Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. XLIII, No. 12
November 18, 2015
Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885
SFB holds ‘Full house’ for Coulier Welcoming new Title IX town-hall coordinator style forum By Roderick Macioch Staff Writer
By Sydney Shaw News Editor
It’s not often that students attend campus events and think about the logistics or financial planning that went into making that event possible. A venue had to be booked, food had to be ordered and, depending on the type of event, maybe transportation or lighting and sound equipment had to be arranged. Someone must provide the funding and resources to make these activities possible, and more often than not, that responsibility lies with the Student Finance Board (SFB). On Wednesday, Nov. 11, SFB held its first ever public, town-hall style forum, with a panel of seven e-board members addressing the concerns and answering questions of interested students in room 211 of the Brower Student Center. With the hope of increasing communication between itself and student organizations, SFB advisor Ceceilia O’Callaghan acted as moderator of the discussion. SFB allocates the Student Activity Fee (SAF), a fund that undergraduate students pay as part of their annual tuition, according to the organization’s website. The SAF fund provides SFB with an annual budget of approximately $1.8 million
“We were backstage and the guy goes ‘All right, we’ve got a full house.’ I see what you did there,” Coulier said, aware of the seats packed with “Full House” fans. “Wow, look at this, some of you have little ‘Full House’ thought bubbles above your heads. ‘Is Uncle Jesse going to be here, too? What about Danny Tanner and the girls? Kimmy Gibbler? Are you going to do your ‘cut it out’ thing?” Coulier is used to answering questions about the show, like when a man came up
According to a campus-wide email from Vice President for Student Affairs Amy Hecht, the College is welcoming Jordan Draper as its Title IX coordinator on Wednesday, Nov. 18. “Jordan comes to TCNJ from Rutgers University, where she was the Compliance Investigator with the Office of Student Affairs Compliance,” the email read. Draper earned her master’s degree in higher education administration from the University of Maryland and is currently working toward her doctorate of education in education, culture and society from Rutgers University. According to Hecht, Draper has numerous publications and presentations, including “Campus Collaborations: Barriers, Advantages and Possibilities” and “Crossing Oceans: Bridging Cultural Barriers to Successfully Support International Students Who Violate Academic Integrity Codes.” In her role as Title IX Coordinator at the College, Draper will “facilitate notification and education, serve as an investigator and monitor compliance on all Title IX issues at the College,” according to the email. “The Title IX Coordinator plays a critical role in ensuring that educational pursuits are not hindered by any form of gender
see COULIER page 3
see TITLE IX page 5
see FORUM page 2
Kim Iannarone / Photo Editor
Coulier discusses ‘Fuller House’ and his upcoming comedy special. By Chelsea LoCascio Opinions Editor
Some students were left behind as others pushed their way to the front of the line and into the Mayo Concert Hall — just for the chance to relive catchphrases, impressions and jokes from their childhood. Comedian and actor Dave Coulier, best known for his eight-season gig as Joey Gladstone on the television show “Full House,” treated students to a comedy-based lecture, followed by a Q&A session on Friday, Nov. 13.
From Metzger Drive to ‘22 Jump Street’ By Elise Schoening Review Editor
They’re identical twins, standup comedians, actors and even alumni of the College. The Lucas Brothers, a dynamic duo from New Jersey, decided to pay homage to their roots on Tuesday, Nov. 10, by performing a free comedy show for students at the College. To say the group received a warm welcome would be an understatement. The line to get into their show at Mayo Concert Hall wrapped all the way around the corridor and when the doors finally opened, every seat in the venue was filled with students anxiously waiting to see Keith and Kenny Lucas. “This is weird to be back,” Keith said. “I remember sitting in the audience, watching comedians bomb on stage and thinking ‘Why would they do this to themselves?’”
But the brothers, who graduated from the College in 2007 with matching degrees in philosophy, certainly didn’t bomb. Their connection to the College allowed them to personalize their set to the audience, such that each joke led to a rousing round of laughter and applause. “How many people here live in Travers? Is it still shitty?” Kenny asked the crowd, before explaining that he and his brother lived on the fifth floor of Travers Hall during their freshmen year. After their time at the College, the pair parted ways to study law at different universities. Neither of them, however, finished their graduate degrees. Instead, they passed up taking their final exams to pursue a career in comedy together. “You guys shouldn’t follow see LUCAS page 14
INDEX: Nation & World / Page 9
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Editorial / Page 11
Kim Iannarone / Photo Editor
The Lucas Brothers return to the College for a night of comedy. Opinions / Page 12
Arts & Entertainment / Page 14
Features / Page 18
Sports / Page 28
Chris Gethard CUB Alt brings comedian to campus
Autumn Angel Theta Phi Alpha holds annual pageant
Ice Hockey DiBrita gets 100th career point
See A&E page 15
See Features page 18
See Sports page 28