The Signal: Fall '19 No. 3

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Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. LI, No. 3

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

September 11, 2019

Author goes beyond summer reading By Leigha Stuiso Social Media Editor Author and activist Darnell Moore came to Kendall Hall on Sept. 4 to speak about his life story and recent book, “No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black And Free in America,” for this year’s Community Learning Day at the College. His book was selected for the incoming class of 2023 to read over the summer as a part of the College’s Cultural and Intellectual Community Council theme, #ClimateMatters: Listening, Reflecting and Acting. “There’s a lot of (Educational Opportunity Fund) kids and people of all races here, so it’s important for everyone to feel like they’re welcome,” said Shannon Retkwa, a freshman elementary education and English dual major. Moore came in with a positive spirit and was able to joke around, even after the 20-hour flight he took the previous night from India to New Jersey, his home state. In the packed auditorium, Moore spoke to students, staff and faculty about his life and how he came to terms with himself while owning his identity as a gay black man, which ultimately led to him writing his memoir. “Thank you all for showing up with minds open and hearts open,” Moore said as he addressed the crowd.

Jennifer Sommers / Photo Editor

Moore discusses his life and inspiration for his memoir. He had three lessons he believed everyone should live by to become better people. He described these lessons as radical love, truth and windows. Radical love was about practicing genuine love — the type that he had growing up with his own family packed

inside of his small home. “No one in this family is to be disregarded … the home was packed because disposability was not an option,” Moore said about his family’s living situations. The second lesson was truth, but Moore emphasized the fact that not everything

people are taught is right, just or truthful. He pointed out that individuals are told ideas about gender, race and sexuality that may not be necessarily true. People may have strong opinions and act as if their ideas are factual, but they are not always being truthful or just. Moore then emphasized the third lesson, windows, to stress the importance of looking outward and beyond oneself. “We need windows as much as we need mirrors,” he said. All of the messages pertained to the theme of being accepting and open to the differences people have, which is a path that leads to understanding both others and oneself. Moore experienced bullying while he was growing up, including a time when a group of boys assaulted him and doused him in gasoline in an attempt to light him on fire. Moore’s presentation above him posed the question, “why do we attempt to destroy that which we don’t understand?” He described differences between individuals as being sources of magic — something that should not be discarded or treated like poison. He insisted that they should be showcased because everyone would just be the same if no one was different. “I would never want to be anyone other than myself — all of myself,” Moore said. “Every aspect of my identity adds value to the world.”

Professor highlights marginalized groups in film College redefines

Amtzis sheds light on culture rarely seen in movies.

By Garrett Cecere Editor-in-Chief

In a sweltering high school classroom


Nation & World / page 4

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Olivia Buote / Staff Photographer

during the summer of 1987, Alan Amtzis approached his students with the hope of educating them. However, it was a quiet student who ended up teaching him a Editorial / page 5

Dave Chappelle Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable See A&E page 12

valuable lesson. Amtzis, who stood up in front of his class of Latino, Caribbean and AfricanAmerican students, was the only white person in the room. “I was teaching a uniquely, uniformly white curriculum,” Amtzis said. “A novel, a play, a short story, a few poems and 150 vocabulary words.” On the class’ third day, one student, a 17-year-old Jamaican immigrant, who never spoke or raised his hand, walked up to Amtzis’ desk and asked him a question that he would never forget. “(He) gave what I call the ‘12-word challenge,’” Amtzis said. “He said very simply, ‘do you think we might read something more relevant to our lives?’” Without waiting for a response, the student walked out of the room. That day not only inspired Amtzis to search for stories that illustrated the experience of growing up black, Latino or Caribbean, but also set the foundation for his workshop that he led in the Education Building Room 113 as part of the College’s Community Learning Day on Sept. 4.

health, well-being By Camille Furst Managing Editor

The College hosted an interactive stress workshop for students in Education Building Room 109 on Sept. 4 with hopes to alleviate anxiety students are most likely to have in the beginning of the year. Associate professor of public health Carolina Borges, who hosted the workshop, began by posing one question for the audience. “Why did you wake up this morning?” she asked. “This is a question I always ask my students.” Borges believes that each student should have a reason for waking up, whether it be a morning workout or a productive start to the day. “Some people say, ‘oh, I can’t wait for the weekend,’” she said. “We are a product of our environment.” By surrounding themselves with positive aspects, people won’t waste five days of their week, according to Borges.

see CINEMA page 9

Opinions / page 7

Features / page 9

see COPE page 2

Arts & Entertainment / page 12

Sports / page 16

Lion’s Plate Homemade granola makes for fall snack

Women’s Soccer Team wins three straight shutouts

See Features page 11

See Sports page 16

page 2 The Signal September 11, 2019

SG welcomes back members Cope / Students learn to relax Administration updates WiFi By Isabel Vega News Editor

Student Government welcomed both new and returning members with its first general meeting of the semester on Sept. 4 in the Education Building Room 115. Executive President Patty Kou, a senior political science and finance double major, was the first to welcome the general body with a flag salute. Kou then introduced herself to the organization and discussed the agenda of the meeting. The discussion consisted of general introductions amongst the executive board and goals for the upcoming year. Vice President for Administration of Finances Sam Koch, a junior marketing major who handles SG’s budget, explained that her committee helped to orchestrate enhanced WiFi in the Atrium at Eickhoff Hall, which was completed last week. Lions’ Stadium, New Residence Hall and Cromwell Hall have had their WiFi connection updated as well. Vice President for Student Services Dani Mauro, a senior elementary education and psychology dual major, discussed her committee’s plans for this year’s homecoming, which is taking place the week of Oct. 14. Mauro broke down her ideas for Spirit Week. The highly anticipated week will include a fashion show flash mob, fall CUB nooner, t-shirt giveaway, popcorn bar and a lip-syncing and dance night.

Vice President for Governmental Affairs Suchir Govindarajan, a junior English major, announced that he had updated the constitution and bylaws for SG. Govindarajan also told the organization that they will begin addressing new bills and resolutions in the near future. Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion Ana Gutiérrez, a sophomore communication studies major, announced the dates for the College’s Diversity Educational Series, which will be Sept. 24, Oct. 10 and Nov. 5 and 12. SG adviser Dave Connor announced he was welcoming a new addition to the organization. Starting Sept. 23, Avani Rana will start working alongside Connor to help support SG and the College Union Board. Student representatives for each department and school stood to give an overview of what their goals are for the new year. A representative for Arts and Communication shared the desire to implement public relations as a minor within the school. The School of Business was granted a $50,000 donation from alumni. With this money, representatives plan to update the basement lounge area, change the carpet, add a new coat of paint, better the furniture and update the plumbing system. At the next meeting, SG will begin discussing desires for new bills, resolutions and changes to the current ones.

Borges explains the five pillars of well-being.

continued from page 1

She also urged students to decrease the amount of time spent comparing oneself to others, whether it’s through social media or in person. Borges then explained a situation where she subconsciously redirected her ambitions to be similar to her friend’s. “We absorb what’s happening without even questioning,” she said. “Is this a true, personal desire or goal, or is this someone else? All these people, super accomplished, but in the end, we’re all humans.” Everyone in the audience then received a paper and pen for the interactive portion of the workshop. Borges asked audience members to write a list of three things that have been bothering them, and to rank them in the order by the amount of stress they produce in their lives. Afterward, Borges asked everyone to write down the factors that they don’t have control over. Then she presented the acronym PERMA, which she described as the “five pillars of well-being.” With positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment, one

Camille Furst / Managing Editor

can maintain a healthy mindset toward life, according to Borges. Her main emphasis throughout the workshop was the definition of “health.” Instead of defining it as the absence of physical or mental maladies, Borges stressed the importance of looking at “health” as having well-being despite these afflictions. After providing the audience with resources such as the University of Pennsylvania PERMA Qualtrics Survey, she presented a video of speaker Robert Waldinger, who contributed to Harvard University’s longest study on happiness. “The good life is built with good relationships … Why is this so hard to get and so easy to ignore?” he asked. “Well, we’re human.” Despite the emphasis on human nature and the struggle toward happiness, Waldinger emphasized the possibility for humans to reach it — to lean into close relationships and find fulfillment with both others and oneself. “Invest on your relationships,” Borges said to close the workshop. “Have people you can trust … to make you feel better. (Then) you see what matters.”

