The Topeka Daily Capital June 14, 1966

Page 1

00^>eka Bailtj€a^jxtal Topeki, Rmas. tiesdiy. Jbm U. tH4


20 Piges 10 Ccnti An Editorial

Building, Contents Damages Will Total $50 Million Here Total Damages Still Unknown

To Rise to New Heights

JACK RUBY ... jury oot 10 mlnoiet

Dallas Jury

A great dtallenge tooms for Topeka. Since block-«fler block of the cily wu dalroyed by ihe tornado last Wednes­ day - greatly as we deplore the life and property loss - we now have r^porlunity to huild.aneW wisely and well so Ihst Topeks Bs a cily will sUnd out in all America. H) achieve greatly, there must be unbounded ImagiaaUon. In rebuilding Wuhburn University. archltecU with com­ petency and bold and daring vision should design uniform and-beautiful buildings wilh a symmelry lhat will attract na­ tional atlenlion. It will cost no more to develop a,carefully planned campu.s of beauty. Destruction ha been so complete that whatever is done must be from Ihe ground up. Just what will make the new Washburn unique among American unlversllia will depend on (he ingenuity of the archllectural plannersTherc are other rebuilding apporlunitia that will mean much for Topeka of tomorrow. In some areas in Ihe storm's path where whole blocks nf houaes have b«n desiroyed. urban renewal can be arranged to uke over and make such for light industry. We must blaze new trails. The easy thing to do will be to patch and replace. But prudence and resolution wilh viahm must prevail if the unusual and somelhing worthwhile are to be achieved and be worthy of national recognition. The building of a trafflcway to southwest Topeka u men­ tioned by Mayor Wright a few days ago may be another ■ dalrable objective. Other goals also may be pracKal. To show our deep appreciation to the many folks, organi- zattons and cilia thaUhave helped in the restoralion of order, it bs now up to Topeka to rise to new heighls.-O. S S.

What nay have been the na­ tion's single must destnicUye tornado caused an estimated $S0 million damage to Insured buildings and contents when it hit Topeka last Wednesday. TTw prelhnlnafy estimate is made by the American insur­ ance Assn, after detailed sttalies of tbe disaster area. While tbe estimate includes DALLAS. Tex. W)-A jury needed only 10 minutes Monday damage to buildings and tents, it does not include such to find Jack Ruby legaUy sane. common insurance coverages Ruby, silent and apparently as business intemiplion tnsuf aisinlefaled Oiniugh'mosToT ance or Insurance on automo­ the sanity trial, took the witness biles. Neither Is damage stand shortly before the jury county, railroad, property included. retired to announce: 'Hiese figures would boost the “Never at any time have total by-several mUlions. tried to make anyone believe Insurance sources in Topeka that I was of unsound mind, of tbe tndtBtry and cfforta of tbe ownm in deanini up Ibe The Mrwdt •! iait Wedsefdiy al^ 6etOtyri tUs boue at arc t»w estimating that the never irictf to camoullage my tm Bmett, b« its deaa apr«tfuc« Monday ms evtdnce . thousands of damaged automenial capacities.'' mobUea will cost ' Some court observers companin an additional ceted that tbe appeal of Ruby's million. the Topeka Board of Educaconviction lor the murder of Lee Other ‘Towns Bart Oswald 2ti years Topeka school district Uon Monday night the no-fund In Manhattan. Leavenworth Harvey would now make its way to may be forced to seek authority warsnts may be neceaary to and Jarbalo. prdimlnary esli- Texas to issue no-fund warrants to fi­ handle the anpr«dicted exp^mala by the associatioD indi­ peals.. Court of Criminal Ap­ nance demands made on its tura for the remainder of tbe cate that damage to Insured budget by Wednesday night's year. Defense Plans Levy Raise lavelved But one Ruby Lawyer, Sol tornado. Dann of Detroit, told reporters T. A. Kerr, director of busi- Should the district decide to Frank I. Lewis, who la head­ the defense might quickly lake ness affairs for tbe district, (old apply to the State Board of Tax ing the assoclaUoD's coordi­ the case Into the federal c Appeals for authority to issue nating ofnee here, said most again. the warrants for 1966. there “hsmeownen" type insurance The defense did not partklwould be an additional Iriy polidM held by Tbpekans con­ pale in the sanity trial — it se­ r to repay the loan taxpayos. tain provisions which cover lected no jurors, offered no tes­ - eitra living eapenses when Uie timony and presented no final, T. Kerr said it will be sometime before the decision policyholder it made homeless. arguments. He recommended that per­ The delense, which had origi­ will be made. A determmalioa of the ptymenis under the dis­ sons who require exIn living nally requested such a aanity trict's ineurance poUctes and the expHise wUfy tb^ own insur­ trial, objected to It at tba last ance agent to see what provi­ minute on tbe grounds it would The city is attempting to de- poeslbiJlty ol federal funds must sions are made for such violate Ruby's con........... the number of tornado be made. PotiiUe penses. righu. victims who will need mobil KerrDecrem told tbe board future He added that home insur­ May Appeal homes for temporary bousing, ance poUclM here are written Dana explained to reporters Mayor Charla W. Wright Ar. property valuations could result in a decrease in the district's with a $S0 deductible provision that action may be sougbt in lax base. The result would be said Monday night. for wind damage. federal couru, including ' "It is Imperative to know an increase in the mill levy to “This means that the heme- U.S. Supreme Court, in a raise tbe same a m o u n t of ght away bow many families onmer pays tbe first ISO of Ifaer protni against tbe sanl^ ill need moMle homes so these money. terials and Ian tm. hailed from areas tImUar to the above windstorm or tornado damage,*' trUl proceeding. Bfll MmS. Racte 1. saver Uke, manned a drtrls dnmp Bre in be ordered for temporary Now, property flattened by the at Ml and Gnge Monday aftstMen. ^Uafered bnOdh« ma­ pkmre, wen ridaae an this liile land at I-7I and Gage. ha said. “However, under i Tbe sanity trial tornado sdl] is assessed at ita he said. ■bomeowiura' tyjie of policy, ducted in Criminal Dist Court txmslng," pre^lestniction level allhough Anyone needing trailers the company payt the first ISO No. 3. the same court in whidi anyone of a person some of It»longer exists. Only damage if toUl insured damage Ruby was convicted of murder. redingwhooneknows should call CE tbe Legislature has the author­ exceeds ISOQ.'' The state rated Us case after 4-9$U, Wright said. Friends < ity to reduce dmUcally the Lou Ompared producing SO mlmitea of testi­ reledva of victima may call. county's assessment of the comparing the Topeka mony from five witnessa. OedqmKylimited . property value. disaster with oOib destrucUve Judge Louis Holland b^ao The mobile honw bousing will In other words, dte 1967 bud­ tomadoa, Mr. Lewla said that preparing his charge to the jury be available for a maximum of get would be financed from pr<weds from a mill levy based uid the loan office wiU the sertes of nfidwaten Palm of seven men and five women. justers' survey alimaled 1.880 estlmtled w very eonservaFour witnessa were county le U.S. Army Corps of En­ pre-tornado assessments. ilained "as l«ig as nee- Sunday tornadoa last A snowstorm of paperwork is total or partial lossn in Tope­ Uve." be concluded. Paymeat Plumed jailers who have spent mai gineers will survey proposed to accommodate the caused 170 million dama bnilding up in Topeka as torna­ ka, including 7.S08 bona and The Small Business Adminis­ hours of sitting with Ruby. $$. sites for iraiier parks today. If tbe narranis are Issued. SCO commercial j^ipertia, and tration office in Municipal Andh insured property In Ohio, do vtclims start filtiu proposed sites include: Bilpredicted the loss in buildings torhim processed about 100 in- Emergency loans at 3 per Igan, Indiana and Dlimls. On tils Isolated cell. Park, Sanla Fe Park. R Ihe district as (he result and contents will be "in excess qulrtn by aooa Monday, report- cent interest also are available May 6. 196$. a tornado which ley Park. Central Park. Wai claims on insurance policie of ISO million." ed Dick Garrett, office man­ to fanners through the Farmers swept through east ceniral Min­ bum University, Shunga Park. would go to retire them. haven't evro stopped Fletcher Bell. ssslsUnt com­ ager, wbo said "up to now we H«ne AdminlslraUon. and local nesota and into Minneapolis Bishop Park and the area be- In other business in an emer­ long enough to count ’em," re- missioner. stressed that figure handed out 47 appUcatico andkants will be handled by caused *30 miltfcm damage. gency meeting. Ihe board ported J, 8. Hertrich. mutager don not include loea to city, Loidi J. Carter, supervisor of There were 8M tornadoa re­ adopted a one-ye. of the General Adjustment Bu­ tbe Shawnee CouiUy Agricultur­ corded in tbe country last year, counly or state pnq)erly, to policy aimed a assisting tor­ field). reau storm office at White al StabillxaUflo and Onaerva- he laid. 'r«nado«aased fataUAmong the Inquirta were -V Wright aaid Al Moore of the nado victims. Lakes. "At a wild guess, I electrical, eommunicaljons. nat­ "only two or three business peo­ tlon Service office. Ua numbered 299. would say a couple of thoo- ural gas and water uliliCia, to ple." with by far the most Carter said to dale he hu re- Seventeen persons lost their About 00 per cent of Topeka Topeka TVansporlaiioo Co. as­ Under the policy, students would be allowed to attend their the SanU Fe Railroad, to airtosand" have filed di Do iBqtUrin on auefa: Ijva in lut Wednesday's tor­ has been ratored to full e)ec- sured him Mo^ay the bus comfp fflobUa. aircraft or business in­ queries claims. He said his st Iricai power and Kansu Power (Osuttoacd a Page 2, CoL 1) ICoatfNed w Page 2, Col. *)' ' insurance coverage, largely loans, but he expects some i«tb- nado. working on an 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. terruption and living expense. full and Light officiab are hopeful of new developments in a few days. "Most of the icbedule, and were open all "We think right now that the residents that every home and businas boys In the rural areu haven't mkend. HOC mUlim figure that's been m Southwest Topeki. in Ihe city will have electricily decided just aactly what they Gnrrelt said the comfHeted Thrpeak Is nowhere in si^ by Wednesday. want to do yet,” be reported. pplications must be turj but Frank Sullivan. sUie com­ Full electric power Local Farmers Eligible back to his irffice with an BULLETIN missioner of insurance, esUstored to Manhattan Monday male of reconstniclioo coat. Hie loan funds-are available maled Monday afternoon Uiat KP&L officials reported. len pass to Shawnee. Leavenwonb. Riley $.172 persons bad filed damage CHICAM1AP1--A prtke- "We review them and then Areas in Topeka which : Pottawatomie county farm­ claims at that time. Ke said the ■u wu Ut by a brick and on them, either here orr in Ihe and expected to be restored tor to replace and repair dwel­ figure was based on "an incom- two PsMlo Ricans were ibot Kansas City office." Applicants ers include the following: Monday algtal u more than are notified by mail, usually lings and farm -plele survey of the adjust MaeViear to Randolph ings. replant crops, repair or re­ 1,101 persMu ran llragb tbe peka area today by the Wealbwithin two or three days. Arms" and included 2,767 p tween 21st and Drive; Uttered streets of a strife- Garrett said tbe 3 per cent place essential farm machinery er-Bi dential. and home equipment, and re­ Higfas today wUl be around 80 lOtb to 13iA between Quincy and ton Pnerlo Rictn neighbor- loans are based upon the mercial Jackson; and Frwat Street east place lost livestock. Repayment with a predpltatjon Sullivan Mid ,an insurance ad­ bood, ibrewiag bome-m a d e. of Ihe loss and tbe applicanl's is scheduled acevding to the probability of less than 10 per n Seward. bMbs and shatierliir win- ability to repay, so is Other areas which may be borrowers' ability,, to meet cent the amount. Maximum terms. Highs near 80 under cloudless stored to full power Wednesday terra is 30 yean. Some 3$5 famillaVve regis­ skio are (oreeaat for most of include from 19th to Zlst beGarrett predicted his office with the Shawnee County the state today, wealhermeo wUl handle "lesa than 500 appll- tered unit of the American Red Cross said. catlOQs." but expfained for food, clothing and financial No rainfall wu' Included in enough lime hu passed for an aid to rebuild homes and buy the forecut for today, but (oreaccurate atimate yet. "People osential equlpIMm. A Red cuters said tbe state (Dsy have aren't ready yet to Ulk” about Cross spokesman uid the dis- -me precipitaUon Wednaday. money for rebuilding, be Hid, uter relief program will eon- Topeka’s high Monday waj estimating a rush will develop tinue for another five to six 81; the low was 65. The Weather In IS days. weeks, and money disbursed Bureau recorded .49 Inch of No One Waitt rdinfall after midnight Monday.l duriog that time will be A six-member staff is on duty, outright gram basis. making the total from Sunda;^| "so we re nut keeping anyone The Red Crvss. alw. has night's thunderstorm 3.39< ■' STERLING lAPl-Drivinj into t‘.i country to inspect storm opened emergency headquarters Foir and conUmwd mild C I, Moyer, regional director la Municipal Auditorium. and| [damage the other day, D. D. remained in operation over thei through lonigfat Highs totey CD Sirens to Sound weekend. near 80, ' One abmaior uid tbe dollar HOLLYWOOD lAP) - The Topeka CtvU Delenw Sirens toss wUl rue drastically in screen's Aim Sheridan and New Three-jear.-old Jackie Buchaaan of BinBlagham, Al#.. ligwwill be sModed at noon today damaged piopertia u a result York actor Scott McKay o recitlog the pledge of allegiaoce u ibc pa*M f«c a.FlQ-< of Sunday night s heavy rains, married secretly lat June _Pe(oilWW«i*her_ which added water damage to are BOW honeymooning in Hono­ Hall woiked over aV^picked Day picture Monday, but a yawn caught up wilh her before ' she reached the rod and Birmingham News pbetograpber News, Page 2 win be ddsyed if tben is the problemi left by the lulu, a studio spokesman ■ James Mortte eaoght the yawo. NaUoaal Flag Day la huiay. ^ a baseball. Wedoeoday twister. Monday.

Judges Ruby

Legally Sane

Schools May Ask No-Fund Warrants

Topeka Tallies Mobile Orders

Loss Claims Deluge Agency

Power Restored ToMostTopefcans,

Mild, Sunny Day For Topeka Area

Hail Big AsA Baseball?

SS SI Pledge Ahhhbhh-

- SLS*...r2S iSTii

JRujing Due Soon On Kemp Appeal

Schools May Ask No-Fund Warrants ICoDtiBBed Fnn Page 1) old school even though their Reporting on the condition of parenu might have moved out­ city schools which were to the side the district as a result of path of the tornado. Ed McNeill, director of mainten­ the itonn. “Any student eligible to en- ance and operaliao, aakl Cen­ -ill In any Topeka public tral Park ElementaiT School is sebod, wboee home was dam­ a totaltoss. Sbemrt are forecast ter today thronlboiii fta SosOeaU tmt aged by the June I tornado to He said .workmen have KeatKky to the Goff; atoag the borders of Kaaias. Colerade. the extent that it cannot be stripped the building of usable Tens and New Mesico. and from Montau westward. It wfll occupied. wiU be permitted to furniture and materials. They be warmer ia the Northeui, coaler ta the Ohio Valley^rea attend the Khool aerving the have been moved to Stour Ele­ attendance area in which such mentary School. tad warmer over the Rockies. M destroyed The board agreed to proceed home was located,” the policy with rasing Central Park os quickly as possible. Kerr said reads. ■niis policy aflects Oieae at­ he would confer with the board's attorney and insurance com­ tendance areas; u n Bishop, Clay. Lafayette, pany before any move is made. H u Topeka Weather Abeorpttoa PlanBed McEachroo. Monroe, Parkdale. m II at < • m. State Street, Stout, Polk, Bo^ Later, the board will consider M n n U at 1 a m. n *» mra tram w weU Crane. East Topeka. Holli­ changes to attendance area a. « Jl a t" day. Jardlne. Highland Park boundaries to absorb the 430 «• tJ High School, Topdta High, To- students who would have attend­ Ti a tr a ed Central Park in the faO. feet III n Merle R. Bolton, city McNeill said damage to superintendent, said be hopes Bishop Eleroeotary School was 2 la. laa. I«li i>on"al » «••• ”’*• ““ ttudento wlB elect to return substantial and that problems .2 S a, the .ia»a. it taai. to their old tcboola. D they do ■till are being dlscoverwl. Elec­ not. the dlsirict wlU he faced trical equipment has yet to be Forecosts with the task of relocating lU checked. nacheta and classroom apwre. la aaitla cMwSr war

By EVERETT DAVF5 [Monday that ihe bad gone f» li dae:* Kemp the altemoon before the lllegrd kidnaping .......................................larch sw» State Penitentiary inmate will be given a new trial for an U. IKZ. alleged forcible rape, of Gladys She said Kemp offered to Uke Cora Johnson in UbfTsl in 1962, her lo a laundromat in his car. The man. Charlej Kemp, «. She said Kemp was in the house has served more than four with her for IS to 20 minutes while she changed a baby's years after pleading g clothes, then the two of them raping the tame child Kansas Qly. Kao., man later and the children went to a cafe was eonviciad of kidnaping In and later for a ride along Topeka and murdering near rural road near Uberal, oniended Gladys w there. from her home aomeZinmer Sentenced Ume between 2 a m. and 6 a.m. The Ktniaj City man, a day taler. William Frederick Zimmei Kemp Testified under death sentence at ' the stand stale peniientiary. tie was tried of the events, in Shawnee County District said he got off work at 10 p.m. Court and sentenced to dir tor on March 22, and that he and the kidnaping. He was senfriend drank for awhile, tencld to life Imprisonment for said he look his friend home to murder. lar •HI cMKta at ih-.’Kemp-t court-appointed altor- his rural house and then went nariw— - — . Mil IW I back Into Uberal. ‘'boklng for « g«i war ■■ ney, Henry Herrman. said dur­ woman.” NllRaSU-c*a ing the hearing in Seward CounHa said he saw fifrs. Michaels, ty District Court that, -The with chaixa W t then Mrs. Johnson (she married crairai CO"' "a« Shawnee County attorney said laoar there was no connection with Alfred Michael Jr. afier Ihe aanty War w wawyoar.^* this and the Zimmer cate. I death of Gladys), on Ihe street with her three children. He said say, before this U over people he talked with her and she may think twice about that.” Temperatures ■greed lo go for a ride w 11 h Herrman Is attempting to i him. ____ ____ a new trill for tti diqd «f CbiMren la Car learning of two aubaequent re­ I i.m. W ’ SJtJ Kemp Mid the children were port^ incldenU Involving the t> in the back seat He Hid they child. One <rf them occurred tn parked along (be rural road. 19Q. No diarges were filed. lust off US44 highway, and Tbe other wu in Ttipeka. in­ drank gin ................................. volving Zimmer. said, they got into an argument Belly Michaels, forma-ly over money. He seid he passed U.S. WeatherTopeka and Ihe mother of •• that when ' slain child. uW from the il^ awoke. Mrs. MichaeU and two n is i] a of the children, a partial bolUe IS sr of gin and his wallet were gone. •} 41 The wallet contained one dollar, innw n N ■ lmiui«l . . W IS be said. tlimir.1 Gladys bad just-been removed by a therlfPs ^puty when he S«W It 71 17 W was awakened, ^he said. — MI* 71 » Deelatoa Delayed n M SC. ... Judge L. L Morgan told Kerr* CunHtM. ^rwtai. W.VI. lan he would accept a sheaf (CeatiaMd Prom Page 1) 77 a 1 r affidavits from the attorney, piny would have nine or e said they probably would de­ buses coating by Wednesday lay his decision on a -morning in hard-pressed areas. (or Kemp until WediM . M SI V Water m a 1 n a are not dam­ . ..m n J.ii mong the cootentioai w a s 71 W aged. said Harry HoUle. acting : a previous babysitter f o r M 71 health officer, hut the chlorine family bad later pleaded !•a SU content of Ihe water has been guilty of molesting another Increased. Sampling Monday In­ child. iS 2’ dicated the water wu oi gpraytag ta Begin Holtle said a fly pr^lem has not developed, However squito spraying will begin, asked residenU to spray at ing water to prevent f u 11 prablemi. And Bernard Williams, city engineer, said M per cent of city atrweta have bea cleared and flushed. He said U to T» - men who can oper^ heavy cqui^raent are needed. He especta about in men and ISO tracks today.

r Summary of Weathdr

s n s s



Topeka Tallies Mobile Orders




. 2 S



Kansas Weather


sr». .. r“ ww .


. .

Lyons Judge Files


ss s s a.

DUL Judge Frederick WolesII II sas lagel. Lyons, filed Monday for renomtoatlon lo the ifII Jfu ai RepcbUcan bench in the 20th Judicial DlaU U ,M Hicl The district Inchides Bar­ a w a< ton, Rke and Stafford counUes. n M ).« n u .«

Motorbike Crash Kills 7-Year-Old



.i S Jeff Minney, 7. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Minney. McDonald, was killed Monday to n»lorcycle-pickup truck coUision southeast of McDonald in Raw­ lins County. Kansas Highway Patrol reported. The youngster was a passen­ ger <m the motorbike operated by bta brother. Brad Mtoney, 13. patrolmen said. The older boy was Injured and was tak­ en to a hospital where he wai listed to satisfactory condition. Highway Patrol offfieials said the molorblke collided head«n with a pickup driven by Billy D. Lanoing, 21, tudell. The accldent occurred on a curve at the crest ofahin, pstrohnen saH


Kixwi ttiW SHSLVIN6

Stout Polk. Parkdale, East Tbpeka. Slate Street, Dawson and Holliday. The maintenance shop also was damaged. "Storm damage will be show­ ing up 10 to 15 yean from now,” McNem said. Dnaage Heavy The initial damage estimate was 01,010.0(0. The board also said It would cooperate with appropriate olflciais in studying the posaMlty of proriding temporary parittng (acOltles tor mobile homes. About 500 mobtie homes being sought for storm victims. Chandler Field. Just south of Parkdale Enemenlaiy School on East 10th, was suggested as a pouible site.




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A Message From. . . .




Marriage Licenses

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TOMOI T<M>0 -. il- J« A- »Lort>fit« AUI A. Fprrvil *4. M weiiiT Ooa I. Htfttf LOW. K. Ornn


Ta OMTlaW I Tm V VuM. c . Ta



I Make your own temporary repairs. 2. Hold your Temporaiy Repair Bins or Estimates. ( 3. Prepare a list of your damaged or missing personal properly.

Hospital Births

If you’re thinking of going to Chicago, we’ve got connections FLY THE HESf tSNTRAL TO KANSAS CITY AND CONNECT WITH A BRANIFF JET.

4. Phone your Local Independent Insurance Agent.


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The Kansas Association of Independent Insurance Agents Join with THE TOPEKA INSURORS and. scGTW iof Additional Adjustors +o serve you.



BfiF9niPF inTEnnRTtonm. Forfwtltef dotsils and rMervations all CE 3-9671 or your trw*l

Housing Critical For Big Families

* Vofaurtem diibibatcd food ind »U drlaki to woitaien aod torMdo vfcttai Monday. - AlUn Weaver, IKt Arnold, aod Sule Lon-

TlM aoct criUeal need at the Chamber of Commerce housing lervtcf set up for tornado vic­ tims ts for three and foimbedroom homes for larger fam­ ilies. MOce Marlin of the cham­ ber staH said Monday. He urged any persons with homes of this sin avalUble to list them with the chamber at ns Harrison. CB 4^. Need for ^>artment8 aln is urgent, but there have been few inquiries about retail artd office space, he said. In the four days since service was set up between 1.000 and IJOO persons have asked for help In finding new loca­ tions.

m. MM Jom< lioo Anny’t n Jackioa.

Stamp Meet Canceled

Food Available for Victims

meeting of the Topeka Stamp aub, originally scheduled for Thursday evening, at the Ramada Inn, has been canceled.

tainer to the distribution c lers so they can carry the food SttSqirtlUlllblXtll borne, tbe chairman said, centers wilt be located at Lafayette Gradp School. CalUomia, Holliday Junior High eiMi etfiMf nu •' Tfvrti. ,. ewHiixm« fliitf •>««« StKWir School. 031 Green, and the Mid lutor euViXfilwv Inc. vn nM Amerka Fair Grounds, 601 W. or. TOMkj. K*n. tIMr. 17lh. SUSKIIPTIONMTEs'^Ofnf According to sUndard sched- ■f Cffrltr In TwM* *rM Onlf .. ... les a family of five persons will be able to receive approaimstely 10 pounds of canned New Safety Bill *^on Charged Here beef. 1$ pounds of white flour. OTTAWA (AP) -A bP has ounds of cornmeal. five ta» .;With Grand Larceny 1^ ... 4.M LIS introduced in the House of pounds.of lard, five poun^ <JC ----- Atlen-Ray McLmightto, J5; Cof^ns to give the Canadian oieo, lour pounds of peanut but­ ter and five pounds of rolled Jtoule 1. was charged in the "**vr*r»r^» the right to estab•% Vwre H to <*me» llourl of Topeka Uondsy with Ush and enforce safety stand­ Wheat OrdinarUy, the foods,.which utiMf Kwe-grand larceny. ards for automobile tires. Viola­ jt stored at the Boy's Indus­ A complaint signed by Asst tors would be liable to a (2,000 trial School warehouse, are tUs■!s 'i! I.M J« Co. Atty. Steven Kritikos al­ line, six months in prison only to welfare clienU Sr Cffrto ‘ p»r mcnlh leges Mc^Laughlln look a purse both. containing over ISO at the Ebb­ tide. 730 Kansas, while Us own­ er was dancing. The theft , alif.sedly took place Both the purse and its contents were recovered. Kritikos said. » Govennent surplus foods will be available to all tontado victims at three ^strib -aentera beginning today, Darold Bdain, chairman of the ShawJOtt county Commission an•aounced. The foods include surplus See, while flour, cooked canned •iJeef In gravy, commeal, lard.

peanut butler, rolled wheat and oleomargerine. “No stgn up is neeessar; Main said. “The residents disaster areas wP not have to fill out applications for the usual tests of eligibility to reeive the foods." Tornado victims should bring a bushel basket or other con-


I kM«

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Hi» cam w* toft.

