Records Volume 42: Hampshire Registers 1

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Publications of the Catholic Record Society


The Catholic Record Society was founded 10th June 1904, forprinting Registers and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

This Volume is 3ssued to the Dembers for 1942-43


(excluding the Channel Islands)

Showing the principal places in Hampshire and Berkshire mentioned in the Registers and Documents printed in this and in following volumes.

Drawn by Bernard Leahy.


Notes on Some Catholic Families in Winchester

THE WINCHESTER REGISTERS (continued from C.R.S. Vol. I) AND OTHER DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS RELATING TO WINCHESTER . Historical Introduction Continuationof the WinchesterRegisters Entriesrelatingto French Refugeesin Winchester , Romsey

and Gosport

John Milner's MS Account of Winchester

Account Sheet for Dr. Milner's Improvements Accounts for re-building St. Peter's, Winchester John Lingard's Wage Sheet Seat Rents

The Rev. Patrick Thomas Savage's (alias Grace) Will Copy of Bishop John Milner's Will

Rev. John Lee's Memorandum

of Obits to be kept by the Priest of Winchester

List of WinchesterCongregation circa 1803

Visitation Returns for Hampshire , 1725

List of Winchester Papists summoned to take the Oath in 1743-4-5

Certificates of Arms, Horses and Servants of Papists in

Winchester (1745)

List of Papists' Houses in Winchester searched in 1745

List of Persons who took the Oath in 1791 French Priests and Laity in Winchester , 1798

Letter of Henry 8th Lord Arundell concerning the death of the Rev. James Wheble, S.J.

Copy of a Letter from William Cobbett to


Letter from Bishop John Milner to Edward Jerningham , 1809

Copies of three Letters by Bishop John Milner

Copy of Bishop Milner's Answer to H. Waldo Sibthorp, 1811

Recusants in Minster Lovell, Oxon


The publication of the records of the Hampshire and Berkshire Missionsnowin the diocese of Portsmouthhas beenmade possible solely because His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese (The Right Rev. John Henry King) has not only kindly lent me all his MSS . containingthe fruits of over forty years' researches , but has also continuouslyassisted me in transcribingand editing the Registers and documents. The Historical Introductions are based mainly upon His Lordship's MSS. and are very largely his work.

The same priests will be found serving different Missions in the diocese and the stories of the various Missions interlock. To avoid repetition, full details of the priests have been givenin the Introduction to the first Mission in whichthey worked, and only references to these details are made in the stories of the later Missions .

I here acknowledge my indebtedness for the valuableassistance I have received from the Rt. Rev. Mgr. John B. Bagshawe, President of St. Edmund's College, Ware; the Very Rev. Mgr. H. Francis Davis, D.D., B.A., Vice-Rector of Oscott College; the Very Rev. Joseph W. Dunne, M.A. , President ofCotton College; the Rev. Nicholas J. Kelly, D.S.H. , and the Rev. L. F. Allan, B.A., ofSt. Edmund'sCollege; the Abbé Olivier Larue of Maisoncelles sur Ajon (Calvados); the Rev. DerekWarlock , Archivist of Westminster arch-diocese ; the Rev. Dom E. Hilary Willson, O.S.B., of Ampleforth Abbey; the Rev. H. Chadwick, S.J., of Stonyhurst, and Mr. F. S. Green, M.A. , F.L.A., CountyLibrarian, Newport, I. of W. I should like also to thank the priests of my own diocese for lending me their Registers and records from the archives and for assisting me in every way, and the priests and religious of other dioceses for patiently answering my inquiries. A well-deserved tribute is likewise due to the printers for their painstaking care in the printing of the thousands of baptismal and other entries, and especially to the Printers' Reader for so carefully readingthe "copy" and offering valuable suggestions and emendations

ST . WILFRID'S , VENTNOR , ISLE OF WIGHT . September, 1948 .



These notes , based upon Bishop King's MSS , are deemed necessaryforthe identification of various membersofthe families

CAVE . John Cave and his wife are among the convictedrecusants of 1663/4 and living in the Hundred of Mansborough These may be the ancestors ofthe Winchester family, but there is a tradition that thefamily's conversion to the Church was due tothe influence of a Genoese Court Musician, John Bartolomasi , a member ofthe Winchester congregation, who died 20 February 1739/40 (see text, p 158 , M.I. No. 61)

Richard Cave is godfather in 1733/4 (C.R.S., i, 153). He married Mary Meazy 20 February 1736/7 (ibid., p. 155). Their children were: (1) William (1737/8), (2) Richard (1739), and (3) Teresa (1740) William married as his first wife Ann Broadway 20 June 1759, the legal ceremony being performed in St. Maurice's Parish Church the following day. Only his mother was present, so possibly the father was dead. His children by Ann Broadway were: (1) William, (2) Thomas (1763), (3) Ann (1767), (4) Richard (1769), (5) John (1773), and (6) Mary (1777). M.I. No. 225 (see text, p 176) records the deathof a James on 30 December 1834, aged 62, who was therefore born about 1772 and was probably alsoason ofthis couple. William CaveseniormarriedsecondlyAnn Wheble on 11 August 1785, in St. Laurence's Parish Church He died 27 November 1813, and Ann Wheble died 22 March 1814, aged 90 (M.I. No. 192)

William Cave junior married Betty Mercer 31 July 1785. Ann, the third child, died in 1779. Mary, thesixthchild, marriedRobert Moody in 1804, and died24 March 1814 (M.I. No. 193). John, the fourth son, married Ann Vinn in 1798. He died in 1840 and his wife in 1858 (M.I. No. 228). Their son John marriedMary Penwarden, CaptainFarquharson's adopted daughter, in 1836, and the descendantsof these two are still alive One daughter of John Cave and Ann Vinn, Ann, married Thomas Vaughan in 1821.

William Cave senior was the artist who painted the altarpiece and the frescoes in Milner's new church of 1792, while his son James was responsible for many of the plates in Milner's History of Winchester The family kept a shop in the Piazza . SMITH .

Mrs. Bryan Stapleton (Oxfordshire Post-Reformation Catholic Missions) tells us thatthe Smith Family were originally domiciled at Newnham Murren on the other side of the Thames opposite Wallingford.

Matthew Barthelmew , alias Bartholomew Smith, of the diocese of Oxford, arrived at Douay 14 September 1598 (C.R.S. , x, 3). For unknownreasons he left in March 1599 , with William


The Dalton, alias Smith (ibid. , p 5). It would seem that they were cousins , if not brothers Bartholomewreturned to Douay in the July to try again, but without successhe left 15 April 1600 "ad alia potius quam ad studia aptus " (ibid., pp. 7, 18). In 1629 he purchased the Manorof Sherfield Englishfrom the junior line of the Tichbornes Then there appears " BartholomewSmith of the Soke , Winchester, " who has a brother William. Victoria County History of Hampshire (iv, 511), presumes that these are the sons of the purchaser of Sherfield English . After the Civil War Bartholomew (II) and his brother were in trouble over their estates (see text, p 2). In 1654 Bartholomew was High Sherifffor Hampshire . He added to the family possessions Kings Worthy, Wallop, Bereleigh and Ervill's Exton.

A Bartholomew Smith was buried in Winchester Cathedral 23 April 1670, and his wife, Margaret, 19 October 1655 (Hants Parish Registers) Is this BartholomewI, the Douay student? Bartholomew II, his son, had issue: (1) John, son and heir , a commoner of Oriel, who died there of smallpox 1 November 1660 (see Mrs. Bryan Stapleton ); (2) Margaret, who joined the Benedictines at Cambrai in 1652, aged 16, and diedthere 14 August 1680 (C.R.S., xiii, 48); (3) James, born in Winchester in 1645 , educated at Douay, D.D. 1680, President of Douay 1682-88 , V.A. Northern District 1688, died 13 May 1711. The Vict. Co. Hist. several times states that "James joined a religious order in 1685" and that all the father's property passed to his younger brother, (4) Bartholomew III, " who left three sons and four daughters ' From which we gather that BartholomewII died in 1685.

The fifth child of BartholomewII was Mary, who married 10 John Wybarne of Hawkswell , Kent ; 20 George Bolney. She was buried in Old Chelsea Church in 1716.

Bartholomew III, or " Bartholomew of Stoke Charity, " married Frances Short, who died 11 September 1729 (see text, p. 156 , M.I. No. 42) He had succeededto the estate by 1716 . The threesons mentioned above wereWilliam, James and Thomas, who all died of smallpox in 1723 :the eldest son, Bartholomew IV, was alreadydead (see text, p. 155, note). Their four daughters were Anastasia , Elizabeth, Frances and Isabella. Isabella became a nun at St.Monica's, Louvain, and later Prioress, dying therein 1754. Elizabeth (" Mrs. Betty, " C.R.S., i, 188) was alive in Winchester and unmarried in 1735. There is some reason to believe that she retiredto the cloister. Anastasia married William Sheldon and died in 1745. Frances becamethe wife of Alexander Wells of Brambridge and died in 1756 , the last of the Smiths of Winchester

John Smith, who died in 1728 (M.I. No. 40, p 156), is unplaced.


(Continued from Volume I, Catholic Record Society)





The first documentpublishedin this volume, after the Registers, Dr. John Milner's holograph Account of the Winchester Mission , writtenin 1803, gives us one of the earliest complete pictures ofwhat was the hub of Catholicity in Hampshire In this Account Milner describeswhat was in England at that time a novel mode of maintaining a priest, a house for a resident priest Time and place were favourableto the innovation Charles IIhadfledfrom the GreatPlague and taken refuge in Winchester He determined to settle there and commissioned Wrento build him a great Palace, the " King's House "* With the Kingcame his Court. The Queen had her college ofchaplains, and many of the courtiers were of the Old Religion They, too, either hired or built houses for themselves In face of such an invasion of Papistsincluding the Queen Consort and the Heir to the Throne— thelocalauthorities, even hadthey sowished, could scarcely be actively anti-Catholic . Hence the Penal Laws were to a great extent ignored.

It was at this juncture that God inspired a gentleman , Roger Corham , to give Winchester a resident priest instead of a private chaplain . Roger Corham's grandfather and namesakemarried a daughter of Sir George Paulet, brother to the first Marquis of Winchester She was the widow of Thomas Chandler This Rogerhadbeen in troublefor the Faithinhisyouth, havingbeenexpelled fromLincoln's Inn. His wife, Mabel, appeared in the Exchequer Recusant Rolls of 1592/3 as owing £300 for absence from Common Prayer. Their son William had his estates sequestered under James I. William had marriedJane , the daughterof Gilbert Wells of Brambridge, and it was their son , Roger, who became the Founder of the Mission of Winchester . Accordingto Henry Moody, Roger retired to the Continent till the Restoration and would have taken Holy Orders had he not

* Afterwards used to house prisoners of war and then the French Refugee Clergy . Henry Moody, Our County or Hampshire in the reign of Charles II, pp 126-134, Winchester, 1863


been disqualified through killing a man in a duel He determined , therefore, to devote his life to the cause of religion as a layman. * How Roger Corhamcame to be in possessionofthe"large house on the opposite side ofthe way" we do not know. It is nowthe Royal Hotel. In Elizabeth's reign it was " My LadyWest's House . " We next find the house the property of Roger Corham. Roger disposed ofit to BartholomewSmith of the Soke , Winchester . Milner describes the Smiths as an " ancient Catholic family. " This is true. Nevertheless , the head of the family compromised from material motives. Milner says that the PresbyterySt. Peter Housewas built in 1674 , but confesses that he does not know who the incumbent was before BonaventureCodrington Withthe help of an Old ChapterMS giving details of the priests in England in 1692 (printed in C.R.S., ix, 106), and the books in Winchester Presbytery Library, we are now able to narrow the search down to four priests : George Middleton, John Churcher, John Ward or AugustineTaylor was the priest in Winchester before 1720. The MS was drawn up by John Ward, then Secretary of the Chapter. Under the heading " Archdeaconry of Hampshire and Somersetshire we read: "

* The only information we have of his death is that given by the Rev. G. N. Godwin (Civil War in Hampshire, p. 211, Southampton, 1904; 1stedit, London, 1882), who says that the former ensign, Roger Corham , residing at Abbots Barton [Winchester], sonof one [?] Roger Corham, a papist atWinchester , died in 1683 and was buried in St. James's Cemetery. LadyMaryWest was thedaughter ofSir George Guildford ofHempsted Place, Kent, and widow of Sir Owen West, half-brother of the 9th Baron De la Warr. Sir Owen died in 1551. (Cf. MS. in Winchester CityArchives- Public LibraryPresentment dated 18 June 1585:" Imprimis wepresentJohn Winter, Margery Woodward, the Lady Mary West , Mary Taverner, Alice Snokeher servants, AurthurRudsbey,MistressMary Warneford, and,Richard Hamden gent, and also Mistress Brabon for that they and every one of them have not resorted to their parish church by the space of one monthlast past. "Communicated by Mr. T. Atkinson , of King Alfred College.) As early as 1579 information was lodged " that masses were said at Winchester at the house of my Ladye West " (Misses A. R. Bramston and A. C. Leroy, Historic Winchester , p 248, London, 1884) For other information about raids on, and priests frequenting, my Lady West's house, see " A Dominican Martyr in Hampshire, " by Miss Agnes Mott, in Blackfriars, October 1935 . My Lady West's House passed from Roger Corham to the Smiths and then to the Sheldons, and was afterwards bought by Bishop James Talbot , in 1780 , and was known as " Bishop's House . "

The Smiths came from Oxford ire In the Third Douay Diary we find a Bartholomew Smith of Oxfordsnire, who went to Douay in 1598 but leftin 1600 with a priest namedAnthonyTychenor, a Hampshireman, because he " seems more apt for other things than study. " By the middle of the century the Smiths were apparently very wealthy The Victoria County History of Hampshiregives several estates purchasedby Bartholomew Smith of the Soke,in all probabilitythe son ofthe ex-student In 1654 Bartholomew Smith was High Sheriff of Hampshire § In 1650 (9 August) Bartholomew Smith states that he has taken the Oath and frequents the Protestant Church In 1651 (12 February) he begs dischargeof estates sequestered for supposed recusancy; was bred up and always lived conformably to the Protestant religion; has taken Oath of abjuration . (2 July) Committee decides that as he has been returned as a Convicted Popish kecusant, his estates are to be sequestered (10 December) States that he has served the Commonwealth and voluntarily contributed a horseand arms (12 December ) He is to receiverents on security of three years' value (Calendar of Compounded Estates, iv, 2495) This is all very contusing: Bartholomew declares himself a Protestant while the Committee looks upon him as a Convicted Recusantand yet deals somewhateasily with him

"Mr. John Churcher of Valadolid, on the mission about 45 yrs and hath taken great pains, is now very aged and past labour being troubled with cancer in the breast, he resides at Sir Henry Tichbornes in Hampshire.

"Mr. John Ward [i.e. the writerhimself] of Valadolid, hath been onthe mission above 33 yrs, was chosen in the year 1683Archdeacon of the District, Successor to Mr. George Middleton * His former residence and employment was for many years in Hampshire but about the year 1687 he was sent to Oxford to assist the Dean of Christchurch. Now he resides in London . ...

"Mr. Augustine Tayler, a Roman, hath been in the mission I believe above 20 years, hath taken great pains both in the School atSilksteadand in the mission, now is much exhausted bysickness . He resides mostly at Winchester."

In the Library at St. Peter's , Winchester, are many old volumes belonging to the priests of the county, and others. Among them are fifteen books in which John Churcher has written his name and his doleful motto, Nemo ante obitum felix; Augustine Taylor has left twenty-nine; but neither Middleton or Ward is represented . There are also five books with the name of John Route, a native of Fareham , whowas the priest at Guildford in 1692. From all of which we deduce thatMr. GeorgeMiddleton'sclaimis very shadowy :he died,we presume, in 1683. Mr. John Ward's claim is possible, up to 1687, but not over strong Mr. John Churcher's is much stronger , but before 1692. Mr. Augustine Taylor's is certainfor 1692 andforan indefinite period before and after.

The Rev. George Middleton was at Valladolid. He was the son of George Middleton of Leighton, Lancs , and arrived at the college in 1632 and went on the Mission 15 April 1636 (C.R.S., xxx, 148). The Rev. John Churcher was also at Valladolid, but it is almostimpossible to identify him. No one of the name appears in the Register (C.R.S. , vol xxx). Six priestswere sent to Englandin 1647 (Churcher had been on the Missionforty-five years in 1692)-Thomas Catterall, George Smith, Laurence Pritchard, Richard Gatenbey, Walter Jones and NicholasWhitaker. Three others followed in March 1648John White, Charles Philips and John Feilding. If Churcher was an alias for one of these, John White appears to be the most likely candidate The Rev.JohnWard, alias Rogers,wentfirstto Granada for Philosophy and then to Valladolid in October 1656. He was ordained at Avila in 1658 and leftfor England 14 February 1660. He was elected to the Old Chapter in 1682. When Bishop Giffard was appointed Principal of Magdalen College, Oxford, John Ward became bursar, but did not stay long. He died in London 9 March 1723. The Rev. Augustine

* George Middleton was Rural Dean of the District under Thomas Woodward, Archdeaconof the District in 1661. Previously, ThomasBarker had been Archdeaconin 1657, and Edward Coffin had preceded him as Vicar General of the District in 1656. George Middleton became Archdeaconin January 1663; John Ward in 1683 and Robert Hills, alias Hyde, in 1733 Robert Hills had been elected to the Chapter in 1726 (Old Brotherhood Archives , Minute Books of Consults)

Canon Burton, quoting the Chapter Roll, says he " resides with Dr Mathewsin Petersfield , " gives the date of his death as 1702 , and , remarking that Kirk has 1723, asks " which is right ? " (Burton MS, Westm Archives , File VII, UZ). Cf. also C.R.S. , xxx, 167 .


Taylor, born in or about 1644 , was a native of Herefordshire He studiedat St. Omer , andwentfrom thereto the EnglishCollege, Rome , 16 October 1663, and received the tonsure and Minor Orders there in 1664 and 1665 (C.R.S., xl, 70) He was one of the first masters, if not the first, of the School at Silkstead. He had been on the Mission since 1670 and may possibly have gone to Silksteadfrom Winchester, as eventually he retired thence to Winchester in 1692 , where he died 14 June 1694 (Archives MSS , Westminster, vol xxxvi, 309) The next priest at Winchester was the Rev. Bonaventure Codrington . He is mentioned in the List of 1692: " Mr. Bonaventure Codrington of Doway, hath been in the mission about 14 years or upwardsmost of which time he hath spent in Hampshire Heis a very faithfullabourer, exceeding zealous and diligent, he mostly resides at Mr. Barlow at Compton near Winchester"* Biographical details of him should be in the missing Sixth DouayDiary. The Registers show thatthe Rev. Robert Berry was the priest at Winchester from 1721. It is to be presumed therefore that Bonaventure Codrington lived on in his old age with him . Milner says that Codringtondied circa 1720. We know from C.R.S., xii, 2, that he died 3 January 1727/8 The Rev. Robert Berry, a Hampshiremanof the diocese of Winchester, was the son of Henry Berry andElizabeth Townsend Hewent to the EnglishCollege, Rome , on 25 June 1705 , at the age of nineteen, and took the Oath on 21 December 1705; was dismissed on 7 October 1710 , tanquam turbulentus, and by a singularfavour was sent to the Seminaryat Montefiascone , where he received the first two Major Orders, and was ordained priest at Corneto on 21 March 1711 (C.R.S., xl, 136) Hewas elected to the Chapterin 1734. Between 1711 and 1721 we have no record at present of his activities. He was the first priest to keepa Register in Winchester His first entry is a marriage on 15 February

* There are five books with Codrington's name in St. Peter's Library, Winchester , and eight more bearing the names of the Barlow family.

Query: was he a brother or a nephewof the ThomasCodrington who was chaplain to James II in England and in exile till his death about 1691 ?

In E. E. Estcourt and J. O. Payne, Eng. Cath. Nonjurors of 1715 , p. 239, wefind a Robert Berry , ofGosport, parish of Alverstoke, gent , owning a freehold house, called the Ship on Wheels," at Forton in Alverstoke parish, of the annual value of £9 15s It is possible that this is the same Robert Berry and that thus one of Gosport's first priests was one of her own sons. In his MS Collection, " Priests in Penal Times, " File I, AB, under " Robert Berry, " in Westminster Archives, CanonBurton had written , and then cancelled , the following note: " Memorandum ? was the priest [Robert Berry] the writer of thisor another priest Berry: Robert Berry ofForton in the Parish of Alverstoke near Gosport in Hampshire, myfather died soon after I came hither and left me the heir by entailment of a house in Forton which is valued at about 50 pound a year, Two Hampshire gentlemen to wit M [unfinished]' . " Under Thomas Berry " Canon Burton has the following entry, but nothing else: " Father Pollen has a note in his copy of Foley, vi, 122 Lib Rub, p 89. LetterdismissingThomas Berry7 Oct. 1710. Dns Mayes, Clergy agent, intercedes with Card Caprera that for the honour of the Clergy Berry may be ordained at Semy of Monte Fiascone at the expense of the college Granted. '" Obviously this is Robert, and not Thomas , Berry Vide C.R.S. , xl, 136 .

1721 (C.R.S., i, 148) We do not know at what date he came to Winchester . Milner says 1720, possibly becausehe placed Bonaventure Codrington's death, erroneously, in 1720. Catholicity was already stirring in Winchesterin 1720, as witnesses the Archbishopof Canterbury's letter: " Being informed that Mass was said in the City and some priests were very busy and too successful in their perversions, I ordered my Registrarto acquaintthe clergyto be on their guardand to desire the Mayor to observe the frequenters of it and to tenderthe Oath to all suspected persons" (Burton, Life of Challoner, i, 185). In the years 1721-35 Robert Berry baptized 78 infants and married 34 couples His last entry was a marriage on 4 December 1735. He died on 3 March 1736 , as will be seen by the inscription on his tombstone, recorded later in this volume During his term of office he acted as godfather at a baptism performed by the Rev. William (Ambrose) Brown, O.S.B. , superior of the Benedictine Priory at Hyde House 1717-1741 .§ Dom Ambrose also baptized John Spencer, during the Rev. James Shaw's incumbency , on 18 May 1737.|| Dr. Milner tells us thatMr. Berry's " place was supplied pro temporeby the Rev. Mr. Hyde, of the Hyde End family of Brimpton " The only foundation for this statementseems to be one baptism on 20 June 1736 (C.R.S., i, 154), which also led Milner, no doubt, to the conclusion that hewas a Hyde of the well-known Berkshire family. Hyde was an alias for

* These Registers were transcribed in chronologicalorder (C.R.S., vol i) and not page by page; neither was the transcript made verbatim et literatim. In signing the Registers Robert Berry avoided using his surname All his entries begin " Ego Robertus, Parochus Wintoniensis, " a custom continued by his successors down to 1766. There are two of his books in St. Peter's Librarya Summa ofSt.Thomas, printed atCologne in 1622 ,andSt.Thomas's Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles , printed at Antwerp in 1591. Thefollowing date is also given in a set of Breviaries: " left me as a legacy by Peter Saltmarsh who dyed the 2nd day of Feb. 1724/5 Robt Berry "

One of his congregation, Gerard Woodberry, was admitted to St. Gregory's, Paris, in December 1729 " on the recommendation of Bishop Giffard and of Mr. Berry ofWinchester , bywhomhe was taught " He became a priest, took his doctorate in 1742 , went to Lisbon as professor, became Rector there 1755-1777 , and died in retirement there in 1783 (C.R.S. , xix, 129). Both Canon Burton and C.R.S. vol xix give 1735 , instead of 1736 , as the year of Robert Berry's death

C.R.S. , i, 154: the boy baptized was Francis Vin. § Dom Thomas (Alexius) Shephard was superior 1741-1745 ; he became Prior of St. Gregory's, Douay, 1745; was re-elected and died in office 1755 (Oliver , Collections , p. 47) Dom William Metcalfe was superior 1758-9 (Rev. B. W. Kelly, Dict of Cath Missions, p 437) Fr. Kelly erroneously presumes that the Benedictineswere in charge of the Mission till about 1777 . Daniel Defoe refers to this Benedictine Priory: " Towards the North is a Piece of an old Monastery undemolish'd [in Hyde Street, Winchester], and which is still preserv'd to the Religion, being the Residence of some private Roman Catholick Gentlemen , wherethey have an Oratory, and, as they say, live still accordingto the Rules of St. Benedict This Building is call'd Hidehouse; and as they live very usefully, and to the highest Degree obliging among their Neighbours, they meet with no Obstruction from any body (A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain . . . . By a Gentleman [i.e. Daniel Defoe], i, 251, 3rd edition, 12mo , 1742).

|| Cf. C.R.S. , i, 155. The names of the priests who baptized are not always given in the transcript in C.R.S. , vol i

In this baptism the father's name was given as ThomasWhebell; it should have been Edmund,


the Rev. Robert Hills, born in London 31 March (Old Style), 10 April (New S.), 1671, presumed to be the son ofthe celebrated printer Henry Hills, who became a Catholicin the reignofJames II He was admitted a demy of Magdalen College, Oxford, 11 January 1687/8, and expelled 24 October 1688 (C.R.S., viii, 369) He took the Oath of profession of faith at Douay 4 October 1689 and theMissionary Oath 17 April 1691. Gillow quotes the Rev. GerardSaltmarshas stating that Robert Hills was placed over a school of boys at Hammersmith, but there appears to be no foundation for the statement " He was afterwards appointed to the Mission at Winchester , where he died Jan. 15 1745 O.S. aged 73. He was a member of the Chapter to which he bequeathed £500" (Gillow, Dict of Eng. Cath., iii, 312). Details of his college career were probably in the missing Sixth Douay Diary. In the Seventh Douay Diary we find that Robert Hills was General Prefect at the College from October 1695 to 9 March 1699, when he came on the Mission (C.R.S. , xxviii, 14-17). In May 1720 he took James and Thomas Smith, the younger sons of Bartholomew and Frances Smith, to the College (C.R.S., xxviii , 79). It appears thathe and the Rev. Brian Kennett were commissioned by the London Vicar Apostolic to make a Visitation ofthe College during theirtwoorthree weeks' stay, for in August ofthe same year the Presidentnotes that he received letters from the Bishopstatingthat their report was excellent (C.R.S. , xxviii, 80). In 1751 there is a student at Douay, James Mills, on the Hills Foundation, nominatedby Robert Hills' sisters, Mrs.Mary Hills and Mrs. Catherine Hills, and bythe Rev. John Sheppard, one of his executors (C.R.S., xxviii, 272), which shows that he lefta legacy to Douay for this purpose Both Gillowand Milner appear to be wrong in appointing Robert Hills to the WinchesterMission In hisoneand only baptism he expressly states that he is " vicem supplens Parochi Wintoniensis . " He undoubtedly lived in the Presbytery, off and on , for some time, but in reality he was the financial administrator of the Winchesterfunds. In the " HampshireLedger" (to be published in the next volume, p [37] of the Ledger) the Rev. John Philip Betts acknowledges the receipt of certain capital sums from the executors of Robert Hills, which were held by him in trust for the incumbent ofWinchester, andfurthermore quotes the last paragraphfrom Robert Hills' Account Book relating to St. Peter's House, in which Robert Hills states that on 20 April 1745 he had settled accounts with Mr. Shaw , whom Betts himself describes as " the Incumbent." Milner's reference to Hills as " a ridingmissionary" is of interest in viewofthe legacyhe afterwardsleft for the support of a priest, or priests, to carry on this workin Hampshire. He died in St. Peter's House in January 1746. The Rev. James Shaw, alias Westbrook, succeeded the Rev. Robert Berry. He was a Londoner, the son of James Shaw and Ann Westbrook. Born on 9 April 1710 (NewStyle), he went to theEnglish College, Rome , on 16 May 1730. He took the Oath on 1 May 1731 , was ordained 21 March 1733, and leftfor England 26 July 1733 (C.R.S. , xl, 182 ; Foley, Records S.J. , vi, 479). Both the Shaws and the Westbrooks came of recusant stock, the former from the West Riding of Yorkshire, and the latterfrom Bordon, Hants (C.R.S., vi, 278, 314) FrancisShaw , of Newsham , in the parish of Kirby-on-the-Hill, Yorks, married Ann Westbrook of Bordon, Hants Their daughter, Mary, joined the Blue Nuns in Paris in 1701 and died there in 1731 , aged 50 (C.R.S., viii, 409, 432) James Shaw, the priest, was her nephew , therefore James Shaw , the father, was Mary's brother. His wife, also * In 1712 he was living in the parish of St. Mary-le-Savoy in Middlesex (C.R.S. , viii, 369)

an Ann Westbrook, was probably a sister or near relative of George Westbrooke , who married Lucy, heiress of the Darells of Scotney Castle, Kent. In 1736 the Rev. James Shaw was appointedto Winchester . His first baptism was on 1 November 1736. He was at Winchester for ten years and erected the first chapel for the Mission , as described by Dr. Milner For a while he was unmolested , but when " Bonnie Prince Charlie came over the border in '45 the inevitable reaction set in and Dr. Milner tells us how he had to seek out obscure places in which to say Mass * After Mr. Robert Hill's death James Shaw apparently took in some verydoubtful lodgers, and the " Hampshire Ledger , " from November 1747 until at leastJuly 1750, contains payments for legalcharges in connexion with their eviction. Theaffair caused him to tender his resignation to the Bishop His last entry isa baptism on 9 October 1745. He retired to do other work in London andtherehedied on 22 January 1760, aged 50 (C.R.S., xii, 10) During his stay he baptized Richard Fishwick, ordained later at Douay, who died at Worksop 17 June 1803 (C.R.S., i, 155; xii, 84), and Thomas Barr (C.R.S., i, 158), who became a Benedictineand was professed at Douay 11 September 1757 (and himself later administeredbaptism in Winchester ) and died at Coughton , Warwickshire, on 20 May 1823 (C.R.S. , xii, 156) In James Shaw's time Bishop Challoner visited Winchester in 1741 , probably the first visit ofa Catholic Bishop since Bishop White was laid to rest in 1560. Challoner was Coadjutor to Bishop Petre. He arrived in Winchester on 24 October and stayed three days. He found a congregation of 300 under " Shaw etc. , " with 250 Communicants , and confirmed 100 persons. Bishop Challoner's "Shaw etc." is rather vague. It may cover the presence of Robert Hillsin the Presbytery; it may also refer to the Benedictines mentioned above, to John Musson, S.J., and even to Richard Kendal, who may have beentemporarily helpingJames Shaw. During Shaw's incumbency Dom William (Ambrose) Brown once baptized, as already mentioned, and the Rev. John Adams baptized twice in March 1738 (C.R.S. , i, 156). Hewas the son of JohnAdams and MargaretGodwin, ofStaffordshire, born 24 September 1709. He studied Humanities with the English Dominican Fathers at Bornheim, in Brabant James Shaw must have known him at the English College, Rome, to which he was admitted on 21 December 1729. He took the Oath on 30 July 1730, was ordained 13 February 1735, and left for England 31 October 1735 He was a missioner at Binfield and Welkhurst in Windsor Forest; was sent to Douay in January 1749 , and remained until August 1750 , " to prepare himself for pastoral work" (!) ; died in London 13 October 1757 (C.R.S., xl, 182 ; xxviii, 257, 265 §; Foley, Records S.J., vi, 479) Richard Kendal baptized once in 1741 (no month given, but before August, cf. C.R.S., i, 158) This was Richard Kendaljunior, a younger

* In October 1745 the houses ofthe Papistsin Winchesterwere searched for arms. It was reported that Mr. Shaw had three womenservants and one man-servantofMr. Cavannah , no armsand one sorrell gelding Those residing at Mr. Shaw's were given as "Thomas Kavanagh Esq , François Jinmens, premierpeintre deS. Altesse Electorale de Cologne andClaudeLaval (flamands sujets de S.M.I. La Reine d'Hongrie, Bohême &c) and Jean La Rue , valet de chambre de Mr. Kavanagh. "

Two other payments, in November 1750 and March 1752 , are most probably for the same affair.

C.R.S., xii, 9, says " 12 Oct."

§ His name is omitted from the Index , C.R.S., vol xxviii

son of John Kendal junior, of Fulwood, nearPreston , born circa 1709.* He studied first at Dame Alice's school at Fernyhalgh and then at Douay, where he took the Oath on 29 December 1728, was ordained in December 1735, and remained on as professor and Prefectat Douay until 30 June 1738, when he left for England (C.R.S., xxviii, 118 , 146 , 205, 219; Gillow, Dict ofEng Cath , iv, 10) He is frequently said to have been the first HeadmasterofStandonLordship school, but Canon Burton, in a very interesting article in The Edmundian (December , 1919, pp 295-8), shows that that honour belonged to the Rev. James Postlethwaite. Richard Kendal was chaplain to LadyShrewsburyat ShrewsburyPlace, Isleworth, from 1746 (and probably from 1744) to 1758. Richard Kendal's connexionwith the founding of the school

* Some confusionoccurs at times with regard to the Kendal and Southworth families Thus the Editor of C.R.S. vol xxviii says (p 21, n ) that the four Kendal brothers (priests) were first cousins of the four Southworth brothers (priests) That this is not so is clear from the pedigreeRosamund (Recusant) wife of Robert Kendal of Ribbleton

1. William

1. Henry

2. John 3. Hugh (+1710) m . Ellen

2. John (Recusant) Seniorof Fulwood (+ 30 Oct. 3. Richard 1722) m Catharine Tomlinson

1. Rosamund 2. Catharine m . John Kay of Hothersall

Catharine 5. Henry (priest) m Ralph b 1689 +1752 Southworth of Broughton

1. Ralph (priest) + at (priest) + May Spetisbury 1814 13 July 1810 aged 63

1. John

3. John (Recusant) Junior

4. Richard (priest) b 1684/5 , ord 1709 +1747/8

6. George (priest) b 1698 +1766

2. William 3. Thomas (priest) President, Sedgley Park +9 June 1816

2. Hugh (priest) +1781 (1st President Sedgley Park)

1. John m Winifred, b 1746 +20 March 1820 (Cf. Oliver, Collections, pp. 413-4 for Richard Southworth.)

7. Robert (priest) b. 1700 +1734

4. Richard (priest) + Brockhampton 19 Nov. 1817

5. a fifth son died in Divinity

3. Richard (priest) b . circa 1709 +10 Dec. 1780 (Legal proprietor of Standon Lordship School)

2. Richard Peter, O.S.B. b. 1758 +1814 He gives the wrong date of death

Canon Burton (Challoner, i, 373) says that he was chaplain to Mr. O'Flaherty , tenant of Shrewsbury Place, Isleworth, in November 1758 .


Pages 7-9 . Rev. Richard Kendal.

Mrs. Bryan Stapleton (op. cit., p. 148 ) states that the Heythrop Register was signed by the Rev. Richard Kendal from 1753 to the end of 1761. " After an absence of about three years, he appears to have returned in August, 1766, and he remaineduntil April, 1768." Canon Burton places him at Isleworth from 1746 to 1758. It is difficult to reconcilethe above with Canon Burton's or Bishop Ward's (History of St. Edmund's College, pp. 34, 36) statements.

in 1749 is explainedwhenit is remembered that Lord Aston , the owner of Standon Lordship, married Lady Barbara Talbot, the Countess of Shrewsbury's daughter Richard Kendal was looked upon as the proprietor of the schoolpossibly another instance of the property being legally vested in a person other than the Headmaster , as at Twyford, on accountof the vexations of the lawbut did not go into residence there until the end of 1758. When the school was removed , in 1767 , to Hare Street, Richard Kendal went with it, and remained theretill 1769, though the " HampshireLedger" and the Brockhampton Registers show him to have been at Brockhampton for some months from the end of 1762 to at least February 1763. When the school was transferred to Old Hall, Richard Kendal remained behind tospendthe restof hisdays in thevillageofHareStreet Hewas elected Dean of the Chapterin 1771 and diedin London (whetheron a visitto Londonorwhetherhe had leftHareStreetis uncertain) on 10 December 1780 (Rev.B.Ward, History of St. Edmund's College, pp 34, 36; C.R.S., xii, 20) The Rev. John Musson, S.J., baptized once in 1745 (C.R.S., i, 159; andagain in Fr. Savage's time he baptizedCharles Biddulph on 17 July 1752, though his name is not givenin C.R.S., i, 162). He was born in London 16 November 1680; entered the Society at Watten 7 September 1699 and was professed 2 February 1717. Hetaught Philosophy and Theologyat Liège Collegeand wasthen sent on the EnglishMission , where he became chaplain to Mr. Neville, of Holt, Leicestershire , in 1724. He was also at Bath about 1726. He died in Winchester 20 November1755 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 535) * The name ofthenext priest temporarily in charge of Winchesterwe learn from the " Hampshire Ledger , " the Rev. John Martin He was paid six months' salary from LadyDay to Michaelmas , 1746, and a further 17/4 as his share for part ofthreemonths(the Rev. Patrick Savage received ₤1 12s 8d ), so his termof office lasted tilltheend ofOctober1746. Curiouslyenough, he makes noentries in the Registers, and probably attended Winchester from some other place, possibly Sherfield English. Who John Martin was, or where he came from, we do not know . Norare wecertain that the JohnMartin mentioned in the " Hampshire Ledger " from 1746 to 1760 is the same as the John Martin who was in Gosport from 1773 to 1788. From Lady Day 1746 to LadyDay 1749 John Martin had charge of the Longwood-Upham-Bishop's Waltham congregation . § From Lady Day 1749 to 7 April 1760 he also attends " elsewhere" (from Advent 1755 to March 1758|| this

* Since he baptized in Winchester in 1745 and 1752 and died there in 1755 it is possible that he was working for " Mrs. Hants " (the Jesuit District of Hants, Sussex , Wilts and Dorset)

At Bishop Challoner's Visitationin 1741 " Martin" was the priest at Sherfield English Mr. R. C. Baigent suggests (C.R.S. , xxvii, 274) that this may have been Fr. Gregory Martin , O.S.F. , but more probably it was John Martin .

A John Martin of York, son of Nicholas and Ann, aged 33 , took the Oath at Douay in 1767

§Query: was he still at Sherfield English ?

||In 1758 Fr. Joseph Hickins, O.S.F. , was at Sherfield English. Fr. Thaddeustells us (Franciscansin England) that his chief support was" Mr. Holman's legacy for the missionary serving the poor in Hampshire alsoan allowancefrom Mr. Sheldonfor serving Shirefield [Sherfield English] and of Mr. Betts for serving Bishop'sWaltham and of Mr. Young for serving Stockbridge. " Mr. Holman was William Holman of Longwood and other residences , who married Mary Wells and died in 1740


is specified as " at or near Southampton"*). He disappears from the district after April 1760. Winchester's next priest, on 1 November 1746, was the Rev. Patrick Thomas Grace, alias Savage. All weknow of him is Dr. Milner's description, " An Irish priest from Paris" The Rev. James Shaw's lodgers were apparently difficult to dislodge, for the new incumbent does not take possession of St. Peter's House until about Lady Day 1749. In December 1749 he fitted up the House for his new tenant, Mr. Charles Biddulph of Burton, who remained until September 1752, and Mr. Savage himself lived in a back lane The House was then untenanted until August 1756, when Mr. Biddulph again went to live there. We hear no more of the House until February 1764, when a payment is made for fitting up the House for a new tenant, Mrs. Frances Apollonia Wells, daughterof Sir George Brownlow Doughty andwidow of Henry Wells, the last Squire of Brambridge She did not remain long, however, for the House was again empty in May We also find Mr. Savage having to pay rent for two years for his own Chapel. The income of Winchester had apparently dwindled considerably , for the Rev. Patrick Savage, besides having to let his Presbytery, received advances of salary upon his appointment 25 August 1763 he baptized a future priest, James Akers, whose surname was, up till then, spelt " Decas. " § BishopChallonercame twice for Confirmation, 23 July 1749 and 15 July 1753, and his Coadjutor, Bishop James Talbot, on 26 April 1761 and 6 July 1766.|| By this last date Mr. Savage was in very bad health and he signed his last baptism on 16 July 1766, as locum tenens for the Rev. James Nolan , his successor(C.R.S., i, 168) He retired to London for medicalassistance and lived on until 27 August 1778. ¶ The Rev. James Nolancame to Winchesterin the midsummerof 1766. He was an Irishman from the same college in Paris as his predecessor In February 1764 he had received six months' salary for attendance near Portsmouth, i.e. Gosport. He was in charge of Gosport therefore from circa September 1763 till June 1766. After December 1765, when the Rev. Flanaghan perished in the fire at Sopley Presbytery, the Rev. James Nolan also looked after the Catholics of Padwellarea From the Rev. John Philip Betts's entries in the" HampshireLedger" it is clearthat he was not considered to be the permanentpriest at Winchester. He is styled the successorto Mr. Savage pro tempore and agreesto a salary

* Probably Padwell


In his Will (see infra) he calls himself " Grace, otherwiseSavage . " In the SeventhDouay Diary we find thenames of Oliver Grace (1723) of Gracefield (who married Mary Dowell of Mantua House , Roscommon , and died at Kilkenny 1781 ); of James Butler (1740) 18th Baron Dunboyne (first cousin to Grace); and of James's brother, Pierce Butler (1743), the 19th Baron PatrickThomas Grace came therefore of distinguished Irish stock (C.R.S., xxviii, 111 , 226, 236)

Frances Doughty was married to Henry Wells by Fr. PacificusBaker , O.S.F. , at Lincoln's Inn Fields Chapel in February 1759. Henry died in 1763 s.p. and his widow married, as her second husband, Charles Biddulph of Burton (on 1 December 1764 at St. Thomas's, Winchester), whose first wife, Elizabeth Bedingfield, had died in 1763 .

§ Admitted to Lisbon 1782, ordained 1788 and sent on the Mission 1791

|| The Confirmations are on loose leaves inserted in the Register.

Following the baptism ofWilliam Barnet on 22 July 1763 (C.R.S., i, 166) is another entry which states that the Rev. Hickins, O.S.F., baptized Sarah Barnet of Upham on 23 December 1758 (given in C.R.S. , i, on p 164)


of £20 a year, free ofcharges. Moreover, he never signs himself" Parochus in the Registers or Pastor, " but always writes " Ego infrascriptus"; neither did he join the Hampshire Fund for the Secular Clergy Yet he remained in Winchester thirteen years Mr. Nolan was evidently seriously ill before the middle of 1775; indeed it ispossible that he was incapacitatedas early as 1772, as the Registers have only one entryfor 1772andonlythreefor 1774. Fr. Robert Tomminsbegins the entries in July 1775, after an interval of seven months, and all theentriesdown to July 1776 are in his writing, even those signed by James Nolan. Robert Tomminscame possiblyfrom Sherfield English.* He was a Londoner, the eldest son of George Tommins and Anne Gray, born 25 October 1741. He went to the English College, Rome, on 28January 1755,was ordained 22 December 1764and leftforEngland on 25 April 1765 (C.R.S., xl, 213). In July 1775 he was paid three guineas for "journeys and attendance at Peter House during Nolan's illness , " and in May of the following year received half a year's salary (uptoMarch 1776) and all the othersumsusuallypaidto theWinchester incumbent. He died in London 27 June 1810. For the years 1776-78 Dr. Milner supplied the gaps by entering records which he found in Mr. Nolan'swritingon loose slips ofpaper (C.R.S., i, 173) The records of many baptisms must have perished Fortunately, there was one which did not perish: 6 February 1771 , John Lingard, the future historian During this incumbency Bishop James Talbot came three times to Winchester1772, 1775 and 1778 (the list of thoseconfirmed in 1778 was supplied by Dr. Milner from the Bishop's Registers) On 27 July 1779 James Nolan died at Winchesterfrom a contagious disease which he caught on his visits to the Frenchprisoners of war in " King's House . " He was " universally beloved " (cf. C.R.S. , i, 189) The Editor of C.R.S. vol xii, in a note on page 19, has grievouslylibelled this good priest The note says that Dr. Kirk" gives no precise date [for his death], and describes him as a man unworthy of the priesthood " Reference to Kirk's Biographies establishes the fact that Dr. Kirk was writing about another priest of the same name, but of a slightly later date. The Rev. RichardPrescott baptizedtwice, in 1768 and 1771. He was born in London in 1737 , the son of John Prescott and Mary Trowers He went to Douay 7 July 1752 (where he was entered as Joseph and so called until 1762), took the oath 3 March 1761, was sub-deacon before October1763, andleft Douay for England between October1765andOctober1766 (Burton MS , Westm Archives, File V, N-R) From the " Hampshire Ledger" we learn that hewas working in Hampshire, and was a member of the Hants Fund, in 1772 . Later he laboured in London and died 5 December 1783, leaving a

* He was working in Hampshire from at least 1771 (the earliest dateof the entries for the Hants Fund in the " Hampshire Ledger") and is mentioned by name as a member of the Fund until 1782. He baptized once at Brockhampton in 1777. From the " Ledger" entries one is inclined to think that he worked for a number of yearsat Brockhampton with the Rev. Richard Cornthwaite Canon Burton, in his MS. Collection, quoting C.R.S. , xiii, 301, says that he was chaplain to the Sardinian Embassy 1778-79 . Yet he was a memberof the Hants Fund until 1782. Canon Burton adds, quoting fromthe London District Clergy Register, that he was chaplain at Shrewsbury Place, Isleworth (but gives no date), and alsoat the Bavarian Embassy, Golden Square, in or before 1800. Hewas a memberof the Chapter in 1804; was buried at Old St. Pancras (C.R.S., xiii, 301)

James Nolan is also omitted from the Index of C.R.S. vol xii


valuable property in London to the London Vicariate, which is now shared by the three dioceses of Westminster, Southwark and Portsmouth There were also two baptisms by priests already mentioned , Dom. William Metcalfe, O.S.B., in 1769 , and Dom. Thomas Barr, O.S.B., in 1770 (the latter was entered on a slip of paper which was afterwardsaffixedto oneofthepages) The Vicar-General oftheLondon District, the Rev. John Lindow, came to Winchester himself and administereda baptism there on 1 October 1779. Gillow says (Dict. of Eng. Cath ., v , 15) that during Fr. Nolan's four years' illness first the Rev. Robert Tomminssuppliedand then the Rev. Thomas Walsh (uncle to his namesake, Bishop Milner's successor in the Midland District), and that " Mr. Walsh continued to serve Winchesterfor a year, until October, 1779." In his Account Book (MS in Winchester Presbytery) Dr. Milner says that the Rev. Thomas Walsh came to assist him on the 12 February 1780 and left the following 16 May. There are two baptisms in the Register by the Rev. Thomas Walsh, February (no date given) 1780 and 8 May 1780* ; and for the second he signs himself" Missionarius in UrbeAnglicèWintonensi" According to the "Hampshire Ledger, " Mr. Walsh is allowed one quarter's salary in October 1779, which is presumablya retrospectivepayment Itis withouta doubt upon this entry that Gillow's statementis based. The Rev.Thomas Walshwas the son ofIrish parents, Thomas Walshand EleanorPurcell He was born at Dunkirkin Flanders, in the diocese ofYpres, on 3 September 1752. He took the OathatDouay 7 September 1773, and was in theologythere from 1773 to 1777. He was ordained priest in the College Chapel on 15 March 1777 , and left for England in March 1778 " for business of his own , " " and with properapprobation settled at Map" [Mapledurham, in Oxfordshire] in May 1778." He died 12 April 1817 (Burton MS , Westm Archives, File VII, U -Z).

The new incumbent was the Rev. John Milner, who was brought to Winchesteron 15 October 1779 by the Economus of theVicariate (or the Trustee of WinchesterMission, as Gillow calls him), the Rev. Peter Browne John Milner was born in London 14 October1752 , the son of Joseph Miller, or Milner, a tailor, and Helen Marsland, natives of Lancashire , and was baptizedat Holborn by the Rev. Mr. Errington (Canon W. Buscot, History of Sedgley Park, p. 71, London, 1940). Milner went first to the Franciscan school at Edgbastonand then to Sedgley Park on 22 April 1765, leaving there on 27 April 1766. In August 1766 he went to Douay, was ordained in 1777 , and in May of that year was sent to London § He resided at Gray's Inn with no particular Mission assigned to him, but was what was known as a 'jobber." Winchester was therefore his first Mission and there he remained until on 22 May 1803 he was consecrated BishopofCastabala in partibus in his own chapel at Winchester by Bishop Douglass assisted by Bishops Gibson and Sharrock (Gillow, Dict of Eng Cath , v, 15 et sqq ) The degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by a decree

* He was also witness to a marriage in February 1780 (C.R.S., i, 175)

C.R.S., i, 173, 174 (but the full signature is not given on p. 174).

$ The Index of the Seventh Douay Diary (C.R.S. vol xxviii) attributes to Bishop John Milner four entries between 1736 and 1744: he was not yet born This is the Rev. John Milner who was priest at Sopley in 1753 and died in London in 1782. See Index

Dr. Poynter, Coadjutor-Elect of the London District, and Dr. Lingard werealsopresent, and the sermon was preached by the Rev. ThomasWhite. Before dispersingthe Bishops met " in Council, " and it was at this Council that the famous " theatre law" concerning the clergy had its origin.

of Propaganda 5 February 1803. In 1784 Milner began improvements to the chapel and raised the sum of £156 for the purpose with thehelp of his right-hand man , Mr . William Meader, and other friends. In 1791 Catholic chapels were legalized and in 1792 Milner began to build " Milner's Church" He had made the acquaintance of an architect named Carterandbetween themtheydesigned the famous Gothicchurch -in which they incorporated the workundertakenin 1784a church destined toserve the Catholics ofWinchester until 1926. JohnLingard's (Dr. Lingard's father's) complete wage sheet for his staff of carpenters still exists, as do also the expenditure and receipts in Mr. William Meader's hand The difference between the cost and the donations received was generously met by Mr. Meader and the church wasconsecrated by Bishop Douglass on 5 December 1792, and is said to have been the first church consecrated since the Reformation 1792 was also the date of the arrival of the French Refugee Clergy, an arrival which created fresh problems for Dr. Milner The " King's House" in Winchester was used to house them, and therein Milner fitted up a chapel Their numbers grew until at one time six hundred priests were living there Sixty-three of their number died in or near Winchester: twenty-eight were buried in St. James's Cemetery between 29 April 1793 and December 1794. The remainder, from 17 December 1794 , were buried in a new cemetery close to King's House, especially allotted by the Governmentfor the burial of Frenchpriestsand laity. No traceofits whereabouts remains * Possibly it was obliteratedwhen the railway cutting was made. A marble memorial was presented by the French clergy as an expression of their gratitude and placed by Milner in the porch of his church. After Douay had been lost Milner strongly desired the establishment of a Junior School to feed the Seminary at Old Hall and suggested " My Lady West's House" (then known as " Bishop'sHouse ") in St. Peter's Streetfor thepurpose, but the proposalcame to naught In 1795 , however, " Bishop's House became the Convent of the Benedictine Nuns from Brussels, who remained there, maintaining a school for the poor girls of the city, until theymigratedtoEastBergholtin 1857. Inthepreviousyear, 1794 , the FranciscanNuns, now at Taunton, took possession (through the generosity of Mr. Thomas Weld) of " Abbey House , " now the official residence of the Mayor, which is on the site of St. Mary's Benedictine Abbey of Nuns destroyedby Henry VIII Here they ran a Boarding School of their own until 1808, when they removed to Taunton. "

* A similar cemetery was given by the Government for the burial of French clergy and laity at Reading There, too, all knowledgeof the site has been lost

To-day it is in position in the North Porch of St. Peter's , Winchester. When the Franciscan Sisters arrived in Winchester in August 1794 their chaplains were the Revv . StephenGrafton, O.S.F. , and Joseph Pursell, O.S.F. In April 1802 the Rev. Constant Henrion, O.S.F. , was companion to the Confessor (Fr. Grafton); in 1804 the Rev. Anselm Milward, O.S.F. By the end of 1805 the Rev. Austin Roberts, O.S.F. , had succeeded as chaplain and the Rev. Pacificus Kington , O.S.F. , came in 1806 and remained on until the Sisters' departure from Winchester (C.R.S. , xxiv, 86-93) Thomas (Stephen ) Grafton, O.S.F. , born at Rowington 31 May 1764 , entered St. Bonaventure's Convent, Douay, 10 October 1780; twice Provincial; wentto Taunton with the Sisters ; died 23 December 1847 (Oliver, Collections, pp 315, 571). Thomas (Pacificus) Kington, O.S.F. , born in Warwick; Confessor to the Poor Clares at Aire; arrested and imprisoned during the Revolution, was reported " guillotined " in the 1795 Directory ; chaplain to the Nuns at Taunton; retired thence 1812; died 18 February 1827 , aged 73 (Oliver , Collections , pp 340-1).


Baptisms by French priests at various places are recorded by Dr. Milner in his Registers In 1795 he began a new Register and in the last pages of the old one he entered a listclearly from memoryofthe persons he hadburied in St. James's Cemetery since 1779. From 1787 the list is chronological The Rev. James Shaw's name occurs in 1789which raises the query: was his body translated from some London cemetery long after his death in 1760?-and Milner's own mother'sname in 1790 (C.R.S., i, 186-7) The list ends witha gruesome series of persons hanged, twentyin all The next priest in Winchester was the Rev. John Lee, who had been present at Milner's consecration and who took possession on 13 June 1803. Mr. William Meader had died on the very day of the consecration He left to the incumbenta legacyof the property in Jewry Street and of the White House , which almost doubled Winchester's income John Lee was born in London 28 August 1768, the son of Captain Lee , R.N., and the brother of the Rev. Joseph Lee, later the priest at Cowes He was educated at Douay and as a deacon was professor of Syntax He escaped from Douay during the Revolution, on 12 October 1793 , taught, and was ordained priest 27 December 1793, at Old Hall Green. He left Old Hall in May 1794. He was at Winchesterfrom 13 June 1803 to 7 July 1810 (J. Gillow, Haydock Papers, p. 131; Rev. G. Oliver, Collections , p 345; Rev.B. Ward, Hist of St. Edmund's College, p 104 et passim) The East Hendred Registers show that he was at East Hendredfrom at least November 1810 to March 1813. Dr. Oliver says " he served Hatherop for several years, when he was translated to the Bavarian Chapel, " Warwick Street, Golden Square, " to which he was attached until his pious death on 13th July 1839." The priests who baptized during his incumbencywere the Abbé François Denis, a refugee priest from the diocese of Coutances, who was chaplain to the Benedictine Nuns Canon Plasse places him in Winchester in 1803 (Le Clergé Français Réfugié en Angleterre, ii, 414) He baptized here between 1805and 1808. He was succeededby the Rev.VincentBowyer, O.P. It is uncertain when he assumed office He was certainly in Winchester by September 1806, when he officiatedat a wedding (cf. C.R.S., i, 210). He was born in 1756; was a novice at Bornheim; studiedat Louvain; ordained between March 1780 and March 1781. He taught at the Dominican Convent at Bornheim till 1787; was tutor to the Count of Bornheim (June 1787) and then to the son of Mr. Weston at Sutton Place; was missioner at Woburn Lodge (May 1800) and chaplain at SpetchleyPark He died in Winchester28 November 1807 , aged 52 , in the twenty-eighth year of his religious profession After a visit to Winchesterin 1809 Bishop Milner, in a letter to Bishop Poynter, disapproved of the Rev. John Lee and suggested that the Rev. Thomas White should replace him. A change didtake place in 1810 , the Rev.

* Cf C.R.S. , xix, 316-" John Lee, son of John and Alice Lee, born 28 August 1768, was baptized at Lincoln's Inn Fields 29 August 1768 , by Rev. Thomas Mahon Godparents , Francis and Frances Carpue. "

There may be some confusion here concerning Hathorp Dr. Oliver has a rather mysterious note: " N.B. In the Directory of 1831 it is recorded in the obituary , 1830, February 6th , the Rev. Francis Leigh, Hatherop (Douay) (cf. C.R.S. , xii, 188) Similarly , Mrs. Bryan Stapleton (Oxfordshive Post-ReformationMissions) confuses Leigh and Lee What evidence there is for John Lee being at Hathorpis not stated It is also necessary to distinguish him fromthe Rev. John Lee mentioned in C.R.S. , xxviii, 286n .

See infra, M.I. no. 179 .


Thomas White being appointed. He was born in London 11 March 1764. In 1774 he entered Douay (this is stated in a short biography written by Dr.Lingard as a preface to two volumes of Thomas White's sermons which Dr. Lingard published). He was ordained priest on 19 December 1789 , and leftDouayforEngland 7 February 1791 (Burton MS , Westm Archives, File VII, UZ); was at Golden Square 1800; Newport, Isle of Wight, July 1801; Cowes May 1804; Newport again, April 1806 ; Winchester 7 July 1810 , till his death on 9 July 1826.* Lingard speaks of him as" an elegant scholar, with a correcttaste, and great classical acquirements " During the Rev. Thomas White's time the following priests baptizedinWinchester: the AbbéHenriJacques Le Marquant, curé of Neuville-du-Bose in the diocese of Evreux , though his monumentalinscription seems to implythat, as a Canon, hewasa priest of the Cathedralof Chartres. He succeededthe Rev.V. Bowyer as chaplaintothe Benedictines and remained twenty-four years, dying 1 September 1831, aged 90. Dr. Oliver saysthat Abbé Henri Jacques [Le]MarquantservedCalverleigh and Tiverton from 1802 until thespring of 1808, when he went to Winchester(Collections, pp 188 , 354). The Rev. George Greenway, who was born at Tiverton 25 July 1779 , the son of Charles and Martha Greenway, and baptized by the Rev. J. Edisford, S.J., the priest at Exeter, 28 August of the same year. He went to Sedgley Park and then to Valladolid 17 November 1792, took the Oath 29 December 1796, and left Bilbao for England in October 1802 and was ordained at St. Edmund's in September 1803 He was on the Mission in Londonand was for seventeen years atMoorfields His clericalbrethren had great hopesthat he would be appointed Coadjutor to the V.A. London District when he died 19 October 1821 (C.R.S. , xxx, 218-9, gives 1824, aged 45; Oliver, Collections, pp 315-6 , gives 1821 , aged 42, with a copy of the monumental inscription)

The Rev. George Tanner baptized here in 1814, the Rev. James Tanner in 1817 and the Rev. Edward Cullen in 1816. The last named went to Old Hall in May 1805, was ordained 7 April 1810, and wasat Brighton for more than thirty years (Ward, Hist of St. Edmund's , pp. 218-9, note). Others who baptized here during this period were the Rev. William Morris, O.S.B. , and the Rev. Joseph Silveira, the priest at Gosport The Rev. Thomas White was an invalid for the greater part of a year before his death His last baptism was entered in July 1825 , andhis workwas carriedon bythe Rev. CharlesMcDonnell, O.S.F. , until the arrival of his successor , the Rev. James Delaney, at the end of 1825. James Delaney was a student at Douay and was imprisonedbythe Revolutionariesin Doulens andliberated25 February 1795. § He was in Minor Orders in August 1795 and was ordained priest atOld Hall Green (Gillow, Haydock Papers, pp 132, 177) During

* MSS . of the Rev. Richard George Davis, Cowes Archives.

The Rev. JosephAlberry became chaplain in 1832 and wentwiththe Community to East Bergholt in 1857. In 1839 , when the Rev. Mr. Singleton died , he tookchargeof the Mission at Highbridge in addition to hisConvent duties (cf. C.R.S., xxvii, 10) See infra, M.I. no 217

John Edisford's real name was Swabrick; born 1 February 1738 in Lancs.; enteredthe Society 1760; chaplain to the Hon Mr. Arundel at Salisbury 1771; at Exeter shortly afterwards; died Exeter 20 November 1789 (Oliver , Collections , pp 291-4)

§J. Gillow has 1795 , but this may be a misprint, for Bishop Wardsays that he was atSt. Edmund's in Feb. 1794 (Hist. of St. Edmund's, p. 102).

Father Delaney's period of office St. Peter's House was rebuilt. The beautiful gabled house built by Roger Corham, where Mass had been said for several decades before the first church was opened, wherethe priestshad lived before and after Milner, was in a bad state of repair A Wintonian, Miss Eleanor Mary Neil, had given a large sum to the Bishop, mainly for St. Edmund's College but also for the rebuilding of the Presbytery, and on her death-bed, in May 1826 , she reminded the Bishop through Father Delaney of his promise to commence the work . The laying of the foundation stone was commemorated in the Register (cf. C.R.S., i, 191-2) In place of one large house threehouses were built, viz , Nos 7, 8 and 9 , St. Peter Street The last, No. 9 , became the Presbytery, but the LondonDistrictretainedthe othertwo . No. 9 remained the Presbytery until the removal to 29, Jewry Street, when the new church was opened in 1926. From Father Delaney's Account Book (MS WinchesterPresbytery) we learn that he continued to look after the Catholics at Upham Dr. Milner recorded that £5 ayearwas paid to theWinton Mission "forservingthe Poorat Upham." This was from the Robert Hill's Fund (see " Hampshire Ledger"). Fr. Delaneyvisited them twice a year He sent a letter in advance to warn them of his coming . That cost sevenpence for postage Then there was the expense of " horse and chaise, " ten shillings, plus the turnpike fees ,which varied between ninepence and tenpence-halfpenny. When Fr. Ignatius Collingridgeopened his accounts in 1850 nomention is made of Upham nor of any fund for looking afterit. As a matter of interest we also learn from Father Delaney's Account Book the names ofthe tenantsin the houses belonging to the Mission : MissA.M. Wheblelived at the White House in 1826 and was shortly afterwards succeeded by Mr. Godwin, who conducted a business in the Piazza . Mr. James Cave was the first tenant of No. 8, St. Peter Street, after it was rebuilt . The property in Jewry Streetwas shared between Mr. Newmanand Mr. Carter The Rev. James Delaney'slast baptismwas on 28 March 1845. On the same page Father Collingridgehas made an entry, " The Reverend James Delaney , having become infirm, left Winchesteronthe 8th ofMay, 1845, andretired to theCistercian Abbey ofMount St. Bernard'sin Leicestershire . Hemade a fervent preparation for death, and died there on the 24th of November , 1847. I.C." He was succeeded by the Rev. Julius Picquot, D.D., who was ordainedat St. Edmund's College, Old Hall, in 1814 , and remained on as professor until 1818. He was at Spanish Place 1818-1845; Winchester 1845-8; Colchester 1848-56; and Burton Park 1856-7 In the latter year he retired toChelsea, where he died 13 June 1860. Hereceived thehonorary degree of D.D. in 1842 (Gillow, Dict of Eng Cath., v, 310. See also Fr. Collingridge'snotice in Winchester Register No. 2) In July 1848 Father Ignatius Collingridge came to Winchester He came of an old Oxfordshirefamilyandwas bornatPimlico Farm, near Tusmore , Oxon, on 30 June 1807 , and was sent to the school of the Rev. Samuel Corbishley, the priest of Hardwick In 1819 he was sent to Lisbon , but

* The careoftheLongwood-Upham-Bishop'sWaltham congregationhad devolved upon the Winchester incumbent since Dec. 1761 .

He was a nephewof Bishop Collingridge (+1829) and first cousin to Bishop Brown, first Bishop of Newport (+ 1880) " He was one ofthemost learned men of his time , with a prodigious memory, for he could recite by heartthe whole Bible in Latin and English, all Shakespeare , Milton, Virgil and Homer " (W. G. Gates, Illustrated History of Portsmouth , p 494).


Pages 16-17 . Rev. Ignatius Collingridge.

In his Register ofLisbon College (p. 189) Mr. J. Gillow gives Dover and 2 July 1807 for his place and date of birth. It would seem that Mrs. Bryan Stapleton is more likely to be correct (OxfordshirePostReformation Catholic Missions, p. 90) and that Pimlico Farm, Tusmore, 30 June 1807, must therefore be accepted.

Pages 16-17 should, however, be amended to read : " He went to Sedgley Park 1817-19 ; Lisbon 29 June 1818; left Lisbon April 1828 (Gillow, op. cit., p. 90). 'I was obliged by illness to leave [Lisbon], but after a few months illness I got quite well and entered Oscott College about 1829' (Oxfords . Post-Ref . Cath . M., p. 82). Gillow gives the date of entry to Oscott as 1828."


returned after nine months through ill-health, on 29 June 1826. He went to Oscott, where he was ordained by Bishop Walsh 6 December 1831. He then served St. Chad's, Birmingham, 1833 ; Norwich, 1836; and thenGranthamandIpswich* ; Northampton, 1841 ; Portsea, 1842-5 , thence to St. George's, Southwark and Hammersmith; Winchester, 1848-1883, save for a period of absence 1863-6, when his brother, Canon Peter Collingridge , took his place as MissionaryRector of Winchester and died there 17 June 1866. In 1883 Father Ignatius Collingridge retired to the Convent at Clifton Wood and died there 11 June 1889 , but was buried in St. James's Cemetery, Winchester During his time at Winchesterthe following priests baptizedthere: The Rev. William Hunt, the priest at Southampton; the Rev. Thomas Bowman; the Rev. Henry Hall, who was at Oscottfrom August 1822 until 1830 , and was ordained on 5 June 1830 and died 9 July 1878; the Rev. Thomas Richardson ; and Father Collingridge's brother, Peter, also baptized there in 1853. The Rev. F. J. Kelleher was assistantpriest in 1868. Father Collingridgewas succeeded by one who had been his curate since 1869, the Rev. Luke Gunning.

Thecurates during this periodwere sonumerous andmany records having perished when the Portsmouth Archives were destroyed by enemy action in 1941 it is not possible to give a complete list, but the following are known to have served in Winchester (the order is not chronological ) : the Revv. J.J. Hally, Francis Green, William J. Flynn, Michael Barry, Laurence Doran, James Doran, Edward Mullumby, H. L. P. Kelly, Bernard L. Morris , J. Nagle, F. T. McMahon, George S'bire, Anthony Akel

Provost Luke Gunning died 15 April 1924 . During his last illness the Rev. (afterwards Canon and Vicar-General) John Henry King took charge of Winchester from 1 February 1923 and succeededas ParishPriest whenthe Provostdied Canon Gunning had acquired the land adjoining 29, Jewry Street, as a sitefor anew church. Upon this site Canon Kingbuilt the newchurchofSt. Peter Father Collingridge had left the residue of his estatesome £4,700to the Bishop for the future new church and by careful nursing this had grown to £17,000 by the time it was required in 1924-6 . The following priests have served Winchester since that time:

Rev. Francis J. Pinkman, 1923-6

Rev. William J. Blake, 1926-31

Rev. Anthony Ibbett, 1931-39

Rev. Anthony Zollo, 1934-46

Rev. Sydney J. Mullarkey, 1939June 1941; Administrator, June 1941-

Rev. Patrick Hartnett, 1942-

Rev. Michael J. Eady, 1945-47

Rev. Desmond M. Close , 1947-

At the opening of the new church of St. Peter on St. Swithun's Day, 15 July 1926, Cardinal Bourne preached the sermon The Church was consecrated on 22 September 1938 , bythe Right Rev.John Henry King, Bishop of Opus, who had himself been consecrated Auxiliary to the Bishop of Portsmouth in the church he had built, on 15 July 1938. On 5 June 1941 His Lordship was translated to the See of Portsmouth as its fourth Bishop (quem Deus ad multos annos conservet).

* See CanonF.X. Plasse's note, Le Clergé FrançaisRéfugiéen Angleterre , ii, 328 .



The Winchester Registers (1721-1826) were the first Registers published by the Catholic Record Society (Vol I, pp 148-243) The remainderof Register B is given here (1826-1855) * No Introduction was given to the Registers in Vol I. A description of the Registers is therefore given now

REGISTER A is a stiff leather-covered volume, the pages of which measure 6 x 4 inches The Register is 1 inches thick The covers have a tooled ornamentation; the back is ridged; the edges of the leaves marbled; the whole book being not unlike a large prayer-book. There are 338 pages: only the leaves are numbered , 1 to 42, thefly- leaf and the leaves after 42 being unnumbered

[On the inside front cover is written-]

[and lengthwise-]

Liber Parochialis (A) pro civitate Wintoniensi (49)

In Chancery

Biddulph v. Lord Camoys

Shewn to Amelia Ann Whitgreave on her Examination on behalf of the Complainant*

[Signature indecipherable]

[Written on thefly-leaf: a fewfinancial calculations and some unimportantLatin words and then thefollowing names-]

Henry Owen

Mary Mathews

John Lincoln of otterburn

Peter Sims

Eliz Rolf.

REGISTER B is a quarto volume with marble-papered cardboard covers and the corners and back bound in leather. The pages measure 7x6 inches The book is 1 inches thick There are 366 pagesand afly-leaf P. 5 is numbered 1 and the odd pages only are numberedto p 131 ; p 133 to p 155 (where publication ceased in C.R.S. vol i) are numbered in a different hand. One leaf (pp 358 and 359) has been cut out; pp. 330 to 343 are blank The wording on the inside front cover and fly-leaf is given in C.R.S., i, 189. On the insidefront cover is also written- (50)

In Chancery

Biddulph v. Lord Camoys

Shewn to Amelia Ann Whitgreave and Philip Tidyman in their Examinations for the complainant

[The same indecipherable signature as on the insidefront cover of Register A]

* The Act providing for General Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriagesin England and Wales came into operation on 1 July 1837 , but the registration of births was not enforceableprior to the year 1875 . There are two similar declarations on the last page of Register B.

The last baptism publishedinC.R.S., i, 242 ( 1826 , 12 March, Maria Harrison), is the second on page 153 of the Register ; the last burial in C.R.S. , i, 243 (Rev. Thomas White), is the last on page 154 ofthe Register. [p . 153]

Aprilis 22


Maji 13


Die 22 Aprilis A.D. 1826. Ego hodie baptizaviMariam Annam Astley natam die 19 Martii hujus anni filiam Eduardi & Mariæ (olim) Whittington conj : Matrina fuit Elizabeth Edmonds Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 13 Maji A.D. 1826. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Cullen natam die 60 hujus Mensis filiam Jacobi & Mariæ (olim Campbell) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Stephanus & Margarita Clarke conjuges. Jac: Delaney M.A.

[Each entry has the date and name in the margin, as shown above . Henceforward they are omitted .]

[p. 155]

Regist : Sepultur:

A: D: 1826

Die 29 Maji A.D. 1826 sepultum est in Cœmeterio S. Jacobi corpus EleonoræMariæNeil quæ obiit die 23 ejusdem mensisannos nata 60. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 2 Junii A.D. 1826 sepultum est in CoemeterioS. Jacobi corpus Martha Gilbert quae obiit die 29 Maji annos nata 65. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.Ap.

Die 12 Julii A.D. 1826 sepulta est in Coemeterio S. Jacobi extra muros Dña Maria Benedicta Sanctimonialis O.S.B. quæ obiitWintoniæin Monasterio sui Ordinis die 90 supradicti mensis & anni ætatis anno 33° Professionis autem Religiosæ 13° Sæculo dicta erat Sophia Sidden.* In R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 11 Decembris A.D. 1826 sepultum est in Coemeterio S. Jacobi corpus Saræ Ingram quæ obiit die 8 ejusdem mensis annos nata 45. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A. [p. 156] Regist: Bapt 1826

Die 25 Junii A.D. 1826. Ego hodie baptizavi Susannam Howleynatam die 27 Maji hujus anni filiam Martini & Elizabeth (olim Goodman) conj Sponsores fuerunt Gulielmus Jenkins & Brigida Fox Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 30 Julii A D. 1826. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem Harmswood natum die 9 hujus mensis filium Jacobi & Eleonora (olim Manning) conj. Patrinus fuit Josephus Browne. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die4 Augusti 1826. Ego hodie baptizaviJosephum Robertum Page natum die 4º Aprilis hujus anni filium Gulielmi & Mariæ Annæ (olim Goodman) conj Sponsoresfuerunt Robertus & Sarah Goodman Jac: Delaney M.A.

* Sister of the Rev. Joseph Sidden , priest at Southampton 1842-50 2

Die 13 Augusti 1826. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Ford


natum die 7 hujus Mensisfilium Joannis & Johanna(olimGriffin) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes McManus & Maria Davies Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p . 157]

Regist: Bap: 1826

Die26 Septembris 1826. Ego hodie baptizaviAliciam Marlow natam die 24 hujus Mensis filiam Joannis & Rosa (olim Kelly) conj Patrinus fuit Matthæus Christie. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 27 Octobris 1826. Ego hodie baptizavi Franciscam Redstone natam die 24 hujus Mensis filiam Joannis & Annæ (olim Grant) conj Matrina fuit Margarita Prosper Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 20 Novembris 1826. Ego hodie baptizavi Ludovicam Annam Baigent natam die 14 hujus mensis filiam Richardi & Ludovica (olim Croome) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Cave & Anastasia Vaughan Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die24 Novembris 1826. Ego hodie baptizaviCaeciliamAnnam Cull natam die 22 hujus mensis filiam Roberti Josephi & Mariæ (olim Towsey) conj Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Vaughan & Anastasia Charker Jac: Delaney M.A. [p . 158]

Regist: Sepultur A.D. 1827

Die 5 Januarii 1827 sepultum est in Cometerio S. Jacobi corpus Margarita Prosper quæ obiit die 2 ejusdem mensis ætat. suæ anno 51. R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 13 Januarii 1827 sepultum est in CoemeterioS. Jacobi corpus Francisca Rymer quæ obiit apud Sanctimoniales S. Benedicti Wintoniæ die 11 ejusdem mensis annos nata 10. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac : Delaney M.A.

Die 20 Januarii 1827 sepultum est in Coemeterio S. Jacobi corpus Martha Harrisquæobiit die 15 ejusdem mensis annosnata

26. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: DelaneyM.A.

Die 31 Maji 1827 sepultum est in cometerio S. Jacobi corpus Revdi Dñi Francisci De La Rue* Sacerdotis Gallicani qui obiit apud Portsea die 25 ejusdem mensis annos natus 64. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A. [p. 159]

Registr. Bapt 1827.

Die 16 Januarii 1827. Ego hodie baptizavi Georgium Eades natum die 12 hujus mensisfilium Gulielmi& Mariæ (olim Burrow) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Michael Munday & Anna Whitehead Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 1º Februarii 1827. Ego hodie baptizaviAnnamElizabeth Collins natam die [blank] filiam Georgii & Susannæ (olim Payne) conj. Matrina fuit Susannah Payne infantis avia.

The words Susannah Payne infantis avia' Jac: Delaney M.A. 33 appear to be a later addition.

* Priest at Portsea 1806-27

Die 4° Martii 1827. Ego hodie baptizavi Monicam Mariam Vaughan natam die la hujus mensis filiam Thomæ & Annæ (olim Cave) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Cave & Maria Charker. Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p. 160]

Regist Baptism . 1827

Die 9 Martii 1827. Ego hodie baptizavi Carolinam Annam Redstone natam die 7 hujus mensis filiam Josephi & Annæ (olim Grice) conj SponsoresfueruntMichael Munday& AnnaChambers. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 16 Martii 1827. Ego hodie baptizavi Agnetem Ricquier natam die 11a hujus mensis filiam Joannis Baptista Ricquier& Elizabeth (olimMarks) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Robertus Josephus Cull & Elizabeth Ricquier.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 6 Aprilis 1827. Ego hodie baptizavi Agnetem Houlton natam die [blank] filiam [blank] Matrina fuit CatharinaCave

Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p . 161]

Registr. Sepultur. A.D. 1827

Die 1 Junii 1827 sepulta est in Coemeterio S. Jacobi Anna Coffin annos nata 60. quæ obiit die 27 Maji precedentis. R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 8 Junii 1827 sepultum est in CoemeterioS.Jacobi corpus infantis Elizabethæ Redstonequæ obiit die [blank] ejusdem mensis annos nata duos & menses octo. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 3 Julii 1827 sepulta est in Cometerio S. Jacobi Maria Tanner quæ obiit die 29 Junii annos nata 17. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 14 Augusti 1827 sepultum est apud S. Jacobum corpus Gulielmi Eades qui obiit die 11 ejusdem mensis ætatis suæ anno 25° . R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap [р 162] Regist Bapt

Die 17. Augusti 1827. Ego hodie baptizaviVincentiumMoody natum die 24 Julii hujus anni filium Roberti & Mariæ (olim Williams) conj Sponsores fuerunt Anastasia Vaughan cum filio suo Thoma Vaughan Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 22 Augusti 1827. Ego hodie baptizavi Eleonoram Cavendish natam die 20 hujus mensis filiam Henrici & Mariæ (olim McCarthy) conj. Eam a fonte suscepit Sarah Christopher . Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die27 Octobris 1827. Ego hodie baptizavi Franciscam Pierce natam die 22 hujus mensis filiam Joannis & Mariæ Isabellæ Pierce (olim Ferguson) conj Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Cave & Barbara Jac: Delaney M.A. Graham [р 163]

Regist. Sepultur. An Dni 1827 .

Die 20 Septembris 1827 sepultum est in CoemeterioS. Jacobi extra muros corpus AnastasiaVaughan viduæ quondam Thoma Vaughan mortui an. 1819Obiit die 14 ejusdem mensis annos nata 65. R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 28 Septembris 1827 sepultum est corpus Carolina Annæ Redstone septem circiter menses natæ.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 15 Octobris 1827 sepultum est apud Sm Jacobum corpus

Lucia Tucker (de Twyford) quæ obiit die 10 ejusdem mensis annos nata 71. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 26 Octobris 1827 sepultumest apud S. Jacobum corpus

Elizabethæ Gudgeon quæ obiit die 22 ejusdem mensis annos nata

55. R.I.P. [p . 164] 1827 .

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Registr. Sepultur.

Die 12 Novembris 1827 sepultum est in CoemeterioS. Jacobi corpus Sara Parker (de Titchborne) quæ obiit die 7 ejusdem mensis annos nata 81. R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 22 Decembris 1827 sepultum est in CoemeterioS. Jacobi corpus infantis undecim menses nati Georgii Eadesqui obiit die [blank] hujus mensis.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

A:D :1828

Die 18Januarii 1828 sepulta est in cœmeterio S¹ Jacobi Maria King quæ obiit die 14 hujus mensis, novem annos nata R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 20 Martii 1828 sepultus est in cœmeterio S Jacobi Richardus Everitt, qui obiit die 17 ejusdem mensis, annos natus 40. R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 29 Martii 1828 sepulta est in cœmeterio Si Jacobi Sophia Payne quæ obiit die 24 hujus mensis annos nata 17. R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A. Regist Baptismatum. [P . 165]

Die 29 Novembris 1827. Ego hodie baptizavi Helenam

Chivers natam die 25 hujus mensis & hujus anni filiam Thomæ Chivers & Sara (olim Southwell) conjugum Sponsores fuerunt Alanus Davy & Francisca Cave. Jac: Delaney M.A.

A.D. 1828

Die 6 Januarii 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi Josephum Thomam Gargani natum die 29 Decembris A:D: 1827 filium Jacobi & Mariæ (olim Lucas) conj Sponsores fuerunt Michael Munday & Sarah Goodman Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap

Die2 Februarii 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi RichardumBaigent natum die 25 Januarii hujus anni filium Richardi Baigent & Ludovica (olim Croome) conj Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Cave & Maria Cave. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 22 Martii 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi Agnetem filiam Sophiæ Payne natam die 20 hujus mensis Jac Delaney M.A.

Die autem 23 Aprilis supplevi cæremonias Sponsoresfuerunt Michael Munday & Maria Payne. J.D.

[p. 166]

Registr. Baptism. 23

Die 12 Maji 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi Franciscum Drew natum die 22 Aprilis hujus anni filium Patricii & Elizabeth(olim A'herne) conj. Sponsores fuere Thomas Drew & Maria Hayes. 21st Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 9 Junii 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi MariamCrillynatam die 13 Maji hujus anni filiam Patricii & Mariæ (olim Kirwan) conj. Susceptores fuerunt Gulielmus Gibbins & Maria Power. 21st Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 14 Junii 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi MariamCunningham natam die 5 hujus mensis filiam Thomæ & Helenæ (olim McAllan) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Paulus Carmody & Catharina Nowlan. 21st Regt.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 5 Octobris 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi GulielmumAvery natum die 2 hujus mensis filium Caroli & Elizabeth (olim Middleton) conj. Sponsoresfuerunt Michael Mundy&MariaMiddleton.

Jac: Delaney M.A. [p. 167]

Registrum Sepulturarum

Die 6 Junii 1828 sepultum est in coemeterio Si Jacobi extra muros hujus civitatis corpus Dna Mariæ Francisca Grace, qua mortua est Hantoniæ die prima hujus mensis annos nata 35 . R.I.P.*

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die5 Octobris1828. Ego hodie baptizavi GulielmumAvery natum die 2a hujus mensis filium Caroli & Elizabeth (olim Middleton) conj. Sponsores fueruntMichael Mundy&MariaMiddleton .

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 5 Octobris Ego hodie baptizavi Thomam Patricium Mundy natum heri filium Michaelis & Amelia (olim Goater) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Sandals & Cecilia Callaghan.

Jac : Delaney M.A.

Die 7 Octobris 1828 sepulta est in Cemeterio S. Jacobi WinefridaTuckerquæ obiit die quinta hujus mensisapud Twyford annos nata 77. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Regist : Baptism [p. 168]

Die 5 Octobris 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi Thomam Patricium Mundynatum heri filium Michaelis & Amelia (olim Goater) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Sandals & Cæcilia Callaghan

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 2 Decembris 1828. Ego hodie baptizavi Benedictum Joannem Vaughan natum die 30 Novembris hujus anni filium

Thomæ & Annæ (olim Cave) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Cave Junt & Catharina Cave

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die21 Decembris 1828. Ego hodie baptizaviElizabethAnnam Redstonenatam die [blank] filiam Joannis Redstone & Annæ (olim Grant) conjugum. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Vaughan &

Jac: Delaney M.A. Catharina Gudgeon.

" From Southampton in the margin. These entries have been crossed out because the first is already entered above , and the second below .

[p. 169]

Regist Sepultur.

Die23 Decembris 1828 sepultumest in Cometerio S. Jacobi corpus infantis Agnetis Houlton viginti menses nati

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

A:D: 1829

Die 19 Februarii 1829 sepultum est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi corpus Dñae Mariæ Farquharson quæ obiit Londoni die 70 ejusdem mensis annos nata 58. R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 3 Aprilis 1829 sepultum est in cœemeterio S Jacobi corpus Agnetis Payne infantis unius anni. Ita testor Jac: Delaney

Die25 Maji 1829 sepultum est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi corpus DomnæAgnetis OblatæSanctimonialis O.S.B. hujus civitatis quæ obiit die 21 hujus mensis anno Æt suæ 48. In sæculo vocabatur

Maria Eleonora Whelan . R.I.P.

[p. 170]

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

A:D: 1829

Regist. Baptism.

Die 2 Martii A.D. 1829. Ego hodie baptizavi Catharinam Houlton natam die 26 Februarii hujus anni filiam Stephani & Lydia (olim Dempson) conj. Matrina fuit Catharina Cave. Jac: Delaney Miss Ap.

Die 8 Martii 1829. Ego hodie baptizaviGeorgium Harmswood natum die 7 Februarii hujus anni filium Jacobi & Eleonora(olim Manning) conj Sponsores fuerunt Robertus & Sarah Goodman. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 31 Maji 1829. Ego hodie baptizavi Helenam Bunce natamdie 3 hujus mensis filiam Thomæ & Saræ (olim Tyler) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Cave & Anna Vaughan

Jac: Delaney M. Ap.

[р 171]

Registr Sepultur. 1829

Die 30 Maji 1829 sepultum est in Cometerio S¹ Jacobi corpus Thomæ Newell (de Cheriton) qui obiit die 23 ejusdem mensis annos natus 79. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 11 Augusti 1829 sepultum est in Coemeterio Si Jacobi corpus Roberti Edwards, qui obiit die 5 ejusdem mensis annos natus74


Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 12 Augusti 1829 sepultum est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi corpus Thomæ Bulbeck (de Heasting in comitatu Hanton ) qui obiit die 8 ejusdem mensis annos natus 87. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 16 Octobris 1829 sepultum est in coemeterio S. Jacobi corpus Sororis Conversæ Corduliæ Ord: Cistersien: de Flines in Flandria Gal quæ obiit apud Sanctimoniales O.S.B. in hac Civitate die 14 dicti mensis Æt 81. Profes . . In sæculo nominabatur Anna De l'Evêque R.I.P.

[р. 172]

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Registr Bapt

Die 16 Septembris 1829. Ego hodie baptizavi Ambrosium

Cull natum die 14 hujus mensis filium Roberti & Mariæ (olim Towsey) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Moody & Catharina Isabella Gudgeon.

An Dni 1830

Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap.

Die 25 Januarii 1830. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Paulum Redstone natum heri filium Josephi Lucæ Redstone & Catharina (olim Shephard) conj Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Vaughan & Eleonora

Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap.

Die 27 Februarii 1830. Ego hodie baptizavi sub conditione Joannem Egan natum die 18 Januarii hujus anni filium Michaelis Egan et Mariæ Burns conjugum.

Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap

Die 20 Maji 1830. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Gargani natum die 18 hujus mensis filium Jacobi Gargani & Mariæ (olim Lucas) conj. Matrina fuit ElizabethSharp.

Jac: Delaney M.Ap.

[p. 173]

A:D: 1830 . Registr Sepultur.

Die22 Januarii A.D. 1830 sepultum est in cœmeterioS. Jacobi corpus Arthuri CliffordArmigeri de prænobili Cliffordiorumprosapia qui mortuus est Wintoniæ die 16 ejusdem mensis anno Ætatis suæ 53° R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac Delaney M.A.

Die 26 Februarii 1830. sepultum est in cœmeterio S Jacobi corpus Martini Reeks (de Soberton) qui mortuusest die23 ejusdem mensis a.n. 77 R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 18 Martii 1830. sepultum est in cœmeterio S Jacobi corpus Cecilia Callaghan quæ obiit die 14 ejusdem mensis annos nata 78


Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 13 Aprilis 1830 sepultum est in cœmeterio S Jacobi corpus infantis an 4 Sophiæ Annæ Munday quæ obiit [blank]

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 27 Decembris 1830 sepultumest in cœmeterio S¹ Jacobi corpus Joannis Avery qui obiit die 22 ejusdem mensis anno natus


Regist. Bapt 92 [р 174]

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 22 Junii1830. Ego hodie baptizavi Franciscum Josephum Baigent natum die 14 hujus mensis filium Richardi Baigent & Ludovica (olim Croome) conj Susceptoresfuerunt Alanus Davy & Honorabilis Francisca Arundell per procuratricem Annam James Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 4 Julii 1830. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Trainer natum die 50 Aprilis hujus anni filium Joannis Trainer & Joannæ (olim Knight) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Anna Morgan. Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap.

Die 22 Septembris 1830. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem Ricquier natum die 20a hujus mensis filium Joannis-Baptistæ Ricquier & Elizabeth (olim Marks) conj Sponsores fuerunt Michael Mundy & Maria Cull. Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap.

Die 18 Octobris 1830. Ego hodie baptizavi Margaritam & MariamO'Brien filias gemellas Jacobi & Mariæ (olim Robinson) conjugum, sex circiter menses natas . Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p . 175]


Regist. Baptism .

Die 13 Decembris 1830. Ego hodie baptizavi Elizabeth Houlton natam die 7 hujus mensis filiam Stephani & Lydia (olim Dempson) conj Matrina fuit Maria Ann Moody.

