Teachers College Press, Educational Policy

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SEE INSIDE FOR BOOKS ON: · Educational Change and Innovation · Leadership Preparation · Special Education Law · Common Core Implementation · Teacher Evaluation · Professional Learning Communities


= Common Core Resource = Also available as an eBook

New from Be the Change: Reinventing School for Student Success Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus, Stanford University, and president, Learning Policy Institute; Nicky Ramos-Beban, instructor, San Jose State University Teacher Education Program and assistant director of alternative education, Santa Clara Office of Education; Rebecca Padnos Altamirano, educator, social entrepreneur, and partner, Tangelo, Inc.; and Maria E. Hyler, senior researcher and policy analyst, Learning Policy Institute, Washington, DC

Be the Change tells the remarkable story of an innovative public high school launched by dedicated teachers in East Palo Alto, California. The school’s unique design, modeled after successful small schools in New York City, offers authentic and engaging instruction that has allowed students who start off far behind to graduate and go on to college in record numbers. Each chapter examines one of the critical elements the teachers found essential to enable student success: the creation of an academic culture, the development of high standards with high supports, and the process of learning to teach so that students can learn. Filled with the deep knowledge of education leaders and a team of dedicated teachers, and guided throughout by the expertise of renowned educator Linda Darling-Hammond, this book will help improve student outcomes in ALL schools. Dec 2015/264 pp./PB, $34.95/5743-7  large format


“A powerful and compelling tale.” —Pedro A. Noguera, UCLA


Getting Teacher Evaluation Right: What Really Matters for Effectiveness and Improvement 192 pp./PB, $26.95/5446-7/HC, $68/5447-4

Teaching in the Flat World: Learning from High-Performing Systems (with Robert Rothman) 120 pp./PB, $24.95/5647-8/HC, $54/5648-5

“The story of a little school that could.” —Douglas Fisher, San

Diego State University

2012 Winner

The Flat World and Education: How America’s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future 408 pp./PB, $26.95/4962-3/(T)

The New Meaning of Educational Change  Fifth Edition Michael Fullan, OC, is professor emeritus at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. He consults with governments and school systems in several countries around the world. Visit his website at www.michaelfullan.ca.

“In this Fifth Edition, Michael Fullan shares the wisdom that he has accumulated over more than 3 decades.... It should be required reading for all educators.” —Richard DuFour, author and consultant

New Edition

“Few people can match Michael Fullan’s depth and breadth of experience with real change in education. This update of his classic text could not come at a better time.” —Peter Senge, MIT Sloan School

The definitive textbook on the study of educational change.

Based on practical and fundamental work with education systems in several countries, Michael Fullan’s text captured the dilemmas and leading ideas for successful large-scale systemic reform. This updated edition includes decisionmakers at all levels and introduces many new and powerful ideas for formulating strategies and implementing solutions that will improve educational systems. This perennial bestseller is widely used by university professors, policymakers, and practitioners throughout North America and in many other countries. Dec 2015/312 pp./PB, $36.95/5680-5/HC, $78/5744-4 Copublished with Routledge and Ontario Principals’ Council. See tcpress.com for availability outside the U.S.A.


Big-City School Reforms: Lessons from New York, Toronto, and London (with Alan Boyle) 192 pp./PB, $27.95/5518-1/HC, $66/5519-8  See tcpress.com for availability outside the U.S.A.

Professional Capital (with Andy Hargreaves), page 8


E D U C AT I O N A L P O L I C Y— N E W !


Cracks in the Schoolyard

Schooled Ordinary, Extraordinary Teaching in an Age of Change

Confronting Latino Educational Inequality


Edited by Gilberto Q. Conchas, professor of educational policy and social context at the School of Education, University of California, Irvine, with Briana M. Hinga. Foreword by Amanda Datnow “Provides powerful accounts of the ways in which Latino students achieve in spite of formidable obstacles.” —From the Foreword by Amanda Datnow, University of California, San Diego

“Cracks in the Schoolyard convenes a dynamic group of scholars committed to transforming our schools. It’s a must-read book, especially for practitioners, researchers, and policymakers.” —Gilda L. Ochoa, Pomona College This book features achievement cases that depict Latinos as active actors—not hopeless victims—in the quest for social and economic mobility. These counternarratives will help educators and policymakers fill the cracks in the schoolyard that often create disparity and failure for youth and young adults. Contributors: Nancy Acevedo-Gil, Alejandra S. Albarran, Edelina M. Burciaga, Leo R. Chavez, Gilberto Q. Conchas, Isiaah Crawford, Cindy Cruz, Briana M. Hinga, Eduardo Mosqueda, Leticia Oseguera, Louie F. Rodríguez, Kip Téllez, and Irene I. Vega

Anne Lutz Fernandez has been teaching


English in Connecticut public middle and high schools for 15 years. Catherine Lutz is the Thomas J. Watson Jr. Family Professor at Brown University and past president of the American Ethnological Society. Foreword by Ann Lieberman “Schooled is a fascinating journey into the lives of nine American teachers.... As they say, teaching is not rocket science, it’s more complicated than that.” —Pasi Sahlberg, author, Finnish Lessons 2.0

