Records Volume 30: Registers of The English College at Valladolid

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Publications of the Catholic Record Society

THE Catholic Record Society was founded 10 June 1904, forprinting Registers andother old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical , since the Reformation in England and Wales


(From a photograph taken in 1884).

Catholic Record Society REGISTERS



Liber Primi Examinis

Liber Alumnorum -

Liber Primi Examinis

(Method of examining and admitting new students)

(Containing the names of all the students admittedto theCollege, and the dates of their entry and departure)(The entries begin)

Liber Primi Examinis - (The entries finish)

Liber Alumnorum

Mgr.John Guest's Register: -

Mgr.John Guest'sRegister:

Diarium seu Registrum Collegii S. Albani sive Anglorum, in Urbe Vallisoletana

(The first sectionends)

(Compiled from the entries inthe book in which was entered the journey money paid to the students, and from various account books and documents in the archives of the College) -

- 175 192 (The first section ends)

(A Register in the form of a Diary, commencedby Dr. Philip Perry)

Mgr.John Guest'sRegister: (The Diary ends and Mgr. John

Liber Alumnorum Guest's Registeris resumed)

(Mgr John Guest's Register ends andthe original entriescommence again in the Liber Alumnorum) 233


I. Brief of Pope Clement VIII confirming the erection of the College 247 II. The Constitutions of the College 252 III. The RevisedAnnals ofthe College, by Fr. John Blackfan , S.J.- 263


The Liber Alumnorumof the English College, Valladolid, is a volume with pages measuring 12 inches by 8 , originally bound in limp vellum , but recently rebound in calf boards The entries commence in 1589 and continue until 1677 , when the notorious apostate Titus Oates was expelled from the College. After his departure several pages were found to be missing from the register, though by whom they were removed or why is not known But thenceforward no entries were made in the Liber Alumnorum, beyondafew forthe years 1756-8, and an incompletelist of names at the beginningof the volume, until June 28, 1848. A detailed catalogue of studentsfor the intervening period was drawn up by Mgr John Guest, in 1868. This was compiledfrom various accountbooks and letters in the College archives .

The Liber Alumnorum is written in many hands, most of which it has been impossible to identify. In this present volume the various hands of the additions to each entry are indicated by numbers . These numbers simply denote that the entry is in one, two, three , or four hands They bear no relation to the numbers of other entries; but generallythe firsthandofa batch of entries (when a new colonyarrived) becomes the second hand of earlier entries, and so on . When Dr. Philip Perry became Rector in 1768 , he commenced a newregisterintheformofa Diary. ThisdiaryMgr. Guest incorporated in his compilation, butit has been judged better to insert Perry'sDiary in its original form in this printed volume, and to resume Guest's list when Perry's Diary ends, as it does in 1797 .

There is another register, the Liber Primi Examinis, a volumewith pages measuring13 inches by 8, which begins in Sept., 1592, and ends abruptly in 1623, with every sign of some pages having been lost. Until recently it was unbound In this book were written the names and various particulars about the students immediately upon their arrival. At the beginning of the book is an account of the elaborate process for preventing undesirable people or spies from being admitted to the College. After this ordeal a studentwas admitted to the College and his name entered in the Liber Alumnorum The order of the entries in the Liber Primi Examinis differs slightly from that of the Liber Alumnorum, and, for convenience of reference, the entries of the Liber Primi Examinis in this printed volume are appended to the correspondingentries in the Liber Alumnorum, and the relative positions of the entries in the Liber Primi Examinis are indicated by the letters L.P.E. and a number at the end of the entry.

The transcriptions of these registers were made by the editor , who acknowledges with gratitude the assistance of the Rev. John Petit, M.A., in the repeated and careful collation of the transcript with the originals, and of the Rev. George Catterall, D.D., in reading the proofs.

The College has had a long and chequered history, which it is well nigh impossibleto condense into the space allotted to the introduction to this volume It is not at all clear how the College first came into existence, and the questionis still a subject of controversy. As these pages are in the press a series of articles, entitled Father Persons, S.J., and the Seminaries in Spain, by the Rev. Leo Hicks, S.J., is appearing


in The Month , and gives an interesting view ofthe eventsthat led up to the foundation of the College. Other printed sources for the history oftheCollege are mentionedin the notes to the entries, which havebeen taken from works easily accessible for consultation The introduction itselfis intendedto benomorethan avague backgroundfortheregisters, with a list of the Rectors and of all the English superiors .

As late as 1612 no official account of the history and progress of St. Alban's English College at Valladolid had been written. The Annual Letters, extracts from which are printed by Brother Foley, S.J., in his Records of the English Province of the Society ofJesus , and attributed by him to the College at Valladolid, are untrustworthy . * At the Visitation of the College by the Provincial of Castile , on April 30 , 1613, the following ordinance was made : " § 1º It was ordered by our Fr. General , on May 15, 1606, that the history and progress of this college should be compiled. This has not been done. Let Frs. [Thomas]Sylvesterand ChristopherGreenwood undertakeat once to write up all the past from the date of foundation." It would seem that the history was started, for at the Visitationon Oct. 13, 1614, it was ordained: " §13 Let an effort be made to finish the historyof this College, as is ordered by our Fr. [General]. " The notes gathered in compliancewith this order most probably served as a basis for the Annales Collegii AnglorumVallesoletani attributed to Fr. JohnBlackfan , which from internal evidence were written in the latter half of 1619 or 1620. The manuscript of these Annales is in five different hands , andthe last three paragraphs only are in Blackfan'shand. The Annales were printed for private circulation by the Manresa Press in 1899 , and it is to this printed copy that references are made in the introduction and notes of this volume . In the text, the references, always in Dr. Philip Perry's hand, are to the actual manuscript, which in Dr. Perry's day was at Valladolid After a sojourn of many years at Ushaw College, which will be referredto later, the manuscriptis nowonce more at Valladolid On the blank page preceding the text Dr. Perry gives his reasons for assigningthe authorship to Blackfan, and the marginal notes andunderlining are also by Perry But Blackfanstarted another version of the Annales, which is in the College archives at Valladolid, and is here printed as an appendix. It is writtenentirely in Blackfan's hand. This document, hitherto unknown, enlarges upon the earlier Annales, but it is an ex-parte account, and deliberately excludes from any share in the foundation of the College everybody, of whatever orderor condition, exceptmembers ofthe Societyof Jesus and especially Fr. Persons. Unfortunately it does not go beyondthe year 1598.§

Fr. Henry More, S.J., is the author next in order of date whose writings are commonly used as a source for the historyof the English College at Valladolid But his Historia Missionis Anglicana Societatis Jesuwas notpublisheduntil 1660 , andDodd's commentuponthiswork is that the author "depends much upon his memory, having little regard to records. " There is a reliable work by Fr. F. Sacchini,

* Commencing in March , 1931

See , for example, vol vii, p xxiv, where the events narrated for the year 1594 refer to the English College of St. Gregory, at Seville, as is plain from a cursory glanceat the entries in the Liber Alumnorum of Valladolid

Allquotations that follow from the account books or the book ofVisitations are translations from theSpanish Libro de Recibos, Recivos, is Book of Receipts Libro de Gasto(s), is Book of Expenditure

§ See page 263, infra

Quoted by Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng Cath, v, p 99


S.J., who was born in 1570 and died on Dec. 16, 1625. He was in Rome from 1600 until his death, and so would have had ampleopportunity of hearing from Fr. Persons an account of the English College at Valladolid; but de posse ad esse non valet illatio All the same , his statementsare of considerable weight, but he quotes no sources of his information, and his work (Historia Societatis Jesu) was not published until 1661 , with additions, by Fr. P. Possino, S.J.

An earlier work, and more authoritative , as having been written at a date nearer to the events recorded, is the Historia Particular de la persecuciondeInglaterra, publishedin 1599, by FrayDiego de Yepes, a Jeronymite, confessor to Philip II, and Bishop of Tarragona He, in his turn, uses freely a work, printed in 1592, entitled Relacion de un Sacerdote Ingles .... de la venida de su Magestad [Philip II] .... al colegio de los Yngleses, which, on the title page, is said to be a translation from Englishinto Spanish byThomas Eclesal Gillow* attributes the authorship to Fr. Robert Persons, S.J., though he gives no authority for his opinion. It can at least be said that the style of the writing, interlarded as it is with allusions to events recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, is very reminiscent of that of Fr. Persons. The fact that he is referred toin the third person is noindication that he did notwrite the work. The author was a sort of clerk of the works at the College during the building operations, or, as he himself puts it, "wherein præsentlie I have some charge & exercise in this place to ouer looke the builders" The Spanish edition is, indeed, a translation of the English, but has several curious passages interpolated without any indication that they are additions Both editions are extremely rare, so no apology is needed for including here verbatim extracts of the part pertinent to the history of the first days of the College. The difference between the English and Spanish editions is indicated in footnotes. in

"A Relation of the King of Spaines receiving in Valliodolid, and the Inglish College of the same towne, in August last pastof this yere. 1592

Wryten by an Inglish Priest of the same College, to a Gentleman and his wyf in Flaunders, latelie fled out of Ingland, for profession of the CatholiqueReligion

Anno M.D.XCII"

[p. 5]" Butof this I willsayno more, but will come to answeare [6] ausweare [sic] the effect of your letter, wherein you desyre to know the estateof this new English seminarie , heere in Valliodolid, how , and when it began, and in what termes it remaineth at this present, of which you saie that you have heard of late, muchand different speeche in England, especiallie since the last proclamation, before named, wherein particuler mention is made of this College, yea the whole

* Op. cit, v, p. 279, § 12

There are no copies of either editionat Valladolid There are copies oftheSpanishatthe BritishMuseum(811, c 13), andat theBibliotecaNacional, Madrid (R. 7819). There is a copy of the English edition in the Library at Lambeth Palace (30, 8, 2), for the use of whichthe present writer wishesto express his thanks to the Librarian at Lambeth Palace, and, for the transcription ofthe quotation , to the Rev. John Petit Oct. 18, 1591 (Eliz 33): "A Declaration of great troubles pretended against the realm by a number of seminary priests and Jesuits sent and very secretly dispersed into the same to work great treason under a false pretenceof religion with a provision very necessary for the remedy thereof. "


proclamation thought principallie to haue proceded of the freshaduises ofthis new erectionin Spaine *

" To all which I shall answeare most willingly, and as particularlie as I haue bin able to lerne the estate of this house in the few monethes I haue ben here, and glad I am that you call for this relation at this tyme, when by the late beinghere of this most pious King, and of his noble Children the Princes, to visit & honor this house and companie, I haue much more worthie and delectable matter to write of, then otherwiseI should haue had.

" To the first then, touching the beginning of the Seminarie in Valliodolid, though in your said late Inglish proclamation, among many other falsehoodes thease also be auouched most malitiouslie by the scribe thereof that the king of Spainefor furthering of other his intentions against Ingland, had dealt with Cardinal Allen and father Persons (whome he calleth two seditious heades of our Inglish natio) to gather together with greate labours uppon his charges a multitude of dissolute youthto begin this Seminarie ofValliodolid and others in Spaine Yet all men here [Spanish :"y aun allá "-and even there] do know it to be contrarie, [7] contrarie, and can conuince the impudencieof this assertio, for that neither his Majestie of Spaine, nor the Cardinal or Father before mentioned, nor any man els began this Seminarie uppon any precedent deliberation, nor thought of any such matter at the beginningthereof, but onlie God himself, in such speciall and particular manner began the same, and increased it, as he is wont to sett on foote such great and important works of his seruice and glorie,which are contemptibleoften-times in mans eyes, & little thought on vntill after by the effects the author thereof, & his intentions are discouered . "

[Here come two paragraphs referringto incidents in the Sacred Scriptures Bottom ofp. 7 and top ofp. 8.]

[p. 8, 7thlinefrom bottom ; thirty-two lines on thepage.] " Theverie lyke and no otherwisewas the beginningof this worke here in Spaine, which the Queenes proclamation feigneth or feareth to have bin instituted uppon greate treatie, counsail & deliberation, which indeede was neuer thought of by anie heere, vntil God himself had put it in executio, for thus in real veritie passed the wholematter Inthe

* TheSpanishedition has here the following addition" ....y losavisos delfelizprincipioy progreso suyo y los frutos que avia ya començado adar de los Sacerdotes del fueron encubiertos a la mision de Ingla el año pasado " [TY.]" .... andthe news ofits happy beginning and progress, and the fruits that it had already begun to produce in the priests who were sent secretly to the Mission in England last year "

Spanishedition :" ....y autor del, que se piensafue GullelmoCecilio, Tesoro de aquel Reyno " [Tr.] and author , who is thought to be William Cecil, Treasurer of that Kingdom

Here the Spanish edition has the following addition-" Antesheoido yo decir al mismo Pe Personioalgunas veces, que con aver tenido col elilustrisimo Card Alano muchas razonamientos de la institucion y aumento destosSeminarios de neustra nacion Inglesa, como con padre, y primer autor, despues de Dios de todos ellos, como V. m bien sabe; nuncale dijopalabra de procurasen secomenzase alguno en España , ni les pasójamas por pensamiento tratar desto; sinoque Dios ... " [Tr . On the contraryI have heard Fr. Persons himself say on several occasions that, although he had had many conversationsabout the founding and increasing of these English Seminaries with Cardinal Allen, as the father and first founder, after God, of all of them, as you well know , yet he never said a word to him about trying to found any in Spain, nor did it ever enter their minds to discuss the question, but only God Himself .... etc.


"In the monethofJulie about three yeares past, towitthe yeare 1589whenthe Inglish armieto theyrcost, came to assault the frontiers of Galitia, and Portugal, fower or fiue Inglish preestes and schollers meeting by chaunce in this towne of Valliodolid , from diuers places, * where for their consciences they had liued in banishment, some of them with intentio to go in their missions towards Ingland, and some to studie, for that they weare notyet sufficientlielearned to take that enterprise in hand, were by reason of the suspitious tymes, and just hatred conceaued by this people against the Inglish name (as well for their heresies, as other outrages latelie committed, and as then in doing) apprehended , and layed in Irons, as weare also three other schollars of the same nation at the verie same tyme apprehended and imprisonedin the Citie of Burgos, as they came out of Franceby reason of the warrs newlie there begunne, which was a peculiar prouidence of Allmightie God , to make theis men and their cause knownein this Countrie, no lesse then whenhe had appeared to S. Paul and Silas in in [sic] Troas and willed them to go and preach in Macedonia, he prouidedfor theirwelcome thither, & for the better publishingof their being there, & of the worke they had in hand, that in the first towne of Macedonia whereunto they came, named Philippi, they should be apprehended, imprisoned and publiquelie whipped. Even so in the cause of theis men it fell out, which by theyr imprisonment became much more knowne and fauored by the principall of this natio , then euer otherwise it wold [10] it wold haue bene and aboue all, notice was geuen thereof vnto the king him self by father Persons before mentioned, who at that tyme by good chance, or rather by Gods parti- cular prouidĕce, was in the courte, being latelie before sent by his Superiours this waie to-wardes Flaunders in business of his order : And hauing geuen information of the whole case & circumstances thereof vnto his Majestie, he according to his exceeding greate pietie, and peculiarloue to all Catholiquesof the Inglish nation, taking greate compassio that men of such qualitie, & vocation should suffer in his most Catholiquecontrie, ordeined presentlie by his royal letters , that the saide preestes, and scholers should not onely be set at libertie , & protected, butalso mosttenderliecherished &fauored, as their vocation and holie purpose, in offring themselues to so manie trauailes and dangers for Gods cause did deserue .

* Henry Sherrat [no 7] and John Gilibrand [no 8] from England via Ireland and Bilbao "Two of these young men had crossed from England toIreland with the intentionof proceedingthencetotheseminaryat Rheims. After some months spent in vain searchfor a suitable ship to take them to Francethey embarkedin a ship that was going to Bilbao, wheretheyhoped to find another vessel that would take them to a French port They arrived at Bilbao, and for many days were waiting there in the hope that a convenient French ship would call In the meantime they met an English Friar of the Order of St. Francis, who advised them to go to Barcelona , there to embark in an Italian boat for Genoa, and then go on to Rome, where there was an English seminary They set out with this intention, and on the journey met by chance with the others ofwhomwe havespoken, inValladolid " (Yepes, op cit., p 746) William Cowling [no 2], Gerard Cliburn, and Francis Lockwood [no. 3] from Rheims, via Lisbon (Blackfan, op. cit , p. 37).

HenryFloyd [no 4], John Blackfan [no 5], and John Bosvile [no 6], from Rheims, via Nantes and Bilbao (More, op cit , p 157)

The Spanish edition here has the addition:" tan sin pensamiento ni imaginacion de tratar de hacer en España Colegio, q ninguna cosa menos pensaba . " [Tr.] with so little thought or idea of trying to found a collegein Spain that there was nothinghe thought of less


"And to the end, that this might be effectuatedwith more efficacie and consolation of the persons themselues, he appointed that thesaid father, shouldpresentlie go downe to Valliodolid, & gatherto gethersuch English as weare theare, and prouide for them vntill the weather , & tyme, & other opportunities did serue for them tofollowtheirintended iorny, into Ingland, which being don, & the father arriued at Valliodolid, I haue heard him saie , that he found manie euident & palpable arguments of Gods speciall care & prouidencein this affaire; for as on the one syde there arose dailie many difficultes about the sa le, so weare they remoued, and remedied againe by Gods assistance verie extraordinarilie "

[Then follows an account of the number anda description of the type of students arriving and of how they learned of the existenceof the College through the publication of the proclamation ; after which the booklet continues with a relation of Philip II's visit to the College ]

What was chiefly occupying Fr. Person's mind at the moment was a domestic dispute amongst the Jesuits in Spain, and the likelihood of the Inquisitors bringing the Society of Jesus under their power. The General of the Jesuits, Claudius Aquaviva, had sent Fr. JoséAcosta from Rome to Spain in November, 1588 , to negotiate with Philip II on these matters Fr. Acosta was accompanied by Fr. Persons, who wished to see the king on affairs of England. They arrived in Madrid early in 1589 , and Fr. Persons took the business into his hands. A detailed account of all this is given in Fr. Antonio Astrain's Historia de la Compañia de Jesus en la Asistencia de España, iii, pp 497-9 Fr. Persons had some intentionof trying to settle English Jesuit students in the various houses of the Societyin Spain, but it seems quite clear that, as yet, he had conceived no plan for founding a seminaryin that country (cf. C.R.S., xiv, pp 18, 19). Fr. Blackfanstates,in his Annales, that Fr. Persons wrote from Rome suggesting to the Superiors at Douay College the advisabilityof sending some students to Spain in case of any disaster befalling Douay. Fr. Henry More (op cit , p 157) says Fr. Persons wrote from Spain to Douay College urging that students should be sent to Spain, where he would see they were cared for till some means of arranging for the future could be found But as late as June 24, 1589, Fr. Persons wrote to Fr. Joseph Creswell, S.J., then Rector of the English College, Rome, and though he suggests English students being sent to Spain, he makes no mention of any new seminary. The account given in "The King of Spaine's receiving , " quoted above, leaves no doubt about the matter. William Cowling, Gerard Cliburn, andFrancisLockwoodleft Rheims, where Douay College then was, on Nov. 10, 1588.* On a roundabout journey to England they went to Lisbon and eventually reached Valladolid, where they met with Henry Sherrat and John Gilibrand, and were imprisoned. John Blackfan, in companywith Henry Floyd and John Bosvile, set off from Rheims on May 8, 1589. In his Annales (p. 35) he distinctly declares " When, therefore, they reached Valladolid, since it seemed a fine town and well-adapted for studies , weary now of the long journey, they fixed their abode there. " These words can be taken as they stand, for he is writing of himself, and , even on the hypothesis that he was not the actual author of the whole of the Annales, he certainly corrected the original manuscript. But a difficulty arises from an entryin the Douay Diaries (op. cit., p. 224), which just as distinctly declares that these three students set off on May 8 , Knox, Douay Diaries , p 221 .


1589 , for " Spain, to a town called Valladolid, to be admitted to the seminarythere. " The explanation of this passage seems to be that the Douay Diaries were not written up from day to day, and that this entry was made some months later when the English College at Valladolid had been actually founded; or the entry may refer to the hopes these students had of being admitted to some Spanish college. These priests and students all united in Valladolid and lived together, with much discomfort, in the attics of a house near St. Clare's convent They attended the lectures at the University and the Jesuit College of St. Ambrose . Very soon they ran short of money, but quite unexpectedlya secular priest, Don Francisco de Reynosa, Dean of Palencia, who also held the title of abbot, or head priest, of the collegiate churchof Husillos, in thedioceseofPalencia , andlater became Bishop of Cordova, came to their assistance, gave them a hundred silver pieces, and promised them a monthly allowance of the same amount. At the same time the students wrote to a wealthy man living in Valladolid, Don Alonso de Quiñones, from whom they obtained a regular allowance of half a silver piece a day for each student, which he continued to pay until his death in 1592, but he neverpaid for more than seventeen students (Account Book no 6). This little community was thus living quietly and unmolested when Fr. Persons appeared upon the scene , and trouble began On July 22 , 1589, he wrote from Madrid to Fr. Joseph Creswell in Rome , " Upon the 13th of this month I had a very gracious audience of his majesty I have also obtained of the K[ing] letters in favour of the niew seminary to be founded at Valladolid, as also of other noblemen , who all greatly do favour yt enterprize, God prosper it to his honour. I am likewise to goe shortlyto Valladd about the founding of the saide seminary" (C.R.S. , xiv, 19) The students almost immediately divided into two parties, the pro-Jesuit and the anti-Jesuit Blackfan, as a pro-Jesuit, says the students were " marvellously refreshed " by his arrival John Cecil, as an anti-Jesuit, said, if we may attribute to him the statement in John Southcote's Notebook (C.R.S., i, p 111), "Mr. Cecil and some other English Priests in Spain had procured some maintenance for English students by favour of a Spanish Bishop, into this work Fa Parsons introduced himself and joined with them and in a short time he gotthe managingof the whole into his own hands* and shortly after he sent those others [i.e. , the

* This was to bearfruit some years later in the foundation oftheEnglish College at Lisbon, after an embitteredstruggle,which ended bytheJesuits being definitely and foreverexcludedfrom any control ofthat institution* " The design of establishinga College at Lisbon for secular priests who shouldserve on the English Mission originated with " the Valladolid student [no. 28] " Nicholas Ashton "t who purchased a house for the purpose, about the year 1600. On his death he left this house in trust to William Newman, vere Ralph Sliefield, a secular priest from the English College at Seville , who succeeded Nicholas Ashton , in 1605, as chaplain of the residencyat Lisbon William Newman found a patron for the project in Don Pedro Coutinho, a wealthy Portuguese gentleman, who financed the scheme of founding a seminary, but solely on the condition that the Jesuitsshould have nothing to do with it. In 1621 , William Newman went to Madrid for the purpose of obtaining the necessary permission for its erection from Philip IV , who then held the united crowns of Spain and Portugal The chief protagonist who prevailed over the pretensionsof the Jesuits was the Clergy Agent in Rome,

* Cf . Tierney-Dodd IV , pp 128 seq and cclii seq .

† Croft-Gillow, Historical Accountof Lisbon College, p 2


anti-Jesuits] away and thus began the first English Seminaryin Spain after which two or three more were erected, but they were maintained by the Spaniardsalms."

Fr. Persons' first action upon arriving in Valladolid was to getthe Society of Jesus to take underits care these young Englishmen. * His arrivalhad broughtthe students once more intopublicnotice The See of Valladolid as yetdid notexist Valladolid was in the dioceseof Palencia , and the local ecclesiastical lord paramountwas the Abbot orhead priest of the CollegiateChurchof Valladolid, not, as somewriters have stated, of the Benedictinemonasteryof San Benito The Abbot, Don Alfonso deMendoza ,atfirst, opposed the settlementinValladolid of these young men from a Country steeped in heresy, though, afterwards, hebecame a friend and protector of the College Fr. Persons' successful labours in Madrid, a few months previously on behalf of his Society, had made him no friends amongst the Inquisitors, and so, naturally, he found a vigorous opponent in the chief inquisitor at Valladolid, Juan Vigil de Quiñones, who saw an openingof the door to heresy, were Englishmento be allowedto settlein the town Cordara * says the Inquisitors gained their point to the extent that if a seminary had to be founded, it should be on the condition that its administration should be always in the hands of Spanish Jesuits [which doesn't ring true], that the students should be taught at the College of St. Ambrose , and that they should live according to Spanish custom The magistratesand chief citizens saw in these young men nothing more than spies of an enemy Country But Fr. Persons had friends at Court. He had brought with him the letters in favour of the new seminary, to which he referred in his letter to Fr. Creswell These letters are, not infrequently, adduced by writers on the subject as an Order in Council authorising Fr. Persons to found a College or seminaryat Valladolid They form the basis of the much-lauded " foundation " of the English College at Valladolid by Philip II, preserved, as flies are preserved in amber, even in the Papal Brief of Confirmation, which is said to have been drafted by Fr.Creswell As a matter offact the Orderin Council

John Bennett [student no 23] The completion of the work was committed by Dr. Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon [no 79], to Joseph Harvey [no 231], who was sent to Lisbon to co-operate with William Newman , and in 1627 was nominated first President of the new college . On Nov. 14 , 1628 , he arrived in Lisbon with a body of students from Douay College, who were accompaniedbyMarkHarrington , a priest and a former student ofthe English College at Seville (cf. C.R.S. , x, p 131), who was to give lecturesin theology. The second President was Thomas Blacklow, als. White [no. 277] The third President was William Hargreaves , als Hart, als Holdcroft [no 353] The fourth President was Peter Clarence, als or vere Curtis, a former student of the Seville College, and during his presidency Don Pedro Coutinho died After this no more former students of the Spanish Colleges became superiors at Lisbon, until William Fryer, who for many yearshad been Vice-Rector at Valladolid (see p 197), was appointed the fifteenth President, and took with him to Lisbon, as Vice-Presidentand Professorof Philosophy, James Crosby (see p 197).

* Blackfan, infra, p. 264. JuliusCordara, S.J., HistoriaSocietatis Jesu, p. 107 . [Escritura nº 311.] [Original ] Don Phelipe por la gracia de dios Rey de castilla [etc .....]a vos los venerables provisoresy Vicarios u otrosjueces eclesiasticos de los arçobispados y obispados de los nuestros Reynos y señorios y a todos los corregidores [etc. ...] sepades que el padre personio de la compania de Jesus nos hiço Relacion que algunos clerigos Sacerdotes y estudiantes Yngleses huiendo de


can be reduced simply to this, that it offered the English priests and students who had gathered together in Valladolid lodgings, without any remuneration , in a house that belonged to a third party, and permitted two or four, and no more, to beg alms throughout Spain for a period of four years, under the vigilance of the Abbot of Valladolid and the Rector of the Jesuit College there.

Fr. Persons produced this Order, which put a stop to open opposition, but did little else He demanded that, in compliance with the Order, the Hospice of SS . Cosmas and Damian should be put at the disposal of the priests and students. This Hospice was originally instituted to give hospitality to widows and poor people who came to Valladolid to defend law suits, and as such existed in 1589. Lateron, Philip III wanted a chapel for his palace, and for the purpose expropriated that belonging to the Confraternity of Our Lady of the Rosary, transferring that confraternity to the Hospice of SS Cosmas and Damian, which thenceforward became known as the Rosarillo The church , with its courtyard and rather elaborate stone doorway giving upon the street, is still in existence, bearing the same name and giving it to a smallplaza adjoining, at the beginningof the Calle de San Blas It is occupied today by a confraternity of secular priests under the patronage of St. Philip Neri (See Matias Sangrador Vitores, Historia de Valladolid , i, p 439.)

But Fr. Persons, despite the support of the Abbot of Valladolid, failed to prevail upon the priestsin charge of the Hospice of SS Cosmas and Damian to admit the priests and students, and, in face of their vehement opposition, prudently abandoned the idea.

la persecucion que en su misma tierra tenian y desasosiego con que vivian en Francia donde se avian acoxido a causa de las guerras de aquel Reyno se avian venido a estos nuestros Reynos e recogidose en la villa de Valladolid conyntento de vivir en ella exemplarmente en manera de congregaçion e continuar sus estudios e Nos supplicó que theniendo consideracion a lo susodicho los mandasemos favorecer y amparar y dar liçencia para que las personas que fueren nombrados por el avad de Valladolid y por el Retor del Colegio de la conpania de Jesus de la dicha Villa devaxo de cuia administracion y govierno avian de estar pudiesen pedir limosna para ayuda a su sustento y nos teniendo consideraçiona lo susodicho lo tuvimos por bien e mandamosse recogiesen en el ospital de san cosmée de la dicha Villa e por los del nuestro consejo Visto fue acordadoque deviamosde mandar dar esta nuestracarta para Vos enla dicharraçon y nos tuvimos lo por vien porlaqual os mandamosa todos y a cada uno de vos segun dicho es que por tiempo de quatro años primeros siguientesque corren y se quenten desde el dia de la data de esta nuestra carta dexeis y consintays a dos o quatro personas y no mas quales por el avad de la dicha Villa de Valladolid e Retor del colegiode la conpania de Jesus dello fueren nombrados pedir e demandarlimosna por todas las yglesias e partes de todas las ciudades Villas e lugares de estos nuestros Reinospara el sustentode los dichos clerigos y estudiantesYngleses con que las tales personas no publiquen yndulgencias ni den ynsignias ni otras cossasmas de pedir la dicha limosna e mandamosal dicho abad e Retor nombrenlas dichas personas que sean de muchaconfiançapara pedir la dicha limosna los quales tengan quenta e Raçon de lo que allegarenpara la daral dicho abbade retor como personas a cuio cargo esta la administraçion e govierno de los dichos clerigos y estudiantes y mandamosa vos las dichas nuestras Justicias compelais y apremieis a las dichas personas que den la dicha quenta la qual dicha limosna dexareis pedir en las dichas yglesias y fuera dellas llevando esta nuestra carta original no enbargante qualesquier cartas y provisionesnuestras que se ayan dado para que no se pueda pedir la dicha limosna [etc .....] dado en Madrid a veinte y dos del mes de Jullio de mil y quinientos y ochentay nueve años [Then comes the royal seal , and the signatures ofthe members ofthe royal council .]


Various expedients were then suggested. Fr. More (op. cit, p 158) says there was already established in Valladolid a community of Irish students and that the English students were ordered by the authorities to join them , but that the Abbot of San Benito's opinion prevailed that this should not be Outside More's History no printed evidence* can be foundofthis Irishcommunity The kerneloftruth in the statementmay perhaps be found in some confusionabout the two studentswho had arrived in Valladolid from England, via Ireland, and had been imprisoned. The next suggestion was that the students should go to live with the orphansknown as the niños de la doctrina . Fr. Persons objected strongly to this proposed arrangement , andthen a further suggestion was made that the students should be sent by ones and twos to the various monasteries of the town This, too, did not please Fr. Persons, and as a last resort permission was given by the authorities for the students to live in a hired house, but solelyon the condition that they should not ask for or expect a single farthingin alms. Fr. Personsseized uponthis with avidity, hired a house on thesite of the present College, transferred the students there, and gave them an academical dress and rule of life So the newly founded College began its existence , and, as an accomplished fact, gave Fr. Persons something to work on . Don Francisco de Fonseca, Lord of Coca , more than once offered his castle at Coca with its extensive estates, that the seminary might be established there, but Fr. Persons, whilst showingdue gratitude for such a splendid offer, refused iton the grounds that seminaries ought to be in the more important university cities, in centres of learning, andan English seminary, above all, in the public eyeto be hidden in a remote place in the country in those times would have excited suspicion (Blackfan, op cit , p 38).

The Liber Alumnorum gives Sept. 1 , 1589, as the date of the commencement of the College's existence, but the earliest account book (no 6), which was used first to recordthe names of benefactors, and

* Though thefact is said to be clearly demonstrablefrom contemporary documentsstillextant; but wherethesedocumentsare I don't know

This was at the Hospice de la Misericordia, at the church of San Blas. Its principal object was to keep and educate thirty orphans, and it was supported by alms The establishment has, long since, perished. The very church has disappeared , and nothing remains except the name, which is perpetuated in that of a street, the Calle de San Blas, near the former site of the buildings Cf. Matias SangradorVitores, Historia de Valladolid, i, p.433 .

In the printed Annales the passage is given as Dominus Franciscus de Fonseca Dominus de Coca, nobilis eques, .... ad novum seminariumfrequens ventitabat offerens palacium suum Callense cum amplissimis præsidiis According to the manuscript, now at Valladolid, it should read offerens palacium suum Caucense cum amplissimis prædiis The scribe had written Cav[u]cense or Cov[u]cense A later writer, not understanding the word or misreadingit, put two uprightlines over the juncture of the v and c , thus making a word , obviously altered, capable of the reading Callense Cauca wastheacceptedlatin for Coca ,andtheadjective Caucensis The si originally in the word præsidiis is blotted out in the manuscript, making the word prædiis. The castle and village of Coca are about forty-five miles from Valladolid , between Medina del Campo and Segovia To-day the castle is in ruins , but , even inits decay, is one ofthe most magnificent castles in Spain This book is entitled on the cover 1° Ruo Primo de Agosto 1589 (No. 1. Receipts : First of August, 1589) On the title page is written: Librode las Personas que hacen limosnas A este seminariode la nacionynglesa que Por orde del Reynro Sr se puso en Valladolid y por el mismo orde esta a cargo de la compañia de Jhesus . Comiença desde Primero de henero de iUdxc Años aunq el


afterwards for the accounts , whichbegin on Aug. 1 , 1589, gives July, 1589, as the dateof the establishingof the College. 1589. On Sep. 15 , Fr. Persons returned to Madrid As yet no rector had been appointed Fr. Juan de Aguilar acted as confessor, and, in Fr. Persons' absence, Brother Fabricio Como remained in charge of the administration Fr. Persons returned on Oct. 25, and with him came Fr.Bartoloméde Sicilia, * who was appointedRectorfor thetime being, but held that office until Nov. 26. only, when he went back to Madrid, and Fr. Pedro de Guzman became Rector This year it was decided to purchase the house they had hired, and adapt it to the needsofa seminary. Towardsthe end of the year arrived Fr. Richard Gibbons , who became Prefect of Studies, and William Flack, who was soon ordainedpriest and made Minister. 1590. Mainly by the help of Don Alfonso de Quiñones the house was bought together with the one adjoining, and the two were fused into one. Up to the end of 1589 the King had not given more than 100 crowns (Persons to Creswell, C.R.S., xiv, p 20) Fr. Persons petitioned him for further funds, with the result that the King made a grant of 140 ducats a month, which commenced on June 1. It was granted ad beneplacitum, and was situated on the taxes of Medina del Campo. This town couldnot, orwould not, pay, so later in the year HisMajesty transferredthe orderto Leon (Account Book no 6, f 15) Fr. Persons was in the College from June I to Sept. 1 (Account Book no. 6, f 3), during which period he and Fr. William Flack were in charge of the administration On June 24 Fr. Pedro de Guzmanceased to be Rector and was succeededby Fr. Juan Lopez de Manzano. dho seminario se Asento Por el mes de Julio de iUdlxxxix (Book of the individuals who give almsto this seminary of the English nation that, by order of our Lord the King, was settled in Valladolid , and, by the same order, is under the direction of the Society of Jesus It commences from the first of January, 1590, although the said seminary was establishedin the month of July, 1589.)

* Fr Bartolomé de Sicilia, whose full nameappears in the accountbooks, is called simply Fr. Caecilia by Blackfan, who says he was a prudent andenergetic man , in great favour with Philip II, brought up at the Court, and a shining light in the Societyof Jesus The records of his life do not bear this out He entered the Society in 1568 as a lay brother, and for some eight years served as assistant to the Fathers Procurators He wielded a nimble pen, and had great talent and capacity for managing money matters. His superiors decidedto applyhim to study, towards the end of 1577. In 1580 he persuaded the Duke of Alburquerque and the Duke of Medinacelitocommission him to conduct some business in Rome, whither he went withoutpermissionof his superiors, in lay clothes and withan assumed name, Juan de Contreras The General , Fr. Mercurian, ruled that he be expelledfrom the Society, but, out of respectfor the Dukes, this did not take place. He returned to Spain and very soon was again mixed up in business affairs that eventually, in 1586 , brought him an admonition from Fr. Aquaviva. He was ordained priest in 1589 [and in this same year Fr. Persons chose him to be Rector of the new College at Valladolid] A year later he threwhimself into a business that was to ruin himself and endangerthe whole Society Philip II, in the latter part of his reign, got more and more into financial straits, and he had recourse to a scheme which shows the solid piety, but not the economic talent , of that Catholic Monarch He commandedthat in all the churches be collected alms for the needs ofthe State Some say this method was the invention of Fr. Bartolomé de Sicilia Be that as it may , it is certain that he threw himself heart and soul into the extremely risky business of collecting money for the King. In this he made himself hateful


1591. This year the church was finishedand solemnly blessed byDon Juan de San Clemente, Archbishop of Compostela Fr. Persons returned to the College in July Feverbrokeout in the College; scarcely anyone was well enough to attend the sick; Fr. Persons was taken to St. Ambrose's College to be cared for; many studentsdied (Blackfan, op cit ., p 45). On Sept. 1 Fr. Rodrigo de Cabredo became Rector In the final accounts of Fr. Lopez de Manzano, at the end of Aug., when he ceased to be Rector (AccountBook no 6, f 222), the expenses exceeded the incomeat that date to the extent of 16,907 reales, which were owing to persons who had lent moneyon censo . 1592. During this year much building was done At the petitionof PhilipII,PopeClement VIII,by an Apostolic Brief, approved , confirmed, instituted , and gave form to the College, and subjectedit immediately to the Holy See * Morehouses were bought to enlarge the site. On Aug. 3 Philip II paid a visit to the College A deed, dated Dec. 10 (Escriturano. 367), bears the following signatures : Rodrigo de Cabredo (Rector), William Flack (Minister), Richard Gibbons , Gaspar Alonso, Simon Swinburn, Ambrosio Lisi and Cristobal Cabalo, who are described as collegians, though the first three were Jesuit priests The College rented, for the recreationof the students, a house and garden near the Convent of the HolyGhost (Escritura 11), and in 1603 bought it (Escritura 13) In November a colony of students went to Seville to form a newcollege there. 1593. Early in the year Fr. William Flack was sent to Flanders to begin the formation of another new College at St. Omer (C.R.S., xiv, p 12n) He was succeededin his office by Fr. Henry Walpole, after-

to thepeople, andwith him the Society Some of the Jesuitswereeasygoing in their attempts to put a stop to the scandal, for he had gagged them with fat donations Those at Alcalá received8,000 ducats, those at Madrid 4,000 ducats,andthere were othersonthe same scale Things became so scandalous, and Fr. Sicilia so hated byall the people, that Parliament [Cortes] nominated a deputation to the King to beg him to put a stop to Sicilia's continuance. This was done, and the King suspended operations till he could investigate the complaintsputforward by the nation Many Jesuitstook this opportunity for demanding Sicilia's expulsion from the Society, led by Fr. Antoniode Mendoza , who, on April 23, 1593, wrote to Rome, " The King has now discharged this scandalous and hateful man, who is now completely ruined, et ad nihilum valet ultra nisi ut mittatur foras " But his superiorswereafraid to act The King and the Inquisition had to be kept quiet and induced to take a favourable view of the Society on account of the impending General Congregation It was not advisable to bring in complications by expelling one so well liked by the King, for whom he was collecting millions So, inthe Spring of 1594, Sicilia appears once more gathering money for the King, and a year later he had more freedom and privileges than ever. At last, after much quarrelling with persons in high stations, and no little planning and manoeuvering , Sicilia was definitely expelled from the Society, towards the end of 1596. Six yearslater, in articulo mortis, he was re-admitted and , having made his vows, died in peace. See Astrain, op cit, iii, pp 630-4, from which the aboveis taken

* A transcriptof the original Brief, now in the archives of the English College, Rome, is printed in the appendix to this volume (see page 246). It is dated April 25, 1592. For some reason, not at all clear, this same Brief is printed in various editions of the Bullarium with the date Nov. 3 , 1592 . In Tierney-Dodd (ChurchHistory, ii, ccclxxv) is printed an extractthatpurports to be from the Bull of Clement VIII confirming the English Seminary at Valladolid, but which is differentlyworded


wards ven. martyr On June 15 the Jesuit Provincial of Castile, Fr. Gonzalo Davila, made a Visitation of the College for the first time, by virtue of the Brief of foundation. He ordered the Rector to draw up a statement of the accounts from the first beginningof the College up to that date. It was found that during the period there had been received in alms for the support of the College 222,678 reales, and that the expenditureon food, etc., purchase of site and houses, and building expenses amounted to 242,255 reales, so that the College was in debt tothe tune of 19,577reales, borrowedfrom variouspersons In August Fr. Henry Walpole went to Madrid to procure the King's charter for the erection of the new seminaryat St. Omer On Sept. 3 he was at Portugalete, on his way to Flanders (C.R.S., v, pp 225, 235) He was succeeded as Minister by Fr. Charles Tancard

1594. On the last day of this year Fr. Rodrigo de Cabredo ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Gonzalo del Rio. From his final accounts, accepted by Fr. Charles Tancard, the minister, it would seem that he left the College free from debt, as there was a sum of 2,130 reales in hand 1595. On Dec. 20 the Provincial, Fr. Gonzalo Davila, made his second Visitation The College was found owing to various persons 1,943 reales . Up tothis year, inclusive, the books of receiptsand payments were kept without any detailed entries Each month, only the total amounts were entered, without any mention of the sources of the income. As a result of the Visitation entries in detail began to be made in the books This year Dr. Richard Smith was appointed to teach philosophy. 1596. On Aug. 26 Fr. John Blackfan succeeded Fr. Charles Tancard as Minister (Account Book no 6, f 27) In September Fr. Alonso Rodriguez deToro succeededFr. Gonzalo del Rio as Rector. In November of this year Fr. Persons left Spainfor Rome 1597. In November Fr. Oswald Tesimond left for England On the way he fellin with Brother Ralph Ashley, als Sherrington, als George Chambers, who had left the College a few months previously, and was afterwards martyred on April 7, 1606.* At the end of OctoberPhilip II sent a letter to the civil authorities of Valladolid commending the College to their financial assistance Their reply, dated Feb. 24, 1598, is printed in Yepes (op. cit., p. 768). It is to the effect that nothing substantial could be done, but that they would make a monthly collection amongst themselves and send it to the College 1598. At the Visitation on May 31 Fr. Gaspar Alonso and Fr. John Blackfan were appointed consultors . This year the College was enlarged and the churchincreased by the addition of a choir andtwoside chapels A deed, dated Sep. 5 (Escritura 307K), is signed by Frs Alonso Rodriguez de Toro, John Blackfan, John Floyd, and Brs. Marcos de Vergara and George Persons An entry in the account book (Lib. 1 Gasto, f. 25) says:"During the year there have been ordinarily sixty persons in the College " This year Philip III renewed the grant of alms from Leon his father had made ad beneplacitum 1599. Fr. Charles Tancard died on July 5, aged 36. In the account book no 6 are entered, in July, 33 reales he left to the College This year began the troubles between the Superiors of the College and the monks of the Benedictine monastery of San Benito, in Valladolid, * Morris, Troubles of Our Catholic Forefathers , Series I, p. 157" .


concerning the vocation of some of the students to the Benedictine Order The story is too long to tell here . Both points of view may be found in Camm, A Benedictine Martyr, p. 60, seqq.; in articles in TheMonth ofOct., 1898, Sept. and Oct., 1899 ; andin Taunton, History of the Jesuits in England, p. 333 , seqq. In the account book (Lib I Gasto., f. 45, Dec.) is the entry:"For a greater portion of the year 70 persons [in the College] and for the rest 60. On July 20th the College divided into two parts, by reason of the plague 40 went to Valverde [Valverde de Campos, near Rioseco] and 20 remainedin the College. [They returned to Valladolid on Oct. 20 (f 40), and from entries in the account book some students seem also to have gone to Baltanas]. This year from the beginning of February nine poor people were fed, receivingeach day a poundanda half of bread andhalf a poundof meat, etc., becausethey were dying of hungerin the streets . " 1600. On April 20 the Constitutions of the College were signed by Cardinal Farnese, Protector of the English Colleges, and Cardinal Borghese (later Paul V), the Vice-Protector This year there was brought tothe College a statue of the Blessed Virgin, formerly venerated in Cadiz, and mutilated by English soldiers and sailors at the sacking of that cityin 1596. On Sep. 8 it was enthronedover the high altar oftheCollege chapel, in the presence of the Queen and all the ecclesiastical and municipal authorities. * At the same time the title of" The Vulnerata "was conferred uponit. To the present dayaMassofreparation, and litaniesin the evening, are sung bythe studentseverySaturday Fr. Joseph Creswell and Fr. Henry Tichborne made a Visitationatthe College before Aug. On Oct. 24 Fr. Alonso Rodriguezde Toro ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Antonio Vasquez (Account Book no 6, f. 118).

1601. In June Fr. Anthony Hoskins went to England This year Philip III transferred the Court from Madrid to Valladolid, and in consequence the alms increased . 1602. In Sept. Fr. Antonio Vasquez ceased to be Rector and was succeeded byFr. Pedro Ruiz deVallejo (Account Book no. 6, ff. 118 , 48) 1603. A deed (Escritura 13), dated April 9, is signed in the nameof the College by Pedro Ruiz de Vallejo (Rector), Joseph Creswell , John Worthington (Minister), John Blackfan, Christopher Walpole, Michael Walpole, John Pole, and Brothers Andreas Diaz, Felipe Guevara , Domingo Hernandez and William Hiamo [Heigham].

* See Camm , In the BraveDays of Old, pp 177 seqq .

The following memorandum, drawn up at the end of 1603, is of interest as showing a method of collecting alms by a " Sponsors scheme " [Original (Series II, 1º). In Fr. Joseph Creswell's hand, n.d.] [TY .]

The Persons who have adopted students in this English College. The Duchess of Cea

The Patriarch ofValencia

Don Rodrigo del Aguila

TheCouncil ofthe Orders DonJuan de Idiaquez ..

The Count of Olivares

Don Rodrigo Calderon

Don Antonio de Toledo

The Duke Infantado

The Countess of Medinaceli

Fr. [William] Evans ..John [Richard] Strutt

PeterCoffin George Huxley

Henry More

Don Juan de Tassis ...... Richard Baynes

The Marquis of Velada .... Henry Taylor

The Duke of Lerma ...... Edmund Worthington

The Count of Oropesa ..James Pollard

TheCount ofNieva .... (Richard Lyney

John Maxey


The disturbance in the College over the opposition of the Superiors to the students who wished to do so entering the BenedictineOrder broke out worse than ever, and reached the pitch when studentsand Superiors came to blows. A number of studentseventually went to San Benito's, and Fr. Joseph Creswell appealed to the King to have them brought back The matter was referred to the Councilof State, who held a consultationon it, the minutes of which are in the archives at Simancas (Estado Legajo 2511) The Council made a report tothe King, who, in his own hand, wrote " Do in this as my confessor thinks best, and write in that sense to the Duke of Sessa [Ambassador in Rome]" Before this, on Aug. or Sept. 8, Fr. Creswell and the Rector hadbeentothe Nuncio, then with theCourtin Valladolid, tocomplainof what had happened, but the Abbot of San Benito's had forestalled them The Rector lost his temper, and rashly accused the Pope of causing allthe trouble byallowingthe Benedictines toreturn to England This was more than the Nuncio could tolerate. " So this man , " he said, "wishes to teach His Holiness how to rule the Church ! Fetter him, and shut him up in a dungeon until such time as it be decided what shall be done about him!" With difficulty the Nuncio was persuaded to retract his command, and then only on condition of Fr. Ruiz being dismissed from the Rectorate (Blackfan, op cit , p. 74). This was done almost immediately, for, in Nov., Fr. Juan de Olmedo signs the accounts as Vice-Rector, which he continued to do until Feb. 20, 1604, whenFr. Diego deGamboa was appointedRector(Account Book no 6, ff 51-2) 1604. In Feb. Fr. FrancisYoung came from Rome At the Visitation on Feb. 21 Fr. Blackfan was removed from the Procuratorship, but his writingcontinuesin the books until the end of Sept., when he probably left the College, and Fr. Youngcommenced to act as Procurator. This year 12 studentsspent the summer at Traspinedo [about 15 mileseast of Valladolid] (Account Book no 6, ff 202, 208) In Dec. there were 46 persons in the College (Account Book no 6, f. 214). 1605. In Aug. Fr. Thomas Sylvester came from Pamplona. At the Visitation on Oct. 14 he was appointed Procurator, but Fr. Young signed the books until the end of Feb., 1606, as Fr. Sylvesterwent to Leon. Fr. Christopher Walpole was appointed first Confessor. He, the Minister , and Frs. Richard Walpole and Francis Young were appointed Consultors Fr. Creswell was called to Rome in Aug. to report on the trouble with the Benedictines

TheCount ofNiebla

The SecretaryPenareyta

The Marchioness of Montesclaros

The Vice-Chancellor

The Count of Lemos

Don Inigo de Cardenas

Gregoriode Tapia

Doña LeonoraVela (inNaples)

TheCount of Puñonrostro

Don MartindeAlagon

Don Tomas Ortiz

The Marchioness of Poza Peter Formby

The Count of Benevente..Christopher Greenwood

Don Pedro de Toledo .... John Sweetnam

The Duchess of Osuna .... Fr. James Cooper

The Duchess of Alba WilliamShelley

The Countess of Castelar John Adamson

The Bishop of Tarragona..Stephen Chapman

The Duke ofMedinaceli ..FrancisSmithson

The Council of War (John ThomasAynsworth Williams

The Duchess ofMedina ..MichaelAlford

TheMarchionessof Malagón .... Robert Edmunds [The following are in the third column with no patrons attached:-Fr. John Dominic, Fr. Christopher [Robert] Knaresborough , William [Richard] Yarwell, John Ayre, John Barnes , John Smith, Edward Webb, Nicholas Law ]


1606. In March Fr. Sylvester signed the books as Procurator, which office he held until his death on Jan. 23, 1626. At the Visitation on Dec. 18 Fr. Richard Walpole was appointed first Confessor and Fr. Young second In Oct. Fr. Diego de Gamboa ceased to be Rector and was succeededby Fr. Pedro Ruiz deVallejo, who had been dismissed bythe Nuncioin 1603. Troublesbroke out againamongstthe students, who wrote a commonletter to Fr. Persons (see p 90 infra). This year the Court returned to Madrid The alms fell considerably There is a detailed memorandumin Fr. Creswell's hand, written at the end of this year, by which time he had returned from Rome, showingthat many former benefactors had paid nothing for three or four years (Series II, 4º).

1607. On May 20 Fr. Ruiz ceased to be Rector, and was succeeded by Fr. Juan de Parraces (Account Book no. 6, f. 138). Towardsthe end ofthe year a pestilence began, which carriedoff manystudents , and, as nearly all were ill, no study was done , nor couldthe ordinary routine of the College be carried out (Blackfan, op. cit , p 81) This year Fr. [Walter] Morgancame from Seville (Lib. I Gasto)

1608. On Aug. 8th the students wrote another common letter to Fr. Persons in Rome, who sent Fr. John Blackfanfrom Rome to Valladolid, where he arrived on Nov. 2nd. Hefound the numbers greatly reduced , andeverybodyexcept the Rectorill On the following day Fr. William Warford died Hired servants were in charge, and the College in such a state of delapidation as though it had been sacked by a hostile army (Blackfan, op cit , p 84) On Dec. 1oth Paul V issued rules ofaccord between the Societyof Jesus and the Orderof St. Benedict which put an end to the strife.

1609. The buildings were renovated , and an ambulacrum erected to unite disjointed parts of the house Fr. Andrew White arrived in May, passing through Vergara , and the College paid his journey money and that of Fr. James Blundell, who died at Vergara early this summer (Lib. I Gasto., ff 337 , 405; Foley, vii, p 66) A deed (Escritura 33), dated20 June, is signed, allin autograph, byJuan de Parraces (Rector), John Clare, Andrew White, George Chemplon , William Hiham [Heigham] and Thomas Edman [Edmund]; and another (Escritura 37) on July 18 , by the Rector and John Blackfan (Procurator) During Aug. the studentswent to Traspinedo In Dec. the numberof studentswas 34 (Lib I Gasto , ff 341, 346)

1610. Another storm threatenedthis year on account of the attraction of one or two students to the Order of St. Dominic A misunderstanding as to the attitude of the Rectorwithregard to religious vocations was eventually cleared up withoutany great secessionofstudents, though for the moment it gave the College a severe shake (Blackfan, op. cit., p. 87). The shortage of income began to be felt acutely. At the visitation on April 6 it was ordered thateconomy should beexercised in the amount of money given for the journey to those who went to Englandor to be ordained Amongstthe latter, those who were strong enough were togo on foot [i.e., toMojados , 15 milesdistant ; to Palencia , 30 miles distant ; to Zamora, etc.]. This year the students wentto Portillo, from Aug. 12 to Sept. 22 (Lib 1 Gasto , f 360) In Oct. Fr. Blackfan went to England.

1611. The College was still tottering from the trouble of last year, when another pestilence attacked the house Some died and the rest were left broken-spirited and with no taste for either discipline or study (Blackfan, op cit , p 90). On Feb. 25 Fr. Juan de Parraces

ceased to be Rectorandwas succeededby Fr. Christobal Suarez (Account Book no. 6, f 157)

1612. In Feb. Br Thomas Edmund went to Madrid In March Fr. Peter Benson arrived, via Bilbao, and in April went to Madrid (Lib. I Gasto , ff 383, 384) On March 18 it was ordered at the Visitation that for the health of the students an effort should be made to move the College to some other place, as had been decided by the Frs. Consultors. The sickness had continued into this year, and the students at last resolutelyrevolted against going out any longer to the lectures at the College of St. Ambrose They alleged that the heat in summer and the mud and rain in winter were the causes of the pestilences. All efforts to calm them failed, and at length most of them were sent to other colleges, some to Seville , some to Douay, others to Louvain , and the few who remained studied cases ofconscience [Moral Theology] in the College (Blackfan, op cit , p 90) In July Fr. Andrew Barnes went to Seville, and in Sept. Fr. John Price went to Madrid (Lib I Gasto., ff. 387-8).

1613. A consultation was held by the Spanish and English Jesuits, who, seeing that unless drastic remedies were applied the College could not be kept alive, agreed that henceforward lectures should be given in the College (Blackfan, op. cit , p. 90). A colony of students was expected from St. Omer towards the autumn and, at the Visitation on April 30, it was laid down that when the new students arrived , classes in Greek, Controversies [Polemical Theology], and cases of conscience should be given in the College. Fr. Philip Beaumontwas appointed Prefect of Studies The consultors appointed were Frs. Thomas Sylvester (Procurator), Christopher Greenwood (Minister), and Peter Benson, who had apparently returned from Madrid. For the summer vacation the students went to Portillo Fr. John Price was summoned from Seville to lecture in philosophy And so a new lease of life was given to the College. Frs . Henry Bentley and Br. Thomas Reeve came sometime before the end of this year (Lib I Gasto ., f. 405).

1614. On March 25 12 birettas were brought for those of theSociety and 16 for the students , which seems to indicate the numbers in the College. Fr. Benson went to Alcala in May. This year the students wentin Aug. to Cevico [de la Torre] to rusticate (Lib 1 Gasto , ff 40910-16). The Spanish Jesuits had by this time succeeded in their effortsto smash the newly founded English College in Madrid (cf. The English College at Madrid, C.R.S., xxix, passim), and Fr. John Thompson arrived at Valladolid on June 18 , with the nine students from Madrid, who underhim had finishedtheir course of philosophy. With the consent and even, says Blackfan, the applause of the Fathers of St. Ambrose's, Fr. Thompson and another Father began to teach theologyin the English College, the students attending one class only at St. Ambrose's Many complaintshad been made againstthe system by which English youths were placed under Spanish professors and superiors. Philip III, therefore , wrote to the General, Claudius Aquaviva, urging him to appoint an English Rector at Valladolid The Spanish Jesuits were up in arms at once, but the General favoured the proposal and appointed Fr. WilliamWeston, who thus became the first English rector (Blackfan, op cit , p 91) It was hoped this would bring permanent peace, but, as we shall see , the Spaniards were only biding their time. At the Visitation on Oct. 13 it was ordered that the students should attend one lecture daily, on scholastic theology,


at St. Ambrose's , but that conferences in that science should be held in the English College and presided over by Fr. George Bamfield [i.e. , George Bates]. Fr. Philip Beaumontwas appointed Prefect of Studies; Frs. John Thompson, John Price, and Thomas Sylvester, Consultors; and Fr. Thomas Land, Prefect of Health Fr. William Caldwell arrived from Oropesa sometime before Oct. (Lib. 2 Gasto.). 1615. In Feb. Br Thomas Edmund returned from Madrid There was an English servantnamed Williamwho left in March (Lib 2 Gasto, ff. 7, 8) On April 9 Fr. William Weston died. Fr. Anthony Hoskins succeededhim as Rector. On May 3 a deed (Escritura263) was signed by Frs. Anthony Hoskins (who is described as Prefect of the English Mission, Superiorof the English Seminaries in Spain, and Rectorof the English College, Valladolid), Thomas Sylvester, John Thompson, Thomas More , Thomas Land, John Price, John Bamfield, William Caldwell, and Brs. Thomas Edmund, George Chemplon , and Thomas Reeve. In June Philip III passed through the town He visited the College and was entertained with a collation and a play whichthe students gave. The play had been got up hurriedly, and the actors did not know their parts, so it was a completefailure and resultedin lowering the opinion the public had formed of the College (Blackfan , op cit , p 92) In the summer Fr. Philip Beaumontwent via Seville to Rome, and Fr. Michael Higgins came to Valladolid, the College paying his expenses (Account Books ; see Foley, vii, p 359, for Adam Higgins, who died at Seville in 1615). In August the studentswentto Santovenia , a low-lying village on the banks of the river Pisuerga, a few milesnorthof Valladolid (Lib 2 Gasto , f 17). They allfellill, and the Rector, Fr. Anthony Hoskins, died on Sept. 10. Four students and a laybrother died at the same time, and not long afterwards Fr. John Thompson Fr. Thomas Sylvester remained in charge of the College. In Sept. a new colony of students arrived from St. Omer and began to study philosophy under Fr. Christopher Greenwood. When the Vicar-General, Ferdinand Alberus, heard of the distress at the College, he wrote to Fr. JohnBlackfan, thenin Brussels, andordered him to go at once to Valladolid andtake up the duties of Rector. After a rough voyage lasting a full month, during which his ship was twice cast upon the English coast, he arrived at San Sebastian on Feb. 2 , 1616, and, as fast as the snow and wintry conditions would allow , hurried to Valladolid With this incident Blackfan's narrative ends 1616. From this point, until the year 1767 , what follows is taken chiefly from the various account books of the College, and refersprincipallyto the movements of the superiors of the College, whose names do not appear with any regularity in the Liber Alumnorum. The number of students at the College was henceforth much reduced Earlyin the year Fr. Philip Beaumontreturned via Seville from Rome. On the way fromSevilleto Valladolid Fr. [Francis] Hanmerfellill and remainedin Madrid (Lib. 2 Gasto ). The superiors of the College were now all English, with the exception,of one lay brother. Trouble similar to that of the year 1614 broke out. 1617. Cordara's (op. cit., p. 108) accountofthis incident is as follows: - Towards the end of the time of the General Claudius Aquaviva, for what reasons Cordara was unaware, the Visitor of the Province of Castile had given the students English professors of philosophy and theology, who lectured in the College, thus changing the old custom , insisted upon at the beginning by the Inquisitors, of attending the College ofSt. Ambrose Thenan English Jesuit was appointedRector.


Then they began to look for other English professors, and English servants , until at last no Spaniards were left in the College, except one lay brother This brother, heedlessly, casuallyor of set purpose, brought the matter to the notice of the Duke of Lerma, the Prime Minister of the King, who happened to call at the College. The Duke strongly disapproved of what had come about, and declared to the Spanish Jesuitsthatitcouldnotbe toleratedthat these Englishstudents should not be in the hands of Spaniards . This was brought to the notice of the Provincial, who immediately called a council of the most grave Fathers. They decided unanimously that the College must be brought backtoits pristine state, but slowly and bythe samestages bywhich thechange had been brought about; for no one couldappoint the Rectorbut the General, whose decisionshould be awaited In the meantime , as a first move, the students were ordered to attend St. Ambrose's They at once began to grumble at the unexpectednews , and to show signs of revolt againstwhat theysaid were unfair orders . At first they brought forward what seemed to be genuine excuses , on the groundofhealth, for not obeying But before long they haughtily and fiercely refused to comply with the command , obstinate in their determinationnot to attend any school outside the College or tolisten to any except English professors. Prayers and threats were in vain For many months they remainedcontumacious , and it is doubtfulto what excess they would have gone had not letters of the King put a stopto the sedition Writing to the Provincial, the Kingordered that, ifany change had been made from the first customs of the College, the old-established customs should be restored withoutdelay. The students saw these letters and, not daring to open their mouths against them , returned at once to the Ambrosian gymnasium The English Fathers were afterwards removed and the Spaniards returned The General, Mutius Vitelleschi, appointed Fr. [Juan] Francisco de Benavides rector, and at last peaceand quietness reigned in the house SofarCordara. The Spaniards had won, but it was almost the death knell of the College Four orfive of the students simply ran away. * As some of these became Jesuits, a later writerobliterated therecord ofthisincident inthe register, butthe ink he used has fadedandthe writingunderneath is legible. Fr. John Price went to Flanders some time before March, and in Nov. Fr. John Blackfan went away, and was succeeded as Rector by Fr. Juan de Benavides . Fr. Michael Walpole went to the English College at Madrid (Lib 2 Gasto) 1618. At the Visitation of Feb. 22 it was ordained that henceforth the Fr. General's order must be obeyed, that all the students should attend the lectures on scholastic theology at St. Ambrose's College, that the students of philosophy should finish at St. Alban's College the course they had begun under Fr. Christopher Greenwood , but that, thenceforth, all lectures should be at St. Ambrose's In August Fr. Henry Bell left the College and went to Segovia (Lib. 2 Gasto) 1619. The students still remained unsettled and some left or were expelled (see nos 363-7). Brothers Thomas [......] and Laurence [Bromfield] came from Flanders Fr. Francis Hanmer was seemingly at the College, and received money for his brother This year the College paid for the keep of Br. Francis Biddulph at the noviciate at Villagarcia (Lib 2 Gasto .).

* See students no 352 to 356


1620. In July were purchased fifteen pictures of students of the College put to death in England for the faith These pictures are still preserved in the College

1621. From February, when Fr. Juan de Benavides ceased to be Rector, Fr. Thomas Sylvester acted as Vice-Rector until the appointment, in Oct., of the new Rector, Fr. Francisco Gonzalez Br Thomas Worsley went to Flanders in Sept. In 1621-2 are entered various expenses of Fr. Baquero [ Alexander Baker], who came from Seville.

1622. Br. George Varnon [vere Ward] came from Salamanca to Valladolid and Br. John [Wood]* from Flanders (Lib. 2 Gasto.).

1623. In Feb. the Fr. General issued an instruction that the Spanish Provincials and Rectors were the Superiors of the English Fathersand theirseminaries (see C.R.S., xxix, p 212) InApril the PrinceofWales passed through Valladolid on his way to Madrid to negotiatehis proposed marriagewith the Infanta Maria In the account book (Lib 2 Gasto .) is an entry" 44 reales paid to the singers who sang at the entertainment for the Prince of Wales , " and an artist was paid for scenery he painted for the occasion . In June some Fathersand studentswent to Madrid to visit the Prince 1624. In Oct. Fr. Francisco Gonzalez ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Francisco de Aguilar Br John [Wood] returned to Flanders (Lib 2 Gasto).

1625. There were eighteen students at the College in Jan. (Lib. 2 Gasto) Fr. Thomas Sylvester, Procurator from Oct., 1605 , to Nov., 1608, and from Oct., 1610, until his death, died on Jan. 23. Fr. Henry Floyd signed a document as Procurator on Jan. 22 (Escritura no. 12). In the accountbook (Series III, no 46, Lib 4, f 104 , henceforthwith its companionvolume referred to as Lib. 4 or Lib 5) is the entry" The College at Watten gave Fr. Thomas Kensignton alias Gerrard 10 doubloons as viaticum when he came to Spain" 1626. There were twenty-three students at the College in Jan. In March Br. Thomas S[h]eldon came from the noviciate at Villagarcia Br. John Duarte [vere Jenkyns] camefrom Seville in May (Lib. 2 Gasto.). On May 1 Fr. [in 1622 Br] George Varnon went away (Lib 5, f 71) Fr. William Lee [vere Badduley] came from St. Omer on May 16. Fr. Ignatius Stafford [vere Robert Badduley], who came from Lisbon, began to act as Procuratorearlyin the year His journey money from Lisbon was paid by this Collegein 1628. On Nov. 5 Fr.Thomas Landarrived from Liége. 1627. In May Fr. Francis Forcer went to Flanders (Lib. 5, f 71) A deed (Escritura no 372), dated Dec. 16, is signed by Francisco de Aguilar (Rector), Ignatius Stafford, Thomas Land, Laurence Bromfield, Hernando Cortes, George Chemplon, William Lee, and Gregory Stafford 1628. A deed (Escritura no 267), dated Dec. 22, is signed by all the above withthe addition of John Duarte 1629. In Feb. there were 18 students at the College (Lib 2 Gasto) A deed (Escritura no 268), dated Sept. 21, bears the same names as Escritura no 267 , with the exception of Laurence Bromfield

* See C.R.S., xxix, p. 150 . See notesto the students nos 339 and 340


1630. On Feb. 20 there were 20 studentsin the College (Lib. 2 Gasto.). On April 4 Fr. Andrew Biddulph [Bedelo], and on May 6 Fr. Ignatius Staffordwentaway (Lib 1 , f 44). On Oct. 12 Fr. Francisco de Aguilar ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Pedro de Ceniceros Fr. Thomas Land became Procurator (Lib 2 Gasto) 1631. Fr. Robert Salvin [vere Constable] signed a deed (Escritura no. 287) as Vice -Rector on Feb. 22. In March there were 14 studentsin the College Br John Duarte came fom Arevalo early in April, and at the same time Fr. Land ceased to act as Procurator This year the students did not, as in previousyears, go to Portilloduring the summer months 1632. This year Br Laurence Bromfield signed a deed as Procurator (Escriturano. 308) Fr. Thomas Land died on Oct. 31 , and Fr. John Freeman became Procurator, in which office he remained until 1660 In Dec. Fr. Pedro de Ceniceros ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Juan de Oribe (Lib 2 Gasto )

During the years 1631 and 1632 Fr. Ceniceros seems to have been absent from the College. The account books, usually signed each month by the Rector, are signed by Frs Salvin and Land On the back of a letter (Series II, 4°) from Br. George Garnett, datedMadrid, May 19 , 1632, to Fr. Thomas Kensignton at Valladolid, whom he addresses as Fr. Minister, is the following draft, in another hand, of a letter to the Fr. General "for fa: General [No date .]

" How fa: Ror hath been absent ye most part of his Rorp. ye prefectheardno repetitions almostall ye yeare, and yet, at ye Seminaries charges, above 200 R[ea]les, was sent to recreate himselfe; wch fa: Ror yeelded unto as convenient, and yet, against all ye Consultors opinions, would in no case permitt ye Alum[n]os to goe to Portillo because these would take a fa: in ye howse: they both absent themselves, ye one for his pleasure, ye other for ye busines of a particular fa: of ye Pro[vince]; nothing concerning ye good of our howse, præferring yo commodity and health of ye Præfect before ye health, gust and quiet of ye whole howse, and doth not condescend at leasty' another fa: bee borrowed in tyme of Vacancias [i.e., holidays] to resyde heere , wch may be done without inconveniency and safely, being at S. Amb[rose's college] enough to spare and willing to come forye time of vacancys: forsouth tis noe inconvenience both Ror and prefect bee absent for their owne pleasure and particular endes, and yet it is inconvenientone come in ye prefects place for 2 monthes to ye end y schollers may goe to Portillo, who if they goe not commonly fall sike , are unquiet and murmur, and sometymes dye and seeke to bee gone. wch reasons were of such force to ye last General Visitour y * hee left an ordinance in wrytingyt ifit were possible ye Alumosshould notfale noyearetogoe to Portillo but it is possible both Ror and Prefectbee absent for their own and their par[ticu]lar friends pleasure, and impossible another bee asked to supply ye prefects place for 3 monthsfor this cause towittyt ye Alumosmay goe to Portillo iudicet V. P. etc.

" The little assistance and confidence wee may place in our owne heere, and little remedy wee find of anything from their handes ye little good will ye show us . what maesters they give us ye little esteeme and afection ye shew what a misery it is for our Eng[lish] fa[thers] heere to live where ye have no one confidentfreinde of ours , but must needs have recourse in all their necessites to ye P[rovincial] withoutwhose comand nothing by ours is done for us. how thoseof


St Ambrose come frequently hither for Colla[ti]ons and breakefast , very good ones, to ye disedifica [ti]on of ye Alumos , at least who see it, and yet any ofus,saythey [thestudents], or ye English fa: may goe thither as often as ye will and not have a cupp of water offered them How this Ror was put heere to disocupar [i.e., free] him from other busines yt hee might be imployed in fa: Montemayor['s] busines to prove his limpieca from Judisme and hidalgia [i.e., his noble blood and freedom from Jewish strain]"

1633. "In April an alms was given to Fr. William Coleman, S.J., who was banished from Germany , and who stayed in this College eight months " In the summer of this year the studentswent to Mojados In Oct. Br. John Duarte [Jenkyns] went to Bilbao Fr. Juan de Oribe, byreason of ill-health, ceased to be Rectorin Oct. (Lib. 2 Gasto), and was succeededby Fr. Sancho deLeguizamo , who, after two months , was succeeded on Dec. 19 by Fr. Hernando Cortes Fr. Leguizamo remained in the College until Aug. 31, 1634, whenhe went to Palencia (Lib 5, f. 25).

1634. In Jan. there were eleven studentsin the College. They spent the summer months at Simancas, where they went also during thenext three summers

1635. In Feb. therewere seventeen studentsin the College. InApril Br. George Chemplonwas dismissed from the Society. In Dec. there were twelve studentsin the College.

1636. About this time there broke out another disturbance between the students and superiors , that brought desolation upon the House . It reached such a pitch of violence that the police were brought in and there was a free fight between them and the students The ring- leader was a student named Edward Veale [no 441 ] The details of the case are given in the note to his entry(q.v.).

1637. In Feb. Br Thomas Bradford was dismissed from the Society. This year there was a general exodus of students from the College , chiefly owing to ill-health, and various consultationswere held to discuss the advisability of moving the College to another site The minutes of these consultations are printed in C.R.S., xxix, p. 222 . On Sept. 16 Fr. HernandoCortes gave up the rectorship and went to Palencia . He was succeeded by Fr. Diego Marin. In Nov. Fr. George Maurice Maurice Keynes] and Br Thomas Owen went to Flanders (Lib 2 Gasto.).

1638. The College was without studentsfrom May of this year until Sept., 1640 , when a colony of twelve arrived from St. Omer 1641. In Jan. Fr. William Sankey came from Flanders . In Feb. there were eleven students in the College (Lib 2 Gasto ) On Feb. 4 Fr. Diego Marin ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Juan Diez de Isla (Lib 4, f 76) This year and henceforth for many years the students went during the summer to Portillo 1642. In Feb. there were ten studentsin the College 1643. In Feb. there were sixteen students in the College. In June were purchased " two pictures, portraits of two martyrs of this College who suffered last year" (Lib 2 Gasto ) On Dec. 11 Fr. Francisco Juarez came from Monforte At this date Fr. William Sankey was still at the College (Lib. 4, f 22)

1644. In Jan. there were fifteen students in the College. In May Br Edward Stanleyreturned to Flanders (Lib 2 Gasto)


1645. In Feb. there were twenty-two students in the College (Lib. 2 Gasto). On May 24 Fr. John Bacon left the College for that of Bilbao. He had come from Flanders at the beginning of Feb., since when he had lived at the College, not as a subject, but merely awaiting his appointment by the Provincial (Lib 4, f 23) The students John Newport [no 486] and Francis Eure [no 481] entered the Society of Jesus and went to Villagarcia At the same time the student John Woodfield [no 478] returned from Villagarcia (Lib. 2 Gasto .).

1646. In Sept. the student Thomas Crisp [no 487] went to Villagarcia to enter the Society (Lib. 2 Gasto.). In the same month Fr. Juan Diez de Isla ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Francisco Juarez .

1647. In Feb. there were twenty students in the College On Feb. 15 Fr. Francisco Juarez ceased to be Rectorandwent to Leon He was succeeded by Fr. Diego de Pangua (Lib. 2 Gasto.).

1648. In Dec. were purchased two more portraits ofmartyrs, students of the College (Lib. 2 Gasto.).

1649. Fr. Diego de Pangua ceased to be Rectorin Aug. During Sept. and Oct. Fr. William Sankey was in charge and signed the books In Nov. Fr. José de Ayala became Rector.

1650. In Jan.therewere thirteen studentsin the College (Lib 2 Gasto.)

1651. In March Sir Francis Cottington, former English Ambassador in Madrid, came to live in Valladolid, and was lodged at the College for seven days. In Dec. there were seven students in the College (Lib. 2 Gasto.).

1652. A special register (Libro de Visitas) of Visitations by the Fr. Provincial begins, in its present state, with this year It is a book , 7 by 5 inches, bound in the usual vellum. The first section of leaves is missing, and the first leaf is numbered 16, on which comes the latter portion of the entry of the Visitation of Feb. 1 , 1652. Frs John Bacon, John Freeman, and Antonio de Lodossa were appointed to various offices.

On the night of June 18 Sir FrancisCottington died at his house in Valladolid, and his body was deposited in the old chapel of the College (Lib 2 Gasto)

On Nov. 16 Fr. José de Ayala, having ceased to be Rector, went to Pontevedra He was succeeded by Fr. Ambrosio de Salamanca , who arrived on Oct. 9 (Lib. 4, f 24). 1653. In March there were fourteen studentsin the College. 1654. On Oct. 9 Fr. Andres Antonio de la Oyuela came to liveat the College (Lib. 4, f 25) As yet the College possessed no country house. This year appears the name of the Count of Benavente , who lent his house at Portillofor the summer vacation (Lib 2 Gasto.). 1655. At the Visitation on Feb. 1 Frs. John Bacon, John Freeman , and Andres Antonio de la Oyuela were appointed consultors. On Nov. 12 Fr. Ambrosio de Salamanca ceased to be Rector and went to Monforte. He was succeeded by Fr. Andres Antonio de la Oyuela (Lib 4, f 136). 1656. In Feb. there were thirteen students in the College. At the Visitation on June 6 the Provincial ordained as follows:"Idisapprove of the studentsnot being given lectures or exercises in the theological


questions of the day [controversias ], because the scholastic theology they study is of no practical use overthere [i.e., in England], andwhat is of use over there they do not study here Consequently , whilstwe are getting to know what is the custom at the German and English Colleges in Rome, and await the orders of our Fr. General on the subject, I order that some compendiums of Fr. Becano* be bought, so that during the year, and especially during the summer, the students may be able to go through them in the four years of their course .... etc." Frs John Bacon, John Freeman, and Francisco de Liano were appointed to various offices .

1657. In Feb. there were seven studentsin the College. On Oct. 25 Fr. John Bacon left the College, by orderof the Provincial, and went to that of Bilbao. He returned on Oct. 30, 1658 (Lib 4, f. 139).

1658. In Feb. there were eight studentsin the College AttheVisitation on Feb. 26 was issued the order:"Hunting by the students when they are at Portillo, especially when carried to the excessit has reached ,is much opposed to the edification, modestyand examplethey showineverything else On no accountmust it be allowed henceforth There are many other ways in which they can amuse themselves , and not a little will be saved in clothing and boots, and it will be better for their health, too "

1659. At the Visitationon Jan. 8 Frs John Freeman, John Bacon , and Francisco de Liano were appointed to various offices On April 22 Fr. Andres de la Oyuela ceased to be Rector and went to Medina del Campo. He was succeededby Fr. Francisco de Liano (Lib. 4,f. 74). At the Visitation on Oct. I the order was repeated and confirmedthat the students must not hunt when at Portillo during the summer . 1660. In Jan. there were only threestudents, ofwhom two went away on Feb. 14 (Lib 3 Gasto) At the Visitation on March 25 Fr. John Bacon and Fr. William Basset [student no 502, who was received into the Society in May, 1659] were appointed confessors and consultors. On Sept. 26 Fr. John Freeman ceased to be Procurator and was succeededin that office by Fr.William Basset (Lib. 3 Gasto ) Fr. Freeman went to the College at Santiago de Compostela on Oct. 27 (Lib 4, f 149) In Nov. six new studentsarrived It is interesting to note the following entry in the account book (Lib. 3 Gasto , f 37):" Nov: One pound of leaf tobaccofor the students, 13 reales, " an entrythat appears not unfrequently during succeeding years. 1661. In Feb. there were six studentsin the College, of these two were ordained priests in June. See the note to student no 469. It is possible that the letter to the Fr. General, quoted above, in 1632 , should come here 1662. Inthe account book(Lib. 7, Recibo , f 36) is thefollowing entry: - "On Oct. 25 , Fr. Francisco de Liano, being on the point of leaving the Society of Jesus and the Rectorship of this College of St. Alban, and having no time to draw up the accounts in detail, and since the Fr. Provincial has not appointedanyone to receive the accounts, Fr. William Basset, Procurator of the said College, confesses and declares that he has in his charge all the moneythe College possesses from rents, alms, etc. [signed] Francisco de Liano, John Bacon, William Basset. " The new Rector was Fr. Ignacio de Loyola.

* Martinus Becanus , S.J., Manuale Controversiarum hujus temporis

1663. In March there were five students in the College In Sept. anotherarrived and four on Oct. 29 (Lib. 3 Gasto) 1664. In Feb. there were nine students in the College, and in that month the Rector, Fr. Ignacio de Loyola, died (Lib 3 Gasto) On March 2 Fr. Diego de Montezuma was appointed Rector (Lib 4, f. 151). At the Visitation on March 18 Frs John Bacon, William Basset , and Miguel de Oronoz were appointed to various offices. On June 1 Fr. Oronoz took the student [no 518] Thomas Jenison to the noviciate (Lib. 3 Gasto.). On Nov. 26 Fr. Gregorio de Mendiola arrived as Rector , in succession to Fr. Diego de Montezuma(Lib. 4, f. 154) 1665. On Feb. 11 Fr. John Bacon left the College and wentto the old college at Salamanca (Lib 4, f 151) In March there were seven students in the College (Lib 3 Gasto)

The Spanish Jesuits had by now come to look upon the College as an entity separate from the Seminary At the Visitation on March 28 it was ordained that this year the students should go to Portillo as usual. If a priest were needed to stay at the seminary, someone from St. Ambrose's , as for instance Fr. John Newport, should come: "Although it was decided at a Provincial Consultation that onlytwo members of the Society of Jesus, the superior and a brother, should remain in this seminary, I think [wrote the Provincial], for the present it would be well, for the consolationof the students, that Fr. William Basset should remain, not as Procurator or Minister, but simply as confessor, so that he mayhearthe confessions of all those ofthe House , give the points for meditation, and preside over the conferences and other literary acts of the seminary, and Fr. Rector will look afterall the rest, availing himself of the subjects he has in the House , as may seem good to him, for his assistance and relief. "

Fr. William Basset died in May His hand ceases in the booksat the middle of March, and then begins that of Fr. William Sankey, who is referred to as Procurator, at a Visitationon March 22 , 1666 (Lib. 3 Gasto.).

1666. At the Visitationon Feb. 20 Frs William Sankey and Jacinto de la Puebla were appointed confessors and consultors.

1667. In March Fr. John Bacon came from Salamanca (Lib. 3 Gasto) In June there were nine studentsin the College At the Visitationin March the Provincial wrote a notein the accountbook (Lib 3 Gasto) to the effect that the expenses had been very excessive, and he strictly charged the Rector to lookinto the matter for the future. After the Visitation the hand of Fr. William Sankey ceases . * He and Fr. Jacinto de la Puebla were appointed confessors and consultors . In Sept. Fr. John Bacon died (Lib. 3 Gasto). On Sept. 26 Fr. William Sankey went to Bilbao (Lib. 4, f. 159). 1668. On April 30 Fr. Gregorio de Mendiola ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Andres Reguera (Lib 4, f 108)

1669. At the Visitation on Feb. 14 Fr. Jacinto de la Puebla was appointed confessor and consultor There seems to have been no English superior in the College at this date In June Fr. Andres Reguera ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Bartolomé de Occo (Lib. 3 Gasto .).

* For an account of Fr. Sankey's financial escapades at the English College, Madrid, see C.R.S. , xxix, p 126 , C


1670. On April 3 three students went to England, and the College was without students until the arrival of a colony of eight in Sept. They were accompanied by Fr. Thomas Wilkinson, als Molyneux, who became Minister.

1671. In Feb. there were eight studentsin the College (Lib. 3 Gasto). In April Fr. Bartolomé de Occo ceased to be Rectorand was succeeded by Fr. Manuel de Calatayud, soon after whose appointment work commenced on a new (the present) church 1672. In Feb. there were eight studentsin the College At the Visitation on March 15 Fr. Agustin de Beamonte was appointed consultor and confessor . On June 12 the first stone of the new church was laid by the Dean of the Cathedral 1673. Work on the new church was stopped all this year for want of funds Fr. Calatayudwent on a begging tour round Spain There is in the archives of the College a book in which he gives a detailed accountof all the money received for and spent on the church , and of the progress of the building. 1674. In Jan. work on the new church began again 1675. The Vice-Rector, during Fr. Calatayud's frequent absence , was Fernandode Haro At the Visitationon April 4 all the students are stated to have been priests, and at the Visitation on May 20 the numbers in the College are given as five Jesuits and five students. One of the largest contributions to the cost of the new church was 7,350 reales from the sale of a piece of jewelry bequeathed to the College by Sir Francis Cottington. 1675. Hitherto a house had been hired in Portillo each summer This year the College bought a house there, which was the country house of the College until the first secular Rector, Dr. Philip Perry, bought the present country house at Viana de Cega. 1677. Fr. Thomas Wilkinson went to England on Feb. 23. In Oct. arrived the new Minister, Fr. Daniel Armstrong [student no 516]. In Dec.there were 7 studentsin the College (Lib 3 Gasto) 1678. On March 16 the body of Sir Francis Cottington was exhumed from the old chapel [and transferred by his nephew and heir to Westminster Abbey] (Lib 3 Gasto ) On Oct. 30 Titus Oates was expelled from the College after a stay of only four months. 1679. On Oct. 11 the statue of the " Vulnerata," which had been deposited in St. Anne's Convent during the pulling down of the old chapel, was brought back in great pomp to the new church It was taken to the Cathedralin the morning, andround the city in procession to the College in the afternoon In Dec. Fr. Manuel de Calatayud ceased to be Rector 1680. The books are signed by Fr. Bartolomé Nieto from Jan. until May, when Fr. Fernandode Haro became Rector. 1681. In Jan. there were seven studentsin the College (Lib. 3 Gasto.). At the Visitationon May 29 the following ordinance was made by the Provincial: " The inconveniences that have arisen from the students passing the summer at Portillo are so great and obvious that I renew the order of my predecessor [missing from the Book of Visitations], that on no account should they go there. My duty leaves me no liberty to allow them to go " The immediate result of this was an appealby the studentsto CardinalPhilip Howard, O.P., in Rome .


1682. At the Visitation on March 24 the Provincial gave the order that "although our Fr. General, at the urgent representation of the Most Eminent Cardinal of Norfolk [Howard], gave orders that the students should be permitted to go as usual to Portillo during the summer , measures being taken to avoid the inconveniences that moved the Fr. Provincial to forbid them to go, it has been impossible to put these orders into execution, nor will they be able to be carried out until there are means for repairing and furnishing the house , which present circumstances will not permit"

The students evidently made a further appeal to Rome , for , on Sept. 4, the Provincial wrote in the Book of Visitations and signed the following order:" In a letter of Aug. 1 , 1682 , that I received from Fr. Assistant [of the Fr. General] he tells me that, for special reasons and to please the Lord Cardinal Norfolk , who asked for it, our Fr. General orders to be restored the customfor the studentsto go to Portillo during the vacations, that, for very good reasons indeed , had been suspended But the students must be warned that this holiday at Portillo will be taken from them altogether if they fall again into the disorders that were the cause ofits being suspended, and that in this matter they must obey the instructions of the Rector for the time-being. Since it is now too late to go this year, the Rector is ordered to prepare the living quarters and whatsoever else may be necessary, so that next year the students can spend the vacation at Portillo 1683. In Aug. Fr. Fernando de Haro ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Fernando Navarrete

1684. Atthe Visitation on April 10 the numbers in the College during the past years is stated to have been three Jesuit Fathers, three lay- brothers, and seven students By the end of April all the students had left, and the College was without studentsuntil Aug., 1685. This year Fr. Daniel Armstrong went away. 1685 . " On Sept. 25, eight students arrived, six for this College, and two to be charged to St. George's College, Madrid " (Lib 11 , f 110) 1686. After the Visitationon Sept 26 Fr. Fernando Navarrete ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Teodosio Romay. 1687. In Jan. there were eight studentsin the College, and in June seven In Sept. Fr. Teodosio Romay ceased to be Rector and was succeededby Fr. ManuelPortocarrero(Lib. 3 Gasto.). 1688. At the Visitation on Feb. 16 the Provincial called attention to the fact that the church was not so popular with the general public asit used to be, and gave orders that effortsshould be made to attract more people 1689. At the Visitation in Jan. there were in the College three Jesuit Fathers, three laybrothers, and seven students 1690. At the Visitation on April 20 there were four Jesuit Fathers, two laybrothers, and four students in the College The Provincial again stressed the necessity of attracting more people to the church. 1691. In Jan. there were four students, and in Oct. three. On March 22 Fr. Manuel Portocarrero ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Juan de Fuentes (Lib 4 Gasto.).

* See C.R.S. , xxix, pp. xi, 100


1692. At the Visitation on Feb. 2 there were in the College three Jesuit Fathers, two laybrothers, and three students On March 26 the three students went to England, and the College was without students until Nov. 17 , when Br Charles Raymondand four students arrived (C.R.S., xxix, p 331).

1693. In Jan. there were seven students in the College At the Visitation on March 3 it was found the College had a considerable balance of income in hand, and the Provincial ordered 3,000 ducats to be invested in a censo .

1694. On March 20 Fr. Juan de Fuentes ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Domingo de Medina At this date there were in the College three Jesuit Fathers, three laybrothers, and five students, of whom two were supported by St. George's College, Madrid (Visit.).

1695. By this time Br. Charles Raymond had been ordained priest and was Minister

1696. At the Visitation on June 14 the Provincial observed that the administration of the temporalities had not been what it ought to have been [no ha sido la que debia].

1697. In Feb. a novice from the College was in the noviciate at Villagarcia, and the College paid for his clothing (Lib 4 Gasto ) In Sept. Fr. Domingo de Medina ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Diego Alfonsode Sosa .

1698. On Nov. 23 Fr. Charles Raymond went to England (C.R.S., xxix, p 331). In December there were in the College five members of the Society, eight students, and one servant (Lib 4 Gasto)

1699. At the Visitation on Feb. 12 the Provincial wrote in the Book of Visitations:"I give many thanks to Our Lord for the state in which I find this seminary, both as regards the temporal, which is very good, and the spiritual , which is equally so , " and this is repeated in moreor less the same words at the Visitations of the next ten years In Sept. there were four students in the College, and they had been at Portillo from July 7 until Sept. 17 (Lib. 4 Gasto)

1700. The Fr. Minister, the fourstudents, and a kitchen servantwere at Portillo from July 7 until Sept. 5 (Lib 4 Gasto .).

1701. The four students went to England in Feb., and there were no studentsat the College until a colony arrived in Oct., with Fr. Ignatius Brook, the new Minister

1702. The Fr. Minister, the nine students, and one laybrother were at Portillo from July 12 until Sept. 24 (Lib 4 Gasto .). 1703. At the Visitation on Feb. 20 the numbers in the House are given as three Jesuit Fathers, three laybrothers, and nine students This year Br. Thomas Perez became Procurator, which office he held until 1733-

1704-1707 . The numbers during these years remained the same , until the latterhalfof 1707 , when two studentswent to England 1708. The remaining seven students went to Englandin the first half of this year. In April Fr. Ignatius Brook returned to the English Province of the Society He was succeeded as Minister by Fr. Henry Gwillim [vere Terret or Tyrwhit] In Oct. a colony of studentsarrived (Lib. 4 Gasto.).


1709. At the Visitationin Februarythe numberin the College is given as five Jesuitsand seven students 1710. In Feb. there were five studentsin the College (Lib. 4 Gasto.). 1711. At the Visitation on Feb. I it is noted that the income of the Collegewas beginningto get less, in general with that of allcommunities, owing to the non-payment of the annuities assigned upon revenues of the Crown [juros]. In May Fr. Henry Gwillim returned to Flanders (Lib 4 Gasto.).

1712. At the Visitation on Dec. I the numbers in the College were four Jesuits and two students. 1713. On Sept. 25 the two students went to England, and there were no studentsat the College until a colony came on Oct. 30 , 1718 . 1714. At the Visitation on May 13 four Jesuits were living in the College. The absence of studentsis attributed to lack of funds, and the hope is expressed that better times may come . 1715 .

1716. At the Visitation on Feb. I there were four Jesuits livingin the College In Sept. Fr. Diego Alfonso de Sosa ceased to act as Rector, but continued to live in the College. He was succeeded by Fr. Alonso de Zifuentes.

1717. The community consisted of six persons (Lib 4 Gasto) 1718. At the Visitation on Feb. 15 there were seven subjectsin the community The Provincial wrote in the book "Although I know Fr. Rector has made efforts to procure a colony of students, I charge him to make still greater efforts with Fr. General and the Superiorsin Flanders , that we may be able to show , at least, that we on our part have done what we can. " Complaints were beginning to be made that the College at Valladolid sent very few priests to the Missionin England

On July 21 Fr. Diego Alfonso de Sosadied In Sept. Fr. Alonso de Zifuentesceasedto be Rectorandwas succeededby Fr.Antonio Ossorio . OnOct. 30 seven studentsarrived In Dec. the numberinthe College, including servants, was fourteen (Lib 4 Gasto ) 1719. At the Visitation on Dec. 21 the Provincial observed :"In its temporalities the College has, thank God ! , improved much, and every care ought to be taken over the investment of its money, for experience has shown us the instability of juros [i.e., investmentsin Governmentfunds]

1720. In Dec. the number in the College, including servants , was sixteen (Lib. 4 Gasto .). 1721. In Dec. this number was reduced to fifteen (Lib 4 Gasto.) 1722. In April Fr. Antonio Ossorio ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Francisco Vicente de la Torre In Dec. there were fifteen in the community (Lib 4 Gasto ) 1723. In Dec. the community, including the sacristy boy, numbered thirteen (Lib 4 Gasto).

1724. On June 17 the last of the studentswent to England, and there were no students in the College until a colony of eight arrived , on Nov. 26, 1726, with the new Minister, Fr. William Blackiston. In Dec. there were six in the community (Lib 4 Gasto )


1725. About this time a complaint was sent to Propaganda from England concerning the fewness of the priests sent to the Mission from Valladolid, and their uselessness on accountof theirimmaturity, lack of knowledge , and even depraved customs that frequently led to apostasy. There is a long memorial to the General (Series II, 1º), dated Aug. 10 , 1735, in which lack of funds are alleged at one period, and atother times the impossibility of procuringstudentsto commence the course . That there was anything wrong with the training and educationis roundly denied. * This very year St. Omer's College was unable to supply any new students.

[Fragment in a contemporary hand 1735.] [Series II: 1° .]

Vnum est quod omittere non possu Æmuli soctis nŕæ qui quas possunt calumniandi nos occasiones diligenter quærunt, hoc inter alia obiiciuntnobis, quod ineptos vineæ Anglicanæ ad sacros ordines promoueamus , et in Anglia iuuenes minus quã oporteret doctos, nec satisvirtutibus instructos mittamus Anglia non ta sacerdotibusquoru magna iã copia est, sed bonis , prudentibus maturis sacerdotibusegere

OstendimusDeo iuuante Socte nŕam ab hac calumnia imuně esse A nobis ad ordines non promoueri vllü nisi ea in ætate qua præscribunt Canones , quod vel inde conuincitur quod non sit cu aliquo vel rarisse dispensatu Quoad mores, exactã regularu St suæ curari obseruantia, non mitti a nobis in anglia, nisi qui studioru cursu vel scolasticůvel morale transegerint. colos et inquietos a nobis neq ad sacros ordines promoueri nec in Anglia mitti si quisautěibi talis sit, (quod tñ per Deigram de pauciss¹s intelleximus) aliu in Seminariisnris fuisse, tale in Anglia fieri..


Hæc oiã cũ ab æmulis nostris negari non possent in alia caluniã transtulerüt, quæ vero hic respondimustam Smo Dño não quã Sacræ inquisitionis cardibusvalde placuerunt Vnde necesseest eadé in posterűexactisse curari, nec in Coll nřis retineri, quod invtiles Angliæ futuros experimur, sed ad aliud vitæ cursu tempestiue deligendos esse, ad sacros autě ordines non nisi post matura ea de re consultate habita et cu vice-præfecti consensu pro- mouendos In Anglia autě nemo nisi post studia absoluta mittatur. Hac enim ratione minu ad fine præscriptü idoneis seminaria liberabimus et nulla calumniandi nos ansã æmulis nřis reliquemus

De iis dimitti oportet, quod vt dixi necessariu est cu inutiles inueniuntur , eæ ordinationes oio obseruandæ, quas tradidit [? ....] P. Personius, nisi enim debita cũ charitate dimittantur orientur maximæ querelæ cu totius Soctis præiuditio.

[R.Plowden to Fran. V. dela Torre.] Reverende admodum Pater Rector

Pax Christi

[Series II:4° , no. 148.]

Suffectushaud ita pridem Patri Jacobo Gooden in regimine huius Collegii Anglicani accepi Re Vræ litteras Junio mense scriptas ac plurimas gratias refero pro eximio affectu et benevolentiâ erga Juventutem nostram Anglicanam , quam illis testatur. Imprimis verè gratissimum mihi fuit in illis perspicereinsignem Ra Vræ zelum in procurandâ nová Missione ad suum illud Collegium quæ sanè res mihi maximè cordi est. Equidem persuasum planè habeo plurimùmconferread rem Catholicam in infelici nostra Britannia promovendam, si insigne illud S. Albani Collegium ex quo tot viri præclari, tot eximii Orthodoxæ Fidei in Anglia Pugiles ac Præcones prodiêre, felicibus auspiciis florere pergat, ut novos identidem Operarios in Vineam Domini submittere possit Hunc in finem seriô animum applicui, (etiam antequam Ra Vræ litteras accepissem) ut, si fieri posset, hoc anno nova illuc Missio destinaretur; ac negotium impensè commendavi illis Collegii Patribus qui studiosos nostros penitius norunt, ac plurimumponderis apud eos habituri videbantur, quales sunt Confessarii ac Magistri, quos seriô monui ut cum suis hâc de re agerent Scripsi præterea ad Patres Nostros in Anglia ut illicetiam sedulô exquirerent, si qui ad Missionemistam Vallisoletanamidonei reperiri possent. Verùm enimvero, non sine magno animi moerore comperio,


1726. In Jan. Fr. Francisco Vicente de la Torre ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Bartolomé Florencio de Torres In Nov. there were sixteen in the community (Lib 4 Gasto) 1727. In Dec. there were thirteen in the community (Lib. 4 Gasto.) 1728. In Dec. there were fifteen in the community (Lib. 5 Gasto.). 1729. In Sept. Fr. Bartolomé Florencio de Torres ceasedto be Rector and was succeededby Fr. Francisco Nieto. In Dec. there were fourteen in the community (Lib. 5 Gasto .).

1730. In Dec. there were fifteen in the community (Lib 5 Gasto.) 1731. In Sept. it seems that Fr. Francisco Nieto ceased to be Rector Fr. Pedro de Aleson, Master of Controversias, signs the books untilthe appointment, in Nov., of Fr. Juan Baptista Valcarce as Rector In Dec. there were twelve in the community (Lib 5 Gasto) sperari non posse ut hoc anno res ex animi sententiâ succedat, cum pauci admodum sint qui hactenus sese obtulêre. Nec id usque adeo mirum videbitur Ræ Vræ , si, quo loco res nostræ nunc sint, seriô secum perpendat Nuperis hisce annis, variis ex causis, non parum decrevit studiosorum nostrorum numerus: ac præcipuè superiores classes Rhetoricæ , Poeseos ac Syntaxeos (e quibus plerumque seligi solent Missionis HispanicæCandidati) hoc tempore pauciores solito Auditores numerarunt, ita ut Rhetorica tantum habuerit quinque Poesis non nisi duodecim &c. Adde quod in iis Classibus nonnulli sint Exteri, id est Galli vel Belgæ, qui, utut vellent, in Collegium Vestrum admitti non possunt Deinde inter ipsos Anglos, varii sunt qui ad Superiora Studia et Statum Clericalem nullatenus aspirant. Video proinde, ac plurimum doleo, hoc anno rem minimè confici posse Meliora speroanno venturo, ac, Deofavente, confido non defuturum tunc numerum sufficientem , succrescentibus interea illis quibus necdum est ætas aut doctrina idonea. Certòsibi persuadeat R. Va me omnemindustriam, omnemque planè conatum adhibiturum, ut res hæc, quæ tantopere mihi cordi est, ex animi sententia succedat; daboque imprimis operam, ut qui mittuntur, iis dotibus sint præditi quas R. Va merito exigit, quæque illos dignosreddant eâ charitate ac benevolentiaquam ibidem experturos minimè dubito Dixi supra, variis de causis, numerum studiosorum nostrorum ex Anglia, postremis hisce annis non parum decrevisse ; eas inter, præcipua fuit, dura necessitas Catholicis, Decreto Parlamento, imposita, perdendi notabilem bonorum suorumpartem; ut difficile proinde illis fuerit, liberorum suorum educationi in Collegiis ac Seminariistransmarinis providere Desæviit iam, ut speramus , hæc procella; ac meliori locores nostrasfuturas, Deo bene propitio, confidimus, maioremque studiosorum ex Anglia numerum Quod ut feliciter succedat , rem totam, méque pariter SS Ra Vræ Sacrificiis enixê commendo Audomari 8 Septembris 1725 .


Humillimus in Christo Servus

Richardus Plowden Soc Jesu

Collegii Anglorum Rector.

Non possum non plurimas gratias referre Ra Vræ ac R. Patri Procuratori Generali Madriti pro eximiâ charitate ac benevolentiâquâ impetrare satagunt a Catholicâ Suâ MaiestateViaticumpro Alumnis qui studiis peractis, etSacris initiati, redeunt inde in Angliam ; nec ulló modo dubito quin Sua Maiestas , pro egregio suo, in rem Catholicam, in Societatem nostram, ac afflictam Britanniam, studio, simile Viaticum, si petatur, concessura sit etiam illis qui in Flandriam, ad Novitiatum Nostrum Provinciæ Anglicanæ veniunt , cum Finis et intentum Provinciæ Nostræsit Missio Anglicana [Addressed]

[Seal] IHS

ReverendoPatri in Christo

Patri Francisco Vincentio de la Torre

Societatis Jesu CollegiiS. Albani Rectori



1732. In Dec. there were thirteen in the community, of whom five were students (Lib. 5 Gasto.)

1733. In April the procurator, Br Thomas Perez, died In the same month Fr.WilliamBlackiston ceased to be Minister and went overland to St. Omer. The five studentswent away at the same time, and the College was withoutstudentsuntil a colony came in Oct. with the new Minister, Fr. James Darrell In Dec. there were seventeen in the community, including the sacristy servant (Lib. 5 Gasto.).

1734. In Dec. there were fifteen in the community (Lib. 5 Gasto.) 1735. In May Fr. Juan Baptista Valcarce ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Pedro José Solana. The number in the communityin Dec. was fifteen (Lib 5 Gasto) " 1736. Fr. James Darrell left the College in Oct., and was succeeded as Minister by Fr. Francis Scarisbrick (List of Offices, Series II, 2º). 1737-8 . In Dec. of both years the community numbered twelve. 1739. Fr. Francis Scarisbrick went to St. Omer in March, together with the five students (Lib 5 Gasto) At the Visitation in Oct. there were in the College only seven Jesuits, and Don Athanasio Castaños, who may be counted another, as all the students finished their course in March of this present year There are five servants: the sacristan , porter, cook, gardener , and a gilder. " One of the Jesuits, Br. Martin Joseph Garcia , was himself a professional gilder, engaged upon the decoration of the church. In Dec. there were nine in the community (Lib. 5 Gasto.). From this year until 1756 there were no students at the College


1741. In Dec. the community, including the servants, numbered ten. 1742. In Dec. there were eight in the community (Lib. 5 Gasto.).

1743. At the Visitationin Feb. there were in the College eight Jesuits, the Brother gilder, and four servants. In Dec. the community, including the gardener, numbered eight (Lib. 5 Gasto.).

1744. At the Visitation in March there were in the College seven Jesuits and four servants. In Nov. the roof of the church and the weather vane , which had been blown down four years previously, were repaired (Lib. 5 Gasto)

1745-6 .

1747. At the Visitation in Dec. the Provincial ordained that, as the College was not only free from debt but had a good balance in hand, the Rector shouldget an estimatefrom a builder for puttingthe College buildings into a state of good repair, that a decisionmight be made as to whether it would be advisableto use the moneyfor that purpose or invest itin some way for the support of students

1748 -

1749. Much of the edifice was rebuilt during this and the next six years

1750-3 . - 1754. On Feb.4 the Rector, Fr. Pedro José Solana was buried Fr. Joaquin Ignacio de Iturri remained in charge of the College as Vicerector until May, 1755 , when Fr.XavierIgnacio deAguirre was appointed Rector (Lib 26 Gasto .).

1755 .

1756. In Nov. a colony of six students arrived from St. Omer, accompanied by the new Minister , Fr. Nicholas Sanderson. In Dec. the Jesuits, students, and servants numbered fifteen (Lib 26 Gasto ) 1757. The new students were, in some way not quite clear , unsatisfactory. At the Visitation on Nov. 12 the community numbered seven Jesuits, six students , and fourservants . 1758-61 . 1762. In Jan. Fr. XavierIgnacio de Aguirre ceased to be Rector and was succeeded by Fr. Francisco Texerizo Reference is again made to the separate identity of the College and the Seminary. At the Visitation on Jan. 14 the Provincial ordained:"As the College has its income separated from that of the Seminary and whatis destined for the support of students , it is fitting, and I order, that henceforward separate accounts be kept of what belongs to the College and what to the Seminary" In December the community numbered seven Jesuits, five students , and three servants (Lib 26 Gasto ) The Rector of St. Omer's College sent an urgent request for more students to be accepted. 1763. At the Visitation on Feb. 28 the separation of accounts was again insisted upon On March 7 Fr. Nicholas Sanderson returned to England, via St. Omer The new Minister, who came from Puerto Santa Maria, was Fr. Nicholas Porter. In April five studentsreturned to England after having completed their course of three years arts and four years theology, and there were no students in the College until a colony arrived on Oct. 19 (Lib 26 Gasto)

Reverende in Xto Pater

[Henr . Corbie to (Rector ofSt. Alban's) ]

[Series II: 4° , no. 186.]

Litteræ Rev. Væ , ad me nudiustertius allatæ, gratissimæ fuerunt. Ex iis jam clarè concipio cur Alumnorum numerus, hisce temporibus, frigescente Nobilium charitate ita diminutus sit Reva Væ plurimas habeo gratias pro Paterno suo agendi modo, cum iis quos secum habet; & doleo illos meliorem non reddere vicem, tantæ patientiæ et longanimitati , quibus eos sibi devincire conatur. Non tamen despero ; imo, progressu temporis, Paternum vestram charitatem victricem fore confido SS SS & precibus afflictam nostram Provm enixè commendo . Lond. 27. Feb. 1757.

Reva Vestræ

Humillim in Xto servus & Fratr

Henr. Corbie

[Not addressed .]

Reverende in Xto Pater

[H. Corbie to Rector of St. Alban's ]

[Series II: 4° , no 19.]

Undique angustiis oppressi , & exules è Galliæfinibus brevi futuri, dum quid faciendum sit, et ubi pedem figere poterimus prospicimus, suppliciter

Reverentiam Vestrm oramus, ut quamprimum cursum novum ad Philosophiaminchoandum, mittere liceat. Onus fateor erit Collegio, sed nongrave, cùm ii qui jam ibi sint, mense Aprili Theologiamcommodèabsolverepoterint, quod R.P. Provinciali hisce adjunctis literis significavi Cum impatientia responsum benignumexpectabo, & SS SS et precibusme commendo . Gandavi 25 Julii, 1762 .

Revntia Vestræ , Servus humillimus in Xto et Frater Henricus CorbieProvlis

[Addressed] Reverendoin XtoPatri

P. Rectori Coll S" Albani Vallisoleti .


In the meantime a storm broke out over the increasinguselessness of the Spanish seminaries to the secular Mission in England Writing in The Month of Feb., 1912 , Fr. John H. Pollen observed that"the English Vicars Apostolic were most properly impatient at this sad state of things They wrote strong letters to Rome requiring reform , but whether their representations were ever sent on or whether they everreceived ananswer, does not appear We cannot, of course, supply the information now , which is to be regretted, for one can neverunderstand a debated subject by hearing one side; and the protestsof the English Vicars of course only represent one view, and thatin distant perspective. " We get more than a glimpse ofthe viewofthe other side through the letters in the archives of the College at Valladolid The clouds began to gather by a letterfrom Fr. Nicholas Sanderson tothe Rector, who wrote:

[SeriesII, 4° , no 189.]

*I take this opportunity of informing you that, as in other parts, so here persecutors and enemies are not wanting The secular clergy are doing everything possible to dispossessus of the college [of Valladolid] as they have dispossessed us that of St. Omer. To this end theyare having recourse with all their might to the Pope and Propaganda , alleginga thousandfalsities. Fortheysay that it is theirfoundation , and established for the [pastoral] clergy only; that no student may join any ReligiousOrder; and theywished to detain the two that have been here ; and we have even received orders from a certain Bishop here to detainthem until the wishes of Propaganda are known Butthe gentlemen did not desire this See what the said Bishop writes in his letter: ' Being informed by my Vicar General in London that there have arrived from Valladolid two gentlemen, one a priest, the other a deacon ,andthat these are goingto start their noviciate, whereas they have been educated on foundations originally established for the English clergy and both, belonging to my diocese, belong to me , I therefore request you to detain them until an answer comes from a higher authority If the Holy See approves, I have nothing to say, but until then I cannot consent to their journey ' Not content with this they are applying to the Lord Nuncio in Madrid for the same purpose, and we fear this gentleman may prove troublesome to us. For this reason my Superiors command me to write to you tolet you know what is happening , so that you may take measures for the preservation of that House , by appealing to His Majesty, to the Queen Mother , or to both, or to other personages And, in order to fight our rivals with more effect, please send to us at Bruges as soon as possible a copy ofthe conditions and rules of Fr. Persons, and a copy of the foundation and history of the College. I assure you that we standwith arms continually in our hands Our opponents are most vigilent, and say that it matters not whether things that are for the good of the Mission are in the hands of Cephas or Apollo. I hope that through your vigilence their designs will come to nothing You can send what I askfor to Mr. Francis Scarisbrickat the GovernmentHouse , Bruges He understandsSpanish well, as also Mr. Cornelius Morphy in Queen street, London, to whom you can write Mr. Culcheth had the small pox while onboardthe boat. Iammuchafraidforthe othergentlemen, as I hear nothing of them . It is said that you desire another colony this year. Tell me if this is true You can write to me thus 'To Mr.

* This and thefollowing letters quoted are translations fromthe Spanish


NicholasSanderson, to the care ofMr. Morphy, in Queen street, London. ' My complimentsto all God keep you many years. Your most devoted servant

Nic Sanderson [P-S-]

The two gentlemen went to Watten before we received the letterfrom the Bishop I mentioned . London. June 11 , 1763 .

The Rector, Fr. Francisco Texerizo, sent, on July 5, an account of this letter to the Provincial of Castile , Fr. Clemente Recio, who replied on July 15:

[Series II, 4°: antes Leg , ii, 15.] #

" Thefoundation has been discovered ofthe fears our very Reverend Father insinuated, that it was sought to put that seminaryunder the direction of secular Persons. That would be its total extinction , but it cannot be denied that the objection of the Bishops is just, * and that the English Provincials ought to haveforestalledit.

"As things are, it would be advisable , if there is room, to apply for six students , but as to that you will know best, whom may God keep for many years Bilbao, July 15, 1763

Very much your servant

Ce Recio


'Keepour Most Reverend Fr. General informed of allthat happens, and, in case things reach such a pitch that they compel us to leave that College, have collected apart the papers [two or three words are here very drastically crossed out]. [Seal of the Provincial of Castile ]

Hewrote also to Fr. Francisco Nieto, who replied , on Aug. 3 (Series II, 4° , no. 192), "I know for certain that the English Clergyhavehad recourse to the Nuncio, and that their complaint reduces itself to this: that the students who are brought up at that seminary as a general rule enter the Society, and for that reason the end of the foundation of the seminaryis frustrated, and the students do not fulfil theoath they take on entering, to return to England to promote the faithin that Country, with the result that there is a great dearth ofMinisters of the Gospel " More correspondence followed, and on Aug. 31 Fr. Nieto wrote to Fr. Texerizo (Series II, 4°, no. 20), " Drawup as soon as possible a latin report in which, referring to the complaint the Vicar Apostolic of England has made to the Nuncio, you affirm that neither from the books of the seminary nor from other documents does it appearthat at any time, either from that seminary or from any other in Spain, has any English student educated there entered the Society in that Province; that, on the contrary, you have understood that if at any time they have expressed a desire to enterin these Provinces their pretension has always beendenied ; moreover , that in the seminary nothing is done to induce them to enter the Society, exceptin a general way, urging them to everything that is good, and, in particular,to the Religious State, but without determining this or thatOrder . "

He wrote again on Sept. 24, asking for a copy of the oath taken by the students (Series II, 4°, no. 196).

On Sept. 28 the Nuncio wrote to the Bishop of Valladolid (Series II, 1° , no 14), askingforinformation as to the obligation of the students to return to England, and of not entering ReligiousOrders

* pero no se puede negar, que el reparo de los Obispos es justo, y que le debian aver precavido los Provinles de Inglaterra "


The Jesuits of the English Province told a slightly different tale, and made no secret of the fact that, as a general rule, the students sent from St. Omer were inclined to join the Society of Jesus, and that if these students were bound by oath not to do so they would refuse to go to Valladolid Fr. Nathaniel Elliott went so far as to suggest that the students should appeal to the King on the point, for which purpose he sent a draftletter.

[Nathan. Elliott to Rector of St. Alb.] Revde in Xto Pater

Series II: 4° , no 203.] Brugis 13 Decbris 1763

Juvenes nostros verè optimæ indolis ac ad doctrinam capaces Reva Vestræquam maximè commendatos velim Audio Româ ex rescripto Nuntii Pontificii [* in Hispania degentisabove] aliquid sinistri contra jus V¹ Collegii etin eo degentiumparari Nolimcredere : sed pro re certaillinc mihi scribitur , effectumquesuum machinationeshas habituras, nisi quid auxilii à Rege ipso proveniat. Juvenescommuniter, qui ex hoc nostro Collegioad vos mittuntur benevolo in Societatem animo sunt, nunquam certè ad vos ultra venturi, si animum illum secundum novas hasce leges ejurare cogantur. Quid factu opus sit pro sua sapientia viderit R Va . Romam scribout si fieri poterit malum hocevitetursed id omne ex Curia Madritensi timeri debet Audimus Joannem Buller malè se habere causamque quasi deploratam esse Si res ita se habeat, si fieri potestremittaturobsecro Repræsentabitoptimus Pater Rector decem vel duodecim libras sterlingas nostræ monetæ in iter Londinum usque ego lubens eam summă Reve Vestræ præstabo solvamque Servus humillimus R Væ



Nath: Elliott Recr Reverendoin Christo Patri Patri Rectori Collegii Vallisoletani Vallisoleti

[Nathan Elliott to Rector ofSt. Alb.]

[Paper torn: place and date partly conjectural]

Revde in Xto Pater

[Series II: 4° , no 204.]

[Brugis 2]3 Dec. 1763

Spinosa res orituret quæ eventusnonoptatos habitura videtur Aliud agunt, aliud agere videre volunt Politici nostri Adversarii Licèt id ipsum quod agunt ac profitentur captiossimum est, inhibebitque quo minus in posterum ad vestrum Collegiumex hoc seminario Juvenes tendant Re vera id agunt ut Collegium illud in suas manus redigant non tantum sub suam potestatem. Hoc minimè assequentur , si R Va quod facturu spero, rem totam ut par est Regi Optimo repræsentatamcuret Scribant Juvenesipsi juxta exemplar, quod ad eos nunc mitto; in partes Religionis ac scribentium , pro suo posse, inclinet Procerum voluntatem : Sine eorum consensu , sine Optimi Regis permissuac forte notitia RomanaCuria mandata ad R P Genl expedit. Litteras Patris Nostri ad Provinciale nostrum in Anglia scriptas ad Reva Va transmitto Eas consideret, ac in re pro sua Prudentia, quod possit sive per se, sive per amicos Madriti potissimum, faciat. Scribant ipsi Juvenes, eos ipse adjuva, non urgeat ad capessendu jusjurandu, differat id quoadusqueres clara sit, suo consilio ac sapientiâ eos muni ac instrue Me commendo SS SS ac precibus

Reva Va Servus in Xto N. Elliott Recr

[Addressed] Reverendoin XtoPatri

Patri Rectori Collegii Vallisoletani

[Seal] IHS

[Series II: 4° .]

[Draft of a letter in Fr. F. Scarisbrick'shand. It bears no date, but was probably enclosed in Fr. Nath : Elliott's letter of (2)3 Dec. , 1763.]

Serenissime Rex , ReverendusadmodumPater Generalis SocietatisJesu, novo Superiorum suorum mandato impediri se significat, ne nos & imposterum alios quosvis


hujus collegii Alumnos finitis studiis in Societatemadmittat nisi post diuturnam in missioneAnglicana probatam operam Improvisi hi nuncii & moerore & stupore nos percellunt Hac namquepræcipuèspe allecti tam longinquum iter suscepimus, pecunias ad id à parentibus impetravimus, ad solitam Majestatis Væ tutelamet benignitatem nos contulimus, ut confectâTheologia, veteri libertateReligiosum quemvis ordinem qui missioni inservit, sine mora ingrediendi, fureremur Hisce ergo humillimè deprecamur, ne Majestas Va , pro consuetaRegum Hispanorum erga hospites Anglos hujus civitatis benevolentia, talem mutationem in optimè instituto collegio sinat introduci , qua nos antiquo centum & octoginta annorum privilegio, & fructu omnis laboris & impensarumtanti itineris defraudaremur

Ita demissè supplicant Majestatis Va Alumni & Clientes Collegii Anglorum Vallisoleti NN NN

But both the English and the Spanish Jesuits were thrown into consternationwhen the Fr. General issued an order that the students must be made to understand quite clearly before leaving St. Omer that they would have to take the oath in the sense that, afterordination, they bind themselves to return to England to work as pastoral clergymen , and, atthe sametime, forbade the receptioninto the Society of studentsso bound by the oath [J. Tichborneto Texerizo.]

Partlyeaten by mice .] \ ClarissimeDomine

[Series II: 4° , no 206.]

Hodie ad me pervenerunt literæ à De Va* datæ 3°hujus Haud equidem miror Dm Porter Vallisoletum memorato die nondum attigisse, cùm e portu Sa Mariæ non ante potuerit discedere, quàm a me responsumaccepisset ad quas mihi dederat literas; meis autem literis ipsi significavi, nomine D¹ Dennett, (quoniam mihi fassus est, Domini Riccii facultate Prova Boeta adscribendum, interpositâ conditione, si suæ amplius non judicaretur utilis) ut, nulla interjectâ morâ, ad Dm Vm festinaret munus ipsi ibi destinatum suscepturus ; unde nullus dubitoquin hasce literas suo adventu antevertat. Doleo certè mihi nunc adjicienda esse quæ sequunter: Quod D° Va ante timebat, nos quoque verebamur, tandem evenit: De Dennett nuperrimè ab illustrissimo D Ricci literas accep[it] in hæc verba: " Ad querelas Anglicani Cleri abolendas , nequeo, quin, Auctore Excellño in Hi[spania] Nuncio, D' Va de Vallisoletano Anglorum Seminariosignificem, juvenes, quiillucdeinceps a[....] expedientur, monendos priùs de jurejurando , atque hujus vim illis exponendam esse, ut planè intelligant studiorum cursu confecto Alumnos teneri suæ se Patriæ ibique suamin Clericali militiæ operamnavare: quod ut debitum impleatur , fas ne Nostris quidem Superioribus erit, ex eorum , qui Sacramentireligionedevincti sunt numero quemquam, nisi eo, quoinsinuatum modo, satis sacramentoà se dicto ante fecerit, ad Sočtem posthac recipere Curet, Do V , ad suos , qui sunt forsitan juvenum ad Vallisoletanum Seminarium mittendorum curam suscepturi, notitiam hanc, aut meæ in [....]s voluntatem perferri Hucusque Præfatus D. Riccius [Quid de hac Epistola dicendum sit non satis scio; hoc quidem ausim affirmare, si D' Riccii [volu]ntati sit planè obtemperandum, nullas a Nostris suppetias in posterum Vallisoleti spe[remu]s; cùm jam non facile inducantur juvenesut id vitæ genus, tam longè a suis dissiti, [....]spites ignotæ linguæ, morum dissimilium, &c amplectantur, quid fiet quando sibi præclusameam vitæ normam, quam præ ceteris in votis habent, immò omnem in Ecclesia [....]gent ? hinc etiam facile patebit cuivis consideranti paucitatem Catholicorum in [....]fundationem nullius futuramutilitatis ad finem propositum obtinendum: Certènon aliunde quam a Nostris habebuntur, cumnecvoluntas nec copia aliis suppetat ad Alumnos eò mittendos D Dennet modò rure detinetur ad negocia quædam ibi transegenda ; Cæterùm probè scio, ipsum nullo modo intelligere juvenes ad vos nuper missos, hac Di Riccii voluntate

* D.V . means Dominatio Vestra


comprehendi, qui certè apud vos nunquam fuissent, si de prefato jurejurando aliquid ante suum discessum audivissent; Hocque Do Riccio significabit Præses noster, qui etiam nullius hac in re, voluntatem exquirendam censet, præterquam Fundatoris, apud quem solum videtur omne jus esse conditiones apponendi, quibus teneantur alumni : D. Va nonhic deerit nobis , ut speramus , sed omnem suam operam impendet apud quos convenit, ut felicem exitum negocium hoc consequatur; Dignebitur etiam omnes alumnos meo nomine salutare ac fausta omnia apprecari, Do præsertim Porter, meique, more apud nos usitato, [....] esse

Dec. 30, 1763



ClarrisimæDs Væ Addictissimus servus Joannes Tichbourne

Domino Texerico Collegii S Alb¹

Præsidi Vallisoleti Valladolid

Espagne Pa 1. 6 par Paris

1764. In the face of this, an appealto the King would have been , to say the least , imprudent So the proposal was, for the time being, abandoned In a letterto the Provincial of Castile the General wrote, on May 9, 1764:*

"As regards the students at Valladolid, I cannot but praiseyour decision that no memorial shall be presented either to the King or to the Nuncio until I have seen it; and I now determine that the said students present theirmemorial to the Lord Nuncio, expoundingfaithfully and exactly what I wrote on two occasions concerning the point. To tell the truth, I never thought of imposing upon the students any obligation they have not already got of taking the oath. WhatI said on the matter was to declare myopinion on the obligation that, itseems to me , is implied by the oath the students take But in this I spoke just as any particular memberof the Societymight speak Hence , my declaration does not put upon them any new charge, as I hopein the

[Lorenzo Ricci to (? Provincial of Castile).] [Series II: 4°, no 262.] [Contemporary copy on paperbearingthe watermark"Comp" 1760."]

Por lo tocante à los Alumnos de Valladolid, no puedo menos de alabar la determinaciondeV. R. en q no se presentàranial Rei, ni al Nuncioelmemorial , asta darme parte de ello; y aora resuelvo, el q dichos Alumnos presenten su memorial al Sr Nuncio, exponiendo fiel, y exactamte lo q io escribi en dos ocasiones sobre este punto Yo à la verdad nunca pense imponer à los Alumnos obligacion de Juramento, q no la tienen, y lo q dige sobre esta materia fue declarando mi sentimiento sobre la obligacion, me parecio induce el Juramto a hacen los Alumnos, pero en esto hablè, como pudiera hablar un sugeto particular : por lo cual mi declaracionno les impondra nueva carga, como lo espero en el Señor En los SS SS de V. R. me encomiendo . Roma, y Maio 9 de 1764. De V. R. Siervo en XptoLorenzoRicciRecursumAlumnorum Anglorum ad Exm Nuntium adeo non improbo, ut potius probem . Quod ad me attinet, hæc in libello supplici exponi velim : 1 scripsisse me, illos teneri vi iuramenti, quod emittere solent, in Angliam regredi, ac sistere se Episcopis 2. cum Alumni conquesti essent, ac minimè se ad id obligari eo iuramento existimarent, respondisse me, declaratum quidem à me fuisse, quid privatim opinarer, coeterum nullam additam obligationem. Siquidem ego auctoritatem non habeo imponendi ipsis obligationes novas ; et declarationem à me factam propter eundemin hac materia auctoritatis defectum non excedere vim privati iudicii Curet R. Va exhiberi sibi libellum supplicem. Porrò hæc verissimasunt : ex his cognoscet Ex Nuntius, me obsequutum fuisse, quantum possem voluntati ipsius, qui Episcoporum querelas ad me detulerat: de re autem ipsa definient hi, quibus est definiendi facultas


Lord, Commending myself to your prayers in the Holy Mass, Rome, May 9, 1764, your servantin Christ, Lorenzo Ricci " In a latin postscript to the letter he went on to say: " Far from disapprovingofthe appeal by the students to His Excellency the Nuncio, I positively approve of it. So far as I am concerned , I would wish that, in the petition , it should be stated: 1. that I wrote that by the oath they usually take they are bound to return to England and presentthemselves to their Bishops 2. When the students complained , and declared theiropinion that they were not so boundbythat oath , Ireplied that my declarationwas given as my private opinion, withoutcreating any added obligation Indeed , I have no authorityto put new obligations upon them; and, by reason of this very lack of authority, the declarationI made has no moreforce than that of a private judgment Take care that the petition be shown to you Moreover , these things are quite true, and by them His Excellencythe Nuncio will know that I have carried out, so far as I could, the wishes he had put before me as regards the complaints of the Bishops . As regards the thingitself, let them define it who are entitled to do so "

The appeal went to the Nuncio, but took the form of a letterfrom the Provincial, Fr. Francisco Xavier Idiaquez The Nuncio replied, on March 19 , 1765 (Series II, 1° , no 21): "The Oath taken by the students of St. Alban's College, and the certificate given to them by the Rector [in order to get from the Governmenttheir travelling expenses] when they are on the point of setting off for London , show how well-founded is the opinion on the said oath the very worthy Fr. General Ricci formed, and which was communicatedto the students.

" If they do not wish to conform to that opinion, it seems to me that the door of the College ought to be opened for them, rather than continue to maintain andinstruct them there.

"If I had to speak on the incapacity of the above-mentioned students to join Religious Orders, I should say that they cannot by their own free will enter this or that Order, after having taken the oath; but that they would be professed legitimately whenever the Vicar Apostolic of London permitted it to any of them

"This is my opinion; but the security of the action of the students willdepend upon the decision ofthe Sacred Congregation de Propaganda fide."

Upon this Fr. Idiaquez wrote to the General, who replied in July, 1765 (Series II, 4° , no 222), that he would make no further decision , that the matter must be referredto Propaganda , and that in themeantime they who refused to take the oath might remainin the College.

At this time there were in the College five Jesuits, five students, and three servants In Aug. Fr. Francisco Texerizo ceased to be Rector, and was succeeded by Fr. Francisco Torrano.

The appealto the Nuncio having failed in its purpose, the General was now asked if the students might appeal to the King as to the meaningand obligation of the oath His reply, quoted in a letterto the Provincial, Fr. Francisco Gonzalez, dated Sept. 9, 1765 (Series II, 4° , no 228), was to consent, on condition that the affair should be left to the students themselves and that no memberof the Society should take partin it

1766. Thereisa draftof a longpetition in the name ofthe five students (Series II, 1° , no 2) It does not appearwhether or not this petition was ever presented, but, early in the year 1766, the studentswere told they must either take the oath or leave the College. Three decided to


leave the College, and went to St. Omer, where they immediately entered the Society of Jesus The two who remained took the oath on June 22, 1766, but one of them, before taking the oath, signed a declaration to the effect that, having taken it, he would still consider himself free to enter a Religious Order.* In Sept. Fr. Nicholas Porter went to England (Lib. Gasto . 26). 1767. But these storms fade intoinsignificance whencompared withthe cataclysm that was soon to come upon the Spanish Jesuits. It is succinctly described by Dr. Burton in his Life and Times of Bishop Challoner (ii, p. 101), " On the 27thof February [1767] a decree was signed by the King empowering the Conde de Aranda to expel all Jesuits from his dominions, but the utmost secrecy was observed. On the 20thof MarchAranda sent sealed orders to the Alcaldeofevery town in Spain, which were not to be opened until the eveningof the 2nd of April, when they were to be immediately carried into effect. Accordingly at midnight on the fixed date, every Jesuit house inSpain was visited by the civil authorities, and when morning broke, all the members of the Society were being hurried to ports of embarkation. Small pensions were assigned to these exiled fathers and laybrothers, but all the rest oftheirproperty was confiscated to the king, " When the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Spanish dominions was decreed by Charles III the Colleges of St. Gregory in Seville and of St. George in Madrid were accidentallymistakenfor Jesuit property and confiscated . A protest was, however, laid by Bishop Challoner , through the Spanish Ambassador , showing that the said property belonged exclusively to the English pastoral clergy, without the intervention of any other proprietor Upon this Charles III, in accordance with a judgment given by the Council of Castile , issued Royal Letters Patent commanding the Colleges of St. Gregory in Seville and St. George in Madrid, with all their goods and appurtenances , to be given back and incorporated with that of St. Alban's at Valladolid. The College of St. George at Madrid was, in consequence, restored to the Rector of St. Alban's, who sold it some years later to the Duke of Alba. As to St. Gregory's, the King, previous to receiving the reclamation of the English and, whilst still in ignorance of the true ownership of the College, had allowed the Medical Society of Seville to take temporary possession of the College for their meetingsuntil such time as he should settle on the definite destinationof the building; and now, unwilling to risk the appearance of contradicting himself, he allowed all the movableappurtenances of the College to betaken to Valladolid, but ordered that his previous decision with regard to the provisional cession of the building should be adhered to. The Rector of the English College in Valladolid protested againstthis Royal decision; and the Councilof Castile, togetherwiththe Royal Fiscal, decided

* [Original holograph.] [E. 2°] Ego Joannes Buller Collegii St Albani Alumnus, requisitus ad solitum ejusdem Collegii Juramentum PræstandumPalam Profiteor, me velle dictum Juramentum præstarein illo solum sensu et intelligentia in qua illud prædecessores mei præstiterunt, Videlicet retinendo libertatem circa ingressum in Religionem, ita ut postquam ex hoc collegio in Angliam reversus fuero, possim licite pro meo arbitrio et avsque ulla necessitate petendi facultatem seu dispensationemad hunc effectum, amplecti Religiosumaliquod institutum in quo obligationi juramenti satisfacere valeam, et ut hæc mea professio constet, hic meum nomen manumque appono Vallisoleti in Collegio S Albani ejusdemque Patroni nostri festa die [22 Junii], 1766 Joannes Buller


that the building ought to be handed over to its rightful owner, the Rector ofSt.Alban's; but the Kingwould not alter his original regulation; and, arrogating to himself the rights and title of Patron, maintained that "the Medical Society should have temporary use of the College building until such time as he could decide on the ultimate destiny of the edifice " The Rector continued to protest against the Royal resolution, proving that the site and houses where the College of St. Gregory was founded were acquired by the English Catholics withoutthe aid offundsfrom the Royal Patrimony, orfrom the Jesuits, or from others Further, he argued, since in obedience to the diplo- matic reclamationit had been decided to restore the two Colleges, just as that of St. George at Madrid had been handed over with all its rents and appurtenances , so that of St. Gregory, which was in identically the same condition, should likewise be given back. Whilst the case was still undetermined war broke out between England and Spain, and the matter was indefinitely postponed Then came the French invasionand the Peninsular War, which caused such upheavalsin Spain. The Rectors of the English College were changed, and the continuity of the claim for the Seville property was interrupted, whilstthe title deeds and papers proving the rights of St. Alban's to St. Gregory's were laid aside But, about 1908 , the news of the cession by the Archbishopof Seville of the Church of St. Gregory's to a Community determined the Rector of St. Alban's, Mgr Thomas Kennedy, to renew the claims of his College; and he thereuponmade an exhaustive search in the College and State Archives, with the result that the necessary documents were brought tolight

A formal Petition of Right was made to the Spanish Government, accompanied by an extensive relation of the facts: the title deeds of the lands and houses bought by the English in Seville from 1595 to 1608 for the College of St. Gregory : the Royal Letters Patent recognising the right of St. Alban's: a certification of the Registrar of Property that the said lands and houses are not at the presentday inscribed in the name ofthe State or of the MedicalSociety: and, finally, a decision of the Public Executive Department, declaringthat the propertyof St. Alban's, as belongingto Englishmen , cannot be seized or disposed of by the State.

The Petition was presented on July 9th, 1909 , and since then has followed the usual legal procedure The Dirección General de Propiedades del Estado delivered its judgment on February 5th, 1913 , declaringthat the right of St. Alban's to the College of St. Gregoryis indisputable. The following is a literal translation of part of its decision : "the fact that King Charles III permitted the reestablishment of the English Colleges in Spain and the fact that he gave the provisional use of the building of St. Gregory's in Seville to the Royal Academyof Medicine cannot be regarded as legitimate titles of ownership to the said property: they are acts of sovereignty, of government, but do not imply a change of ownership. " Adhuc sub judice lis est

As the King assumed the Royal Patronage of the College so he reserved tohimselftherightofappointingthe Rectorby RoyalWarrant Theselection ofthe Rectorwas leftto the choice ofthe English Bishops, who sent one name through the SpanishAmbassador in London In later years a list of three names was demanded , from which the King chose one to whom he issued the Royal Warrant 1768. The first Rector of the three Colleges thus united in that of St. Alban at Valladolid was the Rev. Philip Mark Perry, D.D., who arrived d


at the College on April 15, 1768, in company with the Rev. Joseph Shepherd , who was to teachTheology. They tookformal possession on the following day. Therewere only two students in the College, one of whom was found to be in league with the Jesuits and was accordingly expelled on Sept. 17th. On June 27, the Rev. John Douglas , later to be Vicar-Apostolic of the London District, arrived from Douay College with eight students , who were to study humanities under him Of John Douglas the Rev. Robert Banister wrote to Shepherd fromDouay (Leg. E, 1. Banisterto Shepherd , 12 May, 1768). " There was agreat deal of adoe topersuade this same Mr. Douglasto come .... I understood , not fromhim, but mediante Præf. Gen. that he had, I know not what notions of you , or of your passionate behaviour, which he alledged as one reason to Mr. Hawardenof his not going Now this I tell you, not to raise in your breast an ill impression towards him, but to advise you to use your best art and discretion to gain him He is young, and has a great narrowness of mind and thinking, as yet : such persons stick close to their own few ideas, and to go about to dissuade them directly, not to cleave to their own preconceived , and narrow notions, is the way to throwthem entirelyoff their hinges, and to get their ill willfor one's pains. I conceive it will be a very engaging thingto ask his advice , and to do what he counsels, in matters at least indifferent: you must beware of seeming to direct or teach him, 'till you have him perfectly attached to you But I must not teachyou an art of which I know so little myself " Banister's forecast proved in the event to be true The three superiors had incompatible natures . Shepherd had evidently writtenofthis to Banister, for thereis a letter (loc cit, Douay, Aug. 7, 1768) which gives a glimpse of Dr. Perry's character. " The hints yougave Mr. Stone ofyour uneasinesswere publicklyread at breakfast: yet I have not made publick , what you have communicatedto me: but I wrote a letter to Mr. Errington, and told him of the Doctor's temper and usurpations, and represented that if you and Mr. Douglas should be driven away byhis moroseness and overbearing, there would be an end of our newsettlement, for I think none of our people would on any account be prevailed upon to live with him, after you You tell me that rules are to be given you by the Court: but if the Doctor models them and gets the royal Sanction , you will be, after all your cautions, taken in fetters .... As you so much commend the wisdom and penetration of the Spaniards (which I am very well persuaded of by innumerable examples of illustrious men of that nation) I do not doubt but they will perceive the great incapacity of the Doctor as well as you: but then through respect to our Bishops they will support him in his station: but it is to be hoped provision will be made against the effects of mal-administration " The trouble came to the ears of Bishop Challoner, who wrote [Leg E, 1] " To Messrs Shepherd & Douglas

The peace of our Lord be alwayswithyou. Oct. 28 , 1768 .

My dear brethren ,

As I trust in my God your going to join your labours for the establishment of the house of S. Alban upon solid bottom , had for its end the procuringtherebythe greaterglory of God , andthe salvation of souls; and promoting what we all were convinced would greatly contribute to the common good of the Church and of the Mission ; and as I hope both we and you in this undertaking have acted uponthe


best of motives, viz the accomplishingthe holy will of God; I should be exceedinglysorry that the common enemy should put a stop to a work begun upon such good foundations, disappoint all our expectations, and even blast all hopes of any future progress; by stirring up amongst Superiors the evil spirit of contention and dissension , so irreconcilablewith the Spirit of Jesus Christ and his favouritevirtues of Charity, humility, meekness and peace; and which if not speedily castoutbya better spirit (which I trustin my God, he will in hismercy impart to you all, and which I shall praydaily for) will inevitably be the ruin of the house; as well by the offence it will certainly give to the Court; as by utterly disabling us to send any others upon the same errand, either as assistants [the rest ofthis page has been torn off]

In the meantime , we all join in beseeching you by the [ ....] the delivering of which from sin and hell, that seminary of pastors and m[ ....] to be reestablished , thatyou wouldneverthink of cowardly giving so glor[ ....] oppositions , bywhich the common enemyofall good seeks to discourage you; but rather setting [ ....] the holy willofGod and his greaterglory, you would cheerfullyand courageously set your hearts and hands to this workof God : and he will be your helper and protector, and your reward exceeding great. You will be pleased to impart this, with my best wishes of all that is happy for time and eternity, to my dear friend Dr. Perry. Whilst I remain his and your

Devoted servant in Christ

Richard Deboren. 1769. On March 30, Dr. Perry went to Madrid to negotiatethe sale of the English College there to the Duke of Alba The Society of Jesus had ownedmuch land in the vicinity of Valladolid, which had been confiscated by the State and sold by public auction In the purchase of some of this property Dr. Perry invested the proceeds ofthe sale of St. George's, Madrid

To the domesticsqualls at Valladolid were nowto be added troubles from outside . While Dr. Perry was absent in Madrid there was a very frequent interchangeof letters between himand Shepherd They are all in the Archivesat Valladolid in the section labelled " E , " and area mine ofinformation on the affairsof the College at this date . In March the priest of St. John's parish in which the College is situated claimed parochial rights over the College, which had been exempted from such by the Brief of Clement VIII (Shepherd to Perry, E. 5 April 8, 1769) " Yesterdaythe Intendente sent his page desiringme to pass by his house at three in the afternoon when I was surprised to see an order from the Fiscal telling him the Curate of St. John had pleaded his right of parishover St. Albano before the Council, as being now secular: that he, the said Curate, had notified this to the Rector whenhe came first: but that the Rector had refused, founding himself upon a Bull of Clement 8th. For this reason the Fiscal orders him to look over the said Bull and whatever other instruments the College may have, exempting them from the jurisdiction of St. John's and to let him know his judgementupon the matter that the council might take convenientorders So you see what the fair outside ofthe Curate of St. John's is come to, and they attackyou even in the fundamentals of the state for if the Bull does not exempt you from the jurisdiction of the Parish , it can give you no right to present to holy orders and

* The paperis here damaged,


consequentlynot only you but the Bishopalso have incurred Ecclesiastical censures. This makes one imaginewe are not out of all danger, and not only this but the Curate's way of proceeding in running immediately to the council in a point that belongs to his Lordship's the Bishop'scognizance. I have not been able to learn what his Lordship's sentimentsare, but he has been very gracious in his behaviour. " (The same to the same, April 15 , 1769) "I am glad you had taken that precaution concerning the Bull I am very much surprised at the Curate of St. John's; but have learned not even to trust the Spaniards with all their Catholicity even as far as I can see them It is this night a year since you and I arrived at St. Albano."

Dr. Perry took the matter inhandwith the RoyalCouncilinMadrid, which, on July 8, 1769, issued anorderconfirmingthe privilegesgranted by the Brief of Clement VIII. *

[TY.]"The Council, having considered the declarations made by the ParishPriest of St. Johnthe Baptist, Valladolid, and by theRector of St. Alban's College, and the comments of the Bishopand of yourself on the matter, at a special meeting held on June 17th resolved that all the privilegesconferred upon the said College by the Bull ofClement VIII shall be preserved, that the Bishop shall be asked to produce a copy; and that as regards parish rights and the administration of the Sacraments the Bishop and the Parish Priest shall, so far as may be necessary, delegate their faculties to the present or future Rector, provided that he shall have been proposed to His Majesty by the Catholic Clergy of England, and shall have received the Warrant from the Council To the end that disputes shall be avoidedin the future the Bishop is instructed to treat of the matter with the said Rector and Parish Priest and to send to the Council, through me, the arrangementhe judges suitable as regards Parish rights and the administration of the Sacraments , declaringat the same time whatis the practicein the caseofthe College of the HolyCross , whose prerogatives are conceded to that of St. Alban, in order that it may suffer no infraction of its prerogatives, contrary to what His Majesty has offered to the English Catholic Clergy

[Letra A, Legajo 1 ° , no 11 (8 July, 1769) Original ]

Haviendo visto el Consejo las instancias echas por el Parrochode Sa Juan Baptista deesa Ciudad, y el Rector de èl Colegiode Sa Albano, yloinformado en el asunto por ese R. Obispo, y V.S. ha venido en el extraordinario que celebrò en 17 de el pasado en resolver, se guarden àl mismo Colegio, todos los Privilegios que lè correspondenpor la Bula de Clemento Octavo, de que se pide copia al proprio Prelado; Y por lo que mira a Parrochialidad y administracion de Sacramentos los mismos R. Obispo, y Parrocho deleguen sus facultades en lo que sean necessarias, en el Rector que es o fuere del referido Colegio , mediante dever serpropuestoa S. M. por el CleroCatholicode Ynglaterra, y expedirsele cedula por la Camara ; En el concepto de que a fin de evitar disputas en lo subcesivo , se adbierte à ese R. Obispo, trate el asunto con dhos Rector y Parrocho, y remita al Consejo por mi mano el reglamento que juzgue oportuno en punto a Parrochialidad y administracion de Sacramentos, informando al proprio tiempo de lo que se practica con el Colegio de Santa Cruz, cuias prerrogativas estan concedidas al de Sa Albano, para que no experimente infraccion en sus prerrogativas, contra lo que S.M. tiene ofrecido al Clero Catholico Yngles. Y de orden del Consejo lo participo a V.S. para su Yntelijencia. Dios Gue à V.S. m as Madrid 8 de Julio de 1769

[signed]Da Pedro Rodriguez Campomanes

Sor da Angel de Bustamante Valladolid


And by order of the Council I communicate this to you for your information

May God preserve you for many years Madrid July 8th, 1769

D. Pedro Rodriguez Campomanes

Sr. D. Angel de Bustamante Valladolid. "

The contents of this order did not come to the knowledge of the superiors until some six months later. In it reference was made to the privileges of the College of the Holy Cross Enquiries as to these privileges were evidently being made , for Shepherd wrote to Perry on July 15th "As to Santa Cruz, it is not at all exemptedfrom parochial jurisdiction The customis that at Easterthe Curate comes and says Mass in their Chappel and communicates them; and as to their buryings, you know they are buried in the Carmen Descalzo But then the reason is quite different, for as it is not often they haveany priests among them, how is it possible they should pretend that privi- ledge If the Briefis not admitted, what will you do about presenting to holy orders. "

In the meantime Dr. Perry was drawing up new Statutes for the College which he compiled from the original Statutes of St. Alban's, and from the Rules of Douay College, and of St. Gregory's College in Paris. He presented them to the Councilon August 21st, 1769. After some slight additions and alterations they were approved by the Council on October 11th , 1770 .

The bickering was still going on between Shepherd and Douglas. Shepherd would teach only theology, Douglas only philosophy. The question was , who was to teach rhetoric ? Shepherd's solution was a suggestion to Dr. Perry to procure another priest for the purpose. Douglas, moreover, was making efforts to return to England [Shepherd to Perry, July 29, 1769] " By several things Mr. Douglas has let fall in his discourse, I perceive he is doing what he told me he would do, that is lookonly for his own advantage without regardinganyone, and his reason was because he had endeavoured to get leave to return to England and it had been refused him All I can say upon it is , that I insist upon it to be Mr. Douglasses business to teach Rhetoric and humanity. "

In August the old trouble about Portillo, that had caused such heartburningsin the time of the Jesuits , began again To understand the difficultyone must know Portillo It is a village on the top of a very high, cone-shaped hill, with almost precipitous sides There is no river within many miles, and its only recommendationis the view which extendsfor leagues in every direction. The country house had no garden, and life there, in the hot summer months, must have been dreadfully dull On August 2 , 1769, Shepherd wrote to Dr. Perry:- " Mr. Douglass told me (I did not mention anything to him about it) that he does not intend or to use his own words, will not go at allto Portillo. I am informed by James that he has told him and Peter , that hewillnotgo altho you askhim And I find bywhat Ihearfrom the Collegians talk that to keepcontent, on accountof the heatswhich are now excessive, it will be necessary to go; so I know not how we shall do, but hope God will compose things in such manner that all things will get finished [i.e., by Dr. Perry, in Madrid], and so I shall be able to go with them As for asking Mr. Douglass to go, as he has signifiedhis utterrefusal, I shallnotthink on it Ifyou thinkitworth while, tuo sit judicio What I have said about him is nothing but truth." On August 12thhe wrote:" As several of our Colegiales are


breaking out very much and have violent loosenesseswe have determined upon Wednesdayfor our journey to Portillo. The journey lowers my spirits, but patience , as it is necessary as far as I can see , andthey are very eager and desiringit, even those that were mosttired of it last year. I shall endeavour to take all the care I can of them , as I must expect no assistance from Mr. Douglass, whom, because I thought it pride in myselfnot to do it, I asked today, but he positively refused it. I think it very hard of him. I should not have behaved so to him , how disagreeable soever it had been to me. I cannot but own I am mortified at it, but will endeavour to letitpass. "

1770. Despite the order from the Council, which he seems to have thought ultra vires, the Bishop continued to act as though the Brief of Clement VIII were a dead letter [Perry to Shepherd, E.2, Jan. 31 , 1770]"

Concerning the parochialidad[parish jurisdiction], I would have you beg the Bishop to give [you] a copy of the Council's letter tohim, in order to know how to guide yourself, for it is favourableto us , and orders them so to contrive matters, and delegate their powers to the Rector, that the King's Royal word, given the English Prelates, of preserving all the privileges of the College, may not be infringed. After this, desire the Bishop and Curate to give you in writing their pretensions , and then you'll send them hither to me, only taking a copy of them for your own government, and if they press, tell them I reserve that part to myself, till such time as I have seen andweighed them For my own part I have no difficulty in submitting to the Common Law of the Church as to the Easter communion , if we could buryour own folk; but that in all probability , as attendedwith fees, is what the Curate aims at " [Shepherd to Perry, E.5, Feb. 3 , 1770] " As to what regards treatment with the Bishop and Curate, I must own I have a great many difficulties If San Albano is to retain the privileges granted by the Bull, certainly the point about which the difficulty is will bear no dispute." [Same to same, E. 5, March 14, 1770] "I am much afraid we shall have some work about our Easter communion God send we do not get some excommunication againstus. If we do , we shall get the hatred of all Valladolidians, and yet I know not what to propose What think you was I to speak tothe Bishop orCuratefor this year, and this of myselfwithouthaving commissionfrom you, for this year only, without any prejudice in what is to come . But this still has its difficulties; excommunications are here so ready that I am really afraid." [Perry to Shepherd, E. 2, March 17 , 1770]"I see no difficultyin your conferringwith the Bishop or Curate However I would not have you be frightened. They'll take care how they fling excommunications The grounds we go upon are as good now as at first; and those, in my opinion, so clear , that to me it's a matter of wonder how the Bishop could determine that the Bull did not exempt us from being subject to the Parish; since there the Rector is appointed Parochus of the College " [Shepherd to Perry, E. 5 , March 28, 1770]" The Curate was here the other day tocommunicateto me from the Bishopthat as to what regarded the Alumni his Lordship delegated his faculties to me for this Easter; but that the secular servantsmust communicatein the parishchurch I was with his Lordship afterthis, and desired that this year he would let things go as they had hitherto ; but was answered no puede ser [it cannot be]. I told them both that whatever was done this year was not to serve as precedent, as I had no faculties to treat about the matter, than which I could do no more. This, they agreed, was a


matter that only could be settled by you, in which, as much as I could understand , you will have nothing to do but accept of what will be proposed. "

This year Douglas accompanied the students to Portillo, and this year, too, Dr. Perry purchased a house with about a hundred acres of ground at Viana de Cega, ten miles south of Valladolid In later years this became the country house for the summer vacation, and has served as such until the present day

On November 13 the Rev. William Fryer arrived from Douay to be professor ofhumanities.

The Bishop of Valladolid still maintained the same attitude with regard to the Brief of Clement VIII, so Dr. Perry appealed to Rome for a declarationof the Briefin favour ofthe College. 1771. In Madrid, Dr. Perry had been having troubles of another kind, which are indicated in a letter he wrote from Madrid in 1771 to Mgr ChristopherStonor, the agent for the English Bishops in Rome: - [Perry to Stonor, E. 2°, March, 1771] " To what regards our colledge, I must add (which I believe my last to you did not mention) that one of the greatestmortifications I have had here, has been from our good brethren of Ireland, who like universal Lords of the manor lookupon all strays and waifs, and sometimes what is not so, as their claim: theynotonly, on this principle, swallowed the Scotch college of Madrid , which however is now got better than three parts out of theirjaws, but have made several attempts to intrude themselves into S. Albans; their first was on my first arrival at Madrid, when they endeavoured , and that by means of the Fiscal of Castile , to palm two young hibernians upon us, but I resisted by pleadingthe foundation, and Idid it successfully without displeasing their Empeño [friend at Court]; since I came to Madrid this time, which is now two years within 20 days, they renewed their attack , by pretending that we could not stock our college, but thanks to God, they themselves broach'd their designin my hearing before it was compleated , and so I had time to defeatit, which I did, being prettywell in the good graces of the Fiscal, whom I catchedin a dextroushour, and having found his pulse in a goodtone I ventured then even to remonstrate again the surreptitious union of the Scotch with the Irish, as unnatural in itself and of the utmost peril to Scotland; and I did it so effectually, that while Iwent to him only to parry the strokeofthe Hibernians , I not only effected that, but gave them a fair fling in the Scotch union, which is now in a manner dissolved, and the consequences of it almost repair'd; howeveras it behoves prudent generals to leave no enemy behind them , I shall at my departure, which I hope will be in a fortnights time, leave a little memorialin the hands of the fiscal, containinga compendious exposition of our reasons againstthe Irish inroads ; of which Imay, when a little quiet, compose a treatise, entitled de Ecclesiasticis irruptionibus Hibernorum in Scotos et Anglos .... "

1771. On March 22 Dr. Perry returned to Valladolid after his long absence in Madrid. About this time an attempt was made by the Universityto compel the studentsof St. Alban's to attend the public schools Dr. Perry wrote to Bishop James Talbot on April 16 , 1771[E. 2] [draft]" As I shall be obliged to treatsoon with this university, concerning schools and degrees, and they seem inclined to draw our Divinesto the publick schools, which will be all lost, besidesloss oftime , it will be necessary You draw up a letter to the Rector and Doctors


of this university, to back the petition I have already made to them , to let us have, as at Douay, our schools at home and to ourselves , for everything: and that our courses may pass for academical , so thatfor degrees, nothing more be necessary, than to undergo publickexamens and defend the theses by them prescribed , publickly and in the university itself; it will be also necessary to writea likeletter to the fiscal, in order to back the other withthe university : for he himself seems much inclined we should goe to the Schools in Divinity, as thinking it may give emulation to his countrymen: in myopinion, such a letter should be signed by all your brethren and have their seals: I need suggest no reasons for such a petition: I have plied the University with reasons from loss of time, dissipation, with the exampleof Doway College, and even with Paris towards religious &c As for exciting emulation, our annual acts will arouse it, as also the communication of our Masters with those of the University. Three copies of our Rules are gone offto Paris last week for you and your brethren."

In addition to his workfor the English Colleges in Spain, Dr. Perry had laboured successfully for the restoration of the Scots College to its lawful owners, forwhich he was dulythankedbythe VicarsApostolic of Scotland.


" Dear Sir,

[E. 1 ° .] June 18th 1771

As it was byyour means we received the first Intelligence of the Claim our Nation had in Spain, at a time that none amongstus entertained the least thought of any such thing, so you have all alongsince that period proved our constant sincere Friend, and have neverceased to exert your known zeal, unwearied diligence, and indefatigable activity in promoting our Interest to the utmost of your power, till now at last by the Blessing of God, your endeavours have been crowned with the desired success , and this affair of an Establishment, of such eminent Importance to Religion in this poor Country, brought to a happy Conclusion All true Friends of the publick welfare here are fully sensible of this singular favour you have done to this Nation , and cannot but clearly see how much we are in duty bound to return to you our mostgrateful acknowledgments , andthanks on thataccount, not indeed out of ceremony and compliment, as is too often the case now-a-days in the world, but out of a real and inward sense of the strict obligations we ly under; and from hearts glowing with the warmest affection and most cordial love for our sincere Friend and particular Benefactor It is very plain that no motive of Interest could ever have influenced you to take such concern in this affair , and so readily and heartilyto espouse our Cause , but only andentirely the greater Glory of God, and Zeal for immortal Souls redeemed by the Blood of His Son; and therefore as it is not in our power to make any return suitable to your Merit, we shall not fail to pray, that our Good and bountifulMaster, to whomyou have consecrated your Labour on this occasion, may for ever be in Heaven your exceeding great reward . Meantime we ever remain with greatest affectionand esteem Dr Sir

Your most obedient & obligedhumble Servants [Autograph signatures] Hu: MacDonald Ja: Grant

To Doctor Perry, St. Albans, Valladolid . " George Hay


1772. The money received from the sale of St. George's College in Madrid had been expended on the purchase of the property at Viana de Cega and on other lands in the vicinity of Valladolid. This year wasfound that the income of the College was barely sufficient for its needs In a letter to Dr. Perry, Bishop Talbot says "Iam most sorry for what you mention of your funds not beingable to maintain so many asyou have , but hope it's not litterally true. " Shepherd's views upon Dr. Perry's statutesare seen from a letter of Robert Bannister tohim (May 22) [E. 1°]" Mr Bolton [the agentof the College in England] tells me the President is ad sexennium, pre- sentableby the 3 oldest Vicars Apostolic if they be [pastoral] clergy. You say Dr. Perry has by his code of rules laid a heavy burden on himself and his successours: which I took for a hint to deterr me from becoming a postulant " On June 18 Mgr Stonor wrote to Dr. Perry [E. 1 ] "I am authorised however to let you know, that your new Rules will soon be approved, and the old privileges confirmed" On November 29, 1772 , Pope Clement XIV issued a Rescript, which, though it was not so amplein its terms as Dr. Perry had desired , yet seemed sufficient to put an end to the various disputes with theparish priest and the University . There were two other Briefs issued at this time, the one for dispensing from irregularities ex hæresi and the other giving the Rector faculties to present to orders The Briefs, however, did not obtain the Royal exequatur until March 25 , 1775 , and then only with the following restriction: -[Tr .]"Lastly, as regards the fifth declaration, concerning degrees, the College of St. Alban's was granted [by the Council] the prerogative that its studentsshould receive the degree of Bachillor in theology through the University, with the examinationsas for everyone else, withoutanyfees or charges, but submitting themselves to examinations and fulfilling all the other conditions and requisites that the Royal Warrant of Jan. 24, 1770 , prescribes . "

1773. Shepherd decided to return to England. There is a letter from Bannister, who wrote to him in August of that year:" Asyou intend to give warning a whole year before your departing, Dr Perry may, if necessary, provide another Master in the Interim. Now this answer is given respectivelyto your own individual peace and happiness; and when you do no farther good to the publick or community, whyshouldyou notconsultthat ...... Ifyoufear a stormimpending, which you can no way avert, why should you not fly away out ofits fury. But I am sincerelygrievedfor S. Albano's sake. Have you not some friendly connections with wise and virtuous Ecclesiasticks ? can you not disclose to them youraffairs ? Willthey not befriendour Establishment, and avert any dangerofits ruin ? " " 1774. OnMay 29 Dr. Perrywent again to Madrid, to getthe exequatur of the RescriptsofClement XIV, to settle the business ofan old foundation mass , and to deal with the affairs of the College at Seville He wrote to Mgr Stonor in July: -[E. 2] the same reason has occasioned this further delay in writing, viz the briefs not having yet obtained the Pase of the Council of Castile : they had been here 15 months , and I left without power to use them, and I believe might have layn as long again, had not I prevailed on myselfto make another journey to the Capital ; I have now got them out, somewhat clogged howeverin the use, withthe knowledge andapprobationofthe ordinary, thoin realitynowaysnecessary, seeing the greatest partofthefaculties, are facultiesproper to the ordinariesof our alumni, such as presenting


to orders &c , and therefore no ways dependanton any other, and that our hierarchy being fallen in England, his holiness, as general conservator of the faith, and inspector of all the churches, is in realityour immediate ordinary ; this I have represented in a remonstrance put upto the Council, but have not been able as yet to get it presented. " On August 20 Dr. Perry wrote to Shepherd: "The agente fiscal has promised to pass into the fiscal's hands on Friday my remonstrance on the conditions with which the pase of the brieves is clogged, which Iam almostsorry to have presented , as well for the little hopes ofredress as for the delay it occasions against my speedy return " But death was already knocking at the door, and on Sept. 4 Dr. Perry died in the Hospital of St. Andrew, in Madrid, and was buried there. Rev. Joseph Shepherd remained in charge of the College as Vice-Rector and, on October 17, 1775, was appointed Rector. The 1775. At the beginningof 1775 Shepherd went to Madrid to continue there the work Dr. Perry had begun for the restitution of the College at Seville. Though he failed to get possession of the buildings he succeeded in getting some more of the movable goods. Perry had been able to recover the papers from the archives , books from the library and some pictures Shepherd claimed various other things, but when they arrived they were of no use He wrote to the agent, "I have received the things from Seville. Everything that came might just as well have been pitched into the sea, except the writing- desk, the key of which was lost The Globes, which might have been useful, came so badly packed, and were so ill-treated on the way, that they are of no use. "

Mr. Blaise Morey, a deacon, began to teach humanities on Jan. 1 , 1775. He was ordained priest on Dec. 23 . 1776. He taught philosophy from Aug. 1 to Oct. 26, when hewent to England. From Oct. I the Rev. John Greenham taught humanities 1777. On May 20 he departed to England, and the Rev. Clement Fisher began to teachhumanities. 1778. In 1778 Shepherd was again in Madrid, where he received a letterfrom the Rev. John Geddes, Rector of the Scots College in Valladolid, which shows there was a possibilityof the Irish College being transferred to Valladolid He wrote:"I hasten to give you my thoughts on the project you mention of our getting certain neighbours in this town. The first reflection I made upon reading your letter was,thatitis lucky you are thereto put astop, which Ihopeis possible, to a scheme , whichif put in executionwould certainly be very troublesome and even perniciousto us. Messrs Fryer and Gordon * join me in earnestly begging, that you will exert all your activity to prevent their coming hither This I hope, you will get done by means of the Fiscal, withoutit being much known to others I think you may tell him that were they to come hither, we would be obliged to prohibit our studentsfrom having the least communicationwith them: as was the case in Rome where, though the English and Scotch visited one another, yet neither of us were allowed to go to the Irish College; in which I never once was, though it is not distant from our House , but about one third partof the distance of your College, where I have been so frequently. Such a prohibition would look ill here , and it would not be easy to get it observed The strange mannerin which they have behaved in Salamanca and Alcalá is a good reason for showingyourself

* Vice-Rector of the Scots College, Valladolid,


unwilling that they come hither, lest they infect our boys with the same spirit I thinkyou might also signify to Mr. Birmingham the greater dearness of provisions here than at Salamanca You will know whetherornot the mistsmay be alleged and the agues Besides , does not the Cedula, which deprives them of the house before in their possession, provide them with anotherin Salamanca ; or may theynot all go to the College they have at Alcalá ? But I need not suggest these things to you: they will occur to you, with much more. I wish you success; for though I desire the good of the Irish very sincerely, yet I look upon their being here as very hazardous for us " 1779. On April 1 the Rev. John Greenway began to lecture on philosophy On April 22 the Rev. ClementFisher went to England 1781. On June 17 Mr. Thomas Bloodworth, a deacon, began to teach humanities. On Oct. 8 the Rev. William Fryer went away, and the Rev. John Greenway became Vice-Rector, and began to lecture on theology. 1782. On April 11 the Rev. Thomas Bloodworth, now ordained priest, went to England, and on Sept. 21 the Rev. John Griffiths began to teach philosophy. 1784. This year Shepherd again went to Madrid Greenway, at Valladolid, was experimenting with some sort of a flying machine, which seems to have been on the lines of a rocket balloon. In May he wrote to Shepherd :"I have made no experiment as yet on my flying bladder, as I had proposed For it to take flight, we ought, I fancy, to inflame the gas either with Electric fire or some other way, and I presume in this case when filled, it would burst with a report capable of frightening half the city; we must therefore wait untill we learn to make the globes, and then begin our experiments" In June he wrote: " The misfortunate exit of flying in Aranjuez will deter me in our flights. " EvidentlyShepherd told him not to lose heart,forin a later letter Greenway wrote "I plainly see how much concerned you are for the success of our globes I'm confident of succeeding, as soon as the experiment can be made " He was delayed by a difficultyin making copal varnish, and in June wrote:" No one has been able to dissolve the goma copalin Valladolid I have attempted itwithspirits of wine and a slowfire, but to no effect A second attempt was made with spirits of turpentine, which seemed to penetrate the gum more than wine spirits, but the bottle burstedin the boiling." Thatseems to have ended the experiments in aeronautics , for there are no more references to it in Greenway's letters. 1786. Anarrangementwas come to withthe parishchurchof St. John, on July 18 , whereby funerals of deceasedMastersand studentsshould henceforth be celebrated in the church of the College In Oct. the Rev. Thomas Price began to teach humanities Later he taught philosophy and theology 1787. In June the Rev. John Greenway went to England. 1788. In July the Rev. John Griffiths went to England. The Rev. Thomas Price became Vice-Rector, and the Rev. Thomas Taylor procurator. Mr. John Howell, a deacon, began to teach humanities Hewas ordained priestinApril, 1789, and wentimmediatelyto England. 1790. Things were not going very smoothly in the College, and Shepherd, rather weary of his task, indicated his inclination to retire În a letter to him, dated Jan. 1 , 1790 , the Rev. Thomas Horrabin, agent


of the College in England, wrote: "I most feelingly condole with you for the melancholy situation which you give of affairs relative to St. Alban's." No details are givenin the letter Later comes the remark: " Bishop Talbot would rather you should dismiss quietly whatever refractory memberyou have than retain him, if you apprehendthe least danger of their not being true and sincere convertsto yourmeasures . "

On Nov. 22 Shepherd wrote to Horrabin : "I do not remember whether Itold you, that the affair of Seville College, tho put in a state that no further step to our disadvantage can probably be taken , yet I durst not pursue it further, as it must for the present necessarily fall into adisagreeable channel So it was thought best to stopforawhile .. All things here go on moderately well, tho not entirely to my satisfaction as yet, but I hope time and patience will carry me quite through, as I have advanced so far by God's assistance . " 1794. In Sept. the Rev. Thomas Taylor returned to England. 1796. Mr. Joseph Smith, a subdeacon, began to teach rhetoric on Sept. 28. In Oct. of this year Shepherd had undertaken to survey Portillo and its environs, collaborating in the formation of a map of Spain. While engaged upon the task he fell ill, and died on the 30th of the same month He was buried in the chapel nearest to thehigh altar on the gospel side of the College church 1797. After Shepherd's death the Vice-Rector, the Rev. Thomas Price, remained in charge of the College until the arrival of the new Rector, the Rev. Thomas Taylor, on July 22, 1797. A Frenchpriest, whose name does not appear, gave lectures in theology. In June the Rev. Richard Stuttard arrived and began to teach humanities. The Diary begun by Perry in 1768 is continued only to March , 1787. In 1796 there is put down the admission of five students to the College oath, and the departure of two in Jan., 1797. There are some loose papers and notes by Shepherd about students to 1793 , and one or two to 1796. From 1797 there is very little information about the studentsor of anything that took place In fact, during the rectorship of the Rev. Thomas Taylor, from 1797 to May 22 , 1808 , there are no books of receipts and expenditure, and there is little correspondence, especially with England, doubtless on account of the wars. 1798. On Mar. 9 the Rev. Mr. Joseph Smith was sent to England. In May the Rev. Thomas Price went to England After his departure the Rev. Richard Stuttard became Vice-Rector and taught theology 1800. In Feb. Stuttard left the College and reached London in the following Aug. Great difficulty was experienced in finding new professors On Nov. 25 the Rev. William Hurst came from the English College, Lisbon, as Vice-Rector and professor of humanities, but he left very soon afterwards . 1801. This year Thomas Sherburne [vere Irvin] taught humanities. He was ordained priest in 1803. 1802. There is a letter to Taylor from BishopDouglas , dated Nov. 5, 1802 , in which he writes: "You have, it seems, struggled thro' great difficulties in your endeavours to support and raise the College in the late difficult times: may your endeavours be crowned with success! And mosthappy shall I be , if I live to witness San Albano maintaining thirty students within her walls at one time The prospectwill then,


in truth, brighten, and compensate for losses at Rome, and in France And now, my Dear Sir, as the years of yourRectorshipwill expirenext summer ,MrGibson, BishopandVicar Apostolicofthe Northern District, and myself unite in requestingyou to return to England beforethat period And it is my request , in particular, that you will come , and live with me in Castle Street, till a situation for you offers on the Mission. " This requestproduced no effect, for Taylor continuedas Rector until his death some six years later 1803. On Sept. 5 the Rev. Thomas Sherburne became Vice-Rector. 1806. The Rev. Thomas Sherburne returned to England Richard Cowban was ordained priest and became Vice-Rector. 1807. On Oct. 18 the French entered Spain, as friends and allies against the Portuguese and the English. It was an insidious pretext, and once well established in the country, Napoleongot the whole of the reigning family into his hands . There followed the forced renunciation of the crown by Fernando VII in favour of his father, Carlos IV , who handed it to Napoleon , who abdicatedin favour of his brother, Joseph Bonaparte.

1808. OnMay 22 the Rev. Thomas Taylor died, and was buriedin the chapel furthest from the high altar on the gospel side in the College church. The Rev. Richard Cowban remained in charge of the College. In Aug. and Sept. the majorityof the students, through want ofmeans on accountof the unsettledstate of the country, returned to England, leaving only the Vice-Rector, Cowban, and seven students in the College. Joseph Bonaparte'sascent to the throne was the signalfor a general revolution in Spain Robert Brindle, one of the seven students left, wrote, in later life, an account of what happened in Valladolid The MSS ofthis is in the College archives AtValladolid , " hewrote , " the people seemed to set no bounds to their ardour. We had some few French troops in the city who were sacrificed in the first transports of popular frenzy Arms were called for on every side , but no arms could be procured The multitude, however , paraded the streetsand public squares with fowling pieces, pruning knives, and other such weapons as they could procure .... Don Francisco [de] Cevallos , Governor of Segovia, having been obliged to evacuate that fortress , sought refuge in Valladolid .... But no sooner had he entered Valladolid than a cry of Traitor was raised against [him] and in a moment he was literally torn to pieces The Captain General [Don Gregorio de la Cuesta] was a spectatorof this horrid spectacle, but so far from being able to restrain the violence of the mob, the cry was even raised againsthimself and a gallows erected for his executionif armsdid not arrive before the following day .... The following day [June 2] about 6,000* muskets arrived and were received by the mob with the greatest avidity The Captain General had exerted his authority to prevent the English students from being obliged to quit the house, but the mob declared they would burn the College to the ground if we did notjoin them Accordingly we were obligedto go to thedepot for arms, but, fortunately, the last musket was distributed when we were within fifty yards of the spot. If we had gone two minutes sooner , 'tis probablewe had been killed, for the body of studentswith whom we were associated was entirely destroyed . " Then follows an account of the taking of Valladolid by the French, their retreat and return

* An exaggeratednumber

More likely it was 600 .


