The Signal: Spring '19 No. 10

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Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. L, No. 10

College changes placement test policies By Michelle Lampariello Former Editor-in-Chief

Campus walks for suicide prevention By Maximillian Burgos Staff Writer

In partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the College sponsored the “Out of the Darkness” campus walk on Sunday, April 7 at 10 a.m. at Alumni Grove. The walk showed support for those who have lost loved ones to suicide, as well as anyone struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts. Representatives from AFSP attended the walk to deliver a message of unity, educate students and support the grieving community. The goal of the organization is to reduce the annual U.S. rate of suicide by 20 percent by the year 2025, according to its website. President Kathryn Foster and Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Sean Stallings gave supportive remarks before the walk began. “We recognize that suicide is the leading cause of death for young people,” Foster said. “We have an ethical responsibility to take a proactive approach to help prevent suicide and (promote) mental health awareness. We also recognize that we all play a key role in creating an environment that provides support and promotes healthy development.” Participants included members of Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, who took charge in fundraising, raising over $3,500 in support of the cause. The sisters also had a strong social media presence leading up to the walk in see TEST page 2 remembrance of Jenna DiBenedetto, a

For some members of the College’s Class of 2023, there is a new item on the list of tasks they must complete before their first day of classes. Between shopping for fans and dorm decor, attending orientation and purchasing their first textbooks, every member of the incoming freshman class must complete a placement test to determine if they need to take a writing course, WRI 102, and potentially WRI 101 as well, during their first year at the College. While some students used to be exempt from taking the placement test if they had high enough standardized test scores, this year, the College has decided to make the placement test mandatory for all incoming students. “The change really came from planning for assessment of the writing courses, from discussions about placement scoring, and checking the data on just how low a percentage of students were placing out through the writing sample,” said Director of Writing Nina Ringer. “Assuming that our cut-off scores were too low led to the discussion of writing placement for all students.” According to Ringer, the College analyzed data regarding students’ performance in writing-intensive courses and compared it to whether or not they had placed out of WRI 102. A concern for students who narrowly made the cutoff to be exempt from the placement test, and then the course itself, rose out of

Meagan McDowell / Staff Photographer

The community gathers to promote mental health awareness. treasured member of the sorority who died earlier this year. The College as a whole had raised $12,411, more than doubling its goal. “I think that it is really important to see all the people here today,” said Dixita Malatesta, a learning specialist in the Disability Support Services department at the College. “Everyone here knows that this is an important cause that impacts everyone. To be out and support those who have been affected by suicide through the loss of a loved one and support those who have had thoughts of suicide is absolutely an important thing.” Many participants wore different colored beads to show how suicide has affected their

NBC anchor leads journalism master class

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

Jones explains how journalism is a high-risk and high-reward field.

By Len La Rocca Distribution Manager

NBC10 Philadelphia news anchor Keith Jones visited the College on Monday, April 8 at 11 a.m. to give a master class on his experience in broadcast journalism in the Kendall Hall TV Studio. Jones anchors the 5 p.m. broadcast timeslot on weeknights at NBC10. His passion

for broadcast journalism has led him to report on a variety of entertainment and political events, such as the Super Bowl, the Olympics and the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. Students and staff filled their seats and absorbed all they could from the New Jersey native, who is now a multi Emmy and Edward R. Murrow Award-winning tele-

INDEX: Nation & World / page 9

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April 10, 2019

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vision news anchor, as he revealed all that he has learned in his career. Jones opened up by expressing his gratitude for time in broadcast journalism. “Journalism is one of the most fulfilling, impactful, high-responsibility jobs that you guys can go after,” he said. “It is in many ways high risk, high reward, but it has opened doors for me

Editorial / page 11

Opinions / page 12

in life that I never would have dreamed.” He played his résumé tape of news packages from his early years in the business to show his humble beginnings. “I had to fake it ’til I made it,” he said. “I wasn’t good on camera ... I lowered the volume of my voice in the editing software to give it more bass because I was so selfconcious of my voice.” He encouraged journalism students to make mistakes, as they made his greatest lessons. “I made every mistake in the book,” Jones said. “I think there’s tremendous value in knowing that you learn more from failure than you do success — so go and fail and fail and fail.” Jones expressed that while some in the field may find President Donald Trump’s attempts to call news stories fake news to be detrimental,

lives, whether through the loss of a loved one or through their own personal struggle. Dan Martinez, a senior interactive multimedia major, opened up about his personal struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts. “The way I climbed out of my darkness is different then most,” Martinez said. “I had a wake up call during intense therapy and self-reflection. I realized that in order for things to change, I needed to proactively make them change. We can try and help people as much as we can, but the most important thing is to show them the value to life and help them move proactively toward that realization.”

President proposes budget for next fiscal year By Sumayah Medlin Staff Writer

College President Kathryn Foster invited students and staff to a discussion regarding the Fiscal Year 2020 budget, which was held in the Education Building Room 212 on April 2 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For the first time in College history, the budget was made accessible to the public via an open forum, according to Foster. Though the budget is not complete, Foster described the discussion as an opportunity for student and faculty input. Foster acknowledged the financial pressure on colleges to make tuition less expensive, and to reduce the amount of student debt. The book, “Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education” by Nathan D. Grawe, highlights the pressures colleges and universities are under because of high tuition costs as college becomes less and less affordable, she explained. The College’s tuition is one of the highest among the four year public colleges in New Jersey, according to Foster. This results in high debt –– an average of $37,000 per student. While Foster acknowledged that tuition has been increasing, she stressed that there is still a demand for higher education and that college is still worth the money.

see TV page 5

see MONEY page 8

Features / page 15 Arts & Entertainment / page 18

Sports / page 24

Design Showcase Seniors present graphic design projects

Puppies for Preemies Sorority raises funds for premature babies

Lacrosse Lions end three-game losing streak

See A&E page 18

See Features page 15

See Sports page 23

page 2 The Signal April 10, 2019

Test / Administration alters requirements for Class of 2023

The College raises the standard for student exemption from the writing seminar. continued from page 1

the data analysis. “I’ve definitely noticed that very few students place out through the placement test,” Ringer said. “Kit (Murphy, associate provost for curriculum and liberal learning) and I started talking about actual numbers — we looked at the last five years, and learned that no more than 20 percent of students place out through that test. So, that suggests that the cutoff scores — SAT, ACT and AP — are too low.” Ringer and Murphy acknowledged that while AP exams measure writing ability differently, a high score on the ACT or SAT especially does not always correlate with a strong ability to write well in a collegiate setting. They feel that students with standardized test scores that are just high enough to be exempt from the College’s placement test are likely being left behind and missing out on the chance to take a course that would help them build necessary skills to excel in writing-intensive courses. “We’re almost probably certain that some of the ones above the (standardized test) cutoff actually need WRI 102 — they did well on the SAT, but when it comes to writing in the form that we expect here, they may not be quite as well off,” Murphy said. A recent faculty survey about the liberal learning program, which is home to the WRI 101 and 102 courses, asked for faculty members at the College in every discipline to provide feedback about the liberal learning


program. A common theme that rose out of an openended question on the survey that asked about potential program improvements was that many students could benefit from more writing training. This feedback supported the data Murphy had configured, and served as a supplementary factor to motivate the policy change. For students who did not receive a score of four or better on the advanced placement exams for English Literature, English Composition, U.S. History or World History, a composite score of 26 or higher on the ACT or a 600 in math and 640 in evidence-based reading on the SAT, nothing has changed, as they would be expected to take the placement test anyway. These were the old metrics the College used to determine whether or not it was necessary for an incoming student to take its placement test, but they are now no longer in use until the College can determine the efficacy of its policy change. Ringer and Murphy estimate that the College will start analyzing the effects of mandating the placement test in October and November of this year. If it is determined that having every student take the placement test helps ensure that all students perform well in their writing-intensive courses, then it is possible that the College will raise the standardized test cutoff score permanently to prevent some students from slipping through the cracks. “The bottom line for this is that we’re making sure that all students who need to get additional work on their writing get that,” Murphy said. “And the idea there is so that when they come into their mid-level writing courses,

they’re not at a disadvantage.” Students are given two hours to complete the College’s writing placement test, in which they are asked to write a response to an article. Ringer and faculty members from her department annually choose two to three articles to be used for the test so that not every student gets the same article. “It can’t be too political; it can’t be alienating in any way to particular groups of students. You really have to look at it to see what would most appeal,” Ringer said. The test will be available through Canvas from May 20 through June 7, according to the College’s website. Each essay is graded on a scale from one to six. Before faculty members begin to score the essays, Ringer hosts a “norming” session to make sure that each judge is on the same page as to what quality of writing constitutes each score. Ringer selects 12 “benchmark” essays — two of each possible score, in her opinion — and then reviews them with the other writing faculty members to determine if they all share the same view on what kind of essay is representative of each score before they begin to grade individually. Every essay is graded by two different writing faculty members and the student’s name is withheld from the document. Instead, PAWS ID numbers are used to identify which test belongs to each student. If students earn anywhere from a four to a six, they are exempt from both WRI 101 and WRI 102. If they score a three, that means that they need to take WRI 102 — most likely during the spring of their first year, though the College offers some sections in the fall for students who could not fit in with the spring cohort for any reason. If students score a one or a two, they will need to take both WRI 101 and WRI 102, most likely taking the former during the fall of their first year and the latter in the spring. Sections of WRI 101 are capped at eight students each and the College has never had more than five sections of the course, though Ringer noted that this could change. The class meets once a week — students meet with their instructor every other week and with a tutor on the opposite week. WRI 101 is worth two credits. WRI 102 is a four-credit course and is similar to the freshman seminar program in that each course has a theme, but there is more time built into this course for drafting and feedback on writing assignments. Each section is capped at 16 students; for spring 2019, there are 42 sections. Ringer and Murphy understand that for incoming students with high standardized test scores, having to take the placement test may be perceived as extra work that they feel they have earned the right to avoid. However, they are hopeful that incoming students will give them the same cooperation and support that they have received from departments such as Records and Registration, which has also had to shift some of its operations due to the change. “At first it seems like, ‘oh, I have to take a writing placement test, so it’s one more thing,’” Murphy said. “But actually, they are making a contribution to improving the institution and improving the education of the students, because they are going to participate in generating data that is going to help us help students.”

SFB funds ArchaeOlympics, ‘A Taste of South America’ By John McCarthy Staff Writer

The Student Finance Board partially funded one organization, fully funded another and tabled funding for an additional proposal during its meeting on April 3 at 12:30 p.m. in the Brower Student Center. The organization, Medicine, Education and Development for Low Income Families Everywhere, received a partial fund of $69.83 for its event, “A Taste of South America.” The event will feature performances from the College’s dance club, Saathiya, and different dishes of South American food. This year, the event will feature Peruvian culture. “Our goal is to expose TCNJ to as many cultures as possible,” said

Jenna Cooper, a junior nursing major and treasurer of MEDLIFE. “A lot of people here have not experienced Peruvian food.” The funding for the caterer, El Tule, was tabled for lack of a quote, but the club still plans to use the establishment for its event. The event is co-sponsored by the Spanish Club and the co-ed community service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. It will take place on April 22 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Brower Student Center room 225W. The Anthropology Club was fully funded $1,698.08 for its third annual “ArchaeOlympics,” which will be held on April 24 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Quimby’s Prairie. The event is a competition involving teams of six students who

participate in spear throwing, rope making, stone tool creation, cobble toss (stone toss), fire starting and pottery recreation. “People will get to recreate artifacts similar to how professionals assemble them (the pottery) when finding the pieces,” said Amanda Peghar, a senior biology and anthropology double major and president of the Anthropology Club. In keeping with the Olympic theme, the top first, second and third place teams will be awarded medals. Each member of the top three teams will receive $5 gift cards for Insomnia Cookies as well. Pizza and water will be provided for the participants of the competition. As of April 3, SFB has tabled funding for Chi Upsilon Sigma’s event, “Paint your Stress Away with a Twist.” The event’s purpose is to teach others how to de-stress through

Meagan McDowell / Staff Photographer

The board tables funding for Chi Upsilon Sigma’s event.

painting. Artist Louie Blaka will be invited back to campus to teach participants how to use painting as means to relax. This year, the group will be adding stations around the venue to make fruit and vegetable smoothies. This will be the third annual iteration of the event. “The event is on Earth Day, so our twist is on healthier alternatives to more common foods,” said

Dianelis Mendoza, a senior nursing major and recruitment chair for Chi Upsilon Sigma. The board issued a stipulation that if a quote was provided by Blaka to confirm his attendance, the organization would receive funding. The event will cap at 60 participants and will take place on April 22 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in Room 113 of the Education Building.