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 1 Januarii 1831. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem Avery natum die 29 Decembris 1830 filium Caroli & Elizabeth (olim Middleton) conj Sponsores fuere Robertus Goodman & Martha Siggers Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 21 Januarii 1831. Ego hodie baptizaviCarolum Antonium Vaughan natum die 19° hujus mensisfilium Thomæ & Annæ (olim Cave) conj Sponsoresfuerunt Thomas Moody& Francisca Cave. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 30 Aprilis 1831. Ego hodie baptizavi Carolum filium Elizabeth Sharpe Jac: Delaney Miss Ap

Die 29 Junii 1831. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Franciscam Maffeynatam die 26 hujus mensis filiam Caroli & Elizabeth(olim James) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Richardus Baigent & Maria Aslett Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p. 176]

Registr Sepultur

Die 30 Decembris 1830 sepultus est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi Joannes Doyle infans unius anni mortuus die 28 ejusdem mensis

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

A:D: 1831

Die 12 Januarii 1831 sepultum est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi corpus Revdi Dñi Joannis Claudii Gonet Presbyteri Lugduniensis qui obiit Hantoniæ die 9 ejusdem mensis annos natus 76. R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 14 Aprilis 1831 sepultum est in coemeterio S. Jacobi corpus ThomæGuy de Titchbornequi obiit die 11 ejusdem mensis annos natus 85. R.I.P. Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 9 Junii 1831 sepultum est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi corpus Henrici Baggs qui obiit die 4 ejusdem mensis.





Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Regist: Bapt.

Die 22 Julii 1831. Ego hodie baptizavi Josephum Danielem Redstonenatum hodie filium Josephi Lucæ Redstone & Catharina (olim Shephard) conj. Matrina fuit Margarita Pinnock. Jac. Delaney Miss. Ap

Die24 Octobris 1831. Ego hodie baptizaviAgnetem Redstone natamhodie filiam Joannis Redstone & Annæ (olimGrant) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Cave Jun" & Catharina Gudgeon Sen™ Jac: Delaney M.Ap.

Die 27 Novembris 1831. Ego hodie baptizavi Martham Dunn natam die 21 Octobris hujus anni filiam Joannis Dunn & Mariæ (olimRobart) conj Sponsores fueruntJacobusFlanigan &Eleonora Casey. Jas: Delaney M.Ap.

85th Regt

* Southampton. Private Chaplain to theMarquis Montmorency-Laval.

A:D: 1832

Die 18 Martii 1832. Ego hodie baptizaviGulielmum Patricium Armswood natum die 17 Februarii hujus anni filium Jacobi & Eleonora (olim Manning) conj. Sponsores fuere Michael Mundy & Francisca Pinnock Jac: Delaney Miss.Ap. [p . 178]

Registr: Sepultur

Die 5 Septembris 1831 sepultumest in CoemeterioS. Jacobi corpusRevdi Dñi HenriciJacobi Le Marquant Presbyteri Dioeceseos Ebroensis in Galliaqui Sacellani & Confessarii munus apud Sanctimoniales O.S.B. Wintoniæ Viginti Quatuor Annis obivit. Mortuus est die prima ejusdem mensisætatis anno 90. Requiescat in Pace

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 23 Septembris 1831 sepulta est in CoemeterioS. Jacobi Catharina Ricquier infans 7 annorum .

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 12 Decembris 1831 sepulta est in Coemeterio S. Jacobi

Amelia Munday quæ obiit die 9 ejusdem mensis annos nata 44.


Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Decembris 1831 sepulta est in coemeterio S¹ Jacobi

Anna Collins quæ obiit die 25 ejusdem mensis annos nata 72 .


Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 29 Decembris 1831 sepulta est in Cemeterio S. Jacobi

Maria Eades quæ obiit die 24 ejusdem mensis 70 annos nata. Jac: Delaney M.A.

р 179]

A:D: 1832 .

Registr. Sepulturar.

Die25 Januarii 1832 sepultus est in cœmeterioS. Jacobi extra muros Jacobus Gargani qui mortuus est die 22 ejusdem mensis annos natus 67 R.I.P.

Ita testor Jac : Delaney M.A.

Die 29 Maji 1832 sepultus est Josephus Daniel Redstone 10 menses natus

Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 10 Augusti 1832 sepulta est Agnes Ricquier5 annos nata Jac: Delaney M.Ap.

Die25 Augusti 1832 sepultus est in coemeterioS. Jacobi extra muros Jacobus Towsey qui mortuus est Hantoniæ die 20ejusdem mensis annos natus 65 .


Ita testor Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Augusti 1832 sepultus est in Coemeterio S. Jacobi Michael Mundy annos natus 45 qui mortuus est die 25 ejusdem mensis R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 21 Septembris 1832 sepulta est in Coemeterio S. Jacobi

D. Maria Josepha Sanctimonialis O.S.B. dicta in sæculo [blank] Hutchison quæobiit die 19 ejusdem mensisÆt anno 44º Religionis 25° R.I.P.

[p. 180]

Regist. Baptism.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die24 Maji 1832. Ego hodie baptizaviMartinumDalynatum hodie filium Patricii & Annæ (olim Kirwan) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Walsh & Margarita Daly. 84th Regt

Jac: Delaney Miss: Ap.


Die22 Junii1832. Ego hodie baptizavi GuillelmumHenricum Baigeant natum die 12 hujus mensis filium Richardi & Ludovica (olim Croome) conj Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Vaughan & Maria Anna Moody. Jac : Delaney Miss. Ap.

Die 24 Junii 1832. Ego hodie baptizavi Thomam Carolum Chivers natum die 19 hujus mensis filium Thomæ & Sarah (olim Southwell) conjugum . Sponsores fuerunt Georgius Tanner & Martha Pinnock

Jac: Delaney Miss Ap

Die 23 Octobris 1832. Ego hodie baptizavi Luciam Houlton natam die [blank] hujus mensis filiam [blank] MatrinafuitMartha Pinnock. Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p. 181]

Regist : Sepultur

Die21 Septembris 1832 sepultus est apud S. Jacobum Carolus Sharpe infans circa 17 menses natus Jac : Delaney M.Ap.

Die 4 Octobris 1832 sepulta est apud Sm Jacobum Johanna Storey 80 annos nata quæ obiit die 1 ejusdem mensis R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 26 Novembris 1832 sepulta est in Coemeterio S. Jacobi Maria Reeks 69 annos nata quæ obiit die 23 ejusd mensis R.I.P. de Soberton.

Jac : Delaney M.A.

Die 15 Decembris 1832 depositum est in CometerioS. Jacobi corpus Mariæ Juliana Wheble de Woodley-Lodge in Bercheria Comitatu quæ obiit die 9 ejusdem mensis ætatis suæ anno 17 .


A: D: 1833

. R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M . Ap

Die 14 Januarii 1833 sepulta est Catharina Redstonequæ obiit die 8 ejusdem mensis annos nata 36.

[р 182] Registr Baptism

Jac: Delaney M.A.

1832 Novembris 24. Ego hodie baptizavi Catharinam Anastasiam Vaughan natam heri filiam Thomæ & Annæ (olim Cave) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Richardus Baijeant& Maria Anna Moody. Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap.

A: D:


Die 3 Januarii 1833. Ego hodie baptizavi Georgium Stephanum Redstone natum heri filium Josephi & Catharina (olim Shephard) conj Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Tanner & Juliana Gilbert Jac: Delaney M.Ap.

Die 24 Martii 1833. Ego hodie baptizavi Carolettam Mariam Green natam die [blank] filiam Edmundi & Sophia(olim Besley) conj. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 6 Junii 1833. Ego hodie baptizavi HenricumRobertum

Avery natum die 2 ejusd mensis filium Caroli & Elizabeth (olim Middleton) conj Sponsores fuerunt Gulielmus Cox & Maria Anna Pinnock. Jac: Delaney M.A. [р 183]

Registr : Sepultur.

Die 12 Februarii 1833 sepultum est in CoemeterioS. Jacobi, corpus Revdi Dñi Caroli Peters Miss" Apost qui 46 annis munere Pastorali & Sacellaneo apud Titchbornefunctus est Obiit die 2 ejusdem mensis, annos natus 73. Req. in Pace. de Titchborne Jac: Delaney Miss. Ap

Die 4 Aprilis 1833 sepulta est in coemeterio S. Jacobi, Anna Danells vidua quæ obiit die 29 Martii annos nata 75. R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 8 Aprilis 1833 sepulta est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi Maria Browne quæ obiit die 5a ejusdem mensis annos nata 78. R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 13 Augusti 1833 sepultus est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi JoannesJeremias Ringqui obiit Portsea die 9 ejusd. mensisannos natus 50. R.I.P.

[p . 184]

Registr Bapt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 20 Augusti 1833 supplevi cæremoniasomissasin Baptismate privato Joannis Kirwan filii Joannis & Mariæ (olim West) conjugum Natus est die 6 ejusdem mensis Sponsoresfuerunt Joannes & Maria Farrell.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 26 Augusti 1833. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Decie natam die 18 Julii hujus anni filiam Joannis & Eleonora (olim Dinnihen ) conj. Patrinus fuit Eduardus Hedges

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 6 Octobris 1833. Ego hodie baptizavi Gulielmum Moody natum die 11 Septembris hujus anni filium Gulielmi & Mariæ (olim Camies) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas & Maria Anna Moody

Registr. Sepultur.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 13 Octobris 1833. Ego hodie baptizavi Franciscam Birgittam Casey natam die 26 Decembris 1832 filiam Michaelis & Elizabeth (olim Westgate) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joseph Redstone & Anna Whitehead . * Wimborniæ [p . 185]

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 8 Novembris 1833 sepultum est apud S. Jacobum corpus

Jacobi Butt qui obiit die 4 ejusdem mensis annos habens 76 . Jacobus Delaney M.A.


Die24 Decembris 1833 sepultus est JosephusPagi (Italus)qui obiit Wintoniæ die 21 ejusd. mensis annos natus25.


A: D: 1834. Jacobus Delaney

Die 3 Januarii 1834 sepultum est apud S. Jacobum corpus Josephi Charker qui obiit die 30 Decembris præcedentis annos natus 78. R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 24 Januarii 1834 sepultum est ad S. Jacobum corpus Elizabeth Charker quæ obiit die 19 ejusd mensis anno ætatis suæ 71° R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 30 Januarii 1834 sepulta est in coemeterioS.Jacobi Lucia Doller (de Brambridge ) quæ obiit die 25 ejusd. mensis annos nata 75. R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A. [p. 186]

Regist. Bapt.

Die 23 Decembris 1833. Ego hodie baptizavi Carolinam Wilson natam die 23 Novembris hujus anni filiam Jacobi & Elizabeth (olim Golding) conj.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

* The place of birth , " Wimborniæ , " is omitted in the entry, but is supplied below .

A: D: 1834


Die 3 Maji 1834. Ego hodie baptizavi (sine cæremoniis consuetis) Helenam Mariam Baijeant natam heri filiam Richardi & Ludovica (olim Croome) conj.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 8 Maji 1834. Ego hodie baptizavi Emiliam Blancham Vaughan natam heri filiam Thomæ & Anastasia(olim Cave) conj. Sponsoresfuerunt Joannes Cave jun & Helena Moody.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Maji 1834. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Keating natam die 9 hujus mensis filiam Michaelis & Catharina (olim Carthy) conj Eam tenuit Anna Whitehead ,

[p. 187]


. Sepultur.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 11 Martii1834 depositum estin cœmeterio S. Jacobi corpus Sororis Mariæ Margarita O.S.B. dictæ in sæculo (Buckley) quæ obiit in Monasterio suo Wintoniensi die 8 ejusdem mensis annos nata 27 .


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die27 Martii 1834 sepultum est in cœmeterio S.Jacobi corpus Henrici Williams qui obiit die 23 ejusdem mensis annos natus75.


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 7 Maji 1834 sepulta est ad Sm Jacobum ElizabethDavey annos nata 80. quæ obiit die 3 ejusdem mensis


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 9 Maji 1834 sepulta est Helena Maria Baijeant infans trium dierum.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 10 Maji 1834 sepultus est Carolus Cavanagh infans 2 annis & 8 mensibus natus

Die 17 Julii 1834

Wheble annos nata 46 (de Woodley Lodge) [p . 188]

Jac: Delaney M.A.

sepulta est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi Maria quæ obiit Londini die 9 ejusdem anni [sic]


Registr Bapt.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 11 Junii 1834. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem O'Sullivan natum die 8 hujus mensisfilium Timothei& Mariæ(olimLinnahan) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Patricius Galvin & AnnaWhitehead. 12th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 1º Augusti 1834. Ego hodie baptizavi Annam Houghton natam die 16 Aprilis hujus anni filiam Hugonis & Annæ (olim Kelly) conj. Sponsoresfuerunt Henricus & Francisca Hawkins. 12th Regt

Jac: Delaney Miss Ap.

Die5 Septembris 1834. Ego hodie baptizaviMargaritamTully natam die 17 Augusti hujus anni filiam Joannis & Honoræ (olim Gallagher) conj Patrinus fuit Jacobus Tully. 12th Regt

[p . 189]

Registr Sepultur

Jac: Delaney M.Ap.

Die 4 Septembris 1834 sepulta est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi Francisca Pierce quæ mortua est die 30 Augusti anno Ætatis suæ 70

Jac : Delaney M.Ap.

Die 13 Septembris 1834sepultus est JoannesCavanaghinfans nondum trium annorum mortuus pridie.

12th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 13 Octobris 1834 sepulta est ad S. Jacobum Catharina Sterck quæ mortua est die 7 ejusdem mensis 80. annos nata


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 14 Novembris 1834 sepultus est Franciscus Young qui obiit heri annos natus 34. 12th Regt


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 15 Novembris 1834 sepultus est in cœemeterio S. Jacobi

Jacobus Cole annos 80 natus quimortuus estdie 12 ejusdem mensis de Cheriton


[p . 190]


Anno Dñi

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 3 Januarii 1835 depositum est in cœmeterio S. Jacobi corpus Jacobi Cave qui obiit die 30 Decembris ætat. suæ an. 63 .


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 22 Januarii 1835 sepulta est Lucia Packer quæ obiit die 18 ejusdem mensis annos nata 66


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 16 Februarii 1835 sepulta est ElizabethFryerannos nata 66. Obiit die 10 ejusd. mensis


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 14 Julii 1835 sepulta est Maria Cox quæ mortua est die 9 ejusdem mensis ætat suæ anno 88.


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 25 Novembris 1835 sepulta est apud S. Jacobum Maria Elizabeth Soror Conversa Ord S. Bened quæ vita cessit die 21 huj mensis anno Ætat. 33° Profess Relig anno 5º. Dicta eratin sæculo Catharina Draycott. R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A. [p . 191]

Anno Dñi


Regist Bapt

Die 11 Januarii 1835. Ego hodie baptizavi Franciscum Armswood natum die 100 Decembris præteriti filium Jacobi & Eleonora (olim Manning) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Attwood & Margarita Pinnock.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 30 Januarii 1835. Ego hodie baptizavi Martinam Franciscam Attwood natam heri filiam Joannis & Margarita (olim Dunn) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Robertus Goodman & Anna Charker

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 1 Februarii 1835. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem Carney natum die 9 Januarii hujus anni filium Patricii & Elizabeth (olim Whelan) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Martinus Rochford& Eleonora Jenkins

Jac: Delaney M.A. 23d Regt

Die 2 Februarii 1835. Ego hodie baptizavi MargaritamRiley natam die 20 Januarii hujus anni filiam Augustini & Annæ (olim Griffiths) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Fitzsimons & Anna Archer

Jac: Delaney M.A. 23d Regt

[p. 192]


Registr Bapt.

Die29 Martii1835. Ego hodie baptizaviAgnetem Franciscam

Baijeant natam die 26 hujus mensis filiam Richardi & Ludovica (olim Croome .) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes& Francisca Cave . Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 29 Martii 1835, Ego hodie baptizavi Elizabeth Tyrrell natam die 24 Februarii hujus anni filiam Georgii & Elizabeth (olim Shehan) conj Sponsores fuerunt Patricius Carney & Johanna

Welsh Jac: Delaney M.A. 23d Regt

Die 12 Aprilis 1835. Ego hodie baptizavi Eleonoram Gould natam die 31 Martii hujus anni filiam Thomæ & Mariæ (olim Hickey) conj Sponsoresfuerunt Jacobus MacNamara & ejus filia

Maria Anna Jac: Delaney M.A. 23d Regt

Die 18 Maji 1835 Redstone natam die 15 (olim Fitzmorris) conj Anna Sylvester [p. 193]

Ego hodie baptizavi Theresiam Mariam hujus mensis filiam Josephi & Joanna Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Attwood & Jac: Delaney M.A.

Registr Bapt

Die 25 Novembris 1835. Ego hodie baptizavi Catharinam Donovan natam die 23 hujus mensis filiam Thomæ Donovan & Elizabeth(olim Lynch) conj Sponsores fuerunt Dionysius Noonan & Catharina Crawley. Jac: Delaney Miss Ap.

A.D. 1836

Die 15 Januarii 1836. Ego hodie baptizaviJoannem Hilarium

Welch natum die 13 hujus mensis filium Patricii & Thirza(olim Parkyn) conj Sponsores fuerunt Gulielmus Cox & Elizabeth

Churchill Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 17 Januarii 1836. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Annam Mayhew natam die 19 Decembris 1835 filiam Joannis & Mariæ (olim Collins) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Patricius Welch & Maria

Middleton. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 11 Junii 1836. Ego hodie baptizavi Josephum Lucam& Annam Redstone natos hodie filios gemellos Josephi & Joanna (Fitzmorris) conj Eos e fonte suscepit Maria Aslett [p . 194]

Registr. Sepultur. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Novembris 1835 sepulta est apud Sm Jacobum Maria Bulbeck quæ obiit die 23a ejusdem mensis annos nata 80 (de Cheriton) R.I.P.

A:D: 1836

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 2 Aprilis 1836 sepultus est apud S. Jacobum Gulielmus Cox qui obiit die 29 Martii annos natus 63*


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 4 Julii 1836 sepultum est corpus infantis Josephi Luca

Redstone Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 26 Julii 1836 sepulta est Elizabeth Henley quæ obiit die 22 ejusdem mensis annos nata 23.


Jac: Delaney M.A.

* This is either '63' or ' 67': a' 7' has been imposed upona '3' or viceversa .

A:D: 1837

Die 28 Martii 1837. sepultum est corpus Joannis Laurentii Winn (de Alresford) qui obiit die 23 ejusdem mensis ætatis suæ


Jac: Delaney M.A. anno 83. [p . 195]

Registr Bapt.

Die 31 Augusti 1836. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem Moody natum die 19 hujus mensis filium Gulielmi & Mariæ (olim Camies) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Cave Junr & Eleonora Moody.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 11 Septembris 1836. Ego hodie baptizavi Annam Bulger natam die 23 Maji hujus anni filiam Eduardi & Brigidæ (olim Martin) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes & Elizabeth O'Neil

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 16 Decembris 1836. Ego hodie baptizavi sub conditione Robertum Gaiger infantem trium circiter annorum .

Jac: Delaney M.A.

A:D: 1837 .

Die 29 Januarii 1837. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannam Franciscam Chivers natam die 26 ejusdem mensis filiam Thomæ & Sara (olim Southwell) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Attwood & Anna Davy.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 5 Februarii 1837. Ego hodie baptizavi MariamAgnetem Reeves natam die [blank] filiam Henrici & Mariæ (olim Ricquier) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Kidd & Maria Aslett

[p . 196]

Registr Bapt.

J. Delaney M.Ap.

Die 2 Aprilis 1837. Ego hodie baptizavi Mechtildem Mariam Baijeant natam die 27 Martii hujus anni filiam Richardi & Ludovica(olim Croome) conj Sponsoresfuerunt Georgius& Anastasia


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 8 Junii 1837. Ego hodie baptizavi RobertumAnderson natum die 30°Maji filium Gulielmi & Caroletta(olim Byrne) conj.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 27 Septembris 1837. Ego hodie baptizavi Luciam Agnetem Crafter natamdie 6° hujus mensisfiliam Joannis &Francisca (olim Whale) conj Susceptor fuit Hugo Grant

[p . 197]

Registr. Sepultur.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Aprilis 1837 sepulta est Elizabeth Sainsbury vidua quæ obiit 24 ejusdem mensis annos nata 77


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 24 Maji 1837 sepulta est Ludovica Anna Baijeant quæ obiit die 18 ejusdem ætat. an 11°


Jac Delaney M.A.

Die 21 Augusti 1837 sepulta est Elizabeth Daniellsmortua die 17 ejusd mensis an. nata 42 . (de Brambridge)


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 4 Septembris 1837 sepulta est Joanna Francisca Chivers infans 7 mensium quæ obiit die 1 ejusdem mensis

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 28 Novembris 1837 sepulta est Anna Redstone infans 17 mensium quæ mortua est die 24 ejusd. Jac: Delaney M.A. [р


A: D: 1838

Registr Bapt.

Die 21 Januarii 1838. Ego hodie baptizaviGulielmumLucam Redstone natum die [blank] filium Josephi & Joanna (olim Fitzmorris) conj. Sponsores fuerunt [blank] & Elizabeth Kidd.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 24 Junii 1838. Ego hodie baptizavi EduardumJoannem Bulger natum die 28 Februariihujus anni filium Eduardi& Brigidæ (olimMartin) conj Sponsores fuerunt Joannes & [blank] Attwood (de Andover)

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die27 Septembris 1838. Ego hodie baptizaviJosephumWhite natum23 hujus mensis filium Gulielmi & Elizabeth(olim Towsey) conj. Sponsores fuere Joannes Attwood & Elizabeth O'Neil.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die4 Novembris1838. Ego hodie baptizavi Georgium Jacobum Bruce natum heri filium Caroli Georgii & Anastasia (olim Charker) conj. Patrini fuerunt Richardus Baijeant& Anna Davy. [p. 199] A: D : 1838

Registr. Sepultur.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 5 Februarii 1838 sepulta est [blank] Theobald mortuadie 31 Januarii


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 5 Februarii 1838 sepulta est Sarah Christopher quæ obiit die 1 hujus mensis annos nata 52.


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 15 Februarii 1838 sepultus est infans Gulielmus Lucas Redstone

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die28 Martii 1838 sepulta est AnnaMarshquæ obiit 24hujus


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 12 Aprilis 1838 sepultus est Joannes Baptista Sibilot (natione Gallus) qui mortuus est die 8 hujus mensis


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Aprilis 1838 sepultus est Michael Little qui mortuus est die 24 ejusd mensis annos natus 76

R.I.P. (de Cheriton) [p. 200]

Registr. Sepultur.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 3 Julii 1838 sepultus est apud S. Jacobum Patricius JosephusMacNoltyqui obiit apud Christchurchdie 28 Junii annos natus 47


Jas: Delaney M.A.

Die 5 Septembris 1838 sepulta est Maria Sylvester quæ obiit die 1 ejusd mensis annos nata 42 .



Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 10 Septembris 1838 sepulta est Elizabeth Towsey qua obiit die 5 ejusdem mensis annos nata 68. (de Southton )


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Septembris 1838 sepultus est apud S. Jacobum Antonius Bulbeck qui obiit die 25 ejusd. mensis annos natus 64. (de Romsey)

Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p. 201]*

Registr Baptism 35 201

Die 9 Decembris 1838. Ego hodie baptizavi Catharinam

Æmiliam Green natam die 7 Novembris præcedentis filiam Edmundi& Sophiæ (olim Besley) conj Sponsoresfuerunt Joannes Attwood & Maria Aslett.

A: D : 1839

Registr. Baptism.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 18° Januarii 1839. Ego hodie baptizavi Catharinam Franciscam Chivers natamheri filiam Thomæ & Saræ (olim Southwell) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Attwood & Anna Davey.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 16 Julii 1839. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem filium

Samuelis Escott & Elizabeth (olim Taylor) conj. natum die 19 Junii hujus anni

Jac: Delaney M.A. (vagi)

Die 30 Septembris 1839. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam

Theresiam filiam Annæ Ricquier natam die 10 ejusdem mensis. Matrina fuit Margarita Ricquier.

Jac: Delaney M.A. [р 202]

A: D: 1839

Registr. Sepultur.

Die 16 Januarii 1839 sepulta est Catharina Middleton. Obiit 13º ejusd annos nata 76 R.I.P.

Die 23 Februarii 1839 sepulta est Chivers infans unius mensis

Jac: Delaney M.A. Catharina Francisca

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 25 Februarii 1839 sepulta est Sanctimonialis femina Domina Catharina (Molteno) O.S.B. hujus civitatis : mortua est die 23. ejusd. mensis anno ætatis 36: professionis Religiosa [blank]

R.I.P. R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die21 Martii 1839 sepulta est Anna Everett (vidua) quæ obiit die 17 ejusdem mensis: & eodem die sepultus est Joseph Towsey (pater Annæ Everett) qui mortuus est die 18 ejusd. mensis annos

Jac: Delaney M.A. natus 84. [p. 203]

Registr. Sepultur. 203

Die 16 Maji 1839 sepulta est Da Philippa (Francisca Mittan) O.S.B. quæ obiit die 12 ejusd mensis Etat anno 55. Profess 28


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Maji 1839 depositum est apud S. Jacobum corpus Revdi Dñi Joannis Singleton (de Highbridge) Sacerdotis qui mortuus est die 24 ejusdem mensis annos natus 64.


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 18 Julii 1839 sepultus fuit Gulielmus White quiobiitdie 14 ejusd mensis annos natus 36.


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 23 Julii 1839 sepulta est Da. Anselma (Maria Collins) O.S.B. quæ obiit die 19 ejusd mensis ætat anno 77. Profess .42.


Jac: Delaney M.A. natus

Die 30 Augusti 1839 sepultus est Josephus White 11 menses

Jac: Delaney M.A.

* The odd pages are numbered henceforward


Die 23 Septembris 1839 sepultus est Georgius Goldfinch (de Fisher's-Pond). Mortuus est die 18 ejusdem mensis.


[p. 204]

Registr Sepultur.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 3 Octobris 1839 sepulta est apud S. Jacobum Maria Glasspole quæ obiit Havanti die 28 Septembris annos nata 68.

R.I.P. (of Havant)

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 18 Novembris 1839 sepulta est apud S. Jacobum Dña

Maria Anna (Rayment) Monialis O.S.B. quæ obiit die 14 ejusdem mensis anno Etat suæ 85° Professionis Religiosæ 66°


Jac: Delaney Miss: Ap.

A: D: 1840

Die 23 Januarii 1840 sepultus est Andreas Lumberry* qui obii [sic] die 20 ejusdem mensis annos natus 4 & menses 8.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 19 Februarii 1840 inhumatum est corpus Annæ Clark quæ obiit die 16 ejusd. mensis. Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 20 Martii 1840 sepulta est Francisca Guy (de Titchborne) quæ obiit die 17° annos nata 87 J. Delaney M.A.


[p. 205]

Registr: Baptism: 205

Die 15 Octobris 1839. Ego hodie baptizavi AndreamVinn natumdie4 Septembris hujus anni filiumThomæ Vinn & Francisca (olim Payne) conj Matrina fuit Maria Anna Payne.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 15 Novembris 1839. Ego hodiebaptizavi Josephum Guy natum die 11 hujus mensis filium Jacobi & Catharina (olim Edwards) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes & Maria Slatter , quorum nomine responderunt Joannes Attwood Jun & Anna Gargani. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 13 Decembris 1839. Ego hodie baptizavi Franciscam Joannam Redstone natam die 11° hujus mensis filiam Josephi & Joanna (olim Fitzmorris) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes AttJac: Delaney M.A. wood & Anna Bruce.

Die 25 Decembris 1839. Ego hodie baptizavi Catharinam Teresiam Scott natam 6° hujusfiliam [blank] Matrina fuit[blank] Foley Jac: Delaney M.A. (vagorum fil )

[p. 206]

A: D: MDCCCXL Registrum Baptizatorum

Die 1 Januarii 1840. Ego hodie baptizaviGeorgium Baijeant natum die 25° Decembris 1839 filium Richardi & Ludovica (olim Croome) conj. Matrina fuit Maria Anna Moody. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 27 Februarii 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi Catharinam Lundberry natam 15 hujus mensis filiam Andreæ & Catharina (olim Westwood) conj Matrina fuit Carolina Westwood. Jac: DelaneyM.A.

* This surnamehas apparently been correctedto " Lundberry , " but the correction is very faint.

Die 6 Aprilis 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Brennan natam die 12 Martii præcedentis filiam Patricii & Mariæ (olim Connell) conj. Sponsoresfuerunt FlorentiusDriscol& MariaCurtin 61st Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 22 Aprilis 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi Carolinam O'Brien natam 17 Martii filiam Timothei & Julianæ (olim McCoy) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joseph & Catharina O'Brien 61st Regt

[p. 207]

Registr Sepultur 1840

Jac: Delaney M.A. 207

Die 22 Aprilis 1840 sepultus est Robertus Goldfinch quiobiit die 16 ejusd mensis annos nata 75. R.I.P. (de Fisher's Pond)

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 9 Maji 1840 sepulta est Elizabeth O'Neil quæ obiit die 6 ejusd.


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Julii 1840 sepultus est in S¹ Jacobi cometerioJacobus Wheble (de Woodley Lodge) qui obiit die 20 ejusd. mensis annos natus 60. R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 1º Augusti 1840 sepultus est Joannes Cave: obiit 27 Julii annos natus 67

Jac: Delaney M.A. R.I.P.

Die 10 Septembris 1840 sepulta est Elizabeth Goldfinch. Obiit 6° hujus annos nata 80. R.I.P. (de Fisher's Pond)

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 5 Octobris 1840 sepulta est Johanna Maher annos nata 5 quæ obiit die [blank] de Alresford

[р 208]

Registr: Baptism.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 29 Aprilis 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi MariamJohannam Gavin natam 27 hujus mensis filiam Michaelis & Susanna (olim Hurley) conj. Patrinus fuit Josephus O'Brien 61st Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 9 Junii 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi CatharinamNenan natam die2 hujusmensisfiliam Jacobi & Brigidæ (olim Fitzgerald) conj. Matrina fuit Adelais Lee.

Jac: Delaney M.A. 61st Regt

Die 10 Julii 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi Luciam Mason natam die 24 Juniifiliam Henrici & Annæ (olim Lyons) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Brien & Maria Curtin. Jac: Delaney M.A. 61st Regt

Die 10 Julii 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi HenricumJacobum Crafter natumdie 50 Junii filium Joannis & Francisca (olimWhale) conj Matrina fuit Lucia Attwood

Jac: Delaney M.A.

[р 209] Registr Bapt. 209

Die 16 Julii 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi Matthæum Murphy natum die 4 hujus mensis filium Michaelis & Mariæ (olim Connor) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes O'Neil & Anna Newman.

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die25Julii 1840. Ego hodie baptizaviJoannem Reillynatum die 12 hujus mensis filium Patricii & Mariæ (olim Holmes) conj Sponsores fuerunt Michael & Maria Mulcare.

61st Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Julii 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi GulielmumClements natum die 10 hujus mensis filium Eduardi & Julia (olim Purtell) conj. Spons: Patricius Shehan & Barbara McCoy.

61st Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 16 Novembris 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi Elizabeth Annam Steel natam die [blank] filiam Thomæ & Martha (olim Annell) conj. Susceptoresfuere JoannesAttwood & Anna Bruce.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p . 210]

Registr. Sepultur. 1840

Die 22 Octobris 1840 sepultus est Richardus James (de Reading) mortuus est die 19 ejusd mensis anno ætat: suæ 67


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 16 Decembris 1840 sepultus est AbrahamSylvester annos natus 76. Obiit die 12 hujus mensis R.I.P.

A: D: 1841

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 20 Februarii 1841 sepulta est Dña Francisca (Gabrielli) Monialis O.S.B. quæ obiit die 17 ejusdem mensis anno ætatis suæ 67° professionis anno 39° R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 29 Aprilis 1841 sepultus est ad S. Jacobum Georgius Gilbert. Obiit die 27 ejusd mensis annos natus 39 . R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die6 Maji 1841 sepulta est Anna Frier quæ obiit die 1º ejusd: mensis annos nata 69. R.I.P. [р 211]

Registr. Bapt 1840

Jac: Delaney M.A. 211

Die 27 Novembris 1840. Ego hodie baptizavi sub conditione quorumdam vagorum filiam tres menses natam cui impositumest nomen Rosa Anna Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die29 Novembris1840. Ego hodie baptizavi BasiliumChapmannatum40 hujus mensisfilium Petri & Francisca (olim Bland) conj Matrina fuit Maria Aslett Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die20 Januarii 1841. Ego hodie baptizaviJoannem Henricum Reeves natum die 14 hujus mensis filium Henrici & Mariæ (olim Ricquier ) conj. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 31 Januarii 1841. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Dwyer natum die 28 Decembris 1840 filium Joannis & Catharina (olim Dennahy) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Michael & Phoebe Barry. 15th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A. [р 212]

Registr. Baptiz. 1841

Die28 Februarii 1841. Ego hodie baptizaviMargaritamHayes natam die 24 hujus mensis filiam Eduardi Hayes & Elizabeth (olim Egan) conjugum . Sponsores fuerunt Georgius Browne & Alicia Gleeson 15th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 9 Martii 1841. Ego hodie baptizavisub conditione Aliciam Sullivannatam die 12 Januarii hujus anni filiam Patricii & Mariæ Annæ (olim Thickett) conj Sponsoresfuerunt Thomas & Honora Collins 15th Regt Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 21 Martii 1841. Ego hodie baptizavi Saram Broderick natam die 14 hujus mensis filiam Joannis & Saræ (olim Jordan) conj. Susceptores fuerunt Joannes Connor & Maria Boddy. 15 Regt. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 22 Julii 1841. Ego hodie baptizaviMariamJoannam Todd natam die 120 hujus mensis filiam Joannis et Elizabeth Joanna (olim Ayles) conj Sponsores designati absentes fueruntJoseph Ayles & Joanna White Jac: Delaney M.A.

[р 213]

Registr. Sepultur. 1841 213

Die 8 Maji 1841 sepulta est AnnaAlberry quæ obiit 5 ejusd: mensis annos nata 73. R.I.P. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 31 Julii 1841 sepultus est Josephus Browne quiobiitdie 27 ejusd: mensis annos natus 82. R.I.P. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 10 Augusti 1841 sepulta est MariaAnna Leigh(deMooreHall in Comitatu Lancastria) quæ obiit hic die 5 ejusdem mensis annos nata 30 Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 27 Januarii 1842 sepultus est Alanus Davy annos natus 71. qui obiit die 22° ejusdem mensis R.I.P. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 8 Martii 1842 sepulta est Elizabeth Percy vidua quæ obiit die4 ejusdemmensisannos nata 77 R.I.P. Jac: Delaney M.A. [р 214]

Registr. Baptiz. 1841

Die 26 Julii 1841. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem Jacobum Flynn natum 23 die hujus mensis filium Joannis & Lucia (olim Attwood) conj. Sponsores fuerunt PatriciusWelsh &AnnaGilbert. 61st Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 13 Octobris 1841. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Kelly natam die 2 hujus mensis filiam Jacobi & Catharina(olim Field) conj Sponsores fuerunt Gulielmus & Margarita Kelly

Jac: Delaney M.A. 66th Regt

Die 26 Octobris 1841. Ego hodie baptizavi ElizabethGaraty natam die 21 hujus mensisfiliam Jacobi & Eleonora(olim Larkin) conj Sponsores fueruntGulielmus Donaghoe& JudithAnnaMack. 66th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 16 Novembris 1841. Ego hodie baptizavi Eduardum Thomam Redstone natum die 11° hujus mensis filium Josephi Lucæ & Joannæ (olim Fitzmorice ) conj Patrini fuere Jacobus Tanner & Elizabeth Kidd.

Jac: Delaney M.A. [p . 215]

Registr Baptiz 1841 215

Die 30 Decembris 1841. Ego hodie baptizavi Thomam Steele natum die 25 hujus mensis filium Thomæ & Martha (olimAnnell) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Attwood & Anna Bruce: Jac: Delaney M.A.

A.D. 1842

Die 7 Martii 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Stephanum Russell natumdie5 Februarii filium Stephani & Margarita (olim Flanigan) conj. Sponsoresfuerunt Dionysius Dunn & MargaritaAttwood.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Aprilis 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Dionysium McGee natum 25 hujus mensis filium Joannis & Mariæ (conj.) Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Fane & Maria Pepper. 10th Regt Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 28 Aprilis 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Annam M . Phee natam die 11 hujus mensis filiam Joannis & Margarita (olim Purcell) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus & Birgitta Farren. 25th Regt Jac: Delaney M.A.

[р 216]

Registr. Bapt

Die 1 Maji 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Gulielmum Morton natum die 190 Aprilis hujus anni filium Joannis & Mariæ (olim Fitzsimon) conj Sponsores fuerunt Michael Fitzsimon & Maria Johnstone 25th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 4 Maji 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Carolum Gulielmum Glover natumdie 29 Aprilis hujus anni filium Gulielmi& Francisca (olim Baggs) conj Matrina fuit MariaWhale.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 10 Julii 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi LudovicamAnnam Baijeant natam die 3 hujus mensis filium Richardi & Ludovica (olim Croome) conj Matrina fuit Maria Aslett.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 31 Julii 1842. Ego hodie baptizaviAnnamBraziernatam die 2º ejusdem mensis filiam Jacobi & Elizabeth (olim Hiscock) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Steele & Anna Gilbert.

Jac: Delaney M.A. [р 217]

Registr. Sepultur 217

Die 12 Maji 1842 sepulta est apud Sm Jacobum Elizabeth Leighquæobiit die 60 ejusdem mensis anno ætatis suæ 11° R.I.P.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die28 Novembris 1842 sepultus est Joannes Jacobus Flynn infans 16 mensium mortuus est die 25 ejusdem mensis

Jac: Delaney M.A.

A: D: 1843


Die25Februarii 1843 sepulta est Soror ConversaMariaSophia O.S.B. Wintoniæ quæ obiit die 230 ejusdem. mensis anno ætat: 86° professionis vero 600 in sæculo appellabatur Julia Le Blon. R.I.P.

Registr Baptiz.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 2 Martii 1843 sepulta est Dom: Maria Gertrudis (antea dicta Regina Veydt) Sanctimonialis O.S.B. Wintoniæ anno ætatis suæ 72° professionis vero 41° R.I.P. Jac: Delaney M.A. [p. 218]

Die4 Septembris 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi RobertumSharp natum die 2 hujus mensis filium Roberti & Catharina (olim Wall) conj. Patrini fuerunt Michael & Brigida Doolan . 65th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die4 Septembris 1842. Ego hodie baptizaviJacobum Sullivan natum die 27 Julii hujus anni filium Joannis & Elizabeth (olim Marratt) conj Sponsoresfuerunt Jacobus Conroy & Sarah O'Neil 65th Regt

Jac: Delaney M. Ap.

Die4 Septembris 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi CæciliamMariam Green natam die 29 Julii hujus anni filiam Edmundi & Sophia (olim Besley) conj Sponsores fuere Joannes& MargaritaAttwood

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 4 Septembris 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Susannam Neville natamdie 10° Augustihujusannifiliam Joannis & Eleonoræ (olim Welch) conj. Sponsores fuere Thomas A'herne & Judith Osborne

Jac: Delaney M.A. 65th Regt

[р 219]

Registr. Baptism 219

Die 5 Septembris 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Gulielmum Josephum Crafter natum die 17 Augusti hujus anni filium Joannis & Francisca (olim Whale) conj Matrina fuit Sarah Coghlan.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 9 Septembris 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Clare natumdie 120Juniihujusanni filiumvagorum Jacobi & Elizabeth (olim Carney) conj Illum tenuit Anna Whitehead.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 19 Octobris 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Helenam Mariam Dover-pack) natam die 12 Januarii 1836. de Hursley

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 14 Novembris 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Timotheum Driscol natum die 80 Octobris filium Joannis & Elizabeth (olim Coleman) conj Matrina fuit Maria Wells.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 19 Decembris 1842. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Annam Birgittam Welch natam die 16 hujus mensis filiam Patricii & Mariæ Annæ (olim Tabor) conj Sponsores fuerunt Hugo Grant & Anna Palmer

[p. 220]

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Registr : Baptism : A: D: 1843

Die 6 Januarii 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi Patricium Owens natum die 20 hujus mensis filium Jacobi & Margarita (olim Kennedy) conj Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Dalton & Adelais

Jac: Delaney M.A. Burns 97th Regt

Die 7 Aprilis 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi GulielmumDoyle natum die 2 hujus mensis filium Joannis & Mariæ (olim Kelly) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus & Johanna Cramway.

Jac: Delaney M.A. 98 Regt

Die 14 Maji 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi Thomam Drayton natum die 28 Aprilis hujus anni filium Joannis & Catharina (olim Lyons) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Michael Day & Helena Hiot. 98 Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 22 Maji 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Hyland natum die 180 hujus mensis filium Jacobi & Mariæ (olim Farrell) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Henricus Joannes Fraser & Catharina Fraser 98 Regt Jac: Delaney M.A. [p. 221]

Registr. Baptism 221

Die 28 Maji 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi Elizabeth Hyland natam heri filiam Joannis & Saræ (olim Davy) conj. Patrinusfuit Michael Murphy. 98th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 14 Julii 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi Catharinam Mead natam 8 hujus filiam Michaelis & Mariæ (olim Haley) conj Matrina fuit Maria Coghlan. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 17 Octobris 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi (absqueconsuetis cæremoniis) Edwardum Reeves filium Henrici & Maria (olim Ricquier) Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 17 Octobris 1843. Absque cæremoniis consuetis hodie baptizavi Eduardumfilium Annæ Ricquier Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 26 Octobris 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Steele natam die 20 hujus mensis filiam Thomæ & Martha (olim Annell) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Joannes Attwood & Sarah Davis. Jac: Delaney M. Ap

Die 25 Novembris 1843. Ego hodie baptizavi Elizabeth Franciscam natam 60 hujus filiam Francisca Baggs. Matrina fuit Elizabeth Attwood.

Registr. Sepultur [p . 222]

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 21 Junii 1843 sepulta est Clementina (in sæculo dicta Maria Smith) soror conversa O.S.B* quæ obiit die 19 ejusdem mensis apud Sanctimoniales O.S.B. Wintoniæ annos nata 53 .


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 18 Octobris 1843 sepulta est infans Margarita Helena Griffin Jac: Delaney M.Ap.

Die 2 Decembris 1843 sepulta est Francisca Vinn quæ obiit 28 die Novembris annos nata 61. R.I.P. (de Gosport)

A.D. 1844

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 2 Januarii 1844 sepulta est ad S. Jacobum MariaGargani Vid quæ obiit die 27 Decembris 1843. Jac: Delaney M.Ap.

Die 8 Maji 1844 sepulta est Ludovica Catharina Georgina Jerningham infans decem mensium quæ mortua est die 2ª ejusdem mensis

[р 223]

Registr Baptism

A: D: 1844

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 10 Martii 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Dynan natum die 25a Februarii hujus anni filium Dyonisii & Amelia (olim Allen) conj Sponsores fuerunt Michael Walsh &MariaClark. 44th Regt Jac: Delaney M.A.

* After the letters "O.S.B" the contraction "irg. " has been inserted above , thus making it " O.S.Birg"

Die 24 Martii 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Elizabeth White natam die 70 hujus mensis filiam Thomæ & Mariæ Annæ (olim O'Reilly) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Walsh (Quarter-Master) & Margarita Walsh.

Jac: Delaney M.A. 44th Regt

Die 8 Maji 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannem McCarthy natum 21 die Aprilis hujus anni filium Joannis & Eleonoræ (olim Hartigan) conj Matrina fuit Anna Mills. (49th Regt)

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 12 Maji 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Johannam O'Brien natam die 16 Aprilis hujus annifiliam Thomæ & Julia(olimDunn) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Stephanus Orrell & Maria Wilkinson. (49 Regt)

[p. 224]

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Registr. Baptism. 1844

Die 14 Maji 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Gulielmum Ingram natum die 30 Aprilis hujus anni filium Richardi & Mariæ (olim Farrell) conj Sponsoresfuerunt FergusFarrell& MargaritaAmner 49 Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 20 Maji 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Annam Hewson natam die 2º hujus mensis filiam Michaelis & Eleonora (olim McSweeney ) conj Susceptores fuerunt Patricius Cahill & Anna Cahill.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

49th Regt

Die 20 Junii 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Elizabeth Brindle natam die 5 hujus mensis filiam Noah Brindle & Mariæ (olim Farrel) conj Sponsores fuerunt Eduardus & Anna Ryan.

49th Reg.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 29 Junii 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Jacobum Bulger natum die 27 hujus mensis filium Jacobi & Sarah (olim Lawlor) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Connor & Anna Kelly 49th Regt

[р. 225]

Registr Baptism 1844

Jac: Delaney M.A. 225

Die 30 Junii 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Joannam Garvey natam die 3 hujus mensis filiam Joannis & Mariæ (olim Connell) conj Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Kelly & Julia Lovedon (vagi)

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 2 Julii 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Josephum Eduardum Orrellnatum die 21 Junii hujus anni filium Stephani & Elizabeth (olim Carroll) conj Sponsores fuerunt Michael Carrol & Julia O'Brien

Jac: Delaney M.A. 49th Regt

Die 28 Julii 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Thomam Ford natum 23 hujus mensis filium Andreæ & Abigail (olim Green) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Man* & Elizabeth Orrell. 49th Regt

Jac: Delaney M.A.

* This surname may be " Marr . "


Die 29 Julii 1844. Ego hodie supplevi cæremonias omissas in baptismatea me privatim collato Carolo & Margarita Russell filiis gemillis [blank] Russell & [blank] (olimKinsella) conj Patrinus Carolo fuit Joannes Attwood: susceptores Margaritæ fuerunt Patricius Walsh & Lucia Flinn Jac: Delaney M.A. [p. 226]

Registr. Baptism . 1844

Die 16 Septembris 1844. Ego hodie baptizaviinfantemnatum 14 huj . cui impositumest nomen Eduardus Jacobus Matrinafuit Anna Pinnock. Parentes sunt Joannes Griffin & Margarita (olim Pinnock) conj. Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 30 Novembris 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Thomam Andream Gale natum die 27 Octobris hujus anni filium Thomæ & Margarita (olim Delaney) conj. Matrina fuit Anna McLaren militis fil Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 30 Decembris 1844. Ego hodie baptizavi Mariam Groves natam die 30 Novembris filiam Roberti & MariæAnnæ (olim Rush) conj. Sponsores fuerunt Patricius Coghlan & Maria Madden. 49th Regt Jac: Delaney M.A.

A:D. 1845

Die 16 Februarii 1845. Ego hodie baptizavi Gulielmum Josephum Nash natum 10 die ejusdem mensis filium Gulielmi & Joanna(olim Cooper) conj Patrini fuerunt Thomas Nash & Rachel Nash.

Jac: Delaney M.A. 49th Regt [р 227]

Registr. Sepultur 227

Die 4 Octobris 1844 sepultus est Georgius Ansell qui obiit 30 Septembris.


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 19 Octobris 1844 sepultus est Jacobus Tanner qui obiit 13 die ejusdem mensis annos natus 59 .


Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 26 Octobris 1844 sepulta est Maria Anna Connel infans 3 annorum.

A: D: 1845

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 14 Januarii 1845 sepulta est DñaElizabethSanctimonialis O.S.B. (dicta in sæculo Collingridge) quæobiit in Monasterio Wintoniensi die 12° ejusdem mensis & anni ætatis suæ anno [blank] Professionis Religiosa [blank]

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 14 Januarii 1845 sepulta est Elizabeth Newell qua mortua est die 10 ejusdem mensis & anni annos nata 69

R.I.P. Jac: Delaney M.A. (de Alresford) [р 228]

Registr. Baptism. 1845

Die23 Februarii1845. Ego hodiebaptizaviVeronicam Meade* natam 17 ejusdem mensis filiam Michaelis & Mariæ (olim Haley) conj Matrina fuit Lucia Finn.

Jac: Delaney M.A.

The marginal name has no final ' e': Mead


Die 28 Martii 1845. Ego hodie baptizavi Eduardum Ryan natum 23 die hujus mensis filium Eduardi & Annæ (olim Warden) conj. Patrinus fuit Thomas O'Reilly Jac: Delaney M.A.

[Die [4a erased]Junii 1845 nata, et die in Fr. Picquot's hand ]

[Note inserted by Rev. Ignatius Collingridge : Ab anno 1825 ad annum 1845 baptismatafuere 176

The Reverend James Delaney, having become infirm, left Winchester on the 8th of May, 1845, and retired to the Cistercian AbbeyofMount St. Bernard's in Leicestershire. He there made a fervent preparationfor death, and died on the 24th ofNovember 1847 .

[р 229]

Registr. Sepulturar . 1845

I.C.] pagina 229

Die 28 Februarii 1845 sepulta est Amey Tanner quæ obiit Jac: Delaney M.A. 21 ejusd. R.I.P.

[Henceforward in Fr. Picquot's hand.]

Die 3ª Julii 1845 sepulta est Maria Meads quæ obiit die la ejusdem, ætatis anno 40 J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c.

Dec. 1 1845Hodie sepultum est corpus Sophiæ [blank]Sidden, * a civitate Southampton asportatumobiit illa die 25a novembris proximi elapsi, anno ætatis suæ 82. J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c.

[p . 230] ]

Die 3a Junii 1845 nata, et die 11a ejusdem baptizata est Agnes Steelfilia Thomæ & Martha Steel (olim Hannell) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Tho Welch, matrina [blank] Ward a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss: ap. &c

Die 10a martii 1845 nata, et die 11a Junii ejusdem anni baptizata est MariaAlicia Smithfilia Jacobi & ElizabethSmith (olim Freemantle) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Petrus Connell, matrina Birgitta Croker a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss: ap &c milit ?

[p. 231] 231

Anno 1845 , die 6ª Septembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego JuliusPicquot, S.T.D. , missus aposus apud wintoniam, &c, &c, Carolum Thorp, wintoniæ, filium Jacobi & Sara Thorp, wintoniæ, etSaram Annam viduam Joannis Ward, Paisley, interrogavi, eorumque mutuo consensû habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus notis Thomâ Steele et Helenâ Chivvers qui habitant apud wintoniam. 6 Sept. 1845 J. Picquot S.T.D.

[p . 232] Register Baptism miss . ap Winton &c

Die 12ªFebr 1845 natus, et die 20a Julii ejusdemannibaptizatus est Gulielmus Kelly filius Jacobi & Carolettæ Kelly (olim * Mother of the Revv . Joseph and John Sidden


England) conjugum ashton milit ?


Patrinus fuit Michael Tobbs, matrina anna a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c

Die 11a Augusti 1845 nata, et die 18a ejusdem baptizata est Agnes Maria Anna Glover filia Gulielmi et Francisca Glover(olim Baggs) conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria Madden.

[p . 233]

a me J. Picquot S.T.D. Missus apus &c 233

Die 26 augusti 1845 natus, et die 24ª Septembris ejusdem anni baptizatus est Ricardus Christophorus Pritchard filius Ricardi & margaritæ Pritchard (olim Green) conjugum. Matrina fuit anna Hardy per annam allen.

2d Scotch Fus. Guards.

a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c

Eodem die baptizatusest sub conditione Ellis Pritchardfilius eorumdem parentum, natus die 23a octobris anni 1839 . J. Picquot ut supra.

[p . 234]

Die 15ª Februarii 1845 nata et die 23a augusti ejusdem anni baptizataest Maria Anna Shackelton filia Georgii & Mariæ annæ Shackelton (olim Jackson) conjugum Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ . a me J. Picquot S.T.D. missus apus &c


Scotch Fus. Guards

Die 26 octobris 1844 nata et die 28a octobris 1845 baptizata est, sub conditione Francisca Catharina Barryfilia Georgii &Mariæ Annæ Barry (olim Hickey) conjugum. matrina fuit anna a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap &c

[p. 235] 235

Die 5ª novembris 1845 natus, et die 15ª ejusdem baptizatus est Henricus filius HenriciGwyn et Mariæ chivvers. Patrinusfuit Joannes Gilgani, matrina Helena chivvers. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss . ap. &c

Die 8ª Decembris 1845 natus et die 12a ejusdem baptizatus est Jacobus Henricus King filius Thomæet mariæElizabethæ King (olimGauntlett) conjugum. Domiægrotansbaptizatus , cæremonia omninò omissæ sunt a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c

[p. 236]

Die 5ª Junii 1845 natus, et die 19a Decembris ejusdem anni baptizatus est Carolus Gulielmus filius Gulielmi Culmore et Francisca Redstone Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ a me J. Picquot S.T.D. missus ap. &c

* In the margin: " Aug. 9 vid post Jan. 1846."

Die 15ª Decembris 1845 nata, et die 23a ejusdem baptizata est Maria Caroletta Green, filia Edmundi et Sophiæ Green (olim Besley) conjugum. Matrina fuit Sophia Green.

[p. 237] 1846

a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c 237

Die9a Septembris 1845 natus et die 14ªJanuarii 1846 baptizatus est David filius [blank] Barrett et annæNagle Sponsoresfuêre Joannes et Maria Gilgani. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c

*Die 9a augusti 1845 baptizataest sub conditione et Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliataest Maria Philippa Meadows a me J. Picquot S.T.D.

[p . 238] miss ap. &c

1846 Die 8a Februarii baptizataest sub conditione et Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliataest Sara Newlyn.

a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c

Die 15 Julii 1845 nata, et die 16ª Februarii 1846 [p erased] baptizata est Emma Sara Cole, filia Eduardi Jacobi et maria annæ margarita Cole (olim wall) conjugum. Matrina fuit maria Lewington per Henriettam Watkins a me J. PicquotS.T.D. missus ap &c

[р 239] 239

Die 17 aprilis 1846 natus, et die 18a ejusdem, domîbaptizatus est ArthurAllen filius Caroli et annæ allen (olim Baggs) conjugum. Cæremoniæ tunc omninò omissæ a me J. PicquotS.T.D. missus apus &c &c

Die 10a aprilis 1846 nata, et die 23a ejusdem baptizata est Anna Oneil filia Joannis et mariæ oneil (olim Brennan) conjugum. Cæremoniæ tunc omninò omissæ . a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss: ap. (vag.) [p . 240]

Die 22 aprilis 1846 natus, et die 26a ejusdem baptizatusest Timotheus Josephus OConnor, filius Petri et Honoræ O Connor (olim McCarthy) conjugum Patrinusfuit Patritius welch , matrina Elizabeth McCarthyper Mariam annam welch a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c

Die 13ª aprilis 1846 natus, et die 10a maii ejusdem anni baptizatus est Georgius Russell filius Stephani et margarita Russell (olim Kinsella vid.) conjugum. Patrinus fuit gulielmus Elton. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c 241 [p . 241]

Die 22a maii 1846 Sanctæ Ecclesiæ catholicæ reconciliataest Maria Hobbs (priùs à Rev. Jos alberry baptizata sub conditione). a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap.

* Not in chronological order; entry referred to above, on p 232


Die 9a Junii 1846 sepulta est Rosa Bulbeck,* quæobiit die 6a ejusdem, annos nata 72 . a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss . ap. *de Owslebury [p . 242]

Die 16a maii 1846 natus, et die 10a Junii ejusdem anni baptizatusest Carolus filius Joannis ward et annæ Gilgani Sponsores fuêre Joannes & maria Gilgani. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss . ap

Die 13a Junii 1846 Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliatus estet sub conditione baptizatusThomas Chivvers. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss . ap 243 1° [р 243]

Die 24 Junii 1846 natus, et die 29a ejusdem baptizatusest Joannes Griffin filius Joannis et margarita Griffin (olim Pinnock) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Robertus Gudgeon, matrina maria anna a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap. &c ansell [§]

[p . 244]

Die4a Julii 1846nata, et die 12a ejusdem baptizataestMaria Josephina Nicolls filia (Centurionis) olivarii et annastasiænicolls (olim Loughnan) conjugum . Sponsores fuêre Joseph et maria C. Loughnan per annam Hobbs. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. missusapus &c 243 2do 2d Regt [p. 245]

Die22 Julii 1846 nata, et die 26a augusti ejusdem anni baptizata est Maria AnnaAveryfilia Georgii et Elizabethavery (olim Kirk) conjugum Matrina fuit anna Allen.

a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap &c

Die2ª Sept1846 Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliataest , et baptizata sub conditione, Joanna Hobbs

a me J. Picquot S.T.D. [p . 246] miss ap. &c

Die 2ª octobris 1846 nata, et die 11a ejusdem baptizata, est Eliza Collins filia martini et Elizæ collins (olim oneal) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Patritius Kearney, matrina maria Kearney . a me J. Picquot S.T.D. 40th miss. ap. &c

Die 30a Septembris 1846 nata, et die 11a octobris ejusdem anni baptizata, est Catharina Butler filia Patritii et mariæ annæ Butler (olim Ross) conjugum Patrinusfuit Patritius Butler: non ipse pater, sed alius ejusdem nominis a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c 245 40th [p . 247]

Die 29 Septembris 1846 natus, et die 16a octobris ejusdem anni baptizatus est Carolus Thomas Crafter filius Joannis et Fran-

§ The next entry was written here, cancelled and re-written on thenext page.

ciscæ crafter (olim whale) conjugum Matrina fuit maria whale per Luciam agnetem crafter. a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap. &c

Die 21 octobris 1846 sepulta est Dña Maura (anna Harper) monialis O.S.B. quæ obiit die 18a ejusdem mensis et anni anno ætatis suæ [blank] professionis verò [blank]

[p. 248] a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c

Die27 octobris 1846 sepulta est Francisca Joanna Redstone ætat. 6 a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss . ap.

Die 23a Septembris 1846 nata, et die 4a Novembris ejusdem anni baptizata est Carolina Johnson filia Henrici et margarita Johnson (olim Rowe) conjugum Sponsores fuêre Michael et Henrica oneil , a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c

40th Regt

Die la novembris 1846 nata, et die 4ª ejusdem baptizata est Catharina Maria Lewington filia Thomæ et mariæ Lewington

[p . 249] 247 (olim Morley) conjugum Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ suppletæ sunt die 29a ejusdem. Patrinus fuit Timothæus Hyde, matrina maria anna Blanchard a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss. ap &c

Die 4a Decembris 1846 nata, et die 9a ejusdem baptizata est Maria Anna Carroll filia Dominici et annæ Carroll (olim Noon) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Shinnick, matrina Birgitta Gilfoil a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss. ap. &c 40th

[p. 250]

Die 9a Januarii 1847 natus et die 12a ejusdem baptizatusest Thomas Patritius Welch filius Patritii et mariæ annæwelch (olim Tabor) conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Lawlor Matrina Joanna Tabor. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. missus . ap.

Die 6a Januarii 1847 natus, et die 24ª ejusdem baptizatus, est Gualterius Rawlins filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Rawlins (olim Collins) conjugum Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ (vagi)

[p. 251] a me J Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c


Die29a Januarii 1847 nata, et die 7a Februariiejusdem anni baptizata est Helena Agnes Tritschler filia Gulielmi et Mariæ annæ Tritschler (olim Keyes) conjugum. Matrina fuit Birgitta Croker a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss. ap &c

Die [blank] Februarii in cœmeterio S. Jacobi sepulta Soror Martha (Thielmans ? [sic]) O.S.B. quæ obiit die [blank] ejusdem. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. &c

[p . 252]

Die 23a Februarii 1847 in cœmeterio S. Jacobi sepulta est Anna Maria White quæ obiit die [blank] ejusdem. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c.

Die 12ª Februarii 1847 nata, et die 24ª ejusdem baptizataest FranciscaMeadfiliaMichaëlis et MariæMead (olimHely) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Hieronymus Mead, matrina margarita mead a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c

251 [p . 253]

Die 27a aprilis 1847 in cœmeterio S. Jacobi sepulta est Catharina Mead aetat. 4. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c

Die 14 aprilis 1847 natus, et die 9a maii ejusdem anni baptizatus est Thomas Killeen filius Jacobi et annæ Killeen (olim Seery) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Dionysius vorreker, matrina Birgitta McCulloch a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap. &c 71st

[p . 254]

Die 29 aprilis 1847 natus, et die 16a maii ejusdem anni baptizatus est Dionysius Bryan filius Odoërii et Helenæ Bryan (olim Rourke) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Patritius Gregg, matrina Maria Rourke. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c

Die25amaii 1847 nata, et die 6a Junii ejusdemanni baptizata est MariaJackfilia Jacobi et annæJack (olim Bowland) conjugum. cæremoniætunc omissæ a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap &c 71st

[p . 255] 253

Die29a Junii1847 nata, et die 11a Julii ejusdemannibaptizata est MariaAnnaGank filiaGulielmi et Judith Gank(olim Hennessy) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michael OBrian, matrina fuit Cath a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c Ryan. 60th Rifles

Die 30a Julii 1847 nata, et die 3ª augusti ejusdem anni baptizata estdomi ægrotansCatharina Allen filia Caroli et annæ allen (olim Baggs) conjugum Cæremoniæ omninò omissæ . a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss. ap. &c

[p. 256]

Die25 Julii 1847 nata, et die 22ª augusti ejusdem anni baptizata est Caroletta Kelly filia Jacobi et Carolettæ Kelly (olim England) conjugum Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ . Vag. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. Miss. ap. &c

Die 30 augusti sepultus est Eduardus Reeves in coemeterio Sti Jacobi, annos natus 4. a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap. &c

[p. 257]


Die 6 Septembris 1847 in coemeterioS. Jacobi sepultus est Joannes Riquier annos natus 16 ? [sic] a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss: ap &c

Die 18 Julii 1847 nata, et die 19a Septembris ejusdem anni baptizata est Susanna Grainger filia Thomæ et Mariæ Grainger (olim Sullivan) conjugum matrina fuit maria Boyne. Regt a me J. Picquot S.T.D miss ap. &c

Die 19a augusti 1847 nata, et die 26ª Septembris ejusdem anni baptizata est . Joanna Corvell [? Cowell] filia Frederici et Mariæ Corvell (olim mooney) conjugum Sponsores fuere Corn . Linsey & Cath. mahon. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c Regt

[p. 258]

Die 3a Aprilis 1847 natus, et die 12a octobris ejusdem anni baptizatus est Gualterius Jacobus Glare filius Jacobi Glare et Elizabeth Kearney conjugum Matrina fuit Catharina Byrne. (vagus) a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c

[р 259]

Die 7 octobris 1847 natus, et die 17a ejusdem baptizatusest Joannes Stanislaus Cave filius Joannis et mariæ Joanna Cave (olim Penwarden) conjugum Patrinusfuit JoannesClark, matrina Theresia Leigh. a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss: ap. &c vagi 257

Die 2a aprilis 1847 nata, et die 31a octobris ejusdem anni baptizata est Julia Ludovica Higgins filia Laurentii et Ludovica Higgins (olim Johnson) conjugum Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss. ap. &c

Die 14 octobris 1847 natus et die 7a novembris ejusdem anni baptizatus est Jacobus Varney filius Gulielmi et mariæ varney (olim Cummins) conjugum Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ . 19th Regt Basingstoke a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c.

[p. 260]

anno 1847 , die 11ª novembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego Julius Picquot, S.T.D. miss apost apud wintoniam , &c, &c, Patritium Oneil, wintoniæ * (62nd Regt Foot) et Annam Colemant,wintoniæ , interrogavi, eorumque mutuoconsensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi, præsen- tibus testibus Keran Kelly, Birgitta Kelly et Baigent J. Picquot S.T.D.

*filium Joannis et Mariæ oneil, Hibern †filiam Jacobi et Mariæ Coleman, Chatham

[p . 261] miss . ap. apud winton., &c 259

Die 28a maii 1844 nata, et die 20a Novembris 1847 baptizata est sub conditione (cùm anteà a ministro acatholico baptizata

privatìm fuerit) Maria Anna Carr filia Joannis et annæ Carr (olim Finnerty) conjugum Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ . (vagi) a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap. &c

Die 30a novembris 1847 Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliata est , et sub conditione baptizata Maria Anna Trussler.


[p . 262] a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap. &c

Die 26ª novembris 1847 natus, et die 12a Decembris ejusdem anni baptizatus est Jacobus Dumphyfilius Jacobi et Henrietta Dumphy(olimmoony) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Thomas Robinson, matrina Birgitta Hayter. a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss. ap. &c 62d Regt

[p. 263]


Die 7a novembris 1847 nata, et die 12a Decembris ejusdem anni baptizata est Lucia Glover filia Gulielmi et Francisca Glover (olim Baggs) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Steel, matrina Elizabeth Barton. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c

Die 5ª Decembris 1847 nata, et die 12a ejusdem baptizata est Maria Elizabeth O Rileyfilia ThomæAugusti O Reilly et Eliza O field conjugum . Patrinus fuit Hugo Grant, matrinamariaanna welch 49th Regt a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c

[р 264]

Die26a Decembris 1847 nata, et die 28a ejusdemsub conditione (cum domi periclitans a feminâ baptizata fuisset) baptizata est SaraM Donnell filiaThomæetCatharinaMcDonnell (olimMurphy) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Dumphy, matrina Henrietta Dumphy a me J. Picquot: S.T.D. ... Regt miss ap. &c 1848 Die 7a Januarii in cœmeterio St Jacobi sepulta est Martha Gilbert . a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss. ap. &c 263

[p . 265]

Die 24 Januarii 1848 nata, et die 25a ejusdem domì, periclitans, baptizata est Agnes Anna Gilgani filia Bonaventuræ et Isabella Gilgani (olim Payne) conjugum Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ. a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap. &c anno 1848 die 10a Februarii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Julius PicquotS.T.D. miss apost apud S. Petrum , wintoniæ , Robertum Gudgeon wintoniæ, filium Roberti et Catharina Gudgeon wintoniæ, et Annam Horsley wintoniæ,

* The following entry has been erased here: " Die 26ª Novembris 1847 natus, et die 12a Decembris ejusdem anni baptizatus est Jacobus Robinson filius Thomæ et Birgittæ Robinson (olim Hayter) conjugum. "

[p. 266]


filiam Josephi et Saræ Horsley Londoni, interrogavi, eorumque mutuo consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus notis Ricardo Baigent, Catharinâ Isabellâ Gudgeon, &c qui habitant wintoniæ a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap &c

Die 2ª Februarii 1848 natus, et die 13a ejusdem baptizatus est Josephus Steel filius Thomæ et Martha Steel (olim annell) conjugum. matrina fuit anna Davis. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c

[р 267] 265

Die 6a Februarii 1848 natæ, et die 13a ejusdem baptizatæ sunt Anna Maria Kenny, et Angelica Kenny gemellæfiliæ andræi et Mariæ Kenny (olim Dennis) conjugum. Sponsores angelicæ fuerunt Michael Luddon et anna Saunders, annæ autem mariæ Gulielmus Humphries et maria Luddon.

62d Regt a me J. Piquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c

anno 1848, die 21a mensis Februarii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego Julius Picquot missus apus apud S. Petrum wintonia Jere- [p. 268] miam Keleher, militem 621 , filium Joannis et Helenæ Keleher, Hibern., et Mariam Annam Keeping filiam Eduardi et mariæ Keeping, Christchurch , Hants, interrogavi, eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsentimatrimonioconjunxi, præsentibus testibus RicardoBaigent, Emmâ Keeping & aliis qui habitant apud wintoniam

62d Regt

[р. 269] J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap. &c 267

Die 20 Februarii 1848 natus, et die 5ª martii ejusdem anni baptizatus est Henricus Joannes Kelly filius Karan et Birgittæ Kelly (olim Coleman) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Whelan , matrina anna Lawson. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c

62d Regt

Die 8a Febr 1848 nata, et die 5a martii ejusdem anni baptizata est Julia Kearns filiaJacobi et ElizabethKearns (olim Pape) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Pape per Josephum Redstone, matrina Helena Pape. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss ap &c 9th Regt

[р 270]

Die 11a martii 1848 natus, et die 19a ejusdem baptizatus est Gulielmus Hutchison filius Jacobi et Elizabeth Hutchison (olim Cummerford) conjugum Patrinus fuit Robertus Shee, matrina maria Gibbon . a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss: ap. &c

62d Regt

Die 5ª Januarii 1848 nata, et die 19ª martii ejusdem anni baptizata est Elizabeth Sherlock filia Jacobi et annæ Sherlock

62d Regt


(olimWilliams) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Egan, Matrina Maria Tidman . a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss . ap 269

[p. 271]

Die 13a martii 1848 nata, et die 26a ejusdem baptizata est Catharina Hennessy filia Patritii et margarita Hennessy (olim Hade) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ricardus Fitzgerald, matrina Eliza Burr. a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c

62d Regt

Die 16a martii 1848 nata, et die la aprilis ejusdem anni baptizata estdomi, ægrotansHelena Walsh filia Timothæi et Helena Walsh (olim Fullerton) conjugum , cæremoniæ tunc omninò omissæ . a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss. ap. &c

62d Regt

[p . 272]

Die 27 aprilis 1848, Sanctæ Eæ Catholicæ reconciliata , et sub conditione baptizata est Maria Corps a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap. &c

Die 9a aprilis 1848 nata, et die 30a ejusdem baptizata est Sabina Burke filia Michaëlis et Helenæ Burke (olim Coony) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Burke, matrina Helena Carroll vagi * a me J. PicquotS.T.D. miss ap &c 271

[p. 273]

Die 9a Junii 1848 in cœmeterio Sti Jacobi sepulta est Maria Royle a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap. &c

Die 4a Junii 1848 natus, et die 25a ejusdem baptizatusest Gulielmus Gardener filius Joannis et Birgittæ Gardener (olim Kennedy) conjugum. Cæremoniæ tunc omissæ . a me J. Picquot S.T.D. miss. ap &c

[p. 274]

Die 4a martii 1848 nata, et die 22a Julii ejusdem anni baptizata est Catharina Gordon Middleton filia Thomæ Lumley Middleton et Joanna McGuiness , conjugum . matrina fuit Catharina Gordon a me J. Picquot S.T.D. (Whitchurch) miss ap. &c.

[In the Rev. Ignatius Collingridge's hand]

Die 4toAugusti 1848 Ecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliata, et sub conditione baptizata est Tirina Elton annos nata 15 , a me Ign. Collingridge M.A.

The Rev: Julius Picquot, finding the work of the mission at Winchester too much for his strength, was at his own request removed to Colchester, where he served the Church for several years At length he retired altogether from missionary labours and having spent some time in retreat at Chelsea , died there on the 13th of June, 1860 I.C.

* The last word, " vagi , " has been underlined


[One leafhas beentorn out here .] [p . 275] 1848

55 [pagination ceases]

Die 24 Januarii 1848 nata et die 25 Januarii 1848 baptizata fuit Emma Agnes Gilgani filia Bonaventuræ et Isabellæ Gilgani (olim Payne) conj : cæremoniæ suppletæ sunt die sexto Augusti, 1848. Patrinus Thomas Steel, Matrina MariaElizabethaGilgani a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Nomina Confirmatorum ab Illo Domo Nicholao Wiseman

Melipot:, coadjutore Illi Domin¹ Thomæ Walsh Cambysop: V.A.L.D. die 27 Augusti A.D. 1848.

*Georgius Allen*

Carolus Bruce



Georgius Stephanus Redstone Lucas

*Anna Friend

Elizabetha Barton

*Joanna Hobbs

Ellena Chivers

*Martha Steel

*Tirina Elton

*Amelia Sansom

*Sarah Newlyn

*Catarina Shawyer

Joanna Barton

*Anna Coombs

Sophia Anna Green

Agnes Frances Baigent

Joanna Bishop

Maria Anna Trusler

Margarita Mead

Catarina Allen

Charlotta Allen

Matilda Maria Baigent

Maria Aloysius





Maria Anna

Maria Anna

Maria Anna

Maria Teresia

Maria Anna


Maria Magdalena

Maria Anna

Maria Magdalena


Maria Anna

Maria [Elizabethaerased]Agnes

Maria Elizabetha

Anna Catharina

Omnium Compater erat Ignatius Collingridge

Hæc nota ad fidem Catholicam ab hæresiconversosindicat [p. 276] 1848

Die 26 Augusti 1848 baptizata est sub conditione Martha Steel a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

[This, and some subsequent burials, encased in black lines]

Die 2do Augusti 1848 mortuus et eodem mense in cœmeterio St Jacobi sepultus est Joannes Riquier. Ign: CollingridgeM.A.

Die 19 Augusti 1848 natus et die 15 Septembris 1848 baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et CatharinaRofe (olimDunlavy) conj : a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die21 Augusti 1848 nata et die 17 Septembris 1848 baptizata est Elizabethafilia Caroli et Annæ Allen (olim Baggs) conj : Sponsoreserant PatriciusWelch et Maria Anna Elton a me Ig: Collingridge M.A.

The asterisk for these three is in pencil in the margin: they may not be converts .


Die 18 Septembris 1848 baptizata est sub conditioneAnna Weston a me Ign: Collingridge

Die 11 Septembris 1848 nata et die 1 Octobris 1848 baptizata fuit Margarita filia Laurentii & Louisa Higgins (olim Johnson) conj a me I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 24 Julii 1848 natus et die 1 Octobris 1848 baptizatusest Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Birgittæ Connell (olim Barrett) conj : Sponsores Christophorus Waters & Catarina Burridge. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 2 Octobris 1848 sepulta est apud Sanctum Jacobum Francisca Mill Sylvester, annos nata 76 a me Ign: Collingridge [p . 277] 1848

Die 10 Octobris 1848 natus et die 22 Octobris 1848 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Caroli Osborneet Mariæ Annæ Swann Matrina fuit Margarita Riquier. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. 23 Regt (Swann)

Die 26 Octobris 1848 sepulta est Maria Anna O'Brien annos nata quatuor. a me Ign: Collingridge

Die 17 Februarii 1848 nata et die 1 Novembris 1848 baptizata est Anna filia Georgii et Elizabethæ Avery (olim Kirk) conj: Matrina Maria Coghlan. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 13 Novembris 1848 natus intracastra et die 14 Novembris 1848 baptizatus privatim fuit Henricus, qui postridiemortuusest. 4th Regt a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 9 Augusti 1848 nata, et die 20 Novembris 1848baptizata fuit Cecilia Lucia filia Jacobi et Flora Hargist (olim M'Donnell) conj : Sponsores erant Carolus Thorpe et Anna Kelly. 23rd Regt a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 18 Novembris 1848 nata et 26 Novembris 1848 baptizata est MariaCatarinafilia Joannis Eduardi et MargaritaGriffin (olim Pinnock) conj : Sponsores Thos Sanson & Martha Pinnock. a me Igntio Collingridge Miss: Apcus

Die25 Novembrismortuaet die 27 Novembris apud Sanctum Jacobum sepulta fuit Anna Whitehead, annos nata octoginta, ab incunabulis ad tumulum omnibus cara , a me Ign: Collingridge [р 278] 1849

Die 1moJanuarii 1849 nata et die 7mo Januarii 1849 baptizata fuitMariaAnnafiliaGulielmiet MariæAnnæ Tritschler(olim Keys) conj: Sponsores Hugo Grant et Louisa Barnes: a me Igntlo Collingridge M.A.

Die 8vo Januarii 1849 sepulta est in cœmeterio militum, Wintoniæ, Birgitta Laughlin infans , a me Ign: Collingridge

Die 17mo Januarii 1849 sepulta est apud S. Jacobum Maria Catharina Gosford infans, Ita testor Ign: Collingridge

Die 25 Decembris 1848 natus et die 4 Feb: 1849 baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Ricardi et Ellenæ Clarke (olim Burns) conj: Matrina Margarita Riquier a me Ign : Collingridge M.A.

Die 7mo Novembris 1848 natus et 9 Februarii 1849 baptizatus est Edmundus Jacobus filius Isaaci et Ellenæ Preece (olim Mullen) conj : a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.


Die5toFebruarii 1849 nata et die 13 Februarii 1849 baptizata est Agnes filia Joannis et Mariæ Joanna Cave (olim Penwarden) conj: Patrinus Josephus Alberry* Matrina Francisca Cave. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 13 Februarii sepultus est apud Stum Jacobum Patricius a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. O'Connor , [р 279]

Die 18 Februarii 1849 , nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto , Ego Ignatius Collingridge Gulielmum King filium Francisci et Mariæ Annæ King de Hiberniâ et Juliam Coberne filiam Gulielmi et Joanna Coberne Wintoniæinterrogavi, et mutuo eorum consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi Præsentibustestibus Gulielmo Coburne et Joanna Coburne . Ignatius Collingridge M.A.

Die 8 Februarii 1849 natus et die 19 Feb. 1849 baptizatus est Robertus Eduardus HorsleyGudgeon filius Roberti et Annæ Gudgeon (olim Horsley) conj : Sponsores Eduardus Lane Sarah E. Channell. a me Ign Collingridge M.A.

Die 13 Februarii 1849 natus et die 25 Feb: 1849 baptizatus est Daniel filius Jeremiæ et Carolina Donovan (olim Coke) conj: Sponsores Patricius Welch et Maria Anna Welch a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die28 Feb: 1849 nata et 7moMartii 1849 baptizatafuitEllena filia Michaelis et Mariæ Mead (olim Haly) conj: Matrina Margarita Haly. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 7moMartii 1849 baptizataest privatim, inpericulo mortis , Margarita, infans in castris nata. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. 4th Regt

Die 31 Martii 1849 natus et 8 Aprilis 1849 baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Patricii et Annæ Fahy (olim Grenan) conj : Sponsores erant Walter Welch et Ellena Clark [p. 280] [Not encased in lines.] 1849 a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 29 Martii 1849 sepulta est MariaDavy quæ obiit die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11 Aprilis 1849, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego Ignatius Collingridge, Jacobum Fielder filium Gulielmi et Mariæ Fielderhujus loci et Elizabetham Bartonfiliam Joannis et Birgittæ Barton Wintoniæinterrogaviet mutuo eorum consensuhabito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonioconjunxi. Præsentibus testibus Isaaco Barton et Joanna Barton Ignatius Collingridge

Die 12 Aprilis 1849, nullo legitimoimpedimentodetecto, Ego Ignatius Collingridge , Ricardum Georgium Banom filium Thomæ et BirgittæBanomde Westmeath et Adelaidam Franciscam Annam White filiam Thomæ et Charlotte ElizaWhite Wintoniæinterrogavi et mutuo eorum consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi Præsentibus testibus Arthuro White et Olivia Sophia Ward. Ignatius Collingridge M.A.

* Chaplain to the BenedictineNuns at Winchester See C.R.S. , xxvii, 10 .


Die 19 Aprilis 1849 natus et 20mo Aprilis 1849 baptizatusest Timotheus filius Michaelis et Mariæ Buckley (olim Doyle) conj: Sponsores erant Michael Rohan et Maria Hullahan. 1849 a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

[р 281]

Die 15 Aprilis 1849 natus et 22 Aprilis 1849 baptizatus est Gulielmus Josephus filius Richardi et Hannah Lombard (olim Crowley) conj : Sponsores erant Thomas Nolanet Catharina Nolan a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 24 Aprilis 1849, nullo legitimoimpedimentodetecto, Ego Ignatius Collingridge Cornelium SweenyHibernumetElizabetham Roe hujus loci interrogavi et mutuo eorum consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonioconjunxi Præsentibus testibus Michaele Riordan et Eliza Roe Ign: Collingridge .

Die 26 Aprilis 1849, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego Ignatius Collingridge Michaelem Riordan filium Dionysii et Honoræ Riordan de Cork et Carolinam Smith viduam filiam Thomæ et Honoræ Mullin interrogavi, eorumque mutuo consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi. Præsentibus testibus Petro Dolan et Catharina Nolan. Ign. Collingridge .

Die 10 Maii 1849 baptizata est infans periclitans in campis nata , cui nomen impositum Maria

[Not encased in lines] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. MenseMaii 1849 sepultus est Gulielmus De Witt deSouthampton, qui ibi ægrotans inter filios Ecclesiæ annumeratus erat a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

[p. 282]

Die 13 Novembris 1848 natus, et 27 Maii 1849 sub conditione baptizatus est Gulielmus Davis filius Joannis Husseyet Harriettæ Davis. Matrina fuit Anna Davis a me Ignatio Collingridge

Die 1 Junii 1849 nata et 10 Junii 1849 baptizata est Ellena Catarina filia Thomæ et Amelia Sansom (olim Froome) conj: Sponsores erant Thomas Franciscus Butler et Catarina Kirk. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11 Junii 1849 nata et 17 Junii 1849 baptizata est Eliza filia Michaelis et Mariæ Hoolachan (olim Hanlon) conj: Sponsores erant Patricius White et Rosa Hoolachan.

[Encased] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 20mo Junii 1849 sepultus est apud Sanctum Jacobum Carolus Thorpe, qui omnibus sacramentis rite susceptis, pie obiit, annos natus quinquaginta et sex.

Ita testor Ign: Collingridge

Die2ndo Junii 1849 nata et 1 Julii 1849 baptizataest Carolina Nora filia Jacobi et Mariæ Murray (olim Mullins) conj : Sponsores erant Joannes Donovan et Carolina Reardon a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 7 Julii 1849 sepultum est in coemeterioSt Jacobicorpus Elizabethæ Tilt matris Reverendi D. Joannis Tilt, in cujus domo Ign: Collingridge apud Tichborne pie obiit annos nata 60 .

[p. 283]

Die 22 Juniinata 1849, et 8 Julii 1849 baptizata est Joanna filia Joannis et Margarita Smith (olim Bradley) conj: Matrina erat Anna Jameson. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die26 Juniinatus 1849, et 8 Julii 1849 baptizatusest Henricus filius Jacobi et Mariæ O'Neil (olim Sweeny) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus Liston et Matilda Payne

[Both encased ] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die nono Julii 1849 sepultus est Jacobus Josephus Collins a Revdo Do Josepho Alberry ita testor Ign: Collingridge

Die 14 Julii 1849 sepulta est inter cognatos Maria Charker annos nata 82, a Revdo Domino Josepho Alberry. ita testor Ign: Collingridge

Die 17 Julii, 1849 , nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego IgnatiusCollingridge EduardumDunne filium Joannis et Margaritæ Dunne de Reginæ comitatu in Hibernia et Margaritam Molloy filiam Patricii et Margarita Molloy de eodem loco interrogavi et, mutuo eorum consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi Præsentibus testibus Georgio Huntly et Margarita Mead . Ignatius Collingridge M.A.

Die 13 Julii 1849 nata et 22 Julii 1849 baptizata est Sarah Joanna filia Joannis et Annæ Slater (olim Scott et antea Allen) conj : Sponsores erant Daniel Thompson et Joanna Emilia Hyde. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A. [p. 284]

Die 18 Julii 1849 natus et die 5 Augusti 1849 baptizatus Ricardus filius Patricii et Catarina McCreath (olim Thatcher) conj: Sponsores erant Bartholomæus McCreath et AmeliaMcCreath. [Not encased ] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Augusti 1849 sepulta est in cœmeterio Sancti Jacobi Amelia Green anno ætatis [blank]a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 22 Feb: nata et die 2 Septembris 1849 baptizata est Ellena filia Joannis et Annæ Rumbold (olim Galgani) conjugum. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 26 Septembris 1849 natus et 30 Sep 1849 baptizatusest Joannes filius Joannis et Mariæ Landrigan (olim Butler) conj: Matrina erat Sophia Green a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 5to novembris 1849 nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto , Ego Ignatius Collingridge Stephanum Switzer filiumThomæSwitzer de Wintoniâ et Saram Chivers viduamfiliam Moysis Southwell de eodem loco interrogavi, et mutuo eorum consensu habito , solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonioconjunxi. Præsentibus testibus Stephano Winkworth et Carolinâ Locke Ignatius Collingridge M.A.

Die 29 Octobris 1849 et 21 Nov: 1849 baptizatus est Joannes filius Joannis et Ellenæ Driscoll (olim Collins) conj : a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

[p. 285]

Die 3tlo Decbris 1849 sepultus est in coemeterio St Jacobi Patricius Barrett, re pauper, virtute dives 1850 Ita testor Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 1 Januarii 1850 baptizata est sub conditione Sarah filia parentum AcatholicorumJoannis et Amiæ Hunter (olim Brown) conj, et die 14 Januarii 1838 nata , a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 20 Decembris 1849 nata et 20 Jan: 1850 baptizata est ElizabethaJoanna filiaSamueliset Elizabethæ Norris (olimWelch) conj. Matrina erat Sarah Newlyn. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [The next entry in a different hand]

Die 21 Januarii 1850 natus et die 2 Februarii ejusdem anni Baptizatus fuit Carolus Thomas Gudgeon filius Roberti et Annæ Gudgeon(olim Horsley) conjugum . Patrinusfuit ThomasGudgeon , Matrina Charlotte Horsley. a me Gulielmo Hunt* M: Ap. [р 286]

Mense Januarii 1850 natus et baptizatus est Jacobus filius Jacobi et Elizabethæ Fielder (olim Barton) conj : Cæremoniæ suppletæ sunt die 24 Octobris 1850 a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die4to Decembris 1849 nata et die 3tto Feb: 1850 baptizata est Joanna filia Patricii et Marcellæ M°Evoy conjugum a me Ign : Collingridge M.A.

Die 3º Feb: 1850 nata et 5to Feb: 1850 baptizataest Catarina filia Bonaventuræ et Isabellæ Gilgani (olim Payne) conj: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 10 Jan: 1850 nata et 9 Feb: 1850 baptizataest Isabella filia Joannis et Birgittæ Loughlin (olim Murphy) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus Loughlin et Anna Aston a me Ign . tlo CollingridgeM.A.

Die 12 Februarii 1850 sepultus est in cœmeterio Catholicorum ad Sanctum Jacobum Carolus Thomas Gudgeon infans viginti dierum . [Not encased] Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 20 Februarii 1850 baptizata fuit sub conditione Anna Steel annos nata quatuordecim a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 5 Feb: 1850 nata et die 28 Feb baptizataest Maria Anna Alicia Glover filia Gulielmi et FranciscæGlover(olim Baggs) conj : Matrina erat Anna Croker. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [р 287]

Die 2 Martii 1850 baptizata est sub conditione Catharina Brooks annos nata circiter 35, ab Ecclesiâ Anglicanâ conversa et fidem amplexa Catholicam a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Martii 1850 baptizata est Susanna Gladman sub conditione et sine cæremoniis, quæ infans, in castris nata, in proximo mortis periculo animam vix agebat. a me Ign: Collingridge

* Priest at Southampton 1833-41

Die 25 Martii 1850 nata et 7 Aprilis 1850 baptizata est Elizabethafilia Patricii et Annæ Prunty (olim Fay) conj : Sponsores erant Christophorus Barry et Sophia Green. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 1 Aprilis nata 1850, et 7 Aprilis 1850 baptizataest Honora filia Oweni et Catarina Connelly (olim McGrath) conj : Sponsores erant MatthewWoods et [blank] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 12 Aprilis 1850 Sanctæ EcclesiæCatholicæ reconciliataet sub conditione baptizata fuit Maria Brown annos nata circiter sexaginta. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 15 Martii 1850 nata et 15 Aprilis 1850 baptizata est Maria Anna filia Gulielmi et Annæ Saunders (olim Kelly) conj: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [p. 288] [The next entry in a different hand]

Die 27 Martii 1850 natus et die 21 Aprilis 1850 baptizatus fuit Joannes McCullow filius Matthæi et Mariæ McCullow (olim Dunn) conjugum. Matrina fuit Joanna Barnes A me Thoma Bowman * Miss Apco

Die 29 Aprilis 1850 sub conditione baptizata et Ecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliatafuit Anna Budd annos nata circiter quinquaginta . a me Ign: CollingridgeM.A.

Die29 Julii 1836 natus et 6 Maii 1850 sub conditionebaptizatus est Henricus filius Thomæ et Martha Steel (olim Annell) conj a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 6to Octobris 1849 nata et 12 Maii 1850 baptizata fuit

Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Carlotta Kelly (olim England) conj: Sponsores erant Jacobus Cannon et Birgitta Cannon . a me I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 6to Maii 1850' nata et 12mo Maii 1850 baptizata fuit

Catarina filia Martini et Catarina Molony (olim Lawlor) conj: Sponsores erant Michael Ryan et AliciaBoyle. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 24 Maii 1850 sepulta est in coemeterioCatholicorum proprio Soror Anna Fogarty, conversa in familiâ Religiosâ Sancti Benedictihujus civitatis, anno ætatis suæ 46, Professionis vero 17 . [Not encased .] ita testor Ign. Collingridge

[p. 289]

Die23Maii nata et 4 Junii 1850 baptizataest Francisca Maria filia ThomæLumley et JoannaMiddleton (olim McGuinness) conj: Matrina erat Elizabetha Middleton. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 18 Aprilis 1850 mortua, eodemmensein cœmeterioSancti Jacobi sepulta est Margarita Haly annos nata octoginta . ita testor Ign: Collingridge M.A.