1809. Eight pagesof Brindle's MSS , coveringpartof 1808 and of 1809 , are here missing It then continues : "We afterwards heard that the Frenchhad been informed that the English College had been very busy in exciting the people of Valladolid to revolt. Hence we conjectured what treatment we should have experienced had we fallen into their hands We did not, however, give them time to put their design into execution We had a little hut attached to a mill about six miles from Portillo, and to this place we decided to retreat for a short time The College was instantly abandoned .... Whilst I was listening to the conversationof two officers, I was perceived by a French soldier who came upon me unawares, and was endeavouring to hem me up in a corner where I was sure to fall into his hands I perceived his intention, and, byafeint ofrunning pasthimonone side, I slipped past him on the other, and, though he made a thrustat me with his sabre as I passed, yet I got off without the leastinjury I then gotover a wall which the unwieldy Frenchmancould not surmount, and joined my companions . " Then follows a long account of their tramp across Spain to Lisbon, and oftheir arrival in England on Oct. 3 . Four studentswent in this party, and there remained in the College the Rev. Richard Cowban and three students Of these, one left in March and the other two in April, 1812, leaving Cowban alone in the College until the arrival of a new Rector, the Rev. William Irvin (als Sherburne), in Nov., 1813 1814. In April the Rev. Richard Cowban returned to England, and in Aug. or Sept. the Rev. George Laythom came as procurator The eventsof the next few years can best be given in the actual words cf Irvin. [Draftin Irvin's hand.] [Irvin to ? E. 6. Nov. 20, 1814.]

"Iwill now give you a short accountof the state in which I found affairs on my arrival last year, and you will, I presume, conclude that San Albano had fallen low indeed, and that the time is notyet arrived for the reception of students The debts exceeded 300,000 reales , and there was not a farthing. Viana [the country house property] did not defray the expenses of culture [The property at] Laguna [and] St Ambrosio were almost abandoned Portillo ditto The best lands about Valladolid were let out to people at a verylow rent, which was not well paid ; and walls and houses threatening ruin everywhere . The expenditure since Nov., 1813 , up to the present moment amounts to the sum of 212,018 reales, and the receipts are only 33,089 reales. Many old debts have been paid, the Labranza [i.e., farm] has been increased, and the vineyards have had their regular, but long disused , course of labour Many of them, owingto the neglect of regularpruning, have been cut down; an expensive operation, but necessary even for theirexistence . Three years must elapse before an adequate return can be expected A flock of twenty sheep has also been purchased. It is a lucrative branch and, if I may be allowed to judge from the enormous debts contracted with butchers, wholly necessary to the future temporal prosperity of the College I have likewise placed a few wild cows in the plains of Portillo, in a herd belongingto various individuals. But muchstill remains to be done .... In the meantime, that system of oppression, introduced by the French, ofbilleting troops on the College is still continued; I believe from necessity, because the Governmentcannot pay them Oftentimes I have to the number of twenty lodged upon me .... '

* A vineyard, on the banks of the river Pisuerga, just outside the town.


This year Irvin borrowed for the needs of the College £1,000 from the English Secular Clergy Fund, in 1815 several hundreds from his brother Thomas, and in 1816 a further 100 from the Secular Clergy Fund .

[Irvin toBp. Poynter E. 6. Jan. 5, 1815.]

"Ido not recollect whetherin any of my former letters I mentioned a wish to sell a water mill, which for a long course ofyears has proved a losing concern to the College During the administration of Mr. Taylor it was repaired , and cost upwards of three thousand dollars. A considerable part of this sum was borrowed off College Agents in Madrid, and is a debt still standing against us, with interest at the rate of six per cent The estimate of its present necessary repairs amountsto between threeandfourthousanddollars , which sum I have never had the most distant thought of hazarding upon so precarious and ruinous a possession .... At this moment I have [lodged in the College] sixteen English and Portuguese belonging to the Commissariat Department, who are on their marchto Lisbon Indeed I am scarcely ever free from lodgers of one description or another. It is not only galling but really burdensome and expensive . When a better order of things is established (and it is expected ), when the mill is disposed of to advantage , so as to enable me to get clear of debt, we can then seriouslyturn our attention to the receptionof Collegians The Jesuits as yet have not been reestablished in this Kingdom by any public edict, but of their ultimate reestablishmentthere is little or no doubt. In the first instance they will be few in number, and therefore not dangerous. They will, moreover , proceed with cautious step, remembering what theyformerly suffered But they will aim at aggrandisement, and gradually attaintheir object This Establishment, I think, has nothing to fear from them, though allits possessionsformerly belonged to the Order. The Duke of Alba purchased from the Crown, and we from the Duke of Alba But had this propertybeen a Royal gift, perhaps there might be some slight cause of apprehension . "

[Irvin to Bp. Gibson E. 6. Feb. 6, 1816.]

"Morethan twelve months have nowelapsed since I had the satisfaction of receiving a line from Durham, though, during the course of last year, I addressed to your Lordship two long letters, the later of which was dated 4th of September I then stated, with regret, that my difficulties had not ceased, owing, in part, to a cause which no human penetration could foresee, no human exertion prevent, a bad harvest. One hundred and fifty acres did not give a sufficiencyfor seed andconsumption To this disaster must, also, be added thetotal failure of fruit in the two gardens, which, upon a very moderatecalculation, ought to produce to the value of £100 yearly. The vineyards have scarcely defrayed the expenses of culture; and the rents arising from houses and land do not exceed £110 per annum Nothing else has been sold , because purchasers do not appear We have incontestable claims upon the Government to the yearly amount of £250 , but no payment has been made since 1802. The King has solemnly pledged his Royal word that all arrears shall be paid: no fixed period, however , is specified Considering the great extent of our vineyards, itisnoexaggerationto say thatthey ought, uponanaverage, to produce yearly forty thousand gallons, but, in consequence of being old, and , especially , on account of theircultivation having been much neglected, they can only be expected , in future, to give twenty thousand These



twentythousand gallons , each gallon being valued at one shilling, will produce one thousandpounds ; a third partof which sum may, perhaps, be taken for clear profit With regard to the real value of the arable land I cannot, as yet, lay before your Lordship a precise and clear idea. There are eight hundred statute acres, of which three hundred lie uncultivated and produce nothing This is owing to the total wantof enclosures, and to the peculiar privileges which shepherds in this country enjoy, ofenteringwith their flocks everyman'slandthemoment it ceases to be ploughed. Nothing, surely, can be conceived more inimical to agriculture Three hundred acres are cultivated by the College, and the remaining two hundred are in the hands of various tenants, who, during the tyranny of the French, when he who sowed could hardly expect to reap, took them for a term of nine years atthe rate of little more than two shillings and sixpence per acre . Great advantages would undoubtedly be obtained if the College had the means of cultivating all its possessions; but, for this purpose, a considerable capital is required, and the debts must previously be paid, which stillamount [exclusiveof the debtsin England] to about £2,000 The mode of agriculture in these parts is expensive, principally on account of the uncouthness of their implements of husbandry. The Spanish plough can scarcely be said to be good for anything .... much trouble I have succeeded in introducing two English ploughs, which, notwithstanding their unwillingness to adopt the slightest improvement not arising from themselves, are the admiration of the natives. At the suggestion of the first Minister of State, the Royal Economical Societyof Madrid has directed to me an Official Dispatch requestinginformation on the subject of English ploughsand harrows, as well as models. And it is with pleasure that I have compliedwith the request Beside the advantages which , Iflattermyself, will accrue to the College from the adoption of the English plough, it may, also , be the means of obtaining more powerful protection And it ishighly necessary to be upon the alert The Jesuits are not idle They cast a longing eye towards their former possessions, many of which, in the vicinity of this town, we now enjoy These were not, however, a gift, but fairly purchased, not from the Crown , but from the Duke ofAlba. If attempts should be made to dispossess us and should eventually succeed, I shall conclude there is nofaith in man; for, at the expulsion [of the Jesuitsfrom Spain], the wholeweight of temporal and spiritual power was united to renderthese purchases lasting and stable In the meantimediscouragingrumours are abroad, and endeavours have been used to unite the Scotch with this College; but happily withouteffect .... Mr. Laytham, who has been with me upwards of a year, will, I expect, soon leave. Should your Lordship wish to know the motives for his departure, these shall be given in a future letter At present, I beg leave merely to observe that he is of an unequal and turbulent temper, and that, upon the whole , his conduct does not satisfy me In the actual state ofthis Establishment, as a Procurator he is useless , and must, therefore , soon become hurtful His want of discretion causesme sincerelyto regrethis abode in San Albano."

1818 In the summer of this year the Rev.William Irvin paid a visit to England, and was back again by Oct. It does not appear who was in charge of the College during his absence . 1820. In Nov. the Rev. Robert Brindle arrived with seven students . He became Vice-Rector and taught humanities.


1822. On Aug. 3 the Rev. William Irvin died, and was buried in the centre chapel on the gospel side in the College church Towardsthe end of the same month his brother, the Rev. Thomas Sherburne [vere Irvin], arrived as Rector, nominated by the English Bishops. He brought with him Mr. Thomas Pilling, a student in minor orders , from Ushaw College. 1823. Mr. Pilling was ordained priest on March 25, and became ViceRector. At first he taught humanities and later philosophy. Soon afterwards the Rev. Robert Brindle returned to England. Owing to the unsettledstate of the country ThomasSherburne's appointment as Rector was never confirmed by Royal Warrant On Aug. 14th Bishop Poynter wrote to him: " Nothing can be clearer or better stated than your observations , pro and con, particularlyas made in the circumstances in which Spain was placed when you wrote I feel as great repugnance to the idea of abandoning that excellent establishment , for which your late lamented Brother had done so much . I think it our duty to hold it as long as we can Qui tenet, teneat. At present, I think we should keep all togetheras well as we can , in hopes that a better order of things will be established in that Country, which may be favorable to the College Take courage then My Dear Sir, for the present. You being on the spot can form a much better judgement of the prospect of things than we can and devise measures for the benefitofthe establishment . " The College was heavily indebt and creditors were pressing for theirmoney.

Dear Sir,

[Richard Thompsonto Tho. Sherburne . E. 7.] Weldbank, Decr. 22 , 1823

Asa considerable sum of Money, £1,100, was borrowed by your late worthy Brother, your Predecessor, as Rector of Saint Alban's College at Valladolid from the Fund of the Secular Clergy of this Vicariate , over which it has pleased AlmightyGod and the venerable Bishop of this District, that I should preside, as Grand Vicar; I beg to signify to you that it is the wish of our Brethren, the meritorious Laborers in our Lord's Vineyard, that that sum should be repaid I, therefore, request that you will have the goodness to pay into us the said sum , asearly as you possiblycan : at any sacrifice to yourself. And you will obligeme

Yourmost obed Servt & Friend

Richd Thompson

Superior of the Fund and Vicar general to the Bishop of B[olina].

1824. On July 16 Bishop Poynter wrote to Sherburne : "I have been latelyat Ushaw .... Mr Thompsonwas there, and we had muchconversation with Bp Smith about you and the plan you had proposed in your letter to Mr Thompson BishopSmith agreed that you should return to England, as he had promised you; but the questionwas about your Successor. The Person whom he had fixed his eye upon some months ago, was thought not qualified for the management of the affairsof a College, tho' he would be agood Professor in school. Besides he has a natural defect, which would be an impediment to him. As I have no one at all qualified for the office, Bp Smith said he would apply to Dr Milner for one whom Bp Smith mentionedand who appeared to be a fit Person .... With regard to your proposal of the sale of your distant estates, we both, with Mr Thompson highly approved ofit and ofyour paying off your debts with the purchase money ....


I thinkofyou with great concern amidst the difficulties you havehad to encounter, and with great gratitude for your meritorious exertions for the good cause of the Mission . "

1825. Towards the end of Aug. the Rev. Thomas Sherburne went to England, leaving the Rev. Thomas Pillingin charge ofthe College. 1826. In Jan. the Rev. Joseph Brown arrived as Rector. 1829 Brown went to Madrid this year, and afterwards went on a visit to England.

1830. In April he returned to the College, bringing with him as professor of humanitiesMr. James Standen, a student from Ushaw College, who was ordainedpriest on May 17 , 1832 .

1831. The Rev. Thomas Pilling went on a visit to England, and on Nov. 19 Brown wrote to him from Valladolid: " How .... you could so far mistake your commission as to think of sending here boys on £100 I cannot possibly explain. The entire harvest of this year has all been consumed in the house, besides having to buy for mules four months beforethe harvest was gathered in The harvest of this year is next to nothing ; the wines very very poor, from the rain that fell at the time of the vintage; the value of wine fallen; the duties of entrance raised this year as high as ever; the constant repairs of a houselikethis,forwhich Ihave hadbricklayersallsummer andautumn; Portillofalling aboutourears; and havingto spend in Viana (in Building upwhatis crumbling down) at least £50; besides bills of blacksmiths , shoeing smiths, carters, drapers and shoemakers and a thousandother annoyances . We must always count about 11 or 12 years for a course ofstudies, during which £100 would nearly bespent in clothes and shoes only. And, if formerly only seven students could be supported here when times were so much better, have we not sufficiently exposed the establishment, consulted the good of the Missions and made every personal and pecuniary sacrifice, without a friend on this side of the Pyrenees to assist us in distress ? The new boys on a £100 might easily be supported for 4 or 5 years, and if the Rector, that takes them on that, is obliged to expend it all, how reasonable would be the complaints of his successor, who would have to support them for an equal period on nothing .... I have made every calculation, and am of opinion that each student should pay little less than £30 per annum . " 1832. The College was still in serious financial difficulty and the Rev. Thomas Sherburne was pressing for the repayment of £800 it owed him.

[Pilling to Brown, April 6, 1832.]

"I havejust done writing to the Bishop and Mr Thompson , about a loan of £400 which Mr Thompsonhad told me that I should have , and that he would writeto the Bishop and Sherburne aboutit What the latter said about it I cannot say; but he mumbled somethingto me about the non-payment of interest heretofore Be it as it will, the result was after more than a fortnight's anxious expectation, both the Bishop and Mr Thompsonwrote to me saying thatin consequence of the want of securities nothing could be done . "

[Pilling to Brown, 26 April, 1832.]

"Sherburne wishes to send Guest's brother, and so clear off the remainderof his debt, fingering, as he intends to do, whatever he can get from Guest's father, if the proposition be admitted. You will determine what you think best ; nor can I say that I should advise


you to acceptit; but he is a leech, and will stick close to his bitetill he has got the money or its equivalent We have nothing to thank him for this long time past"

Towards the end of April Pilling returned to the College. 1836. In July the Rev. Joseph Brown went again to England, in the hope of being able to borrow moremoney.

[Pilling to Brown, 1837.]

"Ifyou could bring with you £600 it would be little enough to cover, in the first place, debts contracted before you left and since that period, as I have mentioned in former letters; and, in the second place, sums lent to purchase what I hinted at in my last . "

[Pillingto Brown, 1837.]

"Aletterwas received a few days ago from Arsenius , dated Ushaw College, Nov. 8th .... He adds that it was reported that the Divines would soon join him at Ushaw; this I know to be true from whatyou mentioned in your letter .... It is painful to me to reflect that the Divines, howeveranxious , cannot return for reasons known to them as well as to us both I have had reason to admire their patience; yet they become every day more anxiousto leave for Ushaw, ifthat be the final determination I have assured them that whatever I can do for them I would do it, and therefore write this hasty scrawl, entreating you to send me an answer as soon as possible, in the understanding that I have no money for journeys and clothes , and have already exhausted the patience of my friends .. " 1838. Brown never returned to the College, and this year he resigned the rectorship. On Aug. 3 the Rev. Thomas Pilling died. The Rev. James Standen remained in charge of the College 1839. On March 14 the Rev. Thomas Sherburne wrote to Standen : "I have waited for, and, at length, received those communications from others which will enable me to give you decisive if not pleasing information .... To begin : you remember the plan arranged to send another Rector, and allow Mr. Brown to remainwith the Nuns * Mr. Brown would have done you no good had he returned and his intended Successor was not Mr. Walker. But you seemed so disappointedthat a change was made, and gave, too, the appallinginformation about the debt, that the Bishop was lead to apply again to Mr. Brown, the substance of whose reply is contained in the following extract 'I cannot justify myselfin again acceptingso arduous a situation. I am sorry to be compelled to this conclusion Iwouldfain it were more in accordance with your Lordship's wishes: but I feel under all the circumstances which I need not detail I could not long outlive the appointment Your Lordship will therefore be pleased to consider this decision as final I have satisfied myself I can come to no other: a different one would not realise the object of your Lordship's wishes ' The idea, then , of Mr. Brown'sreturn is andmust be abandoned You must also give up the expectationof any other person going to San Albano from England Courage, notwithstanding ; Infirma mundi elegit Deus etc, and if you will keep up your spirits all will end well. Henceforward you are to take the title of V. Rector; as such you will receive Dimissorials for Mr. Guest, perhaps as early as you receive this letter, and, we doubt [not] will get him ordained with all convenient despatch. Then as your sufferings and privations must increase in proportion to * He became chaplain to the Carmelite Convent at Darlington.


numbers , it is thought proper, that the four oldest Divines should return to England, and finish at Ushaw To aid you in this I hold £30 at your disposal, and you can tell me how it can be made available I would willingly relieve you of every student, but in that case there would bemore danger to the establishment: the plea of the removalof the fouris the misery of the times Now comes the greatest difficulty, the load of debt Witha war Contribution of 92 per cent: in addition to other burdens, how can this be met ? Three expedientspresent themselves: Ist to remitmoneyfrom England; but such sums , under present circumstances , would only help to feed a war already of too long continuance , and besides the College already owes £1,200 to the Clergy Sick Fund, besides other sums, and for which [the property called] San Ignacio is held on mortage and people have no relish for further speculation 2nd for Creditors to wait with patience till the amountis cleared from the property, or 3rd to dispose of, to the Creditors themselves,such portionsoftheCollege property asmaysuitboth parties and at a reasonable price .... Should this [3rd proposal] be acted on , the Bishoprequires thatyou consultme as to each saleofanymagnitude, and probably you would not object as it divides the responsibility The planofsellingis painful, but it is preferable to debt .... Supposing all this in progress you and Mr. Guest will be left as Managers, and the two boys will continue their studies as usual I know very well that the house will appear lonely and things dull, but even this is better than dire want Mr. Guest andyou will still be companyandno harm would be done if you were to admit the two Divinesinto something like Society. It would be an advantage to them, and no sinking to you. Most anxiousam I for your comfort; you cannothave it just now , but hold yourselves up a little while longer, and a calm will come after your sad storms"

Despitethis letter, all the studentsexceptJohn Guest had returned to England by the end of 1839

1840. On April 19 John Guest was ordainedpriest, and in Sept. he, too , went to England, and Standen remained alone in the College On Sept. 28 the Rev. Joseph Brown wrote to him: "And now mydearest Standen, dearer to me still, with dear Mr. Guest, from your misfortunes and grief for poor San Albano, excuse me from making this short letter more than one of business. The past overpowers me and my heart fills at the recollection of the sweet place for which I once thought I suffered something; but, should I say, that was indeed pleasure compared withwhat I have endured forher since, and whichis shortening my days. "

1842. On July25 the Rev. John Guest returnedto the College, bringing five students Of these, two left in 1844 and the remaining three in 1845. In Sept. the Rev. Joseph Westhead came to the College, chiefly for his health. He returned to England early in 1845. On June 13 , 1845, the Rev. James Standen went to England, and the Rev. John Guest remained alone in the College On Aug. 13 the Rev. Thomas Sherbourne wrote to him: " Up to this date I have heard nothing concerning Mr. Standen exceptinga rumourfrom the Bishopthathehad writtento his sisterfrom some place on his way. As to his successor , ofwhom Dr. Briggssaidthat I approved, it is difficultto sayanything, forin facthehas never been spoken to exceptby me, andif the matter beformallyproposed, it will end, as Mr. Watson'sdid, in a good excuse or bad, to remainwhere he is This, however, I will say, thatifhego, he will not be disagreeable to you He is not of the modernschool of


Albanians My humble opinion is that you will be allowed to rule the roost alone ! and to get out of difficulties, by whomsoever created , in the best manner you can No Bishop will make, or consent to the sacrifice of a likely subject, so that Dr. Briggs in reality is thwarted , butin return he knows how to disregard or forget almost every useful suggestion that is made till the mischiefis brought about, which ought to have been prevented Still count on what assistance I can afford you, and allow me to make a fewsuggestions Ist Don'tmake yourself uneasy about directionsor no directionsfrom Dr. Briggs: pursue your own course 2nd. Let what will follow, never think of boys till you are out of debt and have a decent sum in hand If the Government choose to take the property, of course it will go, but keep from the responsibility of students till the means are provided of carrying them on properly. 3rd It is not well to be alone; and to find an honest and useful companion may not be easy, but surelyit is not impossible I would adviseyou to be on the lookout, and to offer house room and razionto the person you may deem deserving ofit 4. Uponnoaccount let your spiritsfall: while in the College it must keep you Ifit come aboutyour ears someoneelse will attend to you. Nusquamvidijustum derelictum Debts and Dunns, I know, are detestable , but they are not of your making and therefore follow Padre Isla's advice and never think ofwhatis annoying 5. Send an occasional letter to Dr. Briggs, witha quantum suff: of Spanish politeness , and takein the answer when it reaches, whetherthat be in 6 or 16 months .... The boyssentfrom Valladolid reached theirhomes little to the content of theirfriends." In the main, Guest followed this advice He took to live with him in the College a Dominican from San Gregorio's , " a prudent, pious upright man, about 56 years of age He pays," so Guest wrote to Shepherd, on Aug. 25 , " 3 rials per day for houseroom , his dinner and supper which generallyis a collation " 1846. Guest carried on alone to the best of his ability, and on Aug. 4 received a letter from the Rev. Thomas Sherburne , who wrote: "

must now transcribea DocumentI have received with the dateofJuly 24, 1846. 'We the undersigned Vic : Ap: in England, in virtueof such powers as we enjoy, by these presents do appoint Rev: T. Sherburne Rector of the College of St. Alban, Valladolid, for three years, to act as he judges best with regard to the property belonging to the same , with full powers to sell, or otherwise , in hopes that by his aid and discretion, and the cooperationof the Superior actually on the spot, that establishmentmay be freed from its incumbrances , and again be made useful to Religion. John, Bp of Trachis and Vic. Ap: of the Districtof York Thomas Bp of Olena, Vic: Ap of London, George Bp of Tloa,Vic : Ap: of Lancashire, Francis, Bp of Abdyos, Vic: Ap: of North : District' Thus you and I may proceed as best we can , withoutinterenceof any kind."

On June 18 six students arrived from the Benedictine College in Douay With their names the College register commences again, and continues without a break up to the present day For each of these six studentstheRev. Thomas Sherburne undertookto pay£20 annually. 1847. This year the Rev. Thomas Sherburne paid a short visit tothe College 1848. On Aug. 17 Guest wrote to Sherburne : "I am bankrupt and shouldmatterscontinueon their present footing I shallgiveupthe farm.


They have valued the College property in Valladolid at some 30,000: the rents are at 12 per 100 only, but the propertyheld in our handsis [taxed]at 43 percent, so thatmycuotais some 10,500, and will certainly pass 11,000. We have had a forced loan [to the Government] and my cuota has been 6,000 reales vellon, so that this year I shall not pay less than 17,000 reales. In 3 weeks I have paid some 12,000 vellon. The loan I expect to recover with good interest, and the tax in all honesty must be lowered for us who hold our property in our own hands . Itis long to explain to you the object of the government in making this difference : ... poor San Albano is more seriouslyinjured than anyone else , for it alone pays one 50th of the whole tax of Valladolid , and I cannot possiblydo more for it than I have done . "

On Nov. 15 Sherburne replied: "Letallthe robberies andrascalities be repeated that have been in vogue since the commencement of these daysoflight and progress; nevermind; keep moving, 'sufficient unto the day is the evilthereof. ' If you lose courage, and give up thefarm , allis over; althoughIownit is hard,frightfully unjust, that you should labour all the year, and that the tax gatherer should take it all. "

1849. On Feb. 26 Guest wrote to Bishop Briggs: " In this college are six studentswho arrived here fromDouai about the end of last June Messrs . Sheil, Markland and Taylor are studying dogmatical theology: their class book is Perrone, their professor a religiousof the order of St. Dominic, who had long taught theology in St. Gregory's College ofthat order in this town Heis a good theologiananda pious man: he resides with me in the college. "

" The other three collegians are studying rhetoric with a class of scotch boys in the scotch college which is not far distant from this establishment .... I have not much time for teaching, but I manage to give a fewlessonsin Spanish and Greek,in history and, nowandthen , in rhetoric, to supply those times it is not advantageous for them to attend at the scotch college .... 33

Thenhe continues at length to give an accountof the temporalities; heis improving the college lands and vineyards, and slowly paying off the debts

On Oct. 11 , 1847, the Rev. James Standen had died in England. Guest decided to have a solemn Mass publiclycelebrated in the College Church for the repose of his soul. This was the signal for further litigation with the parish priest of St. John's, who claimed that the exemption of the College in such matters extendedonly to priests and students who died in the College. The College was absolved in the ecclesiastical tribunal ofValladolid on May 22, 1848. The parishpriest appealed, but the judgment was confirmedin the higher ecclesiastical court at Alcalá de Henares on July 17 , 1849 . 1850. Bishop Briggs wrote to Guest on March5, 1850 : "I would also wish you to say .... whether you wish Mr. Sherbourne to be continued Rector, the time having elapsed for which he was appointed Rector But in speaking of this pointyou will please not to say anything ofme making this suggestion to you '

The above letter was sent to Guest through Sherburne , who wrote, on March 7: " Yesterday, I received the enclosed in another from Dr. Briggs, and opened it without looking at the direction; but closed it immediately on finding my mistake. You have not a day to spare in forwarding your reply. It need not be special, but .... as to temporals you may state that I continue to pay pensions, that claims of Govern-


ment are enormous , that you employ surplus , with my approval, on necessary repairsandimprovements'

On July 5 he wrote: " The wisdom of our Right Revds has decided thatI shallstill be called Rector, and thatyou shalldo thework, and alone, unless you can find one to your mind among the present squad. It is totally impossible to induce any of the three Bishops, interested in San Albano, to part with a Priest from the Mission , if the college were sinking. "

1851. This year the Rev. James Sheils was ordained priest. He stayed at the College as professor of humanities until 1855, when he returned to England.

1852. Thisyear Guest had to carry out extensiverepairsto the church. The great stone lantern and clearstoryover the main dome was found to be unsafe It was taken down and replaced by a wooden erection, in order to take weight off the dome which had, traditionsaid , suffered damage at the time of the great earthquakein Lisbon, in 1755, which certainly was felt in Valladolid

1853. Ina report to BishopBriggs, Guest wrote, on May 4: " Finding on examination that my last communicationwas as far back as 1850 , Ican no longeromit fulfilling a duty, which I ought not so longto have neglected, although our affairs are not so prosperous as I could have wished or had reason to expect .... With regard to the property, we continue to make such changes as are considered necessary or advantageous, and to improve in general as far as our means will permit Some vineyards have been pulled up and new ones are being planted. The corn mill has been sold for some £1,360 Debts in the aggregate amountingtoabout £2,100 have been paid off since my lastcommunication to you, including the money remitted to England to cancel the debt ofthe fund of the secular priests About £500 have been laid out in repairs of buildings and in getting necessary furniture. Last year the magnificent cupola of our beautiful church threatenedruin and it was found necessary to disoccupythe church and make great repairs. The enormous massive lantern has been taken down, the cupola has been secured and the churchhas been repairedthroughout ..... There still remainsa debt uponthe college of some £500 withinterestformany years past. Ipropose selling one ofthe riberas should a fair opportunity presentitself, as also the property in Laguna; for the nett product of them is little or nothing; and thus we should be enabled to pay off sooner our remaining debts and to deposit a sum in the bank for any emergency to avoid getting into such difficulties The property in Viana I propose enlarging, as it is our country house . "

1854. This year the Rev. Thomas Sherburne , who was still nominally Rector of the College, fell ill, and Guest went to England to see him. He died on Dec. 19. His death brought Guest an unpleasant surprise, for he left everything he possessed to Ushaw College, and made no provision for continuing the pensions he had hitherto paid for the students at Valladolid, partly from his own moneyand partlyfrom an ecclesiastical fund he administered , which also went to Ushaw College. On his departure to England he took with him, as security for the moneyhe had advanced to the College, variousCollege pictures, sacristy plate, vestments, and documents from the archives, including the Annals and Constitutions. These things, too, went to Ushaw College;

but in recent years some of the pictures and documents have been restoredto Valladolid

To continue'these notes furtherwould take us beyond the scope of this volume. Let it suffice to say that the Rev. John Guest continued to manage the College with increasing success . He was appointed Rectorin 1863 , andathisdeath, in 1878 , the College was in a flourishing condition. He was succeeded by the Rev. Charles Allen, who was Rector until his death, in 1904 , and brought the College to a state almost of affluence . The succeeding Rectors were the Rev. William Wookey, from 1904 to 1906, when he returned to England; the Rev. Thomas Kennedy, from 1906 until his death, on Dec. 6 , 1911 ; the Rev.JamesThompson, from 1912to 1915 , when he returnedto England; the Very Rev. Canon MichaelJohn Burns, from 1915 until the appointment of the present Rector, who went to Valladolid in Sept., 1924 .

E. H







Præficitur etiã modus admittendi et examinandi folio1

[The reverse of this leaf is blank.]

De modo examinandi et admittendi illos qui vel ex Anglia vel aliunde huc veniunt vt in alumnos huius Collegii St Albani

ascribantur .

I [Face]

Primu, quia charitatis et ædificationis ratio postulare videtur ut hoc difficillimo Angliæ tpre cu tot ærumnis Catholici illius nationis propter fidei suæ confessione affligantur, quotquot huc transierint et testimoniu attulerint se catholicos esse ad biduu saltě vel triduu pro cuiusq3 necessitate hospitii iure hoc in Collegio recipiantur; eodem modo recipi etiã poterunt ii qui studendi causa veniunt, idq3 sine magna difficultate, siue Rector domi fuerit siue non; ita tamen vt per hoc biduu aut triduũ nulla eis permittatur cu alumnis comunicatio siue per sermone siue per literas sed in hospitiicubiculo circa ianuã maneant sub cura eius qui hospitio præest, qui vir fidelis esse debet, taciturnus , discretus, et charitatis officiis deditus. In hoc triduo primu omniũ examinentur per patre alique Societatis nationis AnglicanaRectoris iudicioad hoc deputatu, etinterrogentur de nõie, ætate, parêtibus ; de prouincia in qua nati sunt, de conditione vitæ, studio ac progressu in literis, vbi et quomodo antea vixerint ? qua ratione facti fuerint catholici, et per que sacerdote ecclesiæ vnitati adunati ? quos sacerdotes aut alios viros catholicos alicuius nominis in Anglia cognouerint ? quorunam testimoniude se adferant , vel an aliquoru ? et an alique in hoc Collegio viuentẽ cognoscant? Cuius suasu vel quo argumento moti fuerint vt ex Anglia egrederentur et huc venirent ? qua via venerint , et quid illis singulare in egressu vel in via acciderit aliaqzsimilia. Atq3 hæc quidem primu memoriter et summatim excipi possint et patri Rectori referri, et si quid dubii in aliquo esset, possent etiã interrogari de illo vel illius fama alumni aliqui qui eadem in prouincia Anglicana nati sunt, an scilicet de illius nomine aut parentibz aliquid cognouerint vel audierit

Si omnibus perpensis nullo modo admittendus quis in alumnu videretur, expediret hoc ei statim ab initio significari vt animo quietiori ad discessu se pararet, adiuuandus tame esset consilio et opera et aliis etiã charitatis officiis quæ sua egestas exigeret et Collegii facultates exhibere ei possent



Si vero admittendus censereturnon tamen hoc ei statimsignificandu (nisi forte huius Collegii inuitatu a Collegio Rhemensi vel Romano huc missus esset) sed difficultates ab initio proponendæessent, tu vt eius constantia et animi propensio magis probaretur, tum etiã vt maiori desiderio humilitate et gratiaru actione beneficiu hoc insigne acciperet; imo expedit ut toto hoc tempore primæ probationis dicatur ei (quod etiã verü est) agi serio de admissione vel exclusione eius, et moueatur ut re Deo per orationes ardenter comendet: nec conuenit vt ipsi vel ei qui inseruit et hospitio præest ullo modo significetur quæ sit superioru propensio vel inclinatio ad illu vel admittendu vel excludendum

Si tamen Collegio idoneus esse existimareturper octo saltě dies in hospitio detineatur , et po post tres vel quatuor dies examinetur iteru et exactius per eundempatre Anglu qui antea eu interrogauerat et scripto mandentur oĩa in libro ad hoc deputato et tam ipse quã pater noĩa sua subscribant, soli tamen sint ne verecundia prohibeatur aliqua proferre in presentia alioru, et animaduertat pater si hæc conformia sint illis quæprius dixerat.

Deinde tractet cũ illo confessarius Collegii vel alig vir spiritualisque Rector pro personæ qualitate commodiorem fore ad finem propositu iudicaverit, atq3 hic ei instructiones aliquas generales vel particulares proponat pro necessitate et captu hominis ad confessione generalemfaciendam, nõ tame videturexpedire ut obligetur statim ad facienda exercitia spiritualia nisi ipse non solum sua sponte sed vehementer etiam peteret ; dici tamen ei potest esse huiusmodi quædam exercitia ad perfectius se disponendu pro diuino seruitio quæ suo tempore facturus est et omnino infra unius anni spacium post cuiusq3admissionem, et si fieri posset ante finem sex mensiu quo facturi sunt iuramentum (nisi Rector ob causas perticulares aliud ex dispensatione faciendu videretur) quisqz obligetur exercitia spiritualia facere ea forma qua ad peculiare huius Collegii usu accomodata iam habentur, hæq3 vel decem aut duodecěpluriumue aut pauciorũ dieru numero, pro iuditio illius qui exercitia tradit.

2 [Face]

Post octo vel pluriu dieru hospitiu pro iudicio arbitrioq3 Rectoris , et post confessione generale et sanctissimi corporis Christi sumptionem, et postquã oes regulas, statuta et ordinationes Collegii (quæ hoc tempore proponi ei et explicari debent) mature perpenderit una cu iuramentiforma quod post sex menses facturus est, si ad oĩa se promptu et paratu ostenderit, poterit admitti ad cohabitatione cu aliis alumnis, sed vestibz tame sæcularib3 per alios dies totidem nisi Rectori ex causa particulari aliud videretur Totu etiam hoc dieru tempus quo vestitu seculari utitur vel etiã amplius si confessario videatur expedire, expendet in addiscendis præceptis et institutionib3 ad bene orandu et meditandum et in eisdem exercendis per aliquot statas diei horas prout idem confessarius ordinabit: et tandem cũ iamhabitu Collegii accepturus est antequã induatur examinetur iterum a Rectore de eius proposito et desiderio circa finem Collegii et de animi promptitudine ad obedientia in omnib3 id est tã in studiorusuoru rationequa in aliis rebuspræstan-

A Ny Alunanqumbar


Joannes sicilius viccesas Vignementsin Aughn . Magistereatine sminwitete . Bermenſ , admicusfastimbrecollegiumDie 1.septembre 19

JacterordinessacepientPhoneincollegioin ghome . ibig komswementen festges facientMenbungallerj , etilludprestititpr tea decadereinAngle Dic . B.Numbe

Gulielms ColorgneDincere bezcensus Anglieabertussittinderalleginendiezui




dam , et ad omnes Collegii regulas simpliciter , sincere et humiliter obseruandasquantuin se fuerit, et hac promissioneaccepta, Rector eum admittere poterit et vestiario præcipere vt Collegii habitu illum induat admoneatur tamen sex mensium probatione se habere vt superioresCollegii interim disquirant nu Collegio futurus sit idoneus nec ne. His peractis Rector nomeneius libro suo inscribat cumdieadmissionis et post expletos sex menses iterü admoneatur ut petat a Rectore admitti ad iuramenti exhibitionem pro instituto et fine Collegii, quo tempore si fieri possit expediret exercitia spiritualia ei tradi antequã iuramentu prestet vt maiori luce et ardore spiritus oblationem sui Domino exhibeat ad eius gloriam atq3 hoc etiam notari in libro Rectoris debet.

Formula ra Iuramenti alumnoru huius Collegii Angloru stl Albani [reverse] Ego N N Collegii Angloru vallesoletani alumnus [con scored] Considerans diuina erga me beneficia et inprimis quod me ex patria heresi laboranti eduxit et eccliæ suæ Catholicæ membru effecit, cupiensqztantæ Deimisericordiænon me penitus ingratumprebere, me diuinoeius famulatui secundüfinem et institutum hujusCollegii offero, et přmitto iuroq3 Deo omnipotenti me sacros ordines suscepturu et in Angliamreuersuru ad fidem Catholicam confortandam et propagandam in eo regno animasq3 christo lucrandas quando superior hujus Collegii pro ipsius instituti ratione illud mihi præceperit in domino Vallesoleti anno domini 1598 29 die Decembris.

[The rest of this page is blank, as are the three leaves which follow , exceptforthe numbers II and 12 on the face of thefirsttwo Thethird leaf has the corner torn away. The entries commence on thefollowing page, which is numbered 15. In the right margin, in a later but ancient hand , is written:-Iste est alumnus [tan scored] huius Collegii tantum sexagesimusoctauus Vnde desunt 67. The entries do not come in exactly the same order as those of the Liber Alumnorum . Forconvenience of reference they havehere beenplaced beneaththecorresponding entriesof the Liber Alumnorum, and their position relative toeach other in the Liber Primi Examinis is indicated by the letters L.P.E. and a numberat the end of each entry]





Continet etiam Diem admissionis unicui3q3 illors in hoc collegium, et missionis in Angliam, et præcipua quæ unicuiq3 eor3 contigerunt tam hic quam ibi usqz ad mortem

Anno 1589 .


[Page] I Alumni qui in hoc Collegiu admissi sunt

I. Joannes Sicilius* DioecesisVigorniensis inAnglia, Magisterartium in Vniuersitate Oxoniensi, admissus fuit in hoc collegium Die 1º Septembris anni 1589

Sacros ordines susceperat Romæ in collegio Anglicano, ibiqz etiam iuramentum fecerat, quod faciunt Alumni huis collegii, et illud prestitit postea decedens in Angliam Die 13 , Novembris, 1590 .

2. Gulielmus Colingus Dioecesis Eboracensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium Die primo Septembris, 1589 .

Sacros ordines susceperat Romæ in collegio Anglicano ubi suum etiam fecerat iuram Vita functus est Madriti dum occuparet in negotiis* huius collegii, 15 Septembris 1592 [2 This addition is in Dr. Perry's handwriting, i.e., after 1768]: *hic cumGerardoCliborno, [ad above] Eleemosynaspro sustentando hoc Collegio petendas per Regnü Portugalliæ, missus est ab Abbate Vallisol . et Rectore Colleg: Soc : J:, sub quorum administraõe vivebant Primi alumni vide Provision real de Phel: II data Matriti 22 Julii an: 1589 et provision Cardinalis Alberti Archd: Austria et a a Latere legati data Lisboa 24 de Novbre 1589 . Anno 1589 . [Page] 2

3. franciscus Locudus Dioecesis Euoracensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc Collegium Die 1º Septembris anni 1589 Sacros ordines susceperat Rhemis profectus est in Angliamfinitis literarz studiis, anno 1590, 13° Novembris.

John Cecil , als Snowden : was at Trinity College, Oxford, where he matriculated Dec. 12, 1572; scholar 1573; B.A., May 17, 1576; fellow, 1576; M.A. , Mar. 14 , 1579/80; madeD.D. at the University of Paris; left Valladolid for England via Seville; in 1606 was sent with Dr. Champneyto Rome to petition for a Catholic Bishop for England He sawthe politicaldangerthe new seminary was likely to become in the hands of Fr. Persons , and did not hesitate to bring his views to the notice of the English Government He always kept to his religion, and gave no such information as would lead to the execution of priests The worst that can be said of him is that "from time to time there were sinister rumours against him " Vide Foley, iv, p 578 ; vi, p 164; Dodd, Church History, ii, p 377; C.R.S. , i, p III; xiv, pp 2n, 5n

WilliamCowling : there are many variants ofhis name . In Blackfan's Annals, p 37, it is Culinus, translated in the Table of Contents as Cook; in Foley, vi, p 140, Collins , Colinus and Cowlins; Dunne, The First Years of St. Alban's College, printed in the Ushaw Magazinefor March and July, 1906, translatesit as Cullen; Knox, Douay Diaries, p. 221 , Couling, Cowling, Cowlin . He left Rheims for England, in company with Gerard Cliburn and Francis Lockwood, Nov. 10, 1588. They came to Valladolid via Portugal (Blackfan) Gerard Cliburn is not entered in the Liber Alumnorum as a student

Francis Lockwood: son of Christopher Lockwood, of Sowerby, co York, and his wife Clare, daughter of Christopher Lascelles, of Sowerby and Brackenborough , co York, eldest son and heir of Sir Roger Lascelles , Knt.; ordained at Rheims in 1587. His eldest brother was the Ven . Martyr John Lockwood Gillow , Bibliog Dict Eng Cath , iv, p 314

4. Henricus floydus* Dioecesis Norvicensis in Anglia admissusfuit in hoc Collegium Die 1° Septembris anni 1589 . minores ordines, Subdiaconatu, et diaconatum suscepit in collegio Rhemensi, presbyteratu in hoc collegio a D. Joanne de S. Clemente Archiepo Compostelanofecitq3 suum iuramm iuxa formulamhuiz collegii quod præstitit decedens in Angliam, 15 Septembris, anni 1592. Defendit conclusionespublicas Theologiæ dum esset in hoc collegio et alias hispali dum transiret per collegium hispalense Anglicanum [2] Profectus est in Angliam finitis literaru studiis, anno 93. ibi admissus estinSocietatemJesuanno 1600 et comprehensusconiectus est in carcerem et diræ mortis sententia subiit pro fide Catholica sed nondu morti addictus sed año 1603 mense Martio in exiliu actus venit in Hispania. [3] Et missus Ulissipponem ibi plures annos vixit Unde in Belgium [redii scorea] missus [et above] in Collegio Anglorum Audomarensi aliquam [diu above] commoratus in Angliam rediit, ibique post plures pro fide Catholica labores susceptos plenus dierum obiit. Anno 1589 . (3)

5. Joannes Blacfanus Dioecesis Sisestrensis in Anglia, Magister artium in Vniuersitate Cantabrigiæ admissusfuit in hoc collegium, 1° Septembris, an. 1589

Henry Floyd, als Flud, als Francis Smith, als Rivers, Rogers and Simonds : cf. Knox, Douay Diaries, p. 224; C.R.S., xiv, p. 16n; Foley, i, p 503. Blackfan says he went to England in 1593 (Annals, p. 48).

John Blackfan, als Blackman, als Thorneton: born Nov., 1560 , at Horsham, in Sussex; son of Michael Blackfan and his wife Anne Heyton ; of his fivebrothers one only (b 1576) was alive in 1594, and ofhis five sisters all were alive at that date; he studied grammar for six years at Horsham , poetry and rhetoric for one year at Tunbridge, in Kent, and then wentto Cambridge . (The above is taken from his holograph account of himself , written when he was admitted to the Society IHS, on March 8 , 1594 , and now bound up with the Liber Primi Examinis ) He became a sizar of St. John's College, Cambridge, wherehe matriculated at Michaelmas, 1576: B.A. from Magdalen College, 1579-80; M.A., 1583 (Cambridge Registers). He arrived at Douay College, then at Rheims , on Feb. 13, 1588, and left itfor Valladolid on May 8, 1589 (Knox, Douay Diaries). After his reception into theSociety he remained at the College On Aug. 26, 1596, he succeeded Fr. Charles Tancred as Procurator of the College At the visitation by the Provincial on May 31 , 1598, he was appointed one of the Fathers Consultor He went to Madrid in April, 1600, and was away from the College for a whole year. He resumed his duties as Procurator in May, 1601 , and continued as such until the visitationofFeb. 21 , 1604, whenit was ordainedthat" Fr. Blackfan shall not be Procurator for he cannot be such , being professed (Various Account Books) He was professed of the four vows, 1602-3 , says Foley. In Jan., 1605, Luisa de Carvajal left Valladolid for England, and tookwith her as chaplain a priest from the College who was returning to work on the mission . (Her life, contemporary MS . in College Library, vol 7846.) It is unlikely that this priest was Fr. Blackfan, as has sometimes been stated , and More (Hist Prov. Ang. S.J., 1660, p 385) expresslydeclares she went to England before him He was at the English College, Rome, on Sept. 18 , 1607, when Fr. Persons wrote of " Fr. Blackfan heer " He had left by Oct. 14 , 1608, when Fr. Persons wrote "I have sent towarde you Fr. Blackfan to supply the place [of minister] ' (MSS ., Valladolid) In Nov., 1608 , his handwriting again appears in the account books at Valladolid He went to England in Oct., 1610 (Tierney-Dodd, iv, p cclxvi , footnote), was arrested 13

minores ordines et Subdiaconatu susceperat in collegio Rhemensi, Diaconatu suscepit in hoc collegio a D. Joanne de S. Clemente Archiepo Compostelano et presbiteratu ab epo Zamorensi fecitq3 suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegii

[2] absoluto studiorum curriculo ingressus est in societatem Jesu 8 die martii anno 1594 .

[3] Profectus est in Angliã aº 1610 et ibi comprehensusconiectus est in carcere

[2 bis] Unde post anu eiectus est in exiliu ad instantia D Alfonsi de Velascolegati Hispaniæ apud Anglos et in flandria fuit Veprefectus Missionis per duos annos Inde iussus est venire denuo in Hispaniam ut susciperet curã huius collegii quam gessit per duos annos

[4] Quibus exactis fuit VepræfectusMissionis Anglicanain Hispania Madriti Vnde iterum ad messem Anglicanam revertebatur , in qua plenus dierumobiit.

6. JoannesBosuelus* Dioecesis RofensisinAnglia Magister Artium in VniuersitateDuacensi, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Septembris, anni 1589 fecit suum iuramm iux formulam huiz collegii. sacros ordines suscepit in hoc collegio ab Epo Zamorensi. præstitit suum iuramm decidens in Angliam finitis literarz studiis 15 Martii, 1593 . [2] et postea factus Dr Sorbonicus Parisiis .

[3: Perry] hi tres præcedentes primi fuerunt huius domus alumni. Anno 1589 . (4)

7. Henricus Scheratus Dioecesis Chestrensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° Septembris anni 1589 fecit suum iuramentum iuxa formulam huiz collegiiDeinde 70 Januarii 1593 missus est ut daret cum aliisinitiumcollegio Anglorz Hispalensi. [2] Unde finitis studiis missus est in Anglicanã messem et obiit mortenaturali in Hiberniã mense Augusti anni 1602. and cast into the Gatehouse prison, where he remained for thirteen months [Sept., 1612 , to Sept., 1613], when he was banished , went to Brussels and became Vice -Prefect of the Jesuitsthere He was still there in 1615, when he was sent by the Vicar-General , S.J. , to Valladolid, where he remained as Rector until Nov., 1617. He was afterwards Vice-Prefect at Madrid of the English Jesuits, and was Rector of the English College there, 1619 to 1621 (C.R.S. , xxix) In Oct., 1621 , he returned to Valladolid (Account Books) In Dec., 1622, he went to England, wherehe laboured until his death, Jan. 13 or 15, 1641 .

John Bosvile or Boswell: born 1568/9; son of Ralph Bosvile , a clerk in the Court of Wards who went to Sevenoaks , Kent, about 1556 , by his second wife , Bennett, daughter ofAnthonyand Jane Skinner, ofWarwickshire and London; was in London in 1622; was elected a member of the Old Chapter, 1623; in 1629 was sent as clergy agent to Rome; was again in England in 1635; held in so great esteem that his name was upon the list ofsuitablecandidatesforthe mitre Cf.Dodd, iii, p. 85 ; Knox,DouayDiaries, PP 222, 224; Chapter List

Henry Sherrat: the list ofSevillestudentssays he was from Lancashire , and 25 years of age in 1593. Tierney, ii, p 177n, spellsthe name Sherrot Cf. C.R.S. , xiv, p 18

8. Joannes Gilibrandus * Dioecesis Noruicensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° Septembris, 1589

fecit suum iuramm iuxta formulamhuiz collegii.

[2] de missus e in collegium hispalensead initium Octobris 1593[3] ibig vita functus est.

Anno 1589 (5)

9. Ricardus Thornus Dioecesis Londinensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° Octobris 1589

fecit suum iuramentum iuxa formulam huiuz collegiisacros ordinessuscepitinhoccollegioab epo Zamorensiexcepit catholicum Regem Philipum lingua Italica quando inuisit hoc collegium. [2] obiit obiit [sic] in Residentia Sti Georgii de St Lucar.

10. Jacobus Iunguerus Dioecesis Dunelmensisin Angliaadmissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Octobris 1589

Sacros ordines susceperatRomæin collegio Anglicano, ubi defendit conclusiones publicas totius Theologiæ et habuit orationem ad Sixtum quintum, P. M., et ibidem fecerat suum iuramm sicut Alumni huis collegii faciunt

Defendit in hoc collegio conclusionespublicas Theologiæpræstitit suum iuramm decedens in Angliam Die 13 Novembris, 1590. [2] factus est Dor in Theologia Duaci et postea Vlisipone prefectus illius residentiæ ibi mortuus est Anno 1589 . (6) II. Joannes fiscerius§ Dioecesis Vintoniensis in Anglia Magister Artium in Vniuersitate Oxoniensi admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Octobris, 1589. Sacros ordines Subdiaconatus, et diaconatus suscepit Romæ, presbyteratus vero in collegio Remensifecerat Romæsuum iuramm redeundi in Angliamsicut alumni huizcollegiiquod præstitit decedens in Angliam Die 13 Novembris, 1590

* John Gilibrand : he does not appear in the list of Seville students printed in C.R.S. , xiv Tierney, loc cit , gives the name as Giltbrand

Richard Thorne : not mentioned by Blackfan ; a Richard Thorney, at the English College, Rome, signed the " Petition of fifty scholars for retaining the Fathers of the Society of Jesus , 1586." He does not appearin theDiaryoftheEnglish College, Rome, under this name, but may be identical with the Edmund Tornell [Tornellus] who, under the nameThornhull, arrived atRheims , 27 May, 1580 , andleftfor Rome, 27 March, 1581 ,wherehe received at least the subdiaconate Cf. Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 166, 177; Foley, vi, pp. 148, 508

James Younger, or Young, als George Dingley, als Thomas Christopher, als Leighton and Layton Born at Eylescliffe, Durham, about 1563. An opponent of the Jesuit policy Various writers, following the lead given by Foley, havedubbedhim " spy " and " apostate, " but on slender premisses The residence at Lisbon, where he died, was a Jesuit house, whither also John Fisher gravitated Cf., C.R.S. , xiv, p 15n; Foley, vi, p xixn

§ John Fisher, Fixter or Fixer, als Wilson : is not in the Oxford registers, which were ill-kept at this period; came from Rheims in company with Thomas Stillington, who had taught theology there and expected to do the same in the new seminary at Valladolid, which, indeed, he did for a time. This arrangement, however, did not suit the plans of the Jesuits. The students were sent to study at the Jesuit College of St. Ambrose , and Dr. Stillington went as head priest to the Residence for English Secular Clergy

12. Ricardus Bluntus* Dioecesis lichfeldensis in Anglia, bachalaureus in Artibus in VniuersitateOxoniensi, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° Octobris 1589 .

Sacros ordines susceperat Romæin collegio Anglicano, ubi fecerat suum iuramm sicut alumni huius collegiiquod præstitit decedens ex hoc collegio in Angliam 13 Novembris, 1590. et in via habuit orationem ad Philipum hispaniarz Regem catholicum[2] admissus est in Societate Jesu in Anglia anno dni 1592 . [3] Ubi fuit Superior illius Missionis, deinde Missione illa circa annum 1618 in VeProvammutatafactus est VeProvincialis eiusdem , et demum Provincialis est provinciæ ex Veprovincia anno 1623 factæ , ita ut ipse sedecimannos Societateminillo regnoet Collegiis Anglicanis Belgii gubernavit Obiit anno Dom . 1637 .

Anno 1589 (7 )

13. Ricardus Dudleus Dioecesis Carliolensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Octobris 1589. Sacros ordines susceperat Romæ in collegio Anglicanoubi etiam fecit iuramm reduendi in Angliam sicut alumni huis collegiiquod præstitit decedens in Angliam 13° Nouembris , 1590.

14. Henrricus Rochus Dioecesis Oxoniensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 25 Decembris 1589. sacros ordines susceperat Rhemis profectus est ex hoc collegio in Angliam finitis literarz studiis ad 14 Nouembris , 1590

Anno 1590 (8)

15. Thomas Saloway Dioecesis Wicorniensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 10 Januarii, 1590. sacros ordines susceperat in collegio RhemensiProfectus est ex hoc collegio in Angliam finitis literarz studiis 14 Nouembris, 1590 at San Lucar de Barrameda, in 1591. He seems to have been there in 1596, and died in 1597 (cf. C.R.S. , xiv, p 5). With them came also to Valladolid Thomas Lovelace, who had been a student at the English College, Rome , where he was ordained priest in 1586. His name does not appear in the Liber Alumnorum. He died Nov. 10 , 1589 (cf. Foley, vi, p 158). John Fisher went to England with John Cecil, and is similarlyreckoned by some writers an "apostate" Cf. C.R.S. , xiv, p 15n; Knox, Douay Diaries , passim ; Foley, vi, p. 162

* Richard Blount, of the Leicestershire branch of that family, born in Leicestershire , 1563 or 1565; went to Balliol College, Oxford , where he matriculated May 2, 1581; B.A., Nov. 29, 1582. Cf. Foley, vii, pp. 64 , 1419; C.R.S., xiv, p 15n; Foster, Alum. Oxon.

Richard Dudley, als Waldegrave , born Edward Dudley, of Yanworth, Westmorland xiv, p 16n

about 1563, son and heir of Cf. Foley, vi, p 160; C.R.S. ,

HenryRook or Rock : his fatherwas a wealthy merchant and a good Catholic; ordained priest at Soissons, 18 Mar., 1589; erroneouslystated in Person's Seville list to have received sacred orders in Spain See Knox, Douay Diaries,passim ; C.R.S. , xiv,p. 15 , where the N[omen] ofp. 4 is wrongly converted to Nicholas Rook

Thomas Saloway, Salway or Saulway: ordained priest at Soissons , Sept., 1588; erroneouslystated in Person's Seville list to have been ordained priest at Valladolid See Knox, Douay Diaries, passim ; C.R.S. , xiv, p. 15n . Blackfan says he went to England in 1592

16. Georgius Amblerus * Dioecesis Euoracensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 10 Januarii, 1590. sacros ordines susceperat in collegio Rhemensi profectus est deinde 1º Martii, 1591 , in residentiam S. Georgii de s Lucar [2] ibig vita functusest. Anno 1590 . (9)

17. Gualterus Ouenus * Dioecesis Oxoniensis in Anglia admissus fuitin hoccollegium 24Octobris, 1590. subdiaconatu et diaconatum susceperat in collegio RhemensiVita functus est in hoc collegio 10 Nouembris , 1591 .

18. Thomas Grineus Dioecesis Linconiensis in Anglia Magister artium in Academia Oxoniensiadmissus fuit in hoc collegium 24 Octobris, 1590. Subdiaconatum, et diaconatum susceperat in collegio RhemensiVita functus est in hoc collegio 19 Octobris , 1591. Anno 1590 . (10)

19. Thomas Brunus § Dioecesis Oxoniensis in Anglia admissusfuit in hoccollegium 24 Octobris, 1590. Subdiaconatum, etDiaconatum susceperat in collegio Rhemensi Vita functus est in hoc collegio 14 Nouembris, 1591

20. Edmundus Geruasius Dioecesis Londinensis in Anglia- admissusfuit in hoc collegium 24 Octobris, 1590Subdiaconatu, et diaconatu susceperat in collegio RhemensiVita functusest in hoc collegio 21 Septembris, 1591 Anno 1590 . (II)

21. Matheus Bedingfeldius Dioecesis Nordouicensis in Anglia, admissusfuit in hoc collegium 24 Octobris, 1590. obiit in hoc collegio 31 Octobris eisdem anni, octo diebus post admissionem .

22. Robertus Drureus** Dioecesis Linconiensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 24 Octobris, 1590. fecit in hoc collegio suum

* George Ambler : ordained priest at Laon, 2 April, 1587. See Knox , Douay Diaries, passim ; C.R.S. , xiv, p. 5n

Walter Owen : for earlier career see Knox, Douay Diaries, passim

ThomasGreen : a student ofthis namewas at St.Mary's Hall, Oxford, wherehe matriculated Mar. 27 , 1579, aged 16: student at Grey's Inn, 1583, as of Grimsby, co Lincs.; arrived at Douay College (Rheims ) Jan. 10 , 1587; ordained deacon at Laon, June 17, 1590; left for Spain, Sept. 17, 1590 Several writers identify him with the martyr, Blessed Thomas Reynolds, and Gillow, quoting the Liber Alumnorum (which he always refersto as the Valladolid Diary) of which he evidently used a defective copy, says " he remainedat theCollege till Oct. 19, 1591 , whenhe went to the English College at Seville, and there was ordained priest " Foster, Alum Oxon.; Knox, Douay Diaries, p 218; Gillow, Bibliog. Dict Eng. Cath . , iii, pp. xii and 36 .

§ Thomas Perpointe , als. Brown : see Knox, Douay Diaries, passim

Edmund Gervaise : see Knox, Douay Diaries, passim . Matthew Bedingfeld , als . Silisden : eldest son of John Bedingfeld, of Redlingfeld, and his wife Margaret Silisden; see Knox, Douay Diaries, under Syllisden, p 222 , and Beningfeld, p 234; C.R.S. , vii, p 432; xiv, p. 22n .

** Robert Drury, ven martyr: the second hand of the above entry is that of Fr. Blackfan Challoner gives the year 1593 as that in which Robert Drury went to England.

iuramm excepit Catholicum Regem Philipum lingua Anglica quando inuisit hoc collegium, 3 Augusti, 1592[2] susceptis sacris ordinibus ab epo [Lincolniensi scored, Legionensi above] et absolutis studioru laboribus profectus est in Angliam anno 1595 , et anno domini 1608 mense martis martirio coronatus est:

[3: Perry] vide annales S. Albani p 56, ubi dr passus an 1607 , v v 26 febr an 1606/7:

[Huius Collegii Proto martyr. scored .]

Anno 1590 (12)

23. Joannes Benettus* Dioecesis Asafensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 24 Octobris, 1590. fecit in hoc collegio suum iuramm excepit catholicum Regem PhilipumLinguaWalica quando inuisit hoccollegium 3 Augusti, 1592Defendit conclusionespublicas Theologiæ in collegio Societatis S. Ambrosii huiz Urbis― [2] suscepit sacros ordines ab epo Legionensi et absoluto studioru curriculo hic in Collegio defendit publicè conclusionesex universa theologia depromptas et postea profectus est in Angliamvbistatim in vincula coniectus est sed postea in libertate se asseruit quod et 2º fecit

24. JoannesWrthintonus Dioecesis chestrensisinAnglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 24 Octobris 1590fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegiiexcepit catholicum Regem Philipum lingua latina, oratione quadam ante linguas, cum inuisit hoc collegiumut samissusfuit deinde cum aliis, 1º Nouembris, 1592 , ut daret cum illis initium collegio Anglor3 hispalensi-

[2] admissusest in Societate Jesu Romæanno 1599 , postea in hoc Collegiu inde missus anno 1601.

[3] In Angliam postea profectus rectorem egit cuiusdam Collegii. [et post ( ...) etiam ess scored] Roman profectus est illius Provinciæ Procurator.

* John Bennet: he was confined in Wisbeach Castle, where he took an active part in the Archpriest controversy In 1621 , when the clergy were again petitioningfor a Bishop, he was sent to Rome as their agent See Knox, Douay Diaries; Gillow , Bibliog. Dict of Eng. Cath , i, p. 184 .

John Worthington : born 1573; son of Richard Worthington; of Blainscoe , who died a prisoner for the Catholic faith, Sept. 25, 1590; born 1573; was one of twelve sons; two of his brothers, Laurence (no 93) and William (no. 115) also came to Valladolid, and possibly two others, a Peter Worthington , who,thoughhe does notappearinthe register, was at theCollege in 1610 ,and Edmund (no 181) Theaccountbook, Lib Gast 1 , has the follow, ing entry under February, 1610: " Expenses of the ordination when Brother Peter Vrdinton [Worthington] went to Mojados [a village fifteen miles south of Valladolid] with Fr. Vastada [? Robert or Thomas Bastard] Travelling expenses of Fr. PeterHurdinton [Worthington] when he went to be ordained" According to Foley, Peter Worthingtonwas born in 1581; matriculated at Douay College, 1593; entered the English College, Rome , Oct. , 1598 , and received minor orders in Sept., 1602, and in the following Nov. entered the Society. He died in Spain during the year 1613. In the entry in the Liber Primi Examinis, WilliamWorthington, son of the Worthington [Richard] who died in prison, is stated to haveat that time, Dec., 1595, one brother inValladolid and another at Seville John was in Seville then He accompanied

Anno 1590 .


25. franciscus chempus* Dioecesis exestrensisin Angliaadmissus fuit in hoc collegium 24 Octobris, 1590. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huig collegiiexcepit catholicum Regem Philipum lingualatina inter linguas. [2] suscepit in hoc collegio [et scored] ordines sacros etfinitisstudiis in Angliam missus est Anno domini 1598 ineunte mense februario postea mortuusest Roma in Angliamrediens

26. Joannes Tomsonus Dioecesis Cantuariensis in Angliaadmissusfuit in hoc collegium 24 Octobris, 1590. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulamhuiz collegiiexcepit catholicum Regem Philipum lingua Galica.

[2] suscepit in hoc Collegio ordines sacros et conclusionespublicas defendit theologiæ in Sto Ambrosio et postea de vniuersa theologia hic domi nostræ, et tandem anno 1598 mense Decembris ingressus est Societatem Jesu et in hoc Collegio magister theologiæ mortuus est principio Mayii anno 1616.

[3] postquam cursum etiam philosophicum Missioni cuidam Audomaro destinatæ Matriti prælegisset .

Anno 1590. (14)

27. Georgius Edersaldus Dioecesis chestrensisin Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 15 Decembris, 1590. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegii, sacros ordines suscepit dum esset in hoc collegio ab episcopo Zamorensi

[2] missusfuit de in Angliamad lucrandas aiãs ad initium octobris 1593.

Fr. Persons from Seville to Rome in 1597. Cardinal Gasquet , in hisHistory of the English College, Rome, p 188, maintains that John Worthingtonwas in Rome with Fr. Persons in 1591. He bases his statement on an Oratio said tohave been delivered by John Worthingtonbeforethe GeneraloftheSociety of Jesus and Fr. Persons in 1591. But Persons was certainly in Valladolid in 1591-2 (see Blackfan's Annals and C.R.S. , xiv, p. 22), and the entry in the Liber Alumnorum clearly shows John Worthington to have been at Valladolid from Oct., 1590, to Nov., 1592. Laurence, the other brother, was at Valladolid until Aug., 1596. John Worthington was one of the four heroicWorthington boyswhose conflict is narrated in Bridgewater'sConcertatio (tr. Foley, ii, p. 116) He was admitted to the Society IHS, Oct. 27, 1598. In 1628 he was appointed thefirst Rector of the Jesuit districtof Lancashire, known as the College of St. Aloysius The date of his death is given as Jan. 25 , 1652. See Knox, Douay Diaries: Foley, vii, p 865 ; C.R.S. , xiv, p 16

* Francis Kemp: Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 222 , 234

John Thompson: came from St. Omer's College as professorofphilosophy with the first colony of students for the new College at Madrid, 1612; migrated with the students to Valladolid, 1614. See Knox, Douay Diaries , pp 224 , 234; C.R.S. , xxix, pp 85 , 88

George Hothersall : younger son of John Hothersall, of Hothersall Hall, Lancs, and his wife Anne, daughter of John Talbot, of Salisbury Hall, Lancs , by Anne, daughter of Hugh Sherburne, of Stonyhurst; arrived at Rheims in June, 1585, and left for Spain Sept. 29, 1590; in England served the Mission at or about Hothersall; was imprisoned and exiled, after which he joined the Benedictinesin 1615. See Knox, Douay Diaries, pp. 206 , 232 , 234; C.R.S. , vi, p 161n; Birt, Obit Book ofthe English Benedictines , p 15

28. Nicolaus Astonus* Dioecesis lichfildensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 15 Decembris, 1590. fecit suum iuramm iuxaformulamhuis collegii[2] factus est sacerdos ab epo Legionensi et postea missus ad exercitum Regiũ in pharo Galleciæ coñorantem præclaram in lucrandis animabus navavit operam, missus est aute anno domini 97 mense Aprilis, et mortuus posteaVlissope.

Anno 1590 . (15)

29. Ricardus Garthus Dioecesis Dunelmensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 15 Decembris, 1590. fecit suum iuramm iux² formulam huiz collegiipostea 12 Januarii, 1593, missus est ut daret cum aliis initium collegio Anglorz hispalensi― [2] unde in Angliã factus sacerdos missusest.

30. Joannes Scotus Dioecesis chestrensis in Anglia admissusfuit Decembris, 1590. fecit suum iuramm iuxa in hoc collegium 15 formulamhuizcollegii Vita functus est in hoc collegio28Decembris 1592 .

Anno 1590 . (16)

31. Hugo Hodsonus Dioecesis chestrensis in Anglia admissusfuit in hoc collegium 15 Decembris, 1590. obiit in hoc collegio 6º Octobris , 1591 .

Anno 1591 .

32. Grifidius Thomas Dioecesis Bangrensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 20 februarii, 1591. obiit in hoc collegio 3º Octobris eisdem anni.

Anno 1591. (17)

33. Gulielmus Jonsonus Dioecesis chestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 20 februarii, 1591 , fecit suum iuramm iuxª formulam huiz collegiiexcepit catholicum Regem Philipum lingua scotica quando inuisit hoc collegium 3º Augusti, 1592-

* Nicholas As[h]ton, als Anthony Walwin : probably of the family of Aston, of Tixall; after ordination was chaplain to the troops at El Ferrol, in Galicia; went to Lisbon in 1597 , where he became rector of the English Residence ; projected the foundation of the English College at Lisbon; pur- chased a house for the purpose, and dying, bequeathedit to Ralph Sleighford, or Sliefild, als William Newman, a secular priest from the College at Seville, whowentto Lisbon in 1605 and succeeded as rector of the English Residence See Knox , Douay Diaries, p 226; Croft-Gillow, Historical AccountofLisbon College, pp 171 , 252 .

Richard Garth : not mentioned in the Seville list, C.R.S. , xiv; the arrival of Richard Garth is not recorded in the Douay Diaries, and nothing morethan thedate of arrival is given for Richard Wilson. Possiblythetwo names denote the same person, especially since Richard Wilson arrived at Rheims in company with John Scot, whom Richard Garth accompaniedto Valladolid See Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 225, 232-4; Foley, i, p. 663n . John Scott : see Knox, Douay Diaries as above.

§ Hugh Hodson or Hodgson: came from Rheims with the above See Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 229 , 234 .

Thomas Griffin, als Griffith[s]: came from Rheims with the above . See Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 222 , 232-4

William Johnson: came from Rheims with the above. See Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 207, 232-4; Foley, vii, p 1436

[2] Sacros ordines suscepit ab episcopo Legionensi et ingressus est Societatem Jesu 10 Martii anno domini 96 et Malacæplurimu ab omnibus desyderatus obdormivit in dño postquam ibi per 14 annos strenue ibi ad totius ciuitatis consolationem ministeria ciuitatis obiisset discessit e vita anno 1614 .

34. Thomas Loudenus* Dioecesis Salisburiensis inAnglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 20 Februarii , 1590. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegiimissus fuit deinde, 1º februarii, 1593 , ex hoc collegio in flandriam propterinfirmam valetudem

Anno 1590 [sic]. (18)

35. Rogerius filcochus Dioecesis Cantuariensis inAnglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 20 februarii, 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulamhuiz collegii

[2] et sacerdos factus versus Angliam hinc egressus est mense Octobris anno 97 et postea admissus in Societate Jesu in Anglia martyr occubuit anno 1600 mense Martio [3: Perry] vel potius febr: 27 1600 exeuntis i:e: 1601: ita acta ejus:

36. Joannes Personius Dioecesis Badiensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 20 februarii, 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegii. sacros ordes suscepit in hoc collegio ab Archiepõ Burgensi anno 1594[2] missus deinde in Angliam ad messem animarum anno 96: postea anno 1615 ingressus est ordinem Carthusianoru Mechliniæ. Anno 1591 . (19)

37. Ludouicus Grifidius§ Dioecesis St davidis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 20 februarii, 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulamhuis collegii missus est deinde, 10 Novembris, 1592 , ut daret cum aliis initium collegio Anglory hispalensi [2] unde sacerdos factus in Anglia trasfretavit ubi strenue laborat in vinea dñi

38. Ricardus Baretus Dioecesis fuitin hoccollegium 8 Junii, 1591. eizdem anni.

Anno 1591 .

Welensis in Anglia, admissus obiit in hoc collegio 12 Octobris (20)

39. Justinianus Braius Dioecesis Cornubiensisin Anglia, admissus

* ThomasLoveden or Louden , als Jobson : left Rheims with theabove . 1590 as the year of his admission is a slip of the pen See Knox, Douay Diaries , pp 227 , 232-4

Roger Filcock : ven martyr : See Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 219 , 234 .

came from Rheims with the above

John Persons : of the diocese of Bath and Wells; nephew of Fr. Robert Persons ; came from Rheims with the above See Knox, Douay Diaries , pp 214 , 232-4 . § Lewis Griffiths : from Carnarvon; age 21 in 1592. See C.R.S. , xiv, P. 17.

Richard Barret : either the 8 is a slip, or this entry is slightly out of chronological order .

Justinian Bray : came from Rheims with Anthony Hoskins , both of noble lineage See Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 203 , 238 .

fuitin hoc collegium rc Junii, 1591. obiit in hoc collegio 18 Augusti eizdem anni

40. Antonius Oschinus* Dioecesis Herefordensis inAnglia,admissus fuitin hoc collegium 1° Junii 1591. fecit suum iuram iuxa formulam huis collegii. [2] ingressus est in Societatem Jesu 12 Martii anno 1594 , et postea in missione Anglicană iuit anno 1601 mense Junio Unde postea evocatus factus est Veprefectus missionis Anglicanæ in Belgio Vnde translatus est in Hispaniam ad ide munus obeundu quod et administravit per duos annos et ulto factus Ror huius Collegii hic mortuus est mense Septembris die 19, anno [1615, altered from 1616].

Anno 1591 . (21)

41. Gulielmus Baleus Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 16 Junii 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huis collegii Deinde missus est 12 Januarii, 1593 , ad collegium Anglorz hispalense

42. LaurentiusAmonus Dioecesis lisfildensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 80 Junii, 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegii Deinde 8 Nouembris 1592, missus fuit ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense.

Anno 1591 (22)

43. Joannes Spagfords Dioecesis lisfildensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 16 Junii, 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huis collegii missus est deinde 10 Januarii, 1593 , ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense. [2] Vbi sacerdos factus missusest in Angliamubi in carceremortuus est.

44. Gulielmus Maxfildius Dioecesis Euoracensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 16 Junii, 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegiisacros ordines suscepit dum esset in hoc collegio ab epo Zamorensis. [2] missus fuit de ex hoc collegio in collegium Anglicanum hispalense ad initium Nouembris, 1593 . [3] ubi sacerdos factus occubuit.

* Anthony Hoskins : became the first Jesuit Rector of St. George's College, Madrid : succeeded Fr. William Weston, who died April 9, 1615, as Rector of the College at Valladolid, where he died as stated above Foley says he died in Madrid, Sept. 10 , 1615 , aged 47. See Knox, Douay Diaries , pp. 229, 238; Foley, vii, p 373; C.R.S., xxix, pp 147-8, 241

William Ball: died at Seville College, April, 1594; he had comefrom England, bringing six youths with himpresumably the following six , if Laurence Hammond be omitted See C.R.S. , xiv, p 13.

Laurence Hammond or Hammon or Almond : aged 17 in 1592. See C.R.S., xiv, p. 17. Either the 8 is a slip or this entry is out of chronological order See Richard Barret, above

§ John Sparchford: the Seville list says he was of Shropshire(Salopiensis); was ordained priest in 1593, when 26 years of age; in theRecusantRoll for 1592-3 appears a Johannes Sparchford, late of Sparchfordein the parish of Didlebury (Salop), gentleman See C.R.S., xiv, p. 17; xviii, p 272 .

William Maxfield : not in the Seville list, C.R.S. , xiv.

Anno 1591


45. Thomas Egertonus* Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 16 Junii 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegiimissus fuit deinde 1º Novembris , 1592 , ad collegium hispalenseAnglicanum. [2] Vbi mortuusest

46. Gulielmus Wilsonus Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 16 Junii 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxª formulam in principio huiz libri positam. missus fuit deinde 8 Nouembris, 1592, in collegium Anglicanum hispalense. [2] Vnde sacerdos factus missus est in messe Anglicană.

Anno 1591 . (24)

47. Petrus Benettus Dioecesis Asafensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 16 Junii, 1591fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegii obiit in hoc collegio 3º Octobris, 1592

48. Eduardus Hughius§ Dioecesis Asafensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 16 Junii 1591fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huis collegii missus fuit de 10 Januarii, 1593 , in collegium Anglicanum hispalense. [2] Vnde sacerdos factus missus est in Angliã anno 1602 .

Anno 1591 . (25)

49. Georgius Chamerlangus Dioecesis Oxoniensis in Anglia, admissusfuitin hoc collegium 6 Decembris, 1591fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegiimissus fuit de 1º Novembris, 1592 , in collegium Anglicanum hispalense excepit in hoc collegio catholicum Regem Philipum lingua hispanica et flandrica. [2] postea autem propterincomodam valetu rediit 2°in hocCollegiu et hinc missus est in Angliam 20 die ffebruarii, anno 1597. Vnde postea rediit et sacerdos factus aggressus est missione Anglicana.

* ThomasEgerton: in Fr. Francisco de Peralta's account of his death , in the annual letter of 1595, printed in Ypes' Historia Particular de la Persecucion de Inglaterra (Madrid, 1619), p 853, he is said to have been ofa noble family, and to have died at Seville when 21 years of age, after he had been in Spainabout four years. See C.R.S. , xiv, pp 7n , 16n

William Wilson : 21 years of age in 1592. See C.R.S. , xiv, p 17 .

Peter Bennet: died shortly after his arrival § Edward Hughes : does not appear in the Seville list, C.R.S. , xiv; was imprisoned in Framlingham Castle , exiled, and went to Douay College, April 24, 1603. C.R.S. , x, p 49.

George Chamberlain: admitted to the English College, Seville, Nov. 25 , 1592; returned to Valladolid on account of ill-health, and thence was sent to England, Feb. 20, 1597. The addition to the above entryis entirely in Blackfan's hand, but the last sentence was addedlater. It does not agree withanentryin the Diaryofthe English College, Rome (Foley, vi, p 213), which states that George Chamberlain, aged 23, born at Ghent, 1576, son ofGeorge Chamberlain by his wife Mary Pring, daughter of a citizen of Ghent , was admitted in 1599. His father was second son of Sir Leonard Chamberlain , ofOxfordshire , Governorofthe Isle of Guernsey , Hewasordainedsubdeacon and deacon at Rome, in Feb. and March, and priest at Easter, 1600. He left immediately, 22 April, for Belgium, on account of ill-health; wasconsecrated Bishop of Ypres, 1626; died Dec. 19, 1634. C.R.S. , xiv, p. 16n; Gillow, Bibliog. Dict Eng. Cath., i, p 457.

50. franciscus feltonus * Dioecesis Londinensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 6 Decembris, 1591. fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegiimissus fuit de 1º Nouembris, 1592, ad collegium hispalense Anglicanum .

Anno 1591. (26)

51. Ricardus Walpolus Dioecesis Nordouicensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° Septembris, 1591. Sacros ordines susceperat Romæ, ubi etiam fecerat suum iuramm sicut alumni huiz collegiidefendit Romæ conclusiones publicas totiz Philosophiæ, et alias totius Theologiæmissusfuit deinde ex hoc collegio in Angliam 8 Novembris, 1592, et in via habuit alias concles Theologiæ publicas in collegio Anglicano hispalensiexcepit in hoc collegio catholicum Regem Philipum lingua Græca. [2] ingressusest Societatem Jesu 6 Martii anno 1593 obiit in hoc Collegio anno 160[7 over 8] mense 7bris (Theaboveand thetwofollowing entries are slightly out ofchronological order.)

52. Gulielmus Raynerus Dioecesis Linconiensis inAnglia,admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Septembris, 1591. Sacros ordines susceperat Romæ in collegio Anglicano, ubi etiam fecerat iuramm sicut alumni huiz collegii defendit ibi conclusionespublicas totiz Theologiæ missus fuit deinde ex hoc collegio in Angliam 15 Septembris, 1592 .

Anno 1591 . (27)

53. Thomas Morus Dioecesis Euoracensis in Anglia pronepos illig magni Thomæ Mori, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Septembris, 1591sacros ordines susceperatRomæin collegio Anglicanoet ibidem fecerat iuramm sicut alumni huizcollegiiquodpræstitit missus ex hoc collegio in Angliam 12 Novembris, 1592excepit in hoc collegio catholicum Regem Philipum linguahebrea.

Francis Felton : there are entries in the Seville College account book no 4, forthe year 1628, as follows:-(p 33 dorse) " Account withtheResidence of St. George at San Lucar. Doctor Felton advises that 11 reales remain of what was owing to Fr. Luis Ramirez"; (p 34 face) " 8 March; Doctor Felton left with me 8o reales in silver when he went to the noviciate. " See C.R.S. , xiv, p 17 .

Richard Walpole: fourth son of Christopher Walpole and his wife Margery, daughter of Richard Beckham, of Narford (she married a second husband, Roger Warner, of Docking); baptised at Docking, Oct. 8, 1564; matriculated as pensionerat Peter House, Cambridge , April 1 , 1579; arrived at RheimsJune 3, 1584, and leftfor RomeMarch 8, 1585; enteredthe English College there April 25, 1585; ordained priest Dec. 3, 1589, and later was sent to Spain. See Foley, vii, p 808; C.R.S., xiv, p 17. The letters printed after no 186 clear upthe doubt as to which Fr. Walpole, Richard or Michael, was concernedin the disputes at the College in the year 1607 .

William Rayner, Rainer, or Reyner: born about 1546; a near relation of Dr. Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon; admitted to the English College, Rome, Oct. 24 , 1586; sent to England via Spain; left Valladolid via Seville; afterwards residedchiefly at the Paris foundation establishedby Dr. Richard Smith to afford priests or students for the priesthood the opportunityof pursuing a complete course of theological studies at the Sorbonne; took the degree of Doctor of Divinity there See Foley, vi, p 173; C.R.S. , xiv, p 16; Dodd, ii, p 379 .

§ Thomas More : baptised at Barnborough, Jan. 13 , 1565-6; eldest surviving son of Thomas More (grandsonof Blessed Thomas More) and his

Anno 1592 .

54. Thomas Stucleus* Dioecesis Exoniensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Martii, 1592missus est deinde 8° Nouembris eisdem anni ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense . (28)

55. Augustinus Stucleus, Dioecesis Exoniensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Martii, 1592fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulammissus fuit deinde 12 Januarii, 1593 , ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense.

56. Petrus Martinus Dioecesis Londinensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 20 Martii, 1592fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegiiexcepit catholicum RegemPhilipumlingua hispanica quando invisit hoc collegium

[2] factus sacerdos et absoluto iam studiorucurriculomissusestin Angliam lucrandaru animaru gratia 20 die februarii anno 1597 .

Anno 1592 . (29)

57. Robertus Gaulerus§ Dioecesis Cantuariensisin Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 12 Maii, 1592missus fuit deinde 12 Novembris eigdem anni ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense

[2] Vbi mortuus est

58. Thomas Benstedus [alias Hunt above, in 3rd hand] Dioecesis Nordouicensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 12 Maii, 1592missus fuit deinde 12 Novembris eisdem anni ad collegium Anglicanu hispalense. [2] Vnde sacerdos factus missus est in Angliamvbi gloriose martyr occubuit anno 1600.

wife Mary, daughter of John Scrope; arrived at Rheims Feb. 1 , 1583; admitted to the English College, Rome , Nov. 17, 1587; ordained at Rome; sent to England via Valladolid and Seville; was elected to the Old Chapter, 1623; was clergyagent in Romeand there opposed the intrigues ofFr. Robert Persons; later went to Madrid as agent for Douay College ; returned again to Rome , where he died April 11 , 1625. See Knox, Douay Diaries, passim ; C.R.S., xiv, p 17; Gillow, Bibl Dict. ofEng Cath., v, p. 117; Chapter List * Thomas Stuckley : born about 1569; the Seville list says he was of Devonshire; was expelled from the College at Seville in 1593. C.R.S. , xiv, P. 17 .

Augustine Stuckley: born about 1575. See C.R.S. , xiv, p. 17 .

Peter Martin : son of a Catholic doctor of medicine, who by reason of the persecution of Catholics in England, migrated with all his family to Flanders about 1588; elder brother of Gregory Martin (no 73), who followed him to Valladolid in Dec., 1592

Robert Waller (in the Seville list " Gualterus, " Walter) : born about 1569; Ypes (op cit , p. 852) gives some particulars of his life. Hehad been brought up as a Protestant, but was converted to the Catholic faith by Fr. Richard Blount; the youth's father was so angered bythisthat hethreatened his son's life with a dagger, and persecuted him to such an extent that he was forced to leave the country On the advice of Fr. Blount he cameto Spain. He led a life of mortification so intense that it probably accelerated his death. The Seville list gives Sep., 1593, as the date of his death. See C.R.S. , xiv, p. 17 . Thomas Benstead, als. Hunt, ven martyr : proto-martyrofthecollege; putto death at Lincoln, July 11 , 1600. See C.R.S., xiv, p 17

[3: Perry] mense Julio, Lincolniæ, hic verus Protomartyr huius et Hispal : Collegii

Anno 1592 (30)

59. Thomas Wrinstonus * Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 12 Junii, 1592missus fuit de 15 Nouembris eizdem anni ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense.

60. Thomas Wrsleus Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia admissusfuit in hoc collegium 20 Junii, 1592missus fuit deinde ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense 12 Januarii, 1593[2] Vnde sacerdos factus missus est in Anglia.

Anno 1592 . (31)

61. Robertus Thulesius Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 20 Junii, 1592missus fuit deinde 15 Januarii, 1593, ad collegium Anglicanum hispalensederediit adhoccollegium ut studeret philosophiæ 9 Nouembris, 1594fecit suum iuramentum in hoc collegio 25 Nouembris eigdem anni[2] hic ordinibus sacris initiatus est ab epo huius ciuitatis missus est in messe Anglicanã vbi naturali morbo occubuit anno 1602 .

62. Georgius Blomerus§ Dioecesis Glosistrensisin Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 28 Junii, 1592. missus fuit deinde 8 Nouembris, 1592 ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense.

Anno 1592 . (32)

63. Gulielmus huseus Dioecesis Oxoniensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 28 Junii, 1592, missusfuit deinde 12 Nouembris eizdem anni ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense[2] Vnde sacerdos factus missusest in Anglia

64. Henricus Maius Dioecesis Salisburiensis in Anglia , admissus fuit in hoc collegium 30 Junii, 1592admissus fuit deinde ad

* Thomas Urmeston: the Seville list says he was of Lancashire; born about 1572; died at Seville, 1593. In the Recusant Roll, 1592-3 , appear Thomas Urneston, als Richardson, late of Horwich, Lancs, and Richard Urmeston, of Crosby Hall, Lancs C.R.S. , xiv, p 17; xviii, pp 158 , 200 For many others of this staunch recusant family see C.R.S. , vi, passim

Thomas Worsley: in the Seville list said to be of Lancashire; born about 1572. See C.R.S. , xiv, p. 18

Robert Thulis : according to the account book (Lib. Gastos 1) he left the college in June, 1599, in company with another priest, Edward Kenyon; does not figure in the Seville list, C.R.S. , xiv; possibly a relative oftheVen John Thulis who was born at Upholland, Lancs

§ George Blomer : probably of the family of Blomer of Hatherop, Gloucester[there is a pedigree of that family in the visitationof 1623 (Harl Soc ., xxi, p. 21)]; born about 1572; expelled from the Seville College 1593 . See C.R.S., xiv, p 17 .

William Howse: in the Seville list William Houseus , of Buckingham- shire; born about 1573. In the RecusantRolls for 1592-3 appears Margaret Howse, of Bierton, Bucks, wife of Nicholas Howse, gentleman See C.R.S. , xiv, p 17; xviii, p. 5

Henry May or Mayhew : see Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath., iv, p. 545. Blackfan (Annals, p 52) says he went to England in 1596. He gives the name as Mayheu, and says he was imprisoned, then exiled, but returned to England. Cf. C.R.S. , v, D. 260.


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iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegiisacros ordines suscepit dum esset in hoc collegio ab epo burgensi[2] et postea profectus est ad excolendamin Anglia vineam domini Anno 1592 . (33)

65. Eduardus Porterus* Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 31 Julii, 1592missus fuit deinde 1º Martii, 1593, ad collegium Anglicanum hispalense.

66. Thomas Priceus Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia admissusfuit in hoc collegium 31 Julii, 1592missus fuit deinde in collegium Anglicanum hispalense8 Januarii, 1593reddit de ad hoc collegium ut studeret philosophiæ 9 Nouembris, 1594fecit suum iuramentum in hoc collo 25 Nouembris eisdem anni[2] suscepit ordines sacros in hoc Collegio et postea fact3 sacerdos profectus est in missionem Anglicanam. [3] ibig ingressus Societate strenue laborat.

Anno 1592 . (34)

67. Joannes Prisceus Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuitin hoc collegium 31 Julii, 1592missus fuit deinde in Collegium Anglicanum hispalense, 7° Januarii, 1593 . [2] admissus est in Societatem Jesu anno 1600 mense Martio [3] Et anno 1613 ad hoc Collegium reuersus docuit cursum philosophicum per triennium, et anno 1617 absoluto hoc munere Louanium profectus docuit aliquot annis Theologiam inCollegio Anglicano quoad Comes [Sarisburiæ scored] Salopiæ illinc secum in Angliam ad animæ suæ regimen ipsum ferret Vbi etiam superior erat Patrum Societatis in Comitatibus Vigorniensi et Glocestrensi agentium Scripsit Anglice librum de Sacrificio Missæ contra Mortonum PseudoepiscopumDunelmensem.

68. Hugo Bencleus Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° Octobris, 1592. minores ordines et subdiaconatu susceperat Rhemis Diaconatu, et presbyteratu suscepit dum esset in hoc collegio ab epo Zamorensifecit suum iuramm iuxa formulamhuis collegii 18 Aprilis, 1593. missus fuit deindead initiumNouembris ad collegium Anglicanum hyspalense [2] et inde paulo post in missioneAnglicană.

* Edward Porter : does not appear in the Seville list, C.R.S. , xiv

Thomas Price : a native of Cheshire ; born 1571; left the College in May, 1599; enteredthe Society 1600; was arrestedin England and banished; in 1611 accompaniedthe colony of students from St. Omer's College to the new college at Madrid ; was in England again in 1621; died in London , July 23, 1625. See Gillow, v, p 368; C.R.S. , xxix, p. 241

John Price : brother of the above; born 1576 ; not in the Seville printed list; was at Seville in 1610; in 1622 went from Flandersto Madrid; later returned to England with the Earl of Shrewsbury, as his chaplain; died in the Worcesterdistrict, Feb. 27, 1645. See Gillow, v, p 367; C.R.S. xxix, p. 150; Foley, vii, p 632

Hugh Bentley: not in the Seville printed list; matriculated at Christ Church College, Oxford [? 1574], aged 16; B.A. from St. Mary's Hall, Mar. 13 , 1581-2 ; M.A. from Broadgates Hall, July 5, 1587; arrived at Douay College (Rheims), Jan. 10 , 1591. Knox, Douay Diaries, p 238; Foster , Alum . Oxon.

Hugo Bentleus appulit ad hoc collegiudie 13 mensis Sept. 1592missus a D. Doctore Barretto præside Collegii Rhemēsis natus est in comitatu Cestriæ, parentibus plebæis honestæ conditionis, annos natus circiter 26. educatus primu in collegio Chri Vniuersitatis Oxoniensis, postea fuit in famulatu Comitis Worcestriæ , et deinde cu exire Anglia ad seminariavellet captus fuit in portu et ductus ad Doñm Joane peeters Justitiariu in comitatu Essexiæ et per mediu eius dimissus, vnde Rhemos venit, ibi vixit ad anñ cũ demidioet studuit theologiæ scholastica [L.P.E. 1]


Eduardusinmargin] Noble* huc veniteodê die cu duobus supradictis missus a SeminarioRhemensi , anños natus est 28, genitus paretibus honestis ciuibus Oxoniensibus , educatus in literis humanioribus in Collegio Excestrensi eiusde Vniuersitatis Oxoniensis, postea studuit iurisprudentiæ Londini [in Collegiis scored] per anños sex in collegiis furnifalensi et Lincolniensi, bis fuit in carcere propter religione exiit ex Anglia in Zelandiã et inde ad Bohemiã transit vnde rediit Rhemos et exinde post unu mensem huc missus fuit [L.P.E. 3]

Anno 1592 . (35)

69. Gulielmus Achinsonus* Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Octobris, 1592fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulamhuiz collegii 18 Aprilis, 1593[2] suscepit sacros ordines an epo Legionensi et postea missus est in Angliam anno 96. [nebulo pessimus same hand, but in right margin.]

GulielmusAtkinson eodê die cu precedente venit et eode modo [ad 1 . octob. an. 1592 above, in different hand] missus, natus est Richmondiæ in Angliæ, parentibus honestæ conditionis habet fratre minore annos natus est [a number, ? 22, scored] educatus fuit in scholis gramaticis Angliæ Rhemisfuit ad annos [4 scored , 2 above]. Vbi studuit philosophiæ per [annos duos scored, and an illegible correction written above The next half line, line and half line are firmly scored . All that can be deciphered is the first two words pater eius and last two religione catholicã The entry then continues in

* Edward Noble : connection with Exeter College, Oxford, not traced: B.A. from Queen's College, Feb. 7, 1582-3; student of Lincoln's Inn, 1585; arrived at Douay College (Rheims), June 7, 1592; came to Valladolid with Hugh Bentley, Henry Thirkeld (no 81) and William Atkinson; does not appear in the Liber Alumnorum Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 245-6; Foster , Alum Oxon.

William Atkinson : an opponent of the Jesuit policy See the letters of Fr.Anthony Rivers, printed by Foley, who wrote from London , May 2 , 1602 , to Fr. Robert Persons :" Atkinson, by command of the Chief Justice Popham, is in the commongaol at Newgate, for that he had promisedto have given evidence this last sessions against one [? Henry] Rogers, alias Floyd (taken almost a year since [1601] in the great and general search) that he was a Jesuit and Seminary priest; but a little before he should have been produced for the performance thereof, he denied that he knew him [Henry Floyd left Valladolid in 1593, after Atkinson's arrival], and seemed penitent for what he had done , saying he would never have doneit if he had thought they would have put them to death, as he had seen by experiencetheir proceedings against Mr. Tichborne [ThomasTichborne, sec priest and martyr, arrested on Atkinson's evidence ] I hear Atkinson is nowdangerouslysick If he recover , the Papistsfear he will be of another humour, albeit he benow constant; but his frailty hathformerly been manifest, as they say, morethan once . " Foley, i, p 505n See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 223, etc.

the hand of the above corrections.] Suscepit iuramentum huius Collegii 18 Aprilis anno 1593. Sacris ordinibus initiatus est ab Episcopo Legionensi : et postea missus est in Angliam an. 1596. vbi euasit nebulo pessimus [L.P.E. 4].

70. Joannes Beringthonus * Dioecesis Herefordiensis in Anglia- admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1º Octobris, 1592missus fuit deinde 70 Januarii, 1593, ad collegiu Anglicanu hispalense[2] et inde sacerdos factus missus est in Anglia . Anno 1592 . (36)

71. Joannes Smithsonus* Dioecesis Euoracensis, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 23 decembris, 1592fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegii 11° Julii, 1593sacros ordines suscepit ab Archiepõ burgensi, 1594[2] et deinde in expeditione Regia quam fecit versus Angliammense Novembris anno 1596 obiit in mari. Joannes Smithsonusappulit ad hoc Collegiudie 23 Decembris, missus a D. Doctore Baretto Preside Rhemensis Collegii, natus est in comitatu Eboracensi parentibus honestæ conditionis, annos natus circiter 25. educatus fuit in scolis gramaticis Angliæ, Rhemos uenit, ibi uixit ad annũ cũ dimidio, et studuit theologiæ positiuæ [L.P.E. 6].

72. Gulielmus Richersonus [alias Anderson above, in 3rd hand] Dioecesis Sistrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 23 decembris, 1592fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huig collegii 11º Julii, 1593missusfuit de in collegium Anglicanum hyspalense 1º Octobris, 1594[2] et inde sacerdos factus missus est in Angliã et ibi martyr gloriosus occubuit die 17 mensis februarii anni 1603 paulo antequã

Regina Elizabetha e viuis excessit

[3: Perry] de hoc vide præclara in annalis S. Albani, p 40 &c Gulielmus Richardsonus huc uenit die 23. Decemb. eodem modo et tempore missus quo superior, natus est parentibus plebæis in comitatu Eboracensi annos natus 20. Educatusin litteris humanioribus in scolis Angliæ, inseruiuit Confessoribz xti sacerdotibus Catholicis in carcere Wisbichensi per menses 10 a quibus missus est Rhemos , ubi uixit per mensem et dimidiu, et inde huc missus fuit [L.P.E. 7].

Anno 1592 . (37)

73. Gregorius Martinus§ Dioecesis Londinensis in Anglia, admissus

John Bernard Berington : a member of the family of Beringtons of Dinmore; elder brother of George Berington (no 128); ordained priest at Seville; entered Benedictine Order and professed at Oña, Spain; Prior of St. Edmund's, Paris, 1616-18 ; died in Paris , Nov. 2, 1639. See Birt, Obit Book ofthe English Benedictines , p. 20

John Smithson: went with the fleet on the third attemptof Philip II to invade England and died atsea . See Knox, DouayDiaries, pp 244, 247

Blessed William Richardson , als. Anderson: martyr; born at Wales, W.R. Yorks , about 1572; ordained priest 1594. See Knox Douay Diaries , PP 246-7; Blackfan, p 68 of the printed Annals

§ Gregory Martin : younger brother of Peter Martin (no 56).

fuit in hoc collegium 23 Decembris, 1592fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegii 11° [Ap scored] Julii, 1593missus fuit de in collegium Anglicanum hyspalense 1° octobris anni 1594

Gregorius Martinus Londinensisad hoc Collegiu [uenit above]exflandria die 18 Decemb missusasuo patreuiro Catholico etDoctoremedicinæ , qui ante annos quatuor eo uenerat una cum tota familia, persecutionem declinãs quæ in Catholicos Angliæexercebatur , annos natus est 17. educatus fuit in scholis gramaticis Angliæ, postea Duacu in Belgio uenit, ibiqz mansit ad annos quatuor, ubi studuit philosophiæ per annos duos, fratres maiores natu habet duos, quoru minor modo in hoc Collegio studet theologiæ scolastica; in itinere multas molestias est passus a predonibus , ex quibustamen fauente deo euasitettandemad portu Laredoin Hispaniaappulit[L.P.E. 5]

Anno 1593 .

74. Rogerus [grinues scored, Greenwayus above in 3rd hand]* Dioecesis Herefordensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 3º Januarii, 1593minores ordes, subdiaconatum, et diaconatum susceperat in collegio Rhemensipresbyteratum suscepit dum esset in hoc collegio, ab episcopoZamorensimissus fuit de ex hoc collegio in Angliamad lucrandas animas ad initium octobris eizdem anni 1593[2] ibiz martyrii coronã adeptus est. [3: Perry] apud Leominster augusti 27: anni 1610: Rogerius Grenway huc aduenit 3 die Januarii missus a D. Doctore Barretto Preside CollegiiRhemensis, natusin comitatu Herrefordensi parentibus honestæ conditionis, annos natus est 27. Educatusin litteris humaniorib3 in scolis Gramaticis Angliæ, uixit postea catholice p aliquot annos, deinde Rhemos uenit ibiqz studuit theologiæ positiuæ p annos duos cu dimidio; et sacris ordinibus [initiatus scored, subdiaconatus above] et Diaconatus initiatus est in Collegio Rhemensi [L.P.E. 8].

Anno 1593 (38)

75. Thomas Palaserus Dioecesis Euoracensisin Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 30 Januarii, 1593fecit suum iuramm 7 Nouembris eidemannisacros ordes suscepitab Archiepõ Burgensi [2] et missus est in Angliam ex hoc Collegio mense Decembris anno 96, et ineunte anno 1600 gloriose p xpi fide martyr occubuit. [3: Perry] augusti 9 an: 1600, ita acta apud Challoner .

76. Joannes Geruasius Dioecesis Lichfeldiensis inAnglia, admissus

* Roger Cadwallader , als GreenwayandTesimond (known on theMission as Rogers) : ven martyr ; born at Stretton , Herefordshire, about 1567; ordained priest 1593. See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 229, etc. Blackfan (Annals, p. 48) gives his name as Greenway , als Cadwallader

Thomas Palaser : ven martyr ; born at Ellerton-upon-Swale, nr Richmond, N.R. Yorks.; ordained priest 1596. See Knox, Douay Diaries, Pp 246-7

John Gervaise : said in the Douay Diaries to be of Stafford . It is probablethat he was receivedinto the SocietyIHS beforehe died Blackfan, who , in his Annals, usually writes of secular priests merely by the name and surname, gives to John Gervaise the title of " Father " he elsewhere reserves for members of the Society See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 236 , etc.; Blackfan (printed), p. 57

fuit in hoc collegium 3º Januarii, 1593fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulamhuiz collegii 11° Julii, 1593-

[2] suscepit ordines sacros ab epo Legionensi

[3] et obiit in hoc Collegio año 1599:

[4: Perry] morte sanctaet corã Deopretiosa: vide annales domest: Coll S. Albani p 27.

Anno 1593 (39)

77. Henricus chari * Dioecesis Wintoniensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 10 Januarii, 1593missus fuit deinde 7° Martii eisdem anni in collegium Anglicanum hispalense.

78. Gulielmus Dauisius Dioecesis Herefordiensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 11° Aprilis, 1593fecit suum iuramm 7 Nouembris eisdem annisacros ordes suscepit ab Archiepõ Burgensi-

[2] et missus in Anglia ibi egregie fidem confessus est et postea in exiliu eiectus:

[3: Perry] vir miræ abstinentiæ et Sanctitatis vide annales C: S: Albani p: 21:

Guilielmus Dauyes huc uenit 11° die Martii natus in comitatu Herefordiensi patre mercatore annos natus circiter 37 educatus in Scholis grammaticisin Anglia et institutus in litteris humanioribus et arte musices, uixit postea ibidem in vnitate ecclesiæ catholicæ per annos 12 , deinde ob fidem transtulit se in Hiberniam, et inde ad hoc collegiu [L.P.E. 9]

Anno 1593 . (40)

79. Ricardus Smitheus Dioecesis Linconiensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 14° februarii, 1593sacros ordines susceperat Romæ , ubi fecerat iuramentum sicut alumnihuiz collegiiDefendit ibi conclusionespublicas totius philosophiæ, et alíastotius Theologiæ

* HenryCary: not in the printed Sevillelist, C.R.S. , xiv William Davis: admitted to the College at Seville in May, 1595. The printed Seville list gives his age as 57 at that date. The age in the Liber Primi Examinis at Valladolid was first written 27 and afterwards altered to 37. Blackfan says he left Valladolid in 1596. He migrated to the English College, Rome, in 1600, and became choir-master and teacher of"cases of conscience . " On the 10th Sept., 1603, he was sent to England with other priests and passed through Douay on the way, setting out from the College there for England 22 Dec., 1603. After about three years on the Mission hewas apprehendedand imprisonedat Newgate, wherehe remainedfornearly two years, leading a life of great abstinenceand spiritual fervour He was exiled in 1608 , in which year he went again to Rome There he met apriest of the Societywho had known him in Valladolid This priest hadestablished in Rome a small lodging house for English pilgrims, over which William Davis was placedin charge. After a time he offered to join the Carthusians, who, however, on account of his weak state of health and advanced years, advised him to choose a less severe state of life. Upon this he left Rome and, it was said, went into some solitude to live as a hermit, for nothing more was ever heard of him See C.R.S. , x, p 55 ; xiv, p 18; Foley, vi, p. 226; Blackfan, p. 51.

Richard Smith : born at Hanworth, Lincoln, 1568; went to Trinity College, Oxford, about 1583, but, unable to fall in with the new religion, he repaired to the English College, Rome, into which he was received in

[2] et in hoc Collegio per quatuor annos philosophiam docuit et deinde exercitiis peractis quæ iuxta morem huius Vniuersitatis ad doctoratum requirunt3, hic in Collegio per ututem privilegii per Clementem 8um huic Collegio indulti creatus est magister in artibus et doctor in sacra theologia a Rectore huius Collegii et donatus ab eodem insigniis doctoralibus 6º Julii anno 1598, et deinde Hispalim profectus ineunte Novembri eiusdemanni ut ibi peractis quibusdam negotiis comoditatem navigandi in Angliã expectaret. [3] Circa annum 1630, Episcopus Chalcedonensis in Gallia creatus cum Jurisdictione Voluntaria in Angliam ab Urb 8 missus est, sed cum Ordinariam in Catholicos illius regni sibi vindicaretet cum ea non admitteretur, in Galliam rediit Varia scripsit Anglice et Latine illi nationi suæ haud parum utilia.

80. Henricus Bolts* Dioecesis Nordouicensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 31 Maii, 1593fecit suum iuramm 7Nouembris eizdem annisacros ordes suscepit ab Archiepo burgensi[2] et anno 1596 mense februarii missus est Vlissiponem vnde post duoru annoru moram quos totos impendit ex prescripto obedientiæ in spiritualibusbonis comeantiũ illuc Angloru Hibernoru et Scotoru procurandis, in Anglicanã messem transfretauit.

Henricz Bolt appulit ad hoc collegiu 17° die Maii natus in Comitatu et Épãtu Nordouicensihonestis parentibz et opulentis annos natus 37 educatus in Scholis Gramaticis in Anglia, postea ad tempus amanuensis publici notarii ante 10 annos reconciliatusest ecclesiæ, et postea incarceratusob fidem vnde euasit, fugitq3 in Hiberniam, vbi denuo coniectus est in carcerem, et postea inseruiuit Comitissæ de Kildare ad 6 annos, tandem commendatus a P. Joanne Biero sacerdote, et P. francisco Montfordo Sacerdote, cuius lrãs secu tulit, huc aduenit [L.P.E. 10].

Año 1593 . (41)

81. Henricus Therchelius Dioecesis Dunelmensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° octobris 1592fecit suum iuramm iuxa formulam huiz collegii 6 Maii, in festo Pentecostes , 1593-

Nov., 1586; ordained priest 1592; professor of controversy at the English College, Seville, 1598-1602 ; went to Douay College as professorofcontroversy, but remained there less than a year; went to England Jan. 14, 1603 ; in 1606 went as Clergy agent to Rome where he came into collision with Fr. Persons ; was replaced at Rome by Thomas More in 1609; returned to the Mission in England; was elected a member of the Old Chapter, 1623; went to Paris in 1613 to presideover Arras College, and so continued, writing works of controversy till he was chosen by the Holy See to succeed Dr. William Bishop in the See of Chalcedon , and was consecrated bishop by Cardinal Spada at Paris, Jan. 12 , 1625; came into collision with the Jesuits and regularsover his claim to exercise the full prerogativesof a bishop; withdrew to France on Aug. 24, 1631; was warmly received by Cardinal Richelieu, who offeredhim a home in his palace ; after the death of Richelieu in 1642, took refuge at the English Augustinian Convent, Paris, and there resided till his death , March 18 , 1655. See Gillow, v, p 511; Chapter List

* Henry Bolt : see C.R.S. , v, p. 249 .

Henry Thirkeld : his connectionwith Cambridgenot traced; the entry in the Liber Alumnorum is out of chronological order; Henry Thirkell, a papist who had been beyond sea, was imprisoned in Newgate, 1594. Knox, Douay Diaries, pp 238, 244-6; G.R.S., ii, p 285 .

HenricusThirkel, venit huc die 13 mensis sept 1592 missus a Doctore Baretto Seminarii Rhemensis præside, natus estin comitatu Dunelmensi, annos natus circiter 27. pater eius viuit et conditionis est gentilhominis educatus fuit in literis in collegio Smæ Trinitatis Vniuersitatis Cambrigiensis ad aliqodtempuset postea legibus regni studuit in Stapleynne per años sex, cognatus est Richardi Thirkelli sacerdotis passus est martyriu año 1583. captus fuit in eode cubiculo cu Christoforo Bales sacerdote et martyre, [in scored , et above] in carcerem cõiectus per Topleyum ex q° postea effugit et Rhemos venit per Scotiã vbi studuit Theologiæ positiuæper I anu et dimiduũ [L.P.E. 2]

82. Petrus Hutonus * Dioecesis Euoracensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 7° Junii 1593fecit suum iuram 25februarii, in die St Mathiæ Apostoli , 1594deinde missus fuit in collegium Anglicanum hyspalense 3 octobris, eizdem anni.

annos Petrus Huttonus appulit ad hoc Collegiu 24 die Junii ao 1593 natus Eboraci patre mercatore ad 12 annos detento in carcere ob fidem cathocam matre etiam in eodem ob eande causam mortua natus20, institutzIris humaniorib3Eboraci, a teneris annisimbutus fide cathoca et non alia vnqa Sacerdoti Catho co sacramentaliter confessus est natus 8 annos, postea plures alios habuit Patres Spirituales, q¹iamsuntmartires 16° anno ætatis missus a sacerdote venit Rhemos, inde a Preside Agennũvt huc veniret in via captus et detentusin carcere ad duos annos , liberatz ad annũcũ medio studuit

Agenni Rhetoricæ Vnde a D. Dorrello missus est ad hoc Collegiu cuius lrãs secũ attulit [L.P.E. 11].

Anno 1593 . (42)

83. Thomas Cotamus Dioecesis Sistrensis in Anglia admissusfuit in hoc collegium 10 Julii, 1593fecit suum iuramm 25 februarii, in die S. Mathiæ Apostoli, 1594[2] suscepit ordines sacros ab episcopo Legionensi, et theses ex vniuersa philosophia depromptas hic in Collegio publice defendit anno 1597 , 5 Novembris [3] et paulo post vita defunctus est

Thomas Cotanus huc venit ex Anglia per Herbirniam, po die Julii huius anni 1593. natus est in Comitatu Lancastrensi, parentibus catholicis honestæ conditionis, anñ ætatis agit vigessimu primũ religione catholicam semper secutus est, missus est a pe Musho sacerdote in hispaniã, studiit literis humanioribus, habet desiderū et propositu sequedi institutu huius Collegii et petiit humiliterin illud recipi, et sic post examina debite facta, iuxta formã admissionis superius positã [e scored] confessione fecit generalem et admissus fuit [L.P.E. 12]

84. Joannes Coperus Dioecesis Linconiensis in Anglia, admissus

* Peter Hutton : June 7th, as the date of his admission to theCollege, is probably aslip ofthe penforJuly7th; see Knox, Douay Diaries, pp.246-8 ThomasCottam: possibly of the Cottams of Dilworth, to which family belonged the martyr, B. Thomas Cottam . John Cooper or Cowper : ordained priest at Rheims, and sentto England [via Spain] Feb. 20, 1593. Foley gives a John Cooper, S.J. , who died at Brussels , July 31 , 1628. Another student with the name John Cooper arrived at Valladolid in 1595 , no 108 below See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 232 , etc.; Foley, vii, p 163 .

fuit in hoc collegium 10 Julii, 1593sacros ordines susceperat in collegio Rhemensi missus fuit in collegium Anglicanum hyspalense 1º Octobris , 1594-

Anno 1593


85. Brianus Vrdelstonus* Dioecesis Sisestrensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 14 Septembris, 1593missus fuit in collegium Anglicanum hyspalense 3 Octobris , 1594-

Briantus Hurlston anñ agens 15 huc appulit die 25 [4 scored] Augu 1593. per Scotiã iter fecit natus est in comitatu Comberlandia paretibus nobilibus, et catholicis, nnqã cõicarunt cũ hereticis, studuit literis humanioribus petiit admitti in hoc collegiu & admissus est die 21 7bris [L.P.E. 14]

86. Gulielmus Vrdelstonus* dioecesis Sisestrensis inAngliaadmissus fuit in hoc collegium 14 Septembris, 1593missus fuitin collegium hyspalense 3 octobris , 1594[2] Vnde sacerdos factus missusest in Anglia

Gulielmus Hurdelston frater Brianti vna cũ eo venit, agit anñ 14 . admissus estcu eodem die et año predicti [L.P.E. 15].

Anno 1593


87. Joannes lighburnus Dioecesis Sisestrensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 14 Septembris, 1593fecit suum iuramm in die 8to Pentecostes , an 1594. missus fuit de 1º octobris eizdem anni in collegium Anglicanum hyspalense[2] et ibi defunctus est

Joannes Likboronth venit ad hoc Collegiu die 25 huius mensis Augusti 1593. venitper Scotiamcũ p° Jonm Cesilio, receptus est in Anglia ad vnitatem ecclesiæ per pem Ricardu Dudlæu huius seminarii sacerdotem. natus est in prouincia Westmorlandiæ , parentibus honestæ conditionis sed no catholicis pa causa suæ conuersionis fuit lectio libroru catholicorũ quam incoepit quinz fere abhinc annis receptus vero in ecclesiã est a biennio aut circiter, studiit literis humanioribushabet desideriu et propositu sequendi institutu huius Collegii et ea de causa petiit in hoc ipsu admitti, q°d factu est, post præmissa examina die 21 Sept. 1593 [L.P.E. 13]

88. Joannes Rofotus Dioecesis Nordouicensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegiu 26 Septembris, 1593fecit suum iuramm in die 8to Pentecostes , an 1594-

Brian Huddleston: fourth son of Andrew Huddleston, of Farington Hall, Leyland, Lancs , second son of Sir John Huddleston, of Millum Castle , Cumberland. Gillow, Bibliog. Dict Eng. Cath, iii, p 466

WilliamHuddleston: fifthson ofAndrew Huddleston; born at Seaton, Cumberland, May 27 , 1578. See C.R.S. , i, p 123 .

John Lighburn or Leybourn: does not appear in the printed Seville list, C.R.S., xiv. § John Ruffet : the additionto the above entryis in Blackfan's hand He gives the same storyin his Annals under the year 1597. In an unfinished manuscript by Blackfan, on lines similar to those of the Annals , he states that this student was sent to the coast in a farmer's cart.

[2] hic incidit in morbum de quo per annu integrumdecumbebat omnibz membris contractis adeo ut vixmovere se posset, cum igitur omnino desperataessetsalus eius in hisregionibusexconcilio medicoru in Angliamremittebatur si forte ibi posset ex natiua aëris temperie recuperare santitatem , qui quamprimum Angliamattigissetdelatus est cuidam consiliario regio tanquam qui eius mactandi causa in Angliam iuratus rediisset, coniicitur pinde in carcere ibiz vinculis constrictus et fame dire maceratus et in equleo bis tortus tandem recuperauit sanitatem, et non ita multo post diuina miseratione a vinculis liberatus huc denuo lætus et alacer convolauit et sacerdos factus missionem Anglicanam aggressus est mense Novembris anno 1597 .

Joanes Ruffut venit huc die [I scored] 4 septembris anñ ætatis agit 26. natus est in Comitatu Norfolciæparetibus [hones scored] mediocris conditionis sed catholicis, semper [sem scored] amplexus est fidem catholicã animo, et ab oct annis vixit in vnitate ecclesiæ , ob eamq rem aliquandiu fuit in carcere. emissus est per pem Geratu, qui in Anglia Standicius vocatur, studuit literis humanioribus petiit recipi in hoc Seminariuet receptus est die 25 7bris [L.P.E. 16].

Anno 1593 . (45) 89. Thomas Brisco3* Dioecesis Euoracensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 2 Novembris, 1593fuerat admissus in collegium Anglicanu Romanu in quo vixit p annum cum dimidio, postea missus fuit in Angliam cum Pře Campiano, anno 1580, ubi fuit incarceratus ab hereticis, et detentus in carcere p octo annos , multa passus est, et tormentorz crudelitate poene ab hereticis attritus, postea liberatus ex carcere mirabili dei provida, vixit in Anglia p alios duos annos câm catholicor3 promovens q3tum poterat . Tandem venit Rhemos ut ibi fieret sacerdos et sic posset redire in Angliamut fructuosiz laboraret, ubi in collegio Rhemensi mansit pannu et 3 menses Tandem ulto missus est ad hoc collegiu ut hic absolueret sua studia et fieret sacerdosBacalaurez in philosophia in Vniuersitate Oxoniensi in Angliamissus fuit de ex hoc collegio in Angliam ad lucrandas aiãs, ad initium Aprilis anni 1594, factus iam sacerdos ab Archiepõ Burgensi

* ThomasBrisco or Burscough: went from Douay to Romeat the beginning of 1578; accompanied Blessed Edmund Campionon his journey from Rome to England, 1580; was imprisonedin the Tower; went to Rheimsin 1592 and from Rheims to Douay, where he became prefect in the College, March 1593; matriculated at the University of Douay, April, 1593; came to Valladolid; was ordained priest by the Archbishop of Burgos; went to England, 1594; was again imprisoned and received sentence of death, but was reprieved and exiled; went to Douay, arrivingthere Nov. 26, 1605; returned again to England, May 30, 1606; again exiled, returned to Douay, July 24 , 1606; went to Cambray, but returned to Douay as extraordinary confessor , April 6, 1607; at the end of Feb. , 1608, goes once more to England, where we lose sight of him Blackfan refers to him as Father Brisco, which would seem toindicate he counted him as one ofthe Society, but there is no further evidence of his having joined The contrary would seem to be indicated by his career as given above His name has not been traced in the Oxford registers. See Knox, Douay Diaries, p. 26, etc.; C.R.S. , ii, p 133; x, p. 70 , etc.; Blackfan, under 1594; Foley, iii, p 138; vi, p 134

Anno 1594 .

90. Ricardus Barletus* Dioecesis glocestrensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 21 Maii anni 1594fecit suum iuramm 25

Nouembris eisdem anni. [Herethefootofthe page has been cutaway and anotherpieceofsimilar paper pasted in its place. The entry then continues , in Fr. Blackfan's hand, without any break.]

[2] hic quia minus idoneus inventus est fini huius Collegii dismissus est. postea tame Roma factus est sacerdos et missus in Belgiu ibi ingressus est societate et postea captus et incarceratus in Anglia ob fidem.

RicardusBartlettus uenit ad hocCollegiuuna cũ quatuor præcedentibus agit annum decimum octauum natus in comitatu Glocestrensi parentibus catholicis et nobilibus. educatus semper in unitate ecctæ , emissus e per quendam sacerdoten uocatu thomã Cossingũ; studuit litteris humanioribus per spaciu duorz annor3 [L.P.E. 21].

Anno 1594 (46)

91. Eduardus chenion Dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 21 Maii, 1594fecit suum iuramm 25 Nouembris eisdem anni[2] suscepit hic ordines sacros et factz sacerdote missus est in Angliam

Eduardus Kenion venit huc die 16. maii a. 1594. añu ætatis suæ agit decimum septimum; natus ẽ in comitatu Lancastrensi parentibus nobilibusetcatholicis, in aimosemper amplexatuse fidem catholicam , et a septem añis uixit in unitate eccta; emissus est per pom Tillisonu Remos et inde Duacu deinde Audomoropolim; et ultimo ab illo seminarionuper in illa ciuitate fundato missus e in Hispaniam ad seminariuAnglicanu Vallesoletanu , studuit litteris humanioribus per spaciũ duorz añorz [L.P.E. 17].

92. Thomas lusherus Dioecesis Nordouicensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 21 Maii, 1594. fecit suum iuram™ 25 Nouembris eisdem anni― [2] suscepit hic ordines sacros et confectis studiis missus est in messem Anglicanam

Richard Bartlett , als Audrey: born 1577; son of John Bartlett, ofthe family of Bartlett, of Castle Morton (of Hill End), co Worcester, and his wife Tomasine , daughter of Sapcotts, of Northampton ; was admitted tothe English College, Rome, March 19, 1609, and ordained priest April 6, 1611; went toEngland April 22, 1615; enteredthe SocietyIHS 1616; was imprisoned for the Catholic cause and banished , 1618; returned to England again, and in 1621 was in Lancashire; died at the College at Rennes, Feb. 22, 1645 . Blackfan's alteration of the register was probably made after it was learned that Richard Bartlett had joined the Society Knox, Douay Diaries, pp. 244, 247; Foley, vii, p 38; Hamilton , Chronicle of the English Augustinian Canonesses (pedigree)

Edward Kenyon : see note C.R.S. , vi, p 225. According totheaccount book, Lib Gast 1 , Edward Kenyon (Quenion) left the College in June, 1599 , in company with Robert Thulis

ThomasLusher : went to Rheims in 1590 and was sent to Douay to be educated by the Jesuits in 1592. The account book, as above, says he went to England in May, 1599. Probably of the Lusher family of North Elmham, Norfolk Cf. C.R.S., xiii, p. 46

Thomas Lusheruenit ad hoc Collegiu die 16 maii una cũ Eduardosup³. nominato compleuit añumdecimũnonum. natusestin comitatu norfolciæ. parentibus honestæ conditionis et catholicis semp in animo sequutus e fidem catholicam, et a quatuor añis uixit in unitate eccle; emissus ep pem Johañem Gerrettum Rhemos inde Duacumpostea admissus e in seminariuAnglorgAudomoropolitanu; postremomissus e ad hoc Collegiũ , studuitlitterishuāniorib p duos años [L.P.E. 18].

Anno 1594


93. LaurentiusVrtintonus* Dioecesis SestrensisinAnglia, admissus fuit in hoc collegium 21 Maii, 1594fecit suum iuramm 25 Novembris eisdem anni-

[2] missus est ad Regem Philipũ 2m et ad principem eius filiu ut eis nomine totius Collegii Audomarensis gratularetz beneficiu in pdctuCollegiu collocatum anno 1596 24 Augusti et posteaHispalim demigravit et receptus est in Societatem Jesu anno 1598 ineunte


[3] [P P false starts] Post multos laborum in messe Anglicana laborum scored] annos Leodii in Collegio Anglicano sacram Scripturam interpretatus est, et inde in Provinciam Austriacam à R. admodum P. Generali missus eodem munere aliquot ibi annis functus est, ibiqueobiit. Laurentius Woorthingtonus huc uenit s" cũ tribus p'cedentibus, agit annu decimu sextũ, natus e in comitatu Lancastriæ parentibus nobilibus et catholicis quiq3 plurima passi süt p fide catholica tuenda. non aliam novit religione q3 catholicam alium quoq3 hết frem in Seminario Anglicano Hispalensi degente studuit litteris huanioribus per spaciũ duorz añorz tandem a supiore Seminarii Anglicani odomoropolitaniin quo uixit p spatiuocto mensiumissus e in Hispaniam ad hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 20].

94. Andreas chapman3 [the p in Blackfan's hand, is over anoriginal m] Dioecesis Linconiensis in Anglia, admissus fuitin hoc collegium 21 Maii, 1594fecit suum iuramm 25 Novembris eizdem anni [2] admissus est in Societate Jesu mense Novebris anni 1601 et missus in flandriã ad missioneCastrensemibi strenue etlaudabiliter laborans vita functusest ad mænia Grollæ, de quo illud memoratu dignu refertur quod ad eius sepulchru (nã in campo humatus est) duæ columbæ albæ per spaciu 40 dieru venere ibi continuofere

* Laurence Worthington, als George Charnock: born 1577; brother of John (no 24) and William (no. 115); receivedthe clerical tonsure at Rheims in 1592; was sent to the Jesuit school at Douay, Nov. 3, 1592; from there he wenttotheCollege at St. Omer; came to Valladolid 1594; went toSeville 1596; joined the SocietyIHS 1598/9 ; was professorof philosophy atCordova and Seville for eight years; went to England in 1612; was arrested and committed to the Gatehouse prison; after three years of confinement was sentin to exile in 1618; for his latercareersee Foley; died in Lorraine , Oct. 19 , 1637. See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 243, etc.; Foley, vii, p 866

Andrew Chapman : born of an English father at Rouen (though this phrase is erased in the Douay Diary it is most likely the erasureconcerns only the reception of the clerical tonsure); sent from Rheims to the Jesuit school at Douay, Nov. 3, 1592. Grolla is a little town of the DutchGueldres , in the county of Zutphen See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 243; Foley, vii, p 1,423.

imorantes quod ut magis testatu redderetur posuit ibi milites dux illius Centuriæ per multos dies in excubiis vt viderent si ita esset qui iurati dixerunthoc se diligentissime vt oculatos testes per multos dies observasse et hoc procul dubiofecit Deus in signũ candoris et innocentiæ eius in quo ita imaculatus perseveravit ut crediderim nunquã se habitu baptismale perdidisse et ego qui testorhoc novi eu intime inde ab anno ætatis suæ 16 usq3du ingrederetur religione. Jn° Blacfan

[3: Perry] eadem vide in annales S. Albani, quoru autor fuit ide P. Blacfan, ut hinc et ex annalizpatet.

Andreas Chapman venit ad hoc hoc Collegium una cu duobus superioribus absoluit annũ decimũ quintu est ex comitatu Lincolnia, natus patre mercatore semp uixit in unitate eccle ; studuit Rhemis Duaco Audomaropoli litteris humanioribus per duos años [L.P.E. 19]

Anno 1594 .


95. Samuel Bradfordius * Dioecesis Herefordiensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° Julii 1594obiit in hoc collegio 6 Septembris eisdem anni-

96. Thomas SanderusDioecesis Herefordiensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 8 Julii 1594Deinde missus fuit in collegium hyspalense 1° octobris eisdem anni-

Anno 1594 . (49)

97. Georgius Smith Dioecesis Dunelmensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 1° Novembris 1594sacros ordines susceperat Romæin collegio Anglicano, ubi etiam fecerat suum iuram [2] ingressusin Angliampessime postea se gessit

98. Joahannes Killinghallus Dioecesis Dunelmensis in Anglia admissusfuit in hoc collegium 4° Novembris, 1594-

* Samuel Bradford: probably the son of ThomasBradford, of Cirencester , who appears with his wife and familyin the lists of recusantsfor 1577 and 1581-2 . See C.R.S., xviii , pp 123 , 125; xxii, pp 81 , 84.

Thomas Sander : not traced

George Smith : an expert musician; arrived at Rheims April 4, 1584; sent to Rome Sep. 2, 1587; admittedto the English College there Nov. 17 , 1587; ordained priest Dec. 3, 1589; was sent to Rheims in order to pass over to England; came to Valladolid in company with the following student; was at Douay in 1604 , and, on Oct. 11 , set out for St. Omer doubtfulas to whether he would stay there or go on to England In Dom James I, vol xiii, no 52, 1603-8 (quoted by Foley) is an inquisition beforethe Lord Chief Baron and Justice Fenner regarding the recusants in the counties ofDevon , etc., inwhich we read: "At the last Assizes in Devon, one Smith, a seminary priest, was convicted of treason, and one Richard Eveleighe convicted of felony, for maintaining and relieving him , and they both are reprieved, and so remain in prison " See Foley, vi, p. 177; C.R.S. , x, p 60; Knox, Douay Diaries, p 201 , etc.

§ John Killinghall: arrived at Rheims fromthe College at Eu, Nov. 19 , 1590; received minor orders Feb. 24 , 1592; was sentto Douay tobe educated by the Jesuits Oct. 29, 1592. In the account book, Lib Gast 1 , of the College of Valladolid, is an entryin Nov., 1598 , of the viaticum of" a student named Clifton whowassentto Douay " This nameoccursnowhereelse in theregisters or account books, and may be an alias of John Killinghall IntheLib Gast I is the entry "Jan., 1599: 86 reales to John Killinghall when he arrived here the second time " Knox, Douay Diaries, p 237 , etc.

[2] fecit suu juramentuin hoc Collo et posteaanno 98 die 60 octobris propter iustas causas demissus est ex hoc Collegio, et paulo post in Anglia vita functus est.

Johañes Killingaluenit huc ultimo octobris unacum quodamsacerdote qui uocatur Georgius Smithe, missus a D. Barretto presidente Collg Anglicani Duacensis, agit annũ decimu septimu natus in comitatu Dunelmensi , parentibus catholicis et nobilibus, semp ē amplexusfidem catholicamanimoet a quatuor añis uixitin unitate ecciæ, emissis e ex anglia a quodam padre societatis Jesu nominato Ricardus Holtby, dedit opam litteris huãnioribus per spaciu duorg añoru [L.P.E. 22]

Anno 1594 . (50)

99. Ricardus Hormus * dioecesis Sestrensis in Anglia admissus fuerat in collegium Anglicanum hyspalense, de missus fuit in hoc collegium 9 Nouembris, 1594, ut studeret philosophiæ fecit suum iuramm 25 nouembris eigdem anni[2] Et postea missus hinc anno 1597 in Biscaiam convalesendi gratiaillic obiit, die 10 Decembris eiusdemanni

100. Joannes Berthuesielus dioecesis Sestrensis in Angliaadmissus fuit in hoc collegium, prius n admissusfuerat in collegium Anglicanu hyspalense, de missus in hoc ut studeret philosophiæ 9 Nouembris, 1594 fecit suum iuramm 25 Nouembris eisdem anni[2] suscepit sacros ordines ab epo Legionensi. [3] et postea die primo Octobris anno 1600 profectusestinmissionem Anglicanam

Anno 1594 . (51)

101. Milo dawsonus dioecesis Euoracensis in Anglia admissus fuit in hoc collegium 30 Nouembris, 1594. Sacros ordines susceperat in hibernia ab epo Kellmorensi[2] profectus est in missionemAnglicanam mense februariianni 96.

Miles Dausone sacerdos uenit ad hoc Collegium 25 novembris absoluit annu vigesimu octauu natus in comitatu Eboracensi ex parentibus honestæ conditionis, semp in animo erat catholicus et a sex añis uixit in unitate ecctæ , In academia Cantabrigiæstuduit p quatuor annos cu dimidio, ubi accepit gradz baccalaurii, postea se contulit in Hiberniam consilio cuiusdã sacerdotis nomine filbey licet alio noine uocetur Bayforest; ubi omnibus sacris ordinibus e initiatus ab episcopo Kilmarensi ex ordine St. franel, petiit recipi in hoc Seminariuet receptus e 6. Decembris . I hs [L.P.E. 24]

Richard Horm or Holmes : does not appear in the printed Seville list, C.R.S., xiv.

John Birtwisle : of the family of Birtwisle, deriving from Birtwisle , a hamlet in the township of Hapton, Whalley, Lancs.; does not appear in the printed Seville list; died on Feb. 26 , 1620, and was buried at Harkirke, within the park at Little Crosby Hall, the seat of the Blundells C.R.S. , vi, p 150n But see the note to student no 132

Miles Dawson: is called Davison in Blackfan's Annals He is probably the Miles Dawson who was a sizar at St. John's College, Cambridge; matriculated at Michaelmas , 1584; B.A., 1588-9 Severalmembersof the Dawson family in Yorkshire appear in the Recusant Rolls for 1592-3 See C.R.S. , xviii

102. Joannes Hale* Dioecesis Noruicensis in Anglia admissusfuit in hoc collegium 30 Novembris 1594[2] suscepit sacros ordines in hoc Collegio postquã huc Hispali reuersus esset , ubi præstitit iuramtu quod usitatu est alumnis horum Seminariorum. [3] et missus est in Angliam confectis literaru studiis vt acquisita in animaru salutem impendat

Johanes Hall uenit ad hoc collegiu die 25 novembris [1594], agitañu uigesimu, natus in comitatu nordouensi ; patre schismatico etmatre catholica, a septem annisuixitin unitate ecctæ et antea animosemp erat catholicus, missus e in Hispaniam per prem Gulielmu Westonu ex societate Jesu, multa passus e propter fide catholicã, quippe ter incarceratus, et multoties uerberibus , inedia, et aliis tormentorg generibus affectus petiit recipi in hoc seminariu, et receptus e 6 decembris, studuitlitteris humanioribus et iter fecit per hiberniam [L.P.E. 23].

David Euans uenit ad hoc Collegiũ 18 februarii [1595], habet años uiginti natus in comitatu Carnaruonensi in Wallia patribus honestæ conditionis schismaticis , p sex años uixit in unitate ecctæ catholicæ missus e in hispaniam per quendam sacerdotem David Euans huius Auunculu studuit lrīs huanioribus et uenit p Hiberniã, inde in britaniam, deniq5 appulit S. Sebastianũ petiit recipi in hoc seminariuet receptus e 28 februarii [1595] [L.P.E. 25] (52)

103. Thomas Polus dioecesis Cestrensis in Anglia fuit admissus in hoc collegium die 27 mensis Martii anni 1595 . [2] et missus postea Hispalim.

Thomas polus uenit ad hoc Collegiu 16. martii, agit añum 38. natusin comitatu Castrensi parentibus aïo catholicis [et nobilibus right margin]a uiginti añis uixit in unitate eccle catholicæet anteasemp aio erat catholicus a Jacobo furdo ats banke missus e in Hibernia ut inde se conferret ad aliqz seminariu fere p dos años mansit in carcere Eboracensi pro fide catholica. petiit recipi in hoc Collegio et receptus e 28 martii studuit lrīs huanioribus [L.P.E. 26].

104. Thomas Holmes dicecesis Lancastrensisin anglia fuit admissus in hoc collegium eodemdie 27 martii anno 1595 . [2] missus etiam ad Collegiu Anglicanu Hispalense.

* John Hall: was one of the eleven boys captured in Ireland, on their way to Spain, imprisoned in Dublin Castle, and afterwards in Chestergaol and in the Bridewell prison, where John Hall had been imprisoned twice before (See Ypes' Historia, p 806; Camm , In the Brave Days of Old, p 17); was admitted to the College at Seville, May, 1595. It does not appear when he returned to Valladolid The account book Lib. Gast. I says he went to England in May, 1599. He was one of the company of exiled priests that arrived at Douay, July 24 , 1606; went to live for a time at Louvain and later at Calais, but being driven from Calais and having nowhere to go was received again at Douay College, Oct. 31, 1607. C.R.S. , x, pp 74, 86.

DavidEvans: is not entered in the Liber Alumnorum A John Evans wasadmitted to Seville College in May, 1595, and possiblyis the same person. C.R.S., xiv, p. 18

Thomas Pole: does not appear in the printed Sevillelist, C.R.S. , xiv § Thomas Holme : admitted to Seville College in May, 1595. In the account book Lib Gast I, is the entry, in Oct. 1598, of the viaticum of"Fr. Matthew Holmes when he went on his mission to England " C.R.S. , xiv, p. 18 .

Thomas Holme uenit ad hoc Collegium una cu præcidenti, agit annu decimũ octauu natus in comitatu lancastrensi , parentes habuit schismaticos honestæ conditionisp duos años uixitineccła catholica, ab eodem sacerdote a quo prior missus e in partes transmarinas, liris huānioribus studuit, petiit recipi in hoc Collegiu et receptus ĕ eodě die quo alter, et uterq3 p Hiberniam et inde [in Britaniam scored] Rochellam postea in Hispanias uenerüt [L.P.E. 27]. (53)

105. Thomas Hodsonus* dioecesis Eboracensis fuit admissus in hoc collegium die 31 Martii anni 1595. [2] suscepit in hoc Collegio Sacros ordines et missusest inAngliam anno domini 1597 die 10 octobris

Thomas Hodgsone uenit ad Collegiu hoc 23 martii natus añis 29 in comitatu eboracēsi parentibus Catholicis, et honestæ conditionus a. 9. añis uixit in obedientia ecctæ Romanæ et aio sẽp antea erat catholicus, a quodam sacerdote noe Stratfoorthe missus e Rhemos , in quo Collegio uixit fere p spaciũ quinq3 añorz ubi operā dabat Iris huaniorubus, theologiæ positiuæet logicæ, postea reuersus ẽ in anglia, inde secundo egressus uenit Romã, et ultimo in Hispaniam. petiit recipi in hoc Collegiuet receptus e 31 Martii [L.P.E. 28].

106. Joañes Sarisburius dioecesis merionethensis fuit admissus in hoc Collegiu die 22 Junii An: 1595 fecit suu juramentu die 28 Decembris eiusde anni

[2] et suscepitordines sacros ab Episcopo legionensidie 21 Nouembrisaño 1600 et mense Mayo añi 1603 missus e inAngliaubi cooptatus in Societate Jesuibi strenue si quis vnquã alius in vinea domini laborat. [3: Perry] de hoc vide annales S. Albani p: 37 et 39: Johañes Sarisburius uenit ad hoc Collegiu die 15 Junii agit añum decimũ nonũ, natus in comitatu merionethensi in episcopatu Asaphensi parentibusnobilibus; a septem mensibus uixitin unitate eccta catholicæ , reconciliatusa quodam sacerdote hiberno nomine Johañes Walshe, dedit operam litteris huanioribus, petiit recipi in hoc Collegiu, et receptus e 22 Junii [L.P.E. 29] (54) 107. Guliermus Robins dioecesis Carnaruonensis receptus e in hoc Collegiu die 22 Junii A: 1595 .

* Thomas Hodson or Hodgson : for his career at Rheims see Knox, Douay Diaries; was one of the priests exiled in 1606. See C.R.S. , x John Salisbury: probably of the familyof Salisbury, of Rhug, Merionethshire , of which family a John Salisbury, High Sheriff of that county, 1559 and 1578, son of Robert Salisbury, married a daughter of Sir John Salisbury, Knt , of Llewenny Blackfan, in his Annals, narrates how John Salisbury, a very pretty boy (pulchellus admodum puer), was enticed from his home , unknown to his parents and without bidding them goodbye, and carried to Ireland by an heretical Irish Count He was a school-fellow of the following student, William Robins, who, after escapingfrom thecustody of his schoolmaster-keeper, went to Ireland in searchof his former schoolfellow and eventually induced him to accompany him to Valladolid John Salisbury entered the Society IHS in 1604 , and became the principal founder of the Jesuit Welsh Mission, residing at Raglan Castle as chaplain to Lady Frances Somerset He died in that district, says Foley, in 1625. See Foley, vii, p. 681; Blackfan, p 65; C.R.S. , xiii, p 109

William Robins: was one of the four boys captured with the priest William Davies, the martyr, who, when going to Holyhead to arrange the C

[2] fecit suu juramtu ex consuetudine huius Collegii deinde sacerdos factusmissus est in messem Anglicană mense Aprilis anno 1602 . [3: Perry] de hoc viro vide annales S. Albani pag: 37 ubi maxe sglriã et pii zeli indicia narrantur.

GuliermusRobinsuenit ad hoc Collegiu una cupræcedenti ; natus annis 21 in comitatu Carnaruonensi Habuit parentes schismaticos [parentibus scored] honestæ conditionis; per tres años et amplius uixit in unitate eccle catholicæ , et conuersus e a quodamsacerdote noe Guliermus Dauies, cũ quo semel captus e, et mansit in carcere per spatiu unius añi cu dimidio, postea uenit in Hiberniã deinde in Hispaniã ad hoc Collegiu , et admissus e 22 Junii, studuitlřishuānioribus [L.P.E. 30]

108. Johañes cooperus* dioecesis Londinensis receptus ẽ in hoc Collegiu eodě die 22 Junii, 1595 [2] missus est Hispalim

Johannes Cooperus uenit ad hoc Collegiu una cu duobus præcedentibus . Het años 15 , natus londini pre mercatore et catholico, per quatuor años uixit in unitate ecctæ catholicæ , et reconciliatus e a quodam sacerdote cui nomee Doctor Bagshau a quo missus e in hispaniam et primo in Hiberniã studuitIris huānioribus receptus ễ in hoc collegiu eode die cu sociis [L.P.E. 31]. (55)

109. Gualterus Hildesleus comitatus Barkshier receptus ẽ in hoc Collegiu die 1 Nouembris 1595. fecit suu juramentu ex consuetudine huius Collegii finitis sex mensibus. [2] et postea anno 98 14 Septembris missus est in Angliam vt adiret hereditatem paternam qui in Anglia incarceratus pro fide Catholica defunctus est, et visum est conveniens eum mittere ne heretici in bona illa ab herede destitutainvolarent.

GualterusMallettus alis Hildesleus uenit ad hocCollegiudie 16. octobris het años quindecim, natus chipping Hildsley in comitatu Barkshier, parentibus catholicis et nobilibus, uixit semper in unitate ecctæ , et studuit p spatiu duorü añorum literis humanioribusin seminario Audomaropolitanio, unde, a supiore ad hoc collegiu missus et et receptus 1. nouembris 1595 [L.P.E. 32]. passage of these fourto Ireland and thence to the College at Valladolid, was arrested with his companions The boys eventually escaped from their captors, but William Davies was put to death at Beaumaris, July 27, 1593 , after about sixteen months' imprisonment, in which he was accompanied by the boys. A graphic account of the capture and imprisonment, written byWilliam Robins , is printed in Ypes' HistoriaParticular de la Persecucion de Inglaterra, p 652, which has been condensed into English by Dom Bede Camm, O.S.B. , in In the Brave Days of Old,,p 51 and 137. Challoner, Memoirs ofMissionary Priests, p 196, says William Robins was put into the handsof a countryschool-master to be whipped into conformitywiththe church by law establishedbut he found means to escape Blackfan continues the narrative as stated above under John Salisbury. John Cooper : not in the printed Seville list, which ends with July, 1595. C.R.S., xiv

Walter Hildesley, als Mallet : probably the son ofWilliam Hildesley, of Benham, Berks , who was seized at Lyford with Fr. Edmund Campion in 1581. For the Hildesley family see Foley , v, p. 951.

110. Andreas Vitus* Londinensis receptus e eode die I nouebris , 1595. fecit cu sadicto Gualtero suu juramtu

[2] postea Hispalim missus est et in viæ alloquutus est regem et principem reddens gratias pro beneficiis acceptis nomine Collegii Audomarensis

[3] admissus in societatem anno 1606. Pluribus annis in messe Anglicana laboravit Vnde [bis above] missus fuit [ad Theologiam scored] Louaniumad legendamTheologiam Scholasticam, et iterum ad interpretandam Sacram Scripturam Laborauitetiam aliquam- diu in Missione Marilandica. Fuit vir subtilis valde ingenii. Andreas Whit uenit ad hoc Collegiu una cu precedenti , et eodem modo missus, het años 15. natus londini ex parentibus catholicis et nobilibis et semp_uixit catholice; p duos años dedit opam literis huanioribus [L.P.E. 33]. (56)

III. Thomas Lecus comitatu Stafordiensis receptus e in hoc Collegiu 5 Januarii 1596.

[2] hic sacros suscepit ordines et postea in Angliã missus.

Thomas Lecus uenit ad hoc Collegiu 29 decembris [1595], het años 31 , natus in comitatu stafordiensi ex parentibus honestæ conditionis, per unũ añum uixit in unitate ecclesiæ catholicæ, uenit ex anglia per flandriã ad hoc Collegiu et receptus e 5° Januarii 1596. in Academia Oxoniensis supsit gradu bacalaureii [L.P.E. 34].

112. Johanes Ingilbeus [Eboracensis above, in second hand] receptus e eode die et eode año 1596

[2] fecit suu juramentu tempore consueto. [3] et postea [iustas ob causas scored] demissus est a Collegio [4] ob aduersam valetudinem.

* Andrew White: matriculated at Douay in April, 1593; arrived at Valladolid Oct. 16 , 1595; went to Seville, passed through Douay, already a priest, June 4, 1604, on his way from Seville to England, via Lorraine, where he had two brothers who were priests; was one of the priests exiled from England in 1606, and reached Douay July 24 of that year; went to Louvain where he entered the Society; according to the Valladolid account book (Lib Gast 1), wherethe name is entered variously as Andrew Huitus , Vitus and Vito, he came to Valladolid in 1609 , the College paying his travelling expenses fromFlanders; was apparently at the College in 1611 , whenacloak was bought forhim; Foley says he appears as a missionerin London in 1612; from then until 1633 taught at Louvain and Liége, with intermittentjourneys to England; in 1633 was sent to found the Maryland mission, and for his workand writings in that colony has been styled " TheApostle ofMaryland "; in 1644 was taken prisoner bya band ofmarauding Puritans, carriedinchains to London, tried for high treason under the statute of 27 Eliz. for being a priest in England, but acquitted on the plea that he wasin England by force andagainsthis will; was banished andwent to Flanders; returned to England later, and died in Hants , Jan. 6, 1656, n.s. See Knox, Douay Diaries, p. 281; C.R.S. , x, pp 57, 74; Foley, vii, p 834

Thomas Lecky, Leck or Leek : his name is given as Lecque by Ypes (Historia 807), who says he was, in 1593, in the employ of the Chancellorof Ireland, and befriended the eleven boyswho were captured on their wayto Spain and imprisoned in Dublin Castle Seestudents no. 102 and 118. His name has not been traced in the Oxford registers. Blackfan (Annals , p. 51) says he went to England in 1596

An undated letter, in the State Papers (Dom Eliz ), vol cclxix, p. 32, written by George [Mark] Barkworth , and an objection by Mark Barkworth

[Johannes inmargin, Thomas scored] Ingilbey uenit una cu precedenti ad hoc Collegiu , het años 19. natusin comitatu eboracensi parentibus nobilibus ,per quatuor años uixit in eccła catholica, reconciliatus a quodã sacerdote cui nome erat Atkinsonus uenit per flandriã ad hoc Collegiu, et receptus est 5 Januarii 1596 [L.P.E. 35]

during his trial to certain men on the jury, seem to afford some information concerning John Ingleby and two other students from Valladolid, Stephen Parrot and Thomas Singleton. To this letterthe date 1598 has been assigned tentatively by the Editor of the Calendar of State Papers, but since Mark Barkworth did not reach England until the very end of 1599 or the beginning of 1600, either the suggested date is wrong or the letter was not written by Mark Barkworth (See the note to his entry, no 131.) The letter treats ofa man namedParrat, who was practising a kindofblackmail on Barkworth Whenhewasbrought tojudgment on Feb. 23, 1601 , "MarkBarkworthrefused to be put upon trial byjury, givingas a reasonthat he knew that upon the jury there were certain persons named Parrat, Ingleby, and Singleton, ready to swear he was a priest, and he wished to throwall the responsibility of his death upon the judge " (Camm , A Benedictine Martyr in England, p. 123). What we know of the three students from Valladolid bearing those surnames furnishes groundsfor suspecting them to have been the three men on the juryto whom Barkworth objected. John Ingleby, then 19 years old, came to Valladolid on Dec. 29, 1595 Mark Barkwortharrived there Dec. 16, 1596. Ingleby was at the College certainly until July, 1598, on which date are entered in the account book ofthe College (Lib. Gast 1) the travelling expenses of John Inglebeo[Ingleby] to Leon [wherehe was probably going to collect alms, as thenext entryabove states expressly that another person , John Hasloke, was going to Burgos for that purpose] John Ingleby was born in Yorkshire of a landed family He was reconciled to the Church, about 1592 , by a priest named Atkinson, probably the Rev. Thomas Atkinson, who laboured for twenty-eight years in that county, and was put to death for his priesthood at York, Mar. 11 , 1616. The date of John Ingleby's departure fromValladolid does notappear. In the entryin theLiber Alumnorum , as it stood originally, the motive for his dismissalis stated to have been " for good reasons (iustas ob causas). This addition is in the same hand as that of the entry of StephenParret, who was dismissed on the same grounds In the case of John Ingleby the phrasehas been crossed out, but in such a way that the words can be seen by careful scrutiny beneath the scoring The phrase substituted (in another hand) indicates that he was dismissed " on account ofill-health "

Stephen Parret (no 150) left Douay College for Spain on Oct. 23 , 1598 , and arrived at Valladolid, being then 30 years old, on Dec. 21 of the same year In the company were three other students fromDouay, one of whom was Thomas Singleton StephenParret was , " for good reasons , " dismissed from Valladolid at the beginning of Dec., 1599. His viaticum is entered intheaccountbookattheend ofNov. He returned to Douay College towards the end of Jan., 1600. There, with some vehemence , he soughtre-admittance, but was disappointed of his wish, because he had brought no letters of recommendationfromValladolid, and because hehad been livingjust previously in a place not above suspicion So he left for England on Feb. 8 , 1600 . C.R.S. , x, pp 4, 16

As regardsThomas Singleton (no. 151), he seems to have travelled round most of the colleges on the Continent In the Pilgrim Book of the English College, Rome, Thomas Singleton, of Truro, Cornwall, is entered as having stayedat the College for nine daysinthe year 1597 (Foley, vi, p 569) Thence he went to Douay College, where he lived for about a year, and eventually left for Valladolid on Oct. 23, 1598. At Valladolid he told a remarkable tale. When he was a child his father had died, and he was handed over, by order of the government, to a Protestant schoolmasterto be educated in the Protestant religion. This schoolmaster , by trickery, married him, while yet in hisnonage,to his daughter; but after a fewyearsthe girl died. Hestraightway went overseas and, with the idea of living his youthoveragain,travelled

113. Robertus Morgan* Herefordiensis admissus est in hoc Collegit septimo die Martii anno 1596 obiit eodem anno in hoc Collegio. (57) 113 [bis] franciscus torner comitatus deuenshier receptus e una cu duobus prioribus [i.e. with Nos 111 and 112 , for this entry seems to be the original 113.] [2] fecit suu juramentu tempore consueto et missus est postea ad Collegium Hispalense obiitq3 ibi mense Julii año 1599 . franciscus torner uenit ad hoc Collegiu una cu duobus prioribus. het años 19, natus in comitatu deuenshier parentibus nobilibus; per quatuor menses uixit catholicus, reconciliatus ecclesiæ catholicæ per quenda patre societatis Jesu qui uocatur Johanes Gerrat, uenit ad hoc Collegiu una cu precedentibus , et oes tres dederüt operā litteris huanioribus [L.P.E. 36].

114. [Tristramus scored , Joannes above, in 3rd hand] Damforthe comitatus Chesshier eodem die 5 Januarii receptus ĕ año 1596

[2] fecit hic suu juramtü ex consuetudine huius Collegii etsuscepit ordines sacros ab Episcop legionensi die 21 nouembris año 1600 . [3] obiit in hoc Collegio die 22 Aprilis anº 1601

Tristram Damfoorthe uenit ad hoc Collegiuuna cu tribusprecedentibus natus in Comitatu schesshier, parentibus nobilibus het años 20 , missus est Audomaru a pre Dudleo olim huius Collegii Aluno, a 10. añis uixitin eccła catholica, etreconciliatuse a quodãsacerdote antiquo qui uocatur dominus James, mansit per tres hebdomadas in seminarioAnglicanoAudomaropoli; opera dedit Iris huãnioribus [L.P.E. 37]. (58)

115. Gulielmus Vortintonus receptus e in hoc Collegiu una cu quatuor precedentibus.

[2] fecit suu iuramentuabsolutis sex mensibus et postea missis cũ alio socio 2 Octobris vt Regem Philippu 3um presato dolore quem de morte patris percepissemus , de accepto regno gratularetur, et ibi statim in provincia Toletana ingressus est societatem, et in hoc Collegio vita functusest est [sic] mense octobris 1602 . through different countries, until, meeting with an English Jesuit in acertain town ofHigher Germany,hewas receivedintotheChurchandsentimmediately to Rome. According to the account book (Lib. Gast 1) he was givenhis viaticuminJuly, 1599. The register says he joined the Benedictines , butleft them after a short time and returned to England His name does not figure in Birt's Obit Book of the English Benedictines In the hypothesis that he was a spy, he went to the Benedictinesto have a lookround, as he had done at Rome and Douay

* Robert Morgan: not traced The above entry appearsto have been added later , and in the margin is noted with the sign *o*

. Francis Turner : his travelling expenses [? to Seville] are entered in the accountbook, Lib Gast 1 , in Nov., 1597, wherehe is styled Father Francis Turner

John (or Tristram) Damford : not identified

8 William Worthington : brother of John (no 24) and Laurence (no 93) Foley, i, p 186, prints the autobiographical statement of John Copley, who writes:when the College of St. Omer was erected [1593], Father [Nicholas] Smithwas made Minister and summonedme [from Douay]thither, whereI remainedfor a year and a half, and made my poetry and commenced

Gulielmus Woorthingtonus uenit ad hoc collegiu una cu aliis quatuor precedentibus het años decem et nouě natus e in comitatu lancastrensi parentibus nobilibus et catholicis, př mortuus e in carcere post multos labores et ærunas, mr adhuc superẽ. semper uixit catholicus, et het in hispaniaduos frēs unũ in seminarioHispalensi , alteru in Vallesoletano . duos et in seminario Audomarensi , año superioridunauegaret in Hispaniãcaptus ẽ abhæreticis etperaliquot dies detentus in carcere in domo pseudo episcopi Cantuariensis , postea euasit et iteru rediit Audomoropolim, deinde simul cu aliis sex sociis uenitVallesoletu, et receptus e studuit Iris huãnioribus [L.P.E. 38]

116. Thomas Garnettus * receptus e in hoc Collegium simulcualiis quinq3 5 Januarii año 1596. [2] fecit suu juramtu tempore consueto et 22 Novembris anno 1598 certas ob causas demissus est ab hoc Collegio

Thomas Garnettus uenit ad hoc Collegiu simul cu quinq3 predictis, natus in comitatu eboracensi parentibus honestæ conditionis, hết años fere uiginti duos, missus e Audomaru a quodã pre societatis Jesu qui uocatur pater henricus garnettusuixit in ecclesia catholica per quinque años et reconciliatus e a quodam sacerdote antiquo qui uocatur talerus, año superioridunauegaret in hispania captus e una cu socio Gulielmo Vortintonioab hereticis, e quoru manibus aufugit, et tädemcu precedentibusuenit ad hoc collegiuet receptus e. studuitIris huanioribus [L.P.E. 40].

117. Thomas Knachbullus [Cantuarensis above] receptus est in hoc Collegiu die 7° Martii anno 96, dioecesis Cantuarensis. [2] fecit suu juramtu cũ reliquisabsolutis sex mensibus

[3] die 9° Nouembris an° 1600 [de scored] missus ab hoc Collegio

[et rediit scored] in Angliam ad parentes Catholicos, quod frater ipsius majornatu, et primogenitus suscepitordinessacros inCollegio Hispalensi

rhetoric. I was then sent by Superiors with Father Baldwin [vere William Bawden] and five other students to Spain, by way of Cadiz, viz , with William Worthington , John Iverson [no 135], Thomas Garnett [no 116], James Thompson, and Henry Montpesson The journey was unfortunate, all of us being captured at sea by the English fleet [then besieging Dunkirk], and taken to England; I alone was separatedfrom the rest, and was first sent to the Bishop of London, etc ..... " The other boys were sent to Canterbury, and Fr. Bawdenwas taken for the time being to the house ofthe Earl ofNottingham, atthattimeLordHighAdmiral. (See Foley, iii, p. 502). This would be early in 1595. After a few days the boys escaped and returned to St. Omer, whence three of them came to Valladolid Philip II died Sep. 13 , 1598 , in which year, therefore, WilliamWorthingtonenteredthe SocietyIHS.

* ThomasGarnett : see the abovenote to no 115. Camm(In the Brave Days of Old, p. 48) confuses this student with Thomas Garnett (no 122) ThomasKnatchbull : second son of Reginald Knatchbull , oftheancient family seated atMershamHatch in Kent , and his wife Elizabeth,d ofWilliam Crispe. The eldest son was John Knatchbull , who became a Jesuit and was more usually known under the alias John Norton. When he, being heirto the Knatchbull estate, took orders, Thomas was requestedby his parents to returnhome . He became thefather of Dame Margaret Knatchbull, professed at Ghent in 1627 , and her sister Mary, professed there in 1626. See Gillow , iv, pp. 64. 66; C.R.S. , xix, pp. 3 , 22

Thomas Knatchbul venit ad hoc Collegiu 20 die februarii missus a Collegio Hispalensi annos natus 19 cũ sex mensibus nobilibus et Catholicis ortus parentibus ipse fuit semper in corde Catholicus et duobus annis vixit in vnitate eccliæ in Anglia et Hispali studuit literis humanioribus desiderabat fieri sacerdos vt mitteretur in Angliam et proinde admissus est Hispali 1° deinde in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 39] (59)

118. Edmundus Liming* [Eboracensis above] receptus est in hoc Collegiu 28 Martii anno 96, et fecit cu aliis juramentü secundü consuetudine huius Collegii et missuscu alio socio 2 Octobris [anno 98 above] ad curiam ad defungendam nomine totius Collegii statim finito negocio ingressusest societatem Jesu in provincia Toletana. [2] et ibi mortuus est in po novitiatus anno

Edmundus Liming venit ad hoc collegiu 18 Februarii cu alio socio natus est in comitatu Eboracensi parentibus honestæ conditionis habetannos octodecimmissus est Audomaropo[lim above]a quodam sacerdote qui vocatur pr Michellusa quo et reconciliatuserat et ad vnitatem ecctiæ assumptus biennio ante aut eo amplius, prima vice qua aggressus est iter versus Hispaniam captus est ab hereticis in Hibernia vbi [in ca scored] detentusest in carcere [post scored] per aliquod tepus, deinde vinctus Londinu ductus est vnde post aliquot menses diuino beneficio liberatus venit ad Audomarense collegiuet inde huc missus venit anno domini 1596 die ut supra studuitliteris humanioribus [L.P.E. 41].

119. Gulielmus Vincentius [Cantuariensis above] admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu supra dicto socio die et anno vt sa fecit etiam iuramentusecundü consuetudinem huius Collegii et sacros suscepit ordines ab epo huius Ciuitatis anno 1602 et ineunte vere año 1603 missus est in messe Anglicanã

Gulielmus Vincentius venit ad hoc collegiu vna cu prædicto [socio natus in in margin scored] socio natus in Comitatu Cantii nobilibus [nobi scored]parentibushabet annos fere octodecimvixitin vnitate eccliæ Catholicæad sex menses reconciliatus a quodam sacerdote cui nomen Joannes Garretius a quo et missus est ad Su Audomari et indehuc ordinatione superiorüpervenit studuit literis humanioribus [L.P.E. 43].

120. Rogerius Guinreceptus est in hoc Collegiu 70 Martii anno 96, fecit suu juramentutempore competenti , suscepitsacros ordines ab epo huius Ciuitatis anno 1602, et ineunte vere anno 1603 missus est in Anglia ubi statim captus coniectus e in carcere.

* Edmund Leeming or Liming: probablyof the family of Leeming, of Lancaster . Foley (vii, p 1,440) gives the nameincorrectly as Lining; wasone of the eleven boys captured in Ireland, and afterwards imprisoned in the Bridewell prison, from which he escaped. See students 102, 108 , and 111 William Vincent : not identified

Roger Gwyn: born at Pwllheli , Carnarvonshire, 1577. On June 6 , 1603, St. Aubyn sent word to the Council, from Cornwall, that Capt. Cock and Capt. Fisher " being at sea, mettwith a shippe of Newhaven , a ffrenchman, and coming aboorde founde there an Englishman called Roger Wynn [Gwyn] born in CarnarvonshireinWales, who uppon theirexaminingeofhim

Rogerius Guin venit ad hoc Collegium 20 die Februarii anni 96 missus Hispali annũ agensfere 19 natusin Comitate Monmotensi in Wallia, parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis , et ipse semper vixit in vnitate ecctiæ. egrediens ex Anglia venit 1° in Hiberniam vbi expectavit navigandi comoditatem per annu et tres menses, humiliter petiit admitti in Seminariu prpter desideriu quo flagrabat laborandi in vinea dñi, et admissus est [L.P.E. 42] (60)

121. Joannes Bradshaw* dioecesis Wigorniensis receptus est in hoc Collegiu die et anno quo supradictiduo, et fecit juramentusecundu consuetudině huius Collegii. [2] et ingressus est postea mense maii an° 1599 ordinem Benedictinorū

Joannes Bradshawe venitad hoc collegiu21 februarii natusin comitatu Woorcestrensi parentibus honestæ conditionis annu agens 19 , missus Audomaru a p° Henrico Garnetto nostræ Societatisvenit ad hoc collegiu missus Audomaro cũ aliis septem sociis anno et die vt supra [L.P.E. 44].

122. Thomas Garnettus dioecesis Londinensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu cu sa dictistribus, et fecit juramentüex more huius Collegii [2] Suscepit ordines sacros et profectus est in Angliamad iuuandas animas

[3] ibiqz ingressus est Societate et postea Londini anno Domini 1608 mense Junii martyrio coronatus est Thomas Garnettus venit ad hoc collegiucu precedenti et aliis sex natus in comitatu Midlesex in civitate Londinensi parentibus nobilibus cuius pater inde a multis annis multa pro fide Catholica passus est et ipse filius semper in fide Catholica vixit annu agens iam circiter decimũ nonũ missus Audomaripolim a p Henrico Garnetto vbi perseverauit annu et sex menses deinde huc venit cu desyderio coaptandi se fini hujus Collegii die et anno vt supra studuitliteris humaniorib3 [L.P.E. 45]

acknowledgedhimselfe to be a seminariepriest, whom they tooke out ofthe said shippe .... He departed out of England into Irelande about six years past, where he lived on his own charges and came to the colledge of the seminarie in Civita [Seville] and after his staie there on quarter of a yeare was sent tothe seminarieof Viliadolid , wherehe continued about fiveyeares, and then was there made a seminarye priest " (Dom . James I: June 6, 23 , 28, 1603, and May 24, 1604). He was a prisoner in the Tower in July, 1603; in the Gatehouse at Michaelmas , 1603; sent to the Marshalsea , March 6, 1604; on Lady Day, 1605, there is an apothecary'sbillfor him. From these entries in the Tower Bills (C.R.S. , iv, pp 237, 239 , 240) it would seem he was ill during most of the time he was in prison, and probably died there . His name is given in Blackfan's Annals as " Grien, " apparently an error

John Bradshaw , als White: born at Worcester, 1576; was the first student of Valladolid who became a Benedictine; entered that Order at St. Martin's, Compostela , May 26, 1599; there professed and ordained 1600; sent to the English Mission 1602; founded the Monastery of St. Gregory, at Douay, which continuesits flourishing existence at Downside, near Bath; died at Longueville, May 4, 1618. See Birt, Obit Book, p 5: Camm , A Benedictine Martyr, passim . Blessed ThomasGarnet, als Rookwood and Sawyer: martyr ; the Lib Gasto 1 has an entry of his viaticum in August, 1599, when he went to England in company with Mark Barkworth . He was hanged at Tyburn, June 23 , 1608


123. Ricardus Knasborow* ex dioecesi Eboracensi receptus est in hoc Collegiu cu sa dictis quatuoret fecit cu illis juramentuex more huj Collegii deinde missus est Hispalimibig sacerdos factus missus est in Anglia.

Richardus Knasborow venit ad hoc collegium cu superioribusduobus et aliis quinque Sociis 21 Februarii natus in comitatu Eboracensi parentibus honestæ conditionis annũ agens decimuseptimũ 6 annis antequam Anglia egressus est ascriptus est eccliæ catholicæ qui cũ egredi pararet ad partes cismarinas Dunelmi comprehensus est ibiqz et Eboraci sex hebdomadis detentus est, et ad ciuitatem Sancti Audomari fæliciter advolauit ubi postquam biennio esset comoratusad hoc collegiuadventauit missus a superioribus studuit literis humanioribus [L.P.E. 46]

123* . Franciscus Mallet dioecesis Wintoniensis receptus est in hoc Collegiu eodem die et anno cu supra dictis 5 Sociis et cu eis fecit juramentu ut assolet fieri ab alumnis hujus Collegii, obiit in hoc Collegio mense Novembris anno 1597 . ["Number repeated, but the entry is otherwise normal astoposition and penmanship .]

Franciscus Malletus venit ad hoc collegiu vna cũ præcedentibus tribus et aliis4 Sociis natus in comitatu Barkiensi parentibus nobilibuset Catholicis vixit semp in vnitate ecctiæ agit iam anñ decimu sextu studuit Audomaropoli per duos annos literis humanioribus deinde huc missus ingressus est in collegiudie et anno vt supra [L.P.E. 47]. (62)

124. Ricardus Cranvisius dioecesis Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu una cu sa dictis sex Sociis fecit juramentu ex more huius Collegii et postea Hispalimmissus est [2] reuersus est ad hoc Collegium 10 die maii año 1600 dimissis est e collegio die 10 martiianº 1601.

Richardus Cranwiseus venit ad hoc collegiu vna cu prædictisquatuor et aliis tribus Sociis natus in comitatu Essex parentibus honestæ conditionis annu agit 19 ascriptus vnitati ecctiæ a p skidmoro à quo etiam est eductus Anglia et Audomaropolim trasmissus ibi per duos annos et tres menses studuitliterishumanioribusadmissus est in hoc collegiu die et anno vt supra [L.P.E. 48]

125. Georgius Herberts è Welliensi dicecesi admissus est est [sic] in hoc collegiu una cu sa dictis septem sociis fecit juratu absolutis sex mensibus postea Hispalimmissusin via defunctus est.

* Richard Knasborow or Knaresborough: a priest named Christopher Knasborow passed through Douay College on the way from the College at Valladolid to that of St. Omer and thence to England, in July, 1604. See C.R.S. , x, p 60

Francis Mallet : probably connectedwith the Hildesleys of Berkshire

WalterHildesley (no 109) used the aliasof Mallet, as did alsoBrother Thomas Hildesley, S.J. See Foley, v, p 950

Richard Cranwise: a youthnamedCrammisharrived at Douay College from SpainonApril 15 , 1601 , butbeingrefused admittance went onto England In the Pilgrim Book of the English College, Rome, is entered on April 19 , 1608, Richard Cranwige Being no room in the hospice , he was supported outside for eight days, and received an alms in money On July 18 he received four gules on leaving Rome See Foley, vi, p 584; C.R.S., x, p. 62 .

George Herbert : not identified

Georgius Harbettus venit ad hoc collegiu vna cu supradictis 5 et aliis duobus Sociis natus est in comitatu Dorcestriæ patre et matre nobilibus et Catholicis, cujz pater exilia carceres et dira passus adhuc in manibus tyrañoru nec adhuc constat an morte ab eis multatus sit an viuit ad vlteriora tormenta habet filius ej annos 19 aut circiter ascriptus est in Catholicoru albu Audomaropoli, vbi per 4°r menses studuit rei gramaticæ [L.P.E. 49].

H (63)

126. Vincentius Eyr* dioecesis Lichfildensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu una cu sa dictis 8 sociis fecit juramentu in hoc collegio et postea Hispalim missus est, et in via cũ aliis duobus sociis habita oratione coram principe Hispaniaru in gratiaru actionem pro beneficiis in Collegiu Audomarense impensis. [2] et ibi ingressusest Societatem die 6° Aprilis an° 1600 .

[3] Vnde haud ita multo post demissus pfectus est in flandriã et postea in Anglia [propter ( .... *) capite plexus est scored]. [*This word is so scored as to be unreadable .]

Vincentius Eyre venit ad hoc collegiu vna cu supra dictis sex et alio socio natus est in comitatu Derbiæ patre et matre nobilibus et Catholicis agens iam annũ decimu quintũ egressus Anglia venit primo Duacu inde post duos annos Audomaropolim transmigravit, deinde post alterü annu huc missus receptus est in collegiu, anno et mense vt supra studuit literishumanioribus [L.P.E. 50]

127. Guls Richardsonus dioecesis Lincolniensis admissus est in hoc collegiu die et anno quo sa dicti novem et fecit cu eisvna juramentu.

[2] suscepit ordines sacros hic ab Episcopo huius ciuitatis [3] et missus est in messe Anglicanã anno 1602 .

GulielmusRichardsonus venit ad hocCollegiuvna cu aliis septem sociis natus in comitatu Lestriæ parentibus honestæ conditionis iam habetannos 21. vndecim annisvixitin vnitate ecctiæ, duobus annis vixit in civitate Sancti Audomari deinde huc missus ascitusest in collegarunumeru Anno et die vt supra studuit gramatica [L.P.E. 51]

Henricus Almond venit ad hoc Collegiu die 18° Augusti an. 1596 cu alio socio, natus est in comitatu Lancastrensi patreet matrehonestæ condicionis vixit per duos annos in vnitate ecctiæ reconciliatus a patre quodã seminariorüdicto Lyster huc missus per prem Bentleũ hujus quonda Collegii alünü, annos natus 26. studuit gramatica [L.P.E. 52].

* Vincent Eyre : of the Eyrefamily of Hassop, Derbyshire. On April 1 , 1601 , Vincent Eyre arrived at Douay from Valladolid, was found unsuited for the priesthood and sent away on June 5 following. C.R.S., x, p. 32; Foley, vii, p. 1,428.

William Richardson : not traced.

HenryAlmond : members oftheAlmond familyat Dinckley and Wigan are to be found in the Recusant Roll for 1592-3 C.R.S. , xviii, pp 200 -r He is not enteredin the Liber Alumnorum .


128. Georgius Beringtonus* dioecesis Herfordiensis admissusest in hoc collegiu die vigessimo octauo Augusti anno 1596, deinde post sex menses fecit suum juramentuex consuetudine huius Collegii. [2] et postea minus aptus repertus fini huius [Co scored] instituti dimissus est 20 die Aprilis anº 1600 . [3] et postea ingressusest ordine St Benedicti .

Georgius Berington venit ad hoc Collegiuuna cũ alio socio die et anno ut s [18 Aug., 1596] nobilibus et Catholicis natus parentibus vixit per quinque annos in vnitate ecctiæ missus in Hiberniã per prēm Cadwalladerũquondãalumnu hujus Collegiiunde huc post undecim mensiu mora in quibus expectavit transfretandi oportunitatem aduolavit annos habens 19 studuitliteris humanioribus [L.P.E. 53]

129. Joannes Jonesius admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 20° mensis Decembris anno 1596, dioecesis Herefordiensis, fecit juramtū ex consuetudine hujus Collegii in die St Albani, anno 1597 . [2] poste[a] mense octobris anº 1599 ingressus est religionem Sti Benedicti

Joannes Jhonesius venit huc 13 Decembris 1596 natus in Comitate Herefordiensi honestis parentibuset de fide catholica bene sentientibus ipse habet modo annos 22. studuit Oxonii vbi erat Collegialis in Collegio D' Jõis per quinque annos quoru duos impendit studuis philosophicis alios 3 iuri ciuili ipse etiam semper corde Catholicus vixitin vnitate ecctiæper sex mensesreconciliatusa Pe Joe Garretio è societate Jesu a quo et huc missus est cu aliis duobus sociis et humillimè petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 54].

