The Signal: Fall '14, No. 2

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Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. XLI, No. II

September 3, 2014

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

Junior makes Paying the price for exercise ties to Trenton Fitness Center institutes new fees By Colleen Murphy News Editor

When people think of Trenton, many think of its crime statistics and political scandals. This is what junior history and urban studies double major Sam Fogelgaren was cautioned upon entering the College. “Like many incoming freshman, I was warned to stay far, far away from Trenton,” Fogelgaren said. “Although it is just a bike ride away from campus, many students come in and go out of TCNJ without ever getting to know our state’s capital city.” Fogelgaren paid no attention to that warning, though. Now living in South Trenton, he works closely with local politicians and residents to better Trenton and get more people politically active. This interest in bettering Trenton began his freshman year when he chose Trenton as his research project for his Freshman Seminar Program, which focused on New Jersey’s cities. The research project had a major impact on his life, because now, two years later, Fogelgaren is involved in many local groups and initiatives to make Trenton a better place for everyone, including the disabled and the youth. In 2012, Fogelgaren proposed that the city start its first-ever Trenton Americans with Disabilities committee. Last year, the city council approved the creation of the committee to ensure that handicapped citizens of Trenton have an increased accessibility to buildings and fewer obstacles throughout the city, according to a Times of Trenton article from Dec. 21, 2013. Fogelgaren is also working with the Arc of Mercer County, a group that “empowers all people with developmental and intellectual disabilities to choose and realize their goals,” according to the site’s mission statement. The poor conditions of Trenton Central High School made headlines last year, which Fogelgaren helped bring to light through his work with local see FOGELGAREN page 2

By Gabrielle Beacken News Assistant

If students and faculty want to get fit with either the Zumba, Yoga, Pump Up the Pulse or Kickboxing classes the Fitness Center offers in the Recreational Center, there is a price they will now have to pay. Popular among many students, the Fitness Center classes allows students to exercise in a fun, welcoming environment with their friends while being taught by certified student instructors — these classes, however, have undergone recent changes. Instead of classes being free for faculty and students, there is now a semester membership fee: $20 per student and $50 for faculty. The Fitness Center is re-implementing the membership fee that was revoked three years ago. “The fee has been put back in place to provide TCNJ with extra funds to help enhance the fitness center,” sophomore yoga instructor Gina Costanzo said. “We are hoping to be able to offer more classes and updated equipment.” All of the revenue from the fees will go back into improving the Fitness Center and its programs. “In no way do we profit from any of this,” said junior Fitness Center manager and Zumba instructor Kristina Kondakji. “We use all the money to add to the Fitness Center, including equipment, more hours of operation, space availability and the like. The fitness

Photo courtesy of TCNJ FItness Center

Fitness classes return to the fee-based policy of three years ago, providing additional funds for newer equipment and more classes. team wants to really blossom and make a mark in the TCNJ community.” According to David Muha, the vice president for communication, marketing and brand management, “the College plans to increase the offerings at the center and the additional funds will be used to help support that.” “A new recreation director will be starting soon, and students should expect to begin to see some of these changes shortly thereafter,” Muha said. The fees could be barriers to some students enjoying the classes, though, as yet one more cost to college life. “As a college student, we all try to save money,” sophomore special education major Julia McKinnies said. “Therefore, if I can go exercise on my own for free, I would rather do that

than have to pay for classes.” With all the other financial requirements of which college students have to attend, paying for fitness classes may not be considered a high priority, according to McKinnies. “I’m sure this will make a lot of people think twice about signing up for these classes,” she said. Kondakji, however, believes that the new and enhanced program will be a success. “I think as far as attendance goes, I don’t really think we will be hindered all that much,” Kondakji said. “I have gotten a lot of e-mails from students eager to come down and take classes.” see FITNESS page 2

N.J. Hall of Fame honors College alumni

By Peter Fiorilla News Editor

From illustrious entertainers and iconic coaches to Industsrialage Quaker school teachers and motivational speakers, a variety of people with Garden State ties are annually honored for their accomplishments through the New Jersey Hall of Fame, with this summer’s version highlighting two College alumni: Former NJ governor James Florio and College lacrosse and field hockey coach Sharon Pfluger. Each year the web-based NJ Hall of Fame invites the public to induct about a dozen out of 50 nominees, who are separated into

the five categories of Arts & Letters, Enterprise, Performance Arts, Public Service and Sports. New Jerseyans voted in 12 of this year’s nominees, who come from different walks of life yet have all either been born in NJ, have resided in the state for at least five years or have contributed significantly to its quality of life or culture. The latter part of the criteria makes it so that some nominees bear weaker ties to the Garden State than others — 2012 inductee Michael Douglas, for example, lived just six weeks in NJ after being born — but the resulting list of people honored includes many who have become household

INDEX: Nation & World / Page 5

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Editorial / Page 7

names in the country. Pfluger received a nomination alongside NBA great Patrick Ewing, several Olympians and a baseball Hall of Famer in sports, as Florio, The Sopranos star James Galfodini, NBC’s Brian Williams and women’s rights activist Elizabeth Cady Stanton headlined the rest of the class. Other, lesser-known New Jerseyans were honored with nominations, too. Lewis Dubois Bassett, a 19th century Quaker school teacher and the founder of Bassett’s Ice Cream Company; Clara Maass, whose death in 1901 led to the ban on using humans for medical experimentation; and George Price, the man behind the distinct

Opinions / Page 8

Photos courtesy of TCNJ Athletics and AP Photo

The N.J. Hall of Fame nominates Pfluger and Florio. style of The New Yorker cartoons, highlight just some of the historic contributions made by people representing the Garden State.

Features / Page 9

*For more on the two College alumni nominated, Pfluger and Florio, see the Features section on page 9.

Arts & Entertainment / Page 12

Sports / Page 24

Comedy in Kendall Diverse set of acts leaves the College cackling

Hollyword Beyoncé takes the page for the celeb spotlight

College Crew Strong family connection for Lions

See A&E page 13

See Features page 10

See Sports page 16

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