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Vol. LI, No. 2
September 4, 2019
Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885
Annual involvement fair attracts students
By Debra Kate Schafer Staff Writer
The Brower Student Center hosted the College’s annual Student Involvement Fair on Aug. 28. For three hours, new and returning students alike gained more insight on the clubs, organizations and activities the College offers. The event is known for sectioning off rows of tables showcasing the diverse interests of students. There were two rows of tables specifically for club sports as well as two rows of tables that were bustling with the various Greek Life organizations on campus. Organizations such as the Planned Parenthood College Branch, The Order of the NoseBiting Teacups and the Manhunt club had booths to represent themselves to the community as well. Students like Camille Germo, a sophomore psychology major, saw the fair as an opportunity to discover those hidden gems. “There are so many levels to TCNJ’s activities,” Germo said. “Yes, you have the obvious clubs that anyone can go and join, but there are so many cool, unknown groups that are unique to this school, its students and their interests. This event allows all those great, niche clubs and organizations to
People attend the event to learn about various organizations on campus.
be put on display for students, new and old.” Germo was previously not aware of The Psychology Club offered on campus, dedicated to fostering a community of those interested in the subject. She met with the club members at their display table, signed up for their email list and was introduced to a group of people she may not have gotten to know if
merely in class with them. A popular organization that was drawing a lot of attention from students of all ages and grades was Her Campus, an online, international magazine based around, but not limited to, collegiate women, their lives and the world around them. Amanda Toolan, one of the chapter’s top editors, was informing interested students that
Jennifer Somers / Photo Editor
the College is in the top 10 percent of all Her Campus chapters, which is not a small feat being that there are hundreds of chapters around the country and beyond. Sophomore public health major Maia Franco didn’t visit the Involvement Fair in her freshman year, and while she admits there is a lot to take in at once during the event — especially
for her first time — she wished she had seen more of what the College offers. “(The fair was a) perfect combination of being informative and engaging for students of all ages and all interests,” Franco said. “It is not just for freshmen, even though it is a good introduction to what is available to them and their classmates this semester.”
Library implements new single-search system
Students are now able to do a quick search of any database. By Len La Rocca News Editor
As of July 1, The R. Barbara Gitenstein
Nation & World / page 3
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Library has made searching for research materials easier with a new singlesearch system. The upgrade, which includes the Editorial / page 5
use of cloud technology, has rendered searching for articles in databases, physical resources in the library and information pertinent to faculty members simpler due to the move toward modern technology in lieu of the dated system previously used. The library’s dean, Taras Pavlovsky, broke down some of the benefits of the updated library procedures. “The system that we just retired … we acquired that system in 1998,” Pavlovsky said. “If you’re a senior or junior (now), you would’ve been one or two. It was very good for 20 years ago, but it’s (a) very mature technology at this point.” The new system alleviates many timeconsuming duties of the faculty, according to Pavlovsky. He explained that the once-rigorous work will now be sorted out by the cloud. “It makes much of our jobs a whole lot easier,” he said. “Our acquisitions budget is a little bit north of $2 million a year. It’s a lot of stuff. We type in all those orders.
Opinions / page 7
Features / page 9
We type in all the payment information. The treasurer’s staff re-types all information just to get the bills paid. All of that happens seamlessly now.” Discovery, the new system running alongside the cloud, will change the preliminary researching process dramatically for students at the College as well. “It’s a front end that runs both on your library catalog and on your database searches and allows … the singlesearch,” Pavlovsky said. Students will now have access to the vast selection of the College’s database content with a single, Google-like search — unlike any search engine the College has seen before. “We have 140 different databases,” Pavlovsky said. “You can do that all in one search now, so it’s a lot more efficient time-wise. Although the update is a step forward
see RESOURCE page 2
Arts & Entertainment / page 12
Sports / page 16
Final year bucket list Seniors create pre-graduation agenda
A Capella concert Bellas and Fellas sing at Kendall Hall
Soccer Men’s soccer team travels to D.C.
See Features page 9
See A&E page 12
See Sports page 15
page 2 The Signal September 4, 2019
Police find individuals with stolen bicycle Reports of intoxicated students increase
By Raquel Sosa-Sanchez Columnist
Campus Police finds stolen bicycles On Aug. 20 at approximately 8:48 p.m., Campus Police responded to a report of four suspicious male individuals walking bicycles outside of Townhouses East. Upon arrival, Campus Police questioned the individuals, asking how they obtained the bikes, specifically a blue Rally MTB 10 speed bicycle. One of the individuals told Campus Police that it was given to him by his uncle and that he left it alongside the road for safekeeping while they went to Landmark Americana in Campus Town. Campus Police then questioned another individual in the group, who then admitted that the bicycle was stolen. He stated that the bicycle had been taken two days prior, on Aug. 18, but would not disclose the time or location. Furthermore, he said his friend had been keeping the bicycle along the side of the road for safekeeping. The suspect was then advised by Campus Police that he was in possession of stolen property, and the bicycle was then repossessed. The suspects were then advised immediately to leave the College’s property. Police find drunk student outside New Residence Hall On Aug. 22 at approximately 2:40 a.m., Campus Police was dispatched to New Residence Hall on reports of a female who needed access to the building. Upon arrival, Campus Police observed an unconscious
female individual on the bench outside of the building. After multiple attempts to wake her up, she finally woke up and appeared to have bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. Campus Police also reported an overwhelming scent of alcohol emanating from her breath. She was then asked by Campus Police to confirm or deny whether she had been drinking and to produce a form of identification. The student then confirmed that she had been drinking and gave Campus Police her driver’s license. TCNJ and Trenton EMS were called and arrived on scene shortly afterward. The student was then issued a summons for underage consumption and was transported to a nearby medical facility for further evaluation.
Student reports intoxicated roommate On Aug. 24 at approximately 12:19 a.m., Campus Police was dispatched to Wolfe Hall on a report of an intoxicated person. Upon arrival to the room of the initial report, Campus Police met with a student from the College, who told the officers that he had made the call for his roommate. Campus Police discovered his roommate lying unconscious on his bed and observed vomit on the student’s clothing. According to reporting officers, the odor of alcohol was apparent as they approached him. After waking him up, Campus Police questioned him and noted that the student’s speech was slurred. TCNJ and Pennington EMS were called and then
arrived on scene shortly after. After further evaluation, the student was transported to a nearby medical facility and issued a summons for underage consumption of alcohol. Campus Police was later informed by a friend of the intoxicated student that he had consumed a total of four beers at a nearby country club prior to returning to campus that night. No further action was taken. Students report intoxicated person outside Wolfe Hall On Aug. 24 at approximately 11:41 p.m., Campus Police was dispatched on a report of an intoxicated person outside of Wolfe Hall, facing the Recreation Center. Upon arrival to the scene, Campus Police was flagged down by a group of female students for medical assistance. Officers discovered the group huddled around a conscious female student leaned up against the building. The group proceeded to identify themselves to the responding officers. Campus Police then questioned the intoxicated student and asked her if she had been drinking that night. She then said that she had been drinking margaritas and had one mixed drink as well. Officers observed her speech as slurred and detected the scent of alcohol emanating from her breath. TCNJ EMS was called and arrived on scene shortly after. The student was evaluated and deemed fit to return to her room, and she was then issued a summons for underage consumption.
Vital Signs: How to create healthier Resource / College promotes use eating habits while living on campus of new search engine technology
Salad is a popular meal for students looking to improve health. By Victoria Giardina Columnist We’ve all been there — frantically rushing from class to a club meeting, always telling ourselves that we will grab a bite to eat once everything from the to-do list is completed. But with these simple tips, you will take on your diet more mindfully and feel good at the same time. Diversify Your Plate With long lines at the dining hall, it’s easy to grow impatient and want to stack your plate with the first thing you see. While this may be a quick option, it may not be the most beneficial. Try going to the grill to pick up a piece of grilled chicken. Then, go to the vegetarian bar to pair your poultry with a side of brown rice. Finally, top off your meal with fresh veggies from the salad bar and, with a few more minutes of effort, you’ve just crafted a balanced meal.
