The Signal: Spring '19 No. 5

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Breaking news and more at Vol. L, No. 5

February 27, 2019

Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885

NAACP advocates for minorities

Athlete reflects on Black History Month

By Nicole Zamlout and Jane Bowden Arts & Entertainment Editor and Features Editor With over 150 clubs and organizations, there are many opportunities for students at the College to become involved on campus and within their community. The College’s chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, an organization many do not even know exists, provides a community for many students of color on campus. The NAACP was nationally founded on Feb. 12, 1909 as a reaction to the Springfield Race Riot of 1908, a two-day attack on the black community of Springfield, Illinois, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. After the riots, a group of white liberals, including Mary White Ovington, Oswald Garrison Villard, William English Walling and Henry Moscowitz created the NAACP. Soon after, several African-Americans, such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. WellsBarnett and Mary Church Terrell, joined the organization. “Echoing the focus of Du Bois’s Niagara Movement for civil rights, which began see DIVERSITY page 13

St. John recounts her career as an Olympic medalist.

By Gabriella Lucci Staff Writer The Black Student Union sponsored an event on Feb. 19 at 12:30 p.m. in the Brower Student Center Room 100 to


host Bonnie St. John, a three-time Paralympic skiing medalist, who spoke to a room full of faculty, students and the local community about the importance of black history. Apart from being a Paralympic

medalist, St. John is also a leadership speaker, a keynote speaker, a best-selling author, a figure for national and international news and was the appointed director for human capital issues on the White House National Economic Council by former President Bill Clinton. Her presentation, titled, “The Black History I Wish People Knew,” discussed her experience of becoming a paralympic athlete, as well as other inspiring stories of paralympic AfricanAmerican athletes and coaches. At age 5, St. John’s right leg was amputated due to a growth stunt that caused her leg to be shorter than her left one. She explained the many battles she had to face in her life before, during and after her journey to the Olympics, which included growing up poor in San Diego and dealing with racism throughout her life. As a child in San Diego, skiing never seemed plausible to St. John. It was not until her friend Barbara Warmouth invited her to go skiing that she fell in love with the sport that would change her life. “When I was drafted for the U.S. see RACE page 3

Journalist discusses French history beat

Jolie Shave / Staff Writer

Kraut stresses the importance of cultural connections.

By Jolie Shave Staff Writer

Exploding bombs shook the soldiers’ underground haven as mustard gas seeped through small openings. Breathing through gas masks, they covered their skin as much as possible in order to prevent deadly reactions to the chemicals. Unsure when the war would end, knowing they could die at any moment, many carved their names into the soft limestone walls of the cave they hid inside. They engraved their

own memorial. Gary Lee Kraut, a travel writer and journalist, came to the College’s Library Auditorium on Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. to educate students about World War I and its effect on France. Kraut, who is an American and French dual citizen, is now the editor of “France Revisited,” an online publication that provides insight on the history, culture and touring in France. He has won awards for his guidebooks and articles and has made appearances on news outlets such as NBC and MSNBC.

INDEX: Nation & World / Page 7

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Editorial / Page 8

French professor Ariane Pfenninger, who is also the French Club adviser at the College, helped organize the event. She explained that they chose to have Kraut speak at the College to commemorate World War I and the sacrifices of the parties involved. “There is so much (history) that we don’t know,” Pfenninger said. During his lecture, Kraut described people and events of the war. He made special note of the many battlegrounds and memorials he has visited, the “Carrière de Froidmont” quarry in France being one of them. Most World War I memorials throughout France are uniformly lined with white crosses. The limestone quarry walls hold names of American, French and German soldiers. The “Carrière de Froidmont” served as a shelter for each army at different points during the war as the front was pushed back and forth. French crosses, German crosses and American flags were drawn alongside bible verses in all three languages. Kraut said he needed special permission to visit the site, which is located on private property and is inaccessible to the public. He

Opinions / Page 9

climbed down the ladder and into the caves with five other men and one lantern. Standing only 200 yards away from where the narrow cave would open up, Kraut gained a new appreciation for the soldiers’ endurance. “There was no mustard gas, there were no bombs and I had to get out of there,” Kraut, said, acknowledging the feeling of claustrophobia that the cave brought. Immersive moments like these helped Kraut build a connection between the history to which he was so deeply devoted. For Kraut, this moment was more than just realizing he did not like being in cramped spaces –– he had made a connection with the past. Throughout his presentation, Kraut said that people should keep in mind to connect with history. “I want you to be aware that this is your connection,” Kraut said in reference to America’s relationship with France and involvement in the war. For Kraut, finding this connection is a matter of looking beyond typical tourist attractions. People should be curious and go off on a journey to find something that resonates with them. The key, Kraut

Features / Page 13

said, is being open minded. “When you’re open to it, then you feel connected,” Kraut said. “A lot of people, when they travel, immediately see the differences between ‘us’ and ‘them.’” This is something that Kraut, who also works as a tour guide in France, helps prevent. He personalizes tours for his clients, taking them to places that interest them in hopes of helping them see beyond what is just in front of them. To Kraut, the reality is that connections are everywhere because each place has its own history. Despite the fact that they occupied the cave at different times, the limestone caves connected the American, French and German armies during the war. The memorialization of their names on the walls and shared prayers were their common threads. Kraut encouraged students to dig deeper, understand history further and realize its importance. “You can always reject your connection, and you can always say ‘this is a different period, it has nothing to do with me,’ but you’d be wrong,” Kraut said. “To say ‘I’m not interested in history’ is a bit like saying ‘I’m not interested in myself.’”

Arts & Entertainment / Page 15

Sports / Page 20

LeaderShape Conference highlights student leadership

CUB Alt Students showcase talent in solo acts

Women’s Lacrosse Lions defeat Neumann University 16-0

See Features page 13

See A&E page 15

See Sports page 20

page 2 The Signal February, 27 2019

February 27, 2019 The Signal page 3

Race / Paralympic medalist discusses accomplishments

Event emphasizes need for inclusivity in athletic programs

St. John encourages students to offer each other support.

continued from page 1

team, I was the third-ranked one-legged skier, which is good, because they were only accepting three one-legged women,” St. John said. When she competed at the 1984 Winter Paralympics in Innsbruck, Austria, St. John


achieved the best time in the first round of the slalom races, a race in which athletes ski between poles that are spaced closely together on a slope. The second round was a different story. An ice patch at the end of the slope awaited her. Every other racer had fallen on the course’s conclusion. Petrified, St. John took

her turn, only to meet the same fate as her former competitors. “I wanted to disappear instead of face my family and teammates,” St. John said. As much as she did not want to keep going, she got up and continued racing. St. John placed third with a bronze medal because she got up faster than everyone else who fell. “It wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t get up and keep going,” St. John said. St. John’s message throughout the presentation was about how she felt black history should be more incorporated with American history. “Black history isn’t about black people or for black people, it is for America,” she said. As a child, St. John explained that she did not understand black history. It was not until later that she comprehended its importance. She understood it as something that people in society realize together. “If you don’t have diversity in, you won’t have diversity out ... diversity is so important to strengthen all of us,” St. John said. “This is not black doing for black, but for America.” St. John was the first African-American individual to win medals in the Winter Paralympic competition, while Vonetta Flowers was the first African-American to win a gold medal in the Olympic Games. According to St. John, Flowers was recruited to be a bobsled pusher, but two months before the competition, she was told she was not needed anymore another athlete would replace her. Flowers did not stop her training and had two more teams lined up to recruit her. This resulted in her receiving a gold medal at the

2002 Winter Olympics. “If she had stopped training, she wouldn’t have won the gold,” St. John said. “It’s about being a true champion.” She said that athletes, artists and entertainers do not accomplish their career successes all on their own –– they had a team of people who helped them get to where they are, even though they are not recognized most of the time. “To be a ‘helpable’ person is an art to cultivate,” St. John said. “The heroes and cheerios aren’t the only ones who did anything, they had help ... everyone came together.” St. John described herself as a realist. Her mother is black and her father is white, making her interracial and subject to racism, she explained. St. John’s father died when she was 12. She and her siblings then met relatives from her father’s side of the family for first time, only to be unwelcomed and unknown to them because of their race. Because of this experience, St. John formed a movement called #CrossRaceAllies, an organization for black people and white people to be allies for each other. “It made me realize that being an ally is everyone’s duty,” said Rajbir Toor, a sophomore psychology major. “We all have a civic responsibility to be advocates for one another.” St. John recommended that everyone be an ally for each other –– not just in terms of race, but other genders and the disabled should ally as well to become informed about other people’s perspectives and experiences. “Black history is black American history,” St. John said. “We do it together.”

SFB funds Black Excellence Ball, summer retreat

Left: SFB funds Disability PRIDE’s guest speaker. Right: Alpha Kappa Alpha’s financial literacy summit receives funding. By Erin Flanagan Correspondent The Student Finance Board fully funded two organizations and partially funded two more at its meeting on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 8:30 p.m. Lucy Brice, a senior finance major, presented an event on behalf of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. The event does not have an official name yet, but the working title is the “Building the Total Package: YOU are your Secret Weapon” summit and it is taking place on April 27 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is a professional development program that focuses on financial literacy and

succeeding in the world of business. Brice touched upon the importance of financial literacy, especially in the African-American community, where she said there is a low rate of financially literate people. “This conference is a series of interactive workshops designed to equip female college students with the tools to make positive, long-lasting and impactful first impressions in any professional environment,” Brice said. The board fully funded the event for $4,145.89. Disability PRIDE presented a program that will bring in Leroy Moore to perform an artistic production. Moore is a

black, disabled activist who has worked with college students for 30 years. His show is able to take audiences through what it means to be marginalized by both race and disability. “This event is incredibly important to our campus, as we saw several incidences of both racial and ableist slurs at the end of last semester,” said Maggie Leppert, a senior self design disability studies and sociology double major. “Leroy’s powerful piece will help people of all identities bear witness to these experiences and lend power to black, disabled voices on

this campus and beyond.” SFB fully fund the event, scheduled for March 26 at 8 p.m., for $1,750. The Black Student Union was fully funded for the rest of the expenses needed for its Black Excellence Ball, which is scheduled for Friday, March 1 at 8 p.m. After SFB requested that BSU lower the cost of decorations, they were able get the rest of the funding needed from the board at $698.98. Sigma Lambda Gamma, which presented its 2019 National Summer Retreat to the

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

board, was partially funded. For the retreat, two delegates from different chapters of the sorority around the nation travel to the University of Louisiana and work on understanding cultural competency and personal development. The sorority, which had asked the board for $1,500, had already received funding last semester for another retreat. SFB can only fund up to $1,500 per year for an organization’s retreats. Since the organization had been granted $541 towards a retreat in the fall semester, the board could only allot $959 for the retreat which is scheduled to take place from June 27 through June 29.

