Records Volume 76: Jacobean Recusant Rolls for Middlesex

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Editorial Committee : T. A. Birrell




© The Catholic Record Society

ISBN 0 902832 17 4

Published 1997

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The Jacobean Sheriffs of London and Middlesex Introduction


1: 1603-04 (E377/12)

2: 1604-05 (E377/13)

Roll 3: 1605-06 (E377/14)

Roll 4: 1606-07 (E377/15)

Roll 5: 1607-08 (E377/16)

Roll 6: 1608-09 (E377/17)

7: 1609-10 (E377/18)

8: 1610-11 (E377/19)

9: 1611-13 (E377/20)

10: 1612-13 (E377/21)

11: 1613-14 (E377/22)

Roll 12: 1614-15 (E377/23)

Roll 13 : 1615-16 (E377/24)

Roll 14: 1616-17 (E377/25)

Roll 15: 1617-18 (E377/26)

Roll 16: 1618-19 (E377/27)

Roll 17: 1619-20 (E377/28)

Roll 18: 1620-21 (E377/29)

Roll 19: 1621-22 (E377/30)

Roll 20: 1622-23 (E377/31)

Roll 22: 1624-25 (E377/33)*

* There is no Roll 21 (E377/32)



Spellings as in G. E. Cokayne, Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of the City of London, 1601-25 (Phillimore, 1897). The sheriffs held office fromMichaelmas of the year noted until the following Michaelmas, except for Oliver Style, who served from July to September 1605 after the death of his predecessor.





James Pemberton



Clement Scudamore 1606



William Walthall

Geoffrey Elwes

GeorgeBolles 1609



1612 1613 1614


Sebastian Harvey

Richard Pyott

Edward Barkham

Edward Rotherham

Thomas Bennet

Peter Proby

William Gore 1616

Allen Cotton



John Swynnerton

Thomas Middleton


John Jolles

John Leman

Nicholas Style


William Cokayne

Francis Jones


Alexander Prescott

Henry Jaye

Martin Lumley

John Gore

Cuthbert Hacket

William Halliday(Holliday) Robert Johnson

Richard Herne

Hugh Hamersley 1619

Richard Deane 1620



Edward Allen

George Whitmore

John Hodges 1623

Ralph Freeman


James Cambell

Robert Ducie

Nicholas Rainton

Humphrey Handford


Robert Parkhurst Rowland Heylin


This volume containsthe Recusant Rolls for London and Middlesex forthe reign of James I. The series E377/12-31 , 33the Pipe Office Recusant Rollswas used becausethey were the most complete. In sections where the text has decayed, they have been reconstructed, where that was possible, by checking them againstthe E376 series . The abbreviations used in the text to explainthe various sections of the entries are those devised bythe late Dom Hugh Bowler, O.S.B. for vol. 57 of the Catholic Record Society with some additions which will be explainedbelow

The Rolls are interesting for what they tell us aboutthe composition ofthe recusant community in London and Middlesex , its geographical dispersion, and for changes in the enforcement of the statutes In London therecusant community contained lords, ladies, tallow chandlers, cutlers, barber-surgeons , schoolmasters , actors, painters, servants , and many other trades The majority ofthose in the lists were women They were listed as spinsters, wives, and widows; no woman in the Rolls seems to have an occupation of her own except for those listed as spinsters and there it is impossible to know if'spinster' refers to marital status or occupation except in the few cases where a woman is listed as wife and spinster. An exact count of occupations, classes , and geographical distributionis difficult becauseof multiple entries ofthe same recusantin the Rolls and at times in the same Roll. The Roll for 1604 (E377/13) lists two heads of households and their servants Technically thisis mandated by the 1587 statute, but is rare in the Rolls . While this recusant community had memberswho had other residences in the counties andwhile it included recusants in Westminster, Islington, and Enfield , it was centredin the parishes of St. Andrew Holborn, St. James Clerkenwell, St. Sepulchre , St. Dunstanin the West, St. Giles in the Fields, and St. Giles Cripplegate.

The Rolls also reveal patterns of enforcementand changein policy. One recusantin the 1603 Roll (E377/12) was convicted by proclamation Starting in 1608 (E377/17) the Exchequerbegan ordering the evaluationof the goods and chattels of some recusants In some cases the recusants' goods and chattels were in deed confiscated and payment for them expected. Most of the goods and chattels were evaluated, seized, and returned to the recusant ; the seizure was listed in the Rolls but without the all important debet which, as Bowler pointed outin hiswork, indicated that the government did not intend tocollectthe debt, but that they were happy to carry it from year to year and hold itoverthe head of the recusant in terrorem What determined whose goods were seized is not obvious from the Rolls or from the process of evaluation recorded in great detail in the Lord Treasurer'sRemembrancer'sMemoranda Rolls . The most extensive listingof goods and chattels occurs in 1620 (E377/ 29) Before 1608 very few ofthose who had received leases of the lands confiscatedfrom recusants paid their yearly rent to the Exchequer. In 1608

For a description of both sets ofRolls vide: Hugh Bowler , O.S.B., The Catholic Record Society Publications (Record Series). Ivii p li n 186

(E377/17) the sheriffs began to collect the rents from the tenantsandto collect back debtsfrom their predecessors.2 The collection increased after 1610 (E377/19); in E377/33, which is the Roll for both the last year of James I and thefirst year of Charles I, sheriffs were collecting from the widows and executrices ofthe deceased predecessors In 1611 (E377/20) the nature ofthe leases changed ; land was no longer granted 'for as long as it remainedinthe king'shands , ' butfor a given term of years with a rent equal to two-thirds of the king's two parts.3 The change in the collection policy and the changein the natureofthe leases indicate that James was following Salisbury's financial reformsafter the failure of the Great Contract In 1616 and 1617 (E377/ 26,27) there are four entries of fines for not receivingthe sacrament ofthe Lord's Supper; that was not a common offence and the note on p 106 gives other references to that offence .

Anyone workingwith the RecusantRolls owes an immensedebttoDom Hugh Bowler, O.S.B. without whose pioneering worknone of us would know the richness of the informationcontained in the Rolls I would also liketo thankMr. Patrick Burhenne, one of my undergraduate students, who transcribed themicrofilm ofthe Rolls for me. Without his careful and diligent work, thiswork would have taken much longer to produce. I would also like to thank my parents : without their sacrificesI would not have attended Xavier High School and encountered the Society ofJesus.

XavierUniversity, Cincinnati, Ohio 31 July, 1993

LaRocca, S.J.

2An example of the increasein revenuecan be found in the table in Bowler, op cit , p cxi n 456

3The changein leases is evident in the Signet Docket Book (P.R.O. SO4) where all of the grantsof the benefit ofa person'srecusancywere madefora term of yearsand for two thirds ofthe king'stwo parts


Those printed below in italics are changes or additions to those used in C.R.S. 57 and 61. An exact transcript of the Latin text ofthe first Recusant Roll (E377/1) is in C.R.S. 18 (1916)



QRMR Lord Treasurer'sRemembrancer'sMemorandaRoll Queen's Remembrancer'sMemorandaRoll

Leases of SeizedLand Rental

Crown debtor (the 'farmer' of the seized lands)

Name ofthe owner (the recusant) in bold

Yearly rent due to the Crown

Specification ofthe seized portion of the recusant'slands

Particularsof the seizure:

(a) Commissionersresponsiblefor the seizure;

(b) Date of seizure;

(c) 'Forhis/her recusancy ';

(d) Reference to earlier Exchequerrecord ofthe seizure . Arrears of rent

Total rent due

Particularsof Crown lease of seized lands:

(a) Name(s) of lessee(s);

(b) Date of inception of lease;

(c) 'So long as the property shall remain in the King's/ Queen's hands' . Where seized property is granted for a term ofyears, the number of years is given

(d) Annual rent due from lessee(s);

(e) 'In equal parts at the Receipt of the Exchequer at the feast of the Annunciationof the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Michael the Archangel';

(f) 'Or into the hands ofthe sheriffofthe county';

(g) 'Or into the hands of the appointed Bailiff or Receiver of the above';

(k) Reference to earlier Exchequerrecord of the lease . Annotations

Enrolments ofEstreated Convictions


Name of convicted recusantin bold 'Owes' omitted 'Owes' inserted

Totalfine incurred

Total period of recusancy

Division of fine (a): for period of recusancy specifiedin indictments; see L below

'Contrary to the Act 28 Elizabeth c.6 enRolled in the QRMR , Easter term, Recorda section' , or, as the scribe abbreviatedit, 'contrary to the saidAct'

'He did not attend any church, chapel or usual place of commonprayer within ... ' , or, as abbreviated , 'for thesame'

Period ofrecusancyas specified in indictment

'At the rate of28 days per month'

Divisionoffine (b): for non-compliance after conviction; see

F above

Date ofconviction

Period (in lunar months) of non-compliance

'In that he has not submitted and become conformable accordingto the true intent of the Act of Parliament'


'Of the same [place]'

'Late ofthe same place'

'For the same [offence]'

'Fiat commissio'

Sheriffs' Arrears

Name ofcurrent sheriffs 'rendering this account' Rents and forfeitures unaccounted for during their termof office

Total of above debts owedby sheriffs

Discharges of the particulars in B

Note of sheriffs' acquittanceor ofdeferred settlement

Ex-Sheriffs' Debts

Names of sheriffs

Their year of office

Total debt

"Oftheirvarious (pluribus) debts concerningrecusants' Referenceto the original statement oftheirarrears


London Wards

Locations in brackets after London parishes are wards .



[LeaseofSeizedLand. Rental]

Farm A. Francis Huntley, gentleman C. 33s 4d D.1 Two messuages ortwo tenementsand two gardens situated in the same messuages in the parish of St. Mary the Virgin, Bromeley, Middlesex B. William Tucker, recusant late of Southwark, deceased and B.2 his heirs E.a. Michaelmas 37 Elizabeth E.d. Roll 37 Elizabeth F. £8.6.8 H.a. Francis Huntley H.b Michaelmas 37 Elizabeth H.c. H.d. 33s . 4d H.e. J. Roll 43 Elizabeth

Farm . A. John Powell C. £4. D.1 One messuage or tenement together with its appurtenances in the area of Kingstreet in the City of Westminster D.2. The fourth part of a messuage or tenementcalled The Rose and Pomegranate in Frydaye Street , London D.3 One parcel of land in Denham, Bucks. E.d. 39 Roll F. £ 16 G. £20 H.a. John Powell H.b. 20 January 39 Elizabeth H.c. H.d. £4 H.e.

[Ex-Sheriff's Debts]

A. Owen Oglethorpe.4 B. 37 Elizabeth I. C. £94.8.1 of the £280.2.4%. D. E. Roll 42 for London andMiddlesex

[Enrolments of Estreated Convictions

for Recusancy]

A. Thomas Welles C. D. £260 E. 13 months F. 13 months G. H. J. 17 Sept 1602-16 Sept 1603. K. N. 13. P. It is answered in Roll 6 for London and Middlesex.

A. William Roper, gentleman C. D. £260 E. 13 months G. J. 12 Nov. 1602-11 Nov. 1603. N. 13 months P. He answers in the 6th Roll for London and Middlesex

A. Henry James, gentleman C. D. £260 E. 13 months F. 13 months. G. H. J. 2 Nov. 1602-1 Nov. 1603. K. At the aforesaid rate N. 13 months P. The Barons noted in the LTRMR for Easter Term 4 James I that he did not owe £240 but that he owed £120 and this is answered in Roll 5 for London and Middlesex.

[LeaseofSeizedLand. Rental]

Payment-Farm . A. Tenants . B. William Tucker (recently deceased) C. £8 D. 1. Two messuages or tenements and two gardens and two gardens within the parish of St. Mary, Bromeley, Middlesex on Fouremil Street D.2 and other lands and pastures in the common aforesaid E.a.Thomas Cambell and William Craven F. £24 G. £32

4Oglethorpe was the sheriff ofOxford, yet he is included in the London-Middlesex Roll

Farm. A. Tenants B. Thomas Peacock C. £4. D.1 One messuage or tenement in St. Sepulchre (Newgate) excepting and reserving from inside and outside free access , ingress , regress, egress to the kitchen and the courtyard for the tenants of the aforesaid messuage E.a James Dalton E. b 21 March 43 Elizabeth E.d Roll for 43 Eliz F. £12 G. £16 H.a. The tenants H.d. 4


Enrolmentsof Estreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. Ann Durwell wife of Thomas Durwell of Heston , Middlesex, gentleman, alias Ann Durwell Q. spinster B. D. £60 E. 3 months G. H. J . 24 June24 Sept. 1 James I.M. 20 April 2 James I. P. Convicted byProclamation.

* Agnes Cole Q.

£60 R.

* Jane Hutchin wife of Richard Hutchin Q. yeoman

* Robert Bellamey, Hackney, county aforesaid , gentleman ,

£60 R. £60.R.

* John Knowles , Stepney, aforesaid county and his wife Friselea Knowles alias Friselea Knowles Q. spinster

£120 R.

* Clementine Hutchenson wife of Henry Hutchensonof High Holborn in St. Andrew Holborn, London, Middlesex, cutler, alias Clementine HutchinsonQ. spinster £60 R.

* William Mathews Q. cutler, and Helen his wife alias Helen Mathews Q. spinster £120 R.

* Anne Duckett Q. widow_

* Hugh Hutchenson Q. cutler,

£60 R. £60 R.

* John Kenon, Cowcrossein St. Sepulchre , London, yeoman, and Margery Kenon, his wife alias Margery Kenon spinsterQ. £ 120 R.

* DanielKnowlingeof Braneford in the parish of Hantwell, Middlesex, tallow chandlerB. £60 R.

* Jane Cole, wife of Thomas Cole, Q. shoemaker , alias Jane Cole spinster £60 R.

Payment A. Henry James, Kt C. D. £200 H. F. 1 November 1 James I. E. for the space of 10 months G. P. He is not charged with the fine because of the above annotationsin the debt ofthe said Henry

A. Henry James C. D. £80 E. 4 months F. £40 . K. G. J. 30 July19 November 2 James I. P. Paymentin the Exchequer28 Nov. Heis quit

A. Jane Shelley, widow C. D. £80 E. 4 months H. G. J. 30 July 2 James I19 November P. See the followingRoll for London andMiddlesex .

* A. Henry Hutchenson, St. Andrew Holborn, cutler B. D. £120 E. Six months G. J. Six monthsafter 1 September 1 James I.M. 5 October2 James I.

* Clementine, hiswife,

£120 R.

* FerdinandEmerson, his servantQ ..

* William Mathewe Q.* cutler

* Helena, his wife,

£ 120.0.0

* William WoodfallQ.* tailor,

* RichardCarowe Q.* gentleman

£120 R.

£120 R.

£120 R.

£120 R.

* Anne DuckettQ.* widow , £120 R.

* Jane Shelly Q.* spinster C. D. £120 H. P. She does not owe it and she is quit: see the annotations on Jane in the followingRoll

* A. Thomasina Canon B. D. £20 E. One month G. H. M. 5 October 2

James I. J. May 2 James I.

* A. Alice Nashe , St. Sepulchre , widow B. D. £60 G. H. E. 3 months J. 3 monthsfollowing 10 May2 James I. M.5 October2 James I.

* John Kenon Q.* yeoman,

* Margery his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Martin James Q.* knight C. D. £60 R. P. But he does not owe it and is quit of it For which see the Roll for 4 Charles underthe rent for the tenants ofthe lands and tenements of Martin James .

* John Gage late of St. James Clerkenwell, gentleman,.

* Margaret his wife

£60. R.

* Philip Southcott Q.* yeoman,

* Jane OverbyQ.*

* Lady Connaway Q.*

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. John Heywoode, of St. Andrew Holborn, gentleman C. D. £100 F. £40 J. 1 Oct.4 Dec. 43 Eliz; L. £60 N. 30 June -23 Sept. 23 Eliz G. H. M. 30 June 43 Eliz . O. P. But he does not owe because in the 3rd Roll for Lincoln itis noted that the rent of John Dunne paid the rent ofthe landsofJohn Heywoode.



[Leases of Seized Land. Rental]

Farm .Debt A. Francis Huntley, gentleman B. William Tucker late of Southwark deceased C. 33s 4d D.1 Two messuages or tenementsand two gardens in St. Mary the Virgin , Bromeley, Middlesex D.2 Other lands E.d. Roll 37 for London and Middlesex F. £8.6.8 G. £ 10 H.a Francis Huntley H.c. H.d. 33s . 4d H.e. H.k. Roll 37 for London and Middlesex J. About these fines see the sheriffs' accounts below

Farm .Debt A. John Powell, cup bearer for queen Elizabeth. B. John Dodd, deceased of Denham, Bucks C. £4 D.1 One messuage or tenement with appurtenances in Kingstreet, Westminster D.2 one messuage or tenement called The Roseand Pomegranate E.b 20 January 40 Elizabeth I. E.d Roll 39 for London and Middlesex F. £20. G. 24. H.a John Powell H.b 20 January 40 Elizabeth I. H.c. H.d. 4. H.e. the Feast of Easter and the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel H.k. Roll 39 London and Middlesex J. See below in the sheriff's account

Farm .Debt A. Tenants . B. William Tucker, recently deceased C. £8. D.1 two messuages or tenements with appurtenances lying and existing within the parish of St. Mary the Virgin in Bromeley D.2 and other lands and pastures containedin E.d.Roll 43 for London and Middlesex E.aThomasCambell and William Craven sheriffs of London E.b. 20 March 43 Elizabeth E.c By order from the Exchequer F . 38 G. £40 H.a Tenants H.b. 20 March 43 Eliz H.d. 40s H.k.Roll 43. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below .

Farm. A. The tenants B. Thomas PeacockC. £4 D.1 One messuage or tenement within St. Sepulchre without Newgate excepting and reserving free access, ingress, egress, regress for the tenantsof the same aforesaid messuage to the kitchen and courtyard of the aforesaid parcel E.a. James Dalton and other commissionersfor recusants E.b. 21 May 43 Elizabeth I. E.c. E.d. Roll 43 Elizabeth I for London and Middlesex F. £16 G. £20 H.a. Tenants H.d. 4. H.k. Roll 43

[Ex-Sheriff's Debt]

Ex-Sheriff's DebtA . Owen Oglethorpe. B. 37 Elizabeth I. C. £89.8.1 D. E. £285.2.4% . F. He answers for these debts in the Roll for Oxford following


ofEstreated Convictions forRecusancy


A. Henry James C. D. £260 E. 13 months F. 19 November 2 James I18 November 3 James I. G. H. J. From 19 November 2 James I-18 November 3 James I. K. J. He is quit because he paid the fine.

A. Jane Shelley C. D. £260 E. 13 months F. 22 Nov. 45 Elizabeth I until21 November 1 James I. G. H. K. P. But she does not owe the aforesaidbecause of the barons' annotations in the LTRMR for the third year of James as recordedforMichaelmas 3 James I. Andsheisquit.5

A. The same Jane Shelley C. D. £180 E. 9 months J . 21 Nov. 1 James I-30 July 2 James I. G. H. K. J . 21 Nov 1 James I30 July2 James I. K. P. But she does not owe the sum because of the annotations on the same Jane immediately above dealing with another debt

A. The same Jane Shelley C. D. £80 E. 4 months G. H. J. 30 July2 James I-19 November 2 James I. K. P. She paid into the treasury on the 28th of November 2 James I and she is quit

A. The same Jane Shelly C. D. £260 E. 13 months G. H. J. 19 November 2

James I18 November 3 James I. K. P. £200 of the same debt was paid into the treasuryin equal parts £60 was paid into the treasuryon 13 May 3 James Iby John Gibb of Regard [?Rogate , Sussex] And he is quit

A. William Greene, esquire, St. Dunstan in the West C. D. £300 E. 6 months F. £120. G. as in Roll 44 for London. H. J. 10 August 2 James I-25 January2 James I. L. £ 180 N. 9 months: 22 January 2 James I10 October 3 James I. K. P. He paid £300 at the treasuryin equal parts. And he is quit.

A. William Roper, knight C. D. £260 E. 13 months G. K. H. J. 19 November 2 James I-18 November 3 James P. He paid the fine and he isquit

* A. Thomas [Eawins] C. D. £140. E. 6 months F. £ 120 G. H. J. 1 August 2 James I for six months L. £20 N. 4 December 3 James I and January 3 James I.

*-payment A. Thomas [Dewell] of Heston C. D. £140 F. £120 J. ?September 2 James I- ? G. H. L. £20 N. One month mentioned in the indictment but

5E368/521/109-8 November 3 James I: Jane Shelly appeared and pleadeda pardonfrom30 July2 James I and itwas accepted E368/525/183Michaelmas 4 James I: Jane Shelly appearedbefore the barons of the Exchequer on 27 November through Henry Spiller and asked for a hearing Her convictions started in 32 Elizabeth and continued through 37, 41, and 44 Elizabeth and 1 James for which sheowed the crown £1,280 Shehad beenconvicted by proclamation on 5 October 2 JamesI.A commission to investigate her goods and property was issued on 9 July 4 James I; the inquisition was held on 5 November 4 James I and they discoveredthat she was seised of 6 manorsworth £223.7.7% and that she had other extensive holdings in Hereford, the city of Warwick, and Shropshire Jane Shelley informed the baronsthat she had appeared before Richard [Vaughan], bishop of London on24 September4 James I, which was after the commission to evaluateher goodshad beenissuedbut before the sitting ofthe commission, andmadeher submission She attendedchapelat Fulham andwent toher parish church , St. Andrew in Holborn, on21 September 1606and she took the oath of allegianceon25 September 1606. The attorney general requested a quieta est which is noted in Roll 37 Elizabeth for London and Middlesex

not readableany more. P. But he does not owe that for the like offence asthe barons have noted in the LTRMR for the sixth year of the now king as noted in the Roll And he is quit.6

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. Thomas Hayes, knight and Oliver Stile B. £10 for Francis Huntley, gentleman, (£24 ) for John Powell, and £40 for the tenants of the lands of William Tucker. C. £74 E. They answerfor these in the 6th Roll for London and Middlesex

[Enrolmentsof Estreated Convictions forRecusancy.]

A. Arthur Standen, St. Andrew Holborn, esquire B. D. £160. F. £120. G. H. J. within six months following 1 January 2 James I. L. £40 M. 1 August 3

James I. N. 1 August-26 September3 James I. O.

* Lady Beatrix Novel Q. £160 R.

* A. (Clarence) Bettes C. D. £160 P. But he does not owe the sum because in the Roll for recusants in Suffolk for the farm of the tenants of the lands and tenementsof the aforesaidClarence. And he is quit

* (Paul) Cuddington late of St. Andrew Holborn, London, Middlesex gentleman £160 R.

*(Alice) Cuddington his wife Q. spinster £160 R.

* A. Mary Stainsmore Q.* widow C. D. (£160 ) H. P. But she does not owe the sum because in Roll 11 for London and Middlesex in the farm ofthe tenantsof the lands and tenements of the same Marie Stainsmore , as annotated And she is quit.7

* Susanna Q.

* John Blacke late Q. tailor (£160 ) R. (£160 ) R.

* Thomas (Nugler) Q. yeoman (servant of) William Woodfall Q. tailor ) £160 R. (

6An inquisition into the goods and chattels of Thomas Dewell was held at New Braynford, co Middlesex, 18 May 6 James I. They found him in possession of property worth £7.4.8 The barons decidedthat two parts ofthe lands and all of the goodsand chattelsof ThomasDewell were forfeitto the king On 15JuneThomasDewell appeared beforethe baronsand asked for a hearingandpresented a certificate from the churchwardensof the parish of Hestonthat he did indeedattendthe parish church and Thomas [Ravis], bishop of London, affirmed the testimony of the aboveand certified that Dewell attendedmorning andevening servicesat his chapel at Fulham on 5 June 6 James I. Dewellbasedhis appeal on the recusancy act of 1 James All his goods, chattels, and lands were returned

7See E377/22 and E368/554/164 Trinity Term 12 James I. Mary Stansmoreappearedbefore the baronsandaskedfora hearing She hadtwo convictions forrecusancyin the Rolls for 2 & 3 James Ifor whichshe owed £320 On the 4th February 11 James an inquisition into her goods, chattels, and property was held at Hicke Hall, St. John's Street, Middlesex She was found to be possessed of7 messuages orcottagesofthe annual value of £6.13.4beyond anyreprises Onthe 7th Julysheproduced a certificate ofconformity listing her asMary StansmoreofBuckden, Huntingdon Ittestified thatshe had attendeddivine service at Fulham on 3 July last and that she took the oath of allegiance before George [Abbot], archbishop of Canterbury on 25 June The Attorney General, Sir Francis Bacon, referred to the statute of 1 James and the baronsdecided that shewas quit

* Robert Thompson Q. yeoman (servantof)WilliamWoodfall R.

* John Sheppard Q.* yeoman (servant of) William Woodfall

£160 R.

* Philip Downe Q.* yeoman (servantof) the said William Woodfall

£160 R.


* Margaret Hayward Q.* spinster servant of the said William Woodfall £ 160 R.

* Henry(Neubye) Q.* tailor

* John

£160 R.

* John Q. yeomanservantofthe said HenryNeubye_ yeoman servantofthe saidHenry

* Thomas (T ) Q.* yeoman servantof the said Henry

* John FowlerQ.* (stationer)

* Anna Fowler his wife Q.* spinster

£160 R.

£160 R.

* Katherine Q.* spinster servant of John Fowler

* Thomas Straunge Q.* tailor

£160 R.

* Johanna Straunge his wife Q.* spinster

£160 R.

£160 R.

£160 R.

£160 R.

£ 160 R.

* Katherine Price Q.* spinster servant of the aforesaid Thomas Straunge £160 R.

* Ambrose -ight Q.* tailor £ 160 R.

* RichardDawes Q.* yeoman

* Anna Dawes his wife Q.* spinster

£ 160. R.

£160 R.

* RichardDawes Q.* () son ofthe aforesaid RichardDawes, £160 R.

* Alice Browne (servant of the aforesaid ) Richard Dawes Q* . spinster

£160 R.

* Richard DanyellQ.* yeoman

£160 R.

* Maria Holtelate of Islington, Middlesex, spinster

£160 R.

* A. MariaArnyde of St. Sepulchre , spinster B. D. £100 E. Five months F.

£60 G. H. J. Two months after the 6th of March 2 James I. L. £40 for the two months aforesaid

* A. Henry James Q.* knight C. D. £100 P. But he does notowe thatsum byjudgment ofthe Barons as noted in the LTRMR for the fourth year ofthe reign ofJames Ias noted in the Roll for Easter term And he is quit.

* Morgan Edward Q.* yeoman servant of the aforesaid Henry James knight

£100 R.

8E368/523/143EasterTerm4 James I In the secondRecusantRollforJames I Henry James owed £100 On 2 June 4 James I He appeared before the barons with a certificate stating that he had conformed before Richard [Bancroft], archbishopofCanterbury and John Basse ofthe Inner Temple andthat hetook the oathof allegiance He attendedservicesatWestminsterAbbey on 23 May1606and went to public prayer at St. Paul's Cathedral on 25 May. The baronsdecided that he wasfree fromhis debts to the king E368/523/146Easter Term 4 James I. In the recusantRoll for 1 James I Henry James gentlemanowed £260 for 13 months absence after 2 November 44 Elizabeth and heowed £200 for the like offence from 1 November 1 James to 13 July He presented a royal pardonanda restoration ofthe goods seized fromhim dated 13 June 2 James I.All his landswere returnedto him as a free gift He did not have to make any payment for the restoration ofhisland

* Margaret Jane Q.* spinster servant of the aforesaid Henry James knight

£100. R.

* William DarbyeQ.* yeoman

* Susanna Darbye his wife Q.* spinster

£100. R.

£100 R.

* A. Bernard Deacon of St. Dunstan(in the West) London, gentleman B. D. £160 F. £120 G. H. J. Six months next followingthe first day of Januaryin the second year of James L. £40

* A. John Losted of St. Bride or St. Bridget (Farringdon outside London) apothecaryB. D. £60 F. £20 G. H. J. The space of a month next following 24 March in the third year of the reign of the now king James. L. £40. for two monthsaforesaid

* Maria Losted wife of the aforesaid John Losted Q. spinster R.


* Roger Belline of St. Michael in Bassieshawe (Bassieshawe or Basinghall) London aforesaidgentleman

£60. R.

* Leonardina Belline his wife Q. spinster

£60 R.

* Martin Pierson of St. Olave in Silverstreet (Cripplegate, London) musician

£60 R.

* Robert Jones late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon outside London) yeoman

£60 R.

* Sara HargraveQ.* widow

* William Higgenson Q. tailor

* Henry Dorsell late of St. Anne

£60 R.

£60 R. within the precincts of the Orders of Preachers called Blackfriars lately dissolved (Farringdon within London) aforesaid , gentleman

£60. R.





[Lease of Seized Land Rental]

Farm-Debt A. Francis Huntley, gentleman B. William Tucker and his heirs. C. 33s . 4d D.1.Two messuages or two gardens within the parish of St. Mary Bromeley. D.2 Other lands in the same place E.d. Roll 37 Eliz. G. 33s. 4d H.a. Francis Huntley H.b. 37 Elizabeth I. H.c. H.d 33s 4d H.e. H.k. 37 Roll J. See the Roll for 37 Eliz for London and Middlesex

Debt A. John Powell cup bearer of the queen B.1 John Dodd deceased recusant of Dedham, Bucks C. £4 D.1 one messuage or tenementin Kingstreet, Westminster D.2 One messuage or tenement in Frydaye Street, London called The Rose and Pomegranate . G. £4 H.a. John Powell H.b. 20 January 39 Elizabeth I. H.c. H.d. £4.0.0 H.e. Easter and the feast of St. Michael the archangel H.k 39 Elizabeth LondonMiddlesex. J. About which see below .

Farm A. Tenants of William Tucker B. William Tucker, deceased recusant C. £8 D.1 two messuages or tenements located in the parish of St. Mary at Bromeley D.2 Other lands and pastures E.a. Thomas Cambell and William Craven E.b. 20 March 43 Elizabeth E.d. 43 Eliz Roll G. £8 H.a. Tenants H.b. 20 March 43 Eliz I. H.d. 40s

Farm. A. Tenants B. Thomas PeacockeC. £4 D. Two parts of the lands and tenementswithin the parish of the St. Sepulchre outside Newgate excepting and reserving free access, ingress , egress, and regress for the tenants of the aforesaid messuage to the kitchen and courtyard of the aforesaid messuage. E.a. James Dalton and other commissioners E.b. 21 March 43 Elizabeth I. E.c. E.d 43 Eliz I. F. £20 G. £24. H.a The tenants H.d. £4 H.k. 43 Eliz I.

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. James Pembertonand John Swynnurton knights recently sheriffs for the B. 44th year [1602] of the reign of Elizabeth owe C. 160s 4d D. E. As contained in Roll 44 in London and Middlesex. F. They answer for them in the followingRoll.

[Enrolments ofEstreated Convictions forRecusancy]

* A. Thomas Garth of St. Dunstan in the West, embroiderer . B. D. £120. E. six months after the first day of June 3 James I. G. H. J. Within six months after the first day of June 3 James I. M. 9 January 3 James I. O.

* A. James Prince goldsmith of St. Andrew Holborn B. D. £100 F. £60. G. H.J. Three monthsfollowing5 October 3 James. L. £40 N . 17 Februaryto 24 April 4 James I.M. 17 February 3 James I. O.

* Robert DannettQ. carpenter

* Nicholas Warner Q. tailor

* Owen Browne Q. goldsmith

* Nicholas BorgroveQ. gentleman

£100 R.

£100 R.

£ 100 R.

£100 R.

* Sara Danncer late of the parish of All Hallows Honeyland (Cheapside ) alias Sara Danncer wife of Robert Danncer of London Mercer R.


* Beniamino Johnson late of St. Anne within the precincts of the Order of Preachers recently dissolved and commonly called the Blackfriars

£100 R.

* Henry Wise late of St. Bride alias St. Bridget (Blackfriars) gentleman

£100 R.

* William Edwardes of St. Robert outside Aldergate gentleman

£100 R.

* Thomas Reed of St. Michael (Cornhill) gentleman

* Ralph Everade St. Mary Magdalene(Cripplegate)

£100. R.


* Humphrey Feild of St. Margaret Moyses (Breadstreet ) gentleman

£100 R.

* Thomas Nicolle St. Peter-le-Poer (Breadstreet) yeoman

£100 R.

* William Higgins late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon outside) yeoman

£ 100 R.

* A. Cuthbert Balsall of St. Dunstan-in-the-West, gentleman . B. D. £120 E. Six months. G. H. J. six monthsafter the 20th August 3 James I. M.2 May4 James I. O. P. He responded and isquit.

* A. Thomas Mullineux late of St. Andrew Holborn, London gentlemanC. D. £120 G. P. But he does not owe it because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the sixth year of the now king in the record for Michaelmas term.9

* George (Rowley) Q.* knight

* EdwardMorgan Q.* esquire

£ 120 R.

£120 R.

* A. Henry Atteslowe late of St. Botolph within Algate London gentleman C. D. £120 H. P. But he does not owe it because in the Roll 44 for recusants in Essex thereis a note in anotherdebt of the said Henry. And he isquit.

* James Bereford of St. Dunstan in the West London gentleman

£120 R.

* EdwardRouse Q.* gentleman

* John Edwardes Q.* esquire

* Robert Syers Q.* gentleman

* Philip Dobbes Q.* gentleman

£120 R.

£120 R.

£120 R.

£120 R.

9E368/523/198Michaelmas 6 James I. Thomas Millineuxof St. Andrew in Holborn , London, gentlemanowed £100forsix months' absence after 20 August 3 James Ifor which hewasconvicted on 2 May 4 James I. On 23 November he appeared before the baronsfor a hearing In a certificate dated5 September6 James I Tobie [Mathew], archbishopofYork attested that ThomasMillineuxofBornehill , York, attended the sermon and Divine Service on Sunday 21 August in his presencein the parish church ofHowden The barons decided that Millineuxwas quit

* A. Ferdinand (Rowse) Q.* esquire C. D. £ 120 H. P. But he does not owe it because of a note in another debt of the same Ferdinandfor a residence in Northants And heis quit.

* John Hilton Q.* of St. Martin outside Ludgategentleman

* Hugo Lawson Q. of St. Andrew Holborn London esquire

£120 R.

£120. R.

* (Andrew) Hilton Q.* of St. Martin outside Ludgate gentleman

£120 R.

* Richard Hawley Q.* of St. Augustine at Paulsgate London tailor

£120 R.

* Mark (Ide) Q.* of St. Dunstan in the West London esquire _

£120 R.

* Thomas Muttleburye Q.* gentleman

£ 120 R.

* A. Thomas Pawlettlate of St. Botolph outsideAldersgate London esquire

C. D.

£120 H. P. But he does not owe it because of a note in Roll 8 for Suffolk in the farm of the tenants of the land of the said Thomas Pawlett And he is quit

* John Arden late of St. Dunstanin the West gentleman

* Roger Marten Q.* gentleman

* John Beam ( )Q.* gentleman

£ 120 R.

£120 R.

£120 R.

* Lady Jane_Tasbarrowe wife of Richard Shelden Q.* gentleman

£120 R.

* A. Thomas Briskett late of All Hallows Minor (Dowgate, London) gentleman B. D. £60. G. J. Three months next following the (30th) day of December in the third year of the reign of the now king James. M. For whichhe was convicted on the day and year aforesaid.

* Thomas Spiller of All gentleman

£60 R. Hallows Barking (Tower, London)

William Partridge of St. Bartholomew the Great (Farringdon without London) tailor

£60 R.

* John Fisher Q. shoemaker

£60 R.

* John Grillowey late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon) vintner

£60 R.

* Michael Webb late of St. Benet Fynk (Fink)( Broadstreet , London) gentleman

£60 R.

* Edward Prince late of St. Botolph (Aldersgate, London) knight

£60 R.

* Bartholomew Broxbye of St. Botolph (Billingsgate, London) gentleman

£60 R.

* MaryBroxbyehis wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* John Hannus of St. Mary Aldermanburye (Cripplegate, London) silk weaver

* A. Susanna Cutler, widow of St. James Clerkenwell B. D. £100. F. £60. G. H. J. Three months next following 10 September 3 James I. L. £40. M. 17 February 3 James I. N. 17 February 3 James I-14th April 4 James I. O.

* Walter Dennis Q.* gentleman

* Lady MarySiddenham his wife Q.*

* William WynneQ.* gentleman

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* HumphreyPaule Q.* yeoman

* EdwardRuffoote Q.* yeoman

* Elizabethhis wife

£100. R.

* RobertJohnson Q.* yeoman

* Thomas SleepeQ.* yeoman

* Katherinehis wife

£100 R.

* Rachel Farnadeth Q.* spinster

* BridgetCrathorneQ.* spinster

* Thomas Crathorne Q.* gentleman

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* A. John Adams of St. Andrew Holborn, yeoman B. D. £160 F. £120. G. H.J. Six months next following the 10th June 3 James I. L. £40 N. Forthe two monthsaforesaid.

* JohnColeman Q.* yeoman

* ( ) Sandye Q.* spinster

* James BredkerkeQ.* yeoman

* (Christopher) Waker Q.* yeoman

* James JeffreyQ.* yeoman

* HenryTower Q.* yeoman

* Philip Downe Q.* yeoman

* RichardHoopQ.* yeoman

* HenryCroste Q.* yeoman

* Richard Tomlynson Q.* yeoman

* William Cooke Q.* gentleman

* William CrepleyQ.* yeoman

* Paul AddingtonQ.* gentleman

* Anna his wife

£160 R.

£ 160 R.

£160 R.


£160 R.

£ 160 R.

£160 R.

£160 R.

£160 R.

£ 160. R.

£160 R.


£160 R.

£ 160. R.

* A. Mary Stansmore Q.* widow C. D. £160 H. P. But she does not owe it because in the preceding Roll for London in another debt of the said Mary there is an annotation and she is quit.

* Judith HipponQ.* widow


£ 160 R. Francis Kytchen Q.* late of Islington, Middlesex, yeoman

£ 160 R.

* A. William Sadler of St. Martin in the Fields, gentleman B. D. £100 . F.

£60. G. H.J. Three months next following the 20th June 3 James I. L. £40. N. The two monthsaforesaid

* Anna his wife

£100. R.

* Elmer GoldwellQ.* spinster

* Hugo Griffin Q.* tailor

£ 100 R.

£ 100 R.

* A. Grace Holt Q. late of Islington , spinster B. D. £240 G. H. J. 12 months next following 10 February2 James I. M. 2 May 4 James I. O.

* MaryHolteQ.* spinster

* Francis Kitchen Q.* yeoman

* ElizabethDymock Q.* spinster.

* Robert Dymock Q.* gentleman

£240 R.

£240 R.

£240. R.

£240 R.

* A. William Perrye of St. Andrew Holborn, yeoman B. D. £120 G. H. J. 6 monthsnextfollowingthe ofSeptember 3 James I. M. 2 May4 James I.

* Anna his wife £ 120 R.

* Margaret Morley Q.* spinster

* MaryHaggar Q.* spinster

£120 R. £120 R.

* A. Edward Dymock of Islington, gentleman B. D. £60 G. H. J. Three monthsfollowingthe 10thDecember3 James I.M.2 May4 James I.



[Lease of Seized Land Rental]

Farm A. Francis Huntley, gentleman B. William Tucker of Southwark deceased C. 33s 4d D.1 Two messuages or tenements with gardens in the parish of St. Mary , Bromeley D.2 Other lands and possessions of William Tucker described in Roll 37 Elizabeth E.b. The feast of St. Michael the Archangel 37 Elizabeth F. 66s . 8d G. 99s . 12d. H.a Francis Huntley H.b. The feast of St. Michael the Archangel 37 Elizabeth H.c. H.d 33s . 4d H.e. H.k. 37 Elizabeth J. He answers for this after his farm in Roll 6 for London and Middlesex

Farm . A. John Powell cup bearer B.1 . In the holding of Thomas Dodd the possessions of John Dodd deceased recusant C. £4. D.1. One messuage or tenementwith appurtenances in Kingstreet, Westminster D.2 the fourth part of a messuage called The Rose and Pomegranate in Fryday Street , London. D.3. a parcel of land of John Dodd in Denham, Bucks E.d 39 Elizabeth. H.a. John Powell. H.b 20 January 39 Elizabeth I. H.c. H.d. £4 H.e. Easter and St. Michael the Archangel H.k. 39 Elizabeth I. J. He answers for this in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex after his farm

Farm. A. Tenants of William Tucker B. William Tucker deceased recusant . C. £8. D.1 Two messuages or tenements situated in St. Mary at Bromeley D.2 Other lands and pastures described in Roll 43 Elizabeth E.a Thomas Cambell and William Craven E.b. 20 May43 Elizabeth F. £16 G. £24 H.a Tenants H.b 20 May 43 Elizabeth J. They answer for this in Roll 7 for London after their farm .

Farm. A. The tenants B. of Thomas Peacocke C. £4 D. Two parts of the principal lands and tenements which are a messuage or tenement within St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London, excepting and reserving entrance , ingress, egress, regress for the tenants of the third part to the kitchen and courtyard E.a James Dalton and other commissioners for recusants E.b.21 May 43 Elizabeth E.c. F. £24 . G. £28 H.a tenants . H.b 21 May 43 Elizabeth H.d £4 J. See Roll 8 for London and Middlesex after theirfarm.


Enrolmentsof Estreated Convictions for Recusancy.]

* A. Edward Manfield of St. Dunstan in the West, knight B. C. £140 D. £140 F. £120 G. H. J. Six monthsafter 1 January 3 James L. £20.0.0N. one month after 4 September M.4 September 4 James I. O.

* RichardHatton Q.* gentleman

* Robert Pue Q.* esquire

* John Drurye Q.* knight

£140 R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

* RichardWattonQ.* gentleman

* John Sleyfeild Q.* gentleman

* Edward Raleigh Edward Q.* knight

* RichardBennington Q.* gentleman

* Rook Greene Q.* gentleman

* Walter Hastings Q. gentleman

£140 R.

£140 R.

£ 140 R.


£140 R.

£140 R.

* A. Henry Dorrell of St. Anne Blackfriars London esquireC. D. £140 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a note below in anotherdebt

* Francis Tunston late of St. Dunstan in theWest knight £140 R.

* A. Edward Lentall Q.* esquire C. D. £140 H. P. But he does not owe it because of a decision of the Barons of the Exchequeras noted in the Recorda of St. Hilary Term . 10

* Christopher SmythQ.* gentleman

* John Wrighte late of St. Botolph gentleman

£140 R.

£140 R. outside Aldersgate London

* A. Johanna Prynce of St. Andrew Holborn, wife of James, goldsmith B. D. £80 F. £60 G. H. J. Three months next followingthe first day of April 4 James I. L. £20. N. For the month aforesaid.

* Magdelana Prynce Q. widow

* Joseph Lovett Q. yeoman

* Susanna Payne wife of George

* Anna Baxter Q. widow

* Elizabeth Rose Q. spinster,

£80 R.

£80. R.

Payne Q. gentleman

£80 R.

* MatthewReynolds Q. gentleman

* KatherineReynolds Q. spinster

* Francis Q. yeoman

* Anna Tuppon Q. widow

* Thomas Worsley Q. gentleman

* Thomas (Hoord) Q. esquire

* George Eaton Q.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Anna Lee of of St. Bridget (said ward) spinster

* Jane WeatherallQ. spinster

* Alice Butler alias Alice widow

£80 R.

* Pamela DarbyeQ. spinster,

* Elizabeth Q.

* Mary Tate Q. widow


£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R. Edwards of St. Sepulchre (said ward)

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

Oxford, London, MiddlesexHilary Term 4 James I. Edward Lenthall ofSt. Dunstan in the West, esquireowed £140 namely £120 forsix months' absence from 1 January3 JamesL. He was convicted on 4 September4 James I; he owed £20 for one month next following2 October On 23 January4 James I he appearedand asked for a hearing He claimed that hewas also known asEdward Lenthall of Lachford, county Oxford. Heproduced a certificate ofconformity dated8 December4 James I from Archbishop Bancroft after hearing Divine Service with Bancroft and his family He is quit

* William Hawkyns of St. Martin next to Ludgate London yeoman

£80 R.

* Johanna Etheyngham Q. spinster

£80 R.

* Collia Peacock wife of Robert Peacock of St. Mildrid the (Virgin) (Breadstreet) London merchant

£80 R.

* Anna Browne wife of George Browne of St. Stephen (Coleman Street) London gentleman

£80 R.

* Arthur Wimott of St. Augustine (Farringdon within London) gentleman

£80 R.

* Margaret Adamson Q. spinster

£80 R.

* Henry Moore of St. Benedict (Castlebay London) embroiderer

£80 R.

* (Charles) Gellibrand of St. Botolph (Billingsgate, London) R.

* Elizabeth Gellibrand his wife


£80 R.

£80 Barbara Bilbrough of St. Katherine (Algate, London) spinster

£80 R.

* George Conwey of St. Anne withinthe precincts of the Order of Preachers commonly called Blackfriars late dissolved (Farringdon within London) gentleman

£80 R.

* A. John Scrogges of St. Clement Danes , gentleman B. D. £ 140 F. £120 G.J. Six months next followingthe first day ofJanuary3 James I. L. £20 N. The aforesaid month.

* Anthony ScroggesQ.* gentleman

£140 R.

* Bartholomew Brookesbye late of St. Andrew Holborn London , esquire

£140 R.

* A. Augustine Belson Q.* C. D. £140 H. P. But he does not owe it because of a judgment of the Barons annotated in the LTRMR for the eighth year of the now king entered on the Roll for MichaelmasTerm And he isquit¹¹.

* George Love Q.* of St. Clement Danes outside New Temple Bar London gentleman

£140 R.

* A. James Basheford of St. Giles in the Fields gentleman alias James Benyford Q. gentleman B. D. £80 F. £60 G. J. Three monthsnext following the twentieth day of May 3 James I. L. £20 N. For the month aforesaid

* EdwardStanden Q. gentleman £80 R.

* Susanna Cole late of Heston, the county aforesaid , spinster daughter of Robert Cole Q. yeoman

* Anna Glascock Q.* spinster

£80 R.

£80 R.

* William Darbye late of St. Sepulchre London yeoman

£80 R.

11E368 /539/139London and MiddlesexMichaelmas 8 James I. In the Roll for 2 James I Augustine Belson recently of the sameplace owed £140 Namely he owed £120 forsix months next following 1 January3 James I and£20for one month from4 September4 James I on which day hewas convicted until 1 October On 20 October he appeared in the Exchequer and askedfora hearing. He produced a certificate ofconformityfrom Richard [Vaughan], bishop of London He heard Divine Service and took the oath ofallegiance on 18 December 7 James I. Heisquit

* William (Brownwick?) Q.* saddler

£80 R.

* Ralph Emerson late of St. Andrew Holborn London cutler

* Isabella his wife

£80 R.

* SusannaSaule wifeofEdwin SauleQ.* yeoman

* John Blacke Q.* tailor

* Magdelana his wife

* ElizabethCooke Q.* spinster

£80 R.

£80. R.

* KatherineParker Q.* spinster

* Mildred Eaton Q.* spinster

* HenryNewbye Q.* tailor

* ChristopherHornebyQ.* yeoman

* Ralph Courte Q.* yeoman

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80. R.

£80 R.

* RichardThompson Q.* gentleman

* Mary Thompson Q.* spinster

* KatherineThompson Q.* spinster

* Phillipa Thompson Q.* spinster

* MaryArgar Q.* widow

* Margaret Morley Q.* spinster

* William CropleyQ.* yeoman

* Nicholas Blumston Q.* yeoman

* Margaret his wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Ann Hutchenson wife of Henry HutchensonQ.* yeoman

[Lease ofSeized Lands Rental]

£80. R.

Farm. A. The tenants of the lands of John Dodd B. John Dodd C . 53s 4d D.1 Two parts of certain tenements within the liberty of Westminster E.a Francis Goodwin, knight and other commissioners E.d. F. £4. G. £6.13.0 H.a Tenants of John Dodd E.b. 1 June 3 James I. H.d. 53s . 4d H.k. See the Roll for Bucks. J. There are other obligations explained in this Roll in Bucks. They respond in the eighth Roll for London and Middlesex after their farm .

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

HenryNorton owes £16.6.8 for the price or value of his own goods andchattels seized because of his recusancy by Henry Billingsley knight and other commissionersand returned as containedin Roll 44 Queen Elizabeth in London and Middlesex. He answers for this in Roll 8 in London and Middlesex

The same Henryowes 40s for the price or value of the status oftitle interest or term ofyearsfor a certain messuage or moiety for one certaingarden situated and existing in the atrium called Ploughyard in Fetter Lane in St. Andrew Holborn in the suburb of London in the holding of the said Henry or of his assignees for a term of two years yet to come thus of Christopher Hackfield and ( )( ) as contained there He answers in Roll 8 in London and Middlesex

William Goodacre owes 100s for the price or value of state of title and interest in two messuages or tenements with appurtenances in the aforesaid atrium called Ploughyard in the parish of St. Andrew in the holding of a certain (owes) 100s. and the aforesaid Henry or any others thus aforesaid applied there in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex.

Michael Fynderne and Ambrose Astell gentlemenowe £142.3.4 for the price and value of the goods and chattels of William Caluley seized and taken by them there . They answer in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex.

[EnrolmentsofEstreated Convictions forRecusancy.]

* A. RobertHare of St. Leonard in Shoreditchgentleman B. D. £ 120 E. six months G. H. J. Six monthsafter 1 August 2 James I. M. 21 May 5

James I.


Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

A. James Pemberton and John Swynnerton , knights B. 44 Elizabeth-[1602] C. 113s 4d F. But Francis Huntley, gentleman, answers for 33s 4d. For the rest of their debt see Roll 44 for London and Roll 6 for London after his farm They owe £4 They answer in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex.

A. Clement Scudmore and John Jolles B. The preceding year-[1605] C. 113s 4d D. F. But Francis Huntley, gentleman about whose debt burden in the preceding Roll for London, answers for 33s 4d: see in Roll 6 for London after his farm . They owe £8, for which they answer in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex .

[Enrolments of Estreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. William Brownwicke of St. Sepulchre saddlerLondon B. D. £ 100 F. 60. G. H. J. 3 months after 10 September 4 James I N. two months after 19 February4 James I. L. £40 M. 19 February4 James I. O.

* Roger BrownwickeQ.* saddler

* Gerard Perame Gerard Q.* yeoman

£ 100 R.

£100 R.

* Priscilla his wife alias Priscilla Perame Q.* spinster

* William Darbye Q.* tailor

* Nicholas Hoode Q.* yeoman

* Augustine Ferdinando Q.* alien

* Rachel his wife

£100 R.

* Jerome Peram Q.* yeoman

* Priscillahis wife

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100. R.

* Agneta Hinde Q.* spinster alias Agneta Hinde wife of Augustine Hinde Q.* gentleman

£100 R.

* Edward Gage late of St. James Clerkenwell gentleman

£100 R.

* A. Elizabeth Pette of Greenforde , Middlesex B. D. £160 . F. £120 G. H. J. Six monthsnext followingthe tenth day of June 4 James I. L. £40. N. Forthe two monthsaforesaid

* Robert DymmockJr. late of of Islington gentleman

* Richard Carey late ofSt.Andrew Holborn London esquire

* William CookesonQ.* gentleman

* William Iverson Q.* gentleman

* James Bredkerke Q.* yeoman

* ChristopherWalker Q.* yeoman

* Strangedrewe Lovett Q.* spinster

* RichardLovett Q.* gentleman

* Thomas KnighteQ.* scrivener

* Jane his wife

£160 R.

* William TropleQ.* yeoman

* LeonardBakerQ . * .yeoman

* John Latham Q.* gentleman

* Christopher Emerson Q.* cutler

* RichardDowse Q.* yeoman

* Alice BrowneQ.* spinster

£160 R.

£160 R.

£160 R.

£ 160 R.

£160 R.

£ 160 R.

£160 R.

£ 160 R.

£160. R.



£160 R.

£160 R.

£160 R.

£ 160 R.

* A. Robert Beeston of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, gentleman B. C. £280 F.

£240 G. H. J. Twelve months next followingthe twentieth day of September 3 James I. L. £40 N. For the two monthsaforesaid.

* A. Johanna Brooke of St. Andrew Holborn, spinster. B. D. £100. F. £60.

G. H. J. Three months next followingthe tenth day of October 4 James I. L. £40. M. 19 February4 James I. N. 19 February4 James I-16 April 5 James I. O.

* Anna Southwell Q. spinster

* Philip Ann Q. gentleman

£100. R.

£100 R.

* Frances Hambleton Q. spinster wife of Alexander Hambleton gentleman

£100 R.

* Frances Browne wife of Owen Brown Q. goldsmith

* FrancisWaters Q. glover

* Margery Waters hiswife

£100. R.

£100 R.

* Elizabeth Warner wife of Nicholas WarnerQ. tailor

* Elizeus Crosse Q. yeoman

* Thomas Peacockeof St. Sepulchre

* Elizabeth Peacockehis wife

* JamesLeakeQ. yeoman

* RobertJonesQ.

* DorothyJoneshis wife

£100 R.

London apothecary

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* ElizabethBakerQ. spinster

* MaryAlkington Q. widow

* Thomas Weston Q. tailor

* Julia Weston his wife

* Ralph Everard of St. yeoman

£100 R.

£100 R.

£ 100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

Mary Magdalene in Milkstreet London

* William Bostock of St. Mary Abchurch London yeoman

£ 100 R.

* Thomas Sleepe of St. Bartholomew the Great London yeoman £100 R.

* HumphreyJeffreys of St. BenetFinkstocking seller £ 100 R.

* Jane Smytheman wife of Adam Smytheman Q. trompeter


* Johana Spencer wife of Robert Spencer of St. ChristopherLondon

£100 R.

£ 100

* Louis Dickman of St. Katherine CreechurchLondon tailor £100


* Jeremiah Jackson of St. Martin (within Ludgate?) yeoman


* John Symons of St. Mary Aldermanburye London yeoman


* HenryJohnson of St. Bartholomew London yeoman £ 100 R.



* A. MaryMorgan of St. Anne in Blackfriars widow alias MaryMorgan of Weston [-under-Wetherley], Warwick, widow B. D. £ 120 . E. Six months. G. H. J. Six months next following the first day of October4 James I. G. M.21 May 5 James I.

