Tusculum Cross Country Guide

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Front Row (from le� to right): Stephen Kinunda, Jenny Grant, Ashley Andrukonis, Ariana Sigmon, Kim Brown, Simon Holzapfel; Back Row: Asst. Coach Ka�e Shelton, Jessica Figler, Nathan Carver, Chad Shelton, Ben Hale, Jason Seaton, Ryan Badertscher, Jamie Smith, Head Coach Suzanne Byrd.



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School ........................................ Tusculum College

Team Photo ................................ Inside Front Cover

Loca�on ..............................Greeneville, TN 37743

Quick Facts ............................................................ 1

Founded ........................................................ 1794

Table of Contents................................................... 1

Enrollment .................................................... 2,350

About the Cover .................................................... 1

President ................................Dr. Nancy B. Moody

College Administra�on .......................................... 2

Alma Mater ................... Eastern Kentucky, 1972

Pioneer Athle�c Staff ............................................. 3

Director of Athle�cs ......................Frankie DeBusk

Head Coach Suzanne Byrd ..................................... 4

Alma Mater .................................. Furman, 1991

Assistant Coach Ka�e Shelton ............................... 4

Associate AD (SWA) ........................ Deborah Davis

Support Staff ......................................................... 4

Faculty Athle�c Representa�ve .........Tom Stueber

2010 Roster ........................................................... 5

Nickname ................................................ Pioneers

Pronuncia�on Guide.............................................. 5

School Colors ......... Orange (Pantone 158) & Black

Roster Breakdown ................................................. 5

Home Course ...... Greene Valley Development Ctr.

Meet the Pioneers .............................................. 6-8

Religious Affilia�on ................... Presbyterian, USA

The South Atlan�c Conference .............................. 8

Na�onal Affilia�on ...................... NCAA Division II

2009 Results .......................................................... 9

Conference ......................................South Atlan�c

Women’s Record Book ........................................ 10

Head Athle�c Trainer .........................Chris Lenker

Men’s Record Book .............................................. 11 Tusculum College................................................. 12


Athle�c Facili�es.......................... Inside Back Cover

Head Coach ...................................Suzanne Byrd

2010 Schedule ....................................... Back Cover


The 2010 Tusculum College Cross Country Media Guide is published by the TC Athle�c Media Rela�ons Office, Dom Donnelly, Director. Wri�en, compiled and edited by: Dom Donnelly, Deborah Davis and Suzanne Byrd.

Alma Mater ..........................East Carolina, 1989 Office Phone .................. (423) 636-7300 x-5608 Email .................................... sbyrd@tusculum.edu

Principal Photography by: Nathan Carver, Dom Donnelly, Phil Gentry, Kendall Mathes, Mel Donnelly, WG Sportsphotos and Mike Slade.


Addi�onal photography by: Travis Crabtree, Cody Greene, NCAA, South Atlan�c Conference and Tusculum Archives.

Director (Cross Country Contact) ..Dom Donnelly Office Phone ..............................(423) 636-7326 Cell Phone ..................................(423) 341-0091 Fax ..............................................(423) 636-7370 Email .........................ddonnelly@tusculum.edu

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Prin�ng: Pulp Prin�ng, Bristol, Tenn. About the Cover: Featured on this year’s cover is 2009 SAC Runner of the Year Simon Holzapfel. Cover Design by: Nathan Carver using Adobe Photoshop. Photography by Nathan Carver.

2010 Tusculum Cross Country -- 1


PRESIDENT 2ND YEAR • EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY, 1972 Dr. Nancy B. Moody is the 27th President of Tusculum College, Tennessee’s oldest College and is the first female president. She officially assumed the role on April 27, 2009. “Dr. Moody is a strong advocate of our civic arts curriculum and is well-known and respected in our region. We feel fortunate to have a�racted someone of her caliber, and we are truly op�mis�c about the future of Tusculum College under her leadership,” said Ken Bowman, chairman of the Tusculum College Board of Trustees and of the selec�on commi�ee. “Dr. Moody is a proven, successful college president with an especially impressive record of preparing students to be ac�ve ci�zens and successful in the careers they choose.” Bowman added that Dr. Moody has demonstrated a commitment to Tusculum College’s mission of providing a strong civic arts curriculum for all graduates and to con�nuing to grow the College in that tradi�on for both residen�al and Graduate and Professional Studies students. Dr. Moody was previously President of South Atlan�c Conference member Lincoln Memorial University since 2002. “I am excited to have the opportunity to serve Tusculum College. I am extremely impressed with the people of Tusculum College - the students, faculty, staff, administra�ve personnel and members of the Board of Trustees,” said Dr. Moody. “Without excep�on, there is a sense of enthusiasm and pride for the mission of the College, which has a wonderful legacy as the oldest ins�tu�on of higher educa�on in the state of Tennessee.” She added, “As a first-genera�on college graduate, I have always valued all levels of educa�on with a par�cular interest in the higher educa�on of tradi�onal aged college students and adults of all ages. Achieving the knowledge and skills necessary to func�on in society through a college educa�on is one of the best ways to s�mulate the local economy and posi�vely impact local communi�es and the lives of others. Dr. Moody received associate and baccalaureate degrees in nursing from Eastern Kentucky University, a master’s of science in nursing from Texas Woman’s University and a doctorate of science in nursing from the University of Alabama’s School of Nursing at Birmingham. Her professional career in higher educa�on began at LMU as an instructor of nursing. She subsequently served in several roles at LMU, culmina�ng in her appointment as the dean of LMU’s School of Professional Studies before joining the faculty at East Tennessee State University where she was tenured and served as department chair. She would go on to become an associate professor at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, while also serving as the execu�ve director of the Tennessee Center of Nursing. Dr. Moody currently chairs the execu�ve commi�ee for the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universi�es Associa�on and serves on the Tennessee Student Assistance Corpora�on Board of Directors. She is a member of the NCAA Division II President’s Council and an ac�ve par�cipant on the boards of the Appalachian Colleges Associa�on and the Tennessee Center for Nursing, Inc. She is married to Tom Moody, a self-employed public accountant in Knoxville. She and Tom are proud parents of grown children, daughter, Mykel, and son, Adam.

2 - 2010 Tusculum Cross Country


DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS 4TH YEAR • FURMAN UNIVERSITY, 1991 Frankie DeBusk is entering his fourth year as athle�c director at Tusculum College. He was named interim director of athle�cs in August, 2007 and was promoted to the full-�me post later that year. DeBusk is also beginning his 13th season at the helm of the Pioneer football program. DeBusk oversees the day-to-day opera�ons of the Tusculum athle�c department and the 14 sports that the College sponsors. In his first three years at the helm of the Pioneer Athle�c Department, DeBusk has guided Tusculum to outstanding seasons. In the last three years, TC has captured nine South Atlan�c Conference championships, five SAC Tournament �tles and 14 NCAA Division II postseason appearances. Tusculum has finished fourth or be�er for the Doug Echols SAC Athle�c Excellence Award, including second in his first two years as athle�c director. With its outstanding na�onal postseason success during the 2008-09 campaign, Tusculum was the top league school in the NACDA Director’s Cup, finishing 58th of 272 Division II programs in the country. Tusculum student-athletes and coaches have garnered numerous individual accomplishments during DeBusk’s brief watch. In the last three years, 122 student-athletes have earned All-South Atlan�c Conference honors, including 55 AllRegion picks and 24 All-Americans. Twelve (12) have been selected as SAC Players of the Year, including four as Region Players of the Year. Three have also garnered Conference Freshman of the Year accolades. DeBusk has also stressed academic excellence in the department, resul�ng in 272 SAC Commissioner Honor Roll recipients over the last three years, including and a school record 26 named to the ESPN The Magazine Academic All-District Team. Thirteen (13) Pioneers have earned the pres�gious South Atlan�c Conference Scholar Athlete Award for their respec�ve sports, including six ESPN The Magazine Academic All-Americans®, including Dus�n Morrow (baseball - 2008), Nicole Ferris (women’s soccer - 2008), Jarrell NeSmith (football - 2008, 2009), Simon Holzapfel (men’s cross country - 2008) and Chase Carroll (men’s golf 2009). Three TC head coaches were either named Conference or Region Coach of the Year during the 2007-08 season. Tommy Arne� (men’s tennis) and Bre� Teach (men’s soccer) were named SAC Coaches of the Year, while Missy Tiber was selected as the Region Coach of the Year by the Women’s Basketball Coaches Associa�on (WBCA). DeBusk has overseen numerous athle�c facility enhancements during his tenure as both football coach and athle�c director at Tusculum. In 2007-08, championship banners were installed in Pioneer Arena, honoring the success of Tusculum athle�cs, both past and present. The Pioneer Arena playing surface was redesigned and refinished during the summer of 2008, while historic Rankin Hall, which houses the TC athle�c department, experienced renova�ons to its main lobby area. The Pioneer football locker room also experience a major renova�on with the installa�on of new lockers and floor. DeBusk, the winningest football coach in Tusculum history, has built the Pioneers into year in and year out contenders in NCAA II, resul�ng in seven winning seasons in the last nine years. Over the past 10 seasons, TC has posted a 64-44 mark including a 9-4 tally sheet in 2008, while claiming the program’s second South Atlan�c Conference Championship and earning the school’s first berth to the NCAA II Football Playoffs. For his efforts, he was named Conference and AFCA Region Coach of the Year. His 71 victories on the Pioneer sidelines makes DeBusk the winningest gridrion coach in Tusculum history. His victory tally is the fourth most in SAC history, while his 37 league wins are the seventh most in the conference record book. In 2008, DeBusk’s team achieved success both on and off the field. The nine wins �ed a school single-season record, including victories in four of its last five games. DeBusk, a 1991 Furman University graduate, established 11 school records at quarterback for the Paladins, while compiling an impressive 31-6 record. In 1988, DeBusk led Furman to a 13-2 mark while capturing the NCAA Division I-AA Na�onal Championship. His collegiate career also included three Southern Conference �tles and three trips to the NCAA I-AA playoffs. He is not the first member of the DeBusk family to garner the TC black and orange. His brother, Doug, was a Tusculum Hall of Fame point guard for the Pioneer basketball team from 1991-95. In 2003, DeBusk was the recipient of the pres�gious Art Argauer Award, which is presented to the Tusculum coach of the year as selected by his peers. He was the co-recipient of the Argauer Award again in the 2008-09 year. Frankie DeBusk is married to the former Jennifer Coffey of Bristol, Tenn. and they have one son, Ty.


