Records Volume 38: Registers of the Catholic Chapels Royal and the Portuguese Embassy Chapel

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Catholic Record Society REGISTERS

Publications of the

Catholic Record Society



THE Catholic Record Society was founded 10June 1904, for printing Registers andother old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales .

Catholic Record Society REGISTERS


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This volume is Issued to the Members for 1938-39


With the signing in Paris on June 23, 1661 , of the contract of marriage of Charles II. and Catherine of Braganza a new chapter may be said to have openedin the history ofthe Catholic Church in England A general revulsion from thegrim repression ofthePuritan régime no doubt created an atmosphere oftolerance or indifferentism , at any rate among the more reliable middle classes , in which the sympathetic leanings of the King towards Catholicism found a freer opportunity for their display, though ever witha keen sense ofthe temper oftheParliament. His choice of a Catholic princess for his Consort naturally led to the guarantees Charles II gave for the free exercise of her religion . In his Histoire Générale de Portugal (1735)* de La Clède says that the marriage treaty stipulated" Que le Roi d'Angleterrepermettroit à la Reine sa femme, le libreexercice de la Religion Catholique & Romaine, ainsi qu'à toute sa Maison; & que cette Princesse auroit dans tous les endroits, où elle iroit habiter, une Chapelle à elle. Qu'un an après l'arrivée de cette Princesse en Angleterre, le Roi lui assureroit pour son appanage, trente mille livres sterling de rente par an, & lui assigneroit un Palais meublé convenablementàson auguste rang, danslequel il lui seroit permis d'habiter, même après la mort du Roi, si sa vie étoit plus longue que celle de son mari Que sa Maison seroit formée à l'exemple de celle de la Reine sa mère Que la Reine étant veuve pourroit, si elle le vouloit, s'en retourner en Portugal, & y emporter ses bijoux & ses meubles, sans qu'on pût l'en empêcher," etc.

Theseprovisions followed closely the correspondent clausesof the marriage contract of Charles I. and Henrietta Maria; but whereas Charles I., staunch Protestant as he was, honoured his obligations strictly in accordance with the letter of his engagements, his successor gave effect to his pledges in a spiritofgenerous interpretation. Instead of leavingit to the Infanta to provide for her religious requirements, Charles II proceeded at once to anticipatethe wishes of his future Consort. The first step he took was to give orders for the reconditioningof the Catholicchapel at St. James's, which had been dismantled after the death of Charles I. Next came the appointmentof a Lord High Almoner tothe Queen elect His choice fell on Ludovic Stuart d'Aubigny, fourth son of Esme 3rd Duke of Lennox, by Katherine, daughter of Gervase Lord Clifton, of Leighton Bromswold , born atMarch House, Drury Lane, on October 14 , 1619 .

* Vol II, p 711. By the same treaty the King of Portugal ceded the town and fortress of Tangier to the King of Great Britain, and the latter guaranteedthe free exercise of theirreligion to suchofthePortuguesepopu- lation as elected to remain there after its transfer


In her monograph on theStuartsofAubigny* Lady Elizabeth Cust states that, after the death of his father in 1624 , Ludovic with his nexttwo elder brothers, Georgeand Henry, was , by the wish of the King of France, sent to Aubigny, where they were brought up as Catholics under the charge of their grandmother , the old Duchess Dowager, Katherine de Balsac; and she quotes Sir Robert Gordon, who was second cousin to the boys' father, as writing a few years later that " They were naturalized in France that thereby they might be capable to inherit the lordship of Aubigny and the rest of their father's lands in that kingdom, which otherwise they could not do, being born in England and therefore aliens in France " Ludovic, continues Lady Cust, was educated at Port Royal des Champs, and took orders when still very young. He was appointed Abbé de Haute Fontaine, and a canon of Notre Dame at Paris In 1640 some negotiations were carried on by Charles I. with Cardinal Richelieu, havingfor their object that Lord Ludovic Stuart should be recommended to the Holy See to be appointed a cardinal In spite of Ludovic's youth Richelieu would have been willing, it appears, to use his influence with the Pope forthis purpose, had Charles I. consented to allow the Roman Catholic Bishopof Chalcedon (Smythe) to return to England, but, as the King wouldnot or could not permit this, the affair dropped for the time He (Ludovic) probably never resided for long at Aubigny, but he did homage for that place to Louis XIV. 26th August, 1656, and is styledin a printed and authenticated copy of the entry then made in the Chambre des Comtes as , Messire Lodovic Štuart, Prince du sang Royal d'Ecosse, Seigneur d'Aubigny et la Verrerie, Bailli au Roy nostre Sire de la terre et seigneurie du dit Aubigny, & c '" & Ludovic d'Aubigny accompanied Charles II to England at the Restoration, and is said by Chancellor to have resided at 60, Great Queen Street He returned to France on the 13th of July 1665 "In November of this same year," remarks Lady Cust , " he obtained the object of his early ambition by being nominateda cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, but the dignity came too late, as he died at the age of forty-six at Paris, 3rd November, 1665, a few hours after the arrival of the courier who brought him his cardinal's hat from Rome Ludovic d'Aubigny was buried in the Church of the Chartreuxin Paris." It may be mentioned here that the Duchessof Lennox, motherof Lord d'Aubigny, was

* Some Account of the Stuarts of Aubigny, in France (1422-1672). By Lady Elizabeth Cust (1891).

Op cit , p 100 .

Richard Smith, Bp of Chalcedon and Vicar Apostolic of England, consecrated Jan. 12, 1625; died March 18 , 1655 , æt. 88.

§ Lady Elizabeth Cust, op. cit, p. 108

The Romance of Lincoln's Inn Fields and its Neighbourhood By E. Beresford Chancellor (1932), p 152

ор cit , р 109


converted bythe instrumentality of FatherAnge de Raconis, one of the Capuchins in the service of Henrietta Maria, shortly after the latter's final return to France in 1665.*

The next step taken by Charles II. was to secure a body of chaplains for the service of the Queen's chapel " Charles was not willing, " says Mgr A. S. Barnes, "that the chapel of his Consort should be less magnificent than that which his mother kept up at Somerset House He desired therefore that, just as her chapel was worked by a community of religiousthe French Capuchins, so also there should be religious who should keep up the recitation ofthe Divine Office in the chapel of St. James's. He therefore opened negotiations with the English Benedictines , a body for which he entertainedconsiderable affection, both on account of the services rendered to him by Fr. John Hudleston and others after the battle of Worcester , and because of many kindnesses he had received from them during the period of his exile, and especially when he had been a guest of the monks of St. Malo, at their country house at Clermont . The preliminary negotiations were made with Fr. Paul Robinson, who had served the office of President General and was in high favour at Court, the King having made his acquaintance on the Continent . His suggestionsas to the conditions under which the foundationof a housein Londonwould be possiblewere well received bythe King and by Lord Stuart d'Aubigny, who had been appointed Lord High Almoner to the future Queen , and, at the request ofthe latter, the proposal was laid before the General Chapter of the Congregation which was to meet at St. Gregory's at Douay in the August of that year, 1661. The proposal took the form of a letter written by Stuart d'Aubigny, which was brought to the Chapter by Fr. Austin Latham, whowas also charged withverbal directions, so that the plan might be fully discussed in all its aspects by the assembledfathers The King offered to pay the sum of £100 per head for each of a community of six fathers, and £50 each for such lay brothers as might be necessary. " The liberality of these stipends will be appreciated when we consider that the equivalent of the Caroline £ in terms of our present currencywould be£5.

Unfortunatelythe earliest authenticCatholic document bearing on the early years of Queen Catherine in England carries us no farther back than to 1671 , and writers dealing with this period have had to rely on more or less felicitous speculation based on the ex post facto evidence this document affords It happensthus that we have no positively correct list of the personnel of the Benedictine community as first constituted The documentin question is entitled " CATHERINA R.An Establishment of

* The Courtand TimesofCharles the First ByFather Cypriende Gamaches , edited by Robert FolkestoneWilliams (1848), ii, 481

See The Downside Review, " Catholic Chapels Royal, " xx (1901), 233

See The Catholic Miscellany, Vol II , February 1823, pp 60-63, and March, pp 109-112 In view of the importance ofthis documentit is reproduced in full on pp. xxix to xxxii


ordinary wages, fees, allowances and pensions, yearly allowed by us unto our officers and servants of our revenue, viz from the feast ofSt. Michael the Archangell , in the yeare of our Lord, 1671 , unto the feast of St. Michael the Archangell , in the yeare of our Lord, 1672, that is to say, for the space of one whole yeare. " The chaplains given are Father Gregory Stapleton, Father George Touchèt, Father John Huddlestone, Father Lyonel Sheldon , Father Henry Latham, and FatherJohn Adelham "; and the lay brothers, Mr. Bennet Hankinson and Mr. Thomas Pickering This list has been takenby subsequent writers as in the main a correct presentation of the chaplains and lay brothers originally chosen by theSelection Committee. Mgr. Barnes, however, gives Thomas Pickering and Austin Rumley as the lay brothers, whichis manifestly wrong, as the latter was not professedtill 1672; and , curiously enough, in the very first entryin the Registers of Marriages we read " in the presence of Hankinson and others " Neither should Austin Latham appear as one of the original six chaplains if we accept the definite statement of Dom Peter Athanasius Allanson that he " was called to be one of the chaplains in 1666 , " and in confirmationof this it will be noticed that he makes his appearance in the Registers for the first time in September of that year. With this exception Allanson acceptsthe list given in The Catholic Miscellany, but to make up for the exclusion of Father Latham prior to 1666 he states in a footnote that" Fr. SerenusCressywas one of those who was first placed at the Royal Chapel, but he left later. " According to Gillow Father Cressy was sent on the English Mission in 1656 " and on the marriage of Charles II. with the Infanta of Portugal was appointed one of her Chaplains, and resided for the most part at Somerset House , " while Dom G. E. Hind in The Catholic Encyclopedia says that he left Douai for the Mission in 1660, " residing at Somerset House as one of the chaplains to Charles the Second's queen" Both these authorities, resting on an earlier oversight of Anthony Wood, overlook the fact that Somerset House was the Dower House of Henrietta Maria until her death in August 1669 , and that it remained untenanted after that until Catherine removed her Courttoit in May 1671. Moreover, FatherCressy'sname does not appear in the RegistersofMarriages norin Catherine's financial statement referred to above; he had been befriended by Henrietta Maria in France when about to join the Benedictine Order at Douai ; it was to her he dedicated his Roman Catholic Doctrines no Novelties in 1663; and, again according to Dom G. E. Hind, he spent " the last years of his life" at the residenceof Mr. John Caryllat West Grinstead, dyingthere on August 10, 1674. Besides, the Obit Book ofthe English Benedictinesstates that FatherCressy was at Somerset House, chaplain to Henrietta Maria

* In his MS . Biography of the English Benedictines . Athenae Oxonienses, 2nd ed (1721), ii, col 630 .


We are indebted to Dom Hugh Connolly * for thefollowing revised list, which may now be accepted as in all probabilitya correct statement ofthe community as originally constituted: Fr. Gregory Stapylton, Fr. George Touchet, Fr. John Hudleston, Fr. Lionel Sheldon, Fr. John Adelham and Fr. Joseph Martin , with Bro Bennet Hankinson and Bro Thomas Pickering Little is knownof Father Joseph Martin beyond the materialfact that he died at St. James's on September 15, 1662, only a few daysbefore the reopening of the chapel there " It is not difficult, " observes Mgr. Barnes, " to guess at the reasons which led to the selection of each of these men Three at least of the number , Stapylton, Touchet, and Hudleston, were members of ancient and wellknownEnglish families, and would be in their proper place when connected with the Court, and would be already known, at least by name, if not more directly, to the leading men of London at the time Hudleston and Latham were already well known to the King, and in favour with him. Sheldon and Adelham were both men ofability, whose talentsmight be of use if controversy were required. " Of Martin it has been recorded that " He was a Religious according to the spirit of those times when our Order flourished in all Sanctity. " Hankinson as "a most curious embroiderer "would have been ofgreat use as a lay brotherin charge of the vestments, while Pickering , also a man of good family, according to the Obit Book enjoyed the friendshipofCharlesII, which, however, did not save him from being hanged at Tyburn for alleged complicity in the Titus Oates' Plot.

And so the stage was well set for the advent of the Infanta. Catherine sailed for Englandon April 23, 1662, under the escort of Dom Francisco de Mello de Torres, who had recently been created Marquis of Sande. Among her retinuewereCanonRichard Russell ; Father Antonio Fernandez, S.J., her confessor; an Irish priest, Father Patricio Ghineo; and Dr. Thomas Godden , the Infanta's tutor in English Catherine reached Portsmouth Harbour on May 13 and landed the next day, the King joining her there on the 20th There had been no marriage by proxy, and Charles II. having yielded to her insistence on a Catholic marriage this took place in secret in her bedroom on May 21, Lord d'Aubigny officiating in the presence of the Portuguese Ambassador, FatherPhilipHoward , O.P., Canon RichardRussell, a few Portuguese nobles and some of her ladies A Protestant ceremony was performed in public later the same day, Dr. Gilbert

* See his paperon " An UnregisteredGregorian" in The Downside Review , April 1939, p. 178 .

Latham, as we have seen, was a later appointment

According to Gillow he had been elected a canonby the English Chapter on June 26 , 1661. In 1671 he was made Bishop of Portalegre, his brieffor consecrationfrom Clement X. bearing date July 1 , and he was consecrated at the English College, Lisbon, on September27 of the same year. In 1682 by a beneplacitum of Peter II he was transferred to the see of Vizeu.


Sheldon, Bishop of London, officiating After a somewhat prolonged delay at Hampton Court where they arrived on May 29 , the King and Queenmade their Royalentry by waterintoLondon on the 23rd of August. At St. James's the Queen's Benedictine chaplains were awaiting her arrival after their temporarysojourn at the Savoy as the guests of Henrietta Maria. The work on the Chapel was now nearing completion . Since the Restoration , Somerset House had been the centre of Catholic life in London, and such free use was made of the facilities it provided for the practice of their religion by Catholics that in July 1662 an Order in Council was made forbidding any but members of the Queen's household attending the services there This prohibition, of course, applied equally to the chapel at St. James's. The Order, however, remained a dead letter, and probably was never meant to be effective, but contrived only as a sop to the hostile Parliament Thefirst Mass in the Royal Chapel was celebrated on Sunday, September 21 , and Pepys duly recorded his impressions as follows : " To the Parke The Queencomingby in her coach, going to her chapel at St. James's, the first time it hath been readyfor her, I crowded after her, and I got up to the room where her closet is ; and there stood and saw the fine altar, ornaments, and the fryers in their habits , and the priests come in with their fine crosses and many other fine things. I heard their musique too; which may be good, but it did not appear so to me, neither as to their manner of singing, nor was it good concord to my ears, whateverthe matter was. The Queen very devout . " As the Mass was followed by a sermon in Portuguese, which the Diarist did not understand, he promptly betook himselfto the King's Chapel, but too late for the service Later, however, Pepys, himselfno mean musician whether as composer or executant, had occasion to revise his judgment of the quality of the singing at St. James's Chapel, for we find him writing on April 1 , 1666, "to the Queen's chapel; where I do not so dislike the musick, " and a few days later, on the 15th, " Walked into the Park to the Queen's chapel, and there heard a good deal of their mass , and some of theirmusique, which is not so contemptible, I think, as ourpeople would make it, it pleasing me verywell and, indeed, better than the anthem I heard afterwards at White Hall, at my coming back "; and again on March 22 (Easter Sunday), 1668, " to the Queen's chapel, and there did hearthe Italians sing; and indeed their musickdid appear most admirable to me, beyond anything of our's : I was never so well satisfied in my life with it"

In July 1665 Lord d'Aubigny, who had returned to France , was succeededby his near relative FatherPhilip Howard, O.P., * as Lord High Almoner. About this time Catherine conceived the idea of building a convent at her own expense, and bringing over

* His mother was Lady Elizabeth, daughter of Esme Stuart, 3rd Duke of Lennox


from Portugal Franciscan Friars of the obedience of St. Peter of Alcantara, known as Arrabidoes The scheme was duly carried out, and by the beginning of 1667 the buildingswere finished and a community consisting of a Father Guardian and twelve friars duly installed According to Mgr Barnes, the Friary, as the new convent was called, stretched away to the eastward of the Chapel, with cloisters built round a grass plot Practically it occupied the ground where now stand the Guards Club and the entrance toMarlborough House, and the Friary garden rantowards the Park where the gardens of Marlborough House now are. Again we are indebted to Pepys for a description ofthe Convent. Writing on January 23, 1667, he says: " To St. James's, to see the organ Mrs. Turner told me of the other night, ofmy late Lord Aubigney's; and I took my Lord Brouncker with me, he being acquainted with my present Lord Almoner, Mr. Howard, brother to the Duke ofNorfolke; so he and I did see the organ, but I do not like it, it being but a bauble, with a virginal joining to it: so I shall not meddle with it. ... ..Away, and my Lord and I walking into the Park, I did observe the new buildings: and my Lord, seeing I had a desire to see them, they being the place for the priests and fryers, he took me back to my Lord Almoner; and he took us quite through the whole house and chapel, and the new monastery, showing me most excellent pieces in waxworke : a crucifix given by a Pope to Mary Queen of Scotts , where a piece ofthe Cross is; two bits set in the manner of a cross in the foot of the crucifix: several fine pictures, but especially very good prints of holy pictures . I saw the dortoire and the cells of the priests, and we went into one; a very pretty little room, very clean, hung with pictures, set with books. The Priest was in his cell , with his hair clothes to his skin, bare-legged, with a sandall only on, and his little bed without sheets, and nofeatherbed; but yet, I thought, soft enough His cord abouthis middle; butin sogood company, living with ease , Ithought it a very good life A pretty library they have. And I was in the refectoire , where every man his napkin, knife, cup of earth, and basin of the same; and a place for one to sit and read while the rest are at meals. And into the kitchen I went, where a good neck of mutton at the fire, and other victuals boiling. I do not think they faredvery hard. Their windows all lookinginto a finegarden and the Park; and mighty pretty rooms all I wished myself one of the Capuchins. So away with the Almoner in his coach , talking merrily about the difference in our religions, to White Hall, and there we left him . "

While Somerset House was undoubtedlythe centre of Catholic life in London, with the gradual overflow of population southwestwards into Westminster and Lambeth St. James's Palace

* The Downside Review , xx (1901), 243

William Brouncker, 2nd Lord Brouncker, Viscount of Castle Lyons, in Ireland


Chapel met a steadily growing want, and on occasion attracted large congregations. Thus Pepys under date December 24, 1667: By coach to St. James's, it being about six at night; my design being to see the ceremonys, this night being the eve of Christmas , at the Queen's chapel. I got in almost up to the rail, and with a great deal of patience staid from nine at night to two in the morning, in a very great crowd ; and there expected, but found nothing extraordinary, there being nothing but a high masse . The Queen was there, and some ladies But, Lord! what an odde thing it was for me to be in a crowd of people, here a footman , there a beggar, here a fine lady, there a zealous poor papist, and here a Protestant , two or three together, come to see the shew. I was afraid of my pocket being picked very much But all things very rich and beautiful; and I see the papists have the wit, most of them, to bring cushions to kneel on, which I wanted, and was mighty troubled to kneel All being done , I was sorry for my coming, and missing of what I expected; whichwas, to have had a child born and dressedthere, and a great deal of do: but we broke up,,and nothinglike it done: and there I left peoplereceiving the Sacrament: and the Queen gone, and ladies; only my Lady Castlemaine , who looked prettily in her night-clothes. So took my coach, which waited, and through Covent Garden, to set down two gentlemen and a lady, who come thither to see also, and did make mighty mirth in their talk of the folly of this religion. "

The precarious state of healthof the Queen Mother eventually determined her to return to France " to drink Bourbon waters this year, she being in a consumption," and she set out on her journey on June 29, 1665, intending " not to come till winter come twelve-months," but she was destined never to return Already there were ominous premonitions of the Great Plague which was to levy such a frightful toll on the population of the city over a period of a year and nine months, from April 1665 to close on the end of 1666. Alarmed by the reports ofthegrowing death-roll which reached her in France Henrietta Maria determined to recall her chaplains from Somerset House, but on the earnest solicitations of the Capuchin Friars consented to their remaining; and throughoutthe plague they laboured withuntiring devotion in ministeringto the sickand dying, and in relievingthe widespread miseryfrom the large sums of money supplied forthe purpose by the Queen Mother Two at least of their numberare known to have fallen victims to the pestilence. But before the full effects of this visitation had worn off, a furtherand from the Catholic point of view an even worse calamity befell the metropolis, viz the Fire of London, which broke out on the night of September 1-2, 1666. These two disasters provoked general discontent, and while it was not possible to use the Plague as a weapon against the Catholics the Great Fire was eagerly seized on to foment a violent attack on them The following sequence


of excerpts from Pepys's Diary affords a vivid picture of the frenzied campaign of defamation rampant throughoutthe city:-

1666, Oct. 27. " Then , as to the Commons : some ugly knives, like poignards, to stab people with, about two or three hundredofthem , were brought in yesterday to the House, found in one of the house's rubbish that was burned, and said to be the house of a Catholique This and several letters out of the country, saying how high the Catholiques are everywhere, and bold in the owning their religion, have made the Commons mad, and they presently voted that the King be desired to put allCatholiquesout ofemployment, and other high things "

Nov. 5. " He [Sir ThomasCrewe *] do, from what he hathheardat the Committee for examining the burning of the City, conclude it, as a thing certain , that it was done by plots; it being proved by many witnesses that endeavours were madein several places to encrease the fire, and that, both in City and country , it was braggedby several Papiststhat upon sucha day, or in sucha time, weshould find the hottest weatherthateverwasin England; and wordsof plainer sense ... Never morewas said of, and feared of, and done against the Papists, than just at this time. "

Nov. 7. " By the Duke of York his discourse to-day, in his chamber, theyhave it at Court, as well as we here , that a fatal day is to be expected shortly, of some great mischyef; whether by the Papists, or what , they are not certain. But the day is disputed; some say next Friday, others a day sooner , others later; and I hope all will prove a foolery But it is observable how every body's fears are busy at this time "

Nov. 10. " This is the fatal day that every body hath discoursed for a long timeto be the daythat the Papists, or I knownot who, have designed to commit a massacre upon; but, however, I trust in God we shall rise tomorrow morning as well as ever . " . that

1667, June 13. " In the evening comes Mr. Pelling, and severalothers, to the office , and tell me that never were people so dejected as theyare in the City all over at this day; and do talk most loudly, even treason; as , that we are bought and sold , that we are betrayed by the Papists; .. Legg is a Papist; They look upon us as lost, and removetheirfamilies and rich goods in the City; and do think verily that the French, beingcome down with an army to Dunkirke, it is to invade us, and that we shall be invaded"

June 14 . " Dined , and Mr. Hater § and W. Hewer with me; where they do speak very sorrowfully of the posture of the times, and how people do cry out in the streetsoftheir being bought and sold; and boththey, and everybody that come to me , do tell me that people make nothing oftreason in the streets openly; as, that they are bought and sold, and governed by Papists, and that we are betrayed about the King, and shall be delivered up to the French, and I know not what At dinner we discoursed of Tom of the Wood, a fellow that lives like a hermit near Woolwich, who, as they say, and Mr. Bodham , they tell me, affirms that he was by at the Justice's when some did accuse him there for it, did foretell the burning ofthe City, and now says that a greater desolationis at hand . "

Sept. 16. "At the New Exchange, .... Here I also sawa printed account ofthe examination taken ,touching the burning ofthe CityofLondon, showing

John Crewe , a Presbyterian magnate, whose daughter was married to the Earl of Sandwich; later created first Lord Crewe

An apothecary in the City

ColonelGeorge Legge, successively Governorof Portsmouth andMaster ofthe Ordnance , and eventually raised to the peerage as Lord Dartmouth § Tom Hayter, Pepys's old clerk; succeeded the latter as joint Clerkof the Acts

Will Hewer , Pepys's faithful chief clerk; succeeded the latter as Treasurer of Tangier.

TW . Bodham, Clerk of the Rope Yard, Woolwich


the plot of the Papists therein; which, it seems, hath been ordered to be burnt by the hands of the common hangman, in Westminster Palace . " 1668 , May 21. " All the town is full of the talk of a meteor, or some fire, that did on Saturday last fly over the City atnight ,... . ; and theworld do make much discourse of it, their apprehensions being mightyfull of the rest of the City to be burned , and the Papists to cut our throats . "

Finally, officialdom set its seal on this epidemic of slander when the following offensive legend was inscribed round the base of the pedestal of the Monument by order of the Court of Aldermen in 1681, at the height of the commotion caused by the Titus Oates Plot: -

"This Pillar was set up in perpetual remembrance of that most dreadful burning of this Protestant City, begun and carryed on by ye treachery_and malice ofye Popish faction, in ye beginningof Septem in ye year of Our Lord 1666, in ordertoye carrying ontheirhorrid plottfor extirpating theProtestant Religion and old English Liberty, and the introducing Popery and slavery.- Sed furor Papisticus qui tamdiu patravit nondum restinguitur "*

Nor were the Commons slow to react to the passions of the populace in their fear of the Catholic party or their hatredofthe Church Month after month they bent all their efforts to compel the King to put all Catholics out of office and to keep any others from coming in. In vain Charles sought by off-hand promises of compliance, and even by an Act of Council to the like effect, to placate the Commons: they retaliated by withholding supplies to the extent even of starving the vital services of the State and imperilling the national security. The financial straits to which they were thus able to reduce the King inevitably defeated all his plans for an accommodation . Hoping against hope he made a final bid to achieve toleration for all forms of religion by issuing on March 15 , 1672, the Declaration of Indulgence. But events proved too strongfor him. The Duke of York's first wife, Anne Hyde, daughter of the formerLord Chancellor, the Earl of Clarendon, was now known to have died a Catholic, and the religious beliefofthe Dukehimselfwas strongly suspect ; and when Parliament met in February 1673 the Commons not only insisted on the Declaration being withdrawn, but brought in the Test Act, which made it compulsory for all civil and military office-holders, and all members of the households of the King and the Duke of York, to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, and before August 1 to receive the Sacrament according to the rites ofthe Church of England ; and, when taking the oaths, to subscribe the following declaration : "I do declare that I do believe that there is not any transubstantiation in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, or in the elements of bread and wine, at or after the con-

* The inscription was obliterated in the reign of James II , recut deeper still in the reign ofWilliamIII , and ultimatelyerased by an Act of Common Council of January 26 , 1831.- John Timbs, Curiosities of London (1885), pp 570-71 . She was reconciledto theChurch in August 1670 , and died on August 31 , 1671


secration thereof by any persons whatever," or at once resign their offices . The measure passed its third reading in the House of Commons on March 12 , 1673, and was carried through the House of Lords and received the Royal assent on the 29th. On Easter Sunday a tense crowded congregation attended the Communion Servicein theKing'sChapel, eager to see whether the Duke would complywith the requirements of the Act His absence was followeda few weeks later by his resignation of the office of Lord High Admiral, and Sir Thomas (later Lord) Cliffordresigned from the post of Lord Treasurer at the same time. Matters, however, reached a climax when it became knownthat the Duke of York had actually been married by proxy to a Catholic princess, Mary Beatrice of Modena, thus confrontingthe nation, owingto the infecundity of the Queen , with the prospect of a Catholic dynasty on the death of Charles II

In the midst of all this political turmoil Henrietta Maria had passed away peacefully in her sleep on August 31 , 1669 , in her retreat at Colombes, near Paris, and her tenure of SomersetHouse automatically came to an end Queen Catherine, however, did not enter into possession until May 1671 , and thedocument reproduced on pp. xxix to xxxii gives us the personnel of her Court at the time, with full particulars of the cost of her establishment for the first year of her residence there In the following year sheintroducedin her chapelthe Holy Confraternityof Our Blessed Lady of Succour, founded in the city of Santa Fé in the kingdom of New Granada by Father Francis Baray, S.J., and approved by His Holiness Pope InnocentX. PreviouslyHer Majestyhad established in her chapel at St. James's the devotionofthe Holy Rosary of our Blessed Lady §

So far nothing serious had happened to disturb the peace of Catherine's life in her Dower House, but after the marriageof the Duke of York and Mary Beatrice of Modena had become

* A second Test Bill, which received the Royal assent on December 1 , 1678, added to the denial of transubstantiation a declaration " that the invocation or adoration of the Virgin Maryor any other saint and the sacrifice ofthe mass as they arenow used in the Churchof Rome are superstitious and idolatrous "

On September 30 , 1673 .

A handbill or poster, 14 x 9 ins. , printed in 1672, setting forth the objectsof the Confraternity is preserved in the libraryof the BritishMuseum Itgives the historyof the Confraternity from its inception in New Granada to the remarkable vogue it achieved on its introduction into Spain, the conditions of membership, and the Papal indulgences granted to it The branch at Somerset Housewas under the direction of " one of the Religious of the Order of Saint Francis"

§ In the libraryat DownsideAbbey is a booklet of 31 pages,31x 24 ins , entitled " The Method of saying the Rosary of our Blessed Lady as it was ordered by Pope Pius the Fifth, of the Holy Order of Preachers . And as it is said in Her MajestiesChappel at S. James .Printed in the Year 1669." Intrinsicevidenceshows it to have been the work ofa Dominican, and Father Christopher del Rosario, O.P. , is suggested as the author, possibly with the assistance of Lord Philip Howard, O.P.



public property in October 1673 her serious troubles began First came the loss of her Lord High Almoner The Dean and Chapter of Windsor were threatening him with a prosecution for high treason in connection with the publicationof a book of devotion promulgating Papal indulgences granted to the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, and in view of the temper of the people it was deemed wiser that he should leave the country, if only for a time, so he retired in September 1674 to his own Priory at Bornhem in Flanders This, however, did not satisfy the enemies of Catholicism in this country, and the Archbishop of Canterbury with other members of the Anglicanepiscopacy pressed the King to such purpose that he issued an Order in Council encouraging theconvictionofPopish recusants; prohibiting anyonefrom saying Mass in any part of the kingdom, Her Majesty's Chapels Royal and those of foreign embassies excepted; imposing a fine of 100 marks and a year's imprisonment on anyone not a menial servant of Her Majestyor of suchforeign embassies who presumed to attend any of those chapels and hear Mass ; commanding all Catholic priests born within any of His Majesty's dominions, with the exception of Father Hudleston, to leave the kingdom before the 25th day of March next following, and not to return; and orderingall such priests who claimed a privilege to attend upon the Queen or uponforeign Ministers to leave the kingdomby the time aforesaid, and to leave the Court within fourteen days after notice of the Order Her Majesty's Benedictine chaplains had perforce toobey, and they returned to their respective monasteries in France in 1675, and thenceforth Her Majesty's chapel was served exclusively by priests of foreign birth

But the mere possibility of such a contingency as the establishment of a Catholic dynasty had been sufficient to rouse the worst passions of the nation to a dangerous pitch, and assiduously fanned by the anti-Catholic and Republican factions in Parliament and their agents outside no rumour was too wild, no story toofantastic not to be eagerly accepted by a credulous and panic-strickenpeople The conditions were idealfor the enlistment ofthe common informerin the person of the infamous Titus Oates, closely followedby William Bedloe and the usual packof minor tools Word was given to strike high, but all their efforts to compromise Queen Catherine or the Duke of York were ignominiouslydefeated. SomersetHouse, however, didnot escape

* He never returned to England Shortlyafter his removal to Bornhem he was called to Rome and created a Cardinal by Pope Clement X. An obsolete English coin of the value of 13s . 4d. Notwithstanding his Puritan upbringing, staunch Anglicanism and unswerving loyalty Pepys, for instance, was arraigned by his enemies in the Commons on charges of" Piracy, Popery and Treachery, " taken in custody of the Serjeant-at-Arms and committed to the Toweron the Speaker's warrant on May 22, 1678 , and was not discharged until June 28, 1680 , withoutever having been brought to trial See Arthur Bryant, Samuel Pepys. TheYears of Peril (1935), pp 262-330 .


altogether. The two Benedictine lay brothers who , not being in Holy Orders, had avoided banishment were denounced and brought to trial : Brother Austin Rumley was acquittedfor lack of sufficient evidence, but Brother Thomas Pickering was found guilty, condemned to death and hanged at Tyburn on May 19 , 1679. One of Catherine's former Benedictine chaplains, Father Adelham, who had returnedto the Mission after banishment, was captured, tried and condemned to death but reprieved, lingered for years in captivity and died in Newgate on January 17 , 1689; while the Religious of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who had been brought over by Catherine from Munich and established at Hammersmithunder cover of a boarding school for the education of youngladies, were denounced by Oates, and the mistress was brought before His Majesty's Council for examination, but the evidence adduced in support of the several charges ofthe arch-informer broke down completely and she was immediately acquitted.

It is a real misfortune that we should have been denied for the last fifteen years of Charles's life the illuminating sidelights the great Diarist was wont to cast on the public and sociallife ofLondon during thefirst decade ofthe reign, but the breakdown of his eyesight compelled Pepys in 1669 to relinquish the daily record of his observations in the exacting shorthand he had devised, his last entry bearing date June 30 of that year The discomfitures suffered by the plotters did not cause them to relax their villainies, but they changed their tactics and concentrated henceforth on forcing the King to divorce his Consort and to alter the lawful succession to the throne In this, however , they came into conflict with two fundamental principles of Charles's political creed . He resolutelyrefusedto consider eitherexpedient The Commons nevertheless introduceda Bill declaring the Duke ofYorkincapable of succeeding , and in the event of Charlesdying without issue that the succession wasto pass to thenextProtestant heirjust as if the Duke were dead The measurepassed its second reading by a majority of 79 on May 21 , 1679, but lapsed on the Parliament being prorogued six days later On November 2, 1680 , a second Bill to the like effect was ordered, with the addition that should the Dukeat any time claimauthority, orshouldenter either Englandor Irelandafter November 5, he wouldbeadjudged guiltyof high treason. The measurewas passed without a division and carried to the Lords on the 15th, but rejected there by 63 votes to 30, notwithstandingthat all the Catholic peers, with the exception of the Duke of York, had been excluded from the House of Lords in the previous December On March 26, 1681 , the Commons resolved to bring in a third Bill to effect theirpurpose, but two days later the Parliamentwas incontinently dissolved. Matters seem to have quietened down during the two or three years preceding 1685, when the King was suddenly strickendown on February2 of that year by an attack of apoplexy. At grips


with death Charles at once realised that dissimulation could no further serve his people and resolved to make his submission to the Church Duringthe night of February5 to 6 FatherHudleston duly effected his conversion andadministered the last Sacraments. The King passed away the next day, and a Catholic sovereign oncemore wasin possession ofthe throne Contemporary writers have sedulously fostered the theory that the perpetual contest between Charles II and the Parliament was wholly due to the duplicity of the King, a theory partisan historians propagate to this day. Impartial consideration, however, shows that dissimulation was entirely foreign to the Merry Monarch's nature, and was in fact forced upon him as the only effective weapon at his command to check the hostilityof a bigoted, unscrupulous and, because of its command of supplies, an all-powerful Parliament, and this no doubt will be the final verdict of history.

The accession of James II was acquiesced in by the nation with unexpected ease, probably owing to the fact that Queen Mary, whose children had all died in infancy, had ceased to procreate, and to the prevalent belief that she was incapable of further issue . On June 10 , 1688, therefore, when after six years of sterility the Queen unexpectedly gave birth to a male child a month before her time, the whole aspect of affairs underwent a change Although the danger of a Catholic dynastywas always at the root of the veiled hostility to James, political difficulties of a different order and foreign complications led to the intervention of William of Orange with the connivance of the English malcontents, and after wholesale desertions of his leading political and military supporters James decided to abandon the fight for his throne. He sent his Consort and the Prince of Wales to France on December 9, 1688, and himself set sail on December 23, thus bringing the Stuart Dynasty to an end, and withit all the hopes the Catholics had builded on his accession Catholics were not left long in doubt as to the treatment in store for them under William and Mary, notwithstandingWilliam's acknowledged desire for toleration . During the two months' Interregnumany person refusing to take the new oaths of allegiance and supremacy was made liable to fine or imprisonment , and on a third refusal he was to become incapable of holding any civil or military office. In the same year (1689) Catholics were excluded from London and Westminster , deprived of arms and forbiddento own a horse worth more than five pounds; further, it was made obligatoryon all future sovereignsto make a declaration in the terms prescribed by the Test Act of 1678. In 1700 Catholics were deprived ofthe right to buy land, and anyone who failed to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy with the declaration against transubstantiation was to forfeit his estates to the next of kin being a

* But " in all the circumstancesof health, full growth, and whatever may encourageus to expect his long life as well as prayfor it. "Pepys to Sir George Strickland


Protestant, and anyone sending a child oversea to be educated as a Catholic was to forfeit £100 to the informer. William died on March 9 , 1702, and Queen Anne ascended the throne

After the death of Charles II. Somerset House continued in the occupation of Catherine as her Dower House, but as James II is known to have established a school there under the direction ofthe Jesuits it would appear that she had ceased to reside there and had retired to her manor house at Hammersmith , next door to the convent of her foundation, where she remained until her return to Portugal at the end of March 1692. The Registers unfortunatelyafford no help in clarifying the position at Somerset House during the next few years until Catherine's demise on December 31 , 1705. The last marriage specifically stated to have taken place in the chapel there is dated April 9, 1687 (see p 29), thoughtwo more were celebrated in the private chapel or oratory in 1695, on August 13 and November 28 respectively, Father Joseph Johnston, O.S.B. , officiating (see p 31) On the other hand, the first marriage definitely stated to have been celebrated in the chapel of the Portuguese Embassy did not take place until August 12, 1700, and as Father Tobias Gibbons officiated at twenty-two marriages there from that date up tothe time of Catherine's death it is more than likely that the main chapel at Somerset House had fallen into disuse At any rate after 1705 our interest is necessarily confined to the Embassy chapel

" Accordingto Chancellor,* the Portuguese Embassy from 1700 to 1708 was in a mansion, now represented by Nos 53 and 54 , on the south side of Lincoln'sInn Fields, then known as Portugal Row , thefirst representative of that country to residetherebeing Dom Luis Da Cunha Father Tobias Gibbons officiated at marriages att the Portugall Envoys Chappell in Lincolns Inn Fields " from August 12 , 1700 to February24, 1712 (see pp. 56to 61), while FatherJohn of Sagunto Heneganacted likewise"in the Chappel at Lincolns Inn Fields " from September 21, 1706 to February 12 , 1713 (pp 63-4). In 1719 it is known to have been established in a building in Great Queen Street now represented by Nos. 57 and 58, the Sardinian Embassy succeeding to the tenancy, according to Chancellor, " at any rate anteriorto 1723." In this, however, he must be mistaken , as Entries 724 to 726 (p 71) are of marriages there in January and February 1723 by Fathers James Butler and John Ponce It is commonlythought that the Portuguese Ambassador removed in 1730 to premises in Golden Square now occupied by Nos 23 and 24. The chapel he built abutted on the back of the embassy and extended about half-way down to Warwick Street, access to it being by a narrow lane opening onto that thoroughfare It soon proved too small to accommodate the growing congregation, and in 1736 the

The Romance of Lincoln's Inn Fields and its Neighbourhood , by E. Beresford Chancellor (1932 )


Embassy was removed to South Street, being succeeded inGolden Square by the BavarianLegation There are gaps in the foregoing tale which further research may help to fill in, but for close on a century now the chapel remained undisturbed in South Street, until it finally passed out of existence in 1828, following the 1826 political upheaval in Portugal


The Registers in the keeping of the Portuguese Embassy extend to eight volumes, distinguished by the first eight letters of the alphabet Registers A and C record the Marriages, and these are the registers reproduced in this volume ; the other six books contain the Births These are the oldest purely Catholic registers known to be extant The French Capuchin chaplains of Queen Henrietta Maria, who too often sought to order their lives here much as if it were a Catholic country, would certainly not have overlooked the necessity of such records, butthosekept during the reign of her husband were probably lost in the shipwreck of the vessel which was conveying all the other belongings ofSomerset House Chapel to France afterthe regicide of CharlesI. Those kept after the Restoration were no doubt taken by the chaplains on their final return to France in 1669 after the death of the Dowager Queen , and if they escaped destructionin the Revolution may yet be discovered in some archives there.

To search these registers on chronological lines is a hopeless task, more particularly as regards those of the Embassy Chapel To give but one example, a collection of marriages from August 1700 to February 1712 kept by the Rev. Tobias Gibbons " before he wentto Holand" (pp. 56 to 61) is followed two pages onby one from September 1706 to February 1713 kept by the Rev. John of Sagunto Henegan, while some eight pages further is another collection of marriages " by Mr Gibbons after his arrivall from Holand, " and, as the inscription naïvely claims, here inserted togather, to avoid confusion, " and this last collection, from July 1716 to March 1724 , comes after a series of entries from 1713 to 1723. "

Another difficulty that confronts the searcher is presented by the impossible spellings of the patronymics These are accounted for by the widespread illiteracy of the time, but to an equal extent perhaps by the unfamiliarity of priests offoreign extraction, or even of English-born priests trained abroad, with British and Irish nomenclature and the difficulty experienced by them in interpreting the slovenly utterance of family names. Some attempt has been made to remedy this defect by indexing the most commonly accepted form of the patronymic and referring the searcher to the various mutilations of it duly recorded in the Index . It has not been possible to do this as exhaustivelyas the writer would have wished, and some of the spellings have been found to baffle all attempts at guessing what they stand for.


In a

On the other handthese registers supplyvaluable information beyond the essential biographical and genealogical purposesthey are meant to serve. Thus in Vol xix ofthe C.R.S. publications , in a paper on " TheCatholic Registers of the Church at Lincoln's Inn Fields," referringto the disastrous fire there on November 30 , 1759 , we read (p. 207): " We are told that 'it consumed all the linen, sacred vessels, books ofplain-chant, and manyotherthings belonging to the chapel. ' Nothing is said about the valuable registers, but a careful analysis of those which follow shows that they also must have perished. " Only thirteen months later the Portuguese Registers supply incontrovertible proof that the Sardinian Chapel registers were lost on that occasion. declaration on oath recorded by the Rev. F. Blyth, Senior Chaplain, the deponent states that " le Livre de Batisteres où le sudit Batême étoit enregitré a été malheureusement brulé dans la fatale incendie, qui, avenant le 30me de Novembre 1759 détruisit entierement la Chapelle de Sardaigne en cette même Ville de Londres dans laquelle Chapelle le dit Livre se gardoit." This contemporaneous evidence bears date January5, 1761, and would certainly not have beenrecorded by Father Blyth, who must have been cognisant of all the facts embodied in the attestation, unless they were accurately set forth (see p 54, entry 5576)

In the same C.R.S. Vol XIX is a paper on " Six Catholic Marriage Registers kept by the Rev. Joseph Alexius Smallwood, O.S.F.,in London (?), 1730-50 " (pp 174-176) In an Introductory Note the contributor remarks:


" The register presents one or two peculiarities In the first place, the entries , with the exception of the last one , were not written on the paper belonging to the book, but on slips of paper which have been pasted in Again, the witnesses to the marriages appended their own signatures. In the cases ofCantrill's Register, Baker's Register, and the Lincoln's Inn Fields Registers , which are published in this C.R.S. volume, the names of witnesses and Godparents were generally incorporated in the entries made by the priestswho kept them , andwerenot their signatures On this accountSmallwood's Register is a much more valuable record than the otherscertainly from the point of view of legal evidence ; and it may be that Smallwood signed himself by his baptismal name instead of by his name in religion (which is another peculiarity for a private register), because ofthe importance, in this case , of observing legal formalities "

On reference to the Appendix it will be found that the Rev. Joseph Smallwood, Récollet, was appointed a chaplain to the Portuguese Embassy on the 6th of April 1726, became senior chaplain on the 16th of December 1741 , and died on the 22ndof May 1756, being succeeded by the Rev. Francis Blyth During the thirty years of his ministry there he officiated, according to the registers,at thirteen marriages, his memorandum slips offour of which are among the six included in the register in C.R.S. Vol XIX. As regards the Rev. John Cantrill, Récollet, his name occurs in the list of non-resident unbeneficed priests ministering at the Portuguese Embassy Chapel, and a few lines lower down we read " Monsieur Jean Cantrill a quitté la Chappelledecedé . "


No dates are given, but there are three entries of marriages attributed to him The first is that of Henry Francis Widdrington and Anne Gatenby, Jan. 27, 1734; another that of Thomas Harrison and Deborah Cowley, Jan. 29, 1748, these being true copies vouched for by Joseph Smallwood Apart from slight discrepancies in the spelling of names these entries correspond with those in Vol XIX; but as regards the third marriage, that of William Keetin and Eleanore Woode, July 14 , 1744 , while the entry in Vol XIX occupies only two lines, it takes up no less than fifteen in the Embassy register, owingto the addition of valuable biographical data; and this version is signed " Bruno Cantrill " and is in his handwriting

Much doubt and misconception in dealing with registers kept in Penal timeswill beavoided iftheroutine habitualin those days is borne in mind. In order to protect persons availingthemselves of the facilities afforded by the Embassy chapels for marriage, and likewise for the protection of priests who, while not chaplains to an embassy, made use of its chapel, all of whom were liable to severe penalties, the registers were kept in safetyin the legation; the officiating priest made a note of the marriage , and the parties concerned signed it accordingly , or, if unable to write, marked it with a cross ; this slip was later handed to the clerkat the Embassy and by him entered in the register The very characterofthese entries, too often slavishlycopied by a more or less incompetent clerk with all their imperfections , not omitting the crosses , shows that this must have been the usual course in practice What eventually was supposed to become of these slipsit is impossible to say: probably they were meant to be destroyed. At any rate, as from March 25, 1754 , when the Hardwicke Act 1753 came into operation, such marriage slips lost all legal value , as thenceforth no marriage would be valid that was not celebrated in the Parish Church

A private register kept by the Rev. Louis Deleau has been included in this volume . This priest, a Récollet, as will be seen from the Appendix, was appointed a chaplain to the Embassy in January 1727 and left it on the 16th of April 1749. Of the eighty-eight marriages recorded in it, all celebrated within that period, seventy-four do not appear in the Embassy Chapel Registers

Besides the Registers of Marriages and Baptisms the Portuguese Embassy possesses a volume of Inventoriesrelating to the South Street Chapel In a list of Chapels in and near London which, after the Catholic ReliefAct of 1791, The Laity's Directory ventured for the first time to publish in its issue for 1793 wefind " Portuguese Chapel, South Street, South Audley Street, Grosvenor Square " This has almost invariably been taken to mean that the chapel was situated at the corner of these two streets , and as they bisect the enquirer was left guessing as to which was the most likely site As late as 1926 Rottman wrote:


" A Portuguese chapel is said to have existed close to Farm Street , previous tothe foundationof FarmStreet Church,atthejunction of South Street and SouthAudley Street, but the spotis difficult to trace. "* The late Mgr. Ward says that " The chapel itself was on the first floor, over the stables." It is impossible to reconcile this statement with the specifications given below , except on the assumption that it applied to an old building, possibly on part of the same site, occupied by the legation in the interval between the removal from Warwick Street and the erection of the new chapel and embassy in South Street ; or, if street nomenclature, not always a safe guide, may be relied on in this instance , the temporary building may have been located in Portugal Street, a short thoroughfare leading off the north side of South Street a few yards west of the corner of SouthAudley Street, and long since built over.

Eighteenth-century Plans of London, such as John Rocque's (1741-45) and R. Horwood's (1792), place the matter beyond doubt. The latter actually shows the lay-out of the buildings, the chapel occupying the site of the present Royal Egyptian Consulate and the private house No. 26 adjoining, the embassy, attached, being on the ground of the sunken domestic offices beyond, with a frontage to SouthStreet There is great diversity of opinion among writers on the subject as to the date of the removalto SouthStreet. A notice in Portuguese on the first leaf ofthis volumeof Inventories, signed by His Excellency Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello, to the effect that the book is for use in the vestry of the chapel, is dated the 30th of October 1739 , and among the books listed in the 1757 Inventory are " Un Regitre de Batêmes, et autre de Mariages, commençant tous deux de l'Année 1740 , in Folio. Un Troisième de Tems plus reculés. in Semifolio . " Moreover, the pertinent section of Rocque's Plan bears date 1742. It seems safe to conclude, therefore, that the Chapel was opened early in 1740, the first entry of a baptism being dated June 19 and of a marriage July 5 in that year.

With the exception of the aforesaid notice in Portuguese, the whole of the contents of this volume are in French. The first inventory is headed " Etat de la Chapelle de Sa Majesté le Roi de Portugal à Londres, lorsque Son Excellence Monsieur d'Azevodo a été remplacé par moy Sebastien Joseph de Carvalho é Mello le quinze Septembre Mil Sept cent trente neuf. " This is followed on leaf 41 by an " Inventaire de ce qui a été fait pour la Chapelle depuis le tems de Son Excellence Monseig Antonio Freyre De Andrade Enserrabodes Mil Sept cent quarante huit"; on leaf 42 by an Inventaire de ce qui a été fait pour la Chapelle "

*Alexander Rottman, London CatholicChurches: a Historical & Artistic Record (1926), p 69

Bernard Ward, The Dawn of the Catholic Revival in England, 17811803 (1909), p. 24

These are Vols C and D.


depuis le tems de Son Excellence Monseigr Fidalgo da Silveira Mil Sept-cent cinquante " ; on the back of the same leaf by an " Inventaire de ce qui a été fait pour la Chapelle par Son Excellence Monsieur de Mello "; and on leaf 43 by an " Inventaire de ce qui a été fait pour la Chapelle par Son Excce Mons" de Sà" Leaves 56 to 70 incl contain the matter reproduced in the Appendix (pp. 170 to 172) Leaves 71 to 79 are blank, but leaves 80 to 90 incl containthe " Inventaire Des Meubles et Ornemens actuellement appartenants à la Chapelle de Portugal à Londres. Nouvellement Fait A Londres sur le Lieu ce 1er Juin 1757." This last section is vouched for by " F. Blyth, Chapelain Major de la dite Chapelle, " the original inventory bearing the signature of Jno Hardcastle "

The greater part of the contents of this volume are of no present interest, but the following particulars , culled from the 1757 Inventory, are noteworthy. Of first importance are the entries which enable one to form a fair idea of the Chapel itself The entry " Vingt Paires de Rideaux . ... pour les vingt Fenetres de la Chapelle" points to an upper and lower row offive on each side of the building, on account of the galleries. There was a lower and an upper sacristy, a " Tribune de la Noblesse curtained off; the public gallery on the Epistle side contained two confessionals, that on the Gospel side one, and there were five more in the body of the chapel In the choir a large painting of Christ Crucified served as an altarpiece ; here also was " Une grande Orgue d'Eglise parfaite avec toutes ses Appartenances interieures . " There is no indication of where the pulpit stood , althoughone is mentioned in M. de Sà's inventory Two curious items are " Deux Verres à l'Eau avec leurs Couverts et souscoupes; l'une pour les Ablutions à l'Autel ; l'autre pourle Service des Communians," showing that the practice of giving communicants a draught of water after partaking of the Sacrament was in vogue at the time, if not in England, at any ratein Portugal; and " Trois Perruques pour les 3 Enfans de Choeur servants à l'Autel. " At the foot of the chapel muted doors opened onto an ample porch, lighted at either end by a lower and upper window , from which stairs led up to the public galleries Theseparticulars regarding the porch will not be found in the Inventory, but if the reader will pay a visit to Grosvenor Chapel in SouthAudley Street, erected in 1730, he cannot help but be struck by the close similarity in design of the two chapels, which one may suppose were the work of one and the same architect and built to the samespecifications, with the exception that Grosvenor Chapel has only one vestry and that the organ is in a loft at thefootofthe building.

Access to the Portuguese Embassy Chapel was, as shown in Horwood's Plan of London, from an open court at the west end of the site, which has now been built over This arrangement served a double purpose in that it allowed of the true orientation


of the chapel, and at the same time afforded some slight protection from the attentions of the mob. As a matter of fact, the Chapel escaped attack duringthe Gordon Riots. That the danger of disturbance or attack was ever present to the minds of those in charge of Catholic places of worshipmay be gathered from the very precise instructions laid down by M. de Carvalho e Mello at the beginning of the volume:"CeluideMrs les Chapelains qui dira la premiere messea l'ouverture dela Chapelleresterajusqu'a la fin de la Seconde le second jusqu'a la fin de la Troisieme, et ainsi Successivement l'un après l'autre, jusqu'a la derniere et que la Chapelle soit fermée ; afin que s'il arrivoit quelque Scandal où desordre Le Portier puisse sur le Champen donner avis a celui qui Sera de garde; Lequel s'informera d'abord par lui même du Cas, et S'y conduira comme Sa prudencelui dictera, et aura grand Soin d'empecher les injures que le Portier se croiten droit de dire, et plus encore qu'il ne batte personne. S'il se trouve que ce soit un Catolique qui soit dans son tort, il lui fera une remontrance, et si son opiniatreté continue, il le fera sortir; Si c'est unProtestant, ou personne d'autre Religion, qui s'avise de commettre quelques Irreverencesdans la Chapelle, où de dire des injures aux Catoliques , sans leur dire la moindre parolle ni souffrir qu'ils soyent injuriés, et encore moins maltraitez , Il fera sur le champ fermer la porte de la Chapelle , et en viendra dans l'instant faire son rapport a Moy pour pourvoir à la reparation de l'injure"

Of the facilities afforded to Catholics for the practice oftheir religion we find ample indication in the first inventory. Mass and Vespers were to be sung on all Sundays, and on nineteen other days, a list ofwhichis given, but there was to be no High Mass on Christmas Day. Vespers were to be chanted on all Sundays and Feasts of Obligation. During Lent Compline was to be chanted everyWednesday at four o'clock, and the whole ofthe HolyWeek services were to be solemnly sung and conducted in accordance with the Rubrics From the 25th of March to the 29th of September the first Mass was to be said at six o'clock, and from the 29th of September to the 25th of March at seven o'clock; five other Masses were to be said between this and 11 a.m., when High Mass was to be celebrated, after which there was to be a last Mass at 12.30, or on weekdays at 12. As already stated , eight confessionals were provided for the convenience of penitents Whether this elaborate programme of services was in operation before the removalfrom Warwick Street is not known , but as it is dated October 30, 1739, it is not unreasonableto assume thatit remained in force throughout the Embassy's tenure ofthe South Street premises

Any Member sufficiently interested to wish to consult this volume of Inventoriesfor further detail will find a faithful transcript of it in the archives of the Society


THE Council of the Catholic Record Society wish to acknowledge their obligation to Professor EDGAR PRESTAGE for obtaining from the Portuguese Government permission for the Society to


publish these Registers; they also thank the SECRETARIATof the Portuguese Embassy for the facilities afforded for theirtranscription. The Editor, too, is indebted to the Very Rev. R. HUGH CONNOLLY , O.S.B., for considerable help in elucidatingthe history of the Benedictine chaplains attached to Queen Catherine


Page 70, Entry 711, add [See Entry 740 below.]

33 71, "3

27 94, 97, دو " "

723, add [See Entry 743 below ]

115, add [See C.R.S. xix, p 171.] 136, add [See C.R.S. xix, p 175.]


(Reprinted from The Catholic Miscellany , Vol II , February and March 1823.)


AN ESTABLISHMENT of ordinary wages, fees, allowances and pensions, yearly allowed by us unto our officers and servants of our revenue , viz from the feast of St. Michaelthe Archangell, in the yeare ofour Lord, 1671 , unto the feast of St. Michaelthe Archangell, in theyeare of our Lord, 1672, that is to say, for the space of one whole yeare.

Tothe Ld. Visct. Cornbury, our Ld Chamberlainfor the yr. afsd .

To Sir W. Killigrew, Knt our Vice Chamberlainforthe same

ToyearRalph Mountague, Esq. Master of our Horse, for the same time

To Sir Richard Bellings, Knt principal Secretary, and Master of our Requests, for the same time More for paper, books, and other necessaries, for the same time


To Sir Hugh Cholmondley, Bart. George Porter, jun. John Hall, Alexander Stanhope, and Francis Roper, Esqrs. each


To Sir N. Stanning, Knt of the Bath, and Henry Guy, Esq. each


26 13 4 3000 3368

To Sir Gabriel de Sylvine, Knt. and Sir John Elwes , Knt. each 3368


To Sir Charles Windham, Knt and John Griffith, Esq each 3368


To Messrs. Edward Wood, David Mead, Charles Rogers , George Slaughter, and William Stanhope, each 2000


To Messrs Thomas Chiffinch, John Every, Edward Wingfield, John Quinn, Anthony Pane , John Walthen, Jerome Gehors, Andrew Gallwey, and Charles de la Guard, each


To Messrs James Bagnall, John Maxfield, Thomas Pegge , William Towers, John Richards, and ThomasWhitgreave, each

APOTHECARY .To Mr. William Rosewell

More in consideration of his bills

CHIRURGEON .To Mr. Alexander Boscher

More in consideration of his bills


To Messrs . Henry Picott, Richard Stevens , John Forbes, James Rooke, William Clarke, and Richard Stevens, jun. cach



To Messrs Hugh Smith , Robert Hillar, James Moody, and Hugh Jones , each


To Mr. Jonas Milward , Surveyor

More for his livery, and all other claims formerly issuing out of the Robes

To Sir Christopher Musgrave, Knt Clarke

More due to him in lieu of his claims issuingout oftherobes

To William Hemington, Yeoman

More in lieu of his claims issuing out of the robes

To the said William Hemington, Groom

To Richard Twine , page

More in lieu of his claims out of the robes

To Matthew Driffe, Taylour

To the said Matthew Driffe, as brusher

More in lieu of his claims out of the robes


To Lewis Rocke, our Taylor, for his fee at 2s per diem , which is for the same time

More to him in lieu of his claims

To Thorpe Groome, our Shoemaker , for his fee at 2s per diem , for the same time


To Henry Norris, John Robinson, Simon Menselle , John Maxwell, Richard Elton, Henry Carter, ThomasWithersden, William Low, George Goldsborow, John Hall, and John Banning, each


To Robert Hill, Master of our Barge

To Edward Dammaris, Henry Gill, Thomas Hone , George Axe, James Sackes, Francis Charleton, William Church , George Ellis, Thomas Howard, Thomas Gardiner , George Thorpe, George Patricke, Thomas Odson , John Bernard, Edward Hatfield , Thomas Jeane, John Geetar, John Scott , Henry Biggs, William Perkins, John Parrott, Ivett George, Philip Saywell, and Daniel Dammaris , each


To the Countess of Suffolke

More for her livery and all other her claims, formerly issuing out of the robes


To Mrs. Charlotte Killigrew


To Mesdames Henrietta Maria Price, Winifred Wells, Louisa de Querouaille, Margaret Blagg, Dorothy Howard , and Sophia Stuart, each


To the Lady Sanderson

To the Lady Scroop CHAMBER

More for her livery, formerly issuing out of the robes

To the Lady Killigrew, the Lady Fraser, Mrs. Thornhill, the Lady Clinton, Mrs. Henrietta Desbordes , Mrs. Henrietta Orby, and Mrs. Lelis Cranmer, each



To Mrs.Elizabeth Nunn,for herselfand three LaundryMaids

More for her livery, formerly issuing out of the robes

STARCHER .To Mrs. Elizabeth Nunn, for her wages and bills

SEMPSTRESS .To Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott


To Father Philip Howard, our great almoner

More for his table

To Father Anthony Fernandez , our confessor, for himself and his companion

To Bishop Russel, Father Patrick , Father Manoel Perreira, Father Paul d'Almeide, almoners , each

To Dr. Thomas Godden , preacher and treasurer of our chapel

To Father Christopherdel Rosario, and Father Hugh Collano , preachers, each

To the Syndick of our Fathers Arabadoes , to be spent for them in 'the manner we have commanded

To Father Gregory Stapleton, Father George Touchèt, Father John Huddlestone, Father Lyonel Sheldon , Father Henry Latham, and Father John Adelham, each

To Mr. Bennet Hankinson, one of the lay brothers who serve our Father Benedictines , and Mr. Thomas Pickering, do. each

To Matthew Locke , our organist

To Francis Bridges , who playeth on the violin

To Timothy Faria als Tiple

To Manoel Dias, one of the clerks of our chapel

To Mr. Clement Rocke , for four boys of the chapel, at 40% each

To Thomas Dod, Sacristanof our oratoryat Whitehall

To Dr. Thomas Goddens, treasurer of our chapel , for lights, and all other necessaries for our chapel at St. James's

To Father Philip Howard, our great almoner, for necessaries for our oratory at Whitehall


To the Countess of Penalva

To Mary Retz, baker

To Dr. Bras Nuns Manana, physician

To Father Huddleston, one of the English Benedictines

To William Lord Viscount Brownlow

To William Erule [? Ernle], yeoman of the wine cellar

To Joan the dairy-woman

To Michael Lourero, our cook, at 4s per diem , which is

To Sebastian Barrossa , who helpeth in our kitchen , at 3s per diem

To Mrs. Elizabeth Nunn, our Starcher

To Robert Hill, Master of our barge

To Mr. William Sanders

To Father Lyonel Sheldon

To Mr. Norton

To Maria Nunnel

To Joen Baptista

*A footnote in The CatholicMiscellany says : " Of the Society of Jesus; he died in England, 23rd ofApril, 1674. His companionwas John Fernandez , a lay brother , and particularlyskilled in medicine . " President of the English College, Lisbon; cons Sept. 27, 1671

True name Telden; d Dec. 1688



To Denzill Lord Holles, high steward of our revenues

To William, Lord Viscount Brounlow , chancellor and keeper of our great seals

To John Hervey, Esq our treasurer and receiver-general

To John Hall, Esq our surveyor-general

To William Mountague, Esq. our attorney-general

To Sir Robert Atkyns, Knt. oftheBath, our solicitor-general

To Harold Kinnesman, Esq our auditor-general

To Sir Frederick Hyde, Knt our serjeant at law

To Richard Marryott, Esq clerk of our council, and register of our court of chancery

More for keeping of our register of our court of chancery

More to him for papers, books, pens, &c

To Richard Rose, keeper of our council chambers

To Samuel Flemyng, one of the messengers of our revenues

To our treasurer and receiver-general, for books , paper, ink, &c

To our auditor, for paper, parchment, pens, &c

To our treasurer's clerk, for his wages



Our will and pleasure is , that all the aforesaid fees, wages, pensions, and other allowances contained in this our establishment , shall be paid quarterly or half yearly as they grow due, out of our revenue and receipts, by our treasurer-general And whereas we shall have occasion, from time to time, to give rewards and gifts (as we shall see cause) unto divers persons. These are further to require our said treasurer, that he pay, or cause to be paid, such several gifts and rewards unto any person or persons as we shall command him , or signify our pleasure unto him, by our officers or servants ; the sum not exceeding in any one particular the sum of twenty crowns , being six pounds English, and all such bills for grooms, messengers, watermen and others, as shall be signed by our chamberlain or vice-chamberlain, as in the like casewas used in the time of queen Anne, and the queen mother. And our said treasurer, certifying the same under his hand-writing to our auditor, shall be a sufficient warrant to our said auditor, to give allowance thereof, upon our said treasurer's accompt. By her Majesty's command .




Volume A, half-bound, has the following lettering in even capitals on the back: -

A | Regist : Matrim : | Capelle Regi : | Lusit: Brit: &c. | 16621762 | Vol I. and, reversing the volume ,

A Regist : Matrim : | Capella Legat: | R: Portug: | 1700-1740

The binding overlaps the leaves by inch, the latter measuring 16 x 6 inches The entries of the first portion occupy 135 pages, and are made within a red ink frame as far as p 106 incl The pages are numbered and bear at the head a monogramcomposed of the letters FB interwoven, these being the initials of FrancisBlyth, who describes himselfin Entry 557 as " First Chaplainof his Excellencythe Portugal Embassador's Chapel in London'

On the inside of the cover is the following notice: -

AThis Collection consists of eight half-bound volumesrespectively noted as A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.

The Registers of one kind or other contained in themcommence with the year 1662 & extend to the year 1829 (when South Street chapelwas closed) with a few additional ones of a more recent date .

The Volume marked A contains two distinct matrimonial registers

These Registers, consigned to the custody of the Revd John Jones, and for their better preservation rebound at his cost , are by him deposited in the Royal Bavarian Chapel, where they may , at all convenient times, be examined, on payment to the clerkof one shilling, and ifa certificate be required, another shilling& sixpence additional. [Signed] JOHN JONES , Miss : Aps

The first leaf is blank, but on the verso is affixed an engravingof the Royal Arms of Portugal, " Engrd by Evans & Webb, New Bond St."

The title-page, which follows, bears the following inscription: - VETUS VOLUMEN NUPTIALE bina facie complectensduplicem memorialem librum omnium utriusque sexûs virorum atque mulierum qui secundum Romano-Catholicæ Ecclesiæ Sacros Ritus Scto Legitimo Matrimonio (per ejusdemSacro-sanctæ Ecclesiæ appro- batos Ministros Londinensi Lusitaniæ Sacello suis comparate




temporibus addictos) conjuncti fuerunt, ab anno MDCLXII ad hujus seculi penè medium Vol A , Prima Facies, Ubi collecta invenienturConjugatorum Nomina, qui in Lusitano-Britannica Majestatis Augustissimæ Catharinæ Reginæ regio (propriaintra aulam) Sacello compulati sunt: Necnon aliorum complurium, qui, eo sublato, in Legatariis postmodùm Sacellis Clariss. Lusitanæ Coronæ Oratorum, Nuptias inierunt; eo ordine eâquecollocatione fidè perscripta, ùt rerum atquè temporum perversitas tulit : Adjectà unicuique Paginæ hâc [ ]* peculiarifirmioris fidei Notà Cui, in majus Quærentium Commodum, additurRepertorium Conjugatorum omnium utriusq , sexûs, quorum Nomina in Prima isthac hujus Memorialis Voluminis Facieperscribuntur ; juxta alphabeticum Literæ ordinem, quâ unius eorum cujusque Cognomen incipit, dispositum. Londini. Anno MDCCLXIV

The back of the title-page is blank.




1. In Octobr 1662. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Anthony ffrancober and SusaneyCole by me George Touchet in the presence of Hankinson and others

2. July the 27th 1663. Gabriell Hendrix (Hendrick) and Margaret Percy were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock according to the Solemn rites of the Church by Lionell Sheldon.

3. August the 13, 1663. Richard Olidon and Dorothy Little were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock according to the Solemn rites of the Church by Lionell Sheldon.

4. May the 10th 1664. Cuthbert Crooke and Mary Bridgeans (Margt Bridgens) were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock according tothe rites of oº holy Mother the Church by me Gregory Stapylton, and in the presence of Edmond Streatfeild , ffrances Streatfield , James Burne

5. Maythe24th1664. Hugh Hurstand Eliz: Bidle were Joyned in lawfull Marriage according to the rites of o holy Mother the Church by me John Huddleston, in the p'sence of Tho. Churchill, Tho. Myddlemore, John Whittington, ff. Aydin. [2]

6. May ye 26th 1664. In the Queens Chappell att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Daniel Kiffe and Lettice Killen byme Lyonell Keldon [sic] in the presence ofMr Walter Junesand MrAlban ffrances, and Susanna Tyers in witness whereofthey haue here Sett their handsDaniell Kiffe, x ye marke of Lettice Kellen, Walter Junes, SusannaTyers [above Tyers is written Tisgry]

7. Junethe 9th 1664. In her Maties Chappell Royallat St James London were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Samuel Tuke ofLayremarney Knt and Barrot, and Mary Gilford of Hempsteed Kent by the Right Honble the Ld Aubigny ye Queens Great Almnerin presence of Thomas Bodenam and Thomas Tomson in Witness whereof they * These brackets contain the monogram described on previous page


haue here Sett their handsSamuel Tuke, Mary Guldford, Ludorice Sheart Aubigry [sic], Tho: Bodenam, Thomas Tomson

8. June the 22th 1664. In her Matles Chappell Royall at St James London were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Marus de Britto and Josepha da Incarnation (da Incarnaçao), Natiues of Portugall, by the Right Honble the Ld Aubignythe Queens Great Almner in p'sence of Dom Thom' die Millde, Paulo dAlmeida Merval Pra.Ludouicus Stuart Aubigny, Marcus de Britto, Josepha da encarnaçao [3]

9. June the 25th 1664. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James London were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Henry Molyns and Catherine Rivers Widw by me John ffidden in the presence of John Mason and Elizabeth Berridge in Witnesse whereof they haue here Sett their hands, John ffidden, Hen: Molyns, Katherin In the Presence of John Mason, Eliz: Berridge

10. July 1st 1664. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Edward Stopart and Issabell Peters by me John Adelham in the presence of Wm Liechfeild and Ann Bomer in Wittness whereof they haue here Sett their hands John Adelham In presence of Edward Stopart , Isabel x Stopart , The marke x of Wm Lichfeild, Ann Bomer .

11. September 1 , 1664. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James London were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Thomas Derby and Jane Mayle by me John Huddleston in the presence of Abraham Kichland, Ann Powell and others In witness whereof they haue Sett their hands. John Huddleston.Parties marryed, Thomas Derby, Jane Darby.Abraham Kickland, Ann Powell [4] 12. September 19th 1664. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James London were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Thomas Jackson and Catherine Price by me John Huddleston in the presence of Edward Cuppledick and Tho Stokes and others In wittness whereof they haue sett theirhands. Jno HuddlestonWitnesses , Ed: Coupledick, Thomas Stokes his x marke.

13. October 5th 1664. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James London were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Tho Whiting (Whitnig) and Mary Farr by me John Huddleston in the presence of Richard Norgroue, ffrancis Purser and others In wittness whereof they haue sett their hands John HuddlestonParties married, Tho: Whiting, Mary Farr her x. In the presenceof Rich: Norgroue mark x, Francis Purser his mark X.

14. October ye 24, 1664. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James London were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Henry Dankers of the Hague in Holland and Theodosia Hugh's (Hughes) of Stafford-shire by me Lyonell Sheldon in the presence of John Dankers and John bag: Fenelli .Hend Dankers, x ye Marke of Theodosia Hughes.Witnesses, John Dankers, jn Cutt Powell. [5] 15. January 8th 166. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James London were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock Henry Luinand Mary Howmes by me John Huddleston In the Presence of Teague


Poor, Alice Poor, Catherine Luin and others .x Teague Poor his mark, Alice Poor her x mark, Catherine Luin her x Mark.

16. January 12th 166. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James London were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock John Temkyз and [Mary Luin altered to] Martha Pym in the presence of Thomas Weaver, Wm Smith and divers others by me John Huddleston.Wittnesses, Tho Wearmer, WmSmith.

17. January 15th [16]6 .

In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Joseph White and Elizabeth Browne (Brownne) in the presence of ffrancis Purser and Mary Perry & others by John HuddlestonWittnesses, ffrancis Purser x his Mark, Mary Pery.

18. January 30th [16]65 . In her Matis Chappell Royall at Saint James Londonwere Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Jno Baily (Bailey) and Alice Newman in the presence of Thomas Brokeand James Tatton and others by me Geo: Tuchett .John Baily, Alice Newman.Wittnesses, Tho Brooke, James Tatton. [6] 19. Aprill 2, [16]65 In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James London were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock Ludovicus Grabeu of Shalon in Catalunnia and Catherine Deluss of Paris in the presence of Edwd Coupledick, Marya Swiney and others by me Geo: Tuchett .L. Grabu, Catherine de Loes .Wittnesses, Ed. Coupledick, Morgan Swyny.

20. June 19, [16]65. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint James London were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage Stephane (Stephen) Morrow, and Grace Adisson (Addison) in the presence of Morgan Swinny and ffrancis Roocke and others by me Geo Tuchett . Stephen x Morrow, Grace Addisson .Wittnesses, Morgan Swynye, ffrancis Rootes

21. July 2d 1665. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint James London were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Richard Wales and Margery Perkinsons (Margt Perkinson) in the presence of John Blackemore, Mary Blackemore, John Fidden and others by me Wm Collins .Wittnesses, John Blackemore, Mary Blackemore .

22. July 2d 1665. In her Matis Chappell Royall att Saint James London were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Edward [Rodds altered to] Rolls (Henry Rolls) and Mary Poole in the presence of John Rugnett, Edwd Eyston and diuers others by me John Huddleston . Wittnesses, John Raynett, Edwd Eyston [7] 23. August 7th 1665. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint James London, were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Antonie Bowlenger & Mary Bowtton in the presence of Antony Brunateand Panadsca ob collos and diuers others by me James Arthur.Wittnesses, Antonio Branati, The Mark of x Francisca de Collos, George Meagħ

24. Septemb 14th 1665. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint James London were Joyned in Lawfull WedlockLuis(Lewis) Arnaul and ElizabethGerbier in the p'sence of ffrancis Aydon and Edwd Coupledick and others byme John Huddleston .Wittnesses , ffrancis Aydon, Edwd Coupledick.

25. 7b 18 , 1665. In her Mattes Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawful Wedlock Thomas Mills of Sumersett Shire and Mary La ffourtuine (La Fortune) a ffrench woman in the p'sence of these vnder written G. Stapylton.Wittnesses, ffaith Hathersudg, John Potts, Geo Momenilles, Edwd Copledicke.

26. Octob' 3d 1665. In her Matles Chappell Royall at Saint James were Joyned in Lawful Wedlock Jane Cramlo (Crumlo) and ffrancis Banks in the presence of thesevnder. Jno Adelham.Wittnesses , Edwd Coupledicke, Issabell Morbatt [8] 27. Novemb 2d 1665. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage Tho Luuemson (Lunecusson) be poole in Lancashire & ffaith Nathesme borne in St Giles London in presence ofthese vnder written by meG. StapyltonWittnesses , Wm Badham, John Pottes, Tho: Cockerill .

28. Novemb 21th 1665. In her Mattes Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage William Wray of the County of Durham and Mary Bewman of Barwickin presence ofthese vnder written Wittnesses Jno Adelham.Wm Robotham, Tho: Pickering.

29. January the 6th 166. In her Mattes Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock John [Hales altered to] Han's (Hanns) and Mary Woodward in the presence of these vnder Wittnesses by me Geo: Tuchett .Robert Power, Anna Gittins.

30. Janry 16, 1665. In her MatlesChappell Royallwere Joyned in Lawfull Marriage ffrdrem (Frdem) Burtin de Paris en france and Joan (Joanna) Cotty of Antwerpa in the presence of Edwd Copledicke, Mary Weldon, by me G. Stapylton.

31. January the 19th 166g. In her Mattes Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull WedlockJohn Janton and Sarah Pondeda in the presence of these vnder wittnesses by me Jam : Arthur.— Edwd Copledicke, Hen: Quin. [9] 32 ...... 166 In her Majesties Chappell Royall at Saint James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Thomas Leuesbyof London & Ann [blank] at Glocester here by me G Stapyltonin the p'sence of Doltons Willm x marke, Edwd Copledick.

33. ffebry7th166. In her Maties RoyallChappell wereJoyned in Lawfull WedlockWilliam Pagett (Paget ) and Mary Brandlyin the presence of the vnder Wittnesses by me Jam Arthur .Edwd Wivell, Elizabeth Shadd

34. ffebruary 14th 166g In St James were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage Hen de Lunne (Henry De Lunne) at Paris in france and Mary Loadnucat also Paris in france in the presence of James Burne, Tho Stoakes x his Marke By me G. Stapylton

35. Aprill 18th 1666. In her Maties Chappell att St James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Thomas Tertin and Margery (Margt) Tomsonin presence ofthevnderwittnesses by me JnoAdelham.Edwd Copledick, Lep" Verny.

36. Aprill 23th 1666. In her Maties Chappell att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Nicholay (Nicolas) Hussy and

Margery (Margt) Dew in p'senceofthevnd wittnesses by me John Adelham .William Yando, James Parents [10] 37. The 25th ofAprill 1666. In her Majesties Royall Chappell were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock John ffox and Elizabeth Pee in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me JamesArthur.Antony Bays, ffrcafaguen

38. The 28th of Aprill 1666. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint James were Joyned together in Lawfull Wedlock Martin Newstreet & Rebecca [blank] in the presence of Edwd Wivell, Seay ffelix, by me John Adelham.

39. The 1st of May 1666. In her Maties Chappell att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull WedlockJohn Dechinoy and Mary Hugganes in the Presence of thes vnder written by me Geo. Tuchett .Peter x Wright his mark, Elizabeth x Battersbe her marke .

40. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock John [blank] of Northampton Towne and Elenor B[blank] of Gloster Shire by me Grwg: Stap.Clauo:

41. The 16th of June 1666. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock George Noris (Norris) and Susann Noris (Norris ) in the presence ofthevnderWittnesses by me James Arthur . John Harford, Brigett Clancy. [11] 42. September the 10th1666. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Peter Tomkinson and Elizabeth Clothier inye presence ofthevnderwittnesses by me Geo: Tuchett -John Badger, Morgan Swynye.

43. Septemb 24th 1666. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Wm Clare and Mary Trumper in the p'sence of the vnder written wittnesses by me Hen Latham.Thelton Naper, Martin x newstreet his Marke, Arabecca Newstreet x her marke.

44. October the 6th 1666. In her Matles Royall Chappell were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Daniell McCarty and Catherine Barry in the p'sence of the vnder Wittnesses by me James Arthur.John Grady, SusanneMichell.

45. Octob 28th 1666. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock John Orange of Blakemore in Essex and Dorothy Carpenter in the presence of these vnderwritten by me G. Stapylton.Bennett Hankinson , John Muttelbery, James Burne [12] 46. November ye 13th 1666. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James were Joyned in Lawfull marriage Petrus Greind of Dunkerke and Catherin Bwume also of Dumker in the presence of the vnder written by me G. StapyltonPicnebichers, ffrancis Aydon, Sam flores

47. November ye 14th 1666. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James was Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Nicholas Mullinax and Mary Harper in the presence of these vnder written by me Geo. Tuchett .ff Aydon, Morgan Swynye, Mary Harper.

48. 9ber the 15th1666. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint

James were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock John de Mouille and Susana Boncle in the presence of the vnderwittnesses by me Geo. Tuchett . Sam Mosley, Mary Trwing

49. Novemb the 27th 1666. In her Maties Royall Chappell St Jameswas Joyned inlawfullWedlockNicholas Colson(Coleton) and Margaret Adams in the presence of those vnder written by me James Arthur .Margarett Lee, Mary Smith, Will Saluin, Troth Vincent

50. Decemb ye 31th 1666. In her Maties Royall Chappell St James was Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Robt Grinam and Mary Borman inye presence ofthe vnder written by me JamesArthur.— Cornelivs his x marke Tooly, Daniell Hullam [13] 51. Jan. 21th 166. In her Maties Chappell Royall in St James were Joyned in Lawfull marriadge EdwardfarlyofSurrey neare Guilford and Barbara siddale of Hethersuch in Darby-Shire in the presence of the vnder written wittnesses, G. Stapylton.- Elizabeth Boirdon, Bennett Hankinson, Edwd Copledicke.

52. January the 22th 166. In her Maties Chappell Royall in St James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Richard Harney of St Gileses in the feilds and Mary Burne of the same in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me Geo Tuchett .Richard × Roges marke, John ffarford.

53. Febry 7th166. In her Maties Chappell Royallin StJames were Joyned in lawfull Marriadge Martin de hamellfrinwis et Mary Ango de Power in the p'sence of the vnder written wittnesses by me G. Stapylton.Antonie Dieus, Mary ffelix.

54. Febry19th 166. In her Matis Chappell Royall in St James were marriedJohn Cashran of the Countyof Clare in Ireland and Catherine Hoghan of Oxfordin the presence of the vnder written wittnesses by me G. Stapylton.Bennett Hankinson , Phillip Kennedy, James Burne. [14] 55. May the 9th 1667. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James were Joyned in Lawfull WedlockWilliam King and Margaret Anaus in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me Geo . Tuchett .Geeorge Loue, Morgan Swynye.

56. May27th . In her MatlesChappell Royall at St James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Chaud (Claude) Minton of Paris and Mary Plowman of London in the presence of De choqueeux, Et. Aboseher, Inard ffoillards, by me G. Stapylton

57. July the 9th 1667. In her Maties Royall Chappell at Saint James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Geo. Moore ofthe County of Lymerick and ElizabethGenison in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me James Arthur.H. Howard of norfolk, Ann Genison, Ellis Leore, Z. Legge

58. August 18th [16]67 . In her Matles Royall Chappell at Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock Thomas Kimbes & Elizabeth Philipps in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me John Hudd .Bennett Hankinson, Edwd Copledicke. [15] 59. August the 20th 1667. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock GabriellLox,of


Covent Garden and Elizabeth Sweade of St Martins in the ffields by me G. Stapylton in the presence of Christopher Naper, George Bird

60. 7ber 4th 1667. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Robert Buckingham of Norfolke and Elizabeth Patison of Cumberland in the presence of Geo. Bager, ffrancis Aydon, by me G. Stapylton

61. 7ber 23th 1667. In her Maties Royall Chappell at St James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Wilhelmn's Pam'r Wrecht in Holland and Maria Vanderdrest of Haghe in the p'sence of the vnder wittnesses by me H. Reuall .Daniell Rainwick, Mathew Dirft, Katherine Drift.

62. Octob 3d 1667. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfullwedlock John Plunckett (Plunket) and Ellen Poore in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me James Arthur .Christ: Betagh, Jane Williams, Edwd Coupledicke [16] 63. October 15th1667. In her Maties Chapell at Saint James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Joseph Maud and Dorothy Knolls in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me Jo: Huddleston.Mary Mathyson, Edwd Coupledicke.

64. 8ber the 30th 1667. In her Mattes Chappell Royall were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Thomas Tenant and Magdalen Horne in the p'sence of the vnder wittnesses by me Geo : Tuchett.Anthony Horne, John x God his Mark, Morgan Swynye.

65. 9ber 19th 1667. In her Maties Chapell Royall [at Saint erased] were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock John Lynell and Jane Crumpton in the presence ofthe vnder Wittnesses, Geo: Tuchett.Tho Riddrife, John Limbry

66. 9ber 25th 1667. In her Mattes Chappell Royallwere Joyned in lawfull WedlockWilliam Syssimor (Syssimore) and Ellen Pope in the presence of the vnder wittnesses, James Arthur.Robert Sharmpe, MaryWeldon .

67. 9ber ye 16th. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Wm Townesend and Elizabeth [Dellon altered to] Dellin (Dellon) in ye p'sence of the vnd wittnesses, Jno Adelham .ffra: Lawrence, Ann Dillon. [17] 68. Xber The 10th 1667. In her Maties Chappell Royall [at S erased] were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock Wm Hay Earle of Kanoole & Catherine Cecill (Cecil) in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me Geo: TuchettEliz Lord, Patrick Hayes

69. January the 23th 1668. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in lawfullWedlock John Now and Christian Phillips (Christin Philips) in the p'sence of the vnder wittnesses by me James Arthur . ffrancis Aydon, Ellen Skelton.

70. January 23th 1668. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Wm Mouten and Catherine Huskin (Husk) in the presence of the vnder Wittnesses by me James Arthur .Robt Hughes, John Dethirk.

71. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull

wedlock Mortimer Roster Mosetrainoust et Margarita Kocksent (Kockshent) of Kent in the presence of Wittnesses by Fr Hyan Reuell .Gereit fenten, peter Swildens

72. ffeb. 3d 166. In her Maties Chappell att Saint James were Joyned together in lawfull wedlock Ralph Sindmoreand Joyce Kodroe in the p'sence of these vnder wittnesses, Jno Adelham.John Sindmore, ffrancis Aydon, John Limby. [18] 73. ffeb: 11th 166. Was Joyned in Matrimonie Peter Clanny and Hellen [Bodson altered to] Dodsonin her Maties Chappell att St James In the presence of these vnder written, by me John Adelham .Gar Castelh, Jacquos Maos

74. March 30th 1668. In her Maties Chappell att Saint James were Joyned together in lawfull wedlock Richard Aspinar and Mary Marsh in the presence of these vnder written, H: Latham.John Badger, Dorothy Turner.

75. Aprill the 2d 1668. In her Maties Chappell att SaintJames are Joyned together in lawfull wedlock Thomas Collins and Mary Tamer in the presence of these vnder written, Hyac: Revell.— John Toomer , Gilis Devoe

76. Aprillye 23d 1668. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned together in lawfull wedlock Augustin Cawaler of Brabbant and Mary [blank] of Yorke in the presenceof these vnderwritten, L. Sheldon .Pa Fraco Bridges, Magdalene Valleso.

77. May 17th 1668. In her Maties Chappell at Saint James were Joyned together in Lawfull marriage Greenhill Budly and ElizabethSoaterin the presence ofJohn Weadon, Ed. Copledick.H: Latham . [19]

78. May 28, 1668. In her Matles Chappell at Saint James were Joyned together in lawfull marriage Wm Borecroftand Ann Knell in the presence of the vnder written by me H: Latham.Hen. x Carter his marke, Eliz : Carter, Edw Copledick.

79. Novemb 25th 1668. In her Matles Chappell att Saint James were Joyned in lawfull marriage Emanuell Toogood and ffrances Vivian in the p'sence of the vnder written, John Huddleston . John Vivion, Tho: Stoakes his Marke X , DanielMorphi his Marke X.

80. July 5th 1668. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James London were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage Samuel Tukeof Laycemarney Knight Barronett, and Mary Sheldonof Stratton in the presence ofthe vnderwritten by me P. Howard ofNorfolke.Eliz: Legge, Geo Sheldon.

81. July ye 10th 1668. In her Mattes Royall Chappell att St James London were Joyned in lawfull marriage John Heab and Elizabeth Bready in presence of the vnder written wittnesses by me James Arthur .x Wm Chapman, Mary Brensly. [20] 82. July the 14th 1668. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James London were Joyned ffrances (Francis) East, andffrances Gewsin in Lawfull Marriage in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me James Arthur .H . Howard of Norfolke, Theodore Devava, Edmond Plowden, P. Hurghill

83. August ye 18th 1668. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock John Sullynatte and Thomason (Thomasine) Cooper in the presence of the vnderWittnesses by me James Arthur .James Gould, Hen White his x marke .

84. September 15th 1668. In her Maties Chappell att Saint James were Joyned in lawfull marriage Tho : Charlesworth and Elizabeth Halbert in the p'sence of the vnder wittnesses by me H: Latham .Tho: Charlesworth, Wm Edwards.

85. October the 1st 1668. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage John Jordan and Catherine Perfect in the p'sence of the vnder wittnesses by me James Arthur.Rich: Burke, Elizabeth Bathe. [21] 86. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull marriage David Hughes of Muds in Ireland and Ann Stansby of Susex , the 26. [sic] 1665 in the presence of Rich x Rogers his marke, Sara x Preston her marke, by me Jo. Stapylls [sic].

87. Octob° 14th [16]68. Mr Stephen Mordell marryed to Mrs Mary Evngarvill In the p'sence of Fra. Coffin, Tho Prince, Margt Celleir & others .Jo: Hudd.

88. Novemb ye 3d 1668 were Joyned in Lawfull marriage Jno Sadler of London Marcht and Eliz: Garard of St Gyles his Parish in the ffeilds in p'sence of the vnder written wittnesses by me Tho Godden .Wittnesses, Will Gerard, ffrances Garard, Ann Bradstreet

89. ffebry 1st 1668. In her Matles Royall Chappell weare Joyned in lawfull marriage John Lee and Mary Kidley in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me Jno ffidden .Dorothy ffreeman, Mathew × Hardin his Mark, Mathew Plombe.

90. Aprill the [22th altered to] 12th 1669. In her Maties Royall Chappell were Joyned in Lawfull marriage John Lighner and Margt (Mary) Gold in the p'sence of the vnder wittnesses by me James Arthur .Edw. Copledick, Mathew Henyes. [22] 91. May the 12th 1669. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in lawfull marriage Pier ffurnis (Pierre Furnis) and Susan Martin in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me George Turkett [? Tuchett].Cha Lavally, Nicholas Lambe , Louize Lepap her x mark.

92. June the 18th 1669. Were Joyned in lawfull marriage Gerrett Haghieren and Mary Pikes in the presence of John Caffine , Monish Hagherine, by me Anto Nash

93. May 31 , 1669. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull marriage Ely Chandy of Burgundy and Judith Singleton by me G. Stap : In the p'sence of John x Thomas his marke, Mathew Plombe, Katherine Carnaby.

94. June 10th 1669. In her Majesties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage William Long of St Clement Parish London and fflix Cooke of Hampton in Gloster-

shire by me Greg: Stap" . In the p'sence of Stephen x Griffitts marke, Mathew Plombe. [23] 95. June 27, [16]69. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Saint James were Joyned in lawfull marriage John Smuley and Amn Horn in the p'sence of Wm Horne, Mary Cursen , Edw. Copledicke by me Jo: Hudd:

96. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Jermein (Germain) Menages de Paris and Sara Ton (Fon or Ton) of Sersy [? Soissy] by me G. Stapylton In the p'sence of Edw. Copledicke, Daniel x Murfey his marke.

97. July27th 1669. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Samuel Cornoik (Cornoick) of Glostershire and Susanna Cox of Norfolke by me G. Stapylton In the presence of Tho Griffin, Edw. Copledicke.

98. 20th Septembris 1669 Matrimonio conivnxi Antonium de (De) Vau Natum Nemete vel Nantes in Gallia et Gertrudem Jans natum Boscoduciin Brabartieet hoc Cantabrigie in Angle in Cujus fidem nomen meum infra adscribo F. Antonino Wyccart Missiamrius in Angle in Capella Reginæ S. Jacobi Londini. In p'sentia duorum testium qui eidem matrimonio ad adstiterunt quorum nomina hic partes sunt adnotatanota x Antoni deVau qui est paterMariti et est geneuensis natione, JacobusGandutius Jenousis de La Matto, Jagues Angloies. [24] 99. Octobr 20th 1669. In her Maties Chappell Royall attSt James were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Rowland Codd and Ann Davis by me John Huddleston In the presence of Mathew Plumbe, Tho: Stoakes , Mary Parsons, Eliz: Hunt and others. 100. 8b 26th [16]69 . In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James were Joyned in lawfull marriage Nicholas English ofWaterford in Irelandand ElizabethSimpsonof London by me G. Stapylton and in the p'sence of P. Roche, Thomas P. Hayse, Luke Dormer, Jno Roche, And'w Merrogh 101. 9b 4th 1669. In her Mattes Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage John [Rock altered to] Roch (Rocke) of Corke in Ireland and Barbara Simpson of St Martins London In the p'sence of N. Millett, ffr Browne, John Sympson, by me G. Stapylton. 102. Novemb 7th 1669. In her Maties Chappell Royall atSt James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Tho Traynothand Jane Veer in the presence of Rich: Ellis, Grace Addamson , Bennitt Hankinson, by me John Hudlston. [25] 103. November the 8th 1669. In her MatiesChappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull marriage Wm Kingeof Westboreham in Hampshire and Hellen Tully ofthe Savoy in Strandby me GeorgeTuchett.Tho x Noakes his Marke, Mathew Plombe 104. Nouember the 27th 1669. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage Christopher All Vargas (Allvargas ) and Ana Maria Videll in the p'sence of the vnder wittnesses by me James Arthur .Luke Delahoye, Edw. Copledicke


105. Novemb° 25th 1669. In her Matles Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull Marriage Thō Asmall and Eliz: Butler by me Jo: Huddleston In the p'sence of Tho Asmall the elder, Tho. Rycraft, Tho. Stoakes his Mark X.

106. Novemb' 25, 1669. This day were Joyned in lawfull marriage George Sheldon and Elizabeth Hales Widdow to Sr Stephen Hales byme H. Latham In the p'sence of George Coming, John Longtee, Wd Aubry.

[26] 107. 16th 1669. This day in her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage John Soburne of Westminster and Eliz: Collett also off Westminster by me G. StapultonInthe p'senceof Jhon Seneschall , John Longtree.

108. November the 26th 1669. In her Maties Chapell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull marriage Gasper Androos and Joane (Joanna) Nicholas in the p'senceofthe vnderwittnesses by me James Arthur .putur[? peter] Sirfurt, James Gurman his × marke.

109. Jan: 10th 1648. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned inLawfull Matrimony Christopher Tuldeaneay (Duldeneay) of Oxford and Elizabeth Cox of Oxfordshire by me G. Stapylton In the p'sence of Gaborall Cox, Geo: Bird

110. Jane: 27th [16] . In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony James Rothwell and Jane Horne by me John Huddlston In the p'sence of Richard Dwyer, Lawrence Hill, Mathew Plombe. [27] 111. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull WedlockWalter Blum (Blumar) and Elizabeth Plowden by me Richard Strange 9b 8. 1669 in presenceofAnto Englefyld , Edw Plowden, Edmond Ashfeild.

112. ffebry the 10th 16. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock John Harris and Alice Newman in the presence of the vnder Wittnesses by Mr Stapylton.Will. Winman

113. Febry 13th [16] . In her Matles Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Stephen Hussy and Mary Franklin by me John Huddlston In the presence of Mathew Plombe, Eliz: Pawlett, John Limbry.

114. Aprill 14th [16]70 In her Matties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Nicholas Smith and Ann Allderne (Alderne) by me John Huddlston In the presenceof Matt Gill, Eliz x Walker her marke, Mathew Plombe.

[28] 115. Aprill 19th In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull WedlockRobt StubbsandMargarett Haywood by me Hen: Latham .Tho: Lockyer, Alphevs Mayley.

116. Aprill 23th [16]70 . In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Thomas Rogers and Dorothy Terry in the presence of Gordon, Richard Lee, Thomas Stoakes and others by me John Huddlston.

117. Mayye 1st 1670. Marryedthen att Saint James Richard

Bradshaw and Mary ffonshaw by me Hen: Latham In presence of Richard March and Margaret Hene

118. May 15th[16]70. In her Matles Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull wedlock Wm Collisun (Collison) and Bridget Marsh in the p'sence of Alexander Gordon, George Crookshank, James Berkley & others by me John Hudlston. 119. May 22th [16]70 In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull matrimony Nicholas Adæ [and] Joanna ElizabethCooper in the presence ofAlexander Christi , Fan [? Jan] Vbalder by me Anto Wyccart. [29] 120. June the 23th 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint Jameswere Joyned in Lawfull MatrimonyJohn Randall and ElizabethJones by me GeorgeTuchett In the presence ofWilliam Page, Eliz: Brown

121. July the 11th [16]70 In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Robert Conquest and Aves (Avis) Addler by me George Tuchitt .Tho x Turner his Mark, Ralph Conyers, Jone x Conyers her Marke.

