The Signal: Spring '20 No. 7

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Breaking news and more at Vol. LV, No. 7

March 11, 2020

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

Students make their mark with tattoos

Jhon Beltran / Staff Photographer

Students show off their ink.

By Jane Bowden and Mansi Bhargava Managing Editor and Correspondent Growing up, Kayleigh Soucy didn’t like her body. She was bullied for being chubby, but when she started to lose weight, the compliments from her family and peers only fueled an eventual

eating disorder and body dysmorphia. That’s why last February, she walked into her local tattoo parlor and was determined to add something beautiful to a part of her body she spent years trying to shrink. “My flowers are on my stomach, because I’ve always hated that area of my

body, so I put something there I would love and would make me feel beautiful,” said the junior mathematics major. And Soucy isn’t alone. Many students at the College are getting tattoos as a form of self-expression, turning what used to be seen as an act of rebellion into a celebrated norm. “It’s a piece of your identity displayed on your skin as art,” said Julia Gladstone, a sophomore nursing major. Gladstone, who has a tattoo of the letter “I” followed by a greater than symbol, an up arrow and then a down arrow on her wrist, said her tattoo signifies that she is greater than her highs and lows. It also relates to her diabetes and portrays “what life is like.” Much like Gladstone’s, many tattoos serve as a sign of hope that ground people during a difficult period in their lives. Soucy sees her tattoos as a daily reminder that she’s been through struggles that have only made her stronger — the semicolon on her wrist symbolizes suicide prevention,

As graduation approaches, seniors manage anxiety By Jane Bowden Managing Editor

It’s graduation day. You’ve just received the diploma you’ve been working toward for years when President Kathryn Foster announces, “I now present to you the Class of 2020.” As you throw your decorated cap in the air and all of your friends and family members cheer from the bleachers, you suddenly feel a wave of dread as the reality of adulthood hits you — what the hell do I do now? As commencement approaches, it’s common for graduating students to experience Post Commencement Stress Disorder, a condition in which individuals have anxiety about life after college, according to Psychology Today. “Seniors can have so many feelings as they approach graduation: anxiety, excitement, disbelief, sadness, trepidation, relief or even terror,” said Dr. Jonathan Murakami, a licensed psychologist and coordinator of clinical training at the College. “They might not be feeling only one of these emotions, but they may feel a mixture of them or move from one feeling to the next.” Psychology Today reports that the symptoms of PCSD, which can arise before and/or after graduation,

see INK page 9

see CAREER page 9

Underground music scene captivates campus By Hayley Martin Correspondent

An inviting and electric atmosphere filled Kendall Hall as students piled in to watch the tri-state area’s most talented up-and-coming bands perform live. The College’s radio station, WTSR, hosted its semi-annual Underground concert on Saturday, March 7 and Sunday, March 8, which featured awe-inspiring performances by student and local bands like TV Afterlife, Clown Baby, Format War and Ogbert the Nerd. Genres ranged from indie to hard core. “Some good friends of ours played and it was great to see them with proper mixing and stuff,” said Format War lead singer and guitarist Jack Sofka, who is a senior English major. “Thanks WTSR and LTV for having us...we had a lot of fun. We’re excited to have the session line up with our upcoming EP.” Colin Lawn, a junior marketing major, enjoyed the amount of energy Ogbert the Nerd brought to the stage. “Their emo yells were full of passion, and their banter was hilarious,” Lawn said. Dylan Lembo, a junior communication studies major and music director of WTSR, coordinated the


acts for the concert from head to toe, booking the bands and venue and being the liaison to Lion’s Television. When selecting which groups to invite to the concert, Lembo uses his real world experiences. “Many of these bands I have seen live, whether that be in a venue in Philadelphia, a bar in Asbury Park or a basement in New Brunswick,” Lembo said. During Underground, Lembo acted as the floor manager during the live sessions. His main responsibilities were to communicate with the bands, sound technicians and the control room. In collaboration with Lion’s Television, WTSR hosts Underground once a semester. The bands play three songs live in the studio, where the audio is recorded for the radio 91.3 FM. Members of Lion’s Television also live cut footage and later publish videos of the bands’ performances on their YouTube channel. Paulo Rojas, a junior communication studies major and member of Lion’s Television, said participating in Underground has enhanced his professional experience. During his freshman year, he was thrown on camera, and a few semesters later, he was promoted to technical director in the control room. “I like being able to work with

Editorial / page 5

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Opinions / page 6

WTSR brings a variety of artists to Kendall Hall for its semi-annual concert.

my friends while recording bands and listening to good music,” Rojas said. “It’s a bonding experience that wouldn’t happen elsewhere.” Another member of Lion’s Television, Cassie Sokoloff, a junior communication studies major, expressed her love for filming bands, especially at Underground. Features / page 9

“There is no other experience to work as a really big team and get the ability to bond together,” Sokoloff said. “This is how it works in the real world.” Many students stopped by to listen to these bands perform for free while WTSR handed out popcorn and sold merchandise to attendees.


At the event, Lembo was thrilled to see his hard work come together. “It felt like a dream seeing the bands I booked all the way back in October come in, do their thing and have a great time,” Lembo said. “At the end of the day, it’s a tired and exhausted dream, but hey, a dream nonetheless.”

Arts & Entertainment / page 13

Sports / page 16

Lions’ Plate Hummus makes for an easy, tasty snack

CUB Alt Spring show brings new season and artist

Baseball Lions crush opponent in home-opener

See Features page 11

See A&E page 13

See Sports page 16

page 2 The Signal March 11, 2020

Student Government addresses coronavirus

SG discusses changes made to the student Code of Conduct. By Gabriella Lucci Staff Writer

Student Government swore in the speaker of the General Body and the senators of the Humanities and Social Sciences at their general body meeting on Wednesday, March 4. During the governance reports, Global Engagement reported that the Global Engagement Council voted to approve the faculty-led programs for the winter 2021 term, which includes trips to the United

Kingdom, Peru and Ghana. Incoming freshmen will also have the opportunity to choose if they want to go to Jamaica or Greece to complete their Freshman Seminar Program (FSP) requirement. About eight students are anticipated to return from their study abroad trips this semester in response to the coronavirus outbreak. As a precaution, the students will not be allowed on campus until

Gabriella Lucci / Staff Writer

they have self-isolated themselves for two weeks and are cleared by a medical professional. The Dining Services Committee reported to the general body that dining services on campus will be expanding their cultural events and that utensils in the dining halls have been going missing. While they will be ordering more utensils, they are asking that students return them to the dining halls.

The Honors and Scholars Council announced that it is looking to make a student organization within the honors program at the College. Additionally, the council is attempting to make an alumni networking group to further cement its presence on LinkedIn. The Environmental Sustainability Council reported on an app called Recycle Coach that students at the College can use for information on where to throw away their food and e-cycle. The app is mainly directed toward freshman and sophomores. The Campus Diversity Council governance reporter shared that the council went over changes to the Code of Conduct in a previous meeting, and that it is trying to make incoming students more aware of the College’s policy on bias and how to keep campus inclusive. During the cabinet reports, Executive President Patty Kou reminded the general body that Shannon Conklin, the Director of Career and Leadership Development, will be attending the next general body meeting on March 25, where she will be asking students for feedback on the Career Center. Vice President for Administration and Finance Neil

Trivedi recapped his meeting with Sharon Blanton, the chief of information officer, where they discussed various issues on campus, including Wi-Fi malfunctions. According to Trivedi, Blanton was unaware that there were problems with campus Wi-Fi in some of the residential halls. She recommended that students report any issues whenever they arise. The Cloud system will be updated, and the Roar app will be taken down, creating one central app for the College. Linked-In Learning is a website that should be utilized by students, according to Trivedi, as it has lots of helpful information that pertains to all sorts of careers. He shared that if the resource is not used, it will be taken down. Student Trustee Chris Driscoll announced that the cabinet debates will be held either in the Library Auditorium on Monday or in the Education Building Room 115 on Tuesday, April 21, before elections on Thursday, April 23, depending on how many seats are contested. The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and Spike Ball club will be presenting at the next general body meeting in hopes of gaining official campus recognition.