September 11, 2019 The Signal page 3

‘Dear World’ captures student expression

Left: A photographer captures students’ portraits. Right: Students write impactful messages on each other’s arms. By Reynaldo Torres Jr. Staff Writer Dear World, a company dedicated to creating portraits and sharing meaningful stories of individuals, visited the Brower Student Center on Sept. 4 to express the identities of students at the College. The company allows for people to voice their stories with writing phrases and images on their body, photographing them and exhibiting their distinct experiences in a gallery. Its goal is to show how diversity is represented not only at the College, but every campus it visits as well. Dear World set up its cameras, lights and markers, and waited for anyone who wanted to share their story.

Raj Toor, a junior biopsychology major who helped work the event, felt that the exhibit provided a way for students to share experiences. “A storytelling event that aims to highlight the diversity across college campuses by inviting students to share their most significant stories,” Toor said. Toor had joined the program because she enjoys the idea of seeing how diverse the College is. “Helping people all day come up with the tagline for their stories was a remarkable experience that I am fortunate to have experienced,” she said. “We also want to reach out to freshmen coming into their first semester to get them involved.” The photoshoot aspect allowed everyone to be captured in a moment and pose that describes them with

Jennifer Somers / Photo Editor

words written on them in marker. Some people choose to take on powerful poses and expressions with meaningful words written on them, while others used common stereotypes or misconceptions about them to bring light to an issue about which they feel passionate. Julia Connelly, a sophomore mechanical engineering major, wrote on her arms, “how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.” “I chose this because at times in my life … it was difficult to feel like I was really needed or serving any worthwhile purpose,” Connelly said. “The odds of any individual existing are so monumentally small that even being born at all is extremely rare and beautiful and important.”

Vital Signs: Starting your day off right SFB funds Debate Club, improv with four steps to healthy mornings Board discontinues AirBnB funding

Preparing a nutritious breakfast will energize your attitude. By Victoria Giardina Columnist Let’s face it — not everyone is a morning person, even students with 8 a.m. classes. But starting your day off with a positive attitude sets the stage for your week and can make your day amazing. While you may not have the time to pamper yourself with every selfcare regimen in the book, here are four simple tasks you can do every day for a morning boost. Want some energetic music to motivate yourself in the mornings? How about some relaxing rhythms for a calming vibe? Create a rise-andshine playlist for a productive start to your day. When you have a playlist specifically for yourself, you’ll always be reminded of your morning routine. Breakfast is the most important meal


of the day, right? Preparing a nutritious meal right off the bat will make you want to eat healthy throughout the rest of the day. Whether it is an acai bowl or some oatmeal, getting vital nutrients early on will make you feel great and help prevent that afternoon slug. No, the mornings aren’t always for deep cleaning, but a quick dusting of your furniture and items can make all the difference. Try making your bed and wiping down surfaces before fretting to class. A clean space makes a mess-free and productive way to start your morning off right! A selfless and humble way to start your mornings is to compliment three random people you see on campus. Not only could this make someone’s day, but it also molds your day to be intentional and positive. A random act of kindness will calm your mind from all the stress of the day’s tasks.

Members discuss details of the Engineering Olympics. By Len La Rocca News Editor The Student Finance Board met for its first meeting of the academic year to discuss funding requests for student organizations on Sept. 4 in the Brower Student Center Room 104. The board funded five organizations’ events, all of which have dates and locations that have yet to be announced. Lambda Upsilon Lambda received $160 for a “Dominos with Dominos” event. Circle K International was funded $600 for national dues, $54 for office supplies, $52 for coupon clipping for troops and $55 for finals cards and a candy giveaway, which will be distributed to students studying for finals. Circle K also received $250 for the “semester goals” event and pizza giveaway. The event

Len La Rocca / News Editor

will have students write down positive goals for the semester. The Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honors Society was funded $200 for the Engineering Olympics, including lawn games and an ice cream social. The Mixed Signals received $50 dollars for banners, $700 for library auditorium fees and an additional $215 their Ice Cream and Improv event, which will be held in the Travers/Wolfe Lounge. The Debate Club’s tournament was funded $9,396 for registration fees, food, travel and tournament expenses. The board decided that AirBnB’s will no longer be acceptable for group retreat housing due to likeliness of debaucherous behavior. SFB also discussed creating Instagram posts containing all information of funding that comes out of meetings in the future.

page 4 The Signal September 11, 2019

Nation & W rld

Cyber war persists between U.S., Iran By Owen Davidson Correspondent

Iran has made attempts to recover information that the U.S. successfully damaged in a June 20 cyber-strike, The New York Times reported. The strike had occurred not too long after the Iranian Revolutionary Guard attacked oil-tankers in the Gulf of Oman. Repercussions of the attack are still being monitored today. According to The New York Times, officials said the cyberstrike “‘was a critical attack in that ongoing battle,’” with military communication networks taken offline. The database was used to target oil tankers and track shipments in the Persian Gulf. According to an NBC interview with founder of Trustsec Dave Kennedy, the attacks that targeted research facilities caused “‘misreadings,’” which in turn

“‘literally sent their program back years of research.’” In other words, the cyber-attacks aimed to erase data. More pressingly, the U.S. cyber-attacks could be a response to Iran’s blame in shooting down an unmanned American drone in June, according to NBC. The U.S. and Iran contested whether it was shot down in Iranian airspace or whether it was flying internationally. When interviewed by NBC, John Bateman, the former director of Cyber Strategy Implementation in the office of the Secretary of Defense, said the U.S. had the “‘legal authority … to strike back at Iranian systems that aim to target U.S. forces.’” Initially, President Donald Trump issued a drone strike targeting Iran before calling it off. In a June tweet, he decided 10 minutes before launching the attack to call it

off after a general told him it would kill roughly 150 Iranian people. Another angle is whether the cost of the cyber-attack outweighs the reward. According to The New York Times, Iran, as well as other military powers such as China, Russia and North Korea, can determine how the cyber-attack took place. In turn, world leaders could gain the knowledge to protect against further attacks that use the same strategy. Also integral is how often a cyber-weapon is used. According to The New York Times, “(cyber-weapons) can be used a few times, or sometimes even once.” After spotting the vulnerability, the target can “engineer a patch” to block further access to its network. Furthermore, Gary Brown, a professor at the National Defense University and former legal counsel for Cyber Command, told The

The ongoing conflict dates back to June.

New York Times that access which allows the U.S. to initiate the attack gets “‘burned’” in the aftermath. It is still uncertain whether or not the U.S. initiated the “cyber war.” According to a


U.S. official interviewed by The New York Times, the U.S. conducts attacks in “‘persistent engagement,’” and at all levels calibrated “way below the threshold of war.”

