The Topeka Daily Capital June 20, 1966

Page 1

(Jlje ^0^jeka !ifdn, iaot. Mm<v. Ik Si IW

€ajjxtal wbuk.ta.

M Npi

II tHrii

Ky Sees Victory Next Year; U.S. B52 Bombers Hit Reds Last Remnants Of Buddhists Cleared Out

Battles in Primaries County Races Tame; Moi* rsctt lor covMy oCIkoi look ax tf they wiU be rather tame this year, but there are pTbaary elecUon battles ahaptn( up among eandidates of at least one poUtical party In alpreaesutlve dtstrict. The deaditne for rUIng for ofnee Mib the Shawnee Count ESeetion ConmlmlOfier b hit Dooa today. Tbrce Seek Seat The campaipi Qgbt in the primary b among the Re^ohlleiM hi the 4Mh and «th rep. Thr* Be. pubticaas have filed for each seat, but no Democrats had filed by Ptiday dosing time at

Two Democrats - Nate Mo­ rales and Ralph Ulm — are the only eandidates who 'b filed in tile 4M district. Two intereeti^ primary cam­ paigns will be between veteran Kansas legislators who are op­ posed by newcomers. C. V. Codwan. a veteran Bepobltean. is being to Ihe «th Distrlet by WaHace M Bw^. a Toprica attorney wbo to seeking hto firsi elecave efSM. And UVertw H. Spears, anotber veteran RcpublietB. idll face opposition to the primnry the «lb District * comers John H. Krt«er, and driest D. nc^atridt.

Tiny Foreign Aufo iMishop Fatal to Four

Hug Tells Plan ToSeeirOffiix Rdand G. bf. St. 4« Gren, a Topeka iaavaia agent, anDomesd Sunday that he win bs a endUate fo Ihe IM eteetimi « Sw DmocnHc Uckat for sute rcjnmanUtha frcn the 4fod DIHrteL . Bug bee ben a reddat af Oakland for U years. He la

■ 5

L C. i

In county races, seven incumSAIGON. South Viet Nam bents apparently win not face lAP) ~ Premier Nguyen Cao No one bad nied Ky. marking the end of hto first agalnat them by late Friday, year in oftke Sunday, predict­ and courthouee speculators are ed victory over Sie Commimtot relaxing. Vle( Cong In the coming year. John R. HHlcr, incurnbem spoke,, his hi troops were Shawoae County cleaning out tha last reamanu from the first district is befog of BuUhtot oppototioo to his chaUenged by a Repobllcu op­ city of ponent. Harry W. BDifogs. No Danocrats have Bled in Beaming with optimism and largely Repoblicao district confidence, the premier (tod tbe Ttoee Ran nation in an anniversary broad­ ITnee RepdbUcans wUI bid cast: "We have been able to overcome all duaculttoa. stabllfor the oOlcc of Register ol Deeds. Henry W. Kfotonan. a ihe path to a better future Democrat, apparently will be the prospect ef final victory the prtmary. the ODOisumst agresson Kfogman wu epptoiM soon." tin office lo {HI tbe vacfoicy HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Ed Nest Year left by the death of Elbarn Wytm, the "Perfect Pool" of Beal. "Tbe fight against tbe Comtto>w bnatness, died Sunday, Two RepubUcam have Bled mnisto win be soon ere ending a 54-year career that for tte Marshal of Court <f To­ •earned him hl^ success in with saceeas and tha next year peka, and two Democrato have vaudeville, oa the sUge and to win witneu a fun success of )cracy and final victory fded for tbe oHice. and a third movies, radio aad television. He over tbe Oommuntoto.” he addDeaiocrat has announced for was 71. tha poaiiksi. assuring a pri­ The comedian had been in mary battfo. poor health stoce be underwent raded throu^ foe heart of Sai­ POap Listed surgery Mx montbt ago (or re­ gon, end muttieotored fireworks Hie foUowiag persons (party moval of a tumor from hto ai^ exploded in tbe toy aCffllatta is dasipatsd by an Tbe tumor was found to be malcapital. The i "R” for RepiMean aM "D" ignnt, but it had not been de- bration comdded with South (or DenMcrat) iuto Sed for of­ temmed If it caused his death. Viet Nam’s ArnuM Forces Duf fice by 5 pjn. Pridfor: Ow AadMaa Os the hattWtolris. au aaphl-


Ed Wynn Toots Final Whistle

nor Parana wme kflM In the flery.oaah.of a tiny foreign Rap.. 4M OtoL >________ ear aad a semMralkr book Bnefaele. D..* MM Catifectoa; day on K-7 two mDes aoulh if BoBner Springs ta Mnnoa Oodbty‘Kansas Highway Patrol reportad. TTw dead were IdentlfM u Joyce L. Dorn.- If, PiUey. Nab., and Boy T. Ttanas. ». Mel­ vin Jamee Blomberg. n, aad David 0. Doraboefor, U. all cd Headquarters Cemputy, Port

Rep.. 41rd Dfct. - Nate Morales. D. 2M N. Brsnuer; Ralph Ubn, D. 115 W. Paramore. 4«h Dtotrkn Rep., 44th DtoL - Joel A. Storrett. R. «l Taytor; Oay Loyd. D. n* Ehnweed; Ralph

R, w a

Gary L. Cowfer. R. ITS W.

Ardent Crew Rips-Oops!

Taagled wreckage ef e bM whieh was Mi by a New York Ceaml freight train « a creestog near Owlgbt. DL. reels to a dllch bestot rncks Sondey. More foaa II pensM

were lajorcd. Mae seriemly. The hu was ttktog chBdrea tram foe .Chateh ef Ged a( Pripheeji to CMcage to a ehorch cncaoipBMM aear Edwardsvttir. HI.

NAACP Issues!’™'*'’*' r I-. p\ j Set in Strike Equality Demand

A tentative agrtement to end a strike of Plomberi and Isteamfitten Local Ifo againto By LEROY TOWNS NAACP also charged tiiet I the Master Plumbers AHa. wM If federal disaster funds for emergency aad ctounp sorv-' reached Sunday by negotiston Ihe homeleas are oot distributed ices wtre not avaiUbto to East for the groups. fairly, members of tbe Topeka Topeka residents until two daysl The proposal will be put bechapter of tbe Nattoul Amn after the June 5 toraado . I fore tbe memberships of both for the Advancement ef CMored at Meet i (rgaoizatioos for ratifieatiM Speaking at a NAACT voter | late^ Ibis week, said W. C. A. nieeting Sunday i Hardy, business manager for afternoon, Tom om E Ebendorf. exec-1 the local, and Frank Ridgeway. uUve secrewry of the Topekaia mentoer of tbe euptfactors' Human Relattona Commission. - ‘ said that Mayor Chartes W Dntil tha agreement » ap­ Wnght bM been aware of the proved Of rejected, eontraetors problems of East Tvptkt. answar only energeney "Mayor Wright told me Just •i W* Me latoltlito." he hMBN ha Mfk tor Wafok«hB cafo to pmsttoa to the TUpekn indtog tons ef Mont m said two yean ago 'Td like to UB. UartoM peMcd forw^ to DC. (Sunday) that he Intends fosarter areas, tbe spokesmcB dto tojoia healib.” tomtupe----------” atPmTCtt.n cemnuttoe. bait M whtifo wiD Regular conttnictiOB wvfc HAVANA (AP) - The OAeatto eompmed ef mtoority group win not be rcBtoBad until ratifibafoed MtonttoenUI revotoKeeaan. The son said (ha tioaary orgaatoation took note members, to mrve as an ed- ention of tbe prupoaaL body would be eremeted. Ttaory group for bousing and Detaib of the agreement Sundhy of rtotiv ^ Puerto Ri­ Wynn’s giggly higtopttebed were not released by Hardy. cans to Chkago toto week site ofoer needs " Toiee, mad cosluma and nonWright Suggested Issues in tbe strike are wMcs charged that foe D.S. gov&nseaaiea] manner brought his ment Is supfratag tbem. Al Ebendorf said later foal he and fringe benefits, maodv fame as a veudevfllton and laler and Wright had "foscussed the funds and vsetoiM pension the same time it asaailad tbe star on Broadway. He per­ problems which were IBely to time There are about m treatment of nonwhttes to South formed to lilent movia and was Mayor Chartes W. Wright occur, and Wright suggested so members of the plumbers aad one of tbe first great atan M J1 testify before tbe DA Sen­ Africa. advisory eomntttoe be set up radio M "Tito Ptre Chief.” He ate Banklag and Curaaney A statement on the Puerto “I'm not Ho c)eer w to the The abihe. which began June atoo starred la the early days of CommiUe to Wafotagton. D.C.. Rican denounced what it called exact fonrtion of foe commit- 1. has delayed tornado repair tatoviston. today to an effort to gato fedtee." Ebendorf said, "but I work and tUBatraciiuB af mw Ihen bis carter Merocd to MSI foods for Thpfoa'i foHSter it wlU advise tbe bniMiegs. several genrti euafade. r^ll^ program. mayor ad tbe dty c< 'racm have ctairoed. BarecaDcd: "Aa I neared my OB preblns faced by fosse AnoUier ceotoracUoa strike Wright atoa wUl maet with ■m year. I was IBM I could not which bM ool been eetitod ia^ get work as a coraedlM Tbe severto senators Utto to foe o*M?d day.tactiidttigUJ.SefLBv«tt The NAACP acUen stemmed U«». OKU. c-vnm Sheet Mettl WsteiV men wtn ran foe MevUon umj, !!■ from alleged disalmtnatioe to DirkMo. R-Dl., to diseuM poa77 aad Ae Snet MetoT tbowf Mid tbe trend Stales. East Tbpeka retodoto hninedisible legislation to help foa city ” As proposed freeway - • * for Ihe South Africans, tha atJy after the tornado, and also can hr dtocrtmlBetion when Negroes bepath of the JMe gte mmcttng for hoDstog. offlIVysB was bora Bdwto Leo­ worid next Sontoy to a diow of dab said. pold <a Nov.' 9. im. to Phfln^’ Vrigbt to Waihfogton todude nlidsrlty with tteae tinprleoned ^Ims Made etotia with stveral federal afMphia where hto fofoer was a by South Afries's whtia govern'BecauK news coverage ofm marnfactiirer. Wynn made hto eles he cMtacted during the first dev WM so heavily acting debut at tiie age ef 16 to trip tJthere last week. He to eyeoocenlraled the aoufiiwcst sec­ psetad to return Tuesday night tions of Tbpeka. it was Thma- JUNCTION CITY (APt da>- before some of the ioRired togene Roberts. 38. Journev lin East Topekai were dis­ printer for the Junction' covered. and Saturday befare rabstamial help was broi«ht ! will file (or -the Deswcratic into the nel^iborhood." prepqrod the statement claimed. Mamed and tbe father of Bright, warm weather wi lln A spenel N ’CP rammittoe. seven. Roberts has been onployed ai tbe Daily Unin for cinoi euiito be Topeka ares to­ Mm." Smith, foe Rev. 10 yean. He abo it foreman (or day, the Wetther Bureau preD. D. Miner, end the R3v. R. the Ft. Riley eust. a weekly (Bcted. I. KirtdoU. 4hrafted-ibe press AbimdaM ssnshine and brisk releax. Uiu Sswvwr' said Roherti b a past state eomMtherly breesa will help Sea* TWELEGRAM ‘ ef Amveto. boost mercury inth tote (he. The local group sent a tele­ tipper Ifo in foe Topeka t gram June IS to natioBal ortU.5. Appra^s Lo cm of tiw NA.4CP and to KanMid. sas congressmen. Mving; "The "1 SEOl'L. South Korea (APi Windi art expactod to range Topaka aHuMHm foon the a A «4 3 nq^ loan lo help »fren 19 to 2 am p h. in the To­ for-federal housing legblatioB." pand South Korea's air navigapeka area today. Victima Bi F-ast Tbpeka were tion i*''has •beeo aufoer-facilities Top I to (he Ifo overlooked by news media. ixed by the t S. .Agency for towere recorded over moot of the fCaattauH m ^ 2. CM. 7) lernaaonal Devetepment. Depu­ eastern two-thtida of Hiim VWWB ty Premier Chang Key-young Sunday whllr mercury IcveU **^S*Mr soared to B at Hill Oty 90 at Garden Oty by I aftmnoon. Country PorsoR On the Inside Tepeka'i peak reading a 15 Sunday was two degrees below <* i»a foe normal high teinpmi tor Ihe date. A low of ST recorded * few mtnuta after fuarue Sunday to Tbpeka.

1 lo IT years AO of the dead were to the mn Need Tiger car that burned.' peU* "We hive esperieoeed a Mid. (Osafcaei w Page t, 4M. I) great foagady to our commonl- Htbway PatrM oftlctoii axtitat win raqtora ------- - . lained the IMS-model foreign car, driven by TlioraBS, waa Snow Traps Tourists ear Intaests in ncwthbound to tfae wioog lane tore." Hug Mid in atBouacllw wbao K eoUided head^n wito MOSCOW (AP) - Tooriits at Ibe truck drtvea by HerM P. tbe Soviet Black Sea rem of "My home wss dtotroyad to Sawyara. U. Roula 1. Batofor. Sochi, rooatly to light an the tomade. Alttomgb 1 wm Patrolmen aald Sawyers was clothing, were caught adequately tonitd, I am wdl injured, but not serloosly. Be snowstortn in the mountatoi aware of the problesna fadBg wts alone to the track, they bahU the dty Iasi week, the thoae less fortiraato than my- said. ilakiyi Pravda said Sunday. sell Mid Ihe tourtote were "] am prompted to mn for cued. ' this office for two rcasaas: My opponents have rsacbed or are appcoximatdy rellremem age. and my North Topeka oppooeW ecMinued toa eampaltoi ttorlng ow days of digging . “I have the neoMeary youtit. rarem and totereat to aent our people.” Hug Mid Hug. a paduate of Hoyt High Sdfool. is a reembor of Saernd Rdtot CathoHc Oiurch. He has beep active to Ow Oakland Civic Assn and Cosmo Baseball By MARTTN 8. GREENWALD seared for Ibe Qnt time to my for youngstere. MIAML Fto. (API - I'm ctarvfog. but I’m dtolghted. I wasn't afraid of nrvivl^ a So far 1>c tost m pounds. ioag period ef itarvatton. My That sounds Uks riot. Ills, but (ear was that 1 mtgbl (aO this when you start a diet weighing (ttrt as 1 had wMb maiw ofoers. pounds. It to juto At first I abed about Sto to 9 begtimtag. pounds evury day. Now Pm Today : weigh ai pounds and dnpplhg shoot fiiree^nirte ef there are a lot of pounds to kM a pound daily. UTAUKKB. til. (API - before ! get down to tbe » or ike coming home after a ae level. Physically I don't crave food at an. BoteattwBasiragbafait. DM foMBte Ml rfoped up Ibi wrong Mydtottoqullq . thing you rea&y never lullqsUfo.1 dmoto topped in my two vtti^ poll WaM to Eat ■ laid Mrs, lamad Aw- drM aB Ite i u borne lo find bar ages I want. What ctoeT Noth- Yaw tastt stiO want to Mto. Your mouth WMti to chaw. bewud up by « earth- lug. That-i IL When I entered Ibe bapUal I I tUpped. On* I ato soma chicken broth. I told the docton WM - by no stadvfo «! Conway, n d by ear society. I waotod :aod they understood. Laler. I of tlw wrecking o sneaked a bile ef roast beef. Bwt. ISaUsdv Ihe wm person, not e (reek from sntoh- my ceuectonce wen. 1 spit it out Then. Utor. whBe on a psM. I a town on North Tlsl er world bought a cao of becr. .opened B BoaeentOU The Awers borne is on Thai's why I'decidtd to try and loaked OonKience won ;si Street. Uw kng ftarvstion diet wMA ^ato. 1 threw it ool wMwvt proved stHeMiful (or efo- tatotog. Train Cnsh Kills 1i My Hia has aettied down toto BOMBAY, IndU lAP).- An On March tt. my tong fight IS pMMUger train cratoed taward normalcy ftaallygotan,i a stopped (ragtt train foto- dar way. My food wm pear A)er to Rajasthan now faced sute killing at least IS p«MM Mtaaoen. Althea^ 1 toifit my- After washiBg. 1 ream to a Md injuring M. the Westora mU 9 ptytowtogtosSy tar the hearty breakfast of ant soft starvatlM <BeL I ww really fotofc. BKiway r«pwtrd.

Key to 'Living' Intensive Diet


Church Bus Hit by Trairi—

Chicago Riob Noted in Cuba

Mayor Seeks Federal Aid

Junefion Prinfer To Seek Office

Warm Weather To BIgnkef City

Italian Vessel Rams Canal Bank I PORT SAW, V A K. (AP> iThr r.907-un Italian tuniry 'linrr (tollileo |dow«d into for banks of the Sun Canal on Sat­ urday. toanng a Iwlr t< feet deep anti 99 feet *ide into the n«*«i •» dresstog f for •anal sMe taghway. I - vur natoral sefoet Ctoiy mtoer tarui.«es were re-| vadM he goad laagh to lonrd among tbe itoB passen-l fofo»ay before foe alter.’' MARTIN 8. GREENWALD

» i d-

Dear to parti ^sciSI^ ihrougb tonight. Highs today'" m upper aoi

Detailed Weather News. Page 2

... .

Battles in Primaries County Races Tame; iCiwlwrt riwi P«|« li HiroU G. Wanwiek. R. I» JnwB; Pwd-W- PW|». D. fW W. nit; Mart Dat ErtckacB. D. ms RaiMatph. <Ty. SmitA. K Its Harrim). hai wttMrm.) Rep «th btit-Tom Wttt, R. MM Maryland. Roy W. Jaqulih. R, t04 Jewll; TVn Ran. R. MH W. MCh. <T* DWrtet Rep . mb DllL - JKMt W. Rim, D. MlT Ptaii. Jime* Wniiam W. Bunten. R. tnt W. Mth. Red. «h DM. - C. V Coch­ ran. R. Route t. N. Topeka; Uoyd R. RoMiwe. D. Mil County MaOHor - John W. GreeoUni Rd.; Wallace M TtMric. R. Ill Coiallaad Judr M OMNct Ooun. TWd Buck. R. 4M Stratford Rd. Div. - E. Newtoa Vlcken. R. Rep. «b DUt - UVemc! 4M Woodlawn. H. Spean, R. Roasvinc; Mm PrabaM Jud|c - Makdm 0. M Kocer. R. GterMalc Dr ;‘ Copeland. R. 1T« MeVIcar. EmeA D. nupaMck. R. tm Clark of Oh Dlatrlct CourtW. Mtfi Luelle M. Carter. R, 711 Oakntb DMrtei Roeabe Klit. D. UN BeiRep.. Mth Dlst. - (Only i:mI1 Bnatl part of tha diitrlct a in. judge erf (he Court o( Topdia Shawnee County No candidateiReeee H Robrahn. R. MH here have tiled tor nomination ijunei Court, in the dtrtnet ' Clerk ot the Couh of Topeka - J. C. Meiaenheiinar. R. Route Flrat County Con Mwihal of the Court of ToDiit - Jolm R, HUIer. R. pdka - Elmer L. Under. R, Ehnont Rd.; Harry W. BUtlnci, «K S Ohio; Ge«*e W. HoweR, R. MS Terrill Bcrberick Rd D, M4 Tiylor; Harvey J. Owl-, County Treaauer — Dean E ter. B. Ml Waiaon; Charlea YMlUBC, R. lin Saline. County ABomry - Robert D Hooper. D. 1«7 Van Buran. Tiw^ OIBet Bacfat, R. M4S Lakeaide Dr. officea iMlude County aerk - Watter Rice

tnuiee, treamrer and derk. vhieh makai op tba bovd" and coortabla and tm, Juttleaa of the paaca. No tovnihlp M fltavnaa Obob^ had a run ilato of candidatei by S pm. FMday. •r-OHI C/wm. M. (MW r. L( «M r. 0. r. »(M >. KMW. (MW J. I. M Mr tnwMl DM «Mtw. ■ImW jr.. m M •MMurwi i. U( CWw. ■■

Mumiii LMW» * *. 4 H Uomm. ft fnwMi c. e. dWim .• (. (MW L Wr IlMMi'Wi a< tWf. • MWMWA-MW (' ■. MM >, Wr WMIM. a J Ommi’, a. (MW •. MM( ---------iBl—(Ml * MmMW, t. •*"»• . . . - fw CM*. (MMW aowwr. o'.

•tssiJ^zsr: cmm a mm iv >MM(. nmtn I MM. o. dm

wr .........n’t CotH 0. MXM.

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C«M. M IniMMi WMM*


(. awM Him M, M« H M wwnM. 0. ei> ■■MU* CcMt («. MW Wr IidMw. VMM. f fMM. 0. ><l« aMMK ■«.

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Mra. IMW C I ft HMIC* W (w




k MM a

vMii e«>^c«>Vb a

U.S.WillTry17 In Rights Deaths

Organization EndSsi^»L“.s-ii.M

slavtna slaytaf of Ur tirke clafl. rlfhli •orken will |o on trial In feder-


In Volunteer Work Orgamied volunteer workerj wera uicd lor the lait Umc In Tbpeka dlaaater areas Sunday, laid Dr. Roben C. Harder, dllactor cd UN rohotaer eflort About 79 paraou trem VaDey FatU. Nortomrtnt and AlcMaeR. and about M Boy Serala worked Suadv M danop cperatlooa in the OaMamd and Bait lupaka


unity said there la "a lot more volunteer work to do If aomeone want! to t^ tha reapoealbUity of keepUf EIM of naraaa eralliB^ of peraeoa who want to work.” He auifcatcd that >erdee ektoa. meni’ ergeniuttoiiB and etoireh poupi could matotton a achedole rf penona who naadad

Dl« Jud|a Harold Cbi pravtowly

chael Sebwemer. Andrew Good­ man and Janwi ONny. the Kpraina court ruled March M tba toearnmant could proaeeuto ondir two lawi enact­ ed In 1MB aiN 1170. OrtfInaUy. IndIcteeDti been eUitoad BfatoM 17 ineludlof thrM law cfficera.

••Othirwtoe a lot of unalgbily .drtru wlU ranalB In (ha nal|h-

IBM law made It a mlede. or to act “widw eonr N

M ■1* ?


A man MatUM u. Mu l^rona, 07, 1171 Uneoln. wa found wilh a funabot wound to bli left upper tof near the atudent ■■««' dotnltory on the Stormonl-Vall Boapital iraondi Sunday nlfht. howdUl ofnciala

1' f

Except tor the Nortbeatt Md earth Atlaatto Caaat, maat af lha Mtfwaai a^ paH af Ibe SeNbweat, ibavera Ml M aver lha aattae today. It wS ba waraa la the Mtfww amt BeuthwMt aad real aver the aarMen Racklaa.

, Lyona wa taken to the boapHal emerieocy raon where h waa admitted to "deep ahock.' boapital aftWala lald. He wii toWttod to toe intonalvf cere todi at StomoBl-Vail where oOtotola atod hb candHioe had mpNvad M* taday nifirt. PNka aaid ly WM waimded toniat an arfummtt erith a nelghber or friend.

Summary ot Weather s ■ Toptio W«Hwr




Victory Predicted In Next Year by Ky


HuMoa. HW. o PC CM d I


..M. ... HV.




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U.S. Weather

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Catholics Meet By Red China Qn Birth Control

Director Named For'Ike'Library

-3- IE EE

' torn'* at

irad eontrto to Rue on both banka to the Perfume RJver. h laiiaa. toe Buddhist Inttltaa WM rNged with troops and barbed wire and the governmant ptodgad to toine aD tgltaUon hy tore* if nareaasry. Crowds roMBOd tot brightly » twa^ to toa capital, lor ent (argetttog toa turmoil towv.poBtii

Attention TORNADO VICTIMS Save $$ During Our Big


cMdltiM. AK (aw

In Topeka

IBJVISIOM. mq.t|y labU

*79w, ‘48u,

mjcmc kdOTots, v., ■A. w s^n


rZmS: is., vrjn:

WILMETTE, m. fAP)-Heedquarten of the Baha'i fai peru that tta mimbor of ataemhiiea icongteiationa) to the United Sttta now uUli 3W. double what It waa U yaan afo. :m..

- ^

iu»f27«t............."Z/bs. mXVISION. coarelM nod porlabiat. grerantoW.......... ^OUp

Hr mm nH' anart^Srein. t

jTiam, n*mm-

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Roipitol Births






HvadrW. al wad (aariaMM imBv *•' UaoWltta dahvarv. It((v (aaiUam Htrxfktt akoind Im H.lMd r* Hckaicitn. .*d a«t l*H W* aaart*-

MS M MatfV (MM.

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LBJ Rapped


MHk ret ^mm f

Baha'i Fairti Grows

iCiilMiii rnm Page II

D/vine Solution—

f-lHL VmJ

Man Found Shot Near Stormont

Faga 1|

hava fsond no one who iwjlapd MmdM beeduae of toa Ma.” jankg dearie eflartt ant H« tawyur alto aid a raaiother Nd." tot tatogroB «p« ntt ef wem lOpN ‘ ‘ ' ■no purpoae of tomdiyk daisd hath "rMiai MdhraBe laBBMl wae to brtM aN tot k after toe iiitmnlMIni aad come to aa tornado unJeraUntong with toe commi.The Nero who aOefemy wat nl^." Mid mm Sawyer. denied houamg m wMt Tbpeka MKhSaWMcn said Steidfy ai^ be wktoad N hat been much evi- main aenymoas and aau ha .mee of dirrOninatiM to EaN had DO cennwM to make. . Tappka ibn toe tornado,' The Rev. B. R. Warraa. ptoaaaid. "Ihe fact tom people there Ment to the Tbptka toae* to NAAS*, said Ik LteMnLltoB Sunday on toe niMtaan to Eato Tb* prahtom wu la fet thia liiM tom rag • At of Frid^. no one in East "apaka. toaa a btoMtag af aa Eptocapal IWa^cN Topeka had Found bogglBg mra Aware to Fm* Sebaal to Cambridge, Maaa. RaOtd Ingtoton ranked to eu the ihaulirn af etovea Red Cnsas or Chamber of Ck.“We are aware that govewwtoe it was tea baavy to be carrlad ap Ma merte lato." the said. "I jst men tads have bem made avalMMa te asMt hmaMaa firtllM and tiiiateaia MWNan aervtog noOde to tooae Merai agenoB who are charged with the nq»BBlhimy to ditoHbatiia three fun*, to da ae-equltabty and htatsSy to tooM who wO be aUgtolt wtfliTOKYO <AP) - Red Chma VATICAN CITY lAPt - The oot regard to race v creed," aid Sunday that Preiidem cxrdtnals and btsbops directing he said. Johnaon hat "itocaly black­ iCaaltoMd Frtm Page 1| toe ihraat of ONre treuUc. the Roman Catootto Oivcb't "We win be watehing to aM wMeb could Mt ha aally dto- mailed toe Vtotnameae peoplel tnvesiigattaa of Wrto cnM toN fair aal boneto tttrtoallH acareb for vm Cong in a wtto war" while advocattag! mfctoao by affldal. apitmln. week tong, finai to tiHM foi* wm ka made." coaatai area about B milaa peMcUUu. Wamn ,retd. “if ftdral dlaramiMdw af tta tsar aoutb td Qni Nbon to the mafor BttM « JatooB-i twice dnrtag toa avi itor faah art dm dtetHbotod ground actian. Tlwy mat Utfla' weekend newt conference at toe PaePsttIVL nMer aedds veaiy ad faMy, we will darmtotanca alter their landt^ White Howe. PakhM't New Chiband granade aad lha maNli« is toa cMnf maiid that the fonda be with­ Samrday. na Newt Agency laid; "He phase of a ttiaa-yar ahi» et^ hold frtm tob area." HIgMIyiDg BS Strataforta raved that toe Untted Slatet' dered by toa Papa to toa face of Oaptaa 8HC from Guam flaw threa mlatoona blaatsd a dtogy taManant in toe t ohjeettvet in Wet raquma ftam Rama CaC . Mkte Sawyer tato a eepy to Smday against Communiat lar- Chinese suburb of CMm. One hr elarittoatton on toa ow of thewrea rtoMM will ^ to toe geta in South Viet Nam. Udud- penon waa kBM and three nrtcoel NAACP toftae red to tag a Rid propagnda radio itaat mooKarad hare (bat, P-tn»ber speeialittt' tton naar tha Cambodtan her■Johnaon again indjeatad to the “We totak tWi tolai ca be dw. R waa too aaceod atraltf teitoaled toe patMeto pran conhaewe that he weold trerkad oat ftorty and toe new ^ tfnt BBS flew tUaStoiday with KBM U -caOoalMwttotttoSavW wba It Ii eto up hy tot usual one tMM diatributad torougbout Vtot In thto coimaetla. bi w«md ap tta msettagi bet* ItatotoeaituaAiltod Oft Nam'j armed forcaa and Bi«- tooAad upon the in3. ware active agatott enmny wprka criMromhM ttm Miet Onaty’ for the paactod aa of 'me • The Vattoaa aaneomd toe ll gall in both North and South initead of the anal 0«ca for toe meen aad othar eatoeitol preUlM « the birto cMtooi VMNam. ah- atrikm. hediaa wtddi the Sovlat VNeq eommintan-i dlraetlng baard heed of gov­ In hit cddrett, Ky said the phB CommlHtoa PriiaMint Al­ ernment had spoke nwith such nation was on the verge of dlafredo Cardinai Ottavuni — confldenee end opUmttn in iq- •ater when his regirae would review the findi« to fee cent yaan aa Ky dM. rer. spedaUala far a week end give While doubt could be cast on ObviouMy eoaxnua a the cenduslons to toe Pope aftlone of Ky’i predietiant. for r June M. toe time being toe slender. »■ populatiOB-f aansihiUty yaar-oM pmnier teemed to Amerteaa presence to toe cerahave the attuatton weU in hand try. Ky omittod Amehce't cmiExile Returns -with U.S.mi|to behind him. tributton to toe war as bright picture of toe At day's end. hli clita troops ACCRA. Ghane lAP) WASHINGTON <AP| - Dr. Forme Flnaaee MteWe K.A. took over conpMa control of military aitoattoo. too tonner impvlal capital of Id toe dtploanatie field, the Jalm Bdtavd WIckmu hat Gbedemah hat lehaned to Gb»Hue. doOed wtto tombs of Viet pamnier said, his ngtma "aV haen appetotad director to tot na afie fiva yean agtfa In Eu­ - • - - • Ltonry rope. He fled la UBI a few boors Nam's fctaga. Hr MHM ■(.■( —t* H Mowin’ ____toa world. Hoe was toe last ‘btobre DOW depaaed PraaMant ahUtocatafalithdiploorgantiad BndddM naMaace ^ ouB aiM. Kwame Nknmah eteod '' froto.wteu <VtoaraMa^ aUenaMtomnyAtn.AMan ODuntrM aad tfghtm. tot bonds with oOr atom.-

TtKjjai^iraAaRuebofplllhey «1U Be hTtefad at tert.” Harder ifid. jl aahauttad by a IMay tost to kaaainh Harder etM year in priaan. ’nM-IITB iwoteat against (he rag^ and S a m. today ute made U a fekey to eon. Amarict-f policy to Viet Nam. Harder, director of the To­ work with the OBD today, he aplra to daprtea anycoa of Ida In the aopberta to toe govempeka Offk*oftoo«nleOw^ aaid. mant'a recant ttatomania. few paid much atteotioo to the enig­ matic monk whose policy is N.OOe and 10 year* imprtaoo- based largely on his pereonal betred to Ky and American mttt. ^rcacitoe to Vtot Nam. Thera waa na raalstanee from dhsldnt BuddUat-tod troops


NAACP -issues Equality Demand


) ft*** iurnm


Me* PM

.(V a w *

ii !i . •»ii is»

sE ,

(a. wpe W •

KoiiHit WMth.r

All Sales Departments of the ED MARLING STORES will be CLOSED From 1:30 to 3, Monday during the funeral services



Kmm. DIm(« Dm oimm. AH (M

« M IMH tvMfwM. .to mof -

H.n. (M . W ..--aW. aoraa MsaiiTM



inEn'Tonu stme owt



Kaiwwi’ Ijorgett

BLinG 5

NO- TONKA* Oaaa teaM. TUm. mU W«. WfUt .

mBifWi 4 Mfiuiici Stotts_ powhtowh • NouiaAT aouAtt



Operotiog in Andm Mountofin~

.^alaguei^ Planning [Austerity Program JARABACOA. Doralnktt R«.| north «( S«rto Dmla«D. He ^ie (AP) - Cntbaeka Id the h»ke«) reetad and tnll]r i«cavat^foKatmOiegiBBtitF*. ered from the grtndlD| eleetlon emncRt bura«cnc7 art prima campalgB that coat Ui apart M, pounda aema to a aaw aartertty jrfani franc..... . . hot *em him Pr^doiMect JomoIb Balafu-r”* prcnuncr n a Anstertty vill begin with Oe «rioua political dlfncultia. put mauguratkn July 1, BaJagner Balaguer uyt "tbe only way taid. Only 4P apaclal invitaUofa one can a^*t problema la to have been toned for the cere­ mony that wfll be limited to two confront Item." dayawltbfewlfaDyortteiaBiiIn Oaal RetRot gnril frflto of ottwr timee. Away from 'toopical teart of the lowlatea. presidem-elect the little lawyer-reformer noke fnaed to coomH tdmaelf on the in general terai of hit aualarityihlgien qoetfin bualng amnid plana while reattog at the homeiSanto Domiogo; Who will be in of a friend. Joae Nalry.' In tbeihla Cabinet? Alludtog to the pa-IpiDy. cold hlghlanda B mflea'rade of prominent namea in


McKiairT. SB MuUto. • 61 S«l«x»a S«I«IM aard MT< la 6 Trttot ia Ttadia ^ Cmtida."



