Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. XLIV, No. 14
May 4, 2016
Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885
Student evaluations examined Open fora talks
possible $300K cut in SAF funds By Jessica Ganga Sports Editor
their department chair, whereas tenured professors are reviewed every five years, Bates said. The student evaluations are also a crucial part of the promotion process for pre-tenure professors, College Promotions Committee (CPC) Chair and the Library’s Head of Cataloguing Cathy Weng said. For promotions, first the Department Promotion and
Vice President of Student Affairs Amy Hecht hosted a series of open fora on Tuesday, April 26, and Thursday, April 28, to discuss four positions — three new and one current — whose salaries would be funded through the Student Activities Fee (SAF). Hecht plans to use $300,000 of the SAF for the full-time positions, which will include a business operations manager to work alongside the Student Finance Board (SFB), a diversity and inclusion counselor, a club sports and intramural Director and will have the College Union Board (CUB) adviser be paid from the SAF. However, Hecht said that she would be willing to pull back on the CUB adviser position. “I am presenting (for these positions) because I think this is a cumulation of what I’ve heard from students — what students need,” Hecht said. “I do not think I have it perfect. I do not think it’s exactly what we need to do and that’s why I need your need to do and that’s why I need your feedback and your thoughts, so I welcome them in a respectful (way).”
see STUDENT page 8
see SAF page 3
Kim Iannarone / Photo Editor
The Office of Records and Registration affords students the opportunity to evaluate their professors. By Chelsea LoCascio News Editor
Each semester, students are asked to fill out an Online Student Feedback on Teaching evaluation for every course they take. This semester is no different, as some of the undergraduate students at the College can complete them at anytime from Monday, April 25, to Friday, May 6, in PAWS, according to the Office of Records
and Registration’s Website. However, there is a miscommunication between the professors and students, with the latter generally believing their responses have no impact on their professors’ careers. “Some people think that they don’t (affect the professors) because I feel like most people don’t really want to (fill them out) and just think it’s a waste of time,” junior psychology major Christine Dunne said.
Sociology professor Diane Bates said that the evaluations have more of an effect on untenured professors. Department chairs review and renew adjunct professors’ contracts every semester, which includes looking at their student evaluations, according to Bates. “(This is) so that if they see something, they can act very quickly,” Bates said. Likewise, pre-tenured faculty are under annual scrutiny from
Laughton reflects Club recognition process explored on career as dean By Brian Guevara Correspondent John Laughton, who was hired as the dean of the School of Arts and Communication in 2009, will be retiring this December, capping an incredible run as dean. The School of Arts and Communication has shared major success under the guidance of Laughton. He has been a strong supporter of the combination of liberal arts and communication studies at the College, and has been a massive figure for the arts locally, nationally and internationally. It was Laughton’s idea to combine arts and communication under one school, as he saw the similarities between two subjects. “I think it’s a good match,” Laughton said in an interview with TCNJ Magazine in August 2009. “Considering… the way the arts play into the 21st century model of making contact with one another and with influencing and impacting ideas… The merging of those disciplines (like art, music and communications) was forward-looking on the part see DEAN page 8
Nation & World / Page 9
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Kim Iannarone / Photo Editor
SG requires clubs to gain recognition before earning privileges. By Connor Smith Social Media Editor
The process of getting an organization recognized by Student Government (SG) is meant to be simple. If you’re passionate about something that isn’t represented by one of the 200 or
Editorial / Page 10
Opinions / Page 11
more clubs at the College, then it’s up to you to make your dream organization a reality — a pitch that ambassadors love to share with prospective students, according to ambassador and freshman nursing major Daniel Suarez. TCNJ Ski and Snowboard Club President and freshman biomedical
Features / Page 15
engineering major Kyle Skelly had that same goal when he discovered the College was lacking a club for winter alpine sports. “(Ambassadors) were telling us how easy it was to make a club,” Skelly said. “I couldn’t picture myself going to a college and going through a winter session without the ability to ski, snowboard and do the thing that takes a lot of stress away. I figured I might as well take a shot at making my own.” SG recently awarded recognition to two organizations — Skelly’s TCNJ Ski and Snowboard club and the TCNJ Political Union — during its Wednesday, April 20, general body meeting. For TCNJ Political Union, the board’s decision was the end of a satisfying process that helped the club grow its purpose and ideals. However, for TCNJ Ski and Snowboard Club, recognition was the last stop at the end of a year-long marathon for acceptance. “We strive to get people to the last step of the process within three weeks,” SG see CLUBS page 6
Arts & Entertainment / Page 19
Sports / Page 28
Textbook App Student-duo working on book-selling app
Concert Band Musicians tell stories through music
Softball Lions sweep two doubleheaders
See Features page 15
See A&E page 21
See Sports page 28