Israel retaliates against Hezbollah attack

Tensions escalate between the Middle Eastern countries. By Ian Krietzberg Correspondent


Sept. 1, further escalating tensions between the two countries. NBC News reported that both sides claim Hezbollah, a militant group based in Leba- a different tale. Hezbollah claims to have non, attacked a northern Israeli military base “‘destroyed an Israeli military vehicle, killing on Aug. 31. The Washington Post reported or wounding those inside,’” while the Israeli that Israeli forces then retaliated with bomb- Defense Forces claim that Hezbollah fired ings of three villages in Southern Lebanon on “‘2-3 anti-tank missiles’” from Lebanon, and

that no Israelis were wounded. The first attack followed an Israeli airstrike in Syria that killed two Hezbollah commanders just days before, according to The Washington Post. The attacks threaten to break the cease-fire that has been in place since the month-long war between the two countries in 2006. According to CNN, the attacks also represent the “most serious cross-border exchange since January 2015,” when Hezbollah responded to an Israeli killing of an Iranian general by killing two soldiers in one of the nation’s military jeeps. “‘We were attacked with several antitank missiles,’” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the Honduras diplomatic office in Jerusalem, according to The Times of Israel. “‘We responded with 100 shells and firing from the air by various means. We are consulting about the next steps. I have ordered that we be prepared for any scenario,’” he said. Despite Israel’s statement that neither soldiers nor civilians were killed or injured in the attack, two servicemen were

flown to Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center, according to The Times of Israel. However, they were released shortly afterward. On Sept. 1, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hairiri called Secretary of State Mike Pompeo along with top French diplomats, asking the U.S. and France to “‘intervene in the face of developments at the southern border,’” according to Reuters. The Associated Press reported that U.N. peace forces have been on the ground in Southern Lebanon, and have been in contact with all sides of the conflict. Despite the U.N. peacekeepers maintaining their presence on the ground, U.N. spokesman Andrea Tenanti said that “‘calm has returned in the area.’” Despite peace efforts, tensions remain high as Hezbollah’s deputy head Naim Kassem defended his organization’s retaliation against Israel on Sept. 1. “‘Hezbollah wants to preserve deterrence and the rules of engagement in order to prevent something worse from happening,’” he said, according to The Associated Press.

Barricade collapses on audience at Seattle music festival By Ariel Steinsaltz Staff Writer

More than two dozen people were injured when a stage barricade collapsed at the annual Labor Day Weekend Bumbershoot Music & Arts Festival in Seattle on Aug. 31. “‘Saturday night at Bumbershoot Festival there was steel barricade failure that resulted in several non-life threatening injuries,” according to a press release from the organizers of the event, Rolling Stone reported. “‘Those injured were handled by onsite medical teams and further treatment continued at an area hospital as deemed necessary.’” David Cuerpo, a spokesman for the Seattle Fire Department, said that about 3,000 people had gathered and were pressing against the barrier, which caused it to fall. The barrier was 4 feet high and made of steel, according to USA Today. Electronic music artist Jai Wolf was performing at the festival when the collapse occurred, according to NBC News. “‘As soon as I walked on the stage tonight, one of the steel barricades separating the crowd and the stage collapsed due to the crowd pushing and jumping on

the hill,’” Wolf tweeted. “‘I cut the music because I noticed members of the audience had fallen on top of each other. Before we could continue the show, we had to assess any potential injuries.’” He continued to inform the public that his set had been rescheduled for Sept. 1, and that passholders for the original event would be given access to the new performance. He also urged people coming to the Sunday show to “be mindful of (their) surroundings and look out for one another,” in the tweet. The Seattle Fire Department tweeted that 25 people had been evaluated for injuries and that four were transported to Harborview Medical Center, a hospital in Seattle. The four taken to the hospital were all in stable condition when transported. The festival released a statement saying that on-site medical teams provided help to those who were wounded, according to NBC News. “‘I’m so stoked to be back in Seattle but safety is our primary concern and we wanted to make sure that no one would be in any danger.” Wolf ’s tweet added. “We know now that no one has sustained any serious injuries.’”


Approximately 24 people are hurt at the concert.

September 11, 2019 The Signal page 5


People should be proud of their names

A name is sacred, a title that no one can take away. There will always be someone with the same name as you, but none of them could ever identify with it the same way. It took me years to understand that about my name, and honestly, it still takes a lot of self-reminders. The main difference between my name and that of other Liya’s is the spelling. Any “normal” girl would have her name spelled L-E-AH, sometimes without the “h,” sometimes with an “i.” But either way, “Leah” is not supposed to have a “y.” My first name is not the issue, though, because my last name is even worse. Everyone knows how to pronounce “David,” which is great for them except for the fact that it has nothing to do with my name. I understand that names are difficult to pronounce, and with a Hebrew flare, it becomes even more difficult to say “Davidov” in English. It takes a while to teach the correct pronunciation of my last name, too, and sometimes, even after all of the meticulous lessons, people are still clueless. After a few times, it really should not be so difficult to pronounce “Da-veed-óv.” Why do I respond, though, when the mispronunciations tip over to almost entirely unrelated to me? Is it because I have given up or simply lost interest in my own identity? Sometimes, it bothers me that I do respond to a name that is not mine and, even worse, it hurts that I now anticipate the mispronunciation. It has even come to the point where I introduce myself and “Liya Davidov” no longer sounds like a description of me. What I have learned is that there is a part of me in each pronunciation. Sure, there mispronunciations that sometimes butcher the name with a sharp steak knife. But each version of my name is a version of me. I’ve come to like the different quirks that “David-off” has and the messed up sense of humor that “Lie-a” shares all too proudly. My point is that behind every name, there is an individual — there’s you! Oh, look, there’s me, too! We all know what kind of person we want to be and there shouldn’t be a name standing in the way of us being exactly who we’re supposed to be. Accepting our true identities — the individual behind the name — may not come overnight, but is crucial in understanding ourselves. It takes practice, but soon enough, you’re not just another face in the crowd walking down the main college path — you’re you and you’re glowing because of it. This is your opportunity to discover who you really are. You may not get it the first time — or the 50th time in my case — but when you do, you will finally be able to recognize the person in the mirror as more than just a reflection and feel proud of the individual you’ve become. Here’s to you!

— Liya Davidov Nation & World Editor

Editorial Content Unsigned editorial opinions are those of the Editorial Board, which consists of the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing, News, Features, Arts & Entertainment, Opinions, Photo, Sports, Review and Social Media editors and the Business and Production managers, unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and letters to the editor are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Signal.

Individuals with different characteristics make the world more diverse.


Quotes of the Week Email: Telephone: Production Room (609) 771-2424 Ad Email:

Editorial Staff Garrett Cecere Editor-in-Chief Jane Bowden Camille Furst Managing Editors Isabel Vega Len La Rocca News Editors Christine Houghton Sports Editor Viktoria Ristanovic Features Editor Lara Becker Arts & Entertainment Editor Richard Miller Opinions Editor Liya Davidov Nation & World Editor James Mercadante Reviews Editor Jonah Malvey Project Manager

Mailing Address: The Signal c/o Forcina Hall The College of New Jersey P.O. Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 Jennifer Somers Photo Editor Madison Oxx Production Manager Muhammad Siddiqui Web Editor Kalli Colacino Madison Pena Leigha Stuiso Social Media Editors Diana Solano Distribution Manager Emilie Lounsberry Adviser Mina Milinkovic Business/Ad Manager

“We need windows as much as we need mirrors.” — Darnell Moore Author and activist

“Invest on your relationships. Have people you can make you feel better. (Then) you see what matters.” — Carolina Borges Associate professor of public health

Correction In a Sept. 4 article titled “Police find individuals with stolen bicycle,” it was incorrectly stated that two students at the College received summonses. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

page 6 The Signal September 11, 2019

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September 11, 2019 The Signal page 7


College tuition should include textbooks Hidden cost of school supplies burdens students

Assigned texts are not always used during daily course work. By Matthew Mancuso College is a great time for many reasons, but it’s definitely not fun for peoples’ wallets. According to The College’s financial aid website, a roughly $13,000 price for in-state tuition can be


a big financial undertaking, which excludes room and board and what I believe is the most unnecessary item of them all — expensive textbooks. Many professors at the College and other universities across the United States assign students textbooks each

semester that can cause an even greater financial burden. But with the increasing cost of both textbooks and college tuition, colleges should be paying for such materials. Some textbooks can cost a few hundred dollars per book, and with multiple books required for many of the courses, it’s a burden that many college students struggle to afford. Considering that students need to get numerous textbooks for each semester, it’s an option that many students find unnecessary and too expensive. For a few hundred pages of paper, is $200 really an acceptable value? With the financial distress that many first-year students find themselves in once they have to pay tuition bills, they would be extremely grateful if schools helped them pay for a portion of their class supplies. Students at the College aren’t the only ones suffering from this horrible injustice. A 2019 College Board study showed that students spend an average of $1,290 dollars each semester solely on textbooks. Many other educational

institutions charge hundreds of dollars for textbooks, which is especially egregious considering the exuberant tuition costs that many other colleges charge. In my experience, I find that some professors don’t even use the books for regular class use. Essentially, they’re burdening students with the responsibility of buying and unloading the textbooks. This tactic is especially unfair considering many textbooks resell for less value on second-hand sites. Instead, the College should do its students a favor and include the cost for textbooks within its tuition bill. With the College racking up an estimated $350,000 profit in its 2018 accounting report, it certainly has plenty of money to spare aid to its students, 40 percent of whom are on some sort of financial aid. The College could perhaps provide a discount for their students, some of whom pay over $100,000 throughout their tenure as students. With the cost of college exponentially rising, there’s no reason to deepen the pockets of colleges even more.