[Burials not encased henceforth]

Die 21 Junii 1850 sepulta est MariaAnna Reeves infans trium a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. annorum

* Priest at Bermondsey.


Die 11 Maii 1850 natus et die 24 Junii 1850 baptizatus est Joannes Henricus filius Cornelii et Mariæ Gates (olim Kain) conj: Matrina erat Ellena Kinnaire a me I. Collingridge

Die 3 Junii 1850 nata et 1 Julii 1850 baptizata est Louisa Maria filia Caroli et Annæ Allen (olim Baggs) conj : Sponsores erant Hugo Grant et Catarina Gudgeon

a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die30 Junii1850 natus et 14 Julii 1850 baptizatusestAlfridus filius Thomæ et Amelia Sansom (olim Froome) conj : Sponsores erant Joannes Moor et Catarina Birkenshawe.

[p. 290] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 15 Junii 1850 natus et 17 Julii 1850 baptizatusest Thomas filius Roberti Payne et Honoriæ Lofty. (Loftyvel Payne)

a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 30 Julii 1850, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego Ignatius Collingridge Joannem Long, filiumThomæet Judith Long deCorkHiberniæ et Joannam O Heara filiam Antonii et Elizabethæ O Heara in Corcyrâ insulâ natam interrogavi, et, mutuo eorum consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi Præsentibus testibus Joanne Murphy et Elizabethâ Ign: Collingridge M.A.


Die 8vo Julii 1850 nata et 4to Augusti 1850 baptizata est Harriotta filia Alfredi et Mariæ Annæ Abbot (olim Kearns) conj : a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Augusti 1850 nata et 18 Aug: 1850 baptizataest Maria filia Joannis et Annæ Murphy (olim Marshall) Sponsores erant Walterius Maher et Rebecca Haggerty.

[p . 291] a me Ign. CollingridgeM.A.

Die24 Julii 1850 nata et 21 Augusti 1850 baptizataest Maria filia Henrici et Catharinæ Mariæ Pewsey (olim Cole) conj : Sponsores erant Thos Sansom et Emma King.

[Differenthand] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Ellen Maria, daughter of William & Ellen McEntire(formerly Kelly) man & wife, was born on the 11th & baptized on the 25th of August by me Henry Hall

Sponsors William Collis & Bridget Connelly

George Thomas, son of George & Mary Davis (formerly Maguire) man & wife, was born on the 11th & baptizedon the 25th of August by me H. Hall

Godmother Mary Park.

Die 28 Augusti 1850 sepulta est Catarina Maria Pewsey Ita testor Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 17 Septembris 1850 natus et die 24 Sep : 1850 baptizatus est Joannes filius Joannis et Ellenæ Shears (olim Kelly) conj : Sponsores erant Joannes Connell et Sarah Quinn

a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

[р. 292]

Die22 Julii 1850 natus est die 26 Septembris 1850 baptizatus est Henricus Georgius filius Ricardi Welch et Annæ Riquier (Riquier) a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 27 Septembris 1850 baptizatusestsub conditione Robertus Goodman filius Roberti et Edithæ Goodman conjugum. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 3 Octobris 1850 sepultus est Robertus Goodman annos natus sex et sexaginta a me Ign: Collingridge

Die 8 Septembris 1850 nata et 7 Octobris 1850 baptizata est Ellena filia Michaelis et Elizabethæ Foley (olim Aldridge) conj: Matrina erat Maria Mead a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11 Octobris 1850 baptizata est sub conditione Joanna Redstone uxor Josephi Redstone Wintoniæ civis. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Octobris 1850 baptizata est sub conditione Maria Phillips annos nata tredecim a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 30 Octobris 1850 sepulta est Maria Anna Pinnock de Southamptonasportata ita testor Ign: Collingridge M.A. [p . 293]

Die 12 Octobris 1850 nata et 3 Novembris 1850 baptizata est Joanna filia Michaelis et Birgittæ Maher (olim Corcoran) conj: Sponsores Martinus Larkin et Maria Maine. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 22 Octobris 1850 natus et 3 Novembris1850 baptizatus est Georgius filius Georgii et Annæ Hill (olim Gorman) conj : Sponsores erant Bernardus McNiel et Anna Connell a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 7moNovembris 1850 nataet die 10moNov: 1850 baptizata est Margarita filia Eduardi Joannis et Margarita Griffin (olim Pinnock) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus Guy et Francisca Maria a me Ign Collingridge M.A. Pinnock .

Die 21 Octobris 1850 natus et die 10mo Novembris 1850 baptizatus est Henricus filius Joannis et Ellenæ Thornhill (olim Daly) conj : Sponsores erant Thomas Carey et Maria Edmunds a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 31mo Septembris 1850 natus et die 10mo Novembris 1850 baptizatus est Henricus filius Joannis et Annæ Rumbold (olim Gilgani) conj : Matrina erat Sophia Green. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Novembris 1850 natus et die 17 Novembris 1850 baptizatus est Thomas filius Thomæ et Catarina Haggerty (olim Dacey) conj : a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [p . 294]

Die 17 Julii 1850 natus et die 17 Novembris 1850 baptizatus est Joannes filius Jacobi et Eliza Ruberry (olim Fannell) conj: a me Ign Collingridge M.A.

Die 17 Julii 1850 natus et die 17 Novembris 1850 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Jacobi et Eliza Ruberry(olim Fannell) conj: (gemelli) a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.


Die22Novembris1850 nataet die 1 Decembris 1850baptizata est Maria Anna filia Jacobi et Annæ Fitzgerald (olim Kyle) conj: Sponsor erat Thomas Fitzgerald. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11mo Decembris 1850 natus et die 12 Januarii 1851 baptizatus est Joannesfilius Patricii et CatarinaCrawley (olim Brian) conj : Sponsor erat Joannes Dasey. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 10mo Octobris 1850 natus et die 19no Januarii 1851 bap- tizatus est Gulielmus filius Joannis et Rose Ware (olim Smith) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus Dunne et Anna Kennaire a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 9no Januarii 1851 nata et 23 Januarii 1851 baptizataest Maria Anna filia Joannis et Mariæ Alies (olim [blank]) conj : Matrina erat Margarita Edwards. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [p . 295]

Die 15 Februarii 1851 nata et die 16 Februarii baptizata est a Revdo Domino Josepho Alberry Missionario Apco Maria filia Gulielmi et Catharina Rofe (olim Dunlany) conj : Ita testor Ignatius Collingridge M.A.

Die 31 Martii 1851 nataet 13 Aprilis 1851 baptizataest Anna filia Thomæ et Mariæ Bouchier (olim Allen) conj: Sponsores erant Jacobus Kavanagh et Maria Murphy. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 18 Februarii 1851 natus et die 15 Aprilis 1851 baptizatus est Henricus filius Henrici et Mariæ Joannæ Rollins (olim Pavey) conjugum. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 9no Martii 1851 et 27mo Aprilis 1851 baptizatusest Hugo filius Hugonis et Mariæ Cavanagh (olim Dowling) conj : Sponsores erant Joannes Johnson et Margarita McCarthy. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 20 Aprilis 1851 nata et 27 Aprilis 1851 baptizata est Catarina filia Joannis et Birgittæ Malony (olim Hanan) conj: Sponsores erant Gulielmus Murray et Eliza Cuningham. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 23 Octobris 1850 natus et 11 Maii 1851 baptizatus est Robertus filius Roberti et Matildæ Hunter (olim West) conj: Sponsores erant Hugo Grant et Sarah Hunter a me Ign. Collingridge M.A.

Die 13tio Maii 1851 natus et 19no Maii 1851 baptizatusest Thomas Joannes filius Gulielmi et Birgittæ Cullen (olim Mulvey) conj: Sponsores erant Michael Murray et Anna Murray. a me I. Collingridge M.A.

[p. 296]

Die13tloMaii 1851 nataet 1moJunii 1851 baptizataest Maria Annafilia Davidis et AliciaWorsfield (olimFlynn) conj : Sponsores erant Andreas Laffy et Joanna Barnes a me Ign Collingridge M.A.

Die 25Maii 1851 nata et 8 Junii 1851 baptizataest Christina filia Timothæi et Catarina Halaghan (olim Clary) conj: Sponsor erat Joannes Burns a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.


Die 29 Maii 1851 nata et 8 Junii 1851 baptizata est Birgitta filia Michaelis et Annæ Gearn (olim Parks) conj : Sponsores erant Gulielmus Greatbatch et Amelia Toole a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 23tio Maii 1851 nata et 11mo Junii 1851 baptizata est Elizabetha filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Henrey (olim Allen) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus McCormic et Ellena McCormic a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 25moJunii 1851 sepulta est in cœmeterio Sancti Jacobi Anna Maria Weld annos nata 38 ita testor Ignatius Collingridge

Die 30 Julii 1851 nata et die 18 Augusti 1851 baptizata est Maria filia Ricardi et Margarita Barnes (olim Mead) conj : Sponsores Michael McHale et Elizabetha Regan. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 21 Nov: 1849 natus et 19 Augusti 1851 baptizatusest Terentius Thomas filius Thomæ et Mariæ Annæ Etheridge (olim Shanly) conj : sub conditione . a me I. Collingridge M.A. [р. 297]

Die 16 Augusti 1851 natus et 24 Augusti 1851 baptizatusest Thomas Henricus filius Joannis et Joannæ Long (olim O Hara) conj: Sponsores erant Carolus O Hara et ElizabethaDean. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 18 Julii 1851 natus et 4 Septembris 1851 baptizatusest Michael filius Patricii et Catharina Loony (olim Sullivan) conj: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 2 Septembris 1851 sepulta est Anna TeresiaGilbert annos nata 29, cujus animæ propitietur Deus. Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 13 Septembris 1851 sepulta est AnnaJames annosnata81 Ign: Collingridge

Die 16 Septembris 1851 depositum estin cœmeterio St Jacobi corpus Francisci Newell de Westmeon. Ign: Collingridge

Die 17 Septembris 1851 depositum est corpus Mariæ Annæ Glover infantis unius anni Ign: Collingridge

Die 18 Septembris 1851 sepulta est Elizabetha Foley annos Ign: Collingridge nata 82 [р. 298]

Die 18 Augusti 1851 nata et 18 Septembris 1851 baptizata est MariaAnnafiliaThomæet CatarinaFaulkener (olim Considine) conjugum . Sponsores erant Patricius Malone et Margarita Nicholson a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 21 Septembris 1851 natus et die 2ndo Octobris 1851 baptizatus est Franciscus filius Patricii et Judith Neal (olim Nally) conj : Sponsores erant Hugo McCabe et Catarina Quirke. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 29 Septembris 1851 natus et die 5to Octobris 1851 baptizatus est Alfridus Michael filius Roberti et Annæ Gudgeon (olim Horsley) conj : Sponsores erant Robertus Gudgeon Senior et Isabella Gudgeon. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.


Die 21 Septembris 1851 nata et 12 Octobris 1851 baptizata est Maria filia Georgii et Mariæ Manuel (olim Shea) conj : Matrina erat Anna Davis. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die5toOctobris 1851 natus et 9no Novembris 1851 baptizatus est Eduardus filius Jacobi et Catarina Deacon (olim Ellet) conj : Matrina erat Clarinda Greave a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 3 Februarii 1852 supplebanturcæremoniæsuper Eduardum filium Joannis et Saræ Tierney (olim Chamney) conj. quidomi periclitans privatimfuerat a me baptizatusdie 6to Novbris 1851 . Natus erat 5to Nov: 1851. Matrina EllenaMcClean a me Ign: Collingridge [p . 299]

Die 7 Novembris 1851 nata et 16 Novembris 1851 baptizata est Mariafilia Joannis et Joanna Connell (olim Morris) conjugum : Sponsores erant Daniel McLecurry et Ellena Scully a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 13 Novembris 1851 EcclesiæDei reconciliata et sub conditione baptizata fuit Anna Fossett a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 22 Octobris 1851 nata et 23 Novembris baptizata est Maria filia Patricii et Birgittæ Hoare (olim Gallagher) conj: Matrina erat ElizabethaCanew a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 10 Decembris 1851 et 8 Januarii 1852 baptizataest Anna Maria filia Thomæ et Mariæ Annæ Ettridge (olim Shanley) conjugum Patrinus erat Timotheus Gilhowy Matrina Margarita Gilhowy. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 29 Januarii 1852 nata et 1 Februarii baptizataest Alicia Anna filia Roberti et Matildæ Hunter (olim West) Sponsoreserant Joannes et Alicia Triffic. a me Ign : Collingridge M.A.

Die 3 Februarii 1852 nata et 5 Feb: 1852 baptizataestAnna filia Owen et Annæ Smith (olim Rice) conj : Sponsores erant Owen Neal et Birgitta Stephenson. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [p. 300]

Die 5to Februarii 1852 baptizataprivatim est, urgente mortis periculo, Francisca Louisa filia Joannis et Clarinda Grey (olim O Farrell) conjugum . a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11 Septembris 1851 nata et 11 Februarii 1852 baptizata est Catarina filia Michaelis et Catarina Quirk (olim McKoo) conj: Sponsores erant Georgius Carding et Alicia Carley. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 8vo Februarii 1852 , nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto Ego Ignatius Collingridge Joannem Keenan filium Michaelis et Birgittæ Keenan de Hibernia et Mariam Mortimer filiam Joannis et Margarita Mortimer de Hiberniâ interrogavi et, mutuo eorum consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi. Præsentibus testibus Ign. Collingridge M.A.

Die 2 Martii 1852 nata et 4 Martii 1852 baptizata est Maria Anna Teresa filia Samuelis et Elizabethæ Norris (olim Welch) conj : Matrina erat Joanna Pullen a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die2Martii 1852 natus et 7Martii 1852 baptizatusest Thomas filius Thomæ et Catharina Purcell (olim Quinlan) conj : Sponsores erant Michael Dwyer et Catharina Haines a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

[p. 301]

Die 14 Januarii 1852 nata et 14 Martii 1852 baptizata est Maria filia Thomæ et Honoriæ Shausley (olim Waaken) conj : a me Ign: Collingridge

Die 13 Decembris 1851 nata et 20 Martii 1852 baptizata est Anna Joanna filia Joannis et Margarita Chambers (olim Donoghue) conj : Sponsoreserant Joannes Royne et Elizabetha O Hara a me Igntio Collingridge

Die23Martii 1852 nata et 4 Aprilis 1852 baptizataest Maria Anna filia Dionysii et Mariæ Kennedy (olim Fielding) conj: Sponsores erant Dionysius Delaney et Maria Anna Welch. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Februarii 1852 nata et 4 Aprilis 1852 baptizata est Ellena filia Gulielmi et Ellenæ Holloway (olim Comboy) conj: Sponsores erant Hugo Kelly et Sarah Pagley. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die21 Martii 1852 nata et 4 Aprilis 1852 baptizataestAnna filia Patricii et Ellenæ Randall (olim Dogherty) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus Barrett et Ellena Shea ameIgn: Collingridge M.A.

Die 1moMartii 1852 nata et 4 Aprilis 1852 baptizataest Joanna filiaArthuriJacobi et Anna Stewart (olimStewart) conj:Sponsores erant Robertus Stewart et Elizabetha Blackman. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 23 Januarii 1852 natus et die 25 Aprilis 1852 baptizatus est Joannes filius Joannis et Annæ Rumbold (olim Gilgani) conj: Sponsores erant Hugo Grant et Sophia Green.

[p. 302] a me Ignatio Collingridge

Die 16 Maii 1852 nata et 30 Maii 1852 baptizataest Catarina filiaAntonii et MariæGibbons (olimMulrony) conj :Sponsoreserant Hugo Hagan et EllenaCarding. a me Ign : Collingridge M.A.

Die 19 Maii 1852 natus et 2 Junii 1852 baptizatusest Georgius filius Georgii et Birgittæ Baugh (olim Hurley) conj: Matrina erat Isabella Hilloch a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 22 Junii 1852 nata et 4ta Julii 1852 baptizata est Maria AnnafiliaOwen etMariæMeehan (olimFlannary) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus Loobey et Joanna Loobey a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die21 Junii 1852 nataet 6 Julii 1852 baptizataest Margarita filia Joannis et Ellenæ Scanlan (olim Murtagh) conj : Sponsores erant Martinus Conway et Catharina Logan. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 1 Julii 1852 nata et 11 Julii 1852 baptizata est Anna filia Eduardi et Catharina Carroll(olim Connell) conj : Sponsores erant Michael Connell et Anna Swaine a me Ign: CollingridgeM.A.


Die 3tio Julii 1852 nata et 18 Julii 1852 baptizata est Francisca Louisa filia Gulielmi et FranciscæGlover (olim Baggs) conj : Sponsores erant Hugo Grant et Anastasia Bruce a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 21 Junii 1852 sepulta est in cœmeterio Catholicorum proprio Sarah Coughlin. [Unsigned] [р 303]

Die23 Julii 1852 nataet 10 Augusti 1852 baptizataest Ellena filia Patricii et Annæ McNamara (olim Connor) conj: Sponsores erant Thomas Franklin et Birgitta Carrigan. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die27 Augusti 1852 nata et die 12 Septembris 1852 baptizata est Lucia filia Thomæ et Birgittæ Lochlan (olim Horan) conj: Sponsores erant Joannes Smith et Margarita Dunne a me Ign : Collingridge M.A.

Die4toAugusti 1852 natus et die 13tlo Septembris 1852 baptizatus est Gulielmus Ricardus filius Georgii et Annæ Cobey (olim Barry) conj : a me Ign: Collingridge

Die 6toSeptembris 1850 nata et die 19 Septembris 1852 baptizata est Maria filia Georgii et Annæ Cobey (olim Barry) conj: a me Ign: CollingridgeM.A.

Die 15 Septembris 1851 nata et die 19 Septembris 1852 baptizata est Catharina Teresafilia Gulielmi et BirgittæIngram (olim Breen ) conj : Sponsores erant Henricus LadbrookClarke et Maria Anna D'angelo a me I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 23 Septembris 1852 nata et 3tio Octobris 1852 baptizata est Cornelia Maria filia Thomæ et Amelia Sansom (olim Froome) conj: Sponsores erant Peter Daniels et Sarah Daniels a me I. Collingridge M.A.

[In handwriting of the Rev. Thomas Richardson, as alsofirst entry on next page]

Die 12 Octobris 1852 sepulta est cœmeterio Catholicorum proprio Hannah Elton [Unsigned] [p . 304]

Die 13 Octobris 1852 Natuset die23 Octobris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Henricus filius Thomæet BirgittæGrogan (conj) olim Madden . Patrini fuêre Hugo Riley et Maria Madden per susceptricem eorum Agnetem Guy. à me Thomâ Richardson Miss. Ap.

Die [blank] natus et [blank] privatim baptizatus est Henricus filius Henrici et Ellenæ Bone (olim Chivers) conj (Cæremoniis a Revdo Do Thoma Richardson postea suppletis, matrina Sarâ Switzer) a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 17 Octobris 1852 natus et die 7 Nov: 1852 baptizatusest Joannes filius Joannis et Ellenæ Carr (olim O Meary) conj: Sponsores erant Michael Banom et Birgitta Moore. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 8vo Novembris1852, nullo legitimoimpedimentodetecto , Ego IgnatiusCollingridge GarratAhernfilium Garratet Catharina Ahern in civitate Clonmel natum et Catharinam Murphy filiam

Patricii et Catharina Murphy in oppido Mullingar natam interrogavi et mutuo eorum consensu habito solemniter per verbade præsenti matrimonioconjunxi Præsentibustestibus Mich : Banom & Birgitta Kerigan. [Unsigned]

Die 4to Octobris 1852 nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto Josephus Silveira* Joannem Mahan et Honoram Welch interrogavit, et mutuo eorum consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxit Præsentibus testibus Jacobo Moon et Eliza Singleton. Ita testor Ignatius Collingridge [p. 305]

Die7 Octobris 1852 natus et die 19 Novembris 1852 baptizatus est Jacobusfilius Thomæet Annæ Jordan (olimKing) conj : Matrina erat Maria Dwyer. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 16 Novembris 1852 natus et die 28 [7 changed to 8] Nov: 1852 baptizatus est Stephanus Jacobus filius Jacobi et Ellenæ Moon (olim Owen) conj : Sponsoreserant Joannes Mahan et Anna Welch a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 8vo Decembris nata 1852, et die 19no Decembris 1852 baptizata est Ellena filia Michaelis et Susannæ Blong (olim Rex) conjugum : Sponsores erant Henricus Garvey et Catharina Carroll: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 10 Decembris 1852 natuset 19 Decembris 1852 baptizatus est Patriciusfilius Jacobi et CatharinaCrawley (olim Brian) conj : Sponsores erant Michael Leary et Birgitta Canann a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11 Decembris 1852 nata et die 26 Decembris 1852 baptizata est Catharina filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Murphy (olim [blank]) conjugum Matrina erat Catharina Doggens. a me I. Collingridge M.A. [р 306]

Die 31 Decembris 1852 nata et die 9 Januarii 1853 baptizata est Ellena filia Thomæ et Maria Ryan (olim Butler) conj : Matrina erat Anna Bruce. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 10 Januarii 1853 nata et die 23 Januarii 1853 baptizata est Teresa filia Eduardi et Teresa Howell (olim McCarty) conj: Sponsores erant Thos Salter et Ellena Salter a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 17 Januarii 1853 natus et 6to Februarii 1853 baptizatus est Joannes Gulielmus filius Joannis et Margarita Lovell (olim Burke) conj : Sponsores erant Cornelius Coughlin et Maria Burke. a me Ign Collingridge M.A.

Die 10 Februarii 1853 sepulta est Gertruda Rosa Cave infans sex mensium a me I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 12 Februarii 1853 , nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto , Ego Ignatius Collingridge Christophorum Cole filium Veal Dillon Cole et Mariæ Cole, Dublinii natum, et Catharinam Corbett filiam Michaelis et Susannæ Corbett natum Boltoni in Comitatu Lan-

* Priest at Gosport 1827-8


castrensi interrogavi et, mutuo eorum consensu habito, solemniter perverba de præsentimatrimonioconjunxi Præsentibustestibus. Ita testor Ignatius Collingridge

Die 11 Februarii 1853 natus et die 15 Februarii 1853 baptizatus est Joannes Jacobus filius Joannis et Margarita Riley (olim Minighan) conj : Sponsores erant Joannes Savage et Birgitta Brady. a me Ign : Collingridge M.A. [ .307]

Die 22 Februarii natus et die 2 Martii 1853 baptizatus est Joannes filius Gulielmi et Alicia Nixon (olim McCusker) conj: Matrina erat Maria Wynn. a me Ign: Collingridge M.Á.

Die 22 Februarii 1853 natus et die 6 Martii 1853 baptizatus est Joannes filius Joannis et Mariæ Annæ Pugh (olim Yates) conjugum. Patrinus erat Thomas Murphy. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11 Januarii 1853 natus et die 10 Martii 1853 baptizatus est Martinus filius Joannis et Mariæ Welch (olim Cushion) conj : Sponsor erat Anna Croker . a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 24 Martii 1853 baptizata est sub conditione Sarah Redwin de Basingstoke a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 13 Aprilis 1853 baptizata est sub conditione Carolina Elton, annos nata 16 a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Martii 1853 natus et die 14 Aprilis 1853 baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Thomæ et Eliza White (olim Welch) conj : Sponsores erant Patricius Duffy et ElizabethaHannaberry. a me I. Collingridge M.A. [p. 308]

Die 8vo Aprilis 1853 nata et die 17mo Aprilis 1853 baptizata est Anastasia filiaJoannis et Mariæ Sears (olim Farrey) conjugum Sponsores erant Daniel Finn et Anna Finn. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die4to Aprilis 1853 natus et die 24to Aprilis 1853 baptizatus est Eduardus filius Danielis et Margarita Kelly (olim Reed) conj : Sponsores erant Thos Woodlock et Maria Woodlock a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 29no Martii 1853 natus et die 5to Maii 1853 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Gulielmi et Catarina Rofe (olim Dunlavy) conj : Matrina erat Catarina Connell. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 12mo Maii 1853 baptizata est sub conditione Louisa Clarke, annos nata 72. a me Ign: Collingridge

Die 19 Aprilis 1852 natus et die 16 Maii 1853 baptizatusest Joannes filius Patricii Gulielmi et Sara McHale (olim Host) conjugum. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11 Maii 1853 natus et die 5to Junii 1853 baptizatusest Georgius filius Samuelis et Elizabethæ Norris (olim Welch) conj: Sponsores erant Hugo Grant et Joanna Barnes. a me I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Septembris 1849 natus et die 27 Junii 1853baptizatus est Alfridus [Southton above] filius Barretti Wadden et Helenæ Grange. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. (Grange)

[p. 309]

Die 5to Augusti 1850 natus et die 27 Junii 1853 baptizatus est Arthurus Newton filius Barretti Wadden et Mariæ Annæ Grange a me Ign : Collingridge M.A.


Die 8vo Septembris 1851 nata et 27 Junii 1853 baptizataest Zillah Kathleen filia Barretti Wadden et HelenæGrange (Grange) a me Ign. Collingridge M.A.

Die 28vo Januarii 1853 natus et die 5to Julii 1853 baptizatus est Henricus filius Ricardi Hall et Annæ Tombs (olimGreen) conj : Matrina erat Maria ElizabethaGilgani a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 6to Julii 1853 in Ecclesiam receptus et sub conditione baptizatus est Henricus Palmer ab admodum RevdoPatreIgnatio ita testor Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 7 Julii 1853 Ecclesiæ Catholicæ reconciliataet sub conditione baptizata est Eliza Morgan ad eodem P. Ignatio ita testor I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 22 Julii 1853 in Ecclesiam receptus et sub conditione baptizatus est Gulielmus Rumbold a me I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 6toAugusti 1853 natus et die 13 Augusti 1853 baptizatus est Georgius Eduardus filius Roberti et Annæ Gudgeon (olim Horsley) conj : Sponsores erant Eduardus Gudgeon et Charlotta a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. Horsley. [P . 310]

Die 10 Augusti 1853 natus et die 21 Augusti 1853 baptizatus est Linus filius Henrici et MariæAnnæ Reeves (olimRiquier) conj: Sponsores erant [blank] Cannan et Maria Cannan a me I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 23tio Januarii nata et die 23 Augusti 1853 baptizatafuit Isabella filia Jacobi et Carlotta Kelly (olim England) conj: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

*Die 14 Augusti 1853 natus et die 1 Septembris 1853 baptizatus est Josephus filius Caroli et Annæ Tibble (olim Dunny) conj : Sponsores erant Michael McMeade et Maria Mooney a me Petro Collingridge M.A.

*Die 7mo Septembris 1853 natus et die 18 Sepbris 1853 baptizatus est Thomas filius Michaelis et Catharina Moran (olim Fitzgerald) conj: Sponsores fuere Jacobus Mulroney et Helena Fitzgerald. a me Petro Collingridge M.A.

Die 2do Septembris 1853 natus et die 26 Septembris 1853 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Jacobi et Ellenæ Connelly (olim Kiernan) conj : Sponsor erat Ricardus Slevin. a me Ign Collingridge M.A.

*Die 26 Augusti 1853 natus et die 16 Septembris 1853 baptizatus est Alfridus filius Josephi et Saræ Felton (olim Ashton) conj : Sponsoreserant Josephus Felton et Catharina Spiller a me Petro Collingridge M.A.

* These entries are in the Rev. P. Collingridge's hand . Brother of the Rev. Ignatius Collingridge


Die 11 Octobris 1853 sepulta est in cœmeterio St Jacobi Anna Tibble a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [p. 311]

Die 12 Octobris 1853 sepultus est in cœemeterio St Jacobi Jacobus Guy, annos natus 54, qui apoplexiæ morbo subito correptus obiit die 8vo ejusdem mensis , vir vere integervitæ scelerisque purus. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 4to Octobris 1853 natus et die 23tio Octobris 1853 baptizatus est Michael Eduardus filius Michaelis et Elizabethæ Brown (olim Barton) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus Cannen et Anna Taylor a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 6to Octobris 1853 nata et die 24to Octobris 1853 baptizata est Ellena filia Thomæ et Catharina Byrns (olim Redman) conj: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die [blank] Junii 1853 natus et die 1mo Novembris1853 baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Brien (olim Brien) conjugum a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 26 Octobris 1853 nata et die 9no Novembris 1853 baptizata est Sarah filia Joannis et Birgittæ Moore (olim Hutchinson) conj: a me I. Collingridge M.A.

Die4to Novembris 1853 natus et die 13 Nov: 1853 baptizatus est Marcus filius Joannis et Elizabethæ Chambers (olim Jeffery) conjugum . Sponsores erant Henricus Steel et Francisca Jeffery. a me Ign: Collingridge Miss: Ap: [p . 312]

Die 31mo Octobris 1853 nata et die 20 Novembris1853 baptizata est Birgitta filia Jacobi et Mariæ Brien (olim Moriarty) conjugum. Patrinuserat Joannes Brien Matrina Catharina Moriarty. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 21 Novembris 1853 sepultus est in coemeterioSt Jacobi Patricius McGuil a me Ign: Collingridge

Die 23 Novembris 1853 nata et die 11 Decembris 1853 baptizata est Elizabethafilia Mauritii et Mariæ Annæ Nunan (olim Purcell) conj : Sponsores erant Joannes Nicholson et Catarina Allen a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 8vo Novembris 1853 natus et die 21mo Decembris baptizatus est Thomas filius Jeremiæ et Catharina Eherin (olim O Connor) conjugum Matrina erat Honora Field a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 12 Januarii 1854 baptizatus est sub conditione Gulielmus Grist filius [blank] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Januarii 1854 baptizataest sub conditioneElizabetha Freeman (vulgo Winscomb) puella undecim annorum a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11mo Decembris 1853 natus et die 25to Januarii 1854 baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Thomæ et Elizabethæ Canhan (olim Clark) conjugum. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [p . 313]

Die 25to Januarii 1854 natus et die 5to Februarii 1854 bap-

tizatus est Thomas filius Eduardi et Ellenæ Grant (olim Dinan) conj : Sponsores erant Joannes Chambers et Winefrida Nolan a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 12 Februarii 1854 baptizatus est sub conditione et in Ecclesiam receptus Stephanus Groves annos natus 45. a me Ign : Collingridge M.A.

Die7 Februarii 1854 natus et die 26 Februarii 1854 baptizatus est Joannesfilius Thomæ et Amelia Sansom (olim Froome) conj: Matrina erat Agnes Guy. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 28 Novembris 1852 nata et 28 Februarii 1854 baptizata est Teresa Anna filia Cornelii et Mariæ Gates (olim Kain) conj: Matrina erat Ellena Carr. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die [blank] Julii 1853 et 2 Martii 1854 baptizata est Agnes filia Caroli Williams et Mariæ Annæ Riquier (Riquier) a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 18vo Martii 1854 in Ecclesiam receptus et sub conditione baptizatusest Josephus Collins annos natus 40 , a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 3tto Martii 1854 natus et die 19no Martii 1854 baptizatus est Alfridus Josephus filius Joannis et Annæ Margarita Rumbold (olim Gilgani) conj : Matrina erat Julia Cave [p . 314] a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 24to Aprilis 1854 tribus denunciationibus ritefactis, nulloque impedimento detecto, Ego Ignatius Collingridge Dionysium Barnes filium Gulielmi et Claræ Barnes de Tyham in Comitatu Dorset et Elizabetham Hooper filiam Gulielmi et Mariæ Hooper de Corfe Castle in eodem Comitatu interrogavi, et, mutuo eorum consensuhabito, solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonioconjunxi. Præsentibus testibus notis Ricardo Baigent Joanne Chambers et Joanna Barnes. Ign: CollingridgeMiss: Ap:

Die 29no Aprilis 1854 in Catholicam Ecclesiam recepta et privatim sub conditione baptizata est Ellena Gregoria Grange annos nata circiter triginta . a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 13tlo Maii 1854 nata et die 15to Maii 1854 baptizata est Judith filiaMichaelis et Ellenæ Harrington (olim Carty) conjugum Matrina erat Catharina Crawley. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

[In a different hand]Approbat salva obligatione tenendi libros distinctos ad formam Ritualis Die 17 Maii 1854 in S.Visit. +Thomas Epus

Die 9no Novembris 1853 nata et die 19 Maii 1854 baptizata est Maria filia Joannis Rose et Mariæ Quin. (Quin) a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 6to Maii 1854 natus et die 21mo Maii baptizatus est Thomas Georgius filius Caroli et BirgittæDicker (olim Kavanagh) conj: Sponsores erant Bartholomæus Brosnahan et Harrietta Philips a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 14ta Maii 1854 nata et die 21mo Maii 1854 baptizata est Maria Anna filia Thomæ et Mariæ Camerford (olim Smith) conjugum Sponsores erant Joannes Brady et Joanna Yates a me Ignatio Collingridge Miss : Ap:


[р 315]

Die vigesimo Maii 1854 sepulta est in cœmeterio St Jacobi Reverenda admodum Dña Dña Maria Benedicta Macdonald, quæ in Conventu Sanctimonalium OrdinisSt Benedicti in Abbatissam die nono Septembris, 1811, electa, die vero decimo Octobris benedicta, cum per annos triginta septem familiam sibi creditam mansuetudine et prudentiarexerat pari, tandem , suadentibus tum mentis tum corporis infirmitatibus, anno 1848 onus deposuit Inde per sex annos Deo soli et sibi vixit, donec, senectute potius quam morbo confecta, et sacramentis rite munita, adstantibus sororibus, placide obdormivit in Christo, die 17mo Maii, anno Domini 1854, Etatis suæ 82ndo Professionis 58vo

I. Collingridge M.A.

Die 23tto Maii 1854 baptizatus est sub conditione Joannes Fraser miles annos natus octodecim. a me Ign Collingridge M.A.

Die 6to Maii 1854 nata et die 11mo Junii 1854 baptizataest Catharina filia Michaelis et Margarita McMahon (olim Barry) conj: Sponsores erant Antonius Holloran et CatharinaBarry. a me Ignatio Collingridge Miss: Ap.

Die 15to Junii 1854 natus et die 25to Junii 1854 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Eduardi et Catharina Ward (olim O Brien) conjugum Sponsores erant Patricius Jones et Catharina Fitzgerald. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 29no Maii 1854 nata et die 4to Julii 1854 baptizata est Maria filia Georgii Turner et Sophiæ Annæ Green. Matrina erat Sophia Green Sen (Green) a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [р 316]

Die20 Maii 1854 natus et die 6to Julii baptizatus estWalterus Matthæus Mara filius Jacobi et Mariæ Mara (olim Brennan) conjugum. a me Ignto Collingridge M.A.

Die 14 Junii 1854 privatim sub conditione baptizatus est et in Ecclesiam Catholicam receptus Samuel_Norris a me Ign Collingridge M.A.

Die 8vo Julii 1854 privatim sub conditione baptizata et in Ecclesiam Catholicam recepta est Elizabetha Barnes a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 13 Julii 1854 sub conditione baptizata et in Ecclesiam recepta fuit Maria Anna Shermur a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 13tto Julii 1854 baptizatus est Joannes filius Patricii et Birgittæ Hore (olim Gallagher) conjugum. Natus est infans die 12mo Maii 1854: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 7mo Julii 1854 natus et die 23tla Julii 1854 baptizatus est Thomas filius Thomæ et Catharina Killealey (olim Moynhan) conj: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 16to Julii 1854 natus et die 23tla Julii 1854 baptizatus est Robertus filius Martini et Annæ Rutledge (olimCox) conjugum Patrinus erat Michael Cannan: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.


Die 17mo Junii 1854 nata et 30mo Julii 1854 baptizata est MariaAnnafilia Josephi et Mariæ Hanlon(olim Quinn) conjugum : Sponsores erant Antonius Holloran et Catharina Faye. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

[р 317]

Die 16 Julii 1854 nata et die 20 Augusti 1854 baptizata est Elizabetha filia Michaelis et Elizabethæ Donnelly (olim Smith) conjugum Sponsores erant Thomas Comerford et Maria Comerford a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 27 Septembris 1853 nata et die 27 Augusti 1854 suscepit cæremonias(prius a Dom Revdo H. Lea privatim fueratbaptizata)

Anna filia Gulielmi et Annæ Barnes (olim Newsham) conj : Sponsores erant Dionysius Barnes et Elizabetha Barnes a me Ign Collingridge M.A.

Die 24 Junii 1854 natus et die 27 Augusti 1854 baptizatus est Philippus filius Philippi et Sophiæ Kagan (olim Martin) conjugum. Sponsores erant Jacobus Plunkett et Ellena Hickey a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 10 Augusti 1854 natus et 27 Augusti 1854 baptizatusest Richardus Weovilfilius Richardiet Sara Winscome (olimSaunders) conj: Sponsores erant Carolus Bruce et Anastasia Bruce. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 29 Augusti 1854 nata et die 10mo Septembris 1854 baptizata est Maria Anna filia Patricii et Mariæ Jones (olim Roach) conjugum . Patrinus erat Eduardus Ward Matrina Catharina Faulkener a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A. [p. 318]

Die 14 Junii 1854 nata et die 8vo Octobris 1854 baptizata est Selina Anna filia Jacobi et Carlotta Kelly(olim England) conjugum. Sponsores erant Joannes Maguire et Margarita Maguire. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 4to Octobris 1854 nata et die 5to Novembris 1854 baptizata est Birgitta Harrietta filia Jacobi et Elizabethæ Dene (olim O'Hara) conjugum Sponsores erant Eduardus Grant et Joanna Barnes a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 1moNovembris 1854 nata et die 310Decembris 1854baptizata est Eliza filia Joannis et Birgittæ Loughlin (olim Murphy) conjugum Sponsores erant Joannes Heslop et Joanna Barnes. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 28vo Novembris 1854 sepultus est Josephus Redstone qui obiit die 21mo ejusdem mensis, annos natus circiter 620s Ign: Collingridge

Die 29 Novembris 1854 sepulta est Anna Agnes Gudgeon annos nata 28to Ign: Collingridge

Die 15 Decembris 1854 sepulta est Maria ElizabethaGilgani annos nata circiter 42 [Unsigned]

Die 13 Decembris 1854 baptizatæ solemniter fuerunt Anna Maria, quæ nata est die 8vo Julii 1841, Emilia Agnes, quæ nata est die 8voJulii 1843, et Francisca Maria quæ nata est die [blank]


1845, filiæ Thomæ et Joanne Lightfoot (olim Holding) conjugum, qui nullæ ProtestantiumSectæ addicti de baptismo filiarum supradictarum minime curaverant : Matrina omnium erat Maria Angoville: a me Ign: Collingridge M.A. [р 319]

Die 23tto Decembris 1854 sepulta est in cœmeterio Catholicorum proprio Birgitta Barton annos nata circiter 66 a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 24toDecembris 1854 baptizatus est Joannesfilius Joannis et Susannæ Connolly (olim Johns) conjugum ; natus die 24to Novembris, anno eodem : Sponsores erant Eduardus Grant et Joanna Barnes . Ita testor Ignatius Collingridge M.A.

Die 23tto Decembris 1854 nata et die 7mo Januarii 1855baptizata est Sarah Julia filia Samuelis et Elizabethæ Norris (olim Welch) conjugum Matrina erat Sarah Newlyn. a me Ign: Collingridge Miss: Ap:

Die 24to Decembris 1854 natus et die 7mo Januarii 1855 baptizatus est Thomas filius Thomæ et Margarita Hicks (olim Brien) conj: Sponsores erant Martinus Rutledge et Anna Rutledge a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 17mo Januarii 1855sepult est in cœmeterio Sancti Jacobi [blank] Sansom infans I. Collingridge

Die 13 Januarii 1855 natus et die 28vo Januarii 1855 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Eduardi et Mariæ Wilkinson (olim Collins) conjugum Sponsores erant Jacobus Canan et Maria Canan a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 7mo Januarii 1855 natus et die 4to Februarii 1855 baptizatus est Michael filius Patricii et Annæ Brady (olim M Lochlin) conjugum. Sponsores erant Michael Sullivan et Maria Holmes a me I. Collingridge M.A. [р. 320]

Die 10mo Januarii 1855 nata et die 4to Februarii 1855 baptizata est Margarita filia Henrici et Annæ Hay (olim Kerr) conjugum. Matrina erat Maria Bozzing. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die27 Februarii 1855 baptizatusest conditionaliterJoannes filius Joannis et Catharina Robert (olim Butler) conjugum, infans quatuordecim mensium a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 19no Februarii 1855 natus et die 4to Martii 1855 baptizatus est David filius Gulielmi et Catharina Linsey (olim Font) conjugum. Matrina erat Maria Robinson a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 11mo Octobris 1854 nata et die 14 Martii 1855 baptizata est Joanna Ellena filia Samuelis et Ellenæ Shackle (olim O Brien) conjugum. Matrina erat Ellena Maria Vine a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 15to Martii 1855natus et die 25to Martii 1855 baptizatus est Thomas filius Patricii et Annæ Barry (olim Lantry) conjugum. Sponsores erant Michael Donnally et Margarita Barry. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.


Die 16moMartii 1855 natus et die 1mo Aprilis 1855 baptizatus est Patricius filius Patricii et Elizabethæ Flannery (olim Lunn) conjugum Sponsores erant Jacobus McGarry et Margarita McGarry a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 21mo Martii 1855to nata et Die 1mo Aprilis 1855 baptizata est MariafiliaGarretti et HonoræBarry(olimMcAuliffe) conjugum. Sponsores erant Michael Mooney et Maria Mason. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A. [ p . 321]

Die 12mo Aprilis 1855 natus et die 15to Aprilis baptizatus est eodem anno Jacobus filius Patricii et Catarina Crowley (olim Brien) conjugum Sponsores erant Patricius Sullivan et Julia a me Ignatio Collingridge Brennan.

Die 26to Martii 1855 et die 22do Aprilis 1855 baptizatusest Thomas filius Joannis et Catharina McCarty (olim McCarty) conjugum Sponsores erant Michael Cannan et Julia Brennan a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 14to Aprilis 1855 nata et die 26to Aprilis baptizata est Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Mariæ Furner (olim Moore) conjugum. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

* Die 29no Aprilis 1855natus et die 9no Maii 1855baptizatus est Joannes filius Joannis et Birgittæ Brandon (olim Concannon) conjugum . Matrina erat Anna Rutledge. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 24to Aprilis 1855 natus et die 13tio Maii 1855 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Michaelis et Birgittæ Teague (olim Fitzgerald) conjugum. Sponsores erant Dionysius McAveryet ElizaMcAvery. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 18 Maii 1855, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto , Ego IgnatiusCollingridge, Michaelem Connelly filium Fontoniet Judith Connelly, Hibernum, et Juliam Lawlor filiam Patricii et Annæ Lawlor, Hibernam, natos in Comitatu quem dicunt [p. 322] Queenscounty, interrogavi, et, mutuo eorum consensu habito , solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus Ricardo Baigentaliisque

Ita testor Ignatius Collingridge

Die 15to Maii 1855 natus et die 3t10 Junii 1855 baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Jacobi et Annæ Green (olim Kenahan) conjugum. Matrina erat Margarita Heaton a me Ign. Collingridge M.A.

Die 7mo Junii 1855, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto, Ego Ignatius Collingridge Stephanum Cowdy ex Hiberniâ oriundum et Dianam Flanagan similiter Hibernam interrogavi, et mutuo eorum consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus Ricdo Baigent aliisque multis. Ita testor Ign: Collingridge

Die 23tto Julii 1855 nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto , Ego Ignatius Collingridge Patricium Regan filium Joannis et Ellea-

* This entry was previously written here, but erased, with themother's name "Birgittæ [Brandon erased, Concannon above] (olim Rutledge)"


noræ Regan, in comitatu Roscommon, et Margaritam Hart natam Dublinii , interrogavi, et mutuo eorum consensuhabito solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus Ricdo Baigent, Joanna Emerson aliisque

Ita testor Ignatius Collingridge

Die 23 Julii 1855 sepulta est Cecilia Jennings annos nata 42 Ignatius Collingridge

Die 26 Julii 1855 sepulta est Amelia Sansom annos nata [blank] Ignatius Collingridge

Die 25 Julii 1855 natus et die 19 Augusti 1855 baptizatusest Henricus filius Joannis et Ellenæ Carr (olim Dwyer) conj : Sponsores erant Jacobus Emerson et Maria Emerson a me Igntio Collingridge M.A. [p . 323]

Die 19no Augusti 1855 nata et 23to Augusti 1855 baptizata est Anna Isabella filia Roberti et Annæ Gudgeon (olim Horsley) conjugum : Sponsores erant Robertus Cull (per procuratorem suum Robertum Gudgeon avum baptizati) et Isabella Gudgeon. a me Ign: Collingridge M.A.

Die 24 Maii 1855 nata et die 26to Augusti 1855 baptizata est Margarita filia Roberti et Catarina Gascoyne (olim McLochlin) conj: Matrina erat Sarah Mears. a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Die 16to Augusti 1855 natus et die 26to Augusti 1855 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Michaelis et Margarita Cunane (olim Connor) conjugum ; Sponsores erant Antonius O Flynn et Amelia McGuire a me Ignatio Collingridge M.A.

Qui post mensemAugusti anno 1855 baptizati fuerint, eorum nomina quærenda sunt in Libro Baptizatorumnovo et ampliore.

Ego Ignatius Collingridge testor me baptizasse infantem natumex Dionysioet Eliza Leary(olimLacy)conjugibus,cuiimpositum est nomen Walterus Dionysius : Patrinusfuit PatriciusLacy. Natus est infans 12mo Septembris, quo anno incertum.

Ita testor Ign Collingridge M.A. Eorum nomina, qui ab hæresi conversi in Ecclesiam Catholicam a me recepti fuere, versa pagina invenientur.

[p. 324]

Ign: Collingridge

Die 31mo Octobris 1855 privatim sub conditione baptizata est et in Ecclesiam recepta Margarita Maria Coyne a me Ignatio Collingridge.

[The remainder of this page and the fourteen following pages are all blank. The entries now to be transcribed beginfrom the back ofthe book . On the last page [p 1]is written-]

In Chancery


Between Anthony John Wright Biddulph Plantiffand Thomas Lord Camoysandother Defendants

10th February 1847 At the execution of a Commission for the


Examination of Witnesses in this Cause this paper writing was produced and shewn to Julius Picquot a Witness sworn and examined and by him deposed unto at the time of his examination on the Plantiffs behalf

W. J. Woolly Acting Commissioner


In Chancery

Between Anthony John Wright Biddulph Complainant and

Thomas Lord Camoysand others Defendants 12th February 1847 At the execution of a Commission for the examinationof Witnesses in this Cause this Paper Writing was produced and shewn to James Delaney a Witness sworn and examined and by him deposedto at the time of his examination on the Complainants behalf W.J. Woolly Acting Commissioner [The book is now reversed and written in upside down. After oneblankpage,themonumentalinscriptions recorded in C.R.S. vol i, p. 243, and two more blank pages, the Confirmations and Marriages recorded in C.R.S. vol. i aregiven on the next nine pages ] [p. 15]



Die 11 Octobris 1829 SS. Confirmationis Sacramentum susceperunt abIllmo & Revño Jacobo Yorke BramstonUsulæ Epõ et in Districtu hoc Londinensi VicarioApostolico [All confirmation names underlined]

Michael Mundy

Robertus Cull

Thomas Gudgeon

Catharina Isabella Gudgeon

Elizabetha Sharp

Caroletta King

Maria Anna Moody

Helena Moody





Maria Magdalena Maria

Teresia Lucia

Maria Teresia

Francisca Maria Pinnock Anna

Juliana Gilbert Maria

Maria Ricquier Agnes

Francisca Baggs Maria Anna

De Titchborne

Catharina Carolina Titchborne Maria Anna

De Highbridge

Gulielmus Froud

Anna Froud

Francisca Noyce

De Monasterio S. Benedicti

Catharina Maria Booker

Lucia Lane

Ludovica Allen

Amelia Maria Hore

Rosamunda Clifford

Elizabeth Gibson

Jacobus Lucia Maria

Anna Teresia Josepha Maria

Maria Bernarda Augustina

Teresia Magdalena Augustina

Maria Magdalena

Maria Magdalena Augustina

Jac: Delaney M.A. Wintoniæ

[р 16]

Die 25 Novembris 1830. Nullo detecto impedimento Ego hodiè inMatrimoniumconjunxiAlfredumGallini& Mariam Annam Pocock præsentibus testibus Joanne Pocock puellæ fratre, Sara Pocock & Elizabeth Pocock.

Jac: Delaney Miss Ap

Die 29 Aprilis 1834. Nullo deducto impedimentoEgo hodiè in Matrimoniumconjunxi Carolum Georgium Bruce & Anastasiam Charker præsentibustestibus Maria Charker , AnnaCharker, [blank] Bruce & pluribus aliis

Jac: Delaney Miss: Ap

Die 5 Maii 1835. Nullo detecto impedimentoEgo hodiè in MatrimoniumconjunxiAlanumDavey&AnnamCharker præsentibus testibus Carolo Georgio Bruce, Anastasia Bruce & pluribus

Joanne Attwood, Anna Whitehead & pluribus aliis aliis

Jac: Delaney Miss : Ap

Die 5 Septembris 1836. Nullo detecto impedimento Ego hodiè in Matrimonium conjunxi Joannem O'Neil & Elizabeth Churchillviduam (olim [blank]) præsentibustestibus AlanoDavey,

[p. 17]

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 25 Novembris 1832 Sacramentum Confirmationis suscepere ab Illmo & Revño Dño Jacobo Yorke Bramston Usulæ Epõ & in hoc districtu Londinensi Vico Apost . co

Richardus Bajeant Augustinus

Robertus Gudgeon Augustinus

Eduardus Gudgeon Bernardus

Ludovica Bajeant Agatha

Sarah Pocock

Maria Allaume

Catharina Anna Pinnock

Susanna Noyce

Maria Magdalena



Maria Catharina

Maria Anna Armswood Agnes

Catharina Avery Agnes

Elizabeth Chivers

Carolina Chivers

Anna Everitt

Isabella Payne

De Titchborne

Gulielmus Martin

Henricus Cole

Eduardus Cole

Lucia Titchborne

Emilia Titchborne

Maria Anna Pike

Anna Maria Whitear

De Monasterio S. Benedicti

Francisca Ursula Christophers

Maria Christophers

Teresia Christophers

Anna Maria Sherrott


Maria Catharina


Henricus Josephus Jacobus

Catharina Maria

Maria Catharina


Anna Maria



Maria Elizabetha


Francisca Gibson

Christina Macdonald

Maria Browne

Cecilia Bayley

Elizabeth Sherrott

Agnes Bowman

Susanna Bulbeck

Anna Edwards

Maria Anna Jones

Johanna Roberts

[p. 18]


Teresia Agnes

Teresia Joseph


Maria Josepha

Maria Josepha

Maria Anna

Maria Josepha

Josepha Agnes

Maria Teresia

Jac: Delaney M.A. Wintoniæ


Die30 Octobris 1836 Sacramentum Confirmationis susceperunt ab Illmo & Revño Dño Thoma Griffiths Epo Olenensi & Vic. Apco in hoc Districtu Londinensi

Samuel Stubington

Joannes Gargani

Jacobus Kidd

Thomas King

Carolus Gilbert






Joanna Tabor Teresia

Thirza Welch

Anna Gilbert

Maria Anna Chivers

Carolina Shephard

Elizabeth Kidd

Margarita Foley

Elizabeth Attwood

Lucia Chivers

Ludovica Baijeant

De Monasterio S. Benedicti

Matilda Mitan

Annetta Hore

Maria Cormick

Barbara Corney

Maria Taylor

Maria Roberts

[p . 19]





Maria Magdalena





Maria Agnes

Maria Francisca

Francisca Teresia

Maria Teresia


Jac: Delaney M.A. Wintonia

Die 23 Novembris 1836. Nullo detecto impedimento Ego hodie in Matrimonium conjunxi Joannem Cave & Mariam Joannam Penwarden præsentibus testibus Joanne Cave (sponsi patre) Jacobo Farquharson, & Francisca Cave sorore sponsi

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 24 Januarii 1839. Nullo detecto impedimento Egohodie in Matrimonium conjunxi Georgium Ansel ((De Southampton ) & Mariam Annam Pinnock (hujus civitatis) præsentibus testibus Alano Davey(legali matrimoniorum Registratore) & puellæ patre ac sororibus , cum pluribus aliis.

Jac: Delaney M.A.


Die 8 Julii 1839. Nullo detecto impedimento Ego hodiein Matrimonium conjunxi Hugonem Grant (Hibernum) & Mariam Middleton (hujus Civitatis) præsentibus testibus Alano Davey matrimoniorum registratore , Johanna & Maria Anna Tabor, & pluribus aliis Jac: Delaney M.A.

[p. 20]


Die 10 Novembris 1839 Sacramentum Confirmationis ab Illmo & Revño Dño Thoma Griffiths Epõ Olenensi in Districtu Londinen Vico Apostolico susceperunt

Elizabeth Allen

Anna Margarita Gargani

Elizabeth White

Maria Padwick

Carolina Theobald

Anna Bruce

Susanna Stephens

Josephina Maria Walpole

Maria Strachey

Ludovica Hardy

Maria Lawton

Maria Adelais Atkins

Catharina Maria Loughnan

Maria Joanna Parker

Maria Francisca Jones

[p . 21]

Maria Monica Maria

Maria Josepha

Maria Maria Maria

Maria Catharina

Maria Anna Theresia

Maria Catharina Juliana Henrietta

Maria Catharina Theresia

Jac: Delaney Miss: Ap.

Die 30 Julii 1840. Ego hodie in Matrimonium conjunxi Patricium Welch (Hibernum ) & Mariam Annam Tabor (nullo detecto impedimento ) præsentibus testibus Alano Davey_matrimoniorum registratore , Johanna Tabor matre sponsæ, Hugone Grant & aliis pluribus

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 7 Augusti 1840. Nullo detecto impedimentoEgo hodie inMatrimoniumconjunxi Odoenum Eugenium Macdonald militem Legionis 61 & Elizabetham Allen, præsentibus testibus Alano Davey publico matrimoniorum registratore, Sara King & aliis plurimis

Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die9 Septembris 1840. Nullo detecto impedimento Ego hodie in Matrimonium conjunxi Joannem Flynn & Luciam Attwood præsentibus testibus Puellæ genitoribus , Fratribus, Alano Davey publico Matrimoniorum Registratore , aliisque plurimis

[p . 22]

Thomas Steel

Jac: Delaney M.A.



Jac: Delaney M.A.

Die 1º Novembris 1844 ab Illmo & Revño Dño Thoma Griffiths Epo Olenensiin Districtu Londinensi Vic: Apostão Sacramentum Confirmationis sequentibus rite collatum est: Roberto Gaiger Joseph

* The month may be "Junii."

Francisco Baigeant

Gulielmo Henrico Baigent

Mariæ Mead

Sara Ward

Annæ Davis

Birgittæ Croker

Mariæ Annæ Leigh

Veronica Perry

Mariæ Annæ O'Reardon

Carolettæ Hearne

Mariæ Kendal

Margarita Cormick





Maria Theresia

Maria Theresia Catharina

Maria Francisca

Maria Theresia

Margarita Francisca

Maria Francisca

Maria Johanna [p. 23] [In the Rev. I. Collingridge's hand]

: Delaney M.A.

Die 23to Novembris 1851 Nomina Confirmatorum ab Illmo et Revño Domino Thoma Episcopo Southwarcensi.

Eduardus Larkin

Michael Conway

Michael Quirke

Joannes Hamilton

Michael M Mahon

Michael Carey

Hugh Kelly

Michael Michael

Joannes Franciscus Joannes Franciscus


John Williams Joannes

Patrick Keenan Joannes

Peter Welch Ricardus

Michael McIniary


John Morony Joannes

Patricius Kelly

John Brennan

Jerome Mead

John Baptist Killy

Henry Steel

Andrew Laffy

Georgius Baigent






Josephus Patricius


Mary Brown Agatha

Anna Fossett


Sarah Hunter Maria

Anna Steel

Maria Phillips

Elizabeth Steel

Elizabeth Norris

Eliza Williams

Rose Kinslow

Elizabetha Avery

Sarah Laffy

Margarita Begley

Maria Cannan

Eliza Ann Crafter

Lucy Agnes Crafter


Agnes Winefrida




Maria Josepha


Maria Anna


Agnes Winefrida

Maria Agatha

Maria Juliana

p . 24]

Die 16toJulii 1854 Nominaconfirmatorumab Illmo et Revmo

Domino Domino Thoma Epo Southwarcensi.

Michael Regan

Thos Phelan

Henricus Palmer

Laurentius Dowdall

Cecil Cull

Christopher Green

Timothy Landrigan

Joseph Collins

John Carr

Wm Casey

Timothy Sullivan

Aylmer Dowdall

Samuel Norris

Robertus Clinton

James Corrigan

Gulielmus Grist

James Sullivan

Michael Joannes














Carolus Augustus Jacobus

Horum Patrinus omnium erat Ignatius Collingridge

Anna Collins

Augusta Dowdall

Louisa Baigent

Mary Anne Welch

Carolina Elton

Elizabetha Barnes

Catharina Anna Carr

Mary Anne Shearman

Frances Dowdall

Jane Marsh




Teresa Maria

Maria Clara





Harum Matrina erat Anna Bruce

The following entries relate to baptisms , marriages and burials of French refugees at Winchester , Romsey and Gosport.

The Registers kept by the various French refugee priests were returned by them, on theirdeparture, tothe King StreetChapel, whence they found their way to the French Embassy in London During the 1939-45 war these Registers, by a gross and wanton act of vandalism, were burnt . All that now existsis the copy of the entries made some years ago by Monsieur Christian de Parrel, late of Boreham Manor, Warminster , and now residing at Toulouse Monsieurde Parrel took a delight, over a long number of years, in copying every record he could find in Englandrelating to Frenchrefugees. I am muchindebted to him for allowing me to reproduce here these entries Other records will be published with the Registers of Southampton. This is not a verbatim copy of the Registers, but an analysis of the entries Unfortunately the names of the priests who officiated were not copied. R.E.S.


Registres pour Winchester , Romsey et Hardway Baptêmes, Mariages et Décès (1795-1801)

[Registers for Winchester, Romsey and Hardway Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths (1795-1801) ] *

Three Registers bound together and kept by the Abbé J. B. Rabeau , vicaire intheparishofSt. Martin, attached totheChapelle Cranoise, in the diocese of Angers. On the first page is written-]

The present register comprises three separate registers, containing 66 entries of baptisms, marriages and burials, which have been numbered , and the following alphabetical list has been drawn up so that they may be easilyfound.

[After the alphabetical list―]

Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials of several French people, refugees from Toulon, settled in Romsey (Hants), at Hardway near Gosport, and in Winchester, in England, for the years 1795, 1796 , 1797

[Thisreferstothefirst Registerentirelymade up, it would seem , of entries on loose sheets drawn up by different priests. It contains the first thirteen entries The second Register contains the entries numbered 14 to 34 and is inscribed-] Register of marriages, baptisms and burials of the French refugeesin the city of Winchester, in England, for the year 1798 .

[The third Register has no heading and contains the entries numbered 35 to 66.]




Dieudonné Pierre Joseph, born and baptized in Romsey, the son of Claude Dieudonné and Marie Jeanne [Anne] Audibert. Godparents, Pierre Castellan and Marie Castellan 2 23 August [Marriage celebrated at Hardway]

Estienne Joseph, born in La Seyne (Toulon), son ofthe late Esprit-Blaise Estienne and Marie Grognard, and Castellan Marie, born in Toulon, daughter of Joseph Castellan and Marie Anne Lore [or Lorre]. 3 23 November

Infernet Pierre Frédéric, born in Romsey the 22nd; son of Pierre Dominique Infernet and Marie Magdeleine Féraud. Godparents, JacquesFéraud and Catherine Guillo, wife ofFélixArnot

* The entries are heregiven in English as the MS was not an exact copy ofthe Registers Nothing indicates the languageof the original entries

Canon F. X. Plasse says that the Registers at Romsey were opened on 5 August 1795 bythe Abbé Anger of the diocese of Angers Healso says that the Abbés Rabeau, Des Ruisseaux and Dutertre were at Winchester from 1798. The Registerswere kept for, among other places, Southampton, Winchester , Romsey, Lymington , Jersey, Guernsey (and Gosport, which he does not mention) (F. X. Plasse, Le Clergé Français Réfugié en Angleterre , ii, 186 , 190, 195.)

The names in bracketshave been addedbyMonsieurde Parrel, whofrom other entries , or from other sources, thus identified the persons concerned

41 July


Brunot Paul Guillaume François, born at Hardway 30 June, son of Pierre Thomas Brunot and Claire Doumé. Godparents, François AntoineGilouxand Marie Rose Garbeiron, wifeof Charles Toussaint Imbert.

5 11 February


* Tholon Marie Emilie Scholastique, born in Winchesterthe 10th; daughter of Joseph Tholon and Marie MargueriteGasquet Godparents, Jean Louis Thomas Décugis and Marie BarbeDuvigneau [or Duvigneaux or Duvignaux]

6 16 March

Seranne [or Serane] Marie Victoire Modeste, born in Winchester the 15th; daughter of Joseph Bernard Seranne or Serane and Anne Minuti [or Minuty] Godparents, Jean ModesteRoubeaud and Marie Anne Rousse, wife of François Reboul.

7 21 March . [Burial]

Chauvier François Sauveur, aged 49 years, husband ofMarie Anne Carcagne, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie); diedthe20th

8 24 April [Marriage at Winchester]

Giloux François Antoine, born in Martigue, son ofAntoine Giloux and Catherine Pocel, and Roudeiron MarieMadeleine, born at Toulon (Sainte-Marie), daughter of François Roudeiron and Claire Nicolas

98 May

Bourguignon Anne Cécile , born and baptized inWinchester; natural daughter of Marie Bourguignon Godfather Jean Joseph Gauttier, Godmother Marie Anne Féraud

[Interlined] Died at Winchester 7 [or 8] July 1800 .

10 29 May [Marriage at Winchester]

Fatier Louis [Alexandre], born in Toulon , son of Jacques Fatier and Anne Durent, and Féraud [Marie] Anne, born in La Seyne [Toulon], daughter of François Féraud and Rose Clairiane.

11 30 June

Toulon Joseph Pierre Jean, born in Winchesterthe 29th; son of François Toulon and Suzanne Doumé GodfatherJoseph Thomas Reboul, Godmother Claire Doumé

12 13 September

Lodin de la Massonay Jean Baptiste, born and baptizedin Winchester, natural son of Julie François Lodin de la Massonay and Henriette Frédéric. Godfather Jean Baptiste Rebuffat, Godmother Marie Anne Chauvier .

* Baptisms of other children of this couple appear in Winchester and Cowes Registers . See below , entry No. 48

13 29 March

* Weetman François-de-Sales, born in Romsey the 24th; son of Jean Weetman and Thérèse . . . [No godparents] [Interlined] Died 8 August 1798

14 30 January [Marriage at Winchester]

Bastide Henry Joseph, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), son of the late Pierre Bastide and the late Monique Charbonnier , and Doumé Claire, born in Toulon (Saint-Louis), daughter of the late Jean Baptiste Doumé and the late Marie Anne Couillon

15 15 February [Burial]

Roudeiron Marie Madeleine, wife of François AntoineGiloux , daughter of François Roudeiron and Claire Nicolas. Died in Winchester the 14th

bis. 14 and 15 February [Baptism and Burial]

Giloux François, born in Winchester the 14th; sonofFrançois Antoine Giloux and Marie Madeleine Roudeiron Buriedthe 15th.

16 20 March

Maselet Marie Louise, born and baptized in Winchester , daughter of Jean Maselet and Claire Lacan [or Lacant]. Godfather Boniface Roustan, Godmother Marie MargueriteLacan [orLacant].

17 14 April

Seranne [or Serane] Jean Joseph, born in Winchester the 13th; son of Joseph BernardSeranne[or Serane] and Marie Anne Minuti [or Minuty]. Godfather Jean Joseph Garnier, Godmother Claire Robert.

18 14 May [Burial]

Fatier Jacques, 54 years; born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie); buried in Winchester

19 19 May

Doumet Marie-Modeste, born and baptized in Winchester, daughter of François Xavier Doumet et Ürsule Claire Andrieu Godfather Modeste Roubaud, Godmother Marie Magdeleine Tauret, wife of Louis Charles Reboul

20 17 July [Marriage at Winchester]

Imbert François, born in Toulon (Saint-Louis), son ofVincent Imbert and Claire Picon, and Funel Marie Cécile, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), daughter ofAntoineBenoît Funel et Claire Héraud .

21 21 August [Marriage at Winchester]

Decoreis Charles Joseph, 36 years, born in Ollioules (SaintLaurent), son of Charles Decoreis and Claire Décugis, and Roubert Claire Barbe, 16 years, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), daughter of Pierre Roubert and Marie Magdeleine Toulon.

* This name appears as godparent in the Southampton Registers Spelt "Henry" here and elsewhere in Monsieur de Parrel's MS,

22 18 September [Marriage at Winchester]

Martin Joseph, 46 years, born in Autrages (Digne), son of

Jean Jacques Martin and Jeanne Aubert, and Audé [or Audet] Thérèse, 30 years, born in Hyères, daughter of MathieuAudé [or Audet] and Marguerite Bonnefoi.

23 2 October [Marriage at Winchester]

Barthélemy Louis César, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), son of the late César Barthélemyand the late Thérèse Romaine, and Duvignaux [or Duvigneaux or Duvigneau] Marie Barbe, born in Toulon (Saint-Louis), daughter of Louis Joseph Duvignaux [or Duvigneaux or Duvigneau] and the late* [Marie] Elisabeth Loubon

24 15 October

Fatier Henry Louis Toussaint, born in Winchesterthe 14th , son of Louis Alexander Fatier and Marie Anne Féraud Godfather

Jean JosephHenryMilany, Godmother Marie MargueriteGasquet, wife of Joseph Tholon

25 26 October

Martin Jean Joseph Henry, born in Winchester the 25th, son of Joseph Martin and Thérèse Audé [or Audet] Godfather

Jean Joseph Henry Milany, Godmother Isabelle Dorothée Imbert.

26 27 December

Brunot Jean Louis Thomas, born and baptized in Winchester, son of Pierre Thomas Brunot and Claire Doumé. Godfather Jean Louis Thomas Décugis, Godmother Anne Delphine Milany. 1799

27 7 January [Marriage at Winchester]

Décugis Jean Louis Thomas, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), son of the late Louis Décugis and [Marie] Elizabeth Loubon , and Milany Marie Anne Delphine, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), daughter of Jean Joseph Henry Milany and Marie Lucrèce Clotilde Fabre

28 20 January

Pouteau Honoré Marius, born in Winchester the 19th; son of Alexandre Charles Pouteau and Marie Rose Cécile Lidon Godfather Honoré Tortel, GodmotherMarie Victoire Lidon.

29 17 February

Varaine [or Baraine] Marie Rose, born in London16 January, baptized in Winchester, daughter of Louis Varaine [or Baraine] and Claire Maguiane [or Magnane] Godfather Jean Marie Perronnet [or Peronet], Godmother Rose Garbeiron, wife of [Charles Toussaint] Imbert

30 23 March [Baptism and Death]

Bastide Charles, born and baptized in Winchester , son of Henri Joseph Bastide and Claire Doumé. Witnesses, Charles Toussaint Imbert and François Senés [? Senes]. [Interlined] Deceased 24 March 1799.

* Probably an error: she died in Winchester 4 August 1800; see below , No. 49

31 2 April [Marriage at Winchester]

Suffise de la Croix Laurent Gédéon, born in Douzere (SaintPaul-Trois-Châteaux) in Dauphiné, son of the late GédéonSuffise de la Croix and the late N. Pellapra, and Gasquet Marie Thérèse, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), daughter of Joseph Gasquet and Marie Françoise Ansard [or Ansalde]

32 9 April [Marriage at Winchester]

Julien Jean François, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), son of Louis Julien and Rose Magdeleine Polhonier de Rotignac , and Duvigneau [or Duvigneaux or Duvignaux] Julie Catherine, born in Toulon (Saint-Louis), daughter of Louis Joseph Duvigneau [or Duvigneaux or Duvignaux] and [Marie] Elizabeth Loubon.

33 24 April

* de Jausserand Pierre Christophe, born and baptized in Winchester , son of Pierre André de Jausserand and Elizabeth Bannister Godfather Christophe Marie de Goësbriand, Godmother [Anne] Pauline Renée Marie de la Boëssière, wife of Christophe Marie de Goësbriand.

34 29 April [Burial] de Jausserand Pierre Christophe , 6 days old, died at Winchester the 27th.

35 5 May

Toulon François Charles Alexandre, born and baptized in Winchester , son of François Toulon and Suzanne Doumé Godfather François Zacharie Simon, Godmother Claire [Barbe] Roubert, wife of Charles Joseph Decoreis

36 16 June [Burial]

Toulon François Charles Alexandre, son of François Toulon and Suzanne Doumé, buried in Winchester .

37 16 June

Imbert Jean Baptiste Vincent, born in Gosport 20 April, baptized in Winchester , son of François Imbert and Marie Cécile Funel Godfather Jean Baptiste François Sibilot, Godmother Marie [Lucrèce] ClotildeFabre, wifeof Jean Joseph Henry Milany.

38 18 July [Burial]

Brun Victoire Catherine, wife of Jean Baptiste Racord , 46 years, born in Toulon (Saint-Louis), buried in Winchester .

39 10 September [Burial]

Piche Pierre, 18 years, born in La Cadière (Provence), son of Pierre Piche and Claire Pascal, buried in Winchester

40 17 October

Maselet Marie Charlotte, born in Winchester the 16th; daughter of Jean Maselet and Claire Lacan [or Lacant]. Godfather André Audibert, Godmother Marie Magdeleine Tauret, widow of Louis Charles Reboul. here

* The paper containing the original entry is attached to the Register

41 20 and 21 December [Baptism and Burial]

Cazotte [No Christian name], born and baptized in Winchester the 20th, daughter of Jacques ScévoleCazotte andUrsule Ameil, buried the 21st

42 17 January [Burial] 1800


Boniface, 54 years, born in Cannes , husband of Marie Anne Gras. Died in Winchester the 16th.

43 11 February [Marriage at Winchester]

Delamer Jean Louis Hyacinthe, born in Cherbourg (Coutances), son of the late Pierre Delamer and Louise Varangue, and Chauvier [Marie] Henriette, born in Fréjus (Var), daughter of the late François Sauveur Chauvier and Marie Anne Carcagne. 44 13 March [Burial]

Roudeiron François, 69 years, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), died in Winchester the 12th

45 31 March

Bastide François Joseph, born in Winchester the 28th, son of Henry Joseph Bastide and Claire Doumé. Godfather François Toulon, Godmother Marie Sophie Alix

46 1 July [Burial]

Laure Antoine, 69 years, born in Nice, died in Winchester 30 June .

47 5 July [Burial]

Roubeau Thérèse, 68 years, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), widow of first marriage with André Toulon , of second marriage with Jean Colle Died in Winchester the 3rd.

48 9 July [Burial]

Bourguignon AnneCécile, 3 years, natural daughterofMarie Bourguignon Died in Winchester the 8th.

49 5 August [Burial]

Duvigneau [or Duvigneaux or Duvignaux], née Loubon , Marie

Elisabeth , 65 years, bornin Araux (Marseille), wife, by first marriage, of Louis Décugis, and, by secondmarriage, of Louis Joseph Duvigneau [or Duvigneauxor Duvignaux]. Died at Winchester the 4th.

50 25 August

Martin François Louis Marie, born in Winchester the 24th, son of Jean Joseph Martin and Thérèse Audé [or Audet]. Godfather François Laury, Godmother Marie Sophie Alix.

51 26 August

Julien Louis Amédée, born in Winchester the 25th, son of Jean François Julien and Julie Marie Catherine Duvigneau [or Duvigneaux or Duvignaux]. Godfather Louis Julien, Godmother Marie Barbe Duvigneau [or Duvigneaux or Duvignaux], wife of Louis César Barthélemy.

52 1 September

Toulon Marie Anne Claire, born and baptized in Winchester , daughter of François Toulon and Suzanne Doumé. Godfather

Jean Henry Faille, Godmother Marie Madeleine Toulon [wife of Pierre Roubert].

53 27 September [Burial]

Hordy Catherine, 52 years, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), wife of Jean Baptiste Garnier. Died in Winchester the 26th.

54 4 November [Burial]

Vidal Henry Félix, 43 years and 6 months, born in Toulon. Died in Winchester the 3rd.

55 17 November

Décugis Henry Louis Georges , born and baptized in Winchester, son of Jean Louis Thomas Décugis and Marie [Anne] Delphine Milany. Godfather Jean Joseph Henry Milany, Godmother Marie Magdeleine Tauret, widowof Louis Charles Reboul

56 22 October

* de Jausserand Marie Elisabeth, born in High Bridge, near Winchester , the 20th; daughter of Pierre André de Jausserand and Elizabeth Bannister Godfather Christophe Marie de Goësbriand, Godmother Anne Pauline Renée Marie de la Boëssière, wife of Christophe Marie de Goësbriand

57 20 November

Delamer Louis François Alexandre , born in Winchester the 27th [sic], son of Jean Louis Hyacinthe Delamer and Marie Henriette Chauvier. Godfather Louis Thibaud, Godmother Marie Carcagne, widow of François Sauveur Chauvier.

58 17 September

Suffise de la Croix Joseph, born in Winchester the 16th , son of Laurent [Gédéon] Suffise de la Croix and Marie [Thérèse] Gasquet. Godmother [Marie] Françoise Ansard [or Ansalde], wife of [Joseph] Gasquet.

59 28 February 1801

Brunot Ursule Charlotte Françoise, born and baptized in Winchester , daughter ofPierre Thomas Brunot and Claire Doumé. Godfather Charles Toussaint Imbert, Godmother Ursule Andrieu , wife of François Doumé.

60 24 March

Decoreis Thérèse Charlotte Antoinette, born in Winchester the 23rd, daughter of Charles Joseph Decoreis and Claire Barbe Roubert. Godfather Jean Jacques Antoine Thomas Rosselin , Godmother Marie Magdeleine Toulon, wife of Pierre Roubert.

61 27 March

Marrot Eugénie Victoire Honorine Elvire, born in Winchester the 26th, daughter of François Marrot and Marie Thérèse Charpin. Godfather Honoré Esprit Penon, Godmother Thérèse Elisabeth Marrot

62 6 May [Burial]

Senes Catherine, 73 years, born in Toulon (Sainte-Marie), widow of Joseph Guerrier, wife of Joseph Gourrier, died in Winchester the 5th.

* The original entry is attached here .


63 25 May [Burial]

Trabeau François Lazare, 44 years, born in Toulon (SainteMarie), husband of Elisabeth [? Roumieur]. Died in Winchester the 23rd.

64 15 July

Gourrier François Bonaventure , born and ondoye * in Winchester the 14th, son of Joseph Gourrier and Marguerite Rose [? Rat]. Godfather Jean Baptiste Gourrier, Godmother [Marie] Victoire Lidon

65 11 August [Marriage at Winchester]

Guay Jacques Philippe, born in La Seyne (Toulon), widower of Rose [? Alrix], son of François Guay and Catherine Longue, and Imbert Elisabeth Dorothée, born in Sisteron (SainteMadeleine), daughterof Honoré Imbert and ... . 66 30 November [Burial]

Quairel Marie Victoire, 40 years, wife of Joseph Esprit Chrysostome Penon Died at Winchesterthe 29th.

[The originals ofthe twofollowingwere sent to London and were affixed to the Registers of Dudley Court, Soho Square. They were numbered 26 and 27] 26 3 February 1795* de Quemper de Lanascol Georges Marie Charles Yves , born at Winchester ; son of Jacques Yves Joseph Marie de Quemper, marquis de Lanascol, and ofMarieMarquette[or Marguerite Françoise Julie] de la Boêssière -Lennuic Godfather Charles Marie François Saisy, comte de Kerampuil, Godmother Pauline Renée Marie de la Boëssière -Lennuic, marquise de Goësbriand 27 23 September 1796

de Goêsbriand Marie Emilie, born at Winchester , daughter of Christophe Marie, marquis de Goësbriand and of PaulineMarie de la Boêssière -Lennuic. GodfatherPierre Désiré de Goësbriand, Godmother Mary Porter


Transcribed by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King

Annotations by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King and Canon R.E. Scantlebury

[This MS . (now kept in St. Peter's Presbytery, Winchester) consistsoffour sheets ofpaper, each 15 x 9 inches ,folded to give eight leaves or sixteen pages The pages are numbered from page 3, which is numbered 1. Pages 1 , 2 and 16 are blank save for the following, written in the Rev. Thomas White's hand, on the outside front cover , i.e. p. 1:

The Rev. Jo (afterwards

Right Rev. Dr) Milner's MS

* I.e. baptized privately, without ceremonies

These are the dates of birth; the baptismal dates are not given

The whole document is in the Rev. John Milner's hand . It was written in 1803.]

[р 3]


Some Account of St Peter's House & Chapel as also of St Jame's burying ground [all underlined] 'Notwithstanding I have taken great pains to gain some certain information concerning this establishment previouslytomybeing settled in it, yet either from the confused state of the late Mr. Peter Brownes papers and accounts at the time of his decease as also of his predecessors Mr. Betts, Master of the Catholic Collegeor school at Twyford, who in succession , were theadministrators of the said establishment, or from other causes to me unknown I have been able to glean but few materialsprior to that date

It appears, indeed, that Winchester was always a favourite place of resort for the Catholic nobility & gentry during the persecutions that followed the change of religion in this country , butI donot think thatany attempt was made to settleaCatholic priest inthiscityfor the general benefit of Catholics till the latter end of the reign of Charles 2. Forthis good work weseemto be cheifly [sic] indebted to Roger Corham Esq" who seems to have built this house* about theyear 1674 , & for some time to have inhabited it himself, at which time I am of opinion he sold the large house , on the opposite side of the way, now called [p.4] 2

Bishop's house to the ancient Catholic family of the Smiths, one of whom about the same period became Apostolic Vicar ofthe Northern District & Bishop of Callipolis . It was onthe occasion of Mr. Corham's building St Peters House & erectinga stone on the front of it inscribed with that Saints name (still extant) that the said street which (before the plague that depopulated the city) was called & which is still called in legal deeds Fleshmonger street from the shambles that were held in it, gained the name of St. Peters Street § & the New house that of St. Peters House The property of the aforesaid large house togetherwith the trust and patronage of the establishment, seems to have passed by the marriage of one of the Smiths into the Sheldon family of Weston Co Warwick which branch of the latter family was distinguished by the name of the Sheldons of Winchester . They continued to inhabit the great house in St. Peters street till the Grandfatherofthe present Francis Sheldon Esqr of Burton Constable built the elegant house in Southgate street , now in the possession of Government.

* The old Presbytery, replacedin 1828 by Nos 7 , 8, 9, St. Peter Street "My Lady West's" Housenow the Royal Hotel. Whereabouts now unknown. §These three words are underlined. || Anastasia Smith married William Sheldon.

[p. 5]


I have not been able to learn who was the incumbent of St Peters house, before Mr. Coddrington who seems to have died about the year 1720* see his gravestone at St. James's. He was succeeded by the Rev. Robert Berry, a native of this county, a man of great learning & natural parts & of eminent virtue Some of his M.SS.are stillin being at St Peters House Onsome occasion or other he was arraigned at the county Hall for the exercise of his religion but he conducted his defense with so much prudence and [word erased] firmness as to escape all penalties. (See his gravestone ut supra) He died aged only 49 in the year 1735 , & his place was supplied pro tempore by the Rev Mr Robert Hyde of the Hyde End family of Brimpton, who was a riding missionary, having the care of different Country Congregations Towards the conclusion of the following§ year viz in 1736 The Rev. James Shaw was appointed regular incumbent ofSt. Peters . It was he in conjunction with the aforesaid Rev R. Hyde, who first attempted to make a chapel for the congregation in a kind of shed that was before at the West End of the Garden. For hitherto mass had been celebrated, with that privacy which the circumstances of the timesrequiredin a room on the first floor of St. Peters houseNorth end (nowmy bed-chamber) & theadjoining middle room which was laid into it. The said Mr. Shaw also [p 6] 4 threw down a high wall in front of the house and errected the low parapet wall in its place. However the troubles of the year 1745 coming on, he found it impracticable to celebrate mass either in the new chapel or in the house, but was obliged to seek for different obscure situations about Hyde Abbey & elsewhere for this purpose. Other still more serious troubles coming upon him, in consequenceof some improper lodgers he had taken into the house he was obliged to resign his situation in the year 1746 , When he was succeeded by the Rev. Patrick Thomas Savage (an Irish priest from Paris) a man of primitive|| virtue and manners with whom I had the happiness to be aquainted in Londonwhen I first came on the mission. He conducted himself with equal prudence & zeal (thoughfrom the scantiness of his income he was reduced to let the whole houseto the late Mr Biddulph of Burton & to take lodgings for himselfin the back lane . The Chapel,

* BonaventureCodringtondied 3 January 1727/8 : his stone has vanished . Robert Berry died 3 March 1735/6 : his stone still stands Milner appears mistaken The priest's real name was Robert Hills andhetookthe aliasof Hyde. In the Douay Diaries he is described as of the diocese of London Had he been a member of the family of Hyde, ofHyde End, Berks., he would have been dubbed " of the diocese of Salisbury. " Moreover , he was not the priest in charge ; he was the financial administrator § It was the same year according to our counting. ||In the old sense of " eminent. "

Query: Does this meanwhat was once " Caen Cottage, " now Simmons's Garage, at the back of Avebury House?

however , he not only kept in his own hands but also considerably improved it, with the help of friends, by adding a kind of wing, supported by very slender pillars the whole length of it, on the side nearest the house. Thiswas the conditionin whichIfirstsaw it in the year 1779. It was still exceedingly narrow , notwith[p. 7] 5

standing the abovementioned widening, not being Isupposeabove 12 or 14 feet wide, though its length was between 50 & 60 , & being exceedingly low, though coved not being I supposeabove 10 or 12 feet high in the crown of the arch. At lengthMr Savage being troubled with the falling sickness was obliged to retire to London in 1766 for medical assistance where he died, thoughhe was buried at St James by his own orders, as his gravestone declares . His successor & my predecessorwas the Revd MrJames Nolan being of the same country and College with Mr Savage He lived universally beloved & died universally lamented as is expressedon his monument at St. James * His death was owing to a contagious disorder which he caught in attendingthe French Prisoners of War in 1779, in which year on the 15 of October , I became his successor In 1784 by the assistance of Mr Meader & other friends a large tribune which also answered the purpose of an Organ loft was built at the South end of the Chapel (for the Altar in the old Chapel was at the North end) which tho' it ill agreed with the body of the chapel being twice the height of it, was a great accommodation to the Congregation, which before had been crowded for want of [word erased] room, & occasioned the first establishment of a Choir in the Chapel This alteration was made at the expenceof 156 includingthepurchase of the present Organ, which cost only 27 6s . [p. 8] 6

In 1792 (the Act of Pt having passed in the preceding year for licencing our Chapels & the present bishop§ havingexpressed an opinion that the former Chapel was not suitable to the congregation & the establishment the present Chapel was built, as it is now seen , togetherwith the Porch from the street (brought from St. Magdalen's Church on the Hill of thatname)There having been before nothing but a mean & low door to enter into the Garden by. At the same time the privy was made where it now is. Theformer privy havingbeen at the Southend of the Chapel (tho detached from it) where the Sacristy now stands I can only speak from conjecture of the expenseof this undertaking . But I

* This is a refutation ofthe libel on this good priest in C.R.S. , xii, 19

See p 11 supra. His name is omitted fromthe Indexof C.R.S.vol xii

The brickworkof this building of 1784 was incorporated in the 1792 chapel

This organ, once in the possession of Handel, did duty in Winchester till 1875 , when it migrated to Tredegar, Monmouthshire §" Doctr Douglass" has been addedat the bottom of the page in pencil by another hand

Now the North door of new Church: transferred thither in 1924 .


cannot compute at less than 1100 altogether exclusive of Messrs. Caves extra work, which if paid for would have amounted to a very great sum Towards this I consider myself as having contributed near £250 by what I paid surrendered & was withdrawn from me on the occasion. The late Mr. James Wheble gave £150 & [word erased] several other persons various small sums.* The residue , to the amount I should suppose of between £700 & £800 was piously contributed by our worthy & fast friend Mr W. Meader

With respect to this structure, it is necessary to observe that the walls are exceedingly thin in proportion [p. 9 (7)] to their height. Happily, however, the wall on the East side to which the surface of the ground inclines, it is supported by buttresses . On the West side, there are not only no buttresses, but to prevent the dampness occasioned by the height of the mold in the garden on that side, the wall has been cut into within the chapel & battened, which must in a certain degree weaken it, particularly when the timbers to which the battening laths are fastened shall happen to decay. Add to this circumstance that after the Chapel was errected but before the floors were laid, by way of gaining height to it & diminishing the number of steps to lead into it, the earth was dug awaywithin[word crossed out] tothe depthofa foot & a half, so that I am ofopinionthe present flooring is as low down as the foundation of the building. These circumstances are necessaryto be attended to by the incumbent & the Bishop & Trustees, that in case any settlement or other defect should take place in the walls, the workmen may be properly directed to remedy it My cheif anxiety is about the Western wall, which, should it discover the least symptoms of weakness ,I recommend that a few plain shelving buttressesshould be errected on the outside to support it One precautionis at all times necessary, viz to see that the gutter on the said West side be not choaked up, so as to cause the water to lodgeabout the foundations & by that means to damage them; the sink also , over which there is an iron grate near the centre, of the gutter, mustfrom time to time be examined to see that it is not choaked up or made waterproof, the consequence of whichwould be fatal. [p . 10] 8

Another important observation is that as the pinnacles Parapet & Front of the porch, not to speak of the doors & rails, are made of deal wood, they will unavoidably decay, & in the end crumble to dust, if they be not frequently painted & the crevicesfilled withputty MrCaveis of opinion that this operation ought to be repeated everyfour years, & there are now, in 1803 , threeyearssince the last painting took place. Anample provision will be made for these expenses , at a period whichI hope is still very distant. In the mean time, an object of such importance

* See the Accounts , infra Evidentlya reference to the intended legacy of Mr. Meader , who died shortly after these words were written.

ought to be attended to as the establishment exists at present I say nothing of the necessity of having the roof from time to time examined & the gutters cleaned out to prevent the groined ceiling from being utterly ruined


St James's burying ground appears to have been heldingreat veneration not only ever since the pretended Reformation , but also previouslyto the Norman Conquest The epitaph of one of the Tichbornes, who lived before the changeof religion, expresses that hewas there buriedby his particular desire Amongst other old tombstones is one to the'memory of -. Robinson, whowas Chaplain to Catharine, Charles 2ds queen, another records the Lady of Dr Lewis§ Prebendry of the Cathed & Master ofSt Cross . She was not only a Catholic herself but also educated her sons Catholics, as I have lately discovered. I have [p. 11] heard very ancient people declare from the report of their parents that in the reign of James 2, the Catholics buriedtheir dead at St James's with great pomp, carrying the cross before them &c, at whichtime the Church yard itself was kept in high order, being ornamented with flowers shrubs &c But since the Revolution till my time the priest never officiated at funerals at all, but the corpse being deposited near the grave the assistants satisfied themselveswith prayingin silence. It is worthwhileforanyCatholic who has leisure to copy out the severalancient tombstonesthere Manyof them are interesting, & few are so obliterated , but, with the help of some sand & a soft stone with water they may soon be rendered legible Several illustrious persons there deposited have no monument , amongst others is an uncle of the Present Lord Arundell, viz Philip Arundell Esq of- -near Chippenham . It is the intention of Fr. Sheldon Esq ** to raise a kind of Mortuary Chapel over the tombs of his mother, Cecily Sheldon & his brother, Edward Sheldon Constable My advice is that the form to be adopted should be that which is least liable to decay or violence Perhaps a Stone Pyramid clamped with iron, hollow beneath & arched with four doors would be the best plan. StJames's was an ancient Parishchurch situatedwithinthe suburbs of Winchester , & annexed by Cardinal Beaufort to his new foundation of St Cross Hospital It was held of the said * Gilbert Tichborne, born 1540 , was buried there 1636: stonestill visible. These last three words are underlined. Apparently refers to Dom Paul (Robert) Robinson, O.S.B. , who died at Longwood 1667. His stone has disappeared. § Alice Lewis, widow of Dr. Lewis, was buried there 1677. Her stone is now in fragments This was done by Dr. Milner's successor, the present Bishop of Portsmouth , and the inscriptions are given in this volume ** The last of the Sheldons : grandsonofWilliam Sheldonand Anastasia Smith. John Lingard made a tender for this building, but it was noterected till after his death


Edward Sheldon , elder brother of Francis, succeeded to the Burton Constable estates on the death of his uncle William

hospital by three lives [p. 12 (10) ] until within this year ortwo , there being no possibility of purchasing it because a corporate body is not, without Act of Parliament competent to sell. An attempt indeed was made to obtain free possession of it by exchange about ten years ago & the present Master Dr Lockman , who has always proved himself my friend, shewed every good disposition for this purpose, but no piece of free ground near Winton could be obtained for the purpose. At length the Act of Parliament for the redemption of the Land tax taking place the long desired purchase becamepracticable , & the bargainwas struck for the moderate sum of about 42 pounds Mr Constable chose to be the purchaser, because his mother lies there (as he himself now does) Indeed he considered himself as a kind of proprietor of St. James's, though I am convinced that he (as his father was before him) was no more than a trustee Thepurchase being compleated he thought proper to transfer it to Henry Tichborne Esq * Thos Wright Esq myself & Mr. Meader , on trust for a perpetual place of interment for the congregation of St Peters Chapel; the deeds are now to be surrendered to the bishop: but other trustees are to be chosen as the abovenamed drop off. The ground being small and no free land near it, We took in last summer part of an old road to the South, at the expence of from 10 to 12 , the greater part given by Mr. Meader which formerly was the road from Winchester to it, & to which therefore we had the best Claim. The eastern part of the same road was enclosed by government & the Western part by the Commissioners of the Turnpike. This part is blessed , & is now destined for the interment of strangers (in rows so as to makethe most of the ground) who have no relations lying in other parts. It has been the custom to bury at the western extremity, near the gate the bodies of Catholic Convicts, but this rests with the incumbent there being no obligation of this sort.