* A. Nicholas Langford of St. Andrew Holborn, London, gentleman alias Nicholas Langford late of Langford, Darby, gentleman B. D. £240 E. Twelve months G. H. J. Twelve months next following the twelfth day of April 4

James . M.21 May5 James .

* A. Henry Merrye late of St. Andrew Holborn in the city aforesaid gentleman alias Henry Merrye of (Sutton) on the Hill, Derby gentlemanB. £240 H. P. But he does not owe the sum because of a note in another place in Roll for (Derby) in another debt of the said Henry. And he is quit

payment A. William Greene of St. Andrew Holborn, esquire C. D. £260. E. 13 months G. H. J. From the first day of October 4 James I until the last day of September5 James K. P. But he paid it in two equal parts in the receipt of the treasury and he is quit

* A. John Lutley of St. Sepulchre , gentlemanalias John Lutleyof Bromcroft, Shropshiregentleman B. D. £20 E. One month G. H. J. One month next following the first day of June in the fifth year of James I. M. 2 October 5 James I. P.He was convicted by method ofdebt.

* LadyMary Tresham Q.* widow £20. R.

* Susanna Watson Q.* of St. Dunstan in the West London widow £20

* Henry DorsellQ.* St. Andrew Holborn esquire £20 R. P. But he does not owe it because there is a notation in Roll 6 for Kent in the farm of the tenantsofthe land of the same Henry andhe isquit.

* A. Anna Morris, wifeofEdward Morris of Edmonton, Middlesex, yeoman B. D. £240 E. Twelve months. G. H. J. 20 September3 James I. M. Thursday, 1 October 5 James I.

* A. George Moore of St. James Clerkenwell, gentleman B. D. £140 F. £120 G. J. Six months next following 10 September 4 James I. L. £20 . M. 17 August 5 James I. N. 17 August14 September 5 James I. O.

* Elizabeth his wife

* Mary Bride Q. spinster

£140 R.

* KatherineParker Q.* spinster.

* William Gravenor Q.* yeoman

* Mary (Salloes) Q.* spinster

* Mary Aevuslowe Q.* spinster

* Thomas Male Q.* yeoman

* William Morrus Q.* yeoman

* RichardKennyston Q.* yeoman

* Thomas ManfieldeQ.* yeoman

£ 140 R.

£140 R.

£140. R.

£140. R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

* A. William Wynn of St. James Clerkenwell, gentleman B. D. £80 F. £60 G. H. J. Three months next following 10 May4 James I. L. £20 . N. Forthe aforesaid month

* William Jubbes Q.* gentleman

* Susanna his wife

£80 R.

* Francis Price Q.* gentleman

* Maryhiswife

£80 R.

* Patience Slater Q.* widow

* EdwardUnderwood Q.* porter

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80. R.

* Mary Lunne Q.* of St. SepulchreLondon widow

* Mary Lunne Q.* spinster

£80 R.

£80 R.

* A. Francis Tregian of St. Andrew Holborn, esquire D. £60 E. Three months G. H.J. Three months next following 1 September5 James I. M. 19 January5 James I.

* MaryCobbof St. Sepulchre London widow C. D. £60 H. P. But she does not owe it because of a decision of the barons annotated in the LTMR forthe sixth year ofthe now king in Easter Term and she is quit . 12

* Richard Boothe Q.* of St. Andrew Holborn (Farringdon outside London) esquire

£60 R.

* Ralph Brookleylate of London esquire

* William Clapton Q.* esquire

£60 R.

£60 R.

12E368/530/16LondonEasterTerm 6 James I. In theRecusantRollfor London 4 James I Mary Cobb of St. Sepulchre, London, widow , was absent fromchurch for three months from 1 September4 JamesIfor which she was convicted on 19 January5 James I. She owed £60 On 1 April she appeared before the barons with a certificate ofconformity stating that on the 15th of March she made her submission before Thomas [Ravis], bishop of London He testifies that Mary Cobb of Sandringham, Norfolk, relict of SirWilliamCobb, knight, heardDivine Service in the bishop's chapel. She received back her land and isquit



[Lease of Seized Land . Rental]

Farm-Debt A. Francis Huntley gentleman B. William Tucker late of Southwark deceased recusant C. 33s . 4d D.1 Two messuages or tenements and two gardens within the same messuages in the parish of St. Mary the Virgin, Bromeley, Middlesex D.2 Other pertinences in Roll 37 Elizabeth for London and Middlesex. G. 33s . 4d H.a. Francis Huntley H.b. The feast of St. Michael the Archangel 37 Elizabeth H.c. H.d. 33s . 4d H.e. H.k. 37 Elizabeth J. See the sheriffs' accountbelow .

Debt-Farm A. John Powell cup bearer of Queen Elizabeth B. John Dodd deceased recusant late of Dedham , Bucks C. £4 D.1 One messuage or tenement in Kingstreet Westminster in the holding of Henry Treslowe D.2 the fourth part of a tenement or messuage called the Rose and Pomegranate in Fryday Street London E.d. Roll 39 Elizabeth G. £4 H.a. John Powell H.b 20 January 39 Eliz H.c. H.d. £4 H.e. Easter and Michaelmas. H.g. H.k. Roll for 39 Elizabeth. J. See the sheriffs' accountsbelow .

Farm-Debt A. The tenants of the lands and tenements of B. William Tucker deceased recusant C. £8 D.1 Two messuages or tenements with purtenance in the parish of St. Mary at Bromeley D.2 Two other lands and pastures in the same county E.a. Thomas Cambell and William Craven sheriffs of London [1600] E.b. 20 May 43 Eliz G. £8. H.a. The tenants H.d. £8 H.k. 43 Eliz J. See the sheriffs' accountbelow

Farm A. The tenants of B. Thomas Peacock C. £4 D. One messuage or tenement within St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London excepting free access , ingress, egress, regress for the tenants of the third part of the same messuage to the kitchen and courtyard of the said messuage E.a. James Dalton and other commissionersfor recusants E.b. 21 May 43 Eliz E.c. E.d. 43 Eliz Roll for London and Middlesex G. £4 H.a. Tenants of the lands and tenements H.d. £4. H.k. Roll for 43 Elizabeth .

Farm-Debt A. The tenants of B. John Dodd C. 53s 4d D. For the farm of two parts of certain tenements withinthe libertyofWestminsterof the annual value of 4. E.a. Francis Goodwin, knight and other commissioners E.b. 1 June 3 James I. E.c. E.d. the precedingRoll for recusants G. 53s . 4d H.a.The tenants H.d. 53s 4d H.k. The preceding Roll J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

[Enrolments ofEstreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. John Middlemoreof St. Clement Dane, gentleman B. D. £120 E. Six months G. H. J. Six monthsnext following 1 October 5 James I. M. 11 May 6 James I. O.

* George Throckmorton late of St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex

£120 G. R. gentleman

* John HunteQ.* yeoman

* John Morris Q.* gentleman

£120 G. R.

£ 120 G. R.

* Robert Hawkins late of St. Andrew Holborn, London, Middlesex gentleman

£120 R.

* A. William Sparrye Q.* gentleman C. D. £120 H. P. But he does notowe that sum because of a notation of the barons in LTRMR from the tenth year ofthe now king and entered in the Roll for HilaryTerm. And he isquit.13

* A. Digby Q. gentleman B. D. £60 E. Three months G. H. J. Three months following the first day of January 5 James I. M. On the day andyear aforesaid.

* Agneta FrogmortonQ.* of St. Sepulchre London

* John Farmer Q.* gentleman

* Thomas Parsons Q.* gentleman

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60. R.

* Andrew Bendolose alias Bendishe late of St. Dunstan in the WestLondon gentleman

£60 R.

* A. Anthony Fleare late of St. Sepulchre London gentlemanC. D. £60 R. P. But he does not owe it because of a notation elsewhere in this Roll in Devon in anotherdebt of the same Anthony. And he isquit

* Thomas Morgan late of St. Andrew Holborn London gentleman

£60 R.

* (Rook Greene) Q.* esquire .

£60 R.

* Walter Erdiswicke late of St. Dunstan in the West London gentleman £60 R.

* Wilmota (Resten) late of St. Sepulchre London widow

* Mary Fogg late of St. Andrew Holborn London widow

* John Parry late ofSt. SepulchreLondon gentleman

* Thomas Pritchett Q.* gentleman

* John Harper Q.* gentleman

* John Sheppard Q.* gentleman

* Arthur Darrye late of St.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R. Dunstan in the West London esquire

* Robert Marten late of St. Andrew Holborn London esquire R.

* Wilmota (Resden) late of St. Sepulchre London spinster

* RichardBaron alias Barnes Q.* gentleman

* Robert (Gawyn/Garcoyn ) Q.* spinster


£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

13E368/548/177Worcestershireand LondonHilaryTerm 10 James I.A grant to Daniel Sparrye ofthe lands of WilliamSparrye, deceased recusant

* A. Peter Maxwell of St. Margaret in Westminster , gentleman C. £100 F. £60. G. H. J. Three months next following the 10th of May 5 James I. L. £40 M.27 July6 James I. N. 27 July21 September 6 James I. O. P. Buthe does not owe that sum because of an annotation in Roll 12 for Staffordshire in the farm ofGeorge Chambers and he is quit

* Lucy BrudenellQ.* spinster

£100 R.

* A. Richard Mannington late of St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex esquire C. D. £100 H. P. But he does not owe it because of a decision ofthe barons annotated in LTRMR for the seventhyear of the reign of this king in the Hilaryterm and he isquit.14

* A. Thomas Bartlett of St. Sepulchre , esquire B. D. £200 [sic]: G. H. J. Twelve months next following 29 July [5 James I] M. [15] September 5 James I.

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

Sheriffs' Debts A. Geoffrey Elwes and Nicholas Stile B.1 33s 4d for Francis Huntley B.2 £8 for John Powell B.3 53s 4d for the tenants of the lands ofWilliam Tucker B.4. £16.6.8 for the tenants of the lands of John Dodd D. B . 1,2,3 settled E. They answerfor John Dodd's tenants in the next Roll

[Enrolments of Estreated Convictions for Recusancy


* A. Francis Undrill of St. Andrew Holborn, gentlemanonly son of Edward UndrillofNeather Eatenton[Lower Ettington], Warwickshire, deceased recusant, esquire B. D. £20 G. H. J. 9 March 5 James I9 April 6 James I. M.7 October 6 James I. O.

* A. Henry Bristowe of St. Leonard Shoreditch , gentleman B. D. £100 F. £60 G. H.J. Three months next followingthe 10th March 5 James I. L. £40 M . 27 July6 James I. N. 27 July 6 James I22 September6 James I.

* Thomas Jollet Q.* yeoman

* John Conaway Q.* yeoman

* ElizabethForrestQ.* spinster

* MariaForrestQ.* spinster

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* Helen Jollet wife of the aforesaidThomas Jollett

£100 R.

* Susanna Gray late of St. Andrew Holborn spinster £100 R.

* Thomas Roy(Ray)Q.*

* Anna Barton Q.* spinsteryeoman

£100 R.

£100.0.0 R.

14E368/536/143HilaryTerm 7 James I. Richard Mannington ofHereford and Middlesex appeared on 27February and asked for a hearing. Heresidedin St. Andrew Holborn and owed £100for5months absence in 5 & 6James I. He had a certificate of conformity from Robert [Bennett], bishopof Hereford, stating that Richard Mannington of the parish of Sharenfield [Sarnesfield, Herefords ] submitted himselfand took the oath of allegiance on 21 January 7 James I. He is quit.

ROLL 5: 1607-08 (E377/16)

* MaryLeadesthorpe Q.* spinster £100 R.

A. RichardDavyson Q.* yeoman C. D. £100 H. P. But he does not owe it because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the eleventhyear ofthe reign ofthe now king James in the record for Michaelmasterm andhe is quit 15

* Anna Davyson his wife

* William HardmanQ.* yeoman

£100 R.

* William Thompson Q.* gentleman

* George MachettQ.* yeoman

* Margaret Bates Q.* spinster

£ 100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* Johanna Waynam wife of Thomas WaynamQ.* yeoman

£100 R.

* Edward Underwood alias Grimes late of St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesex porter £ 100 R.

* Bridget CrathorneQ.* widow £ 100 R.

* ChristopherCroseley Q.* yeoman £100 R.

* Martha Fielde Q.* spinster £ 100 R.

* Elizabeth Rooffoote Q.* wife of Edward Rooffoote

£100 R.

£100 R.

* Agnes Hynde wife of Augustine Hynde late of St. Sepulchre London yeoman

* John Davies Q.* tailor

£100 R.

* Jane Cawne wife of John Cawne late of St. Leonard in Shoreditch , Middlesex yeoman

£100 R.

* John Bullock late of St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex gentleman

£100 R.

* Margery Vaghan Q.* widow

* Ralph Hopioun Q.* owes £100 R.

£100 R.

* Thomas Potter late of St. Andrew aforesaid gentleman £ 100 R.

* John (Hedgett) Q.* yeoman

* William Tompson Q.* gentleman

* Richard Dracette Q.* gentleman

£100. R.

£ 100 R.

£ 100 R.

* Thomas Harpar late of St. Clement Danes, Middlesex gentleman

£100 R.

* RobertHarpar Q.* gentleman

£100 R.

* A. Mary [Lady] Herbert of St. Giles in the Fields B.D. £160 . F. £120 . G. H. J. Six months next following 1 November 5 James I L. £40 N. The two months aforesaid

* A. Nicholas Morris of St. Andrew Holborn B. D. £120. E. Six months G. H.J. Six months next followingthe ofMarch 5 James I.M. 7 October 6 James I.

15E368/555/180Michaelmas 12 James I. Richard Davison appeared and asked for a hearing. He owed £100for5months' absence in 5 & 6 James Ifor which hehadbeen convicted on 21 September6 James I.He appeared before the baronswith a certificate of conformity fromJohn [King], bishop of London, stating that he had testimonials from the churchwardensofSt. Andrew Holborn and that he had received communion

* Elizabeth Aldorford Q.* widow

* HumphreySmithQ.* yeoman

£120 R.

£120 R.

* A. Henry James, gentleman B. D. £120 part of £260 E. 13 months G. H. J. 2 November 44 Elizabeth1 November 1 James I K.

* A. Agnes Throckmortonof St. Sepulchre , widow. B. D. £80. F. £60 G. H. J. Three months next following 1 January 5 James I. L. £20 M. 1 December 6 James I. N. 1 December29 December6 James I. O.

* Thomas Birche of St. Dunstan in the West, gentleman B. D. £140 F. £100 G. H. J. Five months next following 1 August 6 James I. L. £40 M. 16 February6 James I. N. 16 February 6 James I-13 April 7 James I. O.

* EdwardBradshaw Q.* mercer £140 R.

* A. HumphreyBerrye of St. Andrew gentleman B. D. £80 F. £60 G. H. J. Three months next following 10 October 6 James I. L. £20 M. 29 March 7 James I. N. 29 March 7-26 April James I. O.

* A. Roger Blunt of St. Andrew Holborn, gentleman B. D. £60 E. Three months G. H. J. Three months next following 20 August 6 James I. M. 11 January 6 James I.

* Thomas Blunt Q.* gentleman kyn Q.* widow

* Elizabeth G

* KatherineHarper Q.* widow

* Andrew Mundenalias Sheppard Q.*

* Johanna his wife Q.*

£60 R.

£60 R. £60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. Dorothy Elton Q.* gentlewoman C. D. £60 H. P. But she does not owe that sumbya decision of the barons of Exchequerin the LTRMR forthe seventhyear of this king enrolled in the Recorda sectionfor St. Hilary Term and she is quit . 16

* Johanna Pewters Q.* yeoman £60 R.

16E368/536/94 LondonHereford HilaryTerm7 James I. On 7 FebruaryDorothy Elton appeared before the baronsandasked for a hearing. She owed £140 for absences fromchurch of 7 monthsin4 & 6 James Sheproduced a certificate of conformity fromRichard [Bancroft], archbishopof Canterbury, stating that she had heardDivine Service in his chapel and in his presenceand that she had takenthe oath ofallegiance on 16 February 7 James I.She is quit

* Thomas Pewters Q.*


* Thomas Guillin Q.* gentleman

* William Bifford Q.* yeoman

* RobertStocton Q.* yeoman

* Francis Hyett Q.* gentleman

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* John Lancaster alias Griffeth Q.* gentleman

* HenryRawley Q.* gentleman

* Julia his wife

* Thomas Jamey Q.*

* John Nemble Q.*

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Anna his wife Q.* £60. R.

* Thomas (Saice) Q.* gentleman

£60. R.

* Walter Saice Q.* gentleman £60 R.

* Elizabeth Saice Q.* wife of the said Walter

* Sara Friser Q.* spinster

£60 R.

* Thomas John James Q.* £60 R.

* William MonningtonQ.* £60 R.

* Anna his wife Q.* place £60 R.

* EdwardClarke Q.* yeoman

* Martha his wife Q.* £60 R.

£60 R.

* Walter Vaughan Q.* gentleman £60 R.

£60 R.

* A. William Unett Q.* gentleman C. D. £60 P. But he does not owe that sum by a decision of the barons annotated in the LTRMR for the eighth year of the now king enrolled in the Recorda section for Trinity Term and he is quit . 17

* Elenora his wife Q.* £60 R.

* Anthony Harper Q.* gentleman

* Maryhis wife Q.* £60 R.

£60 R.

* John Smith Q.* gentleman £60 R.

* John Crost John Q.*

£60 R.

* MichaelVaughan Q.* £60 R.

* RichardWittingslow alias Cappeer Q.* yeoman

* William Barker Q.*

* William WatkinsQ.*

* RichardDeynton Q.*

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

17E368/538/174 London, Middlesex, Hereford TrinityTerm 8 James I. In recusantRoll 5 JamesI WilliamUnett ofSt. Andrew Holborn, gentleman, owed £60 for three months absence next following 20 August 6 James I for which he was convicted 11 January 6 James I. In RecusantRoll 4 James I WilliamUnett ofFfroma Castrensis[Castle Frome], Hereford, owed £240 for 12 months' absence next following 1 July5 James and £20 for absencefrom22 March-28 April 7 James Iforwhichhewas convicted on 22 March 7 James I. An inquisition into Unett's goods, chattels, and property washeld at Hereford and it wasdiscovered that he was in possessionof lands worth £40 which were placed inthe king's hands On 20 June8 James Ihe appeared before the baronsand asked for a hearing in which he produced a certificate of conformity from George [Abbot], bishop of London, stating that he had attendedEvening Prayerin the bishop'schapel and that he took the oath of allegianceon 29 June 1610, the first year ofhis translation He is quit

* A. John Vaughan Q.* gentlemanB. D. £60 H. P. But he does not owe that because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the 8th year ofthe reign in the Recordasectionfor St. HilaryTerm and he is quit . 18

* A. William Thalfant of St. Dunstan in the East, gentleman B. D. £60 E. Three months. F. £60 G. H. J. Three months next following 31 August 6 James I. M. 11 January 6 James I. P. But he does not owe that because of an annotation in Roll 7 Charles I for Bucks under the farm of Thomas Ravinge and others . He is quit.

* GeoffreyPoole Q.* gentleman

* Nicholas Thornton Q.* gentleman


£60 R.

* A. James Tailor of St. Andrew Holborn, esquire B. D. £100 F. £60 G. J.

Three months next following 1 March 5 James I. L. £40 M. 27 July 6 James I. N. 27 July6 James I-21 September 6 James I. O.

* RalphLingenQ. gentleman

* AnnaMenningtonQ. widow

* HowellPriceQ. yeoman

* EdwardHaywardQ. gentleman

* William Harper Q. esquire

* John Berrowe Q. gentleman

* Margery Vaughan Q. spinster

* Elizabeth Morgan Q. widow

* Thomas Bowen Q. gentleman

* Geoffrey BrenleyQ. gentleman

* Margaret BuckQ. widow

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100.0.0 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£ 100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* Thomas Fitzherbert Q. gentleman

* James Brenley Q. gentleman

* Oswald Barker Q. gentleman

* William Forester Q. gentleman

* Jane Lingen Q. spinster

* Mary Frissar Q. widow

* Alice FrissarQ. widow

* Elizabeth WalwynQ. widow

£100 R.

£ 100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100. R.

£100 R.

£ 100 R.

* Thomas Berrington Q. gentleman

£100 R.

£100 R.

* A. Henry Cotteringtonof St. Dunstan in the West, gentleman B. D. £60

G. H. E. Three months J. Three months next following 1 June 6 James I. M. 7 October 6 James I.

18E368/540/112London and MonmouthshireHilaryTerm 8 James I. In the RecusantRollfor4 James I for Middlesex John Vaughanof St. Andrew in Holborn owed £60 for three months' absence followingthe 20th of August 6 James Iforwhich he was convicted 11 January6James I.Aninquisition intohis goods, chattels, andproperty was held at Newport, Monmouth on 24 October 8JamesI and it was found that John Vaughan of Welshbignor [Welsh Bicknor] was seised of land and goods worth £24.14.0 The barons ordered the seizure of his goods and two parts of his lands He produced a certificate ofconformity signed by George [Abbot], bishop of London, that he had attendedMorning Prayer in the bishop's chapel andtook the oath of allegiance on 7 February 1610. His debt is forgiven andhe is quit

* RobertBarnes Q.* gentleman

* James ParkinsQ.* esquire

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Edward Cotterington Q.* gentleman

* Thomas CotteringtonQ.* gentleman

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. Paul Alexander Q.* gentleman C. D. £60 H. P. But he does not owe it because of a decision of the barons annotated in the LTRMR for the ninth year ofthe now king enrolled in the Recorda sectionfor Easter term and he is quit . 19

* George Gage Q. gentleman

* Thomas DowellQ. gentleman

£60 . R.

£60 R.

* A. William Monningtonof St. Andrew Holborn, gentleman B. D. £60 E. Three months. G. H. J. Three months next following 10 March James I. M. 11 January 6 James I.

* Simon Wack Q.* gentleman £60 R.

* A. RutlandMollineux of St. Andrew Holborn, esquirealias Rutland Mollineux of Woodcote, county [Notts ], gentleman B. D. £60 E. Three months. G. H. J. Three months next following 1 February 5 James I. M. 20 June 6 James I.

* Lady Bridget (Ascue) Q.* widow alias Lady Bridget Pennington of Carleton, York widow

£60 R.

* A. Thomas Sana_ of St. Andrew Holborn, gentleman B. D. £40 E. Two months . G. H. J. Two months next following20 April 6 James I.M.22 September 6 James I.

* LeonardBrokenburyQ. gentleman

£40 R.

* A. Gertrude [Wintour] of St. Andrew Holborn, widow. B. D. £20. E. One month G. H. J. One month next following 1 May 6 James I. M.22 September 6 James I.

* A. ElizabethMoreden of St. Giles in the Fields, spinster B. D. £140 F. £100 G. J. Five months next following [1 August] 6 James I. L. £40. M. 16 February 6 James I. N. 16 February 6 James I13 April 7 James I. O.

* ChristopherHatton Q.* gentleman

* Francis Pore Q.* gentleman

* Robert Errington gentlemanQ.

* Robert Jeffryson Q.* yeoman

* Ambrose Mason Q.* gentleman

£140 R. £140 R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

19E368/541/115LondonEasterTerm 9 James I. Paul Alexander of the parish ofSt.Dunstanin the West owed £60 for three months' absence next following 1 June6 James I.He appeared beforethe baronson 20 April 9 James I witha certificate from George[Abbot], archbishopof Canterbury, stating that hehad attendedMorning Prayerat Lambeth andtook the oathofallegiance on 13 April 9 James I. He is quit. See Roll 5.

* A. Sampson Walker of St. Andrew Holborn, gentleman B. D. £60 E. Three months G. H. J. Three months next following 1 March 5 James I. M. 16 February6 James I.

* A. LeonardSmallpence of St. Clement Danes, gentleman B. D. £120 . E. Six months F. G. H. J. Six months next following 1 October 5 James I. M. 16 February 6 James I.

* A. HumphreyGifford of St. Clement Danes , esquire C. D. £100 F. £60 G. H. J. Three months next following 1 March 5 James I. L. £40. M. 27 July 6 James I. N. 27 July 6 James I21 September 6 James I. O. P. Buthe does not owe that because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the seventhyear and entered in the Recorda section for Trinity Term and heis quit, 20

* A. ElizabethGifford of St. Andrew Holborn B. D. £100 F. £60 G. H. J. [Three months] from the 10th March 5 James I. L. £40 N. For the two monthsaforesaid

* A. Edward Browne of St. Andrew Holborn, yeoman B. D. £140 F. £120. G. H.J. Six monthsnext following 1 April 6 James I. L. £20 . M. 1 December 6 James I.N. 1 December6 James I-29 December6 James I. O.

* RobertParsonsQ.* yeoman £140 R.

* A. James Prince of Tottenham , yeoman B. D. £60. E. Three months G. H.J. Three monthsnext following 1 June 6 James I. M. 27 April 7 James I.

* A. Richard Abington of Stebanheath [?Stepney Heath], esquire B. D. £120. E. Six months G. H. J. Six months following the April 6 James I. M. 27 April 7 James I.

* John Knowles Q.* gentleman

* George Moore Q.* gentleman

* Elizabeth Moorehis wife

£ 120 R.

£ 120 R. £ 120 R.

20E368/534/57Stafford and MiddlesexTrinityTerm 7 James I. In RecusantRoll 5 James Ifor Middlesex Humphrey Gifford of St. Clement Danes, esquire, owed £60 for threemonths' absencenext following 1 March 5 James for which he was convicted on 27 July 6 James I. He appearedbefore the baronson 20June witha certificate of conformity and submissionfromWilliam [Overton], bishop of Coventry, stating that Humphrey Gifford of Black Ladyes, Staff ., esquire, had heard Divine Service in person He alsorepaired to his parish church ofWeston [-under-Lizard?]for the pasttwo yearsto hear Divine Service Dated 1 March 6 James I. On 19 June 1609 Humphrey Gifford appearedin person before Thomas [Ravis], bishop of London, whose certificate statedthat he had received communion and on that day took the oath of allegiance and heardDivine Service at Fulham




[Lease ofseized Land Rental]

Farm-Debt A. Francis Huntley gentleman B. William Tucker late of Southwark deceased recusant C. 33s 4d D.1 Two messuages or tenements within the parish of St. Mary the Virgin in Bromeley D.2 Other lands described in Roll 37 for Elizabeth E.b. Feast of St. Michael the Archangel 37 Elizabeth. F. £18.6.8. H.a. Francis Huntley. H.b. Feast of St. Michael the Archangel 37 Elizabeth H.c. H.d. 33s 4d. H.e. J. He owes £ 10 through Thomas Hayes, knight, and Oliver Style, esquire , sheriffs for the 2nd year [1604], as contained below , for his farm as containedin Roll 2 for London He owes 33s4d through Geoffrey Elwes and Nicholas Styles , recently sheriffs for the preceding year [1607], for his farm as containedin the preceding Roll for London He owes 33s 4d through James Pemberton and John Swynnerton, knights, recently sheriffs for the 44th year [1602], as contained in the precedingRoll for London He owes 33s 4d for Clement Scudmore and John Jolles, knights, recently sheriffs for the 3rd year [1605], as contained there, namely for his farm in the 3rd year as containedin Roll 3 for London He owes 33s4d as contained in Roll 4 for London G. £ 18.6.8 J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

Farm-Debt A. John Powell B. John Dodd deceased recusant of Dedham , Bucks. C. £4 D.1 One messuage or tenement along with pertinencein Kingstreet, Westminster D.2 The fourth part of a messuage or tenementcalled the Rose and Pomegranate in Frydaystreet in London. H.a John Powell H.b. 20 January 49 Elizabeth H.c. H.d. £4 H.e. At the feasts of Easter and St. Michael the Archangel H.k. 39 Elizabeth J. See below in the sheriffs' entry

Debt-Farm A. Tenants of the lands and tenements of B. William Tucker deceased recusant C. £8 D.1 . Two messuages or tenements with purtenance lying and existing within St. Mary the Virgin at Bromeley. D.2 Two other closed lands and pastures described in 43 Eliz E.a. Thomas Cambell and William Craven [1600] sheriffs of London E.b. 20 March 43 Elizabeth E.d. Roll for London and Middlesex 43 Elizabeth G. £8 H.a. Tenants H.d. £8 J. See the sheriffs' entry below .

Farm A. Tenants B. Thomas Peacocke. C. £4 D. One messuage ortenement within St. Sepulchrewithout Newgate London excepting free access , ingress, egress, and regress for the tenants and occupiers ofthe third part ofthe same messuage to the kitchen and courtyard of the parcel E.a. James Dalton and other commissioners E.b. 21 March 43 Elizabeth E.c. F. £4 G. £8 H.a. The tenants H.d. £4.

Debt-Farm . A. The tenants B. John Dodd C. 8s 4d D. Two parts of certain tenements within the liberty of Westminster E.a. Francis Goodwin knight and

other commissioners . E.b. 1 June 3 James E.c. H.a. The tenants . H.d. 8s. 4d. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

Thomas Hayesknight and Oliver Style esquiresheriffs B. for 2 James [1604] D. F. For Francis Huntley gentlemanabout whose burden of debt see the second Roll for London and Middlesex and £ 10 about which above after their farm About which see the sheriffs' accounts below C. £74

[EnrolmentofEstreated Convictions for Recusancy]

A. Thomas Welles C. D. £260 E. Thirteen months F. 17 Sept. 44 Elizabeth16 September 1 James G. J. The 17th day of September for the space of 13 months K. P. As contained in Roll 1 for London and Middlesex and he answers in Roll for London and Middlesex

Farm A.William Roper Esquire C. owes D. £260 E. 13 months G. H. J. 12 November 44 Elizabeth11 November 1 James K. P. He answers for this in Roll 8 for Kent

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

Debt Farm. A. Geoffrey Elwes and Nicholas Style recently sheriffs B. [1607] for the precedingyear C. £16.6.8 D. E. As containedin the preceding Roll for London and Middlesex F. Namely (Francis Huntley) gentleman, who was burdened with debt in the Roll preceding for London and Middlesex, 33s4d for which see above after his farm . They owe £14.13.4 about which see answers for the sheriffs' accounts below

[Lease ofSeizedLands . Rental]

A. Thomas Monnson B. Robert Hare of St. Leonard Shoreditchgentleman C.26s.8d D. Two parts of one tenement, messuage, and hospice with purtenance known as The Lyon in Stanes in Middlesex E.a. Edward Vaughan and other commissioners É.b. 20 July 5 James I. F. 53s. 4d. G. 79s 12d? H.a. Thomas Monnson H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. 41 years H.d. 26s 8d H.e. J. Payment is made and he is quit.

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. George Bolles and Richard Farrington [1608] accountfor. B.1 £ 18.6.8 for Francis Huntley, gentleman, as contained above . Respondetur B.2 £4 for John Powell as contained there B.3 £8 for the tenants of the lands of William Tucker there Respondetur B.4 8s 4d aforesaidfor the tenantsofthe lands of John Dodd there B.5. £59 for Thomas Hayes , knight [1604], and other sheriffs there Respondetur B.6 £14.3.4 . for Geoffrey Elwes [1607] and other sheriffs there C.1 £104.8.4 D.1 Francis Huntley, about whose debt burden above , answers for £18.6.8: see in the followingRoll for London and Middlesex D.3 The tenants ofthe lands ofWilliam Tucker, aboutwhosedebt burden above , answerfor £8: see below in Roll [ ] for London after his farm.

D.5 Thomas Hayes [1604] and other sheriffs answerfor £59: see below D.6 Geoffrey Elwes [1607] and other sheriffs, about whose burden of debt above, answerfor £14.13.4 : see below C.2 They owe £6.8.4 [sic]

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

A. Thomas Hayes and Oliver Style esquire recently sheriffs B. The 2nd year [1604] C. £59 remaining from £74 . D. E. As contained above F. But the tenants of William Tucker, about whose debt burden in Roll 2 for London and Middlesex , answerfor £40: see in the followingRoll for London and Middlesex . They owe £24 [sic], for which they answer in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex .

A. Geoffrey Elwes and Nicholas Style, recently sheriffs B. The 5th year [1607] C. £14.8.4 remaining from £16.6.8 D. E. As contained there. F. But the tenantsof the lands of William Tucker, about whose debt burden see the preceding Roll, answer for £8: see in the following Roll after their farm. Respondetur . They owe £6.8.4: see in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex

[Lease ofSeizedLand Rental]

Farm . A. The tenants . B. Thomas Dewell gentleman C. £4.15.10 D.1 the farm of two parts of two closed lands, one called Baker's Alter, the other called Peakes Close in the parish of Heston of the yearly value of £6.13.4 D.2 Two parts of the third part of a ploughed meadow of the annual value of 20s D.3 Another in Norwood in Middlesex. E.a. Aronsham E.b. 18 May 6 James I. E.d. LTRMR Easter 6 James I. G. £7.3.10 H.a Tenants H.d. £4.15.10 H.k. LTRMR Easter 6 James I. J. But they do not owe that sum because of a note in Roll 2 for London in the debt of Thomas Dewell. And they are quit . 21

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

Thomas Dewellowes £44 for the value of his goods and chattels taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersas contained there ; but he does not owe itbecauseof an annotation immediately abovein the farm of the tenants of the lands and tenements of the said ThomasDewell and he is quit.

[Enrolments ofEstreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. William Browne of St. Andrew Holborn, goldsmith B. D. £120 E. Six months. G. H. Six monthsnext following 10 October 7 James I. M. 4 October 8 James I. O.

* HenryLewynQ.* yeoman

* John Addams Q.* cutler

* MathiasCutler Q.* yeoman

* Helen Cutlerhiswife

£120 R.

£120 R.

£ 120 R.

£120 R.

* Elizabeth Caveridge Q.* spinster

21Vide: n 6, p.6 above

£120 R.

* George MarhillQ.* yeoman

* George KnighteQ.* yeoman

* William Heathe Q.* tailor

* KatherineJohnson Q.* spinster

£120 R.

£120 R.

£120 R.

£120 R.

* Johanna Gresham wife of Richard GreshamQ.* carpenter £120 R.

* William Everingham late of Hendon, Middlesex gentleman £120 R.

* Elizabeth Everingham his wife

£120 R.

* Elizabeth Prince late of Tottenham , Middlesex, gentlewoman_ R. £120.

* A. William (Nagler) of St. Margaret Westminster , gentleman B. D. £40 E. Two months G. H.J. Two monthsnext following20 September8 James I.M. (15) January 8 James I. O.

* Thomas Walu( ) Q.* gentleman £40. R.

* A. John Lewes of St. Andrew Holborn, gentleman B. D. £60 E. Three months G. H. J. Three months next following September 8 James I. M. (16) January8 James I.

* Q.* gentleman

* Q.* gentleman


£60 R. £60 R.

* (Johanna Olver) late of Hackney, Middlesex widow Grisley) late of Stepney, Middlesex widow C. D. £60 R.

£60 R.

* A. William (Middleton) of (St. Clement) Danes , B. D. £60 F. James I. N. 5 £40 G. by virtue of the (aforesaid) act H. J. Two months next following 1 James I. L. £20 M. 5 September James I-2 Januarynext following. O. August December

* Conway Q.* spinster

* Q.* spinster

* John(

£60 R.

£60 R.

* (Nicholas Q.* ?owes ? £60 R. late of St. Sepulchre gentleman

* ) widow owes £60 R.

* £60 R.

* George ( Q. ?owes ? £60 R.

£60 R.

* ) £60 R.

* £60 R.

* MaryLittonwife of John Littonlate of Middlesex gentleman R. £60

* A. Elizabeth Waferer of St. Dunstan in the West, widow B. D. £20 E. One month G. H. J. One month next following 1 November 7 James I. M. 16 January 8 James I.

* A. Cecilia Turbervell of St. Sepulchre , widow, alias Cecilia Turbervell of Sacrred [?Sker, Kenfig], Glamorgan B. D. £80 F. £20 G. H. J. One month next following 1 April 7 James I. L. £60 M. 10 July 7 James I. N. 10 July2 October 7 James I. O.

*A. Thomas Mannockof St. MaryMatfellow or Whitechapel B. D. £20. E. One month. G. H. J. One month following 1 July 8 James I. M.4 April 9 James I.

* A. William Champney of St. Andrew Holborn, yeoman B. D. £140 F.

£120 G. H. J. Six months next following20 June 8 James I. L. £20 M. 19 February 8 James I. N. 19 February8 James I19 March 8 James I. O.

* Isabella Moodye wife of George Moodye Q.* tailor

* William BessickeQ.* yeoman

* GertrudeTwyms Q.* spinster

* William Iveson Q.* gentleman

£140 R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

£140 R.

* Grace Cowper wife of William Cowper late of St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesex yeoman £ 140 R.

* MaryIveson wife ofWilliam Iveson £140 R.

* Christina Bancks late of St. Sepulchre , London, Middlesex widow

£ 140. R.

* George BrowneQ.* yeoman £140 R.

* MaryHildersonwife ofThomasHilderson Q.* yeoman £140 R.

* A. Francis Holt of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, gentleman B. D. £60 E. Three months G. H. J. Three months next following 10 September 8 James I. M.5 April 9 James I. O.

* A. Thomas Bagshawe of St. Andrew Holborn, esquire B. D. £60. G. H. J. Three monthsnext following 1 November 8 James I. M. 9 March 8 James I.

* A. Andrew Okenbridge of St. Bartholomew in Farringdon, Doctor in Laws. B. D. £200. F. £ 120. G. H.J. Six months next following 8 James I. L. £80 M. 14 June 9 James I. N. 14 June -4 October 9 James I. O.

* A. ParnellaTowerson of Fenchurch , Langborne B. D. £20 E. One month. G. H. J. One month next following 1 October 8 James I. M. 16 January 8 James I. O.

* A. James Freme of St. Andrew Holborn, yeoman B. D. £60 E. Three monthsG. H. J. Three monthsnext following 1 October8 James I.M. Thursday following the feast of St. Michael the Archangel namely the third of October 9 James I.

* Thomas Bartlett Q.* yeoman

* John Huchins Q.* yeoman

* Agneta Fletcher Q.* widow

* MaryClifton Q.* spinster.

£60. R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Grace Cooper wife of William Cooper late of St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesexyeoman £60. R.

* Elizabeth Taylorwife of Edward Taylor Q.* gentleman

* Agnes Penvosewife ofRichard Penvose Q.* yeoman

£60 R. £60 R.

* Mary Hildershamwife of Thomas Hildersham late of St. Sepulchre , London, Middlesex yeoman £60 R.

* Ann Hatherthwaite late of St. Andrew Holborn, London, Middlesex spinster £40 R. for the space of two months.

* Lady Elizabeth Piersey late of Hackney, county aforesaid , spinster £40 R.

* Henry Godberrye late of St. Giles in the Fields outside Cripplegate, London , Middlesex yeoman £40 R.

* A. John Gainsfordof St. Dunstan in the West, gentleman B. D. £20. E. One month G. H. J. One month next following27 May 9 James I. M. 16 January 9 James I.

* Margaret GainsfordQ.* widow £20 R.

* A. George Cottonof St. Martin in the Fields, knight B. D. £140 F. £120 G. H.J. Six monthsnext following 1 August 9 James I. L. £20. M. 18 March 9 James I. N. One month following 18 March 9 James I. O.

* Edward Pinchen alias Pinches Q.* knight £140 R.

* A. John Freake of St. Andrew Holborn, glazier B. D. £60 E. Three months. G. H. J. Three months next following 10 March 8 James I. M. The Thursdayfollowingthe feast of Easter that is 23 April 10 James I.

* MaryCobbe wife ofWilliam Cobbe Q.* gentleman £60 R.

* Christina Bankes Q.* of St. Sepulchre London, Middlesex widow

£60 R.

* Edward Gadberrye late of St. Giles outside Cripplegate, London, Middlesex gentleman

* £60 R. Elizabeth Gadberrye his wife alias Elizabeth Gadberrue Q. spinster £60 R.

* Magdelana TichborneQ. spinster

* KatherineFerbridgeQ. spinster

* Humphrey Paule of St. James £60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R. Clerkenwell, Middlesex yeoman

* KatherineRuffoote wife ofEdward Ruffoote Q.* spinster _ £60 R.

* EdwardPenrose Q.* yeoman

£60 R.

* Edward Underwoode alias Grimes Q.* yeoman

* Thomasina Canon Q.* spinster

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. William Bromeley of St. Martin in the Fields, strengthener B. D. £40 E. Two months H. J. Two months next following 10 March 8 James I. M. The day and year aforesaid

* George CottonQ.* knight

* Brian Hammond Q.* yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Richard Dawes late of St. Mary (Savoy) in the Strand , Middlesex yeoman

£40 R.

* John Castle late of St. Clement Dane outside New Temple Bar London, Middlesex, cook

£40 R.

* Frances Castle his wife

* John Wyatt Q. tailor

£40 R.

£40 R.

* William Widowson alias WillisonQ.

* Richard Knighte of St. Andrew yeoman

£40 R.

* John Hutchinson Q. yeoman

* ElizabethSinckley Q. widow

* William SuttonQ. yeoman

£40 R. Holborn, London, Middlesex

£40 R.

£40 R.


* Rachel Vaughan late of St. Pancras, Middlesex spinster

£120 R. for the space of six months.

* Thomas BirdQ. yeoman

£ 120 R.

* RichardGill of Little Stanmore , Middlesex yeoman

* Daniel Knowlingeof Hanwell, Middlesex tallow chandler

£120 R.

£120 R.

* Rachel Hooke wife of John Hooke of Harlington, Middlesex yeoman

£120 R.

* Elizabeth Etheringham ofHendon, Middlesex spinster

* William Robinson Q. yeoman

£ 120 R.

£120 R.

* A. Thomas Swanne of St. Bridget Farringdon, gentleman B. D. £40 F.

£20 G. H. J. One month next following 23 December9 James I. L. £20. M. 18 March 9 James I. N. 18 March 9 James I15 April next following.




[Lease of Seized Land. Rental]

Farm A. Francis Huntley B. William Tucker recently deceased recusant C. 33s . 4d D. Two messuages or tenements and two gardens within the parish of St. Mary the Virgin in Bromeley E.d. 37 Eliz I. F. £4.3.4 G. £20 H. a Francis Huntley H.b. St. Michael the Archangel 37 Elizabeth I. H.c. H.d. 33s . 4d H.e. H.k. 37 Eliz J. But they do not owe that sumfromthe same farm which had been burdenedwith debt in that the now king James (?taking the two debt burdenedparts) at Westminsteron the tenth day ofApril in the eighth year of his reign at the humble (petition) of John Tucker and Martha Tucker recognizes ) that the aforesaid William Tucker deceased recusant gave and (released) all messuages, lands and tenements and all his rights, status, (and interest in) the same (_ ) to the aforesaid John and Martha Tucker (about which) Robert Johnson , John Wilde, and Thomas Foxe yeomanexecutors and his assignees freely give up, resign and concede ( ) for all time which possessions of the aforesaid William Tucker have remainedin the hands of the now king as enRolled in the LTRMR for the eight year of king James inthe record for Easter term .Andthey arequit. 22

Debt-Farm A. John Powell, cup bearer of the queen B. John Dodd deceased recusant of Dedham, Bucks and in the holding of Thomas Dodd C. £4. D.1. one messuage or tenement with purtenance in the street called Kingstreet in the city of Westminster in the holding or occupation of Henry Treslowe D.2 The fourth part of one messuage or tenement called The Rose and Pomegranate in Friday Street in the city of London E.d. 39 Elizabeth Roll for London and Middlesex G. £4 H.a. John Powell H.b. 20 January 39 Elizabeth. H.c. H.d. £4. H.e. at the feasts of Easter and St. Michael the Archangel H.k. 39 Eliz J. See the sheriffs' accountbelow.

Farm A. Tenants B. William Tucker C. £8 D.1 Two messuages or tenementswith purtenances withinthe parish of St. Marythe Virgin at Bromeley. Middlesex D.2 Two other pastures and enclosures E.a. Thomas Camwell and William Craven sheriffs E.b. 20 March 43 Elizabeth I. E.c. Decision of the Exchequer as contained in Roll 43 for London and Middlesex E.d. 43 Elizabeth; 6 James I; 2 James I; 5 James I; 4 James I. F. £80 J. And £8 through George Bolles and Richard Farrington sheriffs for the year preceding as containedin the London Roll preceding: total-£16 . And £40 through Thomas Hayesknight and Oliver Stile esquiresheriffs for the second year as contained in the Roll preceding for London viz from from the second year and ofhis arrears as containedin the second Roll and £8 through Geoffrey

22No record of this is found in the LTRMR for Easter8 James I.

Elwes and Nicholas Stile sheriffs for the fifth year as contained in Roll 5 for London And £16 for the fourthyear of their arrears as contained in the fourth Roll for London Total: £80 But they do not owe that sum because the same farm was burdened with debts as annotated above in the farm of Francis Huntley gentleman And they are quit

Debt-Farm. A. Tenants. B. Thomas Peacocke C. £4 D. One messuage or tenementwithin St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London excepting and reservingfree access , ingress , egress, and regress for the tenants and occupants of the third part ofthe messuage to the kitchen and courtyard of the third part of the aforesaid parcel, of the annual value of £4 E.a. James Dalton and other commissioners E.b. 21 March 43 Elizabeth I. E.c. E.d. 43 Elizabeth F. £8. G. £ 12 J. See the sheriffs' accounts below.

Debt-Farm. A. Tenants B. John Dodd C. £4 D. Two parts of certain tenements within the liberty of Westminster E.a. Francis Goodwyn knight and other commissioners E.b. 1 June 9 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 4 for London and Middlesex G. 53s . 4d H.a. Tenants H.d. 53s . 4d J. See the sheriffs' accounts below

Debt Richard Cox of London mercer

£240 above his burdenofdebt for money delivered to him by John Halsey for safe-keepingfor the workof the said John and redelivered to that John when the aforesaid Richard Cox had been asked for it It was in the hands of the now king James since the 27th day ofFebruary in the fifth year of his reign, seized because of the recusancy of the same John Halsey by Henry Poole knight and other commissioners and returned as contained in the LTRMR for the sixth year in the Recorda section for Easter term 23 About which see the sheriff's account below

Debt The same Richard Cox

£60 above his burden of debt for money delivered to him by John Halsey for the work of the said John and redelivered to the same John when the said Richard Cox had been asked for this . They had been in the hands of the king since the day andyear aforesaid , (namely) taken and returned as containedthere . About which see the sheriff's account below

Debt. The same Richard Cox

£80 above his burden of debt for money delivered to him by John Halsey for the work of the said John and redelivered to the same John when Richard Cox had been requested for this Itwas in the hands of the aforesaid lord king since the day and year aforesaid , taken and seized because of the recusancyof the same Richard by the aforementionedcommissioners About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow

23No record was found in the LTRMR forEaster 6 James I.

Debt The same Richard Cox £3 above his burden of debt for money returned to the executors of the manor of Binholme and for certain mills in Pashore [Pershore], Worcestershirereturned through him to the use of John Halsey and he owes for half a year for the farm at the feast ofthe Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the third year of the now king James . In the hands ofthe king since the day and year aforesaid taken and returnedto the said John because of his recusancyby the commissionersaforesaid in that place About which see the sheriffs' record below . 24

The same Richard Cox above his burden of debt for certain English money from a stock of cattle existing on the farm of John Halsey of Pepsell [Piper's Hill?] in county Worcestershire and Cobley [?Upper Coberley] in county [Glocs.] delivered to him by the aforesaidJohn Halsey saving the tenure for the work on the aforesaidfarm of John Halsey and returned when the aforesaidRichard been requested for it. It was in the hands of the king since the day and year aforesaid seized and returned to the said John because of his recusancy by the aforementionedcommissionersin that place. 25

£300 above his burden of

Debt John Grove of London gentleman debt for moneygiven to him by John Halsey saving the tenurefor the use of John Halsey and redelivered to the same John when the aforesaid John Grove had been requested for it It was in the hands of the king since the day and year aforesaid taken and returned to him by the commissioners aforesaid about which see the sheriffs' accountbelow.

Debt The same John Grove

£120 above his burden of debt giving back £20 annually received by him from the tenantsof John Halsey in Donnington, Gloucesterfrom the 30th of May in the 41st year of queen Elizabeth until the last day of March in the third year of the reign of James the now king on which day John Halsey died and at the use of the said John . In the hands of the king since the day and year aforesaid seized and returnedtothe said John because of his recusancy by the commissioners aforesaid as describedin that place About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow .

Debt The same John Grove

£80 above his burden of debt for the annualrent of £20. owed to the same John Halsey from his tenants for lands in Eastnor and Ledbury, Hereford and returned through the said John Grove ) the last day of October in the 43rd year for four years next followingfor the use of the said John in the hands ofthe now king since the day and the year aforesaid taken and returnedby the aforesaid commissionersin the place there. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

24Reconstructedfrom E376/18

25E401/1884/Saturday24 June 1609London Middlesex Richard Coxe merchant paid £80 from part ofthe £160 received fromJohn Halsey, deceased recusant

Debt The same John Grove

£50 above his burden of debt for the annual rent of £25 for the year from the lands and farms of the same John Halsey in Corwall, Hereford and returnedthrough the said John Groveforthe use of John Halsey from the 26th day of July in the second yearof the now king for two whole years next following. In the hands of the king sincethe day and year aforesaid seized and returned by the commissionersaforesaid there because of his recusancy About which see the sheriffs' account below . 26

Richard Cary esquire owes £400 over his burden of debt for certain monies delivered to him by John Halsey holding for the use of the said John and redelivered to John and returned to the said John when requested of the said Richard Cary. It was in the hands of the king from the day and date aforesaid taken and returned to the said John because of his recusancyby the commissioners aforesaid as describedthere . It is answered in the Éxannual Roll for recusants . 27

Thomas Bates of St. Sepulchre London, apothecary , and Isabellahiswife owe £31.13.4 above their burden of debt for counted money and for two other lands and chattels of John Halsey deceased recusant delivered into the hands of the said Thomas after the death of the same John Halsey, in the hands of the king since the day and the year aforesaid and seized and returned to the said John because of his recusancy by the commissioners above mentioned there But they do not owe £28.13.4 by a decision of the barons annotatedin the LTRMR for the sixth year of the now king James and in the recordersectionfor Trinityterm They owe 60s and they answerin the Exannual Rollfor recusants


Lease ofSeized Land.Rental]

A. The tenants . B. Robert Hare gentleman C. £4 D. Two parts ofone messuage, tenement and hospice with pertinencesknown as The Lyon situatedin Staines in the holding of Humphrey Chaunceyof the annual value of £6 E.a. Edwin Gaughan , esquire, and other commissioners E.b. 20 July 5 James I.

26E368/528/191Michaelmas 5 James I. At an inquisition held on 15 October at Wychbold, Worcestershire , into the possessions of Humphrey Packington of Chadesley , Worcestershire , oneJohn Grove appeared and asked for a hearing He was a tenant of two parts of the land of Humphrey Packington because he had been grantedall forfeitures, penalties, etc. and whatever impositions might belong to Humphrey Packington He claimed that they were granted under Letters Patent under the GreatSeal dated 15 June4 James I. There is no record ofthat grant in the Signet Docket Book forthat datebut see Patent Roll C. 66/1739/3 Grove also appearedas a witness in E368/521/71

27E363/9/[42] Exannual RollforRecusants Richard Carey owes£40 abovehis total fora sumof money given to himbyJohn Halsey for the use of the said John redelivered to the said John bythe aforesaid Richard Carey and this was taken by Henry Poole, knight, and other commissionerson27 February in the fifthyear ofkingJames andreturned to the said John Halseyas containedin that Roll [97] of king James for London But he does not owe that amount because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the ninth year of the now king and enteredinto the recorda sectionfor Hilary term E368/544/8Hilary Term 9 James I. John Halsey's first conviction was in 22 Elizabeth See recusantRoll 13 atthe end Afterthe conviction ofJohn Halseythe kinggrantedawayhis forfeitures on 18 October 9 James IwithLetter Patentover the Great Seal at the requestofJohn Hungerford, knight

E.c. E.d. LTRMR Michaelmas 5 James I Roll F. They owe £10 for the precedingyear G. £ 14 H.a. The tenants H.d. £4 J. They answer£10for the preceding year. But they do not owe the sum of £12 for the same farm fromthe feast of St. Michael the Archangel in the fifthyear now, in that Thomas Monnson knight, about whose burden of debt in the preceding Roll in London, [answers for] 26s . 8d for from the same farm from the feast ofSt. Michael the Archangel in the fifth year aforesaid and next and through the commissionersof the lord king. They owe 40s about which see the sheriffs' account below . 28

A. ThomasMonnson knight B. Robert Hare of St. Leonard Shoreditchgentleman C. The farm returns annually the third part of the annualvalue ofthe king's two parts, i.e. 26s . 8d D. Two parts of a tenement , messuage, and hospice called The Lyon in Stanes E.d. The preceding Roll. H.a. ThomasMonnson. H.b. The feast of St. Michael the Archangel in the fifth year of James I. H.c. To the end of a term of41 years H.d. 26s . 8d H.e.

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine[1609] B. They owe £4 for John Powell And they owe £ 12 for the lands of Thomas Peacocke and 53s . 4d . for the tenants of the lands of John Dodd and £60. for Richard Coxe and £81. for the same Richard Coxe and £8 for the same Richard Coxe and £300 for John Grove gentleman and £ 120 . for John Grove and £80 for John Grove and£50. for John Grove and 40s for the tenants of Robert Hare C. £959.13.4 E. See the next Roll for London and Middlesex.

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

Walter Bacon owes £63.13.4 for the price or value of his chattels taken and returnedto the same Walter because of his recusancy by Henry (Rose) knight and other commissionerson the tenth day of December in the eighth year of the reign ofthe now king James and recorded in the LTRMR for the eight year in Michaelmas term But he does not owe that sum because of a decision ofthe Barons annotated in the LTRMR for the eighth year in the recordersection for Hilary Term and he is quit . 29

28Reconstructedas far as possible fromE376/18

29E368/540/54London, Middlesex, SurreyHilary Term 8 James I. In Recusant Roll 34 Elizabeth for Surrey Walter Bacon of Chipstead, gentleman, owed £20 for one month's absencefrom 1 February 36 Elizabeth and £40 from 1 August 36 Elizabeth on which day he was convicted until26 September, for two months An inquisition into his goodswas held atthe Guild Hall on 10 December8 JamesI. He was a hat maker; his goodswere worth £37.6.13 He was alsopossessed of the sumof£20 as a debt from Thomas Apchurch alias Upchurch of Spaldwich, Huntingdon The barons seized his goods and chattels as the possessions of the king He came before the barons on 28 January with a certificate ofconformity from Thomas [Bilson], bishop of Winchester He heard Divine Service and took the oath ofallegiance on 2 January 8 James I. His goods were returned

[Enrolments of Estreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. EdwardPutmen of End[field], yeoman B. D. £60 E. Three months G. H. J. Three months next following January 10 James I. M. The Thursdaynext followingthe feast of St. Michael that is 1 October 10James I. 0

* William Jollett late of Tottenham, county aforesaid gentleman

£60 R.

