May/June Tri-County Rural Living Newsletter

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We invite you to attend your next

District Meeting — Details on Page 5 —

May & June 2017 Vol. 20 • No. 5


We Are Prepared for Summer Storms Spring is here, school is almost out, and families are gearing up for a few months of fun and relaxation. While summer brings much fun in the sun, it can also bring the occasional severe storm. In the event of a power outage, you can trust that your electric cooperative is ready to respond. The major cause of most power outages comes from damage to power lines due to falling trees and branches. We work year round — through right-of-way clearing — to ensure power lines in our service territory stand little risk of being damaged by trees, branches or other types of vegetation. Despite our best efforts, during major storms, damage can occur to transmission stations, substations and power lines. When this happens, our first priority is to safely restore power to as many members as possible in the shortest amount of time.

We start by mobilizing our line crews and other critical staff. Every phone line available is utilized to take your outage report calls. The big problems, like damage to transmission lines, are handled first. These problems must be corrected before we can focus on other areas where more localized damage may have occurred. Tri-County Electric Cooperative’s (TCEC) line crews inspect substations to determine if the problem starts there, or if there could be an issue down the line. If the root of the problem is at the substation, power can be restored to thousands of members. Next, line crews check the service lines that deliver power into neighborhoods and communities. Line crews repair the damaged lines, restoring power to hundreds of people. If you continue to experience an outage, there may be damage to a tap line outside of your home

Julius Hackett, CEO or business. Make sure you notify TCEC so crews can inspect these lines. We will do our best to avoid power outages, but sometimes Mother Nature has other plans. Be sure to check for outage information, follow us on Facebook, and enroll in TextPower from your mobile device for the latest updates during a power outage.

Medical Essential Service At Tri-County Electric, we know that electric service is important to our members. For those individuals with a medical condition that requires the use of life-sustaining equipment, reliable power is a vital necessity. That’s why we have the Medical Essential Service (MES) program to provide special consideration for their accounts. This program is designed to provide our members with reasonable prior notice of pre-planned outages, which in turn, will allow them time to secure back-up power for their medical equipment. MES accounts are also identified to serve as a reference for determining priorities in the effort to restore service in the event of widespread or prolonged outages affecting the Cooperative’s system. Once all high-voltage transmission lines, distribution substations, and main distribution lines are safely repaired, priority for service line repair to individual homes with MES can be assigned. In the event of loss of power, members are still responsible for power back-up equipment and power supply. If you are a TCEC member whose life-sustaining equipment is dependent on electrical service, you qualify for the MES program. The MES application is available on our website,, or through any of our Member Service Representatives. Simply fill out the application, have your physician complete the Physicians Statement of Certification, and return it to the Cooperative. You must re-apply with a new, completed Medical Essential Service application form annually. 2

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May & June 2017

To Report Electrical Problems or Outages, Please Call:

850-973-2285 or 1-800-999-2285 Graphic by Funnel, Inc.

May & June 2017



Welcome to the

RIGHT-OF-WAY Department

Clearing the way for power Being a member of the right-of-way crew requires precision and endurance. Sometimes their work can be repetitive, all while holding onto heavy machinery, and in all types of weather. They are strong. They have to be able lift, carry, push and pull as much as 100 pounds of debris at times.

Sometimes going to work isn’t fun, unless you are one of the fortunate ones who truly loves what they do. Some people enjoy working in an office, in temperature-controlled environments where the only physical element may involve walking from the parking lot into the office. Then there are those people who enjoy working outside, who enjoy more physically demanding work. Meet the Tri-County Electric Cooperative Right-of-Way Crew. These men aren’t afraid of a challenge; to them, 4

it’s all in a day’s work! Right-of-way (ROW) maintenance is one way TCEC controls the delivery of safe and reliable electric service. Clearing limbs and trees away from power lines not only helps prevent outages and blinking lights, it also reduces many potential hazards. The TCEC right-of-way crew performs the ROW clearing for new overhead construction by clearing the way for the line crews to come in and build new power lines. They also maintain groundwork and ROW

for the distribution and transmission lines. After a storm, fallen trees and branches are a major cause of power outages, and that’s where the right-of-way crew comes in with their equipment to remove the debris. During widespread outages, the right-of-way crew works together with the line crews, helping restore power to our members as quickly and safely as possible. With over 3,000 miles of line, and new members coming on the lines each month, our right-of-way crew keeps busy. May & June 2017

Bryan McMullen, Trimmer Bryan will celebrate his 10-year anniversary at the Cooperative this year. He started out working in the maintenance department before transferring to the right-of-way crew, where he’s found his niche. He works tirelessly on the crew, committed to working hard and making sure the job gets done. One of Bryan’s favorite things about his job is traveling to the different areas served by TCEC. He enjoys seeing the different terrain and discovering new things. Recently while working, he came upon a small spring that he never realized existed in the area. Off the clock, Bryan enjoys nature and likes spending time on his dirt bike, riding the dirt roads near his home.