Tommy Arne� M/W Tennis Head Coach

Ka�e Baldwin Women’s Basketball Assistant Coach

Abbi Blackburn Volleyball Assistant Coach

Jim Boone Men’s Basketball Head Coach

Amy Brooks Assistant Athle�c Trainer

Suzanne Byrd M/W Cross Country Head Coach

Deborah Davis Associate Athle�c Director Compliance/SWA

Frankie DeBusk Director of Athle�cs Head Football Coach

Bob Dibble M/W Golf Head Coach

Dom Donnelly Athle�c Media Rela�ons Director

Fred Gillum So�ball Head Coach

Adell Harris Women’s Basketball Head Coach

Michael Hawkins Associate Head Athle�c Trainer

Julie Huebner So�ball Assistant Coach

Todd Ireland Baseball Assistant Head Coach

Rondon James Cheerleading Head Coach

Doug Jones Baseball Head Coach

Mike Joy Women’s Soccer Head Coach

Marc Kolb Football Associate Head Coach

Kenny Lawson Baseball Assistant Coach

Chris Lenker Head Athle�c Trainer

Randy Loggins Assistant to the Director of Athle�cs

Mike McBride Men’s Basketball Assistant Coach

Steve McGill Football Assistant Coach

Rob Richardson Men’s Soccer Assistant Coach

Spencer Riley Football Assistant Coach

Michael Robinson Volleyball Head Coach

Karl Sco� Football Assistant Coach

Caleb Slover Football Assistant Coach

Brandon Steele Baseball Assistant Coach

Tom Stueber Assistant Athle�c Trainer Faculty Athle�c Representa�ve

Steve Voltz Men’s Soccer Head Coach

Kevin Weston Football Assistant Head Coach

Keyton Wheelock Women’s Soccer Assistant Coach

2010 Tusculum Cross Country -- 3


HEAD COACH 1ST YEAR • EAST CAROLINA, 1989 Suzanne Byrd is entering her first season as the new cross country coach at Tusculum College. Byrd returns to the Tusculum athle�cs staff, previously serving as the Pioneers’ women’s basketball coach from 2000-05. In 2002-03, she led the Pioneers to a third place finish in the South Atlan�c Conference and was named the league’s Coach of the Year for that season. Byrd will also serve on the Tusculum faculty, teaching in the College’s physical educa�on department. While on the Tusculum sidelines, she mentored five All-South Atlan�c Conference performers, including Julie Maples, who was a three-�me recipient of the SAC Scholar Athlete Award for Women’s Basketball. In 2005, Maples was also the recipient of the SAC Presidents’ Award, the league’s most pres�gious honor awarded to a student-athlete. She has also served as the women’s basketball coach at Coker College and at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Before coming to Tusculum, she spent one season on the staff at NCAA Division I Elon University. In 1994 at Coker, she garnered Conference Carolinas (formerly Carolinas Conference) Coach of the Year honors. Byrd was an honor student throughout her academic career, beginning at Louisburg College, where she graduated with her Associates Degree of Arts in 1986. At Louisburg, she le�ered in basketball and so�ball and was an All-Region catcher. She later earned her B.S. in Health and Physical Educa�on in 1989 and her M.Ed. in 1990, both from East Carolina University. Byrd has served on the NCAA Division II Women’s Basketball Regional Selec�on Commi�ee and also served as chair of the SAC Women’s Basketball Coaches’ Commi�ee. Byrd is an avid runner and cyclist, having par�cipated in several marathons and triathlons during her career. For the last five years, she has also been a college basketball official for the Ohio Valley Conference, Atlan�c Sun Conference, South Atlan�c Conference, Conference Carolinas, Appalachian Athle�c Conference, Old Dominion Athle�c Conference and the Mid-South Conference. Coach Byrd, and her husband Joe, reside in Greeneville.


ASSISTANT COACH 1ST YEAR • TUSCULUM, 2010 Ka�e Shelton is entering her first season as assistant cross country coach at Tusculum College. Shelton le�ered two seasons on the Pioneer cross country team from 2008-2009. A na�ve of Dandridge, Tenn., Shelton competed in six events during her collegiate harrier career. She posted a pair of top five finishes at the Virginia-Wise Invita�onal and the Trailblazer Invita�onal during the 2009 season. She also finished 62nd at the 2009 South Atlan�c Conference Championship. During her prep career at Jefferson County High School, she was an All-Conference standout for the Patriots where she was named Best Female Runner in 2006. Shelton graduated from Tusculum in 2010 with a degree in Sports Science. She is the daughter of Ray and Mary Laughlin and has two older brothers, AJ and Bud. Coach Shelton resides in Greeneville.

SUPPORT PERSONNEL DEBORAH DAVIS ASSOCIATE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR/SWA 16TH YEAR • TUSCULUM, 1997 Deborah Davis is in her 16th year on the Tusculum College Athle�c staff. Davis, a na�ve of Milan, Tenn., has served the Pioneer athle�cs department in a variety of roles. Davis holds the �tles of Associate Athle�c Director, Senior Woman Administrator and oversees NCAA Compliance for Tusculum’s 14 intercollegiate sports. As Associate Athle�c Director, Davis is responsible for the day-to-day opera�on of the athle�cs department. Davis is entering her seventh year as Tusculum’s NCAA Compliance Officer. She is responsible for tracking studentathlete eligibility and Tusculum’s con�nued compliance with NCAA rules and regula�ons. She is serving as chair of the South Atlan�c Conference Compliance Officers Commi�ee and the SAC Senior Woman Administrators commi�ee. She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Tusculum College. In 1997, she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Organiza�onal Management, gradua�ng Magna Cum Laude. Davis followed that in 1999 with her Master’s degree in the same field from Tusculum. She is married to Mr. Sco� Davis and they are the parents of two daughters, Kandice and Amber and have two grandsons, Ty and Trey.


