Derek Jeter makes Yankee history This week’s Cheap Seats analyzes the shortstop’s plunge into Yankee greatness. See Sports, page 20
‘Family’ opens in Holman Hall The College’s newest art gallery opened last Wednesday, Sept. 9. See Arts & Entertainment, page 12
The College of New Jersey Student Newspaper since 1885
September 16, 2009
No. 4.
Non-union employees’ salaries cut by College By Brianna Gunter News Editor and Amanda Pini Correspondent
Non-unit College employees, or those who are not members of a union, will be taking salary cuts in the upcoming fiscal year. The Board of Trustees finalized the pay reductions during its meeting on Sept. 8, and also voted on the Unrestricted Current Fund Budget for the 2010 fiscal year. The meeting was rescheduled from the end of last semester. The salary reductions will begin the first possible pay period, said Matthew Golden, executive director of Public Relations and Communication. There are approximately 130 nonunion staff members, all of whom will be affected by the pay reductions, Golden said. Most of these staff members hold a supervisory position, including department directors, deans and other positions. “I am new to (the College), but certainly not new to the ups and downs of the economy,” said William W. Keep,
Dean of the school of Business. “While I look forward to when state budgets and businesses return to stronger financial stability, I certainly think it appropriate that deans share in the pain of salary cuts. This is a tough time for all of academia.” The Board of Trustees discussed the salary reductions in a closed session. The proposal for salary reductions was announced during the Board’s public session held immediately after the closed session. The salary reductions were also voted on and passed via teleconference. Board members said the amount of the pay reductions currently cannot be estimated into an exact percentage, but the cuts may be around five percent. The state mandated savings from all unionized employees — those with Communications Workers of America, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers and American Federation of Teachers contracts — during summer contract negotiations, leaving the College to match these savings with all of the non-unit employees, board
Tim Lee / Photo Editor
President R. Barbara Gitenstein was part of the Board of Trustees meeting that voted to cut the salaries of non-union College employees. see CUTS page 3
N.J. students transfer in-state to save money and sanity By Arti Patel Copy Editor
The College will never forget
Tom O’Dell / Photo Assistant
Students remembered the 9/11 attacks at 9 a.m. on Sept. 11 in the Brower Student Center atrium. The ROTC color guard presented the flag and Billy Plastine, Student Government Association President, spoke. He was followed by Lt. Col. John Stark and President R. Barbara Gitenstein. Students could pick up a poem and ribbon to wear during the day. To commemorate the planes hitting the World Trade Center Towers, the bells from Green Hall chimed at 8:46 a.m. and 9:03 a.m. SGA talks parking Current parking situation discussed at meeting. See page 2
As the financial burden of paying for tuition and housing continues to increase, New Jersey college students are leaving their out-of-state higher education institutions and returning to area universities in record numbers in the name of saving money during these economically challenging times. The college climate in New Jersey is changing, and in the wake of the recession, the number of students transferring to more affordable schools has become a driving trend. Of the 1,669 incoming College students admitted for the fall 2009 semester, 346 are transfers. According to Kevin Ewell, assistant dean of Admissions and transfer counselor, one third of those transfer students are returning to New Jersey from schools outside the state. The
Vomiting student found An intoxicated student tells police she wants to sleep. See page 3
346-person total is up from the reported 275 transfer students admitted the previous year. Reportedly, 70 percent of the transfer applicants accepted their bids, making the 2009 transfer class the largest in the school’s history. “Being able to finally pay in-state tuition, the expenses decreased greatly,” said Leigh Kazmaier, senior journalism major. “The pressure of being able to pay for my education became less of a burden,” she said. Kazmaier initially transferred from Bucks Community College in Pennsylvania to Rider University, later transferring to the College during the fall 2007 semester after Rider’s tuition prices “drastically increased and I decided I needed to look elsewhere to further my education,” she said. For the see IN-STATE page 3
Editor’s Note
In last week’s issue, Matthew Golden, executive director of Public Relations and Communication, was quoted as saying that the campus community will only be notified of cases of H1N1 if 60 percent of the student body has the virus. It should have read that according to the Center for Disease Control, about 60 percent of the U.S. population will contract some form of the flu this year. We regret the error.
Passport to Programming Tim Asher talked about plans for the Student Center. See page 3
Editorials Opinions Features Arts & Entertainment Sports
7 9 11 12 20
page 2 The Signal September 16, 2009
SGA tackles campus parking issues By Arti Patel Copy Editor The cost of tickets for parking violations may increase, members of the Student Government Association (SGA) said at last Wednesdayʼs meeting. SGA addressed the issue due to student complaints about overcrowded parking lots. “Ticketing is going to be ratcheted up,” Brian Block, vice president of Administration and Finance said. Block, a junior political science major, met with Brian Webb, manager of Risk, Occupational Safety and Environmental Services, as well as others to determine the cause of the student parking dilemma. The group concluded that the no-ticketing period, which lasted from late August to early September, caused a surge in parking problems. “A lot of the parking was re-
aligned and the number of parking spots (available) is right for the amount of students,” Block said. “Campus Police has been, and will continue to do, capacity checks and keep monitoring the situation.” The number of parking decals requested for the 2009-2010 year has declined compared to the previous year, leaving 114 parking spaces in various lots open for students to take advantage of while on campus, SGA members said. Despite the decrease in overall student parking requests, the College accepted between 50 and 60 more Lot 6 decal requests than last year. Block said that the Collegeʼs previous ticketing policy was not enough of a deterrent to halt the illegal parking practices of students. “Students on campus pay over $250 for a parking decal and commuters pay almost $100,”
Tim Lee / Photo Editor
SGA addressed the problems concerning campus parking during its Wednesday meeting. contended Block, “but the tickets that campus police were giving out were so low that people just kept getting them and paying them because it was still cheaper than getting a decal.” With an increase in price penalty of parking tickets, Block said College officials are hoping to dissuade students in the future from parking illegally. They also hope students will instead purchase a parking decal for their vehicle. In addition, to accommodate the overflow of student drivers, Lot 15 (located near the Bonner
Center), has had 50 new spaces made available for student driver use. Tom Little, Alternate Student Trustee and junior political science major, announced that of 80 new people who expressed interest in joining the Collegeʼs student governing body, 28 will officially become election candidates. “Overall the interest sessions were pretty successful and increased SGAʼs popularity on campus, which is great,” Little said. SGA will kick-off its election season by holding internal election nominations on Sept. 16 with
voting on Sept. 23. Vice president of Law and Government Olaniyi Solebo, sophomore political science and economics major, announced that two new campus organizations, TCNJ Juggling and the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, will be up for official recognition at the Sept. 18 SGA meeting. According to Solebo, both organizations currently have more than 20 members, and are expected to fill new niches that are currently unrepresented on the College campus.
Prof. argues for organs Minds will be read in October
By Ryan Pilarski Correspondent
Taylor said in 1988 Iran legalized kidney sales. “In 2001, Iran was the only country to clear Adding new meaning to the phrase ʻfall har- its waiting list … Iran shows what happens vest,ʼ James Taylor, professor of philosphy, ran when you legalize markets,” Taylor said. the Sept. 10 Politics Forum, titled “Why markets The United States currently does not allow in human transplant organs should be legalized.” the sale of organs, but simple economic theory Taylor focused primarily on kidney trans- states that if money becomes a motivation, there plants and the theoretical trickle-down effect will be a larger pool of kidneys, Taylor said. of the transplant system. Taylor also introduced He also said as obesity rates increase per incentives to warm people up to the idea of or- capita, so will cases of diabetes. Both of these gan donation. conditions cause renal complications, and as a “Currently, the kidneys we are receiving worst case dialysis may be the only route for are primarily through altruistic donations,” good health. This is a very expensive and enTaylor said, explaining that in the United ergy-draining procedure that could be corrected States, organs are received through two chief by a kidney transplant. ways: live and cadaveric. Many cases of live Kidney transplants eliminate the need for organ donations come from family members, dialysis, and are a much more cost-effective and there are a few good samaritans who do- option, he said. Medicare and Medicaid would nate anonymously. cover this procedure and save tax payers milTaylor said that cadaveric kidneys would lions of dollars by reducing the amount of peomost likely come from people whoʼve died of ple dependent upon dialysis. automotive-related accidents and “donation afNone of this will happen unless incentives ter cardiac death.” are offered for donations, he said. “Donation after cardiac death” was the sole “So why donʼt we legalize markets in kidway of acquiring organs up until the late 1970s, neys? Where is there some antipathy towards Taylor said. This method of procurement oc- this idea? I think there are three major argucurs up to 10 minutes after a fatal case of car- ments against kidney markets, and they are diac arrest, when time is critical. not to be treated lightly,” Taylor said. Besides some having a fear that donating organs is physically dangerous, another argument is that the typical kidney vendor is impoverished and sells only to make financial gain. Taylor said the last issue is the risk of Hepatitis and HIV being contracted by organ recipients. Diseases run rampant in the black market and purchased organs could be infected. However, there is currently a large screening process involved that helps to prevent this risk. Taylor has a backround in researching medical ethics, and recently edited “Personal Autonomy: New Essays on Personal Autonomy and its Tom OʼDell / Photo Assistant Role in Contemporary Moral Taylor supports different transplant markets. Philosophy.”