Wellness Expo mindfulness Protest / Students fightpromotes for better relationship with Trenton April 10, 2019 The Signal page 3 May 3, 2017 The Signal page 5

Students decompress with therapy dogs, ponies continued from page 1

current placement process.” TCU acknowledged Gitenstein’s response as “a great according to an official list of demands produced by TCU. first step in helping to repair the relationship between TrenBy Madison Pena up with for thepressure heart rate, so now produced by Additional demands included “aevent, reversalcoming of the closure of ideas ton and College,”and according to a document Correspondent activities designing pamit’s cool to beCommittee able to put the TCNJ Clinic” and “an open forum so that theand campus and the TCU entitled “TCNJ onwhat Unity Response to phlets informational we learned into practice.” local community can discuss the Clinic andand its proposed clo- flyers. President Gitenstein.” Students spent the day cirThe THRIVE peer educators Wienckoski addingfor the future of sure with the administration.” However, TCU argues thatagreed, their demands cling tables in Clinic ran a as table to efficiently that they included fun are activi“TCU and choseparticipating to take on the its on ownhow charge, the TCNJ Clinic and Paul Loser Hall yet to be met. Their activities helped promote savetomoney and balance ties, such as an aforementioned obstacle course believingthat in its value as a connection the community in priorireasons were detailed in the document. healthy on Jennifer ties, where and balance testing. which decision the Collegemaking exists,” said Sparks, participants director of would TCU states that Gitenstein has “taken the closure of the April in theClinic. Recreation Center. a salary outClinic of a hat, spinas a given” “We’re taking we institution that the3TCNJ “This speaks to thepick importance of the clinic and that “closingthings such a vital The sixth annual “THRIVE: a wheel and be given a scenario learned but services makingtoitthe more fun community is on campus. provides mental health Trenton Wellness was hosted by in which to they had guessonce what people participate,” “WeExpo” were surprised by TCU’s decision fight fortothe againfor a slight againstwho Trenton.” the Clinic, College’s and wellness portion of their salary wouldWith go regard she said. andhealth at the same time incredibly honored and grateful to Paul Loser Hall, TCU claims that in her Photo courtesy of TCNJ Committee on Unity department and and included moreit hastoward other Gitenstein In addition the fitness for the support awareness broughtentertainment to our commu- orresponse, “merelytorestated that she has already thannity,” 25 Sparks vendors who provided daily costs. tests, the College offered a free and did not TCNJ Clinic supports TCU with pizza. added. created a commission to address this problem” variousGitenstein activities for students, “I always think of THRIVE 30-minute fitness toclass followresponded to TCU at approximately 3:00 p.m. “outline the further responses this issue and receive input Clinic, compounded with the lack of a new name for including Attitudes in26, Reverse, as astatement proactive approach your ing and the students Expo and also tohosted a repairing this Paul Loser Hall, highlights the College’s strained relaon Wednesday, April with a written after a brief tofrom residents on how go about which offered petsit-in therapy ex- health rather than a reactive free-trial day at the Fitness Cenmeeting withathe participants. relationship (with Trenton).” tionship with Trenton. perience and free massages pro- Gitenstein one,” Marta ter, to which included group “TCNJ President R. Barbara metsaid. with According stuInto addition the sit-in organized byfitness TCU, over 1,300 stu“Both of these items are symbolic of a greater distancing vided by this Body Zen. who were staging Marta, THRIVE focusesdents more classes andmembers orientations, for all dents morning a sit-in in her conferand community have signed a petition entitled that the College has done over the last 20 years,” said Chris The duringhead onmedia whatrelations people officer can do to“Save startthe TCNJ faculty and staffClinic: in attendance. ence event room,”took said place Luke Sacks, Counseling Wellness is Worth It!” Loos, a sophomore history major. “Since we are one of the National Public Health Weekhadon track aof wellness “The and emphasis Somebehind of the most popular for the College. “The students notthe requested meeting the petition is basically to have the major schools in the area, it is our duty as community leaders president priorincrease to the sit-in. balanced Had they requested the potenadministration know at ourthe disappointment that the key constitu- to respect and work with the people of Trenton.” andwith wastheheld to help health it, before stations Expo included president would have certainly met with them.” ents were not sought for input in the decision,” While long term mental health care will be available at student awareness of the im- tial problems arise instead of the therapy dogs brought by said Jennifer Gitenstein acknowledged concerns about both the TCNJ Peck-Nolte, a supervisor of students in the Counselor EducaInFocus Urgent Care, which opens this summer in Campus portance of making healthy combating problems that might the Therapeutic Dog program, Clinic and Loser Hall in the written statement. tion Program and the author of the petition. “We felt that those Town, opponents of the TCNJ Clinic closure maintain that lifestyle choices. already exist. “Attitudes in Reverse,” and “I agree with your concerns regarding the troubled histhat are most impacted by the decision to close the TCNJ Clinic the Urgent Care will not be as affordable as the Clinic. Extensive preparation went Many of the tables also mini horses brought by Hope’s torical and current relationship between The College of New are students and clients. Neither of those groups had input.” “As with most private clinical settings, InFocus requires into organizing and advertising highlighted the importance of Promise. The mini horses were Jersey and the city of Trenton,” Gitenstein wrote. “Because of The low cost of mental health care at the TCNJ Clinic made insurance. All students are required by the College to carry for the event, according to Lexi physical health and offered fit- clad in small children’s size Meagan McDowell / Staff Photographer my agreement with these concerns, I named ‘The College of it a popular resource for students and community members. insurance, but that does not mean they have access to menMarta, a sophomore communi- ness activities and tests to de- shoes and drew a large crowd a fitness course. Newstudies Jersey Advisory Commission Social people’s Justice: Race in fitness “I’ve used the Clinic for a year andable a halftonow,Students and I hon- navigate tal health. Insuranceobstacle often requires a copay or includes a cation major and peer on termine health, of students who were Educational Attainment.’” estly wouldn’t be here at TCNJ if it wasn’t for the affordable large deductible, both of which can be barriers to receiving educator for THRIVE. and flexibility levels. Tasneem take selfies with them. learn about health and wellness faculty about the importance of Gitenstein also acknowledged TCU’s concerns for the mental health care that they provided,” said Ariana Chuba, treatment,” Sparks said. “This is no different for “As peer educators, we orga- Amer and Jessica Wienckoski, “Seeing the mini ponies was in an engaging and entertaining wellness in the TCNJ Clinic. a junior history and sit-in participant. is affordsameofissues The only difference that comnized different events throughout both junior health and exercise by farmajor my favorite part,” said ju-“This way, without members, losing sight the apply.“This program is is important “We discussed a number of activities we are actively purable not just to TCNJ students, but to the community, and munity members, especially in this area, are often uninsured. the year that culminated to this science majors, ran a table that nior journalism and professional event’s core focus — the impor- because we’re teaching people suing to ensure thatshe thesaid. long term examined counseling needs of ourways they’re it down… (the College has) been continuAnd whoofthinks to go to to Urgent for therapy?” campus-wide event,” different of shutting writing major Gabriella Lucci. tance of taking care oneself. takeCare care of themselves,” students are met with the highest level by professionally lially distancing themselves from the Trenton community.” TCU provided a closing statement the end really of the sit-in, Along with organizing testing physical health. “Watching people jump to see After another successful Marta said. at“We’re trycensed clinicians,” she wrote. “We expect that these opportuTCU says that the closure of the Clinic will cut off which stated: “Until the TCNJ Committee on Unity feels that events leading up to the Expo, “One of our classes is assess- who could reach the highest was year in the books, THRIVE’s ing to keep people informed also be available to the external community… thesaid. access affordable mental too.” healthcare for Trenton resi- look our to demands areeduadequately and met by approach the adminthe nities peerwill educators were also ment methods,” Amer “We to very entertaining members further andaddressed take a proactive needs of our graduate students to accumulate the necessary dents who may not be able to afford services at InFocus istration of The College of New Jersey we will not tasked with promoting the learned how to measure blood THRIVE allowed students to cate the College’s students and to health and wellness.” yield in clinical hours to graduate on time will be met through our Urgent Care. TCU also maintains that the closure of the our pursuit for justice.”

Vital Signs: The ABCs of IUDs

IUDs are one of various birth control options for women. By Anna Kellaher Columnist Reproductive health is an important aspect of a student’s well-being. When it comes to contraception, hormonal pills are the most common choice. According to the American College Health Association, 40 percent of female college students are on the pill. But the pill may not be the right choice for everyone and there are other methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. One of these methods is an intrauterine device, or an IUD. An IUD is a small, T-shaped piece of plastic that is placed inside of the uterus. There are two types of IUDs — copper and hormonal. Copper IUDs do not contain hormones. They are wrapped in a small amount of copper that releases copper ions, a substance that is toxic to sperm. ParaGard is the only FDA-approved copper IUD. Hormonal IUDs release progestin to prevent pregnancy. Progestin alters the ovulation process to stop eggs from leaving


the ovaries. It also thickens the lining of the cervix so the lining can block and trap sperm. The hormonal IUDs approved by the FDA are Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta and Skyla, according to Planned Parenthood. IUDs provide long term protection against unwanted pregnancy. Copper IUDs can last as long as 12 years. Hormonal IUDs last between five to seven years. If you decide to try to become pregnant or to switch to a different method of birth control, IUDs can be safely and quickly removed by a healthcare professional. However, IUDs have potential side effects, which include pain when the IUD is inserted, cramping or backaches for a few days after insertion, irregular periods and heavier periods and menstrual cramps (copper IUD only). According to Planned Parenthood, the side effects normally go away in about three to six months. Talk to your primary care provider or OBGYN about which method of birth control is right for you.

page 4 The Signal April 10, 2019

Fall 2019 AND Winter 2020 REGISTRATION PERIOD Initial Registration Period for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Tuesday, April 2 through Friday, April 12

Your enrollment appointment reflecting the first time you will be eligible to register for the Fall 2019 semester can be accessed via your PAWS account. To view your scheduled enrollment appointment, visit the Enrollment Appointment section in the PAWS Student Center. Once eligible, students remain eligible throughout the registration period. Undergraduate students who do not register for Fall 2019 by 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 14, will be subject to a late registration fine. Undergraduate Late Registration Fine : $150

The Fall 2019 Schedule of Classes is available on PAWS and can be viewed by using the Search for Classes button. Both Summer 2019 and Winter 2020 registration are also open, along with Fall 2019 registration. Check PAWS frequently for any updated summer/winter course offerings and consult with your advisor for appropriate course selections.

Visit the PAWS HELP website for complete information on how to log-in to PAWS, search for classes, browse the Course Catalog, view your Holds, add courses to your Shopping Cart, and register for classes:

Use the Validate feature directly from your PAWS Shopping Cart to check for potential pre-requisite issues before registration! For more information on the Validate feature, visit:

Check PAWS early and frequently for Holds that will prevent you from registering. All Hold Flag information can be viewed under the Holds section in the PAWS Student Center.

Access your Academic Requirements Report on PAWS to view your degree requirements via the Advising Tools link.

Make an appointment to see your advisor to discuss your Academic Requirements Report. Your advisor’s name and email address can be located in your PAWS Student Center.

Double-check course numbers and course sections prior to your registration appointment for schedule changes and periodic updates.

Graduate Students: If you are a non-matriculant who is applying for Fall matriculation, you should not register during this timeframe. If accepted for matriculation, you will be invited to register during the Graduate Orientation session on May 30, 2019.


April 10, 2019 The Signal page 5

Distinguished professor visits academic panel

Meagan McDowell / Staff Photographer

Collins discusses intersectionality’s influence on her studies.

By Len La Rocca, Ryan Budzek and Olivia Grasing Distribution Manager and Correspondents

Students and faculty flocked to the three events featuring Patricia Hill Collins, a prestigious professor of sociology from the University of Maryland on Thursday, April 4, during which she discussed intersectionality and the advances and improvements of contemporary society. The first event, held in Education Building Room 212 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., consisted of a panel of professors from various fields of study who were invited to discuss topics pertaining to diversity and social justice. Collins led an interesting conversation about intersectionality and the impact that social justice has had on her life. The panel of professors and their specializations included Lina Richardson, who studies urban education, Shaun Wiley, who studies psychology and Mary Cannito-Coville, who studies criminology and African-American studies. The panel was moderated by

Janet Gray, a professor women’s, gender and sexuality studies. Their specializations offered the grounds for a rounded discussion about social justice and how their fields are a form of intersectionality created for the betterment of society. Gray set the tone for the panel by signifying the impact of social justice. “Social justice is about speaking truth to power — speaking truth to others,” she said. Intersectionality is defined as the overlapping of social categorizations that creates interdependent systems of discrimination, according to the panel’s on-screen presentation. Collins argues that using intersectionality to examine certain populations, such as impoverished African-American students landing in inadequate education systems, helps scholars and solution-makers to gain a more holistic perspective surrounding the causes of their inequity. Gabriel Andrei, a senior Spanish major, talked about how his limited knowledge on intersectionality was skewed by those who oppose it.