More people should be aware of digital security

Facebook, Google spread consumers’ personal data By Maxwell Cerra Major websites like Facebook, Google and Amazon have been under scrutiny recently for a multitude of reasons, such as privacy and antitrust concerns, among other reasons, according to a recent New York Times article. Privacy, in particular, is something the average person should give more scrutiny. It is understandable to an extent if people are willing to sacrifice some privacy for certain offered benefits (less so if you are a journalist), but just how much information about you these companies can get should concern everyone. A 2012 New York Times article discussed how Target can predict consumer behavior based on what individuals have bought from them in the past. This, for example, led to a father finding out through Target that his daughter, who was still in high school, was pregnant. This was due to calculated ad technology that was able to track purchases and personalize coupons for the shopper. While I doubt that this instance

will be relevant to most readers, the fact that a company like Target can figure this out should be deeply worrying. If Target can find this out, then what else can they find out about you? What will Target and similar companies do with this information? It is well known that companies like Facebook and Google have been in the public spotlight related to major scandals regarding user data, but protecting one’s privacy, to an extent, is not that particularly difficult. If you are like me and want to minimize how much information these companies can find out about you, then that requires familiarizing oneself with how information about you can be leaked and how to protect it, which many readers may not understand the importance of. However, going that far is not even that necessary for most people. Switching from Google Chrome to another browser, such as Firefox or Vivaldi, is easy. Switching search engines from Google to DuckDuckGo or StartPage can usually be done in the

Sharing too much information on the internet can threaten a person’s safety. Settings menu. The same is true for preventing your browsing history from being logged and/or destroying it after you close the internet browser. There are also a lot of alternatives to popular applications like Gmail, Microsoft Office, Skype, WhatsApp

and Instagram that you can find online and are not particularly difficult to use (the latter two apps are owned by Facebook). If anybody has paid attention to the news cycle, it should be very clear that any data you generate is worth a lot of money


to advertisers and Big Tech, and you are not guaranteed to receive the truth about what exactly the companies will do with it or how they will collect it. Practicing privacy online should be a habit you should pick up, even if only to a small extent.


The Signal is published weekly during the academic year and is financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and advertising revenue. Any student may submit articles to The Signal. Publication of submitted articles is at the discretion of the editors. The letters section is an open forum for opinions. Submissions that announce events or advertise in any way will not be printed. All letters should be sent via email to Handwritten letters should be sent to The Signal, c/o The Brower Student Center, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718 Ewing, N.J. 08628 or placed in our mailbox in the Student Life Office. Letters must be received by the Friday before publication and should not exceed 500 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. All letters must be signed, with a phone number and address of the author. Requests to withhold the author’s name will be honored only if there is a legitimate reason. All materials submitted become the sole property of The Signal. The editors reserve the right to edit or withhold all articles, letters & photographs. The Signal willingly corrects factual mistakes. If you think we have made an error, please contact The Signal at (609) 771-2424, write to the address listed above or email us at

page 8 The Signal September 11, 2019

Students share opinions around campus “Should the College include textbooks in the cost of tuition?”

Richard Miller / Opinions Editor

Kevin Hornibook, a freshman journalism and professional writing major


“Yes, I think they should. The cost of textbooks is sky-rocketting.”

Richard Miller / Opinions Editor

Vivian Murphy, a sophomore speech pathology major “Yes, because the textbooks cause a financial burden to many students”

“Should students be more aware of their digital presence?”

Richard Miller / Opinions Editor

Kaitlyn Bonomo, a freshman journalism and professional writing major

“I think it’s important to be aware of everything you post, because on the internet is an open space.”


Richard Miller / Opinions Editor

Kennedy Ferruggia, a freshman journalism and professional writing major “Yes, because we are so absorbed in social media, so being present is so important in today’s world.”

The Signal’s cartoon of the week ...

The Chip: American Life Takes Over Athens Campus By Tony Peroni and Ahbree Gram Correspondents On most American campuses, Greek life is a common part of the college experience. Between philanthropy, professional development and camaraderie, the values that many Greek organizations give to the campus community are quintessential in building a healthy and functioning community. Look at the College — some of the finest sororities and fraternities have graced our campus, sporting their letters and making Ewing a welcoming home for friendship. As many know, Greek life came into existence in the 1700s, welcoming only

the most elite members of universities into secret societies in which only the most significant and urgent matters were to be discussed. But this got The Chip thinking … many American students live by Greek life and die by Greek life. We sport Greek letters and pledge allegiance to secret Greek phrases. If us Americans live by Greek life, what do universities in Greece do? To The Chip’s surprise, the answer to this inquiry is more enlightening than shocking. After sending multiple reporters to the cradle of Western Civilization, we were surprised to learn that the Greeks have taken kindly to our ode to antiquity, and have developed organizations that reflect American society and values. It was a beautiful Mediterranean Saturday. A legendary rivalry was in the midst of taking place once more between Athens University and Sparta Institute of Technology. The game — football (soccer). The stakes — pride and a year of good luck and fortune.

At the tailgate, we interviewed students from Dee Tee Dee (surprisingly similar to the College’s own Delta Tau Delta), who were flipping lamb burgers and cracking a few cold cans of Mythos, a local brew. These promising young lads were part of what they were proud to call, “American Life.” When asked what “American Life” meant to them, they had a few interesting responses: “American Life is chill, a lot of it is just bro-ing down and bonding with my feller DeeBoys,” stated Demitrokos Tectonicanica, a junior accounting major at AU. “American Life isn’t just about the brotherhood,” claimed Nikos Anastas, a senior journalism major. “It’s about American Values, like bro-ing down and bonding with my fellow DeeBoys.” “I think about it quite often, to be honest,” said Toro “Aristotle” Flame. “But what it comes down to is two things — how often I get to bro down with my fellow DeeBoys, and whether or not we are bonding in the

process. Nothing else matters.” Living by their secret motto “Chill and be chill”, these (Dee) boys sure do know how to kick back and exemplify the perfect brotherhood. Through The Chip’s seven-figure budget, we were able to unite Demitrokos, Nikos, and Toro with their American counterparts. Sporting their letters, the three Athenian students stood in lot 5, while over the horizon, all 500 brothers of Delta Tau Delta rose out of the fog, like an army of absolutely ripped and chiseled soldiers. “Suh” said all 500 of the brothers at once. “Suh” said Demitrokos, Nikos, and Toro at the same time. The counterparts dapped each other up and disappeared into the fog, brothers in arms, DeeBoys united at home and across the pond, forever. DISCLAIMER: This is obviously a satirical piece and does not describe a real event.

September 11, 2019 The Signal page 9


Cinema / Amtzis discusses importance of ‘Moonlight’ Campus workshop emphasizes need for diversity

Olivia Buote / Staff Photographer

The professor examines how the LGBTQ+ community is represented in movies. continued from page 1

Amtzis changed the original name of the workshop, “Queer Images in Film,” so that he could focus on a more narrow scope and apply the session to themes in this year’s freshman summer reading book, “No Ashes in the Fire,” Darnell Moore’s memoir about his experience growing up gay and black. The workshop’s amended title was “WE ARE: Images of Gay Black Men in the Movies.” For the session, Amtzis

showed clips from three films that depicted characters who are gay and black, in addition to others in the transgender community, all of whom are rarely seen on the big screen. One film, “Tongues Untied,” is a non-narrative documentary where characters use poetry to express feelings and thoughts about their lives. “What is striking about (‘Tongues Untied’) … is that there’s no apology,” Amtzis said. “It’s an affirmation, a statement of ‘WE ARE.’”

