program that taught healthy communication and relationship skills to teenagers throughout Mame. She now has the great pleasure of serving on the Yarmouth Town Council where she gets to exan1ine the inner workings of municipal govern ment. Leslie is considering applying to graduate school for counseling. She is also thinking about ruruung for state office. Her daughter, Sara, is working toward becoming a holistic nurse practlttoner. Leslie offered an open invite if you find r ourself n~ar her ho~e in Yarmouth, ME, saying, the food IS outstandmg and the company is pretty darn excellent!" Gerry LaPlante wrote to let me know that he is completing his 35th year at Suffield Academy, teachmg b1ology and chemistry and coaching water polo and squash. He is enjoying this year's Bantam football team in their quest for an undefeated

season. (Frankly, so am !.) His former student Michael Budness, is the starting fullback! As Gerr; and Ius wife, Nancy, approach the ends of their respective teaching careers, their two daughters, Jeanme and Knsten, are in their first few years of their own teaching careers. I guess it's in the genes! By the way, I saw Gerry in person at the beginning of this summer at a Trinity Club event. He looks the same as ever. He takes good care of htmself wim cycling and fly-fishing. Michael Roy is living in West Hartford, CT, and is in his 10tl1 year teaching Latin and is his second year at Litchfield High School. Mike is also the curriculum coordinator for world languages at Litchfield High School and Middle Smool. He enjoys teaching much more than his former career me practice of law. He remembers those good old days 111 Jarv1s Hall. He and his wife, Gail '81, are still seeing Neil Young every chance they get. His mere mention of Neil Young made me remember the night during our freshman year that Mike and I drove to a Neil Young concert in New Haven using a U - Haul Moving Van to transport a bw1ci1 of our fellow classmates, who were stuffed into me back of me _van's closed cargo area for the long, dark tnp, wtm only a few flimsy mattresses for protection. G -d did we have fun .. .it was a great concert ... and hved to tell about it. I .heard, too, from Phyllis Temple, formerly Phyll1s Kate Roberts. She is living Eugene, OR, w1tl1 her husband , a gelato producer, while she is works as a family nurse practitioner at their local community college healm clinic. She said that their children reside in Philadelphia, preferring Its urban nchness to Eugene's quaint atmosphere. Phyllts shared that she recently saw me Tricia Brown Dance Company perform in Portland, OR, which revived her fond memories of her dancing on the warm wooden floors in me ersatz dance studios along me Long Walk. She is still dancing several times a week and has resumed playing the fiddle after a 40-year hiatus. Allen Church wrote me to say that it's "stick season" in nortl1ern Vermont. At his wife, Nina Clark's, suggestion mey hiked the rim of me Sterling Range which is just west of meir village home. Allen prefers the woods when you can see the trees mrough the forest. Nina teaches in a nearby district, and Allen meets wim his fiddle and guitar students in their home studio. Their two .sons are doing well and, like many of you, mey ve had tO adJUSt tO one of meir children Jiving on the opposite coast. Allen reminded me that he finished writing a one man show and then a musical based on me life of a legendary fiddler from our neck of the woods, "The Return of Crazy Chase." It's looking for production so get in touch if you 路~~ interested, he would like to hear from you. Ph1l1p Brewer was thriUed to report mat he and his wife only have one more semester of college to go for meir second (and last) child, Caleb. Meanwhile, their daughter, Abby, proved mat a college education (!maca) can pay off by landing a JOb 1n NYC where she has been working since graduation in 2010 as an event planner. Caleb, who is a senior at Syracuse majoring in computer engmeenng, has good prospects for future employment. Phil loves being able to keep up with born of them via Skype and other electronic media, being much more mterconnected man we all were at tl1eir ages. Phil and his wife stay active wim squash, ten-



winter 13


class notes nis, hiking, and skiing: they even hiked the Grand Canyon two years ago. They are now hop ing to have the oppo rtunity to have more such adve ntures once they find the way to get time to slow down. Right before the cutoff date for the publication of this report, Barbara Sobotka Marsh wrote me to say that she and her whole family were wrapped up in the 20I2 Presidential Election. Her son, David, who graduated from Williams College in May 2012, was running a field office for Obama Campaign in Aurora, CO. Her husband, Rick, spent four days in Aurora volunteering. Meanwhile, Barbara was working the phone banks on get out the vote campaigns for vote rs in Colorado and O hio. Barbara is also working parttime as a math and test prep tutor, making jewelry, learning bridge, and traveling. She and Rick recently traveled to Turkey, which she described as an incredible place filled with fascinating cu lture and history; beautiful scenery, great food , and warm and welcoming peop le. Please conti nue to e- mail me at sfl 速 I will be sure to includ e you r information in the next Trinity Reporter. Alumni l=und Goal: $250,000 Co-Class Secretary: Polly

J=reeman Lyman, United Nations Interna ti ona l School, 24-50 !=DR DR, New York, NY 10010-4085 E-mail: polly.lyman.1977@trincol l. edu Co-Class Secretary: J. Craig Shields Ill, 3631 Pine Street, Santa Ynez, CA 93460-9427 email: Reunion Chair: Vaca nt Yvette Vartanian Baroian writes: "I moved to Los Angeles, via a couple of years in London, after the Iranian Revolution. I live here with my two grown sons and am retired , but continue to se nd the husband to work! l wish I had some ea rth shattering news to add but this is it!" Alumni l=und Goal: $350,000 Class Secretary: Kathryn

Maye Murphy, 6 Kneeland Rd ., Marlborough, CT 06447-1225 E-mail: kathryn.murphy.1978@ Class Agent: AndrewS. Terhune Please save the date for our 35th C lass Reunion: June 7-9, 20I3! It would be wonderful to see you all! The following is the li st of those who are pl an ning to attend: Rob Carey, John K. Doldoorian, Jr., Jeff Dul=resne, Vivi Dunklee Duke, H. Scotte Gordon, Ken Grossman, Donald Irish, Stuart Kerr, Jory 1=. Lockwood , Kathy Maye Murphy, and Jim Smith. Jim Abrams was recently named to the

New England Association of Schools and Colleges' ( EASC) Commission on American International Schools Abroad. EASC pro vides accreditation se rvices to private and public schools and coll eges. He co ntinues to serve as a Superior Court Judge and as an adjunct professor at ~innipiac University. Lisa Bisaccia has worked for CYS Caremark for almost eight years and was promoted to SYP, Chief H R Officer in January 20IO. She and her TRI NITY REPORTER


winter 13

husband, Robert Naparstek, moved to Coll ege Hill on Providence's East Side last summer and love it. Their son, Daniel, grad uated from Bates Co llege in Maine in May of 20 11 and is living and working in Bosto n. Their daughter, Laura, is a junior at Skidmo re College in Saratoga Sp rings and just returned from a semester in Paris. Life is good. Manya Bouteneff obtai ned her Ed.D. from Columbi a Univers ity Teachers Coll ege in May 2006 and got married to Jeremy N . lngpen , graduate of Trinity Coll ege, Oxford, in October 2007- She cu rren tly works at the Brewster Central School District as director of curricu lum, instruction , and professional personnel. Deborah Buck is thrilled to report that she had two exhibiti ons of her paintings las t sp ring. T he first was at Juli e Saul Gal lery in New York, wh ich opened on March 22, 20I2. The second was at the Garriso n Art Center in Garri son, NY, which opened on April 7, 2012. The show at Julie Saul was comprised of recent works on paper while the show at the Ga rriso n Art Ce nter cove red works on canvas and paper ove r the last twenty years. "Cheers!" Scotte Gordon writes: " I am happily completing my 25th year as the director of college counseling at the Moses Brown School in Providence. Last summer, J had tl1e honor of lead ing the first Edwa rd E. Ford faculty travel/ study grant. Our smal l grou p travelled to Cos ta Rica, where we studied Spanish intensively for a week in Heredia and a second week in Puerto Viejo. We also visited the rain forest, explored the jungle in Tortuguero, learned a lot about Costa Rican wildlife, and samp led a wid e array of food and cuisine. I am fortunate to return to Costa Rica thi s summer with a Moses Brown Global Action Fund grant. In June I will study Span ish for a week in Monteverde, a ~aker - founded community near the Cloud Forest. Si nce I work at a Friends School, I look forward to visiting Monteverde Friends School and checking out the ~aker history museum . My kids are growing up fast. Gral1am is a sopho more at the University of Miami and Han nail is a you ng profes sional in NYC. My husband and l still enjoy living in Providence ... restoring our house ...and getting to the beach whenever we can. We look forward to returning to Trinity for ou r 35th !" Harry Graves writes, "Very exciting news to have four recent Trinity rowing athletes all working hard to race at the London 20I2 O lympics. Trinity College has produced world class rowing competitors th at race the USA M2X (Peter Graves '07 and Tho mas Graves '05) and USA LM2X (John Graves ' 10 and cousi n Brian DeRegt '09). These Bantam Double Scullers have recently been training up a storm on the west coast and have enjoyed great support across the country, from Vermont to California! Adding to the cheerleading team is Head Coach H. H. Graves '78. Al l Trini ty/ H artford cheering squads and supporters are very welcome to join the exciteme nt! This is a very unique opportunity for Trinity College recent graduates to 'go for the gold' at the London 20 I2 Olympics. Trinity rowing is very well represented with five athletejcoach contenders. This may be the top contribution from any rowing college or uni vers ity. This takes ' My Three Sons' to a new level!" Barbara (Wolf) Jablow writes: " It's hard to believe so many years have gone by since college. I am a fami ly doctor, completi ng my 25th year working in tl1e trenches of primary care in Rhode Island . My husband , Steve, has gone back to school

afte r 20+ years in Jewish education and is training to become a rabbi. Our o ldest so n, Noall, is a third year medical student in Tel Aviv. Our daughter, Eva, is graduating from Con necticut Coll ege this year and we look forward to her writing the next great American novel. She has been to Trinity to perform with her a cape lla group from Conn. Our you ngest, Nate, is a junior at Tulane, majoring in politi cal scie nce. One o f my closest friends since we were freshman roommates in Jones, Sue Pollan, is a pain management specialist with whom I share many patients. Rev. Ted Pardoe writes: " I thought the following vocational news might make for an entertaining class note. I have been call ed as the rector of St. Barnabas C hurch, Gree nwich. l am very exc ited to be moving to CT after 30- plus years in YC to take this exciting position. I know there are lots of alums in that neck of the woods." Randy Pearsall writes: "We've just successfully completed our first full year with our new company, Global Problem Solvers, Ltd. G PS is a marketing and advertising consultancy for companies looking to improve their relationships with their marketing partners (internal and external) . In 20I I, we completed projects for a global automaker, a global trading company, a global advertising agency, and the nation's leading chi ldren's hospital. I'm always looking for new clients. Please check out our Web site: "Saw George Smith last November to redo our estate plan (everyone should have one) . George is one of the leading estate planning experts in the ortheast and has his own firm (Smith & Grant) in G reenwich, CT. I am planning to bring my youngest to Trinity's admissions weekend for high school juniors in Ap ril. H ard to believe that we are little more than a year away from having two in grad school and one in college. Where does tl1e time go?!" Doug Thom Ill writes: "Is it my imagination, or do the classes of'77 and '79 always sandwich the '78 class info void with novellas of relevant facts and fun personal stories> l ask myself the same question when I read my Kent (seco ndary) School alumni publications. l know from what l see with my own eyes tl1at '73 and '75 graduates have had fulfill ing, ofte n intriguing li ves on earth, but '74ers seem to have shot off to another planet or evaporated. My co llege and prep school classmates can't all be gone, can they> Am I the only one left, or am I not here either> Am I but a figment of my own imagination> Am I just another mini - morsel of nothingness in the 'ethernet cloud' whi ch post-collegiate life has become for men my age (who still type and send e- mails)> Did l not fall in love with the most beautiful Pipe on earth ( in tl1e Fall of '74) the first time I saw her and heard her sing in Hamlin Hall> Did I not decide to (attempt to) sing for a living in that moment? Did I not put my foot through that wal l on Crescent St. afte r Ca rlton Fisk waved tl1at foul ball fair? (Did I not learn how to repair drywall and fix that hole before !=rank, Kevin, and I cleared out in May?) Did I not get a B instead of an A in History IO I because I spent so much time in the basement of Mather bowling? Did I not eat all those donuts as l typed all tlwse run -on sente nces and cursed at all those dried -up bottles of White-out as the sun rose outside the windows of No rth Campus, High Rise, and Ogilvy? Did Sally and I not ... anyway. Did I not lose all that sweat in 'Soc ialism and just a Dash of Capi talism' class with

the scariest man on earth in 1975, Dr. Battis> Did l not go on junior sabbatical and learn abroad that extraordinary life existed outside my realm ? Did I not make the diving catch of the Frisbee (not a 'disc') thrown by Ben Thompson to win the game on the quad outside my room in Jarvi s on that warm early eve ning in the spring of '76 as a yow1g Springsteen sang, not from an iHome, but from speakers th e size of refri ge rators so that all could hear and be moved > D id Olivia not see me make tha t catch and smile> Maybe it was all a dream . If so, it was and remains a pleasant o ne. To any of my classmates, o n Mars or up in the 'cl oud,' if you can hear me or read me, I hope your memori es of Trini ty and that oh -so-di fferent time, even if they are only imaginary, are as vivid and heart-warming as mine. My children, Emma, 16, and D ouglas, 13, and !live in Lynchburg, (north ce ntral) VA. We are well. I hope you and yours are too." Got to catch up with so me cl ass mates at Homecoming 20 12, including Stuart Kerr and John Doldoorian. lt was a lo t o f fun , and th e Bantam s won ! Pl ease send me an y news you may have for the class notes. Alumni Fund Goal: $170,000 Class Secretary: Deborah

A. Cushman, 70 Bullard St, Dedham, MA 02026-4133 E-mail: deborah.cushman.1979@ trincoll.e du Class Agents: Ted Alm y, ~ oil y Singer-Eland Jane Beddall repo rts: 'T ve bee n li ving in Co nnecticut, first in the northwest corner and now near New H ave n, since I marri ed C hri stoph er Brown in 19 87 In 20 11 , C hri s retired from teaching at Taft, where he was part o f the English department, alo ng with Je n Zaccara '8 2. O ne of his favo rite stud ents was Peter Ziesing's daughter, Anni e. C hris and I have o ne child , Margot, who graduated from th e Corn ell H otel School in May. Two weeks later, she started a job as an assistant project manager in hotel construction and renovation at a respected finn in Maryland. "After Trini ty, I was a VI ST A voluntee r fo r a year in rural Colorado. I graduated fro m the Univers ity of Penn sylvani a w ith a J.D. and M .A . in 1984. In 2006, I finall y bit th e bull et and start ed my mediatio n and co nsulting firm , D ovetail Resolutio ns, LLC , and in 2009 left th e practice oflaw. Dovetail has a focus o n business medi ati on, famil y wealth mediati on, and elder medi ation . l as t fall , foll owing a talk to a group of profes sional women in H artford on co nfli ct preventi on and conflict resoluti on, I was asked by a Trini ty administrator in the audie nce if I would be part of a Career Development speake r se ries offering practical advice for graduating se ni ors. I said yes, of course, and e nj oyed meeting stude nts and seeing the cam pus on a beautiful April eve ning! " From Ken Kraus: "It's bee n quite a busy tim e ... for a retired loafer, that is. 1 have just sold my house in O ld Lyme, we are about to move into a co-op we've bought on Beekman Place in New York, we are selling the house in East Hampton, and we just bought our dream retirement house in Peacham, VT. Whip out your atlas to see where it is. The qui et moment in all these moves and real estate transactio ns was on September 8, when G uy Lawrence and I got married in Eas t H ampton. If





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KEN KRAUS '79 married Guy Lawrence on September 8, 2012 in East ~ampton, NY. !=rom left to right: Jane Cavalieri '79, Ken Kraus '79, and Guy Lawrence. that ..does n't make you believe in miracles, nothing wtll . From John Zonderman: "Jon Zonderm an has mo rphed into a 'gypsy academi c,' wo rking on the adjunct faculties of Southe rn Connec ticut State Uni versity in New Have n ( jo urn alism) , N augatuck Valley Co mmuni ty College in Wate rbury (English and commun ica tions) , and the Unive rsi ty of Bridgepo rt (School of Arts and Sciences D epartm ent of English) , and ID EAL accelerated degree program fo r adult learne rs. The re is littl e tim e left for independ ent writing and editing, but he is still accepting ass ignn1ents o ffe red by magazines, book publishe rs, co rporation s, and th ink tanks." So me '79e rs and family members had a mini Reunio n o n August 4 at the Rhod e Island lake ho me of Lynne Bagdis Wilson . I n attendance: Deborah Cushman; !-lolly Singer-Eland, husband Richard, daughte r Ariel, and son Jere my; Jane Terry Abraham, daughter Carrie, and so n Nicho las; Lynne Bachofner; and Lynne Wilson , husband Ira, and son Be nnett. Bennett has graduated from M IT and is o n to a great first job; C arrie is a track star; A riel, a student at Franklin and Marshall Coll ege, is in Brazil at this writing studying public health and welfare; Je remy is into scouting; and Nick is an all -around great athlete and academic. We fro licked in the water, had grea t food and beve rages and enjoyed each o the r's co mpany, feel ing ve ry special that we're still toge th er afte r all these years and planning fo r th e future. Alumni Fund Goal: $325,000 Class Secretary: Susan S.

Ang e lastro, 65 Mt Vernon St #8, Boston, MA 02108-1306 E-ma il: susan .ang e la stro.l980@ trinco Class Agents: ~arry Levenste in, Scott Less ne Dear All: 1 write th is news on the day afte r sto rm Sandy hurled down tl1 e East Coas t, leavin g a path of destruction in man y states where we have a conce ntrati on of alumni. I hope that you are all well . I am leaving this eve ning for a holiday in fl o rence and thi s note is o ne of the las t ite ms on my "to do" list. I saw Carol Goldberg·Aydin last week while o n busin ess in New York. We had tea and shared news and I love be ing in contact with he r o ften.

Yes terday, I opened the Trinity Reporter and noted Danny Meyer and Beth Thrasher ... always grea t to read and take note of so many o f our very own C lass o f 1980 with their successes and all that they do for the community... 1 had one cl ass note from Robert l-lerbst (thank you, Robert!) ... Robert reports that he spent much of the summer helping to run the wrestling ve nue at the London O lympics. It was an intense experience to be around the most focused, well co nditioned, violent, and fearless athletes in the wo rld . Robert is based in Stamford, where I often travel to! Bes t to you all and send news when you have it..

Susa n Alumni Fund Goal: $190,000 Co-Class Secretary: Susan

Wal sh Ober, 469 Valley Road, Watchung , NJ 07069-6041 E-mail: susan.ober.l98l@trincoll. edu Co-Class Secretary: Tabitha Zan e, 8805 Salute Strreet, Ral eigh, NC 27615 E-mail: tabitha.zan Class Agents: Dede Seebe r Boyd, Penny Sutter Grote, Peter Whal e n Hi Eve ryo ne! The deadlin e for this submi ss ion coincided with Hurri cane Sandy so I hope eve ry~ one is safe and heal tl1y. Please keep in your prayers Nancy Lucas, who cam e close to losing her Long Beach, NY, house, and will be loo king for temporary housing until her home is habitabl e agai n! Cynthia Blakeley writes: "I live in Atlanta, GA, and wo rk as a freelance write r and edi to r for unive rsiti es, nonpro fits, and individual writers. My husband, Allen Tull os, and I have one child, Hannal1 Rose, who is a so phomo re at Emory University with an inte rdisciplinary major in art hi story, English, and women's studies. Allen and 1 are avid gardeners and love to travel . I see Barb G uttman '84 nearly every year; our daughters were bo rn just a few months apart and became great fri e nds over the years . Barb's daughter is a sopho more at St. Mary's C ollege of Maryland, and Barb works in ve ry nerdy but fascinating compute r fo rensics. 1 am always happy when one of her co nferences takes her to Atlanta. I also catch up occas ionally with Janet Rathbun Buyers '82, who is ve ry happily living in C alifornia with her husband, Bob, a wo nderful man. A few o f us Trinity folks attended the ir wedding on the Califo rnia coast ten years ago. Janet teaches at a school fo r the gifted, and her younges t child (of three) is an undergrad at Prince to n. I'm al ways happy to mee t up with any Trini ty fri ends co ming through Atl anta, as mos t peo ple do at leas t o nce in their lifetime." Tarek Nakhla writes: "I was in France wirn famil y thi s summer fini shing up a vacation in Paris to drop o ff my son, Al exander '14, who is spend ing hi s junior yea r at Trinity in Paris. l was very pleasantl y surpri sed to hear from Susan Taylor, who lives in Paris and is th e academic advise r at the program . We had a great time reconnecting after 31 yea rs ove r a few glasses of wine at a cafe in SaintGe rm ai n-des - Pres, and it very reassuring to know that my son is in good hands with a fo rmer class mate as his advise r while studying overseas." Tarek is a partn er in equi ty sales at Redburn in N YC Philip Grabfield writes that his so n, Drew, TRt N t TYRE PORTER


wi nter 13


class notes is a junior at Trinity and rooming with Dacal's (Tommy) and Proctor's (Connor) sons. Phil is joining the Trinity Board of Fellows. He li ves in Weston, CT, with his wife of 25 years, Deborah, and is global head of marketing for Mercer's Employee Health & Benefits business. His daugh ter, Alyssa, graduated in 2011 from Connecticut College and is working in NYC as a global health analys t (at Mercer!) Jeff Osborn is working in Brooklyn, NY, commuting from Portola Valley, CA, to work at Maker Bot as VP Sales. MakerBot makes 3D printers in America and are working to restart manufacturing in America in a big way There has been lots of press, lots of travel , and lots of fun after 15 years of early retirement. Jeff writes: "] was involved in the Internet very early on. U U NET Technologies was the first of the internet service providers to go public in 1995, and by then l was runrung sales, service, and installations, with more than half of the company reporting to me. When the company was purchased by WorldCom at the end of 1996, I was very disenchanted with my new boss, Bernie Ebbers (now in prison for life) and just walked away" Alex Magoun writes: "This year has seen a new job as outreach, or public, hi storian for the I EEE History Center ( , where I write, speak, edit, and learn about all things and people electrical or electronic. It's also seen me and my family move into our very own home in Plainsboro, NJ, with our very own Princeton zip code and Princeton Medical Ce nter. Moving unearthed my substantial Silver Age Marvel Comics collection (Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Dr. Strange, etc.) and a classic D J setup, now for sale to anyone looking to stage another Cave dance!" Please join our Facebook group: Trinity College C lass of 1981 (you may need to "friend " Sue Walsh Ober to join) . We look forward to hearing from you! Alumni Fund Goal: $250,000 Co-Class Secretary: Mark R. Thibault, 642 Lincoln Road, Grosse Pointe, Ml 48230-1220 ~-mail: mark.thibault.1982@ trincol Co-Class Secretary: Joseph H. Upton, 2019 Sneca Ave, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104-2614 ~-mail: Reunion Co-Chairs: Claudia Piper, Borb Levison