Ha^ AM Caatar, he. tU Raaoi Cf S4M1


Special! Hurricane Oil Lamp ___ 1.39 Special low price for big. 17>.V’ tall, clear glaaa oil lamp in Early Ameri­ can deaign with hurricane chimney. Complete with adjueUbIc wick. Use for decoration and a sUnd-by lamp in case of power failure. Scented Ump (Hi in Peppermint (red). Bayberry (green), Lemon (yellow). lavender (purple). Horal (blue) or aear. Quart, 1.25. SOLVED •w«n for thoM who pomplro hootriljf

fturry. on mail nrdrm.

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Special! anti-perspirant that really workal Solve# underarai problema for many who ‘ . bad hi............................ despaired of effective help. Mitchum Anti-Perspirant keep# dcrarms absolutely dry for tbouaanda of grateful users. Positive action coupled with complete gentle­ ness to norma] akin and clothing is made possible by a new type of formula produced by a trustworthy 50-year-old laboratory. Don't gtvein t& perspiration worriea, try Mitchum Antl-PerspirMt today. RoD-on or cream formula, same price, same positive action.


- M>J| order* poetpoid, odd 9p tax. PelleUer'a Toltetrtee, Downtown Street Floor and Holliday Squaro



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111 Ua to


Will Be Closed Temporarily

The ideal garment for after-the-bath, overawim Mall Orders Postpaid auits, for breakfastirfg, Ij ' A«a lie lax nch. housework, lounging. It's I rKLLKTIKK'H. I Tapaaa. made of quality cotton ! tuk B*i U« fattewlit f* matTirrv Clall terry cloth in attractive ■•4 I •alrMlMto! floral and butterfly

Cone MUla’ fine quality, high-pUe terry fabric in a amartly tailored robe for after bath and loung!ng.-Two big pott«ta7% belt Solid colon of gold, blue or white. Sizea S, M. L. and XL.

prtnt ffttlia ettt with

button front, two big pockets, sleeves, pearly buttons. Come in today, phone or mall handy coupon for yootn. PelletJer'f BaiemeU Downtown and Holliday Squar*.

STATEMENT FROM WHEUNS... Whelans, although heavily damaged, have saved their equipment, and are nearly in full operation.

jl' rkinsO C.OJI.a

Playtex Girdle Sale!

Emergency supplies are enroute to Topeka now. Lost

Special Purchase of Slight Irregulars

and damaged materials are being replaced. Whelans will work any number of days or any number of hours required to service Topekans, with particular at­

A sensational specia] purchase of nationally ad­ vertised Playtex Girdles and Pantic Girdles. They all feature fingertip panels that control your tum­ my. White only. The alight irregularities do not • harm the appearance or wear. Sizea XS, S, M, L and XL. Hurry today for yours. !

tention to the needs of the storm victims. Whelans give assurance that they will not inflate prices and will under no circumstances capitalize on the disas­

^ Mold'n Hold Girdles

ter at hand.

and Pantie Girdles

There will be many reputable companies, local and out of town, ready to help rehabilitate disaster victims. How­ ever, past records show that a few Illegitimate opportu­

Slight irregulars of 6.95 and 7.95 quality


nists follow such disasters as ourk. Play safe. Be sure of the persons with whom you are dealing. We at Whelans are at your service and pledge pur very ' best! It must be understood, however, that everything cannot be done at once.

The Management and Employees f)f Whelans, Inc.

Mold'n Hold Zipper Girdles


Slight irregulars of 8.95 and 9.95 quality

Playtex Pantie Briefs . Sizes S, M, and L in



dninlta iailu (Sa{ittal TUESDAY. JUNE H. ]»S£

'..But After You've Been Here a While, You Get So You Don't Really Notice It!' j^pgggfl

-------- --------- fiTMrar^

Vested with significance in the recent Califonila elec­ tions wu the (act (hat aniiMar candMales leektng DemoCTtUc Bomtnations fared poorly m the prUnary. US. involvement in the Viet Nam War w»s an Issue -In « least W of the stale's 3t congressional diatficts. in eight of the contests dissenters to the Presldeirt's poli­ cies (ailed of nomination. Two critics of the war — both incombaou -beat back challengers In one of the most Intensively ocgtHlzed campaigns fay an antiwar candidate, in the 7th District. Ri^rt Schecr of Berkeley iiniuccessiully sought to turn out Rep. Jeffrey Cohelan. alio of Berkeley. Scheer, a member of the socalled "New Left" and foreign editor of the ultra-liberal Ramparts Magazine, made a itrenuous drive against Co­ helan who called himself more of a "dove" than "hawk" and who bad sought a bombing lull and negotiaUem-s on all sMet in Viet Nam.

Scheer. advocating withdrawal of U S, forces from Viet Nam, also sought to appeal In the district's 31 per cent Negro'pobilation by contending large expenditures on the war should be diverted to help inhibiUnls of slum areas coordli •. RichUke West Oakland. Scheer’s c the ' New Left " was active in the campaign. Many of those workini for Sebeer were older than hla own 40 years, said --------l»eMdlnglhi-ii;i^-n.f lamgsi^^ warehousemen's Union. “I* that the New Left?'' be asked. Another of Scheer'i IleuleoanU. Dr. Harry Rubin, also d d. Udteteh, d. citend. .tenup. ..tete d. Nb.

hm Imr.

Colombian Fans Wor, Great society Take Toil—


Pulling Space's Purse Strings

By RAY CUROMLEY WASHINGTON (NEA) - A By ROBERT S. ALLEN man who shall be known here PAUL SCOTT I Jose Ortega is a salesman |n Colombia, His naUon U - WASHINGTON - Despite the whose Communist pollUcal and .fwviunilir Siirvevor and Gem_ lni-9 successes. President John. . ............ son is quietly tightening the


Ray CHmiey

Priaelial support. Rabto asted. came from a coalittoa sf the Negre ghetto. Berkeley Kills liberals sad stodeat aettvUU but net from the New Left. •. Strohman is hopeful the Scheer crganiulioii can be kept together for future political actlvKy. Scheer may even be made an independ­ ent write-in against Cohelan and hU Republican adversao'Oakland attorney Malcolm Camf^ll Champlin. in the fall election.

S)tould Vengeance Rule? .. > nMt HlUrUlitt N MIS* •I lk« T*e*k« Hl(k t«kMl irm piM eUM4. Tkit !• «rriltni kjr yniif JatritUItU la


•te Mb,, .hich I u.BS5S^bdd8.,con,te..i.

a.Seethl 's’Cub

- A topic » grolesqua - in Kansas. pr^MtgaixU 1 had-over 3,000 Altbou^ toe first official legal d$ato was in Auburn, copies. Ttw worst part was that N.V. in «90. the lynch mobs and prairie sheriffs hmi long they wouldn’t even let roe talk.

a know (hey a big step by Kansas, a step in the right direction, ■*'

tion for a number of manned ^^tete proitei. ,n d, n... id

4St.dir4b"E ,r£SfS“s

By MIKE SHEARER Last year Kansas led the nation in legal deaths, exe- Todxy.’

Ihitf and murderer were hanged In public for the public SBtinaction Uneducated saddle-bums led the cxeomiorts where a Judge was not available. A sheriff did toe honors in towns that had law enforeeineat Sather way, crowds were drawn from miles around to witness "justice " This hick justice is no longer appreciated by educated and practical human beings. I to U47. MMigaa abolUbed capital | Stocc. It has beta jotoed by atoen. as Alaska. Dela­ ware, Hawaii. Maiae, MtoaeMla, North Dakota sad WisTMtoto. It la coattoalsg to lose popularity elMwherc as people are educated to believe to a jaiUee nobler that teetot life strangled eot of one of wclety’t offenden. Have Kansans been eduened out ot the primitive d^

**!'*"'“'*’ shdvrf‘*a'^i^I^PM million

Under the unannounced direcfive. Webb has been told to hold space spending to $4.9 billion in leralure you sent me nU mw toal W starttoa July "The literature

places which I visit frequently while selling my merchandise. Your propa­ ganda is very well received eveiywbere. “1 WANT TO tetl you what happened to me to .... a imall town, where I arrived on March day after the elecUoos. It wu about 2 p.m. and I was diJlribuling your material throughout the town, when all sudden a -pMlecRun came

stage decisloBs affeel the plan to pul a i 00 the moon by 1176, they d «i.bU s and Man. ” Decision on the last two projects — estimated to cost $20 to $30 bllUon over a len-yeir perlod — Is being delayed pending


k.hite.i i.. ii.>




; prtpatug

Yet aene fanpatleDt mBltoata dearly are ready to advaace his name for the !»$g BomisatloB. IV appeal of bU Gddwater-ftyle views (hard­ ly modffled to his CaUfonU campalga) Is overriding.

John Gardner, Agriculture for a series of such stations S SdS? .te /tnuTuve'orty Director Sargent^teehnlcians. .5(^4,,. I„ Wk. .lU, mopte,. rf ta ' ml, .te Houte .p.te coldWebb says says that that aa 1717liltecc, Webb ^ miltecc.

The record is unfavorable admirers -- Iwking to.te. p..„ tebind id SJpT who ciureoUy espouse Nison fc SL’te.SJS rJJte IMS generally do so without deep enthuaiaBs. succeasfully ^ orbi^ niey cling to Nixon, they can-

nd,.. d,telpp

l>70s." ... •.-.. • S^"''rten..ScTSS,V sign and construct such space ^


c.bte.^5 “"“I'S.?*'.?”':

SS“S sSHkS--




In the first six months of this year, to addition to achieving a the entire space program and ^ ^ successful soft landing toe determinaUon of new policies 7^' .. and objectives. *" • orbit around the moon, and have Pmiteltel, ltey .r. urging J™.: ,««hteV,nb..i,h».pr.bte.. ^ '«"« in oil *•*>‘>9 of aaronau■The Soviet program shows : "mncbTC M ".fbnd Si every evtdeace of o contteBtog g«l.,bte.nte.ite(.,.p.te majto commltaeot of lowg.ptedite te te. ..n i’.X?tel. Webb coateiMs Ibe space _est effldeocy and m i n i m u m space. There is little room for b^et sboeld be toctessed to risk. The $S bUlion budget level doubt that they are npicBy $6 bUlloD by IM$, aod $1 to the administration has set untU movlog toward an tocreased (reqneaey of maaned and tmmaned Bight mtog larger and more emoplex vehicles. Their capubflity wOl toon reach a point where they could expect succeas to as attempt to laad men oa the moon wfthtn the ■ea two or three years. "The massive Soviet commit­ ment to a rapid buDd-up and long-term program underlines Embassy and waited hopefully ^ .!f

Watchful FBI Investigators Sniff Out P-TA-Russia Plan

By DON MACLEAN WASHINGTON - It was all so Innocent. A t jgpiui ot ihe dcpariment or friend who. oddly enough, prefers to remain anonymous, lives "After three days In )al>. in Washington's Maryland sub­ and only after Ihe goveraor urbs. Ibere he is chairman of and Ibe mayor of the city bad the fakers’ Committee of a read your pamphlets and leaf- Junior high school P-TA. And ktt. was I brought before the that's bow he got Into trouble with the FBI. The good ladies aod genUethe propogandd, i nea of the Pareot-Teachen to me nod why w Association. Dke Interesting, bnttog IL possibly news-mnking spenkers Hd it wns my friend's auigament to find one. He •onrM his memory sad quest, and that I was distrt- ttoaOy recalled beartii aomebuling it because I loved Uber- aao (rum the Soviet Embusy tv and demoerwey and h a t e d spenk St the NiUsoa] Press communism. Qnb. gave Inslruclions to have I h e

m .111 rat te .tewllc lb develop the programs In space that ^ needed to catch and pan the Bussiaiis. "Evaiy eipenditure that can be deferred until 19« has been J-#—. j_.r .u. un.ii_ deferred on orders of the While House. If wo are to keep from

Onaiijn Wh,Hon»ordOT. m vinrnllh..In.dUi.pymnid- ,„o mio-ponu™, ™

"I" ’il'J. S

communist party. Jose Ortega wrote trieads hero keceaUy thaaktog them for material they’d scat expottof the mlmry and terror­ ism la Castro’s Commoalsl

HI bllUte > y..r lbte,.H.r. He Insists that Is eisemUI to keep abreast of the Soviet He also argues socli space ip^ tog wOl lead to many dlsttocMve benefits oo the gtoond. As an iUustration he cites manned laooraiories

wtelb. U togu, a candidate of vastly smaOer stature than Brown’s earlier ad­ versaries. should bo the one to shatter the legend and b r i n g down the governor. SUCH A* VICTORY would quickly elevate Reagan's stat­ ure. Already a major hero of tte ternm.lta, te railj in t«ir eyes become a plausible for a future presided. lii.'*.,., ...l «lm...... ... Talks with rank-and-file coo««auvei suggttt that m a n y U<ink 116$ would be too soon to P«uh him forward. Awaro of his

Eterte.^si'te'T i5^rrbK.r,"

““'rr;": w«T,“..ZAb‘‘'.'S "«-hteu«pr.lte...teiu,-tetemhip H ite vi.B». D.r o»«ji«. .hid, bte tt,p„,to,b„ been active to demooalrattog against the war, gave IIRIe help to Sdteer. be uid.

lb. b( . »™ .Pte. policy At President Kennedy's urging. Congreu in IW approved manned flluhis to Vciuw and Mars as “national objectives." . .. . . Hiis policy is now being vigor-

. breai«dates have fallen away and Brown, a moat unlike­ ly knight, has taken the honors. This time, however, he car­ ries the accumulated burden of voter grievances, real or fan­ cied. which any governor is like-

.ten bis i»oM „




Stage for Big Duel By BRUCE BI06SAT WASHINGTON (NBA) --Ronaid Reagan’i capture of the RepobUcan Dominatloa for the CalifomU (ovowraUp was eg. pected. Interest lies more in the growing magnitude of bis threat to uDicat Incumbent Demoerailc Gov. Edmund 0. (Pat) Brown. Over the years, a small leg* end has ulaea that Brown Is BBbeaUble by even the iieni. eti foe. His resounding vk(Dries over William KnowUod io IKS and Rickard NUon b 1M2 bum tbit notioa.

Viet Nam Issue Rekindled

Evea in defeat, supporters et .Sebeer, who formed a coalidoB of peace and rfvU rtgbu groapa. Insisted renitf af the claclioB indkated wide. ditsathfacIlBD with America's rote In ^'let Nam. They pointed out ibelr sayenr-otd caadldaie polled aetrly U per cent of Ibe vole tor the Dei&ocrtUc oomfaallM.


To the extent that Reogan be-


(Id help tbem-unwittingly or otherwise-bold the Republican party machinery free of the moderates’ grasping fingers, ANY SUBSTANTIAL surge ft ANYSU^ANTIALsi IteHte H IM.^teip. th.P, lions. At a minimum. It would divide support that otherwise might be bis alone. At worst, it might thrust him onto the re­ serve shelf, from which be might be brought out only ifbe were seen as a necessary peacemaktf between warring conservative and progressive GOP factions. Nixon's chances »i emtiag heavily into moderate support seem to grow less and lets. Penniylvuita Gov. WUliam Seraatou’s disavowal of aB farther peUtkal ambltiaa had^ Ibe eflect of centertog tha moderates’ atlration stOI more 00 Gov. George Rdmoey e(

In 1966 be most likely would ABOUT THREE dayi later an fact that it will require an to- have to go the prestdeollal pi^' PBl agent vBtled the newspa- creasing effort Initiated no later many route, to show be can g« perman at the newspaper and than 1967 and vigorously pushed votes voles outside Michigan. For that asked if he could speak to him io the years after our Apollo eBort he would need an oppoaprivately. Not knowing what it . lunar landing to prevent the So- ent. And the eager backers of a was all about (but sensing that vlet from forging ahead as the Reagan triumphant fat 1966 Juit bis country needed him), the untoallenged leader in space." might be tbe ones to oblige, reporter led the way into the quiet librar)' across the hall. Bennington Greene*-- • i..» This gave him an idea and he There seated al tbe tong called toe Russian press attache toWe the FBI man began and asked if the embassy could asking carefxl questtoas. provide someone to talk about Such as: "How long have you the S-.viet educaUonal system al worked-here?" "What is your the P-TA me^ some tor« fuU name, please?" “Are you j weels hence. The press attache n of. a tornado includes the pwscitol experiences o( mlive-borti American ciUsaid he thought it might be ten?" "What was your „ moth- **»*« *•» Ibrough it. All have their own stories to tdl e( nsn,*')" &MM. done, but that be would need j.p-< er's tn>ii4«n maiden name?" Some- Where "*ere tbcv they were, what thev they did and tell. felt. the request in wrttiBg, My _ friend wrote toe letter to the gwered while Kauffmans, their nephew. David Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. made r Finally, toe agent lorit a deep Browning, took refuge in a corner of toe basement uodcr tha--^ By Dick Turner breath and said. "Now, about As toe roaring funnel passed over them they feK the wall I you've had with 'moving, then saw the house Itfled up and set over about seven toe Soviet Embassy. Would you like to tell me about that?" feeL leaving them exposed and open. aU buddUag together in « The reporter's Jaw dropped and moment of terror. Then their automobile, which had been parked tii front ot ^n he burst into laughter. The the boose, was lifted and slamiDed into tbe basement, not a foot fRI man did iwt smile. from tbe crouched and shivering group. It was left ]eaoh« bat­ QUICKLY the newsman out­ tered against tbe side of tbe house, tbe east wall of which wax lined toe simple details of his gone. The nephew was injured by i basement pipe, but not toU with nism. The FBI agent took notes. ously. My friend said be thought tois MRS. AMY HlTKBIBCm lived next door to. __________ tbe Kauffmans,, "investigation" was ridiculous. The FBI man said he was only in an apartment. Her son-in-law. Dr. Bruce M. Burdick, and Ms d 0 i n g his job. that all "con- l*o young *oos, happened to be there when the siren sounded, tacts" with tbe Russian EmHe got them all to the btsemeot. foctudlng another tenant, bassy have to be checked out. who went relucUnlly. Hardly were they down the slain, which were along toe west side of tbe Ixwse. ohen the weet haB rose Tbe Mwniaa aaked how up and flew away. The house rocked and shook. toe FBI cveo knew tboai iu it was over, Dr. Burdick went to near-by houses ta Through toe ptot office? Did see When anybody wu hurt or trapped. A woman was found in­ ' tbe FBI read toe letter? Tbe juredifunder debiiv A rug lapped over two timbers made a serv­ FBI ignored Ihe questions. iceable do-ll-yoursell stretcher. The reporter said that he'd THE BURDICKS WERE MOVING Io another house and took been atoed to drop off at the embassy driving direction^ Mrs. Hutchison and her belongings wtto them. The KaufTman tbe JuT^r high-aehool.'T^d went to the home of their son. Norman Denham. Route Nine. that-be all right? The agent-sSir-fflat-pertnpB he should----- MRS. BERTOA-ROYER stood.inJhe.Ung!e of tte^aiul _ just mail them. Tbe reporter bish In toe front yard of what used to be her f»me at 1317 Clay - invited the FBI man to the P-TA whilo a ciniKip worker took her picture with his Polaroid cammeeting. but toe latter said be era. He gave it to her. then took another for himielf. didfl I think that would be necI am sure that pictures of the lonuKlo will be stored away casary. Another case closed. for long keeping.

Peggy-«f the Flint Hills


Streams Receding! Worker injured Manhattan Forms Ambulance Plan After Heavy Rains I


J ........ «.*. M. kl.



ring Ungers of his left CUY CENTEa (Special) - has been making ambulance Creeks end smsD streams in Observers said work already die and in an accident while us­ Manhattan U formulating plans on a temporary basis since Jacksoo Ud JeffeiSM caunUes completed on the Perry Dam, hand ing. a chain saw Monday, offi­ for a permanent city-county mid-May. aod Donbem Shawnee County which has included the deepen­ cials at Stormont-Vail Hospital ambulance service. receding Uonday night ing of the river channel, prob­ Proposed plans Include pur­ Plans were, announced Mon­ chase of two ambulances and heavy downpours In the ably prevented greater flooding reported. Atkins was assiung with tor- day at a Joint meeUng of Man­ area bad sent Qie creeks out ot in the area. hattan and Riley County oDi- equipment by (he county at an| their banks late Sunday night. Rail and driving rain cials. Service would sUrt about estimated cost of $12,000. The .Between eight and nine Inches aged com and wheal crops in in T«^>eka, hospital officials July 1. would assume administra* ;of rata feU north rf Perry, T«i- a strip about sis milw Mrlh-jsaid. They said Atkins also suf- Forest Camftoell. commis­ ifered s broken left ring finger. dents in the tret reported. Five east of Perry. Re was admitted to SUrmost- sioner and chairman of the am­ Kaw Baadlet Flow linches <tf rain wu reported at Perry and 7.1 Inches of rain was Tlu Kansas River, which haslVail where he was described to bulance committee, Mid "the Wednesday n&t scared '• 5 at below nonnal satisfactory recorded- at Grwtville. been flowing salisfacloi condition by boipl- sbma me to death. We MS'can't go Delaware River was ooti levels during the recent dry lal oHicials after he underwent any longer wtthoiA ambulance propos^ Estimated cist operation for the first year Of its banks to the -nKinipion- *pe‘l- « ««P«led to handlo surgeiy Monday night. service,” 'i $8,000 with Income estimated ville area to Jefferson aunty overflow from the Delaware and MsnhalUn' ilUn' Fire Dept at $7,500. and in low-lying areas which smaller crwks. the Weather Agent Resigns have been cleared for the Perry Bureau said. Reservoir. I Minor flooding also was re- OAKLEY (Special) -Peyton Woman Gets $8,000 Bill Crlndol, river observer allported Monday oo Stonehoose Burkhart, Logan County agrir*..,. ......................... Perry, reported the .......... Deiaware[Creelc two miles ................. north of Wll- cultural extension agent for Judgment for Deoth River reached a peak level of liamstown, on Walnut Creek four years, has resigned eff«- •bridge • at ... (}ortone Bowen. 2012; the Jackson-Brown county uve July 1 to accept a similar 84 feet at the -US-24 )7If Vm luren Perry shortly after noon Mon- line and on Indian Creek to post Nemaha County at Sen- mnkiw, w an $8,000 Judgment Monday in Shawnee County Dis- j P...M Cater TV Saks aad northern Shawnee County. Court against Mary F.' Santca. Cunningham. Caraaitta AMaaaa iMtallatlaat. CT-21 aad I Mrs. Bowen brought the aeOtbarv Ition in connection with (he I death of her husband, Charles FL 4-8113 |J. Bowen, March 8. She had iribuled among tornado victims| asked $25,000.____________ Robert Harder estimated bring I still in their shattered neighbor-I ; en," sayss Count probably have fed 850 both ' ^ . Richard Hanger. lunch and supper Monday plus' hoods. The Salvation Army fed an Hanger is directing the volun- probably a couple hundred to’l’i'.ow' symbol of quality.. the neighborhoods. ThU is JustlMns MWay and expects^to headquarttred at the Shawnee County Highway Dept garage. in East Topeka. They've been serve about the same number 21st and Topeka - one of four serving around 200 or more at today, with all food collected , emergency locations slUl call- Monroe.” a subJieadqnarters and distributed from Itth and for volunteer workers assigned Kansas, ^ ing for donated food. The Red Cross is serving at , Otoers are the SalvaUon to southwest Topeka. 1 Army relief ccnlerMt lllh and “We were aecepUng anything Municipal Auditorium and pre­ : Kansas, the Volunteer arps coming in this moraing. and paring ralioni for mobile we're doing deUvery into the kitchens roving the disaster ' headquarters at the East ToI prita Methodist Church. 7lh and neighborhoods." Harder con-area, j Lime, and the Red Cross emer­ tinued. He said the Red Cross City officials said anyone gency center. Municipal Audi­ now is supplying basic rations.! wishing to contribute food but anything not eaten by ihelshould bring it to one of the torium. i Hanger said more than 100 of volunteer workers will be dls-lfour listed locations.


Workers Ask Fried Chicken

FROM AMERICAN STATES INSURANCE COMPANY AMERICAN ECONOMY INSURANCE COMPANY INDIANAPOUS, INDIANA In this Hme of need, we ere anxious to extend all assistance possible. Our Storm Headquarters was established en June 9, 19&S. et Hie Holiday Inn North, Room 116. We ore here to promptly serve our policyholders with experienced claims personnel. Our Inspections are new current. We con give 24-heur service. If you ore insured with our company through any of the agents listed below, pleoso report your eloim immediately.

Tepeke. Konses

Fink end Wnilams liKureect 1405 KoeietAvenue CE 4.5675 Topeka, Kansas Femell Insuronee Service ' ?20 West 33rd Street Topeke, Kansas AM 6-6230


ployes, who 'have been requestIried chicken. “We don't any baked beans; we've jse “a lot of meat loaf" and potato salad within couple of hours of mealtime.



ifrigerators s ] store excess food.L Hanger . iny idea h ] “I don't have any I many have come Lhrough here. \ They Just form a line and keep rollin' through." A field kitchen served breakfast to 3« Mon­ day, and hincbea were sent to some 400 or 450 at noon. "We had a guy who had worked three straight eighthour shifts on a bl-toader, and hs wouldn't get off.” Banger ■ said in emphsstzlng the type of response received by the plight of Topeka’s tornado victims. "They finally had to send a colonel down here to get him to quit He was real eirwtiona] about it."