Great-granddaughter of renowned activist tells all

Julia Meehan / Photo Editor

Duster shared stories that were passed down through the Wells family.

Len La Rocca News Editor

She was an educator, a journalist, a businesswoman, an anti-lynching crusader, a suffragist and a leader. The patriarchy began clenching their fists at a woman with such increasing power, but Ida B. Wells, a fighter of inequality, was unafraid. “I think it is important to see the level of activism taking place to help people remember her,” said Michelle Duster, the great-granddaughter of Wells. “And I’m going to give my family credit because we have been in the trenches for 80 years now to make this happen.” In honor of the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, Wells’ great granddaughter, Michelle Duster, came to the Brower Student Center on Wednesday, March 4 to present on how Wells’ courage has been passed down through her family. Born into the shackles of slavery on July 16, 1862, in Holly Springs, Miss., Wells was the eldest of eight children. By the age of 16, Wells had lost two siblings and both of her parents to a yellow fever epidemic. As a teenager, Wells became the head of her household. Wells was nearly split from her siblings

due to a credo among her father’s mason coworkers, where they would take in orphaned children. However, she was having no part of the separation, as she felt history repeating itself. “Our family believes … that she really had a problem with the idea of her siblings being separated because she had grown up hearing the story of her mother who had been sold as a slave when she was seven,” Duster said. “We believe that Ida was like, ‘There is no way that my siblings are going to be separated’ the way that her mother experienced.” Wells became a teacher in 1878 to support her siblings. As times were vastly different, she was only required to pass an exam to become an educator. In order to secure the job and some sort of financial income, she altered her appearance to appear older. While she was at work, her grandmother looked after her younger siblings. Two years later, Wells moved to the Memphis, Tenn. area in search of greater pay as an educator. She found a teaching job in Woodstock, Tenn., yet had a life-altering event take place on a train ride from Woodstock to Memphis. The train conductor would not allow her to ride in what was known as the “ladies car,” even though she

had bought a ticket. After a heated confrontation with the conductor, Wells was forced to commute to Memphis by wagon and went on to unsuccessfully sue the railroad system. Wells won in the lower courts, yet lost in the State Supreme Court as segregation was fomenting. “That’s another thing that I think really sparked her activism, because it started making her not believe that the law was on the side of African-Americans,” Duster said. “You can’t get justice within the legal system.” Nevertheless, Wells persisted and continued to educate herself. She joined a learning community organized by a church that held clubs, then called lyceums, which dedicated time to the literary arts such as poetry, performing plays, creating newsletters and holding discussions. “She became very interested in having a creative outlet outside of teaching,” Duster said. “She was very clear, if you ever read her diary, that she was not very stimulated by teaching and so she needed an outside way of expressing herself.” Considering Wells’ spark for activism, love for expression and boredom in teaching, journalism provided her with a new field where her passions converged. “Ida, as a young child, was asked to read the newspaper to her father and his friends,” Duster said. “So again, to me, that’s kind of training for her to gain confidence that she as a woman, as a girl (and) as a female, could talk in front of men.” And talk she did. Wells began reporting for what is known today as The Memphis Free Speech, uncovering the truth that ‘separate, but equal’ was instead separate but unequal. She went on to become a part-owner of The Memphis Free Speech. One story she published, however, resulted in her termination at her teaching job. “She found the teaching conditions to be so unbearable that she decided to write an editorial in the newspaper about how it was separate and unequal between the black schools and the white schools,” Duster said. “The white teachers were paid more, they

had better working conditions, they had better more resources. It was a stark difference. So she decided to write about it and ultimately got fired.” This prompted Wells to become a fulltime journalist. Wells’ reporting encouraged black people to boycott white-owned businesses, not go to work and essentially leave Memphis. As a result, railroad workers threatened to kill her if she continued publishing this sort of work. Yet, Wells did not back down. “She admittedly said she bought a pistol and vowed to take everybody out with her if they came for her,” Duster said. One of the most famous stories Wells reported on was the lynchings of three black black businessmen. She left Memphis shortly before reporting on it in the newspaper. “I personally think she knew something was going to happen because she had that column published after she left town,” Duster said. “In retribution, her newspaper office was destroyed. They had a price put out for her head. The rumors said that people were staked out at the train station in Memphis waiting for her to get off the train so they could kill her.” She moved to New York where she once again became a part-owner of a newspaper called The New York Age. Wells continued to report on lynchings across the country and fought for equal rights. “It’s important to keep the legacy going,” said Adjo Agbobli, a senior African American and and women’s, gender and sexuality studies double major. “Growing up I knew Ida as someoe who was an anti-lynching advocate. So to learn that she was also a businesswoman — that was great.” Wells was a woman who refused the treatment of a second-class citizen and stared down the barrel of inequality, refusing to waiver, according to Duster. One quote from “In Her Own Words,” a collection of Wells’ writing from 1893, encapsulates her fearlessness in the fight for equal rights. “One had better die fighting against injustice than to die like a dog or rat in a trap,” Wells wrote.

March 11, 2020 The Signal page 3

SFB funds Treblemakers, Black Student Union

Jhon Beltran / Staff Photographer

The board listens to requests from student organizations and makes crucial decisions.

By Elliott Nguyen Staff Writer

The Student Finance Board met on March 4 at 12:30 room 104 of the Brower Student Center to discuss special appropriation requests from the

Trentones, the Black Student Union, TCNJ Treblemakers and the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity. The Trentones, an a cappella group on campus, requested $2,427.36 for buses and hotel rooms to attend the International Championship of Collegiate A

Cappella Semifinals. This would be the third time the group attends the semifinals. The event would take place at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington, Del. on Saturday, March 21. “They’re just participating in an event they worked so hard

for,” said Rishi Konkesa a junior economics major and the board’s representative at large, when asked to explain this funding decision. The board voted to fully fund the event with the stipulation that the group speak to Joey Feuerstein, the board’s administrative director, about finding lower bus prices. The Black Student Union requested $497.10 for food, drinks and decorations to host their “Ladies’ Lunch” event. The event will take place on Wednesday, March 25, and intends to celebrate all women on campus in honor of Women’s History Month by giving them an opportunity to network. The board voted to fully fund the event. The TCNJ Treblemakers, an all-women’s a cappella group on campus, requested $4,445.10 for buses to attend the Marist College A Cappella Invitational, which they have recently been invited to for the first time. The event will take place from March 28 to 29. “This performance is a great way for the Treblemakers to network with other a cappella groups and make connections,” said Sydney McGowan, a sophomore early childhood education and psychology dual major and

the organization’s treasurer. The board voted to fully fund the event with the same stipulation they gave the Trentones regarding bus prices. Alpha Chi Rho requested $40,570 to host Dan Harmon, the creator of Rick and Morty. They later clarified they had overestimated the cost of security guards, and were able to reduce the requested amount to $40,010. The funds would go toward the speaker, the venue, security guards, a dinner for the speaker and a potential guest, along with other items of hospitality, according to the fraternity. The event would take place on April 20 and would include an hour long lecture with a 15-minute question-and-answer period. The event will be free and open to students. The board’s members were divided over whether or not to fund the event, and entertained several motions during the lengthy discussion. Several members raised concerns over the event’s cost and importance. “I do not feel that that’s related directly to the … purpose of their organization,” said Ericka Aguilar, a junior accounting major and the board’s financial director. The board ultimately voted to zero-fund the event.

