1. Your Account Summary
Bill Date The date your bill was issued and/or printed

Service Period The dates during which current charges were accumulated Rate The rate classification used for billing your service Visit https://tcec com/rates for more information Previous Balance This includes any charges or adjustments of the prior service period Adjustments credit or debit to your balance as applicable
Payment received - Thank you! The previous amount paid and successfully applied to your account Balance Forward Total of any charges or adjustments remaining from a previous service period
Current Charges A detailed breakdown of the individual charges that make up your current bill. Can include base charges, the amount you owe for electricity usage for that service period, wholesale power cost adjustment (WPCA), state and local taxes, Energizing Education contribution (if applicable), and charges for any other services.
Total Amount Due This includes the amount due during the billing period plus outstanding charges, credits, or late fees
2. Account Information
Member Name Name on TCEC Account
Service Address The address where the TCEC is providing service for this bill This may be different than the mailing address
Account Number A unique member account number is assigned to each new account All TCEC members were assigned a new account number with the March 2025 software transition.
Board Trustee The Geographic region your service is in determines which memberelected Board Trustee represents your voice in the operation of the Cooperative.
3. Total Due Circle
The most important information regarding your bill is placed inside a circle in the top right of your bill. Accounts that are past due will be flagged with a red circle.
4. Usage History
This graph shows your monthly energy usage over the past 24 months compared with the temperature. You can use this information to track and manage your usage.
5. Your Energy Breakdown
The amount of energy you consumed during this billing period compared with the previous billing period and with the same billing period a year ago.
6. Payment Stub
If you are paying by check or cash please return the stub with your payment to ensure the payment is properly credited to your account. The payment stub also provides you with your account number, account summary, and amount due.

7. Meter Table
This table shows meter data associated with the current bill.
Meter Number This unique number physically identifies the electric meter at your location.
Meter Type The type of meter at your location, commercial or residential accounts have kWh-Energy meters.
Start and End Reading Subtract the start reading from the end reading to determine the amount of electricity used during this billing period.
Meter Multiplier The amount of electricity used is determined by multiplying the difference between the present and previous reading by the multiplier displayed on your electric bill.
kWh Usage The total number of kilowatt hours used during this billing period
kW Usage Specific to our demand meters and will typically read 0 00 for residential members
8. Current Charges Detail
Basic Facility Charge This monthly fee is designed to recover a portion of TCEC’s fixed costs such as poles, wires, substations, etc
kWh Charge The cost of electricity consumed during the billing period This amount will vary month to month according to the amount of energy consumed
Wholesale Power Cost Adj (WPCA) This amount is added to or subtracted from your bill based on the changes in the cost of wholesale power and delivering power to your location required to pay this tax

9. Message Center
This area displays messages related directly to your account or service, and other messages from TCEC
Ad Space
This area displays information on various programs or co-op events
11. SmartHub Sign up
Enroll in paperless billing, view energy use data, Receive updates about outages, make address and phone number changes and more!
12. Payment Methods
There are several convenient ways to pay your bill Each is identified in this section If you need changes made to your contact information or have comment/feedback for us, complete this section and send back to TCEC
The bill sampled here is a standard residential bill Some bills may have a slightly different layout and additional information depending on rate structure and required information for a specific location. Information, bill specifications, layout and design are subject to change. For assistance understanding your bill, contact us at 850.973.2285.