“Schooled pays tribute to passionate, informed educators, but directly challenges the reforms now being forced upon them. The book is an electrifying and inspiring must read for teachers and everyone concerned with the fate of our schools.” —Lesley Bartlett, University of Wisconsin–Madison The authors traveled the country to meet a wide range of educators on the frontlines of teaching across diverse contexts. This beautifully written book highlights teachers’ thoughts on many key educational issues, including revamped teacher evaluations, curricular standardization, and increased testing. Visit the book website and blog at www.schooledbook.org. Jul 2015/160 pp./PB, $29.95/5736-9/HC, $74/5737-6

Nov 2015/224 pp./PB, $39.95/5703-1/HC, $80/5704-8

Improving Teacher Evaluation Systems

Healthy Learners A Whole Child Approach to Reducing Disparities in Early Education

Making the Most of Multiple Measures


Edited by Jason A. Grissom, associate professor, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University; and Peter Youngs, associate professor, Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. “Our best research-based knowledge on the topic in a smart, accessible volume that sets the standard in the field.” —John Tyler, Brown University

“Grissom and Youngs have organized an insightful guide to new teacher evaluation systems. The contributions from individual authors couple what we know about measurement quality in these systems with a valuable first look at on-the-ground implementation.” —Heather Hill, Harvard Graduate School of Education This volume by expert researchers and practitioners will be invaluable to school and district administrators, policymakers, researchers, and teacher education institutions grappling with issues of teacher accountability and school leadership. Contributors include Ryan Balch, Marisa Cannata, Casey D. Cobb, Julie Cohen, Sean P. Corcoran, Morgaen L. Donaldson, Tim Drake, Dan Goldhaber, Ellen Goldring, Bridget K. Hamre, Gary T. Henry, Nathan D. Jones, Venessa A. Keesler, Susanna Loeb, Robert C. Pianta, Min Sun, and Andrea Whittaker Nov 2015/208 pp./PB, $37.95/5739-0/HC, $76/5740-6


Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas, Claude Bonazzo, University of Texas, and Nina Wu, Children’s Council of San Francisco.

“Blending diverse data sources and analytic tools, Healthy Learners presents a compelling case for linking early childhood education with health in policy and practice.” —Beth Graue, University of Wisconsin–Madison

“This book is important for anyone who is concerned about educational equity, high quality early education, educational policy issues, or improving outcomes for vulnerable populations.” —Linda Espinosa, University of Missouri–Columbia In this book, the authors explain why healthy learning is good for children, schools, and society, and they suggest concrete ways to make it happen. While the text covers a broad spectrum of American children, special attention is given to the growing population of Mexican immigrant children. Chapters include: Issues to Ponder, Keywords, Take-Home Messages, and Next Questions. Sep 2015/168 pp./PB, $32.95/5709-3  Early Childhood Education Series


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SCHOOL LEADERSHIP—NEW! Literacy Leadership in Changing Schools

Facilitating for Learning Tools for Teacher Groups of All Kinds

10 Keys to Successful Professional Development


Shelley B. Wepner, dean and professor of education; Diane W. Gómez , associate professor; Katie Egan Cunningham, assistant professor; Kristin N. Rainville, assistant professor, Sacred Heart University; and Courtney Kelly, associate professor— all have been or are at the School of Education, Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY.

“A road map for enriched learning experiences for professionals and ultimately for the students they teach.” —Dorothy S. Strickland, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey “This book encourages and supports leaders as they create bold, thoughtful and empowering pathways for professional development.” —Jennifer Scoggin director of LitLife, Connecticut “This book clearly shows school leaders how to obtain accurate information when creating a cohesive literacy model.” —Gravity Goldberg, literacy consultant Provides concrete approaches that leaders and coaches can use to help K–6 teachers improve their instruction with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Offering vignettes, strategies, and guidelines, the book addresses typical issues leaders and teachers face, such as high-stakes testing, failure rates, teacher and principal evaluations, family engagement, and shrinking resources. Nov 2015/312 pp./PB, $36.95/5713-0  Language and Literacy Series  ccss

David Allen, assistant professor, College of Staten Island, City University of New York, and Tina Blythe, international education consultant.


“A practice-based resource loaded with ideas, strategies, and tools designed to maximize opportunities to promote professional learning, team-based thinking, and collaborative problem solving.” —Larry Leverett, executive director, Panasonic Foundation This resource is designed for use in a range of contexts, including faculty and department meetings, professional learning communities, grade-level teams, and inquiry groups. It is a perfect companion to the authors’ bestseller, The Facilitator’s Book of Questions. Jul 2015/144 pp./PB, $27.95/5738-3 ALSO BY TINA BLYTHE AND DAVID ALLEN:

Looking Together at Student Work: Third Edition (with Barbara Schieffelin Powell) 96 pp./PB, $24.95/5646-1

Smarter Teacher Leadership


Foreword by Ron Ritchhart

“I have had the good fortune to watch both David and Tina facilitate learning groups and have learned from the power of their modeling.... I am delighted that they have gathered their wisdom here in this volume to share with others eager to embark on the journey and experience the joys of facilitating learning with colleagues.” —From the Foreword by Ron Ritchhart, Project Zero

Trauma-Sensitive Schools

Neuroscience and the Power of Purposeful Collaboration

Learning Communities Transforming Children’s Lives, K–5

Marcus Conyers and Donna Wilson are developers of graduate degree programs focused on Brain-Based Teaching and Teacher Leadership with Nova Southeastern University and are founders of the Center for Innovative Education and Prevention.