Trenton students challenge stereotypes page 4 The Signal February 27, 2019

By Lara Becker Reviews Editor

Seniors from Trenton Central High School and College faculty gathered in the Education Building Room 212 on Friday, Feb. 22 at 10:30 a.m. to share their life experiences and lessons through a group podcast posted on SoundCloud. Six headphones connected into one device allowed for each of the tables to participate in “listening groups,” where the students showcased podcasts about their personal obstacles and achievements. The “Troublemaker TeachIn” brings to life Carla Shalaby’s 2017 novel, “Troublemakers: Lessons in Freedom from Young Children at School.” Shalaby analogizes Trenton students to canaries, who are known to make noise when they sense danger. Students are often labeled “troublemakers” when they talk too much or make too much noise in the classroom. Shalaby believes that people mistake these students for troublemakers when really they just want to be heard. Special education professors Lauren Shallish and Anne Peel collaborated with TCHS teacher and College alumna Bridget Mcmanus (’13) for the teachin. To participate in the program, TCHS students signed up to take a “college summit” class, where they worked

with Mcmanus on creating their podcasts. Shalaby also presented at last year’s event, which was arranged in a conference and lecture style. However, this year’s teach-in was designed to be a more interactive, student-run effort. Ideas for the 2019 event were curated by student mentors, many of whom had graduated from TCHS last year and were dedicated to seeing the project’s growth continue. Abbey Moor, a senior special education and women’s, gender and sexuality dual major, is one of the mentors and a main coordinator of the event. She explained how this year’s theme, “Mythbusting Motivation,” describes the story behind the students’ narrative podcasts, which focused on how the students overcame societal and personal obstacles in order to achieve successful academic lives. She discussed how this combined the coordinators’ determination to see the students thrive and the students’ own willingness to share their stories with the world. Another mentor, Alexa Jones, a senior elementary education and sociology dual major, prepared an introductory presentation about breaking through the preconceived roles that society prescribes for these students, which labels

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

The ‘Teach-in’ promotes the value of education in minority communities.

them as people only looking to cause trouble. “These students have stories to tell, and it’s so important that we listen,” she said. After the introduction, TCHS students presented their podcasts at each table. At one table, Isentaye presented her podcast about her own experience being the only black girl in her dance studio. “My story really pinpoints on motivation,” she said. “I came in with the mentality, ‘it doesn’t matter where I came from, it

matters where I’m going.’” TCHS students Gloria and Geraldine were at another table sharing their stories. Gloria discussed how she felt underestimated after moving to the U.S. from Ghana at age 12. Geraldine shared her mother’s dreams of gaining life skills through education and schooling. Shallish is grateful for the program and the lessons that these students have taught her, as the program’s goal is to change the hearts and minds of the community before they

cast stereotypes. “Trenton students are deeply reflective, insightful, creative and can be in any situation and thrive,” she said. “We didn’t want students to be passive objects, (but have) ownership and agency over their projects.” As part of Shalaby’s wish for the canaries trapped in a cage, Shallish hopes that instead of succumbing to the obstacles of the world around them, Trenton students will continue to “sing, and sing more loudly.”

Speaker discusses diabetes Vital Signs: Heart-healthy habits

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor


Gamble addresses audience members about leading a healthy lifestyle.

Diet and exercise are essential for maintaining a fit cardiovascular system.

By Amani Salahudeen Staff Writer

By Anna Kellaher Columnist

The College’s School of Science hosted Dr. Cory Gamble on Feb. 19 in the Education building Room 212 at noon to speak about treating diabetes as a cardiovascular disease. Gamble, an endocrinologist at Novo Nordisk, a pharmaceutical company, earned his master’s degree in osteopathic medicine from Oklahoma State University. Gamble, the company’s representative for the lecture, discussed the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. “(Type 2 diabetes) is a (cardiovascular) disease,” Gamble said. “About 95 percent (of adults) diagnosed are Type 2, whereas the other 5 percent are Type 1.” According to Gamble, diabetes is linked to a higher incidence of coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is a heart disease that slows down the flow of the heart muscle. Gamble talked about the importance of

checking cholesterol levels. He described a multifactorial treatment approach for those with Type 2 diabetes, which includes exercise, diet and control of blood sugar and cholesterol. Gamble also talked about living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining healthy habits as part of necessary prevention. “For example, if you’re obese, then you want to make sure you’re on the proper diet and you’re exercising regularly,” Gamble said. “If you’re smoking an excessive amount, quit smoking. It’s simple things like that that can really make a difference and lower the chance of you getting diabetes.” Gamble also addressed how to lower the risks of getting diabetes and how to manage the disease. “Make sure you’re taking care of yourself and checking your insulin regularly,” Gamble said. “It’s important to see a doctor if things are getting out of hand and make sure you follow a diet if you’re on one since that will help keep (diabetes) under control.”

February is American Heart Month, which is a campaign sponsored by the American Heart Association. For young adults, heart health may seem like a distant worry. However, the habits that you form now can impact your heart health for the rest of your life. Healthy eating is a huge part of heart health. The AHA suggests a diet that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lowfat dairy products, nuts, legumes and, skinless poultry and fish. Watch nutrition labels and limit saturated fats, trans fats, sodium and sugar. Also, avoid what the AHA refers to as nutrient-poor foods, or foods that are high in calories but low in nutrients, such as soda or corn chips. Exercise is another part of keeping your heart healthy. The AHA recommends

getting at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. If you don’t have time to hit the gym, you can make small changes in your regular routine to stay active, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking a longer route to class. There are other lifestyle changes that are less obvious than diet and exercise but have an effect on your heart. One factor is stress. Stress by itself can increase your blood pressure. The way that we respond to stress can make even more of an impact. Drinking, smoking, physical inactivity and overeating are common responses to stress that have a negative impact on heart health. Sleep also plays a role. According to the CDC, adults who get less than seven hours of sleep each night are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and obesity, all of which are factors that are bad for your heart.

Alumni offer advice to pre-law students

February 27, 2019 The Signal page 5

Michelle Lampariello / Former Editor-in-Chief

Left: The panel takes questions from prospective law students. Right: Miccio recounts his path to law school. By Michelle Lampariello Former Editor-in-Chief Students seeking careers in law were advised of key moves, educational opportunities and important skills to build by alumni who once stood in their shoes at the TCNJ Law Panel, hosted by the College’s Pre-Law Advisory Committee, the Pre-Law Society and the Career Center. The event, which was moderated by senior English major Alexandra Yulich, was held in the Education Building Room 115 on Feb. 19 at 6 p.m. The 10-person panel was comprised primarily of alumni, but Allen M. Silk, a shareholder at Stark & Stark, and Thomas Mahoney, vice president and general counsel at the College, also joined the discussion. Panelists addressed questions from the audience about law school, advantages and disadvantages of various practice areas and how to make the most of an undergraduate career. The law school graduates also briefly explained their career history and how they landed their current jobs as lawyers and executives.

When asked if it is beneficial to take time off after graduating from the College before applying to law schools, the panelists generally agreed that it is a good idea to spend some time working beforehand in order to secure experience, find a passion and gain maturity. When Scott Miccio (’08) graduated from the College during the recession, jobs for recent graduates were sparse. He worked for two years at the first job he could find, which happened to be at a pharmaceutical company, though he had no background in science. “My plan at the time was to go to business school, so I took the ... business school entrance exam and did pretty well on that,” Miccio said. “Then, Rutgers-Camden sent me a letter that said, ‘Hey, we saw you did well on your business school entrance exam — we have this program here, you won’t have to take the LSATs, just come here and be a lawyer.’ Maybe it was kind of impulsive at the time, but I said ‘OK, yeah I’ll do that.’ I don’t regret it — I think it was a good decision.” Though Miccio’s path into law school was one primarily unplanned, unlike many other lawyers who aspire to attend it for

years, he credits the College’s journalism department for helping to prepare him by strengthening his writing skills. Miccio’s time at the College left such an impact on him that he even named his dog, Norsworthy, after the residence hall. The panelists agree that law school causes students to restructure their thinking and approach situations in a different way than other professionals without the same education. Many alumni cited Introduction to Logic as the most helpful course at the College that prepared them for law school. Lauren Ira (’04) double majored in English and what used to be women and gender studies at the College. She used to be a lobbyist, but she now pursues her passion for criminal justice by prosecuting violent crimes, including sexual assault, domestic violence and abduction cases. “That became my specialty — trial after trial after trial, putting some pretty horrible people away that tie children up and keep them in cages,” she said. “My passion has always been for speaking up for those who don’t have a voice. Whether I found that in children, whether I found that in women’s rights or sexual assault crimes, my passion

has always been speaking for people who maybe can’t have a voice, or they’re scared to have a voice.” Several panelists expressed that a lawyer’s undergraduate major is hardly ever a factor in determining their success. They advised students to choose a major for which they have a passion because it will be easier to convey the persistence, diligence and trustworthiness law schools seek after selecting a major where students are happy to engage with faculty members and land internships and independent study offers. Some students in the audience expressed concerns about working in the public sector and how that would impact them financially. The panelists advised students to do their research on financial aid and scholarship opportunities, but ultimately to pursue their passions. The theme of working toward a goal of happiness and fulfillment rather than money and power was central throughout the night as the panelists gave advice to students. “Do what you’re passionate about — do what you love,” said Tony Tontore (’07). “Do that first, and worry about things like money and other things second.”