Joes Barley venit ad hoc Collegiu cu s dicto et alio socio natus in Comitate Derbiensi parentibus nobilibs et Catholicis ipse ab incunabulis semper mansit in vnitate ecctiæ, habet modo annos 19 studuit gramaticæet humanioribus literis per sex annos et semper magna flagrabat cupiditate partes has cismarinas adeundi vt in aliq ex seminariis tandem satis instructus literis sacerdos fieret cuius rei gratia Londinu adiit, vbi incidens fæliciter in patrem Joem Garretiu huc cu literis comendatitiis missus est et humillimè petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 55].

* George Berington : born in Herefordshire, 1576; was a memberofthe family of Beringtons of Dinmore; entered Benedictine Order and was pro- fessed at St. Emilian's, Spain; sent on the English Mission, and laboured in his native county; became blind; died in Hereford , May 19, 1664. See Birt, Obit Book, p 42

John Jones , als Leander , als Leander a Sto Martino, als Scudamore : born in Llan Wrinach, Brecknockshire , 1575; admitted to the Merchant Taylors' School in 1584; elected to a scholarshipat St. John's College, Oxford , in 1590; elected by his College to a fellowship in 1593; the list of fellows has the following note about him: "Abiit socius : postea in transmarinas partes se contulitreligionis causâ "; entered BenedictineOrder at Compostela in Oct., 1599; D.D. of Salamanca ; first President General of the restored English Congregation; died in London, Dec. 27, 1635, and was buried in the Chapel Royal in Somerset House. See Birt, Obit Book, p. 17; Gillow , Bibliog. Dict Eng. Cath , iii, p 660; Camm , A Benedictine Martyr, passim. John Barley : his parents were probably Thomas Barley, gent. , of Hathersage, and Matilda his wife, who are in the Recusant Roll for 1592-3 C.R.S. , xviii, p 32. He is not in the Liber Alumnorum In the account book (Lib Gastos 1) under Feb., 1598, is entered the salary of John Barley, 46 reales, and in March he was paid 14 reales and sent away.


130. Thomas Birdus * admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sa dicto socio natusin dioecesis Londonensi fecit juramentuin hoc collegio die et anno ut supra. [2] et postea [certas ob causas scored] dimissus est ab hoc Collegio mense aprilis an° 1599 [3] qd non sit visus satis idoneus huic instituto.

Thomas Byrdus venit ad hocCollegiucu duobus s'dictis sociis nobilibus et catholicis natus parentibus, et ipse semper mansit filius obediens ecctiæ habetmodo annos 20 natusLondini studuit in Anglia humanioribus literis, et legibus municipalibus Angliæper unũ annũ missus a Patre Garretio cu literis comendatitiis humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 56].

131. Marcus Barkwoorthus admissus est in hoc Collegiu 28 Decembris anno 1596 dioecesis Lincolniensis fecit juramtu ex consuetudine huius Collegii die 22 Junii anno 1597. [2] ordines sacros suscepit [ab scored] in hac Civitate ab epo eiusde et missusest in Angliamad iuuandas animas mense Julii año 1599. [3: Perry] Martyr in Anglia Annodñi 1601 .

MarcusBarkwoorth venitad hoc Collegiu die 16 Decembris [del scored] anni 1596 cũ aliis quinque sociis a Collegio Duacensi vnde pestem que ibi grassari incepit fugiens Romã 1° concessit deinde huc cu literis comendatitiis Pi Alphonsi Algazari R Collegii Angloru Romæ et P Josephi Cresweli advolavit natusinpvincia Lincolniensi honestis parentibus agit anñ fere vigesimũ quartu In anglia studuit literis humanioribus deinde Duaci per annu et sex menses vixit duobus annis in vnitate ecctiæ Duaci per Doctore Arosmith Anglu reconciliatus petiit humiliter admitti in hoc Collegiũ vt fine quem sibi præfixeratconvertendianimas comodius assequeretur [L.P.E. 57].

* ThomasByrd : not traced. Hereturned to the College but wasfinally expelledin Nov., 1599. Lib Gastos 1

Blessed Mark Barkworth, als. Lambert: studied first at Oxford; matriculated at Douay, Oct. 5, 1594; the writer ofthe Liber Primi Examinis is mistaken in saying he was reconciled by Dr. Edward Arrowsmith (uncle of the martyr of the same name) ; see his own letter in More, Hist Prov Angl. , lib. xiv, no 14, where he writes: [tr .]" The saintly Father George, a Flemish Jesuit, reconciledme to the Church at Douay "; set off from Valladolid in July, 1599, and on the way stayed at the Benedictine monastery at Hyrache, near the French frontier, where he was admitted as a member of the community and given the right, which later he exercised , to take the monastic vows at the hour of death and to be reckoned amongtheprofessed sons ofSt. Benedict From Hyrache he went to La Rochelle, where he and his companion, Blessed Thomas Garnett (no 122), barely escaped the hands of some English merchants there who would have sent them as prisoners to England The two priests stayed there long enoughfor Mark Barkworth to bring the matter to the notice of the King, Henri IV, who gave him full satisfaction as to the future safety of Catholics in that Huguenot town. All this involved some delay in the journey, but eventually they embarked at La Rochelleand arrived in England towards the end of 1599 or the beginning of 1600. When exactly is not known, but soon Mark Barkworth wasarrested and incarcerated in Bridewell prison, and afterwards transferred to Newgate He was hanged at Tyburn , Feb. 27, 1601. See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 282 ; Camm , A Benedictine Martyr, passim

132. Francz Clerkus* dioecesis Norfolciensis in Anglia admissusest in hoc Collegiu cũ sa dicto socio et cũ eodem simul fecit juramt suscepit hic sacros ordines ab epo huius ciuitatis et missus est in Angliam ut in vinea domini ibi laboret die po octobris año 1600 .

ffranciscusClerkus venitad hoc Collegiu cu duobus supra memoratiset aliis tribus sociis annu agens 24 natus in ComitateNorfolciæhonestis parentibus per tres annos et sex menses vixit in vnitate ecctiæ reconciliatus per Pm Edmudu societatis Jesu cũ ipse diu ante esset in cordeCatholicus, studuit in Anglia humanioribus literis, deinde Duaci perduos annos et eo ampliusstuduit dialecticæ et philosophiæ humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu pro desyderioquo flagrabat in Anglia laborandi in messe dominica [L.P.E. 59]

133. Guls Ishamus dioecesis Badiensis in Anglia admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sa dictis duobus sociis, et cũ eisdem simul fecit juramtü factus est sacerdos ab episcopo huius Ciuitatis mense Septembri anno 1602 et ineunte vere anni 1603 missus est in Anglia. Gulielmus Ishamus ad hoc Collegiu appulit die et modo quo supradictus,annuagit iamfere 18 , natus in ComitateSomerset, parentibus nobilibus, et Catholicis, qui multa passi sunt pro fide Catholica et ipse semper vixit in vnitateecctiæ, egressus est Anglia annu agens 14 quo tepore venit Duacu vbi quatuor annis studuit gramatica et literis humanioribus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 58]. (67)

134. Alexander Fayrecloth admissus est in hoc Colegiu die vigesimo octauo Decembris anno 1596 fecit deinde juramentu huius Collegii die 22mensisJunii anno 1597. factus sacerdos missus est in Anglia anno dñi 1602 mense Aprilis ibiz cooptatus est in societate Jesu strenuèz laborat. [2] Vbi fuit Rectorcerti districtusCollegialis. [3: Perry] de illo vide annales S. Albani p: 39

* Francis Remmington, als Clark : matriculated at Douay, 1594; passed through Douay on his way to England at the end of Nov., 1600 , in company with William Jones , a priest, who, in the Douay Diary, is said also to have been from Valladolid There is no student of this namein the register, but as John Birtwisle (no 100) left Valladolid for England on the same day, the namepossiblyrefersto him. But see Birt (ObitBook, p 20),for a William Jones als Price, ordained 1598; entered the Benedictine Order in Spain; professed at St. Facundus, Sahagun Knox, Douay Diaries, p. 282; C.R.S. , x, p 30

William Isham or Isam : of Wells; matriculated at Douay, 1593 . There was a Christopher Isham imprisoned in the Clinkin 1586. Astudent, Francis Isam, passed from Seville to Douay, where he arrived ill in Dec., 1600, and departed for England, still ill, in Sept., 1601. See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 281; C.R.S. , ii, p. 260; x, pp 30 , 35 .

Alexander Fairclough, als Pelham : born in London; entered the Society IHS soon after his arrival in England, according to Blackfan; was imprisoned in Newgate, 1614, and afterwards at Wisbeach Castle; released three years later, he went to Belgium; returned to England in 1621; was Rector of the Jesuit, Oxford District, where he died Aug. 4, 1645. See Knox, Douay Diaries, p 282 ; Foley, vii, p 239

[William Vaughan to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Sir Thomas Egerton ,

Alexander ffayrcloth huc appulitcu tribus s'dictis et eodem modoquo illi, habens viginti annos ætatis, natus Londini patre mercatore , et vtroq3 parente ad religionem Catholicam semper bene affecto, studuit Londini primo humanioribus literis per quatuor annos ,

Sir Robert Cecil and the rest oftheCouncil Calendar ofMSS oftheMarquis ofSalisbury, preserved at Hatfield House , Herts, xii, pp. 211-3.] 1602, July 4/14. -I thought it the part of her Majesty's loyal subject in these my travels to forewarn the Council of certain caterpillars I mean Jesuits and seminary priests, who, as I am credibly informed by two several men , whose names, under your pardon, according to promise, instantly I conceal, are to be sent from the English seminary at Valladolid, in the kingdom of Castile in Spain, to pervert and withdrawher Majesty's loyalsubjects from their due obedience to her I have therefore sent notice to some of you from Calais in France of some such persons, and of their dealing, the one of whom , George Askew [cf. C.R.S. , x, p 32], as he then termedhimself , being made priest at Douay in Flanders, is taken, as I understand , and lies prisoner in the Clink

But to the purpose There is in the foresaid seminary one Christopher Rokewood [no ... ], whom the Jesuits his superiors lately, contrary to his willing part, enticed to undertake the order of priesthood, a lean tall young man , born in Suffolk, as I am informed, and is to come over in the latter end of this month of July, or at the beginning of August

There is there also one Alexander Fairecloth [no 134], of London, priest, of a middle stature, crookednosed, lisping somewhatin his speech, and brown bearded : to come over the time aforesaid Also one William Robins [No. 107], a Welshman, of the county of Caernarvon, about ten years past taken at Holyhead in the countyof Anglesey, and condemned in the company of one Davies, priest, whom I saw executed at Bewmares in the county aforesaid He is of stature low, round faced, little or not bearded at all, bending in the shoulders , about the age of 30 years, and is to come over ut supra Besides , one Roger Owyn [Gwyn, no 120], of Clynnoke in the countyof Caernarvon, priest, of stature tall, black head and beard, of a very sanguine complexion, and (whereby he is best noted) pureblind, to come over ut supra. Add to these, one that goes by the name of John Salesbury [no 106], of Denbighshire, priest, yellow headed , sanguine , and ofshort stature, about the age of 26 , and never will have a beard, to come over ut supra. Besides , one that goes by the name of William Vincent [no 126], of Kent, priest, ofvery low stature, hollow eyed, yellowish head , and beardless , to come over ut supra, or at the next spring, with other of the like brood

In the said seminary there is one Robert Tibald [no 189], of Norfolk, sometime master in arts of St John's College in Cambridge, not yet priest, but ready to be sent over two years hence; he is tall of stature, red headed, and speckle faced Moreover, one Christopher Marlor [no 160] (as he will be called), but yet for certainty his name is Christopher, sometime master in arts of Trinity College in Cambridge, of very low stature, well set , of a black round beard, not yet priest, but to come over in the mission of the year nextensuing Also, one WilliamJohnson[no 180], born about Durham , son to the Bishop's bailiff of Durham (who has also a brother oneofthemos principallest seminary priests in England), not yet priest, but to be sentover next year, of stature tall, and gross, with a great black head and beard

In the said seminary there is one Francis Johnson[no. 188] (whose brother isin the seminary of Sevilla), son to Mr [Christopher: d 1597] Johnsonsometime schoolmasterof Winchester. There is also one HenryGreffon[no ... ?] (whose brother is also at St Omers in Flanders), son to a gentleman, one Mr Griffon of Kent And one Edmond Worthington [no. 181], one of that wicked race of Cheshire , whose brethren be all Jesuits, and he himself means to be one .Pisa, 14 July.

* Son of Robert Rookwood, of Stanningfield , Suffolk, and his second wife , Dorothy, daughter of Sir William Drury, Knt , of Hawkstead ; priest O.S.F. at Madrid . Foley, iii, 788 , pedigree

deinde legibus municipalibus per tres annos. avunculi sui suasu qui multa passus erat pro fide Catholica, reliquitAnglia, et omne spem [quenoru altered to honoru] que ei affulgere coepit, ut in Seminariis nostris quæreret christu crucifixu, venit 1° Duacu vbi per annos duos studuit rhetoricæet logicæ, deinde huc veniens cu supradictis sociis humilliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 60].

135. Joannes Ivesonus* dioecesis Londinensis admissus fuit in hoc Collegiu 18 die Martii anno 1597. fecit juramentumpost sex menses ex consuetudine huius Collegii.

[2] et postea instanter petens admissus est in Societatem Jesu [.. ...] año 1599 .

[3] et anno 1607missus est in Anglia.

Joannes Yveson venit ad hoc Collegiu nono die Martii 1597 cu alio socio , natus est Londini parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis, ab incunabulisardebatstudiopietatis semperq5 vixitin vnitateecclesiæ , decimuquintũannum agens ultrò petiit a parentibus vt eu a se ad aliquid seminariu trasmarinũ [ablegarent above] in qua petitione licet importune satis per aliquot menses insistebat, propter indulgentiam in se matris et metu vtriusque parentis ne huiusmodi discessu eis crearet periculu, nihil proficiebat, tandem qo heroină quãdã adiit illius ciuitatis, manifestans ei desideria sua et quid cu patre in eo negocio egerat, ab ea igitur clam patre instruitur necessariis, et mittitur Audomaropolim, et inde post annu unu iussu superiorůnavigavit versus Hispaniam in itinere autem ab hereticis captus reducitur in Angliam et multa abaliis passus tandemtraditur pseudoepo Cantuariensi si fieri posset pervertendussed ipse imobilis semper permansit, et post novem menses eorü effugiens manus rediit secundo Audomaropolim et inde post vnu annu huc missus est agens annu circiter decimu octavu studuit literis humanioribus Londini tribus annis et Audomaropoli duobus, humiliter petiit admittiin hoc Collegium vt idoneus fieret operarius Anglicanæ messi [L.P.E. 61] (68)

136. Thomas Evans admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 20 Junii [anno I scored , 1597 in margin] dioecesis Carnarvensis fecit juramtu die 30 februarii anni 98. suscepit sacros ordines ab epõ huius ciuitatis. [2] posteamense februariiaño 1599 ingressus est religionem Carthusianorum .

* John Evison, or Iveson, als or vere. Bonham : Entered the Society IHS while still a student at Valladolid ; went to England in 1611 ; in 1622 was in the London district; imprisoned later and then banished , when he went totheLiége College where he died June 4, 1651. See Foley, vii, p 235

Thomas Evans: matriculated at Jesus College, Oxford, 15 May, 1584 , aged [? 20]; arrived at Douay College, Sept. 6, 1598; accordingtothe account book (Lib Gast 1) he left Valladolid in January, 1599 , returned , and went away again in February of the same year. The Douay Diary says of him: Thomas Evans, of Menevia, who was admitted to the College at Valladolid, May 3 , 1597, where he received the diaconate, and whence he was sent to Douay for certain reasons, arriving there about April 18 , 1599; was ordained priest Sept. 28, 1599; took the oath of obedience to the Archpriest Feb, 27, 1600, and went to Calais, on the way to England, March 1 , 1600. See C.R.S. , x, passim

Thomas Evans huc appulit die 2 Junii anni s'dicti natus in diceces , Carnarvensino procul a dicta ciuitate, habens annos viginti septemi parentibushonestæ condicionis , bene de religione Catholicasentientibus, et ipse inde a quinque annis erat in corde catholicus reconciliatus per Pre Guin alias Jones dictu. studuitliteris humanioribus in patria sua deinde Oxonii dialectiæ et philosophiæ [vbi scored] per quatuor annos vbi factus est baccalaureus in artibus, humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt se ejus fini coaptaret [L.P.E. 62]

137. Jacobus Gomondus* admissus est in hoc Collegiu 12 Septembris, et obiit in hoc Collegio 3º Novembris ejusdemanni

Jacobus Gomondus venitad hoc Collegiu primo die Septembris anni 97 natus in comitate Herefordiensiprope ipsam ciuitatem Herefordiensem parentibus nobilibus [nobilibus scored] eisque Catholicis, ipseq3 semper mansit in vnitate ecctiæ iam viginti annisnatus aut circiter, studuitrei gramaticæ in terra sua et postea Londini studuitlegibus municipalibus per duos annos, hic egrediens Anglia venit primò Rupellam in Francia et inde post multos exantlatos labores venit ad hocCollegiudie et anno vt s humiliter petens in eo recipipropter desyderiu quo flagrabat comodandi patriæ suæ in spiritualibus [L.P.E. 63]

1597 . (69)

138. Gualterus Grauenor Dioecesis Wigorniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 28Octobris fecitjuramentuex moreet consuetudine hujus Collegii, Maii 12° anni 98."

[2] hic ordinatus est Diaconus et die 20 Aprilis año 1600 dimissis iustas ob causas ex hoc Collegio. [3] sed posteaperspectaeius penitentia et notabili vitæ emendatione factus est sacerdos et missus in messe Anglicanã anno 1602.

Walterus Gravenerus venit ad hoc Collegiu duodecimo die Octobris 1597 natus in provincia Salupiæ nobilibus parentibus et catholicis habens annos circiter viginti vnu, missus est primo a parentibus suis in Hiberniam unde post novem mensiu moram in Hispaniam convolavit per octo menses vixit in vnitate eccliæ semper in corde catholicusabincunabulissuis, InAnglia studuit literis humanioribus, humiliterpetiit admittiin hocCollegiu ppter desideriuquo flagrabat laborandi in messe dominica [L.P.E. 64].

Stephanus Maynardus, natus Nordouici in Angliahonestis parentibus, et schismaticis , venit ad hoc Collegiu die 15 Aprilis, anni 1598, annos natusferè viginti, Hic Nordouici in patria sua studuit literis humanioribz deinde Cantabrigiæin Collegio Gunelli et Caii, vbi erat Collegialis, studuit ferè per quatuor annos, rhetoricæ et philosophiæ ,

* James Gomond: probably theson ofJohn Gomond, gent , ofHereford , who appearsin the Recusant Roll of 1592-3 . See C.R.S., xviii, pp. 133-4

Walter Gravenor: in the account book Lib Gast I are entered in Feb., 1601 , his expenses during the eight months he was in Madrid , and his viaticum to San Lucar.

Stephen Maynard : son of Henry Maynard; early schooling at Norwich; admitted scholar of Caius College, Cambridge , Sep. 7, 1590, aged 16; was not entered in the Lib Alumnor.; the account book Lib Gast I has an entry of his viaticum in September , 1598.


digressus deinde ex Anglia in Galliam, animi gratia, ibi a sacerdote quodam Anglo cooptatus est in vnitatem ecctiæ, iam duobus abhinc annis, et missus Duacum , vnde post vnu mensem secedens et seculari militiæ nomen dans, tandem desyderio melioris vitæ ad hocCollegiu convolavit, literis cujusdam přis e Societate munitus, nihil aliud præ oculis habens quam vt instructus virtute et literis, in Angliam ad messem dominicam remearet , et vt hunc finem [recip scored] assequeretz humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium [L.P.E. 65]. 1598

139. Joes Ruperti* admissus est in hoc Collegiu 18 octobris anno 1598 dioceseos Bangorensisin Wallia. [2] ingressusest ordinem Benedictinoru [3: Perry] vide annales domesticos p: 65: ubi martyr occubuitSub fine Decembris i.e. 10 Dec: 1610

Joannes Robertus venit ad hoc Collegiu 15 Septembris natus in traswineth in Comitatu Meruinæ natus parentibus nobilibus et in corde Catholicis, annosq3 habet iam duos et viginti, et ipse semper corde veneratusest religionemCatholicam , studuit Oxoniæ per duos annos literis humanioribus, postea iuri municipali studuit Londini in clientelamnobilis cujusdamequitis in Anglia ascitus, assumptus est in unionem ecctiæ Catholicæ tribus ab hinc mensibus Parisiis a dño Ludouico Godiberto canonico ecctiæ Parisiensis et cu in votis haberet Romam proficisci, huc missus est a Pe Joe Cecilio Parisiis comorante , humiliter petiit admittiin hoc Collegiu propter desideriu quoflagrabat in vineadñi operarius fieri, et admissus est 18 octobris anni 1598 [L.P.E. 66]. (70)

140. Robertus Knasborow dioecesis Eboracensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 die Octobris anno 1598 . [2] ingressusordinem B. Benedicti paulo post moritur.

Robertus Knasborowvenit ad hoc Collegiu 30 die Octobris 1598 annu agens 16. natus est in Comitatu Eborensi parentibus honestæ conditionis et Catholiciset ipse semper vixit in vnitate ecctiæ Catholicæ emissus est ex Anglia quinq3 ab hinc annis Audomaropolimvbi per quatuor annos studuit gramaticæ et literis humanioribus, annoautem alio Hispali in rhetorica se exercuit vnde huc missus admissus est die et anno supra scriptis, cum protestatione hoc ei in votis esse vt ad arbitrium superiorum fiat sacerdos propter desyderiu quo flagrat spiritualibus Angliæ necessitatibus subveniendi [L.P.E. 67]

* Blessed John Roberts: martyr Matriculated at St. John's College, Oxford, Feb. 20, 1595-6; left Oxford at the beginning of 1598, and became a student at Furnival's Inn. See his life by Dom Bede Camm, A Benedictine Martyr in England. The word " traswineth " [Trawsfynydd in Merionethshire, the birthplace of John Roberts] is incorrectly transcribed from the Lib Prim Examinis in the copy used by Camm (See p 49n)

Robert Knaresborough: son of Peter Knaresborough, a yeoman o Ferensby [Farnham], two miles from the town of Knaresborough, and his wife Catherine (see Recusant Roll of 1592-3, C.R.S. , xviii, p 64) Peter Knaresborough was imprisoned at least three times for his religion and in 1594 tried for his lifefor the offence of harbouring and befriendingSeminary priests Robert, one of the first of the Valladolid students to embracethe monastic life, never lived to work in England, but died soon after his pro- fession at the Benedictine monastery of San Martin, at Compostella . See Camm, lib cit, p 98

141. Joes Hutton* dicecesis Eboracensis [venit scored] admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 die Octobris anno 1598 . [2] simul cum supra dictis ingressusest eundem ordinem.

Joes Huttonvenit adhoc Collegiu die et annoquo supradictusRobertus annu habens viginti, honestis natus parentibus et Catholicis qui per annos viginti carceribus multa passi gloriosam confessionem nomini Jesu ediderüt et mater in carcere defuncta est, hic incepit studere grammaticæin Anglia et postea quia ppter persecutionem sine detrimento animæ suæ reliqua studia psequi nequibat emissus est Audomaropolim vbi per tres annos et deinde Hispalim vbi per aliu annu studuit literis humanioribus veniens ad hoc Collegiu ex ordinatione superiorũhumiliterpetiit admitti, quo tandem sacerdos factus Angliæ laboranti in spiritualibus bonis suppetias ferret [L.P.E. 68].


142. Guls Arton* dice[ce above]seos Eliensis admissus est in hoc Collegium 30 die octobris anno 1598

[2] ob incomodam valetudinem missus est Vlissiponem et inde in Angliam die p° Maii an° 1600 [3] Vnde post diros carceres egressus venit Duacu anno 1603 ibiz sacerdos factus regressus est ad opus domini.

Gulielmus Arton venit ad hoc Collegiu cu supradictis duobus annos natus viginti duos aut circiter honestis parentibus ipse per quinque annos vixitin vnitate ecclesiæ primo in viam veritatis inductus per sacerdotes qui in Castro Wisbicensi detenti sunt nam ibi natus et usqz ad id tempus educatus est, studuit gramaticæ per tres annos Audomaropoli deinde aliis duobus Hispali literis humanioribus, humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu et admissus est die et año vt sa cũ hac sponsione vt se fini Collegii accomodaret [L.P.E. 69.]

143. Jacobus Cooper dioeceseos Lincolniensis admissus est ad hoc Collegiu die 15 Decembris anno 1598 . [2] et fecit juramentumiuxta consuetudinem Collegii die po nouembris año 1599 . [3] et factus est sacerdos 23 Decembris anni 1603 .

Jacobus Cooperus natusin Gedley opido dioecesis Lincolniensis honestis parentibus et catholicis, qui orbatus patre, adoptatz est in filiũ a sacerdotibus Castri Wistbicensis qui cum aliud quid quod legarent nonhaberentmiserunteumDuacumvtibi adiret hereditatempaternamcomunem fezomnium sacerdotu Anglicanæ gentisin hoc seculo , vt sacerdos factus caput periculis pro amore Christi obiectaret, ibiz cum per quinquenniu humanioribus literis insudasset missus

John Hutton : son of William Hutton, draper, of York, and his wife Mary, both of whom suffered long imprisonment for the faith. His mother died in the Ousebridge Kidcot prison in York Joined Benedictine Order at St. Martin's , Compostella , in 1600; was sent to the English Mission and died in Yorkshire, Aug. 19, 1643. See Birt, Obit Book, p 25; C.R.S. , xviii, p.43; Morris, Troubles ofOur Catholic Forefathers , series iii, pp. 303-4; Camm , A Benedictine Martyr, p. 99

William Arton: was ordained priest at Douay, Sept. 28, 1603; set out for England, Sept. 21 , 1604; was one of the priests exiled in 1606. See C.R.S. , x, pp 55, 62, 74

James Cooper : not identified

esthuc cũaliis quatuor, annos iam natus 19 et eo ampliushumiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt compos voti factus sacerdotii scilicet dignitate insignitus posset ad labores Anglicanæ messis remeare venit ad Collegiu 6 Decemb anno 1598 [L.P.E. 71] (72)

144. Gulielmus Sutheron* dioeceseos Lindisfarniensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu 15 die Decembris anno 1598

[2] et postea missus est hispalim

[3] sed inde huc reversusfactus est sacerdos et missusin Angliam vbi postquam per aliquot annos strenue laborasset anno 1618 novi Castri in Anglia martyrio est affectus.

Gulielmus Sutherondioecesis Dunelmensis nobilibus ortus parentibuset multa passis pro fide Catholicaannos natus 22 venitadhoc Collegiu die 6 Decembris hic a parentibus po missus est Poloniamut ibi sub přib societatis manu ferulæ subduceret , ibig sub eoru clientela mansit per sex annos gramaticæ et humanioribus literis operam navans donec dolore pectoris infestatus ab ipsis patribus remissus est in patriu solum salutis recuperandi gratia quod simulatq3 attigisset parentes eius dulces amplexus nati licet longe delectissimi multo minoris facientes quam gloriam Dei et ecctiæ Anglicanæ vtilitatem , statim necessariis instructu Duacu amandarunt, non prius eum videre exoptantes quam cum sacerdotio auctus vel sanguinis effusione vel predicatione evangelii posset auctuariu aliquod ecclesiæ adiicere . Duaci igitur comoratus duobus annis quibus et rhetoricam excoluit et dialecticæ studia frequentauit, ad hoc Collegiu a Preside Duacensis Collegii missus est et appulitdie et anno vt supra obnixepetiit admittiin hoc Collegiu quo et parentum expectatione et suo desyderio satisfaceret in sacerdotio assequendo [L.P.E. 70].

145. Andreas Sherly dioeceseos Chestrensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 15 die Decembris anno 1598 . [2] fecit juramentumxa morem Collegii die po Nouembris año 1599 . [3] et factus sacerdos ab epõ hujus ciuitatis ingressusest ordinem Benedictinoru mense Septembri anno 1603 .

Andreas Sherley natus in opido Broughton pvinciæ Lancastrensis parentibushonestæ condicioniset in corde catholicis et ipsc semper vixitin vnitate ecctiæ venitex Anglia primo Duacuibi annointegro studuit literis humanioribus, missus est huc a preside predicti Collegii cum supradictis quatuor sociis appulitq3 die et anno vt supra humiliter petiitadmittiin hoc Collegiu vt fini eius se coaptaret habet annos 21 cum sex mensibus [L.P.E. 74]

* William Southerne, or Sutheron : ven martyr ; the account book Lib Gast I has the entry of his viaticum when he went to Douay, in Sept., 1599; hearrived at Douay College on Nov. 4, 1599, in companywith Nicholas Fitz James, son of Richard Fitz James , of the diocese of Wells, and John Knight, als King, son of Andrew Knight, of the diocese of Lincoln See C.R.S. , x, pp. 9, 14 , 27 .

Andrew Shirley, or Sheadly: Birt gives Haighton, Lancs , as theplace of his birth, and says that he entered the Benedictine Order on Nov. 26 , 1603, at Najera, in Spain He laboured on the English Mission , and died in Lancashire , April 14 , 1609. See Birt, Obit Book, p 2

146. Thomas [G scored] Montefortius * admissusest in hoc Collegiu die 15 Decembris anno 1598 dioecesios Nordovicensis

[2] fecit iuramentuiuxa morem Collegii die po novembris año 1599. [3] factus est sacerdos ab epõ Vlissiponensi [4] et missus est in Angliam.

Thomas Montefortius natus est in Wiram in dioecesi Nordouicensi nobilibus parentibus matre catholica et patre bene affecto ad religionem catholicam, studuit in Anglia gramaticæ et postea Duacu venit missus a sacerdote quodam Collegii Rhemensis , vbi studuit per annũ integrũ humanioribus literis et rhetoricævenit ad hoc Collegiu die 6° Decembris annos natus 21 et sex menses, hết frem sacerdotem qui iam per aliquot annos strenue laboravit in vinea domini cujus exemplo motus desyderat eis studere literis quibus instructus facilius poterit operarius fieri in vinea domini [L.P.E. 72]

147. Joannes Tadersal [admissus e scored] dioeceseos Chestrensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 15 Decembris anno 1598 .

[2] fecit iuramentum simul cum supradictis [3] ingressus est ordině Benedictinoru mense octobris año 1603 .

Joes Tedersal natus in Burnly in comitatu Lancastrensi parentibus honestæ condicionis et in corde semper Catholicis, et ipse erga fidem semper bene affectus, postquamin terra sua per aliquot annos gramaticæ et literis humanioribus non invtilem navasset operam , migransinde venit ad CastrumWisbicense religionis ergò, et inde a sacerdotibus ibi incarceratis missus est Duacum vbi assumptus ad vnitatem eccliæ et illinc post septem dies hospitii missus est cu aliis quatuor ad hoc Collegiu in quod humiliter petiit admitti nihil aliud pre se ferens quam vt sacerdos factus ad laborem Anglicanæ messis mitteretz [L.P.E. 73].


148. Guilielmus Jonsonus admissus est in hoc Collegium die 21 Decembris anº 1598 et ingressus est ordinem Diui Benedicti mense Maii an° 1599 .

Gulielmus Jhonson venit ad hoc collegiu 21 Decembris anno 1598 cũ aliis tribus sociis missus Duaco annu agit 18° natus propeDunelmũ parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis, pater ejus mortuus est eo adhuc infantulo mater et socer per multos annos passi sunt carceres et omniu bonoruiactură pro fide catholica ipse semper vixit in vnitate

ThomasMontford : his brother was probablyFrancis (or John) Montford, who was ordained priest at the English College, Rome, and sent to England April 22, 1592. See Foley, vi, pp 117 , 182

John Tattersall : not identified

William Johnson , als Chambers : the Douay Diary says he was of Carlisle ; left Douay College for Spain, Oct. 23, 1598, in companywith Stephen Parret of Hereford (no 150) and William Evans, als Meredith of Carnarvon (no 149); entered the Benedictine Order at St. Martin's, Compostela , May, 1599; was sent on the English Mission, and died in London in Lord Dorset's house in Charterhouse Yard, Oct. 28, 1663. See Birt, Obit Book, p 41; C.R.S. , x, p. 4; Camm , A Benedictine Martyr in Eng., p 102 , confuses him with another William Johnson, who came to Valladolid in 1591 (no. 33).

ecctiæ sex abhinc annis missus est Duacu cu adhuc literas nesciret et ibi studuit gramaticæ et rhetoricæ magno desyderio flagrare se dicitfaciendi opus domini in agro Anglicanoquod ut meliusprestet humiliter petiitadmitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.É. 75]

149. Guilielmus Euans* Carnaruensisdioecesis St Asaphiadmissus est in hoc Collegium die 21 Decembris año 1598 fecit iuramentum die po Nouembris año 1599 . [2] factus est sacerdos ab epo hujus ciuitatis mense Septembri anno 1603 missusest in Angliã ad lucrandas animas GulielmusEuansCarnaruensis in dioecesi St Asaphivenit ad hoc Collegiu cu supradicto et aliis duobus sociis annos natus 20. honestæ condicionisortus parentibz matre Catholica, pře schismatico avunculum habuit Pre Dauisium martyrem qui et è fonte eu suscipiebat et ipse inde ab octo annis vixit in vnitate ecctiæ studuit [studuit scored] in Anglia literis humanioribus pre tres annos deinde missus est Londinu ad Pem Hugonisibi in carcere detentum vt ab eo ad seminaria derigeretzqui misit eum 1° in franciam vnde cum in flandriam transire meditaretz insidiis quorundam hereticorum parum abfuit quo minus in Anglia denuo abriperetz Duaci mansit tantu per vnu mensem vnde huc cu literis comendatitiis a preside eiusdem Collegii mittebatur, humiliter petiit admittiin hoc Collegiu ppter desyderiu quo flagrabat patriæ in spiritualibus succurendi [L.P.E. 76] (75)

150. Stephanus Parottus dioecesis Herefordensis admissusest in hoc Collegiumdie 21 Decembris 1598 postea iustesob causas dimissus est mense decembris 1599

Stephanus Parotus natus in Waltham dioecesis Herefordiensis nobilibus parentibus, et bene de fide Catholica sentientibus venit ad hoc Collegiu cu supradictisduobus et alio socio annos habens 30, studuit gramaticæ in pueritia sua in gymnasio Westmonasteriensi postea defuncto [patre above] ascripsit se in clientelam nobilis cujusdam qui in medio templo Londini studuit juri municipali, cum quo permansit vsq3 [ad above, scored] dum[quo scored]egressus est exAnglia, forte fortuna cum patrono suo profectusEboracumibi cu Catholico quodam detento in carcere loquebatzcujus rationibus ita permove- batur vt diutius fidei Anglicanæ acquiescere non possit , quamprimu qo prouideresibi posset de necessariis Anglia egressus est et Romam venit vt fidei illius praxim videret quam audiuit a Catholico illo tam impense predicari, quid multis ibi ascriptus vnitate ecctiæ per Patrem Wardefortiu a Pe Personio Duacu missus est cu literis comendatitiis vt in Collegium reciperetur vbi postquam per annu et sex menses comoratus fuisset huc per presidem est transmissus et humiliter admitti petiit [L.P.E. 77].

151. Thomas Singletonus dioecesis Exoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 21 decembris año 1598 ingressus est postea ordinem

D¹ Benedicti et deserens brevi habitum reuersus est in Anglia.

* William Evans, als. Meredith : arrived at Douay College Sept. 6, 1598

C.R.S. , x, p. 3

Stephen Parret : see note to student no 112

Thomas Singleton: at Exeter College, Oxford, where he matriculated Dec. 15, 1587 , aged 18; see note to student no 112. Foster, Alum Oxon

Thomas Singletonus venit ad hoc Collegiu cu supradictistribus natusin Trua Cornubiæ dioecesis Exoniensis nobilibus [Catholicis scored] parentibus et schismaticis huic infanti př mortuus est, v3 [iste scored] pupillus Reginæ factus ad arbitriu ejus educabatz in pvincia Veruicensi, ibiqz ludimagistri sui dolis irretitus impubes adhuc ipsius ludimagistri filiam in matrimonium duxit q3 multiplicis molestiæ sibi seminariu extitit qua post paucos annos misericordia dei mortua vxore liberatus, ad transmarinas partes statim transuolauit et studio vivendi nova vt fert adolescentia diversas terras peragravit, donec in ciuitate quadam superiorisGermaniæ incidens in Patrem societatis Anglicanæ gentis, ab eo in vnitatem ecctiæ assumptus est, et missus statim Romam vbi a Patre Personio et Patre Balduino conterraneo suo et qui etiam parentelam ejus noveratperbenignè acceptus post quatuordecim hospitii dies Duacum transmissus est vbi fere per vnü annu studuit logica nam in Anglia in academia oxoniensi studuerat affatim literis humanioribus, et huc Duaco missus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiũ . annos habet 25 [L.P.E. 78].


152. Georgius Huxley* dioecesis Westchestrensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 30 Januarii año 1599. fecit iuramentu die po novembris año1599 . [2] et postea sacerdos factus et absolutis fœliciterstudiistheologiæ missus est in Angliã ad lucrandas animas. [3] mortuusest ibi

Georgius Huxley venit ad hoc Collegiu die 3° Januarii annos natus septendecim quos complevit in festo omniu sanctorum antegresso natus in villa Alpram dioecesis Westchestrensis parentibus honestæ condicioniset Catholicisqui multa passi sunt pro fide et ipsesemper educatus in fide Catholica, primo tempe quo aggressus est iter versus partes transmarinas captz est et conjectus in carcerem per duos vel tres menses vnde liberatus est ex intercessione cujusdam avunculi sui secundo egrediens ex Anglia Hiberniam appulit vbi per annu aut eo amplius comoditatem navigandi in has partes expectauit, quam tandem nactus venit huc die et anno vt supra studuit in Anglia gramaticæ et literishumanioribus humiliter petiit admittiin hoc Collegiu et admissus est ad probacionem ea lege quod [sibi scored] fini hujus Collegii se accomodaret quod se facturu adiuvante diuina gratia spospondit [L.P.E. 79].

153. Jacobus Mauricius dioecesis Herefordensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 20 februarii año 1599 et deinde ob aduersam

* George Huxley : probably the son of Thomas Huxley, husbandman , of Alpraham, Bunbury, Cheshire , who is in the Recusant Roll for 1592-3; Blackfan (Annals, p 78) says he left Valladolid in 1605; reached Douay College on the wayfrom Spain to England, June 8, 1607 , in company with Humphrey Meredith; died shortly after his arrival in England SeeC.R.S. , x , p. 82; xviii, pp 24 , 26 .

JamesMaurice: his viaticum when he left for Flanders and St.Omer's College is enteredintheaccount book Lib. Gast I in September , 1600; arrived at Douay College, Nov. 30, 1600; the son of James Maurice, on the way to St. Omer's College. There was another James Morysius, Morris or Maurice, of Llandaff , who arrived at Douay College from Spain on April 18 , 1599; he wasordained priest April 1 , 1600, and went to England April 22 following See C.R.S. , x, pp 5, 27 .

valetudinem et alias ob causas missusest in Belgium diepo octobris аñо 1600

[2] vbi vita functusest

Jacobus mauricius monmotensis sexdecim annis natus venit ad hoc Collegium 20 die februarii parentes illius sunt honestæ conditionis ipsemet in fide Catholica semper educatus studiit in Anglia gramaticæ humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegii idemq3fecitillius pater qui ex Anglia adduxit eum in hispaniam ob hunc finem , admissus est die supra dicto [L.P.E. 80] (77)

154. Georgius Grisoldus* Vervicensis admissus est inhoc Collegium 25 Aprilis año 1599 fecit iuramentum die po novembris eiusdemanni

[2] deinde factus sacerdos missus est in messe Anglicanã mense Aprilis anno 1602 .

[3] [mis scored] mortuus est ibi

Georgius Grisoldus venit ad hoc Collegiu 25 Aprilis cũ quinque sociis missus Audomaropoli; natus in parochia Soleol provinciæ Vervicensis parentibus honestæ condicionis et Catholicisanu iam agens vigesimu [ante scored] semper educatione catholicus et ante sex annos ascriptus vnitati ecctiæ, antequamexiret ex Anglia ab hereticis comprehensus coniectus est in carcerem Briduel dictu vbi dire est ab impiis cruciatus, labore durissimoexercitatus, bis virgis cesus est et fustibus sepius quod nollet eorü adire ecctias etindicare quædam quæ ab illo de aliis Catholicissciscitabantz , vnde parentū et amicoru industria liberatus missus est Audomaropolim vbi per quatuor annos studuit gramaticæ et literis humanioribus et demu huc missus a superioribus suis humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu fideliter spondens diuina adiuvante gratia se sacerdotě factu reversurum ee in Angliam ad laborandu in vinea domini [L.P.E. 82].

155. Guilielmus Shelleus dioecesis Wintoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegium cum supradicto et postea missus ad Collegium Hispalense [2] postea ppter adversã valetudine [huius scored , huc above] remissus est vbi factus sacerdos et absolutis studiis missus est in Angliǎ.

* George Grisold: in the Recusant Roll of 1592-3is a Richard Grisold, of Solihull, Warwickshire, possibly the father of this student See C.R.S. , xviii, p 345 . "

William Shelley: his viaticumto Seville is in the account book (Lib , Gast 1) in November, 1599; in another accountbook, Lib. Recivos 6, is entered a hat for Fr. Shelley, in May, 1606; Blackfan (Annals, p. 78) says he left Valladolid in 1605 ; was elected a member of the Old Chapter in 1625; son of Richard Shelleywho, about 1584 , was a prisonerin the Marshalsea , com- mittedthitherfor giving upa supplication untothe Queen ; the effectwhereof, whether it was for craving a public dispute for trial of religion, or in favour of them that were troubled for their conscience, I [Peter Penkevel] do not perfectly remember, but I think it was for the first, for it greatly chafed both the Queen and her Council The said gentleman being very sick at my coming to him,shortlyafter died, a constant confessor in the saidprison. " (Quoted from the Westminster Cathedral Archives by J. H. Pollen in Acts of English Martyrs, p. 283.)

Gulo Shelley venit cu supra dicto natus in Mapleduram Vintoniensis dioecesis parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis, cujus Pr in carcere defunctus est nobilis confessor fidei, mater inde a morte patris in Gallia peregrinata est religionis ergò domo sua exul adolescens iste iam agit annu ætatis suæ 16 educatus semper in fide Catholica cũ qua vix adhuc quadriennis patriureliquitsolu hic Audomaropoli quatuor annis cũ dimidio studuit literis humaniorib3 veniens huc supplicit petiit admittiin hoc Collegiu offerens se fini hujus Collegii nisi matri [et scored] aliud visu fuerit [L.P.E. 83]. (78)

156. Joannis Ayre* dioecesis Derbiensis admissus est in hoc Collegium 14 Aprilis año 1599 fecit iuramentum die po Novembris ano 1600

[2] factus sacerdos et finitis theologiæ studiis missus est in Angliã anno 1607 et paulo post receptus in societate [3] A qua demissus nomen dedit ordini [Augustinoru scored] D. Augustini Antuerpiæ

Joes Eton alias Ayre venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sa dictis duobus annos natus 17 quos complevit 14 Aprilis pvincia Derbiensi oriundus patribus nobilibus et Catholicis et ipse semper vixit in vnitate ecctiæ studuit Audomaropoli duobus annis literis humanioribus deinde cusupradictis missus humiliter petiit admittiin hoc Collegiu et promisit se in omnibusfini hujus Collegii pro posse se coaptaturu [L.P.E. 84]

157. Joañes Dominicus als Clarus Wiltoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegium 14 Aprilis 1599 fecitiuramentumiuxta morem Collegii die primo Novembris anº 1600 .

[2] factus sacerdos ab epohujus ciuitatisin [septi scored]hebdomada sancta ano 1603. cooptatus in Societatem Jesu anno 1605 mense Junii.

Joes Clarus aliàs Dominicus venit ad hoc Collegium missus Audomaropoli cũ supradictis tribus natus in pvincia Wiltoniæ parentibus honestæ condicionis et Catholicis et ipse semp año catholicus et inde a quatuor annis Comunione ecctiæ catholicæ gavisus est annos iam natus 18 studuit 1° in Anglia deinde Audomaropoli ferè per tres annos et tandem cũ s'dictis [pri scored] tribus et aliis duobus sociis veniens ad hoc Collegiu humiliterpetiit admittiin hoc Collegiu qa nihil sibi in votis prius esse pfitebatur quam ut sacerdos factus ad opus dñi quod in Anglia nunc fervet cu dispendio licet vitæ transmittatur [L.P.E. 85]. (79)

158. Petrus Coffinus dioecesis Wigorniensis admissus est in hoc

John Eyre, als Eton : arrived at Douay College March 17 , 1607; stayed ten days and then went on to England; entered the Society IHS , 1607; in 1622 wasat Watten, and had been fiveyears on the Missionin poor health; disappears from the Jesuit catalogues after that date. See C.R.S. , x, p. 77: Foley, vii, p 238

John Clare , als Dominic : was at Valladolid in 1612 , when a breviary was bought for Fr. Clare (Lib. Gast. 1 , Sept., 1612): was at Madrid in 1613

See C.R.S. , xxix, p 147; Foley, iv, p 402

Peter Coffin : Blackfan (Annals, p. 78) says he left Valladolid in 1605; arrived at Douay College March 18, 1607, and went to England Aug. 28, 1607. See C.R.S. , x, pp 77, 85.

Collegium 14 Aprilis año 1599 fecit suum iuramentum simul cum supra dictis

[2]factus sacerdos et absoluto studiorucursu missus est in Anglia

PetrusCoffin venitad hoc Collegiũ cũ s'dictis 4°r missus Audomaropoli hic natus est Remis in Gallia patre Anglo et inde a multis annis exulepro fide Catholica, studuitDuaci 1° deinde Audomaropoliper tres annos semper vixit in vnitate eccliæ habet [ha scored] iam annos 16 ætatis humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt absoluto studioru curriculo fieret sacerdos et in Angliam ad opus dñi mitteretz [L.P.E. 86]

159. Guilielmus Yorke* dioecesis Glocestrensis admissus est in hoc Collegium 14 Aprilis 1599 missus est ad Collegium Hispalense.

[2] ibiqz sacerdos factus est año 1604.

[3] et missus est in Angliam.

Gulielmus Yorke natus in Kemsford in pvincia Glocestria parentibus nobilibus et corde Catholicis et ipse inde a sex annis in vnitate eccliæ vixit venit ad hoc collegiũ cũ sa dictis quinque sociis natus annos octodecim et aliquot menses, hic [inde scored] ante quinque annos missus est a parentibus suis Audomaropolim vbi toto hoc tempore studuit gramaticæ et humanioribus literis humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegium illud præcipuè præ oculis habens vt sacerdosfactus in Angliam ad opus dni et lucrandas animas revertatur [L.P.E. 87] (80)

160. JoannesMatheus ats Christopherus Marlerus* Cantabrigiensis admissusestin hoc Collegium die 30 Maii anº 1599 fecit iuramentum die 2° februarii an° 1600 . [2] factus est sacerdos ab epo hujus ciuitatis mense Septembri anni 1602 missus est in Angliã anno 1603 primo vere .

Joes Matheus [ats Christopherus Marlerus right margin in differentbut contemporary hand] Cantabrigiensis ortu et educatione venit ad hoc Collegiu30 Maii annos natus viginti septem venit missus Audomaropoli cum aliis duobus sociis, fuit Collegialis Collegii Sma in Cantabrigia per septem annos ibiq3 factus est baccalaureus et magister in artibus reductus est ad agnitionemet pfessionem fidei Cathca per Prem Thomam Writum et postea [acc scored] receptus in vnitatem ecctiæ per Prem Hugonis tunc in Carcere Clinch detentum quindecim dies antequam egressus est Anglia et per Prem Garnetu societatis Jesu cum literis commendatitiis missus Audomaropolim, humiliterpetiit admittiin hoc Collegiu vt fieret sacerdoset mitteretz ad opus dñi in Angliam [L.P.E. 88]

* William Yorke : not identified John Matthew , als Christopher Marler and Marlowe : educated at Westminster School; in 1588 was elected to one of the school scholarships atTrinityCollege, Cambridge, wherehe matriculated at Michaelmasand took his B.A. in 1592/3, and his M.A. in 1596; among the prison bills rendered by the Keeper of the Gatehouse Prison, Westminster, is one for the diet and other necessaries of Christopher Marlowe, als Mathews, who was a close prisoner there from June 25 to Sept. 23, 1604; in the Douay Diary (C.R.S. , x, p. 63) is an entryunder Dec. 10, 1604, ofthe returnto England of a lately exiled priest, John Mathewes,at Douay calledMallonus [a conjectural reading which probably should be Marlerus]

161. Joañes Garret ats Groves* dioecesis lichfeldensis admissusest in hoc Collegium die 30 Maii an° 1599 et obiit in Collegio die 10 Nouembris an° 1600 fecerat iuramentu die 20 februarii an° 1600

Joes Groueus alias Garretvenit cu supiore, et alio socio annos natus 18 parentibus honestæ condicionis et matre Catholica [Au scored] reconciliatusest ecctiæ iam pueruluset tribus ab hinc annis missus est Audomaropolim vbi studuit literis humanioribus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt eius fini in eo se prepararetnatus est in provincia Varuicensi[L.P.E. 89] (81)

162. Thomas Milesius dioecesis Wintoniensis admissusest in hoc Collegium die 30 Maii an° 1599 missus est postea ad Collegiu Hispalense. [2] Vbi sacerdos factus pfectus est in Angliã anno 1604

Thomas Milesiusvenit ad hoc Collegiu cusupioribusduobus sociis natus annos 17 parentibus honestæ condicionis et matre etiam Catholica reconciliatusest ecctiæ cũ [adh scored] decem esset annoruet missus est Audomaropolimvbistuduitper sex annos est ex pvincia Hamptoniensi dioecesis Wintoniensis humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 90]

163. Joañes Bab ats Brerton dioecesis Lincolniensis admissusest in hoc Collegium die 20 Julii año 1599. fecit iuramentu die 2º februarii an° 1600. [2] postea mense Decembri anni 1602 admissus est in Societate Jesu, et postea anno 1604 mense Martio obiit.

Joannes Bab aliàs Brierton venit ad hoc Collegiu die 20 Julii eiusdem anni, annos natus octodecim , natus Weltoniæ ppe Lincolniam in Anglia parentibus honestæ condicionis et de Catholica fide bene sentientibus, hic 1° studuit Oxoniæ per duos annos logicæ et philosophiæ tandem procurante hoc avunculo suo DoctoreSmith insigni medico et bene de omnibus Catholicis pmerito transmissus est audomaropolim vbi cooptatusest in vnitate ecctiæper Prem Nicholau Smith consobrinusuu, et inde huc missus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu præ se ferens magnü desyderiu excolendi se literis vt postea dignusinveniatur sacerdotio et missione illa gloriosa quam dicit se magnopere concupiscere [L.P.E. 91].

164. Guilielmus Morgan ats Valentinus Wiliams§ admissus est in

John Garret , als Groves : probably theson ofWilliam Garret, yeoman, of Whittleford in the parish of Exhall, Warwicks , whose wife Dorothy is in the Recusant Roll of 1592-3 See C.R.S., xviii, pp 349, 351 .

ThomasMiles : not identified

John Brereton, als Bab : Foley (vii, p. 1421) gives the alias as Bal or Ball, misled by a faulty transcript from the Lib Alumnor.; cousin of Nicholas Smith, S.J., and nephew of Dr. Richard Smith, a noted physician who lived at Douay and who was uncle , also, of Bishop Richard Smith See Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath, v, p. 511. Matriculated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, July 13 , 1596 , aged 14. Foster, Alum Oxon § William Morgan, als Valentine Williams : possibly the son of Roger Morgan, gent , of Tredunnock, Monmouth, and Eleanor his wife, who both were returned as recusantsin 1592-3 ; a William Morgan was electedto the Old Chapter in 1638 and was alive in 1649. C.R.S., xviii, pp 213-5

hoc Collegium die 20 Aprilis an° 1600 est dioecesis Herefordensis fecerat iam iuramentum in Collegio Hispalensi quia minus se accomodabat Collegiali disciplinæ dimissus est die 80 Julii eodem anno.

Gulielmus Morgan als valentin Wiliams Monmotensis 20 años natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit cum supradicto missus Hispali vbi tribus añisstudueratphilosophiævixit semper in vnitate ecclesiæ et humiliter petens est admissus in hoc Collegium [L.P.E. 93].


165. Georgius Naylerus als Neuman* londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 16 Julii año 1599 [2] et anno 1603 factus sacerdos profectus est versus Anglia.

Georgius Naylerus ats neuman Londinensis28 annos natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegium die 16 Julii vixit in vnitate ecclesiæ Catholicæ per quinq3 annos reconciliatus per [Richard scored] Guilielmum Yemans sacerdotem vixerat aliqōt annis in minori Britania et etiam in ciuitate quodam Provinciæ Beticæ vulgo San lucar de Barramedaexinde humiliter per literas petiit admitti in hoc collegium ut pro illius instituto literis et virtutibus instructus oppitulari possit misere afflictæ patriæ estq3 admissus die supradictus [L.P.E. 81]

166. Ricardus Pentry dioecesis Exoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 29 aprilis año 1600 fecit antea iuramentu iuxta morem Seminarioru in Collegio Hispalensi

RicardusPentry Cornubiensis [lo scored] honestis [bis scored] parentibus natus, sed hæretecis, ætate 21 annorumsuasu cuiusdam viri Catholici qi vocatur Dñs Bray est Catholicus effectus et in partes has transmarinas ex Anglia eductus per 5 años vixit in Seminariis , in Hispalensi studuit rhetoricæet philosophiæinde ob causam incomoda valetudinis est huc missus et venit ad hoc Collegium die 29 Aprilis an° 1600facto prius in Collegio Hispalensiiuramento de profectione in Anglia x consuetudinem Seminariorum [L.P.E. 92].

167. Robertus Neuport alsWelby Eboracensisadmissusestinhoc Collegium die 27 Maii an° 1600 et quia [minus above] idoneus repertus est huic instituto dimissus est die 10 Julii eiusdemanni.

Robretus Neuport als Welby Eboracensis 20 años natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegium 27 die maii studuit in Anglia literis humanioribus et per aliqot menses in Collegio Audemarensiet inde missus est cum aliis sociis in Hispaniam[L.P.E. 98].

* George Naylor, als Newman : according to the account books of the College at Seville (Lib 2 and4) there was a priest student therenamedWilliam Newman [Numan, Numi] who said masses for the College in 1606, and the balanceof whose viaticum was collectedin 1608. The aboveentryis slightly out of chronological order

Richard Pentreth : left the College, when already a priest, on account of ill health and went to Douay College, where he arrived sometimein July, 1601; on Feb. 21 , 1602, still unwell, he went to England See C.R.S. , x, PP . 33 , 38

Robert Newport, als. Welby : not identified


168. Guilielmus Grangeusals Duningus* Eboracensisadmissusest in hoc Collegium die 10 Junii an° 1600 transactis sexmensibusfecit iuramentum xa morem Collegii die 28 Decembris anº 1600 . [2] Ingressus est ordině Benedictinoru mense Augusto 1603 .

GulielmusGrange alias Thomas Dumingus Eboracensis 21 annos natus parentibus honestæ conditionis venit ad hoc Collegium 10 die Junii vixit in vnitate ecclesiæ Catholicæ per vnum annum fuit reconciliatus per Thomam Palicerum sacerdotem quondam alumnum huius Collegii studiit in Anglia literis humanioribusaliquandiu in natiuo solio postea in vniuersitate Cantabrigiæ tandem suasu prædicti sacerdotis venit ad hoc seminariumhumiliterascribi inter Alumnos et facta de more generali confessione et reliquis quæ ante ingressu facienda sunt admissus est [L.P.E. 94].

169. Andreas Waferer ats Hernus Prouinciæ Huntingtoniæadmissus est in hoc Collegium die 10 Junii anº 1600 fecit suum iuramentu die 28 Decembris año 1600 [2] factus est sacerdos ab epo hujus ciuitatis et pfectus in Angliã tempore autumnalianno 1603 . Andreus Waferer alias Guilielmus Hernus [Linolniensis:-above] 24 annos natus parentibus honestæ conditionis sed scismaticis venit cum supradicto ad hoc Collegium vixit 4 annis in vnitate ecclesiæ reconciliatus per Robertum Hauguesworth sacerdotem, studuitin Anglia gramaticæ et legibus municipalibus illius Regni tandem consilio et auxilio Patris Blunti societatis Jesu relicta patria venit in Hispaniam postqãm carceres et opprobria pro Christi nomine perpessus fuerat in Anglia humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegium vt literis et virtutibus instructus et sacris initiatus laborantem hæresi patriam iuuare possit [L.P.E. 95] (84)

170. Ludouicus Cooque ats Edney londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 10 Junii 1600 fecit suum iuramentum die 28 Decembrisano 1600 [2] ingressus est ordině Benedictinoru mense Septembri año 1603 . Ludouicus Cooque als Edney 15 annos natus parentibus Catholicis et honestæ conditionis venit cum supradictis ad hoc Collegium , missus a Seminario Audomarensi vbi per anum vixit in vnitate ecclesiæ reconciliatus per Patrem Georgium [......] Societatis Jesu ibi et in ciuitate Londinensi (in qua natus est) studuit gramaticæ et rhetoricæ humiliter petiens amumerari inter alumnos admissus est [L.P.E. 96]

William Grange, als Thomas Dunning : became a sizar at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he matriculated circa 1593; (perhapsmatriculated also as pensioner ); scholar of Trinity College 1596; B.A. from Trinity College 1597-8: professed in the Benedictine Order at St. Martin's , Compostela; sent to England in 1607; died April 18 , 1619. See Birt, Obit Book, p. 6. Andrew Waferer, als William Herne: possibly connected withArden Wafferer, an utter barrister ofthe InnerTemple, who is enteredas a recusant in the returns of 1577. See C.R.S. , xxii, p 104 . Lewis Edner (or Edney), als Cooke, als Rigge : born in 1585; was professed a Benedictineat San Benito's, Valladolid : died at Temple Cowley, in Oxfordshire , April 23, 1635. See Birt, Obit Book, p 17; Taunton, English Black Monks of St. Benedict, ii, p 209 .

171. Joañes Barens [Av scored]* dioecesis Sarisburiensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 10 Junii año 1600 fecit suum iuramentu cum supradicto . [2] postea die 6° Novembris hic in Collo mortem obiit.

Joannes Barens Wiltoniensis 19 annos natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegium cum supradictis a prima ætate semper vixit Catholicus, in Anglia studuit gramaticæet postea per 4 annos literis humanioribusdedit operam in seminarioAudomarensi ex quohuc missus ascriptusest inter Alumnoshunc sibi vitæ cursum iubentepatre (qui obfidem catholicammulta passusest) et suadente suoq3 consilio adiuuante sacerdote qodam qui [ab scored] vocatur Guilielmus Colbrige suscepit [......] [L.P.E. 97]

[Robertus Neu scored] (85)

172. Thomas Emersonus als Eluique admissusest in hoc Collegiu die 10 Junii an° 1600 est dioecesis Eboracensis fecit suum iuramentum simul cum supradictis.

[2] ingressus e ordině Benedictinoru mense Augusto anno 1603 .

Thomas Emersonus Eboracensis 21 annos natus ex parentibushonestæ conditionissed scismaticis suasu DñiGulielmi Stillingtoni esteffectus Catholicuset per ThomamWrightum in gremium Eclesiæ susceptus in cuius vnitate per annum vixit, hortante et adiuuante dicto Stillingtono venit cum supradictisin hispaniamin pago Kelfeldiensi [in Anglia above] studuit literis humanioribus, humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium et cum supradictis est admissus [L.P.E. 99]

173. Nicholaus Lau Lancastrensis admissus est in hoc Collegium fecit suum iuramentum simul cum supra dictis [2] et postea regressus est Duacu ab aduersă valetudine vbi factus sacerdos missus est in Anglia.

Nicholaus Laüs Lancastrensis 16 annos natus parentibus Catholicis et honestæ conditionis semper vixit in vnitate ecclesiæ, Remis, Duaci et Audomari in Belgio studuit gramaticæ et poesi ex Sem Audomarensi missus est huc cum supradictis et humiliter petens admitti in hoc Collegium ascriptus in numerum Alumnorum 10 die Julii [L.P.E. 100] (86)

174. JoañesMores& staffordiensis admissus est in hocCollegium die

* John Barnes : probablyson of Robert Barnes , who, in 1598, was condemned to death for harbouring priests, amongst whom was George Hothersall (student no 27). He was afterwards pardonedand released , but in 1610 was still denounced as a recusant C.R.S. , v, p. 364; Hamilton, Chronicle of the English Augustinian Canonesses , i, p 41 . ThomasEmerson, als Elwick: was professed a Benedictineat Sahagun, Spain; took degree of D.D.; was several times in prison and banished ; died in England, Oct. 10, 1630. See Birt, Obit Book, p 12.

Nicholas Lawe : son of Thomas Lawe, steward at Douay College ; reached Douay from Valladolid April 14 , 1604; had receivedthe tonsure and four minor orders at Valladolid ; was ordained priest Dec. 23, 1606; set off for England in company with Peter Coffin (no 158) Aug. 28, 1607. See C.R.S. , x.

John Mores : not identified He is not in Birt's Obit Book.

10 Junii anº 1600 fecit suum iuramentum die 28 decembris año 1600

[2] et mense Julii anni 1603 ingressus est ordině benedictinoru.

Joañes Mores Staffordiensis 19 años natus parentibus nobilibus sed scismaticisvenit cum supradictis ad hoc Collegium vixit in vnitate ecclesiæquinqueannis suasu et auxiliò pratruisui qui estCatholicus reliquit Angliam et venit Audomarum vbi studuit gramaticæ et rhetoricæ et inde missus est ad hoc Seminariumet simul sum sociis admissus [L.P.E. 101].

175. Rogerus Chechesterus ats Bury* admissusest in hoc Collegium die 10 [Junii over Julii] an° 1600 est dioecesis exoniensis

[2] et postea mense Augusto anno 1602 obiit in hoc Collegio

Rogerius Chechesterus [ats Rogerz Bury right margin, in differentbut contemporary hand] Deuoniensis 19 annos natus parentibusnobilibus et Catholicissemper vixit in vnitate ecclesiæin Anglia studiitliteris humanioribus tandem authore Simone fenello sacerdote relicto paterno solo in has partes se contulit magnum præ se ferens desiderium vt idoneus fiat operarius in vinea Dñi et opem ferat laboranti patriævenit ad hoc Collegium cum supradictiset humiliter petiit ascribi inter alumnos [estq3 admissus cum supradictisdie 10 (Julii scored) Junii in same hand as above marginal note] [L.P.E. 102]. (87)

176. Joañes Adamsonus Lancastrensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 10 Junii anº 1600 fecit suum iuramentu die 28 Decembris año 1600. [2] et factus sacerdos missus est in messem Anglicanã

Joannes Adamsonus Lancastrensis 20 annos natus parentibus honestæ conditionis et catholicis venit ad hoc Collegium cum supradictis, semper vixitin vnitate ecclesiæet in fide catholica pro qua parentes illius multa passi sunt studuit in Anglia gramaticæ et in Sem Audomarensi (ubi per quatuor annos vixit et vnde huc est missus) aliis literis humanioribus dedit operam humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium sumopere cupiens sanctissimumillius finem consequi [L.P.E. 103]

177. Petrus Dauenport

Chestrensisadmissusest in hoc Collegium die 10 Junii anº 1600 fecit suu iuramentu cum supradicto. [2] et ingressus est societate Jesu mense Novembris die 10 , anno 1603, et in ea obiit 1607 mense novembri

Petrus DauenportChestrensis 20 annos natusparentibusnobilibuspatre scismaticomatre Catholica venit cum supradictis die decimo Junii studuit in Anglia gramaticæ et Audomari in Belgio rhetoricæ vixit 6 annis in vnitate ecclesiæ reconciliatus per patre Garnetumet ex Anglia missus per Ricardum Dudleyum Sacerdotem humiliter id petens admissus est in hoc Collegium [L.P.E. 104].

* Roger Chichester, als Bury : not identified

John Adamson: on his way back to England he stayed fifteen days at Douay College in Dec., 1604 ; was alive and working in Lancashire in 1628. See C.R.S., x, pp 64, 263 .

Peter Davenport: probably related to, if not the son of, Margaret Davenport, of Broomhall, Stockport (in Wrenbury), Cheshire See C.R.S. , x, pp xix, 22 , etc.; Foley, vii, p. 1426 .


178. Cutbertus Mayus* dioecesis Sarisburiensis admissusest inhoc Collegium die 10Junii, 1600 fecit suum iuramentudie 28 decembris ano 1600

[2] factus est sacerdos ab epo hujus dioeceseos et postea mense Augusti añi 1603 demissus e Collegio ppter inobedientia.

Cutbertus Mayus Wiltoniensis 20 circiter annos natus parentibus nobilibus et catholicis venit cum supradictis ad hoc Collegium vixit per 5 vel sex annos in vnitate ecclesiæreconciliatusper Dñum Rogerium Sacerdotem Wallum suasu affinis sui Eduardi Mayi sacerdotis egressus ex Anglia Audomarum ubi per aliquot annos literis humanioribusdedit operam etindemissus est ad hoc Collegium estq3admissus id ipso humiliterpetente [L.P.E. 105].

179. Hugo Helmus ats Tapinus Lancastrensis admissusest in hoc Collegium die 10 Junii an° 1600 fecit suum iuramentum simul cum supradicto

[2] ingressus est ordine Benedictinoru mense Septembri año 1603

Hugo Helmus[ats Petrus Tappinus above] lancastrensis 20 circiter annos natus parentibusCatholiciset honestæ conditionis venit cum supradictis vixerat aliquando [Duaci above] et inde ob aduersam valetudinem reuersus est in Angliam et sub ingressu captus, coniectus est in carcerem et ibi per octo menses detentus tandem demissus suasu Gilberti Gerardi sacerdotis (a quo etz est reconciliatus) contulit se in has partes et magno concepto animo desiderio adiuuandi patriam humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium [L.P.E. 106] (89)

180. Guilielmus Jonsonus ats Wilsonus Dunelmensis admissus fuit in hoc Collegiu die 10 Junii an° 1600 fecit suum iuramentucum supradictis

[2] factus est sacerdos ab epõ hujus ciuitatis et missus in Anglia ad lucrandas animas mense Mayo año 1603 .

Guilielmus Jonsonus ats Wilsonus Dunelmensis 27 annos natus ex parentibus honestæ conditionis venit ad hoc Collegiu cum supradictis vixit per aliquot iam annos in vnitate ecclesiæ reconciliatus

* Cuthbert May, or Mayhew : see Gillow , Bibliog. Dict Eng. Cath. , iv, p 545. See no. 64

Hugh Helme, als Peter Tappin : probably the son of Edward Helme , of Chipping, Lancs., and his wife Joan, both recusants; on account of ill health left Douay College for England June 26, 1599; was clothed as a Benedictine, Dec. 11 , 1603; was professed as Montserrat and senton the English Mission; died in Durham , Jan. 24, 1629. See C.R.S. , x, p. 7; xviii, p. 192; Birt, Obit Book, p 11; and (for some account of the Helme family) Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath , iii, p. 261n .

William Johnson , als Wilson In a letter of William Vaughan, an informer,to the Council (July4/14, 1602) he is said to be" son to the Bishop's bailiffof Durham (who has also a brother one ofthe mostprincipallest seminary priests in England), .... " His brother was probably the Douay priest, Cuthbert Johnson, who was ordained priest Sept. 24, 1583. Knox , Douay Diaries , p 199


per Bernardum Patinsonu sacerdotem suasu fratris sui (qui est sacerdos) venit Audomarum in Belgio ubi per annum plus minus studiit rhetoricæ nam gramaticæ iam antea dederat operam in Anglia etex Semo Audomarensi missus huccoaptatus est innumerum alumnorum [L.P.E. 107].

181. Edmondus Worthingtonus * Lancastrensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die [10 scored] 23 Julii año 1600 fecit iuramentum iuxta morem huius Collegii die 25 martii an° 1601. [2] et postea mortuus est est [sic] in hoc Collegio.

Edmondus Worthingtonus Lancastrensis 15 annos natus parentibus nobilibus et catholicis venit ad hoc Collegium 23 die Julii vixit semper et educatus est in fide catholica pro qua parentes illius multa et grauia perpessi sunt, 10 ætatis anno transmissus est ex Anglia Audomarum vbi quinqueñium literis humanioribus nauauit operam et inde missus est cum aliis quinq3 sociis ad hoc Collegium et humiliter petiit admittiinter alumnos [L.P.E. 108] (90)

182. Eduardus Giffordus staffordensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 23 Julii an° 1600 fecit iuramentum solitumdie 23 martii anº 1б01 [2] ingressusest ordině Benedictoru mense Augo anno 1603 .

Eduardus Giffordus [als Robertus Hall in right margin, in another , but contemporary hand] natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit cum supradicto ad ho[c] Collegium semper vixit in vnitate ecclesiæ studuit in Anglia gramaticæ et rhetoricæ consilio patris Huttoni Societatis Jesu relicto natiuo solio venit in Hispaniam vt literis et virtutibus instructus spiritualinecessitati Angliæ opitulari possit et hanc ob causam humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegium [L.P.E. 109].

183. Richardus Lanus dioecesis [Wintoniensis scored , Cicestrensis above] admissus est in hoc Collegium die 23 Julii an° 1600 fecit iuramentumcum supradicto. [2] factus sacerdos et absoluto studioru curriculo missus est in Angliã anno 1608 .

RicardusLanus ats Lenny Cecestrensis in comitatu Sussexiæ 15 annos natus parentibus Catholicis et nobilibus venit ad hoc Collegiu cum supradictis receptus est in vnitatem ecclesiæ per patres Societatis Jesu in Sem Audomarensiquo missus est a parentibus ex Anglia et ibi per annum vixit vsq3 dum iussu superiorum illius Collegii venit in Hispaniam et humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium [L.P.E. 110]

* Edmund Worthington : probably one of the twelve sons of Richard Worthington . See note to student no. 25 .

Edward Gifford, als Robert Hall : son of Humphrey Gifford, and nephewof John Gifford, of Chillington, Staffs Fr. Hutton, S.J. , is Edward Oldcorne, the martyr, who also took the alias of Hall See Hamilton, Chronicleof St. Monica's , Louvain, ii, p 77; Foley, iv, p. 202 .

Richard Lane, als. Lenny : was elected a member of the Old Chapter, 1638; died 1656. Chapter List.


184. Humfredus Wilfordus* Londinensis admissusfuitin hoc Collegium die 23 Julii an° 1600 fecit suum iuramentu cum supradictis. [2] et factus sacerdos hic mortuus est.

Humfredus Wilfordus ats Henricus Taylerus Londinensis 20 annos natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit supradictis 23 die Julii vixit semper in vnitate [elle scored] ecclesiæCatholicæ pro qua causa illius parentes carceres et bonorum diminutionem passi sunt studiit in prouincia Hamptoniæ in Anglia gramaticæ postea per 4 annos dedit operam literis humanioribus in Collegio Audomarensi et inde est missus ad hoc Seminariumet humiliter petiit admitti [L.P.E. 111]

185. Robertus Apleby Eboracensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 23 Julii an° 1600 fecit suu iuramentucum supradictis [2] ingressus est ordině Benedictinoru mense Septembri año 1603 .

Robertus Appleby [ats Franciscus Parquerus right margin, in another hand] Eboracensis 20 annos natus parentibus nobilibus patre scismatico matre Catholica venit cum supradictis ad hoc Collegium vixit duobus annis in vnitate ecclesiæ reconciliatusper Richardum Pallesorum sacerdotem et huiusSeminarii quondamalumnumstuduit in Anglia literis humanioribus et tandem consilio Patris Joannis Gerrardi venit in Hispaniam et humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium [L.P.E. 112] (92)

186. Joañes Croutherus Salopiensisadmissusest in hoc Collegium die 23 Julii anº 1600 fecit suum iuramentudie 25 Martii anº 1601 . [2] rediit in Angliã no adepto fine hujus Collegii et postea denuo receptus et factus sacerdos denuo tumultuatus est et proinde demissus

Joannes Croutherus ats Broughtonus16annos natus parentibusnobilibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegium cum supradictis 23 die Julii vixit semper in vnitate ecclesiæ studiitin Anglia rhetoricæconsilio Pi Joannis Benetii Societatis Jesu se contulit in has partes et studiit per annum in Collegio Audomarensi et inde missus est huc et humiliter petiit admitti inter alumnos est dioecesis Salopiensis [L.P.E. 113].

* Humphrey Wilford, als . Henry Taylor : not identified . Robert Appleby, als. Francis Parker : entered the Benedictine Order at Oña, Spain, and was there professed ; was sent on the English Mission , and died in Yorkshire (? Sept. 13), 1645. See Birt, Obit Book, p 27

John Crowther, als (Mark) Broughton : eldest son of Arthur Crowther by his wife Mary Broughton (see C.R.S. , xiii, p. 151 ); brother of Arthur Crowther (no 250) ; went to England in Feb., 1604, in companywith William Milburnand Robert Theobald (see account book Lib 6, Recivos); he returned withMatthew Sandford in 1604, but he was expelledin April, 1608 (see Lib. Gastos 1) on account of his " turbulent behaviour"; twenty of his fellow students (including three priests) gave him a testimonial for good character and piety, in which they ascribe his expulsion to his devotion to the Order of St. Benedict (see Camm, A Benedictine Martyrin England, p 210n); went to Douay and receivedthe Benedictine habit, Sept. , 1608; went to England and was arrested and sent to Newgate prison Oct. 15, 1608; was exiled and went to Douay, where he was professed Sept. 13 or 14 , 1609; again went to England, was imprisoned and after his release labouredin Gloucestershire ; in old age retired to Lamspring, Germany, and there died March 14 , 1658. Birt, Obit Book, p 39. See note to no. 234 . E

187. Joañes Calduallus* Veruicensis admissusest in hoc Collegium die 17°Julii an° 1600 dimissus est e Collegii [sic] die 25 Martiiano 1601 quia recusauit facere iuramentum iuxta institutum huius Collegii.

[2] hic postea in Romanu Collegiu admissusest vnde factussacerdos et finitis fere theologiæstudiis huc remissusest anno 1608 et denuo admissus 3 9bris optimu probitatis et pietatis specimenedidit.

[3] cooptatus est in Societate Jesu año 1609 mensemaii

[4] et hic obiit

Guilielmus Calduallus ats Joannes Smith 20 annos natus parentibus honestæ conditionis sed hæreticivenit ad hoc Collegium 17 die Julii receptus est in vnitatem ecclesiæper patremNicholau Smith Societatis Jesu in ciuitate Duacensi in Belgio studiit in Anglia in vniuersitate Oxoniensi literis humanioribus, suasu Roberti Cadualli Wigorniensis relicto natiuo solio se contulit in has partes et humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium est prouinciæ Veruicensis [L.P.E. 114]. (93)

188. Franciscus Fitzjon als Jonsonus londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 14 Octobris anº 1600.

[2] fecit juramtu suu 22 Junii anni 1602 juxta consuetudinem hujus Collegii rediit in Anglia ob certas pretensasno assequutofine hujus Collegii franciscus Jonsonus ats Fitzjon londinensis 20 annos natus parentibus honestæ conditionis et scismaticis venit ad hoc Collegium die 14 Octobris reconciliatusfuit ad vnitatem ecclesiæ per Dñum Barras Sacerdotem et suasu eiusdem Sacerdotis et cuiusdã sororis dicti francisci egressus est ex anglia et venit in Hispaniam postqam in patria studuerat literis humanioribus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium [L.P.E. 115].

189. Robertus Theobaldus Norfolciensis admissus est in hoc

* William Caldwell, als John Smith : son of William and Elizabeth Caldwell, of Burton-on-Trent, Staffs.; was educated at home, and sent to Oxford; first at University College (Matriculated July 23 , 1596, aged 17) and afterwards at Merton wherehe tookhis B.A. (Nov. 13 , 1598) In theaccount book Lib Gastos I is the entry, in August, 1608, " A cloak for John Smith when hewentto England, " but in April, 1609 , comes the entry " Printing the conclusions of Fr. Caluallo " It would seem that at first he intended to go to England, but changed his mind and joined the Society Foley, vii, p. 109

Francis Johnson, als. FitzJohn : (in the Douay Diary, " Wintoniensis"); son of Christopher Johnson, sometime schoolmaster of Winchester. The Douay Diary says of him , he had formerly studied at Valladolid, whence he returned to England on account of ill-health; returned to Douay and was admitted to the College March 20, 1604; in 1649 a Francis Johnson was extraordinary confessor at Douay College ; is said to have had a brother at Seville, who would probably be Richard Johnson (Janson) who was a priest there in 1608, in April of which year he receivedhis viaticum (Seville account book: Lib. 4); this Richard may possibly be Augustine Lee , als. Johnson; born at Mortlake, Surrey; educated at Seville; a secularpriest; professed a Benedictineon the English Mission July 4, 1624; died in Sussex March 31 , 1640. See C.R.S. , x, pp 57, 503; Birt, Obit Book , p 21

Robert Theobald: pensionerat Christ's College, Cambridge, wherehe matriculated 1590-1 ; B.A., 1593-4; M.A., 1597

Collegium die15 Octobris anº 1600 fecit Juramentu 14 Aprilisanno 1602 . [2] et postea mense Julii anno 1603 [fe scored] demissusest. RobertusTheobaldus Norfolciensis24 annos natus parentibusnobilibus sedscismaticisvenit ad hoc Collegiumdie 15 octobrisvixit per annum in vnitateecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliatusper EpiscopumNanetensem , suasu Thomæ Wrighti est Catholicus effectus et relicta patria venit in hispaniam et humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium studuit inAnglia literis humanioribuset philosophicisinvniuersitate Cantrabrigiævbivixitper decem annos etgradumagisteriiin artibus est insignitus [L.P.E. 116] (94)

190. Guilielmus Couertus* dioecesis Wintoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 4° nouembris anº 1600 . [2] fecit juramtu suu 29 die Decembris an° 1602 rediit in Anglia no assequutofine hujus Collegii.

Guilielmus Couertus de prouincia Sussexiæ 19 annos natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis vixit in vnitate ecclesiæ per annum reconciliatus fuit per dñum Standish sacerdotem in Anglia studiitliteris humanioribus et suasu dicti sacerdotis et consilio et auxilio Dñi Eduardi Gagii nobilis Catholici venit in hispaniam et humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium estq3 admissus die 4° nouembris [L.P.E. 117].

191. Guls Harperus alias Milburn admissus est in hoc Collegiu 29 Decembris anno 1600. fecit suu juramt die 14 Aprilis anº 1602 et postea 3º Novembris ano 1603 missus est Duacu vbi factus sacerdos postea ingressus est Societate, anno 1608 . [2] Sed non perseuerauit propter aliqua impedimenta.

Guilielmus Hartperus ats Milburnus Dioecesis Herefordensis 28 añorz natus parentibus Catholicis et nobilibus vixit a pueritia in vnitate ecclesiæ studuit in Anglia litteris humanioribus et postea legibus municipalibus illius [Regni above] sed quia in eo vitæ cursu ob persecutionem hæreticorumno potuit sine periculo progredi reliquit paternum solum et in has cismarinas partes se contulitet desiderans se totum dedicare diuino seruitio venit ad hoc Collegium die 21 Decembris et humiliterpetiit admitti inter alumnos vt finem altissimum huius Collegiiconsequi posset et facto examine iuxta morem est admissus [L.P.E. 118].

GuilielmusJonsonus als Duport dioecesis Londinensis 23 añorumnatus parentibus honestæ condicionis sed hæreticis tribus annis vixit in vnitate ecclesiæ per Dominum Philipps est reconciliatus studuit in Anglia litteris humanioribus et per quinq3 años dedit operam studio philosophiæ Catabrigiæ in Collegio [Jesuano above] inde ob

* William Covert in the Recusant Roll for 1592-3 are Anna Covert , wife ofWilliam Covert, gent , of Titchfield , Hants ., and Mary Covert, spinster, of Ashington, Sussex See C.R.S. , xviii , pp 290, 339 . William Harper, als. Goodrichor Goodridge , als. Milburn : first Rector of St. George's College, Madrid See C.R.S., xxix, p 368

William Johnson, als Duport : not traced in the Cambridge lists; he was not entered in the Lib Alumnor.; the account book Lib Gast I has anentry ofhis viaticum, when he went away, Jan. 3 , 1602 .

fidem Catholicam est expulsus et postea excitata contra eum per proprium patrem gravi persecutione est coactus fugere ex Anglia et in has partes se contulit missus per Doctorem Joañem Cecillium et facto examineiuxta moremest admissus in Collegium [3° scored] tertio die Januarii [1601 at head of page] id ipse humiliter petens [L.P.E. 120]. (95)

192. Humfredus Turbervil alias Basset* admissus est in hoc Collegiu 2 die Maii anni 1602 et 29 die Decembris eiusdem anni fecit suu juramtu et mense 7bri anno 1603 ingressus e ordině Benedictinorũ

Humfredus Turbervil alias Eduardus Basset venit ad hoc Collegiu 20 Aprilis anno dni 1602 nobilibus ortus parentibus et Catholicis in Comitatu Glamorgan in pvincia Walliæet ipse semper vixitinvnitate eccliæ annos natus viginti tres suasu Magistri Cluniac qui est vnus ex assistentibzet ordinariam sedem habitationis suæ in domohujus paterna collocavit reliquit patriam et huc post varios successus appulit die et año ut sa humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu ut literis et pietate instructus altissimũ fine hujus Collegii sortiatz fidem xpi cu periculo vita in Anglia predicando [L.P.E. 119]

193. Jacobus Sharp alias Pollard dioecesis Eboracensisadmissus est in hoc Collegiu 21 Junii anni 1602 et 29 Decembris ejusdem anni fecit suu juramtü et 14 Aprilis anni 1604 factus est sacerdos in hoc Collegio et postea missus inAngliã ibi ingressusest Societate anno 1607.

[2] Scripsit Anglicè librum de Spiritu priuato contra Puritanos : [3] Perry] de eo vide annales domesticos hujus Coll: ad an: 1606, quo hinc prodiit ad Missione Anglicană : postea Theologiam docuit Lovanii

Jacobus Sharpe ex pvincia Eboracensi natus in opido Bradford venit adhocCollegiu12 Junii cu aliis octo sociis annos natz viginti quatuor magister artiu Oxonii factus est et coaptatus in numerum fideliu a Patre Joanne Garetio societatis Jesu humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiuvt compos fieret finis ejus et admissus est die et anno ut s [L.P.E. 121]. (96)

194. Ricardus Strut dioecesis Lincolniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 21 Junii anni 1602 et 29 [Novem scored] Decembris

* Humphrey Turberville, als Edward Basset : possibly the son of Lewis Turberville, gent., of Llancarfan, Glam., a recusant; was professed a Benedictine at Montserrat; was senttotheEnglish Missionanddied in Glamorganshire, April 15 , 1645. See Birt, Obit Book, p 27; C.R.S. , xviii, p. 376 .

James Sharpe, als Pollard : matriculated at Oxford, Oriel College, Mar. 20, 1592-3 , aged 16; B.A. from Trinity College Dec. 7, 1597; M.A., July 11 , 1600; already a priest, he arrived at Douay College in June, 1606 , and took up a temporary professorshipthere; on Feb. 19, 1607 , went to England as he had heard some of his friends were wavering in the practice of their faith; entered the Society IHS 1607/8 ; was professor ofSacred Scripture and Hebrew at Louvain until 1611 , when he went to the English Mission; died in Lincolnshire Nov. 11 , 1630. See C.R.S. , x, p 72; Foley, vii, p 702; Foster, Alum Oxon.

Richard Strut : not identified

eiusdem anni fecit suu Juramtu factus sacerdos mortuus est in hoc Collegio 1608.

RicardusStrut venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ s'dicto Jacobo et aliis septem sociis natus Tuxfordiæ in pvincia Notinghamiensi Lincolniensis dioecesisparentibus plebeis et bene affectis erga religionem Catholicam studuitgramca et literis humanioribus in Anglia reconciliatus per Patrem Joem Percy Societatis Jesu post aliquot difficultates ibi per annu integrum exhaustus tandem transfretauit et huc veniens humiliter petiit in numeru Collegarũcooptari ppterdesyderiu magnũquo flagrabat sacerdos [mitt scored] fieri et in Angliam mitti ad lucrandas deo animas , annos natus 25 [L.P.E. 122]

195. Joannes Suetenam* dioecesis Peterburiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 21 Junii anni 1602 et 29 die Decembris eiusdem anni fecit suu Juramtu factus sacerdos in hoc Collegio ingressus est societatem in provincia Lusitaniæ. [2] Vnde post plures annos missus est [ad scored] in Belgium , vbi in Collegio AnglorumAudomarensi Concionatoris [est scored] munus plures annos obiit, et postea ad Anglicanam messem destinatus in ea mortuus est. Joannes Swetnam natus Haradoniæ in Comitatu Norhampton patribus plebeis et Catholicis venit cu s dictis duobus annos habens 23 educatus est semper in fide Catholicaa pueritia et primu in opido in quo in lucem editus est studuit literis humanioribus deinde pfectus Oxoniu ibi per duos annos studuit rhetorices et logica vacauit sed videns se ibi oleu et operam perdere et periculũ fuisse ne ibi malis moribus quam bonis literis imbueretzptim sponte sua partim suasu Patris Garetii et Patris Persei q3b3 ad aliquod tempus ibi inserviuit aggressus est iter hispaniã versus et huc fæliciter appulsus obnixe petiit in disciplinam hujus Collegii admitti vt ea excultus melius posset compos fieri voti sui q3 est sacros suscipere ordineset in Anglia ad lucrandas deo animas reverti [L.P.E. 123]. (97)

196. Thomas Lane alias Suete dioecesis Badiensisadmissusest in hoc Collegiu die 21 Junii anni 1602 et die 29 Decembris eiusdem anni fecit suu juramtu. [2] et factus sacerdos missus in messem Anglicanam et ibi postea ingressus est Societatem

Thomas Lanealiàs Suete natus in opidoHambeden inComitatu Buquinghamiæ media sortis parentibus et hæreticis , studuit 1° gramca in opido ubi natus est postea Oxoniæ dedit opã Rhetoricæ et Phłiæ et factus est Baccalaurez in artibus partim lectione libroru partim auditis alioru de rebus controversisdisputationibus factz est Catholicuset postea a Pe Henico floyd societatis Jesu reconciliatuseccliæ

John Swetnam (Sweetnam or Sweetman ), als Nicholson: has not been traced withcertaintyat Oxford; entered the Society IHS in 1606; was senttothe English Missionin 1617; was soon arrested, and banished in 1617; died at Loreto , Nov. 4, 1622. See Foley, vii, p 751; Dodd , ii, p 421

ThomasLane, als Sweet: born 1582: nottracedin the Oxford registers; went to England in 1609; seems to be confused by Foley with ThomasLand (no 266), the date of whose entryinto the Society IHS he has as 1612; afterwards a missionerin Staffordshire See Foley, vii, p 431 ; Blackfan, p 86

huc missus est annos ætatis habens viginti venit cu supradictis tribuset obnixè id petens admissus est in Collegiu die et año vt supra [L.P.E. 124]

197. Christoferus Grenwood* dioecesis Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 21 Junii anni 1602 et die 29 Decembris eiusdem anni fecit suu iuramtu et postea anno 1606 ingressus est Societate in provincia Toletana et postea in hoc Collegio prelegit cursum philosophiæ quem absolvit anno 161[o scored, 8 inserted by second hand] et postea Lovaniuvocatus. [2] ibi[do scored] prælegit [Schola scored] Theologiam Scholasticam in Collegio Anglicano. Vnde in Angliam missusest

ChristoferusGrenwood natus in Berntwoodin Comtu Esex patre media sortis et schismaticoludimagistro a Patre institutus est [est scored] in humanioribus literis deinde Cantabrigiæ incubuit studio hebraica et græce linguæ per annu annos habet 28 factus est Catholicus lectione libroru Catholicoru et a Pe Henrico floyd Societatis Jesu reconciliatus eccliæ huc missus appulit 12 Junii 1602 cũ s'dictis 4or sociis humiliter petens admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 125](98)

[Guilielmus Couertus dioecesis Wintoniensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu die 4º Novembris an° 1600 scored .]

198. Francz Jacson alias Smithson* dioecesis Eboracensisadmissus est in hoc Collegiu die 21 Junii anni 1602 et die 29 [eju scored] Decembris ejusdem anni fecit suu juramtu ob adversã valetudine se contulit Duacu vbi breui factus sacerdos missus est in Angliã vnde haud ita multo post egressus petiit admitti in Societatem Lovanii.

franco Jæcson alias Smithson venit ad hoc Coll™ 12 die Junii anno vt supraannos hens 25 nobilibus ortus parentibuset Catholiciset pater eius obiit in carcere Eboraci in quem conjectus erat ob pfessionem fidei Catholicæ fřem hết sacerdotem societatis Jesu qui in Anglia nunc strenue laborat in vinea domini, a matre et aliis amicis inductus est in hanc sententia vt ad seminariadeueniretvnde venit 1° Audomaropolim vbi per duos años et aliquot menses studuitet demu a superioribus illius Collegii huc missus est die et anno predictis, natus est in parochia Kirquethorp in Comitatu Eboracensi obnixepetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt eius fini coaptaretur [L.P.E. 126]

* Christopher Greenwood : born 1584/5 ; was a sizar at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he matriculated at Michaelmas , 1601; sent to the English Mission in 1623; laboured there for 28 years, chiefly in the London district; died at Liége College, Feb. 10, 1651. Foley, vii, p 317 . Francis Jackson , als Smithson: theindex to theDouay Diary (C.R.S. , x) is faulty as regards this student, who, having left Valladolid on account of ill-health, arrived at Douay, Dec. 21, 1604 (p 64); was admitted asanalumnus , March 27 , 1605 (p 67); ordained priest April 24, 1605 (p. 68); on May 21 , 1605 , was sent to England with faculties, sooner than usual by reason of his ill-health (p 68); after having worked in England for three years, he returned to Douay, May 24, 1608, to continue his studies (p. 91). In 1608 , however, he entered the Society IHS; served the missions in Yorkshire, in which district he died, April 6/16, 1645. His brother was probably Thomas Jackson, als . Brown See Foley, vii, p. 396 .

199. Eduardus Tomsonus* dioecesis Cantuariensis admissusest ad hoc Collegiu die 21 Junii anni 1602, postea demissus . [2] Rediit tamen postea ad hoc Collegiu et factus sacerdos missus est [in scored] Agliam [sic] versus, non tamen est ingressus, sed mansit in Belgio per aliquot años

Eduardus Tomson venit ad hoc Collegiu cu predicto socio missus Audomaropoli vbi per quinq3 annos studuerat gramca et rhetorica annos habet 16 natus Augii in Normandia parentibus nobilibus et Catholicistunc exulib3 pro fide, qui tn postea reuersi sunt in Anglia cũ hoc et reliquis filiis sed post aliquot annos denuo transmiserut hunc filiu suu Audomaropolim, semper a natiuitatesua permansit Catholicus , humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 127] (99)

200. Joannes Dorrel alias Smith* dioecesis Cicistrensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 21 Junii anni 1602 et 29 Decembris ejusdem anni fecit suu juramtu factus diaconus hinc missus est ob adversã valetudine in Anglia. [2] postea rediit et factz sacerdos, mansit per aliquotaños Madriti. [3] Vbi mortuusest.

Joes Dorrel alias Smith è Comitatu Sussexiæ oriundus annos natus decem ex Anglia parentu suoru suasu et mandato Audomaropolim se recepit ibiqz sex annos studio literaru impendit deinde patris literis adhortatus ad hoc Collegiu cu supradictis sociis convolauit, Pateret parentes no solu ob nataliu splendorem et antiqua prosapia nobiles sed et fidei Catholicæ professione multo illustriores a qua nullo vnquam terrore et minis nec iactura bonorü nec incarceratione quæ illis omnia et intentata et inflicta fuerunt, dimoveri potuerut, hic [pita scored] pietatem quam ab vberibusmatris suxit nunquam deseruit sed permansit semper Catholicus petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu studioru gratia et admissus est ad convivendu cũ reliquis die et anno vt s [L.P.E. 128]

201. Thomas Hiltonalias Musgrave dioecesis Carliolensisadmissus estinhocCollegiu die 21 Junii anni 1602 etdie 29 Decembrisejusdem anni fecit suu Juramtu et postea ob adversã valetudinemissusest Duacu

Thomas Hilton alias Musgrave annos natus 19 venit ad hoc Collegiu missus Audomaropoli cü predictis sociis natus Carlioli in Westmerlandia parentibusnobilib3 et Catholicisipse decem annoru puer primü reconciliatus est per Patrem Robinsonu deinde suasu Pris Gerardi societatis Jesu venit Audomaropolim vnde post quinqs annoru studia hoc missus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt dignusoperariusfieret in vinea domini [L.P.E. 129]

* Edward Thompson: not identified

John Dorrell, als Smith : went to England in July, 1608 (Lib. 1 Gast ); wasprobably a memberofthe family ofDarrell, or Dorrell, ofScotneyCastle; for pedigree of this family see Foley, iii, p 476.

Thomas Hilton, als . Musgrave : born 1583; admitted as an alumnus ofDouay College Sept. 8, 1604; was sentaway for a year, thesuperiorsbeing doubtful as to his suitability, May 19, 1607; returned May 14 , 1608; was refused readmission and went to Rheims, where he was ordained in 1609; entered''Benedictine Order and was professed at Dieulouard, 1610; sent to the English Mission, 1619; died in Middlesex, Feb. 20, 1626. See Birt, Obit Book , p 9


202. Joannes Maxey* dioecesis Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 28 Augusti anni 1602 et 29 Decembris eiusdem anni fecit suu Juramtü ingressus est Societate in Lusitaniaunde postea ob adversam valetudine demissus factus est sacerdos Vlissipone vbi vsq3 hodie viuit.

[2] postea rediit ad Collegium Hispalense.

[3] et inde in Angliam ubi patris crudelitate conjectus in carcerem fame et aliis injuriis confectus mortuus est.

[4] fuit vir valde pius, et magni zeli.

Joannes Maxey natus in opido Cheswik prope londinu parentibus nobilibus et bene de fide Catholica sentientibusex Anglia egressus est 14 agens annũ cũ mercatore Anglo nomine Baynes cujus fidei concreditusfuit a Patre Vlissopone 1° audita est eius confessio a sacerdote ordinis De Brigita et serviit per aliquot annos nobilibus quibusdam donec videns Madriti Pr Joes Blacfan societatis Jesu presbyterinflamatu eius desyderiuserviendideo in perfectionevitæ et presertimeffundendisanguinem p xpi fide eum avulsuma curiali vita studiis literarum addixit 1° Matriti deinde Villagarcia emendicata stipe ad eum sustentandum tandem decurso humanioris literaturæ studio 25 Augusti obnixe petens admissus est in hoc Collegiu anno 1602 [L.P.E. 132].

203. Eduardus Fitter alias Gowre dioecesis Wigorniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 18 Octobris anni 1602 et ingressus est ordině Benedictinoru anno 1603 menseAugusti

Eduardusfitter alias Goar venit ad hoc Collegiu 2 Octobris 1602 missus Duaco cum alio socio vbi per tres annos dedisset operam literis humanioribuset dialecticæ natus in Comitatu Wigorniæparentibus

* John Maxey: shortlyafter his arrival at Valladolid went to Portugal to be receivedinto the Society IHS; before finishing his noviciate was sent to the English College, Seville, where he lived as one of the Society and was ordained priest; went to Flanders where he became chaplain to a regiment of Spanish soldiers in Nieuport ; went to England, arriving in London on June 16, 1616; was straightway betrayed by his father, who took him tothe Bishop of London; was sent first to the house of a pursuivant named Tomlinson and then to the Gatehouse prison, where many priests were incarcerated: after eight days his father went to see him; on leaving the prison thefatherwenttothe bishopand complainedangrilyofthe catholic atmosphere of that prison; upon this the bishop ordered John Maxey to be transferred to the Bridewell prison where were the lowest villains and bad women; he prevailed upon a keeperto allow him to go out of the prison fromtime to time, using these occasions to say mass and minister to the faithful; the fatherarrivingat the prison one day, and finding him out, complainedto the governor, with the result that John was placed in close confinement; he fell ill, received the last sacramentsfrom a certain English priest, and died on April 26 , 1617, at two o'clock in the afternoon Even after death he was persecutedby his father, who gave orders for him to be buried in the prison rubbish-tip, which was done. (Valladolid MSS.: Series II, leg. 5, 1º).

Edward Fitter, als Gowre(GowerorGoar), als . Green : arrived atDouay College, where he was known as Edward Green, als. Fitter, son of William Fitter, June 26, 1598; was " initiated in the baptismal rites, " Feb. 1 , 1599; confirmed and receivedthe clerical tonsure Aug. 4, 1600; sent to Valladolid Aug. 26, 1602; arrived there Oct. 2, 1602; entered the Benedictine Order Aug., 1603; is not in Birt's Obit Book

honestæ condicionis et Catholicis annos habet 20 reconciliatus et factus membru eccliæ Catholicæ per sacerdotem nomine Hauton cujus suasu trasfretavit deinde a preside Collegii Anglicanus huc missus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt dignus fieret operarius in vinea dñi [L.P.E. 130]. (101)

204. Joannes Grauenor* dicecesis Herefordiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 18 Octobris anni 1602 et postea ob adversă valetudine missus ĕ Duacu.

Joes Grauenor natus in Comitatu Salopiæ nobilibus parentibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiu missus Duaco cũ s'dicto socio habens annos viginti, hic Pris Eduardi Hugonis confessoris sui suasu Angliam relinquensDuacu venit ibiq3 per tres annos literis humanioribus dedit operam et huc missus humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu quod haberet præ oculis paucitatem operarioru quos habet amplissimavinea Anglicanæ eccliæ, vt se inter reliquos pararet ad hoc opus [L.P.E. 131].

205. Ricardus Writ alias Yarrel admissus est in hoc Collegiu die primo Novembris anni 1602, et factus sacerdos 24 Anni 1604 paulo post ingressus est ordine Benedictinoru et nõ ita multo post relicto habitu in opido St Sebastiani domiciliu collocauit. [2] postea missus est in messem Anglicanam. No month is written, but since the writer, contrary to his practice, has a capital A for the word Anni it may be that hehad begun to write Aprilis or Augusti and then allowed his pen toslip.]

[G smearedout]Ricard" Wrightalias Yarwel natusin Holandadicecesis Lincolniensis parentibus honestæ ditionis et non inimicis fidei Catholicæ venit ad hoc Collegiu 20 die octobris anno 1602 cu alio socio missus ex Anglia cu alio socio per Patrem Joem Garetiu et archipresbyterűannos natz 34studuitCantabrigiæ artibus liberalioribus et gradibus Baccalaureatus et Magisterii ibide est cohonestatus nec non et socius factus Collegii Pembroquianiin suo Collegioet in vniuersitate pleraqz obiit muneraet privata et publica quæincidere possent in hominem suæ conditionis prelector et cathedraticus factus Logicæ et questordeinde academiæ ab ineunteætate exosam habuit perfidiam Caluiniană, licet blanditiis seculi declinitus per

* John Gravenor , als Gregory: son of Richard Gravenor, of Norton , Hales , Shropshire; arrived at Douay College, in company with his brother Francis, Sept. 14 , 1599; confirmed and received the clerical tonsure Aug. 4 , 1600; sent to Valladolid Aug. 26, 1602; was at Douay again in 1605 , where he received minor Orders on Dec. 16; ordained priest March 25 , 1606 , and wassent to England sooner than usual on account of ill-health, April 4, 1606; Foley has a John Gravenor, als. Altam, who enteredthe Society IHSin 1623; after serving the missions in the Devon and London districts, became one ofthefirstcompanionsofFr.Andrew White(no 110), the ApostleofMaryland, and died there Nov. 5, 1640. See C.R.S., x, pp 9, 71 ; xviii, p 262; Foley, vii, p. 312

Richard Wright, als Yarwel or Yarrell : was a sizarat PembrokeCollege, Cambridge, where he matriculated at Easter, 1585; B.A., 1588-9; M.A., 1592; fellow, 1590; arrived at Douay College Aug. 28, 1602, in company with Richard Johnson (no 206), whither they had been sent by the Archpriest, but being persuadedby others in England to go to Valladolid , they setoffforSpain on Sept. 12 , 1602. SeeC.R.S. , x, p. 43

aliquotannos cunctabundusoberrauit in ConfiniisSodomæ accomodans se nimirum tempori et larva quadam dissimulationis sese contegens, donec conscientiæ stimulis cruentatus et non ferens vltra impulsum diuinæinspirationis cessit Collegio spei honorü qui in pximo erant [et scored] in ea repub valedixit et per Prem Bramstonu in Castro framinghamiensireconciliatus eccliæ huc superioru munitus literis convolauit humiliter petens admitti in hoc Collegiu et obtinuit die et anno vt sa [L.P.E. 133]. (102)

206. Ricardus Jonson aliàs Bartholomeus Layton* dioecesis Eboracensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die primo Novembris anni 1602 et postea ob aduersã valetudine missus est Duacu vbi factus est sacerdos et missus in Anglia

[Gul scored Ricardusabove] Jonson aliàs Bartholomeus Layton natusin villa Helay in Comitatu Eboracensi parentibus media conditionis et bene de Religione sentientibusvenit ad hoc Collegiu missus simul cu supradicto magistro write annos natus quadraginta studuit in villa in qua est natus gramc et rhetoricæ, deinde [ad scored] per bienniu legibus municipalibus Eboraci in quo cu no sibi succederet ex animi sententia aperuit scholam gramaticæ cui prefuit per 16 annos donec suspectus de religione Catholicaillinc recedere cogebatur et reconciliatus ecctiæ per Pres Joem Garretiu societatis Jesu huc missus est humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt sacerdos fieret et mitteretz in Anglia [L.P.E. 134]

207. Ricardo filpot alias Vitus Dioecesis Vintoniensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu die 1° Novembris anni 1602. obiit in hoc Collegio 10 die Junii anno 1603 .

Ricardus Philpotalias White natus in opido Camptonin dioecesiWintoniensi parentibus mediæ conditionis et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiu 22 die Octobris anni 1602 cũ aliis vndecim sociis missus

Audomaropoli vbi per quatuor annos studuit literis humanioribus annos habet iam 22 obnixe petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt eius fini coaptaretur [L.P.E. 135]. (103)

208. Robertus Haddoc dicecesis Chestrensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 1º Novembris anni 1602 ingressus est ordinem Benedictinoru mense Octobris anno 1603

Robertus Haddocus natus juxta opidů Brunlon in Comitatu Lancastrensi parentibusnobilibus et Catholicisvenit ad hoc Collegiu missus

Audomaropoli cü predicto et aliis 10 sociis agens annu vigesimu traductus est ad amplectenda fidem Catholicam per avunculum suu sacerdotem nomine Woodrof in Castro Wisbicensi detento et

* Richard Johnson , als Bartholomew Layton : arrived at Douay College, from Valladolid March 19, 1603; ordained priest June 1 , 1603. See C.R.S. , x, pp 48, 51 .

Richard Philpot, als White : not identified

Robert Haydock, als Benson : son of William Haydock, Lordofthe Manor of Cottam, Lancs. , and his wife Bridget, daughter of Sir Richard Hoghton, Kt , of Hoghton Tower; was professed a Benedictineat Valladolid ; played an importantpart in the restoration of the English Congregationof the Benedictines; sent on the English Mission in 1607; died in Staffordshire, Feb. 8, 1650. See Birt, Obit Book, p 31 ; Gillow, Haydock Papers, p. 39 .

Audomaropoli a Pe Gulo flacco societatis Jesu reconciliatusibiqz postquam per tres annos preclaram literis navasset operam huc a superioribus missus est et obnixe petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 136].

209. Nicolaus Becquet* dioecesis Badiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 1º Novembris anni 1602 ingressus est ordine Benedictinoru mense Septembris anno 1603 .

NicolasBecquetnatusin opido Moseley in Comitatu Stafordiæ parentibus media sortis et scismaticis venit ad hoc Collegiu cu s'dictis duobus [sociis scored] et aliis 9 sociis annos natus 19 studuit in Anglia rudimentis gramaticæ deinde patrui sui qui Catholicusest suasu in civitatem Audomaropolitanu trasfretauit vbi est reconciliatus per prẽm Gulm flaccu societatis Jesu et absolutoin quatuor annis literaru humanioru studio huc missus a superioribusobnixe petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 137] (104)

210. Alexander Vauesor dioecesis Lincolniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 1° Novembris anni 1602 demissus est [ob scored] ex hoc Collegio ppterlegitima quedã impedimenta

Alexander Vauasor alias Gregorius Brown natus in Villa Aplebe in Comitatu Lincolniæ parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis qui multa perpessi sunt pro fide venit ad hoc Collegiu cu s'dictis tribus et aliis octo sociis natus annos 21 reconciliatusa Pe Philippo Parquero a quo Audomaropolim missus est vbi per tres annos incubuit literis humanioribus et missus huc a superioribushumiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt operarius fieret in vinea domini [L.P.E. 138]

211. Ricardus Gayl als Baynes dioecesis Eboracensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 1° Novembris anni 1602 fecit suu Juramtu secundü consuetudine huius Collegii 29 Decembris anno 1603. hic mortuus est

RicardusGayl alias Baynes natus in Villa Quousque dececsis Eboracensis parentibusnobilibuset Catholicisvenit ad hoc Collegiu cu s dictis quatuor et aliis 7 sociis anũ agens ætatis vigessimu semper vixit invnitate ecctiæsuasumatris venit Audomaropolimibiq3 perquatuor años studuit et huc a superioribus missus petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 139]. (105)

212. Petrus Eccleston alias formby admissusest in hoc Collegiũ die 1° Novembris anni 1602 dioecesis Chestriensis fecit suu Juramtū secundü consuetudine huius Collegii 29 Decembris anno 1603 et hic mortuus est

Petrus Eccleston alias fornbey natus in opido Leyland comitatus Lancastrensis parentibus mediæ sortis et extra eccliă degentibus , venit ad hoc Collegiu cu s dictis 5 et aliis sex sociis annos habens 20 , * Nicholas Becket: was professed at the monastery of San Salvador, Oña (Camm , A Benedictine Martyr, p 198); died at Cannock, Staffs., Oct. 30, 1618. Birt, Obit Book, p. 6.

Alexander Vavasour , als. Gregory Brown : not identified. Richard Gayle, als Baynes : not identified ForQuousque see C.R.S., ix, p. 109 . § Peter Eccleston , als Formby : not identified

hic suasu fratris sui natu maioris qui Catholicus est et multa perpessus pro fide factus est Catholicus , et reconciliatusa Pe Lausono postea Londini comprehensus in carcerem trusus est ibique flagris dirissimè cæsus est ob confessionem fidei tandem precio è carcere emptus Audomaropolim convolauit vnde post triu annoru curriculu huc missus est a superioribus et obnixe petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt sacerdos factus maioribus se adhuc suppliciis pro fide et amore Christi se obiectaret [L.P.E. 140]

213. Franz Kempus* dioecesis Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 1º Novembris anni 1602 ingressus est ordine Benedictinoru mense octobris anno 1603 .

Franciscus Kempus natus Londini parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sa sex et aliis quinq3 sociis missus Audomaropoli vbi per quatuor annos strenue studiis humanioribus insudasset annos habet24 egressus est Anglia vtdicitdivino instinctu et ope fratris sui et duoru sacerdotu petiit cu reliquis admittiinhoc Collegiu vt in eo perficeretzad operandu in vinea domini [L.P.E. 141] (106)

214. Michael Griffidius als Alford dioecesis Londinensis admiss est in hoc Collegiu die 1° Novembris anni 1602 fecit Juramtu secundu consuetudine hujus Collegii die 29 Decembris anno 1603 ingressus est Societate Lovanii mense feb¹ anno 1607 . [2] Missus in Angliammultos ibi [in scored] annos in vinea Domini laborauit, fuitque P. Rector Collegii S. Annæ. Fuit vir non mediocriter versatus in lingua Græca et Hebraica, nec non Jure Canonico. Scripsit [lib scored] latinè librum de patria Constantini magni. [et ante scored] Obiit in Belgio: ante obitum [imprim scored] Annales Ecclesiasticos Angliæ prælo paratos reliquit.

Michael Grifidius alias Alford venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadictis septem et aliis quatuor sociis natus londini parentibusnobilib3 et Catholicis et ipse semper vixit in vnitate ecctiæ A Patre Joañe Garretio societatis Jesu instructus 1° ad iter transmarinu sed in ipso egressu comprehensus et in carcerem conjectus una cu matre [pre scored] puer vndecim annoru ita intrepide respondit ministris Reginæ vt omnes in admirationem devenirent, et non ita multo post liberatus a carcere Audomaropolim pervenit vbi sex annos integros studio humanioris literaturæ impendit et missus huc a superioribus 17 annos habens obtinuit admitti in numeru alumnoru anno et mense vt supra [L.P.E. 142].

215. Stephanus Chapmanus dioecesis Lincolniensis admissusest in * Francis Boniface Kemp, als Kipton : imprisoned in Newgate, and banished , but returned : was worried to death or slain in cold blood by Parliamentary troops in Yorkshire, July 26, 1642. Gillow, Biblio Dict Eng. Cath ., iv, p 3; Birt, Obit Book, p 26

Michael Griffith, als. Alford : died at St. Omer's College, Aug. 11 , 1652. Foley, vii, p. 320 .

Stephen Chapman : born at Rouen, and probably brother of Andrew Chapman; left Valladolid for Flanders, 1605; went from Douay Collegeto Tournai, there to be receivedinto the Society of Jesus, Oct. 18, 1606; wasat Valladolid in 1614-5, and in June of 1615 went to Seville in company with Fr.[George] Bamfield Lib Gast I and 2; Foley, vii, pp 29 and 128; C.R.S., x , p 75

hoc Collegiu die 1° Novembris anni 1602 fecit suu Juramtu secundu consuetudine hujus Collegii mense Decembri anno 1603 ingressus est Societate Duaci anno 1606

Stephanus Chapmanus natus Rotomagi in Gallia parentibus Anglis et exulibus pro fide Catholica mediæ sortis mercatores enim erant venit ad hoc Collegiucũ s'dictis octoet aliis tribus sociis [na scored] annu agens decimũoctavu natus et educatus semper fuit in vnitate fidei Catholicæ studuit Audomaropoliper sex annos literis humanioribus et missus a superioribus humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 143]. (107)

216. Guls Monoc* dioecesis Nordouicensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die rº Novembris anni 1602 rediit in Anglia ob aduersam valetudine.

GulielmusMonoc alias YongnatusinVillaHoulton in ComitatuSuffolcia parentibus media sortis et Catholicis licet ipse in teneriori ætate frequentaret ecclias hereticoru reconciliatus fuit eccliæ Catholicæ per Patrem flaccu societatis Jesu Audomaripoli quo missus fuerat suasu matris suæet sacerdotis nomineDraconstuduitAudomaropoli per quatuor annos et annu agens 22 missus est a superioribusad hoc Collegiu humiliterin alumnoru numerũ cooptari petiit [L.P.E. 144]

217. Joannes Pileus dioecesis Badiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 1° Novembris anni 1602 noluit admittere Juramtü huius Collegii et ppterea demissus est mense Januario 1604 .

Joannes Pileus natus in Villa Halse in Comitatu Somerset venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sa decem et alio comite parentibus media sortis et schismaticis studuit in Anglia literis humanioribus et Juri Ciuili tandem adherens nobili Baroni de Monte acuto ibidem in domo et famulatu suo reconciliatus ecctiæ per sacerdotem nomine Hill, deinde diuino instinctu et deo perfectius serviendi desyderio Angliam reliquit et literis comenda[ti]tiis superiorümunitus Audomaropolim pervenit et inde huc statim transmissus humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu quod ei in votis esse diceret vitam et sanguinem pro religione Catholica in Anglia propaganda profundere annos natus 22 [L.P.E. 145] (108)

218. francz Stamford alias Ocley dioecesis Oxoniensisadmissusest in hoc Collegiu die 1° Novembris anni 1602 ingressus est ordině Benedictinoru mense octobris anno 1603 Vnde paulo post egressus est.

francus Sandford aliàs Ocley natus ppe Oxoniam parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiucu s dictis vndecim sociis die 21 Octobrisanni 1602 annos natus 19 et sex mensibus studuit in Anglia

* William Mannock, als Young : July, 1604, arrived at Douay College to continue his studies C.R.S. , x, p 60

John Pilley: not identified

Francis Stanford, als Ocley: on Feb. 12 , 1606, he arrived at Douay College, seekingadmission after leaving the Benedictines , but as he had no testimonial letters he was not admitted ; he left Douay for England April4, 1606. C.R.S., x, p 71. See no 234 .

literis humanioribuset suasu avunculi sui sacerdotis nomineLassels reliquit patriam et paternă domu vt meliorem sibi quererethereditate et veniens Audomaropolimstatim huc transmissus estetobnixè petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 146].

219. Thomas Gooch* dioecesis Nordouicensis admissus est in hoc Collegium die 14 Decembrisanni 1602 et propteradversăvaletudine missus est Duacu vbi factus est sacerdos . Thomas Gooch aliàs Boldrop natus Buriæin Suffolciaparentibusmedia sortisetoccecatis sui temporisheresi venit ad hoc Collegiu die primo [Novembri scored] Decembris anno 1602 missus ex Anglia cu literis comenda[ti]tiis archipresbyteri et Přis Garnetti annos natus 24 studuitBuriæ , vbi natus est literis humanioribusdeinde Cantabrigiæ dialecticæ et philosophiæ vbi et Baccalaureus et Magister artium creatus est, deinde conversatione dñi Woodwardet monitis Gulielmi Alabastri Catholicus effect3 per Patrem Christopher Holywood societatis Jesu reconciliatus est ecctiæ Catholicæ, huc cũ s*dictis literis convolans humiliter petiit admitti in numeru alumnoru quod ei in votis esse diceret sacerdos fieri et reuerti in Angliã ad lucrandasxpo animas [L.P.E. 147]. (109)

220. Henricus Morus dioecesis Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 20 Junii anno 1603, et postea anno 1607 admissus est in Societate Lovanii. [2] Gessit Prouincialatum Angliæ, et Rectoratum Audomarensem Collegii Anglicani bis Intererat Congreg. 8 Generali Societatis Jesu pro eadem Prouincia Scripsit [latine above] pium libellum meditationumde mysteriis vitæ et passionis Christi in Evangelia per annum: item historiam Missionis Anglicanæ. [3] Mortuus est Wattenis plenus dierũ et boni odoris Sanctitatis .

Henricus Morus proavo natus Thoma Moro insigni in Anglia martyre venit ad hoc Collegiu 22 Julii año 1603 annos natus sexdecim editus in lucem in villa dicta Layton prope Londinu pater et omnes progenitores sui semper fuerunt Catholiciet ipse semper vixit in vnitate eccliæ.studiitin Collegio S" Audomarisex annis indehuctransmissus humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 148].

221. Thomas Williams dioecesis Herefordiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 70 octobris año 1603, et postea factus sacerdos missus est in Anglia

Thomas Gulielmi natus in Comitatu Glocestrensi parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiu 20 die Septembris anni 1603 habens annos 26, missus ab honesto sacerdote dicto Jacobo Moriset

* Thomas Gooch, als Boldrop : born at Edmundbury ; sizar at Trinity College, Cambridge , where he matriculated circa 1592; B.A., 1596-7; M.A. , 1600; arrived at Douay College from Valladolid in August, 1603, where he was ordained priest Sept. 28 of the same year; he went to England Feb. 3, 1604. C.R.S., x, p. 53

HenryMore, als Talman, and Parr : son of Edward More, and greatgrandson of the martyr, Blessed Thomas More; left Valladolid in ill-health and arrived Douay College June 28, 1607; died at Watten , Dec. 8 , 1661

C.R.S., x, p 83; Foley, vii, p 518

Thomas Williams : not identified

ab alio patre societatis studiit in Anglia literis humanioribus per multos años vixit in vnitate eccliæ humilitz petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 149]

222. Ludovicus Williams* Monumetensis admissus est in hoc Collegiudie 3ºOctobris AnnoDñi 1604 ætatis 19nostuduitDyalectica [2] et postquam [fene scored] finiuerit cursum philosophiců propter aduersam valetudine missus est Duacu ibi factz est sacerdos [The above entry was interpolated.]

Ludouicus Williams natus e in comitatu Monmoths ex mediæ sortis parentibus, a D. Hugone Phillips ecctiæ reconciliatuse, et acceptis a Pe Holland literis commendatitiis venit Hispania et admissus ē in hoc Seminariu [L.P.E. 171]. (110)

22[3 over 2] Robertus Edmundi* dioecesis Herefordiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 7° Octobris anno dni 1603, hic factus est sacerdos et mense Aprilis anno 1609 missus est in Anglia.

Robertus Edmundi natus in Comitatu Denbighensi pvinciæ Walliæ parentibus media sortis et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ supradicto sociovigessimu annu agens studiit in Anglia grammaticævixitper duos años in vnitate eccliæ humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 150]

22[4 over 3] Joannes Aynswoorth 8 Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 26 octobris año 1603 et postea ingressus est ordine Benedictinoru anno 1604 mense Martiovnde denuo egressus Hispali factus est Sacerdos et inde missus est in Anglia

Joannes Aynswoorthus Londinensispatre mercatore et vniuersastirpe heretica studiit Cantabrigiæ literis humanioribus et phtiæ vbi Baccalareus factus est vnde necessitate quada ejectus in Duacu Belgii transfretauit et ibi reconciliatus eccliæ studiit duobus annis phtiæ vnde huc missus appulit 14 Octobris anni 1603 humiliter petiit admittiin hoc Collegiuannisnatz 26 [L.P.E. 151].

* Lewis Williams : arrived at Douay College Nov. 29 , 1609; was ordained priest at Tournai June 5, 1610; went to England May 2 , 1611 , without faculties C.R.S. , x, p 100. See note to no 234 .

Robert Edmunds: this may possibly be the priest of the same name who is stated by Birt to have received the Benedictinehabit on the Mission, and who died in the Gatehouse prison, London, Jan. 28, 1615. ( no 221.) Birt, Obit Book , p. 4 .

§ John Ainsworth, als Sherrington or Skevington: was a pensionerat Christ's College, Cambridge, where he matriculated circa 1593; B.A., 1597-8 or 1598-9; arrived at Douay College Sept. 21 , 1601 , and left for Valladolid, in company with John Bearn: on leaving Seville, in May, 1607 , for the Mission was captured by pirates and carried to Barbary, but released when it was found no ransom could be hoped for from him ; reached Douay College Jan. 3, 1608, where he acted as coach in Theology until July 25 , 1608 , when he set off for England; was banished from England and returned to Douay July 10 , 1610 , but on Aug. 18 ofthe same year went backagaintoEngland. He was a prisonerinNewgate,March, 1614. C.R.S. , x, p. 34; Tierney-Dodd, iv, p cciv

22[5 over 4] Joannes Bernus* Peterburiensis admissusest ad hoc Collegiu die 20 octobris anni 1603ingressus est ordině Benedictinorũ cũ sadicto

Joannes Bernus de Comitatu Peterborowhumili loco natus parentibus hereticis studiit Cantabrigiæ literis humanioribus vbi etz ex consortio quorundã bonorü factus est Catholicus et vt fidem conservaret properauitDuacuvenit ad hoc Collegiu annos natus20absoluto curriculo philosophiævenit cu supradicto socio et humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 152]. (III)

22[6 over 5] Ricardus Percy alias Perciual dioecesis Eboracensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 30 Mayi anno domini 1604. anno 1608 discessit hinc ob adversă valetudine.

Ricardus Percey als Perseual venit ad hoc Collegiu 14 die Maii año 1604 natus Ritonii in Comitatu Eboracensi parentibusnobilib3 sed schismaticisfrater natu maior est Catholicuscujus suasu Catholicæ ecctiæ membru fieri desyderauit quod obtinuit ministerio Patris Armstrong sacerdotis annuagens 14 ad CollegiumAudomaropolitanu transfretauit vbi per tres annos studiit literis humanioribus ann agens vigessimu huc appulit cu aliis 14 sociis qui oes missi sut a Patre Rectore prefati Collegiihumiliterpetiit admittiin hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 153].

22[7 over 6] Bryantus Fearbarn alias Barnabas Haywood Lincolniensis dioecesis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi an 1604 , subdiaconus factus discessit hinc mense Septembri ob adversã valetudine.

[2] et mortuus est in via.

Briantus Fearbarn alias Barnabas Hayward venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sadicto [et a scored] socio qui natus est Notinghamiæ parentibg nobilibus et schismaticisreconciliatus est eccliæ in Collegio Audomaropolitano vna cu fře qui iã est alumnus Collegii Hispalensis per quatuor annos studuit in prefato Collegio literis humanioribz missus vts humiliterpetiit admittiin hoc Collegiu annuagens 19um [L.P.E. 154].

228. Henricus Grenvod§ Essexiensis admissus fuit in Collegiu Aº Dñi 1604 ætatis 18vo studuit logicæ, et postea discessit ob adversã valetudine.

[2] Ingressus est postea ordinem Benedictinoru. [The above entry was interpolated]

John Bearn, or Barnes : not traced withcertaintyat either Oxford or Cambridge; copying Dodd's Church History (iii, p 101), Gillow and Birt say he was a Lancashire man, by extraction , if not born there, and that he was educatedat Oxford; was ordained priest Sept. 20, 1608, after becoming a Benedictine; went to England, but was banished; died in Rome, Aug (31), 1661. Gillow, Biblio Dict Eng Cath , i, p 138; Birt, Obit Book, p 40 RichardPercy, als Percival: not identified. BriantFearbarn, als BarnabasHayward : notidentified The brother atSeville was possiblythe priest Edward Huyathor Hayath [Hayward]whose viaticum is entered in the Seville account book, no 4, in May, 1608 .

§ Henry Greenwood : received the Benedictine habit at St. Gregory's, Douay, Dec., 1611; was sent on the English Mission, where he suffered long imprisonment, and, on release, returned to Douay; sent again onthe Mission; died at Oxford, Nov. 27 , 1645. Birt, Obit Book, p 27.

Henricus Greenwood in Villa Brentwood natus et educatus fuit in literis a Patresuo Gymnasiarcho in Comitatu Essexiævenitex Anglia cum Josepho Haynes eoд [quo ipse above] modo et animo mutato consilio adeundi Romă venit Vallisoletu, et vnà cum ipso eadem ratione admissus e in hoc Seminariu [L.P.E. 170]. (112)

22[9 over 7] Henricus Killinghal alias Plaça* Eboracensisdioecesis admissusest in hoc Collegiu die 30 Mayi anno 1604 hinc discessit mense Maii anno 1608 ob adversã valetudine et postea rediens admissusest in Societate vt frater coadiutor 28 Octobris 1609 .

Henricus Killinghal alias Plaça natus est Eboraci in carcere vbi tunc parentes ejus fidei ga detinebantzibi cũ eis vsq3 ad 4" ætatis annu vixit postea egressus mortuo patre qui erat nobilis confessor fidei [exutus scored] cujus rei gratia exutus est bonis om[n]ibus reconciliatus est eccliæ Per Přem Palaseru q fuit alumnus quonda hujus Collegii postea gloriosus martyr inservit per aliquot annos nobili Baroni Vaux pueropuer assecla Postea a PreHoultbey niæ societatis missus estAudomaropoliminde missus est huc absolutohumanioru studioru curriculo anu agens 19m humiliterpetiit cũ s'dictis et aliis sociis admittiin hoc Collegiu vt gloriosueius fine assequeretz [L.P.E. 155].


2[30 over 28] Nicolaus Grauener als fitzerbert dioecesis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 30 Mayi anno 1604, in hoc Collegio mortuus est.

NicolausGrauenor alias fitzherbert natusin Comitatu Salopiæparentibus nobilibus et Catholicis matris suasu reconciliatus est ecctiæ adhuc adolescentior a Pe Hollon cuius etz suasu Audomaropolim se contulit vbi per quatuor annos studiit literis humanioribus eta Pe Rectore dictiCollegii huc missus est cũ prefatis sociis annu agens 22m humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt operarius fierit in vinea Anglicana [L.P.E. 156]

231. Josephus Haynes [Essexien above] admissus fuit Aº Dñi 1604 ætatis 23° studuit Dyalecticæ [2] hic factus sacerdos, et missus est in messeAnglicanã mense Aprilis 1609. [The above entry was interpolated.]

Josephus Heynes aliàs Parry è nobilibus sed hæreticis parentibus [nobilibus scored] in Essexia natus ubi 1° studiis enutritus deinde etiam Cantabrigiam missus ẽ tandem opera et suasu D. Jo: Green* Henry Killinghall, als Richard Place: the account book Lib 1 Gastos has an entry of the viaticum of " Richard " Place, in July, 1608. Foley, vii, p 1,437 . Nicholas Gravenor , als Fitzherbert : not identified . Fr. Robert Jones, als Holland . Foley, vii, p. 408 § Joseph Harvey, als Haynes, Harris and Parry: was electeda member of the Old Chapter, 1623; in 1626 was sent by Bishop Richard Smith (no 79) to Lisbon, to interview Don Pedro Coutinho about the founding of an English College there, and in 1627 was nominated the first President of the newCollege. He died, at Lisbon, on Feb.22, 1629, the day fixed for the public opening of the schools C.R.S. , x, passim ; Croft-Gillow, Historical Account of Lisbon College, passim ; Chapter List F

wood religionemamplexus Catholicamliterashabuit comendatitiasa P. Garneto vt admitteretur in Collegiu Anglorz Romæ; sed [Duaci above] quorundã suasu et informatione abductus venit Vallisoletu animo ingrediendi Religione St Benedicti, inde rejectus veritate cognita poenituit temeritatis, resumpsit intentione seminarioru et petiit humiliter in hoc Seminariu eo fine quo reliqui admitti id quod habita roñe synceritatis et candoris animi ægre tandem obtinuit [L.P.E. 169]


2[32 over 29] Robertus Pecham als Webbe* dioecesis Wintoniensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi 1604, hinc discessitob adversă valetudině, et postea rediens prosequutus est sua studia [2] et absolutis studiis factus est Sacerdos et missus est Louaniũ ad ingrediendu Societatem, año 1613, mense Aprilis

Robertus Pechamus natus est in Comitatu Buckinghamiæ auis et atauis ex Patre et matre nobilibus et equestris ordinis semper vixit in vnitate ecctiæ mater est soror maior natu Pris Jois Gerardi nřæ societatis, per quem etz est trasmissus Audomaropolimet inde post quatuor annos huc appulit missus a suis superioribus cu s'dictis sociis annuagens 18m humiliter petiit admittiin hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 157]

23[3 over o] Edmundus Tindal alias Cobus dioecesis Cicestrensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi anno 1604, hinc discessit ob adversaã valetudine , et factus sacerdos Duaci missus est in Anglia

Edmundus Tindal alias Cobus venit ad hoc Collegiũ cũ s'dictis et aliis sociis natus Arlingtoniæ in Sussexia [natus scored] parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis multa in carceribus et dispendio bonoru passis, ipse semper vixitin vnitate eccliæ studuit literis humanioribus aliquandiu in Anglia sub patre in carcere detento deinde ab eodem missus Audomaropolim studuit etz ibi tribus annis et iam 20 annos natus auditor Rhetorices huc a superioribus missus venit pettiiqz admitti in hoc Collegiu ob desyderiu quo flagrabat operariusfieri in vinea dñi [L.P.E. 158].

234. Matheus Sandford Salopiensis admissus fuit A° Dňi 1604 ætatis 16to studuit Dyalecticæ [2] missus postea duacu [The above entry was interpolated]

* Robert Peckham , als Webb: step-brother of Fr. John Layton, als Port, S.J., by the same mother, who was daughter of Sir Thomas Gerard , of Bryn, Lancs, Kt , and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Port, of Etwall, Derbys , Kt. He left Valladolid in July, 1608, according to the account book Lib 1 Gastos; entered the Society IHS, 1613; died, probably in Leicestershire , Jan. 25, 1621. Foley, iii, p 1o9 ; vii, pp 294, 579 Edmund Tindal, als Cobs : left Valladolid for Flanders, Aug., 1608 (Lib 1 Gastos) ; continued his studies at Douay and was ordained priest at Cambrai, Nov. 11 , 1608; set off forEngland Jan. 22, 1609. C.R.S., x, pp 94-5. Matthew Sandford , als Lassels, and Okeley: possibly the son of Humphrey Sandford, of the Isle of Rossall, St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, who appears in the Recusant Roll for 1592-3 . In the same list are Arthur Crowther and his wife Mary, of Sparchford, Diddlebury, Salop, who may have been the parents of the John Crowther who returned to Valladolid in company with MatthewSandford. According to the account book , Lib. I

Mathæus Sandford aliàs Lassels ex parentibus nobilib3 et semper Catholicis multaz pro fide passis natus et enutritus est Catholicè in Comitatu Salopiensi accessit ad hoc collegiu cum Joe Crouther reduente ex Anglia cum literis comendatitiis a Patre Holland alias Jones è SocteJesu, et a patre dicti Jois [L.P.E. 168] (114)

[235 over 131] Gualterus Cowarn alias Aquito dioecesis Wigorniensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayianno 1604 , inhoc Collegio obiit anno 1607 .

[*The first writer, by a slip ofthe pen, wrote Ifor 2 in the hundreds of this and the following five entries .]

Gualterus Cowarne alias Aquito [i.e., Hackett] natus Rossein Comitatu Herefordensi parentibus media sortis et erga religione Catholicam bene affectis venit ad hoc Collegiu cu s'dictis sex et aliis sociis studuit Wigorniæ literis humanioribus deinde per duos annos Oxoniæ dialecticæ nauabat operam vixit in vnitate eccliæ per tres annos reconciliatus a Pe Joe Beringtono alumno quondam hujus Collegii ab archipresbytero Angliæ missus est 1° Audomaropolim deinde huc trasmissus petiit humilits admitti in hoc Collegiu vt sacerdos factus in Anglia repedaret annos habens iam viginti quatuor [L.P.E. 159].

[236 over 132] Nicolaus Dayus dioecesis Oxoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 die Mayi anno 1604, postea in ordine St franci cooptatus est

Nicolaus Dayus natus Oxoniæ patribus Catholicis et multa pro fide passis mediæ sortis exutis etz bonis a Regiis satellitibus venit ad hoc Collegiucu sadictis 7 sociis, studuerat studuit [sic] 1° vigorniæ deinde Audomaropolim missus a Pous floyd et Lister vbi per tres annos studuitet decimu octauü annũ agens missus est ad Collegiu istud petiitq3 admitti vt sacerdos fieret [L.P.E. 160]

Gast ., he left Valladolid Aug., 1609, in company with another studentwhose name is not clearly decipherable The Douay Diaries state that he arrived at that College on Sept. 6 , 1609 , in company with another youth named Wilford , whowent on to England On the 29th July, 1610 , Matthew Sandford left Douay for England, suffering from stone as he said, and the President believed ; but thetruth was ,says theDiary, that on accountof his evilhabits he deserved to beexpelled Some light is thrown on this incident by a letter of Fr. Joseph Creswell , S.J. , at Madrid, to Dr. Worthington , President of DouayCollege (Dodd, ii, p 496), whowrote:" Thereis one Matthew Lassels, aliasOkeley, gone from Valladolid, to come to Doway; whoeither is slandered , orhehas been a verybad instrument in making ofparties forthe Benedictins; who ,Ithink,iftheyknew of his qualities, would use none of his means . But rather , I think, it is the devil, who attempts now by way of lewd persons, what hecouldnotbeforebyappellantscloaks ...... Also another Welshman , Ithink[LewisWilliams, whoarrived at Valladolid atthe same timeasMatthew Sandford (no 222) and reached Douay on Nov. 29, 1609], will shortlyfollow him,whom Itookup in Sevilleas poorand bareas a snake: andnowhebegins to play Esop's snake with us .... ' C.R.S. , x, pp 98, 103

Walter Cowarne , als. Hackett : in a list furnished to the government bythe Bishop of Hereford in 1605 of those who had been " detectedtohave been at Mass at the Darren, " in the parish of Garway, Herefordshire , occur the names ofWalter Cowarneand his wife These may possibly have been the parents of the above C.R.S. , ii, p 293.

NicholasDay : in the Necrology of the English Province of the Friars Minor he is stated to have been a Franciscanfor 54 years at the time ofhis death, at Oxford, July 25, 1655. C.R.S. , i, p 122; xxiv, p 265

[237 over 133]

Eduardus Overton alias Tomson* dioecesis Lincolniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi 1604, hic factus est sacerdos et missus in Angliã anno domini 1608

EduardusOvertonalias Tomson natusin Comitatu Lincolniensiparentibus media sortis et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiu cu dictis sociis agensannu 24 cooptatusin eccliam a Pe Henrico Bray nřæ societatis postquã studuisset Audomaropoli per tres annos missus est in Anglia salutis recuperandæ gratia ibiz bis in carcere conjectus constantissimèfidem Catholică confessus est denuo recuperata valetudine, pecunia et fauore a regiis satellitibus liberauit Audomaropolim remeavit vnde post vnius anni moram huc a suo Rectore transmissus est petiitq3 humiliter admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 161].

[238 over 134] Petrus Wilford alias Tayler dioecesis Londinensisadmissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi, 1604, et hic factus sacerdos postea ingressus est ordině St Benedicti

Petrus Wilford als Taylerus anno vigesimo ætatis suæ venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sadictis novem natus Londini parentibus nobilibus et Catholicisstuduitaliquandiu Londini sed hereticoruinsidiisappetitus cu grandior esset mutare locu sepe coactus est donec clan[cl scored]culu insciis parentibus molitus est transmarinu iter sed in via deprehensus conjicitz in carcerem vbi per sex menses permansit et ex magna parte ab omni mortaliũ et maximè Catholicoru congressu et colloquio exclusus, liberatus tandem Audomaropolim aduolauit et inde post duos annos huc missus est [L.P.E. 162]. (116)

[239 over 135] francz Tichburnus § dioecesis Wintoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi anno 1604, factus sacerdos missusest in Anglia.

francus Tichburnus annu agens 20 venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ s³dictis decem et aliis sociis natus Wintoniæ parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis et ipse semper vixit in vnitate ecctiæ studuitaliquandiu literis humanioribus in domo patris sui ejusdem deinde suasu Audomaropolim studioru gratia transfretauit, et inde post tres annos missus a superioribus venit ad hoc Collegiu humilitz petens admitti ppter desyderiu quo flagrabat etz cu dispendio vitæin vinea dñi laborandi [L.P.E. 163].

[240 over 136] Joannes Mulsho alias Dayl diecesis Peterburiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi anno 1604 et [factus sacerdos

* Edward Overton, als. Thompson: not identified. Read " liberatus . " PeterWilford , als Tayler : theaccount book Lib. I Gastoshas an entry of the viaticum of John Tayler when he went to England in Oct., 1607; enteredthe Benedictine Orderat Douay and was there professed Sept.8 , 1609; died in Newgate prison March 13 , 1646. Birt, Obit Book, p 28

§ Francis Tichborne : called Henry Tichburn by Blackfan; went to England in 1608. Annals, p 83.

John Molsho, als Day : went from Valladolid to Douay College , where he arrived in July, 1608; ordained priest at St. Omer, Oct., 1608; set off for England June 25, 1609; entered the Society IHS, 1616; was probably , says Foley, a brother or near relative of Mary, Lady Digby, widow of Sir Everard Digby,and sole heiress ofWilliamMolsho, Esq , ofGothurst C.R.S. , x, p. 93; Foley, vii, p. 513 .

scored] ob aduersã valetudine missus est in flandriã ibi factus est sacerdos .

Joes Mulsho alias Day vigesimü agens ætatis annu venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ s'dictis 12 [? II] et aliis sociis natus Thingdoniæin Comitatu Northamptoniæparentibusnobilibus et schismaticis asseclafuit per quinque annos Baronis Eduardi Vaux ibiz humanioribus literis operam dedit cooptatusest in vnitate eccliæ a Pe Joanne Gerardo nfæ societatis a quo et Audomaropolimtransmissus est et inde post duos annos huc appulit humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 164].

241. Antonius [Timcock with initial T over K]* Northamptonensis fuit admissus A° Dñi 1605 ætatis 24to studuit Dyalecticæ [2] et factus sacerdos [missus est in Anglia scored]. [3] ingressus est ordinem Benedictinoru año 1604 [sic]. [The above entry was interpolated.]

Antonius Jõis Timcocki yeoman filius in prouincia Northamptoniæ natus e Walgrauiæpost operam humanioribusliteris deditam Cantabrigiam accessit [et scored vbi above] triennio vixit in Collegio corporis xpi, postea per sex annos cuidam Jurisconsulto notarius Londini fuit, lectione controuersiaru P. Costeri motus ad amplectendă religem Cathcam , tandema Pe Almondo aliàs Molinax Ecclesiæ reconciliatus e, Pris verò Gerardi opera et comendatione huc accessit [cum aliquo Societ" Jesu desiderio, scored] cum prius Romam cum Dño Jacobo Linsey Equite aurato Scoto iuerat, et Genuã vsq3versus Hispania redierat, tandem humiliter petiit et ob justas causas et difficultates propter quas non [potest scored] permittimur augere Alumnorü numeru vix ægrè tandem obtinuit vt in hoc Collegiu admitteret 9° Junii 1605 ætatis suæ anno 24 [L.P.E. 172] (117)

2[42 over 37] Briantus Gayle alias Joannes Baynes Eboracensis dioecesis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi 1604 , mortuus estin hoc Collegio mense octobri anno 1608 .

Briantus Gayle alias Joes Baynes ineunte 20 ætatis anno venit ad hoc Collegiu natus Eboraci parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis et ipse semper vixit in vnitate eccliæ missus est Audomaropolim opera Ricardi Parqueri sacerdotis vbi per quinq3 annos studiit studuit rudimentis gramaticæ et literis humanioribus et postea huc transmissus petiit humiliteradmitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 165]

2[43 over 38] Ricardus Write alias Whitley dioecesis Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Mayi anno 1604 fecit suu Juramtu

* Anthony Timcock, als Culpeper and Walgrave : son of John Timcock; sizar at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he matriculated circa 1596; the account book Lib. I Gast has an entry of the viaticum of Anthony Culpeper,whenhewent to Flandersin July, 1607: as there was no other Anthony amongst the students at that time, it would seem Culpeper was an alias of Timcock; entered the Benedictine Order some time after 1607, passed his noviciate at Rheimsand was professed at Douay, Sept. 8, 1609; diedin Paris, Nov. 6, 1668. Birt, Obit Book, p 47

Briant Gayle, als John Baynes : not identified ; apparently a younger brother of Richard Gayle, als Baynes (no 211).

Richard Wright, als. Whitley: reached Douay College, May 26, 1609; entered the Society IHS, 1611-12 ; died in London, Feb. 13, 1651. C.R.S. , x, p. 96; Foley, vii, pp 839, 871 .

more solito et anno 1609 factus diaconus missus est Duacu ut inde sacerdos factus mitteretur in Anglia. [2] postea ingressus est Societatem Lovanii.

Ricardus Write alias Whitley annu agens 19 venit ad hoc Collegiucũ sadictis 13 sociis natus in Comitatu Essexiæ parentibus media sortis et diuitibus sed schismaticistn suasu sororis suæ Catholicæ factus est Catholicus reconciliatus a Pe Henrico floydo a quo et transmissus est Audomaropolim vbi per tres annos studuit literis humanioribuset missus est huc cu sociis die et anno vt supra humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu ppter desyderiu quo flagrabat deo serviendi [L.P.E. 166].

2[44 over 39] Guls Colus alias Coquus * dioecesis Elyensis admissus est in hoc Collegiü 30 Mayi anno 1604, mortuus est in hoc Collegio. Gul Colus alias Cocus natus Miltoniæ in Comitatu Cantabrigiensi parentibusmedia sortiset CatholicisstuduitCantabrigiæ humanioribus literis et a Pe Henrico floydo Audomaropolim trasmissus per duos annos ibi permansit nauans operam literis deinde cu reliquis 14 s scriptis venit ad hoc Collegiu annu agens ætatis 20 humiliter petiit admittiin alumnorünumeru vt eorüfini se coaptaret [L.P.E. 167]. (118)

[The alterations of the following twelve numbers are by the original writer of the entries, who made the above interpolations]

24[5 over o] Ricardus Clerendonus alias Clarke Herefordensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 5to Octobris 1606 Anno ætatis 19no studuit Logicæ.

[2] postea demissus est

Ricardus Clarke Venit ad hoc Collegiu die 28uo 7bris anni 1606 missus ex SeminarioSu Audomari cum aliis septem sociis. Natus est in provincia Herefordensi ex parentibus nobilibus qui ob fidem Catholicam multa sunt passi, atq3 ipse a presbytero Catholicobaptizatus semper Catholicus permansit, ac litteris comendatitiis P. Edoardi Olcorni petiit Audomaru, unde huc venit humiliterq3 id petens admissus est in Collegiu die 5to [7bris altered to 8bria] 1606 [L.P.E. 173].

24[6 over 1] Robertus Bartonus Lancastrensisin hoc Collegiu fuit admissus die 5to Octobris 1606, Ætatis anno 17mo studuit logica. [2] ob adversã valetudine missus Duacu. [3] postea rediit ad Collegiu hisp: vbi factus Sacerdos [et vlt scored] tandem missus est Louaniu ad ingredienda Societate año 1613 .

* William Cooke, als Cole : admitted as a sizar, aged 17 , atCaiusCollege, Cambridge, Feb. 28, 1601-2 ; son of Henry Cooke , gent His father was probably the HenryCooke , ofMilton, Cambs , who is mentioned in theRecu sant Roll of 1592-3 . C.R.S. , xviii, p 13

Richard Clarke, als Clerendon : several members ofthe Clarke family of Herefordshire appear in the Recusant Roll for 1592-3 C.R.S. , xviii

Robert Barton, als or vere Bradshaighor Bradshaw: Foley assumes he belonged to thefamily of Bradshaigh, of Haigh Hall, Wigan, some of whose membersused the alias of Barton ; he reached Douay, uncertain as to his future movements , May 6, 1609; took the Mission oath July 7, 1610; set offfrom Douay for SevilleApril 23 , 1611. Foley, i, p 228; C.R.S. , x, p. 96

Robertus Bartonuseodem temporehuc accesit Natus est in provincia Lancastrensi ex parentibushonestis ac satis divitibus atq3Catholicis Missus est Audomaru a P. Gilberto Gerardo ibiqz studuit per annos quatuor fitq3 in hoc Collegiu admissus die 5to Octobris 1606 [L.P.E. 174].

247 over 2] Franciscus Tailerus* vero nomine Joannes Comberfordus Hamptonen admissus fuit in hoc Collegium die 5to 8bris 1606, ætatis anno 19no studuit logicæ. [2] in hoc Collegio mortuus est. Joannes Comberfordus huc venit die 28uo 7bris anni 1606. Natus in prov Hamptonensi ex parentibus [nobilibus atq3 above] in fidem Catholicam propensis vnde et ipse Catholice educatus a P. Edoardo Olcorno Audomaru commendatus ibi studuit per quatuor annos simulqz cu superiori fuit in hoc Collegiu admissus [L.P.E. 175].

24[8 over 3] Edoardus Whitbeus alias Shelley Sussexiensis admissus fuit in hoc Collegiu die 5to8bris 1606 etatis anno 180 studuit Dyalecticæ.

[2] et 1609 mense octobris missus est Duacu ob adversã valetudine

Eduardus Whitbeus aliâs Shelley huc venit die 28uo 7bris A° 1606 . Natus in prova Sussexiensi ex parentibus Nobilibus et matre saltem Catholica Circiter annu ætatis 13m procurante Dña Helena Fortescue ipsius matertera in Ecclesiæ gremiu fit receptus a D. Thoma Page Illustri posteà ex nostra Societate Martyre a quibus Audomaru commendatus ibi mansit per annos quatuor cu dimidio [L.P.E. 176]

24[9 over 4] Franciscus Ross vero nomine Baduleigh Salopiensis admissusfuit in hoc Collegiu die 15to Octobris 1606, ætatis anno 24to studuit Dyalecticæ [2] et [hic mortuus est scored]. [3] ob aduersam valetudine missus est in flandriam vbi postea ingressus est Societate Louanii

Franciscus Ross [aliâs Baduleyghabove] huc venit die 4toOctobris1606 . Natus in prova Salopiensi (Staffordiensiabove] ex parentibzCatholicisa[? ... scored, nobilibusabove] et opulentisCirciter annuætatis 18m ex lectione precipuè librorü Catholicorgconversus est ad fidem

John Comberford , als Francis Tailer : not identified, but probably brother ofHenryComberford, als Taylor, a student of the English College, Rome , who died in 1613. Foley, vi, p. 244

Edward Shelley, als Whitbey : probably the son of Thomas Shelley, of Pulborough, Sussex, whose wife Ury was a recusant; arrived at Douay College Nov. 29, 1609; ordained priest March 18, 1612; went to England Aug. 21 , 1614; returned to Douay College as General Prefect Nov. 29 , 1619; went again to England Oct. 6, 1620. C.R.S. , x, passim ; xviii, p. 338 .

FrancisBaduleigh , als Ross : admitted as a convictor at Douay College, Aug. 10, 1603; set off for Valladolid Aug. 28 , 1606, in company with Hugh Bowen (who did not reach Valladolid), Peter Gill (als Burton, no 252), Jasper Garnett (no 251) and Thomas Crouther (als Arthur Broughton, no 250); in Feb., 1607 , went to Douay for his health and thence to England, Feb. 6, 1608; returned to Douay College in July, 1608, and on Aug. 25, 1609 , set off for Rome, there to continue his studies C.R.S., x, passim ; Foley, vii, p. 1417 .

Catholicam inq3 Eccam receptus opera P. Hughes tunc in carcere Clink dicto detento Deinde a P. Joanne Gerardo Duacu commendatus ibi mansit per triennium donec die antedicto vnà cum aliis 3bs huc venit [L.P.E. 177]. (119)

[245 scored, 250 below] Arthurus Broughton alias Crouther* Salopiensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu die 15to Octobris 1606, etatis anno 1840 studuit logica.

[2] hinc Duacu missus

[3] et postea ingressus est ordině S. Benedicti.

Arthurus Crouther alias Broughton Herefordiensis ex parentibus ortus nobilibus atq3 Catholicis semper ab Infantia fuit in fide Catholica institutus ac sub præceptoribus præsbyteris vsqz ad annu ætatis sui 16m dedit operam Grammaticæ , quo tempore a patre missus Duacu cũ litteris Archypresbyteri ibidem per annu et amplius studuit Poesi hucq3 accessit cum tribus sociis die 4to Octobris 1606 , et post consueta examinafit admissus [L.P.E. 180]


246 scored , 251 below] Gaspar Garnetus Westmerlandensis admissus fuit in Collegiu die 15to Octobris 1606, anno etatis 20mo studuit Dyalecticæ.

[2] Duacu remissus est.

[3] et tandem dimissus iustis de causis.

Gaspar Garnetus huc venit die 4to Octobris 1606. Natus in prova Westmerlandiæ ex parentibus nobilibus et satis opulentis atq3 schismaticis Dedit operam literis humanioribus apud Appleby in eadem prova per septem velocto annos ac circiter ætatisannu 16m ad fidem catholicam est conversus a Sacerdote quodam Seminarii Duacensis vocato Bingley ac post trienniu a D. Michel et Doctore Breton Duacu fuit comendatus vnde huc statim est a Præside missus [L.P.E. 178]

[247 scored, 252 below] Petrus Burtonus Eboracensis admissusfuit in hoc Collegiu die 15to Octobris A° Dñi 1606 etatis 20mo studuit Logicæ.

[2] hic obiit.

PetrusBurtonus Eboracensis natusestin Villadicta Massam ex parentibus media sortis atq3 hæreticis Vsq3 ad annu ætatis 17m dedit

* Arthur Crowther, als (Thomas) Broughton and Pierre Vanderhagan: Arthur Crouder, a boy of 16 years, arrived at Douay College June 12 , 1605; when he left Douay for Valladolid he was entered in the Diary as Thomas, Aug. 28 , 1606; brother of no 186; receivedthe Benedictine habitat Douay, April 15, 1609; sent to the English Mission, 1633; died in the Old Bailey, London, May 5, 1666. C.R.S. , x, pp 69, 74; Birt, Obit Book , p 44

JasperGarnett : arrived at Douay College in December, 1608 , having left Valladolid on account of ill-health: on Jan. 18 , 1610 , an entry in the Douay Diary says of him: " On account of certain scurrilous letters he sent to Spain, sowingsedition and contempt of superiors, he was called to account, and, after mature consideration of this matter and an examination as to his literary capabilities, he was judged unfit and sent away with the warning of the Apostle that ' evil communications corrupt good manners' C.R.S. , x, p 74-

Peter Burton, als Gill : not identified He was known at Douay College as Peter Gill C.R.S. , x, p 74 .


operam literis humanioribus in eodem oppido de Massam et paullò post a D. Ricardo Jonsono presbytero Seminarii Duaceni fit ad fidem conversus eiusdemq3 opera ac litteris commendatitiis R. D. Archypresbyteri profectus est Duacum vbi perannu studuit Poesi atq3 inde huc missus venit die 4to Octobris 1606 et post peracta examinain Collegiuest admissus [L.P.E. 179].

248 scored, 253 below] Joannes Havardus* Herefordensisadmissus fuit in hoc Collegiu die 15to Octobris A° 1606 ætatis 18vo studuit Dyalecticæ.

[2] hic mortuus est

Joannes Havardus Herefordensis natus est Herefordiæ ex parentibus nobilibus atqz Catholicis, vsq3 ad annum ætatis 13m dedit operam Gramaticædeinde ex voluntate parentu opera et commendatione P. Garneti et P. Olcorni profectus est Audomaru et post quinquenniu cũ coeteris fuit missus ad hoc Collegiu A° 1606 [L.P.E. 181].

[249 scored, 254 below] Edoardus Knightley Coventrensisadmissus fuit eodem die 15to Octobris 1606, ætatis anno 18vo studuit Dyalecticæ [2] et año 1609 missus est in Angliã ad instantiaPatris sui id obnixe petentis

Edoardus Knightley Coventrensis natus est in prædio paternodicto Bury in Comitatu Warvicensi ex parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis in Anglia studuit vsqz ad annu ætatis duodecimu , quo tempore pro- curantibus parentibus opera et commendatione P. Garneti et P. Olcorni profectusest Audomaru vbi permansit per sexenniü et huc venit cu supadictis A° 1606 [L.P.E. 182] (120) Eboracensissimulhuc

[250 scored, 255 below] Edoardus Hamerton venit cu supa dictis annu agens circiter22dm et statim exsanguinis profluvio piisimè diem supremu obiit.

Ecoardus Hamertonus Eboracensis media sortis huc veniens ex Anglia cũ litteris comendatitiis P. Balduini statim ex profluvio sanguinis pie obiit eodem anno 1606 [L.P.E. 183].

25[6 over 1] Alexander Cuffold § Southamptoniensis admissus est in hocCollegiusimul cu supradictis a° ætatis 19no studuit Dyalecticæ [2] hinc demissus est

Alexander Cuffold Southamptoniensis natus in paterna domo dicta Cuffold ex parentib3 nobilib3 et Cathcis in Anglia studuit vsqz ad annu 14"acdeinde Audomaruprofectus in Comitatu nobilis foeminæ procurate pře, post quadriennium huc venit cu supadictis [L.P.E. 184].

* John Haward or Hayward : not identified ; " Thomas Hauardo " left the College for England, in company with Robert Barton (no 246) who was going to Douay, in March, 1608. Lib 1 Gasto .

Edward Knightley : a memberof the Knightleyfamily, of Offchurchbury, Warwick C.R.S. , xi, p. 521n

Edward Hamerton : possibly connected with Paul Hamerton , of Monkroyd, Yorks., a recusant in 1592-3 . C.R.S., xviii, p 58

§ AlexanderCuffaud: memberof the Hampshire branchoftheCuffaud family; probably son of Simon Cuffaud and his wife who was daughter of Richard Godfrey Foley, v, p 773 .

[The following letters throw some light on the disturbancesatthis date.]

[The students at Valladolid to Persons Series II: 4°] [Contemporary copy]

Reverend ffather

As we are on the one side glad of the occasion of this or generall lett vnto yow, by wch yow may know the gratefull remembrance , and dutifull regard we beare towards yow; so on ye other side we are greatly aggrieved yt such an occasion is offered , where yow in sted of courtesies must heare complaints, and we in liue of thankes must write appeales But experience hath made manifest that when states and communities smoother their discontents withcloked patience & festering silence the caseis oft moredesperate , and the soare more dangerous : wherefore as we tender our psent good and creditt of our cause we haue chosen rather to discover or griefs vnto yor Reuce , whoe since yow have had a will to be the founder of our good we expect cösequently yw will be a perpetuall mainteyner of our content and comfort. Our generall disgust is occasioned by diverse innovations these last two yeares imposed vpon vs, some of importance by reason of great inconveniences , others in themselues of small advertance yet remarkeable for the strange circuiventionstherin vsed, making thethings themselues no lesse disliked, then the Author vtterly disfavoured But yt we deteyne yow not long from yor continuall vrgent affaires, we will onlyrelate the pceedings in this one , weh seemeth most to import vs, whereby yow shall vnderstand the pceedings in all the rest being all of the same stamp: Presently after ff: Creswells departure hence for Rome, it was by ye Provinciall as they say ordeyned yt ye devines should resorte to St Ambrose on sondaies to the Conclusions of the 3d lesson wehthey heare not, a thing in it selfof small moment, & lesse pffit vnto vs, but of very great inconvenience , for by this meanes (omittingother discomodityes ) we have not one day in the whole yere free from lessons or conclusions except vineyard daies weh are very few by reason of so many holidaies & high masses, & often tymes scarce one or 2 inamonethiftheweather be badd; woh notto speake likeLibertines, as some tearme vs for this our sute, we in all convenient manner as well as heretofore would seke the pservation of or healthes wch we assure yow hath bene for these last 2 yeres generally lesse then ever it was in the Colledge & never lesse respected , no sicke man looked vnto vnles his fellow scholler would play the Infirmero , & those whoe haue dyed, or bene indisposedare chieflythose wchwholy abandoned their exercise : But as concerningthe receavingofthis ordination it was vtterly misliked & wtstood bythe devines , whoe refusedat first to goe vntothen vntillthey might hearefrom ff: Creswell , butwhenitwas answered them that he had nothing to doe in it, they suffered themselues to be entreated in this mattervntill the Prouinciall had bene dealt wth all about the takingof themaway againe, whoe by his lett concludedagainst them , whereupon at his Visita they made recourse to himself, whoe said he would consult the matterwth ffa: Richard, and willing them to come againe the morrow , promised that he would graunt them whatsoever was requisite, but ff: Richard vnderstanding yt they had come wth the Provinciallabout them , was so much displeased , that fearing some wth threatts, and deteyning some others wthhope to speakefor them , the Provinciall was gone before they knew of it, and so nothing done.

At this Rector his coming we entreated him to stand or frende in this behalfe, and had againe recurred to the Provinciall about it, vnles that he had promisedthat he alone would easily accomplishethis their so reasonable (as he named it) a demaund woh pmise afterwardes when we asked whether he had or could performe, he then desired pdon assuringvs yt neyther he nor the Provinciall himself could now recall them, because that Visita was long since confirmed and approvedbya lett ofyrsweh ff: Richard had shewed him since his first promise made vnto vs. Thus we were circumvented and poasted from one to an other these 2 yeres neyther knowing whoe pcured them nor confirmed them, but as in all other things it hath ever bene suspected so at last in thisit was more then apparent, that though youres were

the stamp the counterfett coyne was his, whoeis as farr from or sincere affectionforthisanddiverseothershisinventions, astheyfrom all sincere pceedings Wherefore of humble request is, that the going to those conclusions may be taken away, next yt we may haue no such noveltyes imposed vpon vs, nor pcuredbythosewhoeare not of Supiosyet leaue notto obbrayd sedition and expulsion to most of vs for onlyalleadging of reasons against this, and other impositions of lesse importance, wch priviledge is graunted to the strictest order in ye world, further that we may haue recourse to ff Rector, or ff: Creswell in all things as heretofore, whoe now haue their hands tyed in the very smallest matt by yo letters to ff: Richard, or if he must pceed as for these 2 yeares he hath, and yet endeavors to doe that we may know his authority before we acknowledgeit, althoughe we could wishe yt his more then excellent pts myght be employed further from vs about more weighty affaires. Moreover that whereas diverse complaints haue and daily doe come vnto yow, yt we may not be cast into the endytem or iudged guylty, but onlycometo or triall wherewe hope to satisfy yow, for whataccusation soever be or adversaryesnever so potent And finally that since we haue subiected of selues here wth more sincerity then the Gabaonitesto Josuah we may heare somewhat more then reseruentur quidem ut uiuant, w¹hout a sed sic uiuent Thus psuming vpon or most iust petition , and cöfidence of yoraccustomedkyndenestowardes vs we hauedetermined not to go to those Conclusions vntill we heare further fromyow, and if then we [are] forced we hopeto be freed at the least after 7 yeres apprentishipp, and sowe commit yow to the Almyghty St Petri ad uincula anno 1607 .

Richard Baines

John AntoniusSmythTurner

Joseph Parry

Nicholas Walker

Lewis Williams

Richardus Perciuall

Richardus Whittley

Henry Greenwood

Joannes Day

Edmundus Cobs

Robert Edmonds

Joannes Baynes

Peter Tayler

John Broughton

Edward Webb

Henricus Place

Matthew Lassells

Nicholas Grauenor

Robertus Webbus

Robertus Bartonus

Edwardus Whittbey

Jaspar Garnett

Petrus Burtonus

Franciscus Taylerus

Edouardus Wilkinsonus

Arthure Broughton

[The above names are written in a second hand The text is then continued in the first hand]

All haue subscribedbut fower wch for that they ptend to be of thecompany feare it will be piudiciall vntothem, though they be as loath to resort tothese Conclusions as any of vs are

[This letter has an endorsement or an address in a third hand, but scored soas tobe illegible, then in the same thirdhand is written To fatherWalpole, Vallod ]

[Theletter bears theseal Ihs whichis used also on Fr.Persons' original letters ]

[Endorsed in a later hand] f Persons to ye schollers

[ Though the register shows there were 31 students in the College at this date , it has not been possible to identify thesefour ofthe above 27.]

[Persons to the Scholars at Valladolid. Series III 4°.]


MyReverent and verydeerly beloved ffathers and brethren , I receaveda commonletter from yowof the first of August subscribed wth27 hands conteyning some griefe and complaint about a certyne order of our ffather Provinciall there in his visitation, that some of yow I meane devinesshould goe every third sonday to certeyne disputations of a third maister wchyow heare not As I vnderstand the case, partly by your letter, and partlyby relation of ffa: Blackfan heer , and by this occasion yow seme to complaine

much of ff: Richard Walpoole as thoughe he had bene the cause ofthis new imposition, or more backward in procuring the releasemtthereof thenyow desired , and he otherwise would seeme to haue bene. yow complaine also of the small care had for the pservation of yorhealths in that place, and much lesse solicitude and help in yo sicknes, the later of weh points I assure yow that I hauemost tenderly felt, and haue writteneffectually both to ff: Rector, and to ff: Minister to putt speedy redresse therein, that yow haue a good Infirmero and carefull prefect of the sickeappointed, as in other Seminaryes is accustomed , and I doe not doubt but that my request in this will be performed by the said fathers .

As for the first point about going to disputations, it is the first tymethat ever I heard ofthe matteror of any mislike about it, and when the orders offf: Provinciall in his visitation , came hither, & were confirmedby ff: Generall and me , we did not know that there was any repugnancetherein, for otherwisewe might hauewrittento him about thesame, and I would haueentreated him to haue given contentmt wherein conveniently he might, for that as I thinkeyowknow the wholegovernment ofthe Colledge for discipline, studyes, and other such points, is committedimediatly from his holines to him and to fatherRector, and as for ff: Creswell& my self our authoritye is only about points concerningthe Englishe Mission to call such subiects , and to dispose of them after their studyesfor the said Mission, and to aid, and assist them whiles they are in the Seminaryes , by changing them from one Seminary to an other when need requireth, reserving still to the said Superiors , Provinciall and Rector , their due authority in all matt of governm discipline, and studyes but only by way of entreaty when iust cause is offered.

So then dearly belovedyow see what ff : Creswell and I may doein these affaires that yow propose, as also ff: Richard that is no Superior, but only haththe officeto direct yo soules in spirituall matters, wch I doenot doubt, but he desireth to doe wth all loue, and affection to yor best good, for I haue perceaved it by diverseoccasions and am right sory to see yow conceaue the contrary vpon this matter wch lay not in his hands to remedy. And some evill suggestions seeme to haue bene madeamongyow by art ofyorspirituall enemy which by this meanes of false grounded suspitions would divert yow from the peace and comfort of yor vocation, and greater goods depending thereon . And namely it was a false suggestion that ff: Rector, and ffa: Creswellhad theirhandsboundin smallestmatts bymylettre to ffa: Richard for neither in small nor great are they bound by my lett's but haue their authoritiewhole in the points and maner aforesaid, & I doe not remember to haue written any thing to ff: Richard about my iudgemēt in matt™s of governm since his beingthere, but that I haue writte the same to the Rector and Minister , wch yet hath bene very seldomwhen I haue bene demaunded therein

Wherefore deare country men, and most entierly beloved in or Savior Jesus, as I shall on the one sidemost willinglywriteto ff: Provinciall& other Superior there, to haue tender care of yo health, and to moderateyo labor in that respectand behalfe, so I beseech yowfor your owne good & good of yor country to considerwth indifferency and religious prudencein whatstate westand attthisday in the world, howgreat and potent Adversaryeswehaue at home , how many frendes we haue lost and doe leese daily, by the said Adversaries crafty pcuremtabrode, that the litle maintenance weh we haue for yow and others that are to succeed yow there, dependeth principally vpon the fame of yo vertues & good carriadge, and that againechiefly vpon the reportes of our ffathers that governe & instructyow there whoein deed haue bene the chiefe Authors of procuring vs maintenance, as no man can better know then my self, and if to giue gusto and contentmt to yo" maisters that read vnto yow all the yeare gratis yow should wthout any proffitt of yor owne goe some few of yow every three weekes once to honor & furnish their disputations were it a matter of great difficulty ? or sufficient to make yow breake wth them and other yor Superior ? surely yow may imagine how much we are forced to blushe hereat, wch haue laboured for yor maintenance& must doe daily for coservationof the same by holding theirfavors whomeyowin yo owne causes doe soe litle respect

RememberI pray yow what cogitations yowhad, when first yow entered into that howse, or rather when yow were in England vnder the tiranny of heresy, or pressure of persecution, and how may there be there behinde yow, that would be glad to purchasethe commodity yow haueof study, and pious education, wth much labor & paines taking. truly here passe by vs both GraduatesofVniversityes, and others of very good learning, tallents, and birth whome we cannott receaue for lacke of place & maintenance, & would full faine goe to yowon foot, whomeyett we dare not send , for like wants there , and will yow putt all this in hazard together wth the danger of you whole vocation & quiett thereof, for going of some 12 tymes the yere to hearedisputations, wherein yow may pffitt yo" selues also if yowwill? I trust God will not pmitt it And yow may imagin what yo" frendes in England and elswhere , and all good men will thinke thereof when they shall heare it truly my bretherensome things in yor lett's haue grievedme to read,aswhere yowsaythat yor devines w'stood ff: Provincialls order in that matter , andthat at length they suffered themselues to be intreated, vntill the Provinciall had bene dealt w¹hall etc. that for so much as yow haue subiected yor selues there with more sincerity then the Gabaonitesyow may hear somewhatmore then reseruentur quidèm ut uiuant, and finally yow are determined not to go to these conclusions vntill yow heare furtherfrom me , and that if yow be forcedyow hope to be freed at leastafter 7 yeares prentishipp. thesespeeches dearly beloved I cannot possibly perswade my self to come from yow all quia non sapiunt illum spim, quo iuuanda est Anglia we heare of pitifull falls there daily, weh commonly pceeded from such litle leakes as this at the beginning. Christ Jesus pserue yow. defend yow, and continew in yow , the spiritt wehhegaue yow in England andall will be well Alacrity, patience, & longanimity in yor vocation, gratitude, and benevolence towards yor benefactors , obedience and humility towards yor Superiors, suavity and facilitye towards yo spirituall fathers to be governedare the most certeyne signes of that spiritt, wherewth I beseech Almighty God to blesse yow, and I shall write to yor Superiorsin the best sense that yow desire Adew my most dear , wth comendations also from all here where we haue a company ofsuch excellent youthes in all the presaid points as ever I saw in my life, and I hope in Jesus that yor benediction will not be inferior Valete Rome this 18thof 7ber 1607 . [Autograph] Yo" old father & frend & servat in Christ Robert Persons

[Persons to Walter Morgan Series II: 4°.] [Original holograph ]

My reud good father I wryte this to you alone for the exceedinggreat greefe and compassion of thos youthes & studentes there that are out of order & in danger of irreparable hurte therby both spiritual & temporal & for that I do heare, and cosider also by reason, that in regard you are nether minister or cofessarius , & therby having no obligation by office to withstande or reprehendethem (wherof it is likly that suchas are most gone & have more neede are least capable) it maye be that you may have more meanes by privatecõference to do some of them good, for I have heard both by fa. Blackfan and others that ther are many amŏgst them of very good natures & dispositions, at least mostewere so, before this dangerous temptation fell vnto them, sundry of the frendes in England special frendes vnto our fathers & them selves dearly beloved & much service of God expected & hopedby our fathers that sentthem to Spayne, all weh now is in dangerto be lost by this ther scandalous tumultuation & disobedient cariage wherof I do assure you his holines hathbyn particulerlyadvertised to no smalgreefe of myn & hath gyven expresse comandemètby Cardal Bianchetto (to whome by special comission he hathappoynted Englyshe afayresto be comitted for the preset) that theybe alldismissed & putt outofthe howse & whatdisgrace this willbeto themselves with a perpetual note for all ther lives, whatgreefe & confusion to their Catholike frendes , insultation to heretiks, sorrow to our fathers that comended them, overthrow of their studdies & whole course

of lyfe & many more like incoveniences , I do easely & my hart doth , they being so deare vnto me, as for each one of them God knoweth that Iwould be côtent to gyve my lyfe for their spiritual good & you know thelabours I took ther to erect thos seminaries for their education to that ende were not small & would willingto take ten tymes as much morefor maytenancethereof If I know wchway to profit it. Wherefore I wrytethis lie to y" to the ende that beforethis order ofhis hol be executed ther, you prove with some privately , as well as yu maye (especially such as you hold to be of best natures, whether you can make them to enter into the dew cosideration of the matter or no for I hold it certayne that incosideration is the cheefest cause of their disorder, for if they dyd cosider well the poyntes be rehearsed together with their p'sent state & what it wilbe within few monethes after they are sent out, what greefe & scruple of coscience they will thinke of it afterwards I meane to have gyven so notorious a scandalto the hurt of the common cause of religion wch now the rasheness & heat of youth together with the passion they are in of faction & emulation doth not suffer to ponderwhen theyshall see them selves also misliked by all good & sober men, marked & noted for the same , & abovewhenthey shall returne agayne (if ever theydoe) to theirfirst pious cogitations wchthey had at their first cõing over & goingeto the Seminaries , they will see their own errors and sorlyrepent them, & this I wryte to you exabundantiori amore let vs do the bestwecan & leave the resttoalmightie God & do you wryte me what hope y" have & of whome, & procure suchas are tractable to deale with the cofessarius & f. minister & so I comitt both yu & them to almightie God & my self to yo holy sacrifices Rome this 29 of August 1608

Yor ever

Robert Persons

[Addressed] Al Pe Gualtero Morgan de la Comp de Jesus en Vallid.