122. August the 16th 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock fferdinandWatzamp (Watzomp) and Mary ffermont In the presence of Mr Dipin and Nicholas Guthik and Mr Pothart by me Antonius Wycart.Lew Dupuy, R: ffalilard

123. Augt 18th 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royall at St James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Antony Tomlinson ofSt Giles and MaryWilmoreof St GilesCriplegate by me G. Stapylton. -Wm Cooke , Henry lomyson (? Tompson), Martha x Tompson her Marke [30] 124. August 29th [16]70. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Sr Walter Blunt Baronet and Adm Alice Strickland In the p'sence of Edw. Sheldon Esq , Richard Bidulph Espr, Mr Cha Labourn, And many others by me John Hudston

125. 7b the 6th 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony CharlesWoollstoncroft (Woolstoncroft ) & Jane (Anne) Pim by me John Hudlston In the p'sence of Ann Scudamor, Matthew Plomb, Tho Stokes .

126. 7b 29th 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royallatt St James were Joyned in Lawfull Marriadge Nicholas Michelt of St Giles London & Jane Terham of the same Saint Giles by me G. Stapylton . Robert Bawn, Jno Shrife, John Langtree

127. Octob' the 2d 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony John Sheriff of St Martins in the ffeilds and Abigall (Abigail) fford of St Andrews Vndershaft London by me Geo Tuchett In the presence of Jno Langtree, Rt. Barow, Mathew Plomb [31] 128. October 24th 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Stephen Hance of the Burrough of Southwarkand ffrances Verton of St Giles in

the ffeilds by me John Adelham In the presence ofEdw. Wyvill, Edw . Copledicke

129. Janyary the 10th 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony ffrancis ffortescue (Forlesace) of Londonand MaryAnnis of Epsom by me George Tuchett In the p'sence of William King, MargarettKing, Matt: Plomb

130. Jan 10th 1679. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage William Wardale of Rumford in Essexand MaryTodd offfyin Suffolke by me G.Stapylton In the p'sence of John Cudworth , Eliz: Cudworth , John Langtree, Matt. Plomb . [32] 131. Janury 15th [16] . In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Marriage George Beaumont (Beamont) And Ann Burd By John Hudlston In the Presenceof Tho Ganners, Vall Burd, Mary Smith

132. Jan. ye 30th 1679. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James London were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Jaques Piere de Borell (De Borelle) fils de Jean de BorellBaron de Manesbe in ffrance and Magdalene de (De) Grimoville Fille de Grimouville Mosquis[? Marquis] de la Lande Heron by me LionelSheldon . -Jaques pierre de Borel, Madaline [undecipherable]-In presence of Dougeas , ffrancis Rooper, Suent Curemono, Rob. Martin, m scrope, Eliz de carberet, Louis Atkyns, Mary estlake. [33] 133. ffebruarythe 2d 1679. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonye ffrancis Scupholme of St Giles London and Johanna Thomas of the said St Giles by me John Hudleston In the p'sence of Geo ffitziames , Eliz : ffitzJames, Jane Thomas, Matt. Plomb

134. Febry 5th 1670. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Robert Numan of Darkin and Ann Massey(Massy) ofSt ClementsDanesbyme P.Howard of Norfolke In the presence of Henry Howard, Charles Howard, Andrell Hay.

135. Februaryye 14th 1679. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock ArthurOliveryand Susan Henrick Widdow of Collow Kelly by me Lionell Sheldon In the presence of John Lyon, Arthur Laycey, Isabella Bowen , Susanna Keindra, Ats. Kelly [34] 136. ffebruary ye 14th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Griffin Williams and Barbar Thornton in the presence of the vnder Wittnesses by me Geo Tuchett .Edw. Copledicke, Richard Rogers x Marke, Jno Langtree

137. ffebry the 20th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Samuell Lane and Catherine Grue in the p'sence of the vnder written Wittnesses by me H. Latham .Joseph Inman, Susanna Mitchill.

138. March2d 1671. In her Maties Chappell att St James were Joyned together in Lawfull Wedlock William Barber and Katherine

Greenbury in the presence of the vnder written by me Jno Adelham . Matt. Plomb, Daniell Murpley

139. March 6, 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned together in Lawfull Wedlock Thomas Chengians and Glod Garny in the presence of the vnd wittnesses by me James Arthur .Arthur Lawrey, J. Perpignian. [35] 140. March 11th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Peter Vandesanda and Elizabeth Hodges in the presence of the vnder Wittnesses by me James Arthur . Nicho Seurle, florence Driscoll, Tho: Ingleton.

141. Maythe 2d 1671. In her Maties Chappell att Saint James were Joyned together in Lawfull Marriage John SmithofBoughton vnder the Blaine , and Jone (Jane) Vallaner ofthe Parish of Hernhill in Kent in wittness whereof I have subscribed this present Hen. Latham .William [Singleton altered to] Singletin, Edw.


142. May the 16th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Pet Gouberton and Alce (Alice) Anfroiein the presence ofthe vnder wittnesses by me George Tuchett.Germeny Menage, de Perer, Nicolas Covor.

143. May the 21th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att St James were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Wm Hill and Antonett Wizilir in the presence of the vnder wittnesses by me George Tuchett .Jno Badger, Rene Bidebon. [36] 144. May 22th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Saint James were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock RichardSyney and Mary Rawlins by me John Hodleston In the presence of Edwd. Copledick, Debora Syney, Eliz: Kymball.

145. [August erased] July 10th 1671. This day were Joyned together in holy matrimony John Nicholls ofthe Parish of Barton in Suffolke and MaryLangley of the Parish ofBroslyintheCounty ofSalop byme Hen Latham In the presence ofAlexanderGorden and his wife

146. August 31th 1671. This daywere Joyned together in holy Matrimony Leonard Wivell of the Parish of St Andrews in Holborne and Sophia Pezey of the Parish of St Martins in the ffeilds byme John Adelham In the presence of Edwd. Wivell, Margarett Pezey.

147. This daywereJoyned in holy MatrimonyWilliam Howard of Bookham in Surrey and Mary Menhere Widow ofAshtid inthe same County 12th July 1671 In the presenceof vs ffrancis Hunt , Thomas Boobenhith , Tho. Benson. [37] 148. August 31th 1671. This day were Joyned togetherin holy MatrimonyBenjamin English and Eliza: Conquestby me John Adelham In the presence of Emanuell Diaz, Jnº Harford

149. Septemb 3d 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Summersett housewere Joyned together in Lawfull WedlockBartholomew Broughton and Judith Keap by me Jno Hodleston In the presence of ffrancis Plowden, Margarett Butler , Eliz: ffouldering.



150. September 17th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Sumersett House were Joyned together Thomas Lusher and Jane Proberts (Roberts) in lawfull Wedlock in the presence ofthe vnder written Wittnesses by me James Arthur .P . Creagh, Mary Masner, Nicholas x Trott. 151. 7b 24th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Summersett house were Joyned in lawfull Marriage William Browne of St James [blank] wall neare London and Joane Baker of St Martins in the ffeilds by me G. Stapylton In the presence of John Langtree, Matt. Plumb, Anne Copledicke. [38] 152. August 22th 1671. This day were Joynedtogetherin holy Matrimony John Cothorne of St Clemts [C erased] Dows and Mary Cresby of St Mary's Savoy by me Hen. Latham In the presence of Mary Hartgrave, ffra: Brookes, Tho. Cresby. 153. Septemb 30th1671. This daywere Joyned in holyMatrimony William Watson of St Michaell Queene Hive and Mary BlountofCobston Bassett in Nottinghamshireby me Hen Latham In the presence of William Phipps, Anne Bonsow, Robt Gordon. 154. 8b 16th 1671. This day were Joyned together in holy Marriage James Taylor of St Margaretts Westminst " and Mary Hages [? Hayes] of the same by me Hen Latham In the p'sence of Lawrence Hill, Margarett [Hages altered to] Hayes.

155. October 24th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett house were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony John Tompson and Ellen (Helen) Hallam by me Geo Tuchett In the p'sence of Matt Plumb, John Mountford, Francis Moundford [39] 156. Novemb° 25th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Tho. Burkart and Jone Wheeler by me John Huddleston In the p'sence ofthe under wittnesses Tho Evans, Joanna frocy, Matt Plumb

157. January 14th 1671. This day were Joyned together in holy Matrimony John Orchard & Susan Burford of the Parishof St Clements Panes [Danes] by me Hen . LathamIn the p'sence of John Brookes, Tho. Stoker

158. ffebruary 5th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett house were Joyned together in Lawfull WedlockTho. Hainge of Saint Martins in the ffeilds and Rachell Lawes (Lawds) of St Mary Savoy in the p'sence of the vnder Wittnesses by me Geo Tuchett .Geo. Harford, Edwd Comyne

159. ffeb . 11th167. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett house was Joyned in lawfull matrimony Edwd. Burton ofSt Martins Parish and ffrances Tillyof the CountyofWarwick byme Geo . Tuchett In the p'sence of Nicholas Labey and John Goodman . [40]

160. ffeb: 18th 1671. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-housewas Joyned in lawfull Marriage Thomas Williams of Westminst' and Eliz: Walker by me Geo. Tuchett In the p'sence of Wm Moore, John Scudamore, Richard Smith , Hen Ellis.

161. Aprill 16th 1672. This day were Joyned in holy Matri-

mony Gardiner Cock, and Penelope Temple both ofthe Parishof StMartinsintheffeilds bymeTho [Goubdenaltered to]Goudden.Wittnesses p'sent Bn° Walthew, Eliz : Temple, Anne Bradstreet

162. Aprill 23th 1672. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull WedlockNicholas Anqui of Nuilli-entell in Picardy & Jane ffabeu of Parise in the presence of and by me G. Stapylton.Claud Caronivet [?] his X marke , Peirre Bonnett, John Langtree.

163. May 9th 1672. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett house were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock John Ryder ofStaffordshire and Eliz: Huis of Cambridgshire by me G. Stapylton In the presence of Will Svind [?], John Langtree, Edwd Copledicke [41] 164. June 26th 1672. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house was Joyned in lawfull Matrimony Drw Hollingz [and] Mary CufaudebothofSt Mary Savoy by me Geo.Tuchett.Tho : Wallhouse, Rich: Sell, Jno Shelley.

165. July 7th1672. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Henry Boothe of Lancashire and AnneHeath of Hampshire by me G. StapyltonIn the p'sence of Thady Kennedy, Edmd. Heath.

166. July 9th 1672. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Peter Mason & ElizabethGreene (Green) by me John Adelham In the Presence ofJohn Badger, Mary Duff

167. October the 10th 1672. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned inlawfullmarriage Oliver Miller and Hannah Kellett (Kellet) of St Clement Danes by me G. Stapylton In the presence of John Langtree & Anne Abraham [42] 168. 9b 5th 1672. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned together in Lawfull Wedlock Samuell Addison of St Hives Southwarke and Anne Christopher ofthe same in the p'sence of the vnder witnesses by me Hen: Latham.Richd Garbott, Eliz: Garbott.

169. 7thJanuary 1672. This daywere Joyned together in holy wedlock Mathew Aldridge ofthe Parish offfeuershamintheCounty of Kent and Anne ffryth of the Parish of Preston in the same County in the presence of the Witnesses subscribed by me Hen: Latham . John Langtree, Tho : Stoakes.

170. January 14th 1672. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock William North & Anne Ballart both in the Parish of St Martins by me Geo: Tuchett .Wittnesses, Tho : Pikering, John Ashwell

171. May 13th 1673. In her Maties Chappell Royall in Somersett-house were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Elias Prer-Derrast (Perer-Derast) & Jane Newton by me John Adelham In thep'sence of Richard Weston, Gilbt Lewin [43] 172. May 22th 1673. This day wereJoyned togetherinLawfull Wedlock William Brand of the Parish of St Dunstons in the West and Mary Stauchy of the Parish of St Andrews Holborne by B

me Hen: Latham In the p'sence of her ffather & Motherand her Uncle Mr Herrington of Sussex

173. May29th 1673. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock William Winstonley of Hammersmithin the County of Middx and Phillippa Morton of ClarkenwellLondon In the presence of the vnder Wittnesses by me Tho : Godden .Edwd. Copledicke, Robt Gordon .

174. July 15th 1673. In her Maties Chappell at Somersett house were Joyned in lawfull marriage ffane Culliford ofStMartins Ludgate& ElizabethGroues (Groves) in the presenceofthe vnder wittnesses by me John Hodleston .William Aistell, Margarett Rose, Matt Plumb

175. Julythe 20th 1673. Were Joyned in lawfullwedlock Wm ffreeman& Joane Painter In the presence ofthe vnderwittnesses by me [blank].Tho Middlemore , Peter Mee. [44] 176. August the 24th 1673. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawful Wedlock Thomas Gambell (fortè Campbell) and Susanne Lucas of St Gileses in the ffeilds in the presence of the vnderwittnesses by me Hen.Latham. -Elias Roberts, Catherine Moore.

177. Septemb ye 29th 1673. In her Matles Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Gefery Queting and Margarett Coubert of St Martine in the ffeilds in ye p'sence ofye vnderWittnesses by me James a Sto Bonaventure.Jno Barnard , Eliz : Barnard, Peirce Desplanche, Edwd Comine

178. October 2d 1673. In her Maties Chappell att Somersett house were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Lucas ffeltham, and Hellen Oldham, the former of St Andrews Holborne, the latter of St Martinsin the ffeilds, in presence of the Wittnesses vnderwritten by me Tho: Godden .Matt: Locke, Margarett Cozens , Matt: Plumb .

179. October the 13th 1673. Were Joyned in lawfullwedlock ffrancis ffarmer & Jane ffell Widdow of the Parish of St Peters Cornhill in the p'sence of the vnder Wittnesses by me Hen : Latham . John ffarmer, Tho: Stoakes [45] 180. October 26th 1673. Were Joyned in lawfull wedlock Hen: Bell and Mary Shaod [? Shadd] in the p'sence ofthe vnder wittnesses by me Jno Adelham .Jno Langtree, Edwd. Matson his Marke

181. November ye 16th 1673. In her Maties Chappell att Somersett-house, were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Christopher Batterlly (Batterly) and ffrances Walter of St Martinsin the ffeilds in ye presence of the Wittnesses by me fr: James St Bonare: - Tho Dermood, Anne Tailor, Rich. Bryan.

182. January 13th 1673. Were Joyned in lawfull wedlock HumphryAdamson, and Alice Singleton of the Pish of St Andrews Holborne by me Tho: Godden In the presence of Wm Singleton, Eliz: Wilford, Lawrence Hill.

183. ffebr: 10th 1673. This day were Joyned in LawfullWedlock Michael Burgain, and Anne Allen, both of the Parish ofSt

Martins in the ffeilds by me Tho Godden In the p'sence of The X mark of Peter Bush, The x mark of Mary Keeling, Lawrence Hill

[46] 184. Aprill ye 20th 1674. This day was joyned in Lawfull Wedlock RichardWest and MaryWales ofthe ParishofSt Gyleses in the ffeilds by me Geo: Tuchett .Wittnesses, John Langtree, Miles Prance.

185. Ap: 28th 1674. In her Maties Chappell Royall of Somersett house were joyned in lawfull Wedlock Richard Everets of Berks and Eliz: Broofe of Worstershire by me G. Stapylton In the p'sence of Tho: Herne, Nicholas Turner, Jno Langtree, Tho. Willcox

186. Mayye 2d 1674. This day were Joyned in lawfullWedlock Richard Rice of Juce Blundell in Lancashire & Eliz : Cates of Easely Parish in Oxfordshire in the presence of the vnderwittnesses by me Hen: Latham .James Cocker, AnneBass

187. June ye 9th 1674. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony Richard Saunders of Buckinghamshire and Alice Hopkins of the same County by me fr. James Sto Bonare .Wittnesses, Matt Plumb, Mary ffinch, Bennett Rumsey. [47] 188. June ye 17th 1674. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett house, were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Wm Basden and Anne Simson of Christ Church Parish by me fr: James a Sto Bonre . Wittnesses, Wm Roche, Catherine Burne

189. July23th 1674. This daywere joynedinlawfullWedlock Richard Hide of Blagrane & Anne Hide of Northcutt in thep'sence of Humus Hide, Edmd Seymovr, by me G. Stapylton

190. Augt 6th 1674. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Charles Vivian of St Pauls Covent-Garden & Ursula Jennell of St Clements by me G. Stapylton In the presence of John Yates [?], Matt Plumb

191. Aug: 20th 1674. This day were Joyned in lawfullWedlockPhillipPurry and Eliz: Smithsonof Holborne by me G. Stapylton In the presence of Jo. Langtree, C. Smithson ffather of the Bride

192. Augt 20th 1674. This day were joyned in Lawfull marriage PhillipHilldred and Mary Cliftonbyme Geo : TuchettInthe p'sence of Matt Plumb. [48] 193. August 25th 1674. This day were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Peter Dufrenoy (Du Frenoy) of Callis and ffrances Rason ofWare in Harfordshireby me G. Stapylton In presence of Pierre Poiltercauy , Mathias Leduy[?], John Lanstree, Leonard Poiteuins . 194. Septemb 27th 1674. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house was joyned in lawfull Marriage William Hall & Anne Robinson by me Geo : Tuchett In the p'sence of Matt. Plumb, Mary Brindley

195. In her Matles Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull marriage Jean Piccot and Mary Bedeoke(Bed-


coke) by me fr: James a St Bonara In the Presence of Jno Rogers, Will Yarde, Eliz: x Weldy.

196. September 8, 1674. This day were Joyned together in Lawfull marriage Thomas Davis, and Jane Amner both of the Parish of St Martins By me Jno Adelham In the p'sence of Jno Davis, Will Yarde


197. September the 9th 1674. This daywerejoynedin Lawfull Wedlock Patrick White of St Giles in ye ffeilds and Anne Beauer (Beaver) of the same Parish in the presence of Samuel Grove, Jno Spelmein [? Spelman], Mary Hudson, by me fr: James Sto Bonare.

198. London Sber 22th 1674. This day were joyned in lawfull wedlock John Lentrellof Esenton in Darby Shire and MaryDavis of Saint Martins in the ffeilds by me G. Stapylton In the p'sence of Robt Huthwhaite, Jno Langtree.

199. Sber 24th 1674. This day were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock WmffloideofSt Giles in the ffeilds and Anne Osborne of St Clemens Danes by me G. Stapylton In presence of Richd. Ryce, Jno Langtree

200. Sber 12th 1672. This day was Joyned in Lawfull MatrimonyMichaellBlore ofSwinnerton StaffordShire and MaryHussey of Chancery Lane by me G. Stapylton In presence of ffl. Buckley, Henry Lyon, Matt. Plumb

201. Octob 28th 1674. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house was joyned in lawfull matrimony Wm ffoster of Burntwoodvale and Katherine Neale by me Geo. Tuchett In ye presence of Eliz: Kinsman , Matt: Plumb.

[50] 202. Novemb 5th 1674. This day were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Christopher Osgarby, and Jane Priesman both ofthe Parish of St Giles in the ffeilds by me Tho: Godden In presenceof Lawrence Hill, Eliz: Gray.

203. Nouemb 6th 1674. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house was Joyned in Lawfull Marriage Nicholas Hutchinson & MaryVall (Vaul) by me Geo: Tuchett .Jno x Hill his Marke, Matt: Plumb

204. November ye 16th 1674. This daywere Joyned inlawfull Matrimony Thomas Stokes & Ann Abraham by me Jno Adelham in the presence of Matt: Plumb, Edwd Copledicke

205. January ye 4th 167. This day were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock John Sadler, and Mary ffinch in the presence of Thomas Bedinhill, Jane ffinch, by me ffrancis Hunter.

206. May 23th 1675. This day were joyned in lawfull Matrimony Thomas Crompton and ye HonbleAnneffinch by me ffrancis Hunter In presenceof Ch: ffinch, Tho. Ravenhill, Alice Shattcross. [51] 207. January ye 1st 1675. This day were joyned in lawfull Wedlock Peter Nores and Mary Scaley in the p'sence of Edwd. Copledicke, Eliza: Martyns, by me Geo : Tuchett.

208. January ye 17th 1674. This day were joyned in lawfull wedlock Henry Brans & Johanna Backhuisen in presence of

Cornelis Wilts, Derck Wiggerts, AnnaWilt, Anna MariaBackhuiñs xher Signe, by me fr: James Sto Bonare.

209. Februaryye 16th167. In her MatiesChappell Royall att Somersett-house was Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Daniel [Gray erased] Guy & Anne ffrances by me fr: James a Sto Bonare In p'sence of Michael Rinbaud , [blank] Lang, Matt: Plumb

210. Aprill ye 11th 1675. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house was joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Emmanuell Smithand Mary Combs by me fr: James a Sto Bonare In presence of Cathbert Gerard, Gads ffesk, Jno Laurence, ffrances [blank], Winfred wierney [? wiomey]. [52] 211. June ye 8th 1675. Were joyned in lawfull Matrimony in her Maties Chappell att Somersett-house ffrancis Willughby (Willoughby) of Darby and Mary Warren of St James by me fr: James a Sto Bonare .Wittnesse, Ar: Warren, Henry Smithson, Eliza: Darell, Matt. Plumb.

212. June ye 20th 1675. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house, was joynedin Lawfull MatrimonyJohn Granger of St Martins in the ffeilds & Mary downing of the same by me fr: James a Sto Bonauere .Wittnesses, Margt Pezey, Will. Yarde, Matt. Plumb.

213. June ye 26th 1675. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull Wedlock Nur Las de Laussac and Sara Caslike of St Martins in the ffeilds by me fr: James a Sto Bonauere .Wittnesses, Pet Alexander his x Marke , Anne May.

214. July the 6th 1675. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house was Joyned in lawfull MatrimonyAdam Brett of Covent Garden and Jane fford of the same Parishby me Edwd Brett In p'sence of Mark King, Pats Widdrington, Tho . Millward, Katherine Bondenell, Will fford, Anne King, Mary Pislen [53] 215. Augustye 5th 1675. In her Maties Chappell att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull matrimony Reginald Peckham of Kent and Cacilia (Cecily) Sidley ofthe same by me fr: James a Sto Bonauere In presence of Jno Bessolie, Matt: Plumb, Robt Gordon .

216. Septemb' ye 12th In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony Peter Alexander (Alexandre) a ffrenchman and Nicolle de (De) Lossacofthe same Countryby me fr: James a Sto Bonauere .Wittnesses , ffroel Paicollan, Monica ffling, Daniell Hodges, Mary Dumonn.

217. Septemb 21th 1675. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house was joyned in lawfull Matrimony John Sires of the Countyof Essex & Martha Willcox (Wilcox) ofye same by me Augustine Petrs [? Peters].Wittnesses, Eliza: Pope, Matt: Plumb

218. July 2d [1677 altered to] 1667 By Mr J. H. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Jno Wye & Hellen Whitley by me

Probably a copyist's misreading for Nicolas de Laussac


John Hodleston In p'sence of Tho: Pickering, Eliz: Shuckforth &c

219. ffeb: 20th 167. Were yen joyned in lawfull Matrimony Richd. Perkins & Anne Eyston by me John Hodleston In the p'sence of Jno Eyston, ffrancis Perkins, Mary Jerman &c. [54] 220. Aprill 9th 1672. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Symon Cunnet & Sarah ffletcher by me John Hodleston . In the presence of Madm Apollonia Hall, Richard Langford, Rebecca their Servt &c.

221. Aprill 15th 1672. Were thenjoynedinlawfullMatrimony John Clarke and Mary Brown by me John Hodleston In the presence of Tho: Pickering , Tho: Stokes, Anne Abraham

222. July ye 30th [16]72. Were then joynedin lawfullMatrimony Edwd. Hodges & Jane Rigmaden by me John Hodleston In p'sence of Christopher Berrysford, Ursula ffairfax, Margarett Berrisford , Tho: Stokes

223. Novembr8th 1672. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Richard Palmer & Triphuna (Tryphena) Crumlam by me John Hodleston .Wittnesses, Wm Ballison, Bridgett Callison, Tho : Stokes &c

224. Decemb 17th 1672. Were then joyned in lawfullMatrimony Wm Stokeham & KatherineDallison in presenceof Sr Robt Dallison, Lay Katherine Dallison , Sr Phillip Tyrwhit, Bridgett ffish &c., by me Jno Hodleston. [55] 225. January 21th 167. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony John Vedered & Eliz : Calloway by me John Hodleston In presence of Anthony ffrancis, Michael Ross, Mary Ross &c.

226. ffeb : 26th[16]7 . Were then joynedinLawfull Matrimony Wm Smithand Eliz: ffarmer by me Jno Hodleston In the p'sence of John Tomkys, Tho: Stokes, Anne Abraham &c.

227. March 3d [16]72 . Were then joyned in lawfull MatrimonyWm Hodgson & Mary Porter by me John Hodleston In the p'sence of Leonard Wivell, Bennet Hankinson , Tho: Stokes

228. May 19th 1673. Were then joynedin lawfullMatrimony John Starkey & Joan Bridgesby meJohn Hodleston In the p'sence of Tho: Stokes, Hellen Kew &c.

229. July 1st 1673. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Thomas Bennet & Jane Thomasby me Jno Hodleston in thep'sence of Geo: ffitz-James, Tho. Stokes, Anne Abraham&c

230. Octob 7th 1673. Were then joynedin lawfullMatrimony Slaioslans (Stanislaus) Browne & Honor Malbrank by me John Hodleston I[n] the presence of Bennet Hankinson , Tho : Stokes , Anne Abraham. [56] 231. 9ber 27th 1673. Were then joyned in lawfull matrimonyRobtAdamson & Mary Webb by me John Hodleston In the p'sence of Tho Webb, Edwd Webb, Anne Norberry &c.

232. May the 10th 1674. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony RalphMayson & Anne Dodd by me John Hodleston In the presence of Tho: Dodd, Geo : Hall, Mary Dodd, Tho: Stokes &c 233. May ye 17th 1674. Were then joyned in lawfull Matri-

mony Robt Barrow and Mary Lavers by me John Hodleston In the presence of Eliz: Beckford, Wm Wiseman &c

234. 7ber 8th 1674. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony

Thomas Calloway & Mary Knight by me John Hodleston In the presence of Lady Tuke, Tho: Lutterell, Catherine Stevenson &c

235. January7th167. Were yen Joyned in lawfullMatrimony

John Coleman and Susan Pard by me John Hodleston In the presence of Tho Stokes, Hellen Rigby &c [57] 236. ffeb : 7th 167. Were thenjoynedin lawfull Matrimony

Charles Barrett and SusanGambell by me John Hodleston In the presence of Wm Lowd, Jno Langtree &c.

237. Aprill 15th1675. Were then joynedinlawfullMatrimony

Baldwin Sheldon & Anne Cordwell by me Jno Hudleston In the p'sence of Wm Smith, Anthony Couch, Emanuel Smith &c

238. May 13th 1675. Were yon joyned in lawfull Matrimony

Wm Hall and Eliz: Marshall by me John Hodleston in the presence of Benjamin ffitzhinchlox, Johanna Scupholme, Martha ffitzhinclox & c .

239. May 25th 1675. Were then joynedin lawfullMatrimony

Jacob Tyrret (Tyrrett) & Eliz: Horn by me Jno Hodleston In the p'sence of James Hebb, John Horn, Dorothy Hebb, Eliz: Markham, Tho: Willcox.

240. Sber ye 10th 1675. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull Wedlock Robert Almey and AnneTompson by me fr: James a Sto Bonare I[n] presence of Matt Plumb [58] 241. Januarythe 22th 1678. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-housewere joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Nicholas Bedingfeild and Sarah Edwards by me fr: James a Sto Bonauere In the p'sence of Hen x Thorp his Mark, MichaellBedingfeild , Matt. Plumb.

242. January the 31th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony Robert Aaunde and Clene (Clare) Yard of St Martinsin the ffeilds by me fr: James a Sto Bonare In presence of Robt Hows , Will. Yard.

243. January 27th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house was Joyned in lawfull Matrimony George Howes & Eliz : Tempest by me J: H: In the p'sence of John Digby.

244. Feb:3d 167. In her Matles Chappell Royallat Somersetthouse were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony John Parre and Anne Peters by me fr: James a Sto Bonauere In presence of Wm Cother, Aarond [?] Lumsden, Matt: Plumb, Elizabeth Pope. [59] 245. Feb: 3d 167. In her Maties Chappell Royallatt Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull Matrimony Mathias Askew & MarthaCarwarthen by me fr: James a Sto BonauereInthe p'sence of Tho. Pickering, Anne Morphy, Matt Plumb.

246. ffeb: 3d [16]7 . In her Maties Chappell Royallatt Somersett house were joyned in lawfull Wedlock Ralph Johnson and Sarah Shepardson (Shepherdson) by me Tho, a S. Annâ In the


p'sence of Tho : Ravenhill, Mary Barner x her Marke , Geo: Slaughter.

247. Aprill 13th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony ffrancis Newberry & Jane Smith by me fr: James a Sto Bonauere In the presence of Wm Nealery, Lawrence Hill, Katherine Smith, Mary Smith, Matt: Plumb.

248. Aprill ye 8th [16]76 In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull Matrimony Wm Plummer and Bridgett Harden by me fr: James a Sto Bonauere In the presence of Bridgett Charles, Witness Robt Hows [60] 249. Aprill ye 18th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony D. Charles Antonio Soltrain and Mary Anne Stevens by me fr: James a Sto Bonauere In the presence of f. Biemigro dos Mepnesyn, Suardaci, fr. Mathias da Meies, Wm Ernle, Rich: Stevens Jr, Catherine Stevens

250. Aprill the last 1676. Att her Maties Chappell Royall att Somerset house were joyned in Lawfull WedlockGeorge Hopkins and Eliza: Bayly called the Widdow Crook by me fr. James a Sto Bonaventure In ye p'sence of Tho : Jones, Henry Beare , Mary Holloway, Mary Brindley.

251. Mayye forth being Aswednesday. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Gerard Scott (Scot) and Dorothy Powell by me fr James of St Bonaventure In the p'sence of Ralph Smith, Ann Smith.

252. May ye 25th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock John Hall & Eliz: Sowcock of St Andrews Parish by me fr. James of St Bonaventure In presence of Wm Preston, x the Marke of Cecely Webster, Tho: Willcox, Jos Harris [61] 253. July 4th 1676. In her Mattes Chappell Royall Att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony James Yates ofSuffolk and WinefrindeBedingfeild of Norfolkeby me fr: Jame of St Bonaventure in the p'sence of Matt Plumb, Mich: Bedingfeild.

254. July ye 28th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull Wedlock John Hart of Surrey& Eliza: Haseof Sussex by me fr: James ofSt Bonaventure in the p'sence of Andr : Lambert, Will Yard

255. August ye 2d 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house, were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Edward Shortell, and Anne Jones of St Giles in the ffeilds by me fr James of St Bonaventure In the presence of Wm Davis and Eliz: Davis.

256. July ye 25th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Lawrence Hill of London and Eliz: Gray by me fr James of St Bonaventure In thepresenceofHen: Bleasdell, Christopher Coniers, MaryLewellin. [62] 257. August ye 20th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlocke Tho: Joneswith Eliz: Pickering


by me Br: James a St Bonauenre In the presence of Geo: Kelly, Wm Blanton his x Marke . •

258. Septemb ye 6th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Walter Whitefeild (Whitefield) with Mary Brackindon by me fr. James a St Bonaventure In presence of [blank].

259. Septemb ye 21th 1676. Were joynedin lawfullWedlock in her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house Abraham Sabter (Abram Salter) with Sarah Cherke (Clerke) of Essex In the p'senceofMarthaWhite,ClareSpinkefr Jamesa St Bonaventure

260. Novemb ye 13th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett house, were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Richard Martin of Monmouthshire with Elen Sfeech of Barks in new Windsor by me fr: James a St Bonaventure In presenceofthe marke of x Dan Sleeth, Matt: Plumb [63] 261. Novemb ye 23th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house, were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Peter Martin & Sarah Parker his wife by me [Jn° altered to] Fr. Dominick Kelly In the presence of Darby Anvewon, Laurence Charpentier

262. Januaryye 17th 1676. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Jane (Jean) Louys Dieutepare with MaryDollowman his wife by me fr. James a St Bonaventure In the presence of Anne ffontaine , Helene Robert , ffrancis Parthon.

263. ffeb: 4th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house , were joynedin Lawfull Wedlock HenryDuncomb with Genne [? Jane] Jaquemain (Jacquemain) his wife by me fr: James a St Bonaventure In the p'sence of ffrancis [Jacquiman altered to] Jacqueman, Jos Shoyle, Will Yarde, Laurence Hill, Clem x Breadgmans mar, Margt x Jacquemans marke.

264. feb: the 8th 167% . Were joyned in lawfull WedlockRobt Carter of Worstershire with Genne (Jane) Barker of Norfolk in the p'sence of Gawen Talbott, Ursula ffairfax, Mary Oldridge, by me fr: James a St Bonaventure . [64] 265. ffeb: 17th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull WedlockGeo: Baylyand Mary Clarke in the presence of x Hen: Tente his Marke, Robt x Greene, by me fr James a St Bonaventure.

266. ffeb: 24th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royall were joyned in lawfull Matrimony Peter Murrey (Murray) and Jane Munrs (Muns) in the presence of Robt Greene , Mary Hambleton, Eliz: ffuller & others by me John Hodleston .

267. ffeb: ye 24th 167% . In her Maties Chappell Royall were Joyned in Lawfull Wedlockffrancis Clarke and Mary Clarke his wife by me fr: James a St Bonaventure In the p'sence of Tho: Willcox, Richard Bryan.

268. Aprill ye 22th 1677. In her Mattes Chappell Royall at Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull Wedlock RichardYong and Eliz Withins in the presence of Geo: Thomlinsson , Tho:

Willcox, [Joseph Harris erased], Will Yarde, by me fr: James a St Bonaventure . [65] 269. Aprill 22th [1667 altered to] 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Christian Versevren (Verseveren) with Elen Baker in the presence of Robt Burrow, Cuth. [blank], ffrancis Hide, Tho: Willcox , by me fr: James of St Bonaventure

270. Aprill ye 23th 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull Wedlock John Van LimbourgwthBarbara MeanofSt Gilesin theffeilds inthepresence of Peter De Meas, Tho. Willcox, Joseph Harris, Will Yarde, by me fr: James of St Bonaventure

271. May ye 14th 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Edmond Andrew du Valle (Duvalle) with Margarett La Biere (Labiere) in the presence of N. Baudauin, F: Marevil , Grace Liddeb, Ann Sweettmore, John De Carville, Gerg hid by me fr: James a St Bonaventure.

272. May ye 5th 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlocke Richard Saunderswth Anne Preston In the p'sence of Geo: Preston, Wm ffarbucke, Will. Preston, Mary Preston, Ellen Preston , Margt Sanders, by me fr: James a St Bonaventure. [66] 273. June ye 18th [1667 altered to] 1677. In her Maties Royall Chappell att Somersett-house werejoynedin LawfullWedlock RichardMorgan & Mary Combe by me Wm BeyphildIn the p'sence of Jno Gregson, Tho : Middlemore, Hen: Garmons , H: Baseley.

274. July ye 23th 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-housewere joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Robert Gill and Catherine Ladbetter bothlivingin Essexin the parishof Kelveden in the presence of Richd Stopforth, Sarah Stopforth, Joseph Harris, Richard Bryan, by me fr: James a St Bonaventure.

275. Septemb ye 2d 1677. In her Matles Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were Joyned in Lawful Wedlock Nicholas Lomotre and Anne Corbick of St Martin in the ffeilds parishby me fr: James of St Bonaventure In the p'sence of Jno x Parks his marke, Jeoy Dosesmoy, Joseph Harris , Richd Boyer. [67] 276. 7ber the 19th 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull Wedlock John Milson (Milton) of Reading inthe Countyof Barks & Jane Spearingofthe same County in the p'sence of Geo x heath his Marke, John Milson, Jane Angel X, Eliza: Heath her x, by me fr: James aSt Bonaventure .

277. October ye 3d 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlock Peter Mingoe and Eliz: Mitchell (Mitchel ) of Cripplegate by me fr: James a St Bonaventure In the Presence of Matt Plumb,Jaquen [undecipherable], Charles Bertin, Mary x Odyes Marke. 278. Octob° 9th1677. Inher Mattes Chappell Royallatt Somer-


sett-house were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Richard Cox & MaryMeadeby me J: H.Tho Dale, John Tokis, MarthaTomkis, Tho: Willcox

279. Octob' the 9th 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-housewereJoynedin Lawfull Wedlock Ralph Holbrooke wthEliz: CoppingIn the p'sence of Jno Matchett, Christian Ramsay, Tho: Willcox by me fr : James a St Bonaventure [68] 280. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house, were joynedin Lawfull Wedlock Giles ffowler and Debora Beanes byme fr: James a St Bonaventure In ye Presence of Robt Beanes, × Dorothy Byrum, x Sarah Basiragfeild, Andrew Bryan

281. Novemb ye 23th 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house, were joyned in Lawfull WedlockWm Maeguen (Macguen) and Catherine ffarrel in ye p'sence of Alexander Ryan, x Margt Even her marke, Rich: Bryan, x The marke of Sarah Rian, Joseph Harris , Binis [?], by me fr: James a St Bonaventure

282. Novemboye 4th 1677. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Wedlockffrancis Buller of St Brides Pish in London, and Elena Sportes in the p'sence of Hugh Grinol, Eliz: Grinol, Richard Bryan, AndrewBryan, by me fr: James a St Bonaventure .

283. June ye 24th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royall in Somersett-house, were Joyned in Lawful Wedlock Archbold (Archibald) Purvis & Anne Simmons In the presence of Tim : Price, Will Lowd, Jno Haynes, Matt: Plumb, by me fr: James a St Bonaventure . [69] 284. ffeb: ye 5th 167. In her Matles Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Jespar (Gaspar) Skelton, and Anne Smith In the presence of Rob Clarke, x Etholald ffowler, Anne Purves, Anne Simonds, Tho: Willcox , by me fr: James a St Bonaventure.

285. ffeb: ye 12th 1673. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house, were joynedin lawfull Wedlock JulienDeno and SusannaSanders by me fr: James a St Bonaventure In ye presence of Oliui [blank], Will Yarde, Blanch x Sanders marke, Jnº Crispe.

286. Aprill the 8th 1673. In her Maties Chappell Royall at Somersett-house, were joynedinlawfullWedlockPeter Grammandall and Dorothy Southy in the p'sence of Robert Greene by me fr: James a St Bonaventure

287. Aprill The 11th 167. In her Maties Chappell Royallatt Somersett-house were Joyned in lawfull Wedlock Robert Richardson and Thomasin Simpson of St Martins in the ffeilds In the presence of Tho Appleby, MargarettBrei, RichardBryan, by me fr: James a St Bonaventure [70] 288. Aprill ye 4th 1678. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett [house] werejoynedinlawfullWedlock Mathew Parrott and Dorothy Shaw by me fr: James a St Bonaventure in the p'sence ofWill Yarde, John Nicholson, John Day.


289. May the 19th 1678. In her Mattes Chappell Royall att Somersett-house, werejoynedin lawfull Wedlock Gerom (Jerome) Servarie and Anne Chapman of St Martins in the ffeilds in the presence of Howll & ffoster, Peter Novell, x ffracisque is marque, Will. Yarde, by me fr: James a St Bonaventure.

290. May ye 30th 1678. In her Maties Chappell Royall att Somersett-house were joyned in lawfull WedlockPeter Brett and Eliz: Shaw In the p'sence of Geo Wells, Prudence Brett, Will Yarde, Tho : Harris , by me fr: James a St Bonaventure

291. Ego Infra Scriptus Alexius Stafford Missionarius Catholicus in Anglia approbatus Joannem Sherburne et Rebeccam Borton secundum ritus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclsiæ in Matrimonium conjunxi die 21th [? 27th] Septembris Anno Dom 1682. in cujus rei fidem huic Chirographo Nomen meum Subscripsi Dat: Londini die 12 Januarii Anno Dom. 1685 St v:-Alexivs Stafford. [71] 292. Ego Emmanuel de mello Presbyter et animarum curatur approbatus rite et Cannonice in Matrimoniumconjunxi in Sacello Serenissimæ Regenæ ad PalatiumDiui Jacobi sito Kalendis Decembris anno Domini 1683 Jacobum Dickison (Dickinson) et Joannam Alexandrialias Joannam Sinsum vulgo Jane Alexander alias Jane Sinsan (Alexander or Sinsum, or Sinsan, probabiliùs Simpson) p'sentibus D. Emmanuele Dioz, Sylvestre Bryan, Jacobo Reed , Joanne Petit et Elisabetha Secum in cujus rei fidem his literis manum Subscripsi Kalendis Decembris eodem anno et die.Emmanuellde Mello.

293. Ego Emmanuel de Mello Presbyter et Animarum curatur approbatus in Matrimoniumrite et canonice conjunxi die 15 Maii Anno Domini 1684 D. Phillippum Stafford et Mariam Weld [filiam] Georgii Weld armigri de Pinchbecke in Comitatu Lincoln comm, antis etiam Londini p'sentibus eodem Domino Georgii Weld, Edmondo Rothe [? Roche], GaspareRothe [? Roche], Winefrida Arthure alias [blank] et Cecilia Weld in cujus rei fidem his Literis manum meam Subscripsi eodem die mense [et] anno.Emmanuel de Mello.

294. Ego Fr Jacobus fferreyra Monachus ordinis Ste Benedicti & animarum curatorapprobatus in Matrimoniumrite & canonica conjunxi die 6. July anno Dom. 1684 Christophorum * Sacello

Serenissima [blank] Britaniæ Reginæ presentibus testibus infra scriptis. FrJacobus Ferreyra.William Clarke, John Clarke, Jane Curwen [72] 295. Ego Emmanuel de Mello Presbiter animarumcurator approbatus rite et Canonice in Matrimonium conjunxi in Sacello

Serenissimæ Reginæ ad Palatium D. Jacobi sito die 11. Octobris Danialum Stalkin et Annam Prendergast p'sentibusD. Emanuel Dias Syluestre Bryan et Luca Hickford in cujus rei fidem his Letiris manum meam Subscripsi eodem die 11. Octobris Anno Domine 1684 Emmanuel de Mello.

* A line herehas been skippedincopying, including the patronymic ofthe bridegroomand the names of the bride,


296. Ego Fr Jacobus Ferreyra Monachus Ordinis Sti Benedicti & animarum curator approbatus in Matrimoniumrite & canonice conjunxi die 14. Decembris 1684 Leonardum Green& Elizabatham Rice in Sacello Serenissimæ Regnæ Britaniæ Reginæ presentibus testibus infra Scriptis Fr Jacobus Ferreyra.Hen: Bond , Sofeaphen Latton. [73] 297. Maythe 6th 1685. Were then joyned in lawfullMatrimony RichardHawkins and ffrances Pope in her Maties Chappell Royall att Sommersett house in the presence of John Eldridge, Robert Cookeand Eliz: Heath with many others ByJohn Hodleston Chaplain in Ordnry to her Matie.

298. Aprill 20th1685. Were then joynedin Lawfull Matrimony Charles Beifwith and Elizabeth Sanders by me ffr James fferreyra In the p'sence of Thomas Hickman, Joane da: Lus.

299. August 13th 1685. Were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony GonsaloGonsaluus(Gonsalves ) & Eliz : Gray, in her MatiesChappell Royall at Somersett-house in the p'sence of R:R. ffathers Paulo de Almeida & Emanuel Dias with many others by me Timothe de faria, Fr James Ferreyra

300. August ye 27th 1685. I Father John Bapta oSulliuan of the Ord' of St Dominick, doe hereby Certifye to whom it may concerne yt ye day and yeare aboue mentioned I haue Joyned in lawfull Matrimony noe Impedimt to the Contrary appearing Lt RichardHill and Eiz: (Eliza) Realy in ye Royall Chappell of Sommersett housein the p'sence of ffather Manuel Dias, James Read, Appollonia Perreira and others, as Wittness my die 70 Supa eodemq' anno. Fr Jno Bapta O Sulliuan.Ema : Dias, James Read, John Petit [74] 301. Apprill the9th 1687. Werethen joynedin lawfull Matrimony John Cleuering (Claveron) and Anne Widdrington in her Majestys Royall chappell at Sumersethouse in the presence of Mylord Widdrington, Mr Emanuel Dias, Mr William Crane , Mylady Widdrington, Madam Crane and Madam Jeane Widdrington by mee Will Blackwell

302. Nouember the 12th1687. John Cary Esquire toherMaty theQueen dowager, and Dona Anna Vasconcellos (de Vasconcellos), dresser to her said Maty, were ioyned in lawfull Matrimony, by me Tho: GoddenChaplain in Ordinaryto her Maty In the presence of the Earl of Feversham, Sr John Arundel, Mrs Windham , Mr Charls Arundel &c.

303. June 30, 1688. Stephen Sisum, of Putney, and Elizabeth Smithof Hammersmith , were ioyned in lawfull Matrimony, by me Tho: Godden Chapl in Ord. to her Maty In the p'sence of John Robbartes, Eli Hill, John Green.

304. September ye 12, 1688. George Renne (Penne or Renne) & Elizabeth Cottington were joynedin lawfull Matrimony by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Dymock Walpoole, Monoel goncalus. [75] 305. Januarij 30th 1688. Joseph Ackins, and Mary Elmes

were joyned in lawfull Mariage by me Fr Joannes Henegan in the presence of Mrs Dias ffa.

306. May ye 9th 1689. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Francis de (De) Claesse & Mary catharine dessignye in presence of Manoel Gonzalues , Frances [blank], by me B: James Ferreyra

307. June ye 11th1689. Ferdinando Watkins& Philipa Philips were joyned in lawfull Matrimony by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of James Lacy, Richard Stevens

308. June ye27, 1689. Were then joynedin lawfullmatrimony Patrick Cossell & Ann Duglas (fortè Douglas) by me Miguel Hourriquet in ye presence of Thomas Smith, Elizabeth Hues [76]

309. September ye 2, 1689. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Bernard Cheffer (Chaffer) & Mary Elizabeth Sacree (Sacrec) in ye presence of Manoel Gonçalues, Elizabeth Goodyer, Elizabeth Lacy, by me B. James Ferreyra.

310. Aprilye 10th 1690. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Luis (Lewis) Bowen & Ann Thomas by me B. James Ferreyra in ye presence of Manoel Gonçalues, Mary Housman.19thinferius.*

311. June ye 18, 1690. Were thenjoyn'd inlawfullMatrimony Richard Worth & Izabel Reynolds by me B. James Ferreyrain ye presence ofJohn Edwards, mary Edwards, ye mark X ofMary Sage *312. June ye 19th 1690. Were then joyn'd in lawfullMatrimony Dominick Trant & Mary Smithin ye presence ofMargaret Hubert & Elizabeth Goodyer by me B. James Ferreyra . [77] 313. August ye 29th 1690. Were then joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony John Ledwitch & Elizabeth Letts in ye presence of William Holyman & Ann Foster by me B. James Ferreyra

314. December ye 9th 1690. Were then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony Bryan Burn & Martha Coosse in ye presence ofJames Disbrowe & Martha Coosse by me B. James Ferreyra.

315. Januaryye 11th 1690. Were thenjoyn'din lawfullMatrimony John Bacon & Rebecca Stephens (Stevens) in ye presence ofB. James Ferreyra & Dorothy Sotheby byme Joseph Johnston .

316. February ye 14th 1693. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony James Sauin (Savin) & Catharine Maurice by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Tho. Lardner, Tho: Selby, Abigall Hays.

317. Januaryye 19th 1692. Were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony George Chambers & Phebe Hays in ye presence of Gerard Manscron, Anthony Fernandes, Elizabeth Sarcefield, Ann Essex , by me B. James Ferreyra [78] 318. August ye 19th 1692. Were then joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony Richard Blundell & Mary Good In ye presence of Charles Goode, Elizabeth Goode, Margaret Goode , by me B. James Ferreyra.

319. October ye 2, 1692. Were then joyn'd in lawfullMatri-

mony Isac Cooper & Mary Weekstead by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Robt Harford, Nichols Sackelld

320. January ye 7th 1693. Was then joyned in lawfullMatrimony Henerick Neuill (Henry Nevill) & Mary Fullwell by me B. James Ferreyra Inye presence of Eliza: Ball, ye markof x Hellene Herald . [79] 321. January ye 12, 1693. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony William Sooks [or Seeks] & Mary Brittell by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of James Read, Dor: ffitzsimons

The next entry (322) has been crossed out, and the following note appended : " vid pag 77. art 315" [a mistakefor 316]

322. February ye 14th 1693. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony James Sauin & Catharine Maurice by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Thomas Lardner, Thomas Selby, Abigall Hays.

323. October ye 28, 1694. Were then joyned in lawfullMatrimony Edmund Naperand MaryGibbons by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of James Read, John Birchall, Eliz: Douthwaite Nouember ye 29, 1694. Were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony [The entry has not been completed]. [80] 324. January ye 18th 1695. Were then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony George Fuller and EsterNorthouer (Hester Northoner) by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of John Tennant.

325. March ye 31, 1695. Were then joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony Thomas Relton and Margarit Hatton by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Wenefrid Ogle, Catherin Shafto.

326. August the 13th 1695. I Brother Joseph Johnston ofthe HolyOrder of St Benedict Priest Testify to all whom it may concernethatthe day and Year above written I joynedin Matrimony in the Private Chappell at Somersethousethe bodyes of Edmund OHanlon of Grayes Inn in the Parish of St Andrews Holburne and Mary Fifeild (Fifield) of the Parishof St James Westminster per verba de præsenti In testimony wherofI have herto set my hand Br Jo Johnston .Edmund o Hanlon, Mary fifeild .The Witnessespresent wereTho: Robinson, Eliz Fifeild, MaryHoward, Mary Sandys

[81] 327. November the 28th 1695. I Brother Joseph Johnston Priest and Religious of the Holy order of St Benedict testify to all whom it may concerne that the day and year above written Ijoynedin Matrimony in the Private Chappell at Somersethouse the bodies of Nicolas Andraose (Andrews) of the parish of St Giles in the fields and ElizabethBiddy of the Parish of St Pancras per verba de præsenti In testimony of wch I have hereto set my hand the dayand Yearas above Br : Joseph Johnston .Nicholas Andrews, Elizabeth bdly .The Witnesses present were Jasper Androose, James Read, The marke x of Jane Lask, The Marke x of Wenefride Androose.

328. September ye 10, 1696. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Nathan Milington (Millington) and Margarit Manock

(Mannock) by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Margit Louis, Ellin Croft

329. September ye 20 , 1696. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony George Farewell and Ann Shaw by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Nicholas Blarde, alce blande [82] 330. September ye 21, 1696. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Edward Gougo and Catharine Sarcefield by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of James: Paulhampton, Martha Burne

331. April ye 18 , 1697. Were then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony Alexander Cheoslm and Ann Larg by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Dionysius Bishop, William Smith, William Smith [sic].

332. Julyye 24, 1697. Were then joynedinlawfullMatrimony Edmund Pemberton and Elizebeth Parr by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Lewis Dehaver, Anne Parr, Mary irelinn.

333. March 1 1698. Were then joyned in lawfullMatrimony John Read and ElizabethFowls by me B. James Ferreyra In the presence of this is ye x mark of Richard Edington, this is ye x mark of Margarite Edington.

[83] 334. October ye 6, 1698. Were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony Theodore Salamon (Salomon) de (De) Balizy and Catharine Voquierby me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Peter ffaintain, Ann ffaintain

335. February ye 9 , 169 % . Were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony Michael Wright and Margarite Roots by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence ofthis is x ye mark of Oliuer Platt, this is x ye mark of Elizabeth St John.

336. December ye 2d 1699. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Luis (Lewis) Anthoni Clopier and ElizabethLee by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of C Sou de bruierre , This is ye X mark of Catharine Tasker.

The following entry is cut off by a rule, no doubt to indicate insertionin vacant space at a later date

337. October ye 15th 1733th were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites ofthe Catholicke Church Arthur Townsend and Mary Anderson by me James Butler [84] 338. May ye 19th 1700. Were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony John Smithand ElizabethHanch by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of James Read, Elizabeth Stone.

339. July ye 28th 1700. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony christian Verschuere and Dorothy Stoker by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Christopher Meh'ulfe [?], John van Lone

340. Januaryye 7th 1701. Were then joynedin lawfullMatrimony John Baptiste wynell and Cornelia Nau by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of John hill, Elizabeth Barry

341. August ye 31th 1701. were then joyned in Lawful Matrimony Henry Newnam (Newnham) & Mary Allen by me B. Denis

Bishop In ye presence of Abraham Smith, Cafren [? Catherine] Smith. [85] 342. September ye 21th 1701. Were then joyned in lawfull

Matrimony William Fisher and Ester Browne by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Dorothey Sotehaby. 343. Nouember ye 15th 1702. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Francis Reade (Read) and Philipe Walldgraue (Waldgrave) by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Wm Button, this x is ye mark of Wm Haron, Mary Woldegrave 344. February ye 9th 17[0]3

Were then joyned in lawfull

MatrimonyWilliamHarrold and Rebecca Johnson byme B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Dorothey Sothaby, Anne Barton. [86] 345. October ye 31, 1703. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony Thomas Routs and Ann Vnderhill by me B. James Ferreyra In ye presence of Frances Vnderhill, Jane Smith 346. Nouember ye 6t 1705. Were then joynedinlawfullMatrimony Peter Dumondell and Ann Frances Boutaudon by me B. James Ferreyra In presence of F. Boutaudon, Peter DuMondell, Anthony Boutaudon, Simon Boutaudon.

347. September ye 20th 1707. Were then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony Robert Scarlett (Scarlet) and Mary Mansell by me B. James Ferreyra In presence of Edwd Woodyer, Leanora [?] Mansell, Mary Sawyer [87] August ye 6t 1710. Were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony [The entry has not been completed]

348. Julythe 9th 1711. Were then joynedin lawfullMatrimony John Bromfield and Catharine Frere by me B. James Ferreyra In presence of William Powell, Mary Hobbs

[88] 349. August ye 13th 1711. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony HenryGillott (Gillot) and Ann Northhall(Northall) by me B. James Ferreyra In presence of Thomas ffleetwood, John Wildsmith, this is x ye mark of ElizabethWildsmith

350. August ye 23d 1720. Were Joyned in lawfullMatrimony James Mayer and Margrett Baker by me, James Heyns, in psence of Louis Guyot, John Windell

351. April ye 17th 1721. Were ioyned in lawfullMatrimony

Luke Clarck (Clark) and Mary Pointz p me Ane Vandenbergh in presence ofye subscribedwitneses BryanClark, ElenorNorrs, John Windle .

352. June ye 30 [1720 altered to] 1721. Where Joyndin Lawfull mattrimony peter Howell (Howel) & matilda Careless in presence ofthe subscribedwitness John windle, ElizabethCareless , John Careless, By mee ffrancis Augn Wynne. [89] 353. August ye 15, 1721. Where then Joyned in Lawfull matrimony John Murfy & Mary Fisher in presence of the subscribed by me John Ponce .John Haley, Elisabeth Fisher , Mary Falkner, John Windle

354. Decemb 31, 1721. Were then Joyndin lawfull matrimony

JohnPhillip delate (Delate) and ElizabethJohnston inyepresence of ye underwritten witnessese by Jno Hardcastlemarke of X

Margaret Johnston, John windle , Jane Insell, Dorthy van de Staden

355. Aprill ye 3rd 1722. Were then joyned in lawfull matrimony according to ye ritesof our holy Mother ye Roman Catholick Church John Greenand ElizabethThomas in presence of ye under written wittnesses by me John Floyd .Richard Tayler, Richard [blank], mary day, John Windel.

356. June ye 26, 1722. Were joyn'd in lawfull mattrimony Peter Nion, and Anna Custurier in presence of Nicolus Barbé and Emanuell Filibert Burien, by me Leopold Bufflé.

[90] 357, 1° . August 5th 1722 were thenJoynd in lawfull matrimony according to ye Rites of our holy Mother ye Catholick Church Thomas Rous and Hannah Dufton in ye presence of the underwrittenwittnesses by Jno HardcastleN. Rouse & [blank].

357, 2do. September ye 8 , 1722 were then Joynd inlawfull matrimonyaccording to ye Rites ofourholy motheryeCatholickChurch [Thomas erased] Edward oneal & Elisabet Dagger in presenceof the underritin witness [blank] By me [blank].

358. Sept. ye 26, 1722 were then Joynd in lawfullmatrimony according to ye rites of our holy mother ye Catholick Church Laurence Plunket and Martha Smith in ye presence of ye underwritten witnesses by Jno HardcastlePeter Crilly, Mary Crilly.

359. October 27, 1722. Were then Joy'din Lawfull matrimony, according to the rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church, John Fenigin and Ann Folam, in the presence ofthe under written wittnesses, by me John Ponce.Robt Hodges, John Windell, the X mark of ElisabethRichardson.

360. November ye 11th 1722. were then Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of our holy Motherye Catholick Church Patrick Hall and Margaret Evett in ye presence ofye undernamed Wittnesses by me Patrick Fitzsimons.John windell, walter henes , Elenor Manwaring. [91] 361. Julyye 20, 1723. Werethen Joynd in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of ye holy Catholick church EdwardCroydon and Ann Wilkins in presence of ye underwritten Wittnesses by me Jno Hardcastle .Robert Berneys, Thomas Bennett, John x Baswell his mark

362. August4th 1723. Were then Joind in lawfull Matrimony according to the ritesoftheholyCatholickChurch Robert Sharpless and Ann Phillips (Philips) in pressence of the underwritten Wittnesses by me John Ponce.Thomas Knight, William Phillips, Thomas Bennett, Mary Waller

363. Aprill ye 18th 1723. Were then joyned in lawfull matrimony according to ye rites of our holy mother ye Catholickchurch Garrot (Gerard) Fitzgerald and Bridget Burke in Presence of the underwritten wittnessess [none signed]: by me James Butler.

364. October ye 5th 1723. Were then joyned in lawfullmatrimony according to ye rites of our holy mother ye catholickchurch Dorothy Nectingal and Joseph Fox in the presence of ye underwritten wittnessess [none signed]: by me James Butler

[92] 365. October ye 2d 1723. Were then Joyned inlawfullmatramoney acording to the rites of our holy mother the catholick Church Maurice Clifford and Elixabeth Lonick in the presents of the underwritten withness: by me John Ponce .Thomas Bennett, El neuill, Mary Baxter her marck: X.

366. September ye 17th 1724. Were then joyned in Lawfull matrimnie, according to the rites of our holy motherthe Catholick Church; FrancissCesar and MaryFlatt, in the presence ofthe underwritten wittneses by me John Ponce .James Edgar, PaulPugliesi, Mary Flatt, Sary Črofird, Elisab: Heron.

367. September ye 20th 1724. Were then joyned, in Lawfull matrimonie , according tothe Rites of our holy mother theCatholick Church, Morgan o'Dowan (O Donan) and Joanna Nowlan in the presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me John Ponce.Jeremy Donovan, Cathern Nowlan her mark x.

368. Febry 16th 1724. Were then Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of[the] Roman ChatlickChurch Vensel Brookey (Brooky) and Mary Rusel (Dusel) In presence of ye undernamed withness by me Thomas MooreLuke Clarke , Jane Donovan, Mary Boynet, Eliz Stock, Mary lightfoot

The foregoing entryis cut off by a rule, to show that it is outof its proper place. The following note appears in the margin:ye 21 Nov: 1724 married, Francis Carpue & Anne Smallwood Pag. 131. [See entry 553.] [93] 369. April 5, 1725. Were then Joynd in lawfullMatrimony according to the rites of ye Roman Catholick Church Philip Pochostand ElizabethHanwellin the presence ofthe underwritten witnessesby me Jno HardcastleRandal Nicholls, LouisGoulay, Roland Olivier

370. June 15 , 1725. Were then Joynd in lawfull matrimony according to the rites of ye Roman Catholike church Thomas Nedham (Needham) and Mary Heskett (Hesket) in the presence of the underwritten witnesses by me Jno Hardcastle.Robt Riddell, Ann Riddell

371. July ye 19, 1725. Were then Ioyned in lawffull Matrimony Mr Robert Heath & Mary Collins; in the presents of Mr Wm Collins, and Lucy Collins ; By me John Ponce.

372. August 30th 1725. Were then Ioyned in Lawfull Matremony according to the Rites of the Roman Catholike Church Thomas Feeld (Field) and Mary Lee, in the presence of Jeremy Donouan and Elizab: Dereik and Ioanna Donouan; By me John Ponce

373. Septembr 12th 1725. Where then Joyned in lawfull Matremony according to [the] Rites of ye Roman Catholick Church Laurence Ryne and Morgreat Fitzpatrickin ye presence of ye under neumed withness by me Tho Moore .Wit: James Leson , Philip O Marra, Eliz Gundy. [94] 374. December 9, 1725 Were Then Joyned in Lawfull Mattrimonyaccording to The rites ofthe Roman Catholike Church

Owen Burne and Eliza Jones in the presence of the Vnderwritten Wittnesse by me James Butler .Tho: Sielman, jean La Croix.

375. Februarius 7 [1726 altered to] 1725. Were then joynedin Lawfull mattrimony according to the Rites of the Roman Catholike Church francis Lois (Louis) Samijn and Lucia guij jn the prense of Carel de huijcper [? De Kuijper] and Tho: Sulman by me Leopold Buffle.

376. May31 , 1726. Werethen Joyned in Lawfull Matteremony according to the rites of the Roman Catholick Church , George Richards, and Mary Barbrum in The Presentsof the Vnderwritten by me James Butler .George Powell, John x Richards his Marke, Mary Dupre

377. June ye 13th 1727. Were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our holy mother the Roman Catholicke Church Sebastian Sweale and Elisabeth Smithby me James Butler. [95] 378. September ye 6th 1726 were then Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the Roman CatholickChurch John [a name erased] Roettiers and Louise Givaud in the presents ofthe under written by me Petri Wesley .Thos Sulman, Anne x Le Coq her marke.

379. October ye 23th were then joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our holy mother the Roman Catholick Church Anthony Hurck and Ruth S. Lawn (Slawn) in ye presence oftheunderwrittenbymeJames Butler .X John Roseiro, Susann Hippin

380. November 1 , 1726. Were then joynd in Lawfull Matrimoyaccording to the rites of the RomæCatholick Church Henery Mountague and Ann Lessaly jn the presents of the underwritten byme Leopold Bufflé .Witnes, Elezabeth Barcroft, Ann thoman , Hannah Long

381. Feburaryye 2d 1726 were then Joyned In lawfullmatrimoney according to ye Rites of ye Roman Catholik Church [in erased] Luk Clarkand Ann Sanders in ye psence ofye undernamed witness by me Tho moore .J: Peacopp [96] 382. November ye first 1726 then were Joynd in lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites of the Roman CatholickChurch JohnBarnes and Ann Websterin the presence oftheVnderwritten witnesses by Jno Hardcastle .Geo: Thornburgh, Agnes Thornburgh

383. December ye 19th 1726. Then were Joynd in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of ye Roman Catholick Church Michael Warner and Sara Wilkinsonin the presence ofye Vnderwritten witnesses by Jno Hardcastle.John Jackson, Dr Phillipson. 384. January15th172 werethen Joyndin lawfull Matrimony according to the rites ofthe holy Catholickchurch JosephRayson and Wenefride Walson in ye presence ofye underwrittenwitnesses by Jno Hardcastle.Witnesses, Geo: Cooper, ye Maxrke of Alice Rymmer.

385. [The following has been crossed out: James harvy with dorothy patrick Withnesses James John Simon with elizabeth pain . 22 of Januari 26. and the entry then reads] Anno Domini 172 die 22a Januarii Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Ludovicus Deleau Capellanus Regis Portugalliæ LondiniinAnglia Jacobum Harvy (Harvey) et Dorotheam Patrick interrogavi, eorumquemutuoConsensu habitoSolemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio Conjunxi, præsentibus testibus Notis Joanne Simon et Elisabetha Pains.Ludovicus Deleau. [97] 386. Aprilye 16, 1727 then were Joynd in lawful Matrimony according to ye rites of ye Roman Catholick Church John Boys and FrancesWarwick in the presence ofye Vnderwrittenwitnesses by Jno Hardcastle.Jno Warwick, A. Hardcastle.

387. May ye 22, 1727 then were Joined in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites ofye Roman CatholickChurch PeterGardener and Amelia Gold in ye presence of ye vnderwritten witnesses by Step: Granville .Richard Hatterskey, Ann Gibbins, [illegible] Monkop, San Gerner 388. June 25th 1727. Were then Joyn'd in lawfullMatrimony according tothe rites of the Roman Catholick church William Culshawand MaryMoor in ye presence ofthe underwrittenwitnesses by Jno HardcastleDor: Wilkinson, Willm Scott 389. Julyye 2d 1727. Were then Joyn'din lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of ye Roman Catholick Church Thomas Wellsted and Martha Bawmer in ye presence of the underwritten Witnesses by Jno Hardcastle .Wm Bawmer , MaryBawmer , Mary Humphry, Tho: Sulman, Mary Bawmer, Frances Bawmer. [98] 390. July ye 17, 1727. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the rites of our holy motherye Roman Catholicke Church William Anglen and Ann Driskollin the presence of the underwritten wittnessess [none signed] by James Butler . 391. Sep: ye 17 , 1727. Were thenjoynedin LawfulMatrimony according to ye Rites of ye Roman Catholick Church Charles Vickers & ElizthSimmons in ye presence of ye vnderwrittenWittnesses by Richd Grene .John Simons, Mary × Bradshaw her marke.

392. Ao Dni 1727 , 29 octobris Secundum Ritum S. matris Romanæ ecclesiæ Legitime matrimonioconjunxi Henricum Schemakers et catharimam Hennekin Testes fuere petrus Schemaker et Theressa Hennekin .Leopoldus Bufflé, Sac : able R. Port: 393. Ao Dai 1727 , 29 octobris Ego infra notatus Secundum Ritum Stae Matris Romanæ ecčsiæ nostræ Legitime_matrimonio conjuxi glaudium (Claude ) favereau et MariamVandam testibus Petro antonio oostlands et Rosamundâ Spalshof.Leopoldus Bufflé, Sac. abl. R. Port: [99] 394. Januaryye 9th172. Werethen joynedin Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Roman Catholick Church John Maddocks & Eliz: Heath in ye presence ofye underwrittenwittnesses by Jos Smallwood.Peter Tomkins, Thos Sulman ,

395. Januaryye 22th 172 were then joynedin lawfull matrimonyaccording to the rites of our holy motherthe Roman Catholicke church Thomas Hense (Herse) and Mary Roberts in the presence of the underwritten [none signed] by: James Butler.

396. Januaryye 23d 172. Were then Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites ofthe Holy CatholickChurch George Arbuthnot and Margaret Robinson in the presence of the Vnderwritten Witnesses by Jn° Hardcastle.D. Robinson, Anastasia Robinson, Gios Pononcins.

397. January ye 25th were then joyned in lawfullmatrimony according to the rites of our holy motherthe Roman Catholicke Church William Butler and Catharine Dumeny (Dumesnil ) in the Presence of James Shierly, Elisabeth Shierly and mrs Napp by James Butler.

398. April ye 24, 1728. Were then Joyned in Lawffull Mattrimony according to the Rites of ye holy CatholickChurch Henery Kenstoner and Maric Mar in The Presence of the Vnder Written Wittnesses by me Step: Granville .Jon Phillips, Cath: Philip, Mry Eliz: Crispe.

[100] 399. April ye 25, 1728. Were then Joyned In Lawfull Mattrimony according to the Rightsofthe holy CatholickChurch Nicolas Collins and ElizabethHartleyin the Presence ofthe Vnder Written Winesses , Ludovicus Deleau .Tho: Dubois, John Colman & mary Wine, Mrs Deleau

400. June ye 1st 1727 were then joyned in lawfullmatrimony according to the Rites of our holy mother ye Catholicke Church Richard Coffen and Mary Willmoth in the presenceof the underwritten witnessess [none signed] by James Butler.

401. May ye 6th 1728 were thenjoyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of ye Holy Catholick Church Henery Cornel and Anne Hodgen in ye presence of the vnderwritten Wittnesses by Richd Grene .Richard Jordan, mary foster , Dorregar jr

402. June ye3d 1728. Were then Joyned in Lawffull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy CatholickChurch Antony Delaporte & Ann James in ye presence of the vnderwritten witnesses by me L: Deleau .Thos Sulman

403. June ye 9th 1728 were then joyned in lawfullmatrimony according to the Rites of ye Holy Catholick Church Jno Rafther and Sarah Annuel in ye presence of the vnderwritten wittnesses [none signed] by Richd Grene .

[101] 404. July ye 12 , 1728. Where Lawfully marriedaccording to ye rights of our holy mother ye chatolick Church in ye psence of ye undernamed withness Ewdwar (Edward) Simes & Eliz Davison by me Tho. mooreWits, Mary Backster her mark x, Francis Lambedal, Thos. Sulman.

405. August ye 23, 1728 were then Join'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of the holy Catholick Church John Francis Allix and Antonetta Pauline Valencier in ye presence of

ye vnderwritten witnesses, Lewis deleau .Claude Valancier, James Dupon, Francis Lambercal , Thos Sulman.

406. Ao Dni 172 , 7ma januarij Ego infra scriptus secundum Ritum S. Matris Romanæecclesiæ LegitimeMatrimonioconjunxi Samuelem Rich et Elisabhetam Andrew. testes fuere Richardus Farmer Eques, et prænobilis Dña Penelope Arkurst, Margareta Raij, Anna Sutton .Leopoldus Bufflé.

407. Anno Dni 1728-9 die 22da Januarij Ego infrascriptus secundum ritum S. Romanæ ecclesiæ legitime matrimoniojunxi Eustachium Carolum Du Four (Pour) de la Chapelle et Mariam Foulquier .Eduardus Shaw Testes fuere Francis Lambercal , Thos Sulman

408. februarii ye 5th 172% were then Join'd in Lawfullmatrimonj according to ye rites of the holy catholick church [John Goldsmit erased] John Goldsmith [and] Elisabeth Standley in ye presence ofyevnderwrittenWitnesses ita attestorLud: Deleau.Francis Nickson, Elizabeth Green, Thos Sulman [102] 409. februarii ye 6, 172% werethen Join'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of ye holy catholick church Edward Witherson [and] frances freeman x in ye presence of ye underwritten Witnesses William Smith, Elizbth Dorlanrevx, mary terry, John Terry ita attestor ludovicus Deleau

410. Ao Dni 1728/9, 11ma Februarij Ego infra scriptus Secundum Ritum Stae Matris nostræ RomanæEcclesiæLegitimematrimonio conjunxj jacobum Bonum et Annam Spenser (Spencer) testibus subnotatis . Leopoldus Bufflé .Joseph Wootton, Henry Joseph La Motte, Elizbeth Stringer, Ambrosius van Dalen .

411. Febru : ye 26, 172 were then Joined in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of ye Holy Catholick Church John Sherwood with Marie Andrewst (Andrews) in ye presence of ye vnder written witnesses. John Widin, Agnes Browns Mark X.- Step: Granville.

412. Anno Domini 172 , 18 februarij Ego infrascriptussecundum ritum Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ legitime Matrimonio Junxi Marcellum de (De) Gamaches et Mariam Magdelenam du (Du) Mont.-P. Wesley. Testes fuerunt Jan Mattaeijs , ann Shaw . [103] 413. May the 15 , 1729. Were then Joyndin Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the Roman CatholikChurch John Pearsonand Anne Wardin presence ofthe underwritten witnesses by Jno Hardcastle Wittnesses, the x Mark of Frances Lawson , the mark X of Esther Snowdon, Thos. Sulman.

414. May the 26, 1729. Were then Join'd in Lawfull MatrimonyAccording to therites ofye Roman Catholickchurch Gaspar Aleau and Ann Shaw in presence of ye vnderwritten witnessesby L. Deleau . nicolas uiellott, j: Shaw, Tho: Woodman , Fran: Warmall, Eliz Uiellout, Sarah Horne, Amy Reason, Tabitha Rhixon .

415. June ye 22, 1729 Wher then Joyned in Lawful Matrimonyaccording to Rites of Roman Catholick Church Thos Numan

andCathrine mcCarty in the presence of undernamed witness [none signed] by me Thos Moore .

416. Julyye21,1729 werethenJoyned in Lawffull Matrimoney according to ye rites of ye holy Catholick Church Edward Kingselho and Ann Lamb in the Presence ofthe Vnderwritten Witness By James Butler .Henry x Macky his marke, Thos. Sulman , Mary x Baxer her marke

[104] 417. September ye 24, 1729 were then joined in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye rights of the holy Cacholick Church Henery Field and Margueret Hedger in ye presence of ye vnder written witnesess by S. Granville.Francis Lambercat , Thos. Sulman, frances field

418. September ye 29th 1729. Were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of our holy motherthe Roman Catholicke Church James Jvery (Ivery) and Ann Menor in the presence of the under written witnessess by J: Butler .William Arnold, Mrs Brawle.

419. November ye 2d 1729 were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites ofthe holy Roman Catholick Church Joshia (Joshua) Couel and Juliana Heptenstall in ye presence of underwritten Witnesses by Jno HardcastleJames Rigg, Anne Rigg, Anne Heptenstall , Anne Rigg Jun .

420. November ye 4, 1729. were then Joyned in Lawffull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Roman Catholick Church, Peter Henery (Henry) and MarySmith. Step: Granville.Wittneses , Mary Read, [a name obliterated], Francis Lambercat. [105] 421. November ye 5, 1729 were Then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Roman Catholick Church Thomas Stanley and Sarah Conner in the presence ofthe under written Witnesses by Jos Smallwood .Tho: Sulman , Mary x Baxter her mark, Fracis Lambercat

422. Novembriye 16, 1729 were then joyned in lawfull Matrimonyaccording to ye Rites of the Holy Roman CatholickChurch George Hussey and Sarah Harrison in the presence of the under written wittnesses by Richd Grene .Janey Barell, Michaell Hussey

423. November ye 22d were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites ofthe Holy Roman CatholickChurch Francis Lucas and Sarah Claxton in the presence of the under witten wittnesses by Richd Grene .Tho: Sulman, john La Croix, Benedict de Magua Shalj [?].

424. January ye 20th [1729 altered to] 1730 were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye holy Roman Catholick Church Jean baptiste Robiquet & Sarah Horne in ye presence of vnderwritten Witnesses by me Lewis Deleau .Sarah iames, Richard Taylor, Tho : Woodman, Alex. Lyon, Gaspard Aleau

[106] 425. January ye 11th 17. Were then Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Roman Catholick Church Francis Nixon (Nixer) and Frances Hartleyin ye presence

of the underwritten witnesses by Jno Hardcastle .Witnesses , Thos Sulman, A. Hardcastle

426. Feby ye 1st 17% were then Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of the Holy Roman CatholickChurch James Taylor & Margt Halay in ye presence of ye vnderwritten wittnesses [none signed] by Richd Grene.

427. Item Feby ye 1st 17% were then Joyn'd inlawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Roman CatholickChurch Erasmus Tompson & Elizth Hopkins in ye presence of ye underwritten wittnesses by Richd Grene .Wittnesses, witnes James fletcher, Henry Fletcher Iun , Benj : Hopkins.

428. Feb. ye 9th 1738 were then Joyned in lawfullMatrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Roman Catholick Church Inº Woodstock & Anne Ienkins (Jenkins) in ye presenceofye underwritten wittnesses by Richd Grene .John Watkins, Patience x Woodstock 'her mark [107] 429. May ye 20th 1730 were then joyned in lawfull matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Roman Catholick Church Phil Harris & Lucy White Hall (Whitehall) in ye presence ofye underwritten wittnesses by Richa Grene .William Smith , Thos Sulman.

430. June ye 27th 1730. Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Roman CatholickChurch , Rob Richardson & Mary Harrisonin ye presenceof the underwritten Witness's by Jos Smallwood.Witness's, Hugh Kighley, Margarett Carnk. [See C.R.S. xix, p. 174.]

431. Julyye 5th 1730. Were then Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites ofthe holy Roman CatholickChurch James Martin and Mary Joynes In the presence of the underwritten witnesses. Jno Hardcastle .Charles Martin, Jno Beeding.

432. Julyye 5th 1730. were then Joyned in lawfullmatrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Catholick church John Baptist Le Clare (Jno Bapt Clare) and Jane Corinford (Coringford), in ye presence of ye underwritten witnesses Step: GranvilleFrancis Lambercal, Tho: Sulman, Mary x Baxter her mark.

433. Mayye 8th 1730. were then joynedin lawfullmatrimony according to the rites of our holy mother the Roman Catholicke Church John Butler and Elisabeth Dersanges by me J: Butler. 434. june ye 13, 1730. [Anne wh erased] were then [Marr erased] Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of ye holy Roman Catholick church James Hennis & Alexia Hennis in ye presence of ye vnderwritten Withnesses owen Shannan & Joanna Darelley by me L. Deleau. [108] 435. September ye 10, 1730 Were then Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of ye Holy Roman Catholick Church francis Joseph Hubert & Mary Barbara Andrez in ye presence of ye vnderwritten Withnesses by Lewis Deleau .T: Constantia Brudenell , Brice Fisher, M. Claire Durieu, Mary Steuson , Tho: Allam

436. october ye 15, 1730 were then Joyn'd in Lawfull Matri-

mony according to the Rites of ye Holy Roman [Church erased] Catholick Church William Rushbrook [and] Anna Maria Werwin inyepresenceofye vnderwrittenwithnessesby me Lewis Deleau.― Edward Unwin, May Tyrrell. 437. November ye 24, 1730 werethen Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony According to ye Rites of ye Holy Roman CatholickChurch William Harris and Elisabeth Piterson (Peterson) in ye presence of ye vnderwritten withnesses by me L. Deleau .Thos. Sulman , Mary x Baxter her marke, Francis Lambercat 438. Anno Domini 173 februarii 11a Nullo Legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego infra scriptus Joannem Josephum Leopoldum Commans et Mariam Oliver Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Nicolao Restrip et Tobitha Restrip.L. Deleau [109] 439. Anno Domini 173 februarii ye 16 Nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto Ego infra scriptus Dominum Joannem Collingwood et Mariam Franciscam Mondehare (Mondhare) matrimonio Conjunxi Præsentibus testibus Jno Mondehare , Mary Mondehare, Christ: Metcalfe, Thos Collingwood .L. Deleau. 440. March the 2d 1730. Were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimonyaccording to therites ofthe holyCatholicke Church Patricke Coleman and Margaret Jackson in the presence ofthe underwritn Witnessess by me James Butler .Thos Sulman, Sara × Besux her marke . 441. March ye 22d 1730-31 werethenJoyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of the Holy Roman CatholickChurch Christian (Christine) Kopque and Dorothy Moring: inye presence ofye underwrittenwittnesses by me Richd Grene .Joseph Willis, Sarah Willis, Thos. Sulman . [Marchye 1st 173. Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony erased .]

442 primò anno domini 1732 Ianuarii 20 nullo Legitimoimpedimento detecto patritium Levin et Joannam kelly matrimonio conjunxi presentibus testibus Edmundo Tobin et Sara kerans by me L. Deleau.

442 Secundò. Anno Domini 1732 februarii 2ª nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto Joannem Bridg (Bridge) et Mariam Brown MatrimonioConjunxi presentibus testibus Catherina Brownmatre ejus, Catherina Brown Barbara Brown Sororibus, Maria Burfeild, Lucia Davies, Elisabetha Barrett, Marguerita Chapman, by me L. Deleau. [110] 443. Julyye 25th 1731 were then Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Roman CatholickChurch Iames Fabris (Fabres) and Susañe Mottershead (Mothershead) in ye presence of ye underwritten Wittnesses by me Richd Grene.James Butler, Lorenzo Poli, Elizabeth Phelps, Mary poli 444. Julyye 29, 1731. Were then Joined in Lawfull matrimony according to ye Rites of ye holy CatholickChurch Adrien Duez & Ann Joseph Denys in presence of ye vnderwritten Wittnesses by me Step: GranvilleClaude joseph raoult, Ann Sutton 445. Nouembr the 21, 1731 were then Join'd in Lawfull Mar-

riage according to the rites of the holy CatholickChurch Richard [blank] and Catharine [blank] In presence of the under written witnesses by me Peter Wesley.Wm Goff, Bar. Corfe, Thos. Sulman.

446. Decemb ye 5th 1731. Were then Joynd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rhites of the Roman Catholik Church, JohnPenn and Anne Phillipson(Philipson) Frogley in thepresence of the underwritten Wittnesses by me Jno Hardcastle.--Charles Villessefue, mary frogly

447. Anno Domini 1732 aprilis 21 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Valentinum three et Annam finch matrimonio Conjunxi presentibus testibus Ioanne Edwards, francisca Lawson, Anna Pierson, by me L. Deleau . [111] 448. Mayye 11th1732Were then Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites of the holy Roman CatholickChurch [blank].

May ye 9th 1711: were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the holy R: Catholick Church James Kellyand Ann Dunaghu in the presence of the vnderwritten witnesses [none signed] by me James Butler

449. May ye 21, 1732 Were then Join'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye holy Roman Catholickchurch William Wilson & jsabella [gebbang altered to] gebbing in ye presence of witnesse peter bolongne, Ann Gibbons, by me L. Deleau.

450. June ye 8th 1732 were then Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye holy Roman CatholickchurchGeorge Hodgson & alice Peughin ye presence ofwithnesses George Hodgson Senior, William Mollam , MaryCullingworth, Margret Hodgson, Elizabeth Morrice, by me L. Deleau.

451. September ye [15 altered to] 16, 1732. were then Joined in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Roman CatholickChurch Mr William [Pouan altered to] Jouan (Donan) de Valloiswith Mrs Catharina Rogers widdowin ye presence ofwittnesses Edward Vaughan, Francis Malard, Robert Pawlet, Eliz. pawlet, Hannah Pritchard, Anni Vaughan, by me Step: Granville. 452. Oct3: 1732 werethen joynedin lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the rites of ye holy Roman Catholick Church, Dennis Magrah& Ruth Terryin the presance of wittnesses John Archer, Nicolas Griffith .p Ed Cox . [112] 453. January ye 21 , 173 Were then Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of the holy R. CatholickChurch Duncan Catanachand ElisabethHauthorne in the presenceofthe underwritten witnesses by me Jno HardcastleWitnesses , Mich: Dale, Alice Hardcastle.

454. AP 3: 1733 Were then Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according totherites of ye holyR:CatholickChurch GeorgeWelden (Weldon) and Ann Allen in the presance of ye under written Witnesses p Ed Cox .John Palmer, Tho Sulman, Dorathy Blackstone

455. Maij ye 4th 1733: were then joynedin lawfullMatrimony according to the rites of the holy R: Catholick Church Thomas Deacons (Deavens) and Elisabeth Stewart in the presence of the underwritten witnessess [none signed] by me James Butler 456. June ye 14th 1733 were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony George Sale & Debora Sock'ell (Sockell) according to ye rites of ye Holy R. CatholickChurch in ye Presence of ye Underwritten Witnesses by me Richd GreneJohn Savage, ye mark x of mary meaden, Anne Morphey.

457 primò. Julyye 9, 1733 were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony Terent [Coner altered to] Conor (Terence Connor) & francis (Frances) [Armsstrong altered to] Armstrong according to ye Rites of ye Holy Catholicks Church in ye presence of ye vnderwritten Witnesses by me L: Deleau.Thos. Sulman, Anto Gomès .

457 secundò Januaryye 27, 173 were Then Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of the holy Ř: Catholick Church Henry Francis Widdrington and Anne Gatenby in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me John Cantrill.Jacob Wilmers, Walter Collins & Elizabeth Collins.Copia vera Jos Smallwood [See C.R.S. xix, p 162.] [113] 458. Julyye 9th 1733. Were then Ioynedin Lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites ofye Holy R. CatholickChurch Charles Cornweight (Cornwright) and Catha: Godwin In ye Presence of ye vnderwritten Wittnesses. By me Richd Grene.Blomer Gooddiar, Jane Barell, winifre Gooddiar 459. Octo 28, 1733 Were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to [the] Rites ofthe Holy R: CatholickChurch Henery Lee & Dorathy Hartwell, in ye pressance ofye vnderwritten Witnesses p: Ed Cox .Anthony Cleether, Ma Wragg 460. N° 28: 1733 Were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of the holy CatholickChurch William More [and] Jane Evens (Evans) in the preasanceof ye underritenwitnesses p Ed Cox .John Lapworth, Eliz. Boone. 461. Decembrye 23d 1733 were then Joyned in lawful Matrimony Thos Lampon & Elizth Jennins (Jennens) according to ye Rites ofye Holy R. Catholick Church. In ye Presence ofye vnderwritten Wittnesses By me Richa Grene .The mark x of John Smith, The mark x also of Clare Crossbey, Thos. Sulman. [114] 462. Feby ye 14th 1733-4. Were then Joyned in Lawful Matrimonyaccording to ye Rites ofye H.Roman CatholickChurch Thos Vanearsell & Anne Savage ; in ye Presence of ye vnderwritten Wittnesses By me Richd Grene.George Lewis, El'z. Ellston. 463. Feb. ye 21, 1733-4 were then Joined in lawfull Matrimony accordingtoye Rites ofye H. Roman CatholickChurch John Kingston with Anna Culliva ; in ye presence of ye vnderwritten wittnesses, by me Step Granville.Thomas Huet, Burt Wade. 464. Feb. ye 26th 1733-4: were then Joyned in lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye H. Roman Catholick Church Thos Rogers & Catharine Hill in ye Presence of ye vnderwritten Wittnesses By me Richd Grene,-Thos Underhill, Mary Underhill

465. June ye 4: 1734. were then Ioyned in Lawful Matrimomoney according to the Rites of the Holy Roman Catholick Church, Edward Bradshaw and Anna Larret in the Presence of ye Vnderwritten Wittnesses by me Step: Granville.Thos Sulman, Anto Gomes 466. April 16: 1734 Were then joyn'd in lawfull matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholick Church Roger Swarbrick & Christien (Christine) Henlyin presance of ye underwriten witnesses p Ed Cox .Peter Chrilly, Eliz. Plunket. [115] 467. June ye 12th 1734 were then Joyned in lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye H. Roman Catholick Church Sami Elkins & Mary Birchall in the Presence of ye vnderwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grene .Thomas Plunkett, Eliz: Plunkett, Elz. Ellston.

There is a blank space here, with the following marginal note: "Ju: 18: J. B." 468. August ye 4th 1734 were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Henry Baughen and Mary Emms In ye presenceofthe underwrittenWittnesses by me Jos Smallwood .HenryBateman , Elizabeth patrson .

469. August ye 29, 1734 were [Marry'd erased] then Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of our Holy Motherthe Catholick Church John George Silberman (Silverman) & Sarah Hewet in the presence of ye vnderwritten Witnesses by me L. Deleau . Margratt Hewett, Willm Chambers, Henry Grubb, Ann Grubb, Eliz: Ixem, Joyce Emes. [116] 470. Novemb 10, 1734 Were then Joynd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Catholick Church James Palethorp and Margaret Frances Griffiths in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me Jno Hardcastle Thomas palethorp, the marke x of Winefred Byard.

471. Nov: ye 30th were then joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church John Lannini [?] and Ann Thorowgood (Thorougood) in the psenceof theunderwrittenwitnessess by me James Butler .Witnessess , John Maning, mary baker . 472. Decemberye 21, 1734 were then Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of our Holy Mother ye Catholick Church John Dumenil (Dumesnil) & welhelmin Ann Western in the presence of the vnderwritten witnesses by me L. Deleau.Peter Lafontaine, ilisabet la fontainne, James Perdrau 473. December ye 26, 1734 were then Joynd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites ofthe Holy Catholick Church William Havers and Margaret Winstonin the presence ofthe underwritten Wittnesses by me Jno Hardcastle.Peter Whittell, Eliz Whittell 474. [February erased] January ye 6, 173 were then Joyn'd in Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Catholickchurch Robert Longfellow and Elizabeth Seymour by me Step: Granville.--Wittnesses, Francis Bedingfeld, marie eliesabeth baradijnf.

[117] 475. Jan 14: 1735 were then joynd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy CatholickChurch Slater Coging & Ma(Mary) Flintin the presence of Mauries Archbold , Ma Morris, p Ed Cox .

476. Jany ye 26th 173 were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye H. Catholick Church John Hodghson (Hodgson) & Hester Verby in ye [Vnderwritten erased] Presence of ye underwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grene . Jos Carpue, Sam. Verby.

477. February ye 18, 1735 were then join'd in Lawfull matrimonyaccording to ye Rites of ye Holy CatholickChurch Edward moore and Martha Francis Deashan in ye presence of ye vnderwritten wittnesses by me Step: Granville.Charles Boschi, William Hills

478. Feb: ye 16, 173. Were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of[our erased] the CatholickChurch Michael Belf and Mary Rochford in the psence ofthe underwritten Witnessessby James Butler .Witnessess , James x Mackland his marke, Catrine Moor

479. May ye 9, 1735. were then join'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of our holy motherye Catholic Church Mr Nicolas Hallot with Mrs Elizabeth wigfall in ye presence of ye vnderwritten witnesses by me Step: Granvillewittnesses, Tomaso Mannelli , Anne Letellier, John Hindle, Mary x Baker Her mark, H. Johnson, Gaspard Le Tellier. [118] 480. May ye 18th 1735where then Joynd in LawfullMatrimonyAccording [to]the rites ofthe holy Catholick ChurchIoseph Litle (Little) And Winifred Pope in the presence of the undernamd witnesses by me Peter Wesley .John Colles, Eliz Goose , mary nillit, Thos Sulman

481. May 18 , 1735 were then joyn'd in LawfullMatrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholick Church , Thomas Plunket & Ma Vnderhill in ye preasance of the under riten witnesses p Ed Cox .James Sharp, John Nash, Eliz. Sharp.

482. Maye 26: 1735 Were then joyn'd in Lawfull matrimony according to ye rites of the holy Catholick Church Peter Barois & Marget (Margaret) Hudson in the preasance ofthe under writen witnessesp Ed Cox .Michel frucares, Ma Wargent.

483. June 29, 1735 Were then Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy CatholickChurch Peter Dedier and MagdaleneFaber (Chabet) in the presence ofthe underwritten Wittnesses byJno HardcastleJames Granger, Lewis Feliçianne

484. Julyye 22th 1735 were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our holy mother the CatholickChurch Mathew Crighton and Mary Wilkisson (Wilkinson) in the psence oftheunderwritn witnessess byJames Butler .Gerard Leijdinger, John Connor, Cillia x Ford her mark. [119] 485. Augtye 14 , 1735 were then Ioyned in Lawfull Matrimony William Clunn (Clunne) & Elizth Alingam (Alingham) according to ye Rites of ye Holy Church In ye Presence of y

vnderwritten wittnesses by me Richd Grene .Th Acton , margrit adress, mercy potier

486. Oct 5: 1735 were then joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according tothe rites [of] the holy CatholickChurch Peter Mancell (Mansell) & Jane Millet p Ed Cox .the witnesses, John Chamberlin, Pierre Belly.

487. Oct 8: 1735 were then joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the Holy CatholickChurch: John Tomson & Hannah Wale in presanceof Hen : Brown, Will. Jennings. p Ed Cox .

488. Nouember ye 1 , 1735 where then Joyn'd to Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the Holy [church erased] Catholick church Jacque Olivier and MaryGarlan in the presence ofthe vnderwritten'swithnesses by me Lewis DeleauWillmVol, Mary Vol, Alicea Colins, Isabella Vol, Mary Matthews, Henry Asnon

489. May 13: 1736 ware then joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Catholick Church John Holstock and Eliz. Wilkinson in preasance of the underwritten witnesses p Ed Cox .John Brige, ann Brige. [120] 490. June ye 6th 1736. were thin Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy CatholickChurch Thomas Codd & Sarah Topling. In ye Presence of ye vnderwritten wittnesses. By me Richd Grene .Giles Taplen, Mary Walsh.

491. June 17, 1736 Were then Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy CatholickChurch Lambert du (De) Vivier and Mary Bredall in ye presence of the underwritten Witnesses by Jno Hardcastle.Margaret Cholmesley, Barbara Cholmesley, Altheia Piggot

492. June 19: 1736 Were then joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Catholick Church Samuel Norton & Eliz. Pendrell in ye pesance oftheunderwrittenwitnesses p Ed Cox .Giorge Lewes, Ma Perry.

493. July ye 1st 1736were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Catholick Church Richd Ebeh (Eleh) & Anne Thomas In ye presence of ye vnderwritten Wittenesses [none signed] By me Richd Grene.

494. July ye 4, 1736. were then marriedin lawfull marriage John Kelly and Ellisebeath Kighly (Righly) in presence of the vnder witness by me Monfort.John Egan, Patrick Foal's X. 495. July 8, 1736 were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye holy CatholickChurch Stephen Pellot (Gellot) & Eliz: Keatleare in the Presence ofye underritten witnesses [none signed] p Ed Cox. [121] 496. Aug: 18: 1736ware then joyn'd in lawfullMatrimony according to the rites ofthe holy CatholickChurch GeorgeHudson & Christien (Christine) Digoier in Presance of the underwriten witnesses p Ed Cox .Will Coe , Ma Coe

497. Spt 30: 1736 ware then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the Holy CatholickChurch Will Evens,

& BarbaraSmart in the preasance of the underwriten wittnesses p Ed Cox .Will Edgar, Katt Drenn

498. October ye 9th 1736 were then Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the HolyChatholick Church John Davis and ann Dirider in the presensence of the under writen Wittnesses Richard Hatershey, Elizabeth Hatterskey, Oliver Nugent by me Step: Granville

Over the next entrywe read : "London: Jany ye 8 , 1736-7 " partly erased

499. January ye 8 were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Catholick Church Thomas Warmsley (Walmesley) and Elisabeth Green in the psence of Edward Tyrell : by me J. Butler.

500. March ye 13th 1736-7 were then joyn'din LawfullMatrimony according to ye Rites ofye Holy CatholickChurch Loughan Kinihan & Eizth Barett ; In ye Presence of ye vnderwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grene .Jeremiah Donovan.

501 primò. April 18: 1737 ware then joyend in lawfullMatrimony according to the rites of the holy Cha: Church Ed Eddes [and] Eelenor Johnson in the preasanceof the under writen witnesses p Ed Cox .David Jones, Mary Crayser

501 secundò. May the 16: 1737 Were Then Joyn'd inLawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the Holy Roman Catholick Church Nicholas Stapleton Esq , and Winefrid White Spinster, in the presenceofthe underwritten Witness's by me Jos Smallwood. -John Stapylton, Edwd Webbe, John White Junior [See C.R.S. xix, p 175.] [122] 502. June 22, 1737 Were then joynd in lawfullMatrimony according to the rites of the holy CatholickChurch Joseph Howse and Elizabeth Goddard in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p Jno Hardcastle.Mich: Dale

503. July 24: 1737 were then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the holy CatholickChurch John Keenin & Frances Chesmanin the preasance of Morgen Donovan, Lucy Earle p Ed Cox.

504. July 31: 1737 were then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the holy CatholickChurch EdDoherty & Johanna Hogan in the preasence of Paule Chamberlin , Katt: Brimingham p Ed Cox .