EMERGENCY CLAIMS SERVICE ( American Family Policyliolders

Out to the extensive damage in this area, American Family Mutual Insurance Com­ pany has a special staff of adjusters on hand to give you prompt claim service. Report your loss to your American Family Mutual Insurance Company Agent.

4849 West 22nd Street Tepeke. Keasos CR 2-1202

Read and Use Capital-Journal Want Ads!

"Folks 65 and’s the plan that makes sense with Medicare,”

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savs CASEY STENGEL “Like my wife Edna and me, you've probably learned that some medical expenses will be only partly covered by Medicare...other expenses won’t be covered at all. That means that money muststill be found to fill in the

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gaps in Medicare. ‘‘Extra Security" can meet this need. The great thing abournew “Extra Security" is that it provides extra cash payments that grow as your Medicare payments decrease."

Mutual of Omaha’s New “Extra Security” plan

doubles and triples your weekly cash payments AS YOUR NEEDS GROW! Study these important questions and answars about Mutual of Omaha’s naw*£xtra Sacurity" plan.

30% OFF






Q. How much does my policy pay for Q. If I have other Insurance, will it hospital confinement? affect my "Extra Security'' payA.YqurpoUcypaysupua45,700.00far hospital confinement over a period of a, "Extra Security" not only pays 26 weeks. You receive $ 100.00 a week benefits on top of Medicare, it pays during the first 8 weeks of hospital conaddition to any other insurance you finemenl. Your weekly cash benefits can „,ay have. DOUBLE after & weeks in the hospital and TaiPLE after 13 weeks of confine- Q. Can I spend these cash payments mem. any way I please? Q. Why does Mutual of Omaha make these DOUBLE and tbiple benefits available? A. Mutual of Omaha has designed "Extra Security" to supplcmcni payments by Medicate. After the first 60 days. Medicare requires the patient to pay SI 0.00 a day for hospital care for the next 30 days' That's when Mutual of Omaha makes double benefits available. After 90 days. Medicare provides no payments for hospital care. That’s when Mutual'of Omaha makes triple benefits available > . . S300.D0 a week (S42.8S a day) for another 13 weeks, “Extra Security" helps you make sure you will have enough cash for ihe kind of hospital and docior care you wonr.

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Rfigional Deaths wd Funeral Services Listed

Topeka’s ONLY

lUTHia H. NflUOH hospital here. Details of the Grant Watson Helen Besitears “fauline Terrass cau« ol death were unavailable BURLINGAME - ServiCM T>h««*T ijd. ALMA - Services will be at Mrs. Helen E. Besbears. 60. Monday. for Grant K. Watson. 88. of p.m. Wednesday at St. John's 434 The Drive, died Monday in She was bom July 11, 1925, In rural Burlingame, will be at Mrx Oct. Jt. lau. M LHdMr Lutheran Church here for Ntra. a Tbpeka hospital where she Coffev County. 2 pjn. Wednesday at Osage GoodelL. C7. 1667 W. »lh Ter­ had been a patient since March u IM « WK)»t< w rtan H City MethodUt Church with an • retire plgxilw An auto^ has been sched­ Survivors include her race. wbo died Mondiv in i Pauline Wetaig Terrass. 83,' Topeka bospiul ifier he suf- Alma, who died Sunday in a uled to determine cause M band. Ira Moore, of the home; burial in Osage City Cemetery. a daughter. Betty Jean Moore, He died Sunday at bb5 home ' feted a heart attacL Burial wlU Durting home here. death. a long illne: 2? cIllL'Sr.*' ’ be in Mount Hope Cemetery. She was born Feb. 20.1663. at She was born Jan. 16, 1906, of the home: her father, WiUam after wu bom Aug. 18.1877, at Goodell wit a «ell-k n o w n WtnUer In Riley’ County and at Oskaloosa and bad lived in H. Whitington. Lawrence; a sis­ HePond In Bradford County, ter. Mrs, Maxine Simmons. bad lived la the Alma com- Topeka since 1930. She A retired fanner and stock­ Kansu CUy. Mo., and a broth­ ramlty many years. She was member of Potwjn Presby­ er. Leonard ' I, Prairie man, be bad lived on hb farm graduated from Kansas State terian Church, Halena Chapter Ullage. here for more than 80 years. University in 1908 and formei' No. 210. Order of Eastern Star, Burial will be in Twin Mounds Survivors Include his irife, Mrs. Grant Walsoi. ol the Uught in Alma schools. S and Topeka Assembly No. 24, Cemetery in Oouglu County. Ben Tele^ne rate case, and one sister. Mrs, was a member of St. John's Social Order of Beauceant. was Shawnee County attorney Lutheran Church at Alma. Survivors include ^er H. 0. Mann, Wheatland, Calif. WilliartTGillman from 1937 to IU9. ' McElfresh and Son She was married June 19. band. D. W. Besh^. of the He was born June a. 1IW. 1906, to Jacob F. Terrass of home: two daughters. Mrs. H. Williem Daniel Gillman, Ut. Mortuary. Osage City, U in at Tenunseh. He auended Richard Hume. ^Indianapolis. u found dead Monday in the charge of arrangements. Washburn University and was Ind., snd Mrs. Laurin W. bedroom of his apartment at Crathiaied Iran the Wuhburn daughters. Mrs. Madeen Kim­ Schutler Independence; Mo.: 816 Washburn. Lucy Holmes University School of Law in ball. Sl Louts, Mo., and Joyce two brothers, George Dr. J, L Lattimore. district Services will be et 3:30 p.m. laa He was admitted to the Terras] and Mrs. Marguerite Worswiek. 703 Forest, coroner, utd GUlman bad a Wednesday at Wall-Diffenderfer Bar in 1926. Harold C. Worswiek. Modesto, Wilkinson, both of WichHa; two 22<allber bullet wound of the Mortuary for Lucy Mabel He was a member of the Herman Weixig. Junc­ Calif.; three sUlers. Mrs. Roy right side of his head. Dr. Latti- Holma. 1252 Lane, who died Topeka law firm of Wheeler. brothers. Day. T\iriock, Calif., Mri. more said the wound wu self- Monday in a Topeka boapital. and Ernest Welslg. Brewster. Hunt and Goodell tion City, A. Bigsby. Uwrence. and inflicted. Springs, Tex.; a sister, Cremation will follow servica. which later became the firm of Carriio Mrs Hannah Droll. Alta Vista: Mrs. Don A. Lay. Manhattan, William D. GiUman was born Miss Holma was bom at Goodell, Casey, Briman three grandrtiildren an and four grandchildren. August 7. 1931. at Holsingum. Baldwin, III., and spent most of Hardesty. He was the SMiior great-granddaughter. Services et II a m. Wednes­ He was graduated from Man- her life in the Topeka commupartner in the law firm at the tan High School and Kansu She wu a member of the Reday at Potwln Presbyu time of his death. Prabyterian Church. SUte University at » Qmrch, Burial will be hi He was a member of Capttot mortal Park Cemetery el Law­ He wu B lieutenant In the U.S. Post No. 1 of the American LeHome at Alma is in charge of rence. Parker Mortuary is In Army before glOB and the Elka Lodge and arrangements. charged. charge of irrangements. president of the Washburn . . .. His mother, Mrs, Gladys Colonists, Argonaut versily Alumni Assn. He was a Grace Merrimon Gillman, of the home, surviva. IVavelcrs and the Topeka Wom­ Ifcturrp on evidence and trial Mary Ann 6reym«yer technrtiue at the Washburn Uni- WAMEGO - Mrs. Mary Ann Mrs. Grace Merrimon, 83, 235 Private servtcw will ■- an's Club . Several rclativa versily Law School from 1957 at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Taylor, died Monday in a Tope­ Penwell-Gsbel Funeral Home. to 1962 and in 1965 received a ka bosplUI where she had been Burial will be In Memorial nistinguished Service award born Oct. 21.1680. at from the Washburn University Leipzig. Poland, and moved to patient since May 12. She had Park cemetery.^ cancer. Law School Assn. the United Stela with her parShe wu bom April 28, 1863. Ethel Stoner I^^-Color . He was a member of the 1662. She lived In Mla- at McPherson and bad lived In Topeka Bar Aasn., and served aouri two years before as Ks president In 1950. He was moved to Wamego. She wu a Topeka liiiee 1940. She wu a lay at WaU-DItfenderfer a monber of the Kansas State member of St. Uke'a Epiacopal member of Assumption CalboUc Mortuary tor Mrs. Ethel Nadine Church. Bar Aasn., and (he Amartean and Womeo'a Relief She wu preceded In deeth by Stoner. 78,2509 W. Ith. who died Bar Assn, and was named to Church her husband. Qiarlu W. Merrt- Monday in a Topeka hw^Ul the House ol Delegates of the Corps, both et Wamego. where she wu admitted June She operated the Miry Ann moo. American Bar Assn, from Kan­ Shoppe, a woma'a ready-to- Sunivors Include a ten, Ed­ 6 alter she suffered a cerebral sas in 1965. Mr. Goodell was a member wear clothing store. S years In ward C. Merrimon, Wenatchee, bemorrhage. ol the SUte QvU Sendee Board. Wamego before she reUred In wash.; two daughters, Mrs. She wu bom August 21,1887, Marguerite Welke. ^Bremerton, In Topeka and spent most of her Kansas Judicial Council for Re- Febhiary 1958. vision of the Crtalnal Code, and She wu married to Fred Wuh. and Mrs. Maureen G. life in Topeka. She was a mem­ Fountain, San Diego. Calif.; a ber of First Baptist Church. was attorney for the SUte Board slater. Mrs. 0. K. Shepard. Her husband. John L. Stoner, of Archit^. He represented died Jen. 7. 1950, the Shawnee County Teachers Survivors Include four slsterj, PraU, and one grandchild. Wall-Dlffenderfer Mortuary b Survivors include a son, Wil­ A-csn. on several cases. Irs, Charlotte Gilmore liam A. Stoner. 5030 W. 26lh He wu a n^ber of the Mil­ Mrs. Ella Balderson, both of in charge of arrangements. Terrace; e abler, Mrs. Florenee ford Dam Cmmlsslon, the Wamego, Mn. Lucy Carroll, Margaret Moore Challb. San Diego. Calif.. board of the/ Americen Savings Alma, and Mrs. Thelma Assn., the board of CapiUI City Regnler. Manhattan. LAWRENCE-Servlca will be VO grandchildren. SUte Bank, Shawnee Country at 2 30 p.m. Wednesday at Rum- Burial will be in Topcfcj Gub, Shawnee County Repub­ sey Funeral Home here for Mrs. Cemetery. Mrs. Stoner will He­ lican Ei-Service Men's Club Margaret L. Moore, 40. Route 2, al the mortuary until time of and Pol win Presbyterian be In Wamego City Cemetery,'Richland, who died Sunday at Oiurch. Survivors Include his w». AUIANCE INSURANCE COMPANIES Thelma, ol the home; a eon. Gerald L. Goodell. 4U9 Wood­ POLICYHOLDERS EMERGENCY SERVICE bury Court North; a daughter, Fonmn AIEonct Mutiiol Insurano Company . Mrs. Jane Thunpaon, Sill W. SIst Ter.: a sister. Mrs. EtUUi Allionca Mimiol Cocuohy Company “Z=T Watson, Nevads. Mo., and sli granddiildren. Capitol Miitiial Intorane* Maraori ' Our NniMMat fopala Offie. Clalmi Stiff Ineraasod to be made Batter Serve You Throuoh This tmergeneYveraity Uw SehoM Khotarsb^

Lester Goodett SenicM »iU be it 11




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If your cor was damaged in the Tornado, re­ port your claim to the General Mofers Deep­ er from whom you purchased your cor. Our experienced staff is ready to serve you without red tope or delay.

At Crest Hdw.

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We're Working as Hard as Possible to Restore All Electric Service in Topeka...

Report All Louts to Your Independent Local Agent ett Soon et retttbie Petitble


TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE TORNADO AREA As a public service, the Home Builders AssocioKen of Topeka w'ishes to offer the follewing suggestions and guidelines in the selection of a responsible builder. For YOUR protection you should: 1. EitoUMi iho bandar's erode roHnq by caanMng wWi Ms bonk or a lovings t loan asseeiarieo. 2. Chock to find oat how long tho buildor has boon in bosintss. 3. Aseoftoin his provious oxporitneo and his ability to do tho job you ongogo him to do. 4. Find put Ms prindpol office or I s as to his p 5. Chock with ooo of tho feltowiiig orgai in tho Homo Bolldora Association in tho city ho comos from> Homo Bulldors Assoeiotion of Topoko Topoko Chombor of Commoreo.

The moment the tornaeJo struck Topeka, the entire KPL organization began working night and day to restore electric service to the affected areas. Some restoration merely consisted of bringing in power from a different direc. tion. Other areas are requiring the complete re-building of new power lines and the construction of new substations. Some of the necessary material was stored in our Topeka service center. However, large quantities had to be trucked in from all over KPLand and so me were even flown in from as far away as the Eastern seaboard. We are working as hard as wa can to completely restore service in Topeka as rapidly as possible. More than 400 men, along with vast amounts of addi­ tional equipment, have been in this area since early Thursday morning to ac­ complish th*4. And, as of today, OOVo of fbe affected homes, capable of using electric powekyJiave been restored to service. Most of Topeka suffered no power interruption at all. In fact, some areas within a few blocks of the tw^ster's path only experienced ^ momentary flicker of their lights. For this, we are very grateful. SOME OF THE AREAS STIU WITHOUT POWER ARE: AREA


MocVicar to Randelph, 21st to Shtmgo.....................................................................Taetdoy 10th to 13th, Quincy to Joeksea............................................................................ Taetdoy Forest Street East on Seward ...................................................................................Taetdoy 19Hi to 21tt, MoeVkor to Ronttolph................................................ Taetdoy or Wedaetday

B I L.IV O R \




For information tolophono or writo:


Telephone CRestweed 2-4585

Affiliated With:

P.O. Box 1473

Home Builders Association of Kansas National Associaflon of Home Builders of United States

Htmtoon to 15th. GorfieM to Ltaeoki ^...«....................................Taetdoy or WedMtday


We will continue working around the clock and side-by-side with our'eustom- ' ers until all service is restored. Thank you for your cooperation, patience and understanding. We are proud of the way you have reacted to this tragedy. '





I Farmer Seeks

Avery Views Print Post—

Plant Elimination Discussed Senate Seat railed »C7,0M «Uma«e in the «o officlil tat of dimige lo Leigh Warner. 65-year-old Omarron farmer and businesstornado last Wcdaesday night filed MoDday for Demo­ r was ^ven I Sanders, sUle printer, to put Is tbe most critical situation at cratic nominaUoo to the U.S. Senate. necessary work out to contract. Warner had announced "You can billa these people Avery snd there is no deci­ sion yet whether the tornado for a time but when you’ ulk .candidacy last April and ....................... damage would justify a ^Mdal about bouilng for sU months been Cl session of the Legislature, "but you have another problem.'' the State Sen. Harold Herd, DColdwater, has filed for the governor said. it mi^t." EflorU are being made to nomination and J. Floyd Breed~ Avery also announced jneetlng. pdntinent of Hart Workman fariiW in mobile housing to i AneadmcDt Needed commodate _______ .... many. of tboi hoae Ha. is scheduled to get into A coostllutlaiial amendment , ditaster coordinator to repre­ whose homes were' destroyed, le race sbortiy. ^ -would be necessBiy to allrai- sent Kansu in dealing with the The winner of thet ueraocraMU DeraocralQ n MHUod Pond ISnate the operatioo. Stalfprinl- Office of Emagency Planning. The sute :e the wtafier ' “ has an emergency .nomination will face ^rs. under the Constitution, are fund of about It million to let of whet is at least ;eleeted with otber state officers. slate chairman, held a similar tor work on stole race tor the - Possible elimination of the post following the disastrous needs. The first, Avery said, nation tor-lhe-eeat now DOW held by -printer ai a constltotkinBl offi- floods last year on the Arkan­ was to issue a contract lor re­ Sen. James B. Pearson, R-l Icer was discussed in recent i sas River and in other areas. pair of a gaping hole in the Pearson is seeking renomina­ Mectisg ■:ilon of the Legislature but tion. .„v th« Stotehouse - • - dome. ^— The 0 f f I c e of Emergency side of the .'action taken. Planning has opened an office About eight or IB slalMwned Mn.BM Damage In downtown Tbpeka. A meeV cart were damaged in the tor­ Mayetta Man Foces • The plant received an e tng was scheduled Uter In tbe nado. Two of the cars belonged day in the Stotehouse to begin to the Highway Patrol. 'Break-In' Charges

Pouibie ellniatiOD of the state prtniiDC pUot, heivllr damaged in last week's tonsdo, was discussed Monday by Got. Wniiam H. Avery. Avery pve u IndicatiOD of his thougbb on the idea but inseated the idea wouM be ''

; East Topeka = Mighty Dull Lost


These Nights! Get


Bonds PHority

Burglary and larceny charges lere brought against Wilbur Ray Mitchell, Mayelto, in Court of Topeka Monday by Asst. Co. Atty. Gene Olander. Mitchell was charged in con­ nection with a break-in at the Riverside Inn. 1129 N. Madison. June i. when his billfold‘'was found at the scene.

The Savings Bond division of waived tor bond owners in the areu. WekUIng uid. tbe Treasury Dept. wUl give stricken The "special handling" will priority to claims from Shaw- apply to persons whose bonds nee and Riley County residents were lost, stolen or destroyed. who lost savings bonds u a Waiving of the Iwomontb result of the tornadoes June 8. wailing period required tor reF. G. WeidUng, Shawnee Coun­ demplioo of Series E bonds will ty Savings Bond cbalrman. said help residenU of dlsuter areas. Monday.. The one-month notice required The usual six-month waiting to redeem H and K savlnge bonds also will be waived. period for issuing dupl: • company." Meetlag Set bonds and tbe two months The sergeant threw a flash­ ■mally required tor redemption .. meeting wu scheduled light beam up on the tractor of Series E bonds will be Monday afternoon with banks and lau^; "So wbat more do and other paying agenis to brief you warn-' them on the priority treatment. I we've got a "You Bond owners seeking replace: choicer mcnl of bonds'or desiring to • The men laughed again end cash them should contact local • the police car the sergeant was banks. ridi^ in rolled on down tbe dirt Bond owners who report lost road. bonds, then find them, should Monday night wu a quiet, relum originals lo the Treasury bleak ni^t in East Topeka. The Dept.ffor cancellation and other • only sound waa toe ftcDdy drone ReoresentoUves of educalioo- record Call for (he betl! Man] I generator i*ldi aop^ al and dvlc ---------. They specii day formed an action eommit- eedures have ---iithouK and i ' canteen. Light for the Educe- more than 20 years in situations tcred rubble fires and atodltory similar to the current emergenspotlights. Glenn Weir. Kiowa, president In Shawnee and Riley coun­ Police OOtocr of tbe Kansu Assn, of School ties. Wellding said. Txe nuT sear mt Police traSto officer Ronald Boards, wu elected chairman t)( Komu Claycomb, S35 Mnlvane, and S. of the group which plani t^ro• Sgt. David a Batanan made mou the eductlioa ameDdment ; periodic check! wl*. appraxt Kansas CoutltDtkn. 11 the I____ mately 20 atrnum«iextn Any _1 be- on the November elocin (he Ewt Topeka «aaster tin baHoL area. The vohmteen manned MeetiBg Planned ......lonely outpoaU. Another meeting is scheduled Two other fellowi ut near an for August to complete plans, : Eut Topdu tavern flDcd with primarily on tbe best methods ' persons enjoying a loud Juke of informing the public. "Sounds like they're having Ramada Inn. John............... More than 50 members of the good time In there.” said one WicblU editor and pobUiber. Hayden High School class of of toe airmen. address the BGmember audi­ 1951 are expected to attend a "At least you've gffl^ aorofr ence. He 1$ chairman of i — reunion Saturday at Hayden . thing to listen to." s West Hl^ School. uns commiueo which veloped the original amentment Former classmates and their • Yeah -noise, altered by the Lec­ children wUI participate in a aaycorob pulled into his com­ ture. mass at 10 a.m. SlBKd»y. fol­ mand poet at Seward and For lowed by a brunch in (he school Mficeri Named carload of. of Mennonlte est- A wload Other officers of the action cafeteria. unteers fr< n Iowa sal at the in­ group A eociaJ and dance will be are tersection. held at 8 p m. Saturday at Holi•We got here about S o'clock Mrs. Patty Converse, Esk­ day Inn ....... South. : and haven't found a place to ridge. presideiU of the Kansas Class members expected to Slav, yet," said on* of the Men- Congnn of Parenta knd Teach­ attend Include: ' nonites. Claycomb directed (be ers; George Frey. Topeka, Kan­ volunteers to a local church to sas Stale Teachers Assn., Jack BwSir*kr* Kinder. Newton. Kansas Assn spend the night. of School Admhustrators. A group of al boys In the area walked tl . the vacan t.daik streets shoui- Poland Plons Hunt . ing "Help! Help ! SomAody's • after us." WARSAW, Poland (API -Po­ - y,-. The police car stopped them und plans to spend C.3 million ’ and Claycomb uked the boys hunting for ------- “ .......... ' where they lived. to help lU ariculture. tbe Pol­ ■M. H ish press agency reports. About iivtr MM j "So do I" half the mimey will be fumitbad "Me to." by the United Nations ^edal •‘You boys all live on Lake?” Fund, under terms of an agreeasked aayeomb. meiU signed last week. • YOU wanna see my pass?" srixMri CKa'H<» Ann Ptirnon. Cmtsaid one of the boys, reachln Church Bell Stolen Into his pocket. Ctoycnmb gUnced al the pass NORWICH, England (AP) and tent tbe boys home. The police car continued into tersedion near M«iis!pal Air­ repair the church's «0-year-old ‘ port Two airmen sat on an u| bronze bell and found it stolen. rooted tree near a small fire. "How the bell-weight. 1.000 ........ owitnd Fvn. Vin; Viirkii SIMtft. Uvirah. o».i^l«w« Turt. •Youiellows OK?" aske pounds—was movedd Is a I Bateman. tery." said deteciivcs“You bet. Sarge. Sure le cbow though. like to have We aiready heated up a am of ns, but .ations, „ it didn’t tail kng.' Sidney Omanr • Yog haven't had any .trou­ ble?" said Bateman. ••New. everything's, hi^; dory. Except lor tbe bugs. ■ -At least it's a beautiful night," said the other airman At another riteckprtnt. the airmen sst in the shelter of bulldozer scoop, "You guys Uke it easy. We II have some itplocemenls out Bl. >*«• , iwarw 'here al mWnigW. " said Bate T4.l*l.< .4nn, 8 is tbe duilesl placd in the world, Sarge.” Tbe two airmen perched top of a yellow bulldozer appeered• only -....................>t as the red hottips. of their cigarettes which glowed in the biasness. Mood for Company "We've been wallin' for that : chow truck since 5 o'clock, and : had nothing but the

Educators Get Support Group

yes yes yes yes yes yes yos yes yes yes yet yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yet yes yes yes yes yes yes.yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yu yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yet yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yti yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yr* Y« yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes ye# yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes ye/ yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ye' yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Ves yes Ves yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes y' yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yi yes ves yet yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yes’ yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yei yei yes. yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes ye#yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yeiyes yes yes yes yes yes ye# yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes ye-

yet yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yea yes yes yes ye# yes yes yes yes yes ye* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yu yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes y«

yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes ^ei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes y« .yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ye» es yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes es yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ye# ;es yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ss yes yes yei yes yei yes yes yes yes es yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 'es yei yei yei yei yei yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yei yci yet yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yet yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yei yei yei yei yei yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ves yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ye# yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

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50 Expected For Hayden's '51 Reunion

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.orto. e»MMa two Mr awi« ««.