CA discovers unidentified sleeping guest

Campus Police issues alcohol summons

By Raquel Sosa-Sanchez Columnist

Theft occurs on basketball court Campus Police met with a male student at Campus Police Headquarters on Feb. 15 at approximately 9:55 a.m. on account of a reported theft at the Recreation Center. According to the student, his wallet was stolen out of his pants pocket, which was on the left side of the basketball court while he was playing handball. The student reported that the theft occurred on Feb. 14 at approximately 8:40 p.m. The student described his wallet as a Grey Tumi wallet that contains cash, a driver’s license, a debit card, multiple credit cards, an NJ Transit Path Card and a rewards card. Female student loses property at T-Dubs Dining On Feb. 15 at approximately 10:13 p.m., Campus Police met

with a female student at Campus Police Headquarters on account of lost property. According to the student, her wallet was either lost or stolen from T-Dubs Dining at approximately 9:45 p.m. on Feb. 14. She described it as a black leather Kate Spade wallet that contained multiple debit cards, a credit card, an identification card, multiple rewards cards and an insurance card. Guest sleeps in residence lounge On Feb. 16 at approximately 1:55 a.m., Campus Police was dispatched to the lounge of a residence in Townhouses East in reference to a report of an unconscious person. Upon arrival, Campus Police observed a sleeping black male on the first-floor lounge couch. Officers proceeded to wake the individual. The individual then told Campus police that he was visiting his friend, who told him that he could

sleep on the couch in the firstfloor common area. The individual who called Campus Police, the community adviser who lived in the residence, reported that she came home and saw a male on the couch in the first floor common area. She then attempted to wake him up without success. She then sent out a group text message to see if the male was a guest of a housemate, but she did not get a response. The CA then proceeded to contact the CA on duty and called Campus Police. Campus Police then proceeded to the second floor of the residence and observed a long folding table with approximately 25 empty Busch and Bud Light beer cans and several 16-ounce red plastic cups. They then proceeded to knock on the door of

the alleged friend of the male visitor sleeping on the couch on the first floor. One of the males in the room proceeded to open the door. Campus Police observed two males sleeping in the room. One of the individuals woke up and identified himself as a student. He was then asked by Campus Police if the male on the first floor was his friend. The student proceeded downstairs and verified that the male sleeping on the couch was his friend. The student and male visitor were then asked to produce identifications, which neither did. After several further requests, the student then proceeded to give Campus Police his driver’s licence, while the male visitor denied having identification. He then proceeded to give

Campus Police his date of birth and name. Campus Police was unable to identify the male visitor after running his information through the system. Professional staff was advised of the situation and arrived to the scene shortly after. The student was advised to let his other housemates know that he was having company in the common area and that someone from Residential Life would be in contact with him in reference to the alcohol. The student was issued an underage drinking summons and was advised of his court date. He then stood up to leave the first floor. As he was walking, he said that if his guest had not been AfricanAmerican, then the situation would not have happened. The Pro-staff member heard the comment and reminded the student of the Townhouse guest policy. She also told him that his comment was inappropriate and they would conducting a meeting with him soon.

page 6 The Signal February, 27 2019




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February 27, 2019 The Signal page 7

Nation & W rld

Police arrest student who refuses to pledge allegiance By Ariel Steinsaltz Staff Writer

On Feb. 4, an 11-year-old student in Florida was arrested for allegedly disrupting his classroom after refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance, according to USA Today. The boy, who attends the sixth grade at the Lawton Chiles Middle Academy in Lakeland, Florida, told his substitute teacher, Ana Alvarez, that he would not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance because the American flag is “racist” and told her that the national anthem is offensive to black people, according to USA Today. In response, she asked him why he did not go live somewhere else since it was “‘so bad’” here. The boy countered by saying, “they brought me here,” according to a handwritten statement from Alvarez that

The Washington Post credited. Alvarez, an immigrant from Cuba, told the boy that he could go back if he wanted and that she would do so if she ever felt unwelcome in the U.S. Alvarez called the office because she did not want to keep “‘dealing with him,’” according to USA Today. An officer and school administrator tried to calm the boy down and asked him to leave the classroom more than 20 times. He refused and allegedly made threats as he was escorted to the office, according to USA Today. The student reportedly yelled at the administrative dean and the school resource officer from the Lakeland Police Department, accused them of being racist and refused to leave the room. The affidavit stated that as he walked out of the classroom the sixth grader said, “‘Suspend me! I don’t care. This school is racist,’”

The Washington Post reported. He was taken to the Juvenile Assessment Center and charged with “disrupting a school function and resisting an officer without violence,” according to USA Today. The Washington Post reported that the student is facing misdemeanor charges. “‘This arrest was based on the student’s choice to disrupt the classroom, make threats and resisting the officer’s efforts to leave the classroom,’” police said. The boy’s mother denied the accusation of him of threatening to beat the teacher and asked for the charges to be dropped, USA Today reported. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida reprimanded the school amidst the ensuing controversy, saying that students’ First Amendment rights do not go away when they go to school. The boy’s mother said that the school overstepped its authority


Talbot’s mother disapproves of how the case is being handled.

and that any disciplinary action should have been handled by the school, without arresting the student, according to The Washington Post. On Feb. 19, Roderick O. Ford, a lawyer for the student’s family, said the family had refused a deal that involved him participating in a diversion program, which could include a fine and community service because he did not accept the version of facts laid out by the

school and police department. The lawyer also said he planned to file a civil rights complaint with the federal Department of Education because the boy was punished for exercising his First Amendment rights. Later that day the state attorney for the 10th Judicial Circuit in Florida stated that the student would not be prosecuted and the case was closed, as reported by the The New York Times.

Foreign cyber hackers target major U.S. companies

T-Mobile falls victim to recent attacks.


By Viktoria Ristanovic Nation & World Editor

Chinese and Iranian hackers have been targeting U.S. businesses and government agencies with cyber attacks. Security experts suspect these attacks were triggered by President Donald Trump’s “withdrawal from the (2015) Iran nuclear deal last year and his

trade conflicts with China,” The New York Times reported earlier this month. Recent Iranian attacks on American banks, businesses and government agencies have been more substantial than formerly reported. Dozens of corporations and multiple U.S. agencies have been hit, as claimed by seven confidential people briefed on the episodes, The New York Times reported. Big companies such as Boeing, General Electric Aviation and T-Mobile were earmarked in the latest Chinese campaign, but it is still uncertain whether the attacks were successful, according to The Hill. The Chinese cyber attacks slowed down four years ago after former President Barack Obama and China’s president, Xi Jinping, came to an agreement to cease hacking that attempted to discover trade secrets, The New York Times reported. However, the 2015 deal seems to have been unofficially halted in the thick of the ongoing trade tension between the U.S. and China, the intelligence officials and private security researchers reported. Hacking linked to China has resurged to previous levels, “although they are now stealthier and more sophisticated,” according to The New York Times. The Iranian hackers supposedly became far less

active following Obama’s signing of the nuclear deal with Tehran in 2015. The new Iran-credited cyber attacks are thought to be linked to Trump’s decision to pull out of the deal, The Hill reported. As The New York Times reported, “Miriam Wugmeister, a cybersecurity specialist at the law firm Morrison Foerster,” said that Fortune 500 companies were being attacked at “shockingly high” rates. A main goal for the Chinese hackers, while supporting Beijing’s five-year economic plan, is to “make China a leader in artificial intelligence and other cuttingedge technologies,” The New York Times reported. The hackers have become better at hiding their tracks and improving their cyber skills, and federal agencies and private companies have been combating advanced Chinese and Iranian hackers while also battling incessant Russian hacking efforts, according to The New York Times. The Hill stated that “intelligence officials have also cautioned that Iran could become more aggressive in other ways.” Iranian officials are threatening to start constructing and improving Iran’s nuclear powers if Tehran “does not gain the tangible trade and investment benefits it expected” from the 2015 deal that Trump terminated.

Trump continues to endorse Venezuelan interim president By James Wright Staff Writer On Feb. 18, President Donald Trump advised that military officials in Venezuela support their self-declared interim president, Juan Guaidó. Trump also said that they should permit humanitarian aid for Venezuela, according to CNN. At his speech in Miami, Trump urged the Venezuelan people to increase pressure on the country’s president, Nicolás Maduro, and to get rid of the blockade that is preventing food and medicine shipments from entering Venezuela at the Colombian border. He talked to military leaders who support Maduro and said that their holdings have been identified and the U.S. is “prepared to use force if necessary,” The Miami Herald reported. As Trump criticized Maduro’s regime, he also used Venezuela as an example of the “dangers of socialism” and argued for an end to socialism in Western nations, according to CNN.

“‘The twilight hour of socialism has arrived in our hemisphere and frankly in many, many places around the world,’” Trump said while speaking at Florida International University, according to Bloomberg. “‘The days of socialism and communism are numbered, not only in Venezuela but in Nicaragua and in Cuba as well.’” Trump referenced Maduro in his recent State of the Union address, according to Bloomberg. Although the president did not link U.S. Democratic policies to socialism beliefs, he vowed he would “keep the ideology from taking hold” in a Feb. 18 speech. “‘This will never happen to us,’” Trump said. “‘Socialism is a sad and discredited ideology, rooted in the total ignorance of history and human nature, which is why socialism eventually must always give rise to tyranny, which it does,’” Bloomberg reported. The United Nations and European Union still see Maduro as Venezuela’s leader. The Miami Herald reported that

The president speaks about the growing pressure to oust Maduro. leftist activists have accused Trump of “adopting decades of hawkish behavior by the U.S. in South America.” “‘This is not about democracy. This is


about special interests,’” said Yadira Escobar, a radio personality who represented Hands Off Venezuela, an anti-interventionist group, according to The Miami Herald.