We were pleased to see Jim Dod at Reunion in June. He has a private psychology practice in Chicago and recently celebrated his 25th wed ding anniversary- poor woman! Jim expresses a se nse of wonder that he "has not embarrassed hi s two children enough." His son is a sophomore at Marquette University and daughter is a freshman in high school, and they were actually willing to accompany him to a Cold play concert this summer. Yes, amazing! While on campus during Reunion , Jim, Tom Tarca, and Scott Cassie took time to check out their "sophomore slum" on Crescent Street. The buildings have bee n replaced but all agreed that fond memories remain. Another Reunion participant, Barb (Sherman) Levison, tells us that she continues to enjoy her work in NYC helping to connect fan1ilies with can1ps and teen programs. The bonus is that her work allows her to TRINITY REPORTER

I winter



spend summers in Kennebunk, ME , where the big news this summer was the release of the Zumba Madam's list of clients. Barb seems relieved that no Leviso n's were on "the list." Barb often sees Ellen Lasch , who now lives in Pell1am, NY, and Lucida Delorenzo, whose son, Max, is a running back on the UConn football team. Khooshe Aiken "abso lutel y loved seeing everyone and catching up at our Reunion in June." She says, "life has been kind, kids are happy and healthy- and everyone is in school or employed! We, all four of us, are a bunch of thankful Bantams." We were pleased to hear from Rob Ahrensdorf in Phoenix. He is the director of brands and customer insights at Shamrock Foods Co. "My wife, Amy, and I have finall y joined the 'empty nesters club' with our youngest son going off to Regis University in Denver, CO, and our eldest in engineering at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ." Rob notes that it is "time to give more thought to what we adults can do as a couple now, instead of for o r with our kids ... a new sensation that takes some getting used to. I suspect that some of our classmates can relate and have some good suggestions of books to read or sires to peruse that add insight to tl1is new part of our personal life-cycle!" Good point, Rob! Ken Papa is another "blast from the past" that we were thrilled to hear from . He reports: "Things are going quite well at this end. Business is good, the family gets as much food as they see m to require, and none of the kids are currently incarcerated in a Mexican prison. To bring you up to speed on the last thirty years, graduation from Trinity was the beginning of much excitement. I delayed law school long enough to enjoy a brief run with a clandestine, below- the -radar, and officially non -existent arm of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (in the party planning departm ent) , a profitable but ill- fated stint running a very mean-spirited Wall Street hedge fund, followed by three-to five years in federal detention. After a perplexing two- o r three- year gap of which I remember little

and during which I apparently feU off the proverbial grid, 1 resurfaced in Vegas doing three soldout shows a night at the Flamingo. I have since res umed my law practice in Madison, CT. doing real estate closings, personal and busi ness bankruptcies, probate and estates, and civil litigation in all State and Federal courts. My wife, Jennifer, and I have four children and a dog (not necessa rily in that order.) I enjoy long walks on the beach, sum mer rain showers, ping- pong, scrap- booking, and offering as -ye t- unheeded advice to Republican pres idential candidates." Margot (Tamoney) Marenakos continues to stay one step ahead of the law. She enjoyed a ten day trip to France mis summer with her husband, Steve, Liz Engelke Poole, and Charlie Poole '79. They biked the hill s of Dordogne for four days and spent three days touring Paris. "Biking in the countryside was amazingly beautiful . Still in great shape from rowing, Charlie was happy to conquer whatever the steeps had to offer and the rest of us held our own. We could have used another week in Paris. France with your roommate is wonderful!" Alice Ronconi is well in sunny las Vegas."] am still doing marketing co nsulting work and am in the throes of the uncertain arena of 'Obamacare' in our state. So many unknowns with hard deadlines to have appropriate health care products avail able to the masses. It's a fascinating time to be in health care. I trave led to london in July to see my so n, Armando, perform as William Barfee' in an off-West End production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. It was fabulous. My husband and 1 are expecting a full household during the C hri stmas holidays, and we can't wait; I'm not as enthralled with empty- nesting as I'd imagined. I miss having all the young people hanging out in our home. Wishing all the best to our classmates! Viva Las Vegas!" Mark Malkovich IV is the general manager of the Newport Music Festival . He recentl y returned from a trip to Kazakl1stan , where he represented the Newport Music Festival at a perform ing arts conference. "My seco nd time to that country, which is emerging as a leader in that central Asia region. I took over tl1e festival after Dad passed in 2010, and I'm running the whole show- artistic, fundrai sing and management. Mom still works with me, and we're carrying on this great Newport tradition ' Still keep in touch with some of the AD guys , have been getting back to Hartford once a yea r in rece nt yea rs." Please continue to feed your scri bes. Keep those cards and lette rs coming! Alumni Fund Goal: $200,000 Co-Class Secretary: Lauralyn i=redrickson, 444 Central Park W #111=, New York, NY 100254358 ~- mail: Co-Class Secretary: Alfred B. Strickler Ill, Strickler Medical, Inc., 503 Libbie Ave Ste 2C, Richmond, VA 23226-2660 ~-mail: Co-Class Secretary: Lisa Nebbia Lindquist, 11 Lakeridge Dr., Orchard Park, NY 14127-336 ~ - mail: Class Agents: Todd Beati; Timothy Clarke; Tina Tricarichi


Hope this finds you well and that those affected by Sandy ace on their way to repair and recovery. There were lots of mentions of how the storm touched everyone in submissions for this issue. My family in New Jersey fared pretty well, minimal damage to my parents' house at the Jersey shore, although at one point the house was completely surrounded by water from the bay at the end of the street and the canal behind their house. My sister's newly restored house in Bronxville however did not fare as well, getting clobbered by a huge tree soon after the last workmen left for the day. Fortunately all were in another room so no one was hurt. Anne Collins wrote from El Paso TX, "... where Sandi Stott '85 and l are visiting Michael Topp. His new hot tub definitely made it worth the trip. Dr. Topp continues ro carry forward the legacy of Jack Chatfield '64, molding young minds at University of Texas, El Paso. Michael and I also recently saw John Lemonick and Dean Sophocles at the Peter Gabriel concert in Philly. They recorded a live album that night so listen for our enthusiastic voices in the crowd. Looking forward to a visit from Otie Brown l=ilkorn in D.C. next weekend! I have been working hard to aid storm relief My agency has coordinated with all the states to facili tate the trucks delivering fuel , temporary housing units, utilities, etc. Hope all impacted are doing better by the time this comes out." Jim l=rederick wrote: "The weather was perfect for Homecoming last Saturday and the crowds were out to take advantage. It was nice to take a break from cleaning up after Hurricane Sandy, which took some of the outside of my house with it. Still standing and livable but repairs will take a while. Saw lots of old friends from 'So ro '86. I think the Class of '81 won for best participation, but lots of '83 there too including Ben Howe, John and Lisa Swain, Tim and Kate Clarke, Glenn Ratcliffe, Marissa Ocasio, Todd Beati. and on. We ace all getting too gray, but it was fun catching up with so many." Sarah Heminway e- mailed, ''Along with everyone else, life has been a tad nuts. We have three kids. Our eldest, Cody, is a junior at Williams playing basketball and golf Sothea and Seth are busy with high school sports, student council, etc. For the last ten years I have served as director of the Connecticut Audubon Society's Northeast Corner Progran1s. We have a 700-acre wildlife sanctuary in Pomfret and. after years of planning. fundrais ing, and construction, we now have a sooo-sq. -ft. education and conservation facility. With that completed, l am teaching all ages about the great outdoors, writing grants, coordinating volunteers, more fundraising (a particular joy for all non profits these days) . shoveling the front walk, and anything else that needs doing. If you are passing through northeastern Connecticut, aka the ~iet Corner, we have a beautiful spot to explore. Do stop in and say hello (sheminway@ctaudubon. org) ." Marlene (Arling) Kurban reports that she is working at Advanced Behavioral Health, Inc. in Middletown, CT. as the vice president of business development, and her 21 -year old daughter, Hillary, is a student at CCSU and working full time. Her husband, Tom, is working at ESPN in Bristol. Forrunately they escaped Hurricane Sandy's wrath unscathed. Lauren Nolan McNabb wrote ro say hello and

that all is well with her! Michael Muchmore wrote to Al saying, "I'm

writing software reviews for http:/ jwww.pcmag. comj author- bioj michael - much.more. I keep in touch with Nancy Meade '84 (who's living in Alaska as the state's general counsel and whose daughter, Ch loe, is at Trin at present in a Paris semester) , Shelby Tupper '84, and Joe DiMarino '82. Chuck Petridis let us know from Italy that he has a new addition to the family! Zachary was born on July I and he says things haven't been the same since. He wrote, ''I'd forgotten what it was like to sleep in spurts of 2-3 hours at a time! We're starting to get back to a ' normal' routine now- which basically means organized chaos. Actually it's not d1at bad. The older three help out a lot, so I guess we're lucky. Other than that, everything else is pretty much the same. TC is almost sixteen now. In a year or so, we may be looking for a host family for him ... " AI Strickler writes , "With a recent knee surgery and a maturing body, I have taken to road biking. Just completed my first century- IOo mile ride in October. Not Olympic times, but hopefully keeping the arteries from calcifying. Looking forward to seeing many at our 30th. Best to all." "Life is good and we have much to be thankful for," emailed Glenn Ratcliff, "Fortunately we were not damaged by Sandy unlike so many others who saw their homes and lives destroyed. Despite the inconveniences of the extended power outage, I was able ro join my son, Lyndon '13, and my '83 friends. Ben, Tim, John and Jim, for a beautiful and exciting fall afternoon of Bantam football. Great to see and hear the Trinity faithful cheering our boys ro a rousing. come-from -behind victory and an undefeated, championship season! I'll wait to see if Pres. Jones and company's recent social policy changes prove ro be as successful for our College's culture and future . Best wishes to all during the holidays." As far as the Lindquists, om daughter, Erin, graduated Miami of Ohio in May and is now working for an eBusiness consulting company in Dayton. Strange to realize she is not just on a school break and is officially living full - tinle in another state. Of course her major was in archi tecture, and you notice that the company is not an architecture firm! Oh well , good thing her minor was in digital studies! Our son, Ryan , is a sophomore at Notre Dame and at the moment enjoying their undefeated status. Bill is working at a tech company in Buffalo ( as their VP of marketing, and I am still in the marketing communications agency world , although looking to get back on the client side if possible. Hope to see everyone at Reunion! Alumni l=und Goal: $85,000 Co-Class Secretary: A. Marc Ackerman, 12970 74th PI NJ:::, Kirkland, WA 98034-1641 !:::-mail: marc.ackerman.1984@ Co-Class Secretary: Timonthy B. Nash, 54 Midd le St., Hingham, MA 02043-2830 !:::-mail: Class Agents: Janice M. Anderson; Robert !=lynn; Amy Waugh Curry; Lorraine Saunders White; Townsend Ziebold

"Better yet, Connectiket." This time around , we contacted Class of '84 alums who refused to cut the cord and opted to remain in the Constitution State in perpetuity. Why is that, we wondered> An affinity for blue and white license plates? Inability to purge the terms "package store" and "grinder" from their vocabulary> The incomparable Bunny Burger at Makris Diner> Maybe it's that closet- full of obsolete Hartford Whalers attire. Or an embarrassing gambling addiction spawned by the Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods casinos. Perhaps the reason involves blind loyalty to the DJs at WCCC, WHCN, and WPLR. Or the sweet acoma of freshly- minted insurance in the air. Worse, it may be a stubborn refusal to abandon hope that academic conrse credits from Trin will someday be honored by Yale, allowing the college transfer process to reach fruition. Herewith, the results of our inquiry. (Sidebar: onr sources for this exercise were the Trinity Alumni Office and its semi- reliable database of alums. Apologies ro those individuals we were unab le ro contact due to absence of an e-mail address , or unable to identify as Nutrneggers.] From Jeff Mandigo: "] am currently a teacher at Salisbury School in Salisbu.ry. CT. I am married ro Jean Mandigo and have two daughters: Kailey is a sophomore pre- med student at Furman University in Greenville, SC, and Emily is a freshman at Drexel University in Philadelphia. In summers we work at Wolfeboro: The Summer 路 Boarding School, in Wolfeboro, NH. There I an1 the M iddle School Boys Head. Between Salisbnry and Wolfeboro, we lead quiet, but busy, lives, trying to keep pace with 305 boys on campus." From Melissa (Jacobsen) Robinson and Jamie Robinson: "Our NW CT home has been a launching place for many traveled roads these last 25 years. Jamie and I married in 1989 in his home town of Nocfolk, CT. We embarked on a Coast Guard career that took us ro Washington , D.C., and Kodiak, AK. Then back to NW CT with a baby to expand our family and work in boarding schools. With three kids and a new business advising students and families on boarding school and college admission, Jamie and I arrived back in Norfolk, CT. in 2000. Showing that NW CT can also be a launching place for oft traveled roads, our oldest, Jan, matriculated with the Trinity College Class of 2016 in September! However, our kids' paths have takiJ1g them (and us) to Botswana, Australia, China, 14K Colorado peaks, Alaskan glaciers, many soccer fields , lakes, rivers, and performing arts venues. Jamie's Coast Guard career has been varied and interesting, with his latest focus on the Arctic and Alaska, quite possibly making us hi -coastal in tl1e near future! " From Liz Brennan: "I am having a ball rowing for Saugatuck in Westport, won gold in my single at the Canadian Masters Nationals in Montreal this summer! I'll be racing a quad at the Head of the Charles on Sunday- so ironic that l never watched the rowing all the times T went to the Head of the Charles as a student, and now l compete. This will be my 5th time rowing at Head of the Charles, and I'm as excited as if it were my first time! This May, l am heading to Italy to row a quad in the Yogalonga around Venice- it's a 32-kilometer row, so am hoping I make it. " [ live in a beach house on Manresa Island in South Norwalk and my neighbors usually see me TRINITY REPORTER





class notes whipping by chariot-style as my two red golden retrievers try to run fa ster and faste r. I've been back to Trinity a bunch to vis it my old est ni ece, C laire, who is a sen ior there thjs year. Last year some friends and I took full advantage of her semester abroad in Paris to make sure she got to try great restaurants and shop. At the end of 2007, I morphed from big firm partner to business lawyer to go in - house with one of my favorite clients, FactSet. I am very happily practicing international commercial law. I run into Trinity folks from timeto-time. but always when I visit my family- Alison Brennan Shutt and Topper Shutt, C lass of 198 1and now C Jajre Shutt, C lass of 2013!" From Greg Norsigion: " I got married, became a lawyer, and was blessed with three healthy chil dren . I lived seven years in my grandma's old house at 1707 Broad Street (adjacent to Trinity's driveway) and completed a master's degree in history at Trinity before retreating to the suburbs. I now live and work in Wethersfield, but my probate practice takes me by the Trinity campus almost daily. " From Curt Roessler: "I continue to pajnt and am grateful for my studio arts degree at T rini ty. I went back to school for a degree in design at CCSU. I volunteer in town politics for the West Hartford Democratic Town Committee and also work for my union . the National Association of Letter Carrie rs." From Caroline (Borhydt) !=rands: "Busy li ving in the Hartford area ... three kids ... O ldest so n grad uated from Penn State and is happily employed in Richmond , VA ... seco nd son is at the University of Richmond ... Eleven yea r-old -daughter keeping us busy with swim team, travel soccer, etc." From Lori Kirkpatrick: "It's been great catc hing up with long-ago and far-away friends on FB and I'm really lookjng forward to seeing some folks at Homecoming this year and fighting the good fight- both on and off the football field . My life is complicated per usual , but happiness finds its place- with friends and family and animals. My little business, Auntie Lori 's Special Frie nd's, a pet-sitting and dog-walking service has been a bit 'off' due to 'deaths in the family' (pets and moves or layoffs by customers). I continue to write chi ldren's books and all of the other little things that I do .. ." From Jim Streeto: "After a few stops at different places, I became a full time public defender with the State of Connecticut. I'm with the Legal Services Unit, which handl es post-convicti on appeals. The process is time consuming, and most of the people who bother have been convicted of very serious crimes (murders and sexual assaults occupy about two- thirds of my caseload at any given time.) It's challenging work: I•Ve argued approximately 20 cases before the Co nn ecticut Supreme Court ove r the last two decades. I still enjoy going to the office four days out of five. "Over the last few yea rs. I•ve spent a lot of my free time in politics. I se rved on the Middletown Common Counci l for 12 years and am cur rently on the Middletown Board of Assessment Appeals. This alternates between fun and frustrating. Six years ago, I married the most wonderful woma n in the world , who is an IDP graduate of Trinity and way too good for me. We travel a good deal - we just got back from a three -week trip to Turkey, Rhodes, and Santori ni ." From (;.Iizabeth Davis: "Any of you recognize




winter 13

the following>:

'"Trinity College is a community united in a q1ust for excellence in liberal arts education. Our purpose is to foster critical thinking,Jree the mind cif parochialism and prejudice, and prepare students to lead examined lives that are personally satis.fting, civically responsible, and socially ustji1l.' "l t is tl1e preamble to the college's missio n statement. All these many years I've lived in H artford and . sad to say. I find our alma mater mission -statement-chall e nged right now ... [I'm interested in shari ng details of my bugaboo with anyone interested; this isn't the spot to go on about sore points, I know.] Even so, I am glad to have its lush look nearby. (These kjds have it soooo posh, back in the day we had asphalt sidewalks , no orth Campus amen ities, etc. etc. etc.) My husband and our dog enjoy its stretches of lawn and I do get to a movie now and again ." From Lauro Ledbetter Baird: "These days I work in an outpatient department at Middlesex Hospital in Middletown, CT. I am a clinical psycho logist and see adults in individual and group therapy. I love my job and my co-workers. so l am truly blessed. My son, Walker, just went off to college at th e University of Florida in Gainesville to study engi neering. I visited him in October and got to see the very important UF vs. LSU game. The Gators won and I got to practice my "chomp!" There's nothing like being in a stad ium of 80.000 people dressed in blue and orange to get some excitement generated I "A highlight of this summer was a mini - Rew1ion of gi rlfriends from Triniry. My wise friend and fellow Connecticut resident, Janice Anderson Hodos, had the brilliant idea of organizing a mini - Reunion to celebra te all of us turning so this year. We had a wonderful weekend in Mystic, C T, together- Janice, Alison Limpitlow Light, Susan Greene. Susan Manlove Partridge (all the way from Moscow!) , Cathy Morano Shrestha and me. Cathy ca me from Maryland and Ali son and Susan came from the Boston area. We had a very special time together with lots of talking, wine, and soaking in the local beaury. It was good for the soul to re-connect with another. We hope to make it an annual tradition." Note from C lass Secretary: As I submit this installment to the Alumni Office for publication , the Trinity community is embroiled in debate surrounding the report of the Charter Co mmittee for Building Social Co mmunity. If you haven't familiarized yourself with this document yet, it's worth checking out via AboutTri nity/ C harterComm, as it limns significant adjustments to the composition and character of undergraduate life on campus. And James Jones is eager to receive alumni feedback via hi s e- mail address: Alumni l=und Goal: $225,000 Closs Secretary: Stephen

J. Norton, 9 Ninth St., SJ:::. Washington, DC 20003-1333 J:::-mail, stephen.narton.l985@ Class Agents: Stephen Norton, John Wilson

There were three things on people's minds as scoured for n ews late last October: Sandy, the elecrion, and turning so. Depending on where you live- geographically, politicall y, and emotion -

ally- you might still be coming to terms with each milestone. Mark Lee, writing from Connecticut, went at least five days without electric power, heat, or water and was forced to throw away four large garbage bags full. Bonnie Adams posted some pictures of shoreline destruction that were painful for anyone with an affi ni ty for the Jersey shore. To any and all , I hope your losses were minimal and recovery has advanced well in these months. But of course, life goes on. Jane McDonough Boyer is at U RS (Baltimore Office). Among her myriad duties is, believe it or not, quality assurance/ quality control for pipeline and manhole inspections. She commented, " Not glamorous , but necessary and pays the bills!" Amo ng her man y extra- profess ional activi ties are the Chesapeake Section of the American Water Works Association, the Chesapeake Water Envi ronment Association, where she is treasurer, and chairing the Tri -Association Conference, whic h features 120 exhi bitors and is attended by over Boo . Her daughter, Jordan, 18, is a senior at The Bryn Mawr School and was eagerly awaiting news on early decision application at her no. 1 choice. After over 20 years, Martha Bonneville Bacigalupo decided it was time to write in. With the big s-o closing in, she achieved her goal of completing a Half lronman. "Lots of fun but the trajning is entirely too time -consuming," she said, so it is back to the shorter distances for now. She has done a fair number of shorter triathlons over the years (O lympic and Sp rint). Pretry good for an o ld gal, Martha! She obviously has a husband who is very supportive of her training. Martha also works at Howland Capital, a private investment advisory firm , in Boston, and has two children, ages seve n and 11. "After reading this column for many years, I'm convinced I have the youngest kjds out there," she sajd. Good question. I wonder which of us get that prize. A more frequent guest in thi s space is Chris Hogan, who wrote, "All is well thankfully. I just sold a show I've bee n working for a few months to Fox. I miss acting but really like writing." He and his wife Elizabeth were lookjng forward to celebrati ng their lOth an niversary in NYC with John Conway, Jeon-Luc Helson, Bill Detwiler,

and other Trin alums. Son Vail is four-and -a- half "We walk him to school every day- often the most en lightening conversation of my day. He's a blonde, long- haired surfer boy. tall for hi s age, loquacious, ever fascinating, and totall y exhausti ng," he wrote. Ken l=esto's 2-year-o ld son is continuing to pursue acting. His director, someone with Broadway experience, insisted to Ken, "No, you don 't understand , he's really good!" To which the proud dad thought, "No, I think I unde rstand ." As with man y a runner, Sandy scuttled his plans for the NYC marathon (number 13 for Ken) . His JO -year-old is outrW1ning him in sK road races. Ken saw Prof Gerry Meshell 's musical when it had its YC premiere last spring. Hjs mini review: "A very well -conceived and finely-executed show with some talented kjds." On the career front, his startup (in the mobile payme nts technology space) was acquired by Coogle, so he works for "the big G" now." Loving it there too ... really have to say that, as far as workplaces go, Coogle is Emerald City, and every place else is Kansas (no offense to Kansas) ."