By Kaitlin Olcott Production Manager
The Student Finance Board (SFB) approved the Leadership Development Programʼs (LDP) Fall Leadership Retreat for $6,649.00 with a vote of 11-1 at its meeting last Wednesday. The Fall Leadership Retreat is an overnight trip for students, designed to better help students with leadership skills, confidence and communication. This same event did not occur last year due to lack of adequate funding according to Brian Guo, LDP President. “Our goal is to e-mail the e-boards for all other activities and network with these groups during the retreat,” Guo said. “Without publicity, donʼt you think freshmen and sophomores who are not as well-informed will be at a disadvantage in being aware of this retreat?” Warren Samlin, SFB sophomore representative, questioned. “I think there should be some publicity for this event,” Brianna Glynn, SFB senior representative, agreed. LDPʼs request for a Fall Leadership Retreat was given two half-page Signal ads and photocopies in order to better advertise the event due to SFB membersʼ worries over the lack of publicity. In a unanimous motion, SFB approved the Order of the Golden Lionʼs (OGL) request for its annual “Samhain Feast.” “Itʼs an important event for our club that has attracted more people each year, and weʼve had it successfully for the past 10 years,” Margaret Hade, OGL treasurer, said. The original request of $3,204.50 was cut to $2,889.50, including food and cooking supplies for a medieval feast and insurance. OGL requested fighting supplies for reenactments of medieval games such as sword dueling, but funding for this was denied. The Samhain Feast will take place on Oct. 24 in the Cromwell Main Lounge, and will include lessons on medieval style fighting, music, dancing
and other activities. SFB also granted $2,736.80 to the College Union Board (CUB) for an October event featuring Robert Channing, a mind reader. Channing is considered one of the worldʼs foremost mind readers and will demonstrate his powers in a free, hour-long event involving audience participation as well as tarot card and palm readers. “I think this event is going to attract a lot more people than the Rat can fit,” Ashley La Rose, SFB senior representative, said. Originally the event was planned to take place at the Rathskeller, but SFB asked CUB to change it to a larger venue. SFB voted 10-2 in its approval of CUB sending two members to the regional National Association of Campus Activities (NACA) Mid-Atlantic Conference from Oct. 15 to Oct. 18 in Lancaster, Pa. “The conference has a lot of local acts that put us in better contact with agencies and performers that could liven up our CUB Rat nights,” Allie Binaco, CUB treasurer, said. “Iʼm not sure if this is necessary in light of the fact that CUB also attends a national conference every year,” Michele Velluzzi, SFB financial director, said. SFB also voted in favor of the Italian Clubʼs Sept. 20 trip for $1,153 for “A Sunday in Little Italy.” This trip will include a bus trip to New York City to attend the Italian American Museum and the San Gennaro Festival. The San Gennaro festival features an Italian parade, live performances by Italian bands and Italian cuisine. “This trip will really educate people about the Italian club and show the cultural history of Italy other than the traditional idea of people who just eat spaghetti and meatballs,” Joseph Licci, Italian Club member, said. “I think itʼs a great opportunity and I think it fits the purpose of the clubʼs goal,” Velluzzi said.
September 16, 2009 The Signal page 3
Cuts / Board approves budget Drunk student continued from page 1
members said. The board has already approved other cost saving measures concerning unionized employees, including furlough days, foregone pay, retirement contributions and other pay cuts. Some of these, such as the furlough days and pay cuts, are also currently in effect at other state colleges. The board also discussed the Collegeʼs Unrestricted Current Fund Budget during the meeting. The budget, which currently totals more than $176 million, was recommended for approval by President R. Barbara Gitenstein as well as The Finance and Investments Committee of the Board
of Trustees. The budget was also approved via teleconference. Along with the total budget, the Board also acknowledged that more than $34 million dollars was still waiting state appropriation. Currently, more than $38 million of the approved budget has been set aside for Residential Life, and just over $2 million has been appropriated for the Brower Student Center. The next public meeting of the board will be on Tuesday, Oct. 6. The meeting will be the Collegeʼs annual tuition hearing. The time and location will be announced at a later date. Brianna Gunter can be reached at
In-state / schools too pricey continued from page 1 full-time student paying her way through college, financial distresses were a priority in her overall decision-making. Ewell said financial obligations had been the primary factor for those transfers applying to the College from out-of-state schools. For Kaitlin Reiman, senior psychology major, high tuition prices were a dominant factor in her decision to leave Lafayette College in Easton, Pa. and choose the College as her transfer school of choice. “I wanted to leave Lafayette College because it was very expensive — more than $45,000 a year,” she said. “(At the College) Iʼm getting an equivalent education that I would have gotten at Lafayette at half the
price.” Not all transfer students have financial gains as their decisive factor. Many students find proximity to their families and friends a principle reason to explore their state for higher education opportunities. “My family didnʼt want me to consider cost as a factor in my choice of schools,” said Guinevere Hedden, a senior English and secondary education major who transferred from Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn. Though Hedden always wanted to attend college in New England, she soon grew dissatisfied with what the university had to offer and found herself “miserable being so far away from home,” Hedden said. “The combination of proximity to my home, educational and
professional opportunities, and the reputation of the college was really the final push to make the College my first choice,” Hedden contended. “I went from hating college to loving it, all in the action of moving to (the College).” Like Kazmaier and Reiman, most students that have moved closer to home for their education have also done so in order take advantage of certain opportunities, both financial and personal, not available at further locations. “I believe that with a degree from the College, all of the stress and hardships I have encountered throughout the years trying to pay for my education has been worth it,” Kazmaier said. “Having the opportunity to attend and graduate here is truly satisfying.”
can’t find bed By Alyssa Mease Staff Writer While on vehicle patrol, Campus Police found an intoxicated female lying face down on the ground at midnight on Sunday, Sept. 7, at Metzger Drive and C Street. The female was disoriented, incoherent, and made repeated attempts to go to sleep. She was also lying in her own vomit, reports said Lions EMS assumed care, as the student was unable to balance herself and vomited several more times. The victim said she had consumed too much vodka and wanted to sleep. Pennington Road EMS arrived and assumed care. The victim was transported to Capital Health Systems at Mercer Medical. A summons for her to appear in court will be mailed, police said. … Campus Police received a report of a stolen portable GPS navigation system at approximately 10:15 a.m on Thursday, Sept. 10 in Lot 6, according to reports. The device was missing from
a Toyota that was parked in the lot earlier that week. The victim said she had left the GPS in her vehicle Monday,
Sept. 7 at around 12:30 p.m. and when she returned on Thursday, it was missing. The GPS is valued at $179. … While issuing parking tickets at approximately 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 5 in Lot 8, Campus Police observed a Honda Accord with a parking decal that appeared to have been altered and not properly affixed to the vehicle, according to reports. Campus Police checked the decal number and found that it had been issued to a Geo Prism. Further inspection of the decal revealed it was not the orginal and had been scanned or copied. This issue is still under investigation by Campus Police.
Makeover plans set for BSC By Brianna Gunter News Editor
Melissa Mastro / Staff Photographer
Asher told students at Saturdayʼs Passport to Programming event about the various improvements and projects planned for the Brower Student Center, such as new carpet installation.
Students may soon start seeing more exciting campus events. Various organizations of the College sent members to the sixth annual Passport to Programming event on Saturday. Attendees learned valuable information about how to better their individual programs. The goal was to learn how to plan more interesting and successful events to involve more of the student body. The event ran from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and included a range of seminars and tutorials on topics such as event planning, publicity, fundraising, risk management, community service, teambuilding and much more. “Each year we have changed the format of Passport to Programming … to meet the needs of the students,” Tim Asher, director of Student Activities, said in an opening speech. “Students have raised concerns regarding the Student Center and student activities,” Asher said. The Brower Student Center (BSC) staff and student activities coordinators want to show students that they are listening, he added. Asher mentioned recent installations and projects, including brand new Nintendo Wii systems in the game area of the student center as well as additional movie nights by College Union Board (CUB) and daytime activities to give students more to do. The office of Student Activities and Leadership Development and student center staff have also partnered up with Sodexo, said Asher. He said “free food giveaway” days are in the early stages of development. Students
will recieve free food and treats in the Brower Student Center on certain “food” holidays such as sandwich day and donut day. Asher also urged students to think of creative ways to use the Brower Student Center and to bring ideas to the office of Student Activities. According to Asher, the building is also due for a makeover, which will include new carpeting throughout the building, new furniture, and bathroom renovations. A presentation called “The Studentʼs Passport to Hassle Free Event Planning” given by the BSC assistant managers followed Asherʼs speech. The presentation covered everything involved with student event planning, including booking a location, choosing refreshments, posting flyers and advertisements, organizing the agenda and getting approval from Student Activities and Leadership Development. Event planning can now be done almost entirely online, via the Student Activities and Leadership Development Web site. According to Dave Conner, assistant director of Fraternity and Sorority Programs, the students that went to this yearʼs Passport to Programming made up the largest group ever to attend in the six years that the event has been taking place. Most students attended because all Student Activity Fee (SAF) funded organizations were required to send representatives in order to maintain their SAF funding, but others were there voluntarily. Brianna Gunter
page 4 The Signal September 16, 2009
Nation & World
September 16, 2009 The Signal page 5
One year after Wall Street collapse, worries persist
WASHINGTON (AP) — One year after Wall Street teetered on the brink of collapse, seven out of 10 Americans lack confidence the federal government has taken safeguards to prevent another financial industry meltdown, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. Even more — 80 percent — rate the condition of the economy as poor and a majority worry about their own ability to make ends meet. The pessimistic outlook sets the stage for President Barack Obama as he attempts to portray the financial sector as increasingly confident and stable and presses Congress to act on new banking regulations. The public sentiment also poses a challenge to central elements of Obamaʼs governing agenda. Half of those surveyed said deficit reduction should be a national priority over increased spending on health care, education or alternative energy. “I know a lot of people who donʼt have health care and really canʼt afford it,” said Judy Purkey, a 57-yearold grandmother from Morristown, Tenn., who has raised four grandchildren and is living on disability payments. But she added: “The economy is so bad. Youʼve heard the expression getting blood out of a turnip? — Well, thatʼs whatʼs going on.” The president, in a CBS interview that aired Sunday on “60 Minutes,” acknowledged the publicʼs quandary. “This is a very difficult economic environment. People are feeling anxious,” he said. “And I think it is absolutely fair to say that people started feeling some sticker shock.” Still, Obama generally avoided public blame for the recession or the condition of the banking sector. Only one out of five surveyed said Obama bore responsibility for the recession; 54 percent blamed former President George W. Bush and 19 percent blamed former President Bill Clinton. Financial institutions, however, bore the brunt of the criticism — 79 percent of those surveyed said banks and lenders that made risky loans deserve quite a bit of the blame. Sixty-eight percent held the federal government responsible for not adequately regulating banks and 65 percent blamed borrowers who could not afford to repay loans. In a glimmer of good news for the administration, 17 percent of those surveyed said the governmentʼs massive economic stimulus has improved the economy, a 10
AP Photo
In this Sept. 30, 2008 file photo, a Wall St. sign hangs in front of the New York Stock Exchange. percentage point increase over July. Nearly six out of 10, however, said they are not confident that $787 billion that Congress approved to lower taxes and inject spending into the economy will do any good. The White House has been promoting the stimulus package as a job creator and job saver that has helped keep unemployment from rising above its current 9.7 percent level — the highest since 1983. Michael Painter, a 38-year-old unemployed plumber from Orlando, Fla., said that while he believed that spending package would ultimately stimulate the economy, it had yet to help him or his laid-off wife and teenage daughter. He said he approved of Obamaʼs job performance so far, but not Congressʼ. “The people in Congress need to quit bickering about party issues and start worrying about people issues,” he said. The Obama administration also has begun to portray the financial sector in more upbeat terms, eager to make the case that government interventions begun under then-
President Bush and continued, altered or expanded under Obama have brought stability to the markets. Obama delivered a speech Monday — the anniversary of Lehman Brothersʼ bankruptcy — to outline the administrationʼs achievements and press Congress to enact changes in bank regulations. But the AP-GfK poll illustrates the difficulty he faces. More Americans worry about facing big, unexpected medical expenses now than they did in July — up 7 percentage points to 68 percent among those polled. Likewise, more worry that the value of their stocks and retirement investments will drop — up 4 percentage points from July to 68 percent. Key banking lawmakers in the House and Senate have promised Obama legislation by the end of the year, but there is vigorous debate over key elements of Obamaʼs plan. The survey of 1,001 adults with cell and landline telephones was conducted from Sept. 3-8.
