The Signal: Fall '14, No. 11

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Breaking news, blogs, and more at Vol. CXXIX, No. 11

November 12, 2014

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

Promoting body- ‘SNL’ resident young person visits positive messages By Colleen Murphy News Editor

By Mylin Batipps News Assistant

Love your body and love yourself. That was the Delta Phi Epsilon sorority’s message to the College community from its annual Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) Awareness Week, held from Monday, Nov. 3 through Friday, Nov. 7. Not including fundraising with Palermo’s Pizzeria, over $800 was raised throughout the week, and proceeds will go to the National Association of ANAD to support those who struggle daily from eating disorders and other various mental illnesses. Kicking off the week with “Trash Your Insecurities” on Monday, Nov. 3, Delta Phi Epsilon encouraged students of the College to write down on paper something which makes them feel bad about themselves before crumpling the paper and throwing it in a trash can. “It was a symbolic way of showing them that these things shouldn’t bother us anymore,” said Kelsey Snedeker, vice president of programming for Delta Phi Epsilon and senior elementary education and iSTEM double major. see ANAD page 10

Two comics — Ricky Velez, one of “Comedy Central’s” Comics to Watch, and Pete Davidson, “Saturday Night Live”’s resident young person — performed at Kendall Hall on Thursday, Nov. 6, showcasing their respective talents at being hilariously crass. Velez, a 25-year-old from Queens, N.Y., opened strongly for Davidson, starting off by explaining why he hates Europe so much. First, he said, the people of Norway are just too good looking. Second, the people of Spain don’t try to rob people the right way. Instead of holding you at gunpoint and demanding cash like people would do back in his borough, the gypsies of Spain will throw a plastic baby at you, hoping you’ll go to catch it, thus leaving your hands free long enough for them to take

Photo courtesy of Delta Phi Epsilon of TCNJ

see SNL page 13

Kyle Bennion / Photo Editor

At 20, Davidson is now the youngest cast member on ‘SNL.’

Gender and injustice in modern Romania By Camellia Carbonaro Staff Writer

Over $800 is raised throughout the week.

your belongings. Velez said he wouldn’t fall for that. No, he’d chest bump that plastic baby to the floor. Next up was Davidson, a native of Staten Island, or as he likes to call it, “New York’s abortion that lived.” The soon-to-be 21-year-old told stories about his first semester in college. He expressed his hatred for “Frozen” and told the audience why Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and Rachel McAdams all “infuriate him.” Davidson also read from his phone some random ideas he got before the show, including making a “Huncle” magazine — a magazine for hot uncles. After the show, some audience members tweeted their disapproval of his many of Davidson’s jokes, especially those he made about mental disabilities and those which degraded women. But he warned the crowd

Sunday, Nov. 9, marked the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and to commemorate one of the most definitive moments in history, students assembled to hear Jill Massino, an assistant professor of history at UNC-Charlotte, discuss

the topic of “Gender & Social Justice in Romania since 1989.” The lecture was sponsored by the College’s History Department, the International Studies Program, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Center for Global Engagement, with support from the N.J. Council for

the Humanities. Using gender as a lens, Massino discussed the reasons behind people’s disenchantment with the transition as well as some of the positive aspects. To understand the current gender and social situations, one must first realize that Romania is a relatively poor country, largely because of the

failed Ceauşescu economic policies of the 1970s. During the 1980s, the communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu had obsessed over repaying the $13 million worth of western loans that he had originally taken out to finance economic development programs. see ROMANIA page 2

Empowering women to break into top leadership roles By Courtney Wirths Features Editor Women make up 58 percent of the workforce and only 14 percent of senior leadership positions, said Amy Hecht, vice president for Student Affairs and one of the opening speakers at the School of Business’s fourth annual Women’s Leadership Summit on Wednesday, Nov. 5. The evening’s keynote speaker was Selena Rezvani, leadership consultant, speaker and author of the award winning book, “Pushback: How Smart Women Ask — and Stand Up — for What They Want.” Rezvani spoke to a room of primarily female students about negotiating, taking risks and

making a good impression. “Women negotiate four times less often than men,” Rezvani said in her introduction, noting certain differences in employment strategies between males and females. “You’re sitting in the dugout watching everyone else play, (but this) is not improving your game.” In light of this, Rezvani offered the career advice she wishes she had known herself. She said that some of the greatest successes come from the big risks women can take as students, a period when they’re young and with nothing to lose. Rezvani, although now a successful leadership mentor, initially went to school for social work. “I love to empower people,”

INDEX: Nation & World / Page 5

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Editorial / Page 7

Courtney Wirths / Features Editor

Rezvani advises to take big risks as a student because now is the time when you have nothing to lose. she said. Once she began volunteering, Rezvani found it difficult to find an area that fit her best. Ideally, she wished she could use her

Opinions / Page 9

skills for enabling people in the work place. “I finally stopped trying to make it work,” Rezvani said, steering herself away from social

Features / Page 10

work altogether. Instead, she found herself taking a position in management consulting. In this position, she was able to empower workers – especially women – and encourage them to reach for the positions and goals they really wanted. “I used to think success was getting from A to B quickly, that it was linear,” Rezvani said. However, it was only after interviewing female leaders for an independent study in her MBA program at John Hopkins University that Rezvani learned her true passion: helping women move themselves into leadership roles and taking ownership of their paths. see LEADERSHIP page 3

Arts & Entertainment / Page 13

Sports / Page 24

GoldieBlox An engineering action figure for young girls

‘Big Hero 6’ review An enjoyable movie for the entire family

Win for field hockey Team captures NJAC title with a win over Rowan

See Opinions page 9

See A&E page 15

See Sports page 24

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