page 8 The Signal February 27, 2019


Students should be sensitive to mental illnesses

I thought I knew what mental disorders looked like for most of my life. Anxiety was like what I had seen in movies –– panicked hyperventilation that could only be quenched by breathing in and out of a brown paper bag. An eating disorder was what I had seen in TV shows –– malnourished or overweight girls pinching their sides in front of a mirror, refusing to eat even a morsel. Depression was what I had read in books –– characters unable to crawl out of bed, eat a full meal or laugh for weeks, months or years straight. The media told me that in order to have a mental disorder, you had to check off every visible, severe symptom. There was no scale. You were either on the brink of a mental breakdown or you were just overreacting. However, when I started to experience symptoms of depression, anxiety and an eating disorder as a freshman in community college, what I thought I knew about mental disorders began to change. Feelings of hopelessness and loneliness, restriction in diet, suicidal thoughts and attempts, uncontrolled anxiety attacks, self-harming behavior –– each of these, and more, were symptoms I began to experience on a regular basis for a year and a half. But I didn’t believe there was something wrong. I was still able to maintain above-average grades, work a part-time job, be in a romantic relationship and continue to portray the assumption that I was okay –– all aspects that the media had told me people dealing with a mental disorder couldn’t do. When people would question the scars on my wrist and ankle or wonder why I wasn’t eating full meals, I eased their concerns with lies by saying, “my dog scratched me” and “I ate earlier.” I still had days where I felt happy, and I still ate small snacks in the morning to the point where I didn’t think I was technically starving myself. I thought there was nothing wrong. Even after I began seeing a therapist during sophomore year, I still didn’t feel like I was suffering enough that I should be seeking help. I felt that I was being overdramatic. However, ever since I started being open about my personal struggles, I discovered the most important thing about mental health –– everyone’s feelings are valid, even if they don’t appear as severe as others. Each of us are battling our own demons. The people you pass by on your way to class, the people you brush shoulders with in your local supermarket or even the people you only follow on social media. While there are many people who do fit the media’s portrayal of mental disorders, there are also many people who suffer in silence, regardless of their gender, race, sexuality or social status. From those who have trouble speaking in front of a classroom to those who find it difficult to live, mental health is a scale or a spectrum of symptoms that anyone can be susceptible to. Even the happiest, most successful and most loved of people can still struggle. This highlights the importance of treating everyone with kindness –– even the people you dislike or find annoying –– because you never know what a person is going through. — Jane Bowden Features Editor

Editorial Content Unsigned editorial opinions are those of the Editorial Board, which consists of the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing, News, Features, Arts & Entertainment, Opinions, Photo, Sports, Review and Social Media editors and the Business and Production managers, unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and letters to the editor are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Signal.

Mental disorders are more complex than the way they are portrayed in the media.


Quotes of the Week Email: Telephone: Production Room (609) 771-2424 Ad Email:

Editorial Staff Elizabeth Zakaim Editor-in-Chief Emmy Liederman Garrett Cecere Managing Editors Camille Furst Nicole Viviano News Editors Christine Houghton Sports Editor Jane Bowden Features Editor Nicole Zamlout Arts & Entertainment Editor Isabel Vega Opinions Editor Viktoria Ristanovic Nation & World Editor Lara Becker Reviews Editor Miguel Gonzalez Photo Editor Kalli Colacino Production Manager

Mailing Address: The Signal c/o Forcina Hall The College of New Jersey P.O. Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 Muhammad Siddiqui Web Editor Lily Firth Alexandra Parado Social Media Editors Len La Rocca Distribution Manager Emilie Lounsberry Adviser Derek Falci Business/Ad Manager

“You can always reject your connection, and you can always say ‘this is a different period, it has nothing to do with me,’ but you’d be wrong. To say ‘I’m not interested in history’ is a bit like saying ‘I’m not interested in myself.’” — Gary Lee Kraut Travel writer and journalist

“Trenton students are deeply reflective, insightful, creative and can be in any situation and thrive. We didn’t want students to be passive objects, (but have) ownership and agency over their projects.” — Lauren Shallish Special education professor

“Do what you’re passionate about — do what you love. Do that first, and worry about things like money and other things second.” — Tony Tontore (’07) Alumni law panelist

February 27, 2019 The Signal page 9


Pop culture deserves academic recognition By Isabel Vega and Richard Miller Proposals for exam questions to be based on popular culture has recently initiated a debate on whether or not this topic should hold a place in the education system. According to a blog published on SecEd, Alan Smithers, director of The Centre for Education and Employment Research at Buckingham University, there has been great uproar regarding the appearance of questions based on popular culture in exam papers. Smithers said that exam chiefs are competing to make themselves popular among students, but they are “short-changing” pupils because they view popular culture as “shallow and transitory.” I think people often forget that pop culture is a collection of ideas that permeate the lives of a society and has a significant impact on the way we view the world around us. Pop culture has so much to offer, such as entertainment, sports, news, politics fashion and technology. It is an integral part of who we are as people. The proposals centered around popular culture in the education system suggest that students will study the delivery, style, purpose and features of “celebrity” language. This will be accomplished by analyzing material from sources like Twitter feeds, newspaper columns, soap operas and music. Studying pop culture

reveals the underlying assumptions and power structures, as well as the philosophical and moral constructs of the society, that produces those cultural products. That is exactly why I would argue that scholarly exploration of pop culture is so important. Pop culture impacts everything from fashion to food packaging, and is intimately connected to aspects of education, mass communication and product production. Our beliefs, values and decisions are both revealed and shaped by pop culture. In “Popular Culture in the Classroom: Teaching and Researching Critical Media Literacy,” authors Alvermann, Moon and Hagood discuss the importance of expanding awareness in adolescents of the underlying social, political and economic messages within popular media. They point out that these messages are massively disregarded, and adolescents’ desires to talk about this topic is disregarded in formal classroom settings. The importance of pop culture is only increasing with the development of technology — social media has expanded our media consumption, along with the depth and breadth of what pop culture is. Studies surrounding this subject could be compared to archeologists digging up fossils — we are working to better understand the existence of a culture. It is for the same purpose that we read written works of the past to


Teachers want to modernize curriculums for contemporary generations. understand issues surrounding gender, race, colonialism and constructions of nationalism. These issues are not trivial — they make up the fabric of what it means to be human. According to a blog published on SecEd, utilizing popular culture in the education system not only encourages healthy assimilation of diverse cultural influences, which is not only vital for emotional and cognitive development,

but also inspires interest by making subjects relevant to students. Studying pop culture teaches us something new by challenging us to critically consider the society we live in. The study of pop culture helps us to gain empathy by recognizing ourselves in each other. It is worthwhile to study the facets of the media and consider whether they represent a passing trend or a lingering message.

Sensationalism generates unethical journalism

Protestors mock Smollett’s scandal.


By Jesse Stiller Fake news — it’s a term that’s been hurled time and time again against the media for the last three years. A report from the Media Research Center revealed that 92

percent of President Donald Trump’s media coverage in 2018 was slanted in a negative light. This has only added to the debate on what constitutes as fake news and what exactly can be seen as fair or credible reporting. But there’s an explanation for the fake news epidemic in this country — it is mainly caused by sensationalism and the practice of writing an article for it to go viral in exchange for high monetary rewards.It can be seen in this year’s two major media screw-ups. First there was the Covington Catholic Boys uproar that caused the doxing and harassment of the students filmed in the video, which captured them protesting next to Native Americans in Washington D.C. CNN broke the story and jumped to the conclusion that these students were harassing a Native American protester. CNN solely based this information on one video with no thorough investigation or interviews. It wasn’t until after subsequent news outlets began to find falsehoods that CNN thoroughly investigated the case and retracted its initial story. The second and most recent media fiasco is surrounding Jussie Smollett. Smollett was reportedly assaulted, publicly lynched and had chemicals thrown in his face outside of a Chicago Subway store at two in the morning. This was first reported by TMZ before being relayed by multiple cable outlets without verifying important details of Smollett’s report from the Chicago Police Department. Smollett’s claims later turned out to be false. It is appropriate for reporters to sit down with each other to ask a very important question — is

it time to reevaluate the way we do journalism? My answer, as a student of journalism myself, is yes. Reporters are supposed to report the truth and nothing but the truth to the best of their abilities. Most of them have not done that, and they’ve seen themselves in the same situation over and over again. These recent fiascos remind me of two particular incidents that occurred more than 15 years ago. Stephen Glass, a prestigious writer at The New Republic in 1998, published a number of articles with seemingly precise accuracy. It wasn’t until Forbes’s Adam Penenberg pointed out contradictions in his work that the publication discovered that almost all of his articles were partially or completely fabricated. Jayson Blair was a rising star at The New York Times. As young reporter, he was well on his way to becoming an editor. It wasn’t until a reporter at the San Antonio Tribune pointed out plagiarism and falsehoods in his story that his career began to fall apart. The editors and fact checkers at the Times let it slide and didn’t do their jobs, all in the name of sensationalism. This is the worst possible weapon journalists can use against their own work. It destroys the credibility of not just that article, but that reporter’s trustworthiness and the publication at large. It is well past time for those of us in journalism to take a long look at ourselves and realize the gaping faults that have emerged over time. We have to go back to the basics of fact-checking, interviewing and verifying and, most importantly, we have to be committed to telling the truth.


The Signal is published weekly during the academic year and is financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and advertising revenue. Any student may submit articles to The Signal. Publication of submitted articles is at the discretion of the editors. The letters section is an open forum for opinions. Submissions that announce events or advertise in any way will not be printed. All letters should be sent via email to Handwritten letters should be sent to The Signal, c/o The Brower Student Center, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718 Ewing, N.J. 08628 or placed in our mailbox in the Student Life Office. Letters must be received by the Friday before publication and should not exceed 500 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. All letters must be signed, with a phone number and address of the author. Requests to withhold the author’s name will be honored only if there is a legitimate reason. All materials submitted become the sole property of The Signal. The editors reserve the right to edit or withhold all articles, letters & photographs. The Signal willingly corrects factual mistakes. If you think we have made an error, please contact The Signal at (609) 771-2424, write to the address listed above or email us at

page 10 The Signal February, 27 2019

page 11 The Signal February 27, 2019

Students share opinions around campus Should pop culture be a serious area of study?

Isabel Vega / Opinions Editior

Jillian Vlacancich, a sophomore criminology major. “Yes. It should be a serious area of study. Pop culture influences everyday life.”

Kendal Stiles

Isabel Vega / Opinions Editor

Nicole Sena, a sophomore business management major. “I think it should be because pop culture can show how much we have evolved.”

Does the media need to do a better job at remaining factual?

Isabel Vega / Opinions Editor

Christina Sicliano, a freshman open options science major. “Yes. I think ‘fake news’ has become such an issue in our world today.”

Kendal Stiles

Ashley Chaudhry, a sophomore criminology major.

Isabel Vega / Opinions Editor

“Yes it does, but no matter what the media sways both sides.”

The Signal’s cartoon of the week ...