* William Brenlowe late recently of St. Martin in the Fields yeoman £60 R.

* Anna Brenlowe hiswife

* George CottonQ.* knight

* Brian Hamond Q.*

£60 R.

£60 R. yeoman

* Daniel(Obay) Q.* yeoman

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Anna Lady Ayscoughe late of St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesex widow

£60 R.

* HenryJames Q.* knight . £120 R. For the space of six months

* A. Thomas Baconlyns of St. Sepulchre , gentleman B. D. £40 F. £20 G. H. J. One month next following 1 July 8 James I. L. £20 M. 5 December8 James I. N. 5 December5-2 JanuaryJames I.

* A. Hubert Hacon of St. Sepulchre , esquire B. D. £20 E. One month G. H. J. One month next following 1 October 8 James I. M. Wednesday 16 January 8 James I.

* Elizabeth Carradyns late of St. Bartholomew the Great London widow

£20 R.

* Jane Leeke late of St. Bridget London spinster £20 R.

* A. William Evans of London, mercer B. D. £60 F. £20 G. H. J. One month next following 1 December9 James I. L. £40 M. 19 February9 James I. N. 19 February9 James I-16 April 10 James I.

* A. Edward Ealeston of St. Olave, Aldgate, gentleman B. D. £40 F. £20 G. H. J. One month next following 10 January 9 James I. L. £20 M. 16 March 9 James I. N. 16 March 9 James I13 April 10 James I.

* Lawrence Michelborne late St. Andrew (Farringdon outside London) gentleman £40 R.

* Robert Dawson late St. Peter in Cornhill (Cornhill) gentleman London

£40 R.

* A. Margaret Walsingham of St. Bridget, London, spinster B. D. E. One month F. £20 G. H. J. One month next following 1 March 9 James I. M. 28 May 10James I.



[Lease of Seized Land Rental]

Debt Farm. A. John Powell, cup bearer of the late queen Elizabeth B. John Dodddeceased recusant of county Bucks C. £4 D.1. One messuage ortenement with purtenances in King Street in the city of London in the holding of Henry Treslowe or his assignees D.2 The fourth part of a messuage or tenement called The Rose and Pomegranate in Fryday Street in the city ofLondon in the holding of Thomas Dodd. E.d. 4 James I and 39 Elizabeth I. F. £4. from year 4 James I. G. £8 H.a. John Powell H.d. £4 H.e. In equal parts at the receipt of the Exchequer at the feasts of Easter and Michaelmas H.k. 4 James I and 39 Elizabeth I. J. See the sheriffs' accounts below .

Debt. Farm A. The tenants B. Thomas Peacocke C. £4 D. One messuage or tenement within St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London, reserving free access, egress and regress for the tenants and occupants of the third part of the same messuage to the kitchen and courtyard aforesaid E.a. James Dalton and other commissioners E.b. 21 March 43 Elizabeth I. E.c. E.d. 43 Elizabeth I and 4 James I. F. £28 G. £32 H.a. The tenants H.d. £4 J. See the sheriffs' accounts below.

Debt .WestminsterA. The tenants B. John Dodd C. 53s 4d D. Two parts of certain holdings within the liberty of Westminster . E.a. Francis Goodwyn knight and other commissioners . E.b. 3 James I. E.c. E.d. 3 & 4 James I. F. £6.13.4 G. £9.6.8 H.a. The tenants H.d. 53s 4d H.k. 3 & 4 James I.J. See the sheriffs' accountsbelow .

Farm A. Thomas Monnson knight. B. Robert Hare, gentleman of St. Leonard Shoreditch. C. 26s 8d .the third part of the annual worth of the two parts which are worth £6. D. Two parts of one messuage, tenement , and hospice with purtenances known as The Lyon located in Staines, Middlesex recently in the possession of Humphrey Chauncey F. 26s 8d G . 53s . 4d .but he paid 26s. 4d. into the treasuryin two parts in payment of the debt so that he owes 26s 4d

Farm A. The tenants B. Drugo Lovett C. 8s 4d D. Two parts of a certain demisefor a term of years yet to come of a shop in the High Holborne returning £6 over its annual value to Thomas Charneley of the same parish, innholder. E.a. Robert Leigh knight and other commissioners E.b. 7 April 8 James I. E.c. E.d. LTRMR Easter 8 James I and Recusant Roll for 8 James I for York F. 7s. 8d G . 21s H.a. The tenants H.c. For a term of 41 years yet to come H.d. 8s 4d H.k. LTRMR Easter 8 James I and recusant Roll for 8

James I for York J. But they do not owe that sum because the farm which carries the debt belongs to the tenants of the lands and holdings of Baxter from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the eighth year for the space of41 years next following as noted in the Roll forYorkin the farm of the tenants of the lands and holdings of Baxter And they are quit . 30

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

DrugoLovett owes 60s for the price of his goods and chattels seized by reason of the recusancyof the same Drugo by the aforesaid commissionersas containedin the same place . But he does not owe that because ofthe noteimmediately above in the farm of the tenements and lands of Drugo Lovett

The following four names are connected by a line; the annotation against the line is not readable

William Goodagesowes 100s forthe price or worth ofa state oftitleorinterest intwomessuages or tenements with pertinences in the courtyardcalled Plough Yardsin the parish of St. Andrew in the holding of a certain or ofthe aforesaidHenry or any otherholder as containedin Roll4forLondon . Michael Fynderne esquire and Ambrose Astell gentleman owe £142.3.4 for the price and value of the goods and chattels ofWilliam Cauley as contained there

Henry Norton owes £16.6.8 for the price or value of his goods and chattels taken and returned by reason of his recusancyin that place. (He respondsin Roll for recusants )

The same Henry owes 40s for the price or value of a state of title or interest for a term of years in a certain messuage or gardens or garden alone situated in a certain courtyard called Plough Yard in Fetter Lane in St. Andrew in Holborne locatedin that place.

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

A. James Pembertonand John Swynnertonknights recently sheriffs B. Forthe 44th year [1602] of queen Elizabeth C. £4. remaining from the 113s . 4d D. F. About which see the sheriffs' accountsbelow.

30E368/537/129London MiddlesexEaster Term 8 James I. A commission was issued on 27 March 8 James Itoevaluatethe goods, chattels, and property of Drugo Lovett The inquestwasheld on 7 April 8 James I at The Castle in St. John's Street At the time ofthe hearing Drugo Lovett of St. Andrew Holborn, gentlemanwaspossessed of, in, andfor a certain demisefor divers yearsyet to come and unexpired ofone shop situated, lying, and existing in High Holborn in the occupation ofDrugo Lovettofthe annual value above all reprisesof£6 And that the said Drugo Lovettpaid annually to a certain ThomasCharnley ofthe same parish, innholder, 20s The same Lovett waspossessed ofandin certain utensils and other implements called householdstuffand tools of the value of £54 The barons decided that Lovettshould respondto the kingfor the £54 for his goodsand chattels See recusantRoll 8

A. Clement Scudmore and John Jolles knights recently sheriffs B. For the third year [1605] _ C. £4 remaining from the 113s . 4d D. Contained there. E. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow.

[Lease ofSeized Land Rental]

Debt. Farm A. Thomas Marbury B. Thomas Peacock of St. Sepulchre apothecary C. 100s D. One house, three chambers , two upper rooms or garrets , a parcel of a certain tenement or messuage in the parish of St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London recently let to a certain Thomas Peacock for a term of years yet to come, with an access (in English, 'one entrie') of threefeet less half a foot in width adjacentto and from outsidethe southpart ofthe shop in the same messuage across a certain passage or courtyard which leads to a pair of stairs and the kitchen of the said messuage, with free ingress, egress and regress into, from and to the aforesaid property, of the annual value of £4 E.a. James Dalton and other commissionersfor recusants affairs. E.b. 21 May 43 Elizabeth I. E.c. F . 50s G.£7.10.0 H.a. ThomasMarbury H.b. 24 Sept. James I H.c. For a term of 21 years next followingfor as long as they remain in the king's hands H.d. 100s H.e. J. See the sheriffs' accounts below


Seized Goods and Chattels]

John Andrewes of St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex owes £245 abovehis burden of debt for such sums of money owed to a certain Bartholomew Blott recusant , seized and returned to the said Bartholomew by James Wolrond esquire and othercommissionersfor recusants onthe 19thday ofJuly in the sixth year of the now king and required of the above said John in the Roll preceding for Gloucester It is answered in the Exannual Roll for recusants , 31

York Stephen Procter knight owes 8s ( ) for the price or value of the goods and chattelsof Walter Kinresbrough taken and returned by reasonof the recusancy of the said Walter by Henry Tankerd esquireand other commissioners(of the king) It is answered in theAdhuc Item in the Roll for York

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

A. George Bolles and Richard Farringdon, lately sheriffs B. The 6th year [1608] Č £6.13.4 remaining from £111.13.4 D. E. As contained in Roll 6 for London and Middlesex. F. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

31E363/9/42Exannual Roll John Andrews of the parish of St. Andrew in Holborn , Middlesex , gentleman £140 above his for a sum of such money given of a certain Bartholomew Plott gentleman, recusant, taken and received of the said Bartholomew through James Warlend esquire and othercommissionersbyreasonof his recusancyonthe 19thday of July in the6th year of king James

A. ThomasHayes and (Oliver Stile) esquires recently sheriffs the second year [1604]

B. For C. £24 from the remainder of the (£74 .) D. E. As contained there F. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow.

A. Geoffrey Elwes and Nicholas Stile recently sheriffs B. Forthefourthyear [1607] C. £6.13.4 from the remaining £16.6.8 D. E. As contained there . F. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow

A. Sebastian Harvye and William (Cockayne) recently sheriffs from theyear precedingC. £959.13.4 D. E. As contained in the Roll precedingfor London and Middlesex B. Namely Richard Coxe about which burden of debt in Roll for London and Middlesex from £240 immediately below from £140 thence E. Richard Coxe responds about which debt in that place in two parts from £141 . thence separately below . He owes £527.13.4 F. About which see the sheriffs' accountsbelow

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

£140 through Sebastian (Richard Coxe) of London (Middlesex) Harvye and William Cockaynerecently sheriffs for the year preceding as contained immediately above namely from the £240 burden of debt for him for suchmoney as given to him in his custodyby John Halsey for the use ofthe said John Halsey and regiven to the same John when Richard Coxe requested it, in the handsof the now king James since the 27th day of February in the fifth year, taken from and returned to the same John Halsey as containedin the Roll preceding for London and Middlesex He owes the treasury £281 But he does not owe that sum because of a notation of a decisionofthe barons in the LTRMR for the sixth year ofthe now king James and recordedin the Michaelmas Roll And he is quit . 32

The same (Richard) Coxe owes £61 through the same recent sheriffs as contained in that place namely above his debt for such money as delivered to him for the work of the same John and returned to the same John when the aforesaid Richard Coxe requested it in the hands of the lord (king) since the day and the year aforesaid taken from and returned to the said John by the aforesaidcommissionersfor recusants' causes as containedin that place .

[Statement of Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. The sheriffs, Richard Pyott and Francis Jones [1610] account for B.1. £8 for John Powell as contained above B.2. £32 for the tenants of the lands of Thomas Peacock , recusant, as contained in that place B.3 £9.6.8 for the tenantsof the lands of John Dodd in that place B.4 £4 through James Pemberton and John Swynnerton, knights, recently [1602] sheriffs there B.5. £4 for Clement Scudmoreand John Jolles, knights, recently [1605] sheriffs there B.6 £7.10.0 for Thomas Marbury in that place B.7 £6.13.4 for George Bolles and RichardFarrinton, recently[1608] sheriffsthere B.8. £24 for Thomas

32There is no record of this in the LTRMR for Michaelmas 6 James I.

Haies, knight, and Roger Stile, esquire , recently [1604] sheriffs in that place. B.9. £6.13.4 for Geoffrey Elwes and Nicholas Stile, recently [1607] sheriffs there. B . 10 £678.13.4 for Sebastian Harvye and William Cockaine, recently [1609] sheriffs there C. £780.16.8 D.8 Thomas Haies knight, and Oliver Stile, esquire, recently sheriffs, about whose debt above, answerfor £24: see below in Roll 10 for London and Middlesex after the farm D. And they are quit

[EnrolmentofEstreated Convictions forRecusancy]

* A. John Garnett of St. Martin in the Fields, yeoman B. D. £120 E. Six months G. H. J. Six monthsnext following 1 June 10 James I M. The Thursday next followingEaster , 11 James I. O.

* Thomas Brownlowe Q.* yeoman

* George Jerningham of St. gentleman £ 120 R.

* Mary Jerningham hiswife

* Hugo Griffen Q.* yeoman

* Margaret Griffen his wife

* (Elizabeth) Everingham wife county aforesaid , yeoman


£120 R. Clement Dane , county aforesaid ,

£ 120. R.

£ 120 R.

£ 120 R. of William Everingham late of Hendon, £120 R. late of[?Hanwell], county aforesaid

£120 R.

* James Baynton late of East Bedfonte, county aforesaid , yeoman

£ 120 R.

* Anna Glascocke late of Heston, county aforesaid, widow

£120 R.

* William Harrington late of Chicklane in St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex

£60 R. For the time of three months yeoman

* Ambrose Willis Q.* yeoman

* John Woo -er Q.* yeoman

* G yeoman

£60 R.

£60 R. Cowper wife of William Cowper late of St. James Clerkenwell

£60 R.

* Elizabeth Ruffoote wife of William Ruffote Q.* gentleman R.

* Richard PenvoseQ.* yeoman

£60 R.


* John Gallewaye late of CharterhouseLane in St. Sepulchre outside Newgate, county aforesaid , vintner

* ChristianaBankes Q.* widow

* yeoman


£60 R.

£60 R. Marcha-te late of St. Giles outside Cripplegate, Middlesex

£60 R.

Robert (Barde) late of Kentishtowne, county aforesaid yeoman

£60. R.

* (Ann-) Brett late of St. Clement Danes, county aforesaid, widow

£60 R.

* Alice (Boyden) wife of Philip Boyden Q. yeoman

£60 R.

* William (Widdowson ) of Milfordlane in the parish aforesaid gentleman

£60 R.

* Richard (Woodroofe) late of St. Giles in the Fields, county aforesaid yeoman

£60 R.

* Anna Woodroofe his wife

£60 R.

* Thomas Warde late of St. Clement Danes, county aforesaid, gentleman

£80 R. For the time offourmonths

* A. Henry (Lenryuge) of St. Andrew Holborne, yeoman B. D. £20 F. G. H. J. One month next following 10 August in the year he was convicted until the 14th day of January in the tenth year on which day aforesaid

* Cuthtus HuttoneQ. yeoman

* Thomas HallidayQ. yeoman

* Thomas Symons Q. (painter)

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Francis Barley late of St. Anne in Blackfriars (Farringdon without London) cook

£20 R.

* DavidGonterQ. ballmaker

£20 R.

* John Robinson late of St. Bartholomew the Great (Farringdon outside London) a makerof scissors


* John (P)regett late of St. Martin (_) Ludgate (ward aforesaid ) outside London gentleman

£20 R.

* A. John Burgennyof St. Benedict Finke, yeoman B. D. £20 E. One month H. J. One month next following the 10th October 10 James I.M. On which day he was convicted in the year aforesaid

* (Jeremey) Hill Q.* yeoman

£20 R.

* Thomas Barrell Q. of the same placeyeoman

£20 R.

* Margery Preston of All Saints in the Wall (ward aforesaid) spinster

£20 R.

* William Man late of St. Andrew Holborn (Farringdon outside London) yeoman

£20 R.

* Robert LockleyQ.* yeoman

* Margery Reynolds Q. widow

* Mary Yeat Q.* spinster

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Peter Bicknell late of St. Bartholomew the Minor (ward aforesaid) yeoman

* William Pettylate of St. Sepulchre(aforesaid ward) yeoman £20 R.

* Edith Wight Q.* spinster

* Lat'nia Ward Q.* widow

* ChristianaClarke Q.* spinster

* Alice Edwards Q.* widow

* Helen Baylye Q.* spinster,

* Anna Gower late of St.

£20. R. widow

* ElizabethHam Q. spinster

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R. Bartholomew the Great (ward aforesaid)

* Thomas Wasede of St. Benedict (Castlebaynard ) London aforesaid yeoman

£20 . R.

* Peter Sturke late of St. Anne in the Blackfriars (Farringdon within London)

£20 R.

£20 R. )

Lookfor the rest of the compositions and the rest ofthe bonds after Somerset.


[Enrolmentof Estreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. John Warden B. D. £100 E. Five months F. £60 G. H. J. Three months after 26 May 11 James. L. £40 M. 6 August 11 James N. Two

months after 6 August 11 James .

* Ann Valentyne Q.* place spinster

* ElizabethLawrence Q. spinster

* JohnAlmer Q.* yeoman

* Richard Huddles Q.* yeoman

* William Eglestow Q.* yeoman

* Charles FeildingeQ.* yeoman

* William Evenson Q.* yeoman

* Mary Evenson his wife

* Roland Mather Q. yeoman

* Margaret Mather his wife

* Ann Cramidge Q.* spinster

£100 R.

£ 100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100. R.

£100. R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* Susanna Grene Q.* place spinster

* RichardKnighteQ.* yeoman

* Elizabeth Gravenor late of St. spinster

£100 R.

* HenryMarvine Q. esquire

£100 R.

£100 R. James Clerkenwell, county aforesaid ,

£100 R.

A. RichardWeston of St. Andrew Holborn C. D. £ 100 E. 5 months F. £60 G. H. J. Three months after 23 September 11 James L. £40 M. 18 February 11 James N. 18 February 11 James15 April 12 James O. P. But he does not owe that sum because of an annotationin the 11th Roll for Surrey and Sussex in the farm of the tenants of the lands and tenements of the aforesaidRichard Weston . And he isquit



[LeaseofSeized Land Rental]

Debt-Farm A. John Powell cup bearer for the late queen Elizabeth. B. John Dodd deceased recusant of Denham, Bucks C. £4. D.1. The farmofone messuage or tenementwith purtenances in King Street in the city ofWestminster in the holding of Henry (Treslowe) D.2 The fourth part of a messuage or tenement called the Rose and Pomegranate E.d. 39 Elizabeth I. H.a. John Powell H.b. 20 January 39 Elizabeth H.c. H.e. At the feasts of Easter and Michaelmas at the receipt ofthe Exchequerin equal parts J. See the sheriffs' accounts below

Farm . A. The tenants . B. Richard Peacocke C. £4 D. The farm of twoparts of one messuage or tenement in St. Sepulchre without Newgate London excepting and reserving free access, ingress, egress, and regress for the tenants and occupants of the third part of the same messuage to the kitchen and courtyard ofthe third part ofthe same messuage E.a. James (Dalton) and other commissioners E.b. 21 March 43 Elizabeth I. E.c. E.d. Roll for 43 Elizabeth H.a. The tenants H.k. Roll for 43 Elizabeth J. But they do notowe that sum nor any of the debts of the same farm in that Thomas Marbury esquire below ( ) for the year from the same farm from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the eighth year of the king (and next) through other commissionersand they are quit

Debt . Farm . A. The tenants B. John Dodd C. 53s . 3d D. The farmof two parts of certain tenements within the libertyofWestminsterof the annual value of £4. E.a. Goodwin and other commissioners E.b. 1 June E.c. E.d. 4 James I. H.a. The tenants H.d. 53s . 3d H.k. Roll4 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

Farm. A. ThomasMonnson knight B. Robert Hare late of St. Lawrence[sic] Shoreditchgentleman C. 26s . 8d , the third part of the annual value ofthe two parts D. The farm of two parts of one holding, messuage, and hospicewith purtenances known by the name of The Lion situatedin Staines in Middlesex worth £4. E.d. 5 & 6 James I. F. 26s . 8d G. 53s . 4d H.a. Thomas Monnson knight H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. Until the end of a term of 41 years next following and fully completed H.d. 26s . 8d H.e. H.k. 5 & 6 James I. J.

Paid into the treasury 26s . 8d in payment for the rent of the farm Owes 26s . 8d

Debt-Farm . A. ThomasMarbury esquire B. Thomas Peacockeapothecary . C. 100s D. From the farm of one hall, three rooms and two garrets of a certain parcel, messuage, or tenementlocated in St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London, recently let to the said Thomas Peacock for a term of years yet to come, with an access ofthreefeet less half a foot in width adjacent to and fromout-

side the south part of the shop in the same messuage across a certain passage or courtyard which leads to a pair of stairs and the kitchen of the said messuage, with free ingress, egress and regress into, from and to the aforesaid property, of the annual value of £4 E.c. In paymentfor his recusancy E.d. 8 James I. H.a. Thomas Marburie esquire H.b. 24 September8 James I. H.c. To the end of a term of 21 years next following and fully completed. H.d. 100s H.e. H.k. 8 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accountsbelow .

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

Henry Cartwright of the city of London a maker of scissors owes (£110) above his postponed debts for the price of the goods and chattels of John Hoo-de recusant in the hands of the lord king since the tenth day of December in the eight year ( ) seized and taken because of the recusancyof ) by Henry Rose and other commissionersas containedin ( in the LTRMR in the recorda sectionfor the 8th year in Hilary Term . 33 But he does not owe that amount because of the note in this Roll for Sussex in the farm ofthe tenants of the lands of Henry Cartwright Andhe isquit

Responds. Margery I(s)ham widow owes £183.6.8 for the price ofher goods and chattels taken and returned to her by Robert Leighe knight and other commissionersbecause of her recusancyon the seventh day of January in the eight year ofthe now king as contained in that place. She responds in the ExannualRoll for recusants . 34

John Reynoldes and Samuel Sherman grocer citizens ofLondon owe £180 abovetheir debt which proscribed sum was an obligation undertakenon the 13th of October in the year of the Lord 1610 from the coming obligation of a certain Clarence Bette recusant of Thornedon in county [Suffolk] and othersfor the payment of the sum of £360 £189.0.0 on the last day of April next following having been given of the aforesaid written obligation at the mansion ofthe aforesaid Samuel situated in BishopsgateStreet London and a certain £180 remains until now in the hands of the aforesaid John Reynoldes and Samuel Sherman In the hands of the now king James from the 8th of July by Francis [?Goodwin] and Edwin Moseley Esquire and other commissioners of the aforesaid Clarence Bette taken and returned because of [his recusancy ] as noted in the LTRMR for the tenth year ofthe nowking in the recorder sectionTrinity term But he does not owethat

33No entry was found in the LTRMR for HilaryTerm 8 James.

34E368/540/55 London-MiddlesexHilaryTerm 8 James I. An inquest to inventory and evaluate the goodsofMargery Isham washeld on 17 January8 James I; the inventory and evaluation wasgiven in English Her goodswere valued at £30 and she is to surrenderthem to the king; see Roll9. E363/9/ 42Exannual Roll Margery Isham £182.6.8for the price of her goods and chattelsby Robert Leigh and other commissionersfor recusantstaken and returned on the 7th of Januaryin the 8th year ofthe now kingJames .

because of the note in another place in this Roll in [?Suffolk] in the farm of the lands and tenements of the tenants of ClarenceBette And he is quit . 35

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

Likewise the sheriffs namely A. Edward Barkenham and George Smythes (1611) account for B.1 £4.0.0 for John Powell as contained above B.2 53s . 4d for the tenants of the lands of John Dodd as contained in the same place. B.3 100s for Thomas Marbury as contained in the same place. D. £11.13.4 E. As containedin Roll 11

[Lease ofSeizedLand]

Farm. A. The tenants of two parts of the lands and holdings of B. Gracie Fynche ofMileton, Kent C. £6.13.4 D. For for the farm of two parts ofthe messuages ortenementswith pertinences in GreatEastcheap in St. Leonard within the city of London then or recently in the several holding of George Stretton and William or of others known as The Bottle E.a. Edwin Mosley and other commissionersfor recusants . E.b. 24 April 10 James I. F. 66s . 8d G. 66s . 8d H.a. the tenants J. But she does not owe the sumnor does the farm because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the tenth year of present reign in the Roll for Hilary term And they are quit . 36

[Enrolments of Estreated Convictions for Recusancy]

£60. In that,

* Christopher Roper of Enfield, Middlesex knight contrary to the form of the statute for uniformityof common prayer and rites in the church and for the administration of the sacraments and thatfor retaining subjectsof his majesty the king in due obedience indicating and existing and edited he did not (attend) his parish church of Enfield nor any other church, chapel or usual place of common prayer for the space of three whole monthsafter the sitting of a court in which a certain indictment was takenbefore the king at Westminsteron Monday next following after the 18th ofSt. Martin in the seventh year of the now king James he appeared in court in his own proper person in Michaelmas term for the 11th year ofthe aforesaidking and, a hearing having been held, he was convicted as contained in the Roll of for the year before the lord king at Westminster in Michaelmas and Hilary terms in the 11th year ofthe


35E368/546/111London MiddlesexTrinityTerm 10 James I.Acommission andan inquestinto the goodsand chattelsof various recusants fromSuffolk which lists one ClarenceBooth ofTherneden [Thorndon], gentleman Itnotesthat John Reynolds and Samuel Shermanowe £189 to the king from their written obligations See Roll 9 forrecusants.

36E368/548/134London-MiddlesexHilaryTerm 10 James I.Anthony Finche ofFensham ,Kent, gentleman , son andheirapparentof Gracie Finche appeared on 1 February and swore that on 25June 39 Eliz the messuage known as "The Bottle" was given to him andhis heirs byGracie Finche andthat itoccurred before her indictment and conviction for recusancyand before the inquisition. The barons decided thatthe messuagewas his andthe tenantsare quit.

reign ofthe now king in the treasury and exists in the custodyofthe clerkof the extractsof foreign accounts

*The same

£60. for the same for the space of three whole months followingthe sitting of the court in which certain indictments were taken before the king at Westminster on Tuesday next followingthethird in the seventhyear of the reign of the now king James whencehe appeared there in his own proper person This term of St. Michael it was decided that the conviction stands as containedin that place.

£60. In that he

* ChristopherRoper of Enfield, Middlesex knight did not attendhis parish church nor any other church, chapel , or usual place ofcommon prayer for the space of three whole monthsfollowing the taking of indictments at Westminsteron Saturdayafter 18 of St. Martin in that same Michaelmasterm where he appeared in his own proper person Itwasdecided that the conviction in the same term stands .

* A. John Dam alias Adam of St. Andrew Holborn, cutler B. D. £60 E. three months G. H. J. Three monthsnext following28 March 12 James I.

* Helen Dam alias Addamhiswife

* Elizabeth Johnson Q.* spinster.

* Bridget Robinson Q.* spinster

* MaryKitchenQ.* place widow

* Ann CramridgeQ.* spinster

* Mary Singeleare Q.* widow

* Johanna Smithe Q.* spinster

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Magdelena Reevewife ofThomasReeve Q.* tailor


£60 R. Christine Bateman wife of Thomas Bateman Q.* embroiderer

£60 R.

* Tobias Hinderson late of St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesex aforesaid yeoman

£60 . R.

* Mary Hinderson hiswife

£60 R.

* Lady Frances Clarkewife of William Clarke Q.* knight

* ElizabethTaylorQ.* widow

* Rose Cooper Q.* widow

* Johanna Denye Q.* widow

* KatherineCashe Q.* spinster

£60. R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* William Martyn late recently of St. Sepulchre London, county aforesaid , haberdasher £60 R.

* ElizabethParrewife of Richard Parre Q.* yeoman

* Margaret Davies Q* spinster

* Mary Perrye Q.* spinster

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* MaryMartyn wife of William Martyn Q. haberdasher £60 R.

* A. William Beswicke of St. Andrew Holborn, yeoman B. D. £60 F. £40 G. H. J. Two months next following 1 March 11 James I. L. £20. M. 31 August 12 James I. N. 31 August28 September12 James I.

* William Cooke Q.* gentleman

£60 R.

* Thomas Wilforde Q.* owes £60 R. But he does not owe it because in Roll 19 in Kent there is a note in the farm of Henry Smith andhe isquit.

* Ann Wilforde his wife

£60 R.

* Mary Peckard wife of Matthew Peckard Q.* yeoman

* Helen MooreQ.* spinster.

£60 R.

* MaryBateman wife ofThomasBatemanQ.* embroiderer

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

* Richard Awberrye late of St. Giles in the Fields, county aforesaid, yeoman

* Thomas AbbingtonQ.* gentleman

£60. R.

* RobertVaghan Q.* gentlemanowes £60. R. But he does not owe that sum because in Roll 14 for London and Middlesex there is a note in another debt of his. And he isquit

* Robert Horkyn Q.* gentleman

* Edward Kinsman Q.* gentleman

* John Waldron Q.* gentleman

£60 R.

* William Martyn late of St. yeoman

£60. R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

Sepulchre London, county aforesaid,

* William Atterberrye late of St. Giles without CripplegateLondon, Middlesex yeoman

* Charles MiddletonlateofLondon , county aforesaid , yeoman

£60. R.

* A. Rose Lovett wife of Joseph Lovett of St. Andrew Holborn, London, goldsmith. B. D. £40. E. Two months G. H. J. Two months next following 1 April 12 James I M. Friday, 12 October 12 James I.

* Margaret MoreleyQ.* spinster

£40 R.

* Ann Plunckett recently [sic] wife of Oliver Plunckett Q.* cutler

£40 R.

* Francis Varney Q.* gentleman

* William Sutton Q.* chandler

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Sara Sutton wife of the saidWilliam Sutton

* Alice Rookewood Q.* widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Isabella Goodman late St. Bridget (Farringdon outside London), county

aforesaid spinster

£40 R.

* Bridget Finch Q.* spinster,

£40 R.

* A. John Fryer doctor in medicine of St. Bartholomew the Great (Farringdon outside London) C. D. £40 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a decisionby the barons noted in the LTRMR for the 15thyear in the Recordasectionfor Trinity term . 37 And he is quit.

* [Mary] Sidnam wife ofJohn SidnamQ.* knight ,

* George Sidnam Q.* esquire

* Frances Sidnam Q.* spinster

* RobertGroveQ.* yeoman

* Ann Wise wife of Richard Wise London) wool (merchant?)


£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R. late of Christ Church (Farringdon within £40 R.

37Noentrywas found for him in LTRMR for TrinityTerm 15James

* Helen Spurrett wife of Nathaniel Spurrett of St. Edmund (the King) in Lombard Street (Langborne) London

£40 R.

* John deWolfe late of St. Nicholas Acon (Candlewick Street) foreign merchant

£40 R.

* Katherine Elliott wife of Thomas Elliott late of St. Stephen in Coleman Street (Coleman Street), London gentleman

£40 R.

* Margaret Baker late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon outside London) spinster

£40 R.

* Bartholomew Honorett late of Holy Trinity of the Minorites (Portsoken) London jeweller

£40 R.

* Bernadine duJolleQ.* yeoman

£40 R.

* A. JohnWade of St. Andrew Holborn, yeoman B. D. £40 E. Two months G. H. J. Two months next following 1 October 12 James I. M. 16 January 13 James I. O.

* DorothyChappell Q.* spinster

£40 R.

* Gracie Finche Q.* spinster owes £40 R. But she does not owe that sum because of a decision of the barons Charles in the Recordasection

* Ambrose Burche Q.* yeoman

* George KennyQ.* yeoman

* SusanneGreene Q.* spinster

* BarbaraPiersey Q.* spinster

* Johanna SmithQ.* spinster

* Ambrose WillisQ.* yeoman

* MaryElliottQ.* spinster

* Ann Lanne late of St. spinster

£40 R.

* Mary GrowerQ.* widow

* Jane Wrighte wife of John county aforesaid , yeoman

noted in the LTRMR for the 6th year of Andsheis quit . 38

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R. James Clerkenwell, county aforesaid,

£40 R. Wrighte late of St. Leonard in Shoreditch, £40 R.

* Ann Rogers late of St. SepulchreLondon, county aforesaid , widow £40 R.

* Anna Rogers Q.* spinster

* MaryPearche Q.*

£40 R.

£40 R.

38E368/617/236London-MiddlesexTrinity Term 6 James I. Gracie Finche appearedon the recusantRollfor Kent in 40 Elizabeth when she owed £80 and she appeared onthe Rollfor London and Middlesex in 9 James I when sheowed £60 andin 3 CharlesI when she owed £20 An inquestinto her property and goods was held at the Guild Hall in London on 24 April 10 James I and in Kent on 28 September22 James I. On 2 June 6 CharlesAnthony Finche, sonand heir, appeared before the barons and statedthat the last Gracie Finche died in her room in St. Andrew Holborn, London Further, he is not a recusant . The attorney general statedthe statuteof 1 James I. The barons, therefore, returnedto him all the land in Great Eastcheapand the manor of Goudhurst, Kent See Roll 5 Charles


[Lease of Seized Land. Rental] (1612-13)

Debt . Farm . A. John Powell cup bearerto the late queen Elizabeth B. John Dodd deceased recusant of Denham, Bucks C. £4 D.1 . The farm of one messuage or tenement in King Street , Westminster in the possession of Henry Treslowe or of his assignees D.2 . The fourth part of one messuage or tenements called The Rose and Pomegranate in Friday Street in the city of London in the possession of Thomas Dodd or his assignees E.d. 39 Elizabeth and Rolls 2 and 8 for James I. F. £24 G. £28 H.a. John Powell H.b. 20 January 39 Elizabeth I H.c. H.d. £4 H.e. H.k. Roll for 39 Elizabeth and Rollsfor2 and 8 James I.J. Owed £24 through Thomas Hayes knight and Oliver Styles esquirerecently sheriffs (sic) [1604] for the second year as containedin Roll 8 for London and Middlesex, namely from the farmfor the second year and for his arrears as containedin the second Roll for London and Middlesex. Total £28, about which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

Debt . Farm .

A. The tenants B. John Dodd C.53s.4d D. The farm oftwo parts ofcertain holdings withinthe liberty of Westminsterof the annual value of £4. E.a. Francis Goodwin knight and other commissioners E.b. 1 June 3 James I. E.c. E.d. 4 James I. G. 53s . 4d H.a. The tenants H.k. 4 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs's accountsbelow.

Debt . Farm . A. Thomas Monnson knight B. Robert Hare late of St. Leonard Shoreditch gentleman C.26s.8d , a third part of the yearly value of the two parts. D. The farmof two parts of a holding, messuage, and hospice known by the name of The Lyon in Staines, Middlesex lately in the possession of Humphrey Chauncey E.d. 5 James I. F. 26s . 8d G. 53s . 4d H.a. Thomas Monnson knight H.b. 29 September 5 James I. H.c. until the end ofa term of41 years next followingfrom there and fully completed H.d. 26s . 8d H.e. H.k. 5 James I. J. About which see below .

A. ThomasMarburrie esquire. B. Thomas Peacockeof St. Sepulchre apothecary C . 100s D. For the farmof one hall, three rooms and two upper rooms, a parcel of a certain messuage or tenement located in St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London, recently let to a certain Thomas Peacock fora term ofyears yetto come , with an access of three feet less half a foot in width adjacentto and from outside the south part of the shop in the same messuage across a certain passage or courtyard which leads to a pair of stairs and the kitchen of the said messuage, with free ingress , egress and regress into, from and to the aforesaid property, of the annual value of £4 E.d. 8 James I. G. 100s. H.a. Thomas Marburrie H.b. 24 September 8 James I. H.c. Until the end of a term of 21 years next following and fully completed. H.d. 100s H.e. H.k. 8 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow.

[Enrolments ofEstreated Convictions for Recusancy]

Nothing more to bewritten by order of the court Michaelmas Term 11 James I.

A. Thomas Welles B. D. £260. E. Thirteen months F. £260 G. H. J. 17 September 44 Elizabeth16 September K. P. See Roll 6 James I for Kent, London and Middlesex.

Payment Farm A. The tenants B. Gracie Finche C. £8 D.1 The farm of two parts of two messuages or tenements with all and singular purtenances D.2 and another tract of land with whatever purtenances situated lying and existing in Great Eastcheap in the parish of St. Leonard within the city of London now or recently in the separate tenure or possession of Giles Fischer butcher , Anthony Styles grocer, George Strettonbutcher, and William Stretton butcher or their assignees and the aforesaid messuage and the aforementioned court called The Knight and they are of the annual value of £7 E.a. Edwin Mosley and other commissioners E.b. 24 April 10 James I. E.c. E.d. LTRMREaster 10 James I. F. £12 G. £4 H.a. The tenants H.k. LTRMREaster 10 James I. J. A payment of £8 was made into the treasuryon the 6th ofMarch in the 11thyear of the same king.Owes £4.39

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

Farm. The same sheriffs namely A. Edward Rotheramand Alexander Prescott B.(1612) accountfor E.1 £28 for John Powell as contained above E.2 . And 53s . 4d . from the tenants of the lands of John Dodd as contained above E.3. And 53s . 4d. from Thomas Monson knight in the same place E.4 And 100s for Thomas Marburye esquire in the same place C. £38.6.8 . .. . F. But John Powell, aboutwhose debt above , answers for £28: see thefollowingRoll for London and Middlesex after his farm The tenants of the lands of John Dodd, about whose burden see the same place, answerfor 53s . 4d: see the following Roll for London and Middlesex after their farm Owed £7.13.4: see Roll 12 for London and Middlesex.

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

William Goodacre owes 100s for the price or the value of the state oftitle or interest of two messuages or tenements with pertinences in the yard called The Ploughyard in the parish of St. Andrew in certain land or Henry Norton or any other taken and seized

39E368/545/95 London-MiddlesexEaster Term 10

James I. An inquest into the goods and property of Gracie Finche was held on 24 April 9 James I. She was seised of two messuages or tenementsin Great Eastcheapcommonly called The Knight worth £ 12 annually; andshe had two other tenementsinGreatEastcheapcalled The Bottle worth £10 annually Thebaronsdecidedthat thetenants owed twoparts ofthe annual worth of the properties to the king See Rolls 9 & 10 for recusants

because ofthe recusancyof the said William by Henry Billingsly knight and other commissionersas contained in the Exannual Roll for recusants in London and Middlesex . 40

Henry Norton owes 40s for the price or the value of a state of title or interest for a term of years in a certain messuage or moiety of a garden or a whole garden located in a certain yard called The Ploughyard in Fetter Lane in the parish of St. Andrew in Holborn London, seized and returned to the said Henry because of his recusancyby the aforesaid commissioners . He owes £7 In the treasury he has paid £6.13.4 in two payments for John D of But he does not owe 6s 8d aforementionedbecause of an order or decree of this treasury from Trinity Term in the 12th year of the now king from the Lord Treasurer in a free gift or reducing the thing. And they are quit . 41

The same Henry owes 40s for the price or value or state of title of interestfor a term ofyearsin a certain messuage or messuages of a certaingardenorgardens situated in a certain yard called The Ploughyard in the parish of St. Andrew in Holborne, London and in Roll of King James for London and Middlesex .


EnrolmentofEstreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. John Damme alias John Adam of St. Andrew Holborne, cutler B. D.

£60 E. Three months G. H. J. Three months next following20 December11 James I. M. 21 April 13 James I. O.

* Ellena Damme alias Adame hiswife

* Johanna Davies Q. spinster. £60 R.

* Thomas Holliday Q. gentleman

* Frances Hollidayhiswife

* John Crayford Q.* gentleman

* Martha Crayfordhiswife

* William Beswick Q.* shoemaker

* Mary Beswick, hiswife,

* George Beswick Q.* shoemaker

* MaryCleere Q.* widow

* Susanna Banninge Q.* spinster

* John Netham Q.* shoemaker

* Hellen Vaughan late of St. spinster £60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R. James Clerkenwell, county aforesaid,

* Lady Dorcas James wife of Henry James Q.* knight

* MaryJames her daughterQ.* spinster

£60 R.

£60 R.

40E363/9/42Exannual Roll 8 James I. William Goodacreowes 100s for the price or state oftitle and interestin two messuages or tenementswithpurtenancescalled The Ploughyard in the parish ofSt. Andrew for a term of for a certain 100s aforesaid or other contained in Roll 8 James for

£ 16.6.8 for the price orvalue of London and Middlesex and Roll 10 James for London and Middlesex

41E363/9/42Exannual RollJames I. Henry Norton the goods and chattelstaken and returned as in that place

* Elizabeth Wade Q.* spinster

£60 R.

* Toby (Tobias) Henderson Q.* yeoman

* Mary Henderson his wife

* Frances Clarck wife ofWilliam

* Hellen Lwellyn Q.* spinster

* Elizabeth Barnsley Q.* spinster

* John Robinson Q.* tailor

* Agnes Robinson hiswife

* Elizabeth Reynolds Q.* spinster

* Johanna DerryeQ.* spinster

* Thomas Gage Q.* esquire

* EdwardGage Q.* esquire

* BarbaraGage Q.* spinster

* Margaret TalbottQ.* spinster

£60 R.

£60 R.

Clarck Q.* knight £60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* KatherineCashe alias Hutchenson Q.* spinster

* Jane Beeston wife ofChristopherBeeston Q.* yeoman

* William Allen Q.* yeoman

* Peter Smyth Q.* printer

* Robert Gutteris late of gentleman

£60 R.

* Margaret Gutterishiswife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

Charterhouse Lane, county aforesaid,

£60 R.

* A. Thomas Lodge of St. Bartholomew outside Aldersgate, Doctor ofMedicine B. D. £140 F. £120 G. H. J. Six monthsnext following8 July 11 James I. M. Monday, 5 December 12 James I. L. £20 N. 5 December 12 James I-2 January 12 James I. O.

* Francis Holt Q.* gentleman

£140. R.

* A. Ann Lovett of St. Andrew in Holborn, spinster B. D. £40 E. Two monthsG. J. Two months next following 1 March 12 James I. M. 15 May 13 James I.

* Dorcas Draper wife of [?Robert] Draper Q. Doctor in Medicine £40. R.

* John Deverre alias Penson of St. Bridget (aforesaid ward of Farringdon outside __yeoman

* James Hudson Q. gentleman

* John Fardge Q. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Margaret Boultonwife ofEdward Boulton Q. gentleman £40 R.

* MaryAllyt Q. spinster.

* Margaret Hudson Q. spinster

* Helen Haynes Q. spinster

* MaryLardege Q. spinster ,

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Charles Oheare of St. Bartholomew the Great (Farringdon without) foreigner £40 R.

* Edward Godbury of St. Bartholomew without Aldersgate (Aldersgate) gentleman

£40 R.

* Cecilia Tubman wife of Richard Tubman of St. Bartholomew without Algate in the ward ofAlgate London gentleman £40 R.

* Jane Collye wife of John Collye of St. Martin Ludgate (Farringdon without London) scissors-maker £40. R.

* Adrian without) Henricke

£40 R. of St. Mary-At-Hill (Billingsgate London

* Margaret Miles of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon without London) spinster

£40 R.

* Ann Powell Q. spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Stephen Johnson of Christ Church (Farringdon without London) yeoman

* A. Ermina Shouke of St. Andrew Undershaft, widow B. D. £80 F. £40 G. J. Two months next following 10 April 13 James I. L. £40 M. Tuesday, 2 August 13 James I. N. 2 August27 September 13 James I.

* Henry Wood of St. Anne in the Blackfriars (Farringdon within London aforesaid ) cutler

£80. R.

* Mary Robinson of St. Bridget (Farringdon without London aforesaid) spinster

£80 R.

* John Baptist of St. Katherine Creechurch (Algate London without)

£80 R.

* Ann Holden of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon without London widow

£80 R.

* Thomas Crowe Q.

£80 R.

* A. Barnabas Martonet of St. Anne Blackfriars, clock maker B. D. £40 E. Two Months G. H. J. Two months next following 1 December 13 James I. M. 12 January 13 James I. O.

* Dorothy Shickland of St. Katherine Creechurch (Algate London) spinster

£40. R.

* Thomas Pennington of St. Edmund in Lombard Street (LangborneLondon) yeoman

£40 R.

* William Peacock of St. Mildred in Breadstreet (Breadstreet London) grocer

£40. R.

* Mary Atkinson of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon without London) spinster

£40 R.

* William Jones Q. ward aforesaid gentleman

£40 R.



[Lease of Seized Land. Rental]


f.c. A. John Powell cup bearer to the late queen Elizabeth B. John Doddof Denham in Bucks deceased recusant C. £3. [Previous Rolls have listed that as £4.] D.1 The farm of one messuage or tenement with purtenances in Kingstreet, in the city of Westminster in the holding of Henry Treslowe or his assignees D.2 . The fourth part of one messuage or holding called The Rose and Pomegranate in Friday Street in the city of London now in the holding of Thomas Dodd E.d. 39 Elizabeth I, 44 Elizabeth I, 3 James I, 6 James I, 5 James I. F. £20 H.a. John Powell H.b. 20 January 39 Elizabeth H.c. H.d. £4 H.e. at the feasts of Easter and St. Michael the Archangel H.k. 39 Elizabeth I, 44 Elizabeth I, 3, 5, 6, James I. J. £4 through James Pemberton and John Swynerton knights recently sheriffs for the 44th year of the queen Elizabeth as containedbelow namely fromthe farm ofthe 44th year as containedinthe Roll for 44 London and Middlesex £4 through Clement Scudmor and John Jolles knights recently sheriffs for the third year as contained below namely from the same farmfor the third year as contained in Roll 3 for London and Middlesex. £4 through George Bolles and Richard Farringdon recently sheriffs for the 6th year as containedbelow from the same farmfor the 6thyear ascontained in Roll 6 for London and Middlesex . £4 through Geoffrey Elwis and Nicholas Style recently sheriffs from the fifth year as contained below from the same farmfromthe fifth year as containedin Roll 5 for London and Middlesex. Total: £20 See below for the same farm and its arrears .

Farm. A. The tenants B. John Dodd C. 53s . 4d D. The farm of twoparts of those tenementswithin the liberty of Westminster of the annual value of £4. E.a. FrancisGoodwin knight and other commissioners E.b. 1 June 3 James I. E.c. E.d. 5,6,7 James I. G. 10.13.4 H.a. The tenants H.d. 53s . 4d H.k.5,6,7 James I.J.53s . 4d through Geoffrey Elwis and Nicholas Style recently forthe fifth year as containedbelow namely from the same farmfor the fifthyear as containedin Roll 5 for London and Middlesex 53s . 4d. through George Bolles and Richard Farringdon recently sheriffs for the 6th year as containedin Roll 6 for London and Middlesex. 53s . 4d through Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine recently sheriffs for the seventhyear as containedin Roll 7 for London and Middlesex. Total: £10.13.4 . See below for the farm and its arrears

Debt . Farm . A. Thomas Monnson knight B. Robert Hare late of St. Lawrence [sic] Shoreditch, gentleman C . 26s 8d: the third part of the annual value of two parts of it D. Two parts of one messuage, tenement and hospice known as The Lyon in Staines, Middlesex recently in the possession of Hum-

phrey Chaunceyor his assignees of the annual value of £6. E.d. 6 James I. G. 26s8d H.a. Thomas Monnson knight H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. until the end of a term of41 years next followingfrom there have been fullycompleted H.d. 26s . 4d H.e. E.k. 5, 6 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts

Debt Farm A. ThomasMarburye B. Thomas Peacock C. 100s D. For the farmof one hall, three rooms, and one upperroom of a certain parcel ortenement located in St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London, recently let to a certain ThomasPeacockfor a term of years yet to come, with an access ofthree feet less half a foot in width adjacentto and from outside the south part of the shop in the same 'messuage across a certain passage or courtyard which leads to a pair of stairs and the kitchen of the said messuage, with free ingress, egress and regress into, from and to the aforesaid property, of the annual value of £4. Which premises are two parts of the lands and possessions of the aforesaidThomas Peacocke E.d. 8 James I. G. 100s Ha ThomasMarburye H.b. 24 September8 James I. H.c. for a term of 21 years next following that and fully completed H.d. 100s H.e. H.k. 8 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts . [Note: the rent seems to be higher than the yearly value.]

A. The tenants. B. Gracie Finche C. £8 D. The farm of two parts of two messuages or tenements with all and singular purtenances in the same or any other situatedor whatever appurtenances situated , lying, and existing in Great Eastcheap in the parish of St. Leonard within the city of London lately or recently in the separate tenure or occupation of Giles Fisher and others or their assignees And the aforesaid messuage or purtenance is commonly called by the name of The Knight And they are of the annualvalue of £12 . E.a. Edwin Mosley and other commissioners . E.b. 24 April 10 James I. E.c. E.d. 8 James I. G. £12 H.a. The tenants . H.k. 8 James I. J. £4. from the year aforesaid Total: £12 But they do not owe that sum either from the farm or from other debts in that Alexander Miller gentleman as noted below assumes £10, for the year from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the 11th year of the now king and next through other commissioners . And they are quit . 42

Debt .Farm . A. The tenants B. Francis Holte of St. Bridget outsideAldergate London gentleman C. 51s 1 /3d. D. The farm of two parts of a certain demise for twenty years until it expires of one house situated lying and existing in a certain place Pilkington Place in the parish of St. Bartholomew outside Aldersgate London of the above yearlyvalue returning

42E401/1890/Monday 10 May 1613Pells Receipt Book London, Alexander Miller gentleman, 40s, the price ofthe demiseoftwo partsof a messuageor holding called The Knight located in Great Eastcheapin the parish of St. Leonard withinthe cityof London, a parcel ofthe possessionofGracie Finch widow, recusantfor 21 years withrent of£10

the abovefrom which he reserves 10s for two parts of the rectory or advowson of Shenston , Staffords, of which he is seised for the term of his natural life, ofthe yearly value of 66s 8d returning 118s 10d in payment. E.a. Nicholas Collins esquire and other commissioners Eb 2 August 9 James I. E.c. E.d. LTRMR 9 James I Michaelmas F. 127s10d G. £8.18.103 H.a. The tenants . H.k. LTRMR 9 James I Michaelmas J. About which see the sheriffs' account in the back of the Roll . 43

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

Francis Holte of St. Bartholomew outside Cripplegate London gentleman 60s for the price or value of his goods and chattelstaken and returned to him by the aforesaidcommissionersbecause ofhis recusancy as containedin that place.

[LeaseofSeized Land. Rental]

Farm . A. The tenants B. Margaret Walsingham of St. Bridget London spinster. C. £6.13.4 D. From the farm of two parts of a demise of a messuage in the parish of St. Clement Danes, Middlesex in the occupation of Frances Castell wife ofJohn Castell citizen and (cook?) of London of the yearly value of£10 E.a. ThomasBennetknight and other commissioners E.b. 27 February 10 James I. E.c. E.d. LTRMRMichaelmas 10 James I and Hilary 11 James I. F. £6.13.4 G. £13.6.4 H.a. The tenants . H.c. for a term of years whence seven years or thereabouts are yet to come at a fixed rate H.k. LTRMRMichaelmas 10 James I and Hilary 11 James I. J. But they do not owe that sum recordedfor that farm or from certain debts because of a decision ofthe barons annotated in the LTRMR for the 11thyear of the now king and entered in the recordersection of Hilaryterm and they are quit . 44

The nine entries which follow have the marginal line whichusuallyindicates Fiat Commissio, but the words are missing.

43E368/543/239London-MiddlesexMichaelmas 9 James I. An inquest washeld intothe lands andpossessions ofFrancis Holte, gentleman, on 2 August 9 James I at the Guild Hall , London . Hewas possessed for a term of 21 yearsyet to come and not yet expired of a manor houseinPilkington Place and he was seised for the term of his natural life of the advowson ofShenstonein Co. Stafford ofthe annual value of£3.6.8 above reprises and paying £5.13.10 to the king His goods and chattels were valued at£3. He hadto answerthe king forthat andthe tenantsofthe manor in Pilkington Placeandthe advowson were answerableto the king yearly See RecusantRoll 11 .

44E368/552/135LondonHilary Term 11 James I. An inquisition was held into the goods and property of Margaret Walsingham ofSt. Bridget, London, spinster, who owed the king £20 forone month's absencenext following 1 March 9 James Ifor which she was convicted on 27 March 10 James I.When the inquiry washeld she was seised of one messuage in the parish ofSt. Clement Danesfor a term of years of which seven or thereaboutsare yet to come for a certain rent It was then in the possession of Francis Castell, citizen and cook Its yearly value was £ 10 beyond all reprises On 11 February 11 JamesI JohnAllenappeared beforethebaronsand went through the history oftheproperty which not onlyincluded rooms, but also a garden running fromTemple Bar to Charing Cross Francis Bacon, Attorney General, summing up the case noted that before the holding of the inquest and the conviction ofMargaret Walsingham she alienated the land The king's hands are therefore removed fromthe two parts he had claimed

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

MaryMoore of London widow

£300 above her burdens for the price or value of thirty pipes and butts of sack, twenty chests of[ ] and twelve butts of olive-oil from the goods of Willliam Evans of London merchantin the hands of the lord king from the day and year aforesaid taken and seized of the aforesaidWilliamby the aforementionedcommissionersbecause ofhis recusancy as contained there But she does not owe the aforementionedsum because of an ordinance and decree of the Exchequer in Trinity term in the year 10 ofthe now king Charles on the part of the Treasurer'sRemembrancer in the book of ordinances or decrees It remains that the baronsare confident that the aforesaid Mary Moore is exonerated and that the aforesaid William Evans is burdenedwith the same £300 See Roll 7 for London and Middlesex for the now kingCharles

William Evans of London merchant

£113 for the price andvalue of his goods, namely £18 for one trunk and two hundred and sixty pairs of short worsted stockings in the same; 100s for one hundred and eighteen pairs of woollen stockings for children; £40 for two trunks with eighteen woollen [ ] in a certain ship called The Silence of London, then moored upon the river Thames ; £20 for one trunk with two hundred pairs of worsted short stockings; and the remaining £30 for one thousand two hundredpairs of children's woollen stockingsin a certain ship called ThePhoenix _ moored at London upon the river Thames , seized and returned there by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancy .

EdwardEccleston of [St. Olav] (Algate) gentleman

£66.13.4forthe price or value ofhis goods, namely three beds, two hundredpoundsofpewter, and divers vessels of brass and iron and divers other household implements and twenty pieces of silver plate, seized and returnedto him in that place by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancy.

RobertDawson of St. Peter in Cornhill London gentleman

£200 for the price or value of his goods, namely one hundred pieces of woollen cloth in the parish aforesaid, taken and returnedby the aforesaidcommissionersbecause ofhis recusancyin the same place

Thomas Rawlins of St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London gentlemanowes £65, namely £40for three chests or trunks and one bed [ ] and other household implements, and the remaining £25 for two sums of money from bills and obligations owing, seized and returned to him by the aforesaidcommissioners because of his recusancy in that place.

Thomas [Ravis] Bishop of London


£637.8.10 above his debt for the legal price or worth of the goods and chattels of a certain Richard Carey esquire recusant namely £500 in gold and £100 in silver money money of England from the goods and monies of the aforesaid Rihis possessions existing on the fifth day of March in the sixth year of the now king James . And the remaining £37.8.10for the price ofcertain vestments and other parcel, in English 'massing [gear]' and duas calices et patentes, in English, two chalices and patens The sum of £500 in gold and £100 in silver along with the parcel of vestments and chalices at the request of the aforesaid Richard Carey were delivered into the hands and custody ofthe aforesaidThomasbishop of London and they remain and existin the hands of the king from the third day of April in the seventhyear of his reign seized and taken because of the recusancyof the same Richard Carey by Thomas Fowler knight and other commissioners as contained in the LTRMR for the seventhyear of the now king and entered in the recordersection for Easter . 45

Thomas [Ravis] Bishop of London

£40 for a certain sum of money existing in his hands for the possessions of a certain RichardCareyofLondon gentlemanfrom the goods and chattelsof ThomasHoord gentlemanrecusant Which sum of £400 existing on the 6th day of the same month of March in the 7th year of the now king [for the appearance?] of the aforesaid Richard Carey had been sent to the aforesaid Thomas now bishop of London in the hands of the king since the 27th day of March in the seventh year of his reign taken and returned of the said Thomas Hoord by Thomas Fowler knight and other commissionersbecause of his recusancyas contained there

[Leaseof Seized Land Rental]


any other D.2 . Certain nual worth above [£8 ] E.a. Edwin Mo_

Farm A. Alexander Miller gentleman B. Gracie Finche widow ofMilton in Kent C.£10 D.1 From the farm of one messuage or tenements with anothersituatedor purtenances situated , lyingin Great Eastcheap in the parish of St. Leonard within the city of London late in the separate occupation of butcher and George Stretton butcher or their assignees or called by the name of The Knight of the anE.b. 24 April 10 James I. E.c. F. 100s G. £ 15 H.a. Alexander Miller H.b.12 May 10 James I. H.c. for the term of 21 years next following and fully completedfor as long as it remainsin the king'shands for her recusancy H.d. £ 10 H.e. H.k. Recusant Roll J. In the treasuryin payment

E.d. RecusantRoll owes 100s

Farm A. The tenants B. Mary Stansmore late of St. Andrew Holborn widow recusant C. £4.8.10% D. For the farm of two parts for a term of 15 years yet to come of seven messuages or cottages situated in a certain yard called Blowe Courte in Field Lane in the parish of St. Andrew aforesaid in

45No entry wasfound

the separate tenure of Hasting Hayward, John Lerner, ThomasBacon , Brighte, William King, Richard Louis, Phillip Friswith , Perrie, Richard Coleburne, Richard Mercer, John Phillips, Maurice Sutton, John Colmes, and John Halste. E.a. Thomas Fowler knight and other commissioners E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. LTRMRHilary 11 James I. G. £4.8.10 1/2 H.c. For a term of 15 years yet to come J. But they do notowe that because of [a decision] by the barons [noted] in the LTRMR for the 12th year of the now kingin the Recordasection and they are now quit . 46

Debt . Farm . A. The tenants B. Daniel Knowlinge C. 40s D. The farm of two parts of a messuage of tenementfor a term of [21?] years yet to come with purtenances in Hanwell, county aforesaid , of the clear annual value above any burdens and debts of 60s E.a. Thomas Fowler knight and other commissioners E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. LTRMRHilary 11

James I. G. 40s H.c. A term of years yet to come H.k. LTRMR Hilary 11 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accounts below . 47

Debt.-Farm . A. The tenants B. Hugh Griffin C. £6.8.4 D.1 For the farm of two parts of one messuage or tenement in St. Martin in the Fields ofthe clear value above all debts and reprises of 100s D.2 Two parts of one other tenementin St. Clement Danes of the annual value above all debts and reprises of 100s. E.a. Thomas Fowler knight and other commissioners . E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. G. £6.8.4 H.a. The tenants . H.c. For a term of 7 years yet to come . H.d. £6.8.4 J. See the sheriff's accounts below . 48

46E368/552/134London-MiddlesexHilary Term 11 James I. [This entry also deals with the recusantsDaniel Knowlinge, Hugh Griffen, andJosephLovett ] An inquest washeld atHicks Hallin St. John's Street on 4 February 11 James I. Mary Stansmoreofthe parish of St. Andrew Holborn , widow , was found to be possessed of and in sevenmessuages or cottagesin the possessionofthemen listed abovein Blow Court, Field Lane They were worth £6.13.4 yearly The baronsruled that allthe recusantsowed the king for eachandevery one of their goodsand chattelsandthe tenantsofthe land owed the kingforthe price ofthe land E368/554/164TrinityTerm 12 James I. On 7 July12JamesI MaryStansmoreappeared before the barons On Roll 2 James I she owed £160; £ 120 for six months' absence following1 January2 James I and the remaining £40 for absence from 1 August 3 JamesIon whichday shewas convicted until26 Septembernext following In Roll 3 James she owed £160; £120 for six months followingthe 1 June 3 James I and the remaining £40 for absence from 7 February 3 JamesI on which day she was convicted until 24 April next following It then recounts the above inquest Mary Stansmore produced a certificate of conformity listing her as Mary Stansmore of Buckden, Huntingdon She had attendedDivine Service at Fulham on 3 July last; she took the oath of allegiance before George[Abbot], archbishopof Canterbury, on 25 Juneand signedthe certificate on 5 July Sir Francis Bacon, the attorney general, referred to the statuteofJames I. She was quit 47E368/552/134London-MiddlesexHilary Term 11 James I. And that Daniel Knowlinge , another recusant , was possessed for a term of divers years yetto come ofand in two messuages with pertinencesin theparish of Hanwell of the clear annualvalue of £3 and of certain goodsandchattelsof the price of£13.6.8 . The barons ruled that he owed the king for his goodsand chattels and thatthe tenantsofthe land owed the king for the value of the land. 48E368/552/134London-MiddlesexHilary Term 11 James I. Hugh Griffen possessed for seven yearsyetto come a messuage ortenementin the parish of St. Martin in the Fields of the clear annual value of £5 andone other tenementin the parishofSt. Clement Dane ofthe yearly value of £5 andthat his goodsand utensils specified inthe scheduleannexedto the inquest were worth £20.6.8 The barons ruled that the recusant owed the king for eachand every one of theirgoods and chattels and thatthe tenantsofthe land owed the kingfor the value ofthe land

Farm. A. The tenants B. Joseph Lovett C. 40s D. Two parts of one messuage or tenement in the parish of St. Andrew aforesaid of the clear yearly value above all debts and reprises of [60s?] E.a. ThomasFowler knightand other commissioners E.b.4 February 11 James I. E.c. G. 40s H.a. The tenants . H.c. For a term of three years yet to come H.d. 40s J. See the sheriffs' accounts . 49

[Seized Goods and Chattels



£13.6.8 for the price or value of his goods and chattels taken and returned by the aforesaid commissioners because of his recusancyin that place About which see the sheriffs' account.

Hugh Griffen

£20.6.8 for the price or value of his goods taken because of his recusancy and returned to him by the aforesaidcommissioners in that place. About which see the sheriffs' accounts .

Joseph Lovett

£6.13.4 for the price or value of certain "bon vas" in English plate and utensils seized and returned to him there by the aforesaid commissioners

[Ex-Sheriffs ' Debts]

A. Richard Pyott and Francis Jones B. The eighth year [1610] C. £756.16.8 remaining from £780.16.8 D. E. In Roll 8 for London and Middlesex A. James Pemberton and John Swynnerton, knights B. Recently [1602] C. £4 E. In Roll 8 for London and Middlesex F. See the sheriffs' accountsbelow . A. Clement Scudmore and John Jolles, knights B. Recently [1605] C. £4. F. See below A. George Bolles and Richard Farrington B. Recently [1608] C. £16.13.4 F. See below A. Geoffrey Elwis and Nicholas Style B. [1607] C. £6.13.4. F. See below A. Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine. B. Recently [1609] C. £678.13.4 F. See below

About John Powell's debt of £8 see below after his farm [The tenantsofthe lands and tenements ] of John Dodd: about their debt of £10.6.8 see below after their farm. Owed £39.10.0, aboutwhich see the sheriffs' account

A. Edward Barkeham and William [sic] Smithes B. Recently [1611 ] C. £10.1.4 . D. E. In Roll 9 for London and Middlesex F. John Powell [ for London and Middlesex, answers for £4: see below after his farm The tenantsof the lands of John Dodd [about whose burden of debt in Roll 4 for London and Middlesex], answerfor 53s 4d: see below after their farm . They owe[ ]about which see the sheriffs' account

49E368/552/134London-MiddlesexHilary Term 11 James I. Joseph Lovett possessedon messuageortenementin the parishofSt.Andrew for a term of30 years yet to comeoftheannual value of£3. And that the same Joseph Lovett was possessed of goodsand chattelsworth £6.13.4. The barons ruled that the recusant owed the kingfor each and every one of the goods and chattels and thatthe tenant ofthe land owed the kingfor the value of the land.

A. James Pemberton and John Swynnerton, knights B. 44 Elizabeth [1602] C. £4 through Richard Pyott and Francis Jones, sheriffs for the eighth year [1610], remaining from 113s 4d D. E. In Roll 8 for London and Middlesex F. John Powell, about whose burden in Roll 4 for Elizabeth in London and Middlesex, answers for £4: see above after his farm And they arequit.

A. Clement Scudmore and John Jolles, knights B. For the third year [1605]. C. £4 through those recentsheriffs as contained there , namely remaining from 113s 4d D. E. As contained there. F. John Powell, about whose burden in Roll [4] for London and Middlesex, answers for £4: see above after hisfarm. And they are quit.

A. GeorgeBolles and Richard Farrinton B. The sixth year [1608]. C. £6.13.4 through the same recent sheriffs in that place , namely remaining from £ 111.12.4 D. E. In that place F. John Powell, about whose burden in Roll 6 for London and Middlesex, answers for £4: see above after his farm. The tenantsof the lands of John Dodd, about whose burden in that place, answer for 53s 4d: see above after theirfarm And they arequit

A. Godfrey [sic] Elwins and Nicholas Styles . B. The fifth year [1607] C. £6.13.4 through the same recent sheriffs in that place, namely remainingfrom £ 16.6.8 D. E. In that place. F. John Powell, about whoseburdenin Roll 7 for London and Middlesex, [answers for £4]: see above after his farm The tenants of the lands of John Dodd, about whose burdens in that place , answer for 53s 4d: see above after theirfarm. And they are quit

A. Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine B. The seventh year [1609] C. £798.13.4 through the same recent sheriffs in that place , namely remaining from £959.13.4. D. E. In that place F. John Powell, about whose burden in Roll 7 for London and Middlesex [answers for £4]: see below after his farm The tenants of the lands of John Dodd, about whose burden in that place, answerfor 53s4d: see aboveafter theirfarm. They owe £722: see Roll 14 for London and Middlesex.

[EnrolmentsofEstreated Convictions for Recusancy]

Farm A. John Powell cup bearer of Elizabeth B. John Dodd deceased recusant of Denham, Bucks C. £4 D.1. The farm of one messuage or tenement with pertinences in Kingstreet, Westminster in the possession of Henry Treslowe D.2. The fourth part of a messuage called The Rose and Pomegranate in the vicinity of Friday Street in the city of London now in the possession of Thomas Dodd E.b. 20 January 39 Elizabeth I. F. £16 G. £20. H.a. John Powell H.c. H.d. £4. H.e. At the feasts of Easter and St. Michael the Archangel J. He owes £4. through Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine, recently sheriffs for the seventhyear [1609], as containedin Roll 7 for Lon-

don and Middlesex And £8 through Richard Pyott and FrancisJones recently sheriffs for the 8th year [1610] as contained above namely from the same farm for the 8th year as containedin Roll 8 for London and Middlesex And £4 through Edward Barkehamand George Smythes recently sheriffs for the 9thyear [1611] as contained above namely fromthe same farm forthe 9th year as contained in Roll 9 for London and Middlesex And £28 through Edward Rotheram and Alexander Prescott esquires recently sheriffs for the year preceding [1612] as contained in the Roll preceding for London and Middlesex. Total £64 But he does not owe that sum either from the same farm aforementionedor from certain debts because of a certain ordinanceor decree ofthe Exchequerfor Trinity term in the 12th year of the now king on the part of the Treasurer's Remembrancer in the ordinary book, where it stands that the debt was paid and is satisfied £10 Payment was madeunder the privy seal ofthe lord king and heis quit

Farm . A. The tenants B. John Dodd C. 53s 4d D. The farm of two partsof a certain tenement within the liberty of Westminster of the annual value of £4 E.a. Francis Goodwin and other commissioners E.b. 1 June James I. E.c. Because of his recusancy F. £25.6.8 G. 53s 4d H.a. The tenants. H.d. 53s4d J. They owe £8 . from the year aforesaid Total £10.13.4 and £ 10.6.8 through Richard Pyott and FrancisJones recently sheriffs for the year 8 [1610] as contained above, namely containedin Roll 8 for London andMiddlesex. And 53s4d through Edward Barkenham and George Smithesrecently sheriffs for the year 9 [1611] as contained above from the same farm for the 9th year as contained in the Roll precedingfor London and Middlesex. Total £25.6.8 But they do not owe that sum either from the same farm nor from any burdens because of a notation in the farm of John Powell And they are quit



AFTER HEREFORD (This comes before themain London-Middlesex entry. There is a line in the left margin which is usually accompanied by the notationFiat commissio, but that notationis missing here.)

[Enrolments ofEstreated Convictions forRecusancy

A. William Pette of Eastbedfont B. D.


£40 E. Two months .

G. H.J.Two months nextfollowing 1 May 14James .M. 3 October15James . O.

ChristopherRooper ofthe county aforesaidknight his wife

£40 R.

Anne Lady Henneageof Westonwidow

£40 R.

£40 R.

Ferdinand Emerson of St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex , cutler

£40. R.

Johanna his wife

£40 R.

John Dam or Adam Q. cutler

Helena his wife

£40 R.

Thomas Bowarde Q. cordwayner

Mary his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Susanna wife ofEdwin Saule Q. gentleman

Richard Saule Q.

John Blacke Q.* tailor

Magdelana his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

Johana Woodfall Q.* widow_

Anna Dowse Q.* widow

John Hallifax Q.* yeoman

John TyndallQ.* yeoman

William Beeswicke Q. cordwainer

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Ambrose Beeswicke Q. cordwayner

Mary St. Clare Q.* widow

John Coe Q.* stationer

Elizabeth his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Thomas Knight Q.* scrivener

Johanna his wife

£40 R.

Gratinawife of Richard Knight Q.*

Susanna wife of ThomasStrange Q.*

William Cooke Q.*

Bridgethis wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

DanielKnowlingelate of New Braynford, county aforesaid

Elizabeth KnowlingeQ.* spinster

£40 R.

Edward Rose Edward Rose late of county aforesaidyeoman


Jana wife ofThomasCole Q.*

£40 R.

£40 R.

A. Alice wife of Robert Cole C. D.

£40 E. Two months J. Two months followingthe first day of May 14 James H. M. 3 October 15 James P. Butshe does not owe that sum because of a note in the second Roll for Charlesin the entry for the tenants of the lands and holdings of the said Alice . And she is quit. 50

Agneta Cole Q.*

John Warden late of St.

£40 R. Andrew aforesaid, county aforesaid, labourer

£40 R.

William Mathewes Q.* cutler

Helena his wife

£40 R.

Sarah Smithe Q.* spinster

£40 R.

£40. R.

Mary wife of William Cobbe late of High Holborn, county aforesaid, gentleman

£40 R.

Mary wife of William BeeswickeQ.* cordwayner

George Beeswicke Q.* shoemaker

Margaret wifeof John Coe Q.* stationer

William Cooke Q.* gentleman

Margaret his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Christabellawife of Thomas Bateman late of Chick Lane, county aforesaid, embroiderer

£40 R.

Margaret wifeof Thurston Field Q.* shoemaker

Johanna wife of Richard Gresham Q.* carpenter


£40 R.

John Webb late of St. James Clerkenwell, county aforesaid , esquire

£40 R.

his wife

Elizabeth Bolt Q.*

£40 R.

£40 R.

KatherineMassey Q.* spinster

£40 R.

A. Francis Lovell of St. John's, county aforesaid C. owes D. £40.0.0 for the same offence P. But he does not owe that because in the first RollforCharles for Norfolk there is a note in the farm of Henry Lord Hunsdon . And he is quit

William Peters Q.* yeoman

£40 R.

Lady Holt wife of Thomas Holt recently of Clerkenwell, knight and baronet, £40 R.

Lady? Askew? Q.* spinster

Thomas Salisbury Q.* gentleman

his wife

£40. R.

Katrina Wyver Q.* spinster

Johanna Derry Q.* spinster

Mary Gower Q.* spinster

Elizabeth Reiginolds Q.* spinster

HumphreyPaule Q.* yeoman

his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

50E377/34a The lands ofAlice Cole in Hesson are in the possession of her sons Robert andThomas Cole Butthey do not owethe sumbecauseof a decision ofthebaronsin the LTRMR for TrinityTerm 3 Charles I. I have no record of that decision

John Robinson Q.* tailor

RichardPenvesQ.* yeoman

Elizabeth his wife

William DarbyQ. tailor

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R. his wife

£40 R.

Margaret TalbotQ.* spinster

Ann Spittle Q.* spinster,

£40 R.

£40. R.

Elizabeth wife of John Batt Q. schoolmaster

EdwardMervinsQ.* esquire

Mary LunneQ.* spinster

Tobias Hinderson Q.* yeoman


£40 R.

EdwardRuffoote Q.* gentleman

Elizabeth his wife

£40 R.

Elizabeth wife ofJohnLyonQ.*

Fyncham Q.* gentleman

Thomas SleepeQ.* yeoman

Christina his wife

£40 R.

Elizabeth TaylorQ.* spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

Jana wife of Christopher Beestow alias Hutchinson Q. stage player

£40 R.

William Allen Q.* yeoman

£40 R.

Etheldreda wife ofRichard BeestowQ.* stage player

£40 R. wife of Richard Browne Q.*

£40 R.

Jana wifeof

Robert BrowneQ.* ReynoldesQ.* stage player .

£40 R.

£40 R.

Alice Nashe late of St. John Street, county aforesaid , widow

MargaretLady Clarke Q.* widow

Robert Gatteris Q.* gentleman

Margaret his wife

£40 R.

William Marten Q.* haberdasher


£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

A. Ferdinand Emerson of St. Andrew in Holborn yeoman B. D. £20 E.

One month. J. One month next following25 May 15 James G. M. 2 October

15 James

Johanna his wife

£20 R.

William Mathewes Q. cutler

Helena his wife

£20 R.

Thomas Cowper his servant

John Dam alias Adam Q.* cutler

Helena his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

Magdalena wife of John Blake Q.* tailor

Susanna wife ofEdwin Saule Q.* gentleman

Johanna WoodfallQ.* widow

£20 R.

Mary wife of William Cowe Q.* gentleman

Anna Dowse Q.* widow

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

William Beeswicke Q.* shoemaker


£20 R.

Ambrose BeeswickeQ.* yeoman

George BeeswickeQ.*

Susann Jube Q.* widow

Elizabeth Jubb Q.* spinster

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

Susann wife of ThomasStrange tailor

Mary LillwellQ.* spinster

Mary St. Clare Q.* widow

Anna SmithQ.* spinster

John CoeQ.* stationer

Margarethis wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

Thomas Knight Q. scrivener

Johanna his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

The main entry for Londonand Middlesex follows below [Lease ofSeized Land. Rental]

Debt -Farm. A. ThomasMonnson knight B. Robert Hare late of St. Leonard Shoreditch C. 26s . 8d D. The farm of two parts of one messuage, tenement , hospicewith purtenances called by the name of The Lyon situatedin Staines , Middlesex recently in the possession of Humphrey Chaunceyor his assignees of the annual value of £6 E.d. 6 James I. G. 26s . 8d H.a. Thomas Monnson knight H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. The term of 41 years next following from that and fully completed H.d. Returning for the third part of the annual value of two parts thence namely 26s . 8d H.e. H.k. 6 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow .

Debt . Farm . A. Thomas Marbury esquire B. Thomas Peacock apothecary . C. 100s D . The farm of one hall, three rooms and two upper rooms, a parcel of a certain messuage or tenementlocated in St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London, recently let to a certain Thomas Peacock for a term of yearsyet to come, with an access of three feet less half a foot in width adjacent to and from outsidethe south part ofthe shop in the same messuage across a certain passage or courtyard which leads to a pair of stairs and the kitchen of the said messuage , with free ingress , egress and regress into, from and to the aforesaid property, of the annual value of £4. E.d. 8 James I. G. 100s H. a Thomas Marbury esquire. H.b. 24 September 8 James I. H.c. Until the end of a term of 21 years next following and fully completed H.d. 100s of legal English money H.e. J. See the sheriffs' accountsbelow.

Debt . Farm .A. The tenants B. Francis Holte of St. Botolph outsideAldersgate London gentleman C. 51s . 1d'/3. D.1 The farmof two parts of a certain demise of one house or manor in Pilkington Place in the parish aforesaid of the annual value above returning over and above that 10s D.2 The twoparts of the rectory or advowson of Shenstone, Stafford of which he is seized for the term of his natural life of the annual value of 66s . 8d above the payment of 108s . 10d to the lord king. E.a. Nicholas Collins esquire and other commis-

sioners . E.b. 2 August 9 James I. E.c. E.d. 11 James I. G.41s.1d1 /2 H.a. The tenants H.d. 51s . 1d1/2 J. Paid 10[s] About which see the sheriffs' account below

Farm. A. Alexander Miller gentleman B. Gracie Finche late of Milton in Kent C. £10 D . The farmof all of two parts of a messuage or tenementwith purtenances found in one or other place where the pertinences are situated, located, and existing in Eastcheap in St. Leonard, London now or recently in the separate tenure of Edwin Fisher and others called The Knight of the annual value above any reprises of £8 . E.d. 11 James I.F. 100s G. £15 H.a.Alexander Miller. H.b. 12 May 11 James I. H.c. All the way to the end of a term of 21 years next following and fully completed H.d. £10 in legal English money H.e.J. In the treasurytwo paymentsfromthe same farm in payment

Debt . Farm . A. The tenants B. Daniel Knowlinge C. 40s D. The farm of two parts of two messuages of tenements in Hanwell, Middlesex ofthe clear annual value above all debts and reprises of 60s. E.a. Thomas Fowler and other commissioners E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. G . 40s H.a. The tenants . H.c. A period of two years yet to come H.k. 11 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accountsbelow.

Farm A. The tenants B. Hugh Griffen C. £6.13.4 D.1 The farm of two parts of one messuage or tenement in St. Martin in the Fields of the clear annualvalue over all debts and reprises of 100 s . D.2. Two parts of one other tenementsituated and existing in St. Clement Danes of the clear annual value above all debts and reprises of 100s E.a. Thomas Fowler and other commissioners E.b. 4 February 11 James I. G. £6.13.4 E.c. H.a. The tenants . H.c. For a term of seven year yet to come H.d. £6.13.4 J. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow.

Debt . Farm . A. The tenants B. Joseph Lovett C. 40s D. Two parts of one messuage or tenement in St. Andrew Holborn of the annual value over and above all burdens and reprises of 60s E.a. by the aforesaid commissioners . E.b. on the day aforesaid E.c. H.a. The tenants H.d. 40s J. See the sheriffs' accountbelow.

[SeizedGoods and Chattels]

Thomas Knighte of St. Andrew Holborn, county aforesaid , scrivener, owes £100for the price or value of his goods and utensils in the hands ofthe lord king now James since the 25th day of October in the 12th year taken and returned of the said Thomas Knight by Thomas Fowler and other commissionersbecause of his recusancy as containedin the LTRMR for the 12thyear ofthe now king in the Recordasection ofMichaelmas term. About which see the sheriffs' account below after his summation from £53.0.2 £ owes

51E368/555/285Michaelmas Term 12 James I. By acommission grantedon 12 July 12 James I an inquest washeld on 25 October 12 James I in St.John's Streetat which itwas discoveredthat Thomas Knighte ofSt. Andrew Holborne recusantwas possessed of and in goods and chattelsworth£100.

Richard Lovett of the same place goldsmith owes £100 for the price or value ofhis goodsand utensils in the hands ofthe aforesaid king since the day and year aforesaid taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyin that place But he does not owe that sum because of a decision ofthe barons annotated in the LTRMR for the 16thyear ofthe now king James andenteredinto the recorder sectionfor Easter term He isquit. 52

Richard Davison of the same place yeoman owes £30 for the price or value of his goods and utensils taken and returned by the aforesaidcommissioners because of his recusancy But he does not owe that sum because ofa notation in Roll 5 for London and Middlesex in another debt of the same Richard. And he isquit.

ElizabethSmiley of the same place widow 100s for the price or value ofher various goods and chattels taken and returnedto her by the aforesaidcommissionersbecause ofher recusancy in that place

George Moodye of the same place tailor the husband of IsabellMoodyeof the same place recusant £20 for the price or value of his various goodstaken and returnedby the aforesaidcommissionersin thatplace.

RobertBeestonof St. Leonard Shoreditch, county aforesaidyeoman 60sfor the price or value of his various goods and utensilstaken and returned by the aforesaidcommissionersbecause of his recusancyin thatplace.

William Darbye of St. Sepulchre London, county aforesaid, yeoman owes 60sfor the price or value of his various goods and utensilstaken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancy in the same place. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow.

Humphrey Paule of St. James Clerkenwell , county aforesaid , gentleman 53s4d for the price and value of various goods and utensils taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyinthatplace

Elizabeth Taylor of the same place 100s for the price or value of her various goods and utensils taken and returned by the aforesaid commissioners because of her recusancy in that place

Richard Penvose of the same place yeoman, the husband of Agnes Penvose ofthe same place recusant 100s for the price or value of his various

52368/569/62London-MiddlesexEaster 16 James I.At an inquest at Hicks Hall on 25 October 12JamesIit wasevident that Richard Lovett ofSt. Andrew Holborne, goldsmith owed £140; £120for six months absencenext following 10 May4 James I and £20 for absence from22 February 5 JamesI on which day he wasconvicted to 20 March On 7 May 16James I he appearedfor a hearing His goods hadbeenevaluatedat £ 100; he claimed to possess less than that andwaswilling to haveitverified and statedthat itwas less than the law demanded He is quit See recusantRoll 12

goods and utensils taken and returnedby the aforesaid commissionersbecause ofher recusancyin the same place.

Richard Mann of Draxe Abbey, York , yeoman owes £20 for a certain sumof money for which he is indebted and existing to Thomas Ward gentleman from the goods of the aforesaid Thomas Ward taken and returned by the aforesaid commissioners because of his recusancyin that place. Roll 15 in adhuc item for York

William Crosse of Stebunheath , county aforesaid , blacksmith in 100s for the price and value of his various goods taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancy in that place

[Ex-Sheriffs's Debts]

Ex-Sheriffs' Debt A. Thomas Bennet and Henry Jaye esquires B. 1613. C. £22.13.4 D. for the price ofthe goods and chattelsof William Judey£20. and the price of the goods of John Haines 53s4d on the 20th day of Septemberin the 12th year. F. See the sheriffs' accounts below .

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

John Fisher

£6.13.4 for the price or value of his goodsand chattels taken and returned to the said John by Martin Lumley and Peter Proby sheriffs of the aforesaid city [1614] on 20 October in the 12th year of his reign taken andreturnedbecause ofthe recusancyofthe said John.

Henry Wise

£14.6.8 for the price or value of his goodsand chattels taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancy in that place.

Debt Robert Jones owes £30, namely £28 in respectthere fromfor the price or value of a certain demise for a term of 16 years yet to come andunexpired in which a messuage or tenement located at Snow Hill in St. Sepulchre in the holding or occupation of John West. And 40s remaining for the price or value of his goods and chattels taken and returned by the aforesaid commissioners because of his recusancyin that place. About which see the sheriffs' account below

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

Ex-Sheriffs' Debt. A. Edward Rotherham and Alexander Prescot esquires B. 1612 C. £7.13.4 from £38.6.8 D. E. Roll 10 for London and Middlesex. F. See the sheriffs' accounts below

[Statement of Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. The sheriffs, Peter Proby and Martin Lumley, accountfor B.1. 26s 8d for ThomasMonnson, knight, as containedabove ; B.2 100s for ThomasMarbury esquire, as contained there; B.3 10s for the tenants of the land of Francis

Holte, as contained there; B.4. 40s for the tenants of the lands of Daniel Knowlinge, as contained there; B.5 £6.13.4 for the tenants of the lands of Hugh Griffin, as contained there , B.6 40s for the tenants of the lands of Joseph Lovett, as contained there; B.7 60s for William Darby in the same place ; B.8 £22.13.4 for Thomas Bennet and Henry Jaye esquires, sheriffs, in the same place ; B.9 £30 for Robert Jones in that place; B . 10 £7.13.4 for Edward Rotheram and Alexander Prescott , esquires, recently sheriffs, in that place. C.1 £80.16.8 . D.4 In the treasury40s in two paymentsfromthoseburdened above [for the lands of] Daniel Knowlinge, [so that] they owe C. 2 £78.16.8 [But add] B . 11 53s 2d out of £ 100 for Thomas Knight, scrivener, as contained above C.3. £80.10.0 [sic] In the treasury 113s 2d on 7 December in the twelfthyear, about which debts see above, namely D.7. 60s under the name of William Darby; D . 11 53s 2d remaining of Thomas Knight's D.3. The tenants of the lands of Francis Holte, about whose burden of debt above, answer for 10s in Roll 14 for Staffordshire after their farm ... 2s 4d ... D.5. In the treasury £6.13.4 on 19 July in the fifteenthyear from those debts above under the name of Hugh Griffin in payment D.8 In the treasury £22.13.4 on 25 January in the twelfthyear from those burdens and payments underthe name of Thomas Bennet and others in payment D . 10 For Edward Rotheram and Alexander Prescott esquires, recently sheriffs, about whose debts of £7.13.4 above, see Roll 14 for London and Middlesex. D.2 . For Thomas [Marbury esquire], about whose debts of 100s above, see in Roll 13 for London and Middlesex after his farm E. They owe £31.13.4 [sic], for which see Roll 16 for London and Middlesex

There is a line in the margin which usuallyindicates FiatCommissio but the words arenot there

[Enrolmentof Estreated Convictions for Recusancy]

A. Mary Hardwickeof St. Andrew Holborn spinster B. £100 F. £40 G. H. J. Two months next following the second day of October 13 James L. £60 N . 26 June 14 James until 18 September M. 26 June 14 James . O.

Elizabeth H[udd] lestone Q.* spinster

Edith Lawrence Q.* spinster

£100 R.

£100 R.

George Peter late of St. Bartholomew the Great, aforesaid ward of Farringdon outsideLondon, knight , £100 R.

Griffithwife of Richard Griffith Q. gentleman

£100 R. A. Robert Peacock late of St. Mildred in Breadstreet (Breadstreet London) grocer C. owes D. £100 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a note in Roll 1 for London [and Middlesex] [in the debt of] the same Robert Peacocke And he is quit.

Elizabeth London) widow late of St. Sepulchre (aforesaid ward of Farringdon outside £(100) R.

Mary AtkinsonQ.* widow

£100 R.

Mary Atkinson Q.* spinster .

KatherineOwen Q.* widow

£ 100 R.

£100 R.

A. Edward Gilby of St. Giles outside Cripplegate yeoman C. D. £60. E. Three months G. H. J. Three months next following the first day ofJanuary 13 James M. 3 October 14 James George Jerningham late of St. Clement


£60 R. Danes, Middlesex,

George Tundall late of St. Andrew Holborn London, Middlesex, yeoman £60 R.

[William] Cooke Q.* gentleman

Thomas HowellQ.* yeoman

Mary Howell his wife

John Halli ---e Q.* yeoman

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

KatherineKnight wife ofRichard Knight Q. yeoman

Thomas Abbington late of St. Giles in the gentleman

£60 R.

Margaret Ewere wife of Edward Ewere Q. gentleman

MabellaGriffith Q.* spinster

William [Vavasour] Q.* esquire

£60 R. Fields, Middlesex ,

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

Mary Woodward wife of Tristram Woodward Q.* gentleman

R. [Lady] Elizabeth Browne Q. widow

Ralph [S ----ey] Q.* gentleman


£60. R.

£60 R.

A. Robert Vaughan Q.* gentlemanC. D. £60 H. P. But he does not owe it because of a note in Roll 14 for London and Middlesex in another debt of that Robert Vaughan . And he is quit.

Alice Briantewife of Robert Briante Q.* girdler

Dorcas Draper wife of John Draper Q.* gentleman

Clarke Q.* gentleman *

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

Smithe Q. of St. Andrew Holborn London, Middlesex, spinster

£60 R.

Ferdinando Emerson Q.* cutler

Mary WyeQ.* spinster

Elizabeth [H_II]Q.* spinster

John Robinson late of St.

£60 R.

Robinson his wife

Mary [Gower]Q.* spinster

Elizabeth Reynolds Q.* spinster

£60 R.

Jane Beestonwife of Christopher

William Allen Q.* yeoman

Katherine Cashe alias

Peter SmithQ.*

£60 R.

£60 R.

James Clerkenwell [Middlesex], tailor

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

Beeston Q.* gentleman

£60 R.

Q.* [spinster]

£60 R.

John Hugonis Q.* yeoman

John Webbe Q.* esquire

Robert Reynoldes Q.* yeoman

Jane Reynoldes his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

John Warley Q.* glassier

£60 R.

Grace Coop wife ofWilliam Coop Q.* [tailor]

EdwardYatesQ.* esquire

RichardAldreer Q.* yeoman

Sara Brockett Q.* spinster

Elizabeth Bouldinge Q.* spinster

KatherineCopley Q.* spinster

Joachim Ball Q.* schoolmaster

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. Hugo Holland late of St. Faith London gentleman C. D. £120 E.6 monthsG. H.J.Six monthsnext followingthefirst day of September9 James M.28 May 10 James. O. P. But he does not owe that sum because in the preceding Roll for Bucks. there is a note in the farm of the tenants of Hugo Holland and he isquit

* A. John Dam aliasAdam of St. Andrew Holborn cutler B. D. £60 F. £20

G. H. J. One month next following the first day of November 14 James L.

£40 N. 20 February 14 James17 April 14 James . M. 20 February 14 James 0

* Helen his wife

* William Champney Q.

£60 R.

* FerdiandEmerson Q. cutler

* Johanna his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* William Mathewes Q. cutler

* Helen his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Magdelana the wife of John Blake Q.* tailor

* Sara Smithe Q.* spinster

* Johanna WoodfallQ.* widow

* RichardCary Q.* esquire

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Mary the wife ofWilliam CobbeQ.* esquire

* Susanna Greene Q.* spinster

* Anna Dowse Q.* widow

£60 R.

£60 R.

* William Beeswicke Q.* shoemaker

* Maryhiswife

£60 R.

* Ambrose Beeswicke Q.* yeoman

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

* Susanna wife of Thomas Strange Q.* tailor

* Magdelana Lilvell Q.* spinster

* Mary St. ClareQ.* widow

* ElizabethMullington Q.* spinster

* Anna Mason Q.* spinster .


£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Thumbleley Q.* gentleman his wife

* John Coe Q.* stationer

* Maryhiswife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* William Cooke Q.* gentleman

* Margaret his wife

Ellis Q.* spinster

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

* Cristabella wife of ThomasBatemanQ.* embroiderer £60 R.

* Johanna wife of Richard Gresham late of Fields' Lane, county aforesaid , carpenter

* Margaret wife of Thurston Feild Q.*

£60 R. yeoman

£60. R.

* Lady Roper late of St. Andrew Holborn, county aforesaid , widow

£60 R.

* William Darby late of St. James Clerkenwell, county aforesaid , tailor


£60 R. his wife

* John Robinson Q.* tailor

* Anna his wife

£60 R.

£60. R.

* Margaret TalbottQ.* spinster

* Anna SpittleQ.* spinster

* William Allen Q.* yeoman

* John Webbe Q.* esquire


£60 . R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R. his wife

£60 R.

* Elizabeth Boult Q.* spinster

* KatherineMasseyeQ.* spinster

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Lady Holtewife of Thomas Holte Q.* knight and baronet

* Lady Askewe Q.* spinster

* John Robinson Q.*

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Joachim Bell Q.* schoolmaster

* Johanna GrundyQ.* spinster

* EdwardMervineQ.* esquire

* Hacketh Weyver Q.* spinster

* ElizabethReynoldes Q. spinster

* MaryGower Q.* spinster

* Johanna Derry Q.* spinster

* HumphreyPaule Q.* yeoman

* his wife

* Peter Smithe Q.* printer

* Johanna his wife

* John Higins Q.* labourer

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Richard PenvoseQ.* yeoman

* Elizabeth hiswife

* MaryLunneQ.* spinster

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Tobias Hinderson Q.* yeoman

* Elizabeth his wife

£60 R.

* Thomas SleepeQ.* yeoman

* Christinahis wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Lady Dorcas James wifeof Henry James Q.* knight £60.0.0R.

* A. Frances Jones Q.* C . owes D.

£60 H. P. But she does not owe that sum because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the year 16-6 in the Recordasectionfor Easter term .

* Edward Ruffoote Q.* gentleman

* Elizabeth his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Alice Nashe late of St. Sepulchre in London, Middlesex, spinster

£60 R.

* RobertGutteris Q.* gentleman

* Margaret his wife

£60 . R.

* ChristineBanckes Q.* spinster

* William MartinQ. haberdasher

* Maryhis wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. Richard Luxton of St. Ethelburga (Bishopgate) virginal maker B. D. £80 E. F. £40 G. H. J . Two months next followingthe first day ofOctober 14 James. L. £40 N. From 20 February 14 James17 April 15 James . M.Thursday 20 February 14 James O. edited, etc.

* Francis Smith servant of Anthony deCosat late of St. Katherine Creechurch (Algate) London knight

£80 R.

* Stephen Johnson anotherservantof Anthony deCosat

£80 R.

* Dorothy Chickland another servant of the aforesaid Anthony deCosat £80 R.

* Collia Peacockewife of Robert Peacocke late of St. Mildredin Breadstreet London merchant

£80 R.

* MaryCromptonwife ofRichard Crompton of St. Martin Ludgate(Farringdon withinLondon) haberdasher £80. R.

* Peter Henry late of St. Mary at Hill (Billingsgate) [Dutchman] £80 R.

* John Hams late of St. Mary Aldermanbury (Cripplegate within) silkweaver £80 R.

* Mary Bockett wife of Thomas Bockett late of St. Martin Vintry (Vintry London) labourer

£80 R.

* A. Joseph Lovett of St. Andrew Holborn, goldsmith B. D.

£100 F. £60 G. H. J. Three months from 10 September 14 James I. L. £40 N. For the two months aforesaid

* Rosahis wife

£100 R.

* Margaret Weston Q.* spinster

* Jane Tacham Q.* spinster,

* Anna her servant

* Anna Newbye Q.* widow

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* Anna the wife of Oliver Plunckett Q.* cutler

* John Lesiteed Q.* apothecary


£100 R.

* Jane Thompson her servant

* Thomas Fytzsymons Q.* painter

* Dreus Lovett Q. goldsmith

* Elizabeth his wife

£100 R.

£100. R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* RichardLovett brother of the aforesaidDreus

£100 R.

* Mary Hobbye living in the house of the same Drew Lovett R.

* Joyce Daye Q.* widow

£100 R.


* William Sutton Q.* [--ittor]

£ 100 R.

* Sara his wife

£100 R.

* Anna wife ofLionell Tichborne Q.* gentleman

* Edith Lawrence her servant

£ 100 R.

* Dorcas Draperwife of Robert Draper Q.* gentleman

£100 R.

£ 100 R.

* Ellena wife of John Robinson late of St. Anne in the Blackfriars

£100. R.

* Edward knight Pryn late of St. Alfage (Cripplegate within London)

£100 R.

* Jerome Desoldye late of St. Andrew Undershaft (Algate London) foreigner

* Alice his wife

£100 R.

£100 R.

* Richard Greenebury late of St. Botolph without Aldersgate (Aldergate London) gentleman

£100. R.

* Henry Wise late of St. Bride or Bridget (Farringdon without London) weaver

£100 R.

* Cicilia his wife

£100 R.

* Jane Wetherallwife of James Wetherall Q.* [horner?]

* Anna Hunt late of St. Botolph without Bishopsgatewidow R.

£100 R.


* Philip Barnard late of St. Katherine Creechurch (Aldersgate London) foreigner

£100 R.

* Francis Sipprianus Q.* foreigner

* Johanna wife of John Haley Q. yeoman

* Bennet_Grene late of St. Sepulchre spinster

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R. (Farringdon without London)

* Ellenorawife ofWilliam Browne Q.* glover .

* Anna Tallys Q.* widow

* John Tallys her son

£100. R.

£100. R.

* Margaret Baker servantof the same Anna Tallys

* Anna Boulden Q.* spinster

* MaryAlkington Q.* widow

* Mary her daughter

* Alice Edwards Q.* spinster

£100 R.

* Nicholas PilgrymeQ.* scissor

* Margaret his wife

* MartinWhite Q.* scissor

* Margery his wife

* Anna Powell Q.* spinster

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* Anna the wife ofThomasGieseld Q.* chandler

* Thomas Crowe Q.* embroiderer

£100 R.

* Frances the wife of Walter Spenser Q.* gentleman

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

£100 R.

* William Jewdye late of St. Stephen in Coleman Street , (Colemanstreet London) clothworker

£ 100 R.

* John Williams late of All Saints (Bread Street London) gentleman

£60 R.

* Bridgethis wife

£60 R.

* A. Edward Gadburye late of St. Botolph outside Aldersgate gentleman B. D. £60 E. 3 months G. H. J. Three months next following the first day of January 14 James M. 4 June 15 James

* Francis Holt Q.*

£60. R.

* Augustine Hudlestone late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon outside London) gentleman

* Alice his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Susanna Jubbes Q.* widow

* Anna Redman Q.* widow

* Mary GreenburyQ.* spinster

* Frances Duyne Q.* widow

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

Look for the rest of the London payments after Hereford. [These are printed above on pp. 71-74]



[LeaseofSeized Land. Rental]

Debt-Farm . A. Thomas Monnson knight B. Robert Hare late of St. Leonard Shoreditchgentleman C. 26s8d D. Two parts of one messuage, tenementand hospice with purtenance known by the name of The Lyon situated in Staines , Middlesex late in the possession of Humphrey Chauncey . E.d. Roll 6 James G. 26s8d. H.a. The tenants . H.b. Michaelmas 5 James. H.c. A term of 41 years from then following H.d.26s8d H.e. H.k. Roll for 6 James J. See the sheriffs' accounts below

Debt . Farm . A. Thomas Marbury esquire B. Thomas Peacocke late of St. Sepulchre apothecary C. 100s D. The farm of one hall, three rooms and two upper rooms a parcel of a certain messuage or tenement situated in St. Sepulchre outside Newgate London, recently let to a certain Thomas Peacock for a term ofyears to come, with an access of three feet less half a foot in width adjacent to and from outside the south part of the shop in the same messusage across a certain passage or courtyard which leads to a pairof stairs and the kitchen to the said messuage, with free ingress , egress and regress into, from and to the aforesaid property, of the annual value of £4. E.d. The Roll for 8 James G. 100s H.a. Thomas Marbury esquire H.b. 24 September 8 James H.c. For a term of21 years next following and fully completed H.d. 100s H.e. H.k.8 James J. See the sheriffs' accounts below .

farm.A. The tenants. B. Francis HolteofSt. Botolph outsideAldersgate London, gentleman C. 51sld and two parts of a half penny D.1 One manor House located in Pilkington Place in the parish aforesaid . D.2. The right of patronage of Shenstone, Stafford, of which he is seised for the term of his natural life of the annual value of 66s 8d above the return of 108s 10d in payment to the king E.a. Nicholas Collins and other commissioners E.b. 2

August 9 James . E.d. Roll 11 for London and Middlesex F. £4.2.2 and two parts of a penny. G. £4.12.2 and two parts of a penny H.a. the tenants H.b. 2 August 9 James H.c.for a term of 20 years yet to come. H.d. 51s1d H.k.11 James J. See the sheriffs' accounts .

Farm A. Alexander Miller B. Gracie Finche widow of Milton. C. £10 D. The farm of all of one messuage or tenementwith purtenances of the same messuage or anotherin Great Eastcheap of St. Leonardwithin the city of London now or lately in the possession of Edgar Fisher and others commonly called The Knight of the annual value over and above all reprises of £8 per year F. £10 G. £ 15 . H.a. Alexander Miller H.b.12 May 11 James. H.c. for a

term of 21 yearsyet to come and fullycompleted H.d. £10 H.e.Mary J. £10 paid into the treasuryin equal parts fromthe same farm. Total due: 100s . 53

Farm.A. The tenants B. DanielKnowlinge C. 40s D. Two parts oftwo messuages or tenements with purtenances in Hanwell, Middlesex of the clear annual value of 60s E.a. Thomas Fowler. E.b. 4 Feb . 11 James E.c. E.d. 11 James G. 40s. H.a. The tenants H.c. for a term of years yet to come H.d. 40s H.k. Roll for 11 James

Farm.A. The tenants . B. HughGriffinC. £6.13.4D.1 Two partsofone messuage or tenement in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields of the clear annual value of 100s D.2.Two parts of one other tenementin St. Clement Danes of the annual value of 100s E.a. the commissionersaforesaid E.b. The day and date aforesaid E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James I. G. 100s H.a. the tenants H.c. For a term of seven years H.d. £6.13.4 H.k. Roll for 11 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

Debt. A. The tenants B. Joseph Lovett C. 40s D. Two parts of one messuage or tenementin St. Andrew aforesaid of the annual value of40s beyond any reprises E.a. commissionersaforesaid E.b. Day and date aforesaid E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James I. G. 40s H.a. The tenants H.c. For a term of three years H.k. Roll for 11 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

Debt. Edward Lord Zouche, constable of the castle [of Dover, owes] 66s4d above his burdens which came to be from the goods and chattels of Henry Norton recusant as contained in the LTRMR for the 13th year of the now king namely in the Recorda section for Michaelmas term in Roll ], about which see the sheriffs' accountbelow . 54

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

A. Martin Lumley and Peter Proby [sheriffs 1614], sheriffs of the city aforesaid D.1 £60.13.4 which came to be from the divers goodsandchat-

53E401/1896/Saturday27 April, 1616. LondonAlexander Miller gentleman, farmer oftwo parts ofone messuagecalled The Knight in Great Eastcheap , a parcel of the possessionofGracie Finche , widow, recusant owes 100s for the half year ended at the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the 14th year of king James 100s Carrie E401/1897/Tuesday5 November 1616 London Alexander Miller, gentleman, farmer of two parts ofone messuage called The Knightin Great Eastcheap , a parcel of the possessions of Gracie Finche, widow , recusant, owes 100s for the halfyear endedatthe feast of St. Michael the Archangel in the 14thyear ofking James 100s Carie

54No record of this action was found


tels of various recusants namely 60s from Francis Holte for the price of his goods and chattels found after inquiry according to the king now. And D . 2- £6.23.4 remaining from Joseph Lovett for the price of his goods and chattels found on the 4th day of February in the 11th year ofthe now king James as containedin the LTRMR for the 12/13th year of the now king James namely in the Recordasectionfor Michaelmas term in Roll About which see the sheriffs' accounts below . 55

[Statement ofSheriffs' Arrears]

A. The sheriffs [1615] William Gore and John Gore accountfor B.1 26s 8d for Thomas Monnson, 'knight, as contained above B.2 100s for Thomas Marbury, esquire , as contained there B.3 10s from the tenants of the land of Francis Holt in that place . B.4. £6.8.4 from the tenants of the lands of Hugh Griffen in that place B.5 40s for the tenants of the lands of Joseph Lovettin that place B.6 66s 4d for Edward, Lord Zouche, in that place B.7 £9.13.4 for Martin Lumley and Peter Proby, esquires, sheriffs [1614] C. £28.10.8 D.6 In the treasury 66s 4d on 23 November of the 13th year, about which see the debt above underthe name of Edward, Lord Zouche D.3 The tenants of the lands of Francis Holt, about whose debt above, answerfor 10s in Roll 14 for Staffordshire. D.7. In the treasury £9.13.4 on 7 November of the 12th year, about which debt see above, under the name of Martin Lumley and Peter Proby D.4. In the treasury £6.13.4 on 19 July of the 15th year, about which debt see there, underthe name of Hugh Griffen D.2 ThomasMarbury, esquire, about whose burden in that place, answers for 100s: see in the following Roll for London and Middlesex after his farm. D.5. The tenantsof the lands of Joseph Lovett, about whose debt above, answer for 40s: see in the following Roll for London and Middlesex after their farm. E. They owe 33s: see Roll 16 forLondon .


Enrolments of Estreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. John Grave of St. Andrew Holborn, yeoman B. D. £40. E. 2 monthsG.

H.J. Two monthsafter 1 April 15 James M. Friday, 3 October 15 James I. O.

* Alice VerseyofSt.Botolph outsideAldgate(Aldgate) widow £40 R.

* Thomas Prince late of St. Bridget (Farringdon outside London) aforesaid £40. R.

* JamesWarren Q.* yeoman

£40 R.

* Anna Colley wifeof John Colley Q.* scissors-maker

£40 R.

* GeoffreyMiller late of St. Bartholomew the Great (Farringdon without London) yeoman £40 R.

* Anna Dowghtey Q.* spinster

£40 R.

55E368/555/285Michaelmas 12 James I. An inquiry into the goods and chattelsof recusantsheld on 25 October 12 James I. The juryfound that oneRichard Lovett of St. Andrew Holborn, goldsmith, waspossessed ofgoodsvalued at £100

* A. Richard Stokes late of St. Katherine Creechurch (Algate) London C. owes D. £40 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a decisionofthe barons of the Exchequer in the LTRMR for the 17th year of the now king James enteredin the recordfor Easter term And he is quit . 56

* Elizabeth Clanston Q.* spinster

£40 R.

* A. Richard Ruddocke late of St. Olav in Silverstreet (Cripplegate London aforesaid ) yeoman C . owes D. £40 H.

* Ursula his wife owes £40. H. Sum: they both owe £80. total P. But they donot owe that sum because of a decision of the barons of the Exchequerannotated in the LTRMR for the third year of the now king Charles enteredin the recordasectionfor Trinity term . 57

* John Harvey late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon without London aforesaid £40 R.

* Mary Tallys Q.* spinster £40 R.

* Barbara Keys late of St. Thomasthe Apostle (cordwaynersLondon aforesaid) spinster_ £40 R.

* A. Elizabeth Keys of St. Andrew Holborn B. D. £60 F. £40. G. H. J. Two monthsnext followingthe 10th July 15 James L. £20 M. 20 March 15 James I.N. 20 March 15 James I-17 April next following O.

* Katherine Bagthorpe late of St. Bridget (Farringdon without London)

£60 R. spinster

* Leonard udingham late of St. Mary on the Hill (Billingsgate London aforesaid ) foreigner

£60 R.

* Don [Vennana] deBolouh Q.* foreigner

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Frances Ansteed wife of SamuelAnsteed late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon without)yeoman

* A. Barnabus Martonett of St. Anne's in Blackfriars clock maker B. D. £60. F. £40 G. H. J. Two months next following 10 October 15 James L. £20 N. The month aforesaid

* Thomas Burford late of St. Bridget (Farringdon without) yeoman

£60 R.

56E368/575/141Michaelmas Term 17 James I. In recusantRoll 13 Richard Stokes[Stewes], ofSt. Katherine Creechurch, yeoman, owed £40 for two months absence followingthe 1stApril 15 James I for which he was convicted on 30 October 15 James I. On 25 October 17 James I he appearedwitha certificate of conformity from John [King], bishop of London, who called him a freemason He promised "without any dissimulation, equivocation, or collour or means of dispensationto conform himself . " He had been presentat public prayers at the manor of Fulham on 29 August andhe attended his parish church on the 29th as attested by the ministers andthe wardens On 5 Septemberhe tookthe oath The certificate was signed on 21 October He is quit See recusantRoll 13

57E368/601/234 TrinityTerm 2 CharlesI. In the 13thRollfor James I Richard and Ursula Ruddock appear in St. Olav parish and they owed £40 each for absence from church for two months next followingthe 1st ofApril in 15 James I for which they were convicted on Friday, 3 October 15JamesI. They appeared before the baronson 16 June 2 Charles I with a certificate of conformity dated 6June 1626fromGeorge[Montaigne], bishop of London, statingthat they hadappearedbeforehimon 1 June 1626 witha certificate fromthe minister, churchwardens , sidemen, andparish clerk testifying that they usually do repair together to hear Divine Service and testifying that neither have been suspectedof being addicted to popery They attendedservice on June 1 in the presenceof the bishop and took the oath ofallegiance

* Elizabeth Reynffordwife of Richard Reynfford late of St. Sepulchre , ward aforesaid gentleman

£60 R.

* John Edwardes Q.* gentleman

£60 R.

* William Bostock late of St. Mary Abchurch (Candlewick Street) fishmonger

£60 R.

* William Franklin late of St. Bartholomew the Great (Farringdon without London) tailor

£60 R.

