2 minute read
from Indigent Defense
Motion For Di Scovery
Now comes John Doc, Defendant in the above entitJed and numbered cause, by and through undersigned counsel, iand l!li'lJlkes this Motion for Dis~overy. and for good cau..<1C. sllows the rol 1owing:
Defendant moves tb.e Court to order the l_J District Attorney to produce und permjt counsel for Defendant to inspect the following desi gnated items relating io tests reports .and 11ny other scientific e v idence in !lhis case: i " Any and all 00U11Soling records, furms , me:rno1andum; notes, and/or dt1<:um.ents. regaro.in@ Jane Doe. [dat:e of birth] . and the names .md addresses of tht: counselors who provided counseling o:r therapeutic son,ices to Jane Doe, from [dat~] through the current ,date;
2 Any and all names and addresses of the doctors \vb o provided medicaJ treatm ent to Jane Doe, [date of birth], fbr the years ldatel through cur.rent date ; and
3 . Any and aU medical records, and r access to medical record..'l for Jane Doe, i [date of birth].. for the years [date] through cum.mt date. and lhe ruimos and addresses of die medical treatment facilities which provided se1Vice to Jane Doe. fur that same period oftime ll.
In support of this motion. Defendant would how that (a) me items requested are, and/or should be ir1, the exclusive possession. custody and oonttot of lhe Slate of Tex.as or the United States Go cmmcnt by and through its agents, the police or the prosecuting attorneys office, and Defendant has nu other means of ascermi.n.ing the di closure requested; (b) the items requested are not privll~ged; {c) I.he items and infom1ation requested arc material to this cause and the issues of guilt or innocence and punishment to be determined in this cause~ (d) Dcl"cndant cannot safely go to trial without such infm:tmtlion and inspection, nor t--an Oel'endant adequately prepare a defeme herein; (e) Defendant's rights will be violated under Article 39 .14 of the Texas Code of Criminal .Procedure, Article I, Seetions 3. 3a. 10. 13 and 19 of ,the Constitution Qf the State of Texas. and th~ Fill:h, S1xth. EiQ;hth and Fourte~rrth Amendments to t!lre Constitution ofthc United 'tates of Amerka by such absent such discovery.
Honurable Court will grant this Motion for Discovery in all things .
Re peetfuUy submitted,
Law Offices of (ATTORNEY J
L ttomey~s Addm.s]
Telephooe o. rtxxx) xxxftxxxx]
Facsimile o. ({XX:.x.) xxx:-XXX)(]
By:-- - -~
Stul'e Har No. xxx.x.xxxx
At1Qmey for Defendant, John Doe
TI,is is to ,certify that on {date], a true and oorrect copy of the above and foregoing document was served on the L_J District Attornt:!ys Office. by facsimile .
LName of District Attorney]
LJ Di triet Attomey s Office
[ ddress tJfOistrict Attorney' s Office]
On the ________ day of • 2014. c.:mu: on to be considered Defendants Motion For Disoov,ery. and after considering same. Defendant's Motion is hereby: lT I , THEREFORE ORDERED that the f _ l Distri ct Atto:roey•s Otlice is to produce and permit counsel for Defend.."lllt to inspect the following designated items relating to tests, report:;. and :my other scientific evidenc.e in this case, or state whether said infrmnation exists:
1. Any urn.I aU <.."Ounseling r«orwi, forms, memorandum, notes, and/or documents, regarding, Jane Doe. [date of' birth). and the names and addresses of the counselors who provided counseling or therapeutic services to Jane Doe. from (dateJ th:ro~gh the current date;
2. Any and all names and addresses of the doctors who provided medit.-al treatment to Jane Doe. [d ate of birth], for the years [date] through current date; and
3. Any und all medical records. and/or access to medit.-al recoros for Jane Doe. [dat~ of birth}, for the years [date] through current date, ai1d the names and addresses of the medical treatment facilities which provided services to Jane Doc, for that srunc period of time.