The Signal: Fall '13, No. 1

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The college in princeton review

Football head coach Eric Hamilton retires after 37 years

see News page 5

See Sports page 28

Vol. XXXIX, No. 1

August 28, 2013

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

STEM grant to boost technological growth By Natalie Kouba Managing Editor

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

Holman Hall to be the new STEM building.

The College announced in May that they have been granted just over $57 million to put toward advancing their science, technology, engineering and math programs. Back on the Presidential ballot in November 2012, voters approved the referendum for the Building Our Future Bond Act, which awarded $750 million to colleges and universities statewide. All the grants allotted are expected to be used for the development of the STEM departments at each institution. With four major projects utilizing the grant money, the College is expecting to see some changes and updates. The largest portion of the funds, $41 million, will go toward the construction of a new STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) building. The 76,000 square foot STEM building will replace Holman Hall, and demolition is expected to begin in November or December, according to associate vice president for College Relations Stacy Schuster. Once demolition begins, classes will be temporarily relocated mostly in Forcina Hall, but other buildings across campus as well. Although specifics for the design and facilities of the building are not yet available, the STEM center is expected to improve the science and technology initiatives at the College. “The STEM Building will provide state of the art, innovative laboratory and classroom spaces and house faculty-student collaborative research space that will enable

it to have a broad impact on the learning experiences of TCNJ’s students,” Schuster said. The remaining funds have been divided between three other projects: $6 million will go to renovating the Science Complex and Armstrong Hall, $6.9 million will provide upgraded research and learning equipment for the School of Science, School of Engineering, and School of Nursing, Health & Exercise Science and $3.5 million will expand technology infrastructure overall. “I am tremendously excited about the opportunity that this state investment offers TCNJ, and am thankful to the governor and the state legislature for making this a priority,” President R. Barbara Gitenstein said in a news release. Currently, the STEM Steering Committee is in the programming phase, which Schuster explained as a phase where “an extensive assessment of the current and future programmatic and space needs for each program are considered.” The Committee began meeting in May, consisting of provost and vice president for Academic Affairs Jacqueline Taylor, vice president for enrollment management Lisa Angeloni, interim dean of the School of Nursing, Health and Exercise Science Marcia Blicharz, vice president for College Advancement John Donohue, vice president for Administration Curt Heuring, dean of the School of Science Jeff Osborn, treasurer Lloyd Ricketts and dean of the School of Engineering Steven Schreiner. Once the programming phase of the project is finished, the design phase is expected to take off.

Ewing’s main man Freshman journey begins Mayor proud of town By Regina Yorkgitis Web Editor

Bert Steinmann rarely writes a speech. Comfortable in his own skin, the mayor of Ewing, N.J. prefers to learn about a topic and rely on memory rather than a script. And there is no topic he is more familiar with than his small town on the outskirts of Trenton. “There is no place I would rather call home than Ewing,” Steinmann (D) wrote in his 2013 Mayor’s Message on the town website. Steinmann has lived in Ewing for 55 years. He did not run for mayor for the benefits. Instead, he sits behind the mayor’s mahogany desk because he loves the 15 square mile town where he has spent his life. In fact, he donates a portion of his salary as mayor to organizations such as the Mercer Cancer Society and the March of Dimes. Born in the Netherlands, Steinmann’s family immigrated to the United States when he was young. His family lived in Trenton for several years before moving to Ewing in 1959. The Ewing that he and his two siblings romped around in as children has since evolved. “It has changed drastically,” said

INDEX: Nation & World / Page 7 The Signal @TCNJsignal

Steinmann, dressed in a crisp black suit, square glasses perched on his his nose. But then again, so has Steinmann. After earning his associates degree in engineering from Trenton Technical Institute, he studied political science at Rutgers University before dropping out after two years. “I had a family,” Steinmann said, sitting at the conference table in his office. The sound of his desk phone ringing does not distract him. He found a job as a construction worker and eventually climbed his way to a business manager position. As his children grew, Steinmann became frustrated with some of the town’s policies and practices, particularly the poor maintenance of public parks. “If you want to do the complaining, then you have to do something about it,” Steinmann said. He was appointed to the township recreation commission and eventually won a seat on the town council, of which he later became president. After a decade on the council, Steinmann determined that to create change, he needed to be top dog. “The guy at the top has all the power,” he said. see MAYOR page 13 Editorial / Page 9

Courtney Wirths / Photo Editor

Student Government President Tyler Liberty empathizes with new freshmen. By Amy Reynolds Editor-in-Chief

Take advantage of the small classes the College has to offer, ask questions, go above and beyond all expectations — these were among the many pieces of advice given during Monday morning’s convocation ceremony, in which the freshmen officially became members of the College community. During the ceremony, which took place on Quimby’s Prairie, representatives from the faculty, alumni association and the student body shared anecdotes of their experiences at the College, offered advice, and explained what the College community has to offer. “We have committed to the creation of an open, inclusive and welcoming community where leadership is a shared responsibility and privilege,” President R. Barbara Gitenstein said in her welcoming speech. “We prize diversity and have a full appreciation of the cultures of the world.” Although the College has changed over the

Opinions / Page 11

Features / Page 13

years, including five name changes, the faculty and staff have always taken pride in their students. “The College of New Jersey gathers some of the very best students from the state and the nation and provides them with the resources and opportunities to become leaders in their chosen fields,” Gitenstein said. “As you participate in shaping our college community, you must continue to challenge yourself and others. You owe that to one another...You owe that to yourselves.” Cynthia Curtis, president of the Faculty Senate, spoke on behalf of the faculty. She advised freshmen not to limit themselves and to take classes beyond their major. “Ultimately, your professional success and your ability to contribute to substantive arguments and informed opinions as responsible citizens of a democracy will be determined by the breadth, as well as the depth, of your knowledge,” Curtis said. “The most important thing see CONVOCATION page 5

Arts & Entertainment / Page 17

Sports / Page 28

Summer films review The Signal goes over summer flicks

MUSE program Students gain valuable research experience

Honey bees The buzz about the crisis in perspective

See A&E page 19

See News page 3

See Features page 13

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