Vital Signs: Working out on a college schedule

Students can access the Fitness Center seven days a week.

By Madison Pena News Editor

Fitness is something that many students want to prioritize, but it can get pushed aside when they have trouble finding time in their busy schedule or don’t know where to start. Many students struggle to make the transition from playing on sports teams in high school to being on their own in college and having to form their own fitness plan. Here are some ways to find the right workout for your body and schedule. Try a Workout Class If you’re not a fan of working out alone, try one of the fitness classes offered by the College — they’re a great way to get motivated and make workouts more enjoyable. The Recreation and Wellness Center offers various workouts, including Zumba, pilates and kickboxing, according to this semester’s schedule. Go For a Run Running can be a great way to escape

the daily stress that can accumulate from exams, classes and other responsibilities. In fact, studies from Business Insider have shown that cardio exercise releases more endorphins, increases focus level and reduces stress, making it the ideal workout when you need a break from studying. One of the best aspects of running is the lack of equipment needed, making it perfect for a packed schedule. It’s super convenient when you want to get a workout in before your next class but don’t have time to make it to the Fitness Center in Campus Town. With one lap around campus being just shy of two miles, you can enjoy the scenic view without the stress of being pressed for time. Invest your time in a Workout Program If cardio isn’t your thing or you’re trying to work on strength training, lifting programs may be something to look into. Fitness guides or apps like SWEATl often have different customizable settings, ensuring that there’s something for everyone.

page 4 The Signal March 11, 2020

March 11, 2020 The Signal page 5


Stress is not a competiton

We’ve all been in this situation: it’s only Monday and you already have 55 pages to read for class tomorrow, two essays due this week and two exams to study for.Overwhelmed, you turn to our friends to let out your stress. Your friend empathizes with you but makes sure to let you know that you have it easy because they have even more to do. Sure, you’re stressed out, but they claim they’re feeling even worse. Everyone is busy in college. We all have work piling up and to-do lists taking residence in the back of our minds. Everyone is stressed — but somewhere along the way, this stress, and even suffering, became a sort of competition. It doesn’t matter how bad you have it because someone has it worse, and they’re going to tell you all about it. People seem to be almost proud of their unhealthy habits. They brag about how little sleep they’re getting and how many energy drinks they’ve downed. I’m guilty of this as well, making sure to let people know how I tend to use coffee as a substitute for lunch. This trend takes damaging habits and turns them into quirky personality traits and fuels a battle to see who is truly the most stressed. I think this phenomenon ties in with our society’s obsession and fixation on productivity. Time spent relaxing is seen as time wasted, and we make sure to emphasize our lack of down-time as proof that we’re being good and productive. We need to let everyone know that we are booked, busy and not spending our time on seemingly non-productive things like eating and sleeping — even though going without them makes us miserable. And we all know that misery loves company. When you’re stressed or in pain, it can be cathartic to vent to someone to let all of those bad feelings out. But these venting sessions can quickly escalate into competitions of who has it worse, which can then make you yourself feel worse. Pain and stress should not be a competition. Just because someone somewhere has it worse than you does not mean that what you’re feeling isn’t real or painful. Just because someone has more work than you doesn’t mean that you’re not busy and you can’t be stressed. If you’re in a doctor’s waiting room and see someone with a broken arm, it doesn’t make your cold any less bothersome. We should all stop bragging about our unhealthy habits as if they are something to be proud of. Although it is sometimes hard to balance self-care with the workload of college, we should take pride in finding time to relax and take care of ourselves instead of worrying that it makes us seem less productive than our peers. In a college setting, being busy is relatable, and everyone has a workload that can be overwhelming. But the next time your friend is telling you about everything they have to do, try to empathize with them instead of retorting with your even busier schedule. Stress and pain aren’t a competition and shouldn’t be treated as such, and just because someone has it worse than you doesn’t mean you should feel guilty about feeling overwhelmed. — Julia Meehan Photo Editor

Editorial Content Unsigned editorial opinions are those of the Editorial Board, which consists of the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing, News, Features, Arts & Entertainment, Opinions, Photo, Sports, Review and Social Media editors and the Business and Production managers, unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and letters to the editor are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Signal.


Competing to have more work can lead to unhealthy relationships and undue stress.

Quotes of the Week Email: Telephone: Production Room (609) 771-2424 Ad Email:

Mailing Address: The Signal c/o Forcina Hall The College of New Jersey P.O. Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718

Editorial Staff Emmy Liederman Editor-in-Chief Jane Bowden Camille Furst Managing Editors Len La Rocca Madison Pena News Editors Anthony Garcia Sports Editor Liya Davidov Features Editor Rich Miller Arts & Entertainment Editor Kalli Colacino Opinions Editor Ian Kreitzberg Nation & World Editor Chelsie Derman Reviews Editor Marlea Maltz Project Manager

Julia Meehan Photo Editor Madison Oxx Production Manager Jennifer Somers Web Editor Leigha Stuiso Alea Ferrigno Social Media Editors Travis Beni Distribution Manager Emilie Lounsberry Adviser Mina Milinkovic Business/Ad Manager

“My tattoos remind me that I’m here, I’m human and I’m worthy of happiness.“ — Kayleigh Soucy Junior mathematics major

“Just treat yourself like the kid you’d hope to raise. You’re not perfect, not even close. You won’t always do things on time, but that’s okay. Even if you’re 10 percent better each week, that adds up.” — Maximilian Burgos Alumnus

“That’s another thing that I think really sparked her activism, because it started making her not believe that the law was on the side of African-Americans. You can’t get justice within the legal system.” — Michelle Duster Great-granddaughter of Ida B. Wells

page 6 The Signal March 11, 2020


Media heightens hysteria over coronavirus

Unnecessary amount of coverage fuels fear By Kalli Colacino Opinions Editor It’s all you hear about on TV. It’s the latest and greatest thing to overreact about — it’s the coronavirus. The world has been on edge since December 2019, when the virus was first detected in Wuhan, China. And of course, the virus didn’t stay contained to China for long. According to Medscape, the first international case was reported in Thailand on Jan. 13. Now, I know it’s unnerving to hear that there’s a scary, potentially-deadly virus spreading like wildfire, but it shouldn’t be our main concern. Yes, it is important to be aware of the coronavirus, but it is not as big of a deal as everyone (particularly the media) is portraying it to be. No one seems to be phased by the flu, even though it is a much more common and life-threatening virus. According to the CDC, it is estimated that there were between 34,000,000 to 49,000,000 flu illnesses in the U.S. alone in the span of five months (Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 29, 2020) and between 20,000 to 52,000 flu deaths. There are 101,846 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in 96 countries and territories, according to worldometer, and 3,462 deaths in the span of approximately three months. This means that the coronavirus

and the flu are on totally different levels. If you want to panic about a virus, it should be the flu — not the coronavirus. Everywhere I go, the coronavirus is all I hear about. Don’t get me wrong — I am a big supporter of being conscious of what is happening in the world, but it’s too much. I appreciate the College sending out emails to keep students and faculty aware of the situation, but it is causing more panic than it needs to. My gym even emailed me to tell me about the coronavirus and how to take steps to prevent it. Taking precautions is always a good thing to do, but people are frightened half to death. I have friends who don’t even want to leave their house. Now what is causing this panic? It is all the media is talking about. News outlets, radio shows and major publications are forcing this fear upon us. I understand why many people are panicking. I’ll admit — I was panicking too when I heard there was a coronavirus case confirmed in the U.S. But I quickly came to my senses and realized that there is always a virus going around. It is something we have to deal with and try to contain, but we should definitely not be afraid to venture outside. There will always be an illness going around and there will always be risks of catching it. The fear of the coronavirus should not

Statistics show that the flu is more life-threatening than the coronavirus. stop people from doing what they need to do. We have pushed aside the fact that the flu is a predominant and realistic issue that is currently much more dangerous. As a college student working part time, I am always worried about getting sick and missing work and my classes.