Amtzis, who now teaches in the College’s education department, enjoys exploring images of the LGBTQ+ community in cinema, which he is able to do with students in his FSP course, “Terms of En-QUEER-ment: A history of the movies and LGBTQ identity.” Growing up in New York City, Amtzis was no stranger to theater and films, which served as support when he came out as gay at the age of 15. “‘Women in Love,’ ‘The Boys in the Band,’ ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday,’” he said. “All

of these movies celebrated who I was and what I was.” Before going into teaching, Amtzis had worked in the film industry as a script reader and casting director early in his career, which contributed to his desire to integrate film into his lessons. “...I love movies. I’ve been going to movies since I was 5 years old,” he said. “I’ve probably seen more movies than anyone you’ll ever know personally whose name isn’t Steven Spielberg or Martin Scorsese.” Another film in the presentation, the Oscar-winning “Moonlight,” tells the story of Chiron, a young gay black man and his search for love and acceptance during three stages of his life. Although they didn’t read Moore’s book, sophomores Stephanie Shen and Alex Reinhard, who attended the workshop, especially enjoyed the presentation about “Moonlight” and were impressed with how the workshop tied cinema with the LGBTQ+ community. “I picked this (workshop) … because film is something I’m … interested in,” said Shen, a mathematics major. “The LGBTQ+ is also something that … I’m really passionate about.” Reinhard, an English and interactive multimedia double major, admired how the presentation related to one of his classes. “I’m taking queer lit this semester, so I feel like (the workshop) tied

in everything really well, and this was a … good introduction to everything,” he said. For the third film, Amtzis chose “Paris Is Burning,” a documentary about the ball scene in New York City during the late 1980s. He highlighted one character, a drag queen named Pepper LaBeija, by asking the audience participate and chant the name three times just like the actors did in one scene. Amtzis said he enjoyed discussing “Paris Is Burning” the most and that he looks forward to showing it in his FSP course. “(The film) is just so outrageous,” he said. “It’s these fierce, fabulous drag queens fighting for recognition … and yet, their social status is so marginal that there’s a real sort of tension in there that I find powerful … and having everyone chant Pepper LaBeija’s name.” As Amtzis brought the presentation to a close, he answered one person’s question by saying how he felt “Paris Is Burning” helped shed light on an underrepresented group. “(The film) gives a lot of focus and attention to a very marginalized group,” he said. “I guess they feel ignored, and their voice is powerful.” Even three decades later, Amtzis hasn’t forgotten the challenge that his student presented him. “To this day, I wish I could recall his last name,” he said. “I wish I could find him on Facebook because I owe him a ‘thank you.’”

Professor showcases LGBTQ+ representation in literature Children’s books teach lessons of identity, acceptance By Reynaldo Torres Jr. Correspondent

In today’s society, the LGBTQ+ community is represented in many ways. From popular shows like Netflix’s “Queer Eye” to nation-wide Pride Parades, the community is thriving in a way it hasn’t in a long time. On Sept. 4, Emily Meixner led a workshop that focused on LGBTQ+ representation in children’s and YA literature in the Education Building Room 113. Meixner, who works in the English department, first presented children’s books such as Andrea J. Looney’s “Bunnybear” and Christian Trimmer’s “Teddy’s Favorite Toy.” “Bunnybear” follows the tale of a bear who identifies as a rabbit, while “Teddy’s Favorite Toy” is a story about a young boy named Teddy enjoys playing with a doll. In each of these stories, children are taught about identity, acceptance and kindness. Within the last five years, books, such as “Bunnybear” and “Teddy’s Favorite

Toy,” that include LGBTQ+ characters and defy gender norms, have seen an increase in popularity among students in fifth through eighth grade. During the workshop, Meixner also discussed New Jersey laws that have been put in place to protect people from being discriminated against due to their sexual preference or identity. “The laws are important because it makes schools safer and they prioritize school safety,” Meixner said. “But I am not sure that teachers are aware enough that these laws are out there and we are responsible to them.” Meixner mentioned how these antidiscriminatory laws also fall in line with many schools’ anti-bullying policies. “People who are going to be future teachers, think about what their school’s anti bullying policy looks like and how that might help them in shaping what curricular choices they make,” Meixner said. Last year, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill stating that from the 2020-2021 school year and onward, all schools in the state must teach LGBTQ+ history in a class,

Garrett Cecere / Editor-in-Chief

Meixner discusses the positive effects of new education laws.

which Meixner appreciated, since more teachers will know about the issues. Meixner also discussed the idea of LGBTQ+ history being taught in school and how teachers could do it. “I think teachers are going to have different feelings addressing LGBT content,” Meixner said. “Some of them are going to feel totally familiar and totally comfortable

with the idea, and some of them are just not.” Meixner agreed that the workshop proved how important diversity in literature is. “I was just really excited to see how much interest there was,” Meixner said. “The number of students who were here to just listen and learn was encouraging. It speaks to the interest and the necessity of knowing what these resources are.”

page 10 The Signal September 11, 2019

: Sept. ‘01

Campus community remembers 9/11

September 11, 2019 The Signal page 11

Campus Style

Left: Pair combat boots with a floral dress for the perfect look. Right: Layer a knit cardigan over your fall outfit. Photo courtesy of the TCNJ Digital Archive

The College comes together in the aftermath of the attacks.

Every week, Features Editor Viktoria Ristanovic hits the archives and finds old Signals that relate to current College topics and top stories. This year marks the 18th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, when tragedy struck the U.S. after two hijacked planes hit the World Trade Center in New York City. Throughout the rest of the morning, two other hijacked airplanes crashed; one hit the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and the other one crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. In a September 2001 issue of The Signal, a reporter wrote about the horrific terrorist attack and its immediate aftermath. Eighteen years later, we still remember the thousands of American citizens who lost their lives. In what is being called the worst peacetime attack ever, New York City and Washington, D.C. were the targets of terrorist attacks last Tuesday morning. The World Trade Center was hit by two commercial airplanes. The first crash occurred around 9 a.m., and the second crash came just 16 minutes later. An hour later, a plane crashed into the Pentagon, prompting the evacuation of all government buildings in Washington, including the

White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Capitol and the CIA. The side of the Pentagon hit by the plane later collapsed from damage caused by the impact. United Airlines and American Airlines both lost two planes. American flight 11 struck the north tower at 8:46 a.m. United flight 175 hit the south tower 16 minutes later. American flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:38 a.m. United flight 93 crashed outside of Pittsburgh. The FBI believes all four of these planes were hijacked. A Delta flight made an emergency landing in Cleveland, where the passengers were safely evacuated. Federal officials then searched the plane for explosives. The attacks on these buildings prompted the evacuation of many other well-known landmarks, including the Sears Tower in Chicago, the United Nations in New York and Disney World. Los Angeles mobilized its anti-terrorism division. Washington Mayor Anthony Williams has declared a state of emergency and U.S stock markets were closed after the attacks on New York.

Lions’ Plate

By Diana Solano Distribution Manager The heat of August has come and gone, and now September brings windy days. Although the first official day of fall isn’t until Sept. 21, no one can deny the inevitable change that is coming to our lives and, more importantly, our wardrobes. The beginning of fall is marked by not just the leaves changing, but also the cold weather in the morning that changes to the blazing heat in the afternoon. The best part of this season change is that it brings along a new wardrobe. It’s the start of bundling up and putting on layers. So let’s enjoy the beginning of fall with a few essential fashion pieces that will keep you warm and stylish. 1. Boots and Sneakers It’s that time of year to retire flip flops and replace them with sneakers and boots to give our feet a little more comfort and warmth. Popular shoes for the fall have always been black booties or knee-high riding boots with a bit of a heel, but Doc Marten combat

boots have become a popular item on the market. Many people see them as a good investment to weather for every season. Nike Air Force 1 has also begun a trend as a simple pair of white sneakers to wear. 2. Sweaters Cable knit, cardigans or turtleneck sweaters — there are so many possibilities for sweaters that can keep you warm. Sweaters come in all different colors and styles; some are cropped and others are oversized. They can be paired with leggings and jeans for a relaxed cozy look or with a skirt to dress up a little. A warm sweater is a nice alternative to carrying around a coat that is not needed yet. 3. Scarves I’m not suggesting you wear the types of scarves that are big and bulky. A lightweight scarf with a pattern such as plaid or solid color is an essential item to have for this fall. Scarves keep your neck warm as the seasons change and add an element of style to your outfit. A plaid scarf could go well with a jean jacket, while a solid color one could go well with a faux leather jacket when going out for an occasion.