Susan E. Craig is an independent consultant to school systems nationwide on topics such as inclusion, effects of violence, trauma-sensitive schools, positive behavior support, differentiated instruction, and integrated therapies. Visit her blog at www.meltdownstomastery.wordpress.com.

Foreword by Mary Helen Immordino-Yang “I love this book! It is a perfect text to accompany what we teach in our master’s degree in educational leadership. This inspiring and encouraging book will guide graduates in their new roles as administrators.” —Lisa Lohmann, University of Central Oklahoma “Elevates the concept of teacher leadership to a new level of understanding and significance.” —Frank Crowther, emeritus professor, University of Southern Queensland “An excellent bottom-up collegial focus that provides useful, nontechnical information about how to insert educationally significant cognitive developments into classroom management, instruction, and assessment.” —Bob Sylwester, professor emeritus, University of Oregon This pioneering book shares a fresh vision for school leadership that connects current knowledge from mind, brain, and adult learning research to the process of teacher development and leadership. Providing clear steps and real-life examples, the authors demonstrate a broad array of leadership pathways to help teachers collaborate with colleagues and advocate with administrators and parents.


Foreword by Jane Ellen Stevens “This research is essential knowledge if educators want to create a school system where all children can feel safe enough to learn and succeed academically.” —From the Foreword by Jane Ellen Stevens, founder and publisher, ACEs Connection Network “Will help administrators and educators truly make schoolwide trauma sensitivity a regular part of the way their schools are run. A major contribution to education reform.” —Susan Cole, director, Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative, Massachusetts Advocates for Children, and Harvard Law School Growing evidence supports the important relationship between trauma and academic failure. In response, the trauma-sensitive schools movement presents a new vision for promoting children’s success. This book introduces this promising approach and provides K–5 education professionals with clear explanations of current research and dozens of practical, creative ideas. Dec 2015/160 pp./PB, $28.95/5745-1

Dec 2015/144 pp./PB, $28.95/5730-7

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The New Early Childhood Professional

Teaching in Themes An Approach to Schoolwide Learning, Creating Community, and Differentiating Instruction

A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Goliath Valora Washington, CEO,

Council for Professional Recognition, founder, CAYL Institute; Brenda Gadson, owner, BMG Consulting; Kathryn L. Amel, associate manager, programs and operations, CAYL Institute.


Foreword by Roger and Bonnie Neugebauer “Readers, be prepared to be jolted out of your comfort zone. This book will challenge, inform, provoke, and inspire you.” —From the Foreword by Roger and Bonnie Neugebauer, publishers of Exchange Magazine For today’s early childhood educator, change is a nonnegotiable reality. This handbook presents some of the heroic experiences and strategic approaches used by early childhood educators (participants in the CAYL Institute Fellowship programs) to deal with change. The authors share a framework with concrete steps, resources, tools, and questions for reflection. Visit the book website at www. newearlychildhoodprofessional.com.


Aug 2015/192 pp./PB, $34.95/5699-7/HC, $78/5700-0  photos  Practitioner Inquiry Series

Civic Education in the Elementary Grades Promoting Student Engagement in an Era of Accountability

Early Childhood Education Series

Copublished with NAEYC

Taking a Stand for Social Justice


Edited by Susi Long , professor, University of South Carolina; Mariana Souto-Manning, associate professor, Teachers College, Columbia University; and Vivian Maria Vasquez, professor, American University.


Jan 2016/224 pp./PB, $34.95/5741-3

Dana Mitra is associate professor of education in the department of education policy studies at The Pennsylvania State University. Stephanie C. Serriere is associate professor of social studies education at Indiana University–Purdue University Columbus (IUPUC). Foreword by Meira Levinson

“Offers a suggestive range of evidence that high-quality civic engagement initiatives can enhance students’ academic, social, and emotional engagement.... It reveals the nittygritty of how experienced teachers can enable children who are immersed in meaningful civic work also to engage more deeply with mathematical problem-solving, peer collaboration, literacy and social studies learning, and development of empathy and mutual trust.” —From the Foreword by Meira Levinson, Harvard Graduate School of Education Oct 2015/192 pp./PB, $34.95/5634-8/HC, $78/5636-2

How to Prevent Special Education Litigation Eight Legal Lesson Plans

Foreword by Sonia Nieto In this inspiring collection, 13 early childhood leaders take action to challenge and change inequitable educational practices in preschools and elementary schools. For them, educating for social justice is not an empty platitude. Steadfast and resolute, they turn rhetoric into reality as they guide early childhood teachers to teach for social justice innovatively and strategically. Through the voices of families, teachers, and the administrators themselves, each chapter shares ways that these leaders use the power entrusted in them to question and disrupt discriminatory and marginalizing practices that deny opportunities for some students while privileging others. The book includes insights, strategies, and resources that administrators can use to build confidence, knowledge, and skills as they invest in more equitable and just preschools and schools.

“Adds to the literature on creative and collaborative teaching and on building trusting and powerful learning communities.” —Linda Darling-Hammond, president, Learning Policy Institute

Teaching in Themes will help schools incorporate a whole-school, theme-based curriculum that engages students across grade levels K–8. Readers see how teachers and students design emergent inquiries within the themes and create artwork, music, science presentations, and a variety of hands-on learning experiences that support differentiated instruction across the curriculum.