JO __ wile

i2 Par B 0( 1

n Praiaciwa M a

U OKlma " •- - -

JI Pep*)' npa 3Z Ouate. i3 Mare Ihn —


a Frrtrt BUM fi



ilK 4*__ ■« af arepenaa...']

St Dell.. . far auMk.

!£.”t ss^Sa's.

9 Slav iBirtTl. 10 PkJTBM Iai>T*r. 11 Am TietarT.

ST riaeaL Sa Hardf hua. $9 Anbtn part.

n 5^^


hM been acenmulattag to Peru




Peoce, Peoples Noted In Pope's Proyer ■ VATICAN erry (api - Poi

Peul VI told a crowd of IS.tB St Peter's Sqnarc on Sunday that he prayed tor "peace and proeperiiy for all peoples." He said there were "Imroenie pnbtams to the world" hot did M give special mention to any to of them. The Pope made the statement from hto balcony dar­ ing his Sunday blesimg.

Let the grass grow, Geeige

« S**’"*: 6t Khid af reaiB.

nriiTor test?

£ uutjuuy miuuttll


Rag. tow Priea ttfIJB

The prMcrfpHM «t from

Can your face

oi.D aDHemi^ uuuni


IteiaB and peasanto.


'M riocn oau yujefj I'JUMUUU QUU □JJLfll IDUUUtilU UliliUUldiJJA, UFJUUUUUiiiPUiJisiJjii' tlliUliUl LILlUyUUI IttaHurjU UlUUJkgl. r^nun muo •Niauuirt

Andes tor variy a year to an an anUgovein-

were murdstd durfe« a gaer- guerrinas, estimated to na Ttotory over the Red rilla rvKb rid ler food aod|no more than eeveral hnndred| bands was tnaouocad to tn M- snpfdtoi last December. jet peak, was fought by tte annyj paga boimd volume cenpleie Tbe army report aaid toeiln strict secrecy. I with mye od phygrapta of cupBred guerrilla leaden and weapou. II claimed the leadert| were trained to C(d>a. Red Chi­ na and toe Soviet Unioa. JOAQUIN BALAGUra The volume said four rebe! rwriwBnAB wcre caught and Cabinet' apcculation. be uid; lauipito^ to areas when tbr> had fought Tte army said th« ■Only I toww who UieyTl be and gwerrlUas had Uacd tfai dvil ’ le namee will not be releaaed iam and tortured to death two' 1 ntil the day of inauguration.” polieemeB. "Pen is tte only country wr > Balaguer did not tay what know of that ever single-hand-i Ik reduetioaa are contemplat­ ediy numa^ to eUmfnate : ed in the ffllUtary or tte govern­ : Commonist-inspind tosurgen-l ment paynll. Tbe armed forces cy." said one U.S. dlfdonal. boB bwM ptwehasdd by guerrilla country are catimaied to have fewer The stretrtwd from the north doBn than M.OOO men at present and the vautUng Andes, which i ttetr budget was tharfdy pared like a qiing atong tte middle of by me Peru, to tte aenthem valley of vmy ef government Conetpeion. | Please call any Blaylock ploym is estimated to be tour Uitog battaUons of highly! store for prescription terrice. •ained paratro^w and rangers, timet larger. toe army moved into the guerWtwfflbgRledtedtfivtf. rlUa comitry lato July. Durite ■ Nmw pay HtryMi Dniq IHh at Koytoek's ntoe-monib «—«■»]««ign- troops j trapped tte Rod banda. kilHngl


is Caax. Ilraeeirdina. 21 Srtiill ibbIIm .

Saturday's Aiisurtr

LIMA. Pan tAPl - Tte)C gnefrttlaa tiichidiat the tend-itrooga aeited rcM cntea of| PCmian army AdiMBmuylen. Army and poUcc dead were:arm and ammunltton. eqdo-



439 1-it 39lh

Knid <uid Use Capital Jounuil Wont Ads!

t- (but not under your feet). *

Your Chevrolet dealer is mowing prices right now!

pin your ytMfitvt. rem-

WrlnklM an BawetBcd aad tte Bkto tMtnn takM on a 'rtorlous nflanl bloom and BB BogUah eeuUryBldB took. Befor* rtOrinr. ■mooth on 0 flhn ortaotamle Olay vitatetBK night ervom luiing upunrd and outward iBiBBBgtPg atrokta. Drag

" to^/fhoul oWgrtten. Sm Therm Tonu^la Halliilir Baum.





CHIU, 1-lb. Roll ROPEO


Ice Milk Carrots





Look Younger





ocKlKa vr

IR W«hiactae citr. IV Ward al


EARLY AMERICAN ... ert its Best!

Peruvians Wipe Out Guerrilla Bands

TW 10.*1“

29' Kt 10' cjCindii POOD eorm MM CMfMteu Aunte

new standard. awMdinf adM bate, front and mar. Adwayt buetoa up.

Look at nil thntdtooiiMi ntnndnrd oa your new Malibu: Curved mde gUae for more room nod a better view • Body by Ftobar • Magic-Mom acrylic lacquer finiah fi^ta aim and anit • Rugged deep-twigt ctrpetmg • Samptuoua iatarior. with vioyl door paodi and sidawallB for ea^ can • Little Uiingn Uke nn electric clock and glove compartmut light • Safer thinp like I that wwk extra hard in a Truaty CItermlet« ■ Uka the Hi-Tbhft 194 Six or th.> Torbo-Fin 283 V8. Look at all you ean add to maka your Malibu even apider: AM-FM multiplax atm> radio for beautiful munc wherever you go • Add Four-Seaaon air oooditioning and it’e apring aD year itjund • Want driving at ita eneieet? Just aak for power Ivakea, elwslng and windowa • Mora ipke? Mag-ttyla wheat Govan are nice • Order Comfortilt eteering triieel and you don't have to adju^ it doea • Turnpike driven aak for miiae omtrol. It maiauiito a content toaad antomaticaUy. Ug-eaving aummer buya on Caiaviolet. Chavella. Chevy n and Cervair.

See your Chevrolet dealer for fast, fast deliveiy on all kinds of Chevroleis ...V8’s and 6's!


Opn Dolfv—* AH. yffl 19 ajd.

We aewrr. !»• Bi.ti M L



‘-awyets Talk, Reporters Listoi


In the Eyes of a Visitor

•«pire tor Bettoeti" algat on baardadip atar^ Me oad «0 «•■>« •*•<>*« Hnada'a pato. *e eMiar abaemd. Oaaaap arawe >aek^ are«d tbe rtotk »erc rapMy etoartag toaa of dabrii. Many kaitamwre and bareaawaaei wen al­



"btftom” and ■•badln" toto “a "a carntral eerntvat «- •** . neapbere'' to toe caamton NOTBNG coeM be nore anl "Ite releaae of to toe prato by poBcanen. wit Um ^

ia to aU flto Itoaada^ etedM.

"Il-i very Dktoy that aenc areaa of Topeka-partkrulaHy to Ibe bUghiad toepeMncoma nerOiaaat aactton of fba dty~«iU cnerge ft«n fl«a drvatoattoq of the tornado k bettor p^leal dupe thaa thay were to before.' ftaoer pca^. "Na» beutog aad abopptag ■mady bang planoad.-' Noted by tbc rcforter »at the mayor'a propmal to aatabttob an cipreBBway (ran eoaibweel to iwrtheait TbpiAa. paraHeUng the path efttae toraado.

tne. maybe a nbbn horn, tract frvB coaad toe Doet totimaia aeoata cf a caae aador the battvtttol they are tott­ er pamocottag cr dtoenflog. •am ettto toncBl^ any nporter «perte*ea to covartog


•" lefYeBaDolf! Lady Is Willin’

PkEPAfUmm for jost toeb a blow as Ml.on the dty June I comritoHed to the wieed wUh whkfa relief was adntototered, the reporter aoted. coodudtag fbat To-


It a*ea two to tanfo, both to aad out of eoort. nat fad to writ leer by lha U S. Sivreae Oonrt to gtvtog the back of nt powerM band to heOi tta prev and toe legal prefecBtoa to Ha reectd deetoioa rcesvtag toe eanvicliee «f Dr. itomte H. OMppard far the murder or bto wfle to USl The preea got an aeaortneat of hsnpe Iran the Sitorenw >. Bat toe real vuian ■ me eh—^

A reubcttx wtteh bote ««ll for Tbpekt't future «u aeM by a etalor atUCDed here tbc ttorm fWy. "AlltMaMi ttUI «nbi( «Bt of tttc drtrti. mret Topekan already are bouKtof back Ireoi the mo« dertnieUre art of nature to the cUte't bJatory." wrett Jatnei C Tanser in the Wall Street Jourwl. "MobUtzto( ^kk* ly. the city began the prec«H of tetting back <s Ha feet alinMt aa noB at tiK fomei lifted.''

Pointing to Immense U.S. Power Buildup—

President Hopes to End War in '67 ;£« J

............... abtodbg tta Itw-

_______the PretMent toU one "Should it become necessary twered by itattog that he bemended," hlparltoao Moap. ‘'rhtretre tobtt tteae targets to force toe lleved tbb mrest «»«ni€ stonu frem ‘ to five op *nbe old Americen habH of WASHINGTON - Praeident only eto netor ttrgeto toft ^ ^ agilBR Souto wanting to brtog things to a dea of nt inh—, 1, m«Hna « major e(- <»7 nQltary advisers mold like moBHIea of catnpanMe rise cadraoted with dtouter of wfu have entkdpeled her « "rtam- STj^y^SfluLitoS^ fon to _________________ to banb that I have not ep- Viet Nam." contiaued Ibe Pnto- sired cud ifoieUy.'’ dealt, “I wm not becibda to eu- b ■ trai* gtve-aito4akc dtoc pnpertlou. ^ ben of Oongrea ton he will canton with a groop of Demou* enfflcient'military power to When the Senate minonty • •'Topekens are no elrangeri to vtoieot weatber. even — * • * ___ ^ crals. toe Pretodent cncaded toough toe city had never becnbltbylbefullldrceofa THE PRESDENT streased that his atandlM wift tte pablto tonado.” said Tanner. "Topeka eutabtoct many a larger r.T.» u..»uu„ -X* -------------------. -dewtopmirts to on acenmt of In private briefings and Indi- t>« “ '’iet Nam led that notary t dty to Us daboratc prepmttoos for disaster. Local offi—Democrat- to* the brieflngt. inquired aboot Vtot Nm are now toe meet the wv. but be argued: lc«idRSSto.rra.^SM tee tocetta of then targets end favqrMde etooe be took ofOce. ..u„^ k better tois dali taka pride to a civil defense center located to the aatobaaement ef a rececMy bnUt courtooun." 1e*lersrS Preoii^TLsnr«»ck n Ab«P t» PW«»««y «*• Topeka's storm-waratog system to second to noee, the vtolter dtdartd. Waatber wattban. moatly vobutteri. are pealed eranad toe dty to ndtoaqolppad can whenever - Mrs. Yetta taia to berel or

pdu ,«»«, (...a 1«« «».mm,

ran”^ s

bto typewriter, volee (d eaperlence; I cover indder trials h oeled fram coOage. The moot recent wee toe Dtotoe trial ef Jack Ritoy.) Em wbn a case to beard in camera, at was toe Vandsbilt entody caee atonoct ID yean age. it to not impeatoble fee a r«pster to get a detailed and M»nte niHtown of tte daily court secston. And. certafniy to; toe peat. H bn not been Im-J

** *


political campalgni.

visually or on radar "Bat toere are nmc tot wrllir Ml. "Maty new bMne* bdH to Topeka In nem yean had nakhar storm collar an baiteaats, aa Mdimcad by tfl tea caaercta slab botMC cranpled "Altbeu^ the Ion of Me ww retoUvdy snaU becdum d tea repealed vlaiM sliMMai ef tte linmda Md olhn wardi«i. tojvlee are esttoadad ae Ugb n Mk -Ttae fMoetttoe cnold have been toerpiy wdneed If everyone had tok. mpn preemttone. tt'a gmerdly agrmd -B-i fven batog aogretad teat afl new baeam ba fto Ta»nrto qntndbycNyn


candSaSr^to toe c«^ of hto (or her) Take her campaign, for Pretldeni to UM. Her platlorm was dapls: "Tba Praddnt^ cabinet ^ h... MM* to *«>•HI.;P«^« M have Wted to «Me.rtta, but teemed to lira wito It (How true. We learn by our o bm wlib nccesMnlI men and .ru dbowbawl bow to

"By reparti tbe PreoMenl, "we abantd have tea cocntol mSItsry power eummitted to Viet Nam to be able to dratroy tee mate body ef Norte Vtoteam-

sile teclmieiafts are boosed at a pailtleal apkeavai to 8«th then sites. lUnue to tanprm. " nt caa bo "bva Vkt Nam aad teat intewar "U w« bomb these bases, we bto.” Or tbM on say “fto ran toe rU of Umi« hunVIET NAM NOTBS-RtMten____ dreds of Rossians and this could tacboical teams to Nntb Ttet .. . escalate toe war. Nobdy has Nam are owed to dtomantltog Veteran Nw York reports been Bblt to coovtoce me that Be contanded that toe Com- ui akeraft ahol dawn, and »W1 talk of_toe_ fmma n towiikta a year." toe mUttvy gain we wouU reap muniats have been nnabte to etoetneto teutoiem and » tnal of Rnib teyder la worth the liak." caab to on toe poUdeal mnnott yogi mtotOet areftownbaekto andJoddGrayfbr Om mater ^ A* Vm Prealdem then revealed _____ to ^____________ Vim Nm bnt,.npp». s„rtet ^ for demM oamto.A tedy'i botosnd. Once the niiu. ently are dffl bteag mtoted and ttei. according to UJ. intrtt trial begm. one New York r power, to lalltog that "the oton t ,Aw tewgafcari. "Nearty one- tary targeb” on toe JM chleft footed by the donor of the Vtot -n* Rsyd itoaitemj nawipapn pr^ an aa^ -------------------- wera^very Nampatecrtttatotblaemin. SrPWee to atombdad to re. Its nrat yiorite« P-Wa dty after day. The New York tilth of an U S. mUtory pn- Urge oil• storage depots i ' idteeh committed "



THE •HU> INDIAN IMCND” was v repeated In toe three major problems eonfraiV 'jj' ■ at bk e

« of a teaten of M k

— E^“T££“ - 3 v*£. s, =1 t, ipaMCM

Hn iihteana wore, to teU ndan Pat Jayw Ma«BaU'i ptebn M aB pmtege ktompe; Iba r^ erttaoa. ^1,, Ih, bagpge of vtaittog Climate; baag a Ream wu that stoee torMaci umelly move to a RaatoM laggMtton bn aw toe Wbka BortteaiUriy dkoeteai. tee hill tat dMcUy to the pate Itewat tace. v. that would Kwmally be taken by a twtotar beaded tewwd ------- Mn area. Tbptee. "The storms would break up at Ibe r*"TT want bb UI uat last weak. week." ^ .oM i*M m (w mavn JN« of New the awry ubOI

r tee „ todtow cbtef iwM te be bdrted tesra.

Seeking Clues to o Thousand ^

Human Fears Analyst's Task

and Cnara: -gt.m to uval uidti off tbe Vtotrameae coast." This U.S. military commitmeni of «T.IM for Viet Nam is By JIM BISaOP cootidarsbly higher thaa the The peycktoirtot to more mto37IMS oetimatt bnogeited puh-_____ ___ ' teen hto pntients. IMy by otbn admtototraM aii- He to rubied as toe lugiclaa AwTiUei. According to a GOP of tbe mind; a man who itiidtoe

Aw PnaMmCa tadmioo sini^ ^of lup- ^rente ^grave portent into a ^

m OKI LowjNcom uu ui b, «• anils, a- wa. ns. aa a a wiaia,- in m bkxoiuiind brwanas «a,cnra«.l»aia|«««s<“«-"^ »« jlaa a v h», a *. a-aston. tt. ai aa. as ispscar issal Osria HsU. di, tsaar. I” Wsb» laaswasi. Os.- Prsil^^

a. i«lr.D. TV n, a»sa«d« »« a

z-s.rrrSL-xrsi'S: t?* li; £“f~H


vdH by at toast U pn cent. Henry A. Bttob. praaMmi ef how Mrs. Brooeteto has bam Nnte Vtot Nam Ctedtol Pedaral Ssvh«s k Leaa. toU Twr. apendtat^lto betew c^


I MIC Of eaoUan.

same fret, tea, tete tea ^ oad reaiere tea terwnte imaged areas may wni. C«l- Jwiwe r. Barkn, who directed Salvatton Army I wMdi came to keen M mldweetere communities, ■dvtoad aobnly ■nhe red lest wUI ba where Top^ to at this Unto not yen."

■ teeyv WhiB tea kdd tte Brltteb Imbaaey abont It. the received ■



THAT WAS kaown u "Otarprise" to tea feed n had oU teyt. There to etUl eame at it aronnd. And ttosa baa not d>ntabbed tee anmber of bendIteekmilenteteelegdpntaHI who haiBt coart lepertaim I I with tUbka to bnOd to> or u- down toe defcndaBt! depenteng on wbeteer the comiael to ^ or cow. ' _ , The iwwycre arq^ act enly getitag k kern tea

aim on tee core of tee problem



(be eCMrt. *nhntoi. anyway."


drive a wtowty kali beraeH And tbe said tbc bte M oik rr womow kam tta Man Itoed ap to help drive Iratea. (PraaUy, ttte mMa wMfV dyaawilc ttaa anytttag Mayn Ltodaay aiggtated.1 ~ , ' Raise toe ntoway fare in So WHEN YOU THINK It can't bt dom. advton tta centi." toe add. "Thit will AtdusM Globe.-Btoad back and wakk tta otbn Mtew te draw a better etom of peaaenii... The BMvto Gamtte auuM a uma fn mater- |«re and gira too cycle beaWki: Uttto-read rtteiw kanda. ttnity enougb maaey for higher ... wagaa. dliliitortowl. a^ and THE DCCnON TO GET marTtal eave tta Preiiidi Ktee. Bi—teto tor Dally HnaH It tte tod uw a bm^ to dtowed te . • My think ba made . . . Nature lure bai a a«a of tmteor. odea tea Atehtoon Globe, when booM rliaatog. gantediig. mowiak ud.^rtog fever all come at tta nnw tone.

In Kansas

ttancs. He is M, a want to u terk lace frantod to genrd Ion af payctoaky to tee neat BCMtato m be cUmbed by Amertoo'a IS.-

todi glasses.

He fraclices in Holt>T«od. Fla. There he Irads tee new breed which cuts straiMit Oirai«b tito mle of the mind to toeate canae and cure. The great precursors of tee Keteert -Meniunfer, Noyes. Strecker.

to uido tee damage dowe te tee ttold of poychtotry ^ the early • dtoBtota." who oaad an ttaccurate word called tasmilty. They also ued terms like de-

People feel that anyone who foeo to a pochiabltt to meotelly onhatoBced. which to akin to. Baytog teat aayo«wt» sees an «y« doctor baa cancer of the nttoa. n, «utive who tbs to )«f 1 «!««•. or who lean ted Rnitos or tee ROdans tte FBI «e LT Idoltag agatoct Mb b. to tee Brd laataaeo,1, wMHkawiag wMukawtog from a. on. a tom-: to tta heeeed. prajeettogllontoanaMOMdae. Hatoto6Mytogetteday. bat few seek it awd fewer want

Qwek Quiz

EXPaUE>>tfE. NOTES THE Bkd Rtedi T one teacher that bas no lavonlae: Sba grades May to G-U .vw were addressing the what yon do and not what you tatewd to do tbe monte when vacation tUrti for tee ddUren and aadt Pope oraite. wkd wotdd be tee (or awUnn. ttys the. BetievsUe Telaaeopr. • \ praptr UUe’ A HBE MAN. saya tea nan tea hto wffe cai boe-. . . Tbe mod tasMtog d dl tetogt to a aeeret, provided you doirt know it, q _- hTtat ____I ______ __ phfloawditera the Blue lUpWi Tl^, aiong tee edge of u«a6alone fMB WAT TO ATBACr aOtiew. adviaes tee Maryb viBe AdvoewH. la te md» tea aaod d tea fadta we have ... The Dodge Oly Globe aaya tm opomid to a man who ran tm hto em over to a parking Id dttnriad without tetek« back.

' What ssdety har*. k teeaicentee ta awe way n anMtew. Ifs Uke a ckfld tiarttag ■ »e te a etent aad teea etea^ tee ten ea teat It wB p away. Kcten and hto modem tcboDl ef paycblairT mellee dynamic ana^. a credo which em-

ter <f an toeb out of ptoab. It to tte docter as ttn pnto Mt noticed. But tte toiler eating Unt 's recRatiow of hit iynq». toras.' lhare are w h c e 11 wktow *W*w a bargain: 0 eontel win

dHrsr siTf

tkn of Scott Vtot Nam. "We art bitttag nearly avny etnekial military targel that tea Dmteg New Ywrii's "temy Jotot chiefs of lUft have recotn. e very bwty. At e at Ltedyt

they are prey an tewtey n

aeset bow iMiS Kn. Un Ana « took toteas rooa, a repnter tor tbe p^ papn wa* wmting ttere for tee ddendtai'i daily confideneas.

A - The emd^ water dischargte- by^' gUto an ted id saond cm bredbe while holdtai rtoaely to the surface oj a f«A.

Christian Love Spurs Aid tj* Editw; nch as ckiaU at pcenent to Mr-iifri nno«>. VM h gamed tteir eonrage and ibeir %tAaeaiOg V iHflai Iwek tore for teak fellow toman bete^ eitey ^ tte vlctkni d tte terrttle wtddi drwek Ttpoka aai vfdniA capttot to The Tigeka Daily tyanJimeltoBngstettolBte>: Capftel JOM U dated, "Men- tevdvemoM is needed, emptoatkdly. There are nen d at. m>t —»■ Ml to -e __ __ ^ __ AM IIP eoa who emoM baig to so ”* .""t* * w"Awa d tta M « can be made aware d tte ebmdiarelietptagbiate eteartog np d tee debris m Ctek- TbreaddchUtommolaltom These are volunteer work- tag naftt F^ dtar ttt teawho d Id m a nothing for tedr jervicot. One member tad

Krew b ,'r* "! " <«■“ • M "»!•. -INO- o nuMv,. MI .UNIIWM" TM -I--—-I—"MlMhrtpr«tflM)«nm.M.Iknrt M n,oM hu nm hx. aM •<•"» Hortote. mmIxim n fUM, „ tax, a, nX o( IMm b ta iMbb. Tta I” •• >fcro»l. DbMta ------■ k b bbtabbtaJ:-JT b»b«e.«S-.1" "OMtaMU, « b btatatlbibMkiSS Itatalkltab IM btaibkrt Tbb. X l.m.m kta.imi.l. M»1 M bb. ■ TMa WXb. M ta. U Mb b tbb nbing lb «. LbiM SUbb. Fblbib . Mb»i.r.|bb|.lb*Mtal .T, Mn. Ml rub, 1 IbbI M !»«.. «*i-bMbbbl, Eft" ^MbbxwNbbl.

cowld be rtairwttd to betvo- lave, WMh more d ttte pHtaaapkTgrmbNdtottawocWttwn aenabty but they tfen to. weted be BO Jmnm Mareteft »■ Crlmiaal Jaibpradiatt ddml - Ms aflatetod mwter ttteka ttwl tta best erne to to mad t)M to prtea*. Thme

for an maoer bow manv acres wt an m haw mttk we^ we pamam lr« Jay ttmot be ears odma we t'

W Nuptial Plans Dissolve

Johnson, Luci Take Each Other to Services'


Taylor's plaque Um Mm Rwto Off ClWfl piaqiw b^ giv^ the Pres- The ertatwn WASHINGTON lAPj - Preai-.Doe* Owist Say to the WorhT*: The minister read from c — OB plaqaes bang gtven the Idant { td* 'toroad tea- ^»ka of te dadKatta to eiH Johrtson aiMl Ms da«hiw OUmt BaUginaar The m|i^ ttoaa dent IdeakafafTMtaaMoB. Ucl: took eKh other to Palher'f deplored what ha deaglhad as PntUeat and the gcnerM in meflieal tAaa." aa wcO nt hto reUgMtsaertk» Sunday, the »stiipU tad Day RligHn aerttoai Sunday. - am^nt att- recopdtMB af ttato alaettoe as “sIcadfaM etfart la make I MIAMI BEAOl. FU. (AP) Firs*, ths Prwndeol and Lnri tads" of stena ttrWlaBS towwd - A-mMMn ttitt mikM doodi. ■ attended 11 o'clock semces at other rMtgtoaa. toe Natidnal City Cfarisllaal la |||l|l■llln ate Ibaa church where JohnsoB Is aoichristlai railgwa, the OKir Hpnte «i7* — after got .honorary elder. ideaertbed BtMJhIuu aa tma of of the weddlBp that i From toera. they *tivo to toe world's raB| ever wan't. Isoutfawest WasMBgloB lor IMS Hid that Buddhta^__ _ Mr*. Bm Z. Cfenakl. iMass al Sc-Oorainic’s churrh teach a maa to burn htaie» to 'M the bride who mi(M have 'which Lud, a CathMlc convert.IdUth. been, say* there’* no wey to put frequently attends. : AmoBg his fellow ,li all ba:k together again. , The President received Com-’M Ni 0^ Feta _ niunion at his own church andichntdi were Gen. ----The 0.«n wedding lor her WASHINGTON ‘API received ComrataiM at St Taylor and hi* nwUier. like daughter. Susao. 10. tin ' ' Dominic’s I Johnson. Taylor is an honorary dust lod leftover bon d'< The Very Rev. Thomas G.'el<ler of the church.________ meot of Colored People said Multaney, pastor of Si. Dam-, Saturday. Sunday It no longer Is possible inic’s. laid the President never: Pretty BrUe •be to mount a had attended terrice* there be­ MflPwConfwrtWMriM lidJagalnalcivL _ fore. He aaid Loci attends hi* eburefa about twice a month. She goes to services at other s reporterkthat in his opto- Catholic ebarches ob otoer Sun­ town OB a plaifc^^ -------------u .. w«. .... Jw admlntotratka’s present days and holy days. Oaf OsU Feet civil rigbti bill ciB be passed Al his own diarcta. Jobnoii Her faflier Bid, 'The Ud got wittoBt naort to tba Sonata's beard a aamoB by the mhdstar. ■We at Occidental Life realize that the commgweda Dr. George R. Davts, os "What dotva mle. f. It isn’t post- debato-Umlthig may be a time of extreme hardship for you whose A twq4btrds majority of sena­ poned. it's canceled.' tors votiiM to roqtdrsd to cut off homes and businesses have been damaged by the , RottBteia bad baited at the a nUbiHtor. and Qw chances of eUbortie weddtng arranga- getting this without the sapport tornado. menu earlier. M Republiean Under Everett To help, we have arranged a special extended grace ' Tf 1 had it to do over again. M Dirksen of Illinois I’d elope.” he said. garded u nil. period for the payment of all premiums on Occidental The romance had bridged the Dirksen has said be will not gap between the Fantolnebleau aurmpt to shut off a (ilibusler life and health insurance policies. and Eden Roc hotols, next^loor jamst the present ■rchrivals on Miami Beach. The grace period for the payment of any premium> believes its proposed ban on BIgStoehWden using is unconsUtutional. falling due between May 9,1966, and July 9, . Rothsiein and bis father were But MilcbeO, discountiog - major stockboUen in the Eden Dirben-t stood as a banri extended to August 9,1966Roe «K| be was staying there passage of toe bill, said when he met Susan, who had a "we don’t need cloluro” to get it This special grace period is offered to all Oeddenta! cabana at the ttarsD^ toe Sanato. policyholders whose homes or budnesseshave suited He said toe power of Southern tual friend halfway be jgKMits to filibasts bos been tornado damage. hotels. wedtened by problans of age "My daughter, I am podtora ani healthb and an after ' they ' If you as a policyholder feel that there are other win not go hack.” Mn. Crenald toetoselva out talking a'major­ ways in which we may be of further help with respect ity of toe Senate wilt pasa toe Susan’s not taking calU from bill even with toe open-housing to your life or health insurance, please call your Oed, her former fiance or from most provision in it. other people. Mrs. Grenald adddental representative. Or write directly to me at our

■Sgia?!a 5'g5£a5?Si-S

Rights Chief Sees No Neec For Cloture

Important notice to all Occidental policyholders in tornado-stricken areas.-


Bills getting out of hand 7



She said bar daughter’s peB port - to have bean used for an IMay rauDdOha-worid honeymoOB hip - was raliiriiad by RotoddB BroiMh a “mutual triend.” ”Wa tojB’t want him to know . aha to; It’s owr.” saM Mrs. Gienald. T don’t kanw irhy imyoBi dawFI )■* torlatB?" A iteM maddae was one of the more esDbctrMffagitolhe

A Consoliilation Loan Will!