Personally Speaking^

Three Hostesses Will Entertain Mn. Hamid Reed. Mn. Donald PatleraoD. and Mrs. Mny Vilaoa wUI enteruin irtSi a kttdten ibover this «Tcsti« ta the RMd borne. The periy win eompUment Sosan Ebel, whose marriage to Marvin Charles F(« win take place July 4. 1J wi™u. um-

) pjn. tUBtU 10 In Cmtw Sbelti AU eonouBced Republlcen candldales have been Invited to at. tend, _. ^ . Uke OES - UyM Chap» No. 17« O.E.S.. SUver Lake, will bold Its regolar

visit to Loyal Chapter night. .hM Travelers — Mr. sad Mn. Charles W. PreU ban returned from a week’s ^ waritington. _ _______ D. C. Thly were accompanied by tbeir grandaon, Charies Col­ lins. et Junetkm City. Mr. sod Mrs. Robert C. Ceofimy o( Vlckrinrg. Miss., sre visiting his mother, Mrs. Prank Geoffroy, and sUter, Mrs. Herbert B. Parker, and Mr. Parker. .........-

lea far Brtds-To-Be - Mrs. Frane Meehu wID e«srttta wtth a tea nanday afteraesa la her hMia eenpBmeattof kar dngbtcr, Mary Camiya, wbsse murtage to Stcfben Erie Lanaa wID Uke plac* Satarday. No Cradle Rsll-Mr. and Mrs.. bvltatlaM an belag taaed, William Groth announce the .bat Meads are invited to caU birth o< a son. Steidian John, betwcoi 1 and I pjn. June 9 in Stormont-Vall HosBridal Skewer - Janet plul. Grandparents are John Patten wiU be the goest of Grotb. Sallna and Mr. and iMor at a misceUaneoui bpa. Rez Scott. Ihe baby bu shower given by Hn. Ftenk a brother. Scott, two. Canccied - Americaa War. W. FureU end Judy FarreU Dads AtnlUary birthday tad^ In tbeir borne. Miss Pstton win be married luncheon, planned for today at the War .Dads Hall, baa to■ D li-vu ob WU4X DoS uaMuua;. Saturday. ____ ______ invitad —in— bean canceled. Patten. ItaTHemld Patten. Mrs-Ftenk J. Duff. Marfyn 2^^ "SSST ntogham, kiarilyn Irwin,


- ^

To Deever U. - Karen DOl has left to attend the Nettoaal Spor convention at UBlveretty U.U. ^

" Mootaerrat Mootana, Mrs. Gerald Harkin. Mrs. DUI, who has been elated Robert Lee, Mrs. Neil Bart­ -PresMeal of Shocker Spnrs at ley. Mrs. Ron Ramberg Wichita State UatvcrsJty. Mrs. Gmld Witbnan. plans to relnm with Ideas of »------ Goento — Hr and I* mSTr^ were Sunday’ "•»«. “At y«r s^." dtaner goests of tbeir son and

br. Neff received his'degme Juno « Iron Kaoans Untw lity School of Modlplne. Ihey mi leaving fW ABh Arbor, MkdL. when Dr. Neff will InI tan at the Michigan Unlver^ ally Hospital. j Party - Mr. and Mrs. X F. Bagert wiB ab«thdr Mtk weddlag anal. veriary ttdqr with t (nmlly cstahrntiM In their heme. Married Joe 14, UM M DaBala. Nd>.. Mr. and Mrs. Begett have three chlMren: Mrs. Gearta W. Knahter, Redindi. enUf.; Mrs. John ^ R. Wh»ea aad Jeha a- u Began Jr. There . emndeUta aad ntae greei-

TV. orfiolM^V* ^W»g ___ ^_____ ___ tt»» serves to varisw eapndllei tponiorty ^ ilty sebsM year. Mill DID win lew# ttf aeeretiry of the Bonir Society. tt Unheraily Debate Society, and tacretnry el Zeta PU Eta, Nai pieleulonal Speech Arts Fmtaralty. She is the dan^ter of Mrs. Roby M. DUI.

Oanrt of Boner Meets-Tbe Kansas nail ef the Nattonal Society at Dames al toe Onrt of Bwir. met in Kauas Ctty Jnne » ta toe YWCA band­ Mr. Bcgart was tarmaeiy n ing. Mrs. Raynmnd Leea. . atate manager far J. C. Pen­ •tate president, ■snenneed ney Oa. end opened tha IM new tppotettnenta. A bMrd atom ia Atetoon. and In IKl was manager •( the flrtt To­ tod bastacM peka Peney store. ABer Us hi IMT % ntoed Belglai teriea. both shew tad Babysitter Supply breeding stoefc, ntfl abent UM. Lags Behind Demand ' BMhdty At Bima - B. K.. Rlator wiU held open boose ta his imma from 3 to 4 pjn. Simday in ceiabraUoo ef hii goth birthday. He teqnatas no giRs. No Invitatkn are be­ ing issued and triCBdi are In­ vited to can.

Become Ordeals

BOSTON - In tte I _Utes, a baby b bora about every 13 aeeoodi. But tbe babysitter iuK>ly tot Increasing pr^nrttoBately. uys the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance 0. With Infant nuraeg becoming a rartty and mora and more gruabnolfaen working, tbe par­ ents of (our minkn new Ameri­ cans bora earti year are turnleg to young and often Inezperteneed sitters, the comptny uys.

daughter and her children visited us and stayed all mer, and each year the chilAMgaO drea grow a little bolder. Last summer my Some wu bedlsm! VeaBnei Hw children kept the stereo ' full Mast night aad day. d to pick up after them, ate all day long, and abused our lovely funiilure. ^ They partied at night and taft have to unload <n aomeon I tbe men for me to clean up here goes: My husband la aelfin the morning. employed. A year ago be did ‘Diey had their teen-age a Job for a custnner wbo livu friends running in snd cut and in a home much more bentlful never bothered to introduce one than anything we could ever of them to their pandfatber afford. After a year, we re­ or me. (Tbeir mother said ceived a check for this job. ~ teeiMgers never introduce theta- check wu misplaced I thought friends to eoyooe, not even to it wu stolen) so I called the tbeir parents.) I wu shocked lady and asked her to pleau StylUb bataes with wise moms wUI go to tbe beach ta com- to bear tbe rude manner In stop payment on it fartahle top. Stretch aylea tmk with striped tkta Insets it which those ddldren talked I found tbe check today and topped with hooded parka ia iirlped stretchh tetry (lefti. back to tbeir mother, and she called tbe lady back to ten her I had found tbe check and to Snasalt (li^i) In a higb-rtaa lUbeoette has striped straps didn’t say a word. If I had treated my elders apologize (or any tocoovenience and neck and let borders. Sti^ esrdifm and Jm^t an that way, my mother would I had caused her. She asked c-ordtaated wllh the oaftlL These are Carter's desipt. WMS out e willow switch me to send her «me donar, on me. Summer is upon us, end this b whst tt cost to Stop I am dreading It Have you any payment on that check! advice for me? After waiting a year tor our GRANDMOTHER moeny, bow could anyoo ' DEAR GRANIHIOTHER: iS so mberably cheap? HAMILTON, u advice, Jest sympathy. 0 yra ap wtth those botdigau DEAR HAMILTON: For peo­ her Sommer, yoo’re asked ple who are miserably «Aeep, Mrs. S. G. Richardson, Salinu, it comes BabnUy. tar It Appareatfy yoo failed to anoual re­ Csllf.; Miss Alice Winters, Ksnunion dinner Sat. evening at aty. Mo.; Min Martha teach yoor dao^ter what year Problems? Wrtte to Abby, Box Myron Green Cafeteria. A so­ ton. Normal, Dl.. and Mrs. mother taoght yeo - respect 49700, Los Angeles, Cal., 90099. for eae’i elders. For tf yoo cial hour preceded tbe dinner. Royal Shaw, Yakima, Wadi. For a peraonal reply, IdcIom a The tables were decorated The 1996 class celebrated Its hod. *e’d have passed tl ea stamped, uU-addressed enve­ with red rases and endlea. 90tb anniversary with aU ei^t to her chlldreL Aad perhape lope. Mabie Hanunarlund. aocial members present They were pamed «■-tas wlllew switch. diairman presented tbe iral- Mn. James Panek, Omaha, DEAR ABBY* I an so mad, 1 dent Mrs. LeRoy Belcher, wbo Neb.; Mrs. Kenseih D I ataeleome to the alumnae Wichita; Mn. James HcCo^ presented put golden ap mlck, Xanua d^. Mo.; Mrs. members present who were Leslie Dey. Council Grove, honored at the oHlcers tM>le Kens.; Mrs. Scoit Morgan, They were Miss Anne KkJd and Baldwin. Kara.; Mrs. Loub Miss RoselU Rou of the 19« Cubier, Mrs Ruth Davb and class. Ml» Mary Lovejoy, 19U Mrs. Earl Leach of Topeka. class, Miu Mte Palmatier, 1911 Guesto were Mrs. Anlce class, and Mrs. A. D. Schnacke bher and Mbs Ralt 1914 clus. er of ’Topeka and Art The clam of 19K wu to cele­ Wichita. brate Its SWb anniversary but Mrs. Art Peterson, clsu 1929, none could attend. Hiey were u present and had been each sent a gold medallion and sent from Widiita to help or­ chain commemorating the annl- ganize Red Crou workers foL versaty. They were Mrs. Alice lowing tho tonmdo dbuter. DeLong. Kansu City. Ho.; Social events omucted with Mrs. W. 0. dark. Port tbe reunion were a Saturday send. Wuh.; Mn. P ni^t ihimber party at the Chau. Riviera Beadi, Md.; home of Mrs. Ruth DtvU, end dtoner Sunday at the Ramtde in. Physieol Exercise Another social event lawn parfy and covered dish dinner at the home of Mrs. For Asthma Patients Robert Marsh on Tuesday eve­ NEW YORK-ControUed eze. ning. Pnuora of the earth's own atmosphere seels elr dse lor the patient with asthma Other members present were: out of this GlyciiM vacuum antomstto calendar may be better than prolonged Mn. M. L. Harth, Oveibrook; watch. Htmlnatea mobtnre condensctloa. conn. rut u a way of belptng him Mn. S. C WadUle. Juztetton atoB. disrt aad Rne oU dsteriorattoiL Ihanhs to back to a useful and productive City; Mrs. Harry Purdum, Swiss ImowJunv. the Glycine Vaomm assozee life, report Dr. Irving H. Itkin Hutingi, Neb.; Mrs. U. E. space-age accoiac^ for utnoanta and aquaeata. and Martin Naernsn, of tbe Na­ Socolofsky, Mrs. Tom Tiykr, tional Jewish Ho^lul In Den­ aad Has. Robert Andenon, Even tha crystal la apedelly tempand. Ctafta** ver. rnansh^ performance, advance dssIgB—an imito Maiduttan; Mia Alma Mot. In a study of 99 patients, aged Kansu aty; Mn. wmiam In thla, tbe world'a mdjr vaemnh watiL Oun cx> IS to 9S, two out of every three Celdwen, Bonner ^aings. doaively. See IL Stalnleea with bracelet, t9U8. Improved in athletic ability and Mrs. W. E. Caldwell. I InllKgoIdbezaLSM-n. woib-Ioad capacity after Aldea Ball, Mn. R. U Titui, threo^nonth period of phpkal Mn. Merle Smith, Hra. Leila ezerclse. Snyder. Mn. Melvin Poland, Mrs. L. W. Bowlu, Mn. Perry Uhl, Mrs. Oui Leupold, Hn. Vere Coeper. Mrs. Robert Badly soiled shirt coUsn and Marsh, Mn. Martin Titus. Hn. cuRs will wash cleaner If tbe Edward Pratt, Mn. Otb Young, ^ soiled sreu sre first dampened Mn. Carl Alberg, Mbs Mary then nibbed well with a solu Robertson, Miss Josefiitne tion of one lable^oon ul soda Boam. Mn. Frank Fritten, concentrate per cup of water. Mn. Oiester Cool.

Married » yearns, aad. Mrs. W. L. Marshan cele­ brated tbeir dMb wed^ an­ niversary wtth a family dtaner Sunday In Uw First Meth­ odist Church. Osage City. On June 7 their seven grsnddaughtm were boatetset at an open bouse in the Marsh­ Improyes Mattress all honte. Attending the dirtIf your bed b too hard jn ner were the nine sons and can soften it by using a lat daughters. 24' graodehUdren and four greai-grdndcbDdren foam mattress pad. The pads of the couple. ^ s that, GOP SedaS-ne Shawnee are too hard. They alsoB hide! County Women’s RepobUean iooH buttons, and de-| ATaptaaMtaCi O TMtOn. Jim I<

■ •


OpM Ivory Nl^ Uotfl 9:00 pm (ezeept Utmirf mi Saadwyl


aub will hold Its mnial lee-

ftlekw « W.te«r, N«w t Bodrtn., Mi. K. ■ Mn. oum E. EM. Mn. thea Gibeson. Mn. VtrgU Meinholdl, Mrs. Troxal Mellinger, Mrs. Robert Thon), Mri J«*« P«l-M"Rhodes, Mrs. Robert Smith, to David FlshiT.Mn Jm Knight. Mrs. Ronald Weese, and Wendy Fisher.


Summer Visits


Now Your Smile Can Bo

Bright smite Again!

naUtrf to *h...K> polish »wsy rata Y«

Beach Togs for Baby—



Christ's Hospital Alumnae

/ Ih^iiCaK i

Meet for Annual Reunion

Glycine seals out the air everybody else lets in.

(row! Father's Day...

Fathw's Day It SHiiday Jim# 19

Soiled CoHors

TO THE TOPEKA TORNADO VICTIMS If the tornado damaged any item you are making payments on at Jenkins Music Co.... you have imf^ortant benefits coming to you under our "Budget Insurance Plan." '-'Call FL 4-8508 or AM 6-4321 assoon as possible.



BRaOKVIEW aerice’s feverite knit-ihlrl—tenit to a bind. Machine wash and dry. Bln edrange.







€>a8uai,wauc sHocera

Selected Shorts:



Your Fftfrturdd Af+raction The leek?


^ 1


taileriag? Afiythl>« bet. Jaym.r welk sherts ere desiVned fe^ the ese. wU eMfches eat* le the seleetta et kb aesMt wetdrehe. Seteet fer kin frea eer Mey mw eel-

If your piano, organ, musical insfrument, stereo or TV wasdamaged or destroyed, we will replace it on special liberal terms and no down payment.

Don't Miss HIGH SCHOOL RODEO June 17-18-19

Fr«* tMwiS


• •

ra««l*r priM> — >t»r* HEEI Om'« mt

• • ;

••• tt.r.J cIm* i> S««teh-| «wf p^.rii.4 f.«H. . . . f..4v Nf

I «>rtii F«n. civti...

............... .



/ Ihe'Patoce y

FmtmUUmu . AesAara

liiiard Uaden Laughter Cheers See No Need To Recall Unit Bleakest Period


Leaders Smoke Peace Pipe

Sinatra Row Victim Shows Improvement

Run Again; Others Ready

LOS ANGELES - The top brass of (he Ronald Reagan and George Christopher Republican HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Fredgubernatorial campaigns shook eriek R. Weisman, St-year-old hands Monday and said they easman, eonttoued to Im­ are now working as a team to the prospects of a Republican prove Monday in Cedars of Leelect the enUre GOP tlckel victory in November are excel­ sanon Hospital where be under­ lent. we are ttklng nothing for headed by Reagan. went brain surgery for injuries In order to wage Actor-politician 'Reagan de­ granted. campaign, large sums suffmd In an altercation in­ feated Chrtsiopber by a land- effective money will be required ...' volving stoga Frank Sinatra. slide last week after a biltoriy ofAlso smoking the peace pipe A taoMtol spehaaan arid contested campaign. table were a Wetomn's coitoHtoa wat atin "Since Republican unity to t the conference of other Reagan and listed u lettous. however. Ha Callfonda has rarely been nornbv regained conctousnets Sunday. Oifiatopbg stalwarts. achieved In recent years we that this was newsworthy." Henry Salvatori, m e m b e r of Reagan's finance committee, explained to a news conference. Salvatori and Thomas P. Pike, who was Southern Cali­ fornia campaign chairman for

Gov. tnuiam H. Avery Topekans still are finding truckload ol eight reels of tele­ formally announced -and filed for laughter, daplte the phone cable at the Fairgrounds sttte's NiUoeal Guard time as a Republican can­ tragedy and shock of the past Trlday tileraily caused con- -Monday didate for a second term, toueb(iiief, Maj. Geo. J<Jt NkkeU. few days. stiuctJan men to cheer. tog off a becUc final week of atld Uooday there vat no need One w 0 m a n told SoulhwestHappiness Is a truckload of filing for this year's elecUons. to recan the ««h Wantry Bri­ rn BeU Telephone Co. opera­ cable,” one observed about the Other hopefuls were in the gade (ron fummer camp at Ft tor. Bobbie Pelesch, "We moved irecioui commodity. RDey (or tornado doty in To- here from Oklahoma Monday. A construction foreman from were wiped out completely, lopUn, Mo., carefully loaded a pdu and Uanbattan last week. We except lor one lamp, on Wednes­ eel of cable. Guarding his About 4^ Gavdaaeo are at day. While digging through the treasure, be said, ‘T am going news conference for Tuesday at the post DOW far (heir amuta] rabblsh, I knocked over ’ I take it to my motel room.” the secretary of state's office two weeks of active duly train­ lamp and broke it " where he is expected to file for ing. A former Topeka woman pres­ ' Republican nomtoaUon lor Kalby Kaberlirw, another tele- ently U« AnOahle U.S. Senate. Fomer Cong. at Shreveport. La., Mne operator was startled is an living J. Floyd Breeding will have a expectant mother. Her Nickel], the Kansas adjutant when she answered a call to worried about Hurri­ news conference Wednesday gennl. said there were about number that bad not been as­ momtag ahead of bis expected 8.100 Army Guard troops to signed to anyone. Tba caller cane Alma, sent her homp to her parents in Topeka — just filing for the Senate on the non-brigade units over Ute state whooped with laughter. Any of oar poneyownars wfw may bm Radio Club Field Day to time for a tornado to burst Democratic ticket available to assist dvlUao Then be explained, "Boy suffarad lou baemsa ef fha toraede. around Burnett's Mound, bead Still not formally in races for 'authorities to the devastated is really something. I've re-electton are the other state Gothing is available through Planned of Concordia across the city, and barely miss areas. to reach an operator for three the family's home. congr«ssmen - Reps. Bob Dole Grace Cathedral for Topekans CONCORDIA (Special! Jest phone, write or step by to saa us In addiUon, there are about days to place a call. 'Ihen I of the Ut District. Oietter Hi» who lost their homes and be­ if on immedleta peliey loan—«r dafamd 1.S00 Air Nattonai Ouantomen dial a wrong number-and she College Hill Plumbing Co. was of the 2nd, Gamer Shriver ol longings in Wednesday's tor­ he Kansas-Nebraska Radio Gub of Concordia wiD hold Its yrbo could have been called to. answers!" nado. the 1th. and Joe Skubttx of the premium peymaat—would bo « coma* forced to board up its front aft­ radio field day June 25 collected by parishioners, the and iBl 'The build-up ef Guard troops The lelepbBne'flnn, one of the er Wednesday's tornado. Cheer­ 6th. all Republicans. 26 seven miles southwest of laiKe to yea. clothing is available St the Id To^ tmmeiBatdy after busiast to town stooa tba tor- fully firm officials changed the Sen. James B. Pearson filed here. Guild Hall, 8th and Polk, or by , is Issuing a diOy “Tele­ name of the now rustic-fromed early for the Republican Senate (he storm was twifW with abou Members from CreenJeaf, calling CE &-34S7. ise men on duty here within 24 phone Twister Times." inftrma- business to "FrontiM- City nomination. Linn. Mankato and Beloit will THE WICHITA.WELCH AGENCY Two other candidates filed Girl Scout Troop 409 wtll also set up five radio stations to a Uon bulletin for iU employes. Plumbing Co." bourn atter thi Monday al the Staiebouse. They rtler free - baby-silUng and test of emergency radio com­ It relatea that the arrival of through, Some families that were able were DisL Judge John W mcab for children ol families munication. i A Top^ unit. State Head salvage clothing from their Brooke&s. Westmoreiand. tor who may be cleaning damaged tosa luartert' Dttachmeot ,of ' damaged homes aren't quite the Republican nomination to areas. ICsBsas Nattona) Guard, the 36th District and John Parishioners also have of­ Breakfast Table Chats sure it i tkoldtog lU regular weekly drill Shore, of Johnstn in Stanton fered their services in helping, cleaning, turreuoK HliilWMrv ClrcU move into new homes toe night of the storm and sen not been successful to complete­ County, for the Republican Topdans -I aipiiK Crvrcn Min inM • WIchira, Kansas move belMgtogs from dam­ uii ^ W *1 ]:» »M. Mn « ira 4ts people out on tornado duty ly removing the minute parti- nomination for the House in the or iw«w ot in. Je AM HUrtlo. OT MMt. aged areas. Erectly from the Armory at Phene 3634916 de of house tosulstion pound­ 122nd District. 37th and Tbpdm. ed Into the clothing by the twis­ Brookens was appointed judge m CM •( Mount CorKWI Cari H. Weteh. Hono^tr .....____ _ r« CbM. witl mot *1 ; The «dy other Guard units ter. They itch! to succeed former DisL Judge Lad Borrows Milk on. iM*r ti IN* tm Nooml inoon. ♦« LM«. ^1 in Ibpeka Wednesday HUTCHINSON (AP) -Two Robert H. Kaul who is now a «ight. Ueadquartem and Head- ,«mg constnicUon workers Weary tornado victims and of the Slate Suprone For Guards' Meals ItSKCi Ct>w>or No. I. OnMr ol It* ittrn V«. >10. rt* IMM I mV" « eiuarters Btotery. U7th ArtU- were charged wllb first degree cleanly vohmteen ordtoarUy Court The district Includes The milk of human kindness Pottawatomie, Jackson and Jef­ flows Uterally near the tornado3ery Group, and the U7th murder and forcible rape Moo- would be good S^nsportttioo Company, were day after ibe body d a 17-y**r- hot coffee. But some of the res- ferson counties. area In southwest Tocenters have discovered Avery' opened his race by ravaged ton tornado duty within an hour old girl was found in a shaltow ' I. where Tony Tomqulst, 3. grave west of here. that, no matter how exh ' g to his record in the gov^ter the storm. been borrowing milk from Sheriff Charles Heldcbrecbt people are, hot instant coffee emoi*8 office - Airmen from Forbes said the crime csme to light Isn't getting many takers. Ap­ "I want to remind you of my ^orce Base also were itched quickly to help flU the when one of the men reported parently they don't like it betBuaiuiiiB the disaster area. ;void with a solid measure of be bad told his wife abod It ter than just-fresh-perked. Tony Is the son of Mr. and "tralilc direction and law et>- and "She encouraged me toHell Mrs. Al Tomqulst. 3719 W. 37th. the police." They arc on the fringe of the rforcemenL and the second wat to Increase tornado path, and have suf­ • Tbe Mtfa Brigade is under- ■me sherlfl Identifled the man emptoyment oppartsnlty as Ronald Warrick, 18, the f>U)( fered no damage. They are, ‘gotog more than nutine g men and wtpmen to er or me child, whose " however, still without electrici­ ?mer training this year. expecting another. The ty to cool mUto_______ 1 General NickcU said the bri- said the other is Kenneth Kil­ Avery said the ft ^e U taking moblUuttoD patrick, 18. • gram had reduced property ^diness tesU at Ft BUey. taxes by 822 million. Personally Serving The body of Miss Linda Cal­ Two junior bi^ school Girl : CobM Meet Deaaads ender, who bad been missing Scout troops are offering free "General property taxes to • “Stnce we were able to meet from her borne bare stoca abort- babysitting service to famOies Kansas." he said, "bad toThis Communify creased every year since 194t ;the assignments given us by ly aftar midnight Saturday, was affected by the tornado. Ifyouseekmorvrelieftbanyoumaynowbe tion is homogenized for faster absorption, ictviUen authorities, we didn't recovered early Monday. OfD- The service will be offered Because ef the foundation pro­ Since 1921 gelling, join the thousands of hemorrhoid rasto- action. gram the tout paid to general i tied it necesiery to tatemipt eers said her throat bad bem from (pfle) auffmrs now turning to new M.P.O. 4. Helps make relief Itst lonfer. M.P.O.'a 9 s.m. to 5 pm. every property taxes to our state \^e brigade in its active duty cut and there ware stab wounds Wednesday There's a Reason and Thursday at the dropped in 196$. Developed by famous Mentholatum Labo- more temjseratuTMUble base holds modti^riod,” he said. the heart. Countryside MetbocUn Church, was the only reduction ratoriea. M.P.O. works in these five ways: cation in place foe prolongod action. ( f ‘Tbew are federal Army ___ Jme Sunday, morning sat Burlingame, until further to "This that 2^year period and InS. Help* fildrt danger of ingaining tesb the aRhls going "they went riding around to the notice. 1. Helps ease pain fatter. CRases had been expected for Ctomigh." he contlnaed. country and according to War- Troops handling the sittii« each of the other 21 years." ""T~y fecUon. Proven germ-killM.P.O. containsmoremed- ihey both raped bar." re - f ’ ... MN. t nfae brigade has spent under the direction of Avery also said that job op­ ically accepted pain-reliev­ to special traintog at gn Dorothy Young and S68 under portunities are increasing and ing ingredients than the faipense to the government to He added that according to leader Lois Maxwell. that the number of employed fOO North JoekiM preparation-you may now . Test R yoursalf for the Warrick when she threatened to tprepare for these tests." An adult will be with the persons "is at the highest to the Phono CE 4-S850 be using... to help reduce next three days. If not I Ihe adjutant general said a report the tocident to the poUce, ScDuU at all times. history of the stale." pain and discomforL satisfledthatMJ».O.helps - 'tew 6»th Brigade troops were Kilpatrick dragged the 0rl isent to Manhattan shortly afttf from' the car and began choking 2. Helps shrink swollen you more than the prepara­ ■the itorm there, but were re- er. tissues. M. P. 0. quickly tion you're now using, re­ ; lieved by a Oay Center Nation- The sberin said Warrick’s releases the proven vaso­ turn mused portion to the ; al Guard unit before dawn story Indicated they then left constrictor, Ephedrine Mentholatum Co., Buffalo, the body, got a shovel and then Sulfate. N.Y., for refund. Availablo^ took the blood««ked body to a instainlcaaointmentorsu^ ADPII 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Dolly ” Guard anits locited to South- grove-of trees west of here 3. Helps relieve embarrass­ Uast Kansas provided the bulk UMO. vrEn 2 A.M. to 5 P.M, poai tones at drug counters. CR 2-1122 ing itch. MJ>.0.’s medicaAn autopsy was being per­ f those units reported here be- formed. Th» Cemetery of ♦fore noon ‘nmrsday and 5ocre«f Beauty HuBiOM !> Cottogo fnert relieved until Sunday. PtM TrMipartcrrioo CAU CE 3-&1S7 ; Elements of the 1st Howitxer \ iBattallon. 127th Artllkry Gnnip. ;frtim Ottawa. Garnett. PleasanWIBW-TV' (CBS. ABC, NBC) Qi. 13-KFEQ-TV (CBS. ABC) Cb. 2-WDAF-TV (NBC) Ch. 4 'ton and Burltogton were among KCMO-TV (CBS) Ch. S-KMBC-TV (ABC) Cb. 9--KTWU-TV (Educ^tonal) Ch. U the first ouWrf-town Guard units l4o report

• • •

Grace Cathedral Offers Storm Aid


PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE Suite 925, The Wichita Phoa

Two Charged With Assault

HEMORRHOIDS? Make this 3-day test!