But I am not going to let the worry dictate my every move. It is important to be aware of the illnesses going around and to take precautions, such as washing your hands, getting more sleep and taking vitamins. But at the end of the day, don’t let the fear of an overdramatized virus consume you.

Wawa vs. Sheetz: The great debate of the East Coast

Wawa offers a variety of coffee and latte options. By Mathias Altman-Kurosaki As a student-athlete who spent four weeks on campus during winter break while operating on a limited budget, I know the benefits of having a Wawa nearby. My teammates and I would go to the Wawa on Sylvia Street after morning


practice to pick up coffee and subs. This was a near-daily trip that we would take. Some of us made multiple trips to Wawa in a day if we didn’t feel like cooking another meal and wanted a cheaper option than what is offered at nearby restaurants. However, as great as Wawa is, they face fierce competition from

Sheetz. While Sheetz is mainly based out of Pennsylvania, the stores are very similar — both are gas stations and convenience stores that serve food and a variety of beverage options. When taking a glance at the two menus, Sheetz offers more choices. They have burgers and pizzas, neither of which are offered at Wawa. They also have an extensive list of hot and cold subs, just like Wawa. However, some of the options at Sheetz do not sound very good. On the cold sub menu, there is an option to order a cold bacon sub. It is very hard to imagine how bacon, something that should only be served hot, can taste good cold. The fact that any place could serve cold bacon is sickening. The Wawa menu has three different options for hoagie sizes: the four-inch junior roll, the six-inch shorti roll and the 10inch classic roll. Sheetz sandwiches only come as six-inch or 12-inch subs. Wawa has always had the option to order hoagies with chicken strips and various dressings on them. Recently,

they added a Southern Honey Hot option that includes grits. Wawa’s menu has extensive bowl options that are hard to find elsewhere. Such options include mac and cheese and mashed potatoes with chicken tenders and mac and cheese with barbecue beef. While Sheetz also has mac and cheese bowls, they don’t have the mashed potato option or the 50/50 option (half mac and cheese, half mashed potatoes). Wawa and Sheetz are both relatively affordable. However, Wawa’s quality and service are what sets it apart. At Wawa, the meat is flavorful and they offer an extensive variety of dressings compared to their competitor, Sheetz. When customers ask for bacon, they make sure the bacon is warm and crisp. The service at Wawa is lightning fast. They start making your order as soon as you input it at one of the touch-screen stations. It’s not uncommon for orders to be prepared and ready to go before customers get the chance to pay for their meal. I have only experienced long waits for my meals at Sheetz.

The biggest difference between the two convenience stores is the quality of beverages. As someone who can’t function without coffee, I rely on Wawa’s coffee heavily to get me through the week. It’s not just their “one-dollar any size coffee” deal that they run everyso-often, but it’s their cold brew coffee that really puts Wawa on another level. Sheetz does not offer cold brew as a menu item, whereas Wawa allows customers to order different flavors of the delicious cold brew coffee, and they even offer cold brew lattes. Additionally, Wawa’s milkshakes, while they don’t have as many flavor options as Sheetz, are on the same level as Shake Shack and Five Guys, but cost much less (milkshakes at Wawa cost $2.99 for the 16 oz. option, or $3.99 for the 24 oz. option — whereas Shake Shack costs $5.29 for a 12 oz. milkshake). Wawa versus Sheetz is a debate that will forever be argued about on the East Coast. However, quality always beats quantity, which is why Wawa will always be superior.


The Signal is published weekly during the academic year and is financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and advertising revenue. Any student may submit articles to The Signal. Publication of submitted articles is at the discretion of the editors. The letters section is an open forum for opinions. Submissions that announce events or advertise in any way will not be printed. All letters should be sent via email to Handwritten letters should be sent to The Signal, c/o The Brower Student Center, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718 Ewing, N.J. 08628 or placed in our mailbox in the Student Life Office. Letters must be received by the Friday before publication and should not exceed 500 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. All letters must be signed, with a phone number and address of the author. Requests to withhold the author’s name will be honored only if there is a legitimate reason. All materials submitted become the sole property of The Signal. The editors reserve the right to edit or withhold all articles, letters & photographs. The Signal willingly corrects factual mistakes. If you think we have made an error, please contact The Signal at (609) 771-2424, write to the address listed above or email us at

March 11, 2020 The Signal page 7

Students share opinions around campus “How does the media portray the coronavirus?”

Kalli Colacino / Opinions Editor

Jade Gunshefski, a junior early childhood education and psychology dual major.


Kalli Colacino / Opinions Editor

Lauren Carney, a junior early childhood special education and psychology dual major. “The media portrays it to be more dramatic than it actually is.”

“It’s portrayed to be very scary.”

“Do you prefer Wawa or Sheetz?”

Kalli Colacino / Opinions Editor

Elise Suszka, a junior early education and special education and psychology double major.


Kalli Colacino / Opinions Editor

Rachael Harvey, a freshman accounting major.

“Wawa. I don’t know what Sheetz is.”

“Wawa. It’s more accessible.”

The Signal’s cartoon of the week ...

The Chip: If Coronavirus Cancels School, Party At Connor’s Place By Toni Peroni Correspondent It can be a massive headache. It can be a sore throat or runny nose. No, we’re not talking about a Friday morning post-Rho hangover— we’re talking about the coronavirus, an infectious disease discovered in the city of Wuhan of The People’s Republic of China. As of March 8, the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has infected upwards of 108,000 people and has killed 3,800, according to CNN. With each passing day, it’s

looking like no New Jersiean is safe! Currently, there are six documented cases in the great Garden State, ranging from Bergen to Camden County. Whether you be a Pizza Snob from the North or a Hyuck Hyuck Yeehaw Cowboy from the South, there’s no telling who will become infected. Due to the upcoming spring break, the school faces a pretty tough challenge. As most students use the week to travel the world, the chances of someone contracting the airborne virus can be pretty dang high, and the school is taking precautionary measures to potentially shut down campus and conduct classes online. While many students fear a campus shut down and being sent home, many off-campus upperclassmen are embracing it. “If coronavirus shuts down class, party at my place!” said Connor Grazacelli, a junior finance major. “It’ll be a party every night! Sunday - PARTY! Monday - PARTY! Tuesday - bowling at Slocums, and then PARTY!