Willie Bell, Crew Leader Willie has worked at the Cooperative for more than 26 years. He began his career as a groundman on the right-of-way crew, working his way up to trimmer until being promoted to crew leader. Once you meet him, you won’t soon forget him. He’s hardworking — on the job and off. Willie loves helping people. He is the founding member and president of the “Nu Luv Ridaz” motorcycle club in Madison, who each year, spends countless hours collecting toys for underprivileged children in our area to make sure they have presents to open on Christmas morning. When not riding his motorcycle, Willie enjoys fishing and spending time with his family. 4204003

Allen Welch, Journeyman Lineman/ROW Supervisor Allen is lifelong resident of Madison County and a 30-year veteran of the Cooperative. Already having achieved the distinction of a journeyman lineman, Allen also supervises the TCEC right-of-way department and manages the open ROW work orders. His attention to detail and diverse skills, combined with his positive attitude, makes Allen a true asset to the

right-of-way crew and the Cooperative. When asked what is one of his favorite parts of the job, Allen is quick to tell you that it’s the people he works with. He has a lot of respect for his hardworking co-workers. When not working, Allen appreciates the times he can spend with his wife on the water, fishing.

Whether the job is large or small, the TCEC right-of-way crew finds a way to get it done, and we appreciate the great job they do each day! May & June 2017


TCEC Employees Compete in “Steppin’ Coast to Coast” Challenge We’ve all heard of the many benefits that walking each day can do for you. Walking is a low impact way to get in shape and lose weight. It can help reduce stress, slow mental decline, improve your mood, and give you time to think. So, in September 2016, Tri-County Electric Cooperative registered with the Departments of Health in Madison and Jefferson counties to participate in their “Steppin’ Coast to Coast” Challenge. TCEC employees jumped at the chance to join in this friendly competition. Spouses were recruited and employees divided into six teams of 10 people each, all working together to reach enough steps to walk from Madison to Santa Monica, CA.

Kickoff began at 5:00 p.m. on Sept. 30 and lasted through Dec. 17. Within the first three weeks, TCEC employees had walked the combined equivalent of more than 6,000 miles! Groups were spotted walking before work, on their lunch breaks, and after work — all while making sure their fitness devices accurately counted each important step. In the end, the 10-member TCEC team affectionally called “Sole Mates” took the grand prize after walking a stunning 11,443,934 steps — equal to 5,722 miles — in just 11 weeks. We congratulate the Sole Mates team and their commitment to getting those daily steps in! All in all, it was a fun and easy way to sneak in daily exercise.

Four members of the TCEC Sole Mates team are presented with their first place certificate by Jennifer Johnson, Florida Department of Health Madison County Administrator. L to R: Carol Timmons, Kisha Tolar, Antonio Richardson, Ms. Johnson and Mary Carter.

Find Your Hidden Account Number & Get a $150 Bill Credit! Hidden somewhere in this issue of Tri-County Rural Living are two member account numbers. Look carefully, one might be yours. If you find your account number exactly as it appears on your bill for electric service, we’ll credit your bill up to the amount of $150!* You have until June 30, 2017, to claim your credit by calling Carol Timmons at (850) 973-2285, Ext. 203, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. You must contact the TCEC representative before the deadline to collect your prize. Congratulations to last issue’s winner: Jeremy L. King * Total credit on bill will not exceed $150.00. This one-time credit is valid only on the current balance. Any balance remaining after the $150.00 applied credit is the member’s responsibility.


May & June 2017

Make Plans to Attend Your District Meeting As a member of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, you have a unique opportunity to take an active role in the business of your electric company — because you’re not just a customer, you’re a member-owner, too. One responsibility you have is to elect a district trustee who will represent the

members at monthly board meetings. By attending a district meeting and nominating a member for district trustee, you have an opportunity to be involved in the decisions that will impact the future of TCEC. 87218001001 This year, district meetings are being held for Districts 7, 8 & 9. The purpose is

to nominate candidates for their respective district trustees, who will then be elected to the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017. District meetings also provide members with an opportunity to meet the current trustees and staff from TCEC, as well as discuss cooperative-related business. We welcome your input and hope to see you at your district meeting!