505. August 21: 1737 were then joyn'din lawfullMatrimony according to the rites of ye holy CatholickChurch Jon Burnet & Sarah Marler in the preasance of Mik: Donely, Eliz. Fonzacha p Ed Cox .

506. September ye 18th 1737: were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of the holy CatholickChurch Arthur Byrne and Anne Tomson in the presence of John O'Neale & Anne Vanursel x .Peter Nugent.

507. Septemb 27 , 1737 Were then Joynd in lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites of the holy CatholickChurch Henry Saukald (Saulkeld) and Margaret Charlton in the presence ofthe

underwritten Witnesses by me Jno HardcastleBarbara Talbot , Ann Henderson .

508. Oct3: 1737were thenjoyn'd inlawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites of the holyCatholickChurch Hen.Roberts& Sarah Hilliard in the preasance of Patt: Connell, letitia Hilliard p Ed Cox.

[123] 509. Nov 23, 1737 were then joyned In lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Catholick Church John Riley and Joanna Young in ye presenceof the vnderwritten Wittnesses By me Richd Grene .Thomas Pott, Margaret Potts

510. Feb 4th 173 were then Joynd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the Holy Catholick Church Andrew Smith and Mary Faber in the presence of the underwritten Witnesse p Jno HardcastleDaniel Gathercoal, Winefred Byard

511. Jany 8th 1737/8 were then Joyned in lawful Matrimony according to the Rites of ye Holy Catholick Church Jno Blake and Mary la (La) Croix in ye Presence of ye vnderwritten Wittnesses By me Richd Grene .john La Croix.

512. February the 20th 1737-8. were then joyned in lawfull matrimony according to the Rites of the holy CatholickChurch Arthur Lynch of Bilboa Mercht and Catharine Cantillon, (niece to Richd Cantillon of London Esqr deceased) in the presence of the undernamed wittnesses By me James Rice.Lieutenant Generall Buckley, the Honble Anne Buckley his wife , Francis Garvan Esq , Nicolas Owgan Esq, Philip Cantillon Esq . 513. Aprill the 11th 1738. were then joyned in lawfull matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholick church Tho: Dillon and Elizabeth Nowlan Widow in presence of the underwritten wittnesses [by me erased]-Tho Murphy, and Mary his wife, John Kinny, Wm Carroll, Catherine Coghlan, by me Ja Rice [124] 514. April 11: 1738 ware then joyned in Lawfull Matrymony according to the rites of the Holy CatholickChurch Josepth Clempsonand Mary Bradshaw in the presence ofthe underwriten witnesses p Ed Cox .Giorge Bradshaw, Eliz. Pile. 515. April 23: 1738 ware then joyned in Lawfull Matrymony according to the rites of the holy Catholick Church John Clark & Ann Allen in the preasance of ye underwritenwitnesses p Ed Cox . Anto Gomés, Mary Gomes. 516. May 17: 1738 ware then joyned in Lawfull Matrymony according to the rites of ye HolyCatholickChurch JamesAmiconi & Ma Antonia Marchesini in the preasance of the underwriten Witnesses p Ed Cox .julia Marchesini, George Lewes. 517. May 18: 1738 ware then joyned in LawfullMatrimony according to the rites of ye holy CatholickChurch Patrick Henly or Hanlon and Marget Henlyin the preasance ofthe under writen witnesses p Ed Cox .Jeremiah Donovan, Mary Coyle 518 primò. May ye 17, 1738. Were then Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the Holy CatholickChurch George Heneage Esq: of Hainton in the County of Lincoln; and Mary Newport Spinster of ye Parish of St Andrews Holborn in D

the County of Middlesex; in the presence of the underwritten Witness's by me Jos Smallwood .Tho: Heneage, Cat: Heneage, Anne Newport [See C.R.S. xix, p. 175.]

518 secdo . May ye 21: 1738 were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy CatholickChurch Stephen Gowvan and Elisabeth Magdonnell (McDonnell) in the presence ofye vnderwreten witnessess by me J. Butler .Timothy Sulliuan, Mary Sulliuan, Timothy Sullivan, John Purcell [125] 519. May22, 1738. Were then JoyndinlawfullMatrimony according to the Rites ofthe holy CatholickChurch John Andrew and Anne Stacy in the presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me Jno Hardcastle .Joseph Shepherd, margret paice.

520. June 20: 1738 were then joyn'd in lafull Matrimony according to the rites of the Holy CatholickChurch John Taylor and Ma Church in the presence ofthe underwritenwitnessesp Ed Cox .Peter Turner, Alex Howerd

521. August the 28: 1738 were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy CatholickChurch John Baptist Ricke and Rebecca Kerby in the presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me J: Butler .Gillis Child, Giacomo Fogina, R. Carpentier, Cathrine Moore .

522. Sep. 24, 1738. Were then Joynd in lawfull Matrimony according tothe rites of the holy CatholickChurch DanielGathercoal and Winefride Byard in ye presence of the underwrittenWitnesses by me Jno Hardcastle .Andrew Smith, Mary Faber alias Smith.

523. Nov. 4, 1738. Were then Joynd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites ofthe holy CatholickChurch RobertParker and Elizabeth Allabye in the presence of the underwritten witnesses by me Jno Hardcastle .Wittnesses, Joseph Younger, Edwd Langley, J: Hawkins , Ann Allabye [126] 524. Nov ye 15th 1738. Were then Joyned in lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Catholick Church Benett Demages and Hanah Dere in ye Presence of ye vnderwritten Wittnesses. By me Richd GreneWm Gurnall, Sus: Wilson

525. January ye 13, 1738-9 Were then Joyned in lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye Holy Catholick Church Joseph Stafford and Anne Stich in the presence ofye vnderwritten Wittnesses By me Richd Grene .Joshua Stafford, mary Stich , Elizbath Clayton 526. Jan: 7: 1738-9 were then joyn'd in LawfullMatrimony according to ye Rites of the holy Catholick Church Samuel Cope & Ma Dellon in the presence ofthe under written Witnesses p Ed Cox . Franc: le Blanc, Ales Pierson. 527. Jan: 28: 1738-9 were then joyn'din Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of ye holy CatholickChurch John Lawder & Ma Lyons in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p Ed Cox . James Martin, Ma Murphy 528. Feb. ye 6, 1738. Were then Joynd in Lawfull Matri-

monyaccording to the Rites ofthe holy CatholickChurch Robert Ashbridge (Asbridge) and Margaret Praice (Preice) in the presence of the underwritten wittnesses [none signed] p Jno Hardcastle.

529. Fb 28: 1738 ware then joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy ChatholickChurch Ed Parker & Eliz. Jackson in the preasence ofthe underritenWitnesses p Ed Cox . Jeremiah Donovan, Marta Wilson.

[127] 530. March the 25, 1739. Where then Joyned in [the erased] lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the Holly CatholickChurch John Wogan and Ellinora Browninthe presence ofunderwritenWittnesses by me Thomas Moore .Jno Hardcastle , Richard Moore.

531. April 29, 1739. Were then Joynd in lawfullMatrimony according to the Rites of the HolyCatholickChurch John Chamberlaine (Chamberlayne) and ElizabethJenkins in the presenceof the underwritten Witnesses [none signed] by me Jno Hardcastle.

532. AP 23: 1739 ware then joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites ofye Holy CatholickChurch Silvester Mundey (Munday) & Ann Rigby in the presence of ye underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Wilkeson Brathweite, Eliz: Brathweite.

533. June 11 : 1739 ware then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of ye holy Catholick Church Adam Digby: and Ann Wheatlyin the presence of the underwrit. Witnesses p E. Cox . Thomas Worrilow, Ann Taylor.

534. June ye 11th 1739. were then Joyned in lawful Matrimony to ye Rites of ye Holy Catholick Church Thos Hill and Catharine Cooks in ye Presence of ye underwritten wittnesses By me Richa Grene .Geo: Love, Fran : Gentil, Mary Loggan. Here appears the following footnote: " Peter Gansalvos's Marriage to be found page 131." [128] 535. July 29: 1739 were then joyn'din lawfullMatrimony according to ye Rites of the holy Catholick Church Will. Headly and Rebecka Smythin the precenceof the under written witnesses p E. Cox .John Prestage, Clare Crosby. 536. Augt 5: 1739 were then joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites ofthe holy CatholickChurch James Davedson (Davidson) and Ellin (Eleonor) Danell in ye precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .George Lewes , Ales Pierson. 537. EdwardGainforth& Anne Danby were Join'd in Lawfull matrimony according to the Rites of the Holy Cartholick Church on the 2d Day of September 1739 in presence of Mary Brandshaw and James Brandshaw by me John D'arcy. 538. September ye 18, 1739 were then Joynd in lawfullMatrimonyaccording to the Rites ofthe holy CatholickChurch Roland Charles Braux and Magdalene Grandcour in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses by Jno Hardcastle .Maj. Lefebure . 539. Sepr 25th 1739 were then Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of ye holy CatholickChurch RobtAndrews , and Mary Herbert in ye Presence ofthe underwrittnenwittnesses

by me Richd Grene .James Elston, Robt Fowler, the Mark of Ann x Sherriffe

540. Octo 7: 1739. Were then Joynedin Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the Holy Catholick Church Robert Roberts & Jane Walton in ye presence of ye underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .James Kelly, Ma Faber.

541. Nov: 18: 1739. Were then joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to therites oftheHoly CatholickChurchJohn Edwards & Eliz. Wood in the presence of the under writen witnesses p E. Cox . John Abercromby , Jane Naller.

[129] 542. November ye 8th 1739. Were then Joynedin lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of the Holy Catholick Church John Haws & Anne Verby in ye Presence of the underwritten Wittnesses by me Richd Grene .John Hodgson, VrsulaVerby.

543. Nov: 18: 1739 were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholick Church Will: Powel & Katt Bennet (Bennett ) in the presence of the underwritenwitnesses p E. Cox .John Bridge, Ma Ogle.

Here was begun an entry of baptism as follows: " November the 26, 1739 was then baptised Jane born the 17th of said month and year"-subsequentlycrossed out See Register B, Entry 1437, p 211

544. Jan: 19: 178 were then joyned in lawfull Mattrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholick Church Richard Hackett & AnneDuffill (Jane Duffil) in the presenceofthe underwriten witnesses p E. Cox .Clement Hall, Eliz. Edwards.

The following entry occurs in Vol B, Baptisms, p 215, between entries 1470 and 1472-

5446. Apr: 15: 1740 nullo detecto legmo enpedimento in matrimonium conjuncti fuere Thomas Hornby [?] et Maria Brooker Presentibus testibus Gulielmo Vaughan et Eleanora Man: p me: Aug: Vaughan

545. [January31, 178 erased]April 19, 1740 were thenjoyned in lawful matrimony according to ye rites of ye Holy Catholick Church George Sanders (Saunders) and Mary Duckworthin presence of ye underwritten wittnesses p T. Greswold .-Thomas Sanders, mary mayott.

546. Apr 26: 1740 were then joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites ofthe holy CatholickChurch Will: fawcett (Fawcet) & Eliz : Lomas: in presence of the underwritenwittnesses p E. Cox .Francis Lomas, Ann Paris [130] 547. April 7: 1740 were then joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Chatholick Church John Cross and Eliz Gostling in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Humphery Collison , Ales Pierson .

548. June ye 5, 1740 were then Join'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the Holy Catholicks Church George Caton & Isabella Vol in the presence of the vnder written witnesses: Willmvol, Ann Caillaux, Mary O Hara, Laty Dissell, Henry Asnon , by me Lewis deleau .G. Caton, I. Vol

549. Jan: ye 17: 1739-40 Were then joynedin Lawfull Matri-

mony accding to the Rites of the holy Catholick Church Patrick Monrow(Monroie) and Charlot Smithin the presenceofthe underwritten wittnesses [none signed]: by me J: Butler 550. Feb: ye 3: 1738 were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy CatholickChurch Joseph Allen and ElisabethSupplein the presence ofthe underwrittenwitnesses [none signed]: by me J. Butler 551. Sept. 30, 1741. Were then join'd in lawful Matrimony John Mayot and Eliza Pye of the Parish of St GeorgeBloomsbury , according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholic [Church] by me Fra. Blyth.George Cooper, Mary Healy, Witnesses

A leaf has been torn out here [131] 552. June the 17, 1739. Mr Peter Gonsalvas (Gonsaloes, Gonsalves, Gonsalvez) de Lima Domestick to his Excellency the Portuguese Ambassador, and Mrs Mary Taylor Spinster both of the Parish of Saint James Westminster , were joyned in lawful Matrimony on the day and year above, according to the rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the catholick apostolick Roman Church, in the presence of the underwritten witnesses , Mr John MacMahon, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan: Dominick Delany, Chaplain to his Excellency Baron de Wasner, Minister Plenipo : to her Hungarian Majesty &c. &c 553. November ye 21, 1724 Were then join'd in lawfullMatrimonyFrancis Carpue Bachelor of ye Parish of St Clements Danes , and Anne Smallwood Spinster of the Parish of St Andrews Holbourn according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses By me Jos Smallwood .John Smallwood, Frances Maria Smallwood , Charles Carpue, Eliz : Cabry 554. Januaryye 29th 174 Were then join'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the Holy CatholickChurch, Thomas Harrison, and Deborah Cowley, in the presence of the underwritten By me John Cantrill.Witnesses, Thomas Meighan Senior, Anne Frances Dumondell .Copia vera, Ita testor Jos Smallwood [132] 555. April the 6th 1752. were then joind in lawful matrimony, according to the rites of the Holy CatholickChurch Adam Colclough, & Mary Geary, in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me John Geary .Mary Catherine Hill, Mary Pickering, Joseph Franklin, Ann Dangerfield, Witnesses. 556. Ego infrascriptusin Sacello Serenissimi Regis Portugalliæ Capellanus et Missionarius Apostolicus fidem facio et attestor me Die 5toFebruarijAnno Domini 1740/1 Thomam Bulmor(Bulmore) et Catharinam Reynolds interrogasse eorumque mutuo Consensu habito et nullo legitimo Impedimento detectoEos per verba de præsenti in matrimonium conjunxisse secundum Ritum Sacræ Catholicæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ. In quorum fidem præsentes manu mea subscripsi et Sigillo nostro munivi .sign'd RicardusGrene

-Præsentibus Testibus Mathias Nunes, Maria Reynolds, Locus Sigilli


Helena Fitzgerald.Copia vera: Ita testor F. Blyth

Here an entry of sixteen lines has been thoroughly obliterated [133] 557. London this 22d day of December 1760 Iwhose Name is hereunto subscribed de certify that Thomas Richmond of the Parish of Harrow in the County of Middlesex Gentleman and Mary Richmond of the same County & Parish both Persons of known & untainted Credit did this day voluntarily appear before me & jointly & separately declare upon Oaththat on the 31stDay of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty three four John Hendry of the Parish of Saint Anne Soho in the aforesaid Countyof Middlesex Surgeonthen Batchelornow deceased and Sarah Walsh of the same Parish & County then Spinster now Widow, both well known to the Deponents were joind in lawful Wedlock by Mr James Butler at that time one of the Chaplains of the Portuguese Chapel in this Town but since Dead; and that the aforesaid Marriage was duly perform'd in presence ofthe Deponents, who were Ear & Eye Witnesses to the same. In perpetual Memorial whereof I have with my own hand inserted their above Deposition in this Marriage Register of the aforesaid Portuguese Chapel, the said Deponents setting their hands to the same, that free Recourse may be had theretoby all Persons, whom it does or hereafter may in any wise concern And in farther Confirmation of the Truth I have hereunto subscribed my Name the Day and Year first abovemention'd twenty second of December one thousand seven hundred and Sixty.All and everypart of This We declare upon our Oath to be true Witness our hands Thos Richmond , Mary Richmond .F. Blyth First Chaplain of his Excellency the Portugal Embassador's Chapel in London [134] 557b. Londres ce 5e de Janvier 1761 Je Soussignécertifie que cejourdhyy Jane Chevalier Native de Londres actuellement Habitante de la Paroissede Saint George dit de HanoverSquare dans la dite Ville de Londres, née & elevée dans et constamment professant la Religion Catolique Apostolique & Romaine de Vie & de Moeurs irreprochables et à moi bien connue & reconnue pour Telle (comme aussi à autres innombrables Personnes de credit et de reputation dans cette même Ville, où elle exerce depuis beaucoup d'Années l'Office d'Accoucheuse) a comparû personnellement devant moi et a attesté sous Serment, que le Jour vingt unieme d'OctobreMil sept cens quarante (vieux Stile) elle accouchaAnne Marie Weber (autrefois Tillemans) Angloise de Nation et alòrs Femme legitime de Jean Weber Natif d'Allemagne d'une Fille ensuite nommée Anne Marie Weber et que peu de Jours après la dite nouvelle née Anne Marie Weber Fille ainée des sudits Jean et Année Marie Weber fut batisée en sa presence d'elle la sudite Jane parle Reverend Monsieur AntoineVandenbergh Missionnaire Apostoliqueen ce Païs, le Parain étant Monsieur Prevot(dont elle ne rapelle pas le Nom de Batême) et la Maraine étant Marie Casteels tous deux Catoliques Romains à elle Temoin bien connus. C'est pourquoi, comme depuis la Mort du dit Pretre et des dits

Parain et Maraine, le Livre de Batisteres où le sudit Batême étoit enregitré a été malheureusement brulédans la fatale Incendie, qui, avenant le 30me de Novembre 1759 detruisit entierement la Chapelle de Sardaigne en cette même Ville de Londres dans laquelle Chapelle le dit Livre se gardoit, pour remedier à ce Malheur quant au Fait en question de la meilleure maniere que faire se puisse, j'ai inseré de ma propre main la sudite Déposition de la même Jane Chevalier dans ce Regitre de Batêmes de la Chapelle de Portugal à Londres, souscrite de la main de la Sudite (Temoin) en ma presence à fin d'en conserver une Memoire perpetuelle, et à fin que tous Ceux, à qui il appartient, ou pourra dans la suite appartenir, de le sçavoir, puissent librement y avoir recours Et en plus grande confirmationde la Verité, je l'ai signéde ma propre main ce cinquieme Jour de Fevrier de Mil sept Cens soixanteet un . Je declare sous le Serment que j'ai preté, que ma sudite Deposition est vraië dans toutes ses parties, Jane Chevalier.F. Blyth, Premier Chaplain

A leaf has been torn out here [135] 558. September 22, 1761. Lawrence Ramlo Widower formerly of Brusselsnowofthe Parish of St James in the Liberties of Westminsterand Ruth Perry of the Parish of St Margarite in theCity ofWestminster aforesaid Spinster betroth'd to eachother on the 27thAugt 1757 were on this 22d Day of September join'd in lawful Wedlock by Me F. Blyth.Witnesses, William Fisher , Jane Chevalier.

559. September 25 , 1761. William Campion Batchelor and Katherine Pawson Spinster both of the Parish of Enfield in the County of Middlesex were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock by Me F. Blyth.Witnesses, John Wools, James Curry.

The next page is numbered 138 and is blank, as are also pages 139 to 154; the Index follows, pp 155 to 208, written throughout on one side of the leaf only, the last sixteen pages, however, not being numbered Following the Index are four blank leaves .

The volume has then to be reversed The first leaf, which is blank , is followed by the title-page, the verso of which is also blank The leaves are then paginated up to 126, which backs on to p. 184 of the first portion of the volume, but leaves 59-60, 63-64, 73-74 and 103104 have been torn out

The title-page reads as follows:VETUS VOLUMEN NUPTIALE binâ facie complectens duplicem memorialem librum, omnium utriusq , sexûs virorum atque mulierum qui secundum Romano-Catholicæ Ecclesiæ Sacros Ritus Seto Legitimo Matrimonio conjugati sunt (per ejusdem Sacro -sanctæ Ecclesiæ approbatos Ministros Londinensi Lusitaniæ Sacello, suis comparatè temporibs, addictos ;) ab anno MDCLXII ad hujus seculi penè medium Vol A, Facies Altera. Ubi plurium Conjugatorum Nomina Temporum ordine adduntur, et aliorum nonnulla, quorum Perscriptio suo tempore inseri non poterat, fidè apposita invenientur: Peculiari hâc


[ ] unicuiq , Paginæ adjectâ Notâ. Cui in majus Querentium Commodum additur Repertorium Conjugatorum omnium utriusq Sexûs, quorum Nomina in hac PosteraVoluminis Facie perscribuntur; juxta alphabeticum Literæ ordinem , quâ unius eorum cujusq, Cognomen incipit, dispositum Londini Anno MDCCLXIV

The entries in this portion of the Register are numbered 1 to 196 in the original, but for the purpose of reference the numbering has been carried on by the transcriber




560. August the 12th 1700 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church Cornelius Wildman and Martha Grace in presence of the undernamed wittnessess, by me Tobias Gibbons .Alexander Bran , Elizabeth Bran, Mary Cob , Anne Erwing

561. August the 28th 1700 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch William Griffith and Tersia (Teresa) Smith in presence of the undernamed wittnissess, by me Tobias Gibbons .James Griffith, Crose .

562. July the 24th 1701 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church Robert Boudin and Margarita Maria Jenson in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed], by me Tobias Gibbons

563. May ye 1st 1701 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch John Douglass (Douglas), and Mary Clark, in presence of the undernamed wittnessess, by me Tobias Gibbons .Barnard Tourner, Mary Tourner, Thomas Clark, [blank] Clark.

564. September the 21st 1701 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church Robert Hilton and Isabel Gorton in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed], by me Tobias Gibbons . [2] 565. November the 26th 1701 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church John Young and Anne Exhamin presence of the undernamed wittnesses [none signed], by me Tobias Gibbons

566. Februarythe 17th 1702 werejoynedinlawfullMatrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church Daniel Keeffe and ConstanceSmithin presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess, by me Tobias Gibbons .Docter Gorman, [blank] Stretch

567. October the 8th 1702 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church

* These brackets contain the monogrampreviously described : seepage 1

Robert Eyres and Elizabeth Woodward in presence of the undernamed wittnessess, by me Tobias Gibbons .Thomas Pikerin , Frances Murray

568. October the 11th 1702 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church Lewis Wescome and Catharine Rockley in presence of the undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons .Emanuel St John

569. Januarythe 14th 1703 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church George Martin and Sybilla Witakerin presenceofthe undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons.Jonathan Evans. [3] 570. Januarythe 28th 1703 were joynedin lawfullMatrimonie according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church William Kerkley and Isabel [blank] in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons

571. Februarythe 7th 1703 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch Charles Vimar and Johanna Fournier in presence of the undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons .Adam Sinnott, Briget Sinnott

572. May the 16th 1703 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch George Bate and Ann Trockmorton(Throgmorton) in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons.

573. July the 25, 1703 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church

John England and Christine Wilsonin presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 574. August the 14th 1704 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Robert Howard and Mary Bell in presence of the undernamed wittnesses by me Tobias GibbonsEmanuel St John, [blank] Bell [4] 575. September the 13, 1704 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe Catholick Church Griffin Griffes and Mary Bloid in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons . 576. April the 26, 1705 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch

Michel Kegoe and Mary Rasberie in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons . 577. September the 2d 1705were joynedin lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

William Belshaw and Susanna Reynolls in presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 578. September the 23, 1705 were joynedin lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Edmund Reeves and Johanna Rightin presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 579. November the 22, 1705 were joynedinlawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch

ArthurSimms and Dorothy Harold in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. [5]

580. November the 26, 1705 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy mother the Catholick Church Ustus (Eustace) Wood and Sarah Wood in presenceofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 581. Decemberye 11 werejoynedin lawfull Matrimonieaccording to the Rites of our holy Mother theCatholickChurch Emanuel Marques (Magnes) and Ann Cheney in presence ofthe undernamed wittnesss by me Tobias GibbonsEliz Chivers, Langhorne

582. May the 13th 1706 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

William Jones and Anne Dunn in presence of the undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons .Emanuel St John, Johanna Coymans.

583. September ye 5th 1706were joynedin lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

John Carter and Isabel Jeale (Seale) in presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons 584. November the 24th 1706 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe Catholick Church Francis Houe and Susanna Stanton in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 585. Februarythe 24th 1707 were joynedin lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Roland Hide and Mary White in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [6] 586. May the 28th 1707 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church

Jefforie (Geoffry) Gibbons and Christina Hays in presenceofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons . 587. June the 1st 1707 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Henery Woodlaw and Rebeca Gorton in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons 588. June the 3d 1707 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Thomas Baron and Isabel Pickerin (Pickering ) in presenceofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons 589. July the 27th 1707 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Maurice Allen and Frances Wofoldin presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons. Henery Bryarly, Frances Allen. 590. July the 28th 1707 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch

Charles du Bargues and Elizabeth Cherrier in presence of the undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons.Thomas Rout. [7] 591. Januarythe 7th 1708 were joynedin lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch

EdwardSmallyand FrancesHarper in presence oftheundernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons.

592. April the 6th 1708 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch

William Gregory and MeliorClarkin presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons.

593. April the 15th 1708 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch

Thomas Houe and Isabel Fuller in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons .

594. April the 27, 1708 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church

Samuel Tull and Anne Busby in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed], Tobias Gibbons.

595. April the 29th 1708 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

John Burningham and Joyce Cumbers in presenceof the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. [8] 596. May the 13 , 1708 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church

James Dunavun (Dunavan) and Mary Foron in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons .

597. May the 25th 1708 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

John Clark and MargariteMaison in presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons 598. May the 25th 1708 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

John Irish and Mary Hickin in presenceofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons . 599. June the 7th 1708 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Emanuel St John and Martha Harrison in presenceofthe undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons .Luis De Souza , Frances Bell

600. Februarythe 2d 1709 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

John Clarinbowle and Anne Noblet in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. [9] 601. Februarythe 9th 1709 werejoynedin lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church

Humphery Byron and Elizabeth Povey in presenceof the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] Tobias Gibbons. 602. June the 2d 1709 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Robert Hodson and Mary Bean in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 603. September the 15th 1709 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe Catholick

Church Rober Shea and Mary Chivears (Chevears ) in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons . 604. March ye 1st 1710 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

John Purcell and Hester Banner in presence of the undernamed wittnesses [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons 605. May ye 28th 1710 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

John Lee and Maria Josepha Anderton in presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed], Tobias Gibbons. .[10] 606. October the 24th 1710 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church James Houe and Susanna Cale in presenceofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons 607. August the 3d 1710 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church

Francis Savage and Dionisia Pugh in presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons 608. August the 16 , 1710 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Andrew Purcell and Mary Brook in presence of the undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons.Gregory Talbot, Tobias Arlond, Elizabeth Arlond. 609. January the 16, 1711 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church

John Coleing and Anne Girlingtonin presence of the undernamed wittnessess byme Tobias Gibbons .Peter Foy, Emanuel St John, Anne Michell, Mary Billosp.

610. Februarythe 11th 1711 were joynedin lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch

Andrew Gawen and ElizabethDod in presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons .Manuel St John, Maurice Gawen, Anne Gawen. [11] 611. May the 22d 1711 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Nicolas Alexander and Anastasia Langhorne in presence of the undernamed wittnessess [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 612. May ye 7th, 1711 , were Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of our holy Mother ye Catholick Church

Thomas Beho, & Mary Napier in presence of ye undernamed Wittnesses per me John Groue .Robert Parker, ElizabethNapier, Elizabeth Vanuakell , Tobias Gibbons

613. June the 5, 1711 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

Robert Williams and Anne Belshaw in presence of the undernamed wittnesses by me Tobias Gibbons.--William Belshaw , William Raw , Alexander Standish

614. October ye 15, 1711 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch

William Pickering and Mary Mooney in presence of the under-

named wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons.Sarah Parker , Mary Mullone.

615. November ye 20, 1711 were joynedin lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch Thomas Hodgson and Anna Rous in presenceof the undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons .Emanuel St John, James FitzGerrald, Roger Metcalf. [12] 616. November ye 29th 1711 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe Catholick Church John Todd and Frances Webb in presence of the undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons .Emanuel St John .

617. February the 24th 1712 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church Terence Cosly and Catharine Bysshe (Byshe) in presence of the undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons.emanoel St John, Robert Kelly, Sharah Milliners x Mark.

The following notification appears here: " The aforesaid persons were marryed by Mr Gibbons before he went to Holand, those that he Marryd since his comeing back are inserted 13 leaves forward togathar."

618. February the first 171% were Joyned in Lawfull matrimony According to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church George Pendrill and Elizabeth Gibbons in the presenceof the vndernamed wittnesses by me James Fitzmaurice . -x Dorothy Taloyer her mark, James Baxter.

619. Febr. 15th 171. Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonie According to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholicke Church J. Ptr. (Peter) Pinsent [and] Eliz. Pippin by me Tho: Palatine Wittnesses, Fra Furnis, frances Clarke [13] 620. Febrye 26, 171. Were Joyned then in Lawfull matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Charles Tutton and Catherine Mare (Mare) in the presence of the Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me J. ffzmaurice . Witness me John Asplin, Henry Gillott

621. August 31th 1712. Were Joyned in lawfull Matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy motherthe CatholickChurch Walter Torker and Susannah Onelij in the presence ofthe Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me J. ffzmaurice.Bartly Henegham

622. April 21th 1713. Were then Joyned in lawfull matromonie According to the Riets of our holy mother the Catholick Church Richard Elsom and Joahanna Bollwood in the presenceof the Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Lawrequiredby me Ja Fzmaurice . Tho: ffleetwood, ye mark of Sarah allen X.

623. May ye 7th 1713 , Were Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony, according to the Rites of our holy Mother, the CatholickChurch, John Cecill and Mary Bond, in the presence of the undernam'd Witnesses by me, R. Butler, Chaplain to his Excellency, ye Embassador of PortugalWitnesses present, Wm Fones , Mary Cox . [14] 624. May the 10th 1713. Were Joyned in Lawfull Matro-

monie According to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Jonathan Hubbock [and] Elizabeth Porter in the presence of the Vndernamed wittnesses as by Law required by me: Tho Palatine . Wittnesses, wenefiet maugis, Walcot Hendy.

625. May the 14th 1713. Were then Joyned in Lawfullmatromonie According[to] the Rites of our holy motherthe Catholick Church Robert Holmes and Anne Wood in the presence of the Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me James F . maurice . Wittnesses, David Brice, David Williams.

626. June ye 23, 1713. Were then Joyned in lawfull matrimonie According[to] the Rites of our holy MothertheCatholick Church Andrew Anderkil (Anderkill) and Mary Eauens (Eavens) in the presenceofthe Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Lawrequired by me: James F . Maurice.Josyas Reed, John Neland. [15] 627. July the 6° 1713. Were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites & Ceremonies of the ChurchJames Hodson and Martha Taylor in the psence of the vndernamed wittnesses as by law required by me James Fitzmaurice.Elenor Welldon x her mark, Ann: Moul.

628. September the 7th 1713. Were then Joyned in lawfull Matrimonie According to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church John Thort [and] Ann Money in the presence of the vnderwritten wittnesses as by law required by me Tho: Palatine .Wittnesses, John Rampion, mary Smith, ? Mary Chaine

629. September the 18 , 1713. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimonie According to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Holy Mother ye Church Francies Chester and Rebecka Lambert in the presence of the Vnderwritten Wittnesses as by Law Required by me James FitzMaurice .Wittnesses, [none signed].

630. September the 20th 1713. Were then Joynedin Lawfull Matrimonie According to the Rites and Ceremonies of our Holy motherthe Catholick Church John hwet (Hewet) and Margarett [Herased] Neate (Hewet) in the presence of the Vnderwritten Wittnesses as by Law requiredby me Ja. F . Maurice.--Wittnesses , James Neate [16] 631. Otbr 21 , 1713. Then were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our Holy mother the Catholicke Church Henry Hawkins and Judea Braxton in the psence of the vndernamed wittnesses as by law required by me f., James Fitzmaurice.Wittnesses, William Braxton, James Braxton, Charles Tempest

632. Nouembr the 3, 1713. Then were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the Catholicke Church Wm Hughs & Elizabeth Eueens in the psence ofthe vndernamed Wittnesses, James Fitzmaurice.Wittnesses, James Baxter, Rose Ward, Ellis Chanly, x Roger Chanly his Mark.

633. May the 4, 1713. Then where Joynd in Lawfull mattri-

mony John Wincomb and Hanah Fifeild in the presence of the under W[r]itten [none signed] By Tho PaLatine


634. In 1706

635 7ber 21. George Newman, and Rose Wall were marryed on ye 21 of 7berfr. John Henningam gber 14. Peter Williams, and Sarah Joannes Saguntins Henegan.

636. In 1707. April ye 12th . William Holloway , and Jane


638 . Godfrey .fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan.

June ye 19. RichardLane, and Joannes Saguntins Henegan.

August ye 20. John Busshell (Bushell), and Lucy Harris .fr. Joannes Sagunts Henegan.

639. In 1708. May ye 3

640 33

641 Richard Wilson , and Penolope Sihan fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan

July ye 25. Edmond Groves, and Anne Burton.-fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan

August ye 7. William Thomson, and Mary Cowley.- fr. Joannes Sagunts

642 33 Sepber ye 29 Henegan. Joseph Savage, & Penolope Gwinn (Gwyn) .fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan

643. In 1709. Febr ye 7. Patrick Galloway, & MaryJones.--

644 37 Febr. ye 15.

645. 33

646 33 fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan. Robert Stevens, & Catharine Sanders .fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan

June ye 24. Arthur Allen, & Jane Kelling.- fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan.

647. In 1710. May 6.

648 " gber ye30. AndrewBurnet, & Joannes Saguntins Henegan. Abraham Morris , & Jane Joannes Saguntins Henegan. Sber ye 28. Phillip Morton (Moreton), & Anne Rivers . fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan

649. In 1711. April 23. George Howland, & Rebecca Hunter.-fr. JoannesSaguntins Henegan

[18] 650. In 1712. October ye 12. John Baptist de (De) Brow, & Catharine West.-fr. Joannes Sagunts Henegan

651 February ye 12. John Maire, and Elizabeth Burnaby .fr. Joannes Saguntins Henegan.

652. Nouember the 29th 1713. then were Joyned in lawfull matrimony according to the rites and ceremonies of our holy mother the catholick church gerrardus de (De) Bertoul & hanna Louis in the presence of the undernamed as by law required by me James Fmauri.William Adams Witness, Frances Soyers.

653. December the 10th 1713. then were ioyned in lawfull marrage according to the rites and ceremonies of our holy mother the catholick church John wollum and marie Barber (Barker) in the presenceof the undernamed, as by law required, by me Tho: Palatine . Witness, Jno Hoas, Mary x Kent her mark, Rose × Thornton her mark.

654. December the 17th 1713. then were ioyned in lawfull matrimonie according to the rites and ceremonies of our holy mother the catholick church Matthiew Plunquet (Plunket) and Elizabeth Simons in the presence of the undernamed, as by law required, by me James FitzMaurice .MichaellPlunkett, Louisla Barre.

[19] 655. December ye 18, 1712. Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonie According to the Riets and Ceremonies of our holy motherthe CatholickChurch John Welsh and MargrettMason in the presence oftheVnderwrittenwittneses as byLawrequired byme James FitzMaurice .Wittneses , Theo: Buller, Nicho : fitzGerald

656. December ye 20 , 1713. Were then Joyned in lawfull MatrimonieAccording to the Riets of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Bernard Fleming [and] Mary Cour [? Coen] in the presence of the Vnderwritten Wittnesses as by law requiredby me James fz . MauriceWittnesses, Agnus Petty, Dorritty Gilour 657. January ye 3th 1713-4 Were then Joyned in lawfull matrimonieAccording to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy motherthe CatholickChurch Thomas Willsor (Wilson) and Elizabeth Popelin (Poppelin) in the presence ofthe vnderwritten Wittnesses as by Law requiredby me James fitzMaurice .Wittnesses, Berd Tourner, Will Simms.

658. January the 11th 1713-4. Were then Joyned in lawfull matrimonieaccording to the rites of the holy motherthe catholick church George Greensmith and Elizabeth Currell in the presence of the undernamed witnesess as the law requires by me James fzmaurice .Peter Hughes, John Windle. [20] 659. January the 12th 1713-4. then were ioynedin lawfull matrimony according [to] the rites and ceremonies of our holy mother the catholickchurch francis Creatonand Elizabethhoward inthe presence ofthe undernamed as by lawrequired by me James


FitzMaurice . Wittnesses, Elizbeth Mortor, henrey baxter.

660. January the 24th 1713-4. then were Joyned in lawfull matrimony according [to] the rites and ceremonies of our holy mother the catholick church George hordies and Mary Gipson (Gipsone) alias herwick in the presence of the vndernamed wittnesses as by Law requiredby me James fzmaurice .-Wittnesses , Thomas Haughton , Henry Johnson, Griffin ffreeman

661. Januaryye 9th 171. Then were joyned in lawfullmatrimony according to ye rightes & ceremonies of our holy motherye catholick church Francis Travers & Mary Ireson in ye presenceof ye undernamed witnesses as by law required by me John Heneghan .Witnesses, Francis Woolf, Anne Toyney, Henry Clarcke. [21] 662. January ye 9th 171. Were then Joyned in Lawfull MatrimonieAccording to the Rites of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church Ernst Huxer and Mary [Huxer erased] Lewiss (Lewis) in the presence of the Vndernamed Wittnesses as byLaw required by me: James Fzmaurice Wittnesses Edward Coles , C. Elizabeth Slingsby.

663. March ye28, 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church Joshep Backer and Frnuse (Frances) Collygne (Colligne) in the presence of the vndernamed wittnesses as by Law required byme Thomas PalatnMary Vandragek, Isreall Page, Chaterein × Vaker her marke.

664. Aprill ye 4, 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy motherthe Catholick Church John Kirby (Kinley or Kinby) [and] Mary Tarleton in the presence of the vndere named Wittnesses as by Law requiredby me James Fitzmaurice . Wittnesses, Hanah Jole, Ann Coney, Filippo Canouale. [22] 665. April ye 10th 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church walter Alloway [and] Elizabeth Best in the presence ofthe Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me James Fitzmaurice . Wittnesses, Edward Hakin, Wm Draper. 666. Aprile ye 11th 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonie Accordingto the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church Joshep Merritt [and] Catherin Rumboultin the presence of the Vnder Wittnesses as by Law required by me [blank]. Wittnesses, Maurice Brown, henrey baxter . 667. April the 25th 1714. Were then Joyned in lawfullmatrimony according to the rites of our holy mother the catholick church thomas hassold andanne cook in the presence ofthe undernamed witnesses as by law required, by me Peter Hughs Witnesses, Elizabeth Beths her marke, henrey baxter. 668. May the 13th 1714. Were then ioined in lawfull matrimonie according to the rites of our holy mother the catholick church Bennet bathson and Jeane Howen in the presenceofthe undernamed witnessesas by lawrequired , by me Win: Pertin[i]tz. Witnesses, Ge: Cliftin, Ann Clifton. E


[23] 669. Maythe 20th1714. Were then Joyned inlawfullmatrimonie according to the rites of our holy mother the catholick church walter haneij and Joanna Manwiven (Manwaring) in the presenceofthe undernamed witnesses as by lawrequiredby me Win: Pertinitz Witnesses, may nowllon, Richard Treacy. 670. May ye 20, 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonie Accordingto the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church Robert Sickalour And Margrett Anderson in the presence of the vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me James Fitzmaurice. Witnesse, hanna Anderson her x mark, Caherin Poore her X marke.

671. May ye 30. Were then Joyned in lawfull matrimony according to the Rites of our holy motherthe Cattholick Church Gorge Weell and Martha Vellens in the presence of the vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me Winlaus Pertinitz. Wittnesses, Phirlhix smit, henrey baxter. 672. June ye 13 , 1714. Were then joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holly Mother the Catholicke Church James Reding and Mary Henso in the presence of the vndernamed wittnesses as by Law required by me James Fitzmaurice. Wittnesses, Anne Joyney , Ann Reading, henrey baxter. [24] 673. June the 20th 1714. were then Joyned in lawfull matrimonie according to the rites of our holy mother the catholick church James Blanche and Elizabeth Owaan in the presence of the undernamed witnesses as by law required by me James FitzMaurice Witnesses, Weill x peeters , Ann Rice, pierre Hugues 674. January ye first 171. Were then Joyned in lawfull matri[m]onee acco[r]ding to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Michel Downea & Mary ffourlonge in the presence of the Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me James FitzMaurice . Wittnesses, Robart Best, x Margarat Downer her Mark 675. July ye 14, 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonie Accordingto the Rites of our holy Mother ye Catholick Church Antoney Martineand Sarah Griffin in the presenceofthe Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me James Fitzmaurice. Wittnesses, Louis Prechon, Antoine Hurtel. 676. July the 28, 1714. Were then Joyned in LawfullMatrimony according to the Rights and ceremonys of our holy mother the CatholickChu[r]ch Edward Kelly and Chatrine Cartyin the presents of the vndernamed wittnesses as by Lawrequirdbie me Tho: Palatin. Wittnesses , Thomas Reily, Loglen Meritts [?], William Tranter [25] 677. July 29, 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholicke Church Thomas Battenden (Tattenden ) and Elizabeth Rener in the presence of the vnder named wittnesses as by Law required by me Tho : Palatine Wittnesses, Jos. Metham, John Rayner 678. August ye 16, 1714. Were then Joyned in lawfull matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy motherthe Catholick

Church Thomos Michel and ElizabethCudall (Cudal) in the presence of the vndernamed wittnesses as by Lawrequired by me Tho : Palatire. Wittnesses, Peter Drake, John Mitchell. 679. Augustye 21th 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church Francis Williams and Jane Ward in the presence ofthe Vnder named Wittnesses as by Law required by me James Fitzmaurice Wittnesses, Philipe de la frainaier, Mary Mullone

680. August the 26th1714. were thenioyned in lawfull mariace according to the rites of our holy mother the catholick church George butler and mary tempest in the presence of the undernamed witnessesas by lawrequired by me peter Hughs Witnesses , John Hornyold, Jane Hornyold. [26] 681. Sepber ye 3th 1714. Were then Joyned in lawfullMatrimonie According to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church [Thomas erased] Robert Collenge and Kelly (sic)in presence ofthe Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law requiredby me Vincislaus Pertinitz Wittnesses, ffroncis Whitmore, Susanna her Name Marked x ollo 682. Sepber ye 26th 1714. Were then Joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother ye Catholick Church Thomas Child and Catharine Carelosse in the presence of the Vndernamed Wittnesses as by law required by me James FitzMaurice . Wittnesses, x Elizabethwing, x Anthony Guinn , henrey baxter. 683. Sepberye 7th 1714. Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonie Accordingto the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church John Darsij And Mary Daws in presence of the Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law requiredby Me Vincislaus Pertiniz. Wittnesses, henrey baxter, Mary baxter her x marke . 684. October30,1714. Were thenJoynedinLawfullmatrimony according to the Rites of our holy motherthe Catholicke Church Robert Abbinet and Mary Beenn in the Presence of the vnder named wittnesses [as] byLawrequired by me Vincislaus Pertinitz. Wittnesses, Ge. Clifton, John uidler. [27] 685. October 31, 1714. Then were marryed in Lawfull matrimony according to the Rites of our holy motherthe Catholicke Church Bartomij Redden and Jane Carrell (Carrel) in the presence of the vndernamed wittnesses [as] by law required by me James FitzMaurice Wittnesses, John Rigby his x marke , Margaret Rigby her x marke, Elenor hammiltonher X marke 686. Decemberye 6, 1714. Were then joynedin Lawfull Matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church John Baxter And Ann Rogers in presence of the vndernamed wittnesses as by Law requiredby me James Fitzmaurice. Wittnesses, Hump Collins, Hum. Lyth, Thomas Baxter. 687. December ye 28 , 1714. Were then Joyned in lawfull matrimonieaccording to the Rites of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church Edward Warde (Ward) And Agnes [Cornfortherased] Cornforte (Cornforth) in the presence of the Vnder named Witt-


nesses as byLaw required by me James FitzMaurice . Wittnesses, James Cornforth, Mary Clark. 688. Januaryye 2, 171. were then Joyned in lawfullmatrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick [Church] Thomas Bradon And Ann Glarston in presence of the Vnder named Wittnesses as by Law required by me Vincislaus Pertinitz. Wittnesses, Edward Johnson, Mich. Maden. [28] 689. february ye 2th 171. Were then Joyned in Lawfull MatrimonieAccording to the Rites of our holy MothertheCatholick Church John Maine And Elizabe[t]h Ashel in the presence of the Vndernamed qualifiedWittnesses as by Law required by me James Fitzmaurice Wittnesses, Geo : Erington, Eue Erington, Anne Selby, Jane woodward . 690. february ye 2th 171.

Were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonieaccording to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Samuel [blank] and Elizabeth [blank] in the presence of the Vndernamed qualified Wittnesses as by Law required by me James FitzMaurice Wittnesses, [blank]. 691. Januaryye 8th 1715. Were then Joyned in lawfullMatrimonie Accordingto the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church William Anderson and hanna Cane in the presentis ofthe vndernamed qualified wittnesses as by law requiredby me Vincislaus Pertinitz . Wittnesses, Maria x Smith her mark, mary kelly [29] 692. March ye 1th 171. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonieaccording to the Rites of our holy mother the CatholickChurch Thomas Comptonand ElizabethRowlerinthe presence of the Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law required by me James FzMaurice Wittnesses, Henry Baxter, William Csom 693. March ye 17 , 1715. then were Joyned in Lawfullmatrimony according to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church francis Cliftonand Catherine Cambel in the presents ofthe vndernamed wittnesses as by law requiredby me Vincislaus Pertinitz Wittnesses, George Kemp, John Nealan 694. Aprile ye 25th 1714. Broocks in medio Were then Joyned in lawfull MatrimonieAccording to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church [Robert erased] Richard [Broocks inserted above it] And Mary Smith in the presence of the Vnder named qualified Wittnesses as by Law required by me James FitzMaurice Wittnesses, Fran : mttNamara , Margaret Smith, baxterhenrey 695. July ye 26, 1715. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church Charles Pridgen (Pridgeon) and Mary [Old erased] Ardeck (Margt Ardock) in the presence of the Vndernamed qualifiedWittnesses as by Law required by me James Fitzmaurice Wittnesses , Ann Hands, Ann pridgen. [30] 696. Augtye 10th 1715. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonie According to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church Robert Sale and Dorothy Pridgen (Pridgeon) in the presence of the vndernamed withnesses as by Law requiredby me James ffitzMaurice Wittnesses, Charles Pridgen, Ann pridgen

697. April 1716. April ye 12 were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimonie according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the CatholickChurch Thomas Bishop and Rachell Hewytt (Henytt) in the presence of the undernamed Wittnesses as byLaw required by me James FitzMaurice Wittnesses, Kat : Mackenzie 698. April ye 23, 1716. were the[n] Joyned in lawfull matrimonie according to the Rites and Ceremonie of our holy mother the Catholick Church Edward Mourfie (Morfie) and Elizabeth hallon in the presence of the Vndernamed Wittnesses as by Law requiredby me James FitzMaurice Wittnesses, Dominick Cantwell, Wallter fLin, x Jane Cantwell her marke. 699. July5, 1720. Were Joynd in lawfull matrimony according to ye rites of our Holy Mother ye Cathock Church James Rowning and AnnaHand in presence of ye undernamed Witnesses by Jno Hardcastle Wittnesses, Margaret Hand, Hannah Burgesse. 700. March 22, 172. Were Joynd in lawfull matrimony according to ye rites of our H: Mother ye Cathol Church James Eustace and Hannah Huet in presence of ye underwritten witnesses by me Jno Hardcastle .Jas: Butler, John windell. [31] 701. Aprill ye 24, 1721. where then Joyndin Lawfull matrimony according to the Rites of our Holy mother the Catholick Church James Savage [and] Susana Heming by me James Veale. Witnesses, william mackien, william ryan, Sarah Johnson . 702. Mayye 17th 1721. Were joynedtogether in Lawfull matrimony according to ye rites of our holy mother ye Roman Catholick Church Thomas Rodes and Ann Dobbynss (Dobbyns) in presence of the under written Wittnesses by me John Floyd .Mrs Lesinire .. [blotted], Mr Duglas.

703. May ye 29 , 1721 were then Joynd in lawfull Matrimony Hermanus Vengelderand Frances Arnole In presence of ye underwritten Witnesses by me Jn° Hardcastle .ye x Marke of Phillip Lamberth, ye x Marke of Dorothy Vanderheden, John Windell

704. May ye 30, 1721 were then Joyn'd in lawfullMatrimony John Wheetly and Mary Simmons in ye presence of ye underwritten witnesses by Jno Hardcastle .Charles Tempest, Emra tempest, John Windle.

705. August the 28, 1720. were then joyned in lawfullmatrimony, John Ochoaand ElizabethSimmons, in the presenceofthe underwritten wittnesses, by me John Ponce .Richard Symans, Elisabeth Symans. [32] 706. March ye 8, 1719. Were then Joyndin Lawfull mattrimony according to the Rites of our Holy mother the Catholick Church, AndrewDoyle and Sary Jones in ye presence ofthe underritten witnesses By me John Ponce .Robert Rice, Martha Withers, John Blunt.

707. October ye 23, 1720. Were then joynedin lawfull matrimony, according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church John Sherburn, and Rebecca Gillbert (Gilbert), in presence ofthe underwritten witnesses by me John Ponce .James Lodge, Marget Lodge.


708. Octob 16, 1720 were then Joyned in lawfullmatrimony John Kindall andHannah Burgesaccording to ye Rites ofye Holy Catholickchurch in presence of theunderwritten witnessesbyme

Jno Hardcastle .John Radley, [blank] Radley.

709. Janry ye 15th 1722 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch John Manders and Mary Bevon in presence of the undernamed wittnesss by m[e] Tobias Gibbons .John windle

[33] 710. November ye 5, 1721. Where then Joynd in Lawfull matrimony according to the Rites of our Holy mother the Catholick Church Peter Callous & Elisabeth Hardman in presence of the underritten witness by me John Ponce .Thomass ffarrelly, m . mary Bainbridge, John windle

711. December ye 12th 1721. Were then Joyned in Lawfull matrimony according to ye rites of our holy Motherye Catholick Church George Bacon & Mary Winter in presence of ye undernamed wittnesses by me Tobias Gibbons .-[blank] Hickye, John Windle

712. January ye 24th, 17. Where then Joyned in Lawfull matrimony according to ye rites of our holy motherye Catholick Church Joseph Boron & mary Hoper in presence of the undernamed wittnesses By me Francis Augn WynnePeter Howell, Eliz. Cooper, John Windle

713. November ye 3, 1721. were then Joyndin lawfullmatrimony John Johnson and mary Lacount

714. May ye 8, 1722. Were lawfully Joyned then in Matrimonie according to the Retes of [our] Holy Motherthe Catholick Church William Mooreand SusannaEllen in presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess by me George ffranklin.--James Corke ,Mary Leigh, John windle. [34] 715. July ye 8th 1722 were lawfully joyned in Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch Edmund Murray and Frances Gemerson in presence of the undernamed wittnesss by me Patrick Fitzsimons .Tobias Gibbons , Phillip Marra, Marry Chanly, John Windle

716. July ye 26th 1722. Were lawfullyjoyn'd in matrimony, according to ye Rites of our holy mother ye Catholick Church William Waker, and Elizabeth Walter in presence of ye under neam'd wittnesses by me George Franklin .John Backster, Anna Frenchfield.

717. Julyye 28th 1722 werethen joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of our holy mother ye Catholick Church Richard Weller & Mary Man in presence of ye undernamed wittnesses by me Patrick Fitzsimons .John Windell, mary Wright, Jane Street.

718. A[u]gust the 7, 1722. were then Joyned in lawfull matrimony accouring to the rites of our holy mother ye Catholick Church James Edgier (Edger) and hannah bosworth in presses of the underwriten wittnesses by me John Ponce,-CharlesSmith , Mary Smith, John windle,

[35] 719. October ye 4th 1722. Were then joyn'd in lawfull matrimonyaccording totherites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church Rennier Fellincks and Catharine James in presence ofthe underwritten Wittnesses by me John Smith .jean Lacroix, John windle

720. May ye 30th 1721. Were then joyn'd in lawfull matrimony, according to the rites of our holy Mother ye Catholick Church, James Baxter, and Sary Higgison in the prescenz of ye underwritenwittnesses by me John Ponce .Thomas unwin, Ed her marck.

721. October ye 7th 1722. Were then Joyn'd in lawfullmatrimony according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church Robert Blackwell and Anne Mitchell in p'sence of the UnderwrittenWitnessesby meJohn Ponce .Jos Turth [orPurth], Ann Norman, John Windle, Ed. 722. October ye 16, 1722. Were then Joyn'd in lawfull mertrimony according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church John Crooch (Crouch) and Ann Garnent In the presence of the Under Written Wittnesses by me John Ponce .Richd. Dennett , John windell, Charry Jennett. 723. November ye 28th 1722 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church William Attkins (Atkins) and Jane Hart in presenceofthe undernamed wittnesess by me Tobias Gibbons .-William Hutt [or Stutt], Mary x Harts, John windle [36] 724. January ye 20th 172 were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony, according to ye rites of our holy Mother ye Catholick church , att his Excellency ye Portugeze Envoy'schappell in great Queen street, Roger Wade & Margaret Sampsonin presence ofye undernamed Wittnesses by me James Butler .John Windell. 725. ffeb. 23d 1723. Were then Joyned in LawfullMatrimony according to ye Rites of our holy mother ye Catholique Church at his Excellency the Portugeze Envoy'es Chapple in Great Queen Street Thomas 'o Bryen and Catherine Gloster in presence of the under named wittness's by me John Ponce .Maur: Brown, John Windell, Honour x Downer her mark. 726. February ye 24, 1723. Where then joyned in lawfull Matrimonyaccording to ye Rites ofour holy Motherye Catholoque Church, at his excellent ye Portegeze Envoy'es Chappel in great Queen Street, George Brady& Ann Hutson in presenceofye under names wittniced by me James Butler .William Keasberey, Cathrine Keasberey.

[37] 727. Aprill ye 28th 1723. Were then joynedin lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church James Fitzgerald of the Parish of St Olave in Southwark and Jane Harriman of the Same Parish in Presence of the underwritten Wittnesses [none signed] by me John Smith 728. Aprill ye 21st 1723 were then joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites ofourholy motherye Catholick church Luis Calderon Benites del Hoio ofye town of Orotava inye Island

of Teneriffa & Mary JosephaPorlier ofye town of Laguna in said Island in Presence of ye undernamed Wittnesses by me Thomas Moore . George Fitzgerald, Thomas Brown, Phelippa Magdalena Porlier, Stephen Joseph Porlier, John Chalot, Joan Redmond, Nicholas Walsh, John Antony Porlier.

729. April ye 15th 1723. Where then ioin'd In Lawful Matrimony according to ye rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church George Grant and Mary Nicolle de Stringer byme Ambrose Keating ord: Cor:

730. June ye 30, 1723 Were then Joynd in lawfullMatrimony according to ye Rites of ye holy CatholickChurch Thomas Wagstaff and Susanna Andrews In the presence of ye underwritten Wittnesses by me Jno Hardcastle .the mark of x Levi Giddins, Wesley Straight.

731. Decemb 26, 1723 were then Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according totherites ofye holy Catholickchurch nicholas munday & rachel moody in the presence of ye underwritten witnesse by Jno Hardcastle .Thomas Bennett, Mary Elish [38] This page is blank [39] THE FOLLOWING PERSONS were marryed by Mr Gibbons after his arrivall from Holand, they are here inserted togather, to avoid confusion.

732. Julyye 22, 1716 werejoynedinlawfull Matrimonieaccording to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch John Biggins and Mary Mansfield in presence of the undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [See Entry 756below .]

733. Julyye 29, 1716 werejoynedin lawfull Matrimonieaccording to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholickchurch James Martin and Mary Chester in presence of the undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [See Entry 757 below .]

734. August ye 26, 1716 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholickchurch Richard Dennot (Dennet) and Charity Draper in presence of the undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [See Entry 758 below ]

735. January ye 4th 171 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch Enoch Seeman and Isabella Lendehichn (Lendehichen) in presence ofthe undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. [See Entry 759 below ]

736. Sepbr ye 28th 1717 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch Thomas NorthCliffe (Northcliffe) and Mary Kennettin presenceof the undernamed Wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [See Entry 760 below .]

737. Mayye 22, 1718 werejoyned inlawfull Matrimonieaccording to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch Michael Heathcote and Margaret Bradshaw in presence of the undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. [See Entry 761 below ]

738. Mayye25, 1720 werejoyned in lawfull Matrimonieaccording to the Rites of our HolyMother the CatholickChurch Nicolas Celliere (Cellier) and Judith Andage (Andige) in presenceof the undernamed Wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [See Entry 762 below.] [40] 739. June ye 12th 1720 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch, John Turing and Mary ONeal (Oneal) in presence of the undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [See Entry 764 below.]

740. Decembr ye 12, 1721 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch , George Bacon and Mary Winter in presence of the undernamed Wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 741. Janry ye 15, 172 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch , John Manders and Mary Bevon in presence of the undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. 742. July ye 24, 1722 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie accordin to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church , Christopher Roberts and Jane Awdus in presence of the undernamed Wittnesss by me Tobias Gibbons .Winefrid Warham , Sarah St Michell

743. Novbr ye 28, 1722 were joyned in laffull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch, will Attkins (Atkins) and Jane Hart in presence ofthe undernamed Wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons . 744. July ye 30th 1723 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch, William Minshull and Mary Box in presence of the undernamed Wittnesss by me Tobias GibbonsJohn Box, John Mandivill 745. Decembrye 18th 1723 were joyned in lawfull Martrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch and a dispensation was obtained in the second degree of Consanguinity Francis [blank] and Elizabeth [blank] in presence of the undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me [blank] [41] 746. Febryye 10th 1724 were joyned in lawfullMatrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch Samuel Lightburre and Anne Spurling in presence of the undernamed wittnesss by me Tobias GibbonsSarah St Michell. 747. March ye 14th 1724 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch Lewis [blank] and Lucy [blank] in presence of the undernamed wittnesss [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons.

748. Januaryye 17th 1724. Were joynedin lawfullMatrimony according to the rites of our holy mother the Catholick church John [over Mary] Connerand MaryButlerin presence oftheundernamed wittnessess by me James Butler .Mart : Keating, Barbra Butler, Ann Allen.


749. 172 January ye 26 then were Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye rites of ye H: Catholick Church Thomas Murphey (Morphy) and Martha Butcher in ye presence of Jos. Smith and ElizabethSherley by Jno Hardcastle Witnesses , Jos Smith, Elizab Sherley

750. May ye 17th 1725 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch John Barboza and Johanna de (De) Bra in presence ofthe undernamed wittnisss by me Tobias Gibbons .Sarah St Michell, Jane × St Michells mark [42] 751. This day ye 9th of July 1730 were Joynd in Lawfull matrimony according [to] the rites of our holy motherthe Church George delany and Sarah hemard In presence of the undernamd Witnesses by me P. Wesley.E. Holland, Mary FitzGerald.

752. December ye 22d 1731 were then Joyned in Lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites of our Holy Mother ye Catholick Church William Holloran & Margt Hyde in ye Presence ofye vnderwritten wittnesses [none signed] By me Richd Grene .Ent:ye 10 Mar. 1733

753. Januaryye 30th 1738 were then joynedin Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the holy CatholickChurch Thomas Fitspatrick (Fitzpatrick) and Sara Richisson in the presenceofye underwritten wittnessess by me J: Butler .Ceily x Henley, Elizbath x Rodwill

754. Die Julij 31. Anni 1759 HodièAmandus (gallicè Amable) Le Roy Filius legitimusAntonij Le Roy et Uxoris ejus postea Le Roy (priùs Cordier) Monstiolijin Picardia civium, et MariaAngelica Chavatte Filia legitima Pauli Chavatte ejusque Conjugis Mariæ Magdalene Chavatte (quondam Bourgois) Aethi in Belgia civium, in Sancto Matrimonio conjuncti fuerunt secundum leges et ritus Sctæ Matris nostræ Ecclesiæ Romano-Catholicæ p me ... E. Cox. Testibus Ioanne Soullé et Petro Le Roy.Copia vera F. Blyth

[43] The following letter and enclosure, both bearing the official monogram (F.B.), are pasted in here: - HondSir , This is to Beg thefavour Of You to Insert the Inclosed in the Register BookofYour Chapel Be Assured that it is Authentic, & the writingOf Mr. Edward Southcote, who now liveswith hisSister at Wooburn farm . I remain with Great Respect, Hond Sir, Yr Very humble Servant James Wheble .May the 8th 1762

[Enclosure] Sept the 8th 1740. James Emon, Native ofthe Bishoprick of Verdun In France , Now of the Parishof St James, Westminster in the County of Middlesex , Bachelor and Bridget Waterhouse of the Same Parishand County, Spinster , and Native of this Kingdom, were Joynd in lawfull Wedlock according to the rites & Ceremonies ofthe Holy Catholicchurch By me Edward Southcote , in presence ofPhilip Southcote Esqre Miss Andrew Daughter of St Francis Andrew , Mr. Mary Crook & others

755. Sept the 8th 1740. James Emon, Native of the Bishoprick of Verdun In France , Now of the Parish of St James, Westminster in the Countyof Middlesex, Batchelor and BridgetWater- house of the Same Parish and County, Spinster, and Native of

this Kingdom, were joyn'd in lawfull Wedlock according to the rites and Ceremoniesof the Holy Catholic churchBy me Edward Southcote, in Presence of Philip Southcote Esqre Miss Andrew Daughter of Sr Francis Andrew, Mrs Mary Crook & Others

Hoc est fidum ad apicem Exemplar Originalis Attestationis R. P. EduardiSouthcote Missionarij Angli; Quæ quidem Attestatio proprijs ipsiusmet exarratamanu atq, literis, seu ScriptionisCharacteribus , mihi notis, hic proximèantea adrectitur; ettestimoniali insuper ad me Epistolâ R. P. Jacobi Wheble ejusdem Fraternitatis cum Attestante corroboratur , ut aspicienti eandem Epistolamhìc etiàm appensam facilè patebit.Ità equidem testor Hoccediè 10 Maij 1762. F. Blyth.

[44 to 56] These pages are blank.

[57 to 86] These pages are occupied by the Index, written on both sides of the leaf.

[87] This page is blank.

[88] N.B. SEPTEM PROXIME SEQUENTIACONJUGIAsemel jam anteà perscripta fuere uid Paginam 39. in hujus Voluminis hac altera facie *

756. Julyye 22d 1716 werejoyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch John Biggins and Mary Mansfield in presence of the undernamed wittnesses [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [See Entry 732 above.] 757. July ye 29th 1716 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church James Martin and Mary Chester in presence of the undernamed wittnesses [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons. [See Entry 733 above.]

758. August ye 26, 1716 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Richard Dennett (Dennet) and Charity Draper in presence ofthe undernamed wittneses [none signed] by me Tobias Gibbons [See Entry 734 above.]

759. January ye 4th 1717 were joyned in lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Enoch Seeman and Isabella Lendehichem (Lendehichen) in presence ofthe undernamed wittnesess byme Tobias Gibbons .Peter Chaboud, Mary Chaboud [See Entry 735 above.]

760. September ye 28, 1717 were joynedin lawfull Matrimonie according to the Rites of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Thomas [Notthcliff altered to] Northcliff (Northcliffe) and Mary Kennet (Kennett) in presence of the undernamed Wittnesess by me Tobias Gibbons.Thomas Meaghan. [See Entry 736 above.]

[89] 761. May ye 22, 1718 were joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch Michael Heathcote and Margaret Bradshaw in presence of the

* Entries 756 to 779 are all covered by the Index on pp 57 to 86. In the manuscript they are numbered 1 to 23, but Entry 766 is not numbered in the original

undernamed wittnesess by me Tobias Gibbons .Andrew Oliver, George Bradshaw [See Entry 737 above.]

762. Mayye 25, 1720 were joyned in lawfullMatrimone according tothe Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch Nicolas [celler altered to] Cellierand Judith Andige in presence ofthe undernamed wittnessess by me Tobias Gibbons .Maximo Roio, Gilbert De Ballardt, marie roche, Mary Baily. [See Entry 738 above.] 763. June ye 8th 1720 werejoynedinlawfull Matrimonyaccording to ye Rites of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch Godfery Seyes, and MaryBradyin the presence of ye vndernamed witnesses bymeAnth. Grimaldi.iudea wasser , Elizabethffloid, JohnWindle 764. June ye 12, 1720 werejoynedin lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church John Turing and Mary ONeal (Oneal) in presence of the unde[r]named wittnessess by me Tobias GibbonsDorothy Cox , mary Cox , Isabella Cox , JamesLonguosiers[smudged]. [See Entry739 above.] 765. June the 5, 1720. Where Joynd in Lawfull matrimony according to the Rites of the Holy mother the CatholickChurch Henry Butler and ElisabethWattsin presence ofthe underritten witness By me James Heynds .The marke x of James Good . 766. John Verhufen mard to Joane Dennis Maurice Grainsbro' Witnesss p'sent An Man, Mary Cotten 767. July 18, 1720 were Joynd in Lawfull Matrimonyaccording to ye Rites of ye holy Mother the Church EdwardKernes and Mary Smith in ye presence of ye underwritten Witnesses by me Jno Hardcastle Witnesse, Carnelis Smith, John Windle. 768. August ye 4, 1720. Were Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of the holy Mother ye Catholick Church Samuel Smithand Mary Peters in the presence ofye vnderwritten witnesses by me Anth Grimaldi.Malachy Kelly, John Bradley, Eliz. Marsden, John windell.

[91] 769. September 3, 1720. whereJoyndin Lawfull matrimony according to the Rites ofthe Holy mother the Catholick [Church]Robert Brown Gittuss and mary wood in pressence of underritten witnesss Byme James HeyndsRobert Thurkettle, Eliz. Boddicott, John Windle

770. Were then Joyn'd in Lawfull Marriage according to ye Rites of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch Louis Bernard and Cathrine Gedeuic (Gedewic) Bernate in the presence ofye vnder written witnesses by me Anth Grimaldes.ffrancisco Rosea , Ann Rosea , Philip Lambart. Septemberye 21, [1]720

771. Were then Joyn'd in Lawfull Marriage according to ye Rites of our holy mother ye Catholick Church Thomas Cusage (Cusag) and Mary bessin ye presence of ye vnder written witnesses byme Anth Grimaldy .MatthewCape, Ann bess, ElizabethCape [92] 772. december the 29th 1720 ioyned in lawfull marriage Martin Rombeck and Mary Jpermans (Ipermans) in preasence of the under written witneses by me Anselme Vandenbergh.James Sacrin, Anne x Mary Banker her marck, Joseph deSequeiraff 773. April 26, 1721 were then Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony

William Fahay and Elisabeth Cupes in presence ofye underwritten witnessesby me Jno Hardcastle.jean de la croix, John Nowland, Angel Baxter, John Windle, the x of Ester Cupiss . 774. At the portugal Envoys in great queens Stret Chappell Mayye 10, 1721 where then Joynd in Lawfull matrimony according to our Holy mother the Cattholick Church Arthur Foster & Ann Anderson in presence of the underwrtenwitness[e]s By me

James Butler .John Windell Clark, the mak x of Hanah KindLand [93] 775. March ye 25th 1722 were then joined In lawfullMatrimony Peter Verden and Mary Vmphvries (Umphuries fortè Humphries) In presence of ye under written Witnesses by me Jno Hardcastle Witnesses, Francis Moore, Richard Cantillomes, Martin Harrold. 776. March ye first 1730 Were then Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Catholick Church Mr Anthony de (Del) Campos his Majesty the King of Portugals Secretary at the Court of Great Brittainand Mrs ElizabethMorley in the presence of the underwritten Wittnesses by me Jno Hardcastle . Joseph Smallwood, A. Hhadcastle . 777. Mayye 11th 1732 WerethenJoynd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites ofthe HolyCatholickChurch, Mr Richard Brickenden (Breckenden) and Mrs Carolina Somersett(Somerset), in the presence of the underwritten witnesses by me Jno Hardcastle . Thos Sulman, A. Hardastler.

778. Egoinfrascriptustestoromnibus quorum interessepoterit, quod Dñus Cajetanus de (De) Mazzarella nobilis Neapolitanus, et Sacri Rom. Jmperij ac Sac Cæsaret CatholicæMajestatis Equestris Capetaneus, cum Domina Maria MargaritaWrackers, ex legitimo thoroparentibus Dñi Rinaldifilia, ejusq, consortis Anna Catharina Coppen nata in Werthen, coram me duobusq , testimonijs alijs Jnfrascriptis, Juxta Ritum Sanctæ RomanæEcclesiæ die 30 mensis Augus 1728 Solennitatibus matrimonium Contraxisset. Jn fidem hujus testimoniumhoc Protocollo Copulatorum extractum ac meo solitosigillo munitumDatumLondini hac die 12maMaij anno 1737. D. Carolus Boschï presbiter.Angelo de Angelis testis, William Stillo testes . hæc est vera Copia, Originale est in manibus domini Cajetani de Mazzarella. Joan. Hardcastle.

[94] 779. Apr 13 , 1738 ware then joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholick Church Anthony Gemin Merchantt and Ma Swift (or Swist) Spinster in the presence oftheunderwrittenwitnessesp E. Cox .George Lewes , Ma Mason .

[95 to 102] Blank

[103-104] This leaf has been torn out [105 to 126] All the odd pages are blank; the even pages, reversed , containthe latter portion (P to Z) of the Index to the Prima Facies.

[127] 7796. The Booke of the Scapulare of St Benedict. Ao 1694

Aug. 15. Mary Colles. Sept. 9. Eliz Richison.


Volume C, half-bound, has the following lettering in even capitals on the back-

C | Regist: Matri : | Capellæ Leg: | R: Portug: | Vol. I. | 1740*

The binding overlaps the leaves by inch, the latter measuring 12 x 7 inches The entries occupy 210 pages, and are made within a red inkframe 113 x 5 inches, dividedinto threeequal compartments ruled off horizontally in red . After the first three leaves the pages are numbered , and each leaf is marked on the recto with a monogram composed of the letters J H (the initials of John Hardcastle) interwoven

On the inside of the cover , under the letter C , appears the same notice as in VolumeA. The first leaf has the following form ofCertificate: -

N.B. Extractum e Registro Matrimoniale (C Vol:.. ....fol. ...num .) quod olim in regia & Legataria Fidelissimæ Majestatis Lusitaniæ Capella asservabur, nuper autem Custodia Reverendi Joannis Jones Capellani Legationis Lusitaniæ quæ Londini est, de mandato Illustrissimi & Excellentissimi Dom¹ Vicecomitis de Torre de Moncorvo Fidelissimæ Majestatis Lusitaniæ apud Reginam Magnæ BritanniæLegati, & Reverendissimi Thomæ Episcopi Olenensis Vicarii Apostolici Londini traditum & ad tempus in Capella Catholic Legationis Bavariæ depositum tenetur.

Insuper attestor prædictum Extractum in omnibus esse conforme cum Registro. In cujus fidem hoc testimonium mea manu subscripsi. Die mensis &c &c

On the verso is affixedan engravingof the Royal Arms of Portugal, " Engr by Evans & Webb, New Bond St."

The title-page, which follows, bears the following inscription:RECENTIORIS MATRIMONIORUM MEMORIALIS LIBRI Nuptialibus perscriptionibus accommodati Sacrorum præsertim Ministrorum, Fideliss : LusitaniæMajestatis Regio et LegatarioSacello (Londini extra Moeniasito) inservientium, Volumen C Primum Quod in usum primò venit iii Nonas Julius, anno post Incarnatum Deum M , DCC,XL Accedit , in majus Quærentium quorumque Commodum, Repertorium , Conjugum utriusq, sexûs Nomina notans juxta alphabeticum Literæ ordinem, quâ unius eorum cujusque Cognomen incipit.

The verso is blank. The third leaf has the following sub-title on the recto:-

* Below this date a label is affixed on which is written " 1749."

THE REGISTER BOOK OF MARRIAGES . In his Majestie the King of Portugal's Chappel at London .This Book contains two hundred and seventy pages * each Leaf Paraphed thus* p Jno Hardcastle while on the verso we find-

A Form to be used in Registering



N. the 15 1740

A. B. of the Parish of N. in the County of N. Gent. Bachelour, or Widower and C.D. of the Parish of N. in the Countyof and C. D. N. Spinster, or Widdow were Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony, on the Day, and Year above, according to the Rites, and Ceremonies, of our holy Mother the Catholick Church, inthe presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses


N. N. N. N.

With the next leaf the actual Register begins The Entries are numbered , and the names of the contracting parties are given in the margin on the left. With a view to economising space these marginal notes have been omitted from this transcript, but any variations or additionseither here orin the Index are inserted withinround brackets.


[1] 1. July 5: 1740 Will: Pocock (Poiock) of ye Parish St Dunstance Bachelour and Mary Mayott of the same Parish of St Dunstance in ye West Spinster were Joynd in lawfull Matrimony on the day & year above according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwrittenWitnessesp E. Cox .George Sanders, MarySanders.

2. July 11th 1740 Samuel Dawson (Bachelour) of the Parish of St George in Hannover Square and Mary Cook (Spinster) of the same Parish were Joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the Day and year above according to the Rites and Cerimonys of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch In the presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses. By me Richa Grene.CharlesBarker, SusannaWilson.

3. Aut 24: 1740 Stephen Wright of the Parish of S. James Wesminster Bachelour and Ma (Mary) Brown of the same Parish Spinster were Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on ye day & year

* This refers to the Entries only, and does not include the Index. A monogram composed of the letters J H interwoven appears here

above according to the rites and Ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church, in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox Witnesses, Ralf Grimston, Katthern Gublin.


4. Octo 21 : 1740 John Taylor of ye Parish of S. Paule Shadwell in the County of Middlesex Bachelour and Theresia Mayott of ye Parish of Mount Nessing in Essex Spinster were joynd in lawfullMatrimony on the day & year above according to the rites & Ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox . George Saunders, Ma Pocock.

5. Novbr ye 8th 1740 Maximillian Bryon of the Parish ofSt James in the County of Middlesex Bachelour and Ann White of the Same Parish Spinster were joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony on the day & year above according to the Rites & Ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses pr me Jos Smallwood .John Noble , Winefred Barry, Helene Baynes

6. No 11 : 1740 Clement Hall of the Parish of St Margets Westminster Bachelour and Marget Humphrys (Hunnphrys) ofthe Same Parish Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on ye day & year above according to the rites & Ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presons of theunderwritten Witnesses p E. Cox .Robert Payne Thomas, Alice Pierson . [3] 7. No 11 : 1740 Thomas Gressam of ye Parish of S. Pauls Shadwell in the Countyof Middlesex Bachelour and SusanMayott of the Parish of Mount nessing in Essex Spinster were joynd in lawfullMatrimonyon the day & yearabove according to the rites & Ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox .Jonathon Comton, Ma Pocock .

8. No 12: 1740 John Sedger of the Parish of Ditton in Kent Bachelour and Aannamaria Spencer of the Parish Abergeveny in Munmoth Shire Widow were joyn'din lawfull Matrimony on the day & year above according to the rites & ceremonysof our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox .Hely Tyte, Ann Tyte.

9. Novemb 25, 1740 Thomas Clark of the Parish of St Paul Convent Garden in the County of Middlesex Bachelor and Anne Radbourne of the Parish of St George in the fields Spinsterwere Joyndin lawfull Matrimony on the day and yearabove according to the Rites and Ceremonys of our Holy Mother the Catholik Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses by Jno Hardcastle .John Lehunt, Patty Willams

[4] 10. No 24: 1740. Benjamin Palmer bachelour & Ma (Maria) Salt Spinster both of the Parish of S. Andrews Holburn were joyn'din Lawfull Matrimony on the day & year above according tothe rites & ceremonys of our holy mother the CatholickChurch in the presenceof the under written witnesses p E. Cox .James Butler, Ma Butler.

11. January 7th 1740 Ed (Edward) Pettit of the ParishofSt

Mary in Buckland in Bark Shire, and Mary Price of the Same Parish were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony on they Day and year aboue according to ye Rites and Ceremonys of our Holy mother ye Catholick Church. In the Presence of the underwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grene .Robert Ashbridge, Margret Ashbridge

12. Dbr 4: 1740 Thomas Teaque bachelour of the Parish of S. Pauls Covent Garden & Eliz: MarkinfieldSpinster of white hall were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony on the daye & year above according to the rites & ceremonyes of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Henry Guait, Eliz. Pease [5] 13. Dbr 4, 1740 Benjemin Anderson Bachelour of the Parish ofS. Pauls Covent garden & Barbara Harris Spinster of Whitehall were joynd in lawfull Matrimony on the daye & year above according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy MothertheCatholick Church inthe presence ofthe underwritenwitnessesp E. Cox . -Tho. Pease, Eliz. Pease

14. Dbr 11 : 1740 James Connor Bachelour of the Parish of S. Martinsin ye fields & Ann Coombes Spinster of ye Same Parish werejoyndin lawfull Matrimonyonye day& yearaboveaccordind to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Motherye CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Loughlin, Alies Withers.

15. Jan. 19: 1741 William Ayrey bachelour of the Parish of S. James's Westminster and Martha Saltonstall Spinster of the Same Parishwere joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on ye day & year above according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Lewes Deleav, Hellene Bains

In the outer margin is the following note: " N.B. The marriage of Mr Gastaldi & Charlotte Conyars see page 115." This entry, ofdate February 7, 1741 , should appear here [6] 16. Feb 10: 1741 Michael Bevans bachelour and Mary DeakensSpinster of the Parishof St Gyles Criplegate were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day & year aboue according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Sam: Prime, Ma Stevenson.

17. March ye 21 , 1741

Peter Binel & Mary le (Le) Roy were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church They were both of ye ParishofSt Annes Soho . In the presence of ye underwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grene .James Friburg, Peter Boisnel.

18. Apr : 6: 1741 Tobit Earle bachelour of the Parish of S. George's Blumsbury and Eliz Hutton Spinster of the Parish of S. Andrs holburn were joynd in lawfull Matrimonyonthe day & yearaboue according to therites & ceremonys ofourholy Mother the Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Hen: Rumbul, Eliz. Rumbul F

[7] 19. April 19: 1741 Florance Cumins Widower and Mary Lerow Spinster both of the Parish of S. James Westminsterware joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on the daye & yearabove according to the rites & ceremonysof our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .George Lowes, Ursela Wolford

20. May 17, 1741 William Dean and Mary Carleton both of the Parish of St James Westminster were Joynd in Lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the Ritesand Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presenceofthe underwritten Wittnesses by me Jno Hardcastle.— Charles Harris , Margt Humphreys

21. May 28 : 1741 John Munday Bachelor of the Parish Twickenhon in Middlesex and Ellen Singleton of the same Parish Spinsterwere Joynedin lawfull Matrimony on ye day and year above according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .George Johnson, Ann James.

[8] 22. May 30th 1741 Austin Carpenterofthe Parish ofSt James westminster in ye Countyof Midlesex and Jane Burn ofthe same Parishwiddow were Joyned in lawful Matrimony according toye Rites of our H. Motherye CatholickChurch in ye Presence of the underwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grenè .Thos Watson , Helene Fitzgerald

23. May ye 30th 1741 Michael Mackdonel (Macdonel) of the Parish of stMarySommersetintheCountyof Middlesex Batchelor and HannaEliss of ye same Parish Spinster were joynedinlawfull Matrimony onthe day and yeare aboue according toye Ritesand Ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten wittnesses [none signed] by me J. Butler.

24. June ye 1st 1741 John Leake of the Parish of Hainton in the County of Lincoln Bachelor and Elizabeth Kenningtonofthe Parish of St James Westminster in the County of Middlesex Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull matrimony on the day and year above according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witness's by Jos SmallwoodGeo : Smith, Oliuer Nugent, Mary Grumley.

[9] 25. June ye 10 , 1741 GeorgeWhitly Bachelor and Elizabeth Quin Spinster both of the Parish of St Anne's Westminster were Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on ye day and yearabove according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses by Jn° Hardcastle. Witnesses, George Lewis, Lucy London.

26. June ye 10, 1741 William Jones Batchelor and Mary Danilly (Danelly) spinster both of the Parish of St Georgs were joyned in lawfullMatrimony on the day and yeare aboue according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy motherthe Catholick

Church in the psenceof the underwritten witnessess by J: Butler. Witnessess, Oliuer Nugent, Ann Nugent.

27. June 6: 1741 John Murphy Bachelor of the Parish ofS. Mary labone & Anne Harris Spinster of the parish S. George Hannover Square were joyn'din lawfull Matrmony on ye day & yearabove according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Arther Mathews, Dorothy Mathews. [10] 28. June 18: 1741 George Snawdon Bachelor & Mary Bunday Spinster both of the Parish of fulhome in ye county of Middlesex were joynd in lawfull Matrimony on ye day & year above according to the rites & ceremonys ofour holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Perkins, Ma Carter

29. June 22, 1741 Thomas Williams Batchelor and Mary Early Spinster, both of the same Parish of Enfield in the County of Middlesex were join'd in lawful Matrimony on the day and year above mention'd according to the Rites and ceremonies of ourHolyMothertheCatholicChurch in the presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses p me F. Blyth.dorotea Cockayne, Oliuer Nugent, Mary Early

30. June 22: 1741 John Danel Batchelor & Jane Smyth Spinster both ofthe Parishof S. James Westminster were joynd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Curch in the presenceofthe underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Piere Devaux , Alice Pierson.

[11] 31. June the 29th 1741 John Jones and Elizabeth Bennet widower and widow both of ye Parish of St James in ye County of middlesex were Joined in Lawful matrimony on ye day and year above mentioned according to the rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the Catholick Church in presence of ye underwritten witnesses p : Thomas Greswold .Oliuer Nugent, Sarah Nugent

32. July 4: 1741 William Kent Bachelor of the Parish of Chatham in the Countyof Kent andAnne CrosfieldSpinsterofthe same Parish were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on theday and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of theunderwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Sam Cope, Jane Crosfield

33. July 31: 1741 MatthewMasterson & Mary Jurdanbothof the Parishof Chelsea in the Countyof middlesex were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day & year above according to therites & ceremonys of the holy CatholickChurch in the presenceofthe underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Oliver Newgent, Jeremiah Sullivan .

[12] 34. Augt 3d 1741 Richd Cardegon of the ParishofStJames Westminster in the County of Middlesex and Mary Micheson of the Parish of St George HanoverSquare were Joyned in Lawful Matrimonyaccording to the Rites ofour H. Motherthe Catholick


Church in the Presence of the underwritten wittnesses, By me Richa Grene .Austin Carpenter, Laurence Cardegon, Hannah Cardegon.

35. September ye 2th 1741 Anthony Lefortune (La Fortune) of the Parish of St James Westminster in the County of Middlesex batchelour and Elisabeth Harish (Harash) spinster of the same Parish were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites and Ceremoniesof the holy CatholickChurch in the psence ofthe underwrittenwittnesses: by me J. Butler .Sam" King, Gustavus Waltz.

36. Aus 30: 1741 William Beven of the Parish of S. Ann Soho bachelour & Jane Jones of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day & year above according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .James Prime, Alice Pierson [13] 37. Spt 6: 1741 were then joyned in lawfull Mattrimony according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church Robert Freeman Widower of the parish of S. Poule Coventgarden & Mary Cunstable(Constable) Spinster ofthe Parish of S. Martin in the fields in the presence of the underwritten wittnesses p E. Cox .Ed forest , Leonard Stevens.

38. Sep 21, 1741. Richa Blevin of ye Parish of St Pancrass in the Countyof Middlesex , and Hellin Coxofthe ParishofWickenham in the sd County of Middlesex were Joyned in lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites of our Holy MothertheCatholick Church. In ye Presence of the underwritten Wittnesses By me Richd Grene .John Dalton, Elizth Elston.

39. Spt 29: 1741 AllexanderRobertson Bachelor and Catharina Bolton Spinster both of the Parish of S. GeorgeBlumesburywere joyned in lawfull mattrimony according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the Presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Oliuer Nugent , Jane Crooke. [14] 40. Sep 29, 1741. Thos Blaser of ye Parish of St James's Westminster in the County of Middlesex, and Anne Thoman of ye same Parish in ye sd Countywere Joyned in lawful matrimony according to ye Rites of our H. mother the Catholick Church in the Presence oftheunderwrittenWittnesses Byme Richd Grene.James Emon & Mary Pullin.

41. No7: 1741 GeorgeMoody ofye Parish of S. George Blumesbury bachelor & Ruth Rawson Spinster of the same Parishwere joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy mother the CatholickChurch in the presenceof the underwrittenwitnessesp E. Cox .George Snowdon, James King

42. Thisis to Certify that John Harrison and MaryShaw were Married according to the rights of the holy Catholic Church 8br the 3d 1741 by me Robert Kempton priest at watlington park Oxfordshire , testes Robert Savage, francis desinet, Alis bronton, ann Howell .copia conformis est originali, ita testor f. monfort. [15] 43. Nov: 19: 1741 John Perry of the Parish of St Giles

widower and Mary Mulkery (Mulkerry) ofthe sameParishspinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites and Ceremoniesof our holy motherthe CatholickChurch inthe psence of the underwritten witnesses [none signed] by me: J: Butler.

44. Nov 28, 1741. John Howardof the Parish of St Anne's old Soho in ye Countyof Middlesex, and Mary Clark of ye same Parish in the sd Countywere Joyned in lawful Matrimony according to the Rites of our H. Mother the Catholick Church in ye Presence of ye underwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grene . James Elston, Thos Holmes, Susanna Howard.

45. Decemberye 2, 1741 JuliusForestaoftheParish of st James and Lucy Weekes ofthe same Parish in the Countyof Middlesex were joynedin lawfull Matrimonyaccording tothe Rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the psence of the underwrittenwittnesses by me: J: Butler .Oliuer Nugent [16] 46. No 20, 1741 William Hunter of the Parishof S. George Hannover Square bachelor and Ann Gray of the same Parish Spinster ware joynedin lawfull Matrimony according to the rites & ceremonyes of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presenceof the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox .Tho: Roach , Sydney Hews .

47. Septr 30, 1743. John Mayot of the Parish of St Giles , Mids Widow and ElizabethPye ofthe same Parishin theCounty aforesd, Spinster were join'd in lawful Matrimony on the day and year above, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church, in presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me F. Blyth.George Cooper, Mary Healy.

48. Jan. 11, 174 Thomas Duddell (Duddel) of the Parishof S. Buttolph Aldersgate bachelor and SarahBlooxham (Blooksham) of the Parish of S. Paul Covent garden Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the Rites and Ceremonys of our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. CoxJohn Treaslove, Katt: Browning. [17] 49. Jan.26: 174 Thomas Crook oftheParishofWatlington in Oxfordshier Bachelor and Mary Munday of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and cerymonys of our holy Mother theCatholickChurch inthe precence oftheunderwrittenwitnesses p E. Cox .John Monday, Honnon Rosar

50. Feb. 28: 174 Patrick Thorntonof the Parish of S. James Westminster Bachelor and Jane Matthews of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother theCatholickChurch in theprecenceoftheunder written witnesses p E. Cox .Owen Johnson , Ma Pattet.

51. April ye 21st 1742 Peter le Feure (Le Fevre) ofye parishof St James Westminster Bachelor and Catharine Rann of ye same Parish Widow were Joyned in lawfull matrimony on ye day and year aboue; according to ye Rites and Cerimonies of our Holy


mother the Catholick [Church] in presence of ye under written witnessesby me Tho. Greswold .Thomas Albatt , Anne Waterton. [18] 52. Ap: 25: 1742 James Little of the Parish of S. Gyles in the fields bachelor and Martha Bladworth of the Parish of S. Georgehanover SquareSpinster werejoynedinlawfullMatrimony on the day and year above according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Tho: Little, Ann Little

53. May ye 19th 1742 John Francis Michel of the parish of Saint Botolph in Bishops-Gate Bachelor and Saray Beuar ofthe same Parish Spinster were Joyned in Lawful Matrimony on ye day and year aboue mentioned according to ye rites & cerimonies of our Holy mother the Catholick Church in ye presence of ye underwritten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold .Nicolaus Belli, John Dominik Belli, Grace Belli, Hester Beuar.

54. May 29: 1742 John Poole of the Parish of S. James Westminster Bachelor and Margarett Macdonnell (Macdonnel) of the Same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Mickael Hathcote, Eliz: Hathcote. [19] 55. May the 26th 1742 [was married erased] Madelle Marie Jean du (Du) Valle and John perrault, were Joyned in lawfull matrimony according to the rites and Ceremonies of our holy motherthe Roman CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten wittnesses byme f: monfort .C . chastelain,Leon Gondou , James noble

56. June 17: 1742 Bryan Dunn of the Parish of S. Margarits Wesminste Widower & Catharine Dunn of the Parish of S. James Westminster Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the Presence of the underwritten Witnessesp E. Cox.---Peirce Fitzgerald, HonnorFizgerald, Frances Bainton

57. June 29: 1742 EdwardStory of Raclif Hyway Widdower and Dorcas Bond of the Parish of S. Gyles in the fieldsSpinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox . John Prestage, Martha Knolton, Mary Overs. [20] 58. July ye 10 , 1742 AlexunderVictorpot of the Parish of StJams Batchelor and Elisabeth Butlerofthe same Parish Spinster were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony on the day and yeare aboue mentioned according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the psence of the underwritten witnessess by me J. Butler .Oliuer Nugent, Joseph Leoni.

59. July 22, 1742. Capt Robert Meligen of Kilmarnock in the CountyofGlascow in Scotland Gent Batchelor, & UrsulaMarguti Illustrious Venetian, of the City of Athens, by Birth, Widow; were by me (after Authentic Testimonials produced of their

Abilities for contracting as they had before done) join'din lawful Matrimony, on the dayand in the Year above-mention'd, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our Holy Motherthe Catholic Church in presence of the Under-written Witnesses. F. Blyth.- OliuerNugent, AgnesCaily.

60. Augt 11th 1742 Domingo Carmona of the Parish of St James's Westminster in the Countyof Midlesex, and AnneMedley of ye Parish of St Bartholomewthe great in ye sd County were Joyned in Lawful Matrimony according to the Rites & Ceremonys of our H. Mother the Catholick Church in the Presence of ye underwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grene .-Willm Wolford , SusannaWilson

[21] 61. Aug 27: 1742 Thomas Soppitt Bachelor and Ann Woodhouse Spinster bothoftheParishofS. Maryla Strandwerejoyned inlawfull Matrimonyonthedayand year abovementioned according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mothe the Catholick Church in the presence ofthe underwritten witnessesp E. Cox.John Prestage, Martha Woodhouse .

62. September ye 20th 1742 Hugh Dochaty (Doharty) of the parish of st Clements Batchelor and Dorothy Rowdan oftheparish of St Jams spinster were joynedin Lawfull Matrimony on the day and yeare aboue mentioned according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnessess by J: Butler .Matthew Kelley, Elisabeth x Wallis her mark.

63. September ye 23, 1742 Joseph kell of the Parish of St Georges Wesminster in the County of Midlesex and Elisabet Valentine spinster oftheParishofSt GilesWesminter inthecounty of Midlesex were Joined in Lawfull Matrimony [according]tothe Rites & Ceremonies of Our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the vnder written withnesses by me Lewis Deleau . Joseph Pitts, Cathrine Pitts [22] 64. October ye 4, 1742 Alexander Wilson of the Parish of St Georges Wesminterin the Countyof Medlesex & Mary Clayton Spinter of the same Parish were Joyn'd in LawfullMatrimony [according] to the Rites & Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presenceof the vnderwritten withnesses byme L. Deleau .Eliz: Clayton , Catherina Pitts, Francis Clayton, Sarah Clayton.

65. October ye 5th1742 John Ranford of Kirkham inyeCounty ofLancaster andCatharine Richardson ofye parish ofStAndrew's Holburn Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on ye day and year aboue mentioned according to ye rites & Cerimonies, of our Holy mother ye Catholick Church in presence of ye underwritten wittnesses by me Thomas Greswold .Fran[c]is Kippen, Joseph Leoni, Mary Aluey.

66. No 10: 1742 Patrick Kenlon of the Parish of St James Westminster Bachelor and Ann Duff of the same Parish Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the

Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox .Henry Evers, Mary Evers

[23] 67. Nov ye 24th 1742. John Flintoft Batchelor of the Parish of St Martin in the Fields Middlesex and Mary Haines Spinster of the Parish and Countyaforesaid were join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites and Ceremonies ofour H. Mother the Catholic Church, in presence of the underwritten Witnesses, p me F. Blyth.Oliuer Nugent, Agnes Early.

68. No 24: 1742 Stephen Thomas of the Parishof S. George Hannover Square in the Countyof Middlesex bachelor and Hester Thomas of the same Parish Spinster were joynedin lawfull Matrimonyon the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonyes of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Dunn, Ursula Thomas.

69. December ye 13, 1742 Sebastian Rossier (Rossiez) of the Parish of St James's in the liberty of Wesminster [and] Mary francois(e) Le Clere (Le Cler, Leclere) of the Parish of St pancrass in theCountyof Middlesex spinster were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites & Ceremonyes of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the vnderwritten withnesses . Lewis Deleau .Nicolas Le Clere, Anne Plvnkett, theresse La Roche, Jahn Daubin, nicollas leclere. [24] 70. Dbr 11: 1742 Anthony Tariot ofthe Parishof S. Paule Coventgander Westminster bachelour and [Eliz erased] Mary Dupleyz of the Parish of S. Ann West Spinsterwere joyned in lawfull matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Eliz. Dupleyz , Eliz. Plunket

71. Jan. 9: 174 GeorgeWebb of the Parishof St Georgethe Martyr intheCountyofMiddlesex Bachelor and Maryann Everrard (Everard) ofthe Parish ofSt Gylesin thefields inthe sameCounty Widdow were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother theCatholickChurch in thepresence oftheunder written witnesses p E. Cox .John Castle, Ma Castle, Jer: Donovan

72. Jan. ye 20, 1743. thomas Edmondson of the parish o[f]st James, and Rebecca Maning of the same parish, were Joyned in Lawfull mariage the day and year aboue mention'd according [to] the rites of the holy catholick church in presence of the undernamed wittnessess f. Monfort .M. Brunetti, M. P. brenetti, h Edmondson, Mary Jones.

[25] 73. Jan: ye 16: 174 James Leonard of ye Parish of st Andrews Holborn and Mary Hart of the Parishof st Georgs were joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in ye presence of the underwritten wittnessess: by me: J: Butler.--Cornelius Hart, Mary Hart.

74. January ye 30th 174 Willm Bolton of the Parish of St

Clements in the County of Midlesex and Frances Williamson of the Parish of St Martin's in the Fields in the sd County were Joyned in lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites andCeremonys of our H. Mother the Catholick Church In the presence of ye underwritten Wittnesses By me Richd Grene .Sam¹ Dorson , Susanna Soleby, Mary Dorson .