My Capitol Hill neighbor, Keith Waehrer, whom I never see, like me, got through Sandy With only a minor leak. However, almost two years ago, he bought a waterfront place in Maryland and was hoping all was well there. He and his ';ife have two spirited daughters, ages 11 and 13- He s been domg antitrust economics now for almost 14 years, first for the Department of Justice and now for a private consulting firm . He's also stili playing ice hockey, but concedes, "My high school era shoulder pads are older than many of my teammates. Perhaps I will (not) join the over-so league next year." L?ok to Gordie Howe for inspiration, Ke1th! Bes1des running into me every few years, he sees Martin Bihl now and again when he comes to Washmgton. I enjoyed the Election Day happiness Jeff Kise, Alison Berlinger Holland, and many of you shared as your children cast ballots for the first tim e. That was a hopeful way to end a very long campaign. Karen Refalvy Lejeal developed a strong friendship with TIVO as ads saturated the airwaves in battleground Colorado. Many teachable moments for her IS -year-old son, Evan, who is taking U.S. government. A:; for her other two sons, Matt (20) is currently purswng his professional pilots degree and Ryan (18) is a freshman at University of Northern Colorado. It could be up to Evan to be the third generation at Trinity. Karen 's dad was C lass of '61. Ever the fitness devotee, she does Boot Camp three days a week, plays tenni s two or three times a week, and take a Pilates class once a week. As ski season approached, she would be more than ready. Last year, she went Heli - Skiing on an all -women trip called C hicks in a Chopper in British Columbia. She's looking forward to more of that untouched powde r IO,OOO feet up for her soth. As if that isn 't enough, she is starting to turn her pass ion for photography into a business. Travel in recent years included a trip to her ancestral homeland of Hungary, then Croatia, and a month in Hawaii. Your class secretary spent several days trekking in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco with son Lincoln, 12. My wife and daughter had a fantastic oppornmity to travel in northern India for two weeks so we boys pursued our own adventure 111 the soaks of Marrakesh and rustic Berber villages. Buffeted by storms (political and otherwise) , bruised and battered from checking on the ice, being dropped from helicopters, or runni~g ridicu lous distances , and bolstered by our kids, little and big, we forge ahead into our fiftie s with gusto '8sers Keep the news coming. Alumni l=und Goal: $85,000 Class Secretary: Aileen M. Doherty, 271 Baltic St, Brooklyn, NY 11201-6404 Class Agents: Thomas Madden, Mary Schnorr-Dunne, Kathryn George Tyree

Greetings C lass of '86! . I am writing in the aftermath of Sandy- whiCh is hopefully a di stant memo ry once this Reporter hits your doorstep. I trust this finds you all safe and sou nd. Just a few - albeit fabulous - updates thi s go-around ... Karin Bennett Micheletti reports that Lynn Snyder Seay called her "out of blue" as Lynn was


of Trinity students study abroad or away.

coming to PhiJadelphia on business. Joined by Susan Khantzian Wall , Lynn & Karin met down town for a great night together. They are planning a girl's weekend this spring which will include Karina l=abi Ozment, as well. Speakmg of Karma, Karin spent a day at the beach in Margate, NJ , this August with Karina and Erich Strotbeck. Lots of laughs were had as they enjoyed cheesesteaks and a Jersey shore sunset. Hope they have many more in store ... And then there is thi s from across the oceans .... "Mimi Gatchell Rodgers here. It is hard to believe that, after IS years overseas, things are looking a tad mundane in my Life. We just bega n our sixth year in Abu Dhabi. I an1 sti.ll teaching math and science. My two children, Sam and Soph1a, are in grades seven and five this year. l am actually teaching my so n, which is really quite fun! WhiJe many countries around us are falling apart, hfe 111 this Gulf State is stable, thanks to the strong arm of the government and the fairl y open coffers of oil money. If anyone finds them selves in thi s neck of the woods, please contact us, as we love having visitors!" Absolutel y Mimi - great to hear that you and your family are doing fine and there is so me peace there ... Great news Ladies! Thanks so much. So good to hear that life is treating you well. Keep close and in touch everyone. Lots going on at Trinityupgrades on can1pus and new additions to the leadership, including the appointment of Matthew Longcore '94 as directo r of alumni relations. While I will mi ss working with Katy DeConti '98 very much and thank her for sud1 a great job well done, let's welcome Matthew in hi s new role and wish him the best of luck. .. Life just isn 't standing still . Bes t, Ai.leen Alumni l=und Goal: $250,000 Class Secretaries: Douglas Kim, 708 Union Valley Road , Mahopac, NY 10541-3973 E-mails: Reunion Chair: Cary Lyford

I write this installm ent the morning after the election with news from one member of the C lass of 1987, Them is Klarides, who has made headlines with a success ful bid for re-elec tion. By th e time thi s is publi shed, . State Represe ntative K.larid es (R-Conn) will be 111 he r eighcl1 term in the Connec ticut General Asse~11bly represe nting the 1 14th District (Woodbndge, Orange, and Derby) . She serves on the legislature's Appropriations, Judiciary, Executive and Legislative Nominations, and Legisl ative Management Co mmittees and was forme rl y the ranking member of the Insurance and Rea.l Estate Co mmittee. Appointed Deputy Repubhcan Leader

by House Republican Leader Rep. Lawrence Cafero, Jr., Themis continues to be a promment vo ice in the Republican Caucus who we are proud to call a classmate.

. . .. 88

Alumni l=und Goal: $75,000 Class Secretary: Elizabeth Cohn Goodman, 907 S. Orleans Ave., Tampa, i=L 33606-2940 E-mail: Class Agents: Jeff Baskies; Constantine Andrews; Art Muldoon

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to see Joanne Palandro !=reed man in Los Angeles. )os1e

and I had a wonderful Ita.lian dinner together. She now runs a department at ICM Ta.lent turning books into movies. Ann Grunbeck Monaghan reports that she is well and that Bridget McCormack was just elected to Michigan Supreme Court. Lies! Odenweller will be singing Lessons and Carols at Trinity on December 2. Fina.lly, I have had the great pleasure of being in renewed contact with Kimberly McDermott Esty, Shannon O 'Connor, Holly Davoren, Laura MacDonald, and Jane Swift '87 regarding the

proposed changes to the socia.l. code at Trinity. Speaking only for myself, I am h1ghJy d1smayed by the school's actions and the likely resulung closure of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Trinity. Kappa, which is nationa.ll y chartered as a fema.le -only orgamzatwn, will lose that charter if forced by the school's policy to become co-educationaJ. Alumni l=und Goal: $55,000 Class Secretary: Richard J. Maloney, 279 North Street, Hingham, MA 02043-2128 E-mail: richard.maloney.1989@ Class Agents: Donna Haghighat; Douglas Macdonald; Jonathan Cox

A numbe r of '89ers gathered over severa.l nights in New York C ity to break bread and attend Steve Belber's exceptionaJ new play, Do Not Go Gentle, which was "crisply" directed by Steve's wife, Lucie Tiberghien, and which gave new meaning to the phrase "searing dran1a." Among the Belber groupies in attendance were Matt (no stranger to searing drama himself) and his w1fe, Trina , Class of '88. Matt's new educationa.l consulting firm , the Education Strategy Group, is up and running in C hevy C hase, MD. Pnvate equ1ty honcho Ridge Cromwell and hi s wife, Nina, were 111 from Fairfield, CT, and were catching their second Belber play in as many months (yikes) . Others who made the trek included Steve Ryan, who teaches high school biology and oversees a vast soccer e mpire in Bergen County, NJ , and professor Steve Brauer, St. John Fisher College's resident expert on (among other things) "Fight Club, Style, and th e Authentic Masculine," and a confessed Buffa.lo Bills seaso n ticket holder. Unfortunately, that's aJI I have at this time. Please se nd any updates, news, or '89 trivia to trin1989 速



winter 13


class notes

Phoebe Madden '87 DEGREE: B.A. in theater and dance, Phi Beta Kappa; M.A. in teaching from Manhattanville College JOB TITLE: Professional singer, actress, and voice-coach; long-time collaborator with Trinity Professor of Music Gerald Meshell

FAVORITE TRINITY MEMORY: I met my husband , Thomas Madden '86, doing a show at Trinity under the direction of Gerry Meshell. It was Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore. I was cast as the madwoman, and Tom was cast as a knight in shining armor-it has kind of been a metaphor of our relationship ever since! We've been married for 16 years and have three children, and I can think of countless other couples who met on stage at Trinity.

REPORTER: 1-low did you become involved in music and theater? MADDEN: I have known that I wanted to be an actress since I was a little girl. My grandmother was a singer and a graduate of Vassar College, and my mother is an actress and also a graduate of Vassar. I broke the mold and came to Trinity, and I'm so glad I did. I was in over 16 productions-both dramatic and musical theater-and gained tons of experience. At other schools, you can't even get on stage during your first year. Most important to me was my relationship with my professors, particularly Gerald Meshell. 1-l is constant support has sustained me in tough times during my professional journey, and my successes have largely been because of his faith in me. REPORTER: 1-low has your relationship with Gerry Meshell changed over the years? MADDEN: I auditioned for Gerry within days of arriving at Trinity, and I was cast in the fall musical revue. It wasn't until later when I started working professionally that I realized that Gerry's students are his family. 1-le pours a tremendous amount of his knowledge and energy into his students, and he makes an effort to nurture these relationships long after they graduate. While I was working in New York and regional theater Gerry would came to support me in many professional productions. !=or example, in September 2009 at the Summers End Concert he sat in the front row with my family when I was the featured soloist with the Rhode Island Philharmonic. I moved to Rhode Island about a decade ago with my husband, Tom Madden '86, who practices law in Providence and teaches ethics at Providence College. A few years after, Gerry also moved closer to Rhode Island. Our proximity to each other has afforded us more opportunities to collaborate. In the past five




witlter 13

years, Gerry and I recorded two CDs together, Phoebe Sings Broadway (2008) and Phoebe in Love (2011). I am proud of these recordings. We also have performed a series of concerts at The Towers in Narragansett, Rl, called Broadway at the Towers: Phoebe Madden and Friends , which involved other Trinity alums-Patrick Greene '07, Devin Romanul '07, Michael Ersevim '91, and [William] Lee Goldman '91. In June 2012, we had the joy of performing a concert together at the Chapel during Reunion, which marked Gerry's 35th year at the College. At the end of the concert my student, Rachel Rossetti, joined us for the encore. She is now a performing freshman at Trinity and Gerry is her adviser. It feels like a full circle.

REPORTER: What do you take away from your collaborations with Gerry? MADDEN: At Trin ity, Gerry taught us about work ethic, respecting the process and actually learning the material, being prompt and focused , and having high standards. 1-le leads by example. Not everyone recei ves that kind of training at a liberal arts college. With the transient lifestyle of an actress, it has been immeasurably helpful to have a long and enduring relationship with my professor. 1-le's also the best in the busine ss. I speak for many when I say that Gerry is a brilliant accompanist. I've trained with amazing people on Broadway, but Gerry listens and follows in such a way that there is complete trust. As a singer I try to trust my instincts and take risks, and that is easy for me to do with Gerry at the piano because I know that he will be right with me. It allows us to really interpret a song. REPORTER: As a teacher yourself, what wisdom do you try to pa ss on to your students?

MADDEN: You have to be well-rounded to be successful. Don't just focus on one thing, but learn to do it all-sing, act, dance, write, etc. The more strings to your bow, the more opportunities you will be able to take advantage of later. Another important point is to respect the collaborative process. !-lave respect and love for your mentors and your peers. Theater at its best can be the most ensemble-oriented kind. of work I can think of. Lastly, it is essential to trust yourself. REPORTER: Are there any new professional areas that you would like to pursue? MADDEN: I am actually starting a new leg of my career. I recently become involved with the Greenwich Odeum in Rhode Island, a theater that is about to reopen at the beginning of 2013. I'm on the planning committee of the Odeum, which means that I will not only perform at the theater but also be a part of its leadership. This is a very exciting time for us because we will mount and host an array of productions: classical pieces, musical theater, folk, rock, Irish, etc. We are all big believers in celebrating new pieces in American musical theater and appreciating a mix of styles and genres. I hope to involve to more Trinity alumni in the theater as we move forward . Moreover, on our upcoming opening night gala, Gerry will rush to Rhode Island from his day-long rehearsals at Trinity to accompany me in an original number for an eight o'clock curtain. We wouldn't have it any other way.

To see Phoebe's performance schedule or purchase her COs, visit: Phoebe-Madden/453234468068085 or contact her directly at

Alumni !=und Goal: $35,000 Class Secretary: Sara Moorin Lang, P.O. Box 1349, Grantham, NH 03753-1349 E-mail: sara.lang.1990@trincoll. edu Class Agents: Peter L. Denious, Pamela Hickory Esterson, Alexis Brashich Morledge

l am writing this the week after Superstorm Sandy raged up the eastern coast. I know I speak for our entire class when l say that we are all thinking of those of you who have been affected by the storm. l am so sorry to report the death of Blair Hopkins Dejoux from cancer. I am sure many of you have great memories of time spent with her. lf you would like to send condolences to Blair's husband, Eddie, and their three children- Christine (13) , Charlotte (9) , and lsabeUe (6) , please write: 474 Duck Pond Rd . Locust Valley, NY us6o 2406. Thanks to Lisa Freeman-Conner who answered my lith hour plea for news. She writes: "I see Cindy Woosnam Ketchum once a year- we ski together in Beaver Creek and I plan on see ing her (likely in February) again in BC. .. l am busier than ever with Zero C reative and feel like I don't do much but work lately, so not a ton to report from Denver. Life is going by at warp speed and I love keeping up with everyone from Trinity on FB. I've been keeping tabs on our alwnni hit hard by Hurricane Sandy back east. Kaitlin McDermott was running a big donation drive through McDermott dealership for Sandy victims and had a huge truck of donations delivered to those hit by the storm at points of most need in Far Rockaways, Long Beach, Staten Island, etc. I am really impressed with her energy in how quickly she got that effort off of the ground. We know some pretty amazing individuals who we gradu ated with! I feel blessed to know them ali!" Kudos to Kaitlin for her efforts. Kaitlin lives in Madison, CT, with he r two sons, David (rs) and Chase (12) . Also in Co nnecticut is Malcolm Miller. He started a new job last spru1g at the Greenwich, CT, based Maxum Petroleum where he heads the company's treasury and investor relations func tion. This change comes after working 14 years at Silgan Holdings Inc. Malcolm is enjoying life with his family in New Canaan where he sees Scott English, Peter Denious, and Bob Hopkins '89 often. Ever wonder who holds pate nt numbe r 8,244,659? Wonder no longer- it is our ve ry own Michael Petrucelli. He writes, "The title is Immigration Application Management System and Method, and the publication date is August 14, 2012. If any of our classmates suffer from persi stent insom nia, they are welcome to read through it as a means of inducing peaceful slumber! " Richard Coleman's family is expecting a new addition in March . At the opposite end of the child spectrum is Arlene Angulo Kelsey. She'U become an emptynester when her daughter, Elena, graduates from high school in June. Arlene's son, Dylan, is a freshman at ~innipiac . Steve Safran recently started his seco nd firm , Safran Social Media, and works with companies on

their social media efforts . Rwnor has it that he's done amazing things in both traditional and social media. Steve hosted a mini - reunion for Corinne Walsh Peterson, Beka Jeanette Fararr, Jason Fararr, and Henry Hamilton '89 on Cape Cod in

July 2012. The fami.lies' children were also there, making for a busy and fun weekend full of sand, sw1, and lobsters. They celebrated Beka's birthday with sangria. Henry is a teacher at a private school in Florida. Beka is an English and special education teacher in Ridgewood High School in NJ and Jaso n is a partner in one of the leadillg social media companies in the beer, wine, and spirits illdustry called DrinkTwits. They run simultaneous tastings in hundreds of locations for the brands they rep rese nt. The events are all connected through meir Twitter- powered platform. It was great to hear from Val Miller, who is living the high life in Europe. She writes, " Living ill Geneva, working at Ralph Lauren Headquarters. I organize special marketing events throughout Europe. I handle our Wimbledon activities and thi s past summer I dressed the International Olympic Committee in London for their Ralph Lauren uniforms (kings, princes, princesses, sheiks, heads of state, O lympic gold - willning athletes) . Got summoned to Buckingham Palace for Princess Anne, then dressed some of our Olympic athletes for their opening ce remony outfits, including the entire U.S. basketball team ....Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Andre Iguadola, etc. While there, I hung out with Enrico Brosio '92, who has his own consulting firm and is married to the ultra-chic Gwen who is a designer at Burberry. I have two chi.ldren, Luca (13) and Romy (11) , and I have a lovely fi ance. Love Geneva as I spend eve ry weekend on the slopes in winter and picnicking on the lake all sum mer. Work very hard but all is worth it! Next stop Sr. Moritz World Cup Polo o n Snow. ....Vanessa Destaing '89 is still my Best Friend Forever and she has a successful jewelry company (Destaing) and bag company. She just moved to Hong Kong with her two teen kids and Rose, who is five monms!" Check out her Web page. Her jewelry is beautiful. I had the pleasure of catching up with Liz Silva Roberts this fall , when she hosted me for an overnight in Washington, D.C. It was so fun to sit in her kitchen and laugh with her. Life seems to be treating her well. Her boys are Lego and socce r aficionados, and her daughter is quite a chatterer. Congratulations to Mary Conley, who won the Arthur J. O'Leary Faculty Recognition Award at Holy Cross. The award honors those senior faculty members (how did we get to be senior anything>) who have made special contributions to Holy C ross through their teaching, scholarship, andfor service. Mary is an associate professor of history, and she's been at Holy C ross for the past decade. She is currently working on a book about children living in the British Empire betwee n 1707 and 1965. When you read thi s, we'll be half-way between Reunions. That means it is time to seriously consider heading to Hartford for our 25tl1 Reunion on June 12- 14, 2015. I hope we have a really strong showing. If you have neve r attended Reunion, I recommend it. The campus has gone through quite a metamorphosis. I enjoy seeing old friends and learning about the places their lives have taken

them . I am always amazed at how everyone has grown up, pursued all types of illterests, and created great lives for themselves and those they love. Reunion is a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends , and probably make some new ones as well. The more people mat attend, the more fun we'll all have please start thinking about June of 2015. And, between now and then ... consider sending an update. I would love to share your news. Hope all is well with all of you. Alumni !=und Goal: $95,000 Class Secretary: Heather Watkins Walsh, 6407 81st St, Cabin John, MD 20818-1617 E-mail: Class Agents: Robin Halpern Cavanaugh, Susannah Smetana

Classmates, the holidays are upon us and l hope everyone has safely recovered from Sandy. Russ Kauff: "After over a decade at Okemo Mountain Resort in a variety of roles, I'm very excited to be hard at work in my new position as the director of the Sugarbush Ski & Ride School. It's a big challenge to take on in such an iconic resort but it's a remarkable opportunity. I'll be splitting my time betwee n home in Ludlow and in the town of Warren where Sugarbush is located in the Mad River Valley, and I'll continue working at Card rona Alpine Resort in Wanaka, New Zealand in the summer." Jon Buoni: "I was pleased to catch up with classmates Neil Patel and Tucker Carlson, who were hard at work this election cycle spearheading their wildly success ful news site, The Daily Caller ( . No matter what your political views are, you have to be impressed with the launch of their well -crafted Web site, which has grown to more than 8 million unique visitors per month in just over two years, manks ill part to its in -depth investigations and breaking stories. Moreover, it is consistently ranked in the top 350 sires ill the U.S. for traffic by ~antcast and was recently ranked by ewswhip as one of tl1e top 40 sites for content sharing on Facebook. And apparently, classmates Bill Cerveny and Bill Rosselli Del Turco have lent enough moral support to hold a firm place in the company's masthead. I imagine it stems from their respective spiritual and judicial guidance." Mona Gibson: "All is well here in NJ on day six of no power post-Sandy. We are hangillg in there. I've read seve ral good books by lanternlight thanks to suggestions from my Good Reads friends, Regina Sheerin and Rachel Kroh Shook." Michael and Kate (Brennan) Ersevim are still living happily on Trinity Ave. They can also see from the ir bedroom window the Trinity College Chapel where they were marri ed 20 years ago mis July (2013) . Michael just got promoted to assistant vice president of acmarial priciJ1g and quantitative analytics at AmTrustGroup. He was also elected president of his church and enjoys beillg the music director of SLOCO, a local light opera company. Kate works for an employee benefits brokerage, al so doing analytics and financial reporting. Older son C hristopher is a junior at Glastonbury High School, plays the cello and tennis and has Trinity College in his sights- both figuratively and liter-






class notes

David Weinstein '90, M.D., M .M.Sc. DEGREE: B.S. in biology; M.D., Harvard University; M.M.Sc., Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology

JOB TITLE: Professor of endocrinology, Director of the Glycogen Storage Disease Program, and Associate Program Director for Research, University of f:lorida College of Medicine; recent recipient of the Order of the Smile award .

FAVORITE TRINITY MEMORY: I have so many wonderful memories. The first that comes to mind is meeting my wife (Geraldine Munsayac Weinstein '90). I also have fantastic memories of the times that the science students spent together in the Jacobs Life Sciences Center. It wasn't just about work. It was a remarkable group of people who really supported each other. I am thrilled with the success our entire group has achieved.

REPORTER: What is glycogen storage disease?

WEINSTEIN: Normally when we eat a meal our bodies store sugar and use it during times of fasting. ~or children affected by glycogen storage disease, sugar is stored but cannot get out. Any time they do not eat, their blood sugar falls dangerously low. The disease is genetic and is relatively rare-it affects approximately one in 100,000 children worldwide. When I first started working with GSD, patients were not expected to live past childhood without a liver transplant. Administration of regular doses of cornstarch, which metabolizes slower than other sugars, can help to treat symptoms of GSD. It has gotten to the point now that, with proper care, patents are expected to do well. Still in many places outside of the U.S. the prognosis is very poor. REPORTER: What drove you to study GSD? WEINSTEIN: I first heard of it through Trinity Professor ~meritus of Biology John Simmons, who referenced GSD when he taught courses in endocrinology. I was medically exposed to it between 1994 and 1998 when I was working at Children's Hospital Boston. In 1998, I was invited to a national conference on the subject, and I was shocked by the state of care for people with this disorder. There had not been any clinical ad va nces for 16 years because there was just was no financial support or glamor in studying it. As a result of the lack of research and understanding, many children were suffering or even dying. At that conference, I decided that these children needed an advocate, and I have been dedicating myself to this condition for the past 14 years.

since the support did not exist in Boston. In 2005 I moved from Boston to the Uni versi ty of ~lorida, where I had the opportunity to create a research program from scratch. The move to ~lorida allowed me to try to create the Disney World of health care for children and adults with GSD. We have built the largest clinical and research program for GSD, and the program follows children and adults from 36 counties. I also wanted to create a charitable arm for the program to make sure that every child with this d isease has access to quality medical care. This became the Alyssa's Angel ~und , named for one of my patients who lives in Hartford and whose family helped establish the charity. We receive a great deal of support from the Hartford community, particularly the Mandell Jewish Community Center of Greater Hartford. Through this generosity, we ha ve been able to care for children on nearly every continent, and no one gets turned away.

REPORTER: What was the path that led you to a career in medical research?

WEINSTEIN: I was interested in medicine when I was young, and at the age of 12 I became a routine volunteer for a group in Miami that was studying pulmonary medicine. I asked a lot of questions, and the resea rchers liked my suggestions. I was offered a job and became published at the age of 14. By the time I entered Trinity, I had developed an interest in studying Alzheimer's disease. I eventually went to study at Harvard University, where I decided that I could do more by studying pediatrics. I really believe that the success I had is due to my experience at Trinity.

REPORTER: What did you find outstanding REPORTER: How did your program at the University of ~lorida develop?