Plan Out Your Mornings in Advance If you’re a snoozer and set your alarm 10 minutes before class, then you may not reap the benefits of the most important meal of the day. Instead of grabbing a not-so-healthy muffin from one of the cafés on campus, try waking up a little bit earlier to dig into a healthy plate of eggs or avocado toast with a side of fruit. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, not only are fruits refreshing, but most of them are low in fat, sodium and calories. Prep Your Meal During Spare Time We may not all have the time to brainstorm a nutritionist-approved checklist, but planning simple meals that couple nicely with your weekly schedule is a must. Save the grab-and-go fried foods for a day packed with classes and, when you have a day off, make the time to feed your body with vitamins and nutrients. This will keep you on track for a healthier lifestyle while on campus.
The updated system helps students conduct research. continued from page 1 for the College, minor tweaks may have to be made, as this will be the first semester that the system is being implemented. Pavlovsky estimated that approximately 95 percent of the information is currently in the system, noting that the College will be attentive of any issues and will fix them as they arise. “We just don’t know what we don’t know,” he said. “But we’ll find out soon enough what we need to fix.” The College was not alone in implementing this new system for the fall. “We went into it at the same time with (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Rowan University, William Patterson University and Stockton University,” Pavlovsky said. “We hope other New Jersey schools will join in the network as well.” Both librarians and students alike are looking forward to using the new simplified process.
“I think the biggest benefit is actually something that our students aren’t gonna see, but it’s for us (librarians) behind the scenes — being able to tag materials so that they are more easily accessible,” said education librarian Rebecca Bushby. “It makes our work a whole lot easier.” Junior history major Jack Bednar felt that the new system will help students who do not have the same knowledge and experience as professors. “I think it’d make it simpler than making all students learn complicated research knowledge that people more familiar with academics like librarians and professors might not have as many issues with,” he said. Pavlovsky is optimistic about the new system and feels that the College is moving into the future with the appropriate technology. “It’s tremendous,” he said. “It’s 21st century technology. This is the way things work now. Systems talk to each other. They’re not siloed.”
September 4, 2019 The Signal page 3
Nation & W rld
Johnson & Johnson to pay for opioid deception By Sarah Adamo Correspondent An Oklahoma judge ruled against Johnson & Johnson on Aug. 26, ordering the corporation to pay $572 million for exacerbating the state’s opioid crisis, according to the BBC. As it stands, the company must pay to help rectify the state’s predicament. The BBC reported that the decision followed a seven-week non-jury trial, and hinged upon the business’s alleged deception in prescribing painkillers. According to USA Today, the pharmaceutical corporation was accused of vehemently promoting the sale of opioids while placing emphasis on their performance and minimizing the risks of addiction. It was the first state opioid case to go to trial. “‘The opioid crisis is an imminent danger and menace to all of us,’” said Judge Thad Balkman from Cleveland County, Oklahoma, according to USA Today. “‘The defendants … misleading marketing and promotion of opioids … compromised the health
and safety of thousands of Oklahomans.’” Countering claims that the firm magnified the issue, Johnson & Johnson lawyer Sabrina Strong said that the company has “sympathy for all who suffer from substance abuse.” However, she found Balkman’s decision to be “flawed,” believing that litigation was not a good solution, according to USA Today. While the court’s decision stands today, Johnson & Johnson is considering an appeal that could delay an outcome until 2021. According to CNN, a written statement from the firm’s executive vice president and general counsel Michael Ullmann on Aug. 26 asserted that the judgement is “‘a misapplication of public nuisance law that has already been rejected by judges in other states.’” In the company’s filing, the legislation was condemned as being founded on “radical theories” far removed from current Oklahoma case law, according to CNN. Through its written refutation, Johnson & Johnson also raised questions about the evidence used in court to bolster the allegations, and
Balkman finds the company guilty after a seven-week trial.
challenged the effectivity of demanding monetary compensation to remediate the opioid crisis. According to the BBC, another argument from Johnson & Johnson is that its painkillers have comprised no more than 1 percent of the U.S. market since 2008. CNN reported that the problems incurred from the proliferation of prescription opioids
have been characterized by attorneys for the state to be altogether the most formidable nuisance in Oklahoma’s history. Furthermore, as reported by Fox News, this case prompted 1,500 opioid lawsuits raised from state, local and tribal governments in Ohio, over which a federal judge presides for court dates in October.
Volcanic rock floats toward Great Barrier Reef
The mass is approaching the Australian coast. By Camille Furst and Alexander Reich Managing Editor and Staff Writer
A ‘raft’ of volcanic rock, caused by an underwater volcanic eruption
near the island of Tonga, is floating toward the coasts of Australia, according to USA Today. The rock, captured by NASA Earth Observatory, was estimated to contain stones ranging from the size
of marbles to basketballs and, as a whole, be as large as Manhattan. Australian sailors Larissa and Michael Hoult were on the ROAM catamaran as they encountered the mass of volcanic
rock in every direction. They told CNN that the raft was floating similarly to an iceberg, with what they believed to be 10 percent above water and 90 percent underneath. “‘It was a bit of a mystery, we didn’t know how deep it was, or if we were sailing over a volcano that was active at that moment,’” Larissa told CNN. “‘It looked almost like there was more coming up, bubbling up from underneath.’” Scott Bryan, a geologist and associate professor at Queensland University of Technology in Australia, spoke with The Washington Post about the floating rock and its implications for Australia’s shorelines. “‘In this 150-odd square kilometers of pumice out there right now, there’s probably billions to trillions of pieces of pumice all floating together, and each piece of pumice is a
vehicle for some marine organism,’” Bryan told ABC. Although at first seemingly dangerous, the volcanic rock is holding multitudes of sea organisms that could aid in the Great Barrier Reef’s recovery from climate change, according to The Washington Post. Bryan believes that in seven to 12 months, the raft will reach Australia’s coast. Dr. Martin Jutzeler, a lecturer in the School of Physical Sciences at the University of Tasmania, told the BBC of its significance. “‘It’s a way to renew ecosystems somewhere, but it also can introduce invasive species,’” he told the BBC. According to The Washington Post, the Great Barrier Reef endured massive bleaching from the warmer waters due to climate change, and the addition of these marine organisms will replenish the underwater wildlife desperately needed to recover the environment.
U.S., France reach new compromise on digital tax By Ian Krietzberg Correspondent
France, under the advisement of the French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, established a 3-percent international tax in July that affects many large tech companies, including Google, Amazon and Facebook. The tax only affected companies earning more than $830 million from “digital activities,” which refers to the collection and subsequent sale of personal user information, according to CNBC on Aug. 26. CNN reported that the agreement is an aversion to a potential trade conflict. Following complaints and threats by President Donald Trump to impose a tariff on French wine in response to the digital tax, French President Emmanuel Macron defended the tax at his joint press conference with Trump, saying that it’s “‘not against any company in particular, it’s just to solve the problem.’” Macron met with Trump to work out a compromise, which ended up involving a planned taxation mechanism established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. According to The Hill, under this compromise, France will abolish its digital tax and reimburse any companies that have already paid. “‘The idea is to find a joint agreement in order to address joint international problems,’” Macron said at his joint press conference with Trump, according to The Hill. “‘The situation
Trump threatens to implement a French wine tax. right now is very negative, and the international tax system definitely needs to be modernized.’” According to Reuters, Macron pushed hard for a digital tax in 2018 — one that would affect all members of the European Union. A December 2018 New York Times article reported that many nations in the EU already had or were considering a form of digital taxation. However, no union-wide policies were introduced due to resistance from low-tax countries.
According to the same New York Times article, Le Maire was quoted saying that the “‘tax will be introduced no matter what on January 1, and it will be for the whole of 2019.’” CNN reported that the leaders at the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy, more commonly known as the G20 summit, hope that a new agreement on the tax plan will be signed by 2020, although implementation of it could be years away.
page 4 The Signal September 4, 2019
Center for Student Success
The Center was established to provide students with access to personalized coaching and advisement with the goal of strengthening their academic performance and promoting student retention. The staff is dedicated to the academic success and development of the whole student. CSS also houses the PRIDE Mentoring Program, which is a targeted retention program.
