The Signal: Fall '13, No. 11

Page 1

Keyan Tomaselli educates on AIDS awareness

Kendra Griffith helps women’s soccer to win in PK’s See Sports page 28

see News 3

Vol. XXXIX, No. 11

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

November 13, 2013

Myths of ‘Molly’ Sharing love at fall concert Safety not guaranteed

AP Photo

The drug known as ‘Molly.’ By Regina Yorkgitis Web Editor

At the College, “Molly,” the slang term for the allegedly pure form of the illegal drug MDMA, is sometimes considered benign — a high without health risks. But “Molly” is not always who she seems. “Because it was pure MDMA, it made me feel like it was safer,” said

a junior journalism student who has used the drug. “I think that there is no harm in it.” Formed in 1912 by Alexander T. Shulgin, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a synthetic, psychoactive drug. The stimulant, used for psychotherapy patients in the 1970s, is the active ingredient in ecstasy, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. The nickname “Molly,” short for molecule, gained widename recognition when celebrities, including Kanye West and Miley Cyrus, referenced the drug. The term is sometimes used to refer to methylone and mephedrone, substances similar to MDMA. While ecstasy is usually a mix of MDMA and drugs like caffeine and LSD, “Molly” is advertised as straight MDMA, earning the reputation as a “safe drug.” “It makes you look crazy and feel awesome. Your eyes bug out and you do really crazy stuff,” said a sophomore nursing major who took “Molly” see MOLLY page 5

Grouplove rocks out at their show at the College.

By Christopher Rightmire Opinions Editor

Despite almost an hourlong interlude of electronic music, there was a tangible change in the energy of the crowd as Grouplove came onstage to Skrillex and ASAP Rocky’s “Wild for the Night” at the Fall Concert in Kendall Hall on Saturday, Nov. 9. Once Grouplove’s performance was fully underway,

their music worked its magic on the crowd. The second song they played, “I’m With You,” reflected the crowd’s change in demeanor as its intro built in intensity and merged different musical elements. By the time singer and guitarist Christian Zucconi crooned the opening line, “I’m with youuu,” the students, who had occupied individual seats, took to their feet to form a group swaying and

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

dancing in unison. “I really felt the love. Their music is just so upbeat and easy to relate to,” senior graphic design major Mariska Voell said. The synergy that overcame the audience on Saturday night was paralleled by the strong bonds the band created at an artist residency in Greece. Vocalist and guitarist Andrew Wessen said, see GROUPLOVE page 17

The power of networking Holocaust education

WWII survivor speaks

By Courtney Wirths Photo Editor Stiletto Networks are small groups of professional women who support each other in both their careers and personal lives, and these groups are continuously growing in popularity. Pamela Rychman coined the term “Stiletto Network” and broke down its story and success as the keynote speaker at the School of Business’s Women’s Leadership Summit on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Rychman recently authored the book, “Stiletto Network,” which tells the story of groups of professional women who effectively used their women’s groups to create success and support. “Women are describing these groups as life changing, destined, fated and meant to be,” she said, adding that the women forming these small groups are surrounding themselves with people they want

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

Rychman signs her book about Stiletto.

to be around and, as a result, are creating real friendships. These groups can be formed at various stages in life, but some of the most successful are those that are formed early so they can grow and find their successes together. In addition to being an author, Rychman has written for various financial publications, including the Financial Times and the New York Times, and often speaks about the power of networking

INDEX: Nation & World / Page 7 The Signal @TCNJsignal

Editorial / Page 9

groups to colleges, universities and corporations. In an open discussion with students following her main presentation, Rychman gave advice and answered questions about networking and being a woman in a corporate environment. “It’s not that there aren’t women in power,” Rychman said. “Women don’t self promote.” Women in the workplace have been discouraged see STILETTO page 3 Opinions / Page 11

Jack Meyers / News Editor

Read more about the story of Vera Goodkin on page 13.

Features / Page 13

Arts & Entertainment / Page 17

Sports / Page 28

Eminem’s new album The ‘Marshall Mathers LP2’ is a hit

Arab uprisings Princeton associate shares his research

Human trafficking Club on campus to raise awareness

See A&E page 19

See News page 2

See Features page 13

page 2 The Signal November 13, 2013

Debate club holds tourney for forensics By Gabrielle Beacken News Assistant The College’s Society for Parliamentary Debate club held its first of three high school forensics league tournaments on Saturday, Nov. 2 in buildings across campus. The tournaments are a significant fundraising opportunity for the club. “It’s a great fundraiser for us,” junior physics major and president of the club Andrew Miller said. “The fundraiser is for transportation to our U.S. tournaments.” Transportation costs and minor expenses, such as food at meetings, are not included in the club’s budget, directed

and organized by the Student Finance Board, Miller said. With help from their coaches, the Society for Parliamentary debate planned the entire event. “(The event) is going pretty well,” Miller said. “We’ve seen a lot of talented people.” The club hopes that by facilitating tournaments for high school students, many students will apply to the College and join the Society for Parliamentary Debate club. Thirteen different high schools from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania competed in the event-filled day, participating in three different categories: Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas and Congregational Debate.

There were four rounds to every category, thus creating a chaotic day of judging and scoring. Three judges, one or two being club members, judged the high school students’ arguments based on logic and speech presentation. Regardless of who won, the debaters received points that combined scores with other members from their schools. Not only did the winners of the final round receive awards, but high schools were also presented awards based on their final number of points. In the semifinal round of the Lincoln-Douglas debate, two students disputed over the extent of attorney-client privilege in the

process of prosecution. Before each student presented his or her case during the debate, the speaking student politely asked the judges and opponent if they were ready. After this confirmation, students received three to six minutes to express any evidence of their arguments or counterarguments. Those minutes were filled with no pauses. It was a nonstop run of information. As the timer beeped, indicating the end of the time slot, attendees saw judges and students alike exhale with relief. Though each student presented their argument passionately, the negative side was declared the winner.

The affirmative and negative sides are chosen at random before every meet. Any student participating in this debate subject needed to know the topic inside-out. “That’s why it’s so hard,” sophomore biology major Farrah Liu said. “You have to train your mind not to be biased because it will be a lot harder to debate the other side.” The debate allowed students to gain confidence in public speaking and helped them organize relevant information to present in a clear argument. “The goal of today is to facilitate debate in high school debating leagues,” Miller said. “I think the day (was) a success.”

Princeton researcher talks Arab uprisings

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

Harris comes from Princeton and educates students on the Middle East. By Annabel Lau News Assistant

According to a post-doctoral research associate at Princeton University, the Arab Uprisings resulted not from poverty and inequality, as many scholars believe, but from a surge in educated but unemployed middle class graduates. Kevan Harris, a sociologist who has conducted extensive research in the Middle East, gave a lecture at the College on Thursday, Nov. 7 titled “State, Society and Protest in the Middle

East in Historical Perspective.” Because he participated in the Arab Uprisings, Harris’s talk was filled with anecdotes ranging from humorous ones about showing up at the wrong protest to finding out that police violence had happened nearby. “He had really cool anecdotes,” junior history major Tarika Mahal said. “Like the fact that he was physically there … He was like ‘Yeah, I walked in that.’ I was like, ‘That’s pretty awesome.’” Harris’s lecture was supported by much statistical evidence as well. He

found that the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has relatively low poverty levels. He also found that the MENA region is about a 40 on the Gini index, which means that it is average in terms of inequality of wealth. In comparison, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean are “famous for being unequal,” Harris said. Harris then spoke about the expansion of the welfare state in the MENA in the 1960s and 1970s. Egypt enacted a series of social programs, which involved literacy campaigns, healthcare programs and land reforms. Iran enacted similar social programs. Harris clarified that in a global context, welfare states sponsor broad social programs, not to be mistaken for the type of welfare programs in the United States. “(A welfare state) doesn’t necessarily mean handouts to poor people,” Harris said. Because of the relative success of its literacy programs, the Middle East is now experiencing a “race for credentials,” in which too many people are educated compared to the number of skilled jobs available, Harris said. Egypt has a higher percentage of high school graduates than countries like Turkey, Algeria and Syria. In Iran, the percentage of university-age students enrolled in tertiary education doubled from 18 percent in 1999 to 36 percent in 2009, Harris said. As a result of this, the region has a high number of lumpen intelligentsia, which Harris defined as professional middle class graduates who are forced to find jobs “beneath them.” This results in a sense of frustration over the apparent lack of upward social mobility.

Harris spoke about how he had friends in Iran who had degrees but were still unemployed because they refused to partake in unskilled labor. Instead, as they waited for skilled employment, they spent their days discussing philosophy and politics and getting involved in social movements. Harris also cited data from a survey that Princeton politics professor Amaney Jamal conducted in Egypt in 2011. She found that 8.1 percent of the Egyptian population participated in the February protests, and 46 percent of the protesters had at least some university education. Harris concluded that the Arab Uprisings resulted from “too many credentials, perceived downward mobility and narrowing opportunities for skilled employment” that were a product of the welfare state. The surge in lumpen intelligentsia led to the protests that eventually toppled the regimes in some countries. “I was in Egypt all year … and I witnessed firsthand all of the protests he was talking about,” senior international studies major Gayatri Oruganti said. “I knew that the middle class was really involved but … he really opened my eyes to what extent it was involved.” Harris mentioned that there are a high percentage of lumpen intelligentsia in Turkey and Brazil, which could explain the recent protests in both countries. In response to some claims that the Middle East is “catching up to the rest of the world” in terms of democracy and modernity, Harris has a different conclusion. “The Middle East is not catching up to anything,” he said. “It’s showing us what the rest of the world is going through right now.”

War of words waged with philosophy By Jonathan Machlin Staff Writer The School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Philosophical Society and the Parliamentary Debate Society sponsored “War of the Words: When Words Collide,” an open forum on the power of concepts and phrases, on Thursday, Nov. 7. The program featured a spirited debate between members of the Philosophical Society and the Parliamentary Debate Society on four predetermined topics: “Picture vs. A Thousand Words,” “Knowledge vs. Persuasion,”

“Vampires vs. Zombies” and “Ancient Greek Life vs. Fraternity Greek Life.” After representatives from both sides were done presenting their arguments, students in the audience were invited to go to the stage and present their arguments on the topic. In the first debate, “Picture vs. A Thousand Words,” Chris Davis of the Philosophical Society argued for the “Picture” side while freshman biology major Marcus Elias of the Parliamentary Society Debate argued for the “A Thousand Words” side. Davis’s assertion that pictures allow for imagination was refuted by Elias,

who stated that words are required for his opponent to even make an argument in favor of pictures. “I tried to show the descriptive power of words — that you can’t write in pictures without using words,” Elias said after the program. The second topic, “Knowledge vs. Persuasion,” was debated between senior philosophy major Olivia Froehlich and Victoria Levchenko. While Levchenko argued for persuasion, Froehlich argued for knowledge. The winner of that debate was a member of the audience who stated that the superiority of persuasion has allowed terrible atrocities to occur,

including Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Next was “Vampires vs. Zombies,” which was debated between Miguel O’Malley and Jacob Carino. The open forum for the topic yielded the largest number of students speaking out of all four debates and ranged in evidence presented from the flaws of “The Walking Dead” to the “Twilight” series to an episode of “The Deadliest Warrior.” The fourth and final topic was “Ancient Greek Life vs. Fraternity Greek Life” debated between Steve Schwering and Sean Modri. Modri’s arguments for

Ancient Greek Life centered on the contributions to modern society that the Ancient Greeks made in mathematics and philosophy, while Schwering’s argument for Fraternity Greek Life centered on what fraternities and sororities do for their members. However, even Schwering conceded that Ancient Greek Life had many benefits — the students in the open forum agreed. After the forum was over, Froehlich said she enjoyed it. “It was my first time being here,” she said. “I thought it was a great experience, not intimidating at all.”

November 13, 2013 The Signal page 3

Stiletto / How women can network in business continued from page 1

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

In the professional world, women’s networking circles stand out.

from advertizing what they want and discouraged from going for the jugular, she said. Rychman explained that one of the many advantages of having a networking group is that women don’t have to promote themselves alone. “If self promoting sounds a little icky to you, then there are nine other women excited to help,” Rychman said. One of the biggest challenges with forming a Stiletto Network is organizing events around the busy schedules of professional women. Rychman said the most successful groups meet in each other’s homes for dinner or lunch and rotate who the host will be. “Technology keeps the groups close when they cannot meet,” she said. The groups are all peer-to-peer communication that creates a safe and trusting environment for sharing.

Rychman recommended that young women also get involved in a mentor program with women who are already in their fields. She warned, however, that students should not immediately be looking for what their mentors can do for them, but rather make themselves helpful, productive and stand out within the company. “You will make yourself visible,” Rychman said. The growing number of women’s networking circles, dinner groups and Stiletto Networks represent a change in professional lives. Rychman explained that modern women’s lives are blended. Women are friends with colleagues at work, their kids play together and they do things socially in addition to cooperating on office work. Women are finding support in these professional friendships. “That’s the way the world is moving,” she said.

Student Finance Board funds comedy night

By Julie Kayzerman Nation & World Editor

The Muslim Student Association was half-funded by the Student Finance Board for $5,500 to host a comedy night at their weekly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 6. The MSA’s reason for presenting the event was that the comedians would bring cultural diversity. “I like the event, I just don’t see three comedians being justified,” said programming director Brian Green in regard to MSA’s request for three comedians, all of whom would require $11,000

in funding. Operations director Brian Hurler agreed, motioning to allocate funding for MSA to either host comedian Dean Obeidallah at $5,500 or host both Preacher Moss and Maysoon Zayid, together totaling at $5,500. The motion passed, allowing MSA to make their decision on which comedians will perform at the Brower Student Center on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. The Leadership Development Program presented to SFB for their annual Leadership Lockup, requesting funding of $5,414.26.

The request was tabled due to the fact that they did not provide the required clear breakdown of expenses. Green brought up during the meeting the point that “we (SFB) need to be more consistent.” “I think it’s our responsibility to make sure that they have the invoice,” Green said. Finally, Chabad was tabled for their request of $4,828.75 for a Chanukah festival event. “I think this is a wonderful event but I think that half of the expenses are unnecessary,” sophomore representative Christina Grillo said in reference to Mexican food and a surfboard ride, which most of the Student Finance Board members felt had no relevance to the theme of the event.

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

Chabad’s event is tabled due to ‘unnecessary’ expenses.