75. Fb8: 1743 JohnWhiteofthe Parish ofS. George Hannover Square in Middlesex bachelor and Mary Mason ofthe same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day & year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother theCatholickChurch in the presence ofthe underwrittenwitnesses p E. Cox .Adam Digby, Mary Lee.

[26] 76. Feb: ye 15th 1742-3 John Bennet of ye parishof Kirkam in ye County of Lancaster Bachelour and margarettGurnallofye parish of Broughton in ye same County Spinster were Joyned in lawful matrimony on ye day and year above according to ye rites and Cerimoniesofour Holy motherye CatholickChurch in the presence of ye underwriten wittnessess by me Tho Greswold.Thomas Fosset , Rebecca Clarke

77. April 15: 1743 Thomas Lloyd of the Parish of Isleworth in the Countyof Middlesex bachelour and jane Cookeofthe same Parish Spinster were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to therites and ceremony ofourholy mother theCatholickChurch inthe presence oftheunderwrittenwitnesses p E. Cox .Gabriel Cox, Lady Lucy Talbot.

78. May ye 22d 1743. Lewis Nicolas Cheuallier (Chevalier) of St Germaine Lauxeroy in Paris Bachelour and Anne Smith of St Giles in ye feilds London Spinster were Joyned in Lawfull matrimony on ye day and year aboue mentioned according toye rites and Cerimonys of our Holy mother ye CatholickChurch in ye presence of ye underwritenwittnesses by me Tho. Greswold.John Smith, Jean Trogronux, Ann Smith, magdelane Gomar, mary monphy. [27] 79. Mayye 28, 1743. John Renault & Charlott Barret were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonyaccording to ye rites and Ceremonies of our Holy Mother ye Catholick Church in the presence ofthe vnderwritten wittnesses by me Lewis Deleau .Charlotte Charpantier, Charle Chatelain

80. May 30: 1743 Tho: Brush of the Parish of St Clements Deans Widdowerand Sophia Wilson of the same Parish Widdow were joynd in Lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Chris: Lynch, Ellen allen

81. June 10: 1743 James Newman ofthe Parish ofSt Martins inthe fields bachelour and Mary Cripps ofthe Parish ofStBottolps Aldersgate Spinster were joynedin Lawfull Matrimonyon theday and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence ofthe underwritten witnessesp E. Cox .Will: Profitt, Phillis Herculas,

[28] 82. June 12: 1743 Francis Champof the Parish of S. George Hannover Square bachelour & Mary Rogers of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony on the day andyear above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick C[h]urch in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Champ, Mary Champ.

83. June 15: 1743 Mr James Evans of the Parishof S. George Hannover SquareWiddowerand Margaritt Lady Woodofthesame Parish Widdow were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Whittingham, Eliz Whitingham, Marcella Proudfoot.

84. June 27: 1742 Bryen Murphy of ye Parish of St Saviors Southwork Bachelor and Mary Meredith of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother theCatholickChurchin the Presence oftheunderwrittenwitnesses p E. Cox .Tho. Meredith, Sarah Winter. [29] 85. July the 13, 1743 Felix Creighton and Lydda Knight of the parish of St Clement's were joun'd in lafull marriage according [to] the Rites of the holy Mother the Catholickchurchinthe presence of the vnderwritten witnesses p f. Monfort .thom . Roasby, Dorrothy abbot

86. August the 10: 1743 Arthur Macadell (Mackadell) of the Parish of Islington Batchelor and Catharine Mackdonel (Macdonald) ofthesame Parish spinster werejoynedin Lawfull Matrimony on the dayand yeare aboue mentioned according tothe Rites and Ceremoniesofour holy motherthe CatholickChurch inye psence ofye underwritton Witnesses By me J: Butler .-Nicholas Reynolds, Rose Duff.

87. August the 19 , 1743 Patrick burn of the parishof st Giles Batchelor and Sarah bland ofthe same Parish widowwere Joyned in Lafull Marriage according [to] the rites of our holy motherye Church in presence of the vnderwritten wittnesses by me f monfort . Ch. barry, Eliz. burn.

[30] 88. August ye 29 : 1743 Francis Ayre of St James Parishin ye County of Middlesex Bachelour, and Melior Mary Jenkins of the Parish of Okin in the CountyofSurreySpinster Were joyned in Lafull Matrimonyon the day and year above according tothe Rites & Ceremonies of our Holy motherthe CatholickChurch in the presenceof the underwrittenWitnesses pr me Jos Smallwood -Thos Allam, Wm Allam, Hannah Allam.

89. Sept: ye 16th 1743 Thomas macDanell (MacDanell) of St James Parish in ye County of middlesex widower and Hannah Carshorewidowofye same parish wereJoyed in Lawfulmatrimony on ye day and year aboue mentioned according to ye Rites and Ceremonies of our Holy mother the Catholick Church in ye presence of the underwritten witnesses by me Tho, Greswold , Owen Jonson, Jane Ross ,

90. octb: ye 18, 1743 Peirce Fizgerrold (Fitzgerald) of the Parish of S. James Westminster Widdowerand MaryMaineofthe same Parish Widdow were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and cerymonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Sam Cope, Alice Pierson.

[31] 91. octb: ye 2d 1743 Robert Hughes of ye Parish of St. George Hannouer-Squarein ye Countyofmiddlesex Bachelour and Anne Burton of ye same ParishSpinster, were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on ye day and year aboue mentioned according to the rites and Ceremonies of our Holy mother the Catholick Church in ye presence of the underwritten wittnesse's by me Tho Greswold . Oliuer Nugent, Catharine Hughes.

92. December ye 4th 1743 Francis la (La) Place ofthe Parish of St James, in the Countyof Middlesex, and Isabella Antonetta Dumortierof the Same Parish, were Joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day, andyear above according to the Rites & Ceremonies of Our Holy Motherthe Catholick Church in the presenceofthe underwritten Witnesses pr me L. Deleau .Joseph Sicard, Julia Dumortier.

93. November ye 3, 1743 William Mitan (Guillaume Mitau) & Mary Casneuf (Castneuf) of St Ann Parish in the County of Midlesex Bachelour, & spinster both Born in france were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the rites & Ceremoniesofour Holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presenceof the vnderritten witnesses, by me L. Deleau .Dan : Vial, Ja Lamotte, Jaconet S. vial

[32] 94. 8br ye 29, 1743 Richard Carten and Marie hill [both erased] Batchelor and Spinster of the parish of St George were Joyned in lawfull Mariage according [to] the rites of the holy Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten witnesses p f. Monfort . f. hamaton, Edee hamaton.

95. 9br ye 16 , 1743. Martin ownes and Marie westly were [Maried erased] Joyned in according [to] the rites of the Church in Lawfull mariagin presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me f Monfort .thomas ownes , Elizabet ownes

96. 9br the 25, 1743 Francis Joseph Neelcar (Neclear) and Cutherine JosephLillua were Joyned inlawfull marriage according [to] the rites of the church in presence ofthe underwritten wittnesses p f. monfort.George deleny, Sarah deleny.

[33] 97. N°28: 1743 Thomas Symonds ofthe Parish ofSt Leonard Shoredich Bachelor and Elisabeth Anderson of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on ye day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .James Richards, Eliz. Williams.

98. 10br the 14, 1743. Lambert Menage in the parish ofSt Margret Batchelor and Elizabet theresia Dun of the same parish Spinster were Joynedin marriage according [to] the rites ofthe

holy CatholickChurch in the presence of the under writtenwittnesses p f. monfortMathias Oldrich, Catherine Manil.

99. Jan: 24: 174 Robert Ball of the Parish of S. Gyles in the fields in ye Countyof MiddilsexWidowerand SarahAndrews of the Parish of S. George Hannover Square in ye Same County Widow were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the written witnesses p E. Cox .Oliuer Nugent, John Poole, Margaret Poole.

[34] 100. Feb 1: 174 Augustus Cesar of the Parish of St George hannover Square in ye County of Middlesex bachelor: and Ann Champ of St Gyles in the fields in the same CountySpinster were joynd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according totherites and ceremonysof our holy Mo: the Catholick[Church] in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .John Champ, Ma Champ, Will: Hunt

101. feb the5, 1744 Mathias aldrickoftheparish ofStClements in the County of midlesex , Botchelorand theresia Barens ofthe same parish, spinster, were joyned in lafull marriage according [to] the rites ofthe holy catolickChurch, in presence ofthe undernamed wittnesses, p f. Monfort .Robert Gibberd, Elizabeth Manach mark x.

102. Feb: ye 5th 174 william Whitmill of the parish ofSt Leonards Shoredich in ye County of Middlesex Bachelour and Mary Sauage (Savage) of Banbury in the County of Oxford Spinster were Joyned in Lawful Matrimony on ye day and year aboue according to the rites, and Ceremoniesof our holy mother theCatholickChurch inthe presence ofye underwrittenwittnesses by me Tho Greswold .william Gurnell, mary Gurney. [35] 103. feb the 1 , 1744. were Merried according [to] the rites of the holy Catholick Church, in presence of the vnderwritten wittnesses francis funell (Funnel) of the parishof st martin Batchelor and honnour Fizgerald (Fitzgerald) of the parish of St James Spinster p f Monfort.Pierce Fizgerald, Easter ennis.

104. March the 31, 1744 were Joyn'd In Lawfull marriage according [to] the rites of the holy CatholickChurch in presence of the underwritten wittnesses, James mocklean (Macklean) and Marie Loughran both of the parish of [St erased] Marie la bonne. witness william Loughran, Elizabet Loughran. -f. Monfort

105. Apr¹ 2d, 1744 John Hodghson (Hodgson) of St Georges Parish Hannover Square and Alice Furlong of the same Parish In the County of Midlesex were Joyned in lawful Matrimony on the day and year above mention'daccording to the Rites & Ceremonys of our H. Mother the Roman Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten wittnesses By me R. Grene.George Snowdon, Susanna Solebay.

[36] 106. This compartmentremains blank, except for the priest's signature, " James Butler "

107. Ap¹ 16, 1744. John Keys of the Parish of St Paul Covent

Garden, and Sarah Clark of the Parish of St George Bloomsbury In the Countyof Midlesex were Joynd in Lawful Matrimony on the day & year aboue mention'd according to the Rites & Čeremonys of our H. Mother the Catholick Church In the presence oftheunderwritten wittnesses By me R. Grene.--Oliver Nugent, Barbara Petrie, Jeremiah Denovan

108. May the 17, 1744. John King of the parish of st giles and Judith Mackartyof the same were Joyned in lawfullMariage according [to] the rites of holy Mother the Church in presenceof the underwritten wittnesses pr f Monfort .James murphy, DorothéLydum

[37] 109. May ye 28, 1744. were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according [to] the rites ofthe holy Catholickchurch owen smith Batchelor and Catharine ward widow of the Parish St James, in presence of the undernamed wittnesses p f. Monfort .James o hara, Elizabeth ohara.

110. May ye 29th 1744 mungo Murray of the parish of St George Hannouer Square in County of middlesex widower and Anne Hadley ofthe same parish Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on ye day and year aboue according to the rites and Cerimonies ofourHolymother theCatholickChurch inyepresence ofye underwritenwittnesses by meTho Greswold .JosephLeoni, OliuerNugent.

111. May 6: 1744 Charles Mascall (Mascal) of the Parish of S. Ellens in the city of Worcester bachelor and Mary Hunt ofthe same Parish Spinster were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys ofour holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Leonard Mole, Martha Padbury. [38] 112. This compartmentremains blank .

113. June ye 21, 1744 Ferdinando Cowell (Cowel) oftheParish of Richmond in ye County of Surrey Widower: and Katherine England of the Parish of St James Westminster , in the Countyof Middlesex Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on ye day andyearabove according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the presenceofthe underwritten Witnesses Byme Jos Smallwood .Joseph Raine , Mary England, Jane Crooke

114. June ye 25, 1744. John Flewell of the Parish of Market Lavington in the Countyof Wilts and Sarah Self ofthe Parishof St Mary Whitechappel in the Countyof Middlesex Spinster were join'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwrittenby me EdwardShaw. Wittnesses, William Andrews, Alce Andrews [39] 115. Jully 14, 1744 William Keetin (Keatin) son of Benjamin Gerard Keetin born in ye Citty of Chester, at present marchant established at Dunkerk in Flanders Bachiler 39 years of age, at present in London, and Eleanore Woode (Wood) Daughter


of Thomas Woode Esq, and Elaenore Eyre, deceased born in ye Vilage of Braconash in ye County of [Suffolk smudged] norfolk a maiden 34 years of age, Robert Suffield Esq , her Brother in Law being present were joined in lawfull matrimony ye day, month and year aboue according to ye Rites and Ceremonies of our holy motherthe Catholick Church in presence of ye vnderwritenwittnesses, who with Robert Suffield, that acted for the Spouses Father gaue her, and subscribe their names manu propria. by me ( the sayd Couple as well as ye wittnesses are all Roman Catholiks ) Bruno Cantrill Wittnesses, John Maire, Robert Suffield, Teresa hetre.

116. July 23 : 1744 James Whalleyof the Parish ofStAndrew Holburn Bachelor and WinifridMeredith ofthe Parish of St Gyles in the fields Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Adam Worlish, Ellenor Worlish.

117. Aug. ye 27, 1744. TimotheKennedy Batchelor and Mary Kelly both of parishof st Anne were Joyn'd in marigge according [to] the rites of the holy motherthe catholick Church in presence ofthe underwritten Wittnesses pf monfort .Antony field, Mary field [40] 118. Aug: 15: 1744 EdwardStevens oftheParishofS.George Hannover Square Bachelor and Sarah Wyatt of the Parish of S. Margaritt Westminster Spinster were joyned in lafull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonyes of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presenceof the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Cornelius Reynolds, Sarah Guttrey.

119. Spt 20: 1744 Phillip Baker of the Parish of S. Gyles in thefields Bachelor and ElizebethFarren of the same Parish Widow were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Luke Fanison, Ellinor Baker

120. Octo 6: 1744 Phillip Stamma Native of Aleppo in Syria now of the Parish of S. Ann Soho Widdower and Ester Jackson of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church in the presenceofthe under written witnesses p E. Cox .Lavrance Smyth, jane Williamson . [41] 1206 [120 in original]. Octo 30 , 1744 John Callaghan (Callahon) of the Parish of S. Martins in the fields Bachelor and Ann Farrel (Farrell) of the same Parish Widdowwerejoynedinlawfull Matrimonyaccording to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch on the day and year above in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .John Farrell, Rich. Penny, Margaritt Plunkett

121. Nov. ye 18th 1744 Matthew Green of the Parish ofSt

Georges Hannover-Square Bachelour and FaithWilkinson ofthe same Parish widowwere Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonyon theday andyearaboue according to the rites and Ceremoniesofour Holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me Tho. Greswold .Neal Collins, Francis mooran.

122. No 28 Robert Turner of Ingatestone in the Parish [of] fryen in Essex Widower and Alice Robinson of the Parishof S. James Westminster Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above acording to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe Catholick[Church] in the presenceofthe under written witnesses p E. Cox .Ben: Anderson, Barbara Anderson. [42] 123. Dbr 1: 1744 Leonard Mole of the Parishof S. George Hannover Square bachelor and Brigitt Greensword of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Mattrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Ralf Hallso, Alice Pierson.

124. Fb 24: 174 Anacetus Thomas of the Parishof St George Hannover Square bachelor and Ann Warfield of the ParishofSt Maryoverys Spinster werejoynedinlawfullMatrimonyontheday & year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnessesp E. Cox .Tho: Warfield, Eliz.Warfield,VrsulaThomas.

125. Apryl the 24, 1745 Claudius francis CourageuxandAnne Donnel spinster were joyn'd in Lawful matrimony according [to] the rites of the Catholick church in the presence of the under written wittness p f monfort.Pierce fitzgerald, mable Doyle [43]

126. May the 6th 1745 Edmond Butler of the Parish of St James Batchelor and Catharine Dunn ofthe sameParish spinster were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony on the day and yeare aboue according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of ye underwrittenwitnessesby me : J: Butler .Robin Dunn, Elisabeth Crow.

127. May 13th, 1745. Thos Ebberall Taylor * of the Parish of St James's Westminster in the County of Middlesex Bacheler and Elenor Coghlan [Spinster in the margin] of the same Parish in ye sd County were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites & Ceremoniesofour Holy Mother the CatholickChurch in ye Presence of the underwritten wittnesses By me Richd Grene . James Coghlan, Elizth Coghlan 128, 10. June 3d 1745. John Manytharp (Manitharp) of the Parish of St James Westminster In the CountyofMidlesex Bachir and MarthaWhitehill ofthe Parishof St GeorgeHannover Square in ye sd CountySpinster were Joyned in lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites and Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the Roman CatholickChurch. In the presence of the underwrittenwittnesses By me Richd Grene .John Route, Robt Ashbridge, Anne Grace.

* Indexed in the original as " Ebberal, Thomas . "

128, 2do June 4, 1745 Samuel Ely of the Parish ofStokein the County of Suffolk and Barbara Osborn of the same Parish He BatchelorSheSpinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath. Church in presence of the underwritten Witnesses p me F. Blyth.Thos Mannock Esqre, Benj Boston Gent.

[44] 129. June ye 22: 1745 Antonio Ferdinandes (Fernandes) of the Parish of st Paule batchelor and Mary Richof ye sameParish spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and yeare aboue mentioned according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnesses_by_me J: Butler .Emanuel Dies , Mary Dies , Oliuer Nugent .J: Butler.

130. June 24: 1745 Thomas Hewson ofthe Parish of S. Paule Covent garden bachelor and Mary Barrot of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonyes of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritt witnesses p E. Cox .George Dog, Alice Pierson.

131. June 29: 1745 Guglielmo Pinto of the Parishof S. James Westminster bachelor and Christina Avolio of the same Parish Widdow were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceromonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwitten witnesses p E. Cox.-f. Monfort, ElizabethStock. [45] 132. Sep 28th1745. John Butcher ofthe Parish ofStonedon In the County of Esex Bacheler, and Ann Cumbers of the same Parish in ye sd Countywere Joyned in lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites & Ceremoniesof our Holy Mother ye Catholick Church In the Presence of the underwritten Wittnesses By me Richd Grene .William Calloway, Oliuer Nugent, Ann MarySmith. 133. Oct. 10, 1745. Mr Peter Van Bleeke (Van Bleeck) of the Parish of S. Paul Covent Garden Batchelor and Miss Alice Coney of the Parish of George Hanover Square Spinster were join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites ofour H.Mother the Church (on the abovewrittenDay and Year) in the Presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses By me F. Blyth.Aluard Pincke Esq' , John DutryCornelitz Esq' , Capt. CharlesHirriot, Eliza Lady Abergavenny , Miss Joanna Pincke, Mrs Catharine DutryCornelitz, Mrs Martha HirriotWitnesses. 134. No 1: 1745 James Broaders of the Parish of S. James Westminster Bachelor and Jone Mahoney of the same Parish Spinster were joyn'din lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above, according to the Rites and ceremonyesof our holy Mother theCatholickChurch in the presence oftheunderwrittenWitnesses p E. Cox .Ben: Redeey, Margaritt Broaders. [46] 135. Nov 11th 1745. George Hussey of ye Parish of St James's Westminster Bacheler, and Mary Dickson (or Dickinson) ofthe Parish of St Briget's London In the Countyof Middlesex Spinster were Joyned In lawful Matrimony on ye Day & year

above mentioned according to ye Rites & Ceremoniesof ourHoly Motherthe CatholickChurch In the Presence of the underwritten Wittnesses By me R. Grene .Peter Weymer, Catherine Hawson.

136. November ye 30 , 1745 Charles Stuart Earl of Traquare Bachelor of Tweedale in Scotland and Teresia Conyers Spinster of Great Stoughton in Huntingdon Shire were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony on ye Day & Year above mentioned According to ye Rites & Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church In the Presenceof the Underwritten Witnesses By me Jos Smallwood .Pat: Guthrie, Elizabeth Conyers.

137. Jan. 9: 174 William Sheill (Sheil) of the Parishof [S.] Gyles inthefields Wid" and Winifride Barrey (Barry) ofthe Parish of S. Mary le bon Spinster were joynd in lawfull Matrimony on the daye and year above according to the rites and ceremonys ofour holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in presence ofthe underritten witnessesp E. Cox .John Throckmorton, Jeremiah Donovan, Jean fitzgearld [47] 138. Jan. 26: 174g Lewis Dors ofthe Parish of S. Gyles in the fields Widdower and Rose Watkinson of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .John Havre, Mary Rennerds.

139. Fb 6: 174 Edward Dunn of the Parish of S. Martin in the field Bachelor and Rose Mcdonaugh (McDonaugh) of the Parish of S. James Westmns: Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church on the day and year above in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Luke Adams, Sarah Nugent.

140. Feb: ye 11 : 174 JamesHearn (JamesRigbyinmargin)of the Parish ofSt Georges Hanouer-square Batchelor and Ann Byfs (Byss ) of ye same Parish Spinster were joyned in Lawfull Matrimonyaccording to the Rites and Ceremonies oftheHolyCatholick Church on the day and yeare aboue in the presenceofthe underwritten witnesses: p J: Butler .James Rigby, Mary hadley. [48] 141. Feb. ye 11: 174 : James Rigby of ye Parish of St James: Batchelor and Phihs (Phillis) Hedger of the Parish ofSt Martins in ye fields Spinster were joyned on Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Holy Catholick Church on the day and yeare aboue in the presence of the under written witnessess p J: Butler .Robert Hearne, mary hadley.

142. March ye 6, 1746. James duffy ofthe parishofstgeorge widower and Britgit Cullen of the same Parish widowwere Joyned in mariage according [to] the rites of the holy Catholickchurch in presence of the underwritten wittnesses p f monfort .Peter dea, Elizabeth dea

143. Aprilthe 10th 1746 Thomas SlipperofStanmore inmiddlesex Bachelour and Elizabeth Utterbell of St martin's in the fields Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on ye day andmonth G

aboue; according to therites, and Cerimonies, ofour Holymother the CatholickChurch, inthe presence ofthe underwritenwitnesses by me Thomas Greswold .James Tompson, Antonia Tompson, Anne Nugent .

[49] 144. April ye 13, 1746 Laurence Donely and JudithConnin (Connan) of the parish of st andriew holborn were Joyned inlawfull marriage according [to] the rites of the Catholickchurch in presence oftheunderwritenwittnesses pf Monfort .OliverNugent, Mable Doyle.

145. April ye 17th 1746 Thomas Couthery of St George's Hannouer-Square widdower and ElizabethRugmer ofthesameparish widow were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on ye day and month aboue: according to ye rites and Cerimonies of our Holy mother the Catholick Church in ye presence of the underwritten wittnesse's by me Tho Greswold .Oliuer nugent, AnneNugent.

146. May ye 25, 1746 John Givaudet* D'aps of Languedoc in france Bachelour and Mary Elizabethtamps (temps) of piccardie infrance were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimonyon thedayand month above, according to the rites and Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in ye presence of the vnderwritten withnesses. L. Deleau .francis Tetar x, Abr. Fradin, f. Bonnotpiot. [50] 147. June ye 6: 1746 Lewis Savinn ofthe Parish of Hammersmith Batchelor and WinefredSmithof the same ParishSpinster werejoynedinlawfull Matrimonyaccording tothe RitesandCeremonies of the Holy Catholick Church on the [yeare erased] day and yeare aboue in ye presence of ye underwritten witnesses by J: Butler . Jeremiah Donovan .

148. Jnin ye 12, 1746. Michael Bowman of the Parish of st paul Couent-garden Batchelor and Ann wolfall ofthe sameparish spenster were Joynd in Lawful Matrimony according [to] the rites of the catholick Church in presence of the underwritten witnesses p f Monfort.Richard Lahi, Elenora Fitsgerald

149. Juin ye 18, 1746 Lauchlen Machu (Mchu, Mac-hu) ofye parish of st Giles and Marie boil ofthe same widow were Joyn'd in lawful matrimony according [to] the rites of the holy catholick church in presence ofthe undernamed wittnesses p f monfort.Oliver Nugent, margret Loubi. [51] 150. June ye 20: 1746 HenryDouling (Douling or Doulmig) ofye Parish ofStocke in Hampshire Batchelor and Eleanor Bready of the sam[e] Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull matrimony according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the holy Catholick Church onthe day and yeare aboue in the presenceofye underwritten witnessess : by J: Butler .Catharin Rafture, william Benet

151. Juneye 28: Thomas Cottom ofthe Parish ofS.Margaritts Westminster bachelor and Elizabeth Rackeliff(Rackelif, probably Ratcliff) of the Parish of S. George Hannover Square Spinster

* Indexed in the original as " Givaudet d'Aps, John " Aps, now a mere village in the Department of the Ardèche, was formerlyone ofthe Cathedral towns of Languedoc

were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Thomas Watson, Katt: Watson.

152. June ye 29th 1746 John Francis Bescheij (Bischeij, Beschey) ofthe parishof St martinsin thefeilds Bachelour and Elizabeth Grimhalston (Grimhalstone ) Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony according to the rights and Cerimonies of the Holy Catholick Church on the day and year aboue in presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me Tho Greswold .Thom: Fraser , C. W. Kellerhoff, Ann Frasor, Ann Lewis.

[52] 153. July 1: 1746

WilliamParkin (Perkin) of the Parish of S. Andrews Holburn bahelor and Ann Grimshaw (Grimsaw) ofthe Parish of S.Ma la Bone Spinster werejouned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church in the precenceof [our holy Mother erased] the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Jos: Miller, Ellen Miller.

154. July 20: 1746 James Strongitharm of the Parish of Twitenhambachelor and Jane Sheperd (probably Shepherd) ofthe same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Thos Crook , Winifrid Stokes.

155. July ye 29: 1746 Honoræ Belyson of ye Parish of st Jamess : Batchelor and Elisabeth Bothworthof ye same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfullMatrimony on ye day and yeare aboue according to ye Rites and Ceremonies of Our holy mother theCatholickChurch in thepresence ofye underwrittenwitnessess: by me: J: Butler .Hugh mackueo , Sara Lonn. [53] 156, Aut 7: 1746 Richard Stiles of the Parish of Anston Oxford shier Widowerand Isabella Coxofthe Parish of S. George the Martyer Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox .AdamSmyth, Eliz Stokoe , Ma Ann Smyth.

157. Aut 7: 1746 Joseph Duffour (Dufour, du Four) of the Parish of S. James Westminster Widowerand MaryGoupy ofthe Parish of S. Ann Westminster Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonysofourholyMothertheCatholickChurch inthepresence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Louis Goupy, Lora Goupy .

158 , August ye 16: 1746 James Flanigan (Flanegan) of the Parish of st James Batchelor and Charelott Cauanagh(Cananagh) ofthe same ParishSpinster were joynedin lawfull matrimony on the day and yeare aboue according to ye Rites and Ceremonies ofthe holy Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten

witnessess by: J: Butler.James O Hara, Elisabeth oHara x her marke

[54] 159. Spt 18: 1746 John Smithof the Parish Ewell in Surry bachelor and Susanna Bartlet of the Parish of Long Dittonin the same CountySpin" were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys ofour holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the precenceof the underwritten witnessesp E. Cox .Oliuer nugent, Mary Barnes, Jane Crook

160. Sept. 22, 1746 Arthur Jones and Sarah Peck both [Single erased in Widowhood and ofthe Parish of S. JamesWestm ™ were join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites & Ceremoniesof the H. Catholic Church on the day & year abovemention'd , in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me F. Blyth.— John Symonds, Willm Adams.

161. Sep. 30, 1746 John Jarret of the Parish of S. Clement Westminster Widower & AnneFerrers of the Parish of S. Andrew HolbournSpinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Ceremonies of the H. Catholic Church in presence of the under written Witnesses by me F. Blyth.John Thompson , Mary White . [55] 162. Octo 19: 1746 William Maxwellofthe ParishofS.James Westminster bachelor and Frances Whiteker (Witeker, probably Whitaker) of the same Parish Spinister were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according tothe rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe Cath: Church in thepresence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Winsbury, Ann Bagnale

163. Octo 30: 1746 Mathias Gostling ofthe Parish ofS.Stephen Colman street bachelor and Sarah Tristranof Bishopsgate Parish spinster werejoynedin lawfull Marage on the dayand yearabove according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .John Hudson, Sarah Mackclanin.

164. Jan : 11: 1747 John King of the Parish of S. George Hannover Square bachelor and Sarah Jennins (Jennings) [of] the parish of St James Westminster Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonysofourholy Mother theCatholickChurch inthe precence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Josheph King, Ann thallden [? shallden]


165. Jan. the 13, 1747 William Cock Batchelor ofthe parish of st George and Rose farrel (Farril) spinster of the same parish were Joyned in Lawfull Mariage according [to] the rites ofthe Catholick Church in presence of the underwriten witnesses p f monfort .Robert fevelwind, Marie Dolen .

166. Jan. the 13, 1747. William Erkrot andAnn bunn ofthe parish of st Paul Couent garden were Joyn'd in Lawful Mariage according [to] the rites ofthe CatholickChurch in presence ofthe undername'd wittnesses p f. monfort .John Dorenbush , frances Rose .

167. Jan. the 31st 174. William Aleker of the parish of mountnessing in Essex Bachelour and Teresa Taylor widowofthe parish of Shadwell were Joyned in Lawfull matrimony, on the day and year aboue, Accordingto the Rites, Ceremonies , of our Holymother the CatholickChurch, in the presence ofthe Underwritten witnesses by me Tho Greswold .George Sanders , Mary Sanders

[57] 168. Feb.4, 174 JamesSon of Patric and FrancesLoneghan (born the 19thof Jany last was this day baptized by me F. Blyth. -Godf : Charles ONeal, Godm: Mary Shale See Baptistary [This entry is crossed through and a note appended, " See Bapt Registrs. "]

169. Feb. 10, 174 Charles Erskinof the Parish of S. Clements Danes Esq' & Batchelor & Miss Frances Williams of the Parish of S. George Hanover Square Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Matrimony, according to the Rites of our H. M. theCatholic Church in presence of the underwritten Witnesses, by me F. Blyth . John Williams Esq' , Alexr Prat Esq , Jane Erskin Wid , Miss Cecilia PratWitnesses

170. Fb 8: 174 Phillipo Pascoli of the Parish of S. Tho: Apostle Wid: and Mary Ierland (or Ireland) of the Parish of S. James Dukes Place Spinster werejoynedinlawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Ponce, Sarah Phillips. [58] 171. march ye 2d 174 James Rigg of ye parishof St James wesminster Bachelour and mary Morley ofye same parishSpinster were Joyn'd in Lawful matrimony on ye day and year aboue according to the rites and Ceremonies of our Holy mother the Catholick Church in ye presence of ye underwritten wittnessess by me Thomas Greswold .Oliuer Nugent, Anne Nugent

172. March ye 2d 174 John Sennott [blank] Batchelorand Bridgett Connell of the Parish of St Catharines by ye Tower Spinster were join'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonies of our holy mother the Catholick Church in ye presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me Edward Shaw .Robert Bushell, Phillis Bushell, Elizabeth Peat.

173. March 23: 174 Gysbert Lalance of the Parish [blank] bachelor and MaryHacstone (Hacston) ofthe same Parish Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our Mother the Catholick Church in the precence of the under written witness p E. Cox.Anthony Van Amelonson . [59] 174. March 26: 1747 Jos: Dinmore ofthe Parish ofS.George SouthworkWid: and Eliz: Padron (Padrow) of [the same Parish erased] S. Olives Southwork Wid: were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimonyonthe day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence

REGISTER OF MARRIAGES AT THE ofthe underwritten witnessesp E. Cox .Henry Dinmore , Sarah Dinmore.

175. April 27, 1747 Nicolas Paumier ofthe Parish ofour Lady at Versailles Batchelor & Jane Frances Berode of the Parish of St Denis at St Omers Spinster were joind in lawful Matrimony this dayaccording to ye Rites & Ceremoniesof our H.M.theCath . Church (in presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me F. Blyth.Mark Antony Carpentier, John Bartholomy Francis Meyer, Cath. Palma, Mary Scola, Hannah Powel.

176. April 30, 1747. Silvester Mannockof Waterford in Ireland Batchelor & Sarah Thorntonof Antherleyin CheshireWidow were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rights & Ceremonies of our H. M. the Catholic Church in Presence of the underwritten, F. Blyth Witnesses, Lucy Church, Catherine Green

[60] 177. May 10th 1747 Charles Doxsey (Doxey) of the Parish of St George the Martyr In the County of Middlesex Widdower, and Lucy Phillips of the Parish of St Gyles in the said Countyof Middlesex were Joyned In Lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites and Ceremonies of ye H. CatholickChurch In the Presence ofye underwritten Wittnesses [none signed] By me Richd Grene

178. May the 20th 1747 Robert Ellis Widdowerof the Parish of St John the Euangelist in Wesminster and Anne HallSpinster ofthe Parish of St Margtt'sWesminster in ye Countyof middlesex were Joyned in Lawful matrimony according to the rites and Cerimonies of our Holy motherthe Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten wittnesse's by me Tho Greswold .Robert Hall, Elizabeth Hall.

179. Juin the first francis Lawrence (Laurence) and Ann Barkhamof the Parish of St George hanover square were Joynd in Lafull Mariage according [to] the rites of the CatholickChurch p f. monfort. Wittnesses, Thomas Badford, Oliver Nugent, Ann Nugent [61] 180. June 9: 1747 Thomas Martin of the Parish of S. Ann Soho bachelor and Alicia Hartin of the same Pariss Spinst were joynedinlawfull Matrimonyon thedaye and year aboveaccording to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick [Church]intheprecenceoftheunder written witnessespE.Cox.Benjn Cockerill, Frences Cockerill.

181. June 10th 1747 Charles Gay ofthe Parish ofSaint James Westminster Batchelor and Barbara Mason of the same Parish Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath Church by me in presence of the underwritten, F. Blyth Witnesses, John White, Jane Chevalier 182. July8: 1747 JamesSmedleyoftheParishofS.Margaritts Westminster bachelor and Sarah Tucker ofthesame Parish Widow were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the precence of the underwritten witnesses, E. Cox , George Crooks, Mary Manley ..

[62] 183. Spt 26: 1747 Joseph Boot of the Parish of St james Westminster bach and Ellin Nayler (Eleonora Naylor) of the same Parish Spinst were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick [Church] in the precence of the under written witnesses p E. CoxWill: Keate, Ma Nayler

184. Sept: ye 27, 1747 William Johnson of the Parish of St Mary la bone Bachelor, and Margaret Nelson of the Parish of St James Westminster , in the County of Middlesex Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull matrimony, on ye dayand year above mention'd according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses. By me Jos Smallwood .Wm Jones, Elizabeth Challiner .

185. Oc 5: 1747 Francis Cuerden of the Parish of S. Pancras Bac: and Mary Carter of the Parish of S. Mary la Bone Spins: were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Anthony Zigenheim, Mary Taylor [63] 186. Oto 25: 1747 Thomas Loveless ofthe Parishof S. Ann Soho bachelor and Elz. dellow of the same Parish Spinst were joynedinlawfullMatrimony on the daye and year above acording to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the precenceof the underwritten witnesses , E. Cox.Joseph Leoni, Ma Dumas

187. Oct. 25, 1747 James Aungier of the Parish of Christ Church Middlesex Batchelor & Mary Price of the Parish of St Martins in the fields WestminsterSpinster were this day join'd in Lawful Wodlock according to the Rites of our H. Moth the CatholickChurch in presence of the underwrittenWitnesses p me F. Blyth Witnesses, Richd Aungier, Patrick Aungier, Jane Chevalier

188. Nov 8, 1747 Peter Wilde Gent of the Parishof St Paul Westminster Widow & Martha Atkins of the Parish of S. Bride Lond : Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath. Church in presence of the underwritten p me F. Blyth. Witnesses, John Simmons Esq , Anne Thomley, Eliza Hartwell [64] 189. Nov. 9, 1747 Andrew Macdonald of Dumfarling now Inhabitant of the Parish of St Mary over the River, Batchelor, and Winifred Hartley of the same Parish Spinster were thisday join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. Mother the Cath Church, in presence of the underwritten Witnesses p me F. Blyth. Witnesses, John Hartley, Winifred Hartley, James Archer, Ann Archer.

190. Nov. 12, 1747. RichardWhite ofthe Parish ofStMartin in thefields & MaryRosebyofthe Parish of St Paul Covent Garden He Batchelor & SheSpinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholic


Church, in Presence ofthe underwrittenp me F. Blyth Witnesses, Archibald White, Susannah Roseby, John Cullom, Ann West

191. Nov. 12, 1747 ArchibaldWhite ofthe Parish ofSt [Anne altered to] Paul Covent Garden Widower & SusannaRosebyofthe same Parish Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. Mother the Catholic Church in presenceofthe underwritten Witnesses p me F. Blyth.Richard White, Mary White, John Cullom , Ann West.

[65] 192. Nov: 23: 1747 William Fuller ofthe Parish of S. James Westminster bachelor and Dorothy Dugless (Dugles, moreprobably Douglas) of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonysofourholy Mother theCatholickChurch intheprecence ofthe underwritten witnessesp E. Cox .Oliver Nugent, Edward Cox

193. Dec 5, 1747 Jeremiah Duncomb of the Parish of St George Hanover Square Westminster Batchelor and Frances Forbes of the Parish of St Clement's Danes in the same Liberty of Westminster Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our holy Moth the Cath Church in presence ofthe underwrittenWitnesses p F. Blyth.John Adams, Josuah Baker, Ann Forbes, Mary Duncomb

194. December 26, 1747 Joseph Harding of the ParishofSt George Bloombury Batchelor and Dorothy Greenwood of the Parish of St Dunstan Spinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. Mother the Cath . Churchin presence of the undwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.John Greenwood, William Pyncke, Eliza Greenwood, Ann Pyncke. [66] 195. Decemb' 29, 1747 Antony Miles of the Parish of S. JamesWestminsterBatchelor and SarahBarlowofthesameParish Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of o. H. M. the Catholic Church in presence of the underwritten p F. Blyth Witnesses, Elis Barton, John Points , Mary Barlow

196. Jan: 12: 174 Richard Roberts of the Parish S. Paule Covent garden bachelor and Martha Draper of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the daye andyear above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Oliuer Nugent, Sarah Spencer, Mary Draper.

197. Jan. 18, 174 John Ashton of the Parish of S. John WestminsterWidower and Agatha Lewin (Lewirn) Spinster of the Parish of S. Martin in the fields, were this dayjoin'din lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rights of our H. Motherthe Catholic Church in presence of the underwritten p F. Blyth Witnesses, Peter Clark, Samuel Collins, Mary Ann Jefferies [67] 198. Jan. ye 22d 1747 John Allen of the parish of St Margarett Westminster Batchelor and Isabella, Iruing Spinster ofye same parishwere this day Joined in lawful matrimony according to ye rites and Ceremonies of our holy mother the Catholick

Church in presence of ye underwriten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold . James Steward, Oliuer Nugent

199. Jan. 29, 1747-8 Gilbert Tomkins of the Parish of St George SouthwarkBatchelor and ElizabethTyler of the Parish of St LukeSpinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath Church in Presence of the underwrittenp F. Blyth Witnesses, Benjamin Tyler, Sarah Tyler, James Atwood.

200. Feb. 16, 1747-8 Samuel Benthey (Bentley) ofthe Parish of S. Andrews Holborn Batchelor and Catherin Parr of the same Parish Widow were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath Church in presence of the underwrittenp F. Blyth Witnesses, William Grant , Mary Webb , Susanna Nelson.

[68] 201. Fb 22: 1747-8 RichardDanby of the Parish ofS. George Hannover Square bachelor and HannahCaffry ofthe same Parish Spin werejoynedin lawfull Matrimonyon thedayand yearabove according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick[Church] in the presence ofthe under written witnesses p E. Cox . Oliuer Nugent, Bridgett Cole.

202. Feb. 2, 1747-8 Martin Khonintz (Khonink, Konintz) of the Parish of S. Anne Soho Batchelor & Margaret Brown of the Parish of St George the Martyr Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath Church in Presence of theunderwrittenpme F. Blyth. Witnesses , John Somatre, Peter Daudier, Jane Brown

203. March 17, 1747 Patric Clency of the Parish of St Luke Middlesex Batchelor and BridgetObrian ofthe Parish ofS. Alphage Spinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful WedlockAccording to the Rites of our H. Moth the Cath. Church in presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.Mary Obrian, James Obrian , James Mackensie. [69] 204. March ye 22d 174 Edmund Waiting of the parish of St George Hanouer-Square Bachelor and Elizabeth Kettle of ye same parishSpinster were Joyneyin Lawful matrimonyaccording to the rites & Ceremonies of our Holy mother [the] Catholick Church on the day and year aboue mentioned in presenceofthe under writen wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold .Thomas Fletcher , Mary Hinds

205. April ye 23d 1748. Peter Antony Trehoux bachelor of Sollain [? Jollain] belonging tothe Bayllyage ofTournayand mary Magdalene Perrot Spinster of Bastong in Arden were Joyned in Lawful matrimony according to the rites and Ceremoniesof our Holy motherthe CatholickChurch in presence of ye under written witnesses by me Tho. Greswold .Charles Fourmantel, Francis Perrot

206. April 27, 1748 Joshua Aldsworthofthe Parish ofSt Olive Soutwark Batchelor and Grace Manifewof the Parish of St Bride London Spinster were this dayjoin'din lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. Mother the Cath Church in Presence of

the underwritten p me F. Blyth Witnesses, Joseph Andover , Mary Mills, Elizabeth Freak. [70] 207. May the 1st 1748. Jeremias harper of the parish ofst Martin and Ann Vigo of the same were Joyn'd in Lawful Matrimonyaccording [to] the rites ofthe Catholick Church in the presence ofthe undernamed Wittnesses p f. Monfort .---BarnabyBurn, Sarah Lambert.

208. May 6: 1748 Richard Rea of the Parish of S. ann Wesminster Widdower and Mary jones of the same Parish Widdow were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy MothertheCatholick Church in the precence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox . Edward Welch, Mary Gomes .

209. June 9, 1748 Oliver Ashton of the Parish of S. Martin's in the Fields Batchelor and Ann Rubin ofthe same Parish Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath Church in Presence of the under written Witnesses p F. Blyth.John Stainsby, Andrew Pinny, Mary Johnson. [71] 210. June ye 11 , 1748. Nicolas Brinnen (Brennen) of the Parish of st James and Mary M'cardel (Macardel) of the same parish were Joynd in Lawful Matrimony according [to] the rites of the Cath Church in presence of the undernamed Wittnesses p f. Monfort .Lauchlan M'cardel, Margret M'cardel

211. July ye 19th 1748 James Anderson of the parish of St James's Wesminster Bachelour and Dorothy Robison (Robinson) of ye parishofSt George's Hanouer-Square Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimonyon ye dayand year abouementioned according to the rites and Ceremoniesof our Holy motherye Catholick [Church] in the presence of the underwritten wittenesses by me Tho Greswold .George Ring, Dorothy Faushet.

212. July 22, 1748 Alexander Glover ofthe Parish ofStBride Batchelor & SusannahClarke of the ParishofSt Dunstan Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. Motherthe Cath Church in presence ofthe underwritten p me F. Blyth Witnesses, John Jones, Mary Thorp, PeterMeers [72] 213. Aug. the 13th 1748 John Oridge of Lambethin Surry widower and Elizabeth Carr of the Parish St George's HanouerSquare Spinster were Joyned in Lawful Matrimony on the day and year aboue according to ye rites and Cerimonies ofour holy mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten wittnesse's by me Tho Greswold .Peter Currant , Susanna Currant

214. Aug. the 15, 1748. Simeon Cleve ofthe parishof st James Batchelor and Jean Blakbell spinster of the same parish were Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony in presence of the under written Wittnesses [none signed] p f Monfort

215. Aug. 28: 1748 William Bourk of the Parish of S. Gyles bachelor and Mary Fahyofthe same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to

the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Fahy, Mary Fahy. [73] 216. October ye 9 , 1748. Thomas Tresy of the parish of st Martin in the fields and Isamena Moneyperry (Moneypenny) of the same were Joyn'd in lawful Matrimony according [to] the rites of holy C. church in presence of the undernamed wittnesess P f. Monfort .Charles Fleuriau, Catherine Munro

217. No 10: 1748 Samuel Harrinton (Harrington) ofthe Parish ofS. james's Westminster bachelor and Frances Elam ofthe same Parish Spins: were joyned in lawfull matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnessesp E. Cox .AndrewCollgan, Ma Evers 218. No 23: 1748 Bartholemew Doyne of the Parish of S. GeorgeQueen'sSquar bachelor and Jane WilliamsonoftheParish of S. James Westminster Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .John Williamson , Ellenor Bayley, Ma Stamner, Margaritt Mahony. [74] 219. Nov. ye 24th 1748 George Ring of the Parish of St James Bachelor and Dorothy Fourshett of ye same parishSpinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on ye day and year aboue mentioned according to ye rites and Ceremonies of our Holy motherye ChatholickChurch in presence ofye underwritenwittnesses by me Tho. Greswold .JamesAnderson, DorothyAnderson. 220. Novr ye 27th 1748. GeorgeWebb ofye ParishofStMary le Bone Widdower In ye County of Middlesex and Mary (Anne) Collard of ye Parish of St Annes Spinster in ye sd County were Joyned In Lawful Matrimonyon ye Dayand year above mentiond according to ye Rites & Ceremonysof our H. MotheryeCatholick Church In ye Presence of ye underwrittenWittnesses BymeRichd Grene .George Collard, Henery Boyerr, Anne Boyer.

221. Dbr 17: 1748 Charles Lands (Landi) an Italion of the Parishof S. George Hanover Squere bachelor and Eliz. Chichester of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the Rites and ceremonies of our holyMotherthe Catholick[Church] in the presenceofthe under written witnesses p E. Cox .Anthony Joseph Andrade , Katharine Farrell, Prudence Chichester . [75] 222. Jany 13, 174g JosuahFisher oftheParishofS.Andrews Holbourn in the County of Middlesex Batchelor and Eleanor Freakof the Same Parish Spinster were join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. Mother the Cath. Church on the day aboue day & Year in Presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses by me F. Blyth .John Fisher, Thomas Harne , Mary Freak.

223. Feb: 5: 174g John Crookall of the Parish ofS.AnnsSoho Widdowerand judith Leegood of the Parish S. George Hannover Square Spinst were joynd in lawfull Matrimony onthe dayeand


year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Thos ffreeman, Frances Laserre

224. Fb 6: 174% John Johnson of the Parish of S. Margaritts Westminster bachelor and Ann Jacson (Jackson) of the Parishof S. James Westminster Spinster were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of ouur holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presenceofthe under written witnesses p E. Cox .Jonathan Walker, Lucy Hutton. [76] 225. March the 14th 1748 John Du Pont of the ParishofSt Mary Le Bone Bachelor and ElizabethPickersgill of ye Parish of St GeorgeHanover-SquareSpinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimonyaccording to ye rites and Ceremonies of our Holy Motherthe Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold .Arthur King, Anne Radliff, ElizabethCarter.

226. April 9, 1749 John Peacock of the Parish of St George Hanover Square Batchelor and Agnes Blackbourn of the same Parish Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to ye Rites of our h. Mother ye Catholic Church in the Presence of the underwritten by me F. Blyth Witnesses, Hugh Brown , Sarah Rugget.

227. May 8, 1749. Peter Marchand & Ann Blower both of the Parish of S. George Hanover Square He Batchelor and She Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. Moth. ye Cath. Church in presence ofthe underwritten p F. Blyth Witnesses, Thomas Allam, Samuel Gray. [77] 228. June ye 11th 1749. Charles Biddulph Esq' of Burton in Sussex Batchelor and Miss Eliza Beddingfield of Oxburgh in Norfolk Spinster were this dayjoin'din lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. Mother the Cath Church in Presence of the underwritten by me F. Blyth Witnesses, The Rt Honble Dorothy Countessof Burlington, Lady Eliz Beddingfield, Richard Beddingfield Esq' , Edward Beddingfield Esq' , Miss Eva Mria Violette.

229. June 22, 1749 David Garrick Esq' of S. Paul's Covent Garden Batchelor and Madamoiselle Eva Maria Violetti of St James'sWestminsterSpinster were this dayjoin'din lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in Presence of the underwritten Witnesses: by me F. Blyth . The Rt HonbleDorothy Countessof Burlington, Anthony Abdy Esq , John Patterson Esq'

230. July the 2d 1749. James Sauvageand ElizabethJonson (Johnson) of the parish of st James were joynd in lawful Matrimony according [to] the rites of CatholickChurch in presenceof the underwritten wittnesses p f. Monfort .Catharine Jenkins, Agnes Jenkins.

[78] 231. July ye 4th 1749. John Brown and Susan Scotman widow of the ParishofEatonin the Countyof Bucks were Joyned in lawfull Matrimony according [to] the Rites of our Holy Mother

the Catholick Church in Presence of the underwritten Witnesses

By me J. Wheeler .Oliuer Nugent, teresa Walch, Sarah Nugent

232. June 11 : 1749 Francis Lomas of the Parish of S. james Wid: and Sarah Robertson of the Parish of Rumford Spins: were joynd in lawfull Matrimonyon the day and yearabove according to the rites and ceremonysof ourholy Mother th[e]Catho: Church in the presence of the underwriten witnesses p E. Cox .Franc: Lomas, Ruth Bannan .

233. July the 9, 1749 Robert hand and Elizabet Burk (Burck) of the parish of st James were joynd in lawful Matrimony according [to] the rites of the Catholick Church in presence of the undernamed witnesses p f. Monfort .James Eves, Margret Eves.

[79] 234. July the 16 , 1749 Edward Brown and Ann Evens (Evans) of the Parish of st George were Joynd in Lawful Matrimony according [to] the rites of the CatholickChurch: witnesses , Edward Mullone , Marie Mullone, p f Monfort

235. July the 21 were Joyn'd in lawful matrimony according [to]the rites ofthe CatholickChurch Laurence Furlong[and]Ann Keilan (or Reilan) of the Parish of St Giles, witnesses Jeremia Donovan, Luck lawless, Margret Dolen p f: Monfort.

236. July the 15, 1749 William Creyton and Marie Dunn of the Parish ofst Giles were Joyn'd in Lawful Matrimonyaccording [to] the rites of the Catholick Church Witnesses, John Dunn , Jean Dunn .pf. Monfort.

[80] 237. July the 25, 1749 Robert Reatin (or Keatin) of the Parish of St Clemens , and Jean Doyle of the Parish of St George were Joyn'd in lawful Matrimony according [to] the rites of the Cath. Church in presence of the undernamed witnessesp f: Monfort . Hughquin, Boot Branch

238. August 18. Anthony Signorini Soto* of Pisa and Isabella Campora of Saravalle in the State of Turin, He Batchelor , She Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording tothe Rites of our H. M. the Cath. Church in presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me F. Blyth.OliverNugent, Sarah Nugent.

239. Octo 1 , 1749 Thomas Hughes of the Parish of S. Anns Westminster bachelor and Ann Clemsonofthe same Parish Spinster were joynedin lawfull Matrimonyon the day andyearabove according to the rites and ceremony of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the prcence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Rice Price, Josh Clempson, Margarett Clempson. [81] 240. Aug. 27: 1749 Thomas Butlerof the Parish of S. James Westminster bachelor and Rose Jones of the Parish of S. Georg Hanover Sqr. Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the precence of the under written witnessesp E. Cox .John Lyon, Will Fzgerald,AnnLyon 241. Sept. 19, 1749 Martin Ailesworth of the Parish of St

* Indexed in the original as " Signorini Solo , "



Peter Cornhill London Batchelor and Arabella Scroop of the Parish of St Luke in the Countyof Middlesex Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath. Church in Presence ofthe underwrittenbyme F.Blyth. -John Joseph Ailesworth, James Scroop, Mary Scroop.

242. Oct. 7, 1749 Joseph Pye of the Parishof St Olive Southwark Batchelorand Elizabeth Fairfield (Fairchild) of the Parish of St George Southwark Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. Mother the Cath Church in presence ofthe underwrittenWitnesses by me F. Blyth -Peter Lion, Mary Fairfield, Eliza Anchor.

[82] 243. September the 27, 1749. DanielRoberts Batcheler and Elizabeth Norris Widdow of Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick were Joyn'd in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of the Catholick Church in Presence of the underwritten Witnesses By me J: Wheeler . -

Charles Porter, Thomas Wheeler, Lydia Field

244. Octob: the 29th 1749 John GreenWidowerofthe Parish of St. James Wesm and Sara Cleton of the SameparishSpinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony according to the rites and Ceremonies of our holy motherthe Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten witnesses by me Tho Greswold .Elizabeth Cleton, Frances Cleton, Elizabeth Wateridge

245. October 30th 1749 Jeremy Johnson of the Parish of St George the Martyr Batchelor , and Hannah Simmons ofthe Parish of St Andrew Holbourn Spinster were join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of O. H. M. the Catholic Church before ye underwritten Witnesses, F. Blyth .John Johnson, William Simmons, Mary Simmons, Anne Johnson [83] 246. Nov 26, 1749 HenryPrimmerofthe Parishof Twiford in the County of Hampshire Widower and Barbara Vockham (Vackham) of the same Parish Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. Mother the Cath: Church in Presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me F. Blyth. Mary Brown, John Marshal, Wm Betteridge , Richa Harris

247. Nov 26, 1749 James Peters Widdowerof theParishof St James's Westminster , In ye County of Midlesex, and Anne Taylor Spinster of ye sd Parish, & Countywere Joyned in Lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites & Ceremonies of ye HolyCatholick Church , In ye Presence of ye underwritten wittnesses Byme Richd Grene . James Butler, Elizth Bolton.

248. Jany ye 4, 17410 Luke Lawless and andstice Redmond were joyn'd in lawful Matrimony according [to] the rites ofthe Catholick church in presence of the undernamed wittnesses p f. Monfort .Culbert Woods, Giles Farrall [84] 249. Jan. 8: 1758 Henry Goose of the parishof S. George bachelor and Ann Perkinson of the same parish Spinster werere joynedin lawfull Matrimonyon theday and yearabove according totherites and ceremonysof our holyMothertheCatholickChurch

in the presence of the under written witnesses p E.Cox .Will. Harper, Ann Wells, Ma Warfurd

250. Jan. 8th 174 AbrahamFarrowof the Parish of S. George the Martyr Widower and Cecilia Grey of the Parish ofS. Anne Soho Spinster (both in the County of Midlx were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites & Ceremonies of our h M.the Cath Church in presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses , F. Blyth.Mary Farrow, Charles Grey.

251. Jany 9, 1748 Edwin Courthope of the Parish of S. Giles Bachelor & Catherine Bumstead of the same Parish Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccords to the Rites & Ceremonies of our H. M. ye Cath. Church in presence of the underwn Witnesses, F. Blyth.John Jennings, Mary Foster , Charles Andrews [85] 252. Jany 11th 1758 Isaac Lawrence of S. Paul's Shadwell Bachelor & Rebecca Welch (Welsh) of St George's in the East otherwise call'd S. George'sMiddlesex Widowwerejoin'd in lawful Wedlock on the day and year abovemention'd according tothe Rites & Ceremonies of our H. Mother the Cath Church in Presence ofye underwritten Witnesses p me F. Blyth .John Davis, Mary Davis, Thomas Lawrence, John Hawley, Mary Bunhill

253. Jany 20, 175g Gabriel La Roche (Laroche) of the Parish of Cherseyin the Countyof SurreyBachelor & Ann Grace of the Parish of S. George Hanover Square in the Countyof Middlesex Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites & Ceremonies of our H. Mother the Catholic Church in Presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses p me F. Blyth .Thomas Hatton, Frances Masson, Bridget Beale, Mary Hollingsworth 254. Feb. 4, 1749-50 John Joyce of the Parish of S. Luke Batchelor and Mary Pilcher (Pitcher) of the Same Parish in the County of Mdsx Widow were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath. Church in presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.Arthur Scrope, Miles Darnby, Jane Toms [86] 255. Sept ye 23 , 1745 Mary Hollier of ye Parish of St Georges of ye County of Middlesex [Bacherer erased] Spinster & Edward Hollinsworth (Hollingsworth) of ye Parish of St Georges ofye CountyofMiddlesex Bacherer werethis dayjoyn'd inlawfull Wedlockaccording to ye Rites & Ceremonies of our HolyMother ye Catholick Church in presence of ye under-written Wittnesses pr me P: Dixon .Mary Dean & Joseph Kilburn.

256. Fb 6: 1749 Zaccariah Sate of the Parishof Chelseain ye County of Middlesex bachelor & Eliz: Street of ye same Parish were joyn'dinlafull Matrimonyon ye dayesyearabove according to the rites & ceremonys of our holy Motherye CatholickChurch in precence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox.-E. Cox , Oliuer Nugent

257. Feb. 27th 1749-50 Joseph Collingwood of ye Parish of St George HannoverSquare Bachelor and MaryMooreofye Parish ofStAndrew HolbournIn ye Countyof Midlesex were Joyned In

Lawful Matrimonyaccording to ye Rites & Ceremonysofour Holy Motherye Roman CatholickChurch In Presence ofye underwritten wittnesses By me Richa Grene .francis Stuttard, Mary Tom's, Ann Herson.


258. 3d of April 1750. Antony Parks of the Parish of St Olive SouthwarkBatchelor and Sarah White of the ParishofSt Mary over in the same Borough Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of O. H. M. the Cath Church in Presence of the underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.- Samuel Hale, John Dobbins, Anne White

259. 23d of April 1750 Edward Wright of the Pa[r]ish of St Brides London and SarahPeacockofthe same Parish, HeWidower, She Spinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. the Catholic Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses, F. Blyth.Peter Peacock, Henry Child, Francis Wright, Anne Armstrong.

260. AP 23: 1750 John Magher of the Parish of Chelsea Widdower and Margaritt Connor of the same Parish Widdow were joyned in Lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the CatholickCatho [instead of Church] in the presence of the underwritten witnesses, E. Cox .John Magher, Hannah Loving. [88] 261. Ap: 28: 1750 Rouland Hozier (Hosier) of the Parish of S. james Westminster bachelor and Margaritt Richardson ofthe Parish of S. George Hannover Square Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Cath Church in the presenceofthe underwriten witnessesp E. Cox .James Richardson, Eliz. Richardson

262. March ye 19th 1750. John Law Batchelor and Ann Howel Spinster were then Joyned in Lawfull wedlock in the Presence of the underwrittenwitnessesByme JnWheeler.---James Crabtree, Elizabeth Marmaduke

263. May ye 3d 1750. Joseph North Batchelor and Dorothy Ring Widowof ye Parish ofSt JamesWestminster were Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to ye Rites of our Holy Motherye CatholickChurch on ye Day and year abovementioned in Presence of ye underwritten witnesses By me J: Wheeler .Samuel Holloway, Margret Alloway, Mary Morton, Mabel Bullock [89] 264. Ap: 30: 1750 Henry Fremont of the Parish of S: George Hannover Square bachelor and Jane Stains (Staines) of the same Parish Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwrittenwitnessespE. Cox .John Austin, Barbara Christien.

265. July 3: 1750 John Wall of the Parish of S. Ann Soho bachelor and Sarah Dickinson of the Parish of S. Mary la bone Wid: werejoynedinlawfull Matrimonyon thedayand yearabove according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the


Catholick Church in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Ben: Anderson, Barbara Anderson.

266. July 8: 1750 John Baptist Zannier of the Parish ofS. Martin in the fields natiue of Venice Wid : and Katharine Arries of the Parish of S. james Westminster Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the daye and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .james Hambilton, Ann Handcock. [90] 267. July the 23, 1750 Neal doulen and Ann prince were Joyn'din Lawfull Matrimonyaccording [to] the rites oftheCatholick Church in presence of the undernamed wittnesses p f. monfort . James Madden, Sarah Maden

268. Augt the 8, 1750 were Joynd in lawful Mariag Andrew Gee (Lee) [apparently Lee altered to Gee] and ann Calachanaccording [to]the rites of theCatholickChurch in presence ofthe vndernamed witnesses p f. Monfort .William hall, Elis hall ..

269. June ye 5: 1750. Peter Maria Webber Gentleman Bachleour, of ye Parish of St Georges in Hannover Square & Ann HartleySpinster, of ye same Parish, werejoyn'd in Lawfull Matrimonyon ye day & year above, according to ye Rites & Ceremonies of our Holy Mother ye Catholick Church, in ye Presence of ye underwrittenwitnesses, By me Paul Dixon .Ann Hortley , Mary Hollingsworth [91] 270. 8br 8: 1750 Ralph Waytin of the Parish of S. Mary Ax bachelor and Mary Fontain (Fountain) of the same Parish Spsr were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimonyon the dayand year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick[Church] in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Rob: Waytin, Mill: Waytin

271. Dec: ye 27th William Kinshlea (Kinshler) of the Parish ofSt Martin's in ye feilds bachelor and Anne Clarke of the same parish Spinster wereJoyned in Lawful matrimonyon yedayaboue mentioned and year 1750, according to ye rites & Ceremoniesof our holymotherthe CatholickChurch in ye presence of ye under writen wittnesse's by me Tho. Greswold .John Hearon , Hester Clark.

272. Jan: 27: 1750 Thomas Stephens (Stevens) of the Parish of S. James Westminster Wid: and Anna-Maria Tunley of the same Parish Wid were joyn'd in lawfuli Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the under written witnessesp E. Cox .Will Ayray, Mart: Ayray [92] 273. Dec 10, 1750 John Milnerofthe Parish ofSt Bartholomew in the City of London Widower and Mary Birch (Bick) of the Parish of St Luke in the Countyof Midlsx. Spinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H.M. yeCatholickChurch before ye underwrittenWitnesses p F. Blyth. -Peter Birch, Mary Birch, Andw Milner.

274. Dec 18 , 1750 Jeremy Anchors ofthe Parishof St Peter's



Cornhill London Batchelor & Anne Careyof the Parish of S. John Westminster Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. M. the Catholick Church before ye underwrittenWitnesses p F. Blyth .John Carey, Jane Carey , Arthur Pilson.

275. Dec. 29, 1750 Antony Perkins of the Parish of S. Mary overs in ye Boroughof Southwark Batchelor and Anne Tate of Shadwell Parish in the County of Midlsx. Widow were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of O. H. M. the Catholick Church in the presence of the hereunder written Witnesses p F. Blyth.Francis Price, Joanna Price, Jonathan Perkins

[93] 276. Jany 3d 175

Philip Scroop ofthe Parish ofS. Katherine Wapping Batchelor and Isabella Furnese of Cripplegate Parish London Spinster, were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of O. H. M. the Catholic Church in the presenceof the here under written Witnesses p F. Blyth.Mary Furnese , Mary Pines, William Thorm.

277. Jany 27, 1750 John Fittler (Filler) of the Parish of St James Westminster & Isabella Dickenson of the Parish of St GeorgeBloomsburybothin theCountyof Middlesex, He Widower, She Spinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. Moth the Cath Church in presenceof the UnderwrittenWitnessespme F.Blyth.GervaseMartin , Winifred Martin, Barbara Dickenson.

278. Jany 31 , 1759 Christopher Frye ofthe Parish of S. Giles in the Fields in the Countyof Mdlsx. Batchelor and Sarah Smith ofthe sameParishSpinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlock according tothe Rites of O. H.M.the Catholic Church in presence oftheunderwrittenWitnessespF. Blyth.Lucy Frame, Arrabella Frye, Peter Smyth [94] 279. Feby 2, 1750 John Best Jun' ofthe Parish ofS. Martin in the Fields in the County of Mdlsx. Batchelor and Elizabeth Hunt of S. Anne's Soho in the same County Spinster, were this day join'din lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. M. the Catholic Church in Presence of the underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.Abel Hunt, Margt Hunt, John Poore

280. Feb. 10, 175 Martin Brace of the Parish of S. Andrew's Holbourn Widower and Anne Forbes of the same Parish in the Countyof Mdlsx Spinster were this dayjoin'd in lawfulWedlock according to the Rites ofO. H. M.theCath. Church inthe Presence of the underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.Mary Forbes , John Chub, Frances Chub

281. Febr ye 10th 1751. James Potier of the Parishof St Ann's Westminster Batchelor and Winefrede Jenison (Jennison) Spinster of the same Parish in the Countyof Middlesex were then Joyned in Lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the Presence of the underwritten witnesses By me Jn Wheeler .James Marmaduke, James Crabtree

[95] 282. Fb 6: 1750-1 John Dalton of the Par: ofS. Olive hart street bachelor and Eliz: Pike of the same Parish Spinster were joyn'din Lawfull Matrimonyon theday and yearaboveaccording tothe ritesand ceremonysof our holy mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnessesp E. Cox .George Spence, Barbara Bagne

283. Fb 10: 1750-1. Alexander Rouce (Rouse) oftheParichof S. Gyles in the fields bac and Lancelotta Reming (Raming) of the same Par Spins: wer joynd in lawfull Matrimony of the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonysof our holy mother the CatholickChurch in the presence ofthe under written witnesses p E. CoxEd: Cox, Dor: Beming

284. Feb. 23, 1750 Charles Innes of Bamfield in theCounty of Cornwall Esq' Batchelor and Henrietta Maria Pinks of the Parish ofS. GeorgetheMartyr intheCountyof Middlesex Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of O. H. M. the Catholic Church in presence of the underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.John Ferrars Esq , James Powel Esq' , Mary Ellison, Anne Burrel, Mary Creech. [96] 285. Apr 16: 1751 AndrewMoore of the Parish of S. George Hannover Square bachelor and Mary Woldrige (Woldridge) of the same Parish Spnster ware joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our Holy Motherthe Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Tho: Halford, Ann Halford.

286. May the first Charles Connor and Sara'h wright were Joyn'd in lawful marriage according [to] the rites oftheCatholick Church in presence of the vndernamed wittnesses pf monfort.William Miers, Catherine Miers.

287. May 3d 1751 Arthur Wells of the Parish of S. Giles in the Fields inthe Countyof Middlesex Batchelor and AgnesGoodwin ofthe Parish of S. Maryla bonne in the same CountySpinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to ye Rites of yeCath Church inthe Presence ofthe hereunder written Witnesses p F. Blyth . Paul Goodwin, Simon Wells , Martha Goodwin . [97] 288, 10. Apr. the 5, 1751 were Married Peter Lenne and Rose Behan (Rehan) wittness Edmund Dunn, Judith Mannin , p f. monfort

288, 2do April the 22d 1751. werejoinedin lawfull Matrimony Cap Thomas Burkeand Rebecca fitzgerald, according totherites of the Catholick Church, and in presence of: Capns Alexander french, Willm Tobin, Jams fitzgerald &c &c , Jeff: MacHugo Burke.

289. May 14: 1751 John Magher of the Parish ofS. George Han Square Widr and Rebecka Daly of the same Parish Wid: were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witness p E. Cox .Edward Cox.

290. June 8: 1751 Joseph Coysgarne of the Parish of S:

Swithins in Swithins Lane London Bachelour & Mary Williams ofthe same ParishWiddow were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence oftheunder written witnesses p E. Cox .Oliuer Nugent, Mary Gonsauess .

[98] 291. June 1 : 1751 Thomas Meredith ofthe Parish ofS. Gyles in thefieldsWidrand HannahHartredge (Hartridge) ofthe Parish of Orford in Suffolk Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox .Isack Cole , Ma Cole

292. Juin ye 13 , 1751 Joseph franklin of the parish of St Georges and Jean tortisshell (Tortisshel) ofthe parish of St George were Joyn'd in lawful Matrimony in presence of the vndernamed wittnesses p f. Monfort .Oliver Nugent, Ells fitzgereld

293. June 12, 1751 William Jones ofthe Parish of S. Andrews Holborn and Martha Chipp of the same Parish He Batchelor She Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording tothe Rites of the H. Cath. Church in presence of the under written WitnessespF. Blyth.Peter Chipp, John Jones, SarahChipp. [99] 294. June 16, 1751 Anthony Tomms of the Parish of S. Peter Cornhill, Batchelor and Anne Frye ofthe Parish ofS. George in the Borough ofSouthwarkSpinster werethis dayjoin'din lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of the H. Cath. Church in the Presence of the underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.Joseph Pearce , Charlotte Frye, Mary Andovor.

295. July2, 1751 Alexander Howel of the Parish ofStAlphage London Batchelor & Elizabeth Harlow of the Parish of St Paul Convent Garden Spinster were this dayjoind in lawful Matrimony according to the Rites of the Catholic Church in Presence of the undernamed Witnesses, F. Blyth. Andrew Philips, Gabriel Fowler, Peter Brand

296. July 9, 1751 Samuel Brady of the Parish of St Giles in the Fields Batchelor &ArabellaPierceofthe same Parish, Widow, were this day joind in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. Mother ye Catholic Church before the underwritten Witnesses, F. Blyth.Edward Hardiman, George Webster, Anne Pierce , Eleanor Pierce

[100] 297. July 10, 1751 Jonathan Layford of the Parish of St James Westminster in ye Countyof Mids* Batchelor and Caroline Hebberton (Hebbeston) of the same Parish Spinster were join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p me F. Blyth.JamesFarnel, Mathew Salter, MaryLayford, Susannah Hebberton

298. maythe 27th 1751 John Austinof ye parishofStGeorge's Hanouer-Square Batchelor and Eleonor Shese (Cheseor) ofye same parish were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on the day and year aboue mentioned according to ye rites and Ceremonies ofour holy

mother ye Catholick Church in the presence of the underwriten witnessesby me Tho. Greswold .SusannaAustin, Anne Chese .

299. Spt 15: 1751 John Francis Schaml of the Parish of S. George Han. Square bachelor and Ann Mary Baxter of the Parish of S. James West: Spinster were joynedin lawfull Matrimonyon the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written Witnesses p E. Cox .James Walter Hunt, Eliz: Bury. [101]

300. Octo 13: 1751 Edward Hopthrow (Hoptrow) of the Parish of S. James Westr Widower and Ann Fountain of the Parish of S. Martin in the fields Spinster were joyn'din lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy mother the CatholickChurch in the presence ofthe under written witnesses p E. Cox .Will:Harper , Ma Stonsel.

301. Octo 20: 1751 Robert Weston of the Parish of Stanford rivers in Essex bachelor and Sarah Cole of the Same Parish Spr were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Cathō Church in the presence of the underwritten witnessesp E. Cox . John Perkins, Ma Ingram

302. November the 13th 1751. JonathanHarper ofthe Parish of St Giles in the fields batchelor, and Mary Burke (Burk) Spr were joined in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above mentioned according to the rites and Ceremonyof ourholy Mother the Catholick Church in presence of the undernam'dwittnesses Jeff. MacHugo Burke .William Gerald, John Tobinn [102] 303. January 1752. Charles Relly Batchelourof London & Mary Parrot Spinster of Brerick in ye Countyof Comberland, were then join'd in lawfull Wedlockaccording to ye Rights of our H. Mother ye catholick Church in ye presence of ye under written Witnesses By me M. Leman. " Paul Chamberlain , Frances Chamberlain.

304. Februarythe 3d Maurice Molouny (Malonny) of London Batchelor and of the Parish of St George [in the fields erased] Hanover Square and jane Loftus Spinster were joined in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above mentioned according to the Rites ofourholy mother the Catholick Church, and in presence of the undernamed wittnesses By me Jeff: MacHugo Burke.John Coleman, Anne Boylan.

305. Februarythe 6th Anthony Hickey of London Batchelor and of the Parish of St James, and ElizabethPerkins ofthe same Parish were joined in lawfull Matrimony on the day and Year above mentioned according to the rites of our holy mother the CatholickChurch, and in the presence of the undernamed Wittnesses By me Jeff. MacHugo Burke .Peter Skerrett, James Hickey, Dorothy Hickey. [103] 306. February the 22d 1752 John Hearn (Hearne) of Hearnsbrook in the CountyGallwayIreland Esqr Batchelor , and


ElizabethFarrerofHardingin HertfordshireSpinster , werejoined in Matrimony (Dispensation obtained) according to the Rites of our holy mother the Catholick Church, and in presence of the undernamed Wittnesses By me Jeff: MacHugo Burke .Frank Burke, Anne farrer, Mary Burke.

307. February The 2d 1752 John Nocks of the parish of St James Bachelour and ElizabethBolton ofSt maryle boneSpinster were Joyned in matrimony according to the rites of our Holy mother the Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten wittnesse's by me Tho. Greswold .Lewis Anson , Margarett Gennett.

308. Jan. 31: 175 Robert Gillat of the Parish of S. Martins in the fields Wid: & Margaritt Ounsworthe (Ounsworth) of the Parish of S. Ma la bone Spinst : were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys ofourholy Motherthe Catho Church inthe presence ofthe underwriten witnesses p E. Cox .Jo: Cotham, Eliz. Boulton . [104] 309. Febr. 9: 175 Pierre Chale Noel Le Roy of the Parish of S. James Westminster bachelor and julienne Dumortur (Du Morture) ofthe same Parish Spinster werejoynedinlawfullMatrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Cath: Church in the presence of the under written witnessesp E. Cox .Jacques Crespel, Francois La place, Angelique Chavalle, j la Place

310. Feb. 10: 175 EdwardWelchof the Parichof S. George Han Square Wid and Dorothy Pugh ofthe same ParishSpinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy mothertheCath: Church in the presenceof the underwritten witnessesp E.Cox.The Ridly, Ma Errington, Eliz Prujean

311. Feb 11: 175 Richard Hankin of the Parishof S. Ma la bone bachelor and Eliz: Richerdson (Richardson) of the same Parish Spinst were joyned in lafull Mattrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Cath: Church in the presence of the under written witnessesp E. Cox .Rich Drewet, Ma Strutt [105]

312. Feb. 16, 1752 James Baynesof the Parish ofS.George the Martyr Batchelor & Margaret Solliard (Selliard) ofthe Parish of S. Martin's in the fields Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. Mother the Catholic Church in presence of the underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.- Anthony Selliard, Philip Maples, Mary Johnston.

313. March the 30th 1752. Francis Tarard ofthe Parish of St Mary Ax Batchelor and Mary Catharine ArmshowofCanturk in the County of Cork Ireland Spinster were this Day joined in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our H. Motherthe CatholickChurch in presence of the underwritten Wittnesses by meJeff:MacHugo Burke .Joseda Silva, Anne da Silva,Dorothy Walsh.

314. April the 13th 1752. Thomas Clarke of the Parish[blank]

Batchelor and Penelope Hardwood of St Martins Spinster were this Day joined in lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites of our holy Motherthe Catholick Church in presence of the undernamed Wittnesses by me Jeffry MacHugo Burke .James Pyle, Cornelius Brown, John French, &c [106] 315. April the 15th1752. PatickWalshof Richmd Batchelor, and Sarah Price of Richmond Spinster were this dayjoined in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites of Holy Mother the Church in presence of the underwritten wittnesses, Jeff:MacHugo Burke.Edward Welsh,Dorothy Wesh. 316. April the 15th 1752. Thomas petit of St Martins in the fields Widower , and Jane Reily of Marybon Parish Widdow of [blank] Dunne deceased, were joined in lawfull Matrimony on the dayand year above mentioned according to the rites of our H. M. the Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten Wittnesses By me Jeff: MacHugo Burke .Thomas Reily, Peter Vanderbacker, Mary Vanderbacker, &c 317. June the 8th 1752. Bruno Ghichard of the Parishof St Gervais at Paris Batchelor, & Eleonora Pryer of Mells inye County of Somersetshire Spinser were this Day join'd in lawful wedlock according to the Rites & Ceremonies of the CatholickChurch in presenceofthe underwritenWitnesses By me M. Leman .Sebastien Domenge, Mary Chamberlayn.

[107] 318. May 24: 1752 Richard Shuttleworthof the Parishof S. james Westminster Bachelor and Catharine Howison (Harrison) of the Parishof S. Margaritswestminster Widdow were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Motherthe CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Will Wright, Mary Metcalf. 319. 7 May 1752 John Aymesford (Ayesford) oftheParishof StAndrews Holborn, Widower& Anne Fearn (Fearne) ofthe same Parish Spinster were this dayjoin'din lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites & Ceremonies of the Catholic Church in Presence of theunderwritten Witnesses, F. Blyth.John Allen, Mary Barne.

320. 19 May 1752 Antony Painter ofthe Parish of S. Martins in the Fields Batchelor and Susannah Morris of the Parish ofSt Giles Spinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites ofour H. M. the Catholic Church in presence of the underwritten Witnesses, F. BlythJeremiah Denton, Isabella Price

[108] 321. June 22: 1752 James Stuart of the Parish ofS. James West: bachelor and Mary Metcalf of the same Parish Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and yeare above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .James Jos: Metcalf, Ma Winsbury.

322. June 24 : 1752 Alexander Fyfe ofthe Parish ofS. Clement Deans bachelor and Mary Fraser Widdowof the sameParishwere joynedinlawfullMatrimonyon the dayand year aboveaccording

totherites and ceremonysofourholy Motherye CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox.--Oliver Nugent, Clare Heaton

323. June 29th 1752. William Young Batchelor and Mary Drury Spinster were then Joyned in Lawfull wedlock according to the rites and Ceremonysof our holy mother the catholick Church inthe Presence ofthe underwrittenwitnessesBy me Jn Wheeler.William Prophet, Frances Lancaster, Teresia Drury.

[109] 324. June 29 : 1752 William Proffitt (Profitt) of the Parish of S. Jno: Wapping Widdower and Katherine Bell of the Parish of S. James West : Spinster were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our Holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox .James Numan , Mary Gramshaw.

325. June 30 : 1752 Joseph Howse (Howes) of the Parish of S. Andrew Holburn Widdower and Barbara Tipping of the same Parish Spins were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses p E. Cox.-Ed. Thomson, Martha Tipping, Ann Tipping

326. July ye 28th 1752. James Newsham Batchelor and Mary Weekes Spinster of the Parish St George Hanover Square were then Joyned in Lawfull wedlock according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our H. Mother the Catholick Church in the Presence ofthe underwritten witnessesBy me Jn Wheeler .James Marmaduke, Elizabeth Marmaduke.

[110] 327. Augstthe 9th1752 William SmithBatch ofthe Parish of St Andrew Holborn and ElisabethReddy Spins of the Parish of St Peter le Poor were joynd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the Rites and Ceremonysof our holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence ofthe under written wittnesses By me Dennis Byrne.John Francis Van Haore , Ann Rose

328. Aug. 2: 1752 William Parsly ofthe Parish of S. Gyles in the fields bachelor and Mary Morgan of the same ParishSpinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonysofour holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written Witnesses p E. Cox . Will: Forde, Margart Dobings

329. Oct. 12, 1752 John Charles Bernier Widower and Anne Willoc Spinster, both Inhabitants of the Parish of S. Anne Soho Mids were this day joind in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites & Ceremonies of our H. Mother the Catholic Church in presenceoftheunderwrittenpF. Blyth. Witnesses, JohnParnam , Anna Willoc, Johanna Chevalier

[111] 330. Oct. 17, 1752 Francis Allen of the Parishof St John Westminster Batchelor, and Anne Short ofthe Parish of St George the Martyr Spinster both in the County of Mids* were this day

join'd in lawful Wedlock, according to the Rites & Ceremoniesof our H. M.the Cath. Church in presence of the underwrittenp F. Blyth Witnesses, Peter Mansel, Mary Rotherby

331. Oct. 29, 1752

Jedadiah Ainswell of the Parish of St Andrew Holbourn Widower and Martha Penshaw of the same Parish Spinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites & Ceremonies of our H. M. the Cath Church in Presence oftheunderwrittenpF. Blyth. Witnesses, JosephMayse, Sarah Penshaw, Eliza Penshaw.

332. Novr 16, 1752 John Berry of the Parish of St Mary la Bonne Batchelor and Alicia Hobbs of the Parish of St James Westminster both in the County of Mdlx Widow , were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. M. the Cath Church in the Presence of the underwritten p F. Blyth. Witnesses, John Hobbs, James Berry, Jane Perte. [112] 333. Jan. 7: 1752

Herbert Allason ofth Parish of S. James Westminster Widower and Alice Short of th same Parish Spinst were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to th rites and ceremonysof our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox . Edward stevens, Mary Stevens

334. Jan: ye 4th 1753 Charles Barbandt of the parish of St James Westminster Batchelor andAnne Casanova Spinster ofye same Parish were Joyned in Lawful matrimony the day and year above mentioned according to the rites and Ceremonies of our Holy motherthe Catholick Church in ye presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold .-James Nelson , Mary Casanoua .

335. Jan. ye 25th 1753 William Hodgson of the parish of St Andrew's Holborn Bachelor and Grace Page of the same Parish Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony the day and year abouementioned according to ye rites of our Holy mother the CatholickChurch in ye presence oftheunderwritten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold .James Crabtree, Oliuer Nugent. [113] 336. Jan: 29 : 1753 Francis Jansen of the Parish of S. Martins in the Fields bachelor and Ann Pybus of the Parish of S. Ann Soho Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys ofour holyMothertheCatholick[Church] in presence oftheunderwritten witnessesp E. Cox .Zac: Zaty, Eliz Zaty.

337. Fb 4: 1753 William Loyall (Loyal) of the Parishof S. James Westminster bachelor and Ma. Postlewate of the Parish of S. George Hannover SquareSpinster were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to therites and ceremonys of our holyMother the Catholick Church in the presence oftheunderwrittenWitnessespE. Cox .John Biggs, Ma Wilmore.

338. Feb. ye 12th 1753 Charles Elkins Bachalour ofthe parish of Dunhead in wiltshire and martha King of ye same parish and County Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony according to the rites and ceremonies of our Holy mother the CatholickChurch


in presence of ye underwriten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold.Edward King, Judith Shackford.

[114] 339. Feb. 14, 1753 Godfrey Brooks of the Parish of St Margarite WestminsterWidower & Maria Pine of the Parish of St Clement Danes Spinster were this dayjoin'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of O. H. M. the Catholic Church before the underwritten Witnesses, F. Blyth.Peter Brook, Josuah Pine , Arthur Pine, Susanna Field

340. March 17, 1753 Daniel Harbert of the Parish ofSt Mary la bonne in ye County of Midls* Batchelor & Lucy Thorntonof the same ParishSpinster were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of O. H. M. ye Catholic Church before the folls Witnesses, F. Blyth.Cesar Painter, Charles Freeman, Ruth Harbert, Jane Freme

341. March 27: 1753 William Bury of Hamersmith in the Parish of FulhamMiddlesex Bachelor and Ann Collet of the same place and Parish Spinster were joyn'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year aboue according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses, E. Cox .Tho Pease, Eliz Pease, Winifride Buckly. [115] 342. Feby 7th 1741 John Baptist Gastaldi Resident of the Republickof Genua & Charlott Conyers Daughter of Sir Balduin Conyers at great Stoughton in Huntingdonshire were join'd in Lawful Matrimony on the day & year above according to the Rites & Ceremonies of our holy mother the Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me Ftz. Loraine.William Wollascott Esqe, of Woolhampton , Thomas Hughs at Great Stoughton .

343. May 1753 the 20th James Kavenagh of the Parish ofSt GeorgeHannover Squareand Elenor GardnerofSd Parish Spinster were joyn'din lawfull Matrimony according to the Rites & Ceremonies of our Holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the presence oftheunderwrittenWittnesses Byme Dennis ByrneJohn Moore , Jerem. Dunavan .

344. May ye 14th 1753 Oliuer Hotton Bachalour of ye parish ofSt. GeorgeHannouer Square and maryGrowcock Spinster of ye same parish were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on ye day and year aboue mentioned [in presence of erased] according to ye rites and Ceremonies of our Holy mother ye Catholick Church in presence of ye underwritten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold.Edmund Maiting, Elizabeth Wood.

[116] 345. May ye 29th 1753 CharlesAbrahamof the Parishof St. George Hanouer Square widdower and Elizabeth Boaden of the same Parish Spinster were Lawfully Joyned in matrimony according to the rites and Cerimonies of our Holy mother the Catholick Church in presence of the underwritten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold .John Eldrige, Sara Peirce, James Munis.

346. June ye 22d 1753. James Hart ofthe Parish of St James Westminster Batchelor and MaryDewey ofye same Parish Spinster


were Lawfully Joyned in matrimony according to the Rites and Ceremonysofourholy mother theCatholickChurch in ye Presence ofthe underwritten witnesses By me Jo Wheeler .JohnLaghey, Paul Muckleroy, Ann Robinson

347. July 8: 1753 Francis Sesarego of the Parish of S. James Westminster bachelor and Mary Ann Boterbeaugh (Boterbeagh) ofthe same ParishSpinster were joynedin lawfull Matrimony on the day and yeare above according to the rites and ceremonysof our holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Peter Boterbeagh, Frances Boterbeagh, Mick. Rysbeck. [117] 348. Aug. 8: 1753 John Dawsyn ofthe Parish of S. George Hannover Squere bachelor and Mary Ross of the same Parish Spter were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holy Mother theCatholickChurch in thepresence oftheunderwrittenWitnesses p E. Cox .Will. Stewart, Frances Thomas, Ann Lee

349. September ye 13th 1753. Anthony Lawson Batchelor and Mary Durham Spinster were then Joyned in Lawfull wedlock acording to the Rites and Ceremonysof our H. Mother the Catholick Church in the Presence of the underwritten witnesses By me Jno Wheeler . William Jones, Mary Obrian 350. Oc 15: 1753 John Wildsmith of the Parishof S. James Westminster bachelor and Catharine Inkines (Inkiness) of the Parish of Okire in Surry Spinster were joyned in lawfull Matrimonyonthe day and yeare above according to therites and ceremonys of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the Presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .Alextius Emerson , Margaritt Wildsmith, [blank] Inkins [118] 351. November the 18th 1753 [blank] by me Jeff: Machugo Burke

352. November 24, 1753 John Henry Mielot ofthe Parish of Saint Martin in ye Fields in Westminster in ye Countyof Mdsx , Batchelor, & Antoinette Petin of the same Parish, Spinster, were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to ye Rites & Ceremonies of our H. Mother the Cath: Church in Presence of the Underwritten Witnesses p F. Blyth.John Lewis Petin , Martin Jugier, Arthur Dillon, Laurens Villernier, Jerome Jugier, Jos Hyacinte Des Gens, Oliver Nugent

353. November the 22d 1753 [blank] by me Jeff: Machugo Burke [119] 354. Jan: 8: 1754WilliamBodinton (Boddinton, Boddington) of the Parish of S. Bridgitt bachelor and Catharine Page of the same Parish Spin" were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys ofour holy Mother the CatholickChurch in the precence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Adam Worlich, Ellonor Worlich.

355. Decemb: ye 20th 1753. Mathew Joseph Moreau of the Parish of Isleworth Bachelor and Catharine Perot of ye parish of St James Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimony on ye day

andyear aboue mentioned according to the rites and Ceremonies of our Holy mother the Catholick Church in the presence of ye under written wittnesses by me Tho Greswold .James Tootell, mary magd: Trehiou

356. Fb24: 1754 John Wright ofthe Parishof St JamesWesminster bachelor and Susanna More of the same ParishSpinster were joyn'd in lawfull Mat : on the day and year above according totheritesand ceremonysof ourholy Mother theCatholickChurch in the presence of the underwritten witnesses p E. Cox .Jos: Dassie, Ann Stoacks.

[120] 357. Fb 24: 1754 William Carten (Carter) of the Parishof S. Stephen Colman bachelor and Lucy Wright of the same Parish Spinster were joun'd in lawfull Matrimony on the day and year above according to the rites and ceremonys of our holyMot the Catholick Church in the presence of the under writen witnesses p E. Cox . Jos Dassie, Ann Stoacks

358. die februarij 26a 1754 Paulus Bion, et MariaPansuette Soluti, conjuncti fuere in legitimum matrimonium Secundum Ritus S M. Ecclesiæ catholicæ, presentibus his Testibus dñis Potier, Balthasar Justiniani, ac Caetano Rugieri Per me Joseph Rochefort .

359. March ye 8th 1754. MatthewJohnsonBatchelor and Mary Harland Spinster were then Joyned in Lawfull wedlock according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the Presence of the underwritten witnesses By me Jn Wheeler . William Loyall, Margaret Loyall.

[121] 360. Feb. the 18: 1754. George Bohanna of ye Parishof St Anne Bachelor, & Elizabeth Lawson of ye Parish of St Anne Spinster, were joyn'd in Lawfull matremony on ye day, & year above, according to ye Rites & Ceremonys of our Holy Mother ye CatholickChurch, in ye presence of ye underwrittenWitnesses p me Paul Dixon .Andrew Lee, Sarah Green

361. Mar. ye 24th 1754 George Hayter of the parish of St. George Hanouer Square Bachelour and Frances Short of the same Parish Spinster were Joyned in Lawful matrimonyontheday and year aboue mentioned according to the rites and Cerimonies of our Holy mother ye CatholickChurch in ye presence of ye underwritten wittnesses by me Tho Greswold .George Moody, Mary Lee.

362. March 23: 1754 RichardAkers ofthe Parish ofS. George Hannover Square B. and Winifride Proser of the same Parish Spinst were joyned in lawfull Matrimony on the day and yeare above according to the rites and ceremonyes of our holy Mother the Catholick Church in the presence of the under written witnesses p E. Cox .John Dauson , Ma Dauson . [122] 363. Aprill ye 21 : [1755 altered to] 1745 WilliamSmithof ye Parish of St Magaretts Westminster Bachelor, & Margaret Armstrong of ye Parish of St Martins Spinster, were joyn'd in Lawfull Matremony , on ye day & year above, According to ye rites, & Ceremoneysof our Holy Moth: ye Catholick Church inye

presence ofye UnderwrittenWitnesses P: DixonJohn Sheldon , Mary Shelton.

364. Hoje 28 de Dezbro 1758 Joao Soarez da Freguesía de S. Joao de longos Valles, Termo de Monçaõ no Arcibispado de Braga em Portugal actualmte Morador na Freguesíade S. Andreo Holborn em Londres e Maria Bride actualmte tambeinMoradera na mesma Freguesíaultimamtenomeada, ambos Solteiros, foraõ (despoes das Publicaçoés accostumadas serem feytas na dita Freguesía de S. Andreo) juntos em legitimo Matrimonio conforme aos Ritos e Ceremonias da Nossa Santa Madre Igreja Catolica Romana em Presença de Ruth Brickhille Ruth Hopkinson Parentes da Moça e de Joao Wools e Ricardo Davies Testemunhas Por mim F. Blyth

365. Maij Die 20, 1759 Paulus Spoletti Mediolani in.Italia ortus ac Sacro Fonte renatus, complures tamen annoshujus Urbis domiciliousus et MargaritaMathews Hyberna, Ambo in Parœcia S. Dunstani intra murum diù habitantes , Vir viduus ille, ista Puella, post publicationes consuetas cæteraq , omnia per Regni leges et Ecclesiæ jura præmittanda , in legitimum Matrimonium secundùm ritus ejusdem S. M. N. Ecclesiæ Romano Catholicæ altè memorato die atque anno conjuncti fuere Per me F. Blyth Testes adfuerunt Joannes Rovani, Bartholomæus Potter, Gulielmus Matthews, Anna Mathews [123] 366. Novembre 13, 1759. Jacques Duprès (Duprè) Natif de Breck, où il fut batisé commeil paroit par son Extrait de Bateme demeurant icy depuis longues années, Garçon, et Catharine Charvie Pucelle née et batisée à Rouën Paroisse St Laurent Tous deux maintenant et depuis long tems de la Paroisse de St Anne Soho dans la Comté de Middlesex , ayant prealablement accomplis tout ce qu'exigentles Loix de l'Eglise et l'etat ont été joints en legitime Marriage le jour et l'année cy dessus p moi F. Blyth. Les Temoins furent Martin Potier, Roger Jones, Philippe Duprès, Jane Charvie

367. March 10, 1760 John Claudius Cheneley (Jean Claude Chenelly) of the Parish of St James Westminster in the Countyof Middlesex Batchelor and Jane Restitute Masson of the Parishof St George Hanover-Square in the same County Spinster were joyn'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. Mother the Catholic Church by me F. Blyth Witnesses, [blank] De la Fontaine, Jane Chevalier, Angelica La Farre , Sarahdela Fontaine.

368. Juillet 29, 1761 Jean Louis Charlier de la Paroissede S. George dit du Carré d'Hannovre, Garçon, et Angelique Cottereau de la Paroisse de St Jaques en cette Ville de Londres, Pucelle, furent aujourdhuylegitimement unis en mariage selon les Rits et Ceremonies ordinaires de notre Ste Mere l'Eglise Catholique en presence de ces Temoins suivants p moi F. Blyth.Etienne Charlier, Joseph La Farre, Jean Wools, Angelique La Farre, Jane Chevalier, Marie Catarine Morrel , Francoise Hussey. [124] 369. Sept. 1st 1761 Antony Giles of the Parish of St Clement's Danes in ye County of Middlesex Widower & Caroline


Peach ofye same Parish Spinster, were this day join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites & Ceremonies of our H. Mother ye Catholic Church & conformablyto the Laws of the Land in presence oftheunderwrittenby me F. Blyth Witnesses, Jonathan Giles, Mary Giles, Peter Peach, John Wools.

370. Septber 17, 1761 Gjoanne (Giovanne) Bernini Napolitano Habitante habitantehà tempo nella Parochia de Santo Dunstano nella Città di Londra e Maria Magdalena Mahoni Nativa de Dublino habitante nell' istessa Parochia, forano congjonti in legitimo Matrimonio in conformità con le Leggi di nữa S. M. la Chiesa Catholica, e di cotesto regno, in presenza de' sottoscritti p me F. Blyth. Testimonii, Carolo Martelli, Paolo Mahoni, Francisca Barker , Gjoanne Wools.

371. Sept 29th 1761 Alexander Maccullough of Perth in Scotland, Inhabitant ofthe Parish of St George the Martyr, Batchelor, and Arabella Fitzmorris of the City of Cork in Ireland Widow of late years Inhabitant of the aforesaid Parish, were join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Laws of Church & State on the abovemention'd day in presence of the underwritten by me F. Blyth. Witnesses, Joseph Armstrong, Nathaniel Pugh, Mary Dawson, James Curry. [125] 372. October 5, 1761 Jenkins Trumbalof the Parishof St Peter Cornhill in the City of London, Batchelor, and Sarah Price of the Parish of St Andrews Holbourn, Spinster, were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Laws of Church and State in presence of ye underwritten by me F. Blyth Witnesses , George Power, Antony Salmon, Ruth Maccafee , Willm Saunders

373. October 31, 1761 Samuel Connor of Limerick in Ireland & Catharine Mooney of Drogheda in the same kingdom, both Inhabitants of the Parish of St Mary over in the Burrough of Southwark County of Surry, He Batchelor, She Spinster, were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Rites of our H. M. ye Catholic Church, & the Laws of the Realm, in presence of the underwritten by me F. Blyth Witnesses, Archibald Simpson, Peter Fitzpatrick, Patric Mooney, Sarah Money 374. Novembr 21 , 1761 François Poiret Natif d'Orleans en france, et Louise-Anne Dupont , lui Garçon, elle Fille tous deux Habitans depuis un an de la Paroissede St Marie la bonne dansle Comté de Middlesex ont été cejourdhuy joints enlegitimeMarriage selon les Rits de N. S. M. l'Eglise Catholique et suivant les Loix du País en presence des souscrits p moi F. Blyth. Temoins, Louis Jean Pierre Dupont, Louis Antoine Losier, Beatrice Renauld, George Dawkins. [126] 375. Decembr 3, 1761 Abraham Cooper of the Parish of St John Westminster Widower and ElizabethMartin ofthe Parish of St Martin in the Fields Spinster, were this day join'din lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. ye Catholic Church in presence of the underwritten Witnesses conformablyto the Laws of the Land p me F. Blyth Witnesses, John Martin, Anne Martin, James Fenn, Lucy Wakefield .