-Girl Scouts Plan Free Babysitting

New M.P.O. must relieve pain faster and longer than the preparation you are now using or we will gladly refund your purchase price in full.




Free Foods Clothing, Bedding CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST

Clay Chunks Off Building


OMma * ww*-

Danger Now

1 Engineer outfits ft«n Wfch3ta. Junction Gly and lola plus •quartermaster tmlU fnm Cof- Mott immediate fear about •geyvflle. Chanute and Cherry- the tornado-damaged 100 Kanmle also were In Topeka by saa Avenue Building (former ^ursdty afternoon. ? Most of ^tbese inHia] Gukrd ^Rnita have been relieved by «resh troops. U. Col. A. L. Hiialquist to Gen. NtokeH's of%^d Monday, r About SOS Nattonai Guards- of the company which bought ^0 were « duty to Topeka the building recently, uid by from his office to Monday, the biggat single teleitooneGty Monday Uiat the .group of than from the 226th Kansasweekend rains may have .Engineer Battalion at WlchlU. heavy soaked intt opm jotatt t Col. Lindquist asid aboat 110 may cause pieces to fall. 'Air National Guardsmen from "We are trying to keep peo­ 'the 190lh T^eteal Hecooais- ple away from the buidltog and :iance Squadron based at Hutch­ we^btve a guard there." inson also were in Tbpeka Mon­ Senior engineers of TumbuDday. Inc.. Kansas Gty, to. Aboat half (he Guard uniU to Novak fpected the building Saturday ;Xaous are part of the 8Rb and confirmed the report of an brigade, Gan. NtokeB engtoeer who eximlnwl it Fri­ ;aioat of Ibam-brigade mrits day that the frame of the buildSbdoBg to Army soppert arms tog to Twisted. Blahffl said. An tanranca ooapoay %aOi as qaartermastor. engl gtoeer was tospeettog the struc­ and tnaoportattoa corps ture Monday. "We are make a •greater amount ef eqolpmen quick decision on iriiatIt to do," said. •wonld better suit them to help Bluhm .Pictures S Sing Topeka and Manhattar He said many pictures of the ^lean up the tornado damage. dUferent parts of the buiWtog i Damp Tract Ootflt have been taken because study S The 2<2nd Engineer Company of the photos rq^lhtogs ' tfnn Wichtta. for example, ii a human eye! dob not see a I Dton« truck outfit Other engl- first." i'Deer organtxatioos-<ma able to concave pattern in . ;supply cranes and leading brick at the top of Ute tmildtog ;^equlpnjeDt <e the east side was ODofinned The brigade, on the other by a tm<^ of pictures. lhand, to compoeed primarily of HhAm uid he and the en­ ; combat units-made up of tofan- gineers have found many eriarwiad-wtillery. They deneei of zMfthrofltWTtrwF could inppiy nan**® ^ »• tura and found a piece where |Ue bMvy equipaieiit for the the roof to six Inches out of place. . icleafrop ^leratton.



A.U,lw. CVUtwMPIl Tom. S-farm Facia (CalaO Veyf Chafe* ao« Mtmi nwo. caatman MU Afnar* <ai ^af^Pa*am^tw^LNfn. OM^^aa

■>S-eidi Van Orta a-ParaOaa Saa (Calaat _0.-«0.~^





l-Waa. Ofia War (a SaWvi IS-Sawlia lamatNf ,-Mirlu Sa>nrfW tiW l_Taat. OaaaWi Frl. Call M «>SI , 1t-«uali Naur. Oaoa FUfa a-waa. Call la aUnMa:

It-Haai ii-aatn. Mto won a—Taray Tima <-Tadw ICaiaft S-Caaam K*'a CafalaH S--Siaaiw Oa> t^-iaajai, Ra^ K. wnaaa


IM Satrtw ler Tamoffe,


«-Lara Plar^aat OMW Jt^WaMM-^amah ' 4-Coaetmrai«h^lCaiar) il-s-AMa W •AaaVarry

lIlH A-aaaan

AFTERNOONS 1 l>-aaa« Pana (Calaf) |»~A| IM


IM-T.TM,‘?ram' ! a-AnefiV’ Wael,




U-t-Pman' A-Mar» Crlffla thaa ,~Maala. AAafL -Paanaa-*! Taaa. 'mwaWarto, Jaai-a Wta. -Mtira Craatfaaai'i

l>S-lteral Siafm .F-Maaac Taa Vaaae . -• A-MiKii cama ICaWrl

n.S-Mlka Oaaalaa Bwa l-Oraca Cfiacaad V-oa ZAwSa Ma«, "Onima Ala"* Tha Toaa. Hallift aA OW WcOaiaVa Pafm”; waa. Taa Pw Taa", Thafa "Ofaal CWH--I F.i, -Tartan M,

*_Tam ^ Frwwa t-Tha Audaa

-- -



H.CWnwi. tlaMnu".' A lirul Crn w-,Mari or) Hamt- SKIM. »r •witnt al »a


, f-a„un PiM<r.

£}Tr-£'r-T!.M. -''■“r-.r; '-is;..,'” ” 1

Vfl. " RltMrd KWM "*I« ti. Oo'i'S-t wm naan TTiilini -in—II ||"| TT - w M»-a»«-«»-a-«aa -« M a^ic»«»-« Br-arr. NrrT.



Ft. Riley Officer Killed by Gunshot Police Clilel Cus Berry of OGDEN (Spedal) - Ar Army officer stotloMd at near­ 0({den Mid a fellow officer be­ by Ft Rll» died Monday morn. came alarmed when Major ln«. a)»partotly of a Jetfmnocl. Chadbourne did not report lor duty at the regular lime. He -cdcun^woiml • Tl»*leUmwtsMa} Ra!pbC.jwenltolheO|dentrallerhom* Chadbonme. «. »♦» *M bom I where Major Chadhoume, ' to Maine. widower, lived alone. Berry said the other officer

U.S. Draws Mexicans «EXHX> OTY ,AP, - Tl» Y«terdoy's Answer.

s«siipi n though many i n the armed forces come U.S. residents., says Mari­ am F. Jauregui. I^er presi­ dent ol the Mexican Travel Agencies Association. He esti­ mates 5.000 Meiicani move to the United SULei.eacb month and let up residence.


(old him that Major Chad- found Major Chadboiime's bourne told hte to “wait a body. mtaatc” and then (tr^iped back Major Cbadboume was into the bedroom of the trailer-- tacbed to the Ith Transporta­ Tbe officer aaM he beard a gun- tion Battalion of tbe »th Infanfhot and atepped taatde and try DtvUon at Ft. Riley.

Now, at your favorite ofBoe supplier you £^et


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itket ae*i«.

39 j eeaeaee

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Stall I rfeOd. ' aaa

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ill pens FSE^!

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of 50 ..........9

ine. wiSToas rrwairaa m- ibc.

SPECML NOTICE TO TELEPHWE CUSTOMERS IN TORNRDO-DAMAGED RREIIS There is no need to call -Repair Service to inquire


SI .10

MAY Oeederent Pcdl


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Anyone wishing to have service installed at a now address, or moved temporarily, should call the tele­

Your patience and cooperation during this emer­ gency is appreciated.




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The adjustment will be made automatically on future

UPak ISbentI SAID Live u4 Zna tka ICmI Derail Tava Caielrr Srlawa by nrbvlaw. team

Or. Scholi't Zine-Pedc, qyickty relieve end rat ceft cemc between teat: $e cure to eck for thre elal cite. 43c boxei.

phone business office, CEntral 6-9911.

telephone bills. You do not need to call the business office -to inquire about tliese adjustments.


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restoration of all affected telephones by Wednesday.


q r 150

rjiS.'SS. •• »« X MW ar went.


as possible. There are 816 men from Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri working on the job. We hope to complete

ers wjll not be charged tor the time service was inter­

.. Cl fotvtaiVc Lew PI


about your telephone. We are restoring service as fast

The Telephone Company will adjust bills so subscrib­




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A s, Red Sox Exchange Trios; KC Snares Split KC Adds Gosger no cash wu involved. Sanders wu in the A's organiution until last November when he wu dratted by the Red Sox from Vancouver of the Pa­ cific Coast Leagoo. Sanders 8-6 with Vancouver last year and posted an M record with the A's in IKi He had a M record with Boston. The acspiWUon of Grilli gives the A’s two left-handed pitchers. Paul Undbled. who suited Monday night's second game, wu Kanau Qty’s only south­ paw before the swap. Grim, who wu with the Red Sox for a abort time, is current­ ly with Toronto where he had

It wu Ices than two weeks ago that the Red Sox traded their one-time ace reliever. Dick Radatx, to Cleveland for pUcberi Lee Strange and Don

By BOB HARTZELL Capital Sports Writer KANSAS CITY - Jim (Cat­ fish) Hunter stopped MinnesoU on seven hits and drove in three runs as Kansu Oty whipped the Twins 5-2 in the first game of a twi-night Monday nighL But the Twins came roaring back in the second game, bluU ing A s starter Paul Undblad for 11 hits and five runs In the first five innings for a 6-1 victory before 1S.416 fans. Put Player In the opener. Hunter struck Tartabull, 26. is considered out ODiy four battm, but two of one of the fastest men in the the strike outs - Harmon KiUeAmerican League. The Cubai brew in the sixth inning and native is batting. .238. He had Tuiy Oliva in tbe eighth been with the Athletics since came in key situations. 1963. The victory wu Hunter's lOth Sheidon. an old Red Sox nemi- in a row over a two-year span sis, is 29. The former University iT Municipal Stadium and of Connecticut star sUrted with leveled his season Record at M, the New York Yaokeu and wu Bat Boms traded to K8nsU Oty in 196. Hunter also played a big role He bad a 4-7 record with the in the A's lO-hil attack. His Athletics this season. the A's The uade. rumored for sever­ ngled to al days, wu announced just 48 mal r -------.--J—night’s the sixth inning. The A's scored four timw in trading deadUne. The trade is the third by the the. second on a single by Athletics in the last 16 days. Danny Cater, walks to Larry Involving a UUI of 13 playen. Stahl and Phill Roof, a swing­ Ed Lopat. Athletics' executive ing bunt single by Ernie Fazio vice president, said Gosger was and Hunter's double. Hunter -tun nm »v Km am -help with the double the key player in the trade u the A's cOTtlnoe to iK^r their when Oiiva fumbled the ball in If wu builBesi u osuai-weD. almett-at tbe Kansu Stale centerfleld. outfield. High Sebooi Activities Aisa. boJUJiig Meoday. Nelsm HartKansu City scored another Ban wu in tbe procets of boarding op wtndewi while seeReUelUM run in the sixth on singles by retary Mrs. Virgil Ault helped him with a teiephoue call. GriUi will be recalled by Roof. Hunter and Campy CamAthletics tmmedUtely, and pat said he would be used In paneris. Reicfiardt to Miss Three*Gome Series Whiffs Help relief. "Gosger Is a kid who looks Minnesota tallied one run in CHICAGO (API - The Cali-lourielder, Rick Reiehardl. durlike he hu gwt poUntlal,” Lo- tbe sixth on consecutive singles irnia Angels will be without the {ing a fhree-game aeries with the pat said. ' •He’s the bear-down by Rich Rollins, Oliva and Don Services of Ihrir slugging ronkie 'Chicago While Sox. type who im Impressu you with his Mlcher with hustle. He should be a good one Hunter got out-of the jam by fanning KUlibrew and forcing in time. "Sanden hu only average Jimmy HaU to bit into a fieldstutf.'.' contlnaed. "But he •■a choice. bu a Wt of guts. He can work a Mincher, who collected three lot and be should help our buH- of the Twins' seven biU. also drove in MinnesoU’s other run said the Athletics al­ with a single in the eighth Inotr cest “ most got Grim In tbe draft lut doritle. Jim Perry limited the A's to Bua bftea six hits in the nightcap to pidk Right DOW GrilU hu an MU Anwrica Fdr OreuiUs erage fast baU,” Lopat said. up his tacond victory without a

WyaU, SI. set a major league ecord with 81 reUef aw' ances in 1984, but Eddie Pi of the Chicago White Sox Ted Abernathy of the Chicago Cubs eclipsed that mark lut seuon with SZ and M appeB^ ances, rupectively. WyaU, a 6-loot right-hander u been in organized ball since

an S-2 record last season and M this year with the M a p I e Leaf. G<»gar hit .SSI with the Red Sox lut year and currently is


A YEAR AGO SUNDAY. GRIBR JO^ STUMBLED around MUbura Country Qub In Kansu Oty like a uUor OD weekend leave. He punished his golf ball (80 Umu) and himself. After the morning 18 oC the State Amateur finals, be Sunday at Shawnee Country aub. the 20-year-oId Wichlun breezed through the morning round in <8, three under par. Left wobbling four down In his wake wu Monty Kaser. The obvious coocltarion was a year's experience, much of it spent on the practice tee at Oklahoma SUIe. bad erased nervousneu. At Milbum. Jonu looted like he wu in a hurry all over but couldn’t get sUrted. At Shawnee, he didn't ap­ pear nervous. Right? "Wfoog,” corrected Grier. "That wu the difference. At Milbum, 1 wasn't nervou. I wu loggy. dead, chuldn't think. . « H«v. 1 wa« aerveu.1 p^i^beUtr wbu I'm nenwa.*' •' GRIER KNEW AT 1:38 A.M. SUNDAY HE PROBABLY would Id play well. “That's when I woke up.” be nil “I know whenn I al^ late I'm not keyed up." Sleepliv. Sleqdi«. inddentally. incideotally. wu ooe of Grier's problems. He arrived in Topeka late Monday. He wu supposed to stay with a friend of a friend. But there wu no air condltioiilng. Grier bu asthma. It’s almost bnpossibte for him to sleep wHbogt air conditioning. "About 11 o’clock we sUrted looking tor a room," he said. "We coiddn't r>nd a thing. We decided U go U another pike wu Admire. “But heck, " laughed Jonu, ' e couldn't even find a town there.” Jona returned to Topdca about 1:15 a.m., located a room on lower Kan|u Ave. Yep. it had air cudlUoning. THE NEXT DAY. JONES MOVED BVTO A NORTH TOpeka motel along with five otbe- young golfers — Jamie Thompson. Steve Hamilton. Dick Loi^, Joe Dudley and Steve Knapp. “Wasn't bad at all." said Jones. “We bad two double beds and two singles." Grier won one of tbe single beds in a gin rummy tourpa, meet with his roomis. He iidgbt-bave won the tourney then, ' loo. When Jonu wasn’t on tbe course, be wu in that single bed. Well, that's not-quite true. There wu ooe JtWninute span be spent locked in a closet — when the tornado hH. POR ms EFFORTS HERS. JONES PICKED UP A TROy u taU u he Is. Be p4dud up important, confldenn. Actually, Sw confidence came earlier but this wu the first manifestation. “Ail of a sudden a couple of weeks ago. I slarte good d when I stood over the tbe ball," he said. “I just fell like 1 knew where I wu going to hit it. It might be be8h 8 fwt ar 20 feet sway, but I knew where it whs going.” This wu evident u be beat Kaser. 8 and 7. Jones piayeo beautifully. He had six Urdws in 29 ho1u. And his ball conststently nestled within birdie range. He mlsud only two of 29 greets. He mlsaed birdie tries of 4. 7.12, and 12 feet “It’s klnda hard to describe." Jam canfinued. “But I'd step np to tbe ball, tike that l-inm on seven or the 3-iron on 17, and feel good about hitting it 1 fell good all day." Other sUte golfers may not feel so good. This >-oung man will be around for quite a while. _____

Cowpokes Fall To Ohio Slate OMAHA, Neb. (AP) Secondnnked Ohio SUte recrived an 11-Urikeout flve4ilt job from Its No. 3 pitcher. Mtte Swain, but needed help from ace Steve ArliD to beet Oklahoma State 42 Monday night in tbe college world aeries first round. Top-ranked Southern Califor­ nia beat NoEth Carolina 6-2 twbind John Stewart in the other evening game before 7.893 fans. Ohio State Coach Marty Ka­ rov gambled, hoping to uve Arlin for a Tuesday right show­ down wHK use. Ha stOl is tbe Urely-sUfter. The-winner-wffl twve the inside track for tbe NCAAcrovBi.

851‘iS., .

CaHish Holds Twins to S^n Hits in Opener

battUig .M with II runs batted

KANSAS CITY (S«f) - TV Kansu Qtj Athletics traded pildiers RoIIie Sheldon and WyaU and Mtfielda' IVaiabull to the Boston Red Sox Monday night for pitchers Ken Sanders and Quido GrilU and ouUielder Jim Gosger. A's omcials said H «su a

Facilities Feel Brunt of Storm


By DICK FENSLER Topeka’s high school and laying on the desks were lost. college athletic family came “We probably ' through WedMsday’s tonado malt we-u never know abouL" without any ptmlcal Injary, be sakL although a number of homes, There will oe no curtail­ buildtAgs and automobllu ment of the K5HSAA summer were damaged. programs — the student coun­ The greatest loss wu at the cil workshop, the Kay and Kansu Stale High School Ac­ Kayette camps or the coach­ tivities Assn, building at 1300 ing school. Topeka. andatWashburn Also surviving tbe storm Univenity. , wu the offset printing equip­ Arnold the iiidiriduals suf- ment in tbe basement. ^ Nring property damage were "We'll be barind in some of Bill While, East Topeka Jun- our printii rinting, due to cleanup and repain." Durbin jriis Junior High coach; said Clint Laycock. Holiday Junior Durbin added the furniture High coach; Glen Long. Crane in the rroeption ro«n in the Juniij......................................... Junior High coach, and Larry front of the building was R-id..Topeka High football blown out the rear of the coach. While and Long re­ structure, “but some furni­ ceived the most damage. ture from the IBM building Repairs SUrted across the street blew in and replaced ours." rdon Stautie Wuhbum basketbal Al Wuhburn. damage to will have to wait for repairs Whiting Fieldhouse was lim­ before be can move into the ited to the roof and glass, but home he rented at 1608 Mul- Sunday's heavy rains added vane. Tbe roof was blown off, water damage to the list. but repain are underway. Tbe stadium wDi be among Brice Durbin, executive tec- the many problems facing reiary of the KSHSAA, re­ Washburn offtdaU.. ports the damage there is not Both press boxa ire gone, as bad as wu first feared. all the light poles are down, “Tha damage is coofised and most of the seats will to the fint floor." be said, have to be replaced in Moon "with most of it consisting of Bowl. Also missing are tbe the furnishings. The building is sound, structurally, and we slandT tl just have to replace tJ The golf course received nf and rear. . . heavy da.mage, both to Uie “The building wu buiit of trees and turf. reinforced concrete and w a a At Manhattan, the Kansu well • constructed, u t h i s Slate athletic department re­ storm proved,” ceived no damage. The homes Only a few records were of football Coach Doug Weav­ lo.1t. Durbin reported. All the er and baseball Coach Bob filing cabinets survived in­ Bruher were heavily dam­ tact. and only those papers aged but are repairable.

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boat around long enough that he knows how to pitrii. We need left-handed retiever and v Uiink tUs guy can do a Job for us." Oty fau have been riding WyaU this year, booiiig Urn extensively. Lopat aaid be believu a Wya ill be more effective with tl - Red Sox "There definitely is notMng wrODg with John's arm," said. ‘T think a change of scen­ ery b the best thing for John. He's of little us because it seems to me his heart is gone. I Qilnk.................................... affected -Whether be dou beuer at _MtaR depends on bow be reacU mentally. He stlD has the stoS to be an eHecUve pitcher.’'

(Agrieriror* BuMIitq)

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MiSTATt iNTjwce douvAim. MM ottKm ptaae. u.

Brandt Fuels Sweep In New Phillie Role

Form Chart

Siebert Could Duplicate

Cards Gain

Vander Meer Feat Tonight / (AP) keep aevfetaiid in Ihe pennant CLEVELAND

Babe Rufh Leogue ,MK av»«4 1».

Bird Wind Seal. Shingles D0M7 RIP OPR

Wednesday is the ZSth anniver­ race, and Sopny doesn’t plan to sary of Johimy Vaoder Meer’s rest on bis laurrii. adtievenent of a feat thus far “A tat of fellas who throw nouidqoe in mafer league baseball hitters fade," Siebert said. - the plteblng of two consecu­ “Maybe they try too bard for another. I'm Jtut to try to tive no-hitlers. NATIONAL LEAGUE the way I always did.” On the eve of the anniversary pitch The pattern Siebert menttanod - Tuesdsy night - Oeveland's hasn't held, for Los Angeles, NEW YORK (AP) - Lt Sonny Siebert win pilch here, Brock rapped two ilii|^ and vdth a chance to match the deed Sandy Koufax has bad aodiltters ONE triple, touching off ruMcoring which eatapuitad the tamer In each of the last four saamns 5 R SEASON for a league record. , innings with esch hit, as the SL ClneiimaU Reds Ml-bander to s Ner did it hold tar Vander WWi liOtlB*”* “ ROMES LouU Cardinals beat the New ^e among the game's IrnmorHMT ytn »i. r la«H >• Meer. who had a IVIO recoH lo Cl 44tu **, >-4 York MeU VI Monday night (or I '“i. ■; 8, Ms doublfrOoJiit year, and IPanf to ase Pwff a split of their doubleheader. Siebert. a JVyear-old right­ The Mats Tran the twUlpt hander whose VO viclory ovs 13 in 1941 game VJ on Bob Taylor’s threo- Washington Friday night wu V lauit m tttm rm IlMIKl XI. •«»>. run bomer and the fivfrU the season's first noJJitter, will A<wK> Ml w HiniMKn n»M Ml. 4 44 e.m. pitching of Bob Shaw, who wtj pitch in a twilight game against Cixctown OMHxry 4-t) it PmfavrW> making his New York drtuL IFrvfw *11. *:» »m. CHICAGO (AP) - Don Bu­ Brock beat out a bunt in the the Boston Red Sox. He.'i faced iiiiuiic lo<4A«r Ml «l LM *MiHi PHILADELPHIA (AP) them only once this season - on ford drove in four runs with a jMk Brandt, uaed matnly as a first inning of the nightcap and April 15 as a reliever. He aV Che* iMt^i m, 1 »j<t single and a three-nm double laUKlmring defensive replace­ stole second but*was thrown out AMERICAN LEAGUE Monday nlghL leading the Chi­ rounding third after a torcoplay taired two-Uts and three un-| ment, aockeid a homer and i cago White Sox and Jack Lam- at sectmd. Ttta Fraacona then earned runs in two innings. triple that triggered Phlladelabe lo a VI victory over Califor­ drove in the first St Louis ran Siriiert U VS In his third sea­ phia to a M victory over Allasson Trilb the Indians and has a{ nia In the first game of a dou- Tritb a single. ta and a sweep of a twf-nVtt JACK BRANDT J.O-earned run average for 831-; bleheader. Scrs ? !’ , . gets aew nit 3 Innings. He and Sus HcDow-| Jerry Adair, acquired from ■MMi'otT It " :£ I* phillies won the flrsl ell are the starters Manager! Balttmore Sunday In a trade for game U, behind Ihc four-hit Blidle Tebbetts is coonung on to rdlever Eddie Plsher, chipped pitching of Larry Jackaon. In with two bits and scored a Brandt, starting his i teiiai 41 ciMiMS. *M. lx n* »<■>• run as the WUte Sox ended a game In the last 15, slammed five-game taring ifreak. j Ms first home run of the season Ltmabo, beaten 1-0 by the MtxxMll IMM4I M. ■ W-HU CD for a 1-0 lead In the third Mning Angels and George Brunet last of the nlghicep end tr^>led we^ gave up only five Mis and hone the first Uily In a five-mn POLICY HOLDERS M, « P..-. picked up bis fourth vjetory In fifth that Iced the game. six deelitans. FOR AS LITTLE AS r cvvvlixd (Tltffl Starts WHb Slagle ARE Buford tingled bann a run In ■X I.Il w Mliw Bobby Wine singled to open tte first timing and then deUvlbs PhUUes* big filth and rode INTERNATIONAL a bmes-dear' ' OEHIRR A6T10R Ims. Rollins led the Twlu with home on Brandfi triple. Twy four faiU, three of them donsecond, breaking a 1-1 fie ..«K ‘ Taylor singled home Brandt. A and putting flte Sox ahead VI. STt!' V,11U r... walk, Rich Allen’s two-njn dou­ bles. 4brntl ble and a single by Harvey ■n» Twins acored once in the ^ PACme COACT I cf 4 I « A Result of the tomsdo first innlog on singles by Benins _____ IV 4 IS .. N 4S I4 ■ UUIT» HONO*r ■■ti Kueim scored three more. I s rwM X Iss0 which struck Topeks, Oay Dalrymple slugged a and Oltva and a fielders cbMeo JKIS ' BS ij» ............................ 0 -/'I. ■■ ««vl4n4 C 44 IB BB MBV X I IB Federsteii’s (Dttsuftropbe by KlUebrew. Kansas Qty tied homer and a tingle, driving In Bl SkBwnn IB IBIS 1*144^1 VlSSTl 4 three runs u the Phinies won it in the last half of the tuning II i4ecm> n i b b * Plan went into efect im80U1BERN LEAGUE u Campaneris singled, went to the opener brtiind JKkson. meditely. , !:k.“h B B UvniM B 111 pltcWng for the first lime since second on a wIM pitch and he suffered a muscle pull In bis moved the rest of the WatxBrx 1 I ssmjixSf*: '• A team of adjustors is MW»«i4 (•tHnui*. M-. treund on a pair of ground right leg 17 days ago. I I«4ii4n*r » BBSB Or»x c on the scene giving Ser­ TEXAS LEAGUE Jackm held Ihe Braves hk- The Twins regained the lead Bl I IBB BBB■ IWVTI MONMT vice to Federated Policy I B I IBB BBIlev until Rico Carty singled in In tbs third on a tingle by To­ *rk«Rt«* i. tl *«• I. ■—BnxM. ov-CsaiinlB I. LOSI t. MMlIIII ) \ Holders. the fifth. var. a double by RoUlni and a C4IHWM4 a OkiBB a n inHfi. Wvtl »L *4Mm'>R fielders choice by Oliva. T h e y kotir. H a cess I* When your property is irrtpped It up with three more IwntV IL. *41 1 r 4 S I KFL offers you s choice . ABB BBB BlB— f*«t«ck4t 41 wiitrtvni. 4M.. r*W. 4tM 1 9 111 In the fifth on a double by Roldamaged yau want ac­ w>iM4mi*4n II. eitn«4W i. ,~ of automatic electric jnrdligbti llni, liDgle by OUva, iralk to inHn a TiHi a I tion from your insurance Bob Allism and ilnglei by Beriacludisg normal ingixliaHnn company and that ia —■ !!!! City League Softball W*fhB»ni .....tW.HI ...J< ^ I t Federated Policy —for aa low as I1.9S per mon& CMsJr The A'a wind up tbeir twoteiUlTS MONMV Holders are getting. day borne stand at 7 pjn. Tues­ For complete information call your i*« oii««'»* ' day. tending OuKfc Doboon (V 0«4tW FEDERATED B«preMto41 to the mound agilnsl the *> C»» V4r»-j 4uJI>, V4(l T Ol nearest 1CFL office. ¥1. 4*Ol44« M4>IVI l;ia ....... Co^PaHvoMl Spots ttves are eeoUetlng tMr Twins' Dave Boswen (VO. » n i4> peIXy bettors.-whom they '’*V*0*rS3'7tri2r -7 p.m. S4XI4 Ft AB­ >4 ••• 44< I M-> IT VNitni 1:11. Vtiirr t are la afTeeted arc*. M44I4 . *t I •• I «»4-4 KANSAS CITY (AP) - The wT ”r Kansas Qly Athletics today a U yea are a FaSerated PeBcy LIXl. T4444. ja-AIWSuburban League Dounred the ligntng of Regg JS-t.T4r»r. HK-04lrrm4<4 III. Holder aad have net beea Jackson, their No. 1 dri iv Hatea to eowtacted by one of ear rep'bum choice, for . , i-ST'.-"”’ . IS? J j ! reaeataUvra. r spAa UTE Jackson, a liar outA^r for S'X. *. i i i Arlsona SUle, wiU be sent lo t.j4C4H>< 1W.4SI * '4 1 I For larrer arcaa the team's Lewiston. Idaho, ^Hsr-i» cwiiww (oo«4i.ii. you may wish farm club. STUNT* PHILAOSkSNIS^ to rent a Space Ute Ed Lopat, executive vice pres­ *l4»4« W* Y1*1 TTWNr X FEDERATED INS. ident of the chdi. said the Lewis­ forailowai*^^ ton club will begin traininc In Ckataa omw a few days and Ja<^son will be under observation there before a nul decision is made as to • ISIS tSiW K where be will play. MM AnMrica Roc# 004II » ISIS StM S Plume CE 44558 Troek