Aug 2015/176 pp./PB, $27.95/5663-8

Courageous Leadership in Early Childhood Education

Edited by Deborah Meier, teacher, principal, writer, and advocate who received a MacArthur “genius” Award for her work in New York City’s East Harlem; Matthew Knoester, assistant professor, University of Evansville; and Katherine Clunis D’Andrea, teacher, Mission Hill School in Boston, and adjunct professor, University of Massachusetts Boston.


Regina Umpstead, Central Michigan University; Janet R. Decker, Indiana University’s School of Education; Kevin P. Brady, University of Arkansas; David Schimmel, University of Massachusetts Amherst; and Matthew Militello, East Carolina University. “This book provides a workable framework for school administrators to give their staff the knowledge needed to make legally correct decisions and avoid costly litigation.” —Allan Osborne, former principal, Snug Harbor Community School, Quincy, MA

This book provides eight easy-to-implement lesson plans on special education law that will help schools and districts reduce the time and energy devoted to dealing with violations of the law, resolving parental complaints, correcting errors by school employees, and more. In these one-hour sessions, participants learn by engaging with actual situations that have led to expensive litigation. Aug 2015/128 pp./PB, $36.95/5707-9  large format, illustrations

Early Childhood Education Series


T E A C H E R P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T— N E W ! The Fluency Factor

BiographyDriven Culturally Responsive Teaching

Authentic Instruction and Assessment for Reading Success in the Common Core Classroom Timothy Rasinski is a professor of literacy education at Kent State University. James K. Nageldinger is an assistant professor of literacy at Elmira College, Elmira, New York.


Foreword by Patricia M. Cunningham “How delighted I was to find...wonderfully doable assessments and classroom activities that would truly teach children to read fluently and develop expressive reading as the bridge between word identification and comprehension.” —Patricia M. Cunningham, Wake Forest University

Reading fluency has been identified in the Common Core Standards as a foundational competency for reading proficiency. This resource provides teachers and literacy interventionists with approaches to fluency instruction that are effective, engaging, and easy to implement. This important new book updates and adds to Timothy Rasinski’s classic text, The Fluent Reader. Dec 2015/160 pp./PB, $30.95/5747-5  The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series  ccss

Pose, Wobble, Flow A Culturally Proactive Approach to Literacy Instruction

Second Edition Socorro Herrera is a

keynote speaker, district consultant, trainer of trainers, and director of the Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy (CIMA) at the College of Education, Kansas State University.

New Edition

Culturally responsive pedagogy, literacy, and English learner education expert Socorro Herrera has updated this bestseller to clarify, focus, and redefine concepts for the continued professional development of educators serving culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) populations. Teaching strategies and tools have been updated to reflect important new brain research and to keep pace with our nation’s ever-changing demographics and constant shift in expectations for K–12 students. Herrera has also revised the structure and format of the book to help educators find information quickly while working in highly complex and demanding environments. Jan 2016/208 pp./PB, $32.95/5750-5  large format, photos

Antero Garcia, assistant professor,

Colorado State University, www.theamericancrawl.com; Cindy O’Donnell-Allen, professor and director, CSU Writing Project.


Foreword by Linda Christensen “This beautiful book will educate, challenge, and inspire educators determined to improve their teaching.” —Sonia Nieto, professor emerita, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Pose, Wobble, Flow presents a promising framework for disrupting the pervasive myth that there is one set of surefire, culturally neutral “best” practices. Each chapter highlights a particular pose, describes how to work through common wobbles, incorporates teacher voices, and provides questions for further discussion. Sep 2015/176 pp./PB, $29.95/5652-2/HC, $76/5664-5  Language and Literacy Series  Copublished with NWP

Literacy and History in Action Immersive Approaches to Disciplinary Thinking, Grades 5–12 Thomas M. McCann is a professor of English at Northern Illinois University. Rebecca D’Angelo teaches 5th grade in Elmhurst, Illinois. Nancy Galas supervises


RTI in the Common Core Classroom

student teachers and conducts professional development workshops nationwide. Mary Greska is a school library media specialist in Elmhurst, Illinois. Foreword by Peter Smagorinsky

“Provides a powerful model that will help prepare students not only for college and career but also for their lives as citizens.”  —Michael W. Smith, Temple University Describes extended simulation activities that allow learners to experience major periods of U.S. history while they discuss, read, and write in ways that align closely with the Common Core State Standards. Chapters cover the European incursions into North America, pre-Revolutionary War colonialism, and the Civil War and Reconstruction.

A Framework for Instruction and Assessment Sharon Vaughn, H.E. Hartfelder Regents Chair, The University of Texas and executive director, The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, (MCPER); Philip Capin, Garrett J. Roberts, and Melodee A. Walker are all doctoral students at The University of Texas at Austin and affiliated with MCPER.