WE INSTEIN: One of the reasons I chose Trinity

WEINSTEIN: My ultimate goal is to cure glycogen storage disease, and we are working on gene therapy. Before we can try this in humans, testing in animals with the disease must occur. I was interested in pursuing gene therapy on dogs that naturally have glycogen storage disease. In order to do this, I needed to find an institution that also had a veterinary school,





about the Trinity experience?


was the small environment, which afforded a lot of opportunities. I started doing research in the first week of my freshman year in Professor Simmons's lab, and I continued to do so during my entire undergraduate career. As a senior I received funding from the office of then-President Tom Gerety, which gave me a budget and lab space to conduct independent research.

The work that resulted was recognized by the Gerontological Society of America with an award for outstanding research in the field of gerontology by an undergraduate or graduate student. The work was also recognized with a Barry Goldwater Scholarship, and the success allowed me to get lab space at Massachusetts General Hospital when I moved to Boston. None of that would have been possible if I didn't receive the support and encouragement at Trinity.

REPORTER: What is the Order of the Smile award and how were you nominated? WEINSTEIN: It is an international humanitarian award given by children to adults in recognition of their service to children. Prior winners include Pope John Paul II , Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela. I will be traveling to Poland to receive the award in the summer of 2013. I was nominated due to the efforts of a girl who lives in Poland that I treated. She went on to medical school, where she realized how ill she had been and how far she had come. She wanted to do something to thank me for helping her. She collected letters from over 250 people from 30 countries-all patients who had been helped by our services-and submitted the letters to the award coordinators. REPORTER: How does it feel to be recognized in this way by your patients?

WEINSTEIN: It means a lot that my patients would go out of their way to do this. It is special to be recognized for clinical work. People praise research all the time, but very few organizations recognize people for taking care of other people. I am extremely honored. To learn more about David's research program and the Alyssa 's Angel ~und , visit www.

ally! Younger son Thomas plays piano and viola and excels at science and math. His pure elements collection and chemical experiments are the talk of the school (and the bane of his mom 's existence). They keep in touch with Mark and Kara (Molway) Russell and their two beautiful boys. In January 2012 Rita Zandbergs received her master's degree in organizational learning and development from Suffolk University and in April moved to Latvia to pursue new career opportunities. During the past few months she has been getting adjusted to her new life in Riga, hanging out with friends and family, frequenting the many wonderful restaurants and cafes in the city, and getting ready to run her first 10k next spring in Latvia. Peter Papadopoulos is back in San Francisco, where he recently launched the Mojo Theatre with his longtime partner, Kimberly Leste r. Lots of nice visits with many Trinity folks recently including Cam Griffin '92, who lives nearby with his fam ily; former longtime Trinity professo r Josh Karter, who now heads the Kirby School in Santa Cruz; and Otis Bryant '90, who visited on a break from hi s Midwest teaching. Jennifer Bober: "Checking in from hurricane ravaged New Jersey I was one of the lucky ones. No serious damage to my house, and I was only out of power for 48 hours. My office still is not open a week later and there are man y places that have been completely devastated. When 1 do get to go to the office, I >m the marketing manager for a small academic publisher. It>s challenging, but rewarding. I >Ve been doing a bit of travel for it and while in Indianapolis I managed to connect with Lynn Hinkel Cowburn '92. We had a great time hanging out. Labor Day weekend, I took a trip to Massachusetts and visited with !-leather Peckham Emerson and her twin girls. We had a great time hitting the beach, shopping, and catching up. I'm still singing profess ionall y and in my 'spare' time and making jewelry. I'm hoping to make it up to Trinity for Lesso ns and Carols to see all of my Chapel friends. " Lawrence Kolin reports that the Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha national fraternity is organizing alumni in response to Trinity CoLlege's stringent implementation of the co-ed mandate and encourages Pike alums to contact Tau Alpha's board at: eplsilonalphaalumni@yahoogroups. com. There is also a petition for those opposing the changes signed by four thousand people at: h ttps:ffwww.chan ge .orgf peti tionsf stop- the - preposed-changes- to - trinity. As for me, I am heading to Florida witl1 my dad for a father -daughter national tennis tournam ent. Hopefully, we'll make it past round one! Thanks to a1l who responded to my (desperate) request tl1e day before the notes were due. H eather (Watkins) Walsh Heatherwals hoo @gmail .com The Alumni Office reports: Matthew M. Greenberg, partner with Peppe r Hamilton LLP, was recently recogni zed by the Delaware State Bar Association as a recipient of the 2012 Commitment Award. The award is presented annuaLly to the member of the Delaware Bar who has demonstrated sterling commitment to pro bono throughout his or her career by demonstrating time and energy to the support and provision of legal services for the poor.

Alumni l=und Goal: $75,000 Class Secretary: Allison Picott, 31 Centro! St, Concord, MA 01742-3014 !:::-mail: atlison.picott.l992@ Reunion Chair: lan !=indlay

lt is witl1 great sadness that I write to repo rt the tragic loss of Alex Motsenigos who was killed by a motori st while riding his bike near his hom e in Wellesley, MA. Probably the most immediate image of Al ex that comes to mind to those of you who remember him is his bright, friendly, and infectious smi le. Robin Halpern Cavanaugh '91 and I attended Alex's fun eral, which despite the tragic circumstances of his dea th was a beau tiful celebration of his life. Alex is survived by hi s wife, Nilanthi; his six -year-old so n, Nikolas; and many family and friend s, including his brother, Spiros '99. The Motsenigos fan1ily has se t up a memorial fund for Nikolas' education. To contribute, please send a check to Nikolas Motsenigos Education Fund, PO. Box 81082, Wellesley, MA 02481 or by Paypal at https:ffwww.paypal.comfwebappsf mpp/ send- money-online. Payments should be directed to the following account: nikolaseducationfund@ l wish I had more news to share with you about others in the class. Despite my numerous and varied pleas to the class for information, I came up empty Please don't be a strange r! Wishing you all a happy and prosperous 2013!

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Alumni l=und Goal: $40,000 Class Secretary: Jonathan t::: . f.leuser, 119 !=ulton St Apt 12, New York, NY 10038-2729 !:::-mail: jonathan.heuser.1993@ ; fax: 617-886-0900 Class Agents: John Akasie II, Alexandra Carr, Gregory Creamer, Jonathan f.leuser, Elissa Raether Kovas, Prescott Stewart

As I write these notes, we're stiLl watching the televised images of devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy. Recove ry efforts continue and the region is slowly coming back to li fe. Many of our classmates in Co nnec ti cut, New York, New Jersey, and elsewhere were touched by the events of the last week, and some are still waiting to recover power as the temperature plunges into winter and another major storm moves into the region promising wind, rain, and snow. It has been at times heartbreaking to know tl1at fri ends, colleagues, and neighbors are suffering, and inspiring to watch strangers helping one another through their difficulties. Such an expe rien ce has the ten dency to encourage one to be refl ective. Still tragic, th ough o n a more personal level, perhaps you have not ye t heard that Alex Motse nigos '92 was killed in a cycling accident this August, leaving behind a wife and six - year old so n. Hi s famil y has set up a fund in memory of Alex in order to assist with his son Nikolas' education. Donations ca n be se nt to via PayPal or mail to: Nikolas Motsenigos Education Fund PO Box 81082 Wellesley, MA 02481 nikolaseducationfund

Gordy Wisbach was recently deployed to Afghan istan for six months. His wife and five childre n- and now all of us- eagerly looking forward to hi s return . As Thanksgivi ng approaches, let's all take a few minutes to remember mose who are no longer with us on this life's journey, to look forward to the safe return of mose who are in harm's way, and to be grateful for the family, neighbors, friends, and class mates who surround us. Until th e next time, best wishes to all. Alumni l=und Goal: $25,000 Closs Secretory: James S. Talbot, 391 Clinton St Apt 1C, Brooklyn, NY 11231-3617 !:::-mail: Class Agents: Stephanie Cope Donohue, Anne Dillon !=isher, Jacob !=isher, Patrick Gingras, Amanda Gordon, Maureen Mct:::leney, Deborah Povinelli

Hello Class of 1994! I am wri ring this as the 2012 election returns co me in . At me moment, the Electoral College tallies (according to C N) are Romney: 158, Obama: 143. I'll update this as we go along to create a false sense of drama. On the east coast of the U.S. , we just experienced Hurricane Sandy, which no doubt had a direct impact on many Trinity alumni and meir familie s. Hopefull y by the time you see this, mose who have lost their homes will have found a place to live - at least for the winter- and all the others who were affected will be getting back on meir feet. Moll y (Goggins) Talbot '97 and I have just returned from H omeco ming weekend, where we witnessed a nail - bite r football win against Amherst. The Trinity Pipes had a 75 th Reunion celebration , where we saw many, man y alumni from man y, many years including classmates Mike Spaeder and Maureen Mcl::leney and also Raymond Jones '97, Joanna (Marsden) Solfrian '96, Shannon Spaeder '95, and Gail (Mierzejewski) Spaeder '95. I also spied Jay Sarzen, Jake l=isher, Pat Garrahy, honorary classmate Carl Marshall '96 and his wife, Yare! (Silverio) Marshall '96, as well as Ron C ino '95, Terence Heal ey '95, and Demitra (Smith) Jones '96. I'm sure I've missed quite a few of you, but no doubt a good time was had by all! (Obama: 172, Romney: 163) But enough about me, what were the rest of you up to> Of direct rel evance to Trinity, Matthew Longcore has accepted th e position of directo r of alumni relations at Trinity, a job he officially assumed in mid - November. He says "I am excited and ho nored to have been selected to serve in the chief alumni officer role at our alma mater. I look forward to seeing our classmates from '94 at Trinity alumni events mroughout the country." Good luck, Matthewl It looks like it might be a challenging job for a while. Leah Kahl Wilmore annow1ced me birm of her second baby girl, Sierra Kennon WilLnore. Leal1 reports mat Sierra's two and a half year old big sister, Jordan , has become a terrific, very loving big sister. She also started a new job in the faJJ as the assistant general counsel at PHH Co rporation and will be movi ng from the New Jersey suburbs TR I N I TY REPORTER


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class notes of New York City to south ew Jersey. She sounds quite excited! Hopefully, Sandy did not make too much of a mess of her new hometown. Julian Craig is living and working in Princeton, NJ, but made it all the way up to Williamstown, MA, with his father to see another fall showdown between Trinity and Williams. He reports that the football team showed a lot of character, coming from behind to win in the final minutes. When he wrote in, he was looking forward to seeing Professor Renny Fulco speak at Princeton in October, and I'm sure she was great. Emelie East said she did not have a lot new to tell the class, but did pass along that she was back on the east coast in October to compete in the Head of the Charles regatta for Seattle's Pocock Rowing Center. They came in third behind two boats with ex- national rean1 rowers, so a pretty good showing! She also had the chance to cheer on a couple Trinity boars and see some Trinity friends while in Boston, too. (Oban1a: 238, Romney: 191) Dan Latham impressed the heck our of me with his report that in August, he swam 12 mlles across Lake Erie to raise money for cancer research. He continues to work as a financial adviser at U BS in Ohio, but recently took a trip to Ghana to learn about the stare of business development oppormnities. That must have been fascinating! Finally, Kimberly (Janczuk) Dunn finally put the world at ease by reporting that she went as the Crypt Crawler for Halloween, and she recently spent some time in Hawaii. (SPOILERALERT: CNN, Fox, and Comedy Central just called the election for President Obama.) Until next time, go Bantams! The Alumni Office reports: Marlon Paz joined Locke Lord LlP as partner in the Washington, D.C. office where he will concentrate his practice on securities matters, business litigation, and white-collar criminal defense and internal inves tigations. Alumni Fund Goal: $65,000 Class Secretary: Paul J. Sullivan, 239 Eden Rd., Stamford, CT 06907-1009 E-mail: Class Agents: Ashley Myles, Colleen Smith, Benagh Richardson Newsome, !-leather Dunbar

l hope everyone on the east coast fared well during Sandy. By the time it reached me in Stamford, it had been downgraded from a hurri cane to a tropical storm to a super storm. A super storm> I scoffed. Then a tree came crashing across my road and knocked out the power for a week! Before that happened, I had a nice dinner in New York with Shelley (Butler) Coughlin, her husband, Gerry, and Carolyn Barrett, who was in from Los Angeles. Carolyn was a real trooper as Shelley and I bemoaned the lack of sleep we were getting as working parents- a topic so incredibly boring to anyone without a children that, had I been Carolyn, I would have rushed to the bar. (She was nice enough to wait until we were done talking ... .) Michael Robertson has set a date- December




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19, 2012- to marry his partner, Jim Mulkin, at City Hall in New York. It's their lOth anniversary and time for him to become an honest man for sure. Michael has also been named the vice president of the board of trustees of the louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts Foundation. Jeff Goldschmidt wrote in to say that he has just celebrated his 16th wedding anniversary to his wife, Holly Sena. Their son, Max, is now in first grade. Jeff and Holly live in West Hartford, where he has a thriving periodontics practice covering New Britain, Soumingron, and West Hartford. His smile on his Web site? Pearly white. Ellen Scardino was recognized by the Boston Business journal as one of its "40 under 40" for her contributions to tl1e Boston economy. After starting our as a research scientist post-Trinity, Ellen went to law school and is now a principal at the law firm of Fish & Richardson. She specializes in patent infringement litigation and patent counseling for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies. Kate Kehoe has had a good run of it as of late. After fleeing New York last year for New Zealand, she returned to work in New York only to get a top job at Apple and move to london. She arrived just in time for tl1e Olympics. As if tl1at was not enough fun for one year, she recently became engaged to her long- time beau, Mike Dallas- the Kiwi who lured her away from the Big Apple. The wedding is set in Italy next year. l hear she also gets to jump to the front of the line whenever a new iSomething is released! Josh Borus reported that he has started to see things, namely "Bart Bettencourt's doppelganger," which he rook "as a sign to send my first contribution to class notes since impersonating Steve Kane about rs years ago." Never one to judge a man's motives, I gratefiuly accepted his submission. Josh is working with adolescents at Boston Children's Hospital. Recently, he and his wife moved with their two kids to Newton, MA, for that most An1erican of reasons: better schools.

"] am still playing a bit of soccer," he wrote. "All pretty routine. It was much more interesting pretending to be early-2os Steve." While I have no idea what this means, I , too, would be happy to impersonate an early-20s version of myself. complete with hair and a stomach that could hold a couple of martinis. And this brings me to the last entry: Josh Weinstein , pal extraordinaire, was the first classmare I knew who turned 40, an age Josh and I agreed in early 20s was truly terrifying. When my daughter asked to call him on his birthday- 1) because she likes him, and 2) because she associates everyone's birthday with cake for her- I heard the road -croaking ringing that told me that he or at least his phone was in Europe. It turned our Josh did the only truly smart thing a man can do when confronted with turning 40: he fled to Italy " ext to the Pantl1eon, I felt a little younger," he wrote from Rome. Here is to all of us getting away a bit this year. Happy 40th birthday! Alumni Fund Goal: $75,000 Co-Class Secretary: Christopher M. Parzych, 957 Pacific St Apt 404, Brooklyn, NY 11238-3197 E-mail: Co-Class Secretary: Nicole Tateosian, 112 Decatur St. Apt. 5, Arlington, MA 02474-3547 E-mail: Class Agents: Amanda Dwyer Savage, Tiger Reardon, Clayton W. Siegert


Hello Class of 1996! My apologies that I was unable to solicit many notes this time around - [ spend a good part of the fall traveling. I promise I will do better next rime! Bee Bornheimer writes that she had a baby boy in August named Thomas Alioto. He's delightful . and she "would tell you more about him but he's starting to wake up from his nap, so I must attend to his every demand." Erin Finnemore also just had a baby boyFinn. Congratulations ladies! 1 just ran the Richmond marathon - hence one reason I am very delinquent in getting notes! Alumni Fund Goal: $35,000 Class Secretary: Courtney 1-l. Zwirn , 65 Oak 1-lill Dr, Arlington, MA 02474-3547 E-mail: courtney.zwirn.l997@ Reunion Chair: Kearney Staniford

Hello Class of 1997! I hope this finds you well. Ben and I are well and busy keeping up with our three boys in Arlington, MA. In September we had to say goodbye to fellow '97 grad, Marty Dallmeyer, and his wife and two girls as they moved from Arlington to Hopkinton (where the Boston Marathon starts) . It's only 30 minutes away so we'Ll stlll see them, but Marry and Ben's late-night video games have been sharply curtailed. We are happy that they have found their home and more space! In August we had BBQ_with some alums in

honor of Caleb 1-loward and his son, Oscar, vis iting from the UK. Dan van Nierop and Sam Chang and their families, as well as Dave Stewart '96, joined us for an evening of catching up and reminiscing about college days while watching our kiddos play together. Life has changed some, but not too much since college, as half the attendees had so much fun that they decided to spend tl1e night! We all enjoyed giving Caleb a hard time about his acquired British accent. Sam wrote me recently ro share, "] got to spend some time in September in Hong Kong with Emily Ma and Paul DiGiacomo while I was out there for a conference. We had dirmer at an authentic Chinese restaurant that Emily recommended. It was yummy. Not the American Chinese restaurants we're use to in the States. They boili seem to be doing really well and enjoying living out in Asia. It was really nice reconnecting and the dinner flew by way too quickly. lots of love goes out to Emily and Paul. "As for me, we're still in the Hartford area and loving it. We have two kids. Max is almost three and Talia is almost a year and a half Boili are healthy, active, and beautiful (if I do say so myself) . My career is shifring directions , which I'm very excited about. I've been on the institutional research side of finance for the last 15 years, and am now moving to the private wealth management side of the business. lr's going to be a lot of hard work building my business, but I'm more than ready for it. Wish me luck." We do wish you well, Sam' Jim Gilbert wri res, ''I'm happy to report that I became the assistant dean for academic and career services at George Mason University's School of Management in August, and while I'm still getting used to being called Dean Gilbert, I am thoroughly enjoying the job, my staff, colleagues, and a really short commute iliar gives me more time to spend at home with my !6- monili -o ld daughter, Shannon. My family is living in Spri ngfield, VA, in a house we bought about four years ago." Congrats on all fronts , Jim! "Greetings from Colorado!" writes Sky (Bull) Minckler. "My husband , two kids, and I decided to pack up everyiliing (two dogs included) and head out west. We love it here and especial ly love reconnecting with o ld alums like Joshua Ayers and his wife and kids . Bill is working for a tech nology start-up in Boulder and the kids and I are adjusting well to life in the desert ... er... mountains> Whatever you call it, we LOVE it! Hope all is well wiili all tl10se Trinity friends ou t there!" Monique Daragjati Bannon and Billy Bannon wanted to share exciting news: "We had our fourtl1 baby on Jul y 23 - a baby girl named Catl1erine Grace! She joins big broiliers William, Marco, and big sister lucy! Four kids under six and a half keeps us busy bur we feel very blessed ! Billy continues to travel a lot but life in Farmington, CT. is good. That's the big news in our house!" Also writing with baby # 4 news , Amily (Dunlap) Moore writes, "My husband, Tyler. and 1 welcomed Samuel James on June 15. He was 8 lbs., 7 oz. His three big broiliers, Alexander, Philip, and Griffin, were delighted to have another brother. We're having a ball and there is never a dull moment with four boys'" Whenever I think my life with three boys is crazy. 1 will think with awe ofMonique and Amily! Speaking of crazy, our oldest (7) just started ice

hockey. As a Cali girl, this is taking some adjustment for me. While at the rink a few weeks ago, Ben ran into fellow classmate Brian Patterson, who has three boys of his own and volunteers as an assistant coach for their hockey teams here in Arlington. Small world! As I was finishing up thi s edition of the class notes, Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. We were fine here, but I know many of you were affected by this horrible storm. Thanks to Facebook, I kept tabs on several class mates in the NYC area, some of whom have been wiiliout power for over a week and I'm sure mere are more who suffered damage to weir homes. We will all be tl1inking about those affected for a long time to come and wish everyone well as they recover. Until nex t time, be weU aU. Alumni l=und Goal: $15,000 Closs Secretary: Jessica Lockhart Vi ncent, 8 Arborleo Ave, Yardley, PA 19067-7406: E-mail: jessico.vincent.1998@ Class Agents: Erin Blakeley, Sean Brown, Michael Clapp, Ronalda Gonzalez, Jr., Levi Litman, David Messinger, Christina Polmese, Morgan Risse! Paul 1-lillman writes, "Our second son arrived on August 16! Nicholas Bishop Hillman was born 6lbs., 8oz., and is growing up fast. We also moved across town to Seattle's Maple leaf neighborhood and inherited a front and backyard (or in other words yard work) . It's all good, but having two kids, a real house, and a 15-yea r co!Jege Reunion on the horizon, I'm starting to feel a little grown up. Work is also going well. I'm still traveli ng around the country, mostl y on the coasts, making films about NOAA fi sheries and the science behind the policy and management. Check out our You Tube page, handle: usnoaa.fisheriesgov and/ or noaaoceanmediacenter." Scott Macdonald and Mary Jane Frisbee 'os were married on June 16, 2012 in Osterville, MA. The reception was held at the Wianno Club. Alumni in attendance included Mark Chaffee, Adrian West '97, Jim Washburn '97, C hri s Co mer '98, Charlotte l=airbanks Comer, Matt C ini '96, Doug Macdonald '89, Emily Maletta 'os, Sarah Geiger '05, and liz d' Enrremont '05. The happy couple honeymooned afterwards in the south of France." Christina Tsoules Soriano gave birtl1 to her seco nd daughter, Penelope Skye Soriano. on September 9. 2012. C hristina, husband Jeffrey, and big sis Evie are all swe ll . C hristina was also rece ntl y awarded tenure and promotion at Wake Forest University, where she is now an associate professo r of dance in the Department of Theatre and Dance. Christina Palmese reported that she and her husband, Jesse, welcomed twins into their family. Willian1 Ronald and Ca therine Ann were born on September 5, 2012. They also recently moved to Manhattan, and C hristina is working as the director of neuropsychology at Beth Israel Medical Center. Dave Aucoin writes. "After an unexpected nine-year stay in Atlanta, my famil y and I have relocated back to ew England to be close r to fam -

ily. We are living in West Hartford, a few blocks away from David Messinger and his family. In addition to the Messingers, we were welcomed and helped through our transition by gracious friends Tina Rideout and Cari and Eric Narotsky. I am sti ll working for my structural engineering firm in Atlanta and hoping to build up a diem base in the New England area in the years to come." Before I sign off, I do want to remind everyone to mark your calendars. June 7-9, 2013 is our 15th Reunion. Our 10th year was a lor of fun, and I'm sure this one won't disappoint! If you have any news before then, please send me an e-mail to Alumni l=und Goal: $10,000 Class Secretary: Alyssa Daigle, 10 Fairfield St Apt #7, Boston, MA 02116-1666 E-mail:; fox: 617-242-8841 Class Agents: Alyssa Daigle, Nancy Dwyer, William Mahoney, Jr., Heidi Notmon, Maureen St. Germain, Caroline Walloch

O.K. - in the midst of some recent crazy Hurricane Sandy activity on ilie east coast, I sincerely hope everyone is doing well. In Boston, we survived wiili little more than heavy rains and high winds, but it would appear that NYC and me dirty Jerz really got wal loped during dUs storm. I hope all of you and your loved ones are safe and sound and that by the time you read this Sandy will be a distant image in your rear view mirror. Promisingly, with the bad also comes good, as you wiJI see in the news that our fe!Jow alumni have shared. The theme for this issue was classmates working in me entertainment industry. But first, some baby news. lt would appear we have three new first-born sons to add to rile list of mini - Bantams this time around: Sarah (Thornton) Caswell and husband, Matt, welcomed son James Thornton Caswell on June 25, 20!2. Sweet Baby James is the first addition to rile Caswell family. The Caswells are currently living in Arlington, VA, and Sarah has now returned to her job as ilie director of biofuels and biomass policy at the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) . Lindsey (Wells) and Teaj Anderson also welcomed ilie ir first child, Miles Peyton, to the world on September 14. They continue to enjoy life in los Angeles and are enjoying this new chapter in their lives. Lindsay (Mustard) Murray and husband. Scott, also welcomed their first child. lindsay writes: "Scott and 1 are thrilled to announce that we are now the proud parents of a healiliy and happy little boy named Maxwell Mustard Murray. Max was born on Tuesday, August 28 at 12:18 a.m. weighing in at 8 lbs., 5 oz. and 21 inches long. I love every aspect of maternity leave (minus the sleep deprivation) , but I do plan on returning to my job as a project leader at ilie Boston Consulting Group in early January." Thanks to ilie new Moms for writing and many congratulations on the newest additions to your families! And now for some entertainmentrelated news: Courtney (McKenna) Armstrong writes with the following update: "C urrently I'm rile supervising producer for A&E Biography's top show. I



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class notes always said 1 wanted a job where 1 can wear flip fl ops every day, and TV has served me well in that and man y other ways for the past ten years. In other producing news, I'm expecting a baby in just a few months." Congratul atio ns, Courtney- wishing you all the best! Jen (Gerard) Walsh al so doubled up o n the news. She writes: " I've bee n a digital strategi st for entertainment marketing fo r the last few years- I wo rk at a creative age ncy and work o n primarily film and televisio n projec ts. 1 work smack in the middle o f Hollywe ird I get older, it certainl y ge ts we irder. My husband and I also just bought our first house and we're really enjoying finall y having a pl ace to call our own." Co ngrats on your new home- so exciting! And in final news for thi s iss ue, Linda (Pacylowski) Carmody has bee n quite busy entertaining new athletic challenges! She writes: "C urrently I am suppo rting the Army by supporting their new online healcl1 and fitn ess pl atfo rm to provide comprehen sive fitness to soldiers and their families. I have also started runnin g in more 5K and 10K races, with the goal o f running in a half- marathon befo re the e nd of 20 13- My daughter, Li via (9) , is my running partn er fo r the 5K races. We are ve ry sad about the current state of the NHL, since my son, Dylan (7) , was selected to represe nt the state of Maryland in a shootout competition betwee n pe ri ods o f a Was hington Caps game. C ross ing my fin ge rs that the NH L has a season so we can chee r Dylan on! I'm a hockey, socce r, baseball, and track Mom." Th at's it for now- I know cl1ere are a few o rlle r new Mo ms who ducked be neath cl1e rad ar this time, but feel free to co ntact me next tim e around if you'd like. Thanks to rllose who wrote and I look forward to connecting with you all agai n soo n! All the best, Alyssa. Alumni Fund Goal: $15,000 Class Secretary: Virginia W.