Patrick Swayze dies of cancer at 57 News Bits LOS ANGELES (AP) — Patrick Swayze, the hunky actor who danced his way into viewersʼ hearts with “Dirty Dancing” and then broke them with “Ghost,” died Monday after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 57. “Patrick Swayze passed away peacefully today with family at his side after facing the challenges of his illness for the last 20 months,” said a statement released Monday evening by his publicist, Annett Wolf. No other details were given. Fans of the actor were saddened to learn in March 2008 that Swayze was suffering from a particularly deadly form of cancer. He had kept working despite the diagnosis, putting together a memoir with his wife and shooting “The Beast,” an A&E drama series for which he had already made the pilot. It drew a respectable 1.3 million viewers when the 13 episodes ran in 2009, but A&E said it had reluctantly decided not to renew it for a second season. Swayze said he opted not to use painkilling drugs while making “The Beast” because they would have taken the edge off his performance. He acknowledged that time might be running out given the grim nature of the disease. When he first went public with the illness, some reports gave him only weeks to live, but his doctor said his situation was “considerably more optimistic” than that. “Iʼd say five years is pretty wishful thinking,” Swayze told ABCʼs Barbara Walters in early 2009. “Two years seems likely if youʼre going to believe statistics. I want to last until they find a cure, which means Iʼd better get a fire under it.”
A three-time Golden Globe nominee, Swayze became a star with his performance as the misunderstood bad-boy Johnny Castle in “Dirty Dancing.” As the son of a choreographer who began his career in musical theater, he seemed a natural to play the role. A coming-of-age romance starring Jennifer Grey as an idealistic young woman on vacation with her family and Swayze as the Catskills resortʼs sexy (and much older) dance instructor, the film made great use of both his grace on his feet and his muscular physique. It became an international phenomenon in the summer of 1987, spawning albums, an Oscar-winning hit song in “(Iʼve Had) the Time of My Life,” stage productions and a sequel, 2004ʼs “Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights,” in which he made a cameo. Swayze performed and co-wrote a song on the soundtrack, the ballad “Sheʼs Like the Wind,” inspired by his wife, Lisa Niemi. The film also gave him the chance to utter the now-classic line, “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” And it allowed him to poke fun at himself on a “Saturday Night Live” episode, in which he played a wannabe Chippendales dancer alongside the corpulent — and frighteningly shirtless — Chris Farley. A major crowdpleaser, the film drew only mixed reviews from critics, though Vincent Canby wrote in The New York Times, “Given the limitations of his role, that of a poor but handsome sex-object abused by the rich women at Kellermanʼs Mountain House, Mr. Swayze is also good. ... Heʼs at his best — as is the movie —
President Barack Obama said Monday he sees new signs of the kind of high-risk business behavior that nearly caused a financial meltdown a year ago and warned Wall Street there wonʼt be another bailout. Beijing filed a World Trade Organization complaint Monday over new U.S. tariffs on Chinese tires, stepping up pressure on Washington in the latest in a series of trade disputes.
AP Photo
In this Nov. 28, 2005 file photo, actor Patrick Swayze poses for photographers in central London. when heʼs dancing.” Swayze was born in 1952 in Houston, the son of Jesse Swayze and choreographer Patsy Swayze, whose films include “Urban Cowboy.” Off-screen, he was an avid conservationist who was moved by his time in Africa to shine a light on “manʼs greed and absolute unwillingness to operate according to Mother Natureʼs laws,” he told the AP in 2004.
Three active NFL players are joining former players in agreeing to donate their brains after death to a Boston University medical school program that studies sports brain injuries. In the U.K., the ringleader of a plot to blow up trans-Atlantic jets was sentenced to a minimum of 40 years in jail. Information from AP exchange
page 6 The Signal September 16, 2009
September 16, 2009 The Signal page 7
The short end of the stick
Upon arriving on the Collegeʼs campus this semester, residents of the Pennington Road College Houses assumed that much like normal human beings in a democratic society, we would be able to park in our paved driveways adjacent to their houses. “Thank God I donʼt have to deal with parking lots anymore,” we undoubtMelissa Mastro / Staff Photographer edly thought. College House residents are being forced to fight for parking in Lot 6. We were wrong. Not only are the approximately 50 juniors and seniors living in these nine houses denied the right to access our unoccupied driveways for the off chance that a safety or service vehicle needs to use the space, we are now be- What was the best moment in Week One ing denied their initial compensation of a reserved spot of the NFL? in nearby Lot 5. “So why don’t we Recently, students in the Pennington houses received • Brandon Stokley’s game-winning reception. legalize markets an e-mail that the reserved spaces in Lot 5 are only • Osi Umenyiora’s fumble recovery for a touchmeant to be used temporarily and now we must fend for down. in kidneys? • Tom Brady’s successful return. themselves in Lot 6. Where is there Wait … so we are paying a residential parking fee of • Mark Sanchez’ surprising debut. some antipathy $282 to park in the commuter lot as Lot 5 will now be • I hate football and everything about it. to towards the used for Lot 6 overflow? That is correct. idea?” It is understandable that College House residents cast your vote @ pay the fee, just as Phelps and Hausdoerffer Hall — James Taylor, dents do to park in the deck overlooking the football professor of Last Week’s Results: field. The difference is that the apartment residents Are you worried about the H1N1 Virus? philosophy have not been relocated and relocated again without much explanation. Houses 1920 and 1924 on Pennington Road for ex- 40% I am a little worried but not changing my lifestyle. “This trip will 40% No way. It’s blown out of proportion. ample share a small, abandoned parking lot, which really educate 20% Yes. I have been washing my hands all the time. could easily fit several cars, is accessible from Penning- 0% What is the H1N1 Virus? people about the ton Road, and would still leave plenty of room for serItalian Club, and vice and emergency vehicles if the situation arose. But show the cultural the College glances over logic in this situation, covering history of Italy the houses with the College House policy blanket and other than the turning a blind eye to the frustrations of students. traditional idea It is greatly appreciated that the Student Government Telephone: Mailing Address: Association has addressed parking problems on camof people who just Production Rm - (609) 771-2424 The Signal Business Office (609) 771-2499 c/o Brower Student Center pus, and are trying to make things easier for the students eat spaghetti and The College of New Jersey Fax: (609) 771-3433 as a whole, but for now College House residents are P.O. Box 7718 E-mail: meatballs.” Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 getting the short end of the stick. Last year, these unlucky souls were stuck listening — Italian Club Editorial Offices Arti Patel Kristen Lord to the construction of the new apartments and now we member Joseph Megan DeMarco Copy Editors are suffering again, as apartment residential parking has Editor-in-Chief Robert Morris Licci Bobby Olivier Sports Assistant eventually led to their designated parking spots extendTom O’Dell Managing Editor ing farther and farther away from home. Carrie Russomanno Abby Hocking “We don’t plan to Brianna Gunter Photo Assistant Campus life is supposed to get easier as we progress News Editors Laura Herzog lose our NJAC win through the years, not more difficult. Garrett Rasko-Martinis Arts & Entertainment Assistant
The Weekly Poll:
—Bobby Olivier Managing Editor
Editorial Content Unsigned editorial opinions are those of the Editorial Board, which consists of the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing, News, Features, Arts & Entertainment, Opinions, Photo and Sports editors and the Business Manager, unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and letters to the editor are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Signal.