[p . 13]


The tenure of St Peters house and chapel, until within these few years was such as to excite alarm. The late Mr Sheldon Constable considered himself as the absolute master of them , as he declared to me. He had sold everyinch of groundbelonging tohim in thecounty. He was living onthecontinent, & his affairs much deranged At length on his return to England & taking possession of the Constable estate he agreed to surrender these premises to a trustee, & named for this purpose a certain gentleman whose jurisdiction over them would have been very unpleasant. At lengthafter certain negociations hadgoneon between him & me, he actually made them over in Trust to the Bp (Douglass) his Grand Vicar, Mr Barnard, myself & Mr Meader ,

* Henry Joseph Tichborne, elder son of Sir Henry, 7th Baronet

The London Catholic banker

Was it, perchance , Mr. Charles Butler?

as representative of the congregation, with an obligation of the survivors appointing other trustees as the former fall off. The deed to this purpose is at Castle street. What the income of S. Peters was when I came to it, I do not know , what I received from Mr Peter Browne , inwhose name the principal was vested & who was, bythe bishops appointment, Procuratorof the establishment, was, as nearly as I can recollect Salary £20 per An for serving the congregation at Upham 5£ for burying the poor 10sh -6d to be distributed to the poor 5-85, to be distributed amongst six neighbouring priests (retaining one half guinea to myself) for 4 MM eachforRd Spencer def. £3-38, Besides which I had the donations of the congregation, the advantage of letting [p. 14 (12) ] the house, & all taxes &c were paid. To this income I presume the several MM are attached, withwhichthe place is now burdened. About the time however that I came to Winchester another fund began to be raised for its support which gradually encreased & stands at present as followsMr. Rd Sone of Brockhampton made a foundation of 5 per Analso of£1 16. 8.for repairing the house& Chapel, Mr Wheble one of 4 per An. Mrs Merriman 2 per An Lady Mannock £4 per An Rev Mr Martin £3-16 per An Mrs Moore made a foundation of £4-8 per An for supplying oil for the Chapel lamp. Mr Savage£15 per Ann to be distributedtothepoor, deducting half a crown as a retribution for each of the MM set down for his intention to the amount of £115s0 in all to the incumbent .N.B I receive Six £ per An for intentions for Mrs Lynch, but these are not attached to Winton, the Londonbishop is to appoint the person to fulfill them; & she has requested under her hand, that I may performthem as long as I live. per

The Casualties and presents to the incumbent, I should judge, have amounted, communibus annis to near thirty An . But in return the taxes viz Window tax House tax (exclusive of Land tax which I purchased out of my ownpocket at the expence of 50% & sixpence) Modus's paving rates, Poor rates, easter_offerings &c have amounted to full [p. 15 (13) ] that sum I fear the new window tax will greatly raise them. This acct does not include any personal tax, such as the tax on horses, servants, dogs powder income &c Besides this the whole produce of the original fund of Peter housewhichformerly stood in the name of Mr P. Brown & was by him transferred to B. Douglass Mr Barnard (now Mr. Hodgson) & myself being paid to me instead of the £20 salary I am bound to keep the house & chapel in good & substantial repair of course & to pay all masons, carpenters, plumbers glaziers painters gardeners & other bills, the total amountof whichis considerable. N.B. Thepresent Old fund produces £48-6-2 annually.

Bya rough calculation, I supposethe incumbent mayreceive for his own support & that of the Chapel for taxes , repairs, journeys &c about £100 per Ann, including presents

The Winchester Incumbent has always been accustomed to attend Rumsey, * & an allowance I believe was once made by the Sheldon family for so doing, though there is none at present For my part I have thought it my duty in all cases not onlyof extreme but also of great necessity to attend all the Catholics within 20 miles ofthe citywho could not procure otherassistance . I charged to the poor account what I gave the poor, but not the expenseof my journeys. Mr Nolan, I believe, sometimes charged the latter"


MS in Winchester PresbyteryArchives

[One sheet of foolscap, cash-ruled in ink]

Expences in addition & Improvements , made to the Chapple at Winchester , together with an Organ to the Same, and a New Necessary, Erected, in the Garden thereunto belonging.

July 1784

Carpenture's Bill for Materials and Work

Bricklayers Billfor ditto

Plumber & Glaziers Billfor ditto

Blacksmiths Billfor ditto

Stone Masons Billfor ditto

Cost of the Organ (Twenty-six Guineas)

Subscribers To the Above

Reverend Mr. Milner

Ladys at St. Petershouse

Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Welch and Miss Agan [sic]

Mr. John Moody, attending the business and seeing the Work done, & finding Materials at prime Cost

Mr. Wm Cave By his Painting and Materials

Wm Meader

Mary Meader


MS. in Winchester PresbyteryArchives

[One piece offoolscap, folded and sewn, making 8 pages cash-ruled]

[First two pages blank]

[p. 3]

Contributions for Rebuilding St Peters Chapel at Winchester

* He means , of course , fromthe time the chaplaincy of Sherfield English ceased


Mrs Greenwood 2nd subscrip

Thos Weld Esq Lulworth Castle a Costly) [Good scored] chalice [supposed scored] worth

Mr Wm Cave Winchester a good Altar Piece and five Pictures and all the Ornamental

Mrs Milner London an Alb and a Rich Veil

Mrs. Heneage, foundress of the churches at Newport and Cowes , Isle ofWight.

Henry, 8th Lord Arundell, who built Wardour Castle. Rev. George Bruning, S.J., the last of the staunch recusant family. Sister of James Wheble, founder of Messrs Francis Tucker & Co.

and Glaiziers

Underwood a Painted window " [Three last pages blank]

A stiff brown paper-covered Note-Book, 7 x 48 inches , marked Chapell Accounts 1792 " [each page cash-ruled in red , one space on the left for date, three on right for entries]

[p. 1] 1792

Wm Meaders payments on Acct ofSt Peters Chapel at Winchester fo 1 [Rest blank]

[p. 2] fo 1 Wm Meaders Payments on Accountof St Peters Chapel Winchester 1792

April Cash paid to Mr George Fecham for a peice of Land he Claimed near or adjoiningtheold Chapel

Augst 20 Paid John Feacham BkSmith

8 Pd Mr Baxter for Repairingthe Organ

8 Pd George Neal for 3 LoadGravel

15 Pd Mr Wm Cave Sen Painter

18 Pd Messrs Underwood & Co London fora Fanlight with Stained Glass

30 Pd Sam Parker his bill for what spent at the Bearing Supper Pd Mr Parker what he chargedforDamage to his Garden

9 Pd HoldawayCarridge of Gravell

18 pd Sarah Neal for2 Load Gravell

23 pd Benjn Underhill for Makeing a New Tabernacle as per agreement

March 23 paid George Neeld for 1 Load &

half Gravell

8 pd John Phillmorefor 974 pints of Beer

9 pd James Coffin for 848 pints

for 713

p. 3]

April 11 pd Bartholomew Breadfield


12 pdMichael HoldawayforCarridge of Gravell

13 paid Mr Henry Lucas his Bill

13 pd Wm Goater Plumber his Bill £544. 6. 6

WmMeaderspayments on Account of St. Peters Chapel at Winchester continued

13 Brought over Amount fm the Other side

18 Paid John Lingard Carpenture for Carpenture Joiner & Carvers Work

18 paid Wm Druiets Bill for Canvas

18 paid MrMilner what Lingardhad charge him besides 18 paid HenryWeddellStone Mason

25 paid Robt King Gardener

12 Paid HoldawayCarridge ofGravell the 12th Instant

June 4 pd Messrs Hayes for 500 Tiles

Augst 10 pd John Feacham Whitesmith

[WAGE SHEET OF JOHN LINGARD . MS. in Winchester Presbytery Archives]

An account of Days Work to Taking down the Old Chap at St Peters house and Rebuilding the New One. Begining On the 26 of March 1792 To the 8 of December 92 as Performed By John Lingard Carpinter &c

[In right-hand margin of John Lingard's Wage Sheet]


Myself 37 weeks att 18 pr week


Williams &c

May &c

Boxal & Vander Steel

Boy Paid for Sawing

[On the back]

Brought forward

To a Bill for deals

To a Bill for dto & Battins

To Long Rusha deals for Collums

To Spikes Nails & Brads

A New door to Back Parlor

3 Pr of hinges 2 Sashfastning & a Bolt used in the house

Locks Bolts Screws & hinges in Chapel

8 Pound of Glue

To Allowanse for Profit of Materials

N.B. This Bill Ends on the 8 of December 92


[Two double sheets offoolscap in Mr. William Meader's hand . Each page cash-ruled and a line drawn across the page after each entry.]

[p . 1]

We promise to Pay Unto the Reverend Mr Milner (anualy [sic]) For Our Seats in the Chaple the Sums hereunto Set opposite Our Names, the payments to be made on the first of January yearly

1786 Mrs Lynch

Mrs Gorman

Mrs Metham

Mrs Duthy

Miss Sterk

Mrs Welch

Mrs Agan

Mr John Moody

Mr Thomas Vinn

Mr William Cave

Mr Burgat

Mrs Mary Hine

* Recte Egan. A Frenchman See Monumental Inscriptions, No. 138.

1786 Wm Meader

Mary Meader W M W M 22 22 £19.8.6

[p. 2] February 4 1786 paid Mr Milner Thirteen Guineas on the WithinAcct per Wm Meader July 28th 1786 paid Mr Millner [sic] Five Guineas & half Ballance of Within Acct per Wm Meader

[p. 3]

Wepromise to payuntothe Reverend Mr Milner (annualy) For Our Seatsin the Chaplethe Sums hereunto Set opposite Our Names the payments to be made on the first of January 1787 Mrs Lynch


Mrs Metham

*Mrs Duthy

*Miss Sterk

Mrs Welsh*

Mrs Egan*

Mr Burgat 22

Mr John Moody

Mr Thomas Vinn

Mr Wm Cave

Mrs Hine

Feby 21. 1787paid Mr Milner Eight Guineas on above Accompt per Wm Meader

June 19 1787 paid Mr Milner

June 24 1787 paid Mr Milner at Mrs Greenwoods

July 18 1787 paid ditto at his

July 29, 1787 paid Mr Milner

[No. 2 Sheet, p. 1] 1796 per Wm Meader

We promise to pay Anually unto Revd Mr Milnerfor Our Seats in the Chapel, the sums hereunto set, Opposite Our Names, the payments to be made on the first of January Every Year

Jany 1 Mrs Gorman 1 Mrs Neal

* These names are paired in the entries.


Arthur Neal Esq and Mrs Neal per W

Received Jan. 11 J Milner*

[Rest of the page blank]*


Transcribed by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King from a Copy in the Archives, Bishop's House, Portsmouth

In the name of God Amen. Whereas it is decreedthat all men shall dye and that we know not when or whetherwe shall have at the approach of death either time or capacity to make a Will or Testament therefore I the underwrittenPatrick Thomas Grace otherwise Savage, being by the mercyof God inmyperfect sences and Judgment, do make at present and appoint mylast Will and Testament in the manner followingviz in the first place I bequeath and commitmy soul to God my Creator, firmlyhoping for mercyand salvationfrom him thro the merits of the Passion and Death of my Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ. Secondly as to my bodyI order it to be buried in SaintJames's buryingGround near the City ofWinchester withas little Expence as christian decency will allow.

Thirdly as to my worldly Goods or money wherewith God has been pleased to bless me Considering the friendship and CivilitieswherewithMr. William Meader ofthe City ofWinchester has always favoured me , I leave and bequeath to him the sum total all my Money that may remain after the Expences of my burial where and in the manner ordered , which may be moreor less about three hundred pounds

As to the other things I leave in the first place, my watch to Mr. Gerard Shaw§ as some memorial and tokenofmyfriendship and gratitude likewise for his kindness and many favours received from him, empowering him at the same time to dispose ofmy Cloaths (my Cloak excepted which I desire he will accept of and keep for his own use) and Linen, giveing them to the Poor or otherwise as he shallthinkfit as likewise ofwhatfurniture ofmine may be foundin my Room, my Clock excepted Secondly I leave to Mr. Matthew Casey§ as some token of my friendship

In the Rev. J. Milner's hand

The Rev. J.Milnerwas consecrated Bishop of Castabala 23 May 1803 . The copy was lost when the Archives and the Bishop's House were destroyed by enemy action in January 1941 . § The Revv . Gerard Shaw and Matthew Casey were priests working in

and esteem my Clock, or rather the use of it during his Continuance in London, oblidging him to give it in case of his departure to some brother whom he may think fit and under the condition I shall mention to him, empowering him Mr. Matthew Casey in case of Mr. Shaw's death before me moreover to dispose of my Cloaths (my Cloak excepted which in that case I desire he will if he thinks proper keep for his own use) linen furniture or goods as he thinks proper, my watch excepted which in case of Mr. Shaw's death before me I desire he will send to Mrs. Grace my beloved sister , widow of my brother Matthias deceased, to keep for her own use or give to whom she pleases of her children. This is my last Will and Testament whichnot knowingwhen God may be pleased to call me out of this world and being by the mercyofGod in my perfect sences I do at present freely and willingly make, nominating at the same time constituting and appointing as I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the above mentioned Mr. Shaw gentleman and in case of his death before, the mentioned Matthew Casey gentleman formy Executor and the Execution hereof empowering each of them in case and for the purpose mentioned to sell out my Stock or money in the Stocks and to disposethereof as likewise of what money may be found in my Room if any, for the Purposes Mentioned and if there should not be enough to withdraw from the money bequeathed toMr. Meader the necessarypraying Mr. Meader insuch case to be contentwith the remainder in confirmationofallwhich drawn up and writtenwith my own hand I hereto Put my Name and Seal in the presence of witnesses this the fourth day of November in the year of Our Lord 1774

Witnesses present John Reilly Zachary Edwards examd

Patrick Thomas Graceotherwise Savage [L. S in circle]

In the name of God Amen This is to declare and I do herebydeclare to Mr. William Meader of the Soak, near the City of Winchester and others whom it may concern that the sum total of my money which I have left to him by my Will of the 4th of November of the present year 1774 and which may be after my funeral expences about three hundred Pounds, is left to him but in trust that my will is that the produce thereof be given annually and this over and above his Salary or other allowance for serving in Winchester, to the Priests deputed by the Bishop London and connected apparently with the Mission of Bermondsey(cf. Rev. B. Kelly, Hist. of Eng Cath Missions; Burton, Life of Challoner , i, 137; ii, 275) Bourdelot's Story of the Catholic Church in Bermondsey" says that the Rev. Gerard Shaw founded the Mission in 1773. In 1773 the Rev. Gerard Shaw made a gift of £500, afterwards increased to £700 , to found a Mission at Bermondsey See Studies, December 1946, Irish Links with Bishop Challoner , by Rev. John Brady He died in London 27 February 1780. The Rev. Matthew Casey died at East Lane, Rotherhithe, 18 February 1808 (C.R.S. , xii, 100)

to serve the poor Catholicks of Winchester, one pound fifteen shillings for his own use obliging him to say annually one Mass on the anniversary of the decease of Mrs. Giles* which is the 4th of November and one annually on the anniversary of my decease when God shall be pleased to appoint it, as likewise one other in each Callendar month of everyyear (and in black when the Rubric will permitt) to my intention: and the remainder of the produce of said money be given likewise to said deputed Priest, but for the Benefit of the Poor Catholicks of Winchester to be by him distributed among them in Meat and Bread at or about the feast of Easter everyyear as he shall thinkfitting. In witness whereof I hereunto put my name and seal this 10th of November 1774

Patrick Thomas Grace otherwise Savage


Transcribed by Canon R. E. Scantlebury Wolverhamptonthis eighth of March 1826

I the undersigned being of sound intellect, thoughinfirm of body do hereby make my last Will and Testament, annullingall former Wills by me made.

I commit my soul to the mercies of God, throughthe infinite meritsofmy Saviour Jesus Christ, & my body to theearthtobe buried in the plainest manner at the discretion ofmyexecutors , desiring them to spend fifty pounds on the poor of the place or neighbourhood within five miles of the place in whichI shalldieor be interred in lieu of funeral expenses, as they shall judge best.

Igivefive pounds to eachofmy Episcopal brethren, R. Revd Dr. Poynter, Smith & Collingridge , as likewise five pounds to Thos White & I direct that fifty pounds be distributed among the poorer Priests of the Midland Catholic District, at the discretion of Rt. Revd Dr. Walsh my first Executor

I desire that one hundred pounds in the three per Cent Consols be transferred to the account of Mrs. Macdonnel § of Winchester , & the same sum to that of Mrs. Shuttleworth|| of Caverswall Castle or their respective heirs or assignees. I give Mrs. Jane Wheble of this town, my two Houses in Bathstreet Birmingham , as likewise the use of my silver candlesticks & of my other plate for the table directing the same to be sold & the price given tothe poor at her death; I giveto her moreover whatever such of my books, prints &c as she may wishto retain to

* Mrs. Giles was his housekeeper .

Mrs. Jane Eyre Wheble was a great friend of Bishop Milner . Priest at Winchester 1810, till his death 9 July 1826; preachedat Milner's consecration .

§ Abbess of the Benedictine Convent, Winchester.

||Probably the Abbess or Superior


the value of twenty pounds I give to my undernamed God Children, John Wheble of Woodley, Constantia Whitgrieve of Moseley & John Paterson of LeamingtonPriors five pounds, the same to be paid to their respective Parents I give one years wages, to Willm Wright, Mary Wright & Jane Hart ....I give my wearing apparel to them & the poor, at the discretion of my executors I appoint the following executors of this my Will, the R R Thos Walsh, Henry Weedall, Walter Blount, Willm Benson , to each of whom I give ten pounds & nine pounds for mourning or any other kind of Clothing. The rest ofmy property of whatever kind, I bequeath & give to my said Executors theirheirs and assignees for ever hereby making them residuary legatees. signed, sealed & delivered by the aforesaid John Milner D D in the presence of Jas Moore &c


Transcribed by Canon R. E. Scantlebury

[A four-page MS ., each page measuring 9 x 7 inches . All in the Rev. John Lee's hand .]

[p. 1]


Rev: John Milner having been appointed by the Court of Rome Vicar Apostolic of the Midland District, was consecrated BishopofCastabala on the 23d of May 1803. Theceremony was performed by Bishop Douglass of the London District in the Catholic Church of Winton; in the presence of Bishop Gibson of the Northern District and Bishop Sharrock of the Western District. Several Clergymen from different quarters were present on the occasion; among them was the Undersigned who was appointed by B. Douglass to succeed Mr Milner in his situation at Winton; & who took possession on the 13th day of June following

I was struck , in the first instance, by the great number of Masses which passed as of obligation on the Incumbent of this place. I applied as was natural, to Mr Milner who had served the congregation for 23 years, to know upon what authority these obligations rested Mr Milner gave me to understand that he knew nothing of the business ; that he had never seen any voucher for these obligations , except a loose paper kept in Peter House, having these words in front " Domus seu Ecclesiæ Si Petri Wintoniensis Obligationes "* & containing the names of Personsfor whom the Masses were to be said; that he had never instituted anyenquiry on the subject, discharging withscrupulous fidelity the various obligations marked in the catalogue alluded to. MrMilner observed that he had found a paper inPeterHouse of the handwriting of Rev: Mr Nolan his predecessorstating [p. 2] that he had said such & such Masses, the only ones whichhe conceived to be of obligation, & which were inferior in number

* See infra, transcript of this document.

to those mentioned in the catalogue In conclusion, Mr Milner observed, that, as he chose to run no risk, he considered the loose paper as an authenticdocument. Conceiving that MrM'sopinion& conduct proved nothing in the question of validity of obligation I looked for other documents By accident I discovered two memorandums, at the end of the old Winton parochial Register, relating to Masses for particular persons. It is worthy of remark that neither of these memorandums has a signature to it The loose paper also is without a signature These memorandums & this loose paper are the only documents relating to these obligations, known to exist. Conceiving it to be a great burthen on the Incumbentof Winton to say so many Masses upon such vague authority I presented a Memorial to the Head of the Church prayingthat the necessarypowers might be impartedto theVicar Apostolic of the London District to decide upon the validity of the Winton obligations, to make any reduction or commutation in this businessas he in his prudence should thinkfit. Theprayer was granted Rt Rev: John Douglass V.A.L. acted accordingly , & settledthe business to my satisfaction All the Masses which were of dubious obligation & for which a reasonable retribution was not received have been commuted into one Mass per month for the benefactors deceased of Peter House establishment Bishop Douglass' letter to this effect was dated July 22d 1805. Winton August 1st . 1805

John Lee

[On a slip of paper affixed to the bottom of the page is written , in Dr. J. Picquot's hand] " £3-3-is to be distributedto 6 Priests of the vicinity, * including the Incumbent, for the saying of 4 masses in the year for Mr Richard Spencer deceased " vid Rev. Jo Lee's Memorandum among the papers of the Poor account. [p. 3] An account of the Masses retained

One Mass per month with an extra one for the AnniversaryOct 17 of MrsMargaretMerrimanforwhich the Incumbentreceives annually £2

One Mass per month with an extra one for theAnniversaryAug: 25 for Rev: Patrick Savagewho left Winton in 1766for which the Incumbent receives annually

Also one Mass per an for a Mrs Giles which is included in Rev: P Savage's foundation.

£1 ,, 15-

Five Masses per annum includingan anniversary Oct: 16 forLady Mary Mannock for which is received Annually £4

Four Masses per annum for Rev: John Martin of Gosport Hants for which is received annually

£3,, 16

One Mass per month for the repose of the souls ofall those who lie in the Catholic burial ground, called St James's, & for Mr Richard Sone of Brockhampton in particular, for which by Mr R: Sone's bequesttheIncumbentreceivesannually £5 NB This Mr Sone bequeathed also the sum of £3 ,, 13 „, 5 annuallyfor repairingthe House & Chapel of Winton. * See "Hampshire Ledger, " in the next volume -


Eleven Masses per annum for the relatives of Mr James Wheeble late of Kensington Middlesex By the bequest of the founder Mr James Wheeble the Incumbent receives annually £4

NB Nine of these are to be said on the Anniversaries of these [p. 4] relatives according to the written schedule at the begining of the Winton Parochial Register.* The remaining two are to be said atthe pleasure ofthe Incumbent. One fortheWidow of the founder, the other for his son James Wheeble Esqr of Woodley Berks. After the death of these persons, the Anniversary of each is to be substituted.

One Massper an: (Anniversaryin April) for Mrs ElizabethSmith

NB At the end of the Old Winton parochial Register appears a Memorandum respecting this person. The Masses therein specified are numerous. But as the Memorandum in question has no signature to it ; & as it is uncertainthatthefund alluded toin this memorandum exists, some monies belonging toWinton are known to have been lost, these obligations are among the obligations suspended by the authority granted to Rt Rev: John Douglass. However the Anniversary of the testatrix was retained

One Mass per an: for Eleonora Meader

One Mass per an: for William Meader

Jany 26 . Dec 14

One Mass per an: for Mr Jas: Cook Jany 25.

One Mass per month with an extra one on the Anniversary May 23d for Mr Wm Meader Mr Meader died at Winton May 23d. 1803. N B. of the bequest, of this last mentioned, more will be said in another place. In the allowance made to the Incumbent out of Mr Meader's property rests the obligation of the three Masses mentioned before his name William & Eleonora were the parents of the late Mr Meader. Mr James Cook was the founder of Mr M's vast property. John Lee


Transcribed by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King

The date of this MS may perhaps be fixed by certain norms . Firstly, the additions marked a and 'b' are made by Milner, and the bodyofthe MS.dates from before his arrivalin Winchester , viz 1779 . Secondly, the Memorandum , dated 1 August 1805, by the Rev. John Lee on the question of obligations states that he applied to Milner for information, who replied : (1) " that he had never seen any voucherfor these obligations, excepta loose paper kept in PeterHouse , havingthese words in front ' Domus seu Ecclesiæ S' Petri Wintoniensis Obligationes '"; (2) Mr. Milner also observed " that he had found a paper in Peter House of the handwriting of Rev: Mr Nolan his predecessor stating that he had said such & such Masses , the only ones which he conceived to be of obligation, & which were inferior in number to these mentionedin the catalogue. " May we not infer that our List is earlier than the incumbencyof Mr. Nolan and really dates from the time of Mr. Savage (1746-66) ? This conclusion is borneout bythe names ofthe persons on the List. They were all dead by 1756those of the original list of course

* C.R.S ., i, 188 and 189

C.R.S. , i, 188 .


[A sheet of paper 21 x 17 inches, now in four pieces, ruled offinto months, with the Masses writtenin ink, covered with noughts and crosses made with a red pencil as the Masses were said.]

Domus seu Ecclesiæ S Petri Wintoniensis



Mense Januarii

Die 17 Pro anima Alicia Spencer

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio S¹ Jacobi

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

* Pro anima Rogerii Corham


Pro R.D. Thoma Savage Missa Defunctorum

*N.B Hanc ultimam (viz Rogerii Corham(a)) nonesse inter obligationes sedsponte a P. Savageappositam, uti & sequentibus mensibus ponitur tanquam grati animi erga Fundatorem vel quasi Fundatorem testimonium

(a) Pro Sepultis In Comiterio S. Jacobi & Fundatorevivente

(b) Merriman.

Mense Februarii

Die 9 Pro anima Elisabethæ Short

Pro anima Mariæ Aldridge

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Comiterio S Jacobi

Pro Defunctis Consanguineis Richardi Spencer

Pro anima Francisca Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Roberti Hide Sacerdotis

Pro Benefactoribus Comitatus Hants tam vivis quam defunctis

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham (a) Pro Sepultis in Comiterio S. Jacobi & fundatore vivente (a)

Pro Rev. D. Savage [Missa] Def[unctorum] (b) Merriman

Mense Martii

Die 18 Pro anima Georgii Aldridge

Die 26 Pro anima Anastasia Sheldon

Pro eadem secunda

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio S¹ Jacobi

Pro anima Francisca Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Bartholomæi Smith

Pro eadem secunda

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

* Asterisks in MS (a) Additions in ink by Rev. John Milner (b) Additions in red pencil by Rev. John Milner


(a) Anno 1779 Pro Sepultis in CoemeterioS Jacobi &pro Fundatore [Sti Jacobi scored] vivente

(a) Pro Dno Savage

(b) Merriman

Mense Aprilis

Pro anima N Aldridge

Die 14 Pro anima Margarita Short

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemeterio S Jacobi

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith mensualis*

Pro eadem Anniversaria

Pro eadem 2da Anniversaria

Pro Defunctis Consanguineis Richardi Spencer

Pro Benefactoribus Comitatus Hants tam vivis quam defunctis

Pro anima Luciæ Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham


(a) Pro Dno Savage Sacerdote M[issa] Defunct[orum]

(a) (b) Sepultis in Coemiterio S. Jacobi Pro fundatorevivente Merriman

Mense Maii

Die 18 Pro anima Margaritæ Smith

Pro eadem secunda

Pro anima Franciscæ Welles

Pro eadem secunda

Die 24 Pro anima Jacobi Smith Episcopi.

Die 26 Pro anima Elisabethæ Spencer

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio S Jacobi

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

(a) Pro Dno Savage Sacerdote

(a) Pro Sepultis InComiterio S. Jacobi & Pro fundatorevivente


Mense Junii

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemeterio S' Jacobi

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

Pro Sep in Coemiterio S. Jacobi & Pro fundatorevivente.


(b) Merriman @ de d

Pro Dno Savage Sacerdote M[issa] Def[unctorum]

(a) Retributiones debentur solummodo pro ultimis notatis , nempe Pro Dno Savage & Sepultis in Coemiterio S. Jacobi

Honoraria pro prioribus

*"Mensualis " is underlined


Mense Julii

(said) Die 4 Pro anima Lucia Plowden

(a) (said) Die 9 Pro anima Richardi Spencer

(said) Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio S Jacobi

Pro Defunctis Consanguineis Richardi Spencer

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro Benefactoribus Comitatus Hantstamvivis qua defunctis.

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

Pro Dno Savage

Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio S. Jacobi & pro fundatore &c

(b) Merriman

(b) die 27 hujus mensis mortuus est R.D. Nolan

Pastor dignissimus hujus urbisж ** Mense Augusti

Die 9 Pro anima Gulielmi Smith M[issa] def[unctorum]

Pro eadem Secunda.


d 5. Pro Dno Thoma Savage Sacerdote anniversaria

Die 29 Pro anima Joanna Smith

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio S¹ Jacobi

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Roberti Hide Sacerdotis

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

(a) Pro Dno Savage

(a) Pro Sepultis In Comiterio S. Jacobi & Pro fundatore Vivente.

(b) Merriman

Mense Septembris

Die 12 Pro anima Caroli Aldridge

Pro anima Jacobi Smith

Die 16 Pro anima Richardi Spencer Pro eadem Mensualis

Pro eadem ut unus ex 6 Sacerdotibus

Pro eadem tres aliæ MM eodem titulo

Pro Defunctis Consanguineis Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio St Jacobi

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith Anniversaria

Pro eadem 2da Anniversaria

Pro eadem Mensualis

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Die 29 Pro anima Annæ Bab

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

(a) Pro Dno Savage Sacerdote M[issa] Def[unctorum]

(a) proSepultis InCoemiterioS. Jacobi et Pro fundatorevivente

(b) Merriman

This entry has been written in red crayon above " Mense Julii." " Anniversaria " underlined.


Mense Octobris

Die 9 Pro anima Thomæ Short

Die 12 Pro anima Elisabethæ Uxoris Richardi Spencer 16 Merriman

Die 25 Pro anima Francisca Ambler

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio S¹ Jacobi

Pro Defunctis Consanguineis Richardi Spencer

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith

Pro Benefactoribus Comitatus Hants tam vivis quam defunctis

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

(a) Pro Sepultis InCoemiterioS Jacobi & Pro fundatorevivente.

(a) (b) Merriman

Pro Dno Savage M[issa] Def[unctorum]

Mense Novembris

Die 4 pro anima Rogerii Corham

(a) Die 4 Domina Giles Aniv.

Die 12 Pro anima Caroli Aldridge

Die 18 Pro anima Margarita Biddlecomb

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Coemiterio S¹ Jacobi

Pro anima Franciscæ Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

(a) Pro Dno Savage M[issa] Def[unctorum]

(a) Pro Sepultis InCoemiterioS. Jacobi & Profundatorevivente Merriman (b)

Mense Decembris

Die 2 Pro anima Jacobi Smith

Pro eadem secunda

Die 6 Pro anima Bartholomæi SmithMiss[a] def[unctorum]

Pro eadem secunda

Die 18 Pro anima Thomæ Smith Miss[a] def[unctorum]

Pro eadem secunda

Pro anima Richardi Spencer

Pro Sepultis in Comiterio S¹ Jacobi

Pro anima Francisca Smith

Pro anima Elisabethæ Smith

Pro anima Lucia Plowden

Pro anima Rogerii Corham

(a) Pro Dno Savage M[issa] Def[unctorum]

Pro Sepultis InComiterio S. Jacobi et Pro fundatorevivente

(b) Merriman



[A double sheet offoolscap in the handwritingof Dr. Milner, withremarksby Rev. John Lee The Rev. J. Lee's remarksinitalics] [р 1]

Mrs Duthy

Mrs Stirk Dead dead

(ob 1808 aet 80)* (,, 1810 aet 87)

Miss Stirk [Sterck] (,, 1834 aet 80)

Mr, Mrs Two Miss Neils

Mr & Mrs Dead (Mr N. ob 1804 aet 80)

(Mrs ob 1804 aet 67)

(Sarah ob 1813)

(Eleanor ob 1826 aet 60)

Mrs Greenwood Dead

Mr & Mrs Davy & Mary Davy

Mrs Metham Dead

Mrs Meader dead

Mrs Eliz Vinn dead

Eliz Silvester

Miss Wheble

Mrs Farquarson removed

Mrs & Miss Hermon removed

Mrs & Miss Welsh

Mary Hinton Dead

Mr Moody& Son ++ Dead

Mr & Mrs Vinn Mr V Dead

four daughters

Mr Wm CaveSen & Mrs Cave

John & Mrs Cave & two Children

James Cave

Mary Cave

Thos & Mrs Vaughan

& one son

Mrs Cordery,

(ob 1806 aet 76)

(Alan D. ob 1842 aet 71)

(Mary ob 1849 aet 71)

(ob 1803 aet 97)

(ob 1806 aet 74)

(ob 1810 aet 74)

(ob 1856 aet 72 Sexton says 81)

(Catherine ob 1821 aet 86)

(ob . 1829 aet 59)

(Mrs ob 1814 aet . 74 daughter became nun)

(ob . 1807 aet. 68)

(John Sent ob . 1809 aet 81)

(John Jun ob . 1807 aet 42)

(Mr ob 1809 aet 75)

(Mrs V ob. 1812 aet. 68)

(ob . 1813 aet 76)

(ob. 1826 aet. 90)

(John ob. 1840 aet. 66)

(Mrs ob 1858 aet. 87)

(ob 1834 aet 62)

(ob. 1826 aet 86)

(Thos ob . 1819 aet 57)

Mrs ob. 1827 aet 65)

(Mrs C ob . 1820 aet. 76)

Joseph & Mrs [Mrs. C.] Dead (Jos ob 1833 aet 78) Charker

(Mrs ob 1796 aet. 59)

Lucy Barnet

Mr & Mrs Lingard [Mr.] Dead (John ob. 1804 aet. 67)

Eliz Whitehead

James Tanner

Mrs Hine & Mrs Main

(Mrs ob 1824 aet. 92) removed

Dead (ob 1836 aet . 76)

* The obituaryandother notes in parentheses havebeen added bythe Rt Rev. John Henry King.


Mr & Mrs Collingridge

Mr Jos Mrs &

Sarah Brown (My ob 1841 aet 82) (Mrs ob 1833 ,, 78) removed

Mrs Weatherall Dead (ob 1805 aet 72) Ann & Catherine Brewer removed

Mr Gilbert Mrs G

six sons & daughters

Mrs Beesley one son & four daughters

Mr George Charker removed+ [p. 2] (John ob 1821 aet. 76) (Mrs ob . 1827 ,, 70)

Wm& Mrs Cox Chandlers shop (Wm ob. 1836 aet 67)

Js , Mrs James Jun (James ob . 1822 aet 74) & Mary Cox, School

Mrs Cox Dead (ob 1804 aet 57) (James Junt ob. 1825 aet. 44) (Mary ob 1835 aet 88)

Inigo Jones , (Inigo ob . 1805 aet. 56)

Mrs, J. Inigo Jun" ,

Ann J. Eliz. J.

Mrs Jones Senr* Dead (Mrs Job. 1807 aet. 87)

Mrs Moody* Dead (Mrs M ob . 1803)

Wm Morley+ four children, Soke (Wm ob 1819 aet. 58)

Cath Middleton & four children, Soke .

Mrs Avery* Soke

Chs & Mrs Dumper & two Children, Soke (Mrs ob 1810 aet. 71)

Mrs Lover decrep Dead

Edw & Cath L. Soke Edward removed

Editha G

Mrs Goodman, Mrs G Dead (Mrs ob 1808 aet 50) removed [in pencil]

Mary G M removed

Wm, Mrs, & Cath Barr Mr B dead (Wm ob 1804 aet. 69)

Mrs Blanchett & two infants

Mrs Callagan Luke & John C [Luke & John] removed

Mrs Eades five Children

John Tanner

Mrs Pinnick

James Dibsdale

Charles Sims removed removed removed

Constance Whitmersh

Ann Dance , Ann Fryar

Fanny Cavilier & Joseph

Mrs Cambel a Convert

Mrs Sainsbury Convert

Mr Hubbard

Ann Mersh

Mr Gordon * Asterisks in MS.

Servants at the Convt Soke Dungate removed [Fanny] removed + Crosses in MS


Mr Mathewsdead [in pencil]

Mrs Barnet

Richard & Mrs Baggs

Wm & Mrs Blackwell

Eliz Carr

Mrs Cox Sen™

Miss Carker.

[p. 3 blank]

removed Dead (ob 1805 aet . 79) Southgate removed removed

Dead (ob . 1805 aet. 82)

[p. 4] At Woodcut [Woodcote] near Upham turn offon the righthandat the fifth milestone on the Portsmouthroad, distance thence two short miles James StubbingtonMrs S fourdaughters & one son. At the distance of a mile the familyof the late Sam¹ S , the Widow an apostate married again. Mrs Tilbury near Bishop Waltham* inquire of Mr Peters

At Romsey. Mrs Jones, Edwd Jones, Mrs Jones Jun Mr & Mrs Weetman one Child Eliz. Miller A certainGamekeeper wife & Child.

At Leckford Hutt, turn off to the right a little beyond the 5thstone on theStockbridge road, two miles further Mrs Hailstone, her daughter Ann Ashton

At Brown Candover (I believe it so called) turn off tothe right at 5th stone in the Basingstoke road, three miles onward Mrs Crate her children brought up Prots

At Clatford near AndoverMr & Mrs Edwards &c MrEldridge Sen E Jun Rev: Mr Sumner

At Totton 14 miles from Winton beyond Redbridge Mrs Whitmershone son & one daughter Mrs Pollard anotherdaughter children Rev. Mr Alex'§

At Broughtonfour miles beyond Stockbridge Jos Mersh Mrs Mersh one married daughter||

At Montisfontfour miles beyond Rumsey on the roadthence to Broughtonan old woman Mrs Tilly Rev. Mr Coquiere


Transcribed by the Rt Rev. John Henry King from theoriginal MSS in Winchester Cathedral Library [N.B.Only those aregiven that recordany papists Thereare a few parishes which made no returns .] Hyde St Faith's

I. Deanery of Winchester 5 families Papists I believe of no consequence 6 Papists of no consequence or estates

* In Rev. John Lee's hand.

In Rev. Thos White's hand Mr. Peters was the priest at Tichborne. This nameis writtenin Rev. John Lee'shand Rev. Richard Anthony Sumner, O.S.F., was at Whatcombe, Berks.

§ This name is in Rev. John Lee's hand: Rev. Louis Alexandre of Southampton

The words " one married daughter" were underlined Later scored and " dead " added in Rev. John Lee's hand

The last name in Rev. John Lee's hand Query: priest at Romsey?

St John's


St Peter Chesil

There are three distinct large families who are professt papists of no considerable Note or substance, and some more poorpeoplewho have been seduced by the Rich Roman Catholics in the City & maintained by their allowances , embrace their Communion & go to their Mass as I am informed .

There are about 8 professt Papists of no considerable Note nor substance who go to Gentlemen's houses in Town where Mass is said: and some others who do not openly own their religion, receiveweeklyormonthly contributions from them . Ifindapredominant spiritofPopery among manyof my parishioners which urges me the more strenuously to confute theirerroursin almost all discourses But thoughIpreachwith as discreet zeal & moderation as I can , yet I am abused, insulted & persecuted by the prevailing Party of Rich Papists & their correspondents who instigate the common people to revile me in the street

St Lawrence's

St Maurice's

2 Papists George Wright, Alehouse keeper & his wife

nine Papists of no consequence

St Peter Colebrook one papist

St Thomas's

St Michael's




Papists or reputed Papists about40 or 50 , the chief of whom are Wm Sheldon Esq, George Bolney Esq, Rowland BelasisEsq & Mrs Smith: these have considerable estates but not in this parish. The houses Mr Bolney & Mrs Smith inhabit are their own. 21 Papists of no consequenceor estate which I know of Ten families consisting of about 90 souls. The only landed man amongst them is Henry Wells Esq who is supposedto have in several Counties about 1000 per annum And likewise a supposed papist school consisting of about 20 boarders, John Manly* supposed Master , Mr Corbet supposed usher about 3 or 4 Papists in mean circumstances Papists about 50 in 12 families , all mean & inconsiderable

* The Rev. John Manly, a native of Hants, was born in 1680; educated at the English College, Lisbon; ordained there 1702; elected to the Chapter 1729; shortly afterwards appointed President of Lisbon College and killed by the fall of the College Church steeple in the earthquake of 1755

Probably the Rev. Christopher Corbet, of London, son of Christopher Corbet and Elizabeth (Bryant), born circa 1671; entered English College, Rome , 28 March 1705; ordained 2 May 1706; left 27 April 1709










East Meon











one--the wife of a labouring man

14 Papists 1 has 30 p an 1 has 2011 p an 2 has 51 each the rest are children & labourers

Deanery of Drokinsford [Droxford]

Papists 69, farmers & others, but of little or noe account

one Papist family

two or three Popish families

A farmer's son, whose mother is still living, has been lately perverted to Popery by some persons living in the neighbouring Parishof Harting in the Diocese of Chichester, where Mass is publickly resorted to every Sunday: and there is a Mason's wife of the same persuasion whose husband suffers her to breed her children that way

The number of Papists is inconsiderable there being not of above 2 or 3 families, one whereof is a Gentleman whosenameis Mr HenryMathews of about 4 or 500 p.a. estate: the others are poor people

The Lord Dormer & his whole family, being about 21 Persons There are Papists in the Tithing besides , about 12 men & women and 6 children . But none of any estate or consequencebut His Lordshipwho lives at & is Lord of Idsworth House

George Bruning in Froxfield

4 Papists all women

2 Papists

There are 19who openly professthemselves such 50 reputedPapists of no great consequence , said to meet frequently at middle Legh* in the parish of Havant with divers others. 3 families of Papists who are farmers not above2 or 3 labouringpersonsthataresuch two families and those mean and obscure. there are said to be two women that are papists one poorman & 3 women besides a few children one familya man, his wife & 3 children, the man is only a Rackrenter .

Bishopswaltham 4 or 5 reputed papists




20 papists

one papist who rents about 61 p.a. & he has a wife & three small children

The Hon. Mr Dormer, papist, his estate about 2011 p.a. but not ResidentthetenantProtestant

* Leigh.

III Deanery of Fordingbridge

Boldre & Brockenhurst only 2 or 3 Papists





10 papists no estates

4 Popish families

5 Papists

one Popish family

Fordingbridge 3 Papists




23 Papists Richd White & John Lacy worth 10001 [? 4,000]

may be ten Papists

There are Fower popish Familys but of small estate

IV Isle of Wight (no Papist in the whole island)

Barton Stacy




V Deanery of King's Somborne

one Papist a farmer who has no estate in the parish

onewoman ,wife of a labouringman atNorthington

there is but one family of Roman Catholicks who are renters. two small familiespoor people

King's Somborne about eleven, numbering men, women & children




one family

VI Deanery of Southampton

one Popish family, one Mackerill a Renter of abt four score pounds a year. one poor widow

North Stoneham 2 Papists one receivesAlms the other a Servant

South Stoneham two papists both women

Southampton All Saints one family the master of it a poor Gardiner

Sou'tonSt Marys two families , the mistress of one of them is the widdow of Brigadier Boles & the master of the other is a Tayler bytrade & unmarried:the number of persons in both may be ten.

Sou'tonSt Michael's


New Alresford

Old Alresford



one familyMr Tichborn* about 2001 p.a.

VII Deanery of Alresford

There are in Itchenstoke two Farmers Papists havingeach ofthemthree children to be brought up in that way. In Abberstone there is a labourer, his wife and one child papists

No intire Families but four reputed Papists of no great consequence or estates only one poor family in the hamlet of Harmsworth

Two families of no consequence4 in number

There are 9 papists but of no consequence.

* See Index


Hinton Ampner

Itchen Abbas


The number of papists may be about fifty, all ofthem day labourers or tradesmen and oflittle or no consequence or estates, excepting Sr Harry Tichbourne Bart who has an estate of about 2001 a year within the Chappelry ofTichbourne, but how much more elsewhere I am not informed : and Mr Augustine Fisher who has an estate of about 501 a year within the Chappelry of Kimston [Kilmeston] there are four papists very poor twofamilies of no consequence 9 in numberfive of them children

There are two Families of Papists sevenpersons in numberthree in one & four in the otherone a maltster & the other a labourer

Bishop's Sutton Twopoor Familysreputed Papists. Eachfamily consisting of about [blank] personsof no consequence or estates

Martyr Worthy one poor woman

King's Worthy six papists but of no consequenceor estates

VIII Deanery of Alton (not one in the whole Deanery)

IX Deanery of Andover


one old woman

Hurstborne Tarrant no papist but one family lately come into the parish

South Tidworth no papist but one Gardner of no consequence

Thruxton there is but one Papist & She a poor woman but without family

Nether Wallop one a labourer of no consequence







Monks Sherborne


There is but one who is a Barber-surgeon

X Deanery of Basingstoke

There are two Farmers Papists whosenamesare Kemp & Payte In the same parish is the Mansion House of Cufaud Esq a Papist but he never resides there. His estate is said to be about 30011 per anone Roman Catholick & he a day labourer onea woman of no consequenceor estate

one woman of no consequence or estate one poor woman

onewoman a reputed Papist havinganestate in a neighbouring parish offourtypoundsperan. There is one papist who is the wife to a farmer who rents about 3011 per an & has no children nor is likely to have any


Transcribed by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King, from the Winchester City Archives (MSS. in Public Library)

1743 City of Winchester

Withinis contained a true Return ofthe namesof allsuchpapists & reputed papists residing within the City aforesaid & liberties ofthe same City, as have been duly summoned & warned by the two Constables of the said City to appear this tenth day of March 1743 at the Chequer Inn in the City aforesaid in order to take & subscribe the Oathe & the Declaration mentioned in the Order of the Council& also in His Majesty's Proclamation , both ofthe 24th of February now last past, and for other purposes in the said Order in Council & Proclamation mentioned; and we do certify that we know of none other papist or reputed papist or other disaffected person or personsto the Government withinthe City than what is contained in this our Return to the best of our knowledge: Witness our hands this 10th of March 1743

Sworn the tenth of March 1743

James Lashford Mayor

J. W. Sheppard

B. Woodroffe

Wm Waldron

John Roberts

Wm [? Gosse]

John Day Willm Fowler

[The Namesin single column in original]

Mr Harry Goldney & his wife(1) Wm Jones & his wife

Mary(2) Mary Moodey(3) Edwd Martin & his wife Mary(4) Richd Atkins & his wife Pene[John Lane scored](8) Mary Wm Moodey & his wife Ann(5) lope(6) Bridget Bradshaw(7)

Bacheldor(9) Ann Alldridge(10) Eliza Phillips(11) Mrs Desborough(12) Mary Hide [Hine in 1745 List](13) Mary Forde(14) Susanna Parsons(15) John Vin Senr(16) John Vin Junr, hiswife & daughter (17) Richd Champ, his wife & daughter(18) Mary Barr(19) Edmd Mindham (20) Martha Leigh[Lee in 1745 List](21)

John Carter(22) Mrs Ann Spencer(23) Peter Carter & his wife(24)

MaryNewell(25) [John Burgessscored](26) Mrs Eliza Mathews(27); KatherineMathews(28); Ann Mathews [all three bracketted] John Alline [Allen](29) Mary Spencer(30) Edmd Wable [Wheble] &

(1) C.R.S. , i, 159. All page references in this and succeeding footnotes to these documents from Winchester City Archives are to C.R.S. vol. i. (2) pp 160 et seq. (3) Widow of William Samuel (4) p. 152 . (7)p 161. (8) p 150; query, washe dead?

(5) p. 149 (6) p. 164 . (9)p. 155.

(11) p 153, Elizabeth Hounshill

(10) p 159, Ann Wright (12) Obiit 1772

(14) ? pp. 152 , 156. (15)p. 156

(18) pp 149, 151-2 , 156 , 158 .

(21) Née Martha Lincoln, p 150

(23) Wife of Richard Spencer .

(26) p 153. (27)p 155

(16) pp. 149-154 .

(19) Née Mary Lincoln

(28) p. 154

(13) p 187 .

(17) p. 151

(20) p 166

(22) Query: brother of Peter ?

(24) p. 158 .

(25)p. 155

(29)p 157 (30)p. 154 .


his wife(31) Mrs Sarah Measer [Meazy], (32) sone & daughter Robt Amble Ann Wilks(33) John Loder & his wife(34) Mr Rumbold & daughter, Luneticks TheHonble Hen" Arndell Esq™ & Lady [Arundell](35) Familys, Mrs Mary Mathews Mrs DorotheBamber John Moodey [James Rattey in 1745] Jos. Edwards Robt Pickernell John Walker Mary Hopkins Sarah Hudless DorotheMindham Mary Walker Rebeca Goslin Mary Goslin

The HonbleLadyMargret Jarnagen[Jerningham](36) Familys* Wm Shackelford(37) Ann Hounsell Blanche Addams Judith Shackelford(38) Dorcress Harris(39) Wm Lownes & his wife Mary(40) [in 1745 Winnifred Goodyer, Mary Linkhorn , Ann Pickering]

Edwd Carrell Esq & his wife Mrs Katherine Carrell [Caryll](41) Familys* Sarah Molsted Eliz Jinks Mary Martin Olive Wooldridge [in 1745 Eliza Mathews] Richd Collins

The Honble Lady Mary Wells(42) Familys* Mary Bridges Ann Michaell [Mickerall in 1745] Thos Chambers [in 1745 Mary Right]

WmSheldon Esq Familys* Robert Carr(43) John Crocker JamesCox(44)

Mrs Katherine Morpess [Malpas](45) Katherine Forde Mr Thomas Mountain & his wife Eliza(46) Mrs Grace Pearson Morris Wilkins Richd Manuell(47) Barbara Vockham(48) Richd Crafton (49) Hona Fuller Ursula Parsons (50) Ann Arnold Eliza Low Mrs Pryor(51) Mrs Vaughn(52) Mr Vandume Eliza Kent Mr Shaw [the priest] John Rufry [? Ratti]*

(31) p. 150 . (32)p. 151 . (33) p. 152 . (34)p 164

(35) The Hon. HenryArundell, resident in Winchester during the three years mentioned, 1743-5, was son and heir to Henry, 6th Baron Arundel of Wardour . He married, in 1737 , Mary (Belling) Arundell, sole heiress of the senior line of the Arundells of Lanherne Succeeded as 7th Baron in 1746; died 1756, in his 38th year

(36) Daughter of Sir Henry Bedingfield, 2nd Bart. , of Oxburgh, co Norfolk, by his second wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne In 1704 she married Sir John Jerningham, 4th Bart , of Cossey Park , who died s.p. 1737. She died at Winchester in 1756

(37)p 161 (38) p 160. (39) p. 159. (40) p 158

(41) Edward Caryll, third son of John, second Lord Caryll ; born 1695; twice married1 , Catherine, daughter of Nathaniel PigottofWhitton, Surrey (she died 1747); 2, Ann Harcourt, niece of6thViscount MontagueofCowdray. (42) Widow of Henry Wells of Brambridge, who died in 1735. Shedied in 1767

(43)p 164

(46) pp. 150-1

(44) p. 157 (47) p 159 .

(49) Query: husband of Mary Crafton ?

(45)p. 154 . (48) p. 156.

Cf. C.R.S. , i, 186 (51) Martha, p. 153 .

(50)p 166 (52)p 155 . "Familys " indicates the retainers of the precedingperson or persons

The Cave , Cook and Meader families do not appear in these Lists: they lived in the Soke, in the area, that is, round the cathedral and which was under the Bishop's, and not the Mayor's, jurisdiction

[The List for 7 April 1744 is identical.]

[In the List for 16 October 1745 they are grouped in parishes thus:]

In St Mary Kalender Willm Jones & his wife

Mrs Vaughan

William Sheldon Esq & his son Freme Continuo Honora Fuller

Barbara Vockham

In St Laurence

Morris Wilkins & family* Richard Manuel

In Hyde Street

Sarah Measeme, son & daughter

Mrs Giles

Eliza Phillips

Mrs Desborough

Mary Hine

Mary Ford

In St Peter Colebrook Edward Martin & his wife

In St Maurice Mary Moody Willm Moody & wife

Atkins & wife

Bridget Bradshaw Eliza Mathews



Mathews Mary Spencer Robt Wheble & wife Robt Moody

Rachel Voce Ursula Parsons John Allin

[The remainder seem to come under St. Thomas New names asfollows:]

Thos Fitzherbert Esq & daughter Familys* JohnWorthington Thos Stone & wife Laurence Hadley WillmBailey Ann Gold

Eliza Stringfellow Mary Jill

Katherin Crafter

Mr Commerford

Frances Deoshean[?]

Margaretta Atkins Mrs Ann Royal Margaretta Chamberlin

Mary Deoshean Barbara Prior Mary Lounds


Arms at Honble Henry Arundell's

2 Fowling pieces

2 brace of Pistolls

6 men servants one a Protestant 9 women servants

one old Black Coach Gelding: one old Bay Saddle gelding

I promise to deliver the above horses & arms to the Mayor & Justices of the Peace for the City of Winchester for the use of His Majesty King George whenever they shall be demanded. Witness my hand this 11 Oct 1745 Henry Arundell

Mr Shaw [thepriest] has3 women servants & one man-servant of " Mr Cavannah no arms & one sorrellgelding

I promise to deliver the above gelding to the Mayor

[Similar certificates were signed by] 11 October 1745

Lady Jernegan

Edward Caryll

Lady Mary Wells

William Sheldon Js Shaw who has 2 male and 5 female servants

" Familys " indicates the retainers of the preceding person or persons .


[On a slip of paper]

Thomas Kavanagh Esq francois jinmens premier peintre de S.Altesse Electorale de Cologne

Claude Laval (flamands sujets de S.M.I. La Reine d'Hongrie, Bohême)

Jean La Rue valet de chambre de Mr Kavanagh [The paper is endorsed] 23 Oct 1745

The abovenamed persons are residing at Mr Shaw's in St Peter's Street


John Vin Richard Champ Mr Commerford Margaretta

Chamberlain Edmund Mindum

Thomas Mountain James Cox

Peter Carter William Lounds Eliza Ford William Jones

Sarah Measome Mrs Giles Mary Moody William Moody

Richard Atkins Eliza Mathews

Edward Martin Robert Wheble John Allen [Endorsed] No Arms Found


John Milner

William Meader

John Moody

Joseph Charker

Thomas Vinn minister merchant merchant merchant confectioner

Ignatius Geoghegan gentleman

William Cave painter

William Saunders gentleman

John Lingard carpenter

John Lingard* carpenter

John Gilbert tailor

Thomas Vaughan mealman

Anthony French gent

John Clapcot carpenter

Thomas Akers gent

John Doran peruke maker

Josh Cox

William Jones cabinet maker whip maker


Transcribed by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King, Bishop of Portsmouth, from Originals formerly in the possession of Mr. R. C. Baigent

a) [A printed Notice requiring all persons letting lodgingsto aliens "who ought to procure a Licence to reside in this Kingdom in pursuance of thisAct " ofParliament to demandsuchLicence and to deliver a copy of it to the Overseer of the Poor of the Parish, under penalty of £100 . (signed) Green Town Clerk]

Apparently a duplication


[At the bottom of this printed sheet is written]

In consequence of the above notice I Peter Gauntlett of the Parish of St Thomas in the City of Winchester , hereby give notice to the Overseer of this Parish , that Christopher Vincent an alien now resides with me as a servant and has done so for more than three years past

b) Thishis [sic] certify the Parish of St Thomas thatJohn Baptiste Loconorius Andre French Priest came here with a passport granted by Mr. Arnaud Mayor of Portsmouth the 20th of April 1793 and as had Lodgings with me Jane Tanner for this two years Past and so continue to this present Day July 9th 1798

c) Louis Honoré Guignery French Clergyman camefrom Harfleur in Normandy to England in Sept 1792 & has since Octr last resided at Jno Ventham's Staple Gardens, Winchester 5th July 1798

d) JosephGuigou late a Midshipman in the French Navyfrom Toulon who has resided with me in the Parish of St Thomas in the City of Winchester from 10th June last and still do continue so to do

He has a Passport from Gosport signed by Mr Carry Winchester 2 July 1798

James Arlott

e) [Foolscap double sheet, watermarked "J. A. Dusantoy1796"] Winchester July the 2d 1798

Mr Ernouf Desruisseaux french clergiman of the city of Granville, province of Normandy, arrived from Jersey to Winchesterthe 23th of July 1794 , where he has always lived since, his present lodging is now at Mrs Fleetwood's in St Thomas Street where he lives with the following French clergimen

Mr James Le Blond, arrived from Jersey the 23th July 1794 born in the City of Granville, province of Normandy

Lewis Foulon, arrived from Jersey, February the 29th 1793 born in the city of Mortain, § province of Normandy

James Francis Provost, arrived from Jersey, March the 12th 1794, born at Courtils, || province of Normandy

James Francis Gillot arrivedfrom Jersey, March the 16th 1793 born at Vessey , province of Normandy

John Lamperière, arrived from Jersey August the 30th 1796 born at Vains,** province of Normandy

* ? Loconomius

Jane Tanner, wife of Robert Tanner Cf. C.R.S. , i, 175 , 180

? Enoud

§ Chef-lieu d'arrondissement, Manche.

|| Manche, canton Ducey, arrond Avranches

Manche, canton Pontorson, arrond Avranches

** Manche, canton Avranches



John James Gizel arrived from Jersey March the 23rd 1793 born at Monbray , * province of Normandy

John Bourget arrived from Jersey August the 29th 1796 born at Nacqueville, province of Normandy

Nicholas Francis Le Nouvel arrivedfrom Jersey Marchthe25th [? 29th] 1793, born at Ponfarey, province of Normandy

John Francis Le Nouvel arrived from Jersey Marchthe 29th [? 25th] 1793, born at Pontfarey, § province of Normandy

John StephenDavidarrived from France at DoverSeptember the 20th 1792 , living at Winchester for 5 years and more , born at St Hymer, province of Normandy

Denis Bruzent arrivedfromthe Havrede GraceatWinchester

September the 23th1792, born atthe Havrede Grace, province of Normandy

Francis John Cenet arrivedfrom Toulonabout threeyears ago now 19 years old & servant in the house

Mr Jean AntoineMahieu** prêtre, curé du Havredemeurant chez Mrs Willcock depuis dix huit mois ou environ

Mr Jean François Duval

Mr Jacques L'allemand

Nicolas Jacques Carrey prêtre prêtre prêtre

* Montbray, Manche, canton Percy, arrond St. Lô Manche , canton Beaumont-Hague, arrond Cherbourg Pontfarcy, Calvados , canton Saint-Sever , arrond. Vire. He was born at Pontfarcy (dioc. Coutances ); tonsured at Bayeux, rite dimissus, 19 March 1774; embarked at Granville in September1792; returned to France 14 June 1802 , and had his passport endorsed to go to Pontfarcy. § Pontfarcy, as above.

||Calvados , canton and arrond Pont l'Evêque. An abbé of this name was sous-vicaire of Saint-Vincent-de-Rouen , Seine-Inferieure; received his passportat Rouen4 September1792;embarkedat Dieppe 17 September1792; after the Concordat became curé of Lillebonne and then of Saint-Vincentde-Rouen ; died 1841. A Jean Etienne David of the diocese of Lisieux, born at St. Hymer, was at the Grand Séminaire in Caen in 1787 studying at the Universitywhere he took his M.A.; tonsured 10 April 1784; he was vicaire at Sotteville-lès-Rouen ; refused to take the Oath and left France in 1792; on his return he must have chosen another diocese because, despite a notice full of his praise, there is no further mention of him .

Probably Brugent

** Received his passport 9 September 1792 from the district of Rouen; embarked at Dieppe 11 September 1792; died at Winchester 30 July 1798 .

An Abbé Jacques Pascal Lallemant, vicaire at Fouqueville (Eure) receivedhis passport 5 September1792 and embarkedat Dieppe 7 September 1792. A Jacques Lallemant, born at Saint-Martin -de-Pontchardon , was ordained at Rouen, administered the parish of Godisson (which is now Orne , canton Courtomer, arrond Alençon) in the diocese of Lisieux, and took possession as curé of the parish 11 April 1771; at first he took the Oath but retracted in March 1792 and left for England; he lodged at Mr. Cockrel's, 16 , St. George's Square, Portsea; returned to France in 1802 and resumed his functions at Godisson ; in 1807 he resigned but remained in the parish asa priest habitué(any priest attached to a parishin France) and died 26 June 1821 .


Jean Le Duc prêtre

Les quatres demeurant chez la ditte Dame depuis environ

quatre ans et demi

Michel Jacques Pigeau prêtre

Charles François Pierre Gascour prêtre demeurant depuis vingt mois

Louis Duvay emigré et demeurant avec son maitre depuis quatre ans et demi

fait à Winchester ce trois juillet 1798

g) Parish of St Thomas in the CityofWinchester

These are to certify that Peter Coisnon French Priest on October21 1795 took a lodging room with me & has continued with me to this present day July 2d 1798

William Jones

h) Winchester July 6th 1798

The undernamed French Gentleman have lodged at my House A Bout twelve month in the parish of Saint Thomas William Brewer § [In another hand]

No Passport nor Certivecate

i) Aliens, residing with Mrs Eccles in Peter Street Winchester Puet|| french Clergyman at her Boarding School camefirstto reside Quality Names Where from CharlotteCoignion** St Omers July 19th 1794 Teacher

Regina Veydt *

Elizabeth Midi

Ann Le Blon

Martha Tilemans

Ann Delevegni

Joseph Gressier

Antwerp July 19th 1794 Teacher

Brusselles July 19th 1794 servant

Hort-en- July 19th 1794 servant


Brusselles July 19th 1794 servant


Boulogne July 19th 1794 servant May 1767 servant (at Winchester September 1796)

* Jean Georges Le Duc, vicaire de La Pille (districtof Louviers, Eure), received his passport from the district of Rouen on 7 September 1792 and embarked at Dieppe 8 September

AMichel Pigeon-Boisclair, priest habitué(see above ) of Granville, asked for his passport at Granville 7 September 1792, emigrated, went back again and on 18 October 1792 appeared totake theOath " oflibertyandequality"; on the 19th he cancelled his taking of the Oath because they were going to force him to attend the services in the church; for this he was denounced and left Granville 11 December1792, aged 47; became insane during his exile; went back to France and died in 1803

Cf. C.R.S. , i, 160-295.

§ Cf. C.R.S. , i, 154–231

L'Abbé Paul Puet, baptized at Botley, particularly children of the 'Tarbert Fencibles" regiment, 1799-1800 (cf. Č.R.S., i, 197-203 )

Benedictine, succeeded Abbess Margaret Tancred, O.S.B. , in 1797 , died 13 August 1811 (cf. C.R.S., i, 218). The Boarding Schoolwas theBenedictine Convent

** An Augustinian Sisterwho took refugewith the Benedictinesin Brussels and camewith them to Winchester (cf. C.R.S., i, 224); died 20 March 1814 .

Cf. C.R.S. , xiv, 199

The initial letterin these words is indistinct It may be 'H' or 'Fl. '


Leonor François Osmont prêtre françois deporté en 1792 certifie que depuis cette epoque il a constamment habité en Angleterre, tant à Gosport que dans La Ville de Winchester avec passeport [et que depuis scored] le 3 juillet 1798

Frances Osmount Andrew Osmount

October 1796

Leonor François Osmont p came to lodge with me ye 11 of

Edward Harris

Pierre Paul-André Osmont, Diacre françois deporté en 1792 que depuis cette epoque a habité constamment en Angleterre tant à Gosport que dans la Ville de Winchester avec passeportactuellement je demeure [chez] Mr Edouard Harris St Thomas Street 3 Juillet 1798

P. P-A. Osmont D.

Francis Michael Aubert French Priest vicar of the Town of Orbec* in Normandy, from about two month in thistown & in other parts of England six year ago with pasport Aubert vic d'Orbec

Michael Aubert ye 16 of June 1798

k) Nous soussignés Jean Baptiste François Lefebvre, prêtre françois, curé de Saint Georges, diocèse de Coutances , ayant demeuré en l'isle de Jersey depuis le huit Septembre mil sept cens quatre vingt douzejusqu'au vingt huit Aoust mil sept cens quatre vingt seize, et ayant residé en cette ville de Winchester depuis cette dernière epoque jusqu'à ce jour; Item nous Pierre Bernard Le Febvre prêtre françois curé de Sotteville, au dit diocèse:

Germain La Motte prêtre françois vicaire Despieux§ au dit diocèse

Bon Le Barbanchon prêtre françois vicaire de Sotteville au dit diocèse

et François Dubost prêtre françois, curé de Videcosville au même diocèse declarons être arrivés à Portesmouth le vingt cinq mars mil sept cens quatre vingt treize d'où étant sortis le 9 avril de la même année , nous sommes venus à Winchester, où , depuis ce jour 9 avril, nous avons toujours residé et demeurons tous les cinq depuis le premier du present mois en la maison qu'occuppoit Mademoiselle Hayter, Great Minster Street

* Orbec, Calvados , arrond Lisieux, chef-lieu of the canton; he was an acolyte in March 1786; in 1791 vicaire at Rebec ; left for Jersey in 1792; went on to England; came to Portsea Common ; returned to France , fell ill, did not take up office ; he lived at Vimoutiers where he did a lot of good; died April 1804 aged 48.

Curé of Saint-Georges-la-Rivière; died at Winchester 13 February 1802 (cf. C.R.S. , xxxii, 189 note)

Manche, canton Les Pieux, arrond Cherbourg.

§ Les Pieux , Manche, chef-lieu of the canton, arrond. Cherbourg

Manche, canton Quettehou, arrond. Valognes.


En foi de quoi nous avons signé la presente declaration ce trois de juillet mil sept cens quatre vingt dix huit

[Signed] Le Febvre d'Annéville curé de Sotteville

B Le Barbanchon

vic. de Sotteville



Lefebvre D'Annéville curé de St Georges


c d'Videcosville

prêtre Despieux



Transcribed and edited by Canon R. E. Scantlebury

[Addressed on the back page to] Miss Mary Anne Wheble [but not post-marked]

[Annotated on the backpage] Revd James Wheble died 1788 His death at Wardour Notes by Henry 8th Lord Arundell

Rev. James Wheble had 2 sisters Mary & Ann ? who died unmarried

[ф 1]


Tuesday the 29th good Revd Mr James Wheble died suddenly, about 8 O clock in the morning, after getting out of bed; no one was in the room but JohnWilkins, who waited upon him; after calling for assistance, Mr Lewis & came, & gave him the Extreme Unction, it being doubtful if he were not still alive Poor Mr Wheble was a great preacher, one ofthe best in England, he lived some years at Wardour, came first in the year 176- the latter end of which year he became the Chaplain, after Maria, our eldest daughterwas born ; he accompanied Lady Arundell to Wardour in the May before, when I fell ill of the small-pox; he

* Though not, strictly speaking, a Winchester document, this transcript is included here because of the details given in it of various priests. The Rev. James Wheble, S.J., alias James Giffard, was born at Tisbury, Wilts , 4 December (O.S.) 1725 , the son of James Wheble (+ 1770) and nephewof Edmund Wheble of Winchester; entered the Society 7 September 1743; served in London, was chaplain to Count Coleredo, the ImperialAmbassador , in 1761 (Foley, Records, S.J. , vii, 831; Oliver, Collections, p 435).

Annotations in Miss Ursula Wheble's hand. January . § The Rev. Thomas Culcheth, S.J., alias Lewis, born in Lancashire 21 April 1741; studied at Valladolid ; entered the Society 28 January 1763; servedthe Missions at Lindley, Wappenbury, Wardour Castleand Chidiock , Dorset; supplied for brief intervals at Exeter and Newhall, Chelmsford; returned to Chidiock and died there 5 September1809; buried in theArundell family vault (Foley, Records , S.J., vii, 188-9; Oliver, Collections, pp. 346-7).

had the jail fever the year before, & once, if not twice after, by attending the Prisoners in Newgate, which greatly impaired his Constitution. He was Chaplain to Count Haslang, Minister of the Elector of Bavaria, who was in England many years. Mr Wheble was the first who, of late years, had preached in a public chapel, viz. that of the Bavarian, in Warwick Street Golden Square; laterly he had very bad health, & suffered much from his many infirmities, which he bore with great patience & edification; & at his death was deservedly lamented by all who knew him; he was a member of the Society of Jesus, left Mr Lewis Executorto his Will; he bequeathed several legacies to his friends, & to the Poor Mr Lewis had for some years, assisted for him, as one of our Chaplains, he came during our last Tour on the Continent, the end of the year 1781, after the death of poorMr Clossett, a worthy Priestwho assistedat Wardour, & whocame tohis deathbya fallfrom his horse, in a Lane [p. 2] nearDonhead; he was brought to the Inn at Ludwell, where he died on the 23d ofOctober 1781 the day after the accident ; he wasreturningfrom a spiritual visitto a poorwoman A Character of poor MrWheble was, by some one, put in the Salisbury Journal, as follows : "A Gentleman universallybeloved & respected by all that knew him: endued with Christian virtues, he was the true friend to the friendless, whatevertheir persuasion, & in charity with all mankind." MondayFeb. 4th Early in the morningpoor Mr Wheble's corpse was brought into the Chapel, & placed in the middle , covered with a black Pall, upon it was placed a Crucifix on a cushion with a chalice, patten, & stole (as usually done for Priests), round the Coffin were placed, six large candles which with the candles upon the Altar, the two great candles, & the candles in the Sconces round the Chapel, were all lighted during the wholeofthe day, & until the Funeral was over, as the People were coming during the day to pray for the repose of his soul At eight o clock in the Evening the Vespers, & burial service were performed , & the Coffin was then placed in the Vault.

Mr Forrester made a short Oration on the occasion , & performed the Burial Service, assisted by Deacon & Sub-deacon.

The FollowingPriests were present

* The Rev. Joseph Closette, S.J., a native of Flanders, but educated among the English Jesuits; born February 1752 , entered the Society 7 September 1771; went to Callaly Hall circa 1779; Wardour Castle, September 1781 (Foley, Records, S.J., vii, 143; Oliver, Collections, pp 265-6)

The Rev. Charles Fleury, alias Forrester, a native of France, born 21 April 1739; enteredthe Society 13 September1756, in the French province, but was associated to the English province at the time the Jesuits were expelled from France; 1767 to 1775 chaplain to Lord Teynham at Linsted Lodge, Kent ; went to Wardour Castle , 10 February 1775; resigned the care ofthe congregationin 1778 and became private chaplain to Lord Arundell ; 1810-20 June 1813 chaplain to the Dowager Lady Arundell at Irnham, co. Lincs.; 1816, Newhall, Chelmsford; died at Newhall 2 May 1825 (Foley, Records , S.J., pp 264-5; Oliver, Collections, pp 306-8)


Messrs Lewis, Booth, James Porter, Clinton, (Chaplain of Lulworth) Parker § (Chaplain to Lady Shaftsbury) Brewer & many other Persons. A vault was made on this occasion, & poor Mr Wheble was the first buried in it Anima ejus, et animae & omnium Fidelium defunc- [p. 3] torum per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace Amen.

[In another hand] Henry 8th Lord Arundell married May 31 1763 if, therefore, Revd Mr.Wheble came after the birth of Maria, the eldest daughter, it was probably late in 1764 that he became Chaplain at Wardour.


Transcribed by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King

[Copy found among the Wheble family papers at Woodley Lodge, near Reading. One quarto_sheet.]

[р 1] [In pencil, Copy]

My dear Sir, Kensington, 8. Decr . 1824 .

I thank you very sincerely for your letter of the 6th instant; and I most seriously assure you, that I know of no man in the world, whose praise I should so highly value as I do yours . I will not pretend that your praise is wholly unmerited and I am certain that it will tend to make me endeavour to deserve it.

* The Rev. Charles Booth, S.J., alias Brown, born at St. Germains 8 September1707; entered the Society 7 September1724; servedthe English Mission; was appointed English Penitentiary at Loreto; tutor to Henry, 8th Lord Arundell ; Rector of English College, Rome, 1762/3-1766; Chaplain and Missioner at Burton Castle, Petworth, 1769-1779 ; went to Wardour Castle, died there 11 May 1797 and was buried in the family vault (Foley, Records, S.J., vii, 72-3; Oliver, Collections, p 244).

The Rev. James Porter, S.J., born in Belgium of English parents, 9 November 1733; entered the Society 7 September 1752, giving up a considerable estatein Lincolnshire to do so; served in the College oftheImmaculate Conception (Derby District) and at Beckford, co Gloucester, Salisbury, and Stapehill; returned to Portico, near St. Helens , Lancs.; died there 28 March 1810 (Foley, Records, S.J., vii, 616; Oliver, Collections, p 385)

The Rev. Alexander Clinton, S.J., vere or alias Mackenzie , born 23 March 1730; entered the Society 25 October 1749; came to London 1756; chaplain to Thos Weld, Lulworth Castle, 1781-1795; retired to Ireland, died there 5 June 1800 (Foley, Records, S.J., vii, 141-2; Oliver, Collections , p. 265).


The Rev. James Parker, S.J., born in Liverpool 3 April 1747; entered the Society 7 September1766; completedhis studies at Valladolid ; for many years chaplain to Barbara, Countess of Shaftesbury, daughter of Sir John Webbe, Bart., of Odstock and Canford; afterwards at Bristol and Liverpool ; died Liverpool 29 October 1822 (Foley, Records, S.J., vii, 568; Oliver , Collections , p 373)

The Rev. John Brewer , S.J., born at Fishwick, near Preston, 29 December 1732; entered the Society 7 September 1752; June 1764 chaplain to the Webbe family at Odstock; 29 September 1765 , first missioner at Shepton Mallet, died there 1 September 1797 (Foley, Records, S.J., vii, 82; Oliver, Collections , p. 246)

I am sorry that I was not aware of the conduct of the compromising counsellor I would not have been so lenient, ifI had been aware of it ; for, long experience has convinced me , that truth gains nothing by that sort oflenity.

I cannot refrainfrom telling you ofthe progressIammaking. I said I would print 10,000 copies of the little pamphlet. Idid; but, have been obliged to make it 15,000 copies already. Ihave no doubt of a sale of 20,000; & then, it is, when concluded, a bookfor a hundred years ! And, there were men, troddendown men, stupid enough to trembleat the thought of beingsupposed to have formeda coalitionwith me ! Really such people appear to be out of their senses .

Theeffectthat I am producingis prodigious There is a sort of hubbub amongst the public My paper-maker, a man of 60 and a man of sense & of great business , went to my son to Fleet Street, the other day & said: " God bless me ! I have just been reading No. I. of the Reformation. I never dreamed of such things before as your father has now told me of. How we have been deceived!" Now this is only a sample. Thousands upon [p. 2: upon repeated] thousands have thus exclaimed before now . But the great matter of all is to prove that the pauperism & all its curses have been produced by the Reformation; and, as to this matter ,I am armed with facts in such numbers & so well established, that all the world shall exclaim ; " true!"

I thank you for the book that you were so good as to send me, entitled the " End, &c " I had your answer to Sturges; but it was sold, at Botley, when I went to America Another copy I have , however, lately given me by a friend; & anotherfriend has beenso good as to giveme a copy oftheHistoryofWinchester, so that I am pretty well off. Your information about Alfred (in the HistyofWinton) is of vast importance to me . It is a curious & a mournful fact, that the tomb of our great law-giver, the founder of the common-law, the man on whose name historians, poets, moralists and even cold lawyers delight to dwell: aye, that the Reformation should have demolished the tomb even of this man, and (hear it all who have souls in your bodies!) that the lands left by him to cause perpetual praises to be sung to God & to causethepoorto be fed, should now be in in [sic] the hands ofa loan-jobber ! This is my mark ! IfI do not fill half a million of honest breasts with indignation by the help of the history of Hyde Abbey, I think it will be strange. I always knew that Micheldever & Stratton were pieces of plunder; but to find that they had been Alfred's; that they had been stolen from those to whom he had allotted them! This was a discovery indeed; and


you shall see , that I will make the most of it; or at least , I hope you will. Once more I thank you for your letter and I remain most sincerely, & with the most profound respect,

To The Rt

Revd Dr Milner ,

Your most obedient And most humble servant Wm Cobbett Wolverhampton


This letter is now in the Archivesof the CatholicChurch at Cowes The Rev. H. Chadwick , S.J., has very kindly written the following setting for it.-R.E.S.

Edward Jerningham, barrister-at-law, was the third son of Sir William Jerningham , of Cossey, co Norfolk, who had died 14 August 1809 , some six weeks before the date of the following letter, and was succeeded by the eldest son, George, as 7th baronet. Mrs. Edward Jerningham was a Middleton of Townhill, co . Hants.

Edward Jerninghamhad been elected Secretaryof the " Catholic Board" when in 1808 that body, composed of prominent members of the English aristocracy , was constituted for the purpose of promoting Catholic Emancipation Nine years previously, in 1799 , a body often Irish prelates, including the four Metropolitans, meeting in Dublin as Trustees of Maynooth, had taken it upon themselves to agree to the suggestion of Lord Castlereagh that in return for a proposed State provision for the Catholic Clergy, the English Government should be conceded some form of negativeVeto in the appointment of Bishops. In May 1808, just before Grattan's unsuccessful motion in the House of Commons for Catholic Relief, Dr. Milner, the V.A. of the Midland District, but acting in his capacity of accredited agent of the Irish Hierarchy, assured Mr. George Ponsonby, leader of the Opposition, that theIrish Bishops were notaverse to this negative Veto Grattan, in his speechof 25 May, first raised the questionof the proposed Veto; and the friendly Ponsonby pursued the same subject , quoting Dr. Milner as his authority But meanwhile opinionin Ireland had changed. Dr. Milner's name was vilified: his effigy was hanged and burnt in Dublin Afull meetingof the Hierarchy, in September 1808, repudiating the Resolutions of 1799, declared the inexpediencyof any change in the method hitherto observed in the nomination of Bishops Bishop Milner was in two minds about the Catholic Board He subscribed toitsfunds, asdid theother VV.AA., but blamed itforpayingreporters to publish"falseor misrepresented reportsof Parliamentary speeches" (Ward, Eve of Cath Emancipation , i, 103) By the dateofthefollowing letter Milner had himself changed his views, not indeed as tothelawfulness, but as to the expediency of agreeing to any form of Veto. He criticized, too, a Petition for Emancipation, formulated in the summer or autumn of 1809 at the request of many Catholic families in the North, taking the ground that the Petition was merely making use of Irish claims in supportof Englishgrievances (Ward, op. cit. , pp. 105-6). He suspected, too, that the Boardwas not averse to conceding some sort of Veto, and was thus unrepresentative of Irish Catholics , whose interests it professed to serve

Note on the " Original Protestation"

In connection with the negotiationsleading up to the Relief Bill of 1791 the Catholic Committee had produced in 1788 a solemn Protestation, whichdisclaimed various objectionaltenets popularly ascribed to Catholics. It caused much controversy Later, Charles Butler deposited (as he said) the original document , signed by some 1,500 Catholics, in the British Museum Milner, however, supported strongly by Fr. Charles Plowden , denied that the document so deposited was the original (cf.Ward, Dawn of the Catholic Revival, vol i, chap. 7, and ii, pp 57 seqq.).

[A doublequarto sheet, sealed with a red wax seal bearing the monogram J.M., addressed to]

Edward Jerningham Jun Esqr

[and post-marked]

Dear Sir Cossey nr Norwich Sep 23 1809

By a letter from your Hond Mother which has reached my hands this evening, I judge that you are still at Cossey & therefore I address you at that place I have, for this month past wished & intended to write to you for the two following purposes: first to express my sense of the very great kindness which I experienced from your friends in general, & from Sir George & yourself in particular, during my stay at Cossey, & secondly to testify the very great edification I derived from my conversation with Mrs Edward Jerningham , during the two days which I had the happiness of spending with her; not withouta hint to yourself as a Norfolk man & therefore as one of my flock that you must be very good & proceed with very large strides in the way of perfection , in case you expect to sit on the same bench with her & to keep her company for all eternity in the heavenly Jerusalem, lest that be verified in your regard which is pronounced by the eternal truth of many: Et erunt primi novissimi & novissimi primi

[p. 2] I must nowturn over a new leaf & addressyou no longer as my respected & dear friend but as the Secretary ofthe R.C.c board ; not that I conceive you accountable for the acts of a board to which you are only secretary ; but because it is regular to address the secretary of a body which is not known to have a president . How faulty then , My Dr Sir, & not only faultybut unfaithful is the Report of the Debates on the Cathe Petition, particularly in whatconcernsyour present correspondent ! It will be well if this correspt does not feel himself called upon openly to protest against that Report How imprudent & rash is the publication of the Resolutions of the Irish Bishops in 1799 which occurin the Appendix. I have been teazed almost out ofmylife to publish or to mention those resolutions in a certain publication ofmine:butthoughthementionofthesewouldhave answered


a most important purpose to me, as well as to our politicalfriends, I resolutely refused to comply with the requisition, knowing how offensive that would be to the Irish in general as well as to their bishops All these were sufficiently disgusted with the terms of your English petition, which [p. 3] they consider as a reflection on them: but when they see the Sanction of the Veto contained in the publication in question, they will be provoked to madness . But most of all how unwise, mad, imflamatory & how heterdox in its tendency is the last article in the Appendix professing to be a true copy of the Original Protestation (falsely said to be) in the British Museum. The duplicity & errors ofthis Pandorean Box of mischief I have demonstrated as well as the spuriousness of the musty parchment itself, kept in the Museum I have publicly demonstrated to the utter dumfoundingofMrChs Butler, whose conduct throughout the whole of the business alluded to, would petrify you with astonishment were I to unfold it to you, as perhaps I shall soon be obliged to unfold it to the world " Hic nigerest. hunc tu, Romane, caveto " I beg mymost respectfulCompts to your excellent Lady, brothers& sisters & have the honour to remain, Dr Sir ,

Yr most faithful & obed Sert + J. Milner

P.S. I am on the point of setting off for the counties ofDerby, Notts & Lincoln. On my return, I shall be forced to clear myself of the suspicion of concurring in the publication of the Irish Resolutions.



These copies, written in the same hand as the Will, were found among the WhebleFamily papers at WoodleyLodge, Reading .R.E.S.

No. 1 [A single sheet of paper, 7 x 7 ins .] thanks for their enquiry & more for their prayers &c It is trueI am very infirm, & cannot be far off that great change which we must all undergo, but there are no symptoms in me that I am aware of an immediate dissolution : However in my situation & character I ought to practice what I preach: I ought to prove ifI am in earnest when I daily repeat Thy Kingdom Come . Infact what is there worth living for, except to do penance for sin & to be resigned to the Holy Will of God. Happy are you to have left the world before it leaves you. Never then think of it but with pity, being convinced with the Apostle, thatwhatever isin the world, is the Concupiscenceofthe flesh, that is sensuality, or the concupiscence of the eyes, that is avarice, of [? or] Pride oflife that is Pride properly so called & vainglory. For my part I have very muchto make me affraid ofthe awful tribunal of the great Judge; but I have the precious wounds in his hands & feet & sacred side to assist my hope & make me descend chearfully

[sic] into the Grave. In conclusion pray for me as I do for you that we may meet in joyful Eternity, never more to part, but to enjoy our God, through the merits of Jesus Christ in a blissful Eternity- &c

March 13th To C.C. nuns

No. 2 [On the reverse]

Dr Madam

So faryou are rightly informed that I am ill & hastening to my last home Adveniet Regn &c I am so near to it in my own estimation, that yesterday Holy Thursday, I received the B Sacrament, by way of Viaticum, & yet I have not been attacked by any serious illness . The decay of nature has been slow & gradual By your account my friend Mr White* is likelyto go before me, mention me kindly to him

May we meet in a happier Country never to be disunited , thro' the precious merits of Jesus Christ & the prayers of his blessed Mother & of all the Saints. Adieu My Dear Dames Your father & friend J.M. Adieu

18h March 24 1826

Mrs McD W

[In pencil, in Miss Ursula Wheble's hand: Dr Milner died Ap 19 : 1826 R.I.P.]

No. 3 [A double sheet offoolscap, endorsed " Copy ofthe answer of Dr Milner to a Letter from H WaldoSibthorp dated Sudbrook Holme near Lincoln 18 Dec 1811."]