Educating through TV More Wi-Fi on campus SG’s 143 student voters By Alexa Gordon Correspondent

In Durban, South Africa, Keyan Tomaselli is the leading expert on entertainment education. His goal has been to utilize entertainment technology to educate the people of South Africa about the prevention of HIV/AIDS and genderbased violence. On Thursday, Nov. 7, Tomaselli visited the College to speak about his work in South Africa with a presentation, “Fighting AIDS and Gender-Based Violence in South Africa: The Success of Entertainment Education.” Tomaselli founded and has been director of the Centre for Communication, Media, and Society at the University of KwaZuluNatal in Durban, South Africa since 1985. Tomaselli discussed the overall use of public health communications in relation to South African culture. He said that due to the patriarchic nature of African culture in general and the lack of modern technology throughout the continent, the HIV/AIDS battle has been a nearly impossible one to beat — nearly. Through using entertainment education, Tomaselli has been successfully educating the people of South Africa over the past 30 years about not only prevention of HIV/AIDS, but also the prevention of gender-based violence and the promotion of responsible partnering. Tomaselli said that the use of this new

kind of education is extremely crucial to the people of South Africa due to the continuously increasing HIV/AIDS epidemic. “His ability to inform and educate so many people in ways that have never been done before is extremely innovative,” senior history major John Preuss said of Tomaselli. He also talked about how prior to his is work with entertainment education in the mid-’90s, the only education that the 44 million people affected by HIV/ AIDS were receiving was through pamphlets created by mass media HIV/AIDS awareness programs. These pamphlets often miscommunicated a message due to culture and educational gaps between the designers of the pamphlets and their target audience. Tomaselli said these materials “must appeal to people who are not hyper-literate,” something that previous campaigns were not doing. Currently, Tomaselli is continuing his efforts with entertainment education by means of writing papers, books and talking to students at various colleges and universities in both the United States and Europe. He also teaches at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa, where he is the chair of culture of Communication and Media Studies. “Seeing how Keyan Tomaselli has done all he can to help the people of South Africa through modern technology is truly inspiring,” sophomore criminology major Julianna Mike-Mayer said.

By Annabel Lau News Assistant

Most academic buildings on campus will have Wi-Fi by next year, according to Michell Lin, Student Government vice president of Student Services. “For example, the Social Science Building doesn’t have (Wi-Fi), but it will be up by next year,” Lin said. Lin also announced at the Student Government meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 6 that the College is negotiating a contract with Verizon to improve cellular service on campus. The decision was made in response to an Information Technology survey conducted last year, in which many students expressed their dissatisfaction with the carrier’s weak signal on campus. SG also approved two clubs for official organizational status and rejected a third club. TCNJ United Way, the first club to present, is a student chapter of a national charity organization that connects volunteers with local community service projects. Alyssa Blochlinger, president of the College’s chapter of United Way, said that the club has been recognized by the local CEO of United Way. Blochlinger also spoke of various volunteer projects the club has participated in, as well as plans to volunteer at the Trenton Marathon on Saturday, Nov.

9. Many SG members expressed concern that the mission of United Way seemed too similar to that of the Bonner Center. With a vote of 26 for and 31 against approving the club, SG did not approve TCNJ United Way for official organizational status. The other two clubs, the National Society of Black Engineers and Operation Smile, which raises money for operations to treat children with facial deformities, were granted organizational status with an overwhelming majority of the vote. The day after the general election, vice president of Governmental Affairs Alex Brown announced the results of SG’s voter registration campaign. “We registered a total of 143 students here at TCNJ for the voter registration drive,” Brown said. “The ‘Know Before You Vote’ website got 523 hits on it.” Regarding the campus climate survey emailed to all students, Magda Manetas, associate vice president for Student Affairs and adviser of SG, emphasized the importance of student input and asked class council members to strongly encourage participation within their respective classes. “Unfortunately, the student participation is really low,” Manetas said. “They really are very hopeful of getting more so they can utilize that information to move forward with some of the initiatives related to equity and diversity here on our campus.”

page 4 The Signal November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013 The Signal page 5

Molly / Club drug’s effects unknown to many

Photo courtesy of Claire Huynh

Raves are a popular scene for ‘Molly,’ though people are often unaware of the consequences. continued from page 1

at a blacklight show. “I’m afraid of liking it too much,” she said. “I don’t want to rely on it.” MDMA releases serotonin, the chemical that controls mood swings and sex drive. Music sounds better, lights shine brighter, and dealers promise a night to remember. “In a club setting, where there are lots of attractive, friendly people and music that promotes dance, all you wanna do is dance and look at the lights,” said a senior English major. The euphoria may come at a price. Many doctors have expressed concerns about MDMA. The stimulant initially causes blurred vision, involuntary teeth clenching and increased heart rate and blood pressure. “I think the key phrase with Molly is that it’s not addictive,” said a senior criminology major. “People think you can stop at anytime, but that’s not always the case.” As with other drugs and habits, users can become

addicted to MDMA if it is used regularly. Long-term use can cause memory loss, depression, insomnia, paranoia, psychosis and organ damage. “It can be deadly, as we have seen from E-Zoo,” said a senior international studies major. Last year during New York City’s Electric Zoo music festival, two people died of apparent MDMA overdoses. MDMA interrupts the body’s ability to control temperature. On a busy heated dance floor, the addition of MDMA has led to fatal cases of hyperthermia. Research of the side effects is still ongoing. But dealers are rarely concerned with the authenticity of their products. Students said that they got the drug either through a friend of a friend or from dealers at concerts, known by the gloves with light-up tips that they wear. “The people who are dealing these drugs at shows don’t give a shit what’s in the drugs,” said a senior English major who used a test kit before taking drugs sold to him. Produced in tablets or powder forms of varied shapes, sizes and colors, “Molly,” the so-called “pure” drug, is often laced with other substances. LSD, heroin or cocaine are repeatedly found in “Molly” capsules. “I parachuted it, but I also snorted it,” said a junior math major who enjoyed “Molly” the first time she took it in powder form. Her second experience was not as positive. She mixed the drug MDMA with alcohol and the prescription drug adderall. “I sat in my room thinking, this is horrible, I’m too fucked up,” she said. The effects wore off hours later. Mixing substances can be a dangerous business. Combining MDMA with other substances drastically increases health risks. “When we push ourselves chemically, we put ourselves at risk physically,” said Joe Hadge, the Alcohol and Drug Education Program (ADEP) director at the College. According to Hadge, records show that MDMA is not as prominent on campus as some students may think it is.

“We tend to overestimate,” he said. “If five people come back from a party, we think 20 people did. That doesn’t mean it is not happening.”

AP Photo

‘Molly’ is typically associated with clubs and electric dance music.

Lays makes chocolate chip Breakfast served Damage in Decker By Courtney Wirths Photo Editor

• Sales of DSLR cameras, the large cameras with interchangeable lenses used by photographers, are rapidly declining, raising concerns for companies such as Canon Inc. and Nikon Corp. The change is due to the widespread use of smartphone cameras, according to the Wall Street Journal. • Starbucks has pledged to hire 10,000 veterans and spouses of men and women in active duty over the next five years. The coffee giant is one of many companies looking to hire returning vets, according to CNBC. • Former real estate writer and the man who coined the now famous term “the fiscal cliff,” Walter H. Stern, died last week at age 88. The writer first used the term in an article back in 1957, according to the New York Times. • Lays Potato Chips has developed a new sweet

and savory combination: the chocolate-covered potato chip. If successful, the company plans to unveil a line of salty, chocolate products such as By Tom Kozlowski fondue dips and other chips, according to Bloom- Arts & Entertainment Editor berg Business Week. Vandalism was discovered in the basement of Decker • Marvel Comics is planning to in- Hall on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 11:10 a.m. troduce a new superhero. Her name According to Campus Police, damage was is Kamala Khan and she is a Mus- done to the elevator ceiling along with the lim-American teenager living in exit sign to the student lounge. The Jersey City, according to the New walls and ceiling inside the lounge York Times. were also covered in what appeared to be a mix of jelly and eggs, accord• Freshman enrollment in private ing to Campus Police. No visual surschools has plummeted over 10 veillance was captured of the event. percent since 2010 due to price-conscious students eliminating expensive schools as an education option, according to the Wall Street Journal. • “Thor: The Dark World,” the most recent movie by Disney’s Marvel Comics, took the number one slot at the box office this weekend. Sales were not only driven by strong domestic interest, but also unexpected and tremendous success internationally, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

Campus Police encounter an incident of vandalism.

Racism poses threat to equitable education By Beth Strumpf Correspondent

The author of two published works and director of the Penn State University Cultural Center focused on the discriminatory education that black males receive, as well as race, stereotypes and prejudices against the black community, at the College on Monday, Nov. 4. Author Toby Jenkins shared how black women have been the primary supporters of black men when no one else was willing to take care of them. As a wife and mother, she is making sure the future for those she loves is brighter than it has been.

“There’s some type of lack of agreement between African-American males and American education,” Jenkins said. When a group of young students was asked what the most racist institution in America was, most people answered schools. Jenkins explained how not only do African-Americans make up only a small population in most schools, but they are the least likely to graduate. Our society is based off of what is typically seen as “normal.” When black students listen to different music, dress a different way, and use a slightly different dialect, teachers and school officials see them as threats, Jenkins said. Schools preach that everyone should be unique individuals, but when it comes

down to it, difference is not embraced. Jenkins compared our society’s solutions to vitamins and medications. Policies, such as confronting issues of privilege and stereotypes, are medicine, while cultural transformations, such as taking learning outside of the classroom, are vitamins. If you take vitamins, it will prevent you from eventually having to take medication. If we have cultural transformations, it will stop a lot of intolerance from occurring in the first place. Jenkins urged the audience to get involved in different schools. “We have to get into the culture of seeing each other as family,” Jenkins said. Jenkins also discussed hip-hop music.

Although commercial hip-hop may have its problems, as a cultural art form, it moves beyond beats and rhyme. The music gives young people an opportunity to share their opinions and really be heard. It also is a form of creative writing and can sharpen one’s writing skills. She said that a doctorate degree is a measure of someone’s ability to endure, while life skills and absorbing what others teach you is a measure of intelligence. Jenkins said that when she started earning money and had the opportunity to move to a wealthier area, she stayed where she was raised. “I don’t want to make it out,” Jenkins said. “We all should be a part of making it better.”

page 6 The Signal November 13, 2013

SPRING 2014 REGISTRATION APPOINTMENT PERIOD Initial Registration Period for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Tuesday, November 5 through Friday, November 15 

Your enrollment appointment reflecting the first time you will be eligible to register for both the Spring and Summer 2014 semester can be accessed via your PAWS account. To view your scheduled enrollment appointment, visit the Enrollment Appointment section in the PAWS Student Center. Once eligible, students remain eligible throughout the registration period. Undergraduate Students who do not register by 11:59pm on Sunday, November 17th will be subject to a late registration fine. Graduate Students have until 11:59pm on December 15th: Undergraduate: $150 Graduate: $125

The Spring and Summer Schedule of Classes is available on PAWS and can be viewed by using the Search for Classes button.

Visit the PAWS HELP website for complete information on how to log-in to PAWS, search for classes, browse the Course Catalog, view your Holds, add courses to your Shopping Cart, and register for classes:

Use the Validate feature directly from your PAWS Shopping Cart to check for potential pre-requisite issues before registration! For more information on the Validate feature, visit:

Check PAWS for Holds that will prevent you from registering. All Hold Flag information can be viewed under the Holds section in the PAWS Student Center. Advising Holds and Health Holds have been posted. Financial Holds will be posted throughout October. Check your account early and frequently for Holds.

Access your Academic Requirements Report on PAWS to view your degree requirements via the Advising Tools link.

Make an appointment to see your advisor to discuss your Academic Requirements Report. Your advisor’s name and email address can be located in your PAWS Student Center.

Double-check call numbers and course sections prior to your registration appointment for schedule changes and periodic updates.

Graduate Students: If you are a non-matriculant who is applying for Spring matriculation, you should not register during this timeframe. If accepted for matriculation, you will be invited to register during the Orientation program scheduled for January 09, 2014.


November 13, 2013 The Signal page 7

Nation & W rld

10-year-old ‘Sweetie’ targets online child predators By Hajar Lakhouili Correspondent

With significant numbers in the amount of child predators, Terres Des Hommes, a Dutch children’s rights organization, created “Sweetie,” a computer-generated 10-year-old child who targets online sexual predators, according to CNN. The simulation goes by the name of Sweetie, a girl from the Philippines. The men who visit her ask her to take off her clothes, among other sexual requests, while they pleasure themselves. “As soon as I go online they come to me. Ten, 100, every hour. So many. But what they don’t know: I’m not real,” reported a video created by the organization.

Sweetie is a computer model, made piece by piece to track down men who partake in these actions, according to the video. There are 750,000 child predators on the Internet at any time, according to the United Nations and the FBI, reported by CNET. Of those, it was documented that there have only been six men who have been charged with “Webcam Child Sex Tourism.” Men from wealthy Western countries contact children from poor countries, such as the Philippines, for online sex showings, CNET stated. The men will pay the children with untraceable pre-paid credit cards, anywhere from $10 to $20. During the 10 weeks of the sting operation, Sweetie was contacted by approximately 20,000 men. Hans Guyt, a

researcher at Terre des Hommes, stated that they were taken aback by the scale of the problem, the Euronews detailed. According to Euronews, the men use false names and locations, but through the investigative research done by Terre des Hommes, they were able to catch 1,000 predators. They gave their addresses, phone numbers and photos to Interpol, an intergovernmental organization that acts as the international police cooperation. These men were mainly focused in the United States, the United Kingdom and India. Terres des Hommes partnered with, an activist group that takes on international issues through the use of petition. So far, the petition from Terres

AP Photo

‘Sweetie’ targets participants in webcam child sex tourism.

des Hommes asking police and child protection authorities to take actions against these webcam predators has over 235,700 signatures from around the globe, according to Avaaz.

Secession support arises, hope to preserve rural ideals

AP Photo

Several Akron residents vote in support of the creation of a 51st state.