Lacefield, 3504 Totes Creek Road , Lexi ngton, KY 405172601 E-mail: virg inia.lacefie ld.2000@ Class Agents: Ann e Sawyer Shields, Chris Borden Hello C lass of 2000! By rlle time you read this, I hope everyone is well and rlloroughly recove red fro m the whirlwind that was Hurricane Sa ndy and the 20 12 electio n cycl e! Whew - wha t a year! Exciti ng times makes for exciting news, however, so read on fo r a variety of in te resting updates from cl assmates across the states and around the wo rld! Starting close to ho me in Co nn ec ticut, Ann O'Connell repo rts th at she was inducted into Alph a Sigma Nu, th e ho nor society o f Jes uit coll eges and unive rsities, on Sunday, Oct. 21 at Fairfield Unive rsity In atte ndance was the first member of our class to achi eve this ho nor, John Miecznikowski, on who m I reported back when he was named Fairfield's 20 II Teacher of the Year. Glad to see Trini ty continues to be well represented in the field of education ' Less than a month after Ann's induction, Brian Jackson also experienced rlle joy of success whe n he completed a 120 -day fitn ess challenge by run ning in the Seco nd An nual Colony G rill Pos t Road ' Hot O il' sk for chari ty in early Nove mber. Brian finished cl1e race in 27:0 2 and beat hi s per66



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so nal goal by three whole minutes, despite having hi s preparations interrupted by six days wicl10ut powe r fo llowing Hurri cane Sandy. We certainly hope Brian and wife Meridith enjoyed so me well earned post- race pi zza at rlle G rill ! Two o the r upd ates from the Norili east co me from Tracey Coste and Sarah Nethercote. Tracey writes that she is currently living in o rth Reading, MA, with her husband, Jon , and their recently enlarged family: "we just welcomed our seco nd daughter, Madison, in April. H e r older sister, Alex is, is thrilled." Tracey is also currently wo rking fo r productio n lighting co mpany Barbizon Light of New England and traveling frequently in the region for work. Saral1 (still based in the Boston area) has just announ ced her engageme nt to fiance C hri s H art. Th e wedding will be in May, but they already have quite the full house between Saral1's son, Julian, who will turn four in Dece mber, and C hri s' chil dre n Sophia (8) , and icholas (6) . We're looking fo rward to pictures! Slightl y farther soutl1, Simeon Ketchum checks in to say that he has ''just surpassed six yea rs living in YC with wife Sall y Mai er Ketchum '99." Sim is at C redit Suisse and all y is at the Metro politan Mu seum o f Art. H e was abl e reconnect with 11 class mates during th e annual mee ting of the Robe rt Fusick Society in Austin, TX, in Se ptember. Attendees included Rick Eastland, Wes Salem 'o r and Rick Cod uri, Britt De Vee r, Eoin Beirn e, Justin Tejada , Thorn Back, Bill Wanne r, Tim Whipple, Be n Wien, and Mi chael Habe rkorn (all from C lass of '98). Sim al so shared a ph oto of the event, whi ch is avaiJ able on tl1e St. Anth ony's Hall Web site at Also o n rlle East Coas t, Maryam Mujica and Lucie LeBiois are bo th do ing well in our natio n's capital. Maryan1 is working at the White H ouse o n the Natio nal Securi ty team in th e Middle Eas t and No rth Africa Direc to rate, whi ch "spans the gamut from Syria to Libya to Israel." Maryam describes her job as "no n-stop" and says it requires "long hours, but [is] co nstantl y interesting to say the leas t!" Not surpri sing whe n you wo rk fo r rlle foreign poli cy arm of the White H ouse! Lucie is al so pursuing a caree r in the info rmation fi eld, but with a focus o n soc ial media instead o f politi cs. She, husband Ramsey Baghdadi, and fe ll ow al wn Christian Allen rece ntly launched a social medi a app and Web site called C rumbd rop, which "allows you to map all of your adventures, big and small, and share them wiili fri ends as captivating anim ations." She hopes eve ryone will check out their site at or download their app- now available via iTunes and coming soo n fo r Android - and send rllem so me feedback! As a side note, C rumbdrop isn't rlle o nly thing Lucie and Ramsey have crea ted this year: th ey are also expecting their second baby in late Dece mber! A new Bantam has also hatched on rlle wes t coast rllis year. Pete Collins, wife Lindsay; and two-year-old daughter Maggie welcomed new baby John C hristopher Collins to their nest on May 22. The family of four encourages anyo ne co ming rll rough Los Angeles to reach out to say hello. Fin ally, It appears as though our co ntinuing cove rage o f Erik Anderson Goes to Moscow will soon be co ming to an end. As Erik repo rts, he and wife C harlotte "are co mpl eting our tours at (U.S.)

DAN CUTLER '01 married Kat ie (Cors ini) Cutler on April 14, 2012 at the l-1 illsboro Club in l-1illsboro Beach, !=L. !=rant row from left to right: Phil Thompson '01 , Ben Cella '01 , Mark LaMonica '01 , Katie Cutler (br ide}, Dan Cutler '01 (groom), Matt Albrecht '01 . Back row from left to right: Leigh Albrecht '01, l-1aley LaMonica '01 , Matt Wikstrom '01 , Da vi d Kieve '01 , i=ernando Borghese '01 , Ben Stewart '01 , Bill Glover '01 , Robert Wienke '01 , Jay Rich '05, Camilla Rich '05. Also in attendance, but not pictured: G. Ke ith i=unston, Jr. '71 , Nate de Kanter '99, and Courtney Glenn de Kanter '98. Embassy Moscow and look fo rward to return ing thi s spring to Washington , D.C. for domestic ass ignments at the Department of State." I guess we will have to find anorller globe- trotting al um to track- if that's you, pl ease e- mail your class sec retary to apply for the vaca ncy! Until then, Erik and C harl otte wish to pass o n their "thoughts and praye rs to alumni and o thers affec ted by andy." In cl os ing, I'd like to take a mome nt fo r remembrance of Julie Guilbert Maher, who is missed deeply by many membe rs of rlle C lass of 2000. Please keep her fa mily in your thoughts. Thank you to everyo ne who sent in news to help make this column possible! As al ways, if you have news to share, pl ease e-mail me or visit our class Facebook page, wh ere you can post all the eve nts, pi ctures, and links you like. I hope everyone has had a happy holiday season and safe winter. See yo u next tin1e! Edi to r's No te: An interview with Katie Wallack that was printed in the fall 20 12 iss ue of rll e Trinity Reporter i11clud ed a typo in the plot desc ripti on o f rlle film Th e Frozen Ground. Robert H anse n was convicted of murder and not, as the inte rvi ew stated, Bobby Mo rehead, who was rlle sis ter of one of H anse n's victims. We apologize fo r an y confusion thi s may have caused.

0l lm

Alumni Fund Goal: $17,000 Class Secretary: Benjamin E.

Sa yles, 195 W Canto n St Apt 1, Boston, MA 0211 6-5970 E-mai l: yles.2001 @ trin co Class Agents: Charles Botts, Ja y Ci vett i, Ann Grassin g, Ca rrie Ka spe r, Dave Kieve

Winter to the Class of 200 1! Let's ge t right into it. Caroline (Montgelas) and Scott Elwell we lcomed their seco nd d aughter, C hristina Trowbridge Elwell on August 16. C hri sty joins big sister Eliza- rll ey love being a famil y of four! The coupl e recently celebrated Sco tt's biriliday with fellow G reenwich residents Shannon Daly and

Brian Allen. Zoe Kretzschmar reports in from london,

where she is running an innovation consultancy called Fearlessly Frank- needless to say, this keeps her on the move throughout Europe quite a bit. Zoe headed to Australia for Christmas and New Year's to take a break from it all. Sarah (Joyce) Genau reports that she, her husband, Eric, and their son, Will, welcomed the fourth membe r of their family- a daughter, Alexandra Harding, in August. In other news, Rebecca (l-lomer-Smith) and Will Dearie are thrilled at the arrival of their third child - a son, Charles Homer, in October. Charles joins older sister lillian and big brother Willie in San Francisco. Carrie (l-laslett) and Dan Kasper have made a few life changes since Reunion. Dan moved to Colorado in September of 2011 , leaving the Washington Nationals afrer five - plus years (Go Nats!) to take a content creation position with Vail Resorts. Carrie remained in Washington to complete the 2011 - 12 school year at Georgetown Day School. She then moved out to Denver in June and absolutely loves it! Traveling around Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado this summer gave her an incredible appreciation for the mountains. Can't wait for the snow to fall! They miss their friends and family back East but hope they will all come for a visit. Carrie continues to teach, tutor and began working with Graland Country Day, a great school in Denver. They recently hosted Melissa (Vogel) McViney while she was out there on a work trip. Sadly, she had to travel without her entourage, hubbie Brian McViney and their amazing daughter Charlotte. On a recent trip to New York, Carrie and Dan caught up with his cousin, Matt Sharnoff 'oo, his wife, Rebecca, and their son, Nicholas, who is just awesome. They were also able to meet Megan l-leanue's second daughter, leela, who is the sweetest, and see her daughter, Mia, embrace her big sister role. Out in Park City, Carrie and Dan ran into Rob Morse at The Spur- always great to see him! Dan last ran into Morse spring skiing with Regan Schmergel '02. Carrie caught up with Carla Boecklin a couple times this summer. Carla is busy becoming the best photographer in the Park City area. I attended the opening of one of her exhibits, which was such fun . She is also a spectacular wedding photographer- she shot a friend 's wedding and I had the chance to see her in action! If anyone needs a photographer in the Park City area, or wants to fly her out- do it! So much to celebrate and be thankful for, especially after all that has happened on the East Coast. We do hope all our classmates in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts who weathered Sandy are okay and recovering Lastly, I ask all classmates to read the Charter Committee's recommendations to the school and President Jones' report. The administration is making some good improvements and needed changes, but they are simultaneously trying to eradicate all single-sex social organizations. This will strip students of the right to create the social organizations they determine best for the community. I respect that my classmates have varied opinions of Greek organizations, but to say the only way to create an alternative social scene is

KRISTIN 1-iAGAN SPRINCIN '02 married Phillip Sprincin on August 4, 2012 in San l=rancisco, CA. Trinity Alumni in attendance were: Tanya Marston '00, Alex Pugh '99, Scott Raymond '00, Semira Shamoon '02, Kristin 1-iagan Sprincin '02 (bride), Phillip Sprincin (groom), J. George 1-iume '99, Brooke Peltzman '02, Adam Chetkowski '02, and Katie Bennett '02. through the destruction of the Greek system as we know it seems to be limited, and without trust in the students' ability to decide what they want for their coLlege experience. The Smith plan offers another course of action and I encourage you to read that as well. We need more bantam voices to be heard in helping to shape the future of Trinityembracing change while preserving tradition and history This is about more than the Greek system, this is an attack on the charter of the college and the students' rights. I encourage everyone to read the report and be a part of the discussion! Visit the Facebook page 'Alumni for a Better Trinity College' for more info. Hope all is well with you! Alumni l=und Goal: $25,000 Class Secretary: Kristin

1-iagan, 1225 Bay St Apt #10, Son Francisco, CA 94123-2328 ~-mail: kristin.hogan.2002@ Reunion Chairs: Nicole Belanger, Adam Chetkowski, ~lien Zarchin Class Agents: Carlos Baz, Jackie Caporale, Allie Carmel, Joe Clark, ~mily Fincke, Ju liet lzon, Ashley McNamara, Pau l Mounds, Mark Ohanian, len Rahilly, Sam Reiche, Katya Skoufalos, Kat West For this quarter's Class of 2002 Notes, I am beginning on a special, albeit somber note. As you read this update Superstorm "Sandy" will have occurred months ago but it has been only a week since the storm as I write these notes and perhaps the devastation may still be continuing. To all of you who endured loss, please know you are in our thoughts and I thank you for posting updates on Facebook- I am always grateful to know that you are all safe. Our class endured the September II attacks together on campus, and I watched each of you support and stand by each other. I am confident that again each of you will remain steadfast in your support for one another and for your com munity. God speed. Again, thank you for sending me your latest updates; I truly love receiving your e-mails for the class notes each few months. Speaking of latest ... what bette r place to start than the latest additions .. . new babies! From way up in Denver, Colorado, Travis Cook and his wife, Kristy, welcomed their first child, a

baby boy named Camden. On the East Coast, Shapley Stauffer Gregg and Steve Gregg '97 welcomed their second son, Davis Swnmers, on April 30. Davis and his older brother, Parker, are best friends already! One of our many New Yorkers, Jeanette Bonner, reports that she wrote, produced, and acted in a one-woman show called "love. Guts. High School." It premiered at the Midtown International Theater Festival here in Manhattan to great reviews and it has been nominated as one of the Best Productions of the 2012 festival. In attendance at the show was Jeanette's freshman roommate, Shayla Titley, and Trinity Professor Gerry Meshell. Also in ew York, Jonathan Morley is working for Violin Memory and recently got engaged to Michele Olsen, and they have a wedding planned for June 2013 in the New York area. Way out in the Southwest, Rishi Popat writes that he got engaged to Bansi Vallabh in Sedona, AZ, on October 20. Bansi will be graduating from the MBA Program at Harvard Business School this fall, and Risi will finish his orthodontic residency from Harvard School of Dental Medicine in May of 2014. Braces anyone? Finally, I should let you know that I recently got married to Phillip Spricin! ln the wedding party were a few Trinity graduates and Trinity-Inlaws, including: Katie Bennett, Brooke Peltzman, Samira Shamoon, Adam Chetkowski and wife Ali Grosslight Chetkowski, George Hume 'oo and wife Roxane Schlumberger Hume, and Alex Pugh '99 and wife Ingrid Paulson. Additionally in attendance were Trinity Grads Tanya Marston 'oo and Scott Raymond 'oo- see photo in Weddings section! Please let me know if you want any other types of updatesj news to be posted here! Thank you again for your submissions! Feel free to send me your updates whenever! You can reach me at Thank you again and speak to you soon. Until next time, Kristin Hagan Sprincin Alumni l=und Goal: $15,000 Co-Class Secretary: Trude J.

Goodman, 425 ~est 81st St., Apt. 2R~. New York, NY 10028 ~-moil: trude.goodman.2003@ Co-Class Secretary: Colman Chamberlain, 1720 SW 4th Ave Apt 905, Portland, OR 97201-5549 ~-moil: Class Agents: Suzy Schwartz, Craig Tredenick, Natalie Newcom Robert is a popular middle name for Class of 2003 babies: Tiffin (Pastor) Eisenberg and her husband , Mike, welcomed their son, Evritt Robert Eisenberg to the world on September, 30 in New York City. Trude Goodman is the proud godmother! Out in Park City, UT, Lauren (Muenzberg) McBrier and her husband, Parker ' 02 , welcomed baby Nathaniel Robert McBrier on July 30 . Congratulations boys, you've been blessed with awesome Bantam parents! June will be here before we know it! Be sure to sign up for our 10th Reunion activities. We are TRINITYREPO RTER


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class notes

CAROLYN WALK~R '04 (left) married Arturo Solis on June 16, 2012 in Simsbury, CT.


MCDONALD '04 married VAN~SSA HOLGUIN '07 on July 21 , 2012 in Wilsonvile, OR. J:rom left to right: Gabor Kocsis (international student at Trinity from Hungary from 2005-2006}, Natal ia J:rey '07, Caroline Dickie '07, Caroline Colket (enrolled at Trinity from 2003-2005}, ~mily Derbyshire '02, Tom Chew '02, Susmita Bhandari '07, Vanessa (Holguin) McDonald '07 (bride), James McDonald '04 (groom). Kostas Tsonis '02, Tamara Machac '06, Trishan de Lanerolle '04, Saiying He '07, Tizoc Ol ivo '02, Ji Kim '04, Sam Ralston '02, and Jonah Larkins-J:ord '02. Not pictured : Bozidar Marinkovic '05. looking forward to some more great times 'neath the elms. - Trude and Colman Alumni Fund Goal: $15,000 Class Secretary: Alice H.

Robinson, 435 Bantry Cir, Charleston, SC 29414-8092 !:::-mail: alice.robinson.2004@ Class Agents: Lori !:::vans, Lauren McDowell Hopefully this edition of The Reporter finds all of our alums doing well. As secretary. I want to apologize for not submitting an entry to the last edition as I missed the deadline , but have heard from many of you for this current issue. The following is an update on some of our fellow Bantams. Caitlin McShera (nee Thiem) married Ryan McShera in Rockport, MA, on May 19, 20!2. Trinity bridesmaids included Sarah Bilello, Abby Blake, and Story Picard, and there were also lots of other "Summit J(jds" in attendance. The renovation continues on their antique house in Ipswich, MA. Caitlin is enjoying her work in corporate fundraising at Peabody Essex Museum. !;:Iizabeth Walsh was married in June to Mike Frissora in arragansett, Rl . The wedding was beautiful and many fellow Bantams celebrated 68



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with Betsy and Mike while overlooking the ocean. The groom graduated from Middlebttry and we are happy to report that the Bantams beat the Panthers in the dance-off and dance Aoor pushup contest! Liz Strickler celebrated her marriage to John Cannon V under the stars in Atlanta, GA. The bride wore cowboy boots and the couple was whisked away by a helicopter ar the end of the night. Many of our fellow alums have become moth ers recently too! On June 5, Sabrina Dunlap and her husband. Rob Childs, were blessed with a baby girl. Georgia Kathryn Childs. 7 lbs .. 5 oz. They are having a great rime! !-lope Roth welcomed Lilian Jane Sanchez. 7 lbs., 7 oz .. into the world on August 15. Hope and her husband, Kristian Sanchez, are smitten. Greg and Laura Minshall Tanner were blessed with a daughter, Lucy. in June. They have been enjoying parenthood and are currently living in Jamaica Plain, MA. Brian DiMenna and his wife. Johanna. also had a little girl, Alice, (what a great name!) in March. Two fellow alums, Caitlin Diebold and Kevin O'Connell, welcomed Edward J.D. O 'Connell into their lives on August 25. Three weeks after his birth they moved to Boston, where Kevin started his post-business school career in problem solving. They hope to be visible members of tl1e Trinity community in Boston. The Bantam community continues to grow and can be found orth. South, East and West. Sarah Birmingham Wannop and her husband, Bob, recently purchased a new home in Charlotte, VT, near Burlington , and are enjoying a beautiful view of Lake Champlain and have been doing lots of hiking with their Lab. Gus. Professional success continues to reach many of our classmates; Sarah Ward has opened a private psychotherapy practice in Hartford and would like everyone to know they can contact her at www. So far the practice is doing very well. Dan Anderson has been living in Los Angeles since 2009 where he works for a solar energy development company. He recently started busi ness school ar UCLA Anderson, focusing on sustainable development. If you are ever in LA and want to con tact Dan, he tells us to search online "triple bottom line" and we will be able to find him. We look forward ro future updates and wish all of you continued success and happiness'

~LIZAB~TH GRYSKA '06 and Michael J . Rice were married October 6, 2012 at the J:irst Congregational Church in Chatham, MA , followed by a recept io n at the Chatham Beach and Te nni s Club. Trinity alumni in attendance were: ~Iizabeth Gryska Rice '06 (bride), Paul von Ryll Grys ka '75, Margaret Holmes Gryska '75, Walter Hartnett '06, Sarah Purvis Morrison '06, Todd Morr ison '06, Lauren J:uller '06, Jennifer Bayard '06, Shannon Lindgren '06, Rico Murtha '06, Alexandra Bla ir '07, Tom Martin '04, Bill Jenkins '03, and Sarah Muir '09. Not picture d: Alana Tobacco '09.

CAITLIN MCCARTHY DODG~ '06 and Bayard Dodge were married on August 11 , 2012 at The ~state at Mora ine J:arms in Beverly, MA. J:rom left to right: Mac McCarthy '14, Tim Ward '07, ~rika Anthony '08, Devon Lawrence '07, Tyler Simmons '07, ~r i n Ogil vie '07, Ca itl in McCa rthy Dodge '06 (br ide}, Bayard Dodge (groom), Jessie Rosenberg '06, Keel i Da vis '06, Sarah Barker '08, and Heath Pendleton '07.