Services Provided: Personalized Academic Coaching - Students can be coached on various academic success skills and techniques to
suit their individual needs. Academic coaching topic examples include; time management, effective reading and note-taking, test taking, academic motivation, and much more!
Supplemental Academic Advising - Serving as a supplement to the Departmental Academic Advisor, CSS can provide resources and support for students seeking guidance in areas such as course selection, transition and major exploration.
Extensive Academic Success Workshops - These workshops teach innovative academic strategies and techniques to assist students with their own unique challenges and experiences.
CSS Fall Workshop Series Wednesdays, 2:00pm-2:50pm, Science Complex P101 Wednesday, September 4, 2019 Seven Steps to a Successful Semester
Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Test Taking and Study Skills
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Review/Recharge to Finish Semester Strong
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 Discovering Your Learning & Study Skills
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 Review/Recharge to Finish Semester Strong
Wednesday, November 28, 2019 Preparing for Finals
CSS Peer Advising Coaches Not sure what questions to ask your advisor? Want help navigating PAWS and departmental websites? Need clarification on college policies and procedures?
CSS Peer Advising Coaches can help! Helps students prepare for advising appointments (which supports faculty/staff-advisee relationships) Provides student-focused guidance for scheduling questions, researching programs, and policy/procedure clarification
Peer Advising Coaches will be available during peak advising/registration times! (No Appointment Necessary!) Mid-October through Mid-November
Location: Roscoe West Hall Lobby
Roscoe West Hall 130, 609-771-3452 Email:, Website: tcnjcss
September 4, 2019 The Signal page 5
Editorial Students should find joy in learning With the beginning of the semester underway, new and returning students are getting settled with their classes, choosing what they’d like to learn for the year and being offered many opportunities with clubs, organizations and ways to get involved on campus. When I was a freshman last year, I grew a passion for learning about new things, regardless of the subject matter. With this, I felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of avenues that laid before me — what was my college experience going to be like? It was all up to me to decide. This is one of the most exciting, yet daunting experiences of life. One of the most difficult challenges I had to overcome was my predisposition that whatever a student learns in college, there must be an end goal; a firm reason for each class you take and how it will benefit you in acquiring the “dream” job, as well as having the idyllic career so many yearn for. Yet, in a 2013 study conducted by the University of Phoenix in Arizona, 80 percent of workers in their 20s said they wanted to change their careers. With so many people choosing a subject to learn in college solely based on the potential for a stable career only to be placed in an economy that fluctuates and where their interests change, I’ve learned that there doesn’t need to be an end goal. The reason for learning doesn’t need to have an ulterior motive — students should be able to learn simply because they’re curious and passionate about the subject matter. I’ve learned over this past year that focusing on something that you’re truly passionate about is much more rewarding than studying solely for a job down the road. As a double major in journalism and professional writing and religious studies, many ask what I’m planning on doing in my career. And while I’m never completely sure, I know there are so many opportunities before me. It’s still just as daunting, but I know that whether I end up reporting on religious issues, working in the publishing industry or becoming a writer about religion, my passion will lead me to where I need to be. And the only way to find out is to try; to feel the freedom of learning simply for the sake of learning itself. — Camille Furst Managing Editor
Editorial Content Unsigned editorial opinions are those of the Editorial Board, which consists of the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing, News, Features, Arts & Entertainment, Opinions, Photo, Sports, Review and Social Media editors and the Business and Production managers, unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and letters to the editor are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Signal.
College is a time when one can explore new ideas.
Quotes of the Week Email: Telephone: Production Room (609) 771-2424 Ad Email:
Editorial Staff Garrett Cecere Editor-in-Chief Jane Bowden Camille Furst Managing Editors Isabel Vega Len La Rocca News Editors Christine Houghton Sports Editor Viktoria Ristanovic Features Editor Lara Becker Arts & Entertainment Editor Richard Miller Opinions Editor Liya Davidov Nation & World Editor James Mercadante Reviews Editor Jonah Malvey Project Manager
Mailing Address: The Signal c/o Forcina Hall The College of New Jersey P.O. Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 Jennifer Somers Photo Editor Madison Oxx Production Manager Muhammad Siddiqui Web Editor Kalli Colacino Madison Pena Leigha Stuiso Social Media Editors Diana Solano Distribution Manager Emilie Lounsberry Adviser Mina Milinkovic Business/Ad Manager
“(The fair was a) perfect combination of being informative and engaging for students of all ages and all interests. It is not just for freshmen, even though it is a good introduction to what is available to them and their classmates this semester.” — Maia Franco Sophomore public health major
“Try out new things, make friends as often as you can and study as hard as you can and don’t beat yourself up about that B- or that C+.” — Thomas Schulze
Senior business management major
“It is more important to show how hard you worked practicing, and establish leadership roles because team chemistry is vital to having a successful season,” — Andrew Donoghue Junior quarterback
page 6 The Signal September 4, 2019
September 4, 2019 The Signal page 7
College needs to improve student parking Lack of spaces inconveniences campus life
By Jane Bowden Managing Editor
I’m the kind of person who likes to arrive early for everything. Doctor’s appointments, dinner reservations, movie showings — you name it. If I’m not 20 minutes early, then I’m late. I also live approximately two minutes and 30 seconds from the College’s campus; three minutes on days when I’m feeling more lethargic than usual and don’t have the energy to drive much more than the speed limit — but it’s a quick drive nonetheless. With this logic, you’d think it’d be easy for me to make it to class on time. But after just a week of driving to class every day, there’s something that has turned my peaceful morning walks to class into full-on sprints like I’m training for a marathon— the College’s parking spots, or lack thereof. According to the College’s website, there are about 6,580 full-time undergraduates. That’s about 4,935 cars if each student had a car, not including the
freshmen class. Tell me — why does it feel like there are -5,000 parking spots for almost 5,000 cars? While I’d known about the College’s lack of lots before I even set foot on campus, it wasn’t until I became one of the desperate students whipping her car around each lot and the parking garage that I realized how limited parking was. It shouldn’t take me more than 30 minutes to find a spot to park my car. At this rate, it’d be faster for me to walk to campus than to drive and get — and inevitably not find — a parking spot. But when a snowstorm hits in late January, I certainly won’t be the one to throw on a parka, lace up a pair of heavy-duty snow boots and make the trek to class. Of course, there is always the option of creating your own parking spot and running the risk of getting a ticket. But as broke college students just trying to graduate, our options shouldn’t be limited to circling the parking lot like
Garrett Cecere / Editor-in-Chief
As the amount of students grows, so does the number of cars on campus. hawks and being late to class or paying a ticket after parking illegally. In fact, on Aug. 27, a student from the College even created an online petition demanding that the College create more parking spots for its students. As of Monday, Sept. 2, the petition has
almost 300 signatures. Whether it be building another few stories on the parking garage or waving a magic wand and yelling “Accio parking,” the College needs to accommodate its students better by providing more parking spaces.
Freshmen shouldn’t room with hometown friends
‘Going random’ gives opportunity to meet new people
Freshmen living in Travers and Wolfe Halls have more chances to broaden their horizons. By Reynaldo Torres Jr. As we enter the newest chapter of our lives, we encounter new things. The best way to experience this is by living on campus and meeting our new roommates, which allows us to encounter new people, cultures and backgrounds. But for some people, the fear that rooming with a new “random”
person will end in horror encourages them to room with a friend from high school. To them, this seems like an amazing idea because they know so many aspects, such as the person’s behavior and what his or her schedule is like. In reality, rooming with someone from high school is possibly the worst decision we could have made coming into the school year.
We all have those good friends that we love spending time with, but in my opinion, when it’s time to leave, it’s time to leave. We may enjoy who they are as a person, but the things that annoy us are amplified by that exact factor when living with them. Even the littlest things, like not taking out the garbage or snoring, can ruin people’s dorming
experience for their first year. The fact that we have to live with them and see them every morning and night really make a difference in how we view our “childhood best friends.” We may love spending the night at their house, going to football games, enjoying junk food and staying up until 1 a.m., but once those activities
come into the dorm and classes are thrown into the mix, the fun moments become rare, few and not as enjoyable. Having a best friend is one thing, but having to live with them is an entirely different subject. I had a close experience in this topic with my brother, who is currently a junior at Montclair State University. During his freshman year, his roommate was his best friend since sixth grade. They were almost inseparable through middle and high school. My brother thought it would be a great idea to room with him, but by the end of the first semester, he regretted it. He enjoyed being with his friend at school, but not rooming with him. If you are a current freshman here at the College like I am, consider who your roommate is. If you specifically chose them because they are from your high school or a lifelong friend, be cautious. You may enjoy them as a person, but living with them for a whole year in a new stressful environment could be very difficult.