AKRON, Colo. (AP) — The nation’s newest state, if rural Colorado residents had their way, would be about the size of Vermont but with the population of a small town spread across miles of farmland. There wouldn’t be civil unions for gay couples, legal recreational marijuana, new renewable

Obscure & Offbeat

AP Photo

Pension for police dogs They work hard sniffing out crime with only the occasional pat on the nose in gratitude. But police dogs deserve better, according to Paddy Tipping, the police and crime commissioner in the English county of Nottinghamshire, who wants to reward them with “pensions” on retirement. Tipping said the idea for a canine pension fund came about because officers were picking up the costs for retired police dogs. Handlers normally take dogs home upon retirement. Tipping, however, said he doesn’t “think it’s fair that they have to pay all the bills.” All information from AP

energy standards, or limits on ammunition magazines. After all, those were some of the reasons five counties on the state’s Eastern Plains voted on Election Day to approve the creation of a 51st state in the first place. Secession supporters know the votes were symbolic, designed to grab the attention of a Democratic-controlled Legislature. They say the vote results emphasize a growing frustration in conservative prairie towns with the more populous and liberal urban Front Range, which has helped solidify the Democrats’ power. “We can’t outvote the metropolitan areas anymore, and the rural areas don’t have a voice anymore,” said Perk Odell, 80, a lifelong resident of Akron in Washington County, which voted to secede. The five counties share borders, covering about 9,500 square miles and have a combined population of about 29,200. Four of the counties — Philips, Yuma, Kit Carson and Cheyenne — border Kansas. They are solidly Republican areas that have long identified more with Kansas and Nebraska because of their agricultural background.

Towns like Akron, population 1,700, were founded in the 1880s along railroads and thrived as agriculture producers, booming in the 1900s during grain shortages. They began a decline in 1920s that continued through the Dust Bowl and their populations have decreased or remained stagnant since then. What remains are tight-knit communities where grain silos are sometimes the tallest structures around. Other parts of the state, meanwhile, have grown. More than 80 percent of Colorado’s 5 million residents live on the Front Range. The counties that voted to secede currently only have two state representatives and one state senator. In some ways, the feelings of being ignored date to the days of Colorado’s gold rush, when miners flocked to the Front Range, said Dr. Tom Noel, a history professor at the University of Colorado at Denver. “Ever since the gold rush, those areas have been places that people rush over, and I think that’s still how people feel — like people are just whizzing past them at 80 miles an hour,” Noel said.

Around the World:


Philippines damaged by typhoon TACLOBAN, Philippines (AP) — Bloated bodies lay uncollected and uncounted in the streets and desperate survivors pleaded for food, water and medicine as rescue workers took on a daunting task Monday in the typhoonbattered islands of the Philippines. Thousands were feared dead. The hard-hit city of Tacloban resembled a garbage dump from the air, with only a few concrete buildings left standing in the wake of one of the most powerful storms to ever hit land, packing 147-mph winds and whipping up 20foot walls of seawater that tossed ships inland and swept many out to sea. “Help. SOS. We need food,” read a message painted by a survivor in large letters on the ravaged city’s port, where water lapped at the edge. There was no one to carry away the dead, which lay rotting along the main road from the airport to Tacloban, the worst-hit city along the country’s remote eastern seaboard. At a small naval base, eight swollen corpses — including that of a baby — were submerged in water brought in by the storm. Officers had yet to move them, saying they had no body bags or electricity to preserve them. Authorities estimated the typhoon killed 10,000 or more people, but with the slow pace of recovery, the official death toll three days after the storm made landfall remained at 942. However, with several shattered

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Tacloban was one of the hardest hit islands in the Philippines from a damaging typhoon.

communications and transportation links, the final count was likely days away, and presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said “we pray” it does not surpass 10,000. “I don’t believe there is a single structure that is not destroyed or severely damaged in some way — every single building, every single house,” U.S. Marine Brig. Gen. Paul Kennedy said after taking a helicopter flight over Tacloban, the largest city in Leyte province. He spoke on the tarmac at the airport, where two Marine C-130 cargo planes were parked, engines running, unloading supplies. Authorities said at least 9.7 million people in 41 provinces were affected by the typhoon, known as Haiyan elsewhere in Asia but called Yolanda

in the Philippines. It was likely the deadliest natural disaster to beset this poor Southeast Asian nation. “Please tell my family I’m alive,” said Erika Mae Karakot as she stood among a throng of people waiting for aid. “We need water and medicine because a lot of the people we are with are wounded. Some are suffering from diarrhea and dehydration due to shortage of food and water.”Philippine soldiers were distributing food and water, and assessment teams from the United Nations and other international agencies were seen Monday for the first time. The U.S. military dispatched food, water, generators and a contingent of Marines to the city, the first outside help in what will swell into a major international relief mission.

page 8 The Signal November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013 The Signal page 9


Scheduling Anxieties

With the best intentions, we as students head into the new semester enrollment period with high hopes. Classes taught by the best, most knowledgeable professors are placed in our shopping carts. We create schedules that allow for a proportional amount of study, sleep and social time. As the clock ticks toward our sacred assigned enrollment hour, however, our hearts sink. The class taught by the beloved professor who loves to tell anecdotal stories filled days ago. The required class that is only offered once per year only has three seats left, while a dozen students with better time slots than you bite at the chomp to grab those spots. You resign yourself to the leftovers. Welcome to the stage of desperation and self-denial. You become a slave to PAWS, and the hours slip as quickly as the perspiration on your palms. The class with the grumpy professor who digresses so often that he or she makes less sense than Kim Kardashian’s fame, will be teaching your Advanced Critical Analysis of Socioeconomic Challenges Faced by 17th Century Eritrean Orphans class. You tell yourself that this professor won’t be as bad as you think. Plus, it fulfills one of your Liberal Learnings. The College is consistently ranked one of the most prestigious colleges in the country, yet our students face anxiety every semester about which classes they will luck-out and enroll in. Class scheduling, however, should never boil down to luck — after all, we are paying for an education, not a hazing ordeal. One of the choice aspects of the College’s classes is the small class sizes. This feature should go unchanged. The amount of sections, however, should be increased to further the College’s ability to provide the finest service for its students. We have a decent array of classes — ones that cover our majors, and others that satisfy our desire to experience that small liberal arts college experience. If the College’s approach to class enrollment doesn’t change, however, take solace in knowing that one day we will all be seniors with a better shot at getting coveted classes. Until then, may your time slot be forever in your favor.

— Emma Colton, Features Editor

During registration week, students stress over getting into their necessary classes before they fill up.

Editorial Content Unsigned editorial opinions are those of the Editorial Board, which consists of the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing, News, Features, Arts & Entertainment, Opinions, Photo and Sports editors and the Business Manager, unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and letters to the editor are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Signal.

The Office of Records and Registration strives to help students get into their classes. Email: Telephone: Production Room (609) 771-2424 Business Office (609) 771-2499 Ad Email:

Editorial Staff Amy Reynolds Editor-in-Chief Natalie Kouba Managing Editor Chris Molicki Jack Meyers News Editors Peter Fiorilla Sports Editor Tom Kozlowski Arts & Entertainment Editor Emma Colton Features Editor Christopher Rightmire Opinions Editor Courtney Wirths Photo Editor

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Quotes of the Week “We’re the generation of people who are going to be the world changers and be people who can make a difference. The more people know about the issue, the more people can be working against it to get rid of it.” — Sophomore and advocate for human trafficking awareness Emma Kumpf.

“We only know how to play one way, which is super reckless and fun.” — Vocalist and guitarist for the band Grouplove Andrew Wessen at the Fall Concert.

page 10 The Signal November 13, 2013

World Languages and Cultures Spring 2014 Courses ITL 327 Italian Short Story:

ARA 171 The Contemporary Arab World:

Study the development of the Italian short story throughout seven centuries through primary and secondary materials, videos, and articles.

Learn about the cultures of Modern Arabic speaking societies and the social issues behind. CHI 171 Contemporary China Through Film

RUS 171 Contemporary Russia:

Survey the history, culture, and society of the People’s Republic of China from 1949 to the present through various films.

Learn about Russian politics, economics, society, art, media and more. SPA 210 Spanish for Heritage Speakers

CHI 371 Chinese Philosophy & Calligraphy

Strengthen your Spanish speaking and writing skills and learn about Hispanic-American culture. For native Spanish speakers only.

Learn various Chinese calligraphy styles and 21st applications of Chinese philosophies like Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. ITL 216 Current Events in the Italian Speaking World: Learn about contemporary Italian art, literature, culture, and society.

WLC 215 Introduction to Linguistics Study the basic concepts of descriptive linguistics through the analysis of the languages of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas.

us on Facebook: TCNJ Department of World Languages & Cultures

International Film Festival

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

6:00 – 9:00 PM Library Auditorium In German with English subtitles Refreshments will be served!

ABOUT THE FILM: Restaurant owner Zinos hires an up-scale chef for his troubled Hamburg restaurant but it proves a turn-off for his regular clientele. Then, his girlfriend Nadine transfers to Shanghai for a position in journalism. The new patrons of the restaurant return the restaurant to its former glory, but Zinos’ relationship is still weighing on him. So, he leaves his beloved Soul Kitchen under the control of his ex-con brother, Illias, who loses it in a wager. Illias and Zinos might just be able to fix things if they don’t sabotage each other first. Directed by Faith Akin, the acclaimed director of Gegen die Wand and Auf der anderen Seite, this wonderful comedy with a soul and funk soundtrack is guaranteed to stir up an appetite! *Sponsored by World Languages and Cultures, International Studies, Center for Global Engagement, and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

November 13, 2013 The Signal page 11


Arts are in need of support after recent closings

By Jonathan Edmondson Opinions Assistant

Last week, the Broadway musical “First Date,” which I reviewed for The Signal a few weeks ago, announced that it would end its short run in January. On Sunday night, “Big Fish,” starring Norbert Leo Butz, announced that it would end its run at the end of the December. The revival of “Annie” will also close its doors early next year. Other shows like “The Glass Menagerie” and “Betrayal” are only scheduled to play limited

runs and will also close in a few weeks’ time. All of these closings made me stop and think about the current state of Broadway and theater in general. It would be unfair to entirely blame it on the consumer for not showing up to support these shows, for ticket prices are at an all-time high. It would also be unfair to solely blame the producers, who are simply trying to make a profit. In a world where we want bigger, brighter and more spectacular, the cost of putting on a full-scale Broadway show is enormous. In order to cover the cost,

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As ‘Big Fish’ and more Broadway shows report closings, the support of the arts by the public is questioned.

the show must charge more for tickets. Charging more for tickets means less people will show up. This vicious circle can easily be related to other forms of entertainment in today’s crippling economy. People are trying their hardest to keep the market up and running, but it is becoming increasingly evident that the task is not a simple one. That said, there are a handful of shows currently on Broadway that have had successful runs, like “Phantom of the Opera” and “Jersey Boys.” One could argue that only well-known musicals run for long, but then how can you explain the closing of “Annie” after only a year of performances? If revivals can barely stay open, how is there any hope for brand-new material to grace the Great White Way and stay there? The solution is not easy, and like many outlets in the current economy, there may not be one simple answer. What can be encouraged, however, is to support the arts. Whether it be theater, music, dance or anything else, the arts need support

now more than ever. While attendance to sporting events has also decreased, no teams are shutting down and no stadiums are abruptly closing their gates. With the shutdown of the New York City Opera and the continuous closing of Broadway productions, the arts are on the verge of falling into trouble. Each artistic production requires a massive team of people. Everyone from lights to costumes to set to performers need to be involved in every step of the process. Besides being a respected profession, this medium also provides jobs. Many positions have assistants and other smaller jobs, which in turn starts to give many aspiring hopefuls experience. Many do not realize how hard it is to put on a performance. I just spent the past month working on the set of TCNJ Musical Theater’s production of “Cabaret.” Being a freshman, this was the first time I have worked on a college musical. There are not really words to describe how hard the production team and cast worked — everyone

from an assistant to a lead actor dedicates so much time to perfecting the craft. There are also many jobs that people do not even know exist, like a publicist and a technical director. Without all the members poring themselves into their position, the production would fail. So many people only see the finished product, but if they knew what went on the two months before opening night, they would be simply astounded. Having worked on the show from the beginning, it is amazing to see how far it has come and watching people do what they are passionate about is simply priceless. There may be no real solution to the problem of Broadway shows closing, and it is inevitable that some productions will fail. The arts, however, need to have continual aid whenever possible. Whether it’s a campus production or a regional show, the arts will never stop needing support. Everyone who has a love for something works hard at their craft and deserves the public’s support, and the arts are no exception.

Obama’s economic proposals are cause for debate By Alec Zucker

With the U.S. economy still struggling after the worst recession since the Great Depression, President Obama presented a series of ambitious proposals to spur economic growth in his 2013 State of the Union address. One of these notable measures was an increase in the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 an hour. The President pointed out that individuals working full time at the current minimum wage earn on average only $14,500 annually, a yearly income that is well below the federal poverty line. To combat this harsh reality, Obama asserted that the minimum wage increase would raise the incomes of millions of poverty-stricken families, boost consumer demand, and allow many households to become less dependent on social welfare programs such as Food Stamps and Medicaid. Furthermore, the President proposed indexing the minimum wage to inflation. He also advocated in favor of adjusting the wage based on changes in the cost of living, in order for the wage to be sufficient for families to live on. As expected, Obama’s desire to raise the minimum wage came under scrutiny from both sides of the aisle, and it also spawned much debate between liberal and conservative economists about whether a higher minimum wage has negative consequences for employment. Critics of Obama’s minimum wage hike claim that the increase raises labor costs on firms, which leads to employee layoffs and hinders job creation. The theoretical explanation for this phenom-

enon, similar to the explanation for structural unemployment discussed in class, is that a minimum wage increase may create a binding price floor, in which the mandatory minimum wage is higher than the equilibrium wage. At this new arbitrary wage, the supply of labor exceeds the demand for labor. Therefore firms are forced to lay off workers, as their demand for labor is less at this new actual wage and also cannot hire additional workers at this prevailing wage. Michael Saltsman, research director at the Employment Policies Institute, predicts that the President’s minimum wage hike would lead to serious job losses and could derail the recovering economy if enacted. Disgruntled members of the business community, like Saltsman, frequently cite recent research completed by economists at Cornell and American University who found that Obama’s minimum wage increase would eliminate over 467,000 jobs and would not significantly reduce poverty as intended. Many conservatives urge for the abolishment of the minimum wage altogether, as this would, they claim, allow the market to effectively determine the equilibrium hourly wage and, therefore, ensure a balance between the supply of labor and the demand for labor in each industry. Proponents of Obama’s minimum wage increase tout the benefits of the proposal, such as higher incomes for the working poor and enhanced consumer demand, and also dispute the claim that a higher minimum wage significantly reduces employment. A study completed in 2010 by Dube, Lester and Reich attempted to identify the potential

effects of minimum wage increases on earnings and employment across various states. The economists found that their results “suggest no detectable employment losses from the kind of minimum wage increases (they) have seen in the United States.” Furthermore, the Center for American Progress synthesized five different academic studies that focused on minimum wage increases and concluded that minimum wage increases of 7 to 12.3 percent made during periods of high unemployment had no significant effect on employment levels. In fact, the study reviewed increases in state minimum wages and found that these increases at the statelevel have not killed jobs and that job growth in these states has actually been higher on average. Due to the fact that both sides of this argument have multiple studies that support their positions, it is difficult to conclusively declare whether a minimum wage increase significantly reduces employment. Before doing research on this topic, my preconceived notions led me to believe that the benefits of an increase in the minimum wage outweigh the costs. However, after reading a paper by John Schmitt of the Center for Economic Policy and Research, I have concluded that the verdict, on whether a higher minimum wages causes unemployment, is inconclusive because there are, according to Schmitt, a variety of ways the labor market and employers can react or adjust to a minimum wage increase, some of which do not involve laying off workers. Schmitt asserts that firms, in response to a minimum wage increase, can choose to

cut back on the hours and benefits of employees, cut wages for higher paid workers to offset the additional labor cost, raise prices, settle for lower profits, become more efficient and/or lay off employees. He concludes that it is nearly impossible to distinguish the precise response made by firms in an aggregate measure, since it depends on each particular firm. Therefore, it is difficult to formulate a conclusion because there are so many factors involved. In turn, some firms may decide to lay off employees, while others may choose alternative courses of action that could possibly lead to an increase in employment (if the benefits of less worker turnover and increased productivity are realized). All in all, the public debate on the impact of a minimum wage increase on employment will likely continue until more conclusive research on the possible relationship — research that would be deemed credible by both sides is presented.