ASSISTANT TO THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR 4TH YEAR • TUSCULUM, 2006 Randy Loggins is entering his fourth year as Assistant to the Athle�c Director at Tusculum College. Loggins, a 2006 Tusculum graduate, serves as the business manager for the athle�c department, overseeing the budgets for all 14 sponsored sports. He assists with NCAA compliance, game-day opera�ons, promo�ons and football

The Byrd Family Joe and Suzanne

4 - 2010 Tusculum Cross Country

season �cket sales. Loggins came to the Greeneville campus in 2003 as a member of the Pioneer football team. The Stockton, Calif. na�ve le�ered two seasons on the offensive line, including during TC’s South Atlan�c Conference Championship campaign in 2003. The Pioneers posted a combined 15-6 record during his two TC seasons. In 2005, he served as a student assistant football coach, where he assisted with the defensive backs. Loggins serves on several campus commi�ees, including the College’s Quality Enhancement Plan, Community Standards Board and will begin his first term serving on the NCAA Division II Regional Baseball Commi�ee. He has worked with the Greeneville Astros minor league baseball team for three seasons (2006-08) and will be in his third year as a TSSAA football official this fall. Loggins is married to the former Brook Miller of Richmond, Ky. Brook is a 2003 graduate of Tusculum who starred on the Pioneer women’s tennis team. Randy and Brook are the proud parents of one daughter, Kamara Grace, who was born August, 2008.


2010 TUSCULUM COLLEGE PIONEERS M��’� T��� Name Ryan Badertscher Nathan Carver Ben Hale Simon Holzapfel Stephen Kinunda Jason Seaton Chad Shelton

Ht. 6-3 5-10 5-10 5-5 5-4 6-0 5-10

Wt. 165 145 160 125 135 180 190

Yr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Sr. So. Sr. Jr.

Hometown/Previous School/High School Marion, Ohio/River Valley HS Clarksville, Tenn./Clarksville HS Morristown, Tenn./Morristown West HS Nuremburg, Germany/Neves Gymnasium Nuremburg Nairobi, Kenya/Okemos HS Greeneville, Tenn./West Greene HS Greeneville, Tenn./Chuckey-Doak HS W����’� T���

Name Ashley Andrukonis Kim Brown Jessica Figler Jenny Grant Ariana Sigmon Jamie Smith

Ht. 5-4 5-6 5-7 5-2 5-7 5-9

Yr. Fr. So. Sr. So. Fr. Fr.

Hometown/Previous School/High School Greeneville, Tenn./South Greene HS Scarborough, Ontario, Canada/Davis & Elkins/ Merri� Island, Fla./Brevard CC/Merri� Island HS Franklin, Tenn./Hendrix College/Ba�le Ground Academy Myrtle Beach, S.C./St. James HS Welland, Ontario, Canada/Lakeshore Catholic HS

Head Coach: Suzanne Byrd (East Carolina, 1989) 1st season Assistant Coach: Ka�e Shelton (Tusculum, 2010)


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180 ................................... 1

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190 ................................... 1

2010 Tusculum Cross Country -- 5


High School: Graduated from River Valley HS in Caledonia, Ohio... Coached by Aric Smith and Amy Jordan... Earned All-District Second Team honors in his senior prep campaign at River Valley... All-Conference Second Team... Team’s Most Valuable Runner... Led team to District runner-up finish and regoinal qualifica�on... Posted a personal best �me of 17:58... Le�ered in basketball, football, baseball and cross country... Personal: Full name is Ryan Michael Badertscher... Born March 5, 1992 in Marion, Ohio... Son of Steve and Kim Badertscher... Brother, TJ (21) and sister, Amanda (17)... Brother ran cross country and track at Cedarville University, where he posted a �me of 25:30 and finished 45th at the NAIA Na�onals... Majoring in Sports Science... Plans to become a physical therapist... Ac�vi�es listed include sports and fishing... Favorite book: “Slaughter House Five”; Favorite class at Tusculum: Psychology; Favorite midnight snack: Peanut bu�er sandwich; Favorite movie: “Step Brothers” Favorite musical ar�st: The Classic Crime; Favorite song: “The Downfall of Us All”; Favorite sports teams: Cleveland Indians, Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Browns; Ryan can’t imagine a week without: Food; Ryan is as good as anyone at: Sleeping; Least favorite food: Tomatoes; Favorite athlete: LeBron James; Most thrilling moment in sports: Bea�ng rival school in basketball on senior night; Advice to kids: “Don’t do Drugs”; Favorite color: Blue; Favorite food: Pasta; Favorite sport other than cross country: Baseball; Person Ryan most admires: His Grandpa Ryan; Most famous person Ryan has ever met: Omar Vizquel; The thing Ryan admires most about Coach Byrd: Her dedica�on to improvement; Toughest player Ryan has ever played against: Adam Griffin (son of Archie Griffin); What people don’t know about Ryan: He loved Spanish class in high school; When he was a kid, Ryan tried to be like: His brother.


5-10 • 145 • JUNIOR CLARKSVILLE, TENN. • CLARKSVILLE HS High School: Graduated from Clarksville (Tenn.) HS... Member of the cross country and tennis teams... All-District performer in tennis for three years... Played at No. 1 doubles in 2008... Went undefeated in doubles play during his senior season and also played at No. 1 singles... Personal: Full name is Nathan Ward Carver... Born May 13, 1990 in Savannah, Ga... Son of Ward and Sylvia Carver.. Sisters - Sarah (28), Whitney (24)... Majoring in Graphic Design with a minor in Marke�ng... Member of the Tusculum Dean’s List... Community service at Tusculum includes volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club of Greeneville and Greene County... Future plans include finding a design or marke�ng job with a large company (Apple)... Has worked in the Tusculum Athle�c Media Rela�ons for two years as a photographer and graphic designer... Favorite book: “To Kill a Mocking Bird”; Favorite class at Tusculum: Graphic Design; Favorite midnight snack: Fruit Roll Ups; Favorite musical ar�sts: The Script, Kanye West, Air Traffic, Ci�zen Cope, Coldplay, Eric Lumiere, Kaskade, Oasis, OneRepublic and whatever is on his iPod; Nathan can’t imagine a week without: Sight; Most thrilling moment in sports: Any Duke victory; Advice to kids: “Go outside more”; Favorite color: Navy Blue; Favorite sports other than cross country: Ping pong, soccer, tennis, ul�mate frisbee; People Nathan most admires: His parents, Dave Hill (photographer) and business giants that should hire him (like Steve Jobs); What people don’t know about Nathan: Ping pong is his best sport; What people think when they meet Nathan: “Aren’t you the picture guy?”


5-10 • 145 • JUNIOR CLARKSVILLE, TENN. • CLARKSVILLE HS 2009: Competed in all six events, including the NCAA II Southeast Regional (Nov. 8), where he posted a 10K �me of 39:40 to finish 134th... Finished seventh at the Virginia-Wise Invita�onal (Oct. 10) with a 5K �me of 19:25... Placed 18th at the Trailblazer Invita�onal (Oct. 17) with an 8K �me of 31:20.32... FinHALE’S CAREER RESULTS ished 29th at the Stampede at the Shoals 2007 Results (Sept. 4) with a 6K �me of 19:12.30... 2008: Meet Time Finish Competed in three events… Finished 30th Belmont Abbey Invita�onal 33:04 35th at the Tusculum Invita�onal… Ran a season Erskine Invita�onal 34:02 62nd best 33:17 at the Eye Opener Invita�onal Blue Ridge Open 33:45 216th (Sept. 6)… Finished 30th at the Tusculum SAC Championship 31:29 58th Invita�onal (Aug. 30)... 2007: Ran in four 2008 Results events… Finished 35th at the Belmont AbTime Finish bey Invita�onal… Ran his best �me at the Meet 50:25 50th SAC Championship with a 31:29... High Tusculum Invita�onal 33:17 110th School: Graduated from Morristown West Eye Opener Invita�onal 64th 34:20 HS in Morristown, Tenn… Le�ered four SAC Championship years in cross country and soccer… Coached 2009 Results Time Finish by Raymond Farmer... Personal: Full name Meet 24:07 29th is Benjamin Halloway Hale… Born Jan. 18, Stampede at the Shoals 1989 in Morristown, Tenn… Son of Bill and Wingate Invita�onal 34:33 52nd Barbara Hale… Brother-Will… Majoring in Virginia-Wise Invita�onal 19:25 7th Field Guide Naturalist… Minoring in En- Trailblazer Invita�onal 31:20 18th vironmental Science… Athle�c Director’s SAC Championship 31:44 48th Honor Roll... Future plans: A�end gradu- NCAA Southeast Regional 39:40 134th ate school and move west; Favorite book: “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall; Favorite class at Tusculum: Anything taught by Dr. Davis; Favorite midnight snack: Peanut butter sandwich; Ben can’t go a week without: The Discovery Channel; Most thrilling moment in sports: Winning the State soccer championship twice in high school; Favorite color: Green; Favorite food: Sloppy Joe’s; Favorite sport other than cross country: Soccer; Person Ben most admires: His father; When he was a kid, Ben tried to be like: The Ninja Turtles.