The Signal is published weekly during the academic year and is financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and advertising revenue. Any student may submit articles to The Signal. Publication of submitted articles is at the discretion of the editors. The letters section is an open forum for opinions. Submissions that announce events or advertise in any way will not be printed. All letters should be sent via email to Handwritten letters should be sent to The Signal, c/o The Brower Student Center, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718 Ewing, N.J. 08628 or placed in our mailbox in the Student Life Office. Letters must be received by the Friday before publication and should not exceed 500 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. All letters must be signed, with a phone number and address of the author. Requests to withhold the author’s name will be honored only if there is a legitimate reason. All materials submitted become the sole property of The Signal. The editors reserve the right to edit or withhold all articles, letters & photographs. The Signal willingly corrects factual mistakes. If you think we have made an error, please contact The Signal at (609) 771-2424, write to the address listed above or email us at
page 8 The Signal September 4, 2019
Students share opinions around campus “Should the College increase the number of parking spots?”
Richard Miller / Opinions Editor
Devon Johnson, a sophomore business management major
Isabel Vega / News Editor
“Yes, because with growing class sizes, more spots are needed to provide enough for everyone.”
Richard Miller / Opinions Editor
Stephanie Geer, a sophomore elementary education and psychology major “No. I think we have a sufficient amount of parking. More parking lots would damage the landscape.”
“Should students room with someone they already know?”
Richard Miller / Opinions Editor
Karam Hallak, a sophomore computer science major
“Based on my past experience, I would advise on rooming with someone you already know.”
Isabel Vega / News Editor
Richard Miller / Opinions Editor
Christina Siciliano, a sophomore open options science major “College is an important time to branch out and meet new people. I would say meeting someone new is best.”
The Signal’s cartoon of the week ...
The Chip: Hot Tamale! Our Top 10 Towers Fire Drills! By Tony Peroni and Ramsey Phillips Correspondents The College has accumulated a fantastic reputation over the last few years. It is often ranked No. 1 in public regional institutions for higher education — our education programs are held to high esteem and, of course, who can forget about the degenerates that burn mac and cheese in the Towers at 3 a.m? As summer draws to a close, the freshmen of Travers and Wolfe Halls have been graced with the same blaring sirens and flashing lights that give many upperclassmen haunting flashbacks
to this day. You didn’t ask for them, but here they are. Hot off the presses! These are the Top 10 Towers fire drills of the year! 1. Is that a two-man flashmob? No! It’s me and my CA shaking uncontrollably in Adidas flip-flops outside Travers Hall because some jerk thought it’d be a good idea to wrap a garbage bag around his fire alarm and test it by blowing a fat cloud into it. 2. Oh jeez! Devin from Wolfe 4 blacked out on a Wednesday night and set Easy Mac on fire again. 3. Who could forget “The Big Kahuna?” Named after the students wearing leis and thrifted buttondowns after the Spring Luau Dage, this fire drill had us talking for weeks. We said “aloha” to the outdoors that night, and absolutely nothing to the police officers conducting the drill. 4. What’s that smell? Easy Mac? Again?
Devin, c’mon man! I have an 8 a.m. class! 5. Dec. 1 — the first snowfall of the year, and the sixth time my floor neighbor Kyle pulled the fire alarm at 2 a.m. 6. You’re in the shower? Better grab that towel and suck in that gut because Tammy accidentally put her Apple watch in the dryer! We’re going outside, baby! 7. Now here’s a penalty for ya! Brian from Wolfe 6 smacked his head into the sprinkler while playing hall hockey, setting off the sprinkler systems and evacuating an entire building of students from their slumber! 8. Hey Courtney, I hope your chakras are aligned, because your Bob Marley incense literally caused this fire drill. 9. Y’all remember that one time the Towers were out of commission all of Funival 2018 just because some guy on Travers 10 didn’t want to clean the lint trap? I do too. 10. Devin burned Easy Mac again, but this time a cop yelled at me for standing
on the sidewalk and my CA docced me. Honorable Mention: Tonya forgot she had a lasagna baking in the oven of Norsworthy Hall’s communal kitchen. Now the residence hall smells like a North Jersey Sunday dinner gone awry! When you think about it, logistically, the Towers house about 1,000 individuals, whether they be students, staff or CAs. In a building of hundreds, fire safety is a legitimate and sometimes overwhelming concern for administration. So next time you and your roommate Boris share a cig inside your dorm and forget to open the window, forcing everyone from their beds and into the pouring rain, don’t feel bad! You are doing our beautiful campus a service, and keeping everyone prepared in case of an actual emergency. DISCLAIMER: This is obviously a satirical piece and does not describe a real event.
September 4, 2019 The Signal page 9
Seniors share goals to complete before graduating
As graduation creeps up, Lions create their college bucket list. By Jane Bowden and Viktoria Ristanovic Managing Editor and Features Editor For seniors at the College, this year brings a lot of lasts. The last time they’ll eat at Eickhoff Dining Hall, study into the earlymorning hours at the library and organize campus events with their favorite clubs — their time at the College is winding down and there’s not much time left to do things as a student. To keep themselves motivated for the year, many seniors choose to create a bucket list of activities they want to complete before they graduate in the spring.
“(My goal is to) win a national title and raise my GPA,” said Danny Ortega, computer science major. For many senior Lions, their bucket list consists of traveling the world in order to learn more about different cultures. “I definitely want to somehow sit on the balls outside of art building and go to Croatia yacht week right after graduation and going into the real world,” said Bianca Nicolini, a business management major. “It’s always been a dream of mine to live out the summer of everyone’s dreams and travel the world,” Nicolini continued. “I think it’s important to travel as much as you can while you’re young. The older you get, the harder it will be to see
the things you want to see out there in the world because you will continually get more and more responsibilities.” Nicolini added that as time goes on, it’s important for seniors to take advantage of their youth by traveling and seeing what the world has to offer. “You’ll get really roped in at work or you are trying to buy a house or you realize you need a car or you are starting a family. This stuff creeps up on people and they don’t even know it until they’re in it,” Nicolini said. “I don’t want to live my life asking myself: how would my life be different if I did all my traveling right out of college and satisfy my curiosity about the world while
I’m still young and healthy?” Public health major Samantha Biablocki stated that she wishes to “go on the annual NOLA trip with all of my friends.” There has been a certain trend amongst the seniors in their bucket lists. From eating one last meal at Eickhoff to going on trips with friends before jumping into their post-grad lives. “Find a husband....kidding!” said Danielle LaBruno, an elementary education and history dual major. “But definitely want to jump in the fountain before I graduate.” “My goal for senior year is to eat at the dining hall one last time and T-Dubs too,” stated special education and psychology major Ashley Tarabocchia. Jackie Hankard, a communication studies major, said that she wants to “eat one last meal in Eick.” Hankard also advised that underclassmen should be as involved as they can while they’re at the College, as senior year will soon sneak up. “I will definitely miss the things TCNJ has offered to me as a student during my college career,” Hankard said. “While I utilized everything offered as much as I could, I would always tell others and new students to take advantage of everything this college offers them.” “Go to events, go to the career fairs, join a club, join a Greek organization, start a club if you want to,” Hankard continued. “Don’t isolate yourself, and push passed your comfort zones, even if it’s uncomfortable at first. You don’t want to look back and think, ‘wow I
wish I just put myself out there a little more’ or ‘I wish my shyness didn’t prevent me from joining all the things I wanted to join.’” For other Lions, their pregraduation goals include focusing on their academics and showing their professors how much they helped them over the past four years. “(My senior year goal is) to continue my academic success while staying in shape and improving my friendships,” said Ryan Maffia, a civil engineering major. For Thomas Schulze, a business management major, he wants his senior year to be a balance of fun and getting work done. “After switching my major three times my first two years here at TCNJ, hopping from a biology major to Spanish elementary education and now finally to business management, I feel like I finally have my life back on track,” Schulze said. He also emphasized that while grades are important, college is all about self-discovery. “Try out new things, make friends as often as you can and study as hard as you can and don’t beat yourself up about that B- or that C+,” he continued. “As a freshman, you think you have so much time and then you realize you are now a senior and are being thrown out of the comfortable niche at a college campus and into the real world. It’s scary but also so exciting and exhilarating to be able to provide for myself and take advantage of the education and opportunities TCNJ has given me.”