[Seal illegible.]

[Query Is Fr. Walter Morgan an alias of Fr. William Warfordwhodied at Valladolid , Nov. 3, 1608 ? (Foley, vii, p. 815) ]

[Persons to the Scholars at Valladolid Series II: 4°]

[Original holograph ]

My Rd fathers and dearly beloved brethren; I have receaved yor comon letter of the 30 of August subscribed with above a dozen names , cocerning some troblesthat pastin yo college; wch yw do trulycoceave to havegivenme no little greefe; for that loving yowas I doe, in respectthat yoware Catholik plantes, planted bythe handes of our Saveourhym selfe, as alsoofthe good relation I have heard of yow, as well at yor first admission , as after warde , and for that Ido know sundry of yo"temporal frendes and thergreat merites in Goddes cause, & therby have hoped the greater successe of yo" labours also in the same: & finally for that yow do name the same , remĕbring the labours and toileit costin erecting that college & theother of St Omers wher dyvers of yow have byn brought upp, I confesse that I could not but be afflicted to see the whole good of that college, wher yow live, brought into evident danger by the comon adversarie both spiritual and temporal, & that by yo own meanes for albeit it may be trew, that yowhad some disgustes gyven yow byf minister (wchisthe onlycause that in this yo lieyw alleage) that might iustly yeld yw greefe, especially the tymes & occasions beinge suchas theywere, f Rorbeinge syck orabsentthe Confessarius father Richard Walpole gone to God, & therupon the disorders fallinge out wch yow can remeber, & noneleft to mayntayne discipline but f. minister alone; yet was not that a sufficient cause to passe so far, and I dowt not but that if yw had cosidered well of it at the begynninge or would do nowseriously after it is ended , yow will cofesse the same for what could be thos great disgustes (my deare fathers & brethreren) that f. minister can be imagined to have

gyven yow? can they be other then about some penance of a pater Noster , or some rep'hension, or some denyal or restraynt of somewhat demanded? or about some antes or postre, or some other like matter; for as for yor ordinarie meat & drink, apparel, bookes & other necessaries, he provided it for yow, with much care, labour, & travaile when the college was exceedingly in depte, the Ror & Cofessor syck, with many more, & hym self as it were left alone, invironed with so many tribulations both of mynde & body, as trewly I marvailed how he could lyve, & yet in all thes straytes I sawin hym byhis lis a hart most desyrous to serve yw both in sycknes & health even then when yw most coplaynedof hym, though yet resolvedstill to standein confractione protuenda disciplina, wherunto I do confesse that my self dyd animate hym, as a poynt most needful, thogh therwithallI admonishedhym to doitwith all mansuetud & suavite possible

Now then matters standing thus, we are to copare the great hurtes that have insued upon thes smal causes, as first of all the disturbance ofthat college, the losse of peace in them that have either disturbed or byn disturbed by sympathie with others, the changemēt of iudgemētes affections, willes or desynemēts fromthos they brought untothecollege; theoverthrow or dangerof thos that have byn dismissedbefore ther tymes, the note they incurre in Ingland, flanders & els wher, the exceeding greefe & lamentation of ther frendes; the infamie of ye college from whence they go, the danger of our Nation to be utterly discredited amonge strangers , & that others in necessitie shall suffer for ther cause; how the memorie of thes disorders will remayne to posteritie; thes thinges (I say) & dyvers such others , ifwe cosiderwith maturitielayinge all passion aside, & furtherwill remeberwhat thoghtes and purposes we had when we came first out of England, to suffer for Godes cause greater matters then thes, so we might have libertie of Catholik religion together with competentmayntenanceforstuddy & howvery triffles we would then have esteemed thes disgustes aboute penances, ifthey had bynproposedunto us (as in effect theywere whenye rules of thecollege were shewed us at our first entrance & we promissed most willinglyto observe & keepe them) thes poyntes I say indifferetlycosidered will mak us see how greatly the enimie doth deceave us in making us to forget & forgo our first holy purposes of patience, humilitie, longanimitie, obedience, mansuetude & other such excellent vertues as then we broght with us or at least dyd love , admire and desyerto attayne unto incitinge us in lieu therofto impatience, animositie côtention, strife, cŏtumacie, murmuration, & other lik perniceous affections, woh fraude being discovered , my trustys (and muchthemoreupon thes good promisses madein thys yo lie,) that yow will returne toyo"former tranquillitieof mynde,wherin yow know that accordingeto the apostle the frutes of the holyghost are gaudiu pax, patientia bonitas, & Ishall praye for yow hartely to that effect, & besides that, help also to yo cofort, every way that shall lyein me & to this ende, notwithstanding yow wrytenow that yow remaynesatisfyed byf minister & are well cotent to passe on with hym (and Ican bewitnesse for hym that he loveth yw in his hart) yet have Itaken order that he shal be rather imployed in Syvel & have sent towarde yow f Jhon Blackfan to supply that place a man so well knowen & experiencedther & heer as I shall not neede to say any more therof, & so hoping that bothhe & f. Warford & the other fathers ioyning ther labours together for yor best comongood (for weh cause theyare côtent to imploythemselves ther, though for ther own gust they would be content rather to imploy them els wher) I hope yow will indevour to benefit yor selves and our countryby the same & yeld them agaynesuchcorrespondence of love & gratitude as may animat them & be too yo mutual conforte & profit bothin this life & the next , for wchI shall dayly pray & so ende with this, desyring almighte God to blesse and prosper yw & sending my most affectionat comedationsto all and each one of yow from Rome this 14 of 8ber 1608 . yor most affectionat servant in Christ Robert Persons

[Addressed] To the Schollersat Vallid [Seal Allbut IHS in centre illegible.]

257. Thomas Anderton* admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 6º Julii [1608] et hic paulo post mortuus est

258. Ricardus Euans admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 6º Julii [1608] et hic paulo post mortuus est.

259. Joannes Crathon Eboracensis in hoc Collegiu admissus est die 6 Julii anno 1608. fecit suu Juramtu 22 Junii 1609. [2] et absoluto cursu philosophico ingressus est Societatem in prouincia Castillana

[3] Vbi absoluta Theologia Scholastica missus est Hispalim Inde in Belgium vbi in Collegio Anglicano Louaniensi, et Leodiensi legit Theologiam Inde vero ad Anglicanam messem defunctus ibi diem clausit extremum .

Johannes Crathornus Houingamiæin Prouincia Eboracensi parentibus honestis et Catholicis natus qui pro fide Catha Carceres, bonoru discrimina aliaq persecutionis genera diu perpessi sunt litteris humanioribus, in ipso carcere Castelli Eboracensis, vbi cu patre per septenniũvitam agebat, institutus est Suasu alterius viri Catholici et patris monitis ex Anglia egressus est vt in Hispaniã veniret Ipse bis in carcere coniectus est semel qa hereticoru conuenticula adire renuebat, atq3 iterũ cũ ad hoc Collegiu iter instituens, in Orford Suffolciæ portam actus tempestate , a nautis infidis proditur vna cũ tribus aliis Cath¹s in manus hæreticoru Tandem añum ætatis agens decimũ octauum año dñi 1608 venit Valesoletuet receptus e in numerũ Alumnoru huius Colegii Et proprio loco omissus hic ponit [L.P.E. 236] (121)

260. Edoardus Katcher§ Londinensis in Collegiu admissus est 3 Novembris anno 1608. ingressus est Societate Lovanii [1610 over 1600]

261. Jacobus Hargrauius in hoc Collegiu admissus est die 5 Octobris 1608. factus est sacerdos in hoc Collegio mense Junii anni 1609

[2] Ingressus est Societatem Louanii año 1612 . [3] Et ab ea post aliquot annosdemissusest

* ThomasAnderton : not identified. Richard Evans : not identified

John Crathorne: son of Ralph Crathorne, of Crathorne, Cleveland, Yorks , and his wife Bridget, daughter of Richard Yaxley, ofYaxley, Suffolk; born at Everingham; brother of Francis Crathorne (no 361); entered the Society IHS in 1611 : died in the Oxford district April 1 , 1656. Foley, vii, p. 180; pedigree in vol. 2 of Chronicles ofthe English Augustinian Canonesses , by Adam Hamilton, O.S.B.

§ Edward Catcher, als Burton : son of Thomas Catcher, of London; born in 1584; studied at Balliol College, Oxford, where he took his degree of B.A.; entered the English College, Rome, Oct. 27, 1606. He was afterwards sent to Valladolid to complete his studies; thence he was sent to Belgium on account of ill-health It is not certain when exactly he entered the SocietyIHS; 1621-1623 he appears at Liègeas Procurator He died on the English Missionabout 1624. "Foley, vi, p. 240; vii, p. 123

James Hargreaves: born at " Bruntome " [? Broughton or Burnley], Lancs .; his father was a merchant, his mother died at his birth; was once a

262. Jacobus Mauritius * Bristoliensis in hoc Collegiu admissusest die 50 octobris 1608. factus est sacerdos in hoc Collegio 2 Junii 1609

[2] postea ingressus est [oridem scored bis ordinem above] Dominicanoru et toties egressus.

[Robertus Willcox alias Petersonusadmissusest in hoc Collegiu die 4. 9bris año 1609 fecit suu iuramtumall scored .]


263. Gulz Redmannus Mr artiu in academia Duacensi admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 269bris anno 1608, fecitsuu Juramtu et ordine sacro initiatus est año 1609 .

Gulielmus Redmannus 28 annu agens venit cu sadictis duobus ad hoc Collegiu natus in Thorton hal Eboracensis Dioecesis parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis et ipse inde ab anno ætatis suæ 15 in vnitate ecctiæ vixit in eam cooptatusa fratre suo Joanne Redman sacerdote aliquoties propter fidem est incarceratus in Anglia Duaci studuit rhetoricæ et phtiæ et post aliquot annoru intermissionẽhuc venit 20 9bris 1608 [L.P.E. 187]

264. Guido Holtus alias Hollandus [ad scored] baccalaureusartiu in academiaCantabrigensi admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 26 9bris 1608. fecit suu Juramtu more solito 22 Junii 1609. [2] et factus sacerdos missus est in Angliamaño 1613. mensemaii. [3] ibiqz ingressus est Societate

heretic or schismatic and was converted to the Catholic Faith by a priest named Woodruffe, in Framlingham prison; arrived at Douay College Dec. 1 , 1601 ; on Aug. 13 , 1603, was sent to the English College, Rome , wherehe was admitted Oct. 6, 1603; thence he was sent to Valladolid ; on June 24 , 1612 , he passed through Douay on the way from Valladolid; entered the Society IHS at Louvain, 1612, and after some years was dismissed Foley, vi, p 228; C.R.S. , x, p 37

James Maurice: not identified ; see no. 153 .

WilliamRedman: the DouayDiarysays hewas son ofThomasRedman , of the diocese of Chester Thomas Redman, of Thornton, Yorks ., is in the Recusant Roll of 1592-3 William Redman, who was born at Thornton Hall, Yorks , and was brother of John Redman the priest, does not appear inthe Redmanpedigree printed in vol i of Hamilton's Chronicle ofthe English Augustinian Canonesses of Louvain This pedigree gives the fatherof John Redman as Robert Redman who married Bridget Clement , whose mother was Margaret Giggs, theadopted daughter of Blessed ThomasMore William Redman arrived at Douay College Sept. 28, 1598; went to England owing to ill-health Jan. 10, 1601; returned to Douay Sept. 30, 1601 ; in 1602 was dismissed as refractory ; went to England; returned to Douay in Oct., 1608 , and it was decidedto send him toValladolid ; the account book Lib. 1 Gastos says he left Valladolid in Dec., 1609; reached Douay College, in ill-health , Feb. 26, 1610; was ordained priest at Tournai 12 April, 1610, and wentto England on April 21st. C.R.S., x, passim ; xviii, p. 75; Gillow, Biblio Dict. Eng. Cath ., v, p. 400 .

Guy Holland, als Holt : was a pensionerat St. John's College, Cambridge, where he matriculated at Easter, 1602; B.A., 1605-6 ; entered the Society IHS, 1615; spent upwards of forty years in missionary workin England; died Nov. 26, 1660. Foley, vii, p 365

Guido Hollandusalias Holtus venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadictis 4or annu agens22mnatus Gainsburgi in agro Lincolniensiparentibusnobilibus et schismaticis ipse a multis annis bene affectus, et anno superiori reconciliatus valedixit Cantabrigiæ vbi per sex annos studuerat et baccalaureatus gradu est promotus, et Audomaropolim convolauit vnde huc est transmissus [L.P.E. 189]

[A note after this entry says "Johannes Craythornus vid infra page 57" (i.e. , of the Liber Primi Examinis) ]

265. Thomas Hooker alias Harrington* admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 26 9bris anno 1608. fecit suu Juramtu et initiatus est ordine sacro anno 1609

[2] mortuus est hic

Thomas Harringtonus [als Hooker above] venit ad hoc Collegiữ cũ prefatis tribus annu agens 36 natus Wintoniæ parentibus mediocris conditionis ad Catholicamreligionem bene affectisipse antealiquot annos Catholicus est effectus lectione libroru et conversatione cũ Catholicis anno 1606 egressus est Anglia cũ sacerdotibus in exiliu eiectis quasi et ipse esset sacerdos et perveniens Audomaropolim ibi studuit literis humanioribus donec huc mitteretur [L.P.E. 188] (123)

266. Thomas Landus aliàs Joannes Collinus admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 26 9bris 1608 fecit suũ Juramtu iuxta formulã hujus Collegii 22 Junii año 1609

[2] absoluto cursu philosophico ingressus est Societate in prouincia castillana

[3] Post plures annos in Belgium missus breui ad istud Collegium rediit et in eo mortuus est

Thomas Landus als Joannes Collinus venit ad hoc Collegiu 20 9bris anno 1608 cũ aliis octo Comitibusannos 22 habens ætatis studuitin Anglia rudimentis gramaticæ et post aliquot annoru intermissione missus est a Pe Joanne Gerardo nŕæ societatis Audomaropolim vbi per duos annos studuit poesi et humanioribus literis vnde huc missus est parentes habet media sortis patrem Catholicũ et matre schismaticam et ipse iam quinq3 annis permanserat in vnitate ecclia [L.P.E. 185].

267. Georgius Harveus alias Hastings admissusest inhoc Collegiu die 26 9bris 1608 fecit suu iuramtu iuxta formulã hujus Collegii 22 Junii 1609

[2] postea ob adversam valetudinem missus est Duacü ano 1610 , et ibi paulo post mortuus est.

* Thomas Harrington, als Hooker : not identified ThomasLand, als John Collins : born 1586; entered the SocietyIHS in the Province of Castile[? 1610]; the Valladolid account books (Lib 2 Gast and Lib 4) give the following particulars:-Jan 30, 1615, received hisexpenses when he came to Valladolid [from Seville (according to a generalsettlement of accountsbetween the two Colleges in 1619), and probably on his way to Flanders]; Nov. 5, 1626, he came to Valladolid from the College at Liège; June, 1627 , the expenses are paid for the carriageof his books to Valladolid; May, 1630, becomes Bursar; died at Valladolid Nov. 1 (or Oct. 31), 1632 See the student Thomas Lane (no 196), and Foley, vii, p 431 . George Hastings , als. Harvey : arrived at Douay College Nov. 8 , and died there Dec. 18, 1610. C.R.S. , x, p 105 .

Georgius Hastingusals Harvyanũ agens 22m venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sadicto comite, natus Cestriæ parentibus media sortis et hereticis reconciliatusAudomaropoliper Pem Stanneu ibi per annu et aliquot menses studuit et inde huc transmeavit vt sa [L.P.E. 186]

268. Eduardus Lusherus* admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 269bris [blank] 1608. fecit suu Juramtu iuxta formulă hujus Collegii 22 Junii 1609 [2] ob aduersam valetudinem missus est madritu, et postea recuperatasanitate in illa prouincia ingressus est Societatemaño 1610 [3] post ea scored] aliquotannosin Belgium profectus initium dedit philosophiæprælegendæ in Collegio Anglorum Leodiensi anno Dom . 1625, Octob 18. Cæpit docere Theologiam Scholasticam, sed ob aduersam valetudinem progredi non potuit.

EduardusLusherus venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadictis septem comitibus annu agens 20m natus Nordouici parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis qui multa passi sunt pro fide studuit 1° literis humanioribus in Anglia postea Audomaropoli cu per duos annos in his studuis se perfecisset huc missus est [L.P.E. 192]. (124)

269. Eduardus Keynus admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 26 9bris anno 1608, obiit diem mortis valde pie in hoc Collegio 10 octobris 1609 accepto ante tres menses iuramento hujus Collegii.

Eduardus Keynus annu agens ætatis 19 venit ad hoc Collegiuvna cũ sadictis quinq3 natus Londini parentibus Catholicis licet pauperibus qui multa passi sunt pro fide Catholicahic Audomaropolim missus cu adhuc teneræ ætatis esset ibi studuit grammaticæ et literis humanioribuset huc petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 190]

270. Joannes Madoxius admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 26 9bris 1608. fecit suu Juramtu iuxta formulă hujus Collegii die 22 Junii 1609 .

[2] postea ob aduersumvaletudinem missus madritu inde Hispalim . [3] Vbi sacerdos factus missus est in Angliam ibi detrusus est in carcere propter fide

Joannes Madoxius venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadictis sex comitibus decimu octauu anu agens natus natus [sic] Agtoniæ in Comitatu Cestriæ parentibus honestæ conditionis et Catholicis qui in carceribus et iactura bonoru multa passi sunt pro fide Catholica et ipse adolescens cu primo tempore iter trasmarinu meditaretur in vincula conjectus est sed postea amicorü quorunda opera liberatus Audomaropolim pervenit vbi per duos annos studuit et tandem huc missus in Collegiu admissus est [L.P.E. 191].

* Edward Lusher : he was at Valladolid in 1619 (Lib. 2 Gast., f 64); dieda victim ofcharity when attending the plague-stricken in London , Sept. 27, 1665. Foley, vii, p 468 .

Edward Keyne: not identified

John Maddock : most probably son of John Maddock, of Agton [Agden], Cheshire, whose wife Matilda appears intheRecusantRoll of 1592-3 C.R.S. , xviii, p 24 .

271. Carolus Dartonus * admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 26 9bris 1608. fecit suu Juramtü iuxta formulă hujus Collegii 22 Junii 1609. [2] et ob aduersam valetudinem missus est Duacu año 1611 .

Carolus Dartonus venit cu s³dictis 8 annu agens 18 natus Nannesii in Lotharingia patre Anglo nobili pro fide Catholica exule Duaci primo deinde Audomaropoli per aliquot annos studuit vnde huc missus admitti petiit [L.P.E. 193].

[In margin, Vide p 128, where are two entries out of chronological order.]

272. Gualterus Bernardus venit ad hoc Collegiu et admissus est mense Aprilis [1609 above] et quia inventus est minus aptus fini hujus Collegii demissus est ab eo, principio 7bris eiusdem anni.

Gualterus Bernardus venit ad hoc Collegiu 23 Aprilis [1609] missus a Pe Henrico floydo Vlissiponaannos natus 22 ex Comitatu Berciensi cujuspretmreranthereticiet ipse conversus est ad fidem Catholicam per Dim Lekum sacerdotem quondam hujus Collegii et ab eo missus est 1° Audomaropolimet inde Lisbonamtransmigravit vbi comoratus est cũ comite de Fera per tres annos et postea per s'dictu patre huc est missus et a nobis in cohabitatione admissus [L.P.E. 194] (125)

273. Robertus Owen alias Rogerus Hartus admissus est in hoc Collegiu in principio Maii anno 1609 . [2] et factus sacerdos missus est in Angliam, año 1611 , mense Januarii

Robertus Owen als Rogerus Hartus venit ad hoc Collegiu 26 Aprilis 1609 nobili Britañoru antiquoru prosapia oriundus studuit literis humanioribus Westmonasterii postea Catabrigiæ per 4°r annos comoratus vbi factus Baccalaureus profectus est in Curiã vbi inservivit mão Principis tandem conversus ad fidem nam parentes eius heretici trasfretauit appulitq5 Bruxellas 1° deinde huc missus humiliter admitti petiit 25 años natus [L.P.E. 195].

274. Thomas Keyly als Josephus Robinson& admissus est in hoc Collegiu principioMaii 1609 [2] est factz sacerdos missus est in Angliamcu supradicto

Thomas Kighly als Joseph Robinson 32 annos natus venit ad hoc Collegiu eodem die cu superiori natus natus [sic] in Prova Essexiæ parentibus nobilibus et hereticis in quo errore et ipse perseuerauit vsqz ad 30m ætatis annũ cu forte inciderit in sacerdote vocatu Thomã Grene a quo reductus est ad gremiu mfis eccliæ et missus cũ epistolis commendatitiisin flandriã 1º et postea huc et humiliter id petens admissus est in convictu hujus Collegii [L.P.E. 196].

* Charles Darton : not identified He does not appear in the Douay Diary under this name

Walter Barnard : not identified

Robert Owen , als. RogerHart : not traced at Cambridge , but this in no waythrows any doubt upon the correctness of his statement, as atthis period listsofGraduatesand Matriculations are occasionallymissing

§ Thomas Kigheley, als Joseph Robinson: possibly of the family of Kigheley, of Grays, Essex C.R.S., x, p 275n He left Valladolid for England in January, 1611. Lib 1 Gast

275. Guls Vauxius* admissus est in convictu huius Collegii die quo duo suprascripti [2] et postea dimissus est quia noluit se conformari fini huius Collegii.

Gulo Vauxius venit ad hoc Collegiu vna cu supra dicto socio 19 annu ætatis agens natus parentibusprimænobilitatis in AngliaetCatholicis hic missus est 1 ex Anglia Audomaropolim vbi studuit literis humanioribus deinde a patribus societatis huc missus venit et receptus est in convictu hujus Collegii [L.P.E. 197].

276. Thomas Brunus dioecesis Lincolniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu, 20 Junii anno 1609. [2] postea [eodem anno above] ingressus est ordinem Dominicanoru

Thomas Brownus 25 annu ætatis agens natus in Rutlandia media sortis parentibus et Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiu 6° Junii 1609 missus Salamantica cu literis comendatitiis Pris Antolinez Prioris et Reuerendissomoru viroru conventus D1 Augustini inibi existentis, vbi et hic per trienniũ ex eorü eleemosinis vixerat, nam profugiens ex Anglia religionis causa ad eos confugerat in Anglia studuit literis humanioribuset Salamanticæ literis hebreis et grecis humiliter id petens admissus est in numeru alumnoru hujus Collegii [L.P.E. 198]

277. Thomas Vitus ats Blaclo [admis scored Blacklaw above] dicecesis Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 16 , 9bris anno 1609 [2] missus est Hispal : año 1612. Inde in Belgium profectus docuit TheologiamScholasticamDuaci, et postea [Lisboascored]Vlissipone in Collegiis Anglicants [Scri scored] Edidit opera aliqua [nec vtilia nec pbabilia nec valde catholica in margin, in a 3rd hand] latinè Philosophica, et Theologica Modo in messe Anglicana laborat

* William Vaux: of the family of Vaux, of Harrowden; probably the second son of George Vaux, eldest son of William Vaux, third Baron, by his second wife, daughter of John Thresham , of Rushton, Northants. John Burke, Peerage (1831)

ThomasBrown : notidentified In 1604 a ThomasBrown left Douay College with the intentionof takingthe Benedictinehabit in Spain C.R.S. , x, p. 340.

Thomas White, als Blacklow : second son ofRichard White, ofHutton, Essex, by Mary, daughter of Edmund Plowden, of Plowden, Salop; passed through Madrid on his way to Flanders in company with Mark Harrington, als Drury, Aug., 1614; studied theology at Douay College; ordained priest at Arras , March 25 , 1617; tookthe degree of B.D. at the Sorbonne at Paris; taught theology at Douay; became agent for the clergy at Rome , where he was in 1626 ; in 1630 became 2nd President of the English College at Lisbon, but returned to England in 1633. It was he who drew up the rules of the English College, Lisbon, which are fundamentally those which still governthe house Moreover, he was mainlyinstrumental by his regulations in giving stability to and consolidating the new establishment In 1635 he was recommended for the episcopacy; was elected a member of the Old Chapter, 1638; in 1650 was teaching divinity at Douay, and holding the officeof vice-president; soon after, he returned to England, where he spent most of his time in writing books He died, in Drury Lane, London, July 6 , 1676. C.R.S. , x, passim ; xxix, p 148; Gillow, Hist Account of Eng Coll, Lisbon, p 8; Bibliog, Dict Eng Cath ., v, p 578; Chapter List.

Thomas Whitealias Blaclo anu agens 16 cũ sex mensibus venitad hoc Collegiu cu 9 aliis sociis 4° 9bris 1609 missus a Patribus societatis Audomaropoli, infimæ nobilitatis ortus parentibus et Catholicis , quin et ipse ab infantia semper Catholicus , imo et decennis cũ esset incarceratus pro confessione fidei, bonæ et firmæ valetudinis et qui egregie profeceratin literis humanioribusAudomaropoli vbi studuit, humiliter admittipetiit in hoc Collegiu ejus fini se coaptare statuens [L.P.E. 199]

278. Henricus Pulton als Pollard* dioecesis Peterburiensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu die 16 9bris anno 1609 .

[2] et factz Sacerdos in hoc Collegio missus est Hispalim cu supra dicto

[3] deinde Leodii ingressus est Societate.

Henricus Pulton alias Polard venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadicto socio et aliis 8 sequentibus natus annos 26 nobilibus ortus parentibus et Catholicisin Prova Northamtoniædegentibus et ipse a puero imbibit religione Catholică , in Anglia studere incoepit literis humanioribus in quibus Audomaropoli adhuc magis excultus huc missus est et receptus in Collegiu [L.P.E. 200].

279. Robertus Huguesius Asaphensis Collegiu die 16 9brisanno 1609 . (126) dioecesis admissusest in hoc

[2] fecit iuramentu añ 1610, 22 Junii ob aduersam valetudine missus est madritum

[3] postea sacerdos factus missus est in Angliam.

Robertus Husius Cambrobritannus viginti annos natus huc venit cu sascriptis parentes ejus suntmedia sortiset Catholici habet avunculu et duos fratres sacerdotes et ipse contra minas impiissimi cujusdam ministri perstitit in confessione fidei Catholicæ cũ 14 annu ætatis non excessisset , Audomaropolim missus per avunculu sacerdote absoluit ibi cursu humaniorisliteraturæ et hic receptus est cũ sociis [L.P.E. 201]

280. Henricus Berbeque dicecesis Carliolensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 16 9bris 1609 . [2] fecit suu iuramentu cu supra dicto mortuus est in hoc Collegio año 1611 mense bris.

Henry Poulton, als Pollard : went to Seville May 10 , 1612 (Lib I Gasto ); thence to Flanders, whence he returned to Valladolid in Dec., 1618; went to Andalusia in Feb., 1619 (Lib 2 Gasto ); the Madrid College account books refer to him as at the Seville College in 1627; his name appears in the Seville College account books more or less continuously from 1629 until 1643, when probably he died An entry in the Seville book, Lib 6, p 81, says: "On Feb. 6, 1643, there is a credit balance in favour of Fr. Henry Polardo, which is due to the said Father and the College of St. Omer whose procurator he was . " Vide C.R.S. , xxix, pp 152-5; Foley, vii, p 1446

Robert Hughes : his brothers were probably Humphrey Hughes, of the diocese of St. Asaph, who was ordained priest at the English College , Rome , April 10, 1600; and John Hughes , of St. Asaph, who was ordained priest at Douay College, 1602. Foley, vi, p 196; Knox, DouayDiaries,p. 18; C.R.S. , x, p 41

Henry Berbeck : not identified

Henricus Berbeck venit [ad scored] cu sadictis tribus et reliquis sociis 22mætatis annuagenspauperibus ortus parentibusinWestmerlandia Catholicis tame qui passi sunt pro fide carceres et alia incomoda a quibuset ipse in eadefide instructus missusest Leodiu ad avunculu suu sacerdote qui post aliquantum temporis eu Audomaropolim misit, et indehumanioribusliteris excultushuc missus est et cooptatus in studiosorunumeru [L.P.E. 202].

281. Robertus Sherwood als Sherington* [adm scored] Badiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 16 9bris 1609 . [2] fecit suu iuramentu cu supra dictis 1612 , mense maii, et ibi ingressus est in ordine D. Benedicti.

missus est Duacu año

Robertus Sherwood alias Sheringtonus venit huc cũ s'dictis 4°r et aliis sociis vigessimu agens ætatis anu natus Bathoniæ Pe medico qui erat quondã Catholicus nunc aute frequentando ecctias hereticoru dissimulat metu iacturæbonoru, hic .a filius eius reconciliatusest eccliæ a sacerdote dicto Roberto Tempest et postea in famulatio Dñi Edmundi Beynham venit Audomaropolim vbi quatuor annis studuit literis humanioribuset inde huc missus est, et cũ videretur aptus huic instituto susceptus est in Collegiu [L.P.E. 203]

282. Georgius Boyse als Armstrong [venit scored] Eboracensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu 16 9bris 1609 .

[2] fecit suum iuramentũ cũ supra dictis missus est in flandriã partim ob aduersam valetudinem año 1611 [? 1612], mense feb

Georgius Boyce alias Armstronge venit cũ sadictis 5 annos natus 19 , ortus in Prova Eboracensi parentibus pauperibus et hereticis in quo errore enutrierant et hunc suu filiolu donec venerabilis Per Taylerusqui eu sanguine contingebat ereptů a Patre eũ Audomaropolim transmisit vbi factus est Catholicus et postea humanioribus literis imbutus obnixèid petens admissus est in hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 204].

283. Francz Martinus Vintoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 169bris 1609 . [2]fecit suu iuramtum cu supra dictis ob aduersam valetudine missus est Duacu, año 1611 [? 1612], mense feb. [Robertus scored franco above] Martinus 20 annu ætatis venit Duaco huc missus cu aliis tribus sociis vltimo die Octobris 1609 natus Wintoniæ parentibus honestæ conditionis et Catholicis et ipse seper vixit Catholicus 13m anu ætatis agens missus est a Parentibus

* Robert Sherwood , als Sherington: son of John Sherwoodand Mary his wife: arrived at Douay College June 6, 1612 , and left tojointhe Benedictines Oct. 13 , 1612; sent on the English Mission 1624; died at Kiddington, Oxfordshire, Jan. 17 , 1665. C.R.S. , x, p. 114; Birt, Obit Book, p 43 .

George Boyce, als Armstrong : arrived at Douay College Apl 21 , 1612; ordained priest at Arras June 13 , 1615; went to England July 11 , 1616; returned to Douay to live there fora time at his own expense, June 1 , 1624; on Sept. 30 , 1624 , went to Brussels to become a military chaplain in the army there C.R.S., x, passim

Francis Martin, als. Ramirez: returned to Douay College in company with George Boyce, was ordained priest May 24 , 1614 , and left Douay for Brussels , to become a military chaplain, Sept. 16, 1615. C.R.S. , x, p 126 and passim .

Bruxellas in flandria ad avunculu suu Dñ Petru Martinu avunculu quondam alumnu hujus Collegii a quo post aliquot annos missus est Duacu et inde huc humanioribus literis bene instructus et hic admissus est in convictu ceteroru [L.P.E. 205]

284. Guls Brokesby ats Moro* Lecestrensis dioecesis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 16 9bris 1609 .

[2] fecit suu iuramtum cu supra dictis , et postea audito uno año theologiæ missus est Louaniu ad ingredienda Societatem [3] In Angliam absolutis studiis missus præfuit missionibus Norfolciæ, et Suffolciæ

Gulo BrookesbyA [alias Morus above] venit Duaco cu sadicto comite annos natus 19m ortus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis et ipse semp permansit Catholicus studuit literis humanioribus domi paternæ in comitatu Lecestriæ 1° deinde in Hibernia quo Pater ejus ob persecutionem profugit deinde missus a patre Duacu ibi incepit studere logicæ, quemcursuet huc missus hic denuo feliciter auspicatus est [L.P.E. 206]. (127)

285. Guls Cecilius ats Marvin Salisburiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 16 9bris 1609

[2] fecit suũ iuramentu cu supra dictis. eta[partim above] obaduersam valetudine missus est Duacũ año 1612, mense maii

Gulielmus Cecilius venit Duaco cu s'dictis comitibus natz Sarisburiæ parentibus mediæ sortis et schismaticis , ipse nunc agit anũ 20m eductus ex Anglia a cognato suo Doctore Cecilio et [ibi scored] reconciliatuseccliæ Parisiis per Patrem quemdã societatis et missus postea Duacu vbi studuit literis humanioribus et incoepit etiã logicăet hic cũ sociis admissus est in convictũ hujus Collegii[L.P.E. 207].

286. Thomas Fatherus 16 Nov. 1609 .

Dorcestrensisadmissusest in hoc Collegiu

[2] fecit suu iuramtum cũ supra dictis et [partim above] ob aduersam valetudinem missus est etiã Duacu cu supra dicto.

Thomas Fatherus 18m anu ætatis agens venit cu sadictis tribus Duaco missis, natus in Prova Dorchestriæ parentibus mediæ sortis et schismaticishic iam teneraætate amplexus est religioneCatholicam , et non ita multo post a quibusdam sacerdotibus missus est Duacu vbi per 4°r annos studuit literis humanioribuset demũ huc missus humiliter petiit admittiin hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 208].

* William Brookesby, als More and Green : set out from Douay College, where he used the alias Green, Sept. 10, 1609; left Valladolid for Flanders April 14 , 1613 (Lib I Gast ); entered the Society IHS 1613; was at Liège in 1621; from 1622 to his death, on Sept. 20 , 1645, in the Suffolk district C.R.S., x, p. 98; Foley, vii, p 521 .

William Cecil, als Marvin : arrived at Douay College fromValladolid June 24, 1612, and left, in his second year of theology, May 1 , 1614. C.R.S. , x, passim.

Thomas Fathers : admitted to Douay College April 9, 1608; was nephew of the priest John Muttlebury, als. Mallet, who was his mother's brother; returned to Douay in company with William Cecil, and left, for England, Jan. 3, 1613, in his first year of theology C.R.S. , x, passim.

287. Guls Hildreth ats Simson* Dunelmensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 16 9bris 1609 [2] fecit suum iuramtum cu supra dictis et fact3 hic sacerdos missus est madritů ob aduersã valetudinem et inde Hispalim.

Gul Hildreth [als Simpson above] venit ad hoc Collegiu missus Audomaropoli cu aliis sascriptis die 4 9bris 1609 anñ agens ætatis 24 , natus in Diecesi Dunelmensiparentibusmedia sortis et schismaticis studuit Dunelmi literis humanioribuset musicæ per 4°r annos vnde discedens factus est Catholicus et post duos annos missus est a Rdo Pe Garnetto Audomaropolim, sed cu hoc intentaret iter captus estin portu et conjectus in carcerem, vbi omnibus pecuniis spoliatus tandem ope amicorü consequtus est libertatem et prosequutus est prefixu iter versus Audomaropolim vbi per 4 annos comoratusest et tandem huc transmissus [L.P.E. 209]

288. Eduardus Rossus dioecesis Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 16 gbris 1609. [2] fecit suu iuramtum cu supra dictis et suscepto ordine sacro missus est Hispalim. [3] Inde in Anglia , ibi receptus est in Societatem anno 1618.

Eduardus Rossevenit cus'dicto comiteet aliis natusin Essexia parentibus mediæ sortis et hereticis, hic traditus cura cujusdam mercatoris profectus est in Germania tenera adhuc ætate vbi bene instructus in musica venit Parisios vbi factus Catholicus vlterius huc in Hispanias comigravit et a Patribus hujus Collegii cu esset bonæ indolis missus est Audomaropolim vt ibi studeret literis humanioribus in quibus cu mediocriter profecisset missus est huc vt altiora prosequereturstudia, iam 24 anñ agit [L.P.E. 210]

289. Joannes Abbot Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 16 9bris 1609

[2] fecit suu iuramtum cu supra dictis et suscepto hic ordine sacro , missusest in flandriam ubi postea Louanii ingressus est Societatem año 1б12

Joannes Abbot alias Ashton venit cu sadictis Audomaropoli missus agens anñ ætatis 21 natus Londini parentibus honestæ condicionis sed hereticis et hic etiam in eodem perseuerauit errore vsq3 dũ venit Audomaropolim vbi a Pe Joannefloydo nfæ societatisfactus est Catholicus . studuit Londini literis humanioribź postea Oxonii 5 annis navavit opera Logicæ et philosophiæ et factus est ibi Bacalaureus in artibus et postea animi gratia transfretans incidit in s'dictu Patrem ad cujus instantiã huc missus est [L.P.E. 212]

* William Hildreth, als Simpson : not identified See C.R.S. , xxix, P. 147 . Edward Ross : not identified See Foley, vii, p. 1450

John Abbot, als Ashton, als. Rivers: a native of London; went to Oxford where he matriculated Nov. 16, 1604; B.A. April 20, 1608; arrived at Douay College, a deacon, June 6 , 1612; ordained priest June 14 , 1612; left to enter the Society IHS Aug. 3 , 1612; after 1621 his name disappears from the catalogues of the Jesuits, and probably he left the Society about this time; on Dec. 8, 1641, was condemned at the Old Bailey to be hanged, drawn and quartered, for being a priest; was reprieved, but died in Newgate C.R.S. , x, pp 114-5; Foley, vii, p 1416; Gillow, Bibliog. Dict Eng Cath , i, p 1; Foster, Alum Oxon

1609-10 (128)

290. Robertus Willcox alias Peterson* Middlesexcensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu año ætatis 20. [16 9bris 1609 above] Studuit philosophiæ. fecit suu iuramtum 22 Junii 1610, et mortuus est in hoc Collegio año 1611, mense 8bris.

RobertusWillcox venit cu sadictis die 4 9bris, 1609. natus in midlesex , ibiq3 educatus et humaniorib3literis instructus. Parentes eius erant mediæ sortis, sed catholicis, et ipse factus est catholicus tenera adhuc ætate a dño Barrows [educatus scored missus above] est ex Anglia primo in Hispaniam per legatu Regis Hispaniæ don Juã de Tassis, et a Patribz huiusCollegiimissus est Audomaropolim, vt ibi in literishumanioribus se perficeret . postea rediit cu sadictis ad hoc Collegiũ. iam 20 et amplius annu agit [L.P.E. 211].

291. Gulielmus Stapletonus alias fowler flintensis admissusest in hoc Collegium 16 9bris 1609, ætatis anno 18, fecit iuramtum huius Collegii, et statim ingressus est ordinem St Dominici

Gulielmus Stapeltonus alias fowlerus natus est in comitatu flint ex parentibus nobilibus atq catholicis In comitatu stafordiæ operã dedit gramaticæ per aliquot annos Deinde voluntate parentū profectus est Audomaru vbi permansit per aliquot annos et huc venit cu supra dictis Anno 1609 [L.P.E. 213]

292. franciscus Clarck alias Wallis Surrensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu die 20 7bris 1610, ætatis anno 20. fecit iuramtum 22 Junii 1611. absoluto cursu philosophico missus [est above] Louaniu ad ingrediendam Societatem [2] Post aliquot annos factus est Rector Collegii Anglorum Leodiensis Inde in Angliammissus eo rediit, et ibi obiit franciscusClark alias Wallis natus est in Surria ex parentibz nobilibus, patre vero hæreticoд [et Judico scored siue schismatico above], matre tamen catholica franciscus tenera adhuc ætate ad fidem catholicam est conversus, [? ........ scored gramaticæ above] dedit operā vsq ad annu 15 ætatis in paterna domo. Egressus est ex Anglia cu Pe farclauth, et profectus Audomaru, et post quinquenniu, missus est cũ aliis ad hoc collegiu, Año 1610, iam 20 annuagit [L.P.E. 214]

* Robert Willcox, als Peterson : not identified

William Fowler, als Stapleton: fourth son of Walter Fowler (of St. Thomas's Priory, Stafford, and Bettsfield, co Flint) and Mary, daughter of Ralph Sheldon , of Boeley, co Worcester; born at Bettsfield in 1591; after his profession as a Dominican he took the degree S.T.M. When Cardinal Howard purchasedBornhem, in Flanders, and enabled the English Congregation O.P. to establish a convent of their own in 1658, Fr. Fowler contributed largely to the foundation As far as is known Fr. Fowler's missionarylabours were confinedto St. Thomas'sPriory: he possiblysucceeded Fr. Fisher sometimeafter 1620 , and served St. Thomas'suntil his death there ,May24 , 1662. Gillow, St. Thomas's Priory; C.R.S. , xxv, p 126. In the account book Lib.6 Recivo, in Jan.,1603, and Jan., 1604, are entriesforthe keep of Francis Fowler , whose name does not appear elsewhere

Francis Wallis, als Clark : left Valladolid March 27, 1613 , in company with George Bamfield (no 295) [Lib. I Gast .]; entered the Society IHS that same year; died at Liège Feb. 29, 1656. Foley, vii, p. 805

293. Ricardus Trim alias Barnes * [Dorsestrensis above] admissus est in hoc Collegiu 20 7bris 1610 año ætatis 21. fecit iuramtum 22 Junii 1611. studuit philosophiæ.

Richardus Trim alias Barnes venit cu s'dicto comite die 20 7bris 1610 natus est in comitatu Dorset ex parentibusmedia sortis catholicis. Vsq ad annu 19 ætatis operã dedit humaniorib3 literis Wintoniæ et alibi et à dño Brianto ad fidem catholicam est conuersus . Deinde per fratrem suu q est sacerdos in Anglia missus est Duacũ, et post unũ annũ missus est cu aliis ad hoc Collegiu Año 1610 . et ætatissuæ 21° [L.P.E. 215]. (129)

294. Thomas Barret alias Wells Suffolciensisadmissusest in hoc Collegiu 20 7bris 1610, año ætatis 30. fecit iuramtum 22 Junii 1611. per unu annu operam dedit philosophiæ deinde casib3conscientiæ factz Sacerdos missus est in messem Anglicanã 23° martii 1613 .

Thomas Barret alias Wells venit cu sadictis : natus est in suffolcia parentibushonestæ conditionis, sed hæreticis, agit iã annutricessimu: studuit per tres años Cantabrigiæ , hæresi laborauit sicut parentes, ad ecclæ gremiu adductus est suasu R¹ sacerdotis Thomæ Bluet. missus est ad hoc Collegiu per Pem franciscu Yong ex nra societate Año 1610 [L.P.E. 216]

295. Georgius Bates alias Bamfeld Waruicensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu supra dicto ao ætatis 18. fecit iuramentu etiã cũ supra dicto. absoluto cursu philosophico missus est Louanium , ad ingrediendam Societatem.

Georgius Bate alias Bamfeld venit cu supra dictis, annu agens 18 . natus est in Ciuitate Waruicensi, parentibus mediæ sortis sed catholicis gramaticæ studuit per aliquos años in Anglia missus est Audomaru, et post quinquenniu cũ coeteris profectus est ad hoc Collegiu Año 1610 [L.P.E. 217].

296. Antonius Smyth alias Poole§ Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegium simul cu supra dictis aº ætatis 18. fecit iuramtum cu supra dictis. studuit philosophiæ. [2] postea Lovanii ingressus est Societatem .

* Andrew Barnes, als Richard Trim : on July 19, 1612 , Andrew Varnes [Barnes], then ordained priest, went from Valladolid to Seville (Lib I Gast.); his brother was most probably Stephen Barnes, of the diocese of Salisbury, who was ordained priest at the English College, Rome, on April 21 , 1601. C.R.S. , x, pp 99, 104; Foley, vi, p. 200 .

Thomas Barret , als Wells : not traced with certaintyat Cambridge There was a ThomasWells admitted as sizar, aged 16 , at Caius College , May 3, 1598; son of Oliver Wells; born at Crimplesham, Norfolk; B.A. 1600-1 ; M.A. 1604

. George Bamfield, als Bates : left Valladolid for Louvain March 27 , 1613; enteredthe Society IHS that same year; died in the south of England, September , 1657. Foley, vii, p 29

§ AnthonyPole, or Poole, als Smith: left Valladolid, in company with Francis [? Thompson], Oct. 14, 1613, going to Madrid, probably on the way to some seaport; enteredthe Society IHS 1614; in 1623 was on theMission in Yorkshire Foley, vii, p 609 .


Antonius Smyth alias Poole venit cum supra dictis agens annu 18 natus Londini parentibus media sortis, et hæreticis. missus est a matre tenera adhuc ætateд [in Galliam above] ad auunculuquenda suuд [etiã hæreticũ above] cũ quo vixit per aliquot annos eodem errore laborans , donec Audomaru veniens, a Pe Georgio Keenes factusest catholicus , cuius etiã suasumansitin Collegio Audomarensi , vbi literis humanioribz operam dedit, in quibus cũ mediocriterprofecisset, missus est huc vt altiora prosequeretur studia Año 1610 [L.P.E. 218]. (130)

297. Joannes Pimble alias Ethelbertus * Herefordiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 20 7bris 1610, aº ætatis 19. fecit iuramtum 22 Junii 1611. studuit philosophiæ

Joannes Pimble alias Ethelbert Pimble venit cu supra dictis agens annu 19. natus in Ciuitate Herefordiensi parentibus mediæ conditionis et schismaticis in tenera adhuc ætate a Dño Gulielmo Ely sacerdote ad fidem catholicam est conuersus gramaticæ studuit in Anglia per aliquot annos missus estAudomaru, vbi etiã operam dedit gramaticæet Syntaxi per annũ cũ dimidio, et deindemissus est cu cæteris ad hoc Collegiu Año 1610 [L.P.E. 219]

298. Thomas Gifford alias Dorington londinensis admissusest in hoc Collegiu simul cu supra dicto ao ætatis 26. fecit iuramtum cũ supra dicto philosophiæoperam dedit ob aduersamvaletudinem rediit in Angliam aº dni 1611, mense martii.

Thomas Gyffard alias Dorrington venit cũ s'dictis natus est Londini parentibus bonæ sortis, patre vero schismatico , matre tamen catholica, et ipse vsq ad annu 20 suæ ætatis in errore vixit tandem a [dno above]Joanne Merick alias Williams in ecclam est receptus Deinde voluntate matris et comendatione Dñi Sutton profectus est Audomaru, vbi per 4 annos studuit et cũ coeteris missus est ad hoc Collegiu Anno 1610. iã 26 annũ agit [L.P.E. 220]

299. Eduardus Barlow alias Bruerton lancastrensis admissusest in hoc Collegium cu supra dictis ao ætatis 23. fecit iuramtum cum reliquis finito 2º año philosophiæ missus est Duacu [partim above] propter infirmã valetudinem.

Eduardus Barlows alias Bruerton venit Duaco cũ s* dictis agens annu 23. natus est in [Pro above] Lancastriæ nobilibus parentibuset catholicis. In Anglia operam dedit gramaticæ licet per aliquot annos studia omisit postea tamen profectusDuacuiteru gramatica studuit et post tres annos missus est cũ coeteris ad hoc Collegiu Año 1610. die 20. 7bris [L.P.E. 221].

John Pimble, als. Ethelbert Pimble: notidentified . ThomasGifford, als . Dorrington : not identified

Blessed Edward (Ambrose ) Barlow, O.S.B., als Brereton and Ratcliffe : martyr ; fourth son of Sir Alexander Barlow and his wife Mary, daughter of Sir Uryan Brereton, of Handforth , Cheshire . He was back again at Douay College Oct. 17, 1612; was put to death at Lancaster, Sept. 10 , 1641. See Camm , Forgotten Shrines, passim ; C.R.S., x, passim

300. Gulielmus Raynes alias Robinsonus* kantiensis admissusest simul cu supra dictis in hoc Collegiu ao ætatis 20. fecit iuramtum cũ reliquis, et finito 2º añoobaduersamvaletudine rediitin Angliam.

Gulielmus Raynes alias Robinson natus est in Kantia ex parentibus nobilibus sed schismaticis , et ipse etiã schismaticus fuit vsq ad 18 annu suæ ætatis Deinde à Dño Thoma Green sacerdote ad fide catholicamconuersus est, et abeodem sacerdote, [ex above] voluntate parentu, missus Audomaru, vbi studuit Syntaxi per annu, et missus est huc cũ coeteris die 20. 7bris 1610. vigessimu iam agit annu [L.P.E. 222]. (131)

301. franciscus Tompsonus kantiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu simul cum supra dictis et cu iis fecit iuramtum studuit philosophiæ.

franciscus Tomsonus natus est in comitatu Barci ex parentibusnobilibus et catholicis . Vsq ad annu ætatis 15 dedit operamgramaticæin Anglia. Deinde ex volütate parentu profectus est Audomaru et post quinquenniu fuit missus ad hoc Collegiu cu cæteris 20. 7bris . 1610. ætatis suæ anno 21 [L.P.E. 223].

302. Thomas Metcalfe alias Scrupe Eboracensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu simul cum supra dictis et cũ iis fecit iuramtum per unu annu dedit operam philosophiæ deinde casibus conscientiæ . Dimissus est propteriustas causas [2] postea factus sacerdos missusest in Anglia.

Thomas Metcalfe alias Scrupe venit cum supra dictis agens annu 24m vel 25m natus in quadam valle cognomine Wensadale in comitatu Eboracensi ex parentibus nobilibus et catholicis, et ipse semper catholicèfuit educatus missus est Audomaruex voluntate amicoru, et litteris Archipresbiteri inde finito quasi cursu humanitatis in Angliam rediit et captus in paterna domo in Eboracense castellu iniectus erat, postea in Galliam transmigransa Capuchinis habitu petiit et obtinuit, at post 10 mensesin Angliã iterü rediit, et captus est Londini et in newgate detrusus, et ibi facultate obtinuit in exiliu ire, et sic veniens Duacu missus est cũ coeteris ad hoc Collegiu 20. 7bris 1610 [L.P.E. 224]

* William Raynes, als Robinson and Ratcliffe : in the account book Lib. I Gast , he is called William Ratcliffe, when he left for England, May 14 , 1612 ; was twice captured on trying to get into England; entered Douay College to continue his studies Sept. 25, 1612; as " Robert " Raynes he left Douay for England, in his first year of theology, Oct. 17, 1612. C.R.S. , x, pp 116 , 121

Francis Thompson: not identified; left Valladolid, in company with Anthony Pole, Oct. 14 , 1613

Thomas Metcalfe, als Scrupe and Proctor : appears in the Douay Diary as Thomas Medcalf, als Proctor, and of the diocese of Exeter; left Douay for Valladolid, Aug. 23, 1610; after having been there one month; returned from Valladolid to Douay, ordained priest, March 12 , 1610; early in April set off for England; elected to the Old English Chapter 1644; died 1651. C.R.S. , x, pp 103-4, 113; Chapter List Blackfan (Annals, p 90) says he went to England in 1612


A 1610

303. David Morris Nanny alias Thomas Holland * [Salopiensis above] admissus est in hoc Collegium mense gbris 1610. aº ætatis 30º. per unu annu studuit philosophiæ, deinde casibus conscientiæ , et factus sacerdos missus est in messem Anglicană 23° martii 1613

David Morris Nanny alias Thomas Holland natus est in comitatu Salopiensi ex parentib3 media sortis et hæreticis, et ipse in errore vixit vsq ad 24m suæ ætatis annũ tandem a Patre fitzsimons [in Hibernia scored] membru ecclæ catholicæ factus est in Hibernia, vbi per aliquot annos commoratus est, et litteris humanioribus priuatim studuit , et [eas above] docuit pueris qbusdã : tandem profectus est in Hispaniã cũ litteris commendatîtiis ad P. Cresuelũ, a quo missus est ad hoc Collegiũ Anno 1610 mense 9bris agit iã annu 30m [L.P.E. 225].

304. Robertus Dolman alias Turret eboracensis admissus est in hoc Collegium 20, 7bris 1610, a° ætatis 22. fecit iuramtum studuit Dialecticæ. ob aduersam valetudine missus est Duacu. Robertus Dolmannusaliàs Turretus venit cu supra dictis agens annu 22m. natusin comitatu Eboracensi in quodã pago nomine Bubwith ex parentib3 nobilib3 et [modo above] catholicis. In Anglia in ciuitate Eboracensi opera dedit gramaticæ , idemq fecit in Collegio Audomarensi per aliquot annos, Ad quod Collegiu missus fuit a Patre Holby; circiter 16m suæ ætatis annu receptus in sanctæ matris ecclæ gremiu per sacerdotem quedam nomine fetherstone, et cũ cæterismissus est ad hoc Collegiu anno 1610 [L.P.E. 226]. (132)

305. Petrus Warnfordus alias West Wintoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 29, 10bris 1610. [a° ætatis 28 above] fecit iuramtum studuit Dialecticæ et casib3 conscientiæ . factz sacerdos missus est in flandria, ad studia facienda, quæ hic partim ob adversam valetudině finirenopotuit.

[Ubi factus sacerdos scored] missus est est in messe Anglicană

[A loose sheet of paper, different from that of the Register, and now pasted in L.P.E.for preservation The hand differsfrom all those of the Register .] Fidelis responsio ad sex puncta quæ proponi solent admittendis ad conuictum huius Collegii.

* David Morris Nanny, als Thomas Holland : Blackfan (loc cit) says he went to England in 1612

Robert Dolman, als Terret : born at Gunby Castle, near Bubwith, E.R. Yorks.; entered the English College, Rome, Oct. 13, 1616 , and died there, Dec. 17, 1618. Foley, iii, p 183

Peter Warnford, als West: son of Oliver Warnford, who was a recusant at Portsmouth in 1577; several members of this family appear in the prison lists ; in Sept. , 1604, he returned to Douay from England but , as he had no satisfactory testimonial letter, was received into the College asa guest only ; June 2 , 1605, left the College, because the authorities would not accept him as a student, since he had entertained the idea of becoming a monk , hadno testimonial letters, and could not substantiate his statements; eventually became a Benedictine, when and where are uncertain ; died Aug. 21 , 1657. C.R.S. , ii, passim ; xxii, p. 41 ; Birt, Obit Book, p 38. Blackfan (Annals, p 90) says he left Valladolid in 1613 .

I Petrus Warnfordus est mihi nomen verumд[anno3 habeo 27 vel28 above], pater vero Oliuerius Warnfordus nuncupabatur, qui nobili loco natus, causa Mariæ Reginæ Scotorum ab hereticis in Anglia interfectæ , e patria in Hiberniamfugit, et in exilio vitam cummorte commutauit, post cuius discessum consessa a Reginæ consiliariis potestate officiales in omnes eius facultates et possessiones (quas inuenire poterant) pro Reginæ vsu irruerunt.

2 In dioecesi Wintoniensi natus; ubi etiam in pueritia educatus fui, deinde Londini cuma [Amita above] quadam sismatica decimum quartum annu attigi; inde Audomaru me contuli, ubi quinque annoru curriculo humanioribus litteris animum applicaui, quo peracto Hispalense Collegium petii; vbi aduersa valetudine vsus, in paternumsolum remeaui , qua recuperata , Douaci per annu Logicam audiui, deinde aliquot annis in disciplina millitari consumptis

Audomari per alterum annu Theologicæ morali studii, vbi me sacris initiari curaui

3 Parentes (quantum mihi constat) semper catholici fuere, nam Matertera mea preter amissionem multarum facultatum, carceris etiam acerbitatem per decem et octo annos sine intermissione constantertulit. Mater etiam septem annorum spatio, cum Auunculo meo et eius vxore et filia Londini in vinculis detinebantur; ab anno decimo tertio ætatis meæ (a Domino Barrous reconsiliatus catholice vixi

4 A Reuerendo P: [......] Edmundo ad Collegium Audomarense studendigratia missus, ex Anglia via ordinaria egressus sum . 5 Laus Deo, et mente, et corpore valeo.

6 Vitam ecclesiastică totis visceribus amplector, et plane decreui me fini huius Collegii conformare; et dum in eo viuo disciplinæ , et regulis Collegii libentissime me subiiciam; atq etiam sub iurãento proitto me nihil sponte facturuvel aliis persuasuru, quod ad pacem Collegii, vel disciplinæ domesticæ obseruantiam perturbandam spectabit Petrus Warnfordus

306. Eduardus Madissonus alias Marbery* lincolniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 20, 7bris 1610. aº ætatis 21. fecit iuramtum 22 Junii 1611. Studuit Dialecticæ et ob adversam valetudinem missus est Duacu, aº 1612, mense martii

307. Joannes Euerardus Norfolciensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu mense Augusti 1611. mansit hic per aliquotmenses et studuit. Dialecticæ et postea missus est Hispalim mense 1obris eodem año

* Edward Maddison , als Malbrow , Marbery and M[e][i]ssenden : arrived at Douay College, from England, Oct. 3 , 1611; ordained priest at Arras Dec. 19 , 1615; went to England June 8 , 1617; was imprisoned in London, and exiledinAug., 1618, when he returned to Douay; went to Madrid as agentfor Donay College, Nov. 4, 1619, and was still there in 1637. C.R.S. , x, passim ; xxix, p. 151. He probably left Valladolid at a date earlier than March, 1612

John Everard, als Edward Smith : born at Deane , Northants ., theseat ofthe Brudenell family; studied for seven years at home under a private tutor, and afterwards at Clare Hall, Cambridge; went to St. Omer's College where he was reconciled to the Church by Fr. John Floyd ; was admitted to the English College, Rome, as a probationer, in 1610 , but left after two or three months on account ofa certain dizziness ofthe head, and alsobecause he was unable to get on well with the other students; after some months at Valladolid went to Seville, and eventually entered the Society IHS; died at Antwerp Dec. 6, 1649. C.R.S. , xxii, p. 74; Foley, iv, p 611; vi, p 257; vii, p. 234 .

1612-3 (133)

308. Gulielmus Case* Dorsestrensis , admissus est in hoc Collegiu 27 martii 1612. aº ætatis 27. fecit iuramtum 22 Junii 1612 . studuit casib3 conscientiæfact3 est Sacerdos ab Epo Palentiæ. [2] et missusest inAnglia

309. Eduardus Smyth alias Aspinaldus lancastrensis, admissus est in hoc Collegiu 4 feb 1612. aº ætatis 27. fecit iuramtum 7bris 1612. studuit philosophiæ. [2] et missus Hispalim ibi factus est sacerdos et missus in Anglia.

310. Joannes Aprice alias Stafertonus londinensis, admissus est in hoc Collegiu simul cu supra dicto ao ætatis 29. fecit iuramtum 29, 10bris 1612. studuit casibz conscientiæ .

311. Joannes Smyth& Londinensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu 30 Julii 1612. aº ætatis 50. fecit iuramtum 29, 1obris 1612. studuit casibusconscientiæper aliquot menses, sed quoniam propterætatem non potuit tolerare labores studioru , petiit dimitti antequã esset ligatus ordinibzsacris

Anno 1613. (134) Ad

312. Francus Cottonus || Southamptoniensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu año dñi 1613. Mense Augusto suscepit Juramentu festo S. Thomæ Cant proxe inseqti año ætatis 18, plus minus patris sui instantiã et [ob above] adversã valetudine missus in Belgiu finito philosophiæ curriculo , quo ingenii specime egregiu pbuit et virtutis, magistru habuit Pem Jo Priciu, qui phiæ publicè legit in hoc Collegio. Discessit mense Augo anno 1616. animo ingrediendi Societate: [2] quamreipsa [in scored] statim ingressus est: et post tres Theologiæ annos ob aduersam valetudinem missus est in Angliam .

* William Case: went to Leon for ordination Dec. 16 , 1612, and to Palencia March 13 , 1613. His viaticum is entered on Oct. 30, 1613. Lib I Gast . Edward Smith, als Aspinald: Birt identifies him, probably incorrectly, with Edmund Smith, who was admitted to the English College, Rome, in 1589; entered the Benedictine Order, at Douay, July 18, 1616; became Procurator in Madrid for the Benedictines, and died there, July 21 , 1637 . Foley, vi, p 178; Birt, Obit Book , p 19

John Aprice, Ap Rhys or Parry, als. Staferton: went to Flanders May 22 , 1613. Lib. I Gast

§ John Smith : receivedhis viaticum March 28, 1613. Lib 1 Gast .

Francis Cotton, als Neville, als Essex : In the account book Lib 6 Recivo is the entry, on Aug. 17, 1615:" 800 reales received from Francis Essexia [Essex] for his keep as a convictor, and this amount is for the first year he has been in the College " In March, 1616, he paid a similar amount, and in April (Lib 2 Gasto ) he madea visit to Madrid He enteredtheSociety IHS in 1616; during the Oates Plot persecution, when he was about 85 years old, he was draggeddownstairsfromhis room, in order to be taken to Stafford gaol, but, as he fainted away, was taken back to his room where, not long after, towards the end of February, 1679, he died Foley, vii, p 176

313. Jo. Haywood* admissus est in hoc Collegiu año Dni 1613º . suscepit Juramentu studuit Logicæ et Physicæ, discessit in Angliã consensu et approbatione superiorũ ne alias hereditate satis amplam amitteret animo tamen reuertendi et progrediendi in hoc statu que auspicatus erat, rebus in Patria compositis. Discessit versus fine anni 1615

314. Francus Haywood cu fratre pdicto venit ad hoc Collegiu iuramentu etiã simul suscepit [2] propter aduersam valetudine missus Hispalimibi mortuus est .

315. Gulielmus Kirkeham [alias Hamburnus above, in another hand] venit ad hoc Collegiu Mense 10bri 1613. Votu usitatu nuncupavit, cursu phiæ feliciter absoluit. Discessit in Belgiu vna cu Frco Cottono et Jo. Portlando mense Augo año 1616 vt ibi societatem ingrederetur

Gulielmus Kirkham alias Hanburnus parentibus nobilibus ortus in prouincia Deuoniensis , Patrem habuit equitemauratu pacis publica in regno Angl comissariũ qui pro fide Catha per 10 años sub Elizabetha carcerem aliaq. damna perpessus est, sed tandem tempori cessit Mater verò semper in fide Catha permansit. Ipse Guilus a teneris añis ad eandem fidem semper propensus, in Deuoniensi , et Dorcestrensi provincia tandem Oxoniæ educatus vbi literis operam dedit, tandem ætate matura [ad scored] per Patre Pet in Ecclesiæ gremiu est receptus Mater a quodam consanguneo rogata vt ex tot filiis quos illi concesserat vnu saltem Diuinæ eius ma consecraret, hunc filiu suum Audomaru misit vbi per trieniu humanioribus literis operãд [diligentius above] impensa in Hispas missus est. venitad hoc Collegiu años natus 21 plus minus. Mense Decembri 1613 [L.P.E. 232]. (135)

316. Georgius Angers als Ann§ admissus est in hoc Collegiu et prestitit Juramtu anno 1613 postea missus est Romã.

John Hungerford, als Haywood: the account book Lib. 6 Recivo has the following entry in October, 1614, and March, 1615:" 1472 reales received for the support of the two brothers John and Francis Hungerford, who are convictors "

Francis Hungerford, als Haywood

William Kirkham , als Hamburn and Hart : his father was probably the William Kirkham, of Pynne, near Heavy Tree in Devon, who was committed to the Fleet in September , 1586, after the Babington Plot, butliberated on bond, as nomatter could be found against him, other than that he was an obstinate recusant; the son has not been traced at Oxford under the name Kirkham ; entered the Society IHS 1616; was in Hampshire in 1620, and in and about London 1623-4 , about which time probably he died C.R.S. , ii, pp 258-9, 266; Foley, vii, p 340 .

§ George Ann, als Angier : son of George Ann, of Frickley, Yorks , born 1595-6; made his humanities at St. Omer's; admitted to the English College, Rome, June 8, 1615; ordained priest March 25, 1620; set off for England May 6 , 1621; entered the Society IHS 1623; went to England 1625; died in June, 1660. Foley, vi, p 273 ; vii, p. 13. H

317. Gulielmus Clifford alias Philippi* anu agens 19 admissus est in hoc Collegiu mense [1obri over 9bri] 1613 hic prestitit Juramtu Collegii 22 Junii 1614 .

[Mauritius Keynes alias Georgius Mauritius annu agens scored]

318. Molinax Percival als JoannesPansfordus anu agens 21 venit ad hoc Collegiu et admissus est in eo cũ sadicto cum quo etiam præstitit Juramtu Collegii et factus est sacerdos in hoc Collegio. [2] Studiis ob aduersam valetudinem non absolutis missus est in Belgium, vbi ingressus est societatem.

Mullinax Percyvall alias Johañes Panfordus , Hamptoniæ natus patre ministro hereticor3; quo mortuo mater est ad fidem Catholică conuersa pro qua multa passa est et in carcere tandem pro eadem fide vitam fœliciter finiuit Ille quando mater conuersa est añu agebat ætatis 10. [et scored] ab eo temporefide etiã Catha imbutus: Ope De Aloysiæ de Caravajal Audomaru transmissus trieñio in Collegio moratus est priusquãin Alumnorz numeru fuerit ascriptus, sed humanioribuslitteris postea sufficienterinstructus venit ad hoc Collegiumense Decembri , anno Dni 1613 [L.P.E. 230]

319. Antonius Whitlock alias Riuersannu agens 19 admissusest in hoc Collegiu et 22 Junii præstitit Juram Collegii cu sadictis duobus.

[2] Sacerdos in Angliam missus est:

Antonius Whythair[e scored] alias Riuerius in prouincia Sussexia natus parentibus nobilibus et Cath¹s qui pro eadê fide noñihil passi sunt Ex Anglia Audomaropolim missus est opera Illustriss' Baronis Montis Acuti, vbi per quinq3años Gramatica et literis humanioribus operam dedit. Inde missus est in Hispaniã annu ætatis agens 19 venit ad hoc Collegium mense Decembri Año dni 1613 [L.P.E. 231].

* William Clifford, als Philipps and Mansell: son of Henry Clifford,of Brackenbury, co Lincoln, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Thimbleby, of Irnham Hall, co Lincoln ; was heir to the barony of Clifford; arrived at Douay College from Valladolid April 25 , 1621; and left Valladolid, already ordained priest, in ill-health, and was allowed to stay at Douay College as long as he paid his expenses; went to England Nov. 9, 1621; was there until May, 1630 , when he went to the English College at Lisbon as vice-president; (the preservation of that college is said to have been largely owing to his prudence , patience and piety); left Lisbon Oct. 23, 1634, and was next engaged inthe government of Tournai College, at Paris; was elected totheOld English Chapter in 1638; died in Paris April 30, 1670. C.R.S. , x, pp 183, 189; Gillow, Bibliog. Dict. Eng. Cath., i, p. 514; Hist Acc of Lisbon College, p 189

John Pansford, als Molineux Percival: entered the Society IHS, already a priest, 1621; died at Claxby, Lincs , Nov. 9, 1668. Foley, vii, p. 566.

AnthonyWhitelock, als Rivers and Whythair : probably, says Gillow , the eldest son of Thomas Whitelock, a younger son of the ancient family seated at Ffrestock, Devon.; ordained priest at Salamanca in July, 1620 (Lib. 2 Gast ); died in Newgate a confessor of the faith under sentence of death. Gillow, Bibliog. Dict. Eng. Cath. , v, p. 428. An Anthony Cheeke, als Whitehair , was elected a member of the Old Chapter in 1644 , and died in 1672. Chapter List.


320. Albanus West alias East* venit ad hoc Collegiu 20 annos natus cu sadictis tribus vna cũ quibus admissus est et prestitit Juramtu hujus Collegii

[2] factus Sacerdos atq in Angliammissusest

[3] 80 fere annoru pie mortuus e Coughtoniæ in agro Varvicensi.

Albanus West alias Est Natus in ciuitate St Albani propè londinũ ibidem educatus prima literaru fundamentaiecit Parentes habuit nobiles et Cathcos Ipse a Pe Georgio Keynes e Societate Jesu fide Cath instructus in Ecclesiã receptus est Audomari, quo a parentibus missus est vt tande sacris ordinibus initiaretur Annos natus viginti venit ad hoc Collegiũ . mense Decembri 1613 [L.P.E. 233]

321. Gregorius Formannus alias Sanders admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sadictis 4°r [et scored] vna cu illis præstitit Juramtu hujus Collegii die 22 Junii anno 1614, et anno 1618 factus est sacerdos

[2] & tandem in Angliammissus

Gregorius Fromoundes alias Sanders, in prouincia vulgo dicta Surrey parentibus nobilibus matre tantum Cathª natus , eade fide ipse est ab incunabulis imbutus, et eodem loco in quo natus educatus est, donec in Belgiũ missus studendi causa, Literis humanioribusAudomari operam [naua scored] dedit inde in Hispas missus venit ad hoc Collegiu Mense 10bri 1613. annos natus plus minus 20 [L.P.E. 234].

322. Joannes Biesleyus alias Nelson admissus est in hoc Collegiu et præstitit Juramtu cu sadictis 5, et postea absoluto philosophiæ Curriculo missusest Hispalim. [2] tandem Societatem ingressus.

Johannes Bieseleus alias Nelsonus parentibus Cath¹s et nobilibus natus. Eboracenci in prouincia pm, deinde Antwerpiæ et Audomarensiin Collegio educatus , annu agens 18m venit ad hoc Collegiu cu cæteris. Anno Dni 1613 mense [......] [L.P.E. 235 ].

323. Robertus Oxembrigius § annos natus 20 admissus est in hoc Collegiucu sadictis6, postea iustas ob causas demissus est in Angliam [2] Inde in Belgium reuersus ingressus est ordinem Carthusianorum. Robertus Oxenbrigius Eboracensis 22m annorz Audomari studuit per duos annos missus ad hoc Collegiũ cũ prædictis venit cum pædictis menseDecembri 1617 [in errorfor 1613]. alio noie vocatur Robertus Dalton [L.P.E. 237]

Alban East, als West and Jerningham: probably a son of Richard East, of St. Albans, Herts (see no 406) ; died at CoughtonCourt, co Warwick , May 13, 1671. C.R.S. , iii, p. 98.

Gregory Sanders, als. Forman: arrived at Douay College from Valladolid June 26 , 1622, and became general prefect; left for England Oct. 10 , 1622. C.R.S. , x, pp 191, 194 .

John Beesley, als Nelson : Foley says he was a native of Oxfordshire; went to Seville, in company with Thomas Pole (no 326), Feb. 6, 1617 (Lib 2 Gast.) ; enteredthe SocietyIHS 1622, already a priest ; died in Derby- shire, Nov. 3 , 1670. Foley, vii, p. 539

Robert Oxenbridge , als Dalton : not identified ; possibly of theDalton family of Thurnham, Lancs Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng Cath. , ii, p. 7.

324. Joannes Carlton alias Compton* anñ agens 19 admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sadictis [7 over 6] et præstititsimulcu eis Juramtu huius Collegii et postea Romam missusest: [2] et inde in Angliam.

325. Joannes Lampton als Germanus venit ad hoc Collegiu mense Maii anno 1614 et illic admissus postea Romam missusest. [2] vbi obiit.

326. Odoenus Geffrey als Thomas Polus admissusest cũ sadictis ad hoc Collegiu præstitit Juram die 28 Decembris anno 1614 et absoluto philosophiæ Curriculo missus est Hispalim ubi factus est sacerdos [2] et postea ingressus est Societatem.

327. Joannes Linaker alias Ludford§ admissus est in hoc Collegiu et præstitit Juramtu una cu sadictis duobus et anno dni 1615 defunctus est in hoc Collegio.

Johannes Linakerus alias Ludford Comitatu , [Essexiæ scored Norfolciæ above] parentibus nobilibus natus, in Anglia Pm diuersis in locis literis operã dedit Accersitus a quodã patre Societatis Jesu ex Anglia ad Colegiu Audomarense postea in Hispas missus venit ad hocColegiu añu ætatis agens 23m . mense et año pdictis cu pcedentibus [L.P.E. 227]. (138)

328. Mauritius Keynus als Georgius Mauritius|| admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sadictis tribusuna cu quibus etiampræstitit Juramtu huius Collegii et absoluto philosophiæ Curriculo admissus est in Societate in hac provincia mense octobri anno 1616. [2] Postea in Belgium missus secundum Prouinciæ Anglicana cursum Philosophicum prælegit anno 1626: et postea anno 1633 alium

Mauritius Keines alias [Johañes scored Georgius above] Mauritius, Comptoni Panfordi in Comitatu Sumerset parentibus nobilibus et

John Carleton , als Compton : born in Norfolk; admitted to the English College, Rome , June 8, 1615; ordained priest April 29 , 1618; sent to England April 29, 1620. Foley, vi, p. 272 .

John Lampton, als German [? German Lampton or John Jermyn] and Thompson: born at York, 1598 ; admitted to the English College, Rome, June 24, 1615; received minor orders in May and June, 1616; died in the College, Nov. 7, 1617. Foley, vi, p 272

OwenJeffrey, als Thomas Pole : Foley misquotes the name, and gives no further information : he was brother of Thomas Walfrid, als Peter Pole (no 387); the differenceofname may possibly be accountedfor by an earlier marriage of their mother (Foley, vii, p 1446 ; C.R.S. , xxix, p. 149.) See note to no 322.

§ John Linaker, als Ludford : not identified

|| Maurice Keynes , als George Maurice: was again at Valladolid, sometime previous to 1637. In the account book Lib. 2 Gasto, under Nov. , 1637 , is the following entry:" Secular clothes for Fr. George Maurice, and Brother Thomas Owen who went to Flanders; and a cloak for Thomas Montforte who went with them to enter the Society; the twofirst beingalready of the Society" He died at Liège, Feb. 1 , 1654. Foley, vii, p 417

Catholicis, Patre Armigero natus, ineuntis adolescentiæ maximă partem venationibus , aucupiis , similibusqz ludiens vt mos plurium adolescentiu [in Anglia scored] nobilium in Anglia consumpsit Postea veroper spaciu mediianni literis eo diligentiusoperā nauauit donec in Belgium se conferens ad studiahumanioraserio capescenda Audomarum appulit ope et diligentia Patris Georgii e Societate Jesu et post quadrieñium missus ad hoc Collegiu venit año ætatis suæ circiter 20m , mense et año pdicto venit simul cu pcedentibus [L.P.E. 228].

Anno 1614 .

329. Corolus [sic] Florus alias Walsgravius* [ex Seminario Anglorum Hispalensi huc venit et above, in 2nd hand] admissusest in hoc Collegiu mense octobri anno 1614 ætatis anno 23 et post duos annos missus est in Belgium vt ingrederetur societate [2] eamqueingressus est Et postea missus ad messem Anglicanam post multorum annorum in ea labores ibi mortuus est

Carolus Florus alias Waldegrauus in Comitatu Essexiæ parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis natus, Londini in Anglia po literis operă dedit, deinde a Pe Richardo Garneto et Pe . Michali Walpolo Audomaru missus, [vbi scored] literis humanioribusinstructus in Hispã ad Collegiu Hispalense missus est et tandem transacto philosophiæ trieñio venit ad hoc Valesoletanu Collegiu año ætatis suæ 23° mense Octobri 1614 [L.P.E. 229].

330. Georgius Bacon als Suthwel admissus est in hoc Collegiu anno domini 1614 annosnatus 20, deinde anno 1618 factus sacerdos et finito studioru Curriculo missus est in Anglia [2] Scripsit Anglice librum pro Primatu Summi Pontificis .

Georgius Bacon alias Suthwell in comitatu Norfolciæ parentibus nobilibus sed scismaticis natus ab iisdem aliqua fidei Catha rudimenta percepit ad cuius perfectam perceptionem et professionem obeundam in Hispas missus est Vlissiponi in xpanorz Cath'z albu ascriptus, inde Audomaru se contulit, vbi duos circiter años literis humanioribusimpendit,Matritum deniq3 missus cum sequentibus ad nouu Seminariuibi auspicandu post 3iù añorz curriculũ in studiis philosophicis , valesoletuvenit die 18. Junii Año Dñi 1614 . annos natus 20 [L.P.E. 238].

331. Antonius Taylerus venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadicto Georgio et anno 1615 mense Septembri defunctus est in hoc Collo

* Charles Waldegrave , als. Flower : second son of Nicholas Waldegrave, and his wife Catherine, daughter of Winstan Browne, of Welehall or Weldstall, Essex ; left Valladolid for FlandersApril 22, 1616 (Lib 2 Gasto); entered the Society IHS 1616; served the mission in England for twenty years; died in the London district Dec. 23, 1655. Foley, vii, p 802

George Bacon, als. Southwell : was probably brother to Thomas (b 1592), John (no 345 infra; b 1597), and Nathaniel (b 1598-9) George was born in 1594. Thomas, in his biographical statement, made uponentering the English College, Rome, declared that he had three brothers junior to himself He was son of John Bacon and his wife Elizabeth; born at Sculthorpe, near Walsingham, Norfolk Gillow does not mention George Bacon in hisBibliog. Dict Eng Cath. Foley, v, p 520 ; C.R.S. , xxix, p 85

Anthony Tayler : not identified , C.R.S. , xxix, p. 86

Antonius TaylerusDuaci in Flandria, natus ex parentibus[no ig scored] nobilibus [et scored] Cath¹s qui pro eade fide multa passi sunt. Cathe a natiute institutus, partim Duaci partim Audomari studiis operam dedit apud patres Societatis Jesu. In Hispaniã missus Matriti in nouo Seminario Phiæ curriculu absoluit. Venit ad hoc Collegiuañu agens ætatis 18. mense [......] [L.P.E. 239].

[This leaf has here been inserted or removed and afterwards replaced The corner, where the number of the page (139) should be, has been cut away.]

332. Ludovicus Stile alias Risd[on]† * admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sadictis duobus et anno 1615 optimæ speijuvenis in hoc Collegio mortuus est

[ +Last two letters obliterated by a blot ofink.]

Ludouicus Stile alias Risdon parentibus nobilibus natus in comitatu Deuoniæ, educatus a pueritia in ciuitate Exonia, postea per duos años Oxoniæ literis operă dedit, et tande Londini per spaciu vnius añi legibus Angliæ municipalibus, quo tempore du añum ætatis suæageret 17 , ad fidei Cathe notitiam primo peruenit, et in gremiu Ecclesiæ Catha receptus, insalutatis parentibus, Audomaru se contulit, deinde post duos años Matritu, et in nouo illo [incipiente scored] Seminario , completo phiæ curriculo, cum coeteris venit ad hoc Collegiuannos natus 2208 [L.P.E. 240].

333. Thomas Layton als Port venit ad hoc Collegiu et admissus est cũ sadictis tribus et anno 1615 missus est in Flandriam et ibi receptus est in Societate.

[2] Fuit Rector Seminarii Audomarensis plures annos , et postea Collegii AnglorumGandauensis .

Thomas Layton alias Porte in prouincia Lancastrensi parentibusnatus nobilibus et Cath" qui pro eade fide varia passi sunt incomoda ipsuq3 in eade fide ad incunabulis diligenter instituerunt , tandem Audamaru miserunt, vbi literis humanioribus opera dedit, vnde Matritu transmissus cu pdictis philosophiæ cursum absoluit et venitad hocCollegiuaño aetatis suæ 22° plus minus [L.P.E. 241].

334. Joannes Portland als Fulcus Parry venit et admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sadictis quatuor et postea anno 1617 missus est in Belgiu et ibi in Societate receptus est

Johanes Portlandus alias Fulcus Parrye in Prouincia Denbiacensi parentibus nobilibus et Cath's natus, qui ipsum in eade fide ab infantiaeducauerunt Et quamuisdiuites ipsi essent et hic vnicus coru filius, eu tamen (vt videtur) Deo consecrarunt comittentes illu curæ et tutelæ patru Societatis Jesu in Anglia a quibus Audomaropolim missus inde Matritu venit ad hoc Collegiu peracto

* Lewis Stile, als Risdon: possibly connected with the family of Giles Rysdon, of Bableigh, Parkham, Devon, whowas a recusantin 1592-3. C.R.S. , xviii, p 35: xxix, p. 85. Not traced at Oxford

Thomas Layton, als Port : brother of Fr. John Layton, als. Port, S.J. , and half-brother of Robert Peckham (no 232); died in St. Omer's College, Jan. 7, 1661. Foley, vii, p 442 ; C.R.S. , xxix, p. 86.

John Portland, als Fulk Parry: entered the Society IHS 1618; died at St. Ömer's College Sept. 28 , 1621. Foley, vii, p 616 ; C.R.S. , xxix, p 86

phiæ curriculo cũ reliquis añum agens ætatis suæ fere 19m [L.P.E. 242].

335. Gulielmus Worsley alias Harvey* admissus est in hoc Collegiu cũ sadictisquinque et anno 1618 factus sacerdos et absoluto studioru Curriculo missus est in messe Anglicană. [2] Sed detinuit se in Belgio, [et scored] vbi curam gessit [exerc scored] spiritualem exercitus Regis Catholici plures annos.

Gulielmus Worsley_alias Haruey Antwerpiæ vtroq3 parente Anglo et Catho natus Pater illius e familia non obscura oriundus persecutionem et carcerem diuturnu pro fide passuscum adhuc iuuenis esset et hereditate propriam et magnarureru spem sibi a Reginæ Conciliariis oblatã et patriam ipsã fidei Cath" posthabuit Mater vero e regio Lancastrensi sanguine originem ducit Educatusest partim in Anglia partim Antwerpiæ et Louanii vltimis 4or añis literis humanioribus operam dedit Audomari In Hispam missus Matriti cum prædictis phiæ [tei scored] trieñiu absoluit venit ad hoc Collegiu 18 Junii, 1614 , anno ætatis suæ 20° [L.P.E. 243]. [140]

336. Thomas Carlton alias Compton venit et admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sadictis sex annos natus 22 et anno 1617 dato ingenii optimo specimine in actu theologiæ publico quem defendit et factus sacerdos missus est in Belgium vbi in Societatem receptus est. [2] Et postquam literas humaniores quinquennium docuerat missus est Leodium ad docendamphilosophiam quam inchoavitanno Dom. 1629 , fuitque quintus illius facultatis in Prouincia Anglicana Professor Quo munere absoluto docuit etiam plures annosTheologiam Scholasticam. Cursum philosophicum in lucem edidit, et Theologicum eidem parat

Thomas Carleton alias Compton natus in Comitatu Cantabrigensi parentibus Cath" et nobbs qui pro fide plurima perpessi sunt. 4or añis cum dimidio in studiit humanioribus et Gramca transactis Audomaropoli missu in Hispam Matriti cũ cũ pdictis phiæ cursu absoluit venit ad hoc Colegiu die 18 Junii, 1614. annos natus 20 [ 22] [L.P.E. 244]

337. Henricus Carlton als Comptonfrater sadicti Thomæ una cũ eo etiam admissus est in hoc Collegiu et propter adversam valetudine anno 1615 missus est in Belgiu et inde in Angliam ubi mortuus est optimæ spei iuvenis

William Worsley, als Harvey: not identified ; see note to no 369 C.R.S. , xxix, p. 86.

Thomas Carleton , als Compton : brother german of Henry Carleton, als. Compton (no 337), and also, probably, of John Carleton, als. Compton (no. 324); the names used in the account books are Thomas and Henry Compton; Thomas entered the Society IHS in 1617, and died at Liège, March 24 , 1666. Foley, vii, p 154; C.R.S. , xxix, p 85; Gillow , Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath, i, p 546.

Henry Carleton , als Compton : left Valladolid for Flanders Sept. 3, 1615 (Lib 2 Gasto) C.R.S. , xxix, p 86 ,

Henricus Carleton alias Compto Thomæ pdicti frater germanus post tres años Audomaropoli in literis humanioribus et totide alteros in studiis phiæ Matriti transactos venit vna cum cæteris ad hoc Collegiu Dei Junii 18 Año Dni 1614. Ætatis suæ 18. natus est in eade prouincia qua frater illius nimirz Cantabrigensi [L.P.E. 245].

338. Martinus Barlow* venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadictis 7 et hic anno 1615 defunctus est in hoc Collegio eximiæ spei juvenis.

Martinus Barlow alias Barley parentibus Cath¹s mediæ conditionis Brugis in Flandria natus , ibi Brusxellisq3 educatus in Collegio Audomarensi literis humanioribus, in Matritensi partim [ibi scored] Compluti [2 above] partim [1 above], cum pdictis phiæ operam dedit venit ad hoc Collegiu añu ætatis agens 19m nõdũ completũ Die Junii [ .... ]Año Dni 1614 [L.P.E. 246].

Anno 1615 .

339. Gulielmus Baduleus alias Leus annu agens 18 [annu scored] admissus est in hoc Collegiu mense Sept¹ anno 1615 et 22 Junii anni 1616 præstitit iuramtu hujus Collegii [2] Pt7 annos ingressus ingressus est Societatem in Belgio [3] Et inde ad hoc Collegium ad curam disciplinæ domesticæ gerendam remissus in eo vita defunctus est .

Gulielmus Baduleyus alias Leus Staffordiensis parentibus natus est Catholicisetnobilibuset qui pro fideCatha multa passi sunt multam in multis scholis triuialibus operam lusit, año tande 16° ætatis ope Pia Barkeri et matris hortatu, Audomaropolim missus ibi literis humanioribusoperam dedit. Añu agens 18. venit ad hoc Collegiu año Dni 1615 mensis 7bris die 170. [ingressus est Societatem in Belgio in different hand. The next 12 entries have additions in this same hand ] [L.P.E. 247.]

Martin Barlow, als Barley: not identified

C.R.S., xxix, p 85

The account book Lib 6 Recibo has the following entry: May 14 , 1614: 300 reales were put into the strong box , collected in Madrid by Fr. Anthony[Hoskins, at that time Rector of the English College, Madrid] for the support ofthe English boy, Francis, whom hesentto study in thisCollege. " The book Lib. I Gasto says:" Oct., 1614: Viaticum of Francis Ricardo [Richards], the English boy, who went to Flanders"

In theaccount bookLib 2 Gasto are the following entries:"Jan. 30 , 1615: Richard Justin receives his viaticum when he went to Seville"; and " Feb. 26 , 1615: Expenses given to an Englishman, John Pettiman , who wentto Flanders. " The names do not occur elsewhere in the books.

William Badduley, als Lee: son of John Badduley, ofEllerton Grange, co Stafford, by Anne, daughter of Fris Roos, of Laxton , Notts.; left ValladolidforSt. Omer'sCollege, wherehe entered the Society IHS, in 1622; was teaching at St. Omer'sin 1625; an account from St. Omer'sdebits Valladolid with the journeymoney of Fr. William Leo [Lee] from St. Omer's to Valladolid, on March 27 , 1626; this account is stitched into a rough account (Series III, leg 46, lib 4, 88d) which alsorefersto Father William Leo [Lee], as does the account book Lib 6 Recibo, in which he is credited with 50 reales that remained over from his journey money and which is entered on May 16 , 1626, apparently the date of his arrival at Valladolid This would seem to indicate that he was a priest, and that his " coming to take chargeofthe domestic discipline of the College " does not justify Foley's conjecture that he became a temporal coadjutor Gillow says he died in June, soon after his arrival, but he was certainly alive in 1629 (Escritura 268) Foley, vii, pp 450, 1418; Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng Cath, V, p 521

1615 [Joa scored]


340. Robertus Baduleius* predicti Guli frater annos natus 17 simul admissusest in hoc Collegiu cu fratre præstitit iuramtu iuxta formam hujus Collegii 22 Junii, 1616

[2] Pt 3 annos ingressus est Societatem in Hispania [3] Vlissipponem missus ibi docuit mathematicam. [Scripsit scored] Aliqua opera edidit hispanicè. Vide de eo plura in Bibliotheca P. Philippi Aligambi

Robertus Baduleyus alias Leus pdicti Gulielmi frater venit simulet eodem tempore ad hoc Collegiu 17m añu ætatis agens partim in Anglia partim Audomari operam literis humanioribus impendit [ingressus est Societatem in Hispania] [L.P.E. 248]

341. Antonius Hardingus alias Dambenius venit ad hoc Collegiu et admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sadictis fratribusfecit suu Juramtū

29 Decembris anni 1616

[2] [sacros ordines scored] Sacerdotiu accepit ab Epo Palencia, et missus est in AngliamAn° dni 1621 , mense Augusti

Antonius Hardingus alias Dambeneius venit ad hoc Collegiu au duobus suprascriptis. Vigorniensis patriâ parentibus honestis sed scismaticis. ad fidem Catholicam conuersus Duacu se recepit studendi gratia vbi per spaciũ vnius anni in studiis literarz humaniors versatus quibus antea in Anglia a Ludimagistris aliquantulu fuit instructus años natus 23. [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam right margin, same hand as above additions] [L.P.E. 249]

342. Joannes Morganus Cambrobritanus admissus est in hoc Collegiu mense Septembri anni 1615 is prius prestiterat Juramtu

* Robert Badduley , als Lee, and Ignatius Stafford: brother of the preceding; after entering the Society IHS was sent to Lisbon, as English confessor in that city, where he also taught for eight years in St. Anthony's College; accompaniedthe Marquis of Monte Albano to the Brasils when that nobleman was appointed Viceroy ; subsequentlyreturned to Lisbon In the account books are the following entries:-(Lib. 2 Gasto) " March, 1628: Viaticum of Fr. Ignatius Stafford from Portugal, " and in June the balance is paid of " Fr. Ignatius Stafford's viaticum from Lisbon " (Series III, leg 46, lib 1, p 44d) " 1630: On May 6, Fr. Ignatius Stafford went away ' (loc cit., Lib 4 , p 72d) "In the Congregationof 1633 the College of Santiago [de Compostela ] claimed from this college the viaticumof Brother Ignatius Comberford who is now Fr. Ignatius Stafford, and who came here from Santiago in the year 16[ ]. " Query: is Comberfordanother alias of Robert Badduley ? Foley, vii, pp 728, 1418 ; Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath, v, P. 521 . A Gregory Stafford was also at Valladolid with William Lee and Ignatius Stafford. He does not appear in Foley's work under that name. The following particulars of him appear in the archives. (Series III, leg. 35) Dimissorial letters for the diaconate, in favour of Gregory Stafford, S.J., issued on May 23, 1630. (Lib 2 Gasto) May, 1630: " Viaticum of a student and a brother whowent to Palenciafor ordination " " Sept., 1630: Expenses of Brother Gregory [Stafford] when he went to Avila to be ordained' " Together with Ignatius Stafford, William Lee and others he signed certain legal documentsofthe College in Dec., 1627, Dec., 1628, and Sept., 1629 (Escrituras, 267, 268, 372). Anthony Harding, als. Dambey: not identified Edward (Edmund & John) Morgan, als. John Singleton: ven. martyr ; born about 1583, at Bettisfield in the parish of Hanmer , Flintshire ; at the

Romæ et ingressus est societate Romæ vnde propter intemperiem quamdã capitis demissus hic post diutinam probatione receptus est . [2] in priorem infirmitate relapsus missus est Madritũ vbi aliqtulu demoratus Ano Dni 1621 , missus est in Angliam .

[3] Vbi anno domini 1642 martyrio coronatus est. Johañes Morganus Cambrobritañus in prouincia Flintensi natus et educatus literis humanioribus Duaci, Romæ Phiæ opera dedit inde in Anglia superiorũ ordinationeremissus est. ExAnglia pm studiorz causa Duacu missus est a D. Edwardo Hugesio Sacerdote et P. Roberto Jonio Societatis Jesu venit ad ho[c] Collegiu año ætatis 32: Incarnationis dni 1615° [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam ] [L.P.E. 250]

343. Francz Bellus* Vigorniensis annos natus 25 admissus est in hoc Collegiu mense Septembri anni 1615 et 22 Junii anni sequentis præstitit Juramentu iuxta formula hujus Collegii et anno 1618 factus est sacerdos ab epõ Salmanticensi [2] Ingressus est Ordine Sti francisci [27 Jul., 1618] [3] In Angliam profectus anno domini 164[3]. gloriosam etiam martyrii coronam adeptus est. Franciscus Bell Vigorniensis patre Jurisperito matre nobili natus vtrisq3 Catholicis pro qua fide mortuo patre mater multa perpessa est. Studia per aliq* años intermisit quæ postea Audomari recoluit missus a D. Southcot nobili in Essexia prouincia años natus 25 . venit ad hoc Collegiu , 1615, mense [Sept.]. [Sacerdos ingressus est ordině franciscanu .] [L.P.E. 251.] (142)

344. Gulz Playle als Hesper* cũ sadictis duobus admissus est in hoc Collegiu præstitit suo tempore Juramtu iuxta formulă hujus Collegii et factus est sacerdos a epo Salmanticensi tempore quadragesimæ 1618 [2] et missus est in Angliam.

age of 16 wastaken into the house of Walter Fowler, Esq, and for twoyears went with his two sons daily to a school in Stafford (Foley, vi, p 239); admittedto Douay College May 23, 1604 (C.R.S. , x, pp 57, 74); admitted to the English College, Rome, Oct. 10, 1606; received minor orders July, 1607 (Foley, loc cit ); entered the Jesuit Noviciate, Rome, Oct. 25, 1609; left after about a year, on account of a mental affliction, and was again admitted to the English College, Rome, whencehe was dismissed for the same reason, Jan. 7 , 1611; went to Louvain, wherehe arrived about ten weeks later, and was admitted as a servant in the kitchen of the Jesuit Noviciate there, in which occupation he was employed for three months, and then was again accepted as a novice; after about eleven months was once more dismissed; went to England, wherehe lived for a time at home, and later became tutor to the sons of a certain nobleman for three years ; then came to Valladolid, where he received the subdiaconatein 1616; early in 1617 went to Rome, obsessed with an idea for reforming the lives of Prelates and Princes ; soon returned to Valladolid, where he was ordained deacon, and eventually priest, at Salamanca , April, 1618 (Contemporary MS . , probably an original holograph, though unsigned , Series II, leg 5); was fourteen years a prisoner, and was put to death for his priesthood at Tyburn , April 26, 1642 .

* Arthur (Francis) Bell : ven. martyr ; see A Genealogical note-book of the Venerable Arthur Bell, printed in C.R.S., i, p 117, and also C.R.S. , viii, P. 323; born at Temple Broughton, Worcester; went to the English Mission 1634; put to death for his priesthood at Tyburn , Dec. 11 , 1643 .

William Playle, als Mildmey and Hesper : in the account book Lib. 2 Gasto the viaticum of Fr. Hesper is entered on Feb. 24, 1619

Gulielmus Playle alias Mildmey vel Hesper eodem temporecũ duobus pcedentibus venit ad hoc Collegiu In prouincia Essexiæ natus parentibus honestæ conditionis vbi educatus a Dña Aloysia de Caravajal Conuersus et Pris Michaelis Walpoli Soc. Jesu in gremiu Eccl receptus in qua iã 7 annis permansit, pro fidei professe patri- monii iacturã passus, a Pe Johanne Blacfan Audomaru missus studendicausa inde ad hoc Collegiũ Añu agens ætatis 26 vel 27m [Sacerdos missus est in Anglia ] [L.P.E. 252.]

345. Joannes Suthwell ats Bacon* 18 annoru Nordouicensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu et fecit Juramtu una cu sadictis duobus , et 1° Mayi anno 1617 ingressus est Societate [2] in hac Prouincia Castellana Posteain D. Ambrosii curriculum Philosophicum magistro P. Roderico de Arriaga emensus est Quo exacto[sui scored] ad audiendã Theologiam missus fuit Salmanticam.

Vbi vno tantum anno absoluto ad reliquos absoluendosmissus est ad Prouinciam Anglicanam rogatu R. P. Prouincialis illius Prouinciæ Biennio post absoluta studia quartus philosophiæ in illa Proua professor constituitur Quo munere perfunctus ad messem [An scored] Anglicanam destinatur, vbi octo annis consumptis ad alia ministeria in Belgium [destinaturscored mittitur above], et inde [in Hispanum a scored] in Hispaniam ad Prouinciam suam reuertitur. Vbi modo rerum spiritualium præfecturam in Collegio AngloVallisoletano ex obedientia gerit

[3] Vbi demu sancte mortuus est anno Dni 1667 . ["Here comes the entry of Robert Gray, No. 346, the whole of which is scored and re-entered below the entry of George Ward, No. 347, whose number has been changed to 346.]

Venit eodem tempore cu pdictis Johannes Southwellus alias Bacon

Norfolciensis vbi po literis operā impendit parentibus nobilibus natus A patre qui multis vitam molestiis pro fide Catha trahit ex Anglia studior3 causa Audomaru transmissus est Annos habet 18. [ingressus est Societzin hispa ] [L.P.E. 253.] "

John Bacon, als Southwell : see note to no 330. The following entries from various account books give further details of his life Libro de Viaticos(1), p 23: On the24thMay, 1645, Fr. John Baconleft this College for that of Bilbao, by order of the Fr. Provincial He wore the same clothes he had brought with him from Flanders three months and a half previous, during whichtime he had lived here, not as a subject of this College, but merely awaiting his appointment to some College by the Provincial 2 Gasto, p 414: " Viaticumof Fr. Bacon from Bilbao to this College, June, 1651." Lib de Viaticos (1), p 139d: " On the 25th Oct., 1657 , Fr. John Bacon left this College by order of the Fr. Provincial for that of Bilbao," and " returned to this College on Oct. 30, 1658." p 140: " On the 27th Oct., 1660, Fr. John Bacon went from this College to that of Santiago de Galicia, by order of the Fr. Provincial " Lib 7 Recibo, p 36f [In March, 1662 , he was back again at Valladolid ] Lib de Viat (1), p 151: " On the 11th Feb. , 1665, Fr. John Bacon left this College for the old College ofSalamanca , by order of the Fr. Provincial. " Lib 3 Gasto, p 89d : " For the mule which brought Fr. Bacon when he came to this College, 59 reales with 36 as viaticum May, 1667." . p 91f: " June, 1667 , Carriage of Fr. Bacon's books from Salamanca " p 92d: Sept., 1667 , Five chickensfor Fr. Bacon whois ill. " (Later) " 8 reales to thegrave-diggers for the graveof Fr. Bacon . " See Foley, vii, pp. 27 , 1417 . "


34[7 scored]6 Georgius Wardus alias Varnon* Eboracensisdiæcesis 19 annos natus admissus est in hoc Collegiu et præstitit Juramtū cu sadictis quatuor.

[2] ingressus est Societatm .

[3] an dom. 1618 in Belgio. Vbi [cu scored] philosophiam et Theologiam moralem præelegit Et missus in Angliam plures annos illi messi operam navavit

Georgius Varnã alias Wardus venit cum cæteris pdictis Natus est in prouincia Eboracensi parentibus nobilibus et Cath" in eadem prouincia ad tempus literis nauauit operã humanioribus postea Audomari; inde ad hoc Collegiu per pres Societatis Jesu destinatus est años ht 18. [ingressus est Societatem in Belgio.] [L.P.E. 255.]

347. Robertus Grayus als Grantus 20 annos natus Eboracensis dioeceseos admissus est in hoc Collegiu et præstitit iuramtu Collegii cũ sadictis tribus.

[2] Ingressus est soctem .

[The above is here transcribedfrom the original entry higher up the page. It is repeated at the foot of the page, but continues, after "sadictis ,"]

[3] quatuor Absoluto cursu philosophico ingressus est societatem in Belgio an. Dom 1618. Absoluta Theologia docuit literas humaniores cum magno applausu plures annos. Postea [iussu scored] 1646, iussu R. admodum P. Generalis mittitur Madritum ad docendum ibi [ret scored] rhetoricam in Collegio Imperiali Soctis Jesu : Sed hac occupatione certis cum difficultatibusobstructa mittitur ad Collegium Huetense ad magistros litteris humanis idoneos instituendos

[4] Vbi religiose mortuusest.

Quo tempore etiã venit Robertus Grayus alias Grant añu ætatis 20 ingressus natus haud procul Eboraco parentibus honestis sed Patre scismatico matre Catholice defuncta Abhinc octenio per Patre Jacobu Pollard alias Sharp Sõctis Jesu ad fide Orthodoxă traductus literisq3 græcis et hæbraicis instructus nobiliu aliq viroru ope in Flandriam transmissus 5 añcs studiis litterarz humanioru laudabiliter insumpsit [ingressus Societatz in Belgio.] [L.P.E. 254.] (143)

348. Jacobus Hardingus alias Harford annos natus 23 admissus est in hoc Collegiu et præstitit Juramtu vna cu sadictis quinq3,

* George Ward, als Ingleby and Vernon : son of Marmaduke Ward , of Newby, near Ripon, and his wife Ursula Wright. He was brother to Mary Ward, Foundress of the Institute of the B.V.M. (Bar Convent, York); entered the Society IHS 1618; shortly afterwards went to Salamanca , whence he returned to Valladolid, as Brother George Varnon [Vernon], 26 May, 1622 (Lib 2 Gasto); the Lib de Viaticos (1), p. 69, has an entry of his viaticum , probably to England, on May 1 , 1626; died in London, June 11/21 , 1654. Foley, vii, p 814

Robert Gray, als. Grant, taught for severalyears at St. Omer'sCollege; died in Madrid , Aug. 7, 1662. Foley, vii, p 311; C.R.S. , xxix, p. 157 .

James Harding, als Harford : not identified ; does not appear in the books and papers of the English College, Madrid ; is referred to as " Father Harding in the entry of John Sidley (no 377) with whom he went to England , Aug. 1621. See Foley, vii, p 333

[2] factus sacerdos ab Epo Palentiæ missus est statim ad Seminariũ Madritense, An° 162 [..]. mense Julii

Jacobus Hardingus alias Harfordus 23m annu agens venit cu pdictis. Natus et educatus Londini parentibus honestis Auunculus suus Cathus in re mercatura illu exercuit, vt ad fide Catha traduceret sed cũ nihil proficeret trans mare Audomarũ misit alieno pretextu sed reuera vt a PP Sočtis Jesu ad fide Orthodoxă converteretur nec euentus spem fefellit In gremiu matris ecclesiæ receptus literis in Collegio operã dedit quosq in Hispaniã missus venit ad hoc Collegiũ [Sacerdos missus in Angliam ] [L.P.E. 256.]

349. Francz Fittonus alias Bidulphus * 18 annos natus venit ad hoc Collegiu et Præstitit iuramtu cu supradictis sex ,

[2] ingressus est Soctem .

[3] in hac prouincia Castellana Et inde absoluta Theologia ad Prouinciam Anglicanam missus cursum prælegit Philosophicum

Leodii, et plures annos [in scored] messi Anglicanæ insumpsit : cui adhuc insudat.

Franciscus Fittonus alias Biddulph natus parentibus [honest scored] nobilibus et Cath¹s in Provincia Staffordiensi Audomari litteris humanioribus operã dedit per 6 annos. venit ad hoc Collegiu una cu prædictis Anno Doicæ incarnationis 1615. [ingressus est societatzin hispania.] [L.P.E. 257.]

350. Gulielmus Philippi aliàs Jonson dioeceseos Herefordiensis admissus est in hoc Collegiu principio Martii anno 1616 et 29 Decembris ejusdem anni præstitit Juramtu iuxta formula hujus Collegii

[2] et Sacerdos in Angliam missusest.

[3] [Logi scored]DocuitPhilosophiam Duaci inSeminario Anglicano

Gulielmus Philippi [s scored] alias Jonsonius parentibus Cath¹s natus in parochia Omyoy [Cwmyoy] in Wallia ibi etiã partim educatus , partim Herefordiæcu patruo et pceptore suo Jo. Philippo pro fide Catha carcerato , Parentu hortatu ope Gulielmi Guin et Morgani Clynog Sacerd transmissus vt post studior3curriculu sacris ordinibus initiaretur Venit ad hoc Collegiu 19m annu ætatis ingressus. [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam.] [L.P.E. 258.]

351. Nicolaus Prichardus Cambro Britanus admissus est in hoc

Francis Biddulph, als Fitton: probably a brother of Andrew Biddulph (no 401), who had also a brother, Peter Biddulph , als Fitton, atthe English College, Rome , in 1619; Foley says Francis Fitton entered the Society IHS in 1615 , which seems improbable; the account book Lib. 2 Gasto has entries in Feb. and May, 1619, of the " keep of Brother Francis Bidelo [Biddulph] at the College of Villagarcia (paid by order of the Provincial [of Castile]) " Hewas for a time at Lisbon, and returned to Valladolid in June, 1627. From 1633 onwards he was in England, and died, probably in Staffordshire , March or April 15 , 1673. Foley, vi, p 291; vii, p. 257; C.R.S. , xxix, p. 152

William Philipps, als. Johnsonand Herbert: arrived at Douay College from Valladolid , June 29, 1622, was professorof philosophy there, and left for the English Mission Sept. 18, 1627. C.R.S., x, passim; xxix, p 149 For William Gwynn, see Foley, iv, p 432 ; for Morgan Clenock, Foley, vi, p. 133.

Nicholas Pritchard : born in Monmouthshire; entered the Benedictine Order at Douay, August, 1619; sent to the English Mission 1633; died at Rouen, July 31 , 1657. Birt, Obit Book , p. 38 .

Collegiu cu sadicto Gulo et vna cũ eo præstitit Juramtu iuxta formulam huius Collegii

[2] Benedi[c]tinus [3] postea factus est

Nicholaus Prichard Cambrobritannus in prouincia vulgo Monmoth parentibus honestis patre iã defuncto, matre scismatica . primis Îitteris veteris Castri sub pceptore Jo Philippi opera dedit Ipse in fide Cath a Pe Gulielmo Philippi instructus, ex Anglia matris consensu per Hyberniã venit in Hispaet ad hoc Collegiu añu ætatis agens 19. [ingressus est ordinemS. Benedicti] [L.P.E. 259.]

Anno 1616 . (144)

352. Christopherus Valpolus* venit ad hoc Collegiu et admissusest 18 annos natus in principio Novembris 1616 [vi hinc se proripuit et erecta cervice postquam obedientiam et disciplinam plane conculcavit cũ irreparabili damno et infamia hujus Collegii antequam iuramtü præstitit secundü formula hujus Collegii et postea Romã advolavit vbi scored]. [2] certas ob causas Roman discessit

Christopherus Valpolusalias Varnerus Norfolciensiin prouincia parentibus Catholiciset nobilibusortus. Po diuersis in locis pdictæ prouinciæ postea Audomari per tres annos litteris humanioribus operă dedit Venit ad hoc Collegiu mense Novembri Año Dni 1616 años natus 18. Ipse simul cu 9 sequentibus sociis per viam a piratis [...... un nished] [L.P.E. 260]

353. Guls Hargravius als Hartus admissus est in Collegiu cũ sadicto et [in eadem causa cu illo fuit scored]. [2] [dis scored] Roman discessit .

Gulielmus Hargrauius alias Hartus venit simul cu pdicto Natus est in ProuinciaLancastrensi Parentibushonestis Patre vero Scismatico , matre Catholica Ipse in fide Catha etiã Patre authore a teneris annis institutus est Gramca rudimenta in variis locis Angliæ sub diuersis ludimagistris degustauit Audomari postea græcis et latinisliteris per quinqueñiu instructus añu ætatis agens 19. missus est ad hoc Collegiu [L.P.E. 261]

* Christopher Warner, als Walpole: son of Roger Warner , ofDocking, Norfolk, by his wife Margery, daughter of Richard Beckham , of Narford, and widow of Christopher Walpole, of Docking ; admitted to the English College, Rome , Oct. 11 , 1617; ordained priest May 16, 1622; sent to England June 19 , 1624; enteredthe Society IHS 1625; died Dec. 1 , 1664. Foley, vi, p 285 ; vii, p. 816

William Hargreaves , als Hart and Holcroft : son of William Hargreaves, als Hart, and his second wifeAloysia [? Holcroft], of Burnley, both of good lineage, and allied with the Towneleys, Banisters, and other ancient Lancashire families; admitted to the English College, Rome, Oct. 8, 1617; ordained priest Dec. 21, 1622; became third President of the English College, Lisbon, Jan. 14, 1634 , but his managementof the College was notsuccessful and in 1637 he was recalled; returned to Rome about 1647 , where he died , Jan. 14, 1660/1 , and was buried in the mortuary ofthe English College there Foley, vi, p 283 ; Gillow, Hist Acc of Lisbon College, p. 208.

354. Thomas Stokerus* venit ad hoc Collegiũ cũ sadictis duobus et licet no cũ illis abierit, aliquot tamen post mensibus no se conformans instituto hujus Collegii demissus est no præstito Juramto. [2] ingressus est Benedictinus.

Thomas Stokeralias Milbeus venit vnã cũ pcedentibus Parentes habet Catholicoset nobiles quib3 pro fide Catha Bruxellis in Brabantia e patria exulantibus ipse ibidẽ natus est vnde postea Audomarz missus post duos años quos in literis humanioribus consumpsit años natus 18. huc appulit et cũ cœteris receptus est in Collegium [L.P.E. 262].

355. Andreas Stone als Joannes Cutbertus Dunelmensis venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadictis et in eadem causa fuit cu duobus prioribus [et simul cũ illis hinc se proripuit scored]. [2] hinc Romam discessit

Andreas Stone alias Cutbertus Dunelmensis venit ad hoc Collegiũ cũ supradictis tribus anu agens 19m parentibus tenuis conditionis [L.P.E. 263] (145)

356. Thomas Rofensis annis natus 20 venit et admissus est cũ sadictis quatuor et [violenter se hinc proripuit scored] cũ sadictis tribus no præstito Juramto. [2] Romam petiit

Thomas Rofensis annisnatus20 venitcus'dictis ad hoc Collegiu parentibus ortus nobilibus et Catholicisstuduitliteris humanioribusAudomari per quinq5 anno3 et huc transmissus [L.P.E. 269].

357. Daniel Blunstonus aliàs Robertus Campianus admissus est in Collegiu cu sadictis quinq3 et cũ no se vellet conformare regulis

* Thomas Stoker, als Milbey : in the account book Lib 2 Gastos is the entry of the viaticum of Thomas Mibbeo [Milbey] to Flanders, Sept. 23 , 1617; he entered the Benedictine Order at Douay; died in London, April 18, 1668. Birt, Obit Book, p. 46.

Andrew Stone , als John Cuthbert, John Fairfax, Andrew Town , and John Stone : born at Easbrow (? Easeby), Yorkshire; admitted totheEnglish College, Rome, Oct. 8, 1617 ; ordained priest Jan. 17, 1621, and sent to England April 19, 1623; entered the Society IHS at Watten in 1634; served the Yorkshire Missions until his death , Aug. 31, 1663. Foley, vi, p 283 ; vii, p. 740

Thomas Rogers , als Rochester : son of Godfrey and Margaret Rogers ; born at Burwell, Cambridgeshire; admitted to the English College, Rome, Sept. 29, 1617; ordained priest Aug. 9, 1620; left on Oct. 12 , 1620 , for Liège, where he entered the Society IHS shortly after his arrival there; was a prisoner for the Faith in 1656, and died Sept. 29, 1657. Foley, vi, p 280; vii, p 666

§ Daniel Blundeston , als Robert Campian: son of Nicholas Blundeston, of Hexgrave, in the parish of Farnesfield, co Nottingham , and his wife Margaret, daughter of Richard Wiseman, of Flingrige, Essex ; left Valladolid on April 30, 1620 (Lib 2 Gasto), and arrived at Douay College, in company with John Lepton, als. Clapton (no 359), May 31 , 1620; ordained priest March 29, 1622 ; professorof theology at Douay College ; went to theEnglish Mission May 15, 1628; was imprisoned for a short time for refusing to take the oath of supremacy; electedto the Old English Chapter, 1649 ; died 1661 . Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath , i, p 251; Chapter List; C.R.S. , x, passim ; xxix , p. 240 .

et instituto hujus Collegii missus est Complutu vt ibi studeret Vnde huc reuersus [permansit scored] juramtů præstitit hujus Collegii sed refractarius cu esset, et no possit sub regula et disciplina viuere dimissus est Duacu

Daniel Blunstonus als Robertus Campianus venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sadictis 4°r parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis Audomari per tres años studuit literis humanioribus et huc ad cursu philosophiæ transmissus añu agens 20 [L.P.E. 264].

358. Thomas Risdon als Gibbons* 21 annos natus admissusest inhocCollegiu cu sadictis et antequã præstitit iuramtu iuxta formulă hujus Collegii missus est Complutu sed huc denuo reuersus illud præstitit

[2] mortuus est An° dni 1621 die [ ....] Julii in hoc Collegio febri etica

[3] Erat magnævirtutis iuuenis, et pacis domesticæstudiosissimus

Thomas Risdon alias Gibbons parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis añu agens 21 venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ s'dictis [L.P.E. 266]

359. Joannes Lepton als Clapton annu agens 20 venitet admissus est in hoc Collegiu cu sadictis et antequam præstitisset Juramtu hujus Collegii missus est Complutu sed huc reuersus illud præstitit et post anu aut eo amplius refractarius cũ esset et no posset sub regula et disciplina viuere dimissus est duacu.

Joannes Clapton als Lepton anu agens 20 venit ad hoc Collegiũ cũ sadictis natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis etc [L.P.E. 267](146)

360. Josephus Couet als Becquet annos natus 20 admissusest in hoc Collegiu cũ sadictis et inventus paru idoneus fini hujus Collegii demissus est antequã iuramtü præstitisset [2] Postea reuersus receptus est in Societatem ut officio fratris Coadiutoris fungeretur.

Josephus Covet als Becquet venit cu sadictis parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis añu agens 18 , studuerat Audomari per 5 anos gramatica [L.P.E. 265].

361. Francz Crathornus § Eboracensis20 annos natus admissusest cu sadictis in hoc Collegiu adolescens valde cervicosus et proinde

* ThomasRisdon, als Gibbons : not identified See C.R.S. , xxix, p. 240

John Clapton, als Lepton: son of William Clapton; went to Douay College in company with Daniel Blundeston (no 357), April 30, 1620; called thence by his parents, he went to England, Dec. 15, 1620; C.R.S. , x, pp 178 , 182; xxix, p 240

Joseph Becket, als Covet : possibly a relative of William Covert (no 190): left Valladolid in 1617; enteredthe Society IHSat Cordova A George Coueth [Covet] was ordained priest at Seville and left there in May, 1608 Foley, vii, p 44; Seville Account Book (Lib 4).

§ Francis Crathorne: born at Ness Hall, Yorkshire; brother of John Crathorne (no 259); Birt asserts that he entered the Society IHS and afterwards left; took the Benedictinehabit at Douay, 1620; was sent to the English Mission and worked in the south of England; died at Comerford House , Warwickshire, April 19 , 1667. Birt, Obit Book, p. 45 .

remissusest Hispalimvbi habet fratre sacerdotemnostræsocietatis ut eius consilio et suasu ad meliore frugem reduceretur [2] sed postea ordine St Benedicti ingressus est ano 1620 .

Franco Crathornannos natus 19 venit ad hoc Collegiu cu s dictis parentibus media sortis et Catholicis[L.P.E. 268].

362. Robertus Florus als Corbingtonus* venit cu sadictis decem et simul cu illis admissus est in hoc Collegiu et post vnu anu ob aduersam valetudinem Audomaropolim remissus est [2] postea finitis in Collegio Hispalensi cursu philosophico & theologico Sacerdos factus in Belgioingressus est Societatem. [3] et in messe Anglicana obiit

Robertus Florus annos natus 18 venit ad hoc Collegiũ cũ sadictis decem sociis parentibus ortus media sortis et Catholicisper quatuor annos studuerat Audomari literis humanioribuset postea huc transmissus est [L.P.E. 270]

Anno 1618.

363. Eduardus Spicer alias Sherleus venit ad hoc Collm cu alio socio anno 1618 sed cu esset vir perversi cordis et seminator zizanioru demissus est non præstito Juramto Eduardus Spicer als Sherley venit ad hoc Collegiu Augusti 18 anno 1618 Duaco annis natus 27 a quinq annis vixit in vnitate eccliæ Catholicæ in quam reductusfuit maxe suasu Dni Aynswoorthi qui fuit quondam alumnus hujus Collegii, humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu ob desyderiu quo flagrabat sacris ordinibus initiari, et finem hujus Collegiiassequi [L.P.E. 271].

364. Jacobus Mabs supradicti socius et eiusdem farinæ homo , discessit hic no præstito Juramto et Duaci ingressus est ordine St Benedicti

Jacobus Mabbes annos natus 24 venit ad hoc Collegiu missus Duaco cũ s'dicto socio bacalaureus artiu in [Coll scored] academia Cantabrigiensi , ascitus in gremiu eccliæ per D. Stering als Brown in carcere Clincano ob fidem detentu in gremiu matris eccliæ intromissus humiliterpetiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt ejus fini se conformaret [L.P.E. 272]

* Robert Corby, als Corbingtonand Flower : eldest son of Gerard Corby (afterwards S.J.: see Foley, vii, p. 167) and Isabella Richardson(afterwards a Benedictine nun, who lived to be nearly 100 years old: see C.R.S. , xix, P. 54); born in Dublin ; brother of Blessed Ralph Corby (no 396); entered theSociety IHS 1626; died April 17, 1637. Foley, iii, p 66; vii, p 169

Edward Spicer, als . Searle and Sherley: of Cambridge; had studied at Cambridge University; admitted to Douay College May 9, 1617; was turbulent there and publiclyexpelled June 10 , 1618; the account book Lib 2 Gasto has an entry of his viaticum for England on May 16 , 1619. C.R.S. , x, p 370

James Mabbs : son of William Mabbs, of Leicester; admitted as a sizar at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, April, 1612; matriculated 1612; B.A. 1615-6; admitted to Douay College Aug. 5, 1617; left for Spain, in company with Edward Spicer, June 12 , 1617; received into the Benedictine Orderat Douay in August, 1619; was sent to the English Missionafter 1626 , and after suffering imprisonment, died in Newgate Prison, in chains, July 20, 1641. Birt, ObitBook, p 22 ; C.R.S. , x, p. 136.

1618 .


365. Guls Hatson als Ricardi * venit ad hoc Collmanno 1620 , * cũ aliis 5 sociis et admissus est in hoc Collegiu sed antequã Juramentu præstitisset petiit demitti ut ordine Benedictinoru ingrederetur sed profectus est recta in Angliam vnde vtru egressus fuit denuo no constat

Gulielmus Hatson als Richardi venit ad hoc Collegiu 27 Augusti anno 1618 Cestrensis dioecesis viginti annis natus cũ quinq3 aliis sociis missus Audomaropoli patre heretico matre Catholica exercuit per quatuor annos Londini mercaturam sed veniens ad carcerem nova Porta Londini inciditin sacerdotes qui ei persuaserunt fidem Catholicam et a Patre Franco Yongo societatis Jesu hujus quondam Collegii missus est Audomaropolim inde hoc petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu ut indoneus fieret operarius Anglicanæ messis [L.P.E. 273]

366. Thomas Pennant alias Mostin admissus est in hoc Collegiũ [cum] supra dicto sed cũ esset refractarius et male morigeratus expulsus fuit ex hoc Collo no præstito Juramto postquam vnũ annu in eo perseverasset .

Thomas Pennant als Moston 19 natus de flintsheere in Wallia & nobilibus ortus parentibus et Catholicis venit Audomaro missus ad hoc Collegiu cu sadicto et aliis 4°r sociis in catholica fide educatus est et missus a parentibussuis Audomaruad avunculusuu PatremThomam Conwayu Societatis Jesu ibide tu comoranteet post trienniu huc missus est petiit admittiin hoc Collegiuvt se ejus fini aptu redderet. [expulsus est ex hoc Collo no pr . stito Juramento in another , contemporary, hand .] [L.P.E. 274.]

367. Andreas Neusham alias Woorthington admissus est cu priori et cũ eo simul ejectus proptereasde causas .

Andreas Neusham alias Woorthingtonus annos natus 19 aut circiter venit ad hoc Collegiu sadictis 4or et alio socio patria Lancastrensis ortus parentibus media sortis et Catholicis vixit Audomari tribus annis et huc transmissus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegium ut sese ejus fini conformaret [eiectus est ex hoc Collegio Juramento no p'stito In same hand as addition to last entry ] [L.P.E. 275.]

368. Thomas Haberleus§ venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadictis duobus admissus in illud præstitit Jurtu hujus Collegii anno 1619, 29 decembris

* William Hatson, als Richards: not identified . The account book Lib. 2 Gasto has the entry of the viaticum of William Ricardo [Richards] to Flanders on May 3, 1619

* This is a slip of the pen for 1618

ThomasMostyn, als Pennant : probably son of John Mostyn, of the Mostyns of Talacre, and his wife Frances , daughter, of Edward Pennant; his unclewas Fr. ThomasPennant, als Conway, whose mother wasa Conway; Thomas Pennant, als Mostyn, of St. Asaph, from Valladolid , was admitted to Douay College, Nov. 13 , 1619 ; ordained priest Feb. 24, 1625 ; went to England April 16, 1625. C.R.S., x, passim ; Foley, iv, p 334; vi, p. 231 Andrew Newsham , als. Worthington : admitted to Douay College, from Valladolid , Nov. 13, 1619; ordained priest Feb. 23, 1625 ; went to England April 28, 1625. C.R.S. ,x, passim. § ThomasHabberley: notidentified ; possibly a brother of John Habberley, als Green (no 384)

[2] et tandem Sacerdos missus est in Angliam.

Thomas Haberleus 18 annos natus venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ s'dictis duobus et aliis 3 sociis Elienssi dioeceseos ortus parentibus media sortis et Catholicis, transmissus a patre suo vna cu fratre [Aud scored] Antwerpiam ad avunculu suu sacerdote qui interventione Pis Jois Blacfani misit eu Audomaropolim vbi per duos annos cu dimidio comoratus est et huc missus humiliter petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu vt sacerdos factus mitteretur in messe Anglicană [L.P.E. 276]

369. Thomas Durandus alias Huntus * admissus est in hoc Collegiu vna cu sadicto et eodem tempore præstitit Juramtu hujus Collegii, [2] absoluto cursu phylosophico missus est [in Angliam scored ad nouitiatu above], An° Dñi 1621 , mense 7bris cu fře Thoma Wersleo .

Thomas Huntus als Durandus venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ s'dictis tribus et aliis duobus sociis annos natus 21. nobilibus natus parentibus eisq Catholicis per avunculu suu patrem Societatis missus est Audomaru vbi per annũ comoratus est patria Lecestrensis, petiit humiliter admitti in hoc Collegiu vt ejus fine sacerdos factus assequretur. [discessit ad nouitiatu An° 1621 mense 7bris cufre Thoma Herueo in same hand as addition to last entry but one ] [L.P.E. 277.] (148)

370. Ricardus Frostus alias Tomsonus admissusest inhocCollegiu vna cũ sadictis duobus et cũ eisdem simul præstitit Juramtu hujus Collegii

[2] audita philosophia et 1° anno theologiæ discessit in Belgium ut ibi nomen daret Societ¹ Jesu [3] in quam admissus est anno 1621 .

Ricardus Frostus als Tomsonus 18 annos natus parentibus media sortis eisq Catholicis venit ad hoc Collegiũ cũ sadictis 5. missus Audomaru suasu parentu ibi per vnũ annũ vixit petiit admitti in hocCollegiuob desyderiuquo flag[r]abat sacerdotiiquo munitus exire in votis habet in messeAnglicanã. [Pstitit Collegiiiuramentz & postea in Societatem admissus est leodii transacto cursu philosophico. In same hand as additions to numbers 339-351 . All further additions to end of register are in this hand ] [L.P.E. 278.]

Anno 1619

371. Francz Fosterus§ admissus est in hoc Collegiu die 17 octobris

* Thomas Durand, als Hunt: entered the Society IHS in 1621 , and died at Ghent, Sep. or Dec. 14 , 1633. Foley, vii, p. 216 ThomasWorsley, als Hervey, was the son of John Worsley, oftheIsle of Wight, and his wife Leonora Hervey, daughter of Sir Thomas Hervey; admitted to the Society IHS at Antwerp Sep. 30, 1614; from that date until 1628 Foley has a break in his biography It is uncertain when he came to Valladolid Foley, vii, p. 864 .

Richard Thompson , als Frost : a native of Derbyshire; entered the Society IHS 1621; was sent to the English Mission in 1631; died probably about 1644. Foley, vii, p 771 .

§ Francis Foster: a native of London; entered the Society IHS 1622; in 1650 was declared Provincial ; died Oct. 7 or 9, 1653. Foley, vii, p 273 .

anno 1619. fecit Juramentum hujus Collegii die 22 Junii anni 1620.

[2] [mortuus est in hoc Collo mense 7bris An Dni 1621. receptus in Soctem Jesu in articulo mortis scored] absoluta philosophia

[3] [quam totam cum summo applausu defendit in margin, in 3rd hand].

[2] decesit in Belgium et ingressuse ibi in Societem Jesu.

[3] In qua Rectorem egit domus Probationis Watenensis: deinde Præpositum, Prouincialem Angliæ. Interfuit Congregationibus Generalibus 9 et 10. In qua Secretarius totius Congregationisfuit electus

Francz Fosterus anũ agens 18 venit ad hoc Collegiu 10 die Octobris 1619 cu aliis octo sociis missus Audomaro parentibus nobilibus patre schismatico matre catholica, hic egressus est sexennis ex Anglia et vixit cũ materno avo Audomaropoli, et duodennis receptus est in alumnu illius collegii vbi absoluit studia humanioru literaru, et huc missus petiit admitti in hoc Collegiu die et mense vt sa . [ingressus est Societatem ] [L.P.E. 279.]

372. Francz Noricius * venit ad hoc Collegiũ cũ sadicto cu eo simul admissus est et eodem ipso die præstitit Juramentu.

[2] Mortuus est in hoc Collo mense sepbři An° 1621. acceptus in Soctem Jesu in Articulo mortis

Francs Norrisealias Morganus venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sascripto socio et 7 aliis annu attingens 19m parentibus media sortis et Catholicis incepit in Anglia studere literis humanioribus et postea Audomarū missus ibi per tres annos eisdem adictus studiis hæsit, huc missus petiit admitti promittens se accomodare fini hujus Collegii [ingressus ......][L.P.E. 280]

373. Thomas Brigeus admissus est in Convictu hujus Collegii die 17 octobris anno 1619 et die 22 die Junii anno 1620 præstitit Juramentu [2] [Postea dimissus est e collegio ob prauos mores et rediit in Angliam scored].

Thomas Brigeus als Streetus venit ad hoc Collegiu cu sadictis duobus comitibus anu agens 20m natus vtroq3 parente nobili et Catholico, hic animo semper Catholicus fuit licet in tenera ætate ecclesiam hereticoru frequentauerit, missus est ex Anglia per Pm Joanně Salisburiu Societatis Jesu Audomaru vbi per duos años literis humanioribus studuitet huc missus petiit humiliter admitti in hoc Collegiu desyderans ejus fine se coaptare [L.P.E. 281].

* Francis Norris, als Morgan : not identified. Thomas Street, als Bridges : son of Thomas Street, of Gatertop, co Hereford; his viaticum is in the Lib 2 Gasto on April 23, 1622; was admitted to Douay College as a convictor Nov. 22, 1622; ordained priest Dec. 28 , 1624; left for England Jan. 17 , 1625; elected to the Old English Chapter in 1661; died 1685. C.R.S. , x, p 206; Chapter List But see A Chapter Necrology (C.R.S. , iii, p 98), wherea priest named Thomas Street, of Herefordshire, is stated to have died in Nov., 1670


374. Francz Pultonus alias Ægidius Palmerus* admissus est in convictu hujus Collegii vna cu sascriptis tribus et cũ eisdem simul præstitit Juramtū

[2] absoluta philosophia discessit in Belgium ibiz ingressus e . in societem Jesu anno 1621

Ægidius Pultonus Northamptoniensis añu agens 19 cu appulit cu 5 supradictis et aliis sociis natus Pe Schismatico matre Catholica studuit literis humanioribus in Anglia et a Pe Joanne falconero missus est Audomaru ubi admissus est in gremiu eccliæ et studuit per tres años huc transmissus petiit admitti spondens se quanto diuina gratia adjuverit conformaturu fini hujus Collegii [ingressus est Societatem ] [L.P.E. 284.]

375. Guls Sutheron alias Smith admissus est in convictu hujus Collegii die 170 octobris anno 1619 et 22 Junii anni 1620 præstitit Juramentum.

[2] in hoc Colegio factus est Sacerdos & finito sepo ingressus est Societatem in Belgio

Gulo Sutheron alias Smith Staffordiensis annos natus 25 venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sadictis 7 sociis nobilibusnatus parentibuseisq Catholicis et ipse semper Catholicus eductus est ex Anglia per Patre fosterū sacerdote ordinis diui Bendicti et Audomari constitutus vbi per quatuor años vixit, in Anglia excomunicatus ab hereticis nonnihil passus est, huc appulsus statuit ecclesiasticũ statu induere et conformare se plane fini hujus Collegii [ingressus est Societatem . [L.P.E. 286.]

376. Joannes Sanford alias Nevillus admissus est in convictu hujus Collegii die [17 over 27] octobris anno 1619 et die 22 Junii anni 1620 præstitit Juramtu . [2] factus est Sacerdos in Colegio Duacensi: et inde in Angliam missus

Joannes Samford alias Nevillus Lancastrensis añu agens 18 venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ s'dictis 8 sociis nobilibus ortus parentibus eisq Catholicis missus est Audomaru per auunculu suu patre Societatis Jesu hic plane statuit se ecclesiasticæ vitæ se consecrare et adaptare se fini hujus Collegii [L.P.E. 287]

Giles (Francis) Poulton, als Palmer : eldest son of John Poulton , of Desborough , Northants , and his wife Frances , second daughter of John Wollaston, of Rinslip, co Middlesex, and Rowington, co Warwick ; the account book Lib 2 Gasto has the entry of his viaticum on April 16 , 1622 , where he is called William Palmer; entered the Society IHS in 1622; died in the Suffolk District Nov. 20, 1666. Foley, vii, pp 565, 622

William Smith, als Sutheron : a native of Staffordshire; entered the Society IHS 1625; sent to the English Mission 1629 ; died, probably in Worcestershire , Sept. 13 , 1658. Foley, vii, p 721

John Sale, als Neville and Sandford : was admitted as a convictor to Douay College Sept. 14, 1624; ordained priest at Cambray Oct. 4, 1625; went to England Nov. 16, 1625. He was probably son of William Sale , of Hopcar, in Bedford, co. Lancaster, by Anne, daughter of Sir John Neville, of Liversedge, co York, whose fourth son was Edmund Sale, als Neville, S.J. C.R.S. , x, passim ; Gillow, Bibliog Dict. Eng Cath, v, p 467 .


377. Joannes Sidleus alias Jacobi* admissusest in convictu hujus Collegii die 17 Octobris anno 1619 [2] discessit in Angliam cũ P. Hardingo, mense Augusti Ano dñi 1621

Joannes Sidleus alias Jacobi anu agens 19 venit ad hoc Collegiu cũ sadictis tribus natus parentibus nobilibus et Catholicis multa pro fide passis ipse semper vixit Catholicus . Audomari vixitperaliquot años underhuc transmissus admitti petiit ad convictũ hujus Collegii no certus de statu eccliaco iniendo, sperans tamen quod Deus ei hunc animu ingeret [L.P.E. 282]

378. Ricardus Alanus admissusest in convictu hujus Collegii die 17 octobris anno 1619 . [2] discessit e Collo [initio scored] Anno 1620, mense Octobris cu Personio

RicardusAlanus 25 annoru Salopiensis natus patre Catholicoet matre schismatica plebeiæ sortis studuit in Anglia literis humanioribus in scholis ruralibus postea Oxoniu missus post 4 annoru studiu in dialectis et philosophicis impensufactus est baccalaureus, et casu in schismarinas partes invectus congressus est cũ Patre Joe floydo Societatis Jesu a quo in gremiũ ecclesiæ Catholicæ transmissus est et missus cũ s'dictis 4°r et aliis sociis ad hoc Collegiu humiliter admitti petiit spondens se diuina adjuvante gratia coaptaturu fini hujus Collegii [L.P.E. 283]

379. Guls Clode alias Personius Collegii die 17 octobris anno 1619. admissus est in Convictu huius [2] Discessit a Collegio Ano dni 1620, mense Octobri

Gulo Clode als Personius Lincolniensis 19 añu ætatis agens parentibus mediæ sortis et schismaticis venit ad hoc Collegiu cu supradictis 6 et aliis sociis vixit Audomari per quinque annos vbi humanioribus studuit literis et huc appulsus petiit admitti in convictu hujus Collegii nondu planè animo complectens eccliãcam vitam sed sperans deu hoc illi cũ temporeinspiraturu spondens interim quietă hic quiete vitam agere [The last phrase is merely scrawledand the wordquiete is in the left margin.] [L.P.E. 285.]

Anno 1621 .

380. Georgius Gorsuch alias Talbottus § admissus est in alumnum huius Collegii anno Dñi 1621, fecitq3 iuramentum eodem anno festo D. Thomæ Cantuariensis absoluta philosophia decessit hinc Duacz [2] Sacerdos .

John Sidley, als Jacobs or James : in the account book Lib. 6 Recibo is an entry: " Dec., 1622: Received from the mother of John Sidley 800 reales for her son's keep, of which I had lent him 214 reales when hereturned to Flanders and 160 reales afterwards when he returned to his mother. "

Richard Allen : matriculated at St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, Dec. 16 , 1608 , aged 17; B.A. Jan. 31, 1613-4. Foster, Alum Oxon .

William Clode, als Persons : not identified

George Gorsuch , als Talbot : son of Ralph Gorsuch , probablyof Gorsuch Hall, Scarisbrick, Lancs See C.R.S., vi, p 299

Georgius [Gorsuch halfscored andcorrected above] filius Radalpi Gorsuch Armigeri et Catholici appulsus est ad hoc Collegiu Anno Domini 1621 ob ætate pvectiore expleto 2° anno philosophiæsacros ordines suscepit et Sacerdos factus est, hic nomine Georgii Tolboti vocatus est. habuit annos 33 qdo venit ad Collegium [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam.] [L.P.E. 258.]

[The following is on a slip pasted in Series III, leg 45, lib 4, p 101.] flor st d

St Omers hath disbursed for the College of Valladolid for the mission of the yeare 1621 videlicet richard Busbye, John Haberlie, Georg Simson, Christopher Geruison , Ja: Goodwin, ThomasSanderson, Richard Chamley,Ja: Euerard, NicolasNewman, Jo: Blewett, Tho: More,Edw: lutton theyrhalfe charges amount to 300 fl: Thereis noe doubt of the nyne first which cometh to for the mission of the yeare 1623 viz: richard White , And: fitton, rich: West, John Drury, Gilb Allen, Jas Cheyne , Tho Kellie , John Johnson for the mission of the yeare 1625. Jo: Sanchy, fran. Bekwith, Tho Clauering, Jo: ffountaine, Tho: Greene , Edw Richardson, Georg Hudshon ffleos Viaticum27 March 1626 forthemissionofthe yeare 1627 for John Streete

St Omers hath receiued for the College of Valladolid for soe much receiued of Edward Haughtons mony, all charges being discharged , and is here made good vnto him vpon the accompt of Valladolid he went the yeare 1623 for soe much receiued for Peter tyndall, whoe went in the yeare 1625 , andis madegood to him , the mony beingsent after hys departure for soe much receiued for John Streete whoe departed hence inthe yeare1627 , andis to be madegood to him inthisan"

In case John Streete doe make good vnto his Viaticum as I haue demandedit of him , I will allowe you the 25 flor. charged vpon you on the other syde [Richard Busby: does not appear under this name in the Lib. Alumnor A person of this name, native of Yorkshire , born 1595, entered the Society IHS 1623 , and was ordained priest 1627; sent to the Yorkshire Mission 1631; died April 8, 1648. Foley, vii, p 106 Andrew Fitton is probably an alias of Andrew Biddulph (no 401) Gilbert Allen is Francis Allen, als Gilbert Leeke (no 405) James Cheyne is Maurice Harenden (no 398) John Johnson is George Watson (no 400) Ofthe missionof 1625 John Sankey, FrancisBeckwith, ThomasClavering , John Fountain and George Hudson cannot be identified with certainty in the Lib Alumnor . Fr. Leo is William Badduley, als Lee (no 339) John Street is John Rigby(no. 416).]


381. Jacobus Everardus admissus in alumnu huius Collegii anno Dñi 1621. fecit iuramtu in festo D. Albani aº Dñi 1622, absoluta phiã et theologia factus est sacerdos et discessit in Angliam anno 1628. sustentavit publice actũ in theologia.

Jacobz Eurardus filius Gulielmi Eurardi nobilis et Catholici educatus est Audomari Bruxellis et Antwerpi studuit poesi Audomari Natus est annos 17. Sumpsit iuramentum [Ecclesiæ scoredCollegii above] medio anno post ingressu [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam ] [L.P.E. 289.]

382. ChristopherusGeruisonus admissus estin alumnu huius Collegii ao Dñi 1621 , et præstitit iuramtum in festo D. Tho Cantuariensis eiusdem anni, absolvit cursum theologicu post philosophicum et discessit sacerdos in Angliã anno dñi 1628. sustentavitpublicè actu in theologia

Christopherus Geruisonus aliàs Christopherus Smith Eboracensis filius Geruisii Smith plebei studuit Audomari p vnu annu, annos habet 19 , sumpsitiuramentu Collegii aliquot mensespostingressu [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam ] [L.P.E. 290.]

383. Richardus Stanleus als Sayer admissus est cum supa dictis in alumnu huius Collegii et præstitit iuramtum in festo D. Albani aº Dñi 1622. absoluto cursu philosophico decessit hinc in Belgium, ibiqz admissusest in societem Jesu.

Richardus Sayer alias Standley Eboracensis filius ffrancisci Sayer nobiliset aliquandoScismatici Conversus estad fidea Patre Gulielmo Browne ex Societate Jesu et missus est Audomaru ubi tres fere annos studuit, natus est annos 26 expleto 2° anno philosophiæ Sacerdos efficitz [Sacerdos ingressus est Societatem in Belgio ] [L.P.E. 291.]

384. Joannes Haberleus§ admissus est in alumnu huius Collegii anno Dñi 1621 , præstititq3 iuramentumin festo immaculate conceptionis B. V. Mariæ eiusdem anni absoluto cursu philosophico decessit in Belgium ibiq; ingressusest societem Jesu. [2] Et in eadem Leodii [aut scored] ante absolutam Theologiam obiit

Johannis Habberleus alias Johannis Greenus Norfolciensis filius Antonii Greeni mediocris sortis semp Catholici Audomari studuit vnde huc appulsus est, annos 19 habens sumpsit iuramentu tribz mensibus post ingressu [L.P.E. 292].

James Everard, son of William Everard, probably of Great Linstead, Suffolk; died, in Suffolk , Oct., 1675. C.R.S., iii, p 102

Christopher Smith, als. Gervison : son of Jarvis Smith , probably of Brighton, Harthill, Yorks Peacock, Yorkshire Catholics , p 134 .

Richard Sayer, als. Stanley: of York; son of Francis Sayer; the account book Lib 2 Gasto has the entry, on April 7 , 1624, of the " viaticum offive students who went to Flanders: Fr. Stanley, John Hauerleo[Habberley, no 384], John Neuleo[Neville, no 376], Sanderson [no 391]and Goodwin [no 392]. " All, with the exception of John Neville, went to Watten , and there entered the Society IHS Foley, vii, p 734

§ John Green, als Habberley, of Norfolk; son of Anthony Green; died at Liège in his theology, March 11 , 1630. Foley, vii, p 325 ,

385. Thomas Smith ats Jues * admissus est in alumnum Collegii anno 1622 , eodemq3anno præstitit iuramentumin festo D. Albani. audito primo anno philosophiæ ultimum diem feliciter obiit

Thomas Smith aliàs Thomas Jues filius Antonii Jues conditione plebea Bucchinghamiensis studuit Oxoniæ in Collegio ibi, conversus est ad fide a Patre ffisheroSocietatis Jesu p que huc missus est immediate ex Anglia, annos habuit 20 plus minus, admissus est in Alumnu Collegii tribz mensib3 post ingressu, egregie navauit operă literis et virtuti, expleto 2° anno philosophiæ post exercitia spiritualia [post scored above] 8 dies facta et generali confessione conscientiã expurgată incidit in morbu et die [..] fælisissime obiit, exemplo fuit toto Collegio in pietate, devotione et humillitate . [The above and the two following entries are out of chronological order ] [L.P.E. 293.]

386. Guliemus Martius admissus est in alumnum et præstitit iuramentum cum supradicto Thoma Smith studuit philosophiæ per vnum annum. deinde casibus consciez et post annum obtinuit facultemeundi in Angliamcum promissiõe ulteriusstudendi Duaci

Gulielmus Marsh aliàs Edmundus Coales filius Johannis Coales Barchensis fuit aliquandominister in Anglia, studuit Oxoniæ in Collegio Corporis Christi, et initiatus est Bachalaurius , conversus est ad fide a Patre ffyshero et pillu ad hoc Collegiu missus, habet annos 24 , studuit primo anno dialecticæ, 20 et 3° dedit operă casib3 Conscientiæ et Controuersiis , factus est Sacerdos 2° anno post ingressu in Collegiũ . [missus est in Angliam ] [L.P.E. 294.]

387. Petrus Polus admissus est in alumnum huius Collegii anno Dňi 1622 , eodemq3 anno solus præstitit iuramentum . studuit philosophiæ et theologiæ per vnum e alterum annu et factus sacerdos missus est in Angliam

Petrus Polus alias Thomas Walfridus filius Griffini Walfridi Studuit aliqdo Catabrigii postea vixit cu auunculo Londini vbi conuersz ĕ ad fide a Patre fishero et miss3 ad hoc collegiu imdte ex Anglia An° doi 1622. natz e annos 25. studuit in Anglia literis humanioribg et hetfratreex Socte qui huiz collegii aliquando etiã Alum3 fuitet vocabatz Tho Polus vterq3Wallus nationecomitatus Carnaruensis, parentes media sortis fuerunt [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam.] [L.P.E. 295.]

388. Thomas Morus ats Thomas Hodsonus§ admissus est in alumnu huius Collegii aº Dñi 1621, præstitit iuramtum in festo D. Albani

Thomas Jues [? Hughes ], als. Smith : of Buckinghamshire; son of Anthony Jues; not traced at Oxford

Edmund Coales, als William Marsh : of Berkshire; son of John Coales; not traced in the Oxford registers Fr. Fisher is Fr. John Percy, als Fisher and Fairfax . Foley, vii, p. 585 .

Thomas Walford or Walfrid, als. Peter Pole: son of Griffin Walfrid; brother of no 326; not traced with certaintyat Cambridge There was a Thomas Walford, who graduated B.A. from Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1622-3

Thomas Hodson , als More : born at Dracot, co Staffs.; son of Ellis Hodson; for the uncle see Foley, vi, p 217 ; vii, p 363

anni sequentis. absolvit cursu philosophicũ et theologicu et sacerdos decessit in Angliamanno dñi 1628.

Tho Morusalias Tho Hodsong Staffordiensis annoru 20, natus in oppido Dracotz filius Elisii Hodsoninobilis, schismaticus fuit vsq3 ad annu [20 scored] 16 postea ouersus ad fide opera patrui sui qui erat ex Socte, miss3 e ex Anglia ad hoc Collegiu a PPbz Soct studuit in Anglia literis solü humaniorib3 patruus eius vocabatur Thomas Hodsong alias Thomas Smith [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam ] (L.F.E. 296.] (152)

389. Richardus Chamleus alias Babthorpe * admissus est in alumnum huius Collegii ao Dni 1621 et præstitit iuramentum in festo D. Tho Cantuariensis eiusdem anni. postea petiit dimitti, et rediit in Angliam

Richard3Chamleus alias Bapthorpfilius Rodulphi Bapthorpet franscesci Hunton vterq3 nobliset catholicz, eboracēsis, annoru 24 missus est ad hoc Collegiu cũ missione Audomarensi a Ro Patre Rich: Blondo diuersas terras peregratus est Galliã Se Belligiã Lothoringiã et Italiã studuit paru in collegioAudomaresi sumpsit iuramětu huius collegii sed incostantiævertigine laborans petiit dimitti, et reuersus est in Angliã [L.P.E. 297].

390. Georgius Simsonus admissus est in alumnu huius Seminari anno Dñi 1621, et præstitit iuramtum in festo D. Albani aº Dñi 1622. absolvit vtrumq3 cursu tu philosophicũ tu theologicu et sacerdos missus e in Angliã anno dñi 1628 1º Martii

Georgius Simpson3 alias Gargrauus annoru 23 Dulhamnensis filiz [Johannis in same hand as the addition ] Gargravi vterqz parens hereticus ouersus est ad, fide ab auuculo suo cũ esset natus annos 15. quocüq3 vixit p 4* annos Deinde missus e Audomaruvbistuduit 4 annis inde venit ad hoc collegiu sumpsit iurametũ collegii post aliquot menses et in 20° anno cursus physophi sacerdos factus est [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam.] [L.P.E. 298.]

391. Thomas Sandersonus [† Holland above, in 2nd hand]admissus est in alumnum cum supradictis aº Dñi 1621 et sumpsit iuramtum in festo D. Tho Cantuariensis eiusdem anni, finita philosophia ingressusest societem in Belgio. [2] et absolutis studiis missus est in messem Anglicanam. In quo año 1642 , Dec. 22 martyrio [affect scored] coronatus est. Tho Sanderson alias Holland3 Lancastrensis filiz Rich: Hollandi nobilis et Catholici annos het 19. Studuit Audomari literis

* Richard Babthorpe , als Chomley : of Yorkshire ; son of Ralph Babthorpe and his wife Frances Hunton [? Hungate] A Richard Chomley, of Bransbie, Yorks , secretly married Mary Hungate, daughter of William Hungate, of Saxton, Yorks.; at Saxton, too, was a Ralph Babthorpe, recusant. Peacock , Yorkshire Catholics in 1604, pp 25, 121 .

George Gargrave , als Simpson : of Durham; son of John Gargrave Blessed Thomas Holland, als Sanderson : martyr; entered theSociety IHS at Watten 1623; went to England 1635; was arrested Oct. 4, 1642 , committed to the New Prison and transferred to Newgate; was hanged at Tyburn, Dec. 12/22 , 1642

humanioribus inde ad hoc collegiu missus est sumpsit [iuramentu above]aliquot mesespostingressu [ingressus societatem in Belgio.] [L.P.E. 299.]

392. Jacobus Goodwinus ats Middlemorus* admissus est in alumnu huius Collegii et præstitit iuramtum cum supradicto Thoma Sandersono , et cum eodem ingressus est societem in Belgio finita philosophia

Jacob3 Godwinz alias Richard3 Midlemorus filius Gulielmi Midlemori armigeri scismatici Staffordiensis annos het 17. semp fuit Catholicz Studuit Audomari aliquot annos inde huc missus est sumpsit iuramětů collegii tribus fere mensibus post ingressu [ingressus est societatem in Belgio .] [L.P.E. 300.]

393. Joannes Bluettus atias Collinus admissus est in alumnu seminarii et præstititiuramtumcum duobus vlto supradictis absolvit tu phiam tu theologiam, et theses publicas in theologia defendit, sacerdos hinc decessit anno dñi 1628 , animo ingrediendi in soctem in Belgio [2] Et reipsa ingressusest

Joannes Bluet als Joannis Collinus filius Nicolai Collini nobilis Staffordiensis Parentes habuit catholicos , ipsemet vere diu vixit schismaticus , conversus est ad fidem à D. [? Inne] presbyteroannos het 20 , missus e ad hoc collegium immediate ex Anglia per R. P. fisherũex societe Jesu, et admissus e in alumnueiusdem. [Sacerdos ingressus est Societatem in Belgio ] [L.P.E. 301.]

394. Edwardus Luttonusalias Elringtonus admiss3 est inalumnum huius collegii anno Dñi 1621 et præstitit iuramentumeodem ao in festo immaculate Conceptionis B.M.V. postea factus dyscolus dimissus est sacerdos e collegio.

Edwardus Luttonus alias Elringtonus Eboracensis natus annos 22 . parentes het nobiles sed hæreticos ut et reliquos cognatos studuit #aliquando Cantabrigiæ Ad annu ætatis suæ 20 vixit hæreticus , postea a Patribus Societatis ecctiæ reconciliatus fuit, vixit aliquo tempore Lovanii, et ibi annu unũ philosophiæ audivit, inde ad hoc

Richard Middlemore , als. James Goodwin: of Staffordshire; son of William Middlemore; Foley hazards a conjection as to his parentagewhich would now seem to be incorrect ; entered the Society IHS in 1623; died in London, Nov. 26, 1667. Foley, v, p 972 ; vii, p 306; Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath , ii, p. 533 .

John Collins , als. Bluet : of Staffordshire; son of Nicholas Collins; entered the Society IHS 1628; was camp missioner for a time; afterwards Procurator at Madrid for the English Jesuits, and for two years Rector of the English College there; was sent to the English mission in 1642, where he remained until his death, in Hampshire, March 12 , 1678. Foley, vii, p. 65; C.R.S. , xxix, passim

Edward Elrington , als Lutton : son of Ralph Elrington, of Ugglebarnby, in Blackamore, co. York , and his wife Thomasine, daughter of Philip Lutton, of Knapton, co York.; was a sizar at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he matriculated at Easter, 1617; his viaticum is entered in the account book Lib. 2 Gasto on July 4, 1624; on Sept. 5, 1624 , he arrived at Douay College, seemingly on his way to England C.R.S. , x, p. 231; Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath., iv, p 353 .

collegiumissus e vnâ cũ missione Audomarensi sumpsitiuramtum aliquot post menses ab ingressu [Postea quod pacem Collegii turbaret eiectus est ] [L.P.E. 302.] (153)

395. Nicolaus Newman alias Scot* admissus est in alumnu huius seminarii et præstitit iuramtum die et anno proxime dicto decessit hinc anno dni 1629, 3° anno suæ thgiæ missus presbyter in Angliam , 22 7bris .

NicolausNewman alias Scot. Sussexiensis annos 22 duos natus, filius Edoardi Scot et Joannæ felton. Parentes nobiles sunt, et exfamilia Winsorum, ambo catholici, multa passi sunt pro religionecatholica, imo profide Catholica rem fere totam familiarem amiserunt, carceres diu perpessi. ab octauo fere vitæ anno legato Hispa S. D. Jacobo de Sarmiento servivit, ab ipso missus .e. Audomaropolim. vbi quinq3 fere annis in Collo Anglicanostuduit, semper fuit Catholicus Audomarohuc missus e et admissus in alumnu Seminariiiuramtum eiusdem præstitit [Sacerdos missus est in An[g]liã ] [L.P.E. 303.]

396. Rodulphus florus alias Corbeus hoc die et anno similiter admissus est in alumnu Seminarii et præstitit iuramtum finito cursu philosophico et primo anno theologiæ decessit in Belgium, ibiq3 ingressus est societem . [2] Et absolutis studiis missus in Angliam [ib scored] Londini anno 1644 , Sept. 7, mortem ob fidem obiit

Rodulphus florus atias Corbeus, filius Gerardi Corbei Eboracensis natus annos 22. parentes habuit media sortis, catholicis, qui multa passi sunt pro fide Catholica . Studuit Audomari in Seminario Anglicano sex fere annos inde missus .e Hispalimvbi ob infirmam valetudinem præcipue oculorgparum admodum mansit, sed cum licentia superioru huc appulit , et admissus .e in alumnu huius Collegii sumpto iuramento tribus circiter mensibus post ingressum [Sacerdos ingressus est Societatem in Belgio.] [L.P.E. 304.]

397. Thomas Tailerus alias Bullokarus admissus est in alumnu huius Seminarii anno Dni 1621 , eodemq3anno in festo D. Thoma Cantuariensis præstitit iuramtum sequenti vero anno profesto Corporis Christi ingressus est ordinem D. ffrancisci in labroxo. [2] Postea Theologiam docuit Segoviæ in Coenobio sui ordinis. Et postea missus in Angliammartyrio ibidem coronatus est año 1643 .

* Nicholas Scot, als Newman: son of Edward Scott and his wife Jane Felton ; his parents were connected with the family of Windsor; Edward Scott, probably his father, was in the Gatehouse prison in 1586; Foley identifies him with a Fr. NicholasLusher, buton slendergrounds; the account book Lib. 2 Gasto has the entryof his viaticum , to Flanders, on May 28 , 1624 . C.R.S. , ii, p 259 ; Foley, vii, pp 468, 545 .

Blessed Ralph Corby, als Carlington, Corbington, and Flower: martyr; brother of the student no 362 ; born, near Dublin, March 25, 1598 ; entered the Society IHS at Watten 1625; went to England about 1631; arrestedat Hampsterly, near Newcastle, July 8, 1644; carried to London and committed to Newgate; hanged at Tyburn, Sept. 7, 1644

Thomas Bullaker, als Tailor : ven martyr ; in 1622 went to the convent of Spanish Franciscan Recollets of El Abrojo, six miles south of Valladolid There he passed his noviceship After professionand ordination he

Thomas Tailerusaliter Bullokarus Cicestriensis parentes habuit nobiles et Catholicos . annos habuit 18. Cicestriæ operam dedit literis per 7annos quatuordecimannorgnatus conversus est ad fidem . missus .e. ad hoc Collegium immediate ex Anglia admissus3 .e in [all scored] alumnum Seminarii , et præstito iuramento per annu fere dedit operam Dialecticæ fuit iuvenis magnæ pietatis et virtutis, ideoq altiorem vitæ statum desiderans Diui Francisci habitum amplexus .e. intrauit in Labroxo q .e insigne monasteriu eorz qui vocantur hispanice (los franciscos recollectos) qui discalceati sunt et meditationi plurimu insistunt [Ingressus est ordinem S Francisci in Hispa] [L.P.E. 305.]

Anno 1623

398. Mauritius Cheneus alias Harenden* venit ad noc collegium anno Dni 1623, eodem anno in festo D. Thomæ Cantuariensis præstitit iuramtum Seminarii, et admissusest in alumnu eiusdem .

Mauritius Cheneus. aliter Herenden Northamptoniensisannos habet 18 parentes eius Edmundz Herenden et Brigitta Evessam vocantur, eorũconditio [mediocrisscored nobilis above in another hand], vterq3 catholicus, fres habet 4 et sorores 6 omnes catholicos studuit litteris humanioribus in Seminario Audomarensi , inde ad hoc Collegium missus est præstitit iuramtum Collegii festo D. Thomæ Cantuariensis proximo post ingressum [mortuus est in hoc Colo Diaconus et receptus in Sõctz in articulo mortis initio 4' añi Theæ .] [L.P.E. 306.]

399. Edwardus [Risleus aliàs above , in 2nd hand] Haughtonus* venit ad hoc collegium cum eodem Mauritio Cheyneo et cum ipso præstitit iuramtum et admiss3 est in alumnu seminarii decessit hinc anno dñi 1629 22 7bris finito 3º anno thgiæ vt admitteretur in Soctem in flandria [2] In quam tamen ob grauia negotia non est admissusante añum 1642 Postea egit Procuratorem in Proua Anglicanæ [Madriti, vbi obiit año 1651. continuedinto margin].

petitioned to be allowed to go to the missions of the West Indies , but was sent to England; landed at Plymouth and was immediately arrested; from Plymouth was sent to the county gaol at Exeter, then taken to London and discharged He worked for a timein the countryand afterwards in London wherehe was again arrestedon Sept. 11 , 1642, committed to the New Prison andthen toNewgate Hewas condemned for his priesthood andput to death at Tyburn, Oct. 12, 1642. Challoner, Memoirs of Missionary Priests

Thomas Cornwallis: was a student pensionerin the College about thistime His name first appears in the Lib 6 Recivo on June 12, 1622, and theaccount is continued until March 21 , 1629. In April, 1630, is an entry to the effect that the debt of Thomas Cornwallis was paid through the procurator of St. Omer's, and alsoa sumof moneywas repaid which had been lent to him when he went away after living in the College for some years as a pensioner . For some accountof the Cornwallisfamily see Jessop, One Generation of a Norfolk House , p. 213 .

* Maurice Harenden , als James Cheyne : son of Edmund Harenden , of Northants , and his wife Bridget Evessam .

Edward Haughton, als Risley : son of John Haughton, of Lancaster; entered the Society IHS at Watten 1641/2; was procurator in Madrid for the English Jesuits, and Rector of the English College there from 1644 until his death, Jan. 8, 1651. C.R.S. , xxix, p. 157 .

Edwardus Haughtonus annor3 21 filius Joannis Haughtoni Lancastrensis, parentes mediæ sortis et catholici studuit literis humanioribus in Anglia, vixit semper schismaticus vsq3 ad 19 annũ vitæ suæ tunc autem conversus est ad fidem p D. Willettum presbyterũ, tandem missus .e Audomaru vbi parum mansit, expectans decessu missionis in Hispaniam admissus in alumnu huius Collegii præstitit iuramtum eodem die ac Mauritius Cheneus supa dictus [Sacerdos missus est in Flandriam vt ingrederetur Soctz a Patribus Soctis ibi et in Anglia ocupatus est ] [L.P.E. 307.]

400. Georgius Jonsonus alias Watsonus* venit cu duobus proximè supadictis, et præstito cum iisdem iuramto in alumnu etiam Seminarii admissus est. [2] mortuus est in hoc Collegio anno 1625

Georgius Jonsonus alias Watsonus filius Ramonis Watson et florentia Songari 26 annos habet ex comitatu Cantiæ parentes mediæ sortis ss et modo catholicimulto vero tempore vixerunt scismati Grauilingis anno 1619 fratri ex ordine diui Fransci præcipue persuadente catholicus factus est reliquu vitæ tempus vixerat scismaticus studuit Audomari duobus annis plus minus. Inde huc missus est et in alumnu admissus, præstitit iurametum collegii vna duobus supra dictis [mortuz e in hoc Colo] [L.P.E. 308.] (154)

401. Andreas Bidulphus venit ad hoc collegium anno dñi 1623 , et in convictumeiusdemadmissusest. [2] postea pstitit iuramentum Alumnorum huius Collegii in festo S. Albani anno 1626. Sacris initiatus missus est in Angliam año 1630

Andreas Bidolphus 18 annoru Staffordiensis parentes het nobiles et catholicos qui multa passa ss pro religione pater vocatur Richardus Bidolphus, mater Anna, Audomari audiuit rhetorică inde huc venit et in conuictore admissus est [Sacerdos missus est in Angliam ] [L.P.E. 309.] [Here the Liber Primi Examinis ends ]

402. Joannes Drureus alias Abingtonus venit ad hoc collegium anno Dñi 1623 et præstito iuramto Seminarii in festo D. Thomæ Cantuariensis in alumnu eiusdem admissus est. [2] discessit in Belgium et ingressus est in Societatem Jesu anno 1626

403. Thomas Kelleus alias Woodward § venit ad hoc collegium

anno Dñi 1623. [2] antequam pstiterit iuramentum obtinuit e Collegio dimitti

George Watson, als (John) Johnson: son of Raymond Watson , of Kent, and his wife FlorenceSongar.

Andrew Biddulph, als Fitton : son of Richard Biddulph, ofthe family of Biddulph, of Biddulph Hall, co Stafford, and his wife Anne; left for England April 28, 1630. Lib Viat (1), p 44d See note to no 380

John Drury, als Abington : born in London, 1600 ; his viaticum is entered in the Lib Viat (1), p 69, on May 1 , 1626; enteredtheSociety IHS in 1626; died in London , May 23, 1663. Foley, vii, p. 211 .

Thomas Woodward, or Woodworth, als. Kelly: arrived at Douay College, with testimonial letters, May 14, 1624 , and was admitted ; ordained priest at Cambray Sept. 24 , 1625; went tothe English Mission Dec. 15 , 1625; elected to the Old English Chapter, 1661; died 1662. C.R.S., x, passim , Chapter List .

404. Richardus Vitus alias Jerningamus* venit similiter ad hoc Seminarium anno Dñi 1623

[2] pstitit iuramentum in festo S. Thomæ Cantuariensis anno 1624 .

[3] Sacris initiatus cum infrascripto Franco Alano simul cum ipso missus est in Angliam .

405. ffranciscusAlanus aliasGilbertus Leeke venit adhoccollegium

anno Dñi 1623 .

[2] pstitit iuramentum cum supradicto Richardo [3] Initiatus e prima tonsura e minoribus ordinib3 Vallisoleti año 1625 Postea [sub above] diaconatu Salmanticæ Diaconatu Segobiæ Presbiteratu Zamorræ his tribus in una quadragessima añi 1629 , et Tandem Sacerdos missus est in Angliã año 1630 gaudens facultatibus consuetis

406. Richardus West alias East venit ad hoc Seminariu anno Dñi 1623

[2] Pstitit iuramentum cum supradictus: [sic] sed ptea demissus est a Colegio ob contumaciam in præceptorem et insignem postea obstinaciam . (155)

407. Joannes Stanleus alias Latham& venit ad hoc Colegium anno Dñi 1623

[2] Pstitit iuramentumcum supradict[is over us] [3] decessit presbyter anno dñi 1629 22 7bris 30 anno thğiæ missus in Angliam directe

Anno 1625 .

408. Joannes Lathomus cuius uerum nomen Thomas Floydus uenit ad hoc Collegiu anno 1625. mortuus est in hoc Collegio antequam iuramentum pŕstiterit

409. Joannes Freemannus uenit ad hoc Collegium anno 1625 přstitit iuramentum in festo S. Albani anno 1626. [2] postea Sacris initiatus ingressus Societatem Jesu in hispania año 1632 13 Aprilis

* Richard White, als Jerningham: not identified . Francis Allen, als Gilbert Leeke : not identified Richard East, als West and Jerningham : admitted to Douay College, June 16, 1628, aged23; son of Richard East, of St. Albans, Herts., but born in the diocese of Salisbury; had studied humanities at St. Omer's College for two years or more, thence was sent to the College at Valladolid for philosophy and theology, from which College he was dismissed after a year or two for some trivial reason ; ordained priest at Arras April 5, 1631; went to the English Mission June 11 , 1632. C.R.S., x, passim § John Stanley, als Latham ; not identified.

Thomas Floyd, als John Lathom ; not identified . John Freeman: from 1632 until Sep. 26, 1660, he was bursar at the English College, Valladolid ; on Oct. 27, 1660, he went, by order ofthe Provincial of Castile, to the College at Santiago de Galicia; in a rough account book (no 8) is the following entryin John Freeman'shand:" On the 20th March, 1654, I owe to my cousin John Sayro [Sayer], who lives in London , 140 silver reales, for two dozen gloves and two boxes of knives which he sent to me to present to benefactors [personas de obligacion ]. " Lib. Viat. (1), p. 140; Lib. 3 Gasto., p 35d



410. Petrus Bilcliffus* in confirmatione Philippus et in hoc Collegio Stillingtonusappellatus uenit ad hoc Collegium anno 1625 et anno 1626 in festo S. Albani iuramentum pŕstitit.

[2] Sacerdos factus mortuus est in hoc Collo Año 1632.

411. Thomas Collingwoodus hic Thomas Forcerus uenit ad hoc Collegium anno 1625 et pštitit iuramentum anno 1626

[2] Sacris initiatus missus est in Angliam año 1632 (156)

412. Thomas Greenus in hoc Collegio Thomas Dorellus uenit et iuramentum pštititin hoc Collegio cum tribus superioribus. [2] vixit hic per duos annos, parumprofecit in litteris ob adversam valetudinem petiit admitti in Societem Jesu in Belgio et missus est eô anno 1627 , 6° Octobris.

413. Joannes Smythus § in confirmatione franciscus atq3 in hoc Collegio Harringtonus appellatus uenit ad hoc Collegium anno 1625 et iuramentum pštitit anno 1626 [2] valde bene profecit in virtute et litteris, oibus erat amabilis. Petiit Societem et in eu finem profectus est in Belgium anno dni 1628


* Peter Bilcliffe, als Tindal, and Philip Stillington : not identified The account book Series III, Leg. 46, Lib. 4, p. 101d, has the following entry: - 1627: The College at St. Omer credits to this College ...... 38 florins in favourof Peter Tindalalias Philip Stillington."