Student Studying Abroad Discovers Bidet By Tony Peroni and Vinny Cooper Correspondents As juniors at the College began to pack their bags for foreign lands far away, The Chip sent a team of reporters to capture the stories of our colleagues from across the pond. While walking the cobblestone paths lining the Seine in France, we found Bradley Clements, a junior accounting major from Cumberland County. Clements has been dining at a plethora of luxurious French cafes, visiting the myriad of fine art museums and sporting only the most elite French styles and fashions. “This is such a beautiful culture,” he said. “It’s a never-ending cycle of new surprises and enlightenment!” It wasn’t until halfway through his first month in the foreign land that Clements made his most intriguing discovery yet. What he was previously using as a magazine rack to house the variety of literature he keeps safe in his dorm lavatory turned out to be a valuable tool that drastically changed the way he viewed the world around him. “It’s like a water fountain for your butt!” he said, shaking

in his Balenciaga boots. “It’s like toilet paper, but made of a cold stream of water!” What Clements was describing was a European bathroom fixture most commonly referred to as “Le Bidet,” or as us English speaking folk know it, “the Bidet.” Invented by Christophe des Rosiers in 1710 for the French royal family, the Bidet (pronounced bih-day) is an everyday European fixture that is meant as a substitute for what us Americans know as “toilet paper.” Very similar to a water fountain, the Bidet’s purpose is to shoot a cold stream of water, not into the receptacle of a thirsty mouth, but to the receiving end of a dirty nether region that this esteemed publication is not allowed to describe in further detail. “It was life-changing!” Clements said after munching on an entire plate of raw snails and frog’s legs. “I used to be a wet-wipes man!” Clements said. As he spoke, he began to scale the world-famous Eiffel Tower, sporting a beret and waving around a baguette in protest that Americans adopt the European custom of the Bidet,“we need change and we need it now!”As Clements continued to protest for the Bidet to be brought to America, French authorities arrived and began to apprehend him. The junior accounting major was deported back to the States by the next morning, much to

the chagrin of his friends, family and fellow students. Students at the College gathered on Quimby’s Prairie grasping picket signs and setting up camp, insisting that the institution give into Clements’ pleas and install Bidets in some of the bathrooms. “I never thought that this nation would stoop so low as to keep us from experiencing the glory of the Bidet!” shouted Terrence Hope, a sophomore political science major. “This is outrageous. I am indeed angry. Frick dude!! I HATE TOILET PAPER,” added Avery Bottleroquet, a sophomore biology major. Although most students seemed unanimously in favor of Pro-Bidet Movement, a few dissenters of Clements and his ideology made their way onto the scene. “Wait, what? I thought this was Fall Fest,” said Bert Moore, a freshman open options major. “Is this not Fall Fest? Then why did I pay $20 to get in here?” As Clements currently awaits trial in international court, students continue to fight for the Bidet and its miracles. While Clements may have the right to remain silent, the student body is making sure his report of foreign discovery is heard loud and clear. DISCLAIMER: This is obviously a satirical piece and does not describe a real event.

page 12 The Signal February, 27 2019

February 27, 2019 The Signal page 13


Diversity / Club supports student rights continued from page 1

in 1905, the NAACP’s aimed to secure for all people the rights guaranteed in the 14th and 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution, which promised an end to slavery, the equal protection of the law and universal adult male suffrage, respectively,” according to the NAACP’s official website. Determined to promote civil rights across the nation, the NAACP founded The Crisis magazine in 1910 to discuss civil rights, as well as share the artwork and writing from people of color like Langston Hughes, a famous African American poet and activist from the mid-1900s. Since then, chapters of the NAACP have spread throughout the country, and the College is no exception. Led by an all black female executive board, the College’s NAACP advocates for minorities across campus by hosting black appreciation events and promoting student political engagement on campus. Last semester, members of the organization helped students register to vote for the

midterm elections and educated them on their voting rights, such as the right to have a lawyer on standby at an election to prevent voting suppression. The organization also impacts the Greater Trenton community by providing academic mentorship and celebrating black student excellence through its Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics program, which encourages students in Trenton to explore different academic careers. However, after last semester’s racial incidents that occurred on campus, the group’s mission has become difficult. “We were all shocked, appalled and extremely frustrated,” said Mckenna Samson, a sophomore African American studies and English double major and NAACP secretary. “One of our members, one that has been such a major part in the major internal improvements we’ve made this year, was directly affected by the first incident that occurred outside of Wolfe Hall. We wanted to best support him and his fraternity

brothers throughout the entire process in any way possible.” To combat the increase in racial tension, the NAACP worked alongside College President Kathryn Foster in December to include amendments in the College’s student conduct policy that details the consequence for a hate crime. “The NAACP is a historical civil rights organization, so we had to step up and work alongside those that were racially intimidated,” Samson said. “(We wanted) to let the student body know that we were going to represent the marginalized communities.” For Black History Month, the College’s NAACP partnered with the Association of Students for Africa for a screening of Ava DuVernay’s 2014 film, “Selma,” a historical drama that follows Martin Luther King, Jr. in his fight for civil rights in the 1960s. The organization also hosted a month-long contest through its Instagram stories that encouraged followers to research lesserknown black activists in history. On Saturday, Feb. 23, Nia Pierce, a junior music education major and president of the


Members of the NAACP promote inclusion on campus.

College’s chapter, was honored with an NAACP Image Award by Trenton’s chapter of the organization, an award that is bestowed to people of color in film, television music and literature, according to CNN. The organization strives to garner rights for those who may feel unsafe, and considering its long and proud history, the NAACP

will continue to do so no matter how difficult the circumstance. The organization hopes to continue to spread more awareness of its existence on campus. “A lot of times, crisis drives people to want to help but in dayto-day life,” Samson said. “It can be difficult to engage people that otherwise would not have an interest in what we do on campus.”

LeaderShape helps build professional skills

Left: The conference encourages teamwork among students. Right: Participants discuss the fundamentals of leadership.

By Lara Becker Reviews Editor

When Tara Mild, a sophomore elementary education and English dual major, first walked into LeaderShape, she did not know what to expect from the more than 50 unfamiliar faces she saw. Little did she know that by the end of the week, they would all be there to, as she said, catch her if she fell. What most do not know is that LeaderShape, a national conference that gives students across the country the opportunity to hone in on their leadership skills, is completely free. The conference challenges them to grow both as a group and individually as they embark on a journey to better themselves and their communities. This year’s third annual LeaderShape conference took place from Jan. 6 to Jan. 11 in Avalon, New Jersey at the Golden Inn. Each of the six days had a different theme to guide the schedule of lectures and group activities. Partaking in lectures and discussions based around community building, diversity and inclusivity and discovering ways to make visions become a reality were just

a few of the reasons Mild’s week at LeaderShape were so powerful. “It was an eye-opening week for everyone who went,” Mild said. “LeaderShape granted me a multitude of connections and opportunities to grow as a person.” The program selects 60 students from the College through an online application every year, which is usually available in the fall semester. No leadership experience is necessary to apply for the event and all students need to bring to the table is enthusiasm for teamwork. LeaderShape presents students with the opportunity to better themselves and collaborate with peers outside of the classroom. Students gain exposure to meaningful lessons on community building, finding the leader within themselves and shaping core values. Mild mentioned a memorable activity where she wrote her values on a piece of paper before sharing them with her fellow students to learn the values of everyone around her. “My favorite part was being able to connect with 59 other like-minded students who all shared a passion for bringing their

visions to life and changing the world,” Mild said. “Whether it was in small or large group discussions, everybody’s voice was valued and heard.” Throughout the event, topical issues brought new perspectives to the hearts and minds of everyone at the conference, including what it means to be a leader. Frank Fabiano, a sophomore history secondary education dual major, was friends with Mild before the trip, but LeaderShape brought them closer together. “I loved LeaderShape because it changed the way I thought about my place in society and what ways I can help others understand this too,” Fabiano said. “We all work together in this world to create a community that is welcome and inclusive of everyone and I learned how to do this at LeaderShape.” Jeury Dipre, a sophomore communication studies major, agreed with Fabiano and Mild about how LeaderShape fundamentally changed him for the better. “LeaderShape was unlike any other leadership conference I’ve ever been to,” Dipre said. “I love how the magic of LeaderShape makes it possible for a

group of people to create genuine bonds in such a short period of time.” Daliah Ouedraogo, a sophomore communication studies major, is eager to share this experience with more students in upcoming years. “LeaderShape is really amazing,” Ouedraogo said. “I remember asking people myself before I got accepted to go on how it was and they simply said, an ‘experience.’ I honestly didn’t know what they meant by that until I went myself.” Ouedraogo also discussed the connections she built with others at the conference. “I’ve also met many new people who are my friends now and the faculty also pushed us to our fullest,” Ouedraogo said. “Each day brought out a different approach to looking at life and living in the moment.” Experiences like LeaderShape give students at the College the tools to create a ripple effect of education, kindness and initiative as they come back to campus with their new-found leadership skills. “It challenged me and motivated me to do better for myself, TCNJ’s campus and the world,” Ouedraogo said.

page 14 The Signal February 27, 2019

: Feb. ’03

Campus Style

Students identify signs of eating disorders

Photo courtesy of the TCNJ Digital Archive

Eating Disorder Awareness Week promotes mental health on campus. Every week, Features Editor Jane Bowden hits the archives and finds old Signals that relate to current College topics and top stories. In a February 2003 issue of The Signal, a reporter wrote about an event titled, “Understanding and Helping Somebody with an Eating Disorder.” The presentation educated students on the signs of an eating disorder and how to help someone who is suffering. While National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is only from Feb. 25 to March 1, it’s important to understand the signs of an eating disorder and be prepared to help a friend in need during all times of the year. Students at the College learned that when it comes to eating disorders, the best weapon to use against them is early detection as stated in a presentation entitled “Understanding and Helping Somebody with an Eating Disorder.” Melinda Parisi. a counseling psychologist and director of the Eating Disorders Program at the Medical Center at Princeton, informed students that a friend or family member’s early detection of the problem may save their loved one’s life. This was not Parisi’s first appearance at the College. Last year she gave a general eating disorder lecture as part of the

“I Love My Body” campaign. According to Emily Bent, senior women’s and gender studies major and member of the Bod Squad, this year the presentation was changed to meet students’ needs. “We have the same speaker as last year, but decided to change the topic to how to help someone with an eating disorder because we realized a lot of the people that came out last time were looking to help a friend,” Bent said. In order to help those in need, Parisi told students to approach the individual with compassion and support. “Learn about eating disorders and know the warning signs before you discuss your Ways to Love Your Body concerns with your loved one. Expect anger or denial and don’t feel responsible for coping with the disease alone. Multidisciplinary treatment is needed. Patients should see a doctor, therapist and nutritionist,” Parisi recommended. Parisi informed students that eating disorders affect more people than they might realize. “Five to 10 percent of American females are thought to be struggling with an eating disorder, but this is not just a women’s issue. At least one million males are also struggling with these problems,” she said.