Paiapart Seksracd

She said.Susan U to relieved: and happy Ihe eredding was calM off toal "she’s just float-

All BwMiivg Plants Rwdttcwd In PHe* Good Stitetiom FOTTtD ROSE BUSHES

home office, Ocddental Center, Los Angeles, Califor-

tf you’ra finding g1 ^t difficult to cope with current household pills, installmentt payments and other ns. let St ai an experienced G.A.C. man consoll-


date everything into a single loan. It’s the smart way to handle family financas when there isn't enough cash to go around. Fast Senrke ... Corrvenient Terms

MBTanLaM SliB seFliB............... I Up

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(jpsby^ EntlfB

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Refiularly 15.00 to 59.95 NOW








9 ttmtm.

Park Named Boston For Dead Hero

n. >m

Copper Wire Popular Item For Looters

Speaks Best English

(AP) - Prapwi* tecent eery otoUae to tot toB c«> take a bow. AajMr,-baaaya.-Uiwbatotowk a noon

CHlCAOOaP) -Amotov bald back hw toan ■ a B tomortog bar daad taro aoD waa wtreflad today at new Itaaliw park aaitwri la Us

Scrip copper wirr which wi* KiBmd ever the cit>- by elecfricil Imenm durlni the pi»t two week! hM become ■ populir liem for lootB*. Toprt* polif* irfficiil* reported &ind«y TV cable, which ruri from fix acta a aeveral tm a . kogth. hw been pldad op (ran


Wtat teat to amy «taat tadgatoWT •1

* * wtto

I raiytog «■ • cMto^ hwt nrisnu to to Bagtah

• hr yarn hat am *1 Mi pvtkte ftyto of baaabadlfiswai

Ba te to to Vtocota Owndw. who prideaj^ be « pKlnAeadtaUi I ■ to taaUi OB bWBg raBatotog u »»wara. a aipert. to date oaocaraad *toia accents to toa tWtod r. and Ifrs. MQlim B. Olive •toaw bwOy wa Bb|1Mi apta Statos are oftenSve. toa. Tta Tty AmeriCM flltante ptnicipatod la cmm V laaguaga.^ bow pate aneb perfect Bi^ a • dedkattog toa park on Qdc*BBlBoatontonatatantototoilj, prtto, tt „ WB totag Obe toa rbyme toto an .aond tomcM ;a id totals M go’s Bear north aide. Tbeir son. sbe wmaX" be sUd. Pfc. Mito Oitve m was kito meettoga wtib tosB^-bga aod|the, ■Bbda I never wwa.*" Sta was Mrs. Mm J. Cbapto BCtaoo to VM Nam. OcL a. Bbraad - dftoa apeto-to moat ^ Prtatari Mnson-i a^le* tan. to wtfa to a to«i« 1MB wfaea ha tbraw hlntaf on beMttod Eagflah o Uta yoo bear on to atagi-'' bakraearwaa acboltf. Ito an oiriodtog grenade to shield wlfb tt baar." Vtaxnt OwDdoi, prm trite to to hit fellDw aridtaa. ••Somapaepltbaraapaakwlto of tha fagto Agedatot ta Lyttetan tandJy. Otogntamd Mstal Otocr Lyltottn bate Ui tottwor was pramBted pei__ B to to prate 4tamsofly to WaabtogUe April M. Ottva’a fate aoeaptod tta mBy litutaiipiil to as tomedal (ran PnteM Aten. Bobwt C Waam. aaentary of hooUag iDd Btaa tataiop- Twa TOpaki atottn wwa to- Bat ta teipBad flat to btt matt, and Stanley B. Boar, )imd to ■ cmtoto cMBstaB at •eautary of toa army, Jotoed to toiaraeetka a( W. toto od Mvtt aamt 1. Oay toitaay. oOdtoa at It ate to raora yanrs. did nat ote «tl0Utartoa at toa dadlcaTaneto Hatotto repo 9 to Mi ftndTbee Drte. t, ard to parMete. wtaver. wte iqna “Bi bad a bit of aa aceent,Praaideat Joham, sUd Oha hnurioBs on to back of boto was toa elgbto Magra la toti top ami her toto. An aaya to tSfevHrid peer. eantory to racdva tbe aatien'a taflwad a aa^ tolvy. Both blgbaat award for gaitoatry to were released aftar treatoMOt

Topeka Sisters Injured in Crash

attcat, laM Dau L. Bm poUetdbef. Om Qrntm

3oiir. only one p««w been durged by pnUe* t loodng iba wtre. Lmk Meager. «. ICB E. tth. wM chaned VQi petty


National College QueenHummer it advtsmd til area Jtmk metal dealen and MWage operaun not to accept the arrap copper utat they (tmt check wtib the Kattsaa ftowor and Light Co, or the police departBMnL 1b Cheek Daaltfa Polka iarwtigaton wtU bafla today to cheek wlft TOpta pawn ibepi and matM aalvaca yar^ aboot paraoDa who broogbi eofgMr trba in aftr Iba tcnato. HaiiB'ito aaH M. a. notzbadt. a Usiaa PW and Ught auperrtaor. aaid ftat Ida eompany wanted to aava any ai^ cabin to mm bai± to Iba iBtonfaetuar.

Tkhl L. Ueberweto. U. a bmacto laagaaga majar at *e Uatvanby M Oalifirta la Lea i '

St. Paul Agent In Topeka Is


la Start tapply *<BliKe capper If in nieb abort fopply. wt try to aeta any on. Bead or ezcett wire back to tbe manBfactnrer.'- Bottbaeh aald. ••We are cradltad tor any cop­ per wa rehtm. Tbe metal ii ndttd don tor new cable and rcmraad to aa.“ KMdwek aaid flw cable wai much t>W

from Ml tack op to ooa iMh to dUmator. Bbbw add toat toa eny dmiw lito at Oaatral Park la an area where petaona barn bean plektoi tp tbe wire.


He aaM BD mapiWFra wooM be enowed to toe eian. nnd flat dumping would be diaconttoiied by the city. PrtviW dumptag by area rwMenu ii sot allowad at OMlPtok. Iba police chM added toat toany pereoei win toaeow that atRM of toHr be miaitog nnrt weta when raeldame begto to mm back into toek bonee. 8o» oMtoiaaldwda wfll (bM M thaw prop-

Boneless Club Steak............ • •


Head-On Crash Hurts 6 Persons Sb peraou were tnjurad in tbe beetLon crato o( a car and a pMrap truck about SH rata wect of Topeka on US-M lata Sunday a(tertioan. Katuai High­ way Patrd reported. •may were idntlM ■ Ueyd N. Batee, 61. Drila M. Batts. S4. wimam Bates, M. Detmla BatH. le. and Bnule R. Klrit. «. an of Lotdtvaie to Po*lawattnie Coonty. and Bdwwd H. RobiieB, M. SOW Lata . Iba tajnrad were tabia to SttnooBt-Vafl Hospital whoa Uoyd Balea wat admlttad to tto towalva eara writ Ho«ltal offidali Hid ta " * multtple rib frachirai i cheat tojuriei. ngtoray Patrol oSkiaU aald tbe driver ol the IW-model pickup, identified u Rohiton. 1HS anempting to pus anoOiOr car when the jWtop collided with the IHI-medel Iwfrdoor aedan driten h>’ Uoyd Bales

Hanoi Denies Red Charges •

CRISCO Remy Coamed

Tbe AUurpose Shortening

to tonclal Viet Man Newa Ate» <VMAt etoM such bH*-



Taras, Ful to

69 AJAX Lratoybatartata

tr83' UFBUOY

13^(1 Always Good


Witli $5.00 or I

Sweet CORN


TOKYO lAPi - Nsto Viet Nam hu deriad SatM taargm inoBlat Cbtoa bnpMl toa

malh-inus iTTtantiaei The statement, bnadcut by VNA In the Preach Unguage and - monildml ht Tokyo, wat made in to form of a denial of ••reporil ilirvad bv wMtmi news agraie- ‘ ' n said the s-ivcmment ••OB aeiwral eeewtoo* hat af­ firmed afl to aid rnalerml from tw SevM Umoa h weU u from other MwHi naraetta » East Europe hm I auto tto «


Sirloin Tip Roast

2s41' T«m hU Oray


-79c Lemon fwto. c« hM


FAl let!^ • StatkOBriCtey




2^35' LUX

2~35< Bawwy Bor





Congress to Have Good Look at Selective Service System WASHINGTON (AP) - Tta SibLim HfW iMA teas DMB M6 oDtWT ««BnM tbK* ta autbiMBl ta IMi fWi ■ erMol took tram Oaotnm

ntetiaamtephitoatotoBata aaDid hBihltog hutaaMjaty paa lte Merck. Bertoap htoH ad toat dame ekuget to deter, M Btfvi. I>&C- tea. oMst tbs toitely quataa to tetertapMaUakinto-te haw totoe. 1h« aparte ■ Seoa Dnaersti, too. laea yatohs who eae^ tfard to go meat procetoire may be ta tha tea fl( ta bnlBi'* W tbt dnfl •htepretodsteteraaBtoto Jefeiad to the erftkdn. to eaOege east get a sk Incraaaed demnda (or toey adtod.

ew. ha said, ‘'do aot par- Ihe torthcamtog baartaga lyptoal to aoBM to the canplalBtB ara thcaa: -Rap. Rlchart 1 flehwite. ntt the canttouad Uboal defer- arat Itotiy to ranM to any I mcnthly aatkaal draft -Rap. DoeaM M. Fraar, D- R-Pa., aald too aa^ lacal MBto to a year ago." I urn jmmr, qtMaa rary. deptehg oa the Mha.. said tha law k ym ' laweaaha Ite dafemd eatato“are astog Theteftte.wiaetadilairtiy adUtarys need for manpovcr. mednto to dasaUcattea than rtoa bam which addttbnal ln.;ijebang^ at any thne. before D.S. lavoivemte Is Reeatoly toey hare bees rangcan ha made a*allabla,l their neigbhsn.'taOMtoCeaMW WarM War n and eceenued lag opvards - lUOO tor June, Topeka Girl Cuts Arm Bnhay tall are. I -Rap. Rabert P. EBswwfh. / Waca te cteept for the period Mte for July, and S.toO (or 1. TtMM defferred ttonara HDBgaa. 17. daagh- R-Kn., said the arldaBca tha (nn March UW to June INI. tagusL <to te meet w^nt annadi Don't say "aspirin'* tor to Ur. «d Mrs. Gayla MU- “potoia to meqotty and taefft- (area • II.U( Ttawe bare been ae c tedbrOtHo . phyaleal cianey." ligiB. ms Oay, cut her right itanaa it Q ia ■MixnedScrrieaOna than to,- bt allowed to die oat yea. Bot foreann an a ptooa to brok«i Hartoiey hhaielf recently mltlee te ateteed a week «( cenplalned tboat the time U charges to tawpiltia aito dla- window gtaa Saadiy, W tertlof WadDtea; •n efttsas Krvtng lamte W U Owl Uwii lae 4.M local draft boards, crimlnatloa bare beeo made. at StoouA.- Vail Hoepltal ra- lakea to nm men ttarougb the S. Pathers and peraeos wtlb^ ^ B. H«*v, MtfaMd Sdacti«« ne loeto boards determtaa A graup to to Bausa Bapubil- port^A was rtoeaaed after WORLDS nWST ASPOOM Sartto dMor. rite yoidha Iran tbebr <na> eaas lacetoly biaatod what It

Lawmen Give Ideas on Rule


caprtiour wttboat hli Inrytr, ocapt ifl tba prawnca of a aaadctial jttdfcaadteleriakDeaBnt. T1» lodia veald praalda aod Inform flw priMnar at hli righCi. and the camera muM record the proeaadlnp<n vlte Upe - ai etddeace Uiat dia priioner'a itatemeU wai act farced. ■nie nggestioo. by State’i idoyiaa Jr. at Atty. Chartia B. Moylaa Battlmara, Md-. is broBer^naae one r^naae to _ the .. . recem ........ UA U.S. Supreme Court dedsloo that piteBan may Dol be hitemgatad akaa U they rnte any bBcata tet they don't «iBt ta ha. Bten Polka Coo ____ i L. MeKamara U cobsUartog na to tea racordara ■ad suigaati Maor coot aaabons so priaohan could be tak> ea tmnedtotely btoora Mte Plaa TV Shew b South .Carolina, Orito J. Stnm to (be Btota U» to(arcemest DMBdb said wide program aboBt te new rating is plaaied soon otar tha teto'i adtratkaal ttoarkka natworl 01 the nltog. Strom stod. It’s not geiag to braA aw sputa M lor aalercanai effteers. Wa'ra atfll gatog to entorca tba law ...............

What if it had | I ■ ■ I j



happened to vou?


In time of disaster, one of the saddest regrets is for the things left undone. Here’s how to get these things done now while you can. 'The St Paul Insnranoe Campanies offer this check list Aak yourself these questions now. 1. IS HT HOKE AOEaUATELT DiSDREDT How do you teU? Well, how mudi would it oort to nbuild your home? At tnUy*! lohor and mftteriali coBtB? . But bow much is it insured for? _ Tlmfs why The St Paul losuranoe Companiee recommend ineurance to et least 80% of leplftcement coet. *niis tnBMw insurance to cover r^)uflding your home... instead of just inauiing it to the price you pud for it

2. ARE THK CONTENTS OF NT HOUSE ADEOUATELT INSURED? Your Heansownen poBcy covwe the contents up to 40% or 50% of the policy’s value, tt ytwr home im't adequatdy insured, the cootacts probably aren’t either.


But Datactiaa Cte-

S.C.fi3 " Stops toI Otoumbla. -• the rottogI hu “handcutfad a.” I

Ha said it wSl requira Sto I esaaha tatt aara to^ wU- _ nesan rather I tap defendants. to Oavaland. Ohio, tar John T. Oarrtgan wrato about m poUea chlafs In <teaboga County aiewstii ■ Itoa (or touimgBtl«. He urged eautte In tag persons who might tbeinQueocetonarcotksaraleahnt, and tea “who might nto have gone too far in aebooL'*

PiriiBsl l■l■wtol^

.b CtneiBBati. Ohio, Eandltoe County Proatcator Melrto Q. Bneger is gtrlng peraonal in-


aealona for mere than a year to * koep the polka ahraatt to dasah apcMBta. Rnager taM to ww dkappotaled in ton Swrema Oawt's tekkn bacaoM lar a definite set

It’s hard (and heart-breakinf) to try to remember everything of value that a room contained, when the room Wt there any more. You dmuld have an invent^, room by room. Keep it at work or in a safety depoait box ... not in the bouK. Bring the list up to date aniraally, or after any major lairdiase. , (See coupon below.)

4. DOES HT FOUCT OOTER ADDlTHmAL UVIN6 COSTS? If your home were deatzoyed end you had to move the family into a hotd or motel, who would pay thoae axtra livmg costs? Be •are you have a Homeownere policy so you’ll have this extra and vital aseiatance.

5. AM I INSURED FOR DEBRIS REMOVAL? It can coet a lot to pick up the pieces. Make sure that your poUcy o6vn removing the debris of your bouse from your yard.


Don’t fry to aettle a rfaim mitil you an aura that yoo’va takn into aeeeont everything you have hMt IIV ^ Fxalt VkB all good inaaraDce cnmiienin will move aa rapidly aa pomiUs to serve you, but it’s in your own interest to be ame (hat you have coaMdend your total kai bifcre you aettie the daim.

7. HOW ABOUT DAMAGE TO MT TREES? Homeownn pt^des do not protect you egainst tba lorn of frees due to windatorm damage. However, it may be uiair deefructioD is deductible from your inoome tax, so keep a record of trees lost

8. IS MY CAR COVERED FOR HINII8T0RM DAHASE? It is, if you have comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance policy. (Not just liaUlity and collision. Check your polky.)

9. IS m MY BDRNESS PROPERTY DiSDREO? Of course you have busmees inaurance. But is it up to date? Does it include new outbuildings, new warehouses, cunent inventory? Are you insazed to tba actual cash value of your buainem?

Your Day

10. WHAT IF A TORNADO SHORJ) PUT HE OUT OF BUSINESS TEMFORARaY? If a disaster puts yon out of boafaheae even fcr a few weeks tot repain... to say nothing of a -longar tiina for major rebdldmg ... you'abonld be maured for toe aaltiiea of yot;tr employeee and youraelf. ^ .« unto you’re back in busneae. TUs is called Bnahhce Interruption Insurance. It can aave more than moosy: H can save a bumem. Aihd it can help you to keep valued emiOoyeea who would otherwiae have to earn elsewhera^

in Stars


: II k*ll^«'«X»VcU vSuML^toM “

In Other words, will they be there when I need them? The St. Pan! Insuraihoe Companiee have been nheetmg emerfeDcy dauna thesr bundled yean and mofa. Siihce before the (Chicago fire, matter of fact . ^ Yea. When you need ua, well be there.

What The St Paul does (or its policy holders: Yee, of coarse we are on the spot immediately in a Our speciel Diaastar Crew fike in from eO over the country, empowered to settle claima on the spot ^ if rtquind. Tliat’s what we were faired tat. We won’t take hero’s credit for being on the job aihd payinf out money and h^dng any way we can. Check your poBdae. Amtm your inautinca «Mi4hany. If you fed we can be of bdp to you, cdL Our A^ota ere Urted in toe Yellow Pafea. . .





M. FauL MfnaaaM SS»a ' noasa land mo myeapy af Tha H

... -1

“I «MM

M «M MM IMm-' ■


---- X"

aas WateHStei Stmat

Ml M toMt •%»> MM N MM W MM M HMMIr nm*—. Vo, IMM. ■


Mr. Homan May Tlia St RbmI Inwranea Cm

Mantht jmanmat/ta wart4...a(am^mthdt $l lniur*M_Comeany ul Moreunr bwKtneo .. ..jloni LHt hmimnea Commtn Si haul, htewca aici





^ByJack O'Bria

Voice of Broadway A SMALL BlfT HRM PROKHE8Y FROM UWiTOON *aya B«rt«r« Sirewand will be mit trf the Ljmey "ruiwy Girt" ircupe within a nwpJe c< week* I* Robert Preston alreadv out at the Marv Martin musical x-ersun of -The Fnurprater "* , Richard Hsllulav. Man Marlin's hu'band. very ill in la*ni*i is nka> again ar^ on the way In Braiil fur a restful coHap'c . Perry t'omos <hicf sfiisr of humor CnndmaB Ace wanted to call hrs new hunk cdiie anon ' How Are You'"', the pubbehnr waisled (in ‘ The Fme Arts o( Hvprijctioodria " with the stfiiiile, '(on How Are You: ' . . . Cnodte'i nutly non scquitur• How are >uu going to get . Thry didn't get that. mart)uee of a aupennarket?' either. l-harlea Engelhard'* "RigM Ri^al" might Just be the American winner of the Englidi Derby; hat a chance . The Yankee downfall goes thtt way; The Meta roomed to ihaible the TV rating of the Yankee* (504 w. Ml In tha gospel an-ording to ARBi ... It also meant the N Y. Mett • audwoce was bigger than all other TV lUtkm combined — incliidinrtietwofk itiuona at the thne . . . Of ceum. they were pitying the hated-reapecied ClanU * Willie Mays . . . Lati whiter when notorious Mafia hood Joe Bananas was ud to be dead and stuffed in some aqbashed auto-]urdiyvd marhine we were advised by a furtive but poaitive source Joe was alive and would turn up "as tooa as it's safe” and he did The underworld scuttle now says he's reedy for a purK'ture ABC-S RAISED MORE CASH-COIAIRED CATNIP IT Jack Paar wnhrs u nibble . . . Harry James playing "Mi­ chelle, Ma Belle" on the J Canmncasl again proved our theory that Beatle songs sound fine — If someone besides the Beatles sing or pla^ them . . . Ei-NBC Chairman Bob Kinlner'i' really-BIG LBJ-Job will be aimouiiced later Dill year ... TV's gray flaimel staUiUcs even brag about rtUngs lor non-evenla; NBC anneuncad its coverage of the aborted Gemini • miatioa copped a larger shop of the TV audiaice Ihaa the competittoo ... The Paul Ankai eipect ttialr flnt baby in December; mon Is top cover glri Anne de Zagheb . . . . -nia b4. Mlty N Y. State lamtigatkw of Bdwy. show • (inanelBg failed to produce even one lDdi<;Unent ... The Manhattan mystery of the year — why certain known blg■ Mioti haven't been expeeed for Uckevecalpinc. '

AND NOW TRERCXL BE A CAPE XSWCDY HILTON . , Lawrence Wrlk spenda h» . . buying up music publishing firms (Warner Music is The OvU War Centennial nl^ posediv was to have ciploded a wave of Blur-Gray H'wood films but the wave now f is a glut': "The BfUle of Gettysburg" and "Andersonvillc" are celluloid dropouu plus 1 several others beii^ unannounced . . . Steve McQueen's "Nevada Smith" salary s l^.0n. pretty fancy for a lad wtio made landal* for a living In Greenwkdi Viltage Jutt a few epUone age ... The new owners of the SheHon Towers Held have s bid la for Ow Empire Stale BMg . . . U LondOB lant tim world's twhigtofeal town, Look and Eaquire are wuOng a lot of ftaR and cash eevertng tt . . . Ihne Mag ba« them both to R, of coona . . . Saaiebow we ■mpaet there could be a WMhand sports TV Mmr in Ihli one; anger Rogers has been IsvItad to Join tnda ace Bob­ by Riggs In a match agalntt Doe Budge and Dinah Shore at tha CoBCord Hotel In the sour rremn A caviar Alpo. lUirfy KlAy (Dunrard^ M). 1 e a v i o g Iht cut of ••Mama” two dqrs afler Itt Bdwy. Manlag for a TV ntIm, discoveied his roie chopped vlrtiial^ to nothbig: hla thowstopping dance mimbrr with Angela Lansbury was tUminaV ed; somebody maybe everybody lb awfully mad . . . Psggy Lam of the TV (uinel «|uaners and her stockbroker admirer Jaciiues Bimaleh gkwnil) dtsrusiod stock market kisaes over ftuk in Caliagbcr’f. . . Mtchael Caine Inst wh In Gennony a aoldicr with the BrilMh Army of OcrupaUon; this time. I itor of "Funeral in Berlin" mining in ja-wobi land . . . BeUie Paul McCusney's proud of his beat gal Jana Ate aRar the bravas she rated at (he Canoes Film Faettval tar her tola IB "AUie" . . . Suddenly «s-poer boy W«t|y AOn hu a real admlriBg pd to tha Den of UBdoa'a Vulnfutor ey. who ha has all Woody'i comedy ntnrtiatt aad tavttod Abbey, fta Brookiyo down to Hl^ Tea « Reyale" filming.

livea Me better


Wagner >anga, 6*apa. 'Inaappia-ftrap^ait

Pmc», EfUc'.-* TSUI Tv»»4»*. Wt .•!#.«• ilw !• limit «i,«aril*M.

Dinners Bleach

Chili With Beans nrGreen Giant Peas



Ellis Beef Stew Beef i Noodles in.


ORANGE JUICE Tha ftaal Thing—Fresh Freian From HerWa

1C J

Ail »/iu

Cheese Cake Beans'n Ham


with Vacation Cash h-om COMMUNITY Boating... beaching... golflag... fishiag. whatever you do, before yoo go, atop fai and MB lu. We can help you get tha caab yon BHd for travel. dothea.lugfage. car r^. Or may­ be you'd rather lelax at borne, toe the eitei mdi to pay left-over triUi: Main thing if fee you to live a little better thia niminer. See oe

£ Breadtag

COMMUNITY M4 Kansas lTamp«r«>yl W N. Kansas Ave.. CrMwd Flwir. CE M276 OWM Uv« fW-. Tk..» *:ie A M H i le P M bna** f.JO A M H laa p.m.-cu»u SATuaeAr


Lux Soap r ^ SBced Cheese

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about your v«(|tMn lean today.



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12 a. M”

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nw «a Wwatow*


2!-.*3S^i^t ST *t7r




jof wHnrs IGA llw and toiBaNeb


■ Meredith Set to Arm Self If Police Deny Protection

Scientists Ready! Two Moon Shots

•WAaUNCTOH <AP)WASHINGTON (AP) would be armed when be T*iilgtdfteaiii.e "depends spmi bn Minoritf'Leader Gerald R. Ford uwa H. Meredith indicBted turns to Misststtppi pwple tffccttd of MichifaB sM Snnday be Siadgy that onlem stMe or fed­ tba Negrtws to MtoMppl and CAPE BTOODY. jrb. (AP) Mart Lana M'l radio voice pecto tbto year'-t eloctioni to eral eOdato offer hte arWee- biUty for mamtatoag peace mM dbd Mqr 30. U (tiayed tator- give *m - Still ’-----‘1 OTO ttw I Udn he will be anned wW he ordtr Itoe wtth tow govermnsor what's fotog to happen to them matfcin eetifBl Hit Iwftiic of Son I retohB tow civil rights march :bat ff eflleeri refiwe to tneei tow Mur theae penpie (the mvchI. U^. KkatMs are readying netic field to weak; mlcnBionootowr en) arc gooe." laoraids are Meredith's views toffered . Meradltfa began be mweb in <Met. Somewhat from those, of Carmi­ three near the moon than in iniBplao- U the I • can score such I Menphto, Tens., wtth a few •T think a mao sbouM never! chael, new executive direcMr of weeki - aisling to pot them Id clary apafee; thera to a be ’ he added. ened lotenalty of eieetraa near (baace of defeatong Presi toe Student Nonviolent CaerdihiaarortiL was ilbt and wmmdad abortly the moon, and there to very lit Jotmaon hi IM. Ptesed Sa Par nating Oomaoittee. who was uv On June 30, an Interp after ermaing Into UtoMippi lie Irregularity la (he moon's Ow TV Shew terviewed on the CBS radio-feleMeredith said he to sattofwd on June t. After tow iboottog. JAMES MBRBirTB grwuational field. During civil rights toaden we« to Uto- wlfli tow way the march has Tiswfi program "Face the NaIMP it eapected lo expand on ABCs • tosue* and Aaswen' been going but that its uttomste ttoo." sissippi a»l arc leading a group !toward the Capitto at JaekioB. miles aboTC Uiwmoon's sur­ thli knowledge, operatong for at Ford was asked if be would deface It b to study radiation, least a year. Youngster Injured Lunw OrUler is equipped to magnetic Raids, Stokdy CarmichaeL one d think to." be answered. He ii md IM pictures over a SOday raids When Chair Topples tow aJth leatos. aUd to s be wan't running for any ex ertiea In Ibe vicMiy of tow aeparate toervtow thto Negroes utive office. He tald be expecu Ow VWt Bradley Schneider, t. son of iltogaBy dotted pahtieal power li Oeee OrUI Nam war to help the GOP this Ur. and Mrs. Larry Schneider. might be Jotofled to resarltog to FAT AU UTIUrtlS AT MAIUNW-S July U, a ipacecratt year uBlcai soma aohrtkB to Shawnee Hills Trailer Court. found quickly. He uid Ameri­ eaikd Lmur Orbtter to to be MerediUi. iDjurad to a tall when cans dant want a long war and lawn chair toppM at hto tone -ODwn to to firedbioaarbitalpaatnteiidwant to "either get to there and the University of MtotoMppl. ed Id PM li etae as a miles Sunday, officials at St. Francis has said he wUl re}om the to tow moon. It cirriea televlBXIRIE. Romania (AP) with Man Stilj march Vedneiday. reported. pgnier Ctai B»4ai «t Bad Sion eamerifl to pbotograpb poteotoid manned tandlng areas. PARIS lAP) Aulhorii AakedsaTT I The youngster was released OuAa and RHoaniao leaden JMmaon't policy will mean NBC telecenferrad in thU Black Sea ra- Hopefully. Lunar OrWer will teach sources said Suolay prnlmged war, Ford stod "tow Iren EL Pnneb after aevcrall ........ tUTTKSSlS Kii Sunday. It* lalla were aol ««eta picture* of B» two areu that President Charies stitches were token to cub on visioiMadio program "Meet the in Jbe Ocean of Storms wl*re Gaulle wm sign no new treaties American people will take some his upper lip and left cheek. IPress. " he ws* asked if ta M«9ck acOoQ at the polls." Sorfeyor l and the Soviet UnWi:h loo’aUmaImadiaon ladinfi. dstag Ui state vtott to the So­ Party leader Nicolae cu. Premier Inn Gbnorglw Iftdi MetiMt would provide viet Union but wOl work bard detail Maurer and other offictoto. . ^ ^well beyond the for closer Eait-W«t CooperaQttu flew to Eforie this morn- rang* of tow pliolos made on the tog and toured the rtgkn before nuface. All 6 pieces. Just .... diplomatic moves which have The Ocean of Storms to going tote the emference Mered a potilbie Uutdidora worried the UMttd States and TatotoeceaM To aniit our polieyhoWort rtiiding in fho aroos affactad by Tba hit other allies. De Gtullc takes spot for Amdrican A higb-rasiking I Special DisceimU to Tornado Ylctim* disastrous tornado. Invostors Syndieato Lit# announeai: off tor Moscow on Monday. source deaerttwd Itfkt held toil Luna • teat hnct n week in Bucharot at "wceeta- while Surveyor i totaled more De Gtullc psaonaDy hu isKithCkik than Ujm tnotmtotoOBi that BabiCrib imed U.S. Amhasiador Chartea I kdP and covering "every ai^ revealed a rock-strewn plain E. Bohlen there wfll be no tnrWHh .•toebl* PolicyhoU.r. who, bocoiilo of fho fofoodo, wtro “"•W* ♦», P»» Fi.l6h .M prises during the vWL An suSOM thoir promium. on fimo will bo ^ronfoj on ndllitional 31 doy. for port a manned eqwdiiion. tfaoriUtlvc artkle dtotnbuted by fho poymonf of fho promiomi. Thit oytonsion apphoi to poHcoi on the French news agency said short Chou's planned rest IMP'S aai^t wUl reassembly" of the Emo-! which ptomiom. won. doo Moy 15. lUi. ond for fho groco A Tlw Bieiulaf originally was _________________ similar lo bat'of Uma IS,________ which _________ No Money Down .. .Just "Charge-1 f.‘ Sected to come here aecom- zipped into a 217- to CMnile- pean family does not reqoire| ir Turrnar fcwixawi porlod onpirod Jono 15, 1966. For furfhor owTaiia, f^9'IV, p>wa»« P Sed only by.Deputy Pfarawlhigh orbit about the moon on any "solemn igreemenU. w, Investors raprasantativa or call MR. LOREN J. BURKE, Diyour In Biie BodlMis to spend • dl[9 3. Luna 19 it the oiilyjtles of alUance, pacts of nenvisional Salas Manager at Mtog Mtor the tong eoafcr- ipacecrafl ever placed to orbit aggression or of iwiiiterfwlusa Building in the moon. ence." rlinahoust 120 Garlini




feds Confer It Sea Resort

French Sources


See No Treaties





..... »


''oBfUnu, *"lhe 5 t delegMiM toehided the g Irti nd Chtos to toe Bucharestt >■

..S4.S0 S

Your Investors Man will be glad to asRist any policyholdars who may have lest thoir policies or those who have questions concern­ ing their lifa insuraneo.


