Training for Nonprofits
Getting the most out of T he Amazing R aise 1. Learn why your nonprofit should participate 2. Encourage Donations—be creative! 3. Plan a Fundraising Strategy
Why Should Your Or ganization Par ticipate?
of nonprofits reported new donors contributing for the first time.
Why Should You Par ticipate? of donors reported giving to an organization for the first time of donors will use GiveRichmond to research nonprofits in the future of donors said they would participate in the Amazing Raise again
Why Should You Par ticipate? donations distributed
nonprofits received donations
Why Should You Par ticipate? It’s I N EXPEN SI VE . Did you know that it only costs 7 cents to acquire a new donor online?*
*source Kimbia
Why Should You Par ticipate?
Everyone will be talking about it with as much excitement as a Justin Beiber concert. And not only online…they’ll talk about it in person, too! Yeah. It’s that good.
Why Should You Par ticipate?
You will raise money. That’s right. Effort = $$$. And if you do a few simple things, you’ll raise a lot of it. Contact your donors, board, and volunteers and ask them to ask their friends to support your cause!
T he Amazing R aise 2012 Rules: No changes from 2011 Pr izes: $100,000 from TCF to fund incentive grant pool. – Larger grand prizes – Fewer early birds – More bonus prizes
T he Amazing R aise 2012 • Technology Enhancements: – Alpha view of leaderboard – Greater search capacity – Retention of donor contact information in same session – Twitter feed
T he Amazing R aise 2012 Fees: $50.00 - 1.50 - 1.38 - 0.57 $46.55
Gross amount shown on NPO report (2.99%to website processor) (2.75%to credit card processor) (flat fee to credit card processor) Amount NPO receives
Steps for Success 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Set a goal – donor s, $ or pr izes. Offer a matching gr ant, if possible. Get cr eative! Consider hosting a live event. EN GAGE ever yone you k now to make the ask – email, Facebook , T w itter, wor d of mouth.
T he 5 Top T hings to R emember
1. Per sonalize your ask ; H elp donor s r elate to your wor k . • • •
Send e-mails to individuals, or call them on the phone. Tell stories about how your organization makes a difference. Use concrete examples to describe your work and how their donation will bring about future good.
1. Get an ear ly star t. • • •
Approach key donors about matching grants. Add a page to your website; highlight in your newsletter. Provide reminders and events.
Encour age: Be Cr eative! 3. Take advantage of your or ganization ’s str engths. • •
Tap into your networks – students, subscribers, volunteers, etc. Show off a great space with a live event
– –
Host a party or happy hour Invite people into your office
4. Be cr eative! • • •
Use pictures and videos Brainstorm ideas with creative in your network Start a friendly competition
Encour age: Be Cr eative! 5. Update your por tr ait to optimize sear ch r esults. • • •
Review former names, DBA names, keywords, mission statement and NTEE code. Submit your changes to Michael Jones no later than August 17th. Take advantage of The Amazing Raise 2012 Nonprofit Toolkit.