Sports Editor Jeffrey Roman Features Editor Katie Brenzel Arts & Entertainment Editor Diana Bubser Opinions Editor Kaitlin Olcott Production Manager Tim Lee Photo Editor Kelli Plasket Web Editor Matt Huston Nation & World Editor Donna Shaw Advisor Lauren Gurry Jillian Polak
Business Office Diana Perez Business/Ad Manager Erica Chao Classifieds Manager
Quotes of the Week
streak any time soon. The fact that we have such a great freshmen class means that we are going are going to keep this ball rolling.” — Women’s tennis captain Stefanie Haar
page 8 The Signal September 16, 2009
September 16, 2009 The Signal page 9
Opinions The Signal says ... Stop: getting people sick, relying solely on caffeine, making bad jokes, being closeminded, talking about fantasy football. Caution: bumblebees, disorganization, mood swings, the NFL, unreliable computers, uncontrollable laughing fits. Go: dress like a hippie, drink some Vitamin Water, see Michael Ian Black, listen to Jason Mraz, watch ‘America’s Next Top Model,’ f ly a kite, take T/W fitness classes, dance like n o b o d y’s watching.
Policies The Signal is published weekly during the academic year and is financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and advertising revenue. Any student may submit articles to The Signal. Publication of submitted articles is at the discretion of the editors. The letters section is an open forum for opinions. Submissions that announce events or advertise in any way will not be printed. All letters should be sent via e-mail to Handwritten letters should be sent to The Signal, c/o The Brower Student Center, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718 Ewing, N.J. 08628 or placed in our mailbox in the Student Life Office. Letters must be received by the Friday before publication and should not exceed 300 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. All letters must be signed, with a phone number and address of the author. Requests to withhold the author’s name will be honored only if there is a legitimate reason. All materials submitted become the sole property of The Signal. The editors reserve the right to edit or withhold all articles, letters & photographs. The Signal willingly corrects factual mistakes. If you think we have made an error, please contact The Signal at (609) 771-2424, write to the address listed above or e-mail us at
Obama’s victory didn’t erase America’s racist legacy
Rob Mangel
The legacy of white supremacy and racism are, without a doubt, two of Americaʼs rawest nerves. The countryʼs postracism societal status came into question when President Barack Obama was elected last
year. Society must now ask itself whether Obamaʼs presidential victory sufficiently erased the memory of slavery and the subsequent treatment of the black population. The answer, in this writerʼs opinion, is absolutely not. Though our nationʼs democratic system has included African-Americans since its inception in 1776, political incorporation only began 40 years ago. Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in 1865, but if you think that moment in time was the end to black suffering in America, you are, at the very least, ignorant. After slavery, black Americans faced intense segregation, and it took 90 years to change the social order. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and Ella Baker fought social injustices, becoming important not only in black history, but in the United Statesʼ overarching story. With respect for these individuals, why is Obamaʼs election being treated so differently? Obamaʼs rise to power from humble beginnings embodies the essence of the American Dream. It is our recognition of his place in history that puts him in the uncomfortable position of having to erase 300 years of oppression. It is important to remember that despite being a black man, Obama
Signal Spotlight
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Despite President Barack Obamaʼs victory, the legacy of racism in the United States still presents problems to African-Americans. is not representative of Americaʼs black population as a whole. The United States still has a multitude of problems that the citizenry must face to build major inroads in opposition to the legacy of racism, but it is difficult to address the issue of race in this country because people are uncomfortable talking about it. Today, to lessen racial tension, many Americans immediately jump to the concept of color blindness. By turning to the color blind approach, people are more likely to avoid the issue of race altogether. However, to turn a blind eye to an individualʼs race is to deny that part of him
or her as a person. The theory of a post-racial society is not possible without the collective ability of a community or nation to not only see disparities in color, but to see different skin colors and accept them. The color blind utopia that various political and social figures talk about will be impossible unless Americans can learn to cope with our countryʼs legacy of racism. In the meantime, Americans will have to accept Obamaʼs election as a moment when they judged someone on his character and achievements, instead of the color of his skin.
What TV show are you looking forward to most this fall and why?
“ʻSouth Park,ʼ because itʼs the best show on the planet.”
“ʻHow I Met Your Mother,ʼ because of Neil Patrick Harris.”
“ʻGossip Girl,ʼ because Chuck Bass is really hot.”
“ʻGreyʼs Anatomy,ʼ because I want to know whoʼs still alive.”
—Rimida Panzer, senior economics major
—Victor Tafro, senior computer engineering major
—Julie Laracy, junior international studies major
—Frances Forti, junior elementary education/ MST major
Embrace your inner loser by writing for Opinions! (Because Finn Hudson said so).
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page 10 The Signal September 16, 2009
September 16, 2009 The Signal page 11
No joke: Stewart’s dad taught at college By Randolph Portugal Staff Writer
Everyone knows there is no one better at satirizing the political realm than Comedy Centralʼs Jon Stewart. What many do no know, though, is Stewartʼs father, Donald Leibowitz, is an expert in various engineering fields who used to teach at the College. Leibowitz was a Liberal Learning adjunct professor who taught a Society, Ethics and Technology (SET) section with associate professor of technology studies Ralph Edelbach at the College. Leibowitzʼ second of four sons, Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, aspired to be a comedian and eventually became the host of “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central. Stewart dropped his official last name and changed the spelling of his middle name to become the Jon Stewart millions know today. According to Leibowitz, Stewart changed his name because it was too “ethnic” for Hollywood. “You can catch Jon on ʻThe Daily Showʼ Mondays through Thursdays on Comedy Central at 11 p.m.,” joked the professor. “And feel free to read his two books, ʻNaked Pictures of Famous Peopleʼ and ʻAmerica (The Book): A Citizenʼs Guide to Democracy Inaction.ʼ” Leibowitz saw Stewartʼs determination to be a comedian. “I felt that he was definitely taking his chances trying to make it as a comedian, but he was strong-willed like the rest of my other sons,” Leibowitz said. The former professor still keeps in contact with Stewart despite his sonʼs busy schedule. “All my sons had their own experiences and I am absolutely proud of all of them,” Leibowitz said. His oldest son, Larry Leibowitz, worked for Morgan Stanley, a global financial services firm, and eventually became the chief operator of the New York Stock Exchange. Leibowitzʼ third son Daniel works for the non-profit organization Isles, a community development and environmental organization. His
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Photo courtesy of Donald Leibowitz
youngest son, Matthew, graduated as a psychology major at the College in 2006 and is now a substance abuse counselor. Leibowitz graduated from New York Cityʼs Stuyvesant High School in 1949. The professor then went on to earn a degree in physics from the City College of New York. Before arriving at the College, Leibowitz had a long career in energy and economy. In 1971 he became the energy coordinator for the New Jersey Department of Treasury. He remained at that position for more than 14 years, developing energy-saving techniques for the state buildings in Trenton. He also helped with the early development of the cogeneration district heating and cooling systems in Trenton, providing more efficient heating and cooling with better pollution control than localized boilers. In 1988, he became president of the Trenton District Energy Company (TDEC) of the Trigen Energy Corporation, where he also worked while still with the Department of Treasury.
He currently holds 10 patents for different applications in engineering projects and received his masterʼs degree in physics from New York University and a masterʼs degree in economics from Rutgers University. Leibowitz remained with TDEC for 12 years before retiring in 2000. After relaxing for a year, he could not stand retirement any longer and applied for a teaching job at the College. In 2001, all freshmen had to take the SET course, however, the College decided to change the program in favor of the current freshman course experience, the First Seminar Program (FSP). He then taught a Liberal Learning course called “Human Survival – the Challenge of Science in the 21st Century.” He continued the course until the end of Fall 2008. Leibowitz currently teaches an online course at Thomas Edison University.
Donald Leibowitz (right) is the father of Jon Stewart (left), host of Comedy Centralʼs ʻThe Daily Show.ʼ Leibowitz used to teach at the College as a liberal learning adjunct professor.
Campus Style imperfection. What are you wearing? I got my dress at a boutique in Point Pleasant, N.J., the slip-on is from my momʼs closet and I bought the Frye boots in New Hope, Pa. And your jewelry? My grandpa is really into estate jewelry. He goes to auctions and buys all of this bulk junk jewelry. I stole these necklaces from him. Most of it just accumulates in our attic.
Kristen Kubilus / Staff Writer
By Kristen Kubilus Staff Writer On this campus, it is refreshing to spot someone with a look completely her own. Even more refreshing is when a person wears this look with confidence. Part of what makes junior English major Allie Binaco so stylish is her open attitude toward fashion and her willingness to work even the most unusual pieces into her look. Sheʼs bold and always keeps it interesting. Instead of appearing flawlessly put-together, Binaco chooses to break the rules of fashion often too closely followed by others and make things her own. She masters the art of
Where do you shop? I really like thrift and vintage stores. I find a lot of my clothes at the Salvation Army and Goodwill. This summer, I lived in Washington Heights, N.Y. and there were so many little cheap, gaudy stores with really awful looking things. Itʼs fun to play with them and work them into my look. What inspires you when youʼre putting an outfit together? Iʼm a texture person. I love contrasting colors, textures and fabrics. When Iʼm in a store I like to buy individual pieces as opposed to copying whole looks. Do you find that your style changes a lot? I get into phases. Iʼve gotten really into cutting up Hanes T-shirts. Recently Iʼve been wearing an
excess of necklaces. Sometimes I want to wear the same shirt all week and I just wear it in different ways. How did you dress when you were younger? I definitely was experimental when I was younger. I would find things that were ridiculous and want to wear them. I still do that.
Read this week’s ‘Let’s Talk About Sex with Lauren Gurry’ Online!
When did you go blonde? I went blonde in March of last year. It was orange for a while because the hair dressers couldnʼt get it the color I wanted. This summer, I went to a cosmetology school in SoHo to get my hair done and I was this girlʼs final project, and she put blue in my hair. I was just like, “You do what you want, you know best.” How do you feel about standing out with your look? Iʼm a firm believer in being you and expressing yourself. Itʼs funny because my family hates my hair and my tattoo. They always say, “Why are you wearing that? We get it, youʼre making a statement.” What would you say to someone shy about standing out? Find something that gets you excited, whether itʼs a style, piece, color, fabric, or design. Run with it and make it your own.
