The Signal: Spring '16 No. 13

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Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. XLIV, No. 13

April 27, 2016

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

Campus takes back the night

IMM majors win Polansky Fellowship By Khadijah Yasin Correspondent Junior interactive multimedia (IMM) majors Chris Lundy and Ryan Laux both received the Polansky Fellowship. The grant will be used to fund two basic filming and editing seminars led by the duo that will be available for both the College and Trenton, N.J., communities. Their seminars are now possible because of the $2,000 grant donated to the Department of Communication Studies by Andy and Maria Polansky. The donors started this fellowship with the hope that their money would go toward endeavors focused on engaging the community — something the recipients’ proposal embodied. According to Laux, neither he nor Lundy are new to the world of filmmaking and editing. “I started doing videos and animation stuff when I was around 12 or 13,” Laux said about his journey into film. “I wanted to learn how to do it, so I did a lot on my own time. In high school, I went to an academy school… and I learned… all of the programs we need to know kind of ahead see GRANT page 6

David Colby / Photo Assistant

Students walk across campus to show support for survivors of sexual assault. By Elise Schoening Features Editor When asked if you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault or harassment, the answer is likely yes. Such was the case at Take Back the Night on Tuesday, April 19. The annual event is celebrated at college campuses across the nation during Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April. Take Back the Night is an evening

dedicated not only to supporting survivors, but also to encouraging them to share their stories in an effort to dispel the stigma surrounding the issue of sexual assault. This year, students and staff members alike gathered in the Business Building Lounge to show their support for the cause. “I doubt there is a woman in this room who does not have a story of a time she experienced unwanted sexual attention of any kind,” said Rosie Driscoll, a

sophomore women’s and gender studies major and the executive chair for Women in Learning and Leadership (WILL) , the organization that hosted the event. “So if you or a woman you know was catcalled, sexually harassed or assaulted, please stand up.” Everyone in the room, regardless of gender, rose from their seats and stood in silence for a few moments as the gravity of the matter sunk in. With such a high level of

sexual assault on college campuses in the nation, it’s not surprising that everyone in the audience that night had been personally affected by the issue in some capacity. “If we look at the data that shows roughly one in five women and one in 19 men will be victims of sexual violence while enrolled in College, that’s roughly 2.2 million women and 424,000 see WILL page 12

College competes in Campus MovieFest Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha returns

The top four films will be screened in Atlanta. By George Tatoris Sports Assistant

Journalism and interactive multimedia (IMM) double major Sorraya Brashear-Evans spent the night of Sunday, April 10, glued to a computer. She slept not a wink — her deadline


was on the horizon. In a few hours, she would need to hand in her film for Campus MovieFest (CMF), a national college film festival that gives teams one week to produce, shoot and edit a film. The four best from each college will be screened at a film and video game event called Terminus

Nation & World / Page 7

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Heiner Fallas / Photo Assistant

Editorial / Page 8

in Atlanta this year. Brashear-Evans only just wrapped up filming for her entry, “Raine,” about a super-powered renegade, that same day in Loser Hall. The script was a year in the making, taking inspiration from “Avengers: Age of Ultron” to hip-hop albums to BrashearEvans’s own life experiences. “If I had to describe it, I would say that film is like my teenage angst in five minutes,” she said. “Plus, she has powers.” One scene called for a hospital setting — Loser’s nursing wing made a perfect fit. But, when she asked to film in Loser, she was told she could only film on Sunday, a day before deadline. Her actors, who included IMM adjunct professor Kevin Cassel, rehearsed the scene so they could get it right in as little time as possible. But the job was not completed quite yet. Brashear-Evans was on a team of her own. Every little job most people spend a career mastering — editing, special effects, sound — fell on her

Opinions / Page 9

By Morgan Lubner Staff Writer With the return of spring, the foliage and flowers are not the only things coming back to life on campus. The College’s chapter of Phi Mu Alpha, a specialized music fraternity, was rechartered on Sunday, April 3. The College’s chapter was last active when the last pledge class was accepted in 1977, according to Phi Mu Alpha Secretary and sophomore music education major Erik Johnson. After spring of that year, no additional members were added due to a lack of interest, which led to the disintegration of the chapter, he said. The rechartering of Phi Mu Alpha has been in the works for about a year and a half, but Phi Mu Alpha President and senior music education major Michael Barbieri spent an additional year making phone calls and filling out documents to get the process started, according to Johnson. The actual rechartering time was spent “juggling paperwork, fulfilling event requirements and interacting with other chapters in the region,” Johnson

see CMF page 18 Features / Page 12

see PHI page 6

Arts & Entertainment / Page 18

Sports / Page 24

AVI’s love letters College honors sexual violence survivors

Trenton ArtWorks Students and Trenton residents present work

Lacrosse Lions enjoy a seven-game win streak

See Features page 15

See A&E page 19

See Sports page 21

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