District Meeting Dates & Times District meetings will be held in July for TCEC members living in Districts 7, 8 & 9. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. Business meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. DISTRICT 8 MEETING Monday, July 24 Lake Bird Methodist Church 2960 Lake Bird Church Rd. Perry, Fla. DISTRICT 9 MEETING Tuesday, July 25 Blue Creek Baptist Church 21028 Beach Rd. Perry, Fla. DISTRICT 7 MEETING Thusday, July 27 Shiloh AME Church Highway 257 Monticello, Fla. Information on Becoming a Candidate for Trustee



















May & June 2017

If you are a member wanting to be nominated as a candidate for district trustee at your district meeting, you must notify the Cooperative in writing at its headquarters in Madison no less than 21 days before your district meeting. Trustee candidates must be members of Tri-County Electric Cooperative and they must live in the district represented. Anyone interested in running for trustee should contact Eileen Herndon at 1-800-999-2285 or to get information regarding the election process and responsibility of being a trustee.


2017 Ambassador Meetings Tri-County Electric staff and CEO Julius Hackett have been on the road traveling throughout our service territory to meet with TCEC Ambassadors. Ambassadors are an exclusive group of TCEC members with an interest in supporting not only the Cooperative, but the Cooperative programs available to all members. This year’s meetings began with dinner, followed by presentations from Community Relations Specialist Kaitlynn Culpepper and Mr. Hackett. Topics included Energizing Education, TCEC Scholarship, and Medical Essential Service. Mr. Hackett spoke on Solar Energy and announced the kick-off of our Co-op Solar program. The discussion portion of every evening was filled with talk about the future of solar energy, giving TCEC staff and representatives from Seminole Electric Cooperative the opportunity to address any questions or concerns. Before each evening concluded, a drawing for door prizes was held. Ambassadors left informed and


energized to spread the word about the various programs available to our members. Ambassador meetings are held every 18 months in Madison, Perry, Monticello and Steinhatchee. If you are interested in being a TCEC Ambassador, contact Kaitlynn

Culpepper, You can be a part of a program that helps your cooperative increase member satisfaction and member engagement by giving your cooperative a unique insight from our member’s perspective.

May & June 2017

Summary of the By-laws of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Pertaining to Membership, Annual Meetings, Board Representation and Qualification, and Nomination and Election to the Board of Trustees MEMBERSHIP

1. Any person, firm, association, corporation, or body politic or subdivision thereof may become a member of the Cooperative by: a. Filing a written application for membership; b. Agreeing to purchase electrical energy from the Cooperative; c. Agreeing to comply with and be bound by the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Cooperative, and any rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees; and d. Paying the membership fee provided by the By-Laws of the Cooperative, and being accepted for membership by the Board of Trustees or the members. No member may hold more than one (1) membership in the Cooperative, and no membership shall be transferrable. 2. A husband and wife may, if they desire, apply for a joint membership.


1. The Annual Meeting of the members of the Cooperative is held on the Third Saturday in September of each year, in either Madison, Jefferson or Taylor County, Florida. The place at which an Annual Meeting is to be held is designated in the Notice of such Annual Meeting given to the members of the Cooperative prior to each Annual Meeting.


1. The territory served by the Cooperative is divided into nine (9) districts. Each district is represented by one (1) Trustee. The Trustees from the nine (9) districts constitute the Board of Trustees of the Cooperative. 2. The Board of Trustees manages the business and affairs of the Cooperative. The Board of Trustees exercises all the powers of the Cooperative except such powers as are conferred upon or reserved to the members by law, or the Articles of Incorporation or the By-Laws of the Cooperative.


1. To serve as a Trustee of the Cooperative, a person must: a. Be a natural person; b. Is not a current employee and if a former employee who was not in good standing at time employment ended, a minimum three years must have elapsed; c. Has been subjected to a criminal background check and credit check; d. Is a member in good standing of the cooperative without any disconnections for non-payment of utility services within last five years; e. Be a bona fide full-time resident of the district which member plans to represent for at least 12 months preceding nomination; f. Has the capacity to enter into legally binding contracts; g. Does not have a financial interest in or relationship with an outside organization or individual having business dealings with the Cooperative if it would likely impair the ability of the trustee to serve the best interests of the cooperative; and annually complete and sign a conflict-of-interest certification and disclosure form; h. Is not related to a current trustee as defined in the Conflict of Interest Board Policy; i. Has not been previously removed as a trustee, or has not resigned as a trustee while a proceeding to remove member was pending;

May & June 2017

j. Has not been convicted of or have pleaded guilty to a felony or first degree misdemeanor; k. Attend at least two-thirds of all board meetings each year while a trustee.