And if we ever get tired of partying, we have a sleep party! Everyone gets to sleep on my living room couch! It’s a pretty big couch and honestly doesn’t even smell that bad!” When asked about the potential for online classes, Angie Delgado, a senior communication studies major, had a lot to say. “How the fuck am I supposed to take a public speaking class online?” Delgado said. “No seriously, how am I supposed to garner the skills and abilities offered by this course if I am not able to literally speak in public?” At this point, Angie seemed a little down and frustrated. I told her about the party at Connor’s house. I think she might be going! As a means of calming down the campus community, President Kathryn Foster gifted us with some kind and inspiring words. “It is the College’s aim and effort to keep it’s student body healthy — not only physically, but mentally as well,” Foster said. “I want

to assure each and every one of you that your credit will be fulfilled, and you will be getting your money’s worth.” Shortly after this, I asked her if she was going to Connor’s party. She’s gonna check her calendar and get back to me. It’d be really cool to see Foster drink a Natty Ice at Connor’s. TBH, that’d also be kinda crazy. I asked Roscoe what he thought about the Coronavirus. Inside the hollowed jungle cat’s body, a deep muffled voice bellowed. “If there’s no one at TCNJ, I’m basically out of a job,” Roscoe said. “If I wanted to be at TCNJ and cheer on a non-existent crowd, I’d go to a TCNJ football game.” I later asked Roscoe if he was going to Connor’s. He said that if school gets cancelled, he’ll be at Connor’s every night. Thanks, Connor! Super psyched for tonight. If you wanna go to Connor’s house for the party, Venmo him like, $5. Disclaimer: This is obviously a satirical piece and does not reflect a real event.

page 8 The Signal March 11, 2020



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March 11, 2020 The Signal page 9


Career / Say ‘sayonara’ to senior scaries “As someone who is new at a job, you want to be putting all of your time and effort into it, but at a certain point, you have to realize that you need to make time for yourself as well,” Vilanova said. The months, and even years, following graduation often involve a lot of change, so developing a solid, go-to routine can help alleviate that feeling of lost control.

Graduating students may feel anxious about adulthood. continued from page 1

include sleeplessness, irritability, feeling unable to control life and avoidance of everyday activities, such as spending time with friends. Despite the mixed emotions that adulthood brings, these feelings can be managed. Here are a few ways to navigate the anxiety that life after graduation brings. Normalize Feelings of Anxiety Ask a senior how they’re doing during their last semester of college, and chances are they’ll jump through hoops just to dodge the topic altogether. Instead of avoiding feelings of anxiety, Murakami said students who are graduating should embrace their feelings, even if they’re negative, and normalize what they are going through. This means thinking, “This is hard, and it’s okay that I am having a hard time with this. It does not mean

I’m weak,” rather than “Everyone else feels this way, so just suck it up.” “Openness and acceptance towards a feeling, even a negative one, can help seniors manage their negative feelings,” Murakami said. “This helps them decrease negative judgments towards the emotion or towards themselves for even having negative feelings in the first place.” Find an Outlet Whether a person is in the midst of overwhelming anxiety or looking to manage their feelings before they arise, finding an outlet can benefit their mental health. This can mean exercising, practicing creative hobbies and talking about their emotions to a friend, family member or therapist. Allyson Vilanova (’19) said that after graduation, it’s important for people to continue their self-care routine in order to avoid burnout.

Make a Plan For many students, most of their postgraduation anxiety stems from fear of the unknown. Do I want to go to graduate school? Where am I going to work? What am I going to do if I don’t find a job? People’s minds tend to overthink when their futures aren’t totally set in stone. To stop the cycle of overthinking, Murakami suggests planning ahead. Whether it be going to the College’s Career Center to discuss options after graduation or scheduling a therapy appointment before feelings of anxiety arise, the sooner a person plans ahead, the easier it may be to handle the transition from student to working adult. “Planning ahead can begin by just asking oneself what has been important to them during their time at TCNJ, like friends, learning, staying active and being involved in the community,” Murakami said. “(They can) identify small steps they can take to include these elements in their post-graduate life.” Appreciate Where You Are From the last time they get their student ID scanned in Eickhoff Dining Hall to dancing at their final Thursday-night Rho, a student who’s graduating might feel pressured to take advantage of every opportunity in order to make the most of their time left at the College. This can heighten feelings of anxiety and F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out). To minimize that overwhelming pressure, students should remind themselves to embrace moments as they happen, be thankful of the memories they’ve made and appreciate the

people who surround them. Justin Cook (‘19) shared that seniors should encourage themselves to participate in experiences that can only be found at college. “The key is to make sure you’re always doing something you can’t do away from school — taking initiative, meeting new people, creating or learning,” Cook said. Maximilian Burgos (‘19) agreed, adding that having a limited amount of time at college can encourage a person to step outside of their comfort zone. “Get out there and do something that creates good memories and builds you as a person,” Burgos said. “Be bold. Take charge of your life. Find meaning in the smallest of moments, and you’ll be happier.”

Drop the Comparisons Regardless of what stage of life a person is in, comparison is inevitable, especially during the months following graduation. With social media feeds full of peers sharing that they just landed their dream jobs or are getting engaged to their long-time sweethearts, it’s difficult to avoid feeling insecure and hopeless. However, it’s normal for a graduate to struggle at finding a job, or even a job that they love. “You have the rest of your life as a working adult, so there is no need to worry if your dream job doesn’t happen right after college,” Vilanova said. “I was way too set in finding a job I wanted to work at forever, but really all I needed to figure out was what I was doing right now.” From students and graduates alike, Burgos said being happy doesn’t depend on a degree, job or annual salary — it starts with treating oneself with kindness. “Just treat yourself like the kid you’d hope to raise,” Burgos said. “You’re not perfect, not even close. You won’t always do things on time, but that’s okay. Even if you’re 10 percent better each week, that adds up.”

Ink / Students use body art to promote self-love continued on page 1

the quote “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise” on her ribs is borrowed from her favorite book, “Les Miserables,” and the flowers on the side of her stomach represent beauty and growth. “My tattoos remind me that I’m here, I’m human and I’m worthy of happiness,” Soucy said. Another popular trend for students at the College is getting a tattoo that honors a family member or fond childhood memories. When Samantha Allen was a sophomore in college, she got her first tattoo on her left wrist of a small beach scene and the word “shine” in her mother’s handwriting. The tattoo reminds her of the time she spent as a child at Island Beach State Park with her family. Since then, the senior marketing major has added two more tattoos: an edelweiss flower on her ribs and an Aries constellation on her right wrist. John Brezina, a senior clinical psychology and counseling

major, also has a tattoo that relates to his family. Located on his chest, Brezina’s tattoo is a self-designed family crest that resembles the Porsche logo, as his passion for cars is shared by his father and brother. Inside of the logo are the colors of his family’s birthstones, music notes and the word “Believe.” “I wanted a tattoo that I would be in love with aesthetically, but also one that was laden with meaning, so I spent a lot of time working with it,” Brezina said. “I decided to put it right over my heart, so that if I ever hang my head, I am immediately reminded of why I always push on.” While many young people are quick to join the ink trend, others refrain from having tattoos altogether due to its permanency, a lack of design ideas or the fear of disapproval from their parents. Although many worry about this negative reaction, Zane Thompson-Bradley, a junior interactive multimedia major, said his family loves his tattoo of the words “Forever Love

Grandma Doreen,” which he got in honor of his grandmother who died in 2013. “It represents how I will never forget her, what she taught me and that I will always love her,” Thompson-Bradley said. Although tattoos have been traditionally viewed as unprofessional, many employers are becoming open to the concept of hiring workers with tattoos. According to a 2018 study by the University of Miami Business School, 40 percent of young people with at least one tattoo are not at a disadvantage when it comes to employment. Tait Algayer, a junior biology major, has a tattoo of an endangered species of bird at a beach she grew up near and worked at as a lifeguard for five years. Today, she works at that beach as a biology technician and said that tattoos are more tolerable in the workplace than she expected, as one of her colleagues is covered with them. As society becomes more accepting of tattoos, people seem to express more freedom and

autonomy when it comes to decisions about their bodies. “I was so close to chickening out when I was sitting in the waiting room before getting my first tattoo, but the second I got

it, I have spent every day thinking about my next one,” Brezina said. “It is an absolute obsession I cannot escape, and I can’t wait to get more and continue to turn my body into my new canvas.”