Eickhoff Hall expands vegan, vegetarian menu for students By Ariel Steinsaltz Staff Writer
For many students at the College, eating at Eickhoff Hall is a staple activity. From spaghetti and meatballs to self-serve ice cream, there are options for everyone to enjoy. However, this year, the Atrium at Eickhoff Hall is expanding its options even more, including both vegetarian and vegan choices. Starting in October, it will participate in Meatless Mondays, and the Veggie Loop section of the dining hall has turned into the Vegan Loop. “The base got larger,” said Natasha Parker, a sous chef at Eickhoff who purchases the food. “The vegetarian and vegan base got extremely large. And we have a committee here that is vegetarian and vegan that was asking for things.” The Veggie Loop, which had previously been only vegetarian, turned vegan to accommodate more people and more fresh vegetables were put out, according to Parker. The cooking of the food stopped using margarine so that vegans could eat
it. The dining hall also serves vegan eggs and burgers. Parker, who was vegan for eight years, said that she would gladly eat the burgers and that it is possible to find good dishes. There is also more grain and quinoa being served in order to give vegetarians and vegans more protein. “We’re trying to give them the same options that people who eat regular protein get,” Parker said. Soy oil has been replaced with canola oil for a cleaner option. There are also more beans out, which Parker said are “flying off the shelf.” She said it’s good to see students eating healthier, which is one of her goals. “You shouldn’t live to eat, you should eat to live,” Parker said. The gluten-free MyZone section now has more vegetarian and vegan options as well. Parker explained that she bought pre-packaged items like oatmeal, which is gluten free and vegan. They are trying to accommodate as many people as possible. Students on campus have been in favor
The dining hall now serves more plant-based meals. of the new policy, including Dustin Marino, a sophomore interactive multimedia major. “I think it’s always good to have options in general for food,” he said. Some students, who were unaware of the changes, are pleased to see the new dining accommodations. “Vegetarian meals are something everyone can eat and meals based on meat aren’t something everyone can eat,” said Russell Johnson, a sophomore
mathematics major. Sophomore mathematics major Cassie Oleniacz also noted how much she liked the new update’s inclusiveness. “...Compared to like, the ’70s, there’s more people who are vegetarian and vegan and would like to eat those types of foods so it’s nice that they can accommodate more students who have a lot of dietary needs because pretty much everyone can eat plants,” she said.
September page 10 The Signal September 4, 2019
Labor Day- No Classes
DSC Meeting
The Atrium at Eickhoff
The Atrium at Eickhoff
at TDubs
SSB 223 2pm - 3pm
The 1855 Room
The Atrium at Eickhoff 11am - 1pm
at TDubs Sustainability Tabling Eickhoff 11am - 1pm
Key West, FL
11:30am - 2pm
The Atrium at Eickhoff
Student Government Elections
The Atrium at Eickhoff
The Atrium at Eickhoff
at TDubs Constitution Day with Student Government The Atrium at Eickhoff
at TDubs Sustainability Tabling BSC 11am - 1pm
SSB 223 2pm - 3pm
ACTION STATION Brownie Sundae Bar The 1855 Room 11:30am - 2pm
The 1855 Room 11:30am-2pm Richard Buzugbe
Street Food Theme Meal
Mindful Moments BSC 11am - 1pm Hispanic Heritage Dinner with Union Latina The Atrium at Eickhoff 4pm - 9pm
The Atrium at Eickhoff 4pm - 9pm
UNITY WEEK The 1855 Room
: Sept. ‘99
C-Store offers variety of quick snacks
September 4, 2019 The Signal page 11
Campus Style
Left: Birkenstocks pair well with an oversized t-shirt and shorts. Right: Accessorize your ‘VSCO’ look with rings and braided bracelets. 2019 marks the store’s 20th year on campus.
Photo courtesy of the TCNJ Digital Archive
Every week, Features Editor Viktoria Ristanovic hits the archives and finds old Signals that relate to current College topics and top stories. From freshly brewed coffee and bagels to pastries and veggies, the C-Store has it all. In addition to the many groceries people can buy to stock up their fridges, many students are familiar with the store’s huge variety of snacks, drinks, freshly made salads, sandwiches and more. There is also Roscoe’s Healthy Corner, where students can find healthy foods that are dietary restriction friendly as well, including products that are gluten-free, vegan and of nutritional value. If students need over the counter medication, the C-Store is highly likely to be carrying it. Marking 20 years on campus, this article from a September 1999 issue takes people back in time to when the C-Store’s long-awaited opening arrived. The store marked an addition where students could find all of their groceries and miscellaneous needs right on campus and use their meal plans to pay for items. Watch out 7-Eleven. After over a year of hype, the C-Store has opened on campus
and means business. Gone are the days of high-priced Lipton Iced Tea and a limited supply of nearlydated milk. This time, Wood Food Services hopes to meet the needs of the students in a realistic way. The store carries everything from NyQuil to Ben & Jerry’s, from motor oil to pantyhose. It also features a variety of beverages for prices lower than at the Commons, the student center and Travers/Wolfe. C-Store Supervisor Rebecca Carey said the store is trying to adapt its prices to those in a regular supermarket. Originally, she said, the large bottled water cost $1.99 at the C-Store. The price has recently been amended to a more reasonable $1.19. However, a few things that normally characterize convenience stores are missing from the shelves— most notably, condoms, magazines, lottery tickets and something resembling a Slurpee machine. Carey said most of these staples should be on their way.
Lions’ Plate
By Diana Solano Distribution Manager This summer was full of a lot of fashion trends and iconic inspirational quotes such as having a “hot girl summer.” Now, as summer comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on what I saw as the most noticeable fashion trend created: “The VSCO Girl.” Derived from the photo-editing app VSCO, many girls this summer not only edited their Instagram photos using this app, but also followed a distinct look that you can recreate this school year before it gets too cold. 1. Nike Shorts and Oversized T-shirts Nike shorts are not only comfortable, but they are some of the most stylish pairs of shorts to wear to worout. Nike shorts paired with a tshirt is not only an outfit that’s good for the gym, but also one you can head to class with. 2. Birkenstocks or Crocs Crocs used to be the shoes some of us wore to kindergarten and added Jibbitz charms to spell out our names or show off our love for our favorite
Disney movie. Recently, I have seen people on this campus wearing pastel, white or black Crocs. The shoes have now become the coolest pair of shoes to own. Not only are they comfortable, but you can personalize them. Birkenstocks are no longer referred to as “Jesus sandals.” Now, they’re investment pieces. They add flair to your outfit that regular flip flops and sandals can’t give you. 3. Jewelry Pura Vida jewelry and D.I.Y friendship bracelets were a staple this summer. I first noticed the popularity of Pura Vida bracelets back in high school. Besides being a cute accessory to add to your bracelet collection, they symbolize an organization that donates to charities and provides artisans with full-time jobs. Pura Vida has expanded its collection to rings, anklets and earrings. The last item has gotten the most attention not only for its creativity, but also for its originality. D.I.Y friendship bracelets are not only a cute activity to bond your friends, but they’re something you can create that no one else can replicate just like your friendship with them.
refreshing Coffee Smoothie
Left: This sweet treat is a perfect boost for the morning. Right: Add fruit on top of your smoothie for extra flavor. By Elizabeth Casalnova Columnist With the temperatures in the mid 80s this week, all I want is an icy cold drink with caffeine to get me through a long day of classes. Iced coffee can be delicious, but it can also be a bit boring. That’s why I came up with this refreshing coffee smoothie. You don’t need a full kitchen for this recipe.