Thomas Collingwood, als Thomas Forcer: not identified . He went to England in April, 1632 (Lib 2 Gasto ) The ancient Catholic family of Collingwood, of Eslingdon, co Northumberland, gave many priests to the Church Gillow, Bibliog. Dict Eng Cath , i, p 543.

ThomasGreen, als Dorell : a native of Kent; enteredthe SocietyIHS at Watten, 1627; on account of scruples he was dismissed , but in 1633 he appears again as priest-novice for a second noviceship; was again dismissed on account of scruples , but died in the noviciate, Aug. 23, 1636 , aged 28 . Foley, vii, p 316


§ John Smith, als Harrington or Harrison : left the College in Sep., 1628 (Lib 2 Gasto ) He seems to be the priest of whom Dodd writes : John Smith, whose true name was Harrison, was born near Liverpool, and being sent to study among Jesuits abroad, became one of that Society. At his return upon the mission his residence was with Mr.Massey, of Wrexen, * near Warrington , Lancs . He had not been long in those parts beforehe was apprehended , tried and condemnedto die In the year 1650, a number of Catholic gentlemen , amongst whom was a Mr. Massey, a younger brother , of Wrexen, rather out of youthful bravado than for the mere purpose of plunder, rifled the parsonage of Winwick , whereof one Mr. Erle was rector. Of the offenders a Frenchman was the onlypersonarrested, but not speaking English they could draw nothing from him. But happening to mention Wrexen the searchers were immediately ordered thither They found Mr. Smithin his chamber, andlooking about discovereda red capwhich was known to belong to Mr. Erle, and which we may suppose was left there by one of thoseconcernedin the robbery. This was judged sufficient groundto suspect Mr. Smith, and not being able to give any satisfactory account by reason of his character (that is, his character or position of a Catholic priest) he was committed prisoner to Lancaster Castle, and at the next assizes was tried, condemned and executed as an accomplice in the aforesaid fact " Dodd, Church History , iii, p. 312; quoted by Foley, i, p. 664

Rixton, Lancs

414. Edoardus Richardsonus in confirmatione Edmondus* atq3 in hoc Collego Wallesius appellatus uenit ad hoc Collegium anno 1625 [2] studuit hic per duos fere annos, ordinatus .e in sacerdotem tandem phrænesi laborans, ad valetudinem recuperandum missus .e. in Belgiu sine viatico regio anno dñi 1628.

415. Richardus franciscus in hoc Collegio Georgius Ardingtonus * appellatus uenit ad hoc Collegium anno 1625 et pŕstitit iuramentum anno 1626 . [2] factus Sacerdos et finito cursu theologico missus est in Anglia año 1632 .

Anno 1627 (157)

416. Joannes Rigbeus, hic Joannes Streete, venit ad hoc Collegium anno dñi 1627. præstititiuramtumin festo StiAlbanianni sequentis Studuit hic duobus annis libertis avidus per medium fere annum decessum meditatus est finxit negotia in Anga Patres tandem paci Collegii consulentesannuerunt eius votis . promisit se studia prosequuturum Duaci In oibus, quibus potuit, occasionibusinimicu socti se monstravit, et sociis de illâ multa falsa suggessit Decessit ab hoc collego sine viatico mense 7bris anni Dñi 1629. [2] factus est Sacerdos Duaci

417. Andreas Kemble, hic Andreas George § venit ad hoc collegiu eodem anno 1627. præstitit iuramtum cu Joanne Streete eiusdem farinæ erat ac ille conspirarunt vterq3 decessum simul, et causam finxerunt eandem , negotia .s in Anga hic .a disciplinæ magis impatiens, accelerato negotio decessit 14 Maii 1629 imperfecto physices anno. dedit illi Collm in viaticu 40 denarios (40 ryalls) cũ vix obolum meruit, quippe qui nullamprorsus ob causam reliquit cursum . quam mendaciter egit o[ste]ndit eventus, vix .n. egressus est collegium, cũ negotiorz anglicanors oblitus iter Ulisipone arripuit, vbi adhuc agit decessitcũ onere iuram¹¹ [2] mortuus est Vlisippone

* Edward Bamber, als Reding, Richardson, Walsh and Wallis : ven martyr ; son of Richard Bamber, of The Moor, in Carlton, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs .; left Belgium for England, but was arrested at Dover and banished; returned again and was in Lancashire in 1631 , but after a time was again arrested, in the neighbourhood of Standish, and committed to Lancaster Castle, but escaped on the way and sought refuge with Mr. Singleton, of Broughton Tower; finally was apprehendedfor the third time and was put to death for his priesthood at Lancaster, Aug. 7, 1646. Challoner , op cit, p. 481 ; C.R.S., vi, p. 183n; Gillow, Bibliog. Dict Eng. Cath., i, p. 122 . Richard Franks, als. George Ardington : notidentified

John Rigby, als. Street and White: son of N. Rigbie of Oxfordshire about 24 yearsofage, was admitted to Douay College andenteredthe grammar class, May 12 , 1624; he was dismissedon Feb. 3, 1625, in company with a theologian, Simon Bals or Bald; readmitted to Douay College Feb. 23, 1630, as a convictor, after having studied logic at Valladolid (theDouay Diary says Seville, in error); ordained priest at Cambray March 6, 1632 (in this entry he is said to be of Chichester ); set off for England June 11 , 1632. C.R.S. , x , passim

§ Andrew Kemble, als Andrew George : not identified. J

418. Joannes Meridalius, hic Joannes Rochester* huc cum præcedentibus appulit, et in festo D. Thomæ Cantuariensis præstitit iuramtum eodem anno. annos habuit, cu venit, 20.

[2] factus sacerdos et finito 2º año Theologiæ missusest in Anglia

419. Richardus Carpinterus, hic Carolus Vincentius , venit ad hoc collegium cu 3bus proxime præcedentibus ao dñi 1627 præstitit iuramtum in festo D. Albani anni sequentis. annos in adventu suo habuit 24. studuerat Cantabrigiæ, in Collo Regio

[2] Initio añi 16301 post inceptam metaphisicã ascito sibi in socio Gulielmo Harto petiit admitti in ordine S Benedicti (post q viderat señ posse obtinere societate) et eo fine pfectus est in Belgiu vbi post aliquot menses adeptu cucullu deseruit Inde Romam missus est ibiqz sacerdos ordinatus ob pace Coll' turbatăexpulsuse et in Anglia missusvbi tandem pvaricatus est.

[3] in morte poenituit (158)

420. Nicolaus Collinus, hic Nicolaus Ashtonus, venit ad hoc Collegium anno dñi 1627 præstitit iuramtum in festo D. Tho : Cantuariensis cu venit ad collm habuit annos 19 . [2] factus Sacerdos et finito cursu theologico missus est in Anglia año 1633 .

421. Amesius Eveleus, hic Petrus Edoardi , § venit ad hoc collegm factus iam sacerdos, studuerat Hispali, anno dñi 1627. hic iterum incepit cursum philosophicum, præstitit iuramtum et adoptus est in alumnum Coll

[2] Postea año 1631 inquietus esse coepit et expulsus est a Collegio.

* John Meridale, als Rochester : in the account book Lib 2 Gasto. is the entry: "Apl , 1633: Viaticum ofFr. JohnRoffensi[Rochester], a student who went to England this month. "

Richard Carpinter, als Charles Vincent : does not appearin theDiary of the English College, Rome, printed in Foley, vi; admitted to King's College, Cambridge, a scholarfrom Eton School, aged 18, Aug. 25, 1623; matriculated 1623; left 1625. He worked on the Mission in England for about a year and then apostatized; joined the Established Church, and had the vicarage of Poling, in Sussex, bestowed upon him, 1638-42 . Later he became an itinerant preacher, but, not meeting with the success he expected, wentto Paris, and, in all appearance , became a new man; but returning again to England he joined the Independents and became " a mere mountebank of religion " Afterwards he took a wife, and resided chiefly at Aylesbury, where he had several relations He was alive there in 1670. Yet towards the end of his life he was reconciled to the Catholic Church, and brought over his pretendedwife to the same Faith Dodd, Church History, iii, p 309.

Nicholas Collins , als. Ashton : Gillow considers he may probably be identical with NicholasGoulden, als NicholasFortescue and FortescueGoulden, son of ThomasGoulden, of Winwick Hall, Lancs. , and his wife Jane; went to St. Omer's College and thence to Valladolid He died in London , May 5, 1676. The account book Lib 2 Gasto credits Fr. Aston with mass stipends in Dec., 1632 , and in the same account book, in April, 1634, is an entry of " clothing for Fr. Bartholomew Philips and Nicholas Aston who went to the Mission. " C.R.S. , vi, p. 10бn .

§ Amesius Eveleigh, als Peter Edwards: he was dismissed from the College in July, 1631 , and went to Madrid, where, in September, he fell seriouslyill and was sentto hospital On leaving Valladolid he had expressed an intentionto enter some religious order C.R.S. , xxix, pp 152-3 , 217

422. Richardus Pueus, hic Bartholomeus Phillipps* venit huccum missione Hispalensi, et ob ægritudemmansit post socios in collegio, appulit huc anno 1626. vix medio anno convaluit , postea studuit domi donec appulerat Missio huius Seminarii anno 1627 , et cum ipsa incepit cursum philosophicum Præstitit iuramtum die festo St Thoma Cantuariensis eiusdem anni. [2] factus sacerdos et finito cursu Theologico missus est in Anglia añ 1633

Año 1629 .

423. Christopherz Seabornus cum quinque sequentibus venit ad hoc Collegiu año 1629 et cum illis pstitit iuramtu in festo S Albani sequentis añi: finito cursu Philosophico decessit in Angliam ob aduersamvalitudinem. Rediit tandem año 1640 et iterum repetita Philosophia et duob3 añis Theologiæ sacerdos missus est in Angliam año 1644 .

424. Thomas Darceus venit cum pcedente et cum ipso pstitit iuramtu absoluto cursu Philosophico et vnico año Theologiæmortuus est in hoc Colo año 1633 .


IHS 1629 (159)

425. Joan Brayus § venit cum duobus pcedentibus et cum ipsis pstitit iuramtu mortuus est in hoc Colo finito 1º año Theologiæ1633.

426. Joan Alexander venit cum tribus pcedentibus et cum illis pstitit iuramentummortuus est in hoc Colo año 1631

427. Thomas Greenus venit cum quatuor superioribus et cum illis pstitit iuramtu mortuus est in hoc Colo año 1632 .

Richard Pugh, als Bartholomew Philips : born 1607; son of Philip Pugh, of Penrhyn, in the Parish of Eglwys-Ross, Carnarvonshire , and his wife[ ] Gaynor or Gwynn The account book Lib. 2 Gasto has the following entry: " Nov. 9, 1626: The College of Seville owes the expenses of the three students, of the mission for Seville which passed throughhere , who fellill and stayedin this house Two of them left on the 9th November, 1626 , the third remains here convalescing" The same account book shows that he was ordained subdeacon , at Ciudad Rodrigo, in Feb., 1633, and in March deaconat Astorga It does not appear when he was ordained priest. He entered the Society IHS in 1633; from 1636 he worked in the Welsh District until his death, about 1645. Foley, vii, p. 596; Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng Cath. , v, p 372 . Christopher Seborne, als Charles Wilford: (see no 466); probably of the family of Seborne, of Sutton, Herefordshire; the account book Lib. 2 Gasto gives the following particulars :-Went to Flanders for reasons of health, April, 1633; was ordained deacon, at Segovia, and priest, at Palencia , April, 1642; went to England, May 27 , 1644. C.R.S., x, p 304n .

Thomas Darcy : possibly related to the recusant Thomas Darcy, of Hornby, Yorks Peacock , Yorkshire Catholics , p 77 . § John Bray : not identified .

John Alexander: not identified

ThomasGreen : not identified

428. Gulielm3 Hartus* venit cum quinque superioribus: et initio añi 1630 in Belgium non pstito iuramto, ut cum Carolo Vincencio 419 ingrederetur ordinem S Benedicti sed meliore auspicio feliciter progressus est.

429. Joannes Mallereus venit post coeteros cum ipsis tamen absouit [sic] cursum philosophicum et duos años Theologiæ quibus finitis factus sacerdos decessit in Angliam et postea in Hibernia ingressusest ordinem S Dominici

Anno 1632

430. Georgius Midletonus vna cum novem sequentibus* venit ad hoc Colegium anno 1632. habuerant magistrum in Philosophia P Ignatium Ilardui, qua finita et vnico anno Theologiæ decessit in Angliam factus sacerdos año 1636.

* These tenstudents brought with them the following testimonial letter, in which , however, the names George Middleton, John Palmer (no 435) and John Buckley (no 438) do not appear. In their places are the names John Williams, Thomas Brown and Edward Wilson

IHS [Original] [Series III: Leg 35.] Gulielmus Baulduinus Collegii Anglorum Soctis Jesu Audomaropoli Rector Beneuololectori in Domino salutem Cum hi decem Nobiles Adolescentes Angli Franciscus Angerus, Joannes Gulielmi, Thomas Taylerus, Thomas Brownus, Gulielmus Andertonus, Johannes Lancastrensis , Odoardus Wilsonus, Franciscus Hungatus, Gulielmus Rislæus et Gaspar Rudous a nobis mittant in Hispaniam, lřis hisce fidem facimus eos hucvsque in Collegio hoc não Anglicano lřis Græcis latinisque haud pœnitendofructu vacasse Qui cum modo destinent a nobis Vallisoletum, vt ibidem in celeberrimo illo Soctis Collegio sublimioribus disciplinis incumbant, omnes per quos transituri sunt in Dno rogamus, vt sicubi eos consilio auxilioue egere contigerit, iisdem christiana charitate adesse velint; In cuius rei fidem has manu nřâ, ac officii sigillo munitas dedimus Audomaropoli è Collegio Soctis Jesu Anglicano XIII Septembris 1632 [signed] Gulielmus Baulduinus [Seal] IHS Rect Coll Anglic Societ Iesv Avdom.


IHS 1632 (160) 431. Gulielmus Risleus§ venit cum pcedente et cum illo pstitit iuramtu año 1633 in festo S. Albani Hic fuit inter turbantes pacem Coll ob delictum Edoardi Veles a quo vocatus est Madritum vna cum Jo Lancastriæ año 1636vt coram Nuncio Aplcocausam coeterorum ageret: indetamen inita qualicunq3 pace receptus est iterum in Colla et factus Sacerdos missus est in Angliamaño 1637

* William Hart : not identified

John Mallery : according to the Lib 2 Gasto he went to England on Feb. 3, 1634 . George Middleton : son of George Middleton, of Leighton, Lancs.; His sister Jane was mother of the student no 437. Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath , iii, p 475. The accountbookLib 2 Gasto says he went to England on April 15 , 1636

§ William Risley: ordained subdeacon at Burgos, March, 1637; [ ? priest hood] at Fromista, June, 1637. Lib. 2 Gasto

432. Gulielm3 Andertonus* venit cum duobus superioribus et cum illis pstitit iuramtu fuit ex pcipuis motoribus turbarum ob quas fere omnes intempestive demissi sunt, et ipse factus sacerdos missus est in Angliam año 1637 vbi magnum constantiæ et charitatis specimen dedit mortuus in carcere post adiutos peste laborantes Londini

433. Francz Angerus venit cum tribus pcedentibus et cum illis pstitit iuramtu et simul cum duobus factus sacerdos missus est in Angliamaño 1637 .

434. JoannesLancastrius venit cum quatuor superioribus et cum illis pstitit iuramta Erupit e Colo cum Risleo vocatus Madritum ab Edoardo Veles vbi mortuus est.

435. Joannes Palmerus§ venit cum quinque superioribus et cum illis pstitit iuramtu finito cursu Philosophico ingressus est ordinem S Dominici Vallisoleti et ibi mortuus est in noviciatu.


IHS 1632 (161)

436. Thomas Taylerus venit cum sex pcedentibus et pstito cum illis iuramto mortuus est in hoc Colo año 1635

437. Francs Hungat3 venit cum septem superioribus et pstito iuramto mortuusest in hoc Colo año 1633 .

438. Joannes Bucleus** venitcumoctopcedentibusetpstitoiuramto decessit in Belgium aduersã perpessus valetudine : regressus tamen estaño 1634et factus sacerdos mortuus est in hoc Collegio.

* WilliamAnderton: son ofWilliamAnderton, ofEuxton, co Lancaster by Isabel, daughter of William Hancock, of Pendle Hall, Lower Higham, co Lancaster; was ordained with William Risley C.R.S., viii, p. 318; Gillow Bibliog Dict Eng Cath , i, p 42 .

* Francis Angier : was ordained with William Risley and William Anderton Lib. 2 Gasto.

John Lancaster: theaccount book Lib 2 Gasto has, in Jan., 1637 , the entry: " 200 reales were paid to Fr. Babthorpe in Madrid, 100 of which were for the funeral expenses of John Lancaster who died there . " The Lancastersheld the manor of Rainhill , Lancs , for many years C.R.S. , vi, p. 139.

§ John Palmer : in one of the account books he is stated to have died in Nov., 1634

ThomasTaylor : not identified

Francis Hungate: son of Sir William Hungate, Knt , of Saxton, co. York, and his wife Jane, daughter of George Middleton, of Leighton Hall, co. Lancaster Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath , iii, p. 475

** John Buckley: the Lib 2 Gasto has, in June, 1633, " the viaticum of John Buckley who went to Flanders ill"; returned to Valladolid Nov. 22 , 1634; there is an entryin the account book Lib 2 Gasto:" Viaticum of Fr. Veles and Fr. Bucleo [Buckley] to be ordained, the first 3 times to Leon and Burgos and the second twice, " in March, 1635. See no. 449 and note to no 450.

439. Gaspar Rodæus * venit cum novem pcedentibis et aduersa vsus valetudine remeauit in Belgium cum P Joanne Roffensi vt iniret Societatem sed non admissus Romam profectus est vbi studiit

440. Paulus Garnettus venit Madrito paulo post reliquos, cum illis pstitit iuramtu finitis tribus annis Philosophiæ et totidem Theologiæsacerdos missus est in Angliam año 1638 .

[The following entry was interpolatedby the writer ofall the other entries on the page.]

[Año 1634 above the original but below the present 441.] 441. Edoardus Velez missus ẽ huc, Ulisipe a P Igno Stafordo8 Junii 1634 audiverat Philosophia et hic dedit opã Theol año 1635

* Gaspar Rudd, als John Pemberton: born 1605, at Boston, Lincs.; sonof Anthony Rudd and his wife Ann Robinson He was the onlysurviving child (1633) of a family of seven sons; received into the Church by Rev. William Ford, then a prisoner in chains in York Castle ; left Valladolid in June, 1633 (Lib 2 Gasto); admitted to the English College, Rome, Nov. 6, 1633; ordained deacon in Feb., 1636, but died of consumption, March 22 , 1636. There were several recusants of this name in Yorkshire, at Danby and Kirkleaventon Foley, iii, p 189; vi, p 336; Peacock, YorkshireCatholics pp 103, 104

Paul Garnet: was ordained subdeaconat Valladolid , and deacon at Leon, in March, 1638, and priest at Palencia in May, 1638 (Lib 2 Gasto).

The surname of this student appears in the books of the College as Veles , Velez and Veliz He was a native of Lancashire, and the name as written might possibly be a Spaniard'sattemptto write either VealeorWells , of which they would be approximately the phonetic equivalent. The disturbance at the College, of which he was the ringleader, was the old political trouble that beganin the first days of the Collegethe policy of Fr. Persons , and of the Jesuits who were of his opinion, to " hispaniolise" the students. There is a long statement of the case (Series II, Leg 3) written in Spanish and signed by Hernando Cortes [Rector], John Bluet [Foley, vii, p 65] Maurice " de Attodo " [? Atwood], Pedro de Arozo and Lawrence Bromfeld [Foley, vii, p 88] The following extracts give the chief points against Edward Veles [tr.]"A Father of the Society of Jesus sent Edward Veles to him from Lisbon to studyin this seminary, thinking he might be capable of a Public Act in Theology. He made good progress, obliging them to ordain him priest before his time, but scarcelyhad he attained this dignity when he threw aside the mask and made himself head of the Lancashire students, of which County he is a native, and treated the rest with great harshness , sothat there is scarcelyanyone who has not some just complaint about his insulting words One day he insulted one of them , telling him he was unworthy of being a student, that he was a rogue who ought to have his ears cut off, at the same time breaking a knifefor whichthe other had asked him The Rector, seeing that this matter was going toofar and that if he did not check him occasionwould be given for greater disturbances, commanded him to acknowledgehis fault, give satisfaction to the person aggrieved and restorethe knife which was another's property, whichin this College is such an ordinary method that it is used when they come late to litanies or Mass But he became so obstinate that it was impossibleto make him agree to acknowledgehis fault in the refectory; rather he made it worse by bandingtogetherthree moreofthe men ofhis County,holding longmeetings and rioting in the House. " [The Rector then went to give an account of the matterto the Provincial]"and on his return found that all four had left the College Before he left Mr. Edward wentto a student's room, as heaffirms on oath, andsaidto him' Mr. George [Middleton]I am going because Idonot want them to throw me out, and if Fr. Rector tries to do anything against me I swearto God I will be revengedthough it cost me my life,'" [Allfour

sacris initiat3 est: sed ob quandam discordiă cum sociis renuitpuniri et maiorem partem socior3 traxit in societe criminis vnde expulsus eventually returnedto the College] " Add to this the little account he makes of commands, even though they be grave precepts , for although it was forbidden under mortal sin for anyone to swim in the river Pisuergaexcept at the place assigned, for four people have been drownedthere in less thaneight years, yet he often went in at the forbidden part with the kitchen boy, and he used to dispute with his party that, as they were not Religious, theycould not be bound under sin, and that this could be sustained as an accademical point only .... " [He received letters and money without the permission ofthe Superior. He was expelled by order ofthe Provincial, and] "scuffledwith the Father who went to turn him out, tore off his gown and threatened that, ifhe sawhim in England, he would kill him " [So much is signed by the above five Superiors Whatfollows is from a continuation signed by HernandoCortes only.] " The reasons why it is not suitable that Edward should return are set forth in what we have related But in addition to these there are other very special reasons First because he has been outlawed from Valladolid and ten leagues round it, for resisting the Chief Constable of this Royal Chancery .... Secondly, because he has imbibed the spirit of Missington [see the student no 306] which is against the Society and the SpanishCrown, for it is known that this Missington is Agent for the Bishop of Chalcedon [see the student no 79] who wears on his heart the lilies of France .... and it is sufficient to know that he lives at present with Cardinal Richelieu in Franceand is his pensioner , and in the quarrels he had in England with the Society he attached himself to Richelieu as the greatest enemy the Society has in that Kingdom, and if we allow this faction to enter the Seminary, everything will be ruined, putting Francein Spain This reasonis so strong that Cardinal Borgia said that even though Velez were right he must not beallowed back, and that the Rector byadmittinghim would do a disservice to His Majesty

..... '

"Add to this that the English Fathers deserve every favour from the Spanish Crown on account of what they have to suffer from the French faction, for the Society does not enjoy the protection of the Queen of England because it is Spanish, though all the others are protected, and it is very bad for the Catholics there that certain dissatisfied people joined to the French faction can prevail against the Spanish Society, and an Agent ofthe Bishop of Chalcedon , the firstborn of Richelieu, have more credit in Spain than the entire Society

.... "

[The progress of the disturbance is narrated in the following draft of a letter to the General .]

Carta al Pe General

[Series II, Leg 3.]

Pater FernandusCortesius , Rector Seminarii Anglorum, Valisoleti, dimisit ex domounum ex alumnis Edwardum Vealum sacerdotem , eo quodinquietum spiritum præ se ferret et parum morigerum vel aptumtali missioni, pœnitentias quæ ob defectum in regulis dari solent noluit admittere, et statuta etdecretasuperiorumnon modoviolavit sed et contempsit, pacem domesticam turbavit, inductis ob provinciarum diversitatem factionibus, quod quanti incommodi sit satis ostendunt ea quæ ob similem occasionem olim Romein Collegio Anglicano contigerunt dum dissensio esset inter Anglos et Wallos. Ob hæc et similia Pater Rector illum domo expulit iussu Reverendi Patris Alfonsi del Canno, qui tunc provinciam regebat Dimissus alumnus statim appellavit ad Episcopum Valisoletanum sed cum seminarium ab eius iurisdictione esset exemptum, allata est causa Madritum, ad Illustrissimum Nuncium Apostolicum Venit ergo Madritum Edwardus, et adiunxitse ibi cum quodamDomino Edwardo Missingdon, Sacerdote et qui hic residet ob negotia Collegii Duacensis et cleri Anglicani Iuncti ergo opera Illustrissimum Dominum conveniunt illumque in suas partes inducunt, qui cum eodem Patre Alfonso del Canno (qui modo hanc Provinciam Toletanam visitat) egit ut reciperetur alumnus et ei litteras ad eum finem ad Rectorem daret; quod factum est, et his litteris instructus reditValisoletum Edwardus Verum Pater Rector conscius admissionem ad Provincialem [Castella] pertinere,

ipse cæteros turbauit ita vt facta sit desolatio. Postea ingressus est orde S Brigittæ

hac responsione illumdistulit donec a Provinciali , qui tunc in finibus provinciæ degebat , responderetur; vera tamen causa dilationis erat quod expectaretur a senatu quem status vocant decretum ne admitteretur et ne Illustrissimus Nuncius se huic negotio immisceret, quippe quod ad Regem pertineret iure patronatus, qui seminarium et fundavitet protegit

Interim alumnus inter suos iactare non destitit pro se Illustrissimum Nuncium tulisse sententiam, sed se patrum intercessione et precibus hoc dedisse , quod veniret ea ratione verum se curaturum ut Societas rationem reddat omnium qui ex seminarioexpulsi fuerant, imo se seminarium illud ex gubernatione Societatis extorsurum; verum cum videret se omnino differri et patres graviores Provinciæ, quibus Provincialis rem detulerat, iudicasse non expedire seminario ut reciperetur, tunc demum Madritum rediit ab Illustrissimo Nuncio extorsurum sententiam Dum hæc aguntur venio ego Madritum, et invenio Edwardum iam obtinuisse a Nuncio sententiam, non finalem sed interlocutoriam , qua iubetur Rectori ut illum admittatin seminarium et litem prosequatur utrumne iuste an iniuste fuerit expulsus Ego hinc Rectori significavi sententiam Nuncii et decretum senatus necdum emanasse, spem tamen esse illud brevi emanaturum. Pater Rector de hoc præmonitussubduxit se ad tempus, in cuius absentia, nescio cuius admonitu , fiscalis senatus Regii qui est Valisoleti Edwardo iussit decretum Nuncii proferre, quod abstulit Sciens esse contra ius Regis quod habebat in illud seminarium, senatus retinuit decretum, animatus litteris Domini Joannis Asperilla, secretarii Regii Madrito, ad fiscalemsenatus Valisoletani destinatis. Interim Illustrissimus Nuncius hac re vehementer offensus expedivit aliud decretum, quoiubet Rectori et omnibusalumnis ut Edwardum recipiant Significatum est Rectori hoc decretuma notario et Edwardo, dum decumberet ex febri, iam redux ab itinere Respondit Pater Rector apud se non esse facultatem admittendi in seminarium, sicut constat ex Bulla Clementis VIII in confirmatione, sed apud Provincialem, atque adeo illum convenire deberi hoc decreto Alumni veroquibus ex mandatoNuncii publicatum estdecretum , tribus vel quatuor exceptis, una voce dixerunt se admittere decretum , et in ipso cubiculo Rectoris induunt Edwardo vestem collegii, Rectore frustra contradicente et vim protestante Verum Pater Rector significavit senatui quæ acciderant, quibus commotussenatus statimexpedivit supremumJustitiæ ministrum cum aliquot inferioribus qui Edwardo vestem detraherent et a seminario eiicerent Verum et ille et alumni alii, qui ab illo steterunt, restitêre adeo ut etiam virgam illoruminsignia officii fregerint Prævaluerunt tamen ministri senatus et detracta veste illum e seminario expulerunt. Alii alumni se simul cumillo discessuros aiebant, et duosine veniaRectorisexierunt ex Collegio, et simul cum Edwardo venerunt Madritum ; uni nomen erat Joannes Lancastrius, alteri Joannes Risleus Ubi Madritum pervenerunt, cum Domino Edwardo Missindono, qui causam illorumstrenueagit, adierunt Nuncium, verum mutatum illum invenerunt ; monitus enim iam fuerat a Rege et senatu quem vocant status ne se rebus illius seminarii immisceret , atque adeo alio sua studia convertunt. Interim Valisoleti Senatus Regius iussit Edwardo sub poena amissionis omnium bonorum temporalium Valisoleto exulare, et miserunt ad seminarium qui aliis duobus significarent ni quiescerent per totam civitatem in asinis fore circumducendos . * In ipso seminario nonnihil etiam turbatum est; alius enim ex alumnis fugerat ad Carmelitas, et alius ne discederetinclusus est in cubiculo ad tres dies Verum ille amicorum intercessionerediit, et hic liberatus est, etuterqueinquietedegit incollegio Prosequitur veroEdwardus causamsuam apud Senatum Regium, Madriti, qui senatus iam iussit Rectori ut proferat causas cur illum ex Collegio demiserit Ex sociis obiit Joannes Lancastrius, alter inhabitu Collegiiin quofugitdegit hic Madriticum Edwardo Iam autem obtuleramus illis duobus sociis Edwardi ut agnita culpa redirent Valisoletum , verum illi redire noluerunt sine Edwardo, nec culpam ulla agnoscere.

[ In those days, to be led on an ass round the town was something similar to our English punishment ofbeing put into the stocks]

44[2 over 1] Francz Dimacus* venit cum Patre Joanne Bluetto paulo ante missionem anni 1634 quæ habuit Magistrum in artibus P Ludouicum de Velliza pstito iuramto mortuus est in hoc Colo año 1636 . Anno IHS 1634 . (162)

443 over 2]. Guls Fosterus venit cum quinque sequentibus et cum illis pstitit iuramtü in festo D Albani ani 1635 Ante absolutum cursum Philosophicum rediit in Angliam ob defectum salutis.

44[4 over 3]. Thomas Blondus venit cum pcedente sed non se accomodans disciplinæ Collegii petiit redire in Angliam ante pstitum iuramtu, transmeavit tamen ad Colla Ulissiponte año 1635 .

44[5 over 4]. Thomas Inglebeus§ venit cum duobus pcedentibus et cum illis pstitit iuramtu Hic cum tribus sequentibus non se imiscuit tumultibus, et sacerdos factus missus est in Angliam emenso cursu Philosophico et duobus in Theola añis

44[6 over 5]. Thomas Starkeus venit cum pcedente et cum illo pstitit iuramtu vir magni candoris animi , absoluto cursu Philo: et 1º año [in scored] Theol factus sacerdos missus est in Angă año 1638 vbi gloriosã martyrii palmam adeptus est Lancastriæ [2] aliter dictus est Whitaker.

447 over 6]. Joannes Talbottus venit cum 4 pcedentibz et cum illis pstitit iuramtu Adolescens optimæ indolis et valde studiosus.

* Francis Dimmock : not identified. William Foster: he went away for reasons of health in March, 1637 Lib. 2 Gasto.

Thomas Blount : son of James Blount: studied humanities at St. Omer'sCollege ; the Lib 2 Gasto says ofhim:"March, 1635: an almsgiven to Thomas Blond, a student of logic, who was sent to England because hewould not applyhimself to study " He went to Lisbon, and was admitted to the English College there Oct. 1 , 1635; ordained priest June 13 , 1641; left for the English Mission , byway of Holland, April 12 , 1642; his missionary life was spent in his native county, Shropshire , where, after a few years, he was apprehended , brought to the bar on account of his priestlycharacter, and died a confessor of the Faith, under sentence of death, in Shrewsbury gaol, 1647. Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng Cath , i, p 239; Hist Acc ofLisbon College, p 178 . §

ThomasIngleby : receivedminor ordersat Salamanca , subdiaconateat Rioseco, diaconate and priesthood at Burgos, in March, 1636. Lib. 2 Gasto. ThomasWhitaker, als. Starkie: ven martyr : son of ThomasWhitaker and Helen his wife, daughter of Edmund Starkie, of Huntroyde ; born at Burnley, Lancs.; christened at St. Peter's, Burnley, Sept. 26, 1611; his father was master of Burnley free school; studied humanities under him ; was ordained deacon at Salamanca , and priest at Leon, in March, 1638; went to England in April, 1638; was captured, but escaped; was seized a second time , at Mr. Midgeall's, of Blacke Hall, Goosnargh , and was imprisoned at Lancaster on Aug. 7, 1643, where he remained for three years; was put todeathforhispriesthood, at Lancaster, Aug. 7, 1646. Lib. 2 Gasto; Challoner, Memoirs ofMissionary Priests; C.R.S. , vi, p 165n .

John Talbot : born in 1619; a rough account book (Series III, Leg 46, p 328) says:" John Talbot : came with the rest [Sept., 1634] Hepaid his viaticum at St. Omer He went to Flanders to join the Societyin Nov. , 1637." Foley, vii, p 757n .

Absoluto cum laude cursu Philosophico profectus est in Belgium et ibi dedit nomen Societati año 1637 .

44[8 over 7] . Carolus Louellus* huc appulit cum quinq3 pcedentibus et cum illis pstitit iuramtu Absoluto cursu Philosophico et 1º año Theologiæfactus sacerdos missus est in Angliamaño 1638 .

Anno IHS 1636 . (163)

449 over 8]. Joannes Bucleyus* Hic idem est qui positus est supra numº 438 qui hoc año redintegratis viribus et factus subdiaconus remeauit huc e Belgio cum socio sequenti et año 1639 mortuusest sacerdos in hoc Colo.

4[50 over 49]. Joannes Stanleus venit cum pcedentepost cursum inceptum, illum tamen audiuit cum reliquis ast non absoluit : decessit quippe cum Gulo Fostero sub autumno añi 1636 pstito iuramto: postea tamen rescripsit vt denuo admitteretur: sed non obtinuit.

Año 1636 .

45[1 over o]. Geruasius [Staplenz altered to Stapleton3] venit ad hoc Collegium cum octo subsequentibus mense Augusti 1636 et cum ipsis incepit cursum Philosophicum plegente P Ildefonso de Ayala sed ante pstitum iuramentu eadem hyeme mortuus est in hoc Colo .

45[2 over 1]. Edoardz Sanderus venit cum supradicto et pstito iuramto in festo D Albani 1637 eodem año rediit in Angliam quod et cæteri fere omnes pstiterunt causati valetudinem sed reuera superioribus tumultibus ortis ab Edoardo Velez a studiis auersi animos alio distraxerunt .

* Charles Lovell : was ordained deacon at Salamanca , and priest at Leon, in March, 1638. He went to England in April, 1638. Lib 2 Gasto John Buckley: see no 438. The date at the head of the pageshould be 1634 .

" John Stanley: aroughaccountbook (Series III, Leg 46, p 330) says: - John Stanley: Fr. Robert Stafford [vere Stanford] Rector of the Noviciate [at Watten] sent him from FlanderswithJohn Buckley He arrived at this College Nov. 22, 1634. He was admitted on March 4, 1635. He brought his viaticumwith him " The Lib. 2 Gasto has an entry of his viaticum in March, 1637: " Viaticumof John Stanley, a student who went to Flanders with the intentionof entering the Society, and of William Foster who went with him for reasons of health . "

" § Gervase Stapleton: not identified

Edward Sanders : The account book Lib. 2 Gasto has the entry:- Sept., 1637: Viaticumof six students; Francis Campian[no 459], Edward Sanders, William German[no 464], PeterWharton [no 460], William Suffield [no 463], and Francis Walsingham [464 bis]. The fourlast had nottaken the oath. All left the College on account of ill health Campian and Sanders had money of their own " For the state of the College at this date , see C.R.S., xxix, p. 232.

45[3 over 2]. Gulielmus Holtus* venit cum proximè sequenti et decessit cum Joanne Alano post pstitum iuramtu año 1637 .

45[4over 3]. Mathez Joannis venit cum supradicto mense Augusto 1636 sed statim discessit Vlisiponem ad Collegium secularead quod attulerat secum literas comendatitias

45[5 over 4]. Joannes Alanus venit cum quatuor subsequentibus et discessit cum Gulo Holdo numero 452

45[6 over 5]. Thomas Monfortus [norfolciensis vere Downes above , in 2nd hand] venit cum supradicto et post pstitum iuramtu rediit in Belgium tempore autumnali anni 1637 vna cum Pe Georgio Mauritio vt ibi ingrederetur societatem quod et pstitit [2] martyrio coronatusi.e. in carcere p fide ærumnisperiit; inventus post mortem orantis specie genibus flexis vere martyr e ofessor [Ducis Eboracensisofessarius in margin].

457 over 6] Joannes Shelleus venit cum duobus subsequentibus cum quibus pstitit iuramtu Coll¹ et cupiens studia prosequi vltimus remansit, sed omnibus discedentibus ipse cum sequenti profectus est

45[8 over 7]. Joannes Butlerus venit cum reliquis ut sa et cum haberet ætatem factus est sacerdos vt esset subsidio catholicorum in patria ad quod munus destinatus est año 1638 tota Philosophia et casibus conscientiæinstructus .

* William Holt: " June, 1637: an alms for John Allen [no 455] and William Holt who, withouthaving taken the oath, went to England, through a whim , although not in very good health " Lib 2 Gasto

Matthew Ayleworth, als Jones : son of John Ayleworth , of Llangoven, co Monmouth; was admitted to the English College, Lisbon, Sept.4, 1636; ordained priest June 13, 1641; went to the English Mission April 12 , 1642 Gillow, Hist Acc of Lisbon College, p. 172

John Emerson, als Allen : born in London, 1616; son of Ferdinand and Joanna Emerson; studied for four years at St. Omer's College; cameto Valladolid in September , 1636 (acc books); was admitted to the English College, Rome, as a convictor, Feb. 25, 1638; receivedminor orders, and left for Paris , in ill health, Dec. 1 , 1640. Foley, vi, p. 345

§ ThomasDownes , als Bedingfeld, Montford and Mumford : ven martyr: (probably connected with the Downes , of Bodney, Norfolk ); born 1617; made his humanities at St. Omer's; entered the Society IHS Jan. 8, 1638; in 1655 was bursar at Watten ; arrived at Antwerp from England, May 19, 1664; was successivelyMinister at Liége, Spiritual Father and Vice-rector at Ghent, and for six years procurator of the English Province at Brussels; sent to England in 1671; became chaplain to the Duke of York, afterwards King James II; fell a victim to the Oates Plot persecution and was committed to the Gatehouse, Nov. 3, 1678, where he died from his sufferings, on Dec. 21 following Foley, vii, p. 208.

John Shelley: he went to England in April, 1638 , in company with Charles Lovell[no 448], ThomasStarkey [no 446]and John Butler [no 458]. Lib 2 Gasto

John Butler : ordained subdeaconand deacon at Salamanca , priest at Leon, in March, 1638; went to England April, 1638. Lib 2 Gasto .

45[9 over 8]. Francz Campianus* venit cum superioribus 8 et post pstitum iuramentum decessit cum Edoardo Sanderoaño 1637 . Anno 1637 .

4[60 over 59]. Petrus Huartonus cum quinque sequentibus huc appulit mense Maii añi 1637 , sed cum non essent satis instructi vt possent cum pcedentibus cursum prosequi inceptum año [136 scored] 1636 nec alius illis Magister daretur et pterea reliquorz exemplo comoti qui ob turbas pdictas et aduersam valetudinem varia inter se agitabant omnes reuersi sunt eodem año.

461 [o scored]. Joannes Mosgrauizhic primus omnium cum socio subsequente initium fecit discessus non pstito iuramto.

Anno IHS 1637 . (165)

46[2 over 1]. Gulielmus Racliffus § venit et discessit cum pcedente eadem de causa

46[3 over 2]. Gulz Suffildus venit cum supradictis duobus et eodem año reuersusest cum sequentibus.

1° 46[4 over 3]. Gulz Germanus venit pariter cum pcedente et simul cum illo regressus est licet admodü inuitus.

2° 464. FranczWalsingam3** simul quoque accessit iste etdecessit cum supradictis duobus

Año 1640 .

465. Francz Chamberling venit cum undecim sequentibusmense Sept 1640 audiuerunt in Phila P [Ignatium scored] Gabrielem de

Francis Campian: the account book Series III, Leg 46, p 333, has the following entry: " Francis Campiancame in September[end of August], 1636. He did not bring his viaticum from St. Omer He gave me [the bursar] to keep for him five knives, three pairs of gloves and a large rosary of black beeds " See note to no. 452 .

Peter Wharton : see no 452 for his return to England, and no 475 for his death after his second coming to the College

John Mosgrave : the Lib 2 Gasto has the following entry:" Sept., 1637: an alms to John Mosgraveand Thomas [William] Ratcliffe who went without having taken the oath. They were the first who commencedto break up the College, and they had money oftheir own Although theyhad been bad [malos] they weretreated as the rest and given no morethantwelve reales."

§ William Ratcliffe : not identified ; is called Thomas in Lib. 2 Gasto. In the same account book are the entries:" Oct., 1614: 880 reales received for the support of John Ratcliffe, who, as a convictor, pays for his keep," and " Feb., 1617: 600 reales receivedfrom John Ratcliffe for what he owed for his keep when he went from the College " His name does not appear elsewhere

William Suffield : not identified ; see note to no. 452 .

William German : not identified ; see note to no 452

** Francis Walsingham: not identified; see note to no 452

Francis Chamberlain: ordained deacon at Segovia, and priest at Palencia , in April, 1642; set offfor England on April 14 , 1645, " wearing the clothes he brought with him" Lib 2 Gasto .

Henao quamuis hic etiã Leodii audiuerat alium cursum , multum profecit in literis et 3° Theol año Sacerdos profectus est ad lucrandas animas in Angliaminstantibus quibusdam negotiis

466. Carolz Wilfordus Hic est Cristophorus Sebornus* dequo vide supra nº 423 .



1640. (166)

467. Joannes Scarisburi venit cum duobus supradictis_et_cum ipsis simul pstitit iuramtu et sacris initiatus est adhuc Logicus: sed postea cum non proficeret in studiis scholasticis ad moralia destinatus est ad quæ nullo modo induci potuit vnde demissusest sine facultatibus

468. Henricus Smithe3Hic similiter exiguos progressusfecit in philosophia: casibus tamen moralibus benè instructus missus est sacerdos in Angliam cum Carolo Wilfordo et in mari captus est a Mauris. Sed Beneficio Nobilium Sodalitatis Hospitalis de Esgueua huius oppidi et ope Patrum Trinitarior3 ad instantiamhuius Colegii liberatus venit Hispalimet inde in Angliam soluit denuo .

469. Thomas Caterall3§ venit cum supradictis quatuor et finito integro cursu Philosophico et Theologico missus est sacerdos in Angliam 1° Aprilis añi 1647 .

Christopher Seborne, als Charles Wilford: see no. 423 .

John Scarisbrick: ordained deacon at Segovia , and priest at Palencia, in April, 1642; the Lib 2 Gasto says of him:" Nov., 1642: Hireofa mule to take Fr. John Scarisbrick, a student priest, to Bilbao, he being against the College [por no ser pa el Colo] and so impertinent as to wish not to go, 77 reales expenses on the way, with a muleteer and myself [? Fr. John Freeman, the bursar] and mount going and coming 180 reales, and his viaticum there in order to embark 116 reales : a total of 373 reales . " HenrySmith : ordained subdeacon at Salamanca , Feb., 1644; deacon at Burgos, March, 1644; went to England May 27, 1644. Lib. 2 Gasto. § Thomas Catterall : ordained with Henry Smith and John White (Lib 2 Gasto): all three were priests in April, 1644, accordingtothe account book Lib. 10 Misas, in which is also the following entry: [tr]" April, 1647: Onthe 1stof this month six priests set off for England: Fr. ThomasCatterall, George Smith [no 477], Laurence Pritchard [no 473], Richard Gatenbey [no 471], Walter Jones [no 472]and NicholasWhitaker[no 483], andanother six began to say Mass in their place : Francis [Robert] Harvey [no 485], John Woodfield [no 478], John Pole [no 479], Charles Philips [no 484]. John Fielding [no 480] and Anthony Marsh [no 482] who were ordained deacons and priests in Astorga on two consecutivedays, the 16thand 17th of March, 1647, and as of the seven priests who were in the house Fr. John Whiteremains there are now seven who say Mass "

The stipends of the masses said by the students were a source of income for the support of the College. On the first page of the Lib. 10 Misas is written: [tr]" This book of the account of the Masses commenced at the beginning ofMay, 1642 , when three students were ordained priests, afterthe College had been four years withoutany student priest. Thestudents ofthis College have for themselves all the Masses they sayon all the Sundaysofthe year, andiftheypreferto say Mass forthe intentionofthe College [onSunday] they are paid two reales All the rest they say for the intentionof him who keeps this book, for those who give stipends for Masses . "

470. Joannes Vitus* venit cum supradictis quinque sed aduersa vsus valetudine audiuit secundü cursu Philosophiæ a Pe Ferdo de Doriga et finito 3º Theol año missus e sacerdos in Angliam mense Martii 1648 .

471. Richard3 Gatenbeus Approbatus in studiis Defendit Theses publicas in Theola et factus sacerdos finitoq3 vtroque curriculo missus est in Angliam 1º Aprilis 1647 .


IHS 1640. (167)

472. Gualtero Joannis venit cum septem pcedentibus et vna cum ipsis pstit iuramtu , absolutoque vtroq3 Phil et Theol curriculo sacris initiatus missus est in messemAnglicanam 1° Aprilis 1647 . [2] [Martyrio coronatus est in Wallia scored] bis vinctus Jesu Chi et a rege liberatus

473. Laurentius Prichard3 cambrobritannus venit cum octo superioribus quibuscu pstitit iuramtu adolescens optimæ indolis et ingenii subtilis vnde egregiè profecit in literis et virtute atq3 finitis studiis susceptisq3 sacris ordinibus missus est in Angliam cum aliis quinq3 1ºAprilis 1647

474. Robertus Harbeus venit cum reliquis sed cum essetmusicus et pclarus organista non aplicuit animum studiis , malebat Vlisipponem tendere vbi habebat propinquum , sed ob defectionem illius regni prohibitusremeauit in Belgiu non pstito iuramto, Inde tamen rediit año 1644 nº 485 [2] [Organista Burdegalez consenuit in margin].

475. Petrus Wharton3 hic idem est qui nº 459 [i.e. 460] venit secundo cum dictis decem et pstito iuramto ac minoribus initiatus mortuus est in hoc collegio non confecto Philosophiæ curriculo relinquens post se magnum sui desiderium .

476. Gulz Clatonus** venit cum vndecim pcedentibusetcum ipsis pstitit iuramt minoribus initiatus feliciter obiit in hoc Collegio ante cursu Philosophicum absolutum

John White : went to England on March 29 , 1648, in company with Charles Philips [no 484] and John Fielding [no 480] Lib 2 Gasto .

Richard Gatenbey, als Gascon : was ordained to the three sacred orders, in company with Walter Jones [no. 472] and George Smith[no. 477], at Palencia, Burgosand Leon, in Lent, 1645. Lib 2 Gasto The dimissorial letters were for Francis Smith , Walter Jones and Richard Gascon Series III, Leg. 35-

Walter Jones : see note to no. 469 . § LaurencePritchard : ordained subdeacon at Salamanca and deacon at Rioseco , in March, 1646, and priest at Palencia in Dec., 1646. Lib. 2 Gasto. Robert Harvey: came in Sept., 1640, andwithin seven monthsreturned to Flanders. Series III, Leg 46, p. 345d. For his second comingseeno. 485

Peter Wharton : see no 460.

** William Clayton: was probably son ofJohnClayton, ofWarwickshire , and his wife Ann Suffield Foley, vi, p 343 .

Anno 1642

477. Georgius Smite3* venit cum [sex altered to septem ] sociis sequentibus qui omnes habuerunt in Philosophia [magistrum above] Patrem Ferdinandu de Doriga fuerat aliquando ministerin Anglia et studuerat oxonii egregiè versatus in Biblia quam totam ferè memoria retinebat, absoluto cursu Philosophico et duobus añis in Theola missusest sacerdos in Angliamcum aliisquinq3 1ºAprilis 1647 .


Anno 1642 (168)

478. Joannes Wodfildus venit cum supradictis año 1642: finita Logica ingressusest societatem Villagaciæ, sed ob aduersamvaletudinem remissus est ad hoc Collegium. Ubi audivit cursum sequentem P. Jo Barbiani et absoluta Theologia missus est ad lucrandas animas in Angliamcum aliis quatuor mense Aprili 1651.

479. Joannes Polus venit cum duobus supradictis et cum ipsis pstitit iuramtu absoluto utroq3 Philosophiæ et Theologiæ cursu factus sacerdos missus est in messem Anglicanam 25 Martii año 1649 animo ingrediendi societatem cuius instituti habuerat duos Patruos, et in hoc Colo habuit duos germanos fratres qui ambo nomina dederunt eidem societati

480. Joan: Fildingus§ venit cum tribus supradictis et cum ipsis pstitit iuramtu absoluto cursu Philosophico et [duobus scored , tribus above] in Theola sacrisq3 ordinibus susceptis missus est in Angliam mense Martii 1648 .

481. Francz Euerus venit cum quatuor pcedentibus et cum ipsis

* George (Francis) Smith : born in Sussex; matriculated at Brasenose College, Oxford, Nov. 2, 1621, aged 19; B.A. Feb. 6, 1623-4; M.A. July 6 , 1626. Foster, Alum Oxon (See note to no. 471.)

John Woodfield : returned from the noviciate at Villagarcia in July, 1645; went to England in company with four others , March 28 , 1651. Lib. 2 Gasto See note to no 469 .

John Pole : probably son of George Pole, of Spinkhill, co Derby: born in 1621; entered the Society IHS at Watten March 24, 1660; died in Yorkshire, Sept. 3, 1666. For his brothers see no 489 and no 497. Foley, vii, p. 613

§ John Fielding : see note to no 469

Francis Eure, als Clare, Every and Ibero : Foley (vii , p 1428) used a defective transcript of the Liber Alumnorum, and hence is confused about thispriest. Hesuggests that he is the Francis Eure, who, it is highlyprobable, was of the noble family of the Lords Eure of Yorkshire The date of birth is given as 1630, which would makehimonlyfifteen yearsold whenhefinished his philosophy with distinction , and he is said to have entered the Society IHS at Watten, Nov. 27 , 1647 , whenthe student ofthe register wasstudying theology at the College of St. Ambrose, Valladolid A Francis Eure was rector of the House of Third Probation at Ghent, in 1683-1684 . The Lib. 2 Gasto has the following entry:" July, 1645: Expenses of two journeys to Villagarcia, to take Brother John Neoporto [Newport, no 486]and Brother Francis Ibero [Eure] to the noviciate, and to bring thence John Vodfildo [Woodfield, no 478]." The name " Francis Ibero" is used also in another entry, earlier in July, for the printing of his thesis on the whole course of philosophy. This suggests some connectionwith Francis Metham , als Iberies, who entered the Society IHS in 1645, lived for many years in Spain, was at Seville in 1662 , and died in the Oxfordshire district, April 7, 1681. Foley, vii, pp 229, 503, 1428; C.R.S. , xxix, p 308

pstitit iuramtu minoribus initiatus et confecto cum laude cursu Philosophico admissus est in societatem Villagarciæ, quam iterum partim repetiit sub eodem magistro numantiæ, Theologiam deinde audiuit in Diui Ambrosii et post duos vel tres años in pueris gramatica imbuendis missus est in Belgium et inde in Angliam: [2] Belgiu reversusmagister 3 prbãonis et Rector Gandavi

482. Antonius Marsius* venit cum quinq3 pcedentib3 et cum illis pstitit iuramentum et finito utroq3 cursu sacris ordinibus rite initiatus missus est in Angliam vna cum Pe Joanne Polo 25 Martii 1649 sed remansit in Belgio ob negotia quædam suorum consanguiniorum ibiqz mortem obiit.

Anno IHS 1642 (169)

483. Nicolaz Vitakerus venit cum sex supradictis et cum illis pstitit iuramentumabsolutis tribus añis in Philosophia et duobus in Theologia sacrisq3 initiatus missus est in Angliam cum P Georgio Smiteo condiscipulo suo et aliis quinq3 1° Aprilis 1647 .

484. Carolus Philippsvenit cum septem nominatis et cum illis pstitit iuramentum adolescens optimæ indolis et insignis pietate habuit plures fratres quor3 duo vel tres dederunt nomina societati sed iterumdesciuerunt, qua quidem de causa et ipseinuitusabstinuit ab eadem petenda: tandem sacris initiat3 post tres años Phila totidemq3theola missus est in Angliam cum aliis duobus mense Martii 1648 .

Año 1644.

485. Rob: Harbeus & Hic idem est qui supra nominaturnumº 474 [et scored] huc iterum remigrauitaño 1644 cum infrascriptis nouem et quamuis cum illis pstitit iuramentum pauca audiuit in Scholis

* AnthonyMarsh : came with the colony from St. Omer's College, Sept. 27, 1642; was ordained subdeacon at Palencia Dec. 22, 1646, deacon and priest at Astorga March 16 and 17, 1647; said his first Mass on March 28 , 1647. Series III, Leg 46, p 332d

Nicholas Whitaker : was ordained subdeacon on May 27 , 1646 , deacon on June 17, 1646, both by D. Fray FranciscoVillagutierre , Bishop of Troya [Troas] and priest at Palencia, Dec. 22, 1646. He said his first Mass on Dec. 25, 1646. Series III, Leg. 46, p 341 .

Charles Philips : " camewith the colony of 1642 on Sep. 27. Hepaid tothe College at St. Omer400 reales, was there nineteendays, and they gave back to him a matter of fifty reales in Flemish money, of which he handed to me [the bursar] 37 reales in Flemish money He received the minor orders from D. F. Gregorio de Pedrosa, Bishop of Valladolid [1633-45], on Nov. 30, 1643, andreceivedthe other orderswithFr. Francis[Robert] Harvey. He said his first Mass on March 29, 1647. He went away with Fr. John White[no 470]. " Series III, Leg 46, p 334d Foley (vii, p 596) mentions a Fr. Robert Philips, of Wales, who entered the Society IHS in 1628 , and was dismissed in 1645; and Fr. Bartholomew Philips, of Wales, who entered the Society IHS in 1633, and whose name disappearsfrom the catalogues subsequent to 1645

§ Robert Harvey : (Series III, Leg 46, p 345d) " He came a second time on Aug. 29, 1644, with the colony ofthat year They gave him his viaticum in St. Omer He was confirmed with the name of Francis, and received

totus arti suæ musicædeditus: domi tamen priuatim dedit operam primis elementis logicæ, et casibus conscientiæ quib3 sufficienter instructus sacrisq3 imbutus missus est in Angliam sed mansit in Gallia titulo subleuandi pa[t]ris qui inibi eandem musicæ artem profitebatur.

486. Joan Neoportus* venit cum supradicto et octo subsequentibus cum illisqz iuramtu pstitit habuerant Præceptorem in artibus P Jo: Barbianum, finita Logica adscriptus est societati Jesu Villagarcia in hac Proua in qua absoluit vtrumq3 cursum magna cum laude , vtrumq3 etiam pari foelicitate publice et pro Prouincia fratribus plegit, hodieq3 cum hoc scribo sct 17 oct1s 1660 in Collegio D. Ambrosii magistri Theologiæmunere fungitur. [2] post præfectus Studioru Leodii , rector Londini , Leodii an. 1681 it Romã procurator Angliæ; et demu Provincialis [Joannes Neoportus alias Keynes magister meus dilect3 bis captus et incarceratus fide, hereticos confundebat et overtit, võ et opere, et Scriptis potens in left margin] [Somersetensis right margin]. [3: Perry] [Ecctæ novæ, cum an. 1672 ædificanda esset (misit over dedit) un doblon de a ocho : ita ait liber fabricæ ubi dř Ror de Londres: p: 61 left margin.] 487. Tho: Crispus venit cum duobus supra nominatis et cum illis iuramtu suscepitabsoluto secundo Phila año ingressus est Societatem in hac Proua vnaq3 cum Patre Joanne Neoporto audiuit iterum in PhilosophiaPJosephumdeAyala, quafinita obaduersamvaletudinem missus est in Hibernia Patriam sct suam vbi breui diem vltimum pie clausit

minor ordersin Valladolid, from D. F. Francisco de Villagutierre, Bishop of Troya, on June [17], 1646. He was ordained subdeacon at Palencia by [ ], deacon and priest at Astorga on two consecutivedays [Mch 16 and 17, 1647]. He said his first Mass on March 30, 1647. On Sept. 13, 1647, he set off for England, but remained in France, without going to England, and so his viaticumis not charged to His Majesty. [signed] Juan Friman [John Freeman]" See no. 474

John Keynes, als Newport : born at Compton Pauncefoot, co. Somerset, 1624 (or 1626); entered the Society IHS at Villagarcia, July, 1645; was rector of the London district in 1672; his name appears in the Titus Oates list of intended victims, but he escaped to the continent in March, 1679; rector of Liége College 1680; declaredProvincial S.J. July 2 , 1684, retaining that office for six years ; died at Watten , April or May 15, 1697. Foley, vii, pp 416, 1437

Thomas Crisp : the account books give the following information concerninghim:" Sept., 1646: a cloakfor Brother ThomasCrispwhen heentered the Society at Villagarcia " Lib. 2 Gasto " On Sept. 24, 1649, Brother Crisp arrived at this College, sent from the College at Oviedo to study at Salamanca . He came here simplyto see the College and to rest for four days, as he was unwell While he was here he consulted the physicians at [the College of] St. Ambrose, by order of the Fr. Rector ofthat College, and they decided it was desirableto give him a purge, to tap him and send him to Ireland, for which licence was granted by the Fr. Provincial These remedies were applied in this College where he remained until Oct. 17 , 1649 , when he set out for Bilbao [signed] Thomas Crispo. " Series III, Lib. 4, "Clothing for Brother Thomas Crisp when he went in secular dress to Ireland . " Lib 2 Gasto p 23d K


Anno 1644


488. Alexander Holand3* venit cum supradictis et cum illis iuramtu suscepit fuit patruelis insignis martyris huius Coll! V P Thomæ Holandi supra nº 391 , finitis cum laude studiis et proemio donatus in certamine publico huius vniuersitatis ob funus D Isabellæ de Borbon Reginæ Hispaniæ vna cum aliis duobus condiscipulis

Jo sct Neoporto et Richardo Erringtono in Belgio receptus est in societatem et inde in Angliã missus egregiam in ea vinea nauat operam.

489. Francz Polus cum supradictis huc appulit et iuramentu præstitit. [2] Cursu philosophico et Theologico feliciter confectis et Sacris ordinibus initiatus in Angliam missus est cum P. Joañe Wodfildo, de quo num. 478. Sed in Belgium profectus ibi societati nomen dedit

490. Gulz Manleus venit ad hoc Collegium cum 5 pcedentibus 29 Aug 1644 et cum illis fecit Juramentum et simul cum duobus ultimis initiatus est omnibus ordinibus viz 1a tonsura et minoribus ordinibus 26 Maii 1646 ab Illmo D Franco de Villagutierrez Ep° Troyano Vallisoleti Subdiaconatu Palencia 27 februarii 1649 a D Christophero de Guzman et SantoyoDiaconatu Vallisoleti 20 Martii eiusdem anni a D F Joanne Merinero Presbyteratu pariter VallisoletiabeodemEpo [2 scoredpridieabove] nonas Aprilis eiusdem añi discessit hinc cum dictis duobus et Joanne Mayo initio mensis Aprilis año 1651 absoluto cursu Philosophico et Theologico. 491. Joan Vortington3.§ [2] iuramentum præstitit. Absoluta philosophia non vero Theologia

* Alexander Holland : born in Lancashire, 1623 (Foley); cameto this College with John Worthingtonand the rest (Series III, Leg. 46, p. 339d); " March, 1649: Expenses of the journeyto Palencia of five students; John Worthington [no 491], Francis Pole [no 489], William Manley [no 490], Alexander Holland, and John May [no. 492] to be ordained subdeacons. They were ordaineddeacons andpriestshere ' (Lib. 2 Gasto ) Inthe account book Lib. 10 Misas these five are stated to have commenced to say Mass for the College, having said the first four for their own intentions, on April 12 , 1649. Alexander Holland entered the Society IHS June 12 , 1651; was sent to the Lancashiremissionin 1653, wherehe died, May 27 , 1677. Foley, vii, p 364.

Francis Pole : born in Derbyshire, 1624 (Foley); brother of no. 479; "came with the colony on Aug. 29, 1644; received minor orders from the Bishop of Troya, D. F. Francisco de Villagutierre , on May 26, 1646; was ordained subdeacon by the Bishop of Palencia, D. Cristobal de Guzman y Santoyo, deacon andpriest bythe BishopofValladolid, D. FrayJuanMerinero [1646-63], on [....]. Hesaidhisfirst Mass on April 4, 1649. (Series III, Leg. 46, p. 342d .) He entered the Society IHS at Watten 1653, having been twoyears [sic]in holy ordersand on the English mission; diedin Derbyshire, Nov. 4, 1684. Foley, vii, p 610.

William Manley : was elected to the Old English Chapter in 1683; died in 1694. Chapter List.

John Worthington : came to Valladolid with the colony of 1644; was ordained with William Manley and the others; left Valladolid May 5 , 1650. Series III, Leg 46, p. 338d .

factus Sacerdos licentiam in Angliam eundi a Superioribus certis de causis petiit, [sed scored] et obtinuit sed ægre.

492. Joannes Mayus. *

[2][Collegii scored ad hoc Collegium admissus cum prædictis eius above] iuramento se obstrinxit Absoluto sepeteniu studiorum curriculosacris Ordinibus initiatus in Angliammissusest.


Anno 1644 (171)

493. Francz Barclayus. *

[2] cum septem supra nominatis ad hoc Collegium admissus est et iuramentum more solito suscepit finitoque cursu philosophico in Belgium Societatemingressurusprofectus et ibi in eam est admissus

[3] nomen illi Hawkins in Belgio. Mortuus e leodii lector Sacræ Scripturæ et præfectus Spiritus. Vir optimus ; bonus concinator et piissimus; bonus Israelita optimi exempli Jesuita.

494. Rich Erringtonus.

[2] cum octo ante [in scored] recensitisin hoc admissus estCollegium, et in eodem antequam iuramentum eius emittere mortuusest .

Año 1649 .

495. Thomas Mathei.§

[2] Collegii iuramentum præstitit. Ob ætatem, [et scored] et morum probitatem secundo philosophiæ anno sacerdos creatus est et absoluto studiorum septennio ad messem Anglicanam cumaliisquinque ex sequentibus destinatus est.

John May : born about 1622; was ordained with William Manley and the others; went to England March 28 , 1651 , in company with John Woodfield, William Manley, Francis Pole and Alexander Holland ; in 1690 he was about 70 years old, and was then the oldest missionary in Yorkshire , where he resided, usually with Philip Langdale, at Houghton in the Wolds. Lib. 10 Misas, p 41d; Kirk, Biographies , p 160; Gillow, Bibliog. Dict Eng. Cath ., iv, p 545 .

Francis Hawkins, als Barclay : son of John Hawkins, M.D. , of London (who was brother of Sir Thomas Hawkins, of Nash Court, co Kent), and his wife Frances , daughter of [ Power of Bleckingdon, co. Oxford; born in London, 1628; in the Lib 2 Gasto is the entry: " Viaticum of Francis Barclay, a student ofthis College, who, on the 8th of this month(May, 1649) went to join the Society in the Province of Paris, by order of our Father General "; in 1675 was professor of Holy Scripture at Liége College, where he died, Feb. 19 , 1681. Foley, iv, p 700; vii, p 346 .

Richard Errington : together with Alexander Holland and John Newport wrote prize poems upon the death of Isabel de Borbon, Queen of Spain. (See no. 488.) In the Lib 2 Gasto is the entry:" Nov., 1644: Paper for writing some poems on the death of the Queen, composed by the students for a competition at the University , in whichthey carried off the first prizes. "

§ Thomas Matthews : was ordained priest in April, 1651 , and said his first Mass on the 15th of that month (Lib. 10 Misas); went to England May 14 , 1656; was serving the mission at Singleton, in the Fylde district, 1665-6 (O.S.); died, in Lancashire , March, 1706-7 . C.R.S. , xvi, p 571


496. Philippus Morganus.*


[2] Collegii iuramentum præstitit Actu publico totius logicæ, et alio Theologico clari ingenii specimenedidit splendidum. Absoluto utriusque cursus stadio in Angliam ad animas Deo lucrandas vna cum P. Tho Matthæi missus est

497. Georgius Polus.

[2] iuramento Collegii præstito, et utroque studiorumcursu confecto sacerdotio initiatus cum duobus præcedentibus in Angliam missus in Belgio mansit, ibique societatem ingressus est. Inde in Angliam missus ibi strenuè laborare fertur

498. Joannes Garnettus

Anno 1649 (172)

[2] cum tribus prædictis venit ad hoc Collegium anno 1649. Octob. 16. et cum illis se Collegii iuramento obstrinxit Indolisfuit valde inquietæ et tumultuosæ et ob eandem à Sacerdotio suscipiendo aliquamdiu [de scored] à superioribus detentus. Quo tamen se demum corrigens initiatus philosophiæ ac Theologiæ studiis finitis cum iisdem sociis in Angliammissus est

499. Joannes Floydus.§

[2] [in scored] in hoc collegium eodem anno 1649 admissusest suo tempore eiusdemiuramentum emisit Absoluto cursu philosophico, et biennio in studio casuum conscientiæpriuate enacto in Angliam missus

[3] [est scored] est fidei odio suspensus et dissectus Cardiffæ Julii 220 , Augusti 1° , 1679.

500. Richardus Francisci ||

[2] venit ad hoc collegium directèex Anglia quindecim diebus plus minus post quinque præcedentes Iuramentum collegii emisit

Theses solemnes totius Philosophiæsicut etiam[qu scored] cuiusdam

Theologiæ partis publicè cum summa laude defendit Initiatus sacris ad Anglicanam messem destinatus est.

Philip Morgan : his public act " on all Logic " took place in Nov. , 1650 , that in theology, de actibus humanis, in Jan., 1656 (Lib 2 Gasto); he was ordained subdeacon together with John Garnett [no 498], John Floyd [no 499] and George Pole [no 497] at Palencia, in March, 1653. Theywere ordained deacons at Valladolid (Lib. 2 Gasto); they were ordained priests [it does notappearwhere] on June 7, 1653 (Lib. 10 Misas)

George Pole: brother of no 479; born in 1628; entered the Society IHS 1656; in 1658 was in the Yorkshire district, and in 1665 in the Durham district; was then sent to the mission in Maryland, where he died Oct. 31 , 1669. Foley, vii, p 610

John Garnett: the account books say he was ordained withthe rest; see note to no 496

§ Blessed John Lloyd, als. Floyd : martyr ; ordained priest June 7, 1653; went to England April 17 , 1654 (Lib 10 Misas); worked on themission in Wales; was arrestedduring the Oates Plot persecutionin 1678 , and thrown into Cardiff gaol; hanged and quartered, with the usualbarbarities,atCardiff , July 22 , 1679. Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng Cath, iv, p. 289 .

Richard Franks : a native of Yorkshire; born in 1630 , of protestant parents, of the family of Franks, or Frank, of Knighton , co Yorks.; in the Lib 2 Gasto is the entry:"May, 1652: Printing the conclusions [thesis],



501. Thomas Prancæus . *

[2] vnàcum Richardo Franciscoex Angliadirectèad hoc Collegium venit. Eiusdem iuramento se ipsum obstrinxit. Conclusiones solemnes tum philosophicas tum etiam Theologicas publicè pro dignitate propugnauit Creatus sacerdos ad vineæ Anglicanæ culturam cum quinque antè nominatis missus est.

502. Gulz Chalinerus . *

[2] [v scored] admissus est ad hoc Collegium simul cum quinque subsequentibus Eiusdem se iuramento obligauit Theses solemnes tum philosophicas, tum etiam Theologicascum [espscored] omnium approbatione publicè defendit Sacerdotio [studiorum scored] tempestiuè initiatus est Studiis verò absolutis Societati nomen in [Hispania scored hac prouincia above] dedit, [Et mo scored] anno nimirum 1659, Maii 2, et modo Collegii huius Ministrum [agit scored] et Procuratorem haud exiguo eiusdem bono agit.

[3] vbi mortuus ẽ

503. Basilius Durandus

Anno 1652 . (173)

[2] vna cum prædicto Gul Chalonero ad hoc Collegium admissus est, eiusque suo tempore suscepit iuramentum Theses solemnes totius Physicæ, nec non Theologicascum laude [s p scored] defendit. Enacto septenni studiorum curriculo et sacerdotio initiatus in Belgium nomen societati daturus abiit, vbi voti sui compos factus absoluto tyrocinio in messem Anglicanam missus est

on the whole of philosophy, of Richard Francisco. They were dedicated to the English Ambassador , and the printed sheet bore his arms"; he gave another public act in Dec. , 1654; ordained subdeacon at Palencia, together with Thomas Prance; the same two were ordained priests at Palencia in March, 1655, and they began to say Mass on April 5th; went to England May 14 , 1656 (Lib. 2 Gasto; Lib. 10 Misas); was stationed in Yorkshire , where he resided with Mr. Beckwith, at Marton, in Holderness ; elected to theold English Chapterin 1674; became Vicar-general ofthe northern counties in Dec., 1692; died 1696. Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng Cath , ii, p 331 * Thomas Prance: gave a public act " on all physics " in Nov., 1651 (Lib. 2 Gasto); was ordained with Richard Franks

William Chaloner, als Basset : the account book Series III, Leg 46, P. 356, says: "William Chaloner came to this College on Sept. 17, 1652 , with John Marsh He paid his viaticum in St. Omer He receivedall the three [major] ordersin Valladolid from his Lordship D. Fray Juan Merinero: the subdiaconateon Dec. 24, 1655, the diaconateon March II, and the priesthood on April 1 , 1656. He said his first Mass on April 16 , 1656." The Lib. 2 Gasto, however, has the following entry:" Dec , 1655: expenses of the journey to Palencia when John Powell and William Chaloner went to be ordained subdeacons " TheLib 3 Gastosays:(p 25)" Fr.WilliamChaloner or Bassetwas received into the Society on May 2nd, 1659, and was sent to Villagarcia " The Lib 10 Misas speaks of" Fr. WilliamChaloner, who now [May, 1659] calls himself Bassett " He succeeded Fr. John Freeman as bursar of the College at Valladolid on Sept. 26, 1660 (Lib. 3 Gasto). His handwriting in the books ceases in the middle of March, 1665, and in May of that year the cost of" opening the grave for Fr. Bassett is entered in the Lib 3 Gasto . He was of the family of Chaloner , of Speke and Garston , Lancs See C.R.S. , vi, p 113n; Foley, vii, p. 1423 . Basil Durand, als or vere Langworth : gave a public act "on all physics" in Nov., 1654 (Lib 2 Gasto); was ordained priest in September, 1657 , and said his first Mass on St. Michael's day (Lib. 10 Misas); another


[3] post reversusin Belgiu factus e minister Audomaropoli et Leodii, et repatrians [conjectus e in carcere Eboracensescored] fidei causa , vt aiunt. Iã Rector Gandavi

504. Joannes Martius. *

[2] cum duobus antè memoratis ad Collegium admissus est , et [cum scored] eiusdem iuramentum præstitit, et cum esset valdè fractæ valetudinis breui pie obiit in Societatem, [in ar scored] quam petierat, in articulo mortiis admissus.

505. Joannes Terrettus [vere Bradsheet above, in 3rd hand]. * [2] simul cum tribus prædictis in hoc Collegium receptus eius simul etiam cum ipsis iuramentum suscepit Etfinito septennistudiorum stadio sacerdos creatus in Angliam pro more missusest [3] in Agro Staffordiæ apud Holy-Crosse egregie promovit rem

506. Francz Stablæus . [2] in hoc Collegium cum aliis quatuor ante nominatis admissus cum iisdem eiusdem se iuramento obstrinxit, et factus sacerdos post absoluta studia missus est.

507. Joannes Duckettus.§

[2] cum quinque prædictis in hoc receptus Collegium eius iuramentum una cum illis emisit Vniversi cursus philosophici, nec non

public act on Jan. 1 , 1658 (Lib. 3 Gasto); went to England June 3, 1659 , in company with John Powell [no. 508], Francis Stabley [no 506] and John Terret [no 505] (Lib 3 Gasto, p 25d). Foley identifies him with Basil Langworth, a native of Lincolnshire, who entered the Society IHS in 1661; was in the Suffolk district 1665; in 1672 Vice-rector of St. Omer's College; 1675 Minister of Liége College; in 1678 was again in the Suffolk district; was one ofthe intendedvictims ofthe Oates Plot persecution; in 1679 wasMinister at Watten ; in 1681 once more in the Suffolk district; died, at St. Omer's College, Oct. 12, 1683. Foley, vii, pp 435, 1439


* John Marsh: came to this College from that of St. Omer, on Sept. 17, 1652. They gave him in St. Omer two doubloons and a half, and they paid him for the sea voyage 200 silver reales and the cost of one month in Ostend To cover this he left a letter of credit on his father for 800 reales He died in this College, Oct. 18 , 1654, and was received into the Society at the hour of his death" Series III, Leg. 46, p 352. Kirk, in his Biographies (ed 1909, p 159), has a John Marsh who went from St. Omer's College to Valladolid, and returned to England about 1660 and lived first in the south , but, being banishedLondon during the Oates Plot persecution , stayed some time in Lancashire, but later went to the Yorkshire moors His residence was chiefly at Egton Bridge Eitherthis is not the same personas the John Marsh above , or the notes in the second hand are not reliable at this period of the register, which seems unlikely, as they are confirmed by the account book

John Bradsheet , als Terret : ordained subdeacon at Palencia, Dec., 1657 , andpriest at Avilaon the eveofTrinity Sunday, 1658; went toEngland June 3, 1659. Lib 3 Gasto

Francis Stabley : ordaineddeacon at PalenciaDec., 1657 (Lib 3 Gasto), and priest in March, 1658 (Lib 10 Misas); went to England June 3, 1659 . Lib 3 Gasto .

§ John Duckett : public act " on all philosophy " May, 1655 (Lib 2 Gasto); another public act in Feb., 1657; ordained deacon at Avila, with ThomasSmith [no 510], at the second Lenten ordination, 1659 (they had been ordained subdeacons at Valladolid ); ordained priest at Avila Dec. , 1659: went to England Feb. 14, 1660. Lib. 3 Gasto; see C.R.S. , vi, p 235n .

particulares Theologiæ theses publicè cum applausu propugnauit . Sub finem vtriusque cursus Sacerdotio initiatus in Angliam missus est

[3] vixit cũ Colonello Tucket et Dño Stoner in comitatuOxoniensi

508. Joannes Powellus. *

Anno 1652 (174)

[2] año Domini 1652 mense Octobris Bayona ad hoc Collegium devenit. In illud cooptatus [eius scored] solito eiusdem iuramento se obstrinxit. Sacerdos creatus et septenni studiorum curriculo peracto in Angliam missus est.

509. Joannes Rogerius.*

[2] cursu philosophico Granatæabsoluto ad hoc Collegium admissus fuit año 1656, mense octobris Eius iuramento se obstrinxit Sacerdotio postea initiatus, et quadriennium Theologiæ ([cuius scored] è qua theses solemnes cum laude propugnavit ) emensus ad messem Anglicanam destinatus fuit.

510. Thomas Smitheus.

[2] philosophiæ curriculo Leodii absoluto ad Theologiam in hoc Collegio peragendamadmissus est año Domini 1657 , mense Octobris. Inquo Theologiæquadriennium feliciter emensus et publico eiusdem actu perfunctus Sacerdos in Angliam missus est, ubi Societati nomen dedit

[3] et strenue piissimeq3 operaturin Angliaiã plures annos .

Anno 1660. [Joannes Pessingtonusalias Scasbrigius scored .] 511. Carolus Neoportus aliàs Keynesius§ venit ad hoc Collegium año Dom. 1660 die 29 novembris Juramentum Collegii præstitit Anno 1663 , Martii die 5, ingressus est societatem in hoc Collegio, et ad Tyrocinium Villag: missus.

[2] Sacerdos missus in Belgiũ mortuus est Leodii

John Powell : ordained subdeacon at Palencia Dec., 1655 (Lib 2 Gasto); began to say Mass for the College in April, 1656 (Lib 10 Misas); went to England June 3 , 1659. Lib. 3 Gasto .

John Ward, als Rogers : ordained subdeacon at Palencia Dec. , 1657 , and priest at Avila on the eve of Trinity Sunday, 1658; went to England Feb. 14 , 1660. Lib 3 Gasto He was elected to the Old English Chapter in 1682. When Bishop Giffard was appointed Principal of MagdalenCollege, Oxford, John Ward was appointed bursar, but their stay was short lived. He died in London, March 9, 1723. Kirk seems to be incorrect with regard to his parentage (see no 535) Kirk, Biographies , p 243 ThomasSmith : a nephewof Fr. WilliamSankey, S.J. (C.R.S.,xxix, p 157); ordained subdeacon at Avila, 1659 (Lib 3 Gasto), and priest [probably at Valladolid] in April, 1659 (Lib 10 Misas); went to England Nov. 1, 1661 (C.R.S. , loc cit.); entered the Society IHS 1661; in 1663 was a missionary in his native county, Lancashire, where he was still residing in 1676; died Jan. 31 , 1681 , aged 56. Foley, vii, p 721 § Charles Keynes , als Newport: in 1672 was a tertian at Watten, and the following year was appointed professorof logic at Liége, where he died prematurely, Sept. 20, 1673. He was probablya younger brother of no 486. Foley, vii, pp 415, 1437 . Maximilian Keynes , als Newport: the Lib 3 Gaste has the entry:" Dec. , 1671: 154 reales to send the student Maximilian [Newport] to Seville" His

512. Thomas Addisonus* ad hoc Collegium 18 novembris admissus fuit, eiusqueiuramentum præstitit Sacerdotio primo adventus sui anno initiatus fuit

[2] ingressusest Societatepiissime et constantissimelaborat in agro Eboracensi (175)

513. Thomas Molinaxius alias Wilkinsonus [Lancastrensis above , in 2nd hand] simul cum prædicto ad hoc admissus Collegium [admissus scored] solito eiusdem se iuramento obstrinxit et secundo philosophiæanno sacerdos factus est.

[2] ingressus Societate ministri functus officio p 7 annosinCollegio reversus e in Angliã; mortuus est in carcere Novicastri pro fide catholica

[3: Perry] ipse an: 1672 dono misit novæ fabricæ Ecclesiæ un doblon [de a ocho scored] ita liberfabricæ fol 62:

514. Georgius Standisius aliàs Stanter [Herefordiensis de Frome hill above, in 2nd hand] cum duobus proximè memoratis in hoc receptus Collegium solitum eius iuramentumsuscepit Primo cursus philosophici anno Sacerdos creatus est . [2] et in Angliãreversuspost 7 annos phiæ et Theologiæ p multos annos boni missionarii munus obiit

name does not appear elsewhere in the books at Valladolid At Seville Maximilian de Neoporto [Newport] signed the mission oath on Dec. 29 , 1672. The Seville College account book Lib. 16 has an entryof the viaticum of the Licenciate Maximilian [Newport] when he went to England, June, 1673. Foley (vii, p 418) gives Maximilian Keynes, born in London 1652; enteredthe Society IHS Sept. 7, 1674; in 1685 was missionerin theDurham district; in 1696 was professor of Hebrew at Liége; died at Watten , March 3 , 1720

* Thomas Addison: born in Yorkshire, 1634; entered the Society IHS July 1 , 1668; was in Yorkshire in 1670 and afterwards; was a prisoner in York Castle at the period of the Oates Plot, 1678-9; died at York, March 21 or 23 , 1685. Foley, vii, p 4.

Thomas Wilkinson, als Molyneux: born in Lancashire, 1638; origin uncertain, but probably ofthe ancient catholic familyofWilkinson, ofClaughton, Lancs.; ordained priest at Segovia, March 25, 1662; public act in theology, Feb., 1666 ; entered the SocietyIHSat Watten Sept. 20, 1667; returned to Valladolid as Minister and Vice-rector, Sept. , 1670; returned tothe English Province S.J., in Flanders, Feb. 3, 1677; in 1678 was in England, working in the Durham district, and apparently at Long Horsley, Northumberland; during the persecution raised by the Oates Plot he evaded the pursuivants for some time, but was at length betrayed and committed to gaol; after some months' imprisonment was brought to the bar at Newcastle assizes ,indicted , as usual , for high treason, as being a priest; for lack of evidence was remanded, and committed to the gaol at Morpeth (the register is not quite correct when it says the gaol at Newcastle ) ; here he fell ill, and many witnessesaffirm he was poisoned by a surgeon of low character to whose carehe was entrusted during his illness He died Jan. 12 , 1681. Lib 3 Gasto; Libro de Viaticos, p 14f; Foley, vii, pp 1442, 1458; Gillow, Bibliog. Dict. Eng. Cath ., v, p 69 ; C.R.S. , vi, p 202n .

George Standish , als Stanter: judgingby a general settlement of accounts(Lib 3 Gasto) in March, 1667 , he leftthe College atthat date, incompany with ThomasMolyneux and ThomasAddison .

515. Joannes [Scasbrigius altered in 2nd hand to Scaresbridgius] alias [Pilkingtonus scored Plesinton Lancastriensis above in 2nd hand] admissus fuit ad hoc Collegium cum tribus prædictis Eius iuramentum cum iisdem suscepit. Sacerdotio initiatus et thesibus [erat scored] in universa philosophia defensis ob adversam valetudinem in Angliam missusest.

[2] Martyrio coronatus est Chestriæapud DnuMassaudePuddinton vixit multis annis Strenuus et zelosus operarius prope Chestriã et S. Wenefridæ fonte, holy-well


516. Daniel Monfortius aliàs Armstrong [Nottingamiensis above , in 2nd hand] cum quinque suprà nominatis in hoc Collegium receptus eius simul cum ipsis iuramento [se above] obstrinxit.

[2] post phiã et Theã auditã et defensă publice creatus Sacerdos in Angliã missus est anno 1667. post 8 octo annos positos in missione ingressus est Societate Wattensis. finito Novitiatu reversus est Vallisoletu Ministersimul cu 8 alunis sci Johanne Sipsono, Jacobo Waltono, fferdinando Mottet, ffrancisco et Carolo Langorne filiis Richardi Langhorne Martyris, Petro Montefortio , Roberto Wardo, Christoforo Bentley [tandem post applausu and a complete line of writing illegibly scored]. Anno 1663 . 517. GeorgiusWisæus fuit receptus in hoc Collegium, eiusquesuo tempore iuramentumpræstitit. [2] post ingressusSocietate Wattenis et missus in Anglia.

* Blessed John Plessington , als Scarisbrick: martyr; born about 1637; youngest son of Robert Plesington, of Dimples Hall, near Garstang, Co. Lancaster, and his wife Alice, daughter of LawrenceRawstorne, of Newhall in Tottington, whose wife was daughter of Robert Hesketh , of Rufford; was sentto a school privately kept bytheJesuitsat ScarisbrickHall, andadopted the alias Scarisbrick when he came to Valladolid (Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath, v, p. 322) ; ordained priest at Segovia March 25, 1662 (Register of Ordinations , MS, Segovia Cathedral); went to England, on account of ill health, April, 1663 (Lib 3 Gasto); lived chiefly with Mr. William Massey, of Puddington, Cheshire (for whom see Gillow, op. cit , iv, p 524); wasarrested during the Oates Plot persecution, imprisoned in Chester Castle gaol, and executed , July 19, 1679, on Gallows Hill (now known as Barrell Well Hill), Boughton, west of Chester. His quartered body lies buried in the graveyard of the parish church at Burton-in-Wirral, Cheshire Daniel Armstrong, als Joseph Montfort and Mumford : public act in March, 1622 , and Jan., 1665; receivedhis viaticumSept., 1667 (Lib. 3 Gasto); entered the Society IHS Aug. 14 , 1675 (Foley); returned to Valladolid as Minister, Oct., 1677 (Lib 3 Gasto); went back to England May 24 , 1684 (Libro de Viaticos); in 1685 was a missionary in Yorks.; is named in the narrative of Titus Oates, who was expelled from the College Oct. 30, 1677; died July 8 or Dec. 15 , 1686, aged 43. Foley, vii, p. 17 . " George Wise, als Sophia : public acts in Oct., 1664; May, 1666; and Jan., 1668; April, 1670: clothing and viaticum forWilliam Burnet, George Sophia [Wise] and Francis Kirque [Kirke] who set off for England, via Bilbao , on the 3rd of this month " (Lib 3 Gasto); enteredthe Society IHS July 21 , 1670; in 1674 was camp missionerat Ghent; in 1675 Minister at Ghent; at the timeof the Oates Plotpersecution, 1678-9, was a missionerinthe Hants district, and is named as fleeing those parts to elude the pursuit of the pur- suivants; in 1694 was in London, and in the autumn was arrested , but liberated on bail a few days later; in 1701 and 1704 was ill at Watten , where he died Oct. 31, 1704. He was a native of Mechlin, born 1643, of an English father . Foley, vii, p 853


518. Thomas Frevillus aliàs Jenisonus* cum prædicto fuit admissus ad hoc Collegium Et ante susceptum eius iuramentum ingressus est Societatem in hac Provincia [2] reversus est in Belgiu et strenue laboravit inter Anglos et Hibernos milites factus demu procurator Bruxellis difficili tepore persecutionis postea poenitentiarius Loreti

519. [Fran scored] Franciscus Massæus cum duobus prædictis admissus ad hoc Collegium [iuram susce scored] Eius iuramentum suscipere recusavit : nec ulla ad id ratione adduci potuit. Unde ultro [g scored] ex eo discessit . (176)

520. Franciscus Kirkæus alias Simsonus cum tribus prædictis ad hoc Collegium admissus eius se iuramento obstrinxit. [2] Sacerdos reversusin Angliã finitisstudiis.

521. Gulielmus Hardenstellus alias Burnettus in hoc cum [rel scored] quatuor supradictis cooptatus eius iuramentumpræstitit. [2] finitis studiis phiis et theis Sacerdos reversus est in Angliä Missionarius optimus.

522. Ignatius Thorpus [alias Potter et Xavier above] Cantabrigienin

* Thomas Jenison , als Freville : a native of Durham county, born 1643 (Foley); he went to the noviciate [at Villagarcia] on June 1 , 1664 (Lib. 3 Gasto). There are several entries concerning him in the account books of the English College at Seville: "Sept., 1673: viaticum of Fr. Thomas Freville from Salamanca .... which is charged to the English Province until such time as our Fr. General shall decide the matter" (Lib 7. pp 6 and 7); " 1674 , April : expenses of the ordination of Fr. Freville " There are entries of"breviariesfor Brother Thomas Freville " in Jan., 1674; " alms for his first Mass , " in March; and " licence to hear confessions June (Lib. 16, pp 21-4). In May, 1675, his travellingexpenses are charged tothe Jesuit College at Jerez, wherehe went to be Master of Grammar (Lib 7. Partic., p 29) Foley says he entered the Society IHS May 3 , 1664; in 1678 was procurator of the Province at Brussels ; in 1679 was removedfrom Brussels to Loreto ; thence he was sent to Rome; in 1684 was procurator in Paris for St. Omer's College ; was occasionally confessor to the Duke of York, afterwards King James II; in 1684, also, he appears in the Suffolk district; died in London , April 2, 1701. Foley, vii, p 401 .

Francis Massey : possibly the younger son of Richard Massey, of RixtonHall, Lancs.; entered the Society IHS in 1664, and left the noviciate soon after; the elder son of Richard Masseydied in 1665. C.R.S., vi, p. 115n; Foley, vii, p 492

Francis Kirke, als Simpson : there is an entry in the account book no II " On the 29thOctober, 1663, there arrived at this College from St. Omerfour studentstostudy artsandtheology[Kirkeandnos 518, 519 and 511.] .... and another [no 517] had come in September, 1663." Francis Kirke was ordained at Salamanca in March, and at Segovia in April, 1669. He went to England in April, 1670. Lib 3 Gasto § William Hardenstell, als Burnett : public acts in May, 1665 , and Jan. , 1669; went to England in April, 1670. Lib 3 Gasto

Ignatius Thorpe, als Stafford, Potter and Xavier : Foley says he was a native of co Stafford, or Suffolk; born 1652; entered the Society IHS Oct. 15 , 1672; ordained priest March 28 , 1682; in 1695 was in South Wales; in 1688-9 a prisonerfor theCatholic Faith during the persecutionconsequent upon the Orange revolution : in 1697-8 at Writtle Park, Essex; in 1701 in Lincolnshire, in which year he went to St. Omer's College, returning to England in 1704; died at Worcester, June 17 , 1720. Foley, vii, p 728

sis venit huc anno 1670. præstito Collegii iuramentoadmissusest in Societate; in qua finita novitiatu et cursu philosophico inflandriã reversus est:

[2: Perry] novæ Ecclæ fabricæ an 1672 erecta dedit 10 doblones de a ocho. ita liber fabricæ fol: 62.

52[3 altered from 2] Gulielmus Quaterman* Eboracensis venit an 1670, et 20 anno Theologiæ Sacerdos reversus est in Angliã vir iā ætatis maturæ

Anno 1670 .

524. Gulielmus Pue Wallus venit an 1670 et Sacris initiatus finitis studiis repatriavit.

525. Joannes Cooperus Lancastrensis venit an 1670 et sacerdos finitis studiis angliä petiit.

526. Thomas Gerardus§ lancastrensis venit an. 1670 [et Sacerdos finitis studiis Anglia repetiit scored] mortuus Portellæ et Sepultus Vallisoleti:

526. Cuthbertus Norritius Lancastrensis venit an. 1670 et mortuus est Portellæ ex febri: et Sepultus Vallisoleti:


527. Richardus Riverius Lancastriensis venit an 1670 finitis studiis reversus e in Angliã scored .]

527. Richardus Riverius Lancastriensis 7 annis studuit hic et Sacerdos reversus e in patria an. 1677 . (177)

[Upper quarter and lower half of page blank ] 528. Edmundus Garnettus** Lancastriensis venit et discessit cũ pdictis in Anglia Sacerdos iã.

William Quartermain: went to England Feb. 23, 1676. Lib. 3 Gasto .

William Pugh: went to England Feb. 3, 1677. Lib. Viaticos.

John Cooper : publicact in Jan., 1675 (Lib 3 Gasto); went toEngland Feb. 3 , 1677. Lib. Viaticos

§ Thomas Gerard: died at Portillo, a village about sixteen miles south of Valladolid , wherethe students were spendingtheir summer holiday This entryis united to the following by a bracket in the margin, which would seem to indicate they both died about the same time

|| Cuthbert Norris : died at Portillo in Aug., 1674, in whichmonth there areentriesinthe Lib 3 Gasto: " MedicineforMr. Cuthbert [Norris]in Portillo" and " Opening a grave. "

Richard River : public act in Nov., 1671 (Lib. 3 Gasto) ; wentto England Feb. 3 , 1677. Lib. Viaticos

** Edmund Garnett: probably of the family of Garnett, of Cantsfield , Lancs.; ordained priest 1674 (C.R.S., vi, p 250n); public act in Dec., 1676 (Lib 3 Gastos); went to England Feb. 3 , 1677 (Lib Viaticos) He was still a student when he gave a donation towards the cost of the new church, and is describedas such in the book, on May 4, 1674, p 68 dorse On page 68 (face), April 29, 1674, is an entryto the effect that " Mr. Thomas Hughsoen' [? who is this ; the nameis written quite clearly], who was a student ofthis College some years ago, sent through Fr. Thomas Molignacio [Molyneux], at present Minister of this College, ten English pounds for the work, which in our money make a thousand reales . "

[2: Perry] an: 1674, dum erigeretur novæ Ecclæ fabrica dono misit 50 reales, ita Liber fabricæ, fol 68: (178)

529. Johannes Simpsonus alias Torbettus* venit huc anno 1677 finitis Studiis reversus est in Anglia Sacerdos et bene doctus an. 1684. fuit Eboracensiset dissessit [sic] die 22 februarii

530. Carolus Legatus alias Langhorne Londinensis venit huc an. 1677 finitis optime Studiis et Sacerdos cu supradicto dissessit ambo in votis habuere ingredi Societate

531. ffranciscus Legatus I. langhorne venit huc è Collegio D. Georgii Madriti: finito Septennio, Sacerdos et Theologus non contemnendus reversus est Londinu patriũ solu, an 1684 , 2 martii

(Anno 1677.) (179)

532. fferdinandus Mottet§ natus Bruxellis venit huc an 1677. 3 annis in [4 in scored] phiã et 4 in Theã pcurrenda positis Sacerdos abiit in Belgiu Societatis Candidatus; et etiã vocatus a P. Johanne Neoporto Angliæ Provinciali discessit 2 martii cu pdicto.

533. Jacobus Waltonus vere Dod Staffordiensis missusa Patribus Lusitanis Reginæ a Sacris emenso curriculo phio et Theo et Sacris initiatus reversus est in Angliã per Ulyssiponě bonus Theologus. discessit cu 28 pdictis 2 martii, 1684. S. Chad's day.

534. Petrus Montefortius alias Armstrong Nottinghamiensis venit huc an . 1677 , cũ prædictis, die D. Albani anni sequentis emisit

* John Simpson , als. Torbett : public act in March, 1679 (Lib. 3 Gasto); went to England Feb. 22, 1684 (Lib Viaticos); in 1693 he lived with Mr. Errington , heir apparent to Sir Miles Stapleton, at Quousque, where he had formerly taught in the school founded there by the Ven Thomas Thweng, the last of England's priest-martyrs ; afterwards laboured at Newhouse , near Esk, Durham, where he died Jan. 29, 1726. Kirk, Biographies , pp 211 , 219; C.R.S. , ix, p. 109n; xxviii, p. 39 .

Charles Langhorne, als. Legate: son of Richard Langhorne, who was put to death at Tyburn, a martyr of the Oates Plot persecution, July 14 , 1679, when Charles was still at Valladolid, where he witnessedthe arrival andexpulsionofTitus Oates; he leftforEngland Feb.22 , 1684. Lib.Viaticos; Gillow , Bibliog. Dict. Eng Cath , iv, p 130.

FrancisLanghorne, als Legate: came fromthe English College, Madrid, in Oct., 1680; brother of no 530. Either this entry and that of no. 535 are out of chronological order, or these students were at Valladolid for a short time beforegoing to Madrid See C.R.S. , xxix, pp. 101 , 159 . § Ferdinand Mottet : born 1658; entered the Society IHS at Watten , Aug. 14 , 1684; in 1685 was Prefect at St. Omer's College, where he died , Nov. 17 , 1691. Foley, vii, p 531 .

James Dodd, als Walton : public act in Jan., 1682; went twice to Leon for ordination in Feb., 1683, in company with Charles Langhorne Lib. 3 Gasto

Peter Armstrong, als Montfort : possibly brother of no. 516; the Lib. Viaticos says he was " expelled from the College on Nov. 10, 1678 , for various causes and reasons, and the College gave him for his journey to Bilbao 120 reales , as an alms, for as an expelled student the College had no obligation to give him anything . "

iuramentu huius collegii de ordinibus suo tempore suscipiendis: sed sive sua culpa, sive oculoru debilitate inordinatus in Angliã discessit an. Dñi 1678 [Page 180 is blank ] (181)

535. Robertus Wardus* Dunelmensisvenit huc è collegio D.Georgii Madriti; finitis Studiis , et Sacris initiatus, doctus et pius iuvenis repatriavit an 1684.

536. Christophorus Bentleyus Lincolniensis post finita Studia phiã et theologica in Anglia reversus est iam Sacerdos an 1684

537. Gulielmus Loyallus vere Sugdenus venit cu prædictis , sed post annu ob tumultu dimissus est

[Upper half of page blank ] (182)

538. Titus Ambrose vere Oates § venit cu pdictis et ob [ten scored] pessimos mores post 4. menses eiectus factus est infamis apostata nimis notus, et Author persecutionis plusquã Neronianæ, sed impii foderunt foveã et incideruntin eǎ.

[The following note, in the lower right-hand corner of the page, is in the hand of Fr. Nicholas Porter] Anno 1764, mensis maii 29, [Ego over P.] Nicolaus Porter huc veni[t scored] ut [essem over esset] Minister &c huius Collegii Idem in hoc libro couni à pag. 182 et ab Alumno 538 (qui e Titus Oates) plurima folia deesse notavi, quo motivo et quo authore Deus scit; nec enim ipse P. Rector Franciscus Texerizo id sciebat , nec ego. ita testorN. Porter S.J. Sacerdos.

Robert Ward : came from the College at Madrid Oct., 1680 (C.R.S. , xxix, p. 101); public act in Jan., 1683 (Lib 3 Gasto); went to England April 8, 1684 (Lib. 11, p. 110d) ; taught for about a year at the school at Quousque, Yorks , but soon went to York, and lived as chaplain in the family of the rich and virtuous Mrs. Westby Kirk, Biographies , p 244; C.R.S. , xxix, p 101

Christopher Bentley: returned to England March 15, 1684. Lib Viaticos

William Sugden, als Loyall : an unfinished entry in the Libro de Viaticos shows that he was " expelled as incorrigible " on Nov. 18 , 1678

§ Titus Oates , als Titus Ambrose: the following particulars are taken from a sworn testimony of the duration of Titus Oates' stay at Valladolid and of his journey thenceto Bilbao on the way to England (Series II, Leg 3). Enteredthe College on June 1 , 1677; was expelledfrom the College on Saturday, Oct. 30, 1677; accompaniedbya post-boy he set off on a mulefor Bilbao. Onthat day they went as far as Torquemada Onthe following day, Sunday, the post-boy went to Mass , but Titus Ambrose remained in the inn. Resuming the journey, they reached Villanueva de las Carreterasby mid-day, and Burgos in the evening On Monday, All Saints' day, they both heard Mass at the Convent of San Domingo, in Burgos By mid-day they were a league beyond Monasterio de Rodilla, and at night reached Pancorvo On Tuesday at mid-day they were at Venta Blanca Thence they went to Saracho, from which place they set offon Wednesday , and at mid-day arrived at Bilbao

Fr. Nicholas Porter Foley, vii, p. 616.

Anno 1756

[184 scored] [Page 183]

Venerunt ad hoc Collegium Josephus Barnall & Ignatius Matthews et juramentum solitum præstiterunt die 6º Julii anni sequentis

Thos Parker , Henricus Cole § & Thos Culcheth venerunt cum supradictis, & juramentum præstiterunt, dilati ob causas legitimas, 27: Septem: eodem cum prædictis anno.

Thos Faulkner cum prædictis venit & juramentum præstitit 28 Septem: an: 175[6 covered by a blot ofink]. [Die scored] Die 22 Junii anni 1758

Thos Faulkner alumnus hujus Collegii post exactum biennalem litterarium cursum tum Logicæ tum Physiologicæ declarat se nihil percipere aut intelligere posse, nec ullam se spem habere faciendi progressum aliquem in litteris, vel propter aliqualem surditatem qua laborat, aut etiam propter nimiam ingenii tarditatem. Quapropter enixe rogat a Superiore hujus Collegii, ut ab hoc Collegio demittatur, utpote ad finem prædicti Collegii porsus ineptus: & [hanc suam declarationem altered to huic suæ declarationi] propria manu hic subscribit

[Autograph signature] Thomas Falkner

Post hæc Pater Martinus Learte Societatis Jesu, Magister in philosophia ejusdem Thomæ Falkner, & P: Nicolas Sanderson** etiam Societatis Jesu, (& qui conferentiis philosophicis, quibus in hoc Collegio præsidet eundem Thomam pluries examinavit) interrogati a Superiore hujus Collegii declarant prædictum alumnum Thomam fere nihil [scire scored] de Logica fere nihil de physiologia scire, & propterea inutilem jam esse ad prosequenda cum Sociis studia Et huic suæ declara[ti]oni uterq3 propria manu hic subscribit .

[Autograph signatures ] Martinus Learte Nicolas Sanderson Hacdecausa prædictusThomas Falkner abhocVallisoletano Collegio St Albani dimissus fuit die 3º Julii anni 1758 & ex misericordia, seu per modum eleemosinæ datum illi fuit congruum viaticum ut constat ex lib: Viaticorum fol° 32.

[Here the original Register ends and Mgr. Guest's register begins.]

Joseph Barnewall, see no 596.

Ignatius Matthews: see no. 600 .

Thomas Parker: see no 597 .

§ Henry Cole : see no 598

ThomasCulcheth: see no 595

Thomas Falkner : for some obscure reason a tremendous fuss seems to have been made over the dismissal of this student See no 599

** Fr. Nicholas Sanderson , als. Thompson. Foley, vii, p 684 .


Anno 1677 die vero 3ª mensis Februarii , Rev. Pater Thomas Molinatio (Molineaux) * Soc. Jes Minister hujus Collegii abiens reversus est ad Provinciam Anglicanam in Flandria.

Anno 1684 die 24ª mensis Maii, Rev. Pater Josephus Monforte S.J. ex provincia Anglicana, tempore præstituto sui ministerii finito, ut mos est, reversusest ad suam Provinciam.

539. Alexius Condestable , alumnus hujus Colegii, accepto Regio Dono 50 Ducatorum , solum iis dato qui studiis completis facti Sacerdotes in Patriam ad Missiones proficiscerentur, die 8a Junii, anno 1689, discedens ex hoc Collegio in Angliam profectus est In alio loco dicitur quod exiverat studiis non completis, sed sine dubioSacerdos factus, quamquam de hoc siletur.

540. Franciscus Percy, Dono Regio 50 Ducatorum accepto, sine dubio ut supradictus factus Sacerdos, etsi curriculo consueto studiorum non emenso, die 12ª Januarii 1691 , profectus esthincin Angliam

541. Gulielmus Calvert, cursu studiorum septemannorum emenso , Sacerdos factus, die 26ª Martii anno 1692, in Missionem Anglicanam profectus est .

* ThomasWilkinson, als Molyneux: see no 513

Daniel Armstrong, als Joseph Montfort: see no 516. He signs the Libro de Viaticos " Joseph de Monforte . "

In the College library is a volume (no 6109) of Roman History by Appianus in Latin and Greek, publishedat Amsterdam in 1670 , which has the following note written on the front fly-leaf: - Pro BibliothecaAnglorum Vallisoleti Datum ab Alexio Locketto Alumno anno : 1685 quo tempore attigit Collegium Divi Albani

As no other student in the College at this time was named Alexius it would seem that the above student should be Alexius Condestable , alias or vereLockett.

The account book no. 11 , p. 11od , says that " On Sep. 25, 1685 , there arrived at this College 8 students: 6 for this College and 2 to be chargedto St. George's [Madrid]. " The two Madrid students were John Lucas and Edward Taverner als John Davis (C.R.S., xxix, p. 160)

§ Francis Percy, als Ingleby : in theaccount book Lib. 4 Gasto, underthe date Sept. , 1690, is an entry for the purchaseof a breviaryfor Mr. Francis [Percy], and for the expenses of the journey of two students who wentto Toro to be ordained In the Libro de Viaticos, Jan. 12, 1691, is the entryof the viaticum of the student Francis Yngleui [Ingleby] " which he signs with his nameon the said day, monthand year [signed] FranciscoPercy "

In the account book Lib 7 Recibos is the entry on p. 112 dorse : - " WilliamFarfas [Fairfax] said his first Mass for the College on the24th June, 1689." This seems to refer to the abovestudent who would thus be William Calvert, alias or vere Fairfax.

542. Edwardus Taverner, * septem annis artium et Theologiæ completis, Presbyter factus, die 26a Martii anno 1692, discessit ex hoc Collegio ad MissionemAnglicanam.

543. Joannes Lucas, curriculo Philosophiæ et Theologiæseptem annorum amenso, Sacerdos factus, die 26a Martii anno 1692, profectus est hinc ad MissionemAnglicanam.

543A Henry Walton In the account book Lib 3 Gastos is the entryunder the date Feb., 1687 , " Some English stockings were bought for the student HenryValton [Walton] who was expelled and sent to England" He gavea public act in Dec., 1686. Lib 3 Gasto Not in Mgr. Guest's list.

543B George Hunter In the account book Lib. 4 Gastos is the entry under the date May, 1693, " 80 reales given as an alms to another student, Mr. George Hunter, who went to Flanders to become a Carthusian " He is not in Mgr Guest's list

[Original holograph ][M. Constable to J. de Fuentes Series II: 4° , 106.]

Rde in Chro Pr P.C.

Audomari 2 Aprilis 1692

Accepi nonita pridem gratissimasRe Væ literas, quibus significat sibi gratum fore, si possim ex hoc Seminario sex lectos Juvenes illuc transmittere ad studia philosophica incoanda circa mediu Octobris sequentis : Libentissimè annuo votis Rae Væ , et spondeo me tales missuru, quales optat Ra Va nimiru Juvenes bonæ indolis, morigeros, literis humanioribus bene instructos, erga Societatemnostram bene affectos , de quibus spes sit non mediocris, fore non solu utiles in vineâ Dñi Anglicanâ Operarios , sed dignos qui in Societate cooptentur, quod et ipsi jam fere omnes expectant; audeo demu confidenter promittere ipsos plane satisfacturos votis et expectationi Re Væ. Unum tamen puto omnino necessarium , ut missio hæc tantæ spei, felicem eventu sortiatur : nimirum, ut secum habeant unum aliquem è nostris, non solùm longi itineris comitem, et viæ sanè difficilis , ducem , sed et in termino Collegii istius Ministrum: sine hoc conditione dubito an possim ipsis tam laboriosu iter persuadere : certè non ausim sine ea optatü successum promittere Quotquot illic aliquando habitarunt , hoc planè necessariu judicant; imo quisquis novit juventutisAnglicanæ geniu non potest aliter judicare Sunt enim Juvenes Angli naturâ verecundi, nec facilè externis se fidunt, qui si cum ipsis agant more suo, hoc est modo ab ipsoru geniis alieno, vel animos plane abjiciunt , vel pervicaces efficiuntur Is autem qui more patrio cum ipsis aget, facile eos in officio continebit : Talis igitur Minister et magno adjumento erit Rae Væ et ipsis Alumnis magno solatio Igitur R. P. Provincialis hæc considerans , et nihil dubitans quin Ra Va id sit approbatura,

* Edward Taverner, als Banister, als John Davis : said his first Mass for the College on Feb. 22, 1690 (Lib. 7 Recibos) ; is enteredin the Madrid books as John Davis (see C.R.S. , xxix, p 160 , where the reference to Foley, vii, p 197, should be deleted, as it seems now not to refer to this John Davis); according to the Libro de Viaticos three students left the College on March 26, 1692: John Lucas, William Calvert and Edward Taverner , written " Taberer" in the entry and signed " Tauerner. " He went straightto the Catholic School at Silksteed , near Winchester, which about 1696 migrated to Twyford, some two miles away Here he assisted the master , the Rev. William Husband By 1696 Edward Taverner had become headmaster , and had under his care Alexander Pope, thefuturepoet He ruled Twyford School for many years, till well on in the eighteenth century Eventuallyhe removed to WarkworthCastle, the seat of the Holmans, where he died in 1745. Ward, History of St. Edmund's College, p 7; Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng. Cath., i, p. 122 . John Lucas: public act in Dec., 1691. Lib 4 Gasto

præsertim cùm certior factus fuerit ab aliquo, qui anno elapso ex illoCollegio huc advenit, Ministru Anglu desiderari; quendam Patrem designavit, quem sperat non minùs acceptum futuru Ra Væ quum Alumnis charum; qui poterit non solum Ministru agere, sed etiã ipsos in rebus Scholasticisjuvare: expectamus tamen approbationem Ra Væ quam speramus adfuturu antequã tempus profectionis adveniat. Interim secura sit Ra Va omnes fore, quales ipsa optet; si quid sit aliud quod mihi mandare velit Ra Va id libere faciet; me obsecuturu polliceor: commendome SS SS Ræ Væ

Servus in Christo

Michael Constable

Nisi fallor R. P. Provincialis vester is est, quem in postremis Conciliis Procuratorů Romæ novi, quique memultis nominibus obstrictü agnosco; dignetur RaVa mea illi obsequia prolixè deferre.

[Addressed] Rdo in Chão Patri

P. Joanni de Fuentes Soctis Jesu

Retori Collegii Anglicani St Albani Vallisoleti

[Seal] Rect. Coll Anglic. Societ Iesv. Audom

[Endorsed] Jun recibila a 14 de 692

pe R de S. Omer se embiar la Mission y Mino

[J. Clare to (Rector of St. Alban's) Series II: 4°, 107.]

[Original holograph .]

Reverende in Xto Pater


Audomari : Sep. 1. 1692

Tertia hæc est epistola quam scripsi, ex illo tempore quo R. Væ primam accepi ; nec ullum adhuc ad meas habui responsum ; ex illo tamen responso quod R. P Rector ad suas nuper accepit, intellexi mentem R P Provincialis aversamesse ut cum Alumnis Minister Anglus mitteretur; ideoquede Patre quem destinaveram disposui; quem ad sex menses integras Audomari in hunc finem unicè detinui, haud dubitans quin propter justas illas rationes in meis allatas comes Alumnorum admitteretur ; hoc autem acceptoresponso nescivi quo me verterem; quia Juvenum Parentes offenderentur, si sinePatre comiteillos mittere, vel R PProvinciali displacerem , si postlicentiam negatam, Patrem mitterem; vel R Va si nullos mitterem omnino: in his constitutus angustiis unicum hoc mihi occurrit remedium, ut me ex his difficultatibus expedirem; quod spero omnibus, ac mihi æquè gratum futurum, mittendo scilicet Theologum ex nostra Provincia Hispanum, cujus mater sororque Hispali Religiosa, a longo tempore ipsum sollicitarunt Provinciam mutare ut illos inviseret, ad quam mutationem etiam adduxerant R P Provincialem: Frater autem noster nec matris nec sororis importunitate adduci poterat ut earum sollicitationibus consentiret nisi antea haberat R P Provincialis assensum , ut ad Provinciam nostram peractâ Theologiâ rediret : Quamobrem ut Frater noster piæ matris ac sororis desiderio ipsum videndi satisfaciat, et suo etiam ad Provinciam nostram rediendi fruatur, ipsum Sex Alumnis adjunxi Socium , ut illos in repetitionibus, et lingua hispanica addiscenda , adjuvet, dum nempe tres Theologiæannos absolvit : Et hoc modo Juvenum Parentibus satisfaciam, dum unus ex nostra provincia illos comitatur , etcum illis cohabitat Mater et Soror Fratris nostri erunt etiam contentæ , dum in vacantiis cum venia R V et amicorum expensis , illas visitat: R etiam P Provincialis non erit offensus, ut spero, quia nullumnovum onus Provinciæ hoc modo eveniet; expleto enim Theologiæ curriculo in Provinciam nostram remittendus est; et RV habebit missionem quam expectat, Septem scilicet Juvenum, optima indolis, maxima spei, nostræque Societatis candidatoru . Illos ergo R Væ mitto, et ut Patri commendo , nec dubitare possum quinR Va Fratri nostro, optimo Religioso, æquè ac illis tampaternum affectum ostensura sit, ut nullum ex illis unquam poeniteat quod meum secutus sit consilium; suos, et Patriam relinquendo; cum R Vm Patrem amantissimum in terra aliena semper inventurus sit RV petiit 8, see cum Frater noster illos comitetur, nolebam ultra illum numerum a R V constitutum mittere Spero

RP Provincialem, quem humillime saluto, et R Vm meam hac in re dispositionem, tanto cum affectu approbaturos, quanto ego illam feci Et si qua alia in re potero R V inservire, mandata vestra, quæ semper erunt gratissima, mihi quæso significet: interimme humillimèSanctis Suis Sacrificiiscommendo qui sum ex animo

Revde Pater

RV Servus in Christo humillimus

Joannes Clare

Soctis Jesu per Angliam Prolls Octavus nomine Nelson Ostenda prima data occasione coeteros per mare sequetur

[Endorsed] Del Pe Prov¹ de Ynglaterra recivila con los Alumnos en 17 de Nove de 1692. y respondila a 22 del dho mismo mes con cartas del Ho Carlos Raymundo por Madrid al Pe Yrigoyen a Antuerpia al Pe Proc* Gen¹ de Ynglata.

Anno 1692 mense

Octobris, huc advenit ex Provincia Anglicana, ut sit Minister hujus Collegii, Rev. Pater Carolus Raymund * ; die 23a mensis Novembris 1698, tempore sui ministerii finito, reversus est ad suam Provinciam

544. Ignatius Brooke, ex Marilandia .

545. Matthæus Brooke, ex Marilandia .

546. Gulielmus Lane, § Norfolciensis

547. Joannes Lomax, Suffolciensis.

Hi quatuor, studiis Philosophiæ et Theologiæ septem annorum completis, sacris initiati, die 22 Aprilis anno 1699, profecti sunt hinc in Missionem Anglicanam.

[A note on p.4 of the account book Lib 4 Gastos says they weredetained at Bilbao fifty-two days awaiting embarkation ]

548. Franciscus Stafford,** Londinensis.

* Fr. Charles Raymund, or Rayment Foley, vii, p. 640 . Ignatius Brooke: went to England April 22, 1699, accompanied by Matthew Brooke [no 545], William Lane [no 546] and John Lomax [no. 547], who had all finished seven years' studyof philosophy and theology (Lib Viaticos); entered the Society IHS, July 24 , 1699 (Foley); returned to Valladolid as Minister, Oct. 22, 1701 , bringing with him eight students [nos 553-560]; went back to the English Province April 24, 1708 (Lib. Viaticos); worked for many years in the Midlands; died at St. Omer's College, March 10 , 1751 , aged 81. Foley, vii, pp 90, 1421 . Matthew Brooke: born in Maryland, 1672; arrived at Valladolid in company with Francis Stafford [no. 548], Nov. 17 , 1692 (Lib 7 Recibos) ; entered the Society IHS July 30 , 1699; died in Maryland, 1702. Foley, vii, p 90


William Lane : a native of Norfolk, born Jan. 30, 1672; entered the Society IHS July 24, 1699; died at Winchester, May 10 , 1752. Foley, vii, P. 432

John Lomax : son of John Lomax, of Redlingfield, co Suffolk , and Margaret his wife; was at Redlingfield for some years; subsequently chaplain to Lord Dover, in Cambridgeshire (1725); later chaplain to Thomas Whitgreave, Esq , at Moseley, co Staffs, 1728, and probably remainedthere until his death on April 29 , 1732. Gillow, Bibliog Dict Eng Cath , iv, p. 323; Kirk, Biog. , p 152; C.R.S. , xii, p 3

** Francis Stafford : died at the College, May 30, 1696. C.R.S., xxix, p 160

549. Gulielmus Weedon, Oxoniensis, die 22ª Februarii anno 1701 , studiis completis, Sacerdos factus ad Missiones in Anglia profectus est

550. Thomas Brookes, Sussexensis, die 22 Februarii anno 1701 , curriculo consueto studiorum emenso, Sacerdos factus exivit ad Missionem Anglicanam

551. Richardus Bourscough, Lancastriensis, die 22ª Februarii, anno 1701 , studiis finitis Presbyter factus, hinc profectus est ad Missionem Anglicanam

552. Thomas Taylor, § Lancastriensis, die 22a mensis Februarii 1701 , studiis completis, factus Sacerdos in Patriam redivit ad Missiones

552A John Nelson In the account book Lib 4 Gastosis theentryunderthe date April, 1693, " 80 reales given as an almsto the student Mr. John Nelson , who went to Flandersto become a Carthusian " Not in Mgr. Guest'slist.

[Original holograph ]

[J. Clare to (Rector of St. Alban's)

Revde in Xto Pater PC

Series II: 4º, 6.]

Audomari : Junii 8. 1693.

Includo Responsum meumad R P Provincialem, et R V deprecorquatenus digneretur promovere petitionem meam ipsi factum pro admissione duorum Alumnorum Socis nostræ locoillorumqui remissisunt ut incapaces præstandi Collegii juramentum , et ago R V gratias quod procuraverit Sacerdotium et officium Ministri pro P Raymundo nec dubito quin R V ipsum invenietad illud munus aptissimum Dubitat utrum tempus habiturus sit sufficiens pro studiis et illo etiam munereexercendosed non dubito quin R V ita perspecturussit ut tempore non indigeat, et obtenturus sit pro ipso veniam ut tempore vacantiarum matrem et sororem Hispali Religiosas visitet illarum expensis. Et non dubito quin tantam in suo officio exercebit diligentiam ut hanc meriturus sit gratiam commendomeSS Sacrificiis meaque obsequia humillimè offero Curabit Rector Audomarensis procurare restitutionem pecuniæ P. Raymundo mutuò datæ. Rds Pr

RV servus in Xto humillimus Joannes Clare

Die 22a mensis Octobris, anno 1701 , huc advenit cum octo alumnis ex Collegio Audomarvensi, Rev. Pater Ignatius Brookell ; habitu Societatis vestitus, ut Minister hujus Colegii. Die 24a Aprilis 1708, vestitus habitu militari reversus est in Flandriamad Provinciam anglicanam.

* William Weedon: went to England in companywith Thomas Brookes [no. 550], Richard Burscough [no. 551] and Thomas Taylor [no. 552], Feb. 22 , 1701. Lib. Viaticos

Thomas Brookes : a native of Rutland according to Foley, of Sussex accordingtothe index of the Register; born 1679; entered the Society IHS June 10 , 1701; died at Ghent, March 6, 1761. Foley, vii, p 91. In theLib. Viaticos he signs his name Thomas Brookes. Richard Burscough: in the Lib Viaticos he signs his name Ricardo Bourscough

§ ThomasTaylor : signs the Lib Viaticos ThomasTaylour See the student no 544-

553. Christopherus Harris , veré Walmsley, Lancastriensis, cum septem sequentibus alumnis, cum supradicto Patre huc advenit. Die 28a Septembris 1707, curriculo Philosophiæ et Theologiæ emenso , Sacerdos factus profectus est in Angliam ad Missiones .

554. Christopherus Higgins, die 22ª Octobris 1701 huc advenit. Die 24 Aprilis 1708 , studiis finitis, sacro Presbyteratûs ordine imbutus , profectus est ad Missionem Anglicanam.

555. Henricus Birch, ad hoc Collegium venit die 22ª Octobris 1701 , et studiis completis ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus, die 31aMartii 1708 ad MissionemAnglicanam profectus est.

556. Thomas Johnson, & cum supradictis venit et cursu studiorum absoluto, Sacerdos factus reversus est in Angliam ad Missiones , die 23a Januarii 1708 .

557. Jacobus Barton, qui curriculo studiorum emenso Sacerdos factus, die 31a Martii 1708, abiit ex hoc Collegio in Missionem Anglicanam

558. Joannes Davies,** cum supradictis die 22ª Octobris , anno 1701 , huc advenit , et studiis absolutis ad Presbyteratum promotus, die 24 Aprilis, 1708, profectus est in Angliam ad Missiones .

559. Josephus Greaton, cum supradictis venit, et studiis completis, Sacerdos factus, die 28ª Septembris, anno 1707 , profectus est ad Missionem Anglicanam

* Christopher Walmesley, als Harris, of the family of Walmesley, of Westwood House, Wigan, Lancs.; born Aug. 10, 1684; entered the Society IHS July 21 , 1708; died at Liège, Oct. 22, 1734. Foley, vii, p. 805. The account book Lib 4 Gastos, p 272 face, states that he left the College on April 24 , 1708. "Viaticumof three students, Mr. John [Davies], Mr. Christopher rojo' [the red or fair one] and Mr. Christopher negro ' [the blackor dark one; i.e., Harris and Higgins] who returned to England via Bilbao, on the 24th April [1708] On this date they all sign the Lib Viaticos:-Christobal Higgins, Christobal Harris, Juan Davies

Christopher Higgins : was probablythe priest who died in London , Oct. 12 , 1740. C.R.S. , xii, p 5.

Henry Birch : a letterof Fr. Diego Alfonso de Sosa to the Provincial of Castile, Fr. Bernardo de Peñalta, dated April 25, 1708, says that he died at Bilbao, on his way to England, and was buried in the Jesuit College there Series III, leg 44 .

§ Thomas Johnson: went to England via Bilbao, in company with William Pendrill Lib Viaticos; Lib 4 Gasto

James Barton : went to England in company with HenryBirch. Lib. Viaticos

** John Davies : probably the priest who die din London, 1753. C.R.S. , xii, p 8

Joseph Greaton: born in London, Feb. 12 , 1679 (some catalogues call him James, and a native of Lancashire); entered the Society IHS July 5, 1708; was sent to the Maryland Mission and became superior of Pennsyl- vania in 1747; died in the district of Bohemia, Maryland, Aug. 19 , 1753 Foley, vii, p 313; C.R.S., xxix, p 161


560. Gulielmus Pendril,* ultimus octo juvenum qui die 22ª Octobris, 1701, Audomaro ad hoc Collegium venerunt cum Patre Ignatio Brooke, curriculo Philosophiæ et Theologiæ emenso, Sacerdos factus, die 23a Januarii , 1708, profectus est in Angliam ad lucrandas animas .

561. (no 557 in catalogo) Non habet nomen In libro Viaticorum apparet Thomas Powell, qui die 19 Octobris, 1701, e Collegio Matritensi Sancti Georgii, huc advenit vilé vestitus Studiis artium et Theologiæ absolutis, die 27a Aprilis 1707 profectus est ad MissionemAnglicanam

Die28 Octobris anno 1708 huc venit é Flandria ut sit Minister hujus Collegii, Rev. Pater Henricus Guillim cum quinque alumnis ex Collegio Audomarensi Die 6a Maii 1711 abiens , reversus est ad suam Provinciam , et ad Collegium Audomarense, vestitus habitu Societatis cum itinere terrestri iret.

562. Gulielmus Oakley § venit cum supradicto Ministro die 28a Octobris, 1708. Die 22ª Junii, 1711 , studiis incompletis, habitu militari vestitus ad portum Bilburgensem (Bilbao) profectus est rediens in Patriam

563. Gulielmus Simpson cum supradicto venit Die 25ª Septembris, 1713 , studiis absolutis, Sacerdos factus profectus est hinc in MissionemAnglicanam

564. Gulielmus Howard ** cum supradictis venit die 28a Octobris, 1708. Die 25ª Septembris, 1713, cursu studiorumabsoluto , factus Sacerdos exivit ex hoc Collegio ad Missiones Anglicanas.

565. Andreas Pulton cum supranominatis huc advenit. Die 22ª Junii, 1711 , studiis non completis, habitu militari vestitus, profectus est ad Portum Bilburgensem (Bilbao) ut rediretin Patriam .

566. Richardus Aiden seu Hayden, ultimusquinque alumnorum

* William Pendrill, als Birch : a native of Shropshire, born in 1682 Foley says he was probably son of Edmund Pendrill and his wife Ann Starling ; entered the Society IHS at Watten, May 31 , 1708; died in Northumberland , Feb. 21, 1748. Foley, vii, p 581

ThomasPowell: a student paid forby the College at Madrid C.R.S. , xxix, pp 160, 161 , 339, 340. No. 557 in the index at the beginning of the Liber Alumnorum is blank

Fr. HenryTerret, or Tyrwhit, als. Gwillim . Foley, vii, p 767 .

§ William Oakley: went to England in company with Andrew Pulton. Lib. Viaticos.

William Simpson : a dispensation was obtained from Romefor himto be ordained beforereachingthe canonical age Lib 4 Gasto, p 340

** William Howard : a native of Lancashire; born March 25 , 1687; entered theSocietyIHS Nov. 12, 1713; died at Watten, Aug. 6, 1770. Foley, vii, p 375

Andrew Pulton : see note to no. 562 .

Richard Aiden or Hayden: in theaccount book Lib. 4 Gastosunder the date August, 1709, is the entry 331 reales were spent in sending Mr. Richard Ay [Aiden] to Zaragoza , "


qui die 28a Octobris, 1708, huc advenerunt cum Patre Guillim. Paulo post adventum discedens reversus est in Patriam 567. Josephus Archer, anno 1708, apparet exercens unum ex officiis Alumnorumin hoc Collegio 568. Joannes Francs Xavier Clark & Hunter, Londinensis

Die 30 Octobris anno 1718 e Flandria venit ad hoc Collegium ut sit Minister Rev. Pater Michael Connell, cum septem alumnis sequentibus. Die 7a Junii 1724 reversus est in Flandriam .

[F. Powell to Rector of St. Alban's. Series II: 4°, 8 & 9.] [Original holograph Sent in duplicate]

Reverende in Chão Pater Audomari 9 Sept. 1718 P. C.

Septimo currentis discesserunt hinc octo Adolescentes ad studia Philosophiæ et Theologiæin Collegio Vestro Vallisoletano peragenda Ipsos in itinere conducit P. Michael ConnelSocietatis nostræSacerdos, homo optimis moribus et insigni doctrinâ instructus, atque adeo, qui dictis Adolescentibus tam dirigendis, quam instruendis aptissimus iudicetur Nomine R. P. Richardi Plowden Provincialis nostri, (qui mihi id per literas significavit) R.Vřamoro, quatenus dignetur dicto Patri Michaeli Connelad usus proprios, quamdiu in Vestro Collegio moram traxerit, quinque Pistolas, pro unicâ Vice concedere, a dicto P. N. Provinciali, proutR. Va placuerit, refundendas Non est opus hic pluribus declarare , quamdiu et quantum sudaverim in parandâ et instruendâ præsenti Missione Verùm cum Dei adiutorio omnes difficultates tandem evici Sunt numero octo, quibus nonum adjecissem , si a Matre consensus potuisset obtineri Sunt omnes pietate et moribus optimè instituti In literis latinis omnes probe instructi sunt: et plerique in Græcis non parùm profecerunt Certè a multis annis ex hoc Collegionon discesserunt Adolescentes ipsis meliores vel doctiores Brevem singulorum characterem charta inclusa continet Spero singulos in studiis eum profectum facturos, qui Patriæ nostræ Hæresi laboranti utilis suo tempore esse possit. Deus conducat illos salvos et incolumes: R. Viæ precibus et Sacrificiis enixè me commendatumcupio Rev. Vřæ

Humillimus in Chão Servus franciscus Powell Rector

[Addressed] Au ReverendPere

Le R. Pere Recteur du College dela Compagnie de Jesus à Valladolid en Espagne , [addition in one only: recommandéau R. P. Connel de la mémeCompagnieà Paris ]

Joseph Archer : in the account book Lib 7 Recibos under the date June, 1706 , money is entered as overpaid by Mr. JosephArcher, " inhabitant of Bilbao " [possibly father of the student] In Oct. , 1707, 1,567 reales are credited for the keep of Mr. Joseph Archer, and under the date Aug., 1709 , is the entry " 1750 reales are credited for the keep of Mr. Joseph Archerfor the fifteen months he was in the College previous to his death, which took place on the 19th July, [1709]"

John Francis Xavier Clark, als Hunter : born in London , 1694; converted to the Catholic Faithabout 1716, having for his godfather the Marquis deLaconi,through whose mediation the Fr.General S.J. sent him to Valladolid, wherehe arrived in Oct., 1717. He had previously been for a shorttime at the Scots College, Madrid, whence he transferred to St. George's College there , on March 25, 1717. On May 11 , 1717, he went to the convictoryat Ocaña until it was convenient for him to be received at Valladolid He set out for Valladolid on Oct. 13 , 1717, wherehe arrived about Oct. 20. C.R.S. , xxix, pp 162, 347. He left Valladolid in May, 1718. Lib 4 Gasto . Fr. Michael Connell: see Foley, vii, p. 158



569. Gulielmus Blakiston , Northumbriensis , venit cum supradicto Ministro Die 12ª Septembris 1723 , Presbyter factus, sed cursu studiorumnon completo, ex hoc Collegio discedens profectus est in Flandriam ut ingrederetur in Societatem Jesu Anno 1726, jam professus, revenit ut Minister hujus Colegii.

570. Carolus Tempest, Eboracensis Die 25a Junii 1719 emisit juramentum juxta morem hujus Collegii Die 17a Junii, 1724 , studiis absolutis, Sacerdos factus profectus est in Missionem Anglicanam.

571. Joannes Fleetwood, venit cum supradictis die 30a Octobris 1718. Die25 Junii 1719 emisit juramentum . Die 23 Septembris, 1723, studiis incompletis et sacris non initiatus profectus est hinc cum Gulielmo Blakistonin Flandriam ut ingrederetur in Societatem Jesu.

572. Joannes Bevan,§ Die 17 Junii 1724 curriculo studiorum absoluto, Sacerdos factus, profectus est in Angliam ad Missiones.

573. Henricus Smith, Die 25a Junii 1719 juxta morem hujus Collegii emisit juramentuminserviendi Missionibus Die 17a Junii 1724 studiis finitis, ad Presbyteratum promotus, profectus est in Patriam ad lucrandas animas.

574. Ambrosius Wells, Londinensis, Die 25 Junii 1719 emisit præscriptum juramentum. Die 17 Junii 1724 cursu Philosophiæ

* William Blakiston, als Travagan: in the account books and the Lib. Viaticos his name is variously given as Blasqui(n)ton and Travagan; born Oct. 8, 1698; entered the Society IHS Oct. 31, 1723 (Foley); remained as Minister at Valladolid until April, 1733, when he returned overland to St. Omer(Lib 5 Gastos); diedat Bruges , Jan. 26 , 1768. Foley, vii, p 63; C.R.S. , xxix, p 163.

CharlesTempest : fourth son of StephenTempest, of Broughton Hall, Yorks , and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Fermor, of Tusmore, Oxford; born at Broughton Hall, April 30, 1699; enteredthe SocietyIHS at Watten, Sept. 7, 1724; died at Chiswick, July 28, 1768. Foley, vii, p. 765 .

John Fleetwood, als Flichon and Flitun: a native of London; in the Lib. 4 Gasto is the entry:"Aug., 1723: 286 reales given to Mr. William [Blakiston] and Mr. John Flichon as a help towards their clothing on leaving the College, " which was on Sept. 12, 1723, according to the Lib. Viaticos, wheretheir names are enteredas William Blasquiton and John Flitun; John Fleetwoodenteredthe SocietyIHSat Watten, 1723; was sentto theMaryland Missionin 1733, and died there Jan. 5, or March 21, 1734. Foley, vii, p. 262 § John Bevan; born June 23, 1702; entered the Society IHS Sept. 7 1726; died an approved scholastic at St. Germains , Paris, May 4, 1728 Foley, vii, p 56 .

Henry Smith : a native of Berwick, Northumberland ; born Nov. II, 1699; entered the Society IHS at Watten , Sept. 7, 1724; died, probablyin Cheshire , May 1, 1756. Foley, vii, p 717 . AmbroseWells, als Mothersall: he signed the oath as AmbroseMothersall, and the Lib Viaticos as Ambrose Wells See the remarks on Ambrose Matherell, als Wells, who arrived at Douay College, Dec. 6, 1724 , and was expelled on April 6, 1725 , for scandalous drunkenness on the previous day. C.R.S. , xxviii, p 12.

et etiam Theologiæ absoluto, factus Sacerdos, profectus est in Angliamad Missiones Revertens postea in Hispaniam,inOrdinem Sancti Francisci est ingressus

575. Gulielmus Fitzwilliam,* ultimus septem alumnorum qui die 30a Octobris [1718] cum Patre Connell advenerunt Die 25a Junii 1719 juramentum missionis inserviendæ præstitit Die 1ª Maii 1724 studiis completis, ad Sacerdotium promotus, ad Missionem Anglicanam profectus est.

Tobias Dean, als Benedict Plowden : born at Dunkirk; son of John Dean, an Irishman, and his wife Frances Plowden, an Englishwoman; born Oct. 26 , 1700; admitted to the English College, Rome, Oct. 21 , 1717; left for Spain, Sept. 18 , 1718, withouttakingtheoath, because neither was heborn in England nor were both his parents English (Foley, vi, p 468) ; arrived at Valladolid about Nov., 1718, seekingadmission to the College as a student, but was not accepted; theLib 4 Gasto says:" Nov , 1718: 870 reales were given as journeymoneyto Mr. Benito Plauden[Benedict Plowden] an Englishman sent from Rometo be admitted into this College, but for various reasons alleged bythe FathersConsultoroftheProvince [of Castile] he was not admitted, and it was decided to give him the said money for his journey"

576. Franciscus Fleetwood, sive Joannes Gualterus Fleetwood , Sancti Germani Die 22 Junii [....] emisit juramentum consuetum

Die 26 Novembris 1726 e Collegio Audomarensi in Flandria, huc advenit Rev. Pater Gulielmus Blakiston, quondam alumnus, nunc Minister hujus Colegii, cum seqentibus octo alumnis . Die 12 Aprilis, 1733, tempore præstituto sui Ministerii elapso, reversus est in Flandriamad Provinciam Anglicanam.

577. Franciscus Booth, & Sancti Germani oriund: Cum supradicto

* William Fitzwilliam: it would seem that his name at the College was Ignatius Fitzwilliam In the entryof his viaticum (Lib. 4 Gasto) he is given as " Mr. Ignatius who is called William": but he signed the oath and the Lib Viaticos as William Fitzwilliam

Francis Fleetwood, or John Walter Fleetwood, als Flichon : born in London, March 9, 1699, and brought up at the Court of St. Germains, where his father was in attendance on the exiled royalfamily; he signedthe oath on June 22 , 1722 , as John Walter Fleetwood; probably brother of John Fleetwood (no 571), who signed the oath on June 25, 1719; in the Lib. 4 Gasto is the following entry: " Aug., 1723: 620 reales given to Mr. Francis Flichon [Fleetwood], a student, when he went to his native country, and he has given a written guaranteeto repay them, because he was not here more thanone year, andis notfor the Missionbecause he is ill " (George Fleetwood , who had studied philosophy in France , and theology for two yearsat Valladolid, arrived at Douay College, Feb. 5, 1724 , and went thence to England, Dec. 15 , 1724. C.R.S. , xxviii, pp. 116, 122.) In 1726 Francis Fleetwoodwas appointed head-master of Twyford School, near Winchester Under his direction the school spent its most prosperous time About the year 1732 he left Twyford, and, after serving the missionat Paynsley for a short time, he went to Liège, and there joined the Society IHS, already a priest, and under the name Walter Fleetwood, June 30, 1735; died at Liège, July 10 , 1774 . Ward, History ofSt. Edmund's College, p 12; Foley, vii, p 262

See the student no 569

§ Francis Booth : signs the oath Francis Xavier Booth; was probably brother of Charles Booth, S.J. See Foley, vii, p 72

Patre Ministro, die 26 Novembris 1726 , huc advenit Die 26a Junii 1727 emisit juramentum. Die 12ª Aprilis 1733, curriculo artium et Theologiæ emenso, solum sacris initiatus ob defectum ætatis, profectus est in Angliamad Missiones .

578. Henricus Moore, veré Houghton, * Chestrensis Die 22a Junii 1727 juramentum consuetum præstitit Studiis absolutis , sacris tantum initiatus ob defectum ætatis, die 12a Aprilis 1733 , profectus est in Missionem Anglicanam.

579. Joannes Pemberton, Lancastriensis Die 26a Junii 1727 emisit juramentum Die 12ª Aprilis 1733 studiis completis, ad Presbyteratum promotus, profectus est ad lucrandas animas in Missione Anglicana

580. Richardus Colgrave, veré Walmsley, Lancastriensis Die22ª Junii 1727juramentumMissionum præstitit. Die 12ª Aprilis 1733 , sacris tantum initiatus ob defectum ætatis, sed cursu studiorum finito, discessithinc in Angliam ad Missiones

581. Gulielmus Anderson, § Eboracensis Die 26a Junii 1727 juramentum emisit Studiis completis, Sacerdos factus, die 12a Aprilis anno 1733, profectus est in Angliam ad elaborandum in vinea Domini

582. Edwardus Pool venit die 26a Novembris 1726, sed die 16ª Februarii, 1727 , dimissus est ut parum idoneus instituto hujus Seminarii.

583. Robertus Floyd** cum supradictis venit, et die 16 Februarii , 1727 , ut parum idoneus finibus hujus Colegii cum Edwardo Pool dimissus est.

[R. Plowdento W. Blackistone Series II: 4° , 152.]

[Original holograph ] Reverende in Chio Pater P. C.

Many thanks for the favourof your 19 February, the Subiect whereof ,I confess , gave me a great deal oftrouble and concern , to see the irregular and unaccountable behaviour of those two unhappy Boys, notwithstanding all the charitable endeavours R. F. Rectour and yr Ree used to make them sensible of their duty. I am glad at least to hear that the others do well, and I hope this example will have a good effect upon them I cannot in

* Henry Houghton, als Moore: signs the oath HenryHoghton. John Pemberton: a nativeof Lancashire; born June 1 , 1707 , or Oct. 10 , 1708; entered the Society IHS at Watten, June 20, 1733; died July 10 , 1763. Foley, vii, p. 580

Richard Walmsley, als . Colgrave: was probablythe priest who died at Showley, Lancs, April 23, 1744. C.R.S., xii, p. 6.

§ WilliamAnderson, (Sir): was brought beforethe Justicesof the Peace , for saying Mass at Craythorne and Ugthorpe, and was committed to York Castle, Dec., 1745; died suddenly in the street in London, Aug. 28 , 1759 Kirk, Biographies , p. 2

Edward Pool : not identified. ** Robert Floyd ; not identified,

the least question but R. F. Rectour and your Ree proceeded with all the prudence and discreet moderation that such an affaire requir'd and I am persuaded that nothing but necessityand the good ofthe College oblig'd you to make use of sucha remedy The two Boys came to Dunkerk by Sea from Bourdeaux some days ago. I sent F. Pool (our Minister) thither to carry them some mony which theywanted, and totell them Idid not think it proper they should come hither, but go streight for England, as they have done. Tis not known in our house (unless it be to some few Fathers) that theyare sent away from Valladolid : the less such things are talk'd of and made publick, the better

R. F. Provincial, in his last, tells me that our F. Hardestie in England presses him mightily to know whither two young men , who are very likely, may not be accepted of to begin next year in your College; if so, he will ship them offfrom Leverpole for your parts F. Provincial desires me to gett thething propos'd to your Rectour, that F. Hardestie may know his answer, and take his measures Please to speak to him about it, and acquaint us with his resolution. I hope they will be accepted off, and it looks something Providentially , that two being sent away, two others should be proposed, as it were , to take their places

Mykind service to all your young men, with the same fromalltheirfriends here. Ourstudy place is nowfinish'd, and madeuse of, and is very handsome . We hope to be in the Refectory in less than a month F. Hyde and the rest return you their kind service I commend myself to your H. Sacrifices and Prayers

Shew what follows to R. F. Rectour, not having time to write to him apartPlurimam

Salutem adscribo Rdo Patri Rectori, eiusque litteras 26 Febr. datas, gratus agnosco, inque illis abundè perspicio, quantâ cum charitate, prudentia, ac paterno affectu se gesserit, erga duos illos immorigeros Adolescentes Id unum doleo, eos usqueadeo immemoresfuisse officii sui ac debitæ observantiæ erga Optimum Parentem, eiusque ac Ræ Viæ monitis morem gerere noluisse Rdum Patrem Provincialem nostrum, certioremfeci de illorum dimissione e Collegio, prout R. P. Rector suis litteris significavit Quid verò sentiat R. P. Rector de admittendis duobus illis adolescentibus ex Anglia, de quibus supra mentionem feci, gratum nobis erit edoceri Plura per temporis angustias non licet scribere , eâque de causâ separatas litteras non dedi ad R. P. Rectorem

Ræ Viæ

Humillimus in Chão Servus Richardus Plowden

S. Omers 18 April, 1727

[Addressed] ReverendoPatri in Christo

P. Gulielmo Blakistone Societatis Jesu in CollegioS. Albani Vallisoleti in Hispania

Par Paris a Valladolid en Espagne

584. Ignatius Champion, & ultimusex octo juvenibus qui cum Patre Blakiston advenerunt die 26 Novembris 1726. Die 26a Junii 1727 emisit juramentum juxta morem hujus Colegii. Mense Augusti anno 1730, rationibus bene fundatis dimissus ex hoc Collegio, missus est ad Portum Bilburgensem (Bilbao) ut rediret in Angliam

* Fr. Michael Pole, or Poole Foley, vii, p. 613

Fr. John Tempest, als . Hardesty. Foley, vii, p. 766.

Fr. Richard Hyde Foley, vii, p 390 . Ignatius C[h]ampion: he signed the oath as Ignatius Francis Anthony Campion,

Die 8a mensis Octobris anno 1733 advenit Rev. Pater Jacobus Darell, designatus Minister hujus Collegii, cum octo alumnis é Collegio Audomarensi Die 20a Octobris 1736 , cum non bene se haberet in Hispania, ante tempus præstitutum ab officio liberatus , reversus est Audomarum in Flandria.

585. Richardus Parkinson venit cum supradicto Patre Ministro die 8a Octobris 1733. Die ga Martii anni sequentis 1734 , deficiente salute, reversus est ad Collegium Audomarense . [C. Maire to Rector of St. Alban's Series II: 4°, 11.] [Original holograph ] [The words in square brackets are written above in another hand] Reverende in Christo Pater , Reverendus Pater Rector mihiin mandatis dedit, ut Reverentiamvestram demoribusatqueingeniouniuscujusqueeorum, qui hinc ad Collegiumvestrum proficisuntur, certiorem facerem . Id quàm paucissimis exequi conabor , propterea quòd quidquid a me prætermissum fuerit, id per Patrem Darell, cujus curæ committuntur , suppleri facile possit. Ac primo quidem Richardus Parkinson coeteros ætateantecedit, cui nec ingenium deest, et cætera omnia abundè suppetunt, præcipuè autem spectata virtus, ac disciplinæ regularis observantia Richardus Thrigley, verè Laurenson, egregiumin hoc Collegio morum optimorum specimen exhibuit , eoque est ingenio, ut non mediocriter in studiis severioribus profecturus speretur Joannes [Bapta] Gradell, verè Oneil, et Joannes [Evangsta] Hartley eâ sunt indole, ut Moderatorum consiliis facilè obtemperent, ac licet neuter eorum, ætatis, ut opinor, vitio, maximam in studiis suis diligentiam adhibuerit , non parum tamen in iis profecerunt Franciscus Price, verè Babe, naturâ paulo vehementior est, sed moribus probis: literarum tamen studio minùs quàm oportebat, hactenus addictus. Richardus Pleasington, [Josephus] verè Catesby , naturâ paulò tardior est, quem tamen defectum diligentiâ compensat Minimum omnium ingenio valet Jacobus [Carolus] Hunter, verè Weldon; coeterum Moderatorum suorum observantissimussemper fuit; diligentiamque, uti spero, eam adhibebit, quæ ingenii tarditatemaliquâ ex parte sublevarepossit. Non plus anno in hoc Collegio commoratus est Jacobus Middlehurst, quo quidem tempore tantum in literis profecit, ut summa omnia de eo sperare posse videamur , præsertim cùm præter singularem industriam, moribus etiam optimis instructus sit Ad extremum ea sunt omnes sive indole sive ingenio, ut accedente Patris Jacobi Darell prudenti administratione, quem quidem munus sibi impositum egregiè obiturum confido, Reverentiævestræper omnia satisfacturi videantur. Pater Thomas Eccleston hujus Collegii Rector Reverentiam vestram plurimumsalutat Commendo me SS Ræ Væ Sacrificiis

Audomaropoli, Aug : 28, 1733 . Servus in Christo Ra Vestræ

Christophorus Maire Studiorum Præfectus [Addressed] Reverendoin Xpo Patri Patri Rectori Collegii Anglicani Vallisoleti

586. Josephus Pleasington, als Catesby, sive Walmsley, Lancas-

Fr. James Darell Foley, vii, p. 194. Richard Parkinson: not identified . Richard Catesby, als (Joseph) Pleasington , als Walmsley: born, says Foley (vii, p 600), of a respectablefamily near Blackburn, Lancs , June 16, 1715. Foley's defective transcript (vii, p 1446), which gives this student as vere Walmsley, has misled the writer of the note on page 176 of C.R.S. , vii. He entered the Society IHS on Oct. 12, 1737 , and died at Alnwick, March 29, 1781 ,


triensis. Die 22a Junii, festo Sancti Albani, Angliæ Protomartyris , Patroni hujus Collegii, anno 1734 , emisit juramentum. Die ga Martii, 1737 , propterinfirmam valetudinem missus est in Patriam, in animo habens, recuperata salute, eundi in Flandriam ut intraret in Societatem Jesu.

587. Franciscus Price, veré Babe, Wallus. Die 22a Junii 1734 juramentumconsuetumpræstitit Die 3ª Februarii 1736, cum noluit studiis incumbere, seque regulis hujus Collegii conformare, parum idoneus finibus hujus Seminarii ad petitionem suam dimissus est.

588. Joannes Evangelista Hartley, Londinensis, die 8 Octobris 1733 huc advenit Die 4ª Martii 1739 studiis absolutis, factus Sacerdos, profectus est in Angliamad Missiones

589. Joannes Baptista Gradwell, veré O'Neil, Sancti Germani oriundus Die 22a Junii 1734 juramentum consuetum emisit Die 4ª Martii 1739 curriculo artium et Theologiæ emenso, Sacris initiatus ad Anglicam Missionemprofectus est.

590. Jacobus Carolus Hunter, veré Carolus Weldon , § Northumbriensis. Die 22a Junii 1734 juramentum præstitit Die 4ª Martii 1739, studiis completis, Sacerdos discessit ex hoc Collegio ad Missiones Anglicanas.

591. Jacobus Middlehurst , alias Ashby, Lancastriensis Die 22ª Junii anno 1734 juramentum emisit Studiis absolutis, ad Sacerdotium promotus, die 4a Martii 1739 profectus est hinc in Angliam ad Missiones.

592. Richardus Laurentius Billinge, alias Lawrenson, ** Lancastriensis, ultimusocto alumnorum qui die 8 Octobris 1733 cum Patre

* Francis Babe, als Price: he signed the oathas Francis Price

John Evangelist Hartley : born in London, Nov. 1 , 1716; enteredthe Society IHS Jan. 13, 1739 [sic]; died at St. Omer's College, 1760. Foley, vii, p 341 .

John Baptist O'Neil, S.J., als Grad[w]ell (Irish) Foley, vii, p 932. John Gradell, whose truename was O'Neil, born May 11 , 1716; having ended his studies at Paris, he became a candidatefor the Noviciate at Watten ; a few years later his Superiors sent him to the CornishMission, which he cultivated until his death, Jan. 6, 1760. Oliver's Collections, p 248. Query: do these statements refer to the above student ?

§ Charles Weldon, als James Charles Hunter : a native of Northumberland, born June 14, 1716; entered the Society IHS June 13 , 1739; died in London, Dec. 10, 1802. There were two other Jesuits of the same surname , both from Northumberland, Thomas Weldon, alias Hunter, born 1705, and William Weldon, alias Hunter, born 1711. Foley, vii, pp. 825-7 .

JamesMiddlehurst, als Ashby: born in Lancs, Oct. 18 , 1714; entered the Society IHS at Watten, June 13 , 1739; served the Maryland Missionfor many years and died at Newtown, Sept. 23, 1767. Foley, vii, p 506

** Richard Laurenson, als Billinge, and in Fr. Maire's letter, Thrigley: signedthe oath Richard Laurence Billinge ; born Feb. 15 , 1718; enteredthe Society IHS June 13 , 1739; died at CrondonPark, near Stock, Essex , Feb. 28, 1769. Foley, vii, p. 438.

Ministro Darell huc advenerunt Die 22 Junii 1734 emisit juramentum consuetum Die 4ª Martii 1739 , cursu solito studiorum emenso , factus Sacerdos , profectus est in MissionemAnglicanam.

593. Joannes Parker, veré Buck, * Londinensis E Collegio Audomarensi anno 1734 in loco Richardi Parkinson ad hocCollegium venit Die 22 Junii 1734 juramentum Missionis præstitit Die IIa Maii 1736, adversa valetudine laborans, ex medici mandato hinc Londinum profectus est

594. Bernardus Crosse ex Canariis Insulis die 16ª Martii 1736 huc advenit habitu militari vestitus Die 23ª Decembris 1736 juramentum emisit Die 3ª Martii 1737 discedens profectus est in Flandriam ut ingrederetur in Societatem Jesu.

Die 19 Octobris 1736 in loco Patris Darrell, ut Minister hujus Colegii e Flandria advenit Rev. Pater Franciscus Scarisbrick. Die 15a Maii 1739 reversusest in Flandriam .

Propter reedificationem Collegii, ab anno 1739 ad annum 1756 apparueret quod nulli alumni [unfinished]

[A record of the Visitationof the College by the Provincial, in Oct., 1739 , states (Lib. 5 Gasto) "At this date there remain in the College only seven Jesuits and D. Atanasio Castaños, who may be counted another, as all the students finished their course in March of this present year. There are five servants; the sacristan, porter, cook, gardener and a gilder " One of the Jesuits was Brother Martin Joseph Garcia, who was himself a professional gilder, engaged in painting and gilding the church, and the above gilder was his assistant]

Die 24Octobris anno 1756 , ad hoc Collegium venitut Ministerhujus Collegii Rev. Pater Nicholas Sanderson , & cum sex alumnis sequentibus Die 7ª Martii 1763 reversus est in Flandriam tempore sui Ministerii elapso.

595. Thomas Culcheth, Lancastriensis, huc advenit cum quinque sequentibus die 24ª Octobris 1756. Die 29 Septembris 1757 juxta morem hujus Colegii emisit juramentum Die 6a Aprilis 1763 studiis artium et Theologiæabsolutis in sacro Subdiaconatûs ordine constitutus, profectus est in Missionem Anglicanam per Portum Bilburgensem.

John Buck, als Parker : born in London, Feb. 11 , 1715; enteredthe Society IHS May23, 1736; died at Alnwick, Northumberland, Jan. 13, 1770 . Foley, vii, p 569 .

Bernard Cross : born in Teneriffe, April 8, 1715; entered the Society IHS May 8 , 1737; died at Worcesterabout April 22, 1785. Foley, vii, p 183

Fr. Francis Scarisbrick, als Neville Foley, vii, p. 689 § Fr. Nicholas Sanderson, als Thompson Foley, vii, p. 684.

Thomas Culcheth, als. Lewis : born in Lancs . , April 21 , 1741; son of Thomas Culcheth, of Wappenbury, co Warwick, and Studley, Lancs.; entered the Society IHS at Watten, June 28 (Foley wrongly says January 28), 1763; died at Chideock , Sept. 5, 1808. Foley, vii, p 188; C.R.S. , vi, P. 221n



596. Josephus Cooley, veré Barnewall, * Londinensis. Die 6a Julii 1757 juramentum præstitit Die 28 Aprilis 1763 curriculis Artium et Theologiæ absolutis per portum Bilburgensem (Bilbao) in Angliam ad Missiones profectus est

597. Thomas Parker, Lancastriensis Die 29ª Septembris 1757 juramentumemisit Die 6ª Aprilis 1763 studiis completis, Sacerdos factus, profectus est per Bilbao in Missionem Anglicanam Ex litteris scriptis die 9a Decembris 1817 a Rev. Thoma Sherburne (Irvin) apparet adhuc etiam in Missionelaborans.

598. Henricus Cole , ex Marilandia Die 29 Septembris 1757 juramentum consuetum emisit Die 28 Aprilis 1763 , studiis absolutis, Sacerdos factus, profectus est in Angliam ad Missiones per Bilbao

599. Thomas Falkner,§ ex Marilandia . Die 30 Septembris 1757 emisit juramentum . Die 3a Julii 1758 , propter ingenii tarditatem et aliquantum surditatis, propterea nullam in se sentiens vocationem finibus hujus Collegii ad suam petitionem dimissus est 600. Ignatius Matthews, ex Marilandia, sextus juvenum qui die 24 Octobris, 1756, Audomaro huc advenerunt. Die 6a Julii 1757 juramentumMissionisemisit Die28a Aprilis 1763 studiis absolutis , factus Sacerdos , per portum Bilburgensem (Bilbao) in Angliam ad Missiones profectus est.

Die 19 Octobris, 1763, Londini huc advenerunt Josephus Addis, Joannes Matingly, Richardus Morgan, Joannes Buller, et Jacobus Parker, studiis Litterarum Humaniarum incoeptis in Collegio Audomarensi, et Brugis absolutis, quo se contulerant Patres Societatis Jesu ob Senatus Gallici decreta.

Clarissime Domine [J. Tichbourne to F. Texerizo Series II: 4° , 193.]

[Original holograph .]

Cum Dominus Dennett Præses hinc in varias Regni Provincias discederet ut suos, pro more, videret, mihi dedit in mandatis ut Dominationi Væ significarem et nomina et numerum eorumqui successuri sunt iis quos exfamilia Vestra huc reducos vidimus Septem sunt omnino: Ds Nic Porter illis Præficitur: Reliqui sex sunt DD' Josephus Addis, Joans Buller, Rich³ Morgan, Joans Mattingly, Jacobus Parker & Robertus Skirret Ds Porter linguam vestram probe callet, uptote natus ad Mnestei Portum, sive in Oppido Sa Mariæ duabus circiter leucis, ut opinor, Gadibus distante, ubi etiamnum est in ædibus Matris : Quâ ratione ad vos venturus sit, nescio ; reliquisex , mari Flaviobrigam sive ad Portum Amanum , vulgò Bilbao, tendunt, illinc ad vos terrestri itinere ducendi Vehementer timeo ut tempore constituto ad

Joseph Barnewall, als Cooley : in Fr. Tichbourne's letter (q.v.) he is said to have been about to enter the noviciate IHS as soon as possible, in Sept., 1763, but his namedoes notappearin Foley's Records.

Thomas Parker : born Nov. 19, 1739; entered the Society IHS June 28, 1763; died at Heath Green, Worcs , Oct. 26, 1820. Foley, vii, p 569

Henry Cole : died of smallpox, on his way to the noviciate IHS, sometime before September, 1763. (See Fr. Tichbourne's letter, below)

§ Thomas Falkner : see his entry above, after no 538

Ignatius Matthews: born in Maryland, Jan. 25, 1730; entered the Society IHS at Watten, Sept. 7, 1763; sent to the Maryland Mission 1766 , where he died May 11 , 1790. Foley, vii, p 493 .

itinerisfinem proveniant, sed hodierno primùm die eorum nomina didici Ex his, quinque, ut credo , Dunkercâ navigabunt, sextus, hinc, proximâ, utspero, septimana De singulis nihil nisi bonum audio, immò profectum magnum sperandum. D.D. Parker et Culcheth modò in Tyrocinio sunt, Barnwel eo quàm primùm iturus est: item Matthews cùm convaluerit, qui unà cum D Cole in ipso prope huc adventu Varioles contraxit & tam graviter, ut Da Matthews ægerrimè evaserit, alter è vivis fuerit sublatus Aliud, quod adjiciam non habeo, nisi summas D¹ Dennett, et totius familiæ nostrænomine gratias pro suâ in nos & Proximum Charitate, quod tot, in hac rerum ac temporum difficultate , alendos in se suscipiat

Clara Dis Væ 60 Sept 1763 Londini

[Addressed] Al Revdo Pe FranciscoTexerizo Obsequentissimus famulus Joannes Tichbourne de la Compa de Jss Gude Ds mos aos

Rector del Seminario de Sn Albano En Valladolid pd 18.64

Die 29ª Maii, 1764, huc venit e Portu SanctæMariæ, prope Gades , quó e Provincia Anglicana navi trajecerat, Rev. Pater Nicholas Porter, * nominatus hujus Collegii Minister ; die veró 13 Septembris, 1766, tempore præstituto sui Ministerii non alapso, abiens profectus est in Angliam

601. Josephus Addis, filius Gregorii et Theresia Borryer, die 19 Martii anno 1742 natus, Herefordiensis Die 22a Junii 1766 juramentum Missionis emisit Die 11ª Martii 1769 in ecclesia Sancti monialium Sanctæ Elizabethæ hujus Civitatis ad Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram et quatuor ordines minores promotus est Die 23ª Februarii 1771 , in eccles : Sanctimonial : Sanctæ Catherinæ ad Subdiaconatum; die veró 16a Martii ad Diaconatum ; ac die 25a Maii ejusdemanni ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinam est promotus. Die 23 Augusti 1771 profectus est ad Portum Bilburgensem, et ibi Regio dono accepto, die 27a Septembris, in navem conscendens post 19 dierum navigationem Londinum appulit. Anno 1772 Missionariusapud Arundel Castle, postea, anno 1780, apud Wapping, Londini.

602. Joannes Matingly Die 28a Junii 1766 cum juramento inserviendi Missionibus Anglicanis et non ingrediendi in ullam Religionem, Societatem aut Congregationem regularem sine speciali S. Sedis Apostolicæ licentia se perstringere negaret, dimissus est ex hoc Collegio.

603. Richardus Morgan § Die 28 Junii 1766 cum supradicto alumno renuans præstare juramentumpræscriptum dimissus est. 604. Joannes Buller, Lancastriensis, filius Joannis et Elizabethæ

Fr. Nicholas Porter Foley, vii, p 616

Joseph Addis : son of Gregory Addis and his wife Teresa Borryer; died at Calehill, Mar. 29, 1821. C.R.S., vii, p. 148

John Mattingley : a native of Maryland ; born Jan. 25 , 1745; entered the Society IHS Sept. 7 , 1766; died at Causestown , Ireland, Nov. 23 , 1807 Foley, vii, p 494. § Richard Morgan : born in Glamorganshire, Feb. 26, 1746; enteredthe Society IHS Sept. 7, 1766; died at Preston, March 9, 1814. Foley, vii, p. 522 ,

John Buller : Foleygivesthe date of his birth as Feb. 5 , 1746; entered the Society IHS Dec. 9, 1768; died at Ince, Lancs , Dec. 14 , 1811. Foley, vii, p 101

Buller, natus est die 8a Martii, 1746. Die22 Junii 1766 juramentum emisit. Die 17ª Septembris, 1768, dimissus est varias ob causas , inter alias patet per litteras interceptas quod secreto agebat cum ProvincialiSocietatis Jesu, Patre Elliot, ut admittereturin Societatem. Dimidio mensis Octobris e Portu Bilburgensi mare transivit Londinum, unde statim pergens Brugas intravit novitiatum in Societate.

605. Jacobus Parker . * Die 28a Junii, 1766 , cum duobus supradictis dimissus est cum recusaret præstare juramentumpræstitum.

Anno 1767 , mense Aprilis, Patres et Professi omnes Societatis Jesu ex Hispania omnibusque regionibus ei subjectis, sub dominatione Regis Catholici Caroli Tertii, simulsunt deportati Die 22ª Aprilis hoc Collegium Sancti Albani, a fundatione anno 1589 sub regimine Societatis, Curator Regius occupavit, libris accepti et expensi a Patre Josepho Ramos, Ministro seu Procuratore, subscriptis

Petentibus Vicariis Apostolicis et Clericis secularibus Angliæ ut Collegia Anglicana in Hispania, Clero seculari pertenentia, ei restituerentur, ut Collegia omnia cum suis reditibusin unum redigerentur et sub regimine Clericorum Secularium esset , Rex Carolus Tertius omnibus petitis annuit, seque constituit Patronum et Protectorem hujus Collegii Sancti Albani , cui Collegium Sancti Gregorii Magni Hispalense, fundatum anno 1592, et Collegium Matritense Sancti Georgii, fundatum 1610, cum omnibus suis reditibus sunt aggregata, et deinceps designatum est Regale Collegium Seminarium Anglorum , Valisoletanum, sub Titulo Sancti Albani necnon Divi Gregorii et Divi Georgii ”

[Here Mgr

Guest's register is interrupted and the original Diary, commenced by Dr. Perry, is inserted Mgr Guest's register for this period is merely a rearrangementof the Diary. In this transcript of the Diary verbal corrections by the original writers have been copied without comment ]

Diarium seu


Collegii S: Albani sive Anglorum, in Urbe Vallisoletana ; a

tempore quo expulsis PP Soc J. restitutum fuit Collegium Clero Seculari

per Regem Cath: Carolum III Restitutorem an: 1768

* James Parker : born in Liverpool, April 3 , 1747; entered the Society IHS Sept. 7 , 1766; died at Liverpool, Oct. 29, 1822. Foley, vii, p 568

an . 1768

[Page 1]

die 15 aprilis, feria Sextâ, anni 1768, ad Collegium Sancti Albani, advenerunt Sap. M. Philippus Perry Sacr: Fac: Par: Dr Theologus, et Rev: Dominus Josephus Shepheard, Presbyteri Sæcul : ille ex Angliâ , iste e Duaco; ille ut Rector a Vicariis Apostolicis in Angliâ Electus, et a Rege Catholico Confirmatus ; iste ut Cathedraticus sive Sacræ Theologiæ Professor.

die sequenti, nempe 16 aprilis et die Sabbati, Uterque per Regium Mandatum in Suo quisque officio Installatus est per manum Illustrissimi Domini Angel de Bustamente, Urbis Vallisoletanæ Prætoris ; eodem die, ac Sequentibus, traditum est Rectori Supradicto Collegium cum omnibus suis partibus , et Suppellectile &c, præter [2] Ecclesiam

die 21 aprilis, in festo S. Anselmi CantuariensisArchiepiscopi, ac Scholastica Theologiæ Principis , post missam, quasi Solemniter a Rectore in hunc finem Celebratam, aperta est Schola Theologiæ, ac eodem tempore Cathedraticus proelegere incepit duobus alumnis, qui Soli inventi Sunt ex veteri Collegio, nempe Domino Joanni Buller ex Comitatu Lancastriensi, et Domino Josepho Addis, ex Comit : Herefordensi, jam quatuor et amplius annos in Collegio residentibus; Illi nempefilio Joannis et Elizabethæ Buller,et ætatis 22º, die 8 Martii proximè elapso ; isti vero, Georgii ac Theresia filio ac jam annos nato 26, festo S. Josephi ultimo elapso.

die 9 maii, in festo S. Gregorii Nazianseni tradita est Rectori Ecclesia, cum omnibus suis partibus , exceptis ornamentis et vasis Sacris

die 12 , infesto AscensionisD: N: J: C: [3] Solemniter aperta est Ecclesia, ac Missa Solemniter in eadem Cantatur per Reverendum Dom: Dom: Petrm a Barreda et Lomberæ, Ecclesiæ S. Joannis Bapt. Parochum, cum ingenti totius civitatis gaudio, ac immensæ multitudinis præsentiâ

26 Junii, Dominica 5ª post Pentecosten, consecratus est in Ecclâ Cathedrali novus EpusVallisoletanus Illustrissac Reverendiss: D. Doñs Emmanuel Ruben de Celis, consecratore Illustr ac Rev: Segobiensi Dn Juan Joseph Martinez Escalzo, assistentibus Illustr ac Reverendis: DnMiguel Fernando Merino Abulensi, acDn Antonio Jorge y Galvàn Zamorensi Episcopis; ad quam consecrationem invitati adfuerunt Dus Rector, ac Dus Cathedraticus Theologiæ.

[4] 27 Junii, feriâ secundâ , hora quasi decima matutina Vallisoletum advenit Reverendus Dus Joannes Douglass, * litterarum humaniorum professor, cum octoalumnis, omnibusex Coll.Anglorum Duaceno, sicut et ipse Magister; quorum nomina Sequuntur

[No. 606] Blasius Morey, Sussexiensis de Westgrinsted, filius Thomæ et Saræ; ætatis 24 et quod a 14 aprilis proximè Elapso excurrit. Rhetorices condidatus

[Georgius scored]

[Afterwards Bishop of Centuria and V.A. London District, 1790-1812 ] M

[No. 607] Gulielmus Holywell, verô nomine Billington, Lancastriensis de Trales, filius Gulielmi et Aliciæ, ætatis 20, circa festum S. Michalis ultimo Elapsum item Rhetorices Candidatus

[No. 608] Joannes Clayton, verô nomine Gabb , Londinensis filius Thomæ et Annæ , ætatis jam 24 die 25 martis jam elapsô. Item Rhet: Candid

[No. 609] Thomas Morus, Surriensis de Richmondiâ , filius Richardi et Mariæ, ætatis 18, et quod excurrit a 25 Novembris præterito Candidatus Poeseos .

[5] [No. 610] Georgius Bauduin, vel Baldwin, Somersetensis , de Taunton, filius Ludovici, ac Eleanoræ, ætatis 18vo, et quod excurrit a 2 octobris jam præteriti Syntaxeos Candidatus

[No. 611] Johannes Greenham, Londinensis, filius Joannis et Elizabethæ, ætatis c : 18, utpote natus eo anno, quo Stylus apud Anglos est mutatus, npe an 175 .. Syntaxeos Candidatus

[No. 612] Clement Fisher, Eboracensis de Yarum, filius Georgii ac Elizabethæ, ætatis verò 24, festo Nativitatis D: N: J: C: proximè præterito. Grammatices Candid

[No. 613] William Pye, Lancastriensis de Ormskirk: filius Richdi et Annæ, ætatis 15. item Grammatices Candidatus. [6] feria Sextâ, die 8 Julii S. Elizabethæ Sacro, omnes, tàm Rector et Professores , quàm Scholares , aggressi Sunt exercitiumSpirituale octo dierum , et feliciter exequuti Sunt, ut potentius Se ipsos excitarent , et abundantiorem Dei gratiam devocarent, ad arduum illud, ac gloriosum opus Restaurandi hujus D. Albani Seminarii ad quod missi Sunt, feliciùs perficiendum.

die 22 Augusti, incoeptaest veteris ædificii, quod in Corte Stabat inutile, demolitio , ut alumnis ad Juvenilia exercitia Spatium ampliaretur; pro prædicta demolitione Cûm Cementerio pactus est Rector pretiu 400 realium Vn; Sed hoc triste acciditin eadem demolitione,quod feria5, die S: Ludovico Sacrô, subruinisoppressus obiit unus ex operariis, cui nomen Antonius de las Navas , cujus propterea Viduæ annuam Rector Statuit eleemosynam, per Singulos hebdomadas , sive Singulis feriis 5tis, eidem indulgens 4 reales Va sed tantum pro uno anno .