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Obama’s economic plans include a raise in federal minimum wage.

Policies The Signal is published weekly during the academic year and is financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and advertising revenue. Any student may submit articles to The Signal. Publication of submitted articles is at the discretion of the editors. The letters section is an open forum for opinions. Submissions that announce events or advertise in any way will not be printed. All letters should be sent via e-mail to Handwritten letters should be sent to The Signal, c/o The Brower Student Center, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718 Ewing, N.J. 08628 or placed in our mailbox in the Student Life Office. Letters must be received by the Friday before publication and should not exceed 300 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. All letters must be signed, with a phone number and address of the author. Requests to withhold the author’s name will be honored only if there is a legitimate reason. All materials submitted become the sole property of The Signal. The editors reserve the right to edit or withhold all articles, letters & photographs. The Signal willingly corrects factual mistakes. If you think we have made an error, please contact The Signal at (609) 771-2424, write to the address listed above or e-mail us at

page 12 The Signal November 13, 2013



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November 13, 2013 The Signal page 13


Campus project fights human trafficking

Photo Courtesy of Dan Papa

Project Stay Gold gains momentum on campus.

By Julie Kayzerman Nation & World Editor

Living in America, we are often privileged with the benefits of distance from horrific events and tragedies that often take place in countries with far less security than ours. It may

not exactly be the distance that makes us feel separate, but rather the pure secrecy of tragic issues such as human trafficking. “It’s happening here,” said Emma Kumpf, sophomore internatioal studies major and advocate for human trafficking awareness. “It’s like modern-day slavery. It still

exists in the U.S. because people don’t know about it, and they’re not fighting it, and we don’t have enough legislation to fight it.” Kumpf is a member of an up-and-coming club on campus, Project Stay Gold, which is in the process of being recognized under the leadership of freshman Matthew Newman. “It is a club completely dedicated to fighting human trafficking, which we designate as modern-day slavery,” Newman said. “There’s a lot of parts of modernday slavery that have an issue in the real world where we designate it is as child slavery, sex slavery and forced labor.” The club was first founded at Newman’s middle school and high school of Jefferson Township where he was an active member.

He is now making the effort to bring the club to the College’s campus as well as other college campuses in order to spread awareness about this under-represented issue. “People don’t know about it, and people don’t understand it fully,” Newman said. “They think it’s just people being moved from one place to another and it’s not as simple as that. It’s a lot more complicated. It has a lot of psychological issues with it.” Newman passionately explained that the mission of the club is to educate people on campus on human trafficking through several awareness nights, fliers, chalking and more, as well as working with other school systems such as those in Trenton. Newman explained an encounter he had at a Project Stay Gold

awareness night in which a police officer came up to him and said he never even knew about human trafficking issues. Newman explained that due to lack of knowledge, there’s a very big disconnect with legislation in which convictions are inconsistent and tend to label the victims as the criminals. Therefore, as Project Stay Gold will strive to educate people of the issue, Newman hopes that eventually the issue will be stopped as he explained that, “in effect, awareness kills injustice of some kind.” “We’re the generation of people who are going to be the world changers and be people who can make a difference,” Kumpf said. “The more people know about the issue, the more people can be

JEWeek: Holocaust survivor shares journey By Nicole Ferrito Staff Writer

Last week’s Jewish Education Week was organized to bring awareness to the Jewish population on campus and to encourage involvement in the programs put forth by the Hillel Society and the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, explained Carly Kalman, sophomore Jewish Awareness Month and social action chair of Hillel Society. Both the AEPi Fraternity and Hillel Society decided to hold their event for the week of Nov. 7 because it is AEPi’s Founders Week, as well as the 100th anniversary of the fraternity, Bryan Halpern, junior president of Hillel Society explained. The week began with Ask the Rabbi, an event held by Hillel, which welcomed students to join an open discussion session to talk about issues important to the Jewish faith. Vera Goodkin, Holocaust survivor, spoke Tuesday, Nov. 5 on the hardships and terror that she experienced during one of the darkest parts of history. She first explained how for 37 years she was reluctant to speak about it. “It’s difficult to make people understand what the experience was,” she said. “Human beings just don’t do things like that to other human beings.” As she began her emotional story, she told the audience that the first time she was able to speak out was at an event held at Rider University to honor a man named Raul Walenberg, who was responsible for rescuing many children, including herself, from the holding prisons and death camps. He was known as the “Angel of Budapest,” she said. Born in Czechoslovakia, Goodkin can only remember living in her childhood home for a few years, as people

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Vera Goodkin recounts her Holocaust story.

she did not know would come and go for reasons she could not understand. She and her mother and father were kicked out of their home in October of 1939, and “that is how our career as professional escapees started,” she said. Until March of 1943, she and her family ran for their lives, staying with non-Jewish friends and farmers, only for short periods of time, constantly hiding in attics and cellars. She recalled an especially trying time in her battle for survival when she and her family were trekking through the dark muddy woods with a farmer as their guide. Goodkin leaned against a tree and thought, “Maybe this is all just a bad dream and maybe if I woke up it would be a different reality. If it was real I didn’t want to wake up.” She and her family had been able to stay together, but

they were split up after they were thrown in a medievallooking prison, where they stayed in horrid conditions. People suffered from malnutrition and disease. The children survived the best they could, she said. One day, a few men from the Swedish Red Cross visited the prison and deemed the place unfit for children. They then took some of them out. It had turned out that the men had worked for Raul Walenberg. He had the children sent to an orphanage to be taken care of. Both she and her parents had come so close to death, but they were able to reunite in the end. When a student asked Goodkin what had empowered her to continue on through some of the toughest moments, she responded that it was the instinct of living and intensity to show the enemy that they will not win. “No matter how many times you hear the story of the Holocaust, everybody’s perspective adds a different dimension,” said Leah Lewy, junior computer science major and member of the Hillel Society on campus. The week continued with activities put on by the AEPi Fraternity, such as the “Rock-A-Thon,” Bar/Bat Mitzvah games and a “Pie an AEPi member event.” The fraternity also collected donations and sold pink T-shirts for its philanthropy, which raises money to help families who have a member suffering from Breast Cancer, said Izik Gutkin, a fraternity member. A formal Shabbat dinner concluded the week was a formal Shabbat dinner. “Shabbat is a holiday that happens every Friday night to Saturday night,” Kalman said. “We made it formal to make it an exciting close to JEWeek, and we had a really good turn out.”

Britney’s songs basis for Biblical musical By Johnanthony Alaimo Columnist In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spearit. Amen. That, at least, is how I hope the new musical, which tells the story of Jesus Christ, featuring Britney Spears’s catalogue, will start. In what I’m sure many were waiting for, the musical will chronicle the life of Jesus set to the tune of Britney Spears’s catchiest songs. What many would call blasphemy, I would call phlegmy (Britney, don’t breathe so heavy). I could just imagine Jesus at the Last Supper singing “Piece of Me.” No word yet on whether a musical on the origin of Satan featuring the best of Christina Aguilera is in the works.

While Spears is getting closer to the heavens, another star is taking that seriously. In up, up and go away news, Lady GaGa is set to become the first musician to sing in space after she launches from a rocket in New Mexico in 2015. If she’s trying to find a place where Katy Perry is not on the charts, she’s going to have to travel quite a while. I’m very upset Gags will get the distinction of being the first singer in space. I’m sure Azealia Banks is going to strap a bottle of Pepsi and Mentos to her ass and try to beat her. J. Biebs is trying to beat away the controversy surrounding his apparent stay at a Brazilian brothel. Apparently, he was even filmed by his alleged prostitute while he was sleeping. Boy, you don’t even disarm your woman from holding a

Kodak? What the hell does Bieber need Brazilian prostitutes for? He could walk into any high school and it would be like

an outdoor market. Selena Gomez, the ball is in your court. I’ve heard Hungarian brothels are quite the rage.

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Prostitute films Bieber sleeping, while Britney’s music goes religious.

page 14 The Signal November 13, 2013

Campus Style By Jordan Koziol Columnist

Classy guys strut their style create friction.

Junior finance major Austin Dawson, junior finance major Dave Delooper and junior communication studies major Tyler Miller What are you wearing? AD: An IZOD plaid button-down oxford, a puffy wool vest, dark-wash jeans and burnished leather ankle boots. DD: An off-white Henley Shirt, Levi slim navy corduroys, brown leather side-zip lace-up boots and a seagull-printed bucket hat. TM: A red and black Polo flannel, slim dark-wash cuffed jeans and Aston Grey cable wingtip boots. How do you stylish men know each other? TM: I met Austin during Welcome Week, but the wolf pack wasn’t complete until Dave transferred from NYU. The rest is history. AD: Sparks flew when we met. When any immovable object meets an unstoppable force, it’s bound to

Who influences you? DD: I take note of different types of people around campus. If you combine a few inspirational looks or pieces that you see on different people, magic happens. Then you just build on it and make it your own. I’m also inspired by my favorite brand, Only NY. AD: Definitely my friends from home. I grew up with one style and experienced a collision of ideas once I got to college. The culmination resulted in my current style. However, it is duly noted that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication when it comes to wardrobe finesse. TM: As a 21st century man, I take pride in presenting myself with style and class. I leave my closet as I leave a banquet: neither thirsty nor drunk. Do you play off of each other’s style? DD: Absolutely. We borrow each other’s clothes and share accessories, like scarves and bucket hats. We also go to Goodwill together to search for hidden gems in the jungle of clothing. We inspire each other.

Jordan Koziol / Columnist

Three juniors talk modern campus fashion.

Challenges remain from Japan earthquake

By Frank Saverino Columnist

Since the 2011 Tohoku earthquake shut down and paralyzed Tokyo Electro Power Company’s Fukushima plant in Japan, the problems stemming from the level-7 nuclear meltdown are still unresolved, and the local residents (those of the evacuated 300,000 who have returned) remain fearful of the future harms that radiation exposure could have on their health, food and water. The instability of the plant, its recent leaks of contaminated water, and the subsequent failures by TEPCO to control the recovery

site have outraged Japan’s government and anti-nuclear energy critics alike, igniting an international concern over the handling of the worst nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl catastrophe of 1986. Immediately following the Tohoku earthquake (the most devastating Japan has ever seen and that killed over 15,000 civilians), the three running reactors’ fission reactions were suspended, and electronic coolant agents were activated to condition the fuel rods and prevent them from melting. The plant was stabilized momentarily. The earthquake, however,

had generated enormous tsunami waves (reaching heights of 133 feet) that swept over the plant’s walls and flooded the lower levels, damaging the emergency generators that had supplied power to the cooling system. The Fukushima operators struggled to repower the generators for two days before hydrogen explosions ensued, triggering a massive meltdown and causing considerable damage to the building surrounding reactors 1-3 and injuring several of the power plant’s employees. One of the most difficult obstacles for TEPCO is to deal with the alarming amount of

contaminated water that has been spent from the reactors as well as from the cleanup site and its constructions. Because they were pressed for time, TEPCO had sped through the building of a barricade to inhibit groundwater from spilling into the Pacific, and the company has admitted that its rushed plans have contributed to the high radioactivity of the surrounding ocean water, which had been recorded for the summer following the disaster. TEPCO has been under harsh criticism from the Japanese government as well as international coalitions for its problematic handling of the devastation.

TEPCO has sought out support from outside sources but is still battling leakage from the large containers of toxic water they have built outside the plant and been pumping water into. Also to many critics’ dismay, TEPCO is preparing for a major operation to remove 1,500 of the spent fuel rods from the reactors and transport them each individually to more stable containers. The problems that the cleanup of the Fukushima nuclear disaster still remain although two years have passed since the plant was hit by Tohoku, and finding the solutions to Fukushima is still far off.

Royal Chef regal choice for take-out meals

Bourbon chicken is a contender for addictive dishes.