Magnavi ~

. dif«» <'•"* , M Uetilec'* MflMd ••to** bjv(»a H''*' ,■ (»cUfT • , M.c)ir.v'. !• M« «>• S*»i«e» I... vev TV «.f Y*.r ■•••», k«<b rwv tM'«etM >(tk S«r.l(. hem Kenei'


went. Ii



TOPfRA-S OtotT "awwarr AatoaW Hoom tarviaa Am<T ■

morm subjects to dIscM toan ■



Cempltis Vieuum Cleanar SarviM J:

the price of "ordinary" TV sets

____ . , M*«U9ei m«le» •» eerfeetty. ceMtaetlV, slvsn .

N. -«ili..v «..k. - --tto. Mertliw'. .9. eW. H TV UMdletelv. be..... Merffei'. ..MmU


beviM «a« filebU mere ityl«. ttremi .im, ..d

to«r»e.t eletvpe mmM*....................... - . C.I.K TV f vet vetal abtiwe. Wet eeeeir i* i«t II seseed.

Wi6fc N. m.Mv dm.. .




*** ** ♦. aev - . .

.W .» I..t,lto..« ...mmO .m .-t.-.ti«»» --wed et NO

At i;i.rl;.v'' »e«'« be eW. t. .el.trtb. TV m.fcl. y.ur ... decs', ..d «.t immedlat. d.'lven, . , . FtH 1. e«' ••'*we .re..

toifHt MrviH the*..

OnlY Msgmw Hit The "Odd SerWmwti . . . 1 faflYewo*totor»Puts...3Ye«OnPictiseTdie

ir PerscMl Portable


Il« M. U .is.«ble S,li...n »1' TV .Ktare. Cemblee. tee betl eeir teeterei el blethe «d.e>rto«e el ter better ye*.e*ree.


23" Modem or French

2r RoU-AbMit TY 'rt.W. Aete^ti. ftee tern.*.

lleve.t P.rk Walnl ftsito ™ te m^b M, e. OeNsb ferNMe. •II trlHeelpie«Me ed...................................... freMk Pre-.Mlel et .mm le. erise.

-T9 •• i- pn-oW*

e. bit .. .Mtev. TV m. « tedey. T#m .belM el^t^eWemiwe^. t-tv

409 n. is. wfetM. . . . tbe h-veett a«t,r. i. .It TV- Vtoe««, I.M t..etoe^f ee-rered «ke»>> Ye.r «ke)ce •< Ce<


I « 46®90 W50 SItreo Portable Selld-SHta a .^lUia.'Vat a. Mm t. bera Mt M.tram.t.y r,.. Md atoyer. taaa a-i ba*«"‘* ‘JT tMt. in-vear ••*'•"••• 9^-

-.ed «t4m. meed

KtJirs M*'. 7“

Choke Of 4 Modek Of Stereo CoKoles « >«y>i( ia a itsraa ,rary ta Nal.r.l Wal. Maela, Fteack »»•-

„ UaWra-.a i.


■ ED

Kflnaaa* lareen


\jnMilu ■

TTBieiTiiat * tmuiKt 5rot»_;


• HOtueat «pa*n

•■©•yn tom*

Sond-State Stereo Ccrsile^, With FM-AM Radio Eei»-ln SfyWd *a -•'hk ya.r CMrtaa>aa<*-v Wala.t fym-furv Na l„ba< <a kww,. b-.-a a>* sr kaat



Speclacshr Magno-Cokr ersd -rtid e.ctwre, rket rival tke rat aeeeev Wat'i kart

^ sOtythurches'I Germans Say Rgj China Purge Hits Army


Tragic Tornado Sermon Topic

Nude Corpse U.S. Student

TWCYO (AP' - ^ pirfc swKpiiic ppMted 40«t«« m ConuBM aa» bu to ttc aniy » ctan «to hm tatt at wO li f|^ mi ‘'ttow rdvtMee to rtowto r;iD mlltury lerviee.” PakiB|

Lfecraflea Army Dado's artiete of Jitta « wbleto was W--

ene have noted tte ttasaes e< a efetef ef attdf. Oea. U M-

Liberatiea Amy Di% daim^-flNI(tChtisto“tt«artoof tte artiete givtog poUees aaoaer ao tte ttmy. __________________ ,.-d»to«chto««8Biiitoy. prepagsnda and edArtUon and through tte vmIm pngm■nw afiermath d the Jam day idsht a auJe fcoult body At tte (amt time, the d»- tte eulbirto revotottoo. ganda metta under their cootonuds. beKtth tb* triOm recavarad from tte Ibtta Rtrer patches InSetood ttat tte The arbete confcmed mriter ItRd. to a rumon of tnafate wittto ttelL-.. .. . ^ bu bacB McadM as that of an Amoicn stadenL nao. temtiaed to ttarp facne army. Obeerven of tte China Ing* our men behind the Um WftomtMtor Ttey said they feared ste was aa tte tosOgator of the w Oain* wm toU SoDitoy. slain bv s sei maaiac who alw ' and appare^ tte No. 3 Uka to ict btri - BiM^atoba is believed to bava killed ttreeibebtad OtnamaM teader Mao of tte real burt li bebw tte ether er girl UtchUkara, tocindtop Taadung. • from Ctevalaad.*Ohto. en aurfaee” These devetopmettt emerged Is bit Stoiday am»a. The Germany's a tan dispatches from tts New highways. Rev. mmam nmOey. pador d Otiaa News Agency ooottog an Nam Beveated Wcatmtoner. UTS BoaweQ. cmdartiete In the Uberatioo Am^ SKOAL SALE stodeat-s identty DaOy aito a tetter wriaen by pared the tornado to Chrtatl as Etoanor Mae Fru PRICE Ue tbree months ago arTb« teatini of tte blind mei uid ter iBletl reskteiua Oiina’s TV mnsaa peo^ to TMcbod Tvlet wu Escondido. Calif. Mbs Fri­ ■^VMe Tbay imT think like Moo. The' tetter wm touched tte bUnd man day. 34. disappeared June t displayed on tte front pages of ODca, tte Rre. Ur. Ftodlay white on a trip from Swlteerland all Chinese oewipapen. laid. b« te wa.1 only partial^ via (Germany u Anatria. There wu no expUastion for' tealed. When Jesoa ttuctad tte Stegtrted Kastenboli, depufy the late pgbBcatjn of tte S7man afala, te ewU aee. poaee president of Ladwlgihsf- year-old marshsl’s tetter. But it aaid medical ezamtoation of reiterated tte rtoe of duef in­ “We (will expertence) ■toiKheC. or itopa to rebuUdbto terpreter ef Mao's thinking her neck. after tte tornado.’* te aaii marks*a^te idayed by Lin in the current "We assume It is s sex slay- “peat Socialist cultural revolu­ “Ite first is to dip out. tte te told s newsman. "We second is to see what we < tion." do for tte people tbea Tte rev^boB of uuKi vwiKu. >~****^iwRhtn nrtlttsfy ranks came to PoUwwa Steni ! all kilted by tte Tte Htv. Mr. Findley’s sarmoQ, “Beyond Ite Debiii.” samt man. Tte parallels are too came 11 days after tte-Juae • bvtoui." ivaado ripped a IS^ile path Kuienhoix said tte list of vic­ tims included Ana Petenen. 33. throupb Topeka. tte Oveiud art studant whose And other ministers 1 Kite partly stripped To overyont who contributed food and city were explaininc what Dr. body wu found dose to tte Fenwick Fowter. paator of «w ;Kartirute Autobahn, oobth of clothing to the Salvation Army through Find Baptist Ctercb, 113 W. here. 18 months ago. Tte two our picK-up station at Gage Bowl. •Ui. toU hU coBgreptian. Thai others were Gerda Oed, 37. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tte middle of tte nation there is some “real food'' IM Your response and generosity was al-.. threatened agato by funnel: can come out of a trapedy. recovered from tte Rhine at ctouds Sunday u a tomado; “Tte tnado mniadi m that most unbelievable. point St mites upatren from watch was fo** Ptobons of: we live to a danproos worW," here May 38. and Hed<^ SaMtt- Mtoneaoto and tte Dakotu Dr. Fowter said to his senncB. new. a. a nurse who wu loand Thundershowers were preva­ titled “What ite Tornado Said.” dewl near tte Augsburg Auto­ lent to the oortlKxntral stotu . . . pUese taka your eontrlbutiens directlybahn, north of Munidi. thrae ate dipped down to Texu to tha Salvatien Army at Mth and Kansas* days later. where McAflen reportad m or 1320 East 6th. inches of rsut to six hours. “and from Us we mlpbt Houston racatvte more tten l^. Doolinie Visit Set cslled back u Cod. It is good iDChex to one hour. that the tornado didn't come a temperatures were to the IDs PORT ELOABETK. South 3 am-, when everyone would U far north u Maine and sphave been asleep or then Africa (API - Gen. James DooUtde, who led nm U.S.- air raid proachad Ite lebdegree mark might have been more Itvet cm Tokyo to Worid War II. to in desert sections u most of tte, due to Johannesburg this week. natioa had pleatant wea Ottto Itews Agsstoy dbMed

18^000 BTU Hotpeint Air Cend*iliaiier



Funnels Threaten U.S. Midsection



AMhMgh then Is a IlMaat hale la tte raaf. of Moaat Carawt Bapitoi Chwrck. lit Lfeae.

daws teokea tad btor* to sai tort ornieu iialtoaed. aad p


LIVER “ “29





Irvea Itovo a Week I Nrvea llliiw'ajii. ilw'uB. to 10:00 pji pjn. | saVEO PARKING PAVED .

7 StomoU.



at both stores


We iMene the Klclit to lAnlt f^tHtea and Nay Soq^

) | I

7/ir.4f }*ru'V)t (rotni Thru Thur/(^^\ June 23


As many of you know, the recent tornado here in Topeka curtailed tht business operations of many of our firms. The Butter Krust bakery was no exception. We were completely out of operation for over a week. During this period, our baker friends from nearby cities baked bread for us, and we deeply appreciate their help. All Topekans who enjoy the dehcknis difference in Butter Krust Bread wiB be pleased to learn that, effective Friday, June 17, the mixers again started mixing and the ovens started baking that same deUcious Butter Krust Bread which has been a household “buyword" with Eastern Kansas families since 1907. The Alexander Brothers Baking Company is dedicated to producing the best-quality bread that you can buy. This is what has made them the leader in bakery products in this area for these many years.

So 2uy Butter Krust...It’s good for you and the Zoo, too! Top*., Kansas

top^MtoCMrtl MwiM.a—».tee4

V Obituaries ^Nettie M. English - 80, Dies in Topeka

From Safeway to You...



Redeem the Coupon From Sofeway's Weekend Foed Ad Each Week!

ITS Bnrtiiwii, dM Svday ta

« Topeka boapital when ifae •-Bid be« a pMlem rtw.rrtdar. : sbewMtanABel.lM.ta S Topeka art ipent moat of her “ S Itfe life ia T Tv • '

deWdreo nd . i

8 Churcb. Sta waa employed by U Sc Raha ClotliBC Con^any 4» I v«an batoe ita ntlirt tn UM. ; iHer fcaitaad. Her-----C Ea«U4. died in im. : SurvifBta f*ato two 4ay«b-

Sereteca wlB be at 2 pm. Toearty at WaD . Dtflerterfer Hortovy. Burial wiD be in To­ peka Cartanr. Mn. BnglP« wUI be at the mortuary unUl tint of aervlMe.

Sber of (


Elbtrr Gorham

Foyt ftnltiMr

I MICHIGAN VALLEY - Serrices wiB be at * pjn. Toertay • ,r the Mettadlat Church ben rforMia. FajfeBnImef. «. wto ■died Saturday at her borne here- She bad cancer. -«he «H ben July 7. IMT.

^Appointment to AEC

\jeptichnk-CesspoolOivners J

VFW Here Takes Tornado Survey A survey of Vetoitae of Foci! eicn Wan rnernim who weft by (ta Topeka taiwk M beta! cnoduOrt by the local Philip BUlard Peat No, IM. Hal Horton, pnat cammaoder, uid Sunday. Approstaiataly l»4 pwenu ta the organiHtlm euflered loas* said Clarence UtoaBa, chaiN mac of the mg the uirvey. ,, WH raijiioatod by art itate VFW ebaptart. said Malone, manelal aid may be —*“• tran the parent « be said.


' Two eartoada ol fort art bed diiw arrivrt Sunday frem (ta Ottawa VFW pest hr dtatrilm ttan to Topeka



^1* g ..99I..49-

suiitss whiiws FU Cd»<


Saiv %o»!

Mut M star.xfi:^.2:fv:4»‘ K«r Mum inn .J149 Onrt Mum J«w».“S..*m.M.69 Kirr Mum Jot S.J5S7...‘1.29 Kot Ihh 7 H 37Smm tarw F« OMota PraMcttai

IM-Mc tau.'*^

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49-ez. Bex




(MdmHllMSMTMi Str Sl‘ NiUKaTHmFlaknt'^S'lr’r hbiM He* Omx 3 Vr T «itaMC.nia»x'^i~,“33’£r‘i


3i;ls7- 4

Mn. WrtW‘r’1 Bnod

Saving*/ Saving*!




Ptoduce 3ug*! Y*lm Orion

a 10-



Hand Seop







3^39= MIM



37c Datoremt


'ir 37c Quart


4^: 31c

Saving*! ' Saving*! .

Bel-air Lemonade ^10* Oranges 4 89*; Longhorn Cheese^>^ 69*






tT85c 49-eurKu


a. 85c

3 Pound, 6 ounce





_ 83c













a. 73'

a. 83c TobM.



15-0*. Bottle






■ „.39'


(•avior sin


3 Pound 31& ounce

Fobrie Softener








a. 83c

Kia-ilar Sin


Giant Sice




2^33= newKiSSIS


Uf|0 tobfH

Crisco Salad Marshmallo«»ST?^i^....25* Jell-well Gelatins^4^35*



iMf ftNkittn M Stab

^uat Valmu!

2£ 37c

f**' I


' mowl M M U SmAm

EmmaClaudell Dies at Age 86


Sob Itighi,

Spore RHis

Ita AtaaMe Maiiy Cautaeahu by FriiliMt litaiM, He li fte fret Negro em eppetoted la ita ABC

Tayto. died Snday peka boHdtal wtare be brt been patint Mee Ama 14. He bad B abdenhial ailmeBL He wa tan Oct. I, 1S71. at WbKtaatar. Ha had lived m Tapeka libee IM. Ha wu af the former Trist^ nr MicUfaa Valley ia ' icoun^f art ipaat pMet of*har Hettadist Qwreb. retired en^iloye of Santa Fa . life in the MIchigao Valley e Battway. Mrs. Emma aaudell. S munity. Route 0. dirt Suoday in a To; She was marriad to Drtial WaD* la tn ebarit cd vn • Bulmer Sapt tt. IW. pattant slnea JUM S. ; Besidei bar hartart. bvtIChorles Pretz She wH born Feb. 4. IM. in -vors include three hoi, Lee S Bulmer art RuueU Butaner. WAhCEGO Seivicei will be Osttorae Coumy art ipettt most of ber life ta SmfSi CooBty beSbath ti Webipa VaDey. and It 10:30 a m. Tuaiday at I fcae she moved to Topeka about jLarry Balmer. Ottawa: four Family Catholic Cburch at : daughtan, Un. D« Psoat. Ma- me for Charles Joaeph Frets, three yean age. Ste was a •son City, Iowa. Barbara Ann 78. fonneily of Alma, who died member of Most Fora Heart of - Bulmer art Xaren Bulmer. both SatnnlBy at his home at Wa- Mary Catbotta Church. include three «of the beoM, and Mri. Loren nM«D where be had lived SMiddlebMtar. Ottm; her 'ne t. borne. Mn. Valma Rose, Imolhet, Mn. Myrtle IfyeiB. Burial wlllta ta Holy FarnQy •MiefaigaB Valley; a rttar, Mra. attalle Ceradtary at Alma. Indio, Calif., art Mn. Chrif - eWTord Katrn. Ottawa, art U Ronrtaa wfQ ta radtrt at 7:» tone Badi. mnUin. Neb.: tfarce ions. John aadell. : grandchildren. pm. Uortay ta St BerMid’a t Burial wiU be in Valley Bn»k CalbQllc pi^ Wamego, art Broomfield. Ceto.. Milan JCeiKtffy lour miles loodt at I pm. Uortay by Holy Ctaodrt. Barter Oly. U.. and •of Overbrtita. Maraorlal caatrW pamDy Cblhetic part«h. Alma, EQIa dau^ FrrtkUn, Neb.: a brotbar. W Sdrtaoaky. Kir• bulMM may ta made to liB at Stewart FUMrm) Heme wta. tlx grandcblldreo and o« • Amertcaa Caacar SocMy. Jena* “ Warner : Funeral Home at Waverly U Hack - McMichaal Memorial ; charge of arranganenU. ! Dessie Dook Home is in chtffe of arrangeElodo Morrison . I ALMA - Servkw wffl ta atnn*«a. 3 pm. Tueaday at HaMnbenk LAWRENCE — Services wUl.tnd Lamar Funeral Home bert be at 2 p.m. Uortay at Ninth for Mrs. Dessie Doai, UWRBfCE - Service arStreet Baptist Chureb bvt for Alma, who died Saturday ta rangem^ are parting Eloda C. UorrlMe. <1. Law. Wamar boapital. Burial wlU be Bowser-Lea Mortuary here for rench, who dirt Itamday ta a in Alma Gty Camalery. Tommie J. Herteraoe, 78. Law­ hospital here. She was bom May 22. 1382, rence. who died Friday ta a He was bom Aprfl 3, ll«, at at Red Oak, Iowa, art taler PMla art bad tart in taa Lmr- lived in Htamri and Raniai She had lived at Atau tlnec Lawrence art spent meat life in the l^wrence caansmity. He was a veteran of World War I and wu a member of I Unhrenity tf BealdH br burtaod. sur­ ■uFtaf-JoMt Peat No. U of the Kanau aeveral years. vivors taebde a brother. 1 AmtilcaD Legion at Lawrence. Oarrtvora include bis wife, El- lard Dick, Oorataf. Iowa. * ntaers tocinde hit wife, b^sertaa.hixM;tbitedaufb. rta of the home; two ei. Mn. Barbara Baraes art Bessie McClune tlstors. Katfc Benderm. Law. auiertae HorriMn. boQi of reoce, art Peart Handeraon. ;«>Kagi>. ni.. art Mn. Owarto. MICHIGAN VALLEY - San>- Kansu aty. Mo. and a % Jam, Gary. Irt.; a son. Ices will be at 2 p.m. Wednes­ taaottar. A. C. Henderson. Milday at the Methodist Cburrt 3loda' MorrlHa Jr., Kasaaa Xty. Mo., art eight graad- here lor Mrt. Boale McOnne. le. Michigan VaQey, wta died ckuasTOM laavictt 5fcldren. OraiMta mnten Mn M U it.» 9^1 wfl] be ta Oak HiU Friday at the heme of ber ■M. tmmm ¥ hmmotm nn chmMrt. Ir«ie Cold- tav ta ». 0 OMOTk. H, M COTta, Anetery at BBlta. Fatos Verda Btoatai. S 85S.i"** " * ''*■ MWtioa w« ur. cooaaM «n iw nw* • a.m. •• *. Monday at Bowser-Lee Mortu. Calif., wbera ata brt nx-^MOTW, u MmwIMMMI » ' viilttag. try at Lawrence. Burial will be ta Valley Brook Oartary tour mtaa aouth at Thomos Groono t. Biker Funeral CARBONDALE - Gravaaide Home at Osarbrook ia ta charga Krvicet will ta at 2 p.m. Tbeadiy at Carbondale Cemetery for joH noBiH (taaane, 83. CvfaoBdalt. JUHCTIOH nuav fiTv taiiMi -in k> »• dM Saturday ta an Oaage >• *>v. TMMn •• '<'« XsMiMrta City nurtiag boM. He WH bon Jan. 7. 1173. at tas- w v>.. (M kM l.>M >« JMUta itaa mi eviO' IN IIVM •> !.•>. Salt lick, Ky.. art moved to C»T >M>. IM M 1 tantal • wu »■—V. a (arm near Cartandala ta 1883. He taler moved talo Carbon- IM mvrM ta iMK ■* Jmt FM dPe rttere be operated a pUo- >1. wit r namanaws. wva. JBtg mm for mahy year*. He : SaUta Mr »«MiM. -»«»-■ 3ia a Bibwef ttaCbrtatiaB ^lurch at Salt Lick, , 't^urvivon taetade bti wife, ■I aim M Ik HitMMa Cum Ada, of the home: a ion, Fred X tn, JMMM FuMfii *» Creane, 3815 N, KankH: X ot, • • H ■ daughUrs, Mn. WSma 1 bly. Indepandmee, Me.. Mrs. Ctarta WUttBnaan. ui (3ty. Mo.: Ibrae to Mrs. Alice Oren and Bertha Creane. both of Caopbellsburg. Ky. and Mrs. Mhble Triplett. Morocco. lod.; tw grindddldrcn art time great. Baker Frteral Home at Overbfook U in charge of ar-



X. 65c

a. 79c


a. 83c


Tomotn Sauce

25: 45c


2 ’ct: 43c

«»??»!■ i

Helping Each Other is a Kansas Tradition A REPORT TO YOU

■vjf • ,


Th» dit«rt*r wfcleh th* wrwight iii Top»k« mnd M«nli«ttan on J<m* 8 brought out tho moHio et tho piepio in thos* eommunitlM «id tho wheU *tat«. Tho roiponM hot bo«i mogmficant. KPL wai a part of this and racatvad graat balp aad eboparation, too. For this wa thank ayaryona. So wa rapert to you twalva days aftar tha avant ...


i • ■

.'r^F --U-.

■’ K ’tr ■''<

¥fE HAD CXntA HUP KPL’s kay panonaal wara making lha!r way to our eantral dispatchiM haadquartars aran batera tha tornado had Uft tha adiataly for all ay«1abla KPL craws city. Callt; want out throughout Kansas to ba sant to tha two citias. Plant wara initiatad . to rastora tarviea quickly in as many areas as possibla. Local KPL craws ware in actbn within tha hour. And in tha early morning hours, additienai craws bagan arnving from throu^out KPL’s sarvica tarritory. Thay eama from Safina, Hiawatha, Abilana, Lawranca, Olatha, Emporia. Hutchinson, MarysvUla, June* tion CHy, Atchison, Laavanworth, Great land and many more Kan­ sas communitias . . . Ovar 500 man . .. Over 250 trucks. Neighbor-, ing Kansas utilHias backed us up in ether areas with man and equipment. IT GOT US. TOO Soma of our amployaas lost avarything and others suffered heavy damage. But thay still reported for wore and they stayed on tha job aftar auuring their families. The Company iti itself sustained a fob ^ estimated total of 1750.000 damaga but our first cencarn was tha restoration of power. ad by two othar Additional man and i Kansas power companies, two Kansas rural alactrie co-ops, and two power construction firms. These mao worked side by side with the KPL craws around tha dock into Friday bafere thay avan stopped. Than, aftar only a brief four-hour rest, thay ware back on the job. Within four days, 10 par cant of tha homa^ and businastai capabla of accepting power wara restored. SUPPLIERS HaPEO WITH LOGISTICS It took ovar 200 miles of wire, 29 tons of hardware, more than 775 poles. 500 transformers, 4,800 insulators and 1,250 crossarms to rastora sarvica in Topaka and Manhattan. In ipHa of this, supplies never ran short. Whatavar was d was always available. Our stock was ampla to bagin resToranon, but as tima want on naadad to ba replanishad. Suppliars from as far away as tha East coast rushed vital materials to us by tha quickest meant of transpartaiien avaiUbla. soma by plana. Soma suppliers avan moved into KPL't service canter in' Topeka so thay caaM batter axpadtta ardara. RESIDES RESTORATION OP POWER At tha tame tima aR this repair work was going on, KPL triad to do more than just restore your power. Plans immediately ware announced for both financial and sarvica assistance for tha storm victims. Sarvica bills wara waived for tha month of June to all eur customars in Manhattan and Tppaka whota premitas ware de­ stroyed or axtansivaly damaged. Two customer service catitars wore opened in tha storm damaged areas of Topaka to augmant KPL's Topaka and Manhattan officas which remainad open to taka care of any alactrie problems that customars might hava. YOU HB.PID. TOO Tha smiias you gavo whan KPL crews came desvn tha streets and allays and tha gratrtuda you axpressad in so many ways, was tha stimulant tha crews naadad to kaap going hoot after hour, day aftar day. Wa^rerticuls riy . want to thank thosa familias el whom our crews speak aspaetafly warmly. You knew who you ara .the onai wire ft.------- -*------ ----------------------------- **------------ -* -------bring paepia working nearby, ^ay r asked us somehow to tall you hew much thay appreciated it.

WHArSNEXn Wa baliava wo hava now restored alactrie sarvica to aR of you whose pramisat ara.capabla of receiving it. Please caH us at CE 3-1351 if for semt reason you hava bean missed. We're not relaxing or slowing down until avaryena has power again. As a mpttar of fact, our next step will be to provide tarvtc* to any remaining isolated customars whose premises hava net bMn ready to receive power' bafere. to fellow up and clean up all con­ struction that hat baan nacastary during this hectic tima . . . and than gat soma rest for our weary bones.


mutwoMMNr '■


Casper Gains, Arnie Fades; Open Tied Palmer Unnerved,

. > T4

Loses Large Lead SAN FRANGSeO (AP) - BIO Catper pkked op aevea atrokea in (he fioal nine holes in ooe of foU’s moat mmla and tied a eoUapaiaf Antold Pabner at HI Banday (or (he (Kh NaUonal Open GoU Otampionriiip. They meal to an lM»le playoff Monday. Nobody vould have beUeved it. A gaUety of nearly »JOO ai the Olympic Oub and raiUioas on tdevlslon »atch«d in a»e as Uk great Palmer, dwkeo and unnerved, bogeyed lour M the last fivo hpMa wUle Casper calmly knocked in long putts for bMlas. Palmer lost four iirokes on two beles-(he ISb-yaid ISth and the 604-yard 16th In a tense, dramatic rmish. the two came to the 337yard llth hole, a veritable Uiffiiel of trees lying beneslh a hiibide packed with hnmanity. all square. Palmv booked into the rough, and Casper hH one m the right edge of the (airway Then Palmer laced his approach (n the green, the baD aptnoing 40 feet past the cup. Ca^r poked an bon 30 feet


Belated »iery7 Page 14

nif wat the tu«l^ paUK of AnoU Palloer’t btfOo wllk BUy Cooper. oceor«iw U

Aroie. He eipMed frMa a crop eo No. U aad two^tted fer a bogle.