“Prior to coming here, I didn’t know a whole lot about intersectionality,” Andrei said. “In fact, most of what I heard about it was people who are against it describing it in a way that it really isn’t. I’m really glad that there was Dr. Collins, an expert on the subject. She broke it down and talked about what it is and what it’s not.” Collins left the audience with her description of the passion that drives her to advocate for awareness of intersectionality and her work in the world of sociology. After the panel, a discussion with Collins took place from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the same room. The discussion was in a fishbowl format where the inner circle, which consisted of Collins and 15 students, did most of the talking. The audience that surrounded the inner circle was given chances to contribute to the discussion. ​The students in the inner circle began the discussion by expressing how Collins’ work has impacted them personally. Themes of self-analysis and global perspective dominated the next part of the discussion. When asked how privileged identities shape intersectional concerns, many of the students responded by saying that they have learned to focus on their privileges, rather than areas where they have been oppressed growing up. ​“I think we have to take the time to realize that many people at The College of New Jersey come from different backgrounds,” said Connor Holden, a junior biology major. “Promoting conversations between different groups of people on campus will help us see these differences.” ​A nother big topic of discussion was the importance of forming coalitions to take steps towards activism and social justice. When speaking on this topic, Collins emphasized the importance of focusing on an outcome. ​“ Inclusion is the outcome I would like to see on campus,” said Adjo Agbobli, a junior African-American and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies double major. “I believe that everyone should feel like they belong.” When speaking about coalitions, the

inner circle said that in today’s society, everyone has different realities. The definition of freedom can vary from person to person because of the fact that individuals have different beliefs, authorities and privileges. ​“Intersectionality is about power,” Collins said. “An individual’s confidence may depend on the environment they are surrounded by, and if they are the minority in the group they may restrain from speaking their mind. A community, such as the one at the College, must focus on making the environment feel as comfortable as possible, so everyone will feel like they have the power to state their opinions and beliefs.” The conversation then moved to the Mayo Concert Hall from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., where more than 300 students packed into the room to hear what Collins had to say concerning intersectionality and political activism. The professor reflected on her life experience and how it affected her work, how circumstance gave the Baby Boomers their reputation and how the nature of social categories could change that story. “Intersectionality really challenges a story like that boomer generation — you have to look at it with race, class, gender — all of those things go into that generation,” Collins said. “The stock story is not intersectional at all — it argues that youth have distinct social locations within intersectional power relations. Intersectional arguing would say that boomer story leaves out everybody except a small group.” Collins drove home the fact that every new generation has a power the ability to be catalysts of change. “Each age comes with its own authority,” she said. “Critical thinking and independent thinking is crucial for young people.” Collins left audiences with the perception that while her work is not easy, it is ultimately a rewarding subject to dive into head-first. “I am in my work and my work is in me,” Collins said. “I want to be completely honest about how I do this work. It is not glamorous — there are moments of glory, but you have to do this work everyday.”

TV / Jones inspires next generation of journalists Broadcast reporter reflects on humble beginnings continued from page 1

Jones said that he sees it as a test of journalistic integrity, which he calls the “Trump Opportunity.” “I know that people are watching with higher scrutiny than they ever have in the past and I think it’s a great thing,” he said. “(Trump) provides a tremendous opportunity to be right, because you can’t criticize the truth.” While print and broadcast journalism share many principles, Jones made a vital distinction. In print journalism, we reach the heart through the head,” said. “You read the words and your head decides whether or not your heart gets involved and you care about it. In TV news, it’s flipped around. In television you reach the head through the heart, meaning when you’re flipping through the channels on TV or on Instagram even, and you’re looking at memes or viral videos, your heart decides through the images and sounds you

see whether or not you should think about it.” Jones explained why this heart-and-head connection is crucial to providing stellar broadcast journalism. “Our goal as broadcast journalists is to get people to think about the stories that we do,” Jones said. “The moment they go from heart to head is the moment we’ve hooked them.” Jones then showed the audience a news package he did for the 2018 college basketball national championship game, where he interviewed a group of Villanova fraternity members who drove down in an RV to San Antonio, Texas for the big game. “I could’ve talked to any fan, but it would’ve been really boring if I just grabbed a wealthy alum who took a private flight down to Texas,” he said. “I decided instead to put myself in the shoes of a college student … It takes a lot of extra effort to do something like this, to find a great character.”

Relating back to getting the viewer to pay attention, Jones said he prefers the unexpected, interesting story over the predictable events. “I’m the eyes and the ears of the viewer back home,” he said. “If I’m showing them just some random person at a team hotel and not grabbing their attention, they’re never gonna stay for my full story or at least my full view of what’s going on.” Jones’ fresh take on journalism was refreshing to attending student writers. “I really enjoyed seeing Keith Jones,” said Julia Duggan, a freshman music major. “He brought a lot of new and different perspectives and I really hope that we see him again soon on campus.” Jones admitted that while he must stay light on his feet at all times in the hectic occupation of journalism, he would not trade his experiences or ability to inform the people for the world.

Meagan McDowell / Staff Photographer

Jones shares his experiences as a foreign correspondent.

“I found out at 7 p.m. once that Kevin Hart was in town,” he said. “They were like, ‘go interview Kevin Hart.’ Life doesn’t prepare you for these things. It’s strange,

but it’s exciting. It’s why this business is so fulfilling. At the end of the day, while these are all cool experiences, at its heart we are providing a service.”

page 6 The Signal April 10, 2019

April 10, 2019 The Signal page 7

Business competition announces this year’s winners By Len La Rocca Distribution Manager

Contestants were welcomed into the shark tank at Mayo Concert Hall for the College’s ninth Mayo Business Plan Competition Finals on April 3 at 5 p.m. to present their business plans to judges in hopes of winning the grand prize of $30,000 to fund their businesses. Preliminary presentations narrowed the competition down to three teams — Code The Future, a STEM education program for grades second through eighth, Sixth Sense, a headwear used to warn users of dangers outside their scope of vision, and Symbiotic Games, an entertainment company pushing its game “Propose a Roast,” which is modeled similarly to “Cards Against Humanity.” In 30-minute presentations, the teams proposed their business plans down to a ‘T’ as judges pondered which team had the business worthy of the grand prize. The judge panel was comprised of College alumni who have since found careers in the world of business. The panel consisted of Eric Szabo (’97), Christine Calandra (’04),

“This has just been an absolutely phenomenal journey. No matter what happens on stage we’re just going to keep this boat going.” —Pulkit Gupta Senior accounting major

Joseph Haddock (’97), Dennis Morgan (’94) and Blair Worrall (’78). First to present was Code The Future, led by senior business management major Sarah Sleiman and senior accounting major Pulkit Gupta. Their business is based on the lack of early education in the field of STEM. “We tried the best we could,” Sleiman said. “We’ve been working on this for months and months and months. I’m proud of where we’ve gotten to. Fingers crossed.” As an already up-and-running business, they have offered their services to schools and have taught students in a range of STEM areas, such as robot engineering, music programming and smart car development. They also offer their services on the weekend, serving as an educational camp. According to their presentation, they have already educated 410 students and look to grow their business with Facebook ads. “This has just been an absolutely phenomenal journey,” Gupta said. “No matter what happens on stage we’re just going to keep this boat going.” Next up was Sixth Sense with senior finance major Justin Fernandez and senior biology major Sai Batchu. Their device, Sixth Sense, is a wearable sensor that detects when somebody is coming up from behind, outside the user’s field of vision. The sensor alerts users through vibration or an audible ringing of danger behind them. Their business is based on safety, as they presented dangerous scenarios using news clips about people who were taken away from behind by an attacker while jogging or walking. The pair had a prototype used to give a demonstration of the device. However, the judges were skeptical about false alarms coming from this device. Fernandez and Batchu assured the judges that the chance of false alarms can be brought down to zero percent once they hire an engineer. The business partners felt confident about their presentation afterward. “I think we did great,” Fernandez said. “The product works or is getting there to working. I feel really good.”

Meagan McDowell / Staff Photographer

Batchu presents a wearable sensor that alerts users of nearby danger.

The last presentation from Symbiotic Games came from senior finance major Ben Schulman, junior computer science major Thomas Holland and senior interdisciplinary business major Harrison Kelly. They presented their game, “Propose a Roast,” where players can customize cards to allow a diverse gameplay experience, while games such as “Cards Against Humanity” can become redundant after multiple plays, the students said. Their game is also able to be played online and is used by video game live-streamers on Twitch to entertain and engage their audience. They said they would use the prize money to invest in Facebook ads. They exhibited the games endless fun in video clips of students enjoying the game. “I feel great,” Shulman said. “I came up here to have fun and show a great card game. I think the audience was engaged. We had some fun, gave some T-shirts out. It was an overall fun, positive experience.”

Attending students were blown away by the business expertise exhibited at the competition. “It’s awesome to think that at TCNJ, there’s students that have such well developed and, so far, such successful ideas,” said Joshua Grabenstein, a sophomore computer science major. As the competition came to an end, the judges reached a final decision and offered their support to all of the teams. “If we don’t choose you, prove us wrong,” Szabo said. Coming in third place and winning $10,000 was Sixth Sense. Symbiotic Games came in second place at $20,000, while Code The Future finished in first place with the grand prize. “It feels great that it came full circle,” Sleiman said. “Freshman year, we won third place and we kept going with it. It’s good to be rewarded for all our hard work. After this, we’re going to blast off.”

Extension resolution bill passes in senate SG announces date of ‘Diversity and Inclusion Week’

By Alexandra Shapiro Columnist Student Government voted on a bill and announced details regarding the upcoming Diversity & Inclusion Week at last week’s general body meeting on April 3. SG began the meeting by debating “Bill S2019-04,” titled, “Student Organization Bylaws Changes.” The bill regards organizations that fail to re-register on campus each semester. If an organization has maintained pending inactive for more than one month, the organization will be referred by the Office of Student Involvement to the vice president for Governmental Affairs for inactive status. When moved to inactive status, the student organization is not permitted to participate in the Student Involvement Fair. Likewise, the Office of Student Involvement will suspend privileges of the organization’s management and marketing systems. When this occurs, the student organization will have one month to re-register with the Office of Student Involvement to be considered an active student organization in the following semester. The bill passed after a vote by the general body and will be effective immediately. The general body announced several governance reports. Vice President of Advancement and senior engineering major Ricky Brum announced an SG “Hoagie Haven” fundraiser on the week of April 22. There will be tabling for the event on the April 22 and April 23 in the Brower Student Center from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., where students can fill out order forms for their hoagies. The hoagies will be delivered on April 26 at around 5 p.m.

Vice President for Governmental Affairs Justin Brach, a senior political science and finance double major, announced meetings that he had with legislators of the New Jersey State House of Representatives on April 2. Brach stated that he will be going back on Thursday, April 4 for more meetings and committee hearings. Brach met with legislators regarding his proposed bill on how students have been affected by the previous government shutdown. The bill will allow more time for students to pay their tuition if they have been impacted financially by the shutdown. According to SG, the meetings have been successful so far, and the senate passed Brach’s proposed bill regarding the government shutdown, which is titled “RSS3029-093 Government Shutdown Tuition Extension resolution.” The bill will now be sent to state legislators for further debate. Brach stated that he was “excited to get the process moving with the resolution.” Vice President for Community Relations Rachel Smith, a junior communication studies and women’s gender and sexuality studies double major, gave details regarding Trenton Middle School Day, which is planned for this morning from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Decker Hall Social Space. At the event, middle school students will be visiting the College to learn about campus life and career fields. College students involved in this event will meet in groups with the middle schoolers and discuss their college and internship experience. Eashwayne Haughton, vice president for Diversity and Inclusion and senior philosophy major, gave further details on Diversity and Inclusion Week.

The #IAMTCNJMonolouges will take place on Thursday, April 11 at 8 p.m. in Mayo Concert Hall. This event will involve students describing their experiences and stories from different backgrounds while celebrating their distinct cultures. The Second Annual TCNJ Diversity Summit will be taking place today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Brower Student Center Room 100. Sonia L. Aranza, a widely-respected expert in diversity and inclusion, will be speaking at this event. Aranza has developed diversity and inclusion programs for clients such as Boeing, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and NASA. She has been named “Outstanding Woman of the Year” by the National Association of Professional Asian American Women. The School of Nursing is looking to implement a health administration minor. According to representative Emily Varga, the nursing school has just received a sponsor and the proposal will be headed to other committees within the School of Nursing for approval. The Senior Class Council announced that Senior Sendoff has been released, saying that 50 tickets were sold in five minutes and that over 300 were sold as of April 2. The council encouraged students to sign up since tickets will be capped at 500. Director of Student Involvement Dave Conner thanked the general body for its time and the SG Cabinet for being hardworking and keeping him busy. “(The) cabinet is doing a tremendous job in the final push of April,” he said.

Campus Police investigate reports of stolen items Page 8 The Signal April 10, 2019

By Raquel Sosa-Sanchez Columnist

Student hears suspicious banging on residence doors On March 29 at approximately 10:11 p.m., Campus Police was dispatched to Townhouses South on a report of harassment. The individual and resident contacted Campus Police and stated someone was banging loudly on her first-floor residence window facing toward the woods. She was unable to see who was banging on her door, nor could she provide a description of the suspect during the phone call. Campus Police arrived on the scene at approximately 10:12 p.m. and searched the immediate area with negative results. At this time, officers advised the student and dispatch that a search of the area was conducted, but yielded no suspicious activity. The student then stated to police that she was watching a movie when she heard a loud banging on her side window next to her bed and again on the rear window facing the woods. She stated that she felt frightened and immediately contacted Campus Police. The student was then informed that systematic patrols of the area would be conducted throughout the evening of the immediate area. She was also advised to contact the department immediately if she needed the services of Campus Police. Faculty member reports stolen briefcase On March 28 at approximately 7:30 a.m., a faculty member reported that he believed someone had stolen his briefcase from Room 101 of Forcina Hall. The faculty member said that he was teaching a class on March 25 and brought his class

to take photos at the Brower Student Center at approximately 2 p.m., leaving his briefcase unattended in Forcina Hall. At approximately 6:30 a.m. on March 26, he realized the briefcase was missing. He described it as a black computer-sized bag containing various work papers and a small plastic container containing three flashdrives. No confidential information was reported to be on the flash drives or paperwork. The faculty member stated the total value to be $60.