By Amy Reynolds Editor-in-Chief

As I’ve mentioned before in previous food reviews, I don’t like to walk to get food when it’s cold outside. Sometimes I’ll make the trek to T-Dubs, but if I’m already wearing cozy sweatpants and slippers, there’s no chance I’ll walk to Eick when it’s cold. As you probably know, it was really cold on Friday night, and I did not want to walk anywhere. I didn’t know what I was in the mood for (pasta, Chinese … the list seemed endless), so I turned to my good friend Grubhub and searched the “best” restaurants in the nearby area. As I scrolled through the list of 30 or so restaurants, Royal Chef caught my eye. The Chinese restaurant’s menu seemed

Amy Reynolds / Editor-in-Chief

endless — it took me quite some time to decide what to order. Eventually, my boyfriend and I decided we would order the shrimp lo mein and the bourbon chicken combination platters (to share, of course). Each of the combination platters came with an egg roll and pork fried rice, and we decided to order an extra pizza egg roll just because it sounded fun. The delivery time wasn’t the shortest — it took a little over an hour for our food to get here. We did, however, order on a Friday night at around 7 p.m., so the long wait wasn’t a surprise. By the time the food got here we were so hungry that almost anything probably would have tasted good, but I’d say that the meal definitely hit the spot. Neither of

us knew which meal to start with, so we put them both out in front of us, alternating bites of each meal. While the shrimp lo mein was good, it wasn’t anything special. The lo mein tasted like lo mein I could have gotten anywhere else, and the shrimp wasn’t super hot, which seafood absolutely should be. I still ate nearly every bite, though, so I wouldn’t say it was a total disappointment. The bourbon chicken, on the other hand, was absolutely ah-mazing. I’ve never had any type of chicken from a Chinese restaurant that was so good. As the meal reached the bottom, my boyfriend and I had to fight over who would get the last piece. Seriously, though, he has a black eye from it (semi-joking). As for the pizza egg roll, it was good but not great. I’d rate it as better than a pizza roll but not as good as a bagel bite. My boyfriend, on the other hand, the pizza roll aficionado, would wholeheartedly disagree. Although Royal Chef certainly doesn’t beat my favorite hometown Chinese restaurant, I’ll definitely be ordering from there again in the near future. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if I develop a Royal Chef bourbon chicken addiction.

Royal Chef

Where: 1400 Parkway Ave., Trenton, NJ Contact: 609-882-1067 Hours: Mon. - Sat.: 10:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Sun.: 11:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Overall Rating (3.5 out of 5):

November 13, 2013 The Signal page 15

Documentary follows UFC wrestler’s trials

AP Photo

Pulver (middle) after a wrestling match. By Kimberly Ilkowski Correspondent

Students met a UFC titleholder, the 2001 Lightweight World Champion, Jens Pulver, for a viewing of his film, “Jens Pulver: Driven,” on Thursday, Oct. 7.

The documentary follows Pulver through his demanding training schedule in anticipation for his return to the cage in a fight that could make or break his career. He spoke candidly about the painful trials he faced as a youth dealing with a severe cycle of domestic violence. In the film, Pulver said he found solace in athletics. His only way out was attending wrestling tournaments and competing. “Wrestling saved my life,” he said. The film did not conclude with the happy ending everyone wanted, but he made the documentary to reveal the mental side of the sport. He emphasized that there may not always be successes in life, but it does not mean the story is not worth telling. “Life is short, and your athletic life is even shorter. You have to ride it until the wheels fall off,” he said. Since the movie’s release, Pulver has entered the cage again and is giving back to the community. He recently developed a kids program at the 802 MMA Gym in Kearney, Neb. to become a trainer and pass on his knowledge. “It’s my turn to be a mentor,” he said. Throughout the question and answer session, Pulver opened up, sharing tales from his childhood and teenage years. One story in particular sent out a powerful message to students. Pulver held up his hand, revealing a self-done tattoo of a P between his thumb and index finger. The selfdescribed “idiot stamp” is a testament to the choices of

his youth and he often looks at it as a reminder of how far he has come in life. “Don’t close the door on the person you can be in five years or in 10 years,” he told the crowd, many of whom wrestle for the College and are avid followers of the sport. “People think this is as bad as it’s going to be but don’t close the door! Don’t give up on the person you’re gonna become.” Freshman psychology major Olivia Pruznick enjoyed the documentary and found Pulver’s message inspiring. “It was really helpful to people that want to do what he does,” she said. “Everyone makes it seem like it’s bad for you, but he was able to make it feel like it’s possible.” Pulver gave advice to a student who was having trouble with pre-match jitters. “It’s good to be nervous, it lets you know that you want it. It lets me know that I’m alive,” he said. Senior mechanical engineering major Mike Dimeo was surprised when he heard that Pulver would be coming to the College. “You hear all these big names and he’s one of them. He might not think he’s famous but he’s famous to me. Seeing him was unreal,” he said. The event concluded with students snapping photos with Pulver and speaking to him one on one. As Dimeo walked up to shake the fighter’s hand, he turned back and said, “It’s not every day you meet a legend.”

Greek yogurt mythological hero of health By Andreia Bulhao Features Assistant Recently, the consumption of Greek yogurt has increased greatly in popularity. Walking down the dairy aisle of your local grocery store, you may notice a wider variety of Greek yogurt as more companies are beginning to expand with this trend. Greek yogurt differs from regular yogurt, as it is made when it is strained to remove the whey, or the liquid remaining after the milk is curdled. This produces a thicker yogurt with less sugar, fewer carbohydrates and more protein. We tend to think that Greek yogurt is an essential staple to a healthy diet. However, here are four common misconceptions about Greek yogurt and the truth behind them. 1. They are packed with protein. One of the most common thoughts when it comes to Greek yogurt is that each kind is packed with protein, making it better for you than regular yogurt. Though there is some truth to this idea, it does not ring true for every

brand of yogurt. This could be attributed to the different straining processes used by individual companies as well as proportions when it comes to serving size. For example, some five-ounce containers are packed with nearly 10 grams of protein while Chobani’s six-ounce containers consist of 18 grams of protein — nearly a 50 percent increase. So remember, while Greek yogurt generally does consist of more protein than most regular yogurts, the amount is not consistent across the board. Different brands offer different amounts in each serving. 2. Greek yogurt is regulated. Contrary to popular belief, the FDA only has regulations in place for regular yogurt. That means that there are no rules to what can or cannot be labeled as “Greek yogurt.” As a result, companies can add additional ingredients to change the process of manufacturing the yogurt, while still being able to keep the “Greek” name. Often, they will add protein

using whey concentrates and thickening agents such as modified corn starch, which in turn, makes the consumption of this yogurt less healthy than typically presumed. It is important to check labels prior to purchasing these yogurts to ensure that it is truly Greek. Look for milk and live active cultures as the main ingredients to confirm that you’re getting the real thing. 3. Greek yogurt is vegetarian friendly. This is not true for every brand. Often, gelatin may be added to Greek yogurt to give it the proper texture. Gelatin usually comes from collagen obtained from various animal byproducts, which can present a problem for vegetarians who still consume milk, cheese and yogurt. Check for gelatin on the list of ingredients if you wish to avoid such additives. 4. Flavored Greek yogurt is also healthy. Many of us like to assume that all Greek yogurt is healthy, but this is not

the case. Flavored Greek yogurt tends to contain a lot of sugar — sometimes as much as 15 to 25 grams per serving. The suggested daily sugar intake is 25 grams for women and 37.5 grams for men, according to the American Heart Association. That means that eating flavored Greek yogurt can easily increase your sugar intake far past recommended levels. Your best option is to go with a plain Greek yogurt and lightly sweeten it with fresh pieces of fruit, or lightly drizzle it with honey. So while you may be thinking that you have opted for the healthier option by eating Greek yogurt, this might not always be the case. The increase in the consumption of Greek yogurt labels it as a trend to companies looking to make a profit, and sometimes that means that ingredients of the less nutritious variety are added to match the Greek label. In this case, always be sure to check the ingredients before you buy so that it can be a healthy choice.

Pumpkin treats take the bite out of fall By Andreia Bulhao Features Assistant Caramel Pumpkin Blondies Ingredients Butter (¾ cups) Brown sugar (1 cup) Eggs (2) Vanilla extract (2 teaspoons) Pumpkin puree (1 ¼ cups) Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) Nutmeg (½ teaspoon) All purpose flour (1 ¾ cups) Baking soda (1 teaspoon) Salt (¼ teaspoon) Walnuts (½ a cup) Chocolate chips (¼ cup) Melted caramel (1 cup) Heavy cream (¼ cup) Now that it is November, I find myself having the urge to consume all things pumpkin. From lattes to muffins, I’ve been falling into a pumpkin overload, and there is no way that I’m the only one. And now that Thanksgiving

is approaching, pumpkin recipes are continuously appearing everywhere. That is why I decided to feature this fall-time favorite as the key ingredient this week. If you’re anything like me and have a sweet tooth, the opportunity to bake something delicious is one you rarely pass up. And when it comes to using pumpkin, the possibilities are endless. Here is a recipe for Caramel Pumpkin Blondies, a seasonal treat that I can assure you will not disappoint. 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Take a 9 x 13 pan and coat with a non-stick cooking spray. Set the pan aside for later. 2. In a large bowl, mix the butter and dark brown sugar until it is light and fluffy. A mixer can be used and will probably simplify the process, but I used a whisk instead. After all, a little extra arm work never hurts!

3. Once the butter and sugar have reached a soft consistency, stir in eggs, vanilla and pumpkin and mix. Next, add the cinnamon, nutmeg, flour, baking soda and salt. Mix thoroughly. The batter will have a thick, almost dough-like texture after all of the ingredients are added. 4. Take the pan you set aside and pour about two-thirds of the batter into the pan. Once the batter is evenly spread, sprinkle the chocolate chips and walnuts on top for the filling. 5. In a smaller bowl, combine the caramel and heavy cream. You can use a bag of caramel candy, and melt it in a microwave-safe bowl. However, I find it easier to use caramel apple dip. It makes the preparation a lot easier. 6. After your caramel and heavy cream is stirred, evenly pour it

Andreia Bulhao / Features Assistant

Blondies satisfy Autumn pumpkin hankerings. over the chocolate chips and walnuts. Cover the caramel with the remaining batter. Try your best to spread the batter along the top to cover the filling. It can get a little tricky — I found the best way was to use a butter knife. Also, remember that it is OK if the caramel peaks through some parts of the blondie, but fully covering the filling would be ideal.

7. Place the pan in the oven for about 25 minutes, or until it becomes a golden brown color. When the time is up, be sure to poke it with a toothpick or fork to make

sure your batter is fully cooked. Remember that your fork may come back up with caramel, but as long none of the batter remains on it, it is fully baked. 8. Let the blondies cool before you cut and serve. When they are fully cooled and ready to eat, serve them with ice cream, or top them off with whipped cream and enjoy! Don’t live off campus? No worries. There are kitchenetts scattered across campus, including in the lounges of Townhouse South, Hausdoerffer, Phelps and Cromwell, available for use.

page 16 The Signal November 13, 2013

International Education Week November 11 – 15, 2013

Join us for International Education Week! Sample foods from all over the world. Watch performances from other cultures. And learn about the many study abroad opportunities available to you! Monday, November 11 Study Abroad Info Table


11 – 1 PM

Wednesday, November 13 Int’l Lunch: We Take you Places Study Abroad Info Table Faculty-Led Study Abroad Info High Tea and Study Abroad Info Int’l Film: Soul Kitchen (German)

Eickhoff Eickhoff BSC BSC 210 Library aud.

11 – 2 PM 11 – 2 PM 11:30 – 1:30 PM 11:30 – 1:30 PM 6 PM

Thursday, November 14 Trip Around the World

BSC Lion’s Den 8PM – 10 PM

Presented by: The Center for Global Engagement Residential Education and Housing SODEXO World Languages and Cultures

November 13, 2013 The Signal page 17

Arts & Entertainment

Grouplove / Pop wonders show true colors continued from page 1 “We were a tight-knit group among other artists, when we got together we would yell ‘Group!’ Then we just evolved into Grouplove.” After touring and recording together for more than four years, the group is still extremely positive about the connections between their personal and musical relationships. “It’s like being on a team, and you’re with your homies,” said vocalist and keyboardist Hanna Hooper. Wessen then added, “It really prolongs your career if you can say ‘OK’ and be friendly with one another … I feel like (the band) is still in its honeymoon period.” Despite the strong connection among Grouplove’s members, they don’t take on a single image and don’t collectively fill a specific stereotype. This description is personified in their

willingness to embark on new adventures while on tour. “We like to do anything that’s unique, because the lifestyle can be very monotonous if you let it,” drummer Ryan Rabbin said. This penchant for the unbeaten path has taken members of Grouplove to Red, White and Blue thrift shop in Trenton before Saturday’s concert and beekeeping during their previous stop at American University. The diversity that defines Grouplove is also evident in their music — both stylistically and in its meaning. During the concert, Grouplove showcased a wide variety of tracks from their three current releases featuring poppy songs, tracks reminiscent of rock ’n’ roll and even synth-laden jams. This range of musical sounds and instruments was indicative of the band’s open-ended intent for its music. “We look to move listeners

in a positive way,” Wessen said. “If you want to be happy, we make you more happy. If you want to feel depressed, we make you feel more depressed. We’re looking to accentuate the mood that you want to believe.” Grouplove’s product isn’t targeted at one type of fan, and it isn’t created to evoke a particular emotion. But whether they’re performing at a college, major venue or large festival, there is a specific style in which they perform. “We only know how to play one way, which is super reckless and fun. Depending on whatever arena you’re playing in, that never changes,” Wessen said. Grouplove’s ability to appeal to a wide group of people was evident in their concert succes. Combined with their commitment to performing enthusiastically, the band ultimately left a positive impression on the College’s students.

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

Grouplove gets students dancing to its various styles, from pop hit ‘Tongue Tied’ to alt-rock anthem ‘Colors.’

“It was incredible when (they) started playing,” senior exercise science major Michael Yarish said.

“I found myself dancing in unison with kids I’ve only ever seen in class. Powerful stuff.”

Preparation pays off for a pair of performers By Sydney Shaw Correspondent

Students, family and faculty filtered into the Mayo Concert Hall on Sunday, Nov. 10 to enjoy an important capstone for all music majors — the senior recital. Music education majors Katie Saxton and Bruce Krywinski put on a show that earned a standing ovation and brought several audience members to tears, alternating back and forth between their songs in a display to remember. Krywinski opened with a piccolo performance of the first two marches from Telemann’s “Douze Marches Heroïques: La Grâce” and “La Majesté.” According to Krysinski’s recital notes, “La Grâce is

a lyrical march often performed at weddings. La Majesté has a regal air about it and boasts a march feeling that makes a bold announcement.” Saxton, president of the American Choral Directors Association at the College, opened with a romantic German piece titled “Bei dir sind meine Gedanken.” The mezzo-soprano also sang opera pieces in Italian, French and English. Krywinski then played Hummel’s “Concerto in E flat” on the trumpet, a bold piece from the 1800s. He also performed Enescu’s “Légende,” which featured fastpaced passages and a dramatic climax. The cornet, with which Krywinski had only practiced for two months prior to his performance, was used to play Clarke’s

“Sounds from the Hudson.” “I searched for information regarding events in the composers’ lives that may have been reflected in their music,” Krywinski said. “I also find out whether the pieces themselves are supposed to tell a story, like Enescu’s ‘Légende.’” Saxton smiled through her last solo performance, Lee Hoiby’s “Where the Music Comes From.” The piece had a flowing rhythm and sent a positive message about growing and learning. The finale, though, was Saxton’s rendition of “Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You?” from Broadway’s “The Music Man.” Saxton was joined by a barbershop quartet of Brian Lang, Kyle Sheehan, Matt Thomas and Daniel Malloy.