6 - 2010 Tusculum Cross Country




5-5 • 125 • SENIOR NUREMBURG, GERMANY • NEVES GYMNASIUM NUREMBURG HS 2010: Preseason All-South Atlan�c Conference First Team... Most decorated male runner in school history... Owns 12 of the top-20 �mes in the 8,000 meters in school history, including the eight lowest �mes… Enters his senior campaign with 10 individual �tles (most in Tusculum history)... Named SAC Runner of the Week four �mes in his career, including three �mes in 2009... 2009: South Atlan�c Conference Runner of the Year (first male runner in school history)... NCAA Division II All-Southeast Region First Team... All-South Atlan�c Conference First Team… Won his first five races to open the season, winning individual �tles at the Stampede at the Shoals (Sept. 4), Wingate Invita�onal (Sept. 12), Virginia-Wise Invita�onal (Oct. 10), Trailblazer Invita�onal (Oct. 17) and the SAC Championship (Oct. 24)... Won the SAC �tle with a school record �me of 25:53.96, for the first sub-26 minute 8K �me in Tusculum history... Finished ninth at the NCAA II Southeast Regional (Nov. 8) with a 10K �me of 32:45, barely missing to advance to NCAA Na�onals... SAC Scholar Athlete for Men’s Cross Country (1st in program history)... ESPN HOLZAPFEL’S CAREER RESULTS The Magazine Academic All-America® 2007 Results First Team... CoSIDA Academic All-District Meet Time Finish First Team... 2008: NCAA II Southeast All- Tusculum Invita�onal 27:52 2nd Region… All-South Atlan�c Conference Catamont Classic 16:46 30th First Team… ESPN The Magazine Academ16:00 1st ic All-America® Third Team… Competed UVA-Wise Open 3rd in seven events… Finished in the top 10 in Belmont Abbey Invita�onal 28:33 28:23 7th all seven events… Three wins (Tusculum Erskine Invita�onal 27:19 20th Invita�onal, Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal, SAC Championship 26:58 1st Camp Bethel Open)… Set then school-re- Maryville Invita�onal cord at the Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal (Oct. 2008 Results Time Finish 3) with an 8K �me of 26:20.05… Finished Meet runner-up at the SAC Championship (Oct. Tusculum Invita�onal 27:47 1st 25)… Finished ninth at the NCAA Division II Eye Opener Invita�onal 26:43 3rd Southeast Regional (Nov. 8), becoming the Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal 26:20 1st first Tusculum male harrier to earn NCAA Winthrop Invita�onal 19:40 10th All-Region honors... 2007: Competed in SAC Championship 26:26 2nd seven events… Finished top three in four Camp Bethel Open N/A 1st races… Won the Virginia-Wise Open (Sept. NCAA Regional 33:17 9th 29)… Ran a season best �me of 26:58 to 2009 Results win the Maryville Invita�onal (Oct. 27)… Time Finish Claimed runner-up honors at the Tusculum Meet 19:12 1st Invita�onal (Sept. 8)... High School: Gradu- Stampede at the Shoals 26:38 1st ated from Neues Gymnasium Nurem- Wingate Invita�onal 1st burg in Nuremburg, Bavaria, Germany… Virginia-Wise Invita�onal 15:56 26:17 1st Coached by Blake Henry (swimming) and Trailblazer Invita�onal 25:53 1st Kautz (track)... Personal: Full name is Si- SAC Championship 9th mon Dietrich John Holzapfel… Born March NCAA Southeast Regional 32:45 11, 1987 in Zurich, Switzerland… Son of Marc Holzapfel and Ruth Doemling… Brother - Max… Majoring in Sports Science with a minor in Coaching… Plans to a�end graduate school following gradua�on… Hobbies listed include: Swimming and triathlons… SAC Commissioner’s Honor Roll… Athle�c Director’s Honor Roll… President’s List.. Dean’s List… Charles Oliver Gray Honors List... Two-�me recipient of the Duffield Award (Athle�c upperclassmen with the highest GPA - 4.00)... 2007-08 Tusculum Freshman Student-Athlete of the Year... Member of the Tusculum President’s Society, serving as a student ambassador (2008-present)... Cambridge Cer�ficate in Advanced English... Cer�ficate from the Republic of France for proficiency in French... Member of the Student Government Associa�on... Community service includes volunteering at a Greeneville nursing home and founded the Tusculum College Track and Field Club... Student representa�ve on the Tusculum Quality Enhancement Program commi�ee... Member of the Pioneer Green Team... Favorite book: “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”; Favorite movie: “Forrest Gump”; Favorite class at Tusculum: Exercise Physiology; Favorite musical ar�st: Tracy Chapman; Favorite song: “Fairground” by Simply Red; Simon can’t imagine a week without: Running; Most thrilling moment in sports: Winning the 2009 SAC Championship; Advice to kids: “Listen to your parents”; Favorite color: Blue; Favorite food: Tofu; Favorite sports other than cross country: Swimming, tennis, triathlon; Person Simon admires most: Knenisa Bekele; Toughest opponent Simon has ever competed against: Michael Crouch; Favorite sports team: U.S. na�onal Swim Team; Least favorite food: Meat; Favorite athletes: Michael Phelps, Roger Federer, Billy Mills.


5-4 • 135 • SOPHOMORE NAIROBI, KENYA • OKEMOS (OHIO) HS High School: Graduated from Okemos High School where he was coached by Harrod Quiring... Le�ered in cross country and was a member of the varsity track & field team... Honor Roll student... Personal: Born June 5, 1991 in Nairobi, Kenya... Brother - Joseph; Sisters - Margaret, Kapunza, Miriam... Majoring in Biology/Pre-Medicine... Plans to become a doctor and a marathon runner; Favorite book: The Bible; Favorite class at Tusculum: Biology; Favorite midnight snack: Peanut bu�er and jelly sandwich; Favorite musical ar�st: Notorius Big; Favorite song: “Changes” by Tupac; Stephen can’t imagine a week without: Food; Most thrilling moment in sports: Finishing his first 5K race; Advice to kids: “Never give up”; Favorite color: Blue; Favorite foods: Pasta, Ugali, Quesadillas; Favorite sport other than cross country: soccer, the real football; People Stephen admires most: Dr. Mar�n Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela; Toughest opponent Stephen has ever faced: Grant Robinson (2004 - 1,500m Olympic qualifier); What people don’t know about Stephen: He can speak four languages; When he was a kid, Stephen tried to be like: Michael Jackson.





6-0 • 180 • SENIOR GREENEVILLE, TENN. • WEST GREENE HS 2009: Ran in five meets with his best finish coming at the VirginaWise Invita�onal (Oct. 10) where he posted an 11th place showing, pos�ng a �me of 25:01... Finished 27th at the Trailblazer Invita�onal (Oct. 17) with a �me of 40:31.6... Also placed 37th with a �me of 31:29.3 at the Stampede at the Shoals... 2008: Competed in two races… Finished 25th at the Tusculum Invita�onal (Aug. 30) pos�ng a �me of 34:04... 2007: Competed in seven meets… Finished 18th at the Virgina-Wise SEATON’S CAREER RESULTS Open (Sept. 29)... High School: Graduated from West Greene HS in Mosheim, 2007 Results Time Finish Tenn…Coached by Melissia Woolsey (cross Meet 25:58 61st country) and Mark Bowles (baseball)… Let- Catamont Classic 23:49 18th tered two years in cross country… Also let- UVA-Wise Open 46th tered in baseball... Personal: Full name is Belmont Abbey Invita�onal 38:03 44:21 91st Jason Sco� Seaton… Born Sept. 30, 1989 in Erskine Invita�onal Greeneville, Tenn… Son of Jackie and Cindy Blue Ridge Open 41:00 220th Seaton… Brother- Jeremy (29)… Majoring SAC Championship 38:29 72nd in Athle�c Training… Hobbies include: play- 2008 Results ing sports and fishing… Athle�c Director’s Meet Time Finish Honor Roll… SAC Commissioner’s Honor Tusculum Invita�onal 34:04 25th Roll... Plans to a�end graduate school as a Lenoir-Rhyne Invi�a�onal 44:34 74th G.A. in athle�c training and later a�end PA 2009 Results school or medical school... Recipient of the Meet Time Finish Pinnacle Award... Dean’s List, President’s 31:29 37th List and member of Iota Tau Alpha Alpha Stampede at the Shoals 44:37 72nd Chi... Favorite book: The Bible; Favorite Wingate Invita�onal 11th class at Tusculum: Lifeguarding; Favorite Virginia-Wise Invita�onal 25:01 40:31 27th midnight snack: Fruit snacks; Favorite mu- Trailblazer Invita�onal 41:14 68th sical ar�sts: Jason Aldean, Rodney Atkins, SAC Championship Tim McGraw, George Strait, Kenny Chesney, Carrie Underwood; Favorite song: “Farmers Daughter”; Jason can’t go a week without: A hamburger; Most thrilling moment in sports: During his baseball career, he fielded an error by the shortstop from second base and s�ll managed to turn the double play; Advice to kids: “Never stop living the dream”; Favorite color: Blue; Favorite foods: Hamburgers, pizza; Favorite sports other than cross country: Basketball, baseball; Favorite sports team: Atlanta Braves; Least favorite food: Vegetables; Most impressive person Jason has ever met: Roger Clemens; Person Jason admires most: His father; Toughest opponent Jason has ever played against: Jesse Bible; What people don’t know about Jason: He can perform a standing back-tuck; When he was a kid, Jason tried to be like: Chipper Jones; What people think when they first meet Jason: “Wow! He’s a smart, dumb kid!” quoted by Associate Head Athle�c Trainer Michael Hawkins.