Lions’ Plate


Left: Beanies add both style and comfort to your outfit. Right: Match your beret with your coat for a classy, Parisian look. By Danielle Silvia Columnist

Between below-freezing temperatures and icy slush, winter can feel like a lifetime, which makes it difficult to think of new outfits that keep you warm without making you feel like a marshmallow. To break this fashion rut, I have been trying to add detail to my outfits with accessories that work for every style. This week, hats have been my goto for when I’m in need of something extra. Hats come in a lot of different styles, colors and fabrics that can upgrade any outfit. They are also a great way to hide your hair on those days when you can’t be bothered to style it. Here are some ways you can incorporate hats into your everyday style. 1. Sports caps. Wearing caps that support your favorite sports team, whether it be football, basketball, baseball or hockey, is a way to express yourself and stay in fashion. Although sports caps are worn during the spring and summer months to keep the sun out of your face, they boost any outfit with added detail. If you’re not a sports fan,

find a cap decorated with your favorite pattern or color or a cap that showcases other interests like your favorite band or a catchy slogan. They’re a casual but stylish way to keep the sun out of your face. 2. Beanies. Beanies give off relaxed and cozy vibes. The great thing about beanies is that they come in a variety of colors, designs and textures. Some beanies are made from wool or cotton, while others sport simple colors or wild zigzags. Beanies can be worn any time of the year and are a great way to keep your head warm or add a bohemian style to your look. 3. Berets. Berets may be deemed as a “French artist look,” but I think they make a fashion statement for anyone looking to try an out-of-the-box trend. Not only do they keep your head and ears warm, but they are ideal if you are going for a classy look. While they do come in many patterns, I tend to search for berets in solid colors, such as black, red or gray, because they look stylish when paired with a skirt or dress pants. You can even add a matching scarf and mid-calf trench coat for the perfect Parisian look.

Simply Sweet Mashed Potatoes


Left: Top this creamy dish with parsley for added flavor. Right: Sweet mashed potatoes complement a savory dinner. By Shannon Deady Columnist

The last week of February calls for a warm meal, and a homemade sweet potato mash is the perfect side for any dish. When garnished with parsley leaves, these mashed potatoes look like they were cooked in a fancy, five-star restaurant. Not only are they picture-perfect

enough to be posted on social media, but they also taste good enough to fool your dinner guests into thinking you are a professional chef. Also, they make a great dish to keep in the fridge when you are meal prepping for the week. Although they look impressive, they are surprisingly easy to whip up. It only takes about a half hour between preparation

and the dinner table. They can be made with sour cream for those who like a savory taste or with brown sugar for those who want a sweet, southern-style mash. Makes: 6 servings Ingredients: -6 sweet potatoes -3 tablespoons butter -3/4 cup milk or milk substitute -1/4 cup brown sugar for sweet

mash or 1/4 cup sour cream for savory mash -1 tbsp chopped parsley leaves Directions: 1. Bring large pot of water to a boil, adding a pinch of salt. 2. Rinse and peel sweet potatoes before chopping into one-inch squares and dropping them into the pot to cook at a mediumhigh heat for 20 minutes or until potatoes are soft.


3. Once potatoes are soft enough to mash, drain water from the pot with a strainer. 4. Place the cubed potatoes back in the pot and add softened butter, milk or milk subsitute and either brown sugar or sour cream depending on your preference. 5. Mix together until fully blended and garnish with finely chopped parsley leaves if desired for serving, and enjoy.

February 27, 2019 The Signal page 15

Arts & Entertainment

Traditions lounge hosts student soloists Intimate performances present diverse array of talent

Left: Kuncken serenades the audience with his harmonica and guitar. Right: Lyndsay Mikalauskas sings a mix of modern hits. By Len La Rocca Distribution Manager Student talent made sound waves for customers and music lovers at the College Union Board’s Student Soloist Night on Friday, Feb. 22 at 6 p.m in the Traditions Lounge. Instruments such as guitar and harmonica, as well as vocal performances, created a sonically pleasing atmosphere. The event featured both covers and original songs, which allowed the performers to showcase

their creativity. Alec Kuncken, a freshman civil engineering major, played harmonica and guitar during his cover of “American Pie” by Don McLean. The multitalented artist passionately belted his lyrics with the prowess of a professional, which caught the attention of one student, who pointed and smiled at his artistry through the glass windows of the performance area. The crowd was overjoyed by Kuncken’s performance. “I’m here to support my

friend Alec,” said Kaleb Yuen, a freshman international studies major. “He’s a great guy. He’s really talented and you gotta show support for your friends.” Kuncken finished strong with powerful yet meticulous strums on his elegant, cognac-colored acoustic guitar. After his performance, Kuncken tipped his hat off to CUB for creating the event. “It was fun,” he said. “I’ve done a lot of things like this before. When I saw the ad on Instagram I jumped all on it.”

Topping off the night were two members of the band Minor Fall. The two other members do not attend the College and were not able to make it to the performance. The students that performed were Ryan Abramowitz, a sophomore art history major on vocals, and Connor Moran, a sophomore communications studies and marketing double major on acoustic guitar. They performed songs off their new EP “Accessible Redemption.” Abramowitz and Moran said that they donate all of the profits

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

from the group’s EP to the American Suicide Association. They concluded with a cover of the theme song from the Nickelodeon sitcom “Drake & Josh,” “I Found a Way” by Drake Bell. “Performing, man, that’s just what we live for,” Abramowitz said. He is also a member of the College’s a capella group, the Trentones. The duo’s love for performing was evident. “That was fun,” Moran said. “We were just having fun and hanging out, performing songs off our debut EP.”

Recital Series introduces opera to Mayo Concert Hall

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

Camano sings a variety of German pieces.

By Len La Rocca Distribution Manager

Dazzling piano, symphonic horns and classical vocals filled Mayo Concert Hall on Feb. 19 at 12:30 p.m. during the Tuesday Recital Series. Students were drawn to the concert hall to witness the

music that students at the College had to offer. “I love coming to the Tuesday recitals because it is a little less formal than, say, a senior recital or some large thing,” said Shrish Jawadiwar, a sophomore political science and music double major. “It’s just nice to come see your

friends and see what they’re working on.” Brianna Carson, a junior music education major and soprano singer, kicked things off with a rendition of an Italian song titled, “Ognun ripicchia e nicchia,” by Stefano Donaudy. She then performed John Duke’s melodical, “I Can’t Be Talkin of Love” with her right arm confidently leaning against the grand piano. After she was met with thunderous applause, it was clear that Carson had sold every note to her audience. Pianist Nicholas Marsol, a freshman music major, gave a powerful performance of the French song, “Jeuz d’eau,” by Maurice Ravel, which showcased his growing skill and love for music. Baritone Adrian Camano, a freshman music education major, delivered his alluring performance of Hugo Wolf’s German song “Hiemweh,” as well as Aaron Copeland’s “Simple Gifts.” “’Tis the gift to be simple,” he sang. “’Tis’ the gift to be free.” Terence Odonkor, a freshman music major, performed Eugene Bozza’s “Aria” on saxophone and had the audience in a sweet-sounding trance as his notes rang proudly.

Kevin Chan, a junior music education major, presented “The Maid of The Mist” by Herbert L. Clarke on his silver trumpet that glimmered under the spotlights as he rotated the instrument mid-play. He performed melodically-sedating melodies. “I think it was truly amazing

and inspiring that people our age are able to do such talented and amazing things that are absolutely breathtaking once you hear them,” said Giovanni Delgado, a freshman music education major. “You think of all the hours that all these musicians practiced and the result is just astonishing.”

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

Carson greets the audience after the concert.

page 16 The Signal February, 27 2019

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February 27, 2019 The Signal page 17

Director reviews Sundance highlights This week, WTSR Music Director Brian Marino highlights some of the best new music that the College’s own radio station, 91.3 FM WTSR, puts into its weekly rotation.


Left: ‘The Farewell’ characters struggle with family secrets. Right: ‘Last Black Man’ documents gentrification. By Richard Chachowski Correspondent The 2019 Sundance Film Festival showcased many releases that have only grown more popular as they have entered theaters. I spoke with Mike Kamison, programming director for the Princeton Garden Theatre and first-time festival attendee, who helped me come up with a list of the films we should watch in 2019. “Honey Boy” Release date: Jan. 25 This study of a tumultuous father-son relationship is fueled by the son’s success as a child star and the father’s wild and abusive personality. Written by the movie’s star, Shia LaBeouf, “Honey Boy” is a semi-autobiographical tale of his own experience growing up as a child actor and his turbulent relationship with his father. Mike’s Thoughts: “‘Honey Boy’ I absolutely loved. It’s an experiment in terms of not only narrative structure but also what an autobiographical film can look like. I think Shia LaBeouf is one of the best actors around right now and this, as a writing and film exercise, I found incredibly successful.” “Clemency” Release date: Jan. 27 Winner of the U.S. Grand Jury Prize for

Drama, “Clemency” tells the story of a prison warden (Alfre Woodard) whose commitment to her job, namely her role in preparing and witnessing death row executions, results in an estrangement from her husband. When her next death row inmate (Aldis Hodge) arrives, a bond forms between the two that causes Woodard to question the complexity of human nature and the nuances of statesanctioned execution. Mike’s Thoughts: “I was entirely impressed. It really knows when to show the kind of difficult, unsettling imagery of the film and when to hold back and when to not show things. It’s very gripping but in a slow boil kind of way, and the last 10 minutes of the film are utterly enrapturing.” “The Last Black Man in San Francisco” Release date: June 14 Winner of the U.S. Dramatic Directing Award, in Joe Talbot’s debut film is “The Last Black Man in San Francisco,” Jimmie Fails (as himself) attempts to reclaim and rebuild the once-glamorous Victorian house formerly owned by his grandfather. Assisted by his best friend, Montgomery Allen (Jonathan Majors), Jimmie embarks on a journey to rebuild a crucial part of his family history in a neighborhood that seems increasingly foreign to him.

