Breaking news, blogs, and more at Vol. XLI, No. 3
Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885
Students explore clubs on campus
Michael Cort / Photo Assistant
Over 175 student organizations, including Greek Life, table the Activities Fair. Lily Kalczewski Correspondent Crowded and hot, but filled with excitement and enthusiasm for the start of a new semester, the Activities Fair was a hit. There was a myriad of students swarming the roughly 175 student organizations’ tables lining the pathway from
Alumni Grove to the Social Sciences Building on Wednesday, Sept. 3. Among the organizations at the fair were club sports, Greek Life, volunteer organizations and other student organizations, ranging from Student Government and Club Bowling to German Club and Treblemakers a Capella group. The radio station 91.3 FM
played upbeat tunes as other clubs handed out candy and fliers to prospective new-comers, but the Alpha Chi Ro fraternity got passersby attention with the canine company of its pet, Lucy, attracting the students. The fraternity and sorority tables appeared to be the most populous area of the pathway, but, nonetheless, all the clubs
had a significant amount of potential members signing up at their tables. Though all the students have their own reasons for joining multiple clubs, freshman nursing major Nikki Huang said she signed up for the Student Nurses’ Association to gain more knowledge about her area of study. In addition, Huang joined the Asian American Association to learn more about her own culture. Students also joined clubs to satisfy their desires to volunteer and create a better community. “I joined She’s the First because I had an interest in a service organization,” said junior elementary education and math double major Daniel Hardaker. Students at the College typically get involved in a few different organizations. Hardaker is also a member of PRISM. Sophomore Maureen Hudson, an elementary urban education and STEM double major, found that, similarly to Hardaker, she joined a club based around her personal values. “I joined The Circle of Compassion because I liked the message of compassion being the underlying meaning of all religions,” Hudson said. See ACTIVITIES page 3
Timber — a dead tree goes down By Natalie Kouba Editor-in-Chief
A sudden quake in the sidewalk and startling boom of a large, hollow falling tree left several students quickly scurrying off the pathway lining a small patch of trees as they made their way to and from class. The dead tree collapsed onto the Music Building, injuring no one in the area, but scraping off a few bricks and fracturing the sidewalk below with ease. Catching their breath and clutching their hands to their racing hearts, all the students in the area safely lingered by the fallen tree in awe, without missing a beat to take pictures on their phones and inform the College community at large. Alyssa Scull, a junior sociology major, dodged the massive tree by a narrow margin as it fell perpendicular to the pathway. “I was walking down the path
toward the Social Sciences Building, and I heard a loud cracking sound,” she said. “I didn’t even see the tree falling since it was right next to me, but the next thing I knew, there were branches and leaves all around me.” No one was injured when the tree fell on Tuesday, Sept. 2, around 3:20 p.m. The inability of an arborist to accurately asses the potential danger of some of the trees could cause concern for an unpredictable environment on campus. “As any arborist knows, one cannot visually see or know when a tree is hollow unless one performs some type of mechanical drilling or utilizes a tool to measure density,” said David Muha, vice president of communications, marketing and brand management at the College. “Even so, some degree of hollowness in the trunk does not necessarily make the tree a threat.”
INDEX: Nation & World / Page 6
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Editorial / Page 7
Tom Kozlowski / Managing Editor
The dead tree nearly hits a student on its way down. This tree in particular was, however, on the College’s radar, as it was next on the list to be removed. Several years ago, Nelson Tree, the College’s arborist, reportedly discovered a significant crack going up the
Opinions / Page 8
tree when it was alive and suggested the upper third of the tree be cut down. According to Muha, the tree died sometime this past year, but was still See DAMAGES page 2
Features / Page 10
September 10, 2014
Center offers free classes once again By Colleen Murphy News Editor Students and faculty can continue to attend their Zumba, Yoga, Pump Up the Pulse and Kickboxing classes without opening their wallets — at least for now. “We postponed the fees because there was a misunderstanding, and we are still in the midst of figuring out what we need to do, budget-wise, with higher jurisdiction,” junior Fitness Center manager and Zumba instructor Kristina Kondakji said. “Also, we realized that students’ views of a good time does not involve emptying their piggy banks.” As reported in the Wednesday, Sept. 3, issue of The Signal, the Fitness Center instituted membership fees for the first time in three years See FITNESS page 3
Gender Inclusive Housing By Colleen Murphy News Editor
It’s generally believed that a room assignment at the College can be narrowed down to one key component — gender. Well, not for students in the College’s Gender Inclusive Housing program. Those who feel as though their sex should not be factored into room assignment selection and who desire an accepting space are encouraged to sign up for housing through the College’s GIH program. This year, 25 residents are involved with the program and live in spaces throughout Decker Hall, the townhouses and the college houses. The housing option has been available, in some shape or form, for four years now, according to director of housing Ryan Farnkopf. “We kind of tailored it to the people who were interested in it at the time,” Farnkopf said. “One year we did an apartment as a trial. One year See HOUSING page 4
Arts & Entertainment / Page 12
Sports / Page 24
Growing a community Trenton Farmers Market is organic and healthy.
Alumni art show Only 40 out of 200 works selected for the display.
“Blue Out” a hit Students and faculty show their school spirit.
See Features page 10
See A&E page 12
See Sports page 24