[7] 17 Sept: ex hoc Collegio dimissus est Joannes Buller, postquàm fuisset per 5 annos expensishujus Collegii fustràenutritus; dimissus es autem varias ob causas, primùm quia nulla in ipso elucebat Ecclesiastica Vocationis Significatio, immo plura contrarii Spiritûs Signa per quæ non parva videbatur in novis scholaribus facta morum immutatio, et major non immerito timebatur; Secundo quia, ut per literas a Rectore interceptas patet, Secretò agebat cum Patre Elliot Soc: Anglic Provinciali, ut in Societatem admitteretur, adeoque de consensu et ad petitionem utriusque Professoris tum Sacrarum, tum humanarum literarum visum est Rectori, ut Statim dimitteretur ne ampliùs esset Collegio gravamini , re tamen

[Died at Greystock, Cumberland, May 21 , 1811. C.R.S. , xii, p 111]

[Bird (C.R.S., viii, p 356).]


para su mala

priùs cum Regio Consilio communicatâ, sicut et ipsa epistolâ Provincialis Anglici; propter quod [8] jussu Excell D. D. Comitis de Aranda ejusde Regii Concilii Præsidis , dimissus est conduta, ninguna applicacion, y para sus Correspondencias prohividas " [tr. for his bad conduct, lackof application, and forbidden correspondence] et Jussus est a Regno Hispaniæ Secedere intra Spatium 15 dierum Sub poena Castigationis ad futuram m rei memoria, subjectum exemplar Epłe Supracitatæ D: Nathanielis Elliot Provin: Soc: Jes: Anglic: Most Dear Sir

I had a letter from you some months agoe, whichI answered bythe hands of Mr Lawson our Commonfriend. you must remember what then passed between us. you otherwise know my inclinationin yourbehalf, and the engagementsweenteredupon atour parting i: e: at your leavingme here I am nowthe sameperson I then was , and as stedfast to my word, as you can desire or wish you have by your new contracts retrenched my power, or at least as it seems to me, and will appear so [9] to others, in whosehands you have put yourself remove these real or apparent obstacles, for I cannot determine which they are and you shall find me most ready to Complywith your desire, and execute all I engaged for and you now propose to our good friend Mr Thomas Welton . what I could desire is (you knowwhether practicable or not) you would get Clear of the obstacles I objected before and which, youknow, tie myhands, andthatyouwould get this under thehandwriting ofyour now Superiors to this effect, enter upon no further engagement with them, I mean not to enter into holy orders; come over into England , Settle the matter with Mr Chaloner , for example and then rely on my complying with your desire immediately . Ishallthen make no demurr, providingyourrealdesire is as mentioned I am now now Setting off for England myself and shallSecond your endeavoursall in mypower. tho'I mention Chaloner in particular, I am Still Satisfied, that should an occasion offer itself [10] of going into the north, your Success would be equallyCertain, Should you address your own Superior, there, now lately consecrated, Mr Maire. but wherever you address , you must Show a proper resolution, accompanied with a Serious conviction of your acting with reason . may God direct whatever Step you fix upon you may assure yourself of all Success in as much as dependson me I shall let your three friends with me know , what youare upon, who will help you withtheir holy prayers . Iam with esteem and affection , Dr Sir

Bruges 5 August 1768: Endorsed,

your wellwisher, friend and Servant

Nath: Elliot.


Domino Joanni Buller in Collegio

Anglorum S: Albani a Valladolide Espagne received, or intercepted the 24 of august.


an: 1769, die 28 Januarii , dimissus est ex hoc Collegio Thomas More, prout ipse petierat declarans Silicet Se nullam Sentire ad Statum Ecclcum vocaoẽm, idemque et desidia suâ, et murmurationibus, et epistolis a Rectore interceptis Satis demonstrans; nullum ei a Regio Concilio concessum est viaticum; mutuotamen ei dedit Rector pro Suo Viatico, 1000 reales Vn, acceptaprius ejusdem promissione prædictæ Summæ, quamprimùm Angliam appelleret, Solvendæ

die 10 martii, in festo Sanctorum 40 martyru, at Vespereferiæ sexta, (eô quod Episcopusob multitudinempostridie ordinandorum tunc minores ordines conferret) ad primam Tonsuram , ac quatuor minores ordines promotus est Dominus Josephus Addis Herefordensis ab Ill: ac Reverend: DD: Emmanuele Rubin de Celis EpiscopoVallisol: idque præcedente Solûm Rectoris ipsius examine ac testimonio de prædicti Josephi capacitate, Confirmatione, ac Soliti hujus Collegii juramenti Susceptione.

[12] die 30 martii ejusd: anni 1769, Rector quorundam negotiorum apud Regiũ Con : Extroad: Sollicitandorum causâ Matritum profectus est (et partim propter eade negoã, partim ob insperetam Collegii D: Georgii Matritensis permutationem toto ferè biennio detentus e , nempe a die 2 aprilis an: 1769, ad diem 19 Martii an: 1771 , quò ex ead: regia urbe profectus Vallisoletumadvenit die 22 ejusd : mensis)

die 13 aug: ejusd: anni 1769, Dominus JoannesClayton,* propter infirmam valetud [in]em relicto hoc collegio ad suos in Anglia profectus est

die 15 Decembris ejusd: an: 1769, in locum trium istorum , qui abierunt nempe Joannis Buller, Thomæ More, et Joannis Clayton, Advenerunt huc e collegio Duaceno tres Sequentes Juvenes, nempe

[No. 614]Simon Lucas, filius Simoniset SusannaBenton,Wigorniensis ex Kings norton, annos natus 24 mense augusto præterito

[No. 615] Thomas Horrabin, filius Henrici et Margareta [13] Turner, Lancastriensis ex Garstang, annos natus 21, die 23 Dec: præteriti

[No. 616] Joannes Greenway,§ filius Joannis et Sara Shimel, Devoniensis ex Tiverton, annos assecutus 17 die 13 mensis februarii præteriti


die 13 nov: an. 1770 , Vallisoletumex Duaco p[er]Angliãadvenit

[vere Gabb ; see C.R.S. , viii , p 356.]

[Died at Old Hall Green , Jan. 31 , 1801. Kirk, Biographies .]

[Elected to the Old Chapter, 1789. Chapter List; died March 6 , 1801 . Kirk, Biographies.]

§ [Elected to the Old Chapter, 1792, Chapter List; died Dec. 29 , 1800 Kirk, Biographies]

Reverendus Dus Gulielmus Fryer, * literarum humaniorum magister, cum Sex Juvenibus item ex Anglia, quorum nomina hic Sequuntur, npe.

[No. 617] Jacobus Crosby, filius Jacobi et Elizabethæ Diconson , Londinensis, annos natus 13, die 25 Martii ultimò præteriti.

[No. 618] Carolus Timings, filius Samuelis et Mariæ Cooper Londinensis, annos natus 13 , die 22 Augusti antecedentis.


[No. 619] Carolus Johnson, filius Edwardi et Elizabethæ Partridge. Wigorniensis ex Cheddesley , annos natus 13, die Septimo febr. proxèElapsi.

[No. 620] Thomas Lee, filius Joannis et Mariæ Londinensis, annos natus 13 , mense martio ultimò præterito

[No. 621] Johannes Reason, filius Roberti, et Annæ Small, Suffolciensis ex Monkeligh, annos natus 16 , mense Julio proxè Elapso.

[No. 622] Jacobus Creighton, filius Gulielmi et MariæDunn, Londinensis , annos natus 15, die 17 Martii proximèpræteriti

[About one third ofthe page, at the foot, is blank .]


an: 1771

die 22 mensis Martii hujus anni 1771 , Rector, comite Revdo Do. Joan: Geddes Scotorum Rectore, Vallisoletum è Matrito advenit, postquam duobus ferme annis absens fuisset in illa regià Civitate; quo tamen tempore plura vel incoepit vel perfecit, quæ hujus Collegii bono videbantur necessaria : 1º em, ut minutiora omittam, jussu Illmi Fiscalis Dom: Dom: Petri Rodriguez Campomanes , novas regulas pro novo vel noviterrestitutoCollegio, partim ex Coll: Duaceni, partimex Seminarii Parisiensis, partim deniqueex veteri hujus D: Albani Collegii regulis compilavit, compilatæque, ut a Con[ci]lio Regio Extraordinario confirmarent procuravit, deinde ut eod: Concilio jubente, in Idioma Hispanicũ e Latino transferrentur , in qua utraque Lingua, ImpressæSunt; 2° cum jam [William Fryer was born in 1739 of anancient familyin Somersetshire ; arrived at Douay College, May12, 1760; tooktheCollege oath Aug. 14 , 1766; left for a time on account of ill-health; returned, and at the end of his third year's theology, being then in subdeacon's orders, left the College Sept. 15 , 1770; went to London, and was ordainedby Bp. Challoner; went immediately with a colony to Valladolid, where he at first taught Humanities, then Philosophy, and finally, from Jan. 1 , 1775, Theology; set off for England through France , Oct. 8, 1781; remained at Douay College for a time where he still was on Dec. 18, 1781; afterwards, in July, 1782 , went from England to the English College at Lisbon, where he became the fifteenthPresident, and retained that office, to the entire satisfaction of the students and the great good of the College, until his death, Aug. 15, 1805, aged 66. Gillow, Hist Acc of Lisbon College, pp 93, 199. He took with him to Lisbon as VicePresident and Professor of Philosophy, the Rev. James Crosby (no 617), who had studied at Valladolid where he was ordained priest, butwhoerroneously figures in the list of Lisbon students (op cit p. 191) Vide C.R.S. , xxviii, p. 303.]

in procinctu esset, ut Matrito proficisceretur Vallisoletum paulo ante Natale Domini 1769 ex consilio Sapientium amicorü , consensientibus Prætore urbis Vallisol D D. Angelo de Bustamante , et utroque tum Theologiæ [16] tum Philosophiæ Professore supra noñtis, pactum iniit cu Excellmo Duce Albano, ut Collegium Divi Georgii Matriti, cu omnibus suis Domibus pro quibusdam hæreditate prædiis per eund: Excell Ducem ex temporalitatibusNuperorum Patrum cparatis commutaret ; hoc m consilium quod Licentia Regii Concilii vel potius Camaræ , iniit Rector, non solum ipsi sed et aliis videbaturhacraõe Eligendum, quod Domus illæ Matritenses , parùm firmæ et Stabiles videantur, multoque eorum administratio constaret, hæreditates m, sive agrariæ, sive Vineales et firmiores , et Stabiliores, ab omnibus putabantur; 3º, Regiũ Decretum pro vendendo Collegio D: Gregorii Hispalensi, ipsiusque redditibus Collegio Divi Albani, cui ja erat unitu, incorporandis obtinuit, = 4° item Cum Eminentisus Cardinalis Hispalensis, eo videretur inclinari ut ut Solitum Eleemoysinam ulterius non concederet , idemque ex ejus exemplo timeretur ex parte Ven: Capituli , et Civitatis Hispalensis [17] obtinuit Rector, ut Idem Potentissum Regium Concilium, cum ead : Eminentia, ac Capitulo et Civitate Hispalensi, pro Solitæ Ellemosynæ continuaõe intercederetur quod et feliciter obtinuit =5° hoc etiam obtinuit, mediatore Ill: Do Do Campomanes , ut pensio quædam, a quadam fundatricepro duobus Jesuitis Anglis in novitiatu Matritensi instituendis et missioni Anglicana destinandis relicta, huic Divi Albani Collegio, quod solum in hoc regno Missioni Anglicanæ destinatur, applicaretur; præter hæc alia quædam ad collegii Statum et perfectionem, vrbi graâ, tradionem Sacrum vestium et Suppellectilis, librosque quosdam , ex PP Bibliothecis tumVallisoleti, tum Metymnensi del Campo, tum Palentinâ, tum etiam Villagarciensi extractos.

die 25 Maii, npe Sabbato 4 temporum in Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem ab Ill & Rev: Epo Vallisol: promotus est Rev: D. Josephus Addis, hujus collegii alumnus, qui ab eod: Præsule jam entea, npe 23 februarii hujus anni subdiaconus, 16 martii Diaconus fuerat ordinatus.

[18] die 31 maii hujus anni, Rev: Dominus JoannesGeddes , Scotorum Rector, cum duobus Magistris npe Rev. Doo Alano Macdonald , et Do Joanne Gordon, et 15 alumnis, quorum tres cum Doo Gordon , in hoc collegio hospitari coeperunt [blank], Sex alii cum dicto Rev: Doo Madonald [blank] Sex autem alii [blank], Ex hoc collegio ad Collegium Divi Ambrosii hujus almæ Vallisol Civitatis transmigrarunt hora quasi octavâ vespertina, quod ut felix, faustumque aveniret, omnes utriusque tum hujus tum istius Collegii alumni, cum Rectoribus et Magistris Dulcissimum Jesu Nomen et B: Mariæ Virginis utriusque collegii Patronæ intercessionem per Litaniarum , tum Sacri Nominis, tum B. Deiparæ recitaoem, in ipso Dicti Collegii Sacello implorarunt, quo perfecto relictis ibidem Scotis, nos , nostrique ad nřa redivimus.

die 11mo Junii, Divo Barnabæ Sacro, collegium hoc, postquam in eo per tres annos Substitisset, reliquit Gulielmus Pye, * ac versus Angliam profectus est, eò quòd nullam in se Sentiret ad Statum Ecclesiasticum vocationem: ejusdem diei vespere, hanc civitatem solemni Pompa pro more ingressus est novus Cancellariæ Præses , D. D. JosephusMartinez y Pons, dudum Regiæ [19] apud Hispalim audientiæ Regens.

21 die Junii, in primis vesperis St Albani hujus Seminarii Patronii Juramentum suum præstiterunt octo Sequentes Alumni, npe Blasius Morey et Gulielmus Holywell, Philosophi Ethici; Clemens Fisher, Georgius Baldwin, et Joannes Greenham, Philosophi Logici; Simon Lucas, Thomas Horrabin, et Joannes Greenway, Rhetorici , Primi omnium, qui post renovatum Collegii Statum , Juramentum emisére; quod felix, faustumque sit

die 26 augusti, vespertino tempore profectus est Bilboam versus , et ad missionem Anglicanam Rev: D: Josephus Addis hujus Collegii Presbyter, præstito priùs suo de obedientia Vicris Aplicis in Anglia exhibenda Juramento , et acceptâ ad eund: finem Reymi ac Illmi

D D. Episcopi Vallisoletani benedictione.

[Space isleft blank at the foot ofthis page and the head ofthenext]

[20] die nono octobris, festo S: Dyonysii et Soc:, e portu Santandreano, ubi intra 10 dies e portu Londin appulerant , Vallisoletum advenerunt .

[No. 623] Thomas Blodworth, Huntingdoniensis ex Kimbolton, filius Thomæ et UrsulaDevy, annos natus quatuordecim, et quoda die 16 Junii præteriti excurrit, et [no, 624] Gulielmus Darragh, Lancastriensis

N: B: at foot of page] ex Ulverston, filius Nigelli, et Agnetis Askew, annos natus duodecim , die 29 mensis Martii præteriti.

[About half the page is then blank, and a smaller space at the head ofthe next page.]

[21] anno 1772

die 40 aprilis D: IsidoroSacrohujus anni 1772 , Rev. ac Illustris: Dominus, Dom Emmanuel Rubin de Celis, EpiscopusVallisoletanus, generalem Sacrorum ordinum collationem tenuit in Ecclesia hujus collegii ab hora 6ta cũ dimidio ad horam circiter nonam , ac postea Chocolatum Sorbuit in cubiculo Rectoris, præsentibus Rectore ac Magistris, atque etiam considentibus

die 18 ejusdem mensis , npe Sabbato Sancto ab Eod: Rev: ac Ill: D:, in cappella Episcopali primam tonsuram ac 4 minores

["M Pye's mother was married to one Mr Poland of Tarbuck Hall, near Ormskirk, Lancashire" Joseph Bolton to Dr. Perry: April, 1772. Series E.leg 2º. " We were informed yesterday by some of theScotchwho came to see us, that poor Wm Pye is dead , he died they say on the coast of Ginue " Fryer to Perry Portillo [n.d. , ? Midsummer, 1774] Series E., leg. 2° .]

ordines acceperunt Sex hujus Collegii Alumni, npe Blasius Morey et Gulielmus Holywell Theologi; Clemens Fisher, Georgius Baldwin , Joannes Greenham, Logici: et Thomas Horrabin Rhetor.

[22] 13a mensis octobris, die S¹ Edwardi , Jacobus Creighton hujus colegii Scholaris, postquam duobus quasi annis ex penu hujus Seminarii fuisset Enutritus, profectus est Angliam versus, utpote nullam Sentiens in se ad Statum Ecclcum vocationem; profectus est m Bilboam usque suis propriis expensis, Etiam quod exinde naulum Ejus Solvendum curaret Rector, Suo tamen tempore reddendum.

[The lower half of this page and the next two pages are blank , and here thefirst section of leaves ends ]


anno Dom : 1773

die decimo mensis Aprilis nempe Sabbato Sancto, in Capellâ Episcopali et ab illustrissimoac Revmo Dno Dno Emmanuele Rubin de Celis Epo Vallisoletano , tunc ad Sedem novæCarthagenis Electo, Sacrum Subdiaconatûs ordinem receperunt Blasius Morey, et Gulielmus Holywell, hujus Collegii Alumni

die Julii trigesimo, ex hoc collegio versùs Angliam profectus est Rev: D: Joannes Douglass, Philosophiæ Professor, pericilitantem Salutem Natalis Soli beneficioreparaturus, ut pote quifebriculis quas tertianas vocant, ab mense octobri anni proxè Elapso, usque ad hunc diem quasi perpetuo Laboraverit, atque pæne interciderit.

[26] die duodecima mensis Septembris, quæ fuit Dominica , ex hoc collegio, dimittitur Thomas Lee, postquam tres ferme annos hujus collegii expensisfuerat educatus, nec ullam vocationis Ecclesiasticæ significaoem præ se tulerat; immo Studiosæ vitæ prorsus ineptus, et obtusus videbatur.

die S¹ AndreæApostoli , feriatertia hebdomadæprimæ adventûs , in Sancta Ecclesia Cathedrali hujus civitatis, in Episcopum Vallesolitanum consecratusest Ill: ac Reymus D. D: Antonius Joachim de Soria, Sacræ Inquisitionis Vallisoletanæ Judex Primarius, Consecratore Illmoac Revmo Dno Dno Philippo Beltrán, Episcopo Salmanticensi, assistentibus Illmis ac Revm's DD: DD: (2 Baltassare Yusta Navarro Legionensi), ac (1 Joanne Emmanuele Arguelles Palentino) Episcopis, cui consecrationi adfuit Rector , qui hoc Scripsit, a Ven: Sa Eccle Decano et Capitulo invitatus.

[The wholeofpage 27 and the upper three-quartersofpage28are blank ]

[28] 1774

24 aprilis, anni 1774, die dominica obiit Subita quasi paralysi percussus D D: Angelus de Bustamante corregidor Intendente hujus Civitatis post quasi duos pæne dies, silicet a die Veneris prædecenti Languisset, Sepultusqueest apud Divu Paulum .

[29] vigesimo octavo mensis aprilis , feria quinta ex hoc collegio discessit Joannes Reason, post annos pene quatuor hujus collegii expensiset Studiis exactos, eò quod nullamin se Sentiret ad Statum Ecclesiasticum vocaoem, parùmque in Studiis proficeret ob ingenii tarditatem, alioqui mininè malus propriâ voluntate discessit

[The lower half of this page is blank, and the above is the last entry in Dr. Perry's hand.]


[In the hand of Rev. Joseph Shepherd]

Die 29 mensisMayi an: 1774 Sapienus Magr Philipus Perryhujus Colegii Rector Madritum profectus est: hora quasi 12 [ante scored] Ejus autem profectionis causæ præcipuæerant ,

1º. ut pase Regium obtineret duorum Breviumet unius Rescripti Apostolici quibus Colegii privilegia a Clem: XIV concessa continebantur, et Rectori ut suos ad ordines sacros licite præsentareposset, eosdemqab irregularitatibusabsolvere facultas concessa est"

2º. ut sex mille regalium monetæ Hispanicæ, ob quæ hoc Collegium Missas a Da Maria Albares fundatas celebrat, in deposito generali temporalitatum(ut vocant) Ex Jesuitarum detenta, exinde extraheretquo facilius utiliter possent imponi.

3º. ut Collegii Divi Gregorii Anglorum Hispalensis res construeret

[31] Die 29 mensis Junii Ejusdem anni DD Petro et Paulo Sacro , id mandante Dno Rectore absente, vicesque Ejus Supplente D. Josepho Shepherd, S.T.P. in hoc Collegio, ad juramentumCollegii admissi sunt optimæ spei juvenes=

Jacobus Crosby

Carolus Timings

Carolus Johnson

Thomas Bloodworth astantibus cæteris hujus Collegii Alumnis & Dno Guil: Fryer in hocCollegio ProfessorenecnonDño JoanneGeddes Collegii Scotorum hujus civitatis Rectore.

Die 4to mensis Septembris, Matriti, in ædibus quas Hospitium Sancti Andreæ nationis Belgæ vocant, magno hujus Collegii detrimento pie obiit post suscepta sacramenta Sapientissimus Dñus D. Philippus Perry. Natus est in Comitatu Staffordiensi die 5 marco Sacro Anno prout ipse referebat 1720. Doctoris Lauream in Universitate Parisiensi adeptus est die Mayi [....] an: 1754 . eodem [32] anno ad missionem anglicanam profectus est. et Primum in Agro Derbiensi vulgo Derbyshire in familia Dom: Rolandi Eyre Armigeri, postea in familia Comitis de Shrewsbury a sacris domesticis ultimoinCastellodeLongbirch, strenuelaboravit, donec ab IllmoDño Dno Richardo Chaloner Episcopo Deborensi ad hujus Colegii Rectoratum nominatus est Quod in Rectoratu per Sexennium effecerit ex his ipsis annalibus constat Illud hic

diceresufficiet ipsum Collegium suum tenere amasse, ipsique moriens quicquid in Hispania haberet, legavit Sepultus est die 5 Sepris in æde Hospitii divi Andreæ convocatis per schedulas nobilitate Matritensi. [See C.R.S., xix, passim, for his earlier career .]

[33] [


About half the page is then left blank.]


Extractfrom Mgr. Guest's notes: D. Josephus Shepherd, filius Gulielmi et Priscilla , Barton, conjugum, natus circiter annum 1740 apud Preston , in Comitatu Lancastrensi In Collegio Duaceno studia complevit Primam Clericalem Tonsuram et Ordines Minores die 19 mensis Decembris 1761 ab Archiepiscopo Camarecensi suscepit , [blank] die 17 Decembris anno 1763 ad Diaconatum, die vero22 Decembris1764 ad Sacrum PresbyteratusOrdinem ab Illmo et Revmo Episcopo Atrebatensi promotus est Ad hoc Collegium venit cum Rev. Dom Philippo Perry, Duaco, die 15 Aprilis 1768, ut Sanctæ Theologiæprofessor , Die 25 Octobris 1775 Rectoratus hujus Collegiiauspicatus est, postulantibus Vicariis Apostolicis Anglis, Catholico Rege Carolo III cedulam dante, die 17 ejusdem mensis. Die 15 Aprilis 1776 profectus est in Angliam ad sua negotia componenda , revertensad hoc Collegiumdie 4 Augusti ejusdem anni

Initio anni 1775 Matritum iverat ad petendam a Rege restitutionem ædificii Collegii Hispalensis Sancti Gregorii a Societate Medica Andalusiana occupati, et ad alia negotia ad dictum Collegium pertinentia, et iterum sub finem anni 1784 et anno 1790 Matritum profectus est ad eadem negotia, sed nihil effecit, et die 30 Junii jam reversusfuerat ad Collegium Etsi possessionem Collegii Divi Gregorii nunquam usque ad mortem petere a Rege cessavit , nihil assecutus est, et hodie anno 1869 ædificium occupat dicta Societas MedicaAndalusiana. * Anno 1790 gubernio hujus Collegiifatigatus Rectoratum demittere voluit Anno 1796 mense Octobris in Monte Calvario oppiduli Portellæ [Portillo] chartam chorographicam illius regionis delineans ad efformandam chartam Hispaniæ postea a Coelioeditam ex frigore affectus in morbum incidit, et post receptasacramentaet factum testamentum die 30 ejusdem mensis in Collegio defunctus est, et in Capella Sancti Josephi et Sacræ Familiæ extra predellam est sepultus Academicus honorarius de Bellas Artes de la Purissima Concepcion et Socius de los Amigos del Pais etiamquede los Cocheros hujus civitatisVallisoletanæ, inplantatione arborum , in viis conficiendiset in omnibus pro bonoet ornato publico, consilio, opere et etiam directione personali multum elaborabat (Vide C.R.S., xv, p. 225.)]

Die20 Augusti Anni 1775 huc advenerunt [no 625] ThosTaylor natus die 29 Decembris an 1763, filius Edwardi et Elizabethæ Ditton Londiensis.

[No. 626] Michael Tydiman natus Castellonovo super Tinam, in Agro Northumbriensi die 25 Decris 1762. Patre Joanne et Matre Susanna.

[No. 627] & Carolus Greenway filius Joannis et Saræ Shimel ex Tiverton agri Devoniensis oppido die [blank].

[No. 628] Die 20 mensis Ocris ejusdem anni huc a Portu Bilbensi appulit Joañes Stanley filius Jacobi et Anæ Savage natus die 3 Octobris an. 1759 Londini Confirmatus [blank].

* Et hodie, anno 1931 , adhuc sub judice lis est. [Of Beoley, co. Worcester] [Died at Haggerston, May 4, 1832. C.R.S. , xii, p. 196.]

Die 25 Ejusdem mensis Rectoratum auspicatus est R. D. JosephusShepherd in hoc Colegio S.T.P. et per annum et amplius Vice Rector, id mandante postulantibus [34] Vicariis Apostolicis Anglis, Catholico Rege Carolotertioper cedulamdatam inMonasterio S. Laurentii Escorialensi die 17 Ejusdem mensis . tenoris sequentis

[The restofthis page and the whole ofthe next are blank ]

[36] Die octavo mensis Decembris anno 1775, Juramentum Juxta Collegii statuta præstitit Guillelmus Daragh.

Die 16 Ejusdem mensis et anni D. Simon Luca; et D. Joannes Greenway Hujus Collegii Alumni primam tonsuram et quatuor minores ordines receperunt ab Illmo ac Rmo D. D. Antonio Joachimo de Soria hujus Civitatis Episcopo.

Die sequenti Dom. 3ª Adventus ad Sacrum Subdiaconatus ordinem promoti sunt ab eodem Illmo in Capella Palatii Episcopalis examinatiet aprobati a solo Rectore et Magris D. Georgius Baldwin D. Joannes Greenham D. Clemens Fisher D. Joannes Greenway, D. Simon Lucas et D. Thomas Horrabin.

Die 21 Ejusdem mensis et anni, et eodemmodo Diaconi ordinati sunt D. Blasius Morey, D. Gul Holliwell D. Georgius Baldwin, D. Joannes Greenham [37] D. Clemens Fisher, D. Simon Lucas , D. Thos Horrabin.

Sabatho sequenti die nempe 23 Decris an: 1775 ad Sacrum presbyteratus ordinem promoti sunt eodem modo

D. Blas. Morey

D. Gul. Holliwel

D. Georgius Baldwin

D. Joan. Greenham

D. Clemens Fisher

D. Simon Lucas

D. Thomas Horrabin ad Sacrum Diaconatus ordinem

D. Joan Greenway ad Primamtonsuram et quatuorminores ordines

D. Jacobus Crosby

D. Carolus Timings

D. Thos Bloodworth

D. Carolus Johnson

D. Guil Darragh.



Die 15 Aprilis Anni 1776 ex hoc Colegio ad labores in vinea Anglicana impendensos Dom. Guilellmus Halliwell (Billington) et Dom: Simon Lucas, præstita prius promisione de obedientia præsulibus Anglicanis præstanda, et cum Illis D. Rector ut familiæ suæ negotia componeret obtenta prius Castellæ camaræ consensu .

Die 300 Julii ejusdem Anni huc appulerunt

[No. 629] Henricus Kellet ex Agro Lancastriensi Roberti, et Elizabethæ Clarkson conjugum filius Natus 18 Marti anno 1763 Bapus a Dno Davison* in Sowick .

et [no 630] Petrus Antonius Downing Westmonasteriensis Henrici et Joanna Lyger Conjugum filius, natus die 20 Octobris an: 1762 , in parochia S1 Jacobi confirmatus ab Illmo D. D. Jacobo Talbot Episcopo Birthano Coadjutore Londinensi .

[39] Die4 Mensis Aug¹ ejusdemanni ad suos in hoc Colegioex Anglia reversus est D. Rector

Die 1º Octobris litterashumaniores docere incoepit Dñus Joannes Greenway Diaconus in locum R. D. Blasii Morey* qui eas a die 1° Januarii an. 1775 edocuerat a Rectore suffectus, quique.

Die 26 Octobris ad Missionem Anglicanum vocante Illmo Dno Joanne Hornyold Epco Philomeliensi profectus, præstitis prius quæ Colegii statuta præstanda decernunt


Die 8 Mayii Ascen: Dñi ad Sa[c]rum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est Doms Joannes Greenway ab Illmo Dno Antonio Joachimo de Soria Ep: Vallisol tunc temporis Villanovæad Durii ripam propter infirmam valetudinem degente , & [40] Primam misam die Pentecostes sequenti celebravit

Die 20 Ejusdem mensis completis studiis ad Missionem Anglicanam profecti sunt RR DD GeorgiusBaldwin, JoannesGreenham, Thomas Horrabin

Die 30 Julii ejusdem anni huc advenerunt. [Here theseparate entries (ofMgr. Guest's register)for each student commence again at the end of this Diary ]

Joannes Slater Lancastriensis filius [blank] natus 24 Junii an: 1762 .

Thomas Price natus die 16 aprilis 1763 filius Thomæ et Saræ Pricket conjugum Baptizatus a Thoma Price, Sacerdote Romano , Missionario in oppido Vulgo Leominster confirmatus ab Illmo Walmesley.

Joannes Howell natus die 1 Aprilis 1765. filius [blank]

Die 13 Aug: re infecta ex hoc Colo exivit Carolus Greenway. [41] Die 12 Septembris Anni 1777 , huc appulit ab Anglia Georgius Gildart , filius Georgii et Mariæ Woodman natus die 25 Aprilis anni 1764 , Dioeces Londinensis et die 16 Novembris Ejusdem anni Georgius Kennedy Londs filius Patricii et Mariæ Kennedy conjugum Natus die 23 Mayi an: 1763:

* [John Debord, als Davison; died at Solwick, Lancs , Sep. 29, 1775 . C.R.S. , xii, p. 13.]

[Died Feb. 18, 1823

[Died June 17, 1817

C.R.S. , xii, p 156.]

C.R.S. , xii, p 135.]

Die 26 Ejusdem mensis venit Francus Crathorne* Eboracensis natus die 21 Ocris 1762 filius Georgii et Annæ Suckett.

1778 .

Die nono Martii venit Jacobus Marsh Lancastriensis natus [blank].


[1779] [Blankspace at headofpage.]

Die 3º mensis JanuariiAnno 1779, Ex hoc Collegiodemissusest Carolus Johnson eo quod, licet Alumnus Juramto obstrictus, nullum vocationis signum ostenderit, adeoque prudenter timebatur ne aliis Juvenibus obesset Porro ejus dispositio ex inclusa Chartula ipsius manu exarata optime dignosci posse videtur.

Die vigessima mensis Martii Ejusdem anni ad Sacrum Subdiaconatus ordinem promoti sunt ab Illmo DnoDAntonio Joachimo de Soria hujus Civi: Epco in Ecclesia S¹ Philipi Neri

Dnus Jacobus Crosby

Dnus Carolus Timings

Dnus Thos Bloodworth

[43] Die 22 Aprilis 1779 ex hoc Colegio ad laborandum in vinea Dni profectus est Reverdus Dñus Clemens Fisher postquam finitis studiis pæne duobus annis Musæo præfuisset.

Die 26 Ejusdem mensis et anni huc advenit JosephusRadcliff (vere Shepherd) filius Roberti Shepherdet Annæ RadcliffExBolton in Agro Lancastriensi Annos natus [blank] natus est20 Maii 1767

Die 27 dimissus est ut nullius spei Georgius Kennedy.


Die 20 maii anno 1780 ad sacrum Diaconatus ordinem promoti sunt ab Illo Vallisoletano in oppido Tordesillas in Ecclesia Regii monasterii Divæ Claræ

Dñus Jacobus Crosby

Dnus Carolus Timings

Dnus Thos Bloodworth et ad Subdiaconatum


D. Guilielmus Darragh.

Die 29 Decembris ad Juramentum consuetum admissi sunt

Thos Price

Henricus Kellet

Micael Tidyman

Joannes Stanley.

1781 .

Die 9 Junii ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab eodem Illo Valesoletano in oppido de Tordesillas in templo B M V.

[Francis Craythorne is in the pedigree of the Craythornes, of Craythorne in Cleveland, co Yorks , in which his mother's name is not given. Hamilton, Chronicleofthe English Augustinian Canonesses , vol ii (pedigree)]

D. Jacobus Crosby

Sacrum primum celebravit die 14 Ejusdem mensis astante Do Rectore. *[*Die 17 Junii artes docere incepit D Thos Bloodworthatfoot of page]

Die trigesimo mensis Julii huc venerunt abAnglia

Jacobus Appleby Filius Jacobi [blank] et Gulielmus Augustinus Coghlan Filius Jacobi Petri et ElizabethæBrowne, natus Londini die 4° Maii an: 1768 . 2 et Joannes Chrysostomus Coghlan filius eorumdem natusibid: die 27 Januarii an: 1770 .

Die 24 Augusti ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est D. Carolus Timings ab Illusmo Segoviensi Episco Dno Alfonso Marco de Llanes et Arguelles in Sacello Palatii Epis: Segoviensi, cum demissorialibus Epi Vallisoletani datis virtute indulti Apostolici a Rectore hujus Colegii præsentati.

Die 29° Ejusdem mensis sacrum primu celebravit asistente Dño Joae Greenway S.T.P. hujus Colegii Vice Rectore=

Die 8 Octobris a Collegio decessit Dnus Gul. Fryer S Theologiæ professor. [46] 22a mensis Sepris ad Sacrum Diaconatus ordñem promotus est Dñus Guil Darragh et die octavo literas humaniores docere incepit quanqn a decessu Dni Fryer nominatus est. [The above is interlined with a scored entry: Eodem Dielitteras humaniores seu portius artes docere incepit Dñs Thomas Bloodworth]

Die 8 Novembris ad Messem Anglicanam exierunt RR. DD. Jacobus Crosby et Carolus Timings præstitis præstandis in hoc Collegio

Die 22 Decembris ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem ab Illmo [blank] promotus est Dñus Thomas Bloodworth

25 ejusdem missam primam celebravit.

1782 .

Die 11 Aprilis ad Missionem Anglicanam profectus est Dnus Thomas Bloodworth , iter per Galliam instituit sicut Dni Fryer, Crosby et Timings quibus Vallisoleti Rex Cath: viaticum concessit , ea lege ut testimonium ipsi mitterent ab Ill's VicariisAptis sui in Angliam adventûs.

Die 28 Junii Colegium re infecta deseruit Petrus Downing.

[47] 21 Septembris ab Angliahuc apulerunt R.D. JoannesGriffith* Coll Ang Duaceni Sacerdos et Alumnus Philosophiam Docturus, et Cum illo

Carolus Clements Filius Ricardi et Catharina [blank] natus 17 Aprilis 1765 Kiddingtoniæ Diocesis Oxoniensis hic in Collegiis Duaceno et Audomaropolitano per aliquod tempus vixerat

[Died Nov. 3, 1815 , aged 62. C.R.S. , xii, p 130.]

Robertus Ainsley filius Thomæet Eliz: Saunderson natus die 10 Aprilis an. 1768. in Castello Novo Comitatus Northumbriensis Diocesis Dunelmensis

Gaspar Georgius Bricknell * filius Georgii et Æmiliæ Butler natus die 30 Decembris (ex Berkshire) anno 1768

et Josephus Waterhouse Londiniensis natus Lutetiæ Parisiorum die 28 Sepris 1768 filius Samuelis et TheresiæBricknell.

[48] 1783

Die 14 Junii ad Sacrum presbyteratus ordinem evectus est D: Guil: Darragh ab Illmo Vallisoletano in Villa Tordesillas et die 19 misam primam celebravit.

Die 12 Maii ad laborandum in vinea Dñi profectus est idem D. Guil: Darragh .

1784 .

Die 4º Februarii profectus est Joannes Slater re infectâ.

Die 12 Divi Gregorio sacro Juramentum præstiterunt,

Thomas Taylor

Franciscus Crathorne

Georgius Gildart

Joannes Howel

Jacobus Marsh .

Die 17 mensis Decembris ad primam Tonsuram et quatuor minores ordines Promoti sunt ab Illmo Dño D. Francisco Casto Royo Archiepiscopo Amidensi Abbate Regiæ Collegiate in Oppido Regio Sancti Ildephonsi

D. Thomas Price

D. Thomas Taylor

D. Henricus Kellet

D. Michael Tidyman

D. Joannes Stanley.

die vero sequenti nempe 18° iidem quinque ab eodem Illmo Archiepiscopo sacrum Subdiaconatus ordinem susceperuntpræsente Dño Rectore.

1785 .

Die 21 mensis Maii Sacrum Diaconatus ordinem ab Illmo Dno

D. Josepho Ludovico de Mollinedo Episcopo Palentino susceperunt.

D. Tho Price

D. Tho Taylor

D. Henricus Kellet

D. Michael Tidyman

D. Joa: Stanley.

[Came to Valladolid from SedgleyPark school; professorof French at Oscott College, 1795, when he went to Heythrop , Oxon , as chaplain to the Earlof Shrewsbury, 1795-7; thence to Woodlane, Yoxall, co Stafford , where he died May 6 , 1833. C.R.S. , viii, p 329.]

[Henry Kellet was ordained priest by the Bishop of Palencia, March 24 , 1787 , and went to England with Michael Tidyman, on May 12 , 1787 He died at Burscough, Lancs , Aug. 14, 1808.]

Die Nono Junii huc advenit studiorum causa missus a Revdo Dño Roberto Banister Thomas Hodskinson filius Joannis et Annæ ChamberlaineConjugum, natus die 15 mensis Februarii Anni 1772 , in Parochia de Burton Baptisatus eodem die a Revdo Patre Richardo Reeves S. Jesu Presbytero


Die 220 mensis Junii divo Albano hujus Collegii Patrono sacro Juramentum Collegii in Cubiculo D. Rectoris præsentibus Rdo Dño Joa: Greenway, et Rdo Dño Joanne Griffiths, Sacræ Theo. ille, hic Artium, Cathedraticis in hoc Collegio emisit Josephus Shepherd (Communiter Ratcliff;) filius Roberti Shepherd et Annæ Ratcliff Conjugum

Die 24 mensis Septembris sacro B. M. de Mercedeab Episcopo Palentino IllmoD. D. Lodovico de Mollinedo in Urbe suâ Episcopali ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotisunt D. Michael Tidyman et D. Joannes Stanley Primitias suas Deo consecrarunt die 2º octobris, quo die anni 1785, festum solemne de Rosario est ab Ecclâ celebratum.

Joannes Cuervo Campomanes[the rest of the page is blank]



Die duodecimo mensis Julii anni 1786 ad laborandum in vinea Anglicana profectus est Rev. D. Joannes Stanley hujus Collegii alumnus et Sacerdos

1787 .

Dietertio mensis Martii in Templo Santimonialium Recolectarum ordinis Sancti Augustini hujus Civitatis ab Illustrissimo D. D. Emmanuele Joachimo Moron hujus Civitatis Epči, vespere quidem præcedente ad primam Clericalem Tonsuram et quatuor Minores ordines, ipso vero die ad Sacrum Subdiaconatus ordinem evecti sunt , D. Jacobus Marsh.

D. Joannes Howell

D. Georgius Gildart.

D. Franciscus Crathorne omnes hujus Colegii Alumni

[52] Eodem die, et in eodem templo ad Sacrum presbyteratus ordinem ab eodem Illmo Episcopo promotus est D. Thomas Taylor. *

[After ordination ThomasTaylor remained at the College as procurator until Sept., 1794, when he returned to England, where he became eventually chaplain at Hales Place On the death of the Rev. Joseph Shepherdhe was nominated Rector of the College at Valladolid by the Vicars Apostolic, Jan. 26, 1797. He set out from London on Feb. 14, 1797, and reached the College on July 22 of that year His appointment was confirmed by the King of Spain on July 10 , 1797. It was for six years, according to the Statutes of the College, and when that period had elapsed, Bishop Douglaswrote tohim , Nov. 5 , 1802: " And now, my Dear Sir, as the years of your Rectorship will expire next summer, Mr Gibson, Bishop & Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District, Mr Poynter, VicarGeneral of the Vacant Midland District & myself unite in requesting you to returnto England beforethat period" For some reason ,whichdoes not appear, this did nottake effect, forMr Taylor's appointment was confirmed by the King on Oct. 10 , 1803. He died on May 22 , 1808 , and was buried in the College Church, outside the predella of thealtar in the chapelof the Crucifixion ]

Die 7 ejusdem mensis D. ThomæAquinati sacro primam misam Adstante D. Joanne Greenway Sac Th: Cathedratico celebravit Idem D. Thomas Taylor

Die duodecimo ejusdem Mensis D. Gregorio Magno Sacro , Juramentum Alumnorum emisit Gullielmus Augustinus Coghlan coram Rectore et D. Joanne Greenway S.T. et D. Joan : Griffiths PhilosophiæCathedraticis

[With the above entry the handwriting ofthe Rev. Joseph Shepherd ends. The next two pages are blank. On page 55 are two entries in the hand of the Rev. Thomas Price, then come six blank pages. On the last page of all, page 62, is a scribbled list of names in the hand ofMgr. Guest ]



Die vigesimo nono Mensis Decembris ad juramentum Alumnorum et MissionisinAngliam admissifuerunt, quod et pièet libenti animo emiserunt, Georgius Greenway, Thomas Smith, Gulielmus Irving, Thomas Irving, Joannes Serjeant, coram Do Thomâ Price eo tempore Rectoris vicem gerente, teste vero adstante Revdo Dno Alexandro Cameron Coll: Scot: hujus Civitatis Rectore, nec non reliquis hujus Collegii Alumnis Ita Testor Thos Price V. Recor.

1797 .

Die vigesimo tertio Mensis Januarii ab hoc Collegio discesserunt in Angliam reversuri per Lusitaniam , Jacobus Danniell , Jacobus Barrow, Uterque licet juramento Missionis in Angliam obstrictus, Sponte abiit

[Here the Diary ends and Mgr. Guest's register is continued .]

631. Joannes Slater, Lancastriensis, natus die 24 Junii 1762. Die Februarii 1784re infectâ profectus est ex hoc Collegioper Bilbao in Patriam Die 15 Aprilis adhuc in portu Bilburgensi detenebatur.

632. Thomas Price, Herefordensis ex oppido Leominster, filius Thoma et SaræPricket, conjugum, natus 16 Aprilis 1763 , baptizatus a Thoma Price, sacerdote Romano, missionario, confirmatus ab Illmo VicarioApostolico Walmsley .... die 2 Junii 1787 ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est Mense Octobris 1786 litteras humaniores docere incepit Postea Philosophiam explicavit, deinde Theologiæ Cathedram occupavit Munere Vicerectoris fungebatur abanno 1788 usque ad annum 1798, cum, mortuo Rev. D. Josepho Shepherd, et Rectoratu occupatoa Rev. D. Thoma Taylor, profectus est Matritum et die 31 Maii per Caceres pergit Ulyssiponem et inde in Angliam transivit et die 4 Decembris jam in Comitatu Staffordiensi cum Dom Clifford, apud Tixall a sacris domesticis vixit. Anno 1806 noluit redire ad hoc Collegium ut Magister et Vicerector Anno 1831 [die 15 Junii] mortuus est Missionarius in Anglia



633. Joannes Howell, Litchfeldiensis, ex Districtu mediano, filius Petri et Catherinæ Newman, conjugum, natus die 1 Aprilis 1765 , baptizatus ab Illmo D. D. Joanne Hornyold, Episcopo Philomeliensi, VicarioApostolico prædicti districtus, cum supradictis die 31 Julii 1777 huc advenit .... Die 2 Junii 1787 Diaconatus ordinatus , anno 1788 Artes docuit; die vero II Aprilis 1789 Sabbato Sancto , ad Presbyteratum promotus, Primam Sacramcelebravit feria secunda Paschatis, assistente Rev. D. D. Thoma Price, ac die 14 ejusdem mensisproficiscensad PortumBilburgensem reversusest in Patriam ad Missiones . Die 28 Maii nondum navem conscenderat ut ex litterispatet

634. GeorgiusGildart, Londinensis .... Die 2 Junii 1787 Diaconus est ordinatus, et die 7 Julii, studiis completis, cum Vallisoleti non potuerit sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem suscipere , abiit hinc, et die 27e portu Bilburgensi enavigans, die 16 Augusti Gravendamappulit, et ante diem 27 Octobris ad Presbyteratum promotus est Londini apud Hammersmith Mense Octobris 1800 Missionarius erat apud Holywell.

635. Georgius Kennedy: [see the Diary]

636. Franciscus Crathorne, Eboracensis ....

Die 2 Junii 1787 ad Diaconatum ; die vero 22 Septembris 1787 ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est Die 7 Julii 1788 cum D. Georgio Gildart per portum Bilburgensem reversus est in Angliam, Gravendam appulensdie 16Augusti Primumfuit Missionariusapud Broughton Hall, postea ab anno 1796 apud Garswood prope Warrington in familia Dom Gerard, Armigeri, a sacris domesticis elaboravit usque ad mortem quæ ingentem dolorem omnibus intulit, sed maxime Catholicis et pauperibus Mense Maii [die 23] 1822 cum D. Joanne Gerard et aliis tribus nobilibus in navigiolo ex Southportenavigans ut piscando et navigando cum amicis animum recrearet in mari omnes , ipse et alii quatuor perierunt Navigiolum , velis expansis, vento et æstu impulsum, solum in portum redivit. Quomodo perierunt solum Deus scit. Vir bonus et doctus et acri judicio, Clericis et Laicis æque charus, multoque in honore Arte medicinali pollens, variis, morbis laborantibus , tam feliciter remedia præscribebat, ut ei de longinquo maxime pauperes affluebant , quibus etiam medicamenta gratis præbebat Anno 1794 exoratus a D. Josepho Shepherd, Rectore hujus Collegii et a Vicariis Apostolicis ut huc rediretet Cathedram Theologiæet Vicerectoratum occuparet, tandem assensit et missionem relinquens Londinum venit, ut inde transiret in Hispaniam, sed bellis tunc impeditus, reversus est ad missionemapud Broughton Hall, et nunquam postea necmagisterium nec Rectoratum susciperevoluit etsi ad annum 1806 sæpe rogatus

* He died at Nerquis, Mold, North Wales, on Feb. 24, 1810. C.R.S. , xii, p. 107 He died at Swansea in February, 1827. C.R.S. , xii, p. 174 .

637. Jacobus Marsh* Lancastriensis, filius Thomæet Alicia Chamberlaine, conjugum, natus die 19 Augusti 1762 ac die 20 baptizatus a Rev. D. Thoma Shuttleworth, Ordinis Sti Benedicti, in Parrochia B.MariæVirginisapud Warrington .... Die 2 Junii ad Diaconatum; die vero 22 Septembris 1787 ad sacrum Presbyteratus_ordinem promotus est. Die 7 Julii 1788 cum Georgio Gildart et Francisco Crathorne ad portum Bilburgensem proficiscens et inde die 23 enavigans Gravendam appulit in Anglia die 16 Augusti Anno 1793 apud Moorhall prope Ormskirk in familia armigeri D. Caroli Stanley a sacris domesticis fuit

638. Josephus Ratcliffe, vere Shepherd , Lancastriensis, filius Roberti, Rectoris hujus Collegii fratris, et Annæ Ratcliffe, conjugum, natus die 20 Maii 1767 apud Bolton-le-Moors, huc advenit die 26 Aprilis 1779. Die 22 Junii 1785 juramentum præstitit. Die 22 Septembris 1787 ad Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram et quatuor ordines minores; die 27 Februarii 1790 ad Subdiaconatum , ac die 29 Maii ejusdem anni in templo Sanctimonialium de Bethlehem, ordinis Cisterciensis, ad Diaconatum promotus est Die 17 Decembris 1791 sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem suscepit. Mense Aprilis 1792 profectus estin MissionemAnglicanam e portu Bilburgensi enavigans initio mensis Junii Anno 1800, Capellam seu Ecclesiam S.S. Petri et Pauli apud Bolton-le-Moorsædificavit ; scholamCatholicam fundavit, et amplam domum Missionario construxit Inter Catholicos loci sui natalis strenue laboravit usque ad dimidiumanni 1826 , cum ex hac vita migravit Oct. 24, 1793 apud Tudhoe prope Rushlyford in Comitatu Dunelmensi fuit missionarius

639. Jacobus Appleby, Londinensis, a Rev. D. Antonio Barnewall baptizatus, die 30Julii 1781 huc venit ab Anglia Die29Decembris 1787 emisit juramentum Die 27 Februarii 1790 ad Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram , quatuor ordines minores et ad Subdiaconatum; die 29 Maii ad Diaconatum ; die vero 18 Decembris ejusdem anni in Ecclesia Parrochiali St Michaelis hujus civitatis ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est Die 25, festo natalis D.N.J. Christi Sacram Primam celebravit, adstante Rectore D. Josepho Shepherd. Mense Julii 1791 profectus est in Angliam ad missiones , et die 19 mensis Aprilis 1799 mortuus est

"The name of the boy I recommend is James Marsh, can write very well, & knows arithmetic, is of good and well-bred comportment, has 2 or 3 uncles Priests, a near relation a monk &c: Mr Chamberlaine , in Mr Butler's shop in Pall-Mall, is his Mother's brother. " Banister to Shepherd, Mowbrick, June 22, 1777 (Leg. E, 1º) " His [James Marsh's] father and family have been much distressed by their Land-lord, who seized & sold their goods & turned them out: then other Creditors came on, & divided the residue They live in Kirkham as yet: one of three boysis taken by an Uncle a shoemaker: John is to go to an Uncleat London: and Rd the youngestmaypossibly be maintained at home " Banister to Shepherd , Mowbrick , May 28 , 1780 (Leg. E, 1º) He died on May21 , 1811. C.R.S. , xii, p. 111

Died at Bolton, Jan. 28, 1825. C.R.S., xii, p 164

640. Gulielmus Augustinus Coghlan , * Londinensis, filius Jacobi Petri et Elizabethæ Browne , conjugum, natus Londini, die 4 Maii 1768 cum supradicto huc advenit Die 12 Martii, Divo Gregorio Magno sacro , 1787, juramentumemisit. Die 22 Septembris 1787 prim: cleric: Tonsuram et quatuor ordinesminores; die 27 Februarii 1790 Subdiaconatum; die 29 ejusdem anni Diaconatum; die vero 23 Octobris 1791, ætate dispensata, sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem suscepit Mense Novembris 1791 abiens per portum Bilburgensem reversus est in Angliam ad missiones , et ad Districtum Septentrionalem Oct. 24 anni 1793 missionarius apud Dom. Witham Feb. 7 anni 1797 in Comitatu Eborensi Anno 1800 missionarius apud Cliffe.

641. Joannes Chrysostomus Coghlan, Londinensis, frater supradicti et cum eo huc venit die 30 Julii 1781 , natus die 27 Januarii 1770. Die 29 Decembris 1787 juramentumpræstitit Anno 1792 , re infecta, reversus est in Angliam et Londinum advenit die 4 Aprilis 1792, et mense Novembris ejusdemanni ad Collegium Duacenum profectus est. Die 27 Junii 1793 jam Duaco Londinum rediverat et propter quamdam capitis debilitatem ad ordines sacros non admissus , die 29 Octobris 1793jam ordinem Capuchinorum Louvanii ingressusfuerat.

Die 21 Septembris anno 1782 ab Anglia huc appulit Rev. D. JoannesGriffiths, Collegii AnglorumDuaceni Sacerdos et alumnus , Philosophiam dictaturus , et cum illo venerunt Carolus Clements, Robertus Ainsley , Gaspar Georgius Bricknell et Josephus Waterhouse.

Rev. D. Griffiths per annos 1782 et sequentes ad dimidium 1787 apparet Professor Artium ; postea Philosophiæ Magister et Vicerector usque ad diem 13 Junii 1788, cum reversurus in Angliam profectus est ad portum Bilburgensem et cum numeris 635, 637 et 638 hujus Catalogi, die 23 Julii navem conscendens , die 16Augusti Gravendam appulitet die 17 Londinum , ubi in missionibuslaboravit et ibi mense Novembris [die 3] 1815 defunctus est. 642. Carolus Clements, Oxoniensis, filius Richardi et Catherinæ, natus die 17 Aprilis 1765 Kiddingtoniæ et paucis a nativitate interjectis diebus baptizatus a Rev. D. Lyddell, matrona Anna Lister; in Collegio Duaceno et Audomaropolitano per aliquod tempus vixerat Die 29 Decembris 1787 præstitit juramentum . Die 27 Februarii 1790 ad prim: cleric: Tonsuram, quatuor ordines minores et majorem Subdiaconatus; die 29 Maii ad Diaconatum ; die vero 18 Decembris ejusdem anni ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est Die 25 Decembris, festo natalis D.N.J. Christi , adstante Rev. D. Thoma Price, Vicerectore, SacramPrimam

Son of James Peter Coghlan, printer, Duke Street, GrosvenorSquare, London. He died on July 11 , 1836. C.R.S. , xii, p 215 . He did not persevere with the Capuchins, and he died on May 12 , 1807. C.R.S. , xii, p 99 . He died on Nov. 12 , 1797. C.R.S. , xii, p 62

celebravit Mense Julii 1791 profectus est ad Missionem Anglicanam .

643. Robertus Ainsley, Northumbriensis , filius ThomæetElizabethæ Saunderson , conjugum, natus die 10 Aprilis 1768, in Castello Novo, Dioecesis Dunelmensis Mense Februarii 1788, re infecta, abiens per portum Bilburgensem reversus est in patriam, in navem conscendens die 9 Aprilis

644. Gaspar Georgius Bricknell,* Berceiensis , (ex Berkshire) filius Georgii et Æmiliæ Butler, conjugum, natus die 30 Decembris 1768 . Die 29 Decembris 1787 , sacro Divo Thomæ Cantuariensi, emisit juramentum . Die 17 Decembris 1791 ad prim: cleric: Tonsuram , quatuor ordines minores et ad Subdiaconatum est promotus. Die 22 Decembris 1792 Diaconatum ; die vero 23 Februarii 1793 sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem suscepit. Litterashumanioresdocuit novem menses ab Octobre 1793, et mense Julii 1794 profectus est ad MissionemAnglicanam.

645. Josephus Waterhouse, Londinensis, filius Samueliset Theresiæ Bricknell, conjugum, natus Lutetiæ Parisiorum die 28 Septembris 1768, huc advenit cum tribuspræcedentibusdie 21 Septembris 1782 . Die 29 Decembris 1787 juramentumemisit Juvenis bonus, studiosus et pius, ex vomitibus sanguinis tandem in ptisin pulmonalem incidit, et die 5° Septembris 1790, sacramentis Penitentiæ et SS Eucharistiæ die 2° receptis, Unctione Extrema confortatus, pie vita functus est hora fere 4a post meridiem, et eodem die in ecclesia Seminarii prope Altare majus ex latere Epistolæ contra pulpitum depositum fuit ejus corpus; primus alumnorum qui post restaurationem Collegii diem obiit supremum. Omnia ad Defunctum pertinentia extra muros civitatis prope Sacellum Divi Isidori Agricolæ hora 3a ante lucem die 8 Septembris cremeta sunt Cubiculum num 7 , in quo vivebat et mortuus est, radebatur, fenestra et portæ novæ ponuntur.

646. Thomas Hodskinson , Lancastriensis, filius Joannis et Annæ Chamberlaine, conjugum, natus die 15 Februarii 1772 in Parrochia de Burton, baptizatus eodem die a Rev. Patre Richardo Reeves , S. Jesu; missus a Rev. D. Roberto Banister, missionario apud Mowbreck prope Kirkham in Agro nominato Fylde, et ejus sororis nepos. Londino ad portum Bilburgensem enavigans, die 9 Junii 1785 huc advenit . Cum non præberet signum vocationis adstatum ecclesiasticum, mense Junii 1793 abiens hinc ad portum Bilburgensem , die 25 in navem conscendens , die 28 ejusdem mensis velis solutis, reversus est in Angliamet Londinum.

647. Josephus Griffiths, Rev. D. Joannis Griffiths, qui mense Septembris 1782 huc advenit ut philosophiæ Cathedraticus, frater Quo die et anno huc appulit non constat, sed 1787 jam in Collegio aderat. Rev. D. Joannes Griffiths 1788 mense Julii rediens in

* He died at Yoxall , Staffs, May 6, 1833. C.R.S. , xii, p 200

Angliam a portu Bilburgensi inlitteris se suo fratri Josephocommendat. Mense Februarii 1789, hinc, re infecta , proficiens, die 8 ejus- dem mensis ad portum Bilburgensem pervenit ut inde navi transiret in Angliam . Die 1° mensis Novembris 1789 Londino scripsit esse se jam commissum ad artem Caprulorum ediscendam .

648. Jacobus Barrow, * Lancastrensis, ex Westby in agro dicto Fylde, D. Thomæ Barrowde Westby Hall nepos, die 18 Maii 1788 Liverpolo enavigans viâ Oporto Lusitaniæ huc advenit. Die 22 Junii 1793 juramentum consuetum emisit sed etsi juramento adstrictus, die 23 Januarii 1797 re infecta, ad oppidum Oporto proficiscens mense Martii navem conscendens reversus est in Angliam Ante adventum ad hoc Collegium quatuor annos sub Rev. D. Roberto Banister missionario apud Mowbreck studiis incubuerat

Mense Septembris 1788 ab Anglia Londino per portum Bilburgensem huc advenerunt novem juvenes et cum iis juvenes ad Collegium Scotorum in hac civitate Mense Decembris ejusdem anni 1788 e prædicto portu huc appulerunt duo alii juvenes ab Anglia venientes.

Probabiliter, sed clare non constat, juvenes qui mense Septembris venerunt fuerunt hi sequentes : Thomas Josephus Rowles Evans, JacobusDanniell,Thomas Varley, Dionysius Stout, Josephus Smith, Gulielmus Hayes, Josephus Augustinus Hudson, Josephus Swarbreck et JoannesSingleton Duo qui venerunt mense Decembris valde probabiliter fuerunt fratres Jacobus Smith et Thomas Smith

649. Thomas Josephus Rowles Evans, Oxfordiensis ex Westcott Barton, filius Samsoni et Elisabethæ Mercer, conjugum, baptizatus die 14 Maii 1722; die 17 Septembris 1788 huc viâ Bilbao appulit Die 19 Martii 1790 in ecclesia Monialium Dominic : Porta Coeli ab Episcopo Vallesoletano est confirmatus Anno 1793, die 22 Junii Pio Patrono hujus Collegio sacro, in manu Rectoris ante altare majus, assistentibus R.R. D.D. Thoma Price et Thoma Taylor, cum aliis octo alumnis juramentum emisit Mense Septembris 1796 , re infecta, re Collegio discessit.

" * James Barrow, grandson of Thomas Barrow, late of Westby Hall, has been with me 4 years, & is a veryhopeful boy: his pensionwillbe paid by Miles Stapleton, of Clints, near Richmond in Yorkshire, Esq , from some capital which has been accumulated from the remainder & residueof one Mr Elston an ancient priest, whose sister or neice married a Newsham There are twofunds ofthesaidMr Elston, and by his will & direction the descendents ofNewsham , ifjudged fit, are to be preferred beforeall others, & enjoy these funds As I understand, Mr Elston, either directlyor indirectly, destined one ofthesefunds for D[ouay] C[ollege]; b[ut nothing] being specified about the other , Mr Miles Stapleton, at the req[uest of M] John Barrow his chaplain readily granted it to Valladolid , for this boy I am sendingyou ....... father & mother died 5 or 6 years ago " Banister to Shepherd, Mowbreck , May 15, 1788. Series E., leg. 1º. His

650. Jacobus Danniell, Londinensis, filius Jacobi et Margarita Bencan , natus die 10 Novembris 1774 et baptizatus die 17 ejusdem mensis a Rev. Dño Laurentio Dunn, missionarioin CapellaCatholica de Rope-Makers Alley, Londini, huc advenit die 17 Septembris 1788. Die 22 Junii 1793 emisit juramentum , sed etsi eo adstrictus die 23 Januarii 1797 per Louvaniam in Angliam reversurus discessit, at ad Oporto Lusitaniæ cum Jacobo Barrowpergit et mense Martii mari reversusest in Angliam.

651. Thomas Varley, Londinensis, filius Gulielmi et CeciliaVarley, conjugum, baptizatus die II Decembris 1774 a Rev. Dño Joanne Lindon, missionario Apostolico ; die 17 Septembris 1788 huc appulit. Mense Maii 1792, re infecta, per portum Bilburgensem proficiscens, mense Junii cum Rev. D. JosephoShepherdreversusest in Angliam.

652. Dionysius Stout, Londinensis, ex Whitewell, filius Joannis et Margarita Varley, conjugum, præcedentis consanguineus , natus die 16 et baptizatus a Rev. Dño MooreClerio Curatore in Whitewell die 25 Decembris anno 1774; die 17 Septembris 1788 huc advenit. Mense Maii 1792, re infecta, cum consanguineosuo Thoma Varley per Bilburgumreversusest in patriam.

653. Josephus Smith, Lancastriensis ex Preston, filius Thomæ et Elisabethæ Mason, conjugum, natus et baptizatus die 6 Januarii 1775 a Rev. Dño Nicholao Sewall, missionario Apostolico in dicto oppido; die 17 Septembris 1788 ad hoc Collegium venit . Die 19 Martii, festo Sancti Josephi, 1790 sacro chrismate est delibutus ab Episcopo Vallisoletano Die 22 Junii 1793 juramentum emisit. Die 23 Decembris 1797 Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram, quatuor ordines minores et Subdiaconatum suscepit Die 28 Septembris 1796 Rhetoricam docere incoepit Die 9 Martii 1798 propter quasdam affirmationes minus rectas et morum rationem minus decoram dimissus, viâ Oporto Lusitaniæ reversus est in Angliam. Mense Decembris 1799 in Collegium tunc fundatum apud Crook-hall ut admitteretur sine exitu petivit.

654. Gulielmus Hayes , Londinensis, filiusGulielmi et AnnæGulliford , conjugum, baptizatus die 15 Januarii 1775 a Rev. Dño Jacobo Bernard, missionario Apostolico ; die 17 Septembris 1788huc appulit. Die 22 Junii 1793 juramentumpræstitit Die 15 Septembris 1797 Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram, quatuorordines minoreset Subdiaconatum suscepit, et die 23 Decembris ejusdem anni Diaconatum ; die vero 16 Februarii 1799 ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est . Mense Januarii 1800 profectus est in patriam ad missiones et hebdomada majori ante Paschaten Londinum pervenit.

655. Josephus Augustinus Hudson, Londinensis, filius Thomæ et Mariæ Faucet, conjugum, natus Londini 23 Martii 1775 et eodem die baptizatus a Rev. Patre Benedicto Short, ordinis Fratrum Predicatorum missionario, cum præcedentibus die 17 Septembris 1788 ad hoc Collegium venit. Die 19 Martii 1790 confirmatus est ab EpiscopoVallisoletano et die 22 Junii 1793 cum aliisocto alumnis

in manu Rectoris ante altare majus emisit juramentum. Die 15 Septembris 1797 Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram, quatuor ordines minores et sacrum Subdiaconatum suscepit

656. Josephus Swarbreck,* Lancastriensis, natus mense Januarii 1775; die 17 Septembris 1788 huc advenit Die 19 mensis Martii 1790 ab Episcopo Vallisoletano Sacro Chrismate est delibutus et die 22 Junii 1793 juramentum consuetum præstitit. Die 15 Septembris 1797 ad Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram, quatuor ordines minores et ad Sacrum Subdiaconatum est promotus; die 23 Decembris ejusdem anni ad Diaconatum ; die vero 8 Martii 1800 ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem assumptus est Die 30 Junii 1800 , abiens hinc viâ Oporto Lusitaniæ reversus est in Angliam ad lucrandas animas et mense Augusti Londinumet in Comitatum Lancastriensem pervenit. Apparueret ex litteris scriptis mense Augusti 1815 a Rev. Dño Thoma Sherburne tunc ex hac vita migraverat .

657. Joannes Singleton, Londinensis, natus die 28 Decembris 1775 , Patrino Gulielmo Walmsley ; die 17 Septembris 1788 cum octo præcedentibus Londino per portum Bilburgensem huc advenit. Die 22 Junii 1793 juramentum missionum præstitit. Die 23 Decembris 1797 ad Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram, quatuor ordines minores et ad Subdiaconatum; die 16 Februarii 1799 ad Diaconatum; die vero 8 Martii 1800 ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem est promotus. Mense Junii die 30 anno 1800 ad Oporto Lusitaniæ proficiscens, mense Augusti Londinumpervenit et in missioneapud St George's fields locatus est Anno 1806 ut rediret et Cathedram occuparet in hoc Collegio petitus , assensum præbuit; sed postea certior factus Rev. D. Thomam Irvin e Collegio in Angliam profecturum esse , venire recusavit Anno 1815 adhuc Londini in missioneelaborabat

658. Jacobus Smith, Lancastriensis ex parochia de Lytham, filius Jacobi et Joannæ Threlfal, conjugum, natus die 23 Decembris 1775, baptizatus a Rev. Patre Joanne Mansel, olim e Societate

Jesu presbytero ac missionario apud Lytham, per portum Bilburgensem mense Decembris 1788 huc appulit

Die 19 Martii 1790 Sacro Chrismate est delibutus ab Episcopo Vallisoletano et die 22 Junii 1793 juramentum emisit Die 15 Septembris 1797 Primam Cleric: Tonsuram, quatuor ordines minores et Subdiaconatum suscepit Die 8 Martii 1800 ad Diaconatum; die vero 29 Martii ejusdem anni ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est . Die 30 Junii 1800 hinc proficiscens viâ Oporto reversus est in patriam ad lucrandas animas .

* The letter says: "Mr Swarbreck divided his property between his neice , the College, & his faithful housekeeper " There is a postscript also: - " P.S. John Swarbreck groans as usual, & Edw: modestly thinksit would neither be inconv : nor dangerous for me to lend him £200 , Fugite fugite " Sherburne to Irvin, Aug. 16, 1815 , MSS. In the Laity's Directory, however , for 1806 is the entry: " 1804 Jan. Rev. Joseph Swarbrick , drowned on his passage from Valladolid " The Rev. Robert Swarbrick, a Douay priest, died in May, 1815. C.R.S. , xii, pp 91, 127 . For his career afterwards see C.R.S. , xv, p 156; died at Manchester , Jan. 26, 1827

659. Thomas Smith, * Lancastriensis ex parochia de Lytham, frater præcedentis , filius Jacobi et JoannaThrelfal , conjugum, natus die 1º Julii 1777 et baptizatus a dicto Rev. Patre Mansel, huc advenit mense Decembris 1788. Die 19 Martii 1790 est Confirmatus ab Illmo Revño Episcopo Vallisoletano et die 29 Decembris, Sancto Thomæ Cantuariensi sacro 1796 cum quatuorsequentibus alumnis in manu Prorectoris Rev. D. Thomæ Price juramentumconsuetum emisit. Die 29 Martii 1800 Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram, quatuor ordines minores et Subdiaconatum; die vero 12 Aprilis sacrum Diaconatus ordinem suscepit Die 5 Julii 1801 ab Illmo et Revmo D.D. Episcopo Maximianopolitano , Alexandro Cameron, ad Sacrum ordinem Presbyteratus promotus est. Initio mensis Decembris 1801 hinc proficiscens , die 10 Bilburgumpervenit ut inde transieret in Angliam ad missionem .

660. Gulielmus Irvin, Lancastriensis, ex Kirkham, filius Josephi et Alicia Sherburne, conjugum, natus die 10 Septembris 1776et eodem die baptizatus a Rev. Dño Roberto Banister sacerdotee Collegio Duaceno, missionario apud Mowbreck prope Kirkham residente , confirmatus abIllmo D.D. Gulielmo Smith EpiscopoAcanthensi et Vicario Apostolico in Districtu Septentrionali ; die 24 Julii 1791 , viâ Bilburgi die 10 Junii 1792 ad hoc Collegium venit. Die 29 Decembris 1796 juramentum emisit. Studio litterarum humaniarum per aliquod tempus in Anglia sub prædicto Dño R. Banister incubuerat Die 29 Martii 1800 Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram, quatuor ordines minores et majorem Subdiaconatus; et die 12 Aprilis Diaconatum: die vero 5° Octobris ejusdem anni sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem suscepit. Anno 1801, die 10 Decembrisrediensin Angliam, Bilburgum advenit et die 21 ejusdeminnavem conscendit Primum in missione Mowbreck commoratus est, deinde in suis fundis apud Willows prope Kirkham capellam seu ecclesiam novam ædificavit . Anno 1813 die 4 Augusti a Vicariis Apostolicis Angliæ ad hujus Colegii Rectoratum presentatus, titulum Rectoris datum Gadibus die 15 Septembris recepit et die 8 Octobris ejusdemanni Rectoratum occupavit Strenue allaboravit in fundis et vineis colendis et in omnibus quæ ad temporalia hujus Collegii bello Napoleonico devastata et pene deleta et desperdita restauranda coadjuvarent. Anno 1819 die 4 Maii proficiscens in Angliam per Galliam die 18 ejusdem mensis Londinum appulit Mense Octobris, fratre suo Rev. D. Thoma Sherburne, vere Irvin, eum comitante, ad Collegium reversus est Anno 1820, Collegio jam octo annos alumnis vacuo , traxit septem juvenes cum Professore ut iterum inserviret fini sui instituti, at die 3 Augusti 1822 prematura morte arreptus est . Rebus rusticis peritus instrumenta varia agris colendis et semina nova introduxit Ab omnibus delectus cum moerore et lachrimis sepultus est. Corpus ejus in ecclesia hujus Collegii in Capella Sancti Francisci de Borgia extra prædellam fuit depositum [Vide C.R.S. , xv, p 225.]

* Died at Croxdale, Feb. 26, 1855. C.R.S. , xv, p 156 , This should be Gibson


661. Thomas Sherburne, vere Irvin, Lancastriensis, frater præcedentis, natus apud Kirkham die 16 Junii 1779 et eodem die baptizatus a Rev. Dño Roberto Banister; confirmatus die 24 Julii 1791 a Revmo D.D. Episcopo Acanthensi, die 10 Junii 1792 cum fratre huc appulit Die 29 Decembris 1796 juramentumconsuetum præstitit. A mense Augusti (Sept. 5) 1803 Artium Professor et Vice-Rector fuit usquead finem mensis Martii 1806, cum ad portum Santandreanum proficiscens, litteris ibidem ab eo die 15 Aprilis scriptis , in Angliam ad missiones transivit. Primum in missione apud Blackburndeinde anno 1813, fratre suo ad Rectoratum hujus Collegii præsentato et in Hispaniam profecto, apud Willows prope Kirkham strenue laboravit Anno 1819 fratrem ex Anglia redientem comitans Collegium visitavit Anno 1822 , mortuo fratre, petentibus VicariisApostolicis, ut Prorector ad tres annosCollegium advenit, quo tempore elapso sub finem mensis Augusti 1825 ad suam missionem apud Willows reversus est Anno 1847 Rector seu potius Prorector hujus Collegii a Vicariis Apostolicis Angliæ ad tres annos nominatus, ut suo consilio et auxilio, Vice-rectore degente in Collegio cooperante, Collegium ære alieno oppressumet jam duos annos sine alumnis restitueret , die 19 Junii huc per Galliam advenit, et omnibus inspectis, administratione et directione Vicerectoris approbatis, die 29 mensis Julii abiens per Galliam Collegium Duacenum visitavit et inde ad missionemreversus est Anno 1848 sex alumnos Duaco ad hoc Collegium misit et annis sequentibus alios e dictoCollegioet ab Anglia, quorum pensiones annuossolvibat Anno 1854, rogatu Vice-rectoris, qui in Angliam transierat , pecunias ei etfratri suo a Collegio debitas donavit et syngrapham liberationis subscripsit. Die 17 Decembris ejusdemanni 1854 mortesubitanea correptus est, annos natus septuaginta quinque cum dimidio, et sepultus est in ecclesia nova Gothica ab eo ædificata apud Willows [Vide C.R.S., xv, p 225.]

662. Joannes Sergeant , * Lancastriensis, filius Richardi et Julianæ Yates, conjugum, in Scorton, Parochia de Garstang, natus mense Martii 1777 , Londino per portum Bilburgensem die 17 Novembris 1792 cum sequente ad hoc Collegium venit pro districtu mediano. Die 29 Decembris 1796 emisit juramentum Die 29 Martii 1800 Primam Clericalem Tonsuram et quatuorordines minores suscepit Mense Aprilis 1803 per portum Bilburgensem in Angliam ad lucrandas animas reversus est Anno 1814 Londino in Comitatum Lancastriensem propter adversam valetudinem abivit et jam aliquantulum dementiæ monstravit Gradatim plus mente captus tandem in hospitio insanorum Liverpolitano includitur ubi mense Septembris 1825 a vita migravit

663. Georgius Greenway, Devoniensis, filius Caroli et Martha Greenway, conjugum, natus Tivertoniæ die 25 Julii 1779, baptizatus a Rev. D. Edisford, Catholico Pastore Exoniensi, mense Augusti

* Went to Sedgeley Parkschool in 1791 , whence he came toValladolid ; died Sept. 1 , 1825. C.R.S. , vi, p 248 ; xv, p 226 ,

ejusdem anni, confirmatus feria 3ª infra octavam Pentecostes 1791 ab Illmo et Revdño D.D. Jacobo Talbot, * Episcopo Aconensi Vicario Apostolico in Mediano districtu, fratris Joannis Greenway filius, die 17 Novembris 1792 cum præcedente huc advenit pro districtu Londinensi Die29 Decembris 1796 juramentummissionis emisit. Mense Octobris 1802 per portumBilburgensem in Angliam reversus est . Londini et in missione apud Moorfields strenue allaboravit, bonus et zelosus operarius in vinea Domini Jam eum Episcopatu dignum omnibus Clericis designantibus et sperantibus coadjutorem Vicarii Apostolici Londiniensis esse nominaturum , premature anno 1824 [Oct. 18] ex hac vita migravit annos natus 45 664. Richard Cowban, Lancastriensis, filius Georgii et Helenæ , Melling, conjugum, natus apud Westbyin agro dicto Fylde mense Julii 1778 , via Oporto Lusitaniæ die 7 Martii 1796 huc advenit. Die29 Martii 1800 ad Prim : Cleric: Tonsuram et ad quatuorordines minores promotus est. Die 31 mensis Maii 1806 ad Presbyteratum apud Torquemada ab Illmo Episcopo Palentino titulo missionis promotus est Anno 1808 die vero 22 Martii, defuncto Rectore D.D. Thoma Taylor, ipseremansit solus ut prorector et administrator hujus Collegii, diro bello Napoleonico in tota Hispania flagrante, ad diem 8 Octobris 1813 cum Rev. D. Gulielmus Irvin Rector aVicariis Apostolicis præsentatusadvenit Anno sequente1814 mense Aprilis Coronium Gallæciæ proficiscens, die 18 Maii in navem conscendens jam die 1 Junii Londinum advenerat Multos annos laboravit in missione apud Alston Lane prope Preston in Comitatu Lancastriensi [Vide C.R.S., vi, p 182.]

Rev. Dom. Richardus Stuttard mense Februarii 1797 navem conscendans in portu Falensi (Falmouth) in Anglia, Ulyssipponem adnavigavit et deinde Matritum ubi erat die 20 Junii progrediens die 9 Junii ad hoc Collegium advenerat ut Artium Magister. Rev. Dño Thoma Price profecto in Angliam, ab initio mensis Maii 1798 , cathedram Theologiæ et Vicerectoratum occupavit usque ad dimidium anni 1800 cum per Matritum reversus est in Angliam et initio mensis Augusti in patriamadvenit.

Rev. D. Gulielmus Hurst alumnus Collegii Anglicani Ulyssopponensis et jam ibi Presbyter ordinatus per Matritum huc appulit die 25 Novembris 1800 ut Sanctam Theologiam docueret Cum hinc abieret non constat, sed valde breve tempus in hoc Collegio morari debueret, adolescens nimium et inexpertus ad S. Theologiam edocendam

Query: should this be ThomasTalbot?

William Hurst was son of Joseph Hurstand his wife Margaret Preston, of Ormskirk, co Lancaster; born April 8, 1776; admitted to the English College, Lisbon, Sept. 25, 1788; ordained priest and came to Valladolid ; resided for several years at Westminster, and raised and opened St. Mary's Chapel in Romney Terrace , Marlborough Square (Nov. 21 , 1813), which was long known as St. Mary's, Horseferry-road, and was closed in 1903 on the opening of Westminster Cathedral; he left St. Mary's in 1817 , and wentto the mission in the island of Trinidad , where he died, Aug. 10 , 1823, aged 47 Hist. Account of Lisbon College, p 219 .

665. Andreas Oliver sub fine mensis Julii 1803 Londinoper portum Bilburgensem huc advenit, pro Districtu Londinensi. In Collegio seu Schola dicta de Sedgley Park studiis per aliquod tempus incubuerat. Non benese habensin hoc Collegio et infirma valetudine longe fatigatus, die 22 Octobris 1804 ex hac vita migravit, sacramentis Poenitentiæ , SS Eucharistiæ et Extreme Unctionis confortatus, et in ecclesia hujus Collegii tumulatusest

666. Jonathas Maxted mense Julii 1803 cum præcedente ad hoc Collegium appulit, etiam pro Districtu Londinensi Ingravescente bello Gallico seu Napoleonico, Rectore hujus Collegii defuncto , Collegio Magistris et pecuniis destituto , die 10° Augusti 1808 cum aliis tribusproficiscensad portumdictum Gijonin Provincia Asturia sub finem mensis Septembris in navem conscendens in Angliam reversus est , viatico pro itinere accepto.

667. Joannes Hopkins die 24 mensis Octobris 1803 ad hoc Collegium venit pro Districtu Londinensi In schola de Sedgley Park studiis incubuerat Die 15 Septembris 1808 cum aliistribus hinc discedens ad portum de Gijon, mense Octobris, navi transivit in Angliam, viatico accepto pro itinere.

668. Jacobus Shaw* cum præcedente die 24 Octobris 1803 huc advenit pro Districtu Londinensi Mense Junii 1809 sive mense Aprilis 1812 quo tempore non constat pedibus et sine pecunia profectus est ut quo modo redireturin patriam.

Die 24 mensis Julii 1804 per portum Bilburgensem exAnglia ad hoc Collegium venerunt septemjuvenes: GeorgiusLatham,Georgius Franklin, Franciscus Tydiman, Jacobus Newsham, Joannes Caton , Joannes Davison et probabiliterRobertus Brindle.

Die 14 Augusti 1804 huc advenerunt quatuor juvenes qui Londino die 13 Julii proficiscientes die 2º Augusti ad Portum Bilburgensem appulerant Gulielmus Dunn, Richardus Dalton, Alexius Benjaminus Barber et probabiliter JoannesChaloner.

669. Georgius Latham, Lancastriensisex RayGreenprope Kirkham in Agro dicto Fylde, die 24 Julii huc advenit Die 25 Junii 1809 discedens cum aliis quatuor pedibus et sine viatico post ingentes laboreset miseriasmultas perpessus ad Lusitaniampervenitet inde navi bellica Anglicana conscendens reversus est in patriam. Anno 1814 mense Augusti per Coronium Gallæciæ redivit ut hujusCollegii

* From an account of the flight ofthe students fromValladolid, written by Robert Brindle, it is seen that James Shaw was one of the five students who set offon foot on the 25thJune, 1809. Memoirs by R[obert] B[rindle] MSS Valladolid

Robert Brindle's own statement is:" In the beginning of the year 1804, I, together with several companions , left Lancashire for Valladolid College, Spain ...... We embarked in a Spanish vessel on the 1st of June .and we cast anchor in Bilbao the eighteenth day after our departure from London After spending a few days in Bilbao, in refreshing ourselves and making arrangementsfor our journey, we set offfor Valladolid . ...... On the 24th of July, we entered Valladolid, and after a pretty strict scrutiny beforethe Magistrates were directed to the English College "

procurator, sed anno 1816 dimissus profectus est ad urbem Bilburgensem et ibi linguam Anglicam docuit . Uxorem duxit et multos annos ibidem vixit

670. Georgius Franklindie 24 Julii 1804 cum præcedente huc appulit. Die 15 Septembris 1808 proficiscens ad portum de Gijon mense Octobris in navem conscendens in patriamreversus est, peculio pro itinere accepto.

671. Franciscus Tydiman huc advenit die 24 Julii 1804. Die 20 Septembris 1804 est confirmatus a Rño et Illm D. Episcopo Vallisoletano cum quatuoraliis alumnis in sacello sui palatii, patrono D. Thoma Taylor Rectore Die 5 aprilis 1812 ultimus ille alumnorum in Collegio relictus , bello horrido Gallico peninsulari omnia subvertente et totam Hispaniam devastante, cum Collegium non potuerit plus alimenta alumnis præbere , pedibus sineque pecuniis profectus est et veniens Coronium Galleciæ ibi permansit et comerciis operam dedit. Anno 1819 die 22 Septembris uxorem duxit et paulo post annum 1822 ibi mortuus est He seems to have acted as secretary of Mr. Taylor & assistant to Mr. Couban.

672. Jacobus Newsham, Lancastriensis ex Agro dicto Fylde, huc appulit die 24 mensis Julii 1804. Mense Junii die 25 anni 1809 pedibus et sine viatico et peculio profectus est in Lusitaniamunde in Angliam transfretavit Studiis completis apud Ushaw in Collegio Sancti Cuthberti ordines sacros suscepit Multos annos infirma valetudine laboravit in missione apud Southport in Comitatu Lancast: et ibi anno [ ] mortuus est

673. Joannes Caton huc advenit die 24 mensis Julii 1804. Die 15 Septembris 1808 ad portum Cantabricam de Gijon profectus est et inde mense Octobris transivit in Angliam

A Mr Caton* died at Cottam in Lancashire in 1826 [Sept. 14]. Vide letter of Mr Sherburne Nov. 8, 26.

674. JoannesDavison die 24 mensis Julii 1804 huc appulit. Die20 Septembris 1804 confirmatus est ab Illmo D.D. Episcopo Vallisoletano, patrino adstante Rev. D. Thoma Taylor Rectore. Die 15 Septembris [1808] cum tribus aliis hinc discedens per Gijon mari reversus est in Angliam , viatico seu peculio pro itinere accepto.

675. Robertus Brindle, Lancastriensis ex Singleton in Agro dicto le Fylde huc advenit die 24 mensis Julii 1804. Die 25 Junii 1809

* This wastheRev. Thomas Caton, a Douay priest. C.R.S., xii, p 169 . The students whohad tramped across Spainand Portugal werereceived withopenarms at the English College, Lisbon, where they remainedfor the space of three weeks or a month In his Memoirs, Robert Brindle writes: - On Sunday, September 13th , we sailed from Lisbon ...... Our fleet consisted of about 8o vessels, principally transports, under the protection of the Comus frigate ...... The wind in general was very low or set against us, and aftera tedious voyage of 21 days, we landed at Falmouth on the 3rd of September (sic)" Robert Brindle was grandson of Thomas Brindle, of Kirkham, and his wifeMary, daughter of Richard Gillow , of Gillow House, in Little Eccleston C.R.S. , xv, p 157

sine viatico pedibus proficiscens in Lusitaniam , post multas perpessas labores et ærumnas , navi bellica Anglica conscendens transmeavit in Angliam Studia prosequens in Collegio St Cuthberti apud Ushaw sacros ordines suscepit Anno 1820 mense Octubris cum septem juvenibus ex Anglia navigans ad Portum Bilburgenum [Bilbao] mense Novembris sub finem huc reversit ut Artium magister et hujus Collegii Vicerector ; sed anno 1823 propter adversam valetudinem profectus est in patriam Aliquot annos laboravit in missione apud Croston in Comitatu Lancastriensi et die 8a Novembris 1828 ex hac vita migravit et sepultus est apud Weldbank prope Chorley.

676. Gulielmus Dunn huc Londinoenavigansmense Julii per portum Bilburgenum appulit die 14Augusti 1804. Die20 Septembris 1804 Sacro Chrismate est delibutus ab Illmo Revño D.D. Episcopo Vallisoletano , patrino D. Thoma Taylor Rectore Die 10 Augusti 1808 per portum de Gijon proficiscenssub finem mensis Septembris in navem conscendens transfretavit in Angliam, viatico pro itinere accepto

677. Richardus Dalton cum præcedente die 14 Augusti 1804 huc appulit. Die 10 Augusti 1808 proficiscenshinc ad portum de Gijon reversus est in Patriam, viatico accepto pro itinere.

678. Alexius Benjaminus Barber* cum duobus supradictis huc advenit die 14 Augusti 1804; die 20 Septembris sacramentum Chrismatis suscepit ab Illmo D.D. Episcopo Vallisoletano, patrino D. Thoma Taylor Rectore Mense Junii 1809 seu menseAprilis 1812 , non constat, proficiscens sine viatico, et pedibus, post multos perpessos labores per portum sive Lusitaniæ sive Galleciæreversusset in Angliam .

679. Joannes Chaloner cum tribus supradictis ad hoc Collegium venit Die 20 Septembris 1804 a Revño Illmo D.D. Episcopo Vallisoletano sacro Chrismate est delibutus, D. Thoma Taylor Rectore patrino. Mense Martii 1812 profectus est hinc ad Peñafiel ut rediret in patriam accepto viatico pro itinere Apparueret quod studiis prosecutis et completis in Anglia, sacros ordines suscepit et anno 1816 missionibus in Districtu Mediano inservivit suo a Vicario Apostolico laudatus A Mr Chaloner, priest at Derby, is mentioned by Dr Milner as a good missioner May 2nd 1816 & seems to have been from this College.

Anno 1808 die 22 Maii mortuus est Rev. D.D. Thomas Taylor Rector hujus Collegii, et anno 1806 Rev. Do. Thoma Irvin, alias Sherburne, Professore et Vicerectore, dicesso et profecto in Angliam, et propter bella dira tunc in omnibus partibus Continentiæ Europæ

* He left with the rest in June, 1809. He was afterwards ordained priest, and died at Chapel House, Poplar, May 18 , 1838, aged 47. C.R.S. xii, p. 226

He continued his studies at Oscott, was ordained priest, and died, at Derby, Dec. 4, 1836. C.R.S., xii, p 219

flagrantia, nullus alius sacerdos sæcularis Anglicanus inventus est qui gubernationem, directionem et administrationem hujus Collegii suscipere potuerit aut voluerit, 14 alumni tunc in Collegio relicti sunt sine professoreet cum nullo alio sacerdote Anglicano, nisi D. Richardo Cowban qui tunc vicem Procuratoris perfungebatur ; die 10 Augusti 1808 abierunt tres alumni Jonathas Maxted, Gulielmus Dunn et Richardus Dalton: die 15 Septembris ejusdem anni 1808 alii quatuor dicesserunt, Joannes Hopkins Georgius Franklin, Joannes Caton et Joannes Davison ; die 25 Junii 1809 abierunt alii quatuor alumni , Georgius Latham, Jacobus Newsham , Robertus Brindle et Jacobus Shaw sive Alexius Barber. Mense Martii 1812 abiens profectus est D. Joannes Chaloner, et mense Aprilis sub initioreliqui duo abierunt, Franciscus Tydimanet alius sive Alexius Barber aut Jacobus Shaw Primi septimi qui anno 1808 abierunt pro itinereet navigatione viaticumet pecuniam receperunt et etiam Joannes Chaloner, alii vero sex propter penuriam Collegii nil seu paucum receperunt sed pedibus et quomodo potuerint ad litora seu ora maritima Lusitaniæ seu Galæciæ iter perfecerunt et Ulyssipone et Oporto seu Coronio in Angliam pertransierunt , multos perpessi labores

Mense Octobris anno 1820 Rev. D. Robertus Brindle, quondam hujus Collegii alumnus, cum septemjuvenibus Liverpoload portum Bilburgensem enavigavit et inde circiter diem 22 Novembris ad hoc Collegium advenit , ut Artium Magister et Vicerector. Adversa valetudine constanter laborans dimidio anni 1823 reversus est in Angliam

Septem juvenes, primi post bellum Gallicum venientes ad hoc Collegium, fuerunt Joannes Santry, Timotheus Reardon, Josephus Howard, CarolusWalker, Joannes Smith, JacobusFayeret Georgius Wilkinson .

680. Joannes Santry, Londinensis, mense advenit pro districtu Londinensi Die [ 1823 dimissus reversus est in Angliam. Novembris 1820 huc ] mensis [ ] ]

681. Timotheus Reardon, Londinensis, mense Novembris 1820 huc appulit pro districtu Londinensi Die [ ] mensis [ 1826 dimissus profectus est in Angliam sed studia prosequens sacros ordines suscepit et multos annos Londini in missionibus laboravit

682. Josephus Howard, Lancastriensis, ex Hindley seu aliquo vico prope Wigan mense Novembris 1820 huc advenit Anno 1827 juramentum emisit Die 6 Augusti 1834 studiis incompletis discedens profectus est cum aliis duobus alumnis ad portum Bilburgensemet inde die 29 ejusdem mensis Liverpolumenavigavit Postea studiis completis in Collegio St Cuthberti apud Ushaw prope Dunelmiam sacerdos factus in vinea Domini laboravit sed anni [ ] mortuus est

683. Carolus Walker, Lancastriensis ex Wigan, natus anno 1806, mense Novis 1820 huc venit Anno 1827 juramentum consuetum emisit. Die 15 Junii 1832 ad primam Cleric: Tonsuram et quatuor ordines minores, et die 16 ad Sacrum Subdiaconatum est promotus. Die 22 Septembris Diaconatus, die vero 22 Decembris ejusdem anni 1832 Presbyter est ordinatus ab Illmo Revño D.D. Josepho de Ribadeneira, Episcopo Vallisoletano Die 30 Octobris 1835 cum alumno Joanne Brindle ad portum Santandreanum proficiscens in navem conscendit ut Liverpolum transieret, sed navis multos dies procellis et adversis tempestatibus jactata in scopulos ad ostium portus Wexfordiensis* collisa et concussa est, et ipse in mare prosiliens, rupes asperas manibus tenens, paulatim, ut recederent aquæ, progrediens, jam vitæ exspes, viribus exhaustus et pene mortuus littora tetigit ; sed, proh dolor, juvenis Joannes Brindle non apparet, in æquori profundo obrutus. Primum apud Staleybridge in Comitatu Cestrensi laboravit, sed postea multos annos apud Lea prope Preston missioni inservivit Anno 1849 mense Octobris huc advenitad salutem reficiendam et mense Aprilis 1850 reversus est ad Missionem Mense Decembris anno 1863 lethali morbo afflictus denuo ad hoc Collegium pervenit, sed ab amico invitatus Orihuelam profectus est, at die 1 Aprilis 1864adCollegium revertensjam moribundus, Sacramentis Poenitentiæ , SS Eucharistiæ et Extremæ Unctionis pie receptis, mortuus est in Domino die 18 Maii 1864 et sepultus est in coemeterio communi hujus civitatis.

684. Joannes Smith, Lancastriensis, ex parochia de Garswood, a Rev. D. Francisco Crathorne missus, qui pro eo et pro duobus præcedentibus pensiones annuos 25 librarum per aliquot annos solvere se repromisit , mense Novembris [1820] huc advenit Anno 1827 die 15 Junii, re infecta, reversus est in Angliam, et Liverpoli opificio horologiorum operam dedit Postea in Americam Meridionalem ad civitatem Valparaiso in regno Chili profectus est , uxorem duxit et ibi multos annos vixit.

685. Jacobus Fayer, Lancastriensis, ex parochia de Lythamin Agro dicto le Fylde, huc advenit mense Novembris 1820. Anno 1826 mense Decembris, re infecta, reversusest per portum Bilburgensem in Angliam, die 19 Januarii 1827 Londinum perveniens Negotio emendi et vendendi triticum et farinam operam dedit Uxorem duxit et anno 1870 in parochia de Lea adhuc vivit

686. Georgius Wilkinson, Lancastriensis, ex parochia de Westby in Agro dicto de Fylde, cum supradictis huc appulit mense Novembris 1820. Cum nullum in se signum præberet vocationis ad statum

* This is an error for Waterford In a longletter by Fr. Chas Walker, describingthe wreck and dated Dec. 16, 1835, he writes: " In the Irish sea , then, we had been sailing the whole of that day, and a little beforedarkthe men descried hook tower, or the light house of Waterford The wind blew hard, and he [the captain] determined to put into Waterford Bay; but sad to tell in attempting to double the point on which the tower stood, we were cast upon the craggy shore on whichstands a small village of the name of Slade. MSS Valladolid

ecclesiasticumdimidio anni 1823 dimissus reversus est in Angliam. Arte fabrili operam dedit et tandem in Americam Septentrionalem profectus est.

Anno 1822 die [3] Augusti mortuo Rev. D. Gulielmo Irvin Rectore sub finem ejusdem mensis advenit frater ejus Rev. D. Thomas Irvin, seu Sherborne, ut Pro Rector, Dom: Thomam Pilling alumnum Collegii St Cuthberti in minoribus conducens ut artes in hoc Collegio doceret Sub finem mensis Augusti 1825 reversus est in Angliam .

Rev. D. Thomas Pilling, Lancastrensis ex Blackburn, cursum studiorum in Collegio St Cuthberti de Ushaw prope Dunelmiam perfecit et ibi die 20 Decembris 1820 Tonsuram et ordines minores suscepit. Die 19 Martii 1823 ad Subdiaconatum, die 23 Dominica Palmarum ad Diaconatum, die vero 25 ejusdem mensis et anni ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab Illmo et Revño Episcopo Segoviensi Fuit Vice Rector et primum Artium postea Philosophiæ Professor, deinde ab anno 1829 Collegii Procuratoret Temporalium Administrator. Anno 1831 in Angliam profectus est sed die 15 Maii 1832 ad Collegium est reversus Dimidio anni 1836 abeunte Rectore in Angliam Vicem Rectoris fungebatur, ob penuriam Collegii multas molestias perpetiens usque cerebrali febri correptus die 2 Augusti 1838 ex hac vita migravit etin cœmeterio communi hujus civitatis sepultus est.

A Report in 1837 that Mr Newsham wascoming to the Collegeto relieve MrPilling.

Rev. D. JosephusBrown * a Vicariis Apostolicis Angliæ ad Rectoratum hujus Collegii præsentatus, initio mensis Novembris 1825 Londino proficiscens per Galliam, propter adversam valetudinem in itinere sæpe moratus, tandem die 4 Januarii 1826 huc appulit: filius Thomæ et Francisca Brian, natus die 10 Septembris 1794 in Comitatu Dunelmensi et postridie baptizatus a Rev. D. Gulielmo Hull missionario apud Ryton In Collegio Sancti Cuthberti apud Ushaw prope Dunelmiam cursum litterarum Humaniarum , Philosophiæ et Theologiæ perfecit, et ibi die 31 Martii 1816 prim: Cler: Tonsuram et ordines minores et postea suo in ordine Sacros Ordines suscepit et Cathedram occupavit Anno 1829 Matritum ivit et inde revertens in Angliam profectus est, unde die 12 Martii 1830 Londino cum Domino Jacobo Standen alumno et professoreminore Collegii St Cuthberti reversus est mense Aprilis ad hoc Collegium. Paulo post Matritum iterum proficiscensad negotia Collegii aliquos menses ibi demoravit Anno 1836, mense Julii, denuo in Angliam

[He was born at Garside, near Stella, co Durham; went to Ushaw College soon after its opening in 1808; was ordained priest Dec. 24, 1820; became Prefect of Studies there, and retained this post until 1825; in 1839 he became assistant to the chaplain of the Carmelite Convent at Darlington, upon whose death, in November, 1841 , he succeeded as chaplain; devoted the restof his lifeto the spiritualand temporal care ofthat convent , and died Feb. 15, 1887.]

mari profectus est enavigans e portu Santandreanu cum tribus alumnis hujus Collegii, studiis incompletis, revertentibus . Anno 1839 Londinumvenit ut redieret ad hoc Collegium, sed bello civili aut magisveré difficultatibusin Collegii gubernio ære alieno oppressi perspectis Rectoratum dimisit et reversus est ad domum Monialium Carmelitarum Discalceatarum Sanctæ Teresiæ apud Darlington in Comitatu Dunelmensi, ubi anno 1870 vivit ut Capellanus Est etiam Canonicus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Axelodunensis [Hexham] et Novi Castelli supra Tinam et examinator synodalis ejusdem dioecesis .

Anno 1828 mense Julii Rex Catholicus Ferdinandus VII cum Regina Amelia &c ex Catalaunia Vallisoletum advenit et hoc Collegium visitavit

Mense Augusti 1826, Liverpolo Coronium Gallæciæ adnavigantes die 16 Septembris huc advenerunt quinque juvenes, concomitantibus octo alumnis Collegii Scotorum hujus civitatis; Robertus Latham, Gulielmus Crook, Henricus Rimmer , Mattheus Formbyet JoannesGuest.

687. Robertus Laytham, Lancastriensis ex Kirkham, annos natus 18 , a Rev. D. Sherburne missus pro Districtu Septentrionali , huc appulit die 16 Septembris 1826. Die 6ª Augusti 1834, re infecta, discedens, die 29 ejusdem mensis cum aliis duobus hujus Collegii e portu Bilburgensi enavigavit Liverpolum Initio anni sequentis ad Oporto Lusitaniæ advenit ad Collegium rediens sed animo concidens reversus est iterum in Angliam Postea operam viis ferreis dedit in Anglia, in Gallia et in Hispania Uxorem in Gallia duxit et paulo post annum 1856 in Gallia mortuus est.

688. Gulielmus Crook, Lancastrensis ex Chorley parceciæ de Weldbank, annos natus 15, die 16 Septembris 1826 huc advenit pro dioecesi Londinensi, filius Roberti et Annæ, Hodskinson, conjugum, natus apud Euxton prope Chorley die 21 Decembris 1811 et die 1 Januarii 1812 in Capella apud Euxton Hall baptizatus. Die 12 Maii 1836 juramentum consuetum missionibus inserviendi emisit Die 26 Junii anno 1838 hinc profectus est per mare in Angliamad Collegium St Edmundi , Old Hall, Ware, in Comitatu Herefordiensi , et anno sequenti 1839 sacros ordines suscepit et in missione ibi et in fundatione novæ missionis strenue laboravit, sed initio anni 1841 ex hac vita migravit Alumnus pius et exemplaris; missionarius zelosus.

689. Henricus Rimmer, Lancastriensis ex Thornby, antea apud Wigan vixerat, annos 14 natus, huc advenit die 16 Septembris 1826 pro Districtu Londinensi Mense Julii 1829 nullum in se significationem ad statum ecclesiasticum ostentans dimissus reversus est in patriam.

690. Matthias Formby, Lancastriensis ex Formbyprope Liverpolum, annos 14 natus, huc appulit die 16 Septembris 1826. Die 12 Maii 1836 juramentum præstitit Mense Junii 1838 in Angliam pro-

ficiscens in Collegio St Cuthberti in Comitatu Dunelmensi studiis completis sub initium anni 1840 factus est sacerdos Primum paucos menses in ecclesia Sancti Patritii , postea in missione Sanctæ Mariæ, Mulberry Street, Macunii, multos annos inservivit, bonus et zelosus missionarius Anno 1852 est nominatus Canonicus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Salfordiensis, et anno 1863 a missione Sanctæ Mariæ, Macunii , ad missionem Sanctæ Annæ apud Stretford est translatus.

691. Joannes Guest, Lancastriensis ex Littlewood prope Croston , filius Edwardi et Joannæ, Blacoe, conjugum, natus die 19 Augusti 1813 apud Hesham Hall, Bolton-le-Sands, et baptizatus Lancastriæ a Rev D.D. Rigby, D.D., missionario Die[ ] juramentum Annis 1838 & 1839 cum cæteri alumni propter Collegii penuriam in Angliam missi sunt ut ibi studia prosequerentur, ipse solus cum Professore et procuratore D. D. Jacobo Standen in Collegio remansit Cum litteris dimissoriis Vicarii Apostolici Districtus Septentrionalis Illmi et Revdmi D.D. Joannis Briggs die20 Decembris 1839 Primam Cleric: Tonsuram et quatuor ordines minores et die sequenti majorem Subdiaconatus suscepit Die 14 Martii 1840 ad Diaconatum , die vero 4 Aprilis ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab Illmo ac Revño D.D. Josepho Antonio de Ribadeneira, EpiscopoVallisoletano. Die 19 Aprilis,festo Resurrectionis Dñi Nři Jesu Christi sacram primam solemnem * celebravit, adstante D.D. Jacobo Standen prorectore Die 9 Septembris 1840 vocatus in Angliam profectus est et primum in missione nova Sancti Albaniapud Liscard in Comitatu Cestrensi , postea in missione Sanctæ Mariæ apud Wigan laboravit, sed mense Julii 1841, deficiente salute, a missionis laboribus cessavit Rogatus ut rediret in Hispaniam ad hoc Collegium, rebus familiæ compositis, initio mensis Julii 1842 cum quinque juvenibus Londinum proficiscens et inde cum aliis quatuor venientibus ad Collegium Scotoruminhaccivitate Southamptoniæpervenienset navem vaporibus impulsam conscendit et Vigum Gallæciæ transfretavit, unde per Sancti Jacobi Compostellam, Coronium, Lugonam, et Asturicam Augustam huc advenit die 25 Julii, Divo Jacobo Apostolo sacro . Rev. D. Jacobo Standen die 13 Junii 1845 in Angliam proficiscente, ipse solus in Collegio permansit usque ad [diem 18 Junii] 1848 cum alumni e CollegioDuacenoadvenerunt Die 16 Julii 1854 ad negotia hujus Collegii in Angliam per Galliam profectus die II mensis Decembris reversus est Ex audientia SSmi habita die 31 Octobris 1858 SSñus Dñus Pius Divina Providentia P.P. IX, eum apostolica auctoritate Doctorem in Sacra Theologia benigne creavit ac declaravit cum omnibus juribus, honoribus et oneribus quæ Doctorum S. Theologiæ sunt propria: die 5 Februarii 1859 præscriptam fidei professionem in manu Illmi et Revdmi D.D. Archiepiscopi Vallisoletani, et die 10 ejusdem mensis insignia doctoralia in ecclesia hujus Collegii accepit magno cum gaudio et acclamatione Professorum et alumnorum et ejus amicorum

An interesting account of this first Mass of Fr. John Guest is printed in The London andDublin Orthodox Journalof June 13 , 1840 .


Ad initium anni 1863 ab Emño Cardinali Nicolao Wiseman , Archiepiscopo Primo Westmonasteriensi, formaliter ad Rectoratum præsentatus titulum a Regina Catholica Elizabetha II in palatio Sancti Ildephonsi die 3ª Augusti datum accepit quippe antea ab anno 1845 ut Prorector Collegium regebat

Anno 1867 die 3 Junii hinc proficiscens Lutetiam Parisiorum ad videndam generalem Artium et industriarum expositionem, dehinc per [ ] et Florentiam Romam die 15 Junii advenit ubi ex omni orbe terrarumad celebrandum SS . Petri at Pauli Apostolorum 18 centuarium et ad Canonizationem Plurimorum Sanctorum quingenti Cardinales, Archiepiscopi, Episcopi et Ecclesiæ dignitates cum sexdecim millibus Sacerdotes congregati sunt In audientia SSmus Pontifex Pius IX benigne varia de Collegio Anglicano Vallisoletano quæsivit et benedictionem Apostolicam et indulgentiam plenariam facultatem impertiendi Rectori concessit et postea ad eundem Rectorem Lapidem marmoreum ex catacumba Sancti Calixti in memoriam remisit. Die 13 Julii Roma exiens in portu Centumcellarum in navem bellicam Hispanicam dictam de San Quintin conscendens cum Emmo Cardinali Cuesta Archiepiscopo Compostellano et 28 Archiepiscopis et episcopis et circiter octoginta Canonicis, dignitatibus et personis ecclesiasticisex Hispania oriundis Barcinonem transfretavitet inde per CæsarAugustam ad Collegium reversusest die 21 Julii magno cum gaudio et lætitia Professorum, alumnorum et amicorum.

[Thefollowing paragraph is in the hand of Mgr. Charles Allen.]

Tandem die 4 Aprilis anno Domini 1876 , fractus ærumnis et ingentibus laboribus in administratione hujus Collegii per tot annos , cum permissu Superiorum, Episcoporum Angliæ, propter salutem profectus est longum iter facturus, relicto Rev D. Carolo Allen Pro Rectore Primum per Hispaniam multas visitavit urbes

Matritensem , Granatensem, Cordubensem , Hispalensem &c Unde ad Collegium Anglicanum Ulissiponi transfretavit et dehinc in Angliam ubi, anno Salutis 1877 , Emus Cardinalis Manning, Archiepiscopus Westmonasteriensis, benigne impetravit ut Dominus

Noster SSus Pontifex Pius IX donaret ei titulum et honores Prælatûs Domestici, quæ gratia concessa fuit die 16 Februariiejusdem anni Absens factus 16 menses die 16 Augusti 1877 reversus ex Anglia per Santandream iterum ad Collegium venit magno gaudio et summa omnium lætitia. Sed, Proh dolor ! die 4 Aprilis anni sequentis 1878 mortuus est in Domino receptis Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ sacramentis Sequenti die post missam et officium defunctorum in ecclesia propria hujus Collegii sepultus est in cometerio hujus civitatis Vallisoletanæ in tumulo proprio Collegii juxta crucem, ingenti cum luctu omnium R.I.P.

Jacobus Standen , alumnus et Poeseos Professor Collegii Sancti Cuthberti in Comitatu Dunelmensi, mense Aprilis anno 1830 cum Rev. D. Josepho Brown Rectore huc advenit ad artes edocendas. Jam primam Clericalem Tonsuram et ordines minores susceperatet die 24 Septembris 1831 ab Illmo D. D. Episcopo Vallisoletano ad

Fromaphotographtaken in 1877

TheRightRevMonsignorJohnGuest . D.D.
EmeryWalkerlid ph

Subdiaconatum, die 17 ad Diaconatum, die vero 17 Martii 1832 ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem est promotus Anno 1834 philosophiam docere incoepit cum artibus. Mortuo Vicerectore Rev. D. Thoma Pilling die 2 Augusti 1838, Rectore D. Josepho Brown in Anglia absentequi nunquam ad Collegium reversus est, ut Prorector Collegium regebat usque ad diem 13 Junii 1845 cum discedens pro- fectus est in Angliam ad missiones , et Novi Castelli supra Tynam strenue laboravit. Anno 1847 in visitatione infirmorumpauperum febri maligna correptus die 5 Octobris pie obiit in Domino apud Birtley. Vir summo ingenio præditus, egregius poeta et orator , bonus et strenuus operarius in vinea Domini , consumptus zelo pro gloria Dei et salvationi animarum, multum brevi tempore allaboravit in lucrandis animis, et moerore omnium bonorum et pauperum die 70 in coemeterio juxta portam ecclesiæ de Birtley sepultus est.

Die 1º Novembris 1830 Liverpolo per portum Bilburgensem huc advenerunt sex juvenes: Thomas Walsh, Arsenius Watson, Hugo Ainscough, Edmundus Carter, Henricus Berry et Matthæus Kavanagh.

692. Thomas Walsh, Lancastrensis, parentibus Hibernicis oriundus , Liverpoli domicilium habentibus, die 1º Novembris 1830 ad Collegium appulit, pro districtu septentrionali Die 12 Maii 1836 juramentumemisit. Die 5 Junii 1839, cursu Theologia incompleto, remissus est in Angliam et in Collegio St Cuthberti apud Ushaw cursu finito die 1° Januarii 1841 ad Subdiaconatum, die 4 ad Diaconatum , die vero 6 ejusdemmensis et anni ad sacrumPresbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab Illmo D. D. F. Mostyn, Vicario Apostolico in Districtu Septentrionali In missione Anglicana per aliquot annos laboravit, postea in Americam Septentrionalem transivit

693. Arsenius Watson, Lancastriensis ex Burnley, annos natus 14 , die 1° Novembris huc advenit Die 12 Maii 1836 juramentum consuetum præstitit Mense Julii 1836 propter stomachi morbum et vomitationes frequentes reversus est per portumSantandreanum in Angliam. In Collegio Sancti Cuthberti curriculo Philosophico et Theologico finito anno 1842 factus est sacerdos et in missionibus Districtus Septentrionalis postea in dicecesi Hagulstadensi et Novocastrensi apud Houghton-le-Spring &c strenue laboravit. Canonicus Sanctæ ecclesiæ Cathedralis Novi Castræ fuit electus Anno 1861 mense Maii ad hoc Collegium venit Die II Octobris 1865 ex hac vita discessit. Vir prudens, bonus missionarius , omnibus charus

694. Hugo Ainscough, Lancastrensisex Burscough, annos natus 14 , huc advenit die 1° Novembris 1830. Mense Augusti 1834 nullam in se sentiens vocationem ad statum ecclesiasticum profectus est hinc ad portum Bilburgensem et die 29 ejusdem mensis in navem conscendens reversus est ad suos in Angliam

695. Edmundus Carter, Lancastriensis, ex Salmesbury prope Preston, filius Richardi et Margaritæ, Banks, conjugum, natus die

8 Augusti 1816 et eodemdie baptizatus a Rev. Jacobo Pope, O.S.B. , missionario apud Brindle; annos natus 14 huc appulit die 1º Novembris 1830. Die 12 Maii 1836 juramentum emisit Die 5 Junii 1839 cursu Theologiæ incompleto remissus est in Angliam et in Collegio Sancti Cuthberti studiis finitis anno 1841 ordines sacros suscepit: die 1° Januarii ad Subdiaconatum, die 4 ejusdem ad Diaconatum , die vero 6 dicti mensis Januarii 1841 ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab Illmo. D.D. F. Mostyn, Vicario Apostolico Primum in missione Sti Patritii, Macunii, laboravit, deinde in variis missionibus, tandem anno 1845 in missione St Petri, a Rev. Josepho Shepherd hujus Collegii quondam alumno fundato, Bolton locatus est ubi hodie 1870 Rector missionarius nominatus strenue laborat . Anno 1854 a Capitulo Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Salfordiensis Canonicus est electus. Abanno 1854 curationem pro hoc Collegioin Angliausque fungitur. Mense Maii 1856 huc conduxit juvenes Anno [ ] mense Septembris denuo huc advenit et iterum die [ ] Septembris 1869 reversus est et die 13 ejusdem proficiscens Romam ivit Die 13 Maii 1872 ad hoc Collegium 17 juvenes conducens reversus est. Anno 1875 die vero 10 Februarii apud Boltonmortuus estet sepultus apud Brindle . [Vide C.R.S., xv, p. 579.]

696. Henricus Berry, Lancastrensis, ex Liverpool , huc appulit die 1º Novembris 1830, annos natus 12. Juramentum missionis præstare recusans mense Julii 1836 per portum Santandreanum reversus est in Angliam. Anno 1838 nomen inter milites dedit et multos annos in Australia et India Orientali militavit. Bello in Chersoneso Taurico et Sebastopolisobsidioneadfuit et in expeditione contra Theodorum Ethiopiorum Regem 1868 interfuit Anno 1870 tertio in India Orientali militat jam antea in clase centurionis. Habet duos filios sacerdotes , unum in Collegio Sancti Cuthberti educatum et ibi jam Professorem, alterumqui in hoc Collegio cursum studiorumperfecit et nunc in missioneSti Petri apud Boltonle-Moors laborat

697. Matthæus Kavanagh, Wallus prope Wrexham natus oriundus ex patre Hiberno et matre Walla, huc advenit die I Novembris 1830, annos 12 natus. Die 12 Maii 1836 juramentumemisit Hinc die 8 Octobris 1839 profectus est in Angliam et in Collegio Sancti Cuthberticursum Theologiæcomplevit et anno 1840 factus sacerdos in missionibus laboravit usque ad annum 1863 cum die 18 Januarii apud Halifax in Comitatu Evoracensi ex hac vita migravit annos natus 45

698. Josephus Gornall, Lancastrensis, annos natus circiter 30 ex Preston huc advenit per portum Bilburgensem die 11 Julii 1831 . Vir veré religiosus et pius sed tardi et inculti ingenii in studiis nihil profecit. Mense Junii 1838 reversus est in Angliam Postea in Religionem monachorum Cisterciensium Trapensium ingressus professionem emisit et adhuc 1870 in monasterio Montis Sancti Bernardi apud Whitwick prope Leicestriam vivit

699. Joannes Brindle, Lancastriensis exWigan, anteaex Kirkham, annos natus 13 cum præcedente Liverpolo ad portum Bilburgensem enivigans huc appulitdie 11 Julii 1831. Nullamin se significationem ad statum ecclesiasticum præbens die 31 Octobris 1835 cum Rev. D. Carolo Walker ad portum Santandreanum profectus est ut rediret ad suos in Angliam . Ibi in navem conscendens Liverpolum enavigaret sed post navigationem tempestuosam, nave in ipso introitu portus Waterfordiensis infixa, percutione ex nave discussus , in æquori demersus mortuus est; cujus corpus ibi sepultum, postea exhumatum in cœmeterio ecclesiæ Sanctæ Mariæ apud Wigan est depositum

700. Georgius Parkinson, Lancastriensis ex Preston , Liverpoloper portum Bilburgensem die 25 Augusti 1831 huc appulit annos natus circiter 15. Aliquot annos in schola de Sedgley Park studiis incubuerat. Nolens se juramento consueto perstringere, mense Julii 1836 per portum Santandreanum in Angliam ad suos reversus est. Postea in Collegio Sancti CuthbertiUshaw dicto, deinde in Collegio Anglicano S Thomæ Cantuar : Romæ studia prosecutus est, sed nunquam ordines suscepit. Multos annos cum missionariis Liverpolo vixit et tandem ætate major uxorem duxit et anno [ apud Southport ex hac vita migravit ]

701. Lucas Abbot, Lancastriensis ex Alston prope Preston, annos natus 14 cum supradicto die 25 Augusti 1831 huc advenit Mense Maii 1836 nullam vocationis ecclesiasticæ speciem præseferens, intentione cognita militiam ingrediendi inter defensores Caroli principis, bello civili tunc in Hispania flagrante a Vice Rectore hujus Collegii Rev. D. Thoma Pilling ad portum Santandreanum conductus et in navem locatus dimissus est in Angliam .

702. Joannes Ward, Lancastriensis, Macunio huc advenit die 10 Aprilis 1833 annos natus circiter 15. Die 8 Octobris 1839 profectus est per Galliam in Angliamad Collegium St Cuthberti prope Dunelmensem , ubi curriculo Theologiæ finito factus est sacerdos 1841 , et in missione Novi Castri supra Tynam laboravit sed anno 1844 præmaturæ morte ex hac vita migravit

703. Petrus Baron, Lancastriensis ex Blackburn , cum prædicto huc appulit die 10 Aprilis 1833. Die [ ]juramentumemisit. Die 5° Junii 1839 per Galliam profectus est in Angliam et studiis incumbens in Collegio Sancti Cuthberti anno 184[ ] factus est sacerdos et in missionibus in Dioecesi Salopiensi usque nunc anno 1870 laboravit.

* In his narrative ofthe event, Fr. Chas Walker says:"[Theship]was dashed on the rocky shore with suchviolence that I was first thrown to the sideofthe vessel, then back again upon the boat in the middle of her , & then to thesideagain John was by my sidethe moment before , and whether he was cast out by the violenceofthe shock, or deliberatelyjumped over ,Icant say; but it is my melancholyduty to informyou that he is now lyingin the Church yard of Slade .... The body was found the day after, and the face a little bruised, but his countenancesomewhat read and chearful " Walker to Brown; Liverpool, Dec., 1835 (Leg. E, 7).

704. Gulielmus Ward, Lancastriensis, supradicto Joannis Ward consanguineus , Macunio cum duobus præcedentibus huc advenit die 10 Aprilis 1833. Die 5º Junii 1839 per Galliam reversus est in Angliam. In Collegio Sancti Cuthberti studia prosequens , est , proptertumultum, ejectus anno 1840 et anno 1841 ad hoc Collegium est remissus , sed mense Octobris ejusdem anni reversus est in patriam .

Anno 1838 mense Junii remissi sunt in Angliam D. Gulielmus Crook et D. Matthæus Formby ut ibi cursum Theologicum prosequerentur, et D. Josephus Gornall ut ad studia in finem hujus Collegii parum idoneus. Mortuo Vicerectore D. Thoma Pilling die 2 Augusti 1838 et Collegio æri alieno onerato et pene oppresso jam facultatibusdeficientibus ad alumnos alendos mense Junii 1839 alii quatuoralumni in Angliamremissi sunt, et mense Octobris ejusdem anni reliqui duo, et remanserunt soli Rev. D. Jacobus Standen ut Pro Rector, cum Rev. D. Josephus Brown noluerit reverti et Rectoratum demisit, et D. Joannes Guest alumnus Theologus ut procurator aut administrator temporalium . Die 9 Septembris 1840 D. J. Guest jam factus sacerdos in Angliam profectus est et D. Jacobus Standen solus in Collegio permansit usque ad diem 25 Julii 1842 cum Rev. D. J. Guestadversavaletudine affectusreversus est ad hoc Collegium et cum eo venerunt quinque juvenes, die 26 Julii, Sanctæ Annæ sacro , huc appulantes; nempePetrus Melling, Christopherus Kenyon, Jacobus Harrison, Edwinus Powel Alexander, et Thomas Shepherd, pro quibus Rev. D. Thomas Sherburne pensionesannuos Collegio solvere promisit

705. Petrus Melling, Lancastriensis ex Preston, annos natus circiter 15 ex Preston per Londinum ,Southamptoniam ,VigumGallæciæcum D. Joanne Guest adveniens huc appulit cum quatuor sequentibus die 26 Julii 1842. Juvenis bonæ indolis , studiosuset pius sed moestus et tristitia dejectus ex paucitate alumnorum die 17 Maii 1845 abiens per portum Bilburgensem reversus est ad suos in Angliam .

706. Christopherus Kenyon, Lancastriensis ex Preston, natus circiter annos 14, huc advenit die 26 Julii 1842. Die 17 Maii 1845 cum prædicto reversus est in Angliam

707. Jacobus Harrison , Evoracensis ex Whitby, annos natus 14 huc appulit die 26 Julii 1842. Die 9 Octobris 1844 studiorum pertæsus et nullam in se vocationem ecclesiasticam sentiens hinc in patriam ad suos profectus est.

708. Edwin Powel Alexander, Lancastriensis ex Preston Die 17 Maii 1845 reversus est in Angliam

709. Thomas Shepherd, Lancastriensis ex Preston. Nullam in se dispositionem statui ecclesiastico [demonstrans] in Angliam rediit die 9 Octobris 1844

Die 13 Junii 1845, omnibus alumnis antea profectis in patriam, discessit in Angliam D. Jacobus Standen, relinquens solum in hoc

Collegio D. Joannem Guest ad Collegii possessiones administrandas qui strenue laborabat ut plura debita solveret et prædia plus productiva efficeret Mense [Junii] die [19] 1847 advenit huc Rev. D. Thomas Sherburne ut inspiceret Collegium et reditus ejus rationem acciperet, et inspectis omnibus et approbatis die [29 Julii] reversus est per Duacum , ubi selegit sex juvenes Cleri Sæcularis in Collegio Anglicano Benedictinorum, qui anno sequenti venerunt ad hoc Collegium.

Die [28] Junii 1848 Duaco huc advenerunt sex alumni Jacobus Sheil, Jacobus Markland , Gulielmus Taylor, Joannes Donovan , Gulielmus Dillon et Joannes Day. Fuit Prorector et administrator Collegii D. JoannesGuest, TheologiæProfessor Rev. Pater Jacobus Pozo, Ordinis Dominici , quondam lector Cathedraticus in eximio Collegio St Gregorii Magni Dominicorum hujus civitatis. Hic vir pius et doctus in hoc Collegio vixerat ab anno 1839 ; duos Theologiæ cursus docuit, donec valetudine deficiente ut plus saluti attenderet domum Capellani Monialium Sanctæ Catherinæ occupavit, ubi post infirmitatem longam die [ ] defunctus est.

Anno 1854 die [16 Julii] profectus est in Angliam Rev. Joannes Guest ad hujus Collegii negotia a Rev. D. Thoma Sherburne vocatus et die 13 Decembris ejusdem revertit Die 21 Decembris 1854 mortuus est Rev. Dom Thomas Sherburne in sua missione apud Kirkham, ætatis 78.

[Here Mgr. Guest's register ends. With the followingentrythe use of the original register was resumed.]

Dievigessimâoctavâ Junii, anno Domini 1848, adhunc Collegium Divi Albani , Vallisoleti, e Collegio P.P. Benedictinorum Congregationis Anglicana, Duaci, advenerunt sex Alumni sequentes : Jacobus Sheil, Guillelmus Markland, Guillelmus Taylor, Joannes Donovan , Guillelmus Dillon et Joannes Day.

[The entries are not numbered in this section of the Liber Alumnorum ]

Jacobus Sheil, filius Michaeliset Mariæ, Gilmore, conjugum natus Londini, die undecimâ Martii anni 1827; Theologiæ candidatus Anno 1851 , die 15a Martii ad Subdiaconatum, die 5a Aprilis ad Diaconatum, die vero 19a Aprilis ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab Illmo Episcopo Vallisoletano, Domino Josepho Rivadeneira, in palatio suæ habitationis in hac civitate Die 20 Aprilis, festo Resurrects Dñi Nři J. Chr: primam misam celebravit, adstante D. Joanne Guest, Pro-Rectore hujus Collegii. Die 1º Octobris ejusdem anni 1851 litteras humaniores docere incoepit Die 11a Maii anno 1855 profectus est in Angliam ultro se offerens proficisci in Orientem ad ChersonesumTauricum, ut in suoministerio inserviret militibus in dirâ Sebastopolis obsidione. Paulo post adventum febri correptus, die 15ª Augusti prædicti anni mortuus est in Dominoet a militibus ingenti cum moerore est sepultus,


Guillelmus Markland, filius Guillelmiet Annæ ,Waring, conjugum natus die decimâ Februarii , anni 1826, apud Edgeley, Stockport , in comitatu Cestrensi; Theologiæ candidatus Anno 1851, die 15º Martii ad Subdiaconatum, die 5° Aprilis ad Diaconatum, die vero 19° Aprilis ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est, titulo missionis et pro Dioecesi Axelodunensi ab Illmo D. Episcopo Vallisoletano D. Josepho Ribadeneira in palatio suæ habitationis Die 21° Aprilisferia 2a Pasch: ResurrectsDñi NřiJ. Chr: primammissam solemnem cantavit, adstante pro-rectore Dno Joanne Guest. Die 5° Maii ejusdemanni, suo ab Episcopo Illmo Dno Guillelmo Hogarth vocatus, ad missionem Anglicanam profectus est

Guillelmus Taylor, filius Richardi et Elisabethæ, Saxon , conjugum, natus die cuartâ Aprilis anno 1818 , apud Broughton, Macunii (Manchester) in comitatu Lancastriensi; Theologiæ candidatus. Anno 1851 , die vero vigesimâ Decembris, titulo patrimonii et cum litteris dimiss: sui ordinarii, Illmi. D. Guillelmi Turner, Episcopi Salfordiensis, ad Subdiaconatus ordinem promotus est ab Exm: et Illm: DñoJosepho Ribadeneira, Episcopo Vallisoletano in palatio suæ habitationis: die 27° Martii 1852 ad Diaconatum ab Exm: et Illm: Episcopo Palentino D.D. Carolo Laborda in palatio suæ habitationis , Palentiæ; die vero 10° Aprilis ab Illmo EpiscopoZamorensi D. Dom RaphaeleMansoin palatiosuæ habitationis , Zamora , ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est. Die 15° Aprilis, feria quinta Pasch: Resurrect: Dom: Nři J. Christi primammissam cantavit, adstante prorectore D. Joanne Guest Die 11° Maii 1852 ad missionem Anglicanam et dicecesim Salfordiensem profectus est. Mense Septembris 1867 á laboribus missionis paululum cessans ad animum recreandumpercurrit Hispaniam et in hoc Collegiopaulisper quievit, sed cito reversus est ad suam Stæ Mariæ Missionem apud Bolton ubi hodie 1868 strenue laborat

JoannesDonovan, filius Joannis et Saræ, Baker, conjugum, natus Londini die septimâ Octobris anni 1829, rhetoricis candidatus. Anno 1852 die 6a Aprilis vocatus á suis ad res familiares componendas in Angliam profectus est

Guillelmus Dillon, filius Patricii et Mariæ [Monaghan] conjugum, natusdie* [ ] Martii anno Domini 1829 Macunii, in comitatu Lancastriensi ; rhetoricis candidatus Anno 1850 die 17 Septembris adhocCollegiodiscedens reversusest ad P.P. Benedictinorum Collegium Duaci, animoreligionis ingrediendi . Postea annosequenti professus est Sancti Benedicti religionem Tandem Sacerdos factus multos annos litteras humaniores docuit in dicto Collegio Duacensi, postea profectus est ad Missionesin Anglia

Joannes Day, filius Josephi et [ ] conjugum, Londinii natus die 11° Septembris, anni 1825. Die nonâ Septembris 1852 ab hoc Collegio discedens animo ingrediendi aliquam ordinem

* Birt, Obit Book of the English Benedictines, p 182, gives the father's name as Michael Dillon and the year of birth as 1828, at Salford Died at Douay, 10 May, 1899

religiosam Londinum profectus est Postea mense Decembris ejusdem anni ingressusest ordinem Redemptoristarum St Alphonsi di Ligorio et anno sequenti, mense Decembris, vota emisit in prædicta religione. Postea egressus e prædicto Religione jam subdiaconus, prosequitur studia in Collegio Sancti Edmundi , Old Hall, Ware, et tandem ordinatus Sacerdos laboratin dioecesiBirminghamensi

Anno 1851 die primâ Octobris huc á portu Sancti Sebastiani advenerunt et ex Angliâ novem alumni sequentes : JacobusJenkins , Andreas Ward, Joannes Gillet, Jacobus Brindle , Carolus Allen, Georgius Stevens, Michael Fryer, Joannes Rogerson et Georgius Slawson

Andreas Ward, filius Andreæ et Margarita Murtagh conjugum , natus die 6ª Septembris anno 1831 in parociâ Legan in comitatu Longfordiensi in Hiberniâ et eadem die baptizatus Huc advenit pro Dioecesi Salfordiensi Die7aMaii 1856 discessitab hoc Collegio ut ingrederetur in ordinem Redemptionis in quo professus est. Postea anno 1861 mortuus est post longam infirmitatem. Juvenis boni ingenii, Religiosus et pius.

Joannes Gillet, fillius Richardi et Annæ Singleton, conjugum, natus die 11 Decembris anni 1835 apud Kirkham in comitatu Lancastriensi et 12ª die ejusdem mensis baptizatus : die 12ª Maii anno Dom: 1854 confirmatus ab Episcopo Palentino in palatio habitationis Episcopi Vallisoletani Die 16a Julii 1856 discedens reversus est in patriam.

Jacobus Brindle, filius Jacobi et Elisabethæconjugum, natus die 14 Aprilis anni 1836 Liverpool in comitatu Lancastriensi, et die 8a Maii baptizatus , huc e Kirkham, oppidulo in dicto comitatu, advenit. Die 170 Februarii anni 1853 propter stomachi morbum et vomitationes frequentes reversus est ad suos in Angliâ.

CarolusAllen, filius Guillelmiet Gratiæ Clayton conjugum, natus die 27° Junii anno 1836 Macclesfieldiæin Comitatu Cestrensi, baptizatusdie [ ] confirmatus die 12° Maii 1854 in palatiohabitationis Episcopi Vallisoletani ab Episcopo Palentino Die 20a Septembris anno 1860 cum litteris dimissoriis sui ordinarii Illmi et Rev. D.D. Jacobi Brown, Episcopi Salopiensis in Anglia , post emissumjuramentumMissionisinserviendæ, ad titulumMissionisad primam Cleric: Tonsuram et ad quatuor ordines minores, die vero 21a ejusdem mensis ad ordinem sacrum Subdiaconatus promotus est; die 16a Martii 1861 ac die 15ª Martii 1862 ad ordines sacros Diaconatus et Presbyteratus promotus est ab Excmo Ilmo D.D. Ludivico de la Lastra y Cuesta, Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano , in ordinibus datis in sacello palatii suæ habitationis Die 25 Martii, festo Annuntiati : B.M.V. primam Missamcantavit, adstante Revdo D.D. Joanne Guest, D.D., Rectore hujus Collegii Die 20% Maii 1862 profectus est in Missionemdioecesis Salopiensis. Die 13Decris 1864 reversusest ad hocCollegium ut artes doceretet in temporalium administratione adjuvaret,


[Thefollowingis in Allen'shand .]

Anno 1878 Mortuo Rectore D. D. Joanne Guest, præpositus ab EmmoCardinale Manning et Episcopis Catholicis Angliæ,dignissimus qui eligeretur successor, nominationem et electionem accepit a Rege Alfonso XII die 22 Junii ejusdem anni 1878

[Thefollowing is in the hand of a later writer.]

Hic valde illustris Rector qui huic Collegio tantum beneficii præsertim in temporalibus , effecit, mortuus est die 4 Aprilis 1904 , Sepultus est in ComentarioVallisoletano in tumulo Collegii R.I.P.

Georgius Stevens, filius Roberti et Annæ Simpson conjugum, natus die nono Januarii 1837 apud Hazlewood-hall, Tadecastri, in comitatu Eboracensi, sed e civitate Eboraco huc advenit . Propter continuatos capitis dolores et memoriæ defectum totus studiis inhabilis , die 26a Octubris anno 1853 reversus est ad suos in Angliâ.

Michael Fryer, filius Michaelis et AnnæGilbank, conjugum, natus die 5 Octobris anni 1836 Thorntoniæ in comitatu Eboracensi, sed Eboraco ad hunc collegium advenit pro Dioecesi Beverlacensi. Cum litteris dimissoriis sui ordinarii Ilmi. D.D. Joannis Briggs, Episcopi Beverlacensi, juramento inserviendæ Missionis emisso, ad Titulum Missionis die 20ª Septembris ad prim: Cleric: Tonsuram et ad quatuor ordines minores; die vero 21ª ejusdem mensis 1860 ad sacrum Subdiaconatus ordinem promotus est Die 16ª Martii 1861 diaconus, die autem 15ª Martii 1862 Sacerdos est ordinatus ab Excmo Ilmo D.D. Ludivico de la Lastra y Cuesta, Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano, in ordinibus generalibus datis in palatio suæ habitationis Die 19a Martii primam Solemnem [missam] cantavit in Ecclesiahujus Collegii, adstante Revdo D. D. Joanne Guest, Rectore. Die 20ª Maii 1862 profectus est in Angliam ad Missiones suæ dioecesis.

JoannesRogerson, filius Joannis et Alicia, Radcliffe, conjugum, natus [ ] anno 1839 Ribcastri in comitatu Lancastriensi Anno 1852 die trigessima mensis Januarii Joannes Rogerson , alumnus hujus collegii Sancti Albani Vallisoleti, in dicto Collegio in communione SanctæMatris Ecclesiæ animam Deo redidit, cujus corpus die trigesimo primo sepultum est in cœmeterio communi hujus civitatis. Die vegesimo nono mihi confessus est, alia sacramenta non recepit, morte subitaneâ et inopinatâ correptus. Joannes Guest

Georgius Slawson, filius Thomæ et Brigittæ Hervey, conjugum, natus die 4a Junii anno 1839 Wrexhamin Comitatu Denbighiensi in Walliâ septentrionali et eâdem die baptizatus Die 12ª Maii 1854 confirmatus in palatio habitationis Episcopi Vallisoletani ab Episcopo Palentino Die 1ª Septembris 1858, de vocatione dubitans, reversus est ad suos in Anglia

Die octava Novembris anno 1851 huc advenit Jacobus Head , filius Michaelis Head et Annæ Head conjugum, natus die [ ]

et baptizatus die 15° Aprilis anno Domini 1830, in Parociâ Kilthomas, Dioecesis Duacensis in Connaciâ in Hiberniâ , Theologiæ candidatus Die 25a Aprilis 1853 dimissus propter literarum insufficientiam profectus est in Patriam.

Die vigesimâ sextâ Februarii anno 1852 huc appulit Petrus Laverty, filius Petri et Mariæ Sharkey, conjugum, natus die [ et baptizatus die 2ª Decembris anni 1818 in Paroeciâ Tullyallen in Archidicecesi Armachanâ in Hiberniâ , Theologiæ candidatus. Anno 1855 die 24 Martii ad Subdiaconatum abIlmo D.D. Episcopo Palentino, D. Hieronymo Fernandez; die 7 Aprilis ad Diaconatum ab Ilmo Episcopo Salmanticensi, D.D. Ferdinando de la Fuente; die vero 22 Septris ad Presbyteratus ordinem a prædicto Episcopo Palentino promotus est, titulo Missionis et pro Diocesi Liverpolitanâ Die 4ª Octubris primam Sacram celebravit, adstante Pro Rectore D. Joanne Guest; et die 30 ejusdem mensis profectus est ut rediret in Angliamad Missionem. Primam in Scholis Grammaticis seu Instituti S. Philippi Neri et in missione adjuncta laboravit, hodie 1868 in missione SanctæMariæ apud Ulverston.

Die 26 Februarii anno 1852 huc advenit Florentinus Santry, filius Florentii et Joannæ, Conolly, conjugum, natus die 25° Aprilis anni 1835 Weymouthin comitatuDorcensi et baptizatus die [ ]. Die 12a Maii 1854 sacramento Chrismatis delibutus in palatio Episcopi Vallisoletani ab Episcopo Palentino. Die 30 Junii 1856 discedens reversus est in Angliam

Die 4 Julii anno 1852 huc advenit Jacobus Parkinson , filius Roberti et Saræ, Riley, conjugum, natus die 50 Aprilis anni 1838 , Kirkhamiæ in comitatu Lancastriensi, Anno 1854 die 12a Maii confirmatus in palatio Episc : Vallisol : ab Episcopo Palentino Die 1 Junii anno 1858 sub conditione rebaptizatus , et die 7ª februarii 1861 confirmatus ab Exmo Ilmo Archiepiscopo Burgalensi sub conditione Die 15ª Martii ad prim: Cler: Tonsuram et ad quatuor ordines minores; die 16 ejusdem mensis et anni 1861 ad sacrum Subdiaconatus ordinem, die vero 15ª Martii 1862 ad Diaconatum promotus est ab ExmoIlmo D.D. LudivicoArchiepiscopo Vallisoletano in ordinibus datis in palatio suæ habitationis , cum litteris dimissoriis sui ordinarii Alexandri Goss, Ilmi Episcopi Liverpolitani et ad titulum Missionis, emisso antea juramento Missioni inserviendi Die 28 Februarii 1863 ad Presbyteratum promotus est a prædicto Archiepiscopo. Die 12° Martii, in festo S. Gregorii Magni Papæ, Sacram Solemnem primam celebravit, adstante D.D. Francisco Searle, canonico Westmonasteriensi et Secretario Emin Cardinalis Wiseman Die 30 Junii 1864 profectus est in Angliamad Missiones Dioecesis Liverpolitana.

Die 4ª Julii anno Dom¹ 1852, Londino huc advenit Thomas Butler, filius Georgii et Margaritæ, Meid, natus die 25ª Januarii 1840. Puer boni ingenii sed propter corporis deformitatem et infirmitatem die 1ª Novembris anno 1855 dimissus est ut rediret ad suos in Patriam

Die 6ª Martii anno Domini 1853 é collegio P.P. Benedictinorum Duaci, huc advenit Jacobus Clark, filius Joannis et Annæ, Robbins, conjugum, natus die 16° Februarii anni 1829 Bathoniæ, in comitatu Somersettensi, theologiæ candidatus Die 12a Maii 1854 primam Cler: Tonsuram, ac die 13ª ejusdem mensis et anni quatuorordines minores accepit cum litteris dimissoriis sui ordinarii Ilmi D.D. Thomæ, Episcopi Cliftoniensis cum titulo missionis, ab Illmo D.D. Hieronymo Fernandez, Episcopo Palentino, in palatio Episcopi Vallisoletani ; die 10a Junii ad subdiaconatum, die vero 23 Septembris ad Diaconatum , ac die 22 [ ] anni 1855 ad Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est a prædicto Episcopo Palentino in palatio suæ habitationis Palentiæ Die 24a Septris in festo B. Mariæ V. de Mercede primam Missam Solemnemcantavit, adstante Revdo D. D. Joanne Guest, Rectore Professor designatus Litter: Humaniarumin hoc Collegio mansit usque ad diem 5am februarii 1858, cum profectus est in Angliam ad missiones in dioecesi Cliftoniensi

Die6° Martii ann: Dom : 1853 e supradicto Collegiohuc advenit Thomas Hoskins, filius Jacobi et Mariæ, Gane, conjugum, natus die 11° Novembris anni 1825 Bathoniæ in comitatu Somersettensi, theologiæ candidatus, Cum litteris dimissoriis sui ordinarii, Illmi D.D. Thomæ, Episcopi Cliftoniensis, et cum titulo Missionis, die 12ª Maii anno 1854 ad Primam Cleric: Tonsuram, die vero 13ª ejusdem mensis et anni ad quatuor ordines minores promotus est ab Illmo D.D. Hieronymo Fernandez, Episcopo Palentino in palatio Episcopi Vallisoletani : die 10° Junii ad Subdiaconatum, die 23 Septris ad Diaconatum, die vero 22 Septris 1855 ad Sacerdotium promotus est a prædicto Episcopo Palentino in palatio suæ habitationis. Die 24 Septris sacram Solemnem primam celebravit, adstante Rectore Rev. D.D. J. Guest, ac die 27a ejusdem mensis decessit ut rediretin Patriamet ad Missionem Hodie 1868 strenue laborat in missione Sancti Nicholaii, Bristoliæ.

Die20 et 24ªMaii, anno 1856, venerunt ex Angliâ , viâSantander , sequentes tredecim Alumni: Guillelmus Johnson, Jacobus Fearon , Georgius Braithwaite, Josephus Knowles, Joannes Dorran, Guillelmus Walmsley, Carolus Sharples, Edwardus Davies, Lancellottus Parvin, Fredericus Waterhouse, Joannes Walmsley, Thomas Atkinson et Guillelmus Berry.

Guillelmus Johnson, filius Jacobi et Helenæ, Latus, Conjugum, Prestonæin comitatuLancastriensi natus die 23ª Julii, et baptizatus die [ ] 1839 , pro Dioecesi Liverpolitanâ. Die 17ª Martii 1859 reversus est in Angliam, nullam vocationem statui ecclesiastico ostendens

Jacobus Fearon, filius Patricii et Helenæ [ ] Conjugum, natus die IIa et baptizatus die 19ª Aprilis, anno 1840 , apud Liverpool in comitatu Lancastriensi Pro Dioecesi Liverpolitanâ. Confirmatus Liverpoli 1853. Die 22 Aprilis anno 1865 jam theo-

logus ob adversam valetudinem reversus est in Angliam ad suum ordinarium , Episcopum Liverpolitanum, Ilm. D.D. Alexandrum Goss

Georgius Braithwaite , filius Joannis et Elisabethæ, Bradley, conjugum, natus apud Lower Darwen in Comitatu Lancastriensi , et baptizatus die 17ª Maii ann: 1840. Pro Dioecesi Liverpolitanâ

Die 21 Junii 1864 reversus in patriam huc redivit die 6 Januarii 1865. Die 25 et 26 Febr: 1866, præstito juramento missionibus perpetuo inserviendi, ad Prim: Cler: Tonsuram, ad quatuor Min: ordines et ad Sacr: Subdiaconat: ord:, titulo missionis, cum lit: dimis: Episc: Liverp:, ab Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano promotus est . Die 25 Februarii 1867 , a suo ordinario vocatus in Angliam profectus est , et die 16a Martii recepit Presbyteratus ordinem. Hodie 1868 laborat in missione Sanctæ Mariæ apud Douglas in Monæ insula

Josephus Knowles, filius Guillelmi et Mariæ, Houghton, Conjugum, natus die 27a Novembris et baptizatus die [ ]anno 1840 apud Sutton in Comit: Lancastriensi Pro Dioecesi Liverpolitana. Die 23ª Maii ann Dom 1858 confirmatus ab Excmo et Illmo D.D. Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano in suo domestico sacello Die 6ª Septembris 1859 demissus e Collegio reversusest in Patriam.

JoannesDorran, filius Matthæi et Elizabethæ, Dorran, conjugum , natus Oldhami in Comitatu Lancastriensi die 3a et baptizatus die

]Junii anno 1841 et confirmatus Pro Dioecesi Liverpolitanâ. Die 22 Decemb 1865 cum litteris dimis. Episcopi Liverpolitani ad Prim : Cleric: Tonsuram et ad quatuor Minor. ordines et die 23 prædict mens et enni ad Subdiaconatum promotus est ad titulum Missionis prævio juramento emisso die 8 Decembris Ordinatus est ab Archiep : Vallisolitano Die 24 Februar: 1866 ad Sacr: Diaconatus, die vero 22ª Septemb: ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab Archiep : Vallisolitano Die 24 ejusdem mensis primam Sacram Solemnem celebravit adstante Rev. D.D. Georgio Crook, Philosophiæ Professore . Die 10ª Octubris profectus est in Angliam ad Missiones in Dioec: Liverpolitanâ Hodie 1868 in Missione Sancti Albani Liverpolii laborat

Guillelmus Walmsley, filiusJoannis et Elisabethæ ,olimJenkinson, Conjugum, natus apud Brindle in Comitatu Lancastriensi die 2a et baptizatus die 4a Julii 1841. Pro Dioecesi Liverpolitanâ. Confirmatus 1854. Die 8a Decembris 1865 emisit juramentum Missionum; die 22 Decemb ejusdem anni ad Prim: Cleric: Tonsuram et ad quatuor Minor: ordines et die 23 sequenti ad Subdiaconatum promotus est ab Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano ad titulum Missionis, cum litt: dimis : Episcopi Liverpolitani Die 24 Februar : 1866 ad Sacr: Diaconatus, die vero 22ª Septembris ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab Archiep : Vallisoletano .

Rector of St. Joseph's Diocesan College, Upholland, Wigan, 18941926 , where he died, June 20, 1928 .

Die 24 ejusdem mensis primam Sacram Solemnem celebravit, adstante D.D. Rev. Joanne Guest, D.D. , Rectore. Die 10 Octubris profectus est in Angliamad missiones in dicc: Liverpolitana Hodie 1868 in missionibus in Monæ insula laborat Die 8a Decembris 1868 hic reversus est, ut artium magister [The following is in Mgr. Allen's hand .] Anno vero 1877 , mense Octubris propter salutem iterum profectus est in Angliam Missionibus inserviturus .

Carolus Sharples , filius Ruperti et Helenæ, Singleton, Conjugum, natus apud Chipping in Comit: Lancastr : et baptizatus die 3ª Octubris anno Dom 1841. Pro Dioecesi Axelodunensi Die 23 Maii ann: Dom: 1858 confirmatus ab Exc: & Illmo : Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano in sacellodomestico

Die4ª Julii 1862 abhoc Collegio descedens Romam profectus est, ut in ordinem Carmelitarum ingrederetur Postea ingressus in ordinem Carmelet: Decalceat: professus est, primus Anglorum hisce temporibus Anno 1867 est sacerdos factus et hodie [1868] in domo Carmelitarum dicto Eremitæ Cella Agenni in Gallia vivit.

Edwardus Davies, filius Joannis et Luciæ, Timms, Conjugum, natus apud Wootton Wawen in Comitatu Warwicensi, die 2ª et baptizatus die 3ª Januarii anno 1843. Pro Dioecesi Sodovercensi Die 23a Maii anno 1858 Sacramento Chrismatis delibutus est ab Exc et Illmo. Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano in sacello domestico. Anno 1860 die 21 mensis Aprilis Edwardus Davies, filius Joannis et Luciæ (Timms) ex loco WoottonWawen in comitatuWarwicensi, in Angliâ, ætatis 18° anno, in hoc Collegio Anglicano Sancti Albani, Vallisoleti, in communione Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ animam Deo reddidit, cujus corpus die 23° dicti mensis sepultum est incœmeterio communi hujus civitatis Die 12° Aprilis mihi confessus, eodem die Sanctissimo Viatico refectus et Sacri Olei unctione roboratus est. Joannes Guest, Rector.

Lancellottus Parvin, filius Guillelmi et Elizabethæ, Howarth, Conjugum, natus apud Rochdale in Comitatu Lancastri : die 27 Maii, baptizatus die [ ] anno Dom: 1843, huc advenit á Boltonia. Pro Dioecesi Salfordiensi Die 23 Maii ann: Dom: 1858 confirmatus ab Ex: & Illmo : D.D. Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano in sacello domestico Die 7a Julii 1858 ut studiis parum idoneus demissus reversus est ad suos in Anglia

Fredericus Waterhouse, filius Joannis et Franciscæ, olim Meller , Conjugum, natus Boltoniæ in Comit: Lancastr : die 30a Junii, baptizatus die [ ] 1843. Pro Dioecesi Salfordiensi Die 23 Maii, 1858, confirmatus ab Exc: & Illmo: Archiepiscopo Vallisolto in sacello domestico. Die 29 Januarii 1860 proptertarditatem et hæsitantiam linguæ remissusest in patriam.

Joannes Walmsley, filius Joannis et Elisabethæ, Jenkinson , Conjugum, natus apud Brindle in Comit: Lancastr : die 18ª et baptizatus die 21ª Januarii 1844; frater prædicti GuillelmiWalmsley. Pro Dioecesi Liverpolitanâ. Confirmatus die 23 Maii 1858

ab E.I.D.D. Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano in sacello suo domestico Die 4 Novembris 1864 discedens reversus est in patriam Die 12 Maii 1865 huc reveniens studia prosequitur . Die 19 et 20 Aprilis feria 6a et Sabbato Sancto ann: 1867 ad prim: Cleric: tonsuram, ad quatuor Minores ordines et ad Sacr: Subdiacon: tit : Missionis, præstito juramo Missionum, cum litteris dimiss : sui ordin : Episc: Liverpolitani in ecclesia ordinis Visitationis, ab Archiep : Vallisolt: promotus est; die 21ª Decembris ejusdem anni ad Diaconatum ; die vero 70 Martii [1868] ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem est promotus et die 9º ejusdem mensis sacram primam solemnem celebravit adstante Rectore D.D. Joanne Guest, D.D. Die 28 Martii 1868 profectus est in Angliamad missiones.

Thomas Atkinson, filius Joannis et Annæ, Wells, Conjugum, natus apud Chippingin Comit: Lancastr : die 6ª et baptizatus die [ Januarii 1844. Pro Dioecesi Liverpolitana Die 23 Maii 1858 confirmatus ab E.I.D.D. Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano in sacella suo domestico Die 29 Januarii 1860 abscedens profectus est ad suos in Angliâ , ut studia illi valde odiosa, et ingrata omnis seria mentis applicatio

Guillelmus Berry, filius Henrici et Ludovica. McCarty, Conjugum,natus apud Poonahin Indiâ orientali die 23ªOctubrisetbaptizatus die 29ª ejusdemmensis anno Dom: 1845. Ex Hiberniâ huc advenit. Pro Dioecesi Salfordiensi Confirmatus Die 19 et 20 Aprilis, feria 6ª et Sabbato Sancto ann: 1867 cum litteris dimiss: Episcopi Salfordiensis, præstito juramento missionum, ad prim: Tonsuram , ad quatuor ordines minores et ad Subdiaconatum promotus est ab Archiep: Vallisoletano in ecclesia ordinis Visitationis(vulgo Salesas) in hac civitate Die 24ª Augusti 1867 vocatus a suo ordinario profectus est in Angliam ; die 21ª Decembris ordinem Diaconatus suscepit et mense Octubris 1868 presbyteratum Mancunii ab Ilmo Episcopo Salfordien: [Thefollowing is in Mgr. Allen's hand .] Die 30 Augusti 1876 mortuus est apud missionem Sancti Albani, Blackburn, correptus " variolis " bonus iste et strenuus Sacerdos ingenti cum moerore fidelium

Die 30 Octubris anno Dom : 1856 ad hunc Collegium Divi Albani advenerunt per Galliam quatuor adolescentes , viz: Edwardus Fitz-Gerald, poetices candidatus, Richardus Gallagher etiam candidatus poetices, Thomas O'Sullivan , et Edwardus Rigby

Edwardus Fitz-Gerald, filius Caroli et Catharinæ, Fitzgerald, conjugum, natus Londini die 6ª Februarii et baptizatus die[ ] anno 1837. Pro Dioecesi Northamptoniensi Die 9a Januarii 1857 demissus reversus est in Angliam.

Richardus Gallagher, filius Caroli et Birgittæ, Griffin, conjugum, natus Limerici in Hiberniâ die 5a et baptizatus die [ ] Maii anno 1839. Pro Dioecesi Sodovercensi. Die 20ª Septembs 1860 cum litteris dimissoriis sui ordinarii Ilm. et Revmi D.D. Thomæ

* Hewas son ofthe student no 696 (q.v.)

Grant, Episcopi Sodovercensi (Southwark) post emissum juramentum Missionis inserviendæ ad titulum Missionis, ad prim: Cleric: Tonsuram et ad quatuor ordines minores promotus est. Die 27 [...] anno 1861 remissus ad suum ordinarium non est profectus in Angliam, sed in Hispania remansit.

Thomas O'Sullivan, filius Thomæ et Catharinæ, Moriarty, conjugum, natus Londini die 8a et baptizatus die [ ] Julii anno 1842. Pro Dioecesi Sodovercensi Die 12ª Januarii 1862 vocatus à suis per telegraphiam repente descedens reversus est in Angliam. Postea anno 1863 ingressus est in Collegium Duaci pro dioecesi Westmonasteriensi et pro studiis minus idoneus inventus eodem anno demissus est.

Edwardus Rigby, filius Guillelmi et Emma, Ellis, conjug:, natus Londini die 26a Julii et baptizatus die [ ] 1844, pro dicecesi Axelodunensi Die 23 Martii 1863 propter continuas capitas dolores parum studiis aptus reversus est ad suos in Anglia. Juvenis vere bonus et pius Postea ingressus est in Collegium Anglicanum Brugis in Flandria et ibi studia prosequitur

Die 22 Junii, Sancto Albano pio hujus Collegii Patrono sacro, 1857 cum Revdo Georgio Crook ex Anglia revertente, venerunt Franciscus Johnson et Gulielmus Alton.

Franciscus Johnson, frater major natu supradicti Gulielmi Johnson, filius Jacobi et Helenæ, Latus, conjug:, natus die 1º Aprilis et baptizatus die [ ]anno 1837 , Rhetoricis candidatus , pro dicecesi Salfordiensi Nullum vocationis ad statum ecclesiasticum signum præbens, die 21 Septembris 1858 demissus reversus est in Angliam

Gulielmus Alton, filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ, Hammill, natus die 1° Octubris et baptizatus die 14 ejusdem mensis, anno 1842 , Limerici in Hibernia, confirmatus , pro dioecesi Suthwarcensi, Londini huc advenit . Die 22 Decembris 1865 cum litter: dimiss: sui ordinarii Episcopi Suthwarcensis Prim: Cler: Tonsuram et quatuor ordines minores suscepit. Die 26 Maii 1866, juramento solito præstito, ad subdiaconatum, cum titulomissionis, die 22 Septembris ejusdemanni ad Diaconatum, die vero 21 Decembris 1867 ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem ab Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano promotus est in ecclesia Monialium Visitationis B.M.V., vulgo Salesas. Die 1º Januarii [1868] in festo Circumcisionis Dom . Nři JesuChristi sacram Solemnem primam celebravit, adstante Rev. D. Georgio Crook , Philosophiæ Professore . Die 21 Januarii 1868 profectus est ad MissionemAnglicanam.

Die 120Novembris anno Dom: 1857 huc advenerunt perGalliam Henricus Hall et Thomas Byrne

Henricus Hall, filius Thomæet Catharinæ, Meyer, conjug:, natus Londini die 8 Julii et baptizatus die [ ] 1840, pro dioecesi Plymuthensi . Die 26 Februarii 1861 demissus profectus est in Angliam Hodie 1868 est ludimagistrscholarum missionis Sanctæ ] Prestoniæin Comitatu Lancastriensi.

Thomas Byrne, filius Jacobi et Elizabethæ , Brennen, conjug:, natus die 5º Decembris 184[ ] et baptizatus [ ]apud Bagnalstown prope Carlow in Hibernia, unde huc advenit , pro dioecesi Salfordiensi Die 5° Novembris 1861 morbo comitiali affectus in Hiberniam profectus est Postea in Collegio Anglicano Brugis studia prosequitur Die 21 Decembris 1867 sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem suscepit

Edwardus Williams, filius Parentum hæreticorum , Hugoni et Joanna, Roberts, conjug:, natus die 24 Augusti et baptizatus die 3 Octobris 1830 apud Bala in Mervinia in principatuWalliæ borealis, et conversus ad fidem Catholicam rebaptizatus [sub conditione] Macunii, confirmatus, Philosophiæ candidatus, huc advenit die 25 Septembris 1858. Cum litteris dimissoriis Illmi D.D. Thomæ Josephi Brown, Episcopi Newportensis et Meneviensis in Wallia meridionali , post emissum juramentum Missionis inserviendæ, ad titulum missionis die 15 Martii 1861 ad Prim: Cler: Ton : et quatuor ordines minores ab Excño et Illmo D.D. Ludivico de la Lastra y Cuesta, Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano promotus est Die 5º Aprilis 1862 adSubdiaconatum; die vero 19 ejusdemmensis ad Diaconatum est promotus ab Eminentmo Cardin D.D. Fernando de la Puente, Archiepiscopo Burgalensi ; die vero 14 Junii 1862 ordinatus est Sacerdos ab Illmo Episcopo Zamorensi in ecclesia parochiali SS . Petri et Ildephonso in civitate Zamorensi Die 22 Junii sacro Sancto Albano, hujus Collegii patrono, primam SacramSolemnem celebravit adstante Rectore D.D. Joanne Guest, D.D. , ac die 3º Augusti profectus est ad missionem Hodie 1868 strenue laborat in missione Caermarthiniæ .

Die 9a mensis Septembris ex Angliâ venit, viâ Santander , Guillelmus Sheehan , filius Edwardi et Margaritæ, Lewin, conjug:, natus die 27a Septembris et baptizatus die 5ª Novembris 1838 Liverpolitani in Comitatu Lancastriensi; confirmatus; Theologiæ candidatus. Die 13a Maii 1860 propter infirmam valetudinem reversus est in patriam, ubi die 7a Decembris 1860 mortuus est. Juvenis veré bonus, pius et amabilis Venit pro diocesi Nottinghamiensi

Die 7a Octubris anno 1862 huc advenerunt, via Santander, Thomas Dunne, Jacobus Nalan, Patricius Ludovicus Kelly, Guillelmus Smith, Josephus Daly, Philosophiæ candidati ; et Guillelmus Joannes Green , Humanista .

ThomasDunne, filius Thomæet Mariæ, Finane, conjugum,natus in pago Boherlahan & Duallajuxta Casellam in Momonia Hibernica et baptizatus die 22ª Septembris 1834; confirmatus; Philosophiæ candidatus. pro Dioecesi Liverpolitanâ . Die 23 et 24 Febr. 1866 feria sext: et Sab: quat: Temp: Quadrag:, prævio juramento

* He had a brother, David Williams, who was baptised sub conditione atSt. Mary's, Levenshulme , Manchester , in the year 1854; born at Kingston, Herefordshire, 26 March, 1838; came to Valladolid 13 Dec., 1864; ordained priest 27 March, 1869, for the diocese of Shrewsbury


solitomissionibus perpetuo inserviendi, ad prim: Cleric: Tonsuram , ad quatuor minores et ad sacr : Subdiaconatus ordin: titulo Missionis cum lit: dimiss: Episc: Liverpol: ab Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano promotus est. Die vero 26a Maii ann: 1866 ad sacr: Diaconatus ordinem promotus est Die 25 Februarii 1867 vocatus a suo ordinario profectus est in Angliam, et die 16a Martii Presbyteratus ordinem suscepit Hodie 1868 inservit missioni adjunctæ instituto seu scholæ grammaticæ Sancto Philippi Neri, Liverpolii

Jacobus Nalon, filius Jacobi et Birgittæ, Brennan , conjugum, natus die 318 Maii 1837, et baptizatus die 11a Junii ejusd anni, Hulli, in comitatu Eboracensi, in Anglia; confirmatus, Philosophiæ candidatus pro dioecesi Sodovercensi . Die 21a Junii 1865 profectus est ad Colleg:Anglicanam,Ulyssipon : utProfessorLitter: Humanior: Postea Scholam Anglicanam Ulyssiponensem Regens, et ibi die 29 Junii anno 1871 ex hac vita migravit.

Patritius Ludovicus Kelly, filius Michaelis et Sarah, Jones, conjugum, natus die 1ª Februarii in civitate Dublinensi in Hiberniâ, et baptizatus die 5ª Februarii 1836, confirmatus, Philosophiæ candidatus pro Dioecesi Liverpolitanâ Die 20 Maii, 1864 , cum litteris dimissoriis Ilmi et Revmi Alexandri Goss, Episcopi Liverpolitani, emisso juramento Missionis inserviendæ , ad titulum Missionis ad primam Clericalem Tonsuram et ad quatuor ordines minores, et 21° dicti mensis ad ordinem sacrum Subdiaconatus, die vero 21 Septembris ejusdem anni ad Diaconatus, et die 11° Martii anno 1865 ad Presbyteratus ordines promotus est ab Excmo Ilmo et Revmo D.D. Joanne Ignacio Moreno, Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano in palatio suæ habitationis Die 12ª Martii, sacram Solemnem primam celebravit adstante Rectore D.D. Joan: Guest. Die 20 Martii 1865 profectus est in Angliam ad missiones.

Guillelmus Smith, filius Guillelmi et Margaritæ, Brown, conjugum, natus die 28a Novembris 1839 et baptizatus die 16 Februarii 1840, apud Mancunium in Comitatu Lancastriensi in Angliâ, confirmatus, Philosophiæ candidatus pro dioecesi Salopiensi Die 30ª Januarii 1863 propter stomachi morbum discedens profectus est in Hiberniam [Guillelmus Green, filius scored .]

Die 11 Decembris 1862 huc advenit Thomas Mackey* pro dioecesi Eboracensi, Dublino in Hibernia, sed die 30a Januarii 1863 demissus est, ignavus, nec studiis incumbens nec regulis obediens .

JosephusDaly, filius Joannis et Catharina,'Sullivan, conjugum, natus die 2ª et baptizatus die 14ª Aprilis anno 1845 apud Liverpool in Comit : Lancastriensi, confirmatus et tonsuratus Philosophiæ candidatus pro dioecesi Salopiensi Die 8a Decembris, festo B. Immac Virg. , juramentum missionibus inserviendi emisit; die 22 ejusdem mensis et anni ad quatuor minores ordines , et die sequente 23 , ad Subdiaconatum promotus est ab Archiepiscopo Vallisoletano

* Out of chronological order.

ad titulum Missionis cum litt. dimis Episcopi Salopiensis. Die 24 Februar : 1866 ad sacr: Diaconatus, die vero 22 Septembris ad sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem promotus est ab Archiep : Vallisoletano. Die 25a prædicti mensis sacram primam Solemnem celebravit, adstante Rev. D.D. GasparoVillaroel, TheologiæProfes :, canonico Sanctæ Eccles: Metropolit: Vallisolet Die 10a Octubris profectus est in Angliam ad missiones in Dioecesi Salopiensi.

Die 17 Novembris 1862* huc advenit Joannes Guillelmus Rogers, filius Thomæ et Saræ (Smith) conjugum, natus die 16ª Julii anno 1842 Leedesii in Comitatu Eboracensi; pro dioecesi Cliftoniensi Die 28 Junii 1864 propter infirmam valetudinem reversus est in Angliamet paulo post in Australiamprofectus est.

Guillelmus Joannes Green, filius Joannis et Luciæ Annæ , Riddiough, conjugum, natus 17 Februarii 1837 , sub conditione rebaptizatus die 6 Julii 1860 et confirmatus apud Hindley, natus apud Chorley in Comit: Lancastriensi, pro dioecesi Salfordiensi Die 25 et 26 Maii 1866 , irregular ex hæresi dispensata, præstito solito juramento Missionis, ad prim: Cler: tonsuram , ad quatuor Minor ordines et ad sacr: Subdiaconatus ord: ad titulumMissionis cum litt: dimis : Episc: Salford:, ab Archiepiscopo Vallisolet: promotus est. Die 22ª Septembris ad Diaconatum; die vero 21ª Decembris anni 1867 ad Presbyteratum promotus est ab eodem Revermo Archiepiscopo in ecclesia Monialium ordinis Visitationis

B.M.V., vulgo Salesas. Die 27a ejusdem mensis in festo St Joannis Evangelista sacram primam solemnem celebravit , adstante Revdo Do Rectore Joanne Guest, D.D. Die 21 Januarii 1868 profectus est ad missionem in Dioecesi Salfordiensi [What follows is in Mgr Allen's hand .] Anno 1870 et mense Aprilis obdormivit in Domino Missione Sti Ceaddi Mancunii.

[The Register then continues to the present date .]

* Out of chronological order .




[Original membrane, now in the archives of the English College, Rome *]


[The erection of the College at Valladolid for English students, by Philip II, who petitioned, through the Duke of Sessa, his Ambassador at Rome, for the confirmation of the College by Apostolic Authority] Cum nullum firmius præsidium, aut remedium certius inveniri possit adversus eos, qui suis pravis, et erroneis oppinionibus Romanam Ecclesiam labefactare conantur, quam, ut regionum ab hac peste oppressarum iuventus, cuius teneros animos facile est ad virtutem incitare, catholica religione imbuantur, ac nuper id pie et attente considerans charissimus in Christo filius noster Philippus Hispaniarum Rex catholicus (cuius egregiamet vere catholico Rege dignam munificentiam et liberalitatemmulti iuvenes ex illo miserrimo Angliæ Regno, magnis quondam opibus florentissimo, et catholicæ fideistudioflagrantissimo, nunc vero maximis difficultatibus oppresso, ac teterima hæresis labe devastato, illuc profugi expertisunt) collegium Anglicanum in Oppido Vallisoleti, Palentinæ dicecesis, ad omnipotentis Dei laudem, et gloriam, et Anglorum ,qui pro fide catholica voluntariuma dicto Regnoexiliumsibi elegerunt, quique aliquando suos cives a via veritatis declinantes erudiant , subventionem, erigi, et institui curaverit, illique, pro manutentione iuvenum et aliarum personarum inibi pro tempore commorantium, certus [sic] redditus annuos assignaverit, necnon per dilectum filium nobilem virum Antonium Suesse et Summæ [Ducem above] suum apud nos Sedemque Apostolicam oratorem, nobis humiliter supplicare fecerit , quatenus erectionem et institutionem præfatas confirmare, aliasquein præmissis opportune providere de benignitate Apostolica dignaremur. [Pope Clement VIII confirmsthe erectionof the College,] Nos, piumet nunquam satis laudatum Philippi Regispropositum et opus plurimum in Domino commendantes, huiusmodi supplicationibus inclinati, erectionem et institutionemdicti collegii et omnia et singula inde sequuta, apostolica auctoritate ex certa scientia nostra approbamus et confirmamus, ac omnes et singulos tam iuris quam facti defectus, si qui intervenerint, in eisdem supplemus.

* The contractions in the manuscript are here extended, and theuseof capitals and commasrestricted Antonio Fernández de Córdoba , 5th Duke of Sessa

[subjectsit immediately to the Holy See ,]

Necnon collegium ipsum, pro illius salubri directione et foelici incremento, rectorem, scholasticos et ministros dicti collegii, ac omnia et singula illius bona, mobilia et immobilia, cuiuscunque qualitatis et quantitatis fuerint, sub nostra ac Beati Petri ac huius Sanctæ Sedis Apostolicæ protectione immediate suscipimus, ac nobis et eidem prorsus subiicimus.

[and commits its immediate governmentto the Fr. General of the Society of Jesus, the Provincial S.J. of the Province of Castile and the Rector by them appointed, but affairs of greater moment are to be dealt with by the representativeof the Cardinal Protector]

Necnonregimen et gubernium immediatumdicti collegii generali et provinciali Societatis Iesu in regno Castellæ, et rectori ipsius collegii ab ipsis designato, supponimus; ita tamen quod in causis gravibus, quæ per ipsos expediri non poterint, ad personam nominandam per dilectum filium nostrum Guilielmum Alanum , tituli

Sancti Martini in Montibus presbyterum cardinalem Angliæ nuncupatum, qui omnimodas vices suas alteri demandare, quoties ei visum fuerit, et demandatas quandocunque revocare possit, recurratur.

[Rector is head of the College and the Bursar must renderaccounts of his administration to him.]

Quodque oeconomus et alii ministri et servientesin dicto collegio ipsi rectoriet ministroseu vice-rectori subsint, et ad eiuspræscriptum et mandatum omnino obsequantur; ipseque Economus dicto rectori volenti et requirenti, bis in anno vel quotiescunque ei visum fuerit, rationem de administratis reddere teneatur

[The privilegesof similar Colleges (the English and German Colleges at Rome, Douay College, then at Rheims , and the College ofthe Holy Cross at Valladolid) are conceded to that at Valladolid.]