Student reports stolen iPhone On March 26 at approximately midnight, Campus Police was contacted in regards to a student’s cell phone being stolen from the Fitness Center in Campus Town. He stated he was in the Fitness Center between 10:45 p.m. and 11 p.m. The student said he walked away and left the cell phone on the stretching mats inside the Fitness Center. When he came back, his cell phone was missing. He tried to track his cell phone by calling it, but the phone went right to voicemail. The student described his cellphone as a silver iPhone X with a clear case. The phone is valued at approximately $1,000. Campus Police took down the serial number of the phone and proceeded to advise the student to contact them if there was any update on the case. Student reports missing wallet On March 25 at approximately 11 p.m., Campus Police was dispatched to Centennial Hall to meet with a student on account of theft. The student stated he went to Insomnia Cookies in Campus Town at approximately 8:30 p.m. and used cash in his wallet to pay. He then proceeded to the Fitness Center in Campus

Town and was there between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. After he was done working out, he proceeded to 7-Eleven with his friend when he noticed cash was missing from his wallet. He stated that approximately $30 to $40 would have been stolen. The individual stated he left his wallet in a cubby hole inside the Fitness Center. Campus Police reported there are no cameras facing the cubby hole, and as a result, no security footage of the alleged incident. Campus Police stressed that students should not leave any valuable personal property without properly securing it. According to Campus Police, there has been an uptick of theft in large part due to students leaving their property unattended and/or without a lock. They urge students to purchase locks and keep a more “watchful eye” on their personal property. Locker break-in occurs in STEM Building On March 24 at approximately 9:15 a.m., Campus Police met with a student and faculty member in the STEM Building on behalf of a report of theft. Upon arrival, officers met with the student and College professor who advised that they keep their materials in three lockers in the STEM Building. According to their account, the student opened the locker closet when she noticed that multiple items in the closet were missing. She also claimed that the lock on the locker was bent and broken. The student advised when she last met in STEM on March 6, everything had been secured inside of her locker. She also advised that only she had the keys allowing access to the locker. While examining the locker, Campus Police observed the lock, which was located on the interior of the locker door, had been broken and needed to be replaced. Campus Police advised professional staff to create a work order for the locker and to

contact Access Control to obtain a stronger lock for the lockers. A few of the items missing included black electrical cords in a black trash bag, fanny packs embroidered with “Hack TCNJ 2019” in a cardboard box, custom water bottles in a cardboard box labeled with the same embroidery and a bag of Reese’s and Twix candy. Police respond to report of intoxication On March 15 at approximately 1:07 a.m., Campus Police was dispatched to Travers Hall on account of a potentially intoxicated student. Upon arrival, Campus Police met with two community advisers who directed police to the intoxicated student. The male student immediately stated that he had vomited and admitted to drinking three shots of raspberry Svedka vodka. The student had vomit on his legs and he had an odor of alcohol emanating from his breath, according to Campus Police. They observed the student having trouble keeping his balance and slurring his words. At this time, another individual approached the officers. The individual denied consumption of any alcoholic beverages. Officers observed that the young man could not keep himself balanced and began to slur his words. Campus Police then performed a field sobriety test on the second individual, which he failed. He then stated that he believed he did not have “that much” to drink. Both individuals were confirmed by dispatch as students of the College and TCNJ Emergency Medical Services was alerted. TCNJ EMS then arrived on scene to evaluate the students. The two students were assessed and cleared to remain on campus. One of the young men proceeded to slur incoherent words and phrases that officers could not decipher. Both students were issued a summons for underage consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages.

Money / New fiscal budget includes increased financial aid continued from page 1 The FY19 fiscal budget started July 1, and ends June 30, meaning that as of Foster’s presentation, the total revenues and expenditures are subject to change. The FY2020 budget is yet to be complete, and the presentation also served as an opportunity for suggestions and other input. Foster put the FY20 budget in context by expressing the specific circumstances that account for the budget. She said that some of the many areas the budget covers includes an increase in financial aid, a tuition discount from 13 to 14.5 percent, a $340 million debt, increased demand for mental health services, upgraded housing, diversity and inclusivity and stagnant or declining state funding. Foster divided the presentation into four parts — budget context, premises and principles, building the FY20 budget and the future set-up of the FY20 budget. Some of the premises and principles for Foster were to be transparent and invite input from the public, make choices for the future fiscal-year budget and to align choices with institutional priorities. These priorities include student success, financial sustainability and the College’s national reputation, according to Foster. One of the goals is to minimize the percentage of the operating budget that is used to pay off past debt. Twelve percent is currently reserved to pay back debt, and the goal is to get it to 10 percent

or lower. The budget is divided into the operating, auxiliary, reserves, endowment and full time employment. The operating budget is comprised of undergraduate and graduate enrollment, net tuition, state appropriations and fringe benefits appropriations. In the past five years, the College’s tuition has gone up 13.6 percent, the undergraduate enrollment has increased by 4.95 percent and graduate enrollment decreased by 10.8 percent. The FY19 operating budget is $188 million. As of Foster’s presentation, the 2020 operating budget is not available. Part of the budget is based on an assumption that the state will give the College a certain amount of money. However, Foster explained that because the College is small, it is harder to get as much money as larger schools, such as Rutgers University. Foster implied that if the College had received more funding from the state, then maybe it would be more financially able to fulfill other student and faculty requests. Assistant Campus Architect Linda Strange asked if the College knows why it did not receive the funding it requested from the state. Foster explained that there are three conditions that determine how much funding schools get — the number of degrees completed, the amount of degrees completed by African-American and Latino students and the number of enrollments eligible for financial aid. Foster called state funding “a

political process.” Even if the College gets a higher percentage of degrees completed than a larger school, the larger school is still more likely to get more funding. According to Foster, as of now, the revenue totaled at $250.3 million in 2019, with tuition and fees being the most accountable at 46 percent, and the College Foundation support being the least accountable at one percent. The 2019 expenditures were at $242 million, with compensation being the highest expenditure at 61 percent, and IT hardware and software and library acquisitions being the least accountable at one percent each. The FY20 budget is based on givens and assumptions, Foster explained. For example, an assumption is the number of incoming freshman expected, and a given is that compensation is up $4.2 million over the FY19 budget at $147.3 million. The FY20 total revenue is expected to be $256,200,828 and its expenditures are anticipated to be $258,064,270. In other words, there is a projected deficit of about $2 million. Similar to the FY19 budget, most of the revenue comes from tuition, with tuition being on a steady incline for the past five years, and most of the expenditures go toward compensation. Foster told the audience that her budget wish list is primarily based off of student concerns, which includes faculty concerns in high-demand areas such as math and computer science, web

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

Foster responds to suggestions from audience members. developers, graduate education, campus security, mental health support, first year experiences and advising. However, as she stated, there are certain levers that she can pull to stay on budget and satisfy the concerns in these areas, such as potentially raising tuition or doing an employee headcount. Foster concluded by listing the next steps for finalizing the budget; she wants to refine assumptions so that the school can stay on budget. Wilbert Casaine, executive director of financial aid and student success, noticed that in the budget, there was no funding reserved for transfer students. Foster responded by saying that since the College has such high retention rates, there is not much room for transfers to come in and take up space, but that that decision might

have negative consequences down the line. “We may be missing opportunities for transfers,” she said. “I think because of the demographics, that five years from now, we’re going to be sorry that we didn’t go after transfers big now.” The next steps for the budget also include meeting enrollment goals, leveraging vacancies, enhancing fundraising outcomes and building relations with state funders and advocates. Foster reassured attendees that the FY20 budget was made with the school’s future in mind. “It’s a challenging budget, but we will get this done,” she said. “Then we will move toward having a much longer reigned vision on budgeting, so that every year we’re not doing the same thing. We have a big picture.”

April 10, 2019 The Signal page 9

Nation & W rld

Biden denies former assemblywoman’s allegations


The scandal could affect the former VP’s campaign.

By Viktoria Ristanovic and James Wright Nation & World Editor and Staff Writer

On March 31, former Vice President Joe Biden released

a statement defending himself and denying inappropriate allegations made by Lucy Flores, a former Nevada state assemblywoman, according to The New York Times. Flores had published a personal

essay on March 29 describing the 76-year-old former vice president engaging in inappropriate contact, including kissing her on the head five years ago during a Democratic campaign rally. The New York Times reported that Flores’ story has attracted negative attention to Biden’s “interactions with women over his long career in national politics,” which has caused bad publicity for his anticipated announcement as to whether he will run for president in 2020. Flores was the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor in 2014 when she met Biden. In her essay, she wrote how Biden had agreed to attend a rally to help her campaign. “At first, she wrote, she felt ‘grateful and flattered.’ But as she was about to step on stage, she ‘felt two hands on my shoulders’ and ‘froze.’ Then, she said, Mr. Biden leaned in and ‘inhaled my hair,’ and ‘proceeded

to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head,’” according to The New York Times. According to CNN, after giving a speech at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Construction Conference in Washington, D.C., Biden expressed his apologies for not comprehending how his behavior could have been interpreted. However, he did not apologize for his intentions and used humor when referring to the allegations. “‘I am not sorry for anything that I have ever done –– I’ve never been disrespectful, intentionally, to a man or a woman,’” CNN reported. Although at least six other women have come forward to accuse Biden, several former female staff members and Democrats have jumped to his defense, according to USA Today. Stacey Abrams, who nearly won Georgia’s race for governor in

2018, was one of them. “‘The responsibility of leaders is to not be perfect but to be accountable, to say, ‘I’ve made a mistake. I understand it and here’s what I’m going to do to reform as I move forward,’ and I think we see Joe Biden doing that,’” Abrams stated, according to USA Today. Biden acknowledged the allegations in a video posted on Twitter on April 3, but he first addressed the public about it on Friday, April 5, according to CNN. “‘I’ve never thought of politics as cold and antiseptic,’ Biden said. ‘I’ve always thought it about connecting with people, as I said, shaking hands, hands on the shoulder, a hug, encouragement, and now, it’s all about taking selfies together. You know, social norms have begun to change, they’ve shifted, and the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset, and I get it, I get it.’”

China bans fentanyl, completes pledge to U.S. By Viktoria Ristanovic Nation & World Editor On April 1, China declared all varieties of fentanyl as controlled substances and would officially ban the opioid from the country starting on May 1, according to The New York Times. Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to President Donald Trump that he will ban all varieties of the opioid in order to help stem the flow of lethal opioids, which recently been the cause of thousands of deaths in the U.S., The New York Times reported. “‘We firmly believe that listing the entire class of fentanyl substances will completely block the loopholes that enable lawbreakers to evade punishment by simply modifying one or several atoms, functional groups or other groups,’” said Liu Yuejin, vicecommissioner of China’s National Narcotics Control Commission, according to CBS News. “‘It will effectively prevent the massive abuse of fentanyl substances and illegal drug trafficking and smuggling activities, and contribute to global drug

control with China’s wisdom and power.’” US News reported that the U.S. has accused China of being the main source of the fentanyl influx that has added to the U.S. opioid epidemic. The vice commissioner vehemently disagreed. “‘China’s control over fentanyl drugs is very strict,’” Liu said. “‘It cannot be the main source for the United States. The U.S. accusation lacks evidence and is contrary to the facts.’” Illegally made fentanyl is smuggled into the U.S. predominantly from China via Mexico, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration reported, according to The New York Times. However, it has found that it has been delivered directly to the U.S. from China as well. It was primarily used to be mixed with heroin, but it “is increasingly showing up in counterfeit prescription pills and other drugs.” According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl are the most common cause of death by overdose, US News reported. Opioid-related deaths involving fentanyl in


Xi announces the ban on the controlled substance. the U.S. went from 14.3 percent in 2010 to almost 60 percent in 2017. CBS News reported that Trump said China’s new laws could be “‘a game changer’” for the U.S.

Rapper Nipsey Hussle dies from gunshot wound

Hussle worked to protect youths from gang violence. By Danielle Silvia Columnist

CNN reported that rapper Nipsey


Hussle died after being shot in Los Angeles at around 3:20 p.m. on March 31,. The killing occurred at a nearby clothing store that Hussle owned, according to

law enforcement officials. Hussle was reportedly shot multiple times by 29-year-old Eric Holder, who quickly escaped in a getaway car after firing at the rapper. Hussle was rushed to the hospital but died shortly after from a gunshot wound to the head, according to The Los Angeles Times. After a two-day search, Holder was arrested on April 2 and has been charged with murder, along with two counts of attempted murder. He pleaded not guilty at his arraignment on Thursday, April 4, when he was also charged with possession of a firearm by a felon, according to CNN. Holder is being held on $5 million bail and could receive 25 years to life in prison if convicted of murder. He is scheduled to appear in court again on May 10, CNN reported. Hussle’s death occurred just one day before he was scheduled to meet with Michael Moore, the chief of the city’s police department, about his concerns

over gang violence, according to CNN. “‘Our communities have lost too many young men and bright futures to the scourge of gun violence,”’ said Mark Ridley-Thomas, a member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, according to CNN. “‘For healing to occur, even from this terrible incident, justice must be sought through legal means, and community peace must be found,’” he stated. While Holder is believed to be a member of a gang, The Los Angeles Times reported that detectives believe the motive is personal rather than gang-related. According to NBC, before his death, Hussle tweeted, “‘Having strong enemies is a blessing.’” While Hussle was the only one who died in the incident, two other people sustained injuries according to police. CNN reported that they were transported to a local hospital and are currently in stable condition.