5-10 • 190 • JUNIOR GREENEVILLE, TENN. • TENNESSEE WESLEYAN • CHUCKEY-DOAK HS Tennessee Wesleyan College: Played one season of baseball at the Athens, Tenn. school where he was coached by Billy Berry... High School: Graduated from Chuckey-Doak HS in A�on, Tenn…Coached by Tim Lady…Le�ered four years in baseball…Conference Player of the Year (2008)…All-Region and All-State (2008)…Most Valuable Player (2008)…Hit .428 with 49 RBI’s his senior season…Holds the school homerun record with 19 bombs his senior year... Personal: Full name is Chad Allen Shelton… Born Nov. 26, 1989 in Greeneville, Tenn…Son of Robert Shelton and Deanna Dixon…Brothers- Jus�n and Allen…Sister-Rachael…Majoring in Sports Science…Enjoys playing the guitar, piano, and working out…Plans to a�end Chiroprac�c school...Athle�c Director’s Honor Roll... Future plans: A�end chiroprac�c school and become cer�fied... run a clinic that primarily focuses on athletes... he would also like to be a youth minister; Favorite classes at Tusculum: Anatomy and Physiology; Favorite book: “Untamed” by Xan Hood; Favorite midnight snack: Popcorn; Favorite movie: “Fireproof”; Favorite musical ar�sts: All That Remains, August Burns Red, Thousand Foot Krutch; Favorite song: “The Air I Breath” by All That Remains; Favorite sports team: New York Mets; Chad can’t imagine a week without: Speaking to his family and his bible; Least favorite food: Anything spicy; Favorite athlete: Tom Glavine; Most thrilling moment in sports: Earning a win; Advice to kids: “Stop playing video games and go play outside”; Favorite color: Purple; Favorite food: Grilled chicken in Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce; Favorite sports other than cross country: Golf, baseball; Person Chad admires most: His pastor David Duggar; Most famous person Chad has ever met: Atlee Hammaker; Best thing about Chad: He is honest and straight forward; Toughest player Chad has ever played against: Dylan Pra�; What people don’t know about Chad: He plays the piano; When he was a kid, Chad tried to be like: Sonic the Hedgehog.


5-4 • FRESHMAN GREENEVILLE, TENN. • SOUTH GREENE HS High School: A�ended South Greene HS in Greeneville, Tenn... Coached by Sco� Phillips... Personal: Born July 10, 1992 in Manchester, New Hampshire... Daughter of Ron and Andrea Boudreau... Sisters - Megan Andrukonis, Bri�any Boudreau, Heather Boudreau... Majoring in Biology... Advice to kids: “Have fun”; Favorite color: Green; Ashley can’t go a week without: Work; Favorite food: Salad with honey mustard; Favorite sport other than cross country: Soccer; Person Ashley admires most: Her father; When she was a kid, Ashley tried to be like: Her father; When people first meet Ashley, they think: “She’s not from around here?”



Davis & Elkins College: Earned All-WVIAC First Team honors last season at the Elkins, W.Va. school on the soccer pitch… WVIAC Player of the Week (Sep. 28)…Led the team in goals (12) and points (29)…Tied for fourth in assists (5)... High School: Graduated from Pope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada… Coached by Mr. Davis…Played club soccer for Unionville Strikers… Coached by George Babiolakis…Led the team with 10 goals in her final season... Personal: Born on Sept. 18, 1990 in Jamaica…Daughter of Roy and Linda Brown…Has two sisters, Kay and Kriston…Majoring in Physical Educa�on with a minor in Educa�on… Member of the Tusculum women’s soccer team... Plans to teach and travel the world a�er gradua�on…Favorite book: “The Girl with the Dragon Ta�oo” by S�eg Larsson and Reg Keeland…Favorite musical artists: Paramore, Eminem, Drake…Favorite song: “Brick By Boring Brick” by Paramore…Kim can’t imagine a week without: Her Xbox and iPod…Most thrilling moment in sports: Scoring a hat trick in her WVIAC debut against Shepherd (Sep. 5) last season…Favorite color: Red…Favorite food: Ramen Noodles…Favorite sports other than soccer: Track and basketball…Person Kim most admires: Her mother.



2010: Lone senior on the Tusculum women’s squad... Competed in nine total events in her two previous seasons with the Pioneers... 2009: Competed in all five races... Finished sixth at the VirginiaWise Invita�onal (Oct. 10) with a 5K �me of 26:30... Posted a pair of 20th place finishes at the Stampede at the Shoals (Sept. 4) and the Trailblazer Invita�onal (Oct. 17)... Placed 49th at the Wingate Invita�onal (Sept. 12) and the SAC Championship (Oct. 24)... 2008: Ran in four meets in her first Tusculum season… Finished 22nd at the Tusculum Invita�onal (Aug. 30) with a �me of 30:25.5 in her Pioneer debut… Placed 55th at the Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal (Oct. 3)... Brevard CC: Played two seasons of volleyball at the Melbourne, Fla. school… Earned All-SouthFIGLER’S CAREER RESULTS ern Conference Second Team honors in 2006… Coached by Kelly Semenko... High 2008 Results Time Finish School: Graduated from Merri� Island Meet (Fla.) HS… Coached by Angie Patrick on the Tusculum Invita�onal 30:25 22nd volleyball court… Le�ered three years in Eye Opener Invita�onal 28:31 143rd volleyball… 2003 recipient of the Mustang The Citadel Invita�onal 29:15 91st Award… Led Merri� Island to a District and Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal 27:48 55th Conference championship... Named to the 2009 Results 2006 All-Star Game... Personal: Full name Meet Time Finish is Jessica Rose Figler… Born Jan. 30, 1988 in Stampede at the Shoals 20:22 20th Stuart, Fla… Daughter of Leonard and Jane Wingate Invita�onal 32:10 49th Figler… Nickname: “Fig”… Brother – Aaron 6th (32)… Majoring in Athle�c Training… Future Virginia-Wise Invita�onal 26:30 26:34 20th plans: Graduate, get married, work at ei- Trailblazer Invita�onal 25:13 49th ther a physical therapy clinic or high school SAC Championship as an athle�c trainer... Ac�vi�es include the beach, volleyball, fishing and anything outdoors… Member of the Dean’s List… SAC Commissioner’s Honor Roll… Athle�c Director’s Honor Roll… Serves as an athle�c training student... Favorite book: “Last Song”; Favorite class at Tusculum: Nutri�on; Favorite midnight snack: Ice cream… Favorite movie: “P.S. I Love You”; Favorite sports team: Atlanta Braves; How Jessica gets ready to run: Listens to music; Jessica can’t imagine a week without: Oreos; Least favorite food: Spinach; Favorite athlete: Robert David Currie (Former Tusculum baseball pitcher)… Jessica can’t imagine a week without: Running; Most thrilling moment in sports: High school volleyball team advancing to regional tournament; Advice to kids: “If it’s what you want to do, your going to have to work for it”; Favorite color: Blue; Favorite food: Italian; Favorite sport other than cross country: Volleyball; Person Jessica most admires: Her brother; Most important thing Jessica has learned at Tusculum: Live your life for you and no one else; Toughest opponent Jessica has ever competed against: Simon Holzapfel.

