Solar ecplise info

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Aug 18, 2017 11 am CDT Topeka Concordia Manhattan Emporia Start of Partial 11:39am 11:35am 11:37am 11:38am Eclipse Start of Total Eclipse Maximum 1:06pm (99.1%) 1:02pm (98.7%) 1:04pm (98.6%) 1:06pm (96.4%) Eclipse (%) End of Total Eclipse End of Partial 2:34pm 2:29pm 2:32pm 2:34pm Eclipse

Hiawatha 11:39am 1:05:01pm 1:06:18pm (100%) 1:07:35pm 2:33pm

Solar Eclipse Weather Briefing NWS – Topeka, KS

Key Points Cloud Cover Forecasts

 Sky Cover: Cloud cover is one of the most difficult things to predict especially beyond 24-48 hours (how much of sky will be obscured by clouds and at what height)  General Pattern: can be predicted now but details are difficult beyond 24 hours. Check back on Sunday and Monday morning  Resources to monitor through the weekend. We will do another webinar Monday morning at 9 am with details. Solar Eclipse Weather Briefing NWS – Topeka, KS

What’s the general Pattern Telling us?  Clouds: There will be clouds. Pattern shows moisture in the form of clouds between 10,000 and 25,000 ft streaming up from SW US into the region Monday. That could be in the form of a mix of high and mid level clouds so could be a couple layers of clouds.  Takeaway…There will be clouds, but if there are no storms/precip you may still be able to see the sun at least from time to time between noon and 230pm CDT… Solar Eclipse Weather Briefing NWS – Topeka, KS

Depiction of what sky MIGHT look like Monday

What’s the general Pattern Telling us?

National Weather Service – Topeka, KS

What’s the general Pattern Telling us?  Precipitation: General pattern suggests could be overnight showers and t-storms across parts of NE/IA moving away by sunrise. More showers and storms could develop across western KS/NE by early afternoon and move into the area by mid afternoon. Highly uncertain at this point.  First impression is that weather will be dry between 11am and 2pm but scattered storms could develop after 2pm. Solar Eclipse Weather Briefing NWS – Topeka, KS

What’s the general Pattern Telling us?

 Temperatures: Expecting near to perhaps above avg temps around 90 with high humidity and heat indices approaching 100 by late afternoon.  Just something to keep in mind even with clouds temps could still approach 90 and humidity will be high regardless. Highest temperature and heat indices would occur after 3pm.

Solar Eclipse Weather Briefing NWS – Topeka, KS

Eclipse Weather Forecast

Eclipse Begins ~1135 am Temperature Mid 80s

Eclipse Ends ~235 Totality ~ 105 pm Temperature ~90 pm Temperature 85-90

Wind SSW 10-20

Heat Index=95-100 Wind SSW 10-15mph

Heat Index 95-100 Wind SSW 10-20mph

Sky Cover 50-70%

Sky Cover 50-70%

Sky Cover 50-70%

Chance of Rain 10-20%

Chance of Rain 20%

Chance of Rain 2030%

Forecast Confidence What could go wrong? Have to watch any t-storm complex that may develop across NE Sunday night. Also how much cloud cover streams north from NM? Currently we rate the potential viewing as OK…there will be clouds but you should be able to see the sun…at least at times through passing clouds between noon and 230pm

OK Poor

Good Excellent

Eclipse Viewing Gauge Poor=overcast ; sun obscured Ok=clouds; some sun still visible Good= Partly cloudy sun visible Excellent= Ideal mostly clear

Solar Eclipse Weather Briefing NWS – Topeka, KS

Solar Eclipse Weather Briefing

Resources  Eclipse times (start, totality, end): https://  NWS Topeka Sit-Rep Eclipse forecast section updated daily https://  Eclipse Information:  Eclipse Safety:

National Weather Service – Topeka, KS

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