“Sharon Vaughn is the perfect classroom expert to help teachers mesh the requirements of any RTI program with high standards, whether they be CCSS, state, or local.” —Susan B. Neuman, New York University Focusing on what research tells us about how children learn, this guide can serve as the core of language arts instruction with all students, including individuals with mild to moderate disabilities. It offers an adaptable framework and practical tips for integrating Common Core State Standards (CCSS) into local Response to Intervention (RTI) systems. Dec 2015/160 pp./PB, $29.95/5716-1  ccss

The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series


Common Core resource

Oct 2015/160 pp./PB, $31.95/5734-5/HC, $78/5735-2  Language and Literacy Series  ccss

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E D U C AT I O N A L P O L I C Y— B E S T S E L L E R S ! Squandering America’s Future

Closing the School Discipline Gap

Why ECE Policy Matters for Equality, Our Economy, and Our Children

Equitable Remedies for Excessive Exclusion

Susan Ochshorn / Foreword by David Kirp “Recommended for parents, politicians, and anyone who has worked in education.” —Library Journal “A must-read for all who care about kids.” —Nancy Carlsson-Paige, professor emerita, Lesley University “This book needs to be read widely, and right away.” —Deborah Meier, MacArthur award– winning teacher, principal, and author “Susan Ochshorn shows us how a few dedicated people, schools, agencies, and institutions have made a difference in children’s lives.” —Samuel J. Meisels, Buffett Early Childhood Institute, University of Nebraska

In this pioneering guide to the big issues in contemporary early childhood policy, Ochshorn drives home the importance of the earliest years for developing human capital. With her 360-degree view, Ochshorn boldly and clearly shows how early care and education is an issue of social justice that also impacts America’s ability to compete on the world stage. 2015/192 pp./PB, $27.95/5670-6

New Edition of the 2013 Winner

Finnish Lessons 2.0 What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? Second Edition Pasi Sahlberg Forewords by Diane Ravitch and Andy Hargreaves / Afterword by Sir Ken Robinson ”Finnish Lessons 2.0 reminds us that a nation can consciously build an admirable school system if it pays close attention to the needs of children, if it selects and prepares its educators well, and if it builds educational communities that are not only physically attractive but conducive to the joys of teaching and learning.” —From the Foreword by Diane Ravitch, New York University “Whether or not you have read Finnish Lessons, you should read and ponder this new edition right away.” —Howard Gardner, Harvard University

The first edition of Finnish Lessons won the prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Education and has been translated into 16 languages. Now, with Finnish Lessons 2.0, Pasi Sahlberg has thoroughly updated his groundbreaking account of how Finland built a world-class education system during the past four decades. This second edition details the complexity of meaningful change by examining Finland’s educational performance in light of the most recent international assessment data and domestic changes. 2015/264 pp./PB, $24.95/5585-3

Edited by Daniel J. Losen “This volume is a call to action for policymakers, educators, parents, and students.” —Marian Wright Edelman, Children’s Defense Fund “Offers a clear set of recommendations for anyone committed to pursuing equality in our schools.” —James E. Ryan, Harvard Graduate School of Education

The research presented in this volume demonstrates that disciplinary policies and practices that schools control directly exacerbate today’s profound inequities in educational opportunity and outcomes. Part I explores how suspensions flow along the lines of race, gender, and disability status. Part II examines potential remedies, including a districtwide approach in Cleveland aimed at social and emotional learning strategies. Contributors include Robert Balfanz, Jamilia J. Blake, Dewey Cornell, Jeremy D. Finn, Thalia González, Anne Gregory, Daniel J. Losen, David M. Osher, Russell J. Skiba, Ivory A. Toldson. 2015/288 pp./PB, $36.95/5613-3/HC, $76/5614-0

Disability, Culture, and Equity Series

50 Myths and Lies That Threaten America’s Public Schools The Real Crisis in Education David C. Berliner, Gene V Glass, and Associates “A valuable new book.” —The Washington Post “A timely and hard-hitting book. The teachers of our children will be grateful.” —Jonathan Kozol, educator and author “A flat-out masterpiece.” —W. James Popham, professor emeritus, UCLA “If you care about the future of public education, you mustn’t ignore this book.” —Andy Hargreaves, Lynch School of Education, Boston College

“Anyone involved in making decisions about today’s schools should read this book.”  —Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University In this comprehensive look at modern education reform, two of the most respected voices in education and a team of young education scholars use hard-hitting information and a touch of comic relief to separate fact from fiction. This provocative book features short essays on important topics to provide essential reading for every elected representative, school administrator, school board member, and teacher. 2014/272 pp./PB, $29.95/5524-2 (T)


E D U C AT I O N A L P O L I C Y— R E C E N T LY P U B L I S H E D Common Core Dilemma

2015 AESA Critics’ Choice Book Award

Mercedes K. Schneider / Foreword by Carol Corbett Burris

My Baby Brother and the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Who Owns Our Schools?

Being Bad

“Mercedes Schneider is the right person to take a close look at the controversies around the Common Core. No one digs deeper than she to understand the politics, money, and personalities behind big issues.” —Diane Ravitch, New York University In her new book, bestselling author Mercedes Schneider lifts the veil on the development of the Common Core, the individuals present in the back room, the push to copyright it so that test-makers could profit, and the urgency for governors to sign commitments before the standards were even completed.

2015/264 pp./PB, $29.95/5649-2/HC, $68/5650-8  ccss

Crystal T. Laura Foreword by William Ayers Afterword by Erica R. Meiners “Perhaps more than any other study on this topic, this book brings to life the complicated experience of those most directly and collaterally impacted by the politics of schooling and its relationship to our growing prison nation.” —Garrett Albert Duncan, Washington University in St. Louis In a poignant and harrowing journey, the author follows her brother, Chris, who has been designated a “bad kid” by his school, a “person of interest” by the police, and a “gangster” by society.