:(sa. rrS'^ S R

Jackson Holds Foe lo 4 Hits In First Game



m ffiT


Buford Sparks (Jisoxto5-1 i’^ln Over Cal


Hunter Fires


,Hbb«*:?!! isss:- :;:

A's to First


Gome Win

PROWXtERS DON’T X.IKE: Z.I6HT Protect your liozne with a, YARD1.IGHT



- -/.r.

i ii


iE.'1 iiiiS." iiii

No. 1 Draftee Signs With A's

• • •'



Late Baseball



Board Hopes

srs-ii'.'.ia.’ srr ;;!iss.:.. !


June 17th

SVi!!!^: ij To End Fuss

See Any KPL Employee

Over Track

Farm Odor

NEW YORK (AP) - The fiveman aibltraiion board appoint­ ed by Vice President Hubert ^iv'’' H NIKSSW Humphrey meets here WedneaIV,*4 ' , ■ i i i V i <>«y •«* ** ^*“*’'* ““

To Fill Air KANSAS CITY (API-Munic­ ipal Stadium will have a (anh - smell next Seturday night in prim and contesU. It WiU be Parmen Nigbt as the Athletics host the CaUfomia Angela. Topping off the competition will br a hog-calling coolest t»tween Ken Suares, A't catdier, and Howie Reed. Angela* pHeher. Lsler the two will compete in I greased pig cBlchlag eon-

'si i i i jOTTBSSeSu^tteNi -



ttonal Collegiate Athletic Asso­ A wM aew in .irtda.v reercitiBS to*i8"»d t«r fReri*ciation. Dw Istwt fuss between the Bucs 5, Redlegs4 AAU and the NCAA erupted li cM Ih. tlirill. .ed ehllli .1 W| <4ve. k.Mira', on the eve of 1 byl »c«4. W. rcitB-dav'c ctieetRV.x »Bf BedBy. PITTSBURGH (AP) - RoV Thursday NCAA-ba<4ed U.S. Track and erto Clemente hit a fiirte-run Field Federation national meet OiBvk Wlldlit. Club eO.r, «.■, »b» kvitov. B trip bBck le liiee. homo cS reliever BiOy MeCooI at Terre Haute, Ind. Prl.4t4 »*ll->«4«k*d Ick.l »itb ill tlx htk bbHtb te lb# arte. In the rigbth inning, lining CUfiord Buck, preakient of the Stalk 4v>d kiU »IU been. Oi.rk ••Bivt.i. tech. wlUuh eto cad «h4X4t 4tre*mi la all the Pittsborgb to • V4 victory over AAU, dadarod But unlau the ure>T*i. n>4 ki« e Dieilt. CinctanaH Monday nl^L. USTFF affiled (or. an AAU A teieMv't BBiadiie! CeevRleW (acllltle* leclede a fixl clati Tbataei was the Reds' !4th.ln sanction fix i..... alfftrlp. their last 18 gamea. ■1 Tern Hanta would became Tb!. )■ 4 Rri..t. ..Rbcxhle clib bW keetan will be Babitri McCooI replaced starter Joey ineUglhla for the AAU national te Arkiniet van* faTuIatioui. Jav alter Matty Alou walked ..................... New York DON’T DELAY — DO IT TODAY! and went to second on Gm Al­ June 3V38. The AAU dtamfdonships serve u ttw bull of qutUley's single. Fee Ie<ene4tiee. witbeet ebllsifleii. write fleation of the United SUtu aementa wu the first McCool faced, and the Pirate team ihst will oppow RustU in P. O. Box 110A Tepoks. Kmnoa star belted a 1-3 pitch into the a dual meet at Los Angeles July upper right field stands lor his IV24. NEW YORK (AP) - Two ninth homer. Clatwnti hit only chinges Itl the method of pic 10 homera tut saaion. BimBUNOH i CINCCNMATI BITTINI i-e tbe-participanls in the A Star basrbai) game to be play July 12 ai St. Louis were ank r'lV Itlewxiti'e »«1|1 _ ti-ju-K-ed Monday by the ofllce of i'.: iiiJKii,. 5:;j, Commissioner WiUlani D. Eck,en. , Instead of voting tor oulXieldkrs by posiUm. the players Trill tote for the three top outfielders id their league. Thus three < Iff fxlders could be named. , BBt BliBBe-4 IBI eta B 14-1 Starting in 1968 the manager of the Ail-Siar tMm will have e^.*^ ®oS!o5iSIiti »! the managers of Ihe teams^r 4 ■B-CevaenM NN-etM If you hov#,4mff«*d sny fenrado less, eentecf finished second and third in thej'*’'"'le H aa*a| previous year as bis coaches, your ogtfit at once. A dbesttr effk* Is set up te Ballots were senl ool Monday *•’ to the plsyen who wall vc^e oh'mv«*4"* handle oH claims. It b the respoRsMDty ef the the starling line-ups. property owner te mdte repairs that will prevent

Star Game


Changes Set


■~ :


Policyholders of Hie Preferred Fire Insurance Co.

m '■



Commercial Credit


IM THIS TIME OF EMERGENCY Commarcial Cndit ia extremtly anxioui to bt of awviM to its customers. Whether you are financing an anfomobile, a truck or a refrigerator, telv viaioD or acoM ether appliance under the Commercial Credit Plan, or whether you have a toen or want to arrs^ a tann. we want to help you durtog thia time of finandal strain. Whether you teed some extra time on a payment that is due qr will be due

aoao ... or whether yon want to re­ duce the aize of your monthly pay­ ments during this period of extra expense ... or whether you have tart your records and want a duplicate let ing by and ready to cooperate. Ctuna in or phone the nearest ofica below.


such repairs ere considered pert ef your insur­ ance claim. Please keep accurate recer^ef these-— expenses. The Piefened Hre Insuraece Cenpoty oisuies yen riMt claims wfl be bimdled os quIeUy


further property domege. Reeseneble costs ter

Special emergency assistance

os pessMe and peywents mode prompriy.


T4l.plw.. O? 5JS3J3

W4-ra SIB h BwImh AV Our Rupulor LeeuHMi

KC Gals Rate Favorite Role

Doctor Finds Heart Block In Olympians

Gentile Fumes/ May Quit Game

NBA Television S«r HOLLYWOOT), Calif. (AP) National BatkMball AsucUtion games will be televiaed natiooaliy again next season by ABC.

HOUSTON (APl-The Houston Asiros assigned Jim Gentile HANNOVER. Germany (AP) to Oklahoma City Monday but the veteran Drat baseman with Wichita has the largest tesU cf m alUetas the exploding temper indicaled he might <|ttit baseball rather group entered, 30. Wichllans -Medical who partklpited in the 1964 To­ than report to the minor league club. dominated the event from kyo Olympics have revealed Astro Manager Grady Hatton said Gentile is "■ bad taifhi195J through 190. winning that almost to per cem suffered i" on the dub and "he's not going to play for m nine of the 11 UUes thanks to from a chronic cardiac disturb­ Gentile. 33. wu Informed of the efforts of Judy Bell. Na- ance known u intermlUent ly after be wu kicked out of the tasha Matson and Jackie heart blodt. game between Houston and the Dack, Dr. Joseph B. Wolffe. chair­ Chicago Cubs for tossing his bat But the Air Capital has man of the Olympic Medical toward plate umpire Ed Vargo. failed to prodoceya^Hnalist in Archives Committee, said Mon- ■'ll looks like this to it” Gen­ the put throe ynrs. diy that the disturbance found tile said. "I'm going home." Leading the (bt of threats in 74 of the athletes h His home is in Castro Valley. besides the Kansu Gtlans parent effect on their perform­ Calif. mentlfloed are Tillle Becker ances at the games. National League President of Topeka, a fouMime Sute WoUfe disclosed be find) Warren C. Giles ordered a fiveWomen’s champion; Blaine the 16th World Congres; day suspension for Gentile and Brady of Topeka. 1957 runner- Sports Medicine. The five-day Imposed a S3S0 fine for the inclup and runnerup in the Tope­ congress opened Sunday with ka City Women's tourney last 1200 sports physicians from Belinsky, who asked to be trad­ year: former Topeka City nations In registered attend­ ports ed or sent to the minors, got Ids Women's tlUist Gale Curtis; ance. ally ___ wish Monday u the PhlladelPower Cushion Original Equipment 1964 runnerup Joan Ashley of Pllon, premdent of the National No aiBica] Evidence a PtriDles sent the left-hand"New Car" Tires, Slightly Used, E^ertly Chairate; Marge Allot of Cha- Wolffe, who is with the V Association (minor leagues! and pitcher to their San Diego nute; Dorothy Graham ol El Forge Medical Center Reconditioned! 75S or more original Dewey Soriano, president of the iarm dub in the Pacinc Chut Dorado and former Stote Jun- Heart Hospital at Norristown. Pacifle Coast League. League on 24 boor recail. tread depth remaining ior Girls winner Karen Kees- Pa., said none of the 74 showed Giles said Gentile made “of- Belinsky, who wu 6-3 this any clinical evidence of organic season and had started heart disease. Intermittent game, came to the PhIDIes Dec. heart block, he said, is congenl4. 1964, from Los Angeles to d by irreguU1 and d................... deal for first baseman Costen Astros Would Deal tbe heart Gentile wu officially auigned Shockley and pitcher Rudy lar contraction chambers. to Oklahoma City, an Astro May. Heart block, he said, can only farm club in the Pacific Cout optioning of Belinsky League. But Hatton said If any means all the players involved n and manifests itself league club wanu him In the desj are out of the maStw major Houston is ready to make a ors. Shockley quit baseball and effects. day wu sent to thejninors. deal. - The disabling BALTIMORE SAN FRANCISCO (AP) As recently u ten years ago. "I went along with him u Belinsky won four and lost Ik and Wolffe San Ftandsco’s Gaylord Perry told a newman. physi­ long u I could but I'm noLgoIng nine to 196S for the Phitlles, made Us first start tat 10 days FORT SMITH, Ark. (AP cians viewed the symptoms to put up with his stuff any­ eompiltog an eartted run aver­ with homers Monday ni^t UtoStf and g«ve «) only three Mrs. Donna Gilliam of Whit serious and in some cases adage of 4.83. He spent part of the said. Uto in aeven innings u the :allf.. wife of a golf pro, set a the Baltimore Oriolea crushed vised a decrease in activity. But more,” Hatton want to keep him oul season sidelined with a rib to-| Giants beat the CUcago Cubs ilistorlng pace in the qualifying the New York Yankees 64 be­ It hu been found that palpita­ of ■Tthedon't majors U anyone wants Jury. hind the three^iit pitching of tions ore experienced less round of the Trans-MiisUslppI PhUlies purchased Ed him. But he's not going to Perry, who w« on the disa­ Women’s Amateur Golf Tooma- Jim Palmer and Eddie Watt. quently when a person engages for me. If I’m going to lose, Roebuck from Ssn Diego Sun­ bled list fOr U dayi with a bad ment Monday and took medalist Frank Robinson connecled in sports. Wolffe said. not going to lose with players day and recently brought Roger with two runners ^oard in the ankle, gave way to Lindy Me- honors with a l-nnder-par 71. StiU Under Study Craig off Ihe injured reserve list put ttieir own feelings third inning off loser Ai Down- The heart block Danid in the and the ling one pitcher on tiie staff above that of the team. It's hard Cub relievor eoimiieted the Mrs. Gilliam had three birdies is still under study, WoUfe told eiwugh to try to keep endable. It wu Belinsky. and two bogies over the 6,900- il to 16. dnteoL tho congress. He added that, fired up without having the add AtterVWDHe MeCovey hU a ;yard Hardscrabble Country with the recent formation of the ed burden of people who thirJe k> n»i icrhbl acdo homer in the second, the Qub course to lead the way into < 1 1 a Olympic Medical Ardiives and }■> ] 0 1 « AMrl only of themselves. IB 4 0 1 I Giants jumped on starter Ernie Ittesday’s opening round of r1 4 I I a the ‘‘accumulalion of reliable Uarrisoo Recalled match play competition. BrogUo and-relievar Ferguson life-loog medical records "It's true Jim hu been help­ JenkteWsix runs in the third ■ Mrs GOIlam had a 1-over-par Olympic conleslants. a vul res­ ing us some. But 1 believe his nt Ik 4 t • a 37 on the front nine and 2-under eSmm 'e 4 a a a D « »4 I la ervoir of material would be after two «its. over-all attitude is a bad In­ .,1, $150 more onto Brown ci?iped the upris- 34 coming to. She birdied No. 10 : 4a 1 I available upon which author­ fluence on some of the young­ a I ai IM with a ftnoHma double, his and had a 15-toot puU for a a I aa itative t^iinions may be ba*ed." sters on the club. We don’t want !!!!’. NO MONEY DOWN-NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED first of (be seaaaa, but wu birdie on IS. Her husband. Lew, Mk aaae » nte archives first sUtlstical to ruin them. They're too good ••JIMiO” IT Ufl^ Buy 6 for ta UtUa aa $1J5 weekly to Ihe pro at Brookside GoU thrown out for the third out report bu been compiled based prospects." aUARANTEED trying to stretdi it Into ■ triple. Course in Pasadena, Calif. on the study of 1,131 athletes Chuck Harrison has been ........... aaaaiisi^a II 4Ar uttd P4l4*ns*f (114. I04nusw an ouf ™c»r« H (Mins SuatjaI*** Perry startad the rally with a Mrs. James Gay of Atlanta, from 33 nations who partlci- called (tom Oklahoma City to «lcha_rM OaMiWf. (•ill «t 4 fMult s4 4»y nennil «kM hAurd within U montht «l pimhtM •-rLgt single and mooed to aecood on Ga., fired a 75 while Mrs. I paud to the Tokyo Olympics. take Gentlle'a place and wu In 4414, uun 4 pn> nl4 4llo»ine» ptf month U44d on toUlng prteo wIS M S. HSLas GaWsbon’s twoout dngle. Roib Synu of Hollywood. m liai. L- Tlie total lodudes Ihe 7n whose the line-up Monday Bight when moot W tho Miior lowknl tho purchaaa ettnj ntw Qee«ri44 tiie. Willie Hays ilngled in one run bad a 77. Mrs. Syms bad v electrocardiograms were anal- the Astros played Los Angeles. le H at* SB so before MeOovey wu walked to the North and South Amateur yied. 4 4 4 4 : S Harrison, 25. almort beat oul load ttw basea. and Southern Women's Amateur eSnSr (w.a-ai ■I j ‘a;: s Another 15 nations have since Gentile for the ftral base Job this year. I a- a a 4 oined the project, which this spring. He hu bit 74 borne lelng conducted by volunteers runs to the minor leagues the from the participating countries Tigers 4, Senators 3 with the cooperation of the In­ 1»----ternationa! Olympics Commit- two minor league pUyera to Hunloon oul Goqt CR 2.4280 Ktimwrttl DETROIT (AP) Eighth♦ia->a llm lUben Kansas City lut year for Gen­ tile. He bad a batting average of SAGE SHOPPING CENTER n » I e»l Li *i-3a-n Brown's sacrifice fly gave the times and future Olympic par- J44 this seasOD. with seven home runs and IS runs batted ia.4i_aa Dtlroit Tigers a 4-3 victory over CamW 0*ir ipants will be included in the in. RWrla AIMai Washington Monday night. The project. JlWjrt" A1W loss wu the eighth straight (or Dr. Herbert Betodell. presi­ Gentile hu spent seven years to toe major leagues, to three the Senators. dent of the 16th World Congas years at Baltimor* be bit US WAtHlNOTOH C4'ki SolarSn for Sports Medlotoe, said he did home runs and drove In 300 Mri. J. J. Fr» L.W., H«. WCMW <111. not expect anyone ever would -la M4*na three-mtoute mile, Gentile already hu passed present world record, thttmtfi wtoven without bring held by France’s Michael Jny. claimed by other major league Ptm <w.m: U 3:53.60. clubs, and Houiten wu free to T—1:11. A- r.lSL He did predict some sli^t make the OUaboma Gty as­ current SSIT.'ltltSS*. !!! records and a breadatog of toe signment. fWfield of athletes able to reach ejected ) the sixth toning of To assist owners of Metropolitan Life policies residing in standing records. ffi: ::!! Sunday’s game u Houston daLMk cl 1 I I i areas affected by the tornado, the Company makes the feated O Girls Softball NRA Drops Award following announcements: WASHINGTON (AP) - The . 0^~0rmn I LOS•. PITTSBURG (AP) -Bffl Rus- V. M4MW1 N. Homwrti Hills IL Ottrtit t. »-Wlc»4f>k4<i National Rifle Association an­ leO, 17, leading scorer on Pitts­ emw T-atrtfi n. eiunTwnwr 4. nounced Monday night it is burg High School buketbaB dropping its annual trophy OAMU TVUOAV loam laA season, hu signed a award for polar bear to help pnfesstonal basebaU contract protect the dwtodling population ^*!IoS3?aS;5 with the Los Angeles Dodgers of of the big-game animal. the National League. Policy owners who are prevented from paying premiums Russen wtD repeat to the Og­ on Ufa or Hospital insurance on time because of the tor­ den, Utah, team of the CUu A Pioneer League this week. He nado conditions will be granted an additional 31 days for hu been an OBtSelder with the the payment of the premiums. This liberalization applies PUtoborg Jonkir American Le^ te«B. when the regular grace period for the.:policy expires be­ BnseO wu rqxrtod to have reeghred a substantial bonus to tween June 8. 1966, and July 8, 1966 inclusive. For details bo paid over four years to 0contact your MetropolitanlRepresentative or call the Met­ a hia college education. ORGANIC CHEMIST ropolitan Office. M.A. or B.S. with aquivalent in axperlenci. Some Representatives of the Company will be glad to assist any Eeperionee in Induitrlal Chemlttry a»*entiel. _policy-owners who-.Save-losithoir polieies-^thosa^who have Knowledge of Orqenie. lnorqaftic„AnalytieaU*nd_ • Phy.ieal Chemi.try. any questions concerning their insurance. Bjr BILL M<«R UWRENCE - KaBSat Qtlaos, ooUceably absent from ttw State Women's Golf Ibunament until recent years, will try to extend a neirly.*oa domtnance of the meet at Lawrence Country Gob beginning Tuesday. A field of no will fire <{ualifying rounds Tuesday, widi Ibe best » shooters forming the championship Oigbt. Pat Rubelee, who also owns a Mlsaodri SUte Women's crown, gave Kansas Qty its first title in 1953 by defeating Diane Wilson in an all-Kan­ sas City championship match. Topeka's Jackie Evans woo the 1964 mie, but Mrs. Wilson came back to claim the 1965 TtLLIE BECKER crown at WIcblU's Spring .Tnieka entry Udees Country Club. Hancock ami Jue Hyde, aU '' Joining lUss Rubelee and Mrs. Wilson from Kansas City tille flight compeUtors lut are Levon Devers, Jeanne

Perry Sparks 8-OGianlWin

Goff Pro's

Wife Leads

Phillies' Bo Gets Wish, Heads West



one low price!

Robinson Boys Fire Orioies




isia'L itiit


r. ;:;:ass:r.:: li|M«




*•" \\\\


iSIililsi iir


sr:.? sjtisss,”, isr~r.

Kanus Athlete Inks Dodger Pact










WASHED—DRIED—FOLDED We Will Be Open 840 am. to 940 p.m. Every Day THI We Help Families Get Cleaned UP

RING LAUNDRIES 1821 Kansas Avenue

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER I.E. or M.E. with I.E. option. Soma •xpariaqeo in mothods. time «t#ndirdi. »tendipd eo»t and production eentrol. CHEMICAL ENGINEER B.S. Degree in Chemicel Engineering. Some ex­ perience in Chemicel Industry detirebie. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS B.S. Degree in Anelytical Chemisfry. LiiHt or no ' evoerienco reauired. Should here knowledge of M.S. Degree — 3 yeer* experience. Knowledge of get chromatogrephy, IR ipectfophotometry end polerojrjiphy. _

fond cempfote resume te: PtnMmel Mmuger. Solsbery atoeiwter(w. SOO Mberf Street, Ckmtot City, I S05U. A>E<|ud J



Arrangements have been made to expedite the payment of claims. Policy owners or their dependents who have claims under Metropolitan Life policies will receive immediate service by contacting either their Representative or the local Metropolitan Office.

POLICY LOANS If cash is required to meet emergency needs, contact your Representative or your Metropolitan Office with regard to the amount of loan available In your policy. .

Th* MttrapoUMn Office is located ot 1424 Kansas Avenue, Teleplfone' CE 5-2387


Congressmen's Voting Record Reported WAStoCTON <AP) - H.. Kansas members of Congreu ertrc recorded u voting on recent roll calls all are Repubif-

.•? Labeling Act authority for gov­ ernment to regulate sizes In .n passage. »M0. of H.l bi which foods, dnm. eotmelte lion foreign food aid bill. For and bouaebold supplies may be Dole. Shriver. SkuWti. Not wlpackaged: Far - Carlson and Ing-Elliworlh, Mize. Pearson. SENATE HOUSE On Uusche, O-Ohio. amendOffices Are Moved mem. rejected SS-t7 to give Du­ On ptiaage. 1»4«. of bill to The Topeka Board of Realtors Pont Estate and Financial Get- ftrcngtben resources of colleges and Multiple Listing Exchange end universities In International eral Ootp. Mven yeara to com­ sbidict and reteard): For — offices, at UM Topeka, which ply with a bill to reguirc Mlse. Againtt - Dole, Shriver, were made unusable by the lordtveatHurd by bank bolding Skublts. Not voting-EUswortli. Dado, have been nuved to tem­ of non-banking Inter- On passage, 191-llS, a bill to porary quarters at 201$ W. 10th. increase public debt limit from The new tcUphode manber Is eses. The bill, amending the Bank 1325 billion to I3S0 billion: Holding Company Act of IM. was passed by a| voice vole: For amendment — Carlson. Not voting - Pearsoii.t Sn-IM Piwter Ateitl N. Ke* On Colton. R-H.H.. amend-! ■nil CUM li Mvtral Pialoi ment, rejected Wi. to ellml-| Miitfajr for tilks tkal v« »• pecM to bKtide Viet Nia. He wS tNT liduMii pinb Ftw top* tkii wtD re«lt to sew Sirtot trade.