Photo courtesy of Kayleigh Soucy

Soucy’s tattoo acts as a reminder to love her body.

page 10 The Signal March 11, 2020

: Jan. ‘01

Students obsess over reality TV

March 11, 2020 The Signal page 11

Campus Style

Left: Embroidery gives your clothes a personalized look. Right: Make your favorite clothes stand out this spring.

By Kerry Rushnak Columnist

Photo courtesy of TCNJ Digital Archives

This genre of entertainment is popular around campus.

Every week, Features Editor Liya Davidov hits the archives and finds old Signals that relate to current College topics and top stories. Between the rising popularity of Netflix, Hulu and DisneyPlus, do students even watch television anymore? Even though the College provides access to cable through Philo TV, students may not necessarily need it. Every online platform offers a range of movies and shows for its viewers, from comedy to drama to romance. In a January 2001 issue of The Signal, staff writer Stephanie Loh reviewed reality TV and questioned whether its popularity would last. A little less than two decades later, it is safe to say that this genre is here to stay. Ever wanted to be a television star, but never thought you had a chance? Well, with more and more reality shows being put in the television lineup you may still be a star.

The major networks of CBS, FOX, and ABC all have primetime shows vying to give Americans a new angle on the reality mania. And some say “get used to it,” because reality television will be a permanent fixture. “These shows are clearly here to stay,” said Gary Woodward, communication studies professor at the college. “In a sense they have always been around. Game shows were enormously popular about 35 years ago, as were shows featuring odd accomplishments,” he added. While these shows may have al­ ways been around, they now spread like wildfire. Krystyne Kendrick, a junior deaf and hard of hearing education ma­jor said, “It seems like everyone is jumping on the reality television bandwagon.”

Lions’ P late

Students are constantly looking to dress stylish, cool and trendy, whether they are walking to class, meeting up with friends or venturing off-campus. If you’re looking to impress your peers, just look to the back of your closet for clothes that you normally ignore — they are begging to be upcycled. Not only will you look amazing and save money, but the environment will also be catching a break, as the production of fast fashion harms our planet. Utilizing the clothes you already have will prove to be beneficial for all. Crop tops Vintage cropped t-shirts are one of today’s biggest trends. Whether you own your own oversized tee or have to steal one from your dad, almost everyone has a cozy t-shirt on hand. Start by trying the shirt on and marking where you are most comfortable cropping it. From here, lay the shirt flat on the ground and cut straight across at the marking you made. Viola! Pair it with high waisted jeans or leggings and you have a trendy new outfit. Embroidery Do you want to put a distinctive

Typically hummus is made from chickpeas, but this recipe is made from northern beans instead. It only has four ingredients and takes less than 10 minutes to make, so it is a simple alternative to chickpeas. Depending on the serving sizes you choose, you can have leftover hummus to keep in the fridge as a delicious protein option for

twist on your clothes? Give embroidery a try. Grab a pair of old jeans to start and focus on a specific section, such as the front thigh or back pockets. Embroidery has been around for centuries, so there are plenty of resources to learn the trade. YouTube has tutorials on specific designs and can equip you with the skills to make your own creation. Consider trying flowers, butterflies and bumblebees for the upcoming spring season. Tie dye Tie-dyed sweatshirts and sweatpants are all the hype right now. Instead of buying a brand new set, take out your favorite plain sweatshirt or sweatpants. If your clothing is black or a dark color, you can use bleach to create a white tie dye look. If you are using light clothing, pick your favorite color dye, and you’re ready to start. You’ll want to work in a shower or tub to avoid creating a mess. First, wrap the garment around itself, creating a spiral effect. Then, use six rubber bands to keep this shape in place. Grab your bleach or dye and add color, alternating in the sections created by the rubber bands. Leave it to dry for six to eight hours and give it a wash, then enjoy your brand new sweatshirt or sweatpants.

unconventional hummus

Left: This northern bean dip will satisfy your taste buds. Right: The easy recipe is a great source of protein. By Elizabeth Casalnova Columnist


your next meal. This is a great recipe for anyone who follows a plant-based diet, too. It’s important to note the different ways this hummus can be used, as it’s much more than just a dip for your baby carrots. I use it when making wraps with spinach, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers and feta cheese. It is a great source of protein, and fills you up for your longest days. If wraps aren’t your thing, make a Greek salad and

add a handful of the hummus on top. Everyone knows about avocado toast, so next time try using hummus instead. Even add a fried egg on top and some arugula for a full meal. Whatever way you want to eat it, it will work. Ingredients: - 1 can (15.5oz) northern beans - 2 cloves of garlic, mashed - 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil - 1/2 tablespoon cumin


Directions: 1.) In a small saucepan, heat the garlic and olive oil over low heat for about 5-7 minutes. 2.) In the meantime, drain the can of beans and hand mash with a fork until smooth. If you have a food processor, use that to save some time. 3.) Drizzle in the olive oil and garlic and continue to mix it until combined. Then, add the cumin. 4.) Store it in an airtight container in the fridge or serve it immediately, and enjoy!

page 12 The Signal March 11, 2020

The State of the World’s Antibiotics in 2020 Mo nd ay, 3/2 3/2 02 0

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Ramanan Laxminarayan is the founder and director of the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics, and Policy in Washington, D.C., and a senior research scholar at Princeton University. This event is free and open to both the TCNJ community and the public.


3/24 FB

March 11, 2020 The Signal page 13

Arts & Entertainment

CUB Alt energizes audience with trap music

Jhon Beltran / Staff Photographer

Right: Fanatsy Camp opens the show with his original rap music. Right: Wicca Phase Springs Enternal performers his hit ‘Secret Boy.’

By Julia Landi Correspondent

The dim, blue lights and powerful sound of the music from the speakers turned BSC 100 into an intimate venue for CUB Alt’s Wicca Phase Springs Eternal concert on March 3. Wicca Phase Springs Eternal is a popular emo-trap artist also known for his collaboration with Lil Peep in GothBoiClique and being a former member of the group. With nearly 200,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, Wicca Phase’s moody style appeals to a large crowd. The audience could be seen dancing and singing along to the music, especially when he performed more popular songs

like “Secret Boy.” “It was really exciting to see Wicca Phase at such an intimate venue,” said Liz Osekavage, a freshman psychology major. “I really enjoyed it.” Wicca Phase made his performance feel more personal to the audience, taking breaks in between songs to talk to the crowd. He shared his excitement about this being his first college show as a solo artist and gratitude for the unexpected turn out. “I thought there would be 10 people here,” Wicca Phase said. “But there was obviously more than that, so that was comforting.” After his performance, he stayed to talk to fans and take pictures with them, adding to the intimate experience of the concert. Fantasy Camp, one of the opening

acts, has worked with Wicca Phase in the group Misery Club. He has a similar sound with moody, autotuned vocals and simple beats. The soft sound of the music drew the audience’s attention to Fantasy Camp’s melodramatic vocals. The audience seemed relaxed, getting swept up in the mellow performance. Audrey Nuna was the first artist to go on. She is a 20-year-old pop artist who incorporates rap and other genres into her sound. She is also from New Jersey, as she shared trying to get the crowd hyped up for her performance. She was the only performer with a full band and gave a very lively performance. The band helped her performance stand out

from the other two in the evening with the groovy bass lines and enthusiastic drumming. She also danced on stage, getting the audience to sing along with her and bringing up the energy of the venue. “Audrey had a really strong, soulful performance,” said Zach Rich, a sophomore computer science major. “I think she’s good for a commercial break out.” CUB Alt’s shows have been popular on campus for years. Typically, they’re known for bringing in indie and alternative rock bands, but students seem to enjoy the difference in style. “It was very cool,” said Jonah Malvey, a senior interactive multimedia major. “I’m really happy that they’re expanding the genres that they’re bringing here.”