Alumni Fund Goal: $15,000 Class Secretary: Margaret M.

Downing, 1703 Kilbourne PI NW Apt 3, Washington, DC 200102648 !:::-mail: margoret.downing.2005@tri ncoll.ed u Class Agent: Bracknell Baker Alumni Fund Goal: $15,000 Class Secretary: Maureen 1:::. Skehan, 114 1:::. Preston St Apt 5,

Baltimore, MD 21202 !:::-mail: maureen.skehan.2006@ Class Agents: Sarah Bookwalter, Virginia Adair, Nicole Tsesmelis, Shore Gregory, Go be Rotman, Tim Coughlin I hope rhar you are all doing well! Things here in Baltimore are still much rhe same. I get to see

KRIST~N ST. MARTIN '06 and MATTH~W LIPTON '06 were married September 8, 2012 o n Nantucket, MA. Their wedding was held at the Whales Wa tch btate in Tom Nevers. J:rom le ft to right: Ric hie Howe '06, Lindsay Aquil ina '04, Matthew Lipton ' 06 (groom ), Kristen St. Martin '06 (bride}, Patrick Cahill '06, Valer ia McJ:arren '05, Tripp Kyle '06, and Jackie H. Kim '06.

Trinity hosted


alumni events with

1,571 attendees in the fall of 2012.

Classmates BRYAN CRABTREE '06 and MARGAUX MORRISON '06 were married an September 22, 2012 at the Cranwell Resort in Lenox, MA. From left to right: Tara Borawski '06, Teagan Henwood '06, Brendan Timmins '06, Larissa Stephenson '06, Sergio Sotolongo '06, Courtney Howe '06, Henry Breslin '06, Bryan Crabtree '06 (groom), Margau x Morrison Crabtree '06 (bride), Deanna Tito '07, Greg O 'Leary '03, Adam Ladd '07, Bill Maheras '07, Andrew O 'Connor '07, Richard Masucci '06, Matt Rafuse '07, Amy Corvino '06, El izabeth Goldsmith '06, Sarah Bookwalter '06, John Newhall '06, Andrew Chadie '06, Cameron Finch '06, Jonathan Gistis '06, and Molly (McGu inness) Gistis '06. Not pictured but also in attendance was the groom's cousin, T.J. Crabtree '15.

SANJOG RUPAKHETI '06 and Archana Parajuli were married on June 29, 2012 in Portland, OR. From left to right: Kumud Nepal '09, Syre Khan '06, Sadichhya Adhikari '14, Sanjog Rupakheti '06 (groom), Archana Parajuli (bride), Susmita Bhandari '07, Bozidar Marinkovic '05, and Vishal Kapoor '05. Also present but not pictured was Sheen Panoor '06.

Jackie McKenna and her fi ance, Zach, from time

to time and catch up over chicken cheesesteaks th at are nowhere nea r as good as ones from the Cave. I al so got to see Laura Watson over the summ er, who is now back in the States after spend ing the pas t three yea rs in Abu Dhabi . I was able to reunite with other Trin alums at the weddings of Reid Offringa and Jackie (Canevari) Offringa 'o8 and Amy Hilliker Tobin and Pat Tobin over the smnmer. In more wedding news, Sanjog Rupakheti married his longtime girlfriend Archana Parajuli in Portland, OR in June. Kumud Nepal '09, Syre Khan, Sadichya Adhikari '14, Susmita Bhandari '07, Bozidar Marinkovic 'os. Vishal Kapoor 'os. and Sheen Panoor all attended th e wedding. In more good news, Sanjog co mpleted his Ph.D. in history from Rutge rs University this past May and is now an assistant professo r in history at Loyola University New Orleans. Caitlin McCarthy Dodge and Bayard Dodge were married on August ll , 2012 at Th e Estate at Moraine Farms in Beverly, MA. Caitlin and Bayard were joined by their Trin.i ty friends and family: Mac McCarthy '14, Tim Ward '07. Erika Anthony 'o8, Devon Lawren ce '07, Tyler Simmons '07, Erin Ogilvie '07, Jessie Rosenberg , Keeli Davis, Sarah Barker 'o8, and Heath Pendl eton '07 Class of 2006 grads Kristen St. Martin and Matthew Lipton were marri ed September 8, 2012 on Nanrucket. Their wedding was held at the Whales Watch Estate in Tom Nevers. Trini ty alwn ni in attendance included Richie Howe, Lindsay Aquilina '04, Patrick Cahill, Valeria Mcfarren 'os. Tripp Kyle , and Jackie H. Kim . Bryan Crabtree and Margaux Morrison (another class co upl e') were married on September 22, 2012 at the C ranweiJ Reso rt in lenox, MA. The best man was Henry Breslin, and John Newhall and Adam Ladd '07 were grooms men. Trinity guests in atte nd ance we re Tara Borawski, Teagan Henwood, Brendan Timmins, Larissa Stephenson, Sergio Sotolongo, Courtney Howe, Deanna Tiro '07, Greg O 'Leary '03, Adam

ANYA GLOWA-KOLLISCH '06 and Arafat Mansur were married on September 1, 2012 in Brooklyn Bridge Park, Brooklyn, NY.

Ladd '07, Bill Maheras '07, Andrew O 'Connor '07, Richard Masucci, Matt Rafuse '07, Amy Corvino, Elizabeth Goldsmith, Sarah Bookwalter, Andrew C hadie '07, Cameron !=inch, Jonathan Gistis, Molly (McGuiness) Gistis, and Brian's cousin, T.J.

C rabtree ' 15. Margaux al so received her MPH in biostatistics from Boston University School of

Public Health in January 2012. Elizabeth Gryska married Michael ). Rice on October 6, 2012 at the First Congregational C hurch in C hatham, MA, and then partied at the C hatham Beach and Tennis Club after the nuptial s. Trini ty grads in attendance were Paul von Ryll Gryska '75, Margaret Holmes Gryska, '75, Walter Hartnett, Sarah Purvis Morrison, Todd Morrison '07, Lauren l=uller, Jennifer Bayard, Shannon Lindgren, Rico Murtha, Alexandra Blair '07. Tom Martin '04, Bill Jenkins '03, Sarah Muir '09, and Alana Tabacco '09. Anya Glowa-Kollisch and Arafat Mansur were married o n September Jst, 2012, in Brooklyn Bridge Park, Brooklyn , NY Charlotte !=ouch and Timothy !=ox announced their engagement in early August. The couple recently purchased a condo togeth er in Dupont C ircle, Washington, D.C. C harlotte works in PRas a se nior director for QQrvis Communications and Tim is an energy po licy co nsultant and analyst at C learVi ew Energy Partners LLC. A wedding is planned for fall 2013. They hope to get a dog soon. Rachel Nies started a new job with NBCUniversal working for Bravo's branded entertainm ent group, and got engaged in Bermuda over Memorial Day, where fell ow Trin grad Katie Broad met up afterwards to celebrate. Rachel and he r fiance will be married in September 2013! Smartypants Dan G uttell graduated from the MIT Sloan School of Management in June with his MBA and is now working as an investment analys t at Battery Global Advisors in Waltham, MA. Please continue to se nd me your updates! It is always great to hear from you! Alumni l=und Goal: $25,000 Co-Class Secretary: Jaclyn

Caporale, 3349 Quinlan St, Yorktown, NY 10598-2009 E-mail: jaclyn.caporale.2007@ Co-Class Secretary: Erin Ogilvie, 344 E 49th St Apt 7B, New York, NY 10017-1685 Emai l: Reunion Chairs: Molly Carty Sparrow, Devon Lawrence, Mike Len ihan , Corbin Woodhull, Nile Lundgren Class Agents: Ja son Burns, Maggie Greenlee, Kristin 1-lagan, Brian McGunagle, Shakiro Ramos, Jennifer Tuttle


Juliet lzon started a new posi tion this past August. She is working as the entertainment editor for Niche Media, publishers of such magazines as Gotham , Hamptons and Ocean Drive, amongst others. Veda Dhaul started a found ation called "Praanah" to promote holistic well -being using Expressive Therapies. She is currently prac ticing in India. Veda is also completing her master's at Lesley University, Camb ridge, MA. Here is the Web si te, check it out! Mike Lenihan left his job in D.C. and is working now in Istanbul and Berlin for the European Stability Initiati ve doing EU policy research. If you're eve r visiting his neighborhoods, let him know- he doesn't charge too much for private tours! Melanie Levy recently graduated from b-school and moved to Philadelphia, working in






class notes

ELIZABETH FRITZER '08, '12 married Matt Dreier on September 15, 2012 at the Saybrook Point Inn in Old Saybrook, CT. From left to right: Ryan Hutzler '08, Tim Scarella '08, John Drakos '08, Matt Dreier (groom), Lee Chirgwin '63, Liz Fritzer '08 (bride), Marissa Zanno '08, Andrew Maio '08, Mark Durney '08, Joe Kenol '08, and Jon Fox '08.

JARVIS COFFIN '08 and ELLIE WIERZBOWSKI '10 were married on October 6, 2012 in Walpole, NH. Trinity alumni in attendance were: Ed Slater '07, Nick Ryan '08, Ryan Flynn '10, Peter Graves '07, Sam Reiche '07, Ren Nebel '08, Nate Kelly '10, Chris Wilson '07, Joe Minifie '08, Chris Abruzzese '08, Will Madeira '08, Perrin Hamilton '09, Flip Luisi '10, Courteney Coyne '10, Steve Simchak '08, Brenna Spingler '10, Zach Epstein '10, Alex Purdie '09, Emily Forsyth '10, Eli Roxby '09, Mine Aiken '11, Chauncey Kerr '09, Al ison Schmidt '08, Katie Rodgers '07, Brock Baker '05, Henry Palmer '06, and James Franco '08.

ROSS GRUBIN '08 married Sara Gordon Grubin on November 3, 2012 at the Tremont Grand in Baltimore, MD. Back Row: Corrine Salchunas '08, Dana (Paulson) Eisenman '08, Sarah (Gordon) Grubin (bride), Ross Grubin '08 (groom}, Katie (Lenz) Crum '08, Tom Dolan '08, Lisa Bottomley '00, James Finkenstaedt '08. Middle Row: Kris Tedeschi '08, Harry Sills '08, Brett Ramsay '08, Derek Cohen '08, Madeline Bierbaum '08, Brendan Daly '08, Abby Stoeckle '10. Front Row: Matt Crum '08.




witzt er


YASMEEN (HADAWAY) BENTON '08 married Byron Benton on October 6 , 2012 in New York City. The ceremony took place at Berean Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY, and the reception was at the World Fair Marina in Flushing , NY. First row: Stephanie Gonzalez '08 and Judene (Small) Jean -Louis '08. Second row: Lindsay Diaz '08, Laquisha Grant '08, Yasmeen (Hadaway) Benton '08 (bride), Byron Benton (groom), Zee Santiago '09, and Courtney Drakes '09. Third row: Anton Reuben '11, Vanessa ChabrierDavis '06, Dean of Multicultural Affairs Karla Spurlock-Evans, Sade Lake '10, Rashan i Ha ll '08, Molly Bernstein '11 , Rachel Reece '09, and Dionne Gordon '08. Back row: Femi Faoye '08, Paul Rowe '09, and Gregory Lee '11. marketing at Capital O ne. Erin Bridge is still wo rking and e nj oying her job at Bosto n Public Sc hoo ls as an educa ti on poli cy analyst. She was a brides maid in the wedd ing of Ally Reinhard (Hicks) and James Hi cks '05 this summer in Newpo rt, RJ . Erin got e ngaged this pas t summe r to a chi ldhood fri end. They plan to be married next fal l, but fo r right now th ey have purchased a condo and are li ving in Bosto n. Todd Morrison and Sarah Purvis 'o6 we re recentl y marri ed in Marth a's Vineyard with several Trin alumni in attendance. Alumni Fund Goal: $10,000 Class Secretary: Emil y Moore,

40 Ambe rwood Dr, Wincheste r, MA 01890-2233 E-mail: e mily.moore.2008@ tri ncol l.ed u Class Agents: Brooks Borhydt, Andre a Ch ivokos, Alexandra Dwyer, Sosho Kravetz, Emily Schnure H ey 'o8ers! 1 hope everyo ne is doing well thi s winte r and I can't wait to catch up at our fi ve year Reun io n this summ er. (Ca n you be lieve it's been five years already?) Fo r now, th ese Reporter notes will have to suffice. I have been keeping pretty busy this year. I started teaching in a permanent pos ition at the school where I have bee n fo r the past two year s, G rahan1 and Parks Alternative Public School in Cambridge, MA. 1 love teaching and I am so thr illed to be surrounded by the amazing resources Cambridge has to offer. Recently I saw my old roomm ate, Amanda Dorian, who is preparing to be a glowing bride! Fellow NE SCAC boy, Matthew Kell er (Tufts '0 4) , will wed Amanda this co ming summer. I have been catching dinner, lunch, o r a hike with my dear friend, Ali Schmidt, pretty regularly this fall. Whe n she isn't making time to hang out,

she spe nds he r time running. Ali just qualified for th e 20 14 Bosto n Marathon by running the Bays tate Marathon in Oc tober! She beat her goal and is now pl anning o n running more marathons in the near future. Ano th er 'o8 ma rath o ne r is Alessandro Echeverria. In Septe mber she ran the Yonkers Maratho n, her third marathon race, although her tim e was n't as good as her previous attempts. Alessandra is bving in Manhattan and continues to wo rk for Teach fo r America. She was pro moted in August and is now the manage r of new site development. She loves he r job and enjoys th e travell ing her new role entail s. If anyo ne is in town and would like to mee t up fo r a run o r drinks, she'd love to hear from them - avecheve rri a@gmai m. Randi (Lawlor) Whitley married Tyler Whitl ey last yea r and also wo rked fo r Teach fo r America for four years after Trini ty. Randi wo rked in ew H ave n while starting a three-year graduate school program fo r school psychology, which she will co mplete thi s May. They live in CT. Tyler Simms is currentl y in his seco nd year coaching basketbal l at Siena Coll ege in Albany, Y He reall y e njoys it there, al though most of his time is co nsum ed by basketball. l was so excited to see my othe r roommates thi s Nove mber as well ! Dana (Paulson) Eisenman, Katie (Lenz) Crum, and Hana (soo n to be Herz Cho) and I met in Atlanta to party with Madonna! We go t a limo and we felt 21 agai n. Dana and Katie al so witnessed the marriage of Ross Grubin and Sarah (Gordo n) G rubin . Ross met Saral1 in May 2008 o n th eir Birthright Israel trip. They wed on Novembe r 3 in Baltimo re, MD, at the Tremo nt G rand. O ther Trini ty atte ndees we re Matthew Crum, Tom Dolan, Derek Cohen, Brett Ramsay, Harry Sills, Corrine Salchunas, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maturi, Kris Tedeschi, Abby StoeckJ e ' 10, Brendan Daly, Madeline Bierbaum, James Finkenstaedt, and Lisa Bottomley. The Alumni O ffi ce reports: Michael Kennedy

join ed The H artfo rd Law Firm o f Ri sCass i and Davis. Alumni Fund Goal: $25,000 Co-Class Secretary: Molly

Goodwin, 260 Matt St Apt 3, New York, NY 10012-3442 E-ma il: Mortho.Goodwin. 2009@ trinco ll.e du Co-Class Secretary: Ka itlyn L. Wi lbur, 1248 Farmington Ave Apt A14, West Hartford, CT 06107-2621 Emai l: kaitlyn.wilbur.2009@trincol Class Agents: Samantha Moorin, Al exandra Purdie


Zee Santiago has bee n holding down the fort at Trinity. He bega n as an admiss ions coun selo r and has since bee n promoted to an assistant director o f admissions. He completed his master's degree in American studies last May. Scott Sample li ves in Dubai, whe re he has beco me a bi t of a celebri ty pl aying in the Emirates America n Football League. Diana Rice will graduate with her master's degree in o rgan izati onal psyc ho logy from Columbia Unive rsity thi s spring. Kate Wilbu r began her doctoral stud ies in clinical psychology at the University of H artford

thi s past fall. Sarah Berheide (master's '09) was hired as the

head women's lacrosse coach at Guilford College in G ree nsboro this past fall. In September, she marri ed Jonathan Lamphi er. Abbey Cecchi nato was engaged in Napa Vall ey over the swnme r and will marry in Co nn ecticut thi s June. Congratulations to all ! Hope everyone had very me rry holidays with friends and famil y! Alumni Fund Goal: $10,000 Class Secretary: Courte ney

M. Coyne, 18 Lyne Rd. Boston , MA 02135-4018 ~ -mail: couteney.coyne.2010@ Class Agent: Alexandra Mosko Jarvis Coffin 'o8 and Ellie Wierzbowski were married on O ctober 6, 2012 in Walpole. NH. surrounded by famil y and fri ends. They cu rrentl y live in Boston with their dog, Hartford. Jarvis is a candidate for a J D/ M BA at Northeas tern Un iversity and is the head coach for Boston Coll ege men 's rowing. Ellie is a preschool teacher at Torit Montessori School. Trinity alumni in atte ndance were Ed Slater '07, N ick Ryan 'o8. Ryan Flynn. Peter Graves 'oz Sam Reiche '07. Ren Nebel 'o8, Nate Kelly. C hris Wil so n '07, Joe Minifie 'o8, C hris Abruzzese 'o8, Will Madeira 'o8. Perrin H amilton '09, Flip Luisi, Courteney Coyne, Steve Simcha.k 'o8, Brenna Spingler, Zach Epstein, Alex Purdie '09, Emily Forsyth, Eli Roxby '09, Mina Aiken ' 11 , C hauncey Kerr '09, Alison Schmidt 'o8, Kati e Rodgers '07, Brack Baker '05, Henry Palmer 'o6, and James Franco 'o8. Jen Abalajon recently started a job in marketing relati ons at Och Ziff Capital in ew York C iry and has been working closely with Johanna Gordon 'o6. Ali Schwartz recently began as the assista nt to the edito r- in -chief at Glamour Magazine. Since graduati on, James Bohannon spent a year on the U.S. equity sales desk at Merlin Securities. Add itionall y, he has spent tim e in Miami building th e shoe com pany he founded while at Trinity called Del Toro Shoes, whi ch now has international prese nce in Bloom ingdale's, Sa.ks, and Scoo p. This pas t summer he built a retail goods sto re in antucket called "One O range" witl1 Jon Terbell '09, wh ich offe rs a line of curated apparel brands. The store was pu t together by Jon, showcasing his shirt co mpan y, "Jack Robie" as well as a variety of other brands. They were met with great success and support from the Trinity communi ty and presented the alumni eve nt in Nantucke t. H e is also a CFA Level II Candidate (expected June 2013) . I look forward to seeing many of you at upcom ing Trinity events. Best wishes and pl ease co ntinue to se nd updates to m.

Ln_ ll

Alumni Fund Goal: 10,000 Class Secretary: Adrienne M.

Gonzalez, 639 Bushwick Ave Apt 1C, Brook lyn, NY 11 206-6042 ~-mail: Class Agents: Kate Cummings, Josh Growney, Molly McDonnell. Rebecca Savage

Hi eve ryo ne! I hope this issue of th e Reporter find s you all well. H ere are so me updates from our classmates: Alexandra Peabody began her doctoral stud ies in philosoph y this fall at The New School for Social Resear ch in ew York, NY, where she plans o n continuing her studies of ethi cs and he r undergraduate research in moral philosoph y and its implications for cognitive di sability. She works part time for Double Cross Vodka helping plan eve nts and nmning vodka tastings. She lives in Brooklyn with her roommate from her freshman and sophomore yea rs at Trinity, Adrienne Gonzalez. Julia Stein has li ved in New York C ity since

graduating. She works for, which is an on lin e marketpl ace for high -end furniture, art, vintage fashion , and jewelry deale rs from al l over the world. Loca ted in the Flatiron di strict, the co mpany is qui ckly expanding and has been an amazi ng place to begin a caree r. Juli a lives in the West Village with a good friend from high school. Whe n she's not working, she enjoys going to co nce rts, comedy shows, museum openings, taking art cl asses at Parso ns and 3rd Ward , explo ring the diffe re nt neighborhoods of ew York, and trying to take in as much of it as poss ible. Sarah Millar is working at Co nvergEx in New York C ity as a research analyst writing about macroeconomic deve lopments. Greg Moniz has bee n working for a ew England fin e handmade leather goods company by the name of Lotuff Lea ther. Amo ng his many tasks, he loves maintaining the company's blog and writing brand copy, both of which require an appreciation for the ins and outs of the classic New England aesthetic- something he first encountered during his years ' neath the elms. Any Trinster looki ng for a beautiful handmade leather briefcase fo r the postgrad years need look no furt her. Having worked on Linda McMal10n's first run for Senate as a se ni or at Trinity, Stefanie Tinti joined again after graduatio n. She left the campaign to move to New York City in August to pursue a ca reer in communications. She frequently gets together with frie nds from Trinity also living in the city. Pl ease keep those updates coming and have a wonderful winter! Alumni Fund Goal: $8,000 Class Secretary: Kathryn T.

Van Sickle, Alumn i Office, Trinity Commons, Trinity College. 300 Summit St., f..lartford , CT 061063100 ~-mail: kathryn.vansickle.2012@ Class Agents: Nicol e Lustig, Mary Morr, Will Yale Justin Olewnik wants to share th e an nounce-

ment o f the birth of his daughter, Amelie Phillips O lewnik, born February 21 , 2012. He hopes everyo ne had a great Homecom ing weekend! Annalise Welte is attending Pratt Institute, pursuing a dual - mas te r's in history of art and library science for rare books and spec ial co llec tio ns. She also rece ntl y began wo rking at the Gagos ian Gallery o n Madison Avenue as the first library intern. She is living in Brooklyn and will be movi ng in with Rachel ~unnicut in December.

Antinea Asci one is living in Fargo, N D, with her boyfriend and working as an editor and account manager at a gambling magazine. The magazine is the official publication of the Associatio n of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers. Lucky find! In October she got to go Vegas to attend one of the largest gaming co nferences - Global Gaming Expo- and interview so me of the co mpani es in attend ance. She really enj oys her job so far and all is well ! Tina O'Mealia moved to Washington, D.C., in July after getting a full- time position as a heal thcare market resea rch analyst at a firm called Penn, Schoen and Be rl and (which is a part of WPP Consulting). ~arry Melendez is now engaged to Kimberly Velez. Since July, he has returned to hi s alma mater of uffield Academy and is currently the director of alumni relations and alumni giving. He rece ntly caught up with some class mates from the Class o f 20 11 , including Craig Drusbosky and Yumi Matsuo.

In September, Elle Lucadamo moved to Jejudo, which is an island in South Korea, where she teaches English. Lily Pepper has moved to the Upper East Side in Manhattan and is now working for UJAFederation of NY, one of the largest Jewish nonprofit fou ndations in the country. Alumni Fund Goal: $25,000 Class Secretary: Lillie N.

