Home Certification Programs – QUICK FACTS
Think of the EnerGuide Rating System as a nutrition label for a house. Any builder can participate. Overview: EnerGuide for New Homes is a home labeling system that is owned by Natural Resources Canada and is delivered throughout Canada. Many programs and municipalities use the EnerGuide rating number as a foundation requirement for certification or rezoning etc. EnerGuide has also been tied to incentive programs delivered by Power Smart, BC Hydro and others. Relationship to CHBA BC: CHBA BC is a Service Organization, licensed with Natural Resources Canada to train Certified Energy Advisors and produce EnerGuide Labels. We are one (the largest) of approx. five in BC. Process: The process involves a Certified Energy Advisor (CEA) to evaluate the house plans, create a preliminary model in software called Hot2000 and provide a projection to the builder of energy consumption of the house. The builder can then adjust his house plans to improve the energy consumption if needed and the CEA comes back to test the home once complete for the final EnerGuide rating. EnerGuide 80 is considered the benchmark number for a home to be energy efficient. Building Code prescriptive methods “should” get builders to the 78 to 80 range but this is very dependent on process, air tightness, methodology, climate etc. This scale is in the process of adjusting to a scale of GJ used. Training & Membership: There are no training requirements for builders to participate in the program and there are not any annual membership requirements. Costs: Enrolment Fee is $100 per home. CEA modeling fees range between $800 and $1,500.
Built Green is a flexible program with four possible certification levels and require an EnerGuide rating Overview: BUILT GREEN® is a certification program owned by Built Green Canada and delivered primarily in Alberta and BC. Relationship to CHBA BC: From 2005 to 2014, CHBA BC delivered the program in our province and had a delivery agreement in place with Built Green Canada. As of January 01, 2015, CHBA BC provides the EnerGuide label for builders wishing to pursue a BUILT GREEN certification but all associated Built Green materials will come from Built Green Canada. Process: Builders will work with a CEA to obtain an EnerGuide label and complete the BUILT GREEN Checklist. Points gained from the checklist and the EnerGuide rating combine to produce a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum certification for the home. Training & Membership: Builders must complete an online training course delivered by Built Green Canada and pay a yearly membership fee. Built Green builders must also be a member of another professional building association. Costs: Enrolment Fee is $220 per home (includes $100 for EnerGuide label) plus the cost of CEA modeling