Tim Lee / Photo Editor
Duct tape is not the best method of getting what you want in a relationship. Lauren offers better solutions in this week’s column.
page 12 The Signal September 16, 2009
Arts & Entertainment
Faculty unveils different perspectives of family By Krystal Spencer Correspondent
The Art Department debuted its first gallery exhibit of the year entitled, “Family,” Wednesday Sept. 9 in Holman Hall. It will run through Oct. 14. Professors of the department contributed their personal works from various mediums including photography, video and painting. Only a few of the pieces actually featured faculty members’ families, such as professor of photography Justin James Reed’s digital prints of his wife and child, entitled “Michele.” Many pieces relied on different interpretations of family, delving into unconventional ideas of relation. For example, professor of digital and fine arts Ruane Miller’s digital painting entitled “Desert Messenger,” drew on nature for inspiration to demonstrate its connection with humanity. Drawing professor Kenneth Kaplowitz, a 29-year member of the Art Department, produced four digital prints depicting various ideas of family, including the biblical picture of dysfunction, “Cain and Abel” and “The Shower,” centered on the Holocaust. Each of the prints took three to four weeks to complete and were his first and only drafts, Kaplowitz said. A series of photographs entitled, “Doppelgangers” by professor of digital arts Stefan Abrams depicted four pairs of friends to suggest that family doesn’t necessarily refer to blood relation. In addition to introducing new
perspectives of family, the exhibit provided a chance for students to see their professors’ specialties beyond the classroom. “It’s good to see a final project,” said senior biology major Kim O’Keefe. “I had Miller when ‘Desert Messenger’ was just a work in progress.” Not every work contributed was a faculty produced long-term project. Art Department chair Anita Allyn created “Inheritance” specifically for the exhibit. Using various materials, including a series of vases from her home that she painted white, Allyn created the background for a pop-art-style projection. “It’s about the passing cycle of letting go,” Allyn explained. “I believe it’s very important that the students see what inspires the faculty. An exhibit like this shows another layer of these tremendous, outstanding artists.” The exhibit is a part of this year’s campus-wide theme of family. Every year the College picks a theme, which each department expresses differently. The art gallery is one of the first venues of the year. “It’s fun to be the kickoff of this type of cross-campus dialogue,” gallery director Sarah Cunningham said. “This is our way of reaching out to the other departments. Here we can create discussion on how to improve the idea of family and possibly even enable others to look beyond what we take for granted on a daily basis.” “Family” is the first of many exhibits from the Art Department this year. Coming soon will be an exhibit featuring Mexican art.
Tim Lee / Photo Editor
Freshman chemistry major David Leon admires Ruane Miller’s ‘Desert Messenger.’
Improvisational comedy troupe storms Brower
Abby Hocking / Photo Assistant
Liz So (Left), Jill Hernandez (center) and Cat Cosentino represent ‘good, bad and ugly’ in comedy sketch last Thursday night.
By Laura Herzog Arts & Entertainment Assistant
The Mixed Signals raced onto the stage in a blur of high-energy last Thursday night at its first comedy show of the semester. The sketch comedy troupe is accustomed to lively audiences lured by the promise of laughs and free entertainment. Thursday night was seemingly no exception as all of the seats in Room 202 of the
Brower Student Center were quickly filled, forcing several latecomers to stand in the back. Because it was the year’s first show, an elevated sense of jitters and excitement was apparent not only from the audience’s anticipatory pre-show buzz but also in the performers’ comments after the show. “I was kind of nervous, because it’s our first time without the seniors,” senior math major Steve Fingerhut said, who added that the group is currently smaller than it has been in several years.
“The stage didn’t fall apart, which is always good,” junior business major Jeff Mondoro added with a laugh. The show displayed the seven members’ wacky potpourri of comedic personalities, as well as the content of the jokes — which ran the comedic gamut of highbrow, lowbrow, ironic, irrelevant and physical humor. As usual, the group offered up an eclectic mix of games involving audience-suggested themes to spark their comedic imaginations. Politics, college admissions, bad gynecology, feminism and religion were just some of the many topics that the players touched on. While responses to jokes ranged from silence, guffaws, and unabashed cackling, the evening ultimately seemed to be a success with the audience. “Something that (2009 graduate) Vegas Lancaster had told me is that the audience always laughs at who’s loudest, and I try to remember that,” junior English major Steven Avigliano said. Some subjects of laughter even surprised the comedians themselves. Of the jokes that evolved throughout the show, an ongoing gag involving planetary come-ons was a stand-out for its randomness. “Hey Mercury, why don’t you come a little closer to Mars? Get a little red-on-red action going, you know what I mean?” Avigliano joked. Mixed Signals has been the college’s leading improvisational comedy troupe since 1996, according to its Web site, Over the years, the close-knit group, which currently holds two-hour practice sessions twice a week, has gained a loyal following on campus. Despite a slow beginning, a whirlwind of hilarity ensued and the night ended on a satisfying high note for both the audience members and the performers. While the Mixed Signals rehearses regularly, the spontaneity of each show is key in each performance. “I think (improv is) comedy at its purist, just because it’s not premeditated material,” Mondoro said.
September 16, 2009 The Signal page 13
and fun. sneak Mraz covers plague soloist night Disco familiar ties into latest
By Margaret Pakutka Correspondent
Mr. A-Z certainly has a way with collegeage singer/songwriters, as was proven last Friday night at the College Union Board’s (CUB) first Student Soloist Night of the year. From the event’s kickoff until the stage’s closing, five acoustic acts rocked the Rathskeller crowd. Three of the performers covered Jason Mraz at some point during their set. Out of those three instances, the inescapable “I’m Yours” was performed twice. Senior music education major Ben Krupit was the evening’s red-handed trendsetter. After finishing his prepared set, the singer was informed there was still time for one more song. “Freebird?” he joked. The crowd instead convinced him to perform Enrique Iglesias’s “Hero,” with the help of two male friends. The trio’s camaraderie squealed “bromance,” as the crowd laughed along. The vocal powerhouse and sole female performer of the evening was senior communication studies major Cat Cosentino. She won the audience with her soulful, jazzy arrangement of Sublime’s popular “Doin’ Time,” and later made everyone laugh with a mumbled, offhand remark, blaming a brief mix up on all her “crack.” Senior Biomedical Engineering major Tom Coughlin was responsible for the second “I’m Yours” of the night. After performing several originals including “God Only Knows,” a ballad inspired by the world’s rapidly increasing birth rate, CUB unfortunately had to deny him an encore despite a room full of pleading audience members. Starting his set off with a Margot and
fun. “Aim and Ignite” 4 out of 5
By Chris Payne WTSR Music Director
Brittany Oldewurtel / Staff Photographer
Tom Coughlin (above) peformed both originals and covers last Friday at the first student soloist night of the year. the Nuclear So and So’s cover, senior mechanical engineering major Dave Ginsberg proved his credibility. A veteran soloist, Ginsberg’s vocal techniques were worthy of ticket fare. Following the night’s pattern, he finished off his set with a cover of Mraz’s “You and I.” Following Ginsberg’s set was sophomore communication studies major Jake Ehrlich and his guitar/ukulele double-threat. Though he admittedly chose to play a
Daniel Johnston cover in lieu of “Little Red Caboose,” original songs about love and chewing gum earned Ehrlich redemption. Despite the occasionally overpowering presense of Mraz, CUB’s first Student Soloist night of the semester turned out to be three hours of free, quality entertainment for all. The next featured event was the PopRock Night on Tuesday Sept. 15th, from 8-11 p.m. with Jet Lag Gemini.