Lavado '10, 81 Barton St. Presque Isle, M~ 04769-2903 email:

Policies for Publishing Wedding and Commitment Photos When photographing your wed d ing or commitment ceremony for the Reporter, please observe the following guidelines: 1) At least one member of the couple must be a Trinity alumna/ us. 2) Al l other persons in the photograph m ust be Trinity alumni/ae and be identified by their class year and location in the picture. 3) The photograph must be digital and of reproduction quality, generally with a file size of at least 1 MB. Low-resolution digital images will not reproduce well. 4) Please include the date and location of t he wedd ing or commitmen t ceremony. 5) The editor reserves t he right t o not publish photographs that do not meet these specifications. The Reporter only accept s dig ital photographs. To submit wedding photos, please e-mail them to drew.sanborn@trinco



winter 13



You may share memories at

Edward J:. Nielsen, 1936

Kenneth Adams, 1941

James l-lall Kinsella, 1947

Edward F. ielsen, 99, died on July 6, 2012. Nielsen received a bachelor of science degree from Trinity and recently received special recognition as the sole surviving member of the Class of1936. He had a long career with Curtis Circulation Company, a division of Curtis Publishing Co. of Philadelphia, PA, where he worked his way up to senior executive in numerous departments. In 1971 he became the director of international sales at World Publishing Company in New York City He retired in 1978. He is survived by two children, Lori Reading and Brian ielsen; two grandchildren , Wendy Swanson- Diamond and Eric Swanson ; and a great-granddaughter, Nora Diamond. He was predeceased by his wife, Evelyn.

Dr. Kenneth Adams, 94, of Wethersfield, CT. husband of the late Alice Shmk and Virginia Geldard, died on Jul y 24, 2012. Adams attended Trinity and later graduated from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathy. He started a practice out of his home in 1943 and enjoyed seeing patients Lmtil his retirement in 1995. He was a member of the Hartford Choral Club for many years. He is survived by his son, Jeffrey Carr Adams; daughter, Linda Draper; grandchildren Catl1arine Draper, Sarah Platt, and Jeremy Carr Adams; and great-grandchildren, Emmett, Lily, Benjamin, )axon, and Jazlyn. He was predeceased by two brothers, Robert Carr Adams and Benjamin Adams.

John James Olshesky, 1937

Alan C. Traub, 87, died on August 13, 2010. Traub served two years as an Army tmk gunner in World War II with tl1e 48th tmk battalion in France, Germany, and Austria. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Trinity and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Cincinnati. He worked as chief research engineer at Fenwal until 1963, then at MITRE Corporation in Bedford, MA, and Vanzetti Systems, Inc. in Stoughton, MA, until his retirement in 1989. His work in various aspects of electro-optical technology was cited in 38 publications. He received four patents, including one for a threedimensional display for air traffic control that used a vibrating membrane mirror. He is survived by his daughters, Lauren Traub, Karen Traub, and Lynda Sterling, and grandchildren, Teryn and Dante Cirino. He was predeceased by his wife, Lois.

James Hall Kinsella, of Hartford, CT. died October 8, 2012. Kinsella's studies at Trinity were during World War Il when he enlisted as vate in the U.S. Marine Corp. achieving of sergeant. A gifted jazz pianist, he short career in music and played in Hartford to Washington, D.C., with the Kingsley Trio. He graduated from the Universiry College of Law in 1952, returning to where he began a private law practice. in the public service tradition of his father Grandfather, he entered Hartford politics in when he was elected to City Council. He served as deputy mayor and mayor of as well as judge of probate for the District Hartford. He is survived by his wife, Anne-Marie.

Alan Cutler Traub, 1944 John ). Olshesky, 97, of Colchester, CT. died on October 21 , 2012. Olshesky served during World War II in the U.S. Army as an intelligence staff officer and as a first lieutenant in the Aleutian Islands in the 768 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gun Battalion. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from Trinity and continued his education with an engineering degree from the University of Connecticut and a certificate in traffic engineering from Yale University, School of Traffic Engineering. He taught at Yale University after he graduated and in 1963 began working as a land surveyor for the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation. In 1972 he was appointed deputy transportation commissioner in the Bureau of Planning and Research, a position he held until his retirement in 1974. During retirement, he opened his own practice in land surveying and for many years he was on the Waterford Zoning Board of Appeals. He is survived by his wife, Sophia; two daughters, Janice M. Olshesky, AIA, LEED AP, and Lauren M. Olshesky, RN; and numerous extended family members.

Thomas l-lenry Tamoney, 1942 Thomas Henry Tamoney. 92, of West Hartford, CT, died on August 20, 2012. Tamoney was a graduate of Trinity College, Harvard Business School, and the University of Connecticut School of Law. He was a founding partner of the law firm of Danaher, Lewis and Tamoney, taught tax and estate planning law at the University of Connecticut School of Law, and was an active member of the Hartford Estate Planning Council for many years. He was also president of the West Hartford Kiwanis Club and a Paul Harris Fellow as a member of the Hartford Rotary Club, as well as president of the West Hartford Taxpayers Association. He is survived by four children: Thomas H. Tamoney. Jr., Deborah T. Metzler, Andrew A. Tamoney, and Margot T. Marenakos,as well as eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. His wife, Mary Ahern Tamoney, predeceased him.




winter 13

Charles John J:ecto, 1947 Charles John Fecto, 88, died on August 13, 2012. Fecto served during World War II in the U.S. Navy on the cruiser Boise. Following his service, he studied at Trinity and Brown University in the NROTC program, and he did graduate work at Trinity. the University of Connecticut, and the University of Hartford. He joined the faculty at The Gilbert School in 1949. After a period of teaching, he was active in the start-up of the Guidance Program at Gilbert and held the position of principal ftom 1973 until his retirement in 1981. He also served as a director of the YMCA, the Winsted Memorial Hospital, the Greenwoods Country Club, and Northwest Community Bacik. Following his retirement at The Gilbert School, he served one term as chairman of the Winsted Board of Education. He is survived by his wife, Mae; two sons, James C. Fecto and Jay ]. Fecto; two brothers, Robert F. Fecto and William Fecto; granddaughter, Alicia Fecto; and step-granddaughter, Amanda Treadway.

Thomas G. Scharff, 1948 Thomas G . Scharff, 89, died on June 20, 2012. Scharff enlisted in ilie U.S. Navy in 1942 and served in Panama and the North Pacific as a pharmacist's mate aboard the U SS Trenton. He studied briefly at Princeton and Yale before settling in at Trinity. He was among the top students of his Trinity classes, Phi Beta Kappa, and he received both bachelor's and master's degrees in chemis路 try. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. For nearly four decades, Scharff taught phar路 macology at the University of Louisville Medical School. He conducted research into the transport across cell membranes of various substances, including the active ingredient in aspirin. The American Heart Association awarded him its prestigious five-year established invesrigatorship gram. He is survived by his wife, Mona; sons, Tom, Gary, David, and Robert; daughter, Catherine; 13 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

Duane Isaac Wilson, 1949 Duane Jsaac Wilson, of Laguna Woods, CA. died on November 18,20 11. Wilson earned a bachelor's degree in general science ftom Trinity and served in World War II in the U.S. Army's 156th Battalion. He began his career in management wiili the Roerig divi sion of Charles Pfizer in Boston and Chicago and then with Lloyd Brothers (Hoechst Pharmaceutical) in Michigan. In 1963 he went on to establish and run an executive search and career-coaching firm in Michigan entitled Duane I. Wilson Associates. Finally. he established another company, VERITAS: Truth in Capabilities, which was a background verification company from which he never seemed to actually retire. He is survived by his wife, Ellen, and nephews, John and Earl Wilson. He was predeceased by his first wife, Helen, and their son, Keiili.


Robert Edward Cerosky, 1950


Robert Edward Cerosky, 87, died on September 17, 2012. Cerosky attended Brown University, where he joined the R.O.T.C. program (U.S. Navy) and, after a year at Brown, was stationed in the Pacific Theater during World War I I . Upon his return, he earned a bachelor's degree in engiJ1eering at Trinity. He started his professional career at Havens & Emerson Engineering in New York and left to pursue a 32-year career with General Foods Corporation. He represented the New York Business Council at the New York Legislature and the United States government in its initial negotiations with the government of China in the 1970s. Upon his retirement in 1987, he moved to Madison, CT. where he began a second career in public service. He was elected to the board of education; served as chairman of the building committee for the town campus project, renovation of Memorial Hall, and the construction of the new police station; and served as chairman of the police commission. He is survived by his wife, Joan Moray Cerosky; two sons, Keith and Gregg; grandchild, Andrew; brother, Richard; and sister, Ruth. He was predeceased by two sisters, Doris and Shirley

Joseph H . Morehead, 81 , died on September 3, 2012. While attending Trinity, Morehead was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and graduated salutatorian with honors in English. He subsequently earned master's degrees at Columbia University and the University of Kentucky, and a doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley He served in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. At various times he was an assistant professor of English at Orlando Junior College in Florida; an education adviser for the U.S. Department of the Air Force in London, UK; a librarian at the San Francisco Public Library; and a lecturer at the California College of Arts & Crafts in Oakland, CA. He was a professor in the School of Information Science & Policy at State University of New York at Albany from 1970 until his retirement in 1999. He is survived by his wife, Bebe, and so n, Adam .

James Russell Glassco, Jr., 1950 James Russell Glassco, Jr., died on November 13, 2012. Glassco served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. While at Trinity, he lettered in swin1ming for four years, was captain of the swim team in 1949, and set a College pool record in 1948 while swimming backstroke on the 150 yard medley team. During the early part of his career, he held positions with the Anderson Clayton Company and the ational Bank of Commerce in Houston, TX, and the Aetna Life and Casualty Company in Hartford, CT. From 1974 until his retirement in 1991, he was treasurer of the U.S. Postal Service. His retirement provided time for participation in the National Senior Games, where he won many medals for swimming. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, and sons, James, Benjamin, and William . He was predeceased by his daughter, Elizabeth.

John J=rederick Klingler, 1951 John Frederick Klingler, 85, of Oakland Park, FL. died on July 31, 2012. Klingler served in the U.S. Army as a staff sergeant from 1945 to 1947 He earned both a B.A. in English and M .A. in education from Trinity and a certificate in educational administration from Central Connecticut State University. He devoted his 38 -year teaching career to the Sin1sbury, CT. public school system. He began as an English teacher in 1951 and served as chairman of the Simsbury High School English Department from 1963 until his retirement in June 1989, earning state and national recognition for academic success. Klingler was predeceased by his father, Jacob: mother, Julia; and sister, Julia.

Morehead, 1952

J=red V. Quinlivan, 1952 Frederick V ~inlivan , 90, of Walpole, MA, died on August 12, 2012. ~inlivan served in World War I I and owned the Fred V ~inlivan Insurance Agency. He sold homeowners and auto insurance from his Harford and New Britain offices until he was 76. He is survived by his wife, Lydia; children, Michael ~inlivan , Marjorie McGillicudd y, Carolyn Timpany, and Laura ~nlivan; and grandchildren, Ryan Timpany, Megan and Timothy McGillicuddy, Theodora and Nicholas ~ivan .


A. Roth, 1952

Hilton "Hilly" A. Roth , 84, died on August 16, 2012. Roth served during World War II in the U.S. Navy and he obtained the rank of Pharmacist Mate 3rd Class. He received both bachelor's and master's degrees from Trinity and was a research scientist at U.T.C. in East Hartford for over 35 years, where he had two patents. He was active in his community and served as a member of the Cheshire High School Booster Club, a Little League coach, aJld a scour master for Cheshire Boy Scout Troop 91. He was president of the "Friends of the Cheshire Library" and was a substitute for several years at Cheshire High School. He was also an active member at Cheshire LutheraJl Church. where he served as president, taught Sunday school, mentored conlirmands, and sang in the choir for over 50 years. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; sons, Robert and Stephen; daughters, Pamela Salvestrini and Marcia Zanko; brother, Raymond; sister, Lillian Barnes; and grandchildren, Michael, Rachel, Daniel, Katharyn, Christopher, and Kimberly. He was predeceased by his brother,John.

William Waterman, 1952 William Waterman, Jr., 85, died on December 20, 2009.

In World War II , Waterman served as a paratrooper with tl1e 82nd Airborne. He attended Yale University, graduated from Trinity College. and attended the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and Princeton Theological Seminary. During his lifetime he was active in the Christian ecumenical movement in Albany and ran for Albany County Legislature in 1969. He served as interim minister of United Church and four smaller congregations in Schoharie, NY He is survived by his sister, Helen Waterman Metcalf; nieces and nephews, Mary- Claire Wilkinson, Alida Metcalf, William "Van" Metcalf. and Michael Metcalf; and grandnieces and grandnephews, Matthew and Ben Rigney, Alida Jayne and Lenore Wilkinson, and Schuyler, Eric, and Monica Metcalf

Ronald ~. Rowland, 1953 Ronald H. Rowland, of SwaJ1's Island, ME , died on July 31 , 2012. Rowland received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Trinity and a second bachelor's degree from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service after he spent two years in the U.S. Army. He also received a master's degree from the University of Kansas in environmental science. He worked for Davison Chemical Div. of WR Grace and White Pigment Co. and PC Boards in Chanute, KS. He was code enforcement officer and licensed plwnbing inspector for the Town of Swan's Island in his retirement. He was active in the Lions Club for a number of years, he was a Boy Scout leader, and he belonged to the Order of the Arrow and Wood Badge. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn, and his three sons and families: William aJld his wife, Claudia, and daughters, Elizabeth and Victoria; Thomas and his wife, Colleen, and sons, Benjamin and AlexaJlder, and daughter, Katherine; and Joel and his wife, Shobhan, and sons, Kagan and Kiran.

Louis C. Berrone, Jr., 1954 Louis C. Berrone, Jr., So, died on September 27, 2012 in Ephrata, PA. After earning both bachelor's and master's degrees in English from Trinity, Berrone attended Yale Drama School and earned his doctorate in English literature at Fordham University. He was a professor at Fairfield University, having previously taught at King Philip High School in West Hartford and Amity Regional High School in Woodbridge, CT. He is survived by his daughters. Carla Pond, Teresa Berrone, Lisa ~inn, Annette Iannarone, and Julie Turpen, as well as 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Carl Lawrence Christensen, 1957 Rev. Carl Lawrence Christensen, 76, of Lyme, CT. died on August 21, 2012. Christensen was a congregational minister at the Ivoryton Congregational Church for the past five years. It had also been his first parish after he graduated from Trinity and Yale Divinity School in 1959. He had returned to the ministry after creating Carl Christensen Assoc., a man-



winter 13



You may share memories at http:jj

agement consulting firm with such clients as Cadbury-Schwepps, Coca- Cola, The Hartford, Ocean Spray, and Proctor & Gamble. He also ministered at the First Congregational Church in Waterbury and the Elmwood Congregational in West Hartford. He is survived by his wife, Paula; children, Karen Cotner, Eric Christensen, and Wendy Christensen; grandchildren, Eric Cotner, Julie Christensen, and Victoria Jelenik; sister, Betty Ann Comstock; and brother, Peder Christensen.

early 1990s, he held posts at Furman elz and Trainer Wortham, retiring in 2008 from Froley Revy. During his career, he was a member of the Bond C lub of New York and The Downtown Association. After settling full rime in Litchfield, he worked as a realtor for Fahey Associates. He is survived by his wife, Pamela Moffett Onderdonk; sister, Ann Dudley Onderdonk; and many cousins and friends . He was predeceased by his sister, Nancy Louise Onderdonk.

John Francis Thompson, 1959 Robert W. Back, 1958 Robert W Back, 75, died on july 5, 2012. Back earned a master's degree in international relations at Ya.le University and studied further at the London School of Economics and Harvard University He served in the Air Force as an intelligence officer during the Cold War. In his professional life, he worked as an investment analyst and financial adviser at multiple firms in downtown Chicago as well as with his own firm in the western Chicago suburbs. He is survived by his sons, Christopher and Gregory Back; granddaughter, Lauren; sister, Mari.lyn Anderson; and former wife, Linaya Hahn. He was predeceased by his parents, Albert and Edith Back, and brother, Richard Back.

Leighton !-lowe Mcilvaine, Jr., 1959 Leighton Howe Mcilvaine, Jr., 74 died on September 26, 2012. Mcilvaine earned a bachelor's degree from Trinity, where he was a member of St. Anthony Hall, and he earned an MBA at New York University. He served in the U.S. Navy and he was shipboard for three years as a Lieutenant JG. Following his honorable discharge, he began his career as an investment adviser in New York City. He worked for the Chase Manhattan Bank as a vice president from 1963- 1974, and was instrumental in forming the bank's International Investment Management Division. He also worked for many years with Wood Struthers and Winthrop, a subsidiary of DLJ, as well as with Furman Selz Capital Management. He started his own investment advisory firm , SORA Associates, located in Brunswick, ME , and retired in 2009. He is survived by his wife, Karin; daughter, Carter Everitt, her husband, Tim, and daughters, Ramsay and Katie; son, Reed Mcilvaine, his wife, Kell y, and sons, Cole and Sloane; former wife, Ginny Mcilvaine; sisters, Heather Lamb and Lisa Strawbridge; and man y other extended family members.

Peter 1-1. Onderdonk, 1959 Peter H . Onderdonk, 75, died on October 25, 2012. Onderdonk graduated with a bachelor's degree in economics from Trinity. where he was a member of St. Anthony Hall and captain of the swim team . He began his career as an executive trainee at Merrill Lynch, rising to become part of their Investment Banking Division. He left Merrill Lynch to become VP of sales and marketing for Cargill Investment Services. Starting in the



winter 13

John Francis Thompson, 74, of Naperville, I L, died on July 2I, 2012. Thompson served in the U.S. Navy as an air intelligence officer and tactical navigator for four years. He received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Trinity and an MBA with distinction from Pace College in ew York. In 1978, Pace College named him Alumnus of the Year. He began his career as assistant treasurer of Bankers Trust Co. in New York City. He later moved on to Young & Rubicam, one of the world's largest advertising agencies, where he served as management supervisor, V.P. , and director for such household brand names as General Foods, Procter & Gamble, Bristol- Myers, and General Electric. He is survived by his wife. Denise Considine Thompson; rwo daughters, Kimberly Thompson Kennedy and Susan Thompson Fierro; and five grandchildren.

Antoinette MacArthur; former wife. Gloria (Cortina) Devendittis; and sister-in-law, Bunny Devendittis. He was predeceased by his brother, Frances Devendittis.

Philip l-lenry GeeUer, 1965 Philip Henry Geetter, M.D., 68, of Pipersville, PA, died on August 12, 2012. A graduate of Trinity College and Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, Geetter completed his medical internship at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in San Diego. returning to Jefferson for his ophthalmological residency. In 1974 he founded Bucks Mont Eye Associates in Sellersville, PA. He was also active on the medical staff of Grand View Hospital, Sellersville; St. Luke's ~akertown Hospital and Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia. He was a fellow of both the American and the Pennsylvania Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Implant Society He also served as a past president of the Grand View Hospital medical staff, president of the Inter- County Ophthalmic Society, member of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, and honorary member of the Wills Eye Society. He is survived by his wife, Helene; children. Erik Geetter, Todd Geetter, Chad Geetter, and Courtney Rowe; three grandchildren, Audrey, athan Zachary, and Troy Geerrer; father, Geetter; sister, Diane Zucker; nephews, David and Joshua Zucker; and grand-nieces, Isadora and Lillian Zucker.

William Joseph Paterson, 1960 William Joseph Paterson, 73, died on July 21 , 2012. Paterson graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Trinity with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. He received a master's degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He worked for the aerospace division of General Electric that became part of the Lockheed Martin division, where he worked approximately 40 years before his retirement in 2004. He is survived by nvo brothers, Dave and Tom Paterson ; nephew, Ken; great-niece, Amy; and great- nephew, Kyle.

John A. Connelly, 1975 John A. Connelly, 63, died on September 24, 2012. Connelly served iJl the U.S. Navy from 1967 to 1971 in the Philippines and the West Coast before earning degrees from Trinity College and the Universiry of Connecticut School of Law. He served as assistant stare's attorney in Waterbury, CT. from 1980 to 1983. He then took a job as a federal prosecutor before being named Waterbury state's attorney by Gov. William A. O 'Neill in 1984, a position he held until 2011. He is survived by his wife, Janet, as well as three children and three grandchildren.

Paul J. DevendiUis, 1961 Paul J. Devendittis, 73, of New London, CT, died on August 7, 2012. Devendittis received a bachelor's degree from Trinity, a master's degree from the University of Michigan. and a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. During his 40 -year career at assau Community College, where he achieved professor emeritus, he served as chairperson of the history and political science department, chair of the academic senate from 1985-89, and dean of instruction from 1990- 91. He received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Honors Program in 1980-85, and the Distinguished Achievement Award in 1993He is survived by his sons, Joe Mannetti and Mont Devendittis; a brother and sisterin- law. Joseph and Vivian Devendittis; nieces, Ca ndace, Rachel , and Anna; companion,

Steven Wellington Lloyd, 1978 Steven Wellington Lloyd, 56, of Hightstown, NJ, died August II , 2012. At Trinity, Lloyd majored in English, was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity, and discovered a passion for crew. He was a member of the 1976 Trinity Men's Lighrweight 8 that rowed at the Henley Regatta. Upon graduation, Lloyd began his teaching career at the Berkshire School, where he taught English and began the crew program. After five yea rs at Berkshire, he took a job at The Hill School. and in 1988 became director of college counseling at the Peddie School. While at Peddie, he also coached girls' crew for 13 years and helped bu.ild the Peddie program into a nation ally ranked high school team. Following his years at Peddie, he was a lecturer and college counselor at the University of Pennsylvania in the English

language program. He is survived by his wife, Susan Miller Lloyd; daughters, Sarah, Molly, Abby, and Caroline; sisters, Susan B. Lloyd and Donna Lloyd Stoetzner; brothers, Jeffrey A. Lloyd and William B. Lloyd; uncle, l T C William B. Knowlton; and 10 nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his sister, Jane K. lloyd

Dr. Julie Mall er Award for C linical Excellence." Guilbert is survived by her husband , Scott V Malle r; daughter, Megan J. Mah er; pare nts , Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. a nd Janet F. (Johnson) Guilbert; brother, Matthew J. Guilbert; maternal grandparents, Richard and Lucy JohJ1Son; paternal grandparents, Ronald and Jacqueline Guilbert; and many other extended fan1ily me mbers.

Blair ~opkins Dejoux, 1990

Donna M. Small, lOP '06

Blair Hopkins Dejoux, 44, died on November

Donna M . Small, 60, of Ellington, C T. died on Novembe r 11, 2012 . Small graduated from Trinity with a bach elor's degree in art history and from Simmons College in Boston, MA, with a master's degree in library information . She is survived by her husband , C layto n J. Small; their daughter, Sage Small; and two brothe rs, Alvin and Brian McC ull y.

3, 2012 .

Dejoux graduated from Trinity. with a degree in English literature. She enjoyed a career in the fashion industry prior to starting a family. She is survived by her husband, Edouard Henri Grace Dejoux; daughters, C hristine, Charlotte, and Isabelle; parents, Sydney and Robert William Hopkins II ; and sisters, C handler Anne Hopkins and Whitney Hopkins Duncan.