2010 Tusculum Cross Country -- 7


5-2 • SOPHOMORE FRANKLIN, TENN. • HENDRIX COLLEGE • BATTLE GROUND ACADEMY High School: Graduated from Ba�le Ground Academy... Coached by Brad White... Recipient of the 2007 and 2008 Cross Country Leadership Award... 2008 and 2009 Track & Field Coach’s Award recipient... Stats: 1,600m - 5:56; 3,200m - 13:17; Pole Vault - 8’6”... Qualified for the TSSAA State meet... Personal: Born Oct. 31, 1990 in Red Bank, N.J... Daughter of Sco�y and Karen Creason... Brothers - Michael Grant, Billy Grant; Sisters - Emily Grant, Sara Creason, Amy Creason... Majoring in Pre-Physical Therapy and Psychology... Future plans: A�end physical therapy school; Favorite books: “Harry Po�er”, “Pride and Prejudice”; Favorite midnight snack: Nilla Wafer; Favorite musical ar�sts: Lifehouse, John Mayer, AC/DC; Favorite song: “The Heart of the Life” by John Mayer; Most thrilling moment in sports: Breaking the six-minute mile; Advice to kids: “Be your best, not someone else’s idea of best”; Favorite color: Blue; Favorite food: Pasta; Favorite sport othe than cross country: Soccer; Person Jenny most admires: Coach Brad White; What people don’t know about Jenny: She sings in the shower; When she was a kid, Jenny tried to be like: Her mother.




5-9 • FRESHMAN WELLAND, ONTARIO, CANADA • LAKESHORE CATHOLIC HS High School: Graduated from Lakeshore Catholic HS... Coached by Kevin O”Rourke... Personal: Full name is Jamie-Lee SonnenbergSmith... Born Jan. 17, 1992 in Welland, Ontario, Canada... Daughter of Sco� Sonnenberg and Roxanne Smith... Brother - Jesse Smith... Majoring in Poli�cal Science... Future plans: A�end law school, then prac�ce in the field of interna�onal law... Also a member of the Tusculum women’s soccer team... Favorite books: “Bright and Shiny Morning”, “A Million Li�le Pieces”, “Perfect Match”; Favorite midnight snack: Chai Tea and a Blueberry Muffin; Favorite ar�sts: Jack Johnson, Damian Rice, The Script; Favorite songs: “Cannonball”, “Damian Rice”; Advice to kids: “Never a failure, always a lesson”; Favorite color: Sky Blue; Favorite foods: Thai food; Favorite sport other than cross country: Soccer; The people Jamie most admires: The people she lived with in Guatemala; What people don’t know about Jamie: She loves ta�oos; When she was a kid, Jamie tried to be like: Her older brother; When people first meet Jamie, they think: She’s shy.


5-7 • FRESHMAN MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. • ST. JAMES HS High School: Graduated from St. James HS in Murrells Inlet, S.C… Coached by Lee Cannon…Four-year le�er-winner in soccer…Also lettered one year in cross country and track…Four-�me All-Region First Team selec�on…Two-�me Team MVP…Holds school records for career goals (83) and goals in a season (27)... Personal: Full name is Ariana Michelle Sigmon…Born on Mar. 6, 1992 in Hickory, N.C…Daughter of Wendy Sigmon…Has two sisters, Ashley and Stephanie…Majoring in Psychology…Favorite book: “The Vision of a Champion” by Anson Dorrance, Gloria Averbuch, and Mia Hamm…Favorite midnight snack: Le�over Chinese…Favorite musical ar�sts: Corey Smith, Drake…Ariana can’t imagine a week without: Her dog, Lucy…Most thrilling moment in sports: Breaking her high school’s career goals record…Ariana’s advice to kids: “Do what you like and like what you do”…Favorite color: Green…Favorite food: Sausage biscuits…Favorite sport other than soccer: Surfing…Person Ariana most admires: Cur�s Freeman…What people don’t know about Ariana: She played saxophone for six years…When people first meet Ariana, they think: She’s fun and outgoing.

Tusculum’s Simon Holzapfel is presented the 2009 South Atlan�c Conference Scholar Athlete Award for Men’s Cross Country. Presen�ng him the award is SAC Commissioner Patrick Britz.

THE SOUTH ATLANTIC CONFERENCE The South Atlan�c Conference is in its 35th year of athle�c tradi�on and excellence. The conference has enjoyed tremendous success due to dedicated people building a premier athle�c conference throughout its history. The distant forerunner of the South Atlan�c Conference was the North State Atlan�c Conference (NSIAC). The NSIAC was formed when the “Li�le Six”, as it was called, broke from the North Carolina Intercollegiate Athle�c Conference in 1930. These charter members included Lenoir-Rhyne College, Atlan�c Chris�an, Catawba College, Guilford College, Elon College, and High Point University. The North State con�nued to grow over the next 30 years, adding Western Carolina (1933), East Carolina (1947) and Pfeiffer (1960). A name change became necessary when the league accepted Newberry as its first South Carolina member in 1961. The league took on the name Carolinas Intercollegiate Athle�c Conference (CIAC) on May 20th of that year. The CIAC saw several changes in the following years as East Carolina withdrew from the league in 1962. Appalachian State and Western Carolina followed in 1971 and 1976. All three landed in the Southern Conference. The South Atlan�c Conference was founded in 1975 solely as a football conference. The league received its name from a contest in which Kurt Brenneman of Greensboro, N.C. became the first to submit the SAC-8 moniker. The SAC-8 consisted of Carson-Newman College, Catawba College, Elon College, Gardner-Webb University, Lenoir-Rhyne College, Mars Hill College, Newberry College, and Presbyterian College. Dr. Fred Bentley, of Mars Hill College, was named league president for its inaugural year, by a vote of the member ins�tu�ons. A�er the first season of play in the SAC-8, Lenoir-Rhyne College captured the first football �tle. In 1989, the league’s 15th year of opera�on, the South Atlan�c Conference became a comprehensive, all-sports conference. That year the South Atlan�c Conference sponsored 10 sports - football, men’s and women’s basketball, baseball, so�ball, men’s soccer, volleyball, men’s golf, men’s and women’s tennis. Later the conference grew to 14 championship sports by adding women ‘s soccer (1990), men’s and women’s cross country (1993) and women’s golf (1999). The South Atlan�c Conference was composed of the same eight member ins�tu�ons from 1975 un�l 1988, when Wingate University replaced Newberry College as the eighth member ins�tu�on. Newberry later rejoined the conference in 1996. Tusculum College was admi�ed as a member of the league in 1998. In 2006, Lincoln Memorial University began play in the conference and Brevard College was admi�ed in 2007. In July 2010, Anderson (S.C.) University became the league’s 10th member. In April 1989, Doug Echols became the first full-�me commissioner of the league, a post he would hold for 19 years un�l his re�rement in June 2008. SAC Commissioner Patrick Britz is currently in his second year at the helm of the league. Today the conference is a group of 10 private, liberal & civic arts colleges and universi�es, similar in size and athle�c philosophy. Since becoming eligible for NCAA Division II postseason play in 1993, the league has sent representa�ves from all of its sponsored sports to NCAA postseason play. The league membership now includes Anderson University in Anderson, S.C.;Brevard College in Brevard, N.C.; Carson-Newman College in Jefferson City, Tenn.; Catawba College in Salisbury, N.C.; Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, N.C.; Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tenn.; Mars Hill College in Mars Hill, N.C.; Newberry College in Newberry, S.C.; Tusculum College in Greeneville, Tenn.; and Wingate University in Wingate, N.C.