2014/144 pp./PB, $29.95/5596-9/HC, $64/5597-6 Teaching for Social Justice Series

Race to the Bottom

Worth Striking For

Corporate School Reform and the Future of Public Education

Why Education Policy is Every Teacher’s Concern (Lessons from Chicago)

Michael V. McGill

Isabel Nuñez, Gregory Michie, and Pamela Konkol

“An acute analysis of the failure of corporate school reform, a sobering tale of its damages, and an urgent call for changing course, all from a veteran education leader of the nation’s best schools.” —Yong Zhao, internationally known scholar, author, and speaker McGill traces the emergence of corporate reform and describes how its tenets run counter to the key elements of a high-quality education. Drawing from a wealth of experience as a school superintendent, including his tenure in Scarsdale during the 2001 districtwide boycott of New York State standardized tests, the author offers a model of school reform that will prepare students for the 21st century.

2015/192 pp./PB, $32.95/5637-9

Fear and Learning in America

Bad Data, Good Teachers, and the Attack on Public Education

John Kuhn / Foreword by Diane Ravitch “A fresh way of thinking about schools and educational policy. Refuting A Nation at Risk, Mr. Kuhn warns, persuasively, of ‘a rising tide of inequality.’ His message, artfully delivered in this important book, should be heeded.” —John Merrow, PBS NewsHour “Demonstrates what is really important and should inform the debate about public education.” —Randi Weingarten, president, AFT

2014/176 pp./PB, $24.95/5572-3

The Teaching for Social Justice Series

Foreword by Pedro Noguera “The analyses and narratives of these Chicago activist-scholars are a much-needed guide for the rest of us. Spread the word!” —Gary Anderson, New York University Worth Striking For examines the drastic changes in the landscape of public education in recent decades and focuses on what teachers need to know about the debates and complex issues of reform. Using the 2012 Chicago teachers strike as a framing device, the authors demonstrate how each of the policy areas addressed is critically important to teachers’ lives and work.

2015/160 pp./PB, $32.95/5626-3/HC, $70/5627-0

A Smarter Charter Finding What Works for Charter Schools and Public Education Richard D. Kahlenberg and Halley Potter “A remarkable new book... can take the charter movement in new and useful directions.” —The Washington Post “I hope parents, educators in all sectors, concerned citizens, policymakers, philanthropists—and charter sector leaders—will take this book’s compelling message to heart and act on it.” —Dennis Van Roekel, former president, NEA “A Smarter Charter is a tour-de-force, laying out in singular fashion what has gone wrong with the charter school movement, and what must be done to get it back on track.” —Randi Weingarten, president, AFT 2014/240 pp./PB, $30.95/5579-2 HC, $72/5580-8

The Teaching for Social Justice Series

From Charity to Equity

Political Education

Ann Aviles de Bradley Foreword by Marvin Lynn

Christopher T. Cross

Race, Homelessness, and Urban Schools

“This book will completely transform the way we think about how to address the needs of homeless youth in our schools. Bravo, Dr. Aviles

de Bradley!” —Marvin Lynn, Indiana University South Bend Through interviews with youth, readers are challenged to see implementation of the McKinney– Vento Act (1987) not as charity but as an issue of legislated social justice and to work towards educational equity for students experiencing homelessness.

Setting the Course for State and Federal Policy, Second Edition Foreword by Brian Sandoval and Jeremy Anderson

“As Political Education so clearly documents, we need to engage in a dialogue that is about our expectations and our commitment to education as a national priority.” —From the Foreword by Brian Sandoval and Jeremy Anderson, Education Commission of the States 2014/224 pp./PB, $37.95/5586-0

2015/144 pp./PB, $31.95/5639-3

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What Kind of Citizen?

Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs

Educating Our Children for the Common Good

A Guide for Change Louise Derman-Sparks, Debbie LeeKeenan, and John Nimmo

Joel Westheimer “Among the many casualties of a preoccupation with rigor and accountability is the prospect of education for meaningful democratic citizenship. In this refreshingly accessible book, Westheimer not only makes that point but explains the importance of helping students to think critically and question tradition.” —Alfie Kohn, bestselling author “In this highly readable, persuasive book, Joel Westheimer reminds us that, in our zeal for higher test scores, we seem to have forgotten the highest aim of education—to produce better people, more thoughtful citizens.” —Nel Noddings, Stanford University

Foreword by Mariana Souto-Manning “This book is a tool box for building early childhood programs that foster sentiments of justice and fairness in leaders, teachers, and young children.” —Herbert Kohl, educator and bestselling author With a focus on the leader’s role, this book is both a stand-alone text and a perfect companion for Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves. It emphasizes that this work is not only about changing curriculum, but requires thoughtful, strategic, long-term planning that addresses all components of an early childhood program. With a powerful combination of conceptual frameworks, strategies, and practical tools, the authors explain the structural and individual changes leaders must foster.

2014/192 pp./PB, $29.95/5598-3  large format  Early Childhood Education Series Copublished with NAEYC

How can schools teach the skills required for a strong democracy to flourish? What Kind of Citizen? asks readers to imagine the kind of society they would like to live in—and then shows the ways in which schools can be used to make that vision a reality.