Dr Sir "

Last nights Post brought me the unexpected honour of a letter from you, whichit wouldbe uncivil in me not to acknowledge. Perceiving that your mind is irritated & hearing thatyour health is not good, I pass over & cordially forgive whateveris injurious or affronting to myselfin that letter; but no consideration can induce me to pass over unnoticed your insinuationthat itisdisgraceful inany person& under any circumstances whatever , for a Christian who in his public liturgy thus addresses the God oftruth:"I believe in One, Holy, Catholic &ApostolicalChurch (The common Prayer book Nicene Creed) to embrace the communion which evidently & exclusively is possessed of these characteristics . By the same rule Sir, I maintain that, in case your Son, as I hear he did, turned his back on all the bright prospects which your paternal solicitude had placed before him , to avoid swearing his belief in 39 articles of faith which he did not believe in, & which far the greater part of those (meaning Divines ofeminence) who swear to them, do not believe any more

* The Rev. Thomas White, Incumbent ofWinchester, died 9 July 1826; mentioned in Bishop Milner's Will

Mrs. Macdonnel, Abbess of the Benedictine Convent, Winchester; also mentioned in Bishop Milner's Will

than he does (as appears by their published works) hein this does not disgrace you, Sir, or your respectable family, but confers the highest honour upon you & them. Thus much I am sure of, that you & they will applaud such conduct for all eternity; whatever you may say of it during the present transient moment From what I have said, you will conclude, Sir, that I cannot enterinto any compact or compromise with you on the subject of my religion If I have made any religious impression on the mind of your Son , I have reason to believe it has been by means of my printed books: nowthese I cannot consent to suppress, till they are refuted, though double the sum of money should be offered for this purpose that has been offered. With respect to conversation & private correspondence I can do no more than acquaintyou, Sir, with the rules by whichthey are always guided I never persuade any person of a different religion to embrace mine; but I exhort all persons of my own & of othercommunions with whom I have any relation or communication on the subject, seriously & impartially to examine the grounds oftheirrespective codes offaith& to act agreeably tothe dictates oftheir consciences , whatever these may be I should give the same advice to a person who was under the legal age for inheriting an estate , provided that I was satisfied that he was come to the full use of his reason, & that he was sincerein the inquiries, which I suppose he had addressedto me [p. 2] that I should to an aged person; becauseI am requiredby the Prince of the Apostles, to be always ready to give an account to every man that asketh me a reason ofthe hope that is in me I Peter iii 15 and should such a person represent to me that, by following the dictates of his conscience , he will give pain to those who are near & dear to him, I should tell him, that he ought, as far as ever it lies in his power, & is consistent with the lawof God, to avoid this: nay that he ought chearfully[sic] to yeild [sic] his very life in the performance of his social & civil duties , & more especially to prove his duty & love towardsthe authors, under God, of his life & of everything else he possesses: nevertheless I should remind him that he, who has the first claim upon him, & whosewords never can pass away, has distinctly said: He that loveth father or motheror son or daughtermorethan me is not worthy of me: Mat x. 37. This, Sir, I understand to be the theology of Protestants as well as Catholics : indeed, without it the pretended Reformation never could have been introducedinto this or any othercountry, where it has gained a footing You tell me, Sir, that you have communicated this business to his Majesty's Secretary of State; whence it is natural to conclude that he is a very superior controvertist ; as I am perfectly satisfied that, when the facts are rightly stated (of which, however, I perceive that you are not fully possessed) he can have nothing to do with it in any other capacity. But why, Dr Sir, should not we go at once, to the bottom of this affair, & by examining impartially & fully the

grounds of our respective religions, endeavour to meet in one communion ? Christ has not left us without sufficient light to guide upright men in this research, & you, Sir, have a Son who, by his education must be qualified to do justice to the System you have hitherto professed If this Gentleman or any other personcan provethat theCatholic Church is guiltyofthatIdolatry & wickedness which were the alleged grounds of the unhappy rupture, made by such men as Luther, Cranmer, Knox, Zuinglius, & Calvin, I pledge myself forthwith to abandon it Ifon theother hand , I should make it appear that this Church is the One, Holy, Catholic& Apostolical Church, which we [p. 3] both profess to believe in when we repeat our Nicene Creed, why should not you, Sir, as well as your Son , listen to her Doctrines ? Only let us act, Dr Sir, aswe shall wish to have acted a million of ages hence, when Great Britain shall appear in our Eyes an atom, & the whole duration of the world an almost imperceptible moment .

Ihave the honour to remain with great respect & esteem

Dr Sir &c John Milner

The following item was also found among the Wheble Family papers. Thoughunconnected withWinchester, it is givenhere.-R.E.S.

A double sheet of paper, each page measuring 7 × 5 ins . Written on the first page only.]

Feb. the 24th 1705/6

These are to certify whom it may concern that we have not one Popish Recusant in the parish of Minster Lovell in the County and Diocese of Oxford In witness whereof we the minister and churchwardens of the said Parish have hereunto set our hands the day and year first above writen [sic]

Tho: James Vicar

Tho Hide and Paul Smith Churchwardens.



Onthe crestof the hill, outside the last ofWinchester'sCity Gates, the Westgate, on the Romsey Road (once the Roman link between Wintonia and SorbiodunumWinchesterand Salisbury),lies St.James's Cemetery , a place uniquein England, a burial ground used exclusively by Catholics since the reign of Queen Elizabeth In medieval days the area must have been a fairly populated suburb, with St. James's Church as its parochial centre According to Dr. Milner (History of Winchester) this church was chosen as the rendezvous of the Monks of St. Swithun's and of Hyde, for the blessing of the palms on Palm

Sunday. When Cardinal Beaufort made his addition to the already existing Hospital of St. Cross he obtained leave from the Pope to appropriatethe revenues ofSt. James's Churchto his newfoundation. By Elizabeth's day the church had disappeared, and the buryinggroundaroundit seems also to have ceased to be used Itstillbelonged to St. Cross and remained the property of that institutionfor more than two centuries after the Reformation, and yet it was used only by Catholics as a burial place. It was no doubt held from St. Cross bya leasein the name of someCatholicgentlemanuntil the opportunity arose in 1800 of purchasingit outright.

The storyof the cemeteryis said to begin with thefatherofthe twoWinchester martyrs, V. NicholasTichborne (martyred at Tyburn 24 August 1601) and V. Thomas Tichborne (martyred at Tyburn 20 April 1602). Their father was Nicholasof HartleyMaudit, brother to Lionel of Sherfield English and Peter of Portchester and a son of Henry Tichborne of Owslebury , who was the fourth son of John Tichborne ofTichborne. This Nicholas was,therefore , first cousin toNicholas of Tichborne, who died in the days of Queen Mary and whose son Benjamin was to become the first baronet. The Nicholas withwhomwe are concerned appears among therecusants named inthe BishopHorne's List of 1577. He possessed a smallfarm at HartleyMaudit, somethree miles from Alton In or about 1580 he was arrested for his persistent recusancyand thrown into Winchester Gaol, there to spend the remaining nine years of his life. In his HampshireRecusants Cardinal Gasquet gives Nicholas's reply to the demand made upon all Catholics in 1585 , to provide a light horse for the Queen's service in Flanders , or the equivalent£25 in money. Hebegsto bereleased and tobe allowed to workfor the support of his family, and promises, if possible, when free,tocollectthe moneynecessaryto buy a horse His appeal remained unnoticed and he was left to die in prison in 1589. The accountof his death and of the subsequent happenings which gave rise to the story of St. James's is contained in a documentonce preserved in the EnglishCollege Archivesin Rome, whichwas copied byFr. Grene, S.J., in 1695. The copy is now at Stonyhurst (MS. A. iv, 1 : M: 196-7) Some years ago another copy was found among the old papers ofthe Wheble family at Woodley Lodge, Reading This was endorsed: " N.B.This Extract is made from a MS that was copied at Rome in the year 1695.The original was then kept in the Archivium of the English College in that city. " The Rev. H. Chadwick, S.J. , has verykindly collatedthe two copies and the very slight differences are noted in the footnotes

Anno Domini 1589 in carcere Wintoniensi Nicolaus Tychburnus nobilis obiit Is post graves ac multiplices illi illatas injurias, bonorumque expoliationem, tandem inimicorum dolo comprehenditur , Wintoniam adducitur, conjicitur in carcerem, ubi cum novem continuos annos pro Catholicæ Religionisprofessione complevisset , in morbum incidit, quo correptus accersivit Sacerdotem qui sibi ad ultimum vitæ suæ terminum appropinquanti Ecclesiæ ritus administraret . Ille officiosuo fungitur. Quo pacto hoc solum ægrotantiin votis fuit, ut quoniam necessarium illi erat Naturæ cedere, tantum superstes foret usque ad S. Jacobi festivitatem; in illiusenim festivi-

* Woodley MS has " 9" and " continuos" omitted . Woodley MS has "facto. "

tate è vita discedere maximoperè desiderabat , sub cujus tutela ac patrocinio 70 jam annos vixerat Neque sane vana illa optio fuit; nam spatio 15 dierum, ultràmedicorumcæterorumque omniumspem & expectationem præservatus est, i.e. usque ad profestumD.Jacobi in quo sub noctemmultis ex suis concaptivis Catholicisadstantibus, Sancti auxilium ardentius implorare coepit: deindè Deo Deiparæque V. ac coeterisomnibus coeli principibus se commendavit , exquisitissimis illos verbis compellans : tum complicatis manibus & in cœlos elevatis oculis spacio duarum horarum supinus jacuit, aliquando altius prorumpens in laudes Creatoris sui, maximâ tamen ex parte tacitè apud se meditans, ad extremum vero sine ullo strepitu, aut aliquodolorisindicio, suavissime expiravit Quo defuncto, nonexigua orta est contentio inter Cooperum Wintoniæ superintendentem& Catholicoscoeterosque ejus amicos Nam is negabat illis sepulturæ [locum] § in Ecclesià aut cæmeterio aliquo affirmans se scrupulo conscientiæ ductum non posse permittere hominem Papistam in Ecclesiis suis aut cæmeteriis sepeliri Respondent Catholici, Ecclesias non ab illis, sed ab hominibus nostræ Religionis fuisse ædificatas , ab his cæmeteria sanctificata; et ideo iniquum esse illis sepulturæ locumnegari in iisdemquæ olim Catholici ad hunc finem suis propriis sumptibus construxerant. Hoc argumentum, quanquam re ipsâ validum fuit, tamen apud ipsum nihil valuit Quarè illi potestatem & authoritatem || ejus (quæ in illâ civitate maxima est) timentes, ac simul etiam rei novitate perculsi , ancipiti diu animodetinebantur, incerti quidnam agerent Tandem prodiitvirquidam senex , ** Res, inquit, summæ difficultatis plenissima est: verè si meum sequemini consilium, faciemus illud quod factu facilius videtur, & ab hæreticorumsuspicione longissimè abest Nostis, inquit, super montemqui spacio uniusmilliarii aburbedistat esse locumquemdam ubi olim fuitsacellum D: Jacobo dedicatum, cujus vestigiaadhuc remanent, unde etiam et ipse mons nomensuummutuatus est Ibi, cumessem puer, §§ meminimevidisse quamplurimossepultos ; ibietiametvirum istum sepeliamus (quoniam et in ipso mortis agone, huic præcipue Sancto tanquam Divo suo tutelari se commendasse , ipsi nostris oculis contemplati sumus, et huic etiam singularem dum viveret exhibuit reverentiam, et in festivo illius die obiit) suo quasi jure vindicare [* ] videtur, quod et ratio postulat, et ipsa demum necessitasurget ** Placuit senisconsilium , rem peragunt, quiescunt ejusossain summitatealti amoenissimique montis, quoin lococelebre quondam extitit D. Jacobi sacellum, quod non multis antea annis Hæretici (ut mos illorum est) diruerunt, ac funditus everterunt.

* Diphthongs in some of the words in Stonyhurst MS .

Woodley MS has " virgini"

In Woodley MS spelt "spatio" throughout ; and "2" instead of duarum . "

§ "Locum" omitted in Stonyhurst MS

||Woodley MS. has "auctoritatem . "

In Woodley MS "etiam" omitted

** In Woodley MS inverted commas

In Woodley MS "milliaris . "

Woodley MS has " Divo" §§ In Woodley MS "puer" underlined

In Woodley MS brackets omitted [* ]Woodley MS. has "hoc" here .

Woodley MS has "ipsius. "


In the yearofOur Lord 1589, Nicolas Tychborne, a gentleman ofrank, diedin the jail of Winchester This gentleman , after having suffered multiplied and grievous injuries, together with the spoliation ofhis goods, was at lengthcapturedbythe fraud of his enemies , brought toWinchester , and cast into prison Afterhe hadspentthere nine whole years for the profession of his Catholic Faith, he fell ill, and in that state summoned a priest to administer to him the rites oftheChurch,seeingthat hewas nearingthe end of his life. The priest performed his duty After which the only wish of the sick manwas , that, as he must pay the debt of nature, he might be permitted to survive until the festival of St. James, for he ardently desired to depart this life on the feast ofthat saint, under whose guardianship and protection he had lived seventy years Nor was his wish in vain; for, beyond all hope and expectation of both physiciansand friends, he was preserved for the space of fifteen days, that is, until the vigil of St. James [25 July] when, towards night, in presence of many of his Catholic fellow-prisoners, he began more ardently to implore the saint's assistance He then commended himselfto God , to the Virgin Mother of God and to all the other princes of heaven , addressing them in most moving language : then, with hands crossed , and eyes raised to heaven, he lay in that posture for the space of two hours , sometimes breaking forth into praise of his Maker, but for the most part quietly meditating within himself, till at length, without any agony or symptom of pain, he most sweetly expired " After his death, no small contentionarose between Cooper the Superintendent[Bishop] of Winchester and the Catholics and his other friends, for that he would not grant them a place of interment in any church or cemetery , declaringthat his conscience would not permit him to allow a Papist to be buried in any of his churches or cemeteries. To this the Catholics answered that the Churches had been built, not by them, but by men of our religion and by these same the Cemeteries had been consecrated : and that therefore it was unjust to denythem therightof burial in those places whichCatholics had formerly erected at their own expense for this very purpose. But this argument, though in fact a valid one, did not avail with him. They therefore , knowing his power and authority, which was verygreat in that city, and struck at the same time withthe novelty of the affair, remainedfor a long time doubtful in mind, uncertain how to proceed. At length an old man came forward and said, 'the matter is indeed one ofverygreat difficulty, but if you willtake my advice , we will follow what seems a fairly easy course, and one which will never be suspected by the heretics . You know, ' continued he , 'that upon a hill, a mile distant fromthe City, there is a spot upon which there was once a Chapel dedicated to St. James, the remains of which are yet visible, and from which the hill itself has taken its name I remember , as a boy, seeing several persons buried there Since we have ourselves with our own eyes beheld him in his very death-agony recommending himselfespecially tothis saint as tohisholy patron, to whomalso during life he was singularly

* There exist amongthe papers in St. Peter's Archives, Winchester, two pages torn from a nowunidentifiable magazine with an English translation of the above text This translation has been slightly altered here to make it more conformable to the text

devout, and on whose feast-day he died, he seems to have established , as it were , his right that there too we should bury him Reason demands, and necessity urges such a course . ' " Theadviceofthe old manwas adopted and putintoexecution, and the bones of the good gentleman now rest on the summit of that high and very beautiful hill, in the very place where once existed a celebrated chapel dedicated to St. James, but which, not manyyears ago, the Protestantsas is their custom , pulled downand completely destroyed . "*

That is the story chronicled by some contemporary author with evident knowledge of local conditions, such as the ease with which priestscouldobtain admission tothe gaol, the severityofBishopCooper, the position of St. James's and other small details At the time of Nicholas'sdeath, his son Thomasthe future martyrwas a student in the Roman College He may have supplied the information for this paper. At this period, also, Blessed Fr. Roger Dicconson and Blessed RalphMilner were working togetherin harness and the latterfrequently introduced the priest into the prison to attend to the prisoners . It is just possible, therefore , that the priest-martyradministeredthe last sacraments to the first of the long line of the Faithful buried in St. James's, and, finally, Ralph Milner himself might well fill the role of the old man who suggested the burial What is evident is that the Hospital of St. Cross benevolentlyallowed the property to beused by recusants as their place of burial It is not possible to indicate the exact spot in St. James's where Nicholas Tichborne was buried . In the summer of 1929, however, a burial-place of evident antiquity was found, and the stones were identified as having once formed part of an altar, with the date 1555. Had they fallen into Catholichands and been used later to mark the grave of some one of importance? The spot is not far from the Memorial Inscription of NicholasTichborne's cousin, Gilbert Tichborne, who lived to the age of 96 .

From Dr. Milner's MS. we learnthat the legaltitle to the property in St. Peter's Street, and to the Cemetery, was vested in turn in the Smith and Sheldon families, and that Mr. Edward Sheldon considered himself, in 1795, to be absolute master of the Missionproperty. When he succeeded to the Constable estates he agreed to surrender the property to Trustees. As regards the Cemetery there was an additional complication, for the freehold belonged to the Hospital of St. Cross, Mr. Sheldon Constable holding the lease thereof A corporate body like St. Cross could not then legally sell any land The Master, Dr. Lockman, however , was willingto exchange the Cemetery for another piece of land, but none could be found For a while, therefore, priest and people had to submit to the claim of Mr. Constable to be the " proprietor " of their burial ground. The passing of an Act for the Redemptionof Land Tax in 1799 removed the difficulty, and in 1800 St. Cross transferredthe freehold to Mr. Constable, who in turn transferred it to Sir Henry Tichborne, Mr. Thomas Wright (the London banker), Dr. Milner, andMr. Meader The Hospital of St. Cross parted with St. James's for the very moderate sum of£42 . In 1829 the graveyard was greatly improved by the building of a lodge for a resident

* See C.R.S., ii, 220, 221; v, 361 n.; xiii, 96 n.; xxii, 41; Canon Hyland A Centuryof Persecution, pp 316-7 (is Canon Hyland correct ? Was it not Nicholas Junr who washanged , and Nicholas Senr who was theWinchester Confessor ?), p 380; Card Gasquet, Hampshire Recusants, pp 54 et seq.

custodianand the erectionof a good wall around it This was due to the burial therein of Mrs. Mary Farquharson. She was the wife ofa captain in the Mercantile Marine. His character is best set out in the following paper:

"Mr. Thomas Vinn was twice married & had four daughters by each wife One daughter by his first wife was Ann Vinn, afterwards Mrs. John Cave Senior with whom Mrs. Farquharsonlived, they being cousins She, Mrs.Farquharsonlived at abank as servant, makingher home at her uncle's, being an orphan CaptainFarquharson fell in love with her and married her She chose to be married in the Catholic church probably not knowing it to be illegal at [the] time. Captain Farquharsonwrote onthe day of his marriage[wrote scored] to her uncle, Mr. Thomas Vinn sayingthis day I have taken Mary formywife and am content Whenthe letter came heruncle was going to destroy it, but his wife said to him give that letterto me Mr. Vinn which he did and she kept it Many years afterwards when he was trying to cast her off this letter proved her Marriage. He, Capt Farquharsonhad as far as I can remember nine successful voyages toChina andit was [on] oneofthese voyages thathe arranged to marri[e altered to y] the daughter of another Captain and he had to pay many thousands to appease the father's disappointment. While from home he always left spies to watch her but could not find anything against her . Although of a most violent temper he was very fond of her but when trying to get rid of her , would call her Miss Polly. They had one child, a little girl who died from swallowing cherry stones. Mrs. Farquharsondied of cancer in the breast She was buried in St Jame's and he had the wall built round itandthelodge put[up] andendowed it. He was very anxious to be buried with her and tried all the catholic bishops in England but without success , so got the nearest spotin at that time thenew cemetery From his bedroom he could see her tomb and used to say My angel can see what I am doing this would be whilehe was doing so much for her family.


" After her death while in Jersey he was about to be robbed when an old man saved his life and he adopted the grandchild who became Mrs. John Cave junior.

" Mrs. Farquharsonwas always in terror until dinner was over , at times he would kick the butler down stairsand stuff a ten pound note in his mouth he would rise at three or four in the morning and throwhandfuls of silver to the scavengers in the street."

Mrs. Keating, the writer of this MS., had been in the employ of Miss Juliana Cave, sister to John Cave junr She died at Croydon in 1927 and was buried in St. James's Cemetery Fr. Delaneystood firm for the immemorial character of the cemeteryand refused to allow the Captain to be buried there The cost ofthe Lodge and the wallcame to about £1,100 and nearly one half of this was borne by Captain Farquharson . The chief subscribers were: Mr. James Wheble £100 , The Misses Wheble £100, Bishop (afterwards Cardinal) Weld £80 , Bishops BramstonandWalsh £50 each, the Dowager Mrs. Wheble£50 , the Duke of Norfolk £25, and Mrs. Lynch £20 The statement of accounts signed by the Captain, dated 30 January 1830, was sent to Fr. Delaney and is now in the WinchesterArchives Upon his death in 1843 the Captain left a fund bringing in £20 gross a year for the upkeep of the Cemetery He was buried in the extremecornerof the Town Cemetery , the nearest point to St. James's.


Copied by the Rt Rev. John Henry King

Annotationsby the Rt. Rev. John Henry King and Canon R. E. Scantlebury

[Note .The footnotes are numbered according to the numbers ofthe epitaphs. The archaic spelling of the stones has been retained. Missingletters aregiven in brackets , but in italics where theyindicate expanded abbreviations The letters H.S.E. at the head of some tombstones standfor Hic Sepultus Est For a Priest the formulais sometimes expanded to H.S.E.R.P. (Hic Sepultus Est Reverendus Pater) ]

[1] Heare lyeth interred | Gilbart Tichborne Esq | aged fower score and | sixteen yeares whoe | died the twentieth day of December in the yeare of our Lord God 1636 | and desired that his boddy might bee buried | heare |

[2] Here lyeth the | body of Mrs Mary | Bufford who died the 3 of June 1659 |

[3] Here lyeth ye body | of Margaret wife | of John Barber gent who deid Marchye [27 1660 1 .

[4] Here [lyeth]| [the] body of | William Salmon | whodyed the 7 of March 1661 |

[5] Here lyeth the body of Thomas Herring | gent whoe dyed the 9 day of ffebruary | An° Dni 1662 |

(1) Son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Tichborne (née Rythe), and younger brother of Benjamin the first baronet. Expelled from the Inns of Court earlyin Elizabeth's reign; exiled in Flanders in 1573. In August 1580 he accompaniedLaurenceVaux, an old Marian priest, to England Both were arrested at Rochester and thrown into the Gatehouse Prison by Alymer, Bishop of London Vaux died in the Clink in 1585, but Gilbertappearsto have been released. In trouble again in 1592 (for " voluntarily hearing Mass "), his estate at Totford was confiscatedand he was imprisoned. In 1594 he was still in prisonWinchester Castle Nothing more appears to be known about him till his death in 1636.

(2) This appears to be the Mary Bufford whose house at Alresford was confiscated by the Government in [?] 1646

(3) A book of Exorcisms printed at Cologne (now in the Presbytery Library, Winchester) has the name" John Barber, " and also thatof"Augustine Taylor " (Silkstead School and Winchester priest in 1692) inscribed in it. Cf. Letterofthe Rev.StephenBarnes (Chronicles ofSt. Monica's, Louvain) His half-brothers were named Barber; one was John, another Francis , a priest at Douay

(4) Victoria CountyHistory ofHampshire (iv, 417) says that theManor of Barton Stacy belongedto afamilynamed Salmon in the 16th cent. , who sold it in 1620 .

(5) His Will (made 7 October 1662, proved April 1663 ) describes him "of Newton Stacy gent, " and mentions his brother John, sister Margery, wife of Richard Godfrey, sister Elizabeth Chappell, several nephews and nieces and a great nephewWilliam He left 20/- to the Poor of Barton Stacy and named John Spencer as one of the overseers of, whilst Roger Lane (vide No. 9) was a witness to, the will.

[6] Heere lyeth | the body of | John Riglei Dis | ca[]sed Carmelit | He died the 28 | day of December | 1664 |

[7] [stone decapitated] | ofWinckton inthe | Parish ofChrist Church in Hampshire | whoe dessesed | the 15 of September | 1676

[8] Here lyeth the body of| Alice Lewis, relict of |Dr William Lewis | Prebend of this Cathedral | who died 23 Sept 1677 and was buried here | by her own desire |

[9] [Here] lyeth | [ye boldy of Roger | Lane Senior who dyed the third day ofAprile | aged fiftythree | yeares anno Dni | 1679|

[10] Here lyeth the [body] | of John Betts | who died the 14 of | April 1695 |

[11] Here lyeth ye body | of Margaret Hunt | of Sevington | daughter to | Richard Hunt of | Popham Esq who died | ye 2d day of May 1698 |

[12] [He]re lyeth | [the bo]dy of Mr John | Wilsonwhodied| October the 29 | 1699 |

[13] In memoryof | Mr Richard Spencer | of Barton Stacy| who dept this life | Sept ye 5 Anno Dni 16- | aged 77 years|

(6) We learn from Carmel in England that his real name was William Rudge, born in Devon, who left Eng. Coll Rome to join the Carmelites. He was suffering from consumption when sent to England, which complaint was aggravated by the conditions of missionary life, and then by imprisonment. The last twoyearsof his life were spent as ChaplaintoLadyElizabeth Arundell at Longwood, where he died

(7)We can only conjecture that this stone was to one of the Perkins family.

(8) This stone is now in fragments She was the mother of Theodore Lewis, S.J. The inscription here given is copied from the Registers .

(9) Thomas Lane of Silkstead was a recusant in 1609; John Lane and his wife of Boyattin 1663; also widow Lane of Hursley Cf. English Catholic Nonjurors, by E. E. Estcourt and John Orlebar Payne, London, 1885 , p. 231 , for John Lane and Mary, widow of Roger.

(10) Nativeof Winchester and a scholar at the School (entered in 1637 , aged 11), and described as of the Parish of St. Thomas, Winchester. Corpus Christi, Oxford; ejected as a papist in 1648. Studied medicine; M.D. 1654. Physician in Ordinary to Charles II Grandfather of Father John Philip Betts Gillow (Dict of Eng Cath , i, 206) says he was buried in St. Pancras Churchyard; this stone proves the contrary.

(11) It would seem that she was a close relation (? sister) to Frances Yeates (No. 17) whose grandson, Sir Frederick Mannock, inherited the Sevington property through his mother. I have no other evidence than this as to the Catholicityof the Hunts of Popham, for whom cf. Victoria County History of Hampshire, passim Both Margaret Hunt and Frances Yeates are mentioned in a List of Obits kept by Michael Blount of Mapledurham (Oxon.) under date 1746. Query: were they relatives of his ?

(12) A book of sermons Homiliarium Helmesii, Lyons, 1575, in the Presbytery Library, St. Peter's, Winchester, bears the name of "John Wilson

(13) Two cyphers of the date are obliterated Most probably the stone belongs to the last decade of the 17th cent. [Notecontinued on nextpage.]

[14] Here lyethethe | bodyofElizabeth | Aroundell | daughter of William Brooke | of Longwood Esqr | and relict of |John Aroundell of Lanherne Esqr | buried here | by her owne | par- ticular appointment|

[15] In memoriam optimi viri | Rogeri Corham Armig[eri]| qui difficillimis temporibus | animi integritatem ita | servavit ut nulli infensus | omnibus charus | haberetursemper |

[16] H.S.E. | Elizabetha uxor | Tho[mae] Bosvile in Com[itatu] Oxoniensi] gent obiit | 20 Nov 1704 | R.I.P. |

[17] Frances Yeats wife of | George Yeats Esq dyd | June ye 27 1706 | Requiescat in pace |

[18] Mrs Anne Copley | widow died | ye 16 day of August| 1706 | Requiescat in pace|

[19] Here lies the body of | Elizabeth Short | widow of Dr Thomas Short | ob 29 Jan 1707/8 |

Thefounder ofMassesstill said at St. Peter's, Winchester. See also Ledger of Hampshire Secular Clergy Fund in next vol

Twice married; first wife Elizabeth; second wife Ann, daughter of Mrs. Ann Bab (cf. No. 28) Mrs. Ann Spencer survived her husband for over 50 years; almost perpetual godparent in Winchester Registers; she was still alive in 1752, but no stone to her has been found

(14) Sir John Arundell XIV, Lord of Lanherne, son of Sir John XIII (died 1602) and Ann, daughter of Sir HenryJerningham, married Elizabeth, daughter ofWilliam Brock ofthe County ofCheshire John died 28 November 1646. They had two sons: John XV and Francis "In 1606 Sir Thomas Clerke sold the manor [of Merdon, i.e. Hursley] and all his interest in it to William Brock esq., of whom it is only known that he lived at Longwoodand wasreputed a great lawyer By the marriage of his daughter it passed into the hands of John Arundell Esq and by him wassoldto SirNathaniel Napier ofCritchell in Dorsetshire" (Duthy, Sketches of Hampshire, pp. 340-1) Cf. Gillow , Dict of Eng. Cath, i, 313. Sir Robert Brooke or Broke of Claverley, Salop, was Lord Chief Justice under Queen Mary and father of seventeen children by two wives Was William one of his sons ?

(15) Cf. Milner MS . Founder of Winchester Mission. Died 1683

(16) The Bosvile or Boswellfamily were Lords of the Manor ofWestcote Barton, Oxon., for 150 years Cf. Stapleton, Oxford Post-Reform . Missions

(17) Her daughter, Frances, married Sir Francis Mannock, 4th Bart , and left her Hampshire estates to her second son Francis, who became 7th Bart. The stones of Nos 11 and 17 are beside those of Sir Francis and his wife (vide infra)

(18) Thefamilyseat ofthe Copleys was Gatton in Surrey. Anne'shusband was Roger Copley Her son, John, married Henrietta , who was a Catholic Nonjuror (cf. Estcourt and Payne, Cath Nonjurors, pp 179 and 267).

(19)" In the nameofGod Amen the 9th day of Decemberin theyeare 1706 I Elizabeth ShortofStokeCharity Southton widdow: to mymaid servant that shall be living with me tenn pounds: & to my man Thomas Readforty pounds: to my son William Short five guineas in full: to my sisterMargaret Short all my linen: & all the rest ofmygoods to my daughter FrancesSmith: a mortgage due from George Holman Esq of Warkworthfourteen hundred pounds after debts & legacies are paid to my sister Margaret Short: & after her decease and to my daughter Frances Smith & after their decease to my two grandaughtersAnastasia Smith& Elizabeth Smith: to my grandaughter Frances Smith one Colledge lease held bythe Master or Keeper and Fellows


[20] Margaret | Biddlecombe died | Novbr ye 7 1710 | aged 67 years

[21] H.L. | Petronilla Berry | the wife of | Thomas Berry| of Plaitford [?] | who died on May 1 | 1710 aged 42 | May she rest in peace


H.S.E. |Ann wife of | William Lovell | who departed this life June ye 22 1710 | aged 58 years | H.S.E. |William Lovell | who departed this life | November ye 30 1743 aged 80 years | Requiescat in pace

[23] John and | Mary Cole | August ye 20 | 1712 |

[24] Hear lyeth |Frances ye wife |ofRichard Champ | died Nor 24 1712 Also Frances his daughter died Jany 15 1714 |


H.S.E. Johans Trinder Armigt | Filius Jhis Hen [?] Trinder armigr Servientis | ad legem obiit 15 | Maii 1713 | R.I.P. |

[26] IN | Memory of | Elizabeth the wife of | Francis Glaspole died September the 3 | 1713 aged 20 years | [27] H.S.E. | Elizabeth Bowtellwiddow | who died August| 30 1715 aged 66 | years |

oftheColledgeof Gonville & Caius founded in the honour ofthe Annuntiation ofthe Blessed Virgin Maryin the Universityof Cambridge: & make Thomas Short of St Edmund Bury in Suffolk, Doctor of Phisick & Mr Bartholomew Smith of Stoke Charity Gent executors Eliz. Short . "

Her son William was a Benedictine: Margaret Short was her husband's sister (vide No. 46) Cf. Cath Nonjurors, pp 259 and 264 , and (?) p. 239 (William Smith, second son of Bartholomew , visited Douai in May 1722 and his cognatus was " Short ")

Three books with " Eliz Short " inscribed in them are in St. Peter's Library, Winchester; otherswith " Le livrede FrançoisShort An.Dni 1686."

(20) Cf. Estcourt and Payne, Cath Nonjurors, pp 41 and 234. One of a family of staunch catholic yeomen farmers living in the neighbourhood of Christchurch

In Hampreston Churchyard there are stones to John Biddlecombe (senior), 1 April 1682; Mary, wife of John, 14 Dec. 1694; John Biddlecombe , 13 June 1709

(21) Thomas was godfather to the Vinns in 1725 and to the Whebles in 1737. Query: was he a relation of Fr. Robert Berry?

(22) Ann was a sister of Edward Mooring of the Red Lion, Lambourne , Berks , a Catholic Nonjurorof 1715 who named " William Lovell of Bramsbridge " his executor (Will 1721).

(23) Possibly a Tichborne family Cf. No. 184

(24) Richard Champ'ssecond wife was MaryEldridge They weremarried at Newbury 23 October 1722 (C.R.S. , i, 149) Champwas probably aretainer of one ofthe principal families of the Mission See his stone , No. 75

(25) James, sonofDr. John Betts (No. 10), married a daughter ofSerjeant Trinder. It would seem that this was her brother Charles Trinder , in his Will dated 2 June 1718, mentions his nephew, John Trinder, son of Mr. Serjeant Trinder; but this Will is dated 1718 (Cath. Nonjurors, p 71).

(26) Cf. No. 95, infra The Glaspoles were yeomen farmers like the Biddlecombes . They are found in Owlesbury, Twyford, Bishopstoke,Soberton , Havant . Cf. Cath. Nonjurors, pp 237 and 238 ; Oxf Post-Reform. Missions, p. 285; Brockhampton Registers

[28] In memory of Mrs Ann | Babb mother of Mrs Ann] Spencer of Barton Stacy | who depd Sepr ye | 18 1716 aged 80 years

[29] [Top part broken off] | Francisci Ambler | obiit 14 Octob |A.D. 1719|

[30] Hic jacet Gulielmus Sheldon | Gulielmi Anastasiaeque Sheldon filius qui anno domini 1718/9 7 | Februarii natus 27 Maii ejusdem anni mortuus est | Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur |

[31] Here lyeth ye body of Richard Bruning | Esq" who departed this life the 14 of | November 1719 | aged 73 years|

[32] Simon White who died | at Wardour Castle | Decr ye 12 1722 aged 50 years|

[33] Here lyeth ye body of | Mary wife of | George Wright | who died Jany ye 10 | 1722 | aged 28 years |

[34] Herelyethye body of Francis Hunt | who died | July 2 | 1723 aged 5 years [two lines of poetry]

[35] Here lyeth the body of William Smith | Esq second son of Bartholomew Smith ofStoke CharityEsq |obijt 29 July 1723 |Aetatis suae 24 | R.I.P. |

[36] Herelyeth thebodyof FrancesPerkins third | daughter to Richard | Perkins of Benham | Esq in the County of Berks who died | the 12 of September | 1723 |

(28) Mother of the second wife of Richard Spencer (No. 13), Ann Spencer appears in Winchester Registers from the beginning till May 1750 , butthere is no stone extant to her

(29) Therewas a Founded Mass for Frances Ambler Possiblythat name was on the missing part.

(30) The infant child of William Sheldonby his second wife Anastasia Smith

(31) Son of Edmund Bruning by his first wife, Ann Winchcombe of Bucklebury, Berks Born in 1646 (not 1616, as in Cath Nonjurors, p. 238) Hesold the manor of Rothercombebeforethe Nonjuror Act cameinto force.

(32) Aretainer of Lord Arundell Cf. Cath Nonjurors of 1715, pp 81, 232

(33) The date (1722) seems very clear: yet the Registersshow a George and Mary Wright presenting children at the font until 1734. George kept an ale-house in the parish of St. Laurence (Visitation Returns, 1725).

(34) Cf. Cath. Nonjurors, p 234. James Cooke (No. 109) mentions a niece, Elizabeth Hunt, in his Will.

(35) Upon the death of his elder brother, Bartholomew, he left Douay, where he had begun his Theology, in May 1720; paid a visit there in 1721 with his tutor, the Rev. Mr. Horton, and again in May 1722, with a relative namedShort;died ofsmallpox at Hammersmith Cf. C.R.S., xxviii, 79 , 85, 97.

(36) Miss Sharp (History of Ufton Court) gives the M.I. of Richard , in which it states that he left four daughters of his marriage with Ann Eyston. Miss Sharp places them thus: (1) Mary, +1715, married Maurice Brill; (2) Ann, married Francis Perkins; (3) Elizabeth, buried at Ufton 1681; (4) Margaret, married WilliamActon and was buriedat Kemsey1721. Richard died in 1700 , so Elizabeth predeceased him His inscription evidently refers to his living daughters Elizabeth should be placed 4th, and Frances 3rd


[37] [Broken]

Nation [or Motion] the daughter | [of] RichardNation [or Motion] dyed | [De]cember the 15 1724 | aged 35 years I desire the prayers ofall good Cristians |

[38] Here | Lyeth ye body of Richard Martin | who died Dec ye 12 1726 aged 77 years |R.I.P. |

[39] Here lyeth ye body of | Richard Stubington | whodyed ye 22 day of April 1727 allso his wife Jane | Stubington who dyed ye 3 day of February 1735 [ 2] |aged 80 years

[40] Here lyeth ye body of | John Smith | who dy'd Septr 2d 1728 a friend to the Indigent |

Here lyeth ye body of M | his wife daugh of |Mr John Spencer of Barton Stacy who dy'd August 15 | 1729 aged 77 years

All that pass by in charity pray for us | R.I.P. |

[41] Here lyeth the body of Martha wife of | Charles Aldridge who died April | the 30 1729 | aged 68 years also his daughter Margery [?] aged 6 years |R.I.P. |

[42] Here lyeth the body of | Frances Smith widow of BartholomewSmith | of Stoke Charity Esqr | She died at Winchester |in the 56 year of her age | on the 11 of September 1729 | Requiescat in pace I

[43] H.S.E.R.P. | Paulus AtkinsonFranciscanusqui15 Oct 1729 aetat 74 in Castro de Hurst | vitam finivit postqum ibidem 30 peregerat annos | R.I.P.

[44] H.S.E. William Matthews | who died March | 6 1731 Requiescat in |pace |

[45] Here lyeth ye body of | Samuel Disbrowe | who died March ye 17 | 1731 aged 79 years | Requiscant [sic] in pace

[46] Here lyeth the body of| Margaret Mary daughter of Peregrine and Jane Short | of St Edmunds Bury in Suffolk | She died at Winchester| in the 82 year of her age | the 3d ofApril 1731 | Requiescat in pace |

(37) There is no " Motion " in the Registers, but in 1727 Richard sonof John and Martha " Nation" was baptized Or is it " Martin"?

(38) Richard Martin of Goodworth-Clatford, yeoman, was a Catholic Nonjuror (Cath. Nonjurors, p 235).

(39) A family of this name held propertyin the parish of St. Maurice, Winchester, and in Bishopstoke and Otterbourne (cf. Cath Nonjurors, pp 231 and 237).

(40) Relationship to the Winchester Smiths uncertain . See " Family Notes" which followthe Prefaceto this vol

(41) A Mass founded for her in Winchester See Old Mass List Cf. Memo ., Winchester Register No. 1 (C.R.S., i, 188)

(42) Daughter of Dr. Thomas and Elizabeth Short

(43) Cf. Fr. Thaddeus [Hermans], O.F.M., Franciscans in England, and C.R.S. , xxiv, 300-1

(44) Not identified Is he ofthe Otterbourne family or ofthe Petersfield?

A library book contains the name of " William Matthewes 1687 , " but this probably belonged to the priest" Will Matthews. "

(45) Cf. Cath Nonjurors, pp 169 and 232; also No. 51 , infra

(46) Sister of Dr. Thomas Short (No. 19) and aunt of No. 42.


H.S.E. | Mary wife of James Lincoln | who died April ye 13 1731 aged 61 years also James Lincoln who died March ye 26 1742 aged 70 years | R.I.P. |

[48] Charles Aldridge | Jun | buried the third | day of November 1731 | aged 32 years | R.I.P. |

[49] Mrs Grace Challoner | dyed Nov the 29 | 1731 | aged 64 years

[50] Here lies Janey | wife of Robert Cooke | who died Feb ye 27 1735 aged 76 years | Allso here lies Robert Cooke | died Febye 6 1732 aged 66 years |

[51] Here lyeth ye body of Jane Disbrowe the | widdow of Samuel Disbrowe who died | Dec 22 1732 aged 72 years| Requiescant [sic] in pace. |


H.S.E. | Mrs Mary Jenkins | died May the 27 1733| aged 69 Requiescat in pace |

[53] Here lyeth the body of William Vinn | who departed this life |April the 19 1734 | aged 24 years | Requiescat in pace|

[54] Here lyeth ye body of | Mrs Mary Belasyseye | daughter of Rowland | Belasyse Esq & of the Honble | Frances Belasyse who departed this life ye 2 day | ofJuly in ye yearofour | Lord 1734 aetatis 24 | Requiescat in pace

[55] In memory of | William Meader | who departed on the third of December 1734 & lived | 37 yearsnear this place | lyeth2 of his children | R.I.P. |

[56] Bernardus Howard | Norfolciae Ducum sanguine |illustris Christiana Pietate | morumqe probitate | illustrior | obdormivit in Domino | 2 Apris 1735 Aetat 61 |

[57] Here lyeth Frances Roberts | who died July | the 26 1735 | Rest in peace |

(47) They had three daughters: (1) Elizabeth, who married Edward Bracher in 1726 and had four children; (2) Martha, who married Thomas Lee in 1727 and had five children; (3) Mary, who married Joseph Barr in 1732 and had nine children, one of whom was Dom Thomas Barr, O.S.B. Another Barr, Elizabeth, married Edward Charker.

(48) Son of No. 41. Cf. Memo (as for No. 41), C.R.S. , i, 188.

(49) BishopChalloner'smother died at Tichborne Hence her burialhere.

(50) Cf. Cath Nonjurors, p. 231

(51) Cf. No. 45 , supra.

(52) Possibly the same as the Catholic Nonjuror " Mary Jenkins of Wardour " (Cath. Nonjurors, p. 82)

(53)Noother recordof him, but doubtless of the Otterbourne-Winchester family.

(54) Rowland Belasyse, son of Sir Rowland and brother of Thomas 3rd Viscount Fauconberg , married Frances , dau. of Christopher Roper , 5th Lord Teynham

(55) Father of the benefactor of the Winchester Mission Cf. No. 171

(56) Ancestor of the presentline ofthe DukesofNorfolk Son of Bernard Howard who married Catherine, widow of Sir Richard Lichfordof Dorking, and daughter of George Tattershall of Finchampstead, Berks.


[58] Hic jacet corpus R[everendi] D[omini] | Roberti Berry qui vigilantissimi Pastoris | munus functus obijt | die 3 Martii 1735/6 annos Natus 49 | R.I.P. |

[59] In memory of | Mrs Ann Wells | daughter of | George Wells | ofAlton who departed | this life on ye 17thof |November Anno 1737 | Through ye mercy of God | lett her rest in peace |

In memory of Mr John Wells | son of | George and Ann | Wells of Alton who departed this life | May ye 4 1747 aged 78 years Through ye mercy of God | lett him rest in peace |

[60] In memoryof | Bridget daughter ofWilliam and Ann | Worrilow who | died Feb ye 24 | 1738 aged 5 months |

[61] H.S.E. John Bartolamasse | who departed this life the 20 day of February | 1739/40 | aged 70 years | R.I.P. |

[62] Here lyeth ye body of | John Minn | who dyed April ye 19 1740 aged 47 years | Requiescat in pace |

[63] In memory of | Barbara Montishill [? Hounshill] | who died July ye 11 | 1741 aged 59 years | Rest in peace |

[64] Here lyeth the body of | Catherine Wybarn widow relict of John Wybarn Esq | deceased, she died the 14 of | July 1743 aged 48 | Requiescat in pace |

[65] Here lyeth ye body of William Moudy| who died Oct ye 16 1743 | aged 73 years | also | Mary his wife aged 72| 1747 Requiescat in pace

[66] In memory of | Austen Witham | of Cliffe Hall who died February29 [ 27] | 1743 aged 56years | Requiescat inpace

In memory of | Mary Neill [?] | of Cliffe Hall wife of | Austen Witham | who died April ye 3 | 1747 aged 63 years | Requiescat in pace |

[67] In memory of | Mary the wife of | Thomas Johnson who died April ye 7 | 1745 aged 75 years | [some verses beneath]

[68] In memory of | Robert Hamblin | who departed | this life May ye 4 | 1744 | aged 57 years |

(58) TheWinchester incumbent SeeIntroduction to Winchester Registers

(60) Bridget, daughter of William Worrilow and Ann (Tarleton), was baptized 1 October 1738. The date on the inscription is clearly Old Style Bridget Belasyse and Michael Blount were her sponsors In the Archbishop of York's Recusant Returns for 1735 a Thomas Worrilowis entered as a servant to Lord Fauconberg , brother of Rowland Belasyse. Early in the 19th cent. a Warrilow family was living at Woodley Lodge, Reading (C.R.S. , vol. xxxii)

(61) John Bartolomasi is said to have been a Genoese courtmusician He appears in the Registersas godfather in 1723 and 1730: SarahBartolomasi in 1724 , and himself, wife and daughter as marriage witnesses 1727 .

(62) Is this a mistake for John Vinn?

(64) Catherine, born 1695, was daughter of Francis Perkins of Ufton by his second wife, Ann, daughter of Richard Perkins of Benham She was therefore niece to Frances Perkins (No. 36) Cf. Cath Nonjurors, p 233 . John Wybarne married (1) Elizabeth Percy, (2) CatherinePerkins Catherine Wybarn is the ancestress of the Herberts of Llanarth.

(65) Cf. Cath. Nonjurors, p. 232

(66) Evidently of the Yorkshire family.

(68) Robert married Martha Newbold 24 February 1741.

[69] Here lyeth ye body of Wm Sheldon Esq | of Winton | who departed this | life ye 19 | September 1748 [ 5] | Aetatis

suae 74 | R.I.P. |

Here lyeth ye body of | Anastasia ye wife of | Wm Sheldon Esq | who departed this | life ye 13 of | March 1745 [? 7] | Aetatis suae 44 | R.I.P. |

[70] H.S.E. Gabriel Green | Servant to Wm Moore | Esq obt 26 of May 1745 | aged 50 | Euge serve bone et fidelis

Requiescat in pace |

[71] IN | Memory of | Ann ye wife of | Richard Martin | who died March ye 6 | 1745 aged 55 years | R.İ.P.

[72] Here lyeth the body of Mary the wife of | Edward Martin who | dyed Oct ye 26 1745 | aged 66 years|

[73] Here lyeth the body of | Richard Martin | who departed this life on Xmas Day 1745 aged 53 |

[74] Hic jacet | R[everendus] D[ominus] Robertus Hills | alias Hyde , pius | misericors doctus & justus | obt 15 Januarii 1745| Aetat suae 75 | R.I.P. |

[75] In memoryof Richard Champ | who dyed January ye 13 1745/6 | aged 68 years | Requiescant [sic] in pace |

[76] In memory of Henry Lacy Gent who departed this life Oct ye 6 1746 | aged 58 years | R.I.P. |

[77] In memory of | Sarah | Wife of Edward Buss who dyedMarch 21 1747 | aged 33 | Inlovewe liv'd Infaith I dyed| Mylife desired But God denyd |

[78] In memory of EdmundWheble | who died Aug 20 1747 aged 50 years | Also of Mary his wife | who died March 17 1784 aged 84 years and Richard their son | who died Dec 8 1762 aged 30 years R.I.P. |

(69) The years have been altered to agree with Payne (Cath Nonjurors, p. 274). They were read as 1745 and 1747 . William, son of General Ralph Sheldon, Equerry to James II in exile . He married (1) Catherine Roper, daughter of Christopher Lord Teynham; (2) Anastasia Smith

(70) William Moore, a younger son of Sir Henry Mooreof Fawley, Berks. , married Ann, daughter of Charles Wells of Brambridge Gabriel maybe the Nonjuror of 1715 (Cath Nonjurors, p 229), and a relative of Fr. Joseph Gildoncf Douay Diaries

(71) Query: is this the same family as No. 38 ?

(72) She and her husband appear in a " List of Papists summonedto take theoath in 1743-4-5" in the WinchesterCity Archives (Public Library). Their daughter, Mary, married William Moody in 1764 .

(73) Evidently the husband of No. 71

(74) See Introduction to Winchester Registers

(75) Cf. No. 24

(76) Estate agent at Wardour (cf. C.R.S., vi, 238 ; Cath Nonjurors, p 45)

(77) None of this name in Winton Registers.

(78) Son of Edmund Wheble senr , and uncle of Fr. James Wheble , S.J. He married Mary Guy in 1724 and had ten children Grandfather of the founder of St. James's, Reading


[79] In Rest | Lyeth the body of Francis [e underneath] Wyatt who departed this life | April the 12th 1748 | aged 76


[80] Here lyeth the body of John Lane gent | who died September ye | 26 1749 | aged 71 years |

[81] Here | Lyeth ye body of | Henry Matthews | of Heath House in Petersfield who died June ye 20 | 1749 aged 77 |


Here lyeth ye bodyof | Ann the wife of | Henry Matthews of Heath House Esq | who died Sept ye 21 | 1750 aged 75|

R.I.P. |

[82] In memory of | John Carter | who died | August ye 9 1750 aged 23 years| R.I.P. |

[83] Here | lyeth ye body of | The Honble | Mrs Talbot | who died June ye 8 | 1750 aged25 | leavingissue only one | daughter | R.I.P.

[84] In memory of | William Byden | died August ye 15 | 1750 aged 71 years |

H.S.E. | Mary the wife of | John Sims | and daughter of William Byden who | died Nov 16 1781 | aged 75 years |

[Some verses]

[85] In memoryof | ElizabethKippinge| [stone shaled off| R.I.P. | ........

[86] Here lyeth the body of Cicely the wife | of | Edward SheldonEsq | who died Septem* 24 | 1752 aged 28 years | R.I.P.|

[87] Here lyeth ye body of | Mr James Stennett | who departed this life May 30 1752 | aged 80 years | Requiescant [sic] in pace

[88] [Here lyeth the boldy of [-] Bamber | who died| January ye 26 1753 | aged 66 years | Requiescat in pace|

[89] Here lyeth the body of | Mrs Mary Lythall | who died June 1st 1753 | aged 66 |

(79) A John Wyatwas witnessofthe firstmarriagein Winchester Registers 15 February 1721 (C.R.S., i, 148).

(80) Cf. Cath . Nonjurors, p 231

(81) Cf. Cath Nonjurors, pp 169 , 232 , 259

(82) This family name occurs in the Registers.

(83)Mary, daughter and coheirof Robert Alwyn, of Trayford, Essex , and first wife of Charles Talbot, next brother to George, the 14th Earl. The daughter, Mary, died 12 July 1771

(84) From the Brambridge congregation.

(86) Daughter of Cuthbert Constable by Amy, daughter of Hugh, 3rd Baron Clifford Through Cecily Constable the Sheldons inherited the estates and name of Constable

(87) A Theresa Stennet was a pupil of the Benedictine nuns in 1800

(88) Query: Dorothy? See above , p. 129 .

(89) Unknown

[90] Here lyeth the body of | Frances Wells widow of| Alexander Wells Esq | of Brambridge who dyed | May the 21st 1756 | aged 59 years | R.I.P. |

[91] Here lyeth | the body of | William Moody | who departd this life August 17 | 1756 aged 53 | R.I.P. |

Here lyeth | the body of | Ann the wife of | William Moody| who died July 21 | 1765 aged 61 | R.I.P.|

[92] In memory of William the son of John & Mary Sims who departed this life | July the 26 1757 | aged 22 years

[93] In memory of | Thomas Newell | who died | Nov ye 16 1759 aged 82 years | R.I.P. |

[94] In memory of | Mr William Fisher | who died | October the 17th 1759 | aged 95 years

[In memory of] | Elizabe[th] [the wife of] | William Fisher [who] | died October [illegible] | 1760 aged [illegible] |

[95] Near this place are | enterred the bodies of | Richard Glaspole of Boyatt [who died April 27th 1759 aged 74 years:| of Winefride Glaspole his wife | who died April 9th 1779 aged 84 years: of William Glaspole their son | who died July 15th 1754 aged 16 years: | also of | two of their grandchildren viz | Mary Glaspole who died June 5 1769 aged 1 year | and JamesGlaspole who died June 27th 1769 aged 4 years | Requiescant in pace |

[96] In memory of | Mrs Mary Brydges | who died January the 6th 1760 aged 60 years.

[97] In memory of | Elizabeth the wife of | Robert Phillips| of this City | She died Dec 31st 1760 | aged 78 years | Requiescat in pace.

[98] In | memory of Elizath & Winefrid Rufus daugrs |of Will & Eliz Rufus | Winefrid died May 24 | 1761 aged 19 Eliz died July 26 1764 aged 25 | R.I.P. |

[99] Here | lyeth the body of | John Lincolne | of Otterbourne who departed this life the | 24th of June 1761 | May he rest in peace Amen |

(90) Daughter of Bartholomew and Frances Smith Alexander died 27 January 1752 .

(91) Wm. Moody (son of No. 65) married Ann Baverstock 25 July 1725 .

(92) Cf. No. 84 .

(93) Possibly from Cheriton .

(94) Cf. Cath. Nonjurors, p. 232

(95) Cf. No. 26.

(96)In a Report on the Division of the London Vicariate Funds , under " Episcopal Fund " it is stated that a Mass is to be saidfor "Mary Bridges on May 4tha benefactress origin unknown " Is this the lady?

(97) Elizabeth Hounshill married Robert Phillips in 1733. Was she of thefamily of Ringwood ? Cf. Cath Nonjurors, p 239

(98) This nameoccurs in Brambridge Registers, C.R.S. , xxvii, 16, 18-20, 36.

(99) Cf. No. 47. Is this their son ? Possiblythe date shouldread 1764.Cf. Cath Nonjurors, p 237


[100] In memory of James Rattey who died | Augt 23rd 1762 aged 34 |[some verses]|

[101] In memory of | Mrs Ann Clemintina | Harrison | who departed this life | May 20 1764 aged 74 years | R.I.P. |

[102] Here lies |Sr Peter Curzon Bart | who departed this life | Feby 25 1765 | aged 80 |

[103] In memoryof | Charles Goodwin | who died April 27 1765 aged 88 years ]

[104] In memory of | John Sims | who died April 12th1766 | aged 68 | R.I.P |

[105] In memory of | Peter Byard | who died Julyye [illegible] 1766 aged 66 [?] years | Requiescat in pace

[106] In memory of Mr John Fisher of Bishops Stoke| who died |Augt 26th 1788 | aged 86 years |

In memory of |Mrs Anastasia Fisher | wife of | Mr John Fisher who died Sept 18 1766 | aged 36 years |

Also four of their children | R.I.P. |

[107] In memory of Catherine daughter of | Thomas & Catherine |Akers | who died June 9 1767 | aged 7 years.

[108] D.O.M. | Elizabeth Stonor | ob 22 Dec 1769 | Ae[tatis] S[ua] 25 | R.I.P. ||

[109] In memory of | Mr James Cooke | Merchant St Johns | Winchester died | Jany 25 1770 | aged 79.|

(100) John Rattey ofPilhill, Bishopstoke, is mentionedin Cath . Nonjurors, p. 237. James Rathi (1749) andMary Ratti (1766) weresponsors atWinchester , and N. Ratty occurs in Brambridge Registers (C.R.S. , xxvii, 35).

(101) Unidentified: John & Mary Harrison presenteda child for baptism in 1727/8 at Winchester

(102) For this Jesuit Father cf. C.R.S.,xxvii, 8, andOxf . Post-Reform Cath Missions

(103) Chas Goodwin of Tichborne married Ann Basset of Alresford at Winchester 15 November 1729

(104) Cf. Nos 84 and 92. John was either the Catholic Nonjuror of 1715 or his son and namesake

(105) Afamilyname at Brindle, Lancs , in1662 (C.R.S., vol vi) JohnByard was groom to Sir Francis Mannock in 1731

(106) Cf. Cath. Nonjurors, p 237, and for Anastasia Bricknell C.R.S. viii, 328.

(107) She was baptized at Winchester 27 July 1760. The family name was spelt " Decas " (C.R.S., i, 164 and 166)

(108) Apparently daughter of Thomas and Mary (Biddulph) Nos 114 and 126

(109) Sonof Robert and Janey (No. 50) James was a tanner and rebuilt the City Mill as it stands to-day. The following is a summary of his Will:

In the name of God Amen I, James Cooke ofSt John's in theSoak[theSoke was thatpart ofthecityround the Cathedral which came under the Bishop's, and not under the Mayor's jurisdiction] near the City of Winchester Tanner: to my cosen Mary Winkworth and her Niece Elizabeth Hunt £60 per year & the dwelling house I live in, the Tanyard and Stores to my cosen James Wheble's daughter to my cosen Edmund Wheble

£5 p.a.

£5 p.a.

[110] In memory of | Wm Bricknell | late of Spearhall | near Southampton | who departed this life | April 14th 1773 | aged 72 years | R.I.P.

In memory of | Frances wife of | Wm Bricknell | late of Spearhall who departed this life | July 11 1771 | aged 68 years

[111] Here lyeth the body of Jane Desbrowe | daughter of , Sam & Jane Desbrowe | who departed this life |January 4th 1772 aged 79 | R.I.P. |

[112] In memory of | Abigail Hicks | who died | January 12 1772

[113] Here lyeth the body of | Mary wife of John Rogers| who died Jany 29th 1772 | aged 72 years | R.I.P.

[114] D.O.M. |Thomas Stonor Arm[ige]r | de Stonor Com[itatus] Oxon[iensis] | ob 2 Feb 1772 | ae[tatis] s[uae] 62 | R.I.P. |

[115] In memoryof | Mary the wife of Thomas Vinn | who died February ye 20th 1772 | aged 34 years | R.I.P. |

[116] Ann Curtis | died 23 Jan 1773 | aged 37 | R.I.P. |

[117] In memory of | Mary Winkworth | who died | Dec 16th 1773 aged 82 years | Requiescat in pace

In memory of ElizthHunt | who died 48 years Requiescat in pace|

[118] [M][s] Ann Woodbery | d[ied] 1773 | R.I.P.

to my cosen Mary Spencer to my cosen Nicholas Barnard

Aug29th 1769 | aged [illegible] 7 | March

£5 p.a. £16to my cosen Edward Grace , his son Edward and daughter Mary £10 each to worthyMrSavidge[the Rev.Patrick Savage had left Winchester before 1770 , but an Annual Mass is still said on 25 January for James Cooke] one pound one shilling a year so long as he lives in Winchester . I give to my trusty and well beloved kinsman William Meader [William Meader married Mary Wheble, dau of Edmund Wheble, senv .] my estates in the Manors of Twyford and Bishopstoke (now rented by Mr Sparshott a miller) also the City Mill, the house and shop he lives in, 2 tenements and a piece of ground called Spring Garden and a ' driftway' leading thereto near Durngate: and a leasehould house in ColebrookSt and finally a house ' late Mr Rogers' in High St.

William Meader is to have the reversion of James Cooke's own house and tanyard. He is to be executor . The will was dated 23 September1765, and proved 31 January 1770

(110) The parents of Anastasia Fisher (No. 106) Their obits are noted in BrambridgeRegister (C.R.S. , xxvii, 35).

(111) Cf. Cath. Nonjurors, p 232.

(112) Not identified .

(113) She acted as sponsor November 1764 .

(114) Married Mary(No. 126), daughterofJohn Biddulph. Their grandson obtained the barony of Camoys in 1839 , and official entriesin theWinchester Registers show that the Registerswere used in proof of the claim . His sons , Charles and John, went to Douay in 1749 (C.R.S., xxviii, 258)

(115) This first wife of Thomas Vinn wasa daughter ofThomasSpencer by Mary Wheble , born 1737/8 .

(116) Not identified

(117) Cf. No. 109 (Will of James Cooke).

(118) The mother of Rev. Gerard Woodberry (cf. C.R.S. vol xix).


[119] Thomas Cowdrey | died Sepr the 5th 1775 | aged 67| Requiescant [sic] in pace. |

[120] In memory of | Jno Lodder | who died | June 3d 1776 | aged 65 years |

[121] D.O.M. | Mary Barr | wife of | Joseph Barr | died Sept the 12 1777 | aged 72 years

[122] In | memory of | Richard Sims | who died Decr ye 1 | 1777 aged 47 years [some verses]|

[123] D.O.M. | Here lyeth the body of | Sr Frans Mannock Bart who departed this life | September 11 1778 | aged 68|

Requiescat in pace |

[124] Sacred to the memory of | Elizth Langley | who departed this life | 31st of January 1778 |aged 62 years

[125] H.S.E. Frances wife of | George Binstead | of Hambledon who died 4 of April 1778 | aged 70 years | Here have we no continuing City | But we seek one to come|

[126] D.O.M.| Maria Stonor | ViduaThomae Stonor | Arm[iger[] de Stonor Com[itatus] Oxon[iensis] | ob 14 June 1778| ae[tatis] s[uae] 68 | R.I.P. |

[127] Here lyeth the mortal remains of | Revd Patrick Thomas Grace Savage D.D. | who ordered this stone as a memorial of his sincere gratitude and affection | to the good citizens of Winchester | among whom he lived many years and always reciprocally | respecting and respected. | May God reward them |And may he rest in peace Amen | Obiit 25 August 1778. |

[128] In memory of | Frances Kennedy | who died March 24 1797 aged 78 years | also of | Teresa Sheppard | sister to the above Frances Kennedy | who died Decr 6 1779 | aged50 years | Requiescant in pace|

(119) Ursula Cowdrey was godmother to Dr. John Lingard : other members of the family figure in the 70's of that century in Winchester Registers (C.R.S. , vol i)

(120) Severalmentionedofthis familyinthe Registers InCath Nonjurors 1715, pp. 40, 43, 286, this name occurs at Stour-Provost, Dorset , and at Anstey, Wilts (p 82)

(121) Mary Lincoln , junr , married Joseph Barr. One of her sons was Dom. Thomas Bernard Barr, O.S.B.

(122) Another of the Bishopstoke family

(123) Sir Francis, 7th Baronet, married Elizabeth Mary Stonor; he succeeded his nephew, Sir William Anthony , who died at Liège circa 1775; he was succeeded by his brothers Thomas(+ 1781) and George, S.J. (+1787) He describes himself " of Sevington. "

(124) Not identified

(125) A Frances Bynsted was confirmed 1749 (C.R.S., i, 161) In C.R.S. vol xiii, among the "Addresses of Jesuit Fathers 1727-34 , " is Mr Leon Coniers: tobeleftatMrGeo Binsted's MercerinHambledon: byFarehambagg. '

(126) Through Mary Biddulph, the Barony of Camoys came to the Stonors

(127) Priest at Winchester 1746-66

The M.I. is undoubtedly fromthe pen of John Milner See Introduction to Winchester Registers

(128) The entryofher burial calls her "of Tichborne " She appears in the Register as Frances Sheppard and Frances Kennedy The Sponsor (Frances Sheppard ) of 1789 is either a slip or another person Was her husband Michael (Sponsor 1774) ? She was housekeeper at St. Peter Housetempore James Nolan.

[129] In memory of | Ann daughter of | William and Ann| Cave who died June 14 1779 | aged 12 years | [some verses] |

[130] To the memory of the Rev Mr James Nolan who died July 27th 1779 | Aet. 56. | Courteous and benevolent in his private character, in his public zealous and undaunted , he lived to delight and died to serve his fellow creatures: having lost his life in the gratuitous discharge of his | professional duties to the prisoners of war confined in this city when | under the scourge of a dreadful contagion | R.I.P.|

[131] Here lie the remains of | Margaret Duncombe | mother of Catherine |the late wife of | Andrew Matthews Esq | She departed this life |Jany 13th 1782 aged 78 | R.I.P. |

[132 (a) ] H.S.E. | Constantia White quam pauperes prolesque vicissim lugent diu in longis [illegible] | superna digna consolatio 6 Junii 1784 Aet 52 | R.I.P. [

[132 (6) ] Sacred to the memory of | the Reverend Thomas White who having | conscientiously fulfilled the duties | of a pastor to the Catholic Congrega- | tion of this City for sixteen years died the death of the just April 9th | 1826 aged 62 years. In him were found | a zealous minister, an accomplished |scholar an eloquent preacher an advo- | cate for the Poor, an holy pious & humble Christian great in death as | he was in life, he died beloved and revered by his flock & esteemed | respectedlamented by all | May his soul rest in peace |

[133] In memory of | Mary | wife of | Mr. John Savage | died August 15 1785 | aged 74 years

In memory of Sarah | second wife of | Mr. John Savage | died Dec 18 1798 | aged 86 years|

In memory of |Mr John Savage | died May 25 1800 | aged 86 years

[Some verses and a quotation from Acts x]

[134] D.O.M. | MariaFitzGerald | ob 6 Augti 1785 | Aet. 61 | R.I.P.

[135] Charles Charker | son of Edward | and Elizabeth Charker departed this life | Sepr 5th 1785 | aged 14 years | R.I.P.

[136] In memory of | Mary the wife of | Chas Danell | who died June 24 1787 | aged 62 years | R.I.P.|

(129)William married Ann Broadway 20 June 1759. Their daughter Ann was born 7 March 1767

(130) Priest at Winchester 1766-79 M.I. also, no doubt, by John Milner

(132 a) Mother of the Rev. ThomasWhite. From Milner's rough account book it would appear that she was housekeeper or manageress of St. Peter House Milner was her executor

(132 b) Priest at Newport, Cowes and Winchester (1810-1826)

(133) John married Sarah Baldwin 30 October 1786. He livedat Beauworth, off the Petersfield Road, south of Cheriton (cf. C.R.S., i, 179).

(134) A lodger in St. Peter House

(135) He was born 9 November 1771

(136) A member of Highbridge Congregation M. Alphonsus says she was a Standish, and he of Alton, co Suffolk, and that Daniel is the name (cf. No. 165 , and C.R.S. , xxvii, 36)


[137] The body of the Reverend | Mr Martin | who departed thislife at Gosport | 14 ofFebruary 1788 |aged [illegible] years | Requiescat in pace

[138] Hic jacet | Matthaeus Theodorus | Bergat | qui diem obt supremum 7 Aprilis A.D. 1788 | annum agens aetatis 52 | R.I.P.

[139] James Ravenscroft | departed this life | Decr 5th 1788 | aged 66 years

[140] Here lyeth the body | of Dame Elizth Mary | the wife of Sir Francis Mannock | who departed this life | October 23rd 1789 | R.I.P. | 1

[141] Pray for the soul of Eleaner Milner | who died| January 12 1790 | R.I.P. |

[142] Robt Barnes gent | departed this life | the 20th of May 1790 in the 44th year of his age | May his soul rest in peace.

[143] In memory of | Wm Morley | who died | October 1st| 1793 aged 58 years

In memory of | Elizth wife of | Wm Morley | who died | Feb 11 1783 aged 52 years|

[144] [At the top] To the memoryof Mr John Moody | Merchant ofthis City | who died July261809 | aged81 years | R.I.P. |

[On the sides] Joseph Moody son of John Moody Sen | died December 14 1791 | aged 21 years | R.I.P. |

(137) Priest at Gosport 1773-88 .

(138) Nothing discovered of this Frenchman, except that his widow remarried the following September (C.R.S. , i, 181).

(139) James was Sponsor at Brambridge in 1773, and a MaryRavenscroft was confirmed there in 1775. Ifhe originallylived in that district he would seem to have migrated to Winchester before his death as he is not included in the ObituaryRoll of Brambridge (C.R.S. , vol xxviii). His burial is not recordedin the List (drawn up from memory by Milner) 1779-1796 (C.R.S. , i, 186-7). The burial ofh widow Maryis recordedNovember 1795, and another Mary (? daughter) is a sponsorof April 1800. In Milner's Accounts we find payments to Miss Ravenscroft in 1792 for teaching in the Poor School and afurtherentry recordspayment to Mrs. Ravenscroft for making vestments for the exiled French Priests

(140) The widow of No. 123 and a Stonor by birth She died at Gay St. , Bath, aged 75 , but willed to be buried " in the burial groundatWinchester in which the Catholics who die there are usua y interred . "

(141) Milner's mother died at Gosport, aged 74, at the house of her [?] brother, Fr. Marsland

(142) Robert and Sarah Barnes witnessed a marriage 31 Dec. 1786 (C.R.S., i, 179)

(143) In the Winchester Registers are the baptisms of four children of this couple: Catherine 1759, Mary 1761 , William 1767 (see No. 200), and Mary 1770 (see No. 147) Catherinemarried William Vinn in 1786. In the same year William (? junr ) married . Matthews (no witnesses given), and in 1792 William (son of William and Mary) is baptized, Elizabeth in 1795 , Theresa 1798 , George 1800. In the Tichborne Registersa William and Mary (? the same couple) have a daughter Marybaptized (New Alresford) in 1788 and a son Williamin 1789. Cf. No. 198 infra.

(144) John, senr , born 1728, was twice married. His son Robert married Mary Cave . From Milner's Accounts we find that Moody was his coal merchant. He also supervised the restoration of the Old Chapel in 1784 .

John Moody Jun | died April3 1807 | aged 42 years | R.I.P. | Mary Ignatia Moody | daughter of Robert & Mary Moody died November 11 1808 | aged 8 months |

[145] Here |lieth the body of | Andrew Matthews Esq | formerly of Heath House | near Petersfield but lately | of Southampton Row | Bloomsbury | who died Sep 29th 1792 | aged 81 years Requiescat in pace|

[On back ofstone] Here lieth the body of | Ann Rooke widow of Edward Rooke Esq | and sister of | Andrew Matthews Esq She departed this life the 3d of January 1799 | aged 81 years R.I.P.

[146] To the memory of | Ignatius Geoghegan Esq | only son of Ignatius Geoghehan Esq | of Soho Square | who died Dec 24th 1792 | aged 36 years | R.İ.P.|

[147] In memory of Mary wife of | James Kellow |& daughter of W. & Eliza Morley | who died Feb 8 1794 | aged 23 years

[148] In memory of | Paul Joseph de Goesbriand | died Feby 16 1794 |aged 4 years 8 months | and of | his sister born and died June 28 1798|

[149] Mrs Ann Monington | died Nov 25th 1794 | aged 59 years.

[150] In memory of | Joseph son of | Richard & Winefride Glaspole of Boyatt | who departed this life | Decr the 7th 1794 | aged 57 years |Requiescat in pace |

[151] Here lies the body of | Mrs Eleanora Lynch | who having by her piety and charity | made for herself |a never failing treasure | in Heaven | left this mortal abode | June 14th 1795 aged 64 | R.I.P. |

[152] D.O.M.|Prayforthe soul | ofMrs ElizthCharker | wife of | MrEdwardCharker | who departed this life | May 10th1796 | aged 59 years |R.I.P. |

(145) The last of the Petersfield Penal Day Mission Patrons.

(146) Son of a famouscharacter in London societyof the later 18th cent Married (beneath his position) Bridget McDonnell in Dublin, by whom he had a son in 1787; deserted her to please his family; lived the last years of his life at Winchester (communicated)

(147) Cf. No. 143. Her burial is not noted in Milner's list. Baptism, C.R.S. , i, 170 .

(148) The children of exiled French nobility The mother was a sponsor in 1793 (C.R.S., i, 184).

(149) The first nun to die after the arrival of the Franciscans at Abbey House, Winchester She was buried " in the Catholic Burialplace called ye Cemeteryof St. James (which has never been profaned) in the parish ofSt Thomas belongingto Winchester, our present Residence " (C.R.S., xxiv, 233)

(150) Died atBritwell,Oxon (cf. Oxf Post-Reform Cath Missions,p 285)

(151) A great friend and supporter ofDr.Milner, who no doubt composed this epitaph She seems to have lived at St. Peter House

(152) Charker appears in Milner's Accounts as his chandler This pair had fourteen children baptized between 1756 and 1774. Edward Charker married Elizabeth Barr 22 February 1755, and Peter Colson married Mary Barr 24 May1763 , at St. Thomas'sChurch, Winchester Bothweredaughters of Joseph Barr and Mary Lincoln

[153] In memory of | John Vinn | who died Sep 14th 1796 | aged 58 years | Requiem [sic] in pace | [some verses]

[154] D.O.M. | Mary wife of | Peter Colson | died April 22 1797 aged 64 years | R.I.P. |

[155] In memory of | Mary Barbara Webbe | who departed this life | Decr the 18th 1797 |

[156] Here lie the mortal remains | of Elizabeth | sole heiress of the ancient family | of Whorwood in the County of Bucks | and relict of the late | Charles GreenwoodEsq | of Brize Norton in Oxfordshire | who died April 21 1806 | aged 76 years | also John their son who died Nov 22 1798 | aged 36 years | R.I.P.

[157] In memory of | Elizth Ainsworth | who died April 28 1799 aged 62 years |

[158] Here lyeth | Quinn obiit tri |

[159] In memory of Mary Fowler | daughter of | John & Martha Fowler | of Lambeth | who departed this life | on the 28 Dec 1799 aged | 12 years 2 months 3 days | R.I.P. |

[160] Sacred to the memory of | Joseph Reeks | who departed this life Oct 6 1799 | aged 66 [?] years | Allso Elizabeth |wife of the above | who departed this life July 7th 1821 |aged 68 years | Requiescant in pace |

[161] H.L. |Ann Mary Moore daughterof Sir Ricd Moore Bart of Fawley in Berkshire | who having lived to the age | of 76 years a pattern of piety | benevolence and charity | passed to the reward of the just | Dec 8 1799 | R.I.P. |

[162] In memory of | Mary Halcott | who died Feb 16th1800 | aged 79 years | R.I.P. |

[163] In memory of | EdmundWheble | who died June 11th| 1800 aged 74 years | R.I.P. |

(153) The Registers state that he died in London A John Vinn was born and baptizedatWintonin 1730. Ifthisis the one hisage is givenwrongly John Vinn married Elizabeth Munday 6 February 1758

(154) Two daughters (both Mary) were baptized 1764 and 1766 (cf. No. 152)

(155) Another Franciscannun, daughter of John Webbe ,Esq,andBridget (Wolfe) (cf. C.R.S., xxiv, 233)

(156) Cf. Oxf . Post-Reform Cath Missions

(157) Franciscan nun (cf. C.R.S. , xxiv, 234).

(158) Possibly this refers to Mary Quin, aged 78 (? 73), buried 23 April 1799

(159) A schoolgirl at the FranciscanConvent (cf. C.R.S. , xxiv, 234).

(160) Joseph was from Brockhampton (see Obituaries, Brockhampton Registers, under date 6 October 1799, wherehis age is given as " about 60 ") Elizabeth is described " of Portsea . " There was a family of this name at Cowdray and one at Soberton: several of the latter buried at Winton, but without stones

(161) Cf. C.R.S. , i, 197. Youngest daughter of 3rd Bart She endowed the lamp in Winchester Church C.R.S., viii, 391 , infers that she was a nun. Is this correct ?

(162) Another of the Franciscan Community (cf. C.R.S., xxiv, 234-5).

(163) Eldest son of Edmund and Mary (Guy) Baptized 19 December 1725. He seems to have left no children His wife Mary died 1809 , but was not buried at Winchester. -

[164] Pray for the soul of | Mrs Mary Egan | who died | September 12th 1800 | in the 56th year of her age [verse]

[165] In memory of | Mr Chas Danells who died | Novr 8th 1800 | aged 80 years | R.I.P. |

[166] In memory of | Mrs Mary Simeon Weld | whodeparted this life on the 12th of May 1801 | aged 60 years | R.I.P. |

[167] In memory of | Jane wife of | Robert Tanner | who died July 4 1801 | aged 57 years | [verses]

[168] Here amidst the ashes of the faithful | repose the mortal remains of | James Wheble of Kensington| who with a reputation unsullied slept in the Lord | on the 9th of June 1801 aged 71 | R.I.P. |

[169] Mary Sone | wife of | Mr John Sone | of Bedhampton died 9th November 1802 | aged 55 years | Requiescat in pace.

[170] M. A. Neil | died Feb 11 1803 | R.I.P. |

[171] To the memoryof | Mr Wm Meader | Merchant of this City who died May 23rd 1803 | aged 75 years | R.I.P. | [verses and quotation, Ps cxi]

In memory of Mary widow of | Mr Wm Meader | who died May 7 1806 | aged 79 years | R.I.P. | [quotation, Luke xxi]

[172] In memoryof| Mrs Mary Metham | who departed this life |September 12th 1803 | aged 97 years | R.I.P. |

[173] In memory of | Arthur Neil Esq | who died | June 2nd 1804 | aged 80 years | R.I.P. |

In memory of | Elinor wife of | ArthurNeilEsq | whodied | January 24th 1804 | aged 67 years | R.I.P. |

(164) Sister of Mrs. Welch (No. 194) (cf. C.R.S. , ix, 428 et seq.).

(165) From Highbridge Congregation(cf. No. 136, and C.R.S. , xxvii, 37).

(166) Abbess of the Franciscans ; daughter of Thomas SimeonWeldby Mary Fitzherbert (cf. C.R.S., xxiv, 236)

(167) Two sons of this pair baptized 1781 and 1787

(168) Second son of Edmund Wheble and Mary Guy, born 1729. One of the founders of Messrs F. J. Tucker & Co. His widow , " Jane Eyre, " was a great friend of Dr. Milner and migrated to Wolverhampton.

(169) The first wife of John Sone, junr (née Jackson). She came from Lancashire (see Obituaries, Brockhampton Registers, under date 9 November 1802). The second wife was buried at Warblington

(170) M[aria] A[fricana]. Neil (C.R.S. , i, 206)

(171) The great friend and Refers to a negress, servant to Mr. Arthur

supporter of Dr.Milner. He left the property in Jewry Street to the parish His wife was a Wheble . "

(172) This lady is styled perillustris domina" and was sponsor in 1746/7 and againby proxy 1758 (C.R.S. , i, 160, 164) George Metham married Catherine daughter of Thomas, second Viscount Fairfax His son George left two sonsPhilip, who succeeded to estates at North Cave , Metham , Yorks., and Jordan, who married Catherine and had a daughter Mary. The will of Jordan, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, was proved in 1725 by hiswidow Catherine . Is this the Mary Metham ? (cf. Gillow, iv, 571; Cath. Nonjurors , p 300; and Payne's Records of English Catholics)

(173) See No. 170. Evidently colonials .

[174] In memory of John Lingard | who died Jany 18th 1803 [sic] aged 67 | also | Elizabeth his wife | who died Augt 5th 1824 aged 92 | also Jane Lingard | daughter of the above |John and Elizabeth who died Sept 13th 1771 | aged 2 years | T

[175] In memory of | William Barr | who departed | this life |May 9th 1804 | aged 69 years | R.I.P.

[176] Mary Thirvell | who departed this life | June 17th 1805 | aged 48 years | [verses]

[177] In memory of | Julie de Gantes | who died | February 23 1806 | aged 10 Weeks |

[178] In memory of Mary Maine | who died | May 29th 1806 aged 76 years | R.I.P. |

[179] H.S.E. quidquid mortale erat | Rev. Patris Jacobi Vincentii | Bowyer

O.S.D. | ob die 28 Nov. 1807 Aet[atis] 52| Religiosae]Proffessionis]28Sacerdot[i] 27 | R.I.P. | Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo |

[180] In memory of | Catherine Duthy | who died | January 29th 1808 | aged 79 years |

[181] In memory of Mary wife of | Joseph Glaspole | of Boyatt who departed this life | June 17th 1808 | aged 69 years | Requiescat in pace |

(174) The date of John's death is definitely written " 1803 , " but should be " 1804." John Lingard, born at Claxtyin Lincolnshire, married Elizabeth Rennell of the same place, the daughter of a recusant yeoman Theywere married in London in 1767 or 8 , John becominga Catholic before marriage They returned toClaxty, whereJanewasborn. They migrated to Winchester in the autumn of 1770 , and their son John, the future historian, was born in February 1771. Dr. Lingard came to his father's funeral in 1804

(175) Son of Joseph and Mary Barr (No. 121) and brother of Dom . Thomas Bernard Barr, O.S.B. He married Ann Plann 30 January 1780, and three of his children were baptized 1780 , 1782 and 1784. The eldest, Joseph , married Sarah Beazley and their child Joseph was born and died in 1804. Ann Barr, the widow ofWilliam, was alive in 1816 (C.R.S., i, 227).

(176) The name of this lady is given in the Registers (Smith (C.R.S. , i, 209) Kirvell

The Brambridge Registersrecord the marriage ofMarySmithto Edward Kervil in 1778 and the baptism of their four children, though the father's name is given asJohn and once only as Edward Her obituary" bysudden death" is noted in the Registers (C.R.S. , xxvii, 37)

(177) The child of exiles No mention in Registers of burial, but the baptism is noted (C.R.S., i, 209)


178) Mention of burial in Registersis first and last appearance therein.

(179) Cf. C.R.S. vol xxv Taught attheDominican ConventatBornheim: tutor to the Count of Bornheim, and then to the sonof Mr. Weston ofSutton Place: missioner at Woburn Lodge; then chaplain at Spetchley, and finally to the Benedictines at Winchester

(180) In 1765 Catherine("Perillustris Dna"), wife of John Duthy, was godmother byproxy (C.R.S., i, 168) The index ofC.R.S. vol. i assumes that Duthy Doughty

(181) The widow ofNo. 150. Died at Havant (see Obituaries, Brockhampton Registers, under date 17 June 1808)

[182] In memory of Richard Edmund Burke | son of RichardBourke Esq | and Bridget his wife | ofNottingham Place London who died Decr 21st 1808 | aged 9 years & 8 months.

[183] John Young | of Portsea | died | the 27th September| 1808 |aged 52 years

Elizthwife of JohnYoung | died | the 14th December | 1809 | aged 54 years | R.I.P. |

[184] In memory of | Sarah | wife of James Cole | from Cheritonwho died | November 2-[?] 1809 | aged 54 years |Also of Mary, Jane [?] Edward & Thomas children | of the above James & Sarah Cole |

[185] Sacred to the memory of | Mr Thomas Vinn | who departed this life | December 5th 1809 | aged 75 years | Requiescant [sic] in pace

[186] Ann Mary Haggerston daughter of | Will Plowden Esq of Plowden Shropshire | widow of Edward Haggerston Esq of Ellingham, Northumberland| died at Quarley House Hants 2nd February 1810 aged 72 R.I.P. |

[187] Pray for the soul of | Mrs Elizabeth Vinn | who departed this life | March 31st 1810 | aged 74 years | Requiescant [sic] in pace.

[187 (a)] In Memory of | Mary Sterck | who died | October 26th 1810 aged 87 years | R.I.P. |

[188] Sacred to the memory of Jos Hodskinson | who died Feb2nd 1812 aged 74 years | Repaired 1849 | by his grateful friend John Boykett Jarman Esq | of Rodmin near Windsor. | [189] Sacred to the memory of | Mary the wife of | Mr Thomas Vinn | who departed this life |June 8th 1812 | aged 68 years |Requiescat in pace.|

(182) This lad died at Southampton (183) Elizabeth Young, née Tucker (see Obituaries, Brockhampton Registers, under date 18 August 1788)

John Young is mentioned in the Rev. Richard Southworth's letters as one of the principal members of the Portsea congregationin 1792; he super- intended the building of Cowes Church in 1796 (Gillow, ii, 348)

(184) The fragmentary Tichborne Registers record the baptism ofAnn 1787 and Thomas 1789

(185) A prominent member of Milner's congregation, and his grocer. Was twice married and had four daughters by each wife See Nos 115 and 189

(186) A daughter of William Plowden by Frances Dormer. In the chronicles of the Taunton nuns we read: " Revd Mother Abbess & party stopt a day at Quarley, then the residence of the DowagerMr Haggerston of Ellingham (sister to Sister C. Mechtilda) "

(187) Possibly Elizabeth Munday, who married John Vinn in 1758 .

(187 a) Her burial is the onlymention of her in the Registers InMilner's census of the congregation (? 1803) she is bracketted with Mrs. Duthy; her daughter is also mentioned (see No. 224)

(188) RegistersofWaterperry, Oxon (C.R.S.,vol vii) : " Joseph Hodskinson christened 29 December 1738."

(189) His second wife , Mary Every: she married James Goldfinch at Brambridge 26 May 1771. James died, s.p., 1 July 1775. MaryGoldfinch married ThomasVínn at Twyford27 April 1781 (C.R.S., xxvii, 35 , 38), and had four daughters See No. 115, Thomas's first wife, also a Mary



190] In memory of | Mrs Alice Gahan | Relict of the late Capt Robert Gahan | of the Royal Marines | who died Jany 19th 1813 aged 80 years | R.I.P. |

[191] In memory of | Sarah Theresa Neil | who died May 31st 1813 .


Sacred to the memory of | William Cave who died November 27th 1813 aged 76 years | also of | Ann his wife who died Mar 22nd 1826 in the 90th year of her age | R.I.P. |


Sacred tothe memory of | Marywife ofRobertMoody who died March 24 1814 | aged 36 years | Requiescat in pace

Sacred to the memory of | Mary Ann daughter of | Robert & Mary Moody who died May29th 1856 | aged 47 years | Requiescat in pace


Sacred to the memory of | Anastasia Welsh | Relict of the late James Welsh Esq M.D. | who died on the 1st of October 1814 | aged 74 | R.I.P. |

[195] Maria [i] wife of James Wheble | of Woodley Lodge, Berks died | April 25th 1814 aged 34 years | Frances Margaret Wheble aged 18 years and Mary Teresa | Wheble aged 3 years died | Jan 1 1824 | MaryJuliana Wheble died | Dec 9th 1832 aged 18 years |Mary [ii] 2nd wife of James Wheble | died July9th 1834 aged 46 years | Hucusque luctus tuus ! | Also of James Wheble of Woodley Lodge | in the County of Berks | who died the 20th of June [sic] 1840 | aged 60 years. |

[196] To the memory of | The Rev William Walmesley O.S.B. | who departed this life | on the 8th ofJanuary 1815 | aged 82 Hewas a man simple and upright | fearingGod and avoiding evil. Job. ii. | Requiescat in pace. |


197] Sacred to the memory of| Ann | sister of the late Michael Charker who departed this life | December 21 1819 aged 61 years | R.I.P. |

(190) The only mention in the Registers is that of burial.

(191) She died near Bristol, aged 54. Daughter of No. 173 .

(192) William, sonof Richard Cave andMary(Meazey), was born 1737/8 His first wife wasAnn Broadway. Ann, his second wife, daughter of Edmund Wheble, was born 1737. William decorated Milner's chapel with pictures (cf. C.R.S. , i, 222-3). See "Family Notes" which follow the Preface to this vol.

(193) Mary, daughter of William Cave by his first wife, Ann Broadway, was born 1777 and married Robert Moody in 1804. Mary Ann, her fourth child, was born 1809

(194) Sister of No. 164. Her daughter Ann joined the Benedictines at Connington (now Colwich) in 1828 and died 1861 aged 85 .

(195) (i) Mary Talbot, daughter of Francis, sixth son of George Talbot, and therefore niece of Bishops James and Thomas Talbot, married James Wheble 22 September 1802 .

(ii) Mary O'Brien James Wheble was the son of James of Kensington He built St. James's , Reading, and died just before it was opened (he died in July, not June) In 1839 he was High Sheriff of Berkshire

(196) Priest at Brambridge 1764-1815 (see C.R.S., i, 9-10)

(197) Children of Edward and Elizabeth Ann was baptized 1758 and Michael in 1773.


Sacred to the memory of | Mr Michael Charker | who departed this life | December 17th 1817 | aged 44 years | R.I.P. |

[198] In memory of | Mary Morley| wife of | William Morley who died December 9th 1817 | aged 83 years.