Præterea collegio, Rectori A [et above] scholasticispræfatis,quod donecilludduraverit, omnibus et singulis privilegiis, exemptionibus, libertatibus, gratiis, favoribus, præeminentiis, indulgentiis et indultis, quibus collegia Anglorum et Germanorum, ac alia collegia et pia loca in Urbe, et collegium Anglorum Remense in Gallia, et collegium Sanctæ Crucis in dicto oppido Vallisoletano , ac in eis degentes personæ quomodolibet utuntur, potiuntur, fruuntur, et gaudent, ac uti, potiri et gaudere poterunt in futurum, quorum omnium tenores hic haberi volumus pro expressis

[Certified copies, even printed ones , of this Brief are given legal force ]

Et tam eorum omnium quam præsentium, etiam impressis, transumptis , manu alicuius notarii publici et sigillo personæ in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutæ munitis, eandem fidem , quæ ipsis originalibus adhiberetur, ubique in iudicio et extra haberi debere decernimus, non solum ad instar, sed pariformiter et æque principaliter, uti, frui, potiri et gaudere possint, illudque inter illa annumeretur .

[The privilegesgranted to the College chapel]

Ac capellam sive ecclesiam , in qua Sanctissimum Eucharistiæ Sacramentum recondatur, et campanas pro missis et sepulturis significandis, et alia huic novo collegio necessaria habere valeant

[The Rector , or any priest student nominated by him, is declared parish priest (parochus) of the College ]

Quodque ipse rector unum ex alumnis dicti collegii pro tempore constituere possit, qui sit eius domus parrochus, et illorum omnium inibi habitantium, prout fit in collegio Anglicano in Urbe instituto; necnon in defectum huiusmodi alumni , ipse rector aut quivis alius dicti collegii presbiter, de ipsius rectoris licentia, possit supplere officium parrochi præfatum in administrandis [sacramentis above] confessionis, Sanctissimæ Eucharistiæ et extremæ unctionis, ac sepeliendis mortuis dicti collegii, indulgemus.

[The method of admitting students]

Præterea volumus quod admissio et exclusio alumnorum in dicto novo collegio pro tempore existentium , tam circa numerum quam qualitates personarum, sit de voto et sententia provincialis

Societatis Iesu regni Castellæ præfati, aut illius, cui idem ipse provincialis committet, et dicti novi collegii rectoris, cum approbatione personæ , cui ipse Guilielmus cardinalis committet.

[The necessary qualifications of the students.]

Quodque alumni huius novi collegii in pietate, devotione , cantu et cæremoniis ecclesiasticis et sacris officiis, prout melius ipsis superioribus visum fuerit, exerceantur; ac sint Angli nativi vel Anglorum filii, videlicet alicuius provinciæ insulæ Angliæ duntaxat , ac eorum approbationes et admissionesfiant iuxta testimonia quæ secum adferant, ab eodem cardinali aut rectoribus collegiorum Anglorum de Urbe, vel Remensis aut aliorum primariorum nationis Anglicanæ, habitantium in regnis Hispaniarum aut aliis in locis , qui pro catholicis habentur et noti existunt, et notitiam admittendorum habere possunt; et hæc omnia fiant iuxta peculiarem et privatam institutionem quam idem Guilielmus cardinalis de hoc et aliis rebus in scriptis mittet ad ipsum rectorem aut alium in dicto oppido Vallisoleti pro tempore commorantem, cui idem Guilielmus cardinalis vices suas committet

[The superiors of the College are authorisedto confer upon suitable students degrees in arts and theology equivalent to those of the Universitiesof Oxford and Cambridge ]

Ad hæc, superioribus dicti novi collegii, illos quos in dicto novo collegio idoneos esse repererint, in facultatibus artium et theologiæ , ad baccala[u]reatus, licentiaturæ et magisterii gradus, servata forma Concilii Vien[n]ensis, promovendi et ipsorum graduum solita in eis regionibus insignia exhibendi; qui sic promoti, omnibus gratiis, favoribus, indultis, privilegiis, prærogativis, antelationibus, quæ promotis in Oxoniensi et Cantabrigiensi in Anglia academiis , de iure vel consuetudine seu privilegio concessa sunt, pariformiter et æque principaliterpotiantur.

[The superiors of the College are authorised to make statutes for the governmentof the College.]

Ac quæcunque statuta et ordinationes, licita tamen et honesta ac sacris canonibus et Concilio Tridentino non contraria , ad prosperum et salubrem dicti novi collegii statum et gubernium condendi , et condita, pro temporum varietate, mutandi, ac illorum loco alia subrogandi et sufficiendi licentiamet facultatem concedimus

[The students are authorised to receive Sacred Orders upon the licence of the Rector, without the customary canonical title of benefice or patrimony, and without dimissorialletters of an Ordinary.]

Necnon iisdem alumnis, ut, de rectoris ipsius novi collegii licentia, et examine præcedente , etiam extratempora a iurestatuta, et interstitiis temporum a Concilio Tridentino præscriptis non expectatis, et absque suorum Ordinariorum litteris dimissorialibus, ac sine aliquo beneficii vel patrimonii titulo, et non obstante quovis natalium defectu, ad omnes, etiam sacros et præsbiteratus ordines , a quibusvis archiepiscopis et episcopis , gratiam et communionem Apostolicæ Sedis habentibus, promoveri, et promoti in illis etiam in altaris ministerioministrare ; utque ipsi archiepiscopi et episcopi alumnis prædictis ordines huiusmodi conferre libere et licite valeant, quemadmodum collegio Anglorum in Urbe instituto huiusmodi [privilegium] a foelicis recordationis Gregorio Papa XIII, prædecessore nostro, concessum est, de specialis[sic] donogratiæ dispensamus .

[The students must take an oath to return to England as priests to workfor the salvation of souls ]

Ac insuper iuramentum , quod solent præstare alumni collegii Angliæ de Urbe, post sex menses suarum approbationum pro arbitrio rectoris, videlicet , se paratos fore de mandato superiorum dicti collegii vitam ecclesiasticam et sacros ordines suscipere , et deinde in Angliam ad iuvandas animas proficisci, censemus in hoc novo collegio instituendum .

[The Rector,withthe approval of the Provincial S.J., is authorised to settlethe time of theirreturn to England, andto grant such students faculties to administer the sacraments in England, Scotland and Ireland.]

Ac electionem huius temporis et personarum mittendarum iudicio rectoris ipsius novi collegii remittimus, cum approbatione provincialis dicta Societatis; qui rector cum ipso provinciali sacerdotibus mittendisin Angliamet Hiberniam , facultatem administrandi omnia sacramenta ecclesiastica , exceptis confirmationis sacramento et ordinis ; necnon quascunque personas in Anglia, Scotia velHiberniacommorantes, adgremium sanctæmatrisEcclesiæ occurrentes, aut iam sub ea viventes, confessionibus earum diligenter auditis, ab omnibus peccatis, excessibus, censuris et delictis, quantuncumque gravibus et enormibus, etiam in litteris in die cœnæ Domini legi solitis, contentis et Sedi Apostolicæreservatis (conspirationis in personamvel statumRomani Pontificis, falsitatislitterarum et scripturarum apostolicarum, delationis armorum vel aliorum prohibitorumad partes infidelium, iniectionis manuum violentarum in prælatos duntaxat exceptis), absolvendi, et omnes alias ad conversionem animarum et hæresum extirpationem spectantes et necessarias facultates a Romanis Pontificibus prædecessoribus nostris, aliis sacerdotibus, ad hoc opus antea missis, concessas , impertiantur.

[The Fr. General of the Society of Jesus is to appoint the Rector and superiors ]

Et ut præmissa omnia suum debitum consequantur effectum , regimen et gubernium ac statumhuius novi collegii nunc [et omitted]

pro tempore existentis [sic] generali Societatis Iesu, ut de rectore et aliis ministris sufficientibus et idoneis dicto novo collegio pro tempore providere curet, in Domino plurimum commendamus.

[Cardinal Allen is appointed protector.] Rogantes quoque dictum Guilielmumcardinalem, quem ob eius doctrinam, integritatem, prudentiam , pietatem aliasque animi eximias dotes, necnon ob longam anglicanarum rerum experientiam et usumin mittendiset providendis operariisadillam[sic] necessariis , et ob singularem, quem erga suos cives amorem gerit, ad id munus aptissimum confidimus; ac Hispaniarum Regem catholicum, necnon archiepiscopos, episcopos et alios prælatos ac proceres et primates dictorum regnorum Hispaniarum, et præsertim præsidentem consilii regii in dicto oppido Vallisoleti et alios regios ministros , ut dictonovo collegio in omnibus opemferant, ipsi Guilielmo cardinali mandantes ut huius collegii curam in spiritualibus suscipiat, utque de alumnis idoneis provideat.

[The College is committed to the King of Spain and the Royal Councilfor protectionin temporal affairs] Præfatum vero Regem et præsidentem consilii regii in dicto oppido, ut huius novi collegii et personarum in eo pro tempore degentium, omnimodam curam, defensionem et protectionem in temporalibus in se suscipiant, ipsique, pro nostra et dictæ Sedis Apostolicæ reverentia, propensius commendatum habentes, in ampliandis et conservandis iuribus collegii et personarum in eo protempore existentium sic eos benigni favoris auxilio prosequantur, quod ipsi, eorumfulti præsidioin præmissis , Deo propitio, prosperare possint; ac eisdem [sic] PhilippoRegi a Deo perennis vitæ præmium, et a nobis condigna proveniat actio gratiarum, ipseque Guilielmus cardinalis propterea divinam misericordiam, ac nostram et dictæ Sedis gratiam, valeat uberius promereri

[The Rectoris authorisedto nominatejudges to settlecivil, criminal or mixed legal cases in which the College may be concerned .]

Postremo concedimus facultatem rectori dicti novi collegii pro tempore existenti iudices nominandi et deputandi rectorem videlicet Universitatis vel rectorem collegii Sanctæ Crucis pro tempore existentes, vel quemcumque alium in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutum dicti oppidi Vallisoleti, qui omnes et singulas causas civiles et criminales et mixtas dicti novi collegii, ac illius collegialium et officialium et ministrorum (religiosis Societatis Iesu exceptis), necnon res, iura, actiones et bona privativa [sic] quoad alios, etiam summarie, simpliciteret de plano, ac sine strepitu et figura iudicii, manu regia, nullaque tela iudicialia servata, sed sola facti veritate inspecta, acetiamomni et quacumque appellatione remota, audiant, cognoscant, decidant ac fine debito terminent, cum facultate quoscumque citandi, ac quibus et quoties inhibendum fuerit, etiam sub poenis pecunariis et aliis eorum arbitrio imponendis, ac in subsidium iuris censuris ecclesiasticis inhibendi , cæteraque omnia in præmissiset circa ea quomodolibet necessaria et opportuna faciendi et exequendi

[Executors of this Brief are named ]

Quocirca universis et singulis venerabilibus fratribus patriarchis , archiepiscopis, episcopisac dilectis filiis abbatibus, prioribuset aliis personis in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutis dictorum regnorum Hispaniarum et dicti oppidi Vallisoletani , et in particulari venerabilibus fratribus episcopis Salmantino, Legionensi, et Segoviensi, nunc et pro tempore existentibus, et dilectis filiis.D. Alphonso de Mendoza, abbati Vallisoletano, et D. Francisco de Reynosa, abbati de Usillos, per præsentes motu simili mandamus quatenus ipsi et eorum quilibet, per se vel alium seu alios, præsentes litteras et in eis contenta quæcumque, ubi et quando opus fuerit, aut quoties pro parte rectoris dicti novi collegii pro tempore existentis fuerint requisiti, solemniter publicantes, dictoque rectori et novo collegio in præmissis efficacis defensionis præsidio assistentes , faciant auctoritate nostra illos decreto, confirmatione , [con above]cessione , indulto, licentia, facultate ac aliis in præmissispacifice gaudere, ac easdem præsentes litteras et in iis contenta quæcunque perpetuo inviolabiliter observari, non permittentes eos super eisdem præmissis vel eorum aliquo per quoscunque iudices vel personas, cuiuscunque status, gradus aut conditionis existant, quacunque etiam auctoritate fungantur, publice vel occulte, directe vel indirecte, tacite vel expresse , quovis quæsito colore vel ingenio, impediri, molestari vel alias quomodolibet inquietari; contradictores quoslibet et rebelles per censuras ecclesiasticas et alia iuris opportuna remedia, appelatione postposita, compescendo , invocato etiam ad hoc, si opus fuerit, auxilio brachii secularis

[All things contrary to this Brief are annulled ] Non obstante nostra de non concedendis indulgentiisad instar , aliisque constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis, neque non dicti oppidi et illius tribunalium, iuramento, confirmatione apostolica vel quavis firmitate alia roboratis, statutis et consuetudinibus, privilegiisquoque, indultis et litteris Apostolicis sub quibuscumque tenoribus ac formis, ac cum quibusvis clausulis et decretis, in genere vel in specie, ac alias in contrariumquomodolibet concessis, approbatis et innovatis ; quibus omnibus, eorum tenores præsentibuspro expressis habentes, illis alias in suo robore permansuris, hac vice duntaxat, specialiter et expresse derogamus, cæterisque contrariis quibuscumque. Datum Romæ apud Sanctum Petrum, sub annulo Piscatoris , Diexxv Aprilis, M.D. lxxxxii, Pontificatus Nostri Anno Primo . [signed] M. Vestrius Barbianus.

[The seal has become detached and is missing, but the mark ofit and bits of the red wax remain ]






exspecialiSanctissimi DominiNostriClementisPapæ VIII mandato , per Illustrissimos Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinales Camillum, tituli Sanctorum Joannis et Pauli, Cardinalem Burghesium, et Odoardum Sancti Eustachii Diaconum Cardinalem Farnesium , Angliæ Protectorem ordinatæ atque confirmatæ Anno Domini MDC


Omnis reipublicæ status, et aliæ hominum societatestum demum recte gubernantur cum pacis et concordiæ vinculis inter se continentur. Quod cum sine lege fieri non posse certum sit, vt nostrum hoc Anglorum Collegium recte dirigi, et administrari possit leges aliquot perscribendas duximus quibus alumni instructi, velut vnius moris in domo mutua charitate conjuncti , vnam eandemque disciplinam addiscant, et ad optatumfinem perueniant

De admittendis. Cap. I.

I. Quicumque in hoc Collegium admittendi erunt, Angli sint necessariumest; tantumexAngliæ regno, eiusqueprouinciis delecti; velextra Angliamex utroque parente Catholico Anglo nati, quorum ætas, decimo octauo, aut circiter anno, vt plurimum non sit inferior: quo citius ad iuuandam patriam mitti possint, et facilius ea percipiant , quæ de Ecclesiastici hominis officiis, et ratione iuuandarum animarum illis proponuntur. Neque ex alia parte nimis prouectæ ætatis sint, vt facilius disciplinæ se Collegiali accommodare possint In vtroque tamen aliquando iustis de causis Protectoris consensu, vel eius qui illius vices pro tempore habuerit dispensari poterit

2. Sint integro et sano corpore, et quod honestatem , et bonam indolem referat . Sint quoque necesse est bonæ valetudinis vt studiorum labores possint tolerare. Linguam autem habeant expeditam ad munus illud, cui destinantur , recte peragendum: et ad proponendum in lectionibus et concionibus verbum Dei, et ad alios publicis, et priuatis colloquiis iuvandos Sint denique ii, de quibus digna sit expectatio fore, vt Christianis moribus, disciplina, doctrinâque Catholica commodepossint instrui.

3. Nemo admittatur, qui Religionis semel susceptæ temerè habitum deseruerit. Neque qui male se gesseritin aliis Seminariis , nisi insignis emendationis experimentum satis diuturnum præbuerit. Non facile etiam admittanturquisponteper varias regionum prouincias sine causa iusta vagari cognoscuntur, sed euocati, vel missi ex Anglia, aliisque Seminariis cæteris præferantur,

4. Habeant omnes testimonium aliquod honestæ anteactæ vitæ, et bonæ famæ, et quod existimentur vtiles fore operarii in vinea Domini.

5. Venturi ad hoc Collegium intelligant finem illius esse , vt alantur in eo , et instruantur ii tantum , qui spiritualibus Angliæ necessitatibuspro talento a Deo accepto opitulari possint, velintque.

6. Cum aliquis se offert vt in Collegii alumnum recipiatur, et Superiori non inidoneus iudicabitur vt de eo fiat experimentum detineaturper dies aliquot in peregrinorum hospitio, et examinetur per eum quem Superior ad hoc ipsum designauerit. Quo facto si ulterius progrediendum videbitur, faciat exercitia spiritualia per octovel decem dies, amplius vel minus, prout Collegii Confessarius , Rectorque expedire iudicabunt Quo tempore Collegii regulas euoluat, videatque, si iis servandis (diuina gratia opitulante) accommodare se possit, et velit Deinde scripto tradat eidem Superiori sub iuramento , ac manu propria subsignatum vniuersum conditionis suæ statum, quantumrecordatur ; hoc est nomen suum ac parentum ; locum vbi natus, vel educatus fuerit, vbi studuerit, vbi vixerit. Quæ etiam sit, ac fuerit conditio sua ac parentum, præcipuorumque amicorum Si nobiles vel plebeii, vel media sortis sint; si divites, aut pauperes , si hæretici, schismatici aut Catholici : qua etiam ratione, quibusque modis ipse Catholicus sit effectus: si quid pro religione passus et qua ratione. Quomodo etiam ex Anglia egressus fuerit, hucque venerit , aliaque similia Quibus omnibus in rebus, si quicquam de industria finxisse , aut minus vere dixisse postea deprehendatur, satis iusta causa censebitur eum amouendi à Collegio. Hoc autem scriptum Collegii libro ad hoc ipsum deputato inseretur, vbi forma quoque huius interrogatorii admittendo proponendi continebitur Licet, si qua secretaseruanda videantur, ea non erunt facile publicanda.

7. Pecunia vero quam quisque secum primo aduentu attulerit, vel postea ab amicis receperit, ea, si debita necessariodissoluenda non habuerit , in Collegii Procuratoris manibus deponetur, excepta aliqua particula quam Superior ab initio assignandam pro priuatis eiusdem vsibus constituet. Quod si tanta aliquando esset ea pecuniæ summa, vt omnibus admittendi expensis soluendis satis esse iudicaretur, tum ipsius relinqui possit arbitrio, vt vel alumni locum habeat in Collegio, vel Conuictoris ; modo omnes se Collegii regulas perinde ac si alumnus esset obseruaturum promittat, ac Superiori quoque id approbetur

8. Statim ab ingressuiurare teneantur, se sub obedientiaSummi Pontificis, ac Romanæ Ecclesiæ victuros, iuxta formam juramenti professionisfidei foelicis recordationis Pii quarti Promittant etiam sub iuremento, quod quamdiù in Collegio victuri sunt, nihil agent, aut molientursponte, acde industria, nequealiis persuaderenitentur, quod ad pacem Collegii, vel disciplinæ domesticæ obseruantiam perturbandampertineat , hisque peractis, poterunt a Superiori ad Collegium Conuictum admitti, modo ipsi humiliter id postulent.

9. Qui tanquamalumni admittentur in Collegium, post aliquot

menses abingressu, vel quandocumqueSuperiori videbitur, iureiurando polliceantur se paratos esse vitam ecclesiasticam agere, et quotiescumque fuerit iniunctum in Angliam ad iuuandas animas proficisci, et suo quisque chirographo fidem suam adstringet ad promissa servanda

10. Huius autem promissi, ac iuramenti forma quæ in fine harum constitutionumexpressa habetur, apud communem Collegii librum, in quo omnium alumnorum nomina, qui iurarunt continentus, asseruetur, vt ea vti possint et non alia, qui iuramentum hoc in posterum sunt suscepturi

II. Admoneantur , non debere eos in hoc Collegio aliis studiis operam dare, nisi tantum philosophicis, et theologicis, et propterea admittendi non erunt, nisi qui saltem ad cursum philosophicum proxime inchoandum reperti fuerint idonei, nisi iusta aliqua de causa cum aliquofuerit dispensatum. Quibus absolutis inAngliam se profecturos intelligant, vt acquisita in animarum salutem impendant, prout Dominus dare dignabitur.

De Instruendis Cap 2

I. Quoniam autem ea demum vtilis, et salutaris doctrina est, quæ pietatishabet fundamentum , sub ipsum ingressuminCollegium, vel ante, ad tuendam animi puritatem, ac pietatem, vna cum timore Domini spatio dierum aliquot (vt supra dictum est) Superiorum iudicio, separatim ab aliis habitent, et instruantur, et generalem peccatorum suorum totius vitæ confessionem faciant, vt adhibita hac quasi præparatione, consideratè postea et constanter tantum munus suscipiant, et interea Collegii regulas euoluant, et, an sub tali disciplina viuere possint, attente considerent.

2. Moneantur etiam hoc tempore, quod quamuis ad studia admittantur, non tamen statim inter alumnos censeri debent Sed per quatuoraut sex menses plus minus arbitrio Superiorum, eorum ingenia ac mores explorabuntur , quam apti sint ad Ecclesiasticas functiones, et tunc antedictas promissiones faciant de vita Ecclesiastica, et de profectione in Angliam Quod si minus idonei fuerint reperti, arbitrio Superiorum dimitti poterunt.

3. Tempus studiorumillis a Superioribus definiendum meminerint, pro cuiusque ingenio et aptitudine: communiter tamen, nisi quid impediat, concedentur tres anni ad philosophica, et quatuor ad theologica, nisi aliter expediri visum fuerit Superioribus

4. Qui vero propterætatem aut aduersamvaletudinem, aliisque de causis ad ista scholastica studia, Superiorum iudicio non videbantur idonei; his concedentur tres anni ad Logicæ institutiones,et ad casus conscientiæ, et controversias addiscendas, vt citius in Patriam reuertantur. Quod ut maiori luce fiat, singulis annis tempore vacationum repetetur examen tam eorum qui Logicæ, quam qui Physicæ, atque etiam Theologiæ, primo ac secundoanno dant operam, vt videatur, quinam ad casus conscientiæatque controversias accommodanti erunt, ne tempus minori fructu aliis in rebus collocent


Obseruanda ab omnibus circa pietatem. Cap. 3

I. Postquam surrexerint et sese parauerint, dimidiatam horæ partem in pia aliqua meditatione impendant . Ad quam qui non erunt idonei, ex consilio Confessarii, Officium, vel Rosarium B. Virginis recitabunt. Vespere autem antequem eant cubitum, quartamhoræ partemin examine conscientiæ , et Litaniis insumant Et post examen et ante matutinam præcationem ne studio aut colloquio vllo distineantur , sed omnes silentio et eodem tempore orent, et cubitum eant

2. Videbit Superior, aut Collegii Confessarius ne vnquam desit meditandi materia scripto tradita pro omnibus cubiculis, hoc est unum vel alterumpunctum, quod ex eodem scripto recitabit singulis noctibus quisque cubiculorum Præfectus, aut Vicepræfectus, post litanias, et examen conscientiæfactum; eamque bis, terue repetet, prout videbitur, atque ipsi inter se convenerint Mane etiam iterum cum ad orationem pulsatum fuerit eadem releget, vel ante, omnibus præsentibus, et deinde sequetur meditatio Et omnia cubicula eadempuncta eodem tempore meditabuntur , fietque eorum repetitio, prout Confessario expedire videbitur.

3. Singulis diebus Missæ Sacrificio omnes intersint, et ea qua decet deuotione, illud audiet.

4. Diuinum Officium, Vesperas et Missam certis diebus Festis , et solemnioribus (vt par est) in choro decantent. Cæremonias item et Ecclesiasticosritus, atque Scaramentorum administrationem accuratè perdiscant.

5. Sit vnus omnium Confessarius a Superiori constitutus, qui eorum audiat confessiones, et in spiritualibus rebus omnes instruat, præsertim in modo orandi, ritè confitendi, conscientiam examinandi, et aliis similibus. De quibus etiam aliquando separatim cum iis extra confessionem agere, rationemque de progressu, profectuque expetere debebit. Et præter ConfessariumCollegii Ordinarium sit vnus vel alter præterea extraordinarii , qui occurrente aliqua occasione confessiones eorum qui eis confiteri voluerint audire possint.

6. Teneantur omnes, saltem singulis mensibus, et celebrioribus diebus festis, ad Sacramentum Confessionis bene parati, et præscripta hora accedere, et Sacram Eucharistiam reverenter sumere , nisi Confessarius differre consuluerit.

7. Habebunt pios libellos, quibus certis horis (sacrispræsertim diebus) vtantur Et res gestas sanctorum perlegant, et ad omne genus virtutum, et Ecclesiasticihominis excellentempietatem seipsos excitent.

8. Certis anni temporibus , præsertim in vacationibus Autumni, ac præterea, cum ad Sacros Ordinesaccedere debent, vel ad missiones destinari dies aliquot in diuinarumrerum meditatione, vel in aliis spiritualibus exercitiis ad iudicium Superioris, insumant

Obseruanda circa studia. Cap. 4.

I. Quod ad studiorum rationem, et literarias exercitationes pertinet, nemo suum sensum et voluntatem sequatur; sed potius Superioris iudicio se gubernari permittat. Illi enim erit curæ , ea

studia cuique præscribere, et authores seligere, quibus potissimum operam dare conuenit, vt maiorem fructum percipiant . Et ideo nemo libros habeat, qui a Superioribus non probenturprius, et non censeantur vtiles studiis, vel pietati comparanda.

2. Omnes dent operam, vt ex literariisexercitationibus fructum illum consequantur, quo et sibiipsis, et aliis prodesse possint Caueant autem in disputationibus , ne sint iracundi, mordaces , aut pertinaces; sed mansueti, et mites ; et non solum magistris, sed etiam priuatis Præfectis, seu Repetitoribus se obedientesexhibeant, paratique sint studiorumrationem redderequoties abeispostulatum fuerit Vbique autem latine communiter loquantur, nisi recreationis quandoque tempore, prout Superiori visum fuerit

3. Nemo e scholis, repetitionibus , et disputationibus etiam domesticis aberit, sine necessitate , et Superioris obtenta facultate Ac semper è scholis modestè, et simul, domum redeant Et ad scholas pariter eodem tempore, et simul, cum sociis sibi assignatis proficiscantur . Neque inter eundem disputabunt , contendent, aut colloquentur, nisi submissa voce ac latine, dum erit iusta causa loquendi

4. Curent præterea, vt dum per vrbem incedunt, obuiis Prælatis, ac viris religiosis debitum reuerentiam exhibeant, et omnibus modestiæexemplum præbeant, quo nationis ac Collegii existimationi consulant.

5. In librisquos acceperintnon scribant, necvllas ducant lineas , neque mutuo illos (præsertim extra Collegium) vlli concedant , et eorum Catalogum habeant, vt, cum ab eis repetentur, rationem reddere possint, nec fractos reddant . Neque librum vllum ex communi Collegii Bibliotheca ad cubicula sua deferent , nisi obtenta prius Superioris facultate, et libri nomine in tabellaaffixo, vt vnde sit repetendus intelligatur.

6. Nemo dum in Collegioviuit, libros particulares sibicomparet, aut procurandos curet, nisi ex Superioris licentia Et quos sic habuerit , discedens , vel secum auferat, vel communibis Collegii vsibus relinquat, ne alios libroruminutilium commoditate a studiis debitis auocet

7. Certas diei horas, prout Superioribus videbitur, studiis vacabunt, ac horarum omnium distributionem secundum Collegii consuetudinem diligenterobseruabunt.

8. Theses autem publicas aut privatas Superiorum iudicio et consilio (dum in Collegio versantur, vel cum discessuri sunt) ex Academiæconsuetudine defendant.

Circa domesticam disciplinam obseruandam Cap. 5.

I. Communem cum cæteris vitæ rationem omnes sequantur, seque ad Collegii institutionem, et consuetudinem accommodent. Neque quicquam peculiare in lectulo, vestibus, libris, mensa , aut alia in re vsurpent

2. Nulli eorum liceat apud se pecunias vllas habere , sed quascumque vel ipsi attulerint, vel cognati ad eos miserint, quæprivatis ipsorum vsibus permittentur, eas Collegii Procurator ad ipsorum

necessarios vsus seruabit Neque ex iis absque Rectoris facultate vllus quicquam emere poterit

3. Cubiculorum distinctio atque separatio, tam quoad habitationem , quam recreationem accurate obseruetur, prout in reliquis Seminariis quæ Romæ sunt, obseruari solet. Neque diuersorum cubiculorum alumni inter se conuersentur; neque colloquantur (excepta breui aliqua salutatione, cum obuii occurrunt) nisi habita ad idipsum expressa Superioris licentia. Poterunt vero duo, vel tria cubicula ad eandemrecreationis associationemadmitti, quando vnius cubiculi alumni ad iustum numerum non sufficiunt prout Superioris iudicio expedire videbitur.

4. Cubiculorum vero distributio, alumnorumque sexto quoque mense variari poterit, prout Superior iudicabit. Et in singulis cubiculis Præfectus, et Vicepræfectusconstituentur , quorum officium erit, vt cæteris præsint, videantque, vt regulæ hæ , ac Superiorum ordinationes exacte obseruentur; cæteraque præstent, quæ in particularibus eorum regulis præscripta sunt Vnde et homines magnæ virtutis esse oportebit, constantes, fideles, ac disciplinæ amantes; quarum virtutum maior ratio in eis deligendis habenda erit, quam ætatis aut gradus. Et si domestici ad hoc officium idonei non reperientur, aduocari poterunt externi licet domesticis potius vtendum erit si vllo modo officiis satisfecerint

5. Semel quoque hebdomada, die a Rectore constituto, teneantur Præfecti, atque Vicepræfecti rationem reddere de cubiculis sibi commissis, et fideliter Superiori exponere, quæ in eis geranturcirca obseruationem Regularum, aut omissionem Et si qua ad alumnorum necessitates , commoda, vel emolumenta spiritualia, aut temporalia deesse, aut pertinere iudicabunt ea proponant confidenter vt commode prouideatur .

6. Omnesalumni honorem debitum Præfectis, et Vicepræfectis exhibeant, ferantque patienter, se ab illis admoneri, vel etiam repræhendi, cum opus erit Et, si quis contra fecerit, id Superior nullo modo dissimulandum, sed emendandum curet.

7. In domesticis officiis et actionibus, in colloquiis inter se , vel cum externis , in iis denique omnibus, quæ ad scholasticorum in doctrina et pietate institutionem spectabunt, omnes obedientiam Rectori , aliisque sub eo ordinatis ministris debite exhibeant Litteras autem mittereaut acciperenemodebet sine licentiaSuperioris, cui etiam ostendendæerunt, vt, si velit, legere possit Cuius etiam arbitrii erit, lectas mittere, vel non mittere, tradere vel detinere, prout melius, vtiliusqueduxerit, nisi is ad quem scribunturmaiorem habuerit Rectore authoritatem .

8. Si quis in crimen aliquod inciderit, quod pacem, bonosmores , et disciplinam Collegii perturbet, et emendatio non expectetur (præsertim verò seditionis crimen) is è Collegio dimittatur. Si quis autem leuius aliquod commiserit, paratus esse debet, pro Superioris arbitrio, eam poenam subire, quæ illi pro disciplina retinenda et communi bono fuerit iniuncta

9. Tempore studiorum per Collegium ne vagentur : neque vspiam colloquentur, nisi quid breue necessitas postularet, sed ad Q

studia se conferant Loca etiam ministrorum domesticorum, aut opificum ne adeant, neque cum eis tractent, vel quicquam ab iis, aut à quouis alio accipiant, nisi a Superiori prius impetrata venia.

10. Nemo e Collegio sine facultate et comite a Superiori declarato egrediatur, et cum eodem, præscripta sibi hora redeat NequevllusextraCollegium pernoctet, prandium velcoenam sumat , nisi impetrata a Rectore facultate. Quam tamen valde rarò, grauesqueob causas concedere oportebit.

II. Qui deambulandi gratia egredientur id facient moderate, æstiuo præsertim tempore, et simulcum sociis sibi assignatis, atque cum suis Præfectisexeant, nequevlla ratione aut occasione eos deserant Ad domos vero quouis nomine suspectas, seu tabernas nulla ratione diuertant, sub poena expulsionis a Collegio.

12. Superiores suos, et Præfectos obseruent, et eos modestè alloquantur. Inter se non sint litigiosi, aut acerbi, sed fraternam pacem et animorum vnionem conseruent .

13. Quoniam vero hoc in Collegio necesse est diuersasnationes, diuersosquehominum status, conditionesque ad illud recte administrandum misceri: caueant omnes ab odiosis , et contentiosis inter se his de rebus personisquetum colloquiis, tum etiamcomparationibus, quibus non raro animorum vnio, et concordia violatur, dissensiones vero et odia concitantur . Quorum authores eo grauius erunt castigandi, quò magis seipsos lædunt, aliisque contentionum occasiones præbent.

14. Vniusquisque igitur Apostoli voci obediens , qua vocatione a Deo vocatus est, in ea Domino pacifice, et alacriter inseruiat ; pacem, modestiam, humilitatem, atque charitatem colat, contentiones, æmulationesquevitet Quæ cum operacarnis sint, eodem Apostolo testante, maximorum sæpe malorum causæ existunt. Si quis autem æmulari velit, æmulatur charismata meliora, hoc est , virtutes aliorum, vt apud eundem Apostolum habetur.

15. Eo tempore, quod animorum aut corporum relaxationi conceditur, nihil agant immodeste, neque locum recreationi attributum egrediantur, nisi peculiarem vel generalem à Superiori habeant facultatem

16. Cum ad vineam Collegii diebus recreationis eundum erit; obseruentur regulæ, quæ de vineærecreatione præscriptæhabentur.

17. Externorum colloquia tam domi, quam foris, vitentur a scholaribus, quantum commode fieri poterit, ne tempus inutiliter iis in rebus conteratur . Ac domi quidem non (nisi facultateprius a Superiori habita) cumexternis colloquantur . Foris vero ordinaria tantum salutationes, ac valde breues, præsentibis sociis miscendæ erunt, cum obuii fuerint externi

18. Nobilium aut amicorum visitationibusnon occupentur; ad quos tamen si ob grauem causam accedere debeant; non nisi honesto aliquo in loco, cum iis colloquentur Et quandocunque aliquod negotium cum istis expediendum acciderit, maturé Rectorem admoneant, et ad eo facultatem accipiant.

19. Omnes denique sciant tanto se aptiores futuros huic esse Collegio, et ad finem præscriptum consequendum capaciores;

quanto ad pietatem comparandam alacriores et ad studia capessenda diligentiores , et denique ad obtemperandum promptiores se exhibuerint.

Depromouendis ad Sacros Ordines, ac mittendis in Angliam. Cap. 6

I. Cum Presbyteratus dignitas tanta sit, et opus etiam Conuersionis Angliæ tam arduum, et magnæ virtutis, constantiæ ac fortitudinis homines ad illud exercendum requirat, *curare debebit Collegii Rector, * vt non nisi viri probati , et in omni genere virtutum exercitati ad Sacros Ordines promoueantur . Præmisso primum examine, et eâ præparatione per exercitia spiritualia, quæ supra dicta est.


*The phrase between asterisks has been scored and the word oportet substituted , seemingly by Dr. Perry.]

2. AdmoueanturOrdinandi , quod, cum erunt Sacerdotes , non minus inde obligatos se intelligant, ad seruandas Collegii regulas, quam ante; sed potius vt humilitate sua et exemplo cæteris præluceant : idque se pro virili facturos superiori denuò et nominatim promittant cum primos Ordines Sacros sunt suscepturi.

3. Cum tempus mittendi Sacerdotem aliquem in Angliam , lucrandarum animarum causa appropinquauerit ; fiat de eoExamen , si eas virtutes, ac talenta habeat, quæ ad tantum opus aggrediendum sunt necessaria , si aliæ etiam circumstantiæ concurrent quæ adeam missionem requiruntur. Quod si minus expedire ad Dei gloriam existimetur, vt eo tempore mittatur, ad alium vitæ cursum dirigi poterit (atque etiam debebit) quousque Superioribus visum fuerite diuino seruitio fore, vt in Angliam mittatur Neque tam sua Sacerdotes iudicia hac in deliberatione sequi debebunt , quam Superiorum. Qui autem mittendi videbuntur, iis facultates concedantur, quæ ex præscripto nostro Sacerdotibus ad Missionem Anglicanam proficiscentibus ordinario solent concedi. Accepto tamen ab eis primum promisso de obedientia debita Reverendo Domino Archipresbytero præstanda: et quod pacifice se gerent. Si qui verò promissum istiusmodi præstare recusauerint, aut non putentur impleturi, iis facultates non concedantur .

4. Denique ii tantum in Vineam Anglicanam in posterum destinentur; qui humilitatis, patientiæ, ac concordiæ spiritu duci existimentur: et qui primorum Sacerdotum vestigia sunt secuturi, qui summa animorum conspiratione hanc vineam vna cum aliis operaris abinitio plantaverunt, et coluerunt.

Regulæ Præfectorum qui cubiculorum particularium curam habent . Cap. 7.

1. Præfecti Cubiculorum intelligant bonam pacem ac disciplinamCollegii non parum ab ipsorum industria, fide, integritate morum , ac vitæ exemplo pendere, eamque vt cæteris sui Cubiculi authoritate ita etiam grauitate, modestia, obedientia, cæterisque virtutibus præire debebunt, suosque vt omnes Collegii regulas ac Superiorum mandata seruent, verbis factisque excitabunt.

2. Nunquam [Here two leaves are missing, butthey can besupplied from the original, signed Constitutions of the English College, Seville, which are identical with those of Valladolid, except in the date (I April, 1600) and the name of the College. What follows, as far as the asteriskbefore theword mundum, in § 8 , after which the Valladolid document continues , is taken from the Seville document.]

2. Nunquam cum aliquo sui Cubiculi litigabit , vel imperiose tractabit Præfectus , sed suauiter, et modesté; si quis vero ei non paruerit, aut immodestè se gesserit, deferat nomen eius, causamque Superiori , vel si mauultVicepræfecto, velaliiex cubiculo,deferendum quod ad personam propriam pertinet, committet Superior vero Præfecti authoritatem prout æquum est tuebitur; et reluctantes castigabit .

3. Omnes alloquantur modestè et reuerenter suos Præfectos, neque importunè agant, neque vrgeant multum, siue negetur aliquod, siue concedatur. Cum vero cubiculo egrediuntur , nomina signent in tabella appensa: et si ad Superiores, vel ad Patrem Confessarium, Præfectum Studiorum , vel Repetitorem proficiscantur, satis erit admonere Præfectum vel Vicepræfectum cubiculi se ad hos ire. Si vero ad aliud, vel alios egrediantur petenda erit a Præfecto venia.

4. Cum aliqua gratia, vel indulgentia Cubiculo alicui, vel iis qui in Cubiculo viuunt, concedendaerit, vt exeundi, ambulandi vel similia, id fiet ordinarie per ipsum Præfectum; cuius etiam in potestate erit socium assignare ei, qui cum externis loqui debebit, nisi Superior eum antea nominauerit Poterit etiam Præfectus cuique exeundi à cubiculo facultatemfacere, modo solus exeat ad orandum vel meditandum , et cum aliis non loquatur, neque vltra Aulam, vel locum sibi assignatum progrediatur : recreationem vero pauciores quam tres facere non poterunt

5. Qui vnius Cubiculi sunt aliud non ingrediantur, nisi petita licentiaa Patre Rectore, vel Patre Ministro, neque sine eorum venia , qui diversorum cubiculorum sunt inuicem colloquantur , si obuiam fiant, præter salutationes, cum vero egrediuntur , siue ad scholas , siue alio, cum sociis assignatis (terni enim vt plurimum incedere debebunt) meminerint omnino modestiæ, ac ædificationis, cuius etiam curam maximam habeant Præfecti.

6. Dum in recreatione sunt habeant magnam curam Præfecti, ne inducantur colloquia nociua qualia sunt contentiones, iurgia, rixæ, contumeliæ, verba iniuriosa, detractiones, murmurationes contra Superiores, aut alios, comparationes odiosæ , aut seditiosæ diuersorum statuum aut vocationum inter se, sermones temerarii de rebus Principum , verba scurrilia , vel immodesta, quæ omnia , vel eorum aliquid si inciderit in sermonem, Præfectus qui aderit, vel qui eius vices habebit, statim reiiciet atque reprehendet, et si plures Præfecti aderint , occuret is cuius cubiculi est, qui hac in re offendit , neque vllo modo refragabiturreprehensus, vel se defendet , sed transibit ad alium sermonem .

7. Argumentumvero ordinarium colloquiorum in recreatione eritvelderebus religionis in Anglia, aliisque regniscontra hæreticos,

vel aliquid ex lectione in mensa , vel ex meditatione illius diei, cum omnes eadem puncta meditabuntur , vel ex historia aliqua, vel de aliis rebus quæutilitatem, aut ædificationem aut honestam aliquam recreationem et animorum saltem relaxationem afferant : nequesint alumni vel peruicaces in loquendo, vel contentiosi, vel clamosi, sed modesti, ac sobrii, vti virtutum amatores, et studiosos decet.

8. Prefecti vero cum egrediuntur a suis, semper relinquant Vicepræfectum, vel eo absente , alium qui cubiculo præsit, Cure[n]t vt omnes mature surgant manè , et meditationi intersint, suo tempore lectum etiam petant , vt cubiculumsit *mundum, mensa ac libri bene compositi, vt vestes alumnorum neque laceræ, neque sordidæ, neque luto, olioue respersæ Admoneant tempestiue Superiorem si quis ægrotet vel male habeat Anglice non loquantur, neque alios loqui permittant, nisi tempore recreationis Denique curent Præfecti quantum in se fuerit, vt omnes Collegii regulæ, ac Superiorum ordinationes a suis libenter, ac prompte obseruentur, eaque in re se præbeant semper reliquis exemplum, mercedem a Domino certissimam recepturi.

9. Quos autem Præfectuspoenitentia aliqua dignos obseruauerint, eos vel Patri Rectori, vel Patri Ministroad hoc ipsum referant, vel ipsi delinquenti iniungant, vt ab alterutro eorum poenitentiam pro ea culpa sponte petant : semel autem in quaque hebdomada die horaque a Patre Rectore constitutis adeat eum quisque Præfectus ac sincere ac fideliter rationem officii sui reddat, eaque referat quæ ad Cubiculi sui ac totius Collegii bonum pertinere posse conscientia teste in Domino iudicauerit

10. Atque hæ quidem regulæcommunes, vt facilius Alumnorum memoriis committanturpromptiusque executioni mandentur , singulorum mensium initiis, prout hactenus fieri consueuit, publice omnibus prælegi debebunt Cæteræ vero Superiorum ordinationes delocis rebusque, ac officiis particularibus (vt de Vinea, Bibliotheca, Sacristia, Valetudinario , et hospitio peregrinorum, et si qua sunt alia) satis erit, vt bis qualibet anno, cum distributio Cubiculorum , Præfectorum, aliorumque officialium variabitur, alumnis proponantur

Forma iuramenti quod ab alumnis Collegiorum, ac Seminariorum Anglicanæ nationis in sua admissione suscipiendum est.

Ego N. N. Collegii AnglorumVallisoletani alumnus, considerans diuina erga me beneficia et illud in primis, quo me ex patria hæresi laborante, eduxit, et Ecclesiæ suæ Catholicæ membrum effecit; cupiensque tantæ Dei misericordiæ non penitus me ingratum præbere, statui totum me diuino eius famulatui, in quantum possum, pro fine huius Collegii exequendo, offerre; et promitto, iuroque Omnipotenti Deo, me paratum esse animo, ac futurum semper, quantum sanctissima eius gratia me adiuuerit , vt, suo tempore, sacros ordines suscipiam, et in Angliam ad proximorum animas lucrandas reuertar , quandocumque Superiori huius Collegii, pro sui instituti ratione, illud mihi præcipere visum fuerit in Domino Interim vero dum hic viuo promitto me quiete et pacifice victurum , et Collegii constitutiones, regulasque pro meo virili obseruaturum

Illustrissimorum Cardinalium Confirmatio . Nos præfati atque infrascripti Cardinales authoritate nobis specialiter ad hoc ipsum a Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Clemente Papa VIII per duo Breuia Apostolica concessa, quorum primum Romæ datum est apud Sanctum Petrum sub anulo Piscatoris die VII Julii 1599, Pontificatus eiusdem Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Clementis anno octauo, cuius inscriptio hæc est " Dilectis filiis Nostris Henrico Sanctæ Pudentianæ Caetano et Camillo Sancti Eusebii titulorum presbyteris Burghesio nuncupatis Cardinalibus etc. Secundum vero ibidem datum est, sub die 19° Februarii MDC, sub hac inscriptione Dilecto filio Nostro Odoardo Sancti

Eustachii Diacono Cardinali Farnesio" etc. Quibus duobus Breuibus Apostolicis potestas nobis facta est leges atque constitutiones, regulasque ordinandi , quas vtiles ac idoneas iudicabimus ad omnium Collegiorum atque Seminariorum Anglicæ gentis vbiuis existentium institutionem, directionem, gubernationem, aut disciplinam constituendam, ac conseruandam Nos igiturea potestate vsi, has suprascriptas regulas atque constitutiones in Collegii Anglorum Vallisoletani vtilitatem atque emolumentum ordinauimus , atque per præsentes ordinamus, confirmamus , et obseruari iubemus; subscriptis etiam, prout dicta Breuis Apostolica disponunt, nostris nominibus propriaque manu firmatus Romæ, die 20 Aprilis anno Jubilæi, MDC

[signed] C. Carlis Burghesius

[signed] O. Carlis Farnesius, Protecor

[Seal of Cardinal Borghese] [Seal of Cardinal Farnese] Pets Pauonus secrius. Alphonsus Carandinius secrius .




[Original holograph .]


Inter reliquos labores Societatis, Ille qui Seminariis erigendis et gubernandisimpediturhaudquaquam minimi momenticenseridebet cum eorum adminiculo Christiana pietas in plurimis Christiani orbis regnis vel sceleratorum insidiis appetita conservetur vel hereticorum perfidia pulsalocoquasipostliminio revocetur. Quandoquidem igitur in ceteris hujus provinciæ Collegiis sedulam navari operam videam in conquirendis illustrioribusquibusque monumentis quibus Societatis nostræ historia cohonestetur, non abs re fore existimavi ea quæ hujus Seminarii Vallesoletani sunt summatim recensere ad quod eo impellor magis quod principia et incrementa hujus Seminarii præ reliquis omnibus, Societatis hominibus solis et precipuè Patri Personio nemine alterius ordinis vel conditionis interveniente debeatur

Post funestam illam classis Hispanicæ cladem, cum heretici ubique cristas erigere et letum pæana canere inciperent imo et Catholici nominis haud pauci Hispanorum fortunæ (utpote eorum magnitudinis æmuli) ideo insultarent ut ne ab illis quidem qui aliqua eis necessitudine tenerentur divincti temperarent trepidare incipiebat illud Remense Seminariu quod erat mater et principium reliquorum ne propter exortos in Gallia tumultus bellicos ex inopinato oppressum extingueretur , et ita semen omne in quo erat spes Anglicanæ ecclesiæ tolleretur In hoc autem timore et trepidatione scripsit eis Roma Pr Personius ut emitterent aliquos in exteras nationes et maximè in Hispaniam qui erepti huic quam timebant vastationi despicerent qua foeliciter in ora possent sedem et domicilium collocare Emissi sunt ergo ad hoc prætentandum tres juvenes animo magis quam reliquis subsidiis fulti qui peragrata pene tota Gallia armis tunc undiquaque infestissimam propter interfectum nuper ab Henrico 3º Guisium heroem cum fratre suo Cardinale, per mille pericula in Hispania tandem pervenerunt Ubi cum se in portu navigare existimarent quod Catholicorum pacatissimasterras attigissent plures quam ante unquam antea difficultates ibi experti sunt . Burgis enim et ipsi in vincula conjecti sunt unde non ita facile exiissent nisi Pater Rector Burgensis Collegii aditis pretore et optimatibuscivitatis magno cum fervore eorum causam peregisset. Et eodem fere tempore alii etiam quatuorvel quinque Angli qui Vallesoleti forte consedissent eandem etiamtempestatem

subierunt Exacerbati quippe Hispani Anglorum injuriis, et eo maximè quod hoc ipso tempore Ulissipolim classis Anglicana obsidebat, in obvios quosque hujus gentis tanquam in proditores et infensissimos hostes involabant tam iniquo et difficili tempore Seminario huic principium datum est ut in eo Dei non hominum opus facile quis agnoscat.

Postquam igitur hii tres Vallesoletum attigissent in conducto viventes hospitio frequentare primo scholas, et ita hominibus hujus gentis specimenexhibere sui incipiebant , parum tamen proficiebant donec haud ita multo post Pater Personius audito eorum adventu huc etiam convolassetcujus aspecturecreati, majoresanimosassumebant ejus enim et Societatis Jesu auspicionihil non sperandum esse autumabant . Patri igitur Personio adventantiid in votis primum erat transigere cum Societate ut horum juvenum tutelam in se susciperentquod ubi foeliciter peregisset notificare cepit 1° quibusdam primoribus civitatis deinde frequenti urbis senatui confluxisse huc quosdam juvenes Anglos patria religionis ergo profugos et imminentes Gallici belli procellas declinantes qui supplices peterent locus sibi commorandi in oppido concederetur ubi sub collegiali disciplina cohabitantes possent se eis literis et scientia perficere quæ ad heresim in sua patriadebellandam maxime conducereviderentur Reclamatum est primo a singulis et ab universo simul senatu idque vehementerdicentibus, perniciosissimumhocfore universærepublicæ ut hominibus a terra hostiliet heresis morbo laboranti hucininteriora Hispaniæ loca pateat aditus. Sed non ita multo post cum literæ a rege ipso et quibusdam consiliariis ejus, procurante hoc ipsum prædicto patre, ad senatum opidi missæ essent quibus commendarentur res nostræ mitius de nobis sentire coeperunt et proinde novum inierunt consilium, primo ut cum orphanis illis de doctrina ut nuncupantur puerulis quibusdam qui stipe publicèemendicata victitant una [viveremus altered to viverent], cui cum respondisset Pater proprium haberehos juvenesinstitutum ab istis longè alienum , et graviora sequi studia et proinde non posse cum hujusmodi congregatione coalescere, decreverunt 2° ut in monasteria singuli vel bini compingerentur ubi si placeret vel religionis habitum induerent vel si hoc minus placeret ibi eousque sustentarentur donec studiorumcurricula absolvissent ea tamen lege ut numquam in patriam suam, donecibi rerumfacies mutata esset reverterentur . Quibus respondit Prdurum nimis videri à se mutuo avellereeos quos finis et propositi similitudo conjunxisset, nec enim hoc esse quod peterent hi iuvenes ut victus eis hic tantum suppeteret sed ut eis et aliis etiam eorum loco successuris locus concederetur et facultas sic vivendi ut postea etiam reversis in patriam non prohibeantur occasione pro fidei Catholicæ propugnatione moriendi, non parum conduceread finem quem habent præ oculis ut simul viventes tanquam acies bene ordinata sese mutuo ad fortiter in tam difficili pugna faciendum cohortentur . Videntes igitur ita insistere in proposito Patrem , quasi importunitate victi potius quam voluntate eis gratum aliquid faciendi, renunciarunt Patri ut viverenthi simul in hospitio suo sed ita tamen ut ne teruncium quidem eleemosinæ in

civitate nec expectarent nec peterent, hoc etiam insuper persuasum haberent plurimorum oculos in eos intentos fore ad videndum qualitervitam instituerent Arripuit libenter conditionem Pater et conducto veteri illo quod nunc est pars Collegii domicilio illuc juvenes illos Anglos transtulit, eodem vestivit habitu, clausuram prescripsit. Quid multis eam qua nunc cernitur in Collegio eis tradidit disciplinam, et demum mandato typis libello quodam Hispano idiomate titulum præfixitInformatioquam datPrRobertus PersoniusSocietatis Jesu de Seminario Vallisoleti authoritateRegia instituto etc. in quo de Seminariorum istiusmodi principiis, utilitate, et institutis postquam nonnulla premisisset quam maximè ob causam hic demum in Hispania sedem collocare cupiunt explicavit Quo viso libello optimates admirati primo novitatem rei quod tam cito post litigium illud quod super ipsa re cum illis intercessit Collegium emersisset et de ejusinstituto libellus invulgumexarasset Deinde certatim ex omni ordine et tribunali confluxerunt alii ut viderent tantum quid hic gereretur, qui homines essent, quam vivendi rationem tenerent, alii ut animarent, alii ut a spe hic altas agendi radices in tanta temporum difficultate deterrerent, alii etiam ut ansam quererent opus ipsum pro posse disturbandi , sed opus Domini cum esset inconcussum mansit et crevit et uti spero eousque crescet donec opus diaboli in Anglia penitus penitusque expugnaverit .

Erant in principioqui coierunt numero pauci sed ita laudabiliter spiritu vocationis æstuantes ut suavissimum de se odorem non solum in civitate hac sed in universam Hispaniam emiserint ita ut qui prius alieni essent intra paucos menses promptissimo animo promovere inceperunt et confluxerunt Roma et Remis sacerdotes quidam qui iam propè emenso studiorumcurriculosignum tantum expectabant in proelium exeundi Intra unum ergo annum aut eo circiter a principio hujus Collegii egressi sunt ex eo decem literis et virtute probatissimi sacerdotes in messem Anglicanam et fæliciter se in interiora regni immiserunt licet difficilem omnes et quatuor eorum precipuè deploratissimam, illud faciendi rationem inierunt. Cum enim propter intermissam inter Anglos et Hispanos negotiationem difficile navigandi oportunitas inveniretur, et in Anglia portus et loca maritima contra adventantes è transmarinis sacerdotes diligentissimè servarentur, dissimulato habitu eorum numero sese ingresserunt qui pactione quadam inter utramque gentem e triremibus empti in Angliam sunt transmissi Hii igitur cum ad Angliæ litora appulissent quasi qui multa fortiter pro regina passi essent magno applausu ab omnibus sunt accepti et recta ad Archithalassium Angliæ ducti qui cum eos comiter accepisset et scivisset ab eis que vellet, quibusdam aureis donatos ad civiam regiam cum literis commendatitiis transmisit Ii igitur traditis literis et transactisquevellent in curia negociis, unusquisquequa posset clanculum ad suos delapsi sunt, et ita delusa est officiosanimisportusservantium industria

Sed vix bene sacerdotes isti Londino excessissent cum è transmarinis partibus venit nuncius ab exploratore quodam missus , qui

significaret quinam essent illi qui sic se pro liberatis a triremibus vendidissent Quo audito fremere Regina et consiliarii eius, et in se mutuo oculos conjicere quasi qui sibi ipsis mutuo et ipsi causæ defuissent. Nec mora emissi sunt opido cursarii in omnes regni partes ad seminaristasistos è fuga retrahendos, sed frustra, Dominus enim eos operi suo destinasset, et proinde nollet adhuc ab odiosis huiusmodi interpellatoribus impediri Cum igitur eos non invenissent, furore quodam perciti coeperunt contra Seminaria et maximè hoc Vallesoletanum atrocissimè fulminare , et non ita multo post edictum cudunt in quo contra omnia Catholicorum genera debacchantur, contra papam, contra Regem Catholicum , contra societatem Jesu et nominatim contra Prem Personium quem in edicto nominantes indignissimè insectantur et leges promulgant iniquissimas contra eiusdem regni Catholicos quales nec Decius nec Diocletianus unquam edidissent existimantes ista ratione homines a fidei catholicæ professione avocare aut deterrere saltem iuvenes a desyderio huiusmodi Seminaria frequentandi sed crevit postea Catholicis animus et excellenti animo et conditione adolescentuli ita crebri ad hoc Collegium in æstate et autumno proximè publicationem edicti subsequti confluxerunt ut videretur hoc edictum esse instrumentum quoddam divina providentia comparatum ad excitandos plurimorum animos ad hoc opus, et quasi signum in loco eminentiore constitutum, ad convocandos milites qui in castris Domini stipendia mererentur, et demum ita crevit numerus ut non ita multo post necessarium esset Patri Personio qui huic operi promovendo præ ceteris strenuè incumbebat alias sedes querere in quas posset ex hoc Seminario tanquam ex populosissima civitate colonias deducere: quod fecit anno subsequenti, Hispali nova figens tentoria, et nova foeliciter moliens novi Collegii fundamenta , nec nonet aliud quoddam iniens consilium in flandriaCollegium aliquod instituendi in quo tenerioris ætatis pueruli et qui minus exculti essent humanioribus literis eousque nutriantur donec grandioribus studiisiam idonei ad ista Hispaniæ Seminaria transplantenturquod et opere completum esse Audomaropoli vidimus Hic fructus edicti illius terribilis quo existimabant adversarii invisum reddendum fore nomen et professionem Catholici et ipsa fundamenta Seminariorum eruenda Huic edicto a duobus patribus nostræ Societatis responsumest, quorum unus sub nomine Joannis Pernii* satis laudabili velitatione omnes edicti rationes et larvatasfictiones vellicasset alter Andreas Philopater vel Proprio nomine Robertus Personius tanquam cataphractarius gravioris , armaturæ dux ita omnes molitiones eius convulsit et contrivit ut quæcunque in eo causati sunt contra Catholicos nihil aliud nisi inanes inflatæ vesica crepitus cuivis legenti facile constare possit. Anno salutis 1592 Philippus 2us Hispaniarum rex cum lustrans regnum suum Vallisoletum pervenisset aliis Collegiis et Monasteriis pretermissis que in hac civitate sunt amplissima et multis modis suspiciendahumiles hos nuper surgentis Collegii postes invisere non

vere Fr. Joseph Creswell

dedignabatur, filio suo serenissimoHispaniarum tunc principenunc rege multis nominibus augustissimo et clarissima filia comitantibus necnon et primoribus totius Hispaniæ utriusque militiæ ducibus . Quibus recipiendis pro dignitate cum deessent intertexta auro et gemmis peristromata , varie depictis hieroglificis et omnium generum carminibus luteos parietes vestivimus, præ foribus domus quia iam æstas erat consevimus ephemerinum nemus sternentes solum late gramine et floribus, ut loco palacii in umbrosum aliquem amonioris Angliæ recessum animi gratiam, rex cum liberis ingredi videretur, fores ipse quo possent modo gestientesgratulabanturregi adventum in ipsis valvis carmina hoc sonantia pretendentes Descendenti de curru Regi occurrunt primi Pr Provincialis et Pr Personius, præstolantibus introrsus alumnis qua possent humiliatione gestu et vultu submissum gratumque animum indicantibus Postquam ergo rex ingressusad altare dei in capella quæ prope ostium domus tunc erat nondum enim ecclesiam struxeramus se prostrasset: progressus interiora domus cum liberis suis in thronis qui in eminentiore quodam loco aulæ amplissimæconstituti essent consedisset astantibus suo ordine hinc alumnis, illinc archiepiscopo Compostellano et aliis heroibus: progressus paulum unus ex alumnis præfata venia orationem habuit omni gratitudine et officio ut par erat plenissimam quasi electus ex omnibus qui exuberantem omnium lætitiam voce hac sua et oratione testaretur Postea vero in suggestum ascendentes quod ex adverso strati Regii parabatur successive decem ex alumnis totidem linguis in versus quosdam Psalmi 71 Deus iudicium tuum regi da et verba facientes non injuncudè Regem acceperunt qui attentus ad ea que dicebantur et intentusin dicentes sepe percontabatur a Patre Personio qui prope stabat quinam erant qui loquebantur, qua parentela oriundi; tandem auditis omnibus omnes ad osculum manus venientes manu collo injecto tamquam in signum amoris amplexabatur , harum humanitatis vel potius pietatis Christianæ in tanto rege exemplum, qui cum omnes mortales dignitate superaret tanquam amicum se et patrem pauperculis exulibus exhibebat Quod etiam adhuc amplius sub finem hujus anni declarabat cum ex hoc ipso Seminario quatuor sacerdotes discessuri in Angliam regali ejus aspectui se sistebant mandata si quæ dabat in hoc suo discessu accepturi quo quidem tempore eo affectu animi , eo amoris indicio eos alloquebatur , amplexabatur , animabat, ac si eorum parensesset multis nominibus indulgentissimus .

Anno 1593 missus est in Angliam ex hoc Collegio Pater Henricus Walpolus qui anno fere integro hic ita magna cum omniumsatisfactione et consolatione ministri exercebat officium ut ex eius tam prepropero ut videbatur discessu dolorem perciperet unusquisque non mediocrem Inerat enim huic viro religiosa quædam gravitas ea morum comitate temperata ut difficile dictu esset utrum plus ob comitatem amandusquam obgravitatemsuspiciendusessevideretur , cujus vita et martyrium licetexactè satis in libelloquodam hispanice de eo edito describuntur , unde quæ ad historiam istam pertinent desumenda sunt: officio tamen meo et mentis in me ipsius Patris

quem vere patris loco semper habui minus videbor satisfecisse nisi ex ipsius vita,missioneet martirio paucula quædamhic transcripsere. Natus in provincia Nortfolciæ in Anglia genere nobili et ipse primogenitus qui preterquam quod a parentibus ita institutus est ut si maximè vellet non posset cum domi esset perditos seculi illius mores perdiscere, ipse ea erat indole et ita a natura ipsa ad virtutem comparatus, ut nihil aliud nisi religionem et pietatem ab infantia spirare videretur. Hinc factum est ut cum a domo paterna ad studia Cantabrigiæ primo artium liberalium et deinde Londini legum municipalium peragenda amandaretur, non modo non ut fieri solet in ea ætate ab aliis adolescentuliset maximè in ea morum coruptela quæ et tunc, et nunc etiam in Anglia viget ab incoepto virtutis et religionis tramite deflectebatur, an circumsonante aures eius undiquaque heresum blasphemia ad ullum illarum assensum pellicebatur, sed potius eorum quibuscum ulla illi necessitudo intercessit mores componebat, et mentem etiam instruebat, ut viginti ad minimumqui ab eo a vitæ corruptela ad bonam frugem ab heresum labe ad orthodoxam fidem revocati numerentur, dum adhuc in studiorum curriculo et maximè Londini versaretur, qui omnes vel religionem postea ingressi sunt, vel in Seminariis sacerdotes facti iam diu in Anglia vineam Domini excoluerunt Et ut hoc cumulatius præstaret neglecto Londini legum municipalium studio totum se controversiis pernoscendiset antiquorumpatrum libris evolvendis consecravit idque adeo feliciter ut omnia quæ ad hereses nostri temporis confutandas pertenerent ad unguem callere videretur Hinc factum est ut plurimorum oculi in eum converterenturet haud pauci malevoli ocasiones quererent legum eum Angliæ iniquarumnimis laqueis implicandi.

Cum igitur Pater Campianus tunc temporis comprehensus Londini in vinculis teneretur ei affuit quoties potuit et maximè in solemnioribus illis disputationibus cum ministris hereticis , affuit etiam iudicio et morti ipsius, quæ omnia elegantissimo carmine Anglicano conscripsit propter quæ omnia et maximè quod ita liberè cum omnibus disputando fidem Catholicam propugnabat, odiosus factus, magna cum diligencia ad causam dicendam querebatur, et adeo contra eum persecutio inferbuit, ut in nullo Angliæ angulo locum tuto consistendi inveniret Ad Seminarium ergo Rhemense concessit primo unde post annum Romam missus ingressus est Societatem quam inde a morte Pris Campiani maximo fervore expetivit. Quid autem ei contigit postea in Societate, quomodo pedibus iter faciens in flandria inter duo Collegia ab hereticis comprehensus est, et Freselingas (Anglorum illud est presidium) ductus , ubi aliquot menses in carcere detentus plurimas iniurias et contumelias passus est, quid fecerit hac captivitate liberatus Brugis 1° omnium gentium confessionibus audiendis expositus, deinde ad exercitumregium in flandria missus quos labores toleraverit, quomodo volantibus ad instar grandinis bombardarum globulis ipse moribundorum non dubitavit tamen confessionibus accipiendis intendere, quid egerit ut in Angliammitteretur, et demum quomodo in hispaniam propter hunc finem suum consequendum transmitti

se curaverit, non est quod hic multis exaggeremuscum alibi copiose satis scriptum inveniatur Postquam hoc mediante Patre Personio cum nostro patre transegisset ut in Angliam mitteretur, mirum in modum gestiebat quasi qui optatissimum totius vitæ bonum esset consequtus certus quodammodo presagiente sibi animo de corona illa martirii quam postea reportavit, et proinde non gravari se existimavitquocumqueonerequod huicmissioni tanquamauctarium adjungebatur . Testis esse potest alacritas illa animi qua curiam Regiam adivit postquam intellexit in via sibi procurandum esse aliquod subsidium Audomarensi iam tum surgenti Seminario, testis etiam incredibilis illa celeritas qua ad oras maritimas convolavit, postquam ex animi sententia cum rege et optimatibusea de re loquutus peregisset , testis ille ardor animi qui in literis quas ad hoc Collegium scripsit a litore maris iamiamnavigaturus elucebat, testesetiam aliæ literæ quas ex flandria scripsit postquam audierat nos in hocCollegio mastos, audito quod in mari demersus expirasset (talis enim apud nos rumorprecrebuit), in quibus literis scripsitsibi certum essenon inaquis demerso sed in aëre pendulo esse moriendum , testis demum admiranda illa industria et suspicienda velocitas qua Bruxellis et aliis locis flandriæ curriculo aditis negocium illud recuperandi pauperculis illis pecuniam tam difficile tunc ibi et salebrosum expedivit, et anxia illa diligentia qua statim confecto negociooportunitatemin Angliamnavigandi disquisivitquæ omnia literis illis suis diverso loco et tempore datis quæ in libro de vita ejus et martyrio impressa circumferunt , satis legenti constare poterunt.

Quam primum ac maris tempestuosi pericula quibus per multos dies agitabaturpretervectus terramattigisset adversariorum statim laqueis qui adventanti tendebantur irretitus ductus est recta in carcerem Eboracensem (ea est civitas ad septentrionalem Angliæ partem sita caput totius provinciæ) quasi qui ad patiendum pro nomine Christi et non ob aliud quicquam per tot laboreset pericula pervenisset Preses et pro rexillius provinciæ Comes Huntingtonius homo nobili quidem oriundus stemate sed ita fascinatus Calvini erroribus ut nihil supravidens Patrem Henricum et propternatalium splendorem, animi magnitudinem , literarum scientiam, propositi constantiam, et professionis gradum maioribus theatris esse proponendum, scribit ad Reginam et Consiliarios ejus cujusmodi hominem tenerent in vinculis expectare se quid deeo fieri statuerent. Interim vero et per se et per ministros hominis constantiam attentare voluit, per se blanditiis eum emollire studens, per ministros disputationum sophisticarum machinis impellere, sed ita in his omnibus se gessit vir dei ut nec blanditiis delinitus quicquam de priori constantia remiserit, nec argumentorum impulsu cesserit , sed comitate quadam et urbana suavitate comitis eutrapeliam accipiensmitius eum sentire de se et de tota causa fecit, et ministrorum argumenta adamantina quadam soliditate repercutiens eos ipsos mirificè consternavit . Post hunc congressum Comes dari iussit patri papyrum et scribendi instrumenta quibus et confessionemsuamtotius vitæ et quæ videbanturad confirmanda Catholica

dogmata scribendacomendavit Quod prestitit pater cumulatissimè addens etiam tractatum quendam in illa verba Evangelii cavete vobis à falsis prophetis ut inde dignoscat ministros suos quibus miserèdeceptusanimam suam et salutem æternam credidisset . Hac occasione et oportunitate adjutus scripsit etiam ad patrem quendam societatis qui eo loci tunc forte peregrinabatur nonnullas epistolas omni pietate plenissimas, quibus quo in loco res suæ essent ostendebat.

Interim dum Londino responsum expectabatur Catholici illius provinciæ cupientes sibi et ecclesiæ Prem Walpolum superstitem , scripserunt clanculum dicentes paratos se esse noctu eum e carcere subducere et in tuto longè ab inimicorum insidiis collocare si ipse vellet, cui dum in principio reddere responsum cunctareturscripserunt ei iterum et 3° omnem rei efficiendærationem describentes ut securius preberet aspectum, sed ille re consulta cum patre quodam societatis qui eas tunc oras excolebat respondit quod nec eis satis tutum esset nec ei integrum a pugna et prelio quod iam inierat resilire, et quidem licet nec eis periculum nec ei macula ulla ex hac evasione et fuga creatur, sibi tamen certum esse stare adhuc in acie in quam eduxerat eum Dominus quia nesciret, si hæc è manibus elaberetur si alia deinceps occasio atque comoda prebenda esset preciosam martiriicoronam arripiendi

Audito Londini de vinculis patris emittunt è vestigio Toplifum quendam hominem in torquendis et excruciandis Catholicis exercitatissimum ut extorqueret ei primo Eboraci quæ posset deinde Londinum secum transportaret. Quod fecit propositis ei primo ibi septem insidiosissimis questionibus cum qua posset pater sinceritate respondisset, Londinumeum secum avexit. In quo itinere preter reliqua incomoda, quibus eum crudelissimus Leopardus afflixit, incomparabilem contumeliam ei ubique erogavit divulgans in omni opido et hospitio perditissimum se adducereganneonemad interficiendam reginam a transmarinis partibus destinatum , quibus quid posset facere sanctus dei martyr (sic enim vere nuncupari posset inde a primo die quo in cruentissimi hujus tyranni manus incidit. Quid inquamfacereposset nisi tacere et corde beneconscio deum quo illi et reliquis sui simillimis meliorem mentem daret deprecari. In turrim Londinensem inclusus et ab omni mortalium colloquio imoet aspectu exclusus planè nescio particulatim dicere que passus est, hoc saltem certa relatione inotuit quicquid posset squallor et foetor in carceris humidi incomodo et fames in [? diutina] inedia, frigus in nuditate, mæror ex blasfemiis impiorum quas solum voces audiebat, et demum crudelitas in tormentis homini infligere, nunquam invicta martyris patientiæ per annum fere integrum defuisse quo in fovea illa inclusus tenebatur, nam preterquam quod qua- tuordecies in èo temporis spacio torquebatur sicut ipse eductus ad tribunal occasione quadam palam fatebatur, unde preter alias cicatrices medios digitos utriusque manus emarcuissetestantur qui id viderunt, in reliquis ita miserè habitus est, ut ipse custos carceris licet alias satis inhumanus misericordia ejus motus ei stramenta

quædam sua sponte subministraverit quibus fessa corporis membra ab humiditate soli aliquantulum relevata reclinaret , et indagatis quibusdam cognatis et consanguineis patris supplex peteret ut quam possent opemferrent miserosupra quam fert humana conditio, fame et frigoreet reliquis carcerisincomodis afflictato In his tamen omnibus sanctusdei nunquam dejecit animum sed supra se quotidie assurgens et se maior factus terrenis istis solatiis carere quam frui potius duxit, quod et postea exemplo et facto comprobavit , nam cum Eboracum reduceretur ut ibi in publicis comitiis sententiam mortis acciperet et is cujus fidei comissus esset humanius eum tractari et singulis noctibus lectum ei sterni iusserat, nulla ratione induci potuit non dicam ut in eo recumberet sed ne attingeret quidem indignum ratus ut qui caomeniis et humi cubationibus se per annum integrum assuevisset iam fini proximus ad blandulam lectuli molliciem reverteretur quem morem nuda scilicet cubandi humo usque ad diem depositionis fideliter observavit, nam cum Eboraci eo reversus multos adhuc dies in carcere detinereturexpectans adventum judicum qui Comitiis illis presiderent nullum aliud lecti solatium admittebat preter sterulam quandam ex iuncis contextam in qua flexis genibus orabat et aliquando somni importunitate victus caput reclinabat

Dum Eboraci iudicum adventum præstolaretur venit ad eum filius ministri illius qui archiepiscopatum illius civitatis occupasset , vir doctrinæ et eloquentiæ apud suos laude celebratissimus disputandi cum eo gratia ut dicebat. Primo igitur congressu per horam integram in laudem Anglicanæ ecclesiæ et suorum dogmatum ambitiosissimo quodam orationis faustu peroravit cui quam primum ac finis esset impositus respondit tam concinno ordine ac rationibus tam solidis pater, ut ipse minister quasi attonitus deponeret pene animum ulteriusdisputandi et qui aderant re tam inopinatapermoti eum tanquam hominem de coelo delapsum suspicerent et venerarentur

Non ita multo post disputationem istam venit dies ille patri tam expectatus quo in publicum theatrum coram solemni iudicum consessu esset producendus Convenerunt enim 3º Aprilis preter proregemtres judices a regina ad hocipsum destinati aliis quibusdam advocatis iurisconsultis et ministris iustitiæ associati qui postquam magna cum pompa ex more regni consedissent preconis voce compellatus est pater Henricus Walpolus ut coram honoratissimo consessu manu extenta compareret. In prima allegatione nihil aliud ei accumularunt nisi quod natione Anglus cum esset ad transmarinas partes sine licentia transvolasset, et secundum ritum Ecclesiæ Romanæ et sub eius obedientia presbyter factus et in societatem Jesu cooptatus animo proditorio postea contra leges regni in Angliam remeasset quæ omnia postea advocatus quidem reginæverbis atrocissimis exaggeravit et maxime quod esset Jesuita quos esse pestes reipublicæ regnorum excidium regum omnium et principum capitales hostes affirmabat , omnia quæcumque contra totius orbis Christiani principes per hos annos intentata fuerunt eis tanquam authoribus et primis suggestoribus impudentissimè

appingens, quibus quæ responderit pater qua comitate qua gravitate et modestia cujusmodi sententiam eum fulminarunt quam libenter quanta cum patientiaet gaudii significatione mortem illam crudelissimam oppetierit et quem demum in pectoribus multorum de se sensum reliquerit libellus ille quem nuper indicavi satis appositè describit . Martirio coronatus est die 70 Aprilis anno 1595. Quæsunt alumnorum hujus Collegii propria video nonessehujus institutiut scribantursed unumtamen præterire non possumutpote omnium seculorum memoria et prædicatione dignissimum. Incidit quidam alumnus hujus Collegii in gravem morbum quo nulla medicorum peritia liberaripotuit ita ut per annum et sex menses resolutis omnibus membris in lecto iaceret continuo, miserè contabescens . Visum ergo est omnibus in patrium solum esse remittendum si forte posset mitiore illius coeli temperie recuperare sanitatem. Plaustro igitur transvectus est ad partes maritimas et navi impositus Hic igitur fere quam primum ac littus Anglicanum attigisset comprehensus est et in carcerem conjectus est, ubi per multos dies inediamaceratus (utpote qui frustulis quibusdam atri panis tantum et aqua arctè nimis aleretur) et ter iniectus in manicas ferreas in sublimi appensus manibus per sex horas mansit, ut flagra quibus lacerabatur et aliaid genus tormentataceam quibus exercitationibus et dietis Christi miles post aliquot septimanas ab infirmitate quasi miraculo convaluit, et non minori miraculo non ita multo post è carcereliberatus, non invisit suos, non corpori suo, cui post tantum laboris aliquod saltem solatium in paternis edibus vel in amicorum complexu debebatur, aliquid quietis impertiebat sed huc statim à carceread nos magna cum animi alacritate properabat non mediocriter tam inexpectato conspectu exhilerans universos, et hic factus in præmium laborum et tam spectatæ virtutis sacerdos, nihil prius in votis habuit quam ut in Angliam ad novos conflictus et nova prelia cum hereticis ineunda remearet .

Mirum est quanta alacritateet quantocum animi ardore adolescentuli huc properant ex omnibus Angliæ partibus, nec paternæ domus deliciis nec matrum indulgentia nec amicorum precibus et lachrimis deliniti ut domi maneant, nec minarum atrocitate nec carcerum squallore nec verberum acerbitate nec reliquorum periculorum magnitudine deterriti navegatione intentanda, ita ut ex eis sint nonnulli qui bis capti et dirè in carceribus cæsi non disponderint tamen animum sed ipsas carceris custodias et armatas excubantium in portu turmas pervadentesad nos animo pièpertinaci convolaruntita ut agnoscas in hocplanè opus domini ex ore infantium et lactentium perficientis laudem suam et omnes machinationes impiorum confundentis Quod dum facit misericors dominus dubitare possumus fore aliquando ut denuo in terra nostra muri Hierusalem edificentur?

Non minori alacritate absolutis studiis in patriam redeunt quorum singulorum missionibus ne immorer triginta quinque sacerdotesper hosce novem annos ad messem Anglicanam exierunt [Then follow eightblank pages.]


An asterisk signifies more than one entry to a page; " indicates a note on the page.

Abbot, John, S.J., als Ashton, als

Rivers 105; Luke 231

Abdyos, Bishop of lxvii

Abington, als ofDrury, John

Abrojo, Labroxo, nrValladolid 140*n ,


Abulensis , see Avila

Allen, Alanus, Cardinal William x*, 247 , 248 , 250 ; Mgr Charles lxx, 228* , 235* , 236, 241, 245 ; Francis [Gilbert], als Leeke, Gilbert 135* , 143*; Grace (olim Clayton) 235 ; Richard 134; William 235; als of Emerson, John

Acanth[us] [ensis], Bishop of 217 , 218 Almond, Henry 42; als . Molinax

Achinson[us], see Atkinson

Acone [msis], Bishop of 219

Acosta, José , S.J. xii*

Adamson, John xxin, 62

Addis, George 193; Gregory 191; Joseph 190* , 191, 193, 196, 198 , 199; Teresa (olim Borryer) 191 , 193

Addison, Thomas, S.J. 168*n

Agazzari, Algazari, Alphonsus, S.J.


Agden, Agton (ia), Cheshire 99**

Agen (num), see Guienne

Agton, see Agden

Aguila, Rodrigo del xxn

Aguilar, Francisco de, S.J. xxvi" , xxvii; Juan de, S.J. xvii

Aguirre, Xavier Ignacio de, S.J. xxxviii, xxxix

Aiden, Ay, Hayden, Richard 181

Ainscough , Hugh, 229*

Ainsley, Elizabeth (olim Saunderson ) 207, 213 ; Robert 207 , 212 , 213; Thomas 207 , 213

Ainsworth, Aynswo(o)rth, als Sherrington, Skevington, John xxin, 79 , 129

Alabaster , William 78

Alagon, Martinde xxin

Alan(us), see Allen

(priest) 85; see Hammond, Laurence

Alnwick , Northumberland 187n , 189n

Alonso, Gaspar, S.J. xviii, xix

Alpra(h)am, Bunbury, Cheshire54*

Alston (Lane), nr Preston, Lancs 219 , 231

Altam, als ofGravenor, John

Alton, Elizabeth (olim Hammill ) 242; William 242*; William snr 242 [Alvarez], Albares, Maria 201

Ambassador , English in Spain xxix, 165n; Spanishin England xlvi, xlvii, 6, 106, 140; Spanishin Romexxi

Ambler(us), George 9

Ambrose, als of Oates, Titus

Amelia, Queen ofSpain 226

Amida, Amidensis, Archbishop of207

Amonus, see Hammond, Laurence

Amsterdam , 175n

Andalusia, B(o)etica 59

Anderson, SirWilliam 185

Anderton, Isabel (olim Hancock) 149"; Thomas 96, 148, 149*n; William 149; William snr 149n

Anger , seeAngier

Ang(i)er, Francis 148, 149 ; als. of Ann, George Anglesey46n

Anglia, England, passim

Alba, Duke ofxlvi , lxi* , 198; Duchess Ann, George, als Ang(i)er(s) 113: ofxxin

Albares , see Alvarez

Albert, Cardinal Archduke of Austria

4 Alberus, Ferdinand , S.J. xxiv

Alburquerque , Duke ofxviin

Alcalá de Henares , Complutum xviii, xxiii, lxviii, 120, 128*; Irish College lvi, lvii

Aleson, Pedro de, S.J. xxxvii

George snr 113N

Antolines, Fr .... O.S. Aug. 101

Antuerpia, see Antwerp

Antwerp(ia), Antuerpia 56, III , 115 , 119 , 131, 136 , 155n, 178

Appleby, Aplebe, Lincs 75; Westmorland 88

Ap(p)leby, James 206, 211; James, snr 206; Robert, O.S.B. , als Par(ker) (quer), Francis 65

Alexander , Edwin Powel 232*; John Aprice, Ap Rhys or Parry, John, als


Alfonso XII of Spain 236

Alford, als of Griffith, Michael

Algazari, see Agazzari R

Staferton 112

Aquaviva, Claudius, S.J. xii, xviin , xxiii, xxiv

Aquito, als ofCowarne, Walter


Aranda , Count ofxlvi* , 195


Archpriest, 1on, 47n, 73 , 78 , 83, 88, 89, 109 , 259

Archer, Joseph 182; Joseph, snr 182

Ardington, George, als of Franks, Richard

Arevalo xxvii

Avila, Abulensis 121n , 166n* , 167**; Bishop of 193

Ay, see Aiden

Ayala, Ildefonso de, S.J. 154; José de, S.J. xxix* , 161

Aylesbury 146n

Ayleworth , John 155n; Matthew , als . Jones 155

Arguelles, Juan Manuel, Bishop of Aynswo(o)rth, see Ainsworth

Palencia 200

Arlington , Sussex 82

Armaca, see Armagh

Armagh, Armaca, Ireland 237

Armstrong(e), Daniel, S.J. , als Mon(f)ort(e), Joseph (d), als Mumford

xxxii, xxxiii, 80, 169, 175; Peter, als Montfort, Montefortius 172; als of Boyce, George

Arosmith, see Arrowsmith

Aronzo, Pedrode, S.J.

Arras, Atrebatensis, 101n, III, 143n ;

Bishop of 202 ; College, Paris 16n, 241

Arriaga, Roderico de, S.J. 123

Ar(r)o(w)smith, Dr. Edward 44

Arton, William 50

Arundel Castle 191

Asa(f)(ph)ensis, see St. Asaph

Ashby, als of Middlehurst, James

Ashington, Sussex , 67"

Ashley, Ralph, S.J., ven. martyr, als

Sherrington, als Chambers , George xix

As(h)ton, Astonus, Nicholas, als

Walwin , Anthony xiiin, 12; als of Abbot, John; als ofCollins , Nicholas

Askew , George 46n; see Darragh, Agnes

Asperilla, Juan 152n

Aspinald, als. ofSmith , Edward

Aston(us), see Ashton

Astorga, Asturica Augusta 147" , 157" , 160n, 161n, 227

Astrain, Antonio , S.J., see Printed Matter

Asturica Augusta, see Astorga

Atkinson, Achinson(us), Anne (olim Wells) 241; John 241; Thomas, ven martyr 36*n; Thomas 238 , 241 ; William 20

Atrebatensis , see Arras

Ayre, see Eyre

Bab, als of Brereton , John

Babe, Francis, als Price 187, 188

Babington Plot, 113N

Bableigh, Parkham, co . Devon 118n

Babthorpe, Bapthorp, Frances (olim Hunton [? Hungate]) 138*n; Ralph 138*n; Richard , als Ch(a)(o)mley 135, 138; Thomas, S.J. 149n

Bacon, Elizabeth 117n; George, S.J., als S(o)uthwel(1) 117; John, S.J. , als. Southwell xxix*, xxx* , xxxi*, 117 , 123; Nathaniel, S.J. 117n; Thomas , S.J. 117n

Badduley, Badule(igh)(ygh), Badule(i)(y)us, Anne (olim Roos [? Ross]) 120n; Francis, S.J., als Ross 87; John 120n ; Robert, S.J., als Lee, als Stafford, Ignatius xxvi*, xxvii, 121 , 150; William, S.J., als Lee, Leus xxvi , 120, 121*n, 135*

Badiensis , see Bath

Bagnalstown, nr Carlow, Ireland 243

Bagshau, Bagshaw, Dr .... 34

Baines , als of Gayle, John; als of Gayle, Richard

Baker, Baquero, Alexander, S.J.xxvi; see Donovan, Sarah

Bala, Wales243

Bald , see Bals

Balduin(o), see Baldwin, see Bawden

Baldwin, Balduin (o), Bauduin, Eleanor, 194; George 194 , 199, 200 , 203* , 204 ; Lewis 194; als of Bawden , William

Bales, Christopher, ven martyr 25

Baleus, see Ball

Ball, Baleus , William 14; see Brereton, John

Bals, Bald, Simon 145"

Baltanás, Spain xx

Attodo [? Atwood], Maurice de, S.J. Bamber, Edward (Edmond), ven 150"

Atwood, see Attodo

Audomar(ensis) (opolis) (vensis) (um), see St. Omer

Audrey, als of Bartlett, Richard

Augium, see Eu

Augustinians 56 , 101

Australia 230, 245

Austria, Archduke of 4

Axelodunensis , see Hexham

martyr, als Reding, als Richardson, als. Wallis , als Walsh 135" , 145; Richard 145n

Bamf(i)eld, George, S.J., als Bate(s) xxiv, 76n , 106 , 107

Bangor, Bangrensis, Wales 12, 49

Bangrensis , see Bangor

Banister, Robert xlviii* , lv* , 208 , 211n , 213 , 214 , 217 , 218; family 126n; als of Taverner, Edward

Banke, als . of Forde, James

Banks, see Carter , Margaret

Bapthorp, see Babthorpe

Baquero, see Baker

Barras, see Barrow

Barbary 79"

Barber, Alexius Benjamin 220, 222, 223*

Barbiano, Juan, S.J. 159 , 161; Vestrius 251

Barcelona , Barcino xin, 228

Barchensis , see Berkshire

Barcino, see Barcelona

Barclay, als of Hawkins, Francis

Baretus , see Barret, Richard

Barens, see Barns

Bauduin, see Baldwin

Baulduin, als of Bawden, William

Bawden, William, S.J., als Baldwin, Balduin(o) 38n, 54, 89 , 148*; see Baldwin

Baynes, John, als of Gayle, Briant; als ofGayle, Richard ; Mr .... (mer- chant) 72

Bayonne, Bayona 167

Beamonte , Agustin de, S.J. xxxii

Bearn, Barnes , John, O.S.B. 79 , 80

Beaumaris , Bewmares , Wales34n, 46n

Beaumont, Philip, als of Tesimond, Oswald

Becket, Becquet, Joseph , S.J. , als. Cove (r)t 128; Nicholas, O.S.B. 75

13 ,

Barret(t)(0), Baretus, Richard, 14 ; Richard, D.D. 20, 21 , 22, 25 , 31; Thomas, als Wells 107

Beckham, Richard 126n; see Walpole, Margery ; see Warner, Margery

Be(c)kwith, Francis 135*; Mr 165м

Barkiensis , see Berkshire

Barker, Fr ..... , S.J. 120

Barkshier, see Berkshire

Barkw(o)orth, George 35n ; Blessed

Mark, O.S.B., martyr, als Lambert 35 , 36 , 40 , 44

Barley, John 43; Matilda 43n; Thomas 43n; als of Barlow, Martin

Barlow(s), Sir Alexander 108n ; Edward (Ambrose), O.S.B. , martyr, als Brereton, Bruerton, als. Ratcliffe 108; Martin, als Barley 120; Mary (olim Brereton) 108n

Barnall, see Barnewall

Barnard, Bernard , Walter 100

Barnborough , 16n

Barn(e)s , Barens , Varnes, Andrew, als. Trim, Richard 107; John xxin, 61; Robert 61n; Stephen 107n ; see Bearn

Barnewall, Barnall, Barnwel, Anthony 211; Joseph, als Cooley 174, 190, 191

Barnon, als ofWard , George

Becquet, see Becket

Bedelo, see Biddulph

Bedford, Lancs 133n

Bedingfeld, Beningfeld, John gn; Margaret (olimSilisden) 9n; Matthew , als Silisden 9

Beesley, Biesley, John, S.J., als

Nelson 115

Bekwith, see Beckwith Belgium, Belligia 5, 151 , 22 , 28 , 71 , 76, 96n, 98, 101, 112 , 113, 114 , 115* , 117 , 118 , 119* , 120, 123, 129 , 132 , 133* , 136, 138, 139* , 140 , 144 , 145 , 146, 149, 154, 158, 160* , 162 , 163, 165 , 166, 167 , 170 , 172

Bell, Arthur (Francis), O.S.F., ven martyr 122; Henry, S.J. xxv

Beltrán, Felipe, Bishop of Salamanca


Benavides, Juan Francisco de, S.J. xxv*,xxvi

Bencan, see Danniell, Margaret

Bencle (us), see Bentley

Baron, Lord Chief Justice 3on; Peter 231 214; Barreda y Lombrera, Pedro 193

Barrow(s), Barrous, Barras, James , 209, 214, 215; John 214n ; Thomas (priest) 66, 106 , 111

Bartlett, Barlet (us), John 28n; Richard, S.J., als Audrey 28; Tomasine (olim Sapcotts) 28n

Barton, James 180; Robert, S.J., als or vere Bradsh(aw)(aigh) 86 , 87 , 89n, 91; see Shepherd , Priscilla

Basset, als of Chaloner, William; als of Turberville , Humphrey Bastard, Vastada, Robert (Thomas ), S.J. Ion

Bates, als of Bamfield, George

Benedictines xxi, xxii, lxvii, 11n , 21n , 37 , 40, 43 , 44 , 49 , 50, 51, 52* , 53, 60 , 61 , 62, 63, 64, 65* , 66 , 68 , 71, 72 , 73 , 74 , 75 , 76, 77*n, 79 , 80* , 82, 83 , 84, 85, 88 , 101 , 103*n, 108 , IIon, 112 , 125n , 126, 127 , 128 , 129*n, 130, 146, 148, 233, 234, 251

Benevente , Count of xxin, xxix

Benham, Berks 34n

Beningfeld, see Bedingfeld

Ben (n)et(t), John xivn, 10; John, S.J. 65; Peter 15

Benson, Peter, S.J., als Simpson xxiii*; als of Haydock, Robert

Benste(a)d, Thomas, ven martyr, als.Hunt 17

Bentley, Bentleus, Bencleus , ChrisBath, Badiensis, Bathonia 13*n, 41, topher 169, 173; Henry, S.J. xxiii; 45* , 69 , 75 , 77 , 103* , 238*

Hugh 19*n , 42

Benton, see Lucas, Susanna

Beoley, co. Worces 10бn, 202

Berbeck , Berbeque , Henry 102 , 103

Berciensis , see Berkshire

Beringt(h)on, George 21n, 43 : John

Bernard, O.S.B.21, 83

Berkshire, Bark(shire) (shier)(iensis),

Berciensis , Barci com , Barchensis

34 , 41, 100, 109, 137, 207 , 213

Bernard, James 215

Berntwood, see Brentwood

Berry, Henry 229, 230; Henry, snr 241; Louisa (olim McCarthy) 241; William 238 , 241

Berthuesiel(us) , see Birtwisle

Berwick, Northumberland 183n

Betica, see Andalusia

Bett(i)sfield, co Flint 106n , 12IN

Bevan, John, S.J. 183

Beverley, Bishop of 236 ; Diocese of 236

Bewmares , see Beaumaris

Beynham, Edmund 103

Bianchetto, Cardinal 93

Bidelo, see Biddulph

Bidolph, see Biddulph

Bid(d)ulph, Bidolph, Bidelo, Bedelo, Andrew, als Fitton 125n , 135* , 142; Anne 142; Francis, S.J., als Fitton xxv , xxvii, 125; Peter, als Fitton

125n; Richard 142

Biddulph Hall, co Stafford 142n

Birtha, Bishop of, see Talbot, James

Birtley, co. Durham 229*

Birtwisle, Lancs 31n

Birtwisle , Berthuesiel(us), John 31; (? als Jones, William) 45n

Bisca(y)(ia) 31

Bishop , William, Bishop of Chalcedon 24n

Blacfan(us), see Blackfan

Blackamore, co York 138n

Blackburn , Lancs 187n , 218 , 225 , 231; St. Alban's Church 241

Blacke Hall, Goosnargh138n

Blackfan, Blacfan(us), Anne (olim Heyton) 5n; John, S.J., als Blackman, als Thorneton xin, xii, xiii, xviin, xix*, xx, xxi, xxii* , xxiv, xxv, 5, 9 , 15n, 28, 29, 30* , 72, 91, 93 , 95, 123, 131, 263; see Printed Matter; Michael 5n

Blackiston, Blasqui(n)ton, William, S.J., als Travagan xxxv, xxxviii, 183*n, 184, 185 , 186

Blackl(ow)(aw), als ofWhite, Thomas

Blackman, als. of Blackfan, John

Blacoe, see Guest, Jane

Blainscoe, Lancs Ion

Blasqui(n)ton, see Blakiston

Bleckingdon, co Oxford 163n

Blewet, als of Collins, John

Blomer, George 18; family 18n

Blond, see Blount

Bier[s], John 24

Bierton, Bucks. 18n

Biesley, see Beesley

Bilbao, Bilboa, Bilbensis, Bilbur(genum)(gum), Flaviobriga, Portus

Amanus xin, xxiii, xxviii, xxxi, xli, 123* , 157 , 161n, 169n, 172n , 173 * , 178, 180n* , 181* , 182n, 186, 189, 190* , 191 , 192 , 199 , 200, 202, 209* , 210* , 211* , 212* , 213* , 214 , 215* , 216* , 217 , 218* , 219, 220 , 221 , 222* , 223 , 224, 226 , 229* , 230, 231 , 232; Jesuit College xxix, xxx, 123*

Bilbensis , see Bilbao

Bilbur (gensis) (gum), see Bilbao

Bilcliff(e), Peter, als Tindal, Tyndall , als Stillington, Philip 135, 144

Billinge, Richard Laurence, als of Laurenson, Richard

Billington , Alice 194; William, als

Hol(i)(y)wel(1), Halliwell 194, 199 , 200 , 203*; William, snr 194

Bingley, [John] 88

Birch, Henry 180*n; als of Pendrill, William

Bird, see Byrd ; see Gabb, Anne Birmingham, Mr. .... lvii

Birmingham, diocese of 235

Birt, Henry

Printed Matter

Blo(o)dworth, Thomaslvii*, 199 , 201 , 203, 205, 206* ; Thomas , snr 199; Ursula (olim Devy) 199

Bl(o)unt, Blond, James 153; Richard , S.J. 8 , 17n* , 60 , 138; Thomas 153

Bluet(t), Thomas 107; als of Collins, John

Blundell, James, S.J.xxii; family31n

Blun(de)ston, Daniel, als Campian. Robert 127; Margaret (olim Wiseman) 127n; Nicholas 127n

Blunt, see Blount

Bodney, Norfolk 155n

Boetica, see Andalusia

Bohemia , 20; in Maryland 180n

Boherlahan, Cashel, Ireland 243

Boldrop, als of Gooch, Thomas

Bolina, Bishop of, see Smith , Thomas Bolt(s), Henry 24

Bolton, Lancs 205, 211n, 230, 240*; St. Mary's Church 234 ; St. Peter's Church 230

Bolton, Joseph lv, 1994

Bolton-le-Moors, Lancs 211; St. Peter's Church 211 , 230

Bolton-le-Sands, Lancs 227

Bonaparte, Joseph lix*; Napoleon lix*

Norbert , O.S.B. , see Booth, Charles, S.J. 184"; Francis Xavier 184

Bonham, John, see Evison, John

Bordeaux, Burdegalensis158


Borghese, Burghesius , Cardinal Camillus xx, 252, 262*

Borgia, Cardinal 151n

Bornhem , Flanders 10бn

Borryer, see Addis, Teresa

Boston , Lincs. 150n

Bosuel(us), see Bosvile

Bosvile, Bosuel (us), Boswell, Bennet (olim Skinner) 6n; John xii, xln, 6; Ralph 6n

Boswell, see Bosvile

Boughton , Cheshire169n

B(o)urscough, Richard, S.J. 179*n

Bowen, Hugh 87n

Boy(c)(s)e, George, als Armstrong 103

Brabant(ia) 127

Brackenborough , co York 4n

Brackenbury, Lincs. 114n

Bradford, 68

Bradford, Samuel 30; Thomas 3on ; Thomas , S.J. xxviii

Bradley , see Laithwaite , Elizabeth

Bradshaigh , als of Barton, Robert

Bradshaw(e), John, als White 40 ; als of Barton, Robert

Bradsheet , John, als Terret(t) 166*n

Braithwaite , Elizabeth (olim Bradley) 239 ; George 238, 239 ; John 239

Braius, see Bray

Bramston , (priest) 74

Bransbie , co York 138n

Brasil 121n

Brindle, Elizabeth 235; James 235*; James, snr 235; John 224n , 231; Mary (olim Gillow) 221n ; Robert lix, lx, lxii, lxiii, 220*n, 221*n, 223*;

Thomas 22IN

Brisco, Burscough, Thomas 27

Bristol, 97; St. Nicholas's Church238

Britan (n)ia minor, see Bretagne

Bromf(i)eld, Laurence, S.J. xxv, xxvi* , xxvii, 150n

Brook(e)(s), Ignatius , S.J. xxxiv* , 178 , 179, 181; Matthew, S.J. 178*n; Thomas 179*n

Bro(o)kesby, William, S.J., als Green , More, Moro, Morus 104

Broomhall, Cheshire62n

Broughton, Lancs. 51 , 96n, 234

Broughton, Mark, als. of Crowther, John; Thomas, als of Crowther, Arthur; see Crowther, Mary

Broughton Hall, co York 183n , 210*

Broughton Tower, Lancs. 145n

Brown(e), Brunus, Frances (olim Brian) 225; Gregory, als ofVavasour , Alexander; James , Bishop ofShrewsbury235; Joseph, Bishop ofNewport andMenevia243; Josephlxiv*,lxv* , lxvi, 225, 228, 229, 231 , 232; Thomas 148; Thomas (another) 225; Thomas, O.P. 151 ; William, S.J. 136; Winstan 117n; als ofPerpointe, Thomas; als of Stering, (priest); see Coghlan, Elizabeth; see Smith, Margaret; see Waldegrave,

Bray, Braius, Henry, S.J. 84 ; John Catherine 147; Justinian 13


Brennan, see Byrne, Elizabeth ; see Nalon, Bridget

Brentwood, Berntwood 70 , 81

Brer(e)ton, Brierton, John, S.J., als. Bab 58; Sir Uryan 108n; als of Barlow, Edward Ambrose; see Barlow , Mary Bretagne , Britan(n)ia minor 32 , 59

Bret(t)on [Matthew], D.D. 88

Brian, see Brown, Frances Briant, Mr .... 107

Bricknell, Emily (olim Butler) 207, 213; Gaspar George 207 , 212, 213; George 207, 213 ; see Waterhouse, Teresa

Brudenell, family IIIn

Bruerton, als of Barlow, Edward (Ambrose)

Brugas , see Bruges

Bruges, Brugas xl* , xlii*, 120 , 183n , 190 , 192 , 195, 268; English College 242 , 243 " Brunlon, " Lancs 74 " Bruntome , " Lancs. 96n

Brunus, see Brown; see Perpointe, Thomas

Brussels, Bruxellae xxiv, 6n , 25n , 100 , 103*n , 104 , 120, 127 , 136, 170*n , 269

Bruxellae, see Brussels

Bryn, Lancs. 82n

Bubwith, co. York. 11O


Bridewell, Briduel, Prison 32n, 39n, hamshire 44" , 55

Bridges , als ofStreet , Thomas Bridgettines 72 , 152 Bridgewater, John, see Printed Matter

Brigeus , als of Street, Thomas

Briggs, John, Bishop of Trachis lxvi, lxvii , lxviii*, lxix, 227 , 236

Brighton, Harthill, co. York. 136n

Brindle, nr Preston 230* , 239 , 240

see Bucking-

Buck, John, S.J., als. Parker 189

Buckinghamshire, Bucc (h)inghamiensis, Buquinghamia, 18n, 69, 82, 137

Buc(k)ley, Bucle(us), John 148 , 149 , 154*n

Bucle(us), see Buckley

Bull(a) (o)ker, Thomas, O.S.F. , ven .

martyr, als. Tail(er)(or) 140 , 141

Buller, Elizabeth 191 , 193; John,

S.J. xlii, xlvin, 190* , 191 , 193 , 194 ,

Calehill 1914 195, 196; John, snr 191 , 193

Bunbury, Cheshire 54

Burdegalensis , see Bordeaux

Burgalensis , see Burgos

Burgensis , see Burgos

Caluall, see Caldwell

Calvert, William, als Fairfax, Farfas 175 , 176n

Camaracensis , see Cambrai

Cambrai, Camaracensis 27n , 133n , [Burgess], Thomas, Bishop of Clifton 142n, 145n; Archbishop of 202 238*

Burghesius , see Borghese

Burgos, Burgalensis, Burgensis xi, 36n, 148 , 149n, 153n, 157 , 158n , 173n* , 263 ; Archbishop of 13 , 19 , 21 , 22 , 23, 24, 27 , 237 , 243

Buria, see Bury St. Edmunds

Burke, John, see Printed Matter

Burnet(t), als ofHardenstall, William

Burn(le)y, Lancs 52, 96n, 126n , 153" , 229 ; Free School153n

Burns, Canon Michael John lxx

Burscough , Lancs 207n, 229 ; see

Bourscough; see Brisco

Burton, Lancs 208 , 213

Burton, Canon Edwin, see Printed Matter; Peter, als Gill 87n, 88, 91; als of Catcher, Edward

Burton-in-Wirral, Cheshire

Burton-on-Trent, Staffs. 66n

Burwell, Cambs 127n

Bury St.Edmunds, Buria, Suffolk 78*n

Busby(e), Richard, S.J. 135*

Bustamante , Angel de l, li, 193, 198, 200

Butler, George 237; John 155"; Margaret (olim Meid) 237 ; Thomas 237; Mr .... 211n; see Bricknell , Emily

Byrd, Bird, Thomas44

Cambridge(shire), Cantabrig(i)ensis, Ca(n)tabrigi(a)(us) 57* , 86n, 100 , 107*n, 119 , 127 , 129n, 137 , 170 , 178n

Cambridge University 24n , 60, 67, 80 , 81, 98, 129n, 248 , 268

Clare Hall IIIN

Christ's College 66n , 78*n

Corpus Christi College 85

Emmanuel College 129n , 137n

Gonville and Caius College

48 *n , 86n , Ion Jesus College 67

King's College 146*n

MagdalenCollege 5"

Pembroke College 73*n

Peterhouse 1бn

St. John's College 5n , 31n , 46п, боп, 700, 97п

Trinity College 25 , 46n , 57*n, 6on, 78n , 139*n

Cameron , Bishop Alexander 209 , 217

Camm , Bede, O.S.B. , see Printed Matter

Campi(an) (on), Blessed Edmund, S.J., martyr 27*n, 34n, 268 ; Francis 154n , 156; als. of Blundeston, Daniel; see Champion

Campomanes , see Cuervo; see Rodriguez

Byrne, Elizabeth (olim Brennon) 243; Campton [Compton, Berks ] 74

James 243; Thomas 242

Cabalo, Cristobal , S.J. xviii

Cabredo, Rodrigo de, S.J. xviii*, xix

Caceres, Spain 209

Cadiz, Gades xx, 38n , 190, 191 , 217

Caduell, see Caldwell

Cadwallader, Roger, ven martyr, als

Greenway , als Rogers, als Tesimond 22, 43

Caecilia, see Sicilia

Caemarthinia, see Carmarthen

Caernarvon , see Carnarvon

Cæsar Augusta, see Saragossa

Caetanus, see Cajetan

Cajetan, Caetanus , Cardinal Henry

Canary Isles 189

Can(n)o, Alfonso de, S.J. 15IN*

Cannock , Staffs. 75

Cantabrig(i)ensis, Cantabrigi(a)(us), see Cambridge

Canterbury, Cantuariensis II, 13 , 38*n, 39, 71; Archbishop of 38 , 45n, 47

Cantius, see Kent

Cantsfield, Lancs. 171n

Cantuariensis , see Canterbury


Car(a)vajal, Luisa de 5n, 114, 123

Cardenas , Inigo de xxin

Cardiff 164*n; Cardiff gaol 164n

Carl(e)ton, John, als Compton 116; 262

Calais 32n , 46 , 47n

Calatayud , Manuel de, S.J. xxxii*

Calderon , Rodrigo xxn

Caldwell, Ca(1)(d)uall, Elizabeth 66n; Robert 66; William (John), S.J., als Smith, John xxiv*, 66; William, snr 66"

Henry, als. Compton 119*n , 120

Carlington, als . of Corby, Ralph

Carliolensis , see Carlisle

Carlisle , Carliolensis 8, 52n , 71 , 102

Carlow , Ireland 243

Carlton, Poulton-le-Fylde 145n; see Carleton

Carmarthen, Caermarthinia 243


Carmelites152 , 240

Carnarvon(shire)(iensis), Carnarvensis 13n , 32, 34, 39 , 46n* , 47, 48, 52, 53 , 137 , 1472

Carpinter, Richard, als Vincent,

Charles 146, 148

Cartagena , Carthago 200

C(h)ampion, Ignatius Francis Anthony 186

Chapman , Andrew, S.J. 29, 76n ; Stephen, S.J. xxin, 76, 77

Chapter, Old English 6n, 17n , 24n , 55n, 58n, 64n, 81n, 101n, 109 , 114n* , 127n , 132 , 142n , 162n , 165n , 167n , Carter, Edmund 229; Margaret (olim 196n*

Banks) 229 ; Richard 229

Carthago , see Cartagena

Carthusians13, 23n, 47, 115, 176, 179

Cary, Chari, Henry 23

Case, William 112

Casella, see Cashel

Cashel, Casella , Ireland 243

Castaños, Atanasio, S.J. xxxviii , 189

Castelar, Countess of xxin

Castellum Novum super Tinam, see Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Castle Morton, co Worcester 28n

Casto Royo, Francisco, Archbishop of Amida 207

Castrensis, see Lancaster

Catabrigi(a)(us), see Cambridge

Catcher, Katcher, Edward, S.J., als

Burton 96; Thomas 96n

Catesby, Richard , S.J., als. Pleasington, Joseph, als Walmsley 187

Caton, John 220, 221, 223; Thomas 221n

Cat(t)erall, George, D.D. vii ; Thomas 157

Causestown , Ireland 191"

Cea, Duchess ofxxn

Cecil, Cecillius, Sicilius, John, als

Snowdenxiii, 4, 8n, 26, 49 , 68, 104; Sir Robert 46; William, Lord Burleigh xn; William, als Marvin 104

Ceniceros, Pedro de, S.J. xxvii*

Centumcellæ , see Civita Vecchia

Cestria, see Chester Cevallos, Franciscode lix

Cevico de laTorre, Spain xxiii

Chalcedon , Bishop of 151n"; see Bishop, William; see Smith, Richard Chal(1)oner, Chaliner, John 220, 222, 223*; Richard, Bishop of Debora xlvi, xlviii, xlix, 195* , 197n , 201 ; see Printed Matter; William, S.J. , als Basset(t) xxx* , xxxi* , 165

Chamberl(a)in(e), Chamerlangus , Francis 156; George, Bishop of Ypres 15; George 15n; Sir Leonard 15n; Mary (olim Pring) 15n; Mr. 211n; see Hodskinson, Anne; see Marsh, Alice Chambers, George, als of Ashley, Ralph; als. ofJohnson, William Chamerlangus , see Chamberlain Chamley, als. of Babthorpe, Richard; see Chomley Champney , Dr. [Anthony] 4n

Chari, see Cary Charles III ofSpain xlvi* , xlvii, 192* , 202, 203

Charles IV of Spain lix

Charnock, George, als of Worthing- ton, Laurence

Chechester, see Chichester Cheddesley, Worcs 197

Cheeke , Anthony , als Whitehair114"

Chemplon , George, S.J. xxii, xxiv, xxvi, xxviii

Chemp(us), see Kemp

Chene(us), James , als. of Harenden , Maurice

Chenion , see Kenyon

Chersonesus Tauricus, see Crimea

Chester , Chest (ria)(rensis), Ches(hire) (shier), Schesshier , (Ses)(Sis)trensis, Westchestrensis 6 , 10 , 11 , 12* , 14 , 15* , 18 , 19*n, 20 , 21, 25, 28 , 29 , 31 , 32, 37 , 46n, 51, 52, 54 , 62, 74, 75 , 97 , 99, 108n, 130, 169*n, 183n , 185, 224, 227, 234, 235 ; Chester

CastleGaol 32n, 169n

Cheswick , see Chiswick

Cheyne, James , als of Harenden, Maurice

Chichester , Cic(e)(i)str(i)ensis 64 , 71 , 82, 141 , 145n

Chichester , Chechester , Roger, als. Bury62

Chideock, Dorset 189n

Chillington, Staffs 64n

Chili 224

Chipping, Lancs 63n , 240 , 241

Chipping Hild (e)sley, Berks 34

Chiswick, Cheswick72 , 183n

Chomley , Richard 138n; als. of Babthorpe, Richard

Chorley222, 226* , 245

Christopher, Thomas, als. ofYounger, James Čicestriensis, see Chichester

Cirencester 30n

Cistercians 211 , 230

Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain 147n

CivitaVecchia , Centumcellæ ,Italy228

Clapton , John, als Lepton 127 , 128; William 128n

Clare , John, S.J., als Dominic(us) xxin , xxii, 56, 177, 178, 179; als of Eure, Francis

Clarence, Peter, als orvereCurtis xivn

Clark(e), Clerk, Anne (olim Robbins)

238; James 238; John 238 ; John

Francis Xavier, als Hunter 182; Richard, als. Clerendon 86; als of Remmington, Francis; als ofWallis, Francis

Clarkson , see Kellet, Elizabeth

Claton, see Clayton

Claughton , Lancs. 168n

Clavering, Thomas 135

Claxby, Lincs . 114n

Cla(y)ton, Ann (olim Suffield) 158n; John 158n; William 158 ; als of Gabb, John; see Allen, Grace

Clement , see Redman, Bridget

Oxford, Paris, Rennes, Rheims,Rome, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, St. Omer, Sedgley Park, Scarisbrick Hall, Seville, Silkstead, Twyford, Ushaw, Westminster, Winchester

Collingwood, Thomas, als Forcer 144

Collins, John, S.J., als Blewet(t), Bluet(t) 135, 139, 150n; John, als of Land, Thomas; Nicholas 139; Nicholas, als Ashton 146; seeCowling

Comberford , Henry, als Taylor 87; Ignatius, S.J., als Stafford 121N; John, als Francis Tailer, Taylor 87 , 91

Clement VIII, Pope xviii, xlix*, 1* , Comberlandia , see Cumberland liii, 152n , 246* , 252 , 262

Clement XIV, Pope lv*, 201

Clements, Catherine206, 212; Charles 206, 212*; Richard 206, 212

Clenock, Cluniac, Clynog, Morgan 68 , 125

Clerk, see Clark; als ofRemmington, Francis Cleveland , Cliveland, co York 96n , 205n

Cliburn, Gerard xii, xln, 4*n .

Cliffe 212

Clifford, Elizabeth (olim Thimbleby) 114n; Henry 114n; William, als Mansell, als. Philipp(s)(i) 114; Mr

.... 209

Clifton, Bishop of 238*; diocese of 238 , 245

Clifton , (student) 3on

Clink, Clinch, The 45n, 46n, 57, 88, 129

Clints, nr Richmond, co York. 214n

Cliveland , see Cleveland

Clode, William, als Persons 134

Cluniac, see Clenock

Clynnoke [Clynnog-fawr], co. Carnarvon , Wales46n

Clynog, see Clenock

Coales , Edmund, als Marsh, William 137; John 137

Cob(s), als. of Tindal, Edmund

Coca, Spainxvi*

Cock , Captain .... 39m

Coffin, Peter xxn, 56 , 57 , 61n

Coghlan, Elizabeth (olim Browne) 206 , 212 ; James Peter 206, 212; John Chrysostom 206, 212 ; William Augustine 206 , 209 , 212

Colbrige, William 61

Cole, Henry 174, 190 , 191

Coleman, William, S.J. xxviii

Colgrave, als of Walmsley, Richard

Colin(g)us, see Cowling

Colleges and Schools, see Bilbao, Bruges, Cambridge,Douay, Eton,Eu ,

Liége , Lisbon, Louvain, Merchant

Tailors' , Old Hall Green, Oscott,

ComerfordHouse, Warwicks 128n

Como, Fabricio, S.J. xvii

Complutum , see Alcalá de Henares

Compostela, see Santiago de Compostela

Compton , Berks , see Campton

Compton Panford, Somerset 116

Compton Pauncefoot , Somerset 161

Compton , als of Carleton, John, Thomas and Henry

Condestable, Alexius, als Locket 175; see Constable

Connacia , see Connaught

Connaught , Connacia, Ireland 237

Connel(1), Michael, S.J. 182* , 184

Conolly, see Santry, Jane

Constable, Robert, S.J., als Salvin xxvii*; Michael, S.J. 176, 177; see


Contreras , Juan de, als of Sicilia , Bartolomé de

Conway, als of Pennant, Thomas

Cook(e), Henry 86n; als of Edner , Lewis; see Cowling

Cooley, als of Barnewall, Joseph

Co(o)per, Cowper, James xxin, 50; John 25; John, S.J. , 25 , 34; John 171 ; see Timings, Mary

Cooque, als of Edner, Lewis

Coper(us), see Cooper, John

Copley, John 37n

Corbe(us), see Corby

Corbie, see Corby

Corbington, als ofCorby, Ralph; als of Corby, Robert

Corby, Corbe(us), Corbie , Gerard , S.J., 129n, 149; Henry, S.J.xxxix*n; Isabella, O.S.B. (olim Richardson) 129n; Blessed Ralph, S.J., martyr, als Carlington, als Corbington, als

Florus, Flower 129n , 140; Robert, S.J., als. Corbington, als Florus, Flower 129

Cordara, Julius, S.J., see Printed Matter

Cordova, Cordubensis29n , 128n , 228; Bishop ofxiii

Cordubensis, see Cordova

Cornubia , see Cornwall

Cornwall, Cornubia 36n, 39n, 54, 188n

Cornwallis, Thomas 141n

Coronium Gallæciæ, see Coruña

Cortes , Hernando (Fernando), S.J. xxvi, xxviii*, 150n , 151*n

Coruña, Coronium Gallæciæ 219 , 220 , 221 , 223 , 226 , 227

Cossing, Thomas28

Coster [Francis], S.J. 85

Cotan(us), see Cottam

Cottam, Lancs 74n , 221

Cot(t)am, Cotan, Thomas 25; Blessed

Thomas, martyr 25n ; family 25n

Cottington, Sir Francis xxix*, xxxii*

Cotton, Francis, S.J., als Neville, als Essex 112 , 113

Couban, see Cowban

Coueth, see Covert

Coughton , co Warwick 115

Coulin(g), see Cowling

Court of Wards, 6n

Coutinho, Pedro xiiin, xivn, 81n

Coventry , Coventrensis89

Cove (r)t, Couert, Coueth, Anne 67n ; George 128n; Mary 67n ; William 67 , 70, 128n; William, snr 67n ; als of Becket, Joseph

Covet, see Covert

Cowarn(e), Walter als Aquito, Hackett, 83; Walter, snr 83n

Cowban, Couban, George 219; Helen (olim Melling) 219; Richard lix*, lx* , 221 , 223

Cowley, see Temple Cowley

Cowling, Cowlin(s), Colin(g)us, Couling, Cullen, Cook, William xin, xii, 4

Cowlin(s), see Cowling

Cowper, see Cooper

Crammish , see Cranwise

Cranvis (ius), see Cranwise

Cranwise , Cranwige, Crammish, Cranvis(ius), Richard 41

Crathorne, Cleveland, co York 96n , 185n , 205n

Cra(y)thorn(e), Crathon, Anne (olim

Suckett) 205 ; Francis 205 , 207 , 208 , 210, 224 ; Francis (S.J.), O.S.B. 128 , 129; George 205; John, S.J. 96, 98; Ralph 96n; Bridget (olim Yaxley) 96n

Creighton, James 197, 200; William 197; Mary (olim Dunn) 197

Creswell, Cresuel, Joseph, S.J. , als

Perne, Pernius, John xii, xiii, xiv*, xx* , xxi*, xxii , 44, 83n, 90 , 91, 92* , IIO , 266

Crimea, Chersonesus Tauricus 230, 233

Crimplesham, Norfolk 107n

William 38n; see Knatchbull , Elizabeth

Croft, Canon (William), see Printed Matter

Crondon Park, nr Stock, Essex 188n

Crook , Anne (olim Hodskinson) 226; George 239, 242*; Robert 226; William 226* , 232

Crook Hall, nr Durham 215

Crosby, Elizabeth (olim Diconson) 197; James xivn, 197*n, 201 , 203 , 205* , 206*; James, snr 197

Crosby Hall, Lancs 18n

Cross(e), Bernard, S.J. 189

Croston, Lancs 222 , 227

Crou(der)(ther), see Crowther

Crowther, Crouther, Crouder, Arthur (Thomas), O.S.B., als Broughton (Thomas), als Vanderhagan, Pierre 65n, 87 , 88, 91 ; Arthur, snr 65n , 82n; John, O.S.B. , als Broughton, Mark 65; 82n, 83, 91; Mary (olim Broughton) 65n, 82n

Croxdale , Durham 217n

Cuervo Campomanes , Juan 208

Cuesta, Gregoriode la lix ; .... Archbishop of Compostela228

Cuffaud, Cuffold, Hants 89

Cuffaud, Cuffold, Alexander 89; Mary (olim Godfrey) 89n ; Simon 89n

Cuffold, see Cuffaud

Culcheth , Thomas , S.J., als Lewisxl, 174 , 189, 191 ; Thomas, snr 189n

Culin(us), see Cowling

Cullen, see Cowling

Culpeper, als of Timcock, Anthony

Cumberland , Comberlandia 26 , 194n

Curtis, als of Clarence , Peter

Cut(h)bert, John, als of Stone, Andrew

Cwmyoy, Omyoy, Wales 125

Dalton, Richard 220, 222, 223; als of Oxenbridge, Robert

Daly, Catherine (olim Sullivan) 244; John 244; Joseph243 , 244

Dambey , Dambeny, Dambenius , als of Harding, Anthony

Damford, Damfo(o)rthe, John or Tristram37

Danby, co York 150n

Danniell, James 209, 214, 215 ; James , snr 215; Margaret (olim Bencan ) 215

Darcy, Thomas 147; Thomas, snr 147n

Darlington, Carmelite Convent lxvn , 225, 226

Dar(r)agh, Agnes (olim Askew)199; Nigel 199; William 199 , 203* , 205 , 206, 207*

Dar(r)ell, James , S.J. xxxviii* , 187* , Crisp(e), Thomas, S.J. xxix, 161 ; 189*; see Dorrell


Darren , Garway, co Hereford 83n

Darton, Charles 100

Darwen, Lancs 239

Dauyes, see Davies

Davenport, Peter, S.J. 62; Margaret


Davi(e)s, Dauyes, Edward 238, 240 ; John 180; Lucy (olim Timms) 240; William 23; William, ven martyr 33 , 34 , 46n, 53

Davila, Gonzalo, S.J. xix*

Dominic(us), als of Clare , John

Donovan, John 233* , 234 : John, snr 234; Sarah (olim Baker) 234

Dorchester, Dorcestr(ia)(ensis), Dorsestrensis, Dorset 42, 104* , 107 , 112 , 113 , 237

Doriga, Fernando de, S.J. 158, 159

Dorran, Elizabeth 239; John 238 , 239 ; Matthew239

Dorrell, Darrell , John, als Smith 71; Mr .... 25; als ofGreen, Thomas

Davison, John 220, 221 , 223; see Dor(r)ington, als of Gifford, Thomas Dawson; als of Debord, John Dawson, Davison, Miles 31n

Day, John 233* , 234; Joseph 234 ; Nicholas, O.S.F.M.83; als. ofMolsho, John

Dean, Frances (olim Plowden) 184; John 184; Tobias, als Plowden, Plauden, Benedict 184

Deane, Northants. IIIn

Debora , Bishop of, see Challoner, Richard

Debord , John, als Davison 204

Denbiacensis , see Denbighshire

Denbighshire, Denbighensis , Denbiacensis 46n, 79, 118, 236

Dennet, James , S.J. xliii*, 190 , 191

Derby(shire) , Derbiensis 42, 43, 56, 82n, 115n, 131n, 162n* , 201 , 222

Desborough , Northants. 133n

Devey, see Blo(o)dworth, Ursula

Devonshire , Devenshier, Devoniensis ,

30n* , 37, 62, 73n , 113 , 114 , 118*n ,

196 , 202 , 218

Diaz, Andreas, S.J. xx

Diconson, see Crosby, Elizabeth

Did(d)lebury, Salop 14n , 82n

Dieulouard, France 71n

Diez de Isla, Juan, S.J. xxviii, xxix*

Digby, Sir Everard 84n ; LadyMary 84n

Dillon, Mary (olim Monaghan) 234; Michael 234n ; Patrick234; William, O.S.B. 233* , 234

Dilworth, Lancs. 25n

Dimacus, see Dimmock

Dimmock, Dimac(us), Francis_153

Dimples Hall, nr Garstang, Lancs 1690

Dinckley, Lancs 42n

Dorset, see Dorchester

Douay, Duacum, xii*, xivn, xxiii, xlviii* , li, liii, liv, 5n, 7, 1on , 17n ,

22 , 23 , 24 , 27n, 28 , 30*n, 32n* , 35 , 36 , 37 , 42, 44 , 45*n, 46n , 47* , 49, 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54*n, 56 , 57 , 59 , 61*n, 62n, 63*n, 66*n, 67, 68n , 70*n, 71 , 72 , 73 , 74*n, 76n , 77*n, 78n* , 79*n, Son, 82 , 83n , 84n, 85 , 86*n, 87n* , 88, 89, 97*n, 98, 100* , 101*n , 103 * , 104* , 107 , 108n , 109* , 110* , III*n , 112 , 114n* , 115n , 118 , 121 , 122*n, 125*n, 127 , 128 , 129*n , 130 , 132 , 133*n, 134 , 137 , 139n, 142 , 143 , 145*n, 151n , 183n , 184n, 193* , 196* , 197*n, 202* , 206* , 212* , 214 , 217 , 218* , 221 , 227 , 242 , 247, 248, 263, 268; Benedictine College lxvii, lxviii, 233* , 234*n, 238; St. Gregory's (Benedictine) 40n ,65n* , 125 , 127 , 128n , 129; Jesuit School 28n * , 29n , 3on, 37n ; University 6 , 27n; see Rheims

Douglas (s) , John, Bishop of Centuria xlviii* , li* , liii, lviii, 193, 200 , 208n

Douglas, Isle of Man, St. Mary's Church 239

Dover, Kent 145n

Dover, Lord 178n

Downes, Thomas, S.J., ven martyr, als Bedingfeld, als Montford, als

Mumford 116n , 155

Downing, Henry 204; Jane (olim Lyger) 204; Peter Anthony204 , 206

DownsideAbbey, Bath40n

Dracon , .... (priest) 77

Dracot, Staffs 137 , 138

Drury, John, S.J., als Abington 135 , 142; Robert, ven martyr 9 ; Sir Dingley, George, als of Younger, William46n ; see Rookwood,Dorothy James

Dinmore, 21 , 43n

Ditton, see Taylor, Elizabeth

Docking, Norfolk 16n , 126n

Dod(d), Charles, see Printed Matter; James, als. Walton 169 , 172

Dolman, Robert, als Terret , Turret ,


Dominicans xxii, xxxii, xxxiii, lxvii, lxviii, 97 , 101, 106*n, 148, 149

Duacensis, see Kilmacduagh, Ireland

Duacum , see Douay

Dualla, Cashel, Ireland 243

Duarte, als of Jenkyns, John Dublin 129n, 140n , 244*; Dublin

Castle32n , 35n

Duckett, John 166

Dudley, Dudle(us), Edward 8n; Richard, als Waldegrave 8, 26, 37, 62


Dulhamnensis , see Durham

Duming, see Grange, William

Dunelmensis , see Durham

Dunkirk, Dunkerk, 38n, 184, 186, 191

Dunn(e), Laurence 215; Mary (olim

Finane) 243; Thomas243*; Thomas, snr 243; ThomasA., see Printed Matter; William 220, 222, 223; Creighton, Mary see

Dun(n)ing, als of Grange, William

Duport, als. of Johnson , William

Durand, Thomas, S.J. , als Hunt 131

Durand, Basil, S.J. , als or vere Langwith 165 , 166n

Durham , Dulhamnensis, Dunelmensis lxi, 7 , 12 , 24, 25, 30* , 31, 41, 46n, 51 , 63*n, 105 , 127 , 138, 168n* , 170n, 172 , 173 , 207, 211 , 213, 225

Easbrow , see Easeby

Easeby, Easbrow, co York 127n

E(a)st, Alban, als West, als Jerningham 115; Richard, als West 115n , 135 , 143; Richard, snr 143n

East Indies, India Orientalis 230

Eboracensis , see York

Eccleston , Little, Lancs 22IN

England, Anglia, passim

Erle, Mr 1442*

Emerson, Ferdinand 155n; Joanna 155n; John, als. Allen, Alan(us) 155*n; Thomas, O.S.B. , als Elwick, Eluique 61 ....

Errington, Richard, S.J. 162 , 163; [William] xlviii; Mr .... 172n

Escorial, St. Laurence's Monastery 203

Esk, co Durham 172n

Eslingdon, Northumberland 144n

Es(s)ex(ia) 20, 41, 70, 80, 81 , 86, 100 , 105 , 117 , 122n , 127n , 170n , 188n

Essex , als of Cotton, Francis

Est, see East

Eton, als of Eyre, John Eton School 146n

Etwall, Derbys 82n

Eu, Augium, France 30n , 71

Euerard, see Everard

Euoracensis , see York

Eure, Eurus, Francis, S.J., als Clare, als Every, als Ibero xxix, 159; Francis, als. Metham, als. Iberies 159n

Euxton, nr Chorley, Lancs 149n , 226; Euxton Hall 226

Eccleston , Peter, als Formby xxin, Evans, David 32; David, snr 32; 75; Thomas, S.J. 187

Eclesal , Thomasix

Edersald (us), see Hothersall

Edgeley, Stockport 234

Elizabeth (olim Mercer) 214; John 32n; Richard 96; Samson 214; Thomas 47, 48; Thomas Joseph Rowles 214*; William, als Meredith

xxn, 52n, 53

Edman, see Edmund

Edisford, [Joseph, S.J.] 218

Edmund, Edmunds, Edmundi , Edman, Robert, O.S.B. xxin, 79, 91; Thomas, S.J. xxii, xxiii, xxiv*; Fr

Eveleigh(e), Eveleus, Amesius , als.

Edwards, Peter 146; Richard 3on

Ev(e)rard, Euerard, James 135 , 136; John, S.J., als Smith, Edward III; William 136*n

Edner or Edney, Lewis, O.S.B. , als

... , S.J.45, III

Cooke, Cooque, als Rigge 60

Edwards, Peter, als of Eveleigh, Amesius

Egerton, Thomas15; SirThomas45n

Eglwys-Ross, Carnarvonshire 147"

Egton Bridge, co York 166n

El Ferrol, Galicia, Pharos Gallæciæ 12

Eliensis, see Ely

Elizabeth, Queen of England x, 21

Ellerton Grange, co Stafford 120n

Ellerton-upon-Swale, nr Richmond, co York 22n

Elliot , Nathaniel, S.J. xlii*, 192 , 194 , 195*

Ellis, see Rigley, Emma

Elrington, Edward, als Lutton 135 , 139; Ralph 139n; Thomasine (olim Lutton) 139n

Elston , .... (priest) 214n*

Eluique, see Emerson, Thomas

Elwick, als. of Emerson, Thomas Ely, Eliens(s)is 50, 131. Ely, William 108

Every, als of Eure, Francis

Evessam , see Harenden, Bridget

Evison, Iveson, Yveson, John, S.J. , als or vere Bonham 38n , 47

Exestrensis , see Exeter

Exeter, Exestrensis, Exonia, Exoniensis 11 , 17* , 53, 54 , 59 , 118 , 218; Prison 141n

Exhall, Warwicks 58n

Exonia, see Exeter

Exoniensis , see Exeter

Eylescliffe, co Durham 7n

Eyr(e), Ayre, John, O.S.Aug., als

Eton xxin, 56; Roland 201; Vincent, S.J. 42

Fairclough, Fayrecloth, Farclauth, Alexander, S.J., als Pelham 45, 46*n , 106

Fairfax, als. ofCalvert, William; als. ofPercy, John; als. ofStone, Andrew Falensis , see Falmouth Falconer(us), see Falkner

Falkner, Faulkner , Falconer(us), John, S.J. 133; Thomas 174* , 190

Falmouth, Falensis219 , 221N

Farclauth, see Fairclough

Farfas, als. of Calvert, William

Farington Hall, Leyland, Lancs. 26n

Farnese , Farnesius, Cardinal Odoardo

XX , 252 , 262*

Farnesfield, Notts 127n

Farnham, co . York 49n

Fathers, Father(us), Thomas 104

Faucet, see Hudson, Mary

Faulkner, see Falkner

Fayer, James 223, 224

Fayrecloth, see Fairclough

Fearbarn, Briant, als. Hayward , Barnabas80

Fearon, Helen 238; James, 238*; Patrick 238

Felton, Francis 16; see Scott, Jane

Fen(n)ell, Simon62

Fenner, Justice 3on

Fera, see Feria

Ferdinand VII of Spain lix, 226

Ferensby , [Farnham], co York. 49n

Fer(i)a, Count of 100

Fermor, see Tempest, Elizabeth

Fernández , Jerónimo, Palencia 237 , 238* Bishop of Fernándezde Cordoba, Duke of Sessa 246n

Fetherstone , (priest) 110

Fi(e)lding, John 157n , 158n, 159

Filcock, Filcochus, Roger, S.J., ven. martyr 13

Filpot, see Philpot

Finane, see Dunne, Mary

Fisher, Fiscerius, Clement lvi, lvii, 194 , 200, 203 , 205; Elizabeth 194; George 194; John, als Fix(t)er, als Wilson 7, 8n; Captain

Fr .... тобт 39n;

Fitter, Edward, O.S.B., als Gower, Gowre , Goar, als Green 72; William 72"

Fitton, als ofBiddulph , Andrew; als of Biddulph, Francis; als of Biddulph, Peter

Fitz-Gerald, Catherine 241; Charles 241; Edward 241

Fitzherbert, als. ofGravenor, Nicholas

Fitz James , Nicholas 51n; Richard 5IN

Fitz Jo(h)n, als of Johnson, Francis

104 , 10бn, 110 , 112 , 117 , 118* , 119n , 120*n , 123, 124 , 130 , 134 , 136n , 140n , 141 , 142 , 147 , 149" , 153n , 158n, 168n, 171 , 175 , 179* . 182* , 183* , 188, 189* , 242, 266 , 268 , 269*

Flaviobriga, see Bilbao

Fleetwood, Francis (John Walter), S.J., als Flichon 184; George 184n; John, S.J., als Flichon, als. Flitun 183, 184n

Fleet Prison 113"

Flichon, als of Fleetwood, Francis; als of Fleetwood , John Flingrige, Essex 127n

Flint,Flint(ensis) (shire)(sheere) 106*n ,

121 , 122, 130

Flitun, als of Fleetwood, John Florence , Italy 228

Florus, als of Corby, Ralph; als of Corby, Robert ; als of Waldegrave, Charles

Flower, als of Corby, Ralph; als of Corby, Robert ; als of Waldegrave, Charles

Floyd, John, S.J. xix, 111 , 134; Henry, S.J. , als Flud, Rivers , Rogers, Simonds and Smith, (Francis) xin, xii, xxvi, 5, 20*n, 69, 70, 86, 100; Robert 185; Thomas, als

Lathom , John 143; Fr .... 83; als. of Lloyd, William

Flud, als of Floyd, Henry

Flushing, Fresilingas, Holland 268

Firestock, co Devon 114n

Fonseca, Franciscode xvi*

Forcer, Francis, S.J. xxvi ; als of Collingwood, Thomas

Ford(e), Furd(us), William 150n; James, als Banke 32

Forman, als of Sanders, Gregory

Formby, nr. Liverpool 226

Formby, Matthew (Matthias) 226* , 232; als of Eccleston, Peter

Fortescue , Helen 87 ; als of Goulden , Nicholas

Foster, Joseph, see Printed Matter

Foster, Francis, S.J. 131 , 132; [?

Francis], O.S.B. 133; Joseph, see Printed Matter; William 153, 154"4*n

Fountain(e), John 135

Fitzwilliam, William (Ignatius) 184

Fitzsimons [Henry], S.J. 110

Flack, William, S.J. xvii* , xviii* , 75* , 77

Flanders xi, xviii, xix, xxv, xxvi* , xxviii, xxix, xxxv* , xxxviin, 6, 13, 17n , 19n, 22, 29, 35, 36, 42, 53, 72n, 76n, 82n, 87, 98n , 101n, 102n, 103,

Fowler, Francis 106n ; Mary (olim Sheldon) хоби ; Walter тоби, 1221; William, O.P. , als Stapleton, Stapelton 106

Foley, Henry, S.J., see Printed Matter

Fram(1)ingham Prison 74 , 97

France, Gallia xi, xxxix, lix, 24, 108 , 109, 138, 161n, 161*n, 206, 217 , 218 , 225 , 227 , 231* , 232, 240, 241, 242 , 263

Francis, see Franks Franciscans xin, 122 , 140, 141 , 142 ,


184; Capuchin 109 , 212; Friars

Minor 83

Francisc (i)(o), als of Franks, Richard

Franklin, George 220, 221 , 223

Franks, Francis(ci)(co), Richard 164

165*n; Richard, als Ardington , George 145

Freeman, Friman, John, S.J. xxvii, xxix* , xxx*, 143, 157n, 161

Freselingas , see Flushing

Freville, als of Jenison, Thomas

Frickley, co York. 113n

Friman, see Freeman

Frome Hill 168

Fromista, Spain 148n

Fromoundes , als of Sanders, Gregory

Frost, als of Thompson , Richard

Fryer, Anne (olim Gilbank) 236; Michael 235 , 236 ; Michael, snr 236 ; Williamxivn ,liii, lvi, lvii, 197, 199n , 201 , 206*

Fuente, Ferdinando de la, Bishop of Salamanca 237

Fuentes, Juan de, S.J. xxxiii, xxxiv, 176 , 177

Furd , see Ford

Furnival's Inn, London 20, 49%

Fylde, The, Lancs 163n, 213 , 219 , 221 , 224*

Fysher, als of Percy, John

Gabb, Anne (olim Bird) 194; John, als Clayton 194 , 196"; Thomas 194

Gades , see Cadiz

Gage, Edward 67

Gainsborough , Gainsburg, Lincs 98

Galicia, Galitia, Gal(a)(e)cia xi, 222 , 223

Gallagher, Bridget (olim Griffin) 241 ; Charles 241; Richard 241

Gamboa, Diego de, S.J. xxi, xxii

Gandav(ensis)(um), see Ghent

Gane, see Hoskins, Mary Garcia, Martin Joseph , S.J. xxxviii , 189

Gargrave , George, als Sim(p)son 135n , 138*n

Garnet(t), Edmund 171; George, S.J. xxvii; Henry, S.J. 38, 40*; Gaspar , Jasper 87 , 88 ; John 164"n; Paul 150; Richard, S.J. 117; Thomas 38* Blessed Thomas, martyr, als

Grien, als Rookwood, als Sawyer

38 , 40, 44 ; Fr ..... S.J. 57 , 62 , 78, 82, 89, 105

Gar(r)et, Dorothy 58n ; John, als

Groves 58; William 58n ; see Gerard, John

Garside, nr Stella, co Durham 225n

Garstang , Lancs 169" , 196

Garston, Lancs. 165n

Garswood , nr Warrington , Lancs 210 , 224

Garth , Richard 12

Garway, Hereford 83n

Gascon , als of Gatenby, Richard

Gasquet, Cardinal, see Printed Matter

Gatehouse Prison 6n, 29, 4on, 57 , 72n , 79n, 140n , 155n

Gatenby, Richard, als Gascon 157 , 158

Gaterton, co Hereford 132n

Gayl(e), Briant , als Ba(i)(y)nes, John 85, 91; Richard, als Ba(i)(y)nes xxn, 75 , 85 , 91

Gaynor, (Miss ....) 147n

Geddes, John lvi, 197, 198 , 201

Gedley 50

Geffrey, see Jeffrey Genoa, Genua xin, 85

George, Fr ...., S.J. 44n , 117; als. of Kemble, Andrew

Gerard, Elizabeth (olim Port) 82n ; Gilbert , S.J. 63, 87; John, 210*; John, S.J. , als Gar(r)et, Ger(r)at, Gerret, als Standish, Standicius 27, 29 , 37, 39, 43 , 44, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71 , 73 , 74 , 76, 82, 85* , 88, 98; Thomas 171 ; Sir Thomas 82n ; als of Kensington, Thomas German, William 154" , 156; als of Lampton, John Germany, Germaniaxxviii, 54, 105

Gervaise, Ger(u) (v)asius , Edmund 9; John [? S.J.] 22

Gervison, als ofSmith, Christopher Ghent, Gandav(ensis)(um) xxxixn , 15n , 38n, 118, 131n, 155 , 159n , 160, 166, 169n* , 179n

Gibbons, Richard, S.J. xvii, xviii ; als of Risdon, Thomas Gibson, William, Bishop of Acanthus lix, lxi, 208n , 217, 218

Giffard, Bishop [Bonaventure] 167n

Gifford, Gyffard, Edward, O.S.B., als Hall, Robert 64; Humphrey 64n; John 64"; Thomas, als Dor(r)ington 108

Giggs, Margaret 97n

Gijón, Asturias, Spain 220* , 221* , 222*

Gilbank, see Fryer, Anne Gildart, George 204, 207 , 208 , 210* , 211 ; George, snr 204 ; Mary (olim Woodman) 204

Gilibrand, Giltbrand , John xin, xii, 7

Gill, als of Burton, Peter Gillet, Anne (olim Singleton) 235; John 235*; Richard 235

Gillow , Joseph, see Printed Matter; see Brindle, Mary

Gilmore, see Sheil, Mary Giltbrand , see Gilibrand

Ginue, see Guinea

Glamorganshire68*n, 191n

Glo(ces)(sis)trensis, see Gloucester

Gloucester (shire), Glo(ces)(sis)trensis

18, 19, 28* , 57* , 65 , 78

Goar, als of Fitter, Edward

Godfrey, Richard 89n

Godibert , Luis 49

Gomond, James 48; John 48n

Gonzalez, Francisco, S.J. xxvi* , xlv

Gooch, Thomas, als Boldrop 78

Gooden, James , S.J. xxxvin

Good(rich)(ridge), als of Harper, William

Goodwin, James , als ofMid(d)lemore, Richard


Gordon, John lvi, 198

Gornall, Joseph , O . Cist 230, 232

Gorsuch , George, als. Talbot , Tolbot 134, 135; Ralph 134 , 135

Gorsuch Hall, Scarisbrick, Lancs 134

Greenway, Charles 202, 204 , 218; George 209 , 218; John lvii*, 196 , 199, 202, 203 , 204 , 206, 208 , 209*; John, snr 196; Martha 218; Sarah (olim Shimel) 196, 202; als of Cadwallader, Roger

Gre(e)nwood, Greenvod, Christopher, S.J. viii, xxin, xxiii, xxiv, xxv , 70; Henry , O.S.B. 80, 81, 91; John 81 GregoryVIII, Pope 249

Gregory, als of Gravenor, John Grene , see Green Grey'sInn on Greystock , Cumberland 194n

Grien, Grineus, see Greene

Grif(f)idius, see Griffin ; see Griffith

Griffin, Griffon, Greffon, Henry 46n ; Thomas, als Griffith(s), Grifidius 12; Mr .... 46n; see Gallagher, Bridget Griffith(s), Grif(f)idius, John lvii*,

Gothurst 84n

Goss, Alexander, Bishop of Liverpool 237 , 239

Goulden , Fortescue146n; Jane 146n;

Nicholas, als. Fortescue 146n; Thomas 146n

Gower, Gowre, als of Fitter, Edward

Grad (w)ell, als of O'Neil, John (Baptist)

Granada, Granat(a) (ensis) 167 , 228

Granatensis , see Granada

Grange, William, O.S.B. , als Duming,

Dun(n)ing, Thomas 60

Grant, Bishop James liv; Thomas, Bishop of Southwark 242; als of Gray, Robert

Gravelines , Graviling 142

Gravenda , see Gravesend

Graven (er)(or), John, als Gregory73; John, S.J., als Altam 73n ; Nicholas, als. Fitz(h)erbert 81 , 91; Richard 73n; Walter 48

Gravesend, Gravenda 210* , 211 , 212

Graviling, see Gravelines

Gray, Robert, S.J. , als Grant 123, 124

Grays, Essex 100n

Great Linstead, Suffolk 136n

Greaton, (James) Joseph, S.J. 180

Gre(e)ne, Grien, Grineus, Anthony 136 n; John 245; John , S.J. , als

Habberley, Haverleo 136; LucyAnne (olim Riddiough) 245; Thomas 9 , 10 , 109; Thomas, S.J. , als Dorrell 144 , 147; William John 243, 244 , 245; als of Brookesby, William; als of Fitter, Edward; als ofGarnet, Thomas Greenham , Elizabeth 194; John lvi, 194 , 199 , 200 , 203 , 204; John, snr 194

206, 208, 209 , 212* , 213*; Joseph 213; Michael, S.J., als Alford xxin, 76; Lewis 13; see Griffin

Grimsby, Lincs 9n

Grisold, George 55; Richard 55n

Grolla, Zutphen, Dutch Gueldres 29*n

Groves , als ofGarret, John

Gual(t)erus, see Waller

Guernsey, Isle of 15n

Guest, Edward 227; Jane (olim Blacoe ) 227; Mgr John vii* , lxv, lxvi*, lxvii , lxviii* , lxix* , lxx, 174 ,

176* , 179, 192, 202, 204, 209* , 227, 232* , 233* , 234*,[235, 236* , 237 ,238* , 240 , 241, 243 , 244 , 245

Guevara, Felipe, S.J. xx

Guienne, Agen(num), France 25* , 240

Guillim, als of Terret , Henry

Guin, see Gwyn(n)

Guinea, Ginue 1994

Guise, Cardinal [of Lorraine], 263; Henry, Duke of 263

Gulielmi, see Williams

Gulliford, see Hayes, Anne

GunbyCastle, Bubwith , co York 110 Guzman , Pedro de, S.J. xvii*

Guzman y Santoyo , Cristobal de, Bishop of Palencia 162*n

Gwillim, als ofTerret , Henry

Gwyn(n), Guin, Roger, (Owyn, Wynn) 39, 40, 46n ; William 125; ...., als Jones (priest),48; .... 147n

Gyffard, see Gifford

Hab(b)erley, Haberlie, John 130n, 135; Thomas 130 , 131; als of Green, John

Hackett, als of Cowarne , Walter

Haddoc, see Haydock


Hagulstadensis et Novocastrensis , see Hexham and Newcastle

Haigh Hall, Wigan 86%

Haighton, Lancs 51n

Hale, see Hall

Hales, Shropshire 73n

HalesPlace, Canterbury 208n

Halifax, co York 230

Hall, Hale, Catherine (olim Meyer) 242 ; Henry242*; John 32; Robert, als ofGifford, Edward ; Thomas242; als. of Oldcorne, Edward

Halliwell, als. of Billington, William

Halse, Somerset77

Hambledon , Hambeden, Bucks 69

Hamburn, als of Kirkham, William

Hamerton, Edward 89 ; Paul 89n

Hamilton, Adam, O.S.B., see Printed


Hammersmith 210

Hammil, see Johnson, Elizabeth

Hammon(d), Laurence 14 Almond, Amon(us),

Hampshire, Hamptoni (a) (ensis) 35n , 58, 65, 67n, 87 , 113 , 114, 139n , 169n

Ham(p)sterly, co Durham 140n

Hamptoni(a) (ensis), see Hampshire

Hancock, William 149n; see Anderton, Isabel Handforth, Cheshire108n

Hanmer, Flintshire121n

Hanmer, Francis, S.J. xxiv, XXV

Hanworth, Lincs 23n

Hapton, Whalley, Lancs 31n

Harrowden, Haradon, Northants 69 ,

Hart, Roger, als of Owen, Robert; William 146 , 148; als ofHargreaves, William, als of Kirk(e)ham, William

Harthill, co York 136n

Hartley, John Evangelist, S.J. 187 , 188

Harvey, Hervey, Harbe(o)(us), Joseph, als . Haynes, Heynes , als. Harris , als Parry xivn, 81 , 91: Robert Francis 157n, 158, 160; als ofHastings, George ; als ofWorsley, William

Hasloke, John 36n

Hastings, George, als Harvey98, 99

Hatherop, Gloucester18n

Hathersage , co Derby43n

Hatson , William, als Richards, Ric(h)ardi 130

Haughton, Hauton, Edward, S.J., als Risley 135, 141 , 142; John 141 , 142; .... (priest) 73

Hauguesworth , see Hawksworth

Hauton, see Haughton

Haverle(o), als of Green , John

Haward, Hayward, John 89

Hawksworth, Hauguesworth, Robert 60

Hawkins, Frances (olim Power) 163n; Francis, S.J., als Barclay 163; John 163n; Sir Thomas 163n

Haradon[? Harrowden], Northants 69 Hawkstead[? Hawkshead] 46n

Harbett(us), see Herbert

Harbe(us), see Harvey

Hardenstall, William, als Burnet(t) 169n; William, als Burnett 170

Hardest(ie)(y), als. of Tempest, John Harding, Anthony, als Dambe(n)y 121; James[? S.J.], als Harford124 , 125 , 134

Harenden, Herenden, Bridget (olim

Evessam 141n; Edmund 141*n;

Maurice, S.J., als Cheyne , Chene(us), James 135 , 141 , 142

Harford, als. of Harding, James Hargreaves , Hargrave, Aloysia (olim ? Holcroft) 126n; James, S.J. 96; William, als Hart, als Holcroft xivn, 126; William, snr , als Hart 126n

Harkirke, Lancs. 31n

Haro, Fernandode, S.J. xxxii* ,xxxiii

Harper, Hartper , als Goodrich, Goodridge, als Milburn, William 65n, 67 Harrington, Mark, als Drury xivn, 101N; Thomas, als Hooker 98 ; als ofSmith, John

Harris, als of Harvey, Joseph; als of Walmsley, Christopher Harrison, James 232*; als of Smith, John

Hay, Bishop George liv Hayden , see Aiden

Haydock, Haddoc(us), Bridget (olim Hoghton) 74 ; Robert, O.Š.B. , als

Benson 74; William 74n

Hayes, Anne (olim Gulliford ) 215; William 214 , 215; William, snr 215 Haynes, als of Harvey, Joseph Hayward, Barnabas, als of Fearbarn , Briant; see Haward; see Huyath

Haywood, als. ofHungerford, Francis; als of Hungerford, John HazlewoodHall, Tadcaster, co . York. 236

Head, Anne 236; James 236; Michael 236

Heath Green, Worcs . 19on

Heavytree , co. Devon 113n

Heigham, Hi(h)am(o), William, S.J. xx ,xxii

Healey, Helay , co York 74

Helme, Helm(us), Edward 63n ; Hugh, O.S.B., als Tappin, Peter 63

Henao, Gabriel de, S.J. 157

Henry III of France 263

Henry IV of France44n

Herbert, Harbett(us), George 41, 42; als of Philipps, William Her(e)ford(shire)(iensis ), 14, 21, 22*n ,

23*n, 30* , 37, 43 , 43 , 48*n , 52n ,

53 , 54 , 67 , 73, 78, 79, 86, 88, 89* ,

108* , 125 , 132 , 147n , 168, 191, 193, 196, 209, 226, 243n ; Bishop of 83n

Herenden , see Harenden

Hernandez , Domingo, S.J. xx

Hertfordshire 115n , 143n

Hervey, Sir Thomas 131n; see Slawson, Bridget; see Worsley, Leonora; als ofWorsley, Thomas; see Harvey

Hesham Hall, Bolton-le-Sands 227

Hesketh , Robert 169n

Hesper, als of Playle, William

Hexgrave , Farnesfield, Notts. 127n

Hexham and Newcastle , Axelodunum et Novum Castellum, Hagulstadensis et Novocastrensis , Diocese of 226 , 229, 234, 240, 242; Cathedral 229

Heynes, als of Harvey, Joseph

Heythrop, Oxon. 207n

Heyton, see Blackfan , Anne

Hiam(o), see Heigham

Hibernia, see Ireland

Hicks , Leo, S.J. vii

Higgins, Adam, S.J. xxiv; Christopher 189*n; Michael, S.J. xxiv

Hiham, see Heigham

Hildesley, Hildesle(us), Walter, als

Mallet 34, 35; William 34n

Hildreth, William, als Sim(p)son 105

Hill ,.... (priest) 77

Hill End, co . Worcester28n

Hilton, Thomas , O.S.B. , als Mus-

grave 71

Hindley, nr Wigan, Lancs 223, 245

Hispalensis , see Seville

[Hoar Cross], see Holy Cross

Hod(g)son(e), Hodson(us), Ellis 137 , 138; Hugh 12; Thomas33; Thomas, als More 135 , 137, 138; Thomas, S.J., als. Smith 138

Hodskinson, Anne (olim Chamberlaine) 208, 213; John 208, 213 ; Thomas 208, 213; see Crook, Anne

Hogarth, William, Bishop of Samosta


Hoghton, see Houghton ; see Hay- dock , Bridget

Hoghton Tower, Lancs 74n

Holcroft, see Hargreaves , Aloysia

Holderness , co York 165n

Hol(i)(y)wel(1), als of Billington, William

Holland, Holanda, Lincs. 73 , 153"

Hol(1)and, Alexander, S.J. 162 , 163n*; Guy, Guido, S.J., als Holt 97, 98; Blessed Thomas, S.J. , martyr, als

Sanderson135 , 136n , 138, 139, 162; als of Jones , Robert ; als of Morris

Nanny, David Hollon, als ofJones , Robert Holman, family 176n

Holme(s), Thomas 32, 33; Matthew 32n ; see Horm, Richard

Holt, William 155; als. of Holland , Guy

Hol(t)by, Houltby, Richard , S.J. 31, 81, 110

Holy Cross(e) [? Hoar Cross], co.

Stafford 166

Holyhead 33n , 46n

Holywell, N. Wales 169 , 210

Holywood, Christopher, S.J. 78

Hooker, als. of Harrington, Thomas Hopcar, Bedford, Lancs 133n

Hopkins, John 220 , 223

Horm(us), Holmes , Richard 31

Hornby, co York. 147n

Hornyold, John, Bishopof Philomelia 204 , 210

Horrabin, Henry 196; Margaret (olim Turner) 196; Thomaslvii, lviii, 196, 199, 200, 203 , 204

Horsham, Sussex 5n

Horwich, Lancs 18n

Hoskins, Oschin(us), Anthony, S.J. xx, xxiv , 13 , 14 , 120n; James 238; Mary (olim Gane) 238; Thomas 238

Hothersall, Lancs IIn

Hothersall Hall, Lancs . IIn

Hothersall, Anne (olim Talbot) IIn; George (Edersald), O.S.B. 11 , 61n; John IIn

Ho(u)ghton, Henry, als More 185; see Knowles , Mary; see Haughton

Houghton-in-the-Wolds , co York 163n

Houghton-le-Spring, co. Durham 229

Houltby, see Holtby

Houlton, Suffolk 77

Houseus, see Howse

Hoving(h)am(ia), co York 96

Howard, Cardinal Philip , O.P. xxxii, xxxiii , 106n; Joseph 223*; William, S.J. 181

Howarden, [Edward]xlviii

Howarth, see Parvin , Elizabeth

Howel(1), Catherine (olim Newman) 210; John lvii, 204, 207 , 208 , 210; Peter 210

Howse, H(o)use(us), Margaret 18n; Nicholas 18n; William 18

Huarton, see Wharton

Huddleston, Hurlston, Vrdelston(us), Andrew 26n*; Brian 26*; Sir John 26n; William 26

Huds(h)on, George 135; Joseph Augustine 214 , 215; Mary (olim Faucet) 215; Thomas 215

Huete, Huetensis, Spain 124

Hughes, Hughius, Huges (ius), Hugo, Husius , Edward 15, 53, 57 , 73 , 88, 122; Humphrey 102n; John 102n; Robert 102; see Jues

Hughsoen , Thomas 1711

Hugo, see Hughes

Huguesius , see Hughes

Huit(us), see White

Hull, co York 244

Hull, William 225

Hungat(e), Francis 148, 149; Jane (olim Middleton) 149n; Mary 138n; William 138n; Sir William 149n; see Bapthorpe, Frances

Hungerford, Francis, als Haywood 113; John, als Haywood 113

Hunt, als of Benstead, Thomas; als of Durand, Thomas

Hunter, George, O . Carth 186; James Charles, als. of Weldon, Charles ; als ofClark , John

Huntingdon, Earlof 269

Huntingdonshire60, 199

Hunton, see Bapthorpe, Frances

Huntroyde, Lancs 153n

Hurlston, see Huddleston

Hurst, Margaret (olim Preston) 219n ; Thomas 219n ; William lviii, 219

Husband , William 176n

Huse(us), see Howse

Husillos, Usillos, Spain xiii, 251

Husius, see Hughes

Hutton, Essex IOI

Hut(t)on, Peter 25; John, O.S.B. 50; William 50n ; Mary 5on ; als of Oldcorne , Edward

Huxley, George xxn, 54; Thomas54"

Huyath, Hayath, Hayward, Edward 8on

Hybernia, see Ireland

Hyde, Richard, S.J. 186

Hyrache, Spain44n*

Iber(o)(ies), als of Eure, Francis; als of Metham, Francis

Idiaquez, FranciscoXavier, S.J.xlv*; Juan de xxn

Ilardui, Ignacio, S.J. 148

Ince, Lancs. 191

India, East 241

Infantado, Duke xxn

Ingleby, Inglebe(o), Ingilbe(us)(y), John 35, 36*n; Thomas 153; als of Percy, Francis; als of Ward, George

Inne , (priest) 139 Inner Temple 6on

Inns of Court, London, see Furnival's Inn, Grey's Inn, Inner Temple, Lincoln'sInn,Middle Temple, StapleInn

Inquisition xii, xiv, xviiin, xxiv, xxxvin , 200 Ireland, H(i)(y)bernia, Herbirnia xin, xvi, 6 , 23, 24, 25, 31 , 32*n, 33*n, 34 , 35 , 39 , 40*n, 43, 48, 54 , 104, 110 , 111 , 126 , 148, 161*n, 191 , 235, 237 , 241 , 242, 243" , 244 , 249


Irnham Hall, Lincs 114n

Irvin(g), Alice (olim Sherburne) 217; Joseph 217; Thomas, als Sherburne lviii, lix* , lxiii* , lxiv*, lxv, lxvi, lxvii ,lxviii*, lxix, 190, 209, 216, 217 , 218 , 221 , 222, 225, 226, 232 , 233*; William, als Sherburne lx* , lxi*, lxii, lxiii, 209, 217, 219, 225

Isabelde Borbon, Queen ofSpain 162 , 163n

Isabel II of Spain 228

Is(h)am , Christopher 45n ; Francis 45n ; William 45*

Isla, see Diez; Padre .... lxvii

Isle of Man, Monæ Insula 239, 240

Isle of Wight 13In

Italy 138

Iturri, Joaquin Ignacio, S.J. xxxviii

Iunger(us), see Younger Ive(r)son, see Evison

Jac(k)son, Francis, S.J., als Smithson xxin, 70; Thomas, als Brown 7on Jacobs, Jacobi, als ofSidley, John James , .... (priest) 37; als of Sidley, John

James II of England 155n , 170n

Janson, see Johnson

Jeffrey, Geffrey, Owen, S.J., als

Pole, Thomas 116, 137

Jermyn, als. of Lampton, John Jenison , Thomas , S.J. , als Freville xxxi, 170

Jenkins, Jenkyns, James 235; John, S.J. , als. Duarte xxvi* , xxvii, xxviii

Jenkinson , see Walmsley, Elizabeth Jerez , Spain 170n

Jerning(h)am , als of East, Alban; als of East, Richard; als ofWhite, Richard Jessop, Augustus, see Printed Matter Jobson, als of Louden, Thomas Jo(h)nson, Janson, Charles 197 , 201 , 203, 205 ; Christopher46n ; Cuthbert 63n; Edward 197; Elizabeth (olim Partridge) 197; Francis 242*; Francis, als Fitz John 46n, 66; Helen (olim Latus) 238 , 242; James 238 , 242; Richard 66n ; Richard, als Layton, Bartholomew 66n, 73n, 89; Richard, als of Lee, Augustine; Thomas 180; William 238, 242; William, S.J. 12 , 52n ; William, O.S.B., als Chambers 52; William, als Duport 67; William, als Wilson 46n, 63; als of Philipps, William; als of Watson, George Jones , Jonius, John, O.S.B. , als. Leander, als Leander a Sancto Martino, als Scudamore 43; Robert, S.J., als Holland, Hollon 79 , 81*n , 83 , 122; Walter 157, 158*n; William,

O.S.B., als Price 45 *; William, [? als of Birtwisle, John] 45n; als of Ayleworth , Matthew ; see Kelly, Sarah

Jonius, see Jones

Jonson, see Johnson

Jorge y Galván , Antonio, Bishop of Zamora 193

Juarez, Francisco, S.J. xxviii, xxix*

King, als of Knight, John

Kings Norton, co Worcester 196

Kingston, co Hereford 243n

Kipton, als of Kemp, Francis Boniface

Kirk(e), Kirkæus, Kirque , Francis, als. Simpson 1691 , 170; John, see Printed Matter

Kirk(e)ham , William, S.J. , als

Jues [ Hughes], Anthony 137*n;

Thomas, als Smith 137*

Justin, Richard 120n

Kantia, Kantensis, see Kent

Katcher, see Catcher

Kavanagh, Matthew 229 , 230

Keenes, see Keynes

Kellet, Elizabeth (olim Clarkson) 204 ; Henry 204, 205, 207*; Robert 204

Kelfeldiensis[?], England 61

Kelly, Kellie, Michael 244; Patrick Lewis 243 , 244 ; Sarah (olim Jones) 244; als of Woodward, Thomas

Kellmorensis, see Kilmore

Kemble, Andrew, als George, Andrew 145

Kemp, Chemp(us), Francis 11 ; Francis Boniface, als Kipton 76

Kem(p)sford, co Glouces 57

Kenion, see Kenyon

Kennedy, George 204 , 205, 210 ; Mary 204; Patrick 204; Mgr.