* Cecilia Tubman wife of Richard Tubmanlate of St. Botolph without Algate (Algate) London gentleman

* John Rawlins Q. glover

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. Roland Katherius of St. Andrew Holborn yeoman B. D. £60 F. £40

G.H. J. two monthsfollowing 10 April 16 James I L. £20 N. 3 September1 October 16 James M. 3 September 16 James O.

* Elizabeth his wife

* John BullockQ. gentleman

* Maryhis wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Peter Parnam late of St. Anne in the Blackfriars (Farringdon without London) yeoman

£60 R.

* Peter Deveire late Q.* foreigner

£60 R.

* John Warren of St. Bridget (Farringdonwithout London) foreigner

£60 R.

* Mary Coreby late of St. Gabriel Fenchurch (Langborne London) spinster

£60 R.

* John Tuesley late of St. Peter in Westcheape (Cheape London) chandler

£60 R.

* Mary Sincleere late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon without London) widow

£60 R.

* A. Peter Greene late of Ratcliffe, Middlesex yeoman B. D. £20

G. H. J. within one month next following the first day of September in the 15th year of the now king James for which M. he was convicted on the 15th day of January in the said 15th year.

* Edward Churche late of Mile End, Middlesex

* his wife

* Lady Griffel Q.*

£20 R.

£20 R. yeoman

* ElizabethSmithe of Highgate, Middlesex widow

* ElizabethSmithe Q.* spinster

£20 R.

* RichardAbbingtonof Hackney, county aforesaid esquire

* his wife

£20 R.

* Cassanda Haughton Q.* widow

£20 R.

* Lady Lewkenor wife of LeonardLewkenor Q. knight

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Jane wife of Richard Watson of Chauncey Lane, county aforesaid barber

£20 R.


* Mary Fetherson Q. widow

£20 R.

* Anna wife of Henry Penington of Oldstreet, county aforesaid, yeoman

£20 R.

HuttonlateofQueenstreet , county aforesaid , widow

* Robert Vaughan Q. gentleman

* his wife

£20 R.

* Alice wife of Robert Bryan Q. yeoman

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Peter Smith of Turmill Street, county aforesaid yeoman

* Rosco CowpQ.

* Elizabeth TaylorQ ..

* Ferdinand Emerson cutler

£20. R.

* Jane hiswife

* John Dam Q.* cutler

* Helen his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R. of St. Andrew Holborn, county aforesaid

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* William Mathewes Q.* cutler

* Helen his wife

£20 R.

* Thomas Heward Q.* coller [sic].

* Maryhis wife

£20 R.

* Richard Saule Q.* yeoman

* John Blague Q.* tailor

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Magdelana wife ofthe said John Blague

* William Cooke Q.* gentleman

* Bridgethis wife

* Anna Dowse Q.* widow

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* William Beswick Q.* gentleman

£20 R.

* Ambrose Beeswick Q. cordwayner

* MarySt. Cleere Q. widow

* John Coe Q.* stationer

* Elizabeth his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Katherinewife of Richard Knight Q.* goldsmith

* Susanna wife of Thomas Straunge Q.* yeoman

* MaryScrogs Q.*

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Daniel Knowling late of Hounslowe, county aforesaid , yeoman

£20 R.

* ElizabethKnowlingsQ.* spinster_

£20 R.

* A. Alice Cole late of Heston, the county aforesaid , spinster C. £20. H. P. But she does not owe that sum because of a note in Roll 12 in the Roll for London in another debt of the same Alice's And she is quit

* Anna Cole Q.* spinster

£20 R.

* Jane wife ofThomasCole Q. yeoman

£20 R.

* Thomas Jollett late of Edmonton, the county aforesaid , yeoman

£20 R.

* Thomas Knight late of St. Andrew Holborn London scrivener

£20 R.

* Jane hiswife

£20 R.

A. George Gorningham late of St. Clement Danes, Middlesex, yeoman B. D. £40 F. £20 G. H. J. within one month next followingthe 14th day of December in the 15th year of the now king James L. £20 M. 25 February 15 James I. N. from the 25th day of Februaryin the 15th year aforesaid the 25th day ofMarch next followingnamely for one month.

* HughGriffen Q.* gentleman

* William Partridge Q.* yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Robert Vaughan of St. Giles in the Fields yeoman

* Anna his wife

£40 R.

* The wife ofWilliam AshborneQ.* yeoman

£40 R.

£40. R.

* The wifeofWilliam Saunders late of Cheswick gentleman.

* RichardAbingtonof Hackneygentleman

* Hiswife

£40 R.

* JohnKingelate of St. Andrew Holborn cutler

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

A. John Warden of St. Andrew Holborn cutler B. D. £40 F. £20 G. H. J.

One month next following the first day of January 15 James L. £20. N. 20 March 15 James I17 April. M. 20 March 15 James.

* Johanna WoodfallQ.* widow

* RichardLovett Q.* goldsmith

* John BaldwinQ.*

£40 R.

* Margaret Poore Q.* spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Anna wifeofLionel Tichborne Q.* gentleman

* Margaret Field Q.* widow

£40 R.

* Johanna wife of Richard Gresham Q. carpenter

* Elizabeth Taylor Q.* of St. James Clerkenwell spinster

* John Higgins Q.* labourer

* Peter SmithQ.* printer

* Johanna his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Elizabethwife of John Lyon Q. gentleman_

* John Webb Q.* esquire

* Elizabeth his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

* ElizabethBoult Q.* spinster

* KatherineMassey Q.* spinster

* HackithaWeyver Q.* spinster

* Johanna Derry Q.* spinster

* Mary Gower Q.* spinster

* Elizabeth Reignolds Q.* spinster

* HumphreyPaule Q.* yeoman

* Tobias Hinderson Q.* yeoman

* Maryhis wife

£40 R.

* EdwardRuffootQ.* gentleman

* Elizabeth his wife

£40 R.

* Margaret TalbotQ.* spinster

* Anna SpittleQ.* spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Oliver Butler late ofIslington, county aforesaid , knight owes

£40 R.

* Anna his wife owes

£40 R.

The sum ofboth debts £80. But they do not owe that because of a decisionof the barons noted in the LTRMR for the second year of King Charles namely entered into the Recorda sectionfor Easter Term And they arequit . 58

* Petronella Byfield Q.* spinster.

£40. R.

* Thomas Colebrooke St. Andrew Holborn gentleman

* Anna his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

* John Trevillian late of St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesex joiner

£40 R.

* KatherineCopley Q.* spinster

* Johanna Perry Q.* spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Francis Huggons late of St. SepulchreLondon, Middlesex yeoman

£40 R.

* Anna Jones Q.* spinster

* Johanna GrindeyQ.*

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Grace wifeofWilliam Cowper Q.* baker

£40 R.

* A. William Man of St. Andrew Holborn yeoman B. D. £80 F. £40 G. H. J. Two months next following 12 October 16 James I. L. £40. M. 28 July 17

James I. N. 28 July22 September17 James I. O.

* Anna Browne Q. spinster

* Anna PluncketQ. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Nathaniel Brantley late of Great All Saints (Dowgate) yeoman

£40. R.

* Margaret Ashe of St. Botolph without Aldersgate (Aldersgate London) spinster

£40 R.

* John Ashe of St. Bride or St. Bridget (Farringdon without London) gentleman

£40 R.

* A. John Fryer Q. in medicine doctor C. £80 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because in Roll 9 of king James in another debt there is a note and heisquit.

* Andrian Hendricke of St. Gabriel Fenchurch(LangborneLondon) foreign merchant £40. R.

* George Vaughan Q. yeoman

* John Williams Q.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Thomas Heath of St. Mary at Hill (Billingsgate London) glover £40 R.

58E368/600/158Easter2 Charles I. In Roll 13 for London andMiddlesex Oliver Butler recently of Islington owed £40 £20 was owed for absence fromfor one month after 1 January 15 James Iandthe next £20 for one month after 20 March 15 James Ion whichday he was convicted until 17 April The same was true of Anna his wife On 6 May 2 Charles I they appeared before the barons with a certificate fromGeorge [Montaigne], bishop of London, which listthem as residing in St. Andrew in Holborn He stated that they appeared before him with a certificate from the minister, curate , churchwardens , and the parish clerk which stated that they were and are zealous and well affected Protestants They have lived in the parish for eight years and have repaired to the sacramentofthe Lord's Supperonthe23rd ofApril lastpast On 4 May they werepresentat public prayersin his chapel and took the oath of allegiance The bishop refers to them as Sir and Lady. They are exoneratedand quit See Roll 13 James Iand 3 Charles I.

* Elizabeth Burges wife of William Burges of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon aforesaid ) gentleman

£40 R.

* Helen wife of John Dayes Q. carpenter

* Johanna wife ofWilliam Ingram shoemaker

* Johana wife of Sampson Pott engraver

* William Martin Q. haberdasher

* Maryhis wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* William Thackerye Q. chirurgo in English surgeon

* Thomas Davys Q. gentleman

* Parnela his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Francis Lockley of Holy Trinity in the Minorites gentleman

£40 R.

* A. John Tanner of Christ Church (Farringdon Within) draper C. £80 H. P.

But he does not owe that sum because of a decision of the barons of the exchequernoted in the LTRMR for the 17th year of the now king James and entered in the recordasectionfor Hilaryterm . 59 And heis quit

* Anna hiswife

£40. R.

* A. Francis Lord Dacres of St. Andrew Holborn B. D.

£80.0.0 F. £40 G. H. J. Two month next following 10 January 16 James I. L. £40 M. 28 July 17 James N. 28 July22 September 17 James I.

* Lady Elizabeth his wife

£40 R.

* Phus [?Philippus ] WarrenQ. yeoman

* KatherineTailor Q. spinster

* HenryPhillipes Q. yeoman

£40. R.

£40 R.

* Anna wife ofRobert Octgles Q. yeoman

* Robert LockleyQ. girdler

* Margaret his wife

£40 R.

* ElizabethHutton Q. spinster

* Mary Saule Q. spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Johanna WhitbreadeQ. spinster £40 R.

* Margaret Ellenor Q. spinster

* Anna PriceQ. spinster

* Martha Ridgley Q. widow

* AliceRidgleyQ. spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* Greeneburie of St. Botolph without Aldersgate widow

£40 R.

* Thomas Frear Junior Q. in medicinedoctor

* William Franklin Q. scissor

* BernardHatchQ. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

59No record ofthis was found in the LTRMR.

* Edward Eure of St. Bartholomew esquire

£40 R. his wife

£40 R. (Farringdon aforesaid)

* Roichard Loadman of St. Botolph aforesaid carpenter

* MaryAbbot of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon aforesaid ) spinster R.

* William Robinson Q. scissors [-maker]

* Jana hiswife

£40 R.

£40 R.


£40 R.




[Lease of SeizedLand Rental]

Debt Farm A. Thomas Monnson, knight B. Robert Hare of St. Leonard in Shoreditch, gentleman C. 26s 8d D. The farm of two parts of one messuage, tenement, hospice with purtenances known by the name of The Lyon in Staines in Middlesex now or lately in the holding of Humphrey Chauncey . E.d. Roll 7 for London and Middlesex G. 26s8d H.a. Thomas Monnson knight. H.b. Michaelmas 5 James H.c. Until the end of a term of 41 yearsyet to come . H.d. 26s8d H.e. H.k. Roll 7 for London and Middlesex J. See the sheriffs' accounts below.

Farm .A. ThomasMarbury esquire B. Thomas Peacock, apothecary , recently of St. Sepulchre C. 100s D. The farm of one hall and three rooms and two upperrooms of a certain parcel or tenement situated in St. Sepulchre without NewgateLondon, recently let to a certain Thomas Peacockfor a term ofyears yet to come , with an access of three feet less half a foot in widthadjacentto and from outside the south part of the shop in the same messuage across a certain passage or courtyard which leads to a pairof stairs and the kitchen of the said messuage, with free ingress , egress and regress into, from and to the aforesaidproperty, of the annual value of £4 E.d. Roll 8. G. 100s H.a. Thomas Marbury esquire H.b. 24 September 8 James H.c. For a term of 21 years. H.d. 100s. H.e. H.k. Roll 8 and see J. J. Returned £7.10.0 through Richard Pyott and FrancisJones recently sheriffs for the 8th year [1610] as contained below, namely from the farm of the 8th year and from his arrears Returned 100s through Edward Barkeham and George Smythes recently sheriffs for the ninth year [1611] as containedbelow from the farm for the ninth year Returned 100s through Edward Rotheram and Alexander Prescott recently sheriffs for the 10th year [1612] as containedbelow from the farm for the 10thyear Returned 100s through ThomasBennet and Henry Joye recently sheriffs forthe 11th year [1613] as containedbelow namely fromthe farmfor the 11th year. Returned 100s through Peter Proby and Martin Lumley recently sheriffs for the 12th year [1613] as containedin Roll 12 for London and Middlesex from the farm of the 12th year. Returned 100s through William and John [Gore] recently sheriffs for the year preceding[1615] as contained in the Roll preceding for London and Middlesex from the farm from the preceding year. Total £37.2.0 But he does not owe that sum either from the farm or from the burden of the debt because treasury in Michaelmas Term in the [ ] year of the now king on the part of the Treasurer'sRemembrancer in the ordinancebook remaining without decrease . And he is quit.

Debt . Farm . A. The tenants. B. Francis Holte of St. Botolph outside Aldersgate gentleman C. 51s 1d and two parts of a half penny per year. D.1 From

the farm of two parts of a certain demise [of one manor house] in Pilkington Place in the above parish D.2 And two parts of the rectory or right of patronage of Shenstone , Stafford, of the annual value of 66s 8d over and above the 108s 10d payable in two [parts] to the king E.a. Nicholas Collyns and other commissioners E.b. 2 August 11 James E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James F.6.13.4 1/2 H. a The tenants H.c. The manor house was a demise for twenty years, the patronage of Shenstone was for the term of Holte's natural life. H.d.51s2d and two parts of a half penny H.k. 11 James J. Returned £4.2.2 for the year aforesaid Total £6.13.4%, But the same tenantsin another place in that Roll for Stafford from the 44s 5d, and two parts of a ha'penny per year from the farm of two parts of the rectory or patronageof Shenstone, Stafford aforesaidand arrears owe 6s 8d for the demiseofthe manor called Pilkington Place aforesaid About which see the sheriffs' account below

Payment . Farm. A. Alexander Miller gentleman B. Gracie Finche of Milton, Kent widow C. £10. D. The farm of all of one messuage or tenement with the purtenances of the one in the same place or in anotherlocatedor pertinences situated lying and existing in Great Eastcheap in St. Leonard within the city ofLondon now or recently in the possession of Edwin Fisher and certain others. D.2. and the messuage known and called by the name of the Knight of the annualvalue over and above reprises of £8 E.d. Roll 11 James I. F . 100s G. £15 H.a. Alexander Miller gentleman H.b. 12 May 11 James . H.c. 21 years H.d. £ 10 H.e. H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. 100s from the aforesaid year Sum £15 In the treasury£ 10 in two paymentsfrom the payment ofthe same farm . Owes 100s

Payment . Farm . A. The tenants B. Daniel Knowlinge C. 40s D. The farm of two parts of two messuages or tenements for a term of two years yet to come in Hanwell of the clear annual value over and above all burdensand reprises of 60s E.a. Thomas Fowler and other commissioners E.b. 4 Feb. 11 James E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James I.G. 40s H.a. the tenants H.c. for a term oftwo yearsyet to come. H.d. 40s H.k. Roll for 11 James I. J. In the treasury 40s in two paymentsfrom the paymentsfor the same farm . In the treasury 20s on the 15th of May from the same farm in payment In the treasury20s onthe 17th of November in the 15th year in payment for the farm And they arequit.

Debt Farm . A. The tenants. B. Hugh Griffen C. £6.8.4 D.1 The farmof two parts for a term of 7 years of one messuage or tenementin the parishof St. Martin in the Fields of the clear annual value of 100s D.2 and two parts of one messuage or tenement situated in the parish of St. Clement Danes of the annual value of 100s E.a. Thomas Fowler and other commissioners E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James I. H.a. The tenants H.c. For a term of seven years H.d. £6.8.4 H.k. Roll for 11 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

Farm A. Joseph Lovett B. C. 40s D. The farm of one messuage or tenement in the parishof St. Andrew of the annualvalue over and above any repriseof 60s E.a Thomas Fowler and other commissioners E.b.4 February 11 James E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James I. G. 40s H.a. The tenants H.c. For three years yet to come H.k. Roll for 11 James I. J. Returned40s through ThomasBennett and Henry Joye recently sheriffs for the 11th year [1613] as contained below from the same farm for the 11th year as containedbelow in the 11th Roll for London and Middlesex. Returned 40s through Peter Proby andMartin Lumley recently sheriffs for the 12th year [1614] as contained in Roll 12 for London and Middlesex from the same farm for the 12th year as containedin Roll 12 for London and Middlesex Returned 12s through William and John Gore esquires sheriffs ,for the year preceding [1615] Total due £8, but they do not owe that amount neither fromthe farm nor from certaindebts by virtue ofa certain order or decree of this Exchequerfrom Trinity term in the 15th year which now remains on the part of the Lord Treasurer'sRemembrancer remaining in the book of ordinances ordecrees .

There is a line in the margin next to these names, but notfiatcommissio

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

Elizabeth Taylor late of St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesex widow 100s forthe price or value of goods and utensils in the hands of the lord king now James since the 17th day of October in the 14th year taken and returned of the said Elizabeth by Thomas Fowler knight and other commissioners because of her recusancyas contained in LTRMR for the 14thyear entered in the recordasectionfor Michaelmasterm.

Mary Gower of the same place widow

20s for the price of divers utensilstaken and returnedto her by the aforesaid commissionersas contained in that place.

John Robinson of the same place taylor goods and utensils taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersas contained in that place

Margaret Talbott of the same place spinster

20s for the price ofdivers

£20 . for the price of divers goods and utensil taken and returnedby the aforesaid commissionersas containedin thatplace

John Dam alias Addam of St. Andrew Holborn London, Middlesex cutler

£20. for the price of divers goods and utensils taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyas contained in that place.

Mary Sinclare of the same place widow

£10 for the price ofdivers goods and utensils taken and returned to her by the aforesaid commissioners because of her recusancy as containedin that place.

Thomas Wilford of the same place gentleman owes £100 for the price or value of the lands, tenements , goods, chattels, and utensils within St. Andrew in Holborne aforesaidand in the county Kent taken and returnedby the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancy as contained in that place . But

he does not owe that because of a note in Roll 19 in Kent in the farm of Henry Smith . And he is quit

JohnWard of the same parishyeoman £100 for the price andvalue of the goods, chattels , and utensils taken and returned by the aforesaidcommissionersbecause of his recusancy as containedin that place.

Johanna Davis of the same place spinster 40s for the price or value of divers goods and utensils taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of her recusancy as containedin that place.

William Beswick of the same place shoemaker owes £20 for the price or the value of divers goods and utensils seized and returned by the aforesaid commissionerscontainedin that place . But he does not owe that amountby virtue of a certain ordinance or decree treasury in Easter term in the 16th year of the now king on the part of the LTRM in the book of ordinancesor decrees remaining And he is quit

Robert Vaughan recently of the parish of St. Giles in the Fields in the county of Middlesex owes £20. for the price or value of his goods and chattelstaken and returnedby the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyas contained in that place. But he does not owe that sum because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR from the 16th year of the now king James namely entered in the recorda sectionfor Trinity term and he is quit . 60 John Waldron of the same place gentleman 40s for the price or value of his goods and chattels seized and returned by the aforesaid commissioners because of his recusancyas containedin that place

Mabella Griffeth of the same place spinster 100s for the price or value of divers goods and utensils seized and returnedby the aforesaidcommissionersbecause of her recusancyas containedin that place.

Robert Gatterisof the parish of St. Sepulchre London in the county of Middlesex gentleman 100s for the price or value of divers goods and chattels and utensils taken and returned by the aforesaid commissioners because ofhis recusancy as containedin that place . 61

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

Payment A. Sebastian Harvey and William Cockayne recently sheriffs for B. the seventh year [1609] C. £772 D. Remaining from the £959.13.4 E. As

60E368/570/108Trinity Term 16 James I.

61E368/563/201Michaelmas 14 James I. A commission was issued in the Exchequer on 19 June 14James Iandaninquestwasheld at Hicks Hallin St.John'sStreeton Thursday, 17 October Allofthe above recusantsnames and valuations appear. The barons after mature deliberation decidedthat they shall answerto the kingfor the value of theirgoods E368/570/118TrinityTerm 16 James I.Inthe recusantRollfor9 James I Robert Vaughanof St. Giles in the Fields, gentleman, owed £60; £40 fortwo months absence following 1 march 13 James I and £20 for 31 August on which day he was convicted until 28 September InRoll 12 for Middlesex heowed £60 for threemonths nextfollowing 1 January 13 JamesIfor which he wasconvicted on 3 October 14 James I. He appeared in the Exchequeron 23 June with a certificate of conformity dated 5 May 1618 from George [Abbot], archbishop of Canterbury , stating that VaughanhadheardDivine Service and hadtakenthe oaths of supremacyandallegiance He is exonerated andquit

containedin Roll 11 for London and Middlesex F. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

Payment. A. Thomas Benett and Henry Jaye, recently sheriffs. B. The eleventh year [1613]. C.1.£60.8.103 D. E. As contained in that place. F.1 . But the tenantsof the lands of Francis Holte, about whose debt of £8.15.10'/3 in Roll 11 for London and Middlesex, answer for £7.15.6/3: see elsewherein this Roll under Staffs after their farm, so that they owe C.2 £52.13.4 F.2

Richard Pyott and Francis Jones, recently sheriffs [1610], aboutwhose burden of debt in that place, answer for £39.10.0: see immediately below F.3 Edward Barkenham and George Smythes , recently sheriffs [1611], about whose debt burden [£5] contained in that place see below {sic: see above , p 99] F.4 Thomas Marbury, esquire, about whose burden of debt in that place, answers for 100s in respectthereof immediately after his farm F.5 . The tenants of the lands of Joseph Lovett, about whose debt contained in that place, answer for 40s: see immediately after their farm They owe 23s 4d, about which see the sheriffs' accounts below

Payment A. Richard Pyatt and Francis Jones, recently sheriffs B. The eighth year [1610] C. £39.10.0 through Thomas Bennett and Henry Jaye, recently sheriffs for the eleventh year [1613], namely after paying £761.6.8 out of £780.16.8. D. E. As contained in Roll 1 for London and Middlesex F. But Thomas Marbury, esquire, about whose burden of debt in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex, answers for £7.10.0: see immediately after his farm. They owe £32, for which see Roll 16 for London.

Payment. A. Edward Rotheram and Alexander Prescott , recently sheriffs . B. The tenth year [1612] C. £7.13.4 through Peter Proby and Martin Lumley, recently sheriffs for the twelfth year [1612], as containedin Roll 12 for London and Middlesex, namely remaining from £38.6.8 D. E. As contained in Roll 12 for London and Middlesex F. But Thomas Marbury esquire , about whose burden of debt in Roll 10 for London and Middlesex, answers for 100s: see the supplementafter his farm. They owe 53s 4d, for which see in Roll 16 for London

[Statements ofSheriffs' Arrears]

A. The sheriffs, Alan Cotton and Cuthbert Hackett [1616] account for. B.1. 26s 8d through Thomas Monnson knight as contained above. Respondetur B.2 . 6s 8d through the tenants of the lands of Francis Holte as containedin that place B.3 £6.13.4 through the tenants of the lands of Hugh Griffenas contained in the same place Respondetur B.4 . £772 through Sebastian Harvey and William Cockayne, recently sheriffs [1609], in the same place Respondetur . B.5 23s 4d through Thomas Bennett and Henry Jay, sheriffs [1613]. C. £781.10.0. D. In the treasury £7 on 3 December of 16th year, namely from the burden of debt above £6.13.4 under the name of Hugh Griffeth and 6s 8d from the tenants of Francis Holte. Respondetur . E. They owe £674.10.0, see below in Roll 16 for London Respondetur .

[Enrolments ofEstreated Convictions for Recusancy]

A. Israel Friar St. Andrew Holborn gentleman B. D. £80 F. £60. G. H. J . 16

June 16 James I and three months next following L. £20 N. 3 December 16

James I for one month. M. 3 December 16 James O.

* Susanna his wife

£80 R.

* John Whiteyard Q.* yeoman

£80 R.

* Mary Robinson late of Gray's Inn Lane, county aforesaid spinster

£80 R.

* Helen [Gavner] late of Clerkenwell, county aforesaid , spinster

£80 R.

* Margaret Eaton Q.* spinster

£80 R.

* Anna wife ofRichard Curwynns Q.* gentleman

* Anna wife ofWilliam Price Q.* knight

* Francis[Knasborowe] Q.* yeoman

* John ThynnerQ.* yeoman

* H Q.* spinster

* AnnaWindfore Q.* spinster


£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Helen wife ofThomasGoodlocke Q.* gentleman Dawkins Q.* gentleman

* Margaret his wife

* Sara Carter Q.* spinster

* Mary Sherley Q.* spinster

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Marywife of Henry Minn Q.* knight

* William Dams Q.* knight

£80 R.

* John Gryndey late of Turnwell Street

* Dorothywife of Thomas Wanley Q.* glassier

* Glianorawife ofThomasLether Q.* poulterer

* ElizabethConstable Q.* spinster

* KatherineWindsorQ.* spinster

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* A. Thomas Jallet of Edmonton gentleman B. D. £60 F. £20 G. H. J. One month after 7 March 16 James I. L. £40. M. 28 July 17 James I. N. 28 July22 September 17 James I. O.

* Elizabeth Etheringhamwife of William Etheringham of Hendon, county aforesaid , £60 R.

* Daniel Knowlinge late of Newbrainford, said county

* RichardPaddington late of Great Stanmore , said county

£60 R.

£60. R.

* ElizabethKnowlinge late of Newbraneford, said county, spinster

£60 R.

* RichardAbbingtonlateofHackney, said county, gentleman

* Katherinehis wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Jane wife of Richard Watson late of Chancery Lane, said county, barber surgeon

* Mary

£60 R. botom Q.* spinster

£60 R.

* MaryAwdleylate of Clerkenwell, said county, spinster _

£60 R.

* Ferdinando Emerson late of High Holborne, said county, cutler

£60 R.

* Anne his wife

* John Dam Q.* cutler

* Helen his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Mary HeywardQ. widow

£60 R.

* Susanna wife of Edwin Sall Q.* gentleman

* RichardSallQ.* yeoman

* William [Cooke] Q.* gentleman

* Bridgethis wife

* AnnaDowse Q.* widow

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* William Beswicke Q.* cordwayner

* Elizabethhiswife

* IsraelFryar Q.* gentleman

* Susanna his wife

* John Doe Q.* stationer

* Elizabethhis wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Thomas Knight Q.* scrivener

* Juliana his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Katherinewife ofRichard Knighte Q.* goldsmith

* Susanna ofThomas Strange Q.* taylor

* Mary Scroge Q.* spinster .

* Jane WoodfallQ.* widow

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Louis Evans late of St. John's Street, said county,

* his wife

£60 R.

* Elizabeth Nashe Q.* widow

* Lady Wormewood

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

* William Hawkins late of Kensington, said county,

* John Wildred late of St. Giles in the Fields, said county,

* Katherinehis wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. Robert Lockley of Saffronhill , Middlesex yeoman B. D. £60 G. H. J.

Three months next following the first day of May 17 James I. E. Three months M. 14 January 18 James I. O.

* Margaret his wife

* Mary Lowman Q.* widow

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Johanna wife of Richard Gresham Q.* carpenter

* Margaret Feild Q.* widow

* RichardLovett Q.* goldsmith

£ 60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Ferdinando Emerson late of High Holborne, said county, cutler

£60 R.

* Jana his wife

* John Dam Q.* cutler

* Helen his wife

£60. R.

£60 R.

* Mary Heywood Q.* widow

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Susanna Saule wife of Edwin Saule Q.* gentleman

* RichardSaule Q.* yeoman

£60 R.

£60 R.

* John Blague Q.* taylor

* Magdelana his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

* William Cooke Q.* gentleman

* Bridget his wife

£60 R.

* IsraelFryare Q.* yeoman

* Susannahis wife

* Anna Dowse Q.* widow

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60. R.

* William Beswicke Q.* cordwayner

* Elizabeth his wife

* John Doe Q.* stationer

* Elizabeth his wife

£60 R.

£60. R.

£60 R.

* Thomas KnighteQ.* scrivener

* Julianahis wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Katherinethe wife of Richard Knights Q.* goldsmith

* Susannawife of ThomasStrange Q.* taylor

* Mary ScrogesQ.* spinster

* Jane Woodfall Q.* widow

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Anna wife of Henry Pennington late of St. Giles outside Cripplegate London, said county, yeoman

£60 R.

* William Atterbury Q.* yeoman

* Jane hiswife

£60 R.

* Elia Tuckney Q.* yeoman

* Margaret his wife

£60. R.

* Christopher AbdeyQ.* yeoman

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Elizabeth Nashelate ofSt.John'sStreet, said county, widow

* LouisEvans Q.* yeoman

* Ann hiswife

£60 R.

* ElizabethBoultonQ.* spinster

* HumphreyPaule Q.* yeoman

* Anna Robinson Q.* widow

* John ClithorneQ.* yeoman


£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Mary Cutler late of Ratcliffe, said county, spinster

* Richard AbbingtonlateofHackney, said county, gentleman

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R. Clare of Fulham , saidcounty,

* Katherinehis wife

£60 R.

* A. Alice Cole of Heston, said county, spinster C. owes D. £60 G. P. But she does not owe that sum because of a note in the second Roll of Charles in London and Middlesex in the farm of the tenants of the lands and holdings of the same Alice Andshe is quit . 62

* Agnes Cole Q.* spinster

£60 R.

* Jane wife of ThomasCole Q.* yeoman

£60 R.

62E377/34aRecusantRollfor 2 CharlesI has the usual entry for Alice Cole andmakes reference to adecision ofthe baronsin TrinityTerm 3 CharlesI. As noted in n . 50, p . 72 above ,Ihaveno recordof that decision

* Elizabeth wife of William Etheringham of Hendon, said county, yeoman


* £60 R.

Daniel Knowlinge late of Newbraineford, said county yeoman £60 R.

Gillett late of Edmonton, saidcounty, widow £60 R.

* A. Thomas Jellot late of Edmonton yeoman. B. D. £60 F. £20 G. J. One month next followingthe 1st day of March 15 James I L. £40. N. 6 August 16 James-3 October 16 James. M. Thursday 6 August 16 James O.

* hiswife

£60 R.

* Charles Middleton late ofEnfield, said county, from the fine R.

* his wife

£60. R.

* Daniel Knowlingelate of Brainforde, said county,

* Elizabeth Knowlinge Q.* fromthefine

£60 R.


£60 R.

* Thomas Reevelate of St. John's Street, said county, from the fine £60 . R. his wife fromthe fine

* £60 R.

* Frances Tooley Q.* said county spinsterfrom the fine

£60 R.

* Richard Abbington late of Hackney, county aforesaid , from the fine £60 R.

* Katherinehis wife from the fine

£60 R.

* Ferdinand Emerson late of St. Andrew Holborn, said county, cutler from the fine £60 R.

Look for moreLondonfines after the materialfor Shropshire and Wales


A. Jane wife of Ferdinand Emerson of St. Andrew Holborn. B. D. £60. E. three months. F. £20. G. H. J. One month next following 1 May 15 James L.

£40 M. Thursday 6 August 15 James N. 6 August3 October 15 James .

* John Dam Q.* cutler from the fine

* Helena his wifefromthefine

* Thomas Haywarde Q.* from thefine

* Maryhis wifefromthe fine

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Susanna wife of Edwin Saule Q.* gentlemanfrom the fine

* RichardSaule Q.* from the fine

£60 R.

£60 R.

* A. Edwin Saule Q.* from the fine C. owes D. £60 H. P. But he does not owe that because in the 20th Roll in London there is a note in another debt of Edwin Saule and he isquit

* John Blague Q.* taylor fromthe fine

* Magdalene his wifefromthe fine

£60. R.

£60 R.

* William Beswicke Q.* cordwaynerfromthe fine

* Ambrose BeeswickeQ.

£60 R.

* John Coe Q.* stationerfrom the fine

* Elizabeth his wife from the fine

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Thomas Knight Q.* scrivenerfromthe fine

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Jane his wife from the fine

£60. R.

* Katherine wife of Richard Knight Q.* goldsmith from the fine

£60 R.

* Susanna wife of Thomas Strange Q.* from the fine

* Mary ScroggesQ.* spinsterfromthe fine

* William Cooke Q. gentlemanfromthe fine

* Bridget his wifefromthe fine

* Anna Dowse Q.* widow fromthe fine

£60 R.

* Jana Woodfall Q.* widow from the fine

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

* Jana wife of Richard Watson late of Chancery Lane, said county, widow from the fine £60 R.

* MaryHuttoris Q.* spinster

£60 R.

* Mary Pussett late of St. Giles in the Fields, said county, widow fromthe fine £60 R.

* John Webb late of Clerkenwell, said county, gentleman from the fine

£60 R.

* Elizabeth his wife

£60 R.

* ElizabethBolte Q.* spinsterfromthe fine

* KatherineWessey Q.* spinsterfromthe fine

* John Robinson Q.* taylor fromthe fine

* Agnes his wife

£60 R.

* William Robinson Q.* yeoman fromthe fine

* Richard Penvoes Q.* fromthe fine

* Anna his wifefrom the fine

£60 R.

* EdwardRuffoote Q.* yeoman fromthe fine

* Elizabeth his wife

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R.

£60 R. from the fine £60 R.

* Thomas Mathewes late of St. Andrew Holborn, county aforesaid , cutler

* Helena his wife fromthe fine

£60 R.



[LeaseofSeizedLand. Rental]

Debt Farm A. Thomas Monnson knight B. Robert Hare of St. Leonard Shoreditch gentleman C. 26s8d D. The farm of two parts of one messuage or holding and hospicewith purtenances known by the name ofthe Lyon and situated in Staines, Middlesex E.d. Roll 6 for London and Middlesex. H.a. ThomasMonnson H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. Until the end of a term of 41 years yet to come H.d. Returning annually the third part of the annual value of two parts i.e. 26s8d H.e. H.k. Roll 6 for London and Middlesex J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

Debt Farm . A. The tenants B. Francis Holte of St. Botolph outsideAldersgate gentleman . C. 51s 1d 2 parts of a ha'penny. D. The farm of two partsof a certain demisefor twenty years yet to come of one manor house at Pilkington Place in the parish aforesaid of the annual value of 10s beyond any reservations or returns E.a. Nicholas Collyns and other commissioners E.b. 2 August 9 James E.c. E.d. Rolls 11 and 14. G . 6s8d H.a. The tenants. H.c. Parts of a demise for twenty years yet to come H.d. 51s 1 '/3d H.k. Rolls 11 and 14 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accounts below

Payment Farm . A. Alexander Miller gentleman . B. Gracie Finche of Milton widow C. £10 D. The farm of all of one messuage with purtenances of one sort or another situated and existing in Great Eastcheap in St. Leonard within the city of London in the separate holding of Edgar Fisher and certain others ofa messuage called by the name of The Knighte of the annual value above reprises of £8 E.d. Roll 11 James I. F. 100s G. £15 H.a. Alexander Miller. H.b. 12 May 11 James I. H.c. For a term of 21 years. H.d. £10 H.e. H.k. Roll 11. J. Remaining: 100s from the year aforesaid: Sum £15 In the treasury 41s in two paymentsfrom the same farm in two parts The remainder in the treasury 4 November in the 16th year from the same farm in payment and he is quit

Payment Farm . A. The tenants . B. Daniel Knowlinge C. 40s D. The farm of two parts of two messuages or tenements with purtenances in Hanwell of the clear annual value above all debts and reprises of 60s E.a. Thomas Fowler E.b.4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 11. G. 40s. H.a. Thetenants. H.c. For two years yet to come H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. In the treasury20s 22 May 16 James Ifrom the same farm in payment Remainderin the treasury20s 17th November in the 16thyear from the same farm in payment. And heisquit.

Farm . A. The tenants B. Hugh Griffen C. £6.13.4. D.1 The farm of two parts of one messuage or tenement in St. Martin in the Fields ofthe annual worth of 100s and D.2 two parts of one other tenementin St. Clement Danes

of the annual value of 100s E.a. Thomas Fowler and other commissioners . E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 11. G. 6.13.4 H.a. The tenants . H.c. For the term of seven years yet to come H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accounts below


Failure to Receive the Sacrament ofthe Lord's Supper]

Edward ForcettlateofSt.ClementDanes, Middlesex_ £30, as the half of £60 . In that he is older than sixteen years and has not gone to any church chapel or usual place of common prayer but absented himself from them contrary to the form of a statute in such case edited and that he has not received the holy blessed sacrament of the supper of the Lord in the parish church of St. Clement Dane in the aforesaid county of Middlesex for the total term of the year next followingafter the 29th day of July in the seventh year of the now king nor within the term of two years next following after that aforesaid29thof July did he receive the aforesaid sacrament according to the form of the aforesaid statute in that cause edited etc. but was in default as contained on the part of remembrancerfrom the tenth year of the now king namely entered in the Recordasectionfor Michaelmas in Roll 532[sic].

The onlyother references I have to a finefor not receiving the Lord's Supper are contained in SO3/6 ?July 1618A grant to Hector Johnson (one of his Majesty's servants) of his Majesty's moiety of three several sums of £60 a piece adjudged against him [sic] one Thomas Tildesleyfor not receiving the sacramentof the Lord's Supperwithinthreeyears space according to the laws and statutesofthe realm by order ofSir SidneyMontague, subscribedby Mr. Attorney General SO3/6/?6 September 1619A Grant to Thomas Gilborne (at the motion of Michael Lisley) of the moiety offourjudgments of £60 a piece given against one Thomas Middleton, gentleman ; uponfourseveral informations exhibited against him in the Exchequerfor the not receiving the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the laws. Subscribed by Mr. Attorney General Procured by Mr. Secretary Calvert 6s 8d. There are also two and a possible third record offines for non-communicating in E377/27 The definite are Thomas Brockles and John Constable (see below p . 110) The possible is James Sergeant (Below p . 110) Le Hardy IV 1616-1618 Sessions held 3 & 4 October 1616 Process Register Book of Indictmentsp 26(f78)- Richard Simpson of St. Clement Danes, tailor, and Elizabeth his wife; also, Christina, wife of Julian Freake of the same place, linen draper, for not receiving the sacrament

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. The sheriffs William Holdaye and Robert Johnson [1617] accountfor B.1 26s 8d for ThomasMonnson as contained above B.2 6s 8d from the tenants of the lands of Francis Holt as contained in that place B.3. £6.13.4 forthe tenants of the lands of Hugh Griffen as contained in the same place. C. £8.6.8 E. They answer in Roll 18 for London and Middlesex.

[Enrolments of Estreated Convictions for Recusancy]

* A. William Pell of St. Andrew Holborn (Farringdon Without) yeoman B. D. £40 E. Two Months G. H. J. Two months next followingthe tenth day of January 17 James I.M. 31 May 18 James I. O.

* Margaret his wife

* Robert Dagle Q.* yeoman

£40 R.

* MaryStansmore Q.* widow

* Katherinewife of Drew Lovett Q.*

* Anna Lovett Q.* spinster

* MaryWhite Q.* spinster .

* Mary Saule Q.* widow

* Thomas WilsonQ.* gentleman

* Maryhiswife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

* George Pearson late of St. Anne in Blackfriars (ward aforesaid withinLondon) scissors-maker

£40 R.

* John Merton of Christ Church (ward aforesaid within London) weaver

* Jane hiswife

£40 R.

£40 R.

* John Talcott late of St. Mary on the Hill (Billingsgate London) yeoman

£40 R.

* Elizabeth his wife

£40. R.

* HenryHawkins lateof St. Olav in SilverstreetDoctor in law

£40 R.

* A. Henry Smith Q.* salter [salinar'] C. £40 R. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the 21st year of the now king and entered in the Recorda section of the Michaelmasterm forthe 21st year of the now king and he is quit . 63

* Frances [Oyne] late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon outside London) spinster

£40 R.

* ElizabethHinde Q.* spinster_

£40 R.

* A. Mary Robinson of St. Andrew Holborn (Newgate Farringdon Outside) widow B. D. £40 E. 2 months G. H. J. Two months next followingthe 18th day of July 18

James I. M. 12 January 18 James I. O.

* Anna Lee Q.* spinster

* BradbornShenton Q.* yeoman

£40 R.

* James Gonghe Q.* knight

* Johanna Willys Q.* place spinster

* Mary Reiginolds Q.* spinster

* RobeurtLoughton Q.* gentleman

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

63E368/590/92Michaelmas 21 JamesI. In RecusantRoll 15 Henry Smith recently ofthe parish of St. Olave in Silver Street, owed £40 fortwo months' absence following 10 January 17 James I. He appeared before the barons on 6 November 21 James I with a certificate of conformity dated 20 December 1621 in which George[Abbot], archbishopofCanterbury attests that the minister said that Henry is 76 and hard of hearing and deaf; he should not be at Divine Service becauseofhis other infirmities He attendedchurch on 20 Decemberin the bishop's chapel. He is exoneratedandquit See RecusantRoll 10 .

* William Wilkinson Q.* gentleman

* Johanna his wife

* Jane Davies Q.*

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

* Mary Coxe late of St. Bridget don) widow

£40 R. (Farringdon outside Lon-

* Johanna wife of Richard Greenebury late of St. Botolph outside Aldersgate (AldersgateLondon) picture maker [sic]

* John Talleys Q.* yeoman

* Elizabeth Goodburye Q.* spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

* JocosaFranklin wife of Walter Franklin Q.* gentleman £40. R.

* John Price late of St. Dunstan in the West (Farringdon outside London) Doctor in medicine

£40 R.

* Barnard Blunstynn late of St. Margaret in Newfisherstreet London yeoman

£40 R.

* Mary Ridgley late of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon without London) widow

£40 R.

* Martha her daughter

£40 R.

* Thomas Devenishe Q.* yeoman

* Elizabeth his wife

£40 R.

* ParnellaDavies Q.* spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.



[Lease of Seized Land. Rental]

Debt Farm . A. Thomas Monnson knight B. Robert Hare of St. Leonard Shoreditch gentleman C. 26s8d D. The farm of two parts of one tenement , messuage or hospice with purtenances known by the name of The Lyon situated in Staines in the holding of Humphrey Chaunceyof the annual worthof £6 E.d. Roll 6. G. 26s 8d H.a. Thomas Monnson knight H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. For a term of 41 yearsnext following and fully completed H.d. Renderingthence yearly one third of the yearly value of the two parts, namely 26s8d of legal English moneyH.e. H.k. Roll 6.

Debt Farm . A. The tenants B. Francis Holte of St. Botolph outsideAldersgate gentleman C. 6s 8d from 51s 1d and 2 parts of a ha'penny. D. The farm oftwo parts of a certain demise for 20 years yet to come of one manorhouse situated in a certain place called Pilkington Place of the annual value of 10s above any reservations or returns E.a. Nicholas Collyns E.b. 2 August9 James. E.c. E.d. Rolls 11 and 14. G. 6s8d H.a. The tenants H.c. For twenty years yet to come H.k. Rolls 11 and 14. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

Payment Farm A. Alexander Miller gentleman B. Gracie Finche recently of Melton widow C. £ 10 D. The farm of all of one messuage or tenement with certain purtenances of one sort or another lying, situated and existing in Great Eastcheapin the parish of St. Leonard within the city now or recently in the separate holding of Edgar Fisher and certain others commonly called bythe nameofThe Knight ofthe annualvalue above reprises of £8 E.d. Roll 11. G. £10 H.a. Alexander Miller gentleman H.b. 12 May 11 James I. H.c. Until the end of a term of 21 years H.d. £10 H.e. H.k. 11 James I. J. He responded in the treasury on the first day of Mayin the 17thyear in payment for the said farm Responded in the treasury 100s on the 30th October in the 17th year in paymentfor the same farm and he isquit.

Payment Farm . A. The tenants B. Daniel Knowlinge C. 40s D. The farm of two parts of two messuages or tenements in Hanwell E.a. ThomasFowler knight E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. H.a. The tenants H.c. For a term of two years yet to come H.d. 40s J. 20s paid into the treasury on 10 May 17 James I and the remaining 20s paid into the treasuryon 6 December 17 James I and they are quit.

Debt Farm . A. The tenants B. Hugh Griffen C. £6.8.4 D.1 One messuage or tenementin St. Martin in the Fields of the annual value of 100s and D.2 two parts of one other tenementin St. Clement Danes of the annual value of 100s E.a. Thomas Fowler knight et al E.b.4 February 11 James I. E.c. H.a.

The tenants H.c. For a term of seven years yet to come H.d. £6.8.4 J. About which see the sheriffs accountbelow

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

A. Peter Proby and Martin Lumley recently sheriffs for the B . 12th year [1614] C. £31.13.4 remaining from £80.16.8 D. E. As containedin Roll 12 for London and Middlesex F. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

The line which usually indicates fiat commissio is present but the words are missing.

[Fines for not receivingtheSacrament oftheLord's Supper]

James Sergeant late of St. Clement Danes, Middlesex, gentleman £30 fromthe half of the £60 in that he is above the age of 16 years and that he has not gone to any church, chapel or place of common prayer but has absented himself fromthem for the space of one year contrary to the formof a statute edited in that case and as previously contained in the LTRMR for the 15th year of the now king and entered into the Recorda section of the Easter term R 55

£30 above his burden

Thomas Brockles late of St. Andrew Holborn ofdebt for not receiving the Blessed Sacrament ofthe Lord's Supper contrary to the form of the statute in this case edited and entered as containedin the memorandaaforesaidfor the tenth year namely entered in the Recordasection for Michaelmas term Roll 534 .

John Constable late of St. Clement Danes, Middlesex, £30 above his own debtsfor not receiving the Blessed Sacrament of the Lord's supper contrary to the form ofthe statute in this case edited and entered in that same placein Roll 535 .

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

A. [William and John Gore] esquires recently sheriffs for the B. 13th year [1615] C. 33s remaining from £28.10.8. D. From the 13th year as contained in E. Roll 13 for London and Middlesex F. About whichsee the sheriffs' accountsbelow

A. Richard Pyott and Francis Jones esquires recently sheriffs for the B. 8th year [1610] C. £32 . remaining from £780.16.8 D. E. From the 8th year as containedin Roll 14 for London F. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

A. Edward RotheramandAlexander Prescott recently sheriffs for the B. 10th year [1612] C. 53s 4d remaining from £38.6.8 D. E. From the 10th year as containedin that same place F. About which see the sheriffs' account below

A. Alan Cotton and Cuthbert Hackett, recently sheriffs B. The 14th year [1616] C. £774.10.0 remaining from £781.10.0 D. E. From the 14th year as contained in that place. F. But Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine , recently sheriffs [1609], about whose debts in Roll 14 for London and Middlesex , answer for £772, about whichsee below They owe 50s, about which see the sheriffs' accountbelow .

Response A. Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine, recently sheriffs. B. The 7thyear of the now king [1609] C. £772 through Alan Cotton and Cuthbert Hackett, recently sheriffs for the 14th year [1616], as contained immediately above, namely from £960.13.4 D. E. As contained in Roll 14 for London and Middlesex. F. But John Grove, about whose debt of £550 in Roll 7 for London and Middlesex in four parts, answers separately : see immediately below. Respondetur . About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow.

Response John Grove of London, gentleman , owes £300 through Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine, recently sheriffs for the 7th year [1609], as contained immediately above, namely above his burden of debt, for money delivered to him by John Halsey for safe-keeping for the work of the same John and redelivered to the same John when the aforesaid John Grove had been requested to do this In the hands of the now king James since the 27th day of February in the fifth year, taken and returned as contained in Roll 7 for London and Middlesex. But he does not owe that sum because of a note in Roll 14 in Worcestershirein the farm of the tenants of the lands and tenementsofthe same John Halsey and he isquit

The same John Grove owes £120. through each of the recent sheriffs ascontained above namely above the burden of his debt for a return of £20 annually for his retaining tenements of John Halsey for the use of the said John in Donnington in county Gloucesterfrom the 20th day of May in the 41st year of Queen Elizabeth until the last day of March in the thirdyear of the now king on which day the aforesaid John Halsey died. In the hands of the lord kingsince the day and year aforesaidtaken and returnedas contained in that said place. But he does not owe that sum because of a note immediately above in anotherdebt of the same John Grove .

The same John Grove owes £80 through each of the recent sheriffs in that same place above his annual debt burden for an annual return of £20 owed to the same John Halsey from his tenants for their lands in Eastnor and Ledbury in county Hereford through the aforesaid John Grove retained since the last day of October in the 42rd year for years next following for the use ofthe aforesaidJohn In the hands of the lord king since the day and the year aforesaid, taken and returned as containedin that same place But he does not owe that sum because of a note above in another debt of the same John .And he is quit

The same John Grove owes £50 through each of the recentsheriffs abovehis burden of debt for an annual return of £25 from the lands and farms ofthe same John Halsey in Colwell in county Hereford through the aforesaid John Grove for the use of the aforesaid John Halsey , retainedsincethe 26th day of July in the second year for two whole years next following. In the hands of the king since the day and year aforesaid taken and returned as in that place But he does not owe that amount because of a note above in another debt of the same John . And he isquit.

A. The same sheriffs, namely Richard Hearne and Hugh Hamersley , account for B.1 26s 8d from Thomas Monnson, knight, as contained above B.2. 6s 8d for the tenants of the lands and tenements of Francis Holte as contained abovein that place B.3 £6.8.4 for the tenants of the lands of Hugh Griffen, as contained in that place. B.4. £31.8.4 for Peter Proby and others as contained in that place B.5. 33s for William and John Gore as containedin that place B.6 £32 for Richard Piott and Francis Jones, recently sheriffs [1610], in that place B.7 53s 4d for Edward Rotheram and Alexander Prescott, recently sheriffs [1612], in that place B.8 50s for Alan Cotton and Cuthbert Hackett, recently sheriffs [1612], in that place B.9 £122 for Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine, recently sheriffs [1609], in that place . C. £200.16.4 E. Respondetur: see in Roll 18 for London



[Leaseof Seized Land Rental]

Farm A. Thomas Monnson B. Robert Hare of St. Leonard Shoreditch gentleman C. 26s 8d D. Two pieces of one messuage and hospice with purtenances known by the name ofThe Lyon in Staines recently in the possession of Humphrey Chaunceyof the annualvalue of £6 E.d. Roll 6 for London and Middlesex G. 26s 8d H.a. Thomas Monnson H.b. Michaelmas 4 James I. H.c. For a term of 41 years next following and fully completed H.d. The third part of the annual value of the two parts, that is 26s8 H.e. H.k. Roll 6 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accounts below

Farm. A. The tenants B. Francis Holte of St. Botolph outside Aldersgate London gentleman C. 51s 1d and two parts of a ha'penny D.1 Two parts of the lands and tenements D.2 The farm of two parts of a demise of onemanor house in Pilkington Place, Middlesex E.b. 2 October 9 James I. E.d. Rolls 11 & 13 for London and Middlesex. F. 51s 1d and two parts of a ha'penny. H.c. For a term of 20 years H.k. Rolls 11 & 13 for London and Middlesex. J. About which see the sheriffs' accountsbelow

Farm. A. Alexander Miller gentleman B. Gracie Fynche late of Milton. C. £10 D. A certain messuage or tenementwith certain pertinences ofone other or with others in Great Eastcheap in the St. Leonard in the city of London now or recently in the separate tenure of Edgar Fisher and certainotherscommonly called by the name of the Knighte of the annual value above any reprises of £8 E.d. Roll 11 for London and Middlesex G. £10 H.a. Alexander Miller. H.b. 12 May 11 James I. H.c. For the term of21 years H.d. £ 10 H.e. H.k. Roll 11 for London and Middlesex J. 100s received at the treasuryon the 1st day ofMay in the 18th year from the same farm in payment Andthe remaining 100s received in the treasuryon the 6th of November in the 18th year from the same farm in paymentandhe isquit

The Roll is decaying so that the marginal notes may be incomplete

Farm A. The tenants . B. Daniel Knowlinge C. 40s D. The farm oftwoparts of two messuages or tenements with purtenances in Hanwell, Middlesex of the clear annual value above all debts and reprises of 60s E.a. Thomas Fowler, knight and others E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 11 for London and Middlesex G. 40s H.a. The tenants H.c. For a term oftwoyears yet to come H.d. 40s H.k. Roll 11 for London and Middlesex J. In the treasury received Decemberyear 18 40s in payment for the same farm. And they are quit

Farm. A. The tenants B. Hugh Griffen C. £6.13.4 D.1 The farm of two parts of one tenement or messuage in St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex of

the clear annual value of 100s D.2. Two parts of one other tenementsituated and existing in St. Clement Danes, Middlesex of the annual value of 100s E.a. Thomas Fowler, knight and others. E.b.4 February 11 James I E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James I. G. £6.13.4. H.a. The tenants H.c. For a term of seven years yet to come H.d. £6.13.4 H.k. Roll for 11 James I. J. Aboutwhichsee the sheriffs' accounts below.

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

£45.16.8 above

Richard Horne and Hugh Hamersley sheriffs [1618] their debts for the price of the goods and chattelsof recusants namely £4.10.0 for John Bullock ; 26s8d for Roland Katherius; £10 for Barnabas Martonett and £30 remaining for the price or worth of certain demises for the term of 15 yearsyet to come from one messuage in Gravel Lane London in the holding of Alice Hessey in the hands of the lord king now from the 28th day of August in the 17th year of his reign taken and returnedby Richard Horne and Hugh Hamersley as contained in the LTRMR for the 17th year namely entered in the Recorda section for Michaelmas . 64 About which see the sheriffs accounts below

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

Robert Peacock owes £7 for the price or value of his goods and chattels taken of and returned to the same Robert by the aforesaid commissionersfor recusantsas contained in that place but he does not owe that sum because of a note in the LTRMR for the 19th year of the now king namely entered inthe recorda sectionfor Easter Term And he is quit . 65

John Robinson recently of Clerkenwell printer 60s for the price of his goods and chattels taken of and returnedto the said John by the aforesaid commissionersfor recusants as containedin the same place.