Weak apocalypse and Bateman are white noise
‘ForPlay’ deserves action
By Katie Brenzel Arts and Entertainment Editor
It’s dirty. It’s catchy. You’ve never heard of it. Saint Motel’s EP, “ForPlay,” introduces a sound that squeezes somewhere between indierock, psychedelic-rock, and sex. Boasting an addictive six tracks without mindless pop beats, the Saint Motels released their debut Sept. 8 under One For the Records/Get Fresh Records. The Los Angeles based band consists of A/J Jackson on guitar and vocals, A Sharp on lead guitar, Greg Erwin on drums and Dak on bass. The four met in film school, a history that translates to their animated music and inventive videos. Jackson delivers the sexually-charged lyrics with swagger and a smoothness that would make you think he’s sporting a pompadour. “To My Enemies,” incorporates a flavor of swing that transitions into a string of Sharp’s impressive slide-guitar solos. Be advised: If you listen to this song in public, you will have to fight sudden uncontrollable urges to dance. “Pity Party” and “Eat Your Heart Out” invoke traces of influence from giants such as Kings of Leon and U2 but intermittently return to the ’50s rock feel of “To My Enemies.” Its attraction to cinema, and therefore storytelling, becomes evident when Motel paints the vivid image of destruction surrounding dictatorship in their first single. “Dear Dictatorship” begins with a delicate, luring melody, which immediately transforms into explosive guitar riffs, mirroring the chaos imposed by the dictator. The song concludes with the haunting tone of the beginning, barely leaving evidence of its preceding intensity. “Do Everything Now” essentially serves as the anthem of the EP, encouraging various degrees of debauchery, justified by “This life is your life just get it on” and the refrain “Do everything now… We’re still young.” “Butch” again brings in the different era feel but decorates the familiar beat with crisp, abrupt guitar riffs and a techno-initiated, but PeteTownshend-inspired climax. The track’s gradual build of the gentle beat contrasts comically with the blunt and somewhat shallow lyrics. Katie Brenzel can be reached at
‘Extract’ is ‘king’ of subtlety Don’t expect “Extract” to be “Office Space,” the endlessly quotable cult classic that puts jokes first and plot second. However, do expect it to be more like director Mike Judge’s TV project, “King of the Hill,” a consistently funny look at American suburban workers who eventually learn to appreciate what they have. In “Extract,” Joel (Jason Bateman) runs an extract factory, full of apathetic workers biding their time while looking for something better. Sexually frustrated at home, and jaded and bored at work, Joel is prepared to sell the factory. But a freak accident and subsequent lawsuit gets in the way, along with other random failed schemes. This is a light but thoughtful comedy, in which everybody overreaches their grasp, recoils, and eventually realizes the value of what they already possess. It may not be side-splitting or ground-breaking, but it’s smart, and the fantastic cast with J. K. Simmons, Kristen Wiig, and Ben Affleck will keep you laughing and thinking the whole way. —Nathan Fuller
‘9’ is a nightmare for Burton fans It is always interesting to see the use of computer animation targeted toward older audiences. The technology often allows audiences to imagine incredible new worlds with stunning detail. This is where “9” truly shines, providing viewers with a post-apocalyptic world that is brooding in an atmosphere of trepidation. Unfortunately, “9” doesn’t offer much else. That is not to say the movie is a complete waste of time. In fact, some of the action sequences are outright exhilarating. The motion technology utilized to present the film’s animated world is a rollercoaster ride for the senses. This, combined with its 80 minute running time, makes this flick a fun and painless experience. However, while “9” is a feast for the eyes, the plot lacks substantial development. The film revolves around a group of rag dolls that are left to survive after mankind has been completely wiped out. Beyond this, the action and conclusion fail to offer a satisfying ending. —Jason Seyler
Though Format broke up on the heels of their breakthrough record, “Dog Problems,” the spirit of the group seems to be alive and well. Despite the band’s break, front man Nate Ruess’ aspirations of late ’60s revivalism are more alive then ever. Ruess’ new solo project, fun., is the logical extension of the loose ends left by his former band. In “Aim and Ignite,” fun. embraces a “more is more” approach, caking on layers of guitar, strings, and horns to create a lush bed of sound — no holds barred, no vocal melody left untouched. Ruess is daring in power pop numbers such as “Benson Hedges” and “All the Pretty Girls,” while tracks like “I Wanna Be the One” often sound more like show tunes than indie — anything. Key Tracks: “All the Pretty Girls,” “Benson Hedges”
Simian Mobile Disco “Temporary Pleasure” 2.5 out of 5
By Melissa Virzi WTSR Assistant Music Director British producers/remixers James Ford and James Shaw decided to leave their experimental electronica group Simian when they realized what was lacking from their group — disco and mobility. Simian Mobile Disco was formed, releasing a critically acclaimed album in 2007, an awkward live album a year later, and finally, a proper sophomore release a few weeks ago. The occasionally excessive dance beats in this record are reminiscent of awkward middle school dances in the gym, but underneath all of that synth there’s definitely substance. The indie guest spots on the album add the essential dance record flavor, with Yeasayers Chris Keating spitting lyrics about everything from James Joyce to pools full of Kool-Aid, and The Gossip’s Beth Ditto delivering one of the best performances on the record in “Cruel Intentions.” Despite a handful of electronica instrumental tracks, SMD don’t limit themselves to disco and dance. “Turn Up the Dial” is testament to this, which features the group Young Fathers rapping over classic Simian beats. Key Tracks: “10,000 Horses Can’t be Wrong,” “Bad Blood,” “Cruel Intentions”
page 14 The Signal September 16, 2009
Jeter pulls N.Y. heartstrings Captain measured with all-time greats By Bobby Olivier Managing Editor
The Big Apple sure does have a soft spot for that Derek Jeter kid. If the New York Yankees shortstop broke his team’s all-time hits record on any other day in New York, it would grab the top of every headline in town, but not on this day. This day was Sept. 11, a day when America shined its spotlight down on the city that never sleeps, remembering the tragedy that struck not long ago. Jeter has always known how to steal the show, but the Sept. 11 anniversary was definitely more important to new Yorkers … right? Not to the New York Daily News, who ran a broadsheet-style Jeter front page the following day, as well as a two-page Yankee spread ahead of the Sept. 11 section. Could it be? Does this mean that New York City is beginning to care less about Sept. 11? No, of course not, but it does mean that its residents care quite a bit about their Yankee captain. Jeter in a sense is New York City — on its billboards, in its commercials and blanketing its newsstands — but how does this superstar stack up to the other beloved Yankee greats? Who do fans love more from generation to generation? We are talking about current, air breathing fans as a whole, from the six-year old with
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Derek Jeter salutes the crowd after breaking Gehrig’s record. the big head to the senile grandfather who swears he sold Babe Ruth a Popsicle in 1935. This is a judgment of Yankee fans as a whole as I see it. The easiest way to handle such a difficult task is to match Jeter up with each Yankee whose number has been retired and set out to pasture behind the Yankee Stadium walls. Excluding pitchers, we begin on our journey back in time with Donnie Baseball, Don Mattingly (23). Mattingly was loved by fans and the Yankees organization during the ’80s and ’90s, but was never able to grasp the championships that Jeter has been a part of, therefore cementing his winning legacy.
More loved? Jeter. Next up is the straw that stirred the drink, Reggie Jackson (44). Jackson brought championships to the organization in 1977-1978, but was not on the team for enough time to build that long-lasting player-fan relationship. More loved? Jeter. Staying in the 1970s, lets discuss Thurman Munson (15). The man was the leader and captain of Yankees teams full of talent, a bulldog at home plate and a stand-up family man before his untimely demise. Not touching this one, sorry. More loved? Munson. As we move to the 1960s, we find two more fine catchers, Yogi Berra (8) and Elston Howard (32). Let’s face it, Howard was loved, but
from what I have researched, not like Jeter is now. More loved? Jeter. But on the contrary, Berra has a record 12 World Series rings with the Yankees, and damn it, do fans love those “Yogi-isms.” More loved? Berra. Also earning his pinstripes in the ’60s was Roger Maris (9). Yes, he broke Babe Ruth’s homerun record with 61 in ’61, we all know the story. And although some still consider him to hold that record, he is not revered as other Yankee greats are. More loved? Jeter. Traveling back to the 1950s, this discussion becomes increasingly harder. We will keep Joe DiMaggio (5) in the 1940s for now and deal with Billy Martin (1), Phil Rizzuto (10) and Mickey Mantle (7). First up is the ferocious Martin. He was enthusiastic, and clutch in all of those World Series wins, although often overshadowed by bigger names. Martin’s managing career created a legacy of its own, but he is not in that same category. More loved? Jeter. Rizzuto and Mantle are different stories. Rizzuto spent so much of his life devoted to the Yanks, whether it was playing shortstop or broadcasting games, and will always be remembered for his famous line, “Holy Cow!” More loved? Rizzuto. Now with Mantle, there is no comparison. “The Mick” was fast, strong, played through pain, bought rounds and rounds of beers, and was absolutely adored. The boy from Oklahoma did it all, and is the most beloved Yankee of the see LEGEND page 15
Women’s tennis flies past the NJAC competiton
Men’s team opens season against tough opponent
By Robert Morris Sports Assistant
Both the men’s and women’s tennis teams had strong showings in last week’s matches. The women’s team won two conference matches against Kean University and William Paterson University — as well as two out-of-conference matches. The men’s team opened their season in the annual Lions Kickoff Tournament. The
team had some great performances, but was eventually defeated by the visiting Division I Villanova. The women’s team extended their consecutive New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) win streak to 129 straight victories. This past Wednesday, Sept. 9, the College defeated Kean University in a 9-0 shutout away from home. Senior captain Jackie Shtemberg continued to dominate, winning both of her singles matches, in 6-
Tom O’Dell / Photo Assistant
Sophomore Felice Trinh serves the ball.
0 shutouts. Shtemberg also won her doubles match, paired with freshman phenom Lauren Balsamo, notching another shutout victory, 8-0. “We don’t plan to lose our NJAC win streak anytime soon,” said senior captain Stefanie Haar. “The fact that we have such a great freshmen class means that we’re going to keep this ball rolling for years.” Sophomore Felice Trinh won both her singles matches and doubles matched with senior Tamra Wroblesky. The women’s team followed this strong performace with three more stellar victories, including two more NJAC victories. They defeated both William Paterson and RutgersNewark Universities in the Lions Kickoff Tournament by scores of 90 in each matchup. Shtemberg and Haar both easily won their singles matches, and Wroblesky and Trinh continued to dominate on the doubles side of the court. Also making their presence felt in the tournament were freshmen Allison Tierney and Karisse Bendijo who remained perfect in three double matches, 8-2, 8-3 and 8-2. The women’s team looks more than ready to continue their excellent play at Ramapo College on Saturday. “We have a great group of freshmen, and the best thing about them
Tim Lee / Photo Editor
Steve Fernandez makes a strong backhanded return. is that they’re just so excited to be here,” Haar said. “We just feel the energy, and we know how to use it to make us better as upperclassmen and leaders.” The women’s team also concluded their two-day Lions Kickoff Tournament with Villanova on Sunday. Tierney and Bendijo won all three of their doubles matches and each of their singles matches. Overall, the Lions won five of their seven singles matches and 10 of their 15 doubles against the Wildcats. The men’s tennis team hosted Villanova in their kickoff tournament this past weekend, for their first match of the season.
The Lions walked off the courts after a tough 13-6 loss to their Division I opponent. Senior Jon Glincman remained perfect throughout the tournament in singles play, winning both of his matches. Freshman Keith Goldstein and sophomore Stewart Fernandez also won. Sophomore Dan Lee won both singles and doubles matches against Villanova. The men’s team performed admirably against a tough opponent, and look to continue that strong play when they host the Stevens Institute of Technology from Friday to Sunday.