[199] Sacred to the memory of | Mr Thos Vaughan | Merchant ofthis City | who departed this life | Decr 9th 1819 aged57 | R.I.P. |

Sacred to the memory of |Anastasia wife of | Mr Thos Vaughan | who departed this life | Sept 11th1827 aged65 | R.I.P.|

[200] In memory of William Morley | son of William and Elizabeth Morley | who died Dec 15th 1819 | aged 58 years. |

[201] Sacred to the memory of | Mrs Catherine Cordery| who died | February 24 1820 | aged 76 | R.I.P. |

[202] [Mausoleum] [Outside] Hoc dormitorium suis sibique extrui fecit | Franciscus Constable Armiger 1826 [?] | [inside] Memoriae Sacrum | Francisci Constablede Burton Constable |qui obiit Feb 12 1821 Aet[atis] anno 68 | Mariae ejus filiae, quae obiit Feb 24 1810 Aet. 17 nec non | Edoardi ejus fratris, qui obiit coelebs Feb 23 1803 | Aet[atis] 52 | R.I.P. | Hoc mamor poni curavit mater et vidua moestissima | Francisca Constable |

[203] Sacred to the memory of | John Danell | who departed this life March 3rd 1821 | aged 71 years | Sacred to the memory of | Ann wife of | John Danell | who departed this life | March 29th 1833 | aged 75 years.

[204] To the memory of | MarthaGilbert | who died | March 9th 1827 aged 70 years[

(198) See No. 143. It is difficultto place this lady Does the marriage in 1786 of William Morley to Matthews refer to William senr ? And yet the children of William and MaryMorley, born between 1792 and 1800 , cannot be of this Mary, who would have been from 58 to 66 years of age. A MaryMatthews, daughter of John and Elizabeth, was born in 1737. She would be 80 in 1817 .

(199) Theearliestmention ofthis familyis in 1735, whenThomasVaughan married Mary Cole Their son William was born 1737 and son Thomas in 1739. Then there is a gap till Thomas John is confirmed in 1780: probably he was a son ofWilliam or Thomas, but born elsewhere than in Winchester In 1790 he married Anastasia Williams, who was confirmed in 1775. Their sonThomaswas born 1796 ,whoin 1821 married his third cousin Ann, daughter of John Cave and Ann (Vinn); their son Bernard was born 1822 . (200) See Nos 143 and 198. William, son of William and Elizabeth , was born and baptized 10 June 1767 (C.R.S. , i, 169).

(201) Mrs. Cordery is bracketted with the Vaughansin Milner's Listof 1803. Oneof that namewas confirmed in 1804, and a Catherine" Cowdry " in 1775.

(202) Edward and Francisweresons of Edward and Cicely Sheldon, and grandsons of William Sheldon Milner mentions the trouble he had in persuadingEdward tosurrenderthe title deeds ofthe churchproperty to Trustees He inherited the Constable estates and changed his name to Constable(cf. C.R.S., i, 206, 216, 237)

(203) Cf. Highbridge Registers (C.R.S., xxvii, 37)

(204) First appearance of this couple (he was a tailor) in the Registers is the baptism of their daughter Mary Ann in 1778. Seven others follow till 1802. The ages of the pair as given by the Register of Burials are John 70 and Martha 65, and buried in 1826


To the memory of | John Gilbert | who died | March 13th 1821 | aged 76 years

[Quotation Genesis iii] | May they rest in peace |

[205] Sacred to the memory of | Mr Thomas White | Builder, of Portsmouth | who departed this life May 27th 1821 aged 64 years | Requiescant [sic] in pace |Also in memory of Anna MariaWhite | sister ofthe above | who died Feby 17th1847 | aged 69 years | R.I.P. |

[206] Here lieth the remains | of | Mrs Catherine Wheble | deceased 21 September 1821 | aged 86 R.I.P. |

[207] Robert Wheble Esq | died | February 8th 1823 | aged 79 | R.I.P. |

[208] In memory of | Mary Wills | of Tichborne in the County of Hampshire | who departed this life | October 28th 1824 in the 81st year of her age [May she rest in peace |

[209] Beneath are interred the earthly remains of | Mrs Mary Theresa Cave who died on the 15 of Jan 1826 | in her eighty sixth year | R.I.P. |

[210] To the memory of | Eleanor Mary Neil | who departed this life May 23rd 1826 | aged 60 years | R.I.P. |

[211] Hic jacet corpus | Rev[erendi] D[omi]ni Francisci De la Rue Dioeceseos Bayocensis | Presbyteris qui exorta | in Christi religionem immanissima Persecutione | exulare coactus a Gallia| in Angliam profugum venit | ibique ab anno 1806 ad | usque extremum vitae spatium | saluti fidelium apud Portsea | Portsmouth ac Gosport | commorantium pio et fervido | animo sese devovit Obiit apud Portsea die 25 Maii | A.D. 1827 Aet 67 | R.I.P.

[212] [Mausoleum] Oliverius | Johannes Dowell Grace | de Mantua in comitatu Roscommon Armig[er] | Conjugi suae et suis f.c. XDCCCXXVIII

(205) The family is mentioned in the Gosport Registers. (206) Daughter of Edmund and Mary, born 1734 .

(207) Robert and Frances , twins, werethe youngestchildren of Edmund and Mary, born 1743. He married CatherineScott and had three daughters, one of whom , Mary Ann, was living in the White House in 1826 and was at Cheltenham in 1845

(208) This burial is the only mention ofher. (209) Theresa, daughter of Richard and Mary, was born 1740 , "Mrs Mary Cave at Silvesterrs, " says the Sexton .

(210) Benefactress of Winchester and the London Vicariate. Daughter of No. 173 (see Historical Introduction to Winchester Registers). (211) Practically founder of Portsmouth Mission (see Introduction to Portsea Registers).

(212) Vere Mary Frances Grace . She died at Southampton 1 June and was buried 6 June 1828, aged 35. Cf. Registersand Sexton's book Cf. also C.R.S. , vii, 286 n Oliver John must be the son of John Dowell Grace Query: were they relations of the Rev. Patrick Grace whose alias was Savage ?


[213] [Cross]

I.H.S. | Sacred to the memory of | Mary | the holy and deeply lamented wife of James Farquharson | by whom this monument was raised | as a mark of his sincere attachment and esteem | She died in London the 7th February 1829 aged 59 years | R.I.P. | Hodie tibi cras mihi | A friend yea more than a friend a wife rests here | And sad remembrance claims the tribute tear By nature kind with every gift endued | that tends to formthejust thewisethegood | Trueto her wordineverythought sincere who knew no wish but that the world might hear | To name her virtues ill befitts my grief | What was my bliss can Nowgivenorelief | A husband mourns the rest letfriendshiptell| All own'dher worth A Husband knew it well | Peace to her gentle soul and endless rest | Blest in her genius in her faith too blest

[214] Sacred to the memory of | Robert Edwards who departed this life | August5th 1829 | aged 74 years |[verses]|May he rest in peace.

[215] Sacred to the memory of | Mr Thomas Bulbeck |who departed this life | August 8th 1829 | aged 87 years |Also of his widow | MrsMary Bulbeck | who died [blank] 18 [blank] [? 1835]| aged [blank] years | R.I.P.|

[216] Depositum| Rev Joannis Claudii Gonnet Lugduniensis

Dioecesis presbyteris qui | [illegible] Hantoniae die IX Januarii

A.D. | MDCCCXXXI et die XII ejusdem hic sepultum | Aet. 77| Requiescat in pace. | [On the other side] Hunc tumulum optimi Capellani extruxit | Marchio & Marchionissa de Montmorency Laval In memoria aeterna erit justus |

[217] Hic jacet corpus Rev Dni Henrici | Jacobi LeMarquant Dioecesis Embroicensis | Presbyteris Ecclesiae Cathedrali Carnutiensi | dum Canonici qui ob recusatam sacrilegi |juramenti praestationem quam impli Religionis | Christianae hostes in Gallia exigebant | quaesitus ad necem asylum in Angliaquaesivit| et invenit ubi post varios eventus obdormivit | in Dno die 1 Septembris A.D. 1831 Aet 90 | Wintonae apud Sanctimoniales O.S.B. | quibus XXIV annos fuerat a sacris | semper pius benignus omnibus charus | R.I.P. |

[218] Sacred to the memory of | Elizabeth wife of James AndrewTowsey | who departed this life | on the 1st of September

(213) See Introductionto these Inscriptions

(214) His niece Frances Agnes was housekeeper at St. Mary's College, Woolhampton

(215) From Hensting, near Owslebury He married Mary Ann Hands, a widow , 14 October 1801 (they were legally married on 15 October at St. Michael's , WinchesterHants Parish Registers), who outlived him It is evident that she raised the stone and relied on forgetful relatives or friends tofill in the missing dates. The Registerstell us she died in November 1835 , aged 80 , from Cheriton The Tichborne Registers mention as godparents James, Thomas, Catherine and Elizabeth They were doubtless an offshoot of the famous Havant family (cf. C.R.S., xxvii, 31 and note)

(217) Chaplain to the Benedictine Nuns

(218) Maternal ancestors ofthe Gudgeonfamily, theirdaughter Catherine marrying Robert Gudgeon , the first of the name in Winchester


1838 aged 68 years | R.I.P. | Sacred to the memory of | James AndrewTowsey | who departed this life at Southampton on the 20 of August 1832 aged 65 years | R.I.P. |

[219] Sacred to the memory of | Mrs Jane Storey | who departed this life | October 1st 1832 | aged 82 years | May she rest in peace

[220] Sacred to the memory of | the Revd Charles Peters| who died at Tichborne | February the 2nd 1833 | aged 73 years havingbeen chaplain | forty six years in the | Tichborne Family | Requiescat in pace |

[221] Sacred to the memory of | Elizabeth | sister of the late Mr Joseph Charker | who departed this life |January 19th 1834 aged 71 years | R.I.P. |

Sacred to the memory of | Mr Joseph Charker | who departed this life | December 30th 1833 aged 78 years | R.I.P. |

[222] Sacred to the memory of | Lucy Dollar | who died | January 25th 1834 | aged 72 years | R.I.P.

[223] Sacred to the memory of | Elizabeth wife of | Alan Davy who departed this life | May 3rd 1834 | R.I.P.|

[224] In memory of | Catherine Sterck | who died | October 7th 1834 |aged 80 | R.I.P. |

[225] Sacred to the memory of James Cave | who departed this life December 30 1834 | aged 62 years | Requiescat in pace. |

[226] In memory ofAbraham Silvester | who died December 11 1840 aged 76 years | Allso of | Maria daughter of | Abraham & Sarah Silvester who died September 1 1838 |aged 41 years |

[227] In memory of | Mary daughter of | Joseph & Mary Glaspole who departed this life | the 28 of Sept 1839 | aged 68 years | Requiescat in pace |

[228] Sacred to the memory of John Cave | who departed this life July 27th 1840 | aged 66 years | Requiescat in pace Sacred to the memory of | Ann wife of John Cave who died January 3rd 1858 | aged 87 years | Requiescat in pace

[229] In memory of | Jane daughter of | Martin & Jane | Maher who died Oct 2 1840 | aged 5 years | R.I.P. |

(219) From Tichborne.

(221) Joseph, son of Edward and Elizabeth, was born 1755. Elizabeth, born in 1763, tried to join the Blue Nuns in Paris in 1784 , but was rejected for " bad eyes " (C.R.S. , vol viii)

(222) Member of Highbridge congregation (cf. C.R.S., xxvii, 37)

(223) Alan, the first Registrar, married Elizabeth Smallwood 1794

(225) A tenant of No. 8 , St. Peter Street

(226) The dates have been corrected in accordance with the Registers. The stonehas been reletteredand statesthat he died in 1810, and hisdaughter was 11 in 1838! Bearer for funerals (see Sexton's Register, under date 15 December 1832)


227) Like her mother, she died at Havant, the last of the Boyatt clan "Mrs (sic) Mary Glaspole" in Sexton's Book .

(228) John, son of William and Ann Cave , married Ann Vinn in 1798

(229) From Alresford In the TichborneRegisters we find the conditional baptism of the mother in August 1833 and the baptism of Jane , daughter of Martin and Jane (Faithful), September 1835 .

[230] To the memory of | Mr Richard James | who departed this life October 19th 1840 in the | sixty seventh year ofhisage| May he rest in peace | [quotation from Job xix]|



The Registerisa vellum-covered bookofeighteen leaves, longfoolscap, measuring 15 x 6 inches, with the pages unnumbered and written in from each end The covers have been utilized apparently after previoususe andrefilled with white paperwith rough, untrimmed edges On the outside of the front cover is written" 1807, Funerells , St. James " (now rather indistinct). On the outsideof the backcover , as reversed , is written" Porter's Bottling (or Booking). " Some leaves have been torn out, but there does not seem to have been any loss of writtenmatter The wholerecord, from cover to cover, appears to be in the same handwriting; the spellingis phoneticand very erratic, and the cash additions not always accurate . The Sexton's name was Joseph Brown; his own wife's death is noted herein. Each page is ruled with vertical lines in ink, one space for the date on the left-hand side, and three spaces on the right, ordinary cash columns , but headed " B.G.H." onthe firstpage and" G.B.H. "on subsequent pages. It has been suggested that G.B.H. may standfor Grave (or Gloves), Bearers and Hatbands, though the cash entriessomewhat difficultto followseem to be made regardless of the initials Eachentryis made on a horizontal pencilled line The date given by the Sexton is often the day of death, and not that of burial. There isafamilyspiritaboutthewhole book. TheSexton,evidently a Catholic, knew all his co-religionistsand alludes to them as to people knownin the Catholiccirclee.g. " oldMrsSo-and-so , ""youngSo-andso " On one occasion he notes that all the Bearers were Protestants This impression is heightened by the lists at the back of the book recordingthe names of those who gave pounds of beef for the Poorat Christmas over a number of years. The Funeral Bearers figure prominently in these lists

[Inside cover]

Feby 1812

7 Mr Stubington A Center for a grve

Mr Hedger Staining a grve Brickwork

Digging a grave

(230) Had been servant to James Wheble for 25 years His wife was Fr. Thomas White's housekeeper . Richard James and Ann Browne were married at Newport, Isle of Wight.

Recept for the Rumetisom [Rheumatism]

2 Onces Gum Gucacam

1 Ounce purified niter [nitre] put into one pint Good old Rum well shuk to gather for some Days take 2 Tea spoonsfull ever other night well mixt to gather with one Tea spoonfullof Honney in a glass of water every other night

[p. 1] [1797 crossed out]

July 4

Feby 21

March 6 19

April 6

Burid at St Jameses 1807

Mr Eldridge New Ground

The Revd Bowyer*

Mr Reeks Suberton

Mrs Moody New Ground

Mr Eades Child

Sister Scholasticker Peter Street

Mr Dumpers child

Sister Cathrin 1808

Jany 31 Mrs Duthy

June 21

July 8 21

Mrs Gouldfinch fishers pond 22

Mrs Glaspol from havent [Havant]

Mrs Rudd Allenton

Aug. 15 Mr Gilberts Child

Sept 15 Mr Gordin 19 Mr Rd Mackerill

Octr 3

Novr 10 14

Decr 28

July 3 .30


Mr John Young Portsea

Sarah Goodman's Child

Mr Rt Moodys Child

Mr M Birks & Child¶ May 1809

Mrs Mary Hickman**

Mr John Moody** Senr

8 **Mr Pynoncks Child

Decr 1

Mrs Sarah** Cole 9 Mr Thomas Vinn**

[ф 2]Decr 19

Feby 6 Dec 17 Funerills To St Jameses

Mrs Elizebeth Young** Wife of Mr John Young Portsea 1810

Mrs Hagerson Quarly [Quarley House]

Mr Whale senter [centre]

Mr Hedger Staining Grave * C.R.S ., vol i (Winchester Registers), p 212 . Ibid , p 213 "Rood" or All these interments were in 1808 " Rhodes" §" Burke . "

Ibid., p. 214. (John Young was the builder ofCowes Church, I. ofW.) ** Ibid , p 215 "Pinnock . " Ibid., p. 216. " Haggerston. "

March 4

Miss Mary Cunstable Center

Gurde Carprenter Stening Hedger Brickler

March 26 Forgers Mc Guffon &

April 2 4

August 8 18

Octr 31

Jane Curron Executed *

Elizebeth Reeks*

Mrs Elizabeth Vinn *

Mr Young Jun * Portsea

Mrs Frances Dumper*

Mrs Sturk (Nov 17) Mrs Dumpers Child


Decr 29

March 8

May 8

June 26

August 14

Novr 4


Mrs Paine 2 Children

Mrs Payne 1 child

Mr Sturdy 1 child 1811

Sister Ann Convent §

Mrs Callanhans Child

Ann Ventham §

29 M

The Lady Abbess Mrs X Ehles** Mr Wm Dumper -

Mr Gilberts Child not paid

F bery 1 Mrs Apleton 7 1812

Mr Hodgkinson Titchburne

Staining a grave Hedger Senter Stubington [The whole entry crossed out] [p. 3]

Feb-y Feby 1812 7 Mr Hodeskinson

March Hedger staining Mr BairersStubington [Bearers] Clerks fees



21 the execution of Julien Dubois and Guillaume Beury french men Executed * Ibid , p 216

Ibid., p. 217. § Ibid., p 218. "Ventham" is Ann Feltham. "Sterck . "

Ibid , p 218. In Register, under date 27 Dec. 1811, is entered dau of John Tanner **"Eccles "

Ibid , p 220 Dubois and Burri, Frenchmencaptured in war and convicted ofissuing false money. They attempted suicide, but medical science brought them round and they were hanged. " In 1810 Portsmouth wasfloodedwith spurious notes and seven-shilling pieces manufactured by the clever Frenchmen [Prisoners of War] at Portchester Two years later a couple of theirnumber suffered death at Winchester for this crime " (William G. Gates, Illustrated History of Portsmouth , p. 484; Portsmouth, 1900).


[p. 8 blank]

[р 9]

Funrills at St James 1819

April 26 Miss Powell at Convent*

T. Brown

R. Goodman

Wm Coxe

July 4

23 August

A. Silvester James Tanner John Basley past 10 oclocke

Mrs Jennett Woollsey House


Goodman Cox Silverster

Mrs Frances young Child in the New Ground

8 Novr Mr Days little Child

9th Novr in the New Ground

Mr Swift N.B. Rose & Crown in New Ground found hir own Bairaers

Mrs Payne young Child New Ground

Burid on 16th

9 Decr Mr T. Vaughan Died Coxe Duble staned


G. Morley Grave 16 Hedger

J. Tanner Basley

John Redstone

Mr Woodiffe 3/6

21 Decr

Dec 27

Mr Wm Morley (Died 16)

Coxe Silverster & Tanner

Mrs Ann Charker

Coxe & Silverster

G. Morley

G. Wallis & Brewer (Mr Dishwasher at College)

[p 10 blank]

28 Feby

[р 11]

1 June

1820 Funerils at St Jameses

Mrs Cathrin Cordary GBH 4 5


Silverster Mr Glaspol

Cox Dumper

G. Morley

R. Goodman

Mrs Silverster Rayman Brown Sent 2/6

T. Brown J. Redstone

R. Goodman


* C.R.S, i, 232 M. Glaspole G. Morley Jun

Ibid., p. 233 . Ibid., p 235

Dam Vinerfred* at Convent Cox

Mrs Pynocks Child* Little Francis


Cox & Silverster

Tanner & J. Redstone

Glaspole & G. Morley

Oct™ 1

Houghton carpenter Hedger the Grave Brickler

Revd Luis Mongine * at Coxes Brown

March 15 Mr T. Basett

Brown Goodman Silverster 1822 Ropley Holloway Wallis Coxe

Carpenter Houghton Bricklier Hedger Grave Brown

ф 13] 1822 Furnells at St Jameses

March 29 Mrs Mary S. Gray

Brown Goodman Coxe Silverster

Joseph Redstone Holloway

Septr 29 (old) Mrs Mary Camble Brown


John Redstone

Joseph Redston 11 young Lady at Miss Mr Silverster Holloway Wallis Wm Coxe

James Tanner Hoopers

Mr Joseph Redstone

Mr Coxe

Mr Holoway

Mr Wallis

Mr Gooman


Bairiars Joseph Brown

Robert Goodman

Hat bad [band]& Gloves

John Hollowy


Grave Do Do Do Do Do 12


Joseph Redstone

Mr Hedger the Brickler

Mr Gudgon undertaker

[p . 14] Feby 26

3 May

7 May

1823 Funerils at St Jameses

Mr HeneryGordan * in thenew Ground





Joseph Redstone

John Redstone

Mrs John Waight* Hydstreet

Steand Grave

Brickler Mr Hedger

Carpenter Mr Godwin

own Bairers Mr Wells undertaker

Gargonis Child * by the Vaulnut Tree New Ground

7 Augt Mrs Holoway*


Goodman Silverster Cox

Mr Flight

13 Jany Two Miss Whebles

9 Augt Mrs Linguard

Brown Silvester

Goodman Cox

22 Octr Gilberts Little Girle

[p. 15]

4 Novr * Ibid , p 239 . 1824 Funerils at St Jameses

Mrs Mary Wills Titchborn aged 80

Staned Grave Mr M. Filer


Mr Houghton the Center

Diggin the Grave



Silverster Cox Joseph Redston Robt Goodman

John holoway Mr Filer Joseph Brown Brickler 5

April 8th Mrs Cunstable*

April May

[p. 17] June July


Cox & Silverster

John Redstone & James Tanner

Brown & Goodman

Brickler Mr Filer 9 Revd T. White Died*

Joseph Brown & R. Goodman

Mr Silverster & Mr Cox

Joseph Redston & John Redston

G. Tanner & P. Calaghan

Brickler Mr Filer

Carpenter Mr Houghton hat band & Gloves 19 The Right Revd Dr Milner

May he Rest in (?) passet Amen N.B. Burid at Wolverhampton 23 Mrs Elon Neanle

Brown & Goodman

Silverster & Cox

John & Joseph Redstone 1826 Beryd at St Jamesеs

Brown & Goodman

Silvester & Cox

John & Jos Redston

J. Tanner & Holoway

Brown & Goodman

Silvester & Cox

John & Joseph Redstone

Silvester & Cox

Joseph & John Redstone

Georg & James Tanner

Mr Monday Mr F. Boxall

N.B. Mr Godgon Carpenter

13 Miss [blank] * at the Convent Brown & Goodman Cox & Silvester

Peter Colaghan & G. Tanner

Joseph Redstone & James Tanner

20 Mrs Harris Cox & Silvester

Mr Gover Carpenter Mr Monday & G. Tanner 5

May 29 Revd Mr Delerew of Portsea

Augt 10 Mary Tanner

25 Jany May 29

Mr James Gargani

Mr Joseph Redstons Child 10 Augt Mr Riques Child

Mr James Towsey funale

Hat band & gloves [p. 21] [next four leaves loose]


Dam Mary Joseph Convent

Silvester & Boxall

Joseph Redston & Basley

Goodman & J. Tanner

Mrs E Sharpes Child

Mrs Jane Story from Tichborne

Mr Silvester & Boxall


26 Novr Mrs Mary Reeks Southend [torn]ec 15 [Dec³]

Miss Julyana New Ground

Mr Whebles from Woodley Daughter James Tanner Joseph Redstone Franes Boxall Robert Goodman Abraham Silverster

9 Novr 24 Dec

Jany 8


Mr James Butt

Cox & Goodman

Silvester & Boxall

Joseph Redston & Bazely

Italeyan* from the Hospitale Bery at the lower end of the ground


Mr Joseph Charker

Bazley & Tanner

Silvester & Boxal

John & Joseph Redstone

Goodman & Cox

24 Mrs Elizeberth Charker

Mr Bazely & Tanner

Mr Silverster & & Goodman

Mr Joseph & John Redstone

Mr Cox

28 Mrs Lucey Dollar Brambridge

March 8

[p . 23]

March 27


Sister Margeret Convent

Mr Boxall & Silvester Bairiers

Goodman & Joseph Redston

Cox & James Taner

7 May 1834

Mr Henery Williams

Mr Vaughan found the Bareirs

Mrs Eliz Davey

Mr Basely & Mr Rikey

Mr Silvester & T. Boxall

Mr J. Tanner & R. Goodman

Mr Joseph Redstone & MrCox 5 The Grave

[torn] 9 [torn] 10

[torn] July

MrsBeagents Baby[(not paid) erased]

Patrck Carveraghs

Mrs Mary Wheble from Woodley Lodge

Goodman & Silvester


H. band &

Joseph & John Redston

Curcher & James Tanner 2 of Mr Filers Men & under Bairs

Joseph Brown his Fee

[torn] 4 Sept Mr & Mrs Pircees Child Berrid St 1

[torn] 13 [torn] Oct

Jameses N.B.Band & Gloves A Sholgers Child§ of the 12th Regt

Mrs Stirke Kings gate Street

Steand Grave per Mr Woollis

Before this name, the words "A Sholders [i.e. a soldier's ] child " have Pierce § John Cavanagh. been scored out. * Joseph Pagi

13 Novr Grave 1835

MrYoung PaySargent inthe 12 Regt the Grave

14 Mr James Cole Cheriton

[torn] 3 Jany Mr James Cave H-Band 22 Jany

Cox & Silvester

Alwood & Bazely

J & Joseph Redston

J. Tanner & Bucannon

Mrs Packer Beryed

Silvester & Cox

Awood & James Taner

John & Joseph Redstones 1835

Mrs Bullbeck of Hinston [p . 24] Feby 16 15 July 25 Novr 28

Mrs Elizerbth Fryer beryed

Old Mrs Cox at Wihall [or Winall]

funerall Digging Grave

Sister Elizebeth Convent

Silvester & Cox

John & Joseph Redstone

Goodman & Atwood

MrRedstons Boy a Baby3Weeksold

Mrs Heney* from Hospitle

Irish Wooman

MrJohn Winn alrsfordWatchmaker

Atwood & Silvester & Goodman

Mrs Sensbery by the Parrish

Mr Beagents Child Grave

Miss ElizeberthDaniles Brambridge 42 years old

Mr Chiveses Baby own Bairas

Redstons Babey

16 MrJoseph Redstons Baby4 months old [p. 25]

March 28 Mrs Ann Marsh at Peter House * Elizabeth Henley Theobald


April 12

MrSibleir* French Gent Doble Steand Grave by Mr Redston

Mr Filer Brickler

Mr Filer Staind the Vault

28 Mr Little at Cheriton

3 July Baires

Sept not paid


Mr M. Nolty from Christchurch Stend Grave byMr Filer Brickler Silvester & Atwood

John & Joseph Redstone

Mr Filer Staned the Vaulte

10 Septr

12 Jany paid

5 Mary a Silvester at MrsStreets the first corpes that past over Cocklane New bridge

10 Mrs Elizbh Towsey from hampton in the Grave upon hir Husband Brckler Mr Filer

the Mason MrWm Gilingham Antoney Bullbeck Waltham Dane from Grove place Norsling 1839

MrsCatherin MidletonSen at Petter House

26 Jany§ Paid

Feby 18

Feby 23

March 21

[p. 26] 1839

23 July 16

Mr John Reeveses Child Berryd at St Jameses

11 March by Mr Lamperd

Mrs Chiveses Child Berid

Died Dame Cathering at Convent Berryd the 25

Mr Joseph Towsey Sen his Grave his daughter ann Everett hir Grave the over Leafe

May 16 Berrid at St Jameses

The Convent Dame Mary Philiper

28 Revd John Singleton Brambridge

Mr A Silvester (Bairaia)

Mr O Neale Do

Mr James Tanner Do

Mr Atwood Do

18 Mr White the a Relatinon of Mrs Gudgen upolster** Beryde by the Clubb Dame Anselam at the Convent

* John Baptiste Sibilot.

Probably " Marya " for Maria Macnolty.

§ This date has been erased The figures "18" (the day of the month) have been erased . ** Upholsterer.

30 Augt

23 Sept Oct™ 3

14 Novr

Jany 23

19 Feby

20 March April 22

[p. 27]



Mrs Whites Baby by its Father

Mr George Gouldfinch at Fishers Pond

Mrs Mary Glaspole from havent*

Grave Silvester & atwood

JBrown & O Neale Brairies

Dame Mary Ann Convent Grave


Mr Landerford his Child

Mrs Ann Clarke

Grave by J. Atwood

Mrs Frances Gye 87 yeers old from Tichborne

Mr Robert Gouldfinch Fishers pond aged 75 yeers

1840 Beryed at St Jameses

Mrs Elizeberth O neale the Wife of Mr John O neale

July 28 Clarkes Fees to

James Wheble Esqr from Woodley

Lodge Beryd in his own Vault


[torn] Augt

John Atwood & Silvester

John & Joseph Redstones Grant & Wells (the Bariers)

O. Neale & James Tanner

Hat Bands & Gloves

Mr John Cave Sen" Beryd

Mr White Brickler own Bariers

Clarks Fees & the Grave hat band & gloves

Mr Woolls undertaker (Mr White Brickler)

A pair of New Trussells forSt James Churchyard Gave by Joseph Brown

Paid Mr Wm Houghton

Mrs ElizeberthGouldfinch fromfishers

89 yers old pond

Miss Mare old from Tichborne 5 yeers the lower end of the Ground

Mr Richard James from Woodley67 yeers old Deid 19th at feet of Mr James Wheble ho was his Sevent 25 yeers

16 Dec


MrAbrahamSilvester Diedat7 oClock

Berid on Diging the Grave 1840 * the 16 Dec *

184/20 Feby Dame Mary Francis the Convent 1841

Bearrid at St Jameses -

[p. 28] H G

29 April Mr Gorge Gilbert Taylor 5

May 8 May

MrsAnnFryer at Gilbertsaged69 Mrs Ann Allbery years 5 BIT 5

[The next burialin the Parochial Register is that of the Sexton , who kept this Register-

31 July 1841

Joseph Brown, aged 82 ]

[Rest of page blank savefor pencilled vertical and horizontal lines.]

[Two leaves after this have been roughly torn out, damaging the inner edges of pages 21 to 24.]

[p. 29 blank.]

[Entries now from back of book, upside down] [inside back cover] Sir H. Rivers 3..13..4

[in ink]

June 3

Mr Joseph Stephens 1810 Mr Robert [in pencil] 5 June Mr Ebison

[in ink]

Mr Delaney Berurd 156

There are also some figures, of no obvious import, in the right- hand bottom corner .] [p. 36[]

Three leaves have been torn out at the commencement , as shown by the remains in the fold (by which pp. 1 to 6 are retained in the book).]

1 Mr Wm Coxe 2 Mr A Silverster

3 Mr E Fryer Mrs Beasley. Mr Cooper 4 Mrs Blanchat Poor of St Peters Chapel Dec 25 1812Dead Gone away .

* " 16 Decr" has been added in different ink The word " Dec " is in different ink; also the date " 1840."

As will be seen below, these are pounds of beef

This word is written by another hand, as are all the other comments on the list. Apparentlythis list served for several years, and the gaps in the numbering were caused as people died or left the district


Mr Joseph Brown

Capt Carter*

Mr Goodman

Mrs Ingram*

Mrs Christopher

Mrs F. Brewer*

Mr Wallis*

Mr Joseph Redston

Mr George Tanner

Mrs Girdler

Mrs Eades*

Mr Gargani

Mrs Cole (at the Warfe)*

old Mr Avery*

Mr Chives

Mrs Pinock

Mr Cox the letter man*

Mrs Callighan * Dead Dead since Dead

Mrs Houghton

Mrs Willcox*

Mr John Redstone

Mr Basley

Mrs Payne

Mr J. Holloway*

Mr Bunce at Husborne

Mrs A. Whitehead

[Different ink, presumably added later]

Mrs Harris

Mrs Marsh 1826

Mrs Curcher

Mrs Everett Mr Culls Sister

Mrs Avery

Mr Kings 3 Children

Mrs Harmswood at Okley§

Mr John Redston

[Three lines remain unused at foot of page.] [p. 33. Framework ink, pencilled horizontal lines] 1828 the Chaple Beef at Christmas Dec 25

Mr Wm Cox -

1829 Mr A. Silvester

Mrs E. Fryer

Mrs Saninsbery

Mrs Packer

* These names have been scored out. Up Husborn (now Hurstbourne Tarrant).

"Mrs. Harris & Mrs. Marsh is lately come " has been written in the § Oakley, near Basingstoke. margin and later crossed out.

Mrs Callaghan

Joseph Brown

Mrs Goodman

Joseph Redstone

Mrs Christopher

Mrs Gurdler

Mrs Eades

Mrs Gargani

Mr Avery

Mrs Chives

Mrs Pinock

Mrs Houghton

Mrs Payne

Mrs Whitehead

Mr Bunce at Hosborne

Mr Monday

Mr Curcher

Mrs Everitt

Mrs Avery

Mrs Kings Children

Mr Armswood at Okley

Mr John Redstone

Mr Stubington (Upham





Mr Packer


Mrs Christopher

Mr Joseph Redstone

Mr Gurdler Mr

Marthew Sigons

Mrs Avery

Mr James Tanner

Mrs Everett

Mrs Jones

Mrs H. Williams* (is Dead)

Mrs Foley

Mrs Kidd

Mrs Atwood

Mrs Sillince

Mr Cox*

Mr Silvester

Mrs A. Fryer*

Mrs Sainesbery*

J. Brown is Dead

Joseph Redstone

Mrs Guardler

Mrs Garganey

Mrs Chives

John Redstone

Mr Bune

Mrs Curcher

Mrs Kings Boy

Mrs Harmeswood

Mrs Bazesly

Mrs Stubington

Mrs A Whitehead

Mrs A. Marsh

Marthia Sigons*

Mrs Avery*

Mr James Tanner

Mrs Everit

Mrs Folley

Mr John Atwood

Mrs Sillence*

Mrs Churcher*

Mr Kidd

Mrs Goodman

Mrs White Gone away O Neale *

Mrs Haley

Mrs Tibble* Dead

Mrs Pollard (Newly Com)



Mr Joseph Redstone

Mrs Girdler

Mrs Gargany

Mrs Chives

Mrs John Redstone* [Struck out in pencil]



Mrs Halley

Mrs Pollard

Mrs Thoable

Mrs Allen

Mrs Siggons*

Mrs Payne*




* An asterisk signifies more than one mention on a page. n signifies a note on a page

The names of authors and writers referred to or quoted are given in italics

The Latin names have been given in their English form, wherepossible. 'Joanna , ' which may stand for Jane, Joan or Joanna, has been given generally as Joanna, and ' Helena' throughout as Helen. Information obtained since goingto press has been included in theIndex.

Abberstone (Hants) 126

Abbot, Alfred 62; Harriett 62; Mary

Ann (née Kearns) 62

Abbots Barton, Winchester 2n

Abbotstone (Hants) 126

Act for General Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages in England and Wales 18n

Acton, Margaret (née Perkins) 155n; William 155n

Ad(d)ams, Blanche 129; John 7; John (priest) 7; Margaret (née Godwin) 7

Agan, see under Egan

Ahern, Catherine 68; Catherine (née Murphy) 68; Garrat 68*

A'Herne, Elizabeth (Mrs. Drew) 23; Thomas 41

Ainsworth, Sister Elizabeth Angela,

O.S.F. 168

Aire 13n

Akel, Anthony (priest) 17

Akers (spelt "Decas " in Winchester Registers), Catherine 162*; James (priest) 10; Thomas 131 , 162

Alberry, Joseph (priest) 15n , 47, 57 , 59* , 64

Aldridge, Anne (Mrs. Wright) 128 , 128n; Charles 119, 120, 156; Charles II 157; Elizabeth (Mrs. Foley) 63; George 117; (?) Margery 156; Martha 156 ; Mary 117; N. 117

Alençon (France) 133n

Alexandre, Abbé Louis 123 , 123n

Alfred, King 139*

Alice, Dame's School 8

Alies , John 64; Mary 64; MaryAnne 64

Alix, Marie Sophie 90*

Allaume, Mary 80

Al(1)berry, Ann 39 , 195

Allen (Allin), Amelia (Mrs. Dynan)

42; Ann (née Baggs) 46-48, 50, 55, 62; Ann (1º Mrs. Scott; 2°Mrs.Slater) 59; Arthur 47; Catherine 50, 55, 72; Charles 47 , 50, 55, 62; Charlotte 55; Elizabeth 55; Elizabeth (Mrs. Henrey) 65; Elizabeth (Mrs. Macdonald) 82*; George 55; John 128, 130, 131; Louise 79; Louisa Mary 62; Mary (Mrs. Bouchier) 64; Mrs. 200

Alphonsus, Mother 165n

Alresford (Hants) 33, 37, 44, 151n , 162n, 176n , 192; Deanery of 126; New 126, 166n; Old 126 (?) Alrix, Rose (Mdme Guay) 92

Alton (Hants) 127 , 146, 158*; (Suffolk) 165n

Alverstoke (Hampshire) 4n*

Alwyn, Mary (Mrs. Talbot) 160 , 160n; Robert 160n

Alymer, Bishop of London 151n

Amble, Robert 129

Ambler, Frances 120; Francis 155 , 155n

Ameil, Ursule (Mdme. Cazotte) 90 America 139

Amner, Margaret 43

Amport (Hants) 127

Anderson, Charlotte (née Byrne) 33; Robert 33; William 33

Andover (Hampshire) 34, 123; Deanery of 127

André, Abbé Jean Baptiste (?) Loconomius 132

Andrieu, Ursule Claire (Mdme Doumet) 87 , 91

Anger, Abbé 85n

Angers, Diocese of 85, 85n; Chapelle Crancise 85; Parish of St. Martin 85

Angoville, Mary 76

Annell (or Hannell, Anills), Martha (Mrs. Steel) 38, 39, 42, 45, 53, 55 , 61; Mrs. 196

Annéville (France) 136*

Ansard (or Ansalde), Marie Françoise (Mdme Gasquet) 89 , 91

Ansel(1), George 44, 81; Mary Ann 48; Mary Ann (née Pinnock) 81

Anstey (Wilts ) 164n

Antwerp 5n, 134

Appleton, Elizabeth 179

Araux (Marseilles ) 90

Archdeaconry of Hampshire and Somersetshire 2

Archer, Anne 31

Arlott, James 132

Armswood, see under Harmswood

Arnaud, Mr., Mayor of Portsmouth 132

Arnold, Ann 129

Arnot, Catherine (née Guillo) 85; Félix 85

Artois 134

Arundel(1) (Aroundell), DowagerLady 137n; family vault 136n, 137, 138 , 138n; Francis of Lanherne 153n; Henry, 6th Baron of Wardour 129n; Hon Frances 25 ; Hon. Henry, 7th

Baron 129, 129n, 130*; Hon Mr. 15n; Lady Ann of Lanherne (née Jerningham) 153n; Lady Elizabeth (née Brooke or Brock, wife of 14th

Sir John of Lanherne) 152n , 153 , 153n ; Lady (wife of 8th Lord) 136; Lady Mary Belling (née Arundell) 129 , 129n; 8th Lord 97 , 101 , 101n , 103, 136 , 137n, 138, 138n, 155n; Maria 136, 138; Philip 97; Sir John of Lanherne 129n; 13th Sir John of Lanherne 153n; 14th Sir John of Lanherne 153 , 153n*; 15th Sir John of Lanherne 153n

Arundells, of Lanherne 129n* , 153n; of Wardour 129n

Ascough, SisterAnn Benedict, O.S.B. 179

Ashton, Ann 123; Sarah (Mrs. Felton) 71

Aslett, Mary 26, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40

Astley, Edward 19 ; Mary Anne 19 ; Mary (née Whittington) 19

Aston, Anne 46, 60; Lord 9

Atkins, Mary Adelaide 82; Penelope 128, 130; Richard 128, 130, 131

Atkinson, Paul (priest), O.S.F. 156

Atkinson, Mr. T. 2n

Attwood, Elizabeth 42, 81; John 31* , 32-34* , 35 , 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44 , 80, 192* , 193* , 194* , 200*; John junr 36; Lucy (?) 34 , 37; Lucy(Mrs. Flynn) 39, 44, 82; Margaret (née

Dunn) 31, 40, 41; Martina 31 ;Mrs. 199

Aubert, Abbé François Michel 135*; Jeanne (Mdme Martin) 88

Audé (or Audet), Marguerite (née Bonnefoi) 88; Mathieu 88; Thérèse (Mdme Martin) 88* , 90

Audibert, André 89; Marie Jeanne Anne (Mdme Dieudonné) 85

Augustinian Sister (O.S.A. ), Marie Charlotte (Coignion) 134, 134n , 180

Autrages (Digne, France) 88

Avery, Anne 56; Catherine 80, 180; Charles 23* , 26, 28; Elizabeth 83; Elizabeth (née Kirk) 48, 56; Elizabeth (née Middleton) 23* , 26, 28; George 48, 56; Henry Robert 28; John 25, 26, 189, 196-8; MaryAnne 48; Mrs. 122, 197-9*; William 23* Avila (Spain) 3

Avington (Hants) 126

Avranches (France) 132n*

Ayles, Elizabeth Joanna (Mrs. Todd) 39; Joseph 39

Bab(b), Ann 119, 153n, 155; Ann (2nd Mrs. Richard Spencer) 128, 153n* , 155, 155n

Baggs, Anne (Mrs. Allen) 47 , 50, 55, 62; Elizabeth Frances 42; Fran 200; Frances 42; Frances (Mrs. Glover) 40, 46, 52, 60 , 68, 79; Henry 26 , 189; Mrs. 123, 196, 199; Richard 123; 's, young, two girls 198

Baigent (or Baigeant or Baijeant), Agnes 51 ; Agnes Frances 55; Francis 83; Francis Joseph 25; George 36 , 83; Helen Mary 30* , 191; Louise 81 , 84; Louise Anne 20, 33, 40 , 80 , 192; Louise (née Croome) 20, 22, 25, 28 , 30, 32, 33, 36, 40; Matilda Mary 33 , 35; Richard 20, 22* , 25, 26, 28, 30 , 32-4, 36, 40, 53* , 73, 77 , 78, 80; William Henry28, 83

Baigent, Richard Coventry 9n , 131

Bailey, William 130

Baker, Pacificus (priest), O.S.F. 10n

Baldwin, Sarah (Mrs. Savage) 165 , 1651

Bamber, Mrs. Dorothy 129 , 160n

Bannister, Elizabeth (Mdme. de Jausserand ) 89 , 91

Banom, Adelaide Frances Ann (née White) 57; Bridget 57; Michael 68, 69; Richard George 57; Thomas 57

Baraine, see under Varaine

Barber, Francis (priest) 151n; John, 151, 151n*; Margaret 151

Barbieux , Marie 184n

Barker, Thomas (priest), Archdeacon of Hants District 3n

Barlow , family 4n; Mr. 4


Barnard, James (priest), V.G. London District 98, 99; Nicholas 163n

Barnes, Ann 75; Ann (née Newsham ) 75 ; Clare 73; Denis 73, 75; Elizabeth 84; Elizabeth (née Hooper) 73-75; James 101, 103; Joanna 75* , 76; Louisa 56; Margaret (née Mead) 65; Mary 65; Mrs. (? Sarah) 101, 104; Richard 65; Robert 166, 166n; Sarah 166n; Stephen(priest) 151n; William 73, 75

Barnet , Lucy 121; Mrs. 123; Sarah 10n; William 10n

Barr, Ann (née Plann) 122, 170n*; Catherine 122; Elizabeth (Mrs. Charker) 157n, 165, 167, 167n , 172n , 176n; Joseph 157n, 164, 164n , 167n , 170n; Joseph II 170n; Mary (Mrs. Colson) 167 , 168; Mary (néeLincoln) 128, 128 , 157n, 164, 164n, 167n , 170n; Mrs. 196; Sarah (née Beazley) 170n; Thomas Bernard (priest), O.S.B. 7, 12, 157n, 164n, 170n; William 122 , 170 , 170n

Barrett, Bridget (Mrs. Connell) 56; (or Nagle) David 47; James 67; Mr. 47; Patrick 60

Barry, Ann (Mrs. Cobey) 68*; Ann (née Lantry) 76; Catherine 74; Christopher 61 ; Frances Catherine 46; Garrett 77; George 46; Honora (née McAuliffe) 77; Margaret 76; Margaret (Mrs. McMahon) 74; Mary 77; Mary Ann (née Hickey) 46; Michael (priest) 17; Michael 38; Patrick 76; Phebe 38; Thomas 76

Barthélemy, César 88; Louis César 88, 90; Marie Barbe (née Duvignaux) 86, 88, 90; Thérèse (née Romaine) 88

Barthelmew , Matthew, alias of Bartholomew Smith xi

Bartolomasi (Bartolamasse ), John xi, 158, 158n ; Sarah 158n; 's daughter 158n

Barton, Bridget (Mrs. Fielder) 57 , 76; Elizabeth 52, 55, 57, 60; Elizabeth (Mrs. Brown) 72; Isaac 57; Joanna 55, 57; John 57

Barton Stacy (Hants) 126, 151n* , 152, 155, 156

Basing (Hants), 127

Basingstoke , Deanery of 127

51, 70, 123, 197n;

Basset(t), Ann (Mrs. Goodwin) 162n; Thomas 184

Bastide, Charles 88; Claire (née Doumé) 88, 90; François Joseph 90; Henry Joseph 87 , 88 , 90; Monique (née Charbonnier) 87; Pierre 87

Batcheldor , Mary 128

Bath (Somerset ) 9; Gay Street 166n

Baugh, Bridget (née Hurley) 67; George 67*

Bavaria, Elector of 137


Bavarian Embassy Chapel , Golden Square 11n, 14 , 137

Baverstock, Ann (Mrs. Moody) 161 , 161n; Elizabeth (Mrs. Mountain) 129

Baxter, Mr. 102

Bayeux (Bayocensis ) (France) 133n , 174

Bayley, Cecilia 81

B(e)asley (Be(e)sley, Beazley), Charlotte 183; John 182* , 183, 188*-192, 197-200; Mrs. 122, 195, 199; Sarah (Mrs. Barr) 170n; Sophie(Mrs.Green) 28, 35, 41, 47

Beaufort, Cardinal 97 , 146

Beaumont-Hague (France) 133n

Beauworth (Hants) 165n

Beckford (Glos ) 138n

Bedhampton , Havant 125, 169

Bedingfield, Elizabeth (Mrs. Biddulph) 10n; Lady Elizabeth (née Arundell) 129n; Margaret (Lady Jerningham) 129, 130; Sir Henry, 2nd Baronet 129n

Begley, Margaret 83

Belasyse (Belasis), Bridget 158n; Frances (née Roper) 157 , 157n; Mary 157; Rowland 124, 157, 157n , 158n; Sir Rowland157n;Thomas(3rd Viscount Fauconberg) 157n, 158n

Belgium 138n

Bell, Cornelius 101 , 104

Benedictine Community, Brussels , afterwards at Winchester and later East Bergholt, 13-15, 15n, 19 , 20 , 24* , 27, 30, 42, 44, 57n, 61 , 74 , 79 , 80, 81, 113 , 134, 134n* , 143n , 160n , 170n, 175, 175n

Benedictine Nuns, Ann Welsh 172n , Agnes, Mother (Mary Eleanor Whelan) 24; Aloysia, Mother (Witham) 181; Ann Benedict, Sister (Ascough) 179; Ann, Sister (Fogarty) 61; Anselm, Mother (Mary Collins) 35, 193; Catherine, Mother (Eccles) 178; Catherine, Mother (Molteno) 35, 193; Clementine , Sister (Mary Smith) 42; Elizabeth, Mother (Collingridge) 44; Frances, Mother (Gabrielli) 38; Margaret, Abbess (Tancred) 134n; Martha, Sister (? Thielmans) 49; Mary Benedict, Abbess (Macdonald) 74, 113, 143, 143n, 187; Mary Benedict, Mother (Sophie Siddens) 19; Mary Bernard, Mother (Tancred) 180; Mary Ann, Mother (Rayment) 36, 194; Mary Elizabeth, Sister (Catherine Draycott) 31 , 192; Mary Frances , Mother 195; Mary Gertrude, Mother (Regina Veydt) 40, 134; Mary Ignatia, Mother (Collins) 180; Mary Joseph, Mother (Hutchison) 27 , 190; Mary Magdalen, Sister (Dorothy

King) 186; Mary Margaret, Sister (Buckley) 30 , 191; Mary Philip, Abbess (Eccles) 134, 134n; Mary

Sophie , Sister (Le Blon) 40; Mary

Winifred , Mother (Hutchison) 183; Maura, Mother (Harper) 49; Mechtilde, Mother (Debord) 180; Phillipa, Mother (Frances Mittan) 35, 193; Scholastica , Sister 178

Benedictine Priory at Winchester, see underWinchester, Hyde House

Benham (Berks.) 155 , 158n

Benson, William 114

Bercheria , see under Berkshire

Bereleigh (Hants) xii

Bergat , Mathieu Théodore 166

Berkshire (Bercheria, Berks ) 5, 28 , 94n, 116, 123n, 154n, 155n* , 157n , 159n, 172*; High Sheriff of 172n

Bermondsey (London) 61n, 112n*

Berry, Elizabeth (née Townsend) 4; Henry 4; Petronilla 154; Robert (priest) 4* , 4n* , 5* , 5n* , 6, 94, 94n , 154n, 158; Thomas, shouldbe Robert (priest) 4 *; Thomas 154, 154n

Besley, see under Beasley

Betts, James 154n ; John 152 , 154n; John Philip (priest) 6* , 9 , 10, 93, 152n; Mrs. James (née Trinder) 154n

Beynon , John 102

Biddlecomb(e), Family 154n; John 154n*;Margaret 120, 154; Mary 154n

Biddulph, Anthony John Wright 78 , 79; Charles 9; Charles (of Burton, younger son of John Biddulph and Mary Arundell) 10, 10n, 94; Elizabeth (née Biddulph) 10n; family 18*; Mary (Mrs. Stonor) 162n, 163n , 164 , 164n; Mrs., 101* , 103

Bilbao 15

Binfield (Berkshire) 7

Binstead (Binsted, Bynsted), Frances 164, 164n; George 164 , 164n

Birkenshawe , Catherine 62

Birmingham 17; Bath Street 113; St. Chad's Cathedral 17

Bishop, Joanna 55


Bishop's House , formerly" My Lady West's House, ' now Royal Hotel, Winchester 2n, 13* , 93, 93n

Bishop's Sutton (Hants) 127

Bishopstoke (now Eastleigh) (Hants) 125, 154n, 156n, 162, 164n; Manor of 163n

Bishop's Waltham (Hampshire) 9, 9n , 16n, 123 , 125

Blackfriars (quoted) 2n

Blackman, Elizabeth 67

Blackwell , Mrs. 123; William 123

Blake, William J. (priest) 17

Blanchard, Mary Anne 49

Blanchett (Blanchat), Mrs. 122 , 195

Bland, Frances (Mrs. Chapman) 38

Blendworth (Hants) 125

Blong, Ellen 69; Michael 69; Susan (née Rex) 69

Bloomsbury (London), Southampton

Row 167

Blount, Michael 152n, 158n ; Walter 114

Boddy, Mary 39

Bogan, Rev. B., see index under Walsh

Bohemia (Bohême), Queen of 131

Boisclair, Pigeon-, Abbé Michel 134n

Boldre, near Lymington (Hants) 126

Boles, Brigadier 126; Widow of Brigadier 126

Bolney, George xii, 124*; Mary (née Smith, 1° Mrs. Wybarne) xii

Bolton (Lancashire) 69

Bone, Ellen (née Chivers ) 68 ; Henry 68*

Bonnefoi, Marguerite (Mdme Audé or Audet) 88

Booker, Catherine Mary 79

Booth, alias Brown, Charles (priest)

S.J. 138, 138n

Bordon (Hampshire) 6*

Bornheim (Flanders) 7 , 14; Count of 14, 170n; Dominican Convert at 170n

Bosvile (or Boswell), Elizabeth 153; family 153n; Thomas 153

Botley (Hants) 134n , 139

Bouchier, Anne 64; Mary (née Allen) 64; Thomas 64

Boulogne 134

Bourget, Abbé Jean 133

Bourguignon, Anne Cecile 86, 90; Marie 86 , 90 Bourne, Cardinal Francis 17

Bowland, Anne (Mrs. Jack) 50

Bowman , Agnes 81; Thomas (priest) 17 (see also Introductionto Newport (I.W.) Registers in a subsequent volume)

Bowyer, James Vincent (priest), O.P 14, 15, 170, 178

Boxal(1), Francis 187 , 189, 190* , 191* , 196; Mr. 106, 107 ; T. 191

Boyatt (Hants) 152n , 161 , 167 , 176n

Boyle, Alice 61

Boyne, Mary 51

Bozzing, Mary 76

Brabant (Flanders) 7

Brabon , Mistress 2n

Bracher, Anne (Widow) (Mrs. Carter) 128; Edward 157n; Elizabeth (née Lincoln) 157n

Bradley, Margaret (Mrs. Smith) 59

Brady, Anne (née McLochlin) 76; Bridget 70; John 73; Michael 76; Patrick 76

Brady, Rev. John 112n

Bradshaw , Bridget 128, 130


Brambridge (Hampshire) (or Highbridge) xii, 1 , 15n, 29, 33, 35, 79 , 91 , 129n, 154n, 159n , 160n, 161 , 165n , 166n , 169n, 170n, 171n, 172n , 176n , 180, 181* , 183, 190, 192, 193; Squireof 10

Bramdean (Hants) 126

Bramley, near Basingstoke 127

Bramston, Bishop James Yorke 79 , 80 , 150

Bramston , Miss A. R. and Miss A. C. Leroy 2n

Brandon, Bridget (née Concannon ) 77 , 77n; John 77*

Brazier, Anne 40; Elizabeth (née Hiscock) 40; James 40

Breadfield , Bartholomew 103

Breen, Bridget (Mrs. Ingram) 68

Bremore (Hants) 126

Brennan, John 83 ; Julia 77*; Mary 37; Mary (Mrs. O'Neil) 47; Mary (née Connell ) 37; Mary (Mrs. Mara) 74 ; Patrick 37

Brewer, Catherine 122 ; John (priest),

S.J. 138, 138n; Mary Ann 122; Mrs. F. 197;William 122, 134, ? 181,? 182

Brian, Catherine (Mrs. Crawley) 64 , 69 , 73 (see also Crowley, Catherine)

Bricknell, Anastasia (Mrs. Fisher) 162, 162 , 163n; Frances 163; William 163*

Bridges (Brydges), Mary 129 , 161 , 161n

Brien, Bridget 72; Catherine (Mrs. Crowley) 77 (Is this Crawley née

Brian ? On p 64 the husband is given as Patrick, on p. 69 as James); James 72; John 72; Margaret (Mrs. Hicks) 76; Mary (née Brian) 72; Mary (née Moriarty) 72; Thomas37; William 72* Brighton (Sussex) 15

Brill, Mary (née Perkins) 155n; Maurice 155n

Brimpton (Berkshire) 5 , 94

Brindle (Lancs) 162n

Brockenhurst (Hants) 126

Broderick, John 39; Sarah 39; Sarah (née Jordan) 39

Brooke (or Brock , Broke), Elizabeth (Lady Arundell of Lanherne) 152n , 153, 153n; Sir Robert 153n; William 153, 153n*

Brooks , Catherine 60

Brosnahan , Bartholomew 73

Broughton (Hants) 123*

Broughton (Lancs ) 8n

Brown, Amy (Mrs. Hunter) 60; Ann (Mrs. James) 25, 65 , 177n; Bishop Thomas Joseph , O.S.B. 16n; Charles, alias of Rev. Charles Booth, S.J. , q.v.

Brown(e), Elizabeth (née Barton) 72; George 38 , 194* , 195, 197-200; James 183; Jane 190; Joseph19, 39 , 122, 177, 190* , 191 *; Joseph or T. 180-188 *; Mary I 29; Mary II 81; MaryIII 61 , 83; Michael 72; Michael Edward 72; Mr. 196; Mrs. 122; Peter (priest) 12 , 93, 99*; Sarah 122; William (Ambrose) (priest), O.S.B. 5* , 7

Brown Candover (Hants) 123

Bruce, Ann 36, 38, 39, 69 , 82, 84; Anastasia (née Charker) 33, 34, 68 , 75, 80*; Charles 55, 75; Charles George 80*; George 33, 34; George James 34

Brugent (Bruzent), Abbé Denis 133 and note

Brun, Victoire Catherine (Mdme Racord) 89

Bruning, Ann (née Winchcombe) 155n; Edmund 155n; George 125; George (priest), S.J. 101 , 101n, 103; Richard 155

Brunot, Claire (née Doumé) 86* , 88 , 91; Jean Louis Thomas 88; Paul Guillaume François 86;PierreThomas 86, 88, 91; UrsuleCharlotte Françoise 91

Brussels 13 , 134* , 134n

Bryan, Denis 50; Helen (née Rourke)

Brindle, Elizabeth 43; Mary (née 50; Owen 50 Farrel) 43; Noah 43

Bristol 138n, 172n

Britain, Great 145

British Museum 141 , 142*

Britwell (Oxon) 167n

Brize Norton (Oxon) 168

Broadway, Ann (Mrs. Cave) xi, 165 , 165n, 172n* , 176n ; young (Brodway)


Brock (or Brooke), Elizabeth (Lady Arundell of Lanherne) 152 , 153 , 153n; Sir Robert 153n; William 153, 153n*

Brockhampton , Havant (Hampshire)

8n, 9* , 11 , 99 , 115 , 168n

Bryant, Elizabeth (Mrs. Corbet) 124n ? Buchanan (Bucannon), Mr. 192

Buckinghamshire (Bucks) 168

Bucklebury (Berks) 155n

Buckley, Mary (née Doyle) 58; Michael 58; Miss (Sister Mary Margaret, O.S.B. ) 30, 191; Timothy 58

Budd, Anne 61

Bufford, Mrs. Mary 151 , 151n

Bulbeck, Anthony34, 193; Catherine 175n; Elizabeth 175n ; James 175n; Mary Ann (widow Hands) 32 , 175 , 175n, 192; Rose 48; Susan 81; Thomas 24 , 175 , 175n , 189

Bulger, Ann 33; Bridget (née Martin)

33, 34; Edward 33, 34; Edward John 34; James 43*; Sarah(née Lawlor) 43

Bunce (Bune), Helen 24; Mr. 197199; Sarah (née Tyler) 24; Thomas24

Burgat, Monsieur 107 , 108

Burgess, John 128

Buriton (Hants) 125

Burke (Bourke), Bridget 171; Helen (née Coony) 54; James 54; Margaret (Mrs. Lovell) 69; Mary 69; Michael 54; Richard 171 , 178; Richard Edmund 171, 178; Sabina 54

Burns , Adelaide 41; Ellen (Mrs. Clarke) 56, 57; John 64; Mary (Mrs. Egan) 25

Burr, Eliza 54

Burri (Beury), Guillaume 179 , 179n

Burridge, Catherine 56

Burrow , Mary (Mrs. Eades) 20, 188

Burton, Canon Edwin H. 3n* , 4n* , 5, 5n, 8, 8n, 11n*

Burton Constable (see also Constable ) 93, 97n, 98, 173, 173n

Burton Park (Castle) (Sussex) 10* , 16, 94 , 138n

Bury St. Edmunds (St. Edmund

Bury) (Suffolk) 154n , 156

Buscot, Canon W. 12

Buss, Edward 159; Sarah 159

Butler, Catherine 48; Catherine(Mrs. Robert) 76; Charles 98n, 141 , 142; James, 18th Baron Dunboyne 10 *; Mary (Mrs. Landrigan) 59; Mary (Mrs. Ryan) 69;MaryAnn (née Ross) 48 ; Patrick 48*; Pierce, 19th Baron

Dunboyne 10n; Thomas Francis 58

Butt, James 29, 191

Byard, John 162n; Peter 162

Byden, Mary (Mrs. Sims) 160 , 161; William 160*

Byrne, Catherine 51; Charlotte (Mrs. Anderson) 33

Byrns, Catherine (née Redman) 72; Ellen 72; Thomas 72

Caen , Grand Séminaire at 133n ; University of 133n

Cahill, Anne 43; Patrick43

Calan (? Callaghan), Mr. 180

Callag(h)an, Cecilia 23* , 25, 189; John 122; Luke 122; Mrs. 122, 196198; Mrs's child 179; Peter 187 , 188 , 196; see also Calan

Callipolis, Bishop of 93

Calvados (France) 133n* , 135n

Calverleigh (Devon) 15

Calvin 145

Cambel , Mrs. 122

Cambrai, Benedictines at xii

Cambridge, Gonvilleand Caius College 154n; University of 154n

Camerford, see under Comerford

Camies, Mary (Mrs. Moody) 29 , 33

Camish, Mr. or Mrs. 195

Camoys, Barony of 163n , 164n; Lord 18* , 78 , 79

Campbell, Mary (Mrs. Cullen) 19; Mary Ann 184; Mrs. 196

Canann, see under Cannon

Candover , Brown (Hants) 123

Canew , Elizabeth 66

Canford (Dorset) 138n

Canhan , Elizabeth (née Clark) 72; Thomas 72; William 72

Cannan, see under Cannon

Cannen, see under Cannon

Cannes (France) 90

Cannon (or Canann, or Cannan , or Cannen), 71; Bridget 61, 69; James 61, 72 , 76; Mary 71 , 76, 83; Michael 74 , 77

Canterbury, Archbishop of 5

Caprera, Cardinal 4n

Carcagne, Marie Anne (Mdme Chauvier) 86* , 90 , 91

Carding, Ellen 67

Carey, Michael 83; Thomas 63; see also Carry

Carker, Miss 123

Carmody , Paul 23

Carney, Elizabeth (Mrs. Clare) 41; Elizabeth (née Whelan) 31 ; John 31; Patrick 31, 32

Carnutiensis , see under Chartres

Carpue, Frances 14n; Francis 14n

Carr, Anne (née Finnerty) 52; Catherine Anne 84; Elizabeth 123; Ellen (née Dwyer) 78; Ellen (née O'Meary) 68 , 73; Henry 78; John 52, 68* , 78 ,84; Mary Anne52; Robert 129

Carrey, Abbé Nicolas Jacques 133

Carrigan, Bridget 68

Carrol(1), Anne 67; Anne (née Noon) 49; Catherine 69 ; Catherine (née Connell) 67; Dominic 49; Edward 67; Elizabeth (Mrs. Orrell) 43*; Helen 54 ; Mary Anne 49; Michael 43

Carry (? Carey), Mr. 132

Carter, Anne (widow Bracher) 128; Capt. John 186, 196, 197; Charles 181 ; John 128, 160; Mr. 16 , 105*; Mr. (Architect ) 13 ; Peter 128 , 128n , 131

Carthy, Catherine (Mrs. Keating) 30

Carty, Ellen (Mrs. Harrington) 73

Caryll (Carrell), Ann (née Harcourt) 129n; Catherine (née Pigott) 129, 129n; Edward 129, 129n, 130; John, 2nd Lord 129n

Casey, Eleanor 26; Elizabeth (née Westgate) 29; Frances Bridget 29; Matthew (priest) 111 , 111n , 112* , 112n; Michael 29; William 84


Castabala, Bishop of, see underBishop

John Milner

Castellan, Joseph 85; Marie (Mdme Estienne) 85 ; Marie Anne (née Lore or Lorre) 85; Pierre 85 Castlereagh, Lord 140

Catherine of Braganza, Queen 1 , 97 Catherington (Hants) 125 " Catholic Board, " The 140* , 141; Secretary of 140, 141

Catterall, Thomas (priest) 3

Cavanagh, Charles 30, 191 ; Hugh 64*; John 30 , 191n; Mary (née Dowling) 64; Patrick 191; see also Kavanagh Cavannah (Kavanagh), Thomas, see under Kavanagh

Cave, Agnes 57; Ann xi, 165 , 165n; Ann (Mrs. Vaughan) xi, 21, 23 , 24 (? maiden name used), 26, 30 (Anastasia), 173n; Ann (née Broadway) xi, 165, 165n, 172n* , 176n; Ann (née Vinn) xi, 121 , 150* (Mrs. Senr), 173n, 176, 176n; Ann (née Wheble) 121 , 172, 172n, 186; Anastasiameant forAnn (Mrs.Vaughan) 30; Catherine 21 , 23, 24; family 129n; Frances 22 , 26, 32, 57, 81; Gertrude Rose 69; James xi* , 16, 20, 21, 31 , 121 , 176; John xi, his wife xi; John senr xi, 37, 81, 110, 121, 176, 176n, 194; John senr 's two children 121; John junr xi* , 23, 26 , 30, 32 , 33, 51, 57, 81, 150, 173n; John Stanley 51; Julia, Juliana 73, 150; Mary 22; Mary (née Meazey) 172n , 174n; Mary (Mrs. Moody) xi, 166n, 167, 172* , 172n, 181; Mary Joanna (née Penwarden) xi, 51 , 57 , 81, 150 (Mrs.junr ); MaryTheresa 174 , 174n, 186; Messrs 96; Richard xi*, 172n , 174n; Teresa xi; Thomas xi, 21 , 22 , 24; William xi*, 96 , 100104, 107, 108, 121, 131 , 165 , 165n , 172, 172n* , 176n, 180; see also

Family Notes, p xi

Cavendish , Eleanor 21; Henry 21; Mary (née McCarthy) 21

Caverswall Castle 113

Cavilier, Fanny 122

Cazotte , 1 90; Jacques Scévole 90; Ursule (née Ameil) 90

Cenet, François Jean 133

Chadwick , Rev. H., S.J. 140, 146

Challoner , Bishop Richard 7* , 9n , 10 , 157n; Grace 157

Chamberl (a)in, Margaret 130, 131

Chambers, Anne Joanna 67; Elizabeth (née Jeffery) 72; John 67 , 72 , 73*; Margaret (née Donoghue) 67; Mark 72; Thomas 129

Chamney, Sarah (Mrs. Tierney) 66

Champ, Ann 128; Frances 154*; Mary (née Eldridge) 128 , 154n ; Richard 128 , 131, 154, 154n* , 159

Chancery, Court of 18* , 78 , 79

Chandler, Mabel (née Paulet; 2° Mrs. Corham ) 1 ; Thomas I

Channell , Sarah E. 57

Chapman , Basil 38; Frances (née Bland) 38; Peter 38

Chappell , Elizabeth (néeHerring) 151n

Chapter , The Old, 2, 3, 3n* , 4, 6, 9, 11n , 124n

Charbonnier, Monique (Mdme. Bastide) 87

Charker, Anastasia 20; Anastasia (Mrs. Bruce) 33, 34, 68 , 75, 80*; Ann (? 31), 172, 172n, 182; Ann (Mrs. Davey) ( 31), 33-35, 80* , 121;

Charles 165; Edward 157n, 165, 167 , 167n* , 172n, 176n; Elizabeth 29 , 176 , 176n, 191; Elizabeth (née Barr) 157n , 165, 167, 167n, 172n, 176n ; George 122; Joseph 29, 101 , 104, 121 , 131 , 176* , 176n , 191; Mary 21 , 59 , 80; Michael 172, 172n, 173, 181; Mrs., senr 101 , 104, 121

Charles II, King of England 1 , In, 93 , 152n; Heir to 1

Charlie, Bonnie Prince" 7

Charlton (Hants) 125

Charpin , Marrot) 91 Marie Thèrése (Mdme

Chartres (Carnutiensis), Cathedral of 15 , 175

Chatham 51

Chauvier, François Sauveur 86, 90 , 91 ; Marie Anne (née Carcagne) 86* , 90, 91; Marie Henriette (Mdme. Delamer) 90 , 91

Chelmsford , Newhall 136 , 137n*

Chelsea, London 16, 54; Old Church xii

Cheltenham 174n

Cherbourg (Coutances ) 90 , 133n , 135n*

Cheriton (Hampshire) 24, 31, 32, 34, 127 , 161n , 165n, 175n, 180, 181, 189, 192, 193

Cheshire 153n

Chichester , Diocese of 125

Chidiock (Dorset) 136n*

China 150

Chippenham (Wilts.) 97

Chiv(v)ers, Caroline 80; Catherine Frances 35, 193; Elizabeth 80; Ellen (Mrs. Bone) 68; Helen 22, 45, 46, 55; (or Gwyn) Henry46; Joanna Frances 33 , 142; Lucy 81 ; Mary 46; Mary Ann 81; Mr. 197; Mrs. 59 , 198* - 200 ; Sarah (1° Mrs. Southwell, 2° Mrs. Switzer) 22, 28, 33, 35, 59 , 68; Thomas Charles 28; Thomas 22, 28, 33, 35, 48

Christ 143* , 145

Christchurch (Hampshire) 34 , 53 , 126, 152, 154n, 1931

Christie, Matthew 20

Christopher(s), Frances Ursula 80; Mary 80; Mrs. 197, 198*; Sarah 21 , 34, 192; Teresa 80

Churcher, John (priest) 2 , 3*; Mr. (Curcher) 191 , 198; Mrs. (Curcher) 197, 199* , 200

Churchill, Elizabeth (Mrs. O'Neil) 32-34, 37, 80 , 194

Cistercian Abbey, Leicestershire 16 , 45

Cistercian Order 24

Cistercian Sister, Cordulia, Sister (Anne De l'Evêque) 24, 189, 189n

Clairiane, Rose (Mdme Féraud) 86

Clapcot, John 131

Clare, Elizabeth (née Carney) 41; James 41*

Clark(e), Anne 36, 194; Elizabeth (Mrs. Canhan) 72; Ellen (née Burns)

56, 57; Henry Ladbrook 68; John 51; Louisa 70; Margaret 19; Mary 42; Mr. 183; Richard 56; Stephen19; William 56

Clary, Catherine (Mrs. Halaghan) 64

Clatford, near Andover (Hants) 123 , 180; Goodworth 156n

Claverley (Shropshire) 153n

Claxty (Lincs ) 170n*

Clements, Edward 38; Julia (née

Purtell) 38; William 38

Clerke , Sir Thomas 153n

Cliffe Hall 158*

Clifford, Amy (Mrs. Constable) 160n; Arthur 25, 189, 189n; family 25; Hugh, 3rd Baron 160n; Rosamund79

Clifton Wood (Bristol), Convent at 17

Clink (Prison), The 151n

Clinton, vere or alias Mackenzie, Alexander (priest), S.J. 138, 138n; Robert 84

Clonmel 68

Close , Desmond M. (priest) 17

Closette, Joseph (priest), S.J. 137, 137n

Cobbett , William 138 , 140

Coberne , Joanna 57*; Julia (Mrs. King) 57; William 57*

Cobey, Anne (née Barry) 68*; George 68*; Mary 68; William Richard 68

Cockrel, Mr. 133n

Codrington, Bonaventure (priest) 2, 4* , 4n, 5, 94, 94n ; Thomas (priest)4n

Coffin, Anne 21; Edward (priest), V.G. Hants District 3; James 102; Mrs. 188

Coghlan, Mary 42, 56; Patrick 44; Sarah 41

Coignion, Marie Charlotte, Augustinian Sister 134, 134n, 180 (Sharlott)

Coisnon, Abbé Pierre 134

Coke, Caroline (Mrs. Donovan) 57

Colchester (Essex) 16, 54

Coleman , Anne (Mrs. O'Neil) 51; Bridget (Mrs. Kelly) 51, 53; Elizabeth (Mrs. Driscol) 41; James 51; Mary 51

Coleredo , Count, Imperial Ambassador 136n

Colle, Jean90; Thérèse (née Roubeau , Widow Toulon) 90

Collingridge, Ann 180; Bishop Peter Bernadine, O.S.F. 16n, 113; Canon Peter (priest) 17* , 71 , 71n; Ignatius (priest) 16* , 17* , 45, 54*-78* , 83, 84; Miss (Mother Elizabeth, O.S.B. ) 44; Mr. 122; Mrs. 122

Collins, Ann Elizabeth 20; Ann 27, 84, 189; Ellen (Mrs. Driscoll) 59; Eliza 48; Eliza (née O'Neal) 48; George I 183; George II 20; Honora 39; James Joseph 59; Joseph 73 , 84; Martin 48; Mary (Mother Anselm, O.S.B.) 35, 193; Mary (Mrs. Rawlins) 49;Mary(Mrs.Mayhew) 32; Mary (Mrs. Wilkinson) 43 , 76; Miss (Mother Mary Ignatia, O.S.B. ) 180; Mr. 188; Susan (née Payne) 20; Thomas 39 Collis, William 62

Cologne 5n , 151n; Electoral Highness of 131

Colson, Mary I (née Barr) 167n , 168; Mary II 168n; Mary III 168n; Peter 167n , 168

Colwich, BenedictineConventat 172n Comboy , Ellen (Mrs. Holloway) 67 Com(m)erford (or Camerford), Mary (née Smith) 73, 75; Mary Anne 73; Mr. 130, 131; Thomas 73, 75 Commonwealth , The 2n Compton , near Winchester 4 Concannon , Bridget (Mrs. Brandon) 77 , 77n

Coniers , Leonard (priest), S.J. 164n Connel (1), Anne 63; Bridget (née Barrett) 56; Catherine 70; Catherine (Mrs. Carroll) 67; Joanna (née Morris) 66; John 62, 66; Mary 66; Mary Ann 44 ; Mary (Mrs. Brennan) 37; Mary (Mrs. Garvey) 43; Michael 67; Peter 45; William 56* Cole, Alfred 199; Ann171n; Catherine Mary (Mrs. Pewsey) 62*; Catherine (née Corbett) 69; Christopher 69; Edward 80, 171; Edward James 47; Emma Sarah 47; Henry 80 ; James 31 , 171 , 192; Jane 171; John 154; Mary 69, 154, 171 ; Mary Ann Margaret (née Wall) 47; Mary (Mrs. Vaughan) 173n; Mr. 186; Mrs. 197; Sarah 171 , 178; Thomas 171 , 171n; Veal Dillon 69 Connelly, Bridget 62; Catherine (née


McGrath) 61 ; Ellen (née Kiernan) 71; Fonton 77; Honora 61; James 71*; Judith 77; Julia (née Lawlor) 77; Michael 77; Owen 61

Connington , Benedictine Convent at 172n

Connolly, John 76*; Susan (née Johns) 76

Connor, Anne (Mrs. McNamara) 68; James 43 ; John 39; Margaret (Mrs. Cunane) 78; Mary (Mrs. Murphy) 37

Conroy, James 41

Considine, Catherine(Mrs. Faulkener) 65 , 75

Constable, Amy (dau of Baron Clifford) 160n; Cecily (Mrs. Sheldon) 97 , 160, 160n* , 173n; Cuthbert 160n; Edward Sheldon 97, 97n, 98* , 149* , 173, 173n ; Estates 149, 173n; Frances 173 , 187; Francis 173* , 183; Mary 173, 179

Continuo , Freme 130

Conway, Martin 67; Michael 83

Coody, Daniel 180n

Cook(e), family 129n; James 116* , 155n, 162, 162n* , 163n*; Janey 157, 162n; Robert 157* , 162n

Coombs, Anne 55

Coony, Helen (Mrs. Burke) 54

Cooper, Bishop of Winchester 147149; Joanna (Mrs. Nash) 44; Mr. 195

Copley, Anne 153; family 153n; Henrietta 153n; John 153n; Roger 153n

Coquière, Abbé Louis 123

Corbet, Christopher 124n, (priest) 124, 124n; Elizabeth (née Bryant) 124n

Corbett , Catherine (Mrs. Cole) 69; Michael 69 ; Susan 69

Corbishley, Samuel (priest) 16

Corcoran, Bridget (Mrs. Maher) 63

Corcyra, insula, see under Corfu

Cordery, Mrs. Catherine 121 , 173 , 173n , 182

Corfe Castle (Dorset) 73

Corfu (Corcyra insula) 62

Corham , Jane, Mrs. William (née Wells ) 1; Mabel (widow Chandler, née Paulet) 1; Roger, grandfather of the next person 1 *; Roger, Founder ofWinchesterMission 1* , 2* , 2n* , 16 , 93* , 117-120* , 153; Roger (erroneously given by Canon G. N Godwin as the Father of the Winchester Mission's Founder, Roger Corham It should be William Corham) 2n; William 1*

Cork 58 , 62

Cormick , Margaret 83; Mary 81

Corneto (Italy) 4

Corney, Barbara 81

Cornthwaite, Richard (priest) 11n Corps, Mary 54

Corrigan, James 84

Corvell (or Cowell), Frederick 51; Joanna 51; Mary (née Mooney) 51 , 71

Cossey Park (near Norwich) 129n , 140, 141*

Coughlin, Cornelius 69; Sarah 68

Coughton (Warwickshire) 7

Couillon, Marie Anne (Mdme Doumé) 87

Council of Vicars Apostolic at Winchester 12n

Courtils (Normandy) 132

Courtomer (France) 133n

Coutances, Diocese of14, 90, 133n , 135

Cowdray (Sussex) 168n

Cowdray , Montague, 6th Viscount of 129n

Cowdr (e)y, Catherine 173n; Thomas 164; Ursula 164n

Cowdy, Diana (née Flanagan) 77; Stephen 77

Cowell (?), see under Corvell Cowes (Isle of Wight) 14, 15, 15n , 86n, 101n, 140, 165n, 171n , 178n

Cox(e), Ann (Mrs. Rutledge) 74, 76 , 77, 77n; James 122, 129, 131, 184; James junr 186; Josh 131; Mary 31 , 122, 192; Mr. 108, (postman) 197; Mrs. 122; Mrs. James 122; Mrs., senr 123; William 28, 32* , 122 , 181* - 192* , 195-199; Cox's young boys 198

Coyne, Margaret Mary 78

Crabb, Mr. 183

Crafter, Charles Thomas 48; Eliza Ann 83; Frances (née Whale) 33, 37, 41, 48-9; Henry James 37; John 33, 37, 41, 48; Katherine 130; Lucy 33; Lucy Agnes 49, 83; William Joseph 41

Crafton, Mary 129n; Richard 129

Cramway, James 41; Joanna 41

Cranmer 145

Crate, Mrs. 123

Crawley, Catherine 32; Catherine (née Brian) 64, 69, 73 , (? 77); James (vere Patrick, see pp 64, 77) 69; John 64; Patrick 64 , 69 , (? 77)

Crilly, Mary 23 ; (née Kirwan) 23; Patrick 23

Critchell (Dorset) 153n

Cro(c)ker, Anne 60, 70; Bridget 45, 49, 83; John 129

Croome, Louise (Mrs. Baigent) 20 , 22 , 25, 28, 30, 32 , 33 , 36 , 40

Crowley, Catherine (née Brien) (? Crawley, née Brian) 77; Hannah (Mrs. Lombard) 58; James 77; Patrick 77

Croydon 150


Cufaud, Cugnoni (Cunoney), Mrs. 101 , 104

Culcheth, aliasLewis, Thomas (priest), S.J. 136n, 137* , 138

Cull, Ambrose24-5; Cecil 84; Cecilia Anne 20; Mary (née Towsey) 20, 25; Mr. 197; Miss (Mrs. Everett) 197200 ; Richard 186; Robert Joseph 20 , 21, 25, 78; Robert 79

Cullen, Bridget (née Mulvey) 64; Edward (priest) 15; James 19; Mary 19; Mary (née Campbell) 19; Thomas John 64; William 64

Culmore (or Redstone), Charles William 46; William 46

Cummerford , Elizabeth (Mrs. Hutchison) 53

Cummins, Mary (Mrs. Varney) 51

Cunane , James 78; Margaret (née

Connor) 78; Michael 78

Cun(n)ingham, Eliza 64; Helen (née

McAllan) 23; Mary23; Thomas23

Cunoney , see under Cugnoni

Curran (Curron), Jane 179

Curtin, Mary 37*

Curtis, Ann 163

Curzon, Sir Peter (priest), S.J. 162

Cushion , Mary (Mrs. Welch) 70

Dacey (or Dasey), Catherine (Mrs. Haggerty) 63; John 64

Dalton, James 41; William, alias of William Smith xi-xii

Daly, Anne (née Kirwan ) 27; Ellen (Mrs. Thornhill ) 63 ; Margaret 27; Martin 27; Patrick 27

Dance, Ann 122

Danell(s) (Daniel), Ann 29, 173 , 190; Charles 165, 169; John 173* , 183*; Mary (née Standish) 165, 165n

D'Angelo, Mary Anne 68

Daniel, see under Danells

Daniel(1)s , Elizabeth 33, 192; Peter 68; Sarah 68

Darrell family 7

Dasey, see under Dacey

Dav(e)y, Alan 22, 25, 39, 80 , 81 , 82* , 121, 176, 176n; Ann (née Charkerquery, Alan's 2nd wife ?) 33-35, 80, 121; Elizabeth (née Smallwood) 30, 176, 176n , 191; Mary 57 , 121; Sarah (Mrs. Hyland) 42

David, Abbé Jean Etienne 133, 133n

Davies, Mary 20

Davis, Anne 53, 58, 66, 83; George 62; George Thomas 62; Harriett 58; Mary (née Maguire) 62; Sarah 42; William 58

Davis, Richard George (priest) 15n

Day, Amelia 182; Edward 182; John 128; Michael 41

Deacon , Catherine (née Ellet) 66; Edward 66; James 66

Dean, Elizabeth 65

Decas, James (priest), alias ofAkers , q.v.