Student band Ornamental brings indie sound with debut album By Alex Baldino Correspondent It’s easy to lose your rockstar dreams in the droning hallways and classrooms of adolescence, but it’s also possible to make them reality. Ornamental has done just that. The band released its first album,“Heirloom,” on February 28, which mixes soft vocals with a soft guitar twang, creating an intimate and introspective atmosphere. Ornamental describes itself as an alternative folk/indie rock band. The group is led by frontwoman Lucia Gardiner, a junior fine arts major who is on vocals and guitar. Gardiner is joined by guitarist Evan Whitenack, a senior communication studies major, bass player Luis Vera, a senior music technology major, keyboardist John Carone, a student at Rider University and drummer Jarrett Wenzel.

Ornamental’s music combines Gardiner’s touchingly personal and nostalgic lyricism with the ambience, sampling and flare of her band. Its major influences include Brooklynbased indie-pop group Florist, ambient indie-pop musician Grouper and South African indie-folk and blues singer Alice Phoebe Lou. The album has a steady pace that coincides with the themes of its songs. In the song “Blur,” Gardiner recounts the conflicting feelings of a past relationship and the raw emotions a person feels for their first love. While the band’s music presents an alternative folk and indie rock feel, the twang to its rhythm is sometimes reminiscent of beach rock, which makes a listener feel as if they are floating. This sensation also adds to the overall feel of the album — it feels like sleeping on a waterbed.

I would definitely recommend checking out track nine, “Hushed.” Like the rest of the album, it starts off with some simple guitar riffs and Gardiner’s head voice. But after about a minute, the entire band joins into the song, becoming the musical equivalent to floating around a lazy river at night. Ornamental, according to Gardiner, started as a solo project. Gardiner did not start writing music and playing the guitar until right before she graduated high school, after a childhood of singing in her school choir. “(It turned into) something much more than I ever had imagined,” Gardiner said. “I am so glad some simple songs I wrote in my bedroom have become a fully-nuanced reflection of my life.” Ornamental’s debut LP, “Heirloom,” was recorded throughout this past winter by Wenzel and is available through Spotify and Good Authority, a label owned and

operated by Jack Sofka, a senior communication studies major. Simple but well performed, Ornamental’s debut album is a solid listen, as the vocals are pleasing and

you can clearly hear the care the band put into it. Next time you’re feeling like you want to explore yourself and your inner thoughts, try turning “Heirloom” on.

Photo courtsey of Lucia Gardiner

Gardiner is the band’s frontman and primary songwriter.

page 14 The Signal March 11, 2020 page 14 The Signal March 11, 2020

‘Love is Blind’ leaves viewers with heart eyes By Chelsie Derman Reviews Editor

Delving into the romantic lives of thirty men and women, Netflix’s new reality series “Love Is Blind” explores an intriguing question— can you fall in love with someone you’ve never laid eyes on? The series, which was released on Feb. 13 and ran for three weeks, is comparable to shows like “The Bachelor,” but cast members must build intimate relationships in the span of only 10 days. The catch? Contestants can’t see each other — they can only talk. From the start, I expected it to be another superficial dating reality show, but “Love is Blind” kept me invested in the lives of the cast members and eager to watch their relationships grow. The show makes for an interesting social experiment. Men and women are divided into two separate living spaces, and the only way they can interact is through what is referred to as the “pods.” One male and one female sits in their own pod — a small, enclosed room — which are connected by a thin wall. In this space, personal conversations emerge and emotional connections develop. It’s also where some end up getting down on one knee. Although some bonds felt superficial, others were heartfelt

This week, WTSR Music Director Dylan Lembo highlights some of the best new music that the College’s own radio station, 91.3 FM WTSR, puts into its weekly rotation.

The contestants go on blind dates in individual pods. and genuine, and I am confident that they will remain strong long after the show. “Love Is Blind” really hits viewers with a strong dose of reality. The show examines relationships through an extrinsic standpoint and follows cast members as they travel out of their pod bubble and into the real world. When the couples begin to live with one another, they recognize factors they were not exposed to in the pods — age, race, looks and social class. Discussing expectations and confronting differences brought unease

to some contestants, which made me question the effect of societal norms on relationships. The show posed an interesting question: Is love blind? At first, I would have said no. Now, I’m not so sure. Although the whole idea of the show — forming a relationship with someone in 10 days and then jumping into marriage six weeks later — sounds absolutely ridiculous, it undoubtedly kept me interested and engaged. The show has an addicting quality to it. It’s fascinating to watch two people form bonds when they have no idea what the other


person looks like. Leading up to the proposal, race, appearance and social status did not matter — conversation did. Although I was captivated by the drama, it became evident that cast members should not have been rushed into engagement when they quickly struggled to make their relaionship in the real world. “Love Is Blind” offers a new take on reality tv. The show draws viewers into a fascinating experiment that forces them to question societal expectations, widen their perspectives and question what exactly defines love.

Artist Name: King Krule Album Title: “Man Alive” Release Number: 4th Hailing From: London, England Genre: Indie Rock, Jazz Fusion Label: XL/True Panther Sounds If I could describe how King Krule’s music makes me feel, it would be the type of overwhelming sensation you get when you’re in a crowded place but feel dreadfully alone. The one thing about King Krule, otherwise known as Archie Marshall, is that he never fails to convey this sense of uneasiness. Listening to this record is like walking through an English alleyway at dusk, with nothing but the noise of the city and the thoughts in your own internal monologue to keep you company. It’s an atmospheric album without a doubt. I recommend listening through in a single sitting.

Muscian Name: Black Lips Album Title: “Sing In A World That’s Falling Apart Release Number: 9th Hailing From: Atlanta, Georgia Genre: Garage rock, indie rock Label: Fire Records/Vice Records The band is back and better than ever! Following the instrumentally lush release of 2017’s “Satan’s Graffiti or God’s Art,” The Black Lips return with “Sing In A World That’s Falling Apart” is surprisingly a much twangier take on garage rock — so twangy, that’s it’s not even garage rock anymore. This is a straight up country LP. “Rumbler” makes me want to hoot and holler at the saloon. “Angola Rodeo” made me audibly Yeehaw during my first listen. From someone who has an aversion to country, this record is genuinely enjoyable and puts a smile on my cowboy face.

p a g e 1 6 T h e S i g n a l M a r c h 1 1 , 2 0 2 0

March 11, 2020 The Signal page 15




Women’s streak continues Softball wins two, drops four

Photo courtesy of the Sports information Desk

Michibata returns in singles.