“It’s crazy how fast it goes,” Saxton said. “You prepare for this day for so long, and it flies by when you’re out there. It’s nerve-wracking, rewarding and amazing all at the same time.” Later that evening, senior Emma Peterson also performed vocally in a solo recital performance. “The shows were brilliant,” sophomore music education major Eddie Eassie said. “I love senior recitals. It’s such a wonderful opportunity for students to perform at a high level.” “Even though the recital is over, there is still work to be done,” Saxton said. “I have chosen music as my profession, and it’s a lifelong commitment to improving my craft.”

‘Captain Phillips’ drama holds viewers captive

AP Photo

Phillips and the pirates face off for control of the ship.

By Colleen Murphy Review Editor

In April 2009, four Somali pirates seized the Maersk Alabama, an American cargo ship, and took its crew of 20 unarmed members and Captain Richard Phillips hostage. After the crew members regained control of the ship, the pirates seized Phillips, forcing him

into a lifeboat and seeking ransom. For several days, they negotiated with the American government for money in exchange for Phillips’s safe return, but instead, their piracy led to a massive rescue operation by the U.S. Navy and SEAL Team Six. In The New York Times’ original story of the attack, the situation was described as “an episode that

at times seemed ripped from the pages of a Robert Louis Stevenson novel.” The incredible story and scale of the rescue not only seemed fit for a novel, but for a Hollywood movie as well. With Tom Hanks at the helm, the terrifying true story is turned into a box office hit, “Captain Phillips.” The movie is done extremely well and leaves its audience tense throughout, but it was surrounded by controversy. According to the original story of the hijacking in the Times, “piracy is a multimillion-dollar business in Somalia, a nation that has limped along since 1991 without a functioning central government.” While Paul Greengrass, the director of the film, did give the pirates a chance to explain why they hijack ships, many noted that this was not enough social commentary to make for a fair evaluation. Rather, the film warranted a better explanation of why piracy is such a popular and embedded industry

for Somalis. The other controversy surrounding the film was that many of the ship’s crew members called the film a lie. According to the New York Post, the crew had begged for the real-life Phillips not to sail so close to the shore, but he wanted to show that he was not afraid of any pirates. Eleven of the crew members sued Maersk Line and the Waterman Steamship Corporation for almost $50 million because of the unnecessary danger they were put in. Setting aside any qualms people might have about the movie, the story itself is a gripping one. More importantly, the heroic rescue effort of Captain Phillips, the crew members and the Navy should not go unnoticed. “Captain Phillips” is a masterfully done film with yet another strong performance by Hanks. But what might be even more impressive than Hanks’s acting was that of Somali native and Minneapolis resident Barkhad

Adbi. Performing in his first role, Adbi plays Muse, the pirates’ leader. In one of the most pivotal and impactful moments of the movie, Adbi’s character stares at the captain, whom he nicknames Irish, and commands, “Look at me. Look at me. I’m the captain now.” Showing the skills of a mature actor, much like his costar Hanks, Adbi ad-libbed “I’m the captain now,” which was the most chilling line of the movie. There is Oscar buzz for Best Picture, but it is the intense acting by Hanks and Adbi that really keeps the movie enthralling and that makes them the best chance for this movie to be awarded at least one Oscar. “Captain Phillips” is a riveting story that was translated beautifully onto the big screen. Its actors show raw emotion throughout, which allows for audiences to see just how quick a person can think and how much strength a person can muster when thrown into a perilous situation.

page 18 The Signal November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013 The Signal page 19

Rap god returns, now mortal ‘Horror’ glory Eminem’s newest LP looks for roots By Jared Sokoloff Staff Writer

Guess who’s back? Back again? It’s Slim Shady, but he’s different. I was pretty pumped when I heard that Eminem was releasing “The Marshall Mathers LP 2.” After the dark and serious themes of “Relapse” and “Recovery,” I was excited to hear the return to the old, pissedoff, yet hilarious raps of Em’s alter-ego Slim Shady. This album, however, really isn’t that funny. With the exception of a verse of Eminem rapping in the style of Yoda, there really isn’t anything that is outright hilarious. The one exception is “So Far…,” in which Em and the ever-minimalistic producer Rick Rubin chop up Joe Walsh’s classic “Life’s Been Good” and turn it into an

ode to the rapper’s life. The album runs for an hour and 20 minutes, which is about 20 minutes too long. Shortening this 16-track album probably would have made for a slightly more focused, less wearing album than what was released. This is over an hour of Eminem’s trademark anger over everything (except, of course, his daughter Hailie). With the exception of “Headlights,” where he apologizes to his mother for verbally harassing her in the past, he is just pissed off at life. That said, I forgot how insane Eminem’s flow is. And here is where he’s really evolved over the years. He’s never necessarily been a fast talker, but we hear him now taking small breaks in the middle of his passages, making for tasteful and interesting flows. He also once again showcases how he has a better handle on the English

language than most English teachers, even when half of his vocabulary consists of four-letter words. The standout track of this album is “Rhyme or Reason,” which takes “Time of the Season,” the classic song by The Zombies, and somehow makes it even more ominous. While I’m usually not a fan of rappers who just take the backing tracks of classic songs and use it as their own, it really works for this song as a rant about Eminem’s absentee father. Missing comedy aside, this is a strong album from Eminem. The rapper reminds us why we fell in love with him in the first place — it wasn’t the humor, the alter egos, the look. It was his natural flow and talented wordplay, and in the end, that is what trumps all other elements of this album, making it a truly great work to listen to.

AP Photos

Left: Eminem performs with trademark fire and brimstone. Right: His childhood home adorns the new LP.

By Chris Minitelli Staff Writer

The new season of “American Horror Story” is finally back and in full swing. The third season of the FX anthology has taken on the world of witchcraft in New Orleans. This season centers on a witch coven and all of its various dilemmas, dark secrets and disasters that take place because of it. I love the way that, as an anthology series, “American Horror Story” always has an entirely new story and set of characters come each season. I also enjoy how most of the actors return each season. This year, most of the show’s key players have returned, including Jessica Lange, Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson. A number of well-known actors have also joined the cast this season, including Kathy Bates, Emma Roberts and Gabourey Sidibe. While this season’s cast is pretty impressive, something that has always been consistently impressive is the show’s writing. For three seasons now, the writers of “American Horror Story” have been able to keep their storylines fresh and exciting. Although this season has taken on a subject that has certainly been done more times than I can count in different movies and shows, the writers have been able to tie classic witchcraft storylines with very modern approaches, making for an inventive story. Ultimately, the newest season of “American Horror Story” is definitely worth watching. While it is still pretty early in the season, the third installment of “American Horror Story” has already been able to keep me guessing and excited for each week’s episode. While there have been many twists and surprises already, there’s much more to come. This season is only just beginning.

Artist Pablo Helguera shares socially-engaged art By Abby Burns Correspondent

Pablo Helguera, a Mexican artist working in New York, visited the College on Wednesday, Nov. 6, to present his various art forms and history to students and faculty. Helguera’s style differs from traditional interpretations, as he mainly employs socially-engaged mediums and performances to express a point. Helguera, now 42 years old, was born in Mexico City. His work focuses on a variety of topics ranging from history and memory

to the absurd. Helguera has been working in a variety of contemporary art museums since 1991, and along with being an artist and teacher, he is the author of many books, including “Education For Socially-Engaged Art.” During his presentation, Helguera spoke about social consciousness in his work, starting with his latest artwork. He described the piece as “a game” involving 50 volunteers who provided their names and dates of birth, which were displayed beneath a photograph taken of them. Each volunteer received 16 envelopes

and was directed to open each envelope on a specific date. The first date of the game began on May 1 of this year wherein the participants opened their first envelopes. The following message was directed to be opened two days later, the third to be opened four days later, eight days, 16 days and so on. The final envelope, however, was scheduled to be opened on the day of the participant’s death. “Overall, I found his approach to modern art refreshing,” freshman communication studies major Marc Trotochaud said. Helguera described his art

project from 2008 that took place in Chinatown, New York City, called “The Seven Bridges of Königsberg,” a card-reading system intended to create dialogue among engaged viewers. The piece related to a historical problem in mathematics, where the city of Königsberg, Prussia was divided by a river. The two islands of the city were connected to each other and the mainland by seven bridges. The problem was to find a path that could cross each bridge only once. Inevitably, no solution could be discovered. Helguera spoke about how he

was stuck with a closet-sized room in Chinatown and, consequently, had the idea to develop the space for a project. Helguera put up a sign that said “Card readings $1” and made his own set of cards. He decided to do a socially-engaging project, which involved real people coming up to him, thinking he was a real card reader. He found that many people revealed personal things to him. “No life has a single path,” Helguera said. “You can never recross a bridge, the same way you can never re-cross a path in your own life.”

Recital: stealing the show with nerves of steel By Edward Bannister-Holmes Correspondent

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

Students play a range of genres.

The beautiful sounds of piano chords, string instruments and soprano voices filled Mayo Concert Hall as students and faculty of the Music Department performed in another edition of the Afternoon Recital Series on Wednesday, Nov. 6. There were no solo performances in this recital. Instead, every performance was a duet — some involved two instruments being played simultaneously while others involved different forms of singing accompanied by an instrument. “Each year, students of the music department are required to perform one recital,” said junior music education major, Chelsea Hogendorn, who sang a piece by French composer Francis Poulenc in a soprano voice.

Some of the musicians were very experienced and have exhibited their talents on the Mayo stage before. But for sophomore music education major Kenneth Hamilton, you would never be able to tell this was his first performance. Hamilton, who performed on the bass, said he was nervous before playing his piece “Sonata in G minor” by Bendetto Marcello, but it was never apparent during his rendition. “Honestly, I told myself that everyone goes through this. I had to treat it like another rehearsal,” Hamilton said. First-time recital performers are not the only ones who become nervous for their recitals. Even the most experienced of students feel cold feet before they hit the stage. “Everyone gets nervous,” said Hogendorn, who performed in her third recital.

Each of the performances appeared flawless, but of course, each song required a lot of practice. “I had been working on (my) piece since the beginning of the semester,” junior music education major Ashleigh Ayers said. Leider, the genre in which she sang, was described as a “German word meaning ‘art song.’” This recital demonstrated the amont of dedication that students of the College are willing to put into these recitals. From piano to saxophones and plenty of voices, their talents were diverse. Ultimately, the audience was pleased with each performance and gave applause after everyone had finished playing. “It was absolutely amazing to be able to see these students live and performing their passions.” event attendee Madelyn Morrison Lichtman said.

page 20 The Signal November 13, 2013

Fun Stuff

Brain Teasers

1. To whom do all men take off their hats? 2. What number can you take half of and leave nothing? 3. You walk into a room with a match. In the room there is a stove, a heater and a candle. What do you light first? 4. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

Answers 1. A barber. 2. 8 -> o

3. Your match.


Puzzle #1

Puzzle #2 Solution #1


4. The word “short.�


November 13, 2013 The Signal page 21

Lions Fantasy World

Through the Uprights

Fair warning: This column is not going to be funny. There is a very serious issue in the NFL that I’d like to discuss, one that has been swept under the rug far too many times in favor of other, more “immediate” stories, like the ridiculous ones coming out of a locker room I won’t mention. It’s time to talk, really talk, about concussions. Last week, two former NFL stars were diagnosed with CTE, or chronic traumatic encephalopathy. For those who are still not aware of what exactly CTE is, I’ll make it simple. CTE is a degenerative brain disease caused primarily by concussions. CTE is what leads to so many former NFL players taking their own lives. It can cause memory loss, depression, dementia and suicidal thoughts. CTE isn’t a death sentence, but it’s not something you’d really like to live with. The former players diagnosed last week were Tony Dorsett and Mark Duper. My guess is that you might have heard about Dorsett, but chances are you didn’t know Duper’s name. CTE isn’t big news — after all, it’s been found in the brains of more than 50 former NFL players. Unfortunately, it was found during their autopsies. So why aren’t we talking about concussions? I know, I know, they get mentioned when they happen, and teams are being more cautious, and when a player dies with CTE there’s some noise. But that is far from enough. This should be something we talk about every time we mention football, until the problem is dealt with. Maybe the problem is not having the right voice for the issue. People don’t want to listen to the former players because of a lot of reasons that don’t really make sense. No one cares what the sportswriters have to say about it because they haven’t lived through it. That’s why I’m speaking up. I’ve had two concussions in my life. The first was the kind many people have growing up: I got conked on the head by a baseball, had a headache for a couple days and got over it. The second concussion cost me six months of my life, and I’m still living with the consequences. Six months of pure agony that stopped me from doing anything, while it stripped me of a good portion of my intelligence, my athleticism, a lot of the people in my life and almost my sanity. I still haven’t gotten back much of what I lost. I’m still coming to terms with the fact that I’m a different person now than I was before it happened. And my concussion was a minor one. It happened when I got elbowed in the back of the head during a high school recreational basketball game. So I can only imagine what it’s like for those who have the bad ones, like NFL players who face concussive forces every week. The concussion issue is something we should be talking about all the time. It’s not something to push to the bottom of the rundown or write about only on the back page. And if you ever hear people say concussions aren’t that bad, that NFL players need to just man up and play, ask them about the last concussion they suffered. If they remember it, tell them they aren’t allowed to talk.

By Mike Herold Fantasy Guy

The Scoreboard

Signal Squad (7-3)

83 77

Owners: Peter Fiorilla, Mike Herold

Team Gould (5-5) Owner: Brandon Gould

Team Molicki (6-4)

93 59

Owner: Chris Molicki

T 7-11 Represent! (5-5) Owner: Sean Hynecamp

Team Shubiak (6-4)


Suh Girls One Cup (2-8)


Team Matos (6-4)


Owner: Corey Shubiak

Owner: Tyler Caccavale

Owner: Rob Matos

End Zone Dancers (6-4) Owner: Bryan Dunphy-Culp


Team Jha (4-6) Owner: Ashray Jha

More Cushing for the Pushing (3-7) Owner: Tommy Lagerman

96 70

Fantasy Player of the Week

AP Photo

I May Be Wrong, But...