Simple Homemade Granola

Left: Top the snack with fruit and spices for added flavor. Right: Mix this dish with yogurt or a smoothie for a tasty morning treat. By Elizabeth Casalnova Columnist I love adding granola to most of my breakfast dishes. In fact, I even make it a meal of its own. Prepackaged granola is a convenient option for busy college students, but it’s expensive and deceivingly unhealthy. Sure, these store-bought bags are loaded with fiber and protein, but they often include ingredients like peanut oil, cane sugar, flour and various types of syrups. Since I eat granola


most days of the week, I try to cut out any unnecessary ingredients to make it as simple and healthy as possible. When making my own, I enjoy the added bonus of saving a few extra dollars. Simplicity is key to making a delicious batch of granola, and swapping ingredients for healthier options doesn’t ruin the flavor. If anything, it tastes better and fresher than the granola that sits on grocery store shelves. The best part of this recipe? The versatility. Each batch starts with a few simple

ingredients, to which you can add any blend of toppings and spices to make it your own. Ingredients: - 4 cups rolled oats - 1/2 cup unrefined coconut oil, melted - 1/2 cup honey, or 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 cup molasses Optional Ingredients: - 1/4 cup chopped almonds - 2 tbsp cacao unsweetened cacao powder - 1/4 cup coconut flakes


- 2 tsp cinnamon Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. 2. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together until well combined. 3. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, evenly spread out the mixture. 4. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, mixing it halfway through. 5. Allow to cool on baking sheet for about 15 minutes before transferring to an airtight container, and enjoy!

page 12 The Signal September 11, 2019

Arts & Entertainment

Sarnoff Collection showcases 80s technology Videodisc plays ‘Star Wars’ on vinyl record

Left: Retro images help bring the demonstration to life. Right: The sci-fi classic is shown through the vintage system. By Jennifer Somers Photo Editor For people who are used to watching movies on their laptops or mobile devices, it’s difficult to imagine having to use a stereo to play their favorite films — that’s how people watched them in the 1980s. In the Sarnoff Collection’s first pop-up exhibit of the year, a demonstration of the videodisc was featured with a showing of “Star Wars” on Sept. 4. Created in 1981, the videodisc plays film on a vinyl record. Few people are still familiar with the videodisc due to its competitors, such as VHS and Betamax. The collection gets a lot of visitors who have worked on the technology at the exhibit. Previous workers of Radio Corporation of America, the company where the videodisc and much of the technology in the exhibit were created, are

the most familiar with the products. According to the museum’s pamphlet, visitors could “not only learn about the scientific principles behind these technologies, but also the social and historical contexts into which they were introduced.” Florencia Pierri, the curator of the museum and a historian of science who has been at the College for two years, shared all the information there is to know about the videodisc. “Before working here, I didn’t know it existed, but old technology is fun,” Pierri said. Pierri showed the simplicity of how the videodisc works in a demonstration. She placed the box, which holds the videodisc, into the stereo. Then, when she pulled the box back out, it left the record behind and a needle too small to be seen moved onto the grooves of the record to play the movie. “The grooves of the record are so fine that you actually

Jennifer Somers / Photo Editor

can’t touch it without scratching it,” Pierri said. Guests were able to stay and watch “Star Wars” or come and go as they pleased. Those who stayed longer saw that halfway through the movie, the disc had to be flipped over in order to finish playing the film. Betamax and VHS tapes are comparable to videodiscs in terms of both quality and price. Consumers preferred VHS and Betamax over videodisc because they could record and playback videos on them. “Star Wars” was such a popular movie in the 80s that the videodisc based the length of their records on the film. Any movie longer than “Star Wars” would be on two discs rather than just one. The videodisc was a flop and only lasted three years on the market. “There are a lot of lessons to be learned from things that don’t work out,” Pierri said. “You should learn about the past because it is important for going forward.”

Chappelle special roars with controversy

The comedian dives head first into touchy subjects.

By Claire Joanson Correspondent

While most celebrities shy away from controversy, Dave Chappelle bathes in it. On Aug. 26, Netflix released its fifth stand-up special with the creator, aptly titled “Sticks & Stones,” a quick-witted display of Chappelle’s comedic prowess. At this point in his career, Chappelle has earned his elite status in the comedy world. He is a writer, actor, comedian and producer who has been featured on “Saturday Night Live,” starred in many movies and, of course, was the host of his


self-titled series, “Chappelle’s Show.” With an illustrious career that has generated two Grammys and Emmys, Chappelle could have stopped there. He could have written a set that played it safe within the boundaries of what is considered socially acceptable, or worse — he could have fallen into the fate of many older comedians, where their jokes never align with the progressions time has made. But his flow is impeccable. “Sticks & Stones” is an astonishing tribute to the craft of comedy — Chappelle has nothing to prove, everything to lose and still

pulls absolutely no punches. In Chappelle’s act, everything is a target. Race, gender, sexuality and wealth — sensitive descriptors that have fallen subject to censure and disapproval in 2019 — are allowed to be funny again. The comedian does not discriminate in his discrimination, which, in turn, allows everyone to be in on the joke. Chappelle touches on many American topics of contention within his hour-long performance. He offers his unsolicited advice on abortion, gun control and the #MeToo movement, making light of ideologies and policies sure to divide a room. In addition, Chappelle mentions recent scandals that have deeply impacted Hollywood and the ramifications of a “cancel culture” on society as a whole. To start the show, he shames the audience. “Everyone is doomed,” he says. “This is the worst time to be a celebrity.” He supports his saying by mentioning some big names in the industry who recently fell victim to “cancel culture,” such as Kevin Hart, Louis C.K. and Michael Jackson. The Jackson jokes come as a result of the controversial documentary from earlier this year, “Leaving Neverland,” where the pop star was

accused of molesting two young boys. “I’m known as a victim blamer,” Chappelle says. “What were those kids wearing at the time?” Though his set received some backlash from critics, who saw his performance as lazy and too dependent on shock value, the public has reacted in a surprising way to this special. Shockingly, the “Sticks & Stones” performance has a 99 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, compared to the meager 23 percent of critics who liked it, as of Sunday, Sept. 8. It shows the complicated relationship between what’s publicly acceptable to find funny and what people actually laugh at. His performance is peppered with tongue-in-cheek comments about the worst possible topics. It’s vulgar, brash and downright offensive, but oddly refreshing to hear someone reinforce the issues by taking the most ridiculous stance possible and turning it on its head. “Sticks & Stones” is unapologetic in a time defined by apologies and walking on eggshells. As we move to become a more considerate, thoughtful society, performances like Chappelle’s will find their place with both the offenders and the offended.