page 10 The Signal April 10, 2019

April 10, 2019 The Signal page 11


People should open their minds to others’ religious beliefs

When I first stepped onto campus on move-in day, I didn’t know what my religious beliefs were. If I had to label them, I would say that I was agnostic, refusing to claim either faith or disbelief in a god. Seven months later, I now define myself as a Christian. Over the course of this time, however, I have developed a fascination in understanding other worldviews and ways of thinking. I have also discovered something that has the potential to be very dangerous to our community –– the willingness of individuals to isolate themselves from others’ beliefs. While I celebrate and recognize freedom of religion, I still believe it is important to expose yourself to the different ways of thinking and living throughout the world we live in. Bill Bishop, author of “The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of LikeMinded America Is Tearing Us Apart,” describes how social psychologists have been studying the clustering of like-minded groups, the phenomenon where individuals subconsciously spend their lives surrounded by people who think, act and believe in the same things they do. These social psychologists came to the conclusion that what happened over the course of the study wasn’t a simple increase in partisanship, but a “more fundamental kind of self-perpetuating, self-reinforcing social division.” The lack of exposure causes paranoia toward other beliefs in our nation, creating a sharp divide — commonly referred to as the “God Divide” — between two worlds in which the wall that separates them is much more fragile than seen at first glance. If individuals open themselves up to other worldviews and ways of living, this wall would be broken down and they would see that, as humans, perhaps we are more similar than we might think. I’m currently enrolled in a course called Religion in American Culture where we are reading “Unlikely Disciple” by Kevin Roose. As a liberal student attending Brown University, Roose decides to cross the God Divide and experience the ways of thinking and living at Liberty University, an evangelical Christian university founded by conservative televangelist Jerry Falwell. Roose slowly finds that many individuals choose to isolate themselves from unfamiliar beliefs. While many students at this evangelical university choose not to expose themselves to the culture of other individuals their age, Roose states that “51 percent of Americans don’t know any evangelical Christians.” Choosing not to expose oneself to other belief systems makes everyone walk somewhat blindly into their faith, whether that be Christianity, Judaism or atheism. Roose writes that “without skepticism, without challenging our own views, what we’re learning is lifeless.” If anything, I have learned that exposure to others’ beliefs is vital to understanding the world we live in and connecting with people who may have differing beliefs. Regardless of your belief system, it is crucial to learn about others’ beliefs in order to develop a conviction of your own. This will then help us develop a stronger, more inclusive community.

— Camille Furst News Editor

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In his book, Roose discusses the importance of exposure to different worldviews.


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Editorial Staff Elizabeth Zakaim Editor-in-Chief Emmy Liederman Garrett Cecere Managing Editors Camille Furst Nicole Viviano News Editors Christine Houghton Sports Editor Jane Bowden Features Editor Nicole Zamlout Arts & Entertainment Editor Isabel Vega Opinions Editor Viktoria Ristanovic Nation & World Editor Lara Becker Reviews Editor Miguel Gonzalez Photo Editor Kalli Colacino Production Manager

Mailing Address: The Signal c/o Forcina Hall The College of New Jersey P.O. Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 Muhammad Siddiqui Web Editor Lily Firth Alexandra Parado Social Media Editors Len La Rocca Distribution Manager Richard Miller Opinions Assistant Emilie Lounsberry Adviser Derek Falci Business/Ad Manager

“I made every mistake in the book. I think there’s tremendous value in knowing that you learn more from failure than you do success — so go and fail and fail and fail.” — Keith Jones

NBC10 Philadelphia news anchor

“I always like speaking at colleges because I feel like there are a lot of trans and gender nonconforming students who are struggling and I want to show them that they’re valid and they should be celebrated.” —Alok Vaid-Menon Performance artist

“The way I climbed out of my darkness is different than most. I had a wake-up call during intense therapy and self-reflection. I realized that in order for things to change, I needed to proactively make them change. We can try and help people as much as we can, but the most important thing is to show them the value to life and help them move proactively toward that realization.” — Dan Martinez Senior interactive multimedia major

page 12 The Signal April 10, 2019


Students face too much academic pressure Struggle for perfectionism results in distress


Students often feel weighed down by societal expectations. By Isabel Vega Opinions Editor I have spent many years talking to my parents about the high levels of stress and anxiety that

are plaguing my education. “We just want you to be happy,” they would tell me. “You put so much pressure on yourself.” I know that they have positive intentions when giving

this advice — parents want to make it known to their children that they do not need to be perfect and that they will be loved no matter what. However, the phrasing of the statement “on

yourself” blames for distress on the child, rather than the culture that truly ignites the flames of anxiety. This pressure typically starts in high school, when students feel pressured to maintain the highest possible GPA and SAT scores while joining as many extracurriculars as possible, all in the hopes of getting into a competitive college. By the time the student gets to college, this pressure does not go away. College students are influenced by other people’s expectations of them –– to get an internship, join Greek life, play a sport, get involved in as many clubs as they can, graduate on time and ultimately end up with a successful job. A study by psychologists Thomas Curran and Andrew Hill called “Perfectionism is Increasing Over Time,” which was published in The American Psychological Association, found that unhealthy perfectionism has surged among young adults, with the biggest increase seen in those who feel pressured by society’s expectations of their success.

This perfectionism is characterized by the need for young adults to appear flawless in every domain, which includes schoolwork, athletics, activities and appearance. Social media has raised the bar in the pursuit of perfection. Young adults hungrily seek the “likes” of their peers, and it is not uncommon for users to delete posts that don’t receive enough likes. There are many ways we can work to alleviate this stress. Instead of saying, “You put too much pressure on yourself,” one can say, “Everyone is feeling the pressure. Tell me if I can do anything to make things easier.” Most students don’t need much more than empathy to help them relax. At the end of the day, when it comes to stress and anxiety, students have a lot more in common with each other and with their parents than they may realize. Being able to relate to each other and ending a self-imposed conversation about perfectionism will make a great difference.

Admissions scandal taints academia ethics

By Alexa D’Aiello

A college acceptance is seen as one of the most significant milestones for young people across the U.S., but as instances of bribery among the country’s most elite continue to surface, it is easy to question the admissions process for its lack of equity. Two household names that are involved in this case include Lori Loughlin, better known as Aunt Becky from “Full House,” and Felicity Jones from Desperate Housewives. These celebrities were exposed for paying large sums of money to admissions officers in exchange for their children’s acceptance into competitive institutions. This scandal reminds us that celebrities need act as better role models and that adults in general have failed to set the example that their own hard work and honesty will lead to success. If standardized test scores can be bought, why would students bother studying for them? If the bribery of admissions officials wasn’t enough, some SAT and ACT scores were enhanced to make students more likely to get accepted into topname schools. These schools include the University of Southern California,

Georgetown University as well as several other big name universities. Applying for college is a process that the majority of high schoolers have to go through individually, with only some parental guidance if they are lucky. For many, a college acceptance is a right of passage that involves hard work and academic commitment. If acceptances were solely based on socioeconomic status, many of today’s top scholars might have never been given the chance to succeed. College acceptances should be earned through the competitive grades and work ethic that a student demonstrates, and not from a check that is written by their celebrity parents. If admissions officials can be bribed, the whole purpose of the application process has been defeated. When a school’s admissions board can be won over with large sums of money, there is no point to even having this board in the first place and many students who deserve acceptance fall through the cracks. This special treatment must not go unpunished — it puts poor students at a great disadvantage and destroys the fairness, objectiveness and professionalism of the application process. Despite their celebrity status, the individuals involved

Loughlin is facing charges over her reported bribery. in this scandal must face ample punishment for their bribery and cheating. As these cases begin to go to trial, I can only hope that their sentencing is harsh enough to ensure that future parents


are deterred from this bribery and that another large scandal does not surface. A strong punishment is crucial in maintaining the integrity and fairness of the college application process.


The Signal is published weekly during the academic year and is financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and advertising revenue. Any student may submit articles to The Signal. Publication of submitted articles is at the discretion of the editors. The letters section is an open forum for opinions. Submissions that announce events or advertise in any way will not be printed. All letters should be sent via email to Handwritten letters should be sent to The Signal, c/o The Brower Student Center, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718 Ewing, N.J. 08628 or placed in our mailbox in the Student Life Office. Letters must be received by the Friday before publication and should not exceed 500 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. All letters must be signed, with a phone number and address of the author. Requests to withhold the author’s name will be honored only if there is a legitimate reason. All materials submitted become the sole property of The Signal. The editors reserve the right to edit or withhold all articles, letters & photographs. The Signal willingly corrects factual mistakes. If you think we have made an error, please contact The Signal at (609) 771-2424, write to the address listed above or email us at

April 10, 2019 The Signal page 13

Students share opinions around campus “Do students face too much academic pressure?”

Richard Miller / Opinions Assistant

Angelica Bellissimmo, a clinical mental health counseling graduate student. “Yes. The balance between work and school can be challenging for many students.”

Kendel Stiles

Richard Miller / Opinions Assistant

Brian Gaffney, a freshman biology major.

“They are under a lot of stress because college is very deterministic of your future.”

“What is your reaction to the college admissions scandal?”

Richard Miller / Opinions Assistant

Amba Parekh, a sophomore international studies major. “It feels very unfair for students who are disadvantaged and don’t have the money to afford education.”

Kendel Stiles

Richard Miller / Opinions Assistant

Heather Collins, a freshman early childhood education and sociology dual major.

“It is a shame because most students work hard to get into college.”

The Signal’s cartoon of the week ...

Why Won’t Governor Phil Murphy Come To Meal Equiv With Me? By Tony Peroni and Vinny Cooper Correspondents Hey guys, so something very alarming has come up in my life. I eat lunch every day, usually after I eat breakfast and before I consume my dinner. Each day I leave class with my backpack located directly on my back and my stomach empty. As I walk, I assess all of my options. We have Eickhoff Hall, Traditions Dining and all of the wonderful choices located in the Lions’ Den of the holy Brower Student Center. However, no matter how many times I get lunch, there is a giant gaping hole in my heart. Wanna know why? Because every day I eat lunch, it’s in the absence of Phil Murphy, the 56th Governor of New Jersey. Phil! I know you are reading this. I am a student here at The College of New Jersey! New Jersey is the state in which you govern! We have so much in common, but also, one large,

disbarring fault. That fault being that I get meal-equiv very often, and you have yet to make an appearance. Hey Philip, rumor has it you’ve been seen eating lunch at the prestigious Princeton University. I understand that your mansion is only a stone’s throw away from the famous University, but Phil, think about the juicy burger you could get at OBC! That stands for “The Original Burger Company.” Have you ever had an original burger??? They’re so good, Phil! Or what about a 12-inch Crispy Chicken hoagie from SubConnection? Hey Phil, you might not want to hear this, but I recently had a meal with former governor Chris Christie, the 55th Governor of the state of New Jersey. Have you ever heard of him? It was a nice meal. Just me and Chris, sitting down at a nice quiet table in the stud. No cameras, no press no nothing. Just me and Christopher Christie, biting into a big ol’ juicy burger. Chris got hot peppers on his burger. I told him that was pretty crazy, but he could do what he wants. Oh wait! I almost forgot to tell you about the best part about getting lunch with me! There’s this thing called meal equiv, where you basically kind of like, get free food? But you need to have a meal plan. But first, you need to apply as a student to this institution. You can’t get sort-offree delicious burgers at the College willy nilly. You need to be a committed full-time student with a declared major and a hankering for grrrrrround beef. Ah man, my salivary glands are

acting up just thinking about it! Ok, Phil, we’re here for the long haul. To become a student at the College, just turn on your computer. After that, I would advise you to use the internet and go to https://admissions.tcnj. edu/applicationstatus/ and create a profile for your application portal. Make sure you fill out the Common Application and get your high school guidance counselor to send your transcript. Then please wait six to 10 weeks while the admissions department processes your file. If you are lucky enough to be among the 48.7 percent of aspiring scholars to be accepted, you will then be able to apply for a meal plan. Then, you know what that means –– meal equiv. And not just any meal equiv, but meal equiv with me! Hey Phil, I understand you can be a really busy governor. And I appreciate that! You make sure that New Jersey does not devolve into a state of reckless chaos. You read books and sign laws. You’re like the president if the president only had to care about New Jersey. I get it. Sometimes after I study, I like to take long naps and munch on some meat. We all have priorities. But right now, as I am writing this, and as my tummy is grumbling, I just wonder, will you ever get meal equiv with me? DISCLAIMER: This is obviously a satirical piece and does not describe a real event.

page 14 The Signal April 10, 2019








STREaTS OF NEW YORK The 1855 Room 11:30am - 2pm

Upscale Dinner

Wok Open

at The Atrium at Eickhoff

The Atrium at Eickhoff 4pm - 9pm

The Atrium at Eickhoff




Dining Services Committee

Wok Open

at The Atrium at Eickhoff

2pm Student Sciences Building 324

The Atrium at Eickhoff






Grilled Cheese Day

6 Rotisserie Open

The Atrium at Eickhoff 11am - 4pm

at The Atrium at Eickhoff



Mindful Moments 11am - 1pm Brower Student Center

UNITY WEEK at The 1855 Room




Rotisserie Open

Wok Open

at The Atrium at Eickhoff

at The Atrium at Eickhoff Kathleen Pearce

The 1855 Room

The Atrium at Eickhoff

11:30am - 2pm


14 Wok Open

at The Atrium at Eickhoff




The Atrium at Eickhoff

Earth Day Luncheon

The 1855 Room 11:30am - 2pm

The Atrium at Eickhoff 11AM - 4PM

Dining Services Committee 2pm | Student Sciences Building | 324







Pretzel Day

at The Atrium at Eickhoff

Mindful Moments 11am - 1pm Brower Student Center


Rotisserie Open

The Atrium at Eickhoff



The Atrium at Eickhoff 11am - 4pm

at The Atrium at Eickhoff





Rotisserie Open




April 10, 2019 The Signal page 15


Campus Town pantry seeks more volunteers Students work to combat food scarcity By Kelly Scheper Correspondent

The Shop @ TCNJ, the College’s new food pantry located in Campus Town, holds a lot of necessities — shelves of nonperishable foods and toiletries, reusable bags for students to grab what they need and a coffee table full of apples and water. But perhaps the most important resource is the volunteer work done by students at the College. According to Beth Gallus, the College’s Associate Dean of Students, about 30 to 40 percent of students at the College have had some level of food insecurity in the past 30 days. The Shop @ TCNJ opened on Feb. 25 to accommodate hungry students with donations from peers, faculty and the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank. Each week, students at the College such as Alana Adams, a junior public health and communication studies double major, volunteer at the pantry to sort the donations and welcome other students to take as much as they need. “It feels really great that even if the program’s so new,

that it’s making a difference already,” Adams said. “It feels really great to be a part of that and just knowing that clients can come back if they are in need. I feel like it provides a safe space for them to do that and just to get food.” Open on Mondays from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., The Shop @ TCNJ has seen a wide range of students benefit from the pantry’s supply. Naja Lopez, a freshman sociology and pre-med double major and pantry volunteer, was inspired by an international student, who was hesitant about taking items from the pantry at first. By the end of her visit, the student was satisfied with her experience at The Shop @ TCNJ and later came back with a friend. “I think it gave me perspective on certain people because you will get people who might take advantage of the facility or not need it, but just want it,” Lopez said. “But then you will get people who actually need it, like this girl, and really appreciate it and use it in a way that’s respectful to the facility.”