376. Decber 13, 1761 James Campbell Native of Aberdeen in Scotland, for some years past inhabitant of ye Parish of St Giles in ye County of Middlesex, Widower 72, & Hester Macdonnel (Mcdonnel) of Edingbourg in ye Same Kingdom likewise long inhabitant of ye same Parish 25 Spinster were this day joind in lawful Wedlock according to the Laws of Church & State in presenceof the underwritten by me F. Blyth Witnesses, Arthur Gordon, Andrew Mcphearson, Sarah Gordon, John Ansted

377. Jany 4, 1762 Jean Jacques Duprez Natif de Rennes en Bretagne, habitant depuis trois Ans de la Paroisse de Ste Marie la bonne, Garçon et Marie Jane Louise Bourdier de Rouën en Normandie longtems habitant la Paroissede St Egide Middlesex Fille, ont été ce jour dhuyjoints en legitimeMarriage Selonles Rits de N. S. M. l'Eglise Catholique, et les loixde ce royaume en presence des souscrits by me F. Blyth Temoins, Joseph Moran, Charles Berier, Jane Coursin, Guillaume French [127] 378. Feby 12 , 1672. Paul Brownof the Parishof S. Olive in the Borough of Southwark , Batchelor, & Mary Ann Joyce of the Parish ofStMaryover in the same Borough Spinster were this dayjoin'din lawful wedlock according to theritesofourH. Mother ye Catholic Church in presence ofthe under written Witnesses by me F. Blyth. Witnesses, John Welsh, Jeremy Ainsley, Martha Joyce, Lucy Joyce 379. Martij die 30a 1762 Albertus Wilderman ortu Moguntinus, complures tamen annos domicilij potitus in parecia Sti Georgij Martyris intra districtum Westmonasteriensem in Comitatu Middlesexiæ apud Anglos, et Margarita Renberg Viennæ in Austria nata, hic autem tres fermè annos in Parccia St Egidij domicilio usa, innuptusille hæc Puella, præmissisquæ regni leges et S. M. N. Ecclesiæ Cath. jura exigunt, legitimo matrimonio secundum ejusdem S. Ecclesiæ ritus hoccedie altè memorato conjunti fuere coràm infrascriptis p me F. Blyth Testibus Joanne Renberg, Petro Weber, Mary Vandermel. 380. May 13, 1762. David Brian of Dublin in Ireland now ofthe Parish of St Giles Middlesex Batchelor, & Anne Bates ofye same Parish Spinster were join'd in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Rites of our H. M. ye Catholic Church, & the Laws ofthis Realm in the presence of ye underwritten by me F. Blyth Witnesses, Patrick O Brian, Lettice Macdonaugh, Susan Reilly. [128] 381. June ye 14th 1762 George Allen and Jane Garfoot both of Lisbonin Portugal Bachelour & Spinster were Joyned in Lawful martrimony on ye day and year above-mentioned according to ye rites & Ceremonies of our Holy mother ye Catholick Church in ye presence of ye underwritten wittnesses by me Tho. Greswold . James Crabtree, James Coghlan. 382. April 23, 1765. Michel Heart & Ann Altoby were then join'din lawfull Wedlock, according to ye Rites of our H. Mother ye CatholickChurch in ye presence of ye under writtenWitnesses By me M. LemanBrian Connor, Dorothy Connor. 383. Hoje 9 de Maio de 1765 Matteos Gonçalvo da Freguezia

de San Pedro na Ilha Terceira do Dominio de S. M. F. actualmte Morador na Freguesía de Sao Jorge HanoverSquare em Londres et Catarina Bent da mesmaFreguezia ultimamtenomeada, Solteiro Elle, Ella Viuva foram (despoes das Publicaçoes accostumadas) juntos em legitimo Matrimonio conforme aos Ritos e Ceremonias da S. Igreja R. Catolica em presença de Joao Wools, Helena Reeve , e Gulierme Palmer Testemunhas por Mim F. Blyth. [129] 384. Jacobus Dei et S. Sedis Apostolicæ Gratiâ Episcopus Birthanus, et in Parthibus Angliæ Meridionalibus VicariusApostolicus Coadjutor .Omnibus et Singulis, quoruminteresse poterit, notum facimus et testamur Nos Die primo mensis Maij 1727, vigore facultatum Formula (ùt vocant) Secundæ Vicarijs Apostolicis in hoc regno concedi solitarum dispensasse cum Honesto Viro Antonio Josepho Guimaraes (Guimaraens), et Honesta Fæminâ Rosâ Raimundâ Da Sylva Dioecesis et Civitatis Portuensis in regno Lusitaniæ, post Domicilium legale in hoc Districtu acquisitum, in Secundo et Tertio Gradu consanguinitatis ex eodem stipite, eosque sine publicatione Bannorum (qui inter Catholicos in hoc regno publicari vix possunt) mutuum consensum per verba de præsenti declarantes in Matrimonium solemniter conjunxisse, et Missa statim celebratâ, benedictionem nuptialemimpertivisse , cæteraq , omnia juxta Ritum Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ perfecisse coràm infrascriptis testibus. In quorum omnium Fidem hasce Testimoniales Litteras sigillo nostro munitas et manu propria signatas Secretaris etiam nostri Chyrographo muniri fecimus Londini hac die quartâ dicti Mensis Maij Anni MillesimiSeptingentesimi Sexagesimi Septimi (propriâmanu Signabatur) + Jacobus Epus BirthanusV.A.C.

Testes Matrimonio adfuerunt Infrascripti, qui (manu quisque propriâ) signaveruntPetrus Browne Regiæ Capella Sard. Capellanus Major, PhilippusWyndham Sac Missionarius, Mel De Clamouse (Testes adsignabantur suâ quisq, Scriptione)

Locus De Mandato Illmi et Revmi Dñi Mei Dñi Episcopi (Sigilli) Birthani &c (propriâ manu infrà signabat.) Henricus Tichborne Blount Secretarius.

The above is enclosed in a framework of asterisks in red ink.

Proximum latino Sermone conceptum hicque rubros inter Astericos altè exhibitum Exemplar ad apicem concordat cum originalibus hac de re Testimonialibus Literis Illustrissimi ac Reverendissimi Domini, Dñi Birthani Episcopi in hoc Londinensi districtu Vicarij Apostolici Coadjutoris : Quas equidèm literasmeas inter manus aliquandiù habui, easque lectas ac perlectas probè cognovi suis ejusmet clarissimi Prælati consuetis adscriptione atque sigillo esse obsignatas, et ab apostolicis tribus omni fide dignis Viris Petro Browne Philippo Wyndham et Henrico Tichborne Blount propriâ cujusq, scribendi haud mihi ignotâ formâ comprobatas. Idque circo ad perpetuam rei memoriam eas in Memorialem hunc Connubiorum Librum meâ manu retuli, ut

Omnes et Singuli quorum, qua de causa cunq , aliquomodò interfuerit, habeant quo recurrere possint Veritatem indagatum Ità in verbo Sacerdotis testor Londini 16. Maij 1767

F. Blyth

The foregoingdocuments occupyingthe threecompartmentsoriginally numbered 384, 385 and 386, the last two numbers are erased , but the original numbering of the subsequent compartmentsis retained [130] 387. Sept. 7, 1767 James GomezCaravalho (Oak)* Native of Cidadilha in the Territories of O Porto in the Kingdom of Portugal, now Inhabitant of the Parish of St Dunstan's in the West, Batchelor , & Anne Bold of the same Parish Spinster, were this day join'd in lawful Wedlock according to the Laws of our H. Mother ye Catholic Church and those ofthis Realm in presence of the Underwritten by me F. Blyth Witnesses, John Wools , Mary Widdrington. 388. London April 4, 1769 Joseph Cooper (Cowper) of the Parish of St Martin's in the Fields in the County of Middlesex Batchelor, and Mary Amelia Valton of the Parish of St Mary la Bonne in the same County (the Bans being publish) and allthings requisit in Law being then secured were this day joind in lawful Wedlock according to the Rights of our H. M. the Church in Presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me F. Blyth.John Valton, John Poltney, Joseph Philippeville, Kath. Mary Laudes. 389. Londres ce 24me Charles Philippe Albert Lambertde la Paroisse de S. Jaques Westminster dans la Comté de Middlesex Garçon, et Angelique Ursule Navarre de la même paroisse Fille, ayant pris les Licencesordinaires du Païs ont été joints en Marriage selon les rits de notre Ste Mere l'Eglise Catholique Apostolique et Romaine en presence des Temoins cy dessous p moi F. Blyth.- Angelique Charlier (Cottereau), Jean Louis Charlier , Jean Vallier, Antoine Chavalier, Jean Baptiste Francois le Fevre. [131 ] 390. London ye 7th July 1769 James Cosron ofthe Parish of St George Hanover Square in the County of Middlesex Batchelor and Hannah Bagnal of the same Parishhavinga License according to Law and no legitimate Impediment appearing, were this day joind in lawful Wedlockaccording to the Laws of ourholy Mother theChurch in presence oftheunderwrittenWitnes by me F. Blyth Witnesses, Robert Howse, John Wools, Helen Terry391. London the 30th of May 1770 Thomas Challoner of the Parish ofSt James and ElizabethBooth ofthesameParish,having a Licence according to Law, and no impedimentappearing, were this day Joined in lawfull wedlock according to the Laws of our holy Mother the Church in presence ofthe Underwrittenwitnesses by me Wm Garstang Witnesses, Mary Taylor, MaryAnn Taylor 392. Septembris die 17. Anno 1772. Antonius Teixeira Doria Funchalæ Civitatis in Madera insula clarus generecivis, Parociæque cathedrali ibidèm Templo annexæ filius ; et Angelica Ursula

* Indexed in the original as " Carvalho or Oak" Carvalhooak .

Bellew Puella ex Stirpe apud Hybernos perindè clara ortum ducens, Lutetiæ tamen Parisiorum nata intra fines Parcecia nuncupatæ Sancti Nicolai de Cardueli (sivè gallicè du Chardonneret) nec ità pridèm Parocia Sancti Sulpicij in eadem Parisiensi civitate incola; ambo in hac Urbe nunc breve ad tempus habitantes, amboque conjugij expertes (post habitos Patricij Bellew Armigeri Puellæ Patris Consensum et Approbationem , Partesque Contrahentes pro more atque jure interrogatas ) nulloin contrarium detecto impedimento , publicè in Sancto legitimo Matrimonio conjuncti fuêre secundum ritus Sctæ Matris Nostræ romanocatholicæ Ecclesiæ in regio ac legatorio Fidelissimæ Majestatis Sacello Londini extra Occidentalem murumsito, præsentibusinfrà nominandis Testibus Per me F. Blyth Testes autem hujusMatrimonij fuerunt Excellmus D. Franciscus de Mello et Carvalho Fidelissimi Regis apud Britannicum Monarcam Legatus; Joannes de Campos Homem, eidem Exmo Viro Legato a Secretis; èt Birgitta Hussey ex illustri hyberna familia oriunda Puella [132] 393. London ye 8 of July Ignatius BernardPharazya & Mary Catherine Olliviez (Ollivier) Both of the Parish of St George Hannover Squarewerejoind in lawful wedlock byme Tho. Edney. Witnesses, Jacques Gelle, Jean Collin 394. London july ye 19 , 1777 florus Raijé natif of Brusselles & francis hussy ofthe parish of S. George han. Squarewere joind in lawfullwedlock having a licence according to Law by meWm Firth Witnesses, Louis Charlier & Charles Lambert 395. Aprilis 6, 1779. Nullo detecto impedimento in matrimonium conjucti fuere D: Josephus March et D: Maria Anna Grean psentibus notis Testibus D: Manuel Rodriguez de Lima , D: Anna da Silva cum aliis p me Gerardus Robinson . [133] 396. October 16 , 1779. William Aquiton [? Aguiton] of the parish of Allsworth London Batchelor, & Benedicta Franzeri (Franzori) Widow, whose maiden name was Benedicta Garitta, of Turin, were Join'd in Lawful matrimonyon theday & year above , according to the rites & ceremonies of our holy M. the Catholic Church in the presence ofthe underwritten Witnesses byme Robt Chapman.George Wylde, Catherine Walkinshaw

397. London June 10, 1781. John Baptist Billard of the parish of St George the Martyr, Native of Champagnein France Parish of St Brice de Gilley, diocese of Langres; & Anastasia Brooks of the parish of St Martin in the Fields Spinster were Joind in Lawful matrimony according to the Rites & ceremonies of our holy M: theCatholickChurch, in the presenceofthe underwritten Witnesses by me Robt Chapman.Gabriel La Roche, Mary Brooks .

398. November the 13th 1784. Nicolas Mesureur of french extraction now residing in the parish of st George & Dorothy Coe of the aforesaid Parish were Joined in Lawful Matrimony according to the rites & ceremonies of our holy Mother theChurch, in presence of the witnesses underwritten, by me Wm Pilling.- Francis Bague [? Bagne] & John Dulot.

[134] 399. November the 9th 1786. Christian Schualer of the Parish of St AndrewMiddlisex, and Native ofTyrole in Germany, and Ann Brodt [Native erased] of the Same Parish, and native of Wirtzburg in Germany ; wereJoined in lawful Matrimony, according to the rights of our holy Mother the Catholick Church: in presence of George Wylde & N- By me Bon: Killdea on the above 9th Day of Nov 1786.

400. Juin le 23, 1791 fut Mariè Monsieur le Chevalier Cyprien (Joseph) Ribeira De Freira Chargé des affaires de Sa Majesté Très Fidele auprés de Sa Majesté Britanniqueet MinistreResident aux Etats Unis de L'Amerique &c &c &c avec Made Agnesse Françoise Lockyer Vouve, Selon le Rit de la Ste Eglise Catholique En presence de Nous Le Marquis del Campos , GeorgeWylde par moi C. Stevens premier Chapelain dans la Chapelle de Portugal a Londres.

401. April 30th 1795. Joseph Ribeira, & Catherine Victoria Falbaire, both of the kingdomof Portugal, were joined in lawful wedlock according to the rites & ceremonies of the holy R. [Cha erased] Catholic Church in presence of the witnesses underwritten By me J. Smyth Witnesse, Mary Imláz, Joseph De Kezean , John Lucena [135] 402. August ye 13th 1795. Alexandre Francois de Blay Esq' Bachelor of the Parish of St Mary, Lambethin theCountyof Surrey; and Marie Susanne Coulbaut ofthe said Parishand County Spinster, were joyned in lawful marriage on the day and year above, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of our holy Mother theCatholicChurch, in the presence ofJ: B : P: F : Desachy Chevr de StAurin, N. C. Küi, prêtre, by me Charles Belasyse 403. 23Nov 1793. Egoinfra Scriptus nuptiasbenedixi, Juxta ritum S. R. Catholicæ ecclesiæ, nobilis Dni Christophori Lud: amabilisde Beaumont, filii Christophori Ludov: Amabilis Vicecomitis de Beaumont &c &c & nobilis Dnæ Mariæ de Caylus uxoris ejus, cum Julia Amanda de precorbin de foulongne filiæ Rènè de foulongne Equitis de precorbin & nobilis Dnæ Germanæ Maria Joannæ de Boully uxoris ejus, Gulielmus Pilling Henry Fred: Dupan, Robt. Dennison, Silvin de precorbin foulongne testes erant

404. [Blank .] [136] 405. L'An Mil Sept cent quatre vingt dix Sept, le vingt Sept Novembre, Je Soussigne Jean de Dieu, Raymond De Boisgelin, Archeveque d'Aix, Resident a Londres depuis la troisieme Année de la Revolution Françoise, en vertue des dispences de la publication des trois Bans de Mariage, et en vertue de pouvoirs de Mgr Douglas Evêque de Centurie, Vicaire Apostolique du District de Londres, aprés Nous etre assurè qu'il n'y a ni Empechement ni opposition aud. Mariage J'ai reçû dans la Chapelle Catholique de la Legation de Portugal South Street Grosvenor Square a Londres le consentement mutuel du Mariage de Trés haut et très puissant [a word obliterated] Seigneur Monseigneur Amedée Bretagne, Malo De Durfort Marquis de Duras , Premier

Gentilhome de la Chambre de Sa Majestée Très Chretienne , Fils Majeur Né a Paris Paroisse St Sulpice, du Legitime Mariage du Très Haut et Très puissant Seigneur Monseigneur Emmanuel , Celeste, Augustin Du Durfort Duc de Duras Pair de France, et de Haute et puissante Dame Louise, Henriette, Philippine de Noailles, Dame du Palais des feu Reines de France, Duchesse de Duras son Epouse, et de Demoiselle Claire, Louise, Rose, Bonne, Guy de Coetnempin de Kersaint Fille Mineur, Née a Brest , Paroisse St Louis, du legitime Mariage de feu Très Haut et très puissant Seigneur Armand, Guy, Simon de Coetnemprin de Kersaint, Chefde Division de la Marine Royale de France, et de haute et puissante Dame, Madame Claire, Louise, Françoise de Paul d'Alesso d'Aragny Son Epouse, et leur ai donnée la Benediction Nuptiale avec les ceremonies prescrites par la Sainte Eglise Catholique, Apostolique et Romaine et du consentement des Pere et Mere des Parties , le Pere de l'Epoux present, ainsi que la Mere Tutrice de l'Epouse , et aussi en presence de Temoins cy dessous nommés, trés Haut et trés puissant Seigneur Monseigneur

Louis Philippe Marc Antoine De Mouiller, Prince de Poix, Grand d'Espagne de la premiere Class, Ancien Capitaine des Garde du Corps de Sa Majesté Louis Seise, On[c]le Maternel de [137] l'Epoux, très haut et Très puissant Seigneur Monseigneur

Comte Etienne Narcisz de Durfort Officier General au Service du Roy de France, d'Illustrissime et Reverendissime Seigneur

Monseigneur PhilippeFrancois D'Albignac Eveque d'Angouleme et du Colonel Edward Dillon lesquels ont Signé avec Nous le dit Acte de Celebration de Mariage, ainsi que les Parties contractantes et les Parents et Amis

Amedée Bretagne Malo de Durfort Marquis de Duras

Claire louise rose bonne Guy de K'saint De Duras

Emmanuel Celeste Augustin de Durfort Duc de Duras

Claire Louise Francoise de paul Dalesso de Kersaint

L. P. M. A. de Noailles Prince de Poix

+ ph. fr. D'albignac evêque D Angouleme

Etienne , Narcisse, Vte de Durfort

Edwd Dillon

Le mis de Crenolle (? marquis)


Le Cte De Botherel

Dalegni Deumy [?]

+ j r . De Boisgelin arch d'aix.

The foregoing entry occupies the compartmentsnumbered 405 to 409

410. 26th ofApril 1798. were Joined in lawful wedlockaccordingto the rites of the Catholic Church, Pierre Antoine Postel, (son of Pierre Postel and of Mary Marguerite Samptois his wife) and Caroline Schomberg (the daughter of FerdinandSchomberg and of Adrienne Gigot his wife) both of the Parish of Marybonne in the presence of Adrienne Schomberg, and of Mary Ann Stollemberck, by Charles Belasyse.

[138] 411. Extrait d'un Acte de Mariage.Aujourdhuy trente Avril 1798 en la maison de Mr Le Vicomte de Walsh Serrant rue Dorset quartier de Manchester dans la ville de Londres, Nous Pierre Augustin Godart de Belbeuf Eveque d'Avranches province de Normandie au Royaume de France avons procedé apréstoutes dispenses necessaires obtenues ainsi que le Consentement de Parents respectifs aux fiancailles et de suite a la Celebration du Mariage de haut et Puissant Seigneur Louis JosephAmour Comte de Bouilléfils dehaut et puissant Francois Claude Amour [Comte erased] Marquis de Bouillé[t erased] et de haute et Puissante Dame Marie Louise Guillemette de Begue Marquise de Bouillé ses Pere et Mere d'une part, et d'autre part de Demoiselle Anne Marie Robertine Walshfille mineure de haut et Puissant SeigneurCharles Joseph Augustin Vicomte de Walsh Serrant et de haute et puissante Dame Anne Margueritte Julie Felicité de Lugé Vicomtesse de Walsh Serrant ses Pere et Mere presents; haute et puissante

Dame Anne perrine Chevalier Baronne de Lugé grande Mere de la dite demoiselle aussi presente, et en presencede haut et Puissant Seigneur Jean Georges Comte de Boron de Perigord, de Messire [d' erased] D'Outremont Conseiller de Grande Chambre au Parlement de Paris, de haut et Puissant Seigneur Antoine Comte D'Autichamp et de haut et Puissant Seigneur Comte de Cumont Temoins lesquels ont signé avec Nous le present Acte le jour et An que dessusSuivent les Signatures

Le Cte de Cumont

Cte Boron de Perigord

le Cte D'Autichamp x P: A: ev: d'Avranches D'outremont

Je Sousigné atteste que Cette Copie a eté faite par Moi , Sur l'original de l'Acte, et lui est Conforme

Ce 24 de Mai 1798

Ch: Belasyse.

The foregoing entry occupies the compartments originally numbered 411 to 413. [139] 414. 9 of July 1799. Were joined in wedlockaccording to the rites of the Catholic Church Francis Vicira a native of Portugal & Mary Fabbri Widow a native of Italy, both residing in the Parish of Fulhamin the Presence of Francis Bartolozzi& John Leaton, by W. V. Fryer.-Francis Bartolozzi , John Leaton.

415. July 29, 1799. Were joined in wedlock according to the rites of the Catholic Church Christian Lepri a native of Italy; & MarthaAdulphan Englishwoman, in presence of the witness under mentioned. By me Jno Smyth Witnesses, JosephAnthony de Valle, Sarah Marshall .

416. June 7th 1800. Were joined in wedlock according tothe rites of the Catholic Church Francis Menetrie a native of France , & MargarettCooper a native of England, both of the parish of S. George Hannover Square By me Jno Smyth Witnesses, Edward Richardson, Martha Richardson, Charles Florés. [140] 417. October 13 , 1800. Were joinedin Wedlockaccording to the rite of the Catholic Church James Tucker& Ann Leather ,

in presenceofElizabethTutle & Mary Cuerden, BymeJ. Smyth. Witnessess, Elizab Tutle, Mary Cuerden.

418. [July 7th erased] Die 7mo Julii 1799 Nullo detecto impedimento, [in Matrimonium conjuncti fuere altered to] Matrimonio conjunxi Augustum Molloy et Sophia Innols testibus Revdo Carolo Fryer et Revdo Laurentio Gaté [a word erased] Gulmus Victor Fryer.

419. February 13th 1802. Were joined in the bonds ofholy Matrimony John Whitach (Whitall) & Mary Hawks, in presence of Joseph Thomas, By me J. Smyth [141] 420. Die octavo Febri anni 1802. Nullo detecto impedimento, matrimonio conjunxi Johannen Vandermini et Luciam Faria, testibus presentibus, Francisco Bartalozzi et [blank] Gulielmus Victor Fryer.

421. Feby 17 , 1802 were joined in Matrimony according to the Rites of the Catholic Church Mr Anthony Marcelis & Miss Catherine Day, in presence of James Day and Dorothy Gerrard , by me W. V. Fryer.

422. June 21, 1802 were joined in Matrimony according to the Rites of the CatholicChurch John Rivoti and Maria Beyer in presence of His Excellency D. Lourenço de Lima Ambassador from the Court of Portugal & of Mr Ferdinand Anthony Alvares Seccretary of the Legation by me W. V. Fryer.

[142] 423. September 14th 1802. Were joined in the bands of holy Matrimony according to the rites of the Catholic Church , Henry de Beaufore & Rosalina Archdeacon By me John Smyth. Witnesses, Yriex De Lagonedie, R. H. Lady Elizabeth Burrel Baroness , Willoughby Eernest

424. November 25th 1802. Were joined in Matrimony according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Angel Della-Maggiore, & [Cath erased] ChristianMail in presence of Donald Fernandet , & Sarah Fernandet By me J. Smyth

425. Jany 31, 1803. Were joined in Matrimony according to the Rites of the Catholic Church, Richard Barber & Charlotte Jones, By me W. V. Fryer Witnesses, William Purcell Chapn, George Wilde Sacristan [143] 426. July [blank] 1803. Were joinedin Matrimonyaccording to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church, John Saul, of Kingston upon Hull, & Mary Day of the Parish of St Martin in the Fields, present as Witnesses, Anty Marcelis, A. Le Clerc, by W. V. Fryer.

427. Jany 9th 1804. Were joined in wedloc according to the rights of the Holy Catholic Church John Frost Russell (John Forest Russel) and Marie Jacqueline Elenore Bouclet (Baucklet) bothof Londonpresent as witnesses, the persons signing belowby W. V. Fryer . Francis Barbot, Geo: Wylde.

428. April 14, 1804. Were joined in wedlockaccording to the rights of the Holy Catholic Church Michael Murphy& Harriot Watson both of London, present as Witnessess George Wilde &

Anastasia Watson, by W. V. Fryer.Geo: Wylde, Anastatia Watson.

[144] 429. April 27, 1804. Were joined in the holy bonds of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church Anthony Mayer, & Sarah Harbert, both of London By J. Smyth. Witness, Joseph Thomas 430. August 20th 1804. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church Henry Knight & Mary Barns, Both of Devon, By me J. Smyth. Witnesses, John Parvin Juor , Elisa Knight 431. Nov. 21 , 1804 were joined in Matrimony according to the Rites ofthe holy Catholic Church His Exy Count St Martin de Front Envoy Extraordinary & Minister plenipotentiary of His Sardinian Majestytothis Court, & Dame MaryWinefrid Fletewood relict of Sr Thomas Fletewood Bt by W. V. Fryer Witnesses , Chevr d'Aglie Counsellor of the Sardinian Legation, Revd Mr Underhill Chaplain of the Sardinian Chapel.

[145] 432. July 3d 1805. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rite of the holy Catholic Church Henry Donovan (Donnovan) and Catharine Greeney both of St James Parish in London, By Austin Smith Witness, Timothy Horan, Patrick Donoughe. 433. Jany 13th 1806. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimony according to the Rite of the Holy Catholic Church Austin Burke and Mary Gilman both of St Georges Parish, Hanover [Square] By Austin Smith Witness, Esther Morgan, Mary Delmar

434. April 18, 1806. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimony according to the Rites of the holy Catholic Church Francis Dillon, & Ann Callandar of this Parish, By me John Smyth Witnesses, Revd John Baptist Melcheor Raquin, Ann Dillon Martenville.

[146] 435. April 13, 1806. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church , Richard Stringfellow , & Elazabeth Swaine By me John Smyth. Witnesses, Revd Lewis William De Chambourg, Sarah Barnes. 436. June 23d 1806. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy CatholicChurch, Thomas Parry Esq & Elizabeth Berrington By me J. Smyth Witnesses, Thomas Berrington Esq" , Francis Archdekin. 437. August 23d 1806. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church , John Bryden, & ElizabethSmalwood, By meJ.Smyth Witnesses , Thomas Smalwood, Briget Smalwood.

[147] 438. Feby 2d 1807. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church Chevalier [Raymundo erased] Casimir Raymundo Corbara of the Island of Corsica and Sophia Parkyns of the City of Londonby meAustin Smith Present as Witnesses, MaryMcMahon& Esther Morgan.

439. Feby 3, 1807. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimony according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church Moses White & EleanorRabbits, ofthisCityby me W. V. Fryer Present, P. C. Herisson.

440. February 9, 1807. Were joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony according to the Rites of the holy Catholic Church Thomas Lee Esq" and Miss Helen O Grady of the City of Westminster by me Wm Garstang Present, Lord Viscount Harberton of 14 [? 12 ,] Albemarle Street, James Sumner . [148] 441. Feby 10, 1807. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony John Parvin of SouthMolton St and ElisabethBiddle of Kensingtonin the presence of the underwritten witnesses by me W. V. Fryer.Rd P. Herrison, Frances Osborne .

442. April 6th 1807. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Jacob Dill of St James's Westminster and Desirée Monica Buhot of the same Parish in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses by me Austin Smith .Rd Nicolas Raquim, Rd P. Harrisson

443. febry 9th 1807. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony piter Guillet and Mary Jones both of mary le bone parish in thepresenceoftheunderwrittenWitnesses by meWmGarstang. -francois Joseph Greffin, Jean Gros, Nicolas Jacquin Ptre, Elizabeth Guillet.

[149] 444. July 22, 1807. Were joined intheholy bands ofMatrimony Robert François Blouin Duval and Ann Bevan bothofthe Parish of St James in the Presence of the Underwritten Witnesses by me William Garstang.Mre Louis Nicolas hochereau De Gassonville, Mde Louise Carpon femme Diot [perhaps Diol]

445. Sep. 10th 1807. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Peter Ayres [and Joanna erased] of Lundy Island& Joanna Lee of the Parish of St Martins London, in the presence of the underwritten Witnesses, by me Austin Smith .James Read, Patrick OBrien , Margaret ŎBrien.

446. Sepr 25th 1808. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimonyAndrewKennedy and Ellen Kennedy, both of Marylebonne Parish, according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church by me Austin Smith Witnesses, Laurence Kilfoy, Margaret Fitzpatrick, Michael Kennedy.

[150] 447. Sepr 26th 1808. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Patrick Sheey and Sarah Kelly both of Marylebonne, according to the [Rights erased] Rites of the Holy Catholic Church , by me Austin Smith.--Witnesses, Rd P. Herrison, John O Neil

448. Feby 4th 1809. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimony Charles Manuel Allen & Ann Gregory, both of the Parish of Si Giles, according to the Rites of the Holy CatholicChurch by me W. V. Fryer. Witnesses, Ansélmo Jozé Victôr de Mello, Revd Edward Norris

449. Feby 12, 1809. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrianony Dennis Connor & MaryWilsonbothofthe Parish ofSouthall

according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church by me Ja Sumner Witnesses, Martin Lima, Edward MacKnight. [151] 450. April 23d 1809. Were joined in the holy [bonds altered to] bands of Matrimony Robert Smethson (Smithson) and Jane Harrington, according to the rites ofthe holy Catholic Church byme Jas Sumner Witnesses, Sarah Delahay, JohnMacknight. 451. April 24, 1809. Were joined in the Holy bands ofMatrimony George Green & Maria Francisca Cecilia Prigent, according to the Rites of the holy Catholic Church by me W. V. Fryer. Witnesses, L. Pericaud Vic gen., Alliosne 452. June 1st 1809. Were joined in the Holy bands of Matrimony David [Russel & erased] Purcell & Mary Russel according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church by me Austin Smith . Witnesses , Jeremiah Keeff, Ellen Keeff. [152] 453. August 5th 1809. Were joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony Joseph Bapēt [? Baptiste] Berthenelle and Alice Chevalier according to the Rites of the Holy CatholicChurch in the presence of the Revd P. Herrisson and Bernard Collier by Austin Smith 454. Sept. 12, 1809. Were joinedin the holy Bands ofMatrimony RichardPark and Dorothy Helman according to the Rites of the holy Catholic Church in the presence of ChristianDeprez and of Ann Deprez. by me Wm Garstang. 455. Thisisto certify, that in virtue of a dispensation obtained on the 18 day of August 1809 from the Rt Revd John Douglass Bishop of Centurie and Vicar Apostolic of the LondonDistrict, and by virtue of the authority given by him at the sametimeto the Revd James Yorke Bramston to join in wedlock the Commander Anselm Joseph Braamcamp d'Almeida Castelbranco and Dona Maria Ignacia Braamcamp, they being first Cousins , the said persons were accordinglyjoined by him in wedlockin the Catholic Chapel situatein the London road Saint George's Fields [153] in the County of Surry on the 21st day of August 1809 : and whereasthe Parties havingexpressedtheir desireto have the aforesaid marriage inserted in the Register of Marriages belonging to this Chapel, and having for that purpose laid before me the original dispensation of the Bishop of Centuria and the powers given by him to the Revd James YorkeBramston& thecertificate of the said James Yorke Bramston that he had joinedin Wedlock the said Persons ; I, assuredofthe truth ofall from thesaid papers and otherwise, insert the aforesaid Marriage in this Register: and I do therefore declare that on the Twenty first of August one thousand eight hundred and nine werejoinedin wedlock according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church the Commander Anselm Joseph Braamcamp d'Almeida Castelbranco and Dona Maria Ignacia Braamcamp, by the Revd James Yorke BramstonApostolic Missioner In testimony of which I have inserted it in this Register. W. V.Fryer. Witnessespresent atthe Marriage, 1. I.F. Braamcamp AlmeidaCastel Branco 2. Antonio Lopes da Cunha 3. M. C. Braamcamp de Castro.

The foregoing entry occupies the compartmentsnumbered 455 to 457 .

458. October 15th 1809. Were joined in the holy Bandsof Matrimony Jonadab William Hunt of the Parish of St Ann's Blackfriars & ElizabethEllen Brown of the Parish of St Pancras, according to the Rites of the Holy Catholick Church, in the presence of Rolland Blount, Elizabeth Parry Blount & Mary Reddington, by me Austin Smith [154] 459. [No date] Were joined in the holy Bands of MatrimonyHughMcMahon &Allice McQue[or perhapsMcTue), according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church, in the presenceof Bernard Collier & Catharine Harding by Austin Smith

460. March 5th 1810. Werejoinedin the holy bands of MatrimonyGesualdoLanza of the Parish of St Giles & Maria AnnaPio ofthe parishof Mary le bonne according to the rites ofthe Holy Catholic Church by me W. V. Fryer, First Chaplain. Present, Antonio Albi, Luisa Pio, Biagio Pio.

461. March ye 5th 1810. Were joined in the holy bands of matrimony John Derrinnic & Mary Catton The former of the Parish of St George & the latter of St James according to the rites of the Holy Catholic Church by me DanielGaffey. Present , N. Jacquin, John Catton [155] 462. March 4th 1810. Were joined in the holy bands of matrimony Henry Clarke & Mary Crase the formeroftheparish of Bermondsy, the latter of S. Mary Le Bonne, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, by me J. Smyth Present , George Clarke, Sarah Clarke 463. May 1st 1810. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony James Henley & Bridget Purcell, both of the Parish of St Giles, according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church, by Austin Smith. Present, William Maher, Margaret Hogan. 464. September 18, 1810. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony John Jeffrey & Christiana Leybourn according to the rites of holy Catholic Church, By me J. Smyth [156] 465. September 29th 1810. Were joined in theholybands of Matrimony John Raphael, born in the British dominions Madras, & Mary Calvert of Manchester in Lancashire according to the rites ofthe holy Catholic Church, By me J. Smyth. Present , Alexander Raphael, Revd David Germag, Elizabeth Colegrave. 466. Januaryye 7th 1811. Were joined in the Holybands of matrimony Felix Barbet and Sophia Vinn Both of the parish of Mary le bone county of Middlesex According to the rites ofthe Holy Catholic Church, byme DanielGaffey Present, N. Jacquin, C. quilliet.

467. Feby 12th 1811. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimony Patrick Mahony & Helen O'Leary both of the Parishof Mary le bone County of Middlesex according to the rights ofthe Holy Catholic Church by Dan¹ McDonnell Present, John Kennedy, David Leicet [157] 468. June 19th 1811, Were joined in the holy Bandsof

Matrimony [William L erased] John Little of the Parish of St Pancrasto ElizabethHaskey ofSt Margarets Westminster , according [to] the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church, In the presence of Thomas Haskey, Grace Bullock, by Austin Smith. 469. January 23d 1812. Were joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony William Winter, & Mary Durant bothe of the Parish of S. Mary le Bonny, according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church, In the presence of William Winter, Mary Booker, By me J. Smyth

470. Die 2da Aprilis 1812. Conjunxi in Matrimoniosecundum ritum Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Dionysium (Dionysio) Joseph Barboza (Barbosa) & Quiteriam Rita, natione Lusitanos presentibus Richardo [Allan altered to] Allen et Dna Franciscâ Elisabeth Sampais Gulielmus Victor Fryer [158] 471. November 3d 1812. Were joinedin theholy bandsof Matrimony GeorgeGrayson, & Catherine Pollard, of the Parish of St George Hannover square in the county of Middlesex, according to the rites of our holy Mother the catholic Church By me J. Smyth Present, John Lock, Phyllis Flatt, Ann Pellam 472. July 3d 1813. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church Owen Longstalf& Lucy Ullathorn both of the parish of S. Giles in the fields, By me J. Smyth. Present, J. Wiseral , J. Ullaethorn 473. February 21, 1814. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church, James Clark, & Ann Pain By me J. Smyth Witness, Joseph Thomas. [159] 474. May 6, 1815. Were joinedin the holy bands ofMatrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church Barnard Mège, & Charlotte Simmons, By me J. Smyth Present, Bonnelli Esq

475. Jary30th 1816. Were Joined in the holy bandsofMatrimony according to the rites of the holy catholic church Richard Nagle and Mary Ann o farrel, of St Mary le bone parish and the other of St Pancras parish By me Nas Jacquin. Present , Mr ofarrel and Miss ofarrel 476. June 12th 1816. were Joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy catholic church João Xavier Gouvea of the parish of St pancras and Maria Antonia Rodriguès of the parishof St Mary le bone: By me Nas Jacquin Present, the revd John Gourdin and Sarah Rose [160] 477. June 15, 1816. Were joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony according to [the] rites of the holy Cath Roman & Apostolic Church Francise Romano of the Kingdom of Naples, & MaryAnn Perico of S. Georges parish London BymJ. Smyth. Witnesses, Fracis Perico, B. Rook, Francis Archdeken. 478. August 1813 Were joinedintheholy bandsof Matrimony Jozé da Silva Arêas Esq attached to the Portuguese Embassy, & Dona Antonia Hermenegilda de Almeida according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church, by me W. V. Fryer Witnesses,

Dactor Bernardo Je de Abrantese Castro, Dona Ignez de Castro , Dactor Antonio d'Almeida

479. 8ber 21st 1816. were Joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy catholic apostolic and roman church, Joseph Ward and Ann Redwood bothofthe parish of Ste Mary le bone London, By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , Mr John Adenstedt, Mrs ann Adenstedt, Mr Charles ward.

[161] 480. 8ber 21st 1816. were Joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy catholic apostolic and roman church, Charles Ward and Constantia Gwillym Both of the parish of St Mary le bone London : By me Nas Jacquin. Witnesses, Mr Joseph Ward, Mr John Adenstedt, Mrs Ann Adenstedt

481. Novber 22d 1816. were Joined in the holy bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy Catholicapostolic and Roman church Henry [Swinborne altered to] Swinburne Minasi, and Elizabeth Williams Both of the parishof St George London : By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Mr Charles Guichard, Miss Eliza Miller, Miss Giannetta Church.

482. fary 8th 1817. were Joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony according to the rites of the holy catholic , apostolic and roman church, John Ailesbury of the parish of Hampton, and RebeccaGarderner of the parish of St George Midlessex, London: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, thomas Walmesley, John Varley, margaret thompson, Mary Garderner.

[162] 483. April 8th 1817 were joined in the Holy bands of Matrimony Henry Bays of Sandwich in Kent & Maria da Purificação Alvis of Lisbon in Portugal according to the Rites ofthe Holy Catholic Church, by me W. V. Fryer, Chaplain to the Portuguese Embassy at the Court of London . Witnesses, Nas Jacquin, Jams Sth O'Grady

484. June 2d 1817. were Joined in the Holy bands of Matrimony Cyprian John Lima and Sarah Fagg both EnglishSubjects of the parishof St Martin in the fields, according to the Ritesof the Holy Catholic Church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Richard Chiveley, Helena Beavan.

485. October 4th 1817. were Joined in the Holy bands of Matrimony John Green and isabella Collins both EnglishSubjects ofthe parishof St George HanoverSqr London, according tothe Rites of the Holy Catholic Church: By me NasJacquin. Witnesses , Edeward Molloy, Mary Molloy, Margaret Molloy. [163] 486. January 12th 1818. were Joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony Jean Amand Marie Marcel Delecouts De Levizac and petronille Emilie Lefebure Both of the parish of St Martin in the fields: according to the rites of the Holy catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Wes, Mademoiselle Henriette le febure, Mademoiselle francoise Quenedey.

487. February 3: 1818. Were joined in the holy band of matrimoneyJames Kelly (Relly) & MaryParker, bothofthe parish of St James' Westminster , according to the rites of the Holy

Catholic Church by me Jno Jones. Catharine Elton.

Witnesses, Ed Murphy , 488. April 9, 1818. April 9 , 1818. Were joinedintheholyband of Matrimony Robert Jones & Mary Watts of London according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church, W. V. Fryer . Thos Ward, ElizabethCrommie [164] 489. octber 26th 1818. were Joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony thomas welsh and MaryBoyle Both ofthe parishofSt George London, according to the Rites of the Holy catholic churchBy me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Bryan Lavin, SalyBoyle.

490. fary 8th . 1819. were Joined in the Holy Bands ofMatrimony françois Nicolas Joseph De Thier and Lowisa Emanuel Triaud Both of the parish of St George Londonaccording to the rites ofthe Holy catholicchurchBy me Nas Jacquin. Witnesses , Louis Triaud and Margaret his wife, Joseph Lamoureux , Marie tousaint Victor Dethier.

491. fary 15th 1819. were Joined in the HolyBands ofMatrimony Michael Kelley and Ann [C erased] Karney Both of the parish of St George London according to the rites of the Holy Catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Jemy Meehon , Michael Conkalling, Mr Auguste Bard, Mrs nancy Varley. [165] 492. June 12th 1819. were Joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony Samuel Green and Ann Roger Both of the parish of St George London, according to the rites of the Holy Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin. Witnesses, George Winter, Sarah Persy.

493. August 17, 1819. Were joined in the Holy band of Matrimony George Holyoak & Hannah Allcock (Allcocks) Both of the Parish of St George's Hanover Square, according to the rites of the Holy Catholic Church by me W.V. Fryer Witnesses , Revd P. Herrison , Francis Novello

494. October the 14, 1819. Were joined in the holy band of Matrimony Peter pillion [?] (Grillion) of the Parish of St George Hanover Square and Christiana Read of the Parish of Firle of Sussex according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church byme Wm Morris. Witnesses, G. Campbell, John Francis, J. Crouzet, Grace Campbell. [166] 495. Aôut le 22, 1818. Ont été Joints dans les liens Sacrès du Mariage Selon les Ceremoniesde notre mere Ste Eglise Catholique apostolique et romaine françois casimire Carbonnier demeurant Sur la paroissede St martin des champs et AntoinetteColina Dussard demeurante Sur la paroisse de St Maryle bone a londres: en presence de Josephine Dussard, le general le chevalier victor Amigot, Benois Dufourcq, Jean De Capiet, coesar Moreau, temoins , par moy Nas Jacquin.

496. 7ber 28th 1818. were joined in the holy Band ofMatrimonywilliam Mogrel and [Honour altered to] Anna (Honour) Lee of London; according to the rites of the holy Catholickchurch: By me Nas Jacquin Wites, Michael Gyford, Martin Glynn,Mary Mitchel, Mary Gyford.

497. 15 August 1818. Were joinedin the Holy BandofMatrimony Thomas Joseph Duarte (Dwarte), a Portuguese by Nation & Frances Jane Brand of London according to the Rites of the Holy Catholic Church, Edward Norris Chap Witnesses, [Ellex™ altered to]Alex Brand, [hoze altered to] Joze Xavier Basto, Thomas Middlemish, John Alex. Brand [167] 498. December the 9th 1819. were Joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony Louis Nocé and Maria [Barsaudi altered to] Barsauti Both Italian and resident within the parishof St George London ; according to the rites of the Holy Catholick church: By me Nas Jacquin Witt , philipe de Varini, John Carroll.

499. December 21st 1819. were Joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony alexandre françois peyre and Mary Elizabeth Ayton Both ofSt Bride's parishcity: According totherites oftheHoly Catholickchurch, By me Nas Jacquin . Wittnesses, Robert Harrison, Mr Dethier, Jane Harrison, Ann Goodson.

500. february 12 , 1820. were Joined in the Holy Band of matrimony August Benjamin Jerome Loriot of the parish of St Ann, and MathildafairBairn (Fairbairn) ofthe parishof St Mary le Bone according to the rites of the Holy catholick church: By me Nas Jacquin Wittnesses, august Loriot, James Horwood, Mary Horwood [168] 501. May 31st 1820. were Joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony Mathew Rilley and Catharine charless of the parish of St George, according to the rites of the Holy Catholickchurch By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Patrick Delany, Catharine Rilley

502. July 25th 1820. wereJoined in the HolyBand of Matrimony françois Joseph Ros of the parish of St Martin in the fields, and Ann thorold of the Same parish according [to] the rites of theHolyCatholickchurch: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Joseph formage the revd, John Carroll

503. September the 13th1820. Were joined in the Holyband of Matrimony, James McClinn & Jesse Dawson, both of Chelsea Parish, according to the rites of the Holy Catholic Church By me Wm Morris Witnesses, Miss Dawson, Mr McDonald. [169] 504. September the 30th 1820 werejoinedintheholyband of Matrimony Francis Joseph Rebello de Andrade a native of Portugal, & of Maria Catharine Conception Gavaron a native of Gibraltar according to the Rites of [byme erased] ye Holy Catholic Church by me W. V. Fryer Witnesses, Illmo Sñr Rafael da Cruz Guerreiro & Madame Guerreiro his wife, Theodore Gavaron, Maria Gavaron

505. October 2d 1820. were joinedin the holy Band ofmatrimony Richard Lengaston and Mary Bickmore Both of St George's parish London, according to the rites of the holy Catholic church

By me NasJacquin Wit: Helen Bates, Robert Wm Clarke, John Carroll.

506. October 8th 1820. were Joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony HenryLévêqueofthe parishof St Martin inthefields , and Lucyfarquharofthe parish ofSt maryKensington ; according

to the rites of the Holy Catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin. Wittnesses, John Vendramini , Caroline Vendramini , Mary farquhar. [170] 507. Die 5to Januarii Anni 1821 Conjunxi in Matrimonio secundum ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Franciscum Cardozo Pereira Pinto Taveira natione Lusitanum et Antoinettam Susannam Carolinam de Thierry Viduam Vicecomitis de Frotté, Gulielmus Victor Fryer. Testibus Presentibus D. Roze Luiz de Souza , Rafael da Cruz Guerreiro.

508. January 12th 1821. were joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony Robert Helling and Elizabeth Mew both residing in the parish of St George Hanover [Square] London, according to the rites of the holy catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , Mr John Joseph Green , Mrs Isabella Green.

509. January 22d 1821. were Joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony Benjamin Howses and Helena Walch both residingin the parish of St Mary le bone London, according to the rites of the Holy catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , the revd Joseph formage, Jane Bambury, John Bambury. [171] 510. May the 7th 1821. Were joined in the holy band of Matrimony Alphonsus Delaunay native of Paris and [Em erased] Aimé Blondet native of Geneva nowresiding in London, according to the Rites of our Holy Mother the Church by me W. V. Fryer. Witnesses, Abram Maurice, Soriny [?] Blondet. 511. May the 9th 1821. Were joined in the holy band of Matrimony John Hayes and Mary West both Residing in the Parish of St Luke Chelsea According to the Rites of our Holy Motherthe Church by me Wm Morris Witnesses, John Connor , John Carroll 512. June the 4th 1821. Were joined in the holy band of Matrimony James Shuttleworth & Mary Theresa Kimbel both residing in the Parish of St John Hampstead according to the rites of our Holy Motherthe Church byme Wm Morris. Witnesses , Lucy Millward, Daniel Keane . [172] 513. June the 3d 1821. were Joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony EdwardSavelleand Stephani Le Brim (Le Brun) both of the parish of St George London according to the rites of our holy motherthe church : By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, william Rutherford, Rosana Bushby, Helena Sordpoil 514. augst 29th 1821. were Joined in the Holy Bands of matrimony Edmond Dyball and Mary MathildaWilliams both of the parishof St George London , according to the ritesofour Holy mother the catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , Mr John Adenstedst, Mrs ann Adenstedst, Mrs Edwards. 515. 7ber 8th 1821. were Joined in the Holy Bandof Matrimony Charles Hennessey and Ellen Ryan both ofthe parishofSt Mary Le bone London according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Catherine Kellard , Michael Dunn. [173] 516. 7ber 25th 1821. were joined in the Holy Band of


Matrimony peter Gautillon and hannah Tompson Both of the parish of St Luc London : according to the rites of the Catholic church : By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, francis Tompson, william Tompson, Mary Sweet. "

517. October the 29, 1821. Were joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony Francis Staples & Elzabeth Jenkins both of the Parish of St Mary le Bone London according to the rites of the Catholic Church by me Wm Morris. Witnesses, [Charles Bray erased] John Bray, Eleanor Norman, Lucretia Lovelace 518. Novber 12th 1821. were Joined in the holy band of matrimony Joseph Burtt Pearce and Angela Lameda Pillon Gordon both of the parish of St margaret westminster , according to the rites of the Catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin. Witnesses , William Wilbert Darting, Thomas Hereman [174] 519. November the 28th 1821. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Martin Devine & Margaret Harann both of the parishof St Mary le bone, according to the rites of the Holy Catholic Church by me Wm Morris Witnesses, Ellen Holmes, Michael Dunn.

520. Jary 21st 1822. were joined in the holy Bands ofmatrimony Powell, Charles Blacket* and Jane Gille both residing in the parishof St George London according to the rites ofthe holy Catholic church, By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Mr Joseph Lamoureux, Miss Mary Lamoureux .

521. Februarythe 14th 1822. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimonyJohnCarberry & JustinaGillham bothoftheParish of St Mary le Bone London according to the rites of the Holy Catholic Church by me Wm Morris. Present, MaryGillham, John Morely, Joane Carroll [175] 522. March 9th 1822. were Joined in the holy bands of matrimony Marie tousaint Victor de thier Beschman, and Mary Orton of the parish of welford Northampton Shire, according to the rites of the holy Catholic church; By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , francois Nicolas Joseph De Thier, GeorgeDodsworth 523. april 9th 1822. were joined in the holy Bands ofmatrimony William Cox and ann Anington (Arrington) both of the parish of Hammersmith , according to the rites of the holy catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Mary Lapworth, John Carroll.

524. June the 3d 1822. were Joined, in the holy Band of matrimony, Alexandre Nicolas Marechal foreigner, and anna Catharina Eviruerts also a foreigner both residing in the parish of St George Hanover [Square] London ; according to the rites of the Holy catholicchurch: By me Nas Jacquin Wit: Jean Gay, Bridget Quilan. [176] 525. June 5th 1822 werejoinedin the HolybandsofMatrimony Francis Baron (Boron) a native of France and Ann Catlin a native of Glocestershire according to the Rites ofthe Catholic

* Indexed in the original under " Blacket . "

Church by me W. V. Fryer Witnesses, Revd Wm Morris, Eleanor Gunning, Lidia Catlin " 526. June 8th 1822. were joined in the Holy bands ofMatrimonyWilliam Rogers and Clara Hunt Both residing in the parish of St Maryle Bone London, according to the rites ofthe Catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Mr John Croker, Mrs anna agnes Griffith, Mrs ann adenstedst . 527. July the 5, 1822. Were joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony James Freemont and Susan Davies both residing in the Parish ofSt Luke Chelsea according to the rites of the Catholic Church By me Wm Morris . Present, Revd [blank] Mahony , Daniel Keene. [177] 528. September the 1st 1822. Were joined in the Holy bands of Matrimony Michael Gillegan (Gilligan) and Mary Mary [sic] Keirnan bothresiding in the Parishof Mary le Bone according to the rites of the Catholic Church by me Wm Morris Witnesses, Thos Hearn, Mathew Conlon, Patrick Bird. 529. Sepr 3rd 1822. Were joined in the Holy Bands ofMatrimony Cyprien Joseph Jean Baptiste Elie Camus de Pontcarré & Eliza Thornton , both residing in London according to the Rites of the CatholicChurch, by me W. V. Fryer Witnesses, N. Jacquin, P. C. Herisson. 530. Sepr 6th 1822 Were joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony Richard Fitz-George Viscount [Strick erased] de Stacpoole & Elisabeth Lawrence Tulloch according to the Rites of [our erased] the CatholicChurch by me W. V. Fryer. Francis Tulloch, M: W: Marrion [?], Witnesses. [178] 531. 7ber 15th 1822. were Joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony Michael o'Connor and winney page both residingin the parish of St George hanover [Square] London, according to the rites of the Catholic church : By me N. Jacquin . Wittnesses , frederick Edgworth, Helena Edgworth. 532. September the 29, 1822. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Thomas Kean & Eleanor Holmes, both residing in the parish of St Mary le Bone London, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, By me Wm Morris. Witnesses , James Reynolds, Peter Loftus Reynolds. 533. 7ber 30th 1822. Were Joined in the Holy Bands ofMatrimonyMichael Jeffries and ElizabethHiggins Both residing in the parish of St Mary Le bone London, according to the rites of the catholic church : By me Nas Jacquin Witns, John Higgins, Richard Parkin [179] 534. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony John Ward & Sabina Dacy both residing in the Parish of St Mary le Bone according to the rites of the Catholic Church by me Wm Morris Witnesses, James Colman, William Hughes, Mary Gurrarty.

535. December 30th 1822. were joined in the holy Bands of matrimony Edmond Molloroyand MaryConnor bothofthe parish ofSt Georgelondon according to the rites of the Catholicchurch


By me Nas Jacquin. Witnesses, Patrick Connor, ann Righadon, Marck Caulter

536. January the 6th 1823. were joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony DanielTomson and Margaret Corletto (Costello) Both of the parish of acton midlessex, according to the rites of the Catholicchurch ; By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, William Goreman, Mary Jennings

[180] 537. January 14th 1823. were Joined in the Holy Bands ofMatrimonyJohn Ibbenson oftheparishofAll Saints Pontefract yorkshire and Mary Darbey (Darley) of the parish of St Mary le bone London according to the rites of the Catholic church Byme Nas Jacquin. Witnesses, Mr George Darley, Miss Mary Molloy, Miss Margaret Molloy.

538. January 18th 1823. were Joined in the holy Bands of matrimony James Hastings of the parishof cossey in the county of Norfolk and Catharine Keeth of mary Le Bone parish London , according tothe rites ofthe Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin. Witnesses, Robert Lord, Mary Newton.

539. Le 5me de mars 1823. ont été joints dans le lien Sacré du marriage Mr Le Baron philipe, louis, Joseph de dion de Vandôme de la ville de St omer en france, et Demoiselle Elizabeth Bicknell de la paroisse de St George hanover [Square] a londres, Selon les ceremoniesde L'eglise catholique apostolique et romaine en presence de Captain James Tomkinson et Mrs Wright: par moi Nas Jacquin. [181] 540. April the 13th1823. Were joined in the holy bandsof Matrimony Patrick Cardell of the Parish of Bermondesey & Anne Hoyne ofthe ParishofSt Georges HanoverSquareLondon according to the rites of the Catholic Church by me Wm Morris . Witnesses, James Hart, x Mary Hart.

541. May the 18, 1823. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Patrick Meltott (Mettot) & Bridget Connor, both of the Parish of St Mary Le bone London according to the rite of the Catholic Church by me Wm Morris [Catherine erased] Anne Merrick, Thos Foy, Wm[Walden altered to] Waldrom , JohnFlynn, Witnesses.

542. Le 19 de mai 1823. Ont été joints dans le lien Sacré du Marriage Manuel Costa Espagnol et francoise fourmont française tous les deux residants a Londres paroise de St Jacques, Selon les ceremonies de L'eglise catholique , apostolique et romaine en presence de James Crew et charles Mayo: par moi Nas Jacquin. [182] 543. June the 9th 1823. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony William Wood of the Parish of St Georges Hanover Square London & Mary Anne Morris of the parish of St Giles London, according to the rites of the Catholic Church bymeWa Morris. Michael Morris, Patrick Ivory, Witnesses.

544. June the 30th 1823. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony James King of the Parish of St George Bloomsbury and MaryMatildaRowe ofthe parishof St Luke Chelsea according

totherites ofthe Catholic Church By me Wm Morris. John Hall, Frances Law, Mary Day, William Long, Witnesses.

545. July 30, [18]23 Were joinedin the holy bands ofMatrimony Charles Kemble of the Parishof St James Clerkenwell and Mary Francis of the Parish of St Georges in the Fields, according totherites ofthe CatholicChurch by me Wm Morris. Thos Carey , Jane Carey, Francis King, Mary Wright, Witnesses. [183] 546. augst the 26th 1823. were joined in the holy Bandof matrimonyJames Robertsand Winifred Purks bothresiding inthe parish of Stgeorge London according to the rites of the Catholic church: Byme N. Jacquin Witnesses, John Wilks , KerryPurks , Mary Lewisa Whisdale

547. August the 26, 1823. Were joined in the holy band of MatrimonyAugustin Fricour& Tullie [Langlois alteredto]Linglois , bothresiding in the Parish of St Georges Hanover Squareaccording to the rites of the Catholic Church, in the presence of Pierre Grillion, Mariette Letour, by me Wm Morris

548. September 9, 1823. Were joined in the holy band of Matrimony Michael Tandy & Mary Wilson both of the parish of St Mary le bone according to the rites of the Catholic Church by me Wm Morris Present, William Franklin [184] 549. febary the 10th 1824. were joined in the Holybands of Matrimony Edward Seggins and ElizaGirt Both residinginthe parish of St George Hanover [Square] London, according to the rites of catholic church By me Nas Jacquin. Witnesses, William Tunney, Catharine Egan

550. March the 2d 1824. were Joinedin the Holy bands of Matrimony Robert Clarke and Martha Earl both residing in the parish of St George Hanover [Square] London, according to the rites ofthecatholicchurch: Byme Nas Jacquin Wesses ,Henrietta Palliar, William Lodden. 551. June 17 , 1824. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimony Joseph Short & Catherine Higgins both of the Parish ofSt Mary le Bone, London, according to the rite of the Catholic Church bymeWm Morris Witnesses, Thos Short, Margaret Heany [185] 552. octber 20, 1824. were joined in the holy band of Matrimony Marcelin Bazin frenchman from Nantes in Britanny, and Elizabeth Malraison frenc Lady from Sarlouis but [? both] residing in the parishof St George London according to the rites of the catholic church : by me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , Jean Bazin the father, John Dovey, Maria Malraison the Sister 553. February 15, 1825. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony John Cook & Charlotte Pastorine (the former ofthe Parish of Irnham Lincolnshire ) the latter of the Parishof Mary le bone according to the rite of the Catholic Church by me Wm Morris Witnesses, Francis Augarde, Catharine Moody. 554. April 24th 1825. were Joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony william Last and Mary Isabella Jane Carton Bothof St Maryle bone parishLondon : according totherites of the Catho-


lic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, James Kenrick, John walmsley, Catharine Kenrick.

[186] 555. Were joined in the holy band of Matrimony Michael Quinlan of the Parish of Mary le bone & Anne Robinson ofthe same parishaccording to the rite ofthe Holy CatholicChurch by me Wm Morris . Witnesses, Margaret Bell, Thos Gallagher, Thos Gallagher Jun .

556. Were joined in Matrimony James Lorrigan & Eleanor Frances Evans, the former from Castle Fogarty in Ireland, the latter ofthe parish of St Georges Hanover Square London according to the riteofthe H. C. Church by me Win Morris Witnesses, J. Evans, M. Evans, M.Phillips

557. Le30 mai 1825. ont été joints dans le lien Sacrédu marriage Jean Gay et Seraphine Saintville française tous les deux residents dans la paroisse de St Jacques a Londres: Selon les rits et ceremoniesde Notre mere Ste Eglise Catholique apostolique et romaine en presence de Jean Pierre Le Camus, thomas Clarkeson , Sophie Constance Le Clerc, [M erased] Zoe Le Clerc , par moi Nas Jacquin.

[187] 558. June 6th 1825. were Joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony william McCalle and Margaret Show Both residingin the parish of St Mary Le bone according to the rites of the Holy, R. Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Wittnesses, David willbreath , Mary willbreath.

559. July the 21, 1825. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Walter Francis [Cauk erased] Croak and Anna Maria Davies, the former of St James, the latter of St Georges Parish according to the rite of H. C. Church by me Wm Morris. Witnesses, Thomas Croak, Alice Luthal

560. September 5th 1825. were Joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony Charles Cope and Mary Haime Both residing in the parish ofSt GeorgeHanover [Square] according to the rites ofthe Holy R. Catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Mrs ann Cope, Mrs ElizabethThomas, Miss ann Cooke. [188] 561. Le 6 d'Octobre 1825. Ont été joints dans le lien Sacre du marriage Jean François Chatelaine (Chatelun) et Elizabeth Dubois tous les deux residents dans le paroisse de St Georges Hanover Squareselon les rites et ceremonies de Notre Sainte Mere l'Eglise Catholique, Romaine, en presence de H. Alenno [? H. A. Cenno], Berthomé, par moi Wm Morris.

562. Febuary 22, 1824. Were joined in the Holy Bands of MatrimonyFrancis Emmanuel de Figueiredo (Figueirdo ) and Sarah Reed both residing in the Parish of St George Bloomsbury accordingtothe Rites ofthe Holy Roman Catholic Church by me Edward Norris Witnesses, William Cash, Maria Holdstock

563. January 8, 1826. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Terence Somers residing in the Parish of St Georges in the Borough & Elizabeth Hamborough residing in the parish of St Mary le Bone according to the rites of the holy Roman

Catholic Church by me Wm Morris . Witnesses, Catharine McCarthy, CharlotteMurray. [189] 564. January 9th 1826. were joined in the holy Bands of Matrimonywilliam James ferguson of Padington parish, and Ann Whiteside of St mary le bone parish according to the rites ofthe holy roman catholic church: By me Nas Jacquin Wittnesses, Mr wm ferguson, Mr Henry whiteside, Mrs frances ferguson, Mrs Elizabeth whiteside

565. January 16th 1826. were Joined in the holy bands of Matrimony John Brannen and Sophia Sibley Both of the parish of St Maryle bone according totherites oftheholy roman catholic church; By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Mary Turner , Michael Cavanagh

566. January 17th 1826. were Joined in the holy Bands of matrimony William Macnamara and Bridget Marsh Both of the parish of St mary le bone, according to the rites oftheholy roman catholicchurch: By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Edmond Marsh , Mary ann Moroney [190] 567. Le4leme de Fevrier 1826. Ont été jointesdans lelien sacre de marriage Giovanni Pietra Grua et Eleonore Kapes tous les deux residens dans le paroisse de Maryle Bones, selonles Rites & ceremoniesde notre Saint Mere l'Eglise Catholique , en presence deC. Dumon, Anto Pietragrua , Hannah Ann Pietragrua , L. Dumon née de Bains, par moi Wm Morris

568. April 2d 1826. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Thomas Kennnedy [sic] & Bridget Carr both residing in the parish of St Mary le Bone, according to the Rites of the holy Roman Catholic Church by me Wm Morris Witnesses , John Kennedy, Alicia Duff

569. April 6th 1826. were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony James Smith and catharine phillips both residing in St George's parish london, according to the rites of the holy roman Catholic church : By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, HughCavanan , Jane Harding. [191] 570. April 8th 1826. Were joinedin theholy band ofMatrimony HenryGlanfield & Anne Knight, bothresiding in the parish of [blank] according to the rites of the Holy Roman Catholic Church by me Wm Morris. Witnesses, Charles Fletcher , Lucy Uridge.

571. April 10th 1826. Were joined in the holy band ofMatrimony William Hammond & Mary Bryce both residing in the parish ofStMayle Bone according to the rites of the holy Roman Catholic Church By me Wm Morris Witnesses, Michael Fitzgibbon, Catherine Moody

572. Le onze may 1826. ont été joints dans le lien Sacrédu marriage, Nicolas Molinié françois de la paroisse de St jacques a londres, et SusannahMintonanglaise de la parroisse de St George Hanover [Square], Selon les rits et ceremonies de L'eglise catholique apostolique et romaine en presence de Mrs ann Cope , Mrs


REGISTER OF MARRIAGES AT THE Elizabeththomas, par moi pretre Chaplain de la chapelle royalle du portugal a londres Nicolas Jacquin. [192] 572[6]. May 16 , 1826. were Joined in the HolyBands of Matrimony Dennys Lawler and winefride Gillow Bothresidingin the parish of St George Hanover[Square] according to the rites of the catholic church : By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , Henry Hanasy, Mary Hanasy

573. May 23d 1826. were Joined in the Holy bands ofMatrimony Edward Ehlam and Ellen o Keefe Both of the parish ofSt George Hanover [Square] London according to the rites of the Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Mrs ann Cope, Mrs Elizabeth Thomas.

574. September 10, 1826. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony William Adams & Margaret Dempsey, both of the Parish of St Luke Chelsea according to the [a word obliterated] rite of the holy Roman Cath: Church by me Wm Morris. Witnesses , William Reed, Mary Magnar, Harriet Blanchard [193] 575. 7ber 16th 1826. were Joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony George Henry Sigel of the parish of St James, and Jane Reynolds of the parish of Padingtonaccording to the rites of the Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin . Witnesses, Samuel William Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds.

576. 7ber 18th1826. were Joined in the holy Bands ofMatrimonywilliam Hughs and Catharine (Mary) Staunton Bothresiding in St Mary le bone parish, according to the rites of the catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Wittnesses, Mrs ann Cope, ann Edgworth.

577. October 7, 1826. Were joined in the Holy Bands of Matrimony James Youens of Old Bond Street & Emilea Price of the Parish of St Pancras according to the rite of the holy R. C. Church by me Wm Morris . Witnesses, James Banfield, Harriot Price. [194] 578. January27th 1827. were Joined in the holy Bandof Matrimony James Trewand ElizabethDore Both residing in the district of St maryCrawford Street London : according to the rites of the Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , Thomas Carlin, Miss Andoe [or Andor].

579. February 4, 1827. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Thos Clarke & Mary Noonetheformerly [sic] of Hambledon the latterresiding in the Parish of Maryle bone, according totherite ofthe C. Church By me Wm P. Morris Present, Joseph Short, Wm Owen .

580. Le 29 de mars 1827. ont été joints dans le lien Sacrédu Marriage Constant Noel Mesureur de la ville de Boulogne Sir mer et Caroline Elizabeth triaud de la parroise de St george Hanover [Square]a londres, Selon les rits et ceremoniesde L'eglise catholique apostolique romaine, en presence de Marguerite veuve Triaud, Francois dethiers, Louisa de thiers, william EdwardKing, par moi Nas Jacquin [195] 581. Le 19 avril 1827. ont été joints dans lelien Sacrédu

marriage Jean Charles Parent [or Pavent] de la paroise de Mary le bone, [and erased] et Marie Hortense Pavirot de la paroise de St Gilesa LondresSelonles rits et ceremonies de L'eglise catholique apostolique et romaineen presence De Mrs phillippine Pavirot, Desirée wery, John Cullins, George feudall, par moi Nas Jacquin

582. June 30th 1827. were Joined in the holy Bandof matrimony william English and Margaret Tierney Both of the parish of St Mary le bone, according to the rites of the Catholicchurch By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Patrick Reed, Mary ann Burke , Mary Burke.

583. July 15th1827. were Joined in the HolyBands ofMatrimony David Keeffe, and ann Nowlan (Nowland) Bothofthe parish of Si Luc chelsea, according to the rites of the Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, David fitzgerald , John Grady. [196] 584. 7ber 20th 1827. were Joined intheholy Band ofMatrimony Thomas wood and Ann Cope both residing in the parish of Si George Hanover-[Square] Londonaccording to the rites ofthecatholicchurch Byme Nas Jacquin Witnesses, John Brass, Ellen thomas, anna thomas

585. le 24me jour de 7bre 1827. ont Eté joints dans le lien Sacré du marriage, Edward Standerwick, et antoinette arsene Briel residents dans la paroisse de St George Hanover[Square] a Londres, Selon les rits et ceremonies de L'eglise catholique apostoliqueetromaine en presence De Joseph Cox , IsaiahButt, Gabrielle Sternbery , par moi Nas Jacquin

586. November 5th 1827. were Joined in the Holy Band of Matrimony william Moore and Hellen Ringrose Both residing in the parishof St Maryle bone London according to the rites ofthe catholic church By me Nas Jacquin . Witnesses, James Manning, Sarah Masetta [197] 587. November 13, 1827. Were joined in theholy bands of Matrimony ElizabethSmallwood & Ferdinand Sorrotti both of the Parish of St Georges Hanover Square according to the rite ofthe Holy Catholic Church,in the presence of Charles Ford, John Finn, Mary Lee, by me Wm P. Morris

588. December 17, 1827. were Joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony Patrick field and ann Rion both of the parish ofSt Margaret westminster London according to the rites of the holy catholicchurch in the presence ofWit : Mathew fieldandMaryann field By me Nas Jacquin

589. January 15th 1828. were Joined in the holy bands of Matrimony thomas Cawdell and henriette Marie françoise Ouen , both residing in the parishof St Mary le bone according to the rites of the holy catholic church in the presence of (witnesses) henriette Victoire Ouen, George Leader, thomas Leader , By me Nas Jacquin [198] 590. January 16th 1828. were Joined in the holy bandsof matrimony John Hatcher and Sarah Graim both residing in the parish ofSt Maryle bone, according to therites oftheholycatholic

church in the presence of (witnesses ) John Davies, Mary Pitt, By me Nas Jacquin

591. January 16th 1828. were Joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Samuel wilcock and ann Penny Both residing in the Parish of Padington , according to the rites of the holy Catholic church in the presence of (witnesses) Matilda Galagan, Mrs ann wood By me Nas Jacquin

592. february 18th 1828. were Joined in the holy band of MatrimonyThomas Ryder and Catharine Connor Both residing in the parish of St Mary le bone according to the rites of the holy Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, Peter Connor , George Parker, Lydia Borrell [199] 593. April 17, 1828. Were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Joseph Williams & Anne Barber, both residing in the Parish of St George HanoverSquare according to the rite of the holy Catholic Church by me Wm P. Morris Witnesses, Jas Driscoll, mary Driscoll.

594. July 5th 1828. were Joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Cornelius Sullivan and Catharine Keefe bothresiding in the parish ofStGilles London according to the rites oftheholycatholic church in presence of Wit: Michael wood, Margaret McKenney, By me Nas Jacquin. 595. July 18th 1828. were Joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Charles Purden Sherriff (or Sherritt) and Sophie Augustine Caulier both residing in theparishof fulham HammersmithHammelet Near London, according to the rites of the holy catholic church By me Nas Jacquin. Witnesses, Hyppolite Caulier , Mrs Sarah Caulier [200] 596. December 30th 1828. were Joined in the holy bands of Matrimony Michael Gaynor and Mary Doyle both residing in the parish of St George Hanover [Square], London according to the rites of the Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , Mrs Drumond, Mrs Plant, Morgand Hamilton, Michael Crawley 597. Le dix Janvier 1829. ont Eté Joints dans le lien Sacré du marriage André Pierret françois actuellement resident a londres parroise de St Jacques , et Virginie Paul francoise aussi residente a Londres parroise de St George Hanover [Square], Selon les rits et ceremonies de L'eglise catholique apostolique et romaine en presence de Pierre Nicolas follet, Jules de Rovere, Manuel Corta, par moi Nas Jacquin 597[b]. february28th 1829. were Joined in the holy Bands of Matrimony GeorgeEshelby of St giles's parishand Margaret Hern of the parish of St Mary le bone London according to the rites of the catholic church By me Nas Jacquin . Witnesses, Thomas Hern , catharine whiteside, Mary Lucas [201] 598. March the 2, 1829. Were joined in theholy bands of matrimony Thomas Dent & Caroline Lee both residing in the Parish of [Kensington erased] Paddington , according to the rites ofthe holy Catholic church by me Wm P. Morris Witnesses, John Connolly, Mary Bevan ,

599. May 4, 1829. Were joined in the holy bands ofMatrimony Martin Wallace & Alice Parry, both residing in the parish of St George's HanoverSquare, according to the rites of the holy Catholic Church by me Wm P. Morris . Witnesses, Patrick Keogh, Anne Cleverly. 600. May 6, 1829. were Joined in the holy bands of MatrimonyDanielMolloughnay and Catharine Grant both oftheparish of St pancras London according to the rites of the holy catholic church By me Nas Jacquin . Witnesses, Joanna Burke, william Coglan

[202] 601. Die 6to Junii Anni Domini 1829 Conjunxi in Matrimonio secundum ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Salvatorem Pompeium Anfossi Natione Sicilianum, et Mariam Ceciliam Justinam Adrianam Luizam Rebuffo, Gulielmus Victor Fryer, D.D. Testibus presentibus D. Benvenuto Antonio Caetano Campos et Jesualdo Lanza.

602. Die 18vo Augusti An: Domini 1829 conjunxi in Matrimonio secundum ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Antonium Mauritium de Campos Lusitanum et Izabel Hughs. Gulielmus Victor Fryer, S.T.D. Testes fuere O Prior Marcos Pinto Soares Var Preto , Antonio Porto

603. Le 19 août 1829. ont été joints dans le lien Sacré du Marriage Jerôme françois Edward Roger, et Eleonor MaryColyear tous deux residants dans la parroisse de St Jacques a Londres , Selon les rits et Ceremonies de L'eglise Catolique apostolique et romaine en presence de Benjamin Bernard Dumarnay et Louis Marie françois Berquin par moi N. Jacquin. [203] 604. 7ber 15th 1829. were Joined in the Holy band of Matrimony Cornelius Maynehan and Mary Mahoney bothresiding in the parish of St George Hanover [Square] London according to therites ofthe catholic church Byme Nas Jacquin Witnesses , francis Carew , Honorah Mahoney

605. october 12th 1829. were Joined in the holy Band of Matrimony Bruno Marmin frenchman and Mary Molloy Both residing in the parish of St George Hanover [Square] London , according to the rites of the catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, thomas Halligan, charlotte Halligan, ann Molloy

606. october 19th 1829. were Joined in the holy band of matrimony Morriss Ragan and Judith Garvey both residing in St ann's Parish, according totherites and ceremonies oftheCatholic church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses, John Ambrocè, Helena Ambrocè [204] 607. November the 10th 1829. Were joinedinthe bands of Matrimony Augustus Foissey residing in the Parish of St Georges in the Fields and Appollonia Mand residing in the Parish of St George Hanover Squareaccording to theriteofthe HolyCatholic Church, in the presence of Thomas Green, Michael Woods, by me Wm P. Morris

608. November 12th 1829. were joined in the holy bands of Matrimony thomas Bromley and MaryDavis both residing in the

parish ofSt Mary le bone Londonaccording tothe rites and Ceremonies of the Catholic church By me Nas Jacquin Witnesses , charlotte Cooke , ann Cooke. 609. Die 19 Novemb : 1814 Conjunxi in MatrimoniumAntoniumMachado Bragaet Mariannam Delphinam deFaria Lusitanos , juxta ritam S. M. Ecclesiæ G. V. Fryer. Testibus presentibus Domina Maza et Domo [blank Beneath in margin " Reddish Hotel" in pencil]. [205] 610. Die decimo sexto Julii Anno Domini millesimooctocentisimo vigesimo nono in hac Urbe Londinensi et in Sacello Lusitana Legationis, juxta ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ et coram Testibus Emanuele Alves Ferreira Pinto Villar et Joseph Alvares Pinto Villar ex Parochia de Sellieros in Portugaliæ Regno, in Matrimonium conjunxi per verba de presente Joseph Antonium Guerreiro Reginæ Fidelissimæ Consiliarium, legitime natum in Parochia Sancti Martini de Lanhellas in Diocesi Bracharensi Portugaliæ Regno ex Benedicto Joseph Daortas [? Daostas], et Anna Mariâ, et nunc pro tempore in hac Londinensi Urbe habitantem, et Domnam Mariam Joannam Antoninam da Silva Vilhena de Montaury, viduam ex Mathiâ Joseph de Carvalho et Souza Lobato in urbe Fluminensi defuncto, legitimoet sufficiente Procuratore ab eâ in scriptis constituto Illmo et Exmo Domino Petro Mariâ de Souzaet Holstein , Marchione de Palmella Reginæ Fidelissimæ a Consiliis et Status Consiliario. In cujus Matrimoninii celebrandi actuex parte utriusque Conjugis dictum fuit eos desiderare, velle atque intendere, ut per hoc Matrimonium legitimetur, legitimusque fiat secundum juris Canonici Lusitanarumque legum placita, filius naturalis ex eis natus, qui vocatur Benedictus et fuit baptizatus in novâ Ecclesiâ Conceptionis Ulissipone [tamquam] filius ignoratorum parentum die decimo quinto Aprilis Anno Domini millesimo octocentesimo vigesimo octavo Guilielmus Victor Fryer, Protonotarius Apostolicus et Lusitanæ Legationis Presbyter Principalis Testes fuere Manoel Alves Ferreira Pinto Villar , Jozé Alvares Pinto Villar. 612

The foregoing entry occupies the compartmentsnumbered 610 to [206] 613. Die 4ta Novembris anno Domini 1831 conjunxi in Matrimonium juxta ritum Stae Matris Ecclesiæ Joannem Venantium D'Arnellas Frazão Figuieroa, Insula Maderæ incolam et Mariam AnnamRivett, parochiaSt Maryle bonne hujus civitatis, G.V.Fryer Protos Aps. Testibus presentibus MarquydePalmetta, João Venancio d'Arnellas Frazão Figra, Doño de Carvalhas, Marquez de Valença. [Note at foot] They were married by licence in Marylebone Church last march.

614. Die 25a Julii anno Domini 1833 conjunxiin Matrimonio , juxta ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ , Joseph Street d'Arriaga e Cunha Lusitanum et [Joh erased] Joannam Carolinam Shearman (Anglice Jane Caroline Shearman) Anglicanam parochiæ Sancti Georgii Martyris hujus civitatis, G. V. Fryer S [over D].T.D., Prot

Aps et Lusitanæ Legationis Presbyter. Testibus presentibus Joseph Antonio d'Oliviera, et DominicoOlavo Corrêa d'Azevedo. 615. Propter hoc [a large ink-blot that has soaked through the leaf and obliterated the word tamquamin entry 610 above]accidens hæc Sectio omittitur G. V. Fryer &c &c ut supra. [207] 616. Die 30 Augusti anno Domini 1834 conjunxiin Matrimonio juxta ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Franciscum Vizeu Pinheiro Lusitanumnatum Villæ Thomao Lusitaniâ& Franciscam Shearman Anglicanam parochiæ Sancti Georgii Martyris hujus civitatis, G. V. Fryer, D.D. & A.P. Testes fuêre João Bernardo da Rocha, Francisco Rebello de Carvalho, Montague Shearman 617. Die 30 Octobris anno Domini 1834 conjunxiin Matrimonio juxta ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Manuel Petrum Guimaraens Lusitanum, natum Parochia Sancti Romani da Ucha, et Georgianam Franciscam Pearson Anglicanam Parochiâ Greenwhich natam, G. V. Fryer, D.D: A.P. Testes fuêre W. Arthur Dorehill, Henrique [? F or Se] Gomes Monteiro. 618. Die 21a Novembris anno Domini 1834 conjunxi in Matrimoniumjuxtaritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Franciscum Ignatium Van Zeller, Luzitanum, Consulem Generalem, et Dorotheam Van Zeller , Luzitanos, Portugese Calensi natos, prius concessâ pro Contrahentibus dispensatione ab Excellentissimo et Reverendissimo Episcopo Usalensi, Districtûs Londinensis VicarioApostolico, et ab eodem Episcopo mihi facultate eosdem Contrahentes in Matrimonium conjunjendi . Testes fuere Illustrissimus et Excellentissimus Dominus Christophorus de Moraes Sarmento [208] Fidelissimæ Majestatis Mariæ Secundæ, Luzitaniæ Reginæ, apud Regem Britanniarum Legatus,-Illustrissimus et Reverendissimus Gulielmus Victor Fryer Ps As , et ejusdem Legationis Presbiter. Ricardus Van Zeller Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Portucalensis Canonicus, et Archidiaconus de Oliveira, et frater supra-dictæ Dorotheæ Van Zeller

Theforegoingentryoccupies compartmentsnumbered 618 and 619 . 620. Die quinta Januarii Anno Domini 1835 conjunxi in Matrimonium juxta ritum Sanctæ Matris EcclesiæJoannem Bull Cornett de Parochiâ Sancti Pancratii Anglum, et Franciscam Celestinam da Silva Lima, Lusitanam , Portucalensem, Gulielmus Victor Fryer S.T.D. & P.A. Testibus presentibus JoaquimJeda Silva Lima, RebeccaBrett 621. Die decimâ septimâ Decembris Anno Domini 1835 conjunxi in Matrimonium, juxta ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Ignatium Joseph de Barros Lusitanum Parochiâ (vulgo Nossa Senhora da Lopa) Ulissipone natum; et CarlottamVanzeller Lusitanamet Parochia Sancti Nicolai Portucalensi natam, Guilielmus Victor Fryer P.A. et S.T.D. Testes presentes fuêre Barão da Torre de Moncorvoz EnviadoExtraordoMino Plen de S. M. Lnis, Frans Ig. Van Zeller, João Van Zeller, Joannes Jones M.A., Georgius Spain M.A., Marçal José Robeiro, HenryVan Zeller Jun , HenryNassau [209] 622. Die vigesimâ tertiâ Maii mensis Anno Domini 1843

REGISTER OF MARRIAGES AT THE conjuncti fuêre in Matrimonium juxta Ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Illustrissimus et Excellentissimus D. Christophorus Petrus de Moraes Sarmento Barão da Torre de Moncorvo, Lusitanus, et Fidelissimæ Majestatis apud Reginam Britanniarum Legatus; et Carolina Gulielma Jordan, natione Dana, et religione acatholica ; et ut hoc Matrimonium licite et legitime contrahi possit, postulavit Sponsus [in margin " sponsus, G. V.Fryer, " the word being intercalated] a Sanctâ Sede, et obtinuit, dispensationem, tam superimpedimento Primi Gradûs affinitatis in lineâ collaterali ex copulâ licitâproveniente ; quam super impedimento Mixtæ Religionis His munitus dispensationibus, et expressein eisnominatus ad hoc Matrimoniumcelebrandum; Ego infrascriptusSacræ Theologiæ doctor, et ejusdem Legationis Fidelissimæ Majestatis in hoc regnoSacerdos , conjunxisupradictos Contrahentesin Matrimonium , die et Anno, in principio hujus Testimonii declaratis, Gulielmus Victor Fryer, S.T.D. &e ut supra Testes fuêre Adriao Ribeiro Neves, F. I. Van Zeller, João Antonio Lobo de Moira, Dorothea Van Zeller

The foregoing entry occupies compartments622 to 624 . [210] 625. Die 17 Julii 1849 Informationibus præmissis, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, conjuncti fuêre in matrimonium, juxta ritum Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ , et in domo Illustrissimi & Excellentissimi Dom:Vicecomitis de Torre de Moncorvo, Lusitaniæ & Fidelissimæ Majestatis apud Reginam Magnæ Britaniæ , Legati Angelus Franciscus, filius Andr' Joannis Carneiro & Gertruda Ulissipone natus, degens autem Pernambucæ & MariaMirza , filia Petri & Mariæ MagdalenæGiraudet de Semorge Gallia oriundaEgo infrascriptus Missionarius Apostolicus & ejusdem Legationis Fidelissimæ Majestatis in hoc regno Capellanus, conjunxi supradictos in matrimonium die & anno supradictis Joannes Jones, M.A. &c. &c. Testes fuere Torre de Moncorvo, I. Jozé Marques lisbôn, Marcàl José Ribeiro , José Lúcis Correio, F. I. Van Zeller. [211 to 269] These pages are blank. [270] atfoot: This Book contains two hundredandseventy Pages. Each leaf Paraphed thus ,

Finis p Jno Hardcastle

Between p 270and the Index the following documentis pasted in:-[Stamped Arms] De 17 Janvrij 1766 Ego Infrascriptus Missionarius in Districtu Londinensi in Anglia, nullo detecto impedimento , eorumque Consensu mutuo habito, die 25 mensis Novembris 1753 matrimonioconjunxi Jacobum Reeve , et Helenam Barry, presentibus testibus Guilielmo et Margarita Loyal, in quorumfidem mea manu subscripsi Ego Guilielmus Smith

In Dei Nomine Amen. Die decima Septima mensis Januarij 1766 FlorentiaeConstitutuspersonaliter coram me not; in bo anteds Adm Reuds Dñus Guilielmus filius oS Ill: D. Ruperti Smith Angli-

canus SacerdosSecularis Neapolitanus et Florentiae modo degens mihi optimè cognitus causa, et occasione recognoscendi presentem Attestationem; qua ab ipsomet visa lecta, optimèque considerata, eamdem medio suo Juramento ad delatione prestitotacto pectore more Sacerdotali confirmavit, atque confirmat in omnibus suis partibus asserens et affirmans eamd: Scripsisse , et Subscripsisse ejus propria manu, et charactere; veritatemquein omnibus suis partibus continere In quoru Fidz Ego Antonius Vincentius HonorizDel Chiaro filius I.V. DoctorCivis et Notzpub3 Floñus de premissa recognitione rogatus in fidz me Subspsi et Signu Notariatus mei in fidz apposui ad Laude Dei, et B. M. Semp Virginis &c

Si può legalizzare Ippolito Scaramucci Pronu

[Arms] Nos Proconsul et Consules Almi Collegij Judicum, et Notarioru Civitatis Florentiz fidem facimus, et publice testamur retroscriptum Dñu' Antonium Vincentiu' del Chiaro fuisse, et esse tale quale se facit I: V: D: Civem et Notarium publicu Florentinum Legalem, Et fide dignu eiusque Scripturis, et Subscriptionibus Sempér adhibita fuisse, et ad præsens adhiberi plena , et indubiam fidem in Judicio et extra ab omnibus indifferenter, In quoru' testimoniu' Eas nostras fieri iussimus; Nostri Soliti Sigilli impressione Munitas ; Datum Florentiae hac die decima-septima mensis Januarij Millesimo Septingentesimo Sexagesimo Sexto

[Seal .] Petrus de Vineis alter ex Consulibus manu mea.

Noi InfrascrittiPubblici Negozianti della Città di Firenze attestiamo comeil Signore Anton' Vincenzio Del Chiaro essere tale quale si fà Notaro publico Fiorentino, et alle Sue Scritture si pubbliche che private Segli [sic], e Sempre prestato de tutti piena, et indubitata fede tanto in Giudizio che fuori e perciò ci Siamo Sottoscritti di Nostra propria mano questo di 17. Gennaio 1766. In Firenze Gius Strepotaldi, No Tommaso Baldi

The next twelve leaves, written on both sides , consist ofthe Index , which is very unreliable This is followed by a blank leaf, after which the following document has been pasted in: -

Beatissimo Padre

Cristoforo Pietro de Moraes Sarmento Portoghese Barone da Torre De Moncorvo Inviato Straordinarioe Ministro Plenipo tenziario di Sua Maestà Fedelissima presso la Corte di Londra profondamente inchinatoal Trono della SantitàVostra con ogni ossequio dimostra come risoluto sarebbe con il massimo impegno di andare a nuove nozze con Carolina Guglielma Jordan di Nazione Danese .

Sono però Beatissimo Padre due i canonici ostacoli che si frappongono al liberoeffetto di un tale più che saggiodivisamento .

Proviene l' uno dal primo matrimonio contratto dal Ricorrente con la defunta Germana Sorella della sopradetta sua desiderata Compagna

L'altro consiste nella differenza di Religione, essendo essa miseramente Protestante

Ora sia per la diversa comunione, sia per il Primo Grado di affinita, abbisognano dell' Apostolica Dispensa, ed eccone i rivelantissimi motivi a coonestarne l' intento

Sebbene fosse Acattolica anche la estinta prima Consorte dell' Oratore, precedentemente alle Nozze, nondimeno ebbe il Cristoforo il vanto di farnela distaccare dal Luteranismo , ed abbracciare la Santa Cattolica Religione, in cui santamente vissee morì.

Cinque sono i Figli, alcuni di tenera età, alcuni fanciulli, che ne vennero dal primo Sacramento, e questi nel nascere loro, ebbero come altra Madre quella che ora si bramerebbe in Isposa, e per conseguenza indubitato sarebbeil gran profitto che la prole stessa continuerebbe a ritrarre dalla vigile cura , e retta educazione di questa Donna, che sebbene tuttavia estranea dalla chiesa , puo con tutto fondamento calcolarsene l'acquisto nel Grembo Cristiano con l'effetto di questo Matrimonio come avventurosamente segni di sua Sorella per tutta impulsiva opera del Supplicante

Alli surriferiti incalcolabili preveduti vantaggi, debbesi altresi opportunamente riflettere, che in difetto di un tanto congiungimento , aderebbeSoggetta la stessa Fidanzataarimanere innutta, per trovarsi coabitante con l'Oratore sin da più Anni, oltre a che si aggiungerebbe maggior difficoltà ad incontrarne altro marito, costituita essendo nell' età maggiore di anni Trenta.

Adunque Padre Santo la ferma fiducia che ne ha l' Impetrante di acquistare a Dio un Anima chè anderebbe perduta; il grave discapito che tornerebbe alli sopraccennati figli, se distaccati fossero dall'assistenzadell' affezionata zia loro saggiaeducatrice; il pregiudizio che questa ne avrebbe, perdendo la presente occasione di maritarsi, sono insieme a tantealtre non meno significanti circostanze che dicono al Cuore del Supplicante che la Santita Vostrà si degnerà di accordare la grazia che umilmenteimplora. Chez

Ex Audientia SSmi habita die 19. Februarii 1843

SSmus Dominus Noster Gregorius Divina Providentia PP. XVI., referente me infrascripto Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide Secretario, perpensis expositis benigne remisit preces R. P. D. Vicario Apostolico Londinensi , ut sive per se, sive per aliam idoneam Personam Ecclesiasticam ad hoc specialiter deputandam dispensare possit tam super impedimento Primi Gradus Affinitatis in linea collaterali ex Copula Licita proveniente, quam super alio impedimento Mixtae Religionis, ut licite et legitime matrimonium contrahere valeat Vir Catholicus cum Muliere Acatholica, emissa

tamen prius per eamdem obligatione coram ipso Ordinario permittendi educationem Prolis nasciturae utriusquesexus in Religione Catholica, nec impediendi Conjugem Filiosque quominus libere Catholicam Religionem exerceant; Matrimonium vero celebretur coram Parocho et Duobus Testibus extra tamen Ecclesiam, et absque Parochi benedictione. Ipsemet denique Ordinarius efficaciter insinuet Oratori Catholico obligationem quam habet curandi totis viribus Acatholicae

Conjugis conversionem. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus

Datum Romae ex Aedibus dictae SacraeCongregationis Die et Anno quibus supra

Gratis ulla omnino solutione quocumque titulo

Joannes Brunelli Secřius

[Arms on white paper pasted on document , with red seal alongside]

This dispensation directed to the Right Rev. Vicar Apostolic of the London District is by his Authority committedfor execution to the Very Reverend William Victor Fryer. D.D.

London April 10. 1843

Edv Norris Vicar General.

The following document is also pasted in at this place: -

Aos desapete dias do Mez de Agosto de mil oitocentos e vinte e nove, nesta Cidade de Londres e Casas de residencia do Illmo e Excmo Marquez de Valença, 88. Park Street, na minha presença como Commissionado pelo Illmo et Rmo Monsenhor Fryer Vigario Geral dos Catholicos Portugueses, appareceraõ presentes Antonio José Mauriciode Campos , Solteiro, filho legitimo de José Antonio de Campos e de Gertrudes Rosa de Santo Andre, natural e baptizado na Freguesia de São Pedro em Alcantara da Cidade de Lisboa, e Isabel Hughs solteira , filha legitima de Guilherme Hughs & de Maria Hughs, natural e baptizada na Freguesiade SãoPaulo da mesma Cidade de Lisboa no Reino de Portugal , pessoas de mim reconhecidas e das testemhunas abaixo nomeadas e assignadas, e por elles me foi dito diante das mesmas testemhunas, que haviaõ entre si ajustado contrairlegitimo e verdadeiro Matrimonio segundoas Leis daSanta Madre Igreja Catholica Romana dequem, como Catholicos eraõ filhos, e bem assim segundo as Ordenacoes civisdeste Paiz, para o que haviaõ dado e acceitadoreciprocamente promessa de futuro Casamento, e se haviaõ feito proclamarna Parochia de São José desta dita Cidade, e sendo-lhes por mim differido o juramento dos Santos Evangelhos, para declararem em suas almas a verdade; por elles foi dito e declarado,que eraõCatholicos Romanos, e baptizados nas Freguesiasassimadeclaradas; que eraõ Solteiros, d'estado livre sem haverem feito voto, nem haver entre elles impedimentoalgum Civilou Canonico, que invalide , ou estorve o Matrimonio, que pertendem contrahir, oquetudofoiigualmente affirmadoe abonado pelas testemhunas presentes Antonio

Porto e Agueda de Santo Antonio, Portugueses Pessoas de mim reconhecidas e residentes nesta dita Cidade de que para constar fiz este Termo, que com os Contrahentes e testemhunas assignei, e eu Marcos Pinto Soares Vaz Preto, Freire da Ordem Militar de São Thiago da Espada e Prior da Igreja Matriz de São Lourenco da Villa de Alhos Vedros no Patriarchado de Lisboa o escrevi e assignei

Prior Marcos Pinto Soares Vaz Preto

Antonio Jose Mauricio de Campos

Antonio Porto

Isabel hughs

Then follows a blank fly-leaf. Ayda de Inatio Antonio

The following is a loose document: - Anno Domini Millesimo Octingentesimo Trigesimo Quarto, Die Mensis Julii Vigesimo Secundo juxta ritum S. R. Ecclesiæ, in Matrimonio conjunxi Antonio Joacquim Freire Marreor et Anna Laura Harrison , Testibus Præsentibus Cristovao Pinto de Moraes Sarmento, Francisco Ignacio Vanzeller, John Fairweather Harrison, Edward Blount In cujus Fidem huic Testimoniomeâ manu subscripsi Geo Spain Miss Apcus Datum Londini Die 22a Julii 1834

Another loose leaf has the following entries: -

June ye 3d 1747 Michael Pluncket of NewingtonParish In ye County of Midlesex, and Sarah Bartholomew of the Parish ofSt Martin In ye Fields In ye sd Countywere Joy'nd in Lawful Matrimony according to ye Rites & Ceremonies of ye H. Catholick Church In ye Presences of ye underwritten wittnesses Theresa Palmer, Jeremiah Denovan & Anne Deale By me Richd Grene. Augt ye 5th 1749. was then Baptized Edward Hailstone [a correctionof some sort] Son of Ed Hailstone & Anne his wife born ye 4th instant The Godfather Ed Welch, Godmother Elizth Somner, By me Richd Grene. [At foot] Hailston

On the back of this leaf, but with a cross through it, is the following record: -

Nov 26th 1749 James Peters widdower of ye Parish ofSt James's Westminster In ye Countyof Midlesex and Anne Taylor Spinster ofye sd Parish & Countywere Joyndin Lawful Matrimonyaccording to ye Rites & Ceremonies of ye Holy Catholick Church In ye Presence of the underwrittenwittnesses By me R. GreneJames Butler & [Alizthaltered to] Elizth Boulton. Booked down&c


For the opportunity of reproducing this Register we are indebted to Mr. Robert N. Roskell , of the firm of Messrs Witham, Roskell, Munster & Weld, of 1 , Gray's Inn Square, London, who, however , have no knowledge of how it ever came into their possession It is a small volume 7 by 6 inches, solidly bound in parchment, the cover very slightlyoverlappingthe leaves The paper is plain, but has three columns ruled off in red on the right hand of the page and one on the left. Some leaves have been torn out at the beginning and end, andone in the body, ofthe volume The first 36 pagesconsist ofrecords of baptisms, and are followed by 59 blank leaves; then comes the register of marriages occupyingpages numbered 1 to 27, page 28 and the next 47 leaves being blank The earliest entry in the volume is of a baptism dated January 5, 172 , and the latest of a marriage dated October 1, 1748 , these dates corresponding closely to the limits of the Rev. Louis Deleau's activities as a resident chaplain of the Portuguese Embassy A number of the entries in this register are also to be found in the Portuguese Embassy Chapel Registers [1] THE REGISTER OF WEDDINGS MADE SINCE I BELONG TO HIS EXCELLENCY Ye AMBASSADOUROF PORTUGALL 172 .