Gamble Costs Gench; Keesling Wins Crown By BILL MOOR . CaptWkBparts Vrto LAWjtENCE - Bartera Gench gambled and Itft cb inh hole and Karen Keeill^ seised command to cMttira lha Women'i Stale Golf ToomaiMfii at Lawrenca Country Gub Sun­ day 1 up. Mlu Gench. U-year-old Fort Hwrtav. iww >6. ifU 13 Scott school teKher. moved to a one up lead on No. » wilb green that itoped towards the a two-foot par putt On No. 16, pond. She chvped to the middle a par five hole that has of tbe the green. graen. had the hall rofl sharp dog-lag rigbi phis In the water for stroke penalBleep slope to a pood guard­ ty, wi»t aero ing Che green. Barbara cradtad water, approached short a superb tee shot sok an dgbL dog leg to the bottom of the Miss Kaesling get even conceded five-foot birdie putt, tfbpe three-mo Ifin Kecalic halfway down fte hill with her-toe shoL eight feet pest the pin eo the the par three 17tb 17th while • • Birbara - ‘ played short in front water with her second shot, as bit front lrii«e. Earen almost everyone bad done n^ed in the putt lor a hbiB* to go one up. and halved No. through the week Barbara chose to go for the II with a par to cart <oH the pwen despite holding a oaeup tme. lead with three bolH to play. Miss Gench uld -she still lelt She picked out a three wood going for tte green en No. 11 and her troubles began, ball sailed lo dte right of the geees and leaped up the steep grade babind the green tome 0 yards past the flag. Karen agreed Barbara's In lha Water gave her a lift. "Bui AU Mlu Cendi had to Mxiet even there. My 0 was a sharp downgrade and


The leaders •Maaseas ksaeui

m- iifli

H ill mwt SUM

KU Runner Selected

Urdia putt on (ha 17th wu dw tongest eithpr Snalitt made lo Ibe match. Ewb cultured semi ftnal wlu with puvpoini ap­ proach shots Satus^. But Sunday they were faced with tong putts on almost every hole and neither found the $e-' ere( to getting them down. Only seven of the II holes were tied, but neither wu ever more than one up. Uiu Gench went ahead for the first time on No. 10 when Karen hit the raigb, eUaped a Irw and before reachUnded to a i^ the green and carding Karen's par on No 13 and Barbara's par on the tSth woo I to keep file matdi at up In Mlu GeiKb'i favor until the crucial I6lh and 17th. Mta Keullng became the rnt Wlchitan to win since Na­ tasha MataoB Fife posted her fifth women's erown in 102. A Mystery The thmg that puziled l#-yearold Karen the meet wu her Ptittlng. "I kept knocking eveT^ thing past the hole, even on No 18 where I tried to lag (or my She put her second shot IS (eel in front of the hole, then rolled the putt two feet pasL -My handj were ahaktog ao when I stepped up to hit that slwt one I thought I might mias the ball eom^lety. I still don’t know how I managed to ......... in the middle

away. Both two-putted for the par and the tie. Other dnelopmenu in this 60th champioeihip. daOBg back Id 106. became imiBaterial in the wOrd. tvo^nan battle over the 6.017-yard, par 70 course in bright sunshine. Palmer had a final round 71 and Ca.sper a 0 Big Jai^ Nlcklaus. the Uasten riiami^ aevs' naaagwi a sally and (bushed third with a 74 for 315. PGA champion Dave Marr. with a 73. and former British Open King Tony Uma. with 71, tied for fourth at 3tt Player Rallies The tittle defending champion, Gary Player of South Africa, never got his putter out of the tee box but rallied after three mediocre rounds for a 0 ant 30 At ooe aiage. It looked as If Palmer would erase the lOyear-old Open record of 276 set by Ben Hogan at Los Angriet' Riviera chib In 10(6. But. needing only par over the fmat ais boles lo crack it. the great Amie faded. Hogan himself, ai S3 making a gallant bid for a fourth Open crown, finlahed *ith an even par 7b and drew a stand­ ing ovation from Ibe thousands packed oa the natural am^ theater framing the final green TTie playoff time wu set (or it » . CST. The windup will be telcviaed by ABC Key at IS

Palmer, his eoce confiaett, nut-brown face wrinkled with concern and dtoappmotment said the tunung poin came on the Uth bole. There Casper tank a IS-foot birdie putt while Arnie. who mtosed the broad gren carpet and landed in a trap, settled (or a bogey 4 "That's when I began to wonder," Palmer said. “I knew what could luqipen, and that's what did happen " The bead-to-bead battle of the two leadn — Anile started the day three stroku ahead and laawased fills to seven after nine boles - took a Carnatic sod an almost uohetlevahle tun on the backside Palmer ton a shot at the 10th. where he missed the green to the left and had to roll In a ILfooi binhe pirtt behind one of 16 feet by Cuper at the 12th. Army Gaea WQd Palmer bogeyed the I4th. seeing his lead cut to ftve. and thu moved tsenoQsly Into the back stretch.

irt* p0il. hidiv Ativ wu WIM. imhu irtatoiM

the (airways mid beating iBetr way from tee to green. "Stop that crowd." om marshal yeDed to i "Not pm. Tm not gotog to get tranqiled by that «s»y," a red coated efftoial beUered back. The iwo parred the 14tb and came to the par 3 15th. a ISO-yarder with a large green, perhaps the easiest hole on the course. Palmer drove tnto a trap. Cuper wu on the green IS feet away. Palmer btostad out to within eight feet. Casper sank. Palmer mlsaed. Now his lead wu cut to three. They moved to the 04-yard 16th. a par S. sanMogleg to the left. Casper wu down the middle, but Palmer hooked hit drive into a tree and the ball dropped to the rou^. His sec­ ond won bto a dump of busba and on his ttiird be barely inan^ to get toto the toirwayHV boUly tried to recover with a wood shot to the green, but the ban dipped inte a front trap. He hlattml eat magnifleatly to wMdn four feel aiM sank for hb bogey 6 TV In^ired Casper, ew el the sport's great putters, ran in a iMooter (or a btidie. Now Patms's lead wu only om shot, and It wu u longtr a cinch for the moicle man from Utrobe, TV levelkr came on the par 4 17Ui, Both drove IMo the rough. Palmer to tte left and Caqser to the right but Palmer (ailed to recover, hitting hit second short Into an­ other clump of rough. Casper, taking no chances, approached 10 Uw edge of a trap fronting tV green.

Open Scoreboard SrETkST

BLOOMINGTWf, Ind: (AP) John Lawson of Kansu and Karen’s eeiebraUng chedutod to V kme to _ Fred Burton of WichlU srare ane. SV. Jcannie Jeannie Hancock,^“alsSXi5"^i.>*V* Hancock. nned to ^ IM NCAA AB- Washburn student from KanmlS?»-------------wv 'won the - -Pruidenl'i P»ri. America track tad (Md teun atyr wte FligM.and (M. and Mary Amt Homer of Soiatay. Wiebita V :blto beaded for Columbus. SlC TSim Uiwfon wu named to two Ohio, 0. ad mi Wooday Itaday qoall^lnf qualUyW vw» swu»»<. tm events the sti-odie and Itoee- rouDdi In tte Woou'i National TtS* mill nms — while Bmn wu CoOagiito Tbuuey. K*. m* Katherine Tre^I wu the nmad In (he pale vaiBL lou Topten to claim a trophy, OUmt Big Eight pertormers wiOBtng the third night title. named to the squad indode: Nebraska - CSsartoa Gteu. 10; Peter Scott. 00, and Dave

VsVsl crook, 446

Oklatent State - John P«ry. 00; TOm Vos Ruden. mile; ChrU 00. Matas Colorade pole vault.

Oaries Bogen'.

Kronn Wins Ftohirt

Ban Joiman Leognt

ELKARTLAKE. Wls (APIMak Krona of Mutetota. ni., •veragtng 07 mi|u per hour.i task lha toad ta tte sacond lap! and VM it to wta tte laAmile fauut ipsrti ev nee Sunday IB tte Jime aprtals M Road Amarica.




naTWai. LtsMe

Km Wa, pm awv MuML im

*..oM *»»-w


ArsaM Palmer appured ready to cry a ad hit army looked feat u tewBdertd wbei

Athletics End Two Streaks, Sweep Twinbill From Cal By BOB RARTZELL Capital Spartt Writer KANSAS CITY - TV Kansu City Athletics broke their fourgame toaing streak and Calitortiia's aevetogame winning ly. sweepIrom die

S pitch Vme Just ahead of Adcock s Ithrow home Aryel rt0it fielder Ed Kirk­ The Angels made it 2-1 in the patrick Vl^essly held tte ban fourth u Adcock doubled, went as Campanerts to third on a ground out and home. White So*, lasted i

0 Campy's spud in U i Otau’s 0row to AW ohoranlt. ;^0a Plato mi anatte ftrelched a bit to deep right“■ Kansu CHy forced lereet tV tie in center into a triple wito one out | tv the eighth «i g u ' TV A's woo tte ftrst game M on Dmmy Cater's nm«»rlBg But Wright sqwldtodfitotteeel I ^iitedVirit" m by getttag Gosger on a line|»ne', htot aV scored from ilBgle In the nfelh Inning and dnve to (ira base man Nermithe« ,un Mike Hersttaerger's captured tte finale 3d on Cam­ SieVrn and Hersberger on a hjgb fiy down the left field Ime py Campaneris’ double routine fly to center dropped in f« a teubie Willie Smnh's two-base IhrowFregtal Streaks - iirinimi ------------tag error m the 10th. That wu tV only lime the •»'«», Lew Krausae stopped tte Ao- ■s advanced a runner past " ‘.'./i £ ell eo six biu ta tte mxner. first base until the ninth. TVy'j^ • » le A s second shutout of the only five bits orr.»Sm*rf £ tason. TV twinbill aweep wu Wright during the first e i g b d (or tv A'f against .innings, seven for the g»ne.^»«*«'''» ItlSuw .. Angela this season snd Wright struck out fivr pve tbea a spltt of ibeir (ouronly (our but, '^'m, rm (U-M ru toughest with men on bau.lrmwwii t«« wu “

New Fm Chicago cornu In (or a fourgame set with Bfll Stofford opporiiM ttto Chtaox' Joel Horten ta the first game at 7 p.m. Monday. Cater's one-out itagle ta fiie ninth bBtag of tte ffist game icored Campy Campaoerii from sacond bue and ended a bril­ liant pitching durt between KransM and angel rookie Clyde Wrightam. Krawse Sbtau ». making only sacond start of the season, wu n-r»'’n-iw in IV clutch pitetetf bis way out of three ams in tv firm five truwigs and held IV Angels to two snv gles and a walk tV rest of tV

........ ...........................................................................................................................


• ••••• Ml—1 TV Angels taaded tte basu the second on singtot by Sieb-!«~ ern and catcher Bob Rodgers and I hit batsman. Krausu! -a« ilrtaaM iKoaoBi V-'to* * then struck out Paul Sebaal' and got Wrigbt on a s ro a s h through tte mound with D1 c k c«vow *•**> m * V:*;

Ciw Mking tte_play


Jim Fregosi. who stretched his UtOng streak to nine gamesi with two hiU. slammed a tseoout double in tV third, but Kraiwe got Siebem on a popup to Campaneris Jose Cardenat hit a onetout single In the fifth JSTi and advanced to second on Si ground out, but Krausse posed-of Fregosi on a groundar|*Tt.f; to Campaneris | cw"»m TV vietofy was Krausse's second straighi and leveled his"**'

I* M. wu 71-54.W7»_ Campaneris led off tV ninth > won tV second. r --------------------fvf*f».74-S Witt bis third straighi hit. beatnt a roller to third bpse. field WI0 one out in tV lOth I Jim Coiger aacriftoed Campy Smita's burned throw to sec-! T tv V'ad of An­ second and Mike Hersberger gel second baseman Bobby ciaMk K.W. ww i»n-n.i»-)w teew an walk. ..................... .................... ... (IKnoop. past IV reach of first Cater. wV hadn’t collected hit against file Angels ta 0 pre-Vseman Joe Ad cock, and: - bats ttnee tV A's against tV fence to tV ri IJ-TT.7H1—■* acqured him from tV Chicago home plate CampanerLs st-cj TfrT'^O-TT-m n.T»T»7v-jai

JUVro-TW.i 7V-l-l».i*-ia7 7J.7»-7»7»-t" 7»»>*-n-7H



Ohu Ctrit' (••« vs. Yakima. Washington WaVb Cafe — tww af 4k# ceunIrY'i Vrt ta Rt0r first meeting. AduHs, II.OO; students, KIc. Fun (or thw entire family.

i| SSV"

a t I • a«*r • ?I'


•aM iTTi'j

1 «i 1 M M« k. 1 • •• tM III 1—1 1 w«f. w t>~p> e»«■—»a Ciif I i.oaWHo, C7» t


. sirups

• •s*w»wa*«w»**«•••••••••••••*4••••••• I


I Urdie « tte 140 stopped





We have plenty el ears i^eose from —all priced lew eni ready to get Twe hleeb ef mustangs • - ■ FeirUnei . . .

*Spt‘cial cretUt mnaideration for storm rirlims.


23rd CUld South Top6ka S


2 Top Speedboat Formi Skippers Killed Chart


IhreeHomen Roche Tigers Snare 2-| Propel Twins Still Win Over Yanl^ PastChisox Hurts I

NEW YORK (AP)-Dick McAoilfle hit m bamoi lA WASHINGTON (APi - nm .ipoedboet fK»n - Wo Dm WiekBiihm pstebad a &v»*Mer u the DMt Hgn MLNNEAPfHJSR. PAUL them Ite lop driven in the burincM - w kllM Sundqr «t lOHd te New Test Tofcau M Soday. (AP) - Hunoo KUMrew-s traiNdy lUUmt Om Preridem's Cup Res>tU oe the T tLoBe-t mmi b«r. SM e-a >fl aecond bomer «f the game and River. jta BMC to ba aigdh iatoc od brake a M fla bUtov a TTie three were Rob Mum end Rn MuebcMr, tb-braaking twneun M by LOmXM (API > ttoqr dad's bv td m.m. krgeat to be majors Ob SMC. Seattle. Waah, and Don WUaw of Palm Beach. Fta. Don Mincber in the aevenib to­ Roibe, Mrob« an tofvod Mt b hto Us first bona tobe turd hming. ihrtog be np»a The race *a» ended after-cbe Maocheettr • WUaoo aeddat ning powered tbe Hmoesou ankk. pattod oat sf tba tabtoi 14 toad. Bat be Yonkoa csane| durtne the fim lap of the fmal heat and mind tobtu Sfd^ i ' Twin to a l-( vktory over the The judgea named Maocheiter and the Notre Dane ai the CUcago White Sec Simday. •inner of the race baaed oA pointa eanmd duriiif the tamand dsgcnbBff flipinn. Hv KUebrew's hocMr lied ---------------------------------------- .day recatu tbrtmih the beat Emuaa, to be prttad 0^1* IM WWto ef be you and Bar HAMiON EBiEBREW tcoro after tbe WUIe Sec bad of be WImbledH Qumpto- V Kuit b«led aooN jMcb , precedhic the final fatal acci­ * i i ••• held a M lead atoee tba third ibtpe sicrttw Mooday. dent. (»c*p •* »•» timing. Bob AOiaeii than dr*« a Tbe n-yauHild Aaatta WUaoB, who had aubbed for bander it seeded aecotid bsbtod (hrM walk and Mtoebir waOoped a Uti !■ PMtiBI bn rcfnlar drircr Bob Brown, and homer «6 feet tote the rigU the »^w-oM anerton. who to brt. -Wny aiakB n. fc- MILWAUKEE, wn. lAP) were awarded Arid blcKfaera. palU^ Mto- seektog Us bM ftrto^ Wtm- (Mtl. Banda HcAMBfe'i ban. La,| .tiauaf Tau SaBi; tecoed piace and Tahoe Mias, bledn ito^ title. ncaota to fnoL an,Baoaa.lJ.|aatta111wa,ja^ dial a aarld • » Emena bu bea made driven by 3hycar-old Mira Slo­ doubled and olid M favortte to baeeaoe I AMDUM.N LEACUI tag to be ba ttou. Bh^. Golf AAmodi Coif vak. was placed third 'dtaraTV Jim Kaat’s aa^ for fint ma« orta bra caaoi Maaffa wu rwooved to be Ue tooMnat tbe final na to Am tantog. Mka BardaM live Winbisda stagMi erem 0b becaoae he vroebed a Mflaok/i Jayoa Opa Miumo wu the firtt to die. KOlehrew horaered for • pr<'«* . ■ BOSTON (AP) - The Baliisince BNlatol'i Prod Psirry did kBu dortog hanii« metla , jn Sadij. The S7-yeeMild driver’i radltbe TVtos' two run to be sec­ it » yean ago more Orioles padded their ................................... adUanaferRaipbHDtbbita't Kabvl uva under or toito Mlea SAN FRANCISCO (APl - ond tentog. Tbe other came to wot lo risk a tojary aftor he , . American Ua|M lead Soaday Bar^. dlilidhr«ad aa If wu Aradd Palmer reviewed US u Koeeo doublel went to third Ro^. wtoner of be Italia imd an out be triple. • t^f-rSTo-ffS spIlUInc a donblehaader with apeedinc at aa aotlmalad HO eoDapM b thoAuil nnod of the en a paieed ball ud scored on ;S ^ - ‘ Open Golf C SMW and French tltla cailter this wUdUbbbyGary Peters. mllea an hour. Muaaon had been Boston, winnlni the opener Mm detedted bob to be CUcago took tbe lead with _____ »•',** ew» w • . M Wrignt to Spokane. Wib.. to behmd Eddie mhefs clutch stogtos and douUu ftoaU of be TUBMIM W 4 I 1 ■ aioww. » I M I , . umU It's over, but I felt pretty three-nm third tontog off KtaL LondM Uwn TUtois OtofflUon' tot, good. I started tUnktog about Ken Berry led off with e homer M I. jy thips because of a atratoad \i(%. J In the nightcep. 4Si> 7^ Notre Dame, blew up. The ves- sbooiinf t74 and that may have Peters doubled and scored on a rtshu. summoned from the fcl flew off the water on the stogie by Tommy Agee, who •**» «*>* •mMi Momav •w>« IO'*" Ml •' C bulbwn after the Red SOI had back stretch of the fim lap In been my first mlitake wu ucrificed to second, toe* ” • Ml. • Straight LosUm ttoglea title and acorcd two runs with two out In the final heat, came down and "I wu awe that I had to third OB a ground out ."Si’S. keep ray game together, which I dODblu wttfa Davii Qto tw ninth, struck out ptneh bat­ exploded In the water. scored on Jtom Romano's sin­ MV I leanunate Fred Sttole. ter Leimle Green with the basu The expioaloa occurred aloag- didn-L ! probably thould have gle. Ltew ■ . tma loaded to nail down the triumph. skle Wilson, in Mlm Budwelaer. played itaUttle dlf^t” MumisoTs Palmer blew a sevcMtroke cMiueo «r >• INTBmAIIONAL Boiton-s JoM Santiaco and Netre Dame ww aeeeod W • *1*— *«N ct < > f < Verar m •»*» Teffnager Defeots Mm Wyatt comhlaad b dwi Mia Baidahl in the I M IMSwM !• Jill awwv c 4t>• (be Oriebs ta the nlibicap as point ttandtogi last you. Oklahoma Net Giont into a tie wlb BflJy Casper at 4. NM ft tits rookie Geone Scott eoOaeted the end of be ngulatia 73 rw JM » 1 • 1 S « TULSA. OUa. fAP)— A Uthree hits, Incb^ his iHi Tha daab of fiM bree veed- btou. They meet to an It-boie mm itam rt I • * t K bnat raeari mcrimd tba byboycar^id SL lAda ackaoboy d»homer. fated be dot of Ofciahtana The split enabled the Orioles, ptone race u one of be raoet playoff Jlooday. ■•••■ Canecrod wttb Hark •WM » IMS I Bina. nw »•»»»» It m who have won 11 of thetr lat 15. tragic ^Nritog events to the tennis Sonday. 1-1. 41. to be da. » ISM Cagpdr. a oae-tima fat mu rwm Tulsa opa tannis j to boost their league lead to lb lut 15 yean. •* ISM 577^;ma's stoda ftoali. pmes over Clevriead and De- There have been far greater bo lOBt M pounds 00 an exotte let. echoed Palmer's PACmC COAR dub tolls to qnrts roMtopa Gopher League riTiii tti (ti tiMB' Bobby McKinley, brother o trolL taevin *•««» Baltimore won Ihe opener particularly In auto racing acd- menu. VwwT II. CbtMH • 'Ante thought he wu going used a powerful service anc IMR IS. !.■’« SaHIMb i. dehu tovt^vlng tpeeutors with the help of thr but rarely have thru or more to shoot 274 and to did I " deadly overhand sbot*-» swoep Palmer, with a second Open competiton been tolled in c sto31-year-old Gene Land M Mosthird baseman Joe Foy 1 charapmiahlp apperemly to his event, i kogee off the court to only U leeond and third Snnlngs eastern league grup. admitted he wu more minutes. records. Southpaw Dave McNally al­ concerned at one siage ★ SETAIR *S£RVICC ★ RBUIUI lowed only four hlu until the The 1W and 1957 Milie Miglli wlb broBkmg Ben Hogan's Ww mi Umim nbth, when he weakened end road races to lUty each were neord score of 2H than m holdtte Red SOI loaded the biau marred by be deabi of thKc tog be lead over Cuper CE 5-1147 «u JlUler walked acrou e driven. Seva driven lost their Ub Mem Trable Brown Nabs Honors lives In accidents during be run and surrendered i single ’-The Hb wu the suri of my Rico PetroceHl before Plsber week-long Pan American Road (townlaU. " be aU-tlme leading A1 Brows wa be aboMoff wu called to ad the uprislnc. Race to »M. Thru blrers bad money winner said. “1 lost one after be and W.S. Boley broke A single by Lula Aparicto and been UUed in tbe same race the there but be big hole, the really 49 X M targets SuiUay at Soub Bmoka Robi»OD-| l»h bomer previous year. bole, wu be ISth Topeka Gun Ctob. Ed Young ant Uh Orblu off b a M tint In HU three British drivers 1 got down lo only a three- and Jamu Joffman tt»t 4B for tamtaf lead in Itae aeooad fame. died to t race at BeBast. Ire­ stnffe lead there and you can second and Gary Dawdy and However, the Red Sox tied tbe land, and three motorcytUati 2 S ! count with single njBitatbeJr were klUed dorlog tbe MUan- lou three atrokes on one bole. Jack Cowan ttolabed bird wlb HM I bad four or five going tote half of the first and tbe second, Tartnto race to Italy. An llaUan the last three, t might have god went ahead to suy tac* the Uvea «• M. faett'a Itaa abet fade iba of foor riders to HM. 'BaM screen. . Among be wont spor bob be Uth and Hb wha be • aSVlTt IWHMV !tf*B >«»»ll4« 4. MC J«r dtos to be last decade were tbe begeyed and Casper birdied hits after RoWntoe'a homer, atrplaM crash to Pebniary. each bole. wu fofccd b retire when be INI. which wiped out be United Waaled Scetad Cl en» 1 wu struck on tbe ri^t forearm Stales figure skating team; be Billy Ued him on 17 and both Tali'' aiMtn WA by a sharp frounder hit by IMO air craih In eblch U mem­ parred tbe Hlh. Aparicb in hi* sevalh. WyaU bers of be CallfottUa Poly col­ "Up until-about tbe 15b hole. U Ttewnwt.l B.m.. MMn n mmm Ht. I. t.m ia«iw n. Sw then took charge, preserving lege football tun were killtd. . was atlU idayttg for aecond," \> StMt e*-T Bit.. IMWt Wl. a SpiUlago's fifth victory. and be lott of Britain's ebam- Ctosper uW. "I wta'l too wor­ .1 l:» StaiwWr >1 T-e»& planahlp aoccer tom to ried aboat Amle wha we made air disaster. be turn. I figured b e bad It The HU U Man road race wv. wu marrod by a seriu of ma­ "On 10 I tooked at be scorobnard to aa bow far back Jack jor-^eddents bat NIcUaaa aaff Tony Lcma woso fataUttoa. aU hot two ef way again Su^y but thii Ihne I waited aaeoBd moey." tpeeutors. hr bad to do it tbe bard way. NATIONAL LEAGUE

IM UM M mil


^ 1Hr ;; it s K


Ss 5 I I.



•rc-^ T UsB n li s

Texan Sets'.

Orioles Pad Loop Lead With Split


Arnie Shot For Mark, Mssed It


i/lfrigsrmi sHiiii?

1^ rni

..w AUt.


TTTL ... !!'-!** **.n‘

6obe ftuth Leogue



WSL-. r r s T



^ :! 5 si


tovraum lAAOUB

s s S • ■ S s


Girls Seftboli


Craig Captures Shawnee Feature

iOT- ’ii'l'l’ai"' Er.-ii!iS.= iii! isr; till S'. Iii

Ht itarted tbe race in tha Uth lUace but moved Into the lead on Ihe iSth lap Lee Milan narted oo the pole and had a big lead cut twice by restarts after wrecks. Cratg got around him ee a rutan after Red Andrews and BUI Smith tangled OB the well In tbe IS? number 1 torn. Wayne Hattabsa«h finished third tod Buddy Marsh fourtii. Lee Groetboff woe the B feature with Darryl Peteftfh a; “y‘


With our"NOVA*LEAF”wrapper



im< wriitt.iSSE.

Craig and Marsh won the baat,*^ races and Craig took the trophy «sh Smith end Don EIlloU won the two consoUtion races. Tbe largest crowd of the sea­ son. lJU. M son hand for Ray Smalley's debut as a race track Operator

Jensen Takes Ladies Race

H a atMto 1 1 > 1 I

> I > > I n*" 1 tt t t A'ene Jaien oul-dlstanced'^^;^^ 4 t I I I eleven other contenders to win T-J.ll. t-ItJM. the Special Ladies Powder Puff race at Topeka Dragwav Sun­ Amoteur Roct OriYBr day.


DIh When Cor Flips emt SMB iw..4«Hr. tmmmr :

X:’^^ *«Jt.5C(car went out of control and



• Now baadid be^a Bohiga. • Wborf ryeodars robo». • Iraba dams lawTorad • Bnb« blad and vaWaA


S/WE $3 to $4! New Foremosf Custom

30-MONTH GUARANTEE WITH 15-MO. FREE REPLACEMENT [ REG. 15.95*. NOW 1 ilAl \ ejexii rnmk tmu» I


• An amaletff race driver wu a‘»"‘trriTiUr’ "c;t.‘.‘.n£5.l-aijurod n-s. cw-ob; to. >.•»'' f St. at* latjurod faiaDy Sunday when fataDy ----------his practice at Road Amirica bare. Authorities aaM Jaafiu Hart­ man. about IT. ef Chicago, dlad ot mpmea « route to a Shabor gin. Wu, hoNunl


I Hu 1J] Pod. T«I I •PtoaOWTba

NEW KN ivRNKUl ranen MMin MW icm OF Tun I AND OATItFACnON TO Mi FOU-SIU nVE-OCHT CMAO •I tKBtll'ni UWtPBtwOl. Wb <«■ V I tw IB. B» BWt w M cnaruta voatccoa BW |M d>B MtM .«>'• BepBII ■ •WUM.BMir BMOy BHMA4I Nm




VeWihe BtoN CepM

“ -

Francbna Fires Cards As Phils Lose Twice TitoCoilecfs 2 Home Runs In First Game ST. LOUIS(AP)-Tlt<.Franccoa Ut ( pair of bone nms hit Ini o( the tcaUQ in the ip«Mr-at the SL Louii CartlnaU nrept a dwbleheaf^ form the PhilndelphU Phillies T-O and M Sunday. RiSM-bander Bob Gibson - pliched a three-Mtier and gained his liRb victory in the nightcap after Curt Flood's sin. fie and Praneoaa’i double had

Nats Dump



Computer Robs Victors' Ortiz Favored As Fords Sweep Le Mans To Keep Title

PITTSBURGH (AP) - Ughtand McLaren cruaed about XO triple with a U Mans vidory yards bdimd. He had prevlauily won (he Day- *«'«“ «h«nipion Carfos Ortii Near the end of the final Up. tons 34-hour and Sebrma U- “•**** Johnny Baxsrro in a titlo the three Fonta grouped to piM mOmnw .10, M^ ““ff tte finikh line together la a vieWASHINGTON (API - Fred thi, yeat, I mgh» confident of retaining hu lory parade. The official ftnUi world crown ^ith. sixth-round ValesttiM led off wtib a teme line is about 300 yards from thes iSSi.T knockout. rin and Ken Hamlin htt his ftrst main grandstaiM area, yfiH'wi.ft mwmi w.n ■».e» The 2»-year-old New Yorker of the season In the tlxfti Inaing. spectators thought ibey Aey saw said - Sunday that Biaarro't giving the Wtshington Senahsrs Maes cross the line slt^tly « Wkft kft II ■ MM H«f. • 1. Li Cmm,. a M victory over the Clevaland announcer said •head. Mrt.w?iifi!?!hit when I want and I'll knock Indlena Sunday. MDes had won. ,him out and It won't take 10 or Mike McCormick, who had Then the computer came in. II. ni do it m su." he added. lott alx of hi! last seven dedA ctectronic device was M I mm. Ill I -g Orttt IS a 2-Fifavorite in the Miles and Hulme were getting slons. held the Indiara to four mounted on each car to perfor­ •M MifMf Li-W. Oi'-nioi. letff finst defense of his crown ha . .CINCINNATI (AP) — Sannny hiti as be potted his fourth ready to moufit a pUtforra maw. llii Pkkh ate a card each line it passed I. egrgcAi Mi-M-. »w 0 eoit and Milt Pappas, who recaptured from Panama's tv receive victory bouquets from Sium ke'<i. gid Ula (CkllTL OM-AgM. over the finish Ihw. have had trouble recently lory. marl Laguna last Nov ; 3 at San , Henry Ford 11 when the deeisioD UiaDiataMe turned in strong pitching »• aeveland't Jack Kralick. was reversed and McLaren and 'oTii.C?' He had won the title from foraiances Suni^ as the Cin­ lakuig only bis second stert, Amon were given the victory, in With the two can crassing Joe Bropm in 1962 and defended cinnati Reds swept ■ double- flowed just three hib In eddialmost together at the end of 24 successfully . four tunes before header from the New York Mets Uon to the home nms in bit sev- which records were set lor dis­ hours, the computer then made he was beaten by Laguna m Pa­ EUs. who raised his record rapid caicuUtion that innings. Valentine’s home tance and speed. frg'pvi. ^ LM*‘cgUg. Ilf?. U1 nama City April 10. 1»6S MI. held the Mets to five UU run, his sixth, ceme on (he I-HM. Mg< M*k Le HSM aurt. in which some It FM-iri 5i Iifg,. Lggn OtrAW • Bizzarre, the home-town faBOB GIBSON before being lifted for a pineb ond pitch of the baH game. can are farther up the track Igwm. tM g.grrg NgMX. Fignig M ««ie frcBi Erie, ps,. said' m,«t. ■” og htOer m the seventh It was his than othen. Miles bad covered vtkkHO • »............................. "ty there'll be a first victory since May « MrK«l kki-kkl about 30 yards less disUnce _______ Cf’ illl VtMKMk •< i I 1 I *-*^jnew champion andtiy a krtnekisk °>>i M* after six straight defeats. Pap­ MilMn » S I * * HkmUA Willi Uurd appearance at Le Mans. than McUn ► rgSci[ pas scattered seven hits in the Utryi u ill! MiMiAil Will* What had been berelded as a For^the surl. cars are lined: ^ C«k»iM r< 1*11 klMk'iM » i * * I '-'UD5 rlna •f expect - nol hope - to opener while raising his record wkitfiMa ikililEmuna ■ kill ------ duel between Ford and Ferrari -« kwncM. ag) p according to qualifyingi J, k>m W ) * 1 I LkCl cf 1 k I « Figwg. IMgg knock out OriJZ (or tiie title m ll to -wi'h the Ferrari the (avoriU times. Miles qualified second |^ AKM C I * I * CVMK C >i:;: 11 • The Reds, meanwhile, crtlectM-iiAg iHgr. Mcaun 0*m or 12 rounds I know sometiiing ? • M - collapsed after about 10 Lours and McLaren fourth. For beinil^^jjrr ‘ ’ grggeg. .ug", , g.** >MWi. about him that's bound to make ed 10 hits In the first game and Lkr«»i N> 111 * wCrmct 11 « I of racingp faster in the trials. Miles got a ■idtti a 1111 .aicc. lx ip the aecood. i> it easy for me to wear him out. ’ From (he l»b hour on. Ford bead start which made him lose, .m cm 'iBizzarro uid Tommy Harper scored (be 1 > 1 i 1 TM a 1 s was obviously an overwhelming the race (or distance ■M IM I ** II*first run hi both games, getting ■kM 1*1 III Ilkvictor and 1:7 the last hour it victory celebration where I on base with a leaiMf tingle off was clear Ford would take the BO^ihere wu heavy withl Rob Gardner In the rirst Inning first three'pieces Third place in tension. Miles said, "I'm dlaap-| of the opmer and drawing a CHICAGO (API - Hm towly enotber sev«i-Uter Ford Mark pointed, of course, but what are. walk (ran Dennis Rlbant his t I I I I I Chicago Cubs went on a powerINSTAU IT TOURSILF AND SAVI I * I I 1 I n. went to Rannie Bucknam of you going to do about iL" first time up in ttw nightcap. hitUng bli«e Sunday and icmMi nr. Ml I 1 II 1 ’ La Canada. Calif , and Dick Miles had wanted to make a T-l 51. whipped the Houston Astros M Hutcherson of Keokuk, Iowa. and M for their lint doubleThe Miles-Hidme aixl Mclju^ ■ B Jets Ink Nomoth Sub en-Amon teams were h> header sweep of the teason , Lukiea n till! Billy WUliams led the para kkuvr W i I k I I CM«a V 111 k ) riiticK e i « t < NEW YORK (APi - Mike same lap, and alternated in the by drtvtng in four nms in t LkMi C< Ow arao* M wW. }« ft. I I I * I «»>«• » ikl-l leed as one orthe other stopped ik* f Talilaferro. the backup quarterKrMMIk I I I I i ■Ml rf opener with a double and •w ■ i k 11 I iWtkt « }M * badi to Joe Namsih, has signed for gasoUne. In t)w last halfSave at AVONDALE TV AND ANTENNA three-nm homer and th c mil his UW contract, the New York hour. Miles took the lead. a|>me Illl im IwllaaM* OwM taadar AM 4-7273 chipped in with another homer •r k III! parenily by prearrtngement. ■A C Illl In the nightcap. But the Cubs bad to watt until ' * Tgtgi A 9 >* I *1* *** kkk-k the fifth inning to nail down the when they arapUd (or six runs on two-run doubles by Lae ThomM and Byron Btowne and a twoeun homer by Randy Hundley. wr-OgiOor T-l W