1. A person may be nominated as a candidate for Trustee at a District Meeting of the members of a district or at the Annual Meeting of the members of the Cooperative. 2. Not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days before any meeting of the members of the Cooperative at which Trustees are to be elected, a separate meeting of the members of each district comprising a part of the territory served by the Cooperative shall be called at a suitable place in each district for the purpose of selecting two (2) persons as candidates for Trustee to represent the members located within such district. 3. Any member who intends to seek a nomination to be a candidate for trustee (including incumbent trustees) must notify the Cooperative in writing at its headquarters in Madison, Florida at least 21 days before the district meeting at which nominations for trustee are to be made. After receiving such written notice, the Cooperative will confirm that the member is a resident of the district for which he/she intends to be a candidate for trustee, and is otherwise qualified to be a trustee. 4. If more than one candidate is nominated, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared the official candidates of the district. The names of the candidates selected at the District Meeting as the official candidates for each district shall be placed in nomination for the office of Trustee of such district by the Secretary of the Cooperative at the next meeting of the members of the Cooperative at which Trustees are to be elected. At such meeting of the members, additional nominations for Trustee for a particular district may be made from the floor, provided that the person making such additional nomination must reside in the same voting district as the person whom the member desires to nominate as a candidate for Trustee; and provided further, that any member desiring to make an additional nomination for trustee from the floor must, at least fifteen (15) days prior to an Annual or Special Meeting of the members at which trustees are to be elected, file at the Main Headquarters Building of the Cooperative in Madison County, Florida, with the Secretary of the cooperative or a person designated in writing by the Secretary of the Cooperative, a written statement of the intention of such member to make such additional nomination from the floor and list in such written statement the name of the member he intends to nominate from the floor. 5. After all nominations are made, an election is held by printed or xeroxed ballots, with the names of the candidates arranged by districts. Each member of the Cooperative present at the meeting is entitled to vote for one (1) candidate from the district in which the member receives service. a.) No voting by mail or proxy is permitted; b.) Each member is entitled to only one (1) vote; c.) For a joint membership (allowed only for a husband and wife), the vote of either separately or both jointly shall constitute one (1) joint vote. d.) The candidate from each district receiving the highest number of votes is elected Trustee from such district.


Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board Meeting Notes for Feb. 13, 2017

Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board Meeting Notes for March 13, 2017

With all trustees, key Cooperative personnel, guests and the attorney present, the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held on Monday, Feb. 13, 2017, in the Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. headquarters office building located in Madison, Fla. Reports to the Board included those of the Florida Electric Cooperatives Association Board meeting, Seminole Electric Cooperative Board meeting, Finance Committee, Policy Committee, Building and Land Committee, the CEO and Attorney. The Policy Committee recommended and the Board approved revised Policy 102, “Functions of the Board of Trustees;” Policy 105, “Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions;” Policy 107, “Fee Payment and Expense Reimbursement to Trustees for the Performance of Other Cooperative Business;” Policy 115, “Cooperative Redistricting;” and Policy 508, “Travel While on Cooperative Business.” Proposed revised Policy 116, “Corporate Communications,” and proposed revised Policy 117, “Whistleblower,” were distributed for review for possible action at the March Board meeting. Other action taken by the Board included the following: approval of the Feb. 13, 2017, Board agenda; the Jan. 9, 2017, Board meeting minutes; Work Order Inventories (RUS Forms 219) for January–September 2016; adoption of a resolution and accompanying Secretary’s Certificate authorizing the execution of all documents having to do with FFB/RUS loan; and Consent Agenda items as written and recommended by the CEO, which included the WPCA for February 2017 as established by resolution; RUS Form 7 for December 2016; the list of new members for Dec. 20, 2016–Jan. 16, 2017; Safety and Accident Report for December 2016 along with the System Outage Report. The attorney updated the Board on pending legal matters.

With all trustees, key Cooperative personnel, guests and the attorney present, the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held on Monday, March 13, 2017, in the TriCounty Electric Cooperative, Inc. headquarters office building located in Madison, Fla. Reports to the Board included those of the NRECA Annual Meeting, Seminole Electric Cooperative Board meeting, Finance Committee, Policy Committee, Building and Land Committee, and the CEO. The Policy Committee recommended and the Board approved revised Policy 116, “Corporate Communications;” and Policy 117, “Whistleblower.” Proposed revised Policy 118, “Emergency Succession Plan,” and proposed revised Policy 201, “Transfer of Funds by Bank Wire,” were distributed for review for possible action at the April Board meeting. Action taken by the Board included the following: approval of the March 13, 2017, Board agenda; the Feb. 13, 2017, Board meeting minutes; authorization for the electric receivable accounts for the fourth quarter 2016, which appears to be uncollectible, for the appropriate accounting designation; and Consent Agenda items as written and recommended by the CEO, which included the WPCA for March 2017 as established by resolution; RUS Form 7 for January 2017; the list of new members for Jan. 17–Feb. 21, 2017; Safety and Accident Report for January 2017 along with the System Outage Report. Upcoming meetings and events were discussed.