Thomas xlvii, lxx

Kensington, Thomas, S.J., als Gerrard xxvi, xxvii

Kent, Cantius 39, 46n, 109 , 142 , 144n

Kenyon, Kenion, Chenion, Quenion ,

Edward 18n, 28 , 29; Christopher

Ha(m)(n)burn, als Hart 113; William , snr 113N

Kirkham , Lancs 211n , 213, 217* , 218 , 220, 221n, 226, 231, 233, 235* , 237

Kirkleaventon, co York 150n

Kirkthorp (e), Kirquethorp , co York. 70

Kirque, see Kirke

Knapton, co York 139n

Knaresborough , co. York. 49n

Knaresborough , Knasborow , Catherine 492; Peter 49n*; Richard 41; Robert (Christopher), O.S.B. xxin, 41n , 49

Knasborow, see Knaresborough

Kna(t)chbull, Elizabeth (olim Crispe) 38n ; John, S.J., als Norton 38n; Margaret, O.S.B. 38n ; Mary, O.S.B. 38n; Reginald 38n ; Thomas 38 , 39

Knight, Andrew 51n; John, als King 5IN

Knightley, Edward 89

Knighton, co. York 164

Knowles, Joseph 239 : Mary (olim Houghton) 239; William 239

Knox, Thomas Francis, Cong. Orat., see Printed Matter

Laborda, Carlos , Bishop of Palencia 232*

Keyly, see Kigheley

Keynes , Keenes, Keines, Keyn(us), Charles, S.J. , als Newport, Neoport(o) 167; Edward 99 ; George, S.J. 108, 115; John, S.J. , als Newport, Neoport xxix, xxxi, 159 , 161* , 162, 163 , 172; Maurice, S.J., als

Kiddington, co. Oxford 103n , 206 , 212

Maurice, George xxviii, 114 , 116; Maximilian , S.J., als. Newport 167, 168n als. 234

Kigh(e)ley, Keyly, Thomas , Robinson, Joseph 100

Kildare, Countess of 24

Killinghal(1), John 30; Henry , S.J., als Place, Placa, Richard 81, 91

Kilmacduagh (Duacensis ), Ireland, Dioceseof 237

Kilmore, Kellmorensis , Bishop of 31

Kilthomas, Connaught, Ireland 237

Kimbolton , Hunts. 199

Labroxo, see Abrojo

Laconi, Marquis of 182n

Laguna de Duero, Spainlx, lxix

Lambert, als, of Barkworth , Mark Lambeth Palaceixn

Lampton, John, als German or Jermyn, als Thompson 116

Lamspring, Germany 65n

Lancashire , Lancastr(i)ensis 6n , 11n , 25, 28*n, 29, 32, 33, 38, 42, 51 , 61 , 62*n, 63, 64, 74 , 75, Son , 82n , 87 , 108n , 112 , 115 , 118, 126 , 126n , 133n , 1342 , 144 , 145 , 146n, 148 , 149"n, 150n, 153 , 162n, 163n, 165 , 166n , 167 , 168*n, 169n* , 170n , 171* , 179* , 180, 185* , 187 , 188 , 189, 190 , 191 , 193, 194 , 196 , 199*n, 202 , 204* , 205n, 207 , 209, 211* , 214, 215, 216* , Ireland, 217 , 218* , 219*n, 220*n, 221* , 222 , 223 , 224 , 225 , 226* , 227, 229* , 230* , 231 , 232 , 234* , 235* ,236, 237 , 238* , 239* , 240 , 241* , 242, 243, 244* , 245

Lancaster 391, 153*n , 227; Castle (gaol) 144 , 145n

Lancaster, Lancastrius, John 149, 152n*

Land, Thomas, S.J., als Collins, John xxiv* , xxvi* , xxvii* , 69n, 98

Lan(e), Lan(us), Richard, als Lenny 64; Thomas, S.J., als Sweet, Suete

69, 98n ; William 178*n Langdale, Philip 163n 172; Lang(h)orne, Charles, als Legat(e) 169, 172*n; Francis 169 , Richard, ven martyr 169, 172n Langworth, als of Durand, Basil Laon, Franceon Laredo, Spain22

La Rochelle, Rochella, Rupella, France 33, 442* , 48

Lascelles, Lassels, Christopher 4 ; Matthew 83n , 91; Sir Roger4n; see Lockwood, Clare ; als of Sandford, Matthew

Lastra y Cuestra, Luis de , Archbishop of Valladolid 235, 236, 237 , 243

Latus, see Johnson, Helen Laurenson , Lawrenson, Richard, S.J. , als Billinge, Richard Laurence, als. Thrigley187 , 188

Laverty , Mary (olim Sharkey) 237: Peter 237; Peter, snr 237

Law(e), Lau, Laus , Nicholasxxin , 61; Thomas61N Lawrenson , see Laurenson Lawson , Lauson , ...., S.J. [? Henry]

76; S.J. [Thomas] 195

La(y)tham, La(y)thom, George lx, lxii, 220 , 223; Robert 226*; als of Floyd, Thomas; als ofStanley, John Layton, nr London, [? Leighton Buzzard] 78

Layton, Bartholomew, als of Johnson, Richard ; John, S.J., als Port 82n, 118n; Thomas, S.J., als. Port (e) 118; als of Younger, James Lea, nr Preston 224*

Legat(e), als of Langhorne Charles; als of Langhorne, Francis

Legio(nensis), see Leon

Leguizamo , Sancho de, S.J. xxviii* Leicester(shire), Lecestrensis , Lestria

8n, 42, 82n, 104" , 129 , 131 , 230

Leighton, Lancs 148n

Leighton Buzzard, Beds , see Layton

Leighton Hall, Lancs 149n

Leighton, als of Younger, James

Lek(us), see Leck

Lemos, Count ofxxin

Leo, see Badduley

Leodim, see Liége

Leominster, co Hereford 22, 204, 209

Leon, Legio(nensis) xvii, xix, xxi, 36 ,

112n, 149n , 150n , 153n , 154 , 155n , 158n , 172n , 200; Bishop of 10* , 12 , 13, 20, 21, 23, 25, 31, 33, 37, 251

Lepton, als ofClapton, John

Lerma, Duke of xxn, xxv

Lestria, see Leicester

Leus, als of Badduley, William

Levenshulme , Lancs 243n

Leverpole , see Liverpool

Lewin, see Sheehan, Margaret; als . of Culcheth, Thomas

Leybourn, see Lighburn

Leyland, Lancs. 26n , 75

Linaker , John , als Ludford 116

Liano, Francisco de, S.J. xxx*

Lichf(i)eld , Lisf(e)(i)ld, Litchfield (en-

sis) 8, 12, 14* , 22, 42, 58, 210

Liége, Leodium xxvi, 29, 35n , 96*n , 98n , 102, 103, 104 , 106*n, 116n , 119*n, 125, 136 , 155n , 157, 163, 166, 167, 168n, 18on*; College 47 , 7on , 99, 106, 161*n , 163n

Lighburn, Likboronth, John 26

Likboronth, see Lighburn

Limerick , Ireland 241 , 242

Liming, see Leeming

Leybourn , Lincoln, Linco(1)niensis 9* , 16, 17 , 18 , 23, 29, 30, 42, 44 , 50, 58, 60, 68*n , 69, 73 , 75 , 76, 80, 84, 98, 101 , 111 , Leander (a Sancto Martino), als. of 114n* , 134 , 150n , 170n

Jones, John

Learte, Martin, S.J. 174*

Leck, Lec(que)(us), Lecky, Leek, Lek(us), Thomas 35 , 100

Lee, Le(o)(us), Augustine, O.S.B. , als Johnson (Richard) 66n ; John 197; Mary 197; Thomas 197 , 200 ; als of Badduley, Robert ; als of Badduley, William Leeds 245

Leek(e), Gilbert , als ofAllen, Francis; see Leck

Leeming, Liming, Lining, Edmund, S.J. 39

Legan, Longford, Ireland 235

Lincoln's Inn, London 20*n

Lindisfarn 51

Lindon [? Lindow], John 215

Lining, see Leeming

Linsey, James85

Lisbon, Lisbona, Ulissip(p)o xin, xii, xivn, xxvi*, lx, lxi, 5 , 7 , 12 , 50 , 72 , 81n, 100* , 101 , 117, 121*n, 125n , 145 , 150*n, 158, 172, 209, 219 , 221n , 223, 264 ; Bishop of 52; English Collegexiiin, xivn, lviii, 12n , 81n , 101n , 114n , 126n , 153*n, 155*n, 197 , 219 , 244 ; English School 244; Jesuit Residence xiiin, 7 , 12n* , 24; St. Anthony's College 121n

Liscard, Cheshire, St. Alban's Church gate, (Old Bailey), Tower; Rope227

Lisfildensis, see Litchfield

Lisi, Ambrosio, S.J. xviii

Makers Alley (Chapel) 215; St. George's Fields 216; see Westminster Longbirch 201

Lister, Lyster, [Thomas ], S.J. 42, 83; Longford, Ireland 235

Anne 122

Little Eccleston , Lancs 221N

Little Crosby Hall, Lancs. 31

Littlewood, nr Croston, Lancs 227

Liverpool, Leverpole 144n, 186, 192n , 214, 218, 223* , 224* , 226* , 229* , 230, 231* , 235 , 238* , 239, 243, 244; Bishop of 237 , 239 , 241 , 244 ;

Diocese of237* , 238* , 239* , 240* , 241, 243; Institute of St. Philip Neri 237, 244; St. Alban's Church 239

Liversedge, co. York. 133n

Llancarfan, co Glam. 68n

Llandaff , co Glam 54n


Long Horsley, Northumberland 168n

Lopez de Manzano, Juan, S.J. xvii, xviii

Lorraine, Loth(a)(o)ringia 29n , 35n ,

200; Cardinal of 263

Loreto, Italy 69n, 170*n

Loth(a)(o)ringia, see Lorraine

Louden, see Loveden

Louell(us), see Lovell

Louvain, Lovanium xxiii, 19, 35*n, 68*n, 70, 76, 78, 82, 86, 96* , 972 ,

104 , 106, 107 , 119, 122 , 139 , 212 , 215; Jesuit Noviciate 122n

LlanesyArguelles, Alfonso Marco de, Lovden , Louden, Thomas, als Jobson

Bishop of Segovia 206

Llangoven , co. Monmouth 155n

Llan Wrinach, co Brecknock 43n

Llewenny, co. Denbigh 33n

Lloyd, Blessed John, martyr, als

Floyd 164*n

Lockett, als of Condestable , Alexius

Lockwood,Locud(us), Clare 4n; Christopher 4n; Francis xin, xii, 4; John,

ven martyr4n

Lodossa, Antonio de, S.J. xxix

Lomax, John 178*n; John, snr 178n ; Margaret 178n

London, Londinensis, Londinium

xxxixn, xli*, xlii, xlv* , lviii, 6n* , 7 , 9, 16 , 17 , 19 , 20n, 22, 34 , 35 , 40* , 43*n, 44 , 45 , 46*n, 47 , 48, 52n , 53* , 59, 60, 65, 66, 70*n, 72, 73 , 76* , 78 , 79 , 84, 85*n, 96*n, 97 , 99*n, 101 , 105*n , 107 , 108* , 109, 111* , 112 , 113 , 115, 117*n, 118, 124n, 125, 127 , 130, 131n, 137, 139n , 140n, 141n , 142 , 143n, 146n, 149, 155n, 161* , 163n, 166n, 167n, 168n, 169n, 170n, 172, 178, 180n* , 182 , 183*n , 184n, 185n, 188*n, 189* , 190* , 191 , 192, 194 , 197*n, 199, 202* , 204* , 206, 207 , 210* , 211*n, 212* , 213* , 214* , 215 , 216 , 217, 218* , 219, 220* , 222, 223 , 225* , 226* , 227 , 232, 233, 234 , 235, 237 , 241 , 242* , 265 , 268* , 270*; Bishop of 38n , 72n; British Museum ixn; CastleStreet lix; Chapel House, Poplar 222n ; CharterhouseYard52n ; Drury Lane 10in; Duke Street , GrosvenorSquare212n; Queen Street xl, xli; Inns of Court, see Furnival's Inn, Grey's Inn, Inner Temple, Lincoln's Inn, Middle Temple, Staple Inn; Lord Dorset's House 52n ; Moorfields 219 ; Prisons , see Bridewell, Clink, Marshalsea , New, New-


Lovelace, Thomas 8n

Lovell, Louell, Charles 154, 155n

Lower Darwen, Lancs 239

Lower Higham, Lancs 149n

Loyall, als of Sugden, William

Loyola, Ignacio de, S.J. xxi, xxx

Lucas, John 175n , 176; Simon 196 , 199, 203*; Simon, snr 196 ; Susanna (olim Benton) 196

Ludford, als. of Linaker , John

Lugo(na), Spain 227

Lusher, Edward, S.J. 99 ; Nicholas, S.J. 140n ; Thomas28, 29

Lusitania, see Portugal

Lutetia Parisiorum , see Paris

Lutton, Philip 139n; als ofElrington, Edward; see Elrington , Thomasine

Lyddel, .... (priest) 212

Lyford, Berks 34n

Lyger, see Downing, Jane

Lyney, Richard xxn

Lyster, see Lister

Lytham, Lancs 216 , 217 , 224

Mab(b)s , Mabbes, James, O.S.B. 129; William 129n

McCarthy, see Berry, Louisa

Macclesfield , Cheshire235

Ma(c)donald, Alan 198*; Hugh liv Bishop

Mackey, Thomas244

Mad (d)is(s)on, Edward, als . Malbrow , Marbery, M(e)(i)ssenden, Missin(g)(d)(t)on 111 , 151n* , 152n

Maddock, Madox(ius), John 99*; Matilda 99n

Madrid, Madritum xii, xiii" , xiv , xvn , xvii, xviii, xix, xx, xxii, xxiii* ,xxiv, xxvi* , xlii, xlix, 1* , li, liii* , lv, lvii, lxi, lxii, lxiv, 4, 5 , 6 , 17n , 19n , 46n , 48n, 56, 71, 72, 83n, 99 , 101 , 102 ,

105 , 107 , 111 , 112n* , 122 , 124n, 146n, 148, 149, 150 , 152 * , 178 , 196, 197, 198, 202 , 209, 219* , 225* , 228;

Martinez y Pons, José 199

Martius, see Marsh

Marton-in-Holderness, co. York. 165n

Marvin, als of Cecil, William

Mary, Queen of Scots III

Maryland, Marilandia 35*n, 73n , 164n , 178*n , 180n, 183n, 188n , 190*

Massæus, see Massey


Biblioteca Nacional ixn; English College xxiii, xxv, xxxin, xxxiii, xxxix, xlvi, xlvii*, lv, 6n , 11n , 14n , 19n , 67n, 117 , 118 , 119* , 120* , 125, 139n , 141n , 172*n, 173n, 175n, 176n, 181*n, 182n , 192, 196, 198; Andrew's Hospital lvi, 201, 202 ; Imperial College, S.J. 124; Jesuit Noviciate 198; Scots College liii, liv, 182n

Maire, Bishop [William] 195; Christopher, S.J. 187 , 188n

Maius , see Mayhew

Malaca, see Malaga

Malaga, Malaca 13

Malagon, Marchionessofxxin

Malbrow , als of Maddison, Edward

Mallery, John, O.P. 148

Mallet(t), Francis 41; als. of Hildesley, Walter; als of Muttlebury , John Mallonus , John 57"

Manchester , Mancunium 216n, 231 , 232, 234 , 241, 243, 244 ; St. Anne's, Stretford 227; St. Chad's 245 ; St. Mary's, Mulberry Street 227*; St. Mary's, Levenshulme 243; St. Patrick's 227 , 230

Mancunium, see Manchester

Manley, William 162, 163n*

Masham, Massam, co York 88 , 89

Mason, see Smith, Elizabeth

Massey, Massæus, Francis, S.J. 170; Richard 170n*; William 169*n; Mr .... 144 *

Mathei, see Matthews

Matherall, als of Wells, Ambrose

Matheus , see Matthews

Mat(t)hew(es), Matheus, Mathei, Ignatius, S.J. 174 , 190 , 191 *; John, als. Mallonus, als Marler, als Marlowe 46n, 57; Thomas 163, 164

Mattingley,Matingly , John, S.J. 190* , 191

Maurice, Mauri(c)(t)ius, Morris,Morysius, George, als ofKeynes , Maurice; James54, 55; James , snr 54n ; James O.P. 97

Maxey, John xxn , 72

Maxfield, Maxfild (ius), William 14

Maxted , Jonathan 220 , 223

May, John 162*n, 163

Mayhew,May(heu)(us), Maius, Cut(h)- bert 63; Edward 63; Henry 18

Maynard, Henry 48n ; Stephen 48

Monoc , William, als

Manning, Cardinal Henry Edward 228 , 236 Mannock , Yo(u)ng 77

Mechlin, Belgium 169n

Medcalf, see Metcalfe

Mansel (1), John 216, 217; als of Medina, Domingo de, S.J. xxxiv*; Clifford, William

Manso, Rafael, Bishop ofZamora 234

Manzano , see Lopez

Mapledur(h)am, nr Petersfield, Hants


Marbery, als. of Maddison, Edward Maria, The Infanta xxvi

Marilandia, see Maryland

Marin, Diego, S.J. xxviii*

Markland, Anne (olim Waring) 234; James lxviii, 233* , 234; William, snr 234

Marler, Marlor, Christopher, als of Matthew , John Marlowe, als ofMatthew, John Marsh, Marsius, Alice (olim Chamberlaine) 211; Anthony 157n , 160; James 205, 207 , 208, 211 ; John, S.J. 165n, 166; Thomas 211; William, als of Coales, Edmund

Marshalsea Prison 40n, 55n

Martin , Francis, als Ramirez 103; Gregory 17 , 21; Peter 17 , 21n , 104

Martinez Escalazo , Juan José, Bishop ofSegovia 193

Duchess of xxin

Medina del Campo, Metymna xvin , xvii, 198

Medinaceli, Duke of xviin , xxin; Countess of xxn

Meid, see Butler, Margaret

Meller, see Waterhouse , Frances

Mendiola, Gregorio de, S.J. xxxi*

Melling, Peter 232*; see Cowban , Helen 251;

Mendoza , Alfonso de xiv, Antonio de, S.J. xviiin

Menevia47 ; Bishop of 243

Mercer , see Evans , Elizabeth MerchantTaylors' School, London43n

Mercurian, Everard, S.J. xviin

Meredith, Humphrey 54n ; als of Evans, William

Merick, John, als Williams 108

Meridale, John, S.J., als Rochester , Roffensi 146, 150

Merinero, Fray Juan, Bishop of Valladolid 162*n, 165n

Merino, Miguel Fernando, Bishop of Avila 193


Merioneth(shire) (ensis), Meruinæcom. Montague, Mons Acutus, Baron 77 , 33* , 49

Mersham Hatch, Kent38n

Meruinæcom ., see Merionethshire

Messenden, als of Maddison, Edward

Metcalfe, Medcalf, Thomas, als Proctor, als. Scrupe 109

Metham, Francis, S.J., als Iberies


Metymna, see Medina del Campo

Meyer, see Hall, Catherine

Mibbeo , als of Stoker, Thomas

Michel(1), [John] 39 , 88

Middle Temple London 53

Middlehurst, James , S.J., als. Ashby

187 , 188

Mid(d)lemore, Richard, S.J., als

Goodwin, James 135, 136n, 139

Middlesex 40, 71n, 106* , 133"

Mid(d)leton, George 148 , 149 , 150n ;

George, snr 148n; see Hungate, Jane

Midgeall, Mr ..... 153

Milbey, als of Stoker, Thomas

Milburn, als. of Harper, William

Miles, Thomas 58

Mildmey, als of Playle, William

Millum Castle, Cumberland 26n

Milner, Bishop John lxiii, 222

Milton, Cambs 86n

Missing(d)(t)on , als of Maddison, Edward

Missenden , als ofMaddison, Edward

Mnestei Portus, see Puerto Sancta


Monæ Insula, see Isle of Man

Mowbr(e) (i)ck, nr Kirkham, Lancs 211n, 213, 214*n , 217*

Mojados , Spain xxii, xxviii, Ion

Mold, N. Wales210n

Molignacio, als ofWilkinson , Thomas

Molina(x)(tio), als ofAlmond, Henry, als. of Wilkinson , Thomas

Mollinedo, José Luis, Bishop of Palencia 207 , 208

Molsho, Mulsho, John, S.J., als Day 84, 85, 91; William 84n

Molyne(a)ux, Molin(atio)(ax)(eux),

Molignacio, Mullinax, Thomas, S.J. 175; als of Pansford, John; als of Wilkinson, Thomas Momonia Hibernica, see Munster

Monaghan, see Dillon, Mary

Monasterio de Rodilla , Spain 173"

Monforte, Spain

Mo(n)fort(e), Joseph (de), als of Armstrong, Daniel Monkeligh, Suffolk 197

Monkroyd, co York 89n

Monte Albano, Marquis of 121n

Montefortius, see Montford

Montemayor, Fr .... , S.J. xxviii

Montesclaros , Marchioness of xxin

Montezuma , Diego de, S.J. xxxi* Montford, Monforte(e), Montefortius , Francis 24 , 52n; John 52n ; Joseph , als of Armstrong, Daniel; Peter 169; als. of Downes, Thomas

Montpesson , Henry 38n

Montserrat, Spain 63n

Moor, The, in Carlton, Poulton-leFylde, Lancs 145n

Moore, (priest) 215 ; als of Houghton, Henry

Moorhall, nr Ormskirk , Lancs 211

More, Moro, Morus, Edward 78; Henry, S.J. , als Talman, als Parr xxn, 78; see Printed Matter; Mary 194; Mary (olim Scrope) 17n; Richard 194; Thomas [clergy agent] 16 , 24n; Thomas, snr 16n; Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor (martyr) 16, 78 , 97n; Thomas (another) 194, 196*; Thomas, S.J.xxiv; als ofBrookesby, William; als of Hodson, Thomas Moreno, Juan Ignacio, Archbishop of Valladolid 244

Mores, John, O.S.B. 61, 62

Morey, Blaiselvi, 193 , 199, 200* , 204; Sarah 193 ; Thomas 193

Morgan, Edward, Edmund andJohn, ven martyr, als Singleton 121 , 122; Eleanor 58n; Philip 164; Richard, S.J. 190* , 191; Robert 37: Roger 58n; Walter, S.J. xxii, 93, 94*; William, als Williams , Valentine 58, 59; als. of Norris, Francis

Moron, Manuel Joachim, Bishop of Valladolid 208

Morpeth, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Prison 168n nr

Morphy, [Murphy], Cornelius, S.J. xl, xli

Morris, John, S.J., see Printed Matter

Mor(r)is, James 78; John, S.J., see Printed Matter; see Mores

Morris Nanny, David, als Holland , ThomasIIO

Moseley, Staffs [? Warwicks.] 75 , 178n

Mosgrave , John 156

Mostyn, Moston, Frances (olim Pennant) 130n; [Francis George, Bishop of Abydus] 229, 230; John 130n; Thomas , als Pennant 130

Monmouthshire, Monmutensis 40, 55, Mothersall, als ofWells, Ambrose

58n, 59, 79, 125n, 126, 155n

Monoc , see Mannock

Mons Acutus, see Montague

Mottet, Ferdinand, S.J. 169 , 172

Mount St.Bernard'sAbbey, Whitwick, nr Leicester 230

Mullinax, als. of Pansford, John


Mumford, Joseph , als of Armstrong, Daniel; als of Downes , Thomas

Munster, MomeniaHibernica, Ireland


Murphy, see Morphy

Murtagh, see Ward , Margaret

Mush (o), Fr ... 25

Muttlebury, John, als Mallet 104n

Najera, Spain 5In

Nalon, Bridget (olim Brennan) 244; James 243, 244 ; James, snr 244

Nancy, Nannesius , France 100

Nanetensis, see Nantes

Nannesius, see Nancy

Nanny, see Morris

Niebla, Count ofxxin

Nieuport, Belgium 72n

Nieto, Bartolomé, S.J. xxxii ; Francisco, S.J. xxxvii* , xli*

Nieva, Count ofxxn

Noble, Edward 20

Nordovic(ensis)(um), see Norwich

Norfolk, Norfolciensis, Nor(t)folcia 27, 45* , 46n, 66, 104, 107n , III, 116*n , 117*n , 126 , 155n , 178 , 268

Noricius, see Norris

Normandy 71 Norris(se), Nor(r)i(c)(t)ius, Cuthbert 171; Francis, S.J., als Morgan 132

Nor(t)folcia, see Norfolk

North Elmham , Norfolk 28n

Nor(t)hampton(shire) 28n, 69 , 85, Nantes , Nanetensis xin; Bishop of 67 101n , 102 , III , 133*n, 141; Diocese

Naples xxin

Narford 16n , 126n

Nash Court , Kent 163n

Navarrete , Fernando, S.J. xxxiii*

Navas, Antoniode las 194

Naylor, Nayler (us), George, als

Ne(u)(w)man, Num(an)(i) 59

Nelson, John, O . Carth 178 , 179; als of Beesley, John

Neoport, als. of Keynes, John Nerquis , Mold, N. Wales 210n

Ness Hall, co . York 128n

Neuman , als ofNaylor, George

Neville, Neuleo, Sir John 133n; als of Cotton, Francis; see Sale, Anne; als of Sale, Edmund; als. of Sale, John; als of Scarisbrick, Francis

New Prison, London 138n, 14In

Newcastle -under-Lyme, Novum Castrum 51

Newcastle -upon-Tyne, CastellumNovum super Tinam 140n, 168n* , 202, 207 , 213, 229, 231 ; Prison 168; see Hexham

Newgate (Nova Porta) Prison, London 20n, 23 , 24n, 44n, 45n , 65n , 76n, 79, 109 , 105 , 114n , 129n, 130, 138n , 140n, 14IN

Newhall-in-Tottington, Lancs 169n


Newhouse, Esk, co Durham 172n

Newman, William, als of Sleighford, Ralph; see Howell, Catherine; als. of Scott, Nicholas Newport, Wales, Bishop of 243

Newport, Neuport, Robert, als Welby 59; als of Keynes, Charles ; als of Keynes , John; als of Keynes, Maximilian ; als. of Welby, Robert Newsham , Neusham, Andrew, als

Wo(o)rthington 130; Charles 225; family 214n*; James 220 , 221 , 223

Newtown, U.S.A. 188n

Nicholson, als. of Swe(e)tnam, John

of 241

Northumberland, Northumbriensis

144n, 168n, 181n , 183n, 188, 202 , 207, 213

Norton, Hales, Shropshire 73n

Norton, als of Knatchbull , John Nor (do)vicensis, see Norwich

Norwich, Nor(do)vic(ensis) (um), 5, 7, 9, 16 , 17 , 24 , 26, 28, 32, 48, 52, 77 , 78 , 99 , 123

Nottingham, Admiral 38n

Earl of, Lord High

Nottingham(shire), (a) (ensis) 69, 80, Diocese of 243

Not(t)ing(h)ami127 , 169 , 172;

Novum Castellum , see Newcastleupon-Tyne

Novum Castrum , see Newcastle-underLyme

Numantia 160

NuncioApostolicin Madrid xxi*, xxii, xl, xli* , xlii, xliii, xliv* , xlv* , 148, 151n , 152n*

Oakley, Ocley, Okeley, William 181; als of Sandford, Francis

Oates, Titus, als. Ambrose, Titus vii, xxxii, 172 , 173 ; Oates Plot Persecution 112n , 155n, 161n, 164n , 16бn* , 168n* , 169*n , 172n , 182n

Occo, Bartolomé de, S.J. xxxi, xxxii

Ocley, als of Sandford, Francis

Odomoropolis , see St. Omer

Offchurchbury, Warwicks 89n

Okeley, als ofSandford , Matthew

Ol(d)corn(e), Edward, S.J., martyr, als Hall, als Hutton64*n, 86, 87 , 89*

Old Bailey, London 88n , 105n

Old English Chapter, see Chapter

Old Hall Green, Herts 196n; St. Edmund's College 226, 235

Oldham, Lancs 239

Olena, Bishop oflxvii

Olivares, Count of xxn

Oliver, Andrew 220; George, see Printed Matter

Olmedo , Juan de, S.J. xxi

Omyoy, see Cwmyoy

Oña, Spain 21n, 65n , 75n

O'Neil, Oneil, John Baptist , S.J. , als

Grad(w)ell 187 , 188

Oporto, Portugal 214* , 215 , 216* , 219, 223, 226

Orford, Suffolk 96

Oribe, Juan de, S.J. xxvii, xxviii

Orihuela , Spain 224

Ormskirk, Lancs 194, 1992, 211 , 219

Oronoz, Miguel de, S. J. xxxi*

Oropesa, Spain xxiv; Count of xxn

Ortiz, Tomas xxin

Oschin (us), see Hoskins

Palencia, Palentia, Spain xiii, xiv, xxii, xxviii*, 16n, 112n, 121n , 125 , 147 , 150n , 156n, 157n, 158*n, 160n , 161 , 162, 164n, 165n* , 166n* , 167n* , 198, 208, 246; Bishop of 112 , 121 , 162*n , 200 , 207* , 208, 219, 234 , 235* , 236, 237 , 238*

Pal(1)aser, Pallesor , Palicer, Thomas (Richard), ven martyr 22, 60, 65, 81

Palmer, John, O.P. 148 , 149; William, als of Poulton, Giles (Francis)


Pancorvo , Spain 173n

Pangua, Diego de, S.J. xxix*

Pan(s)ford, John, S.J., als Percival, Percyvall, als Molineux, Molinax , Mullinax 114

Oscott College, Birmingham 207n , Paris, Lutetia Parisiorum liii, 21n , 222n*

Ossorio, Antonio , S.J. xxxv*

Ostend, Belgium 166n

O'Sullivan, Catherine (olim Moriarty ) 242 ; Thomas 242; Thomas, snr 242

Osuna, Duchess of xxin

Ouen(us), see Owen

Overton, Edward, als Thompson 84

Oviedo, Spain 161

Owen, Ouen (us), Jeffrey, S.J. , als

Pole, Thomas 115 , 116; Robert, als Hart, Roger 100; Thomas, S.J. xxviii; Walter 9

Owyn, see Gwyn

Oxenbridge , Oxe (n)(m)brigius, Robert ,

O . Carth , als Dalton 115

Oxford(shire), Oxoni(a)(ensis) 8 , 9* , 15*n, 18 , 20, 45n, 6on, 77 , 8on, 83 , 96n, 103 , 105*n, 113*n , 115 , 118*n, 137 , 145 , 159*n, 163n, 167, 179 , 183n, 206, 207n, 212, 214

Oxford University 4, 7 , 9 , 27, 35, 44n, 48, 54, 66, 69*n, Son , 83, 248

Balliol College 8n, 96n

Broadgates Hall 19n

Christchurch College 19n

Corpus Christi College 137

Exeter College 20*n, 53n

Jesus College 47

Magdalen College 167n

MagdalenHall 58*n

Merton College 66n

Oriel College 68n

St. Edmund's Hall 134*n

St. John's College 43*n, 49*n

St. Mary'sHall 9n, 19n

Trinity College 4n, 23n, 68n

University College 66n

Oxoni (a)(ensis), see Oxford

49 , 105, 146n, 155n, 163n , 170n , 188n , 207, 213, 228; Arras College 16n, 24n ; English Augustinian Convent 24n ; St. Edmund's 21n ; St. Gregory's College li, 197; Sorbonne 101N ; Tournai College 114n; University liv, 4n , 201

Parker, Parquer, Francis, als of Appleby, Robert ; James, S.J. 190* , 192; Philip 75; Richard 85; Thomas , S.J. 174, 190 , 191

Parkham, co Devon 118n

Parkinson, George 231; James 237; Richard 187 , 189; Robert 237; Sarah (olim Riley) 237

Parr, als. of More, Henry

Parraces , Juan de, S.J. xxii*

Par(r)ot, Par(rat)(ret), Stephen 36*n , 42 , 53

Parry(e), Fulk, als ofPortland, John; als of Harvey, Joseph ; see Aprice

Partridge, see Johnson, Elizabeth

Parvin, Elizabeth (olim Howarth) 240; Lancelot 238, 240; William 240

Pat (t)enson, Patinson, Bernard 64

Paul V , Pope xx, xxii

Paynsley, Staffs 184n

Peacock, Edward, see Printed Matter

Peckham , Pecham , Robert, S.J., als

Webb 82, 91, 118n

Pedrosa , Gregorio de, Bishop of Valladolid 160n

Peeters, John, J.P. 20

Pelham , als ofFairclough, Alexander

Pemberton , John, als. ofRudd, Gaspar

Penafiel, Spain222

Peñalta, Bernardo de, S.J. 180n

Peñareyla , Don .... xxin

Pendle Hall, Lower Higham, Lancs

Oyuela, Andres Antonio de la, S.J. 149n

xxix* , xxx

Page, Thomas [? Francis], S.J., ven martyr87

Pendril(1), Anne (olim Starling) 181n; Edmund 181n; William 180n; William, S.J., als . Birch 181

Penkevel , Peter 55n


Pennant, Edward 13on; Thomas , S.J., als Conway 130*n; see Mostyn, Frances ; als. of Mostyn, Thomas Pennsylvania18on

Penrhyn, co Carnarvon 147n

Pentreth, Pentry, Richard 59

Peralta, Franciscode, S.J. 15"

Pilley, Pile(us), John 77

Pimble, John, als Pimble, Ethelbert 108

Pisa, Italy 46n

Pius IV , Pope253

Pius IX, Pope 228*


Perc (e)y, Perse(us), Francis, Ingleby, Yngleui 175; John, S.J. , als Fisher, Fysher, als Fairfax 69* , 137*n, 139; Richard, als Percival 80, 91

Percival, Per(ci)(se)ual, Percyvall, als of Pansford, John; als of Percy, Richard

Perez, Thomas, S.J. xxxiv, xxxviii

Perne, Pernius, John, als of Creswell , Joseph

Perpointe, Thomas , als. Brown, Brunus 9

Persons, Personius , George, S.J. xix; John, O . Carth 13 ; Robert, S. J., als

Philopater, Andrew vii, viii, ix* , x* , xi, xii* , xiii*, xiv* , xv, xvi*, xvii* , xviii*,xix,xxii*, xxxvin, xl, 4n, 5n* , 8n* , IIn* , 13n, 17n, 24n, 53, 54, 90, 91* , 93, 94 , 95, 150n , 263* , 264* , 265, 266 , 267* , 269; als of Clode, William

Perry, Philip Mark, D.D. vii, viii*, xxxii, xlvii, xlviii* , xlix* , 1* , li* , lii* , liii , liv, lv , lvi* , lviii, 4 , 6, 10 , 13 , 18, 21 , 22, 23* , 30, 33, 34 , 44,45, 49, 68 , 161 , 168, 171 , 172, 192, 193, 199n, 200 , 202 , 259 Pet, Fr ...., S.J. 113 Peterborough , Peter(borow)(buriensis) 69, 80, 84 , 102 Peterson, als ofWillcox, Robert Petit, John, M.A. vii, ixn Pettiman, John 120n Pharos Gallecia, see El Ferrol Philip II of Spain ix, xii, xiv* , xvii*, xviii*, xix, 4, 7, 8, 10 , 11 , 12 , 15 , 16* , 17 , 21n , 29, 38n, 246* , 250, 266 Philip III of Spain xix, xx, xxiii, xxiv , 37 Philip IV of Spainxiiin

Phil(1)ips, Philipp (s)(i)(o), Bartholomew, als of Pugh, Richard ; Charles 157n , 158n ,160; Hugh 79; John 125 , 126; Robert, S.J. 160n; William, als Jo(h)nson, als Herbert 125; William, S.J. 67; .... (priest) 67; als. of Clifford, William

Philomelia, Bishop of, see Hornyold , James

Philopater, Andrew, als of Persons, Robert

Philpot, Filpot, Richard, als White74

Pilling, Thomas lxiii*, lxiv* , lxv*, 225* , 229 , 231 , 232

Place, Placa, Richard (Henry), als of Killinghall, Henry

Plauden, see Plowden

Playle, William, als Mildmey, als

Hesper 122 , 123

Ples(s)in(g)ton, Pleasington, Alice (olim Rawstorne) 169n; Blessed John, martyr, als Scarisbrick, Scresbridgius 169; Joseph, als ofCatesby, Richard; Robert 169n

Plowden, Salop 101

Plowden, Plauden, Benedict, als of Dean, Tobias; Edmund 101n; Mary, see White; Richard, S.J. xxxvin , xxxviin, 182 , 185, 186; see Dean , Frances

Plym(o)uth(ensis) 141n* , 224

Poland, Polonia 51

Poland, Anne (olim Pye) 1994; Mr .... 199n

Pole , Pool(e), Anthony, S.J. , als

Sm(i)(y)th 107, 108, 109n; Edward 185*; Francis, S.J. 162, 163n; George, S.J. 164*n ; John, S.J. xx, 157n , 159, 160; Michael, S.J. 186; Peter, als of Walford, Thomas; Thomas 32; als of Owen, Jeffrey

Poling, Sussex 146n

Pollard, Pol(1)ard(o), als of Sharp, James ; als of Poulton, Henry

Pollen, John H., S.J. xl; see Printed


Polonia, Poland 51

Pontevedra xxix

Pool (e), see Pole

Poonah, India 241

Pope, Alexander 176n; James, O.S.B. 230

Popham, Chief Justice zon

Port(e), Sir John 82n; see Gerard, Elizabeth; als ofLayton, John; als. of Layton , Thomas

Portella, see Portillo

Porter, Edward 19; Nicholas, S.J. xxxix, xliii, xlvi, lx* , 173* , 190* , 191

Portillo, Portella, Spain xxii, xxiii, xxvii* , xxviii, xxix,xxx,xxxi,xxxii*, xxxiii* , xxxiv* , li* , lii* , liii, lviii, lx, lxiv, 171*n, 1992 , 202

Portland, John, S.J., als Parry(e), Fulk 113 , 118

Portocarrero, Manuel, S.J. xxxiii*

Portsmouth 1Ion

Portugal, Lusitania xi, 4*n, 69, 72*n, 121 , 209 , 214, 215, 216* , 219 , 220, 221*n, 222* , 223 , 226


Portugalete, Spain xix

Portus Amanus, see Bilbao

Possino, Fr ...., S.J. ix

Potter, als of Thorpe, Ignatius

P(o)ulton, Andrew 181*n; Frances (olim Wollaston) 133n; Giles (Francis), S.J., als Palmer (William) 132; Henry, S.J. , als Pol(l)ard(0) 102; John 133n

Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs. 145n

Powel(1), Francis, S.J. 182; John 165n, 166n, 167; Thomas 181 ; see Alexander

Power, see Hawkins, Frances

Poynter, Bishop William lxi, lxiii* , 2082

Poza, Marchionessofxxin

Pozo, Santiago, O.P. 233

Prance, Prancæus, Thomas 165*n

Preston, Lancs 191n, 202, 215 , 219 , 224, 229, 230, 231* , 232* , 238, 242

Preston, see Hurst, Margaret

Price, Prisce(us), John, S.J. xxiii* , xxiv , xxv , 19 , 112; Sarah (olim Prickett) 204 , 209 ; Thomas Ivii* , lviii, 204, 205, 207 , 209* , 210 , 212 , 214 , 217 , 219 ; Thomas , snr 204 , 209; Thomas (another) 204, 209; Thomas , S.J. 19; als of Babe, Francis; als. of Jones, William

Pricket, see Price , Sarah

Pring, see Chamberlain, Mary

Printed Matter (referred to in the notes): Astrain, Antonio , S.J.; Historiade la Compeñia de Jesus en la Asistenciade España (vol iii, 1925) xii, xviiin

Becanus, Martin, S.J.; Manuale Controversiarumhujustemporisxxx

Birt, Henry Norbert, O.S.B.; Obit Book of the English Benedictines , (1913) 11 , 21 , 37, 40, 43, 45* , 50 , 52, 60 , 61, 63, 65 , 66, 68, 71 , 72 , 74 , 76, 79 , 80 , 84 , 88, 103 , 110 , 112 , 125 , 127 , 128, 129 , 234

Blackfan, John, S.J.; Annales Collegii S. Albani [1619-20] (1899) viii* , xin, xii, xivn, xvi, xviii, xxi, xxii* , xxiii*, xxiv, 4, 7 , 8 , 11 , 21 , 22, 23* , 26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35 , 40, 45* , 49 , 54 , 55, 56, 68, 69, 84, 109, ΙΙΟ

Bridgewater, John; ConcertatioEcclesia Catholicæ in Anglia .. (1588)

IIBurke, John; Peerage (1831) 101

Burton, Edwin H.; Life and Times of Bishop Challoner (1909) xlvi

Calendar of MSS. of the Marquis of Salisbury; 46 Camm, Bede, O.S.B .; A Benedic-

tine Martyr in England (1897) xx , 36, 40, 43, 44, 49, 50, 52, 65 , 75; In the BraveDaysof Old (1899) xxn , 32 , 34 , 38

Catholic Record Society's Publications (various); passim 2417

Challoner, Richard; Memoirs of Missionary Priests 9, 34, 141 , 145 , 153

Cordara, Julius, S.J.; Historia Societatis Jesu (1750) xiv* , xxiv

Croft, Canon & Gillow, Joseph ; Historical Accountof Lisbon College (1902) xiiin, 12, 81 , 101 , 114 , 126 , 153 , 155 , 197, 219

Dodd, Charles; Church History of England (1737) viii, 4, 6, 16, 69, 80, 83, 144, 146

Dunne, ThomasA.; Thefirst years of St. Alban's College, Valladolid (Ushaw Magazine, Mch and Jul, 1906) 4

Foley, Henry, S.J.; Records ofthe English Province of the Societyof Jesus (1877-83) passim

Foster, Joseph ; Alumni Oxoniensis (1887) 8, 9, 19, 53, 58, 68, 105 , 134

Gasquet, Cardinal Adrian ; History of the Venerable English College, Rome (1920) II

Gillow , Joseph; Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics (1885) viiin, ix, 4, 9, 10, 15, 17 , 18 , 19* , 24, 26, 38, 43, 58, 63* , 76, 80, 97 , 101 , 105, 114, 117 , 119, 120 , 121 , 127 , 133, 139* , 144, 145 , 147 , 148, 149* , 153, 163, 164, 165 , 168, 169 , 172 , 176, 178; Haydock Papers (1888) 74; St. Thomas's Priory 106

Hamilton, Adam, O.S.B.; Chronicle of the English Augustinian Canonesses of St. Monica's at Louvain (1904-6) 28, 61, 64, 96, 87, 205

Hicks, Leo, S.J.; Father Persons , S.J. , and the Seminaries in Spain (The Month, Mch , May, June, 1931) vii

Jessop, Augustus; One Generation of a Norfolk House (1879) 141

Kirk, John; BiographiesofEnglish Catholics (1909) 163, 166, 167 , 172 , 173, 178, 185, 196*

Knox, Thomas Francis, Cong Orat.; The First and Second Diaries of the English College , Douay [Records of the English Catholics under the Penal Laws; vol i] (1878) xiin, 4-17 passim, 19 , 20, 21 , 22 , 24, 25 , 27-30 passim , 33, 35 , 44, 45* , 63 , 102

More, Henry, S.J.; Historia Mis-


sionis Anglicance Societatis Jesu (1660) viii , xin, xii, xvi, 5, 44

Morris, John, S.J.; The Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers (1872) xixn , 50

Old English Chapter, List of Members ofthe, (1913) 6, 17, 24, 81, 101 , 109 , 114, 127, 132, 142, 162 , 196*

Oliver, George ; Collections [Biography ofthe Members ofthe Society ofJesus] (1845) 188

Peacock , Edward ; A List of the Roman Catholics in the County of York . (1872) 136 , 138 , 150

Pollen, John H., S.J.; Acts of the EnglishMartyrs (1891) 55; English Collegesin Eighteenth CenturySpain (The Month , Feb. , 1912) xl

Sacchini , F., S.J.; HistoriaSocietatis Jesu (edited by P. Possino , S.J., and printed in 1661) viii

SangradorVitores, Matias; Historia dela Muy Noble y Leal Ciudad de Valladolid (1851) xv, xvin

Taunton, Ethelred; History of the Jesuits in England (1901) xx; The English Black MonksofSt.Benedict (1897) 60

Tierney, Mark Aloysius; Dodd's Church History of England (183943) xiiin, xviiin, 5, 6, 79

Ward, Bernard; History of St. Edmund's College, Old Hall (1893) 176, 184

Yepes, Diego de ; Historia particular de la persecucion de Inglaterra (1599) ix, xin,xix, 15, 17, 32, 34, 35

Prisons, see Bridewell, Cardiff, Chester, Clink, Exeter, Gatehouse , Lancaster, Marshalsea , New, Newgate, (Old Bailey), Tower, Morpeth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Shrewsbury, Stafford, Wisbeach, York

Pri(t)chard, Laurence 157 , 158 ; Nicholas, O.S.B. 125 , 126

Proctor, als of Metcalfe, Thomas Propaganda Fide, Sacred Congregation de xxxvi, xl*, xlv*

Prisceus, see Price

Puddin(g)ton, Cheshire 169*n

Pue(us), see Pugh

Puebla, Jacinto de la, S.J. xxxi*

Pwllheli, co. Carnarvon 39n

Pye, Anne 194, 1992; Richard 194: William 194, 199; see Poland

Pynne, co Devon 113N

Quartermain, Quaterman, William 171

Quenion, see Kenyon

Quiñones , Alonso de xiii, xvii; see Vigil

Quousque, co York 75*n, 172 , 173n

Radcliffe, see Rogerson , Alice; see Shepherd , Anne; als of Shepherd, Joseph; see Ratcliffe

Raglan Castle , Wales 33n

Rainer, see Rayner

Rainhill, Lancs 149n

Ramirez, Luis, S.J. 16n; als of Martin, Francis

Ramos, Joseph, S.J. 192


Ra(t)cliff(e), John 156n; (Thomas) 156; als. ofBarlow, Edward Ambrose; als of Raynes , William; see Radcliffe

Rawstorne, Lawrence 169n; see Plessington, Alice

Ray Green, nr Kirkham, Lancs 220

Raymund, Raym(ond)(ent), Charles, S.J. xxxiv*, 178* , 179*

Rayner, Rainer, Reyner, William 16

Raynes, Robert 109n; William, als

Robinson, als Ratcliffe109

Reardon, Timothy223*

Reason , Anne (olim Small) 197; John 197, 201; Robert 197

Recio, Clemente, S.J. xli*


Reding, als of Bamber, Edward

Redlingf(i)eld, Suffolk 9n, 178n

Redman , Bridget (olim Clement) 97n; John 97*n; Robert 97n ; Thomas 97n ; William 97

Reeve(s), Rives, Thomas, S.J. xxiii, xxiv; Richard, S.J. 208, 213

Reguera, Andres, S.J. xxxi*

Remis , see Rheims

Remmington, Francis, als Clark, Clerk 45*

Rennes, France, College 28n

Reynolds , Blessed Thomas, martyr9n

Reynosa, Francisco de, Dean of Puente, Cardinal Fernando de la, Palencia, Abbot of Husillos, Bishop Archbishop of Burgos 243

Puerto Santa Maria, Mnestei Portus xxxix , xliii, 190 , 191

Pugh, Pue(us), Philip 147" ; Richard, S.J. , als Phil(1)ips, Bartholomew 146n, 147; William 171

Pulborough, Sussex 87n

Pulton, see Poulton Puñonrostro, Count of xxin

of Cordova xiii, 251

Rheims, Rhemos , Remis xin, xii, 2 , 4*n, 5, 6, 7*n, 8* , 9* , IIn, 12n* , 13n* , 16n, 17n , 19*n, 20* , 21* , 22* , 25*n, 27*n, 28*n, 29*n, 30*n, 33*n, 57 , 61 , 71n, 95n, 247, 265; see Douay

Rhug, co Merioneth 33

Ri(b) (v)adeneira, José de, Bishop of Valladolid 224 , 227 , 233, 234*

Ribchester , Ribcastrum, Lancs 236

Ricardo, see Richards

Ricci, Lorenzo, S.J. xliii*, xliv, xlv*

Richards, Ricardo, Ric(h)ardi, Francis 120n; als. of Hatson, William

Richardson, Richerson, William 42; Blessed William, martyr, als Anderson 21; als of Bamber, Edward ; see Corby, Isabella; als of Urneston, Thomas

Richelieu, Cardinal 24n* , 151n*

Richmond, Surrey 20, 194; co York 22n , 214

Riddiough, see Green, Lucy Anne

Rigby, Rigbie, Edward 242 ; Emma

(olim Ellis) 242; John, als Street(e), als White 145*; [John], D.D. 227; William 242; .... 145n

Rigge, als of Edner , Lewis

Riley, see Parkinson, Sarah

Riton, see Ryton

Rimmer, Henry 226*

Rio, Gonzalodel, S.J. xix*

Rioseco , Spain xx, 158n

Risle (us), see Risley

Risdon, Rysdon, Giles 118n; Thomas, als Gibbons 128; als ofStile, Lewis

Risley, Rislæ(us), William 148* , 149*n; als of Haughton, Edward

Rislip, co Middlesex 133n

Rivadeneira , see Ribadeneira

Rivers, Anthony , S.J. 2on ; Richard

171*; als. of Abbot, John; als of Floyd , Henry ; als of Whitelock , Anthony

Rixton Hall, Lancs 170n

Rixton, (Wrexen), nr Warrington , Lancs 144n*

Roberts , Blessed John, O.S.B. , martyr 49, 50; see Williams, Jane

Robins , Robbins, William 33*n, 34* , 46n ; see Clark, Anne

Robinson, Fr ..... S.J. 71; Joseph, als. of Kigheley, Thomas; als of Raynes , William; see Rudd, Ann

Rochdale , Lancs 240

Rock, see Rook

Rochella, see La Rochelle

Rochester , Rofensis 6

Rochester, Rof(f)ensi(s), als of Meridale, John; als of Rogers, Thomas

Rochus, see Rook

Rodriguez Campomanes , Pedro 1 , li, 197 , 198

Rodriguezde Toro, Alonso, S.J. xix* ,


Rof(f)ensi(s), see Rochester

Rofot(us), see Ruffet

Rogers, Godfrey 127n; John William 245; Margaret 127n ; Sarah (olim

Smith) 245; Thomas 245; Thomas, S.J., als. Rochester , Rofensis 127;

... (priest) 63; als of Cadwallader, Roger; als of Floyd, Henry; als of Ward, John

Rogerson , Alice (olim Radcliffe) 236; John 235, 236; John, snr 236

Romay, Teodosio , S. J. xxxiii*

Rome ix, xii, xiii* , xvii, xxi*, xxii* , xxiv* , xl, xlii* , xliv, xlv, liii, lvi, 4" , 6 , 7, 10*n, II*n, 17n* , 23*n, 24n* , 33, 37 , 44, 53, 54, 8on, 81, 85, 90, 94 , 95, 101n , 122, 150, 161 , 170n , 181n, 228 , 230, 240, 251, 265 , 268; English College xii, xviiin, xxx, lvi, lix, 2, 4, 5 , 7*n, 8*n, Ion, 15n , 16*n , 17n , 23n, 27*n, 28*n, 30*n, 36n , 52n , 66, 82, 87n* , 96n, 97n, 102 , 107 , IION , IIIN, 112 , 113 , 116*n , 117n , 122n* , 125 , 126*n, 127*n, 146 , 150n , 151n, 155n, 184, 231, 246, 247, 248, 249 ; German College xxx, 247; Irish College lvi; Jesuit Noviciate 122n; Scots College Ivi ; SpanishAmbassador in 246

Rook, Rochus , Rock, Henry 8; Nicholas 8n

Ro(o)kwood, Rokewood, Christopher,

O.S.F. 46n; Dorothy 46n; Robert 46n ; als of Garnet, Thomas

Roos, [Ross], Fris 120n; see Badduley, Anne Ross(e), co. Hereford 83

Ross(e), Edward, S.J. 105; als of Badduley, Francis; see Roos

Rossall, Isle of (St. Chad's, Shrewsbury) 82n

Rotomagum, see Rouen

Rouen , Rotomagum 29, 76 , 77 , 125n

Rowington, co Warwick 133n

Rowles, see Evans

Ruben (Rubin) de Celis, Manuel, Bishop of Valladolid 193, 196, 199 , 200

Rudd, Rudous , Rod(a)(c)us, Ann (olim Robinson) 150n; Anthony 150n; Gaspar, als Pemberton, John 148, 150, 185

Ruffet, Ruffut, Rofot(us), John 26

Rufford 169n

Ruiz de Vallejo, Pedro , S.J. xx* , xxi, xxii*

Rupella , see La Rochelle

Rushlyford, co Durham 211

Rushton, Northants. 101n

Rutland 101 , 179n

Rysdon, see Risdon

Ryton, Riton, nr Malton, co. York

80*n, 225

Sacchini, F., S.J., see Printed Matter

Sahagun , Abbey of St. Facundus45" , 6In

St. Albans, Herts 115 , 143"

Sancti Germani, see St. Germain(s)

St. Asaph, Asafensis , Wales 10, 15* , San(d)ford, Humphrey 82*n; Mat33, 53, 102*n, 130n

St. Aubyn, ... 39m

St. Chad's , Shrewsbury 82n

St. David's, Wales 13

St. Germain(s), Sancti France 183 , 184* , 188

Germani, St. Omer, Audomar(ensis)(um); Audomar(i)(o)polis, Odomoropolis xviii, xix, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi, xxviii, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii* , xxxix* , xl, xlii, xliii, xlvi, 5, II , Ign , 28, 29*n, 30m, 34, 35, 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 42 , 46, 47 , 49, 50 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59, 61* , 62 , 63, 64 , 65* , 69, 70, 71 , 74* , 75 , 76 , 77 , 78* , 80 , 81 , 82 , 83* , 84 , 85, 86 , 87 , 89 , 94, 98* , 99* , 100 , 101 , 102 , 103 * , 105* , 106* , 107* , 109 , 110 , III*n , 113*n , 114* , 115 , 116 , 117* , 118 , 119* , 120* , 121, 122 , 123* , 124*n, 125* , 126* , 127 , 128* , 129, 130, 131 , 132 , 133* , 134* , 135 , 136 , 138* , 140* , 141*n, 142* , 143 , 144 , 146n, 148, 153n* , 155n* , 156n, 160n* , 165n, 166*n, 170n* , 172n, 176 , 177 , 178n , 179* , 181* , 182, 1832, 184, 187* , 188n , 189 , 190, 206 , 212, 266, 269 St. Thomas'sPriory, co Stafford 106n [Saire], see Sayer

Salamanca , Salmantica xxvi, xxxi, 43n, 101 , 114 , 122n, 123, 124n, 143 , 153 , 154 , 155n, 158n , 170n*; Bishop of 122* , 200, 237 , 251; Irish College Ivi, lvii; Jesuit College xxxi, 123: Augustinian Convent 101

Salamanca , Ambrosio de, S.J. xxix*

Sale, Anne (olim Neville) 133n; Edmund, S.J. , als Neville 133"; John, als. Neville, Nevleo, als Samford, als San (d)ford 133, 136n*; William 133n

Salford, Bishop of 234 , 241 , 245; Cathedral227, 230; Diocese of 234*n, 235, 240 , 241, 242, 243, 245

Salisbury, Salisburiensis 13 , 18 , 61n, 63, 104, 107n

Salisbury, Sa(1)(r)isburius, John, S.J. 33 , 34 , 46n, 132; John, High Sheriff 33n ; Sir John 33"; Robert 33"

Salisbury Hall, Lancs . IIn

Salmantica , see Salamanca

Salmesbury , nr Preston, Lancs 229

Salop(iensis), see Shropshire

Sal(o)way, Saulway, Thomas8

Salupia, see Shropshire

Salvin , als of Constable, Robert

Salway, see Saloway

Samford, als. of Sale , John Sanchy , see Sankey

thew, als Lassels, als Okeley 65n , 83*n; als ofSale, John; see Stanford

Sander (s), Sander(us), Edward 154 , 156; Gregory, als Forman, als Fromoundes 115; Thomas 30

Sanderson, Nicholas, S.J., als Thompson xxxix* , xl, xli* , 174* , 189; als. of Holland , Thomas SangradorVitores, Matias, see Printed Matter

San Clemente, Juan de, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela xviii, 5, 6

San Ildefonso, Collegiate Church 207 San Lúcar de Barrameda, Spain, St. George's Residence 7*n, 9 , 16n , 48n , 59

San Sebastian , Spain xxiv, 32, 73 , 235

Sankey, Sanchy, William, S.J.xxviii* , xxix, xxxi* , 135, 167n

Santander , Santandrea, Spain 199, 218 , 224, 226, 228, 230 , 231* , 238 , 243*

Santiago de Compostela , de Galicia, Spain 43n , 121n , 143n , 227; Archbishop of xviii, 228, 267; Jesuit College xxx; St. Martin's 40n , 49 , 50п, 52п, боп

Santovenia , Spain xxiv

Santry, Florence 237; Florence, snr 237 ; Jane (olim Conolly) 237; John 233*

Sapcotts, see Bartlett, Tomasine

Saracho, Spain 173n

Saragossa, Caesar Augusta, Zaragoza, Spain 181n , 228

Sarisburi(us), see Salisbury

Sarmiento, Jacobus de, SpanishAmbassador in England 140

Saunderson, see Ainsley, Robert

Savage, see Stanley, Anne

Sawyer, als of Garnet, Thomas; see Sayer

Saxon, see Taylor, Elizabeth

Saxton, co. York 138n, 149n

Sayer, Saire, Sawyer, Sayro, Francis 136; Richard, S.J., als Stan(d)ley 136; John 143n ; als of Garnet , Thomas

Scarisbrick , Lancs 134n

ScarisbrickHall (School) 1691

Scarisbrick,Scarisb(ridgius) (uri), John 157; Francis, S.J., als Neville xxxviii* , xl, xlii, 189; als of Plessington, John

Schesshier, see Cheshire

Scherat (us), see Sherrat

Scotland liv, 25, 26* , 249

Scotney Castle, Sussex 71n

Scot(t), Scotus, Edward 140*n; Jane

(olim Felton) 140*n; John 12*n; Nicholas, als. Newman 135, 140

Scrope, John 17n ; see More, Mary

Scrupe, als of Metcalfe, Thomas

Scudamore , als . of Jones , John

Sculthorpe, nr Walsingham, Norfolk 1172

Sebastopol (is) 230, 233

Se(a)born(e), Christopher, als Wilford, Charles 147 , 157*

Searle, Francis 237; als of Spicer, Edward Seaton, Cumberland 26n

Sedgley Park (School ) 207n , 218n, 220* , 231

Segovia, Segobia , Segoviensis xvin, xxv, lix, 140 , 143, 147n, 156n , 157n , 169n , 170n ; Bishop of 193, 206* , 225, 251

Serjeant, John 209, 218 ; Juliana (olim Yates) 218 ; Richard 218

Sessa , 5th Duke of xxi, 246*

Sestrensis, see Chester Sevenoaks, Kent 6n

Seville, Hispal(ensis)(is) xxiv* , xxvi*, IIN, 29*n, 83n , 102, 105, 177 , 179 , 199 , 228; Archbishop of xlvii; English College viiin, xiiin, xivn, xviii, xxiii*, xlvi*, xlvii* , lv, Ivi* , lviii, 4 , 5, 6*n, 7 , 8n* , gn, 10, 12*n, 13 , 14 , 15 , 16*n, 17*n , 18* , 19* ,

21 , 22, 23, 24 , 25, 26* , 31* , 32n* , 34 , 35, 37 , 38, 39, 40*n, 41 , 42, 45 * , 46n, 49, 50 , 51, 55*n, 57, 58, 59*n, 66n* , 72*n, 76 , 79, 80, 86n, 95, 96, 98n, 99, 101 , 102 , 107n , 111 , 112, 113 , 115 , 116 , 117 , 120n, 129* , 140 , 145 , 146n, 147*n, 159n, 167 , 168n* , 170n, 192 , 198, 201, 202 , 260 , 266; Medical Society xlvi, xlvii* , 202

Sewall, Nicholas, S.J. 215

Sharkey , see Laverty, Mary

Sharp (e), James , S.J. , als Pollard , Pol(l)ard(o) xxn, 68 , 124

Sharples, Charles , O.D.C. 238, 240; Helen (olim Singleton) 240; Rupert 240

Shaw , James 220 , 223*

Sheadly, see Shirley

Sheehan , Edward 243 ; Margaret (olim Lewin) 243 ; William 243

Sheil, James lxviii, lxix, 233*; Mary (olim Gilmore) 233; Michael 233

8(h)eldon, Thomas, S.J. xxvi ; Ralph

106n; see Fowler, Mary

Shelley, Shelle (us), Edward, als Whit(t)bey, Whitbe (us) 87, 91; Richard 55n; Thomas87n; Ury 87n ; William xxin, 55 , 56

Shephe(a)rd, Anne (olim Radcliff , Ratcliffe) 205, 208 , 211; Joseph xlviii* , li* , lii*, lv, lvi* , lvii* , lviii*,

193, 201* , 202, 203, 208 , 209* , 210 , 211 , 214 , 215 ; Joseph, als Radcliff, Ratcliff(e) 205, 208; Priscilla (olim Barton) 202; Robert 205 , 208 , 211; Thomas 232*; William 202

Sherburn(e), Hugh 11n; als ofIrvin, Thomas; als of Irvin, William; see Irvin, Alice ; see Talbot, Anne

Sherley, als of Spicer, Edward; see


Sherrat, Sherrot, Scherat(us), Henry xin, xii, 6

Sher(r)ington, als of Ainsworth , John; als of Ashley, Ralph; als of Sherwood, Robert

Sherwood , John 103n; Mary 103n; Robert, O.S.B., als Sherington 103

Shimel, see Greenway, Sarah

Shirley, Sherley, Sheadley , Andrew , O.S.B. 51

Shrewsbury82n ; Bishop of 235, 245; Diocese of 231, 235, 243n, 244 , 245;

Prison 153"

Shrewsbury , Earl of 19n , 201, 2072

Shropshire, Salop (iensis), Salupia

prov 48, 65, 73, 81 , 82*n, 83, 87* , 88 ,

101 *n , 134 , 153n , 181n

Short, Benedict, O.P. 215

Showley, Lancs 175n

Shuttleworth, Thomas, O.S.B. 211

Sicilia, Caecilia , Bartolomé de, S.J., als Contreras, Juan de xvii*, xviiin

Sicil(ius), see Cecil, John

Sidley, John, als Jacobs, Jacobi, or James 1242 , 134

Silisden, Syllisden, see Bedingfeld, Matthew

Silkstead (School), nr Winchester 176n

Simancas, Spain xxviii ; archives xxi

Simonds , als ofFloyd, Henry

Sim(p)son, John, als Torbett 169 , 172; William 181; als of Benson , Peter; als of Gargrave, George ; als. of Hildreth, William; als of Kirke, Francis; see Stevens , Anne

Singleton, The Fylde, Lancs 163n , 221

Singleton, John 214 , 216; Thomas 36*n, 53, 54; Mr .... 145n ; see Gillet, Anne; als ofMorgan, Edward; see Sharples; Helen

SixtusV , Pope 7

Skevington , als of Ainsworth, John

Skinner, Anthony 6n; Jane 6n; see Bosvile , Bennet

Skirret, Robert 190

Slade, nr Waterford , Ireland 224n , 231n

Slater , John 204 , 207 , 209

Slawson , Bridget (olim Hervey) 236; George 235, 236; Thomas 236


Sleighford , Sliefild, Ralph, als Newman, William xiiin*, xivn, 12n Small, see Reason, Anne Smith, Smyth , Christopher, als. Gervison 135 , 136; Edward, O.S.B., als

Aspinald 112; Edward, als. of Everard, John; Elizabeth (olim Mason) 215; Francis, als of Floyd, Henry; Francis, see George, see John; George30, 31; George (Francis), S.J. 157 , 158n, 159 ; Henry 157*n; Henry, S.J. 183; James 214 , 216, 217; James , snr 216; Jane (olim Threlfal) 216, 217; Jarvis (Gervis) 136*n; John xxin, 91; John (another) 112; John Francis, S.J., als Harrington or Harrison 144; John (another) 223, 224 ; John, als of Caldwell, William (John); Joseph lviii* , 214, 215; Margaret (olim Brown) 244; Nicholas, S.J. 37n, 58, 66; Richard, D.D., Bishop of Chalcedonxivn, xix, 16n , 23, 58n, 81n ; Richard, M.D. 58*n; Thomas 209, 214, 215 , 217; Thomas, Bishop of Bolina lxiii ; Thomas, S.J. 167; William 243, 244 ; William, snr 244; William, S.J., als

Sutheron 133; als. of Hodson, Thomas ; als of Jues, Thomas; als of Po(o)le, Anthony; see Rogers, Sarah Smithson, John 21 ; als. of Jackson, Francis

Smyth, see Smith Snowden, als ofCecil, John Sodovercensis, see Southwark Soissons, France Sn*

Solana, Pedro José, S.J. xxxviii*

Soleol, see Solihull

Solihull, Soleol, Warwicks 55*n

So(1)wick, Lancs 204

Somerset (tensis), Sumerset 45* , 77, 116, 161*n, 194, 197 , 238*

Somerset, Lady Frances 33n

Songar, see Watson, Florence Sophia, see Wise, George Sorbonne , Paris 6 , 16n , 101n

Soria, Antonio Joachim de, Bishop of Valladolid 200, 203, 204, 205

Sosa, Diego Alfonso de, S.J. xxxiv, XXXV* , 180n

Southcote , John xiii; Mr .... 122

Southerne , Sutheron, William , ven martyr 51

Southampton89, 112, 227, 232

Southport, Lancs 210, 221, 231

Southwark, S(o)uthwarcensis , Sodovercensis, Bishop of 242; Diocese of 240, 241 , 242 , 244

S(o)uthwell, als of Bacon, George ; als of Bacon, John Sowerby , co York 4n*

Sowick , see Solwick

Spagford , see Sparchford

Sparchford(e), Salop 14n , 82n

Sparchford, Spagford, John 14; Johannes 14n

Speke, Lancs 165n

Spicer, Edward, als Searle, als Sherley 129

Stabley, Stablæus , Francis 166*n

Stafford(shire), Sta(f)ordiensis 22n , 35 , 64, 69n, 74n , 75*n, 87 , 106*n , 120*n, 122n , 125*n, 133*n, 137" , 139* , 142 , 166, 170n, 172, 178n , 201 , 207n , 209 , 213n ; Stafford Prison


Stafford, Stafordo, Francis 178*n; Gregory, S.J. xxvi, 121n; Ignatius , als of Badduley, Robert ; als of Comberford, Ignatius ; als. of Stanford, Robert ; als ofThorpe,Ignatius

Staleybridge , Cheshire224

Stamford, see Stanford

Standish , Lancs. 145n

Standish , Standicius, George,als Stanter 168; als of Gerard, John

Stanford, Stamford, Sandford, Francis, als Oc(k)ley 77; Robert, S.J., als. Stafford 154n

Standen , James lxiv, xlv*, xlvi*, lxviii, 225, 227* , 228, 232*

Stan(d)ley, als of Sayer, Richard

Stanley , Anne (olim Savage) 202; Charles 211; Edward, S.J. xxviii; James 202; John 202 , 205, 207" , 208*; John, als. Latham 143: John (another) 154

Stanney, [Thomas ], S.J. 99

Stanningfield, Suffolk 46n

Stanter, als ofStandish , George

Staple Inn, Stapleynne, London 25

Stapleton, Stapelton, Gervase 154; Miles 214*; Sir Miles 172n ; als. of Fowler, William

Stapleynne , see Staple Inn

Starkie, Starke(us)(y), Edmund 153"; see Whitaker, Helen; als, ofWhitaker, Thomas

Starling, see Pendrill, Anne

Stella, co Durham 225n

Stering ..... als Brown (priest) 129

Stevens, Anne (olim Simpson) 236; George 235, 236; Robert 236

Stile, Lewis, als Risdon 118

Stillington, als of Bilcliffe , Peter; Thomas 7n; William 61*

Stock, Essex 188n

Stockport, Cheshire, 62n , 234

Stoker, Thomas, O.S.B. , als Milbey, Mibbeo 127

Stone, Andrew (John), S.J. , als

Cut(h)bert, John, als Fairfax, als

Town 127; Mr .... xlviii

Stonor, Christopher liii, lv*; Mr .... 167

Stonyhurst 1IN

Stout, Dennis 214, 215 ; John 215; Margaret (olim Varley) 215

Stratford, Stratfoorthe , 33

Street (e), Thomas, als (priest)

Bridges, Brige(us) 132; Thomas132n; Thomas snr 132n; als of Rigby, John

Stretford, Manchester 227

Stretton, Hereford 22n

Strut(t), Richard (John) xxn, 68, 69

Stuckl(e)y, Stucle(us), Augustine 17; Thomas 17

Studley, Lancs 189n

Stuttard, Richard lviii* , 219

Suarez, Cristobal, S.J. xxiii

Suckett , see Crathorne, Anne

Suffi (e)ld, William 154" , 156; see

Clayton, Anne

Suffolk 46n, 77, 78, 96*n, 104*n, 107, 133n, 136n , 166n* , 170n* , 178 , 197

Sugden, William, als Loyall 173

Sumerset, see Somerset

Surrey, Suria, Surrensis66n, 106* , 115

Sussex 64, 66n, 67*n, 71, 82, 87, 114 , 140, 146n, 179, 193

Sutton, co. Hereford 147n

Sutton, Lancs 239

Sutton, Mr ... 108

Tarbuck Hall, nr Ormskirk, Lancs 1992

Tarragona, Spain, Bishop of xxin

Tassis, Juan de, SpanishAmbassador in England xxn , 106

Tattersall, T(a) (e)dersal, John , O.S.B. 52

Taurner, see Taverner

Taunton, Somerset194

Taunton, Ethelred L., see Printed Matter

Taverner, Tauerner, Taberer, Edward , als Banister, als Davis, John 175n , 176

Taler(us), see Taylor

Taylor, Tayl (er)(our), Tailer, Taler(us)

Anthony 117 , 118; Elizabeth (olim Ditton) 202; Elizabeth (olim Saxon) 234; Edward 202; Francis, als of Comberford , John; Henry, als of Wilford, Humphrey ; (John) Peter, als of Wilford, Peter; Richard 234; Thomas 148, 149; Thomas (another) 179*n; Thomas (rector) Ivii, lviii* , lix* , lxi, 202, 207* , 208, 209, 214, 219 , 221 , 222 , 233 , 234; .... (priest)

38 ; Ven Fr .... 103; Williamlxviii, 234; als . of Bullaker, Thomas

Tedersal , see Tattersall

Temple Broughton, co Worcester122n

Temple Cowleyco. Oxford 6on

Sutheron, als of Smith, William; see Tempest , Charles 183; Elizabeth

Southerne , William

Suete, als of Lane Thomas

Suetenam , see Swe(e)tnam

Swansea 21ON

Swarbr(e)(i)ck, Edward 216; John 216; Joseph 214, 216; Robert 216n

Sweet, als of Lane , Thomas

Swe(e)tnam, Sweetman , Suetenam , John, S.J., als. Nicholson xxin, 69

Swinburn, Simon, S.J. xviii

Syllisdon, als of Bedingfeld, Matthew

Sylvester , Thomas, S.J. viii, xxi*, xxii, xxiii, xxiv*, xxvi*

Taberer , see Taverner

Tadcaster , Tadecastrum, co York 236

Tadersal , see Tattersall

Talacre, Flints 130n

Talbot, Tolbot , Anne (olim Sherbrune) 11n; James, Bishop of Birtha liii, lv, lviii, 219; Thomas, Bishop of Acone 219 ; John 11n; John, S.J.

153*n; als of Gorsuch, George ; see Hothersall, Anne

Talman, als ofMore , Henry

(olim Fermor) 183n; John, S.J., als

Hardest(ie)(y) 186*; Robert 103; Stephen 183n

Teneriffe 189n

Terret, Teret(t), Tyrwhit, Henry, S.J. , als. Gwillim, Guillim xxxiv, xxxv , 181n , 182; als of Bradsheet, John; als of Dolman, Robert; see Turret

Tesimond , Oswald, S.J., als Philip Beaumont xix, xxiii* , xxiv*; als of Cadwallader, Roger

Texerizo, Francisco, S.J. xxxix, xli*, xlv, 190, 191

Therchel(ius), see Thirkeld

Thimbleby, Richard 114n; Elizabeth, see Clifford

Thingdon(ia), Northants [?] 85

Thirkel(1), Thirkeld, Therchel(ius), Henry 24 , 25; Blessed Richard, martyr 25

Theobald, Robert 65n, 66, 67

T(h)om(p)son, Edward 71; Francis 107 , 109; James (Rector) lxx; James 38n ; John, S.J. xxiii*,xxiv* , II; Richard lxiii*, lxiv*; Richard, S.J., als Frost 131 ; als of Lampton, Tancred, Tancard, Charles , S.J. xix* , John; als ofOverton, Edward ; als


Tapia, Gregorio de xxin

Tappin, Peter, als of Helme, Hugh

of Sanderson , Nicholas Thornby, Lancs. 226

Thorne(y), Thorn(us), Richard 7


Thorneton, als of Blackfan, John

Thornhull, see Tornell, Edmund

Thornton, co York 236

Thor(n)ton Hal(1), co York 97*n

Thorpe, Ignatius, S.J. , als. Stafford, als Potter, als. Xavier 170

Threlfal, see Smith, Jane Thresham , John 101

Thrigley, als of Laurenson, Richard

Thulis, Thules(ius), John, ven martyr

18n; Robert 18, 28n

Thurnham, Lancs . 115n

Tibald, Robert 46n

Tichb(o)urn(e), Francis 84; Henry 84n ; Henry, S.J. xx; John, S.J. xlii, xliv, 190*n, 191; Thomas201

Tidyman, see Tydiman

Tierney, Mark Aloysius, see Printed


Tillison, Fr .... 28 [? Tillotson, Francis]

Timcock, Anthony , O.S.B. , als. Culpeper, als Walgrave 85; John 85*n

Timings, Charles 197, 201, 203 , 205" , 206*; Mary (olim Cooper) 197; Samuel197

Timms, see Davies , Lucy

Tindal(1), Tyndall, Edmund, als

Cob(us) 82, 91; als of Bilcliffe , Peter

Titchfield, Hants 67n

Tiverton(ia), co . Devon 196, 202, 218

Tixall, co Stafford 12 , 209

Tloa, Bishop oflxvii

Tornell(us), Thornhull , Edmund 7

Tolbot, als of Gorsuch, George; see Talbot

Toledo, Toletum, Spain 70; Jesuit Province of 37 , 39

Toledo , Antonio de xxn ; Pedro de xxin

Tomlinson , (pursuivant) 72n

Tomson , see Thompson

Topcliffe, Topley, Toplif(us), Richard (pursuivant) 25 , 270

Topley, see Topcliffe

Torbett, als of Simpson, John

Tordesillas, Spain 205 , 207

Tornell(us), see Thornhull

Torner, see Turner

Toro, Spain 175"

Toro, de, see Rodriguez

Torquemada , Spain 173n , 219

Torrano, Francisco , S.J. xlv

Trachis, Bishop oflxvii

Trales, Lancs. 194

Traspinedo , Spain xxi, xxii

Tras wineth, see Trawsfynydd

Travagan, als. of Blakiston, William Trawsfynydd, Traswineth, co Merioneth49*n

Tredunnock, co Monmouth 58n

Trim, Richard, als ofBarnes , Andrew

Trinidad 219n

Trinitarians 157

Troas, Troya, Bishop of 160n , 161n , 162*1

Trua, see Truro

Truro, Trua, Cornwall 36n , 54

Tucket, Colonel 167

Tudhoe, nr Rushlyford, co . Durham 211

Tullyallen, Ireland 237

Tunbridge, Kent 5n

Turbervil(le), Lewis 68n ; Humphrey,

O.S.B., als. Basset, Edward 68

Turnet, Torner, Anthony 91; Francis 37; William, Bishop of Salford 234; see Horrabin , Margaret

Turret, als of Dolman, Robert

Tusmore , co Oxford 183n

Tuxford, Notts 59

Twyford (School), nrWinchester176n , 184n

Tyburn, London 40n, 44n , 122n* , 138n, 140n, 141 , 172n

Tydiman, Tidyman, Francis 220 , 221 , 223; John 202; Susanna 202; Michael 202, 205, 207* , 208

Tyndall, als of Bilcliffe, Peter

Tyrwhit, see Terret

Ugglebarnby , Blackamore, co . York. 139n

Ugthorpe, co York 185n

Ulis (s)ip(p)o , Ulissipolim, see Lisbon

Ulverston, Lancs 199; St. Mary's Church 237

Upholland, nr Wigan, Lancs. 18n; St. Joseph's College 239n

Urmeston, Urneston, Wrinston(us), Thomas 18 ; Thomas , als Richardson 18n; Richard 18n

Ushaw , nr Durham, St. Cuthbert's College viii, lxiii*, lxiv, lxv* , lxvi, lxix* , 221 , 222, 223 , 225 , 227 , 228 , 229* , 230 , 231* , 232

Usillos, see Husillos

Torres , Bartolomé xxxvii*

Florencio de

Torre, Francisco Vicente de la, S.J. XXXV , xxxvin , xxxvii*

Tottington, Lancs. 169n

Tournai, Belgium 76n , 97n

Town, als of Stone , Andrew

Towneley, family 126n

Tower, The, London 27n , 40 , 270 T

Valcarce, Juan Baptista, S.J. xxxvii, xxxviii

Valencia, Patriarch ofxxn

Valladolid , Vall(e)(i)soletum, Pincia, Bishop ofxli, xlix*, 1* , lii* , liii, 160n , 162*n, 165n, 193, 196, 198, 199* , 200* , 203 , 204, 205, 208, 214 , 215* ,

216 , 217, 221* , 222* , 224 , 227 , 228, 233, 234; Archbishop of 235 , 236 , 237, 239 , 240* , 241* , 242, 243, 244* , 245 ; Churches : Cathedral xxxii, 245; Augustinian 208; St. Benedict's (San Benito) xiv, xix, xxi*, 6on; St. Blaise's (San Blas) xv, xvi; St. Isidore's 213; St. John's xlix* , li* , lii*, lv, lvii, lxviii, 193; St. Michael's 211; St. Paul's (San Pablo) 200; St. Philip Neri's 205 ; The Rosarillo xv; Colleges : Irish College xvi, lvi; St. Ambrose's (under the Jesuits) xiii, xiv, xviii, xxiii*, xxiv* , xxv, xxvii, xxviii, xxxi, 10, 11 , 123, 159 , 160, 161; (as the Scots College) lvi, lxii, lxviii, 209 , 214 , 226 , 227 ; Holy Cross (Santa Cruz) 1 , li*, 247, 250; St. Gregory's (Dominican) lxvii, lxviii, 233; University xiii, liii* , liv*, lv , 162 , 163n; Convents: St. Anne's xxxii; St. Catherine's 191 , 233; St. Clare's xiii; St. Elizabeth's 191; of the Holy Ghost xviii; Porta Coeli (Dominican) 214 ; Visitation(Salesas) 241 , 242, 245; Hospicede la Misericordia xvi; Hospice of SS Cosmas and Damien xv*; Hospital of the Esgueva 157

Vallejo, de, see Ruiz

Valparaiso, Chili 224

Valpol(us), see Walpole

Valton, see Walton

Valverdede Campos, Spain xx Vanderhagan , Pierre, als ofCrowther, Arthur

Varley, Cecilia 215; Thomas 214, 215*; William 215; see Stout, Margaret

Vernon, als ofWard, George

Vervicensis , see Warwick

Viana de Cega xxxii, liii, lv, lx, lxiv, lxix

Vigil de Quiñones, Juan xiv

Vigo, Vigum Gallæciæ 227 , 232

Vigorniensis, see Worcester

Villagarcia, Spain (Jesuit College and Noviciate) xxv, xxvi, xxix* , xxxiv , 72 , 125 , 159*n , 160, 161*n , 165n , 167 , 170n, 198

Villagutierre (z), Fray Francisco, Bishop of Troas 160n , 161n , 162*n

Villanueva, Villanova , nr Valladolid 204

Villanueva de las Carreteras 173"

Villaroel, Gaspar 245

Vincent, Vincen(cio)(tius), Charles , als of Carpinter, Richard; William 39 , 46n

Vintoniensis, see Winchester

Vitaker, see Whitaker

Vito, Vitus, see White

Vitelleschi, Mutius, S.J. xxv

Vodfild(o), see Woodfield

Vortin (g)ton(us), see Worthington

Waf(f)arer, Andrew, als Hern(e), Hern(us), William 60; Arden бon

Wald(e)grave, Walgrave, Walsgrav(ius), Catherine (olim Browne) 117n; Charles , als Flower , Florus

117; Nicholas 117n; als of Dudley, Richard; als of Timcock, Anthony

Wales, Wallia 121 , 122 , 125 , 130 , 158 , 164 , 170 , 171, 188, 210n, 230 , 236 ,

243; Prince ofxxvi*

Wales, co York 2in

Walford , Walfrid, Griffin 137: Varnan, Varnon, als ofWard, George

Thomas, als Pole, Peter 116n , 137; Varner(us), see Warner

Varnes, see Barnes

Vasquez, Antonio, S.J. xx*

Vastada, see Bastard

Vaughan, William 45n , 63n

Vaux, George 101; William 101 ; William, 3rd Baron, 101; Baron 81, 85

Vavasour, Vavesor, Alexander, als. Brown, Gregory 75

Veale, Veal(us), Veles, Velez , Veliz [?Wells], Edward, O.S. Bridg xxviii, 148, 149*n, 105* , 151 , 152* , 154

Vela, Leonoraxxin

Velada, Marquis of xxn

see Warford

Walfrid, see Walford

Walgrave, Walgravia, Northants [?

Wargrave, Berks .] 85

Walgrave, als of Timcock, Anthony; see Wald (e)grave

Walker, Charleslxv, 223, 224 , 231*n

Waller, Walter, Gual(t)erus, Robert 17

Wallia, see Wales

Wallis, Walles(ius), Francis, S.J. , als Clark 106; als of Bamber, Edward

Walm(e)sley, Bishop [Charles , O.S.B.] 204 , 209 ; Christopher, S.J. , als. Harris 180; Elizabeth (olim JenkinVelasco , Alfonso de, SpanishAmbas- son) 239, 240; John238 , 240; John, sador in England 6

Veles, Velez, see Veale

Velliza, Luis de, S.J. 153

Venta Blanca, Spain 173"

Vergara, Spainxxii

Vergara, Marcosde, S.J. xix

snr 239, 240 ; Richard, als Colgrave 185; William 238, 239, 240 ; als of Catesby, Richard

Walsgrav(ius), see Waldegrave

Walsh(e), John 33; Thomas 229*; als. of Bamber , Edward


Walsingham, Norfolk 117n

Walsing(h)am, Francis 154n, 156

Walpole , Walpol (us), Walpoole, Valpol(us), Christopher 126n; Christopher, S.J. xx, xxi, 16n ; Henry, S.J., ven martyrxviii, xix, 267 , 269 , 270 , 271; Margery (olim Beckham) 16n; Michael, S.J. xx, xxv, 16n, 117 , 122n; Richard, S.J. xxi, xxii, 16, 90* , 91, 92* , 94; als ofWarner, Christopher; see Warner, Margery

Walter, see Waller, Robert Waltham 53

Walton, Valton, Henry 187; als of Dod(d), James

Walwin, Anthony , als of Ashton , Nicholas Wappenbury , co Warwick 189n

Wapping, London 191

Ward,Andrew C.SS.R. 235*;Andrew , snr 235; Bernard, see Printed Matter; George, S.J., als Ingleby, als Barnon , Vernon, Varn(a)(o)n xxvi* , 123 , 124; John 231, 232 ; John, als Rogers 167; Margaret (olim Murtagh) 235 ; Marmaduke 1242; Mary (Inst B.V.M.) 124 ; Robert 169, 173; Ursula (olim Wright) 124n; William 232

Ware, Wara, Herts [co . Hereford in error] 226 , 235; see Old Hall Green Wardefortius, see Warford, William Warford, Wardefortius, Walford,Wil- liam , S.J. xxii, 53 , 94 , 95

Wargrave, see Walgrave

Waring, see Markland , Anne

WarkworthCastle, nr Banbury 176n Warner,Varner(us), Christopher, S.J., als. Walpole, Valpol (us) 126; Margery (olim Beckham, olim Walpole) 16n , 126n; Roger 16n , 126n Warnford , Peter, O.S.B. , als. West 110 , 111 ; Oliver 110n , 111 Warrington, Lancs 144n , 210 , 211 Warwick (shire), Waruicensis, Vervicensis 6n, 54, 55, 58, 66, 89n , 107* , 115, 128n , 133n, 158n , 189n , 240 Watensis , see Watten Waterford 224n , 231

Waterhouse , Frances (olim Meller) 240; Frederick 238, 240; John 240; Joseph 207 , 212; Samuel 207 ; Teresa (olim Bricknell) 207 , Watson, Arsenius lxv, lxvi, 229*; Florence (olim Songar) 142 ; George, als Johnson, John 135* , 142; Raymond 142; Mr Watten, Watensis, Flanders (Jesuit Noviciate at) xxvi, xli, 56, 78, 127 , 132 , 136n , 138n, 140n, 144 , 155n , 159n, 161n , 162n, 166n , 167n, 168n* , 169*n, 172n , 181n , 183n* , 185n, 188n* , 190n

Webb , Edward xxin, 91; als . of Peckham, Robert Weedon , William 179

Welby, als of Newport, Robert Weldbank, nr Chorley lxiii, 222 , 226

Weldon, Charles , S.J., als Hunter, James Charles 187 , 188; Thomas, S.J., als Hunter188n; William, S.J., als. Hunter 188n

Weldstall, Welehall, Essex 117

Welehall, see Weldstall Wells, Welliensis 45n ; see Bath Wells, Ambrose, O.S.F. , als Mothersall, Matherell 183; Oliver 107 ; Thomas 107n; see Atkinson , Anne; als of Barret, Thomas; see Veale

Welton, Lincs 58

Welton, Thomas 195

Wenslydale, Wensadale109

Wersleo , see Worsley

West, als. of East, Alban ; als of East, Richard ; als of Warnford , Peter

Westby, Lancs 214, 219, 224

Westby, Mrs .... 1732

Westby Hall, Lancs. 214

Westchestrensis , see Chester

Westcott, Barton, co. Oxford 214

WestGrinste[a]d, Sussex 193

Westhead , Josephlxvi

West Indies 14In

Westminster , Westmonasteriensis , Abbey xxxii; Archbishop of 228 , 236; Cathedral 219n, 237; Diocese of 242 ; St. James's Church 204; St. Mary's, Horseferry Road 219n ; St. Mary's, Romney Terrace, Marlborough Square 219n ; Westminster School 53 , 57n , 100

Westmorland, Westmerland(ia) 26, 71, 88 , 103

Weston, William, S.J. xxiii, xxiv, 14" , 32

WestwoodHouse, Wigan, Lancs. 18on

Wexford, Ireland224

Weymouth, Dorset 237

Whalley, Lancs 31n

Wharton, Huarton, Peter 154n , 156, 158

Whitaker, Vitaker, Helen (olim Starkie) 153n; Nicholas 157n , 160; Thomas, ven martyr, als Starkie, Starke(us) 153 , 155n ; Thomas, snr 153"

Whitby, co York 232

Whit(t)bey , als ofShelley, Edward White, Huit(us), Vit(o)(us), Andrew , S.J. xxii*, 35, 73n ; John 157 , 158 , 160n; Mary (olim Plowden) 10in; Richard 101n; Richard, als Jerning(h)am 135 , 143*; Thomas, als

Blacklo(w), Blacklaw xivn, 101 , 102;

als. of Bradshaw, John; als ofPhilpot, Richard; als. of Rigby, John

Whitehair , als of Cheeke, Anthony; see Whit (e)lock

Whit(e)lock, Anthony , als Rivers, als. Whythair 114; Thomas 114"


Whitgreave, Thomas 178n

Whit(t)ley, als ofWright, Richard

Whittleford , Exhall, Warwicks. 58n

Whitwick, nr Leicester 230

Whythair , als ofWhitelock, Anthony

Wicorniensis, see Worcester

Wigan, Lancs 42n, 86n, 18on , 223 , 224 , 226, 231, 239n; St. Mary's

Church 227 , 231

Wigorniensis, see Worcester

Wilford , Charles, als of Seborne , Christopher; Humphrey, als Taylor xxn; Henry 65; Peter, O.S.B., als

Taylor, John 83 , 84 , 91

Wilkinson , Edward 91; George 223 , 224; Thomas, S.J., als Molyneux, Molinax , Molignacio xxxii*, 168*n,


Willcox, Robert, als Peterson97, 106

Willet, .... (priest) 142

Williams, Gulielmi, David 243 ; Edward 243; Hugh 243; Jane (olim Roberts) 243; John 148; Lewis 79 , 83n, 91 ; Thomas xxin, 78; als of Merick , John

Willows, The, nr Kirkham, Lancs

217 , 218*

Wilson, Richard 12n; William 15; Edward 148; als of Fisher, John; als of Johnson, William

Wiltoniensis, see Wiltshire

Wiltshire, Wiltoniensis 56, 61 , 63

Winchester, Winton(ia)(iensis), Vintoniensis 7 , 23, 41, 46n, 55, 58, 66n, 67, 74 , 82, 84* , 98 , 103 * , 110, 111, 176n , 178n, 184n; Winchester School


Win(d)sor, family 140*n

Wintoniensis, see Winchester

Winwick, Lancs 144n

WinwickHall, Lancs. 146n

Wira (dioc Norwich) 52

Wisaus, see Wise

WisbeachCastle, Castrum Wisbicense (prison), Cambs Ion, 21 , 45n, 50* , 52 , 74

Wise, Wisæus , George, S.J. , als

Sophia 169

Wiseman, Cardinal Nicholas 228, 237 ; Richard 127n; see Blundeston, Margaret

Witham , Mr .... 212

Wood, John, S.J. xxvi*

Woodfield, Wodfild (o), Vodfild (o), John, S.J. xxix, 157 , 159*n, 162 , 1632

Woodlane, Yoxall, co Stafford 207

Woodman, see Gildart, Mary

Woodrof, Woodruffe , .... 97 (priest) 74 , Woodward, Woodworth, Thomas, als

Kellie, Kelly 135, 142; Mr .... 78

Wookey, William lxx

Woorcestrensis , see Worcester

Wootton Wawen, Warwicks 240 Worcester(shire), Worcestria, Wi(c)(g)orniensis, Woorcestr(ia)(ensis), Vigorni(a) (ensis) 4, 8, 19*n, 20 , 40* , 66, 72, 81, 83* , гоби, 121 , 122*п, 133n, 170n, 189n, 190n, 196, 197 , 202 Worsley, Wersle(o), Wrsle(us), John 131n; Leonora (olim Hervey) 131n; Thomas, S.J., als Hervey xxvi, 18 , 131 ; William, als Harvey 119

Wo(o)rthington , Wrthinton(us), V(o)rtin(g)ton(us), Edm(o)(u)nd xxn , Ion, 46n, 64; John, S.J. xx, 10 , 11n* , 29n, 37n, 162*n; Laurence, S.J., als

Charnock, George Ion, 11n, 29, 37n ; Peter, S.J. 1on*; Richard 1on , 64n ; Thomas, President of Douay College 83n ; William, S.J. 1on, 29n, 37, 38*n; als of Newsham, Andrew

Wrexen, see Rixton

Wrexham, co Denbigh 230, 236

Wright, Writ(e), Richard, S.J. , als

Whit(t)ley 85 , 86, 91 ; Richard (William), O.S.B., als Yarrell, Yarwell xxin, 73; Thomas 57 , 61 , 67; see Ward, Ursula

Writtel Park , Essex 170n

Writ(e), see Wright

Wrinston(us), see Urmeston

Wrsle(us), see Worsley

Wrthinton (us), see Worthington

Wynn, see Gwyn

Xavier, als. of Thorpe, Ignatius

Yanworth, Westmorland 8n

Yarum (Yarm], co York. 194

Yarwell, als of Wright, Richard (William)

Yates, see Sergeant , Juliana

Yaxley, Suffolk 96n

Yaxley, Richard 96n ; see Crathorne , Bridget

Yemans, William 59

Yepes, Diego de, Jeronymite , Bishop of Tarragona, see Printed Matter

Wollaston, John 133n; see Poulton, Yong(0), see Young

Francis Wodfi (e)ld, see Woodfield

York(shire), Eboracensis , Eboracum , Euoracensis 4* , 9, 14, 16, 21* , 22 ,


25* , 27, 31*n, 33* , 35, 36*n, 38, 39* , 41* , 49, 50 , 53, 59 , 60, 61* , 65*n, 68* , 70*n, 74 , 75, 76n, 80, 85* , 88 , 89, 96* , 103 , 107 , 109 , 110 , 113n, 115* , 116n , 124* , 127n , 128*n, 133n, 135, 136*n, 138, 139, 140, 147 , 149n, 150n , 159n , 163n, 164n* , 165 , 166n, 168*n, 169n, 171 , 172*n, 173n* , 183n , 185, 194 , 205*n, 212, 214n, 232, 236* , 244 , 245, 269, 270, 271*; Bar Convent 124n; York Castle (prison) 32 , 53 , 70, 96, 109, 150n, 168n, 185n; Duke of155n , 170n; OusebridgeKidcot Prison 50n Yorke, William 57

Young, Yong(o), Francis, S.J. xxi* , xxii, 107 , 130; als of Mannock, William Ysung(er), Iunger(us), James, als

Leighton, als Layton, als Dingley, George, als Christopher, Thomas7 Yoxall, co Stafford 207 , 213n Yngleui, als of Percy, Francis Ypres, Bishop of 15n Yrigoyen, Fr ...., S.J. 178 Yusta Navarro, Baltasar, Bishop of Leon 200 Yveson , see Evison

Zamor(r)a, Zamorensis xxii, 143; Bishop of 6* , 7, 11 , 14, 19, 22 , 193 , 234 , 243 ; Church of SS Peter and Ildefonso 243

Zaragoza, see Saragossa Zealand, Zelandia, Low Countries 20 Zifuentes, Alonso de, S.J. xxxv* Zutphen, Dutch Gueldres 29n


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Officers (On Council ex officio)

Hon Legal Adviser

GEORGE R. BELLEW , HUBERT HULL, Somerset Herald Barrister -at-Law

Hon Bursar

LEONARD C. C. LINDSAY, J.P., F.S.A., 15 Morpeth Mansions , Westminster, S.W.I

Hon. Secretary

RICHARD CECIL WILTON , B.A., 31a St. James' Square, S.W.1



* Hon. Librarian




1. Name. The name of the Societyis " THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY . "

2. Objects The objects are thetranscribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical , since the Reformation in England and Wales

3. Management . The affairs of the Society are managed by a Council consistingof twelve members, threetrusteesandfour honorary officers, viz., The Recorder , Bursar, Legal Adviser and Secretary- four forming a quorum. It has power to appoint a President and Vice-Presidents , its Chairman and Officers, and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership . Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re-election Nominations of New Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretaryfourteen days beforethe Annual Meeting The representation and management are reserved to Catholic Members

4. Subscription . The subscription is one guinea per annum commencing June 1st , which entitles members to any publications issued during the year.

No volume will be issued to any memberwhose subscriptionis unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removedfrom the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretary, before the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year

Personal Life-Membership may be obtained on payment of twentyguineas in advance Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutiveyears and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas. All life subscriptionsare to be capitalized

5. Back Numbers. Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers (if in stock) on such terms as the Council may direct.

6. Meetings. An Annual Meeting is held in the month of June or July, of which at leastseven days' notice is sent to all the members . At this meeting a report of the workof the Society, with a statement of the income and expenditure, is presented . This is issued together with the list of members and the Constitutions of the Society

An Extraordinary General Meetingmay be called at any time by the Council. At least seven days' notice, stating the object of the meeting, shall be given. *

7. Audit The Bursar's accounts are audited by a memberof the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31 .

N.B.The Bursar deals with Membershipand Subscriptions.

* Addition madeat Annual Meeting, July 16 , 1929 .


THE Council have the pleasureof presenting their Twenty-fifth Annual Report, which shows that the Society continues in a satisfactory position in numbers and finance and also in the amount of work accomplished during the year.

It is with deep regret that they have to announcethe deathof the Patron and President, Cardinal Gasquet. His Eminence had hoped to be able to attend the last Annual Meeting, but was prevented by indisposition from carrying out his purpose. The Hon Secretary, however, had an interview with His Eminence, who expressed his deep interest in the Society and wished to be informed of the progress of its work As Abbot Gasquet, he was the first Vice-President of the Society, and wrote the Introduction tothefirstvolume Onhis elevation to the Sacred College hebecame Patron, and on the death of the Duke of Norfolk, Patron and President

On the invitation of the Council, the Right Honble . Viscount FitzAlan, K.G., has consented to fill the vacancy and to become the Fourth President of the Society.

Duringtheyear the Society has brought out Vol 27 , Miscellanea , containing a List of Guests at Everingham, Christmas , 1662 , an Account of the Life and Death of Brother Alexis, and three Registers. Bythetime that this Report is in the handsof Members they should have received Vol 28, the 7th Douay Diary; this completesthe printing of the Douay Diaries still in existence The 1st and 2nd were brought out by the Fathers of the London Oratory in 1878 as Volume I of " Records of the English Catholics under the Penal Laws . " The 3rd, 4th, and 5th Diaries were issued by this Society in 1911 as Volumes 10 and 11 of its series Ofthe manuscript of the 6th Diary no trace has yet been found. The Society is in possession of transcripts of important supplementary papers connected with the English College of Douay and hopesto include these in a future Volume.

Volume 29, Records of the English College at Madrid, is in type and will be issued very shortly. The materials of another volume of Miscellanea have been collected and the volume will be put in hand at once .

At present the work of research, transcriptionand editing of documents falls upon a very limited number of the Members of the Society and more voluntary workers are much required.

Since the last AnnualMeeting the Council have electedthe Rev. Conrad Walmsley, O.F.M., M.A., to fill the vacancy arisingfrom the retirement of Mr G. F. Engelbach The Council have also authorised the Editorial Committee to co-opt additionalMembers. In pursuance of this authority, Mr Engelbach has joined the Committee, which thus continues to have the benefit of his long experience in the affairs of the Society.

The following addition to Constitution 6 will be proposed on behalf of the Council:" An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Council At least seven days' notice , stating the object of the Meeting, shall be given. "

The Hon. Bursar is able to announcethe accession of the following members: His Grace The Archbishop of Liverpool; Rt Rev. Mgr Duchemin, Rector of the Beda College, Rome; Very Rev. J. H. Canon King; Rev. John Doran ; Rev. Bernard W. Kelly; The Dowager Countess of Gainsborough; Miss Ernestine Anne; Miss Agnes Cuming; Commander R. F. Eyre; Messrs Henry Ince Anderton , William Gainsford, Basil H. Johnson, William H. Pantin, M.A.; Borgo S. Spirito, S.J. , Rome ; St Joseph's College, Upholland ; St Norbert's College , C.R.P., Crowle; and Peabody Institute, Baltimore, U.S.A.

The Society loses two members by resignation, and the names of three members have been removed under Rule 4 of the Constitutions. In addition to the loss of His Eminence Cardinal Gasquet, the Council regret to have to record the deaths of the Right Rev. John Keily, Bishop ofPlymouth, the RightRev.Richard Lacy, Bishop of Middlesbrough, the Very Rev. Provost Walmesley , Mrs Ince Anderton, and Mrs Eleanor Blanche Tempest; also of Mr John Bannerman Wainewright , 14th Founder, a contributorto the 13th and 26th Volumes, and an industrious writer on the history of the Penal times; and, since June 1st, the Right Rev. Mgr Joseph Broadhead .R.I.P .

The membership now stands at 366. Four members of the Council retire in rotation: the Rev. Harold Burton, the Rev. Bede Camm , O.S.B., and Mr R. C. Baigent; also the Rev. John McNulty, who was elected to fill the vacancy caused by Major Skeet's withdrawalfrom the Council as a trustee .

R. CECIL WILTON , Hon . Secretary .


Members are requested to call the attention of their friends to the Society and its work. Transcripts of interesting unpublished documents ready for the press, together with the loan of the originals for the purpose of collation, are invited . It is desired always to have material for half a dozen volumes ready for printing, as special donations for printing may enable the output of work to be increased

Offers of help in transcribing documents , especiallyin the Public Offices in London, where the greater part of the documentsrelating to the country are stored, are invited Parish priests are especiallyrequested to provide exact copies of old registers in their custody,or to give facilities for this being done

Serious loss of time and expense have been incurred in some cases by manuscript being sent incomplete or modified It is desired to impress on transcribers that papers should be complete, without excisions, verbatim et literatim, although they may not agree with modern ideas. Merit lies in their absolute integrity and identity, as far as modern printing will allow.

Members desirous of paying annual subscriptions through their bankerscan be supplied with a " Banker's Order, " on application to the Bursar or Secretary.

It is requested that correctionsin names or addresses be kindly notified to the Secretaryas soon as possible.



The Twenty-fifthAnnualMeeting ofthe Catholic Record Society was held at King's College, Strand, London, on Tuesday, July16th, the Archbishop of Cardiff presiding His Grace was specially asked to take the chair on this occasion, in Emancipation year, as representing in himselfone of the old Catholic families of Penal times

Among those present were: The Right Rev. Monsignor Canon Nolan, M.A.; the Very Rev. John R. Canon Fletcher ; the Rev. Wallace Clare; the Rev.Francis Day; the Rev. Francis D. Dorman; the Rev. Bernard Kelly ; the Rev. A. Milton; the Rev. C. A. Newdigate, S J.; the Rev. Leonard O'Hanlon, O.P.; the Rev. Conrad Walmsley, O.F.M.; Miss Agnes de Zulueta ; Major Francis Skeet; Major C. J.Vaughan;Capt. G. K. E. Hope; Mr R. C. Baigent; Mr Andrew de Ternant ; Mr George F. Engelbach; Mr W. A. S. Hewins; Ald Augustine Quinn, J.P.; Mr John P. Smith, J.P.; Mr L .. C. Lindsay (Hon. Bursar); and Mr R. Cecil Wilton (Hon. Secretary).

Messages of regret were received fromViscount FitzAlan, K.G. (President of the Society); Her Grace the Duchess of Norfolk; Col. Sir James Reynolds, Bart., D.S.O.; the Rt Rev. Bede Jarrett (Provincial O.P.); the Rev. Henry Browne, S.J.; the Rev. C. G. Kean, C.J.; the Rev. John McNulty, M.A.; Major R. TrappesLomax ; Mr J. H. Canning, O.B.E.; Mr G. E. Anstruther; Mr J. R. Baterden; and Mr F. W. Chambers

The Annual Report having been read by the Hon Secretary, His Grace said: Rev. Fathers, Ladies and Gentlemen, I see the next item on the agenda is that the chairman moves the adoption ofthe Report and Financial Statement I can assure you it is a very great pleasure to me to move the adoption of this Report. I consider I have been very highly honoured by being asked to take the Chair on this occasion I look upon this meeting here to-dayas noordinarymeeting ofthe Society Inotice,forinstance , that this is your25thAnnualReport, and Ithink I may be allowed to callthis your SilverJubilee Meeting. Moreover, itis a meeting thatis takingplaceintheyearoftheCentenary ofourEmancipation in this country. This is a very special occasion and therefore ,I think I have been much honoured in being askedto taketheChair at this particular meeting.

As you notice in the Report and as we all know, bythe death of Cardinal Gasquet, we have lost our President, and at the same time, one whom we all lament.

But while we lament the death of our late President, I think we may well congratulate ourselves that, at the invitation ofthe Council, Viscount FitzAlan has been pleased to become our President I sincerely hope he will live for many years to occupy that position, and that his reign will be as successful as those of his predecessors.

It seems to me in a year of this kind that the Catholic Record Society is of particular interest to us Our thoughts naturally go back to the days of persecution and to the Penal times . Our thoughtsgo backto those brave men and women who gave uptheir lives in defence of our Faith and their Faith When we come to read the records of the Society it seems to me that we feel this year that we are almost living in the atmosphere of those times that have been and that are recorded byour Society.

Itis, nodoubt, of great interest to all of us to readthoserecords . Theyare of particular interest to me in my position asArchbishop of Cardiff. When I think of the lives that those people had to live in the Penal timeshowthey were living a life ofthe haunted , wondering in whose company they actually werewhether they were in the company of possible priest-hunters -I come to the conclusion that they must have had a terrible time That can be easily understood if we read some of the accounts. There was one account about a banquet at Everingham, ofwhichthe results seem to have been far-reaching Considering all that Catholics went through in those times, the recordsare of greater interest this year than, perhaps, they would be in otheryears. When I got the last volume and openedit, quite casually, the first thing I saw was that in 1745 two young gentlemen named Pyers and Thomas Mostyn had been despatched to Douay to receivetheirCatholic education, and I felt I was one withthem .

I was reading in the previous volume about allthat had taken place with regard to the Records of Abergavenny They are , of course, interestingto me and, what is more, those Reports had been edited and annotated by one who is agreat historianofthat district, MrCanning, who is also a great friend of mine. Ithinkhe deserves all our thanks and our praise for what he has done in the editing and annotatingof those records

In studying those accounts I was reminded of the wonderful work that was done by the priests, both regular and secular, in that town I feel grateful to them for the great and energetic work they did at that time in South Wales They kept alive the torch of Faith which is still burning, and which Itrust will burn still brighter in the future Therefore, this work of the Society is not onlyofinterest to me, but is a source ofgreat encouragement, both to myself and to my priests, in making us feel we have to perseverein the hope that by continuous work we shall one day see the torch burning throughout the land of Cymry Anything I can do at any time to further the interests of the Society will afford me great pleasure.

In seconding the adoption of the Report, Mr Quinn expressed the opinion that the Society should have more members than it had at the moment. He himself had taken the greatest interest in the Report, and wished to callattention to what was said there about theIntroductiontothefirst volume of our publications.

Mr Baigent, supporting the resolution, saidthat thelateCardinal Gasquetin that inspiring Introduction alluded tohad stated that it wasthefirst of what he hoped wouldprove to be a longand continuous series. Howfar His Eminence's anticipations had been justified might be gathered fromthe fact that the Society had just issued its 28th volume

Anyone who wished to understand the aims oftheSociety could not do betterthan read thatIntroduction; hewould thenfeel convincedthat the Society was doing good work

The Report was adopted unanimously.

The Archbishop then called upon Mr Baigent to move the suggested amendment to the Constitutions mentioned in the Report. It was proposed that the following words be added to Constitution 6: "An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Council At least seven days' notice, stating the object of the Meeting, shall be given." The object of the amendment was to secure the means by which,if an emergency should arise ,they would beable to obtainthesupport and authority of the members assembledin general meeting for some course of action They did not knowwhat wasin store in the future, and it would be as well to have the amendment in case it was needed. The necessity might never arise, but if it did there would bethe power in reserve.

Canon Fletcher, seconding the amendment, said it was one of those thingsnot thought of when the Constitutions were drawn up. There was nothing particularly in view.

Major Vaughan proposedthe re-election of the retiring members of the Council.

This proposal was seconded by the Rev. Bernard W. Kelly and carried unanimously.

A vote of thanks to the Chairman was proposed by the Rev. Conrad Walmsley, O.F.M., M.A., who expressed his great pleasure inbeingaskedto doso, although hewasone oftheyoungest members of the Society. It was extremelykind of His Grace to preside at the meeting As a Patronthey were perfectlyaware ofhis interest in the Society. They were all very grateful to His Grace for havingcomesuch a distance to takethe Chair ,

Mr Hewins, who seconded , said that he felt that he almost belonged to His Grace's diocese for he had been associated with parts of it that were like home to him He noted with very great pleasure how great was His Grace's interest in the work of the Society and in the desirability of publishing more records. He could not but thinkthat in South Wales there were manyuntapped sources of information on the Catholicism of the past. In the records, they came across manyindividual references to Catholics ofthe district, and formanyreasons of historical importance itwas

most desirable that every source of such information should be investigated in South Wales, and if His Grace, in going about, sometimes referred to the subject and encouraged research in the old records, a great deal of light might be thrown on many dark places of history. When he thought of the long continuity of Catholicism in South Wales, going back to the ancient saints, he thought it was a great thing for them to be in touch with all those references and to feel something again of the enthusiasm which their ancestors of so long ago had for all British saints of every kind

Thevote of thankswas carried with acclamation .

In reply, the Archbishop said he was very gratefulforthevote ofthanks . If he had not come to the meeting he wouldhave been sadlynegligent in his duty as a Patron ofthe Society.

A vote of thanksto the Principal of King's College, forthe use ofthe room for the holding ofthe meeting, was proposedby Major Skeet, seconded byMr J. P. Smith, and carried unanimously

The Bursar has pleasure in reporting that the undermentioned have joinedthe Society sinceJune 1 , 1929 : -

Rev. John E. Petit, M.A.

Miss Mary G. Cardwell, M.D.

Collegio Beda, Rome

St Rose's Convent, O.P., Stroud, Glos. Lancashire County Council Library


FFounders on June 10 , 1904 LLife Members

Libraries and other Institutionsare to be found under Towns and Places: Those in the Metropolis are under London .

FAbbotsleigh, Rev. Mother Prioress, C.R.L., Newton Abbot, Devon.

Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire .The National Library of Wales (John Ballinger, C.B.E., M.A., Librarian).

Adamson, Rev. Philip, St Alban's Rectory, Mill Lane, Liscard, Cheshire

Albany, New York, U.S.A.NewYork State Library (J. I. Wyer, Director), Messrs G. E. Stechert, 2 StarYard, Carey Street, W.C.2

Ampleforth Abbey Library (Rt Rev. The Abbot, O.S.B.), Malton, Yorkshire

Anderton, HenryInce, Hotel des TroisCouronnes, Vevey, Switzerland

Anderton, Mrs. Ince.-R.I.P.

Anne, Miss, Burgwallis Hall, Doncaster , Yorks

Anstruther, G. Elliot, 4 Adelaide Road, Hampstead , N.W.3

Antiquaries, Society of, see London

Arundell of Wardour, The Lady, Wardour Castle, Tisbury, Wilts

Ashburnham, Lady Catherine , AshburnhamPlace, Battle, Sussex

Attley, Henry William, 545 Weston Road , Northampton.

Baigent, Richard Coventry, F.R.Hist.S., 57 Sarsfield Road, Balham, S.W.12

Bailie, Captain Matthias Godard Anthony, 8 London Road, Shardlow, Derby

Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.Peabody Institute, c/o Messrs Allen and Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue , W.C.2

Barrow Public Library (Charles W. Gabbatt, Librarian), Town Hall, Barrow-in-Furness.

Bartlett, Joseph Henry, 28 Ashley Place, Westminster, S.W.I

Baterden , James Rae, 54 Brighton Grove, Newcastle -on-Tyne. Beaumont, The Lady, Carlton Towers, Snaith, Yorks

BeaumontCollege, Very Rev. The Rector, S.J., Old Windsor, Berks

Bedingfeld, Sir Henry Paston , Bt , J.P., Oxburgh Hall, StokeFerry, Norfolk

Bedingfeld,Mrs Raoul, "Borghese, " HigherLincombe Road,Torquay. Bellew , George R., Somerset Herald, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Belmont Abbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B., Hereford

Bergholt (East), Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St Mary's Abbey, near Colchester, Suffolk.

Berkeley, Robert V., J.P., F.S.A., Spetchley Park, Worcester.

Berlin, Prussian StateLibrary, c/o Messrs Asher & Co. , Behrenstrasse 17 , Berlin, W.8

Birmingham, Most Rev. Thomas L. Williams, Archbishop of, Archbishop'sHouse , 6 Norfolk Road, Edgbaston , Birmingham

Birmingham .The Oratory, Very Rev. The Superior, Hagley Road , Edgbaston .

Birmingham Public Library (H. B. Cashmore, Librarian ), Ratcliff Place, Birmingham

Blackburn Public Library (Richard Ashton, F.L.A., Librarian), Blackburn, Lancs.

Blundell, Captain FrancisN., J.P., D.L., Crosby Hall, Blundell-sands , Liverpool

Bodleian Library, see Oxford

Bodmin, Cornwall, St Mary's Priory, Very Rev. The Prior, C.R.L.

Bolton PublicLibrary(Archibald Sparke, F.R.S.L., F.L.A., Librarian), Bolton, Lancashire .

Boston College Library (Rev. William M. Stinson, S.J., Librarian), University Heights, Chestnut Hill, Mass , U.S.A.

Boston Public Library (Charles F. D. Belden, Librarian), Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Boston, Mass , U.S.A.New England Historic Genealogical Society (Wm PrescottGreenlaw , Librarian), 9 Ashburton Place

Bradford Public Library (W. H. Barraclough, Librarian), Darley Street, Bradford.

Brentwood, Rt Rev. Arthur Doubleday, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Brentwood, Essex.

Brighton Public Library (Henry D. Roberts, M.B.E., F.L.A., Director), Church Street, Brighton

Bristol Central Library (L. Ackland Taylor, F.L.A. , Librarian), Bristol

British Museum , see London.

Broadhead , Rt Rev.MonsignorJoseph .R.I.P .

Brownbill , John, 257 Thorold Road, Ilford, Essex.

Bruges, Belgium .Rev . Mother Prioress, C.R.L., Le CouventAnglais.

Brussels, Belgium .Société des Bollandistes, 24 BoulevardSt Michel. Buckfast Abbey, Rt Rev. The Abbot of, O.S.B. , Buckfastleigh, Devon

Burke, Sir Henry Farnham, K.C.V.O., C.B., Garter Principal King of Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Burton, Rev. Harold, Walnut Tree House , Station Road , Hamptonon-Thames, Middlesex .

Cahill, Martin J., 24 Alderbrook Road, Balham, S.W.12

L Callaway, Rev. Thomas , St Mary's Presbytery, Chipping, Preston , Lancs

Cambridge , Peterhouse Library (H. Butterfield, Librarian)

Cambridge .The Librarian , St Edmund's House Library, Mount Pleasant

Cambridge University Library (Alwyn F. Scholfield , M.A., Librarian), Cambridge

Cambridge , Massachusetts, U.S.A.Harvard University Library, c/o Messrs Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue , W.C.2

Cambysopolis , Rt Rev. Joseph Butt, Bishop of, 22 George Street, Portman Square, W.1

FCamm , Rev. R. Bede, O.S.B. , M.A., F.S.A., Benet House , 13 Park Terrace, Cambridge

Canadian Parliament Library, see Ottawa .

Canning, Joseph Herbert, O.B.E., Crindau, Newport, Monmouthshire

Cardiff , Most Rev. Francis Mostyn, Archbishop of, Archbishop's House , 24 Newport Road, Cardiff

Cardiff Public Library (HarryFarr, F.L.A., Librarian), Trinity Street, Cardiff, Glam

Cardiff .Ancient Order of Hibernians (H. P. Close , Hon Librarian), 39 Charles Street


Cardwell, Miss Mary Gertrude, M.D., 173 Copston Hill Road, Oldham, Lancs .

Carnegie, John, B.A., Burwash, Sunbury, Middlesex

Carter, Very Rev. Canon T. Walmsley, St Joseph's, Sheringham , Norfolk

Carus, AlexanderHubert, les Marais, Billinge End, Blackburn, Lancs. Catterall, Very Rev.John H. Canon, StAugustine'sRectory, Austin's Place, Preston, Lancs.

Chadwick, Rev. Alfred, St Mary's, Alnwick, Northumberland.

Chambers, F. W., M.A., 20 Holmes Road , Twickenham, Middlesex.

Charlton, George Victor Bellasis, Woodford Lodge, Thrapston, Northants

Chicago, Ill , U.S.A.Newberry Library, The General Library, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Chicago University Library, Ill , U.S.A. , c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.2

Chichester-Constable, Colonel Raleigh, J.P. , Burton Constable, Hull.

L Christall, Rev. Robert, 24 Heathcote Road, Epsom, Surrey

Ciceri, Leo. J., I St Mark's Crescent, Newport, Mon.

Cleveland Public Library, Ohio, U.S.A. (c/o Messrs H. Sotheran & Co. , 140 Strand, W.C.2).

Clifton, Rt Rev. George A. Burton, Bishop of, St Ambrose , Leigh Woods, Bristol

FCodrington, Hon Mrs, " Crossways, " Ipsden, Oxon.

College of Arms, see London .

Colwich, The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St Benedict's Abbey, near Stafford.

L Connolly, Rev. James C. , St Joseph's, BugleStreet, Southampton

Constitutional Club, see London

Copenhagen, Denmark .The Royal Library(c/o Mr FrancisEdwards , 83a High Street, W.1)

Cotton, Rev. John, D.D., M.A., St Mary's Presbytery, Kemp Street , Fleetwood , Lancs.

Cox , Rev. George Bede, O.S.B. , St Mary's Priory, Highfield Street, Liverpool, W.

Crank, Very Rev. Thomas S. Canon, V.F., Mount Pleasant , Chorley. Crombleholme , Joseph, Winifred House, Whatling Street, Fulwood, Preston , Lancs.

Crowle, St Norbert's College.Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.P. , Scunthorpe, Lincs

Cuming, Miss Agnes, 11 Wellesley Avenue, Hull

Dalton, Mr Justice Llewelyn C. , Judges' Chambers, Colombo, Ceylon, c/o Rev. W. Dalton, Glynde Vicarage, near Lewes , Sussex .

Day, Samuel Henry, The Looe, Selsey, Sussex.

Derby Public Library (W. H. Walton, F.L.A., Librarian), Derby. de Zulueta, Miss Agnes, 5 Douro Place, Kensington, W.8

F de Zulueta, Captain Francis, D.C.L., M.A., Regius Professor of Civil Law, 37 Norham Road, Oxford.

Dibdin, George E., Brockweir, Allt-yr-yn Avenue, Newport, Mon. Dolan, Very Rev. Oswald Canon, V.F., St Mary's Rectory, Norfolk Row , Sheffield.

Doran, Rev. John, The Presbytery, Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hants . Douai Abbey, Rt Rev. The Abbot of, O.S.B., Woolhampton R.S.O. , Berks

Downside Abbey Library (The Librarian), O.S.B. , Stratton-on-theFosse , near Bath.

Dublin .National Libraryof Ireland (R. I. Best, Litt.D., Librarian), Kildare Street

Dublin .Very Rev. Fr Provincial, S.J., 35 Lower Leeson Street.

Dublin . Trinity College Library (J. G. Smyly, Litt.D., F.T.C.D., Librarian)

Duchemin, Rt Rev. Mgr Charles, Collegio Beda, via S. Niccolo da Tolentino, Rome , 5.

Ealing Priory, Very Rev. The Prior, O.S.B., Charlbury Grove , Ealing, W.5

Edinburgh, Rev.Mother Superior, StMargaret'sConvent, Strathearn Road.

Edinburgh Public Library (Ernest A. Savage, Librarian ), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh

Edinburgh . The Signet Library (John Minto, M.A., Librarian).

L Edmondson , Hubert H., 64 Fishergate , Preston , Lancashire

Edmondstoune -Cranstoun , C. J., J.P., Corehouse, Lanark, Scotland

Ellison, Alfred Joseph, 27 Walpole Street, Chelsea, S.W.3

F Engelbach , George Frederick, 152 Cambridge Street, Westminster, S.W.I

Eyre, Commander Reginald Francis, Sawston Hall, Cambridgeshire

Eyre, Stanislas Thomas , J.P., 13 Chesham Street, S.W.I

Eyston, Mrs, Hendred House, Wantage, Berks . Falkner, John Meade, Divinity House , Durham. Farrell, Thomas Frederic, Brookside , Newland Park, Hull

FitzAlan, Colonel the Rt Hon. the Viscount, K.G., G.C.V.O. , D.S.O. , Cumberland Lodge, Windsor

Fitzherbert-Brockholes , Major John, M.C., Claughton-on-Brock , Garstang R.S.O., Lancs.

Fletcher, Very Rev. John R. Canon, 5 Hillside Road, StreathamHill, S.W.2

Fogarty, PhilipChristopher, I.C.S., The Secretariat , Rangoon , Burma. Fort AugustusAbbey, Inverness .Rt Rev. The Abbot, O.S.B.

Freeland, Rt Rev. Monsignor John Canon, V.G., Catholic Rectory, Unthank Road, Norwich.

Fulham Public Library, see London .

Gainsborough , Mary, Dowager Countess of, The Court, Chipping Campden, Glos

Gainsford, William, Somersby House, Spilsby, Lincs

Gaisford-St Lawrence , Julian Charles, J.P. , Howth Castle, Dublin.

Gardner, Rev. John, The Rectory, Formby, Liverpool

Gasquet, His Eminence Cardinal, O.S.B.-R.I.P.

Genealogists, Society of, see London .

Gibbons , Francis James Joseph, K.C.S.G., The Hall, Penn , near Wolverhampton.

Gillow , Mrs Joseph (Honorary), Fyldeholme , Broad Lane , Hale , Cheshire.

Glasgow .Very Rev. Rector, St Peter's College, Bearsden

Glasgow . Corporation Public Libraries (S. A. Pitt, City Librarian).

Glasgow University Library, c/o Messrs Jackson, Wylie & Co. , 73 West George Street, Glasgow.

Glencross, Reginald M. , M.A., LL.B., F.S.G., F.R.S.A.I., 176 Worple Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20

Gorham, James J., M.A., M.D., J.P., 16 Ashley Gardens, Victoria Street, S.W.I

Göttingen University Library, c/o Ludwig Hantzschel & Co., Burgstrasse 46, Gottingen, Hanover , Germany. * Record Searcher


Gray, Rev.John, St Peter's ,FalconAvenue,MorningsideRoad, Edinburgh.

Green-Armytage, Robert N., 5 Queen's Parade , Bath

Guilday, Rev. Peter, Ph.D., 1234 Monroe Street, N.E., Brookland, D.C., U.S.A.

Guildhall Library, see London

F Hall, Very Rev. Francis John Canon, V.F., St Charles's Rectory, Jarratt Street, Hull

Hammersmith Public Library, see London .

Harding, George, Book Store, 64 Great Russell Street, W.C.I

Harrow, Middlesex, Rev. Mother Superior, Visitation Convent.

FHarting, Miss Johanna H., 101 River View Gardens, Castelnau , Barnes , S.W.13

Harvard University Library, see Cambridge, U.S.A.

HawkesyardPriory, Rugeley , Staffordshire ,Very Rev.The Prior,O.P.

Hayward, Very Rev. FrancisM. Canon, St Mary's Rectory, Worksop, Notts

F Hayward's Heath, Sussex .Rev. Mother Prioress, C.R.L. , Prioryof Our Lady of Good Counsel

Henson, Very Rev. Edwin Canon, Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid, Spain

Hewins, William Albert Samuel, M.A., 75 Chester Square, S.W.1

HexhamandNewcastle , Rt Rev. Joseph Thorman, Bishopof, Bishop's House, Tynemouth, Northumberland

Heythrop College, Chipping Norton, Oxon. , Very Rev. The Rector , S.J.

F Hook , Rt Rev. MonsignorPaul Edward, Ph.D., Hyfrydle, Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire

Hope, Captain Geoffrey A. E., West Ilsley House, Newbury, Berks

Howell, Rev. John E., The Presbytery, King's Road, Chingford, E.4

Hull, Hubert, 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.4

Hull Public Library (W. H. Bagguley, F.L.A. , Librarian), Albion Street, Hull

Hunnybun, William Martin, M.A. , 12 Amherst Road, Ealing, W . 13

Iles, Very Rev. RichardAugustine Canon, St George's Rectory, Billet Street, Taunton, Somerset

Jarrett, Very Rev. Bede, Provincial, O.P., M.A., S.T.L., St Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road , Haverstock Hill, N.W.5

Jenkinson, John, St Clement's College, Galong, N.S.Wales

Jerningham, Sir Henry S., Bt , J.P., 9 Queen's Terrace, Windsor. John Rylands Library, see Manchester.

Johnson , Basil Henry, 3 Artillery Mansions , Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1

Johnson, Rev. Humphrey John T., Oak Hurst, near Derby

Jones, Sir Evan Davies , Bt , D.L., LL.D., J.P., Pentower, Fishguard, Pembrokeshire (Communications to 6 Addison Road , Kensington , W . 14).

L Kean, Rev. Charles George, C.J., St George's College, Weybridge, Surrey

Kelly, Rev. BernardW., 12 Trent Road, Brixton Hill, S.W.2

Kendal, Mrs, 12 South Parade, Bath, Somerset

Kensington Public Library, see London

L Kenyon, Major Joseph Robert, M.C. , Gillingham Hall, Beccles , Suffolk.

F Keogh, C. George Neal, 12 Girdler's Road, West Kensington, W . 14

King, Rt Rev. Monsignor John H. Canon, 29 Jewry Street, Winchester, Hants

Klincksieck, Monsieur (for the Bibliothèque Nationale), Paris, c/o Messrs Simpkin, Marshall & Co. , 32 Paternoster Row, E.C.4

F Knill, Alderman Sir John, Bt , K.C.S.G., Crosslets, Alfriston, Sussex.

Lancashire County Council Library (P. R. Meadows, Director), I Fishergate Hill, Preston, Lancs

Lancaster, Rt Rev. Thomas W. Pearson, O.S.B. , Bishop of, The Cathedral, East Road, Lancaster

Lancaster Public Library (Gilbert M. Bland, F.R.G.S., M.R.S.I. , Librarian), Storey Institute, Lancaster.

Langdale, Colonel Philip, O.B.E., J.P., Houghton Hall, Sancton R.S.O. , Yorks

La Mothe Houdancourt, La Duchesse de, 7 Rue Galilée, Paris 16

L Langtree, Very Rev.Richard Canon, St Charles' Presbytery, Grangeover-Sands, Lancs

Lanherne, Rev. Mother Prioress , O.C.D. , St Columb , Cornwall.

Leadbitter, Major Eric C. E., 160 Addiscombe Road, Croydon

Leadbitter, Major Nicholas G., Flint House, Holcombe , Bath

Leeds, Rt Rev. Joseph R. Cowgill, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Seminary Street, Leeds

Leeds Public Libraries (R. J. Gordon, City Librarian), CentralPublic Library, Leeds . Leicester , Hubert Aloysius, K.C.S.G. , J.P., The Whitstones, Worcester.

Lenders , Rev. Jules, Minsteracres , Shotley Bridge, co Durham

L Lindsay, LeonardC. C., J.P. , F.S.A., 15 Morpeth Mansions, Westminster, S.W.I

Liverpool, Most Rev. Richard Downey, D.D., Archbishop of, Archbishop's House, Woolton, Liverpool, S.

Liverpool Public Libraries (George T.Shaw , M.A., F.L.A. , Librarian), William Brown Street, Liverpool

Liverpool . St Francis Xavier's, Very Rev. The Rector, S.J., Salisbury Street

Liverpool . The Friary, Fox Street (Rev. Father Guardian, O.F.M.).

London . Antiquaries, Societyof, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W.I

London . BayswaterSt Mary of the Angels, The Superior, O.S.C., WestmorelandRoad, W.2

London .BritishMuseum Library, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown , 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.2

London . ClaphamOur Lady of Victories, Very Rev. The Rector, C.SS.R., Clapham Park Road, S.W.4

London . College of Arms (G. Woods Wollaston, M.V.O., Norroy King of Arms, Librarian), Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

London . Constitutional Club Library, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2

London . Forest Gate, E.7Very Rev. The Provincial, O.F.M., The Friary, Khedive Road.

London . Fulham Public Library (J. E. Walker, F.L.A., Librarian), 598 Fulham Road , S.W.6

London .Genealogists, Society of (Mrs A. P. Webb, Secretary), 5 Bloomsbury Square, W.C.I

London .Guildhall Library (J. L. Douthwaite, Librarian), The Guildhall, E.C.2

London . Hammersmith Public Library (H. P. Dinelli , Librarian), Brook Green Road , W.6


London . HampsteadRev Mother, I.B.V.M., St Mary's Convent, England's Lane, N.W.3

London . Haverstock HillRev. L. O'Hanlon, O.P., St Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road, N.W.5

London . HornseyVery Rev. The Prior, C.R.L. , Austin Canons , 12 WomersleyRoad, N.8

London . Kensington Public Libraries (William Wadley, F.L.A., Librarian), Kensington High Street, W.8

London . Kensington (South)-The Oratory Library, S.W.7

London . Kensington (South)-Very Rev. The Provincial, O.S.M., St. Mary's Priory, 264 Fulham Road, S.W.10

London Library (C. T. H. Wright, LL.D., Secretaryand Librarian ), 14 St James's Square, S.W.I

London . The Month " (Rev. Joseph Keating, S.J., Editor), 31 Farm Street, Berkeley Square, W.1

London .Public Record Office Library, c/o Superintendent ofPublications, Book Department, H.M. Stationery Office, Princes Street, Westminster, S.W.I

London .Royal Historical Society (Miss M. B. Curran , M.A., Librarian), 22 Russell Square, W.C.I

London University Library (Reginald A. Rye, Librarian), South Kensington, S.W.7

London . Westminster Public Libraries (Reginald B. Wood, Librarian), Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.I

Long, Rev. Henry, The Presbytery, Leighton Buzzard, Beds

Lupton, Very Rev. Edward Canon, The Presbytery, South Shore , Blackpool, Lancs

McCabe, Rt Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Provost, V.G. , St Hilda's Rectory, Whitby, Yorks

McGuirk, Rev. John, The Presbytery, Rush, co Dublin, Ireland

McNulty, Rev. John F., M.A., c/o Bishop's House , Salford.

Madison , Wis., U.S.A.WisconsinState Historical Society (Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D. , Librarian), c/o Messrs H. Sotheran & Co. , 140 Strand, W.C.2

Manchester .The Victoria University (Charles W. E. Leigh, M.A., Librarian).

Manchester Public Libraries (L. Stanley Jast, F.L.A., Librarian), Piccadilly, Manchester .

Manchester . John Rylands Library (Henry Guppy, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D., Librarian), Deansgate. Manresa House, Roehampton , S.W.15, Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. Martin, John, Clare House, 16 Salisbury Road, Liverpool

L Martin, Mrs T. E., St Mary's, 5 Millbrook Park, Chelston , Torquay, Devon

Mathew , Rev. David, M.A., 224 Ashley Gardens, S.W.1

Maynooth, co Kildare, Ireland .St Patrick's College (Rev. G. Pierse Librarian).

Melbourne Public Library (Robert D. Boys, B.A., Chief Librarian), Victoria, Australia, c/o Messrs H. Sotheran & Co., 43 Piccadilly, W.I

Menevia, Rt Rev. Francis Vaughan, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Wrexham, Denbighshire

Michigan University (William Warner Bishop, M.A., Librarian), Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., c/o Messrs H. Sotheran & Co., 140 Strand, W.C.2

Middlesbrough, Rt Rev. Thomas Shine, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Middlesbrough

MiddlesbroughPublic Library (W. Lillie, Librarian), Middlesbrough . Milner, Rev. Henry F., Upholland College, nr Wigan, Lancs

Milton, Rev. Anthony, 12 TrentRoad, Brixton Hill, S.W.2

MinnesotaUniversity Library, Minneapolis,Minn , U.S.A. , c/o Messrs

G. E. Steckert, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, W.C.2

Mitchell Library, see Glasgow . " Month, " see London.

Moorat, Samuel, 25 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W.8

Moore, Rev. Bernard, St Austin's, Stafford

Morgan, Hon Evan Frederic, 35b Queen's Gate, S.W.7

Moriarty, Rt Rev. Mgr Ambrose Canon, D.D., V.G. , 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury.

Mount St Bernard'sAbbey, nearCoalville, Leicestershire , Very Rev.

The Superior, O.C.R.

Mount St Mary's College, Spinkhill , near Sheffield, Very Rev. The Rector, S.J.

Mulgrew, Francis M., 36 Grosvenor Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs

Namur, Belgium .Rev . Superioress General, Couventde NotreDame.

c/o Sister Provincial, Convent of Notre Dame, Ashdown Park, Coleman's Hatch, Sussex.

National Library of Ireland, see Dublin.

Newberry Library , see Chicago.

Newcastle -on-TynePublic Libraries (BasilAnderton, M.A., Librarian), New Bridge Street

Newcastle -on-Tyne .St Dominic's Priory, Red Barns (Very Rev. The Prior, O.P.)

Newdigate,Bernard H., StBrigid's, Stratford-on-Avon,Warwickshire

Newdigate, Rev. Charles A., S.J. , 31 Farm Street, Berkeley Square, W.I

New England Historic Genealogical Society, see Boston. New Hall, Rev. Mother Prioress, C.R.S.S., Chelmsford , Essex.

New South Wales Public Library, see Sydney

New York Historical Society (Robert H. Kelby), 170 Centra Park West , New YorkCity, U.S.A.

New York Public Library (Edwin H. Anderson , Librarian ), Aston Library Building, 40 La Fayette Place, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.2

New York State Library, see Albany.

Noble, Sir John Henry Brunel, Bt , Ardkinglas, Inveraray, Argyll Nolan, Rt Rev.MonsignorEdmondCanon , M.A. , St Mary Moorfields , Eldon Street, E.C.2

Norfolk, The Duchess of, Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex . Northampton, Rt Rev. Dudley C. Cary-Elwes, Bishop of, Bishop's House, Kingsthorpe Road, Northampton. Nottingham, Rt Rev. Thomas Dunn, Bishopof, St Barnabas's Cathedral, Derby Road, Nottingham

O'Connor, Rev. T. Arthur, M.C., H.C.F., St Edward's, Thurloe Street, Rusholme, Manchester.

O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis, O.B.E., C.F., St Joseph's, Queen's Road, Aldershot, Hants.

Ontario Legislative Library, see Toronto

Oscott College, BirminghamThe Rt Rev. The Rector.

O'Sullivan, Richard, 2 Cloisters , Temple , E.C.4

O'Toole, Rev. Patrick, The Presbytery, Haunton, Tamworth, Staffs.


Ottawa, Canada .Canadian Parliament Library (A. D. Cellas, LL.D., andMartinJ.Griffin, LL.D., Librarians), c/o Messrs Allen & Son , Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

Oulton, Lady Abbess of, O.S.B., St Mary's Abbey, Stone, Staffs

Oxford .Blackfriars, 64 St Giles' StreetThe Rev. The Vicar

Oxford . The Bodleian Library (Arthur E. Cowley, M.A., Litt.D., Librarian).

Oxford .Campion Hall, 11 St Giles' Street, Very Rev. The Master, S.J.

Pantin, William Abel, M.A., 72 Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.3

Panton, Wragby, Lincolnshire .Very Rev. The Superior, O.S.F.C. , Franciscan College

Paris .Bibliothèque Nationale , see Klincksieck (Monsieur).

Parisotti, Rev. Albert, O.B.E., C.F., c/o Glyn, Mills & Co. (Holt's Branch), 3 Whitehall Place, S.W.I

Parker, Colonel John W. R., C.B., J.P. , F.S.A., Browsholme Hall, near Clitheroe, Yorkshire

Parkminster Charterhouse , Partridge Green, Sussex, Very Rev. The Prior

Peabody Institute, see Baltimore , U.S.A.

Pennsylvania Historical Society, see Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania University Library, see Philadelphia.

Petit, Rev. John E., Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid, Spain.

Petre, Sebastian Henry, Tor-Bryan, Ingatestone, Essex

Philadelphia, Pa , U.S.A.Pennsylvania Historical Society, 1300 Locust Street, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.2

Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.Pennsylvania University Library (Asa Don Dickinson, Librarian ), 34th Street and Woodland Avenue

Phillipson, Rev. William A., O.S.B., 33 Upper Rock Gardens Brighton.

Plymouth .Rt Rev. John Barrett, Bishop of, Bishop'sHouse , Cecil Street, Plymouth

Portsmouth .Rt Rev. William Cotter, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth.

Portsmouth . Central Public Library (James Hutt, M.A., F.L.A., Borough Librarian ), Town Hall Square, Park Road

Preston, Free Public Library, The Librarian , Preston , Lancs

Preston .St Ignatius' , MeadowStreet, Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Public Record Office Library, see London

Quick, Joseph Louis, 41 Windsor Road , Forest Gate , E.7

Quinn, Augustine, J.P. , The Beeches, Sea View Road, Wallasey, Cheshire

Radcliffe, Charles A. F., The Old Hall, Stackhouse, Settle, Yorks

Ratcliffe College, Very Rev. The President, I.C., near Leicester .

Reynolds , Colonel Sir James Philip, Bt , D.S.O. , J.P. , M.P., Abercromby Square, Liverpool

FL Riddell, Cuthbert David Giffard, J.P., Swinburne Castle, Barrasford, Northumberland

Riddell, Edward Charles, J.P., Hermeston Hall, Oldcotes, Rotherham , Yorks., Kinwarton House, Alcester, Warwickshire .

Riddell-Blount, Major Edward Francis, J.P. , Cheeseburn Grange, Newcastle -on-Tyne.

* President, Yorkshire ArchæologicalSociety (RecordSeries and Journal) and Yorkshire Parish Register Society.

Robertson, Charles, K.S.G. , Batworth House, Arundel, Sussex

Roehampton, Rev. Mother Superior, Sacred Heart Convent, S.W.15


Giovanni Mercati, Prefect, The Vatican.

Rome . Collegio Inglese, Via Monserrato 45 (The Rt Rev. The Rector )

Rome . Collegio Beda, 67 Via San Niccolo da Tolentino 5 (The Rt Rev. The Rector)

Rome . The Rev. Librarian , S.J., Borgo S. Spirito, 5.

St Helens (Lancs ) .-Holy Cross , Rev. The Rector, S.J. St Helens (Lancs.) .St Mary's, Lowe House, Rev. The Rector, S.J. St Leonards -on-Sea (Sussex), Rev. Mother Superior, Convent H.C.J.

Salford, Rt Rev. Thomas Henshaw , Bishop of, Bishop's House , Broad Oak Park, Worsley, Manchester .

Sands, William Henry Bethune , 15 King Street, Covent Garden , W.C.2

Scantlebury, Rev. Robert Elliott, Abbey Ruins, Reading , Berks.

Scrope, Henry Aloysius, Danby-on-Yore, Middleham S.O., Yorks

Scrope, Stephen Francis Eustace, 71 The Drive, Hove, Sussex . Sharrock, Very Rev. Thomas Canon, St John's Cathedral, Chapel Street, Salford.

Shaw, James F., J.P. , Bourton Hall, Rugby, co. Warwick.

Sheffield Public Libraries (J. P. Lamb, Librarian ), Surrey Street , Sheffield

L Sheldrake , Harry James, White Barn, Kelvedon S.O., Essex.

L Sheldrake , James Ernest, Farm Hill, Kelvedon S.O., Essex

L Sheldrake, Willie, White Barn, Kelvedon S.O. , Essex

Shepherd, Very Rev. FrancisCanon, The Convent, Chudleigh, Devon. Shrewsbury , Rt Rev. Hugh Singleton, Bishop of, Bishop's House , 39 Beresford Road, Birkenhead

Signet Library, see Edinburgh

Skeet, Major Francis J. A., J.P., Syon House, Angmering, Sussex. Sleeman, Mrs, Hampton House, Hampton Bishop, co Hereford

F Smith, John Peter, J.P., Arndene, Barrow-in-Furness , Lancs.

Smith, Miss M. A., The Grove , Barnard Castle, co. Durham

Smith, Richard, J.P. , Greenfield House, Lancaster.

Smith, William Abbey, J.P. , Rosebery Villa, Hutton Avenue, West Hartlepool, co Durham

Smith, William BernardStanislaus , J.P. , Newsham House, Broughton, near Preston , Lancs

Southwark , Rt Rev. Peter E. Amigo, Bishop of, Bishop's House , St George's Road, Southwark, S.E.1

Stafford, Lt.-Col the Lord, D.S.O. , Swynnerton Park, Stone , Staffs. Stanbrook Abbey, The Lady Abbess, O.S.B., Worcester

Stockport Public Library (R. Hargreaves , F.L.A., Librarian ), Stockport, Cheshire

Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Lancs.Very Rev. The Rector, S.J.

Strawberry Hill, StMary'sCollege, Very Rev. The Principal, Twickenham , Middlesex .

Stroud (Glos.) .-

The Rev. Mother Prioress, St Rose's Convent

Sumner , Francis G., J.P., Dene House, Kineton, Warwickshire

Sumner, Rev. Francis J., Hampton-on-the-Hill, Warwick.

F Sutcliffe, Very Rev. William Ormond Canon, M.A., 7 Howitt Road , Hampstead , N.W.3

Sydney . NewSouthWales Public Library(W.H. Ifould, Librarian), c/o Messrs Truslove & Hanson , 153 Oxford Street , W.I


FSyon Abbey .The Lady Abbess, O.SS.S., South Brent, Devon. Tacchi-Venturi, Rev. Pietro, S.J., Piazza del Gesu 45 , Rome

Taunton .Rev. Mother Abbess, O.S.F., Franciscan Convent

L Taylor-Smith , Mrs M. E. Piercey, Colpike Hall, Lanchester, co . Durham.

Teignmouth, Lady Abbess, O.S.B., St Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth, Devon.

Tempest, Mrs. E.B.-R.I.P.

L Toke, Leslie A. St L., Bucksford, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent

Toronto, Ontario, CanadaOntario Legislative Library (A. T. Wilgress , Librarian ), c/o Messrs Allen & Son , 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue , W.C.2

Trappes-Lomax, Miss, Salesbury Hall, Ribchester, near Preston.

Trappes -Lomax, Major Richard, J.P., Allsprings, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancs

Treowen , Major-General the Lord, C.B. , C.M.G. , Llanarth Court, Raglan , Monmouthshire . Trinity College Library, see Dublin.

Trotman, John William , c/o Rev. Mother Superior, UrsulineConvent, Brentwood, Essex .

Turnbull , Francis Harold, K.C.S.G., Colhugh , Llantwit Major, near Cardiff

L Turnbull, Philip Bernard, Egton, Pen-y-lan Road, Cardiff

Turville -Petre, Colonel Oswald, J.P., B.A., Bosworth Hall, Rugby

Universal KnowledgeFoundation Inc., 19 Union Square West, New York City, U.S.A.

Upholland, Wigan, Lancs .St Joseph's College, Very Rev. The President

Urquhart, Francis Fortescue, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford.

Ushaw College Library, Durham (Rev. W. Godfrey, D.D., Ph.D., Librarian)

Valladolid, Spain .Very Rev. The Rector, Colegio de Ingleses.

L Vassall-Phillips, Rev. Oliver R., C.SS.R., C.F., St Joseph's, Bishop Stortford

Vatican Library, see Rome.

L Vaughan,Major Charles Jerome, O.B.E., J.P., Courtfield, Ross , Herefordshire

Vaughan, Rev. Herbert, D.D., Mission House, Brondesbury Park, N.W.6

FL Vaux of Harrowden, The Lord, M.A., Harrowden Hall, Wellingborough, Northants.

Victoria Public Library, see Melbourne

Wainewright, J. B.-R.I.P.

Wake, Philip Kenyon, K.S.G., Handsworth Grange, Sheffield

Wales, National Library of, see Aberystwyth

Warrington, Mrs J. Francis, Walton Grange, Wakefield , Yorks

Washington Library of Congress (Herbert Putnam, LL.D., Litt.D., Librarian), Washington, D.C., U.S.A. , c/o Messrs Allen & Son , Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

Watson, Rt Rev. Monsignor Edward John, M.A., Westward House , Old North Road, Royston, Herts

Wedgwood , Mrs Rowland Henry, Mill Lane House, Slindon, Sussex

Weld, Francis Joseph, 32 Weld Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs

FWestminster, His Eminence Cardinal Bourne, the Archbishop of, Archbishop's House, Ambrosden Avenue, Westminster, S.W.I

Westminster Public Libraries, see London .

Whelan, Miss Margaret H., B.A., 47 Park Crescent, Undercliff, Bradford, Yorks

White, Thomas , 17 Brynhyfryd Road, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon.

L Whitfield , Rev. Joseph L., M.A., D.S.O., CatholicRectory, Southend on-Sea, Essex

WiganFree Public Library (Arthur J . Hawkes,F.S.A. ,Chief Librarian), Wilcox , George, 19 Mount Carmel Street, Derby.

F Williamson, George Charles, Litt.D., J.P., Mount Manor House , Mount Street, Guildford, Surrey

Willson, Very Rev. E. Hilary, O.S.B., The Priory, Easingwold, Yorkshire.

Wilton, R. Cecil, B.A., 31a St James's Square, S.W.I

Wimbledon, S.W.19Wimbledon College, Very Rev.The Rector, S.J.

Wimbledon Public Library (Henry William Bull, Librarian), Wimbledon , S.W.19

Wisconsin State Historical Society, see Madison

Wonersh (St John's Seminary), Very Rev. The Rector, Wonersh, near Guildford, Surrey

FWood, Herbert Maxwell, B.A., F.S.A., " Rokers, " Shackleford , nr Godalming, Surrey

Woodruff, Mrs Cumberland , 87 Woodstock Road , Oxford

FL Woollan, Joseph Henry, Norman's Cottage , Ditchling, Sussex

Worcester, Mass , U.S.A., Free Public Library (Robert K. Shaw , Librarian ), c/o Messrs Truslove & Hanson, 153 Oxford Street, W.1

Yale University Library, NewHaven, Connecticut, U.S.A. , c/o Messrs Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

FYork .Rev . Mother, I.B.V.M., St Mary's Convent , MicklegateBar.

York Public Library (Arthur H. Furnish, City Librarian), Clifford Street, York

Young, Smelter Joseph, Richmond Park, near Sheffield.


AUGUSTINIANAbbotsleigh, Bodmin, Bruges, Hayward's Heath , Hornsey.

BENEDICTINE --Ampleforth , Belmont, Bergholt, Buckfast, Colwich, Douai, Downside, Ealing, Fort Augustus, Oulton, Stanbrook, Teignmouth




CHARLES , Oblates of StLondon (Bayswater)

CISTERCIANMount St Bernard's

DOMINICANHawkesyard, London (Haverstock Hill), Newcastle-on-Tyne, Oxford, Stroud (Glos )

FRANCISCANLiverpool, London (ForestGate), Panton, SouthAscot,Taunton


INSTITUTE OF B.V. MARYLondon (Hampstead), York.


JESUIT Beaumont, Boston College, U.S.A., Brussels, Dublin, Heythrop, Liverpool (St Francis Xavier), Manresa , Mount St Mary's, Oxford (Campion Hall), Preston (St Ignatius), St Helens (2), Stonyhurst, Wimbledon , Rome (BorgoS.Spirito, 5).


ORATORIANBirmingham, London


REDEMPTORISTLondon (Clapham)






SECULAR COLLEGESCambridge, Glasgow, Maynooth, Oscott, Rome (2), Strawberry Hill, Upholland, Ushaw, Valladolid, Wonersh.


ENGLAND AND WALESAberystwith(National Library of Wales), Barrow , Birmingham, Blackburn, Bolton, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol , Cardiff, Derby, Hull, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, London (Fulham, Guildhall, Hammersmith, Kensington, Westminster), Manchester, Middlesbrough, Newcastle-on-Tyne,Portsmouth, Sheffield, Stockport, Wigan, Wimbledon, York

SCOTLAND --Edinburgh, Glasgow.

IRISH FREE STATEDublin (National Library)



UNITED STATESBoston (Mass ), Chicago (Newberry Library), Cleveland (Ohio), New York, Worcester (Mass )



Pollen, Maria Margaret (Mrs John Hungerford), 18 Jan., æt 80 .

Pauling, George Craig Saunders, 10 Feb., æt 64.

Mumford, Charles Edward, 18 Feb., æt 65.

Cox , John Charles, LL.D., 23 Feb., æt 75 .

Herries, Angela Mary Charlotte Lady, 28 Feb., æt 64.

Fitzherbert, Basil Thomas, 12 April, æt 83 .

Stapleton-Bretherton, Frederick Annesley, 13 April,æt. 78.

Birt, Rev. Henry Norbert, O.S.B. , 21 Aug., æt 58

Vaughan, Colonel Francis Baynham, K.C.P., 9 Sept., æt 75.

Humble, Anna Maria (Mrs John), 27 Oct., æt 80.

MacGregor , Harriette (Mrs Donald), 27 Oct., æt. 75 .

Wyndham, Very Rev. FrancisMerrik Canon, O.S.C., 16 Nov., æt. 81 .

Walmsley, Thomas , 11 Dec., t 79


FWard, Rt Rev. Bernard, Bishop of Brentwood, 21 Jan., æt 62

Donnelly, Rt Rev.Nicholas, Bishopof Canea andAuxiliaryof Dublin

March, æt 83 .

Kirby, Edmund, 24 April, æt 82

Teebay, Rev. George, 26 April, æt 71.

Kennard, Rt Rev. Mgr Charles Henry Canon, 6 Aug., æt. 79 .

Culley, Rt Rev. Mgr Matthew, 19 Aug., æt 60

F Bowden, Rev. Henry George Sebastian, Cong. Oratory, 26 Sept., æt 84 .

Maguire, Most Rev. John Aloysius, Archbishop of Glasgow, 14 Oct., æt 69

Guiney, (Miss) Louise Imogen, 2 Nov., æt 59

Carus, Alexander, K.S.G. , 21 Dec. , æt. 78. 1921

Elwes, Gervase Henry, K.M., 12 Jan., æt 54

Whiteside, Most Rev. Thomas , Archbishop of Liverpool, 28 Jan., æt 63 .

FGillow , Joseph, 17 March, æt. 70. First Honorary Recorder . FWedgwood , Rowland Henry, M.A., 28 March, æt. 73 .

Witham, Philip, 3 May, æt 78 .

Warrington, John Francis, 16 June, æt. 53

Stanley-Cary-Caddell , Agnes Mary (Mrs), 16 July, æt. 83.

Ruvigny and Raineval, Melville Amadeus Henry Douglas Heddlede la Caillemotte de Massue, Marquis of, 6 Oct., æt 53 .

Fitzsimons, Frederick John, 23 Dec., æt 66

Howell , Helen Mary Maxima (Mrs David), 26 Dec. , æt 62 . 1922

Cosgrave, Very Rev. Lawrence Canon, V.F., 9 March, æt. 73 .

Stokes, Philip Folliott Scott, 13 July, æt 70

Fitzwilliam , Lady Alice Mary Wentworth, Oct., æt 73 .

Thomas, Charles Edward, 4 Nov., æt. 69. 1923

Boothman, Edward Duncan , M.A., 22 Jan., æt 78 .

Wilmot, Hon AlexanderCount, K.S.G., K.H.S., 3 April, æt. 86

Newdigate, Alfred, M.A., 20 April, æt. 93.

Leeming, Henry Heatley, K.S.S., 21 May, æt 65.

Meynell, Edgar John, 4 July, æt 63

Weetman, Henry Charles, 7 Oct., æt 73 . Waldron, Rt Hon Laurence Ambrose , P.C., 27 Dec., æt 65.


Fitzherbert-Brockholes , William Joseph, C.B.E., 21 Jan., æt 72. Cahill, (Miss) Mary Angela Christine, 22 March, æt. 55.

FTatum, Rev. George Benson, M.A., 27 March, æt 69

Trappes -Lomax, Helen (Mrs Thomas Byrnand), 15 June, æt 79.

Coulston, Henry Joseph, J.P., 21 July, æt 62.

FBritten, James, K.C.S.G. , F.L.S., 8 Oct., æt 78.

Bequeathed£200 to the Society.

Munich, Charles James , F.R.Hist.S., 8 Oct., æt 63 1925

FCasartelli, Rt Rev. Charles , Bishop of Salford, 18 Jan., æt. 72 . Smith, (Miss) Ellen, 20 Jan., æt. 67 .

Hussey-Walsh, Valentine, April, æt 63

Radcliffe, Richard D., 26 April, æt 83 .

F Pollen, Rev. John Hungerford, S.J., 28 April, æt 66

Andrew, Ellen (Mrs William R.), 9 Dec., æt.

F Burton, Very Rev. Edwin H, Canon, D.D., 13 Dec., æt 55.

Torre-Diaz, Bertha Countess de, 22 Dec., æt . 77 .

Loughnan, Ignatius Hamilton, 29 Dec., æt 84 .


Barton, James, 6 March, æt 65.

Gainsborough , Charles W. Noel, 3rd Earl of, 17 April, æt 76.

Parfitt, His Honour Judge, K.C., 17 May, æt. 68 .

Lindsay, WilliamA., K.C., C.V.O., F.S.A., Clarenceux KingofArms, 13 Sept., æt 80.

Gainsford, William D., J.P. , 4 Oct., æt 83 1927

Roskell, Charles John, 7 March , æt. 77 .

Mawson, Joseph, F.G.S., 29 April, æt. 97 .

Kerr, Admiral Lord Walter, G.C.B., J.P., 12 May, æt. 88.

Stevenson , Very Rev. William Canon, 5 Aug., æt. 74 .

Gainsborough , Arthur Noel, 4th Earl of, 27 Aug., æt. 43 . F Williams, Alfred, J.P. , 9 Sept., æt 85 . Myerscough , Very Rev. Thomas Canon, 14 Sept., æt. 73 .


Tempest , Mrs. Eleanor Blanche , 26 Jan., æt 73 .

Keating, Most Rev. Frederick, 2ndArchbishopofLiverpool, 7 Feb., æt. 65 .

Walmesley , Very Rev. William Provost, 20 June, æt 86.

Keily, Rt Rev. John, Bishop of Plymouth, 23 Sept., æt. 74 1929

Anderton, Mrs Casilda Ince, 19 Jan., æt 81

Wainewright, John Bannerman , 29 March, æet . 51

Gasquet, His Eminence Cardinal Aidan, O.S.B, (3rd President), 5 April, æt 83 ,

Lacy, Rt Rev. Richard, 1st Bishop of Middlesbrough, 11 April, æt. 83 .

Broadhead , Rt Rev. Monsignor Joseph, 23 June, æt 68

Requiescant in pace.


On Monday, September 16th, 1929.

The Catholic Record Society.


ON N the occasionof the Ninth NationalCatholicCongress,which was also the Celebration of the Centenary of Catholic Emancipation , a sectional meeting of the Catholic Record Society was held on Monday, Sept. 16th, at the Caxton Hall, Westminster, the President of the Society, Viscount FitzAlan , K.G. , being in the chair

His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop honoured the meeting by his presence .

The following paper was read by the Rt Rev. Mgr Canon Nolan , M.A., on the Douay Diaries* :

The Douay College Diaries are the records, kept by the President or by his authority, of the English College of Douay founded by Cardinal Allen in 1568, which remained as a college for the clergy and laity of England during the whole time of the penal laws, until it was broken upby the French Revolution in 1792. It is the parent of the present colleges of Lisbon, Valladolid, Ushaw, St. Edmund's, and, less directly, of Oscott and Cotton, which still, in very different circumstances , continue its work and, we trust, inherit its spirit of fidelity and simplicity Though situated on a foreign soil, it was exclusively English in its outlook, its manner of life, its virtues, and perhaps in its failings It was exclusivelyconcerned with the training of the laity and the secular or diocesan clergy, although several of the illustrious religious , especially among the martyrs, were numbered among its studentsBlessed Edmund Campion and Blessed Alexander Briant of the Society of Jesus being striking examples

We have still in the archives of St. Edmund's College the manuscripts of the rules observed, and in the lately-published Volume xxviii of the Catholic Record Society (pp 308-326) there is a paper entitled " Advice to a President, " a serious but somewhat entertaining commentaryon the rules as they should be, as they were , and as they were not carried out by the Superiors at the time of writing The author was Robert Witham, one of the most successful Presidents (1715-1739).

* Report furnished by the courtesy of The Tablet.

The students, lay and clerical, wore a short cassock, with bands suchas are nowworn bygraduates on State occasions or by barristers There are to be seen two examples of this dress in the contemporary portraits of Charles Butler, barrister and historian, and of Robert Witham , whose engaging portrait is now in the dining room at Ushaw . Itis affectingtoattempt to realize the parting of these youthsfrom their families, and to know that by the very act of having their sons educated as Catholics the parents were liable to one of the severest penal laws; in fact, to send them beyond the seas without a permit was visited by the forfeiture of property and even imprisonment We can hardly imaginethe sacrifices made by Catholic menoflanded property in sending theirsons to Douay, and the generosityof mothers who allowed them to leave at a tender age, with little hope of seeing them for five or six years in the case of lay students, and for ten or twelve years in the case of those who continued their studies until ordination The journey itself was perilouson horseback for one , two or three hundred miles through England, followed by the careful and difficult selection of a friendly boat in which to sail across the Channel ; and we can realize the sense of religiousfeeling when they reached the shore, tempered by the strangeness of a foreign country and a foreign language Once arrived in Douay, in itself an uninterestingtown in flat country, they found themselves welcomed eagerly and fraternally by the band of exiles who had cut themselves offfrom all hopes of worldly success for their faith and loyalty.

Atfirst the new college formed a part of the University of Douay. Douay at that time was in the Netherlandsand was then subject to Philip II of Spain, who had helped to found this University as an intellectual centre to combat the revolutionary opinions that were being widely broached by the Calvinistsand the followers of William of Orange, partly by infiltrations of French Calvinism, and partly through reaction from the severities of Alva in suppressing the revolt against the Spanish Government.

The first superiors and many of the first students of the English College were men ofgreatdistinction and, like Allen, Bristowe, Gregory Martin, Harding, StapletonandWorthington, had been Fellows oftheir colleges at Oxford They were welcomed in the new University, and two ofthem ,Stapletonand Owen Lewis, were created Regius Professors of Divinity and of Canon Law There was, therefore, a seeming securitythat, however narrow might be the size of the EnglishCollege, their means ofinstruction would be derivedfrom a National University, and that they would mingle with the young spirit of other nations

In process of time, first of all owing to the civil and military disturbanceswhich first forced the College to move to Rheims andremain there for years, and the sieges by the Duke of Marlborough in 1710

and that byMarshal Villars in 1712 , which finally decided the French possession of Douay; and, secondly, owing to the difficulties created by the spread of Gallicanprinciples in 1682 and by Jansenism slightly later, the Superiors of the College took up the legal position towhich they were entitledthat they were a Pontifical College, whose Superior was appointedbythe Congregation of the Propaganda, at firstthrough the Inter-Nuncioat Brussels This threw the College moreorlessupon its own resources for teaching both humanities and theology Many of the English gentry and bishops felt acutely the narrowness which resultedfrom this, and theDiariesshow the difficulties Inthe Seventh Diary, and in Canon Burton's Challoner, we have an account ofthe difficulties caused bythis abstention, when RichardChallonerventured to competefor a Chair of the University against Farasin , a Canon of St.Amé and a contemporary of his own in taking his degree. "

The lay students entered the College at about the age of twelve tofourteenyears, and remained aboutfour to six years. They pursued a course known as Humanities" and divided into classes called " Rhetoric, " Poetry, " " Syntax, " " Grammar, " and" Rudiments"names which still linger without any significance in one or two of our English schools; but in the system of educationthen pursued, almost wholly founded on the Classics, the class of Rhetoric studied in an especial manner the style and the works of Cicero and the class of Poetry read and composed Latin and Greek verse during a whole year. At the end of Humanities, those who had the priesthood in view began the study of scholastic philosophy for two years and Divinity for three years before their ordination At first they paid the very greatest attention to a knowledge of the text of the Bible and to its explanation. For information on this subject, we must refer to the "Advice to a President" already mentioned. Some of those who had completed their Divinity course proceeded to the University of Paris and became doctors of the Sorbonne. They were few and far between for the reasons stated above, and all their names occupy but a small space in the Recordsof St. Gregory's, Paris, edited by Canon Burton and published by the Catholic Record Society (Vol. xix)

We havesaid that Douay was a Pontifical College. In this respect it is on a par with the present English College at Rome and other similar colleges where the Holy Father names a Cardinal Protector, at whose recommendationthe Rector is appointed. In this sense Douay has no juridical or canonical successor among our English colleges or schools , which are all subject (I am not speaking of schools taught by members of Religious Orders or Congregations ) to a Bishop or a Board of Bishops, who themselves appoint the Superiors ; but, as we learn from the Diaries, the schools mentioned above are in direct descent from Douay, because at their foundation they were governed

and staffed by men sent from Douay, or, like Ushawand Old Hall, are the houses where at the French Revolution the Douay professors, together with their pupils and carrying as much as they couldoftheir books and other material, established themselves with the avowed purpose of transplanting from its exile to an English home the succession and spirit of Douay, which had always been English.

The Documents

Thus far we have been giving a general idea of the history and objects of the College of Douay It must be followed by a closer account of the documents named in the title of this paper The Catholic Record Society is instituted to edit, transcribe, index, print and distribute to its members the Catholic registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths and other old records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical It is clear that these embrace a much widerscopethanis indicatedbymentionofthe DouayDiaries Twentynine volumes have been printed, and we may well apply the Scripture text which has been adopted as the motto of the Society: " Gather up the fragments, lest they be lost, " for already we have sustained great losses; for example , the Sixth Douay Diary has not been seen since the French Revolution And another text: " Dost thou think these bones shall live ? " We reply, " Yes "-first, because they are the necessary skeleton of the history of the Church in England since the Reformation, of which they are the original manuscript'ssources . They are the links connecting us with the past, not only historically but to a large extent genealogically , for they are full of the records of families which adhered to the Faith in the past centuriesAnderton, Aston, Bellew, Blundell, Blount, Brockholes , Dalton, Darell, Dillon, Eyre, Giffard, Heneage, Howard, Jerningham, Kendal, Langdale, Maire, Mostyn, Needham, Petre, Plunkett , Rivers, Salkeld, Stapleton, Stonor, Strickland, Talbot, Tichbourne, Townley, Webb , Weld Their very names are musical and grateful to Catholic ears, knowing how much in those days the very existence of the Churchin this country was bound up with them; and in this celebrationof our Emancipation, they hold up a mirror to the past and help us to realize the great tribulations through which is has pleased Providence to purify the Churchin its members and make them worthyof leadingthis Imperial Nation But among these records the Douay Diaries stand out as the most continuous narration of the life and organization of the English Church of that period which we now possess .

The " Douay Diaries, " so called, consist of five folio volumes of manuscript now in the archives of the See of Westminster. They are known as the First, Second, Third, Fourth , and Fifth, and Seventh Diaries. These should be supplemented by the " Douay Rules" and what is known as the Prefect of Studies' Book" (both of which are

in the archives of St. Edmund's College, Old Hall); for the latter supplementsthe last Douay Diary by bringing the record up to the outbreak of the French Revolution, the imprisonment of the professors and students in the Citadel of Doullens , and their return to England in 1795

The Diaries were, of course, kept at Douay until the break-up of the College and the nearly total destruction of its libraryand archives in the first French Revolution How complete this was we learn from an article on the Seizure of Douay College, by the Rev. Joseph Hodgson, V.G., L.D., from a " Letter to a Friend, " writtensoon after the author reached England, published in the Catholic Magazine and Review of 1831 (Vol i, p 459) "Our valuablelibraryhad metwitha cruel fate. For some months after our arrest it had been plundered at discretion by those who had been appointed to take care of it By order of the magistrates , waggon-loads of books were conveyed from the library to the arsenal to make military cartridges Folio volumes offirm paper, regardless of their contents , or costliness, or rarity, were preferred for this barbarous purpose A selection of several thousand volumes was made from the remainder , to be incorporated with the libraryofthe Douay University There they are to be seen atpresent. But many rare and curious volumes and the whole treasure of our inestimable manuscripts, consistingof original letters and correspondence with Rome and England, authentic memoirs and other precious documents , which had been deposited here as in a place of safety out of the reachof that persecution which had raged so long in our own country, were dissipated and destroyed by men ignorant of their value "

When the members of the College were at length released from imprisonment and allowed to return to England (March 2, 1795), they tookwith them the Diary, or at least the greater part of it, and it remained for many years in the custody of the Rev. John Daniel, the last president of the house Shortly before his deathin 1823 , he consigned itto the Rev. FrancisTuite, last titular PresidentofDouay. In 1835 or 1836, Father Tuite (who died in 1837) lent three of the volumes, the Third, Fourth and Fifth, and Seventh Diaries, to Canon Tierney Welearnthis from a memorandumwritten byCanon Tierney attached to the Seventh Diary. At the death of Canon Tierney in 1862 the Diaries were lent to Dr. Goss , Bishop of Liverpool, and it was not until after his death in 1872 that they were returned. The Sixth Diary was probably brought to England with the rest and lent in the same casual way to some interested person, or simply mislaid or destroyed , without any great notice being taken of it Canon Burton always had the hope that it would still be found It would be of great value, because it would record events from 1676to 1692years full of interest to the Catholics in England The Diaries cover

a period of 220 years, but there are, unfortunately, gaps amounting in all to about sixty years, in addition to the lost Sixth Diary.

The first editors were the Fathersof the London Oratory, who, in 1878 , fifty years ago, brought out a magnificentquarto edition ofthe First and Second Douay Diaries. It was prefaced by an historical introduction of ninety pages by Dr. Knox, which should be read by everyone who is interestedin the history of the Church in England. Although some new discoveries have been made since then, it gives the best account of the state of Catholics in the early part of Elizabeth's reign, the policy of Cardinal Allen and the history of the foundation of the College As the First and Second Diaries are now out of print, it would be useful to issue Dr. Knox's preface as a separate work.

There seemedlittle likelihood of pursuingthe work further, butthe foundation of the Catholic Record Society in 1904 had the effect of stimulating many historical scholars and many who had an appreciation of the value of our Catholic archives generally; and among other valuable works, the Third, Fourth and Fifth Diaries were produced in 1911 , thirty-three years after the First and Second Diaries, under the editorship of the late Canon Burton, in conjunction with the Rev. Thos. L. Williams, M.A., then Master of St. Edmund's House , Cambridge, and now , much to our pleasure, Archbishopof Birmingham.

Canon Burton, who delayed for a time editing and publishing the SeventhDiary, in the hope that the Sixth might still be found, began at last to workupon the Seventh , but his lamenteddeathin 1925 put an end to any immediate hopes of seeing it in print. At last, after many interruptions, the Seventh Diary was publishedby the Catholic Record Societyin the present year It is hoped that a furthervolume, to conclude the series of Douay historical documents , will shortly be taken in hand.

The contents of the Diaries are very various The backbone of all consists of the names of the students entering and leaving the College and of the ordination and departure of priests on the English Mission , together with the lists of the professors and masters every year and the elections, resignations and deaths of the Presidents. These would be very uninterestingifit were not that they record the entries and ordinations and deaths of some 140 priests who have been martyred the chiefglory of the English clergy They also record the names of the chief English theologiansAllen, Martin, Bristowe, Harding, Worthington, Alban Butler, and Richard Challoner , to name only some of the better known .

The Third, Fourth and Fifth Diaries are published without notes other than a few by Mr. Hansom , but Canon Burton contributed a

valuable introduction of twenty pages. The SeventhDiary, on the otherhand , was veryfullyannotatedby Canon Burton, chieflyfrom the genealogical standpoint, and throws manysidelights upon thehistoryof the old English Catholicfamilies, to whomthe work must be peculiarly interesting. The Fourth and Fifth Diaries enlarge their scope, andwe have frequent references to current Catholic history and to problems interesting the Church in England; for example , the accounts of the martyrdom of the Venerables Robert Watkinson, Mathew Flathers, George Gervase, Bartholomew Rowe, John Lockwood , Edmund Catherick , Hugh Green, Henry Heath and John Duckett There is a list of Douay martyrs attached to the Fifth Diary.

There are also accounts of the visitations by Papal authorityin 1612 , 1627 , 1645, and the later visitation in 1711 which acquitted the College of the charge of Jansenism and Gallicanism Notices ofthe College accounts between 1720 and 1750 are given, which show that the cost of a student was about £23 a year, which, I suppose, would be equal to about £100 a year with the present value of money. In 1715 and 1745 there are numerous references to the Jacobite Risings in those years, which show the intense loyalty of the College to the Stuart cause

The manuscripts of these Diaries have been consulted and largely used by historians, especially by Tierney for his edition of Dodd , so that they do not add very greatly to our knowledge of the general historyof the Church; but they supply an infinite number of details and they are now printed in full, so that every part of them can be read in its context, which should prove a help to future scholars.

Notwithstanding my want of skill, I hope that I have made clear the scope and work of the Catholic Record Society and what is the importof the three volumes which they have published of the Douay Diaries; and the historical value of the records of the College which produced 140 martyrs and such writers as Alban Butler and Richard Challoner , and was thereforeamong the chieffactors in preserving the Churchwhose members are rejoicing this yearin the centenaryoftheir emancipationfrom the penal laws

Mr R. C. Wilton (the Hon Secretary) followed by reading some extracts from the Howard correspondence preserved at Norfolk House, in order to showthe interest exhibited by a Duke of Norfolk of the time1729in sending his young relatives to Douaythe Duke himself having received his education at the College. A letter from President Witham to Bernard Howard, the Chairman's ancestor , wasalso read. This Mr Howard had four sons at Douay two hundred years ago, one of whom, Charles , was later President of St Gregory's College in Paris.

The Hon. Secretary added that this meeting would be a landmark in the history of the Society, as being held during the great Centenary Congress, graced as it was by the presence of Cardinal Bourne on this historic occasion. Mr Wilton also alluded to the great work accomplished by Mr Hansom, the principal Founder, for so many years the Hon Secretary of the Society, and further mentioned the fact that several of the Founders of the Society were present at this meeting

Mr J. Cyril M. Weale then made some remarks in allusion to the records of the Scots Colleges at Douay and other places, published by the Spalding Club.

His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop at this point spoke about the origin of the Society and how he had been present at the meeting in 1904 which had witnessed its formal inauguration . He said he had not then anticipated the great work which the C.R.S. was destined to accomplish during the quarterof a centurywhich had since passed His Eminence said how much the Society owed to the ability, perseverance , anduntiring fighting spirit of Mr Hansom, its accomplished founder . Mr Hansom , indeed, was to the C.R.S. what Mr Britten had been to the Catholic Truth Society.

His Eminence also said he would take that opportunity of clearing up a misunderstanding which had arisen from the fact that at one of the early meetings he had stated that some caution ought to be exercised with regard to the publication of records of the past. He meant that there might possibly be references whichwould hurt the susceptibilities of the present representatives of certain families, but that his words had been taken hold of in certain quarters as referring to scandals in Catholic circles, the knowledge of which he desired to keep from the world at large But this, of course, was not at all his meaning. The Catholic Church only askedfor light both upon its past and present.

Mr Leonard Lindsay (the Bursar), referring to Mgr Nolan's paper, thought it was for this Societywhose work was the publishing oftherecordsof thoselong dayswhich precededthe Emanci pation to lay special stress on the records of those who lived in those days. It was quite right to thank the Irish Catholics forall they did to obtain Emancipation , and Daniell O'Connell, the hero, and that great champion, Bishop John Milner, but gratitude was chiefly due to those English Catholic county families who kept

the Faith during those terrible times. They were here, close to the headquarters of the government, never knowing who were friends orfoes. Althoughagainstthe lawof the land, theymanaged with great difficulties to send their children abroad to be educated in the Catholic Faith. Some they probably never saw again because they joined the communities and spent their lives in praying for England, whilst others became priests and returned to offer their lives for the Faith.

He would also like to recall to their minds the cause of that illustrious lady, who was mentioned by Bishop Challoner in his Memoirs of MissionaryPriests, and who, after a long captivity in this country, was put to death because she was a Catholic and therightful Queen of England--Mary Queen of Scots. TheEnglish look upon her as belonging to Scotland, and the Scots seem to regard her as an English Martyr, so her cause seems to beforgotten.

Asregardsthe Congress it was difficult to realize what a wonderful advancehad been made in a hundred years He would suggest a pilgrimage to the Church of the Assumption in Warwick Street, near Regent Streetwhich he believed was now the only church left which remains as it was in 1829and visit the Shrine of Our Lady there, surrounded by ex votos, and afterwards visit the Lady Chapel in that glorious Cathedral of Westminster : the contrast, he thought, would bring home to one's mind the great change that had takenplace.

The Rev. Aloysius Emery, Inst Ch , alluded to the words of Ezechiel, " Can these dry bones live, " and said that the reader of the paper had made of vivid interest what might have been a dull subject, and that the drybones ofthe past, revived bytheCatholic Record Society, had become a living reality for the benefit of our own times

MrSherwood, RecorderofWorcester, referred to the compensation given by the French Government for the confiscation of Douay which never reached the hands of those who had owned the property. Hesaid that in a book of authorityMr Thomas Chisholme Anstey's A Guidetothe Laws of England affectingRoman Catholics (1843)-it was said (at page 166) that a claim was made in 1825 under the French Conventions Act, 59 Geo. III, c 31 , by the Rev. John Daniel, in respect of the Catholic Seminary at Douay, that the claim was allowed but that the Crown was held entitled to the moneys and that on appeal the Privy Council in

a judgement given by Lord Giffard, affirmed the Crown's claim on grounds of public and religious policy. *

Mr J. P. Smith, Vice-President of the Society, said that he endorsedtheviews expressed by Mr Lindsay, and pointed out that had it not been for the sacrifices made by the English Gentry of those early days, both in keeping up the supply of priests and sheltering them on their returnto this country, and alsoinproviding the Faithful with the means of receiving the Sacraments, there would have been no Catholics to emancipate in 1829 .

The Chairman,in moving a vote of thanks to Mgr Nolan forhis interesting paper, summed up what had been said at the meeting, and said how much the Society owed to the unfailing interest Cardinal Bourne had taken in its proceedingsfromitsfirst beginning to thisdaywhen he had beenwith them . Lord FitzAlanspokealso of Cardinal Gasquet and the interest which he maintained in the Society to his death, and alluded to the presence of Miss Harting and her association with the origin of the Society.

Mr Baigent proposed a vote of thanks to Lord FitzAlan for presiding on this occasion, and remarked on the great interest his Lordshiphad always exhibited in the proceedingsof the Society, having frequently attended its meetings and lately taken upon himself the burden of the Presidency.

Alderman Leicester, of Worcester, seconding the vote, said it was a pleasure and a privilege to be allowed to take part in showing our appreciation of the servicesrendered by his Lordship to the Society, and to the Church and the State , not forgetting that he belonged to one of those noble families who did and suffered so much for the Faith in the days of persecution.

* The speaker is, however, looking into the matter , and it may prove that Anstey's statement is open to doubt [See also Catholic Magazine and Review, Vol. V (1834), pp 692-4 .]

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