All you’ll need is a blender and a coffee maker, or even premade coffee, to make this delicious and simple drink. This recipe is only one version of this smoothie, so you can totally get creative. These ingredients can be swapped for non-dairy choices, or more ingredients can be added. For chocolate lovers, using chocolate milk and adding chocolate chips may be the perfect complement to the coffee.
Even simply adding chia seeds can transform this from a beverage to a meal replacer. The possibilities are truly endless with this drink. Also, while this smoothie is great alone, I like to top it with a handful of granola to give it texture and extra flavor. Ingredients: - 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee, chilled (or two shots of espresso)
- 1 banana - 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt - 3/4 cup milk of choice - 1 scoop chocolate protein powder - 1 cup ice cubes Directions: 1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend. 2. For extra sweetness, add a drizzle of honey, and enjoy!
page 12 The Signal September 4, 2019
Arts & Entertainment
‘Bellas, Fellas & A Capella’ takes Kendall
Jennifer Somers / Photo Editor
Left: The iTunes sing their hearts out. Right: The Trentones work to create a ripple of sound. By Jennifer Somers Photo Editor It’s not always exciting to begin a new school year, but nothing puts people in a better mood than some good music, which is what students got to hear at the Trentones’ “Bellas, Fellas & A Cappella” event on Aug. 26 at the Kendall Hall Mainstage. The Trentones, the College’s only competing co-ed a cappella group that was established in 2002, regularly compete in the International Championship of Collegiate A cappella and have made to the semifinals the past two years. To start off the night, the Trentones performed a passionate rendition of “Best Part” by Daniel Caesar. Sophomore music major Terrence Odonkor, a member of Trentones, then gave a warm welcome to the audience, which included a definition of a cappella by showing the audience a beatboxing demo and bass. “Our love of music is something that connects us all and we are glad to be able to do what we do,” Odonkor said. Up next was the Voice of Hope, a Christian a cappella group and the first to be established on the College’s campus. “We’re a little different from the other a cappella groups … We love Jesus!” said Rebecca Kim, a senior elementary education and mathematics dual major, the president of Voice of Hope. Voice of Hope’s performance performed uplifting and spiritual songs with a touch of pop. The group performed “Joy” by For King & Country, which was filled with clapping, foot stomping and enthusiasm. The group also sang “Out of
Hiding” by Steffany Gretzinger with a slower, laid-back feel and ended with “Flashlight” by Jessie J. “You may be thinking, ‘I don’t believe in this’ and we respect that,” Kim said. “We’re not just for Christians — our music speaks to everyone no matter the season or situation that they’re going through. So, we ask that you have an open heart and we hope our music speaks to you.” The i-Tunes a cappella graced the stage next to perform. Founded by Pooja Shah and Reka Magge in 2007, the iTunes are the College’s only international a cappella group, performing on and off campus to showcase their message — there is strength in diversity. Often putting international artists in the spotlight, the co-ed group specializes in a wide range of genres and cultures. Following their first song, “Past Lives” by Børns, they surprised the audience with a little bit of groove by performing “Feeling Good” by Michael Bublé. Eventually, they slowed things down with “Settle Down” by Kimbra and, for their finale, they sang the legendary “Applause” by Lady Gaga. Bringing some women empowerment to the stage were the TCNJ Treblemakers, an all-female a cappella group. The group performs at on-campus events, but also collaborates with other universities. Their performance included “No Roots” by Alice Merton and “Lovely” by Billie Ellish and Khalidn, as well as a medley of songs by Ariana Grande, such as “Breathin” and “God is a Woman”. To end the night, the Trentones took the stage again to perform “Limbo” by Lawrence, followed by “Goodbye to a World” by Porter Robinson and “STYX Medley” by Styx.
Throughout the night, there was not a silent moment in the audience, which constantly cheered for each group in awe of the outpouring talent throughout the night. After the show, the lobby was packed with people supporting their friends, as well as new students who were curious about getting involved in a cappella. Brianna Szienczi, a junior elementary education and English dual major, was filled with so many emotions when congratulating her friends after the performance. “It was really good,” Szienczi said. “I have been to many performances and they’re always so much fun.” Kayleigh Soucy, a junior mathematics major and a transfer student, was ecstatic to be at her first a capella concert and was blown away by the performances. “It was amazing how much talent and fellowship there was tonight,” Soucy said. “It was really cool to see something from ‘Pitch Perfect’ in real life.” Returning alumni attended the event in support of their friends and some even performed once again with their fellow a capella groups. “Being back for the concert is super meaningful, because I was introduced to acappella and i-Tunes through this same event four years ago,” said Madhav Patel (’19), a returning alumnus of i-Tunes. “Coming back and performing for an audience of future members of i-Tunes sitting in it feels like a great full circle moment,” Patel continued. “It feels really good inside and has made me reflect on my four years of i-Tunes and my four years at TCNJ all over again, even three whole months after graduation.”
Five must-see shows to binge this semester legal dramas, then this is for you.
The new ‘Nancy Drew’ cast is a promising bunch to revamp a classic.
By Amani Salahudeen Staff Writer
You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach after just finishing a show? If you are unsure of where to start something fresh for the upcoming months, there’s a list of new shows that are coming out this fall. From crime shows to Korean dramas, this list has a variety of shows so there’s something for everyone. On top of that, the CW is also coming out with some binge-worthy shows that you should check out if you’re a superhero fan.
“Criminal” (Netflix) On Sept. 20, Netflix will release its new police interrogation drama, “Criminal,” in which each episode will take place in a different country, such as France, Spain, Germany and the U.K. Starring David Tennant, Hayley Atwell and Lee Ingleby, this is going to be a mystery/action show so it should be interesting to watch. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of hype around this one, but the cast and plot look promising. If you enjoy action/thriller shows, then this one is right up your alley. If you’re a fan of Tennant, mysteries or
“Batwoman” (The CW) If you’ve been keeping up with shows from the Arrowverse franchise, then you’ve already seen a glimpse of actress Ruby Rose as Kate Keene/Batwoman during the crossover episodes last year. Airing on Oct. 6, “Batwoman” follows Keene after her cousin, Bruce Wayne, goes missing, and she has to fill in as Batwoman to protect Gotham City. With a darker approach compared to the lightheartedness of “Flash,” “Batwoman” is a show at the top of the must-watch list that you won’t want to miss. “Arthdal Chronicles” (TVN) Although “Arthdal Chronicles” will finish airing on Sept. 22, there is still time to catch up on this one-of-a-kind Korean drama. The show follows a few citizens in the ancient, mythical city of Arthadal, as they navigate power struggles and love. Starring Song Joong-ki, Jang Dong-gun and Kim Ji-won, this 18-episode drama is a mixture of fantasy and romance. If you liked the South Korean series “Strong Woman Do BongSoon” or “Descendants of the Sun,” then you’ll love this K-drama.
“Looking for Alaska” (Hulu) This October, Hulu will premiere its miniseries adaption of John Green’s critically-acclaimed novel “Looking for Alaska.” The story follows Miles “Pudge” Halter (Charlie Plummer), Alaska Young (Kristine Froseth) and their friends at Culver Creek Academy, where Miles falls in love with Alaska. However, when disaster strikes, it’s up to Miles and his friend to figure out what happened and unravel a hidden secret. With equal parts romance and mystery, it’s a miniseries everyone will be talking about. “Nancy Drew” (The CW) Looking for an upbeat mystery to watch just before Halloween? The CW’s reboot of of “Nancy Drew” is one to look forward to. Airing on Oct, 9, Kennedy McMann is the new Nancy Drew, a teen detective who solves mysteries in her hometown of Horseshoe Bay, Maine. Scott Wolf stars as Carson Drew, Nancy’s father, who has an estranged relationship with her after the death of his wife. Because the CW’s recent reboots have produced low ratings, all eyes will be on “Nancy Drew” to see if the network will accurately portray the spirit of teen detective.