1. AnnoDomini 1724 22a Januarii Nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego F: Ludovicus Deleau Capellanus Regis Portugalliæ Londini in Anglia Jacobum Haruy et Dorotheam Patrick interrogavi, eorumque mutuo consensu habito Solemniter per verba præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus Notis Ioanne Simon et Elisabethâ Pains.

2. Anno Domini 1727 21a Junii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego frater ludovicus Deleau Bernardum Bryan Branan et Judith LacyMatrimonioConjunxi præsentibustestibus Roberto Lovethyday et Sara Ward.

3. Anno Domini 1727 12a Septembris Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego fr: ludovicus Deleau henricum Lambert et Mariam Singleton MatrimonioConjunxi præsentibus testibus Roberto Lovethyday et Sara Ward. [2] 4. Anno Domini 1726 [sic] 26ta Junii Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto ego fr: Ludovicus Deleau Laurentium Poli et Mariam Smith Matrimonio conjunxi presentibus testibusignatio Smith et Catherina Lacy.

5. AnnoDomini 1728 24 Januarii Nullo legitimo impedimento [decto erased] detecto, ego fr: Ludovicus Deleau Andream Clarke et Annam Woolf MatrimonioConjunxi presentibus testibus Luca Clarke et Anna Clarke alias Sander, thoma Moore et Anna Woolf Matreejus.

6. Anno Domini 1728 Julii 31a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego fr: ludovicus Deleau Jacobum vnderhillet Barbaram Blundellmatrimonioconjunxi presentibus testibusAntonio Luker et Joanne Dunn.

7. Anno Domini 1728 [26 erased] 23 Augustinullo legitimoimpedimento detecto ego ludovicus Deleau Joannem franciscum [allin above] et antonettam paulinam valencier matrimonio con-junxi presentibus testibus claudio valencier patreejus, Jacobo dupont, francisco lambsecak et thoma Sulman.


8. AnnoDomini 1728 Januarii 22a nullolegitimoimpedimento detecto ego ludovicus Deleau Joannem foulon et Annam Rouse Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibustestibus notis Susannavandryck, Rob : Vandriyck, jean baptiste grismonpont [doubtful]

9. Anno Domini 172 februarii 6tanullo legitimo impedimento detecto ego ludovicusDeleau [Jo erased] EdvardumWicherson et franciscam freemant matrimonioconjunxipræsentibustestibus NotisguillemoSmith, Elisabetha Dorlanvaux, mariaTerry et Joanne Terry

10. Anno Domini 172 februarii 16ta nullo Legitimo impedimento detecto ego ludovicus Deleau Joannem baptistam Ozinde et Saram Walter matrimonio Conjunxi presentibus testibus notis elisabetha Walter matre ejus, Gaspar Bennet et Michaele Bouyer.

11. Anno Domini 1729 maii 3ª nullo legitimoimpedimentodetecto ego ludovicus Deleau Nathaelem Maurice et Elisabetham Ward matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Eczabeth Dorlanvevx, William Smith [4]

12. Anno Domini 1729 Septembris 7a nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Joannem [Anderso erased] handerson et Annam Bulmen Matrimonio Conjunxi presentibus testibus Michaele deiz, Maria Bulmen

13. Anno Domini 1729 Septembris Sa nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicusDeleau RobertumLoveday et Elisabetham Stavenson Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Thoma Trossea et Isabella Smith.

14. Anno Domini 1730 Junii 13a nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Jacobum Hennis et Alexiam Hennis matrimonioConjunxipræsentibustestibus Owen Shannan , Joanna Danelley.

15. Anno Domini 1730 Septembris 9a nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau franciscum Josephum Hubert et mariam barbaram Andrez matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus T: constantia brudenell : Brus: fisher: Maria clara durieu : Thoma Allen: Maria Stevison [5] 16. Anno Domini 1739 februarii 11a nullo Legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Joannem Josephum Leopoldum Commanset Mariam Oliver MatrimonioConjunxipræsentibus testibus Nicolao Restrip et Tobitha Restrip

17. Anno Domini 1739 februarii 16ta Nullo Legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau DominumJoannem Collingwood [Dm. above] et Mariam Franciscam Mondehare Matrimonio Conjunxi Præsentibustestibus : Mary Mondehare, Jno Mondehare , Christ : Metcalfe, Tho : Collingwood

18. Anno Domini 1732 Januarii 29 [altered to 198] Nullo legi-

timo impedimentodetecto Ego ludovicus Deleau patritium Levin et Joannam kely [einon abovethe y] matrimonioConjunxipræsentibus testibus Edmondo Tobin et Sarah karans

19. Anno Domini 1732 februarii2a nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego ludo : Deleau Joannem Bridget Mariam Brown Matrimonio Conjunxipresentibus testibus : Catherina Brown matreejus, Catherina Brown sorore ejus et barbara Brown; Maria Burfeild, Lucia Davies, Elisabetha Barrett, margueritaChapman. [6] 20. Anno Domini 1732 aprilis 21a nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego ludo: Deleau Valentinumshree et Annamfinch Matrimonio Conjunxi presentibus testibus Notis Joanne Edwards X , francisca Lauson X , Anna Pierson X.

21. Anno Domini 1733 Aprilis 2a nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Cutberthum Burton & Saram Abercromby Matrimonio Conjunxi presentibus testibus Notis: Judeth Davies, Sarah Churlton, Clare Fitzpatrick, MarthaS. Haines , Jno

Tipping, Robert Abercromby [7] 22. Anno Domini 1732 Julii 29no Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Lud: Deleau Guillemum Peacoke et Henriettam Robinson Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis : Ad. Dempsy, Jo Dignan, W: Dignan, Patie [doubtful] Robinson

23. Anno Do Domini 1732 Maii Ego ludo : Deleau nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto guillemumwilson et Isabellam Gibbons MatrimonioConjunxi presentibus testibus petro Belbown & Anna Gibbons

24. Anno Domini Julii 8a 1733 Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicusDeleau RobertumAmbercromby et Saram Pearle Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis , Samuele Bats, Cutberto Burton, et Sara Burton.

25. Anno Domini Julii 9a 1733 Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Terentium Conor et Franciscam Armsstrong Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis , Thoma Salmon et Jacobo Gomes. [8] 26. Anno Domini Augusti 19a 1733 Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Gasparem Bennet et Catherinam Brown Matrimonioconjunxi presentibus testibus Notis: Katthren Brown, John Bredg, Margt Burfield

27. Anno Domini 1733 octobris 7aNullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Georgium Goodyer et Joannam Granom Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibustestibus ludouico Granom , Maria Granom, Maria Swan et Elisabetha Swan. [9] 28. Anno Domini Maii 16ta 1734Nullo Legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Ludovicus Deleau Josephum Milleton et Helenam Renew MatrimonioConjunxipræsentibustestibus Notisut infra: Elizh Kirk, Nich: Harris, T. Granger, S. Dheme, de Newland [doubtful], James Newton, Geo Dowdale

29. Anno Domini 1734 Aprilis 30 Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Joannem Nevill et Mariam Ems Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis, francisca Granger et Jacobo Granger.

30. Anno Domini 1734 Junii 30 Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Thomam philipps et Maria Anna young MatrimonioConjunxipræsentibus[testibus]Notis: MarthaJaquis, Jacobo Granger et francisca Granger.

[10] 31. Anno Domini 1734 Augusti 9ta Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Adamum Scola et Mariam Olivier Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis: Nihos Olivier, anne olivier, Giacomo Amiconi, Marc Antoine Carpentier, Gedeon Carto, James Leoni , Thos Perrand, André Jaconet, Franco Sleter , Ann Bicknell

32. Anno Domini 1734 Augusti 29 Nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Joannem Georgium Silberman et Saram Hewet matrimonioconjunxipræsentibustestibus notis: Marguerita Hewet, Joice Emes, William Chambers, HenryGrubb, Ann Grubb, alecia [E erased] Ixem.

[11] 33. Anno Domini January 30 1734 Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: DeleauSamuelemHeathcote et franciscam Gibbons Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Anna Spycer et Maria Philipps.

34. Anno Domini 1734 Augusti 9a Nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Matthæum Thorn et Arabellam Elsneur MatrimonioConjunxipræsentibustestibus Notis, Geofrido Elsneur, Joanna Elsneur, Elisabetha Thorn , francisca Gibson, Elisabetha Langley et Anna checher.

35. Anno Domini 1734 Martii 19a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego lud: Deleau Leonardum Forcade et Mariam Annam Joseph Desprez Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Marco AntonioCarpentier, Carolo le Sage, LudovicoDesprezditde Verneuillet Mariafrancisca Desprez, Maria Antonetta Tourneville [w erased] vidua domini de fonpré, et Maria Anna petitte uxoris domini Caroli Le Sage [12] 36. Anno Domini 173g Martii 2a Nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau ludovicum GuillemumDove et Elisabetham Roger MatrimonioConjunxipræsentibustestibus Notis Peneloppa Roger matre ejus et Joanne Hunt.

37. Anno Domini 173 Martii 19 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau ludovicum Gobina et Annam Williams MatrimonioConjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Helena Baronet Maria Generella

38. Anno Domini 1735 decembris 8 nullolegitimoimpedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau patritium Thornton et MariamMatthews Matrimonio Conjunxi, presentibus testibus Notis Domina Anna Mould, Mauritio flearthy Machayhoy, Catherina flearthy, [Mary altered to] Marta flearthy.

39. Anno Domini 1737 novembris 22a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Joannem palma et Mariam Catherinam [sic] MatrimonioConjunxi presentibus [testibus] Notis Petro Carpentier, Marco Antonio Carpentier ac Natali Carpentier fratre ejusdem [13] 40. Anno Domini 1736 octobris 2da Nullo legitimo impedi-

mento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Matrimonio ConjunxiJoannem Jones et [Eas erased] Hester Skinner præsentibus testibus Notis Georgius skinner his Sign X, Ann Willson, kathrin harrison

41. Anno Domini 1736 octobris 9a Nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau [Matrimonio conjunxi] Joannem batiptam [Masqu erased] Mascaré et Annam ailmer præsentibus testibus Notis , Jean baptiste Masere , Ann Elmer, Anne Letellier, Anna Miler X , Gaspar Le Tellier, ambroise Darrasse, Andre Haubois, Marie francois mequignon, Marian Pelletier [14] 42. Anno Domini 1736 Octobris 18 Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau [Matrimonioconjunxi] Georgium Skinner et AnnamBarney præsentibustestibus NotisAnn Willson, John Jones, Easter [Skinner erased] Jones, kathrin harrison

43. Anno Domini 1736 decembris 5ta Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Joannem John Newton et Elisabetham Etichchov [?] Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Mary Steuenson, John Brattel.

44. Anno Domini 1736 decembris 13a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Thomam montieret Annam stone Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Thomas Monthaer, Ann Stone, Francis Smith [15] 45. Anno Domini 1734 January 9a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau GuillemumGransireet Susannam Compain matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis, Guillaume grandsire, SuzanneCompain, francis stevenson X, mary Steuenson, Jeremiah Donovan

46. Anno Domini 173 february17 Nullolegitimoimpedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Raphaelem Hallso [et] Serah Green Sword x matrimonioConjunxipræsentibus [Notis erased] testibus Notis John Farington, Francis Stevenson x.

47. Anno Domini 1734 february ye 8: nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau nobilem EquitemludovicumDelabordeVernous et Saram D'hane matrimonioConjunxipræsentibus testibus notis Nicolao Harriset Joanne Cater. [This entry is crossed through.] [16] 48. Anno Domini 1737 aprilis 13a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego ludovicus Deleau Joannem Bisson et Mariam OresmeMatrimonioConjunxipræsentibus [testibus] Notis Jacques Piequot, Margueritte Urquette [or Yrquette], Sussanne Dastre, Michel Monchari X , Augustin Carpentier

49. Anno Domini 1737 aprilis 24 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau J. Carolum Bone et Helenam Raynell matrimonioConjunxipræsentibustestibus notis, Wm: Hutchinson , Jenne Rater X.

50. Anno Domini 1737 Junii 26 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau franciscum Torond et Annam Rosindall matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis, Maria Lovel, Joanne Austin, Joanne Dutreuille, lud: laurent [17] 51. Anno Domini 1737 Julii 20 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau [Matrimonioconjunxi] Matthæum dewine


REGISTER et Catherinam Smithpræsentibus testibus Notis Patrick dewine X and francis: X.

52. Anno Domini 1738 februarii 14ta nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau [Matrimonioconjunxi]Sulpicium Goullin et Margueritam Lewis præsentibus testibus Notis , Jane foullont, Jean foullon, Louis Jullien.

53. Anno Domini 1738 maij 6ta nullo legituno impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Georgium Rainford et Mariam stananought matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus [Notis erased] testibus notis Oliuer Nugent, francisca stevenson X.

54. Anno Domini 1737 Junii 26a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau franciscum Torond et Annam Rosindall matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis, Maria Lovell, Joannes Austin, Joannes Dutreuille et ludovicus Laurent. [This is a repetition of Entry 50 above, which is not quite clear] [18] 55. Anno Domini 1738 Maii 19 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Joannem church et Anser Gage Matrimonio Conjunxipræsentibustestibus NotisMarthaware et Joanne delacroix.

56. Anno Domini 1738 Julii 15 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Joannem Coleman et mariam mayland matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Jeremiah Donovan , mary Steuenson

57. Anno Domini 1738 Augusti22aNullolegitimoimpedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Reguerum Hall et Margueritam Rely matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Roger Hall: Marett Reilly. Witnesses James Hindrick, Mary Hindrick.

58. Anno Domini 1739 Septembris 2a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Thomam Elridge et Mariam Hales MatrimonioConjunxipræsentibus testibus Notis, Guillemo Elridge et Georgio Matthus [19] 59. Anno Domini 173 february 25 Nullo legitimo jmpedimento detecto Ego Lud: Deleau Guillemum[farde erased] farndell & Elisabeth strong Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Francis Smith, Francis x.

60. Anno Domini 1739 aprilis 21a Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Joannem Lambertet MariamLucas Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Joanis Uamas [doublful], Mary Lucas, mary Steuenson, francis Stevenson x.

61. Anno Domini 1738 may 19 nullo legitimoimpedimentodetecto Ego lud: Deleau Joannem Churchet Anser Gages matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis MarthaWare et Joanne delacroix. [This is a repetition of Entry 55 above .]

62. Anno Domini 1739 novembris 6to Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Bartholomeum Hughes & Joannam york matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis [danl erased] Daniel Right & Sarah Right [20] 63. Anno Domini 1740 Aprilis 19 Nullo Legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Guillemumwilson & Elisabetham

Rogers Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus [testibus] Notis, Mary Rogers, mary Steueson.

64. Anno Domini 1740 Junii 4ta nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud : Deleau Joannem Irland et Saram Salbury Matrimonio Conjunxipræsentibustestibus NotisJoannesIreland, Sarath Salisbury Witnes Nich: Harris, Marie Salisbury , Isabella Vol.

65. AnnoDomini 1749 february2a nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau assuerumvan den Hoff [et]AnneThompson matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis, Sus. Bayley & Jacobus Bonnom

[21] 66. Anno Domini 1742 february 28 Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego lud: Deleau Nicolaum Legrand et Martham Pouché matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis, Jacobo Perdrin et Joanne Mether.

67. Anno Domini 1742 Septembris la Ego lud: Deleau Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Henricum Walles et Elisabetham Reardon MatrimonioConjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Robertc Bets, Sarah Magoer et dorothea Reardon [See Entry 78 below .]

68. Anno Domini [year omitted] Septembris 5ta[6ta erased] Ego Lud: Deleau Nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Theodorum struper et franciscum [sic] StevensonMatrimonioConjunxipræsentibus testibus Notis Martha Reily, mary steuenson .

69. Anno Domini 1743 May 28 Ego ludovicus Deleau Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Joannem Renauldt et Charlottam Barret matrimonio [detecto erased] Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis J. Renault, Charlote [barete erased] renalte, charlot chanpanain, C. Chandain [22] 70. Anno Domini 1743 Augusti 14ta Ego lud: Deleau Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Carolum Salem et Mariam Stone Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis Charles Sallom , mary Stone, Mary Convers, Francis Smith, George Sallom, Thos Moore.

71. Anno Domini 1743 octobris 20taEgoludovicusDeleaunullo legitimo impedimento detecto Joannem Booker et Elisabetham Pearse matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis, John Booker, Elisabeth peares, mary Wilson, Eliz: Clayton [23] 72. Anno Domini 1744 Augusti 12a Ego Lud: Deleau Nullo legitimo impedimento[detecto] Thomam Palethorp [et] Helenam Byerd MatrimonioConjunxipræsentibustestibus Notis, Marguerita Jaratte, Peter Claiton.

73. Anno Domini 1744 Septembris 2a Ego lud: Deleau Nullo legitimo impedimento [detecto] LaurentiumJosephumDuvivieret Margueritam Gaumara Vannerom Matrimonio Conjunxipræsentibus [testibus] Notis, Laurent joseph Du Viuier, margarita gommaravan Nerom, Joes Bapta van Nerom, Paquai Crenuick ,Henry Honz.

74. Anno Domini 1744 Septembris 30a Ego lud: Deleau nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto Matrimonio Conjunxi [præsentibus testibuserased] EdwardumRaymond et ElisabethamDogan pre-

sentibus testibusNotis Clara Dogan matre ejus, dionisius Raymond & Susanna Groham [See Entry 76 below] [24] 75. Anno Domini 1744 Septembris 12a Ego lud: Deleau Nullo Legitimo [impedimento ] detecto Thoman Loyd et Annam Reader MatrimonioConjunxi, Presentibus [testibus]Notis, Lud: Deleau . Thomas Loyd x, Ann Rider, Mary Champ, John Champ.

76. Anno Domini 1744 Septembris 12a Ego lud: Deleau Nullo Legitimoimpedimento detecto EwardumRaymond & Elisabetham Dogan Matrimonio Conjunxi præsentibus testibus Notis , Clara Dogan Matre ejus, Susanna Graham, Dennis Raymond, & Moises Raymond . [An amended copy of Entry 74 above.]

77. Anno Domini 17[4] january ye 23 Ego lud: Deleau Guillemum Terry & ann Cary matrimonio Conjunxi [See Entry 81 below ]

78. Anno Domini 1745 Septembris ja Ego lud: Deleau nullo legitimo impedimento detecto matrimonio [data erased] Conjunxi [contracting parties' names omitted] presentibus testibusNotis Roberto Betts, Sara Macgoyer et Dorothea feardon [See Entry 67 above .]

79. Anno Domini 1744 decembris 5a Ego lud: Deleau Nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto Matrimonio conjunxi [presentibus testibus erased]Joannem franciscum Rouré et Mariam Antonettam Dubois presentibus testibus agnete Godfroye uxore Joannis baptistæ Dubois et Lud : Watter [See Entry 84 below .] [25] 80. Anno Domini 1745 Junii 24 Ego lud: Deleau nullo legitimo [impedimento above] [detecto] matrimonio Conjunxi Isaac Hardy & Mariam Conveyer presentibus [testibus] Notis, Charles Sallom, William Greenwell, Mary Fisher , Mary Legitte x, mary St: Sallom.

81. [Jan erased]Anno Domini 174 January25 Ego lud: Deleau nullo legitimo impedimento dettecto Matrimonioconjunxi GuillemumTerry et annamkerry [Cary above] presentibus testibusGuillemo Wol, Ann [brown erased] et maria Woll [An amended copy of Entry 77 above.]

82. Anno Domini 1746 novembris 25 Ego lud: Deleau nullo legitimo impedimento detecto matrimonio Conjunxi Nicolaum Harriset franciscam Price presentibus testibus notis prudentiadun & Thomas dun.

83. Anno Domini 1747 aprilis 27 Ego ludovicus Deleau nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Matrimonium Contraxeruntpetrus Jotman & MargueritaGerrard præsentibus testibus notis , Thomas Pallethorp & Helena Pelethorp

84. Anno Domini [year omitted] novembris 5a Ego ludovicus Deleau Nullo legitimo impedimento detecto MatrimonioConjunxi franciscum Rouré et mariamAntonettamDubois presentibus testibus agnete GodfroyMatre ejus et ludovicoWalter [An amended copy of Entry 79 above .] [26]

85. Anno Domini 1748 Mayye 1 Ego ludovicusDeleau Nullo legitimo [impedimento ] detecto Philippum heffreernen et Mar-

gueritam Brenon MatrimonioConjunxi presentibus testibusPatre ejus Luwis Bren, Jeremiah Donovan, Charles Farrell, Easther Clark.

86. Anno Domini Septemberye 24, 1748 Ego lud: Deleau nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Joannem Grey & Margueritam Egan Matrimonio Conjunxi presentibus testibus, Samuel Pleecher, Nicolas Dignan, William Dignan, Ann Dignam, Mary Dongan.

87. Anno Domini October ye 1 , 1748 Ego lud: Deleau nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Danielem Scannell et Joannam LeahyMatrimonioconjunxi presentibus [No erased] testibus, Henrico Dowling et Eleonora Dowling [27] 88. Anno Domini June ye 15, 1748 Ego lud: Deleau nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto Iacobum Tyroll et Mabellam Shekelfield Matrimonio Conjunxi presentibus testibus Jeremia Dunean , Robert Morris , Richard Greynood


The following lists of Chaplains attached to the Portuguese Embassy, of Officials and Domestics in the service of the Chapel, and of Non-resident Priests ministering there, are reproduced from the volume of Inventories described on pp. xxiv to xxvii The particulars in larger type are entries made by the original chronicler, with the exceptionof the notes in square brackets; these and the particulars insmallertype,obviously of a later date, are in a different handwriting.


[56] Noms et Surnoms de Messieurs Les Chapelains, et le tems depuis lequel ils desservent la Chapelle , et leurs Apointemens par mois .

Monsieur Jean Hardcastle Benedictin , Chapelain Major

Dessert la Chapelledepuis le 1er Jour de Novembre 1716.

[Obijt 16 Decembris 1741]

Et a d'appointemens par mois

Entra à sa place

MonsieurJoseph SmallwoodRecolletle 16 Decembre1741. [Mourut 22 de Maye 1756]

A sa place

Monsieur François Blyth Carme Dechaussá entra en Office de ChapelainMajor le 22° de Maye 1756, Son Excce Mons' Martin de Mello e Castro etant alors le Ministre

[57]Monsieur Jacques Butler Dominiquain.

Dessert la Chapelle depuis le 11e Jour de Octobre 1724 .

Et a d'Appointemens par mois

[Il a quitte le 231eme Jour de Janvier 1748]

A sa place entra

Monsieur ThomasDungan Recolet le 25 Jour de Mars 1748; [Il a quitté le dernier de Juin 1757 et]

MonsieurBernardCrosseentra à sa place le 25e d'Aoutde la même

Année 1757 avec les mêmes Appointemens [Il quitta le 5 Decbre 1758] et à sa Place est entré

Monsieur Carteret Benedictin le 14° de Janvier 1759 .

[58] Monsieur Etienne Granville Carme

Dessert la Chapelle depuis le 11e jour de Octobre 1724 .

[Obijt 24 Maij 1740]

Et a d'Appointemens par mois

Entrat à sa place

Monsieur Thomas Griswold Recolet le 25 May 1740

[59] Monsieur Pierre Weesley Capucin

Dessert la Chapelle depuis le

Et a d'Appointemens par mois

jour d


Entrat à sa place

Monsieur Francois Monfort Capucin le 8 Jour d'Avril 1748

Et il a quitte le 21 de Juin 1751

A sa place entrat

Monsieur Jeffry Mac-Hugo Burke Prêtre Seculier Irlandois le 29 de Juin 1751

Il quitta la Chapelle le 25° de Decbre 1754

Entra en sa place

Mons Charles Stevens Recolet le 7e de Mars 1755


Monsieur Joseph Smallwood Recollet

Dessert la Chapelle depuis le 6e Jour d'Avril 1726 .

[Fait Chapelain Major le 16e Decbre 1741]

Et a d'Appointemens par mois

Entra à Sa Place en qualité de Chapelain ordinaire

Monsieur Francois Blythe Carme Dechaussé le 16 Decembre1741 fait Chapelain Majeur 22 de May 1756

Entra à Sa place en qualité de Chapelain ordinaire

Monsieur Thomas Bennet Benedictin, le 1er de Novembre 1756


Monsieur Louis Deleau Recollet.

Dessert la Chapelle depuis Le Jour de janvier 1727

[Il a quitté le 16 Jour d'Avril 1749]

Et a d'Appointemens par mois

A sa place entra

Monsieur Jean Wheeler Recolet le 2 Jour de May 1749


Monsieur Richard Greene Prêtre Seculier .

Dessert la Chapelle depuis le 2e Jour d'Avril 1727.

[Obijt 24 d'avril 1750]

Et a d'Appointemens par mois

A sa place entra

MonsieurDennisByrne Recolletle 1er Jour de Juin 1750 il aquitté le 31eme Juillet 1762

MonsieurMartialLeman Recolet a pri sa place le 25° Septbre1762


Monsieur Edward Cox Carme [Dechaussé]

Dessert la Chapelle depuis le 16e Jour de juillet 1738.

Et a d'Appointemens par mois

[64] Officiers Et Domestiques

Le Sieur Jacques Gass. Organiste

Touche les orgues depuis le

Et a d'Apointemens par mois

A sa place entra

Jour d

Le Sieur Jean Baptiste Cooper ct Touche les orgues depuis le 28 Jour d'Avril 1743. Obijt 29 Janvier 1747 .

A sa place

Le Sieur Louis Dors Touche les orgues depuis le 1mler Jour de Fevrier 1747

[65] Thomas Brierley Soufleur des Orgues.

A d'Appointemens par mois

Le 16me Jour d'Avril 1743

Jacques Thomas entra à la place du Defunt

First entered as 29; the 9 then appears to have been whittled down with a penknife to form a 1 .

[66] Ollivier Nugent Sacristain

A d'appointemens par mois

Il mour t Fevrier 6me 1757

Sebastien Gonçalvo a été reçû à la Chapelle en qualité de SousSacristain par Ordre de Son Excce Mons de Mello e Castro , le 1er Juillet 1756

Et a d'Appointemens par mois ..

Par après il a succedé au Defunt en qualité de Sacristain le 7e de Fevrier 1757 , avec les Appointemens d'auparavant

Il aquitté la Chapelle le 4e d'Octobre de la mêmeannée , et

Jean Wools a été receu Sacristain à sa place le 10e du mêmeMois dans la meme année

[67] Jeremie Deenavan Portier .

A de Gages par mois

[Il a quitté le 30° Juin 1758] et est entré à Sa place

Richard Davis le 1er de Juillet de la même Année [il a quitté le 28 Sept. 1760] et

Est entré à Sa place

Jacques Curry le 29 Septbre 1760

[68] Messieurs les Prêtres Externes habitués a la Chapelle.

Monsieur Thomas Grizoweld Recollet

Monsieur francois Monfort Capucin

Monsieur Jean Darcy Capucin

Monsieur Jacques Rice Seculier

Monsieur Jean Shepperd Seculier

Monsieur Jean Cantrill Recollet

Monsieur Thomas Grisoweld recollet est Chappelain

Monsieur francois Monfort Capucin a quitté la Chappella

MonsieurJean Darcy capucin a quittéla Chappelle , est a presenta la Chappelle de Baviere

Monsieur Jacques Rice Seculier est decedé

MonsieurJean Shepperd [a later altered to] pas quittélaChappelleest decedé

Monsieur Jean Cantrill recollet a quitté la Chappelledecedé

[69] This leaf is blank.

[70] Liste de Messieurs les Chapelains Selon l'Ordre de leurAutorité et Antiquitédans cette Chapelle Royale de S.M.T.F. en 1756

1s Mons François Blyth, Chapelain Majeur Provincial des Carmes Dechaussé Anglois

2s Mons Edward Cox, Carme Dechaussez. Anglois.

3s Mons" Thomas Greswold, Recollet . Anglois .

48 Mons Thomas Dungan, Franciscain. Irlandois.*

58 Mons Jean Wheeler, Recolet. Anglois.

6s Mons Denis Byrne Irlandois Recolet

7s Mons Charles Stevens Ecossois Recolet.

Ss Monst Thomas Bennet Anglois. Benedictin . Mons Bernard Crosse Anglois Jesuite . *

Mons François Carteret, Benedictin. Anglois. Mons Martial Leman, Recolet Flamand.

This entry, for some reason or other, has been ruled out.


The following list of Priests who officiated at Marriages recorded in this volume contains 108 names The earliest and latest dates at which they are shown to have officiated are given; this may serve as a means of identification, as in very many cases the nameis not to be found in the usual reference books: only 10 of these, for example, distinguishedhere by an asterisk , are included in Gillow's Dictionary

*Adelham, John, July 1 , 1664Nov. 16, 1674

Arthur, James , Aug. 7, 1665Sept. 17 , 1671

Aubigny, Rt Hon the Lord Louis Stuart, June 9, 1664June 22 , 1664

Belasyse, Charles, Aug. 13, 1795April 26 , 1798

Beyphild, William, June 18, 1677

Bishop, Denis, Aug. 31 , 1701

Blackwell, William, April 9 , 1687

*Blyth, Francis, Feb. 5, 1741Sept. 17, 1772

* Bramston, James Yorke, Aug. 21 , 1809

Brett, Edward, July 6, 1675

Bufflé , Leopold, June 26, 1722Feb 11 , 1729

Burke, Jeff. MacHugo, April 22, 1751Nov 22, 1753

Butler, James , May 10, 1721Aug 16 , 1746

Butler, R., May 7 , 1713

Byrne, Denis, Aug. 9, 1752May 20 , 1753

Cantrill, Bruno, July 14, 1744

Cantrill, John, Jan. 27, 1734Jan 29, 1748

* Collins, William, July2, 1665

Chapman, Robert , Oct. 16, 1779June 10, 1781

Cox, Ed, April 3, 1733March 23, 1754 (? July 31, 1759)

D'arcy, John, Sept. 2, 1739

de Belbeuf, Pierre Augustin Godart , Bp of Avranches, April 30 , 1798

De Boisgelin, Jean de Dieu Raymond , Archbp ofAix, Nov. 27 , 1797

Deleau, Louis, June 26, 1726Oct 1 , 1748

de Mello, Emmanuel , Dec. 1 , 1683Oct 11 , 1684

Dixon, Paul, Sept. 23, 1745Feb. 18 (? April 21), 1754

Edney, Thomas, July 8, ? 1777

Ferreyra, James, O.S.B., July 6, 1684Aug. 13, 1711

Fidden, John, June 25, 1664Feb. 1 , 1668

Firth, William, July 19, 1777

Fitzmaurice , James, Aug. 31, 1712April 23, 1716

Fitzsimons, Patrick, July 8, 1722Nov. 11 , 1722

On p 29, entry 299, the marriage is certified " by me Timothe de aria, Fr James Ferreyra "


Floyd, John, May 17 , 1721April 3, 1722

Franklin, George, May 8, 1722July26, 1722

*Fryer, William Victor, July 7, 1799May 23 , 1843

Gaffey, Daniel , March 5, 1810Jan 7, 1811

Garstang, William, May 30, 1770Sept 12, 1809

Geary, John, April 6, 1752

Gibbons , Tobias, Aug. 12, 1700May 17 , 1725

* Godden, Thomas, Nov. 3, 1668June 30, 1688

Grainsbro' , Maurice, undated (? 1720)

Granville, Stephen, May 22, 1727Oct 9, 1736

Grene, Richard, Sept. 17, 1727Feb. 27, 1750

Greswold , Thomas, April 19, 1740June 14, 1762

Grimaldi, Anthony, June 8, 1720Sept 21 , 1720

Grove, John, May 7 , 1711

Hardcastle, John, July 5, 1720June 10, 1741

Henegan, John, Jan. 30, 1689Jan 9, 1714

Henegan, John of Sagunto, Nov. 14, 1706Feb 12, 1713

Heyns or Heynds, James, June 5, 1720Sept. 3, 1720

Hourriquet, Miguel, June 27, 1689

Howardof Norfolk, P., July 5, 1668Feb. 5, 1670

* Huddleston, John, May 24, 1664May 6, 1685

Hughs, Peter, April 25, 1714Aug. 26, 1714

Hunter, Francis, Jan. 4, 1675May 23 , 1675

Jacquin, Nicolas, Feb. 9 , 1807Nov 12, 1829

James of St. Bonaventure, Fr, Sept. 29, 1673 - May 30, 1678

Johnston, Joseph, O.S.B., Jan. 11 , 1690Nov. 28, 1695

* Jones, John, Feb. 3, 1818July 17 , 1849

Keating, Ambrose, Ord Cor , April 15 , 1723

Kelly, Dominic, Nov. 23, 1676

Kempton , Robert , Oct. 3, 1741*

Killdea, Bon., Nov. 9, 1786

Latham, Henry, Sept. 24, 1666May 2 , 1674

Leman, M., Jan. 13, 1752April 23 , 1765

Loraine, Ftz., Feb. 7, 1741

McDonnell, Daniel , Feb. 12, 1811

Monfort, F., July 4, 1736June 13, 1751

Moore, Thomas, April 21 , 1723March 25, 1739

Morris , William, Oct. 14 , 1819Oct. 7, 1826

*Morris, William P., Feb. 4, 1827Nov 10, 1829

Nash, Anthony, June 18 , 1669

Norris, Edward, Aug. 15, 1818Feb. 22, 1824

Nugent, Peter, Sept. 18 , 1737

O'Sullivan, John Baptist, O.P., Aug. 27, 1685

Palatine, Thomas, Feb. 15, 1713Aug. 16, 1714

Peters , Augustine , Sept. 21, 1675

Pertinitz, Wenceslas , May 13 , 1714March 17 , 1715

Pilling, William, Nov. 13, 1784Nov 23, 1793

Ponce, John, March 8, 1719Aug. 30, 1725

Revell, Hyacinth, Sept. 23, 1667April 2 , 1668 At Watlington Park, Oxon.


Rice, James, Feb. 20, 1738April 11 , 1738

Robinson, Gerard, April 6, 1779

Rochefort, Joseph, Feb. 26, 1754

Shaw, Edward, Jan. 22, 1729March 2 , 1747

Sheldon, Lionel, July 27, 1663Feb 14 , 1671

Smallwood, Joseph, Nov. 21, 1724Oct 1 , 1748

Smith, Austin, July 3, 1805June 19 , 1811

Smith, John, Oct. 4, 1722April28, 1723

Smith, William, Nov. 25, 1753

Smyth, John, April 30, 1795June 15 , 1816

Southcote, Edward, Sept. 8, 1740

Stafford, Alexis , Sept. 21 or 27 , 1682

Stapylton, Gregory, May 10 , 1664Sept. 27, 1674

Stevens, C., June 23, 1791

Strange, Richard, Nov. 8, 1669

Sumner, James, Feb. 12, 1809April 23 , 1809

Talbot, James, Bp of Birtha, May4, 1767

Thomas a S.Anna, Fr, Feb. 3, 1676

* Touchet, George, Oct. 1662Jan 1 , 1675

Vandenbergh, Anselm, Dec. 29, 1720-? April 17 , 1721

Vandenbergh, Anthony, ? April 17, 1721Oct 17, 1740 (o.s.)

Vaughan, Augustine, April 15, 1740

Veale, James, April 24, 1721

Wesley, Peter, Sept. 6, 1726May 18 , 1735

Wheeler, John, July4, 1749March8 , 1754

Wycart, Anthony, Sept. 20, 1669Aug 16 , 1670

Wynne, Francis Augustine , June 30, 1721Jan. 24, 1722

In addition to the foregoing list the names of a numberof other Priests occur in the Registers, mostly as witnesses to the marriage. They are as follows: -

Blount, Henry Tichborne, 1767

Boschi, Charles, 1737

Bridges, Francis, 1668

Browne, Peter, 1767

D'Albignac, Philip Francis, Bp of Angoulême, 1797 da Meies, Matthias, 1676

de Almeida, Paul, 1685

De Chambourg, Louis William, 1806

Delany, Dominic, 1739

Diaz, Emmanuel , 1683-1687

dos Mepnesyn, Biemigro , Suardaci, 1676

Douglas, John, Bp of Centuriae, 1797-1809

Formage, Joseph, 1820 , 1821

Fryer, Charles, 1799

Gaté , Lawrence, 1799

Germag, David, 1810

Gourdin, John, 1816

Herisson, P., 1807-1819

Küi, N. C., 1795

Mahony, 1822

Pericaud, L., 1809

Pinto Soares Vaz Preto, Mark, 1829

Purcell, William, 1803

Raquin, John Baptist Melchior, 1806

Raquin, Nicholas, 1807

Spain, George, 1834 , 1835

Underhill, 1804

Wheble , James, 1762

Wyndham, Philip, 1767

The following names of Priests, not found in the Registers , occur in the Appendix: -

Bennet, Thomas, 1756

Crosse , Bernard, 1757 , 1758

Dungan, Thomas, 1748-1757

Carteret ,, 1759

Shepperd , John


An asterisk attached to a number indicates that the name occurs more than once on that page .

Anne 5; Catherine 43; Christopher28; Cuthbert 26; Ed 71; Eleanor 6; Elizabeth 68, 73; Frances 21, 30; Francis 73, 166; Jaquen 26; John 6; Lewis 73; Lucy 73; Mary9; Olivi 27; Rebecca 6, 22; Richard 34 , 43; Samuel 68

Aaunde , Clare 23; Robert 23

Abbinet, Mary 67; Robert 67

Abbot, Dorothy 90

Abdy, Anthony 108

Abercromby , Ambercromby, John 52; Robert 163*; Sarah 163*

Abergavenny , Lady Elizabeth 96

Aboseher, Et. 7

Abraham, Anne 17 , 20, 22*; Charles 122; Elizabeth 122

Ackins, Joseph 29; Mary 29

Acton, Th. 47

Adæ, Elizabeth 13; Nicholas 13

Adams , John 104; Luke 97; Margaret 7 , 150; William 64, 100, 150

Adamson , Addamson, Alice 18 ; Grace 11; Humphrey 18; Mary 22; Robert 22

Addison, Addisson, Adisson , Anne17; Grace 4; Samuel 17

Addler, Avis 13

Adelham, Rev. John, passim 3 to 20

Adenstedt , Adenstedst , Anne 140* , 143, 145; John 140* , 143

Adress, Margaret 47

Adulph, Martha 133

Aguiton, see Aquiton

Ailesbury, John 140; Rebecca 140

Ailesworth, Arabella 109-10 ; John

Joseph 110; Martin 109

Ailmer, Anne 165

Ainsley, Jeremy 127

Ainswell, Jedediah 121; Martha 121

Aistell, William 18

Akers, Richard 124; Winifred 124

Albatt, Thomas86

Albi, Anthony 138

Alderne, Allderne, Anne 12

Aldrick, Matthias 92; Theresa 92

Aldridge, Anne 17; Matthew 17; see Oldridge

Aldsworth, Grace 105; Joshua 105

Aleau, Anne 39; Jasper 39, 40

Aleker, Theresa 101 ; William 101

Alenno, H. 148

L 177

Alexander, Alexandre, Alexandri, Anastasia 60; Jane 28; Nicholas 60; Nicolle 21; Peter 21*

Alingham, Alingam, Elizabeth 46

Allabye, Anne 50; Elizabeth 50

Allam, Hannah 90; Thomas 41 , 90, 108 ; William 90

Allason, Alice 121 ; Herbert 121

Allcock, Allcocks, Hannah 141

Allen, Anne 18, 43, 49, 73, 120, 136; Arthur 63; Charles Manuel 136; Elizabeth 53; Ellen 89; Frances 58*; Francis 120; George 127; Isabel 104; Jane 127; John 104, 119; Joseph 53; Mary 32; Maurice 58; Richard 139; Sarah 61; Thomas162

Allin, Allix, Antoinette Paulina 38, 162; John Francis 38, 162

Alloway, Elizabeth 65; Margaret 112; Walter 65

Allvargas, AllVargas, Anne Mary 11; Christopher 11

Almey, Anne 23; Robert 23

Altoby, Anne 127

Alvares , Ferdinand Anthony 134

Alvares Pinto Villar, Joseph 154

Alves Ferreira PintoVillar, Emmanuel 154

Alvey, Mary 87

Alvis, Mary of the Purification 140

Ambrocè, Helena 153; John 153

Amiconi, James 49, 164; Mary Antoinette 49

Amigot, GeneralVictor 141

Amner, Jane 20

Anaus, Margaret 7

Anchor, Elizabeth 110

Anchors, Anne 113-4 ; Jeremy 113

Andage, Andige, Judith 73, 76

Anderkill, Anderkil , Andrew 62; Mary 62

Anderson , Anne 77; Barbara 81, 95, 113; Ben 95, 113; Benjamin 81; Dorothy 106, 107; Elizabeth 91; Hannah 66, 68; James 106, 107; Margaret 66; Mary 32; William 68; see Handerson

Anderton, Josepha 60

Andoe, Andor, Miss 150

Andover, Joseph 106; Mary 116

Andrade , Anthony Joseph 107

Andrew , Anne 50; Elizabeth 39;


Sir Francis 74, 75; John 50; Miss 74 , 75

Andrews, Andrewst, Androos, An-

droose, Andraose , Alice 93; Charles 111; Elizabeth 31; Jasper 12, 31; Joan 12; Mary 39, 51; Nicholas 31; Robert 51; Sarah 92; Susan 72; William 93; Winifred 31

Andrez, Mary Barbara 41 , 162

Anfossi, Mary CeciliaJustina Adriana

Louisa 153; Salvator Pompeius153

Anfroie, Alice 15

Angel, Jane 26

Anglen, Anne 37; William 37

Ango , see de Power

Anington, Anne 144

Annis , Mary 14

Annuel, Sarah 38

Anqui, Jane 17; Nicholas 17

Anson , Lewis 118

Ansted, John 127

Anvewon, Darby 25

Appleby, Thomas 27

Aquiton, Benedicta 130; William 130

Arbuthnot, George 38; Margaret 38

Archbold, Maurice46

Archdeacon , Archdeken, Archdekin, Francis 135, 139; Rosaline 134

Archer, Anne 103; James 103; John43

Ardock, Ardeck, Margaret orMary 68

Arkurst , Lady Penelope 39

Arlond, Elizabeth 60; Tobias 60

Armshow, Mary Catherine 118

Armstrong, Armsstrong, Anne 112; Frances 44, 163; Joseph 126; Margaret 124

Arnani, Elizabeth 4; Louis 4

Arnold, William 40

Arnole, Frances 69

Arries, Catherine113

Arrington, see Anington

Arthur, Rev. James, passim 4 to 16; Jane 63; Winifred 28

Arundel, Charles 29; Sir John 29

Ashbridge , Asbridge, Margaret51 , 81; Robert 51, 81, 95

Ashel, Elizabeth 68

Ashfeild, Edmund 12


Aubry, Wd 12

Augarde, Francis 147

Aungier, James 103 , Mary 103; Patrick 103; Richard 103

Austin, Eleanor 116; John 112 , 116 , 165, 166; Susan 117

Autichamp, Anthony Count d' 133

Avolio, Christina 96

Awdus , Jane 73

Aydon, Aydin , F. 2, 6; Francis4, 6 , 8* , 9

Aylmer, see Ailmer

Aymesford, Ayesford, Anne 119; John 119

Ayray, Mart 113; William 113

Ayre, Francis 90; Melior Mary90

Ayres, Joanna 136; Peter 136

Ayrey, Martha 81; William 81

Ayton, Mary Elizabeth 142

B-, Eleanor 6

Backer, Frances 65; Joseph 65

Backhuisen, Backhuiñs, Anne Mary 21; Johanna 20

Backster , John 70; Mary 38

Bacon, George 70, 73; John 30; Mary 70, 73 ; Rebecca 30

Badford, Thomas 102

Badger, John 6, 9, 15 , 17

Badham, William 5

Bager, Geo 8

Bagnal, Bagnale, Anne 100 ; Hannah 129

Bagne, Bague, Barbara 115; Francis 130

Bailey, Baily, Alice 4; John 4; Mary 76

Bainbridge , Mary70

Bains, Helen 81

Bainton, Frances 86

Baker, Eleanor 94; Elizabeth 94; Ellen 26; Joan 16; Joshua 104; Margaret 33; Mary 45, 46; Philip 94

Baldi, Thomas 157

Ball, Elizabeth 31; Robert 92; Sarah 92

Ballart, Anne 17

Ballison, William22

Ashton, Agatha 104; Anne 106; John Bambury, Jane 143; John 143 104; Oliver 106

Ashwell, John 17

Askew , Martha 23; Matthias, 23

Asmall, Elizabeth 12; Thomas 12*

Asnon, Henry47 , 52

Aspinar, Mary 9; Richard 9

Asplin, John 61

Atkins, Attkins, Atkyns , Jane 71 , 73; Louis 14 ; Martha 103;William, 71 , 73; see Ackins

Atwood, James 105

Aubigny, Rt. Rev. Louis Stuart d' 2,3

Banfield, James 150

Banker, Anne Mary 76

Banks, Francis 5; Jane 5

Banner , Hester 60

Baradijni, Marie Elizabeth 45

Barbandt, Anne 121 ; Charles 121

Barbé, Nicholas 34

Barber, Anne 152; Catherine 14; Charlotte 134; Mary 64; Richard 134; William 14

Barbet, Felix 138; Sophia 138

Barbosa , Barboza, DenisJoseph139; Johanna 74; John 74; Quiteria 139

Lord High Almoner to Catherine of Braganza


Barbot, Francis 134

Barbrum, Mary36

Barcroft, Elizabeth 36

Bard, Augustus 141

Barell, Jane 40, 44

Barens, Theresa 92

Barker, Charles 79; Frances 126; Jane 25

Barkham, Anne 102

Barlow, Mary 104; Sarah 104

Barnard, Elizabeth 18 ; John 18

Barne , Mary 119

Barnes, Barns, Anne 36 ; John 36; Mary 100, 135; Sarah 135

Barnet, Mary 24

Barney, Anne 165

Barois, Margaret 46; Peter 46

Baron, Anne 144; Francis 144; Helena 164; Isabel 58; Thomas58

Barow , Robert 13

Barrett, Barret, Barett, Charles 23; Charlotte 89 , 167; Elizabeth 42, 48 , 163; Susan 23

Barrot, Mary 96

Barrow, Mary 23; Robert 23

Barry, Barrey, Catherine 6; Ch 90; Elizabeth 32; Helena 156; Winifred 80, 97

Barsauti, Mary 142

Bartholomew, Sarah 160

Bartlet, Susanna 100

Bartolozzi, Bartalozzi,Francis133, 134

Barton, Anne 33; Elizabeth 104

Basden, Anne 19; William 19

Baseley, H. 26

Basiragfeild (? Basingfield), Sarah 27

Bass, Anne 19

Basto, Joseph Xavier, 142

Baswell, John 34

Bate, Anne 57; George 57

Bateman , Henry 45

Bates, Anne 127; Helen 142

Bathe, Elizabeth 10

Bathson , Benet 65; Jean 65

Bats, Samuel 163

Battenden , Elizabeth 66; Thomas66

Batterly, Batterlly, Christopher 18; Frances 18

Battersbe, Elizabeth 6

Baucklet, see Bouclet

Baudauin , N. 26

Baughen, Henry45; Mary45

Bawmer , Frances 37; Martha 37; Mary 37*; William 37

Bawn, Robert 13

Baxer, Mary 40

Baxter, Angel 77; Anne 67; Anne Mary 117; Henry 65* , 66 , 67 , 68*;

James, 61, 62, 71; John 67; Mary35 , 40, 41, 42, 67; Sarah 71 ; Thomas 67; see Backster

Bayley, Eleanor 107; Susan 167

Bayly, Elizabeth 24; George 25; Mary 25

Baynes, Helena 80; James 118; Margaret 118 ; see Bains

Bays, Anthony 6; Mary 140; Maryof the Purification 140

Bazin, Elizabeth 147; John 147; Marcellinus 147

Beale, Bridget 111

Bean , Mary59

Beanes, Deborah 27; Robert 27

Beare, Henry 24

Beaumont, George 14 Beamont,

Beavan, Helena 140

Beaver, Anne20 Anne 14; Beckford , Elizabeth 23

Bedeoke, Bedcoke , Mary 19

Bedingfeld , Bedingfeild, Beddingfield, Edward 108; Elizabeth 108; Lady Elizabeth 108; Francis 45; Michael 23 , 24; Nicholas 23; Richard 108; Sarah 23; Winifred 24

Bedinhill, Thomas20

Beeding, John 41

Beenn, Mary 67

Behan, Rose 115

Beho, Mary 60; Thomas 60

Beifwith, Charles 29; Elizabeth 29

Belasyse, Rev. Charles 131 , 132 , 133

Belbown, Peter 163

Belf, Mary 46; Michael46

Bell, 57; Catherine 120; Frances 59; Henry 18 ; Margaret 148; Mary 18, 57

Bellew , Angelica Ursula 129-30; Sir Patrick 130

Belli, Belly, Grace 86; John Dominic 86; Nicholas86; Peter47

Belshaw, Anne 60; Susan 57; William 57, 60

Belyson, Elizabeth 99; Honoré 99

Beming, Dorothy 115

Benet, William 98

Benites del Hoio, Louis Calderon 71; Mary Josepha 71-2

Bennet , Rev. Thomas 171 , 172

Bennett, Bennet, Catherine 52, 163; Elizabeth 83; Jane 22; Jasper 162, 163; John 89; Margaret 89; Thomas 22, 34 , 35, 72; see Benet

Benson, Thomas 15

Bent, Catherine 128

Benthey, Catherine 105; Samuel 105

Beresford , see Berrisford

Berier, Charles 127

Berkley, James 13

Bernard , Gedewic 76; Louis 76

Bernate, Gedewic 76

Berneys, Robert 34

Bernier, John Charles 120

Bernini,John 126; MaryMagdalen126

Berode, Jane Frances 102

Berquin, Louis Mary Francis 153

Berridge, Elizabeth 3

Berrington, Elizabeth 135

Berrisford , Berrysford, Christopher 22; Margaret 22

Berry, Alice 121 ; James 121 ; John 121

Berthenelle , Alice 137; Joseph Bapët 137

Berthomé , 148

Bertin, Charles 26

Beschey, Bescheij , Bischeij, Elizabeth 99; John Francis 99

Bess, Anne 76; Mary 76

Bessolie, John 21

Best, Elizabeth 65, 114; John Junr 114; Robert 66

Besux, Sarah42

Betagh, Christopher 8

Beths, Elizabeth 65

Betteridge, William 110

Betts, Bets, Robert 167 , 168

Beuar, Hester 86; Sarah86

Bevan, Anne 136; Mary 152 ; see Beavan, Beven, Bevon

Bevans, Mary 81; Michael 81

Beven, Jane 84; William 84

Bevon, Mary 70 , 73

Bewman, Mary5

Beyer, Mary 134

Beyphild, Rev. William 26

Bick , see Birch

Bickmore, Mary 142

Bicknell, Anne 164; Elizabeth 146

Biddle, Bidle, Elizabeth 2, 136

Biddulph, Bidulph, Charles

Elizabeth 108; Richard 13

Biddy, Elizabeth 31

Bidebon , René 15 108;

Biggins, John 72 , 75; Mary 72 , 75

Biggs, John 121

Billard, Anastasia 130; John Baptist 130

Billosp, Mary 60

Binel, Mary 81 ; Peter 81

Binis, -27

Bion, Paul 124

Birch, Mary 113*; Peter 113

Birchall, John 31; Mary45

Bird, George 8, 12; Patrick 145

Bishop, Rev. Denis 32-3; Denis 32; Rachel 69 ; Thomas 69

Bisson, John 165; Mary 165

Blackbourn, Agnes 108

Blackemore , John 4; Mary 4

Blacket, Jane 144; Powel Charles 144

Blackstone , Dorothy 43

Blackwell, Anne 71; Robert 71 ; Rev.

William 29

Bladworth, Martha 86

Blakbell, Jean 106

Blake, John 49; Mary 49

Blanchard , Harriet 150

Blanche , Elizabeth 66; James 66

Bland, Blande, Alice 32; Sarah 90; see Blarde

Blanton, William 25

Blarde, Nicholas 32

Blaser, Anne 84; Thomas84

Bleasdell, Henry 24

Blevin, Helen 84; Richard 84

Bloid, Mary 57

Blondet , Aimé 143; Soriny 143

Blooksham , Blooxham , Sarah 85

Blore, Michael 20

Blouin Duval, Anne 136; Robert Francis 136

Blount, Edward 160; Elizabeth Parry 138; Rev. Henry Tichborne 128**; Mary 16; Roland 138

Blower, Anne 108

Blum, Blumar,Elizabeth 12;Walter 12

Blundell, Barbara 161; Mary 30; Richard 30

Blunt, Lady Adm Alice 13; John 69; Sir Walter 13

Blyth, Rev.Francis, passim 53 to 130 , 170, 171 , 172

Boaden, Elizabeth 122

Boddicott, Elizabeth 76

Boddington, Boddinton, Bodinton, Catherine 123; William 123

Bodenam , Thomas2

Bohanna, Elizabeth 124; George 124

Boil, Mary 98

Boirdon, Elizabeth 7

Boisnel , Peter 81

Bold, Anne 129

Bollwood, Joanna 61

Bolton, Catherine 84; Elizabeth 110 , 118 ; Frances 88-9; William 88

Bomer, Anne 3

Boncle , Susanna 7

Bond , Dorcas 86; Henry 29; Mary 61

Bondenell , Catherine 21

Bone, Helena 165; J. Charles 165

Bonnelli, Mr. 139

Bonnett, Peter 17

Bonnom, James 167

Bonnot, F. 98

Bonsow , Anne 16

Bonum, Anne 39; James 39

Boobenhith , Thomas 15

Booker, Elizabeth 167; John 167; Mary 139

Boone, Elizabeth 44

Boot, Eleanor 103; Joseph 103

Booth, Elizabeth 129

Boothe, Anne 17; Henry 17

Borecroft, Anne 9; William 9

Borman, Mary 7

Boron, Joseph 70; Mary 70

Secretary to Rt Rev. James Talbot, Bp of Birtha .


Boron de Perigord, John George

Comte de 133

Borrell, Lydia 152

Borton, Rebecca 28

Boschi , Charles 46 ; Rev. Charles 77

Boston, Benjamin 96

Bosworth, Hannah 70

Boterbeagh , Boterbeaugh, Frances 123; Mary Anne 123; Peter 123

Bothworth, Elizabeth 99

Bouclet, Mary JacquelineEleanor 134

Boudin, MargaretMary56; Robert 56

Bouillé, Francis Claud Amour, Marquis de 133; Louis Joseph Amour Comte de 133

Boulton, Elizabeth 118, 160

Bourdier, Mary Jane Louisa 127

Bourgois , Mary Magdalen 74

Bourk, Mary 106; William 106

Boutaudon , Anne Frances

Anthony 33; Simon 33

Bouyer, Michael 162 33;

Bowen, Anne 30; Isabel 14; Louis 30

Bowlenger, Anthony 4; Mary 4

Bowman, Anne 98; Michael 98

Bowtton, Mary 4

Box, John 73; Mary 73

Boyer, Boyerr, Anne 107; Henry107; Richard 26

Boylan, Anne 117

Boyle, Mary 141 ; Sally 141 ; see Boil

Boynet, Mary 35

Boys, Frances 37; John 37

Braamcamp, Mary Ignatia 137

Braamcamp Almeida Castel Branco, Braamcamp d'Almeida Castelbranco , Commdr Anselm Joseph 137;

I.I. F. 137; Mary Ignatia 137

Braamcampde Castro, M. C. 137

Brace, Anne 114; Martin 114

Brackindon, Mary 25

Bradley, John 76

Bradon, Anne 68; Thomas 68

Bradshaw, Anne 45; Edward 45; George 49, 76; Margaret 72, 75; Mary 13, 37, 49; Richard 12-3; see Brandshaw

Bradstreet , Anne 10 , 17

Brady, Anne 71 ; Arabella 116; George 71; Mary 76; Samuel 116

Braga , MarianneDelphina 154

Bramston , Right Rev. James Yorke 155

Bran, Alexander 56; Elizabeth 56

Branan, Bernard Bryan 161; Judith 161

Branati, Brunate, Anthony4 Branch, Boot 109

Brand , Alexander 142; Frances Jane 142; John Alexander 142; Mary 17; Peter 116; William 17

Brandly, Mary 5

Brandshaw , James 51; Mary 51

Brannan, Ruth 109

Brannen, John 149; Sophia 149

Brans , Henry20; Joanna20

Brass, John 151

Brathweite, Elizabeth 51 ; Wilkeson51

Brattel, John 165

Braux, Magdalen51 ; Roland Charles 51

Brawle, Mrs. 40

Braxton, James 62; Judea 62; William 62

Bray, John 144

Breadgmans, Clem 25

Bready , Eleanor 98; Elizabeth 9

Breckenden , Brickenden, Caroline77; Richard 77

Bredall, Mary 47

Brei , Margaret 27

Brennen , Brinnen, Mary 106; Nicholas 106

Brenon, Bren, Louis 169; Margaret 168-9

Brensly, Mary 9

Brett, Adam 21; Rev. Edward 21; Elizabeth 28; Jane 21; Peter 28; Prudence 28; Rebecca 155

Brian, Anne 127; David 127

Brice , David 62

Brickhill, Ruth 125

Bride, Mary 125

Bridge, Bridg, Bredg, John 42, 52, 163*; Mary 42 , 163

Bridgens, Bridgeans, Margaret 2; Mary 2

Bridges, Rev. Francis 9 ; Joan 22

Briel, Antoinette Arsène 151

Brierley, Thomas171

Brierly, see Bryarly

Brige, Anne 47; John 47

Brimingham, Catherine48

Brindley, Mary 19 , 24

Brittell, Mary 31

Broaders , James 96; Joan 96; Margaret 96

Brodt, Anne 131

Bromfield, Catherine 33; John 33

Bromley, Mary 153; Thomas 153

Bronton, Alice 84

Broofe , Elizabeth 19

Brook, Brooke, Broke, Mary 60; Peter 122; Thomas4

Brooker, Mary 52

Brooks, Brookes , Broocks, Anastasia

Bishop of Usulae, and VicarApostolic of the London District 1827-36. The signature is " Pa . Fraco Bridges" The rest of the entrybeingin English, probably Pa. standsfor Pater

130; Fra 16; Godfrey 122; John 16; Mary 68, 122, 130; Richard 68

Brooky, Brookey, Mary35; Vensel35

Broughton, Bartholomew 15; Judith 15

Brown, Agnes 39; Anne 109; Barbara 42, 163; Catherine 42, 163*; Catherine Junr 42, 163; Cornelius 119 ; Edward 109; Eleanor 51 ; Elizabeth 13; Elizabeth Ellen 138; Henry 47; Hugh 108; Jane 105; John 108; Margaret 105; Mary 22, 42, 76, 79 , 110 , 163; Mary Anne 127; Maurice 65 , 71 ; Paul 127; Robert 76; Susan 108; Thomas72

Browne, Brownne, Elizabeth 4; Esther 33; Fr. 11 ; Honor 22 ; Joan 16; Rev. Peter 128**; Stanislas 22; William 16

Browning, Catherine85

Brudenell , T. Constance 41 , 162

Brunate, see Branati

Brunelli, John 159

Brunetti, M. 88; M. P. 88

Brush, Sophia 89; Thomas89

Bryan , Andrew 27*; Richard 18 , 25, 26, 27*; Sylvester 28*; see Bryon

Bryarly, Henry 58

Bryce, Mary 149

Bryden, Elizabeth 135; John 135

Bryon, Anne 80; Maximilian 80

Buckingham, Elizabeth 8; Robert 8

Buckley, Buckly, Lt.-Gen 49; Hon Anne 49; Fl 20; Winifred 122

Budly, Elizabeth 9 ; Greenhill 9

Bufflé, Rev. Leopold, 34 , 36 , 37* , 39*

Buhot, Désirée Monica 136

Buller, Francis 27; Helena 27; Theo 64

Bullock, Grace 139; Mabel 112

Bulmen, Anne 162; Mary 162

Bulmore, Bulmor, Catherine

Thomas 53

Bumstead , Catherine 111

Bunday, Mary 83

Bunhill, Mary 111

Bunn, Anne 100

Burck, Burk, Elizabeth 109

Burd, Anne 14 ; Vall 14

Frank 118; Rev. Jeffrey MacHugo. 115,117 * , 118 * , 119 * 123 * 171 ; Joanna 153;Mary 117 , 118, 135 , 151; Mary Anne 151; Rebecca 115; Richard 10 ; Capt Thomas 115; see Burck

Burlington, Dorothy Countess of 108*

Burn, Barnaby 106; Bryan 30; Elizabeth 90; Jane 82; Martha 30; Patrick 90; Sarah 90

Burnaby, Elizabeth 64

Burne, Catherine 19 ; Elizabeth 36; James 2, 5, 6, 7; Martha 32 ; Mary7; Owen 36

Burnet, Andrew 63 ; John 48; Mary 63; Sarah 48

Burningham, John 59; Joyce59

Burrel, Anne 115; Lady Elizabeth 134

Burrow , Robert 26

Burtin, Frdem 5; Joan 5

Burton, Anne 63, 91 ; Cuthbert 163*; Edward 16; Frances 16 ; Sarah163*

Bury, Anne 122; Elizabeth 117; William 122

Busby, Anne 59

Bush, Peter 19

Bushby, Rosanne 143

Bushell, Busshell, John 63 ; Lucy 63; Phyllis 101 ; Robert 101

Butcher, Anne 96; John96; Martha 74

Butler, Barbara 73; Catherine38, 95; Edmund 95; Elizabeth 12, 41 , 76 , 86; George 67; Henry 76; James 42, 69, 80, 110, 160; Rev. James , passim 32 to 100; John 41; Margaret 15; Mary 67, 73, 80; Rose 109; Thomas 109; William 38

Butler, Rev. R. 61§

Butt, Isaiah 151

Button, William 33

Bwume, Catherine6


Burfield, Burfeild, Margaret 163; Maria 42; Mary 163

Burford, Susan 16

Burgain, Anne 18; Michael 18

Burges, Burgesse, Hannah 69 , 70

Burien, Emmanuel Philibert 34

Burkart, Joan 16 ; Thomas16

Burke, Burk, Austin 135; Bridget 34;

Byard, Byerd, Helena 167; Winifred 45, 49, 50

Byrne, Anne 48; Arthur 48; Rev. Denis 120, 122 , 171 , 172

Byron, Elizabeth 59; Humphrey 59

Byrum, Dorothy 27

Byshe, Bysshe, Catherine 61

Byss, Byfs, Anne 97

Cabry, Elizabeth 53

Caetano, Roger 124

Caffine, John 10

Caffry, Hannah 105

Caillaux, Anne 52

Caily, Agnes 87

Cairns, see Karans, Kerans

Calachan, Anne 113

" Regiæ Capella Sard Capellanus Major. "

" Sac: able R. Port:"p 37.

"Chaplain to his Excellency, ye Embassador of Portugal. "

Cale, Susan 60

Callaghan , Callahon, Anne 94; John 94

Callandar , Anne 135

Callison, Bridget 22

Callous, Elizabeth 70; Peter 70

Calloway, Elizabeth 22; Mary 23; Thomas 23; William 96

Calvert, Mary 138

Campbell, Cambel , Catherine 68; G. 141 ; Grace 141; Hester 127; James 127; see Gambell

Campion , Catherine55; William55

Campora, Isabel 109

Campos, BenvenutoAnthonyCajetan 153

Camus de Pontcarré, Cyprian Joseph

John Baptist Elie 145; Elizabeth 145

Cane, Hannah 68

Canouale, Philip 65

Cantillomes , Richard 77

Cantillon, Catherine 49; Philip 49; Richard 49

Cantrill, Rev. Bruno 94

Cantrill, Rev. John 44, 53, 172*

Cantwell, Dominic 69 ; Jane 69

Cape, Elizabeth 76; Matthew 76

Caravalho , Anne 129; James Gomez 129

Carberry, John 144; Justina 144

Carbonnier , Antoinette Selina 141 ; Romain Francis Casimir 141

Cardegon, Hannah 84; Laurence 84; Mary 83; Richard 83

Cardell, Anne 146; Patrick 146

Careless, Elizabeth 33; John 33; Matilda 33

Carelosse, Catherine 67

Carew , Francis 153

Carey, Anne 114; Jane 114, 147; John

114 ; Thomas 147

Carleton, Mary 82

Carlin , Thomas150

Carmona , Anne 87; Dominic 87

Carnaby, Catherine 10

Carneiro , Andrew John 156; Angelus

Francis 156; Gertrude 156; Mary

Mirza 156

Carnk, Margaret 41

Caronivet , Claud 17

Carpenter , Austin 82, 84; Dorothy6; Jane 82

Carpentier , Augustin 165; Mark

Anthony 102, 164*; Natalis 164; Peter 164; R. 50

Carpon, Louisa 136

Carpue, Anne 35, 53; Charles 53; Francis 35, 53; Joseph 46

Carr, Bridget 149 ; Elizabeth 106

Carrell, Carrel, Jane 67

Carroll, Joan 144; John 142* , 143, 144; William 49

Carshore, Hannah 90

Carten, Lucy 124; Mary 91 ; Richard 91; William 124

Carter, Elizabeth 9 , 108; Henry 9; Isabel 58; Jane 25; John 58; Mary 83, 103; Robert 25

Carteret , Rev. Francis 170, 172

Carto, Gideon 164

Carton , Mary Isabel Jane 147

Carty, Catherine66

Carwarthen , Martha 23

Cary, Kerry, Anne 29, 168* ; John 29

Casanova, Anne 121 ; Mary 121

Cash, William 148

Cashran, Catherine 7; John 7

Caslike, Sarah 21

Casneuf, Castneuf, Mary 91

Casteels, Mary 54

Castelh, Gar 9

Castle, John 88; Mary 88

Catanach, Duncan 43; Elizabeth 43

Cater, John 165

Cates , Elizabeth 19

Catlin, Anne 144; Lydia 145

Caton, Catton, George 62; Isabel 52; John 138; Mary 138

Caulier, Hippolyte 152; Sarah 152; Sophia Augusta 152

Caulter, Mark 146

Cavanagh, Cananagh , Charlotte 99; Michael 149

Cavanan, Hugh 149

Cawaler, Augustin 9; Mary9

Cawdell, Henrietta Mary Frances 151 ; Thomas 151

Cecil, Cecill, Catherine 8; John 61 ; Mary 61 ; see Hay, William

Cellier, Celliere, Celleir, Judith73, 76; Margaret 10 ; Nicholas 73, 76

Cenno, H. A. 148

Cesar, Anne 92; Augustus92; Francis 35; Mary 35

Chabet, see Faber

Chaboud, Mary 75; Peter 75

Chaffer , Cheffer, Bernard 30; Mary

Elizabeth 30

Chaine, Mary 62

Challoner , Challiner, Elizabeth 103 , 129 ; Thomas 129

Chalot , John 72

Chamberlain , Chamberlayn, Chamberlaine, Chamberlayne , Chamberlin, Elizabeth 51 ; Frances 117; John 47 , 51; Mary 119; Paul 48, 117

Chambers, George 30; Phoebe 30; William 45 , 164

Champ, Anne 92; Francis 90; John 90, 92, 168; Mary 90* , 92 , 168

Chandain , C. 167

Chandy, Ely 10; Judith 10

Chanly, Ellis 62; Mary 70; Roger62

Chanpanain , Charlot 167

Chapman, Anne 28; Margaret42 , 163; Rev. Robert 130; William 9

Charles, Bridget 24

Charless, Catherine 142

Charlesworth, Elizabeth 10; Thomas 10 *

Charlier, Angelica 125, 129; John

Louis 125, 129; Louis 130; Stephen 125

Charlton, Margaret 48

Charpentier , Charpantier, Charlotte 89 ; Laurence25

Charvie , Catherine 125; Jane 125

Chastelain , Chatelain, Chatelaine,

Chatelun, C. 86; Charles 89; Elizabeth 148; John Francis 148

Chavalier, Anthony 129

Chavalle , Angelica 118

Chavatte , Mary Angelica 74; Mary

Magdalen 74; Paul 74

Checher, Anne 164

Chenelly , Cheneley, Jane Restitute 125; John Claud 125

Cheney, Anne 58

Chengians, Glod 15; Thomas 15

Cheoslm, Alexander 32; Anne 32

Cherke, see Clerke

Cherrier, Elizabeth 58

Chese , Anne 117; Eleanor 116

Cheshire, see Checher

Chesman, Frances 48

Chester, Francis 62; Mary 72, 75; Rebecca , 62

Chevalier, Chevallier, Alice 137; Anne 89; Anne Perrine 133; Jane 54, 55, 102, 103, 125*; Joanna 120; Louis Nicholas 89; see de Lugé

Chevears, Chivears, Mary 60

Chichester, Elizabeth 107; Prudence 107

Child, Catherine 67; Giles 50; Henry 112 ; Thomas67

Chipp, Martha 116; Peter 116; Sarah 116

Chisholm , see Cheoslm

Chiveley, Richard 140

Chivers, Elizabeth 58

Cholmesley , Barbara 47; Margaret 47

Chrilly, Peter45

Christi, Alexander 13

Christien, Barbara 112

Christopher , Anne 17

Chub, Frances 114; John 114

Church, Anser 166*; Jane 140; John 166*; Lucy 102; Mary 50

Churchill, Thomas2

Churlton, Sarah 163

Clancy, Bridget 6; see Clency

Clanny, Helen 9; Peter 9

Clare, Mary 6; William 6; seeLeClare

Clarinbowle, Anne 59; John 59

Clark , Clarck , 56; Anne 36, 49, 80, 139; Brian, 33; Esther 113, 169; James 139; John 49, 59; Luke 33 , 36; Margaret 59; Mary 33, 56, 68, 85; Melior 59; Peter 104; Sarah 93; Thomas 56, 80

Clarke, Clarcke, Andrew 161 ; Anne 113, 161 *; Frances 61 ; Francis 25; George 138; Henry 65; John 22, 28; Luke 35, 161 ; Martha 147; Mary 22, 25* , 138, 150; Penelope 118-9; Rebecca 89; Robert 27, 147; Robert William 142; Sarah 138; Susan 106; Thomas118, 150; William 28; see Clerke

Clarkeson , Thomas 148

Claveron , Anne 29; John 29

Claxton , Sarah 40

Clayton, Claiton, Elizabeth 50, 87, 167; Francis 87; Mary 87; Peter 167; Sarah 87; see Cleton

Cleether, Anthony 44

Clempson, Clemson , Anne109; Joseph 49, 109; Margaret 109; Mary 49

Clency, Bridget 105; Patrick 105

Clerke, Sarah 25

Cleton, Elizabeth 110; Frances 110; Sarah 110

Cleve, Jean 106; Simeon 106

Clevering , see Claveron

Cleverly , Anne 153

Clifford, Elizabeth 35; Maurice 35

Clifton, Cliftin, Anne 65; Catherine 68; Francis 68; Ge 65, 67; Mary 19

Clopier, Elizabeth 32; Louis Anthony 32

Clothier, Elizabeth 6

Clunne, Clunn , Elizabeth 46; William 46

Cob, Mary 56

Cock, Gardiner 17; Penelope 17; Rose 100 ; William 100

Cockayne, Dorothy 83

Cocker, James 19

Cockerill, Benjamin 102; Francis 102; Thomas5

Codd, Anne 11; Roland 11; Sarah 47; Thomas47

Coe, Dorothy 130; Mary 47; William 47

Coen , Mary 64

Coffin, Coffen, Fra 10; Mary 38; Richard 38

Coghlan, Coglan , Catherine 49; Eleanor 95; Elizabeth 95; James 95 , 127; William 153

Coging, Mary 46; Slater 46

Colclough , Adam 53; Mary53

Cole, Bridget 105; Isaac 116; Mary 116; Sarah 117; Susanna 2

Colegrave, Elizabeth 138

Coleing, Anne 60; John 00


Coleman , Colman, James 145; John 23, 117 , 166; Margaret 42; Mary166; Patrick 42; Susan 23

Coles , Edward 65

Collard, George 107; Mary(Anne) 107

Collenge,-67; Robert 67

Colles, John 46; Mary 77

Collett, Collet, Anne 122; Elizabeth 12

Collgan, Andrew 107

Collier, Bernard 137 , 138

Colligne , Collygne, Frances 65

Collin , John 130

Collingwood, John 42, 162; Joseph 111; Mary 111 ; Mary Frances 42, 162; Thomas 42, 162

Collingworth, Mary 43

Collins, Colins , Alicia 47; Elizabeth 38, 44; Humphrey 67; Isabel 140; Lucy 35; Mary 9, 35; Neal 95; Nicholas 33; Samuel 104;Thomas 9;Walter 44; William 35; Rev. William 4

Collison , Collisun, Bridget 13 ; Humphrey 52; William 13

Colman , John 38

Colson,Coleton , Margaret7; Nicholas7

Colyear, Eleanor Mary 153

Combe, Combs, Mary21 , 26

Coming, George 12

Commans, John Joseph Leopold 42 , 162; Mary 42, 162

Compain , Susanna 165*

Compton, Comton, Elizabeth 68; Jonathan 80; Thomas68

Comyne, Comine, Edward 16, 18

Coney, Alice 96; Anne 65

Coniers, Christopher 24

Conkalling, Michael 141

Connan, Connin, Judith 98

Connell, Bridget 101 ; Patrick49

Connolly, John 152

Connor, Conor , Conner , Anne 81; Brian 127; Bridget 146; Catherine 126, 152; Charles 115; Denis 136; Dorothy 127; Frances 44, 163; James 81; John 46, 73, 143; Margaret 112; Mary 73, 136, 145; Patrick 146; Peter 152; Samuel 126; Sarah 40, 115; Terence 44, 163

Conquest, Avis 13 ; Eliza 15; Robert 13

Constable, Cunstable , Mary84

Convers, Mary 167

Conveyer, Mary 168

Conyers, Conyars , Sir Baldwin 122; Charlotte 81, 122; Elizabeth 97; Joan 13; Ralph 13 ; Theresa 97; see Stuart Cook, Anne 65; Charlotte 147; John 147; Mary 79

Cooke, Anne 148, 154; Charlotte 154; Felicia 10; Jane 89; Robert 29; William 13

Cooks, Catherine51

Coomans, see Commans

Coombes, Anne 81

Cooper, Abraham 126; Elizabeth 13 , 70, 126; George 36, 53, 85; Isaac 31; John Baptist 171; Joseph 129; Margaret 133; Mary 31 ; Mary Amelia 129 ; Thomasine 10

Coosse , Martha 30*

Cope, Anne 148, 149, 150* , 151; Charles 148;Mary 50; Samuel 50 ,83,91

Copledicke, Copledick, Coupledicke , Coupledick, Cuppledick, Anne 16; Edward 3, 4* , 5* , 7* , 8* , 9* , 10, 11* , 14* , 15 * , 17,18,20*

Coppen, Anne Catherine 77

Copping, Elizabeth 27

Corbara , Casimir Raymond 135; Sophia 135

Corbick , Anne 26

Cordier, -74

Cordwell, Anne 23

Corfe, Bar 43

Coringford , Corinford, Jane 41

Corke, James 70

Corletto , Margaret 146

Cornel, Anne 38; Henry 38

Cornelitz, see Dutry Cornelitz

Cornett, Frances Celestina 155; John Bull 155

Cornforth, Cornforte, Agnes 67; James 68

Cornoick, Cornoik, Samuel 11 ; Susanna 11

Cornwright, Cornweight, Catherine 44; Charles 44

Corrêa d'Azevedo , Dominic Olave 155

Correio, JosephLuke 156

Corta, Manuel 152

Cosly, Catherine 61 ; Terence 61

Cosron , Hannah 129 ; James 129

Cossell, Anne 30; Patrick 30

Costa, Frances 146; Manuel 146

Costello, see Corletto

Cotham, Jo. 118

Cother, William 23

Cothorne , John 16; Mary 16

Cotten, Mary 76

Cottereau, Angelica 125, 129

Cottington, Elizabeth 29

Cottom, Elizabeth 98; Thomas 98

Cotty, Joan (Joanna) 5

Coubert , Margaret 18

Couch, Anthony 23

Couel, Joshua 40; Juliana 40

Coulbaut , Mary Susan 131

Coulon, Matthew 145

Cour, Mary64

Courageux , Anne95; Claud Francis95

Coursin , Jane 127

Courthope , Catherine 111 ; Edwin 111

Couthery, Elizabeth 98; Thomas 98

Couturier, see Custurier


Cowell, Cowel , Catherine 93; Ferdinand 93

Cowley, Deborah 53; Mary 63

Cowper, see Cooper

Cox, Anne 144; Dorothy 76; E. 111; Ed 115; Rev. Ed, passim 43 to 124 , 171, 172; Edward 104, 115; Elizabeth 12; Gaborall 12 ; Gabriel 89; Helen 84; Isabel 76, 99; Joseph 151; Mary 27, 61, 76; Richard 27 ; Susanna 11; William 144

Coyle, Mary 49

Coymans, Joanna 58

Coysgarne, Joseph 115; Mary 115-6

Cozens, Margaret 18

Crabtree, James 112, 114, 121 , 127

Crane, Mrs. 29; William 29

Crase, Mary 138

Crawford , see Crofird

Crawley, Michael 152

Crayser, Mary 48

Creagh, P. 16

Creaton, Elizabeth 64; Francis 64

Creech, Mary 115

Creighton , Felix 90; Lydia 90; see

Creaton, Creyton, Crighton

Crenolle, Marquis de 132

Crenuick, Paquai 167

Cresby, Mary 16; Thomas 16

Crespel, James 118

Crew , James 146

Creyton, Mary 109; William 109

Crighton, Mary 46; Matthew 46

Crilly, Mary 34; Peter 34; see Chrilly

Cripps, Mary 89

Crispe, John 27; Mary Elizabeth 38

Croak, Anne Mary 148; Thomas 148; Walter Francis 148

Crofird, Sarah35

Croft , Ellen 32

Croker, John 145

Crommie , Elizabeth 141

Crompton , Anne 20; Thomas20; see Crumpton

Crook, Elizabeth 24; Jane 100; Mary 74, 75, 85; Thomas 85 , 99

Crookall, John 107; Judith 107

Crooke, Cuthbert 2; Jane 84 , 93; Margaret 2; Mary 2

Crooks, George 102

Crookshank , George 13

Crosby, Crossbey, Clare 44, 51

Crose, -56

Crosfield , Anne 83; Jane83

Cross, Elizabeth 52; John 52

Crosse, Rev. Bernard 170, 172

Crouch, Crooch, Anne 71 ; John 71

Crouzet, J. 141

Crow, Elizabeth 95

Croydon, Anne 34; Edward 34

Crumlam , Triphina 22

Crumlo, Cramlo, Jane 5

Crumpton, Jane8

Com, William 68

Cudall, Cudal, Elizabeth 67

Cudworth, Elizabeth 14; John 14

Cuerden, Francis 103; Mary 103 , 134

Cufaude, Mary 17

Cullen, Bridget 97

Culliford, Elizabeth 18; Fane 18

Cullins, John 151

Culliva, Anne44

Cullom , John 104*

Culshaw , Mary 37; William 37

Cumbers , Anne 96; Joyce 59

Cumins, Florence82; Mary 82

Cumont, Comte de 133

Cunnet, Sarah 22; Simon 22

Cupes , Cupiss, Elizabeth 77; Esther 77

Curemono, Suent 14

Currant, Peter 106; Susanna 106

Currell, Elizabeth 64

Curry, James 55, 126 , 172

Cursen , Mary 11

Curwen, Jane28

Cusage, Mary 76; Thomas76

Custurier , Anne 34

Dacy, Sabina 145 da Encarnaçao, da Incarnançaō, Josepha 3

Dagger, Elizabeth 34

d'Aglie, Chevalier 135

D'Albignac, Rt Rev. Philip Francis 132**

Dale, Michael 43, 48 ; Thomas27

Dalegni Deumy 132

d'Alesso d'Aragny, Clare LouiseFrances of Paula 132

Dalesso de Kersaint, Clare Louise Frances of Paula 132

Dallison, Catherine 22; Lady Catherine 22; Sir Robert 22

d'Almeida, Anthony 140

d'Almeida Merval, Paul 3

Dalton, Elizabeth 115; John 84 , 115

da Lus, John 29

Daly, Rebecca 115

da Meies, Rev. Matthias 24

Danby, Anne 51; Richard 105 Hannah 105; Danell, Danel, Eleanor 51; Jane 83; John 83

Danelly, Danelley, Danilly, Joanna 162; Mary 82

Dangerfield , Anne 53

Dankers, Henry 3; John Junr 3; Theodosia 3

Darbey, Mary 146

D'arcy, Rev. John 51 , 172*

Darcy, Darsij, John 67 ; Mary 67

Darell, Elizabeth 21

Darelley, Joanna41

Bishop of Angoulême

Darley, George 146; see Darbey

Darnby, Miles 111

d'Arnellas Frazão Figuieroa, John

Venantius 154

da Rocha , John Bernard 155

Darrasse, Ambrose 165

Darrell, see Darell

Darting, William Wilbert 144

da Silva, Anne 118, 130; Joseph 118; see Da Sylva

da Silva Arêas, Antonia Hermenegilda 139; Joseph 139

da Silva Lima, Frances Celestina 155; Joachim Joseph 155

da Silva Vilhena de Montaury, Mary

Joanna Antonina 154

Dassie, Joseph 124*

Dastre , Susanna 165

Da Sylva, Rose Raymonda 128 da Torre de Moncorvoz, Baron 155; see de Moraes Sarmento

Daubin, John 88

Daudier, Peter 105

Dauson, John 124; Mary 124

Davidson , Davedson, Davison, Eleanor 51 ; Elizabeth 38 ; James 51

Davies , Anna Mary 148; John 152; Judith 163; Lucy 42, 163; Richard 125; Susan 145

Davis, Anne 11, 48; Elizabeth 24; Jane 20; John 20, 48, 111 ; Mary 20 , 111, 153; Richard 172; Thomas 20;

William 24

Dawes, see Dors Dawkins, George 126

Daws, Mary 67

Dawson, Jessie 142; Mary 79, 126; Miss 142; Samuel 79

Dawsyn , John 123; Mary 123

Day, Catherine 134; James 134; John 27; Mary 34, 134, 147

Dea, Elizabeth 97; Peter 97 de AbranteseCastro, Bernard Joseph 140

Deacons, Elizabeth 44; Thomas44

Deakens , Mary 81

Deale, Anne 160 de Almeida, Antonia Hermenegilda 139 ; Rev. Paul 29

Dean, Mary 82 , 111 ; William 82 de Angelis, Angelus 77

Deashan, Martha Frances 46

Deavens, see Deacons de Bains, L. 149

de Balizy, Catherine 32; Solomon 32

De Ballardt, Gilbert 76 de Barros, Charlotte 155; Ignatius Joseph 155 de Beaufore , Henry 134; Rosaline134 de Beaumont, Christopher Louis

Aimable Viscount 131*; Julia Amanda 131 ; Mary 131

Bishop of Avranches.

de Begue, Mary Louise Wilhelmina 133

de Belbeuf, Rt Rev. PeterAugustine Godart 133

De Bertoul, Gerard 64; Hannah 64 de Blay, Alexander Francis 131 ; Mary Susan 131

De Boisgelin , Most Rev. John ofGod

Raymond 131 de Borel, de Borell, de Borelle, James Peter 14; Baron John 14 ; Magdalen14

De Botherel, Count 132 de Bouillé, Anne Mary Roberta 133 de Boully, GermaineMary Joanna 131 de Bra, Joanna 74 de Britto, Josepha 3; Mark 3

De Brow, Catherine 64; John Baptist 64 de Bruierre, C. Sou 32 de Campos, AnthonyJosephMaurice 159, 160; Anthony Maurice 153; Isabel 153; Joseph Anthony 159 de Campos Homem, John 130 De Capiet, John 141 de Carberet, Elizabeth 14 de Carvalhas ,Marquezde Valença154 de Carvalho e Souza Lobato, Matthias Joseph 154 De Carville, John 26 de Castro, Agnes 140 de Caylus, Mary 131

De Chambourg , Rev. Louis William 135

Dechinoy, John 6; Mary 6 De Choqueeux , << 7

De Claesse, Francis 30; MaryCatherine 30

De Clamouse, Mel, 128 de Coetnemprin de Kersaint, Armand Guy Simon 132; ClareLouiseFrances of Paula 132; Clare Louise Rose Bonne Guy 132 de Collos, Frances 4 Dedier, Magdalen46; Peter 46 de Dion de Vandôme , Elizabeth 146; Baron Philip Louis Joseph 146 de Duras , see De Durfort de Durfort, Amédée Bretagne Malo 131 , 132; Clare Louise Rose Bonne Guy 131-2; EmmanuelCeleste Augustin 132; Stephen Narcissus 132* Deenavan, Jeremy 172 de Faria, Marianne Delphina 154; Rev. Timothy, see Ferreyra de Figueirdo, de Figueiredo, Francis Emmanuel 148; Sarah 148 de Fonpré, Mary Antoinette 164 de Frotté, Antoinette Susanna Caroline 143; Viscount 143 de Gamaches , Marcellus 39; Mary Magdalen 39 de Grimoville, Magdalen 14 Archbishop ofAix.


de Hamell Frinwis, Martin 7; Mary Ango 7

Dehaver , Louis 32

De Huijcper, Charles 36

de Inatio Antonio, Ayda 160

Deiz, Michael 162

De K'saint De Duras, Clare Louise

Rose Bonne Guy 132

De Kezean, Joseph 131

De Kuijper, see De Huijcper

Delaborde Vernous , Chevalier Louis 165; Sarah 165

deLa Croix , Delacroix, John 77 , 166*

De la Fontaine, 125; Sarah 125 de la Frainaier, Philip 67

De Lagonedie , Yriex 134

Delahay , Sarah 137

Delahoye, Luke 11

de Mello e Castro, Martin 170, 172 de Mello et Carvalho , Francis 130 de Moira, John Anthony Lupus 156 de Moraes Sarmento , Caroline Wilhelmina 156; Christopher 155; Christopher Peter 156, 157 de Mouille, John 7; Susanna 7

De Mouiller, Louis Philip Mark Anthony 132

Dempsey, Ad 163; Margaret 150 de Newland,163

Dennett, Dennet, Dennot, Charity 72, 75; Richard 71, 72, 75

Dennis , Joan 76

Dennison , Robert 131

Deno, Julian 27; Susanna 27 de Noailles , LouiseHenrietta Philippa 132; L. P.M. A. 132 de la Matto, James Gandutius Je-

Denovan, Jeremiah 93, 160 nousis 11

Delany, Rev. Dominic 53 ; George 74; Patrick 142; Sarah 74; see Deleny Delaporte , Anne 38; Anthony 38

Delate, De Late, Elizabeth 33; John Philip 33

Delaunay, Aimé 143; Alphonsus 143 de Laussac , Nur Las (? Nicolas) 21; Sarah 21 del Campos, de Campos, Anthony 77; Elizabeth 77; Marquis 131 del Chiaro , AnthonyVincent Honorius 157

Deleau, Lewis 81 ; Rev. Louis, passim 37 to 98, 160-169 , 171; Mrs. 38

Delecouts De Levizac, John Amandus

Mary Marcellinus 140; Petronilla Emily 140

Deleny, George 91; Sarah 91 de Lima, Lawrence 134; Manuel Roderick 130

Della-Maggiore , Angel 134

Dellon, Dellin, Elizabeth 8; Mary 50

Dellow, Elizabeth 103

Delmar, Mary 135 de Loes , Deluss , Catherine 4 de Lossac, Nicole 21 de Lugé, Anne Margaret Julia Felicia 133; Anne Perrine Chevalier, Baroness 133; see Walsh Serrant de Lunne, Henry 5; Mary 5

Demages, Benet 50; Hannah 50 de Magua Shalj, Benedict 40 de Manesbe, see de Borel de Mazzarella , Cajetan 77; Mary Margaret 77 De Meas, Peter 26 de Mello, Anselm Joseph Victor 136; Canon Emmanuel 28

Dent, Caroline 152; Thomas 152

Denton, Jeremiah 119

Denys, Anne Joseph 42 de Perer, -15 de Power, MaryAngo 7 de Precorbin de Foulogne , Germaine

Mary Joanna 131 ; Julia Amanda 131; René 131 ; Silvanus 131

Deprez, Anne 137 ; Christian 137

Derby, Darby, Jane 3; Thomas 3

Dere, Hannah 50

Dereik, Elizabeth 35

Dermood , Thomas 18 de Rovere, Jules 152

Derrinnic, John 138; Mary 138

Dersanges, Elizabeth 41

Desachy de St. Aurin , J. B. P. F. 131

de Santo Andre, Gertrude Rose 159 de Santo Antonio, Agatha 160 de Sequeiraff, Joseph 76

Des Gens, Joseph Hyacinth 123

Desinet, Francis 84

De Souza, Louis 59; Rose Louis 143 de Souza et Holstein, Peter Mary 154

Desplanche, Pierce 18

Desprez, Mary Anne Joseph 164; Mary Frances 164

Desprez de Verneuill, Louis 164

Dessignye, MaryCatherine 30 de Stacpoole, Elizabeth Lawrence 145;ViscountRichardFitz-George 145

De Thier, Dethier, Francis Nicholas Joseph 141 , 144; Mary Toussaint

Victor 141 ; Mr. 142 de Thier Beschman , Mary Toussaint

Victor 144; Mary 144 de Thierry, Antoinette Susanna Caroline 143; Francis 150; Louise 150

Dethirk, John 8

" Chaplain to his Excellency Baron de Wasner, Minister Plenipo: to her Hungarian Majesty. " PortugueseMinister to the Court of St. James.

de Torre de Moncorvo, Viscount 78 , 156

de Valle, Joseph Anthony 133 de Varini, Philip 142 de Vasconcellos , Anne 29

de Vau, Anthony 11*; Gertrude 11

Devaux, Peter 83

Devava, Theodore 9

Devine, Margaret 144; Martin 144 de Vineis, Peter 157

Devoe, Giles 9

Dew , Margaret (Margery) 6

Dewey, Mary 122

Dewine, Catherine 165-6; Francis 166; Matthew 165; Patrick 166

D'hane, Sarah 165

Dheme, S. 163

Dias, Diaz, Dioz, Emmanuel 15, 29; Rev. Emmanuel 28* , 29*; Mrs. 30

Dickenson , Dickinson, Dickison, Barbara 114; Isabel 114; James 28; Jane 28; Mary 96; Sarah 112

Dickson, Mary 96 die Millde, Thomas 3

Dies, Emmanuel 96; Mary 96

Dieus, Anthony 7

Dieutepare , John Louis 25; Mary25

Digby, Adam 51, 89; Anne 51 ; John 23

Dignan, Dignam, Anne 169 ; Jo 163; Nicholas 169; W. 163; William 169

Digoier, Christine 47

Dill, Désirée Monica 136; Jacob 136

Dillon, Anne 8, 135; Arthur 123; Edward 132; Colonel Edward 132; Elizabeth 49; Francis 135; Thomas49

Dinmore, Henry 102; Jos 101 ; Sarah 102

Diot (? Diol), Louise 136

Dipin, 13

Dirft, Matthew 8

Dirider, Anne 48

Disbrowe, James 30

Dissell, Laty 52

Dixon, Rev. Paul 111 , 113, 124 , 125

Dobbins , Dobbyns, Dobbynss, Dobings, Anne 69; John 112; Margaret 120

Dochaty, Dorothy 87; Hugh 87

Dodd, Dod, Anne 22; Elizabeth 60; Mary 22; Thomas 22

Dodson, Helen 9

Dodsworth, George 144

Dog, George 96

Dogan , Clare 168*; Elizabeth 167 , 168

Doherty, Ed 48; Joanna 48; see Dochaty

Dolen, Margaret 109; Mary 100

d'Oliviera, Joseph Anthony 155

Dollowman, Mary 25

Doltons, William 5

Domenge, Sebastian 119

Donaghue , see Dunaghu, Donoughe

Donely, Judith 98; Laurence 98; Michael 48

Dongan, Mary 169

Donnel, Anne 95

Donoughe , Patrick 135

Donovan, Donnovan, Dunavan, Dunavun, Catherine 135; Henry 135; James 59; Jane 35; Jeremiah 48, 49, 51, 88, 97, 98, 109, 122, 165 , 166 , 169; Jeremy 35*; Joanna 35; Mary 59; Morgan 48; see Denovan