Tobias Hinderson of Clerkenwell yeoman 40s for the price of the goods and chattels of Marie Lume taken from and returnedto the said Marie by commissionersfor recusants as described in that place

Peter Smith of Clerkenwell printer 40s for the price of his goods and chattels taken of and returned to by the commissionersfor recusants as describedin that place

William Darby of the same place taylor owes £10 for the price of his goods and chattelstaken of and returned to him by the commissionersfor recusants. Buthe doesnotowe that sum through a certain charter and order of the treas-

64E368/575/180 . Michaelmas Term 17 James I. Recordsan inquest into the value of the goodsand chattels of the above recusants

65E368/580/79Easter 19 James I. It beginswithRobert Peacock'sabsence in Roll 12. An inquest was held atthe Guild Hallof London on 28 August 18 James to evaluate his goods and chattels; his dishes , beds , blankets, bolstersand coverletsamountedto £ 109.11.8 On 20 April 19 James Ihe sought a hearing before the Auditors ofthe Pipe; he presented a certificate ofconformity from John [King], bishop ofLondon, dated21 October 1619.He is quit E368/580/183Easter19 JamesI.Acommission out of the Exchequerto Edward Allenand RobertDurye to evaluatethe goodsof certain recusants ; the inquest was held at the Guild Hall 19 April 19 James I. Robert Peacock's goods and chattels were valued at £10.11.8

uryfrom Hilaryterm of the 17th year of the now king James and entered by the Treasurer'sremembrancerin the book of ordinances or decrees And he is quit

£20for the price ofher

Margaret Talbott of the same place spinster goods and chattelstaken from and returned to her by the commissionersfor recusants as describedin that place

Richard Penvoes of the same place yeoman 20s for the price ofhis goods and chattels taken from and returned to him by the commissionersfor recusants as containedin that place.

Tobias Hinderson of the same placeyeoman 40s for the price ofhis

20s for the price of her goods and chattelstaken and returned to him by the commissionersfor recusants as containedin that place

Elizabeth Taylor of the same place spinster goods and chattels taken and returned to her by the commissionersfor recusants as containedin that place.

Francis Lovett knight ofSt. John £40for the price of hisgoodsand chattelstaken and returnedto him by the commissionersfor recusants as contained in that place

William Peters of the same place yeoman 100s for the price ofhis goods and chattels taken and returned to him by the commissionersfor recusants as containedin thatplace

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

40s above Debt Richard Deane and James Campbell sheriffs [1619] their burden of debt to be made from the goods and chattels taken and returnedto John Waldron of St. Andrew Holborn gentlemanas containedin the LTRMR for the 18thyear and namely entered into the Recorda sectionfor Trinityterm . About which see the sheriffs' accounts below . 66

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. Richard Deane and James Cambell [1619] account for B.1 26s 8d from ThomasMonnson, knight, as containedin that place. Respondetur . B.2. 6s 8d through the tenants of Francis Holt in that place Respondetur B.3 £6.8.4 through the tenants of the lands of Hugh Griffen in that place. Respondetur B.4 £45.16.8 through Richard Horne and Hugh Hamersley , sheriffs [1618], in that place. C. £56.3.4. D. In the treasury £10.6.4 on 4 July in the 19th year, namely D.1 16s 8d under the name of ThomasMonnson, knight; D.2 6s 8d from Francis Holte; D.3 £6.13.4 from Hugh Griffen; and 40s remaining through John Waldron ..... For Richard Horne and Hugh Hamersley , about whosedebt burden of £45.16.8 above, see below E. And they are quit. Richard Horne and Hugh Hamersley sheriffs [1618] owe £45.16.8 as contained above , namely for the price of the goods of various recusants , namely

66E368/577/118TrinityTerm 18 JamesI.

10s for John Bullock, 26s 8d for Rolando Katherius, £10 for Barnabas Martonett, and the remaining £30 for Alice Hessey as contained above. But they do not owe that by virtue of a certain ordinance of this treasury from Trinity Term in the 19th year on the part of the Treasurer's Remembrancerin the book of ordinances or decrees of the Remembrancerwhere it had been considered by the barons that separate persons recusants with separate sums were burdened and the two respond there to the king They respond separately in Roll 2 ofCharles the now king for London and Middlesex [E377/34A] And they are quit.




Lease of Seized Land. Rental]

Debt Farm . A. ThomasMonnson B. Robert Hare late of St. LeonardShoreditch gentleman C. 27s8d the third part of the king's two parts D. The farm oftwo parts of one messuage, tenement , and hospice known by the name ofThe Lyon in Staines, Middlesex recently in the holding of Humphrey Chauncey or his assignees E.d. Roll for 6 James I. G. 27s8d H.a. Thomas Monnson H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. Until the end of a term of 41 yearsyet to come and fully completed H.e. H.k. Roll for 6 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

Debt Farm A. The tenants B. Francis Holte of St. Botolph outside Aldergate, gentleman C. 51s 1d and two parts of a ha'penny D. The farm of two parts of a certain demise D.2. The farm of a manor house in Pilkington Place returning in yearly worth above all reservations 10s E.a. Nicholas Collins, esquire and others E.b. 2 August 9 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 and 14 James I. G. 51sld and two parts of a ha'penny. H.a. The tenants H.c. For twenty years. H.d. 51sld and two parts of a ha'penny. H.k. Rolls 11 and 14 for London and Middlesex J. About which see the sheriffs' accountsbelow

Payment Farm . A. Alexander Miller gentleman B. Gracie Finche C. £10 D. The farm of one messuage or tenementwith certain purtenances either here or there in Great Eastcheap in St. Leonard in the city of London now or recently in the separate tenure of Edgar Fisher and others E.b. 12 May 11

James I. E.d. Roll 11 for London and Middlesex G. £10 H.a. Alexander Miller H.c. For a term of 21 years H.d. £10 H.e. H.k. Roll 11 James Ifor London and Middlesex J. In the treasury in two parts to pay the debt and he is quit

Payment Farm . A. The tenants B. Daniel KnowlingeC. 40s D. Two parts of two messuages with purtenances or tenements in Hanwell of the clear annual value above burdens and reprises of 60s E.a. ThomasFowler, knight, and other commissioners . E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll for 11

James I. G. 40s H.a. The tenants H.c. For the term of two years yet to come. H.d. 40s. H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. In the treasury on 10 November 19 James I in paymentfor the farm. And they are quit.

Debt Farm . A. The tenants. B. HughGriffen C. £6.13.4 D.1. One messuage or tenementin St. Martin in the Fields of the clear annual value of 100s and D.2. two parts of another tenementin St. Clement Danes of the annualworth of 100s. E.a. Thomas Fowler, knight and other commissioners . E.b. 4 February 11 James I E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James I. G. £6.13.4. H.a. The tenants H.c. For the term of seven years yet to come H.k. Roll for 11 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

Debt A. Edward Allen and Robert Ducye (Ducie) [1620] sheriffs of the city ofLondon owe C. £ 11.0.8 above their burden of debt for the price or valueof recusants , namely B.1 £9.10.8 for the goods and chattels of a certain Robert Peacocke of the parish of St. Mildred in Breadstreet in the ward of BreadstreetLondon grocer recusant B.2 30s for Elizabeth Chanstonspinster.Inthe hands of the lord king since the 19th day of April in the 19th year of his reign, taken, seized and returned to the said Robert by the aforesaid commissioners for recusant causes as contained in the LTRMR for the 19th year of the now king James and entered in the Recordasectionfor Easter Term . 67 D. But they do not owe that sum of £9.10.8 which is for the goods and chattels of Robert Peacocke because in the precedingRoll for London and Middlesex there is a note in another debt of that Robert Peacocke. E. They owe 30s, about which see the sheriffs' accounts below.


Seized Goods and Chattels]

Mary Alkington of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon outside London) widow and Mary her daughter

56s for the price of their goods andchattelstaken from and returned to the said Mary and Mary by the aforesaid commissioners because oftheirrecusancy. As containedin that place.

RichardRuddock of St. Olave in Silver Street, London (Cripplegate)

50s8d for the price of his goods and chattels taken and returned to the said Richard by the aforesaidcommissionersbecause of his recusancy as contained in that place


John Price doctor in medicine chattels taken and returned by the recusancy as containedin that place.

Martine White scissor-maker,

36s for the price of his goods and aforesaid commissionersbecause of his

31s 2d for the price of his goods and chattelstaken and returned by the aforesaidcommissionersbecause of his recusancy as containedin thatplace.

William Martinhaberdasher

21s forthe price of his goods and chattels taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyas containedin that place.

Richard Pilgryme scissor-maker

5s for the price of his goods and chattelstaken and returned by the aforesaidcommissionersbecause of his recusancy as containedin that place.

John Fryer doctor in medicine

£30 for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same John by the aforesaidcommissioner because of his recusancy .

William Cooke

£30 for the price of his goods and chattels taken form and returned to the same William on the 28th day of April in the 19th year by William Daniel esquire and other commissionersbecause of his recusancy in county Middlesex as containedin that place

67See E377/28 n 64 , p 114

John Dam

40s for the price of his goods and chattels taken fromand returned to the same John by the aforementionedcommissionersbecause of his recusancyas containedin that place

Jana Woodfall

100s for the price of her goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Jana by the aforementioned commissioners because ofher recusancyas containedin that place.

William Boswick

40s for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same William by the aforementionedcommissioners because ofhis recusancyas containedin that place.

John Coe 10s for the price of his goods and chattelstakenfrom and returnedto the same John by the aforesaid commissionersbecause ofhisrecusancy as containedin that place

John Blake 40s for the price of his goods and chattelstaken from and returnedto the same John by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyas contained in thatplace

Thomas Knight

£40 for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Thomas by the aforesaid commissioners because ofhis recusancyas containedin that place.

Margaret Feild 40s for the price of her goods and chattels taken from and returnedto the same Margaret by the aforementionedcommissioners because ofher recusancy as containedin thatplace

Ferdinand Emerson 100s for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Ferdinand by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyas containedin that place.

William Mathewes 40s for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same William by the aforementionedcommissioners because of his recusancy as containedin that place.

Richard Lovet 100s for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Richard by the aforesaid commissioners because ofhis recusancyas contained in thatplace

Edwin Sall

£200 for the price of his goods and chattelstaken from and returned to the same Edwin by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyas contained in that place.

Alice Nashe 40s for the price of her goods and chattelstaken from her and returned to her by the aforementionedcommissionersbecause of her recusancyas containedin thatplace.

Louis Evans 20s for the price of his goods and chattelstaken from and returnedto the same Louis by the aforementionedcommissionersbecause of her recusancyas containedin thatplace

Mary Russell 100s for the price of her goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Mary by the aforesaid commissionersbecause ofher recusancyas containedin thatplace.

Alice Kinsman 100s for the price of her goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Alice by the aforementioned commissioners because ofher recusancyas containedin thatplace.

Judith Hippon

£20 for the price of her goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Judith by the aforementionedcommissioners because ofher recusancy as containedin thatplace.

William Peters

40s for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same William by the aforesaid commissioners because of his recusancyas containedin that place.

Robert Browne

100s for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returnedto the same Robert by the aforesaidcommissionersbecause ofhis recusancyas containedin that place.

John Webb

£10 for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same John by the aforementionedcommissioner because ofhis recusancyas containedin that place

William Robinson 40s for the price of his goods and chattelstaken from and returned to the same William by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancyas contained in that place

Katherine Cashe alias Nurse alias Hutchinson 20s for the price of her goods and chattelstaken from and returned to the same Katherine by the aforesaid commissionersbecause of her recusancy.

Peter Smith

£4 for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Peterby the aforesaidcommissionersbecause of his recusancy as containedin that place.

Richard Penvos 40s for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Richard by the aforesaid commissioners because of his recusancyas containedin that place.

Thomas Sleepe 40s for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Thomas by the aforesaid commissioners because ofhis recusancyas containedin thatplace. Francis Lovell knight £30 for the price of his goods and chattels taken from and returned to the same Francis by the aforesaid commissioners because ofhis recusancyas containedin that place

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts]

Debt A. William Holdaye and Robert Johnson B. The 15th year [1617] C. £8.6.8 D. E. As contained in Roll 15 for London and Middlesex F. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow

Debt. A. Richard Horne and Hugh Hamersley B. The 16th year [1618] C. £200.16.4 D. E. As containedin Roll 16 for London and Middlesex F. About which see the sheriffs' accountbelow

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. Edward Allen and Robert Ducie, esquires , [1620] accountfor B.1 . 26s 8d for Thomas Monnson as contained above . Respondetur B.2 6s 8d for the tenants of the lands of Francis Holte as contained above . B.3 . £6.8.4 for the tenants of the lands of Hugh Griffen in that place . Respondetur B.4 30s for

Edward Allen and Robert Ducie, sheriffs, in that place B.5 £8.6.8 for William Holdaye and Robert Johnson , sheriffs, in the place B.6 £200.16.4 for Richard Horne and Hugh Hamersley , sheriffs, in that place C. £218.14.8 D. In the treasury £8.6.8 on 29 June of the 16th year from the debts above , namely. D.1.a. 26s 8d under the name of Thomas Monnson. D.2 6s 8d of Francis Holte D.3 The remaining £6.13.4 of Hugh Griffen through William Holdaye and Robert Johnson , recently sheriffs. The tenants of the lands of Hugh Griffen, about whose debt burden above, answer for £6.13.4: see the followingRoll in London and Middlesex after their farm They answerabout Thomas Monnson's debt of 26s 8d : see immediately below D . 2,4 They answer that they do not owe 36s 8d from the above debt burden , namely 6s 8d for the tenants of the lands of Francis Holte and 30s for the same Edward Allen and Robert Ducie, sheriffs In that the sum was paid into the hands of George Feildinge esquire notary and apparitor receiver of revenues growing from recusants' causes in the aforesaid county by virtue of letters patent of the lord king Charles and the acquitting of the same George Feildinge given the 23rd of October in the year ofthe Lord 1628 now in the possession ofthe Clerk of the Pipe remaining fully open They respond that Richard Hearne and Hugh Hamersleyare quit of the above burdenof debt, viz £200.16.4

[Lease ofSeizedLand. Rental]

Thomas Monnson knight owes 26s . 8d at various times as contained above namely from a certain farm 26s8d per year for the farm of two parts ofone messuage tenement and hospice with purtenances commonly known by the name ofThe Lyon situatedin Staines in county Middlesex, parcel ofthe lands of RobertHare recusant, namely the farmfrom this year as containedabove. But he does not owe that sum because in the second Roll of Charlesfor London and Middlesex there is a note in the farm of the same Thomas Monnson andhe is quit . 68

[Ex-Sheriffs' Debts


Payment. A. Richard Hearne and Hugh Hamersley . B. The 16th year [1618] c £200.16.4 D. E. As contained above F.1 But Peter Proby and others [1614], about whose debt burden in Roll 16 for London and Middlesex , answer for £31.13.4 : see immediately below. Respondetur F.2 William and John Gore, about whose debt burden above in that place, answerfor 33s: see immediately below Respondetur F.3 Richard Pyott and Francis Jones , sheriffs [1610], about whose debt burden see above in that place, answerfor £32: see immediately below Respondetur . F.4 .Edward Rotheramand Alexander Prescott [1612], about whose debt burden see above in that place , answerfor 53s 4d: see below Respondetur F.5./Alan Cotton and Cuthburt Hackett, recently sheriffs [1616], about whose debt burden see in that place, answer

68E377/34aBut he does not owe that sum becauseof a decision of the barons of the Exchequer noted in the LTRMR forthe third year ofthe now kingCharlesandentered into the Recordasectionfor Easterterm and he is quit I have no record ofthis in the LTRMR for Easter 3 CharlesI.

for 50s: see below Respondetur F.6 Sebastian Harvie and William Cockaine [1609], about whose debt burden see in that place, answer for £122: see below. Respondetur F.7. In the treasury £6.13.4 on 14 November of the 15th year, about which burden see in Roll 16 for London and Middlesex, underthe name of Hugh Griffen Respondetur F.8 Thomas Monnson knight, about whose debt burden in Roll 16 , answers for 26s 8d: see above Respondetur F.9 . They owe 6s 8d for the tenants of Francis Holte Respondetur . See Roll 8 ofking Charles after their farm Andthey arequit.

Payment A. Peter Proby and Martin Lumley. B. The 12th year [1614] C. £31.13.4 through Richard Hearne and Hugh Hamersley , sheriffs for the 16th year [1618], as contained immediately above, namely remaining from £80.16.8 D. E. As containedin Roll 16 for London and Middlesex F.1 But ThomasMonnson knight, about whose debt in Roll 12 for London andMiddlesex, answers for 26s 8d: see on the back of the Roll F.2 Respondetur . F.2 Robert Jones, about whose debt in that place, answers for £30: see in Roll 8 of king Charles for London and Middlesex Respondetur F.3 They owe 6s 8d Respondetur : see in Roll 8 of king Charles for London and Middlesex after the farm of FrancisHolte

Payment A. William Gore and John Gore, recently sheriffs B. The 13thyear [1615] C. 33s each as contained in that place, namely remaining from £28.9.8 D. E. As contained in that place F.1 But Thomas Monnson knight, about whose debt burden in Roll 13 for London and Middlesex, answers for 26s 8d: see on the back of the Roll for another debt Respondetur F.2 They owe 6s 8d for the lands of Francis Holte. Respondetur : see in Roll 8 of king Charlesfor London and Middlesex after theirfarm . And they are quit.

Payment A. Richard Pyott and Francis Jones, recently sheriffs B. The 8th year [1610] C. £32 each as contained in that place, remaining from £780.16.8 D. E. As contained in that place F.1 But the tenants of the lands of Thomas Peacock , about whose debt burden in Roll 8 for London and Middlesex , answerfor £32: see on the back of the Roll And they are quit.

Payment A. Edward Rotheram and Alexander Prescott , esquires, recently sheriffs. B. The 10th year [1612] C. 53s 4d each E. As contained in that place, namely remaining from £38.6.8 D. F. But Thomas Monnson knight, about whose debt burden in Roll 10 for London and Middlesex, answers for 53s 4d: see on the back ofthe Roll after anotherdebt of theirs And they are quit

Payment. A. Alan Cotton and Cuthbert Hackett, recently sheriffs B. The 14th year [1616]. C. 50s each E. As contained in that place, namely remaining from £781.10.0 D. F.1. Thomas Monnson, about whose debt burden in Roll 14 for London and Middlesex, answers for 26s 8d: see on the backofthe Roll in another debt of his . Respondetur F.2 Thomas Bennet and Henry Jay

[1613], about whose debt burden in that place, answer for 23s 4d: see below Respondetur . And they arequit.

Payment A. Sebastian Harvie and William Cockaine, recently sheriffs. B. The 7th year [1609] C. £122 each E. As contained in that place , namely remaining from £672 . D. E. In that place F.1 But the tenants of the lands of ThomasPeacock , about whose debt burdenin Roll 7 for London and Middlesex, answerfor £12: see below after another debt Respondetur F.2 Richard Coxe, about whose debt burden in that place, answers for £108 in two parts : see below Respondetur F.3 The tenants of the lands of Robert Hare , about whose debt burden see in that place, answer for 40s: see below Respondetur . Andthey are quit.

Payment A. Thomas Bennet and Henry Jaye, recently sheriffs B. The 11th year [1613]. C. 23s 4d through Alan Cotton and Cuthbert Hackett, recently sheriffs for the 14th year [1616]. E. As contained above, namely remaining from £681.10.0. D. As contained in Roll 14 for London and Middlesex. F. But the tenants of the lands of Francis Holte, about whose debt burden of £8.18.10'/3 in Roll 11 for London and Middlesex, answer for 23s 4d: see in Roll 8 of kingCharlesfor London and Middlesex. And they are quit


Seized Goods and Chattels]

Richard Coxe of London, mercer , owes £100 through Sebastian Harvey and William Cockaine recently sheriffs for the 7th year as contained above, namely from part of £240 above his debt for money delivered to him by John Halsey for safe-keeping ofthe same money for the use of the same John and redelivered to him by the aforesaid Richard Coxe at his request. In the hands ofthe now king James since the 27th day of Februaryin the fifth year ofhis reign takenfrom and returnedto the said John by Henry Polle and other commissionersfor recusants as contained in Roll 7 for London and Middlesex But they do not owe that debt because of a certain ordinanceor decree on the part of this treasuryon the part of the Treasurer'sRemembrancerin Michaelmas Term for the 8thyear of the now king Charles in the book of ordinances of decrees ofthe Remembrancer . Andhe isquit. The same Richard Coxe owes £8 through the same sheriffs as contained in that place, namely above the burden of his debt for money issuing from and yielding from the manor of Binholme and from a certain mill in Pershore , Worcestershire , through him retained for the use of John Halsey for the yearly demise paid at the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary since the third year of the reign of the lord king James In the hands of the lord king since the day and date aforesaid taken from and returnedtothe same John Halsey by the aforesaid commissionersfor recusants . But he does not owe that because of a note immediately above in another debt of the same Richard Coxe . Andhe isquit.



[Lease ofSeized Land. Rental]

Debt Farm . A. Thomas Monnson knight B. Robert Hare of St. Leonard Shoreditch C . 26s8d D. The farm of two parts of one messuage, tenement and hospice with purtenances known by the name of The Lyon in Staines in the possession of Humphrey Chaunceyor his assignees of the annual value of £6. E.d. Roll for 6 James I. G. 26s8d H.a. Thomas Monnson, knight H.b. Michaelmas, 5 James I. H.c. For a term of 41 years thence following and fully completed H.d. 26s8d a third part of the value of the king's two parts H.e. H.k. Roll for 6 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accountsbelow.

Debt Farm . A. The tenants B. Francis Holt of St. Botolph outsideAldersgate gentleman C. 51s 1d and two parts of a ha'penny D. The farm of two parts of a certain demise of one manor house in Pilkington Place of the annual value beyond any rent or reservations of 10s E.a. Nicholas Collins and other commissioners E.b. 2 August 9 James I. E.c. E.d. Rolls for 11 and 14 James I. F. 51s1d and 2 parts of a ha'penny H.a. The tenants H.c. For a term of 20 years yet to come H.d. 6s8d H.k. Rolls for 11 and 14 James.J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below.

Payment Farm . A. Alexander Miller gentleman B. Gracie Fynche C. £10 D. For the farm of all of a messuage or tenement with the purtenances in Great Eastcheap in the parish of St. Leonard within the city of London recently in the holding of Edgar Fisher and others commonly called the Knight of the annualvalue above any reprises of £8 E.d. Roll 11 James I. G. £10 H.a. Alexander Miller H.b. 12 May 11 James I. H.c. For a term of 21 years H.d. £10 H.e. H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. In the treasury 100s on the last day of April in the 20th year in paymentfor the same farm and in the treasury 100s on the 5th of November in the 20th year in payment on the same farm. And he is quit

Payment Farm . A. The tenants B. Daniel Knowlinge C. 40s D. Forthe farm of two messuages or tenements with pertinences in Hanwell of the annualvalue of 60s over any reprises E.a. Thomas Fowler and othercommissioners E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll for 11 James I. G. 40s H.a. The tenants H.c. For a term of two years. H.d. 40s. H.k. Roll for 11 James I. J. In the treasury 15 November in the 20th year in payment for the saidfarm . And he is quit.

Debt Farm . A. The tenants. B. Hugh Griffen C. £6.13.4 D.1. The Farm of two parts of a messuage or tenement with purtenances in St. Martin in the Fields ofthe clear annual value of 100s D.2 and two parts of one other tenement in St. Clement Danes of the annual value of 100s E.a. ThomasFowler

and other commissioners E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 11 James I. F. £6.8.0 G. £12.12.4 H.a. The tenants H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. But they do not owe thatsum neither from the farm nor from the other burdens ofdebt as the term ofthe years in which the aforesaid Hugh was seized of the premises expired and ended at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel in the 18th year of the now king, put namely through inquisition thence taken and returned . And they are quit.

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

John Frier of the parish of St. Bridget of FleetstreetLondon doctor of medicine and Thomas Elliott of Stamford Rivers in the county of Essex knight owe £61 over theirburden of debt through the ordinanceofMichaelmas Term in the 18th year of the now king for the price and value of the goods and chattels of a certain Mary Hampden recusant, namely over separate written obligations in which they hold the aforesaid Mary Hampden in £10 forpayment of 100s and in £60 for the payment of £30 and in £28 for the payment of£14 and in £24 for the paymentof £12 In the hands of the lord king since the 11th day of March in the 18th year, taken from and returned to the same Mary by Richard Deane and James Cambell [1619] sheriffs of London and commissionersfor recusant causes as contained in Roll 17 for Norfolk in a certain discharge of John Howard gentleman But he does not owe thatsum because of a decision of the barons annotated in the LTRMR for the 21st year and entered in the Recorda section for Michaelmas Term . And they are quit . 69

[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. The same sheriffs namely George Whitmore and Nicholas Raynton [1621] accountfor B.1 . 26s 8d for ThomasMonnson knight as containedabove B.2 6s 8d for the tenants of the lands of Francis Holt as containedabove C. Sum 33s4d D. In the treasuryE. They are freed 16 July in the 21st year by payment And they arequit

69E377/590/106Michaelmas 21 James I. Records the evaluation of the debts owed to Mary HampdenofCarbroke, Norfolk , as indicated above. The inquestwas held on 11 March 18 James I. 24 November 21 James I. On 24 November the debtors appeared before the barons and claimed that the post mortem evaluation had insufficiency in law becauseMary Hampden and her husbandheld no property in Middlesex Thomas Coventry, the Attorney General, acceptedthe plea and Elliot andFrier were exoneratedandquit



[Lease of SeizedLand.Rental]

Debt Farm A. Thomas Monnson, knight B. Robert Hare of St. Leonard Shoreditch gentleman C. 26s8d returning thence a third part of the annual value of two parts D. The farm of one messuage, tenementand hospicewith purtenances known by the name of The Lyon in Staines recently in the holding of Humphrey Chaunceyor his assignees E.d. Roll 6 James I. G. 26s8d H.a. Thomas Monnson, knight H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. For a term of 41 years next following and fully completed H.d. 26s8d H.e. H.k. Roll for 6 James I. J. See the Roll for the 22nd year of the reign of king James and the first year ofthe reign of king Charles from the same farm and his arrears .

Debt Farm . A. The tenants . B. Francis Holte of St. Botolph outside Aldersgate, gentleman C. 51s 1d and two parts of a ha'penny D . Two parts of a certain demise of one manor house in Pilkington Place of the clear annual value of above the rents and reservations E.a. Nicholas Collins and other commissioners E.b. 2 August 9 James I. E.c. E.d. Rolls for 11 and 14 James I. G. 6s8d H.a. The tenants H.c. For a of twenty years yet to come H.d. 51sld and two parts of a ha'penny H.k. Rolls 11 and 14 James I. J. See in Roll 22 for James and the first Roll of Charlesafter that farm and his arrears.

Farm A. Alexander Miller, gentleman B. Gracie Fynche C. £10 D . For the farm of all of messuage or tenementwith purtenances in Great Eastcheapin St. Leonard within the city ofLondon now in the holding of Edgar Fisherand certain others commonly called The Knightof the annual value above all reprises of £8 E.d. Roll 11 for London and Middlesex G. £10 H.a. Alexander Miller. H.b.12 or 13 May 11 James H.c. Until the completion of a term of21 years H.d. £10 H.e. H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. In the treasury pounds in two parts in payment from the same farm . He answers in Roll 22 from the same farm .Andhe isquit.

Debt Farm . A. The tenants B. Daniel Knowling C. 40s. D. The farm of two parts of two messuages or tenements with purtenances in Hanwell of the annualvalue aboveany reprises of 60s E.a. Thomas Fowler, knight andother commissioners E.b. 4 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 11 James I. G. 40s. H.a. The tenants . H.c. For a term oftwo years yet to come. H.d. 40s H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. Res. See in Roll 22 for king James and the first for king Charlesfromthe same farm and his arrears .

Thereis a line next to all of these names, but the expected Fiat commissio is not there

A. Anna Lady Conway B. D. £20 E. One Month G. H. J. one month next followingthe third day of February 1 CharlesI. M. Friday,21 April 2 Charles I. O.

A. Lord Viscount Montague of St. Andrew Holborn C. D. £20 E. One month G. H.J. one month next following2 January 1 CharlesI.M.21 April 2 Charles I. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a decisionofthe barons noted in the LTRMR for the second year of Charles and namely entered intothe Recordasectionfor HilaryTerm . And he is quit . 70

A. Richard Weston Q. yeoman C. £20 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a decision ofthe barons annotated in the LTRMR for the second year of king Charles namely entered into the Recorda section for Easterand he is quit . 71

Thomas knight Hawkins of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon outside London) £20 R.

A. John More of St. Bride alias Bridget, ward aforesaid , doctor in medicine B. D. £20 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a decision ofthe barons annotated in the LTRMR for the 23 [sic] year of king Charles namely entered in the Recorda sectionfor TrinityTerm And he is quit . 72

A. Martin James of St. Dunstan in the West (Farringdon outside London) gentlemanC. owes D. £60 F. Namely £40 G. H. J. two monthsnext following the first day of April in the first year of the now king Charles . And the remaining L. £20 fromM & N Wednesday 22nd day of March in the first year on which day he was convicted until the 19th of April next followingnamely for one month P. But he does not owe that amountbecause in the Roll ofthe now King Charles in [Kent] in the farm of the tenants of the lands and tenementsofMartin Jones there is a note and he isquit.

A. Anna wife of George Cooke of St. Bartholomew the Great (Farringdon outside London ) B. D. £40. F. 20. G. H. J. One month next followingthe 2nd January 1 Charles I. L. £20 N. One month after 22 March 1 CharlesI until 19 April 2 CharlesI. M. 22 March 1 CharlesI.

70No record ofthis was found in the LTRMR for Hilary2 CharlesI. 71E368/600/159EasterTerm2 Charles I. In the 15th Rollfor recusants Richard Watson ofSt. Andrew in Holborn, recusant, yeoman owed £20 for one month's absence following 2 January 1 CharlesIforwhich hewasconvicted atthe Session for Gaol Delivery at Newgateon 21 April2 Charles I. He appeared beforethe baronson 22 May witha certificate ofconformity which stated that hewasat public prayersatthe chapel of Richard [Vaughan], bishop of London, on Sunday22 Mayandalso took the oathofallegiance. The English certificate ofconformity listed his occupationas barbersurgeon He also had a certificate from the minister of the parish of St. George in London and the parish clerk , stating that on 20 April he was presentat Divine Service He was quit See Roll 20 JamesI.

72No record ofthis was found

Henry PotterQ. yeoman


Robert Curtis

£40 R. Gabriel Fenchurch (Langborne London) pewterer

his wife

£40 R. of St.

£40 R.

£40 R.

John Johnson of St. Botolph (Billingsgate London) yeoman

£40 R.

William North of St. Mary Monthaw (Queenhitch London) yeoman

£40 R.

Scholastica wife of Robert Peacocke of St. Mildred, said ward, yeoman

£40 R.

John Baptist Bruli of St. Michael, said ward, vintner London


£40 R.

Thomas CambellQ. yeoman

£40 R.

Thomas Tryer of St. Botolph outside Aldersgate (Aldersgate London) in medicine doctor

£40 R.

George Gildrop of St. Peter-le-Poer (Broadstreet London) picturemaker

Anna his wife

£40. R.

£40 R.

Elizabeth wife of William HarborneQ. yeoman

John Hayns of silkweaver

St. Mary Aldermanbury

£40 R.

£40. R. (Cripplegate London)

Edward West of St. Giles outside Cripplegate (said ward) weaver

£40 R.


£40 R.

George Spratt Q. yeoman

Dorothy Cornelius Q. widow

Peter Bellinger Q. foreigner

John Hore Q. bricklayer

Mary Hore Q. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Faith wife ofThomasWilford Q. yeoman

Cassandra HawtonQ. widow

John Odell Q. stationer

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Avicia wife of Leonard Vallett of St. Bartholomew the Less (Farringdon outside London) foreigner

KatherineWaltonQ. widow

Martha wife of

£40 R.

£40 R.

Hatton Q. yeoman

Marywife ofThomasVaughanQ. haberdasher

Walter Spencer


£40 R.

£40 R. of St. Sepulchre (Farringdon outside London)

£40 R. his wife

£40 R.

Thomas Spencer son of the aforesaidWalter

Mary Spencer daughterof the aforesaidWalter

Robert Pecham Q. yeoman

£40 R. wife of Thomas Hawkins Q. knight

Thomas Cawley Q. yeoman

Mary Jones Q. spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

A. Frances James Q. C. owes D. £40 H. P. But she does not owe that because of a note in Roll 12 of the same king in another debt of the same


Thomas Foster Q. esquire

Robert Wilson Q. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

Hawkins Q. in medicinedoctor

his wife

Helen FarmerQ. spinster

£40 R.

Thomas StonehouseQ. yeoman

Cuthbert StonehouseQ. yeoman

Florence SmithQ. spinster

Ambrose Fuller Q. yeoman

Katherinehis wife

Dynes Q. spinster

£40 R.

KatherineIngram Q. spinster

Agneta Gressell Q. spinster

Alice EdwardQ.spinster

Helen Daye Q. spinster

RichardClunneQ. yeoman

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Lucia wife of ThomasAustin Q. pewterer

[Anna] wife of Edward Thomas Q. yeoman

Fortune Greene Q. widow

William Martin Q. yeoman


£40 R.

AnthonyFerne Q. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Richard Lovett of St. Dunstan in the West (Farringdon outside London)


his wife

£40 R.

£40.0.0 R.

Cadiman Q. in medicine doctor

Anna his wife

£40 R.

Lionel Tichborne Q. gentleman

Anna his wife

£40 R.

Henry Lusher Q. apothecary

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R. his wife

£40. R.

Thomas Coop[er]Q. cutler

Peter TrovellQ. scissor

Rose his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R. wife ofRichard BaconQ. apothecary

£40 R.

Rogers ofSt. JohnZachar(AldersgateLondon) widow

John MarriattQ.yeoman

William WoodcraftQ. yeoman

his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Henry Gourney of St. Bride alias Bridget (Farringdon without London) yeoman

George Miller Q. yeoman

FrancisDavis Q. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

KatherineBridges Q. widow

£40 R.

Isabella wife of FrancisDavis Q. yeoman

Elizabeth Platten Q. spinster

Elizabeth Stacy Q. spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

Jane wife of John NegriseQ. yeoman

Ann Linsey Q. widow

Faith Linsey Q. spinster

Margaret Burch Q. spinster

Mary Coxe Q. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

John Haywarde of St. Benedict at Paul's Wharf (Castle Baynard London) gentleman

£40 R.

John HorsleyQ. gentleman

£40. R.

Francis Inion of St. Faith (Farringdon within London) apothecary

£40 R.

Jerome Rose of St. Ann in Blackfriars (said ward) yeoman

JohnSalmon Q. yeoman

Peter Bennett Q. yeoman

George Gosse Q. yeoman

Glodo Roberte Q. yeoman

Lady WilloughbyQ. widow

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Elizabeth Hersoy of St. Botolph


£40 R.

Garrett Maggines Q. coachman

£40. R.

outside Algate (Portsoken London)

£40 R.

NathanielGarrett of St. Stephen in Colemanstreet(ColemanstreetLondon) merchant

£40 R.

William Jued Q. yeoman

Grace Rawley Q. spinster

£40 R.

£40. R.

Anna Bancrofte of St. Margaret (London Bridge) spinster

RobertAyersQ. yeoman

Peter deRe

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R. of St. Benedict Gracechurch (said ward) yeoman

Lodovic Vanholbrooke of St. Michael (said ward) yeoman

£40 R.

A. Nicholas [Lucotell] of All Saints Barking (Tower of London) yeoman C. owes D. £40 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a note in Roll 2 for kingCharlesfor London73 in the debt of Edward Broomfield and Richard Fen sheriffs and their arrears Andhe isquit.

Adrian Henrrick of St. Katherine Creechurch (Aldgate) foreign merchant

£40 R. his wife

£40 R.

MaryPatience Q. spinster

Cotton Q. widow

£40 R.

£40 R. wife of EdgarYeates Q. yeoman

£40 R.

73The referenceis to the sheriffs' accountsin E377/34awhich refers to a decision ofthe barons in Easter Term 3 Charles I. That entry was not found, but in E368/602/203 his goods and chattelswere valued at a hearing in the Guild Hall He had goodsvalued at46s 8d and property worth £74 peryear

William Bostock of St. Mary Abchurch (Candlewick Street London) yeoman

£40 R.

A. Hans Harrison Great All Saints (Dowgate London) yeoman C . owes D.

£40 H. P. But he does not owe that amount because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the second year of king Charles namely entered into the recorda sectionfor Michaelmas Term And he is quit 74

LeonardGeonerson Q. yeoman

William [Oatton] Q. yeoman

Thomas AldersonQ.yeoman

Peter Johnson Q. yeoman

DanielMabbs Q. yeoman

AbrahamJohnson Q. yeoman

Henry Howes Q. yeoman

James DreatonQ. yeoman

Abraham SeagerQ. yeoman

Richard Greeneaway Q. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

George Mackett of St. Andrew Holborne (Farringdon outside London) gentleman

£40.0.0 R.

Joseph LovettQ. yeoman

Rose his wife

£40 R.

William Blake Q. yeoman

Alice his wife

£40 R.

Isabell Wise Q. spinster

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

Anna wife of William Man Q. yeoman

DrugoLovett Q. yeoman

Katherinehis wife

JocasaDayQ. spinster

John Rowse Q. yeoman

Peter Wilkinson Q. yeoman

John BullockQ. yeoman

Judith Wade Q. spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

Rowland Katherines Q. yeoman

Rose his wife

£40. R.

Johanna Gitynnes Q. spinster

Nicholas YatesQ. yeoman

John Leested Q. yeoman his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

74E368/602/209Michaelmas 2 Charles I. In the recusant Roll for 20 James I Hans Harrison, Dutchman, ofthe parish of GreatAll Saints, Dowgate, yeoman, owed £40; £20 foronemonth following 2January 1 Charles I and £20 for one month following22 March on which day he was convicted On 12 October 2 Charles there was an inquest at the Guild Hall into the value of his goods whichwere found to be worth £47.17.2 On 13 November he appearedbefore the barons with a certificate of conformity from George[Montaigne], bishop ofLondon, statingthat he had receivedacertificate form the pastor and elders of Hans'scongregationthat hegoesto the Dutch church and alsoto the parish of GreatAll Hallows. On 21 October he attendedprayerswiththe bishop and took the oath ofallegiance. The certificate is dated 21 October 1626. He is quit See RecusantRoll 20

Hugo Hill Q. gentleman

FrancisAntill Q. yeoman

Faith hiswife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Anna PlunckettQ. widow

Silvester PlunckettQ. yeoman

Olivia PlunckettQ. spinster

Thomas Woodward Q. gentleman

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R. his wife

£40 R.

Reginald Gregorie Q. yeoman

£40. R. his wife

£40 R.

Edward Bethomelde gentleman

£40. R. his wife

£40 R.

Frances Lady Blackstone Q. widow

James FitzwilliamsQ. scissor

Obedience his wife

Mary Stainsmore Q. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

A. FerdinandEmerson of High Holborn cutler B. D. £40 F. £20 G. H. J.

One month next following the second day of November 1 Charles I. L.


N. For one month after the 22nd ofMarch in the first year of Charlesuntil 19 April 2 Charles . M. 22 March 1 CharlesI.

Helen his wife

£40 R.

KatherineWyer of St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex widow

Anna wife of Richard DawsonQ. taylor

Clemencia Downes Q. widow

John Dam Q. cutler

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

A. Edwin Saul Q. gentleman C. owes D. £40 H. P. But he does not owe that sum because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the second year of the now king Charles and namely entered in the recorda section for Michaelmas term And he is quit . 75

Susanna his wife

John Blake Q. taylor

Magdelana his wife

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

Johanna WoodfallQ. widow

Thomas Fludd Q. scrivener

£40 R.

£40 R. his wife

£40. R.

Johanna Williams Q. widow

£40 R.

75E368/601/228TrinityTerm 2 CharlesI. In Roll 14 Edwin Saulof St.Andrew Holborn

£60 £20wasforonemonth's absence next following 1 March 15 James Iand£40 from the 6 August 16 James I on which day he was convicted until 3 October In the 20th Roll Edwin Saul, gentleman £40 for one month after 1 November 1 Charles I and the remaining £20 from 22 March on which day he was convicted until 19 April next following InRoll 1 Charles I he owed £20for one month following 1 March 1 Charles I for which he was convicted at the sessionof Gaol Delivery at Newgate at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey on 23 May 2 Charles I. He appeared at the Exchequer on 28 June with a certificate from George [Montaigne], bishop of London, dated 5 June 1626stating that Edwin Saulehad been at public prayer and had taken the oath of Allegiance andthe church wardens andclerk of St. Andrew in Holborn testified that he had attendedDivine Service and thathe had received the sacramenton the previous Sunday, 28 May. He is exoneratedand quit

William Beeswick Q. shoemaker

Elizabeth his wife

Anna Dowse Q. widow

John Freake Q. glassier

his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

William Gibbes Q. doctor of medicine

Susanna Strange Q. widow

John Blake Q. glassier

his wife

Anna DarbyQ. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Thomas KnighteQ. scrivener

Elena his wife

£40 R.

John Franklyn Q. taylor

Johanna his wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

James Coldrige Q. yeoman

Mary his wife

£40 R.

John Bailie Q. gentleman

John Yateman Q. yeoman

Margaret his wife

£40 R.

Elizabeth Cooke Q. spinster,

William Jennison Q. gentleman

Jana Brooke Q. spinster

John Fincham Q. esquire

Drugo Lovett Q. goldsmith

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Mary wifeof Talbott Q. gentleman

£40 R.

John Phenix of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex gentleman

his wife

Mary Russell Q. widow

£40 R.

William Pell Q. gentleman

Anna Tallis Q. widow

Francis Price Q. gentleman

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40 R. his wife

John Sherley Q. cook

his wife

Thomas Blake Q. taylor

his wife

Mary Millicent Q. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Richard AbbingtonQ. esquire

his wife

£40 R.

Thomas Cashe Q. glassier

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

John Waldron Q. doctor in medicine

Margarethis wife

John Lacon Q. gentleman

Katherinehis wife

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Alice wife of Robert Bryan Q. yeoman

Andrew White Q. chandler

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Katherinehis wife

William Cliffe Q. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R. his wife

£40 R.

Elinora Kinsman of St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex widow

Mary Founteyne Q. spinster

Anna ClayQ. widow

Susanna FapwithQ. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

George Matchett Q. gentleman

Mary his wife

£40 R.

Davys Q. gentleman

Johanna Kemish Q. widow

Benjamin Gill Q. chandler


£40 R.

George Hall Q. gentleman

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Johanna wife of [Richard] Gresham Q. carpenter

Richard Beke of Kentishtowneyeoman

£40 R.

Alice Boyden of St. Clement Danes, Middlesex widow

Andrew Browneof Hendongentleman

Johanna Brickhill ofLittle Stanmore widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Grace Cooper of St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesex widow

DavidEast Q. yeoman

Elizabeth Dacester Q. spinster

Elizabeth Wise Q. spinster

Elizabeth Taylor Q. spinster

Mary LowmanQ. spinster

Thomas Dickers Q. gentleman

Alice Symond Q. spinster

Samuel Duck Q. gentleman

£40.0.0 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.


£40. R.

Dorethea wife of George Dorrington of Islington gentleman

Elizabeth Dorrington Q. spinster

£40 R. offence.

John Bartlett of St. James Clerkenwell gentleman

Hester Sayville Q. place widow

£40 R.

Anna Sayville Q. spinster, £40 R.

DorothyTibolds of St. Giles in the Fields widow

Thomasina KirkeQ. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Richard Bannester of St. Leonard Bromley, Middlesex gentleman

£40 R.

EdwardAldee of Popler esquire

£40 R.

Philip Barnard of St. Leonard Shoreditch, Middlesex


£40 R.

£40. R.

ChristopherGibbinsof St. Katherine by the Tower of London



Mary wife ofArthurAston ofEnfield knight

Ellena Jellettof Edmonton widow

John Jellett Q. gentleman

£40 R.


£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

20: 1622-23 (E377/31)

Elizabeth Lady Browne of Tottenham, said county, widow

Anna Browne Q. spinster

Isabella Browne Q. spinster

KatherineBrowne Q. spinster

AnthonyAbbot Q. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.


£40 R.

Bridget Saunders of Cheswick spinster

£40 R. Collyns of Hammersmithgentleman

Agneta Cole of Hestonspinster

Jana wife of Thomas Cole Q. yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

John BlunteofRatcliffe , Stepney , in county Middlesex yeoman R.

£40 R.


Louis LewknorofActon knight

Walter Elton Q. yeoman his wife

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

Hubert Bacon ofKensington gentleman his wife

£40 R.

Henry French, senior of Clerkenwell yeoman

Isabel his wife

£40 R.

Henry French, junior Q. yeoman

Margaret Smith Q. spinster

EdwardBanck Q. yeoman

Maryhis wife

£40 R.

Isabell Clethro Q. spinster

Margaret ClethroQ. spinster

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Frances James of St . Sepulchre, Middlesex spinster

A. George Bale Q. gentlemanC. owes D. £40

£40 R.

H. P. But he does not owethat sum because of a decision of the barons noted in the LTRMR for the second year of king Charles and entered in the recorda section of Hilary Term And he is quit . 76

Cecilia his wife

£40 R.

Israel Fryar Q. gentleman

£40. R.

John Hawkins Q. doctor in medicine

William Pan Q.yeoman

£40 R.

£40 R.

Edward Bolton of St. James Clerkenwell, said county, gentleman

£40 R.

76E368/603/368HilaryTerm 2 Charles L. In Roll23 for James I GeorgeBale oftheparish ofthe Holy Sepulchre, gentleman, owed £40; £20 for onemonth's absence following 1 November I CharlesI and the remaining £20 for absence fromthe 22 March 1 CharlesI on which day he was convicted until 19 April In the Rollfor 1 CharlesI for Hertford GeorgeBayle of Stondon, gentleman, owed £100; £60 were owed for three months after 22 December 1 CharlesI andthe remaining £40 for absence from20 July2 Charles on which day he was convicted until 14 September He appeared before he barons on the octave of St. Hilary pleading that the convictions were insufficient in law because he had conformed On 17 May 1626 he appeared before George [Montaigne], bishop of London, witha certificate fromthe minister andparishclerk ofthe churchofSt. Sepulchrestatingthat on 18 April last he was atDivine Service andreceivedthe HolyCommunion The bishop's English certificate states that he took the oath of allegiance; the Latin does not mention that Hewaspresenton 14 Mayandwent to Common Prayerin the bishop's palaceand tookthe oath He is

John Cole Q. yeoman

£40 R.

Margaret the wife of the aforesaid John Cole

Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury, of Finchley widow

£40. R.

£40 R.

See the rest of the compositions after London and Middlesex after Cambridge and Huntingdon


There is a line in the left margin, but there is not a notationof fiat commission until Fiat commissio appears before the names

A. KatherineEwers of Finchley spinster B. £40 E. Two months F.

£20 G. H.J. One month next followingthe first day of November 1 Charles I. L. £20 N . 22 March 1 CharlesI19 April 2 Charles I. M. 22 March 1 CharlesI. ofJohn Pacham ofMileEnd

Jana Wynor Q. widow

Elizabeth Cockaine Q. spinster.

Mary Jarret Q. widow

Roger Wood Q.

£40 R.

£40. R.

£40 R.

Margaret his wife of the same place

Dorothy ChurchQ. widow

Thomas Dymoche Q. gentleman

Elizabeth Cockett Q. spinster,

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

£40 R.

Elizabeth wifeof Gregory Westwoodelaborer Q.

Francis Easley of Bromeley knight

£40 R. Lady Perkins Q. widow

£40 R.

£40 R.

A. Ferdinand Emerson of St. Andrew Holborn cutler B. D. £20 E. One Month G. H. J. Next following the first day of March 1 Charles I. M. 24 March 2 CharlesI. O.

Johanna his wife

£20 R.

William Hodgson Q. yeoman

£20 R.

Anna wife of Richard Davison Q. taylor

Clementian Downes Q. widow

John Dam Q. cutler

William Sager Q. gentleman

£20 R.

Christopher Cantell Q. gentleman

DorothyWhite Q. spinster

Thomas Fludde Q. scrivener

Katherinehis wife

RichardFluddeQ. yeoman

£20 R.

William Mathewes Q. cutler

Ellena his wife

£20 R.

Susanna Mathewes Q. spinster

A. Edwin Saule Q. gentleman

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

C. D. £20 H. P. But he does notowe that sum because in the principal Roll in another debt of his there is a note and he is quit

Susanna hiswife

Jana Saul Q. spinster

Elizabeth Saul Q. spinster

Mary Saul Q. spinster

Anna Darby Q. widow

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

Margery Bondman Q. spinster

Thomas Walter Q. yeoman

John MetcalfeQ. yeoman

Margery BrackettQ. spinster

RichardHatton Q. yeoman

John Blake Q. taylor

Magdelena his wife

Johanna WoodfallQ. widow

[Francis ?] Poor gentleman

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

Dennis Brittaine Q. gentleman

Elizabeth his wife

Anna Jackson Q. spinster

Elizabeth Copley Q. widow

£20 R.

William Francklyne Q. taylor

Mary his wife

£20 R.

Thomas Francklyne Q. taylor

Elizabeth his wife

£20 R.

Richard Appleby Q. gentleman

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R. his wife

£20 R.

John Cole Q.

£20 R. his wife

£20 R.

Drugo Lovett Q. goldsmith

MargaretNorton Q. widow

Margaret Redman Q. spinster

Francis Ildesley Q. knight ,

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R. his wife

John Pyme Q. yeoman

Johanna his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 . R.

William Beswicke Q. yeoman

Anna his wife

£20 R.

Tobias Brooke Q. yeoman

MathewPalmer Q. yeoman

Anna Dowse Q. widow

John Swingle Q. taylor , his wife

£20 R.

John Freake Q. glassier

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R. his wife

£20 R.

John OtwellQ. yeoman

William Andrews Q. gentleman

RichardSmithQ. vinter

Richard Obernock Q. gentleman

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

Susanna his wife

John Blake Q. glassier

£20 R.

* Susanna Strange Q. widow

* Thomas Knight Q. scrivener

* Ellena his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Elizabeth Coe Q. spinster

£20 R.

* William Gibbes Q. in medicinedoctor

* Edward Fosset Q. gentleman

* his wife

* Jana Fitzjames Q. widow

£20 R.

* George Fitzjames Q. yeoman

* Jana Strowde Q. spinster

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Grace wife ofThomas Sherrett Q. taylor

* John Francklyne Q. taylor

* Johanna his wife

£20 R.

* DorothyWynderQ. spinster

* Edward Thurlestowe Q. gentleman

* Ellena Boys Q. spinster

* George Alexander Q. taylor

* Alice his wife

£20 R.

* Grove Q. gentleman

* his wife

* Martha RigbyQ. widow

£20 R.

* FrancisGriffen Q.yeoman

* Jana hiswife

£20 R.

* Ellena Robinson Q. spinster

* James ColdridgeQ. taylor

* Maryhis wife

£20 R.

* John Yateman Q. joiner

*Margaret his wife

* Peter Wynder Q. taylor

* Daniel Clark Q. yeoman

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Willam Denton [Fenton ?] Q. yeoman

* Augustine Gibson Q. yeoman

* Margaret Cooke Q.

£20 R.

* Elinora CambridgeQ. spinster

* William Jennison Q. gentleman

* Walter HenbyQ. gentleman


Brooke Q. widow

* Laurence NattQ. yeoman

* Grissel WiseQ. spinster

* Robert Brooke Q. knight

* John Finchan Q. gentleman

* his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

* John BailieofSt. Sepulchre (Farringdonwithout) gentleman

* Margaret JamesQ. spinster,

£20 R.

£20 R.

* RichardParre Q. taylor

* CuthbertStonehurst Q. yeoman

£20. R.

£20 R.

* F Garret of St. James Clerkenwell carpenter

* MaryMaulton Q. spinster

* Isabel Fench Q. spinster

* Margaret ClithoeQ. spinster

* Elizabeth Mallery Q. spinster

* Hestora Savile Q. spinster

* Barnabas Deakings Q. gentleman

* Katherinehis wife

* Mary Lowman Q. widow

* JocosaWise Q. widow

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* EdwardBolton Q. gentleman

* John CoateQ. yeoman

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Benjamin Gill of St. Andrew Holborn chandler

* Clara his wife

£20 R.

* Elena KinsmanQ. widow

* Marywife of George Matchett Q.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Johanna wife ofRichard Gresham Q. carpenter

* Anna Clay Q. widow

£20 R.

* Ambrose Rogwoode Q. gentleman

* his wife


* HenryWagnerof Mile End yeoman

* Hubert Bacon of Kensington esquire

* Fashewe Q. gentleman

* EdwardAbdee of Grubstreetgentleman

* Clarke Q. yeoman

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* RichardPeake of Kentishtowne yeoman

£20 R.

£20 R.

* William Webbe of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex, taylor _

£20 R.

* Elenora his wife.

* John Stocke Q. gentleman

* Thomasina Kirke Q. widow

* RichardAbbingtonQ. esquire

* JamesWebb Q. esquire

* Margaret Jarrel Q. spinster

* EllenoraAllen Q. spinster

* Mary Russell Q. widow

* Anna Tallis Q. widow

* Thomas CaskeQ. glassier

* his wife

* JohnWaldron Q. yeoman

* Margaret his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* AndrewWhite Q. chandler

* Katherinehis wife

* John LaconQ. yeoman

* Katherinehiswife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* William Cliffe Q. yeoman

* Lucea his wife

£20 R.

* John BeesleyQ. yeoman

* his wife


£20 R.

* Alice wife of Robert Bryan Q. Lady Gardner Q. widow

* George Gage Q. esquire

* John Bartlett Q. gentleman

* Jane his wife

£20 R.

* JohnWaldron Q.* yeoman

* Margaret his wife

* Mary Waldron Q. spinster

* Mary MondayQ. spinster

* Walter WhiteQ.yeoman

* Alice White Q. spinster

* Edith White Q. spinster


£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* William Wood Q. gentleman Mayfielde Q. gentleman

* Anna SmithQ. widow

* Elizabeth HubteQ. widow

* Anna Holley Q. spinster

* Anna Cutler Q. spinster

* DorothyHill Q. spinster


* William Eccles Q. taylor hiswife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20.0.0 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Anna Watkinson Q. spinster

* Thomas WatkinsonQ. yeoman

* Ellena Millman Q. spinster

* AnnaCollyer Q. spinster

* Johanna Webb Q. spinster

* MaryClarkQ. spinster

* Grace Charby Q. spinster

* Mary Gibbes Q. spinster

* William MayeQ. gentleman

* his wife

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* ElizabethLady Hurleston Q. widow

* John Fennicke Q. yeoman

* his wife

£20.0.0 R.