Horacio Hernandez (’18), a public health graduate student, was encouraged to volunteer after he learned about how significant of an issue food insecurity is. “I personally didn’t think this was a big issue in college,” Hernandez said. “But now doing research and working hands-on with this project, I’ve come to realize this is a prevalent issue not only in our community, but other communities across the U.S.” But the students’ jobs don’t stop when they leave the pantry — they also work toward normalizing pantry attendance among their peers and spreading the word about the resource. Lopez and Adams agreed that it’s a tough subject to normalize on social media. Lopez noted how difficult it can be to overcome the stigma behind attending food pantries since many don’t want to project their socioeconomic status to the community. “I think someone who genuinely needs the help and doesn’t have the means to feed themselves is probably scared to get the help,” Lopez said. “It can get around that you are of a low socioeconomic

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

The store provides food for the local community.

class, which then can create this stigma and air around you.” In terms of attracting attention via social media, Adams hopes to create a larger online media presence for The Shop @ TCNJ by creating a resource link on the TCNJ Cares page. Through this page, students can anonymously refer those on campus who may be struggling.

Through the dedication of each of its volunteers, Hernandez is hopeful that the pantry’s influence will expand. “It won’t be fixed overnight,” he said. “But the shop is one step forward to getting to that future of not having food insecurity not just the college environment but in any type of environment in the U.S.”

Tri Sigma breeds awareness for ‘preemie’ healthcare

Meagan McDowell / Staff Photographer

Left: The puppies attract a large crowd of students. Right: The fundraiser supports Tri Sigma’s philanthropy, March of Dimes. By Michael Rodriguez Correspondent With dozens of students huddled in Alumni Grove, cooing and giggling, a passerby might have assumed there was a celebrity sighting on campus. But what kind of celebrity barks and begs for treats? On April 2, the sisters of Tri Sigma Sorority hosted Puppies for Preemies to support improved healthcare for premature babies and their mothers. The “celebrities” were Portuguese water dogs Coco and Bacho and golden retrievers Leo and Angel.

The event featured a bake sale and a puppy meet-and-greet, allowing students to purchase cupcakes and cookies for themselves as well as treats for their dogs. The dog owner, Julia Lombardi, a junior public health major and the philanthropist chair of Tri Sigma, was in charge of organizing the event. She felt that dogs would be the best way to involve students in supporting the philanthropy. “I brought my own dogs from home,” Lombardi said. “They help attract people, which helps us raise awareness. I’m glad everyone loves them.” The sales from the event were donated

to March for Dimes and the Robbie Page Memorial Fund. March for Dimes is a nonprofit organization that raises awareness about premature babies and works to foster better health for babies and their mothers. The Robbie Page Memorial Fund is also dedicated to helping mothers and their babies by promoting the need for therapeutic play for young children with polio. Lauren Katz, a sophomore elementary education and psychology dual major, was passing by the library when she noticed Bacho taking treats from a group of students. “Events like these bring in a lot of people and not specifically just to buy things,” Katz

said. “It’s about the dogs. It’s about the charities. It’s about raising awareness.” Many other students shared Katz’s excitement about Tri Sigma’s fundraiser, with some even leaving and coming back to donate again or bring their friends. Between Puppies for Preemies and other events during Philanthropy Week, Tri Sigma raised $545 for March for Dimes and the Robbie Page Memorial Fund, according to Lombardi. “It means so much to me to be able to raise this money for such an important cause that has affected not only myself but family members, friends and sisters,” Lombardi said.

page 16 The Signal April 10, 2019

April 10, 2019 The Signal page 17

: Oct. ’03

Campus Style

Students advocate for recycling

Photo courtesy of the TCNJ Digital Archive

The College works to improve the way it sorts waste.

Every week, Features Editor Jane Bowden hits the archives and finds old Signals that relate to current College topics and top stories. With Earth Day just around the corner, it’s important to practice eco-friendly habits such as shopping at the local thrift store, using reusable bags and avoiding plastic straws. In an October 2003 issue of The Signal, a reporter wrote about the Students Acting for the Environment’s efforts to improve the College’s recycling system and promote environmental awareness. Students Acting for the Environment (SAFE) is trying to make the College more environmentally friendly by raising campus awareness about recycling. Many students on campus think recycling does not take place at the College, according to Lisa Civita, president of SAFE. This, however, is not the case. Waste management at the College is handled by Midco Waste, a federally-regulated company located in New Brunswick, contracted by the office of Landscape and Ground. “Midco removes trash, bottles and cans

and cardboard and paper from the dumpsters they provide, which is sorted, recycled and/or disposed of appropriately,” Brunelle Tellis, environmental programs specialist of the College, said. However, the process of sorting the College’s waste often impedes recycling. “As far as recycling goes, black trash bags are for waste and the clear ones are supposed to be for recyclables,” Civita said. “If there’s even one non-recyclable item in (the clear bags), they’ll throw it out with the rest of the garbage.” “As a College, we have supplied containers to make recycling easy and convenient,” Tellis said. “Unfortunately, providing containers and expecting people to comply are two distinct issues.” SAFE is getting together a campaign to raise public awareness about recycling on campus, and to make sure everyone knows proper recycling procedures. “We want people to know if you contaminate the recycling bins, you’re ruining everyone’s efforts,” Civita said.

Lions’ Plate

Left: Pair a floral skirt with a simple top on a cloudy day. Right: Leopard print dresses create a trendy springtime look. By Danielle Silvia Columnist Spring is in the air, but there are still plenty of rainy days in April, which can put a damper on your mood and fashion. Although it can be tempting to stay inside all day dressed in sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt, you can still have fun expressing your style with rainy-day accessories that come in a variety of patterns and materials. 1. Florals. Although it is said that April showers bring May flowers, you can still wear floral patterns to brighten up those gloomy days. Mid-calf, floral skirts or flowy, floral skirts paired with a plain T-shirt are the perfect casual springtime look. If you don’t want to overdo the flower theme, add a few accessories to your usual outfit such as a flower crown or floral-patterned barrettes. To make

By Shannon Deady Columnist

Eggplant parmesan is one of my favorite dishes, and one of the only traditional Italian recipes I did not get passed down from my family. I created the recipe

patterned boots pop, wear a solid-colored outfit that matches the color scheme of your flowers. 2. Spots. For days when it looks like it’s monsooning, you can still be fashionable with spotted patterns like leopard print or polka dots. Wear pants, shirts, scarves or even use a leopard-print umbrella to add flare to your outfit. Wear solid browns and beiges to compliment your attire and stand out, whether it be for a regular day of classes or a fun night with friends. 3. Vinyl. This is a great material to wear in the rain because its water resistance will keep you dry while also keeping your style in check. A vinyl jacket is the perfect crossover between a trench coat and a raincoat, making it great for spring weather. To maintain a modern look, wear a neutral-colored beret or wool scarf. You can even pair your outfit with a matching umbrella for added detail.

Savory Eggplant Parm time, a jarred sauce will also suffice. My recommended jarred sauce is Rao’s Marinara Sauce, which you can find at most grocery stores. Servings: 8

Top this dish with marinara sauce for added flavor.



on my own, working off of my family’s chicken parmesan. It is a labor intensive meal to create, but beyond worth the work once finished. For a healthier twist, bake the eggplant rather than frying it. Although it hurts the chef in me, if you want to make this recipe but are in a pinch for

Ingredients: -1 large eggplant -3 eggs -1/2 cup flour -1 cup Italian breadcrumbs -1/4 cup parmesan -1 square or 16 oz whole milk mozzarella -1 large can or 16 oz whole peeled tomato -1 clove garlic -1 small yellow onion -1 tbsp parsley -1 handful fresh basil finely chopped -a pinch of sugar -2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil -1/3 cup of canola oil Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Chop onion and garlic finely, and brown in a medium saucepan until golden. 3. Put can of whole-peeled tomato, parsley, basil and a pinch of sugar into a

blender and pulse until smooth. 4. Add sauce mixture into the saucepan with onions and garlic, and let simmer covered on medium to low heat for 30 minutes. 5. For the eggplant, put whisked eggs and flour into two separate bowls assembly-line style. In a separate bowl, mix Italian bread crumbs and parmesan. 6. Peel the eggplant and cut it in about 1/4 inch circles. 7. Begin dipping eggplant, starting with the flour, then the eggs, then into the breadcrumbs and parmesan mixture. 8. Fill a large saucepan with canola oil and begin the frying process. Once oil is bubbling, fill the pan with eggplant. Use a fork to flip the eggplant after two minutes, or golden brown. Continue process until all eggplant has been fried. 9. Cut the mozzarella into one-inch cubes. 10. In a casserole dish, begin the layering process. Start with one layer of eggplant until bottom of dish is covered. Next, add a layer of your homemade sauce and cover with mozzarella. Continue layering until you run out of ingredients. 11. Place in oven and let bake for 20 minutes. Let cool and enjoy.

page 18 The Signal April 10, 2019

Arts & Entertainment

Artist shines light on transgender community PRISM hosts night of poetry, performance

Vaid-Menon criticizes heteronormative campuses. By Ariel Steinsaltz Staff Writer

A night of comedy, entertainment and activism emerged as


soon as performance artist Alok Vaid-Menon took the stage. “Femme in Public,” which was hosted by PRISM on Friday, April 5 at 8:30 p.m. in Mayo

Concert Hall, featured stand-up comedy and poetry that highlighted issues facing the transgender community, as well as white feminism and liberalism. Vaid-Menon began the show with a moment of silence for all of the transgender people who have died in the past year. They then performed a poem using a sound mixing board that repeated the refrain, “Where do all the sad girls go?” This more serious performance was followed by a stand-up comedy routine. “New Jersey could win a prize for being, like, the most homogenous place in the entire world,” they said as they joked that cisgendered, heterosexual white people were being erased and should be listed as an endangered species. Vaid-Menon also recounted their experience at the Daddy National Convention and its “Pin the Blame on the Donkey,” a satirical game in which participants placed blame on different minority groups for the 2016 election. They poked fun at the Democratic Party’s attitude that they focused too much on winning over minorities when they should’ve been focusing on white men, who are actually the minority themselves. They also critiqued white feminism by saying it’s really “white women wanting the same power as white men

to kill us.” Vaid-Menon also clarified that if audience members thought the performance was poking fun at them, then they were probably right, saying, “Welcome to the drag show — prepare to get dragged.” After this comedy bit, VaidMenon transitioned back to a more serious performance, equivocating gender bias to white supremacy and explaining why transgender people of color are the most likely to be killed. They criticised the media’s overrepresentation of fully transitioned white people, even though visibly gender nonconforming people and people of color experience the most violence. Vaid-Menon then performed another piece with the sound board, repeating the refrain “Promise Me” and stressing that people should not have to fit into a certain category to feel like they matter. They also emphasized that people do not always have to be brave or confident to matter. Vaid-Menon counteracted the popular belief that their advocacy is radical, clarifying that they just want to feel safe and the more radical notion is the need to stick to the gender binary. They then criticized the College and other “rich white

schools” for using queer and transgender people, as well as people of color, as “fodder for other people’s growth” and stressed the need for more resources for minorities. “(PRISM) wanted someone who we feel is doing really important things in the LGBTQ+ community and who can take the narrative of LGBTQ+ people being for entertainment and turn it on its head,” said Aviva Ron, the president of PRISM and a junior women’s, gender and sexuality studies major. “I was hoping that people would get an experience that we don’t usually get. Especially going to a very white institution, a lot of people don’t often get an experience like this event.” Patricia Nguyen, a sophomore biology major, said the event was “a totally breathtaking experience” that allowed her to learn more about social issues and view poetry in a new light. “I always like speaking at colleges because I feel like there are a lot of trans and gender nonconforming students who are struggling and I want to show them that they’re valid and they should be celebrated,” Vaid-Menon said. When asked what they wanted people to get out of their show, they said, “A sense of validation, education, healing and a good laugh.”