Ellis, Pappas Lead Redlegs Past New York

LE MANS, France (AP) Bruce McLaren and Chrla Amou of New Zealand, drlvnig a Ford Mark U. won the U Mans Mhour endurauee race Sunday in ftfosh that even bad tha officlab ibaking foetrluMfo. Everyone thought Ken Miles of Hollywood. Calif., and Denis Hulme of New Zealand bad won in an identical



^wiy Cubs Find Tim McCarvert home nm ttien made it a three-run inning, Prancona beat Jim Buiming Hi the opener with a h homer In the sixth inning. Washburn pitched his first ewoplete gvne since last Aug. J and only his aecond ainee sufString a muscle tear In his right Iboulder three seai ■ » imm ft r K W Ik

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JUST ARRIVED! TrucMood of ANTENNAS Prom the Foctory

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LOS ANGELES (AP) - WDlie Pirates 2g Breves 1 Davis hit a tie breakfog Oi«lt in the eiifatb bming SMlay at ATLANTA (AP) - Willie tho Loa AiwdM Dodgm cap­ I • « S I Stargell led off the 11th tontog tured the third and decidiiig with a home ran that gave game of a aeriei against San PltUburgb a M vitoory Francisco M before U.S27. UgniM u'*4'l*i'g rjMl»Hf Ig^Vk* AUsnta Sunday. Wf«M Cf ««l*kgcM a lit* StargeU's homer, his tM of Pitcher Don Dryedale, called me seam, came off Ted Aheroff the bench as a pinch Utter, udky and brought the Ptrata started Oe wtmtng rally wlSi a •fWW < I • * their fourth straight victory and single Off refoever nd kaer Joe :L«g a 4*t Owmr i > ki t ■ seventh In the last nine games. Gibbon. 3-4. PiDoh rjnner Bart :: KM4I k kkk* Bob Vetoe pitched a fivaUtShtarley moved up on Maury egMwkB gk I g** tor, picking up bis seventh vteWills' sacrifice and scored as I * g« lory against five defeau. Davis singled on an O-and-2 5 1 Tgfgl atai Veale blanked the Braves on ^tch with two out. four hits onut the eighth when The victory went to Phil Re­ I naww 5. CWtMk 5. Hank Aaron lied the fame 1-1 gan. S-1. who relieved Oerter wito hli tJrd homer. TTw twoOnde OuiaeA tn tte eighth to­ out Mali tailed over the Mt ning nut etaked off a San FrniIk* I I t * 1 field (anee. clice threeL TTm Gienti leored The Pirates scored 5; « IW.M1 } their only run In the first inning II. W-tl.Wl sixth when Matty Atou doubled when Jim Davenport singled (or his third hit of the game, and wmia Hays douUcd. went to third on Gene AHey'i Ron ParraaoaU Oopped the bunt single and came home u Gianu to the ntoth. Uftlilg the Roberto. Ctemente forced Alley Dodgers within two games of at second first-ptoce San Francisco to the The Braves loaded the baste National LeagM reee. with two out to the bottom of the The Sunday crowd raised sixth, but CIcfnente caught Joe Dodger home attendUKC to 1.- (M4AHA, Neb (AP) - Ohio Torre's fly to deep rtght^nter 613.06 (or S datef. TTie week- State * College World Series field, ending the threat eul series drew 156.410, a Dodp Oiampfons placed five men on er Stadium record. the I6man NCAA AU-Tourna- '■^“T.k. *^‘-rkW meot Team and Ohio State tu) eaMCisco U---------------- ^ pitcher Steve Arlin wu moui choice as the Outstending Player. Ruimcrup OhWioms SUte two !S%“iir.K=::i:i: ptoced The InfM KJWfiMfi g 1**1 SSL'. illlKTS-.: ill third ClIgHM gk < « • • basetiMfl Bob Toney, «art>k>T g H«g KL,'. |!|! tng series hitter at .471. In tt» wu OSlT's Wayne ■g«g*g Ktf outfield nierly. 412. '



OSU Lands Two On Star Squad


Ei. iitisir-!!!!

sEf. iiii

Tm.-VV! srr.^TkV,’


Ohs« Streak on Line Otoe Meau puts a fow game wtosing Streak and 11-4 aeau mark on to Uns to a doubleheader at 7:36 pjn. Monday tt

kill* I 1-* 11**1


legion BollpLayor killed in CotliiioR VOORHEESVILLE, N Y. (API - A 15-yeer-oM boy pUylf« eenicrfleld for an Amertran Ugten btoabtol team wu klDad Sunday when he aad enolher player cuOkfod u they eenverged on i fly ban. . Kenneth Johnaton of the AlbaBy labuit el Wesf eie wee proAlbany Medkto Center Hoapi-

Cbarfor Sorviee Rental Ftyinq Sehoel AgrW Spraying Di.? CE 3-6677 Capitol Air Sorvieo »-ir.Uf

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JgiM rkMMN.orOavwM we OM MM>wwy y

Topeka Av*. at 23rd

Topeka, Kansas


Jay Needs a Month r la Ok a potential * K-Sute * Coo BLOOMINGTON. Ind. <SUffi - ne htg Eight mid* mUe. faded lo the final quarter and ftnUlMd aavttth. An­ ittdf knnn tn Sittmdir't NCAA Trade od neld Ch«npteother Big Eight miler abnaat won R. OUaharai ^'s Tn d#i - but BtX the iriy ttw KinnMed wrterenc* did 0«e Von Ruden was edged at ttw tape by VIDanova'i Dadd week bdora in the USTFF chimptarahlpi won by the JtyPatrick In 4 K 1 hiwfcen. KU'i Gary Ard RnldMd sistt hi the leog ]UBp (S4«) Thundiy, Frtdty ind Smurdiy wtr* diyi d fnittratt* and discus thrower Gary Swartx faded to qualify fv tha for th* mwi eomprtlton who t»d lo wileh UCU rxm off star-studded rinals swept by Randy Matm. MiamTs Gene wtth thr team trophy OnJy John Uwaoo i eecond-plie* Crews look fifth m the d»t bdrind Randy Matson. finish behind Wishtfifion Slate * Jerry Undfren in the threeOther Big Eight cempetitor* fared better wtth (ha eharf* mile provided ■ bright tpot led by Ntbradu which aoorOd 30 team pahits. Omrfia Lmdgmr «« on hi* way lo a new NCAA record Green equalled (he NCAA lOO^rard da* recotd in U and (13 S7i though tuffering a cheat cold and bad cough, and teammate Headley took fifth. Peter Scott won the M moved far ahead by the end of the lint mile. Uwton *M with Oklahoma SUte's John Perry flnishiiic fourth. Nebras­ around Waihington State * Chni .Weaunan and UCLA't ka’s Dave Crook was second in th* 440 Geo Pyne in the final quarter lo fiolah In lS:iJ 4. MtssourTs Steve Herndon, who has the uttOB’i best The ruimers practically iprintad Into the infield on dta high jump this spring (Mti). and OUabona't Ron Tull, other tide of the three mile finish to escape (he hard aor. who had pasted seven feet UmecU. both tied for fifth at face of the all-wtather Graule* track. Undgreo'i tint wcrdl M with Nevada’s Otis BurreU goinc 7-l lo win. while ripping hit shoes from hia blistered feel were. "Oodi. In the steeplechase, Oklahama SUte's Chris McCubbloi Onch. Gee Ooeh!" took tourft. The two wlU meet again neil Saturday in the Natioial Most of (he group wlU compete at RandaD's Utond this AAU ChampiaRshipi on the New York Randell'i Island week where they win be jotaed by the naCH»U*giani and track toe college freshmen who were ineligible for the NCAA meet. ■1 really think I’m. about a month away." Uwson aaid That group includes Kansas miler Jim Ryun npoe whom after the meet. "But there doesn't seem lo be a month left." most of the aUention will be ceniered. Ryun wlU run the The top iwo fStlshm in each even in the AAU Champloomile In the finals Sunday aftemoon but bis effort may be thipt will make the U S team for the Americtn-PoliBh nd slightly Impaired by a Saturday qualifying heat, a thne when me AmerKan-Rustlan meets on the West Coast next roortb. ha IdasUy should be resting. Wk'hiU'i Fred Burton, who has deared IM. (InlaM KU coach Bob Timmons said Ryun and Uwmo wm be third In th* pole vault at IS4. A Big Eight vaulier, Colorant joined by at least om other Jayhawker for the AAU meet. uharles Hogar* won firat wBh Isa* mkae* over the lavortto, UCLA * More Sovage, both with ll-toot vaulta___________ tRsfaman pole vaulier Bob Steinhoft.________________




Mary Worth



!• y«it occMiitl MO MONET


Rex Morgan, MJ}, TXE'I


Topeka Girl High School Rodeo Queen

Minnesota Demo Support to Keith

Debbie McGeenCy. • hloodc tecBMer. igm lift nna) Ka»M Sate ftenpienhip m«h School Re. IP Suedoy et-Dipda fhWKtup ClDb. A Junior it Ssawnec HeifhU ngh School. DcMw li the fnighter of Mr. and Mn. S. %. McCeeney, 3U Rice Ro«l. & ilM placed third in the eloverleaf barrel race eocnpetiban Stmday. Often NaiMd ^MsndpUcetaiftequMcen: test »as won by Deanna Ro|* : en. St. GeorT; third place ml to Luann Cora, Lawrence : Seiecled sU • around eowKtrl CeWng fte reps mmd the steer's neck b was Patti Keithley. eaq> te the baO ttefgteg eatest, Zcke Mr. and Mra, David C. Ketth- GriOft, WkkHa. tend Sadey k fte Sttle %. Mulvanc. AH • around cow- ngh Sfteel Radse ftaiiMl-ftIpi htU at B6' VM Bob Vinoent, son ol Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent wend: Luann Corn. Lawflil V. Slst. tamers of each event Includ-



MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., (AP) fought coDventioa. when he col­ -U Gov. A.M. Keith, a S- lected 7S» votes, IS more than year^ poUdcal m the twfrtbirds mergio needed for the cndorsonett. Ridvmag Sunday night on fte 20tb baOot Wvetea. at the Mlnaesau Democratic'ift the endartemem goes Fanner-Labor party the party's snptport in the cam­ tnn. ihattering the party's tra- paign for the stale primary dmon of never denying endorse- Sept. 13. an iBnimbent offio^ The battle bi raged through two I dart of the most bluer corven-:P holder. Keith defeated Gov. Karl wm in the S-year history of a I Rolvaag. S2. one of the patty's party that spawned national I longtime figures who had bat­ figures such as Vice President I tled a “can't wm'* image Hubert H. Humphrey snd Secre-lr through most of hh first term. lary of i^grsculture Orville L.: Freeman. Two-Dey Battle The Keith victory came later Ow 2M Baltet || on the second day of the bitterly Keith held the lead from the;| start, but it WH the mb hallot|f before be cracked TO votes and I look ei^t men to chip away at I (be bard core Rolvaag loyalisu. I Rotvaag partUms ching I Topeka Rnaftg Qah. HardeW task Is grimly to more than eoeugb I wrosaiig the ban to fte gread. omub votes to block endorsemett I pteced to the boO dHftBf centeet. tai through tbe first 19 ballota as I placed to tww ether events. the governor repeatedly arged I aaaset eeuHrr^-v o tm. m them to “bold the bne" but I j i«w>i CHwie sm i*wsuw Keith was only 10 votes shy onll twmr mm, wmm. ww trr. ».»t> the I9th ballot '

Kansas Oil Well Production listed

Snoozing Sailor Takes Long Swim


•:Barrtaek bron riding - Ruu cent. Topfta. first; Gcrsld Smith. SURord, first: Kr Owens. Dodge Gty. second: Cine, Eoiporia. lecond: Jol Zeke Crimth, WichiU. third. ir Shipe. Dodge City, ftrid. Girls pole boding - Virginia rBovs calf roping - Zefce Grif Lou Evans. Norton, first; Una Ml. Wichita lint: Del Robert Madison. Leavenworth, second; Taft. El Dorado, second; Chris Van Petten. Eskridge, Vincent. T<^. ,ftird: third. Bull riding - Bob Vioceot. Barrel Race 'Clovcrleaf bvrel race — Pat- Topeka, first; Dale Jacobsen, U Ketthky, MidTiwe. first; lb- DeUa. second; Dcnscy Price, Casa OoMdce. AbOene. aaeond; PbUUpaburg, third. Girls CuttiBg Debbie McGecney, Ibpefca, Girls cutting — Luann Corn, third. first; Lynn Con, Saddle brow riding - Jack Lawraoe, Uwrence, and Teresa QemPyle. .KavUand. first; G«ld ence, Ahilene. tted for second. Owens. Dodge City, second. Boys cutting - Zeke Grifftth. ' GIrb breafcwwsy ruling - Wlctafta. first: Vic Hepworth. Chris Van Pctien. Rakridgo. Dover, second; first; Patti Keithley. Muhrane, HoHon. third. Prank Canon, ------------_ *.# i Governor of Maine

In Rare Primary Test




I ions the right to disagree with!!

in tpedfle te-ir

les afiecting the workers.

Fish Study Due ROME (API - A 304atioB|| cosnmlttee of fte U.N. Pood m ' Agricultural Orgauzatkin b decided to find out why ftt In-1 dian Ocean produces such a I skimpy yield of fish. They said 1 -the body of water, one-nfft of I the world's ocean suriace. pro-j| vides le» then l-20th of the | world's sea food.

imaRO e»VWTT-4 ; Ca'iH S C» . | Ha ) OauOv. c NS Sw. Sac aus.ww 1 « aaauaat Fiaio. a<at t7<r wm

Burmese to Visit PR.AGl’E lAPi - Gen. Nell Win. chairman of the Burmese|| RevotuUcHury Council, is plea-ll Ding sn official four-day visit to|| tt lovekia beginning Tue^jl day. the news agency C.T.K. I repM. He was tsvltod by Pn>-1 Ideot Anloobi Novotny, C.TJl.||


•■ff here Ton lire Better for Lets”

!5^39' .10‘



cinnkUolitTBiM CaMUH

Oiivat f MaapplaMea

S rolil!|ipla Jalct


.'sr-w snr ri: 4T

v-sr CfcaswOe Whito


Wax Popw

Whtee Iweft

3-U. Gan


jr 3V

lyjS CliaaiFF

Kir £r35*

CaBMt ClFBBMr SalcSSpoa



Libby s Gerden-Sweet


r35‘ .

LUX WM»e Imp



r83‘ LUX hlftite tw^

2e35‘ 3£^37‘ 2 K 4V VWW■^WWS^FiVW^P^^W^*^^VBW^WBVW^V^^^^

4 - 99' CoWonda


•s. 3f


•TOWN* COUNTRY 21st owd rwaimw 1:00 ajw. Tta I»;00 pjw.

^EAST SIDE 1201 Ewsr Sisft 0:00 wjw. T» I0;M pjo.





Vi IT 49*

I Vi ss 22





A Neeh'i Ark Preduet

■”.s 29'

3 'S.79-



ButterKnist Homburqer or Hot Deg

Grede A Small



■?»" 45'

3 Si 33-



Unit 1 Wlft SS.DO or Urter Order


ms Sravwrd 7:(» «i.m. THI f;00 pjo.

U4.0.A. CH01CS





(310 W. 2lit-0pen Till Midnighi



Stsft Md Om t;M WJK. T« (fUitetht





BUDAPEST. Hungary iAPijj _ A Hungarian trade unionli

Shortly after Deardoff;:i’>:^„~>'r,'\,r’ sailors on PORTLAND. Maine (API - BELZONI. Miss. (API - The mayor said, however, the IS sidled by •miliar VHtima rtSl. ana tai'fw! .Republican Gov. John H. Reed Nearly 1.000 local Negroes - Ku Klui Klan wasn't very K- le Lofberg's signal bridge. aarn TWt.n- ana Oti^-. avmaaa I beconei the first Inettmbent masy wearing tbeir Sunday beet tive in the area. “r,. praa. iw ten. la aa. wnt Good Ntighbors O' XI. Ktmn Cfi7, Maine governor la 20 years to paraded-outtonMet.theMis• local Negroes met the face primary slpfd' civil righto marchers marchers m miles from the CARTAGENA, Spain (API goes aganat Sute Rep. Sunday and tekitned wlft than city limits. They Joined forces, Eighteen safiors from the U.S. Fleet tanker Sakimixtle James S. Erwin of York hi Monspreading ecroas the highway, up wilh their version ef ■ ■day's electtont. layor Henry Gantt, mean­ blocking traffic. Erwin. «. predhris the race while, said be and fte ofter city “From now en, It's not gocuia good neighbor policy while in will go “right dom to fte wire'' officials bad spoken to any be all Mack blood, we're gonna port here. They sprat two days .with most of Us steengtb whites who “might be connected |st «mie of that white blood. " cboj^ing firewood and palnung , aiatmt the chief with a eecret orginliitton." Wfllie RidUk a Southern Qtrte- doors and windows at a home warning them Beiionl would nU tian Leadership worker from for the aged operated by CathoAtlanu. tolerale any trouble, PRICIS GOOD MON.. TUESm WED.. JUNE 20-21-22

Buy at TBton's Markets And Save on Your

I Red Union h> Reform i

w tses»


tLus eou»TT-»-e.m,m. irre. Ho leader announced plans Sunday a reform in trade ■J,' livities livities in in Hungary Hungary to to give unJl.’’’L.*' o'Mt e ger, i

SAfGON, South Vict .Nam (APi—An Afflcrwen sailor who rolled off the deck of the air­ n • ■•nut Criv craft carrier Hancock on Sat­ urday was rescued after almost « I on. inot II X Kamm cm nine hours in the South China Sea. The fintt thing he asked (or Mc. vfrrwrv pimkjt u 8 glass of water. M* tsn-. IWH. nmwM Reporting the incident Sun­ nn. trat, ii m . H am «aM wrt day. the Navy said Roy Dear- >»rTT IM. , Uii«i »u»«. > S«. 0.2B.<n. ■•rave doff of Bend. Ore., apparemiy WSW. »H. »»> wi aer. awn n»i fell asleep on the deck of the umata f Nn. atatfr. B salt., W ■ Hawock and rolled off into the ■*IioS»*^eewH’"'-j'*»i» tkKa-M. sea before dawn Saturday Ha 7 C HW HW. Sac wetnaw 'Fruit alH^ im iHr. aarti -lal had no Me preserver The U.S. escort destroyer Lof-;<«> -■m berg and two radar tracking] ,.1^, — planes and a helicopter from the ■ ' FH«i4o^*a~ia. . Hanewk searched ISO square aa<i. aa a«iar. OR. B.F. ■dnaaraoea

1,000 Welcome Marchers I

na« C.WM i

A'wayt Good


- 29® 2-*F




2 “ 33' TILTDN'S Prices Gwed Mendn. Teradey. Wedwesdwy

Yanks Blasted Lynda Bird, George Spend By Malaysians Quiet Holiday Together

U.S. May Fill Gaps in NATO Left by French

PENANG. Maiaytia (AP) AMt-Araertcao slfM ipreattd in thii northweatora Malaytoan reaort dtr Sraday aa S U. S. aoMten fram Vtoi Nam arrived for rest and Pt^lce manned barrlchdea at key IntoroecttoDi to dtocovaie any demonatrattom. The Americana flew to by chartond fUfbt to tha Royal


KANAB, Utah (AP) ~ Lynda BM JotBaoB end ber octor (rtoito. George Hamilton. Patber*' Day to acclnate on ;etvita randi to tola alaepy mtla aOBthem Utah town. With DOwBiMB faadtd off by Somot Sonde* agentt, Pteatdast

sctoriB tor fee Aim. aha tonall town rodu. frtoBto wtih aelte Qim rtidly w«l hOTM tog.teaWriutoDf toBtonfl- Pord toto bto wffa aadffwqumkm’a aOvto- ReOoRoyea «rf to- ly dated HamBtea. Ntotou too tended a party to toa meb doi^ Btolywnod atu nar Lgade Btod WASHDIOTW (AP* - A tag the ovetoog. pouibilitr ttwt acre L' S divi1^ Bird bu bea oa floet may be needed in Europe 'TrltSt m AMU I. W0; day. btotoboldtad vltol ^ bvdtong botwHD te two. The IIJWW m <e « M «r U replace French uniti pulled «M ywi nw « WM. ton » amfltev wholsbtovoeioco' eoopto arrived to Kmtoi to the tram j<H« defen.*e» to under nVART STbONGTDN M tor a Ovfl War Bovla. •amo private )to Satarday kinnei •> m« hum mm •> leiieMi ccneideraUnn, a Senate report traniportsd to Penang bland, SooreoactoM to toa patty nU dtoclosed Sunday bendi retort and free porL Lynda BMplanaad to leave toa Sen Stuart Sj'mtnglnn, D-Me . Sign calling oo the Unitad rtog to the "Loi« Rida Ban." Ranab Mt by prt«* > a former *ecr«ary of the Air Statu to "stop tiaugbiertog to wbtob to botag fllmad naw ttda Force, raised this ouestioo when 'nlfrMBPe'MMi * «er m> m « cwtJi Viet Nam" bad been paiotod oa eernmnlQr to IJM to te Bad Geo. HaroM K. Jofwaton, Army soma walls and atreeta over­ Re^ ojuMry to soutbKn Utah. chief of aurf. teiUfled in May night. TWO Tbpokaat w» ■--------- cm; toi^wotodOy teTWaastotooi before fte Scnaie Armed ServPanug Is tlw stronghold of more than MM fOBlon neoBOy ere toat toa «ould bead 1 ratf PwdtoatMdi In Preparedness Subcommlt' too lefi-wtng oppooitton Labor graduated from Nor S*S mtgtrm m irnwinm iireeftai m ton. D.C toe. party which opposes U. S. policy UnlverftW. EmtoB. lu. m* mt * etmrv * m Mit tmme SArrenawtHUMSce V01 Preahtont'i dttghi Eapretaed Oneer* URNED (API - Leo Schaf­ to Vtot Nam. Laird R. Ktoly. un of Mr. tpont toe night at a aeclud am >111 H itH tuMKi » iki fer. to. of Lamed, died Satur­ Eighty American soldlen and Mrs. Dale KeUy, ISOB CoiGirl. 11. Breoks Foot Munaes g<u_ . ratteh owned by motto owns ^out the French and West Ger day following mgery that (kic- from Viet Nam (lew toto the itvod a bacbokr to WhlBioy Parry oe (be outritffW Tteoi^ rwMi we mm emw - meotCM. aucnuauc ttuw, man forcos to NATO and asked: tors taid was mode necMaary Molaynlao eepKal. Knala. Lamt eev wet « fm Miw w mi cntWliilo Playing Ball agrM to p ^SStSii TM eiiy W Dtosi coy vBi MI set "Is It itoni to be neceBary to by gunshot wounds Sdiaffe pur, on Sebn^ (or a Qve^ Ha li a IMI grndnate to To- to Ktfiab. Bonywood atara are IM CM 0 trMIM m »I^ frequently oDterUtad tbere. Anita ansDOnnan, IL daogbpvt more US dirisiont into Eu- suffered to 1K3. vIsU. marltoy-llM start of a pra- pdu H«i School. mpa to hnid any form d shield Schaffer w«s wounded Sept, gram amngod early this year A matoer to mtole degree lamllton wu staytog to a K» ter to Ur. and Mrs. Mike lab motel. merman. »1 Grattan, toofee bar or tripwire?" a. INS. by Harold Griffin, by the U. S. assWant secretary w« eoaftered oo David G. Lynda Bird prabably old Mt foot wbm tow tom ' ' •This duestioa of course is a Burlingtav man who bod of sUta (or Par Eoriem affalrt. Wooik. ISIT Burnett Road. An gooAya to Bamfltoe during fbe under active escaped from Lamed State Rooeducation ma)«r. Woods to a night ttaca he wu dns to I am. MmOW m i«r (■ M <U Boy. 4, Brnks AnkU IM) groduata to Washburn Uni­ on die movie set to anarby ZtaB the general replied. pllaL MM rim mti -M-) m m am •> Huunai The transcript of the secret Griffin forced Schaffer to ae- Tab Betiworth. 4. no of Mr. versity. A eato wu toWBed «rf fiw Nattonal Park. 2lJS,r-KoSa IM MM mmrey m tmmmt rm mm hearing released Sunday Ik' eompaoy him to Great Band. and Mrs. Albert Betsworih. IMO girl wu releaaed afitotnatDuring bar vadkaad vtoff. cated Johnson later supplied 11 mllaa oast of Lamed, and Pennsylvania, suffered a broken - at SL Pranels. TM MtM MM w mo> Dim. »ii mm ntore detailed answer. But II when the car wu ■nroundad bone to hla right ankle when Topekan Cuts Tbumb Miss Jobnaon watebto IM KMiei WWMt MI MS n^^' -'AUOM^isutu. IBuim IMf mtl M mwM cm. MTIMS K uid mformailon requetoed was by pt^ice officers, Griffin al» M M-riet ^ ^ MUMiai caught Us foot Is the tpoku WQUam SUdnora, C. fumiibed and deleted for secu­ |e«edly shot Schaffer in toe be twm UM FatrmoU Road, cut bis left of a bicycle wheel Sunday, of«H m mtHm-t cMS ti e« imae* rity maseoi." WMlIMnSIblCSllMalSW MM ride. riciaU to StonnoBt • Vail Hoa- thumb on a -metal can- Sunday, f,-—■ wmn eBi ai ricime M It IM awM Mm mm miie m sm ym BacaSsd OrifBn gave MnseU pltal reportsd. A cast wu ap­ offldali at SL FrUMto HoaplSymtaltOD told of vUlllng police atarted ahoottog SpMMTaMdoyNIskt tal reported. Skldmtfe wu plied and toe youngster wu re­ tv i •'Prooeb air base wttb Frendh Schafler. who wu a Lamad leased after trutaeoL leased after treatnMBt ' w pOoto. on QcrmtD Mil, with UJ. policeman, had ‘ nerve damage ever *TUs werrtod ma itoce the abooUng. . deal, that Mta^” Ite Griffin wu foual not roeatalHald Ovar by Popular Request aald. ly competiet to attnd trial » earttor . . cbtogu of felonlooa osuuU avd • •e’lM WhhaLtoM Aapb Pree Putiai a why Vest Gormany to two charges of . kidnapping. Be IM MW WM IMIMM SM m meoUag tta NATO eomaiHpieced to the ----Metta. ueorlty ward at Larned 8Ute Army Qrowtaf Hospital and later trsnsftfred "I was to Bvnpa from tM to to the Kansu State PenlUBrtMaSTMi*!! SSJSilT^ SWa. at tot ttna lha Gorman tliry at Lansing. e)ui MM m MMI mt or Mtiri eM> SI. XM. AIM m ewMirr mm M wny wu drowlBd." Jotaaea m <M itnci m im Menw m M »«• t«i^ Tlwy bod alfnlflem m KMH. RIM MMM. riMM. K ■r It KM M* MIIMtid «r •«" pi^lami at the tima In attnet- Car-Cycle Mishap tognitafatoqaimyofpwiple lor iwMRtot. parttcnlariy to their On 1-70 HurH One toBtor aaeer at IM an If AM IMI. Larry R. Lovaiand. M. USE MSeLI e. SMITH atoood oOmt ffvdet.' M CM W MM C1M. N. Central, wu tojared to a JohoMB oaM wyrtoodafltoa motoreyelecar aorideat at Indrlltoo pwiywlty to Veto Oer- terriate-70 and Gage late SahrJM m. NMi mny afitr IMS cooptoed with day night, officials at SL Fran­ Tica oe joy sto.i .-.len'TwtSv Mnm m INI cis Hospital reported. Lovaiand. who wu on the _Mtorcycle. suffered a cut on "“»iirr^o5!tTr mSS? ** cm eeATT. sTAeioaD amo bto toft forehead and abraatoaa aAsaat cowmtiil kamsasi OB hto left arm and left tog. fiJ II len M VMrmTmW ' beqdtal offkUlg uW. He was JT^t’eei.5M**w™wiMi Tcm ST. aDwAnn w. oSSST' lr>e MA A Arm CaotM ------- 1 reteaud after trutmert at iL #• m rnikm -sninmiiMtt m somm-. >Mff emnm rMMMM, mtt. kamm. FraneU, ___

Lamed Man Dies After Surgery

Northweslem Degrees to Two







Town & Country Cafeteria


Excessive Weight Disappears With Help of New Electronic Machine

OKUHOHA on TfST RESUin* 1% Puds Lost In VtHw! SS’i.-'SSLT:

Plane Crash

Claims Four

rtmrn Ut IV. k Kwam. Tte Mho


NEWNAN, Gi lAP) - Four _____ OVBII penoBs ware klDod early Sun­ TONiaKT OPtM y>0t day when thab- small airplane.' taking off at nlgh( from a run-! lltffly JOANNE JASON, way Uturataated by automobile; FONOA'WmiiOII^ beadiighta, km power and sashed. Police who witnened the crash uid the plana wu sirborite tor tody a few mements . uvwatoM—nwwB before It pbBdod tote a wooded s'SSEs nSSSi aru abort a mile away. Hafrien •• Tbs RMiP The officen said Aey bad owned the btadU^to to a atosly constructed airport and bad come to see V drag racers were natog the runway. Dead were Altoo R. Praaki, Charles E Morris and Robert R Spearman, all of Newntn. tori Vardie Collins to Moreland.

mm Tigtetn.JM^itiH ^^liUSi riiS


Mr IM MM It Mewa ScMM Sauei-ie MMl. SnMi raw. w UK UMMe SCMW D.ItTKI II HtHOl «fM MM MM MfU M

bwMd My. mmMwIot tlMi la Mrad amciia.

