The Signal: Fall ‘17 No. 12

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Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. XLVII, No. 12

November 29, 2017

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

Professor discusses Audienceeatsup‘SweeneyTodd’ Women in STEM panel shatters stereotypes family history in By Michelle Lampariello News Editor Holocaust memoir Michelle Lampariello News Editor

Ellen Friedman, an English professor at the College, has been working since 1985 to combat the complications that come with passing on the memories of others by conducting interviews with family members. These oral testimonies, intertwined with Friedman’s own words and thoughts, are the core of Friedman’s family memoir “The Seven, A Family Holocaust Story.” In a book discussion and reading hosted by the College’s English department, Friedman spoke about her writing process and read a section of the memoir to a full audience in the Library Auditorium on Nov. 14. “My family memoir, ‘The Seven,’ is an account of Holocaust survivors in their own words, as well as the post-memory effects they have had on the generations that followed them,” Friedman said. In her family memoir, Friedman provides an account of Polish Jews who survived World War II in the Soviet Union — a population that Friedman feels is underrepresented in literature. “(Polish Jews) contribute to Holocaust cultural memory, but also they then connect in a cosmopolitan way to the memories of millions of see BOOK page 5

Natalie La Spisa / Staff Photographer

For young girls and women considering a career in the sciences, the Women in STEM panel, comprised of three female students who study science and one chemistry professor at the College, made one thing clear: Women belong in STEM. The Women in STEM panel, held on Nov. 15 in the Library Auditorium, is part of an effort to reduce the male-dominated stigma around the science industry. The event began with a round of Kahoot!, a game in which participants can vote in polls using their smartphones, to gauge the audience’s awareness of women’s involvement in STEM on campus. The results indicated that several female audience members felt uneasy taking STEM classes at the College. Panelists addressed this uneasiness while discussing their professional journeys thus far, and some of the obstacles they have faced as women. “Once I got into the workplace, I realized that there was definitely a gender bias that existed,” said Stephanie Sen, a chemistry professor at the College. “It has a lot to do with how when you’re a woman, the expectation is that you’re a nurturing individual — you’re somebody who will maybe not take a leadership role and instead maybe take a supportive role, and

TMT puts its own twist on a classic show. Read the story on page 16.

see GENDER page 5

Four-legged friends provide emotional support

By Brielle Bryan Opinions Editor

Duck, a five-pound chihuahua, happily wags her tail as students line up in Alumni Grove to pet her. She sits patiently, smiling at her owner. Duck’s owner is Sophie Guss, a junior psychology major. Guss registered with the College’s Disability Support Services and provided a doctor’s note so she could get permission for Duck to live with her on campus. “Dogs are natural therapy,” Guss said. “They have unconditional love. I always say that it is almost impossible to be sad when you have a dog that loves you so much and is so happy just to be with you. My dog has completely changed my life for the better.” Duck is one of many four-legged friends to join the campus community. Students and faculty are starting to bring their dogs with them to class and into the office for mental health benefits. Emotional support animals provide comfort and support through affection and companionship for


individuals suffering from mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression, according to the United States Dog Registry. Service dogs are different from emotional support animals, and are required to perform a specific task for someone with a disability, such as helping a person with vision loss navigate their surroundings or informing a diabetic when their blood sugar gets too high. Residential Education and Housing dictates that in order for a student to own a dog on campus, the pet must be registered as either an emotional support dog or service dog, and the student must provide a doctor’s note. Some students at the College have registered emotional support dogs and recognize the emotional and physical benefits of growing close to an animal. Chelsea Jorgensen, a senior finance major, lives with her boyfriend and his dog Maggie, a 3-year-old goldendoodle, in an offcampus house. “I definitely feel like sometimes in the winter I can get really depressed and not want to go outside,

Nation & World / page 7

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Editorial / page 9

Brielle Bryan / Opinions Editor

Dogs make students happy through the ‘natural therapy’ of affection.

and (Maggie’s) always pushing me to do things,” Jorgensen said. “It brightens my day when she wakes me up and kisses me.” Professors also find value in bringing their pet with them to work. Lina Richardson, a professor Opinions / page 10

in the department of early childhood education, brings Natasha, her 3-month-old Labrador-shepherd mix, with her to the office. “I definitely feel myself being more productive, because she can’t stay in the office all day,”

Features / page 13

Richardson said. “I have to get up every hour and just kind of get her walking, so it definitely forces me to be very focused and get up, stretch myself out and get some see PETS page 3

Arts & Entertainment / page 16

Sports / page 24

Bunkasai Students celebrate Japanese culture

TCNJ Wind Ensemble Student musicians perform ballet pieces

Women’s Basketball Lions on a three-game winning-streak

See Features page 14

See A&E page 16

See Sports page 24

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