The Signal: Fall ‘16 No. 5

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Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. XLV, No. 5

September 28, 2016

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

Victims remembered at

Student charged for vigil alleged campus rape By Sydney Shaw Editor-in-Chief

Kim Iannarone / Photo Editor

Students pay tribute to victims of police brutality. By Elizabeth Zakaim Social Media Editor

“I am Eric Garner.” “I am Prince Jones.” “I am Frank Shepard.” These were some of the names spoken in somber

remembrance at the vigil held in Alumni Grove on Wednesday, Sept. 21, to honor the countless victims of police brutality. Students stood in a circle and held posters that paid tribute to victims.

Each student at the vigil lit a candle — its warm amber glow a memorial of those lost. The vigil was sponsored by Chi Upsilon Sigma National Sorority, Inc., and cosponsored by

the College’s Black Student Union and Gospel United Ministries. “As an organization, we knew that this was a prevalent issue that has impacted see VIGIL page 3

A student at the College is accused of raping an intoxicated female student inside her dorm room last week, the county prosecutor’s office reported. Emmanuel Castillo, a senior history and secondary education dual major at the College, was charged Monday, Sept. 19, with two counts of aggravated sexual assault and two counts of sexual assault following an investigation led by Campus Police and Mercer County’s special victims unit, prosecutor spokesperson Casey DeBlasio wrote in a statement. “Castillo is accused of… penetrating the female victim (with his fingers) and having sexual intercourse with her while she was physically helpless due to intoxication,” DeBlasio wrote. According to her statement, the incident allegedly occurred around 4 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14, in the female student’s dorm room. Judge Robert C. Billmeier set bail at $150,000 and issued a no-contact order between Castillo and his accuser, according to officials. Castillo posted bail Tuesday after being held at the Mercer County Correction Center in Hopewell, N.J., DeBlasio wrote. “The investigation is ongoing and the College is cooperating fully with the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office in that investigation,” spokesperson Dave Muha said on behalf of the College. No information about the female student has been released at this time, including her age or residence hall. Since the alleged rape occurred within the confines of the College’s campus, Ewing Police Department is not involved in the investigation, according to officials.

Opportunities Fair prompts students success By Alyssa Gautieri Production Manager Students woke up early on Friday, Sept. 23, dressed their best and headed to the Recreation Center for the College’s biannual Opportunities Fair. Each semester, the College gives students the chance to build relationships, gain connections and learn about potential employers. Alumna Megan Hayes (’15), a current employee at New York Life, a life insurance company, said the Opportunities Fair provides real benefits to students. “Students can meet with employers face-to-face, instead of just sending out resumes where all a company sees is what’s on paper,” Hayes said. The benefit of meeting in person, Hayes said, is the chance to sell yourself and show employers your personality. “Finding a good fit is not always necessarily about your experience, but making sure that you mesh well with the company,” Hayes said. Samantha Zanetti, a junior biomedical engineering major, said the fair aided her job search because she felt she gained


Nation & World / page 7

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an “inside perspective” on potential employers “rather than reading a general mission statement online.” Nearly 200 businesses attended the Opportunities Fair to seek out the qualities and experiences that come with students at the College. “The values that TCNJ promotes, such as hard work, determination and respect, are all values Widener University School of Law promotes,” said Barbara Ayars, assistant dean for admissions at Widener University: Delaware Law School in Wilmington, De. “So, TCNJ students are a good fit for us.” According to Ayars, many students from the College have graduated from Widener University and went on to become wildly successful. Ayars, who has attended the opportunities fairs for more than 20 years, said the College’s students stand out to employers over other universities. “Compared to other events, today’s students are dressed more appropriately and it is clear that they take their potential career paths seriously,” Ayars said. “At some schools, the students come up to us at Opportunities Fairs and they’re in Editorial / page 8

Opinions / page 9

Joanna Felsenstein / Staff Photographer

Potential employers give students information about job opportunities.

their pajamas… You would be shocked.” Ashley Thorsen, a Target recruiter, also said students at the College have a special quality that no other college students have. “Out of all the schools that I have been to across the state, TCNJ has produced the Features / page 12

keepers for us,” Thorsen said. “The schooling and the background here at TCNJ has produced students capable of success.” Alumna Samantha Kaplan (’15) is one of the many success stories the College see FAIR page 4

Arts & Entertainment / page 15

Sports / page 24

Asian Culture Night A medley of Asian cuisine and culture celebrated

Student Soloist Night Students perform live music in Traditions

Men’s Soccer Lions go into double overtime

See Features page 12

See A&E page 17

See Sports page 19

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