NOW PAtiNG riw HlflHst RMutii on loor ScrHogi Dotoc


TREES DOWN? ...See Your

Good Enrollment

Jackson Twins



In Head Start

ChoiR Sow DMkr

De^li wrecked bami ind Mber torn«lo bm. II per ceet ef U» youncsters enrolled in Project Held Stirt aUended the first day of classes Monday, Everett J. Cecdt, project direc­ tor. iMd. He described the turnout as "trenendoiit.'* Ctek said about ttO youngsters^were Involved in opening day classes. Buses took many of the yoingstere to Instruclioii-


...ON SAVING CERTIFICAnS kff M D#p«lf for ONE Year iRtereif Payable Guoiterly iRMted by the Federal Deposit Insurance Cerp.

'Thone or Write for Further Information"


Beetle Bailey


T-lxhi. K«<>







I • Modern, Air-Conditioned Clisstooms

^1:: 4*. ffif

• Export Imtruetion

Have Never Been Better! • Free PlacemenI for Gradualas

Oaria GrUmda Accept PotUiom ati

e Receptionist Secretaries e Executive Secretaries e Stenographers e Legal Secretaries e Medical Secretaries



Rex Morgan, M.D.



ACCOUNTING ^ Can Lead to Positions as;

• Junior Accountant • Senior Accountant e Co« Aeeomtoirt eCradil Mononw eoVfic* Manau«r eTox AcceoitaM e DoM PracMsbin SpKloliit



Also Professional Courses In Court Reporting. Office Machines

THIS IS REGISTRATION WEEK ENROLL AT OUR OFHCE-633 KANSAS AVE. sr Coll FL 4.8554 If you wiili oddWonol Infoimatioii. Out of Towotn—Writs Immodtatoly

c:l:a:rtk:s Family Circus





1 Avtaaa

Major Hoople

Dick Tracy SeO^MffPASSEHCBtS OFOLO-FASUONS ROOCETWy V*0 MOITf------------------

aboBt who’s qatiing A* dassart-"


New York Stock Quotations Loss Estimates Due Soon

Livestock Chicago Uyestock

3 »

1 iili PSitafi mrnm s:;si-n-iT ?ai"







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WICHITA IA»-C«tHt I II; nir> MMfl to IMOiflJ tM«


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IMMUMlit. IIW.I WIIII4n< R. Brw . . . a er*4iStF'. WIVJ. wemtea Bn-

ur DtiMlI. F4FIIB4M.


American Stock

kphII iiiisri®^ Biii >; c c r. u (411 0 1


IS SOM 4IW » -

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Produce mmrn Topeka Poultry

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Standard-Poor Index NSW rOBK IUFII-AI4M4r« A F*M

144 HM SIM n *W

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t« SIM SM< SI'l-H* 13 1*>4 11 1*M . M M's 441* M * .

"3 S E eI ....... f; S5 Is 55M

W^P .M

Visits TaM There they visited the Inter- SS:S sUte Bakeries Corp. and DiddeClaser Ine. Other Meodty stops HvnCWB a Tuttle Credc Dare, Kansas State Uidversily and the Kanaai Farm Bureau at Manhattan and the Etsenhower Center end the home office of A. L. DuckwalJ Stores Co. in Abilene. ' The-grm^ leaves this mer ning for Selina, Russell, Vio torlB and Hays w sp^ tbe night. Noble Drake, eervlc* director tor the Kansas |tale Chamber of Commerce, is conducting the


mm m Him ft] Mm-” SH!' isSEliH'sH.'i"S:! : .





seee s

11 p site:""

Credit Company Gets New Office


Dow-yones Averages

s: 22 STfiM

ssvi ‘'^sTtM^eri, prindpals and students started the twowtek, SS 2,00Hnlle tour Monday in Em- 7*7- -7

ss sii iir. S

s? 5iiK:i» liR-iiiil • It44lll 404

iS u« n>7 «v-'m

ABILENE (Special)-Tbe « Kansae educators on the JTtt anmalKAB!E(KuusAgricuItore - BuAm • IndoMry • Edu­ cation) Study Tour ended their first day 00 the road hae Moo-

TIMA •» MH+ M IN*- M S4'7-I'S I4M* M



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fiii« SS T .. iili 4-iiiP 'ssss-s.,:, rTr !5 S5 r s:5 34V> MM MM—


T.AI E«F*r« 1. oulon- trtwtlyj «lt*4

31 3CM 31 — 17 MM MM MM-

ITT* 174 IMS 111 t74M 171 ITM*

Town Hosts

1 J. Altalt. vie* Ff*4l04«. IMtrlT-CUrK OrBOrMlot.

w m 4 BMt A44 III WIM1B

'?■ 55 35 »ii-4ja* 41'| 4S —1

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F4« Ortl. I4J4 5*1

iipp 15 7$tm



17 4115.71

V.‘:'' V‘V4 'S



U.S. orgXDlutions are partici­ pating in the fourth executive! to be held this year by! Inger Foundetioo Dtvt7.N IJI Industriel Mentalj Heallb. Tbe seminar, which openedl Sunday, will end Friday. Coordinalor Is Dr. Harry] SOM SI 114111.41 ........................... ... Levinson. The seminar facul^ iBCtudea Dr. Karl Menninger. Dr. William C. Mennloger, Dr. Herbert Modlin, Ktemme. Arthur Richard Sword and Dr. sum B 1174 31J4 Slum In IAHIA4I Arnold Wolfe. siTi;: I’liJJMJ Executives enrolled for the iiuiiri current seminar are: S\,M


'orn>‘ AM i.F L< S.ll 144 Fna Mut AM I.M a JIW MM MM-M FmtM---------------_______ FBAIIK JJ 17


Businessmen 'Study' Here

IH5,” 1111'= S S/ls iSS?35 lillE' SI”. BE ,:l.i5 IS sr;-r-i.3,*;",‘--sr-.'£s .r. Ftrmitn M



SJ'h '.:23?. Ol«r C7 1171 IIB«

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Vtnm CAft (uri.............................. * V>m« Cart ItMUMI........................ >



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7.11 7.0 4M 141 AW <a u aw t»u awi- u Cm> CAO 1.77 ... Orwrt lots IO N 10tS1 Cvth It IIBI ll.ll Hi! Wl7 AS4 7.17 c> It. auii.ii Hm. ett ii.m

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'St: 55 "3 S'c. is',!! :trf.. '!-5'!2

’S,f,i;,52.« 41.

Sissy-----------T^S,r£:^'.™ -cissr.'s fi ESS’S Lhe Beef Futures

< Stil-SIrS inf's




I ! ,

s-r s iirSH isfElSsSI'"’

?r”*rSsi!i': Xr..5

S.£? mSltl*

A warm, moist air ityslem from the Gulf mett ia cold air sysiem over the Midwest last ' and the result hu hem 'iolent weather wUd baa ■dagued Northeatt Kanat Ihto past week. Tom ArnolA a mirad meteorologist assisting at the U.S. Weather Bureau, said violem weather became imminent early in June. Stege Is Set At that time a warm, moist r system begen moving north­ ward from the CnH of Mexico. When this system met a cool moist front and forced its way beneath the coaler air, the re­ sult was rain. rain, which occurred sporadically throughout Kansas. during the first week of June, led eventually to violent Ith tonudoes,

sri 'S’s is ir ,ilJ5

5SS.'5 S.TTS? MMtwf J4 ..tLMt I'M

ti EMl"^

'Colliding' Air Caused Storm

”l5Eir5 §s's. -s s




Mutual Funds




>7^4- ■•


si»5:'&;s iTstTk lii.w £ js; IK rrs C'fi ss SS»



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tlA aarf WawafB

iY, t int

neetlBg of U federal agencies and lemal state and local oBldals IntheKansas II 4S MM House of Bepresenutlves, teams directed to begin the esUre Ilf It 3 mm mm am* h •i4Ct > mating In deUQ for federal teJ» U1 tmbursemeDt under the presi-x-Y-edential diSMter^declaration forlj ia wm w u essential repai.^ijto public la-|j ciliUes. ? State. clty.^My and school district losses not insured are covered under the program as well as temporary housing fa­ Wvt ii.S4i3.a cilities for the homeless. SM MAS na •Han « I Parks Exetoded S4MCI IMI0A7 QMitn. It Var Per I SI 1ST Essential public faciliUes to It* B.l 17JIIISI be covered do not include parks, Ml Ft At. r< ta «t IlkHAO Harold Knott. Denver, coordt1I.H It.a a « 41 AflB Ft AU ta MUn nator for the Office of Enter, ____n* im+ w Am Bui 4N AW trsToaii M »>* J1‘1 H +>W An Onn 7ji t.h .Fr a-i i7.n 11.11 gency Planning (OEP), said. Am It. ».imi} >11 B4 11.4111AI Am wvi ll.n ll.ll U. S. Corps of Engineers 'o-^.V.3 ;£'?.£ U The in w>»-w in the process ol estimating HCf i.i lAiin.a ia jiw w» Mw+i‘1 the cost for drirris clearance for ’I1 It s:: JKtK public facilities other than m II * w Amk 4 UH U IWf Vi streets and alleys which are be­ AMH II Alt tn ing estimated by the U. S. Bu­ a, ^Vt %m Ant I«1 lAtJIIJI reau of Public Roads and the SUte Highway Dept. LHt in S.1I S.ll n tIH WW WA­ .aim Ct MS7MJ Debris clearance on privati IN MH wm MI -fl . :•< Ft ii.iiif.M iSJ^ ’t5!5:2 rc^rty will be eligible for ft Mil Or 1IS4 l>.W ral funds only if declared AMI Tf ]•«!'!! -Nhealth haxard. ]> MW «m MHA1 F^> 0 »rt im imtNew SesiioB Planned U Jtw MW MW+ Federal agency oUldals will SEES*’ meet again thlse mombig to Crwtt. VXIIJI 73 41N tm* ime* WIF on 17* AN ten what they are doing end Itcom AM what they will do. KnoU told the officialsIbey must keep In mind thit any re­ ... .. j wta rm+i iisi iia pain or rebuilding done under I tm •$'>«+ >•

? IK ;s ijr:

KC Lhesiock


c |.l*

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I) WH Vte ITVi .

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clti» 11J0B. £••«•


of federal and s ta t c the President's declaration mustlaUo said mat no granu will be I made on requests under tl.OOO epresentalifes are ex- be completed within a year. Helmed agency npr pected to have dcuilod cstimates o( tornado damage to Eat Out Todayy It'a Fun public property completed by the middle ol next week. It was

•) W# LM> Claa M*.

The Credit Bureau of Topeka, whose offices in the former Na­ tional Reserve Building, were nude uninbebitable by tbe lornado, expects,to be in operaUon by the ifct of this week. Darcy Chlld^eoeral man­ ager. said new ^aneri hsve been established at S09 Kansas, former locition of the Ameri. can Savings Assn. Telephone munber wM<remain the same. About 30OJJOO records on indi­ viduals .are safe, he said. They, were In heavy boUad-togelher files weighing about 20.000! pounds. They were moved across the room but have been; retrieved. { Tbe tornado scattered an cs'.i-| mated 5,000 records on individu- j fils that were being proce-ised. I If tbe tornado bad been on; Thursday Instead of Wednesday] night the staff would have bemi worktng. It works on .Monday! and Thursday nights. The collection department of the bBreau was eapeeied to be in operation late Monday.

Sa'ma B;v.4...TMi

rbe greatest comedy aS all time! 'i»«l;Ioi"4.''Fiii«* JmTJu44 IJ. H4A S*nlc*4 41 2 PJK. W4an4l04f ll OMN eily AWIiMdttl CMFcn «ni mt/MK a. 044AI cn* C4m*MrT. S'r. IPehPl . »««a4r uoni m» » imir W 1. AMCLFReSH ANO SO'



IMTf«IO« 4 i»Tt«IO*_______________ —


aS --mrMOanHS WtTM C*TCMf«~ T«l*Oi«IIW 4N0 IM'NO

MAWMITB - V. I«»l..................

Knsrs-t£ •

i:,"i^isss5S"5^-;3f 1?,.^ c^. tiu*ici£»r*'


- •-”»

^ *«s

Rent an Electric Water Heater for onlv ^2.45 anxontli CAXL KPX TODAV!

7t mi»niccu^uu


«* »M BTAII W*Nn»

F^alr ‘'tm'ma* (ram ■A*TMBO-*«a L liMM varr Ipa ta*n. M.'Wlltmar BaaX. CB toner wtrrwt. ( BtAI





VACANT -Tm fiMiAcc Ilia



BY m Its t rancA ■'. Ilw Mr A A. CMAA. eiM





tt IA noil AA

'•|Sx^Mc5M"'«S'5^rCA»M7'WB C0«». OA AMEA'CA, nil WAI< pn (ITA« YArr. ALAim. IIU

AmajmT VacAfC*CaU*bS



A. I'A Mina. MaamAKi. ATAHM Mmi. a Ik* M*n M Wl PO^ Iw ia Tama emlAr, A

tl|ja»-l^ tAdraa^

OimlB .—tlAlY ACTM > IMM AMM Taaaaa. CacaMA am MIH NatA M amt^Ommj^iiib tntt. JM tirpA HOITOH - IinmOaM BAAAAuWik. Itryt

t tMiMf Mtni". MJOtliy


IN WINCMItTfBl A.BOOM MOUtC *m> I M A ACM. CAT|W^lA<tllM. ^__ ^ ^ MrCAd Air turoACA AA'tfA tAOOM HOUIt. AAnlAI bAMMAIll. Mr AAlct UN.

- ”m. LMfM n OUtjiMM, KM leOLilK KOfHCY r»«M jtnat WlWCMglTiK, Ki»Mm t

‘forSian RSii’SrATE

" jKi mn m. tmiM. ■ MIM. »fc.. MIW. At



WITH at toormo. test ikom cn«

ArtrAcmt. Urta IMnt rAAmT^AArAi Hncad rare toaA icneal UcAtlan. AI latn. Bax IcMatArwr, AUAUH

iMOHOALf. 1 Mreerr. imBahi 0« >VIB. I tlMAM IMM* ntmt. UK


I OB 4 BEOBOOM noma In pi Inara EiiaM. diacnaa par fatal. M/. BaiHr. CB lU Cf J-nii.

*:??M?srT-Br'i.sir.“* - I4U wicMBan-BatamaM } Aatraam «a n* WWlMnL**AL MoH^* H70 itri tavar. PT44BI. AM t-lM OWN B BANCH BtALTOBI


5!*Srr: S^'2"!: S«sn,.5:r

W fcnaAH WadboTA tfMMnt caniar.. Aur Nna. Praiart Han mar M ai d. CE, ■ 1CJ nvNEB — A mdna. (a IJtl W. Ml. Alf-Wl.


'A£ ffTclxrVb


mo mtnm. Coil

tamlN rtam. Laft af uaca (gr imH

Sri.Tt,iS~ '■ ‘“'-.'iji ^^Okig PMOAotlm. .« dinc“

Cl M»M ”i^<

SirStS.5'' ' CMOc

CLOie ^O »t. Mtn. M Nl. Pfrk, AMm Aimtalaw tnt Kar xraX. Xli

immediate Possesdixi Patrick. BROOM CARLOW *im Itrx M Inam






b^n-kF"!»w'M .Jtarta C»*in* HtrXAx" Tt. ct i«n ■iu



AN. vAcani. enir TRILEVEL-J BAdrAAiTO. lAmlH roonw l<r xmi. carpans. .. .. SIMD

'”s£r.''J:Sr=T~ j:.™ j^'sEaSrS.'s tanat. Vtrr nica. .....................*U4S OLDER-ooet lecaiXL A Batraoni: Hair Nama tOoM. omx. CE MDOO. CE BUBi Lm Pa CE P1444; Franeai Youna. Cl

.'sr.-sr^.TLr ".’ffi SS.i,“1S» ■rSTaSE’S s.-iiJis'.rK SiiT ST ia.-aj8"S4;. ■“ “■•'si



'Mft'*A(Am ki’'AamAM.‘


i- 1- Ktl .MU M» ■C*P M«V___ citnti Ml TIW

I IBVIN6HAM - Hama IMAlnl Inliw AAlr. Agll AtMmanl. AM AAO. BWJ

rr^L^tSs* •

K. trict. I AM V UU Vtn B

•AY YtfM. IIU A iMMit-Vw iMMlt-VW MW wm ■aod M MKIl X «>nwr • XwH COMMA. CAB Mr> T<M <1 TM T«Mt M TW TwMA IJAW^JAU

n tisiMNen PM UU LOT* n MBCIfOX. •*« VMki


(umACA ant maal mama ratacaraHt


dit'ra? w!?''*ASi;Mt* Ml'tn c^ (Ml. HIOHIANO AVENUE, i (dv (mall Mum IUSA. Two -------- “





DvMI'. OeoAMA' AM tAMA KA Um Call TUMM AMr ’

y*Arili^(*«MU|MJ!* tl^CTMAHm

A TBAHSPEBBEO. 9 totmemt. ani. corpd. Hncad »art. naar . Daam MTmani. anvn* lom. mi. BUJ l-VACAM } AAtraom. full ABA. nicA rart. ]« Wad n. AOuNrler tlUBH lara



37th & Wanamaker Rd.

Mrt» AA AAOHMO. VACAM AM. tt ACM. > tHriA canABA. Pxr wn

I WHAT MW. ma. I titcnani. ] xmi. am M«. I'ti ciar. CBiact.

■■ ■■

toreSan''Wl mm

• 1344 HULVANE Coat Aur on INI 3 BB ktma wim Iirtpiaca. HpaxH DR 4 Ml AaMnwN. anacnat Bartgo. Erthm JMX Cl B317A

»ELL4«ENT -*lr raam mottm MuM ki McPananC Ka 1 Aatraama an an ana Mar. WIU tecaai itnt ar aanoi. CAMtet W .P. *<M*a. Alma. Kt . BIU o!rV;M^Hfl^o*ii!'N

AMH AM'rACrAAIIM.' TVA MM rtACA. Bit AtHAMd (Amnir Mm. mm carxiMC i tAtrt MBrtAmA M ki lull tAAtmAXI. will MU Itr ■IIAL Dtjn. Ctll CB AA7H. BIti LABOB raNCEO VABD i imaa. Oatt actnon. Tm_______

Open Daily FHA—Gl—Conv,



"oTsar*’ CALL ce BUiF 0« APTBB S PJA. Taamaand AM <4M CB BW


** COLLINS "tSil ®.3f'x®S2SS 'IKk’ ;*1



-•’B7:K *3Si^^"“,Un.c5Sr Xllr.

Sb al» bJ

*■ SlM

a. Jia IBVINOHAMIBVINOHAM-ilBIM nawlr atoriM »«t Anil cmiracl. Optn L *41



Mobile Home


B7:« Xllr.




PuTAg ■le'JAall'wH Iranar kauM.





* !i!!.*.S!uj*ijii4JiL^SiL^i!

BBEDBOOM ranei la Akcananl cartlilan. natt PalrUwn Placi. PuB AMAmani, cantral air. anacnat pa-

.ai^OT|^0-FIX43 Bbtl

ce BEOROOM* lotalat XM


23ur*Tjs: rSaT'A^M-i

CR 2-7530




aalL CatOad AUMr. Cbmoc, bi4J OWNEI-I AitriiHi caianuL Xama CM ^^IM.




liT>«Fpnon?wnriw(r' ■ EBBtO -Onva X iiAnr. 4 Aotraom FauM

32nd and Falrlawn New Model Homes

CUM m Haiy Narx on Pill Ouiinr PMtr Adx. 4 or S B

L *^I






n tACAWT ton pot uu




T • wan ____ Bl*J


'■* ^‘■^tTpSttSTlM'"

AHA AIHANCIHG IMHAt CIAAA •■. H ACW w am AAA. BAitr. AiAclnciri. Cf WMt, AW. AAHfA I AJ«. Cl MM

• DUPLEX, «>-(IO

J BB min. witk BdvaH xma. im

lOth i MacVIcar, FL 7-0344


«I7 WIIT am S. Tprrata. aaitar fiA« 0.1. lAPn on p JbPdmtm (•" Hrx PtiMo# Itmllr foom. ttaMMI

urn ■n. OM At AAur MACNU >c AMBfA. wm M fliM lama Al Mtr tAACIflctllma m rCBrAiatit yau

IIUO. UU PrtOm AttB, Cl 1410.


tom. *awtn PxL UN BMSi.


Where There’s Lots of Living to Do

K’s A Bargain

sx-ais-rtiaTssiSS: JanH MalHI ............... ce B»77A OHIca 1313 Oagi . ... CB »«I41


"ciBtJtl ....CiB^

WwiMim' *ACX?"bedHn.**Eari Martan. CEBSai. 3 lEDBOOM AM Otn. wry clam.

POUB BEOBOOM HouM. cHon Ur«o TtrC M MteVKor. Will loni or laH. CE AAtM. CE MOBl CE bW. ■17.1


•^wF aMahTImaat AKrtt. aT ttn

CHABMINO lamllp Mx wim dMx


homtr roMr H irc*A mn.

■*“ ""^PBAIBIE BOAO VEBV tPOlrpAU I BB.. PaulptM k


_____ MBKIO — TMAA MMar... ... HAIA. MMMA tHchAA. Am ...........

Boswell. 4 Bedroom ...

art. toprtiMri B ABAriAWre Aka will laAf rasr wmiptt IHma ar va-



CE Ml.

Baity PaiUrAon. CB BUBL

OWNER. Tti«e bedroeins, two bate, central »lr. baaement Write (WJ8. care CapiUWocmal.



LOT* M irlx xaea M mii t kta-

1ir'At'M**BaMrx>rt.*nnw^ 'oM





• U15 MaeVICAR

BABOAINI - V ToMAA.-Pvmlihad 4 raam namt.


Sp^?" .



(amx raam an »rx IX raam. Xlfl in van raoma. In aicalHni e<




IAN - JirdU* titlllcl. AMAUAt,

1^' -


*X"m**tIiitin‘''xAr« rtn*o?

nai DOWN Atr«. 4 A


i,sr-ss-"ce pua

cpin »*tl, CPrpAIPt Hr. rm. tin. rm.^



Tkli II a tupATA Cmm^^CW trw


“Jiniss 'kSim’Tw^.r'r;: Nnc trtpm Inrm caliar. Writ

^m* It (tmata vidum. Coli^

Txx x^



OLOeR-r-BAttroom. AN a



fox HaliKk............... CE »Otl H. R. HAIWCI . Cl BM OHICB. lt3W W. am . .ct B«BI

Aatrvam'iwa IX Afinaia. T




c?ii?3.iES"" K SL


TPfd. 1 AHdu

(amada llBia. CEloni. CR

MICK POSieiHON - TAM Aatrami*.

AOUMt 01 TUBE LAKI - tor MlA br AMAT. nt* Nami nMAii All AUeirK. KL ATI* OATCHBLL AOENCY CE >■» A ACM IMI" M AAAAIM. tlAC* ItA IM N ItAlA Atn ACArkiA. Lam riA*.

JioiTH-Tiwx «Mr*m. f«





lar^sTSiT', . junF'***’

5l!!Tldlg*ra«nM?«^B*fK piAca. W-W earprimt. Twa can X

Immediate Possesdon

?na OrI

IMMEOIATI POII mam. 1 Aami. i





Ama am bum mam BtrtAa. AA nr* lALt - 1 niinat ar aM an cmlraO. II.Kt AAon. ■n tAmA. Mi Atauma ■.!» tain. CC MWA BTU to* lALt X MW. grid! HOME In lYNOON, KANUl-J MOAIIUMB OA aar'cM Man. TAM BB raamt. Mm. AHtntn, tit Irtnl MBm, vuilir Mm. A« AMrunani. Firil tS4tt ■ •IM> CiMI. OlMAi. Kaoma. EMJ MOOEBN 4 raam Kaum ai EALE - Tw MtrAvn na Call AM AMAA tNar <:N. ntmA. himirvfA If atWrAA. >M I (Arc m fnM »>. PAiit. Kin. »J-; m. Mil M Mil CAipAlAa wnllA tA'AIA. PfAAMT 0 twtut,^ xSt


«?f 49i 7<W?5 .

S^rt5^S*"0i ki rakwl Varr. rtry FIVE EXCELLENT Matraam. Ml Aaoa- enarwikig BAtaraem ranch wX earv num ntmao. Oaat HcAllont- Brr or* w ■tcAtHn Al mt ant Hlpk.


■ ic:»'t2?csz


Jot listed

Immediate Possesloa


ana panv kWnta PtrA tnt or* I


'«0KTN tOCMKrTt* - HM > Xtrxw


iAom.'*lvr’Atme^'SkA £^"^1 BEOBOOM At-HMl. AdaBH M'tOt. MiH tdOAMl. cABMral mlrrarA. car- tOUB caniral air. na* carpttiM. Aaaur* 01 nar (at Bx aovify. atauma 0 I. Lean. laan. ** Ml cant. eun. Bxitr JBJ4PJ_____________________ BlIC BY OWNEB - un JHiwe TVaa AaA. mam randi. cartaHC Aratanta. almeat rart. Ci acirWu AHCt. CB>4WI nr Bid

* aa*ij.*'i3i'*^e'^o^ a53*

EIIOCN. T*A M«ami hMatk kAMA. IKALOOW. > tABMm maotni Mm. m.




M &CIII. 0'M> * «i>TT. MW M UM. win fwMra Hw«. i tim' i« »cfw «#■«' $ISLi><( *SlHCV PMw n»un WIHCHUTt*. K*M*I____ I

Air. AwM.



We h»ve 2 and 3 bedroom bomea. Aaaome or sew loana, move ia now, eloae out later. CaB J. C. Sargent Co. FL 7-1231.


WSS-SM ------- ,,1*****^^

A ptnx'wim maar MOuaaat Uttrat ana

C aw"'ce' HHJ, CE 1. McKOWEN B TAY. B1U

--■s: U EHt.

