Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. XLIV, No. 7
March 9, 2016
Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885
Comedy Show has College saying ‘Oh Bo’
Burnham puts on profound yet funny performance By Chelsea LoCascio News Editor The world is not funny. “Can I get a little more pink light?” The world is not funny. “Every building here is made of brick. Why?” The world is not funny. “The cop has retreated to the grassy knoll of the building, which is really unsettling.” Before Bo Burnham entered the stage, the crowd in Kendall Hall anxiously awaited his theatrical musical comedy, but the audience was instead met with an empty stage, choir music and a Siri-esque voice that warned, “You are here because you want to laugh and you want to forget about your problems, but I cannot allow it. You should not laugh. You should not forget about your problems. The world is not funny.” The audience thought otherwise. Following comedian and “Daily Show” writer Matt Koff, Burnham headlined the College Union Board’s Spring Comedy Show on Tuesday, March 1. As Burnham performed bits from his most recent “Make Happy” tour, the audience was smiling, laughing and cheering. They were happy. Burnham entered the stage to animated applause, while sporting an over-priced sweatshirt from the College, and immediately broke into his first song with “feminine Eminem”-like swagger. After pumping up the audience, the heavy beat changed to a softer, sadder tune as Burnham became introspective — juxtaposing ironic jokes with self-aware observations is an essential part of his comedic style. During the song, Burnham pointed out the stage’s
Heiner Fallas / Photo Assistant
The musical comedian performs parts from his ‘Make Happy’ tour and makes fun of the College.
noticeably-pink lights, as lighting plays a significant part in his shows. “Look at all these pink lights. Who has pink lights? I have pink lights. It will remain that way,” Burnham
said. Despite the technical setback, Burnham was just happy to be playing at TCNJ rather than contracting it. see BO page 12
Famed feminist, Steinem, gives lecture Students share personal struggles
Steinem recounts personal experiences.
By Kimberly Ilkowski Arts & Entertainment Editor
True to form, when feminist icon and social activist Gloria Steinem visited the College on Wednesday, March 2, she split her time evenly between lecturing and leading an open
discussion of ideas among herself and those in attendance. After all, Steinem is no stranger to bringing people together in their beliefs. A mother of three teenage daughters was the first to address Steinem with her question, who did so eagerly. “I often find that while I raise
INDEX: Nation & World / Page 7
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Kim Iannarone / Photo Editor
Editorial / Page 8
(my daughters) to be strong, powerful women, I lack the words and the wisdom you may have to encourage them to continue your work,” she said. “Where does the next generation of females start?” To which Steinem aptly replied, “Wherever the hell they want it to.” This first event in the celebration of Women’s History Month offered a truly one-of-a-kind experience. “We have something very special today, which is about an hour and a half together in this room with a combination of people that has never happened before in exactly the same way and will never happen again in exactly the same way,” Steinem said. “If all goes well, I hope each of us leaves here with some new ideas, new organizing tactics, a new feeling of support, some new friends, some new colleagues, something that makes our lives better and makes the world better.” Steinem, who turns 82 this month, was utterly captivating throughout her lecture, somehow making it feel like
Opinions / Page 9
By Alyssa Sanford Web Editor The National Eating Disorder Awareness (NEDA) Monologues on Thursday, March 3, featured seven speakers who have struggled with eating disorders and insecurities with body image, but the overwhelming theme of the evening was self-love and acceptance. Standing at the podium in the Library Auditorium facing dozens of members of the College community, these speakers shared their stories and struggles. Some were painful to recollect and difficult for friends and peers to hear. Nonetheless, the audience took in each monologue with compassionate silence. Senior math major Rose Costanzo spoke frankly about her forays into emotionally abusive relationships, a pattern that she connects to her past struggles with body image and self-love. “I loved to love others,” Costanzo said. “Unfortunately, not everyone gives back the love they receive.” Costanzo revealed that it took years for her to come to terms with her eating disorder and that it wasn’t until she transferred to the College in her sophomore year that she “decided to take control back” and finally help herself.
see FEMINISM page 3 Arts & Entertainment / Page 12
see NEDA page 17 Features / Page 17
Sports / Page 24
R-Word Monologues Speakers spread the word to end the word
‘Xanadu’ Performers rollerblade across stage in musical
Around the Dorm Staff talks racewalking, eating and NASCAR
See Features page 19
See A&E page 13
See Sports page 23