Senior Showcase celebrates graphic design majors

IMM building exhibit captivates campus community By Len La Rocca Distribution Manager Graphic design students put their creative genius on display at their senior showcase on April 7 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Art and Interactive Multimedia art gallery. The display featured work that encapsulated the students’ mastery of design, which they have been developing throughout the past four years. Parents, friends and fellow students visited the 30 senior displays that were scattered across the IMM building, showcasing graphic design that ranged from album artwork to beer bottle labels and advertisements. Students were tasked with formulating mock companies and developing a design aesthetic that would reflect said company’s values. “A lot of the companies and brands are ones that we made up,” said Paulina Costello, a senior graphic design major. “We created the company and values and had to design around those values.” Maria Reyes, a senior graphic design major, represented her skills by designing the box of a fake tea brand. The packaging for “Sweet Dreams Tea” was a dreary, midnight blue, while her “Rise and Shine

Tea” box was a sun-like yellow. Her showcase also included a drunk driving awareness display, which featured a vertical bar that transitioned from a cool blue with a blood alcohol content of .4 percent to a fiery red with a BAC of .31 percent, indicating that getting behind the wheel with this level of intoxication is a life-threatening choice. Jim Capalbo, a senior graphic design major, showcased the design of a restored train, which offers a touch of history while also merging several generations of design. “The whole theme was to bring back the old style into this modern touch, like the floating text behind the smoke,” Capalbo said. “Its cohesive, but still old.” Sarah Chang, a senior graphic design major, designed a mental health app called “Healthy Vibes” and felt that the friendly, light pink colors she used in design reflected her personal brand. “It’s supposed to be an app that helps you process your feelings and gives you personalized recommendations on what to do with those feelings,” Chang said. Megan Hyjack, a senior graphic design major, designed mock covers for The New Yorker magazine and a promotional poster for a bar. She also designed

Nadir Roberts / Staff Photographer

The display represents each student’s distinct creative interests. an affordable, friendly airline promotion. “I took their illustration style from (The New Yorker) covers and kind of made it my own by highlighting different things people do in the city, whether

it’s commuting or sitting in a cafe before work,” Hyjack said. All in all, the night was a rousing success, showcasing each students distinctive graphic design skills.

April 10, 2019 The Signal page 19

Drummer brings new beat to campus By Lara Becker Reviews Editor

Within the seats of Mayo Concert Hall, student drummers awaited the instruction of snare drum master, author and composer Anthony J. Cirone. Cirone’s masterclass, titled “Playing What’s Not on the Page,” encouraged students to foster individuality in their playing. Percussion Ensemble Director William Trigg hosted the class for his students on April 5 at 5 p.m., which was divided into two sections — lecture and coaching. The class was based off Cirone’s own book of arrangements, “Portraits in Rhythm: 50 Studies for Snare Drum,” which percussion students have been studying for many years at the College. From the very start of the lecture, Cirone made it clear that a piece of music is merely a blueprint that is open for interpretation by individual musicians. He said that conductors themselves interpret by often refusing to follow

everything written on a page, giving pieces a distinct twist. “Before we play what’s not on the page, we have to play what’s on the page,” he said. Cirone stressed the importance of having a foundation of knowledge for one’s instrument before musicianship can be fully developed or liberties can be taken. This knowledge, according to Cirone, takes form in rhythms, dynamics and body language. Once the basis of rhythms are established, Cirone believes the next best element to understand are dynamic markings. In sheet music, dynamics are written in Italian, and understanding not just the English meaning, but also how to interpret the dynamic for oneself, is crucial to Cirone. This mastery can be shown through a musician’s emphasis on certain aspects of a piece. In one of his pieces in “Portraits in Rhythm,” Cirone asked philosophically, “to articulate the tie or to not articulate the tie, that is the question.” According to Cirone,

body language is another integral way to workshop a performance. He noted how, especially in a percussion instrument, the way the drummer is standing or sitting can affect the sound. Cirone discouraged stiffness in drummers by demonstrating how differently sound is produced once loosened up. The musician advocated for a casual performance demeanor, noting that “this is not drum corps.” Throughout the coaching section of the master class, students took the stage one by one to play a song from “Portraits in Rhythm” and receive Cirone’s feedback. First up was Buddy Fox, a junior music performance and chemistry double major. After his performance, Fox received rousing applause and Cirone asked that he test out certain parts of the piece by playing them as quietly as he could. “I have been studying his material for the better part of two years, so I definitely hold what he says with a level of respect that you don’t get

This week, WTSR’s Music Director Brian Marino highlights some of the best new music that the College’s own radio station, 91.3 FM WTSR, puts into its weekly rotation.

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

Cirone stresses the need for musical distinction. that from a lot of masterclasses,” Fox said. Fox shared that he felt accomplished leaving an impression on Cirone and was honored to have the chance to play for him in the first place. “You see this guy step onto the stage and challenge a lot of what the professionals say,” he said. “It’s very rewarding when he’s able to critique the way you play.” Aiden Newberger, a freshman at Hillsborough High School, was

invited by Trigg to join the masterclass and play for Cirone during the coaching session. “He told me about a week and a half ago and I’ve been preparing my piece ever since,” he said. “I’ve been practicing with his book for around three months. It was great. It was really inspiring.” Students left the Concert Hall feeling a refreshed sense of musicianship, as Cirone urged them to dive into their artistic individuality.

Tuesday Recital brings afternoon of harmony

Band: Tim Cohen Album: The Modern World Release Number: 5 Hailing From: San Francisco Genre: Indie Label: Sinderlyn Do you ever wish you could take a step closer to the indie hipster lifestyle? If so, Tim Cohen must have had you at least a little bit in mind while making this album. This album is reminiscent of indie movies and the era of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” Soothing and melancholic sounds echo throughout the album, leaving listeners feeling thoughtful. The lyrics of this album are beautifully written and it’s an album to be saved for when you really want to think about life in the dark of the night. Must Hear: “I Don’t Wear Gold” and “Sleeping In The Bathroom”

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

Left: Neal makes a musical splash with ‘Mermaid’s Song.’ Right: Koster boasts his baritone range. By Len La Rocca Distribution Manager As the weekly recital commenced, the audience hushed and spotlights beamed onto the Mayo Concert Hall stage. Blissful music began to play. The college’s music students continued to shine at this week’s Tuesday Afternoon Recital Series on April 2 at 12:30 p.m. A refreshing mix of vocal melodies from different countries, as well as tuba and flute playing, made for an exhilarating and refreshing affair. The show kicked off with a flurry of vocal excellence. Baritone David Koster, a freshman music education major, performed the German song “Auf dem Hugel sitz ich, spahend” (I sit on the hill, peering). He continued with Roger Quilter’s “Go Lovely Rose,” toting sky-grazing vocals with electrifying riffs in his deep baritone style. He received a thunderous ovation, which also included many whistles and stomps. Koster put up two peace-signs with his hands as he walked offstage, which was a fitting conclusion to his harmonious performance.

Koster was ecstatic to perform for his peers and have his hard work recognized on the Mayo stage. “It was awesome,” Koster said of his performance. “I enjoyed every second of it and the crowd was great. It was just great to have a moment where I’ve practiced for so long and it paid off.” Next up was soprano Jade Neal, a sophomore music performance major, performing “The Mermaid’s Song” by Franz Joseph Haydn. “Follow, follow, follow me,” she sang with a high-pitched crooning of the upbeat tune. She continued with “Adieu” by Gabriel Faure, which was accompanied by staff pianist Stefani Watson. Up next was Stephen Perry, a freshman music education major, performing a suite with his unaccompanied tuba. The elaborate instrument was larger-than-life as he took a seat, laid it atop his lap and created sonic entertainment. The deep, rhythmic spurts that exuded from the instrument made for a nice change of pace, contrasting the lively vocal performances from earlier in the

recital. As he concluded with a bow, the audience clapped with satisfaction at a job well done. The grand finale was an ensemble rather than a solo performance. It consisted of a collaborative flute performance from Jessia Richter, a senior music education major, Ashley Krebs, a senior music education major, Caroline Hoynowski, a senior music major and Marissa Blackman, a senior music major. The students performed Eugene Bozza’s “Tres Modere” and equally contributed to its beautiful sound. Whether one flute played at a time or one played after another in various pitches, the collaborative effort stunned the crowd and concluded the recital series in an unconventional, breathtaking fashion. Ryan Haupt, a freshman music education major and trombone player, was highly entertained by the vocal and flute performances. “Personally, I enjoyed the flute choir the best and David Koster’s singing,” Haupt said. “It was nice to see all the flutes were seniors and graduating this year. It was nice to see them all get a chance to play together before leaving at the end of the year.”

Band Name: The Dirty Nil Album Name: Master Volume Release Number: 3 Hailing From: Ontario, Canada Genre: Pop-Punk Fusion Label: Dine Alone Records Master Volume is full of pop punk intros, quick guitar riffs and loud vocals. A perfect fit for the next Tony Hawk Pro Skater soundtrack, The Dirty Nil captures the essence of punk music. Focusing on distorted guitars, pounding drums and howling vocals, this album was carefully crafted into eleven diverse punk songs for a wide range of listeners. It’s an overall rock out and feel good album that will have you singing the day away. Must Hear: “That’s What Heaven Feels Like,” “Bathed in Light,” “Super 8,” “I Don’t Want That Phone Call” and “Evil Side”

page 20 The Signal April 10, 2019

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April 10, 2019 The Signal page 21

Billie Eilish awakens audience with eerie lullabies

The singer’s lyrics eminate haunting, dreamy vibes. By James Mercadante Staff Writer

It’s easy to lose faith in pop music as new artists recycle old chord progressions and duplicate lyrical content. But once in a while, there’s an artist that raises her middle finger to what traditionally sells and refuses to conform — these days, that artist is Billie Eilish.


On March 29, the 17-year-old released her highly-anticipated debut album, “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?” The LP consists of 14 tracks, both written and produced by Billie Eilish and her 21-yearold brother, Finneas, in their childhood home in Los Angeles. On the night of her album release, Eilish posted the album cover on her Instagram

and pleaded with her fans writing, “This album is the world to me, so please take care of it.” Her body of work demands to be heard and felt. The album plays out like a soundtrack to a cinematic masterpiece, as the tracklist order progressively tells a story. It is the soundtrack to your dreams consolidated into one LP. Each song sonically emulates various dreams that range from sinister nightmares to velvety dreams with music boxes ringing in your ears. The album drags listeners to places that Eilish in visits in her sleep. One captivating aspect of the young artist is her hushed, soft vocals that she uses to gracefully sing melodious lyrics that are tougher to digest. Her voice makes listeners feel like they are floating above water or sinking quickly below it. Eilish is more than capable of giving audiences goosebumps — her voice and production verbally massages any ache that possesses body or spirit. “Xanny” is a perfect example of this effect. The lyrics detail her opposition to resort to drugs like Xanax in order “to feel better.” Her vocals sway back and forth, taking control of viewers and asserting Eilish’s narrative. The song opens with an intense tone, transitions to a peaceful piano arrangement and concludes with a cappella vocals. Eilish’s voice mimicks the effects of drug use, Xanax in particular, in her attempts at relieving your anxiety and displaying how true serenity can come in many forms, especially in her music.

It is not just her vocals, but the transparency in Eilish’s lyrics that render her work as unequivocally raw. At times, she crosses dangerous territory when expressing certain thoughts, such as contemplating death by suicide. The album title, “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?” could translate literally to the vividity of her dreams or could be an allegory of life after death. She makes several biblical references to heaven and hell, especially in “All the Good Girls Go to Hell,” but also through burials in “Bury a Friend,” where her own worst enemy — herself. “Listen Before I Go” is a piano ballad that depicts Eilish’s last thoughts before she leaves her life on Earth. She adds sound effects such as rain, wind, voices below her and ambulances, which all create an image of her standing on a rooftop and contemplating her options. Eilish sings, “Sorry there’s no way out but down,” which offers no resolution or hope for her listeners. This certainly has the ability to destruct her listener’s perception of reality and artistry. She does not offer any ounce of hope, which is unbelievably disturbing and can leave audiences unsettled. Besides that particular song, her lyrics are overall mature, especially from such a young artist. This is what makes this album so special and thought-provoking. Her concluding track on the LP, “Goodbye,” steals one lyric from every other song and sings the album backward, as if she is pulling you back to reality. Eilish crafted her album to be a dream that her listeners most definitely do not want to wake up from.