* Thomas Fennicke Q. yeoman

* William Fennicke Q.yeoman

* AnnaFennicke Q. spinster

* Margaret Wootten Q. spinster



PriceQ. yeoman

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R.

* Thomas Sherley Q. cook

* his wife Q. his wife Q.

£20. R.

£20 R.

* Margaret Hubbersby Q. spinster

* Mabell Griffen Q. widow

* Thomas PriceQ. yeoman

* his wife

* MaryMillicent Q. widow

£20. R.

* Phus Thomas Q. yeoman

* Anna his wife

£20 R.

* BarbaraThomas Q. spinster

* MaryThomas Q. spinster

* John Clarke Q. yeoman

* Isabel Percy Q. widow

* MaryTallis Q. spinster

* ElizabethTallis Q. spinster

* William Tallis Q. yeoman

* RichardSamuell Q. taylor

* William Alcock Q. gentleman

* Frances his wife

£20 R.

* John AbingtonQ. gentleman

* Anna his wife

£20 R.

* RobertAbbingtonQ.yeoman

* AnnaAbbingtonQ. spinster

* Johanna AbbingtonQ. spinster

* Thomas Williams Q. yeoman

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Reginald Fountaine Q. gentleman




his wife

£20 R.

Lady Syddenham Q.

LadyMorley Q. widow

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

Thomas Blake of St. Giles in the Fields yeoman

his wife

£20 R.

Samuell Q. gentleman

* his wife

£20 R.

* Elena Wakefree Q. spinster

* Margaret Lady Vaux Q. widow

* Mary Stanley Q. spinster

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.



* AndrewBrowne Q. gentleman his wife

£20 R.

* John Baptist Q. gentleman

* his wife

* Anna Lebon Q. spinster

£20 R.

* Louis Richards Q. gentleman

* * his wife

£20 R.

Tiebolds Q. widow

* Margaret Browne Q. widow

* MaryBishoppe Q. spinster

* MaryPowell Q. spinster

* ElizabethMaynardQ. spinster

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Elizabeth Lepton Q. spinster

* WillsonaBradshawe Q. widow

* Elizabethwife of John Kidney taylor

£20 R.

£20 R.

* MaryGriffin of St. Maryle Strand spinster

* Mathew LeboynorQ. gentleman

* Isabella his wife

* UrsullaHarrisonspinster

£20 R.

* KatherineWindsorQ. widow

* ElizabethStanton Q. spinster

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Christianawife of Julius Freake Q. yeoman

* AnnaQuash Q. widow

£20 R.

* Lady Perkins Q. spinster

* MargaretPerkins Q. spinster

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Jana wife of Thomas Cole of Hestonyeoman

* Marywife ofThomasHutchins Q. joiner

* SusannaCole Q. spinster


£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* William Cole of Isleworth esquire Lady Syddenham of Edmontonwidow

£20 R.

* Elizabeth Lady Browne of Tottenhamwidow

* Ellenawife ofJohn Coggins of Newbrainford chandler

* John Gates Q. yeoman

* Agnes Cole Q. spinster

£20 R.

£20. R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

£20 R.

* Robert Ashbie of Barfeilde gentleman

* William Ashbie Q. gentleman

£20 R.

* A. FerdinandAshbie Q. gentlemanC. owes D.

£20 R.

£20 H. P. But it was taken fromthe king's hands by a decision of the barons noted in the memorandaon the part of the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancerfor the 7th year of king Charlesin the Recordasectionfrom the term of St. Michael and he is quit. 77

* Judith Swegoeof St. Mary le Strandspinster


77E368/621/248Michaelmas 7 Charles I. In Recusant Roll 20 James I Ferdinand Ashbye of Harefield, gentleman, £20for one month's absence after 1 March 1 Charles for which he was convicted atthe Gaol Delivery of Newgate held for the county of Middlesex at the Old Baileyon Wednesday , 24 May2 Charles I.

On 9 November 7 Charles I John Ashbye, the son and heir of the aforesaid Ferdinand appeared through Dorothie Ashbye widow, recently wifeof the aforesaid FerdinandAshbye dead recusant, and guardian of the same John Ashbye and administrator She pleadsforpossessionof his landsthrough the Act of 1 James I as it treatsconforming heirs William Noy the attorney general statedthat Johnisthe heir but only five years old and the Act only affects heirs 16 or older.

78The next Roll is E377/33; there is no E377/32



[Leaseof SeizedLand. Rental]

Debt Farm A. Thomas Monnson B. Richard Hare of St. Leonard Shoreditch, gentleman C. 26s 8d D. The farm of two parts of one messuage tenement, or hospice with purtenances known as The Lyon in Staines recently in the possession of Humphrey Chaunceyof the yearly annual value of £6 E.d. Roll 6 James I and Roll 20, 21, 22 James I. F. 106s 8d G. 106s 8d H.a. Thomas Monnson , knight, H.b. Michaelmas 5 James I. H.c. For a term on 41 years next following and fully completed H.d. 26s 8d H.e. H.k. Rolls 6, 20, 21, 22 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

Debt Farm . A. The tenants B. Francis Holte of St. Botolph, gentleman C. 6s8dfrom part of51s 10½d a year. D. The farm of a certain dwelling in Pilkington Place ofthe yearly value above any rents or reservations of 11s E.a. Nicholas Collins and other commissioners E.b. 2 August 9 James I. E.c. E.d. Rolls for 11 , 13, 20, 21 James I. F . 20s G. 26s 8d. H.a. The tenants . H.c. For the term of20 years yet to come. H.d.6s 8d H.k. Rolls 11 , 13, 20, 21 James I. J. About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

Payment Farm . A. Alexander Miller, gentleman B. Gracie Finche of Milton, Kent, widow, recusant . C. £10. D.1 The farm of one messuage of holding with purtenances in Great Eastcheap of St. Leonard, London recently in the holding of Edgar Fisher and D.2 another messuage commonly called the Knight of the annual worth beyond reprises of £8 and they are the two parts ofthe lands of Gracie Finche E.d. Roll 11 James I. F. £20 G. £30 H.a. Alexander Miller, gentleman H.b. 12 May 11 James I. H.c. For a term of21 years H.d. £10. H.e. H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. In two parts in paymentfromthe same farm and debt . The £10. in two partsfrom the same farmanddebt

Debt Farm . A. The tenants B. Daniel Knowlinge C. 40s D. The farm of two messuages or tenements with purtenances in Hanwell of the yearly value above reprises of 60s E.a. Thomas Fowler and other commissioners E.b. 5 February 11 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 11 James I. F. £6. for years 20, 21 , 22 James I. G. £7 H.a. The tenants H.c. For two years yet to come H.d. 40s H.k. Roll 11 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accounts below

[SeizedGoods and Chattels]

Debt. RichardLovett recusant £14.3.6 above his debts for the price or value ofhis goods and chattels In the hands of he recentking James since the 13th day ofOctober in the 22nd year takenfrom and returnedto the same Richard by Roland Heylyn and Robert Parkhurst sheriffs for the city ofLon-

don and the county of Middlesex and other commissioners because of his recusancy as contained in the LTRMR for the 22nd year of James in the Recorda section for Michaelmas Term He responds separately in the Exannual Roll for recusants . 79

Debt. Joseph Lovett recusant

£16.2.10 for the price or value ofhis goods and chattels taken and returnedby the aforesaid commissionersbecause of his recusancy as contained in that place [E368/594/113]. He answers for this in the ExannualRollfor recusants .

Debt. Robert Curtis recusant

£13. for the price or value ofhis goods and chattels taken and returned to him by the aforesaid commissioners because of his recusancy in that place80 About which see the sheriffs' accounts below

William Atterbury recusant

£3.16.8 for the price or value of his goods and chattelstaken and returnedby the aforesaidcommissionersbecause of his recusancyin that place . 81 Answered separately in the Exannual Roll for recusants

[Enrolments of Estreated Convictions forRecusancy]

Debt Farm . A. The tenants . B. Alice Cole of Hesson C. £9.6.8 D. For the farmoftwo parts of her lands in Hesson in the holding of Thomas and Robert Cole her sons of the yearly value of £13. E.a. Ralph Haway esquireand other commissioners E.b. 28 September22 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 22 James I. F. £14 G. £22.6.8 H.a. The tenants H.d. £9.6.8 H.k. Roll 22 James I. J. See the sheriffs' accountbelow.

A. The tenants. B. James BanitowC. 40s D.1 For the farm oftwo parts ofa tenementwith purtenances D.2 and 50 acres of land in Hampton of the annual value above reprises of 60s E.a. Ralph Haway esquire and other commissioners E.b. 28 September22 James I. E.c. E.d. Roll 22 James I. F. 60s G. 100s H.a. The tenants H.d. 40s H.k. Roll 22 James I. J. See the sheriffs's accounts below.

[Seized Goods and Chattels]

Debt John Dam of Holborn in the said county value of six 40s for the price or taken and returned by the aforesaid commissioners because of his recusancy in that place. About which see the sheriffs' account for London

Debt William Beswick recusant 40s for the price or value of his goods and chattels taken and returned to him by the aforesaid commissioners Answered separatelyin the Exannual Roll for recusants

79E368/594/113Michaelmas 22 James I. At an inquest at the Guild Hall on 14 October valued Richard Lovett's goods and chattels at £14.3.6.

80E368/594/113Michaelmas Term22 James I.The inquestin n . 79 valued his goodsandchattels at £13

81E368/594/113Michaelmas Term 22 James I. The inquestin n . 79 valueshis goodsandchattelsat £48.4.0

Debt. John Freakrecusant 10s for the price ofcertain

taken and returned by the aforesaid commissionersin that place About which see the sheriffs' London accounts .

[Lease ofSeizedLand. Rental]

Farm A. The tenants B. John Dodd C. £26.13.4 D. The farm oftwo parts of divers lands and tenements with pertinences in Kingstreet in the city of Westminster of the annual value above reprises of £40 E.a. Francis Goodwin, knight, sheriff of Buckingham and other commissioners E.b. 10 October 22 James I. E.c. F. £26.13.4 from the aforesaid year. G. 53.6.8 H.a. The tenants. H.d. £26.13.4J. The rest of this case is containedin another place in thisRoll under Buckinghamshire.

A. Michael Fortescue of St. Andrew Holborn, knight C. D. £20 E. One month G. J. One month next following the first day of January 1 CharlesI. M. Wednesday 24 may 2 CharlesI. O. P. But he does not owe that because of a decision of the barons annotated in the LTRMR for 2 Charles and entered inthe Recordasectionfor Trinity Term. And he is quit . 82

* A. Thomas Newpost of St. Michael Bassishaw , merchant B. D. £120 . F. £60. G. H. J. Three months following 1 February 21 James I. L. £60. M. 5 July2 Charles I. N. 5 July27 September2 CharlesI.

* A. Mary Phillips of St. Katherine Creechurch , spinster B. D. £80. F. £20. G. H. J. One month next following 1 April 1 Charles I. N. For the three months aforesaid

* A. Lady Dorothy Overbywife of Henry Overby of St. Anne's Blackfriars, knight B. D. £60 F. £40 G. H. J. Two months next following 1 May 2 Charles I. L. £20 M. 20 September2 Charles I. N. 1-29 September2 Charles I.

* A. Henry Rogers of St. Giles in the Fields, yeoman B. D. £80 F. £20 G. H. J. One month after 1 April 2 Charles I. L. £60 M. Wednesday 5 July 2

CharlesI. N.5 July27 September 2 CharlesI.

* Anna his wife

£80 R.

* BarbaraWiseman Q. spinster

* John Chamberlaine Q. yeoman

* John Beesley Q. yeoman

* Maryhis wife

£80 R.

* Thomas AtkinsonQ. yeoman

* Lady ElizabethGardnerQ.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

82E368/610/233Trinity Term 2 Charles I. In the Roll of 1 Charles I Nicholas FortescueofSt. Andrew aforesaid, knight, owed £20 for one month's absence following2 January 1 Charlesfor which he was convicted on Wednesday24 May2 Charles I. He appeared before the barons on 22 June and presenteda certificate of conformity from George [Montaigne], bishop of London, dated 11 March 1625 stating that Fortescuehadappeared before Mr. Anthony Duke , Doctor of Laws, his chancellor on Saturday 11 March 1625.Fortescuealleged that he was at St. Andrew on 5 March during servicetime and that he received communion He had a certificate from the minister, the church wardens , and the parish clerk He promised to give up all obstinacy; there is no mention of his taking the oath of allegiance See the Rollfor 1 Charles I.

* DorothyWarwick Q.

* Isabella Fenwicke Q.

* John Bartlett Q. yeoman

* Maryhiswife

£80 R.

* Johanna Brady Q. spinster

* RichardJohnson Q.yeoman

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* David E Q. in medicine doctor

* Philliberta his wife

* Maria Ecklinge Q. spinster_

£80 R.

£80 R.

* JamesGotier Q. r

* RoderickLewkenorQ. knight

* Edward Lentell Q. knight ,

* Lady Ocry Q.

* Reginald Fountaine Q. yeoman

* Lady Q.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Reginald Fountaine Q. yeoman

* Anna his wife

£80 R.

* Elizabeth Harris Q. spinster

* Thomassina Kirke Q. widow

* Viscount Armound Q.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Margaret Lady Sydenham Q. widow

* Jane Beamont Q.

* Cecily Wright Q.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* William BoucherQ. yeoman

* John Belli Q. yeoman

* George Giles Q. yeoman

* William Orcharde Q. yeoman

* Johanna his wife

* Thomas CaseQ. yeoman,

* Margaret his wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80. R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Benjamin Mitchell Q. yeoman

* Dorothyhis wife

£80 R.

* RichardWaters Q. yeoman

* Maryhiswife

£80 R.

* Philip Thomas Q. yeoman

* Anna his wife

£80 R.

* John Fenwicke Q. yeoman

* Dorothyhis wife

* Mary Russell Q. spinster

£80 R.

* Isabella DorcyQ. spinster

* Elizabeth Bullocke Q. spinster

* Anna Tallis Q. spinster

* William TallisQ.

* Mary Tallis Q. spinster

* Judith PrinceQ. spinster

* John Overly Q. cooke

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80. R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Elizabeth his wife

* William ClayQ. yeoman

* Anna his wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Richard Samuel Q. yeoman

* Christinahiswife

* Thomas Blage Q. yeoman

* Anna his wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* EdwardMay Q. gentleman

* Grace his wife

£80 R.

* Elizabeth Johnson Q. spinster.

* Lady Huddleston Q. widow/spinster

* Johanna yatt.Q. spinster

* Margaret JarrettQ. spinster

* Elizabeth Allen Q. spinster .

* John Drue Q. yeoman

* Dorothyhis wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Margaret Hubbersby Q. spinster

* Mabel Griffeth Q. spinster

* RichardAbbingtonQ. gentleman

* Bridgethis wife

* AnnaCollyer Q.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80. R.

* Webb Q. yeoman

* Katherinehis wife

* AnnaWebb Q. spinster

* Jana Webb Q. spinster,

* AliceWinters Q. spinster

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Frances Hilderson Q. spinster

* MatthewDale Q. gentleman

* Anna Southwell Q.

* Anna Holforde Q. spinster ,

* Isabella Trotter Q. spinster

£80 R.

* John AbbingtonQ. gentleman

* Anna his wife

£80 R.

* Johanna AbbingtonQ. spinster

* Robert AbbingtonQ.yeoman

* Anna AbbingtonQ. spinster

* William Eccles Q. yeoman

* Barbarahis wife

* MarySmith Q. spinster.

* William Cliffe Q. yeoman

* Lucia his wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Anna AtkinsonQ. spinster

* Browne Q. spinster

* MaryOffence Q.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80. R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* A. Fenton Offence Q. gentleman C. owes D. £80 H. P. But he does not owe that amount because of a decision ofthe barons noted in the LTRMR for

the fourth year of Charles and entered in the Recordasection for EasterTerm and he isquit . 83

* Elizabeth Ferris Q. spinster

* Johanna Parris Q.

* Anna Oliver Q. spinster

* AndrewWhiteQ.yeoman

£80 R.

* John WaldronQ. gentleman

* Margaret his wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Prudence Greene Q. spinster

* May wife ofHenry Powell Q. spinster

* Margery PowellQ. spinster

* John Feryne Q. yeoman

* Katherinehis wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

* Maynerde Q. spinster

* KatherineMeynerde Q. spinster

* William WebbQ. yeoman

* his wife

£80 R.

* Stoakes Q. yeoman

* Margery his wife

£80 R.

* Margery Abbot Q. spinster

* LouisRichardsQ. yeoman

* Maryhis wife

£80 R.

* MaryAndrewQ. spinster

* William DandyQ. yeoman

* JohnLaconQ.yeoman

* Katherinehis wife

* RichardB -rt of St. Martin

* Elizabeth his wife

* George Moone Q. yeoman

* Frances his wife

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R. in the Fields gentleman

£80 R.

£80 R.

* William GodbaltQ. yeoman

* Anna his wife

£80. R.

* Francis GodfreyQ. gentleman

* RichardGreenburyQ. yeoman

* Maryhiswife

* Louis Keep Q.yeoman

£80 R.

See after Hereford

£80 R.

£80. R.

£80. R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

£80 R.

83There is no record ofthis entry


[Sheriffs' Arrears]

A. Hester, recently the wife and executor of Ellis Crisp, and Mary , the wife and executorof ThomasWesterowe , recently sheriffs [1625], accountfor B.1. 106s 8d for ThomasMonnson knight, as containedin the principal Roll B.2 . 26s 8d for the tenants of the lands of Francis Holte as containedin that place. B.3 £8 for the tenants of the lands of Daniel Knowlinge in that place . B.4 . £13 for Robert Curtis in that place B.5 £23.6.8 for the tenants of the lands of Alice Cole in that place. B.6. 100s for the tenants of the lands of James Bainton in that place : B.7. 40s for John Dam in that place B.8 10s for John Freake in that place C. £61.10.0 D.1 Thomas Monnson knight, aboutwhose debt burden above, answers for 106s 8d: see in the followingRoll for London and Middlesex after his farm D.5 The tenants of the lands of Alice Cole, about whosedebt burden above, answerfor £23.6.8: see in the followingRoll for London and Middlesex after their farm D. 7-8. [An illegible line which may deal withJohn Dam and does mention John Freake ] D.6. The tenantsof the lands of James Baynton, about whose debt above, answerfor 100s: see in Roll 6 for London and Middlesex after their farm. D.3 . The tenants of the lands of Daniel Knowlinge, about whose debt above, answer for £8: see in Roll 5 for London and Middlesex after their farm. D.2 The tenants of the lands of Francis Holte, about whose burden above, answerfor 26s 8d: see in Roll 6 for London and Middlesex D.4. Paid £13 on 5 February of the first year from those burdens and debts above under the name of Robert Curtis through John Poole and Christopher Clithero, sheriffs [1626] E. And they are quit


Note. All Christian names under one surname form a single entry, exceptfor archbishopsand bishops, and where an alias is concerned Place names are in the modern form , except where they have not been traced Duplicate or multiple entries on the same page are shown by an asterisk Abbreviations used: esq esquire, gent = gentlemanand kt. = knight

Anna, 82

Elizabeth, 15, 78

Francis , commissioner, 52

Francis, yeo , 15

George, 34

Henry, 45

John, 34

John, yeo , servant, 7

Katherine, 7

Lady, 146

Nicholas, gent., 34

Susanna, 6

William , 53

botom , Mary, 100

Light, Ambrose, tailor , 7

udingham, Leonard, foreigner, 88 yatt, Johanna , 147 A

Abbington(Abington), Anna, 141 , 147; Bridget, 147; Johanna , 141 , 147; John , gent , 141, 147; Katherine, wife of Richard, 103; Katherine, wife of Richard, gent, 100, 102; Richard, 103; Richard, esq. , 30, 89, 133, 139; his wife, 89, 133; Richard, gent , 91 , 100 , 102, 147; his wife, 91; Robert, yeo , 141, 147; Thomas, gent, 55, 79

Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury , 6n , 29n , 67n. , 98n , 107n.; Bishop of London, 27n. , 28n

Abbot, Anthony, yeo , 135; Margery, 148; Mary, 94

Abdee, Edward, gent, 139

Abdey, Christopher, yeoman, 102

Acton, 135

Adam (Adame, Addam) see Dam

Adams, John, yeo , 12

Adamson, Margaret, 16

Addams, John, cutler, 33 see also Dam, John

Addington, Anna, 12; Paul, gent , 12

Aevuslowe, Mary, 21

Alcock, Frances , 141 ; William, gent. , 141

Aldee, Edward, esq , 134

Alderford (Aldorford), Elizabeth, 26

Alderson, Thomas, yeo , 131

Aldreer, Richard, yeo , 80

Alexander , Alice, 138; George, tailor, 138; Paul, gent, 29 andn

Alkington, Mary, 19, 83, 118; Mary, her daughter , 83, 118

All Hallows Barking, 11

All Hallows Minor, 11

All Hallows Honeyland (All Hallows Honeyland), 10

All Saints Barking, 130

All Saints Bread Street, 83

All Saints in theWall, 49

Allen, Edward, sheriff, 114n , 118 , 120* , 121; Elizabeth, 147; Ellenora, 139; John, 64n.; William, yeo , 60, 73 , 79, 81

Allyt, Mary, 60

Almer, John, yeo., 50

Andrew , Mary, 148

Andrewes (Andrews), John , 46 andn.

Andrews , William, gent, 137

Ann, Philip, gent, 19

Ansteed, Frances, 88; Samuel , yeo, 88

Antill, Faith, 132; Francis, yeo , 132

Apchurch(alias Upchurch), Thomas , 42n

Appleby , Richard, gent , 137; his wife, 137

Arden, John, gent, 11

Argar, Mary, 17

Armound, Viscount, 146

Arnyde, Maria, 7

Aronsham , 33

Ascue see Askewe commissioner ,

Ashbie (Ashbye), Dorothie, 142n.; Ferdinand , gent , 142 and n.; John, 142n.; Robert, gent , 142; William, gent., 142

Ashborne, William, yeo., 91; his wife, 91

Ashe, John, gent , 92; Margaret, 92

Askewe (Askew, Ascue) (alias Penington), Bridget, Lady, 29 , 72 , 81

Astell , Ambrose, gent , 18 , 45

Aston, Arthur, kt , 134; Mary, Lady, 134

Atkinson, Mary, spinster, 61, 79; Mary, widow, 78; Thomas, yeo , 145

Atterbury (Atterberrye), Jane, 102; William, yeo., 55, 102, 144 and n

Atteslowe, Henry, gent , 10

Attorney-Generals: Bacon , Sir Francis, 6n , 64n , 67n.; Noy, William , 142n

Austin, Lucia, 129; Thomas, pewterer, 129

Awberrye, Richard, yeo. , 55

Awdley, Mary, 100

Ayers, Robert, yeo , 130

Ayscoughe, Anna, Lady, 43

B B rt, Richard, gent , 148; Elizabeth, 148

Bacon, Sir Francis, Attorney

General , 6n , 64, 67n.; Hubert, gent , 135, 139; his wife , 135;

Richard, apothecary , 129; hiswife, 129; Thomas , 66; Walter , gent. , hatmaker , 42 and n

Baconlyns, Thomas, gent.,43

Bagshawe, Thomas, esq, 35

Bagthorpe, Katherine, 88

Bailie, John, gent , 133, 138

Baintonsee Baynton

Baker , Elizabeth, 19; Leonard, yeo, 19; Margaret, 56, 83

Baker'sAlter, 33

Baldwin, John, 91

Bale (Bayle), Cecilia, 135; George, gent, 135and n

Ball (Bell), Joachim, schoolmaster , 80, 81

Balsall, Cuthbert, gent , 10

Banck, Edward, yeo, 135; Mary, 135

Bancks (Banckes , Bankes), Christina, (Christiana), 35, 36, 48, 82

Bancroft, Richard , Archbishop of Canterbury , 7n , 15n , 26n.

Bancrofte, Anna, 130

Banitow, James, 144

Bannester, Richard, gent , 134

Banninge, Susanna, 59

Baptist , John, gent, 61 , 141; his wife, 141

Barde, Robert, yeo , 48

Barfield (Barfeilde), 142

Barkenham (Barkeham), Edward, sheriff, 53, 68, 70* , 95, 99

Barker, Oswald, gent , 28; William, 27

Barley , Francis, cook , 49

Barnard, Mary, 134; Philip, foreigner, 83, 134

Barnes, Richard see Baron

Barnes, Robert, gent, 29

Barnsley, Elizabeth, 60

Baron (alias Barnes), Richard, gent., 23

Barons of the Exchequer see ExchequerBarons

Barrell, Thomas, yeo. , 49

Bartlett, Jane, 140; John, gent , 134, 140; John , yeo , 146; Mary, 146; Thomas, esq. , 24; Thomas, yeo, 35

Barton, Anna, 24

Basheford (alias Benyford), James , gent., 16

Basinghall, 8

Basse, John, 7n.

Bateman, C(h)ristabella, 72 , 81; Christine, 54; Mary, 55; Thomas, embroiderer , 54, 72, 81

Bates, Isabella, 41; Margaret, 25; Thomas , apothecary , 41

Batt, Elizabeth, 73; John, schoolmaster , 73

Baxter ,

Baylye, Helen, 49 45; Anna, 15

Baynton (Bainton), James , yeo., 48, 149*

Beam, John, gent, 11

Beamont, Jane, 146

Beesley, John, yeo., 140 , 145; his wife, 140; Mary, 145

Beeston, Christopher, yeo , 60, 79; Jane, 60, 79; Robert, gent, 19 , 76

Beestow (alias Hutchinson), Christopher, stage player, 73; Jana , 73

Beestow, Richard, stage player, 73; Etheldreda , 73

Beeswicke see Beswicke

Beke, Richard, yeo , 134

Bell see Ball

Bellamey, Robert, gent , 2

Belli, John , yeo , 146

Belline, Leonardina, 8; Roger, gent, 8

Bellinger, Peter, foreigner, 128

Belson, Augustine, 16 and n.

Bendolose(alias Bendishe), Andrew, gent , 23

Bennet(t), Peter, yeo., 130; Thomas, esq , sheriff, 77, 78* , 95, 97, 99* , 123; Thomas, kt , commissioner , 64

Bennett, Robert, bishop of Hereford, 24n.

Bennington, Richard, gent., 15

Benyford see Basheford

Bereford, James, gent. , 10

Berrington, Thomas, gent, 28

Berrowe, John, gent, 28

Berrye, Humphrey, gent 26

Beswicke (Beswick, Beeswicke, Beeswick, Bessicke , Boswick), Ambrose, yeo , cordwainer, 71, 74, 80, 90, 103; Anna, 137; Elizabeth, 101, 102, 133; George, shoemaker , 59, 72, 74; Mary, 59, 72, 74; William, gent , 90; William, yeo , shoemaker , cordwainer, 35, 54, 59, 71, 72, 74, 80, 98, 101, 102, 103 , 119 , 133 , 137 , 144

Bethomelde, Edward, gent., 132; his wife, 132

Bette(s) (Booth?), Clarence , 6, 52-3 andn

Bicknell, Peter, yeo., 49

Bifford, William, yeo , 27

Bilbrough, Barbara , 16

Billingsley (Billingsly), Henry, kt , commissioner, 17 , 59

Bilson, Thomas , bishop of Winchester, 42n

Binholme , Worcs, 40

Birche, Thomas, gent , 26

Bird, Thomas , yeo , 37

Bishop (Bishoppe), Mary, 141; Thomas , 66*

Bishopsgate Street, 52

Blacke, John, tailor, 6, 17, 71 Magdalana, 17 , 71

Blackladies (Black Ladyes ), Staffs, 30n

Blackstone, Frances , Lady, 132

Blague see Blake

Blake (Blague, Blage), Alice, 131; Anna, 147; John, glazier, 133 , 138; his wife, 133; John, tailor, 73, 80, 90, 102, 103, 119 , 132 , 137; Magdalena(Magdelana,

Magdelena , Magdalene), 73 , 80, 90, 102, 103, 132, 137; Samuell, gent. , 141; his wife, 141; Thomas, yeo., tailor, 133 , 141 , 147; his wife, 133, 141; William, yeo , 131

Blott (Plott), Bartholomew, 46 and n.

Blow(e) Court(e), Field Lane, 66, 67n

Blumston , Margaret, 17; Nicholas, yeo., 17

Blunstynn , Barnard, yeo. , 108

Blunt, Roger, gent, 26; Thomas , gent, 26

Blunte, John, yeo , 135

Bockett ,Mary, 82; Thomas , labourer , 82

Bolles, George , sheriff, 32, 38, 46, 47, 62* , 68, 69

Bolt (Bolts, Boult), Elizabeth, 72, 81, 91 , 104

Bolton , Edward, gent , 135, 139; see also Boulton

Bondman, Margery, 137

Booth see Bette(s)

Boothe, Richard, esq., 21

Borgrove, Nicholas, gent, 10

Bornehill, Yorks, 10n.

Bostock, William, yeo. , fishmonger, 19 , 89 , 131

Boswick see Beswicke

Bottle , The, 53 and n., 58 and n

Boucher, William, yeo , 146

Boulden, Anna, 83

Bouldinge, Elizabeth, 80

Boult see Bolt

Boulton, Edward, gent , 60; Elizabeth, 102; Margaret, 60

Bowarde, Mary, 71; Thomas, cordwainer, 71

Bowen, Thomas, gent, 28

Boyden, Alice, 48, 134; Philip, yeo, 48

Boys , Ellena, 138

Brackett, Margery, 137

Bradshaw(e), Edward, mercer , 26; Willsona, 142

Brady, Johanna, 146

Brantley, Nathaniel, yeo, 92

Bredkerke , James, yeo. , 12, 19

Brenley , Geoffrey, gent , 28; James , gent., 28

Brenlowe, Anna, 43; William, yeo , 43

Brentford (Braneford, Brainforde), 2, 103; see also New Brainford

Brett, Ann

Briante, Alice, 79;Robert,girdler, 79 48

Brickhill , Johanna, 134

Bride, Mary, 21

Bridges, Katherine, 130

Brighte 67

Briskett, Thomas, gent. , 11

Bristowe , Henry, gent , 24

Brittaine, Dennis, gent , 137; Elizabeth, 137

Brockett, Sara, 80

Brockles, Thomas, 106 , 110

Brokenbury , Leonard, gent, 29

Bromeley, William, strengthener , 36

Bromleyby Bow (Bromeley), 1* , 4* , 9* , 14* , 22* , 31* , 38* , 136

Broncroft (Bromcroft), Shropshire, 20

Brooke , widow, 138; Jana, 133; Johanna , 19 ; Robert, kt , 138; Tobias, yeo. , 137

Brookesbye, Bartholomew, esq , 16; see also Broxbye

Brookley, Ralph, esq , 21

Browne (Brown), , spinster, 147; Alice, servant, 7, 19; Andrew, gent , 134, 141; his wife, 141 ; Anna, 16, 92, 135; Edward, yeo , 30; Elizabeth, Lady, 79, 135 , 142; Ellenora, 83; Frances, 19; George, gent , 16; George , yeo , 35; Isabella, 135; Katherine, 135; Margaret, 141; Owen, goldsmith, 10, 19; Richard, 73; his wife, 73; Robert, 73, 120; William, glover, 83; William, goldsmith, 33

Brownlowe , Thomas , yeo ,48

Brownwick(e), Roger, saddler , 18; William, saddler , 17, 18

Broxbye, Bartholomew , gent , 11; Mary, 11

Brudenell , Lucy, 24

Bruli, John Baptist, foreigner, vintner, 128

Bryan, Alice , 90, 133, 140; Robert, yeo, 90, 133 , 140

Buck, Margaret, 28

Buckden (Buckdon), Hunts, 6n., 67n

Buckingham, 145

Bucks (county), 1 , 4, 9, 14, 17, 22 , 28, 31, 38, 44, 51, 57, 62, 69

Bullock(Bullocke), Elizabeth, 146; John, gent , 25, 89 , 114 , 116; John, yeo , 131 ; Mary, 89

Burch(e), Ambrose, yeo , 56; Margaret, 130

Burford, Thomas, yeo , 88

Burgenny, John, yeo, 49

Burges, Elizabeth, 93; William , gent, 93

Butler (alias Edwards), Alice , 15, 49

Butler, Anna, Lady, 91-2 and n.; Oliver, kt , 91-2 and n

Byfield , Petronella, 92

Cadiman, C doctor in medicine, 129; Anna, 129

Caluley (Cauley), William, 18 , 45

Calvert, Mr Secretary , 106

Cambell (Camwell), Thomas , sheriff, 1 , 4, 9, 14, 22, 31 , 38

Cambell, Thomas, yeo , 128

Cambridge , Elinora, 138

Campbell (Cambell), James, sheriff, 115 * , 125

Canon, Thomasina , 3, 36

Cantell , Christopher, gent, 136

Cappeer see Wittingslow

Carbrooke(Carbroke), Norfolk , 125n.

Carey (Cary), Richard, esq , 19, 41 and n. , 66* , 80

Carleton, Yorks, 29

Carowe, Richard, gent. , 2

Carradyns , Elizabeth, 43

Carter, Sara, 100

Cartwright, Henry, makerof scissors , 52*

Cary see Carey

Case, Margaret, 146; Thomas, yeo, 146

Cashe (alias Hutchenson , Hutchinson, Nurse), Katherine, 54, 60, 79, 120

Cashe (Caske), Thomas , glazier, 133 , 139; his wife, 139

Castell, John , 64; Frances, 64 and n.

Castle, The, St John's Street , 45n.

Castle Frome (Ffroma Castrensis), Herefordshire , 27n

Castle, Frances , 37; John, cook, 37

Cauley (Caluley), William, 18, 45

Caveridge, Elizabeth, 34

Cawley, Thomas, yeo. , 128

Cawne, Jane, 25; John, yeo , 25

Chaddesley Corbett(Chadesley), Worcs, 41n

Chamberlaine , John, yeo , 145

Chambers, George , 24

Champney, William, yeo, 35, 80

Chancery (Chauncey ) Lane, 89 , 100, 104

Chanston (Clanston), Elizabeth, 88, 118

Chappell , Dorothy, 56

Charby , Grace, 140

Charing Cross, 64n

Charneley (Charnley), Thomas, 44, 45n

Charterhouse Lane, 48, 60

Chauncey, Humphrey, 41 ,44, 57 , 63, 74, 85, 95, 109, 113, 117, 124, 126, 143

Cheapside (Cheape), 10, 89

Chesley, Kent, 134

Chickland, Dorothy, 82

Chick Lane (Chicklane), 48, 72

Chipstead, Surrey, 42n

Chiswick (Cheswick), 91 , 135

Christ Church(Farringdon within London), 55, 93 , 107

Christ Church (Farringdon without London), 61

Church(e), Dorothy, 136; Edward, yeo., 89

Clanston see Chanston

Clapton , William, esq , 21


Clarke, Clarke, 102 gent., 79 yeo., 139

Clarke (Clark, Clarck), Christiana, 49; Daniel, yeo, 138; Edward, yeo., 27; Frances, Lady, 54, 60; John, yeo , 14; Margaret, Lady, 73; Martha, 27; Mary, 140; William, kt , 54, 60

Clay, Anna, 134, 139, 147; William, yeo , 147

Cleere, Mary, 59; see also St. Clare

Clerkenwell , 72, 100, 104, 114*

Clethro, Isabell, 135; Margaret, 135

Cliffe, Lucea (Lucia), 140 , 147; William, yeo , 134 , 140, 147; his wife, 134

Clifton, Mary, 35

Clithero, Christopher, sheriff , 149

Clithoe, Margaret, 139

Clithorne, John, yeo , 102

Clunne, Richard, yeo , 129

Coate, John, yeo. , 139

Cobb, Mary, 21 and n.; Sir William, 21n

Cobbe, Mary, 36, 72, 80; William, gent, 36 , 72 , 80

Cobley [?UpperCoberley, Glocs], 40

Cockaine (Cockayne), Elizabeth , 136; William, sheriff, 42, 47* , 48, 62, 68, 69, 70, 98, 99, 111 * , 112 , 122 , 123*

Cockett, Elizabeth, 136

Coe (Doe), Elizabeth, 71, 90, 101, 102, 103, 138; John, stationer , 71,

74, 80, 90, 101, 102, 103, 119; Margaret, 72, 74; Mary, 80

Coggins, Ellena, 142; John , chandler, 142

Coldri(d)ge, James, yeo , 133, 138; Mary, 133 , 138

Cole, Agnes, 2, 102, 142; Agneta, 72, 135; Alice, 72 and n , 90, 102 and n , 144, 149*; Anna, 90; Jana (Jane), 2, 71, 90, 135, 142; John, yeo , 136, 137; his wife, 137; Margaret, 136; Robert , snr, yeo., 16, 72; Robert, jnr, 72n , 144; Susanna, 16, 142; Thomas, 72n , 144; Thomas , yeo. , shoemaker , 2, 90, 102, 135, 142; William, 142

Colebrooke, Anna, 92; Thomas, gent. , 92

Coleburne , Richard, 67

Coleman, John , yeo , 12

Colley (Collye), Anna, 87; John, scissors-maker, 61, 87; Jane, 61

Collins(Collyns), gent , 135; Nicholas, esq , commissioner , 64, 74, 85, 96, 105, 109, 117, 124, 126 , 143

Collyesee Colley

Collyer, Anna, 140 , 147

Colmes, John, 67

Colwall (Colwell , Corwall), Herefordshire, 41, 112

Conaway, John, yeo,

Connaway, Lady, 3 24

Constable, Elizaeth, 100; John, 106, 110

Conway, spinster, 34; Anna, Lady, 127

Conwey, George , gent , 16

Cooke, Anna, 127; Bridget, 71, 90, 101, 102, 104; Elizabeth, 17, 133; George, 127; Margaret, 72, 80, 138; William, gent, 12, 55, 71 , 72, 79, 80, 90, 101, 102, 104, 118

Cookeson, William, gent , 19

Coop, Grace, 80; William, [tailor], 80

Coop[er], Thomas, cutler, 129

Cooper, Rose, 54 see also Cowper

Copley, Elizabeth, 137; Katherine , 80, 92

Coreby, Mary, 89

Cornelius , Dorothy, 128

Cotterington , Edward, gent. , 29; Henry, gent , 28; Thomas, gent, 29

Cotton, widow, 130; Alan, sheriff, 99, 111* , 112, 121, 122, 123; George, kt , 36* , 43

Courte, Ralph, yeo , 17

Coventry , Thomas, Attorney General , 125n

Cow Cross (Cowcrosse),2

Cowe, Mary, 73; William, gent. , 73

Cowp, Rosco, 90

Cowper (Cooper), Grace , 35, 36, 48, 92; Thomas , servant, 73; William, yeoman , baker, 35, 36, 48, 92

Cox(e), Richard, mercer, 39* , 40* and n., 42, 47* , 123*

Coxe, Mary, 108, 130

Cramidge (Cramridge), Ann, 50, 54

Crathorne , Bridget, 12, 25; Thomas, gent, 12

Craven, William, sheriff, 1 , 4, 9, 14 , 22, 31 , 38

Crayford, John, gent , 59; Martha, 59

Crepley (Cropley), William, yeo , 12, 17

Crispe, Ellis, sheriff, 149; Hester, 149

Crompton , Mary , 82; Richard, haberdasher, 82

Cropley see Crepley

Croseley, Christopher, yeo, 25

Crosse, Elizeus, yeo , 19; William, blacksmith, 77

Crost(e), Henry, yeo. , 12; John, 27

Crowe, Thomas, embroiderer , 61 , 83

Cuddington , Alice, 6; Paul, gent , 6

Curtis, Robert, pewterer, 128, 144 and n , 149*; his wife, 128

Curwynns , Anna, 100; Richard, gent., 100

Cutler, Anna, 140; Helen , 33 ; Mary ,

D 102; Mathias, 33; Susanna, 11 John, 59 D

Dacester, Elizabeth, 134

Dacres, Elizabeth, Lady, 93 ; Francis, Lord, 93

Dagle, Robert, yeo , 107

Dale, Matthew, gent , 147

Dalton, James, commissioner , 2, 4, 9, 14, 22, 31, 39 , 46, 51

Dam (Damme) (alias Adam, Adame, Addam), Helen (Helena, Ellena), 54, 59, 71, 73, 80, 90, 101* , 103; John, cutler, 54, 59 , 71 , 73, 80, 90, 97, 101 * , 103 , 119, 132, 136, 144, 149* see also Addams, John

Dams, Williams, kt , 100

Dandy, William, yeo, 148

Daniel, William, esq., commissioner , 118

Danncer, Sara, 10; Robert, mercer, 10

Dannett , Robert, carpenter , 10

Danyell , Richard, yeo , 7

Darby(e), Anna, 133, 137; Pamela, 15; Susanna, 8; William, 78*; William tailor, 73, 81 , 114-15; his wife, 73, 81; William, yeo , 8, 16 , 76

Darrye, Arthur, esq , 23

Davies (Davis, Davys),. gent., 134; Francis, yeo , 129, 130; Isabella, 130; Jane, 108; Johanna, 59, 98; John, tailor, 25; Margaret, 54; Mary, 134; Parnel(1)a, 93, 108; Thomas , gent , 93

Davison (Davyson), Anna, 125, 136; Richard, yeo , 25 and n , 76, 136

Dawes, Anna, 7; Richard, yeo , 7* , 37; Richard, jnr, 7

Dawkins, Margaret, 100 gent., 100;

Dawson, Anna, 132; Richard, tailor, 132; Robert, gent, 43, 65

Eaton, George , 15; Margaret, 100; Mildred, 17

Eawins, Thomas , 5

Eccles, Barbara , 147; William , yeo , tailor, 140 , 147

Eccleston see Ealeston

Ecklinge, Maria, 146

Edmonton , 90, 100 , 103* , 142

Edwards (Edward, Edwardes ), Alice, spinster, 83, 129; John, esq, 10; John , gent., 89; William, gent. , 10

Edwards , Alice, widow see Butler

Eglestow, William, yeo , 50

Ellenor, Margaret, 93

Elliott, Katherine, 56; Mary, 56; Thomas, gent, 56; Thomas, kt , 125 and n

Ellis, spinster, 80

Elton , Dorothy, 26 and n.; Walter, yeo., 135

Elwes (Elwis), Geoffrey, sheriff, 24 , 31 , 32 * , 33* , 38-9 , 47, 48 62* 68

Emerson, Anne, 101; Christopher, cutler, 19; Ferdinand(o), yeo , servant , cutler, 2, 71, 73, 79, 80, 90, 101* , 103, 119, 132,136; Helen, 132; Isabella, 17; Jane (Jana), 90, 101, 103; Johanna, 71, 73, 80, 136; Ralph, cutler, 17

Enfield (Endfield), 43, 53, 54, 103

Erdiswicke , Walter , gent, 23

Errington, Robert, gent,

Essex, 125 29

Etheringham , Elizabeth, 37 , 100 , 103; William, yeo , 100, 103; see also Everingham

Etheyngham, Johanna, 16

Eure , Edward, esq. , 94; his wife, 94

Evans, Ann, 102; Louis, 101, 102 , 119; his wife, 101 , 102; William, mercer, 43, 65*

Evenson, Mary, 50; William, yeo. , 50

Everade (Everard), Ralph, yeo , 10 , 19

Everingham , Elizabeth, 34, 48; William, gent., 34; William, yeo , 48

Ewere, Edward, gent , 79; Margaret, 79

Ewers, Katherine, 136

Exchequer barons, hearings before: 5n , 6nn , 7n , 10n , 15n , 16n , 21n., 24n , 25n , 26n , 27n , 28n., 29n , 30n , 42n , 45n , 53n , 56n , 58n. , 64n , 67nn , 68n, 76n , 88nn , 92n , 98n , 107n , 121n , 125n , 127n , 131n , 132n , 135n , 142n , 145n


Fapwith , Susanna, 134

Fardge, John, yeo , 60

Farmer, Helen, 129; John, gent , 23

Farnadeth , Rachel, 12

Farrington, (Farringdon), Richard, sheriff, 32, 38, 46, 47, 62* , 68, 69

Fashewe , gent., 139

Feake see Freake

Feild (Field), Humphrey, gent., 10; Margaret, 72, 81, 91, 101, 119; Thurston, shoemaker, 72, 81

Feildinge, Charles, yeo , 50 ; George, esq., notary, 121*

Fench, Isabel , 139

Fenchurch, Langborne, 35

Fennicke, Anna, 140; John, yeo , 140; his wife, 140; William, yeo, 140

Fensham, Kent, 53n.

Fenton, William, yeo , 138

Fenwicke, Dorothy, 146; Isabella , 146; John, yeo., 146

Ferbridge , Katherine, 36

Ferdinando , Augustine, alien , 18; Rachel , 18

Ferne, Anthony, yeo , 129

Ferris , Elizabeth, 148

Feryne, John, yeo , 148; Katherine, 148

Fetherson, Mary, 89

Fetter Lane, 17 , 45, 59

Field see Feild

Field (Fields') Lane, 66, 67n , 81

Fielde, Martha, 25

Finch, Bridget, 55 see also Finche

Fincham, John, esq , 133; John, gent., 138; his wife, 138

Finche (Fynche), Anthony, 53n, 56n.; Gracie, 53 and n , 56 and n., 58 and n , 63 and n , 66, 75, 85-6 and n , 96, 105, 109 , 113, 117 , 124, 126, 143

Finchley, 136*

Fisher (Fischer), Edgar, 85, 105, 109, 113, 117, 124, 126 , 143; Edwin, 75, 96; Giles, butcher, 58,

77; John, shoemaker , 11 , 77

Fitz see also Fytz

Fitzherbert, Thomas , gent, 28

Fitzjames, George, yeo , 138; Jana , 138

Fitzwilliams, James, scissors-maker, 132; Obedience , 132

Fleare, Anthony, gent, 23

Fletcher, Agneta, 35

Fludd(e), Katherine, 136; Richard, yeo , 136; Thomas, scrivener, 132 , 136; his wife, 132

Fogg, Mary, 23

Forcett, Edward, 106

Forester, William, gent. , 28

Forrest , Elizabeth, 24; Maria, 24

Fortescue, Michael, kt , 145; Nicholas, kt , 145n.

Fosset , Edward, gent , 138; his wife, 138

Foster, Thomas, esq , 129

Fountaine, Anna, 146; Reginald, gent , 141 , 146*; his wife, 141

Founteyne, Mary, 134

FouremilStreet, 1

Fowler, Anna, 7; John, stationer , 7*; Thomas , kt , commissioner , 66, 67* , 68, 75* , 86, 96* , 97* , 105 , 106,109* , 113, 114, 117* , 124* , 126, 143

Foxe, Thomas, yeo , executor, 38

Franklin (Franklyn, Francklyne), Elizabeth, 137; Jocosa, 108; Johanna, 133, 138; John, tailor, 133, 138; Mary, 137; Thomas, 137; Walter, gent, 108; William, scissor[-maker], 93; William , tailor, 89, 137

Freake (Freak, Feak), Christiana, 142; Christina, 106; John, glazier, 36, 133, 137, 145, 149*; his wife, 137; Julian, linen draper, 106; Julius, yeo , 142

Frear, Thomas , jnr, doctor in medicine, 93

Freme, James, yeo, 35

French, Henry, snr, yeo. , 135; his wife, 135; Henry, jnr, yeo., 135

Friar see Fryar

Friday (Fridaye) Street, 1 , 9, 14 , 22, 31, 38, 44, 57, 62, 69

Frier see Fryer

Friser , Sara, 27

Frissar, Alice, 28; Mary, 28

Friswith, Philip, 67

Frogmorton , Agneta, 23; see also Throckmorton

Fryar (Friar, Fryare), Israel, gent, 100, 101, 102, 135; Susanna, 100, 101, 102

Fryer (Frier), John , doctor in medicine, 55, 92, 118, 125 and n

Fulham , 5n , 6nn , 30n , 67n , 88n, 102

Fuller, Ambrose, yeo , 129; Katherine , 129

Fyncham, gent, 73

Fynche see Finche

Fynderne , Michael, esq , gent, 18 , 45

Fytzsymons, Thomas , painter, 82

G G kyn, Elizabeth, 26

Gadberrye (Gadburye), Edward, gent , 36, 84; Elizabeth (alias Gadberrue ), 36

Gage, Barbara , 60; Edward, esq , 60; Edward, gent , 18; George, esq., 140; George, gent , 29; John, gent , 3; Margaret, 3; Thomas , esq., 60

Gainsford , John, gent , 36; Margaret, 36

Gallewaye, John, vintner, 48

Garcoyn see Gawyn

Gardner , Lady, 140; Elizabeth, Lady, 145

Garnett, John, yeo , 8

Garret(t), F carpenter, 139; Nathaniel, merchant, 130

Garth, Thomas, embroiderer, 9

Gates, John , yeo, 142

Gatteris , Margaret, 73; Robert, gent., 73,98

Gaughan, Edwin, esq , 41

[Gavner], Helen, 100

Gawyn/Garcoyn [? Gascoyne ], Robert, 24

Gellibrand, Charles , 16; Elizabeth, 16

Geonerson, Leonard, yeo. ,

Gibb, John, 5 131

Gibbes, Mary, 140; William, doctor ofmedicine, 133 , 138

Gibbins , Christopher, 134

Gibson, Augustine, yeo , 138

Gieseld, Anna, 83; Thomas , chandler, 83

Gifford, Elizabeth, 30; Humphrey, esq , 30and n

Gilborne , Thomas, 106

Gilby, Edward, yeo , 79

Gildrop, Anna, 128; George , picture maker , 128

Giles, George , yeo , 146

Gill, Benjamin, chandler, 134, 139; Clara, 139; Mary, 134; Richard, yeo , 37

Gillett, widow , 103

Gitynnes, Johanna, 131

Glamorgan , 35

Glascock(e), Anna, 16, 48

Gloucester , 46

Gloucestershire, 40, 111

Godbalt , Anna, 148; William, yeo., 148

Godberrye (Godbury), Edward, gent , 60; Henry, yeo., 36

Godfrey , Francis, gent., 148

Goldwell, Elmer, 12

Gonghe, James, kt , 107

Gonter, David, ballmaker,49

Goodacre, William, 18, 58-9, 59n

Goodages , William, 45

Goodburye, Elizabeth, 108

Goodlocke, Anna, 100; Thomas, gent., 100

Goodman, Isabella, 55

Goodwin (Goodwyn), Francis, kt, commissioner, sheriff, 17, 22, 31, 39, 44, 51, 52(?), 57, 62, 70, 145

Gore, John, esq., sheriff, 87, 95, 97, 110, 112, 121, 122; William, esq , sheriff, 87, 95, 97, 110, 112, 121, 122

Gorningham , George, yeo , 91 see also Jerningham

Gosse, George , yeo , 130

Gotier, James, r , 146

Goudhursst, Kent, 56n

Gourney , Henry, yeo , 129

Gower, Anna, 49; Mary, 72, 79, 81, 91 , 97

Grave, John, yeo , 87

Gravel Lane, 114

Gravenor , Elizabeth, 50; William, yeo., 21

Gray, Susanna, 24

GreatAll Hallows , 131n

Great AllSaints (Dowgate), 92, 131 and n

Great Eastcheap, 53, 56n., 58 and n , 63 and n , 66, 75, 85, 86n., 96, 105, 109 , 113, 117, 124, 126, 143

GreatStanmore, 100

Greenbury, Mary, 84, 148; Richard, yeo, 148

Greene, Fortune, 129; Peter, yeo., 89; his wife, 89; Prudence , 148;

Rook, esq , 23; Rook, gent, 15; William, esq., 5, 20

Greene (Grene), Susanna, (Susanne), 50, 56, 80 see also Grene

Greeneaway, Richard, yeo., 131

Greeneburie, widow , 93

Greenebury, Johanna , 108; Richard, gent , 83; Richard, picture maker, 108

Greenford (Greenforde), 18

Gregorie, Reginald, yeo , 132; his wife, 132

Grene, Bennet, spinster, 83

Gresham, Johanna, 34, 72, 81, 91 , 101, 134, 139; Richard, carpenter , 34, 72, 81, 91, 101, 134 , 139

Gressell, Agneta, 129

Griffel, Lady, 89

Griffen (Griffin, Griffeth), Francis, yeo., 138; Hugh, gent, 67 and n , 68, 75, 78* 86,87* , 91 96 99 * 105-6*, 109-10, 112 , 113–14 , 115* , 117, 120, 121 * , 122, 124–5; Hugo , tailor, 12; Hugo, yeo , 48; Jana, 138; Mabell, 141; Margaret, 48; Mary, 142

Griffeth, John see Lancaster

Griffeth (Griffith), Mabel(la), 79, 98, 147; Richard, gent, 78; his wife , 78

Grilloway, John, vintner , 11

Grimes see Underwood(e)

Grindey (Gryndey, Grundy), Johanna, 81, 92; John, 100 widow , 34

Grisley, Grove, gent., 138; his wife, 138; John , gent , 40* , 41 and n , 42, 111 , 112*; Robert , yeo , 55

Grower, Mary, 56

Grubstreet, 139

Grundy see Grindey

Guild Hall: inquests , 42n., 56n , 64n , 114n., 130n. , 144n

Guillin, Thomas, gent , 27

Gutteris, Margaret, 60, 82; Robert, gent, 27

H H spinster, 100

Habington see Abbington

H II, Elizabeth, 79

Hackett, Cuthbert, sheriff, 99, 111 * , 112, 121 , 122, 123

Hackfield, Christopher, 17

Hackney, 2, 34, 36, 89, 91, 102, 103

Hacon, Hubert, esq , 43

Haggar, Mary, 13

Haies see Hayes

Haines, John, 77

Haley, Johanna, 83; John, yeo , 83

Hall, George, gent, 134

Halli _e, John, yeo , 79

Halliday, Thomas, yeo.,49

Hallifax, John, yeo , 71

Halsey, John, physician, 39* , 40* and n , 41* and n , 47* , 111 * , 112 , 123*

Halste, John , 67

Ham, Elizabeth, 49

Hambleton , Alexander, gent , 19; Frances, 19

Hamersley, Hugh, sheriff, 112, 114 , 115, 120, 121 , 122

Hammond (Hamond), Brian, yeo , 36, 43

Hampden, Mary , 125 and n

Hampton , 144

Hams see Hannus

Hannus (Hams), John , silk weaver , 11 , 82

Hanwell(Hantwell), 2, 37, 48 ?, 67 and n , 75, 86, 96, 105, 109, 113 , 117 , 124, 126, 143

Harborne, Elizabeth, 128; William, yeo., 128

Hardman, William, yeo , 25

Hardwicke, Mary, 78

Hare, Richard, gent, 143; Robert, gent., 18, 32, 41, 42* , 44, 51, 57, 62-3, 74, 85, 95, 105 , 109 , 113 , 117, 121, 123, 124, 126

Harefield , 142n

Hargrave, Sara , 8

Harlington, 37

Harper (Harpar), Anthony, gent , 27; John, gent , 23; Katherine, 26; Mary, 27; Robert, gent , 25; Thomas, gent , 25; William, esq , 28

Harrington, William, yeo. , 48

Harris, Elizabeth, 146

Harrison, Hans, yeo , 131 and n.; Ursulla, 142

Harvey(Harvye, Harvie), John, 88; Sebastian , sheriff, 42, 47 , 48, 62, 68, 69, 70, 98, 99, 111* , 112, 122 , 123*

Hastings, Walter, gent. ,

Hatch, Bernard, yeo , 93

Hatherthwaite , Ann, 36

Hatton, yeo , 128; Christopher , gent , 29; Martha , 128; Richard, gent , 14; Richard, yeo., 137

Haughton (Hawton), Cassand(r)a, 89 , 128

Hawkins (Hawkyns), doctor in medicine, 129; his wife, 129;

Henry, doctor in law, 107; John, doctor in medicine, 135; Robert, gent. , 23; Thomas , kt, 127 , 128; his wife, 128; William, 101; William , yeo , 16

Hawley, Richard, tailor, 11

Hawtonsee Haughton

Hayes (Haies), Thomas , kt , sheriff, 6, 31, 32* , 33* , 38, 47, 48* , 57

Haynes (Hayns), Helen , 60; John, silk weaver , 120

Hayward (Haywarde, Heward, Heyward, Heywood, Heywoode), Edward, gent., 28; Hasting, 66; John, gent, 3; John, gent, 130; Margaret, 7; Mary , widow, 101*; Mary , wife of Thomas, 90, 103; Thomas, coller [sic], 90, 103

Hearne see Horne

Heath(e), Thomas, glover, 92; William, tailor, 34

Hedgett, John, yeo , 25

Henby, Walter, gent, 138

Henderson see Hinderson

Hendon, 34, 37, 48, 100, 103, 134

Henneage, Anne, Lady, 71

Henricke (Hendricke, Henrrick), Adrian (Andrian), foreign merchant, 61, 92, 103; his wife, 130

Herbert, Mary, Lady, 25

Hereford , 5n., 24n , 26n. , 27n.