September 11, 2019 The Signal page 13

Camila Cabello empowers with new singles Pop artist shows preview of ‘Romance’ album


The singer leans on her friends in the music video for ‘Shameless.’ By Debra Kate Schafer Staff Writer

Camila Cabello is her own kind of popstar. Although she’s not always polished, she is always herself, and the drama that surrounds her is minimal, focusing on her relationship status or what she wore to an award show. Returning to the music scene on Thursday, Sept. 5 with her first solo hits since 2018, Cabello simultaneously released two singles, “Liar” and “Shameless.” These songs are the first releases off of the “Havana” singer’s upcoming project album, “Romance.” “Falling in love takes you to another

world,” Cabello tweeted the day she released her singles. “‘Romance’ is THAT world.” Cabello’s singles are two vastly different tracks that are done so well that they work hand-in-hand to render meaning and a narrative that delves into an intimate relationship and the current desires, past loves and vulnerable realizations that may come about when falling for someone. That isn’t to say the recent hit, the chart-topping song, “Señorita,” featuring pop singer Shawn Mendes, didn’t do just that as well. “Liar” dips one foot into modern pop and one foot into Latin dance. There is a seamless blend of creativity that allows the song to be hers. It’s the true sound

that she has created and owned up to since her departure from her former pop girl group, Fifth Harmony. “Shameless,” on the other hand, takes a bit of a different stylistic route. It’s as dynamic as “Liar” in the lyrics and meaning category, but the actual musicianship of this record has an edgier feeling. Maybe it’s the guitar licks, the anthemic chorus or the accompanying music video that is already set to be one of the year’s greatest, but I think this single is one of her best to date. What “Shameless” has, aside from a stellar popstar fronting it, is an element of surprise and modernity that I think a lot of people didn’t expect from Cabello right away, since she has only one full-length record and just a handful of credits to her name – albeit they’re well-deserved. The entire aesthetic for these songs is one of desperation, art culture, sensuality, fantasy, dreamscapes and otherworldly features. Cabello dons a pair of angel wings in the album work for both singles, and while angels do fit the overarching visual aspect of the tracks, there is an interesting paradox of angelic naivety and innocence with the more vehement sexual and desirable nature of her lyrics. In her song “Liar,” her signature airy, yet boisterous vocals sing, “I said I won’t lose control, I don’t want it. I said I won’t get too close, but I can’t stop it. Oh no, there you go making me a liar.” In “Shameless,” she sings, “I’m

shameless, screaming my lungs out for you, I’m not afraid to face it. I need you more than I wanted to.” Cabello didn’t come to play games. The 22-year old singer/songwriter has the ability to emulate her sheer vulnerability through her performances and passionate lyrics. She wears her heart on her sleeve. So when it comes to releasing heart-wrenchingly honest music, Cabello makes sure to create music that unveils every side of the story she tells. From what fans are gathering, “Romance” will be Cabello’s dream come to life. It has the prospect of being the telenovela of modern music. Dance sequences, flames, a multitude of stunning outfits, guys fawning over her, stellar cinematography, thoroughly chilling vocal runs, desperate and relatable lyrics, plus her signature dark beach waves. Could you ask for more? The popstar rode the popularity of her last album and releases well into 2018, so to see a bit of a different side from her so quickly after her early success is both intriguing and respectable. Why would she want to pigeonhole herself into one style? Why wouldn’t she create what she wants to, in a way she wants to, in order to tell her story? Owning her sexuality, her adoration for being loved and the idea of wanting romance, she created two tracks that truly set up another world and another era of Camila Cabello.

‘Love Alarm’ thrills audience with distinct plot Netflix K-drama presents themes of romance, technology

Left: Users can find people who are attracted to them. Right: Kim Jo-Jo struggles with the relationships she discovers through the app. By Amani Salahudeen Staff Writer If you’re into Korean dramas or in the mood to try something new, I’d recommend “Love Alarm,” which Netflix released on Aug. 22. First-time director Lee NaJeong specifically emphasized keeping an American audience in mind to draw in viewers across the globe. “Love Alarm” is a comedy-drama series in a high school setting, with elements of sci-fi weaved throughout. In the show, people who download the “Love Alarm” app are notified if someone nearby is romantically interested in them through text alerts, but it only works if both people have downloaded the app. The show, which follows characters as they use the app through the ups and downs of their lives, is only on season 1, and it already has eight intense episodes with an outstanding cast and surprises that will keep you hooked the whole way through. Every little detail

ties in extremely well with the main plot to move the story along. I loved that this show used flashbacks to display how characters end up where they are in the present day. It also tackles the disruptions of this kind of technology on personal connections and daily life. Each cast member performed gave a stellar performance. Jung Ga-Ram stood out as Lee Hye-yeong with his shy but complex character. As a viewer, you’ll get the chance to watch the main love triangle unfold and feel the heartbreak that some of the characters encounter when no one rings their alarm. Additionally, the soundtrack stands out with bands like The 1975 and the South Korean pop group Seventeen. Although I enjoyed “Love Alarm,” there were certain scenes that could be confusing at first. Some of the technicalities of the app weren’t explained properly until a breaking incident in the story occurred. For


instance, just because someone rings your alarm does not guarantee your happiness or that you’ll find your significant other. Even after some of these rules were explained, there were still some that didn’t make a lot of sense, such as the 2.0 version of the app. Hopefully, viewers will get answers to those questions if there is a season 2. One aspect about Korean dramas is that they tend to start with giving a lot of exposition and flashbacks, so you’ll need to be a bit patient if this is your first time watching one. Ultimately, though, everything comes together seamlessly by the end. If you’re into shows with plot twists, then this is perfect. Despite the fact that it has a love triangle, the storyline is still interesting and it doesn’t become dull due to the technology and science element of the show. It starts off lighthearted and there’s a few parts that will take you by surprise. Once you’re done, you’ll want another season.

page 14 The Signal September 11, 2019

September 11, 2019 The Signal page 15

Sports Men’s Soccer

Men’s soccer wins two, falls to Centre By Ann Brunn Correspondent The men’s soccer team won two out of three matches this past week, propelling itself to a 4-1 record on the season. The team notched a victory over Brooklyn College by a score of 3-0 at Lions’ Stadium on Sept. 4. Both sides were held without a goal in the first half, but junior midfielder Ryan Vazquez broke the tie in the 16th minute of the second half with a goal assisted by sophomore midfielder Ryan Santos. The Lions’ defense was stifling, holding Brooklyn to only two shots throughout the entire match and not allowing any on goal. On offense, the Lions totaled 24 shots and maintained possession for 56 percent of the game. The College found the back of the net for a second goal in the 84th minute when freshman midfielder Riley Furlong tapped a pass from just beyond the left goalpost to freshman midfielder Luke Yates, who notched his first collegiate goal off a Brooklyn defender. A minute later, freshman forward Paul Tepedino collected his first collegiate goal 17 yards out from the net from an assist by

junior midfielder Kevin Esteves. In the first game of the Jimmy Mills Tournament at Haverford College on Saturday, Sept. 7, the Lions clinched a 1-0 win over Hampden-Sydney College. Hampden-Sydney put the Lions’ defense to work early in the first half, accumulating nine shots. Junior goalkeeper Daniel Mecadon made a crucial save just three minutes into the match with a corner kick. In the 19th minute, the Lions had the opportunity to score, but a shot by junior defenseman Matthew Nastarowicz sailed just high of the goal. The game was scoreless entering halftime, with Mecadon tallying three saves for the team. Ten minutes into the second half, senior midfielder Michael Maltese executed a cross to Vazquez, who headed the ball in for the game’s first and only goal. Vazquez shot his third goal of the season, while Maltese had his second assist. Mecadon collected his second shutout in as many as three days, and boosted his save percentage to .895 on the season. On Sunday, Sept. 8, the matinee against Centre College in the tournament’s second game produced a result the Lions had yet to see this season. They were shutout by a score of 4-0

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Maltese keeps the ball to himself before passing upfield. and had their four-game winning streak from the start of the season snapped. Centre scored first in the 10th minute, and then again in the 26th minute. The Lions had the chance to cut the lead three minutes before halftime, but Esteves’ corner kick to junior midfielder Sam Monaco was just wide of the goal. In the 57th minute, Centre scored again, making the Lions face a three-goal deficit.

Freshman forward Paul Tepedino sent a shot that sailed high in the 60th minute. Four minutes later, Vazquez’s shot was stopped by the Centre goalkeeper. Centre was able to maintain control for the rest of the match and ultimately hand the Lions their first loss of the season. Men’s soccer is back in action on the road this week, starting tonight at 7 p.m. against FDU-Florham in Madison, New Jersey.