8 - 2010 Tusculum Cross Country

2009 RESULTS Stampede at the Shoals Sep. 4 (6K)

Wingate Invita�onal Sept. 12 (8K)

Virginia-Wise Invita�onal Oct. 10 (5K)

Trailblazer Invita�onal Oct. 17 (8K)

SAC Championship Oct. 24 (8K)

NCAA Regional Nov. 8 (10K)

Tusculum Finish

3rd/4 (85 pts)

8th/10 (198 pts)


3rd/5 (56 pts)

9th/9 (194 pts)


Tyler Buckner Ben Hale Simon Holzapfel Elvis Machado Tyler Rogers David Parham Jason Seaton

--29th/24:07.3 1st/19:12.3 31st/26:26.2 36th/29:44.5 27th/23:26.2 37th/31:29.3

--52nd/34:33 1st/26:38 53rd/35:02 71st/42:58 46th/33:41 72nd/44:37

--7th/19:25 1st/15:56 8th/20:44 10th/24:18 4th/18:21 11th/25:01

26th/37:50.26 18th/31:20.32 1st/26:17.33 25th/36:27.19 --7th/29:16.87 27th/40:31.36

65th/38:14.13 48th/31:44.31 1st/25:53.96 62nd/35:25.98 67th/40:30.86 38th/30:14.31 68th/41:14.44

--134th/39:40 9th/32:45 ----119th/38:41 ---

Stampede at the Shoals Sep. 4 (4K)

Wingate Invita�onal Sept. 12 (6K)

Virginia-Wise Invita�onal Oct. 10 (5K)

Trailblazer Invita�onal Oct. 17

SAC Championship Oct. 24 (5K)

Tusculum Finish

3rd/4 (80 pts)

10th/10 (234 pts)


3rd/5 (59 pts)

9th/9 (236 pts)

Estefania Chavez Jessica Figler Josie Honaker Kelsey Longwell Robin Smith Ka�e Shelton Danielle Tanner Storm Vance

26th/24:48.6 20th/20:22.4 22nd/22:04.8 24th/23:43.1 10th/16:50.5 --25th/24:23.3 ---

69th/38:21 49th/32:10 58th/33:57 64th/35:10 17th/37:32 --68th/38:21 71st/44:44

10th/30:39 6th/26:30 9th/27:31 8th/27:04 2nd/21:53 5th/22:56 -----

24th/28:47.81 20th/26:34.54 23rd/28:40.20 21st/27:21.10 4th/22:22.75 5th/22:40.56 --28th/36:04.27

59th/27:21.53 49th/25:13.70 60th/27:42.74 56th/26:20.94 30th/23:17.55 62nd/31:05.17 --65th/37:20.02

Men’s Team

Women’s Team

2010 Tusculum Cross Country -- 9

WOMEN’S RECORD BOOK WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY RECORDS Best Times 5,000 meters (3.1 Miles) Time Runner 18:56 Brooke Underwood 18:57 Alicja Dembna 19:07 Amanda Musick 19:12 Amanda Musick 19:15 Amanda Musick 19:23 Amanda Musick 19:24 Sue Lewis 19:25 Amanda Musick 19:25 Amanda Musick 19:25 Sue Lewis 19:26 Amanda Musick 19:42 Amanda Musick 19:42 Sue Lewis Individual Wins Runner April Jennison April Jennison April Jennison April Jennison Sue Lewis Amanda Musick Amanda Musick Amanda Musick Amanda Musick Amanda Musick Amanda Musick Amanda Musick Amanda Musick Amanda Musick Amanda Musick


Meet Tusculum Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Creeper Trail Tusculum Invita�onal SAC Championships Land of the Sky Invita�onal Western Carolina Invita�onal The Citadel Invita�onal Greater Louisville Classic Land of the Sky Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Western Carolina Invita�onal Western Carolina Invita�onal

Meet Tusculum/Mars Hill Dual Meet Pioneer Invita�onal Clinch Valley Invita�onal Clinch Valley Invita�onal Western Carolina Invita�onal Creeper Trail Invita�onal TC/Greene Valley Invita�onal Land of the Sky Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Creeper Trail Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Maryville College Invita�onal Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal SAC Championships Tusculum Invita�onal

Team Titles Meet Clinch Valley Invita�onal Clinch Valley Invita�onal Creeper Trail Invita�onal Creeper Trail Invita�onal Creeper Trail Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Maryville College Invita�onal Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal

Time 23:51 22:21 23:29 26:23 19:42 18:56 20:03 19:23 19:48 19:07 19:26 23:58 19:48 19:15 19:12

Pts. — 23 40 21 22 17 24 25 24

Date 9/8/07 9/8/07 9/6/03 9/11/04 10/25/03 9/29/01 8/31/02 9/27/03 9/28/02 9/29/01 9/20/03 8/31/02 9/1/01

Dist. Date — 9/18/93 — 9/25/93 5K 10/10/93 — 9/16/95 5K 9/1/01 3M 9/8/01 5K 9/15/01 5K 9/29/01 5K 9/14/02 5K 9/6/03 5K 9/20/03 6K 10/4/03 5K 10/11/03 5K 10/25/03 5K 9/11/04

Teams 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 3

Date 10/10/93 9/16/95 9/13/97 9/8/01 9/6/03 9/20/03 10/4/03 10/11/03 9/11/04

NCAA Division II All-Southeast Region First Team 2001 Amanda Musick 2001 Sue Lewis 2003 Amanda Musick 2004 Amanda Musick Second Team 2002 Amanda Musick 2004 Jamie Dyke NAIA Na�onal Qualifier 1992 April Jennison All-South Atlan�c Conference First Team 2000 Sue Lewis 2001 Sue Lewis 2001 Amanda Musick 2002 Sue Lewis 2002 Amanda Musick 2003 Amanda Musick 2004 Amanda Musick Second Team 2004 2006 2007 2007 2008

Jamie Dyke Alex Frary Brooke Underwood Alicja Dembna Alicja Dembna

All-Tennessee-Virginia Athle�c Conference 1993 Lisa Giannelli 1993 Stephanie Na�on 1994 April Jennison 1995 April Jennison South Atlan�c Conference Runner of the Year 2003 Amanda Musick South Atlan�c Conference Freshman of the Year 2001 Amanda Musick 2004 Jamie Dyke 2006 Alex Frary South Atlan�c Conference All-Freshman Team 2005 Alicja Dembna 2006 Alex Frary South Atlan�c Conference Scholar-Athlete 1999 Heather Rhoton CoSIDA Academic All-America® 2000 Heather Rhoton (3rd Team) 2007 Sarah Alston (3rd Team)

Sarah Alston

Alicja Dembna

Alex Frary

CoSIDA Academic All-District 1999 Heather Rhoton (1st Team) 2007 Sarah Alston (1st Team) NCAA Division II All-Academic Cross Country Team 2006 Sarah Alston

Sue Lewis

Amanda Musick

Brooke Underwood

10 - 2010 Tusculum Cross Country

South Atlan�c Conference Runner of the Week 2002 Sue Lewis 2002 Amanda Musick 2003 Amanda Musick (3 �mes) 2004 Amanda Musick (2 �mes) 2006 Alex Frary 2009 Robin Smith

MEN’S RECORD BOOK MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY RECORDS Best Times 8,000 meters Time Runner 25:53 Simon Holzapfel 26:17 Simon Holzapfel 26:20 Simon Holzapfel 26:26 Simon Holzapfel 26:38 Simon Holzapfel 26:43 Simon Holzapfel 26:59 Simon Holzapfel 27:07 James Ulsh 27:08 Ross Lewis 27:20 Simon Holzapfel 27:47 Simon Holzapfel 27:53 Simon Holzapfel 27:53 Sean Crawford 27:53 Sean Crawford 28:14 Ross Lewis 28:20 Sean Crawford 28:21 Ross Lewis 28:23 Simon Holzapfel 28:32 Ross Lewis 28:33 Simon Holzapfel Individual Wins Runner James Ulsh Ross Lewis Ross Lewis Ross Lewis Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel Simon Holzapfel

Meet Tusculum Invita�onal Creeper Trail Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Maryville Invita�onal Virginia-Wise Open Maryville Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal Camp Bethel Open Stampede at the Shoals Wingate Invita�onal Virginia-Wise Open Trailblazer Invita�onal SAC Championship

Team Titles Meet Tusculum Invita�onal Creeper Trail Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal

Sean Crawford

Meet SAC Championship Trailblazer Invita�onal Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal SAC Championship Wingate Invita�onal Eye Opener Invita�onal Maryville Invita�onal SAC Championship SAC Championship SAC Championship Tusculum Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal SAC Championship Lenoir-Rhyne Invita�onal Eye Opener Invita�onal Maryville Invita�onal Erskine Invita�onal Tusculum Invita�onal Belmont Abbey Invitaitonal