The Culturally Inclusive Educator Preparing for a Multicultural World Dena R. Samuels

2015/128 pp./PB, $24.95/5635-5

“This book provides the research and the tools for transforming ourselves and our practice; it is up to us to do the work.” —Gary R. Howard, Equity and School Change Consulting “At last—an empathetic and inspiring book that says the way to educate all students more successfully is to awaken teachers’ higher awareness.” —Peggy McIntosh, National SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum

2015 winner

Professional Capital Transforming Teaching in Every School Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan “This book gives educators viable solutions and varied examples from around the world.” —Principal

Based on the author’s national research and consulting work, this book provides guidance on overcoming personal and institutional challenges to cultural inclusiveness (stereotype threats, microaggressions, colorblindness/identity-blindness, implicit bias, among others). Samuels begins with the challenges facing the higher education community and then offers 8 transformative steps that any educator teaching any subject can utilize to increase their effectiveness.

2014/176 pp./PB, $37.95/5592-1/HC, $80/5593-8

“Engaging, challenging and stimulating. Particularly encouraging is the fact the authors not only identify core problems in education but also, based upon their own international experiences of being directly engaged in effective educational reform, suggest practical solutions.” —School Administrator

Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty Strategies for Erasing the Opportunity Gap Paul C. Gorski

“This provocative, thoughtful, and challenging book is an excellent place to start a much-needed conversation.” —Education Update

“Provides a good overview of the topic, delivers clear, well-researched information, and helps all educators expand their knowledge of poverty and social class.”  —Choice

Professional Capital has been endorsed by leaders from NEA, AFT, and AASA, among others.

“From one of the smartest scholars on poverty and education comes this engaging and thoroughly researched book that every educator and school leader should read.” —Kevin Kumashiro, University of San Francisco

2012/240 pp./PB, $31.95/5332-3/HC, $66/5333-0 Copublished with Routledge and the Ontario Principals’ Council. See tcpress.com for availability outside the U.S.A.

The author deconstructs popular myths, misconceptions, and educational practices that undercut the achievement of low-income students. Most importantly, Gorski provides instructional strategies based on more than 20 years of research on what works (and what doesn’t work). The text also includes activities such as a Poverty and Class Awareness Quiz.

2013/216 pp./PB, $33.95/5457-3/HC, $74/5458-0  Multicultural Education Series


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Reading Upside Down

Inspiring High Intellectual Performance in Urban Schools

Identifying and Addressing Opportunity Gaps in Literacy Instruction

Yvette Jackson / Foreword by Reuven Feuerstein “What Dr. Jackson proposes here is truly a remedy to ensure that students, no matter where they come from, and no matter where they go to school, have the ability to attain their innate intellectual potential.” —Education Update “This book will become the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of urban education.” —Joseph S. Renzulli, The University of Connecticut

2011/208 pp./PB, $28.95/5223-4/HC, $62/5224-1

Deborah L. Wolter “A powerful tool. . . . Wolter does a superb job not only identifying opportunity gaps in literacy instruction but also providing ways to begin fixing them.” —Patricia A. Edwards, past president, International Literacy Association Reading Upside Down explores eight key factors that contribute to reading challenges in developing readers, including school readiness, the use of prescribed phonics-based programs, physical hurdles, unfamiliarity with English, and special education labeling. It focuses on the differences that educators can make for individual students and suggests ways to address early opportunity gaps.

2015/160 pp./PB, $36.95/5665-2/HC, $76/5666-9

The Power of Protocols

Black Male(d)

An Educator’s Guide to Better Practice Third Edition

Peril and Promise in the Education of African American Males

Joseph P. McDonald , Nancy Mohr, Alan Dichter, and Elizabeth C. McDonald

Tyrone C. Howard Foreword by Pedro Noguera

“My practice is continuously strengthened by The Power of Protocols. This book will enlarge your thinking about how protocols can help you with change management and issues of equity.” —Bena Kallick, The Institute for Habits of Mind “This is one of a handful of books that I keep right on my desk.” —Kathryn Boudett, Harvard Graduate School of Education This new edition features substantial updates that take into account recent developments in the field of facilitative leadership. The authors have also added 11 totally new protocols, including the “Peer Review Protocol” and “Looking at Student Work with Equity in Mind.” This essential teaching and professional development tool includes step-by-step descriptions of how educators can use protocols to study together, work on problems of practice, teach well, and explore students’ work.

2013/144 pp./PB, $25.95/5459-7  the series on school reform

Summer Reading Closing the Rich/Poor Reading Achievement Gap Edited by Richard L. Allington and Anne McGill-Franzen Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy

“Summer Reading shows us how to make voluntary reading programs work, especially for low achievers.” —P. David Pearson, University of California, Berkeley This timely volume offers not only a comprehensive review of what is known about summer reading loss, but also provides reliable interventions and guidance for planning a successful summer reading program. The authors clearly show how schools and communities can see greater academic gains for students from low-income families using the methods described in this book than from much more costly interventions. Contributors: Richard L. Allington, Lynn Bigelman, James J. Lindsay, Anne McGill-Franzen, Geraldine Melosh, Lunetta Williams

“Anyone who is troubled by the status of Black boys in schools and society will find much that is useful in this book.”   —Shaun R. Harper, University of Pennsylvania “This is the book that shows us how to reform practices, policies, and places in order to improve the human condition of Black males.” —H. Richard Milner IV, University of Pittsburgh In his new book, the author of the bestseller Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools examines the chronic underperformance of African American males in U.S. schools, and calls for a paradigm shift in how we think about, teach, and study Black males. Howard discusses the potential and promise of Black males by highlighting their voices to generate new insights, create new knowledge, and identify useful practices that can significantly improve their schooling experiences and life chances. He also identifies community-based programs that are helping Black males succeed.