... sjsi-r£s--'srs,Ti siX'--ts4sr* 3S.rsrM-«3K*r •

It%Iwa MCA. nnw BM rnrnmw I K0M1. wn 7:* »AL CIT Jg-r I IM Mr tAaMoa whi m imh mm v xas m MO Mm mm mi mm w wiMmi' aw Mill iMAm nrutfir m ibummci mmrne Mr IM ttrsSmm Mr CM. « fW

ananun RM mirniEidn

Mt awM. UBM:

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m. wnha

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'^-Smm mtm on m Omf AM MA M a Ataia i, twa mcmmw AaW Mai ITNAAI M tl,l<1.B7a

firm Iicn (CMr>


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SSSiTAe* 1 Jwrawi tCalwT



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)jssi.£hs», A.-Owmt oaM

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III MM (aWl m4M M MM wIHCt M IM tan ScAMt eaw CanmMMT MtMA M MAI m rWa* MW taWA 111 %mammm wear wi M wmm

Cear'aT?irMrini *Ai'M iAMt■

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Meal ewes

A.2SLr^ ewai

l-W WTwir a« eiMAM

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- - m-C T!±

m m Mas • aa ~ (7) Ali

s-*wMi eww *^UmaM OMuM H mrnmmm M Mi

^cKH.~LV3 -r5aa.‘jr"~—

After Week Of Marching

)s jem oa tmiwiT Mfitt

• weeiAi. M0ncn

Hiker Quits

'SrjSi.rSra Jr’s L FuitKtM.Mem»

(oerasow. sun ■aesiar a, « m

itmTimm. tm n. VMM *xxt Mm it. nw- txrtoi II t-m. WMrr W wwt niiemrar axo«. pxr. ix** Vww

VhriaDe Woodard OMmetlet now beared Itll Wewt Mh. Stop In • or caO CE M»7. BZU «

MX TO OMCr ^l>TIM y XXg.1^ Vv


MUX to I * W AtoM to

1 NtlX COMPAMV HeVBS W aaMxm* X Xfto X TlMto rJBA AAT axAto t<M

xAtoTeiir 5

FREE .. eivfl Tights larrieM t » tm.'_____ __ . . OMW. 1:> »j«. •< Mv qiarch Staday tftor a weak of bot sun. hard wtiklng. toskn SySiSU'SSU.' - and knelineii. ^ywS^SSsT ruHsSS^H "There are enough ben with­ sevNue s. uum - am w out me new." he said, stafRM tnirri^ OM T<Sm», mix M X tx FrxcXcc. x» M Trnmr t t-m. tmf his dothing into a canvas sack. "They are having a bird Ume feeding us. I eomdad at lunch Saturday. Saturday night they ran short and were tewing •mym dogiood from cans.*' aarvMg Dag Ft^ You might think It dSOcult be lonely in the midst of crowd which hat flnctaatad be­ tween KB end la 0» week ROBm S. McNAMAJU L was here, but be never ., . dedkaled to worid peace Hank, I quite at ease la this compa-

Dinner ber Two

to*T, aoBstn, iTouw

M*'A^ajrStoAa™tMi"Sx5 c INKIANS

-A?' ’c:rvLn:s.’*.s-KS’ XAT U N * AM KAMAA Ato at


NX'l' Fax .ACAtXA. AAF>T iNlf I » Ctox* FtoX. IS1 SaX M_______ W LOST

SM« xxM (to xWi XM»

MICHANIC WAXnO SAFXXNI.IA InU <MC*ANIC X Wtn Xr INC xxxram MuX to auAimM. laxy X mnm. KUHN TNUCF a TXACTOX CO IX< Sax tn St. LAxtoAto.

s, ar-r------“s:

LOST - LXto > M XXHx Cl M


LOST — MiH trax>i xxX tollX. ntxx

wry:" .'if-;.""’-a

Award Voted To McNamara






'aIpx'xxTa***’-.*" eii^aiaxcio~Ctoxx' am ax c II A to. ^I.a »M. AANX to* Ta*

* a» iSTATf SAtESMAN -■•XrtoA tul AX AMAtol XA rtL. turn FUtox IIIX Tiito



2I”cAto Xr”»"xl* AX Xry »X| 1. ea *isn. uxmiito arj

JUST M X* Atax XX •......... X NX Tima OXX CaaHii am Tlx Tm«a Shx mataai CLAV tieiiD XAMA toWMR wx, •IT T»Ato xn to XX xXAUr, •AC* Arr. Ia..< aUup xIII ix

lO — ARMS unto Mnuxx* ntoto x« WXT lx iixli Ce_l-S»H M';


lUVUNIOUt AM IN' ANica H toaxXxN NXAA*W* X< ■“^VxiXlA AAAIA*Allto FtoM. LAXtolXA FATA ttU


»Nie*AAn *iALi EMtow WXA Itoii n nn.'?***" '“xA


• --------- 5J5-------- :j^'^ arMwT'Sx Zmm xcXm*h *w"ft.xn *tS*lt ideals. Ha attonded Belicvw WBOL^ IN TOSXAOO - » High at Omaha, Neh.. rwently J -S' >«• HtoX AL 7«0. graduatad from Rica Ualvenity FIND T0UN AANM NX* CX Ttot X FL MOI MX* 1, OVA'A*- X Xin> X CM. K tad is haadad for two years of Ox Mto> WwWUtM OntW La«W X ~i fiw M nx L Tinu. Kunu, ixa MtoXito A Bliiiti Ctn, i Peace Cotp duty to Peru. lAtotp" xx'MS’lXto Mflto X UXll VtolKraA xM (to M <!». I •j am>» Ato'inwinii, Ann. »«x He Joined the march because AXm*. I* lAAIIlAA NX XtoFXH AAA — be felt the pretence of whites !C VW AMMI • M WtoXr UtoXX » I*«‘"A*Mj*x'^toM! I? rM" Ml WASHWCTON (AP) - The would demonstrate there ere nx <AM X OlXrtit X XX cemmi AUC* MAr 01W MM> MXXIIt SAAX AMA-XM N AACAUAto tolNXA Uiuted World Pcderallito voted whiles deeply concerned about TtoXU LMto HA ir**^ NIL C* > totoitoi Aul X xx* I'ltoi. Anx.n tOWAko R. VftATt. XXXir •aeuta nmntod •OTLES JOYLANO K»^ ca visa. iRer • itormy leeiioo Sondep the Negroes* plight Orxx iA«to XA n - Xh. ce VI *. axxT-A. vx a e«N VN< AM CANXtoX An. PROGRAMMING JAMES a. TEATLOa. MMX 'toi’lxx'T LOST ea FOOHO A F*f? to give Secretarr of Defeue However, some of the whllas T SALOWOMSII WaHTO CMfCK xtlA IX X MCA. AXA a XtoX OPPORTUNITY axenx. X imxa. xmM aim rmH 1 Robert 5. McNamara a (oud- who were with the cotuzna in Its tlMA IX. as - FA. F early days - some of them still X T. Ltl. ja. JNAIX W den award. IIIIAIH, NA WS - FA. CS MW *' are here aSaded , pocANUt, AN AA AMNXnat X- ' The FederaUiU voted SM4 at Hank-s idcaU aiM hit kwtincttve i J ^Ato-M XlAt eXAto betr Wh aaoital aitembly to practical outlook. .sake the award. Several fedl^ He ratad the de cT»£7* Golden Rule Lodge X IFX a»*ixXi'^!| xSaMA^tImI. whites with wDd m^ of wi havi a amuiiaii cxiaai alitb reaifned from the orgaoixiiwxxx. ea stm aru “V No. 90 M*. CAXrMA. AtofXUllAt • and stubbly cUoa a handi. ITATID COAUAUKlCATieX. iyxx toXAA CXI M" AN tttloD Rrflowing the vote. csp to the Negro mover •ne UnHed World Federalists, help. ' nrto<c«A X lAtokA XHXr AW tin r*. **m tototonxM s ’«m'<nn'^M SXii tMxrt. FL ivxa irj uooaaN esarn *AdA. CXitlXlX, MWItoM I claiming a membership of Seppy WUM FOUND wAXxr. JvX M w lASL «u-l awlAA. WkMil. AT X MO. say tbep are dedicated to “Ttase while people ekng the world peace through world law. route wouM shout at the Ne­ 'What’s the matter with Topeka Lodge No. 17 ^ The award to h^amara - groes. youT Yon ought to be ashamed and to Sen. George S. McGov- to be aeen wltti thoee whiu FJA. X ig • s^A-r-u-ET*« ,. Ml Xrt L wn, DS.D. - U given to thoee trash.'" be said. *'H tetmi m' pobUe ofnetoW the FederaUsti eorrunoo sense to mt that T^LCNHeNf SALtS WDNK A xT A Xiin X ) vm X t Au*. im toxto feel best eiemplity the piioel- theae white volunteers sheped Nu£7aTMiIt. AMXr. FOUN&-*K» Cto^XA SIUAX <* liS''iSIlrtx*'Ei«x**M ■; A X Ann. Xui cAinxixtoi FXullirt xatoJn( cn1 XCIlldmt AtoXAt AlIXC tof Cl . CUltol ~ —f. - to. . l«a of the flrct FedenUiU of up a little, shaved, dwir voter «BJ ax XXr X A AMrlM J ANxr NMto MMnx Fiximy X xtor- , ttw United State*. These include iSegtstratloo work wodd not rv AWiair Xr lAA MAX XAr NfMA'lFA SWStT'^iTAL AND tOC Itw. VXII>X* I James Madtaon, Aieunder aroute nearly so moch aniinoeIHD CONTNACtOAS. MS HOtTM lA CAM lA NX AfX. Bamiltoa aod'John Jay. lAB, extxa FXAIlT Mto toA- ' ! YORK RITE # FOUND REALESTATE Ity from wUie peopte In the XVhr «» X S AXA. FtoM X Vito. ' FvM rwx X FAn TInx _______ CAFE *«tLF. SaXMAt aMiI*» Those VDOag to honor McNa­ ax a K»i. ca ana__ axj Daiveas NieocD trnmm K CaI FL AX’S X AM 1,| «' ^FM mara afressad his strong npfounOa^f ai*. CXI Cl w Lxperteoced Carpenters pwt of the primdple of dvltlao ecetrol of the military. wbOe a aaoio and tv ticmnkians LMT — Dm mat LaAa Si J CAiaea uiNoaD nxn x anam wi • Seabrook Lodge xAix xmix xxay. ciB Ai ’SiIImSm'x XI Ibose ipM argned that Mc­ III toe Flto r e* S-'JX XT X Namara. bceanse of bli office, No. 385 h a lyiiiboi of militarism. '""'NJCAM » AJ^ Arnold S. Zaadar, M. new to.-toC.SsVcr'S'S: : presideni of the Federalists, A£Aimts •duu AM I0XM cMUnn. Tixr mtoA Home said he hoped the vote on the DIAL FL T-4C1 I ajiL to SiB WALTia I. FAaaau. iwxar McNsman award would ‘ ^ Sunday, J to S pA. Eva JOKX a. SCHLASa. IaaMXV FADl Improvement In tmscaneiui dUpal a false impression after S:S0 caO flto Etonfmrg ' ' ikAA. dieFadamlUtiBrepKlfists. XXll ........................ lie AX troolc adtaker, dUi FL 74SU. Scottish Rife Bodies Salesman HIGH SCHOOL iiNTt ...................lacn. “We are tri»t yni weald call CAFTTAltoFCWaWAa »LM. WMa rataiTMT ixXto mHiMA X XI Excellent Salary T AD aiTWl_________ Vi.x pactlca] ttarchen for peace," , L A XXM* X x*ax I'M m;'X*to MN » •Fjjro*' "" w Plot Cccnmlitoai 1 i« I r I A I I ^ tmL M. F. 0 Vto lit r be said. "We believe the United I Data I Data . Dm I Oat KEI XAMTID Apply tn Person CNtol, Xr HV Ml ■ afSTAUtAHT NatioQS sivuld be armed and. if I CMXf A erfliCAi ..

; SSt ~*=-E£Fs


: K'.joiics'.i’T.i-'s; c“?2T4£»rJ!iS”.£



Vi7da /i>^-





suoiNi a FAaaia!?iK^ FXIUF e. M.LS.

1 burnen." A*ed it the Federalists favor • U.S. wlthdrswil from Viet Nam. Zander saMi "Everybody wants out of Viet Nam. inclod- tag the PresldenL I’m sure he'd be tkkied to Rod a way to get eut decently. Viet Nam Is a perr . tact OhuMbB flf what you get .

A. i- CABET. *W ECCk““ *“

_______ r^t^' a sficiAi, woTien

T c:to"cM5?3i^

MOl South Topeki

T»M >XX Sirvle* Dir Bojpler Sc Assoeiaiw ___________ '** ***'

J oaixK. HxA, Tto> XM X lun IMA, M



_____ M aeFlBIXCSa lALAlY OFtN. CALL ___________ oisraicT Si




Shopper's City


SISTEI WNIA illXr AMXr. CA* AM xoi nx INN aAx Tnc xwhn. mi AMA. Kamaa.

aeLiAtoe iAirsirrsa. ax* ttm*


irn".;? ,"srss, "ssttJ 'i

,MX«.AAto.X>:a.*<. Ci.«5

inn. tXiMXM >A to' lixlXXd INi

srj J e HOME eaouF

MNMM X »U MX FM toigrXRlh

Waa*-.!! era dying because the Unli Nttlotts isn't equipped to do the job. “U Viet Nam aervei to fllustrato the need lor world role of Uw. those boys wont hive died In vain."

ICNHII O. 01 D.najH. D>

t HATH AM wwam

[ • xXNF

- Siloam Lodge No. 225 r




' ’ TlAWOWN-mtoM^^^


IR NX .toX X* CM fir. LYLE a. ULai^. Ml CHAaLCf a aALMiY.

Topekan Chosen Gl Forum Olficia


Automotive Center Cam. Ti» ka*m.________________ ^ XiNrtol. m ICa*. >IM N YMAAA


Of Interest To Women


iFFaaiENcao —


J.C. PENNY CO. White Lakes. Topeka, Katttaa

w«x Si4,"ito'*el

__ ..m — Bfxm X toAOM d- _ Xn. CXIXIIX'I AM IxiFArL MX Anx'-


ACCouirTAirr ixuw*ixu>k cx XOCA X Taaaxa. .XJWXxr WyX i




NOTICE To all ray toyil and wonderful eustonm. The tornado has ■svsd au to ItB Seward Ave. Hope to see you there. "Cec" Peters, forawrly of Coey Con




•s.”.'4sr Rjrji"'.;

MIX xw*. CaitAct Aanm. Tmm.

yi^to «ijf ^^t^TxTiy.

ficMXm CNMtr tmmf tni~ A AHAClK*! Ml* TAXXM. <• t*u XX AAfIleanX AAV IX


• Qualify for a topraytog career wtto a bright future. Become MbreThan

CALL FLf-8554'



SccNt* CXtoxrt AW Lix W, A to 111 IMI WIIIAC


XreHT AUDtTOa IMMIDIATI DFeNIHG FOA •vexxv MAN D««raiMO to LIAAN MOTfL eUilNeU. DA aeriaiD mam wantind Fta-

tMENTIAL. A BAY WttF. Wf taain you. must te eoxoAetl. AFVLV immcdiatsly •V LiTTia oa ra Mnaon to TMf MAMAtaa MONDAY

Here is Another Chance For You to— • Keep pM» wHb your (rteode wbo pton to toato fer e weceedhl eare« In budneN. • Avoid toe monetona nd toenrtty

ESTS a“%.“

• CNTIA *x<xr' MAM « IX Mrt "NX, WI '"M


woaa WAwne.


; avsrsf “ I's! s.‘i'K«r'----- - -.i rdr-jL*:: ajrajg-jsr-^ '*^jL.rijr£


Billy Breaks

ms-”."as. UMLav. CAtt c, ■ A»i a. or M

BDUflNGHAM. England (AP) - Billy Graham broke off from bis sermeo it St. Martin’s Church Sunday to speak to a crowd of eeveral hundred people walthqi outside Onham addressed the ftwwd fee five minute* from a pedestriaa ramp before returning to ttte church At the eerDce ■wwe tha iwetor of BSnntagham, CaiHB Bryan Graen, and the M mayor. Lair, pailea bad to dear a way aragh tot crowds to pt Onbrntobtoesr. B waa ba aveogdkn trip to SO y«an to

X Uto.Xlir'tXXWl IM o XFM FxaXAA. A MAI S^


;"rir-,!srcr^^ -

SAUNA (SpneW) - YSoacto Rarntres, m HsDCock, Topeka, was tiectad slate ewuilUe eesv ueiuwxMiCHjSn. eawoaiAL^mg ntny of the Kansas GI FWtim at the wimal state ccnvtoitkB lad weakand here. lA'W A.fh. Tmi^. ■ Ua X AXX W ^ Other ctate offleera ebeted •2 "■'*» were Run CueUar. Newton. State ehtirman, and Henry RbJai, Kansu City, Kaa, chairman. YoUnda -Rodrequei. 1160 Se­ ward. Topaka. wae given the “outstanding junior" of the year award at the conveiUiee Scholarsh^ totaling to* were distrlbated amang five atato students at tba msettog.

Into Sermon

mx »XC«A»ICAIX X I-«1 Mto CafitiI Jmn



i?*|i'ilXiiMt X'AtxXA MMA CAAXXi-i MV lixXt to* ma X <MX tvNI) n. —. MMHT AT NX AaMcX MNX I FtHWeLl^AieL FUNCIAL HOA^I

... rr*.yfjs;. *^B*tttilTT» FUNIAAL HOT



^£."nir‘/jrs:.:rsr 'izS%



"’TrwSSBSjjxia*^ totou

•'-ET fiFSBieNcae Nuasa ax» x Xr AWlFX. *I>. XANAX ca


■lAS-Ab:MARKET RESEARCH BA^ EXTRA DOLLARS PART TIME Icb company espviding aod eemiiting now ^ W


SSix "NAr—Cfw* to (mmmr,. axx An^ x to m


* U SaiBUM «AMm




--^xsSsjr; •wNTSijrir .3^ imm


Swceadul applicants wQ be totorvtowtngflMn ud wtoMn to latoetod bomes. Generally worktog eveetags and week­ ends. Car is siaentiaL No seUtog. PayoMBto &.» par bos «d to p« mile. Write Wto. atfi CtpitoWwrnaL

r. guTuaa

SSISi DAYMAN =r.^-s;-irs!,-rss: i L''s:,rr;3i*:.vVvi'22i‘ rr.SL'’ '^iw's-sssr'iru.rrs:* IttoTar-Kr iWTiar. wm X FMFX FLH

X .AM x-r -totoV ^

n H MiKniANtevt Mt Ou |M vnCtUMIM MI uu M




ta wwt» w*«w^woyt»



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in- MOTOOPLA Mtamu. ATAN eAn*': ton lAA « 09 LAMA IN. OBJ

TOlHtOe tHILTt t«L eOOM AMO «l


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sjr.rc SITmctri

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It CIANI'*!3St “rtwiairi.

g£sf™ ST SV, iSiST’ vs ■’i*T:i‘£ir’-srrtii




r.—- ^ r.- O AJ WtW wtwrreu WAMf

i*Co*^ It’S;" a ijo—^

CONtTtuCTION - Mra Mmn. r«nwi’

■A rout At tnllAlt « Am I MAn MA *A (AA AnAtAtA It M«l

■0 ItAtUMI

tltcct AinOMATII







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w ovt •tcoAi.r'. I

tmi tfWMtATOt M flM «r tyt^i _________ ^ tBttW TOMt CAfI —I •.t. IfFtWCtATO*.

At t« KH-«n. il-'l "tw Ct «»»'



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lliUtT uu

tt M >M»we ixj -------------- IWALL »U«MiTU»f.''«li < Bill '»•"• l"'•w••« ■namj* Ct JAIIJ M •«

MwJwivliit i


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TT •»Ll»*M» •"" “ •«•*• »tM' k -«l »-«<•.


■* ■' ■■•OUfUf: yccH' tit ltt ■^>--__


tst : xs yt;-^ a^


. X.Tm--..“..J----------■--■


tmm. Lkai

pEOI^-3 STORE WE B^T^rwmmF etc. XiC-"*

........ :-.:^T^':;:,r




•ni. (•.-•




rTsaS/S-’H.'^'i Esr.srX-:Sri

AAT tnitt. AMACt ,•• »

»mei^0«-t« i*>tt I*

iltVICI-| MTm

........................... 'll Cl

“Ij^ oarage «mut jr.-.s’. .s;,‘irs.-.r!’::s?si!5. »-i... GARAGE door DOOR _ci CLOS&OUT “ WEM‘builders SUPPLY

«. IJliTM. AAltt-





i=u, ™


MW.I1. a !’•'< tt BTU 01 lA Itl'tl

OAIM - NIW - tit l■H0DIL■•»a (fll VI HAIl Lim


tt.i MB tlMA nrlm m. MJt M. t«-i ta M

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, AAA AHA. AftJL i


sr?,yT-r-Ara vs^5^2£ss"ir: _____ L"iri?7.'a.S 5Ki%c^ s v-- — rrSI^s EC-ls-’-rc.’iLi-r" notice to £J.j|rsr,s rii':; tornado V1CT1MS_

Wn latn HA. AA^ !’■ HlA»IIItntAl. AA> AAA'A B> L TttAtt


____^iTtAIH. AM «AI>llnA Alt

■ssa“!r-“; siJT .»t. "*.i I IAA.*. CA..“nA" . Ctt-BB


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l-l.-'A! M tnvi" i rmriM t'lA Ai'iI

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•^IS’^rsn,', *aniTI*'eT-j lunofi


w.n*; KAv>M|. nA M'W cna.n» In lA: It en rWi rmot •’ t I J. TVAtA AM WAU


•"^o-aruSo-r" ”1

. ’!a:'_s-’,r j a; r svs: .imrf- ■

, 32 WANTte TO NT

. K,.rv.TS..-.,-a.^



Mt^KAKAn. II »

i M. KATCH & CO. In». Ttai and Mcttb SCRAP


iToaAp«.L M*ae<M 2 SfS.S. -Sirrsis "sr E Sl^ii H."


O » KIA ML UtAA Mn. B IM. I •A't U-M* Can... tin KaaaAa

'm .» lAti *t AM. OMin cut tiAA tun. .«! lAii CM M. AlU ^

J.|ril .»- m (‘AAA. •«’$■ lAMt AtA l«, _________ _____________________ | ■•*» **.:_________ '’AAa ’• AM-t Cf^a-TIAI _*^TJ OBTICl.1* PQI •INT^_ | WteCKIHO "«0>H



IX 74««, Wt Von Bunn


aotPIOATpO. r«BA at . •A ttin.




-^oli.-.'KT'AT.'"’' CO,*...

: rjz. jM^Ajan MtlAlM CAMAAIT,. AN

, ....... .


Taon, S.M CAtCna IM» H. Ta. I*. »L»-«AJ _________ OH

trw I'«A tAnM


lOTI MOl - ----------------


t(AVICf..AN w* titnj. I M MIIA ANA CAM f>

*'££ ~i

•a HOvtiHeie *eew Ta.1 itin'aaAa

. __ ______■ ’,:5;%rri'.ri!'.rcr


si-i'-r.T.K.r “SE • —c ESn


? (;s?-An."rr.--a.« rzJW s£-‘^4S"i. Mu JAM I



t U* AMfCiAl a An AatAci

.; Ifllill?* tl2!ir*'’innivl«i''*»al«r

» urSCtUANje«»

HUM l>DIH»-4.n«tA OM-AMic' ______ _


III »*■• n^ PMAtC aiiAtanX NU BtA




ttu?'T.:.53r..r rtmo -'fATf a AIM iMcn AA


•caaoAL cataACT»»»-.



I 1 la^ •ttNDOW CaUNIN«-


r.rj,-”-"...... __ -taaa ) «mm tM^'t^NAiA t-m<*


Rent on InAtoRod

Electric Water Heater for onljr S2.45 axnoiitlH CAX.I. KPI. TODAY!


^3-25:________ _________________

KW, MM, l:B

' {gaTcO^._________

S^’f Si^mr’-s.

CAKNlW Of orv II a IMtAl. e

n POW.T1T a Mmm

MMOIO •Nrcima OtC nuta AM M ^ !^%Jm ?eii^* VAt 'fAa.^MS: 'ti^ B’ • AAt 0 H mn i taat MMcMe wt^tjnm^o^juiai co.jg; y M mmfr <» aama. ». A. AIM. -. "tin -' ae M AM iStw


Itd.rt Aat ■••««> •


late AM AeWN. I 1. naaw CO T<3M

WVIMG. MU^ lilL - OCA^ »


OMf Honi B«» U All na ttaMT. tiiAUt OOMAtl.


VOVINC ^------

a# yt«IUAl4iO«S W WU 1

Do You Have



mi phi ton CMOMM At o Uijl iMU

*'” ni;DDPL.I.P

__.A Fax mc‘.«o unUTN CA.ilag^CAWC'Ttt. wfcAPti OaAtAn^^


_____ 5S




etm'cocn ANO tuioAitT wo«h.-|

J ADMIRAL Am CONDmOJER . ttlOflATOI tripllAtA. 1 MM BiS' JAdi OAH lirwn HAM. Ct y>m



’!■ ij.n.- oa<a.-l an n ■'.•••I tan III At" "Aa*.I cT' -



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T^ijst *«ovi«.

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r«s:r?.ss."^ “ -'-.a £H^ i ^’L"S'SiS:-5 SARGENT CO,. FL 7-UB rABOI MOOtVN tFaCI-FWWl. IlM •

‘■“W MWMMO MArris~M.w «w»j^






FOvt MoeooM CMM. IM inn



Whtle«4Ulw Afenry 7J0 Gate BM.

CR 1-7111


Or Can BuBd Tt Suit AM >M» -


FKM am V










to: v‘.s.*Vwr.:is:.

Ml CCMI. uatn '. CmkH O'*!*. K

t»n ^I■^■M|■M. MMW

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n^t ifTM - iwyp n**’u!r** '*' '

1 iHCOtti worn no

Dvecfl (IKMt. NA »W Fi'ca MOuceo «• rWM> FWFW m ________ ___ MTF.



Pbooe CE MH7


Kc>r.c ««—MR mf-Cmn Sr*mSMtoriV?' aSietSToiT^opL'

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OOa.F Yir»r >-»■. M'>h


FtW* Atr« 'MT tWFO*.

s&rs mnmr^ fmm r?SsT uS£5v-^r;s: srB.-r!!srr.'TS^,s WT iice-^tM-triM «MWi.

V*.CecURoa<l _«M*V



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• 3 M a Moaoow HOWfl

| ZJSTJr.V."'" fM<i»|

• l';"« 00W« MYA

*"' »wc*

'( MHO IHCOwr L<W I 1 A M »» crr»' cmm' i»tfM III o«.^ 4-a»a


$15,500 Open Daily FHA—Gl—Conv.




RMw i'lc' aPiM. ti




rsTJ w^vTCSv

Wli.1 •RM* l«T « ML Ct »>»<. a

Maple HlU OOO

CM •*'»

CW«H. C«»»» HItVI CAIH tl,>Vtlll H*VB COWtKMT »UTt«l luw COOK MCT. Fl.*^>l

32na an<^ Fairlewn New Mcxiei Homes Fftm



p»^Ciwm FWfM.

M> •MW', ornii w J lOTt V W

■••> w i*'M. Win oMKi

jcp'iit, ImSST^hM-'









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,HA AtetA— iMtLMcd

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" -■ 1.“^ IS,



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Sfavn Vietlin OatM aiM^raW

Mwa M laaa

Itl Kn—. I 'tr. BLCIi.

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•n*r t»j



;« W ag«f wac M«raan> eSma. Oaa »»1j: lanjit ««c« M «' appMcaa. tatM M

DID YOV KNOW You Can Buy A Brand New Compleiely Pumited Mobile Home Par MM Down lit Per M^* TCOD MOBOX HOMES 7B Hoeria ucowo LAwoeiaca. luwtw ow VI M—a M VI vicM

-W WASawiA Fa—p Fa—r mm t w r— FaWIMlp II IW ac —a Bl 11 m OFFiF evF


a— —

w an. CC tev

ST'm’TrZJSrU 'T.^SZi


ariH » aa« aa— rnw waiwr w w » —. M n wn*. a— iwan. — aawr iWaw n —a n— —n i—anai — M—. FWiaii—I l—w't —L WaaWry aaw n—wM —a mrma mm aw aFHcw waac— m ■ waw MWa —

a COMFLertlY FWHIlitieO hOMC of rOUF CMOKf. WITH AU. Ttac esa-wntBCts of a FtFMAH«BT MGFte. CIMTFAL AiF ctwamoaance. ALFTeaAAT< aaAWttn. OAFFAOe OBFOtALS.




W*Bted-Cvs for SMvegl FtaaiTW - -W e—py V*


’Swa“*— t£STg-




IMIN.Thpefci Open Eves.