Decie, Eleanor (née Dinnihen) 29; John 29; Mary 29

Decoreis , Charles 87; Charles Joseph 87 , 89, 91; Claire (née Décugis ) 87; Claire Barbe (née Roubert) 87, 89 , 91; Thérèse Charlotte Antoinette 91

De Costa , Narcissus Joseph 181n Décugis , Claire (Mdme. Decoreis) 87; Henry Louis Georges 91; Jean Louis Thomas 86, 88* , 91 ; Louis 88, 90; Marie Anne Delphine (née Milany) 88, 91; Marie Elizabeth (née Loubon, later Mdme Duvigneau) 88-90

Dee, Elizabeth 62

Defoe, Daniel 5 *

De Gantes, Julie 170 de Goësbriand , Anne Pauline Renée Marie (née de la Boëssière), Marquise 89, 91, 92*; Christophe Marie, Marquis 89* , 91* , 92; Marie Emilie 92; Paul Joseph 167, his sister 167 ; Pierre Désiré 92 de Jausserand , Elisabeth (née Bannister) 89, 91; Marie Elisabeth 91; PierreAndré 89 , 91 ; PierreChristophe 89* de Kerampuil, Comte 92 de la Boëssière-Lennuic, Anne Pauline

Renée Marie (Marquise de Goësbriand) 89, 91, 92*; Marie Marquette (or Marguerite Françoise Julie) (Mdme de Quemperde Lanascol) 92

Delamer, Jean Louis Hyacinthe 90 , 91; Louise (née Varangue) 90; Louis François Alexandre 91; Marie Henriette (née Chauvier) 90, 91; Pierre90 de Lanascol, Marquis 92

Delaney, Denis 67; James (priest) 15* , 16 , 19*-45* , 79* , 80*-83, 150* , 195; Margaret (Mrs. Gale) 44

De la Rue, Abbé François 20 , 174 , 188 , 188n

De la Warr, 9th Baron 2n

De l'Eveque, Anne (Sister Cordulia O. Cist ) 24, 189 , 189n

Delevigni, Ann 134

De Montmorency-Laval, Marchioness 175; Marquis 26n, 175

Dempson, Lydia (Mrs. Houlton) 24 , 26

Dene, Bridget Harriett, 75; Elizabeth (née O'Hara) 75; James 75

Denis, Abbé François 14

Dennahy, Catherine (Mrs. Dwyer) 38

Dennis, Mary (Mrs. Kenny) 53 (?) Deoshean , Frances 130; Mary 130

De Parrel, Monsieur Christian 84* , 85n , 87n

de Quemper de Lanascol, Jacques Yves Joseph Marie 92; Georges Marie Charles Yves 92; Marie Marquette (or Marguerite Françoise Julie) (née de la Boëssière-Lennuic) 92

Derby, County 142; DistrictS.J. 138n

Desborough, Mrs. 128, 130; see also Disbrowe

Des Ruisseaux , Abbé (? Enoud) 85n , 132

Devonshire (Devon) 152n

De Witt, William 58

Dibsdale, James 122

Dicconson, Blessed Roger (priest) 149

Dicker, Bridget (née Kavanagh) 73; Charles 73; Thomas George 73

Dieppe, 133n* , 134n

Dieudonné, Claude , 85; Marie Jeanne Anne (née Audibert) 85; Pierre Joseph 85

Digne, France 88

Dinan, Ellen (Mrs. Grant) 73

Dinnihen, Eleanor (Mrs. Decie) 29

Disbrowe (Desbrowe ), Jane I 157 , 163; Jane II 163; Samuel 156 , 157 , 163 ; see also Desborough

Dishwasher , Mr 182

Doggens, Catherine 69

Dogherty, Ellen (Mrs. Randall) 67

Dolan, Peter 58

Doller (Dollar), Lucy 29, 176 , 191

Dominicans , The Englishat Bornheim 7 , 170n

Donaghoe, William 39

Donhead (Wilts.) 137

Donnelly (or Donnally), Elizabeth (née Smith) 75; Elizabeth 75;Michael 75, 76

Donoghue, Margaret (Mrs. Chambers ) 67

Donovan, Caroline (née Coke) 57; Catherine 32; Daniel 57; Elizabeth (née Lynch) 32; Jeremiah 57; John 58; Thomas 32

Doolan, Bridget 40; Michael 40

Doran, James (priest) 17 ; John 131; Laurence (priest) 17

Dorking, 157n

Dormer , Frances (Mrs. Plowden) 171n; Hon Mr. 125; Lord 125 Dorsetshire , or Dorset 9n, 73* , 136n , 164n

Douay, 5n, 7 , 14; St. Bonaventure's (Franciscan) Convent at 13n; St. Gregory's Priory5n

Douay College xi, xii, 2n, 4, 6* , 7* , 8* , 9n, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14, 14n , 15* , 151n, 155n , 163n; Chapel 12

Doughty, Frances Apollonia, seeunder Mrs. Frances Apollonia Wells ? DoughtyDuthy, cf. 170n

Doughty, Sir George Brownlow 10

Douglass , Bishop John 12, 13 , 95n , 98, 99, 114 , 115* , 116

Doulens (France) 15

Doumé, Claire 87; Claire (Mdme Bastide) 88, 90; Claire (Mdme Brunot) 86* , 88, 91; Jean Baptiste 87; Marie Anne (née Couillon) 87; Suzanne (Mdme Toulon) 86, 89* , 90

Doumet (or Doumé), François-Xavier 87, 91; Marie Modeste 87; Ursule

Claire (née Andrieu) 87 , 91

Douzere, in Dauphiné, France 89

Dover 133

Dover-Pack, Helen Mary 41

Dowdall, Augusta 84; Aylmer 84; Frances 84; Laurence84

Dowell, Mary, see under MaryGrace

Dowling, Mary (Mrs. Cavanagh) 64

Doyle, John 26, 41; Mary (Mrs. Buckley) 58; Mary (née Kelly) 41; William 41

Draycott, Catherine (Sister Mary

Elizabeth, O.S.B. ) 31 , 192

Drayton, Catherine (née Lyons) 41; John, 41; Thomas 41

Dreper (? Draper), Mrs. 196

Drew, Elizabeth (née A'herne) 23; Francis 23; Patrick 23; Thomas23

Driscol, Elizabeth (née Coleman ) 41; Florentius 37; John 41; Timothy41

Driscoll, Ellen (née Collins) 59 ; John 59*

Droxford (Hants), Deanery of 125

Druiet, William 103

Dublin 69, 78 , 140* , 167n

Dubois, Julien 179, 179n

Dubost, Abbé François 135, 136 Ducey (France) 132n

Dudley Court, Soho Square, London 92

Duffy, Patrick 70

Dumper, Charles 122; Frances 122 , 179; James 178, ? 182; Joseph 180; Mary 179; William 179 , 180* , 196*

Dumphy, Henrietta (née Moony) 52*; James 52*

Dunboyne, 18th Baron 10n; 19th Baron 10n

Duncombe , Catherine(Mrs.Matthews) 165; Margaret 165

Dunkirk (Flanders) 12

Dunlavy (or Dunlany), Catherine (Mrs. Rofe) 55, 64, 70

Dunn(e), Denis 40; Edward 59; James 64; John 26, 59; Julia (Mrs. O'Brien) 43; Margaret (Mrs. Attwood) 31, 40, 41; Margaret 59, 68; Margaret (née Molloy) 59; Martha26; Mary (Mrs. McCullow) 61; Mary (née Robart) 26

Dunny, Anne (Mrs. Tibble) 71 , 72

Durent, Anne (Mdme. Fatier) 86


Durley (Hants) 125

Dusantoy, J. A. 132

Dutertre, Abbé 85n

Duthy (? Doughty, cf. 170n), John 170n; Mrs. Catherine 104, 107-109 * , 110* , 111 , 121, 170, 170n, 171n, 178

Duval, Abbé Jean François 133

Duvay, Louis 134

Duvigneau (or Duvigneaux or Duvignaux), Julie MarieCatherine(Mdme Julien) 89, 90; Louis Joseph 88-90; Marie Barbe (Mdme Barthélemy) 86 , 88, 90; Marie Elizabeth (née Loubon, Widow Décugis ) 88-90

Dwyer, Catherine (née Dennahy) 38; Ellen (Mrs. Carr) 78; James 38; John 38; Mary 69; Michael 67

Dynan, Amelia (née Allen) 42; Denis 42; James 42

Eades, George 20, 22, 188; Mary 27 , 189; Mary (née Burrow) 20, 188; Mrs. 122, 196-198; Mrs. , junr. 196; Thomas, 178; William 20, 21

Eady, Michael J. (priest) 17

East Bergholt 13, 15n

East Hendred (Berkshire) 14*

East Meon (Hants) 125

Ebison , Mr. 195

Eccles, Catherine, Mother, O.S.B. 178; Mary Philip, Abbess, O.S.B. 134, 134n

Edgbaston (Birmingham), Franciscan School at 12

Edisford, Rev. J. (priest), S.J. , vere

Swabrick 15, 15n

Edmonds , Elizabeth 19 ; Mary 63

Edmundian, The 8

Edwards, Anne 81 ; Catherine (Mrs. Guy) 36; Frances Agnes 175n; Joseph 129; Margaret 64; Mr. 123; Mrs. 123; Robert 24, 175 , 189; Zachary 112

Egan (Agan), Elizabeth (Mrs. Hayes) 38; John 25; Mary (née Burns) 25; Michael 25; Mrs. MayMiss (error) 100, 101, 104, 107, 107n, 108, 109* , 110, 169; William 54

Eherin, Catherine (née O'Connor) 72; Jeremiah 72; Thomas 72

Eldridge, Mary (Mrs. Champ) 128, 154n; Mr., junr 123; Mr., senr 123, 178; Sarah 180

Elizabeth, Queen 145, 146, 151n

Ellet, Catherine (Mrs. Deacon) 66

Ellingham (Northumberland) 171 , 171n

Elton, Caroline 70, 84; Hannah 68; Mary Anne 55; Mrs. 200; Tirina 54, 55; William 47

Embassy, The French, London 84

E(m)broensis , see under Diocese of Evreux

Emerson , James 78; Joanna78; Mary 78

England (Angleterre) 1 , 3* , 4n , 6-8, 11 , 12, 15* , 18n, 84, 85* , 132 , 133n , 135 , 135 , 136, 137 , 145, 150, 151n , 152n

England, Charlotte (Mrs. Kelly) 45-6, 50 , 61 , 71 , 75

Errington, Rev. (priest) 12

Ervill's Exton (Hants) xii

Escott, John 35; Elizabeth (née Taylor) 35; Samuel 35

Essex 160n

Estcourt, E. E. and J. O. Payne An Estienne, Esprit -Blaise85; Joseph85; Marie (née Castellan) 85; Marie (née Grognard) 85

Etheridge (or Ettridge), Mary 66; Mary Anne (née Shanly or Shanley) 65, 66; Terence Thomas 65; Thomas 65 , 66

Eure (France ) 133n, 134n

Everett (or Everitt), Ann (née Towsey) 35* , 80 , 193; Mrs. (née Cull) 197-200; Richard 22

Every, Mary (1° Mrs. Goldfinch; 2º Mrs. Thos Vinn) 171 , 171n* , 180

Evreux (E(m)broensis ), Diocese of 15, 27, 175

Exbury (Hants) 126

Exeter 15 , 15n* , 136n

Eyston, Ann (Mrs. Perkins) 155n

Fabre, Marie LucrèceClotilde (Mdme. Milany) 88 , 89

Fahy, Ann (née Grenan) 57; Patrick 57; William 57

Faille, Jean Henry 90

Fairfax, Catherine (Mrs. Metham) 169n; Thomas, 2nd Viscount 169n

Faithful, Jane (Mrs. Maher) 176 , 176n

Fane, John 40

Fannell, Eliza (Mrs. Ruberry) 63*

Fareham (Hampshire) 3, 125, 164n

Farlington (Hants) 125

Farquharson, Captain James xi, 81 , 150* , 175 , adopted daughter (Penwarden, Mrs. Cave) xi, 51 , 57, 81, 150; Mary 24, 110 , 110n, 111 , 121 , 150 , 175, 188

Farrell , Fergus 43; John 29; Mary29; Mary (Mrs. Brindle) 43; Mary (Mrs. Hyland) 42; Mary (Mrs. Ingram) 43

Farren, Bridget 40; James 40

Farrey, Mary (Mrs. Sears) 70

Fatier, Anne (née Durent) 86; Jacques 86, 87; Henry Louis Toussaint 88; Louis Alexandre 86, 88; Marie Anne (née Féraud) 86, 88


Fauconberg , Thomas (Belasyse), 3rd Viscount 157n , 158n

Faulkener, Catherine (née Considine ) 65, 75; Mary Anne 65; Thomas 65

Fawley (Berks.) 159n , 168n

Fay(e), Ann Catherine 75 (Mrs. Prunty) 61;

Fecham (Feacham), John 102, 103*; George 102

Feltham, Ann 179

Felton, Alfred 71; Joseph 71*; Sarah (née Ashton) 71

Féraud, François 86; Jacques 85; Marie Anne (Mdme. Fatier) 86* , 88; Marie Magdeleine , (Mdme. Infernet) 85; Rose (née Clairiane) 86

Ferguson, MaryIsabella (Mrs. Pierce) 21 , 191

Fernyhalgh (Lancashire) 8

Field, Catherine (Mrs. Kelly) 39; Honora 72

Fielder, Elizabeth (née Barton) 52 , 55, 57, 60; James 57 , 60*; Mary57; William 57

Fielding, John (priest) 3; Mary (Mrs. Kennedy) 67

Filer, Mr. 185, 187* , 188* , 189-191 , 193*

Finch, Mr. 190

Finchampstead (Berks) 157n

Finn, Anne 70; Daniel 70; Lucy 44

Finnerty, Anne (Mrs. Carr) 52

Fisher, Anastasia(née Bricknell) 162, 162n, 163n; Augustine 127; Elizabeth 161; John 162*; William 161*

Fishers Pond, near Highbridge (Hampshire) 36, 37 , 178, 194*

Fishwick (Lancs) 138n

Fishwick, Richard (priest) 7

Fitzgerald, Anne (née Kyle) 64; Bridget (Mrs. Nenan) 37 ; Bridget (Mrs. Teague) 77; Catherine 74; Catherine (Mrs. Moran) 71 ; Helen 71 ; James 64; Mary Anne 64; Mrs. Mary 100, 165; Richard 54; Thomas 64

Fitzherbert, Mary (Mrs. Weld) 169n; Thomas 130, his daughter 130

Fitzmorris (or Fitzmorice), Joanna (Mrs. Redstone ) 32* , 34, 36, 39

Fitzsimon, Mary (Mrs. Morton) 40; Michael 40; Thomas 31

Flanagan, Diana (Mrs. Cowdy) 77

Flanaghan, Rev. (priest) 10

Flanders 12 , 24, 146, 151n

Flanigan, James 26; Margaret (Mrs. Russell) 40

Flannary, Mary (Mrs. Meehan) 67

Flannery, Elizabeth (née Lunn) 77; Patrick 77*

Fleet Street (London) 139

Fleetwood , Mrs. 132

Flenly, Richard 180n

Fleury, alias Forrester , Charles (priest), S.J. 137 , 137n

Flight, Mr. 185

Flines (Flanders) 24

Flynn (Flinn), Alice (Mrs. Worsfield), 64; John 39; John James 39 , 40, 82; Lucy (née Attwood ) 39 , 44 , 82; William J. (priest) 17

Fogarty, Sister Ann, O.S.B. 61

Foley, Brother Henry, S.J. 4n, 6, 7

Fol(1)ey (Fowly), Ellen 63; Elizabeth 65; Elizabeth (née Aldridge) 63; Margaret 81 ; Michael 63; Miss or Mrs. 36 ; Mrs. 199 , 200*

Font, Catherine (Mrs. Linsey) 76

Ford(e), Abigail (née Green) 43; Andrew 43; Eliza 131 ; James 19; Joanna (née Griffin) 20; John 20; Katherine 129; Mary 128 , 130; Thomas 43

Fordingbridge (Hants), Deanery of 126

Forrester, Charles , alias of Rev. Charles Fleury, S.J. , q.v.

Forton, Gosport 4n*

Fossett, Anne 66, 83

Foulon, Abbé Louis 132

Fouqueville (Eure, France) 133n

Fowler, John 168; Martha 168;Mary 168; William 128

Fowles, William 181

Fox, Bridget 19

France 133, 133n* , 134n, 135n , 137n

Francis, Frances 182

Franciscan Nuns, Barbara, Mother (Webbe) 168; Elizabeth Angela, Sister (Ainsworth) 168; Mary Ann Teresa, Sister (Monington) 167; Mary Gertrude Simeon, Abbess (Weld) 169; Mary Teresa, Mother (Halcott) 168 ; Mechtilda C., Sister 171n

FranciscanNuns, at Taunton 13 , 171n

Franciscan Nuns, at Winchester and afterwards at Taunton 13 , 13n* , 167n, 168n* , 169n

Franklin, Thomas 68

Fraser , Catherine 42; John 42, 74

Frédéric, Henriette 86

Freeman (or Winscombe ) Elizabeth 72

Freemantle, Elizabeth (Mrs. Smith) 45

Fréjus (Var , France) 90

French, Anthony 131

French Navy 132

French Refugee Clergy 13* , 13n , 131-6, 166n

Friend, Anne 55

Froome, Amelia (Mrs. Sansom) 55, 58, 62, 68, 73, 78

Froud, Anne 79; William 79

Frowly, Mr. 200


Froxfield (Hants) 125

Fryer (Frier, Fryar), Ann 38, 122, 195 , 199; Elizabeth 31 , 192; (? Mr.) 195-198

Fuller, Honora 129 , 130

Fullerton, Helen (Mrs. Walsh) 54

Fulwood (Lancashire) 8 , 8n

Funel, Antoine Benoît 87; Claire (née Héraud) 87; Marie Cécile (Mdme. Imbert) 87, 89

Furner, Elizabeth 77; James 77; Mary (née Moore) 77

Gabrielli, Miss (Mother Frances, O.S.B.) 38

Gahan, Alice 172, 180 ; Captain

Robert 172

Gaiger, Robert 33 , 82

Gale, Margaret (née Delaney) 44; Thomas 44; Thomas Andrew 44

Galgani, see under Gilgani

Gallagher , Bridget (Mrs. Hoare) 66 , 74; Honora (Mrs. Tully) 30

Gallini, Alfred 80; Mary Anne (née

Pocock) 80

Gank, Judith (née Hennessy )

Mary Anne 50; William 50

Gauttier, Jean Joseph 86

Gavin, Mary Joanna 37; Michael 37; Susanna (née Hurley) 37

Gearn, Anne (née Parks) 65; Bridget 65; Michael 65

Geoghegan, Bridget (née McDonnell) 167n; Ignatius senr 167; Ignatius 131, 167

George II, King of England 130

Gibbins, William 23

Gibbon , Mary 53

Gibbons, Anthony 67; Catherine 67; Mary (née Mulrony) 67

Gibson, Bishop William 12 , 114; Elizabeth 79; Frances 81

Giffard, Bishop Bonaventure 3 , 5n; James , alias of James Wheble (priest), S.J. , q.v.

Gilbert, Alfred I 181; Alfred II 186; Anne 39, 40, 81; Anne Teresa 65; CharlesI 183; Charles II 81; family 195; George 38, 195; Henrietta Martha 178; John 122, 131, 173n, 174, 183; Joseph 186; Juliana 28, 79; Martha 19 , 52, 122, 173 , 173n , 187; Mary Ann 173n; Mary Loisia 185; Mr's child 179

Gildon, Joseph (priest) 159n

Garaty, Eleanor (née Larkin)

Galvin, Patrick 30 50; 39;

Elizabeth 39; James 39

Garbeiron , Marie Rose (Mdme. Imbert) 86, 88

Gardener, Bridget (née Kennedy) 54; John 54; William 54

Gargani, Anne 36; Anne Margaret 82; James 22, 25* , 27, 190; John 81; Joseph Thomas 22; Marie Ann 180, 180n; Mary (née Lucas) 22, 25; Mary 42; Mr. 189* , 197, 198; Mrs. 198-200 ; Victoria 185

Garnier, Catherine (née Hordy) 91; Jean Baptiste 91; Jean Joseph 87

Garvey, Henry 69 ; John 43*; Mary (née Connell) 43

Gascour , Abbé Charles

Pierre 134 François

Gascoyne, Catherine (née McLochlin) 78; Margaret 78; Robert 78

Gasquet, Cardinal 146

Gasquet, Joseph 89, 91; Marie Françoise (née Ansard or Ansalde) 89 , 91; Marie Marguerite (Mdme Tholon) 86, 88; Marie Thérèse (Mdme Suffise de la Croix) 89, 91

Gatehouse Prison 151n

Gatenby , Richard (priest) 3

Gates, Cornelius 62, 73; John Henry 62 ; Mary (née Kain) 62, 73; Teresa Anne 73

Gatton (Surrey) 153n

Gauntlett, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. King) 46; Peter 132

Giles, Mrs. 113, 113n, 115, 120, 130 , 131

Gilfoil, Bridget 49

Gilgani, Agnes Anne 52; (or Ward) Anne 48; (or Galgani) Anne Margaret (Mrs. Rumbold) 59, 63, 67 , 73; Bonaventure 52, 55, 60; Catherine 60; Emma Agnes 55; Isabella (née Payne) 52, 55, 60, 80; Mary 47 , 48; Mary Elizabeth 55, 71 , 75; Mr. 185 Gilhowy, Margaret 66; Timothy 66 Gil(1)ingham, Mr. 193

Gillot, Abbé Jacques François 132

Gillow, Joseph 6* , 12* , 15n, 152n

Giloux, Antoine 86; Catherine (née Pocel) 86; François 87; François Antoine 86* , 87*; Marie Madeleine (née Roudeiron) 86, 87*

Girdler (Gurdler, Guardler), Mrs. 197200

Gizel, Abbé Jean Jacques 133 Gladman, Susan 60

Glare, Elizabeth (née Kearney) 51 ; James 51; Walter James 51 Glas(s)pole, Elizabeth 154; family 154n; Francis 154; James 161 ; Joseph 167 , 170 , 176; Mary I 170, 176, 178; Mary II 161 ; Mary III 36 , 176, 176n, 194; Mary IV 180; Mr. 182* , 183*; Richard 161 , 167; William 161; Winifred 161 , 167 Gleeson, Alice 38

Gloucestershire (Glos ) 138n

Glover, Agnes Mary Ann 46; Alice 60; Charles William 40; Frances


Louisa 68; Frances (née Baggs) 40, 46, 52 , 60, 68, 79; Lucy 52; Mary Anne 65; William 40, 46, 52, 60 , 68

Goater, Amelia (Mrs. Mundy) 23* , 27, 189 ; William 103

Godisson (France) 133n*

Graham , Barbara 21

Grainger, Mary (née Sullivan) 51; Susan 51; Thomas 51

Granada (Spain) 3

Grange (or Wadden) Alfred Southton 70; Arthur Newton 71 ; Helen 70 , 71; Godfrey, Margery (née Herring) 151n; MaryAnne (?) 71 ; Zillah Kathleen 71

Richard 151n

Godwin, Canon G. N. 2n

Godwin, Margaret (Mrs. Adams) 7; Mr. 16 , 185 Gold, Ann 130

Golden Square, London 11n , 14 , 15, 137

Goldfinch , Elizabeth 37 , 194; Frances 178 ; George 36, 194; James 171 *; Mary (née Every; 2° Mrs.Thos Vinn) 171 , 171n* , 180; Robert 37 , 194

Goldie, Mrs. 109

Golding , Elizabeth (Mrs. Wilson) 29

Goldney , Henry 128; Mrs. 128

Gon(n)et, Abbé Jean Claude26 , 175 , 189n

Goodman, Edith 122; Edith (Mrs.) 63, 122; Elizabeth (Mrs. Howley) 19; Mary 122; MaryAnne (Mrs. Page) 19; Mrs. 198, 200; Robert 19, 24 , 26, 31 , 63* , 178, 181*-192* , 196, 197 , 200; Sarah 19, 22, 24, 178; Sarah's child 178

Goodwin, Ann (née Basset) 162n ; Charles 162, 162n

Goodworth-Clatford 156n

Goodyer, Winifred 129

Gordon, Catherine 54; Henry 185; Robert 122, 178

Gorman, Anne (Mrs. Hill) 63 ; Rebecca 104, 107, 108

Gosford, Mary Catherine 56

Goslin, Mary 129; Rebecca 129

Gosport (Hampshire), and Hardway 4n* , 9, 10 , 15, 42, 69n, 84, 85* , 85n , 86, 89, 115, 132, 135 , 166, 166n* , 174 , 174n (?) Gosse , William 128

Gould, Eleanor 32; Mary (née Hickey) 32 ; Thomas 32

Gourrier, Catherine (née Senes ; widow Guerrier) 91; François Bonaventure 92; Jean Baptiste 92; Joseph 91, 92; Marguerite Rose (née (?) Rat) 92

Gover, Mr. 188

Grace, Edward I 163n ; Edward II 163n; John Dowell 174 , 714n ; Mary Frances 23 , 174n , 188; Mary (née Dowell) 10n; Mary 163n; Matthias (brother of Patrick Thomas) 112; Mrs. Matthias 112; Oliver 10n*; Oliver John 174n; Patrick Thomas (priest) alias Savage, q.v. Gracefield 10n

Grange, Ellen Gregoria 73

Grant, Anne (Mrs. Redstone ) 20, 23 , 26; Edward 73, 75, 76; Ellen (née Dinan) 73; Hugh 33, 41, 52, 56, 62, 64, 67, 68, 70, 82*; Mary (née Middleton) 23, 32, 82; Mr. 194; Thomas 73; Thomas, Bishop of Southwark 83, 84

Grantham 17

Granville (Normandy) 132* , 133n , 134n*

Gras , Marie Anne (Mdme Roustan) 90

Grattan, Henry 140*

Gray, Ann Mary S. 184

(Mrs. Tommins) 11 ;

Greatbatch , William 65

Greave, Clarinda 66

Green , Abigail (Mrs. Ford) 43; Amelia 59; Anne (née Kenahan) 77; Anne (Mrs. Tombs) 71; Catherine Emily 35; CeciliaMary 41; Charlotte Mary 28; Christopher 84; Edmund 28, 35, 41, 47; Francis (priest), later

Canon 17 ; Gabriel 159, 159n; James 77; Margaret (Mrs. Pritchard) 46; (or Turner) Mary 74; MaryCharlotte 47; Sophie 47, 59, 61 , 63, 67, 74; Sophie (née Besley) 28, 35, 41, 47; Sophia Anne 55, 74; Town Clerk, Winchester 131; William 77

Greenway, Charles 15; George (priest) 15; Martha 15

Greenwood , Charles 168; Elizabeth (née Whorwood) 168; John 168; Mrs. 101* , 103, 104 , 108 , 121

Gregg, Patrick 50

Grenan , Ann (Mrs. Fahy) 57

Grene , Christopher (priest), S.J. 146

Gressier, Joseph 134 , 180, 196

Grey, Clarinda (née O'Farrell) 66; Frances Louisa 66; John 66

Grice, Anne (Mrs. Redstone ) 21

Griffin, Catherine 56; Edward James 44; Joanna (Mrs. Ford) 20; John Edward 44, 48, 56, 63; John 48; Margaret 63; Margaret Helen 42; Margaret (née Pinnock) 44, 48, 56, 63

Griffiths, Anne (Mrs. Riley) 31; Bishop Thomas 81 , 82*

Grist, William 72, 84

Grogan , Bridget (née Madden) 68; Henry 68; Thomas 68

Grognard, Marie (Mdme Estienne) 85

Grafton, Thomas (Stephen ) (priest), Groves, Mary 44; Mary Ann (née

O.S.F. 13 * Rush) 44; Robert 44; Stephen 72

Guards, Scotch Fusilier 46, 2nd 46

Guay, Catherine (née Longue) 92; Elisabeth Dorothée (née Imbert) 92; François 92; Jacques Philippe 92; Rose (née (?) Alrix) 92

Gudgeon, Agnes 186; Alfred Michael 65; Anne (née Horsley) 52, 57, 60, 65, 71, 78; Anne Agnes 75; Anne Isabella 78; Catherine Isabella (née Towsey ) 23, 25, 26, 52, 53, 62, 65, 78, 79 , 175n; Charles Thomas 60*; Edward 71 , 80; Elizabeth 22, 188; family 175n; George Edward 71; Mary Elizabeth 184; Mr. 184, 187, 189; Mrs. 193; Robert I 48, 52, 65, 78, 175n; Robert II 52, 57, 60, 65, 71 , 78; Robert Edward 57, 80; Thomas 60, 79

Guernsey, Channel Islands 85n

Guerrier, Catherine (née Senes) 91 ; Joseph 91

Guignery, Abbé Louis Honoré 132

Guigou, Joseph 132

Guildford, Sir George 2n

Guildford (Surrey) 3

Guillo, Catherine (Mdme Arnot) 85

Gumbrill, Anthony 196

Gunning, Canon and Provost Luke 17*

Gurde, Mr. (Carpenter) 179

Guy (Gye), Agnes 68 , 73; Catherine (née Edwards) 36; Frances 36 , 194; James 36, 63, 72; Joseph 36; Mary (Mrs.Wheble) 128-9, 159, 159 , 168n , 169n, 174n*; Thomas 26, 189 (given as John)

Gwyn, Henry 46; (or Chivvers), Henry 46

Hade, Margaret (Mrs. Hennessy) 54

Hadley, Laurence 130

Hagan, Hugh 67

Haggerston, Ann Mary(née Plowden) 171 , 171n, 178; Edward 171

Haggerty, Catherine (née Dacey) 63; Rebecca 62; Thomas 63*

Hailstone, Mrs. 123

Haines , Catherine 67

Halaghan, Catherine (née Clary) 64; Christina 64; Timothy 64

Halcott, Mother Mary Teresa, O.S.F. 168

Hal(1)ey (Helyor Haly), Margaret 57 , 61; Mary (Mrs. Mead), 42, 44, 50 , 57 , 83; Mrs. 200*

Hall, Henry (priest) 17 , 62*

Hally, J. J. (priest), later Canon 17

Haly: see under Haley

Hambledon (Hants) 125, 164, 164n

Hamblin, Martha (née Newbold) 158n; Robert 158 , 158n

Hamden , Richard 2n

Hamilton, John 83

Hampreston (Dorset), Churchyard 154n

Hampshireor Hants (Hantonia) 1 , 1n , 2n, 3 , 4, 4n* , 6* , 9n* , 11 , 11n , 24, 115, 123, 124n, 140, 152, 171 , 174

Hampshire, High Sheriff of xii, 2n

Hampshire Fund For Secular Clergy, The 11* , 11 *; Benefactors of 117120: see also Hampshire Ledger " Hampshire Ledger," The 6, 7 , 9* , 11 , 11 , 12, 16

Hanan, Bridget (Mrs. Malony) 64

Handel 95n

Hands, Mary Ann (Mrs. Bulbeck) 32, 175 , 175n , 192

Hanlon, Joseph 75; Mary (Mrs. Hoolachan) 58; Mary(née Quinn) 75; Mary Anne 75

Hannaberry, Elizabeth 70

Hannell: see under Annell Hannington (Hants) 127

Harcourt, Ann (Mrs. Caryll) 129n

Harding, Charlotte 183

Hardway, Gosport: see underGosport Hardwick 16

Hardy, Anne 46; Louise 82

Hare Street (village), Hertfordshire 9* Harfleur (Normandy) 132

Hargist, Cecilia Lucy 56; Flora (née McDonnell) 56; James 56

Harmswood (or Armswood), Eleanor (née Manning) 19, 24, 27, 31; Francis 31; George 24; James 19, 24, 27, 31; John 19; Mary Anne 80; Mrs. 197200; William Patrick 26

Harmsworth (Hants) 126

Harper, Anne (Mother Maura, O.S.B.) 49

Harrington, Ellen (née Carty) 73; Judith 73; Michael 73

Harris, Dorcas (Dorcress ) 129; Edward 135*; Martha 20, 188; Mrs. 197 , 197n

Harrison, Ann Clementina 162; John 162n; Mary 19 , 162n

Hart, Jane 114; Margaret (Mrs. Regan) 78

Hartigan, Eleanor (Mrs.McCarthy)43

Harting (Hants), Parish of 125, 181

Hartley Maudit (Hants) 146*

Hartnett , Patrick (priest) 17

Haslang, Count, Bavarian Minister 137

Hathorp (Hatherop) 14* , 14n*

Havant (Hampshire) 36* , 101 * , 104* ,

125* , 154n, 170n, 175n, 176n , 178 , 194, 194n

Hawkins, Frances 30; Henry 30

Hawkswell (Kent) xii

Hay, Anne (née Kerr) 76; Henry 76; Margaret 76

Hayes, Edward 38 ; Elizabeth (née Egan) 38; Margaret 38; Mary 23; Messrs 103

Hayter, Bridget 52, 135; Bridget (mistakenly given as Mrs. Robinson) 52n

Hearne, Charlotte 83

Heasting (Hampshire) 24

Heaton, Margaret 77

Hedger, Mr. 177-179* , 182, 184* , 185*

Hedges, Edward 29

Hely (or Haley, q.v.)

Hempsted Place, Kent 2n

Heneage (Hennage ), Elizabeth 101 , 101n, 103, 103n

Henley, Elizabeth 32, 192, 192n

Hennessy, Catherine54; Judith(Mrs. Gank) 50; Margaret (née Hade) 54; Patrick 54

Henrey, Elizabeth 65; Elizabeth (née Allen) 65; John 65

Henrion, Constant(priest), O.S.F.13n

Hensting (Hants) (Hinston ) 175n , 189 , 192

Héraud, Claire (Mdme. Funel) 87

Herberts of Llanarth 158n


Hermon , Miss 121; Mrs. 121

Herring, Elizabeth (Mrs. Chappell) 151n; John 151n; Margery (Mrs. Godfrey) 151n; Thomas151; William 151n

Heslop, John 75

Hewson , Eleanor (née McSweeney ) 43; Mary Ann 43 ; Michael 43

Hibernia, see under Ireland

Hickey, Ellen 75; Mary (Mrs. Gould) 32; Mary Ann (Mrs. Barry) 46

Hickins, Joseph (priest), O.S.F. 9 , 10n

Hickman (C.R.S., i, 215 , Hinckman) , Mary 178

Hicks, Abigail 163; Margaret (née Brien) 76; Thomas 76*

Hide, Thomas 145

Hierarchy, The Irish 140*

Higgins , Julia Louise 51; Laurence 51, 56; Louise (née Johnson) 51, 56; Margaret 56

Highbridge (or Brambridge) 1 , 15n , 29, 33, 35, 79, 91, 129n, 154n, 159n , 160n, 161 , 165n, 166n* , 169n , 170n , 171n, 172n, 176n, 181 , 183 , 190, 192, 193

Hinde, Elizabeth 181

Hine (Hide), Elizabeth 104, 108, 109* , 110; Mary 107, 108, 128, 130; Mrs. 121

Hinton, Mary 121

Hinton Ampner (Hants) 127

Hiot, Helen 41

Hiscock, Elizabeth (Mrs. Brazier) 40

Hoare (or Hore), Bridget (née Gallagher) 66, 74; John 74; Mary 66; Patrick 66, 74

Hobbs, Anne 48; Joanna 48, 55; Mary 47

Hodgson, Joseph (priest), V.G. London District 99

Hodskinson , Joseph 171 , 171n , 179*

Holborn, 12; St. Andrew's 169n

Holdaway, Michael 102, 103*

Holdenhurst (Hants) 126

Holding, Joanna (Mrs. Lightfoot) 76

Hollest (Holist) House (Sussex) 103

Holloran, Anthony 74 , 75

Holloway, Ellen 67; Ellen (née Comboy) 67; Jane 185; John 183, 184*-187 , 197 ; William 67

Holman, George 153n; Mary (née

Wells) 9n; William 9n*

Holmes, Mary (Mrs. Reilly) 38; Mary 76

Holt (Leicestershire ) 9 Homer 16n

Hoolachan, Eliza 58; Mary (née

Hanlon) 58; Michael 58; Rose 58

Hooper , Elizabeth (Mrs. Barnes) 7375; Mary 73; Miss 184; William 73

Hopkins, Mary 129

Horan, Bridget (Mrs. Lochlan) 68

Hordy, Catherine(Mdme Garnier) 91

Hore, Amelia Mary 79; Annette 81; see also Hoare

Horne, Bishop of Winchester 146

Horsley, Anne (Mrs. Robt Gudgeon ) 52, 57, 60, 65, 71, 78; Charlotte 60, 71; Joseph 53; Sarah 53

Hort-en-Hencourt (or Flencourt) 134

Horton, Mr. (priest) 155n

Host, Sarah (Mrs. McHale) 70

Hothersall 8n

Houghton, Ann 30 ; Ann (née Kelly) 30; Hugh 30; Mr. (query: Is this meant for Houlton ? See below) 184* , 185, 187, 188; Mr's child (mistake for Houlton) 188; Mrs. 188 , 198 ; William 194

Hill, Anne (née Gorman) 63; George Houlton, Agnes 21, 24, 188 (errone63*

Hilloch, Isabella 67 Hills, Henry 6; Mrs. Catherine 6; Mrs. Mary 6; Robert (priest), alias Hyde or Hide, Archdeacon Hants District 3n* , 5*-7* , 16, 94* , 94n, 117 , 119 , 159

Hills Foundation , at Douay 6

ously Houghton) ; Catherine 24; Elizabeth 26; Lucy 28; Lydia (née Dempson ) 24 , 26; Stephen 24, 26

Hound (Hants) 126

Hounsell (? Hounshill), Ann 129

Hounshill, (?) Barbara 158; Elizabeth (née Phillips) 128, 128n , 130 , 161 , 161

House of Commons 140

Howard, Bernard I 157n; Bernard II 157; Catherine (née Tattershall ; widow Lady Lichford) 157n

Howell, Edward 69 ; Teresa (née McCarty) 69 Teresa 69; Howley, Elizabeth (née Goodman) 19; Martin 19; Susan 19

Hubbard, Mr. 122

Hudless, Sarah 129

Hullahan, Mary 58

Humphries, William 53

Hungary (Hongrie), Queen of 131

Hunt, Elizabeth 155n, 162n , 163; family 152n; Francis 155; Margaret 152; Richard 152; William (priest) 17 , 60

Hunter, Alice Ann 66; Amy (née Brown) 60; John 60; Matilda (née West) 64, 66; Robert 64* , 66; Sarah 60, 64, 83

Huntly, George 59

Hurley, Bridget (Mrs. Baugh) 67; Susanna (Mrs. Gavin) 37

Hursley (Hampshire) 41, 124; Manor of 153n

Hurstborne Tarrant (Hants) 127

Hurst Castle (Castro de Hurst) (Hants) 156

Hussey, John 58

Hutchinson, Bridget (Mrs. Moore) 68 , 72

Hutchison, Elizabeth (née Cummerford) 53; James 53; Miss (Mother Mary Joseph, O.S.B. ) 27 , 190; Mother Mary Winifred, O.S.B. 183; William 53

Hyde (Deanery of Winchester) 123

Hyde Abbey (Hants) 94, 139 ; monks of 145

Hyde End, family 5* , 94, 94n

Hyde House , Benedictine Priory, at Winchester 5, 5n*

Hyde, Joanna Emily 59; Robert (priest), alias of Robert Hills, q.v.; Timothy 49

Hyeres, France 88

Hyland, Canon St. G. K. 149 *

Hyland, Elizabeth 42; James 42*; John 42; Mary (née Farrell) 42; Sarah (née Davy) 42

Ibbett, Anthony (priest) 17

Idsworth House (Hants) 125

Ignatius, Father 71*

Imbert, Charles Toussaint86, 88* , 91; Claire (née Picon) 87; Elisabeth Dorothée (Mdme Guay) 92; François 87, 89; Honoré 92; Isabelle

Dorothée 88; Jean Baptiste Vincent 89; Marie Cécile (née Funel) 87 , 89;

Marie Rose (née Garbeiron) 86, 88; Vincent 87

Immaculate Conception, College of (Derby District S.J.) 138n

Infernet, Marie Magdeleine(née Féraud) 85; Pierre Dominique 85; Pierre Frédéric 85

Ingram, Bridget (née Breen) 68; Catherine Teresa 68; Mary (née Farrell) 43; Mrs. 196, 197; Richard 43; Sarah 19, 187, 187n; William 43 , 68

Ipswich 17

Ireland (Hibernia) 51, 57, 59, 62, 66, 138n, 140

Irnham (Lincs ) 137n

Isle ofWight, The 15 , 101, 101n , 103, 126, 177n

Isleworth (Middlesex) 8, 8n, 11n

Itchen Abbas (Hants) 127

Itchenstoke (Hants) 126

Jack,Anne (née Bowland) 50; James 50; Mary 50

Jackson, MaryAnn (Mrs. Shackelton) 46 ; Mary (Mrs. Sone) 169, 169n

James, Ann (née Browne) 25, 65, 177n; Elizabeth (Mrs. Maffey) 26; Mrs. 196; Richard 38, 177, 177n , 194; Thomas (Vicar) 145

James I, King of England 1

James II, King of England4n, 6 , 97 , 159n

Jameson , Anne 59

Jarman, John Boykett 171

Jeffery, Elizabeth (Mrs. Chambers ) 72; Frances 72

Jenkins, Eleanor 31; Mary 157 , 157n; William 19

Jennett, Mrs. 182

Jennings, Cecilia 78

Jerningham, Ann (Lady Arundellof Lanherne) 153n; Edward 140* , 141; Emily (née Middleton , Mrs. Edward) 140, 141; Hon Lady Margaret (née Bedingfield) 129 , 130; LouiseCatherine Georgina 42; Sir George, 7th Baronet 140, 141 ; Sir Henry 153n; Sir John, 4th Baronet 129n; Sir William, 6th Baronet 140

Jersey, Channel Islands 85n , 132* , 133 , 135, 135n , 150

Jill, Mary 130

Jinks, Eliz 129

Jinmens, François 7n , 131

John, Ann Eames (née Waight) 185

Johns , Susan (Mrs. Connolly) 76

Johnson, Caroline 49; Henry 49; John 64; Louise (Mrs. Higgins) 51 , 56; Margaret (née Rowe) 49; Mary 158; Thomas 158


Johnstone , Mary 40

Jones, Ann 122; Edward 123; Elizabeth 122; Inigo 122; Inigo, junr 122; Mary 128; Mary Anne 75, 81; Mary Frances 82 ; Mary (née Roach) 75; Mrs. 123, 196, 199; Mrs. Ann 122; Mrs. Inigo 122; Mrs. Inigo, junr 123; Patrick 74, 75; Walter 3; William 128, 130, 131* , 134; William's wife 130

Jordan, Ann (née King) 69; James 69; Sarah (Mrs. Broderick) 39; Thomas 69

Julien, Jean François 89, 90; Julie Marie Catherine (née Duvigneau) 89 , 90; Louis 89, 90; Louis Amadée 90; Rose Magdeleine (née Polhonier de Rotignac) 89

Kagan, Philip 75*; Sophie (née Martin) 75

Kain, Mary (Mrs. Gates) 62, 73

Kavanagh (or Cavannah) Bridget (Mrs. Dicker) 73; James 64; Thomas 7n , 130, 131*

Kay, Mrs. John (née Catharine Kendal) 8n

Kearney, Elizabeth (Mrs. Glare) 51; Mary 48; Patrick 48

Kearns, Elizabeth (née Pape) 53; James 53; Julia 53; MaryAnn (Mrs. Abbot) 62

Keating, Catherine (née Carthy) 30; Mary, 30; Michael 30; Mrs. 150

Keenan, Bridget 66; John 66; Mary (née Mortimer ) 66; Michael 66; Patrick 83

Keeping, Edward 53; Emma 53; Mary 53; Mary Anne 53

Keleher, Helen 53; Jeremiah 53; John 53

Kelleher, Francis J. (priest) 17

Kellow , James 167; Mary Morley) 166n, 167; Mr. 183 (née

Kelly, Ann (Mrs. Houghton) 30; Ann (Mrs. Saunders) 53, 61; Ann 43 , 56; Bridget (née Coleman) 51 , 53; Catherine (née Field) 39; Charlotte 50;Charlotte (née England) 45-6 , 50 , 61, 71 , 75; Daniel 70; Edward 70; Ellen (Mrs. McEntire) 62; Ellen (Mrs. Shears) 62; Elizabeth 61; Henry John 53; Henry L. P. (priest) 17; Hugh 67, 83; Isabella 71; James 39 , 43, 45, 50 , 61, 71, 75; Keran (or Karan) 51, 53; Margaret 39; Margaret (née Reed) 70; Mary 39; Mary (Mrs. Doyle) 41; Patrick 83; Rose (Mrs. Marlow) 20 ; Selina Ann 75; William 39, 45

Kelly, Rev. B. W. 5n* , 112n

Kemp, Farmer 127 Kemsey 155n

Kenahan, Anne (Mrs. Green) 77

Kendal, Ellen 8n; Catherine (Mrs. John Kay) 8n; family (pedigree) 8n*; George (priest), b. 1698, +1766 8n; Henry (priest), b. 1689 , +1752 8n; Hugh, 1710 8n; Hugh (priest), 1st President SedgleyPark, +1781 8n; John (several Johns ) 8n*; John junr. 8 , 8n; John junr (recusant) 8n; John senr . (recusant), +1722 8n; Henry 8n; Mrs. John (née Catharine Tomlinson) 8n; Mary 83; Mrs. Winifred 8n ; Richard 8n; Richard (priest), b c . 1709, +1780 7* , 8* , 8n, 9*; Richard (priest), b 1684/5 , +1747/8 8n; Richard Peter (priest),

O.S.B., b 1758 , +1814 8n; Robert Sn; Robert (priest), b 1700, +1734 8n; Rosamundjunr. 8n; Rosamund (recusant) 8n; William 8n

Kennaire, see under Kinnaire

Kennedy, Bridget (Mrs. Gardener) 54; Denis 67; Frances (née Sheppard) 164* , 164n*; Margaret (Mrs. Owens)

41; Mary (née Fielding) 67; Mary Ann 67; Michael 164n ; Mrs. 103

Kennett, Brian (priest) 6

Kenny, Andrew 53; Angelica 53*; AnneMary53*; Mary (née Dennis ) 53

Kent xii, 7 , 137n

Kent, Eliza 129

Kerampuil, Comte de 92

Kerigan, Bridget 69

Kerr, Anne (Mrs. Hay) 76

Keyes (or Keys), Mary Anne (Mrs. Tritschler) 49 , 56

Kidd, Elizabeth 34, 39, 81; James 33, 81; Mr. 200; Mrs. 199, 200

Kiernan, Ellen (Mrs. Connelly) 71

Kilkenny 10n

Killealey, Catharine (née Moynhan) 74; Thomas 74*

Killeen, Ann (née Seery) 50; James 50; Thomas 50

Killy, John Baptist 83

Kilmeston (Hants) 127

King, Ann(Mrs.Jordan) 69; Charlotte 79; Dorothy (Sister Mary Magdalen, O.S.B. ) 186; Emma 62; Francis 57; James Henry 46; John Henry, Rt

Rev. (Bishop of Portsmouth) 17* , 18 , 92* , 97n, 111, 116, 121n, 123 , 128 , 131 , 138 , 145, 151*; Julia (Mrs. Coberne) 57; Mary22, 188; Mary Ann 57; Mary Elizabeth (née Gauntlett) 46; Mr. 200; Mr's three children 197; Mrs's three children 198, 199; Mrs's boy 199; Robert 103; Sarah 82; Thomas 46, 81 ; William 57

King Alfred College, Winchester 2n


Kingsclere (Hants) 127

King's Somborne (Hants) 126; Deanery of 126

King's Worthy (Hants) xii, 127

Kington, Pacificus (priest), O.S.F. 13n*

Kinnaire (or Kennaire), Ann 64; Ellen 62

Kinsella, Margaret (Mrs. Russell), 44, 47

Kinslow, Rose 83

Kippinge, Elizabeth 160

Kirby-on-the-Hill (Yorkshire) 6

Kirk, Catherine 58; Elizabeth (Mrs. Avery) 48 , 56

Kirk, Rev. John (priest) 3n , 11*

Kirvell (Kervil, Thirvell), Edward 170n*; John 170n; Mary (née Smith) 170, 170n

Kirwan, Ann (Mrs. Daly) 27; John 29*; Mary (Mrs. Cully) 23 ; Mary (née West) 29

Knight, Joanna (Mrs. Trainer) 25

Knox, The Reformer 145

Kyle, Anne (Mrs. Fitzgerald) 64

La Cadiére (Provence) 89

Lacan (or Lacant), Claire (Mdme. Maselet) 87, 89; Marie Marguerite 87

Lacy, Eliza (Mrs. Leary) 78; Henry 159; John 126; Patrick 78

Laffy, Andrew 64, 83; Sarah 83

Lallemant (L'Allemand), Abbé

Jacques 133 , 133n; Abbé Jacques

Pascal 133n

Lambeth 168

Lambourne (Berks.) 154n

La Motte, Abbé Germain 135 , 136

Lamperd, Mr. 193

Lamperiére , Abbé Jean 132

Lancashire(Lancastria, Lancastrensis , Lancs), 12, 15n, 39, 69-70, 136n , 138n, 162n, 169n

Landerford (query: mistake for Lumberry or Lundberry ?), Mr. (? 36), 194

Landrigan, John 59*; Mary (née Butler) 59; Timothy 84

Lane, Edward 57; John 128 , 152n* , 160; Lucy 79; Mary(widow ofRoger) 152n; Roger151n, 152;Thomas152n; Widow 152n

Langley, Elizabeth 164

Lanherne(Cornwall) 129n* , 153 , 153n

Lantry, Ann (Mrs. Barry) 76

La Pille (Eure, France) 134n

Larkin , Edward 83; Eleanor (Mrs.

Garaty) 39; Martin 63

La Rue, Jean 7n, 131

Lashford, James, Mayor of Winchester 128

Laughlin, Bridget 56

Laure, Antoine 90

Laury, François 90

Laval, Claude 7n, 131

Lawlor, Anne 77; Catherine (Mrs. Molony) 61; John 49; Julia (Mrs. Connelly) 77; Patrick 77; Sarah (Mrs. Bulger) 43

Lawson, Ann 53

Lawton, Mary 82

Lea, H. (priest) 75

Leamington Priors 114

Leary, Denis 78; Eliza (née Lacy) 78; Michael 69 ; Walter Denis 78

Le Barbanchon , Abbé Bon 135 , 136

Le Blon, Ann 134; Julie (SisterMary Sophie , O.S.B.) 40

Le Blond, Abbé Jacques 132

Leckford Hutt (Hants) 123

Le Duc, Abbé Jean 134; Abbé Jean Georges 134n

Lee, Adelaide 37; Alice 14n; Captain

John, R.N. 14, 14n; John (priest), b. 1739, +1821, 14n; John (priest), b 1768 + 1839,14* 140* , 114* , 115, 116 , 121 , 123n*; Joseph (priest) 14; (or Leigh) Martha (née Lincoln) 128, 128 , 157n; Thomas 157n

Lefebvre, Abbé Jean Baptiste François 135, 136; Abbé Pierre Bernard 135, 136

Le Havre (Havre de Grace) 133*

Leicestershire 9, 16, 45

Leigh, near Havant (Hants) 125

Leigh, Elizabeth 40 ; Francis (priest) 14n*; (or Lee) Martha (née Lincoln) 128, 128n; Mary Ann 39, 83; Teresa 51

Leighton (Lancashire) 3

Le Marquant, Abbé Henri Jacques 15* , 27, 175, 189

Le Nouvel, Abbé Jean François 133; Abbé Nicolas François 133

Levoy, MissA. C.: see under Bramston , Miss A. R.

Les Pieux (dioc. Coutances ) 135 , 135n* , 136

Lewington, CatherineMary 49; Mary 47; Mary (née Morley) 49; Thomas49 Lewis, Dr., Prebendary97 , 97n , 152; Mrs. Alice 97, 97n, 152; Theodore (priest), S.J. 152n ; Thomas , alias of Rev. Thomas Culcheth, S.J., q.v.

Lichford, Catherine, Lady (née Tattershall; married 2° Bernard Howard) 157n; Sir Richard 157n

Lidon, Marie Rose Cécile (Mdme Pouteau) 88; Marie Victoire 88 , 92

Liège 164n; Jesuit College at 9

Lightfoot, Ann Mary 75-6; Emily Agnes 75-6; Frances Mary 75-6; Joanna (née Holding) 76; Thomas76

Lillebonne (France) 133n

Lincoln (Lincs ) 143


Lincoln, Elizabeth (Mrs. Bracher) 157n; James 157*; John 18, 161; Martha (Mrs.Lee or Leigh) 128 , 128n , 157n; Mary (wife of James) 157; Mary (Mrs. Barr) 128, 128n , 157n , 164, 164n, 167n , 170n

Lincolnshire (Lincs ) 137n , 138n , 142 , 170m

Lincoln's Inn, London 1

Lincoln's Inn Fields Chapel 10n, 14n Lindley 136n

Lindow, John (priest) 12

Lingard, Elizabeth (née Rennell) 121 , 170* , 170n , 185, 185n; Jane 170, 170n; John, father of the Historian 13, 97 , 103* , 105* , 107, 121 , 131* , 170* , 170n; John (priest), Dr., The Historian 11 , 12n , 13, 15 , 170n* , 185n

Linkhorn, Mary 129

Linnahan, Mary (Mrs.O'Sullivan) 30

Linsey, Catherine (née Font) 76; Cornelius 51; David 76; William 76

Linsted Lodge (Kent) 137n

Lisbon, English College at 5n , 10n , 16, 124m*

Lisieux 135n; Diocese of 133n*

Liston, James 59

Little, Michael 34, 193

Liverpool 138n*

Lochlan, Bridget (née Horan) 68; Lucy 68; Thomas 68

Locke, Caroline 59

Lockman, Dr., Master of St. Cross , Winchester 98 , 149

Lod (d)er , John 129, 164; Mary 129

Lodin de la Massonay, Jean Baptiste 86; Julie François 86

Lofty, Honora 62; (or Payne) Thomas 62

Logan, Catherine 67

Lombard , Hannah (née Crowley) 58; Richard 58; William Joseph 58

London, 3, 6, 7* , 9* , 10 , 11 , 12* , 12n , 14* , 15* , 24, 30, 53, 88, 92, 94, 95, 101 , 104* , 112n* , 124n , 136n , 138n, 168n , 170n, 175; Bishop of 151n; Bloomsbury 167; CastleStreet 99; Chelsea 16, 54; old Church xii; Diocese of 94n; Golden Square (Warwick Street) 14, 137; Gray's Inn 12; Hammersmith 6, 17 , 155n; Holborn, St. Andrew's 169n; Kensington 101 , 104 , 116, 138, 169, 172n; King Street Chapel 84; Moorfields 15; Nottingham Place 170; Soho Square 167; Spanish Place 16; St. Pancras Churchyard 11n , 152n; Warwick Street 14, 137

London District, The 12, 12n , 79 , 8082* , 114; Bishop of 99 ; Vicar Apostolic of, 115

London District Clergy Register, The 11n

LondonVicariate, The 12* , 161n , 174n

Long, Joanna (née O'Heara

O'Hara) 62, 65; John 62, 65; Judith 62; Thomas 62; Thomas Henry 65

Longue, Catherine (Mdme Guay) 92

Longwood (Hampshire) 9 , 9n , 16n , 97n , 152n, 153 , 153n

Loobey, James 67; Joanna 67

Loony, Catherine (née Sullivan) 65; Michael 65; Patrick 65

Lore (or Lorre), Marie Anne (Mdme Castellan) 85

Loreto 138n

Loubon, Marie Elizabeth (1° Mdme

Décugis ; 2° Mdme. Duvigneau) 88, 89, 90

Loughlin, Bridget (née Murphy) 60, 75; Eliza 75; Isabella 60 ; James 60; John 60, 75

Loughnan, Anastasia (Mrs. Nicolls) 48; Catherine Mary 82; Joseph 48; Mary C. 48

Lounds (? Lownes), Mary 130

Louvain, St. Monica's xii; Chronicles of St. Monica's at (quoted) 151n

Louviers (France) 134n

Lovedon , Julia 43

Lovell, Ann (née Mooring) 154 , 154n; John 69; John William 69 ; Margaret (née Burke) 69; William 154* , 154n

Lover, Catherine 122; Edward 122; Mrs. 122

Low , Eliza 129

Lown(e)s , Mary 129; William 129 , 131 ; see also Lounds

Lucas, Henry 103*; Mary (Mrs. Gargani) 22 , 25

Luddon, Mary 53; Michael 53

Ludwell (Wilts) 137

Lugduniensis, see under Diocese of Lyons

Lulworth Castle 101 , 104, 138 , 138n

Lundberry (or Lumberry), Andrew 36* , 36n; Catherine (née Westwood) 36; Catherine 36

Lunn, Elizabeth (Mrs. Flannery) 77 Luther 145

Lymington (Hants) 85n , 126

Lynch, Elizabeth (Mrs. Donovan) 32; Mrs. Eleanor 99, 101, 104, 107 , 108 , 150, 167

Lyons, Ann (Mrs. Mason) 37; Catherine (Mrs. Drayton) 41

Lyons 152n ; (Lugduniensis) Diocese of 26, 175n

Lythall, Mary 160

Mack, Judith Ann 39

Mackerill, 126; Richard 178

Madden, Bridget (Mrs. Grogan) 68; Mary 44, 46, 68

Maffey, Charles 26; Elizabeth (née James) 26; Mary Frances 26

Maguiane (or Magnane), Claire (Mdme Varaine or Baraine) 88

Maguire, John 75; Margaret 75; Mary (Mrs. Davis) 62

Mahan, Honora (née Welch) 69; John 69*

Maher, Bridget (née Corcoran) 63; Jane I (née Faithful) 176 , 176n; Jane II 37 , 176, 176n, 194; Jane III 63; Martin 176, 176n; Michael 63; Walter 62

Mahieu, Abbé Jean Antoine 133

Mahon, Catherine51 ; Thomas(priest) 14n

Main(e), Mary 63, 104, 121 , 170

Malkin, George 103

Malone , Patrick 65

Malony, Bridget (née Hanan) 64; Catherine 64; John 64

Malpas (Morpess) Mrs. Katherine 129

Man (or Marr), Thomas 43

Manche (France) 132n* , 133n* , 135n*

Mangin, Abbé Louis Salomon 184 , 184n

Manly, John (priest) 124 , 124n

Manning, Eleanor (Mrs. Harmswood or Armswood) 19, 24, 27 , 31

Mannock, Lady Elizabeth Mary (née Stonor) 164n, 166, 166n; Lady

Frances (née Yeats) 153n ; Lady

Mary 99, 115; Sir Francis, 4th Bart 153n , 162n; Sir Francis, 7th Bart. 153n, 164, 164n, 166; Sir Frederick 152n; Sir George (priest), S.J., 9th

Bart 164n; Sir Thomas , 8th Bart. 164n; Sir William Anthony, 6th

Bart 164n

Mansborough , Hundred of xi

Mantua House, Roscommon10n , 174

Manuel(1), George 66; Mary 66; Mary(née Shea) 66; Richard 129 , 130

Mapledurham, near Reading 12 , 152n

Mara, James 74; Mary(née Brennan) 74; Matthew 74

Marines, The Royal 172

Marks, Elizabeth (Mrs. Ricquier) 21* , 25

Marlow, Alice 20; John 20; Rose (née Kelly) 20

Marr (see Man) 43 and 43n

Marratt, Elizabeth (Mrs. Sullivan) 41

Marrot, Eugénie Victoire Honorine

Elvire91; François91;Marie Thérèse (née Charpin) 91; Thérèse Elisabeth 91

Marseilles 90

Marsh, Ann 34 , 181 , 192 , 197 , 197n , 199*; G. 181; Jane 84

Marshall, Ann (Mrs. Murphy) 62

Marsland, Helen (Mrs.Milner), Bishop Milner's mother 12, 14 , 101 , 104 , 166, 166n; John (priest) 166n

Martigue 86

Martin , Ann 9n, 159; Bridget (Mrs. Bulger) 33, 34; Edward 128, 130, 131, 159; François Louis Marie 90; Gregory (priest), O.S.F. 9n; Jean Jacques 88; Jean Joseph Henry 88 , 90; Jeanne (née Aubert) 88; John (priest) 9* , 9n*; John (priest at Gosport) 9 , 99, 115, 166; Mary 128-130 , 159; Mary (Mrs. Moody) 128 , 130 , 131 , 158, 159n ; Richard I 156 , 156n; Richard II 159*; Sophie(Mrs. Kagan) 75; Thérèse (née Audé or Audet) 88* , 90; William 80

Martyr Worthy (Hants) 127

Mary, Queen 146, 153n

Maselet, Claire (née Lacan or Lacant) 87, 89; Jean 87, 89 ; Marie Charlotte 89; Marie Louise 87

Mason, Ann (née Lyons) 37; Henry 37; Lucy 37; Mary 77

Mat(t)hews, Andrew 165 , 167*; Ann 128; Ann (Mrs.) 160; Ann (Mrs. Rooke) 167; Catherine (née Duncombe) 165; Dr. 3n; Eliza 129-131 ; Elizabeth 173n; John 173n; Henry 125, 160*; Katherine 128, 130; Mary 18 , 173n; Mr. 123; Mrs. Elizabeth 128; Mrs. Mary 129 ; (Mrs. Morley) 166n, 173n ; William 156, 156n*; William (priest) 156n

May, Mr. 105* , 106* , 107

Mayes, Dominus, Clergy Agent in Rome 4n

Mayhew, John 32; Mary (née Collins) 32; Mary Ann 32

Maynooth College, Trustees of 140

Mead(e), Catherine 42, 50; Ellen 57; Frances 50; Jerome 50, 83; Margaret 50, 55, 59; Margaret (Mrs. Barnes) 65; Mary 63; Mary (née Haley or Hely or Haly) 42, 44, 50, 57 , 83; Michael 42, 44, 50, 57; Veronica 44

Meader , Eleonora 116*; family 129n; Mary (née Wheble) 100, 101 , 104 , 108-110 , 111 , 121, 163n, 169 , 169n; William 13* , 14, 95, 96, 96n, 98* , 100-104 * , 107–112* , 116 * , 131,149, 163n* , 169*; William, senr 116* , 157

Meadows , Mary Philippa 47

Meads, Catherine 45

Mears, Sarah 78

Meaz(e)y(Measer,Measeme, Measome) Mary (Mrs. Cave) xi, 172n , 174n; Sarah 129-131 , her son 129, 130 , her daughter 129 , 130

Meehan, Owen 67; Mary Anne 67; Mary (née Flannary) 67

Mercer , Betty xi


Merdon (Hants), Manor of 153n

Merriman, Margaret 99 , 115 , 117*120*

Mersh, Ann 122; Joseph123;Mrs. 123

Metcalfe, William (priest), O.S.B. 5n , 12

Metham(Yorks ), NorthCave at 169n Metham, Catherine (dau of 2nd Viscount Fairfax) 169n; Catherine 169n; George 169n*; Jordan 169n*; Mary 169n*;Mrs. Mary 101 , 104 , 107 , 108, 121, 169, 169n; Philip 169n Michaell, see under Mickerall Micheldever (Hants) 126 , 139 Mickerall (Michaell), Ann 129 Middlesex 6n, 116

Middleton, Catherine 35, 122 , 193; Catherine Gordon 54; Elizabeth 61; Elizabeth (Mrs. Avery) 23* , 26, 28; Emily (Mrs. Edward Jerningham) 140, 141; Frances Mary 61; George (priest), Rural Dean of Hants District 2, 3* , 3n*; George 3; Joanna (née McGuinness ) 54, 61; Mary (Mrs. Grant) 23, 32, 82; Mrs. 196*; Thomas Lumley 54 , 61

Midhurst (Sussex) 101 , 103

Midi, Elizabeth 134

Midland District, The 12, 140; Vicar Apostolic of 114 , 140

Milany, Jean Joseph Henry 88* , 89 , 91; Marie Anne Delphine (Mdme Décugis) 88* , 91; Marie Lucrèce Clotilde (née Fabre) 88, 89

Milford (Hants) 126

Miller, Joseph, see under Milner; Eliz 123

Mills, Ann 43; James 6

Milner (Miller), Bishop John, xi* , 1* , 2* , 4, 5*-7* , 10 , 11 , 12 , 12n, 13* , 14*,16* , 92 , 93, 94n, 97n, 100* , 101 * , 103* 104* , 107, 108* , 109* , 109% , 110* , 110n* , 111 , 111n , 113 , 113n* , 114 , 115, 116* , 117n* , 121, 131 , 138 , 140 *-143* , 143n* , 145* , 149* , 164n , 165n* , 166n* , 167n* , 169n* , 171n , 172n , 173n , 187, his Church 13; Joseph 12;Mrs. Helen(néeMarsland), Bishop Milner's mother 12 , 14 , 101 , 104 , 166 , 166n

Milner , Blessed Ralph 149*; John (priest) 12n

Milton 16n

Milward, Anselm (priest), O.S.F. 13n

Mindham (Mindum), Dorothy 129; Edmund 128 , 131

Minighan, Margaret (Mrs. Riley) 70

Minn (? Vinn), John 158

Minster Lovell (Oxon) 145

Minuti (or Minuty), Marie Anne (Mdme. Seranne or Serane) 86, 87

Mitan, Matilda 81

Mittan, Frances (Mother Phillipa, O.S.B. ) 35, 193

Molloy, Margaret 59; Margaret (Mrs. Dunne) 59; Patrick 59

Molony, Catherine 61 ; Catherine(née

Lawlor) 61 ; Martin 61

Molsted, Sarah 129

Molteno, Miss

O.S.B.) 35, 193 (Mother Catherine,

Monington, Sister Mary Ann Teresa , O.S.F. 167

Monks Sherborne (Hants) 127

Monmouthshire 95n

Montbray (Normandy) 133 and note

Montefiascone(Italy) 4n

Montisfont (Hants) 123

Montishill (? Hounshill), Barbara 158

Montmorency-Laval, Marquis26n, 175

Mood (e)y (Moudy), Ann 28, 122 , 128; Ann (née Baverstock) 161 , 161n; Eleanor 33; Elizabeth 178; Helen 30, 79; James 180; John 33, 100 , 107 , 108, 121, 129, 131 , 166* , 166n* , 178; John, junr 121, 167; Joseph 166; Mark 181 ; MaryAnn 26 , 29, 36, 79 , 172 , 172n; Mary Ignatia 167 , 178; Mary (née Camies) 29, 33; Mary (née Cave) 166n, 167 , 172* , 172n , 181; Mary (née Martin) 128, 130, 131 , 158 , 159n; Mary (née Williams) 21; Mrs. Robert 180; Robert I 130; Robert II xi, 166n , 167 , 172* , 172n, 178 , 180* , 181; Robert III 21 ; Thomas 25, 26 , 29; Vincent 21; William I 128 , 130, 131 , 158; William II 161* , 161n; William III 29, 33; William IV 29

Moody, Henry 1 , In

Moon, Ellen (née Owen) 69; James 69*; Stephen James 69

Mooney, Mary (Mrs. Corvell Cowell) 51, 71 ; Michael 77

Moony, Henrietta (Mrs. Dumphy) 52

Moor(e), Ann (née Wells) 159n; Ann Mary 168; Bridget (née Hutchinson) 68, 72; James 114; John 62, 72; Mary(Mrs. Furner) 77;Mr. 196; Mrs. 99; Sarah 72; Sir Henry 159n; Sir Richard, 3rd Bart. 168, 168n; William 159 , 159n

Moore-Hall (Lancs) 39

Moorfields, London 15

Mooring,Ann (Mrs. Lovell) 154 , 154n; Edward 154n

Moran, Catherine (née Fitzgerald) 71; Michael 71; Thomas 71

Morestead (Hants) 125

Morgan, Eliza 71; Mary Ann, 25

Moriarty, Catherine 72; Mary (Mrs. Brien) 72

Morley, Catherine(Mrs. Vinn) 166 *; Elizabeth 166, 167 , 173 , 173n; George 166n , 181 , 182* , 183*;

G., junr. 182; MaryI 166n; Mary II (Mrs. Kellow) 166n, 167; Mary III 166n ; Mary (?) 166n, 173, 173n, 181; Mary IV 166n; Mary (Mrs. Lewington) 49; Mrs. 196; Theresa 166n; William I 166* , 167, 173 , 173n; William II 166n, ? 173, 173 , 173n , 182; Mrs. William (? II) (née Matthews) 166n; William III 166n; William IV 166n , 196

Morony, John 83

Morris, Bernard L. (priest), later Canon 17; Joanna (Mrs. Connell ) 66; William (priest), O.S.B. 15

Mortain (Normandy) 132

Mortimer, John 66; Margaret 66; Mary (Mrs. Keenan) 66

Morton, Mary (née Fitzsimon) 40; John 40; William 40

Moseley 114

Motion (? Nation) 156, and note

Mott, Miss Agnes 2n

Mottisfont (Hants) 126

Mountain, Elizabeth (née Baverstock) 129; Thomas 129 , 131

Mount St.Bernard'sCistercianAbbey, Leicestershire 16 , 45

Moynhan, Catherine (Mrs. Killealey) 74 " Mrs. Hants"-Jesuit District of Hampshire, Sussex , Wiltshire and Dorset9n

Mulcare, Mary 38; Michael 38

Mullarkey, Sydney J. (priest) 17

Mullen, Ellen (Mrs. Preece) 56

Mullin , Caroline (1° Mrs. Smith, 2º Mrs. Riordan) 58*; Honora 58; Thomas 58

Mullingar 69

Mullins, Mary (Mrs. Murray) 58

Mullumby, Edward (priest) 17

Mulron(e)y, James 71; Mary (Mrs. Gibbons) 67

Mulvey, Bridget (Mrs. Cullen) 64

Mund(a)y, Amelia (née Goater) 23* , 27, 189; Elizabeth (Mrs. John Vinn) 101, 104, 121, 168n, 171 , 171n , 179; Michael 20, 22* , 23*, 25, 27* , 190; Mr. 187-189 , 198 , 199; Sophie Ann 25

Mundy, Michael 79; Thomas Patrick 23*

Murphy, Ann (née Marshall) 62; Bridget (Mrs. Loughlin) 60, 75; Catherine 69*; Catherine (Mrs. Ahern) 68; Catherine (Mrs. McDonnell) 52; Elizabeth 69; John 62*; Mary (née Connor) 37; Mary 62, 64; Matthew 37; Michael 37 , 42; Patrick 69; Thomas 70; William 69

Murray, Ann 64; Caroline Norah 58; James 58; Mary (née Mullins) 58; Michael 64; William 64

Murtagh, Ellen (Mrs. Scanlan ) 67

Musson , John (priest), S.J. 7 , 9

McAllan, Helen(Mrs. Cunningham) 23

McAuliffe, Honora (Mrs. Barry) 77

McAvery, Denis 77; Eliza 77

McCabe, Hugh 65

McCarthy, Eleanor (née Hartigan) 43; Elizabeth 47; Honora (Mrs. O'Connor) 47; John 43*; Margaret 64; Mary (Mrs. Cavendish) 21

McCarty, Catherine (née McCarty) 77; John 77; Teresa (Mrs. Howell) 69; Thomas 77

McClean, Ellen 66

McCormic , Ellen 65; James 65

McCoy, Barbara 38; Juliana (Mrs. O'Brien) 37

McCreath , Amelia 59; Bartholomew 59; Catherine (née Thatcher) 59; Patrick 59; Richard 59

McCulloch , Bridget 50

McCullow , John 61 ; Mary(née Dunn) 61 ; Matthew 61

McCusker , Alice (Mrs. Nixon) 70

Macdonald , Christina 81 ; Elizabeth (née Allen) 82*; (Macdonnel) Mother

Mary Benedict, O.S.B. 74, 113, 143, 143n, 187; Owen Eugene 82

McDonnell, Bridget (Mrs. Geoghegan) 167n; Catherine (née Murphy) 52; Charles (priest), O.S.F. 15 ; Flora (Mrs. Hargist) 56; Sara 52; Thomas 52

McEntire, Ellen (née Kelly) 62; Ellen

Maria 62; William 62

McEvoy, Joanna 60; Marcella 60; Patrick 60

McGarry, James 77; Margaret 77

McGee, Denis40; Mary (née ....)40; John 40

McGrath, Catherine (Mrs. Connelly) 61

McGuffin (McGuffon), Fergus 179

McGuil, Patrick 72

McGuinness , Joanna(Mrs. Middleton) 54 , 61

McGuire , Amelia 78

McHale, John 70; Michael 65; Patrick William 70; Sarah (née Host) 70

McIniary, Michael 83

Mackenzie, Alexander, vere or alias

Rev. Alexander Clinton, S.J., q.v.

McKoo, Catherine (Mrs. Quirk) 65 , 66

McLaren (or Maclarren), Anne 44, 46

McLecurry, Daniel 66

McLochlin , Ann (Mrs. Brady) 76; Catherine (Mrs. Gascoyne) 78

McMahon, Catherine74; F.T. (priest) 17; Margaret (née Barry) 74; Michael 74 , 83

McManus, John 20


McMeade , Michael 71

Macnamara , James 32; Mary Ann 32

McNamara, Anne (née Connor) 68; Ellen 68; Patrick 68

McNiel, Bernard 63

MacNolty, Patrick Joseph 34 , 193 , 193n

McPhee, Ann 40; Margaret (née Purcell) 40; John 40

McSweeney , Eleanor (Mrs. Hewson) 43

Nacqueville (Normandy) 133

Nagle, Ann 47; (or Barrett) David 47; J. (priest) 17

Nally, Judith (Mrs. Neal) 65

Napier, Sir Nathaniel 153n

Nash, Joanna (née Cooper) 44; Rachel 44; Thomas 44; William 44 ; William Joseph 44

Nation (? Motion, ? Martin), John 156n; Martha 156n ; Richard 156* , 156n

Neil (Neal), Arthur 110* , 111* , 121 , 169 *; Eleanor 108 , 109* , 110* , 111, 121, 169; Eleanor Mary 16 , 19, 110 , 121 , 174, 187 , 187n; Francis 65; (Neeld) George 102*; Judith (née Nally) 65; MaryAfricana 169, 169n; Owen 66; Patrick 65; Sarah 102; Sarah Theresa 121, 172, 180

Nenan, Bridget (née Fitzgerald) 37; Catherine 37; James 37

Nether Wallop (Hants) 127

Neuville -du-Bose (diocese ofEvereux) 15

Neville , Eleanor (née Welch) 41; John 41; Mr. 9; Susanna 41

Newbold, Martha (Mrs. Hamblin ) 158n

Newbury (Berks.) 154n

Newell (Newall), Ann 180; Elizabeth 44; Francis 65; Mary I 128; Mary II 181; Mary Catherine 180; Thomas 24, 161, 189

Newgate Prison 137

Newlyn, Sarah 47, 55 , 60, 76

Newman, Ann 37; Mr. 16 Newnham Murren (Oxon) xi

Newport (Isle of Wight) 15* , 101n , 165n , 177n

Newport (Monmouthshire) 16n

Newsham , Ann (Mrs. Barnes ) 75

Newsham (Yorkshire) 6

Newton Stacy 151n

Nice (France) 90

Nicholson , John 72; Margaret 65

Nicolas, Claire (Mdme Roudeiron) 86, 87

Nicolls , Anastasia (née Loughnan) 48; Mary Josephine 48; (Capt )

Oliver 48

Nixon, Alice (née McCusker) 70; John 70; William 70

Nolan, Catherine 58* ; James (priest) 10* , 11* , 11n, 12, 95, 100, 114, 116 , 119, 164n, 165; Thomas58; Winifred 73

Noon, Ann (Mrs. Carroll) 49

Noonan, Denis 32

Norfolk, Co. 129n, 140, 141

Norfolk, Duke of 150; Dukes of 157 , 157n

Normandy 132* , 133* , 135

Norris, Anne Teresa 66; Elizabeth 83; Elizabeth (née Welch) 60, 66, 70 , 76; Elizabeth Joanna 60; George 70; Samuel 60, 66, 70, 74, 76, 84; Sarah Julia 76

Northampton 17

Northern District, Vicar Apostolic of the xii, 93, 114

Northington (Hants) 126

Northumberland 171

Norwich 17 , 141

Nottinghamshire (Notts) 142

Nowlan, Catherine 23

Noyce, Frances 79; Susan 80

Nugent, Hon Mrs. 104

Nunan, Elizabeth 72; MaryAnn (née Purcell) 72; Maurice 72 (?) Nursling (Norsling) 193

Oakley (Okley), near Basingstoke 197-199

O'Brian, Michael 50

O'Brien, Caroline 37; Catherine 37; Catherine (Mrs. Ward) 74; Ellen (Mrs. Shackle) 76; James 25; John 43; Joseph 37*; Julia 43; Julia (née Dunn) 43; Juliana (née McCoy) 37; Margaret 25; Mary 25; MaryAnn 56; Mary (née Robinson) 25; Mary (Mrs. Wheble) 172, 172n; Thomas 43; Timothy37

O'Connor, Catherine (Mrs. Eherin) 72; Honora (née McCarthy) 47; Patrick 57; Peter 47; Timothy Joseph 47

Odstock 138n*

O'Farrell, Clarinda (Mrs. Grey) 66

O'Field, Eliza (Mrs. O'Reilly or O'Riley) 52

O'Flaherty, Mr. 8n

O'Flynn , Anthony 78

O'Hara (or O'Heara), Anthony 62; Charles 65; Elizabeth 62, 67; Elizabeth (Mrs. Dene) 75; Joanna (Mrs. Long) 62 , 65

Old Hall Green , School at (St. Edmund's College) 9, 13 , 14* , 15* , 15n , 16*

Oliver, Rev. George 5n, 8n, 14, 14n , 15

O'Meary, Ellen (Mrs. Carr) 68 , 73

O'Neil (O'Neal), Ann 47; Ann (née Coleman) 51; Eliza (Mrs. Collins) 48; Elizabeth (widow Churchill) 32-34, 37, 80, 194; Henrica 49; Henry 59; James 59; John 33, 37, 47 , 51 , 80 , 194; Mary 51; Mary (née Brennan) 47; Mary (née Sweeny) 59; Michael 49; Mr. 193, 194*; Mrs. 200*; Patrick 51; Sarah 41

Opus, Bishop of 17

Orbec (Normandy) 135* , 135n

O'Reardon, Mary Ann 83

O'Reilly, (or O'Riley) Eliza (née O'Field) 52; MaryAnn (Mrs. White) 43; (or O'Riley) Mary Elizabeth 52; Thomas 45; (or O'Riley) Thomas


Orne (France) 133n

Orrell, Elizabeth (née Carroll) 43*; Joseph Edward 43; Stephen 43*

Osborne, Charles 56; (or Swann) James 56; Judith 41

Oscott College, Birmingham 17*

Osmont (Osmount), Abbé Leonor

François 135*; Abbé Pierre Paul

André 135*

O'Sullivan , John 30; Mary (née

Linnahan) 30; Timothy 30

Otterbourne(Otterburn) (Hampshire) 18, 124, 156n* , 157n , 161

Ovington (Hants) 127

Owen, Ellen (Mrs. Moon) 69 ; Henry 18

Owens , James 41; Margaret (née Kennedy) 41; Patrick 41

Owslebury (Hants) 48, 146 , 154n , 175n

Oxburgh (Norfolk) 129n

Oxford 3* , 6; Christchurch College, Dean of 3; Corpus Christi College 152n; Diocese of xi, 145 ; Magdalen College 3 , 6; Oriel College xii

Oxfordshire (Oxon) 2n* , 12 , 16* , 145, 153 , 153n, 163, 164, 167 , 168

Packer , Lucy 31, 192, 196; Mr. 198

Padwell, Southampton 10 , 10n

Padwick, Mary 82

Page, Ann 181; Joseph Robert 19; Mary Ann (née Goodman) 19; William 19

Pagi, Joseph 29 , 191

Pagley, Sarah 67

Paisley 45

Palmer, Ann 41; Henry 71 , 84

Pape, Elizabeth (Mrs. Kearns) 53; Helen 53; John 53

Paris, 94 ; Blue Nuns in 6, 10* , 176n; St. Gregory's College on Park, Mary 62

138n; Mary Joanna 82; Mrs. 196; Samuel 102*; Sarah 22, 188

Parks, Anne (Mrs. Gearn) 65

Parkyn, Thirza (Mrs. Welch) 32, 81

Parsons, Susanna 128; Ursula 129, 130

Pascal, Claire (Mdme Piche) 89

Paterson, John 114

Paulet, Mabel (1° Mrs. Chandler, 2° Mrs. Corham) 1*; Sir George 1

Pavey,MaryJoanna (Mrs. Rollins) 64

Payne, Agnes 22, 24, 181; Catherine 179; Frances (Mrs. Vinn) 36, 121; Isabella (Mrs. Gilgani) 52, 55, 60 , 80; James 179; Joseph 182; Martha 179; Mary 22; Mary Ann 36; Matilda 59; Mr. or Mrs. 196-200; Robert 62; (or Lofty) Thomas 62; Sophie 22* , 188; Susan I (Mrs. Collins) 20; Susan II 20*

Payne, J. O.: see under Estcourt

Payte, Farmer 127

Pearson, Mrs. Grace 129

Pellapra , N. 89

Penon, Joseph Esprit Chrysostome 92; Honoré Esprit 91 ; Marie Victoire (née Quairel) 92

Penwarden , MaryJoanna (Mrs. Cave) (adopteddaughter ofCapt Farquharson) xi, 51 , 57, 81 , (Mrs., junr) 150 Pepper, Mary 40

Percy, Elizabeth I (Mrs. Wybarne) 158n; Elizabeth II 39

Percy (France) 133n

Perkins, Ann (née Eyston) 155n; Ann (née Perkins) 155n , 158n; Catherine(Mrs. Wybarne) 158, 158n*; Elizabeth 155м*; family 152n; Frances 155, 155n, 158n; Francis 155n, 158n; Margaret (Mrs. Acton) 155n; Mary (Mrs. Brill) 155n; Richard 155, 155n* , 158n

Peron (n)et, Jean Marie 88

Perry, Veronica 83

Peters, Charles (priest) 28, 123, 123n , 176 , 190

Petersfield(Hampshire) 3n, 125 , 156n , 167n; Heath House 160* , 167; Road 1657

Petre, Bishop Benjamin 7 , Petworth (Sussex) 138n

Pewsey, Catherine Mary (née Cole) 62*; Henry 62; Mary 62

Phelan , Thomas 84

Phil(1)ips, Charles (priest) 3; Elizabeth (née Hounshill) 128, 128 , 130 , 161, 161n; Harriett 73; Mary 63 , 83; Robert 161 , 161n

Phillmore, John 102

Piche, Claire (née Pascal) 89 ; Pierre 89*

Pickering, Ann 129

Parker, James (priest), S.J. 138, Pickernell, Robert 129


Picon, Claire (Mdme. Imbert) 87

Picquot, Julius (priest) 16, 45*-54* , 79 , 115

Pierce, Frances 21, 191; John, 21 , 191 ; MaryIsabella (née Ferguson) 21 , 191

Pigeau, Abbé Michel Jacques 134

Pigeon-Boisclair, Abbé Michel 134n

Pigott, Catherine (Mrs. Caryll) 129 , 129n; Nathaniel 129n

Pike, Mary Anne 80

Pimlico Farm (Oxfordshire) 16

Pinkman, Francis J. (priest) 17

Pinnock (Pinnick), Ann 44; Ann

Catherine (" Little Francis") 183; Catherine Anne 80; Frances 27; Frances Mary 63, 79; Margaret 26 , 31 ; Margaret (Mrs. Griffin) 44, 48, 56, 63; Martha 28* , 56; Mary Ann 28, 63; Mary Ann (Mrs. Ansell) 81; Mrs. 122, 197 , 198; Thomas 178

Plague, The Great 1

Plaitford (?) 154

Plann, Ann (Mrs. Barr) 122 , 170n

Plasse, Canon F. X. 14 , 17n , 85n*

Plowden (Shropshire) 171

Plowden , Ann Mary (Mrs. Haggerston) 171 , 171n, 178; Frances (née Dormer) 171n; Lucy 117*-120*; William 171 , 171n

Plowden, Charles , S.J. 141

Plunkett , James 75

Pocel , Catherine (Mdme. Giloux) 86

Pocock, Elizabeth 80; John 80; Mary Anne (Mrs. Gallini) 80; Sarah 80*

Polhonier de Rotignac, Rose Magdeleine (Mdme Julien) 89

Pollard, Mrs. 123, 200*

Pollen, Rev. J. H., S.J. 4n

Ponsonby, George 140*

Pontchardon (France), Saint-Martinde- 133n

Pontfarcy (Normandy) 133* and note

Pont l'Evêque (France ) 133n

Pontorson (France) 132n

Pool, Mr. 105*

Poor Clares, at Aire 13n

Popham, 152, 152n

Portchester (Hants) 146, 179n

Porter, James (priest), S.J. 138, 138n; Mary 92; Mrs. 109*

Portico (Lancs) 138n

Portsea (Common), Portsmouth 17 , 20, 20n, 29, 125, 135n, 168n , 171n , 174, 178 , 179, 188, 190; St. George's Square 133n

Portsmouth 10 , 125, 135, 174, 174n, 179n, 186; Bishop of 17* , 18; Bishop's House 111 , 111n; Diocese of (Portus Magnus) 12, 17 ; Mayor of 132 ; see also Portsea Postlethwaite, James (priest) 8

Pouteau , Alexandre

Charles 88; HonoréMarius 88; Marie Rose Cécile (née Lidon) 88

Powell, Mary 182

Power, Mary 23

Poynter, Bishop William 12n, 14, 113

Preece, Edmund James 56; Ellen (née Mullen) 56; Isaac 56

Prescott, John 11 ; Joseph (priest), see Richard below; Mary (née Trowers) 11 ; Richard or Joseph (priest) 11

Preston (Lancashire) 8 , 138n

Prior (Pryor), Barbara 130; Mrs. Martha 129, 129n

Prisoners of War, French In, 95

Pritchard, Ellis 46; Laurence (priest) 3; Margaret (née Green) 46; Richard 46; Richard Christopher 46

Propaganda , S. Congregationof 13

Prosper , Margaret 20* , 187

Provence (France) 89

Provost, Abbé Jacques François 132

Prunty, Ann (née Fay) 61; Elizabeth 61 ; Patrick 61

Puet, Abbé Paul 134 , 134n

Pugh, John 70*; Mary Ann (née

Yates) 70

Pullen, Joanna 66

Purcell, Catherine (née Quinlan) 67; Eleanor (Mrs. Walsh) 12; Margaret (Mrs. McPhee) 40 ; Mary Ann (Mrs. Nunan) 72

Pursell, Joseph (priest), O.S.F. 13n; Thomas 67*

Purtell, Julia (Mrs. Clements ) 38

Quairel, Marie Victoire (Mdme Penon) 92

QuarleyHouse (Hants) 171, 171n , 178

Queen of Hungary, Bohemia, etc. 7n

Queen's County (Reginæ Comitatus) 59 , 77

Quettebou (France) 135n

Quin, (or Rose) Mary 73; Mary 73

Quinlan, Catherine (Mrs. Purcell) 67

Quin(n), Mary 168 , 168n; Mary (Mrs. Hanlon) 75; Sarah 62

Quirk(e), Catherine 66; Catherine (née McKoo) 65, 66; Michael 66, 83

Rabeau, Abbé J. B. 85, 85n

Racord, Jean Baptiste 89 ; Victoire

Catherine 89

Randall, Anne 67 ; Ellen (née Dogherty) 67; Patrick 67 (?) Rat, Marguerite Rose (Mdme

Gourrier) 92

Rattey (Ratti, Rathi), James 129 , 162 , 162n; (2)John 129; John 162; Mary 162n; N. 162n

Ravell, Geneviève 180

Ravenscroft, James 166 , 166n; MaryI 166n; Mary II 166n; Miss 166n; Mrs. 166n

Rawlins, Mary (née Collins) 49; Walter 49 ; William 49

Rayman, Mr. 182

Rayment, Miss (Mother Mary Ann , O.S.B.) 36, 194

Read , Thomas 153n

Reading (Berkshire) 13n, 38 , 113 , 136, 138, 142, 146, 158n; St. James's 159n , 172n

Reardon, see under Riordan

Rebec (France) 135n

Reboul, François 86; JosephThomas 86; Louis Charles 87, 89, 91; Marie Anne (née Rousse) 86; Marie Magdeleine (née Tauret) 87, 89, 91

Rebuffat, Jean Baptiste 86

Redbridge (Hants) 123

Redman, Catherine (Mrs. Byrns) 72

Redstone, Agnes 26; Ann 32 , 34, 192; Ann (née Grant) 20, 23, 26; Ann (née Grice ) 21; Caroline Ann 21, 22, 188; Catherine (née Shephard) 25, 26, 28*, 190; (or Culmore) Charles William 46; Edward Thomas 39; Elizabeth 21; Elizabeth Ann 23 ; Frances 20 , 46; Frances Joanna 36, 49 ; George Stephen 28, 55; J. 183; James Paul 25; Joanna (née Fitzmorris or Fitzmorice, Mrs. Joseph) 32* , 34 , 36, 63, 196; John 20, 23 , 26, 182*-187* , 188, 189, 191*-193* , 194, (or Mrs. John) 196-200; Joseph 21, 29, 32* , 34, 36, 39, 53, 63, 75, 183*-192* , 193, 194, 196-200; JosephDaniel 26, 27, 190; JosephLuke 25, 26, 28, 32, 192 , his boy 32 , 192; Lætitia 180; Mrs. John 200; Teresa 186; Teresa Mary 32; William Luke 34* , 192

Redwin , Sarah 70

Reed, Margaret (Mrs. Kelly) 70

Reeks, Catherine (C.R.S. i, 229, has Winifred ) 181; Elizabeth 168, 168n , 179; Joseph 168 , 168n , 186, his daughter 186; Martin 25, 189; Mary 28 , 190; William 178 Reeves, Edward 42* , 50; Henry 33 , 38 , 42, 71; John Henry38; Linus 71; Mary Agnes 33; Mary Ann (née Ricquier) 33, 38, 42, 71 , 79; MaryAnn 61 ; Mr's child 193

Regan, Eleanor 77-8; Elizabeth 65; John 77-8; Margaret (née Hart) 78; Michael 84; Patrick 77

Regiment, 2nd 48; 4th 56; 9th 53; 10th 40; 12th 30* , 191 , 192; 15th

38* , 39*; 19th 51; 21st 23*; 23rd

31* , 32* , 56* ; 25th 40*; 40th 48* , 49*; 44th 42, 43; 47th 189; 49th

43* , 44* , 52; 61st 37* , 38* , 39, 82; 62nd 51, 52, 53* , 54*; 65th 40, 41*; 66th 39*; 71st 50*; 84th 27; 85th 26; 97th 41; 98th 41* , 42*; Tarbert Fencibles" 134n (the " Fencibles" weretheHome Guard of the Napole- onic war)

Reilly, John 38 , 112; Mary (née Holmes) 38; Patrick 38

Relief Bill, The, of 1791 141

Rennell, Elizabeth (Mrs. Lingard) 121, 170, 170n , 185 , 185n

Restoration, The 1

Revolution, The French 13n , 14

Rex , Susan (Mrs. Blong) 69

Rhodes (or Rood), Winifred 178

Ribbleton (Lancashire) 8n

Rice, Ann (Mrs. Smith) 66

Richardson, Thomas (priest) 17 , 68*

Ricquier (or Riquier , Rickey), Agnes 21, 27, 73, 190; Ann 35 , 42, 63; Catherine 27, 189; Elizabeth (née Marks) 21* , 25; John 25, 51; John Baptist I 21 , 25 , 55, 181; John Baptist II 181; Joseph Thomas 181; (or Welch) Henry George 63; Margaret 35, 56*; MaryAnn (Mrs. Reeves) 33 , 38, 42 , 71, 79; Mary Ann 73 ; Mary

Teresa 35; Mr 189* , 191

Rifles, 60th 50

Right, Mary 129

Riglei, John, alias of John Rudge (priest), Carmelite 152n

Riley, Anne (née Griffiths) 31; Augustine 31; Hugh 68; John 70; John James 70; Margaret 31; Margaret (née Minighan) 70

Ring, John Jeremiah 29 , 190

Ringwood (Hants) 126 , 161n

Riordan (orReardon) Caroline(Widow Smith, née Mullin) 58*; Denis 58; Honora 58; Michael 58*

Rivers, Lady 195; Sir H. 195

Roach, Mary (Mrs. Jones) 75

Robart, Mary (Mrs. Dunn) 26

Robert, Catherine (née Butler) 76; Claire 87; John 76*; Marguerite 181

Roberts, Austin (priest), O.S.F. 13n; Frances 157; Joanna 81; John 128; Mary 81; Mr. 186*

Robinson , Bridget (error) 52n ; James 52n; Mary 76; Mary (Mrs. O'Brien) 25; Paul (Robert) (priest), O.S.B.97 , 97n; Thomas 52 , 52n

Rochester (Kent) 151n

Rochford, Martin 31

Rodmin, near Windsor 171

Roe, Eliza 58; Sweeny) 58 Elizabeth (Mrs.