September 16, 2009 The Signal page 15 Women’s Soccer
Lions take home second title Late heroics earn team’s fifth win
By Michael O’Donnell Staff Writer
The women’s soccer team started the season seeking to avenge its first failure to claim the New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) title in three years. After two weeks of play, the College is well on their way to achieving this goal. The Lions are undefeated with five victories, and have won two tournament titles in two weeks. The College defeated the host school, State University of New York at Oneonta, and Hartwick College on consecutive days to win the Oneonta Mayor’s Cup. The match against the Red Dragons was nothing short of a dog fight. After nearly 80 minutes of scoreless action, Oneonta took a late 1-0 lead on freshman forward Kayla Brantmeyer’s goal. However, the Lions did not falter, and the visitors evened up the score on the first career goal by freshman midfielder Toni DeMaio. The rookie out of Parsippany tied up the contest on a beautiful cross from sophomore defender Annie McCarthy with 5:01 remaining. The 1-1 tie sent the game into overtime, but one extra period was not enough. Both teams fought hard into another overtime. But it was the co-captain Briann McDonough, who would be the hero. The junior forward netted a goal just 3:41 into the second overtime to secure the victory for the Lions. “It’s great to see everyone get an
opportunity,” senior goalkeeper Jess Clarke said, “It shows how much depth we have this season.” McDonough’s goal was her second of the season, but this wasn’t her only clutch moment in the tournament. McDonough scored the only goal the Lions would need as they handily took down the Hawks of Hartwick College 5-0. With her goal coming in the 20th minute, McDonough was later named the Most Valuable Offensive Player of the tournament. McCarthy, DeMaio and freshman forward Katie Landrigan were also named to the all-tournament team. The forward tacked on a pair of goals just two minutes apart to solidify the Lions four-goal output in the second half. Goals were also scored in that period by youthful classmates Brenna Rubino and Alexa Rozzi, adding insurance for the College victory. “This year we have 17 new players to the team,” Clarke said. “It is crucial that the returning players exhibit the proper way to maintain the reputation as one of the most respected programs in the country.” Clarke just needed one save to record her third shutout of the year. The Lions have been extremely efficient on both sides of the field, scoring an impressive 22 goals while only allowing two on defense. “If we continue to work hard we can have a very successful and exciting year,” Clarke said. The undefeated Lions continue the streak of road matches tonight, Sept. 16, as they travel to Swarthmore College to battle the Garnet at 7:30 p.m.
Photo courtesty of Sports Desk
Sophomore Annie McCarthy. The College will then trave to Kean University for the team’s first NJAC game of the season.
By Steve Hofstetter, Keith Alberstadt, Ryan Murphy, and Chris Strait The Minnesota Vikings have named Brett Favre a team captain. Which is nicer than what Packer fans call him. The NBA is expected to lock out its referees. Strange they usually lock up their referees. Kansas City starters Gil Meche and Brian Bannister are likely done for the rest of the season. The Royals did not disclose the exact nature of their injuries since nobody cared to ask. The Houston Cougars shocked Oklahoma State this weekend. People in Stillwater haven’t been this upset since the last time they remembered they lived in Stillwater. And a streaker ran onto the field during a Mets game. That’s different, since Mets season ticket holders are usually the only nuts you see.
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Men’s Soccer
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Legend / New icon Lions edged in weekend tournament continued from page 20 past 60 years. More loved? Mantle. Again with DiMaggio, there’s no conversation. His statistics and hit streak speak for themselves, and who knows what he would have done if he didn’t spend a chunk of his prime fighting in World War II. More loved? DiMaggio. At this point, the conversation of who is more loved may seem to be weighing toward the side of the older players, but keep in mind, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and Jeter has not had any time away from the game to gain the love of fans old enough to remember players from past ages. Moving on The final three who stormed the Bronx ball field in the 1920s and 1930s include Bill Dickey (8), Babe Ruth (3) and the man who Jeter’s name will be linked to forever, Lou Gehrig (4). Don’t get me wrong, Dickey may have been the best catcher the Yankees ever had, but his name doesn’t resonate like others on the city streets these days. More loved? Jeter. The Babe was, and will always be the most well-known and easily recognizable Yankee. They had the guy wearing a crown for God’s sake. More loved? Ruth. Finally, as it did last week, the tally comes down to Jeter and Gehrig. Obviously Gehrig gets the nod, but although he is the more beloved Yankee, I doubt he could dream up a more suitable player to take his place atop the Yankees’ all-time hits list than Jeter. Like Gehrig, Jeter has always hustled, played through injuries, fought off pitches, taken pitches in the hands and elbows and won his spot in the hearts of the fans in the toughest sports city in the world. Both have always been Yankees, and just as Gehrig will always have his corner of the pinstriped spotlight, Jeter is making his a little brighter, one hit at a time. Bobby Olivier can be reached at
Offensive woes still haunt the Lions
By Garrett Rasko-Martinis Sports Editor
The Lions owned an unbeaten record earlier in the week because of a dominant combination of stout defense and timely scoring. The College traveled to compete in the Richard Stockton Fall Classic this weekend, hoping to employ that same lethal combination for their second straight tournament title. While their defense continued to keep opposing players out of the net, the offense was not as dominant. In both games the College sputtered offensively, and put up no goals. In their first match with Albright College, the College settled for a second tie after double overtime this season. The defense shut down the Albright Lions, and junior goalkeeper Eric Goldwaser needed just two saves to preserve the tie and a shutout. On the offensive side of the ball, the College outshot the competition 19-6, but just couldn’t get the game-winner across. Senior forward Kevin Luber led the College with four shots, and freshman midfielder Taylor Gregory and sophomore forward Chris Pisano took three shots apiece. “Offense is all about creating chances and taking advantage of them,” head coach George Nazario said. “We had the chances, but we just couldn’t get the ball in the net.” Following this tough draw, the Lions were defeated for the first time this season, despite once again outshooting the competition. The Lions were defeated by a late goal by sophomore midfielder Ethan Armstrong with four minutes remaining in regulation. The Lions offense has now been held scoreless in three of its five games. Despite outshooting the Knights 15-7, the Lions once again failed to produce the game-winning shot. “We’re going in the right direction. If we were getting shut out in week eight, instead of week two I’d be worried,” Nazario said. “We just got to keep creating chances on offense and hopefully some of those shots will start rolling into the net.”
Tom O’Dell / Photo Assistant
Senior Kevin Luber winds up for the kick.
Meanwhile the defense for the College continued to play well, surrendering only the one goal. Goldwaser recorded an additional three saves in this game, and the defensive unit has continued to baffle opposing offenses. Despite not recording a victory, senior midfielder Anthony Staropoli was named to the all-tournament team. “He’s been around here for four years and he has a pretty good head on his shoulders,” Nazario said. “He’s a great midfielder and he played well. We really depend on him in the middle of the field, and hopefully he’ll keep playing well and we’ll get some wins.” After four games away from home, the Lions will return home for a match with the Stevens Institute of Technology tonight, Sept. 16, at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday the Lions will play their first New Jersey Athletic Conference rival of the season as Kean University comes to the College for a 1 p.m. showdown. Garrett Rasko-Martinis can be reached at
page 16 The Signal September 16, 2009
Ride for Brian In Memory of Senior TCNJ student Brian Deppa (1987-2009) September 30th, 1:00 p.m.-4:00p.m. Quimbyʼs Prairie (in front of Green Hall) A beautiful 27 mile ride to Washington Crossing and back. Helmets required, snacks provided. Donations for the organization “charity:water” are gratefully accepted, but not required. Sponsors are welcome. Make your check payable to Charity Global. Please write “charity: water” in the Memo. We will collect donations before the ride. The event is sponsored by Brianʼs family, the Math Club and the School of Science Faculty.
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Part Time Art Instructors Needed
To teach in afterschool programs Throughout Mercer County Will Train. Great experience for future teachers! Are you a kid magnet? Call 609-918-1300 and tell me why! Or visit Busy Household Looking for After-School Care Monday-Friday (or some combination thereof) from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in our Lawrenceville home for one girl age 11. Responsibilities include preparing snacks, or light dinner, occasionally helping with homework and taking child to/from sports activities locally. Only two miles from campus. Competitive pay!! Please contact Carmen at 609-577-1240 or visit Fitness Instructors, Service Desk, Childcare & Youth Activity Positions available at Send resume with desired position and available work schedule to: Middle School Tutor I am looking for a tutor for my daughter who will be in 7th grade at Community Middle School in West Windsor. I would prefer a female education major who can drive to my house. I need someone who can work with her on upcoming tests and papers and keep her on track. It would be in the evening and I would need this person to be flexible. The pay would be $40.00 per hour. If interested please call 275-9580. Biology/Chemistry Tutor Tutoring center needs college student to tutor high school biology and chemistry. Must have own ride. Please contact ccbschoolprinc
September 16, 2009 The Signal page 17
page 18 The Signal September 16, 2009
4 6
DORM 5 3
Chris Rotolo “The Ref”
Garrett Rasko-Martinis Sports Editor
Bobby Olivier Managing Editor
Andrew Amadeo Correspondent
It’s Week 4, and Sports Editor Garrett Rasko-Martinis, Managing Editor Bobby Olivier and Correspondent Andrew Amadeo are looking to climb up the Atd ranks. Correspondent Chris Rotolo will quiz our contestants on whether Allen Iverson will hurt or help a weak Grizzlies team, which team will take home the Commissioner’s Trophy in October and which college football program is looking the best.
1. Future Hall of Fame point guard Allen Iverson signed a one-year deal with Memphis Grizzlies. This is a man whose prowess for dividing teams is comparable to Terrell Owens. Will he help a Grizzlies team that cannot get any worse?