Pts. 32 21 20

Teams 3 2 2

Time 31:53 17:20 29:18 28:21 16:00 26:59 27:47 26:20 ----19:12 26:38 15:56 26:17 25:53

Dist. 8K 5K 8K 8K 5K 8K 8K 8K -6K 8K 5K 8K 8K

Date 9/15/99 9/6/03 9/20/03

Winston Curry

MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY HONORS Date 10/24/09 10/17/09 10/3/08 10/25/08 9/12/09 9/6/08 10/27/07 10/23/99 10/25/03 10/20/07 8/30/08 9/8/07 10/3/08 10/25/08 10/11/03 9/6/08 10/4/03 10/11/07 9/11/04 10/6/07 Date 9/15/99 9/6/03 9/20/03 10/4/03 9/29/07 10/27/07 8/30/08 10/3/08 11/1/08 9/4/09 9/12/09 10/10/09 10/17/09 10/24/09

NCAA Division II All-Southeast Region 2008 Simon Holzapfel 2009 Simon Holzapfel South Atlan�c Conference Runner of the Year 2009 Simon Holzapfel All-South Atlan�c Conference First Team 2006 Winston Curry 2008 Simon Holzapfel 2009 Simon Holzapfel Second Team 1999 2002 2003 2008

James Ulsh Ross Lewis Ross Lewis Sean Crawford

South Atlan�c Conference All-Freshman Team 2006 Winston Curry 2008 Sean Crawford CoSIDA Academic All-America® 2008-09 Simon Holzapfel (3rd Team) 2009-10 Simon Holzapfel (1st Team) CoSIDA Academic All-District 2008-09 Simon Holzapfel (1st Team) 2009-10 Simon Holzapfel (1st Team) South Atlan�c Conference Runner of the Week 2008 Simon Holzapfel 2009 Simon Holzapfel (3 �mes) South Atlan�c Conference Scholar Athlete 2009 Simon Holzapfel Tusculum College Cross Country Head Coaches Years Head Coach 1990-92 Danise Nelson 1993 Tina Miller 1994 Tom Massolio 1995 Ken Cutlip 1996-97 Jennifer Pucke� 1998-99 Randy Milligan 2000-04, 2009 Dr. Jim Fields 2005-08 Phil Roberts 2010-present Suzanne Byrd

Simon Holzapfel

Ross Lewis

James Ulsh

2010 Tusculum Cross Country -- 11

TUSCULUM COLLEGE TUSCULUM HISTORY Tusculum College is the oldest college in Tennessee and the 28th oldest in the na�on. In addi�on, Tusculum is the oldest coeduca�onal ins�tu�on affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and an early na�onal pioneer in the admission of women. Tusculum accepted women students early in its history, and it is notable that by the turn of the 20th century more than half of its students were women. The roots of Tusculum College are buried deep in early American fron�er history. In 1794, George Washington was president of a young country and the state of Tennessee was s�ll two years away from becoming a reality. In what is now East Tennessee, Hezekiah Balch and Samuel Doak, Presbyterian ministers educated at the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), were ministering to the pioneers of what was the southwestern fron�er of the United States. They also desired to meet the educa�onal needs of these Scots-lrish se�lers. Doak and Balch were visionaries ul�mately seeking the same goals through the rival colleges they established. Tusculum College as it now exists descends from two schools. The first, Greeneville College, was chartered in September 1794 by the General Assembly of the Territory of the United States South of the Ohio River, and established by Hezekiah Balch. Samuel Doak and his son Samuel Witherspoon Doak founded the second as Tusculum Academy in 1818. Tusculum Academy operated in a log cabin adjacent to the present site of Tusculum College. When the academy became Tusculum College in 1844, Andrew Johnson, who was to become 17th President of the United States, was one of its trustees. A merger in 1868 formed Greeneville and Tusculum College. In 1908, Greeneville and Tusculum College merged with Washington College, crea�ng Washington and Tusculum College. This union dissolved in 1912, and thus evolved modern-day Tusculum College. The College received formal accredita�on by the Southern Associa�on of Colleges and Schools 15 years later. The College takes its name from the ancient Roman town where the great statesman and educator Cicero had an academy at his villa. Cicero taught what are now called the liberal arts. They actually were cons�tuted by the prac�ces a ci�zen must develop to par�cipate effec�vely in leading his or her community - to play a vital role in civic affairs. TUSCULUM ACADEMICS As a Civic Arts ins�tu�on, Tusculum College prepares students to be effec�ve ci�zens, recognizing that they will need prac�cal wisdom to par�cipate in communi�es and enrich life�me experiences. Tusculum’s academic calendar is different from all but three other colleges in the country. The academic year is divided into two semesters and our students take four 3 1/2 week courses each semester, totaling eight courses for the year. Classes are taught one at a �me, with a four-day break in between. Three 3 1/2 week summer sessions are also offered. This allows our students to complete course requirements for the baccalaureate degree in four calendar years. Our unique Civic Arts program is being used as a model for other colleges and universi�es that seek to promote community, responsibility, and civic development. The Carnegie Founda�on for the Advancement of Teaching has recognized Tusculum as one of about a dozen schools (including Duke University and the University of Notre Dame) with a strong commitment to those ideals. As part of our emphasis on service-learning, we ask students to assess the needs of the community and complete a project to address those needs. Beyond helping key popula�ons, Tusculum students gain valuable experience in solving problems, apprecia�ng differences, and working with others. Tusculum College is a learning community where students and faculty members spend concentrated blocks of �me together exploring important areas of knowledge, developing and refining thinking and communica�on skills, wrestling with the �meless controversial issues that characterize the human condi�on, and applying themselves to the prac�cal solu�on of problems. Whether in the tradi�onal on-campus Bachelor of Arts programs or in the evening Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts programs for working adult-students, Tusculum College’s dis�nc�ve academic calendar lets students concentrate on learning one subject at a �me. It’s a tradi�on grounded in the belief that we best realize the poten�al of each individual when faculty members and students work closely together with the ul�mate aim of enriching the lives of our students and preparing them to contribute posi�vely to their communi�es. For many tradi�onal students, an ini�al reason for choosing Tusculum is our focused calendar, which allows students to take one course at a �me. For others, its our dis�nc�ve programs of study, from specialized areas such as Athle�c Training, Business Administra�on, and Museum Studies to strong arts and sciences areas such as Biology, English, and Psychology. Tusculum is well known throughout East Tennessee for the effec�veness of its Teacher Educa�on programs. Students are well prepared for careers in early childhood and elementary educa�on, in several secondary educa�on subject areas, in K-12 programs in Physical Educa�on and Visual Arts, and in Special Educa�on. But what o�en seals prospec�ve students’ decisions to join Tusculum’s community is the people. Tusculum a�racts topflight professors for the same reason that we a�ract students: small classes with close interac�on between professors and students, the focused calendar which allows concentrated study, and a Civic Arts curriculum that emphasizes community. Our professors are mo�vated and mo�va�ng. Excited and exci�ng. Whatever the major, you’ll find that Tusculum’s academics are innova�ve, and that our faculty is commi�ed to the success of our students. THE TUSCULUM CAMPUS Located in Greeneville, Tenn., Tusculum College lies in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains between Knoxville and the Tri-Ci�es (Bristol-Johnson City-Kingsport). Our wooded 190-acre campus has over 25 buildings, nine of which are listed on the Na�onal Register of Historic Places. The Albert Columbus Tate Library, one of our Na�onal Historic Sites, was built in 1910. The library is experiencing a major mul�-million dollar renova�on and expansion that will more than double the size of the current library facility, bringing our library space to 34,467 square feet. The Tate Library previously encompassed 12,000 square feet, and is incorporated into the expanded and renovated building. We also have two on-campus museums, one holding archives with materials da�ng to the College’s beginnings. The Andrew Johnson Presiden�al Museum and Library includes the Charles Coffin Collec�on containing materials from the Collegeís original library, the Andrew Johnson Library containing books, papers, and memorabilia from the 17th President of the United States, and the College Archives containing documents related to the history of Tusculum since its founding. Tusculum’s loca�on is convenient to shopping and entertainment, and our students enjoy access to such recrea�onal opportuni�es as backpacking, hiking, whitewater ra�ing, fishing and snow skiing. The city of Greeneville and Greene County have a combined popula�on of 65,000. Knoxville and the Tri-Ci�es are within a 70-mile radius of the campus.

12 - 2010 Tusculum Cross Country








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