Lions fall in opener Serve / Team hosts to No. 8 Muhlenberg two-day tournament Football

By Christine Houghton Sports Editor For their 2019 season opener, the Lions traveled to Allentown, Pennsylvania, to face the No. 8 team in the nation, Muhlenberg College, but were handily defeated by a score of 45-26. The game did not start out in the College’s favor, with junior quarterback Andrew Donoghue tossing an interception on the first play of the game. Muhlenberg went on to score three more touchdowns in the first quarter before the Lions stopped its momentum with a 13-play, 75-yard drive resulting in a receiving touchdown by senior wide receiver Vinny Guckin. By halftime, Muhlenberg had amassed five touchdowns, four of them thrown by its junior quarterback Mike Hnatkowsky, who tied a school record with five passing touchdowns later in the game. The Lions were down by four scores going into halftime, but did not give up hope. Late in the second half, senior wide receiver Jack Clevenger hauled in two touchdowns courtesy of Donoghue, one of them from 75 yards out. Additionally, sophomore quarterback Dave Jachera punched in a 1-yard touchdown to cap off a six-play, 75-yard drive. The Lions left it all on the field and, despite being down 35-7 at the half, held Muhlenberg to 10 points in the second half, while putting up 19 of their own. Despite ultimately losing 45-26 loss, there were some positives to take away


Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Donoghue looks for a reciever.

from the performance. The Lions offense had some impressive scoring drives, while on defense, they held opposing backs to 2.9 yards per carry. The team’s top performers were Donoghue and Clevenger. Donoghue completed 19 out of 39 passes for 271 yards and three touchdowns, while Clevenger totaled 116 yards and two receiving touchdowns. The Lions’ secondary got torched for five touchdowns and 280 yards. If the defense can play at the same level as they did in the second half against Muhlenberg, then it will keep the team in contention throughout the season.

continued from page 16 Kilibarda and Reilly topped their opponents 8-2 mid-match and closed out the tournament for the men with an 8-4 victory. For the women, the two-day tournament was a day of learning for the undefeated Lions. Playing in only 10 singles matches, the team only won four during the entire tournament. Ariella Shlugleyt won the team’s first singles match, defeating her opponent in one set 8-1. Roarty made her presence known, winning in two sets 7-5 and 6-4, followed by Yoon, who also won in two sets 6-1 and 6-2. Yemula closed out the women’s singles play with an 8-7 victory over an NYU opponent. In doubles play, the women took on opponents from both NYU and Franklin

and Marshall, winning seven out of the 15 matches they played in. Sophomores Amy Yan and Ally Yan paired up in three matches, two against NYU, which they won 8-2 and 8-6. They also won against Franklin and Marshall, whom they defeated 8-5. Vasile and Roarty topped Franklin and Marshall 8-4 and were followed by Yemula and Landells, who paired up to defeat their opponent 8-2. Also on Saturday, Sept. 7, the women’s team faced Kean University, which resulted in another New Jersey Athletic Conference opponent shutout in favor of the Lions. The team is now 4-0 overall and undefeated in the division. The men’s tennis team returns to the court to host the Duck/Lions Tournament from Saturday, Sept. 14 until Sunday, Sept. 15. The women’s team will host Ramapo College on Saturday, Sept. 14.

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Michibata eyes the ball before he returns it.



Tennis adds to undefeated season

Roarty twists to connect with a strong serve. By Christine Houghton Sports Editor

Both the men’s and women’s tennis teams had excellent weekends playing in the Lions’ Fall Tournament with New York University and Franklin and Marshall College. The women started out the week on Sept. 4 with a 9-0 sweep against Stockton University. Players on the women’s team, now 3-0 overall in the season, achieved notable wins, specifically the

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doubles team — freshmen Jenny Landells and Alexandria Vasile won their doubles match 8-1. Rounding out the doubles play, sophomore Katrine Luddy and freshman Anusha Rangu also shut out their opponents in an 8-0 win. The team also swept all doubles matches, with freshman Charlotte Roarty, Vasile and Luddy winning. Sophomores Julia Yoon and Navya Yemula finished out the game and sealed the Lions’ shutout. On Saturday, Sept. 7, and Sunday Sept. 8, the men’s

and women’s tennis teams performed well in their home match. During the first day of play in singles, the men won half of their matches as they went head-to-head with NYU. Sophomore Matthew Michibata won in three sets, 6-2, 6-7 and 10-8, while freshman Akul Telluri found victory after two sets, winning 7-6 and 6-4. Junior Andrew Mok and sophomore Oliver Rodriguez rounded out the singles play tie, as Mok won in three sets 4-6, 6-3 and 11-9, while Rodriguez took his match in two sets, both 6-1. In doubles, the Lions swept all four matches on the day. Seniors Gokul Murugesan and Thomas Wright all but swept their match 8-2, and freshman Nick Matkiwsky and Michibata closed out their match 8-5. Telluri and partner sophomore Justin Wain snuck by NYU by a score of 8-6, while sophomore Nikola Kilibarda partnered with junior Sean Reilly to outscore their opponents 8-2 to close out the day’s gameplay. The next day, the men’s team won seven out of the 17 singles matches, with notable wins coming from Telluri, Mok and Michibata, who all won both of their singles matches. Rodriguez was able to win in two sets — 6-1 for both — and Mok won his second match in only one set, 8-6. The team was back for doubles as the College won seven out of the eight doubles matches to round out the tournament. Wright and Murugesan paired up for yet another 8-2 win to start off the matches, quickly followed by Matkiwsky and Michibata, who squeaked past their opponents 8-5 in two separate sets. Telluri and Wain would take two doubles sets during the second day, winning 8-6 and 8-4. see SERVE page 15

Field hockey scores for Women’s soccer roars season’s second shutout By Seva Galant Staff Writer

By Christine Houghton Sports Editor The College traveled to Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, to take on Juniata College on Saturday, Sept. 7, in what became a 4-0 shutout in favor of the Lions. With the win, the team now improves to a 2-0 record for the season. While the game stayed silent through the first quarter, senior forward Cayla Andrews converted a penalty stroke in the second quarter for her fourth goal of 2019. After her first quarter goal, Andrews reached 110 career points at the College. Taking a 1-0 lead into halftime, the Lions would blow up the second half of the game in scoring. Junior forward Tori Tiefenthaler scored off an assist from junior midfielder Samantha Reed to start off the second half for her first goal of 2019. A few minutes later, Andrews rushed the goal yet again, this time assisted by senior forward Tori Hannah. Freshman midfielder/ defender Jess Hatch connected with senior forward/midfielder Kayla Peterson for a late game goal to put the Lions up 4-0. Senior goalkeeper Maddie Beaumont

Lions Lineup September 11, 2019

I n s i d e

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Tiefenthaler sprints upfield.

played a full game to shut out Juniata. The team not only took the top spot in scoring, but it held the penalty corner advantage 15-1 and the shot advantage 26-1. The Lions return to the turf on Saturday, Sept. 14, as they take on Messiah College at home.

Football page 15

The women’s soccer team continued its dominance with a 3-0 victory against Moravian College at Lions’ Stadium on Saturday, Sept. 7. This marks the third straight game that ended in a shutout in favor of the Lions. Setting an early tone by scoring a goal just 26 seconds after the whistle with a penalty kick rebound, the team led every category from goal attempts to corner kicks, generating a high offensive output. The Lions outpaced Moravian with several shots on goal and a very tight defense. Moravian was only able to put up one shot on goal in all 90 minutes. Overwhelmed by the Lions’ defensive prowess, Moravian was offensively stunted and left with very few options. Notable performances came from junior midfielder Kelly Carolan, freshman forward Nina Carlson and senior midfielder Taylor Nolan. Their combined efforts resulted in a total of six shot attempts and three goals — two by Carolan and one by Carlson. The combined efforts of the under and upperclassmen bode well for the development of the team in the remainder of

Tennis page 15

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Nolan dribbles past a defender.

the season as Nolan did with her assist to Carlson, a senior trusting a freshman to take the shot. The team’s next game will be tonight at 6:30 p.m. at home against John Hopkins University.

Men’s Soccer page 15

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