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GRM: I’m not an Allen Iverson fan, but the guy has had a great career. I was shocked to discover that he is fifth all-time in scoring per game. He has obviously lost a step, but he’s a big personality who at the very least may bring people to the games. It’s true the team can’t get any worse — so at least he may excite the fans of a franchise that has no hope of seeing a successful basketball team this season. BO: First, Allen Iverson is in no way comparable to Terrell Owens in ruining his teams. Iverson can only help a franchise that is no doubt in the top three on the NBA’s “why is this still a team?” list. Iverson adds leadership among his abilities to the Grizzlies, who have never been a consistently above average team. Will the Grizzlies be above average with Iverson? No. Would the team be above average without him? Absolutely not. The bottom line is the Grizzlies suck a whole bunch no matter what happens, and Iverson will not change much as he is only one person. The Grizzlies will sell more jerseys — that’s about it. AA: Allen Iverson will help the Grizzlies.He is considered one of the greatest shooting guards of all time. Although he is getting older, there is no doubt he can get to the rim, because he is still lightning quick. Yes, his numbers have gone down but you have to keep in mind that he was injured almost all of last year. His points per game average the year before was 26.4, which will unquestionably help the Grizzlies. It will open up passing lanes for Marc Gasol, and get Rudy Gay and O.J. Mayo open looks. Look for the Grizzlies to contend in most games. Remember, the Grizzlies are a team that ranked at the bottom of almost every category on offense last season. CR: All answers are in favor of the Allen Iverson acquisition and I agree. It never hurts adding one of the greatest scorers in the game to your roster. Andrew gets the nod. I take kindly to those who use the word “contend” in the same sentence as my beloved Grizzlies. Garrett gets 2 points for mentioning Iverson is fifth all-time in scoring per game. Bobby is awarded 1 point, and may God have mercy on his soul.
2. With less than a month left in the Major League Baseball regular season, the playoff picture is coming together. Who are your picks for the World Series, and who will win? GRM: My bias aside, I have to say the Yankees are the favorites to win it in the American League. Even though there are questions about the rotation, I think we will see a new CC Sabathia in the playoffs with less innings compiled in the regular season. I’m not sure what to expect from A.J. Burnett, but Andy Pettitte has been great since the All-Star break and he’s a stud in the playoffs. While pitching certainly wins in the playoffs, I don’t think anyone else in the American League has a rotation that can eclipse the Bombers — except maybe the one-two punch of Justin Verlander and Edwin Jackson. But with the Yankees’ cirrcular lineup and dominant bullpen no one else can match, the Bombers have to be the favorites. For the National League, I think the St. Louis Cardinals are going to dominate the competition. The rotation is excellent, and not enough people seem to know about Adam Wainwright and Chris Carpenter, the league leaders in wins and earned run average, respectively. Toss in Albert Pujols, the greatest hitter in baseball, great offensive protection in Matt Holliday, and an All-star closer in Ryan Franklin, and you have a dominant postseason team. The Yankees and Cardinals will duke it out in October, and the Yankees will just edge the Cardinals in six or seven games.
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BO: As a die-hard New York Yankees fan, I am completely behind the Yanks to take the AL pennant this season. The offense has been golden, and in the new stadium, the Yanks are basically untouchable with all players loving the jet stream blowing balls out to right field. The team’s pitching has been on and off lately but it should come around come October. In the NL, the Cardinals have been the best team of the second half, so lets go with the hot team. The additions of Matt Holliday and John Smoltz have put the team over the top and it should make a serious push in the playoffs. AA: In the American League, I will take the Angels, because the Angels have a
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lineup that includes Chone Figgins, Torii Hunter, Vladimir Guerrero and my most valuable player candidate of the American League, Kendry Morales, on top of a veteran pitching staff that dominated the Yankees during the regular season. Morales has 30 home runs, 98 runs batted in and a .308 batting average on a team that played most of the year without Guerrero and Hunter, the team’s two best bats. In the NL it’s a no-brainer, the St. Louis Cardinals will cruise through the NL playoffs and win this year’s World Series. I’ll take Adam Wainwright, Chris Carpenter and Joel Pineiro against any lineup in the majors. And they have the NL MVP in a guy named Albert Pujols, who now has help with Matt Holliday, Mark DeRosa, and Julio Lugo. CR: I definitely agree with the St. Louis picks. However, Garrett gets 3 points for his Yankee pick and his point about dominant pitching. Good pitching beats good hitting any day of the week, and that goes double in short playoff series. Bobby gets 2 points. Andrew gets 1 point because the Angels’ bullpen is too weak to succeed in the playoffs.
BO: This is a joke. Florida is the best team by far. The Gators murdered Troy University this weekend and slaughtered Charleston Southern University last weekend. Tim Tebow knows the system and the Gators should have no problem gaining another National Championship. Good luck to everyone else but this is a one-horse race. AA: The two best teams in College Football are the Texas Longhorns and the Florida Gators, hands down. USC is close, but not at the Gators’ level. Oklahoma lost its title hopes when Bradford got hurt. Keeping this in mind, the Gators and Longhorns will not play for the National Championship. That game will be played by Florida and Notre Dame. Yes, that’s right, the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame behind Jimmy Clausen, Michael Floyd and Golden Tate. Notre Dame has a schedule that is one of the weakest in all of college football, except for the game versus USC, which, by the way, is in South Bend. Look for the Irish to take that game, and run the table to play the Gators, but expect the Gators to win by at least two touchdowns in the Bowl Championship Series National Championship Game. CR: You all chose Florida as the top team in the nation, and you are all correct. However, Garrett will receive 3 points for pointing out the fact that the entire national championship-winning defense is returning for the Gators. Andrew receives 2 points for making that bold Notre Dame national championship game selection. Bobby gets 1 point for pointing out the Gators 2-0 record.
3. College Football saw its first week come and go. After seeing the best teams in the nation take the field, who would you place at the top of the list? GRM: Until I see otherwise the Florida Gators are still No. 1 in the country. As much as I’m not a fan, Tim Tebow is a great college quarterback, and the team is almost entirely still there. The Gators may have lost Percy Harvin, but the great running backs still remain and the entire defense is returning. Barring injury, Florida still has all the tools to ensure it will have just as dominant a team in 2009 as 2008.
Garrett takes home the gold, 8 - 6 - 4
“There’s a reason why I am the Sports Editor.” — Garrett
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September 16, 2009 The Signal page 19
LIONS ROUNDUP Womenʼs Cross Country Date 9/12/09 9/24/09 10/2/09 10/17/09 10/23/09 10/31/09 11/7/09 11/14/09
Date 9/1/09 9/5/09 9/6/09 9/11/09 9/12/09 9/16/09 9/19/09 9/23/09 9/26/09 9/30/09 10/3/09 10/10/09 10/14/09 10/17/09 10/21/09 10/24/09
Opponent @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Trinity College Haverford College Lehigh University Oberlin College Haverford College Stockton College ECAC Championships Atlantic Reg. Champ.
Time/Result First Place 5 p.m. 2 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m.
Jackie Shtemberg Women’s Tennis
Menʼs Soccer Opponent
vs. @ @ @ @ vs. vs. @ vs. vs. vs. @ @ vs. @ @
Lion of the Week
Drew University N.C. Wesleyan College Greensboro College Albright College Arcadia University Stevens Inst.of Tech. Kean University Rowan University Montclair State U. Rutgers University - Camden Messiah College N.J. City University Richard Stockton College William Paterson U. Muhlenberg College Ramapo College
Time/Result T 0-0 2 OT W 3-2 W 3-1 T 0-0 2 OT L 0-1 7:30 p.m. 1 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 1 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m.
Senior Jackie Shtemberg won in each of her matches this past weekend against Kean, Rutgers - Newark, Villanova, and William Paterson Universities. She improves to 6-1 in singles play and 5-3 in doubles this season. Shtemberg has been a key member in the women’s tennis team’s success this season. -Robert Morris, Sports Assistant
This Week In Sports Football Sept. 18
vs. Fairleigh Dickinson U. - Florham 7 p.m.
Field Hockey
Date 9/1/09 9/4/09 9/5/09 9/12/09 9/13/09 9/16/09 9/19/09 9/23/09 9/26/09 9/30/09 10/3/09 10/7/09 10/11/09 10/14/09 10/17/09 10/21/09
Sept. 19
Womenʼs Soccer
vs. FDU - Florham 7:00 p.m.
Sept. 19
vs. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ vs. @ vs. vs. @ @
@ Ursinus College 7:00 p.m.
New York Univeristy Lycoming College Misericordia U. Oneonta State Hartwick College Swarthmore College Kean University Rowan University Montclair State U. Rutgers University - Camden N.J. City University Stevens Inst. of Tech. U. of Mary Washington Richard Stockton College William Paterson U. Johns Hopkins U.
Time/Result W 2-0 W 8-1 W 5-0 W 2-1 2 OT W 5-0 7:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 5 p.m. 1 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 8 p.m. 1 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 4 p.m.
Men’s Soccer Sept. 16
vs. Stevens Inst. of Tech. 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 19
vs. Kean University 1:00 p.m.
Women’s Soccer Sept. 16
@ Swarthmore College 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 19
@ Kean University 7:00 p.m.
Men’s Tennis
Sept. 19, Sept. 20, Sept. 21 vs. Stevens Inst. of Tech. TBA
Women’s Tennis Sept. 19
@ Ramapo College 12:00 p.m.
Trivia Question
Last Weeks Answer : 7 Schools. History was made when the Seattle Mariners and Texas Rangers faced off last Sunday. Mariners outfielder Ichiro Suzuki slapped a single for his 200th hit of the season. Suzuki’s single broke a major league record for the most consecutive 200 hit seasons. In how many straight seasons now has Suzuki tallied at least 200 hits?
AP Photo
The women’s tennis team began New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) play in 1982. The College shutout Kean University, Rutgers University - Newark and William Paterson University last week — all NJAC rivals. Since 1982, the Lions have not lost a single match to a NJAC opponent, compiling an extraodinary 129 consecutive victories. The Lions have the chance to win two more NJAC games — one against Ramapo College and the other against Richard Stockton College — before the fall tennis season ends on Sept. 27 in the International Tennis Association Regionals.