Alexander Motsenigos, 1992 Alexander Motsenigos, of Wellesley, MA, died on August 24, 2012. He is survived by his wife, Nilanthi (Chim1iah) Motsenigos '9 2 ; son, ikolas Chinniah Motsenigos; siblings, Fondas Motsenigos, Spiros Motsenigos ' 99, and Avi Ben Johnson; and many other extended family members.

Daniel Sean Buchholz, 1998 Daniel Sean Buchholz, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, died on July 5, 2012 . Buchholz received a bachelor's degree in mathematics (Phi Gamma Mu) from Trinity. and an MBA from University. of Chicago Booth School of Business. In high school, he was recognized for his achievements in mathematics and received the Phi Gamma Delta math prize at Trinity. He worked in the finance industry in ew York, Boston, and Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he moved in 2005 . He is survived by his wife, irlene Oliveira Buchholz; step-daughter, Linda Lisa; father and step-mother, Alan Buchholz and Donna Ca rry Buchholz; maternal grandmother, Ruth Witten; paternal grandmother, Deane Buchholz; brother, Eric; step-brother, Dr. Jonathan Ca rry; nephews, James and Jacob Buchholz; step-nieces, Madison and Mackenzie Carry; paternal uncle and aunt, Ross and K.athi Buchholz; cousin, Sabrina; and maternal uncle, Fred Witten.

Julie A. Guilbert, 2000 Julie A. Guilbert, 33, of Framingham, MA, died on August 6, 2012 . Guilbert graduated Magna Cum Laude from Trinity. and earned a medical degree from University. of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester. She then moved to Providence, where she was a resident in the Brown University. Program at Rhode Island Hospital. She completed her infectious disease fellowship at Tufts Medical Center in Boston and during that time also earned a master's degree in public health. She was recognized as an outstanding fellow at Tufts Medical Center. and in her honor the University. is naming an academic award, "The

MASTER 'S DEGREE Marjorie M. Kane, M.A. 1959 Marjorie M. Kane, 83, of Wethersfield, CT, died on October 2, 2012. Prior to her retirement, Kane was a teacher for m:llly years. She was a ve ry active me mber of Corpus C hristi C hurch and its Women's C lub. She is survived by her nephew, Phillip Kane; great-nephew, William Kane; and many cousins and close friends.

Peter E. Demarest, M.A. 1961 Peter E. Demarest, of Glastonbury, CT, died on August 9 , 2012. He is survived by his wife, Linda; daughter, Lea Hart; sons, William De marest and Dr. ]. Demarest; and gra nddaughters, Denali and Leall.

Mary Lyons, M.A.1963 Mary Lyons died on September 26, 2012 m Beverly, MA . l yo ns graduated from the University. of Maine in 1953 and was an accomplished pianist and recorded a demo reco rd . She married and had five children by the age of 2 7, and then returned to school to earn a master 's degree from Trinity. College. She taught high school hi story for nearly 40 years in Canton, West Hartford, and Hartford. She is survived by three daughters , Carol Boyle, Ellen Boyle, and Elaine White; sons, James Boyle and Clifford Boyle; brother, Allen Lyo ns; and 17 grandchildren, Natalia, Prescott, Katelyn , C had , l eigh Anne, Evan, Brendan, Jared, Matthew, Lindsay, Caiti, Jameson, Carolyn, Sheridan, Elizabeth, CJ, and Robbie.

Lucien A. Gehami, M.A. 1968 Lucien A. Gehami, of Glastonbury, CT, died September 2 , 2012 . Gehami received his formal education first from his father at home and then from the Jesuits of the Saint Family School located in Faggalah, Cairo. Later, he graduated with an electrical engineering degree from the Ecole Centrale de Paris and a master's degree from Trinity..

Upon graduating from the former institution, Gehami returned to Egypt, where he worked as an electrical engineer and an industrial engineer in Al exandria, Cairo, and Nag Hamadi. In 1962 he left Egypt, resided in Beirut and Tripoli for a year, and then moved to the United States. There he worked as an electrical engineer for ortheast Utilities and retired in 1991. He is survived by his wife, Elvire; daughter, C hristiane Geham i; sons, Alain and Jean -Pierre; grandsons, Albert, Lewis, and Zachary; sister. Mary Gehan1i Sica; and many other extended famil y members. He was predeceased by a brothe r, Marcel Gehami.

Patricia C. ~ayden, M.A. 1978 Patricia C. Hayden died on October 14, 2012. Hayd e n earned degrees from Central Co nnecticut State University. and Trinity. College, a Sixth Year Ce rtificate from the University. of Connecticut, and advanced coursework at Wesleya n University.. She taught English at Rocky Hill High School for over 25 years. In 2008 she published a book of her poems, Beyond Sun Drenched Skies. She was an active member of St. Agnes C hurch in Niantic, CT, Mary's Ministry, and the Irish American C lub. She was also active in the Prayer Shawl Ministry and delivered communion to the Bridebrook Nursing Home on Sundays. She is survived by her husband , Raymond Hayden, Jr.; son, Raymond Joseph; daughters, Ann Pavano and Dr. Kathleen Hayden; grandso ns, Ryan , Colin, and Jack Pavano; brother, Thomas Carroll; sisters, Rita Yavinsky and Ann (Nancy) Petry; and many other extended fam ily members. She was predeceased by her son, Lawrence Patrick.

Amy Olney Johnson, M.A. 1979 Amy Olney Johnson died on September 8 , 2012 . Johnson attended Radcliffe College in Cambridge, MA, and later received a master 's degree in education from Trinity.. She began a career in education in 1963, first as a teacher at the Pike School in Andover, MA; then as a math teacher and college adviser at Miss Porter's School in Farmington, CT; and finally as an associate dean of admissions at Amherst College in Amherst, MA. She retired in 1992 but continued to be involved in education through the Five College Learning in Retirement Program. Johnson was involved in volunteer work throughout her life. She led a chapter of Compassionate Friends (a support group for bereaved parents) for nearly IO years. She was a board member of the Amherst ABC chapter and she volunteered with the Reader-to- Reader Program in Amherst. She is survived by her children, Sydney. Mark, Cruger, Jocelyn. and Sarall; step-sons, Rob and Alex Dill; grandchildren, Cricket Hunter, Duncan Eccleston, Emily Phillips Gordon, Laura Altman, Virna Johnson, Emmett Phillips, cott, Rachel and Katie Serwa, and Christina. James and Anthea Dill; and three great-grandchildren, Molly and Betsy Hunter and Heath Eccleston.



winter 13


You may share memories at


Edward William Sloan Ill

HONORARY DEGREE David L. Coffin, ~on. 1986 David L. Coffin, of Sunapee, NH, Bloomfield,CT. and Naples, FL, died on July 14, 2012. Coffin served in the U.S. aval Reserve in World War 11 and was awarded the Victory Medal, the American Theatre Medal, and the European Theatre Medal. He attended Trinity College and New England College, and received honorary degrees from Trinity College and Colby- Sawyer College. He joined The Dexter Corporation in 1947 and held various positions in sales and as gen eral manager. He eventually held the position of chairman of the board and CEO and was a member of the board of directors from 1948 until 1994. In 1993, he retired from The Dexter Corporation as chairman emeritus. Coffin also served on the boards of the American Red Cross (Hartford) , the Bank of New England Corporation, Blu- Ray, Inc., ColbySawyer College, Connecticut Health Systems Agency, the Connecticut Historical Society, Connecticut Bank and Trust Company, N.A., Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, Connecticut Water Company, Hasbro, Inc., Life Technologies, Inc., Milton Bradley Company, Mystic Seaport Museum and Stores, New England Colleges Fw1d, Northeast Utilities, The Old State House in Hartford, Trinity College, and the United Way of Greater Hartford, among many others. He is survived by his wife, Marie Jeanne Cosnard des C losets Coffin ; daughter, Deborall L. Coffin; son, Robert G . Coffin; and four stepchildren, Henry Bissell, Charles Bissell, John Bissell, and Caroline d'Otreppe. He was predeceased by his son, David L. Coffin, Jr., and brother, Dexter D. Coffin, Jr.

Edward William loan Ill , the Charles H . Northam Professor of History, Emeritus at Trinity College, died on August r, 20!2. Sloan received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Yale University. He taught at the Army Transportation School at Fort Eustis, VA, from 1954 to 1956, and then was a financial and transportation analyst at First Boston in New York before he decided to return to teaching. He received his Ph .D. in history from Harvard University and became a member of the faculty of Trinity College in 1963, where he served as chai rman of the history department for many years and taught until his retirement in 2003. In add ition to his work at Trinity, Sloan was an adjunct professor of management with Rensselaer at Hartford; he taught graduate students for many years at the Mystic Seaport Mw1son Institute of American Maritime Studies; and he taught undergraduates at the Williams College in Mystic program. He became a fellow of the Greenwich Maritime institute of the University of Greenwich in 2000, and while holding this position he lectured at a nw11ber of English universities. He participated in many Connecticut singing groups over the years and arranged and wrote musical compositions. In 2010, his "Go, Banrums, Go!" won a competition to be selected as the new college fight song for Trinity College. He is survived by his wife, Kathy; daughters, Elisabeth Sloan, Palmer Sloan '82, Sally Sloan, and Hunter Sloan Smith '85; son, Michael Sloan; fifteen grandchildren, Lydia, Ted and Emily Lichtenberger, Finley ' 10, Heath '15, and Haley Harckham, Hugo and Story Jane Hentoff, Portia ' 11 , Fran.cesca, Misha, and Igor Smith, and Dylan, Mia, and Wyatt Sloan; and brother, James Sloan.


Thomas J. Downes FACULTY

Chester McPhee, M.A. 1968 Chester "Chet'' McPhee, 83, died on December 14, 2012. McPhee attended Oberlin College and earned two master's degrees, one from Ohio State University and one from Trinity From 1951 to 1953, he served in the Army, reaching the rank of corporal. McPhee was an associate professor in the physical education department at Trinity and taught a popular first-year seminar for many years. He coached Trinity's freshman football team in the 1960s and 1970s, and served as an assistant women's soccer coach. He started the men's lacrosse program at the College and coached the Bantams from 1961 to 1978. He also coached the Bantam men's and women's swimming and diving teams from 1979 to 1994. McPhee hosted the weekly jazz show, "Sunrise Serenade," on WRTC- FM for almost 30 years.

Thomas J. Downes, 45, of Columbia, died on October 24, 2012. Tom was a gifted artist who created and presented numerous greeting cards to family and friends. He had a great love of music and sports and played American football , Gaelic football , and basketball. He was an avid Yankee, NY Giants, Celtics, and UConn fan . He is survived by his wife, Eileen; children, Justin Downes, Kelsey Downes, and AJ Flemke; grandchildren, JT Downes and Mariall. Flemke; and his parents, Tom and Rita Downes. He is also survived by his brother, Michael Downes and his wife Dorma, their children, Grace and Sarall; his mother- in-law, Jean Desrosiers; brother- in- law, Jan1es Stamm and his wife Dena. their children, Kyle and Matthew; his Uncle Brendan Downes and his wife Jean, their children, Tim, Kathy, and Mike; his Aunt Mary Burke and her daughters, Mary, Kathy, and Eileen; and many other close relatives in Ireland.

DEATH NOTICES Walter R. Philipp 1957 Kathryn F. Pease, MA '6





Trinitv Reporter Vol. 43, N"o. 2 Wmter 2013 Editor: Drew Sanborn Director of Conllllllllications: Jenny Holland A ssistant Director <if Collllllllllicatio11s: Caroline Deveau A1a11ager <if Creative Services: Rita Law Ma11ager off l'cb Services: Ellen Buckhorn Comributin<~ Staff f.11riters: Kathy Andrews, Bri Diaz, Michele Jacklin, Michael Raciti Sports Editor: David Kingsley Art Direction and Editorial Consulcation: James Baker Design BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Charter Tmstces: Sophie Bell Ayres '77, P'12, '13, Patrice Ball-Reed '80, Emily Latour Bogle '79, P'85, Thomas 1'\... DiBenedeno '71, P'08, '12, ' 12, ' 13, Nina McNeely Diefenbach '80, Luis J. Fernandez P'l1, '13,John S. Gates, Jr. '76, P'13,Jeffiey E. Kelter '76, PhilipS. Khoury '71, Michael ]. Kluger '78, P'13, Alexander H. Levi '67, Michael D. Loberg '69, P'OO, Kevin J. Maloney '79, Elaine Feldman Patterson '76, Paul E. Raether '68, P'93, '96, '01,Wi]]jam C. Richardson '62, Hon. '03, Edward C. Rorer '65. P'91, Virginia Sanchez '77, Thomas R. Savage '72, Luther L. Terry, Jr. '67, Cornelia Parsons Thornburgh '80,WJamesTozer,Jr. '63, P'89, '90,Timothy J.Walsh '85, P'15, Ronald V:Waters Ill '74, P'06, Shawn T.Wooden '91 Alw11ni Tnts/ees: Sarah Koeppel Cohn '83, Joshua C. Gruss '96, L. Peter Lawrence '71, P'04, Wi]]jam K. Marimow '69, Karen Kelsey Thomas '78, P'12, Rhea Pincus Turteltaub '82 Tmstce Ex-Officio: James F. Jones,Jr., President and Trinity College Professor in the Humanities G. Keith Futtstoll Tnrstee: Sara Thiede Ste\路ens '06

Paretll Tnrstee: Alexander P. Lynch P'03, '04, '07, '15 Tmstees Emeriti: Evan S. Dobdle Hon. '01, Thomas S.Johnson '6~, P'97, Hon. '05, Edward A. Montgomery, Jr. '56, P'89, '91, Borden W Painter, Jr. '58, Hon. '95, Douglas T.Tansill '61, P'9!, '96


E.wmtive Colllllti/tee: Victoria S. Aronow '82, P'l 0, Todd C. Beati '83, Robin Halpern Cavanaugh '91, Maria Pedemonti Clifford '88, Diane DePatie Consoli '88, H.Wi]]jam Cyphers IV '09,John S. Dalsheim '87, Peter W Espy 'OO, Judith Ambrose Ewald '80, P'11 , '15, David R. Fontaine '86, Michael S. Gilman '76, P'05. Trude J. Goodman '03, Am1 Carroil Harris '71 ,Uzma Akl1and Hossain '98, Hayden P. Howell '06,William S.Jenkins '03, Miyuki Kaneko '85, Douglas Kim '87, Michael E. Le;rz '68, P'13, Faculty Representative,Justin S. Maccarone. Jr. '81. Douglas M. Macdonald '89, Tanya C. Marston '00, Chrio.topher McCrudden '68, Mary Elizabeth Miller IDP '00, Gary A. Morgans '75,Aiexis Bra,hich Morledge '90, Murray H. Morse, Jr. '60,Ashley G. Myles '95, Barlow L. Peelle '79, Michael J. Petrucelli '90,Jocelyn Jones Pickford '99, Descatur M. Potier '03, Narhaniel S. Prentice '69, P'lO,Jon A. Reynolds '59, Charles C. Russo '02,Willis G. Ryckman IV '91 ,Vincenr R. Stempien '61, Robert W Stockton '9-t, S. Michelle Stone '95, Rhea Pincus Turteltaub '82, Presidenr, Charles Wallace II '92, Black Alunmi Organization President, jean M. Walshe '83, Executive Vice President. Cynthia Mohr Wolcotr '77, P' 15, Bryant S. Zanko '87 BoARD OF FELLOws Carter P.Agar '95,Jennifer L. Blum '88, C. Mark Boelhouwer '83,John B. Braskamp '81, Sarah R. Brown '91, Scott C. Butera '88. Stephanie Borynack Clark '96, David J. Congdon '82,Jonathan W Cox '89, Louis D. Duff lll '92 , R ex R. Dyer '85, Suzanne Ritrenberg Dyer '85, P~ter D. Edwards '78, Steven A. Elmend01f '82, Pamela Hickory Esterson '90,Jonarhan Estreich '75,Julian Darnelle Evans '92, Michael Gary '86. Trina A. Gary '86, Philip W. Grabfield '81, P'14, G. Schuyler Havens '95,Ailyn Magrino H olmberg '89, Michael C. Huebsch '80,Aianj. Juliano '77, Steven M. Kayman 77, Patricia Mairs Klestadt '80, P'09, '11, Peter W KJestadt P'09, '11, Ling S. Kwok '9-t, Joshua B. Lahey '95,Angelo P. Lopresti '85, Cynthia Henry Lufkin '84, Sonia Flanders McArdle '85, Lloyd Andrew emerever '93, Peter J. Nolan '81, P'11, '14, E. Carter Wurts Norton '79, P'09, ' 14, Caitlin Diebold O'Connell '04, Deborah Packer '76, Matthew K. Quigley '77, P' 11 , Robert]. Reiskin '88, Fa raj Saghri '81, Peter D. Scala '05, Eric J. Scheyer '87, David L. Schnadig '86, Susannah April Smetana '91, Lydia L. Porrer Snyder '05, PaulS. Sperry '80,Jane M. Swift '87,Andrew S.Terhune '78, Elizabeth Thrasher-Broidy '80, Joy Tomlinson '79, P' 13, Kathryn George Tyree '86,John A.Vissicchio '83, DavidWWagner '84, P'l.t, '16,Amhony R. Whittemore '90, Jennifer Moran Williams-Bulkeley '91, Craig C.Woerz '93

BfJ9ton 8Mti:t'I.A1U

Networkittj Ev-mt -Odofnr 4, 2012

Alison Draper, Director, Science Center at Trinity, Jon Piper '93, Burt Adelman '72, Richard Bagley '65, and Steve Woodworth '93

For a full list of alumni events and programs in your area, please visit alumni weekly for new events and detailsand to check out who else is coming!

Black Atuuuti OYjMUzatimt Le6l-ure with FrtUtk._ Bor!JM ESQ._ '74 -

Tri+Uty dub of BfJ9ton Faculty Le6l-ure witk Ned Wrrf Tim Szal '06, Professor Ned Cabot and Jamie Tracey Szal '06

-Odofnr 181 2012

Odoinr 181 2012


dub of Hartford BMUJuef

-N~81 2012

Afian;ta PrMide1-t;t$" ~ -Odoinr 221 2012

Ariana Mullin '09 Nikki Law Moody 路oo' and Kristi McDermott Hillyer '03

Admissions 101 April 7-8, 2013

Class on the Quad June 28-29, 2013

alum The official place for Trin Alums to reconnect with each other and the College. Swing by to learn about happenings on campus, alumni events and engage in witty Bantam banter.

~ ltJU

to t7W' Hur-t>!

Scott and Tracy Sipprelle P'14 Chris Elia '96 and Eric Simon Jim Smith '78, P' 10,' 13,'16 Mike Leone '01



winter 13


from the president


s I am sure most of you are aware, the Board ofTrustees voted unarumously at their October 2012 meeting to

adopt in full the recommendations of the Charter Committee

You will also find in this issue a roster of those Trinity commuruty members who are currently at work on implementing the Trustees' mandate. This Implementation

for Building Social Commuruty at Triruty College. These

Conmnttee has been drawn from a broad spectrum, including

recommendations (an executive sununary appears on page 20)

students, faculty, trustees, alumni, parents, and administrators.

call for actions that will bring the College's social environment

Its members include representatives-both students and

more closely into line with its academic aspirations . Trinity is

alunmi-of the Greek system, as well as those who are not.

doing nothing less than preparing its graduates for leadership

These subcommittees are already well under way toward

in the complex world of the 21st century, and we must do all

detailing the steps to be taken in five key areas: compliance

we can to ensure their success. It is therefore imperative that

and support for social organizations; standards and assessment;

our students' lives outside the classroom be such that each of

the house system; first-year experiences, special progran1s,

them is able to bring the full strength of his or her intellect

and acaderrilc irutiatives; and revitalization of social spaces.

to bear on acaderrilc work. In this issue of the Reporter, you

The tasks of the subcommittees are outlined on pages 21

will find a number of articles that outline the changes that are

and 22, along with a list of members. The Trustees and I are

going forward to make sure this happens.

indebted to this extraordinary group of volunteers who are

A key element of these plans-and one that has already begun-is the renovation of the Vernon Social Center. One ofTrirllty's greatest needs is for a center of student life that

giving so generously of their time and expertise to the future of our college. Trinity has entered upon an in1portant period of change

is inviting, comfortable, open to all, and available during the

and transition. New technologies, new fmancial exigencies,

hours when students are most likely to seek the company of

and new political attitudes toward higher education

others. A critically important element of a college education is

increasingly seek to supplant traditional liberal arts education

the opporturuty to join in informal gatherings to talk, try out

with other models. In the face of these challenges, Triruty

ideas, form new attitudes, meet new people, debate, or simply

must be the best it possibly can be. I am sure that all who are

relax. The re-imagined Vernon Social will provide a variety of

part of our community can attest to the lifelong value of the

attractive, informal seating arrangements to encourage such

liberal arts. The breadth and flexibility of such learning equips

conversations. The space will also accommodate a variety of

our graduates to lead, to innovate, and to thrive under a wide

everilng entertainment options, as well. With work now under

variety of conditions, many of which cannot be foreseen at

way, we expect that the facility will be ready in August to

the time of graduation. In order to assure our ability to offer

welcome incoming and returrung students.

this advantage to future generations, Trinity must continue to

In another important development, we have recently announced construction plans for a new student housing

offer a first-class education. Our ability to do so will be greatly strengthened by the actions that are now being implemented.

complex to be located on Crescent Street. These townhousestyle acconm1odations will also be ready for occupancy at

Very truly yours,

the start of this corrilng academic year, and this much-needed residential space will be a welcome addition to our campus. The goal is to house upper-class students in these apartments as a transition from dormitory living to their independent lives after graduation. This is a two-part project, and the second phase will be completed in December of this year.




wi nt e r 13

President and Trinity College Professor in the Humanities



rinity's students and faculty and their many achievements inspire, year after year, the leadership support of Long Walk Societies (LWS) members. In 2011-2012, LWS gifts accounted for 82 percent of the 2012 Trinity College Fund and more than 90 percent of overall contributions to the College. In turn, all those in the campus community are encouraged and sustained each year by the generosity of those who make Trinity a priority in their philanthropy. The Long Walk Societies bring together generations of alumni, parents, and friends of the College-veteran leaders and emerging volunteers-to support every aspect of academic and student life. The resources provided through their loyalty and dedication serve to preserve and enhance the quality of the Trinity experience and to represent for each rising generation the value and importance of sustaining what is most distinctive about life along the Long Walk. You are invited t o j o in o r r enew your membership in t he Lon g Walk Societies. Please make your gift today at www. trincoll. edu/ givingtotrinity or by calling us at (800) 771-6184. And mark your calendar for the LWS Gala at the New York Public Library on April 10, 2013!

The President's Circle

The Summit Society

$100,000 or more


Northam Towers Circle

Seabury Fellows



Jarvis Associates

Downes Society

$5,000- $9,999


Young alumni are included in the Downes Society with a gift of: Classes of 1994·1998, $1,000 • Classes of 1999·2003, $500 • Classes of 2004·2012, $250 • Class of 2013, $100

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