Dore, Elizabeth 150

Dorehill, W. Arthur 155

Dorenbush , John 100

Dorlanveux , Dorlanvaux, Dorlanreux, Elizabeth 39 , 162*

Dormer, Luke 11

Dorregar Junr 38

Dors, Louis 97, 171 ; Rose 97

Dorson, Mary 89; Samuel 89

Dosesmoy, Jeoy 26

dos Mepnesyn, Rev. Biemigro, Suardaci 24

Dougeas, < -14

Douglas, Douglass , John 56; Right

Rev. John 131 , 137 ; Mary 56; see Duglas

Doulen , Anne 113; Neal 113

Douling, Doulmig, Eleanor 98; Henry 98

Douthwaite, Elizabeth 31

D'Outremont, 133

Dove, Elizabeth 164; Louis William 164

Dovey , John 147

Dowdale, George 163

Dowling, Eleanor 169 ; Henry 169

Downea , Mary 66; Michael 66

Downer, Honora 71; Margaret 66

Downing, Mary 21

Doxey, Doxsey, Charles 102; Lucy 102

Doyle, Andrew 69 ; Jean 109 ; Mabel 95, 98; Mary 152; Sarah 69

Doyne, Bartholomew 107 ; Jane 107

Drake, Peter 67

Draper, Charity 72, 75; Martha 104; Mary 104; William 65

Drenn , Catherine 48

Drewet, Richard 118

Drift, Catherine 8

Driscoll, Driskoll , Anne 37; Florence 15; James 152; Mary 120, 152

Drummond, Mrs. 152

Drury, Theresa 120

Duarte, Dwarte, Frances Jane 142; Thomas Joseph 142

du Bargues, Charles 58; Elizabeth 58

Dubois , Agnes 168; Elizabeth 148; John Baptist 168; Mary Antoinette 168; Thomas 38

Duckworth , Mary 52

Duddell, Duddel, Sarah 85; Thomas 85

Du Durfort, Emmanuel Celestine

Augustine 132; Louise Henrietta

Philippa 132

Duez, Adrian 42 ; Anne Joseph 42

Duff, Alicia 149; Anne 87; Mary 17; Rose 90

Duffil, Duffill, Anne 52; Jane 52

Duffy, Bridget 97; James 97

Dufour, du Four, Duffour, Joseph 99; Mary 99

Dufourcq, Benedict 141

Du Four de la Chapelle, Eustace

Charles 39; Mary 39

Du Frenoy, Dufrenoy, Frances 19; Peter 19

Dufton, Hannah 34

Duglas, Dugles , Dugless, Anne 30;

Dorothy 104; Mr. 69

Duldeneay , Tuldeaneay, Christopher 12; Elizabeth 12

Dulot, John 130

Dumarnay, Benjamin Bernard 153

Dumas, Mary 103

Dumesnil, Dumenil, Dumeny, John 45;Wilhelmina Anne45; Catherine38

Dumon, C. 149; L. 149

DuMondell, Dumondell,AnneFrances 33, 53; Peter 33

Dumonn, Mary 21

du Mont, MaryMagdalen39

Dumortier, Isabel Antoinette 91 ;

Julia 91

Du Morture, Dumortur , Juliana 118

Dunaghu, Anne 43

Duncomb , Frances 104; Henry 25; Jennie 25; Jeremiah 104; Mary 104

Dunean, Jeremiah 169

Dungan, Rev. Thomas 170, 172

Dunn, Dun, Anne 58; Bryan 86; Catherine 86, 95; Edmund 115; Edward 97; Elizabeth Theresa 91; Jean 109; John 88, 109, 161 ; Mary 109; Michael 143, 144; Prudence168 ; Robin 95; Rose 97; Thomas 168

Dupan, Henry Frederick 131

Dupleyz, Elizabeth 88; Mary 88

Dupon , James 39

Du Pont, Dupont, Elizabeth 108; James 162; John 108; Louis John

Peter 126; Louise Anne 126

Duprè, Duprès, Duprez, Catherine 125; James 125, 127 ; Mary 36; Mary

Jane Louise 127; Philip 125

Dupuy, Lew 13

Durant, Mary 139

Durham, Mary 123

Durien, Durieu, M. Clare 41; Mary

Clara 162

Dusel , Mary 35

Dussard , Antoinette Coelina 141; Josephine 141

Dutreuille, John 165 , 166

Dutry Cornelitz, Catherine 96; John 96

Duval, see Blouin Duval

du Valle, Du Valle, Duvalle, Edmund Andrew 26; Margaret 26; Marie Jean 86

Du Vivier, Duvivier , De Vivier, Lambert 47; Lawrence Joseph 167; Margaret Gaumara 167; Mary 47

Dwyer, Richard 12

Dyball, Edmund 143; Mary Matilda 143

Earl, Martha 147

Earle, Elizabeth 81; Lucy 48; Tobit 81

Early, Agnes 88; Mary 83*

East, Frances 9; Francis 9

Eavens, Mary 62

Ebeh, Eleh, Anne 47; Richard 47

Ed, 71

Eddes, Ed 48; Eleanor 48

Edgar, James 35; William 48

Edger, Edgier, Hannah 70; James 70

Edgworth, Anne 150; Frederick 145; Helena 145

Edington, Margaret 32; Richard 32

Edmondson , H. 88; Rebecca 88; Thomas 88

Edney , Rev. Thomas 130

Edwards, Elizabeth 52*; John 30, 43 , 52, 163; Mary 30; Mrs. 143; Sarah 23; William 10

Egan, Catherine 147; John 47; Margaret 169

Ehlam, Edward 150; Ellen 150

Elam , Frances 107

Eldridge, Eldrige, John 29, 122

Elish, Eliss, Hannah 82; Mary 72

Elkins, Charles 121; Martha 121; Mary 45; Samuel45

Ellen, Susan 70

Ellis, Anne 102 ; Henry 16; Richard 11; Robert 102; see Elish

Ellison, Mary 115

Ellston, Elizabeth 44 , 45

Elmer, Anne 165

Elmes, Mary 29

Elridge, Mary 166; Thomas 166; William 166

Elsneur, Arabella 164; Geoffrey 163; Joanna 164

Elsom, Joanna 61 ; Richard 61

Elston, Elizabeth 84; James 52 , 85

Elton, Catherine 141

Ely, Barbara 96; Samuel 96

Emerson , Alexis 123

Emes, Emms, Ems, Joyce 45 , 164; Mary 45 , 163


Emon, Bridget 74*; James 74* , 84

England, Catherine 93; Christina 57; John 57; Mary 93

Englefyld, Anthony 12

English, Benjamin 15 ; Elizabeth 11 , 15; Margaret 151 ; Nicholas

William 151

Ennis, Easter 92

Erkrot, Anne 100; William 100

Ernle, William 24 11;

Errington, Erington, Eve 68 ; George 68; Mary 118

Erskin, Charles '101; Frances 101; Jane 101

Erwing, Anne 56

Eshelby , George 152; Margaret 152

Essex, Anne 30

Estlake, Mary 14

Etichchov, Elizabeth 165

Eueens, Elizabeth 62

Eustace, Hannah 69; James 69

Evans, Evens, Anne 109; Barbara 47-8; Eleanor Frances 148; J. 148; James 90; Jane 44; Jonathan 57; M. 148; Margaret 90; Thomas 16; William 47

Even, Margaret 27

Everets, Elizabeth 19; Richard 19

Everrard, Mary Anne 88

Evers, Henry 88; Mary 88 , 107

Eves, James 109; Margaret 109

Evett, Margaret 34

Eviruerts (? Everaerts), Anne Catherine 144

Evngarvill, Mary 10

Exham, Anne 56

Eyre, Eleanor 94; see Ayre

Eyres, Elizabeth 57; Robert 57; see Ayres

Eyston, Anne 22; Edward 4; John 22

Fabbri, Mary 133

Faber, Magdalen 46; Mary 49, 50, 52

Fabeu, Jane 17

Fabris, Fabres , James 42; Susan 42

Fagg, Sarah 140

Faguen, Frances 6

Fahay, Elizabeth 77; William 77

Fahy, John 107; Mary 106, 107

Faintain, Anne 32; Peter 32

Fairbairn, Matilda 142

Fairchild, see Fairfield

Fairfax, Ursula 22 , 25

Fairfield, Elizabeth 110; Mary 110

Falbaire, Catherine Victoria 131

Falilard, R. 13

Falkner, Mary 33

Fanison , Luke 94

Farbucke, William 26

Farewell , Anne 32; George 32

Farford, John 7

Faria, Lucy 134

Farington, John 165

Farly, Barbara 7; Edward 7

Farmer, Elizabeth 22 ; Francis 18; Jane 18 ; John 18; Sir Richard 39

Farndell, Elizabeth 166; William 166

Farnel, James 116

Farquhar, Lucy 142; Mary 143

Farr, Mary3

Farrell, Farrel, Farrall, Farril, Anne 94; Catherine 27, 107; Charles 169; Giles 110; John 94; Rose 100

Farrelly, Thomas 70

Farren, Elizabeth 94

Farrer, Anne 118; Elizabeth 118

Farrow , Abraham 111 ; Cecilia 111; Mary 111

Faushet, Dorothy 106

Favereau , Claud 37; Mary 37

Fawcet, Elizabeth 52; William 52

Feardon , see Reardon

Fearn, Fearne, Anne 119

Feliçianne, Louis 46

Felix, Mary 7

Fell, Jane 18

Fellincks, Catherine 71 ; Rayner 71

Feltham, Helen 18; Luke 18

Fenelli, John Bag 3

Fenigin, Anne 34; John 34

Fenn, James 126

Fenten, Gerard 9

Ferguson , Anne 149 ; Frances 149; William 149; WilliamJames 149

Fermont, Mary 13

Fernandes , Ferdinandes , Anthony 30 , 96; Mary 96

Fernandet , Donald 134; Sarah 134

Ferrers, Ferrars, Anne 100; John 115

Ferreyra, Rev. James, O.S.B. , passim 28 to 33

Fesk, Gads 21

Feudall , George 151

Fevelwind, Robert 100

Feversham , Earl of 29

Fidden, John 4; Rev. John 3, 10

Field, Feeld ,Anne 151 ; Anthony94; Frances 40; Henry 40; Lydia 110; Margaret 40; Mary 35 , 94; Mary

Anne 151 ; Matthew, 151 ; Patrick 151; Susanna 122; Thomas 35

Fifield, Fifeild, Elizabeth 31 ; Hannah 63; Mary 31

Figuieroa, Mary Anne 154

Filler, see Fittler

Finch, Anne 43, 163; Hon. Anne 20; Ch 20; Jane 20; Mary 19 , 20

Finn, John 151

Finnigan, see Fenigin

Firth, Rev. William 130

Fish, Bridget 22

Fisher, Brice 41; Brus 162; Eleanor 107; Elizabeth 33; Esther 33; John


107; Joshua 107; Mary 33 , 168; William 33, 55

Fittler, Isabel 114; John 114

Fitzgerald, FitzGerrald, Fitsgerald, Fitzgereld, Fizgerald, Fizgerrold, Fzgerald, Fitzgearld, Bridget 34; David 151; Eleanor 98; Ells 116; Garrot (Gerard) 34; George 72; Helena 54 , 82; Honora 86, 92; James 61, 71 , 115; Jane 71 ; Jean 97; Mary 74 , 91; Nicholas 64; Pierce 86, 91, 92 , 95; Rebecca 115; William 109

Fitzgibbon, Michael 149

Fitzhinchlox, Fitzhinclox , Benjamin 23; Martha 23

FitzJames , Fitz-James, Fitzjames, Fitziames, Elizabeth 14; George 14 , 22

Fitzmaurice, Rev. James, passim 61 to 69

Fitzmorris, Arabella 126

Fitzpatrick, Fitspatrick , Clara 163; Margaret 35, 136; Peter 126; Sarah 74; Thomas 74

Fitzsimons, Dor 31; Rev. Patrick 34 , 70

Flanigan, Flanegan, Charlotte 99; James 99

Flatt, Mary 35*; Phyllis 139

Flearthy (? Flaherty), Catherine 164; Martha 164

Fleetwood , Fletewood, Mary Winifred 135; Thomas33, 61; SirThomas 135

Fleming, Bernard 64; Mary 64

Fletcher, Charles 149 ; Henry Junr 41 ; James 41; Sarah 22; Thomas 105

Fleuriau, Charles 107

Flewell, John 93; Sarah 93

Flin, Walter 69

Fling, Monica 21

Flint, Mary 46

Flintoft , John 88; Mary 88

Floid, Floide, Anne 20; Elizabeth 76; William 20

Florés, Charles 133; Sam 6

Floyd, Rev. John 34 , 69

Flynn, John 146; see Flin

Foal, Patrick 47

Fogina, James 50

Foillards, Inard 7

Foissey, Apollonia 153; Augustus 153

Folam , Anne 34

Follet, Peter Nicholas 152

Fon , Sarah 11

Fones, William 61

Fonshaw , Mary 13

Fontain, Mary 113

Fontaine, Anne 25

Fonzacha , Elizabeth 48

Forbes, Anne 104, 114; Frances 104; Mary 114

Forcade , Leonard 164; Mary Anne

Joseph 164

Ford, Abigail 13; Cecilia 46; Charles 151 ; Jane 21; William 21

Forde, William 120

Forest, Foresta, Ed 84; Julius 85; Lucy 85

Formage, Rev. Joseph 142 , 143

Foron, Mary 59

Fortescue (Forlesace), Francis 14; Mary 14

Fosset, Thomas 89

Foster, 28; Anne 30, 77; Arthur 77; Catherine 20; Mary 38 , 111 ; William 20

Fouldering, Elizabeth 15

Foulon, Foullon, Foullont, Anne 162; Jane 166; John 162 , 166

Foulquier, Mary 39

Fountain, Anne 117; see Fontain , Fontaine

Fourlonge, Mary 66

Fourmantel, Charles 105

Fourmont, Frances 146

Fournier, Joanna 57

Fourshett, Dorothy 107

Fowler, Deborah 27; Ethelwald 27; Gabriel 116; Giles 27; Robert 52

Fowls, Elizabeth 32

Fox, Dorothy 34; Elizabeth 6; John 6; Joseph 34

Foy, Peter 60; Thomas 146

Fracisque, < -28

Fradin, Abr 98

Frame, Lucy 114

Frances, Alban 2; Anne 21; Anthony 22; John 141 ; Mary 147

Francober , Anthony 2; Susanna 2

Franklin, Rev. George 70*; Jean 116; Joseph 53, 116; Mary 12; William 147

Franzeri, Franzori, Benedicta 130

Fraser, Frasor, Anne 99; Mary 119; Thomas 99

Freak, Eleanor 107; Elizabeth 106; Mary 107

Freeman , Charles 122; Dorothy 10; Frances 39; Griffin 65; Joan 18; Mary 84; Robert 84; Thomas 108; William 18

Freemant, Frances 162

Freemont, Fremont, Henry 112; James 145 ; Jane 112; Susan 145

Freme, Jane 122

French, Capt. Alexander 115; John 119 ; William 127

Frenchfield , Anne 70

Frere, Catherine 33

Friburg, James 81

Fricour, Augustine 147; Tullia 147

Frocy, Joanna 16

Frogley, Frogly, Anne Philipson 43; Mary 43

Frucares , Michael 46

Frye, Anne 116; Arabella 114; Charlotte 116; Christopher 114; Sarah114

Fryer, Rev. Charles 134; Very Rev. William Victor, passim 133 to 156

Fryth, Anne 17

Fuller, Dorothy 104; Elizabeth 25; George 31; Hester 31; Isabel 59; William 104

Fullwell, Mary 31

Funnel, Funell, Francis 92; Honora92

Furlong, Alice 92; Anne 109; Laurence 109

Furnese , Isabel 114; Mary 114

Furnis, Fra 61 ; Peter 10 ; Susan 10

Fyfe, Alexander 119 ; Mary 119

Gaffey, Rev. Daniel 138*

Gage, Gages, Anser 166*

Gainforth, Anne 51; Edward 51

Galagan, Matilda 152

Gallagher , Thomas 148; Thomas Junr 148

Galloway, Mary 63 ; Patrick 63

Gambell , Susan 18, 23; Thomas 18

Ganners, Thomas 14

Gansalvos, Peter 51

Garard , Elizabeth 10 ; Frances 10

Garbott, Elizabeth 17 ; Richard 17

Gardner , Gardener , Garderner, Amelia 37; Eleanor 122; Mary 140; Peter 37; Rebecca 140

Garfoot, Jane 127

Garitta, Benedicta 130

Garlan, Mary 47

Garmons , Henry 26

Garnent , Anne 71

Garny, Glod (? Glaud) 15

Garrick, David 108 ; Eva Maria 108

Garstang, Rev. William 129 , 136* , 137

Garvan, Francis 49

Garvey, Judith 153

Gass , James 171

Gastaldi, Charlotte 81 , 122; John Baptist 122; Mr. 81

Gaté, Rev. Lawrence 134

Gatenby, Anne 44

Gathercoal , Daniel 49, 50;Winifred 50

Gautillon, Hannah 144; Peter 144

Gavaron, Mary 142; Mary Catherine

Conception 142; Theodore 142

Gawen, Andrew 60; Anne 60; Elizabeth 60; Maurice 60

Gay, Barbara 102; Charles 102; John 144, 148; Seraphine 148

Gaynor, Mary 152; Michael 152

Geary, Rev. John 53; Mary 53

Gebbing, Isabel 43

Gee , see Lee

Gelle, James 130

Gellot, see Pellot

Gemerson, Frances 70

Gemin , Anthony 77; Mary 77

Generella, Mary 164

Genison, Anne 7; Elizabeth 7

Gennett , Margaret 118

Gentil, Fran 51

Gerald, William 117

Gerard, Cuthbert 21; William 10; see Garard

Gerbier, Elizabeth 4

Germag, Rev. David 138

Gerner, San 37

Gerrard , Dorothy 134; Margaret 168

Gerrarty, see Gurrarty

Gewsin, Frances 9

Ghichard , Bruno 119 ; Eleanor 119

Gibberd, Robert 92

Gibbins , Anne 37

Gibbons, Anne 43, 163; Christina 58; Elizabeth 61 ; Frances 164; Geoffrey 58; Isabel 163; Mary 31 ; Tobias 60, 70; Rev. Tobias, passim 56 to 76; see Gebbing

Gibson, Frances 164; see Gipson

Giddins, Levi 72

Gigot, Adrienne 132

Gilbert, Gillbert , Rebecca 69

Giles, Anthony 125; Caroline 125; Jonathan 126; Mary 126

Gilford, see Guldford

Gill, Catherine 26; Matthew 12; Robert 26

Gillat, Margaret 118; Robert 118

Gille, Jane 144

Gillham, Justina 144; Mary 144

Gilligan, Gillegan, Mary 145; Michael 145

Gillott, Gillot, Anne 33; Henry 33, 61

Gillow , Winifred 150

Gilman, Mary 135

Gilour, Dorothy64

Gipson, Gipsone, Mary65

Giraudetde Semorge, Mary Magdalen 156; Mary Mirza 156; Peter 156

Girlington, Anne 60

Girt, Elizabeth 147

Gittins, Anne 5

Givaud, Louise 36

Givaudet , John 98; Mary Elizabeth 98

Glanfield, Anne 149; Henry 149

Glarston , Anne 68

Gloster, Catherine 71

Glover, Alexander 106; Susanna 106

The famous actor, whose marriage in accordance with the law had taken place in the church in Russell Street, Bloomsbury, on the same day.

Glynn, Martin 141

Gobina, Anne 164; Louis 164

God, John 8

Goddard, Elizabeth 48

Godden, Rev. Thomas 10 , 17, 18* , 19 , 20, 29**

Godfrey, Jane 63

Godfroy, Godfroye, Agnes 168*

Godwin, Catherine 44

Goff, William 43

Gold, Amelia 37; Margaret (Mary) 10

Goldsmith , Elizabeth 39; John 39

Gomar, Magdalen 89

Gomes, Anthony 44, 45, 49; James 163; Mary 49 , 106

Gonçalvo , Catherine 127-8; Matthew 127; Sebastian 172

Gondou, Léon 86

Gonsalves , Gonçalves, Gonzalves ,

Gonsavess , Gonsalvus , Goncalus , Emmanuel 29 , 30*; Gonsalo 29; Mary 116

Gonsalves (Gonsalvez , Gonsaloes , Gonsalvas) deLima, Mary53; Peter53

Good, James 76; Mary 30

Gooddiar , Blomer 44; Winifred 44

Goode, Charles 30; Elizabeth 30; Margaret 30

Goodman, John 16

Goodson, Anne 142

Goodwin, Agnes 115; Martha 115; Paul 115

Goodyer, Elizabeth 30*; George 163; Joanna 163; see Gooddiar

Goose, Anne 110; Elizabeth 46; Henry 110

Gordon, Gorden , -12; Alexander 13 , 15; Angela Lameda Pillon 144; Arthur 127; Robert 16, 18, 21; Sarah 127

Gorman, Goreman , Doctor 56; William 146

Gorton, Isabel 56; Rebecca 58

Gostling, Elizabeth 52; Matthias 100; Sarah 100

Gouberton , Alice 15; Peter 15

Gougo, Catherine 32; Edward 32

Goulay, Louis 35

Gould , James 10

Goullin, Margaret 166; Sulpice 166

Goupy, Laura 99; Louis 99; Mary 99

Gourdin, Rev. John 139

Gouvea , John Xavier 139 ; Mary

Antonia 139

Gowvan , Elizabeth 50; Stephen50

Grabeu, Grabu, Catherine 4; Louis 4

Grace, Anne 95, 111; Martha 56

Grady, John 6 , 151

Graham, Groham, Susanna 168*

Graim , Sarah 151

Grainsbro' , Rev. Maurice 76

Grammandall, Dorothy 27; Peter 27

Gramshaw , Mary 120

Grandcour , Magdalen 51

Grandsire, Gransire, Susanna 165; William 165*

Granger , Frances 163, 164; James 46, 163, 164; John 21; Mary 21; T. 163 Granom , Joanna 163; Louis 163; Mary 163

Grant, Catherine 153; George 72; Mary 72; William 105

Granville, Rev. Stephen, passim 37 to 48 , 170 Gray, Anne 85; Elizabeth 20, 24, 29; Samuel 108

Grayson, Catherine 139; George 139

Green, Greene, Grean, Anne 141; Catherine 102; Elizabeth 17 , 29, 34, 39 , 48; Faith 95; George 137; Isabel 140, 143; John 29, 34, 110, 140; John Joseph 143; Leonard 29; Mary Anne 130; Mary Frances Cecilia 137; Matthew 94; Robert 25* , 27; Samuel 141; Sarah 110, 124; Thomas 153; see Grene

Greenbury , Catherine 14-5

Greeney, Catherine 135

Greensmith, Elizabeth 64; George 64

Greensword , Green Sword, Bridget 95; Sarah 165

Greenwell , William 168

Greenwood, Dorothy 104; Elizabeth 104; John 104

Greffin, Francis Joseph 136

Gregory, Anne 136; Melior 59; William 49

Gregson, John 26

Greind, Catherine 6; Peter 6

Grene, Rev. Richard, passim 37 to 112, 171

Gressam, Susan 80; Thomas 80

Greswold, Rev. Thomas, passim 52 to 127, 170, 172*

Grey, Cecilia 111 ; Charles 111 ; John 169 ; Margaret 169

Greynood, Richard 169

Griffes, Griffin (? Griffith) 57;Mary 57

Griffin, Sarah 66; Thomas 11

Griffith, Anne Agnes 145; James 56; Nicholas 43; Theresa 56; William 56

Griffiths, Griffitts, Margaret Frances 45; Stephen 11

Grillion, Peter 147; see Pillion

Grimaldi, Grimaldes ,Rev.Anthony 76*

Grimhalston, Grimhalstone, Elizabeth 99

Grimouville, Marquis de la Lande

Heron 14

Grimshaw , Grimsaw, Anne 99

Grimston, Ralf 80

Grinam , Mary 7; Robert 7

"Chaplain in Ordinary to her Maty. "


Grinol, Elizabeth 27; Hugh 27

Grismonpont , John Baptist 162

Gros, John 136

Grove, Rev. John 60; Samuel 20

Groves, Anne 63; Edmund Elizabeth 18

Growcock, Mary 122 63 ;

Grubb, Anne 45, 164; Henry 45 , 164

Grue, Catherine 14

Gramley, Mary 82

Guait, Henry 81

Gublin, Catherine 80

Guerreiro, Anne Mary 154; Benedict

Joseph Daortas 154; Joseph Anthony 154; Mary JoannaAntonina 154;Mrs. 142; Rafael da Cruz 142, 143

Guichard, Charles 140 ; see Ghichard

Guillet, Elizabeth 136; Mary 136; Peter 136

Guimaraens , Guimaraes , Anthony

Joseph 128; Emmanuel Peter 155; Georgiana Frances 155; Rose Raymonda 128

Guinn , Anthony 67

Guldford, Gilford , Mary 3

Gundy, Elizabeth 35

Gunning, Eleanor 145

Gurman, James 12

Gurnall, Gurnell, Margaret 89; William 50, 92

Gurney, Mary 92

Gurrarty, Mary 145

Guthik, Nicholas 13

Guthrie, Guttrey, Patrick 97; Sarah94

Guy,Guij,Anne21; Daniel 21 ;Lucia36

Guyot, Louis 33

Gwillym, Constance 140

Gwinn, Gwyn, Penelope 63; seeGuinn Gyford, Mary 141; Michael 141

Hackett,Anneor Jane 52; Richard 52

Haeston, Hacstone, Mary 101

Hadley, Anne 93; Mary 97*

Hages, Mary 16

Haghieren, Hagherine, Gerritt 10; Mary 10; Monish 10

Hailston, Hailstone, Anne 160; Ed

Senr 160; Edward 160

Haime, Mary 148

Haines, Martha S. 163; Mary 88

Hainge, Rachel 16; Thomas 16

Hakin, Edward 65

Halay, Margaret 41

Halbert, Elizabeth 10

Hale, Samuel 112

Hales, Elizabeth 12; Mary 166; Sir Stephen 12

Haley, John 33

Halford, Anne 115; Thomas 115

garet 34, 80, 166; Patrick34; Robert 102; Roger 166; William 19 , 23 , 113

Hallam , Ellen 16

Halligan, Charlotte 153; Thomas153

Hallon, Elizabeth 69

Hallot, Elizabeth 46; Nicholas 46

Hallso, Ralf 95; Raphael 165; Sarah 165

Hamaton, Edee 91; F. 91

Hambilton, James 113

Hambleton, Mary 25

Hamborough, Elizabeth 148

Hamilton, Hammilton, Eleanor 67; Morgan 152

Hammond, Mary 149 ; William 149

Hanasy, Henry 150; Mary 150

Hance , Frances 13; Stephen 13

Hanch, Elizabeth 32

Hand, Anne 69; Elizabeth 109; Margaret 69 ; Robert 109

Handcock, Anne 113

Handerson , Anne 162; John 162

Hands, Anne 68

Haneij, Joanna 66; Walter 66

Hankin, Elizabeth 118; Richard 118

Hankinson, -2; Benet 6, 7* , 11 , 22*; Margaret 49; Patrick 49

Hanns, Han's, John 5; Mary 5; see Hands

Hanwell, Elizabeth 35

Harann, Margaret 144

Harash, Harish, Elizabeth 84

Harbert, Daniel 122; Lucy 122; Ruth 122; Sarah 135

Harberton, Viscount 136

Hardastler, R. 77

Hardcastle , A. 37 , 41, 77; Alice 43; John 51; Rev. John, passim 33 to 82 , 170

Harden, Hardin , Bridget 24; Matthew 10

Hardiman, Edward 116

Harding, Catherine 138; Dorothy 104; Jane 149; Joseph 104

Hardman, Elizabeth 70

Hardwood, Penelope 119

Hardy, Isaac 168 ; Mary 168

Harford, George 16; John 6, 15; Robert 31

Harland, Mary 124

Harlow , Elizabeth 116

Harne, Thomas 107

Harney, Mary 7; Richard 7

Harold, Dorothy 58

Haron, William 33

Harper, Anne 106; Frances 59; Jeremiah 106; Jonathan 117; Mary 6* , 117; William 111 , 117

Harriman, Jane 71

Harrington, Harrinton, Frances 107; Jane 137; Samuel 107

Harris, Alice 12; Anne 83; Barbara

Hall, Anne 19, 102; Apollonia 22; Clement52, 80; Elizabeth 23 , 24, 102, 113; George 22; John 24, 147; Mar195


81; Charles 82; Elizabeth 42; Frances

168; John 12; Joseph 24, 26* , 27; Lucy 41, 63; Nicholas 163, 165 , 167 , 168; Philip41; Richard 110; Thomas 28; William 42

Harrison, Anne Laura 160; Catherine 165*; Deborah 53; Jane 142; John 84; John Fairweather 160; Martha 59; Mary 41, 84; Robert 142; Sarah 40; Thomas 53; see Howison

Harrold, Martin 77; Rebecca 33; William 33

Hart, Cornelius 88; Elizabeth 24; James 122, 146; Jane 71 , 73; John 24; Mary 88* , 122 , 146

Hartgrave, Mary 16

Hartin, Alicia 102

Hartley, Anne 113 ; Elizabeth 38; Frances 40; John 103; Winifred103*

Hartridge, Hartredge, Hannah 116

Hartwell, Dorothy 44; Elizabeth 103

Harvey, Harvy, Dorothy 37 , 161; James 37 , 161

Hase, Elizabeth 24

Haskey, Elizabeth 139; Thomas 139

Hassold, Anne 65; Thomas 65

Hastings, Catherine 146; James 146

Hatcher, John 151; Sarah 151

Hathcote, Elizabeth 86; Michael 86

Hathersudg , Faith 5

Hatt, Mary 71

Hatterskey, Hatershey, Elizabeth 48; Richard 37, 48

Hatton, Margaret 31; Thomas 111

Haubois, Andrew 165

Haughton, Thomas 65

Hauthorne, Elizabeth 43

Havers, Margaret 45; William 45

Havre, John 97

Hawkins, Frances 29; Henry 62; J. 50; Judea 62; Richard 29

Hawks, Mary 134

Hawley, John 111

Haws, Anne 52; John 52

Hawson, Catherine 97

Hawthorne, see Hauthorne

Hay, Andrell 14 ; Catherine8; William

Earl of Kanoole 8*

Hayes, John 143; Margaret 16 ; Mary 143; Patrick 8; see Hages, Hase,

Hays, Hayse

Haynes, John 27; see Haines

Hays, Abigail 30, 31; Christina 58; Phoebe 30

Hayse, Thomas P. 11

Hayter, Frances 124; George 124

Haywood, Margaret 12

Heab, Elizabeth 9; John 9

Headly, Rebecca 51; William 51

Healy, Mary 53 , 85

Heany, Margaret 147

Hearn, Hearne, Anne 97; Elizabeth 117-8; James 97; John 117; Robert 97; Thomas 145

Hearon, John 113

Heart, Anne 127; Michael 127

Heath, Anne 17; Edmund 17 ; Elizabeth 26, 29, 37; George 26; Mary 35; Robert 35

Heathcote , Frances 164; Margaret 72 , 75; Michael 72, 75; Samuel 164

Heaton, Clare 120

Hebb, Dorothy 23; James 23

Hebberton , Hebbeston, Caroline 116; Susanna 116

Hedger, Margaret 40; Phyllis 97

Heffreernen, Margaret 168-9; Philip 168

Helling, Elizabeth 143; Robert 143

Helman, Dorothy 137

Hemard , Sarah 74

Heming, Susan 69

Henderson, Anne 49

Hendrick, Hendrix, Gabriel 2; Margaret 2; see Hindrick

Hendry, John 54; Sarah 54

Hendy, Walcot 62

Hene, Margaret 13 ; see Heany

Heneage, Catherine 50; George 49; Mary 49 ; Thomas 50

Henegan , Henegham, Bartley_61 ; Rev. John, passim 30 to 65; Rev. John of Sagunto 63* , 64

Henes, Walter 34

Henley, Henly, Bridget 138; Cecily 74; Christina 45; James 138; Margaret 49; Patrick 49

Hennekin, Catherine 37

Hennessey, Charles 143; Ellen 143

Hennesy, see Hanasy

Hennis, Alexia 41, 162; James 41 , 162

Henrick, Susan 14

Henry, Henery, Mary 40; Peter 40

Hense, see Herse

Henso, Mary 66

Henyes, Matthew 10

Heptenstall, Anne 40; Juliana 40

Herald, Helen 31

Herbert, Mary 51

Hercules , Phyllis 89

Hereman , Thomas 144

Herisson , Herrisson, Herrison, Harrisson , Rev. P. 136 , 137, 141 ; P. C. 136, 145

Hern, Herne, Margaret 152; Thomas 19 , 152

William Hay, 4th Earl of Kinnoull, succeeded his brother George in 1650; d. 1677. CatherineCecil, his second wife,was the daughter ofViscount Cranbourneand granddaughter of William Cecil , 2nd Earlof Salisbury


Heron , Elizabeth 35

Herrington, 18

Herse, Mary 38; Thomas 38

Herson, Anne 112

Herwick, Mary 65

Heskett, Hesket, Mary 35

Hetre , Theresa 94

Hewett, Hewet, Hwet, John 62; Margaret 45, 62, 164; Sarah 45 , 164

Hews, Sydney 85

Hewson, Mary 96; Thomas 96

Hewytt, Rachel 69

Heyns, Heynds, Rev. James 33, 76*

Hickey, Hickye , 70; Anthony 117; Dorothy 117; Elizabeth 117 ; James 117

Hickford, Luke 28

Hickin, Mary 59

Hickman, Thomas 29

Hid, Gerg 26

Hide, Anne 19 ; Francis 26; Humus 19; Mary 58; Richard 19; Roland 58

Higgins, Catherine 147; Elizabeth 145; John 145

Higgison, Sarah 71

Hill, Antoinette 15; Catherine44, 51; Eli 29; Elizabeth 24, 29; John 20, 32; Lawrence 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24* , 25; Mary 91; Mary Catherine 53; Lt

Richard 29; Thomas 51 ; William 15

Hilldred, Mary 19; Philip 19

Hilliard, Letitia 49; Sarah 49

Hills, William 46

Hilton, Isabel 56; Robert 56

Hindle, John 46

Hindrick, James 166; Mary 166

Hinds, Mary 105

Hippin, Susan 36

Hirriot, Capt Charles 96; Martha 96

Hoas, John 64

Hobbs, Alicia 121 ; John 121 ; Mary 33

Hochereau de Gassonville , Louis

Nicholas 136

Hodgen, Anne 38

Hodges, Daniel 21; Edward 22; Elizabeth 15; Jane 22 ; Robert 34

Hodgson, Hodghson, Alice 43, 92; Anne 61 ; George 43; George Senr.43; Grace 121 ; Hester 46; John 46, 52 , 92; Margaret 43; Mary 22; Thomas 61; William 22 , 121

Hodson, James 62; Martha 62; Mary 59; Robert 59

Hogan, Hoghan, Catherine 7; Joanna 48; Margaret 138

Holbrooke, Elizabeth 27; Ralph 27

Holdstock, Mary 148; see Holstock

Holland, E. 74

Hollier, Mary 111

Hollingsworth, Hollinsworth , Edward 111 ; Mary 111* , 113

Hollings, Drw. 17; Mary 17


Holloran, Margaret 74; William 74

Holloway, Jane 63; Mary 24; Samuel 112 ; William 63

Holmes , Anne 62; Eleanor 145; Ellen 144; Robert 62; Thomas 85; see Howmes

Holstock, Elizabeth 47; John 47

Holyman, William 30

Holyoak, George 141 ; Hannah 141

Honz, Henry 167

Hoper, Mary 70

Hopkins, Alice 19 ; Benjamin 41; Elizabeth 24, 41; George 24

Hopkinson , Ruth 125

Hopthrow, Hoptrow , Anne 117; Edward 117

Horan, Timothy 135

Hordies , George 65; Mary 65

Horn, Horne, Amn 11 ; Anthony 8; Elizabeth 23; Jane 12; John 23; Magdalen8; Sarah39, 40; William 11

Hornby, Maria 52; Thomas 52

Hornyold, Jane 67; John 67

Hortley, Anne 113

Horwood, James 142; Mary 142

Hosier , Hozier, Margaret 112; Roland 112

Hotton, Mary 122; Oliver 122

Houe, Francis 58; Isabel 59; James 60; Susan 58, 60; Thomas 59

Hourriquet, Rev. Miguel 30

Housman , Mary 30

Howard, Howerd, Alexander 50; Charles 14; Elizabeth 64, H. 7; Henry 14; John 85; Mary 15, 31, 57 , 85; Robert 57; Susanna 85; William 15

Howard of Norfolk, H. 9; Rev. P. 9, 14

Howell, Howel, Howll , 28; Alexander 116; Anne 84, 112; Elizabeth 116 ; Matilda 33; Peter 33, 70

Howen, Jean 65

Howes, Barbara 120; Elizabeth 23; George 23; Joseph 120; see Hows

Howison, Catherine 119

Howland, George 63 ; Rebecca 63

Howmes , Mary 3

Hows, Howse, Elizabeth 48; Joseph 48 ; Robert 23 , 24 , 129

Howses, Benjamin 143 ; Helena 143

Hoyne, Anne 146

Hubbock, Elizabeth 62; Jonathan 62

Hubert, Francis Joseph 41, 162; Margaret 30; Mary Barbara 41, 162

Huddleston , Hudleston, Hodleston, Rev. John, passim 2 to 29

Hudson , Christina 47; George 47; John 100; Margaret 46; Mary 20

Hues, Huis, Elizabeth 17, 30

Huet, Hannah 69 ; Thomas 44

Hugganes, Mary 6

Hughes, Hugh's, Hughs, Anne 10 , 91 , 109; Bartholomew 166; Catherine91 ; Catherine (Mary) 150; David 10; Elizabeth 62; Isabel 153, 159, 160; Joanna 166; Mary 159; Peter 64; Rev. Peter 65, 67; Robert 8, 91; Theodosia 3; Thomas 109, 122; William 62, 145, 150, 159; see Hews, Hues

Hugues, Pierre 66

Hullam, Daniel 7

Humphreys , Humphrys, Hunnphrys, Margaret 80, 82; see Umphuries

Humphry, Mary 37

Hunt, Abel 114; Clara 145; Elizabeth 11 , 114; Elizabeth Ellen 138; Francis 15; James Walter 117; John 164; JonadabWilliam 138; Margaret 114; Mary 93; William 92

Hunter, Anne 85 ; Rev. Francis 20*; Rebecca 63; William 85

Hurck, Anthony 36 ; Ruth S. 36

Hurghill, P. 9

Hurst, Elizabeth 2; Hugh 2

Hurtel, Anthony 66

Huskin, Catherine 8

Hussey, Hussy, Bridget 130; Frances 125, 130; George 40, 96 ; Margaret (Margery) 5-6; Mary 12, 20, 96; Michael 40; Nicholas 5; Sarah 40; Stephen 12

Hutchinson, Mary 20; Nicholas 20; William 165

Huthwhaite, Robert 20

Hutson, Anne 71

Hutt, William 71

Hutton, Elizabeth 81 ; Lucy 108

Huxer, Ernest 65; Mary 65

Hyde, Margaret 74

Ibbenson , John 146; Mary 146

Imláz, Mary 131

Ingleton, Thomas 15

Ingram, Mary 117

Inkins, Inkines, Inkiness, Catherine 123

Inman, Joseph 14123;

Innes, Charles 115; Henrietta Maria


Innols, Sophia 134

Insell, Jane 34

Iomyson (? Tompson), Henry 13

Ipermans, Mary 76

Ireland, Ierland, Irland, John 167; Mary 101 ; Sarah 167

Irelinn, Mary 32

Ireson, Mary 65

Irish, John 59; Mary 59

Irving, Isabella 104

Ivery, Ivory, Anne 40; James 40; Patrick 146

Ixem, Alicia 164; Elizabeth 45

Jackson , Jacson , Anne 108; Catherine 3; Elizabeth 51; Esther 94; John 36; Margaret 42; Thomas 3

Jaconet, Andrew 161

Jacquemain, Jaquemain, Jacqueman, Francis 25; Jenny 25; Margaret 25

Jacquin, N. 138* , 145; Nicholas 140; Rev. Nicolas, passim 136 to 154*

James, Anne 38, 82; Catherine 71; Sarah 40

James of St. Bonaventure , Rev., passim 18 to 28

Jamieson, see Gemerson

Jans, Gertrude 11

Jansen, Anne 121 ; Francis 121

Janton, John 5; Sarah 5

Jaquis, Martha 164

Jaratte, Margaret 167

Jarret, Anne 100; John 100

Jeale, Isabel 58

Jeffrey, Christina 138; John 138

Jeffries , Jefferies , Elizabeth 145; Mary Anne 104; Michael 145

Jenkins, Agnes 108; Anne41; Catherine 108; Elizabeth 51 , 144; Melior

Mary 90

Jennell, Ursula 19

Jennens, Jennins, Elizabeth 44

Jennett, Cherry 71

Jennings , Jennins, John 111 ; Mary 146; Sarah 100; William 47

Jennison , Jenison, Winifred 114

Jenson, Margaret Mary 56

Jerman, Mary 22

Johnson , Anne 108, 110; Edward 68; Eleanor 48; George 82; H. 46; Hannah 110; Henry 65; Jeremy 110; John 70, 108, 110; Margaret 103; Mary 70, 106, 124; Matthew 124; Owen 85; Ralph 23; Rebecca 33; Sarah 23, 69 ; William 103

Johnston , Elizabeth 33; Rev. Joseph 30, 31*; Margaret 34; Mary 118

Jole, Hannah 65

Jones, Anne 24, 58; Arthur 100; Charlotte 134; David 48 ; Elizabeth 13 , 24, 36, 83; Hester 165* ; Jane 84; John 83, 106, 116, 165*; Rev. John 1 78 , 141 , 155, 156; Martha 116; Mar 63, 82, 88, 106, 136, 141; Robert 141 ; Roger 125; Rose 109; Sarah 63, 69, 100; Thomas 24*; William 58, 82, 103, 116, 123

Jonson, Elizabeth 108; Owen 90

Jordan, Caroline Wilhelmina 156, 157; Catherine10;John10; Richard 38

Jotman, Margaret 168; Peter 168

Jouan de Vallois, Catherine 43; William 43

Joyce, John 111 ; Lucy 127; Martha 127; Mary 111 ; Mary Anne 127

Chaplain at the Portuguese

Chapel , p 150, entry 572 .


Joynes, Mary 41

Joyney, Anne 66

Jugier, Jerome 123; Martin 123

Jullien, Louis 166

Junes, Walter 2

Jurdan, Mary 83

Kanoole, Earl of, see Hay, William

Kapes, Eleanor 149

Karans , Sarah 163

Karney, Anne 141

Kavenagh , Eleanor 122; James 122

Kean, Keane, Daniel 143 ; Eleanor 145; Thomas 145

Keap, Judith 15

Keasberey , Catherine 71; William 71

Keate , William 103

Keatin, Keetin, Benjamin Gerard93; Eleanor 93; William 93; see Reatin

Keating, Rev. Ambrose72; Mart. 73; see Queting, Reatin

Keatleare , Elizabeth 47

Keefe, Keeffe, Keeff, Anne 151; Catherine 152; Constance 56; Daniel 56; David 151 ; Ellen 137; Jeremiah 137

Keeling, Mary 19

Keene, Daniel 145

Keenin, Frances 48; John 48

Keeth, Catherine 146

Kegoe, Mary 57; Michael 57

Keilan, Anne 109

Keindra, Susanna 14

Keirnan, Mary 145

Kell, Elizabeth 87; Joseph 87

Kellard, Catherine 143

Kellerhoff , C. W. 99

Kellett, Kellet, Hannah 17

Kelling, Jane 63

Kelly, Kelley, -67; Anne 43, 141; Ats 14; Catherine 66; Collow 14; Rev. Dominic 25; Edward 66; Elizabeth 47; George 25; James 43, 52; Joanna 42; John 47; Malachi 76; Mary 68, 94; Matthew 87; Michael 141; Robert 61; Sarah 136; Susan 14; see Relly

Kely or Keleinon, Joanna 163

Kemble, Charles 147; Mary 147

Kemp, George 68

Kempton, Rev. Robert 84

Kenlon, Anne 87; Patrick 87

Kennedy, Andrew 136; Bridget 149; Ellen 136; John 138 , 149; Mary 94; Michael 136; Philip 7; Thady 17; Thomas 149 ; Timothy94; see Quenedey

Kennett, Kennet, Mary 72, 75

Kennington, Elizabeth 82

Kenrick, Catherine 148; James 148

Kenstoner , Henry 38; Mary 38

Kent, Anne 83; Mary 64; William 83

Keogh, Patrick 153

Kerans, Sarah 42

Kerby, Rebecca 50

Kerkley, Isabel 57; William 57

Kernes, Edward 76; Mary 76

Kettle, Elizabeth 105

Kew, Helen 22

Keys, John 92; Sarah 92-3

Khonink, Khonintz , see Konintz

Kickland, Kichland, Abraham 3

Kidley, Mary 10

Kiffe, Daniel 2; Lettice 2

Kighley, Kighly, Elizabeth 47; Hugh 41

Kilburn, Joseph 111

Kilfoy, Laurence 136

Killdea, Rev. Bon 131

Killen, Kellen, Lettice 2

Kimbel, Mary Theresa 143

Kimbes , Elizabeth 7; Thomas 7

Kinby, Kinley, see Kirby

Kindall, Hannah 70; John 70

Kindland, Hannah 77

King, Anne 21; Arthur 108; Edward 122; Francis 147; James 84, 146; John 93, 100; Joseph 100; Judith93; Lydia 90; Margaret 7 , 14; Mark 21; Martha 121 ; Mary Matilda 146; Samuel 84; Sarah 100; William 7 , 14; William Edward 150

Kinge, Helen 11 ; William 11

Kingselho , Anne 40; Edward 40

Kingston, Anne 44; John 44

Kinihan , Elizabeth 48; Loughan 48

Kinny, John 49

Kinshlea, Kinshler, Anne 113; William 113 .

Kinsman, Elizabeth 20

Kippen , Francis 87

Kirby, John 65; Mary 65

Kirk, Elizabeth 163

Knell, Anne 9

Knight, Anne 149 ; Elizabeth 135; Henry 135; Mary 23, 135; Thomas 34

Knolls, Dorothy 8

Knolton, Martha 86

Kocksent, Kockshent, Margaret 9

Kodroe, Joyce 9

Konintz, Margaret 105; Martin 105

Kopque, Christian 42; Dorothy 42

Küi, Rev. N. C. 131

Kymball, Elizabeth 15

La Barre, Louis 64

Labey, Nicholas 16

La Biere, Labiere, Margaret 26

Labourn, Charles 13

Lacount, Mary 70

LaCroix, Lacroix, John 36, 40, 49 , 71; Mary 49

Lacy, Catherine 161 ; Elizabeth 30; James 30; Judith 161


Ladbetter , Catherine 26

La Farre, Angelica 125*; Joseph 125

Lafontaine, La Fontainne, Elizabeth 45; Peter45

LaFortune, Lefortune, La Fourtuine, Anthony 84; Elizabeth 84; Mary5

Laghey, John 123

Lahi, Richard 98

Lalance, Gysbert 101; Mary 101

Lamb, Lambe, Anne 40; Nicholas 10

Lambedal , Francis 38

Lambercal, Lambercat, Francis 39* , 40* , 41 , 42

Lambert, Lambart , Lamberth, Andrew 24; Angelica Ursula 129; Charles 130; Charles Philip Albert 129; Henry 161; John 166;Mary161 , 166; Philip 69 , 76; Rebecca 62; Sarah 106

Lambsecak , Francis 162

La Motte, Lamotte, Henry Joseph 39; John 91

Lamoureux, Joseph 141, 144; Mary 144

Lampon, Elizabeth 44; Thomas 44

Lancaster , Frances 120

Landi, see Lands

Lands, Charles 107; Elizabeth 107

Lane, Catherine14; Mary63 ; Richard 63; Samuel 14

Lang, 21

Langford, Richard 22

Langhorne, - 58; Anastasia 60

Langley, Edward 50; Elizabeth 164; Mary 15

Langtree , Lanstree, John 13* , 14* , 16, 17 , 18, 19* , 20* , 23

Lannini , Anne 45; John 45

Lanza, Jesualdo 138, 153; Mary

Anne 138

La Place, la Place, Francis 91 , 118; Isabel Antoinette 91 ; J. 118

Lapworth, John 44; Mary 144

Lardner, Thomas 30, 31

Larg, Anne 32

La Roche, Laroche, Anne 111 ; Gabriel 111 , 130; Theresa 88

Larret, Anne 45

Laserre, Frances 108

Lask, Jane 31

Last, MaryIsabel Jane 147; William 147

Latham, Rev. Henry, passim 6 to 19

Latton, Sofeaphen 291

Laudes, CatherineMary 129

Laurent, Louis 165 , 166

Lauson, Frances 163

Lavally, Charles 10

Lavers, Mary 23

Lavin, Bryan 141

Law, Anne 112; Frances 147; John

Lawder, John 50; Mary 50

Lawes, Lawds, Rachel 16

Lawler, Denis 150; Winifred 150

Lawless, Anstice 110; Luck 109; Luke 110

Lawn, Ruth S. 36

Lawrence , Laurence, Anne 102; Fra 8; Francis 102; Isaac 111 ; John 21; Rebecca 111 ; Thomas 111

Lawrey, Arthur 15

Lawson, Anthony 123; Elizabeth 124; Frances 39, 43; Mary 123

Laycey, Arthur 14

Layford, Caroline 116; Jonathan 116; Mary 116

Leader, George 151; Thomas 151

Leahy, Joanna 169

Leake , Elizabeth 82; John 82

Leather , Anne 133

Leaton, John 133

Le Blanc, Francis 50

Le Brun, Le Brim, Stephana 143

Le Camus, John Peter 148

Le Clerc, A. 134

Le Clere, Leclere, Le Cler, Le Clare , Jane 41; John Baptist 41; Mary Frances 88; Nicholas 88*; Sophia Constance 148; Zoe 148

Le Coq, Anne 36

Leduy, Matthias 19

Ledwitch, Elizabeth 30; John 30

Lee, Andrew 113, 124; Anne 113, 123; Anne (Honora) 141 ; Caroline 152; Elizabeth 32; Helen 136; Henry 44; Joanna136; John 10 , 60; Josepha 60; Margaret 7; Mary 10 , 35, 89, 124 , 151 ; Richard 12; Thomas 136

Leegood, Judith 107

Le Febure , Lefebure, Le Fevre , Lefevre, Catherine85; Henrietta 140; John Baptist 129; Maj 51; Peter 85; Petronilla Emily 140

Legge, Elizabeth 9; Z. 7

Legitte, Mary 168

Legrand, Martha 167; Nicholas 167

Lehunt, John 80

Leicet , David 138

Leigh, Mary 70

Leijdinger, Gerard 46

Leman, Rev. Martial 117, 119, 127, 171, 172

Lendehichen , Lendehichn, Lendehichem , Isabel 72 , 75

Lengaston , Mary 142; Richard 142

Lenne , Peter 115; Rose 115

Lentrell, John 20; Mary 20

Leonard, James 88; Mary 88

Leoni, James 164; Joseph 86, 87 , 93 , 103

Leore, Ellis 7

Lepap, Louisa 10 112

Lepri, Christian 133

Lerow , Mary 82


Le Roy, Amable 74; Anthony 74; Juliana 118; Mary 81 ; MaryAngelica 74; Peter 74; Peter Charles Noel 118

Le Sage, Charles 164; MaryAnne 164

Lesinire, Mrs. 69

Leson, James 35

Lessaly, Anne 36

Le Tellier, Letellier, Anne 46, 165; Gaspar 46, 165

Letour, Mariette 147

Letts, Elizabeth 30

Leuesby, Anne 5; Thomas5

Lévêque, Henry 142; Lucy 142

Levin, Joanna42, 163; Patrick 42, 163

Lewellin, Mary 24

Lewin, Lewirn , Agatha 104; Gilbert17

Lewis, Lewes, Lewiss , Anne 99; George 44, 47, 49, 51, 77, 82; Margaret 166; Mary 65

Leybourn, Christina 138

Lichfeild, Liechfeild, William 3

Liddeb, Grace 26

Lighner, John 10; Margaret (Mary) 10

Lightburre, Anne 73; Samuel 73

Lightfoot, Mary 35

Lillua, Catherine Joseph 91

Lima, Cyprian John 140; Martin137; Sarah 140

Limbry, Limby, John 8 , 9 , 12

Linglois, Tullie 147

Lion, Peter 110; see Lyon

Lisbon, 1. Joseph, Marquis 156

Little, Litle, Anne 86; Dorothy 2; Elizabeth 139; James 86; John 139; Joseph 46; Martha 86; Thomas 86; Winifred 46

Littleton , Jane 63

Lloyd, Jane89; Thomas 89; see Loyd

Loadnucat, Mary 5

Lock, Locke, John 139 ; Matthew 18

Lockyer, Agnes Frances 131 ; Thomas 12

Lodden, William 147

Lodge , James 69; Margaret 69

Lewes, George 82

Loftus, Jane 117

Loggan, Mary 51

Loker, Anthony 161

Lomas, Elizabeth 52; Franc 109; Frances 52, 109; Sarah 109

Lomotre, Nicholas 26

London, Lucy 82

Loneghan , Frances 101; James 101; Patrick 101

Long, Felicia 10; Hannah 36; William 10, 147

Longfellow, Elizabeth 45; Robert 45

Longstalf, Lucy 139; Owen 139

Longtree, Longtee, John 12*

Longuosiers , James 76

Lonick, Elizabeth 35

Lonn, Sarah 99

Lopes da Cunha , Anthony 137

Loraine, Rev. Ftz 122 201

Lord, Elizabeth 8; Robert 146

Loriot, Augustus 142; Augustus Benjamin Jerome 142; Matilda 142

Lorrigan, EleanorFrances 148; James 148

Losier, Louis Anthony 126

Loubi, Margaret 98

Loue, George 7

Loughlin, John 81

Loughran, Elizabeth 92; Mary 92; William 92

Louis, Hannah 64; Margaret 32

Love, George 51; see Loue

Loveday , Elizabeth 162; Robert 162

Lovel, Lovell , Mary 165, 166

Lovelace , Loveless , Elizabeth 103; Lucretia 144; Thomas 103

Lovethyday, Robert 161*

Loving, Hannah 112

Lowd, William 23, 27

Lox, Elizabeth 7-8; Gabriel 7

Loyal, Loyall , Margaret 124 , 156; Mary 121 ; William 121 , 124 , 156

Loyd, Thomas 168

Lucas , Francis 40; Mary 152, 166*; Sarah 40; Susan 18

Lucena, John 131

Luin, Catherine 4; Henry 3 ; Mary 3

Lumsden, Aaron 23

Lunecusson , Luuemson, Faith 5; Thomas 5

Lusher, Jane 16 ; Thomas 16

Luthal , Alice 148

Lutterell, Thomas 23

Lydum, Dorothy 93

Lynch, Arthur 49 ; Catherine 49; Christopher 89

Lynell, Jane 8; John 8

Lyon, Alexander 40; Anne 109; Henry 20; John 14 , 109

Lyons, Mary 50

Lyth, Hum. 67

Maccafee, Ruth 126

McCalle, Margaret 148; William 148

M'cardel, Lauchlan 106; Margaret 106; Mary 106

McCarthy , McCarty, Catherine 6, 40 , 149; Daniel 6; see Mackarty

McClinn, James 142; Jessie 142

Maccullough, Alexander 126; Arabella 126

MacDanell, Hannah 90; Thomas 90

McDonald , Macdonald, Mackdonel, Andrew 103; Catherine 90; Mr. 142; Winifred 103

McDonaugh, Macdonaugh, Lettice 127; Rose 97

McDonnell, Macdonnel, Macdonell ,


Macdonel, Mackdonel, Maydonnell,

Rev. Daniel 138; Elizabeth 50; Hannah 82; Hester 127; Margaret

86; Michael 82; see McDonald

Macgoyer , Magoer, Sarah 167, 168

McGrath, see Magrah

Macguen , Maeguen , Catherine 27;

William 27

Machado Braga, Anthony 154

Machayhoy, Maurice Flearthy 164

Machu, Mchu, Mac-hu, Lauchlen 98; Mary 98

McHugh, see McQue

Mackadell, Macadell, Arthur 90;

Catherine 90

Mackarty, Judith 93

Mackelanin, Sarah 100

McKenney, Margaret 152

Mackenzie, Mackensie , Catherine 69; James 105

Mackien, William 69

Mackland, James 46

Macklean, Mocklean, James 92;Mary 92

MacKnight, Macknight, Edward 137; John 137

Mackueo , Hugh 99

Macky, Henry 40

McMahon, Alice 138; Hugh 138; John 53; Mary 135

McNamara , Macnamara, MuNamara, Bridget 149 ; Fran 68 ; William 149

Mcphearson , Andrew 127

McQue or McTue, Alice 138

Madden , Maden, James 113; Michael 68 ; Sarah 113

Maddocks , Elizabeth 37; John 37

Magher, John 112* , 115; Margaret 112; Rebecca 115

Magnar, Mary 150

Magnes, see Marques

Magrah, Denis 43; Ruth 43

Maher, William 138; see Magher

Mahony, Mahoney, Mahoni, Helen 138; Honora 153; Joan 96; Margaret 107; Mary 153; Mary Magdalen 126; Patrick 138; Paul 126; Rev.

Mail, Angel 134; Christina 134

Maine, Elizabeth 68; John 68; Mary 91 145

Maire, Elizabeth 64; John 64, 94

Maison, Margaret 59

Maiting, Edmund 122

Malard, Francis 43

Malbrank, Honor 22

Malonny, Jane 117 ; Maurice 117

Malouee, 132

Malraison, Elizabeth 147; Mary 147

Man, An 76; Eleanor 52; Mary 70

Manach, Elizabeth 92

Mand, Apollonia 153

Manders , John 70, 73; Mary 70, 73

Mandivill, John 73

Manifew, Grace 105

Manil, Catherine 92

Manitharp, Manytharp, John 95; Martha 95

Manley, Mary 102

Mannelli, Thomas 46

Mannin, Judith 115

Manning, Maning, James 151 ; John 45; Rebecca 88

Mannock, Manock, Margaret 31 ; Sarah 102; Sylvester 102; Thomas96

Manscron , Gerard 30

Mansell, Mansel , Mancell, Jane 47; Leonora 33; Mary 33; Peter 47, 121

Mansfield, Mary 72 , 75

Manwaring, Manwiven, Eleanor 34; Joanna 66

Maos, James 9

Maples, Philip 118

Mar, Mare, Catherine 61 ; Mary 38

Marcelis, Anthony 134*; Catherine 134

March, Joseph 130; Mary Anne 130; Richard 13

Marchand, Anne 108; Peter 108

Marchesini, Julia 49; Mary Antonia 49

Marechal , Alexander Nicholas 144; Anne Catherine 144

Marevil, F. 26

Marguti, Ursula 86

Markham , Elizabeth 23

Markinfield, Elizabeth 81

Marler, Sarah 48

Marmaduke, Elizabeth 112, 120; James 114, 120

Marmin, Bruno 153; Mary 153

Marques , Anne 58; Emmanuel 58

Marra, Philip 70

Marreor, Anne Laura 160; Anthony Joachim Freire 160

Marrion, M. W. 145

Marsden , Elizabeth 76

Marsh, Bridget 13, 149 ; Edmund 149; Mary 9

Marshal, Marshall, Elizabeth 23; John 110 ; Sarah 133

Martelli, Charles 126

Martenville, Anne Dillon 135

Martin, Martine, Alicia 102; Anne 126; Anthony 66; Charles 41; Elizabeth 126; Ellen 25; George 57; Gervase 114; James 41, 50, 72, 75; John 126; Mary41 , 72, 75; Peter25; Richard 25; Robert 14; Sarah25 , 66; Susan 10; Sybil 57; Thomas 102; Winifred 114

Martyns, Elizabeth 20

Mascal, Mascall, Charles 93; Mary93

Mascaré , Anne 165; John Baptist 165

Masere, John Baptist 165-


Masetta, Sarah 151

Masner, Mary 16

Mason, Barbara 102; Elizabeth 17; John 3; Margaret 64; Mary 77 , 89; Peter 17

Massey, Massy, Anne 14

Masson, Frances 111 ; Jane Restitute 125

Masterson , Mary 83; Matthew 83

Matchett, John 27

Mathyson, Mary 8

Matson , Edward 18

Mattaeijs, John 39

Matthews, Mathews, Matthus, Anne 125; Arthur 83; Dorothy 83 ; George 166; Jane 85; Margaret 125; Mary 47, 164; William 125

Maud, Dorothy 8; Joseph 8

Maugis , Winifred 62

Maurice, Abram 143; Catherine 30, 31; Elizabeth 162; Nathanael 162

Maxwell, Frances 100; William 100

May, Anne 21

Mayer, Anthony135; James 33; Margaret 33; Sarah 135

Mayland, Mary 166

Mayle, Jane 3

Mayley, Alpheus 12

Maynehan , Cornelius 153; Mary 153

Mayo, Charles 146

Mayott, Mayot, Elizabeth 53 , 85; John 53, 85; Mary 52, 79; Susan 80; Theresa 80

Mayse, Joseph 121

Mayson, Anne 22; Ralph 22; see Maison

Maza, Mrs. 154

Meade, Mary 27

Meaden, Mary 44

Meagh, George 4

Meaghan , Meighan, Thomas 75; Thomas Senr 53

Mean, Barbara 26

Medley, Anne 87

Mee, Peter 18

Meehon , Jemy 141

Meers, Peter 106

Mège, Bernard 139; Charlotte 139

Meh'ulfe, Christopher 32

Meligan, Capt Robert 86; Ursula 86

Meltott, Bridget 146; Patrick 146

Menage, Menages, Elizabeth Theresa 91; German 11 , 15; Lambert 91 ; Sarah 11

Menetrie, Francis 133; Margaret 133

Menhere , Mary 15

Menor, Anne 40

Mequignon, Mary Francis 165

Meredith, Hannah 116; Mary 90; Thomas 90, 116; Winifred 94

Merrick, Anne 146

Merritt, Meritts, Catherine65; Joseph 65; Loglen 66

Merrogh, Andrew 11

Mesureur, Caroline Elizabeth 150; Constant Noel 150; Dorothy 130; Nicholas 130

Metcalfe, Metcalf, Christopher 42, 162; James Joseph 119; Mary 119*; Roger 61

Metham, Joseph 66

Mether, John 167

Mettot, see Meltott

Mew , Elizabeth 143

Meyer, John Bartholomew Francis 102

Micheson , Mary 83

Middlemish , Thomas 142

Middlemore, Thomas 18, 26; see Myddlemore

Mielot, Antoinette 123; John Henry 123

Miers, Catherine 115; William 115

Miles , Anthony 104; Sarah 104

Miller, Miler, Anne 165; Elizabeth 140; Ellen 99; Hannah 17; Joseph99; Oliver 17

Millet, Millett, Jane 47; N. 11

Milleton, Helena 163; Joseph 163

Milliner , Sarah 61

Millington , Milington , Margaret 31; Nathan 31

Mills, Mary 5, 105; Thomas5

Millward , Lucy 143; Thomas 21

Milner, Andrew 113; John 113; Mary 113

Milson, Milton, Jane 26; John 26*

Minasi, Elizabeth 140; Henry Swinburne 140

Mingoe , Peter 26

Minshull, Mary 73; William 73

Minton, Claud 7; Mary 7; Susanna 149

Mitau, Mitan , William 91; Mary 91

Mitchell, Mitchel, Mitchill, Michell, Michel, Michelt, Anne 60, 71; Elizabeth 26, 67; Jane 13; John 67; John Francis 86; Mary 141 ; Nicholas 13; Sarah 86; Susanna 6, 14; Thomas 67

Mogrel, Anne (Honour) 141 ; William 141

Mole, Bridget 95; Leonard 93, 95

Molinié, Nicholas 149; Susanna 149

Mollam, William 43

Molloroy, Edmund 145; Mary 145

Molloughnay, Catherine 153; Daniel 153

Molloy, Anne 153; Augustine 134; Edward 140; Margaret 140 , 146; Mary 140, 146, 153; Sophia 134

Molony, sec Malonny

Molyns, Catherine 3; Henry 3

Momenilles , Geo 5


Monchari, Michael 165

Monday, John 85

Mondehare , Mondhare, John 42, 162; Mary 42 , 162; Mary Frances 42 , 162

Money, Anne 62; Sarah 126

Moneypenny , Moneyperry, Isamena


Monfort, F. 84, 96; Rev. Francis, passim 47 to 116, 171 , 172*

Monkop, 37

Monphy, Mary 89

Monroie, see Monrow

Monrow , Charlotte, 53; Patrick 53

Montague, see Mountague

Monteiro, Henry Gomes 155

Monthaer, Thomas 165

Montier, Anne 165; Thomas 165

Moody, Catherine 147 , 149; George 84, 124; Rachel 72; Ruth 84

Mooney, Catherine 126; Mary 60; Patrick 126

Mooran, Francis 95

Moore , Moor, Andrew 115; Catherine 18, 46, 50; Edward 46 ; Elizabeth 7;

Francis 77; Geo 7; Helen 151; John 122; Martha Francis 46 ; Mary 37, 111 , 115; Richard 51 ; Susan 70; Thomas 161 , 167; Rev. Thomas35* , 36, 38, 40, 51, 72; William 16, 70 , 151

Moran, Joseph 127

Morbatt, Isabel 5

Mordell, Mary 10; Stephen 10

More, Jane 44; Susanna 124; William 44

Moreau, Catherine 123; Cesar 141 ; Matthew Joseph 123

Morely, John 144

Moreton, Morton, Anne 63; Philip 63

Morfie, Mourfie, Edward 69; Elizabeth 69

Morgan, Esther 135*; Mary 26 , 120; Richard 26

Moring, Dorothy 42

Morley, Elizabeth 77; Mary 101

Moroney, Mary Anne 149

Morphy, Morphey, Morphi, Anne 23 , 44; Daniel 9

Morrel, Mary Catherine 125

Morris, Morrice, Abraham 63; Elizabeth 43; Jane 63; Mary 46; Mary Anne 146; Michael 146; Robert 169; Susanna 119; Rev. William, passim 141 to 150; Rev. William P. 150, 151 , 152* , 153*

Morrow , Grace 4; Stephen 4

Morton, Mary 112; Philippa 18

Mortor, Elizabeth 65

Mosetrainoust , Margaret 9 ; Mortimer

Roster 9

Mosley, Samuel 7

Mottershead ,Mothershead, Susan 42

Moul, Anne 62

Mould, Anne 164

Mountague, Anne 36; Henry 36

Mountford, Moundford, Francis 16; John 16

Mouten, Catherine 8; William 8

Muckleroy, Paul 123

Mulkerry, Mulkery, Mary 85

Mullinax, Mary 6; Nicholas 6

Mullone, Edward 109; Mary 61, 67 , 109

Munday, Mundey, Anne 51 ; Ellen 82; John 82; Mary 85; Nicholas 72; Rachel 72; Sylvester 51 ; see Monday

Munis, James 122

Munro, Catherine 107

Muns, Munrs, Jane 25

Murphy, Murphey, Murfy, Murfey, Morphy, Murpley, Anne 83; Bryan 90; Daniel 11 , 15; Ed 141 ; Harriot

134; James 93; John 33, 83; Martha 74; Mary33, 49, 50, 90; Michael 134; Thomas 49, 74; see Morphy

Murray, Murrey, Anne 93; Charlotte 149; Edmund 70; Frances 57, 70; Jane 25; Mungo 93; Peter 25

Muttelbery, John 6

Myddlemore , Thomas 2

N- 131

Nagle, Mary Anne 139 ; Richard 139

Naller, Jane 52

Naper, Christopher 8; Edmund 31; Mary 31; Thelton 6

Napier, Elizabeth 60; Mary 60

Napp, Mrs. 38

Nash, Rev. Anthony 10; John 46

Nassau , Henry 155

Nathesme, Faith 5

Nau, Cornelia 32

Navarre , Angelica Ursula 129

Nayler, Naylor, Eleanoror Ellen 103; Mary 103

Nealan , John 68

Neale, Catherine 20

Nealery, William 24

Neate, James 62; Margaret 62

Neclear, Neelcar, Catherine Joseph 91 ; Francis Joseph 91

Nectingal, Dorothy 34

Needham, Nedham, Mary 35; Thomas 35

Neland, John 62

Nelson, James 121; Margaret 103; Susanna 105

Nevill, El 35; Henry 31; John 163; Mary 31, 163

Newberry, Francis 24; Jane 24

Newman, Alice 4, 12; George 63; James 89; Mary 89; Rose 63; see Numan

Newnham, Newnam, Henry 32; Mary 32

Newport, Anne 50; Mary 49

Newsham , James 120; Mary 120

Newstreet , Martin 6*; Rebecca 6*

Newton, Elizabeth 165; James 163; Jane 17; John 165; Mary 146

Nicholas, Joan or Joanna 12

Nicholls, John 15; Mary 15; Randal 35

Nicholson , John 27 ,

Nickson , Francis 39

Nicolle de Stringer, Mary 72

Nillit, Mary 46

Nion, Anne 34; Peter 34

Nixon, Nixer, Frances 40; Francis40; see Nickson

Noakes, Thomas 11

Noble, James 86; John 80

Noblet, Anne 59

Nocé, Louis 142; Mary 142

Nocks, Elizabeth 118; John 118

Noone, Mary 150

Norberry, Anne 22

Nores, Norrs, Eleanor 33 ; Mary 20; Peter 20

Norgrove , Richard 3

Norman, Anne 71 ; Eleanor 144

Norris, Noris, Rev. Edward 136 , 148 , 159 ; Elizabeth 110; George 6; Susan 6

North, Anne 17; Dorothy 112; Joseph 112; William 17

Northall, Northhall, Anne 33

Northcliffe , Northcliff, Mary 72, 75; Thomas 72, 75

Northover, Northoner, Hester 31

Norton, Elizabeth 47; Samuel 47

Novell, Peter 28

Novello, Francis 141

Now, Christina 8; John 8; see Nau Nowlan, Nowland, Nowllon, Anne 151; Catherine 35; Elizabeth 49; Joanna 35; John 77; May 66

Nugent,Newgent , Anne 83, 98* , 101, 102; Oliver 48, 82, 83 , 84 , 85 , 86 , 87, 88 91 92, 93* , 96* , 98 * , 100, 101 , 102, 104* , 105* , 109* , 111 , 116* , 120 , 121 , 123, 166, 172; Rev. Peter 48; Sarah 83, 97 , 109*

Numan, Anne 14 ; Catherine 39-40; James 120; Robert 14; Thomas39 Nunes, Matthias 53

Oak, see Caravalho

Ob Collos, Panadsca 4; see de Collos O'Brian, Obrian, O'Brien, O'Bryen, Bridget 105; Catherine 71; James 105; Margaret 136; Mary 105 , 123; Patrick 127, 136; Thomas 71

Ochoa, Elizabeth69; John 69

O'Connor , Michael 145; Winifred 145

O'Dowan, O'Donan, Joanna 35; Morgan 35

Odye, Mary 26

O'Farrel, Mary Anne 139; Miss 139 ; Mr. 139

Ogle, Mary 52; Winifred 31

O'Grady, Helen 136; James Sth 140

O'Hanlon, Edmund 31; Mary 31

O'Hara, Elizabeth 93, 100; James 93 , 100; Mary 52

O'Keefe, Ellen 150

Oldham, Helen 18

Oldridge , Oldrich, Mary 25; Matthias 92

O'Leary, Helen 138

Olidon, Dorothy 2; Richard 2

Oliver, Andrew 76; Mary 42 , 162

Olivery, Arthur 14; Susan 14

Olivier, Anne 164; James 47; Mary 47, 164; Nicholas 164; Roland 35

Ollivier, Olliviez , Mary Catherine 130

Ollo, Susan 67

O'Marra, Philip 35

O'Neal, O'Neale, Oneal, O'Neil,

Charles 101 ; Edward 34; Elizabeth 34; John 48; Mary 73, 76; John 136

Onelij, Susan 61

Oostlands, Peter Anthony37

Orange, Dorothy 6; John 6

Orchard , John 16; Susan 16

Oresme, Mary 165

Oridge, Elizabeth 106; John 106

Orton, Mary 144

Osborne, Osborn , Anne 20; Barbara 96; Frances 136

Osgarby, Christopher 20; Jane 20

O'Sullivan, Rev. John Baptist, O.P. 29

Ouen, Henrietta Mary Frances 151; Henrietta Victoria 151

Ounsworth, Ounsworthe, Margaret 118

Overs, Mary 86

Owaan, Elizabeth 66

Owen, William 150

Owgan, Nicholas 49

Ownes, Elizabeth 91; Martin 91 ; Mary 91; Thomas 91

Ozinde, John Baptist 162; Sarah 162

Padbury, Martha 93

Padrow , Padron, Elizabeth 101

Page, Catherine 123; Grace 121; Israel 65; William 13 ; Winifred 145

Paget, Pagett, Mary 5; William 5

Paice, Margaret 50

Paicollan, Froel 21

Pain, Pains , Anne 139 ; Elizabeth 37 , 161

Vicar General , London District

Painter, Anthony 119 ; Cesar 122; Joan 18; Susanna 119

Palatine, Rev. Thomas 61 , 62 , 63 , 64, 65, 66 , 67

Palethorp, Pallethorp, Helena 167 , 168; James 45; Margaret Frances 45; Thomas 45, 167, 168

Palliar, Henrietta 147

Palma, Catherine 102; John 164; Mary Catherine 164

Palmer, Benjamin 80; John 43; Maria 80; Richard 22 ; Theresa 160; Tryphena 22

Pam'r Wrecht, Mary8; William S

Pard, Susan 23

Parent, Pavent, John Charles 151 ; Mary Hortensia 151

Parents , James 6

Paris, Anne 52

Park, Dorothy 137; Richard 137

Parker, Ed 51; Elizabeth 50, 51; George 152;Mary140; Robert 50 , 60; Sarah 25 , 61

Parkin, Richard 145

Parks, Anthony 112; John 26; Sarah 112

Parkyns, Sophia 135

Parr, Parre, Anne 23, 32; Catherine 105; Elizabeth 32; John 23

Parrot, Parrott , Dorothy 27; Mary 117; Matthew 27

Parry, Alice 153; Elizabeth 135; Thomas 135

Parsly, Mary 120; William 120

Parsons, Mary 11

Parthon, Francis 25

Parvin, Elizabeth 136; John 136; John Junr. 135

Pascoli, Mary 101; Philip 101

Pastorine , Charlotte 147

Patrick, Dorothy 37 , 161

Patrson , Patterson, Patison, Elizabeth 8, 45; John 108

Pattet, Mary 85

Paul, Virginia 152

Faulhampton, James 32

Paumier, Jane Frances 102; Nicholas 102

Pavirot, Mary Hortensia 151 ; Philippa 151

Pawlett, Pawlet, Elizabeth 12 , 43; Robert 43

Pawson, Catherine 55

Peach, Caroline 125-6; Peter 126

Peacock, Peacoke, Agnes 108; Henrietta 163; John 108; Peter 112; Sarah 112; William 163

Peacopp, J. 36

Pearce, Pearse , Peares, Angela

Lameda Pillon 144; Elizabeth 167; Joseph 116; JosephBurtt 144

Pearle, Sarah 163

Pearson, Anne 39; Georgiana Frances 155; John 39

Pease, Elizabeth 81* , 122; Thomas 81, 122

Peat, Elizabeth 101

Peck, Sarah 100

Peckham , Cecily 21; Reginald 21

Pee, Elizabeth 6

Peirce, Sarah 122

Pellam , Anne 139

Pelletier, Marian 165

Pellot, Elizabeth 47; Stephen 47

Pemberton , Edmund 32; Elizabeth 32

Pendrell, Pendrill, Elizabeth 47 , 61; George 61

Penn, Anne Philipson 43 ; John 43

Penne, see Renne

Penny, Anne 152; Richard 94

Penshaw ,Elizabeth 121 ;Martha 121; Sarah 121

Percy, Margaret 2; see Persy

Perdrau , James 45

Perdrin, James 167

Perfect, Catherine 10

Pericaud, Rev. L. 137

Perico , Francis 139 ; Mary Anne 139

Perkin, Parkin, Anne 99; William99

Perkins, Anne 22, 114; Anthony114; Elizabeth 117; Francis 22; John 83 , 117 ; Jonathan 114; Richard 22

Perkinson, Perkinsons , Anne 110; Margery 4

Perks, see Purks

Perot, Perrot, Catherine 123; Francis 105; Magdalen 105

Perpignian, J. 15

Perrand , Thomas 164

Perrault, John 86; Marie Jean 86

Perreira, Apollonia 29

Perry, Pery, John 84; Mary 4, 47 , 84-5; Ruth 55; see Purry

Persy, Sarah 141

Perte, Jane 121

Pertinitz, Rev. Wenceslas 65, 66* , 67* , 68*

Peters, Anne 23, 110, 160; Rev. Augustine 21; Isabel 3; James 110 , 160; Mary 76

Peterson, Piterson, Elizabeth 42

Petin , Antoinette 123; John Lewis 123

Petit, Pettit, Petitte , Edward 80; Jane 119; John 28 , 29; Mary 80-1; Mary Anne 164; Thomas 119

Petrie , Barbara 93

Petty, Agnes 64

Peugh, Alice 43

Peyre, Alexander Francis 142; Mary Elizabeth 142

Pezey, Margaret 15, 21; Sophia 15 Vicar General


Pharazya, Ignatius Bernard 130; Mary Catherine 130

Phelps, Elizabeth 42

Philip, Philips, Phillips, Philipps, Andrew 116; Anne 34; Catherine 38 , 149 ; Christina 8; Elizabeth 7; John 38; Lucy 102; M. 148; Mary 164; Mary Anne 164; Philippa 30; Sarah 101 ; Thomas 164; William 34

Philippeville, Joseph 129

Phillipson, Dr. 36

Phipps, William 16'

Piccot, John 19; Mary 19

Pickering, Pickerin, Pikering, Pikerin, Elizabeth 24; Isabel 58 ; Mary 53, 60; Thomas 5, 17, 22* , 23, 57; William 60

Pickersgill, Elizabeth 108

Picnebichers ,6

Picquot, James 165

Pierce, Anne 116 ; Arabella 116; Eleanor 116

Pierret, Andrew 152; Virginia 152

Pierson , Alexis 50; Alice 51 , 52, 80 , 83, 84, 91, 95, 96; Anne 43, 163

Pietragrua, Pietra Grua, Anthony 149; Eleanor 149; Hannah Anne 149; John 149

Piggot, Altheia 47

Pike, Pikes, Elizabeth 115; Mary 10

Pilcher, Mary 111

Pile, Elizabeth 49

Pilling, Rev. William 130, 131

Pillion, Christina 141 ; Peter 141

Pilson, Arthur 114

Pim, Jane (Anne) 13

Pincke, Aluard 96; Joanna 96

Pine, Pines, Arthur 122; Joshua122; Maria 122; Mary 114

Pinks , Henrietta Maria 115

Pinny, Andrew 106

Pinsent , Elizabeth 61 ; J. Peter 61

Pinto, Christina 96; William 96

Pinto de Moraes Sarmento , Christopher 160

Pinto Soares Var (Vaz) Preto, Very Rev. Mark 153 , 160

Pio, Biagio 138; Louisa 138; Mary Anne 138

Pippin , Elizabeth 61

Pislen, Mary 21

Pitcher, see Pilcher

Pitt, Pitts, Catherine 87*; Joseph 87; Mary 152

Plant, Mrs. 152

Platt, Oliver 32

Pleecher, Samuel 169

Plowden , Edmund 9; Edw. 12; Elizabeth 12; Francis 15


Plowman, Mary 7

Plumb, Plumbe, Plomb, Plombe, Matthew 10 , 11 , 12 , 13* , 14* , 15 , 16* , 18* , 19* , 20* , 21* , 23* , 24* , 25, 26, 27

Plummer, Bridget 24; William 24

Plunket, Plunkett , Pluncket, Plunckett, Anne 88; Elizabeth 45* , 88; Ellen 8 ; John 8; Laurence 34; Margaret 94; Martha 34; Mary 46; Michael 64, 160; Sarah 160; Thomas 45 , 46

Plunquet, Elizabeth 64; Matthew 64

Pochost , Elizabeth 35; Philip 35

Pocock, Mary 75, 80*; William 79

Poiltercauy, Peter 19

Pointz, Points, John 104; Mary 33

Poiock, see Pocock

Poiret, Francis 126; Louisa Anne 126

Poitevins , Leonard 19

Poli, Lawrence42 , 161 ; Mary 42 , 161

Pollard, Catherine 139

Poltney, John 129

Ponce, John 101; Rev. John 33, 34* , 35* , 69* , 70* , 71*

Pondeda, Sarah 5

Pononcins , Gios 38

Poole, John 86, 92; Margaret 86, 92; Mary 4

Poore, Poor, Alice 4; Catherine 66; Ellen 8; John 114; Teague 3-4

Pope, Elizabeth 21, 23; Ellen 8; Frances 29; Winifred 46

Popelin , Poppelin, Elizabeth 64

Porlier, John Anthony 72; Mary

Josepha 72; Philippa Magdalen 72; Stephen Joseph 72

Porter, Charles 110; Elizabeth 62; Mary22 , 63

Porto, Anthony 153 , 160

Postel, Caroline 132; Mary Margaret 132; Peter 132; Peter Anthony 132

Postlewate, Mary 121

Potier, Balthasar Justinian 124; James 114; Martin 125; Mercy 47; Winifred 114

Pott, Thomas 49

Potter, Bartholomew 125

Potts, Pottes, John 5*; Margaret 49

Pouché, Martha 167

Povey, Elizabeth 59

Powell, Powel , Anne 3; Catherine52; Cutt 3; Dorothy 24; George 36; Hannah 102 ; James 115; William 33, 52; see Blacket

Power, George 126; Robert 5

Praice, Preice, Margaret 51

Prance, Miles 19

Prat, Alexander 101 ; Cecilia 101

Freire da Ordem Militar de São Thiago da Espadae Priorda Igreja Matriz de São LourencodaVilla de AlhosVedrosno Patriarchado de Lisboa "

Prechon , Louis 66

Prendergast , Anne 28

Prer-Derrast, Perer-Derast, Elias 17; Jane 17

Prestage, John 51 , 86 , 87

Preston , Anne 26 ; Ellen 26; George 26; Mary 26; Sarah10 ; William 24,26

Prevot, Mr. 54

Price, Catherine 3; Emily 150; Frances 168; Francis 114; Harriot 150; Isabel 119; Joanna 114; Mary 81 , 103; Rice 109; Sarah 119, 126; Timothy 27

Pridgen, Pridgeon, Anne 68*; Charles

68*; Dorothy 68; Margaret or Mary


Priesman , Jane 20

Prigent, Mary Frances Cecilia 137

Prime, James 84; Samuel 81

Primmer, Barbara 110; Henry 110

Prince, Anne 113; Thomas 10

Pritchard, Hannah 43

Proberts (? Roberts), Jane 16

Profitt, Proffitt, Prophet, Catherine 120; William 89, 120*

Proser, Winifred 124

Proudfoot, Marcella 90

Prujean, Elizabeth 118

Pryer, Eleanor 119

Pugh, Dionysia 60; Dorothy 118; Nathaniel 126; see Peugh

Pugliesi, Paul 35

Pullin, Mary 84

Purcell, Andrew 60; Bridget 138; David 137; Hester 60; John 50 , 60; Mary 60, 137; Rev. William 134

Purks, Kerry 147; Winifred 147

Purry, Elizabeth 19; Philip 19

Purser, Francis 3, 4

Purth , see Turth

Purves, Purvis, Anne 27*; Archibald 27

Pybus, Anne 121

Pye, Elizabeth 53, 85, 110; Joseph


Pyle, James 119

Pym, Martha 4

Pyncke, Anne 104; William 104

Quenedey, Frances 140

Queting, Geoffrey 18; Margaret 18

Quilan, Bridget 144

Quilliet, C. 138

Quin, Elizabeth 82; Henry 5; Hugh 109

Quinlan, Anne 148; Michael 148

Rabbits , Eleanor 136

Rackcliff, Rackclif, Elizabeth 98

Radbourne , Anne 80

Radley, 70; John 70

Radliff, Anne 108

Rafther, Rafture, John 38; Sarah38; Catherine 98

Ragan, Judith 153; Maurice 153

Raij, Margaret 39

Raije, Florus 130; Frances 130

Raine, Joseph 93

Rainford, George 166; Mary 166

Rainwick, Daniel 8

Raming, see Reming

Ramlo , Lawrence55; Ruth 55

Rampion, John 62

Ramsay, Christian 27

Randall, Elizabeth 13 ; John 13

Ranford, Catherine 87; John 87

Rann , Catherine 85

Raoult, Claud Joseph 42

Raphael, Alexander 138; John 138; Mary 138

Raquin, Rev. John Baptist Melchior 135; Rev. Nicholas 136

Rasberie, Mary 57

Rason, Frances 19

Ratcliff, see Rackcliff

Rater, Jenny 165

Ravenhill, Thomas 20

Raw , William 60

Rawlins , Mary 15

Rawson, Ruth 84

Ray, see Raij

Raymond, Denis 168*; Edward 167 , 168; Elizabeth 167, 168; Moses 168

Raynell, Helena 165

Rayner, John 66; see Rener

Raynett, Rugnett, John 4

Rayson , Joseph 36; Winifred 36; see Rason

Rea, Mary 106; Richard 106

Read, Reade, Christina 141 ; Elizabeth 32; Francis 33; James 29, 31* , 32, 136; John 32; Mary40; Philippa 33

Reader, see Rider

Reading , Anne 66; see Reding

Realy, Elizabeth 29

Reardon , Dorothy 167; Elizabeth 167

Reason, Amy 39

Reatin, Jean 109; Robert 109

Rebello de Andrade, Francis Joseph 142; Mary CatherineConception142

Rebello de Carvalho , Francis 155

Rebuffo, Mary Cecilia Justina Adriana Louisa 153

Redden, Bartholomew 67; Jane 67

Reddington, Mary 138

Reddy, Elizabeth 120

Redeey, Ben 96

Reding , James 66; Mary 66

Redmond , Anstice 110; Joan 72

Redwood, Anne 140

Reed, James 28; Josiah 62; Patrick 151; Sarah 148; William 150

Reeve, Helena 128, 156; James 156

Reeves, Edmund 57; Joanna 57

Rehan, see Behan

Reily, Reilly, Rely, Jane 119 ; Margaret 166; Martha 167; Susan 127; Thomas 66, 119

Relly, Charles 117 ; James 140; Mary 117 , 140

Relton, Margaret 31 ; Thomas 31

Reming, Lancelotta 115

Renault, Renauld, Renauldt, Renalte, Beatrice 126; Charlotte 89, 167*; J. 167; John 89, 167

Renberg, John 127; Margaret 127

Rener, Elizabeth 66

Renew , Helena 163

Renne, Elizabeth 29; George 29

Rennerds , Mary 97

Restrip, Nicholas42, 162; Tabitha 42, 162

Revell, Rev. Hyacinth 8 , 9*

Reynolds , Reynolls, Catherine 53; Cornelius 94; Elizabeth 150; Isabel 30; James 145; Jane 150; Mary 53; Nicholas 90; Peter Loftus 145; SamuelWilliam 150; Susan 57

Rhixom , Tabitha 39

Rian, Sarah 27

Ribeira, Catherine Victoria 131; Joseph 131

Ribeira De Freira, Agnes Frances 131; Cyprian (Joseph) 131

Ribeiro, Robeiro, Marcàl Joseph 155 , 156

Ribeiro Neves, Adrian 156

Rice, Anne 66; Elizabeth 19 , 29;

Rev. James 49* , 172*; Richard 19; Robert 69; see Ryce

Rich, Elizabeth 39; Mary 96; Samuel 39

Richards, George 36; James 91; John 36; Mary 36

Richardson, Richerdson, Catherine 87; Edward 133; Elizabeth 34, 112, 118; James 112; Margaret 112; Martha 133; Mary 41 ; Robert 27 , 41; Thomasine 27

Richison, Richisson, Elizabeth 77; Sarah 74

Richmond, Mary 54; Thomas 54

Ricke, John Baptist 50; Rebecca 50

Riddell, Anne 35; Robert 35

Riddrife, Thomas 8

Rider, Reader, Anne 168

Ridly, The 118

Rigby, Anne 51; Helen 23; James 97*; John 67; Margaret 67; Phyllis 97

Rigg, Anne 40; Anne Junr 40; James 40, 101; Mary 101

Righadon, Anne 146

Righly, see Kighley

Right, Daniel 166; Joanna 57; Sarah 166

Rigmaden, Jane 22

Riley, Joanna 49; John 49

Rilley, Catherine 142* ; Matthew 142

Rinbaud, Michael 21

Ring, Dorothy 107, 112; George 106 , 107

Ringrose, Helen 151

Rion, Anne 151

Rita, Quiteria 139

Rivers, Anne 63; Catherine 3

Rivett, Mary Anne 154

Rivoti, John 134; Mary 134

Roach, Thomas 85

Roasby, Thomas 90

Robbartes , John 29

Robeiro , see Ribeiro

Robert, Helena 25

Roberts, Christopher 73; Daniel 110; Elias 18 ; Elizabeth 110; Henry 49; James 147; Jane52, 73; Martha 104; Mary 38; Richard 104; Robert 52; Sarah 49; Winifred 137

Robertson , Alexander 84; Catherine 84; Sarah 109

Robinson , Alice 95; Anastasia 38; Anne 19, 123, 148 ; D. 38; Rev. Gerard 130; Henrietta 163; Margaret 38; Patrick 163; Thomas 31

Robiquet, John Baptist 40; Sarah40

Robison, Dorothy 106

Robotham , William 5

Roche, Roch, Barbara 11 ; John 11*; Mary 76; P. 11; William 19; see Roach

Rochefort, Rev. Joseph 124

Rochford, Mary 46

Rockley, Catherine 57

Rodes, Anne 69; Thomas 69

Rodriguès , Mary Antonia 139

Rodwill, Elizabeth 74

Roettiers, John 36; Louise 36

Roger, Rogers , Roges, Anne 67, 141; Catherine43, 44; Clara 145; Dorothy 12; Eleanor Mary 153; Elizabeth 164, 166-7; Jerome Francis Edward 153; John 20;Mary 90, 167; Penelope, 164; Richard 7, 10 , 14; Thomas 12 , 44; William 145

Roio, Maxim 76

Rolls, Edward or Henry4; Mary4

Romano, Francis139;Mary Anne 139

Rombeck, Martin 76; Mary 76

Rook, B. 139

Rooper, Francis 14

Rootes , Roocke, Francis 4

Roots, Margaret 32

Ros, Anne 142; Francis Joseph 142

Rosar, Honnon 85

Rose, Anne 120; Frances 100; Margaret 18; Sarah 139

Rosea, Anne 76; Francis 76

Roseby, Mary 103; Susanna 104*

Roseiro, John 36

Rosindall, Anne 165 , 166

Ross, Jane 90; Mary 22, 123; Michael 22 ; see Ros

Rossier , Rossiez, Mary Frances 88; Sebastian 88

Rothe, Edmund 28; Jasper 28

Rotherby, Mary 121

Rothwell, James 12; Jane 12

Rouré, Francis 168; John Francis 168 ; Mary Antoinette 168*

Rouse, Rous , Rouce, Alexander 115; Anne 51, 162; Hannah 34; Lancelotta 115; N. 34; Thomas 34

Routs, Rout, Route, Anne 33; John 95; Thomas 33, 58

Rovani, John 125

Rowdan, Dorothy 87

Rowe, Mary Matilda 146

Rowler, Elizabeth 68

Rowning, Anne 69; James 69

Rubin, Anne 106

Rugget, Sarah 108

Rugieri, Cajetan 124

Rugmer, Elizabeth 98

Rumboult, Rumbul, Catherine 65; Elizabeth 81 ; Henry 81

Rumsey, Benet 19

Rushbrook, Anna Maria 42 ; William 42

Russell, Russel , Rusel, John Forest 134*; Mary 35, 137; MaryJacqueline

Eleanor 134

Rutherford, William 143

Ryan, Alexander 27; Elizabeth 53; Ellen 143; William 69 ; see Rian ,

Rion, Ryne

Ryce, Richard 20

Rycraft, Thomas 12

Ryder, Catherine 152; Elizabeth 17; John 17; Thomas 152; see Rider

Rymmer, Alice 36

Ryne, Laurence 35; Margaret 35

Rysbeck, Michael 123

Sabter, see Salter

Sackelld , Nichols 31

Sacree, Mary Elizabeth 30

Sacrin , James 76

Sadler, Elizabeth 10; John 10, 20; Mary 20

Sage, Mary 30

St. John, Elizabeth 32; Emmanuel 57 , 58, 59, 60* , 61*; Martha 59

StMartin de Front, Count 135; Mary

Winifred 135

St Michell, Jane 74; Sarah 73* , 74

Saintville, Seraphina 148

Sale , Deborah 44; Dorothy 68; George 44; Robert 68

Salisbury, Salbury, Mary 167; Sarah 167

Sallom , Salem, Charles 167 , 168; George 167; Mary 167; Mary St. 168

Salmon, Anthony 126; Thomas 163

Salt, Maria 80

Salter, Abraham 25; Matthew 116; Sarah 25

Saltonstall, Martha 81

Saluin, William 7

Samijn, Louis 36; Lucy 36

Sampais, Frances Elizabeth 139

Sampson, Margaret 71

Samptois , Mary Margaret 132

Sanders, Anne 36, 161 ; Blanche 27; Catherine 63; Elizabeth 29 ; George 52, 79, 101; Margaret 26; Mary 52, 79, 101; Susanna 27; Thomas 52

Sandys, Mary 31

Sarcefield , Catherine 32; Elizabeth 30

Sate, Elizabeth 111; Zachariah 111

Saul, John 134; Mary 134

Saulkeld, Saukald, Henry 48; Margaret 48

Saunders, Alice 19; Anne 26; George 80; Richard 19, 26; William 126; see Sanders

Sauvage, Elizabeth 108; James 108

Savage, Anne 44; Dionysia 60; Francis 60; James 69; John 44 ; Joseph 63; Mary 92; Penelope 63; Robert 84; Susan 69

Savelle, Edward 143; Stephanie 143

Savin, Savinn, Catherine 30, 31; James 30, 31; Lewis 98; Winifred98

Sawyer, Mary 33

Scaley, Mary 20

Scannell, Daniel 169; Joanna 169

Scaramucci , Hippolytus 157

Scarlet , Scarlett, Mary 33; Robert 33

Schaml, Anne Mary 117; John Francis 117

Schemaker , Schemakers , Catherine 37; Henry 37; Peter 37

Schomberg , Adriana 132*; Caroline 132 ; Ferdinand 132

Schualer , Anne 131; Christian 131

Scola, Adam 164; Mary 102, 164

Scotman , Susan 108

Scott, Scot, Gerard 24; William 37

Scrope, Scroop, Arabella 110; Arthur 111 ; Isabel 114; James 110; M. 14; Mary 110; Philip 114