By Kevin Hornibrook Staff Writer

The College’s tennis teams both faced off against Franklin & Marshall College on Saturday, March 7, with the men facing their second loss and the women earning another victory. For the women, an 8-1 win saw the Lions lose only two sets in the entire match. The match began with a sweep of the Diplomats doubles units as teams of sophomores Katrine Luddy and Liya Davidov and freshmen Charlotte Roarty and Jenny Landells both won their sets 8-1. Freshmen Alexa Vasile and Anusha Rangu followed with an 8-3 win. Although not a sweep, the singles play was just as unbalanced. Davidov took down her opponent 6-0, 6-3. Roarty’s 6-0,

6-0 win gave the College the win. Franklin & Marshall’s lone point came from a 3-6, 6-4, 3-10 loss for Vasile. Pro set wins for sophomores Sarah Phung and Navya Yemula finalized the score at 8-1. The win moves the Lions to a very impressive 10-0, with eight of their 10 victories being a result of 8-1 or 9-0 scores. As for the men’s team, they struggled early and lost two of three doubles matches. Sophomores Matthew Michibata and Justin Wain earned an 8-3 victory, but the senior team of Thomas Wright and Gokul Murugesan fell, 6-8. A 5-8 loss by freshmen Nick Matkiwsky and Akul Telluri gave their opponents the upper hand. Meanwhile, Michibata’s 6-0, 6-1 win along with sophomore Nikola Kilibarda’s 6-0, 6-3 performance got the College to three points. Matkiwsky fell in a hard fought 7-5, 3-6, 5-7 match to close out the 3-6 loss. While still ranked at no. 40, the loss to Franklin & Marshall puts the Lions at 3-2 on the season. For the upcoming week, the women’s team will try to protect their perfect record against Wilmington University on Sunday, New York University on Friday and Moravian College on Saturday. The men will face off against Boucher College on Sunday, New York University on Friday and Stevens next Sunday.

By Ann Brunn Staff Writer The softball team swept the doubleheader against DeSales University on March 4 before losing doubleheaders to the University of Lynchburg and Salisbury University on Saturday, March 7, and Sunday, March 8, respectively. Junior pitcher Eliza Sweet and freshman pitcher Ally Schlee threw a combined nohitter in the first game of the doubleheader against DeSales. The Lions scored early when junior catcher Marissa Devincenzo hit a RBI double to drive in senior outfielder Annalise Suitovsky to give the College a 2-0 lead. The Lions broke open the game in the top of the fourth to take a 7-0 lead due in part to offensive contributions from Devincenzo, junior outfielders Katie Winchock and Katlin Kocinski and junior infielders Lauren Conroy and Elyse Nardozza. Sweet picked up her first victory of the season, walking one batter and striking out three, while Schlee pitched a clean fifth inning to keep the no-hitter. Junior pitcher Alanna Namit nearly had a no-hitter in the second game of the doubleheader, allowing one single in the bottom of the seventh inning. On the offensive, Namit had a two-run home run to center field, the first home run of her career, to get the Lions on the board.

Sophomore outfielder Lindsay Zengel padded the Lions lead, driving in four runs while Conroy scored the last run to give the Lions the 8-0 victory. Over the weekend, the Lions dropped both doubleheaders losing Saturday’s games to the University of Lynchburg, 8-7 and 3-1, and Sunday’s games to Salisbury University, 11-5 and 2-0. The Lions will head into the 2020 Spring Games in Florida with a 3-4 record looking to flip the script as they play 12 games over the span of six days.

Photo courtesy of the Sports information Desk

Namit delivers to the plate.



Men’s basketball loses in second round of NCAA Division III Tournament By Ann Brunn Staff Writer

The men’s basketball team saw their remarkable season come to an end on Saturday, March 7, when they fell to third ranked Randolph-Macon College, 85-71, in the second round of the NCAA Division III Tournament. The Lions ended their season with a 20-9 overall record despite having once been 4-6 to start the month of January and going on to win their first NJAC Championship in 22 years. They also captured their first NCAA Tournament victory since 1989 when they beat Marietta College, 89-73, in the first round of the tournament on Friday, March 6. As a team, the Lions shot 51 percent from the field and an efficient 12 of 26 from behind the arc to propel themselves past Marietta and into the second round. Senior guard Randy Walko led the charge with 32 points which marked his sixth game this season where he scored 30 points or more. Walko also nabbed nine rebounds. Following suit and shooting an electric 75 percent from the floor, including 80 percent from three point range, junior forward Travis Jocelyn collected 22 points. Rounding out

the box score with a double-double was senior forward Ryan Jensen as he tallied 15 points, 11 rebounds and added seven assists. In what was a back-and-forth match for the majority of the 40 minutes of play, Randolph-Macon ultimately pulled past the Lions to advance to the Sweet Sixteen. Walko ended his last game as a Lion with 23 points and seven rebounds. He finished his career with 1,537 points which has him in fifth place all-time in the College’s history in points scored. Walko also finds himself in third place in program history with 193 made three pointers and eighth place all-time in rebounding with 537 boards. He ended the season 11 points shy of the College’s single season record of made free throws with 181 made foul shots. Jensen surpassed the 600 rebound mark during this game which put his collegiate total at 605 rebounds which is good for seventh all-time. Junior guard PJ Ringel totaled 155 assists on the season, which is second-most in a season in the College’s history. He now has 240 assists entering the 2020-2021 season and is currently in eighth place on the all-time assists list. The Lions will graduate five seniors,

Walko, Jensen, Mike Walley, Mike Chapman and Tommy Egan, who had been an integral part of the program during their

four year tenure at the College. Their leadership helped shape the team and spark an unforgettable season.

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Walko drives to the hoop.

Lions pummel Plattsburgh State in home opener Baseball

Simon awaits an incoming pitch.

By Jacob Malik Staff Writer

Despite being 0-4 to start the season, the baseball team won their home opener against Plattsburgh State on Saturday, March 7. The Lions would get off to a strong start in the first inning. With two outs, senior David Cardona III on second and junior Avery Epstein on third, senior Garry Otten scored both runners with a single up the middle. In the second inning, Plattsburgh looked to score with runners on second and third with only one out.

Lions Lineup March 11, 2020

I n s i d e

Photo courtesy of Sports Information Desk

The team managed to come out unscathed, as sophomore Matt Volpe struck out and earned a pop-out against the next two batters to preserve the 2-0 lead. The team further added to their existing lead in the bottom of the 2nd to 3-0, with sophomore Grant Sible scoring from third on a single to left center from sophomore Nick Francisco. Volpe continued to pitch well, as he made quick work of Plattsburgh in the top of the 3rd with a 1-2-3 inning. Despite having bases loaded and just one out in the bottom of the 3rd, the Lions were unable to further add to their lead. Plattsburgh put a run up on the board on the fourth. With the bases loaded and two outs, Santino

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Ycaza hit by a pitch that forced in a run to make the score 3-1 Lions. However, this was all the action in the 4th, as the Lions went down in order with three consecutive groundouts. Volpe continued his strong outing in the fifth, as he pitched another 1-2-3 inning, which turned out to be crucial. The Lions offense broke the game wide open, as they scored three more runs in the bottom of the fifth. Cardona III lined a double into left center and picked up RBIs, as both Epstein and senior Thomas Persichetti scored. Cardona III advanced to third on a fielder’s choice and then scored on a passed ball to make it 6-1. The sixth and top of the seventh were quiet, as Volpe continued to find success. His final line ended up as follows: seven innings pitched, four hits, one run, zero earned and four strikeouts. In the seventh, the Lions loaded the bases and managed to score two more runs. Sophomore Joe Oczkowski was hit by a pitch, which forced in the first run. In the next at bat, Sible hit a sacrifice fly to centerfield that allowed senior Jacob Simon to tag up and score the eighth and final run for the Lions. To start the eighth inning, Lions pitcher Junior David Stec took over for Volpe. Stec allowed one run in the eighth on a fielder’s choice and produced a 1-2-3 inning in the ninth to seal the 8-2 victory for the Lions. The Lions will look to build on this success as they take on Gwynedd Mercy on Monday, March 9 at home and Alvernia University on the road on Tuesday, March 10.

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