Here’s what I would do in Fantasy Football this week: Add: Fantasy World, meet Tavon Austin. Tavon Austin, Fantasy World. The Rams rookie had himself one heck of a week, which plenty of people are now calling a “breakout game.” Since he’s a rookie on a not-terrible team, especially one that isn’t exactly good and doesn’t have too many options, I’m inclined to agree.

Be Cautious Of: If Week 10 proved anything, it’s that this is truly the season where anything can happen. Sure, there are teams at the top, but not even the Chiefs, Broncos and Seahawks have looked invincible all season. I’d tell you to stop betting on football entirely, but since I doubt that will happen I say to pick the upsets. If the Jags can win, so can anyone else.

Drop: The biggest, baddest injury swing of the 2013 NFL season has arrived. Aaron Rodgers is hurt, and no matter how many times the Packers say he’ll only be out three to four weeks, a broken collarbone is never a good thing for a QB. It’s a little late in the season to look for a decent replacement, but I doubt Rodgers plays again this season, so put in your backup. Look Out For: The Jaguars won a game! And are somehow not mathematically eliminated from the playoffs yet! I mean, sure, it only took an injury to Jake Locker for the win to happen, but still, here come the Jags! (You can tell I’m being sarcastic, right? Please tell me no one is taking this seriously.)

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page 22 The Signal November 13, 2013

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November 13, 2013 The Signal page 23

Lions edged 1-0 by Montclair in title game Season comes to a close with loss in NJACs Field Hockey

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The offense never breaks through. By Andrew Grossman Sports Assistant

While the field hockey team had a strong run in the NJAC tournament, it came to an unfortunate end with a 1-0 loss to No. 1 Montclair State University in the championship game, a result that also disqualified them from the Division III National Championships. Despite the upsetting defeat, the women still had an impressive season, which resulted in a runner-up finish at the NJACs. Their road to the final began in a repeat matchup against Rowan University. After barely beating the Owls three weeks earlier, 4-3, the Lions were

prepared for another tough battle. “We just took it like we were going into a brand-new game,” junior forward Erin Healy said. “The first game definitely helped us in knowing what their tendencies were and helped us prepare for what we needed to do. We just went into it to prove that we were the better team and beat them, which we did.” The Lions scored early and often in a 6-1 win, which meant more to the girls than a victory typically does, as a result of the way they dominated the game. “We just went out and passed the ball and worked really nicely together as a team and Rowan didn’t stand a chance against us,” Healy said. “We were down by one and then scored six unanswered goals, so we were obviously very happy we beat Rowan, but I think the way we beat them, we knew we were the better team so we never felt like the underdog.” Leading the Lions in scoring was junior forward Lindsey Hatch, who scored a hat-trick to raise her season total to a NJAC-leading 21 goals. Healy ended the year fourth among NJAC scoring leaders with 19 goals. While the Lions were excited about a convincing win against Rowan, they knew that they had a difficult game ahead of them against the nation’s top team, Montclair State. Similar to when the College played Rowan, the Lions battled Montclair earlier in the season. Although they had lost then, 2-1, Healy and the team were confident they could avenge that loss in the NJAC final and automatically qualify for the NCAA Tournament.

Despite coming in with a steady game plan and outshooting the Red Hawks 10-3, the College’s offense never found the cage in a 1-0 loss. “We did get a lot of shots off, but they also tried to stuff their whole team in the circle so it was difficult for us to get through all those defenders,” Healy said. “At the same time, we dominated the second half. We should have cashed in on our opportunities, which we need to do.” The loss kept the Lions out of the NCAAs for the second time in the last two years, after they were crowned national champions in 2011. While the College’s season may be over, they can now reflect on all that

they accomplished. Despite having only one senior — and half the team made up of freshmen — the women still posted a formidable 16-4 record, ended the season ranked ninth in the country and was second-best in the NJAC. “We have been very supportive from day one of preseason until now, and it is pretty amazing to see how far we’ve come and how hard everyone has worked and how much heart all the girls have,” Healy said. “It is very obvious to the team how important each girl is on the team, whether they’ve played (a) minute of the game or they hardly get on the field.” The Lions are a strong team, and they know that they will be back and ready for next year.

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

The Lions tear through the NJAC bracket to the championship game.

Soccer can’t stop unbeaten RU-Camden Lions dropped in semifinals, out of NCAAs Men’s Soccer

By Peter Fiorilla Sports Editor The men’s soccer team needed to defeat an unbeaten Montclair State University squad to move on in the NJAC playoffs and qualify for NCAA’s last Wednesday, Nov. 6. But the team fell into a 2-0 hole in the first half from

which it never recovered, losing 4-1 to the eventual champions. If anyone could beat Montclair, it was the Lions (12-6-2) — one of only two teams to tie them through 21 games this season and with defense in emaculate form heading into the semifinals. The Lions won five of six games before traveling to the Scarlet

Knights, including a 2-0 playoff win over Rowan University, and had not given up more than one goal in a game during that time. But even with NJAC Goalkeeper of the Year senior Aaron Utman protecting the net and making five saves, the College could not stop the vaunted Scarlet Knights (19-0-2) offense, which

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

The Lions’ seasons ends prematurely with a 4-1 loss to the Scarlet Knights.

opened the scoring in the 26th minute indirectly off a corner kick after Utman guided a shot wide just a minute earlier. A Scarlet Knight got on the end of the corner and headed the ball toward the center of the sixyard box, where it got lost and midfielder Keegan Balle lashed it into the net. Rutgers-Camden was able to strike again for the game-winner in the 34th minute when midfielder Connor Huffe won a 50-50 battle for possession in the final third, collected himself and blasted the ball far post. The College was on the offensive for much of the game, taking 17 shots overall and peppering Rutgers-Camden’s goal with six shots on target, but Scarlet Knights goalkeeper Mike Randall was equal to everything that came his way. That left the Lions pushing forward in the second half, and Rutgers-Camden took advantage by scoring another two times in the game’s final 15 minutes. Junior midfielder Kevin McCartney was able to get on the board for the Lions with a late consolation goal, but the eventual 4-1 score line was the College’s least flattering of the season in what

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Utman makes five saves.

turned out to be its final game — even though the Lions were ranked fifth in the region, their bid for NCAAs was unsuccessful. Despite missing out, though, this year ended up being the Lions’ best season run in years — the program won its first playoff game in regulation and just second overall since the 2005-06 season while integrating a lot of freshmen into the lineup and establishing a formidable defense, setting up cause for optimism heading into next year.

page 24 The Signal November 13, 2013

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November 13, 2013 The Signal page 25



DORM 5 3

Amy Reynolds Editor-in-Chief

Andrew Grossman Sports Assistant

Joe Caputo Correspondent

Peter Fiorilla Sports Editor

In this week’s Around the Dorm, the “Ref,” Amy Reynolds, asks our panel three questions: Will the Packers re-claim the NFC North despite the temporary loss of QB Aaron Rodgers, can Roger Federer be considered the greatest men’s tennis player of all time with middling records against his contemporaries, and which NFL coach is most deserving of being fired?

1. Aaron Rodgers will be out of action for at least the next three or four games with a collarbone injury. Are the Packers still likely to make the playoffs? Andrew: The Packers are definitely in trouble, but not necessarily out. Although the loss to the Eagles hurt, they have two easy matchups against teams with a combined record of 5-13 to help them get back on track. If they win those games — which the Packers are heavily favored in — then they will be sitting at 7-4 before facing a tough Lions team. Following that difficult conference game, Green Bay plays the 2-6 Falcons at home — just in case Rodgers isn’t back in time. Although the Packers will certainly end the season with a winning record, it will come down to the division standings. Currently, they are in close competition with the Bears and the Lions for first place. Their season will ultimately come down to how those teams do. While the Packers will remain competitive, it wouldn’t be surprising for the Packers to end the season 9-7 and not make the playoffs. Joe: With Aaron Rodgers out and the Packers

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offense looking abysmal, I think it is safe to say at this point that the Packers will not make the playoffs. To start in the NFC North, the Packers already have a one-game deficit to make up and a game against the Lions coming up in a few weeks. Presumably, that game will be played without Rodgers, meaning if they lose that game they will be behind two

games to Detroit, and Detroit will hold the head-to-head tiebreaker. As for the Wild Card, Carolina and San Francisco both hold a game lead over Green Bay, and with San Fransisco already beating them head-to-head this year, the Packers are in deep trouble if they want to return to the playoffs this season. Peter: The Packers have no chance at win-

ning without Aaron Rodgers, who has been able to mask an injury-depleted roster already limited by a mediocre run game and defense. That means they will have a three- or- four game deficit by Rodgers’s return, and will have already lost the tiebreaker with the Lions, who Green Bay plays in Detroit without Rodgers. In the hyper-competitive NFC North that leaves them on the outside looking in. The Chicago Bears are good, and Detroit is one of the most complete teams in the NFC. Nobody can stop deep threat Calvin Johnson: He has 904 yards and keeps Detroit in every game, as we saw with his miracle fourth quarter against Dallas. Just as important is how absurdly easy Detroit’s schedule is — other than a home game against the Rodgers-less Packers, the Lions’ final six opponents have a combined 17-37 record, or a 31 percent win percentage. That leaves the Packers needing to out-win some combination of San Fransisco — who has won the tiebreaker against Green Bay — Carolina and Chicago for a Wild Card spot. It’s too tall an order for Green Bay, who will miss the playoffs.

Peter gets 3 points for his analysis of Detroit’s schedule, Andrew gets 2 points for not being a negative Nancy, and Joe gets 1 point for being the least specific. 2. Roger Federer has a losing lifetime record against two of his main three rivals — Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray — and is barely over .500 against the third, Novak Djokovic. Does this lack of success against the top players of his time mean he can still be considered the greatest of all time? Andrew: The main goal of any tennis player is to be number one in the world and win a Grand Slam title. Not only has Federer done this, but he has also spent the most weeks atop the rankings and won the most Grand Slam titles in tennis history. In addition to championships, his consistency has been incredible and at one point reached 20 consecutive Grand Slam semifinals, shattering the previous record of 10. The problem with this question is that people are now seeing Federer on the decline when he is losing a lot of matches to the likes of Djokovic and Murray, making the head-to-head record skewed. During Federer’s prime from 2004-2006, the Swiss Maestro went 247-15 and won eight majors. At that time, both Djokovic and Murray had

a combined record of 0-3 against him. As for Nadal, he is without a doubt the greatest claycourt player of all time. His 60-1 French Open record and 293-21 record on clay will probably never be matched. That said, Federer is better on the other surfaces. Although Nadal holds a 22-10 overall record against Federer, a majority of the matches were on clay. After considering everything, Federer is still the greatest of all time because at his prime no one came close. Even with Federer on the decline, he is still currently ranked top-10 in the world and a constant major threat. Joe: Roger Federer can certainly be considered to be the greatest of all time. He has won numerous Grand Slam titles, and it is important to remember that these three players — Djokovic, Nadal and Murray — all emerged toward the ladder stage of his career. It would be fair to argue that in his prime, Federer would have been better than all three of these guys, as he was better than everyone else at the best point. Peter: Nadal recently said he is “the first one

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who says (Federer) is the greatest player in history,” and with good reason. On most surfaces, Federer is dominant by all standards, including against the contemporary greats. The gray area only exists if you exclusively compare Nadal and Federer on clay, on which Nadal is the master. But even though clay is Federer’s weakest surface, he has still won 10 finals on clay and reached 11 more,

an incredible accomplishment that shows his diverse skill set. And the fact that he has had to go up against players like Nadal, Murray and Djokovic so often, yet still has the most majors in history, further establishes Federer as the best. No one else in tennis history from Rod Laver to Pete Sampras, has ever had to contend with a generation as talented as this one, especially in his mid-30s.

Andrew wins for discussing Federer’s Grand Slam titles, Peter gets 2 for saying Federer excels on most surfaces, and Joe gets 1 for saying Federer played his rivals late in his career. Despite the Giants’ dreadful record, they are currently on a three-game win streak and in the weak NFC East, a playoff berth is still not impossible. As for the young Tampa team, they lack experience that has cost them, losing four of their eight games by three points or less. Give Schiano time, and the Buccaneers will fare better in the close games. This is why the coach who should be fired is Pittsburgh’s Mike Tomlin. After being 7-4 and a near lock for the playoffs last year, the Steelers have completely lost it, losing nine of their last 12 games. There is no reason a team with Ben Roethlisberger, Brett Keisel and Troy Polamalu along with several quality support players should be struggling. The problem with the Steelers starts from the leader, and a lack of leadership. Pittsburgh needs change, and AP Photo the firing of Tomlin might be the best thing. 3. There have been a lot of disappointing Joe: I’m firing the Atlanta Falcons’ Mike teams in the NFL this year, from the Tom Smith. The guy has never shown he has what Coughlin-led Giants to Greg Schiano’s it takes to compete with big-time coaches come Buccaneers. If you could fire any coach playoff time, and this year is just spiraling out of right now, who would it be and why? control for him and his 2-7 Falcons. Although Andrew: Although Coughlin and Schiano are they have experienced numerous injuries to both having terrible seasons, they each should big offensive players this year, what has Mike have the opportunity to finish out the year. Smith really done in his tenure with Atlanta? Peter wins for discussing Schiano’s off-the-field antics, Joe gets 2 points for discussing Smith’s history with the Falcons, and Andrew gets 1 point for choosing Mike Tomlin.

Yes, he’s posted great regular season records, but one win in the postseason (and a lucky won at that)? All the blame for Atlanta’s postseason struggles over the past few seasons has fallen at the feet of quarterback Matt Ryan, but maybe it’s time to start looking elsewhere to explain the Falcons’ struggles. Peter: The most obvious coach to be fired right now is also the most deserving by far of losing his job: Schiano, whose Bucs are the last winless team in the NFL. There is only a little bit of shame in being the leader of a terrible team, though, which the Jaguars, Falcons and Giants also are. Some of the blame for that can also be put on the personnel, general manager and

ownership. But Schiano’s Bucs have not only been bad, they have also been an embarrassment to the NFL thanks to off-the-field antics and a culture of fear that should no longer exist in pro sports. Schiano’s players hate him: One player said playing in Tampa Bay is “like being in Cuba.” They accused him of rigging the captaincy election in pre-season, are unhappy about how the Bucs coaching staff yells at players for showing sportsmanship, believe he fired an assistant coach because of anger issues and have a myriad of other issues with his drill seargaent-like mentality, which angers and drains pro athletes rather than motivating them. If it was up to me, Schiano would be out today.