2014/208 pp./PB, $29.95/5490-0/HC, $72/5491-7  Multicultural Education Series

Promoting Racial Literacy in Schools Differences That Make a Difference Howard C. Stevenson “Once more, Howard Stevenson has provided a blueprint of critical importance to policymakers, practitioners, teachers, and parents!” —Margaret Beale Spencer, University of Chicago Most schools fail to act on racial microaggressions because the stress of negotiating such conflicts is extremely high due to fears of incompetence, public exposure, and accusation. Instead of facing these conflicts head on, schools perpetuate a set of avoidance or coping strategies. This much-needed book uncovers how racial stress undermines student achievement, and provides educators and social service support staff with workable strategies to improve their racial literacy skills.

2014/240 pp./PB, $32.95/5504-4/HC, $70/5557-0

2013/144 pp./PB, $28.95/5374-3  photos

Language and Literacy Series  Copublished with IRA

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TE ACH E R PRO FE SSIO N AL DE VE LO PM E NT— B E S T S E LLE R S! Reading Like a Historian

Teaching Literacy in Middle and High School History Classrooms— Aligned with Common Core State Standards Sam Wineburg, Daisy Martin, and Chauncey Monte-Sano “The Reading Like a Historian program...is getting a new wave of attention as teachers adapt to the Common Core State Standards in English/ language arts.” —Education Week Spotlight (July 30, 2012) This award-winning book covers key moments in American history and includes primary documents, charts, graphic organizers, visual images, and political cartoons.

2013/168 pp./PB, $29.95/5403-0  ccss large format, illustrations

Designing Groupwork

Raising Race Questions

Strategies for the Heterogeneous Classroom, Third Edition Elizabeth G. Cohen and Rachel A. Lotan Forewords by Linda Darling-Hammond and John I. Goodlad “Designing Groupwork has earned its place in the library of anyone seeking to create high-achieving, equitable classrooms.”   —Horace The new edition of this popular book shows how groupwork contributes to growth and development in the language of instruction. Responding to new curriculum standards and assessments across all grade levels and subject areas, this edition shows teachers how to organize their classroom so that all students participate actively.

Whiteness and Inquiry in Education Ali Michael Foreword by Shaun R. Harper

“As a White teacher engaged in this work, I’ve watched these tools help educators support one another as they make mistakes, reflect, and grow together.” —Lynn Eckerman, Independence Charter School, Philadelphia Raising Race Questions invites teachers to use inquiry as a way to develop sustained engagement with challenging racial questions and to do so in community so that they learn how common their questions actually are.

2015/192 pp./PB, $34.95/5599-0/HC, $78/5600-3 Practitioner Inquiry Series

2014/240 pp. /PB, $26.95/5566-2

Why We Teach Now Edited by Sonia Nieto

“Sonia Nieto has done it again, this time providing us with a hopeful book featuring a collection of writings grounded in the lived experiences of outstanding teachers.” —Luis Moll, University of Arizona Why We Teach Now dares to challenge current notions of what it means to be a “highly qualified teacher” á la No Child Left Behind, and demonstrates the depth of commitment and care teachers bring to their work with students, families, and communities.

2015 / 288 pp./PB, $29.95/5587-7 HC, $68/5624-9

Effective Classroom Management

The Essentials Tracey Garrett

“This would be an excellent addition to any pre- or inservice teacher education program.” —Anita Woolfolk Hoy, professor emerita, The Ohio State University This user-friendly resource will help K–12 teachers become more effective classroom managers. Each chapter concentrates on a key area: physical design, rules and routines, relationships, engaging instruction, and discipline. Designed to prevent problems that require active discipline before they arise, this guide includes classroom examples, case studies, and study questions. There is also an app, Classroom Management Essentials, available on the iTunes store.

2014/128 pp./PB, $29.95/5574-7

Helping English Learners to Write Meeting Common Core Standards, Grades 6–12

Carol Booth Olson, Robin C. Scarcella, and Tina Matuchniak Foreword by Steve Graham “This book is a tour de force. It’s up-to-theminute in offering what teachers and administrators need, and what parents want.” —Judith A. Langer, University at Albany

2015/192 pp./PB, $31.95/5633-1  ccss photos/illustrations

The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series Copublished with NWP and TESOL

Reading, Thinking, and Writing About History

Teaching Argument Writing to Diverse Learners in the Common Core Classroom, Grades 6–12 Chauncey Monte-Sano, Susan De La Paz , and Mark Felton Foreword by Sam Wineburg “This extraordinary book provides tried-and-true practical tools and step-by-step directions.” —Michelle M. Herczog, president, National Council for the Social Studies

2014/240 pp./PB, $31.95/5530-3  ccss large format

The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series Copublished with NWP

Teaching for Creativity in the Common Core Classroom

Ronald A. Beghetto, James C. Kaufman , and John Baer

Foreword by Robert J. Sternberg “Filled with practical advice for teachers about how to teach to Common Core standards, in both ELA and math, in ways that lead to creative learning outcomes.” —Keith Sawyer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Based on cutting-edge psychological research, this book offers classroom examples, ideas, and lesson plans for teaching English language arts and mathematics, and includes assessments for creativity and Common Core learning.

2015/144 pp./PB, $34.95/5615-7 HC, $86/5616-4  ccss

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