Gary Fulford Catherine Bethea President Secretary-Treasurer

BOARD MEETINGS The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of Tri‑County Electric Cooperative, Inc. will be held the second Monday in each month at 3:00 p.m. in the central office building of the Cooperative located at 2862 West U.S. 90, approximately two miles west of the city of Madison.

This Publication’s Inspirational Moment “Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, ‘I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.’” John 8:12 (NLT)


Gary Fulford Catherine Bethea President Secretary-Treasurer

HOLIDAY CLOSINGS All Tri-County Electric Cooperative offices will be closed Monday, May 29, 2017, in observance of Memorial Day and Tuesday, July 4, 2017, in observance of Independence Day. We will have standby crews available for power restoration if needed. Please see “To Report Electrical Problems or Outages” on Page 11 in this issue if you need to report an outage or other major electrical problem on these two days.

May & June 2017

Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake Ingredients 12 chocolate sandwich cookies, about 1 c., finely crushed 3 tbsp. butter, melted ¾ c. caramel sauce 3 (8 oz.) packages of cream cheese ¾ c. sugar 1 tbsp. vanilla 3 eggs ¼ c. dark chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted ¼ c. chopped pecans, toasted if desired Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Crush the chocolate sandwich cookies in a large freezer-weight, resealable, plastic bag using a rolling pin. Combine the crumbs with the melted butter and press the mixture into the bottom of 9" or 10" springform pan. Pour ½ c. of the caramel

overnight before removing the sides sauce over this crust, and spread it of the pan. out lightly with a spatula. 2. Refrigerate the caramel-coated crust 5. Once the sides of the pan have been removed, sprinkle the pecans across for 10 mins. the top of the cheesecake and then 3. Beat the cream cheese, sugar, and drizzle with both the remaining vanilla until smooth. Add the eggs, caramel and the melted chocolate. one at a time, mixing on low speed Store remaining cheesecake in the just until each one is blended. Pour refrigerator. Enjoy! this mixture over the refrigerated crust. Place the springform pan on a large This turtle cheesecake foil-lined baking sheet is a dessert that gets prior to placing it in talked about long the oven. after the plates are 4. Bake 65–70 mins, until cleaned. the center is almost set. Run a knife around the edges of the pan while it is still warm. Let cool at room temperature and then refrigerate for 4 hrs or

Tri-County Rural Living Vol. XX No. V May & June 2017 TRI-COUNTY RURAL LIVING, the voice of your member-owned, taxpaying electric utility, is published bimonthly — more if necessary — through the auspices of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. as a service to its member-owners. Postage is paid at Blountstown, Fla.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Junior Smith, CCD, BLC D-1 Bobby Dodd, CCD, BLC, DGC D-2 Donnie Waldrep D-3 George Webb, CCD D-4 Catherine Bethea, CCD, BLC, DGC Secretary-Treasurer, D-5 Gary Fulford, CCD President, D-6 Albert Thomas, Jr., CCD, BLC, DGC Vice President, D-7 Malcolm V. Page, CCD, BLC, DGC D-8 Elmer Coker, CCD, BLC, DGC D-9

EDITORIAL OFFICES 2862 West US 90 Madison, FL • (850) 973-2285 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Julius Hackett CEO Eileen Herndon Executive Assistant Kaitlynn Culpepper Community Relations Specialist Michael Curtis, Madison Media Group Writer STAFF Jeff Brewer Manager – Engineering Stephanie Carroll Manager – Corporate Services Darrell Tuten Manager – Operations Wendell M. Williams Manager – Finance

Send CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICES to: Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2862 West US 90 Madison, FL 32340

May & June 2017

Keep warm summer air outside where it belongs! Add caulk and weatherstripping to seal air leaks around leaky doors and windows. Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy

To Report Electrical Problems or Outages Please Call:

850-973-2285 or 1-800-999-2285 24-HOUR SERVICE THANK YOU


Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2862 West US 90 Madison, FL 32340

Clearing the Way for Power

TCEC Right-of-Way Crew

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