Scudamore , Scudamor, Anne 13; John 16

Scupholme , Francis 14; Joanna14,23

Seale, Isabel 58

Searle, see Seurle

Seay, Felix 6

Secum, Elizabeth 28

Sedger, Anna Maria 80; John 80

Seeks, see Sooks

Seeman, Enoch 72, 75; Isabel 72 , 75

Seggins, Edward 147; Elizabeth 147


Selby, Anne 68; Thomas 30 , 31

Self, Sarah 93

Sell, Richard 17

Selliard, Anthony 118; Margaret 118

Seneschall, John 12

Sennott , Bridget 101; John 101

Servarie , Anne 28; Jerome 28

Sesarego, Francis 123 ; Mary Anne 123

Seurle, Nicholas 15

Seyes, Godfrey 76; Mary 76

Seymour , Edmund 19 ; Elizabeth 45

Sfeech, Ellen 25

Shackford, Judith 122

Shadd, Elizabeth 5; see Shaod

Shafto, Catherine 31

Shale, Mary 101

Shannan , Owen 41 , 162

Shaod, Mary 18

Sharmpe, Robert 8

Sharp, Elizabeth 46; James 46

Sharpless, Anne 34; Robert 34

Shattcross , Alice 20

Shaw, Anne 32, 39*; Dorothy 27; Rev. Edward 39, 93, 101 ; Elizabeth 28; J. 39; Mary 84

Shea, Mary 60; Robert 60

Shearman , Frances 155; Jane Caroline 154; Montague 155

Sheey, Patrick 136; Sarah 136

Sheil, Sheill, William 97; Winifred97

Shekelfield, Mabel 169

Sheldon, Anne 23; Baldwin 23; Edward 13; Elizabeth 12; George 9 , 12; John 125; Rev. Lionel 2* , 3 , 9 , 14*; Mary 9

Shelley , John 17

Shelton, Mary 125

Shepherd, Sheperd , Jane99 ;Joseph50

Shepherdson, Shepardson, Sarah 23

Shepperd, Rev. John 172*

Sherburne , Sherburn, John 28, 69; Rebecca 28, 69

Sheriff, Sherriff, Sherriffe,Abigail13; Anne 52; Charles Purden 152; John 13

Sherley, Elizabeth 74

Sherritt, see Sheriff

Sherwood , John 39; Mary 39

Shese , see Chese

Shierly, Elizabeth 38, James 38

Short , Alice 121; Anne 120; Catherine 147; Frances 124; Joseph 147 , 150; Thomas 147

Shortell, Anne 24; Edward 24

Show , Margaret 148

Shoyle, Joseph 25

Shree, Anne 163; Valentine 163

Shrife, John 13

Shuckforth, Elizabeth 22

Shuttleworth, Catherine 119; James 143; Mary Theresa 143; Richard 119

Sibley, Sophia 149

Sicard, Joseph 91

Sickalour, Margaret 66; Robert 66

Siddale, Barbara 7

Sidley, Cecily 21

Sielman , Thomas 36

Sigel, Henry 150; Jane 150

Sihan, Penelope 63

Silberman , Silverman, John George 45, 164; Sarah 45, 164

Simes, Edward 38; Elizabeth 38

Simmons , Simonds, Simons , Simon, Anne 27*; Charlotte 139; Elizabeth 37, 64, 69; Hannah 110; James John 37; John 37, 103; Mary 69 , 110; William 110

Simms, Arthur 58; Dorothy 58; William 64

Simon, John 161

Simpson, Simson , Anne 19 ;Archibald 126; Barbara 11; Elizabeth 11 ; John 11; Thomasine 27; see Sinsum

Sindmore , John 9; Joyce 9; Ralph 9

Singleton, Singletin, Alice 18; Ellen 82; Judith 10; Mary 161; William15 , 18

Sinnott, Adam 57; Bridget 57; see Sennott

Sinsum , Sinsan, Jane 28

Sires, John 21; Martha 21

Sirfurt, Putur 12

Sisum, Elizabeth 29; Stephen 29

Skelton, Anne 27; Ellen 8; Jasper27

Skerrett, Peter 117

Skinner, Anne 165; George 165*; Hester 165

Slaughter, George 24

Slawn, see Lawn

Sleeth , Daniel 25

Sleter, Francis 164

Slingsby, C. Elizabeth 65

Slipper , Elizabeth 97; Thomas 97

Smallwood, Smalwood , Anne 35, 53; Bridget 135; Elizabeth 135 , 151; FrancesMaria 53; John 53; Joseph 77; Rev. Joseph, passim 37 to 103 , 161 to 169, 170, 171 ; Thomas 135

Smally, Edward 59; Frances 59

Smart, Barbara 48

Smedley, James 102; Sarah 102

Smit, Phirlhix 66

Smith, Abraham 33; Andrew 49, 50; Anne 12, 24, 27, 89*; Anne Mary 96; Catherine 24, 33, 93, 149 , 166; Charles 70; Charlotte 53; Constance 56; Cornelius 76; Elizabeth 22, 29 , 32 , 36, 120; Emmanuel 21 , 23; Francis 165, 166, 167; George 82; Ignatius 161 ; Isabel 162; James 149; Jane 15, 24, 33; Joan 15; John 15 , 32, 44, 89, 100; Joseph 74; Margaret 68, 124; Maria 68; Martha 34; Mary 7 , 14 , 21, 24, 30, 40, 49, 50, 62 , 68 ,


70, 76* , 161; Nicholas 12; Owen 93; Ralph 24; Richard 16; Rupert 156; Samuel 76; Sarah 114; Susanna 100; Theresa 56; Thomas 30; William 4, 22, 23, 32, 39, 41, 120, 124 , 162*; Winifred 98

Smith, Rev. Austin 135* , 136* , 137* , 138 , 139; Rev. John 71*; Rev. William 156

Smithson, Smethson , C. 19; Elizabeth 19; Henry 21; Jane137; Robert 137

Smuley, Anne 11 ; John 11

Smyth, Adam 99; Jane 83; Laurence 94; Mary Anne 99; Peter 114; Rebecca 51

Smyth, Rev. John 131 , 133* , 134* , 135* , 138 , 139*

Snowdon, Snawdon, Esther 39; George 83, 84, 92; Mary 83

Soarez , John 125; Mary 125

Soater, Elizabeth 9

Soburne, Elizabeth 12; John 12

Sockell, Deborah 44

Soleby, Solebay, Susanna 89 , 92

Solliard, see Selliard

Solo, see Soto

Soltrain, D. Charles Anthony 24; Mary Anne 24

Soluti, Mary Pansuette 124

Somatre, John 105

Somers, Elizabeth 148; Terence 148

Somerset, Somersett, Caroline 77

Somner, Elizabeth 160

Sooks, Mary 31; William 31

Soppitt, Anne 87; Thomas 87

Sordpoil, Helena 143

Sorrotti, Elizabeth 151; Ferdinand 151

Sotheby,Sothaby,Sotehaby, Dorothy 30, 33*

Soto, Anthony Signorini 109; Isabel 109

Soullé , John 74

Spoletti , Margaret 125; Paul 125

Sportes, Helena 27

Spurling, Anne 73

Spycer, Anne 164

Stacy, Anne 50

Stafford, Rev. Alexis 28 ; Anne 50; Joseph 50; Joshua 50; Mary 28; Philip 28

Staines, Stains, Jane 112

Stainsby, John 106

Stalkin, Anne 28; Daniel 28

Stamma, Esther 94; Philip 94

Stamner , Mary 107

Stananought, Mary 166

Standerwick, Antoinette Arsène 151 ; Edward 151

Standish, Alexander 60

Standley, Elizabeth 39

Stanley, Sarah 40; Thomas40

Stansby, Anne 10

Staples, Elizabeth 144; Francis 144

Stapleton , Stapylton, John 48; Nicholas 48; Winifred 48

Stapylton, Rev. Gregory, passim 2 to 20

Starkey, Joan 22; John 22

Stauchy, Mary 17

Staunton, Stanton, Catherine (Mary) 150; Susan 58

Stephens, Anna Maria 113; Thomas 113

Sternbery , Gabrielle 151

Stevens, Stephens, Catherine 24, 63; Edward 94, 121; Leonard 84; Mary 121 ; Mary Anne 24; Rebecca 30; Richard 30; Richard Junr 24; Robert 63 ; Sarah 94; see Stephens

Stevens, Rev. Charles 131 § , 171, 172

Stevenson, Steveson, Stevison, Steuson, Catherine 23; Elizabeth 162; Frances 166, 167; Francis 165* , 166; Mary 41 , 81 , 162, 165* , 166* , 167*

Steward, James 105

Stewart, Elizabeth 44; William 123

Southcote , Rev. Edward 75 ; Philip Stich, Anne 50; Mary 50 74 , 75

Southy, Dorothy27

Sowcock, Elizabeth 24

Soyers, Frances 64

Spain, Rev. George 155, 160

Spalshof, Rosamond 37

Spearing, Jane 26

Spelman , Spelmein, John 20

Spence, George 115

Spencer, Anna Maria 80; Sarah 104

Spenser, Anne 39

Spinke , Clare 25

Stiles, Isabel 99; Richard 99

Stillo, William 77

Stock, Elizabeth 35, 96

Stokeham , Catherine 22; William 22

Stoker, Dorothy 32; Thomas 16

Stokes, Stoakes , Stoacks , Anne 20, 124*; Thomas3, 5, 9, 11 , 12 , 13 , 17, 18 , 20, 22* , 23; Winifred 99

Stokoe, Elizabeth 99

Stollemberck, Mary Anne 132

Stone, Anne 165*; Elizabeth 32; Mary 167

" Missionarius in Districtu Londinensi in Anglia. "

"Missionarius Anglus"" who now lives with his sister at Wooburn farm , " near Reading

§" Premier Chapelain dans la Chapelle de Portugal a Londres . "


Stonsel, Mary 117

Stopart, Edward 3; Isabel 3

Stopforth, Richard 26 ; Sarah 26

Story, Dorcas 86; Edward 86

Strahan, Mary 63

Straight, Wesley 72

Strange, Rev. Richard 12

Streatfield, Streatfeild, Edmund 2; Frances 2

Street, Elizabeth 111 ; Jane 70

Street d'Arriaga e Cunha, Jane Caroline 154; Joseph 154

Strepotaldi, Gius . 157

Stretch, 56

Strickland, Adm Alice 13

Stringer, Elizabeth 39

Stringfellow, Elizabeth 135; Richard 135

Strong, Elizabeth 166

Strongitharm, James 99; Jane99

Struper, Frances 167; Theodore167

Strutt, Mary 118

Stuart, Charles , Earl of Traquare 97; James 119;Mary 119;Theresa, Countess ofTraquare 97; see Aubigny

Stubbs, Margaret 12; Robert 12

Stutt, see Hutt

Stuttard, Francis 112

Suffield, Robert 94

Sullivan,Catherine152;Cornelius152; Jeremiah83; Mary 50; Timothy 50*

Sullynatte, John 10; Thomasine 10

Sulman, Thomas 36* , 37* , 38* , 39* ,

40* , 41 , 42* ,43* , 44 , 45, 46, 77 , 162

Sumner , James 136; Rev. James 137*

Supple, Elizabeth 53

Sutton, Anne 39, 42

Svind, William 17

Swaine, Elizabeth 135

Swan, Elizabeth 163; Mary 163

Swarbrick, Roger 45

Sweade, Elizabeth 8

Sweale, Elizabeth 36 ; Sebastian36

Sweet, Mary 144

Sweettmore , Anne 26

Swift, Mary 77

Swildens , Peter 9

Swiney, Swyny, Swynye, Swinny, Maria 4; Morgan 4* , 6 , 7 , 8

Swist, see Swift

Symes, see Simes

Symonds, Symans, Elizabeth 69 , 91; John 100; Richard 69; Thomas 91

Syney, Deborah 15; Mary15; Richard 15

Syssimore, Syssimor, Ellen 8 ; William 8

Tailor, Anne 18

Talbot, Talbott, Barbara 49; Gawen 25; Gregory 60; Rt. Rev. James 128; Lady Lucy 89

Taloyer, Dorothy 61

Tamer, Mary 9

Tandy, Mary 147; Michael 147

Taplen , Giles 47

Tarard, Francis 118; Mary Catherine 118

Tariot, Anthony 88; Mary 88

Tarleton, Mary 65

Tasker, Catherine 32

Tate, Anne 114

Tattenden , see Battenden

Tatton, James 4

Taveira, Antoinette Susanna Caroline 143; Francis Cardozo Pereira Pinto 143

Taylor, Tayler, Anne 51, 110, 160; Ebberall 95; Eleanor 95; James 16, 41; John 50, 80; Margaret 41; Martha 62; Mary 16, 50, 53, 103, 129; Mary Anne 129; Richard 34, 40; Theresa 80, 101; see Tailor

Teague, Teaque , Thomas 81 Elizabeth 81; Teixeira Doria, Angelica Ursula 129; Anthony 129

Temkys, John 4; Martha 4

Tempest, Charles 62, 69 ; Elizabeth 23 ; Emra 69 ; Mary 67

Temple , Elizabeth 17; Penelope 17

Temps, Tamps, Mary Elizabeth 98

Tennant, Tenant, John 31 ; Magdalen 8; Thomas 8

Tente, Henry 25

Terham, Jane 13

Terry, Anne 168 ; Dorothy 12 ; Helen 129; John 39, 162; Mary 39 , 162; Ruth 43; William 168*

Tertin, Margaret (Margery) 5;Thomas 5

Tetar, Francis 98

Thallden (? Shallden), Anne 100

Thoman, Anne 36, 84

Thomas , Anacetus 95; Anne 30, 47, 95, 151; Elizabeth 34, 148, 150*; Ellen 151 ; Frances 123; Hester 88 ; James 171; Jane14, 22 ; Joanna14; John 10; Joseph 134 , 135 , 139; Robert Payne 80; Stephen 88; Ursula 88, 95

Thomas a S. Anna, Rev. 23

Thomley, Anne 103

Thomlinsson, George 25

Thompson , Anne 167; John 100; Margaret 140

Thomson , Ed 120; Mary63; William 63

Thorm, William 114

Thorn, Arabella 164; Elizabeth 164; Matthew 164

Thornburgh, Agnes 36; George 36

Thornton, Barbara 14; Elizabeth 145; Jane 85; Lucy 122; Mary 164; Patrick 85, 164; Rose 64; Sarah 102

Thorold, Anne 142

Thorougood , Thorowgood, Anne 45

Thorp, Henry 23; Mary 106

Thort, Anne 62; John 62

Three, Anne 43; Valentine 43

Throgmorton, Throckmorton, Trockmorton, Anne 57; John 97

Thurkettle, Robert 76

Tierney, Margaret 151

Tillemans, Anne Mary 54

Tilly, Frances 16

Tipping, Anne 120; Barbara 120; John 163; Martha 120

Tisgry, Susanna 2

Tobin, Tobinn, Edmund 42, 163; John 117; Capt. William 115

Todd, Frances 61 ; John 61 ; Mary 14

Tokis , John 27

Tomkins, Elizabeth 105; Gilbert105; Peter 37

Tomkinson, Elizabeth 6; Capt James 146; Peter 6

Tomkis , Tomkys, John 22; Martha 27

Tomlinson, Anthony 13; Mary 13

Tomms, Tom's, Toms, Anne 116; Anthony 116; Jane 111 ; Mary 112

Tompson , Anne 23; Antonia 98; Elizabeth 41; Ellen 16 ; Erasmus41; Francis 144; Hannah 144; James 98; John 16; Martha 13; William 144

Tomson, Anne 48; Daniel 146; Hannah 47; John 47; Margaret 146; Margaret (Margery) 5; Thomas2

Ton, Sarah 11

Toogood, Emmanuel 9 ; Frances 9

Tooly, Cornelius 7

Toomer, John 9

Tootell, James 124

Topling, Sarah 47

Torker, Susan 61 ; Walter 61

Torond, Anne 165, 166; Francis 165, 166

Torre de Moncorvo, Viscount 156

Tortisshell, Tortisshel, Jean 116

Touchet, Rev. George, passim2 to20

Tourner, Barnard 56; Bernard 64; Mary 56

Tourneville, Mary Antoinette 164

Townsend , Townesend , Arthur 32; Elizabeth 8; Mary 32; William 8

Toyney, Anne 65

Trant, Dominic 30; Mary 30

Tranter, William 66

Traquare, see Stuart

Travers, Francis 65; Mary 65

Traynoth, Jane 11; Thomas 11

Treacy, Richard 66

Treaslove , John 85

Trehoux, Trehiou, Magdalen 105;

Mary Magdalen 124; Peter Anthony 105

Tresy, Isamena 107; Thomas 107

Trew, Elizabeth 150; James 150

Triaud, CarolineElizabeth 150; Louis 141; Louisa Emmanuel 141 ; Margaret 141 , 150

Tristran, Sarah 100

Trogronux, John 89

Trossea, Thomas 162

Trott, Nicholas 16

Trumbal, Jenkins 126; Sarah 126

Trumper, Mary 6

Trwing, Mary 7

Tucker, Anne 133; James 133; Sarah 102

Tuke, Lady 23; Mary 2; LadyMary 9; Sir Samuel , Kt Bart 2; Sir

Samuel of Laycemarney, Kt. Bart. 9

Tull, Anne 59; Samuel 59

Tulloch, Elizabeth Lawrence 145; Francis 145

Tully, Helen 11

Tunley, Anna Maria 113

Tunney, William 147

Turing, John 73, 76; Mary 73 , 76

Turner, Alice 95; Dorothy 9 ; Mary 149; Nicholas 19; Peter 50; Robert 95; Thomas 13

Turth, Joseph 71

Tutle, Elizabeth 134

Tutton, Catherine 61 ; Charles 61

Tyers, Susanna 2

Tyler, Benjamin 105; Elizabeth 105; Sarah 105

Tyroll, James 169; Mabel 169

Tyrrell, Tyrell, Edward 48; May 42

Tyrrett, Tyrret, Elizabeth 23; Jacob 23

Tyrwhit, Sir Philip 22

Tyte, Anne 80; Hely 80

Uamas, John 166

Ubalder, Fan (? Ian) 13

Ullathorn, Ullaethorn, J. 139; Lucy 139

Umphuries, Mary 77

Underhill, Rev.135 Anne 33; Barbara 161; Frances 33; James 161 ; Mary 44, 46 ; Thomas 44

Unwin, Edward 42; Thomas 71

Uridge, Lucy 149

Urquette, Margaret 165

Utterbell, Elizabeth 97

Vackham, Vockham, Barbara 110

Vaker, Catherine 65

Valença , Marquez de 159

Valencier, Valancier, Antoinette

Pauline 38, 162; Claud 39, 162

"Chaplain of the Sardinian Chapel"


Valentine, Elizabeth 87

Vall, Mary 20

Vallaner, Joan (Jane) 15

Valleso , Magdalen 9

Vallier, John 129

Valton, John 129; Mary Amelia 129

Vamas, see Uamas

Van Amelonson, Anthony 101

Van Bleeck, Van Bleeke, Alice 96; Peter 96

van Dalen, Ambrose 39

Vandam, Mary 37

Vandenbergh , Rev. Ane 33; Rev.

Anselme 76; Rev. Antoine 54

Van den Hoff, Anne 167; Assuerus


Vanderbacker , Mary 119; Peter 119

Vanderdrest , Mary 8

Vanderheden , Dorothy 69

Vandermel, Mary 127

Vandermini, John 134; Lucy 134

Vandesanda, Elizabeth 15 ; Peter 15

Van de Staden , Dorothy 34

Vandragek , Mary 65

Vandryck, Vandriyck , Robert 162; Susanna 162

Vanearsell , Anne 44; Thomas 44

Van Haore, John Francis 120

Van Limbourg, Barbara 26; John 26

van Lone, John 32

Van Nerom, Vannerom , John Baptist 167; Margaret Gaumaraor Gommara 167

Vanuakell, Elizabeth 60

Vanursel, Anne 48

Van Zeller, Vanzeller, Charlotte 155; Dorothy 155 , 156; F. I. 156*; Francis Ignatius 155* , 160; Henry Junr 155; John 155; Canon Richard 155

Varley, John 140; Nancy 141

Vaughan, Anne 43; Rev. Augustine 52; Edward 43; William 52

Vaul, see Vall

Veale, Rev. James 69

Vedered, Elizabeth 22; John 22

Veer, Jane 11

Vellens, Martha 66

Vendramini, Caroline 143; John 143

Vengelder , Frances 69 ; Herman 69

Verby, Anne 52 ; Hester 46; Samuel 46; Ursula 52

Verden, Mary 77; Peter 77

Verhufen, Joan 76; John 76

Verny, Lep" 5

Verschuere , Christian 32; Dorothy32

Verseveren, Versevren, Christian 26; Ellen 26

Verton, Frances 13

Vial, Dan. 91; Jaconet S. 91

Vicira, Francis 133; Mary 133

Vickers, Charles 37; Elizabeth 37

Victorpot, Alexander 86; Elizabeth 86

Videll, Anna Maria 11

Vidler, John 67

Viellout , Elizabeth 39

Vigo , Anne 106

Villernier, Laurence 123

Villessefue , Charles 43

Vimar, Charles 57; Joanna 57

Vincent, Troth 7

Vinn, Sophia 138

Violetti, Violette, Eva Maria 108*

Vivian, Vivion , Charles 19 ; Frances 9; John 9; Ursula 19

Vizeu Pinheiro, Frances 155; Francis 155

Vol, Isabel 47, 52, 167; Mary 47; William 47, 52

Voquier, Catherine 32

Wade, Burt44; Margaret71;Roger71

Wagstaff, Susanna 72; Thomas 72

Waiting, Edmund 105; Elizabeth 105

Wakefield, Lucy 126

Waker, Elizabeth 70; William 70

Waldgrave, Walldgrave, Woldegrave, Mary 33; Philippa 33

Waldron, William 146

Wale, Hannah 47

Wales, Margaret (Margery) 4; Mary 19; Richard 4

Walker, Elizabeth 12, 16; Jonathan 108

Walkinshaw , Catherine 130

Wall, John 112; Rose 63 ; Sarah 112

Wallace, Walles, Alice 153; Elizabeth 167; Henry 167; Martin 153

Waller, Mary 34

Wallhouse, Thomas 17

Wallis, Elizabeth 87

Walmesley, Walmsley, Warmsley, Elizabeth 48; John 148; Thomas48 , 140

Walpoole, Dymock 29

Walsh , Walch, Anne Marie Robertine 133; Dorothy 118; Helena 143; Mary 47; Nicholas 72; Patrick 119; Sarah 54, 119; Theresa 109; see Welsh

Walsh Serrant, Charles Joseph

Augustin, Vicomte de 133; see de Lugé

Walson, Winifred 36

Walter, Elizabeth 70, 162; Frances 18; Gustavus 84; Louis 168*; Sarah 162

Walthew , Bns 17

Walton, Jane 52

"Missionnaire Apostolique en ce Païs, " officiating at the Sardinian Chapel

Ward, Warde, Agnes 67; Anne 39, 140; Catherine 93; Charles 140*; Constance 140; Edward 67; Elizabeth 162; Jane 67; John 145; Joseph 140*; Rose 62*; Sabina 145; Sarah 161*; Thomas 141

Wardale, William 14

Ware, Martha 166*

Warfield, Anne 95; Elizabeth 95; Thomas 95

Warfurd , Mary 111

Wargent, Mary 46

Warham, Winifred 73

Warmall, Fran 39

Warner, Michael 36; Sarah 36

Warren, Ar 21; Mary 21

Warwick, Frances 37; John 37

Wasser , Judea 76

Waterhouse , Bridget 74*

Wateridge, Elizabeth 110

Waterton, Anne 86

Watkins, Ferdinand Philippa 30

Watkinson, Rose 97 30; John 41; Watson, Anastasia 135; Catherine 99; Harriot 134; Mary 16; Thomas 82, 99; William 16

Watts, Elizabeth 76; Mary 141

Watzomp, Watzam, Ferdinand 13; Mary 13

Waytin, Mary 113; Mill 113; Ralph 113; Robert 113

Weadon, John 9

Wearmer, Thomas 4

Weaver, Thomas 4

Webb , Webbe, Edward 22, 48; Frances 61; George 88 , 107; Mary22 , 105; Mary (Anne) 107; Mary Anne 88 ; Thomas 22

Webber, Anne 113; Peter Maria 113

Weber, Anne Mary 54*; John 54; Peter 127

Webster, Anne 36 ; Cecily 24; George 116

Weekes, Lucy 85; Mary 120

Weekstead , Mary 31

Weell, Weill, George 66; Martha 66; Peter 66

Welch, see Welsh

Weld, Cecilia 28; Sir George 28; Mary 28

Weldon, Welldon, Welden, Anne 43; Eleanor 62; George 43; Mary 5, 8

Weldy, Elizabeth 20

Weller, Mary 70; Richard 70

Wells, Agnes 115; Anne 111; Arthur 115; George 28; Simon 115

Wellsted, Martha 37; Thomas37

Welsh, Welch, Wesh, Dorothy 118, 119; Ed 160; Edward 106, 118, 119; John 64 , 127;Margaret 64; Mary141; Rebecca 111 ; Thomas 141; see Walsh

Werwin, Anna Maria 42

Wery, Désirée 151

Wescome, Catherine 57; Lewis 57

Wesley, Rev. Peter 36, 39, 43, 46 , 74 ,


West, Anne 104*; Catherine 64;Mary 19, 143; Richard 19

Western, Wilhelmina Anne 45

Westly, Mary 91

Weston, Richard 17; Robert 117; Sarah 117

Weymer, Peter 97

Whalley, James 94; Winifred 94

Wheatly, Anne 51

Wheble, Rev. James 74 , 75

Wheeler, Joan 16; Rev. John 109 , 110, 112 , 114, 120* , 123* , 124 , 171 , 172; Thomas 110

Wheetly, John 69; Mary 69

Whisdale, Mary Louisa 147

Whitach, John 134; Mary 134

Whitaker, Whiteker, Witeker, Frances 100; see Witaker

Whitall, see Whitach

White, Anne 20, 80, 112; Archibald 104*; Eleanor 136; Elizabeth 4; Henry 10; John 89, 102; John Junr. 48; Joseph 4; Martha 25; Mary 58, 89, 100, 103, 104; Moses 136; Patrick 20; Richard 103, 104; Sarah 112; Susanna 104; Winifred 48

Whitefield, Whitefeild , Mary 25; Walter 25

Whitehall, Lucy 41

Whitehill , Martha 95

Whiteside, Anne 149; Catherine 152; Elizabeth 149; Henry 149

Whiting, Whitnig, Mary 3; Thomas3

Whitingham, Whittingham , Elizabeth 90; John 90

Whitley, Whitly, George 82; Helen 21


Whitmill, Mary 92; William 92

Whitmore, Francis 67

Whittell, Elizabeth 45; Peter 45

Whittington , John 2 82;

Wicherson, Edward 162; Frances 162

Widdrington, Anne 29, 44 ; Henry Francis 44; Jean 29; Lady 29; Lord 29; Mary 129; Patrick 21

Widin , John 39

Wierney (? Wiomey), Winifred 21

Wigfall, Elizabeth 46

Wiggerts, Derek 21

Wilcock, Anne 152; Samuel 152

Wilcox, Willcox, Martha 21; Thomas 19, 23, 24, 25, 25-6, 26* , 27*

Wilde, George 134*; Martha 103; Peter 103

Wilderman, Albert 127; Margaret 127

Wildman, Cornelius 56; Martha 56


Wildsmith, Catherine 123; Elizabeth 33; John 33, 123; Margaret 123

Wilford, Elizabeth 18

Wilkins, Anne 34

Wilkinson, Wilkisson, Dorothy 37; Elizabeth 47; Faith 95; Mary 46; Sarah 36

Wilks, John 147

Willbreath, David 148; Mary 148

Williams, Willams, Anne 60 , 152 , 164; Barbara 14; David 62; Elizabeth 16, 91, 140; Frances 101; Francis 67; Griffin 14; Jane 8, 67; John 101; Joseph 152; Mary83 , 116; Matilda 143; Patty 80; Peter 63; Robert 60; Sarah 63; Thomas 16, 83

Williamson, Frances 89; Jane 94 , 107; John 107

Willis, Joseph 42; Sarah 42

Willmoth , Mary 38

Willoc, Anne 120

Willoughby, Willughby, Ernest 134; Francis 21; Mary 21

Willsor, Elizabeth 64; Thomas 64

Wilmers, Jacob 44

Wilmore, Mary 13, 121

Wilson, Willson, Alexander 87; Anne 165*; Christina 57; Elizabeth 166; Isabel 43, 163; Martha 51; Mary 87, 136, 147, 167; Penelope 63; Richard 63; Sophia 89 ; Susanna 50, 79, 87;

William 43, 163, 166

Wilt, Anne 21

Wilts, Cornelius 21

Wincomb, John 63

Windham, Mrs. 29

Windle, Windel, Windell, John 33* , 34*, 64 69* , 70 * , 71* , 76* 77*

Wine, Mary 38

Wing, Elizabeth 37

Winman, William 12

Winsbury, John 100; Mary 119

Winston, Margaret 45

Winstonley, Philippa 18; William 18

Winter, George 141;Mary 70, 73 , 139; Sarah 90; William 139*

Wiseman , William 23

Wiseral, J. 139

Witaker, Sybil 57

Withers, Alice 81; Martha 69

Witherson, Edward 39; Frances 39

Withins, Elizabeth 25

Wivell, Edward 5, 6, 15; Leonard 15 , 22; Sophia 15

Wizilir, Antoinette 15

Wofold, Frances 58

Wogan, Eleanor 51; John 51

Woldridge, Woldrige, Mary 115

Wolfall, Anne 98

Woll, Wol, Anne 168; Mary 168; William 168

Wollascott, William 122

Wollum, John 64; Mary 64

Wood, Woode, Anne 62, 151 , 152; Eleanor 93, 94; Elizabeth 52, 122; Eustace 58; Lady Margaret 90; Mary 76; Mary Anne 146; Michael 152; Sarah 58; Thomas 94, 151; William 146

Woodhouse , Anne 87; Martha 87

Woodlaw, Henry 58; Rebecca 58

Woodman, Thomas 39 , 40

Woods, Culbert 110; Michael 153

Woodstock, Anne 41; John 41; Patience41

Woodward, Elizabeth 57; Jane 68; Mary 5

Woodyer, Edward 33

Woolf, Anne 161 ; Anne Senr 161; Francis 65

Wools, Jean 125; John 55 , 125, 126* , 128, 129* , 172; Miss 125

Woolstoncroft,Woollstoncroft,Charles 13; Jane (Anne) 13

Wootton, Joseph 39

Worlish, Worlich , Adam 94 , 123; Eleanor 94, 123

Worrilow, Thomas 51

Worth, Isabel 30; Richard 30

Wrackers, Anne Catherine 77 ; Mary

Margaret 77; Reginald 77

Wragg, Mr. 44

Wray, Mary 5; William 5

Wright, Edward 112; Francis 112; John 124; Lucy 124; Margaret 32; Mary 70, 79, 147; Michael 32; Mrs. 146; Peter 6; Sarah 112 , 115; Stephen 79; Susanna 124; William 119; see Right

Wyatt, Sarah 94

Wycart, Rev. Anthony 11 , 13**

Wye, Helen 21; John 21

Wylde, George 130, 131* , 134 , 135

Wyndham, Rev. Philip 128*; see Windham

Wynell, Cornelia 32; John Baptist32

Wynne, Rev. Francis Augustine 33 , 70

Wyvill, Edw. 14

Yando, William 6

Yarde, Yard, Clene (Clare) 23; William 20* , 21, 23, 24, 25, 26* , 27* , 28*

Yates, James 24; John 19 ; Winifred 24

Yong, Elizabeth 25; Richard 25

York, Joanna 166

Wolford, Ursula 82; William 87 217

Youens , Emily 150; James 150

"Missionarius in Angle in Capella Reginæ S. Jacobi Londini. "

Young, Anne 56; Joanna 49; John 56; Mary 120; Mary Anne 164; William 120

Younger, Joseph 50

Yrquette, see Ürquette

Zannier, Catherine 113; John Baptist 113

Zaty, Elizabeth 121; Zac. 121

Zigenheim, Anthony 103




Together with the Roll of Members, the Constitutions, &c

Constitutions T HT

1. Name . The name of the Societyis " THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY . "

2. Objects. The objects are the transcribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

3. Management The affairs of the Society are managed by a Council consisting of twelve members, three trustees and five honorary officers, viz The Recorder , Bursar, Legal Adviser, Librarian, and Secretaryfourformingaquorum. It haspower toappoint a Presidentand Vice-Presidents, its Chairmanand Officers, and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re-election Nominations of new Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretary fourteen days before the Annual Meeting The representation and management are reserved to Catholic Members .

4. Subscription . The subscription is one guinea per annum , commencing June 1st , which entitles members to any publications issued during the year. No volume will be issued to any member whose subscriptionis unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removed from the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid. A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretarybefore the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuingyear. Personal Life Membership may be obtained on payment of twentyguineas in advance. Members who have paid subscriptions for ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas All life subscriptions are to be capitalized

5. Back Numbers Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers (if in stock) on such terms as the Councilmay direct

6. Meetings. An Annual Meeting is held in the month of June or July, of which at leastseven days' noticeis sent to all the members. Atthis meetinga report of the work of the Society, with a statement ofthe income and expenditure, is presented This is issued together with the list of members and the Constitutions of the Society

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Council. At least seven days' notice, stating the object of the meeting, shall be given.

7. Audit The Bursar's accounts are audited by a memberof the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31 .

N.B.The Bursar deals with Membershipand Subscriptions.

The Catholic Record Society











COUNCIL (Elected)












E. N. GEIJER , M.C., F.S.A., Rouge Dragon



Honorary Officers (On Council ex officio)

Hon Bursar

LEONARD C. C. LINDSAY , 15, Morpeth Mansions, Westminster, S.W.I

Hon Recorder

GEORGE R. BELLEW , Somerset Herald

Hon Legal Adviser

HUBERT HULL , Barrister-at-Law

Hon Librarian


Hon Secretary

RICHARD CECIL WILTON , B.A., 33, Wilfred Street , Westminster, S.W.1




THHE Council has pleasure in presenting the Thirty-fourth Annual Report and Statement of Accounts

Volume XXXVII, " The Liber Ruber of the Venerable English College, Rome, " will be issued in the Autumn, and will be followed as speedily as possible by a second volume relevant to the College, as stated in the last Annual Report, and these will be succeeded by a first instalment of the Registers in the keeping of the Portuguese Embassy. A volume is also in preparation containing the full text of the principal Catalogues of English Martyrs which were briefly described by the late Father Pollen , S.J., in C.R.S.Volume V. It had been hopedthat Volume XXXVII would have appeared before the Annual Meeting, but it was found necessary to recast the large amount of material and to publish it in three volumes instead of two Further, many unforeseen difficulties involving prolonged correspondence with those engaged inthepreparation of the work and withtheprintersled to repeated interruptionswhich delayed the productionof the first volume, a delay which the Council deeply regrets It is hoped, however, that the second volume will speedily follow on the first and so to some extent make amends for the disappointment

Since the last Annual Meeting the Offices of the Society have been removed from Old Norfolk House, where they had been since 1926, and the Council has arranged with the Catholic Central Library to occupy a room at 33, Wilfred Street , Westminster, for its monthlymeetings. This room will also be used as an officeby the Hon. Secretary from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The new Card Indexto theGillowLibrary has been completed and Members are now free to consult its contents * A set of the Society's Publications is kept there for reference, but the Society's stock and its Archives have had to be stored for the time being in the care of the Leighton-Straker Bookbinding Company at North Acton, with the exception of a box of Pedigrees which has been temporarily placed at Arundel.

The Council gladly takes this opportunityto thankthe Dowager Duchess and the Duke of Norfolk for their kindness in so long providing the Society with extensive accommodation in Old Norfolk House.

The Council has much pleasurein congratulating His Eminence Cardinal Hinsleyon his elevation to the Sacred College, the Bishops of Southwark and Cambysopolis on their elevation to the rank of

* TheCatholic Central Library is open on Monday toFridayfrom 10 a.m. to 7p.m., andon Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. It is closed on Sundays and Holidays of Obligation.

Archbishop, and Monsignor Canon King on his appointment as Bishop Auxiliary of Portsmouth .

On the other hand, the Council has to record the loss of a valued contributor to the volumes of the Society in the person of Mr. James Rae Baterden, whose serviceson behalfof the Society over a period of nearly twenty-five years have been greatlyappreciated.

The Hon. Bursar has pleasure in recording the accession of II new members, as follows: The Very Rev. Canon Edward M. Daniell, Rev. Raphael Nixon, C.P., His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, E.M., K.G., the Hon. Miles Fitzalan-Howard, Mrs. Francis N. Blundell, Messrs John H. Dixey, K.H.S. , F.R.G.S., William Gordon Gilbey, John Thwaites Mumford, Roger C. J. Radcliffe, Walter ArnoldStewart, and theUniversityofNotreDame, Indiana, U.S.A.

In addition to the loss sustained by the Society through the decease ofMr.James Rae Baterden, the Councilregretstoannounce thefollowing deaths duringthe year: The Right Rev. Mgr Provost Henry Mackin, B.A., the Right Rev. Mgr Canon Francis John Hall, V.F., the Very Rev. Canon John H. Catterall, the Right Rev. George Bede Cox, O.S.B. , Titular Abbot of Glastonbury, Mary Dowager Countess of Gainsborough, Messrs Henry Philip John Ince Anderton, Charles A. F. Radcliffe, Cuthbert David Giffard Riddell, J.P., and Joseph Henry Woollan, and ColonelJohn W. R. Parker, C.B., J.P., F.S.A., President of the Lancashire and of the Yorkshire Parish Register Societies R.I.P.

Allowing for three resignations and the removal of two members under Rule 4 of the Constitutions, the membership on the 31st of May stood at 369 as comparedwith 378 on May 31 , 1937 .

Four members of the Council retire by rotation, viz Mr. C. A. John Armstrong, M.A., F.R.Hist.S. , Rev. Alphonsus Bonnar, O.F.M., D.D., Rev. Gervase Mathew, O.P., and Mr. Bernard H. Newdigate, who are all eligible for re-election.

NOTE . The following new members have been enrolled since May 31st: The Very Rev. Mgr James Scanlan , D.C.L., B.L., the Rev. Thomas James Barrett, the Rev. Joseph McNulty, Messrs Cuthbert de Hoghton, J.P. , and Thomas O. Lloyd, and the Catholic Truth Society (Birmingham Diocesan Branch) Library.

The attention of Members is respectfully directed to the proviso in Clause 4 of the Constitutions which says : "A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimatehis intention to the Bursar or theSecretary before the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year. "


1938 May 31 " To 24 Life Subscriptions @ £10 10 0 . 7 Life Subscriptions @ £21 oo . Legacy fromJamesBritten ,K.C.S.G. , deceased Other Monies " 33

2,233 14 I * The value of the above Investments at 31stMay, 1938, RECEIPTS AND

Dr. 1937 RECEIPTS . June To Balance brought forward from last I Account: - Cash at BankCurrent Account Cash inhands ofHonorarySecretary overdrawn

1938 May 31 " " ” " Subscriptions Received : 3 for year 1936/37 326 17 1937/38 .. 1938/39

" » 1939/40 " Back Numbers " Gillow Library

Volume XXXVRepayment from Messrs Titus Wilson & Son , less expenses £622 16 7

Tothe Members of the Catholic Record Society: Wereport that wehaveexaminedthe aboveStatementofCash Receipts and vouchers relating thereto, and certify the same to be in accordance Salisbury House , London Wall, London, E.C.2. 11th June , 1938 .


The thirty-fourth Annual General Meeting of the Catholic Record Society was held in the rooms of the Society ofAntiquaries , Burlington House, Piccadilly , on Wednesday, July 20, 1938 , Viscount FITZALAN , K.G., the President, in the chair

There were present, among others, the Very Rev. Canon J. R. Fletcher, Rev. Sir John O'Connell, K.C.S.G., LL.D., Rev. Wilfrid Kelly, Rev. Anthony Milton, Miss M. F. Arrowsmith, Miss M. C. Bickersteth Evetts , Mrs. Joan Gostling, Mrs. J. C. Leach, Miss Olivia Littledale, Miss N. Meares, Miss L. M. Wright, Wing Commander Cuthbert J. S. Dearlove, R.A.F., Mr. J. G. Macnamara, Mr. John Thwaites Mumford, Mr. Bernard H. Newdigate, Major Francis J. A. Skeet, J.P., F.S.A., Colonel Wilmot Vaughan, Mr. J. Cyril M. Weale, Mr. R. C. Wilton, Mr. Raymond E. M. Woods, and representatives of The Catholic Herald and The Universe.

Letters of regret for non-attendance were received from the Most Rev. the Archbishop Bishop of Southwark, the Right Rev. the Bishop of Nottingham, the Very Rev. Canon James C. Connolly, VeryRev. C.G. Kean, C.J., Rev. JosephE. Bamber, Rev.Alphonsus Bonnar, O.F.M., D.D., Dom Hugh Bowler, O.S.B., Rev. Gervase Mathew, O.P., Rev. Charles A. Newdigate, S.J., Her Grace the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk, Miss Agnes Mott, Miss S. L. Roxburgh, Mrs. R. H. Wedgwood, Mr. C. A. John Armstrong , F.R.Hist.S. , Captain William de Geijer, Mr. George F. Englebach, Mr. E. N. Geijer, M.C. , F.S.A., Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, Mr. Denis Rolleston Gwynn, D .Litt , F.R.Hist.S. , Mr. Henry Hornyold-Strickland , F.S.A., Mr. Leonard C. C. Lindsay, F.S.A., Mr. John P. Smith, J.P., and Lieut -Col T. B. Trappes-Lomax.

In the absence, owing to ill-health, of the Hon Bursar , Mr. Leonard C. C. Lindsay, the Annual Report with the Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts was taken as read, and duly adopted on the motion of Mr. J. T. MUMFORD , seconded by Mr. J. G. MACNAMARA .

The Hon Secretary, Mr. R. C. WILTON, mentioned that the Hon Bursar had been notified that the late Henry Ince Anderton had bequeathed £100 to the Society. He had also received a communication from Messrs Cockburn, Gostling & Co. , of Hove , Solicitors, that Mr. Joseph H. Woollan had, in a will that had been lost or destroyed, made a bequest of £50 to the Society, but that his sister , Mrs. J. C. Leach, the administratrix of the estate , had expressed her intention to carry out the wish of the deceased .

The CHAIRMAN next moved the re-election of the four retiring membersoftheCouncil, Mr. C. A. John Armstrong , Rev. Alphonsus Bonnar, Rev. Gervase Mathew and Mr. Bernard H. Newdigate.


The motion was seconded by the Rev. ANTHONY MILTON and carried.

On the invitation of the Chairman the Rev. WILFRID KELLY then addressed the meeting on


Mayer, he said, in his famous book " England and the Catholic Church" reminded them that for a full and accurate understanding of the nature ofthe CatholicMission in England, as well as of English Catholicism as a whole, it was necessary to go back to the source and original fountain whence the vitality of the entiremovementproceeded, the missionary establishments on the Continent " In no other English seminary," Mayer added, " have we such abundantandvaried sources of information as in the College in Romea college of great importance and representativecharacter Acta, statutes and visitation reports sketch clearly the objective lines of the picture, while personal judgmentsfrom friend andfoe fill in the subjectivecolouring. "

Father Kelly proceeded to say that there existedin the Venerable English College in Rome a wealth of documents and records, and the keystone of them all was the Liber Ruber But it was of primary importancefor them to see to it that they had a definitive andaccurate copy of that great work. The Liber Ruber, he observed, began glori- ously on St. George's Day, 1579. The name of Bellarmine, the future saintand doctor ofthe Church, appeared as witnessing thefirststudents' entries which were made The first entry in the Liber was that of a young priest, twenty-nine years of age, who had studied previously at OxfordandDouai Whenasked ifhe were prepared togo to England to work for soulsthat was, if he were prepared for martyrdomhis recorded answer was: "I am prepared to go, and that rather to-day than to-morrow" There were on this first page the names of two martyrs and six confessors of the Faith, giving one an idea of the riches the Liber contained Indeed, the whole ofthe documents in the archives of the Venerabile , remarked the speaker, reflected in miniature events repeated on a large scale in the history of English Catholicism as a whole. Besides the students ' entries, the interest of which was so well known, there were general records in the Liber concerning the College itself as well as a copy of the Constitution of the College, the Annales and the Annual Letters.

The annals dated from the year 1579 to the year 1641. The task of deciphering these extremely blurred records and of preparing them for the forthcoming edition had been far from an easy one . It had only been made possible by the patient and devotedlabours ofpeople like Mrs. A. R. A. Vaughan , Miss O. Littledale and Miss S. L. Roxburgh. The handwriting changed several hundreds oftimes In places the writing had been heavily scored and overwritten In some places the paper had perished Additions had been made wherever there was space, and the problem of finding a suitable method of printing such a disorderly array had onlybeen solved by carefulthought and a most necessary process of experiment

Explaining how the work of preparation had proceeded, Father Kelly said that in all they had done he had been guided by the rules laid down by the Catholic Record Society in which it was stipulated: "It is desired to impress upon transcribers that papers should be complete, without excision, verbatim et literatim .... Merit lies in their

absolute integrityand identity, as far as modern printing will allow . " From the beginning it was determined that they should put not so much as a single letter into the printed copy which did not exist in the original manuscript without making it abundantly clear to the reader that they had put the letter in.

Father Kelly then referred to the technical precision that was employed to ensure that the original text was everywhere preserved so as to make the volume as convenientand helpful as possible for the non-expert and the general student alike who might consult the Liber. He added that it was proposed to publish the book in two volumes , the first containing the students' register and a short historical introduction, and the second all other matter and the indices Ifthe publication of the Liber Ruber could be followed at some later date by the publication of the famous and most valuable Responsa, which implemented the Liber, Father Kelly said that a work of immense value would have been accomplished Five hundred of the Responsa had been photographed and transcribed, but at present the work was most unfortunately held up for lack of funds. He sincerely hoped this difficulty would be removed in the near future

In reply to the Chairman, by whom he was warmly thanked , Father Kelly expressed a hope that the first volume of the Liber would be in the hands of members in November

The Chairman then called on Major FRANCIS SKEET to read his paper on


The theory that the King rules by Divine Right, through primogeniture,isofveryearly origin in this country. TheChurch consecrated the Sovereign with a deeply religious service, hallowing, blessing and crowninghim with a ceremonial similar to that ofthe enthronementof a Bishop Many items of the ancient form were retained after the breach with Rome, continuing in use up to the recent Coronation. The status of an anointed King is very different to that of an elected Presidentor a Dictator : " Pro Deo et Rege " in contradistinction to " Vox Populi, " which may mean " Vox Diaboli " ! Shakespeare in Richard II says, " Notallthe water in the roughrude sea can wash the balm from an anointed King " An example of the Sovereign's prerogative was assumed from the succession from St. Edward the Confessor, whohadwashed the ulcerous soreof a certainwomanwhohadaswelling in her neck full of corruption and exhaling a noisome smell, blessed her with the sign of the Cross , after which the sore burst, cleansed itself, and the patient was healed Hence the custom of our Kings " touching" for that species of scrofulous ailment known as " the King's evil " The ancient customwas for the Sovereign to washthe diseased part with water after assisting at Mass. The ceremony was changed under Henry VIII, and the signing of the patient with the Cross was discarded by Elizabeth and her Protestant successors . James II reverted to the ancient ritual, being followed in it by his son and both grandsons At the ceremony the King hung a medal round the neckof the touched person. Up to the time ofthe Commonwealth it was the coin known as the "Angel " From the accession of Charles IIa special medal was minted for each successiveSovereign, similar in design to the Angel


The subject of this paperlimits us to the House ofStuart. James I on his accession was at first favourable to his Catholic subjects He was the son of the unfortunate Mary of Scotland who had suffered deathfor the Faith He invited Catholics to his Court, amongstwhom wasthat remarkable character Sir Tobie Matthews, a priest who was knighted and a son of the Protestant Archbishop of York. James's good intentions were changed by the pressure from the Puritans, who forced the Governmentto return to the religious persecution ofthe Catholics with increased fury, which culminated in the Gunpowder Plot Charles I, who was married to a Catholic, was inclined to be lenient as far as was allowed When the Puritans declared war on the King the Catholics flocked to his standard The nobility and gentry turned their castles into Royal fortresses LadyArundell held outfor nine days during the celebrated siege of Wardour Arundel Castle was bombarded and left a ruin for many years CartingtonCastle, the seat of that loyal Sir Edward Widdrington who died in the odour of sanctity at Bruges, was destroyed The ruins are now a national trust This Baronet at one time owned the Lutrell Psalter and was grandfather to the eighth Duchess of Norfolk , from whom it passed to the Welds. Sir Edward's cousin, the first Lord Widdrington, was slain at Wigan Lord Arundel succumbed to his wounds at Oxford Dodd, in a list far from complete , notes that six lieutenant-generals, eighteen colonels, sixteen lieutenant-colonels, sixteen majors, sixty- nine captains, fourteen lieutenantsand fifty gentlemen volunteerslost their lives fighting in the Royal cause. Many Irish also fought, as they did later for James II. The reward of the loyalty of the Irish Catholic aristocracy was the loss of their estates to Oliver Cromwell's and William of Orange's Protestant soldiers of fortune. The old nobility had tofly east to the Continent of Europe-"the flightofthe wild geese. " Ireland has never recovered from it Italy, France, Russia, Germany , and other countries have been the richer for their settlementwith them The Civil War and the murder of " the White King" in 1649 raised instead of lowering the prestige of the Royal Family. The AnglicanChurchclaimed Charles as a martyr. A species of cult in time grew up The " Eikon Basilike" was regarded as a holy book. The gallant Arthur Lord Capell wrote in a similar strain whilst in prison before his execution

The Catholics were full of personal admiration for the blameless life and tragic end of Charles I. The spirit of loyalty to the Crown grewlater out of its adversities . It is difficult to knowwhat percentage of the population still retained the ancient Faith in the seventeenth century. Lancashireand parts of Yorkshire were still almost entirely Catholic, as were partsofthe HighlandsofScotland , and have remained so untilourowntime; they were Royalist and Jacobite In thesouthern counties the seats of the nobility and gentry were the rallying places for Catholic feudal settlements , where Mass and the Sacraments were provided by the chaplain or itinerant priests, carrying their lives in their hands , wearing the dress of laymen Soldiers as well as priests and religioussupportedthe cause of God and the King, the seminaries and conventsabroad inculcated the precepts of loyalty to Faith and Crown. When the monarchy was restored under Charles II some gratitude was shown for past loyalty to the Royal House by Charles , a secret Catholic. The late Cardinal Gasquet told me he had seen a document at the Vatican which proved he had been received before his restoration, but Old Rowley did not intend to go on his travels


again,andwe hadto putupwiththe awful sufferings which thesneaking perjurer Titus Oates brought upon us. It will be in your memories how faithful the Catholic Pendrills, Gorings and Caryls, and Father Huddleston were to the King after the battle of Worcester , assisting him in his passage across the Channel from Shoreham After the Restoration, July 29th, 1660, Charles II touched 250 persons in the Banqueting Hall. The first Proclamation, July 4th, 1662, established receptions " from the Feast of All Saints, commonly called Allhallowtide, to a week before Christmas , and in the month before Easter. " He touched nearly 4,000 persons in the first four years of his reign and between 105,000 and 106,000from his return to his deathin 1685 . James II, the first acknowledged Catholic Sovereign since Mary Tudor, and the last de facto one, unlike his brother never hid his religious convictions; had he been more subtle and slower in his movements he might possibly have overcome the anti-Popery movement which caused his exile It is true thatfor some years his relationswith women were not in accordance with the precepts of his faith Yet his first wife , " ugly Anne Hyde," was converted, despite which this Catholic pair were to be wrongfully followed by their Protestant daughters ,Mary andAnne James's confessor, Father FrancisSanders, S.J., said it seemed that Providencehad granted him to us as a model of all the Christian virtues The birth of his son by his second wife , Mary of Modena, following the tactless behaviour of Father Petre , James's own attempts to place Catholics in the Universities, and the trial of the seven bishops, was followed by the usurpation of William of Orange, the Act of Settlementand a succession of de facto ,but not de jure, Sovereigns. The flowerofthe English Royalists, most ofwhom were Catholics , and the Nonjurors continued loyal, even after James hadwithdrawn to France withhis wife and the Princeof Wales James, before he died in September 1601 , left his lastwishes to his son , that he should keep the Faithagainstall men and never set the possessionof the Crown in competition with his own salvation. James III was immediately acknowledged King of England, Scotland and Irelandnot France, though he continued to quarter the lilies of France in his arms. He was proclaimed by the heralds as James III and VIII and began the longest reign of any de jure or de facto king of this countrysixty-five years in all He was brave, courteous and entirely devoted to the practice of his religion; as his father had done, he appointed the Catholic Bishops in Ireland and Scotland and the Vicars Apostolic in England: 1759 , James Talbot , Bishop of Birtha, to be coadjutor to Bishop Richard Challoner , V.A. of Londonthis is the last Stuart appointment I know of in England; in Irelandon December 21st, 1765, Philip MacDavett to be Bishop of Derry James was no bigot He obtained, as we learn from a letterfrom a Protestant gentleman in Rome , that the Pope had been prevailed upon to allow two Chaplains of his faith to be at Court, much to the gentleman's surprise The three attempts to regain the throne ended in failure. In the '15 many noble names were included in the bills of attaindersquires and farmers, townsmen and countrymenweresacrificed, as far as Englandwas concerned, mainly from the Catholic families in the North Amongst those slain at Sheriffmuir was the Earl of Strathmore, eldest brother of an ancestor of Queen Elizabeth Derwentwater was offered his life and estate if he would conformto the EstablishedChurch , but preferred to suffer martyrdom for his faith,

Charles Edward was again supported by the Scottish Catholic clans in the '45, and by many Presbyterianones from dynasticreasons of loyalty. In Wales the Jacobite party was almost entirely, except for the Vaughans , Protestant The Duke of Beaufort on the borders , although he had renounced the faith of his ancestors, plotted with Lord Barrymore and Sir WatkinWilliams Wynne during the advance to Derby, and had their assistance eventuated the retreat mightnot have taken place and London would have fallen The failure to join up was probably due to bad intelligence, the news of the sudden entry into Midland England received too late Father B. W. Kelly's " The Priest Heroes of the '45 " gives us lists of names of Chaplains to the Jacobite army and many interesting particulars of the way officers and men practised their faith Charles first heardMass at Perth, and carried a crucifix which may have belonged to his mother , Clementina .

It is a strange fact that although the old Catholic Jacobites had such enormous families, the members of which were educated in conventsor seminaries run by their own countrymen, with the exception of the Vaughans of Courtfield, who settled in Spain for a time, they never intermarried with foreigners The settlements beyondthe seas were from a pride ofrace point of viewmoreEnglish than the English Religious vocations were very numerous I take at random from pedigrees an example of a particular generation: Richard Vaughan, who fought at Culloden, had two uncles Jesuits, and two if not three aunts Canonesses Regular at Bruges Many other familiescould show similar examples

In 1750 Charles Edward made a secret visit to London, when he conformed to the Anglican Communion This step did not help him politically or enhance his reputation with friend or foe. By 1766 he had returned to the bosom ofMother Church. An English gentleman writingfrom Albano stated, " As to his religion there is not a greater bigot upon earth He has his bottle of Holy Water at his beds head: but he crosses himself many times and is strongly attached to the grossest fooleries of the Romish religion" In 1788 , on the 30th of January, the anniversary of the execution of his great-grandfather Charles I, Charles III died in the old Muti palace in Rome, where his father hadheld his Courtsolong, his lastdays made happyand peaceful by the unremitting, unselfish attentions of his only child, the Duchess of Albany

Since thefailure of the '45the CatholicJacobitepartygradually lost heart. Charles had left no legitimate heir, his brother Henry IX was a cardinal and with the title " Henricus M.D. EP TVSC CARD DVX EBOR. S.R.E. V . CANC " governed the See of Frascati The only attempt he made to publish his claim was the striking of a medal with the unforgettable words, " Henry the 9th, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, D.F. By the grace of God , " but not by the will of the people At his death in 1807, as the last descendant of James II, the rights of proximity of blood, as he stated in his will, passed tothe House of Sardinia, nowrepresented byRupprecht,Crown Prince of Bavaria, two of whose daughters are at the Sacred Heart Convent , Roehampton.

The end of the eighteenth century saw the position of Catholics in a very reduced state Many of the old families who had suffered such bondage fell awaythe Lords Gage, Fauconberg, Teynham, Montague , Nugent, Kingsland, Dunsany, their graces of Norfolk and


Gordon the former died in 1815 , whenthe title returned to a Catholic successor Many baronets andpriestswere lost to us Yet, as wehave seen , it was the old loyalist Catholic families who had kept the Faith alive since the change in the sixteenth century, and the remnant with their retainers , in all amounting to perhaps 60,000one per cent of the populationmade possible the " Second Spring, " when French émigrés, Oxford convertsand the migration from Ireland gave us the verysubstantialCatholicbody we have to-day. I will end by appealing to the last, the Irish members, to be grateful to their English predecessors I fear the modern spirit in Ireland since the flitting of the wild geese has not been appreciativeof what a debt of gratitude they owe to the old English Catholic families, and not always inclined to preserve the treasures they have found in old missions



1729. Autograph letter in French from Clementina, granddaughter of John Sobieski, King of Poland and wife of James III (Bologna, 16th Feb. 1729), to Pope Benedict XIII, thanking him for his blessing and a pair of beads .

1767. Letter from Cardinal York regarding Clementina Walkinshaw , and of his taking his brother, the de jure King Charles III, as a private noblemanto see the Pope " after a good deal of Battleing " Frascati, May 12 , 1767 .


Immitation of Christ, 1649. Lord Widdrington's name. He was slain at Wigan, 1651

Life of St. Ignatius printed by his Majesty's (James II) commands , 1686

A Relation of the death of the most illustrious Lord Sigur Troilo Sauelli, a Baron of Rome, who was beheaded in the Castle ofSanAngelo 1592 . Translated by Sir Tobie Matthew, St. Omers , 1620. Used by the 3rd Earl of Derwentwater in prison at the Tower beforehis execution 1715/16 .

MissaleParvum 1626, used by English Jesuits. The only English words are in the marriage service from the Sarum Missal The bride promises to be " debonaire and buxome"

Benedicti Angli de Canfeld in Essexia Ordinis Capucinorum. Coloniae , 1610. (He also wrote on Touching for the King's Evil) William Wiseman was a son of John Wiseman of Great Canfield ; enteredthe Franciscan Order under the name of Benedict His family were probably remote ancestors of Cardinal Wiseman

Eikon Basilike of His Sacred Majesty King Charles II, with his Reasons for turning Roman Catholic Published by King James 1694 . Manual. Sacra Institutio Baptizandi, Matrimonium Celebrandi juxta usum insignis Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis Douay, L. Kelham, 1604 (Three copies known in England, none in America )


James II, James III, Charles III, Henry IX.


The Young Prince (James III) as an infant Hercules, in a cradle strangling two serpents (Protestants).


Birth of Prince JamesAnti-Jacobite Truth, her head radiate, tramples upon a serpent, and opens the door of a cabinet Within the cabinet appears a Jesuit (Father Petre) standing on a ladder and supporting through the topa cushion, on which is seated theyoung Prince holding in one hand a pyx, and with the other placing a crown on his head . Reverse , the Trojan Horse, in the distance the city of Troy burning Two of Henry IX. 1 , the finer, struckon the death of his father, 1766; 2, on the deathofhisbrother, " BishopofTusculum,DukeofYork. " Changed to" Henry IX, Kingof Great Britain, Franceand Ireland, F.D. 1788."

A signed Portrait of Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria ,

The paper was ordered to be printed in the Society's Annual Report and Major Skeet was cordially thanked on the proposal of the CHAIRMAN , supported by the Rev. WILFRID KELLY, who said there was a wealthof unpublished informationon the subject with which the lecturer had dealt that was of surpassing interest to membersoftheCatholic Church whichhe hopedit wouldbe possible some day to publish

The Rev. Sir JOHN O'CONNELL expressed the Society's appreciation of the invaluable services rendered by Viscount FitzAlan , and moved a vote of thanks for his occupancy of the Chairthat day. This was seconded by Mr. BERNARD H. NEWDIGATE and carried by acclamation

A vote of thanks to the Society of Antiquaries for the use of their rooms , moved by Mr. R. C. WILTON , brought theproceedings to a close


FFoundersonJune 10 , 1904. HHonorary Members LLifeMembers

L Adamson , Rev. Philip J., SS . Catherine and Martina's Presbytery, Birkenhead Road, Hoylake, Wirral, Cheshire

Anderton, Henry Ince R.I.P.

Anne, Miss, Burghwallis Hall, Doncaster, Yorks

Armstrong, C. A. John, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., Hertford College, Oxford

Ashburnham, Lady Catherine , AshburnhamPlace, Battle, Sussex .

Baker, Thomas, 85, Charlotte Street, W.I

Bamber , Rev. Joseph Edward, St. Joseph's Presbytery, Skeffington Road, Preston, Lancs

Barrett, Rev. Thomas James, St. John's Diocesan Seminary, Wonersh, Guildford, Surrey

Bartlett, Anthony, c/o The Art and Book Company , 28 , Ashley Place, Westminster , S.W.1.

Baterden, James Rae R.I.P.

Bedingfeld, Sir Henry Paston, Bt , J.P., Oxburgh Hall, King's Lynn, Norfolk

Bedingfeld, Mrs. Raoul , Villa Borghese, Higher Lincombe Road , Torquay. Bellew, George R., Somerset Herald, College ofArms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Berkeley, Robert V., J.P., F.S.A., SpetchleyPark, Worcester Birmingham, Archbishopof, Most Rev. Thomas L. Williams, Archbishop'sHouse, 6 Norfolk Road, Edgbaston , Birmingham. Blundell, Mrs. Francis N., Crosby Hall, Blundell-sands, Liverpool Bowler, Dom Hugh, O.S.B., Our Lady and St. Wilfrid's Presbytery, Waterloo Road, Blyth, Northumberland

Boyan, Mrs. P. A., St. Andrew's, Yelverton, Devon.

Bradley, Rev. James, St. Marie's Presbytery, Norfolk Row , Sheffield Brentwood, Bishop of, Right Rev. Arthur Doubleday, Bishop's House, Brentwood, Essex

Burton, Rev. Harold, Walnut Tree House, Station Road, Hamptonon-Thames , Middlesex

L Callaway, Rev. Thomas, St. Mary's Presbytery, Chipping, Freston , Lancs

F , HCamm, Dom R. Bede, O.S.B., M.A., F.S.A., Downside Abbey Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath.

Canning, Joseph Herbert, K.S.G., O.B.E., Crindau, Newport, Mon. Cardiff,Archbishopof,MostRev.FrancisMostyn, K.M.,Archbishop's House, 24 Newport Road, Cardiff

Cardwell , Dr. Mary, Copster House, Hollins Road, Oldham , Lancs

Carter, Very Rev. Canon T. Walmsley, St. Joseph's, Sheringham , Norfolk

Cartmell, Rev. Joseph, D.D., Ph.D., M.A., St. Joseph's College, Upholland, near Wigan, Lancs


Carus, AlexanderHubert, les Marais , Billinge End, Blackburn, Lancs

Catterall, Very Rev. Canon John H. R.I.P.

Chadwick,Very Rev.Canon Alfred, St.Mary's,Alnwick,Northumberland

Chambers, F. W., K.S.G. , M.A., 20 Holmes Road, Twickenham , Middlesex

Charlton, George Victor Bellasis, Woodford Lodge, Thrapston, Northants.

Chichester-Constable, Colonel Raleigh , J.P. , Burton Constable, Hull.

L Christall, Rev. Robert, 24 Heathcote Road, Epsom, Surrey.

Ciceri, Leo J. , I St Mark's Crescent, Newport, Mon.

Clifton, Bishop of, Right Rev. William Lee, M.B.E., St. Ambrose , Leigh Woods, Bristol

L Connolly, Very Rev. Canon James C. , St. Joseph's Presbytery, 48, Bugle Street, Southampton.

Cox, Rt. Rev. Abbot George Bede, O.S.B. R.I.P.

Cuming, Miss Agnes, 11 WellesleyAvenue, Hull

Dalton, Mr. Justice Llewelyn C., c/o A. W. Innes , Esq , Richmond Lodge, Lewes, Sussex

Daniell, Very Rev. Canon Edward M., 70, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.2 .

Dearlove, Wing Commander Cuthbert J. S., R.A.F., Royal Air Force Station, Bicester, Oxon

deChambrun, La Comtesse Clara Longworth, 58 , Rue de Vaugirard, Paris, 6, France.

Deeley, Perceval, c/o Messrs Sands & Co. , 15 King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2

de Geijer, Capt William, 74, Warwick Square, S.W.I de Hoghton, Cuthbert, Hoghton Tower, Preston, Lancs.

Delany, Very Rev. Bernard, O.P., B . Litt , Provincial, St. Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill, N.W.5 de Zulueta, Miss Agnes, 5 Douro Place, Kensington, W.8

Dibdin, George E., J.P., Brockweir, Allt-yr-yn Avenue, Newport, Mon.

Dixey, John H., K.H.S., F.R.G.S. , 31 , Welbeck Street, W.I

Doran, Rev. John, St. Joseph's Presbytery, Milton Road, Copnor, Portsmouth, Hants

Duchemin , Rt Rev. Mgr Charles, Collegio Beda, 67 via S. Niccoloda Tolentino, Rome, 5.

Eccles, Miss Alice, 49 Preston Road, Newtown, Longridge , nr Preston , Lancs

Edmondstoune -Cranstoun, C. J., J.P., Corehouse, Lanark, Scotland

Ellison, Alfred Joseph, M.A., LL.M., 18 Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.2

Elwes, Very Rev. Mgr Aubrey Valentine D., Archbishop's House , Ambrosden Avenue, Westminster , S.W.I F Engelbach, George Frederick, 152 Cambridge St., Westminster , S.W.1

Evetts, Miss Margaret C. Bickersteth, 7 King's Mansions, Lawrence Street, Chelsea, S.W.3

Eyre, Stanislas Thomas, J.P., 13 Chesham Street, S.W.I

Eyre-Huddleston, Commander Reginald Francis, R.N. (retd ), K.S.G., Sawston Hall, Cambridge

Eyston, Mrs. E., New House, Kingston Bagpuize, Berks


FitzAlan, Colonel the Rt Hon the Viscount, K.G., G.C.V.O. , D.S.O. , Cumberland Lodge, Windsor.

Fitzalan-Howard, Hon Miles, Carlton Towers, Snaith, Yorks.

Fitzherbert, Cuthbert, Gainford, co Durham.

Fitzherbert-Brockholes , Major John, M.C., Claughton-on-Brock , Garstang R.S.O. , Lancs

Fletcher, J. Kyrle, 79 High Street, Newport, Mon.

Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John R., 8, Hazlewell Road, Putney, S.W.15

Flynn, Rev. Thomas E., Ph.D., M.A., St. Mary's, Chorley, Lancs

Fogarty, Philip Christopher , I.C.S., The Secretariat , Rangoon, Burma

Ford, Rev. George, D.D., " Vescourt , " Hartley, Plymouth.

Fraser, J. Alban, Mirasol Cottage, Shirehampton , Bristol L Freeland, Rt Rev. Mgr Provost John, V.G. , Thornton College, Stony Stratford, Bucks.

Furley, John T., Bole Cottage, Bucklebury Common , Berks.

Gainsborough , Mary Dowager Countess of R.I.P.

Gainsford , William, Somersby House, Spilsby, Lincs

Gaisford -St. Lawrence , Thomas J., M.C., M.A., Howth Castle , co.


Gardner, Rev. John, The Rectory, Formby, Liverpool.

Geijer, Eric N., M.C., B.A., F.S.A., Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Gibbons, Francis James Joseph, K.C.S.G., The Hall, Penn, near Wolverhampton

Gibson, W. H. P., J.P., 49 North Side, Clapham, S.W.4

Gilbey, Rev. Alfred N., Fisher House, Guildhall Street, Cambridge .

Gilbey, Henry Newman , 33, Carlyle Square, Chelsea, S.W.3

Gilbey, Capt John, Mark Hall, Harlow, Essex.

Gilbey, William Gordon , Harrowden Hall, Wellingborough, Northants.

Giles, Mrs. Francis T., 15A, BlakesleyAvenue, Ealing, W.5

HGillow , Mrs. Joseph, Fyldeholme , Broad Lane, Hale, Cheshire

Glencross, Reginald M., M.A., LL.B. , F.S.G., F.R.S.A.I., 176 Worple Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20

Green-Armytage, Robert N., 5 Queen's Parade, Bath

Guilday, Right Rev. Mgr , Ph.D., LL.D. , J.U.D., 1234 Monroe Street, N.E., Brookland, D.C., U.S.A.

Gwynn, Denis Rolleston, D . Litt , F.R.Hist.S., 3, Queen's Terrace , Windsor, Berks.

F Hall, Right Rev. Mgr Canon Francis John, V.F. R.I.P.

FHansom , A. J. R., 110 Palace Gardens Terrace , Kensington, W.8

Henson, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Canon Edwin, Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid, Spain

Hierapolis, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Alban Goodier, S.J., St. Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth, Devon

L Hope, CaptainGeoffrey A. E. , HaisthorpeHall, Driffield, East Riding Yorks

L Hornyold-Strickland, Henry, J.P., F.S.A. , Sizergh Lodge, Kendal , Westmorland.

Hull, Hubert, 4 Paper Buildings, Temple , E.C.4

Hutton, Edward, 114 Clifton Hill, St. John's Wood, N.W.8

Johnson , Basil Henry, 3 Artillery Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I

Johnson, Rev. Humphrey John T. , The Oratory, Hagley Road , Edgbaston , Birmingham

Jones, Sir Evan Davies , Bt , D.L., LL.D. , J.P. , Pentower , Fishguard, Pembrokeshire

L Kean, Very Rev.Charles George, C.J., St George's College, Weybridge, Surrey.

Kelly, Mrs. Teresa, " Scarcliffe, " Bridlington, E.R. Yorks

L Kenyon, Major Joseph Robert, M.C., Gillingham Hall, Beccles, Suffolk

F Keogh, C. George Neal, 70 Avonmore Road, West Kensington, W . 14

Kerr, Lady Cecil, 4, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh

Kerr, PhilipW., F.S.A., Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms , College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Lamb, Joseph Cuthbert, B.A., Scotby House, Scotby, near Carlisle.

La Mothe Houdancourt, La Duchesse de, 7 Rue Galilée, Paris 16

Lancaster, Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas W. Pearson, O.S.B., Bishop's House, Cannon Hill, Lancaster

Leadbitter, Major Nicholas G., Flint House, Holcombe , near Bath

Leeds, Bishop of, Right Rev. Henry J. Poskitt , D.D., J.C.L. , M.A., Bishop's House, Seminary Street, Leeds 2

L Lindsay, Leonard C. C., F.S.A., 15 Morpeth Mansions, Westminster, S.W.I

Liverpool, Archbishopof, Most Rev. Richard Downey, D.D., Archbishop's House, Woolton, Liverpool, S.

Lloyd, Thomas O., 7, Durham Place, S.W.3

Lupton, Very Rev. Canon Edward, The Presbytery, South Shore, Blackpool, Lancs.

McGuirk, Very Rev. Canon John, V.F., St. Agatha's, North William Street, Dublin, Ireland

Mackin, Right Rev. Mgr Provost Henry, B.A. R.I.P.

Macmillan, Rev. John, D.D., Ph.D., St. Joseph's College, Upholland, near Wigan, Lancs. L Macnamara , J. G., 33 Valentines Road, Ilford, Essex

McNulty, Rev. Joseph, 122 , Anfield Road, Liverpool, 4. Magee, Brian, B . Com, A.C.A. , 39, Park Avenue South, Crouch End, N.8

Maguire, Miss Clara Isabel, Hedley House, Queen's Parade, Harrogate, Yorks.

Mahoney, Very Rev. Canon E. J., D.D., St. Richard's Presbytery, Buntingford, Herts

Mathew, Rev. David, M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A. , F.R.Hist.S., I Woburn Square, W.C.I

Menevia, Bishop of, Right Rev. Michael McGrath, M.A., Bishop's House, Wrexham, Denbighshire

Middlesbrough , Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas Shine , Bishop's House, Middlesbrough

Milton , Rev. Anthony, The Catholic Presbytery, West Grinstead, Sussex

Moorat, Samuel, 25 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W.8

Moore, Rev. Bernard, St. Austin's, Stafford


Mott,Miss Agnes, 4 DingleRoad, Boscombe Overcliffe, Bournemouth, Hants

Mulgrew, Francis M., 36 Grosvenor Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs

Mumford, John Thwaites, 96, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I

Newdigate , Bernard H., Foxcombe Heath, Boars Hill, Oxford

Newdigate , Rev. Charles A., S.J., Campion House, 112 , Thornbury Road, Osterley, Middlesex

L Nicopsi, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Joseph Butt, DownsideAbbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath

Nixon, Rev. Raphael , C.P., St. Anne's Retreat, Sutton, St. Helens , Lancs

Noble, Sir John Henry Brunel, Bt., Ardkinglas, Inveraray, Argyll.

Norfolk, The Dowager Duchess of, Everingham Park, York

Norfolk, The Duke of, E.M., K.G., Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex

Northampton, Bishop of, Right Rev. Lawrence Youens, Bishop's House, Northampton

Nottingham, Bishop of, Right Rev. John F. McNulty, M.A., Bishop's House, The Park, Nottingham.

O'Connell, Rev. Sir John, LL.D., Artillery Mansions, 75, Victoria Street, Westminster , S.W.I

O'Connor, Rev. J. Arthur, M.C., H.C.F., St. Edward's, Thurloe Street, Rusholme, Manchester

O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis , O.B.E., C.F., St. Joseph's, Queen's Road, Aldershot, Hants.

L O'Mahony, Eoin, Dún Meadhon, Cork, Ireland

Opus, Bishop of, Right Rev. John Henry King, V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of Portsmouth, 29, Jewry Street, Winchester, Hants

O'Sullivan, Richard, K.C., Lamb Building, Temple , E.C.4

O'Toole, Rev. Patrick, York Villa, Beer S.O., Devon

Pantin, William Abel, M.A., F.S.A. , 72 Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.3

Parisotti, Rev. Albert, O.B.E., C.F., c/o Headquarters , B.T.E., Cairo , Egypt

Parker, Colonel John W. R., C.B., J.P. , F.S.A. R.I.P.

Petit, Rev. John E., M.A., St. Edmund's House , Mount Pleasant, Cambridge .

Petre, Henry, D.S.O., M.C. , 8 Carlos Place, GrosvenorSquare, W.1

Plymouth, Bishop of, Right Rev. John Barrett, Bishop's House , Cecil Street, Plymouth

Portsmouth, Bishopof, RightRev. William Cotter, Bishop's House , Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth

Quinn, Mrs. Augustine, The Beeches, Sea View Road, Wallasey, Cheshire

Radcliffe, Charles A. F. R.I.P.

Radcliffe, Roger C. J., Scale House, Settle, Yorks.

Reynolds , James R., Leighton Hall, Carnforth, Lancashire .

F , LRiddell, Cuthbert David Giffard, J.P. R.I.P.

Riddell, Edward Charles, J.P., Hermeston Hall, Oldcotes ,Worksop, Notts

Riddell-Blount, Major Edward Francis, J.P., Cheeseburn Grange, Newcastle-on-Tyne

Ridge, C. H. (Messrs Phillimore & Co., Ltd.), 120 Chancery Lane, W.C.2

Roberts, Miss Margery Woffindin, 7, Hazlewood Court, Palmer's Green , N . 13

Robertson , Charles, K.S.G., Begbroke Place, Oxford. Robo, Rev. Etienne, Catholic Presbytery, Tilford Road , Farnham, Surrey.

Roch, Hon Mrs. Walter, LlanarthCourt, Raglan, Mon. Roskell, Robert N., I, Gray's Inn Square, W.C.I

Salford, Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas Henshaw, Bishop's House , Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester

Scanlan, Very Rev. Mgr James, D.C.L., B.L., St. Vincent's House , 49, Queen Street, Hammersmith, W.6

Scantlebury, Rev. Robert Elliott, St. James's Presbytery, Abbey Ruins, Abbot's Walk, Reading, Berks

Schomberg, Lieut.-Colonel Reginald C. F.,D.S.O., Ross, Herefordshire .

Scrope, Richard C., Brook's Club, St. James's Street, S.W.I

Sharrock, Very Rev. Canon Thomas, St. John's Cathedral , Chapel Street, Salford, Lancs.

Shaw, James F., J.P., Bourton Hall, Rugby, co Warwick

L Sheldrake , Harry James, White Barn, Kelvedon S.O., Essex

L Sheldrake , Willie, White Barn, Kelvedon S.O. , Essex.

Shrewsbury , Bishop of, Right Rev. AmbroseMoriarty, The Council House, Shrewsbury . Skeet, Major Francis J. A., J.P., F.S.A. , Syon House , Angmering, Littlehampton, Sussex

F Smith, John Peter, J.P., Arndene , Barrow-in-Furness, Lancs Smith , Miss M. A., The Grove, Barnard Castle, co Durham Smith, William Abbey, J.P. , Rosebery Villa, Hutton Avenue, West Hartlepool, co Durham

Southwark, Archbishop Bishop of, Most Rev. Peter E. Amigo, Bishop's House, St. George's Road, Southwark, S.E.1 Stafford, Admiral Lord, K.C.B., SwynnertonPark, Stone, Staffs

L Stearns, Foster, K.M., "Gemini, " Hancock, NewHampshire, U.S.A. Stewart, Walter Arnold, c/o Messrs Sands & Co., 15, King Street, Covent Garden , W.C.2

Sumner, Francis G., J.P., Dene House , Kineton, Warwickshire. Sumner, Rev. Francis J., Hampton-on-the-Hill, Warwick. F Sutcliffe, Very Rev. Canon William Ormond, M.A., 23 , Magdalen Road , St. Leonards -on-Sea , Sussex

Tacchi-Venturi, Rev. Pietro, S.J., Piazza del Gesu 45, Rome 117 , Italy. Tempest, Miss, Taitlands, Settle, Yorks

L Toke, Leslie A. St. L., Bucksford , GreatChart, Ashford, Kent

Trappes -Lomax, Lt.-Col Thomas Byrnand, The Guards' Club, Brook Street, W.I

Turnbull, Francis Harold, K.C.S.G., O.B.E., J.P., Raisdale, Penarth, Glamorganshire

Turville-Petre , Colonel Oswald, J.P. , B.A., BosworthHall, Rugby.

Undreiner, Rev. George J., Ph.D., Pontifical College Josephinum , Worthington, Ohio, U.S.A.


L Vaughan, Colonel Charles Jerome, O.B.E., D.L., J.P. , Courtfield , Ross, Herefordshire

Vaughan, Paymaster -Commander Herbert R. H., R.N., H.M.S. Glasgow , " c/o General Post Office, London.

Waring, Rev. Cuthbert L., M.A., St. Mary's Presbytery, Birchley, Billinge, Wigan, Lancs

Warrington, Mrs. J. Francis, 11 , Sandrock Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Weale, J. Cyril M., 60 BromfeldeRoad, Clapham, S.W.4

Wedgwood , Mrs. Rowland Henry, Mill Lane House, Slindon, Sussex.

Weld, Francis Joseph, 32 Weld Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs

Westminster, CardinalArchbishopof, His Eminence Arthur Hinsley, D.D., B.A., Archbishop's House, Ambrosden Avenue , Westminster, S.W.1

White, Thomas, 17 Brynhyfryd Road, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon.

L Whitfield , Rev. Joseph L., M.A., D.S.O., CatholicRectory, Southendon-Sea, Essex .

Wilcox, George, 58 Breedon Hill Road, Derby

FWilliamson, George Charles, Litt.D., J.P., Mount Manor House , Mount Street, Guildford, Surrey.

Willson, Very Rev. E. Hilary, O.S.B., The Priory, Easingwold, Yorkshire.

L Wilson, Very Rev. Canon Michael J., 35 , London Road, Chelmsford , Essex

Wilton, R. Cecil, B.A., Stourhead Lodge, Woburn Sands, Bletchley, Bucks.

Woods, Raymond E. M., 41, Lilford Road, S.E.5.

F , L Woollan, Joseph Henry. R.I.P.

Young, Smelter Joseph, Richmond Park, near Sheffield.



Aberdeen, The University Library

Aberystwyth, The National Library of Wales

Barrow-in-Furness , The Public Library

Birmingham , The Catholic Truth Society (Diocesan Branch) Library

The Public Library

Blackburn, The Public Library

Bolton, The Public Library

Brighton, The Public Library

Bristol, The Central Library

Cambridge, PeterhouseCollege Library

The University Library

Cardiff, The Public Library

Derby, The Public Library

Dublin, The National Library of Ireland

Trinity College Library

Durham, The University Library

Edinburgh, The Public Library

The Signet Library

Glasgow, The Corporation Public Library

The University Library


Hull, The Public Library

Lancaster, The Public Library

Leeds, The Public Library

Liverpool, The Public Library

The University Library

London, The Society of Antiquaries

The British Museum Library

The Catholic Central Library

The College of Arms

Constitutional Club Library

Fulham Public Library

The Society of Genealogists

The Guildhall Library

Hendon Central Public Library

The Institute of Historical Research

Kensington Central Library

The London Library

The Public Record Office

The Royal Historical Society

London University Library

Westminster Public Library

Wimbledon Public Library

Manchester , The Victoria University

The Public Library

The John Rylands Library

Middlesbrough, The Public Library

Newcastle-on-Tyne, The Public Library

Oxford, The Bodleian Library

Portsmouth , The Central Public Library

Preston, The Free Public Library

The Lancashire County Library

Reading, The Public Library

Sheffield, The Public Library

The UniversityLibrary

Southampton, The Central Public Library

Stockport, The Public Library

Wallasey, The Earleston Central Library

Wigan, The Free Public Library

York, The Public Library


AUSTRALIA .New South Wales Public Library, Sydney Public Library of Victoria, Melbourne

CANADA .Canadian Parliament Library, Ottawa

DENMARK .The Royal Library, Copenhagen

FRANCE .Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris

Strasbourg National and University Library, Bas-Rhin

GERMANY .Bavarian State Library, Munich

Göttingen University Library, Hanover

Prussian State Library, Berlin

H ITALY .Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome

UNITED STATES .New York State Library, Albany, N.Y.

The Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md

California University Library, Berkeley, Cal Boston Public Library, Mass

New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston , Mass

Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass.

Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill

University of Chicago Libraries, Ill

Cleveland Public Library, Ohio


UNITED STATES .WisconsinState Historical Society, Madison, Wis

Michigan University, Mich.

Minnesota University Library, Minneapolis, Minn

New York Historical Society, New York City, N.Y.

New York Public Library, New York City, N.Y.

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind

Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.

Pennsylvania University Library, Philadelphia, Pa

Princeton Theological Seminary Library, N.J.

Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, Cal.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Yale University Library, New Haven , Conn




Birmingham .St. Mary's College, Oscott

Cambridge. St. Edmund's House Library, Mount Pleasant

Glasgow .St. Peter's College, New Kilpatrick

Maynooth.St Patrick's College, co. Kildare , Ireland

Shrewsbury Diocesan Archives

Strawberry Hill, Twickenham .St Mary's College

Upholland, nr Wigan, LancsSt Joseph's College

Ushaw, co Durham .St Cuthbert's College Library The Students' Library, St. Cuthbert's College

Ware, Herts .St Edmund's College

Wonersh, nr Guildford, Surrey.St John's Seminary


Italy . Collegio Beda, Rome

Ven Collegio Inglese, Rome

Spain . Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid




Augustinians (C.R.L.) .St. Mary's Priory, Bodmin , Cornwall

St. Peter-in-Chains Priory, Hornsey, London, N.8

Augustinian Nuns .Prioryof Our Ladyof Good Counsel , Hayward's Heath , Sussex

St. Augustine's Priory, Abbotsleigh, Newton Abbot , Devon F

Benedictines (O.S.B.).Ampleforth Abbey Library, Malton, Yorks. Belmont Abbey, Hereford

Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh, Devon

Douai Abbey Library, Woolhampton, nr. Reading

Downside Abbey Library, Stratton-on-the-Fosse , nr Bath

Ealing Priory, London, W.5

Fort Augustus Abbey, Inverness

Prinknash Abbey, Gloucester

Quarr Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight

St. Mary's Priory, Worth, nr Crawley, Sussex

Benedictine Nuns.-St. Mary's Abbey, East Bergholt, nr Colchester , Suffolk

St. Benedict's Abbey, Colwich , nr. Stafford

St. Mary's Abbey, Oulton, Stone, Staffs

St.Mary's Abbey, Stanbrook, Worcester

St. Scholastica'sAbbey, Teignmouth, Devon

Bridgettine Nuns (O.SS.S.) .-Syon Abbey, South Brent, Devon CarmeliteNuns (O.C.D .).--LanherneConvent,St.Mawgan,Newquay,Cornwall Carthusians (O. Carth .) .-

Charterhouse of St. Hugh, Parkminster, Partridge Green, Horsham, Sussex Cistercians (O.C.R) .Mount St. Bernard's Abbey, nr Coalville, Leicestershire

Dominicans (O.P . ) .St. Thomas's Priory, Hawkesyard, Rugeley, Staffs

St. Albert the Great's Priory, Edinburgh

St. Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill, London , N.W.5

St. Dominic's Priory, Red Barns, Newcastle-on-Tyne

Blackfriars, Priory of Holy Ghost , Oxford Dominican Sisters .St. Rose's Convent, Stroud, Glos Franciscans (O.F.M . ) .The Friary, Forest Gate, London, E.7

The Friary, Fox Street, Liverpool (O.S.F.C .) .Greyfriars, Grosseteste House, Oxford Franciscan College, Over Wyresdale, Bay Horse , Lancaster

Franciscan Nuns (O.S.F . ) .-

Convent of Our Lady of Dolours, Taunton , Somerset

Institute of Charity (I.C.) .Ratcliffe College, nr Leicester Jesuits (S.J . ).Beaumont College, Old Windsor , Berks

Very Rev. the Father Provincial, 35 Lower Leeson Street , Dublin

Heythrop College, Chipping Norton , Oxon

St. Francis Xavier's , Salisbury Street, Liverpool

Manresa House, Roehampten, London, S.W.15 " The Month, " 31 , Farm Street, Berkeley Square, London , W.I

Mount St. Mary's College, Spinkhill , nr. Sheffield Campion Hall, Oxford

St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Flint

St. Ignatius, Preston

St. Mary's, Lowe House, St. Helens, Lancs

Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Lancs. Wimbledon College, London, S.W.19

Notre Dame Nuns.--Ashdown Park Convent, Coleman's Hatch, East Grinstead, Sussex

Dowanhill Convent, Glasgow, 2

Oblates of St. Charles (O.S.C . ) .St Mary of the Angels, Bayswater, London, W.2

Oratorians .The Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham

The Oratory Library, Brompton Road, South Kensington, London, S.W.7

Redemptorists (C.SS.R .) .St Mary's, Clapham, London, S.W.4

Sacred Heart NunsRoehampton Convent, London, S.W.15

Sepulchrine Nuns (C.R.S.S.) . New Hall, Chelmsford, Essex

Servites (O.S.M . ) .St. Mary's Priory, Fulham Road, South Kensington , London, S.W.10

Ursuline Nuns.-St. Margaret's Convent, Edinburgh

Visitation Nuns .VisitationConvent, Harrow, Middlesex

(b) ABROAD .


Augustinian Nuns (C.R.L . ) .Le Couvent Anglais, Bruges

Jesuits (S.J.) . Société des Bollandistes, Brussels

United States

Jesuits (S.J . ) .The Loyola University, Chicago, Ill

Boston College, Mass.

College of the Holy Cross , Worcester , Mass

St. Louis University Library, Mo.

Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.




Anderton, Mrs Casilda Ince, 19 Jan., æt. 81

FWainewright, John Bannerman , 29 March, æt 57

Gasquet, His Eminence Cardinal Aidan, O.S.B. (3rd President), 5 April, æt 83

Lacy, Rt Rev. Richard, 1st BishopofMiddlesbrough , 11 April, æt 83

Broadhead , Rt Rev.MonsignorJoseph, 23 June, æt. 68.

Langtree, Very Rev. Richard Canon, 30 Aug., æt 74 .

F Wood , Herbert Maxwell, M.A., F.S.A. , F.S.G., 3 Oct., æt. 61.

Watson, Rt Rev. Mgr Edward John, M.A., 23 Nov., æt. 81


Harding, George, 23 Jan., æt 69

FCodrington, the Hon. (Mrs) Mary, 19 Feb., æt. 74 .

Burke, Sir Henry Farnham, K.C.V.O. , C.B., Garter Principal King of Arms, 21 Aug., æt 71

Turnbull, PhilipBernard, 20 Oct., æt. 51. Farrell, Thomas Frederic, 17 Nov., æt 81


Nolan, Rt Rev. Mgr Canon Edmond, 9 Jan. , æt 73 .

Burton, Rt Rev.GeorgeAmbrose , 5th BishopofClifton, 8 Feb., æt . 79 . Brownbill, John, 20 May, æt. 75.

Dunn, Rt Rev. Thomas, 5th Bishopof Nottingham, 21 Sept., æt 61

F Hansom , Joseph Stanislaus, Founder of the Society, 7 Nov., æt 86 Hewins, William A. S., 16 Nov., æt 66


Cary Elwes, Rt Rev. Dudley Charles, 5th Bishop of Northampton, I May, æt 64

Vassall-Phillips, Rev. Oliver R., C.SS.R., 8 May, æt 75

Hunnybun, William Martin, M.A., 22 May, æt 90

Lenders, Rev. Jules, 17 July, æt 72

Falkner, John Meade, 22 July, æt 74 .

Stafford, Francis E. Fitzherbert, 12th Lord, 18 Sept., æt. 73 .

Gaisford -St Lawrence , Julian C., J.P., 7 Nov., æt 70 . Sheldrake , James E., 7 Nov. , æt. 70. Reynolds , Col. Sir James P., Bart , D.S.O., M.P., 12 Dec., æt. 68 .


Hook, Rt Rev. Mgr Paul, Ph.D., 7 March, æt. 51

FHarting, Miss Johanna H., 11 March, æt 87

Trotman, John W., 27 April, æt 65. Quick, Joseph L., 12 May, æt 84

Clarkson , William, 10 Aug., æt. 64 .

Giles, Francis T., 13 Aug., æt 75

Wake, Philip Kenyon, K.S.G. , 23 Sept., æt . 80.

Treowen, Major-General the Lord, C.B., C.M.G., 18 Oct., æt. 82.

Piercey-Taylor-Smith, J.P. , Mrs. M. E., 19 Nov., æt 68. Hayward, Very Rev. Provost Francis M., 23 Nov., æt. 76.


Martin , Mrs T. E., 20 Jan., æt . 75 .

Petre, Sebastian Henry, 21 Feb. , æt 77 .

Carnegie, John , B.A., 7 March, æt 77 .

Baigent, Richard Coventry, F.R.Hist.S., 17 March, æt. 75.

F Knill, Alderman Sir John, Bt. , K.C.S.G., 26 March, æt . 77

Gray, Very Rev. Canon John, 16 June, æt. 68. Gorham , James John, M.A., M.D., J.P. , 23 June, æt 83 . Baker, Thomas, 22 Aug. , æt. 83

Brown, Right Rev. Mgr Canon William Henry, 27 Aug., æt 82

Cotton, Rev. John, D.D., 10 Sept., æt. 65 .

Urquhart, Francis Fortescue, 18 Sept., æt 66

Arundell of Wardour, Right Hon Anne Lucy Lady, 24 Oct., æt. 92

O'Mahony. , Daniel John, K.M., 1 Dec., æt . 74 .

Singleton, Right Rev. Hugh, 5th Bishop of Shrewsbury , 17 Dec. , æt.83 .


F Bourne, His Eminence Cardinal Francis , 4th Archbishop of Westminster , I Jan., æt 73 . Vaughan, Rt Rev. Francis, 2nd Bishop of Menevia, 13 March, æt 57 .

Shepherd, Very Rev. Canon Francis, 14 May, æt. 69. Dolan, Very Rev. Canon Oswald, V.F., 29 May, æt 74

Spurrier, Alfred Henry, M.D., C.M.G., O.B.E., 5 July, æt. 73 .

Milner, Rev. Henry F., 6 Aug., æt 70 .

Sands, William Henry Bethune, 30 Aug., æt 69

FLVaux of Harrowden, Hubert Lord, M.A., 25 Oct. , æt . 75 .

H Jerningham, Sir Henry S. , Bart , J.P., 20 Dec., æt 68


Quinn, Augustine, J.P., 4 Jan., æt. 87.

Cowgill, Right Rev. Joseph Robert, 4th Bishop of Leeds, 12 May, æt 76 .

Trappes -Lomax, Major Richard, J.P., 24 June, æt 66

Baines, Miss Rose, 26 July, æt 76

Thorman, Rt Rev. Joseph, 7th Bishopof Hexham and Newcastle , 7 Oct., æt 65

Blundell, Captain FrancisNicholas , J.P. , D.L. , 28 Oct., æt 56

Scrope, Stephen FrancisEustace, 14 Dec., æt 64 .


Bouvet, Very Rev. Emile, O.S.B., Prior of Quarr Abbey, 12 Jan., æt 64 . Bartlett, Joseph Henry, 14 Jan., æt. 76

Beaumont, Ethel Mary DowagerLady, 19 Jan., æt 72. Woodruff, Mrs. Emily Louisa Cumberland , 17 May, æt. 78

Catterall, Very Rev. Canon John H., 14 June, æt 65

FL Woollan, Joseph Henry, 12 July, æt 67 . F Hall, Right Rev. Mgr Canon Francis John, V.F., 6 Oct., æt. 76 .

Baterden, James Rae, 7 Oct., æt. 85.

FL Riddell, Cuthbert David Giffard, J.P., 16 Oct., æt. 69. Gainsborough , Mary Dowager Countess of, 17 Nov., æt 82

Radcliffe, Charles A. F. , 15 Dec., æt 76


Mackin, Rt. Rev. Mgr Provost Henry, B.A., 7 Feb., æt. 72 . Parker, Colonel John W. R., C.B., J.P. , F.S.A., 24 Feb., æt So. Anderton, Henry Philip John Ince, 7 March , æt. 57 . Cox, Rt. Rev. George Bede, O.S.B., Abbot of Glastonbury, 29 April, æt . 84 .

Requiescant in pace.


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