Breaking news, blogs and more at Vol. XLVI, No. 1
January 25, 2017
Serving The College of New Jersey community since 1885
College grieves professor, activist, mentor
By Elizabeth Zakaim Reviews Editor
The College mourns the passing of Morton Winston, a professor of philosophy who died while on vacation in Peru on Jan. 13 at 67 years old. Winston suffered from a heart attack while walking with his family and tour group on a jungle path in Peru, according to the Baltimore Sun. Winston was a beloved professor, colleague and mentor — he leaves behind a legacy of excellence. According to an email sent to staff, students and faculty on Jan. 14 by College spokesperson Dave Muha, Winston arrived at the College in 1979, where he taught and developed several courses including bioethics, genocide and human rights and philosophy of technology and mind. Winston was dedicated to his teaching and his department. Before he passed, Winston served as a faculty representative to the Board of Trustees and as chair of the philosophy department from 1982 to 1988 and from 2005 to 2012, according to Muha’s email. Winston was also the recipient of the Faculty Senate’s Outstanding Faculty Leadership Award for service as faculty co-chair of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Priorities and for leading the development of the College’s strategic plan in 2011 and 2012. Winston wanted his students to succeed to the best of their abilities. “Dr. Winston had a unique ability to empathize with his students’ ideas and galvanize those ideas into something legitimate and
Break freezes up Campus Town
Winston leaves a legacy, both on campus and across the globe.
concrete,” said Rishabh Sharma, a junior philosophy major. Sharma recalled bumping into Winston on campus after studying abroad in 2016. They talked about Sharma’s future plans, and Winston recommended different readings he knew Sharma would appreciate. He challenged his
students’ perspectives and tested their beliefs. Sharma described Winston as selfless and determined to help his students mold their visions and change the world. “He is one of the few people I have met who believed in me like I believe in me,” Sharma said.
see BREAK page 2
see LOSS page 3
Campus Police expands after break-ins
By George Tatoris News Editor Every year is the same. December comes around and finals week hits, the air grows colder, the nights longer and each day another cluster of students escape to the warmth of their homes, leaving an increasingly empty campus behind them. It’s higher education in hibernation. While the campus may sleep over winter break, Campus Town does not. This past break, the new businesses that opened primarily to provide convenience to students were inconvenienced themselves after their primary customers went home for the next month. Evan Yap, the manager of Yummy Sushi, witnessed her once-bustling Asian restaurant grow quiet. On Sunday, Jan. 22 — move-in day for most students — the winter struggle is invisible. Students and families alike were seated for dinner that night. “You hardly see anyone walking
Junior philosophy major Stephanie-Rose Orlando couldn’t believe the news. She had Winston as a professor every year since she started at the College. He was more than just a professor to her, he was her mentor, as well. “He helped me discover my love for civil rights and environmental protection, and I will always be thankful for that,” Orlando said. “Not only did he encourage me to make a difference in the way I wanted, but he really believed that I could and helped me along the way.” Orlando said Winston was always willing to network with students to give them the best opportunities they deserved. “He was the type of professor that helped make TCNJ as great as it is,” she said. Junior philosophy major Lisa Palacio was a first-semester sophomore who had just changed her major from mathematics to philosophy and was grateful to have Winston as her adviser. “I wasn’t just another student he had to talk academics and class scheduling about,” Palacio said. “He sat with me for however long it took to figure out what steps I needed to take to graduate on time.” Palacio ran into Winston while he was eating lunch in Green Hall after he had helped give her pointers on a presentation she had worked on for his class. “In that moment, I really got to know Dr. Winston,” Palacio said. He spoke about his wife and children, and Palacio
There are five new officers on campus. By Brielle Bryan Production Manager Members of Campus Police, the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office and families of the officers gathered in Paul Loser Hall on the cool morning of Jan. 17, for the swearing-in ceremony of five Campus Police officers. Interim Police Chief Tim Grant welcomed the attendees and introduced the Mercer County
INDEX: Nation & World / page 5 Editorial / page 7 Study Abroad Follow us at... Students get to the heart of Shakespeare The Signal See Features page 11 @tcnjsignal
Photo courtesy of Ashley Long
Prosecutor’s Office. Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri, Chief of Detectives Veldon Harris and Deputy Chief of Detectives Robert Dispoto administered the oath. “Having the prosecutor administer the oaths to the officers made it more special,” said James Lopez, Campus Police lieutenant. Officers Kristen Albertson, Philip Apgar, Daniel Butchko, Theodore Camastra and Tiffany Reed were commissioned. The officers put
Opinions / page 8
Features / page 11
one hand on the Bible and one hand in the air as, one at a time, they each echoed the oath. “Most of the officers were hired initially as security and were sent to the police academy and promoted to police officer,” Grant said. Lopez started working overnight security at the College. He became a sergeant a few years later and was eventually promoted to lieutenant. At full strength, Campus Police should include one chief, one captain, one lieutenant, six sergeants and 14 officers, Grant said. However, this structure is not always tightly followed. Grant, the previous captain, took over as interim chief when the previous chief, John Collins, retired in December 2016. Currently, there is no captain — only five sergeants and 11 officers. Although short a few officers, Campus Police upped its security after an intruder snuck into residence halls during the fall semester. Since then, suspect Jon Cannon, a 25-year-old resident of Levittown, Pa., was arrested by Campus Police in connection with the intrusions. Following the commission of the five new officers, Campus Police held an award ceremony to acknowledge those who went above and beyond to help maintain safety and security on campus. see COPS page 11
Arts & Entertainment / page 13
Sports / page 20
‘La La Land’ Musical wins big at Golden Globes
Wrestling Lions achieve 700th win in program’s history
See A&E page 13
See Sports page 20