Mike’s Thoughts: “This was far and away my favorite title of the festival. I think it’s dealing with a subject that a lot of new films are dealing with, which is like urban displacement and gentrification, but doing it with a really fresh blend and also in a manner that reflects larger issues of humanity and being a person. It had a incredibly unique visual and comedy style. I was just blown away by it.” “The Farewell” Release date: July 12 Lula Wang’s second full-length directorial effort, “The Farewell,” follows a family of Chinese Americans whose matriarch is unfortunately diagnosed with cancer. This incident is kept a secret from her by her family, since her family members believe that telling the truth would only hasten her end that destroy her cheerful attitude. Mike’’s Thoughts: “‘The Farewell’ is great. It’s a crowd pleaser through and through. It’s one of those dissections of a family but is also kind of a fish-out-of-water sort of story as well. The movie’s tender and a little sad, but it’s consistently funny and the crowd was very much appreciative of it.” The festival’s releases are already making 2019 a memorable year in film for audiences of every kind.

Minhaj critiques politics through comedic lens By Amani Salahudeen Staff Writer

Some may remember comedian Hasan Minhaj’s visit to the College last year. Minhaj is famous for his role as a news correspondent on “The Daily Show.” You might recognize him from his Instagram video with consultant Marie Kondo or his commercial with Tan France. Minhaj also starred in the 2017 Netflix stand-up comedy film, “Homecoming King,” which was his first special, but thankfully not his last. He is also back with a new show called “Patriot Act,” which is now streaming on Netflix. Minhaj tries to use comedy to combat the current political tension between news media outlets. “Fox News is incredible,” he said on “Homecoming King.” “I’ve never seen so many people with spray tans hate people of color. It is amazing. And Fox News is in New York. They’re in New York. Daily Show, Fox News, five avenues away from each other. That’s it. Professor X, Magneto, that close. Every day I walk past their building during lunch. I’ll see all the employees, Hannity, Coulter, leave their building, cross the street, walk past me and line up for halal chicken and

rice. I’m like, ‘uh… racist Randy wants that red sauce.’ Your brain can be racist, but your body will just betray you.” This attitude reveals Minhaj’s ability to combat Islamophobia with comedy, making it one of his most clever deliveries. Once you’ve finished watching “Homecoming King,” it makes sense to watch “Patriot Act.” “Homecoming King” focuses more on Minhaj’s childhood experiences and his life as an American Indian Muslim, but “Patriot Act” focuses more on how Muslims are portrayed in the news. “Patriot Act” discusses issues such as the harsh truths in Saudi Arabia surrounding journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s death. When Saudi Arabia pulled the episode, Minhaj made another episode poking fun of this. Minhaj does a commendable job explaining the situation in a comedic light.. He also uses his experience as a child of immigrant parents to relate to the audience, which only adds to the success of the show. The most recent episodes of the “Patriot Act” deal with censorship in China and drug pricing. Minhaj discusses the issue of overpriced insulin pens in different countries in comparison with America. Minhaj


The humorist dissects controversies in ‘Patriot Act.’

uses comedy to explain the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes through the use of a political skit. He explains why this price increase is problematic and a public health epidemic. “Insulin is pretty much affordable anywhere else in the world other than America,” Minhaj said in the episode about drug pricing. Whether you choose to watch “Homecoming King” or not, you should definitely check out Minhaj’s new show, “Patriot Act,”

where he uses comedy to integrate past experiences and relate to viewers. Regardless of what religion or race you are, Minhaj’s comedy skits will have you doubled over with laughter. More importantly, the show is something a lot of minorities can relate to. As an Asian American Muslim, Minhaj uses his comedy skits to represent Muslims in an enriched way while also allowing them to find some joy amidst trying times.

Band Name: The Kooks Album Name: Let’s Go Sunshine Release Number: 6 Hailing From: London Genre: Dreamy British Pop-Rock Label: AWAL Recordings The band has shifted gears to enter a more mellow rock route. The group inserts catchy choruses, with melodic verses in every song, which has given the album a holistic nonchalance feel. In terms of the lyrics, there are ideas of love, independence and rebellion throughout. Mid album, it dips down into a song, Fractured and Dazed, which has an echo-y intro and is a bit softer than the rest. The whole album is encompassed by feel-good, daydream kind of rock that’s easy to listen to when you want something simple in the background. Must Hear: “All The Time,” “Tesco Disco” and “No Pressure”

Band Name: Dilly Dally Album Name: Heaven Release Number: 2 Hailing From: Toronto, Ontario Genre: Heavy rock Label: Partisan Records Dilly Dally’s second album is a revival. The group’s songs are uplifting with a mix of raspy vocals and the lyrics send messages of breaking out of your shell. It is perfect music for blasting out of your dorm room. The deep contrast of Dilly Dally’s album does not shy away from anything. The mix of distorted guitars, counter melodies and heavy drum lines create a calming album. Must Hear: “I Feel Free,” “Heaven,” “Pretty Cold” and “Doom”

p a g e 1 8 T h e S i g n a l F e b r u a r y , 2 7 2 0 1 9 page 18 The Signal February 27, 2019

Sports Dive / Chan, Morgan dominate at final meet Swimming & Diving

Photos courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Morgan swims to first place in the 400-meter medley.

continued from page 20

Both the men’s and women’s swimming teams had a dominant second day. The men gained 885 points to take first, while the women stayed in second with 755 points, trailing behind Rowan. Morgan swam ahead of the competition and placed first in the 400-meter individual medley with a time of 3:57.07. Gregory and senior Sam Maquet followed in fourth and fifth places respectively with times

of 4:06.74 and 4:07.90. The Lions continued to fill the leader board as Keane claimed sixth place with a time of 4:10.81 and senior Aidan Steinberg finished in eighth, clocking in at 4:28.66. Thompson kept the Lions on top when he claimed second in the 100-meter butterfly with a time of 49.83. Senior Brendan Pilaar was not far behind at sixth place with a time of 50.92. Skoog finished in third in the 100-meter backstroke, clocking in at 50.22. Meanwhile,

Duff claimed seventh place in the 100-meter breaststroke with a time of 56.89. Duff would later team up with Thompson, Morgan and junior Derek Keinsel in the 200-meter medley relay. The Lions ultimately took third place with a time of 1:30.96. While the Lions finished first after the second day with 885 points, the USMMA trailed closely behind with 866 points. The women’s team also performed well. Chan claimed first place in the 100-meter butterfly, clocking in at 57.35. Just a second later, freshman Kori Jelinek finished in third with a time of 58.39. Sophomore Nicki Meskin managed to take eighth place in the 400meter individual medley, clocking in at 4:58.38. Senior Gabi Denicola swam her way to 10th place with a time of 4:49.63. Fosko then got seventh place in the 200-meter freestyle, clocking in at 1:59.79. Menninger followed her Friday performance with a third-place finish in the 100-meter breaststroke. She swam it in just over a minute with a time of 1:05.65. Sophomore Chiara Mennonna secured sixth place with a time of 1:08.48 and sophomore Haley Crispell got 10th place

Indoor Track and Field

Women win NJAC

with a time of 1:09.46. Chan, Fraser, Menninger and Thayer teamed up in the 200-meter medley relay and captured second place with a time of 1:47.15. The final day of the competition proved to be a nailbiter for both the men’s and women’s squads. Holding onto their first-place lead from the second day, the men went toe-to-toe against USMMA, who was able to outlast the Lions despite their valiant efforts. Morgan excelled at the 200-meter butterfly and won the race with a time of 1:50.08. Maquet swam right behind him and snatched second, clocking in at 1:52.26. Thompson placed in fourth with a time of 1:53.30. The team then posted three top-10 finishes in the 200-meter backstroke. Kneisel claimed fourth with a time of 1:52.47. Gregory then took sixth, clocking in at 1:56.72. Senior Aidan Steinberg followed up with a ninth -place finish at 1:56.94. Skoog achieved a second-place finish in the 100-meter freestyle with a time of 45.61. Just a second later, Yi took eighth place, clocking in at 46.61. At the diving board, Soukup fell his way to third place, scoring 467.5 points. Junior Zachary Volm

Graduate Studies

TCNJ | Leads the Way It’s your move.

Photos courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Left: Carter sprints to the finals. Right: Evan Bush finishes strong. By Jordan Washington Staff Writer The College had two big meets on Feb. 18 and Friday, Feb. 22, with the first taking place at the New Jersey Athletic Conference Indoor Championship and the second at the Boston University Last Chance Meet. The Indoor Championship saw the women’s track and field team take home first place out of the nine competing teams. This is the team’s second win in a row at this event, marking it as a powerhouse in the NJAC. Senior distance runner Madeleine Tattory took first place in the 5000-meter race, while the distance medley team was also able to achieve first place. The Lions also finished fifth out of the 10 teams that were competing at the championship. The College’s elite distance medley team that includes sophomore Matthew

Kole, freshman Gabriel Calandri, freshman Fabian Mestanza and freshman Nick Falk, took first with a time of 10:44.14. There were many other standouts, and the team attempted to get the win with freshman Alex Amoia taking second place in the 800-meter. This was his first collegiate championship meet. The women’s track team also competed at The Armoury Last Chance Meet. In another great outing, the 4x400 relay team placed second and freshman Kassidy Murlyne took first place for high jumping. The Boston University Last Chance Meet also saw many ups for the Lions, who were coming off the heels of a huge win. Junior Kaila Carter saw success in the 60 hurdles final. The Lions return to the track on Friday, March 1 for a two-day meet as they travel to compete in the Atlantic Region Conference Championship.

dove for sixth place with a score of 329.50 points. The 400-meter medley relays proved to be a showdown between USMMA and the Lions. Skoog, Yi, Morgan and Thompson teamed up and fought to the last second for second place with a time of 3:02.76. USMMA ultimately won the race, clocking in at 3:00.41. The women secured top finishes as well. Chan had an impressive performance in the 200-meter butterfly, capturing first and clocking in at 2:06.90. Her time was .77 seconds away from breaking the school record. Jelinek also performed well in her first METs appearance, as she torpedoed to second place with a time of 2:12.35. Mennonna then took sixth place in the 200-meter breaststroke, clocking in at 2:27.20. In the 1650meter freestyle, Menninger raced her way to fourth place at 18:17.62. Denicola was not far behind, as she claimed fifth place with a time of 18:41.81. Fosko finished in eighth place in the 100-meter freestyle with a time of 54.85. The Lions will return to the pool in the fall semester for the 2019-2020 season.