Peter wins Around the Dorm, 8-6-4

page 26 The Signal November 13, 2013 Wrestling

Wrestling opens season with Fall Brawl

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

The Lions display their depth against teams from Divisions I and III.

By Andrew Grossman Sports Assistant

The Ursinus College Fall Brawl marked the opening tournament for the sixthranked wrestling squad. While some of the top wrestlers did not compete to rest up for the first dual meet, the Lions still had a great showing. This individual event gave the Lions the perfect opportunity to

display their depth against both Division I and Division III schools. While only two placed, the day was still successful as the men used this tournament to prepare themselves for another successful season. “There are guys at the Ursinus tournament that come from DI programs, so a lot of losses we had were against very good guys,” junior Joey Dicarlo said. “So just getting on the mat and getting started with the season

for the young guys and picking up some big wins is important, and that shows the promise that our season is going to have.” Leading the Lions was junior Nate Leer, who wrestled in the 197-pound weight class. Leer, who had struggled with injuries the past two seasons, impressively finished second out of 20 competitors and easily made his way to the semifinals before defeating a difficult Ursinus College opponent, 7-4. His run came to an end against another Bear with an 11-1 loss in the championship round. “Nate had a great day and has been working like an animal in the room, because 197 is not an easy weight class,” DiCarlo said. “I think he is going to continue to compete well for us during the season.” Sophomore Dylan Thorsen also had a great start to the season by finishing third at 149 pounds. After receiving a bye and then earning two straight victories, Thorsen had a tough match against a Division I opponent from Franklin & Marshall. Despite losing 5-3 in OT, Thorsen held his own ground. “He lost in overtime so it was a great match all the way through the end,” DiCarlo said. “The only reason he went to overtime was because Thorsen gave up

a point for cautions, which is basically equivalent to walking a guy when the bases are loaded.” Although it may have been a tough loss, Thorsen was not fazed and came back to take the third place match, 3-1. “It is a tough thing to do,” DiCarlo said. “Most people say to wrestle back for third is harder than winning the tournament because you have to bounce back from a loss and win in order to place.” While Leer and Thorsen were the only two to place, there were other wrestlers who won some big matches. Sophomore Mike Shaughnessy won four matches at 149, while Antonio Mancella and DiCarlo both worked their way to three wins at 165 and 133, respectively. With team captains Brian Broderick and Zach Zotollo returning for the first dual meet against Stevens Institute of Technology, DiCarlo and the squad are looking to turn some heads. “I think we are on track to have one of the best dual meet seasons in a couple of years,” he said. “(Just because we) are ranked sixth does not mean we are the sixth best team in the country. We have to go out there and prove it by winning and earning that ranking.”

Football / Lions win in penultimate game continued from page 28

The lone points scored by William Paterson came early on a 24-yard field goal in the first quarter. After that, the Lions defense held tight, and the Pioneers only made it into the red zone once more in the game. “The game this past weekend was a great win for our team,” said senior linebacker Sean Clark, who had three tackles in the game. “Our main focus is to finish the year strong. I believe one of the main reasons we played so well as a team is the fact that while in the game, we were having fun! We made plays and took care of business, but you could sense every player was into the game, even the players on the sideline.” Keeping with the game’s theme of even

distribution, 14 players on the defense were credited with tackles, with senior linebacker Nick Bricker leading the charge with six. The defense also managed five total sacks, as senior defensive lineman Patrick Kimball contributed two while junior defensive lineman Jeff Adubato, senior defensive end Justin Bruso and junior linebacker Ryan Lowe each chipped in one. The Lions look to finish the regular season strong this Friday, Nov. 8 as they face off against the first place team in the NJAC, Rowan University, in Glassboro at 7 p.m. The team is looking forward to the game. “This week is obviously a very important game. Focus and execution will get us a win on Friday night,” Clark said. For some Lions, this game means a little more than usual.

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The Lions defense smothers its opponents en route to a 4-2 record.

“This is a game we look forward to every year,” Sprengel said. “It is always a physical matchup. I personally look forward to the game because Rowan is what could be my final Football game and it is against Rowan (which is where my uncles)

played college ball … A victory against Rowan would give me bragging rights at the Thanksgiving table this year.” Football bragging rights at the Thanksgiving table—now there’s something worth playing for.

Looney NBA start is great entertainment Cheap Seats

By Mike Herold Staff Writer

We’ve barely gotten two weeks into the NBA season, and already it’s looking like a sure thing to turn into a truly goofy year. I mean, just look at the current standings. If the playoffs started today, the Philadelphia 76ers, who were supposed to be the team leading the charge in the Riggin’ for Wiggins race to mediocrity, would be the second seed in the Eastern Conference, above the Heat. In fact, only three teams in the East are above .500 right now, with preseason favorites Chicago, Brooklyn and New York not even making the playoff cut. Sure, things are going to turn around — the first few weeks of a season are hardly indicative of how the year will play out. But when the clearly rebuilding Celtics are taking down Miami on a miracle game winner by Jeff Green and the Charlotte Bobcats are one of the best five teams in the Eastern Conference, the first two weeks of the season deserve a mention. The NBA is in full-on bizarro mode, and it’s definitely worth watching. Let’s take a look at what we’ve gotten from the league so far: Possibly the most exciting game of the season so far was between the Sixers and the Cavs, a double OT thriller in which Evan Turner was a major factor. If

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Green’s game-winning layup against Miami exemplifies this crazy season.

someone had told me three weeks ago that I’d be writing that sentence, I’d probably think they’d been hit in the head recently and called a doctor. Of course, even the things we expect from this season seem pretty wacky to the longtime NBA fan. Two of the most impressive teams of the season, at least according to predictions, are the Clippers and the Warriors, perhaps best known as the teams other sports fans use as examples of hopeless franchises. They’ve already played each other once,

and it was definitely the best-played game of basketball I’ve seen in this young season so far. And then we have the Morris twins. In case you don’t remember them, because you would have had almost no reason to do so before this year, Markieff and Marcus were drafted 13th and 14th in 2011, which led to more jokes than might have been appropriate about whether the teams drafting were completely sure

that they’d drafted the right twin. Now, barely two years later, the twins are sitting pretty as capable members of a Phoenix Suns rotation that has the desert team that was supposed to be terrible at 5-2 and third place in the West. But wait, there’s more! Right now, the team leading the league in rebounding is the Orlando Magic, led by a man named Nikola Vucevic, also known as one of the “nothing” pieces the Magic got back for Dwight Howard in that mega-trade that really didn’t work out very well for anyone except Orlando. Pretty much the only thing happening this season that people expected to happen is the continuing rise of the Indiana Pacers, who have the league’s best defense and are currently undefeated. In this season of crazy happenings and unpredictable outcomes, they’ve been the closest thing to stable, although Roy Hibbert is making greater and greater strides toward become the wackiest post-game interview. Considering Metta World Peace is still in the league, saying that the wackiest postgame interview in the league might be on the most stable team should really show you that you don’t want to miss a beat this season. Anything, and I mean anything, can happen in the NBA on any given night, and I can’t wait to see it.

November 13, 2013 The Signal page 27

ports Week In Review AP Photo

Did You Know?

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The women’s soccer team has been dominant in the NJACs, where no other team has ever won back-to-back championships. Since the New Jersey Athletic Conference first sponsored women’s soccer in 1994, the Lions have won 16 of the 20 titles. The most recent came this year against the defending champions Montclair State University when the College won on penalty kicks. Number of New Jersey Athletic Conference Titles Winter Season

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Men’s Indoor Track

Team total: 204 Alex Spark 53

Women’s Indoor Track Men’s Basketball

Jillian Nealon 35

Women’s Basketball

Jen Garavente 34 Lauren Pigott 23

Men’s Swimming

Erin Waller 20

Women’s Swimming

11 Kendal Borup Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk 0


THE WEEK Women’s Soccer

Led Lions to NJAC Title

This week’s picks from the staff Pacers

(NHL) Ducks vs. Lightning

(NFL) Saints

vs. 49ers

Peter Fiorilla 4

Lauren20 Karpovich 9

The Horizon For


(NFL) Broncos

vs. Chiefs

Men’s Basketball November 18 @ City College of New York, 7 p.m. Women’s Basketball November 15 & 16 Marymount Tip-Off Tournament Football November 15 @ Rowan University, 7 p.m. Swimming November 15 (Men) Princeton University Invitational, 5 p.m. November 16 @ New York University, 1 p.m.

Chris Molicki 4 Julie Kayzerman 4 Andrew Grossman 3

Wrestling November 13 Stevens Institute of Technology, 7 p.m. November 17 East Stroudsburg Open, 8 a.m.

Amy Reynolds 1 Mike Herold 1


Signal Trivia



Women’s Soccer November 5 @ Rowan University, 7 p.m.

Freshman Christine Levering had a great NJAC tournament as she helped lead the women’s soccer team to the title. She posted 3 points throughout the tournament, including the lone goal in the semifinal victory over Rowan University. In the season, Levering had 10 goals and four assists for the Lions.

(NBA) Bulls vs.


Cross Country November 16 NCAA Atlantic Regional Championships, 11 a.m.

Christine Levering

Point leaders


What was the last game played at Foxboro Stadium in 2001 before the Patriots opened Gillette Stadium?

AP Photo

Last week’s Signal Trivia Answer: The Kansas City Chiefs are the only NFL team to start the season 8-0 after finishing last place the year before. Despite a 2-14 record, the Chiefs still had star power and produced six pro-bowlers.Their recent success is mainly due to the offseason acquistions of Coach Andy Reid and QB Alex Smith.



Lions claim NJAC with perfect penalties

Women’s soccer goes 4-for-4 in crunch time

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Women’s soccer celebrates its seventh NJAC title in nine years.

By Chrissy Onorato Staff Writer

Throughout the entire season, the women’s soccer team has played each and every game with full heart and pure force. All of this paid off this past week as the Lions won the New Jersey Athletic Conference title for the seventh time in nine years, defeating Rowan University in the semifinals and Montclair State University in the

championship game. The Lions had to first overcome Rowan on Wednesday, Nov. 6, which proved no easy feat, seeing as the College had just been defeated by them the previous week. However, it was clear the Lions came out for revenge and snatched back bragging rights with a 1-0 victory. While there was remarkable defense played by both teams, the Profs fell victim to the only goal of the game. With

8:57 left in the second half of the game, freshman forward Christine Levering fired a shot into the goal and gave the Lions the eventual winning score line, 1-0. Levering has been a vital member of the team this year, as she has scored a total of five game-winning goals. As a freshman, Levering has a promising future on the team. The College’s defense, which has been one of the most dynamic assets of the team this year, was definitely on par for the game. The unit allowed only six shots on goal. Working with the offense, the defense allowed the team to inch up higher in the ranks and score goals. Senior goalkeeper Kendra Griffith gained her sixth shutout of the season. The next game the Lions played was crucial. Taking on Montclair State University in the final would be difficult, as the Lions did not have the best record against them — Montclair gave them one of their only losses earlier this season. However, the Lions were determined to hold them off this time, and did so valiantly. The game ended in a 0-0 tie that was ultimately overcome by the College on penalty kicks. With both teams playing their best defense this season has seen, it was crucial when it came to the penalty

kicks to come out ahead. The Red Hawks missed their first shot, but junior defender Jordan Downs converted hers. After their opponents did get their second shot, the Lions took the lead back when sophomore midfield Shannon White put the Lions ahead 2-1 in the penalty kicks. Senior defender Lauren Giles and sophomore midfield Taylor Lusardi also netted their kicks, putting the College up 4-2. Griffith made some incredible saves for the Lions, finishing overtime play with seven saves. During the course of postseason play, many players stood out on the Lions, stepping up to the task before them. However, two were recognized by the New Jersey Athletic Conference in its postseason honors. Defensive player of the year went to Downs and Rookie of the Year was awarded to Levering. All year long, these teammates have led the Lions on the field, constantly stepping up in every game. They will continue to propel the team into the next tournament, which looks to be an exciting game this week. The Lions next host Penn State — Berks in the Soccer Complex in the NCAA championships on Saturday, Nov. 16.

Lions take good care of the ball at WPU

Football owns 42:43 of possession in 27-3 win By Mike Herold Staff Writer The College was clicking on both sides of the ball this past week as the football team took down the William Paterson Pioneers 27-3 in an away game victory that marked the end of a two-game slide. The Lions (5-4) sprung back from their past games, when they produced less-than-fruitful offensive outings, by earning four touchdowns in a blowout. The College controlled the game right from the start, scoring after recovering a fumble within the first five minutes of play on a 5-yard touchdown pass from sophomore quarterback Sam Paladino to sophomore tight end Andrew Lachawiec, in what would turn out to be the only points the team would need to come away with the win. After the quick start, all the team really needed to do was run down the clock, which they did in a stunning display of ball control. All told, the Lions held onto

Lions’ Lineup November 13, 2013

I n s i d e

the football for 42 minutes and 43 seconds, running 78 total offensive plays — 62 of which were running plays, leading to 193 yards gained on the ground. “This past weekend’s game at WPU was exciting for our offense,” said senior wide receiver Fred Sprengel, who had two catches for 12 yards in the game. “We were able to do what we wanted. We controlled the clock and the entire game as a whole. Overall, we played good team football.” The College did all of its scoring from the air and balanced the passing as well as possible, with one touchdown throw coming in each period. After Lachawiec’s initial touchdown in the first period, which also served as the first TD reception of his college career, the tight end doubled his all-time total with another scoring catch made with 6:56 remaining in the second quarter on a 13-yard throw by freshman quarterback Craig Cicardo. The nonstop attack continued

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

The Lions’ quarterbacks combine for four TDs and 27 points in the conference win.

in the second half, with touchdown passes going to sophomore running back Victor Scalici and sophomore wide receiver Conor Mulholland from Paladino in the third and Cicardo in the fourth, respectively. The two quarterbacks played just about as equally as they could have, each throwing for 49 yards

and two scores. The balance on offense continued on the receiving end, with 10 completions being split between eight Lions. Leading the rushing attack were Scalici with 96 yards and sophomore running back Brad Young with 86. Of course, football is a twoway sport, and in the win the

defense was no less impressive than their offensive counterparts, giving up just 151 total yards, with a mere 13 yards surrendered on the ground, and forcing two fumbles, both of which were recovered by the Lions. see FOOTBALL page 26

46 53 Around the Dorm page 25

Soccer season over page 23

Wrestling brawls page 26

Field hockey falls in final page 23

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