September 4, 2019 The Signal page 13
New Swift songs share love with fans
The singer holds her ‘lover’ close in the video for the title track. By Jamie Yoos Correspondent
Pastels, love and butterflies aestheticized the music Taylor Swift fans awaited until midnight on Aug. 23, when the singer dropped her highly anticipated seventh studio album, “Lover.” During Swift’s previous era with her album, “Reputation,” she capitalized on her declining status in Hollywood by reclaiming the snake-figure and acknowledging her mistakes, but also outlined her strength through perseverance. “Reputation” had a much edgier vibe than any of Swift’s previous albums, which left fans excited to see the artist’s transition to the colorful and cheerful “Lover” era.
It’s speculated that the song “Cruel Summer” is about the summer of 2016 when Swift met her boyfriend, English actor Joe Alwyn. The song combines the feelings of love and happiness Swift had during her new relationship along with her simultaneous feuding with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. The song has beautiful vocals from Swift, including an interesting deep vocal throughout that is sure to give you chills. It’s definitely a fan favorite and the chorus is one that will be stuck in your head for days upon listening. “Lover” is the title track of the album, and for good reason. The song encompasses the entire theme of the album, which is love, romance, passion and joy. The title track is a beautiful, yet adorable dedication to Swift’s lover, depicting
little aspects about the relationship that are meaningful. “Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover,” she sings. Some of the lyrics in this song caused Swifties to believe the singer may be getting married in the near future. “The Man” is a very upbeat, powerful song about double-standards against women. It is one you can dance to, but it also really gets you thinking. In this song, Swift sings about how she is “sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man.” Swift sings, “If I was a man, then I’d be the man.” where she is saying if people took her seriously, she’d be seen in a better light by more people. She touches on very valid points when she talks about topics such as if she flaunted her money, she’d be “a bitch, not a baller” — you know it’s serious when Swift uses the word “bitch” for the first time ever in a song. It’s one that you can really pump your fists to and chant the lyrics, and feel a therapeutic release while doing so. “Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince” has one of the more complex themes of the album. The song takes Taylor’s classic high school lyrical trope and reformulates it to reflect America under President Donald Trump’s leadership. “American glory faded before me / Now I’m feeling hopeless, ripped up my prom dress / Running through rose thorns, I saw the
scoreboard /And ran for my life,” Swift belts. “Cornelia Street” is an unbelievably beautiful and heart-wrenching song about being in a relationship that’s so good, you worry about how you’d survive if it ever came to an end. It’s beautifully written in a way that tugs at your heartstrings just enough, with very obvious links to her boyfriend, Joe Alwyn. “I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends, I’d never walk Cornelia Street again,” she sings. Among other aspects, Taylor’s falsetto is breathtaking in this song. “Death By A Thousand Cuts” is a song about how slow and painful it can be to say goodbye — a metaphorical death by a thousand cuts. Swift is known for her killer metaphors, but this song is a whole new level of beautiful metaphorical lyrics. “I look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up,” is my personal favorite lyric because it is such a perfect metaphor for looking back on an ended relationship and the song is one of my favorites of all time for that reason. The song’s co-writer and producer, Jack Antonoff, really shines through with his contributions in this track. The piano in the song screams Antonoff’s name, directly reminding me of the album “Strange Desire” by his band, Bleachers, with its dramatic indie-pop feel, as he and Swift have musical styles that always go well together.
Oso Oso searches for light in new album
Left: The band tours with its new album across the country. Right: Lilitri doubles as music video star for the song ‘Impossible Game.’ By Connor Iapoce Correspondent Two steps forward, one step back. And then, hopefully, another step forward. It’s all about making progress, even if it is a long road ahead. That’s the underlying theme of Oso Oso’s third album, “Basking in the Glow,” from Triple Crown Records. Oso Oso is the project of Long Island native Jade Lilitri, not a newcomer to the emo and pop-punk scene, but quickly becoming a scene staple. “Basking in the Glow” is already racking up critical acclaim, including Best New Music on Pitchfork, and it’s easy to see why. Lilitri crafted an instantly accessible album with perfect pop hooks and melodies, but the record is an imaginative exploration of happiness, and the lyrics dictate its perpetual pursuit. The record emerges with the sweet, acoustic “Intro,” a light song of sitting in the grass and trying to make sense of it all, with lyrics like “Something’s little off/ Now, nothing’s ever right/I’ve got two souls fighting for the same spotlight.” The second track, “The View,” champions the thesis, “Think I’ve been making progress in microscopic strides.” He’s not experiencing a stalemate in growth, but getting better one day at a time. The album commencement anticipates the struggle of beating back the darkness, and that theme carries
throughout the 10 tracks. Standout songs like “The View” and “Basking in the Glow” carry a sickeningly catchy tune, with jangly guitar hooks and driving drums, but hidden behind the saccharine singing, the lyrics know the good days are forever fleeting. Oso Oso’s guitar-heavy music is reminiscent of 90s pop-rock and early 2000s pop-punk. Melodic, hazy guitars swell behind Lilitri’s straightforward pop vocals. The guitars shine in simple ways that you may expect, like the beginning punk riff sprinting forward in “Wake Up Next to God” and the slick, thicker edges of the guitars in “Impossible Game.” There are also the moments where you find yourself surprised by the guitars. A constant flow of a chill, airy atmosphere of melodic hooks are separated by a post-punk riff at the end of “Dig” and continue in the hiss and pops of a lo-fi, basement acoustic guitar in “One Sick Plan.” Lilitri sings, “Well I see my demise/I feel it coming/ I’ve got one sick plan to save me from it.” It’s a last-ditch effort not to fall back into that same hole, but it’s tough to remain committed to finding the light. It echoes the album’s title — that when you find the light at the end of the tunnel, you deserve to bask in its glow. The instantly accessible track feels like a turning point in the album of deep introspection leading to the understanding that maybe everything won’t work out, and that’s OK. In “Wake Up Next To God,” Lilitri replays the
scenes of a broken relationship in his head by singing, “Maybe I’ll figure out what it means, When I mean more to myself.” In “Basking in the Glow,” he ponders his headspace with lyrics such as, “These days, it feels like all I know is this phase/I hope I’m basking in the glow.” In “Impossible Game,” the lyrics “And I know I’m wrong, what else can I say?/I got a glimpse of this feeling, I’m trying to stay in that lane” focus on looking forward down that road because the end is just within reach. The album carries the weight of losing a relationship or at least losing that feeling of a life that’s now gone, but the progress comes from growth and moving on without regret. In the album’s closer “Charlie” Lilitri sings, “I know it has to end/We’ll just play pretend, pretend/ Yeah, I think that’s fine/‘Cause you and I had a very nice time.” Oso Oso’s “Basking in the Glow” is a late summer attempt at keeping those sunnier dog days in mind as the colder days draw near. The record has no solution, but inspires one to keep grasping at the light, even when taking those small steps becomes difficult. “Basking in the Glow” resonates like a soundtrack to a coming-of-age, when the world starts to turn and isn’t always in your favor, but one day it might be. And yeah, the album slaps.
page 14 The Signal September 4, 2019
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Pet Friendly
September 4, 2019 The Signal page 15
Sports Men’s Soccer
Men’s soccer sweeps games in D.C. By Ann Brunn Correspondent The men’s soccer team opened the season on Friday, Aug. 30 with a thrilling 2-1 overtime victory against Lycoming College. The win came as part of the Turk Emekli Classic, hosted by The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. The Lions, trailing 1-0 with just a minute left in regulation, benefited from a corner kick by junior midfielder Kevin Esteves, which led to freshman forward Justin Dominique’s first ever collegiate goal that tied the game 1-1. Five minutes into overtime, the Lions’ win was sealed with a goal by junior midfielder Ryan Vazquez near the penalty spot. Junior goalkeeper Daniel Mecadon made four key saves for the Lions, while Dominique led the offensive with four shots, followed by Vazquez with three. Throught their efforts, the College was able to outshoot Lycoming 12-10. The matinee against Gettysburg College on Saturday, Aug. 31 produced the same result, even though the game ended within regulation. Dominique netted his second collegiate goal, assisted by senior midfielder Michael Maltese, to tie the game 1-1 in the 36th minute. The College wasted no time as it took the lead seven minutes into the second half on free kick from junior midfielder James Pike from about 20 yards out from the goal.