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February 27, 2019 The Signal page 19

Rutgers-Camden ends Lions’ season Women’s Basketball

Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor

Left: Kate O’Leary watches the opponent she is guarding. Right: Shatsky dribbles around a defender. By Malcolm Luck Staff Writer The phrase “third time’s a charm” proved to be true for the University of Rutgers-Newark women’s basketball team. Despite falling to the Lions twice earlier in the regular season, Rutgers-Newark bested the College in the second round of the New Jersey Athletic Conference tournament by a final score of 52-45. Both teams traded blows early, starting with a layup from Rutgers-Newark less than 30 seconds in the game to open scoring. On the next possession, junior forward Jen Byrne drained a three-pointer to give the Lions an early lead. Two possessions later, a bucket in the paint from sophomore forward Shannon Devitt put the Lions up by three; however Rutgers-Newark refused to go away. With 1:35 remaining in the first quarter, the score was knotted at nine. A timely steal and fastbreak score from Rutgers-Newark freshman guard/forward Dorian Capurso put her team up

by two, but she gave the points back after committing a late foul on Lions’ senior guard Sam Famulare. Famulare sank two free throws to tie the game up at 11 at the first quarter’s buzzer. The second and third quarters proved to be the downfall for the Lions, as they were outscored 31-16 in the middle portion of the game. The College found itself with a 16-15 lead after Byrne scored down low with 4:51 remaining in the half until a three-pointer from Rutgers-Newark junior guard/forward Hannah Ashby sparked a late run. Ultimately, RutgersNewark outscored the Lions 9-2 in the final 4 minutes of the quarter, sending the players into the locker room with a comfortable nine-point lead. Despite the intermission, the Lions had no offensive answer in the beginning of the second half. A short-lived bucket off the fastbreak from Devitt put the College behind by seven, but Rutgers-Newark showed no mercy, as the lack of scoring for the Lions kept them out of contention. Another late 13-5

run for Rutgers-Newark put the proverbial nail in the coffin for the Lions, burying them by 15 with just one quarter remaining. The Lions did not go down without a fight, though. A three-pointer from senior guard Nicole Shatsky inspired hope. A few minutes later, another bucket in the paint from Devitt closed the gap to 10 points. With 27 seconds left in the game, the College fought back to a slim four-point deficit, but clutch free throws from Rutgers-Newark put the game on ice. In the end, a poor offensive outing proved to be the Lions’ downfall, withholding them from back-to-back NJAC Championship appearances. In the end, the Lions’ season was no disappointment. A late seven-game winning streak propelled them to the top of conference standings. The women’s basketball team ultimately finished with a 17-9 overall record and a 15-3 conference record, which was tied for its best conference record since the 2008-2009 season.



Team sends five to nationals Tennis opens season strong

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Garda stares down his opponent before making a move.

By Christine Houghton Sports Editor

On Saturday, Feb. 23 and Sunday, Feb. 24 the wrestling team traveled to Brockport, New York to compete in the NCAA Regionals, where it advanced nine wrestlers to the finals. Taking second out of 18 teams, the Lions were able to advance five wrestlers to the NCAA Division III Championship on Sunday. After the first day of wrestling, the team advanced the following nine wrestlers to the Sunday match— freshman Johnny Garda at 165 pounds, junior Dan Kilroy at 174 pounds, senior Ryan Budzek at 149 pounds, sophomore Robert Dinger at 141 pounds, sophomore Jake Giordano at 133 pounds, junior Dan Ortega at 125 pounds, sophomore Dan Surich at 184 pounds, senior JT Beirne at 165 pounds and freshman Thomas Marretta at heavyweight.

Giordano went on to win both his matches and will make his first collegiate trip to the championship. Kilroy will travel to his second championship after a shutout and a decision. Budzek took second in his weight class and will make his second career national team appearance. Beirne and Dinger will make their first national team appearances after taking third place in their respective weight classes. Lions who did not advance to the championship include Ortega, Garda, Surich and Marretta. Ortega and Garda took fourth, while Surich and Marretta placed seventh. Head coach Joe Galante and his staff were named Regional Coach and Regional Coaching Staff of the Year after the tournament. The remaining five wrestlers will travel to Roanoke, Virginia on Friday, March 8 to compete in the NCAA Championships.

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Puig watches the ball before continuing the volley.

By Christine Houghton Sports Editor

On Feb. 16, both the men’s and women’s tennis teams opened their seasons against University of Sciences in Philadelphia and both won by a score of 7-2. The men’s doubles teams dominated. Freshman Matthew Michibata and senior Tim Gavornik finished victorious at 8-1, along with senior Matt Puig and freshman Justin Wain. Lions’ singles players showed no mercy, as senior Mitchel Sanders and junior Thomas Wright won their matches along with Michibata, Gavornik and Puig taking victories in their matches. The women had a similar day as they swept all doubles matches. The teams of freshman Liya Davidov and senior Grace Minassian, senior Alyssa Baldi and junior Audrey Chen and freshmen Sarah Phung and Navya Yemula won by scores of 8-1, 8-5 and 8-4 respectively.

Minassian, Baldi, Phung and Chen all achieved victories in singles matches. On Saturday, Feb. 23, the women took on Christian Newport University, winning by a final score of 5-4. In doubles, Davidov and Baldi won 8-5 and Phung and Yemula won 8-4. The team dominated in the second half of singles with matches won by Chen, Yemula and freshman Julia Yoon. On Sunday, Feb. 24 the men went up against Swarthmore College and came away with a 5-4 win. To start off the doubles matches, Wright and Sanders claimed a 8-5 victory and Puig and Wain claimed the win with a 7-4 tiebreak. Finishing the match in proper fashion, Michibata, Wain and Wright all won their matches and gave the team its tight victory. The Lions continue their season on the road as they travel to Dickinson College on Saturday, March 2.



Swimming finishes in top tier at METs

Left: Menninger swims in the 500-meter freestyle. Right: Yi dives off the block to begin his race.

By Miguel Gonzalez Photo Editor

After a season full of close races, the men’s and women’s swim teams competed in the Metropolitan Conference Championships from Friday, Feb. 22 to Sunday, Feb. 24 at the Rutgers University Aquatics Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Both squads landed in second place. The men accumulated 1413 points, just behind the United States Merchant Marine Academy. The women scored 1145.7 points, just behind Rowan University. The men’s team gathered several finishes in third place on the first day. Sophomore Andrew Thompson rose to the top in the 200-meter individual medley, clocking in at 1:51.28.

Fellow sophomore Griffin Morgan followed in second, clocking in at 1:51.95. Less than 3 seconds after Morgan finished, senior John Gregory claimed sixth place, posting a time of 1:54.48. Senior Alex Skoog snatched third place in the 50meter freestyle, clocking in at 20.82. Sophomore Patrick Bakey claimed eighth place with a time of 21.18. Junior Harrison Yi then took third at the 500-freestyle with a time of 4:34.42. Sophomore James Keane fought for sixth place, finishing at 4:40.79. In a tight 400-meter medley relay against conference foes Rowan, Ramapo College and Montclair State University, the Lions finished in third behind USMMA and Rowan. Sophomore Andrew Duff, Skoog, Thompson and Yi clocked in at 3:21.28. At the diving board, sophomore Jay Soukup claimed

Photos courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

second in the one-meter dive and scored 491.93 points. Meanwhile, the women encountered tough competitors. Junior Annie Menninger took fifth place in the 500-meter freestyle with a time of 5:14.51. Sophomore Melanie Fosko followed up with a neighth place finish, clocking in at 5:19.40. Freshman Zoe Chan made it to third place in the 200-meter individual medley and finished at 2:09.70. The Lions claimed two top-10 finishes at the 50meter freestyle. Sophomore Elise Fraser secured fifth place, clocking in at 24.35, while junior Kazia Moore raced to eighth with a time of 25.04. In the 400-meter medley relay, Menninger, Chan, Fosko and senior Hailey Thayer came in third place with a time of 3:57.76. see DIVE on page 18

Women’s Lacrosse

Lions start season with 16-0 blowout

Left: Avery Sweeney looks for a teammate upfield. Right: Donoghue steps around an opponent and toward the goal. By Malcolm Luck Staff Writer One season past the Lions’ 13-9 loss in the semifinal round of the NCAA Division III Tournament, the lacrosse team is looking to advance to the final round in 2019. For the third year in a row, the College began its journey with a blowout win at home against Neumann University on Saturday, Feb. 23.

Lions Lineup february 27, 2019

I n s i d e

The Lions’ dominance began shortly after the first whistle, as the season’s first goal was scored off the stick of junior midfielder Alexandria Fitzpatrick who was assisted by junior attacker Olivia Cleale. Less than two minutes later, Fitzpatrick found herself on the other side of the exchange, assisting sophomore midfielder Kaela Sierra on her first goal of the season. The College relentlessly peppered the back of the net with goals in the early portion

Indoor Track and Field page 18

of the game. With 26:37 remaining in the first half, Cleale assisted Fitzpatrick on her second goal of the season followed by another assist to junior attacker Kasey Donoghue less than 30 seconds later. The Lions continuously secured draw control, which provided scoring opportunities on almost every possession. In a 2:17 span in the first half, the College scored five goals from four different players to put the team on top 9-0 with 21:25 left in

Wrestling page 19

Tennis page 19

Photos courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

the first half. By halftime, the Lions compiled an insurmountable 11-0 lead. In the end, the Lions won by a final score of 16-0. Cleale led the team in points with nine following her eight assists and one goal. Fitzpatrick finished the day with four goals and three assists as well. The Lions’ next game will be held at Fairleigh Dickinson University-Florham in Madison, New Jersey on Friday, March 1 at 4 p.m.

Women’s Basketball page 19

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