Of— OaUy.eaaa.. tan. ■ w 9 am


<a«rrtM. MM

VSTtilt'- :

a«ar a F-ia M aarraa

MMMtag •• t T 1^^

fo's-t.Lf -•-s?=rs^i,-.c.



r< Month

m. IMP*. 1 lafv la oa* THMI'«IoaM« ■a acw laa H>aa. > . anaHM F>a->a 1 »aaa, traaa, WO tOa_____ IBJ Hiicl biVJtiOM-Far ua M-lnai. an IFiM.

ICMaM. aw^^a



"tnunediate occi^ancy"



?« T?..,'


OtAFiO ...... .................. OLD. oar A citCLt 0i« me THtOUOH TIAFFIC, atAuarp , lltHOF. iACOlHt KMOOLt FRKC aiioOLt Vi AODttu SIB west

- Ks^sugs-aaITa^-

i;*Tir..;"FV'i.e^‘^feA^s’ tATOCOAT. 11^


~m WtOT »TH ST. lea DOWN m month tmo •ara^ ■.■i aalM aa Ma c>>tP»M Fvfaaia aw aw. Ct HBl IBJ

FOU«“lcbtooila-tae>iaa»rMM~eiiw] lit an . lamiif aaa rac laant a aaw ' aw-, far— caiiar. Patia. Taa ear: ^a—__0aa>ar CC HWl. »Mj| •y'ownII-U'I waT— Taa taMaan


fu,'xu^sr:zss"^ ■^To^':s??-rrfrrj:%s:M-

SEic;^ FOC laic-tmMi haaaa. law—ra. HI laai Oaraan. aacaol CCSnB CKj,

«. -MW- MM



rsrJy^^sS?;, J*'*!

WILL 'CAFtS^OF mr Fa— lawMW «M—^ tiXa—"T—a" —yawSw Farwi al MU __________________ __

e“r. marcy


FHCID CM nura—ttp aa— iw tp-a. Uf— tamlfy «rpi ar. ataa car— IM........................ -n ^aja,


iBDicw— IV I >Y. a—pa —. ‘ aoum 6m—fi. K—. In—va W —rm amw- laara Fiw— TU OanwPl IMF

“5^ -..........


aal— Oa— iMaacl— Wp t—amaai. tcM —rata, ramar W. Ct Mia t»J Foreman Real Estate ■..JCIVBU lla Waal am MU |1WI l>U La^;.

CREST DRira^ XGm.—at y— F—. 7FI w. pm IM tl«

___ -


s tfOCOOW —uat. — as ■

sc'ssssr-."r. eur-i~"- 'Ks

Vacant for Fast Possession We have S tnd S bedroom hornet. AMume or loans, move to now. close out Uler. CtU J. C. Sargent Co FL 7-iai.


' IW—aiaaa

---------- ------------------


4-BEDROOM, Ml basement. W. gth. double garage. 2-taedroom. basement, oak fk»rs, fenetd rear Tom. Hogue. Inc MBIO-CE M7H. BM

aw 1

Immcdiote Poesestion CBUy ILm cwwiitu a— a—





> ca*.

mrSmTTSiJsr^ ^


2IS The Drtvt


1212 E 37lh

I* Maaalaal nj^-n^—aw-

-rcF— OMac—atMi—. Cacr M. A naw —IMF. MW— M »1

aUHAtCItON Civet

MBI. tia fmfp— o a. Ltwii auro tALVAOt-____________________ m

m FCFO tBoiwe —iwnii wi»

2D0 Tern SI.


Hat Awe anracti- s -ar— m A— mm ynaraac raw y A —

T m. iTtiLino. na —n ci. V— kaaw — I— F— tl-Ml B Fwl

m •— wa. taai m . . FOtEFtON HtFOFT nOTOFS

......... “*SS




a Bf—w t<

It AaiHcv an havi ■ euKK FOStttSIOSL Twett OF iwTttir.

tort *ck*'v—

nw VOLVO taa as LW 11. UH vnw




FOB OFFICt OF aFAFTMt IW car—a FW at I— a— T»

““ ■■'"•i.'ss-'i'-sr.rsi.":

1 ‘Z


ya—'i aoc'tALC - S caiw c—c« taw waM AHHOil arw a a— IIU %Y owwtii


L\-j^£-KjaS3«: kS’'-"'”

l"T^ra— OTILL


. VlTt: ;

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— — - iZ



onwr lar-

■XimSTT5 ’•TR' f,rJs ■“"■ “■


• S-u


’^Rt-;jr’rr.,'TS. .'Jii

srF,v;ijm ^__


WW-T— aaoi—n. eaiFMW. c— <— TWN I, CQUNT1Y MPOILi MOBCt



aa— aaLwFWa ai'cMiaWPal''tiair*I— I—a Aaiik. Wi KM— A— >A

1 HO«a HOMB kpW. tpv mm. ki—Ma M aary aa—' a liar i—w l lan i

FOF lALt: —ynw tw kw— Bair tail m—M —Ik laapn— r—n W'H. aali IM m al afltMaJcaal c— » Aieiw—.



Gold MedallMci hontes featuring three and fotsr bedrooms,



l-car garagM. lamlly roems. complete kitchens with buHt-tn

2Sn*KS TO sr — 5'


range, oven. dLdiwasber and many other tealves. B you


Mttera Mobile Hmsni. Ice.

are lookinc for Tcgieka-s biggest borne tabe^ll find it ww tt late Shore Etetes CaU.or come te todey .




tniBFf Cl

'.sm.'TO anyone”

itw woLvetiNc - w>w. I tiFiFii

sr'ai^'.Tm’S.S? •'K2



Open Dally I to 5 p.m.

BlCMIOAN AFI FFOW - I -MlOilL raw 10 VBII K—a N—Mr

■KtxsrrrJ r X3sr'.n^--

' Tv,

:^5rx r:

^rruioob , «Sl WHNIWOtCW t n—w a— a— —Mwv. a — w—aiawFi act' totwCLL-taiMny ran—wa. n'

BtatrB 37Ui A Weium, WeiumabefM

iS>"AO-ST’caM—W I—. —aiV p-

CKrafSTTS’-'-L''^: j

CHERWl VOc6. 0— 0— — IM-.




IBM VOLEtWAOEN t—an. riMw mm H—A pwyi aakr— -an aa— mm mm' —a ana aaa. F. 6. F—. 4MIA CMkan. Kam.

Ft—m* mu

AMG4M2 mmmmM

iAW»L0 ” T—■' a—I — ~im. . •» 0— C-, CtagA


We Have in Stock and Ready to So a Complete Selection of Trucks



*TOa?N' rciflUWTFY aOATUFEt awe

rStiWi^ w M —a —aaa. I tka ar aaaa. naa MW__ > ............. AC .•> M a—a . waaAM. arpar Uk i lt>A

Highland Homes » Loke Shore Blvd.

HWACIN-Fafry iititiMi






- Irr^..,-.


~ a«”“" - •“

rS,”’s4ri.;ir! a— CC um mii



YES~>ou can Uke potseuMi o( your home ta Lake Shore Estates in )ust two weeks These arc. beaalthil totaMectric ■mm’m



III '-aa u Tfwm— TT IM IF. ( I. H— AMFIWA




—L r.M


•a... a.acCMOkOOM.



a— iPwTiii"t—«M ‘fJJ—*^ TVawtFieciD iy m—an. —w w »—a a— —• >. car earn — Nn MM— —a Bn Mpp—s kMW F* Ft'" ttU tALC OC cent . I— V mraa’Vt.f vacawT il“"F«ict U-iiT O-TanT*«L LP.'?***^ F*-aM^T;li\ autwi|HiS> - 7 FOOM MOVSI


- kijCtL A a. M-M. - M a- P* — «,™ Ct»F^|-^^^.-A-.-.M-:

FLtV OAWem tM. •u VOLVO m A 1 a— W WE HOW kapp a Wc— —tntM M UttO aa— arwt —a—a —aa T' —I. ■f.iT. ana Itai. vWa taanaa. Tka— tUCN A DFALI It- t—wa vas. Up **________ MB an M attaiwni —WWkw MW laaFy IM —nw«law tr— —ISarY aHmn Ml m^mm m -wa-A a-a^s


730 Gage Blvd. CE »-««?





B.UC CHAW MW*— c-aa— ar-.|»aca yan. Fria——law FHA a— I— Iipliis I—L Far tiia—anl. AWs vacaM Vr— CMt— • MB manm |IL7B CFCtLLfNT S —l-B- rc ■TU risa i'uc'r'v - Kama mm^ anaciwa —ra— e«- w « <sa— nsMv a THttc ~itM^t. 1-T —a. wn I A aaa—a Wan. tompM. JWN—^ —rsaa O— CM 'ixts-can lor aaiaita.


**LI tarst Ct vei a *tm C. S POerKK AUENCY

TFOCK ULVA6* tcianaan. ta—. FF. iwOtT



FOt tALt ar M— »aaa w niwaw a CkSBB

111 Western


Tau!K» ftuc«”iALn



>-a ir^

-TWH^HOMC la a-nWaW 1 -M-

F.-.S na C ar .


■a^’ssi'S VPas.


TWO CMEV—M.CT two pawa IM Hat a— Itaa W wn aaca—i. Can aiu Via—.


___ _ uasara la-iiy -aa—. •— irw Mama* Mma. Far nw Clam-L aariUiB Lplla. LOW. TAO.




CNCVY TFUCA - 0* M. tin ct H-a

o Airre tamia eoi uu


pfL aaaiaiaMa t —Mm< .III laaa yau’ ca-a—a iw ■ ai an a —ma

?nu^ TRARERSAIX^ laai N. 7—a«a^ ^__ ^


* **l*0»p”^ CT^^NfATtF «B—

•ui Cairan t— tawi. m >wi wa on B. LBcan. N— • ror kWKtP—

TR.ADCWIND stock md bodiet. HEIL boistt. Write. Phone tr Come la. Glen Soeiter. Mutfr TOPEKA TROCK EQUIPMENT COMPANY. bK. N1 But Oway M CE i«M





i ltOtOOM.ia^nSrii n-cv'r wm

““SSfinr’-'S: ,

LACSt ipyiri. iM. waMwr. CaJct Ct taTU. WAFMAIInC. HUWA TOFFtF CA.___ t—I MW —Pin. TBi TBMM owa. Bl— 17A t—• IMMI. FwiWB. UN »«Ma V "OOllTFAlLlO. r

•«ice tCOLICSD - T

. MWaW —

TWO Itia Fa— ta—a Ynw. 0—waHW mm a— Ffwp—. ui— bw i nwnFn B Faa—' Mania F— baWB. C—a HuH. F 0 0— BA OHPUwlWk —N. ‘Maj "ST MM— aci Amai _________________ W

taw OFtAT LA


SM Grattan

FTO. lAMy ClBdi

tOFAItrON CABFtt ULti tlOOFAM. Kl—a Tr—. T—Fa



■ Kt i tIOkOOM PMaw. p-i. cl . . M aacaaw— «——r Faa— —CB aa u-t » M MW IF— M-aa*




«l> MfT IM » Tarraca. aaaaa i<aM t.t. Maa — a SliMMai Ma>

, ItaJ CHiVY CHCVY La >y ipn War I Can of i.>M

aFACMO - Ntw-FCNTAL - U taies - C • aicOCFteH . t HI I. t»TH - AMaSB


—S. ^aa-TcTaaMf**j^

ly aafrat. Oian— ce tiaM.



*— ” 'B

»«*«"—*■ "■•«• •*!••••• owt Fran ct M»a Vlrcima li—c pl iwiti

aw MCPIWM — It. lar—^aanlly

IF YOU WaSt to iCCL tout CALI town A cOUNTtr, lacC . JB W Fa Awaant all atic licit OF ICS Nccr-'OWNCC^'lCAVIHO TOWia tMALL. MOOCtM ana

0 WB CMtVT Carry—. I


•'country chib" . . .

atwlir «W

W c—S^ai-”»iia'liaa*'Imail a—"» caa laiaraal 01 lasa. CtHiB. *•"

NIW t IFtFOFO CA tea t H

itaWL wr— tuanin BHown. aana MW want pace. anacAM -ra-

..Bit, irwea IMJ

a< my rtwii mm awmA «rj

Fee lALe-mi iwnwcw m—iw mm. It a w wN* na aM. • n—» «a. fthi -emea a— w B—w« Ta-fca. am

eaae—coeoOB n


'Z sr

«.C)tt HOMt - FaM W

FAHILT HO—t AitOlATC FOUaUlOB ■cotooMt. Liyino FC LT tOOCL WItfO FOt I CFtAccat. LACM urn

' tout IMcaaMi BaaamaM. PEMBROKE 1 aM tanamaa Urt •naaM ) Maa« <aM> Waa' aaarxica. ca.. . arao— la laa ran—, a iittia a t»>M^Laaa M FI Mm rw aa>’>. It' Caf IM II A MW 1».a Caa'iaa at*la iwaiw MM ^■Ul Laca'ad arv FiaawaAa la. m araan W N L<aac. aria aaai aai ca aao «a»! anini laam. Mmiia raMn. >?io - tMCM ina laxoi ^■iraawca. 4 —Maama. ivH IF I ta»i ». J »a>«« •»>"•• iKcAaii, — ■ caW" oraa Taa Mica win ac-.. .. raa cm AWaaraara CC *— SartaaiL *•“ lUM taa aa a» Ft i N« fOV* WOtOOH a.iaaaL MMM aacaai. FL I l}]l caM’ai air. caraaiiaa. aanaSa lamirr Moata T««mFtiaie oipf wm'ipa raam, m.SM CAac Sarna 01 laack cw tafaita a«M a oa«wi.^i baMv Oma talvrtar. IMaa ar aaKnaa iai Waal BM Tarraaa tMJ ICll to AHTOMt. taa AaaaM Hr iwaacv'p Na> l* Jjum ewaa ■—awa Ci Halt MC raaraa Hierat aiK. baaaaaaat. aara— t iMt. tana taaaaa. C%»—11 ItaJ laoiTlit W > a—itata. I Muan. aaar »T OWM - t eeaai - laa I—awa ayira BIS tssi ¥K (

• '^isr

"c^lkwchli^.CR s-soe




NOW OPEN FOR BUSMESS SHORTMAN DODGE -,-1— cKmm ------------------ —HP

rin net tAU


M AOTouetiLR net tAu

£s=ir4rsrirt£; TS~ — IE >1 4JK. »wi^


mmrnm ■*. mmm

ra.S's.’a :sr~ -sb ^Ss-ftasrsi'-as

w — timww • •■ MM ■r_^*________________ m> CHEVV OAOM. «« tnM«r« a* . UU. »tv>«ltt FL*«m^

tw 4Mj»T««-<i,i*. mt mm, rnmm

» W W Trill. im 40*0 V4-U4 "III



IM Mao - &1 Maaa. w «■ aaaar a-i. » MM<

~-^TTr--r *»**...




~ ■'•

oieT M, »i . M na. a. CMrvaoLCT .aaaaa iraaaaOailaa Nra a

iSr<Hav 'l*^ia ■




if ,f


>0* SALS-ini F««l« star OM. Mr •aar Kar«is. Eaai aaaa amnaa. Caa aaiM ana I »ja. eiMM UU


aiyaiouTM i



cgrfiScis r.imfs ---------gj s: a-isc-f

nti tA>wi.E*. waaoira min. t eriak ar- Mac mm. BJM. PL >-M«. M» iiu POBO 1 oaaa anam am ua*r tlW Lana. C* *M1___________ NM


IM Mercury MoDlclalr 4eoor Sedan. (One owner. IP.m miles), power steering, powff brake*


a. < m mw

IM Comet 201 Mow Sedan. Scylinler. stick


""pnaH a*

•- —'


I9CS Mercury Comet 4door Wagon, power steering and brake*

‘M mw >«. P»f t pir . Ma-o m. v-b s'Km

. ‘ri

iiMP. «m

If: I -17 PaiPiat aw . paa* w lOrOT lt»l» CMIVTt. IM N

»m T.W


IS Chevrolet Impala 2-Dr. Hardtop, air. •63 Chevrolet Bel Air PDr.. Va. automatic.


12 OlA. 4-Dr. Station Wagon, air

'64 CHEVROLET BEL AIR. 4dr. Radio, Air Conditicned *62 CbevToIet impala 2-Dr K. T. air '64 FORD FAIRLANE “500”, 4dr. Radio, AulomaUc

• ■ - " ”S£ •41 OuDlMOail.e-<-»-a' »iaa-i»*. Ma»f •raiaa. awn— eoMi'W'. Pi.

. eaiM TKt •» p.w.


u ISI.IIH0 II- ouueao c»as *"i oTni* va.<iCLtl JINK* cnas •» . stuNNCa.

’VSf-ii. p^or^am^. ] wcKuP»Ipf*Sm>»apP

n'^VwW^s' „


iw cmvaoiiT IN •rnmma. oa i-wM.


____ ...IM4> WM' '» Cim Cwmlr *1. Wp*

■Ifc lUMfe „ •irc44: iM a *w. 44<


m p1!!i' «5mp4I S!miM4


i "

mm 1„ ■ iH

7,‘,'sr.sTr/.-Jr s » !;?




SUPERIO :RIO« LINCOLN -MBtCORY peka.MMM 20th and Tppeka. OPBII ivedtNM T





•66 Mustang Cpe. 2». Ve ■85 Chev. Impala 4-Dr. HT IS Pont. Grand Prix (>. ■B Corvair Menu 4dr. ■B Chev. B A. 4-Dr -Sed. IS Cbev. Impala 4-Dr. Sed. 15 Mustang 2B Cft, •8 Falcon 44>. Sed. 14 Olds F-B Cutlass 14 Chev. Impala 4-Dr. HT. '64 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan •64 Chevy II Nova 2-Dr. HT. 14 Pont Grand Prtx Cpe. 14 Chev. B. A. V-8. 4-Dr. 14 Chev. Impala 4-Dr. •63 Ford Cal. 500 «>r. HT. 13 Chev B.A. V^. 4-Dr 13 Ford XL CoiTV. •63 Chev SS Corv, '63 Corvair Monu Cpe. •63 Falc«B 3-Dr Sedan •63 Chev. B.A. 4-Dr. Wag. ! 13 Plymouth 4-Dr. Wag.

Emergency Shipments to Topela by Chrysler District Manegers and Officials

REDUCED PRICES Save on these Brand New Cars with Special Factory Assistance!! . . . PLUS ...


—TORNADO DAMAGED CARS 5-year 50.000-mile warranty.


Prices reduced by insurance adjustment . . . PLUS

-FACTORY FRESH DODGES Over 100 new cars ready to choose from . . . PLUS


-BIGGEST ALLOWANCES For your car. We need used cars . . . PLU^


5. —LOW-COST FINANCING No Payments Till August.



H Cbev. 4^)r. Wagon 11 Corvair 4-Dr. Wagon H Ford 4-Dr. Sedan

Agricultural Bldg.

17th & Tyler



Now Open at 10th & Quincy


MO West 0th - FL 4-1791 2225 S Topeka Am 6-5272

6th & Polk

6th & Polk


We have 5 — 1966 Lincoln Continentals in stocit. These will be sold by July 1st re­ gardless of price. Hurry to our new toeefion.

422 VAN BUREN CALL CE 5-5308




•w^Hevr mim .

H Oiewolet Impnla 1-Dr. H. T.. agtomatic



vb PKwyifajwm a


‘81 Chrysler Newport, 4-Dr., air cood. 'C Amercsn Ststkei Wagon, standard, blinder.



»T owwea. mi om

'M CHtw HM«m. w imp MW au pi«i «r Cl Mio______________ »MJ

IS cad. 2«r. Hardtop, air nod 13 Cad. ^Dr. convertible, air and.


1M2 Chemlet Bel Air Vdoor Wagon, power steeriri and brakes ............. $1»


■6S Dodge Polara 2-Dr. Hardtop



1M2 Mercury Custon 2-door Hardtop, power sleeting .$1295

iw nrrri. am. m.

•45 P4M • m • W4PP4 VI m f«M I m •* w*"

14 Ford M>r. Hardtop, standard Irans.



' •

u'l tm trvnt P»a 4P»i 9. >1 E. Tim«ai«. ' a«WM_________________ **U -rvaotST conweaTtiLE. n* •uhm'a'ie •raw'inlm. «■»•>

1«M Mercury Montclair 2^r Hardtop. Power steering, power trike*




*• t-14.. 4 c»l *T. w 1. tmam

•64 Oiryiler SOD K. 2-Dr H. T.. air. •64 Dodge Dart 44)r. ^cylinder, automatic ■ 14 Buick RMera 2-Dr. H. T.. tulomatle.

•U DODGE HART. Radio. Heater. Whitewall*

IMS Cadillae Coupe DeVIDe, one owner, power iteerb«, power brakee. factory air....................... RIM IM Conet CuMpm 44xr Sedan. ABtomatic, VI 11195



14 Valiant VIOO 2-Dr. H. T.. sundard, air.

Superior Used Cars IMS Mercury Cutn 44oor Uoolerey.

•■ Vabua VtIO flalkin wagon. iiMr n

•K Ford Custom 4-Dr. V9. automatic

I -S5 FORD CALAXIE ‘-510" Hardtop

IMS Mercury Cualom 4door Sedan. Power steering, power brake*, breaeway...................... Ii:

•W Mustai«, 6 cyBnder. automatic, near new.

■O Mustang 2-Dr. pardtop. Swpeed.







'*-i*r'Tja'***Ti mil

« FALCON Mr., Radio, HMtw, MyUnder, Standard


201 EAST 29TH 60 CARS

*6 Impala 2-Dr. Hardtop, standard. W

'm VCRJCSWAGEN Mr.. Radio. Heater, 4-Specd mi


■B Fury ni PDr. H. T., air cood^

MTIAC a«. ataaa. mm a MM >MMB Si f1> «



raaini. aiL - r •a mm K.StIN. I iM a*a"-aaa^^

•ma. Kan iMaa. M aaaj

•^^OULAJ^- 1



■B Imperial Custom POr H. t. air.

■e cHEVROLer SIPAU cowvronBLE


iw^uwa^a »aSan

;aOl»^ hmrnt M Jam »■ 10*4 Am U AVTOWeWJS *OI SAU

■K Plymouth h-ury III. VIP. VDr.. near n ■m HymouttLPury III. PDr., lactory warrwrty

y ;:??. ?2s: ss^ .“ir. ««Mllaa. Laa mnaaat. Cl >mu. OT;

iw Km

Sjl V-IVY^



Man nr*%. aaal C allw. PL F-U7T.


c A;m>

na< aa« OaMk laaraav. a-eyai

« CHlvtOLCT >S a IM F7I S1U DaUa

~iss?j.;.sis:- ss: VH»“.



Ny*" W»_tHtv^<yi own. v-t. m

^.^■ytagr-gs r*M aa*. ;s


ar»gTOMOW*« W UU


Replace Your Tornado Damaged Car With a

iM ee«vi«TiM.i - «mmmmuc »ttm, N«M. OJB- bcww» f MW _________ •»

tWJ •Ml CHirv II laiia laMnt Mii:r«j Pmm aMn. ••• bm* Tihu

• AimMOtiiji net woi

I r£'^ .-z

JOE SMITH Tom Smith, Jr.

Jerry Estes

Jerry Metzler

Bob Tidwell

After 35 YEARS In Business It takes more than a tornado and a complete less of automobiles to keep us from selling you the cleanest and finest used cars—giving best warranties and best priced^.^;:----------------------------------------- ;


Senate Ethics Committee to Begin Dodd Misconduct Hearing WASHINGTON <AP) - tht Klein, owner of a Chicag> pulslic will denuMtrate -Ite n>aHe<cai|wfll bt pma Mae. hw eW trto to Went Gemai^ to cMraoL Other atonbna are improper eondnct by —w Demosato A. 8. Ube Moons-* Senate ofTiciala and captoyn Smau'f bipwtttta elhtci com- rflaUfloa finn and a rcflheradiiimnitb ci the chariea ('Dodd baa ever been flf asy bMp UM to Ueta bug asl dBogne J.|aad t ' " ' mMw Marta haaringa today ■tent for Weft Gennao baatBoa jto bin to hia fantona. Her. bt dtonathcK. inimau and Ra."aary.aettaB. He requeated the committee aaM. baa Dodd erer weto on mixconduct cluini« agatoat ^ athiea enmnWea - eOaajrlng he had ny valnaUe glR from bton. Jaaca B. Paaraan M The comnlttoe ia tbe flat of Sen. TIwiDat J. Dodd. OCoM.. In aeUlBg the heartnf date. f to cooeeal. and hae filed PearaoB and Andsno, in ^anaaa ad Mb ~ a ktod to tbe Snato'e bmrny O^unieo libel Ibtt agitoet srtea of cobrnne. ptetwed Coops o( Kento(±y. an! the Dodd eaae ii the (bn B Petraoa aod AaderiBO. Oeatod to tba midit of tbe bn boa eafieda to bade. Dodd « aenrtog aa “bb eraad The beartnct initiallv will be Klelii. IS. a ntfeed National tanr 9>er the Bobby Bafcm *^e are a Btot ai Dodd. W ud wliita^iaind. boy" tor Deto. aa cloaed and wUI deal wtih oftljr wiSi Sea. Mm SMia, THOm.. now In Ua aenad term, bu ex- Ooard major r»eral. alae pra> m ehatnaan and lea. Wdaea Jnlhif pnaaad eeandeoec the havtnp dtcttag the eolomalBta’ Bentwo. iUItah, ae etoa


Monday Only

Kennedy Says He Backs LB] NEW YORK (API - Sen Robert F- Kennedy, D-N V.. said Sunday. "1 upport Prcti dM.JolvMa to IM." He atao laid bu own p^tical plana wen to run for re-electkn to the Smete to tf» Kennedy, irto bei been hired to fame quarters as tog to cfiallenga President John, too. gave bis views w wrival at Keim^ Airport. He returned from a tw^week overaeai lour wbkb included a visa to South Africa, The qwatla eama 19 wbm a oawtma told Kennedy that Sa. Wayne Mortc. D.Ort.. had eaetmced he would conaMer at«portta| Kennedy in the IM praMdeadnl race U Ui views a Viet Nat remained the aoi Kmandy replied; have ta plan to nm for BBythtog but the Senate in ItTI end-1 support Praatdari Mmaon to IM' Of hk South Africa trip Kenaedy laid. "For kawtodge and faeltof, this wu a far more productive trip then 1 ever a lielpatRl." Kaondy said traatmcM Nerota to raelaUy aafregst Sobth Africa wai ‘'faeart.rendtog and cruel " "Wba you aea dlscrtmtoatton a aeh a maotovt scale, 11 eat help but make a de^ Imprea liofl," he said. Kaonady said be oppoaed babng U.S. toada wlto Sooth AtrlCM. Be aiaatod that aoeb a atop weaU hart Nagrom ttiars the meet ad wmdd be datrlmantal to the Sooth Afrtoa "aeonomlc boam whkh la tba frutoet . lotta to braaktag down apar ibeM" - rectal saparation. In Ua oudleM with Papa Paul VI to Roma aa Satordlg. Kaaaady aald be flamnf candittaM to Sooth ad Batt AMea aad the Vlat Nam w. WWW

Morse Shuns

FREE! 3-DAY HOLIDAY FOR 2 PERSONS Enjoy your 3*Day Holiday at any one of theae nati' inally Fatnoua Reaorta->LAS VEGAS, MIAMI BEACH, DISNEYLAND or SAN FRANCISCO. It's nimple. You will receive your Free 3>Day Holiday Mith the purchaee of any Seara Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, Frecser, Range, Hone Air Conditioaer.

Kenmore 30-in. Electric Ranges

*109 AutomaUe oven tbcniioatat. Selector ■witch frith pre-heat Ualnlaina heat level that you select. Porcelain flalah. Non-drip eooktop. aide-mounted controls. Remov­ able fcnoba, trim, bowls, racks.

LBJfor'68 CHICAGO (AP) - Sec Wayne Moree. DOre.. laya b will oppoae rcmntoatlan < ProMdat Mmaon at tbe IMS Demncratie eonventtoa. and poMbly aoppnrt Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. DN.Y., toslead. • Kaonady remains critical itotted Statm policy to Nam. "If B(to Kennecb' eonUnues his prsatnt course. I wouldn't hetiute to ruftoort him.” Morse uld Sundey on the Kup Sh converttuon lelevUkn progrem aired by WBKB. Chicago outlet of tbe Amerlcu Broadcetung

Sean Care Service Protaeta Your Appllaace a Valoe Sean Factory Trained Specialiata Aaaure You Service Satlafaction with Personalited, Profeaaiosal Can . . . Sarvica vrbeB You Want It. Wherever Yon Live or Move in the U.S-A.

138148158 6-vane agitator gets dothea really dean. BuUt-ln Unt filter works at aO water leveto. Safety Bd ririteh. Portelaia flBtohed wash basket No. SS40 Keamon Electric Ifryer


Bnilt-iB hat filter woi^ at aO water tevda. safety Ud fwiteh ftopa ^ when Ud is Uftad. Smooth pond basket 6-vaae agitator. No. 8856 Kfwmere Elwtrle Dryer


3 eydei regular. deSeate, wash *n wear. 6-vase agistor gets dothea really chan. Bnat-ta Itot filter worka at an water levda. Safety ltd switeb. cdaln fiatobed wuto basket No. 8864 Sanere Etoetrte Dryer



Morse, one of the arverett Senate critic* of the adminiatraUon'a Viet Nam policy, added (hM g Mnnoo k ramnli ha heps the Republicans "will Boataate aoRKone who can beat him ill the Nox-ember eieclion " He mentioned Cov Mark Hitfield of his home stale, Oregon, as e passible COP ecmtnider who coold driest Johnson

Speaker Chosen At Holton Revival HOLTON (Special) - Col L. L Peninger. Winfield. wlD be principal speaker el a aches of remal services today through June M at the Jecfcacto County fairgrounds here Serrlea win begin at I p.m. The aeriaa is ipoeBorcd by Im­ manuel Bible Church at Holton Cd. Pearnger. who k eommander of an Air Force eem ubii, has been pnator of Central Baptwt Chutoh at Wtofield ton pw an yaari. Ha aisn k anaueitoanm and k a memW cd tbe board of direettra bf


« of Bvden to Cewtey Couaty. COL P«Biii|er k a grad. ita« ef Wattbovi Uniearvty and aHa Madtod at Oktohoma Baptkl Vnivcntqr at mrnmte. Okla.. the Utoveriity at. OkUhoma at Norman nd South•eatota Onlkga at Wtoftold. He aamd la the Air Force to Gerr triMB tW to lies-


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