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Spring 2011

EXCHANGES The CEI Newsletter

Updates from The China Exchange Initiative

In this issue: •

Updates from the China Exchange Initiative

Review of China Trip 2011.

2011-2012 ASP Participant List

Participant Feedback

Class of 2011 Participants in the Press

CEI Around Town

Value of ASP Examined in PhD Thesis

Alumni Updates

Greetings from the China Exchange Initiative! We’ve just finished recruitment of our U.S.-China Administrator Shadowing Project (ASP) Class of 2012. This year we’ll have another diverse group of participants, with administrators hailing from Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. We are currently in the process of matching them with like-minded educators from Anhui, Hebei, Hubei and Heilongjiang provinces. Preparation for next year’s program has already begun. On May 26, we met with the Wisconsin group – along with that state’s doyen of international education, Gerhard Fischer – for orientation in Madison. During our trip, we also reunited with eight members of the Wisconsin ASP Class of 2010 to reminisce and share ideas. On June 20 we will meet with next year’s crop of eight New England participants at the Union Club in Boston, with orientation for other states to follow in September. In late March, CEI attended the Association for Asia Studies Conference in Honolulu, where we met with representatives from the National Consortium for Teaching About Asia (NCTA) to discuss the prospect of expanding the Shadowing Project into the South. Also in March, Yu Yougen, our partner at the China Education Association for International Exchange led a delegation of past ASP participants to Washington, D.C. to attend the second annual U.S.-China Consultation on People-toPeople Exchange, co-chaired by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong. In April we received approval from Framingham State University (MA) to begin offering 3 graduate credits for a course related to participation in the Shadowing Project.

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