Esteves holds back a defender in order to take a shot.
Once again, Mecadon was the stopper, totaling nine saves in the match with six coming in the first half. The Lions’ defense held Gettysburg to only four shots on goal in the second half.
Field Hockey
Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk
The Lions are back home to take on Brooklyn College today at 6:30 p.m. On Saturday, Sept. 7, the team takes to the road again to go up against Hampden-Sydney College.
Cross Country
Field hockey dominates early, Lions host Blue/Gold Invite team triumphs in shutout By Christine Houghton Sports Editor The men’s and women’s cross country teams hosted the Blue/Gold Invitational on Saturday, Aug. 31, with the men placing sixth out of seven and the women placing eighth out of 10. Sophomore William Mayhew ran an impressive 4K by clocking in at 12:41.22 to win the race, and shortly behind him was senior Evan Bush with a time of 12:46.20. Juniors Robert Abrams and Matt Cole, as well as sophomore Patrick Mulligan and freshman Tyler Balas, finished in the top seven. Sophomore John Raisley and freshman
Andrews swings a shot into the goal.
By Christine Houghton Sports Editor The field hockey team traveled to Washington, D.C., on Saturday, Aug. 31 to take on The Catholic University of America. With a 4-0 victory, the team started off the season with its sixth straight season-opener win. Senior forward Cayla Andrews opened up both halves with scores, while senior forward/midfielder Kayla Peterson assisted Andrews’ first goal and followed up her second with one of her own. The Lions then went into halftime
Michael Bond both finished the race in the top 10. For the women, senior Gaby DeVito finished the 3,200-meter race in second place with a time of 12:30.06. She was closely followed by sophomores Nicole Fenske and Emily Pendergast, who clocked in at 12:39.55 for third and 12:33.37 for fourth, respectively. Sophomores Grace Cocanower, Jazzlyn Diaz and Hanna Batchelder all rounded out the race’s top 10, along with junior Emily Forester and senior Hailey Bookwalter as well. Both the men’s and women’s teams return to the track on Friday, Sept. 13, as they host the TCNJ Home Meet at Green Lane.
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up 3-0, but a hat trick—three goals in one game by Andrews—sealed the deal for the team halfway through the third quarter. The goals move Andrews into the 20th spot in program history for career points with 106. Senior goalkeeper Maddie Beaumont and sophomore goalkeeper Dani Britton shared the shutout, with Beaumont playing the first 55 minutes and Britton closing out the game. The College outshot CUA 18-3 and passed it drastically in penalty corners 13-3. The Lions will take to the field on Saturday, Sept. 7, as they visit Juniata College for another out-of-conference game.
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Cocanower smiles her way to the top 10 in the 3,200 meter race.
Tennis aces match, women top Rutgers
Rangu watches a serve come over the net. By Christine Houghton Sports Editor
Both the men’s and women’s tennis teams took to the court for their season-opening matches on Saturday, Aug. 31 for the Doubles Kickoff Tournament against both Southern Virginia University and The University of the Sciences, which the College hosted. The women then went on to face both Rutgers University-Newark and Rutgers University-Camden the next day to open
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their dual matches. On Saturday, the men’s team performed well, winning six out of the 10 matches. Sophomore Matthew Michibata had a strong start, ending his first two doubles matches in victory, one with fellow sophomore Justin Wain and the other paired alongside freshman Nick Matkiwsky. Matkiwsky won earlier in the day, as he and fellow freshman Sean Riley topped their Southern Virginia opponents in the first round.
Shortly after, freshman Rahul Panoli and sophomore Nikola Kilibarda also won their match against Southern Virginia. During the second round, freshmen Adam Yu and Oliver Rodriguez shut out their Southern Virginia opponents 8-0, while Wain and senior Thomas Wright won their doubles match as well. The women’s team gave a stellar performance in the same match, winning 13 out of 14 matches. Freshman Anusha Rangu won two matches, one alongside sophomore Katrine Luddy and the other with senior Audrey Chen. Both Luddy and Chen also won matches of their own. Sophomores Amy Yan, Ally Yan and Julia Yoon all had two wins on the day alongside junior Laura Suarez, who claimed victory twice paired with Yoon. Doubles wins were also taken by sophomore Sarah Phung and freshman Ariella Shlugleyt. Sophomore Navya Yemula won both of her matches as well, one partnered with Chen and the other paired with freshman Charlotte Roarty. Freshmen Jenny Landells and Alexandria Vasile each won two matches of their own on the day. The women’s team took on Rutgers-Camden and Rutgers-Newark on Sunday, Sept. 1, shutting out both teams 9-0 in a doubleheader. Vasile and Roarty partnered for a 8-1 win and collectively won seven matches on the day of both doubles and singles. Landells and Yemula teamed up for an 8-0 shutout and Landells swept all her matches for the day. Chen, Yan, Yan, Yoon, Phung and Shlugleyt also won all their matches during the contest. The men’s team hosts New York University on Saturday, Sept. 7 and Sunday, Sept. 8 for the Lions’ Fall Tournament, while the women’s team returns to the court today at 4 p.m. for a dual match on the road against Stockton University.
Football looks hopeful, Women’s soccer soars sets sight on Muhlenberg By Seva Galant Correspondent
By Matthew Shaffer Staff Writer As the first week of classes comes to an end and the football season is right around the corner, head coach Casey Goff’s Lions looked to work off the rust of an arduous offseason as they traveled to North Jersey on Saturday, Aug. 31 to scrimmage Salve Regina University. Having coached there for three seasons, Goff looked forward to meeting up with his former squad as they battled it out on the field. He admits that “they are a very good program in terms of the guys on staff, and I give a ton of credit to (Salve Regina head) coach (Kevin) Gilmartin and the culture he’s built.” Both teams played at a neutral location, Mahwah High School, which, according to Goff, gave the team “the chance to increase our footprint in terms of recruiting.” The competition would be tough, as Gilmartin of Salve Regina has amassed a 43-19 record in his short tenure there. The College’s football team saw its first glimpse of the Commonwealth
Lions Lineup September 4, 2019
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Coast Conference and expected similar, if not harder, competition than it would during the season. “It is more important to show how hard you worked practicing, and establish leadership roles because team chemistry is vital to having a successful season,’’ said junior quarterback Andrew Donoghue. He also added that all of the athletes were excited to see their hard work in the weightroom and team building finally take effect on the field. The game was a test not only for the players but the coaching staff of both colleges, as it has been months since they’ve seen a live opponent. This chance to practice against new opponents served as a chance to see the progress the team had made. It was also the first scrimmage of the year and the first time the team has faced off against Salve Regina University in program history. The Lions take to the field in their 2019 season opener Saturday, Sept. 7 when they travel to Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Field Hockey page 15
The women’s soccer team started off the season with two early victories in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, the first being against the hosts of the tournament, Swarthmore College. In a 1-0 shutout, sophomore forward Nikki Butler led the Lions with 3 shot attempts and their only goal. Next, the team faced Eastern Connecticut State University, securing a dominant 7-0 victory with goals by seven different players, including four freshmen—forward Lindsay O’Keefe, forward Nina Carlson, midfielder Gianna Coppola and forward/ midfielder Ava Garay. With such a high offensive output, especially by so many freshmen, morale will definitely be higher than typical throughout the season, as the team will have more developed assets to help them win. The strong momentum the players have accumulated early in the season will prove to be their greatest advantage if the team can maintain it. The Lions’ performance has been impressive on the road so far, and with the first home game of the season coming up, they will showcase the early dominant tone that the College’s women’s soccer team put on display in the first two games. With head coach Joe Russo’s implementation of
Cross Country page 15
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Butler dribbles the ball upfield.
a strategic focus on recovery and rest, the Lions are bound to improve while reducing injuries and maintaining the team’s performance throughout the season. Their summer training has been successful, as they overcame the two-a-day sessions and are hopeful to keep up the pace and stay healthy throughout the rest of their season. The Lions return to the field on Saturday, Sept. 7 for their home opener against Moravian College.
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