Vacant for Fast Possession



OWNEB HAS n«at PMs m (Alt ou-

........... aT'nilS

EMIrl I n A pjn. «' (npAL nr fitiH

aSgaS'iSig-TO .rts-s;"si*rxr«T'it B»U

aiS'-v rx:

Wriie or etU Divid Dunpby.

• Ha'N. CEHTBAl. I XXaam.------tr IS HOBHe. lartlr * AMntm

I TOPEKA OVPLEX-PtX rw*. TKfM raamt. xm. Cl (.Tail


n 0111^^^



7t >*tii um»i KH mi


** AAT J. BEIUY AOC MM w. tin BMinr C( AIAU BItJ

u OOT-Of-TOWM pibpoin

Mnt* w *am t* TMI »* M •> Off mipn«-

a a:.--------

ipH Etd Tiaxa. TMBEE tatrwan i Me Harm Toatka. TMBEI taaroam kamo. 1 ItN. paat can-

IM COLAAX AI iMr 1 B iar*r L.». ant tncAan. cNtcIi MncAt Mck rart. CMatar ■MIA

FOB *ALE - I Atorotm. Ml

rlr tocaranc . PL ATJB.

lanaa. ouiil AN. rtnm. tmAll tuaU ». ImmMiA aaa. I. baUncA an canCBIWA.

na. BimB (A



WELL MAINTAINED BUNOALOW naAr ant AkM raam. BaavHM larM AiKAm Aataui icAad. BaMmanl. nta aAUM >im 6 t. tAPllAnem. PmaM (AfMlT Mm arm AAtm caimi« tnt RtaWaca. Tut CAT X'>M. mM racm. lull Maamam. CamrBhAlr. PfWad **il talM cad Ai r»* canafrucmiB N kaa lAH

SERVICE STATION .CO KAt A -ir~~ ■A Mr HAM. TAH H •> M Mtintll aAM aiCaI

■rt MtiowMm

MUIT llLL_4aa AtaiL T< MAWBAH MB. PL>-tm



7« ■mowMPotuu




. Ml* iWoiAN TRAIl-(ei !■« krti w«m BwiMk tedu

XXr.*l«r a aawn. 4 dar MaAB _TayX. CE347W. WILL PL. . -„. •r UMd MaBUt Hirxa PHox CaB3BW

. aw ^yjNOVl'tA>-jjfta|^


“-"rar.'-si. -»~~

ImmiAnH^ I

CE PIUI Era. CR BUas Erl. CR B3U4

-'“■ai itinj


EB - TVM Aadmtm lawn Ctiwi. CB MOOA BIIJ BoawiWdf riaw. Pma ocPi^ Aaa. Law courwy (tan HAM AM OB CRT wax BEOtCOBATEO - tMCWa Xkk rtnek and xiwai tat. Araiiattt. AM MtO. tarpanx AN- wxPiaxd.-taxt-kw; AM *401. 1000 wm IX. EUJ


*hd Vam'nuio'. aiactiK'roxa.' tarXX dliaatal. EWctrie diwiwaokar. anK

H4J THBIE BEDBOOMS. traX wacl. huny MUX H400.

PL 74I&





CB MAX ?5aa!*'ni£aSu Knutp rani'^*^ NEW BANCME’Bi-N8»'rH-'............ caivnat XimitMul. unfmVHt


’',;^r:;:f^4nr'2r.s2a,r...L• Trcyrxtn ax sxwxt HPdm aexah. MrrrAAMMSI*.

tWM. raNltt'alAr. rMialarTuJI CHl^C MIV. AJIar 4 A.


n auuHiu ntontTT for uu

TMBEE EEOBOOM HOME ax Ttaxa iivd. oiuoB.

n»r AcrM nKa AmwinA *nai Na* aMHa. an turmiurt an« ArauarHi M atm lauM. PatMitlan at aam at M

iM. PrKa lUBB. Mavnmt *HaM^i«. OMAl W JB^Branl. Oiatt C"». Kinut. Bill CB 3-1373 TMBEI BIU xtr S7A ram. am *aiB. BIU

OUPVU AH wariara. Atatta Mrata INOIAH TBAIL - 1 AXHI AM *ar« iAaa. KLimi. ^BTp SIT anax. mr UMpeim. awnpiat. aoi dST-tTTt *1. Maryl. ar SU-USiL tlNxn. TMBEE BEPBOOM randM. aim taurm B part. OcKo AMMUHn. CB lUAA B17J BtmrcB?Ny' •'**" “* Ell] wUi^I''tm toSa'm ^mxct*73a BY OWNEB .. I AAtmama. aKactat arm. Bmitl xymam ati.Ot Ma. CE

Pine BUilOino mt LACAHa an Aaawit BHS A> arkx lacawrL tlH Hal. Bxoaxt-y ar cad cmiUdlx luxriar -tea- OrkiiEB - Mxi Xaman Him Senad nan laoti X amx Cali Lam. TaaiaH niREE BEDBOOMS - rinhSt ax B4BB uc. PL aasa tx ^roorn, curiom aifcnan aim a Orw 10 yrtn IpacMiin* In BL'SiNESt ax INCOME PaOPlBTY iACBIFlCe-Tk-xAXrocm. CA. x.-v CALL OLEN OAVI* Ct 3aan b ■3



*'*“ ?2

Aaauimn Uwn Cl Xn SS11 Wttl-tfm 2£Ti.7ri* Itroaf CB 3-300L Ct MtlB. B3BJ - liViir aamaax | aatfrxT -'KK’HSifTj-ai-K-SK SS bvWTlkarx. wt»*,ii uraallx Etd K.NI arix>X M MA tor mtnm. MOTEL - OaX meana prtdacar aka aay Srk<« xtmm vnaid u>o **"of«a. ce' MBB. ce *1444 OWKA aiALTY CO.



2Si.'“iu'-:r:;,tc*"sr r.m^ ndX-r"-. m. .

moeo PL 7.«44 afwr 1 pm.




JSV^S'wSr.‘'A5’'4Ss^ “ WEOPOBO BANCHIB Bapinmiiir oapi m*'

aaa tm non*.



MMit Aamne ci mis WfIT 4TH tTBEET

L.. «w —5 ‘ jP ixm. xH Xoamant. tartoa. TAN xrx fOau ‘rflCK'"i Btaraom xn0«r wMi

5d?Joad ■xxlxl' ''

J?rg *





o tin. « TiIl'2ra'r«n«rwi>ir w

Wtl «. «>




tanr. Pnana CR JAM


•V ovmtR — tstt»



‘O crwo'<

LET»®TR*B8 e RiNNers BUALirr car* m CARL -n la ‘a MOOtLi

rad*. haMf. AW Kan.

CHEVT — 0 cru. Mat. (nr daar. a. ea. pl *na. • aitj Onan u#“aa IIAH - il MrtTnmt 'iK'>-‘ia Fart — can. PKtua. toart taw MPALA aupar aa«i. W>, fM. 4B w. Oatdan. Mn. 04 ccssn bU(A Manor, oammattc. rjo* iraiai. 4 RBI Wait ar N. Teeala Pad Orta FLTOn, CRWO attar a. itfi lan •IKATHe 0>r>V. « W. rMla

Mr BODOI - M M< BMkvA H*.





laaa rihault . win nan np. A

ScSS!.“:i.'^f,XS! "wnTaj*. re 1 B.W. iuHo^“^ I INTCRNITIONAL Trt>


In CT SSl '

We Have AFF Sizes and THE SCRAMBLER—

"• im“£ri^ ia*'wittiS


r; ’s:,.?-;




iiWI ii^-l





S^TmiT' *

SACRlFlce - lau Fort. V4 atmr.


::r^rv!r ■




>ta N. TopaU RM FManctf OOUO WHO*;

Now that you h»ve eetn the rest, come and lee the b«l. The only Mobile home boUt to convMtional house stand­ ards. »

"Towo Coun^rf

2ctS'-."?y.XXiT=r». it Ftrd 4 01 v» Ton piOUF

i POHTIAC Lwnana tartoatt, I

•'2 j^iii:adia rir.*j:a:-.

■It CadniM U aar. ord. OLET CONVEITIRLE. ill ■41 LIHA Rylck iaac. VI Adr. . ■aj cnivy II 1 cyl. AT. 4 dr -11 Fsrd VI OHUH. 1 dr, HT. ■II Old.. Oyn ■ »w mliaata SELL -Ona las Rulct. tSAM ml tTnn a lais ckot.. iron im. ti,m a ■la Fort tom Rvfiintama. PR. 414.014. Iitj IIM CHEVROLET ImMia. SO towar H ClwT. Iwaa'|j"cd<ydii»


ttST FORO ~Tadar. V4. il condlllon. 1171 CE >44Sa.

. laaj. 01 NarWi tailar. C

CR JAM afVar a o m


201 EAST 29TH • 60 CARS

‘66 Mustang, 6 cylinder, automatic, near d ’66 Valiant VIM atation wagon. i> ■66 Plymouth Fury in. VIP, 4-Dr., near n

-U Ford M len 4 Idoad. VI


c Oaad aaeand PLAlJTi. RTti OART - VA. 4 c« Paor ■ win nrw pnsnd S44 RHJ


■66 Plymouth Fuiy IIL 4-Dr.. lactory warranty. •6S Imperial Custom *Dr. H. T„ elr. •65 Fury m 4-Dr. H. T„ air cond. •a Valiant V2M 4-Dr., 6^1loder, ntomatle. *65 Dodge Dart 4-Dr„ frcyltnder, automatic.


'65 Chevrolet Malibu Mir. Hardtop. -a CHEVT. H.T.. RR H.. and PO. I'tt CR i lH),____________________ Riu eooo tl Ral Air crnry (dor Snr. VI. -------WtlC. WT SWl, RMJ


L S’Uai VMt •» T4W| t ........ I 'It TRAl -n MOTO.

•65 Mustang Z-Dr. Hardtop. 3^peed. *85 Mustang convertible, 4-epeed. '64 Chrysler 300 K. >-Dr. H. T., air. ■64 Dodge Dart 4-Dr., ^cylinder, eatemalk.


aOICRlON IMPORT MoreRt an pnmeat................Can AM <

■65 Impala iOr. Hardtop, alandard. VS. ■65 Ford Custom 4-Dr„ V8, automatic.

■ja FIAT to. Oaad aaatftlan. oata 4 mllaa Par tal. Oaad Oidaa traauartatian tin. UN s*aao. • iitr

eTlm Suxu aoTOR. m a

IAM A«a«4 ar an It nr Cd»-


SSTYTin.'S'-.S SK.-?. -";: a Sr CMv. VI Sai-AV. a CMv. Kr. eaFAIr V.l.

Shortmen Dodge Truck Center 10th & Quincy

ft Syl» 4dr. H.1. P.e. • pa. n CMry. eal-AV Adr. H.T. VI.

sfS .tkk’”' UPerd, Mr. H.T.



lai. ridw anaind a ce 4-vai. ILER CLASilC Italian ■ c. FLM12S dllar A waai

and Maiygna.



New Stock oC USED CARS arailable this w


tUV. Pay. Pi-mi TcMai RaCdiva UB.w cairi ra talaa. aM Nerfli Ml*liwa

S<L**4H A^

■64 Buick Riviera 2-Dr. H. T.. aatomaUc. ■64 Ford 2-Dr. Hardtop, standard trani. ■64 Valiant V200 3-Dr. H. T., al ■63 VaUam VIM 2-Dr„ ScyllnJer. ataadaid. *63 Dodge Polara H)r, HardKgr. •63 Cad. M>r. Hardtop, air cond. ■63 Chevrolet Impala M>r. Hardtop, air. •63 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Dr.. V8. urtocnatte. •62 Dodge 6M 4-Dr., factory air. ■62 PonllK! 2^)r. H. T. Grand Prtx. ■O OWf. 4-Dr. Station Wagoo, air. ■82 Olds. FB5 Convertible, automatic. •62 Qtevrolel Impata 2-Dr. H. T.. air. ■62 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dr. H. T„ air.



snrawOR hi. A NEW cm oi root, to TW«kc W. rrr eqolpitol to hmlla any nervlce and warranty.




Pi» Uaa lAd TnicU 41 cmy. »i tan. Meaad. Kka. H laid M.Mn W.CaniM W.Caninar Mod. U WVod 'Han Mod. HUrp. p a>n. W-ion r-tod. VJ. St Hit. Wan wa*.ln in camear Van. Oidy. w-tan Mad. * .. Oedto M4an dtod. 47 CMy. tolcn Atod. eaj U Cn»y. Han CaR. Oya

%£sr.*5^“ irn CHR-riLe^^W




i;.a.^°cVK5. -

Allowance eo aiQrthing you an roU-tow-or push to


OVER m nxF Pard cam and tnicit. ■41 FaNdn 4 cyl 4 dr. tsdan •It Cnrr. Vl Rrl Air 4 dr



R >.«M.

;ss:;“5r‘’.vrw.:.Sr... -aa Oodss vi Matador 4 or

. RA MUST SELL — IMS Carvair M


________ eirr rrv. V4. ayla-

:: ."c-rAwSa^K'

1. C*R 'c"a5o’SLa

ar S ».m.

I7A IMMin AHP SMrr CAM %t area, mm aao. edae w a

MAKE OFFER n-mic. lasr daar

P It* FORO M ntaminc. aaod ■n Fort » CVL HR. a.r wvn........... >r sin. in N. Oalnlsn. CE US71 ai Poniisc Tamaati Wan ■a cnay. Caralr AI. Wan. •atcnavy II adr. Ita. W ^ 'ja T.BIld. 1 dr. H.T Pw. AV Caw^^ndnii.?*

» w2”,.TO! 45-t*-JS 5r?'r^^Allbvrn. OR 1041. Riu ’41 Cdrv4lr AT. CLEAN laai FALCON DELUl OM automa'N. 0"a opnrr.

IfU REL A tirai. taa.

al Cnrr. 4 cyl AT. 'i T, plclud



FOR OALC laa waiaiiK Raa S.RA toinia iwnaaniiy. cr hm. eirj IM V.w. (Man. Ort Bwnar. VMM mliai. RadU and wnna tioawalli. Call CEWan. xns Warytaad. 110J



1441 PACKA wFiai. Bill CES441I. nu CHE' Powrr It AM AIM

5?*5it.''wT*w» R a

'66 G.M.C. Pickup $1,789.77

’"dale sharp JRUCKS^^



rRADEWIND ttocK tod gnlD bcKbu. HEIL boists. Vrile. Phone w Come In. Glen Soelter, Mon|er TOPEKA TRUCK EQUIPMENT COMPANY, lne_ Ml But Hiway M C^TM

4 dacr,

Factory Air Candmantd 'll OLDS a 4 dr , -N oisa W wsosn. -41 Cnwry. lm». 4 dr. M.T„ •» Cadillac lA San baviiw.

> LTO 4 dr.. Ttnrl Iwrt-Kc. V. tally aaa«»4d. nm mliai. •arriMv. CEM4IL B3RJ

"’iTO iSSSSTaS&Ry^..: • wpnoT.AC *«., ptflpn . .

n TtucuretsAU


ml. wii^^iaar L Aim. RI4J





IN IAIN. IH4 X-L Fsrd. laal pKiao. iad Oalnn. II. 1.

ran ore. oa

u AUTOMoiiin WAtrm



c. 4 die. aadan iiHm. m win- ■41 PALCON Adr. lan) candHIan. Urm RKJ


’"■TASff&nsrorcT' ■So'rssr^^siin.**** '^'Si

:sL'TJi L MA. »nm



lt« CHEVT. alckvc. h rtwa. WB la^ >aF

TMi CXIV. * M T«» T«« T«« to


uu ' ‘

MB CHEVT. 1 malic, ai' cor



IIV. Lott cm Tr»cM. ItU WMII TBACTOR .11 Ta CtoMt 'nn< mt FORM M lA AIIPIANIS CHtV. VI TIA PICKUPS -W«l» llr .PRCIOMT TRAILEBI SCVIHAL IS ■>ri>. touMM vm i a Ft. *r« raM aiwtnr ar nvi»a a.»i T«n*. A<n w rw ew kvtra. LI* >H MmiMr Mi. IMCt Uty. sMir. Ml A **»i Lh

M« *t».r«tf». 6BKni. '


TOYOTA ■ ■a M«in“*MoU^“l&"‘N’"T^peka PhoMCB2-mc


-41 DOOCt VA tutsirwilc EicaHarO.C FRtoL PrNd «4to Cl AFTTI. Ri tl AOTOMOintl^l load RUICK InylOd I’alian want), nlna Miayf sada^ ^radia. Malar, ICO - FillMm or IT inaa fl tami



I. ceKan.

►««« Cf MW

the Ducati 250cc Scrambler

«tAIONA«Lt - t


aa Aureueaii^oi uu



CT nocnyeiuu

H MOToiereiiiMtSAU

n HOMU Hotm .


-700 West 6+h

■62 Chrysler Newport. 4-Dr., air cond. ■62 Amercan Station Wagon, standard, 6<yllnte-. •62 Falcon 3-Dr.. 6cyllnder. standard. ■61 Chevrolet Impala 3-Dr. H. T., utomatle.

201 EAST 29TH CALL CE 5-5391

422 VAN BUREN CALL CE 5-5308



And 3225 South Topeka FL 4-1791 56 Clean Cars in


Stock and More


on the Way





n TURJU roe


L**tf.=-ce"TaA:gTa? ys

At»iue U AtfTO wmtPPOK.SAU



■M Olds 4«r. HT. Full power, air. Eitra clean.

H MERCURY MONTEREY >-Door Hardtop, Radio, Beitff. Air ___________ Bert In Town

•a PLYMOUTH «00R a Radio, Heater, Autnnrtic Good Family Car

n OLDS HMOR HARDTOP PoU Power, Air TduH Like TUf One


"O CORVAIR MONZA Radio, Heats. Aiitama^ Clean

•W Plymooa Poiy SU. Wgn. FuH Power. Air A Vacation Special

” SE'.Vn-r* Rebuilt Engines

ssisu! -------SSTi-.^

------ “J


■83 Vollo Panel Heata. Uke new. (Only


Only $7.93._____

------- , -Save on- -over- 200 -insurance- adjusted---------• NEW DODGE CARS & TRUCKS with 50,000 mile warranty ' , • ALL MAKES USED CARS 1955 FACTORY SURPLUS & ex-ecutive models

n CEEVROLCr STATION WAGON RmUo, Heater, Stick Reedy To Go Ta Wort ■» FORD CTARLINER Full Power, Air Red, White Tim ~ ' ■



•»! PLYMOUTH M>R. Radio. Heater. Antonalic Priced To Sell Today


Moorman Buick, Inc., Lot No. 2 313 W. 6


CE 5-2460



Agrlcuitural Bldgr"

17th & Topeka.



With a Food Freezer You Can Take Advanfage of "Sales" and Eaf Better as Well



TORNADO VICTIMS Al iMtMhnMt aecM • at U Moriiiig'i art i t4 dia^t ta Rrapirtir Hm» ym H TM. H yoa Im* In I, PUASI CONTACT US ta da* w Wrl*9 ff«n n •

With Your Purchase of Any New 1966

Cd CE 5.53i1 or Como lo Ow Dowiriooo Storo

Ed Mailing's Also Offer You:

H i « Pf.«t odooMot* ♦» Im>0 • Irifldolr. F*»d


FtMMr it vtu' WM • ftMitr la yatr StM ytu art tbl* *• toAt advoataft af ’’talai”, tat daaa oa tripi la ttia tiara, kai« plaair •* had rttdv far tmanaatiat ar aaoaaadad paath. aad a«l baHtf at wall. AdiatlaUa cald eeatral «al«Afrattai lar«a »aad laadt. CSaata M- fraatar »aa


-oat. chtM Im •' oprlpM. ••J Madaleh tiaab. FftER.


m CtL Ft. UPRIGHT Kaldi



117 Cl R. CHEST

Ui Cl R CHEST (77 paatdi cat ba pal la Ikit piluia li-S cubic faal ckoit

47k I fall-wii


• • •

The Easy Way for a Sparkling Shine on Dad's Shoes


7-Piece Bectric She 7-Plece Shoe Polishing Kif TW. at.r ..T far Oad la iklaa Ml Uatt. Haad

■■K fiKOnft W

P'h -aka. taliiMa, a .a.a. •«»., .b.l a«.


You Can Be Sure ...If It's... ""

Gives Dad Cleaner, Faster, Smoother Shaves

12 Cu. Ft. DoubleJloor Refrigerator


Witt, 100-

icily la traaiar taeliaa, f daar. larpa rapalal rapalabla kaapar, aad aalara Haa wHk aHk full ■ ■ whHb. fall.daplh ikaint.

With 11-Degree Shaving Ahgle Sebsor-Uke Sh^ Action i

SaabaaM aiclariva Kaninf pra* far




I adtal. la kaadiaait motcallaa


\ I

tral. Haadiaaia Irani aaia carriaa Ml'ibr and t aaek: apHlaalan. bra.!... aW aaa. af .ha. aaliil,.................................................................................


13.7 Cu. Ft. Frost-Free REFRIGBiATOR-FRSZBt


Just "Charge It"


Powerful 8-Transistor Radio Fits In Dad's Pocket allawanta It baiad oa ata, taaba, aiodal and caadlllea el


appiianaa balap traded In.


Mtrllap-t tra affariH kipkar tradeIni darinp aar'DOIk An.l.aniry

Tbli paorarfal D-Moiltlar •atitbit rtdia plan Olatail Mr»bara.


Irlati la aiaay aal-al.laara tiaflan ilraap aad alair. Oparalat aa jutl ardiaary HaUla baHarlM, aaallabla alaiail anywhara. Sraall aaaapk la 111 la Dad'i pacbl at ka waikai Ika wladawa ar a.a«a lha frau.

WESUNGHOUSE 30" De Luxe Bectric Range, in Copper


Hai Unp-flaa 31" aaaa with loak-In

Give Dad a New Power Mower That's Easy to Start

laripr llpM witk “peak" iwilek. Ey*.pU ■IrapU h n*- Twa-alap Hmar. lifl.*H i alaanlH- l» capparlana aaly. tapalarr priea H «4MI.


;20” Deluxe Mow-A-Matic So Service Free the Complete Washer Carries A 2 Year Guarantee... 5 Years on Transmission fllH lt1H^SlTittN

2'/! Hf. Eailk

AdlinlaWa fraal lawa canb paikat Iba «ran ap,

9>*at a raara ana aal far ballar laaklaf lawai. Oad will lara Ika aata wRk whiek Ika racall ilarlaf

Cwaplata watkar paaraalaad far 3 yaart Ip ba fiaa fram dafacH In work, laantklp and malariali, andar nonnil uia. Lang 5-yaar puaranlaa aa Irani-




baaamt tnbalanead. Hat Ika blppatl, llrea«atl frtntniitiaa la Ika kama tfandry fl.ld today............................................................................................................

Special Low Prices Plus Extra Big Trade-In Allowances


No Money Doich ...As


■liilan mackaaluB parlt wkick baearna diTacITra under narniaT via. Twocycle coniral pirai ekaica nf 3 waik.and-rinia tamparalvrai. porcelain anant. al Ivb, dnabU-aellan apHalIcn. and ivck parfaci balaaaa yav can aran waih iktp rapt ar bla^ali wilk aomplala conlldanca Ihil tfcii waikar will aa<.


Low As $5 Month

Eaje One of Dad's Toughest Chores

With 20-20 Colorvislon and Improved Color Tube



Genuine MANNING BOWMAN Quaity Dad wan'l eka. and ckaw Ilka ka nad la da. Paw. rga-wnatart-daa. Ta a.i.ala'. wTal «ad'lo iad-lb-"

*519 §*559

- CanlinipBtaty yl|fHar~4rA»rt faU'lkfl. Uara' nalaral ealar fran. pkilea't Sapor M Spadra


- color luba. Si-pllfiad color kaidip Ibal aval a cMId cat kandU. Jail Hr. annaaiapi aoMraal


aadrah. Vaa laa Ika pldon at yaa Iona...........


21" ^.RASE COLOR CONSOLE TV If Dad Is An Outdoor Chef, here's the An^pf- . . :



Electric Kniie


Ta'M Dad Inla a Pralaiti..... ....... r. Tklck ar .. Ikin tileai af .. , w.lkaal "laariin'’ ar

Ma« i.Ipiap a.iawt.

laad ilaat. -i. Mtrlitp'i MarUat't Anairartary An.irartar, Spaclal.. Spaclal...

A Vf

Swfval bata lah yaa bra Ika aal latW af rnatiap yaar ckair. Aad lUra'i aa watry abaul diilarbiap Ik. b,«,a lack kaapa caiar la alaca . . . anpin "^rtarlian. Usk. .I.M pialaua.

*138 if"

OPEN TONIGHT Kanffu’ Largest

Rime s ^

EXTRA HIOI TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES! You pal big Irada-in allawancat aa yaur f« a new Caiar TV dariin Ed k4iHia«'i Yoor aM lat wIU aaoar ba warih raara than it I. right a... whaa , Itada far Ika addad an'rayraanl af caiar. Oaa'I worry if yoa. pvataal aal it aaly aaa ar twa yaan aid. Ed kfaHlap't yau'ra tara af paHIng lap tradaw'a daHari far yavr praiad tal. And Mariiag't dalfyar ap - Caiar'TV la a “faelory fraak" caaTrliaa . . . g.tra-alaad It gin ya. icIi.laetar^^^bT^ capUm Ya. can ckaaaa .ftnn auar 100 Caiar Mh naw. in fin, ,.,1;,, cabinalry' la aalcb ya.r praaaal farallara. aad ba tuatad al lawn^iala dalWary.

NO MONEY D0WN...UP T03 YaB W PAY! lamnEA aAMtlAHI’E amuiiet5TMB "" attmtwiiliKMiasln • HrtliTrada,NIIWkliasaslm •iMiustSmi.»inisnM MBITHBr


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