The Singal
“915 reasons you belong in Delta Fly Epsilon,” online at Vol. XXXX, No. 10
Lucy, newest sister of ΔFlyE April 2, 2014
Serving the Campus Town community since 2045
Christie weighs down Campus Town Oatmeal raisin filched by thief By Rabbi Carter Williams Resident Jew
The political nightmare is far from over for embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. The Signal has uncovered incriminating evidence revealing that Christie’s staff is responsible for the stagnant development of the College’s Campus Town project, in yet another instance of what appears to be political retaliation. “Campus Town-gate,” as its critics have dubbed it, dates back to Sept. 27, 2013, during Campus Town’s groundbreaking ceremony. According to a source close to President R. Barbara Gitenstein, Christie’s appearance at the event wasn’t just to pledge his support to the project or advance higher education — he attended in hopes of securing Gitenstein’s endorsement for his 2013 gubernatorial re-election bid. Gitenstein’s influence as chair for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and as a board member of both the Mercer County and N.J. Chambers of Commerce would have afforded Christie considerable political influence. However, Gitenstein rebuked Christie’s request, choosing instead to endorse his opponent, Barbara Buono. Since then, there has been curiously little development on Campus Town. The lot has been cleared and a few trees have been uprooted, but no infrastructure has been erected. And according to industry experts, infrastructure is the quintessential aspect of a town. However, on Friday, March 14, an anonymous source within PRC overseeing Campus Town’s development leaked email correspondences between himself
By Sharkeisha Professional Lightweight
Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor
Christie digs into corruption while The Signal digs up the truth. and Christie’s now former Deputy Chief of Staff, Bridget Kelly. Kelly writes to the anonymous PRC employee on Nov. 1, 2013, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.” The anonymous employee then responds, “What? I work in Red Bank.” Kelly replies a few minutes later, “Crap, wrong email. Time for some delays in Ewing.” The anonymous employee answers, “Got it.” The following day, work is halted on Campus Town, unbeknownst to the College, with “poor weather conditions” being cited. The weather in Ewing, N.J., that day was sunny with a high of 68 degrees. In response to the release of these emails, Gitenstein released a statement addressing the scandal. “I am shocked and appalled by the actions and complete oversight of both Governor Christie’s administration and PRC Campus Centers LLC,” she said.
“It saddens both myself and my administration that New Jersey’s head of state would attempt to settle a petty political dispute by punishing my students. Furthermore, I would like to go on record and say that I still fear for my life.” Gitenstein then went on to say that Christie “runs New Jersey like ‘The Godfather,’” to which Christie responded in an official statement, “TCNJ sleeps with the fishes.” The governor’s administration quickly clarified his comment, assuring that it was not a veiled threat. The governor had simply had a long day and “…was in the mood for seafood.” The Signal reached out to Christie’s office for comment on this recent development and received what appears to be the Christie office’s automated email response: “What are you guys stupid? Next question.”
An intruder described as a bald male wearing white nurse’s shoes was apprehended in Eickhoff Hall while in the process of stealing an oatmeal raisin cookie. Campus Police was alerted of the intruder when a worker at Bliss Bakery noticed strange behavior from the androgynous man stealthily making his way over to the cookie tray. “I knew that if I didn’t call the police, he would’ve stolen an oatmeal raisin cookie from a student that potentially wanted it,” said the concerned worker who preferred to remain anonymous. “If he had been successful in stealing a cookie, we might’ve only had about 349 leftover oatmeal raisin cookies to throw out.” Upon working at Bliss Bakery for the past year, the worker noticed that students couldn’t get enough of the oatmeal raisin cookies, forcing the bakers to work overtime in order to ensure there were enough cookies for the day. When first alerted of the intruder, Campus Police was slow to respond as they first needed to research what exactly nurse’s shoes were. While the campus awaited in fear for the man to be apprehended, one student reported her missing father to the police when he didn’t return to the table. Like most diners in Eickhoff, his last words allegedly stated, “I’m going to check out the desserts.” However, after receiving an emergency alert about the intruder in Eickhoff Hall, the student recognized the description as her missing father — classic dad and his nurse’s shoes. Campus Police thereafter overturned the emergency alert and profusely apologized to the man, promising him access to any leftover oatmeal raisin cookies there would be at the end of the day in exchange for his understanding. Unfortunately, only lame chocolate chip cookies remained. Everyone starved.
Homecoming in Hell: reforms to save our souls By Bruce Lee Everlasting Freshman
Homecoming 2013 was the subject of controversy when it was announced that many sweeping changes were being implemented to improve the safety of the event. After large amounts of backlash from the student body, the decision was made to roll back some of these changes. It was a huge mistake. The mayhem, debauchery and excessive body count of Homecoming 2013 dominated the discussion at the Student Government general body meeting last Wednesday, March 26. Representatives from the Office of Alumni Affairs detailed their grievances with the event, describing it as a “Fireball-fueled
shitshow of vomit and shame,” an “apocalyptic decline of our prestigious student body” and a “rave-like atmosphere.” Citing a record 147 transports, 94,472 littered Keystone cans, and “countless displays of disregard to the basic tenants of human decency,” the Office announced the following changes to Homecoming 2014: • Limit of one Natty Daddy per male and one water bottle of Burnett’s per girl. • Swipe-free doors in residence halls for when everyone loses their IDs. • Quiet hours between the hours of 1 and 3 p.m. This will be enforced by roving CAs. • Installation of mirrors so guests can take a long, hard look at their life as they consume their fifth
INDEX: Nation & World / Page 5 The Singal @tcnjsingal
Editorial / Page 7
Manhunt Club Members hide in gluten-free station and have yet to be found. See Sports page 24
see BULLY page 4
Tim Lee / Staff Photographer
It is safe to say students went far too ham last year. undercooked hot dog. • Putting the Puppy Bowl on the sundial lawn, because nothing cheers up crying drunk girls faster than puppies. • Designated “nap-n-rally” zones, where sleepy guests can sleep on Opinions / 9
the asphalt without fear of being stepped on by others. • Theme night: Drunk Eickhoff, complete with open bar. Drunk Eickhoff, the standard tailgate postgame, will be a one-stop solution for alcohol AND food. The
Creatures / Page 10
worst offenders may opt to skip the tailgate completely and go directly to Eickhoff. • Installation of drainpipes in lot 4 since nobody uses the portapotties anyway. • No drunk photography (this means YOU, Tim Lee). • Alumni only. Earning a degree means earning the right to attend Homecoming. • No drunk texting. This doesn’t really have to do with anything, but really, it’s for your own good. At press time, a petition on supporting these revolutionary changes was signed by 549 alumni. “As students and alumni, we accepted that we didn’t attend a party school or a sports school,” the petition said. “Homecoming should reflect that.”
Farts & Entertainment / Page 14
Big Gary Alive Larry reunited with longlost brother. Only 4’6” tall, incapable of dunking. See Creatures page 12
Sports / Who cares
Neon Trees show up Band crashes Spring Concert, continues to make terrible music. See F&E page 14