The Signal: Spring '19 No. 10

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Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. L, No. 10

College changes placement test policies By Michelle Lampariello Former Editor-in-Chief

Campus walks for suicide prevention By Maximillian Burgos Staff Writer

In partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the College sponsored the “Out of the Darkness” campus walk on Sunday, April 7 at 10 a.m. at Alumni Grove. The walk showed support for those who have lost loved ones to suicide, as well as anyone struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts. Representatives from AFSP attended the walk to deliver a message of unity, educate students and support the grieving community. The goal of the organization is to reduce the annual U.S. rate of suicide by 20 percent by the year 2025, according to its website. President Kathryn Foster and Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Sean Stallings gave supportive remarks before the walk began. “We recognize that suicide is the leading cause of death for young people,” Foster said. “We have an ethical responsibility to take a proactive approach to help prevent suicide and (promote) mental health awareness. We also recognize that we all play a key role in creating an environment that provides support and promotes healthy development.” Participants included members of Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, who took charge in fundraising, raising over $3,500 in support of the cause. The sisters also had a strong social media presence leading up to the walk in see TEST page 2 remembrance of Jenna DiBenedetto, a

For some members of the College’s Class of 2023, there is a new item on the list of tasks they must complete before their first day of classes. Between shopping for fans and dorm decor, attending orientation and purchasing their first textbooks, every member of the incoming freshman class must complete a placement test to determine if they need to take a writing course, WRI 102, and potentially WRI 101 as well, during their first year at the College. While some students used to be exempt from taking the placement test if they had high enough standardized test scores, this year, the College has decided to make the placement test mandatory for all incoming students. “The change really came from planning for assessment of the writing courses, from discussions about placement scoring, and checking the data on just how low a percentage of students were placing out through the writing sample,” said Director of Writing Nina Ringer. “Assuming that our cut-off scores were too low led to the discussion of writing placement for all students.” According to Ringer, the College analyzed data regarding students’ performance in writing-intensive courses and compared it to whether or not they had placed out of WRI 102. A concern for students who narrowly made the cutoff to be exempt from the placement test, and then the course itself, rose out of

Meagan McDowell / Staff Photographer

The community gathers to promote mental health awareness. treasured member of the sorority who died earlier this year. The College as a whole had raised $12,411, more than doubling its goal. “I think that it is really important to see all the people here today,” said Dixita Malatesta, a learning specialist in the Disability Support Services department at the College. “Everyone here knows that this is an important cause that impacts everyone. To be out and support those who have been affected by suicide through the loss of a loved one and support those who have had thoughts of suicide is absolutely an important thing.” Many participants wore different colored beads to show how suicide has affected their

NBC anchor leads journalism master class

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

Jones explains how journalism is a high-risk and high-reward field.

By Len La Rocca Distribution Manager

NBC10 Philadelphia news anchor Keith Jones visited the College on Monday, April 8 at 11 a.m. to give a master class on his experience in broadcast journalism in the Kendall Hall TV Studio. Jones anchors the 5 p.m. broadcast timeslot on weeknights at NBC10. His passion

for broadcast journalism has led him to report on a variety of entertainment and political events, such as the Super Bowl, the Olympics and the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. Students and staff filled their seats and absorbed all they could from the New Jersey native, who is now a multi Emmy and Edward R. Murrow Award-winning tele-

INDEX: Nation & World / page 9

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vision news anchor, as he revealed all that he has learned in his career. Jones opened up by expressing his gratitude for time in broadcast journalism. “Journalism is one of the most fulfilling, impactful, high-responsibility jobs that you guys can go after,” he said. “It is in many ways high risk, high reward, but it has opened doors for me

Editorial / page 11

Opinions / page 12

in life that I never would have dreamed.” He played his résumé tape of news packages from his early years in the business to show his humble beginnings. “I had to fake it ’til I made it,” he said. “I wasn’t good on camera ... I lowered the volume of my voice in the editing software to give it more bass because I was so selfconcious of my voice.” He encouraged journalism students to make mistakes, as they made his greatest lessons. “I made every mistake in the book,” Jones said. “I think there’s tremendous value in knowing that you learn more from failure than you do success — so go and fail and fail and fail.” Jones expressed that while some in the field may find President Donald Trump’s attempts to call news stories fake news to be detrimental,

lives, whether through the loss of a loved one or through their own personal struggle. Dan Martinez, a senior interactive multimedia major, opened up about his personal struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts. “The way I climbed out of my darkness is different then most,” Martinez said. “I had a wake up call during intense therapy and self-reflection. I realized that in order for things to change, I needed to proactively make them change. We can try and help people as much as we can, but the most important thing is to show them the value to life and help them move proactively toward that realization.”

President proposes budget for next fiscal year By Sumayah Medlin Staff Writer

College President Kathryn Foster invited students and staff to a discussion regarding the Fiscal Year 2020 budget, which was held in the Education Building Room 212 on April 2 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For the first time in College history, the budget was made accessible to the public via an open forum, according to Foster. Though the budget is not complete, Foster described the discussion as an opportunity for student and faculty input. Foster acknowledged the financial pressure on colleges to make tuition less expensive, and to reduce the amount of student debt. The book, “Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education” by Nathan D. Grawe, highlights the pressures colleges and universities are under because of high tuition costs as college becomes less and less affordable, she explained. The College’s tuition is one of the highest among the four year public colleges in New Jersey, according to Foster. This results in high debt –– an average of $37,000 per student. While Foster acknowledged that tuition has been increasing, she stressed that there is still a demand for higher education and that college is still worth the money.

see TV page 5

see MONEY page 8

Features / page 15 Arts & Entertainment / page 18

Sports / page 24

Design Showcase Seniors present graphic design projects

Puppies for Preemies Sorority raises funds for premature babies

Lacrosse Lions end three-game losing streak

See A&E page 18

See Features page 15

See Sports page 23

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