‘Good Trouble’ documents post-graduate hardships


Left: The series follows the lives of Callie and Mariana after ‘The Fosters’ finale. Right: The sisters must quickly learn how to navigate adulthood. By Amani Salahudeen Staff Writer After a successful run of “The Fosters,” a drama series that follows the lives of an unconventional family, Hulu and Freeform have come together to give viewers a spin-off, which follows sisters Mariana Foster (Cierra Ramirez) and Callie Foster (Maia Mitchell) as they embark on new careers in Los Angeles. The show follows Mariana and Callie as they navigate postcollege life and all that comes with it. Now that they are older, they are ready to move out of their family home and into a life of their own. This means a new house, new friends and new obstacles as they learn to manage independence. Not only does the Freeform and Hulu series showcase working women going after their dreams, but it also sheds light on millennials in the workforce who are dedicated, talented and deserving of their success. Millennials are often met with the poor reputation that they are lazy or unmotivated, but “Good Trouble” intends to end these stereotypes with these feel-good stories. The first season takes place a little after the finale of “The Fosters,” and this time jump allows viewers to enjoy “Good Trouble” without needing context from the previous show. If

you haven’t watched “The Fosters,” you can still watch “Good Trouble,” but you might not understand a few minor references. Many “Fosters” cast members join Mariana and Callie in cameo appearances, and it’s fun to watch these characters cross the bridge between childhood and adulthood as they try to find themselves. However, the girls soon learn that it’s not all fun and games as they are vying to survive in the adult world. When Mariana begins to work at her own startup company called Spekulate, she is met with the harsh reality of gender inequality and sexism in the workforce. Callie starts working for Judge Wilson (Roger Bart) as a counter clerk and experiences her own troubles. The sisters encounter what many women face from a dayto-day basis –– the feeling that they must work twice as hard as a man in a competitive environment to achieve the same set of goals. They manage to handle this stress with strength and dignity and continue to show up for work day after day. Another distinctive facet of the drama is that it shows what life is like after college, which is something that lacks ample screen time. Characters in television are often known to have steady jobs and there is not a lot of representation for those who have trouble landing a stable career right away, which is

an element of “Good Trouble” that sets the show apart. The show consists of characters with different backgrounds and interests, which makes the story more realistic. It also touches on the various types of dating relationships that are not normally discussed in television such as online dating, LGBTQ+ dating and dealing with unrequited love. Each storyline in the show is distinctive, creating a binge-worthy plot. A major theme of the show is how much Callie and Mariana have grown since living at home in “The Fosters.” For example, it is clear that Callie has matured and doesn’t make the same reckless decisions that she did when she was a teenager. Another major theme is the importance of family and social justice issues. For example, Malika (Zuri Adele), one of Callie and Mariana’s roommates, fights for the justice of a boy named Jamal Thompson, who was shot to death by a policeman. Each roommate also has a distinctive personality, which adds another intriguing element to the show. Overall, the producers of “Good Trouble” aren’t afraid to discuss sensitive topics such as homelessness, drug addiction and suicide, which makes the show memorable, emotional and influential.

page 22 The Signal April 10, 2019

April 10, 2019 The Signal page 23

Sports Baseball

Lions beat Montclair State, Volpe shines

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Kelly strikes out seven against Penn State Abington.

By Miguel Gonzalez Photo Editor

The Lions continued to blast their opponents this week, defeating Penn State Abington and Montclair State University on the road. The team then split a doubleheader against Ramapo

College and received its first loss in eight games. It capped off the week with a another victory against Montclair State. As of April 1, the team is currently ranked 14th in the nation by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association. Heading west to Abington,

Pennsylvania on April 2, the Lions dismantled Penn State Abington 15-5. The offense scored six runs in the top of the second inning and never looked back. In the top of the third, junior outfielder Jacob Simon hammered a three-run home run and increased the Lions’ lead to 9-0. While Penn State Abington scored two runs in the following inning, the team never posed a comeback attempt. The team further extended its lead to 14-2 in the top of the fifth when senior infielder Ryan Fischer, junior catcher David Cardona III and Simon all capitalized on errors and landed at home plate. While the offense sizzled, freshman pitcher Tom Kelly regulated Penn State Abington to only two runs and struck out seven batters. The Lions then earned a conference victory at Montclair State to extend their winning streak to eight on Thursday, April 4. Both squads fought in a low scoring battle for five innings. The Lions then broke through in the top of the fifth when senior infielder Danny

Borup smacked a single through center infield and drove a run. With the team holding onto a 2-1 lead, Simon changed the tone of the game. With Borup and sophomore outfielder Avery Epstein on second and third base, Simon ripped a triple to right field and scored two runs. Cardona III followed up by hitting an single and allowing Epstein to score the team’s fifth run. Senior pitcher Dylan Crowley helped the Lions seal a 6-2 victory by limiting Montclair State to only one run. The team then headed north to Mahwah, New Jersey for a doubleheader against Ramapo College on Saturday, April 6. In the first game, Ramapo College junior pitcher Kevin Stewart froze the Lions’ offense, striking out 10 batters and holding them scoreless for seven innings. While the Lions did score two runs in the top of the eighth, the effort came too late, as they lost 7-2. During the game, Borup reached a milestone when he recorded his 100th hit with a single

at the top of the eighth inning. In the second game, the Lions immediately bounced back and defeated Ramapo, 6-3. With the game tied 3-3 at the top of the eighth inning, Cardona III hit a double and secured a run for Borup. Junior infielder Gary Otten added another run when he smacked a single to left field. Fischer then extended to Lions lead to 6-3 off a single. Senior pitcher Zac deRocco sealed the win at the top of the ninth with two strikeouts. In a rescheduled home game at George Ackerman Park on Sunday, April 7, the team blanked Montclair State, 3-0. Freshman infielder/pitcher Matt Volpe held Montclair State scoreless for five innings and whiffed six batters. While the team only scored three runs, the Lions pitching staff shunned Montclair and captured the 3-0 win. Heading into mid-April, the baseball team carries a 17-3 overall record as of this past weekend. The Lions compete against Stockton University on Thursday, April 11 at home.

Indoor Track and Field


Women snap losing streak Track competes in home meet

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Jaeger cuts into the crease for an unassisted goal.

Three of the College’s female sprinters come off the blocks strong.

By Christine Houghton Sports Editor

By Jordan Washington Staff Writer

On Saturday, April 6 the lacrosse team managed to snap its three-game losing streak with a New Jersey Athletic Conference win against Montclair State University. During the game’s opening half, the College was able to propel itself to a 7-0 lead over Montclair State. Scoring first, junior attacker Talia Bouzakis found the back of the net off an assist from junior attacker Olivia Cleale. Thirty-two seconds later, junior midfielder Alexandria Fitzpatrick put the Lions ahead by two and Cleale followed soon after with a goal of her own. Graduate student midfielder Erin Harvey put another point on the board off an assist from Fitzpatrick and senior midfielder Kathleen Jaeger scored the College’s next two goals unassisted. Fitzpatrick closed out the half putting the Lions up by seven off an assist by Bouzakis.

With her two goals in the first half, Jaeger upped her career total to 141, which moves her to the 21st spot in the program’s history for goals scored. To begin the second half, Bouzakis and Cleale both found the net to score their second goals of the game with Bouzakis being assisted by Cleale. Junior attacker Kasey Donoghue put the Lions up by 10 with an unassisted goal. She then scored again after a Montclair State goal. Fitzpatrick then scored her third and fourth goals in quick succession with Jaeger assisting the fourth. After Montclair State went on a twogoal rally, junior midfielder Allie Gorman scored the game’s final point for the Lions in a drastic 14-3 victory. After improving to 5-4 on the season as of this past weekend, the Lions will take on Rutgers University-Camden and Saturday, April 13 as they take on Salisbury University.

The Lions hosted the TCNJ invitational over the weekend, marking their first time racing on their home track this season. The TCNJ invitational is an annual track competition at the College where events take place at the Track and Field Complex on campus. On the women’s side, the College got off to a fast start when junior Christine Woods blasted into first place of the 400-meter hurdles with a blazing time of 1:06.71. Speed was the key for the Lions, as they also took home the win in the women’s 4x100 relays. The relay team consisted of freshman Maria Grill, sophomore Shannon Lambert, junior Sam Gorman and sophomore Dana Deluca, who dominated with a time of 50.01. Gorman was also successful in the 100-meter, as she ran into third with a time of 12.63. Gorman added to her

busy day by nabbing second place in the 200-meter with a time of 25.46. In the 400-meter, freshman Megan Gasnick took third with a time of 58.66. Freshman Alli Uhl came close to second place in the 800-meter, as she clocked in with a time of 2:15.22. At the same time, the men were also competing and representing the College. In the 3000-meter, three men came in the top 12. Junior Mike Zurzolo ran into second place with a time of 9:01.38. In fourth place was senior Quinn Wasko at 9:04.09. Rounding out the three great performances was freshman John Raisley at 9:21.20. Freshman Jaiden Elliot took third place in the triple jump competition with a mark of 13.76. Junior Stephen Huber earned fourth place with an astounding throw of 48.63. The Lions’ schedule resumes on Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12 at Kutztown University for the Mondschein Multi in Kutztown, Pennsylvania.



Lions extend winning streak to nine

By Malcolm Luck Staff Writer

Following a slow start to the season, the women’s softball team seem to be hitting their mid-season form as the group finds itself in the midst of a nine game winning streak dating back to March 22. In the second doubleheader of New Jersey Athletic Conference play on the season, the Lions shut out Stockton University in both matches on April 2. In the first game, sophomore starting pitcher Eliza Sweet tossed a complete game shutout, only allowing four hits over her seven innings of work. Offensively, the Lions gave her nine runs of support despite not scoring in the first two frames. In the top of the third, sophomore outfielder Kaitlin Kocinski put the game’s first run on the board with an RBI single to right. Two innings later, she laced an RBI single to left to contribute to the Lions’ lead, and by the end of the game, the College won by the final tally of 9-0. Sophomore infielder Lauren Conroy had five hits to go along with two runs and three RBIs. Sophomore starting pitcher Alanna Namit impressed on the mound in the second game against Stockton as well. Only allowing one hit and no runs through the game’s five innings, Namit improved her record to 8-2 on the year. The Lions spread out their offense

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Conroy swings through one of her five hits against Stockton.

throughout the game, scoring at least one run in every inning. Senior catcher Jess McGuire came up big for her team, scorching an RBI double to left field in the first inning and hitting an opposite field two-run home run in the third. Ultimately, the College went on to win 6-0. On Saturday, April 6 the team would return home to Ewing, New Jersey to take on NJAC opponent Kean University

in a doubleheader. Kean entered the day sporting a 2-2 conference record despite being 22-3 on the season. The College got off to a hot start, scoring a run in the first on a Kocinski hit-by-pitch. A four-run second inning began with a single up the middle from sophomore outfielder Allie Immerso who would come around to score just one batter later on an RBI double from junior infielder Megan Mayernik.

Back-to-back doubles from sophomore outfielder Katie Winchock and sophomore infielder Lauren Conroy would stretch the lead to 4-0. Senior outfielder Gaby Bennett tacked on a run with an RBI groundout. The early deficit didn’t phase Kean as the players forced themselves back into the game with a two-run sixth and a four-run seventh. Kean tagged Sweet for four earned runs over 6 1/3 innings, chasing her from the game in the seventh inning. Freshman pitcher Tori Aguilar secured the final two outs of the inning and gave her team a chance to win in the bottom of the seventh inning with the game knotted at 6-6. With two outs and the bases loaded, Conroy continued her hot streak by driving in junior infielder Annalise Suitovsky and winning the game for the Lions. Aguilar earned the win, improving to 2-1 on the season. Namit thwarted all of Kean’s hopes for redemption in the second game as she tallied another complete game shutout on the season. Namit struck out eight batters and only surrendered two hits. Ultimately, the Lions would improve to 19-5 overall on the season and 6-0 in conference play. Facing NJAC opponents for the remainder of the regular season, the next doubleheader will be held on Saturday, April 13 at Montclair State University.


Tennis sweeps Ithaca, falls to N.C. Wesleyan

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Michibata and Gavornik sweep both their doubles matches.

By Christine Houghton Sports Editor

The men’s and women’s tennis teams had a busy weekend, taking on Ithaca College on Saturday, April 6 and North

Lions Lineup April 10, 2019

Carolina Wesleyan College on Sunday, April 7. On the first day, both teams faced Ithaca College and won their matches by final scores of 8-1. The men’s team started strong, sweeping all doubles matches by

I n s i d e

Baseball page 23

landslide scores. Leading off for the Lions, the team of freshman Matthew Michibata and senior Tim Gavornik won by a score of 8-1. Senior Mitchel Sanders and junior Thomas Wright won 8-2 and senior Matt Puig and sophomore

Andrew Mok came out on top 8-5 to close out doubles matches. In the singles play, the College won five out of six matches with the majority being won in two sets. Sanders topped his opponent in two sets, 6-2 and 6-0. Michibata followed by winning in three sets with the final one being 10-6. Freshman Justin Wain took his match in two sets, 6-1 and 6-0. Puig also won his match in two sets, both of them 6-1. Wright closed out the match with a win in two sets, 6-0 and 6-2. The women’s team started strong as well, winning two out of three of their doubles matches. Freshmen Liya Davidov and Katrine Luddy took their match 8-4, followed by seniors Grace Minassian and Alyssa Baldi winning 8-1. The team then went on to sweep all its singles matches in two sets. Davidov took her match 6-4 and 6-0, followed by Minassian winning by opponent retirement. Baldi won 6-2 and 6-3, junior Audrey Chen won

Track and Field page 23

6-1 and 6-3, and freshman Navya Yemula topped her opponent 6-4 and 6-0. To close out the match, freshman Julia Yoon shut out her opponent, winning both sets 6-0. On the second day, both teams lost to NCWC by scores of 7-2. The men’s team claimed one doubles match with the team of Michibata and Gavornik winning 8-7. Wright won the team’s only singles match in two sets, 6-4 and 6-1. The women’s team followed suit by winning one doubles match, as the team of Baldi and Minassian won 8-2. Yoon closed out the match winning the only singles match of the day for the women in two sets, both of them 6-1. The College returns to the court today at 3 p.m. when the men take on Rutgers University-Newark and Rutgers University-Camden back to back. The women then take on the University of Rochester on Friday, April 12. The men will play Rochester the next day.

Lacrosse page 23

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