Herefordshire , 27n , 40, 41, 111 , 112

Hersay, Elizabeth, 130

Hertfordshire, 135n

Hessey, Alice , 114, 116

Heston (Hesson), 5, 6n , 16, 33, 48 , 72n., 102, 142, 144

Heward see Hayward

Heylyn, Roland, sheriff , 143-4

Heyward/Heywood/Heywoode see Hayward

Hicke (Hicks) Hall, St John's Street, 6n , 67n . , 76n , 98n.

Higgenson, William , tailor , 8

Higgins (Higins), John, labourer, 81 , 91; William, yeo , 10

High Holborn(e), 2, 44, 45n , 72, 101 * , 132

Hildersham , Mary, 36; Thomas, yeo , 36

Hildersson, Frances, 147; Mary, 35; Thomas, yeo. , 35

Hill, Dorothy, 140; Hugo, gent , 132; Jeremy , yeo , 49

Hilton, Andrew, gent., 11; John, gent, 11

Hinde , Agneta, 18; Augustine, gent., 18; Elizabeth, 107

Hinderson (Henderson ), Elizabeth, 81; Mary, 54, 60, 73, 91; Tobias (Toby), yeo , 54, 60, 73, 81 , 91, 114, 115

Hippon , Judith, 12, 120

Hobbye, Mary, 82

Hodgson, William, 136

Holborn, 144

Holdaye, William, sheriff, 106, 120* , 121

Holden , Ann, 61

Holforde, Anna, 147

Holland, Hugo, gent , 80*

Holley, Anna, 140

Holliday, Frances, 59; Thomas, gent , 59

Holt(e), Francis, gent., 35, 60, 63-4* and n , 74, 78* , 84, 85, 87* , 95-6, 99* , 105, 106, 109, 112, 113, 115* , 117, 120, 121* , 122* , 123 , 124, 125, 126, 143, 148 , 150; Grace, 12; Lady, 72, 81; Maria (Mary), 7, 12; Thomas, kt , baronet, 72 , 81

Holy Sepulchre, parish of the, 135n see also St Sepulchre

Holy Trinity of the Minorites (Portsoken), 56 , 93

Honorett, Bartholomew, jeweller, 56

Hoo-de [? Hoorde], John , 52

Hoode, Nicholas, yeo, 18

Hooke, John, yeo , 37; Rachel, 37

Hoop, Richard, yeo , 12

Hoord , Thomas, esq., gent , 15, 66*

Hopioun , Ralph, 25

Hore, John, bricklayer, 128; Mary, 128

Horkyn, Robert, gent, 55

Horne (Hearne), Richard, sheriff, 112, 114, 115* , 120, 121* , 122

Horneby , Christopher, yeo , 17

Horsley, John, gent , 130

Hounslow (Hounslowe),90

Howard, John, gent , 125

Howell, Mary, 79 ; Thomas, yeo , 79

Howes, Henry, yeo , 131

Hubbersby, Margaret, 141 , 147

Hubte , Elizabeth, 140

Huchins, John, yeo , 35

Huddles, Richard, yeo , 50

Huddleston (Hudlestone , H_lestone), Alice, 84; Augustine, 84; Elizabeth, 78; Lady, 147; see also Hurleston

Hudson, James, gent , 60; Margaret, 60

Huggons, Francis, yeo. , 92

Hugonis, John, yeo., 79

Hungerford, John , kt,41n

Hunsdon, Henry, Lord, 72

Hunt(e), Anna, 83; John , yeo , 23

Huntley, Francis, gent , 1 * , 4* , 6, 9* , 14* , 18 , 22 , 24, 31 , 32* , 38* , 39

Huntingdonshire , 42n , 67n

Hurleston , Elizabeth, Lady, 140

Hutchenson, Ann, 17; Clementine, 2*; Henry, yeo , cutler, 2* , 17; Hugh, cutler, 2; see also Hutchinson

Hutchenson (Hutchinson), Katherine , see Cashe

Hutchin, Jane, 2; Richard, yeo., 2

Hutchins , Mary, 142; Thomas, joiner, 142

Hutchinson , Christopher, see Beestow , Christopher

Hutchinson , John, yeo , 37

Hutton, widow, 90; Elizabeth, spinster , 93

Huttone , Cuth[ber]tus, yeo., 49

Huttoris, Mary, 104

Hyett, Francis, gent, 27

Hynde , Agnes, 25; Augustine, yeo, 25

Ide, Mark, esq., 11

Ildesley, Francis, kt , 137; his wife, 137

Ingram, Johanna, 93; Katherine , 129; William, shoemaker , 93

Inion, Francis, apothecary , 130

Inner Temple, 7n .

Inquests/Inquisitions into possessions : 5n , 6nn , 27n., 28n , 41n , 42n , 45n , 52n , 53n., 56n. , 58n , 64nn ., 67nn. , 75n. , 76n. , 87n , 98n., 114nn , 125n ., 130n. , 131n , 144nn.

Isham, Margery, 52 and n

Isleworth, 142

Islington, 7, 12, 13, 19, 91 , 92n , 134

Iverson(Iveson), Mary, 35; William, gent., 19 , 35

JJackson, Anna, 137; Jeremiah, yeo, 20

Jallet, Thomas, gent, 100

James I, king: Westminster hearings , 53-4

James, Dorcas , Lady, 59, 81; Frances, 129, 135; Henry, 2; Henry, gent, 1 , 4, 26; Henry, kt , 2, 7* and n , 8, 43, 59, 81;

Margaret, 138; Martin, gent, 127; Mary, 59; ThomasJohn, 27; see also Jones

Jamey, Thomas , 27

Jane, Margaret, 8

Jarrel, Margaret, 139

Jarret(t), Margaret, 147; Mary, 136

Jaye (Jay, Joye), Henry, esq , sheriff, 77, 78, 95, 97, 99* , 123*

Jeffrey, James, yeo , 12

Jeffreys, Humphrey, stocking seller, 20

Jeffryson , Robert, yeo, 29

Jellett, Ellena, 134; John, gent, 134

Jellot see Jollet(t)

Jennison, William, gent, 133, 138

Jerningham , George, gent, 48, 79; Mary, 48 see also Gorningham

Jewdye, William, clothworker , 83 see alsoJudey

Johnson, Abraham, yeo, 131; Beniamino, 10; Elizabeth, 54, 147; Hector, king's servant , 106; Henry, yeo., 20; John, yeo. , 128; Katherine, 34; Peter, yeo. , 131; Richard, yeo , 146; Robert , sheriff , 106, 120, 121 *; Robert, yeo., 12; Robert, yeo , executor , 38; Stephen, servant , 82; Stephen, yeo., 61

Jolles, John , kt., sheriff, 18, 31, 46, 47, 62, 68, 69

Jollet (t) (Jellot), Helen, 24; Thomas, yeo., 24* , 90, 103; his wife, 103; William , gent, 43

Jones, Anna, 92; Dorothy, 19; Frances , 81; Francis, sheriff, 47 , 68, 69, 70* , 95, 99* , 110, 112 121 , 122; Martin, 127; Mary, 128; Robert, yeo , 8, 19 , 77, 78, 122; William, gent, 61; see also James

Joye see Jaye

Jubb, Elizabeth, 74

Jubbes, Susanna, 21, 84; William , gent , 21

Jube, Susann, 74

Judey, William, 77 see alsoJewdye

Jued , William , yeo., 130 K

Katherius(Katherines), Elizabeth, 89; Roland(o) (Rowland), yeo, 89 , 114, 116, 131; Rose, 131

Keep, Louis, yeo., 148

Kemish, Johanna, 134

Kenny, George , yeo , 56

Kennyston, Richard, yeo , 21

Kenon, John, yeo , 2, 3; Margery, 2,3

Kensington, 101, 135 , 139

Kent, 20, 32, 53 and n., 56n., 66, 74, 96, 97, 127

KentishTown (Kentishtowne),48 , 134, 139

Keys, Barbara , 88; Elizabeth, 88

Kidney, Elizabeth, 142; John, tailor, 142

King, John, bishop of London, 25n, 88n , 114n

King Street (Kingstreet), 1 , 4, 9, 14, 22, 31, 38, 44, 51, 57, 62, 69, 145

King(e), John, cutler, 91; William ,67

Kinresbrough , Walter, 46

Kinsman , Alice , 119; Edward, gent. , 55; Elena, 139; Elinora, 134

Kirke, Thomas (s)ina, 134, 139, 146

Kitchen, Francis, yeo , 12; Mary, 54

[Knasborowe], Francis, yeo , 100

Knight, The (messuage), 58 andn , 63 and n , 66, 75, 85, 86n , 96, 105, 109, 113, 124, 126, 143

Knight(e) (Knights), El(1)ena , 133 , 138; George, yeo., 34; Gratina, 71; Jane, 19, 90, 104; Johanna, 71, 74; Juliana, 101, 102; Katherine , 79 , 90, 101, 102, 104; Richard , yeo, goldsmith, 37, 50, 79, 90, 101 , 104; Thomas , scrivener, 19 , 71, 74, 75* and n , 78* , 90, 101, 102, 103, 119,133,138

Knowles, Friselea , 2; John , 2 ; John, gentleman, 30

Knowling(e) (Knowlings, Knowlonge), Daniel, yeo , tallow chandler , 2, 37, 67 and n , 68, 71, 75,78*, 86, 90, 96, 100, 103* , 105, 109, 113 , 117 , 124 , 126 , 143 , 148, 150; Elizabeth, 71, 90, 100, 103

Kytchen, Francis, yeo , 12

LLachford , Oxon, 15n

Lacon, John, gent , 133; John, yeo. , 139, 148; Katherine, wife to John, gent , 133; Katherine , wifeto John, yeo , 139, 148

Lambeth, 29n

Lancaster (alias Griffeth), John, gent., 27

Langborne , 35

Langford, Derbyshire, 20

Langford, Nicholas, gent, 20

Lanne, Ann, 56

Lardege, Mary, 60

Latham, John, gent., 19

Lawrence, Edith, 78, 83; Elizabeth, 50

Lawson , Hugo, esq, 11

Leadesthorpe, Mary , 25

Leake, James, yeo , 19

Lebon, Anna, 141

Leboynor, Isabella, 142; Mathew , gent., 142

Ledbury , Herefordshire , 40, 111

Lee, Anna, 15, 107

Leeke, Jane, 43

Leested, John, yeo , 131; his wife, 131

Leigh(e), Robert, kt , commissioner , 44, 52 and n.

Lenryuge, Henry, yeo 49

Lentall (Lenthall), Edward, esq., 15 and n

Lentell Edward, kt , 146

Lepton, Elizabeth, 142

Lerner, John, 66

Lesiteed, John, apothecary , 82; Mary, 82

Lether, Glianora, 100; Thomas, poulterer, 100

Lewes, John, gent, 34

Lewkenor , Lady, 89; Leonard, kt., 89; Roderick, kt , 146

Lewknor, Louis, kt , 135; his wife, 135

Lewyn, Henry, yeo , 33

Lilvell, Magdelana, 80

Lillwell, Mary, 74

Lincoln, 3

Lingen , Jane, 28; Ralph, gent , 28

Linsey, Ann, 130; Faith, 130

Lion, The, see Lyon, The Little Stanmore, 37, 134

Litton, John, gent, 34; Mary , 34

Loadman , Richard, carpenter , 94

Lockley, Francis, gent , 93; Margaret, 93, 101; Robert, yeo , girdler,49 , 93 , 101

Lodge, Thomas , doctor of medicine, 60

Losted, John , apothecary , 8; Maria, 8

Loughton , Robert, gent. , 107

Louis, Richard, 67

Love, George, gent, 16

Lovell (Lovett), Francis, kt , 72, 115 , 120

Lovett (Lovet), Ann(a), 60, 107; Dreus (Drew), goldsmith, 82* ,


107; Drugo, yeo, goldsmith, 44, 45 and n., 131, 133, 137; Elizabeth, 82; Francissee Lovell; Joseph, yeo., goldsmith, 15 , 55 , 68* and n , 75, 78* , 82, 86, 87* , 97, 99, 131, 144; Katherine , 107 , 131; Richard, 82, 119, 143-4 and n., Richard, gent , 19; Richard, goldsmith, 76 and n, 87n , 91 , 101 , 129; his wife, 129; Rose (Rosa), 55, 82, 131; Strangedrewe , 19

Lower Ettington (Neather Eatenton), Warwks , 24

Lowman, Mary, 101, 134 , 139

Marbury (Marburie, Marburrie, Marburye, Marburry), Thomas, esq , 47, 51-2, 53, 57* , 58, 63* , 74* , 77, 78, 85* , 87* , 95* , 99*

Marcha[n]te, Marhill, George, yeo., yeo. , 48 34

Marriatt, John, yeo , 129

Marten, Robert, esq , 23; Roger, gent., 11 167

Martin (Martyn, Marten), Mary, 54, 73, 82, 93, 129; William, yeo, haberdasher, 54* , 55, 73, 82, 93 , 118, 129

Martonet(t), Barnabas , clock maker , 61, 88, 114, 116

Marvine, Henry, esq, 50

Lume, Marie, 114

[Lucotell], Nicholas, yeo , 130 and n.

Lumley, Martin, sheriff, 77* , 86, 87*, 95 , 97 , 99, 110,122

Lunne, Mary, spinster , 21, 73, 81; Mary, widow, 21

Lusher, Henry, apothecary , 129; his wife, 129

Lutley, John, gent, 20

Luxton, Richard, virginal maker, 82

Lwellyn, Helen, 60

Lyon, Elizabeth, 73, 91; John, 73, 91

Lyon, The, in Staines (Stanes) (tenementetc.), 32, 41, 42, 44, 51, 57, 62, 74, 85, 95, 105, 109, 113 , 117, 121, 124, 126, 143 M

Mabbs , Daniel, yeo , 131

Machett, George, yeo.,25

Mackett, George, gent, 131

Maggines, Garrett, coachman , 130

Male, Thomas, yeo. , 21

Mallery, Elizabeth, 139

Man, Anna, 131; William, yeo , 49, 92 , 131

Manfield(e), Edward, kt, 14; Thomas , yeo ,21

Mann, Richard, yeo. ,

Mannock, Thomas, 35 77

Mason, Ambrose, gent , 29 ; Anna,80

Massey(e), atherine , 72, 81, 91

Matchett, George, gent , 133, 139; Mary, 133, 139; see alsoMachett , Mackett

Mather, Margaret, 50; Roland, yeo. , 50

Mathew, Tobie, Archbishop ofYork, 10n

Mathewes (Mathews, Mathewe), Helen (Helena , Ellena), 2* , 72, 73 , 80, 90, 104, 136; Susanna, 136; Thomas , cutler, 104; William, cutler, 2* , 72, 73, 80, 90, 119, 136

Maulton, Mary, 139

Maxwell, Peter , gent , 24

May(e), Edward, gent., 147; Grace , 147; William, gent, 140; his wife, 140

Mayfielde , gent, 140 spinster , 148; Maynard, Elizabeth, 141

Maynerde, Katherine, 148

Mennington , Anna, 28

Mercer, Richard, 67

Merrye, Henry, gent, 20

Merton, Jane, 107; John, weaver, 107

Mervins (Mervine), Edward, esq , 73 , 81

Metcalfe , John, yeo , 137

Michelborne , Lawrence , gent , 43

Middlemore, John , gent, 23

Middleton, Charles , yeo , 55, 103; his wife, 103; Thomas , 106; William, 34

Mile End, 89, 136, 139

Miles, Margaret, 61

Milfordlane, 48

Miller, Alexander, gent , 63 and n , 64* , 75* , 85, 86n , 96* , 105* , 109* , 113* , 117* , 124* , 126* , 143*; Geoffrey, yeo , 87; George, yeo , 129

Millicent, Mary, 133 , 141

Millman, Ellena, 140

Milton (Mileton , Melton), Kent, 53, 66, 74, 85, 96, 105, 109, 113, 143

Minn, Henry, kt., 100; Mary, Lady, 100

Mitchell, Benjamin, yeo , 146; Dorothy, 146

Molyneux (Mollineux), Rutland, esq . , gent., 29; see also Mullineux

Monday , Mary, 140

Monmouthshire , 28n

Monnington(Mannington), Anna, 27; Richard, esq , 24; William, gent., 27, 29

Monnson (Monson), Thomas , kt. ,

32* , 42* , 44, 51* , 57* , 58, 62-3, 74* , 77, 85, 87, 95* , 99, 105* , 106,109 * , 112, 113 * , 115* , 117* , 120, 121* and n , 122* , 123 , 124* , 125, 126* , 143* , 148, 150

Montaigne , George, Bishop of London, 88n , 92n , 131n , 132n , 135n , 145n

Montague , Sir Sidney, 106; Viscount, 127

Moodye, George, tailor, 35, 76; Isabell(a), 35, 76

Moone, Frances, 148; George , yeo. , 148

Moore, Elizabeth, 21, 30; George, gent. , 21, 30; Helen, 55; Henry, embroiderer, 16; Mary , 65*

More, John, doctor in medicine, 127

Moreden , Elizabeth, 29

Morgan, Edward, esq , 10; Edward, yeo., servant, 7; Elizabeth, 28; Mary, 20; Thomas , gent, 23


Lady, 141

Morley (Moreley), Margaret, 13, 17, 55

Morris, Anna, 20; Edward, yeo , 20; John, gentleman , 23; Nicholas, 25

Morrus, William, yeo. , 21

Mosley (Moseley), Edwin, esq., commissioner, 52, 53, 58, 63

Mullineux (Millineux), Thomas , gent., 10 and n.; see also


Mullington, Elizabeth, 80

Munden (alias Sheppard), Andrew , 26; Johanna, 26

Muttleburye, Thomas, gent., 11

Nagler, William, gent, 34

Nashe, Alice , 3 , 73, 82, 119; Elizabeth, 101, 102

Natt, Laurence , yeo , 138

Negrise, Jane, 130; John, yeo , 130

Nemble, Anna, 27; John, 27

Netham, John, shoemaker , 59

Neubye (Newbye), Henry tailor, 7* , 17

New Brainford (Newbraynford, Newbraneford, Newbraineford) 6n , 71, 100 , 103, 142; see also Brentford

New Temple Bar, 16, 37

Newbye, Anna, 82

Newgate: Gaol Delivery, 127n , 132n , 142n

Newport , Monmouthshire , 28n

Newpost, Thomas, merchant, 145

Nicolle , Thomas, yeo, 10

Norfolk, 21n 72, 125n

Northants, 11

Norton, Henry, 17, 45* , 58, 59* and n. , 86; Margaret, 137

Norwood, 33

Novel, Beatrix, Lady, 6

Noy, William, Attorney-General, 142n

Nugler, Thomas, yeo , servant, 6

Nurse see Cashe

[Oatton], William [? Watton], yeo., 131

Obay, Daniel, yeo. , 43

Obernock , Richard, gent., 137; Susanna, 138

Ocry, Lady, 146

Octgles, Anna, 93; Robert, yeo , 93

Odell , John , stationer, 128

Offence, Fenton, gent., 147-8 and n. , Mary, 147

Oglethorpe, Owen, sheriff, 1,4

Oheare, Charles , foreigner, 60

Okenbridge Andrew, doctor in law , 35

Old Bailey (Baylie), 132n , 142n

Old Street, 89

Oliver, Anna, 148

Olver, Johanna, 34

Orcharde , Johanna , 146; William, yeo , 146

Otwell, John, yeo , 137

Overby, Dorothy, Lady, 145; Henry, kt , 145; Jane, 3

Overly, Elizabeth, 147; John, cook, 146

Overton, William, Bishop of Coventry, 30n. Owen, Katherine , 79

Oxford, 4

[Oyne], Frances, 107 P

Pacham, John, 136

Paddington, Richard, 100

Pakington (Packington), Humphrey, 41n

Palmer, Mathew , yeo , 137

Pan, William, yeo. , 135

Parker, Katherine, 17, 21

Parkhurst, Robert, sheriff , 143-4

Parkins , James , esq., 29

Parnam , Peter, yeo , 89

Parre , Elizabeth, 54; Richard, yeo. , tailor, 54, 139

Parris, Johanna, 148

Parry, John, gent, 23

Parsons, Robert, yeo , 30; Thomas , gent. , 23

Partridge, William, yeo , tailor, 11, 91

Patience, Mary, 130

Paule, Humphrey, gent , 76; Humphrey, yeo , 12, 36, 72, 81 , 91, 102; his wife, 72, 81

Pawlett, Thomas, esq , 11*

Payne, George, gent , 15; Susanna , 15

Peacock(e), Collia , 16, 82 ; Elizabeth 19; Richard, 51; Robert, 114 and n.; Robert, merchant , grocer, 16 , 78, 82, 118*; Robert, yeo, 128; Scholastica , 128; Thomas, apothecary, 2, 4, 9, 14, 19, 22, 31, 39 , 42, 44, 46, 47 , 51–2 , 57 , 63* , 74* , 85* , 95* , 122, 123; William, grocer, 61

Peake, Richard, yeo , 139

Peake's Close, Heston, 33

Pearche, Mary , 56

Pearson, George, scissors-maker , 107

Pecham, Robert , yeo., 128

Peckard, Mary, 55; Matthew, yeo., 55

Pell, Margaret, 107; William, gent. , 133; William, yeo, 107

Pemberton, James, kt , sheriff, 9, 18, 31, 45, 47, 62, 68, 69

Penington (Pennington), Anna, 89, 102; Henry, yeo , 8, 102; Thomas, yeo., 61; see alsoAskew

Penrose, Edward, yeo , 36

Penson see Deverre

Penvose(Penvoes , Penves, Penvos), Agnes , 36, 76-7; Anna, 104; Elizabeth, 73, 81; Richard, yeo , 36, 48, 73, 76-7, 81, 104 , 115 , 120

Piper's Hill (Pepsell), Worcs,40

Perame, Gerard, yeo. , 18; Jerome , yeo., 18; Priscilla, 18

Percy, Isabel, 141

Perkins, Margaret, 142

Perrie , Lady, 136, 142; 67

Perry(e), Anna, 13; Johanna 92; Mary, 54; William, yeo. , 13

Pershore (Pashore), Worcs , 40, 123

Peter, George, kt. , 78

Peters, William, yeo , 72, 115, 120

Pette, Elizabeth, 18 ; William , 71

Petty, William, yeo , 49

Pewters, Johanna, 26; Thomas, yeo, 27

Phenix, John, gent, 133; his wife, 133

Phillipes, Henry, yeo, 93

Phillips, John , 67; Mary, 145

Phoenix, The, (ship), 65

Pierson, Martin, musician, 8

Piersey, Barbara, 56; Elizabeth, Lady, 36

Pilgryme , Margaret, 83; Nicholas, scissor, 83; Richard, scissor [-maker], 118

PilkingtonPlace, 63, 64n., 74, 85 , 96* , 105, 109, 113, 117, 124, 126 , 143

Pinchen (alias Pinches ), Edward, kt , 36

Piottsee Pyott

Platten, Elizabeth, 130

Plott (Blott), Bartholomew, 46 and n

Ploughyard (Plough Yard(s)), The, Fetter Lane, 17, 18, 45* , 58, 59* and n.

Pluncket(t), Ann(a), 55, 82, 92, 132; Olivia, 132; Oliver, cutler, 55, 82; Silvester, yeo , 132

Poole (Polle), Geoffrey, gent , 28; Henry, kt , commissioner , 39, 41n , 123; John , sheriff, 149

Poore, Margaret, 91

Poplar (Popler), 134

Pore (Poor), Francis, gent., 29, 137

Portsoken, 56, 130

Pott, Johana, 93; Sampson, engraver , 93

Potter, Henry, yeo , 128; Mary, 128; Thomas, gent ,25

Powell, Ann(a), 61, 83; Henry, 148; John, cup bearer for Queen Elizabeth, 1* , 4* , 6, 9* , 14* , 22* , 24, 31 , 32, 38* , 42, 44, 47, 53, 57* , 58* , 62* , 68* , 69* , 70*; Margery, 148; Mary, 141; May, 148

Pregett, John, gent.,49

Prescot(t), Alexander, esq , sheriff, 58, 70, 77, 78* , 95, 99, 110, 112 , 121 , 122

Preston, Margery, 49

Price, yeo., 140; his wife , 140; Anna, 93; Anna, Lady, 100; John, doctor in medicine, 108 , 118; Francis, gent. , 21, 133; his wife, 133; Howell, yeo , 28; Katherine, 7; Mary, 21; Thomas , yeo., 141; his wife, 141; William , kt., 100

Prince (Prynce ), Edward, kt , 11; Elizabeth, 34; James, goldsmith, 9, 15; James, yeo , 30; Johanna , 15; Judith, 146; Magdelana, 15; Thomas, 87

Pritchett, Thomas, gent,23

Proby , Peter, sheriff, 77* , 86, 87, 95, 97, 99, 110, 112 , 121 , 122

Procter , Stephen, kt , 46

Pryn, Edward, kt , 83

Pue, Robert, esq , 14

Pussett, Mary, 104

Putmen, Edward, yeo , 43

Pyme, Johanna, 137; John, yeo. , 137

Pyott(Pyatt, Piott), Richard, sheriff , 47, 68, 69,70*, 95, 99* , 110, 112 121 , 122

Quash, Anna, 142

Queenhythe (Queenhitch), 128

Queenstreet, 90 R

Raleigh, Edward, kt ,,15

Ratcliffe, 89, 135

Ravinge, Thomas , 28

Ravis, Thomas, bishop ofLondon, 6n , 21n , 30n., 66

Rawley, Grace, 130; Henry, gent, 27; Julia, 27

Rawlins, John, glover, 89; Thomas, gent, 65

Ray see Roy

Raynton, Nicholas, sheriff, 125

Redman, Anna, 84; Margaret, 137

Reed , Thomas, gent, 10

Reeve , Magdelena, 54; Thomas, tailor, 54, 103; his wife, 103

Regard (? Rogate, Sussex), 5

Reiginolds (Reignolds) see Reynold(e)s

Resden(Ressten), Wilmota, 23*

Reynfford , Elizabeth, 89; Richard, gent., 89

Reynold(e)s (Reiginolds, Reignolds), stage player, 73; Elizabeth, 60, 72, 79, 81, 91; Jana, 73; Jane, 79; John , 52* , 53n.; Katherine, 15; Margery,49; Mary , 107; Matthew, gent, 15; Robert, yeo , 79

Richards, Louis, gent , 141; his wife, 141; Louis, yeo. , 148; Mary, 148

Ridgley, Alice, 93; Martha, 93, 108; Mary, 108

Rigby, Martha, 138

Roberte, Glodo, yeo , 130

Robinson, Agnes, 60, 104; Anna, 81, 102; Bridget, 54; Ellena, 83, 138; Jana, 94; John, 83; John, scissorsmaker, 49; John, 81; John, printer, 114; John, tailor, 60, 73, 79, 81, 97, 104; his wife, 79; Mary, 61 , 100, 107; William, yeo, scissor[-maker], 37, 94, 104, 120

Rogate, Sussex, see Regard

Rogers, widow, 129; Ann , 56; Anna, 56, 145; Henry, yeo , 145

Rogwoode, Ambrose, gent , 139; his wife, 139; see also Rookewood

Rooffoote see Ruffoote

Rookewood, Alice, 55

Roper (Rooper), Christopher, kt, 53-4, 71; his wife, 71; Lady, 81; William, esq , 32; William, gent, 1; William, kt , 5

Rose, Edward, yeo , 71; Elizabeth, 15; Henry, kt., commissioner,42, 52, 69; Jerome, yeo , 130

Rose and Pomegranate, The, (messuage), 1 , 4, 9, 14, 22, 31, 38, 44, 51, 57, 62, 69

Rotheram (Rotherham), Edward, esq. , sheriff, 58, 70, 77, 78* , 99, 110, 112, 121, 122

Rouse, Edward, gent, 10

Rowley, George, kt, 10

Rowse, Ferdinand , esq , 11; John, yeo., 130

Roy (Ray), Thomas , yeo ,24

Ruddock(e), Richard, yeo. , 88 and n , 118; Ursula, 88 and n.

Ruffoote (Rooffoote, Ruffoot , Ruffote), Edward, 25, 36; Edward, gent., 73, 81, 91; Edward, yeo. , 12, 104; Elizabeth, wife of Edward, 25; Elizabeth , wifeof Edward, gent., 73, 81, 91; Elizabeth, wife ofEdward , yeo., 12, 104; Elizabeth , wife of William, 48; Katherine, 36; William , gent , 48

Russell, Mary, 119, 133, 139, 146

Sey, Ralph, gent , 79

Sacrred [? Sker, Kenfig],

Glamorgan, 35

Sadler, Anna, 12; William, gent, 12

SaffronHill (Saffronhill), 101

Sager, William, gent , 136

Saice , Elizabeth, 27; Thomas, gent, 27; Walter, gent., 27

Saintsee St

Salisbury, Thomas, gent , 72; his wife, 72

Sall see Saule

Salloes , Mary, 21

Salmon, John, yeo., 130

Samuel(1), Christina, 147; Richard, tailor, 141; Richard, yeo. , 147

Sana , Thomas , gent , 29

Sandringham , Norfolk, 21n

Sandye, spinster, 12

Sarnesfield (Sharenfield), Herefords, 24n.

Saule (Saul, Sall), Edwin , 119; Edwin, gent, 71, 73, 101* , 103* , 132 and n , 136; Edwin, yeo., 17; Elizabeth, 137; Jana, 137; Mary, 93, 107, 137; Richard, 71, 103; Richard, yeo , 90, 101*; Susanna , 17, 71, 73, 101* , 103, 132, 137

Saunders, Bridget, 135; William, gent, 91; his wife, 91

Savile, Hestora , 139

Sayville, Anna, 134; Hester , 134

Scrogges(Scrogs, Scroge, Scroges), Anthony, gent , 16; John, gent, 16; Mary, 90, 101 , 102, 104

Scudmore (Studmore , Scudmor), Clement, kt , sheriff, 18, 31, 46, 47, 62, 68, 69

Seager, Abraham, yeo , 131

Sergeant, James, gent , 106, 110

Shelden, Richard, gent, 11

Shelley (Shelly), Jane, 2, 3, 5* andn.

Shenston(e), Staffs., 64 and n., 74, 85,96*

Shenton, Bradborn, yeo , 107

Sheppard, Andrew see Munden; John, gent., 23; John, yeo , servant, 7

Sherley, John , cook, 133; his wife, 133; Mary, 100; Thomas, cook , 140; his wife, 140

Sherman, Samuel , grocer, 52* , 53n.

Sherrett , Grace , 138; Thomas , tailor, 138

Shickland , Dorothy, 61

Shouke, Ermina, 61

Shrewsbury, MaryCountessof, widow [ofthe seventhEarl], 136

Shropshire, 5n. , 20

Sidnam (Siddenham), Frances, 55; George, esq , 55; John, kt , 55; Mary, Lady, 11, 55

Silence, The, (ship), 65

Simpson, Elizabeth, 106; Richard, tailor, 106

Sincleere (Sinclare) see St Clare

Singeleare, Mary, 54 see also St Clare

Sipprianus , Francis, foreigner, 83

Sker, Glamorgan see Sacrred

Slater, Patience, 21

Sleepe, Christina, 73, 81; Katherine , 12; Thomas , yeo , 12 , 20 , 73, 81, 120

Sleyfeild , John, gent. , 15

Smallpence, Leonard, gent., 30

Smiley, Elizabeth, 76

Smith(e) (Smyth), spinster, 79; Anna, 74, 140; Christopher, gent , 15; Elizabeth, spinster, 89; Elizabeth, widow, 89; Florence , 129; Francis, servant, 82; Henry, 55, 98; Henry, ?salter[salinar'], 107 and n.; Humphrey, yeo , 26; Johanna , spinster, 54, 56; Johanna , wife of Peter , printer, 81, 91; John, gent, 27; Margaret, 135; Mary, 147; Peter, 79, 120; Peter, printer, 60, 81, 91, 114; Peter, yeo ,90; Richard, vintner, 137; Sarah (Sara), 72, 80

Smithes see Smythes


see Smith

Smytheman, Adam, trumpeter, 20; Jane, 20

Smythes (Smithes ), George, sheriff,

53, 68, 70* , 95, 99; William, sheriff, 68

Snow Hill, 77

Somerset, 50

Southcott, Philip, yeo , 3

Southwark , 1 , 4, 14, 22, 31

Southwell , Anna, 19, 147

Spaldwick (Spaldwich), Hunts, 42n.

Sparrye , Daniel, 23n.; William, gent., 23 and n

Spencer (Spenser), Frances, 83; Johana, 20; Mary, 128; Robert, 20; Thomas , 128; Walter, gent., 83, 128; his wife, 128

Spiller, Henry, 5n.; Thomas, gent , 11

Spittle, Ann(a), 73, 81, 91

Spratt, George, yeo., 128

Spurrett, Helen, 56; Nathaniel, 56

St Alphage (Alfage), 83

St Andrew Holborn, 2* , 5n , 6* , 9, 10 and n , 11 , 12, 13, 15, 16, 17* , 18, 19 , 20 , 21* , 23* , 24* and n , 25* and n , 26* , 27n , 28 and n , 29 , 30 , 33, 34, 35 , 36 , 37,

43, 45* and n , 46 and n , 48, 49* , 50, 54, 55, 56 and n , 58, 59* and n . , 60, 66, 67n , 68 and n , 71, 73,

75* and n., 76n. , 78, 79 , 80, 81, 82, 86, 87 and n , 88, 89, 90, 91* , 92* and n., 97* , 100, 103* , 104 , 107* , 110, 115, 127n , 131 , 132 and n , 134, 136, 139, 145 and n.

St Andrew Undershaft, 61, 83

St Anne Blackfriars, 8, 10, 15 , 16, 20, 49* , 61* , 88 89, 107 130, 145

St Augustine, Farringdon, 16

St Augustine, Paulsgate , 11

St Bartholomew, Aldersgate, 60, 63

St Bartholomew , Aldgate (Algate), 60

St Bartholomew , Cripplegate,64

St Bartholomew , Farringdon, 35, 94

St Bartholomew the Great, 11 , 20 , 43, 49* , 55, 60, 78, 89 , 127

St Bartholomew theLess (the Minor), 49, 128

St Bartholomew, London [unspecified], 20

St Benedict, Castlebaynard(Paul's Wharf), 16, 49, 130

St Benedict, Gracechurch , 130

St Benet (Benedict) Fink(Fyck , Finke), 11, 20, 49

St Botolph, Aldersgate, 11* , 15 , 35, 74, 83, 84, 85, 92, 93, 94 , 95 , 105, 109, 113, 117, 124, 126, 128 , 143

St Botolph, Aldgate (Algate), 10, 87 , 89, 130

St Botolph, Billingsgate, 11 , 16, 128

St Botolph , Bishopsgate , 83

St Bride (St Bridget), 8, 10, 15, 37, 43* , 55, 60, 61, 63, 64 and n , 83 , 87, 88, 89, 92, 108, 125, 127, 129

St Christopher , 20

St Clare (Sincleere , St Cleere , Sinclare), Mary, 71, 74, 80, 89, 90, 97 see alsoSingeleare

St Clement Dane(s), 16* , 22, 25, 30 and n , 34, 37, 48* , 49, 64 and n , 67 and n , 75, 79, 86, 91, 96, 105 , 106, 109, 110, 114, 117 , 124, 134

St Dunstan in the East, 28

St Dunstan in the West, 5, 8, 9, 10* , 11, 14, 15 and n , 20, 23* , 26, 28, 29n , 34, 36, 108, 127, 129

St Edmund the King, 56, 61

St Ethelburga , 82

St Faith, 80, 130

St Gabriel Fenchurch, 89, 92, 128

St George, 127n

St Giles in the Fields, 16, 25, 29, 36* , 48* , 55* , 79* , 98 and n , 101, 102, 104, 128, 133, 134, 139 , 141 , 145

St James Clerkenwell , 3, 11, 18 , 21* , 25, 35, 36* , 43, 48, 50, 54,

56, 59, 72, 76, 79, 81, 91, 92, 97, 134* , 135, 139

St John Zachary (Zachar), 129

St John('s), 72, 115

St John's Street, 6n., 45n., 67n , 73, 75n , 98n , 101 , 102

St KatherineCreechurch (Aldgate; by the Tower), 16, 20, 61* , 82, 83, 88 and n , 130 , 134 , 145

St Lawrence, Shoreditch[?=St Leonard], 51 , 62

St Leonard, Bromley, 134

St Leonard, Eastcheap (withinthe city of London), 53, 63 and n , 66, 75, 85, 96, 105, 109 , 113 , 117 , 124, 126, 143

St Leonard , Shoreditch, 18, 19, 24 , 25, 32, 42, 44, 56, 57, 58, 74, 76, 85, 95, 105, 109, 113 , 117 , 124 , 126, 134, 143

St Margaret, London Bridge, 130

St Margaret Moses (Moyses), 10

St Margaret, New Fish Street (Newfisherstreet), 108

St Margaret, Westminster , 24, 34

StMartinin theFields, 12, 36* , 43, 48, 67 and n., 75, 86, 96, 105, 109, 113, 117, 124 , 148

StMartin outside Ludgate , 11*

StMartin within Ludgate, 16, 20, 49, 61, 82

St Martin Vintry, 82

St Mary Abchurch, 19 , 89 , 131

St Mary Aldermanbury(e), 11 , 20, 82, 128

St Maryat Hill, 61, 82, 88, 92, 107

St Mary leStrand (SavoyChapel), 37, 142*

St Mary Magdalene Cripplegate, 10

St Mary Magdalene, Milk Street, 19

St Mary Matfelon(Matfellow), 35

St MaryMounthaw(Monthaw), 128

St Marythe Virgin, Bromley (Bromeley), 1* , 4* , 9* , 14* , 22* , 31* 38*

St Michael, 128 , 130

StMichael, Bassishaw (Bassieshawe), 8, 145

StMichael, Cornhill, 10

StMildred (Mildrid) the Virgin, 16, 61, 78, 82, 118, 128

St Nicholas Acons (Acon), 56

St Olav(e) Aldgate (Algate), 43, 65

St Olav(e), Silver Street, 8, 88 and n , 107 and n , 118

St Pancras, 37

St Paul's Cathedral , 7n

St Peter in Cornhill, 43, 65

St Peter le Poer, 10, 128

St Peter in Westcheape, 89

St Robert outside Alder(s)gate, 10

St Sepulchre (Church ofthe Holy Sepulchre ) Farringdon/Newgate, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 18, 20, 21* and n , 22, 23 , 24, 25 , 26, 31 , 34 , 35* , 36*, 39, 43* , 44, 46, 48 , 49, 51 *, 54, 55, 56*, 57, 61 , 62, 65, 74 , 76, 77 , 78 , 82, 83, 84 85 88 * , 89* , 92,93, 94, 95, 98, 107, 108 , 118 , 127 , 128, 135 and n., 138

St Stephen, ColemanStreet, 16, 56, 83

St Thomas the Apostle, 88

Stacy, Elizabeth, 130

Staffordshire , 24, 30, 64 and n , 74, 78, 85, 87,96*

Staines (Stanes), 32, 41, 42, 44, 51, 57, 62, 74, 85, 95, 105, 109, 113 , 117, 121, 124, 126 , 143

Stainsmore see Stansmore

Standen, Arthur , esq , 6; Edward, gent. , 16

Standon, Herts, 135n.

Stanford Rivers, Essex , 125

Stanley, Mary, 141

Stansmore (Stainsmore), Mary (Marie), 6 and n , 12, 66-7 and n , 107, 132

Stanton, Elizabeth, 142

Stepney, 2, 34, 135

Stepney Heath? (Stebanheath , Stebunheath ), 30, 77

Stewes see Stokes

Stile(Style, Styles), Nicholas, sheriff, 24, 31, 32, 33, 39, 47, 48 , 62* , 68; Oliver, sheriff, 6, 31, 32, 33, 38, 47, 48, 57; Roger, esq , sheriff, 48

Stoakes, Margery, 148 yeo , 148;

Stocke, John, gent, 139

Stocton, Robert, yeo , 27

Stokes [Stewes], Richard, yeo , 88 and n

Stonehouse (Stonehurst), Cuthbert, yeo , 129, 139; Thomas, yeo , 129

Strange, Susanna (Susann), 71, 74, 80, 90, 101, 102, 104 , 133 , 138; Thomas , yeo , tailor, 71, 74, 80, 90,101 , 102, 104

Straunge, Johanna , 7; Thomas, tailor, 7*

Stretton, George, butcher, 53, 58, 66; William , butcher, 58

Strowde, Jana, 138

Studmore see Scudmore

Sturke, Peter, 49


Styles, Anthony, grocer, 58

Suffolk, 6

Surrey, 42n , 50

Sussex, 50, 52

Sutton , Maurice, 67; Sara, 55, 83; William, yeo , chandler , 37, 55, 83

Sutton on the Hill, Derbys , 20

Swanne, Thomas, gent , 37

Swegoe, Judith, 142

Swingle, John, tailor, 137; his wife, 137

Swynnerton (Swynerton, Swynnurton), John, kt , sheriff, 9, 18 , 31 , 45, 47, 62, 68, 69

Syddenham (Sydenham ), Lady, 141 , 142; Margaret, Lady, 146 see also Sidnam

Syers, Robert, gent, 10

Symond, Alice, 134

Symons, John, yeo , 20; Thomas, painter,49

TT Thomas, yeo , servant,7

Tacham, Jane, 82

Tailor, James, esq , 28; Katherine, 93

Talbot(t), gent., 133; Margaret, 60, 73, 81, 91, 97, 115; Mary, 133

Talcott , Elizabeth, 107; John, yeo, 107

Tallis (Tallys, Talleys), Anna , 83, 133, 139, 146; Elizabeth, 141; John , 83; John, yeo , 108; Mary, 88, 141 , 146; William, yeo., 141 , 146

Tankerd, Henry, esq., commissioner , 46

Tanner, Anna, 93; John, draper , 93

Tasburgh (Tasbarrowe ), Jane, Lady, 11

Tate, Mary, 15

Taylor, Edward, gent , 36; Elizabeth, 36, 54, 73, 76, 90, 91, 97, 115, 134

Temple Bar, 64n; see also New TempleBar

Thackerye, William , surgeon, 93

Thalfant, William, gent, 28

Thames, River, 65

Thomas, Anna, 129, 141, 146; Barbara , 141; Edward, yeo , 129; Mary, 141; Philip, yeo , 146; Phus [sic: Philippus?], yeo., 141

Thompson, Jane, 82; Katherine, 17; Mary, 17; Phillipa, 17; Richard, gent , 17; Robert, yeo. , servant, 7; see also Tompson

Thornedon (Therneden ), Suffolk , 52, 53n

Thornton , Nicholas, gent, 28

Throckmorton , Agnes, 26; George, gent., 23; see also Frogmorton

Thumbleley, gent, 80; his wife, 80

Thurlestowe, Edward, gent. , 138

Thynner , John, yeo , 100

Tibolds, Dorothy, 134

Tichborne , Anna, 83 , 91, 129; Lionel(1), gent , 83, 91, 129; Magdelana, 36

Tiebolds, widow , 141

Tildesley, Thomas , 106

Tomlynson, Richard, yeo , 12

Tompson, William , gent. , 25

Tooley, Frances , 103

Tottenham (Totenham ), 30, 34, 43, 135, 142

Tower, Henry, yeo , 12

Towerson, Parnella , 35

Tregian, Francis, esq. , 21

Tresham, Mary, Lady, 20

Treslowe, Henry, 22, 38, 44, 51, 57, 62 , 69

Trevillian, John , joiner,92

Trople , William, yeo , 19

Trotter, Isabella, 147

Trovell, Peter, scissors-maker, 129; Rose, 129

Tryer, Thomas , doctor in medicine, 128

Tubman, Cecilia, 60, 89; Richard, gent., 60, 89

Tucker, John, 38*; Martha, 38*; William, 1* , 4* , 6, 9* , 14* , 22* , 24, 31 , 32 , 33* , 38*

Tuckney, Elia, yeo., 102; Margaret, 102

Tuesley , John, chandler , 89

Tundall , George , yeo , 79

Tunston, Francis, kt , 15

Tuppon, Anna, 15

Turbervell, Cecilia, 35

Turnmill (Turmill) Street,90

TwinwellStreet, 100

Twyms, Gertrude, 35

Tyndall, John, yeo., 71

Underhill (Undrill), Edward, esq , 24; Francis, gent , 24

Underwood(e) (alias Grimes), Edward, yeo , porter, 21, 25, 36

Unett, Elenora, 27; William, gent, 27 and n

Upchurch see Apchurch V

Vaghan see Vaughan

Valentyne, Ann, 50

Vallett, Avicia , 128; Leonard, foreigner, 128

Vanholbrooke , Lodovic , yeo , 130

Varney, Francis, gent, 55

Vaughan, Richard, bishop of London, 5n , 127n

Vaughan (Vaghan), Anna, 91; Edward, commissioner , 32; George, yeo , 92; Hellen, 59; John , gent , 28 and n.; Margery, 25, 28; Mary, 128; Michael, 27; Rachel, 37; Robert, gent , 55, 79, 90, 98 and n.; his wife, 90; Robert, yeo. , 91; Thomas , haberdasher, 128; Walter, gent, 27

Vaux, Margaret, Lady, 141

Vavasour], William, esq. , 79

Versey, Alice , 87

Wack, Simon, gent, 29

Wade, Elizabeth, 60; John, yeo , 56; Judith, 131

Waferer, Elizabeth, 34

Wagner, Henry, yeo, 139

Wakefree, Elena, 141

Waker (Walker), Christopher, yeo, 12 , 19

Waldron, John, gent, doctor in medicine, 55, 98, 115* , 133, 148; John, yeo , 139, 140; Margaret, wife ofdoctor, 133, 148; Margaret, wife of yeoman, 139, 140; Mary, 140

Walker, Sampson , gent., 30 see also Waker

Walsingham, Margaret, 43, 64 and n.

Walter, Thomas, yeo , 137

Walton, Katherine, 128


Thomas , gent. , 34

Walwyn , Elizabeth, 28

Wanley, Dorothy, 100; Thomas , glazier, 100

Ward(e), John, yeo , 98; Lat'nia, 49; Thomas , gent , 49, 77

Warden, John, cutler, 50, 72, 91

Warlend see Wolrond

Warley , John , glazier, 80

Warner, Elizabeth, 19; Nicholas, tailor, 10, 19

Warren, James, yeo , 87; John, foreigner, 89; 'Phus' [? Philippus], yeo., 93

Warwick, Dorothy, 146

Warwick, 5n

Warwickshire(Warrick(shire)), 20 , 24

Wasede, Thomas, yeo , 49

Waters, Francis, glover, 19; Margery, 19; Mary , 146; Richard, yeo. , 146

Watkins, William,27

Watkinson , Anna, 140; Thomas , yeo., 140

Watson, Jane (Jana), 89, 100, 104; Richard, barber surgeon , 89 , 100 , 104; Susanna, 20; see also Weston

Watton , Richard, gent, 15; ?

William, yeo., 131

Waynam, Johanna, 25; Thomas, yeo, 25

Weatherallsee Wetherall

Webb(e), yeo., 147; Anna , 147; Elenora, 139; Elizabeth, wife of John, esq., 91; Elizabeth , wife of John, gent, 104; James, esq , 139; Jana, 147; Johanna, 140; John, 120; John, esq , 72, 79, 81, 91; his wife, 72, 81; John, gent, 104; Katherine, 147; Michael, gent., 11; William , tailor, 139; William, yeo , 148; his wife, 148

Welles, Thomas, 1 , 32 , 58

Welsh Bicknor (Welshbignor), Herefords., 28

Wessey, Katherine, 104

West, Alice, 128; Edward, weaver, 128; John, 77 177

Westeroe, Mary, 149; Thomas , sheriff, 149

Westminster, 1,4, 9, 14, 22* , 31* , 38*, 39, 44, 51* 57* , 62* , 69,70, 145

hearings beforethe king, 53-4

Westminster Abbey, 7n

Weston, Julia, 19; Margaret, 82; Richard, 50; Richard, yeo , barber surgeon, 127 andn.; Thomas , tailor, 19; see also Watson

Weston [? Hainton, Lincs ], 71

Weston[-under-Lizard], Staffs, 30n .

Weston[-under-Wetherley], Warwickshire , 20

Westwoode, Elizabeth, 136; Gregory, labourer, 136

Wetherall(Weatherall), [horner?],

James, 83; Jane, 15, 83

Weyver, Hacketh (Hackitha), 81, 91

Whitbreade , Johanna, 93

White, Alice , 140; Andrew, chandler , 133, 139; Andrew, yeo , 148; Dorothy, 136; Edith, 140; Katherine, 134, 139; Margery, 83; Martin(e), scissors-maker , 83, 118; Mary , 107; Walter, yeo , 140

Whitechapel , 35

Whiteyard, John, yeo , 100

Whitmore, George , sheriff, 125

Whorwood (Wormewood), Lady, 101

Widowson (Widdowson) (alias Willison), William, gent, 37, 48

Wight, Edith , 49

Wilde, John, executor, 38

Wildred, John , 101 ; Katherine, 101

Wilford(e), Ann, 55; Faith, 128; Thomas , yeo. , 55, 97-8, 128

Wilkinson, Johanna, 108; Peter, yeo. , 131; William , gent , 108

Williams, Bridget, 84; Johanna, 132; John, gent , 83, 92; Thomas, yeo, 141

Willis, Ambrose, yeo , 48, 56

Willison see Widowson

Willoughby, Lady, 130

Willys, Johanna , 107

Wilson, Mary, 107; Robert, yeo.,

Wynn(e), William, gent, 11 , 21

Wynor, Jana, 136

Wyver, Katrina, 72 129; Thomas, gent. , 107

Wimott, Arthur, gent, 16

Windfore, Anna, 100

Windsor, Katherine, 100 , 142

Winters, Alice, 147

Wintour, Gertrude, 29

Wise, Ann, 55; Cicilia, 83; Elizabeth, 134; Grissel, 138; Henry, gent , 10, 77, 83; Isabell, 131; Jocosa, 139; Richard, wool (merchant?), 55

Wiseman, Barbara, 145

Wittingslow (alias Cappeer), Richard, yeo ,27

Wolrond (Warlend), James , esq, commissioner,46 and n

Woo _er, John , yeo. , 48

Wood, Henry, cutler, 61; Margaret, 136; Roger, 136; William, gent, 140

Woodcraft , William, yeo , 129; his wife, 129

Woodfall, Jane (Jana), 101, 102 , 104, 119; Johan(n)a, 71, 73, 80, 91, 132, 137; William, tailor, 2, 6, 7*

Woodroofe, Anna, 49; Richard, yeo , 48

Woodcoates (Woodcote ), Notts , 29

Woodward , Mary , 79; Thomas , gent., 132; his wife, 132; Tristram , gent., 79

Wootten, Margaret, 140

Worcestershire , 23n , 40* , 41n , 111 , 123

Wormewood, Lady, see Whorwood

Worsley, Thomas, gent , 15

Wright(e), Cecily, 146; Jane, 56; John , gent., 15; John, yeo. , 56

Wyatt, John, tailor, 37

Wychbold , Worcs,41n

Wye, Mary, 79

Wyer, Katherine, 132

Wynder, Dorothy, 138; Peter, tailor, 138

YYateman, John, yeo., joiner, 133 , 138; Margaret, 133, 138

Yates, Edward, esq , 80; Nicholas, yeo., 131

Yeat, Mary, 49

Yeates , Edgar, yeo , 130; his wife, 130

York, recusant rolls for, 44-5, 46, 77

Yorkshire , 29, 77

Zouche, Edward, Lord, 86, 87

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