Getting Ready for What most couples don’t realize when considering a baby is that it involves a lot of thought and planning. It’s not enough to be mentally ready – you have to be physically ready (fit), and healthy. This gives you a head start to having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
How to get Pregnant As many of you know, conception is not as easy as it seems. While a few get lucky and conceive quickly, for others it can take longer than anticipated - sometimes years. By making a few healthy choices and lifestyle compromises you can increase your odds of getting pregnant. From eating the right foods, to losing weight and cutting down on caffeine and alcohol, you can make a direct impact on your ability to conceive. If getting pregnant is high on your priority list, here is what you can do to increase your chances:
Eat Healthy There is nothing like a well-balanced diet to trigger your baby making process. Make sure to get ample doses of protein, zinc, iron, and Vitamin C to enhance your chances of conception.
Say no to Smoking Smoking affects fertility and also damages the ovaries. If you are considering pregnancy there is no better time to kick the habit!
How do you know you’re ovulating? Clear indications are: • Your cervical mucus becomes clear and slippery toward your ovulation date. • There is a slight rise in body temperature after you have ovulated.
The Signs of Pregnancy One of the early positive signs of pregnancy is missing your period. This may differ from person to person. Here are more symptoms that could confirm your pregnancy: • Food Aversions • Frequent Urination • Mood Swings • Fatigue • High Basal Body Temperature • Tender, Swollen Breasts • Darkened Areola • Food Cravings • Morning Sickness • Positive Home Pregnancy Test
Stages of Pregnancy The nine-month pregnancy span is divided into three periods known as trimesters. During each of these trimesters, there are significant developments that occur.
First Trimester
High stress levels can wreak havoc on your hormonal system, thereby affecting ovulation and conception.
The baby grows quickly in this period. From being a tiny embryo, the fetus grows to the size of a kidney bean. It is continuously moving with its heart beating quickly and intestines forming. The earlobes, eyelids, mouth, and nose are also taking shape.
Fitness Matters
Second Trimester
Exercise regularly. Walk, swim, cycle, or hike. Anything that gets you up and moving will do the trick. Being underweight or overweight can make conception harder and affect your baby’s health.
In the beginning of the second trimester, your baby is about 4 1/2 inches long and weighs about 45 grams from head to toe. The baby now has fingerprints! As the weeks go by the skeleton starts to form and the baby develops the ability to hear. You’re likely to feel the “butterfly kicks” as a fluttering sensation that begins between weeks 18 and 22.
Avoid Stress
Keep Away from Alcohol An occasional drink may not majorly impact fertility, but research has shown that alcohol impairs fertility and harms the developing fetus.
Frequency Have frequent sex to increase your chances of conception. Most fertility experts feel that infrequent sex at the best time of the cycle is one of the most common causes of infertility.
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Third Trimester In this final trimester your baby gains more weight. She/ he can blink their eyes, and wrinkled skin starts to smooth. They also begin to grow fingernails, toenails, and real hair. At full term, the average baby is more than 19 inches long and weighs nearly 7 lbs.