Rofe, Catherine (née Dunlavy or Dunlany) 55, 64 , 70; James 70; Mary 64; William 55* , 64, 70


Rogers, Charles 181; John, alias of John Ward (priest), q.v.; John 163; Mary 163 ; Mr. 163n

Rohan, Michael 58

Rolf, Eliz. 18

Rollins, Henry 64*; Mary Joanna (née Pavey) 64

Romaine, Thérèse (Mdme Barthélemy) 88

Rome, English College at 4* , 6 , 7, 11 , 124n, 138n, 146* , 149, 152n

Romsey (Rumsey) (Hampshire) 34 , 84, 85 , 85n* , 87, 100, 123* , 123n

Rood (or Rhodes), Winifred 178

Rooke, Ann (née Matthews) 167; Edward 167

Roper, Catherine(Mrs.Sheldon) 159n; Christopher, 5thLordTeynham 157n , 159n; Frances 157 , 157n

Ropley 184

Roscommon 10n , 78 , 174

Rose, John 73

Ross, Mary Ann (Mrs. Butler) 48

Rosselin, Jean Jacques Antoine Thomas 91

Rothercombe , Manor of 155n

Rotherhithe, East Lane 112n

Roubeau , Thérèse (1° Mdme Toulon; 20 Mdme. Colle) 90

Roubeaud (or Roubaud), Jean Modeste 86, 87

Roubert, Claire Barbe (Mdme Decoreis) 87 , 89, 91 ; Marie Magdeleine (née Toulon) 87, 90, 91; Pierre 87 , 90, 91

Roudeiron, Claire (née Nicolas) 86 , 87; François 86, 87, 90; Marie Madeleine (Mdme Giloux) 86, 87* Rouen 133n* , 134n; Saint Vincent de 133n*; Sotteville-lès- 133n (?) Roumieur, Elisabeth (Mdme Trabeau ) 92

Rourke , Helen (Mrs. Bryan) 50; Mary 50

Rousse, Marie Anne (Mdme Reboul) 86

Roustan, Boniface 87 , 90; Marie Anne (née Gras) 90

Route, John (priest) 3

Rowe, Margaret (Mrs. Johnson) 49

Rowington 13n

Royal Hotel, Winchester, formerly My Lady West's House" and " Bishop's House" ; see West's , My LadyHouse

Royal (? Royle), Ann 130

Royle, Mary 54

Royne, John 67

Ruberry, Eliza (née Fannell) 63*; James 63*; John 63

Rudge, alias Riglei, William (priest), Carmelite 152

Rudsbey, Arthur 2n

Rufus, Elizabeth I 161; Elizabeth II 161 ; William 161; Winifred 161*

Rumbold, Alfred Joseph 73; Ann

Margaret (née Gilgani or Galgani) 59 , 63, 67, 73; Ellen 59; Henry63; John 59, 63, 67* , 73; Mr. 129 , his daughter 129; William 71

Rush, Mary Ann (Mrs. Groves) 44

Russell, Charles 44; George 47; Margaret 44; Margaret (née Flanigan) 40; Margaret (Widow Kinsella) 44, 47; Stephen 40* , 47

Rutledge , Ann (née Cox) 74, 76 , 77 , 77n; Martin 74, 76; Robert 74

Ryan, Ann (née Warden) (? 43), 45; Catherine 50; Edward 43, 45* ; Ellen 69 ; Mary (née Butler) 69; Michael 61; Thomas 69

Rymer, Frances 20 , 188n

Rythe, Elizabeth, 2ndwife ofNicholas Tichborne 151n

Sainsbury , Elizabeth 33, 192 , 192n; Mrs. 122, 196*-199

St. Benedict , Rules of 5n

St. Bonaventure's (Franciscan) Convent, at Douay 13n

St. Chad's Cathedral , Birmingham 17

St. Edmund'sCollege, Ware; see under Old Hall Green

Saint-Georges-la-Rivière (dioc. Coutances) 135, 135n, 136

St. George's Church, Southwark 17

St. Germains (Paris) 138n

St. Gregory's College, in Paris 5n

St. Gregory's Priory, at Douay on St. Helens (Lancs .) 138n

St. Hymer (Normandy) 133, 133n

St. James's Cemetery, Winchester

2n, 13, 14, 17, 19*-32* , 34*-38, 4042, 50*−52, 54, 55, 56* , 57, 58* , 59, 60* , 61 , 65* , 68* , 72* , 74 , 76* , 9395* , 97 , 98, 111 , 115, 117*-120* , 145 , 146, 149* , 150* , 151 , 166n , 167n, 177, 178* , 180*-182* , 183, 184, 185 , 186, 187, 189, 191 , 193* , 194* , 195

St. Lô (France) 133n

St.Mary-le-Savoy, Parish (Middlesex) 6n

St. Mary's Benedictine Abbey, at Winchester, tempore Henry VIII 13

St. Omer 134; College at 4

St.Pancras , old churchyard 11n , 152n

Saint-Paul-Trois -Chateaux (Douzere , Dauphiné) 89

St. Peter's Church (Chapel, Mission), Winchester 13n, 17 , 52 , 53, 93-95* , 98-104* , 105, 107 , 108* , 114 , 115 , 153n*; Old Chapel 166n , 168n , 195


St. Peter House, or Presbytery,

Winchester 2* , 3, 4n, 6* , 7, 10 , 11 , 12, 16* , 92, 93 , 93 , 94 , 98, 99* ,

100* , 105, 114-116 , 117 , 164n , 165n* , 167n, 192, 193; Archives or Library at 2, 3, 4n, 148n, 150 , 151n , 152n , 154n

St. Peter'sStreet, Winchester 13 , 16* , 93* , 93n, 131 , 134, 149, 176n , 178

Saint -Sever (France) 133n

Saisy, Charles Marie François (comte de Kerampuil) 92

Salisbury (Wiltshire ) 15n, 137 , 138n , 145; Diocese of 94n

Salmon , family 151n; William 151

Salop, see under Shropshire

Salter, Ellen 69 ; Thomas 69

Shackle, Ellen (née O'Brien) 76; Joanna Ellen 76; Samuel 76

Shaft(e)sbury, Barbara, Countess of 138, 138n

Shakespeare, William 16n

Shanly (or Shanley), MaryAnn (Mrs. Etheridge or Ettridge) 65, 66

Sharp(e), Catherine (née Wall) 40; Charles 26, 28, 190; Elizabeth 25 , 26, 79; Robert 40*

Sharp, Miss 155n*

Sharrock, Bishop William Gregory, O.S.B. 12 , 114

Shausley, Honora (née Waaken) 67; Mary 67; Thomas 67

Saltmarsh, Gerard (priest) 6; Peter (priest) 5n

Sandals, John 23*

Sansom (or Sanson), Alfred 62; Amelia (née Froome) 55, 58, 62, 68 , 73, 78; Cornelia Mary 68 ; Ellen

Catherine 58; John 73, 76; Thomas 56, 58, 62* , 68, 73

Sardinian Embassy Chapel 11n

Saunders , Ann (née Kelly) 53, 61; Mary Ann 61; Sarah (Mrs. Winscome) 75; William 61 , 131

Savage (Savidge), John 70 , 165* , 165n; Mary 165; Patrick Thomas (priest), alias of Patrick Thomas

Grace 9* , 10* , 10n* , 94, 95* , 99, 111* , 112, 113, 115* , 116, 117*-120* , 163n, 164 , 174n; Sarah(née Baldwin) 165, 165м

S'bire, George (priest) 17

Scanlan, Ellen (née Murtagh) 67; John 67; Margaret 67

Scholastica , Sister, O.S.B. 178

Scotch Fusilier Guards, see under Guards

Scotney Castle (Kent) 7

Scott, Ann (née Allen, Mrs. Slater) 59; Catherine Teresa 36

Scully, Ellen 66

Sears, Anastasia 70; John 70; Mary (née Farrey) 70

Sedgley Park, School at 8n* , 12 , 15

Seery, Ann (Mrs. Killeen) 50

Seine-Inferieure 133n

Senés (or Senes), Catherine (Widow Guerrier; Mdme. Gourrier) 91; François 88

Seranne (or Serane), Jean Joseph87; Joseph Bernard 86, 87; Marie Anne (née Minuti or Minuty) 86, 87; Marie Victoire Modeste 86

Sevington 152 , 164n

Shackelford , Judith 129; William 129

Shackelton , George 46; MaryAnn 46; Mary Ann (née Jackson) 46

Shaw , Ann (née Westbrook) 6, 7; Ann II (née Westbrook) 6; family 6; Francis 6; Gerard (priest) 111 , 111n, 112 , 112m*; James 6*; James (priest) alias Westbrook 5, 6 , 7 , 7n* , 10, 14, 94* , 129, 130*; Mary 6*

Shawyer, Catherine 55

Shea, Ellen 67; Mary (Mrs. Manuel) 66

Shearman, Mary Ann 84

Shears, Ellen (née Kelly) 62; John 62*

Shee, Robert 53

Shehan , Elizabeth (Mrs. Tyrrell) 32; Patrick 38

Sheldon, Anastasia (née Smith) xii*, 93n, 97n, 117, 153n, 155, 155n, 159, 159n; Catherine (née Roper) 159n; Cecily(née Constable ) 97, 160 , 160n* , 173n; Edward 9n, 160, 173n; Edward (Constable ) 97, 97n, 98* , 149* , 173, 173n*; family 2n, 93* , 97n, 100, 149, 160n; Francis 93, 97, 97n, 173, 173n; General Ralph 159n; William I xii, 93n, 97n* , 124, 129, 130* , 155 , 155n , 159, 159n, 173n; William II 155

Shephard, Caroline 81 ; Catherine (Mrs. Redstone) 25, 26, 28* , 190; Thomas (Alexius) (priest), O.S.B.5n

Sheppard, Frances (Mrs. Kennedy) 164* , 164n*; John (priest) 6; J. W. 128; Michael 164n; Teresa 164

Shepton Mallet (Somerset ) 138n

SherfieldEnglish (Hampshire) 9, 92* , 11 , 100n, 126, 146; Manor of xii

Sherfield-on-Loddon (Hants) 127

Sherlock, Ann (née Williams) 53-4; Elizabeth 53; James 53

Shermur , Mary Ann 74

Sherrott, Ann Mary 80; Elizabeth 81

Shinnick, James 49

Shirefield, meant for Sherfield English , q.v.

Short , Dr. ThomasI 120 , 153, 156n*; Dr. Thomas II 154n ; Elizabeth 117 , 153, 153n , 154n , 156n; Frances


(Mrs.Smith) xii, 6, 117*-120 , 153 * , 156, 161n; François 154; Jane 156; Margaret 118, 153n* , 154n; Margaret Mary 156; Peregrine 156; William (priest), O.S.B. 153n, 154n; " Short"

William 154n , 155n

Shrewsbury, Lady (Countess of) 8, 9

Shrewsbury Place, Isleworth 8 , 8n, 118

Shropshire (Salop) 153n, 171

Shuttleworth, Rev. Mother 113

Sibilot, Jean Baptiste 34, 89 , 193 , 193n

Sibthorp, H. Waldo 143

Sidden, John (priest) 45n; Joseph (priest) 19n , 45n ; Sophie (Mother Mary Benedict, O.S.B. ) 19; Sophie45 Siggers, Martha 26

Siggons, Mrs. Martha 198-200

Silkstead 152n; School at 3, 4* , 151n

Sillince (Sillence), Mrs. 199, 200

Silveira, Joseph (priest) 15 , 69

Silvester , see under Sylvester Simon, François Zacharie 89

Sims, Charles 122; John 160, 161 , 162, 162n ; Mary (née Byden) 160, 161; Peter 18; Richard 164; William 161

Singleton, Eliza 69; John (priest) 15n , 35, 193

Sisteron (Ste Madeleine), France 92

Slater, Anne (WidowScott, née Allen) 59; Joanna 59; John 59

Slatter, John 36; Mary 36

Slevin, Richard 71

Smallwood , Elizabeth (Mrs. Davy) 30, 176, 176n , 191

Smith, Ann 66; Ann (née Rice) 66; Anastasia (Mrs. Sheldon) xii* , 93n , 97n, 117, 153n, 155 , 155n, 159, 159n; BartholomewI, of Oxon xi, xii*, 2n; Bartholomew II, of the Soke xii* , 2 , 2n; Bartholomew III, of Stoke Charity xii* , 6 , 117, 120 , 154n , 155 , 156, 161n ; Bartholomew IVxii, 155n; Bishop James (+ 1711), Bp of Callipolis xii* , 93, 118; Bishop Thomas (+1831) 113; Caroline (Widow, née Mullen, Mrs. Riordan) 58*; Elizabeth (Mrs. Donnelly) 75; Elizabeth (née Freemantle) 45; Elizabeth xii* , 116, 117-120* , 153n ; family, Winchester xii, 2, 2n , 93* , 149, 156n; Frances (née Short) xii, 6, 117*-120* , 153n* , 156, 161n; Frances (Mrs. Wells) xii*, 153n , 161 , 161n; George (priest) 3; Isabella xii*; James xii, 6, 45, 119, 120 ; Joanna 59, 119; John xii* , 59, 68, 156, 156n; Margaret xii* , 118; Margaret (née Bradley) 59; M. (née Spencer, wife of John) 156; Mary (Mrs. Comerford) 73; Mary (Mrs. Kirvell or Thirvell) 170, 170n; Mary

(10 Mrs. Wybarne, 2° Mrs. Bolney) xii; Mary Alice 45; Mary (Sister Clementine, O.S.B.) 42; Mr. 106*; Mrs. 124*; Owen 66; Paul 145; Rose (Mrs. Ware) 64; Thomasxii, 6 , 120; Williamxii* , 119, 154n, 155; see also Family Notes, pp xi, xii

Snoke, Alice 2n

Soberton (Suberton, Southend) (Hampshire) 25, 28, 125, 154n , 168n , 178 , 189, 190

Society of Jesus 9, 15n, 136n* , 137 , 137n , 138n*

Soho Square, London 92

Soke (Soak) , The, Winchesterarea under the Bishop's, instead of the Mayor's jurisdiction xii, 2, 2n, 112 , 122* , 129n, 162n

Sone, John 169; Mary (née Jackson) 169, 169n ; Richard 99, 115*

Sopley, near Christchurch (Hampshire ) 10 , 12n , 126

Sotteville(dioc. Coutances ) 135* , 136*

Southampton (Hantonia, Hampton)

10, 17, 19n, 23, 23n, 26, 26n, 27, 34 ,

45, 58, 60n, 63, 81, 84, 85n, 87n , 123n, 126* , 163, 171n, 175, 176, 188 , 189 , 193; County of (Southton) 153n; Deanery of 126; All Saints 126; St. Mary's 126; St. Michael's 126

Southend (Hants), see Soberton

Southwark 17; Bishop of 83 , 84; Diocese of 12; St. George's Church 17

Southwell, Moses 59; Sarah (née Chivers, later Mrs. Switzer) 22, 28, 33, 35, 59, 68

Southworth, family 8n; Mrs. Ralph (née Catharine Kendal) 8n; Ralph 8n; Ralph (priest) (+ 1803) 8n; Richard (priest) (+1817) 8n* , 171n; Thomas (priest), President Sedgley Park (+1816) 8n; William (priest) (+1814) 8n

Spanish Place, London 16

Sparshott, Mr. 163n

Spearhall (near Southampton) 163*

Spencer, Alice 117; Ann (née Bab(b), 2nd Mrs. Richard) 128, 153n* , 155, 155n; Elizabeth (1st Mrs. Richard) 118, 120, 153n; John 5, 151n , 156; Mary 128, 130, 162n ; Mary (Mrs. Vinn) 163, 163n; Mary (née Wheble)

163n ; M. (wife of John Smith) 156; Richard 99, 115 , 117*-120* , 128n , 152; Thomas 163n

Spetchley Park 14 , 170n


Spiller, Catherine 71

Staffordshire 7

Standish, Mary (Mrs. Danell ΟΥ Daniel) 165, 165n

Standon Lordship 9; School at 8 , 8n


Stapehill (Dorset) 138n

Stapleton , Mrs. Bryan xi, xii, 14n

Steel(e), Agnes 45 ; Ann 60, 83; Elizabeth 83; Elizabeth Ann 38; Henry 61, 72, 83; Joseph 53; Martha (née Annell or Hannell) 38, 39, 42, 45, 53, 55, 61; Mary 42 ; Mr. 106* , 107; Thomas 38, 39 , 40, 42, 45* , 52, 53, 55, 61, 82

Stennet (t), James 160; Theresa 160n

Stephens, Joseph 195; Susan 82

Stephenson, Bridget 66

Ster(e)k (Stirk, Sturk), Miss Catherine 31, 107, 108 , 109* 110 * , 111 , 121 , 176, 191; Mrs. Mary 121 , 171

Stewart, Anne (née Stewart) 67; Arthur James 67; Joanna 67; Robert 67

Stockbridge (Hampshire) 9n, 123*

Stoke Charity (Hants) xii, 153n , 154n , 155, 156

Stone, (?) Mr. 109; Thomas 130 , his wife 130

Stoneham , North (Hants) 126; South (Hants) 126

Stonor (Oxon) 163, 164

Stonor, Charles 163n ; Elizabeth 162; Elizabeth Mary (Lady Mannock) 164n, 166, 166n ; family 164n ; John 163n ; Mary (née Biddulph) 162n , 163n, 164, 164n; Thomas 101, 103, 162n, 163, 164

Stonyhurst College 146

Storey, Jane 28 , 176, 190

Stour-Provost (Dorset) 164n

Strachey, Mary 82

Stratton (Hants) 139

Street, Mrs. 193

Stringfellow, Eliza 130

Stub(b)ington, James 123; Jane 156; Mr. 177, 179* , 198; Mrs. 123, 199, 200 ; Richard 156; Samuel 81

Sturdy, Peter Edward 179

Sturges, 139

Sudbrook Holme (near Lincoln ) 143

Suffise de la Croix, Gédéon 89; Joseph 91 ; Laurent Gédéon 89, 91; Marie Thérèse (née Gasquet) 89, 91; N. (née Pellapra) 89

Suffolk 154n, 156n, 165n

Sullivan, Alice 39; Catherine (Mrs. Loony) 65; Elizabeth (née Marratt) 41; James 41, 84; John 41; Mary (Mrs. Grainger) 51; Mary Ann (née Thickett) 39; Michael 76; Patrick 39, 77; Timothy 84

Sumner, Richard Anthony (priest),

O.S.F. 123, 123n

Surrey 129n

Sussex 9n

Sutton Place 14, 170n

Swabrick, John (priest), S.J., alias

Edisford 15n

Swaine, Ann 67

Swann, (or Osborne) James 56; Mary Ann 56

Sweeny (or Sweeney), Cornelius 58; Mary (Mrs. O'Neil) 59; Elizabeth (née Roe) 58

Swift , William 182

Switzer, Thomas 59; Sarah (née Chivers, Widow Southwell) 59, 68; Stephen 59

Sylvester (Silvester), Abraham 38 , 176* , 181-194* , 196-200; Ann 32; Charlotte 198; Elizabeth 121; family 174n , 186; Frances Mill 56 ; Mary 34, 176, 193; Sarah 176 , 182

Tabor, Joanna 49, 81, 82*; Mary

Ann 41, 47, 49, 52, 57, 82*

Tadley (Hants) 127

Talbot, Bishop James 2n, 10, 11 , 172n; Bishop Thomas 172n; Charles 160n; Francis 172n; George 172n; George , 14th Earl 160n; Lady

Barbara 9; Mary 160n ; Mary (Mrs. Wheble) 172 , 172n , 180; Mary (née Alwyn) 160, 160n

Tancred, Abbess Margaret, O.S.B. 134n; Mother Mary Bernard, O.S.B. 180

Tanner, Amey 45; George (priest) 15; George 28, 187* , 188* , 197; James (priest) 15; James or John 181*-188 , 190-192; James 28, 39, 44, 121 , 182* , 184,185, 187, 188,190*, 191 * , 192194, 196, 199, 200; Jane 132, 132n, 169; John 122, 183; Mary 21, 188; Robert 132n , 169

Tarleton, Ann (Mrs. Worrilow ) 158 , 158n

Tattershall, Catherine (1° LadyLich- ford; 2° Mrs. Howard) 157n; George 157n

Taunton (Somerset ) 13* , 13n , 171n

Tauret , Marie Magdeleine (Mdme Reboul) 87, 89 , 91

Taverner , Mary 2n

Taylor (Tayler), Ann 72 ; Augustine (priest) 2, 3 , 4, 151n; Elizabeth (Mrs. Escott) 35; Mary 81

Teague, Bridget (née Fitzgerald) 77; James 77; Michael 77

Teynham, Lord 137n ; Christopher (Roper), 5th Lord 157n

Thaddeus, Fr., O.F.M. 9n

Thames , The xi

Thatcher, Catherine (Mrs. McCreath) 59

Theobald (Tibble, Thoable), Caroline 82; Mrs. 34, 192, 192n, 200*

Thibaud, Louis 91

Thickett, Mary Ann (Mrs. Sullivan) 39


(?) Thielmans, Sister Martha, O.S.B. 49

Thirvell, see under Kirvell

Tholon, Joseph 86, 88; Marie Emilie

Scholastique 86; Marie Marguerite (née Gasquet) 86, 88

Thompson , Daniel 59

Thornhill, Ellen (née Daly) 63 ; Henry 63; John 63

Thorp(e), Charles 45, 56, 58; James 45; Sarah 45; Sarah Ann (Widow Ward) 45

Thruxton (Hants) 127

Tibble, Ann (née Dunny) 71 , 72; Charles 71; Joseph 71

Tichborne (Titchborne) (Hampshire) 22, 26, 28* , 36, 58, 79, 80, 127 , 146, 154n, 157n, 162n, 164n, 166n, 171n , 174, 175n, 176, 176n, 179, 181 , 185, 186 , 188, 189, 190* , 194*

Tichborne (Titchborne, Tychborne), Benjamin (married Elizabeth Sturdy: their son , Michael, went to the English College, Rome, 21 July 1753 and was ordained priest 31 March 1759cf C.R.S. , xl, 209) 126; Benjamin, 1st Baronet 146, 151n; Catherine Caroline 79; Elizabeth (née Rythe) 151n; Emily 80; family xii, 176; Gilbert 97, 97n, 149, 151, 151n; HenryofOwlsebury 146;Henry Joseph 98 , 98n , 149; John of Tichborne 146; Lionel ofSherfieldEnglish 146; Lucy 80; Nicholas (1st cousin to Nicholas of H.M., Lionel of S.E., and Peter of Portchester; married 10 Juliana Fenrother, 2° Elizabeth Rythe) 146, 151n;NicholasofHartley Maudit 146 , 148, 149* , 149n; Peter of Portchester 146; Sir Harry 127; Sir Henry 3; Sir Henry, 7th Baronet 98n; Ven Nicholas 146, 149n; Ven Thomas 146, 149

Tidman, Mary 54

Tidworth, South (Hants) 127

Tidyman, Philip 18

Tierney, Edward 66; John 66; Sarah (née Chamney) 66

Tilbury, James 181; Mrs. 123

Tilemans , Martha 134

Tilly, Mrs. 123

Tilt, Elizabeth 58; John (priest) 58

Tisbury (Wilts ) 136n

Titchfield (Hants) 125

Tiverton (Devon) 15*

Tobbs, Michael 46

Todd , Elizabeth Joanna (née Ayles) 39; Joanna 39; John 39; Mr. 101, 104; Mrs. 101 , 104

Tombs, Ann (née Green) 71; Henry 71; Richard Hall 71

Tomlinson , Catharine (Mrs. John Kendal, senr) 8n

Tommins, George 11 ; Ann (née Gray) 11; Robert (priest) 11* , 12

Toole, Amelia 65

Tortel, Honoré 88

Totford (Hants) 151n

Totton, near Southampton 123

Toulon 85*-92* , 132, 133; La Seyne 85, 86, 92; Saint Louis 87* , 88 , 89*; Sainte Marie 86*-91* , 92

Toulon, André 90; François 86 , 89* , 90*; FrançoisCharles Alexandre 89*; Joseph Pierre Jean 86; Marie Anne Claire 90; Marie Magdeleine (Mdme

Roubert) 87 , 90, 91; Suzanne (née Doumé) 86 , 89 , 90; Thérèse (née

Roubeau , 20 Mdme. Colle) 90

Toulouse 84

Townhill (Hants) 140

Townsend, Elizabeth (Mrs. Berry) 4

Towsey, Ann (Widow Everett) 35* , 80, 193; Catherine Isabella (Mrs. Gudgeon ) 23, 25, 26, 52, 53, 62, 65 , 78 , 79, 175n; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 34 , 175, 193; Elizabeth (Mrs. White) 34; James Andrew 27 , 175 , 176, 190; Joseph 35, 193; Mary (Mrs. Cull) 20, 25

Trabeau,Elisabeth (née (?) Roumieur) 92; François Lazare 92

Trainer, James 25; Joanna (née

Knight) 25; John 25

Trayford (Essex) 160n

Tredegar, Monmouthshire 95n

Triffic, Alice 66; John 66

Trinder, Charles 154n; John 154 , 154n; Serjeant John 154, 154n, his daughter (Mrs. Betts) 154n

Tritschler, HelenAgnes 49;MaryAnn (née Keyes) 49, 56; Mary Ann 56; William 49, 56

Trowers , Mary (Mrs. Prescott) 11

Trussler (or Trusler), Mary Ann 52 , 55

Tucker, Elizabeth (Mrs. Young) 171, 171n, 178, 183; Francis, & Co. 101n , 169n; Lucy 22 , 188; Winifred23 , 188

Tully, Honora (née Gallagher) 30; John 30; Margaret 30; Patrick 30

Turner, George 74

Tusmore (Oxfordshire) 16

Twyford, near Winchester 22, 23 , 124, 154n, 171n, 188; Manor of 163n; School at 9, 93

Tyburn 146*

Tychenor, Anthony (priest) 2n

Tyham (Dorset) 73

Tyler, Sarah (Mrs. Bunce) 24

Tyrrell, Elizabeth 32; Elizabeth (née

Shehan) 32; George 32

Ufton Court (Berks) 155n* , 158n

Underhill, Benjamin 102, 103; Mr. 105 , 106 , 107

Underwood, Messrs , & Co. 102*

Upham (Hampshire) 9, 10n, 16 , 16n , 99,123,125 , 198, 199 , 200

Up Husborn (now Hurstbourne Tarrant) 197-9

Usula, Bishop of (Bp Bramston) 79 , 80

Vains (Normandy) 132

Valladolid, English College at 3* , 15, 136n , 138n

Valognes (France) 135n

Vander, Mr. 106 , 107

Vandume (? Vander), Mr. 129

Var (France) 90

Varaine (or Baraine), Claire (née Maguianeor Magnane) 88; Louis 88; Marie Rose 88

Varangue, Louise (Mdme Delamer) 90

Varney, James 51; Mary (née Cummins) 51; William 51

Vaughan, Ann (née Cave) xi, 21, 23, 24 (? maiden name used), 26, 30 (Anastasia meant for Ann), 173n; Anastasia (vere Ann), 30; Anastasia (née Williams) 20, 21, 121 , 173n* , 188; Benedict John 23; Bernard 173n; Charles Anthony 26; Emily Blanche 30; family 173n; Mary (née Cole) 173n; Monica Mary 21; Mr. 191; Mrs. Mary 129, 130; Thomas I 173n; ThomasII 173n*; ThomasIII xi, 20 , 21, 23* , 26, 28, 30, 121, 131 , 173n; Thomas John 21, 173, 173n , 182 ; William 173n*

Vaux, Laurence (priest) 1512*

Ventham, Jno 132

Vessey (Normandy) 132

Veydt, Regina(Mother MaryGertrude

O.S.B.) 40, 134

Vidal, Henry Félix 91

Videcosville (dioc Coutances ) 135 , 136

Vimoutiers (France) 135n

Vincent, Christopher 132

Vine, Elizabeth 181; Ellen Mary 76

Vin (n), Andrew 36; Ann (Mrs. Cave) xi, 150* , 173n, 176, 176n; Catherine (née Morley) 166n; Elizabeth (née Munday) 101, 104, 121, 168n , 171 , 171n , 179; family 154n; Frances 42; Frances (née Payne) 36, 121; Francis 5n; Hanna 128; John 128* , 131 , (?) 158n, 168, 168n* , 171n; Mary (née Every; Widow Goldfinch) 171, 171n* , 180; Mary (née Spencer ) 163, 163n; Thomas 36 , 101 , 104, 107, 108, 121, 131 , 150* , 163, 163n , 171* , 171n* , 178, 180; William 157 , 166n

Vire (France) 133n

Virgil 16n

Voce, Rachel 130

Vockham (Vocum), Barbara 129 , 130

Vorreker, Denis 50

Waaken, Honora (Mrs. Shausley) 67

Wadden, Barrett 70, 71*; see also Grange

Waight, Ann Eames (Mrs. John) 185

Waldron, William 128

Wales 18n

Walker, John 129; Mary 129

Wall, Catherine (Mrs. Sharp) 40; Mary Ann Margaret (Mrs. Cole) 47

Wallingford (Berks ) xi

Wallis, G. 182, 184* , 185; Mr. 197

Wallop (Hants) xii

Walmesley, William (priest), O.S.B. 172 , 180

Walpole, JosephineMary 82

Walsh, Bishop Thomas 12, 17 , 55, 113, 114, 150; Eleanor (née Purcell) 12; John 27; Helen (née Fullerton) 54; Helen 54; Margaret 43; Michael 42; Patrick 39, 44; Timothy 54; Thomas 12, 43; Thomas(priest) (also at BandylegWalk, Southwark, 17868; Rev. B. Bogan , The Great Link, pp. 14 , 18, London, 1948) 12*

Waltham (?) Dane 193

Wappenbury 136n

Warblington (Hants) 125, 169n

Ward, Bishop Bernard 15n, 140* , 141

Ward, Catherine (née O'Brien) 74; (or Gilgani) Charles 48; Edward 74 , 75; James 74; John (priest), Archdeacon Hants District 2* , 3*; John 45, 48; Miss or Mrs. 45; Olive Sophie 57; Sarah Ann (Mrs. Thorp) 45; Sarah 83

Warden, Ann (Mrs. Ryan) (? 43), 45

Wardour Castle (Wilts) 101n, 129n , 136* , 136 , 137, 137 , 138 , 138n , 155, 157n , 159n

Ware, John 64; Rose (née Smith) 64; William 64

Warkworth 153n

Warminster, Boreham Manor 84

Warneford, Mary 2n

Warrilow family 158n

Warwick 13n

Warwickshire 7, 93

Warwick Street (Golden Square), London 14, 137

Waters, Christopher 56

Watkins, Henrietta 47; Watten (Flanders) 9

Weatherall, Mrs. 122


Webbe , Bridget (neé Wolfe) 168n; family 138n; John 168n ; Mother

Mary Barbara, O.S.F. 168; Sir John, Bart. 138n


Weddell , Henry 103

Weedall , Henry 114

Weetman , François de Sales 87; Jean 87; Mr. 123; Mrs. 123; Thérèse 87

Welch, Ann 69; Eleanor (Mrs. Neville) 41; Eliza (Mrs. White) 70; Elizabeth (Mrs. Norris) 60, 66 , 70 , 76; Honora (Mrs. Mahan) 69; James ,

M.D. 172; John 70; John Hilary 32 , 47; Martin 70; Mary (née Cushion) 70; Mary Anne (née Tabor) 41 , 47, 49, 52, 57, 82*; Mary Anne Bridget 41; Mary Ann 67; 84; Miss 110* , 111 , 121; Mrs. Anastasia (Welsh) 100 , 101 , 104, 107-109 * , 110, 111 , 121 , 169n , 172; Patrick 32* , 41, 47, 49 , 55, 57* , 82; Peter 83; Richard 63; Thirza (née Parkyn) 32, 81; Thomas 45; Thomas Patrick 49 ; Walter 57

Weld, Ann Mary 65; Bishop (after- wards Cardinal) 150; Abbess Mary Gertrude Simeon, O.S.F. 169; Mary (née Fitzherbert) 169n ; Thomas 13 , 101 , 104, 138n , 169n

Welkhurst (Berkshire) 7

Well(e)s, Alexander xii, 161 , 161n; Ann I of Alton 158; Ann II ofAlton 158;Ann of Brambridge (Mrs.Moore) 159n; Charles 159n; Frances (née Smith) xii, 153n, 161 , 161n; George 158*; Gilbert 1; Henry 10 , 10n* , 124 , 129n; Jane (Mrs. WilliamCorham ) 1; John 158; Mary41; Mary (Mrs. Holman) 9n; Mr. 185, 194; Mrs. Frances Apollonia (née Doughty; later Mrs. Biddulph) 10 , 10n, 118, 129, 129n , 130 Wellow (Hants) 126

Welsh, Anastasia 180; Ann, O.S.B. 172n; James 180; Joanna 32; see also Walsh

West, Lady Mary 2n*; Mary (Mrs. Kirwan) 29 ; Matilda (Mrs. Hunter) 64, 66; Sir Owen 2n* West, My Lady'sHouse 2, 2n* , 13 , 93n

Westbrook(e), Ann I (Mrs. Shaw) 6 , 7; Ann II (also Mrs. Shaw) 6; family 6; George 7; James, alias of James Shaw (priest) q.v.; Lucy 7 Westcote Barton (Oxon), Manor of 153n Western District, The 114 Westgate , Elizabeth (Mrs. Casey) 29 Westmeath 57 Westmeon (Hants) 65 Westminster, Archdioceseof 12 Weston , Co. Warwick 93 Weston , Ann 56; Mr. 14, 170n Westwood , Caroline 36; Catherine (Mrs. Lundberry) 36 Whale, Frances (Mrs. Crafter) 33 , 37 , 41 , 48-9; Mary 40, 49; Mr. 178

Whatcombe (Berks) 123n

Wheble (Whebell), Ann 136; Ann (Mrs. Cave) 121, 172, 172n , 186; Catherine 121 , 174, 183; Catherine (née Scott) 174n; DowagerMrs. 150; Edmund, senr. 159n, 163n , 168n , 169n; Edmund 5n, 128, 136n , 159, 159n, 162n, 168, 174n*; family 113 , 136, 138 , 142, 145, 146, 154n; Frances 174n; Frances Margaret 172 , 185; James 37, 96, 99, 101 , 101n, 104, 116* , 150, 169, 172n; James 136n; James's daughter 162n ; James, of Reading 172* , 172n* , 177n , 190, 194*; James (priest), S.J., alias Giffard 136 , 136n, 137 , 138* , 159n; Jane Eyre 113, 113n, 169n; John 114; Mary (née Guy) 128-9, 159 , 159n, 168 , 169n, 174n*; Mary 136; Mary Ann 136, 174n; Mary Juliana 28, 172, 190; Mary (Mrs.Meader) 100 , 101, 104, 108-110 , 111 , 121 , 163n, 169, 169n; Mary (née O'Brien) 30 , 172, 172n, 191; Mary (Mrs. Spencer) 163n ; Mary (née Talbot) 172 , 172m , 180; Mary Teresa 172, 185; Mrs. Edmund, junr 168n; Miss A. M. 16; Misses 150; Richard 159; Robert 130 , 131 , 174, 174n , 184; Robert's wife 130: Thomas 5n; Ursula 136n , 143

Whelan, Elizabeth (Mrs. Carney) 31; John 53; Mary Eleanor (Mother Agnes, O.S.B.) 24

Wheller, Mr. 183

Whitaker, Nicholas (priest) 3

Whitchurch (Hants) 54, 127

White, Adelaide Frances Ann (Mrs. Banom) 57; Ann Mary 50, 174; Arthur 57; Bishop John (+ 1560) 7; Charlotte Eliza 57; Constance 165; Eliza (née Welch) 70; Elizabeth 43, 82; Elizabeth (née Towsey) 34; Joanna 39; John (priest) 3*; Joseph 34, 35, 194; MaryAnn (née O'Reilly) 43; Mr. 194*; Mrs. 200*; Patrick 58; Richard 126; Simon 155; Thomas (priest) 12n, 14, 15* , 19 , 92, 113, 123n , 143, 143n, 165, 177n, 180, 181 , 186; Thomas of Portsmouth 174 , 183; Thomas 43, 57 , 70; William 34, 35, 70, 180, 193

Whitear, Ann Mary 80

Whitehead, Ann 20, 29, 30 , 41, 56, 80, 196-200; Elizabeth 121

Whitgreave, Amelia Ann 18*

Whitgrieve, Constantia 114

Whitmersh, Constance 122; Mrs. 123

Whittington , Mary (Mrs. Astley) 19

Whitton (Surrey) 129n

Whorwood, Elizabeth (Mrs. Greenwood) 168

Wickham (Hants) 125

Wihall (or Winall) 192

Wilkins , John 136; Morris 129 , 130

Wilkinson, Edward 76; James 76; Mary (née Collins) 43, 76

Wilks, Ann 129

Willcock (Willcox), Mrs. 133

Willcox, Mrs. 197

Williams, Ann (Mrs. Sherlock) 53-4; Charles 73; Eliza 83; John 83; Henry 30, 181* , 191, 196; Mary (Mrs. Moody) 21; Mr. 105 , 106 , 107; Mrs. H. 199

Wills, Mary 174 , 185

Wilson, Caroline 29; Elizabeth (née Golding) 29; James 29; John 152, 152n

Wiltshire or Wilts. 9n, 136n , 164n

Wimborne (Wimbornia) (Dorset) 29 , 29n

Winall (or Wihall) 192

Winchcombe, Ann (Mrs. Bruning)


Winchester (Wintonia, Winton) xi* , xii, 1* , 2* , 2n* , 3* , 4* , 4n, 5* , бn* ,6* , 7* , 7n, 9* , 9n, 10-13* , 13n* , 14*16 , 16n, 17*-20, 25, 29, 45* , 51* -

53* , 54, 56,57* , 57 , 59, 63, 84,85* , 85n* , 86 , 86 , 87 , 88 , 88 , 89*93* , 95n, 97, 98-104* , 109*-113* , 1132* , 114*-116* , 123, 128* , 129n* , 130, 131-135* , 135n, 136n, 143n* , 145* , 148 , 151, 151n* , 152n, 153n* , 154n , 155n, 156, 156n* , 157n , 158n , 162, 162n* , 163n , 164 , 165n* , 166n, 167n, 168n* , 170n , 173n, 174 , 175, 175n* , 179n Winchester, Abbey House (Franciscan) 13 , 167n; Avebury House 94n ; Bishop of 129n, 146; Caen Cottage 94n; Castle 151n; Cathedral xii, 97 , 152; Cathedral Library 123; Chequer Inn 128; City Archives 2n, 128; City Mill 162 , 163n;Cocklanenewbridge 193; ColebrookPlace 189; Colebrook Street 163n; College 182; County Hall 94; Deanery of 123 (see separate entry); Durngate 163n ; FirstMarquis of 1; Fleshmonger Street 93; Gaol 146, 148; Great Minster Street 135; Grove Place (? Nursling) 188, 193; Hyde Street 130, 185; Hyde House 5 , 5n*; Jewry Street 14 , 16* , 17 , 169n; Kings gate Street 191; King's House, The 1 , 11 , 13*; Mayor of 5 , 13 , 128, 129 , 130*; Military Cemetery at 56; Poor School 166n; Portsmouth Road 123; RomseyRoad 145; Rose and Crown 182; Royal Hotel, see underWest , MyLady-'s House; St. Cross Hospital 97* , 97n , 146 , 149* , 181; St. James's Cemetery, see under St. James's; St. James'sParishChurch97, 145, 146-9;

St. John's 162, 162n, 181; St. John's Street 189; St. Laurence 130, 155n; St. Magdalen's Church 95; St. Magdalen'sHill 95; St. Mary Kalender 130; St. Mary's Benedictine Abbey (temp . Henry VIII) 13; St. Maurice xi, 130, 156n ; St. Michael's 175m ; St. Peter's Street, House, Presbytery, Churchsee under St. Peter's; St. Peter Colebrook 130; Piazza , The xi, 16; St. Thomas 10n , 130, 132 , 134 , 152n, 167n*; St. Thomas Street 132, 135; Simmons's Garage 94n ; School 152n; Soke, The, see under Soke; Southgate Street 93 , 123; Spring Gardens 163n; Staple Gardens 132; St. Swithun's, monks of 145; Town Cemetery 150; Town Clerk (Green) 131; Westgate 145; White House 14, 16, 174n

Winchester, Deaneryof: Bishopstoke (now Eastleigh) 125; Hursley 124; Hyde 123; Morestead 125; Otterbourne 124; St. Faith's 123; St. John's 124; St. Lawrence's 124; St. Maurice's 124; St. Michael's 124; St. Peter Chesil 124; St. Peter Colebrook 124; St. Thomas's 124; Twyford 124

Winckton (Hants) 152

Winderbank, William 186

Windsor Forest (Berkshire) 7; Rodmin near 171

Winkworth,Mary162 , 163; Stephen 59

Winn, John Laurence 33 , 192

Winscomb(or Freeman ), Elizabeth 72

Winscome, Richard 75; Richard Weovil 75; Sarah (née Saunders ) 75

Winter, John 2n

Wiseman, Bishop (afterwards Cardinal) Nicholas 55

Witham, Austen 158*; Mary Neill 158; Mother Aloysia, O.S.B. 181

Woburn Lodge 14 , 170n

Wolfe, Bridget (Mrs. Webbe) 168n

Wolverhampton 113, 140, 169n , 187*

Woodberry, Ann 163; Gerard (priest) 5п, 163п

Woodcote , near Upham 123

Woodiffe, Mr. 182

WoodleyLodge, near Reading28, 30 , 37, 113, 114, 116, 136, 138, 142, 146, 158n, 172 , 180, 185, 190, 191 , 194*

Woodroffe, B. 128

Woods, Matthew 61

Woodward, Margery 2n; Thomas (priest), Archdeacon of Hants District 3

Wooldridge, Olive 129

Woolhampton, near Reading, St. Mary's College 175n

Woollis (Woolls), Mr. 191 , 194 Woollsey House 182

Woolly, W. J. 79* Worksop (Notts ) 7

Worrilow , Ann (née Tarleton) 158, 158n; Bridget 158 , 158n; Thomas 158n

Worsfield, Alice (née Flynn) 64; David 64; Mary Anne 64'

Worthington, John 130

Wren, Christopher (Architect) 1

Wright, Ann (née Aldridge) 128, 128n; George 124 , 155 , 155n*; Mary 114 , 155, 155n; Thomas , Catholic banker 98 , 101 , 103, 149; Thomas, & Co.101 , 103; William 114

Wyat(t), Francis or Frances 160; John 160n

Wybarn(e), Catherine (née Perkins) 158, 158n ; Elizabeth (née Percy) 158n; John xii, 158, 158n; Mary (née Smith, 2° Mrs. Bolney) xii

Wymering (Hants) 125 Wynn, Mary 70

Yates, Joanna 73; Mary Ann (Mrs. Pugh) 70

Yeat(e)s, Frances 152n* , 153; Frances (Lady Mannock) 153n; George 153 York 9n; Archbishop of 158n

Yorkshire (Yorks ) 6 , 158n , 169n; West Riding6

Young, Elizabeth (née Tucker) 171 , 171n, 178, 183; Francis 31 , 192; John 171 , 171 , 178* , 178n , 183; Mr. 9n; Thomas 179 Ypres, Diocese of 12

Zollo, Anthony (priest) 17 Zuinglius 145



FOUNDED 0.1904


JUNE 1 , 1943 to MAY 31 , 1945 ,

Together with the Roll of Members , the Obituary, the Constitutions, &c.


1. Name. The name of the Society is " THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY . "

2. Objects The objectsare the transcribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

3. Management The affairs of the Society are managed by a Council consisting of twelve members, three trustees andfive honorary officers , viz. The Recorder, Bursar, Legal Adviser, Librarian, and Secretaryfour forming a quorum Ithas power to appointa Presidentand Vice-Presidents, its Chairmanand Officers, and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership . Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re-election Nominations of new Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretary fourteen days before the Annual Meeting. The representationand management are reserved to Catholic Members

4. Subscription The subscription is one guinea per annum , commencing June 1st, which entitles members to any publications issued during the year. No volume will be issued to any member whose subscriptionis unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removed from the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid. A memberwishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretarybefore the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year. Personal Life Membership may be obtained on payment of twenty guineas in advance Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas All life subscriptions are to be capitalized.

5. Back Numbers. Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers (if in stock) on such terms as the Councilmay direct

6. Meetings. An Annual Meeting is held in the month of June orJuly, of which at least seven days' notice is sent to all the members At this meetinga report of the work of the Society, with a statement ofthe income and expenditure, is presented This is issued together with the list of members and the Constitutions of the Society. An Extraordinary General Meetingmay be called at any time by the Council At least seven days' notice, stating the object ofthe meeting, shall be given

7. Audit. The Bursar's accounts are audited by a member of the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31 .

N.B.The Bursar deals with Membershipand Subscriptions.











RIGHT REV . DAVID MATHEW , M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S.


COUNCIL (Elected)












REV GORDON ALBION, D.Sc.Hist., B.A., F.R.Hist.S., F. W. CHAMBERS, K.S.G., M.A.

Honorary Officers (On Council ex officio)

Hon Bursar

REV . DR GORDON ALBION , Carshalton House, Carshalton, Surrey.

Hon Legal Adviser

HUBERT HULL, Barrister-at-Law

Hon Librarian


Hon Secretary

RICHARD CECIL WILTON , B.A., 33, Wilfred Street, Westminster, S.W.I




AS this is the first Report issued by the Catholic Record

Society since Archbishop Bernard Griffin's accession to the See of Westminster , the Council in the name of all Members begs to offer His Grace our congratulations and good wishes . In reply to an invitation to honour the Society withhis Patronage, His Grace writes : "I shall be delighted to be one of the patrons of the Catholic Record Society I wish you all success in the great work you are doing"

The Council wishes to thank Members for their continued support and loyalty. We have been encouraged in our work during the past five years by the appreciation conveyed to us , both in letters and by word of mouth. While this support from Members has been of great help to the Council, they have been even more heartened in their task during these difficult years by the lettersof goodwilland approvalsent them by Members ofthe Council, who are on active service at home and abroad, or are otherwise on full-time National Defence work.

The Members of the Society will recall that in the earlydays of the war, the Council appointedan Emergency Executivewith authority to act and make decisions in the name, and with the authority, of the whole Council It was thought at that time that the Council quorum of four, laid down in the Constituion , would be difficult to realise For this reason the Council decided that twowouldconstitutea quorumofthe Emergency Executive. In point offact, however, a full quorumof four has nearlyalways been present and the meetings have, therefore, generally been regular Council Meetings Recently it was decided, on account of travel and other difficulties, that the Council would meet only every two months.

Members will appreciate that even those Members of the Council who have been able to attend meetings have had to give a good deal of time to activities connected with the war Nevertheless , with the help of our collaborators we have been able to issue four volumes during the war, viz Vol 37-" The Liber Ruber of the English College, Rome: Nomina Alumnorum, 15791630 "; Vol. 38 " Registers of the Catholic Chapels Royal and of the Potruguese Embassy Chapel, 1662-1829 (Marriages)"; Vol 39 " Letters and Memorials of Father Robert Persons, S.J.


(I, 1578-1588) "; and Vol. 40-" TheLiber Ruber ofthe English Colege, Rome: Nomina Alumnorum, 1631-1783" . The Council hopes to ensure that the workof the Society willcontinuewithout interruption. Though further work on the Registers at the Portuguese Embassy was being done by Mr. J. Cyril M. Weale, his deathhas necessarily causedan interruption, but negotiations are now proceeding with the Portuguese Embassy for the remaining Registers of Births and Deaths to be confided to the care of the Rt. Rev. Mgr P. E. Hallett, Rector of S. John's Seminary, Wonersh, who has promised to undertake the editorship

The Rev. Nicholas Kelly, D.S.H., has discovered in the Archives ofS. Edmund's College , Ware, a folio volume of70 pages, dated circa 1600, and containing the RULES OF DOUAY COLLEGE; also the Douay PREFECT OF STUDIES' BOOK, a small volume of some 400 pages, covering the years 17501794. Dr. Kelly is at present editing both these documents , the importance of which is evident from the remark on page xxi of C.R.S., Vol. 28 (1928): " the complete history of the Catholic Church in Englandfrom 1550 to 1800 cannot be written untilthe whole of the Diaries of Douay Collegeincluding the Prefectof Studies' Book, now at Old Hallare annotated and made accessible . To these maybe added thesmallDouayDiary, discovered and translated by Fr. A. Bonnar, O.F.M., at Douai in 1930. This Diary was thesubject of a Paper read at the Twenty-ninthAnnual General Meeting .

The Rev. Gordon Albion, D.Sc.Hist. , F.R.Hist.S., is engaged on the editorshipof THE DIARY OF GREGORIO PANZANI.

It is hoped that the Rev. Leo Hicks, S.J., willcontinuethe LETTERS AND MEMORIALS OF FATHER PERSONS as soon as opportunity offers for research at Simancas.

TheSociety would welcome a volume from the Recordsofthe English Benedictines "

Finally, an editor is being sought for ample materialawaiting transcription in the Archives of the Middlesex Guildhall, viz. 'Justices' Certificates and Constables' Returns of Papists, etc," and Registers of the Estates of Papists. The Council can assure Members that every effort is being made to proceed with this important documentation .



A legacy of £200 (less tax, £180) was left to the Society by the late Leonard Lindsay, F.S.A., who served so long and faithfully as Hon. Bursar This sum, together withother monies received as Life Subscriptions under the Ten-YearRule, has been invested, according to rule, in the purchase of £220 8s War 31% Stock,


A further legacy has been bequeathed to the Society by the late Bernard H. Newdigate under the following terms: To the Catholic Record Society the sum of One Hundred Pounds (£100) forthepurchaseand preservation ofCatholic recordsin manuscript or for their photographic reproduction and my return ofrecusants in Middlesex and their estates in one thousand seven hundred and fifteen. "


Thesum mentioned will appear in the Society's balance sheet for 1945-1946.

The Hon Bursar begs to report the accession of five new membersMilford Novitiate S.J., Miford, Ohio; the Rev. L. Threlfall, S.J.; The Marist Fathers, Paignton; Cathedral College, New York; Union Theological Seminary, New York

Also the Rt. Rev. Mgr E. Henson, the Very Rev. Mgr. V. Elwes, the Rev. John E. Petit, M.A. , and the Rev. J. E. Bamber have now become Life Members under the Ten-year Rule.

The Bursar regrets to announce the folowilng deaths: Major Edward Francis Riddell-Blount, J.P.; the Very Rev. Canon John Rory Fletcher ; the Very Rev. Canon Edward Lupton; the Rev. Sir John R. O'Connell, K.C.S.G., LL.D.; the Most Rev. Joseph Butt, Archbishopof Nicopsi ; the Very Rev. Canon William O. Sutcliffe, M.A.; Mr. Bernard H. Newdigate, the Rev. Francis J. Sumner

It is also regretted that three members have resigned Several others have been out of touch with the Society owing to absence intheForcesoverseas, or to residencein enemy orenemy-occupied countries. The volumes issuedbythe Society during the war have been reserved for them and efforts have already been made , in some cases successfully, to forward them

Dom . Hilary Willson, O.S.B., has accepted Vice-Presidency of the Society vacant owing to the death of Canon Fletcher.

Mr. F. W. Chambers, K.S.G., M.A., has agreed to act as a third Trustee .

Theretirment of Members of the Council is suspendedtill the next General Meeting.

The Membership Roll now stands at 332, as against 337 in 1943.

1943 June I To Balance brought forwardfrom last 1944 May 3



FFoundersonJune 10 , 1904

HHonorary Members . LLifeMembers.

Abbott , Rev. E. M., St. Edmund's House, Cambridge.

L Adamson , Rev. Philip J., C.F., SS. Catherine and Martina's Presbytery, Birkenhead Road, Hoylake, Wirral, Cheshire

Aelia, Bishop of, Right Rev. David Mathew, M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., 22, Carlisle Mansions, Westminster, S.W.I

Albion, Rev. Gordon, D.Sc.Hist , B.A., F.R.Hist.S., Carshalton House, Carshalton , Surrey.

Armstrong, C. A. John, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., Hertford College, Oxford

Ashburnham, The Lady Catherine , Ashburnham Place, Battle, Sussex .

Baker, Thomas, 85, Charlotte Street, W.1

L Bamber, Rev. Joseph Edward, The Rectory, Warwick Square, Carlisle

Barrett, Rev. Thomas James , The Presbytery, Warley Hill, Warley, Brentwood, Essex.

Birmingham, Archbishopof, Most Rev. Thomas L. Williams, Archbishop'sHouse, 6, Norfolk Road, Edgbaston , Birmingham.

Blundell, Mrs. Francis N., Crosby Hall, Blundellsands , Liverpool. Bowler, Squadron Leader Rev.Hugh, O.S.B., B.A., Chaplain , R.A.F., R.A.F. Officers' Mess, North Coates, nr Grimsby, Lincs

Boyan, Mrs. P. A., St. Andrew's, Yelverton, Devon

Bradley, Rev. James, St.Marie'sPresbytery, Norfolk Street, Sheffield

Brentwood, Bishop of, Right Rev. Arthur Doubleday, Bishop's House, Brentwood, Essex

Brown, Rev. Robert, S.J., St. Ignatius' College, South Tottenham , N. 15


Burton, Rev. Harold R.I.P.

Calderbank , Rev. Thomas R.I.P.

Callaway, Very Rev. Canon Joseph B., St. Joseph's Presbytery, 71 , Horace Street, Bolton, Lancs

F , H Camm , Dom R. Bede, O.S.B., M.A., F.S.A. R.I.P.

Cardiff, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Michael McGrath, M.A. , Archbishop's House, 24, Newport Road, Cardiff.

Cardwell, Dr. Mary, Ashby House, Lightfoot Lane, Broughton, Preston, Lancs.

Cartmell, Rev. Joseph, D.D., Ph.D. , M.A., St. Mary's Presbytery, Market Street, Chorley , Lancs. Chadwick , Very Rev. Canon Alfred, St. Mary's, Alnwick , Northumberland

Chambers, F. W. , K.S.G. , M.A. , 20 Holmes Road, Twickenham , Middlesex .

Charlton, George Victor Ballasis R.I.P.

Chichester-Constable , Colonel Raleigh, J.P. R.I.P. LChristall,Very Rev. Canon Robert, 24HeathcoteRoad, Epsom,Surrey.


Ciceri, Leo J., I St Mark's Crescent, Newport, Mon.

Clifton, Bishop of, Right Rev. William Lee, M.B.E., St. Ambrose, Leigh Woods, Bristol

Coldwell, George E. J., 17 Red Lion Square, W.C.1

L Connolly, Very Rev. Canon James C. , St. Joseph's Presbytery, 48 Bugle Street, Southampton

Cuming, Miss Agnes, 11 WellesleyAvenue , Hull.

Dalton, Mr. Justice Llewelyn C., c/o A. W. Innes, Esq., Richmond, Lodge, Lewes, Sussex.

Daniell, Very Rev. Canon Edward M., Sacred Heart Convent, 212, Hammersmith Road, W.6

Dearlove, G. J. Stanley , 4 Linden Avenue, Cardiff de Chambrun , La Comtesse Clara Longworth, 58 , Ruede Vaugirard, Paris, 6, France.

Deeley, Perceval, c/o Messrs Sands & Co. , 15 King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2 de Geijer, Capt William, Box No. 2, Western Central District Post Office, New Oxford Street, London , W.C.I. de Hoghton, Sir Cuthbert, Bart, Hoghton Tower, Hoghton, Preston Lancs

Dixey, John H., K.H.S., F.R.G.S. , 31 , Welbeck Street, W.1

Duchemin , Rt. Rev.Mgr Charles, Collegio Beda, 67 via San Niccolò da Tolentino, Rome, 5. (Temporaryaddress, St. Joseph'sCollege, Upholland, nr. Wigan, Lancs.)

Eccles, Miss Alice, 49 Preston Road, Newtown, Longridge, nr.Preston . Edmondstoune -Cranstoun, C. J., J.P., Corehouse, Lanark, Scotland

Ellison, Alfred Joseph, M.A., LL.M., 18 Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.2

L Elwes, Very Rev. Mgr Aubrey Valentine D., Chaplain , R.N. F Engelbach, George Frederick R.I.P.

Evetts, Miss Margaret C. Bickersteth, 5 LawrenceMansions, Lordship Place, Chelsea , S . W3 .

Eyre, Stanislas Thomas, J.P. , 13 Chesham Street, S.W.1 (Temporary address , " Westholme , " Kennedy Road, Kingsland, Shrewsbury.)

Eyre-Huddleston, Commander Reginald Francis, R.N. (retd ), K.S.G., " Bullards, " East Grinstead, Sussex .

Eyston, Mrs. E., New House, Kingston Bagpuize, Berks

FitzAlan, Colonel The Viscount, K.G., G.C.V.O. , D.S.O., Cumberland Lodge, Windsor.

Fitzalan-Howard, Hon Miles, Carlton Towers, Snaith, Yorks

Fitzherbert, Captain Cuthbert, 5, Lombard Street, London, E.C.3.

Fitzherbert-Brockholes , Major John, M.C., Lofthouse, Claughton-onBrook, Garstang R.S.O. , Lancs

Fletcher , J. Kyrle, 79 High Street, Newport, Mon.

Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John R. R.I.P.

Fogarty, Philip Christopher, I.C.S., The Secretariat , Rangoon , Burma.

Fooks, Rev. E. Graham , B.A., Boringwheel , Horney Common , Uckfield, Sussex.

Fooks, Rev. Thomas P. , Boringwheel , Horney Common, Uckfield, Sussex.


Ford, Very Rev. Canon George, D.D., Ph.D. , 30, Langstone Road, Beaconfield, Plymouth.

Furley, John T., Bole Cottage, Bucklebury Common, Berks.

Gaisford -St Lawrence , Thomas J., M.C., F.S.A., M.A., Howth Castle , co . Dublin.

Gibson, W. H. P., J.P., 49 North Side, Clapham, S.W.4

Gilbey, Rev. Alfred N., Fisher House , Guildhall Street, Cambridge .

Gilbey, Capt John, Army and Navy Club, 36 Pall Mall, S.W.1. Gilbey, William Gordon , Harrowden Hall, Wellingborough, Northants.

Giles, Mrs. Francis T., c/o Rev. Charles D. Goolden, Lee House , Longridge , Preston , Lancs

HGillow, Mrs. Joseph, Fyldeholme , Broad Lane, Hale, Cheshire. Green-Armytage, Robert N., 5 Queen's Parade , Bath.

Guilday, Right Rev. Mgr , Ph.D., LL.D., J.U.D., 1234 Monroe Street, N.E., Brookland, D.C., U.S.A.

F Hansom , A. J. R., 110 Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington, W.8

L'Henson, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Canon Edwin, Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid, Spain

Hexhamand Newcastle , Bishopof, Right Rev. Joseph McCormack , Bishop's House, West Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 5

Hicks, Rev. Leo, S.J., 114 Mount Street, W.1

L. Hope,CaptainGeoffrey A. E. , HaisthorpeHall, Driffield, E.R. Yorks.

L Hornyold-Strickland, Henry, J.P., F.S.A., Sizergh Lodge, Kendal, Westmorland

Hull, Hubert, 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.4 . Hutton, Edward, 114 Clifton Hill, St. John's Wood , N.W.8

Hyde, Rev. Bernard, 19 Bouverie Road, Stoke Newington, N . 16

Jeffcock, William Ph. , F.S.S., High House, Little Bealings, Suffolk. Johnson, Basil Henry, 3 Artillery Mansions , 75 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1 .

L Kean, Very Rev. Charles George, C.J., St. George's College, Weybridge, Surrey

Kemball, Rev. Oswald A., S.J., St. Joseph's, Chapel Street, Leigh, Lancs

L Kenyon, Major Joseph Robert, M.C., Gillingham Hall, Beccles, Suffolk

F Keogh, C. George Neal R.I.P. Kerr, Mrs. Philip, Stoner Hill, Petersfield, Hants.

Lamb, Joseph Cuthbert, B.A., Hayton House, How Mill, Carlisle, Cumberland . Lancaster, Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas E. Flynn, Ph.D., M.A., Bishop's House, Cannon Hill, Lancaster . Leadbitter, Major Nicholas G., Flint House, Holcombe , near Bath, Somerset . Leeds, Bishopof, Right Rev. Henry J. Poskitt, D.D., J.C.L., M.A., Bishop's House, Weetwood Lane, Leeds , 6.

Lindsay, Hon and Rev. Edward R., The CatholicPresbytery, Stone, Staffs

Liverpool, Archbishopof, Most Rev. Richard Downey, D.D., Archbishop's House, Woolton, Liverpool, S.

McGuirk, Very Rev. Canon John, V. F., Presbytery, Rathfarnham, Dublin

Macmillan, Right Rev. Mgr. John, D.D., Ph.D., Ven. Collegio Inglese, Rome , 116, Italy. (Temporary address, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, Lancs )

L Macnamara , J. G., 33 Valentines Road, Ilford, Essex

McNulty, Rev. Joseph, B.A., F.R.Hist.S., 27, Seabank Road , Southport, Lancs

Mahoney , Very Rev. Canon Edward J., D.D., North Lodge, Poles, Ware, Herts

Menevia, Bishop of, Right Rev. Daniel Joseph Hannon, Bishop's House, Wrexham, Denbighshire .

Middlesbrough , Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas Shine, Bishop's House, Middlesbrough , Yorks.

Moorat, Samuel, 25 PembrokeGardens, Kensington, W.8

Moore, Very Rev. Canon Bernard, St. Austin's, Stafford.

Mott, Miss Agnes, Woodlands Cottage, Stour Way, Christchurch , Hants

Mulgrew, Francis M. R.I.P.

Newdigate, Bernard H. R.I.P.

H Newdigate , Rev. Charles A., S.J. R.I.P.

L Nicopsi, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Joseph Butt. R.I.P.

Norfolk, The Dowager Duchess of, Everingham Park, York

Norfolk, The Duke of, E.M., K.G., Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex. Northampton, Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas Leo Parker, M.A., Bishop's House, Northampton Nottingham, Bishopof, Right Rev. John F. McNulty, M.A. R.I.P.

O'Connell , Rev. Sir John R., K.C.S.G., LL.D. R.I.P.

O'Connor, Rev. Arthur J., M.C., H.C.F., St. Joseph's Presbytery, Mary Street, Audley, Blackburn, Lancs

O'Driscoll, Very Rev. Benet, O.P., Provincial, St. Dominic'sPriory, Haverstock Hill, N.W.5.

O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis, O.B.E., C.F. R.I.P.

L O'Mahony, Eoin, K.M., Dún Locha, Dubhghlas , Corcaigh, Eire.

Pantin, William Abel, M.A., F.S.A., Oriel College, Oxford. Parisotti, Rev. Albert, O.B.E., S.C.F., c/o Headquarters , Northern Command .

Petit, Rev. John E., M.A., St. Edmund's House, Mount Pleasant, Cambridge .

Petre, Henry, D.S.O., M.C., 8 Carlos Place, Grosvenor Square, W.I Petry, Rev. Denis J., 208, Northcote Road, London, E . 17 .

Pilkington, Charles Edward Nigel, 8A , Gwendwr Road , W . 14.

Plymouth, Bishop of, Right Rev. John Barrett, Bishop's House , Cecil Street, Plymouth (Temporary address, Stoodley Knowle Convent, Ilsham, Torquay.)

Portsmouth, Bishop of, Right Rev. John Henry King, B.D., Ph.D., Bishop's House, Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth (Temporary address 29 Jewry Street , Winchester .)

Quinlan, Rev. David, St. Wilfrid's Rectory, High Petergate, York.

Radcliffe, Roger C. J., Scale House, Settle, Yorks

Reynolds , Major James R., Leighton Hall, Carnforth, Lancashire

Riddell, John Cuthbert Widdrington, SwinburneCastle, Barrasford, Hexham , Northumberland.

Riddell-Blount, Major Edward Francis , J.P. R.I.P.

Robertson , Charles, K.S.G., Orchard Farm, Begbroke, Oxford

Robo, Rev. Etienne, Catholic Presbytery, Tilford Road , Farnham, Surrey.

Roch, Hon Mrs. Walter, Llanarth Court, Raglan, Mon.

Salford, Bishop of, Right Rev. Henry Vincent Marshall, Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester .

Sandwell, Rev. Alfred, 13 Verulam Road , Churchtown, Southport, Lancs.

Scanlan, Very Rev. Mgr James, D.C.L., B.L., St. Vincent's House , 49, Queen Street, Hammersmith , W.6

Scantlebury, Rev. Robert Elliott, St. James's Presbytery, Abbey Ruins, Abbot's Walk, Reading, Berks.

Schomberg, Lieut -Colonel Reginald C. F., D.S.O., Ross , Herefordshire

Scrope, Richard C., Brooks's Club, St. James's Street, S.W.1.

Sharrock, Very Rev. Canon Thomas, Our Lady and St. Hubert's, St. Hubert Street, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancs. Shaw , James F., J.P., Bourton Hall, Rugby, Warwick.

Shrewsbury , Bishop of, Right Rev. AmbroseMoriarty, The Council House, Shrewsbury

Simcox, Rev. John V., B.A., D.C.L., St. Richard's, Buntingford, Herts.

Skeet, Major Francis J. A., J.P. , F.S.A. R.I.P.

Smith, William Abbey, J.P., 3, Stockton Street, West Hartlepool, co Durham

Smith, Rev. William Vincent, St. Joseph's Presbytery, Castle Bank

Tow Law, Bishop Auckland, co Durham. Southern, Alfred C., 18 Eastcliff Road, Tunbridge Wells

Southwark, Archbishop Bishop of, Most Rev. Peter E. Amigo, Bishop's House, St. George's Road, Southwark, S.E.1

Stafford, The Lord, Swynnerton Park, Stone, Staffs.

L Stearns, Foster, K.M., "Gemini," Hancock, New Hampshire, U.S.A. Stewart, Walter Arnold, c/o Messrs. Sands & Co., 15 King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2

L Sumner, Rev. Francis J R.I.P.

Sumner, Mrs. Norma, OrchardLodge, Avon Dassett, Warwickshire.

F Sutcliffe, Very Rev. Canon William Ormond, M.A. R.I.P.

Sweeney, M. V., 26 Dobcroft Avenue, Sheffield, 7.

Sweeney, Rev. Morgan V., 21 Wilmer Drive, Heaton , Bradford

Tacchi-Venturi, Rev. Pietro, S.J., Piazza del Gesù 45, Rome 117 , Italy.

Threlfall, Rev. L., S.J., Holy Name, Manchester , 13 .

L Toke, Leslie A. St. L., Bucksford, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent

Trappes-Lomax, Major Michael Roger, A.G. 2, G.H.Q., M.E.F.

Trappes-Lomax, Brig -Gen Thomas Byrnand, Guards Club, Brook Street, W.1

Turnbull, Francis Harold, K.C.S.G. , O.B.E., J.P. R.I.P.

Undreiner , Rev. George J., Ph.D., Pontifical College Josephinum , Worthington, Ohio, U.S.A.

L Vaughan, Colonel Charles Jerome, O.B.E., D.L., J.P., Courtfield , Ross, Herefordshire .

Vaughan , Paymaster-Commander Herbert R. H., R.N., Nantymwyn, Rhandirmwyn, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire .

Waring, Rev. Cuthbert L., M.A., 16 , Maryland Street, Liverpool.

Weale, J. Cyril M. R.I.P.

Weld, Francis Joseph, 32 Weld Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs .

Westminster, Archbishopof, Most Rev. BernardGriffin, Archbishop's House, Westminster , S.W.1

Westminster, Cardinal Archbishopof, His Eminence Arthur Hinsley, D.D., B.A. R.I.P.

Whatmore, Rev. Leonard Elliott, M.A., The John Fisher School , Peaks Hill, Purley, Surrey.

Wheeler, George A., 64 Great Russell Street, W.C.I

Wheeler, Rev. Gordon, Cathedral Clergy House, Francis Street, London, S.W.1

White, Thomas, 17 Brynhyfryd Road, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon.

LWhitfield , Rev. Joseph L., M.A., D.S.O., CatholicRectory, Southendon-Sea , Essex . Williamson, Cuthbert A., Downlands, Fort Road, Guildford, Surrey

FWilliamson George Charles, Litt.D., J.P. R.I.P.

Willson, Very Rev. E. Hilary, O.S.B., Ampleforth Abbey, York

L Wilson, Very Rev. Canon Michael J., 35, London Road, Chelmsford , Essex

Wilton, R.Cecil, B.A., BedingfieldHouse, Needham Market, Suffolk.

Woodruff, John Douglas, 379 Park West, W.2.

Woods, Raymond E. M. , 47 Weighton Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex .

Young, Smelter Joseph, Richmond Park, near Sheffield



Aberdeen , The University Library

Aberystwyth , The National Library of Wales

Barrow-in-Furness , The Public Library


Birmingham, The Public Library

Blackburn, The Public Library

Bolton, The Public Library

Bristol, The Central Library

Cambridge , Peterhouse Library

The University Library

Cardiff , The Public Library

Derby, The Public Library

Dublin, The NationalLibrary of Ireland

Trinity College Library

Durham, The University Library

Edinburgh, The Public Library

The Signet Library

Glasgow, The Corporation Public Library (The Mitchell Library

The University Library

Hull, The Public Library

Lancaster, The Public Library

Leeds , The Central Library

Liverpool, The Public Library

The University Library

London, The Society of Antiquaries

The British Museum Library

The Catholic Central Library

The College of Arms

Constitutional Club Library

Fulham Public Library

The Society of Genealogists

The Guildhall Library

Hendon Central Public Library

The Institute of Historical Research

Kensington Central Library

The London Library

The Public Record Office

The Royal HistoricalSociety

London University Library

Westminster Public Library

Wimbledon Public Library

Manchester , The Victoria University

The Public Library

The John Rylands Library

Middlesbrough, The Public Library

Newcastle-on-Tyne, The Public Library

Oxford, The Bodleian Library

Portsmouth , The Central Public Library

Preston, The Free Public Library

The Lancashire County Library

Reading, The Public Library

Sheffield , The Public Library

The UniversityLibrary

Southampton, The Central Public Library

Stockport, The Public Library

Wallasey, The Earleston Central Library

Wigan, The Free Public Library

York, The Public Library


(b) ABROAD .

AUSTRALIA .New South Wales Public Library, Sydney

Public Library of Victoria, Melbourne

CANADA . Canadian Parliament Library, Ottawa

DENMARK .The Royal Library, Copenhagen

FRANCE .Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris

Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, Strasbourg

GERMANY .Bavarian State Library, Munich

Göttingen University Library, Hanover

Prussian State Library, Berlin


Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Città del Vaticano

UNITED STATES .New York State Library, Albany, N.Y. The Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md

California University Library, Berkeley, Cal.

Boston Public Library, Mass

New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Mass.

Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass . Newberry Library, Chicago , Ill

University of ChicagoLibraries, Ill

Cleveland Public Library, Ohio

WisconsinState Historical Society, Madison , Wis.

Michigan University , Mich.

Minnesota University Library, Minneapolis, Minn

New York Historical Society, New York City, N.Y.

New York Public Library, New York City, N.Y.

Universityof Notre Dame, Notre Dame,Ind

Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa

Pennsylvania University Library, Philadelphia, Pa.

Princeton Theological Seminary Library, N.J.

Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, Cal

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Yale UniversityLibrary, New Haven , Conn.





Birmingham .St. Mary's College, Oscott

Cambridge.St. Edmund's House Library, Mount Pleasant

Glasgow .St. Peter's College, Bearsden , Glasgow

Maynooth.St Patrick's College, co. Kildare, Ireland

Strawberry Hill, Twickenham .St Mary's College

Upholland, nr Wigan, Lancs .St Joseph's College

Ushaw , co. Durham .St. Cuthbert's College Library

The Students' Library, St. Cuthbert's College

Ware, Herts .St Edmund's College

Wonersh, nr Guildford, Surrey.St John's Seminary

Italy .-


Collegio Beda, Rome. (Temporary address, St. Joseph's College, Upholland, nr. Wigan, Lancs )

Ven Collegio Inglese, Rome (Temporary address, St. Mary'sHall, Stonyhurst, Lancs)

Spain . Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid

United States .Cathedral College, New York

Union Theological Seminary, New York



Augustinians (C.R.L ) .St Mary's Priory, Bodmin, Cornwall

St. Peter-in-Chains Priory, Hornsey, London, N.8

Augustinian Nuns .Prioryof Our Ladyof Good Counsel , Hayward's Heath , Sussex

Benedictines (O.S.B . ) .Ampleforth Abbey, Malton , Yorks. Belmont Abbey, Hereford

Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh, Devon

Douai Abbey, Woolhampton, nr Reading

Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, nr. Bath

Fort Augustus Abbey, Inverness

Prinknash Abbey, Gloucester

Quarr Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight

Worth Priory, nr Crawley, Sussex

Benedictine Nuns.-St. Mary's Abbey, East Bergholt, nr. Colchester , Essex (Temporary address, St. Mary's Abbey, Stanbrook, Worcester )

St. Mary's Abbey, Little Haywood, Colwich, nr Stafford

St. Mary's Abbey, Oulton, Stone, Staffs

St. Mary's Abbey, Stanbrook, Worcester

St. Scholastica'sAbbey, Teignmouth, Devon

Brothers oftheChristian Schools .La Salle House, 7 Brookside, Cambridge

F Bridgettine Nuns (O.SS.S . ) .Syon Abbey, South Brent, Devon

CarmeliteNuns (O.C.D .).--LanherneConvent, St.Mawgan,Newquay, Cornwall

The Convent, Hunston Road, Chichester , Sussex

Carthusians (O. Carth .).-

Charterhouseof St. Hugh, Parkminster , Partridge Green, Horsham , Sussex

Cistercians (O.C.R .).--Mount St. Bernard's Abbey, nr. Coalville, Leicestershire

Dominicans (O.P .) .St. Thomas's Priory, Hawkesyard, Rugeley, Staffs

St. Albert the Great's Priory, Edinburgh

St. Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W.5

St. Dominic's Priory, Red Barns, Newcastle-on-Tyne

Blackfriars, Priory of Holy Ghost , Oxford

Franciscans (O.F.M . ) .St Bonaventure's, Cambridge

The Friary, Forest Gate, London, E.7

The Friary, Fox Street, Liverpool (O.S..FC .) .Greyfriars, Iffley Road, Oxford

Franciscan College, Over Wyresdale, Bay Horse , Lancaster

Franciscan Nuns (O.S.F .) .Convent of Our Lady of Dolours, Taunton , Somerset

Institute of Charity (I.C . ) .Ratcliffe College, nr Leicester


Jesuits (S.J . ).Beaumont College, Old Windsor , Berks . Very Rev. the Father Provincial, Dublin

Heythrop College, Chipping Norton , Oxon

St. Francis Xavier's, Liverpool

Manresa House, Roehampton, London, S.W.15

" The Month , " 31 , Farm Street, Berkeley Square, London , W.I

Mount St. Mary's College, Spinkhill , nr Sheffield

Campion Hall, Oxford

Campion House, Osterley, Isleworth , Middx

St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Flint

St. Ignatius, Preston, Lancs

St. Mary's, Lowe House, St. Helens, Lancs

St. Wilfrid's, 1 Winckley Square, Preston, Lancs

Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Lancs

Wimbledon College, London, S.W.19

Marist Fathers .Rev. Bursar, The Monastery, St. Mary's Hill, Paignton, S. Devon

Notre Dame Nuns.--Ashdown Park Convent, Coleman's Hatch, East Grinstead, Sussex

Oblates of St. Charles (O.S.C.).—St. Mary of the Angels, Bayswater, London, W.2

Oratorians .The Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham

The Oratory, South Kensington, London, S.W.7

Passionists (C.P .).St. Anne's Retreat, Monastery Lane, Sutton, St. Helens , Lancs

Redemptorists (C.SS.R .) .St Mary's, Clapham, London , S.W.4

Religious of St. Andrew, Holmwood, Garlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey

Sacred Heart Nuns .Roehampton Convent , London, S.W.15

Sepulchrine Nuns (C.R.S.S.) .New Hall, Chelmsford, Essex (Temporary address, Newnham Paddox, Rugby.)

Servites (O.S.M . ) .St. Mary's Priory, Fulham Road , South Kensington, London, S.W.10

Visitation Nuns .VisitationConvent, Harrow, Middlesex



Augustinian Nuns (C.R.L .) .Le Couvent Anglais, Bruges

Jesuits (S.J . ).Société des Bollandistes, Brussels

United States

Dominicans (O.P .) .The Archives Library, Dominican House of Studies , 487 , Michigan Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C.

Jesuits (S.J . ).St. Louis UniversityLibrary, Mo. Milford Novitiate, Milford, Ohio

Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass . Sacred Heart Nuns.- Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, New York, N.Y.



F Bourne, His Eminence Cardinal Francis, 4th Archbishop of Westminster , 1 Jan., æt 73 .

Vaughan, Rt Rev. Francis, 2nd Bishop of Menevia , 13 March, æt 57


Shepherd, Very Rev. Canon Francis, 14 May, æt 69

Dolan, Very Rev. Canon Oswald, V.F., 29 May, æt 74 .

Spurrier, Alfred Henry, M.D., C.M.G., O.B.E., 5 July, æt 73

Milner, Rev. Henry F., 6 Aug., æt 70. Sands, William Henry Bethune , 30 Aug., æt. 69.

FL Vaux of Harrowden , Hubert, 7th Lord, M.A., 25 Oct., æt. 75.

H Jerningham , Sir Henry S., Bart , J.P., 20 Dec., æt 68


Quinn, Augustine, J.P., 4 Jan., æt 87.

Cowgill, Right Rev. Joseph Robert, 4th Bishop of Leeds, 12 May, æt 76

Trappes-Lomax, Major Richard, J.P. , 24 June, æt 66

Baines, Miss Rose, 26 July, æt 76 .

Thorman, Rt Rev. Joseph, 7th Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle , 7 Oct., æt 65

Blundell, Captain FrancisNicholas , J.P. , D.L., 28 Oct., æt. 56.

Scrope, Stephen Francis Eustace, 14 Dec., aæt . 64 .


Bouvet, Very Rev. Emile, O.S.B., Prior of Quarr Abbey, 12 Jan. , æt. 64 .

Bartlett, Joseph Henry, 14 Jan., æt 76

Beaumont , Ethel Mary, Lady, 19 Jan., æt. 72 .

Woodruff, Mrs. Emily Louisa Cumberland, 17 May, æt. 78.

Catterall, Very Rev. Canon John H., 14 June, æt 65

FL Woollan, Joseph Henry, 12 July, æt 67 . F Hall, Right Rev. Mgr Canon Francis John , V.F., 6 Oct., æt. 76 .

Baterden, James Rae, 7 Oct., æt 85.

FL Riddell, Cuthbert David Giffard, J.P., 16 Oct., æt . 69. Gainsborough , Mary, Countess of, 17 Nov., æt. 82. Radcliffe, Charles A. F., 15 Dec., æt 76.


Noble, Sir John Henry Brunel, Bart , 8 Jan., æt . 72 . Mackin, Rt. Rev. Mgr Provost Henry, B.A., 7 Feb., æt 72.

Parker, Colonel John W. R., C.B., J.P., F.S.A. , 24 Feb., æt 8o Anderton, Henry Philip John Ince, 7 March, æt. 57.

Nixon, Rev. Raphael, C.P. , 23 March, æt 73 . Cox, Rt Rev. George Bede, O.S.B., Abbot of Glastonbury, 29 April, æt 84 . Henshaw , Right Rev.Thomas, 5thBishopofSalford, 23 Sept., æt 65 . Milton, Rev. Anthony, 19 Oct., æt 44 . Carter, Very Rev. Canon Thomas Walmsley, 19 Nov., æt 71 .

Pearson, Right Rev.Thomas Wulstan, O.S.B., 1st Bishop ofLancaster , I Dec. , æt. 68

McCabe, Right Rev.Mgr. Bernard J. Provost, V.G., 8 Dec., æt. 8o. Vonier, Right Rev.Anscar, O.S.B., Ph.D., Abbot of Buckfast, 26 Dec. , æt . 63 .


L Sheldrake , Willie, 15 Feb., æt 83

Goodier , Most Rev. Alban, S.J., Titular Archbishop of Hierapolis, 13 March, æt. 69. Wilcox, George, 28 March, æt 75

Matthews, Right Rev. James Joseph Edmund, O.S.B., M.A., Abbot of Ampleforth, 7 April, æt 68. Carus, Alexander Hubert, J.P., 19 Aug. , æt. 68.

L Sheldrake , Harry James, 12 Sept., æt 81 . Bedingfeld , Mrs. Katharine Gregory Paston, 13 Sept., æt 78. Mostyn, Most Rev. FrancisJoseph, K.M., 2nd Archbishopof Cardiff , 25 Oct., æt 79

Youens , Right Rev. Lawrence , 6th Bishop of Northampton, 14 Nov. , æt 65 .


O'Toole, Rev. Patrick, 1 Feb., æt. 77 .

La Mothe-Houdancourt, Elisabeth Jeanne Thérèse Marie Duchesse de, 4 Feb., æt

Gainsford, William, 8 March, æt 64

Turnbull, Francis Harold, K.C.S.G., O.B.E., J.P. , 27 June, æt 59

L Callaway, Rev. Thomas, 4 July, æt. 68. Berkeley, Robert Valentine, J.P., F.S.A., 14 Aug., æt 87

Riddell, Edward Charles, J.P., 17 Sept., æt. 73.

Cotter, Right Rev. William Timothy , 3rd Bishop of Portsmouth, 24 Oct. , æt 73

L Freeland , Right Rev. Mgr Provost John, 7 Dec., æt 79

Roskell, Robert Nicholas , 20 Dec., æt 68.


Geijer, Captain Eric Neville, M.C., B.A., F.S.A., Rouge DragonPursuivant of Arms, 14 Jan. (on active service), æt 46

Kerr, Pilot Officer PhilipWalter, M.V.O., Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, K.M., F.S.A. , 10 Feb. (on active service), æt 54 . Sumner, Francis George, J.P., 16 Feb. , æt 74 . Bedingfeld , Sir Henry Edward Paston, Bart , J.P., 18 May, æt. 80

FSmith, John Peter, J.P. , 19 May, æt 77 . Turville-Petre, Colonel Oswald Henry, B.A., D.L., T.D., J.P. , K.M. , 16 June , æt. 79 . Stafford, Admiral Edward Stafford Joseph, K.C.B., 13th Lord , 28 Sept., æt 77 . Lindsay, Leonard Cecil Colin, 15 Oct. , æt 84 Dearlove, Group-Captain Cuthbert J. S., R.A.F., 30 Nov. (on active servive), æt 44.


F Engelbach, George Frederick, II Feb., æt 84 . O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis, O.B.E., C.F., 2 April, æt 73

H Newdigate, Rev. Charles A., S.J., 6 June , æt. 79 . FWilliamson, George Charles, Litt.D., J.P. , 4 July, æt. 84.

FH Camm , Dom R. Bede, O.S.B., M.A., F.S.A., 9 Sept., æt 78.

Burton, Rev. Harold, 27 Sept., æt. 69

Weale, J. Cyril M., 20 Nov., æt. 84 . Chichester-Constable, Col. Raleigh, J.P.


Skeet, Major Francis J. A., J.P. , F.S.A. , 9 Feb., æt 73 .

Calderbank , Rev. Thomas, 19 Feb., æt. 53

Keogh, C. George Neal, 13 March, æt 95 . Hinsley, His Eminence Arthur Cardinal, D.D., B.A., 5th Archbishop of Westminster, 17 March, æt. 77 .

Mulgrew, Francis M., 10 April, McNulty, Rt. Rev. John, F. M.A., 6th Bishop ofNottingham, 8 June, æt 63

Charlton, George Victor Bellasis, Riddell-Blount, Major Edward Francis, J.P. , 14 October, æt 78

O'Connell, Rev. Sir John R., K.C.S.G. , LL.D., 19 December, æt 75 .


Lupton, Very Rev. Canon Edward, 11 February, æt. 93. Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John Rory, 27 February, æt 83 .

Newdigate , Bernard H., 24 May, æt. 75 . Butt, Most Rev. Joseph, Archbishop of Nicopsi, 23 August, æt 75

Sutcliffe, Very Rev. Canon William Ormond, M.A., 16 November , æt 88


Sumner, Rev. Francis J., 2 January, æt 63 .

Requiescant in pace.


Members are requested to call the attention of their friends to the Society and its work Transcripts of interesting unpublished documents ready for the press, togetherwith the loan of the originalsfor the purpose of collation, are invited. It is desired always to have material for half a dozen volumes ready for printing, as special donations for printing may enable the output of work to be increased .

Offers of help in transcribing documents , especially in the Public Offices in London, where the greater part of the documents relating to the country are stored, are invited Parish priests are especially requested to provide exact copies of old registers in their custody, or to give facilities for this being done.

Serious loss of time and expense have been incurred in some cases by manuscripts being sent incomplete or modified It is desired to impress on transcribers that papers should be complete , without excisions, verbatim et literatim, although they may not agree with modern ideas. Merit lies in their absolute integrity and identity, as far as modern printing will allow .

Members desirous of paying annual subscriptions through their bankers can be supplied with a " Banker's Order, " on application to the Bursar

It is requested that corrections in names or addresses be kindly notified to the Secretaryas soon as possible.

Form of Bequest by Codicil to the Catholic Record Society.

Members desirous of making such bequest can do so on the following Form, and avoid the trouble of alteringthe Will itself:

THIS IS A CODICIL to the last Will and Testament dated . ... , of me: in the county of...

I give to the Bursar of the Catholic Record Society of London the sum of pounds, free of all duty, and to be payable primarily out of my personalestate, tobe applied to the general uses and purposes ofthe said Society. And I declare that the receipt of the Bursar or other proper officer forthe time being of the said Society shall be a sufficient discharge for the same As witness my hand this... day of 19 .

Signed by the Testator (or Testatrix) in our presence and by us in his/her presence and that of each other:


(Please place this Codicil where your Will is lodged.)



FOUNDED b . 1904


JUNE 1 , 1945 to MAY 31, 1946

Together with the Roll of New Members, the Obituary, the Constitutions, &c


1. Name . The name of the Societyis " THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY . "

2. Objects The objects are the transcribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales.

3. Management. The affairs of the Society are managed by a Councilconsistingoftwelve members, three trustees and fivehonorary officers, viz The Recorder, Bursar, Legal Adviser, Librarian, and Secretaryfour forming a quorum It has power to appointa Presidentand Vice-Presidents , its Chairmanand Officers, and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re-election Nominations of new Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretaryfourteen days beforethe Annual Meeting. The representation and management are reserved to Catholic Members .

4. Subscription The subscription is one guinea per annum, commencing June 1st, which entitles members to any publications issued during the year.

No volume will be issued to any memberwhose subscriptionis unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removed from the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid A memberwishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretarybefore the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year

Personal Life Membership may be obtained on payment of twenty guineas in advance. Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain thesame privilege on payment of ten guineas All life subscriptions are to be capitalized.

5. Back Numbers Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers (ifin stock) on such terms as the Councilmay direct.

6. Meetings An Annual Meetingis held in the month of June or July, ofwhich at leastseven days' noticeis sent to all the members At this meetinga report of the work of the Society, with a statement of the income and expenditure, is presented This is issued together with the list of members and the Constitutions of the Society.

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Council. At least seven days' notice, stating the object ofthe meeting , shall be given.

7. Audit The Bursar's accounts are audited by a member of the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31 .

N.B.The Bursar deals with Membership and Subscriptions .

The Catholic RecordSociety

FOUNDED JUNE 10 , 1904









MOST REV . DAVID MATHEW , M.A. , Litt.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S.


COUNCIL (Elected)

C. A. J. ARMSTRONG , M.A., F.R.Hist.S.





W. A. PANTIN, M.A., F.S.A.







REV. GORDON ALBION, D.Sc.Hist , B.A., F.R.Hist.S.


Honorary Officers (On Council ex officio)

Hon Bursar

REV DR GORDON ALBION , Carshalton House, Carshalton, Surrey.

Hon Legal Adviser

HUBERT HULL, Barrister-at-Law

Hon Librarian


Hon . Secretary

RICHARD CECIL WILTON, B.A., 33, Wilfred Street, Westminster, S.W.I




TITH the advent of more normaltimes the Catholic Record Societyis endeavouringto press on with the issue of volumes as expeditiously as possible The " Memorials and Letters of Father Persons, S.J." will be continued as soon as conditions permit The transcriptionof the Registers ofBirths, etc., inthe keeping ofthe Portuguese Embassy, ofwhicha volume (XXXVIII) appeared in 1941 , was unfortunately interrupted by the untimely death of Mr. J. Cyril M. Weale. Work on them has now been resumed

Three important series of documents are now in active preparationfor the press, and we trust that they will bein the hands of members in the near future These proposed volumes are :

Douay Miscellanea This volume is being edited by the Rev. N. J. Kelly, except for the last item as noted below. The volume will include (i) the Prefect of Studies' Book; (ii) Rules of Douay College; (iii) " Instructiones a visitatoribus Anglicani Collegii Duaci . .. . 1612 confectae de officio Vicepraesidis et aliorum ministrorum dicti Collegii "; (iv) the College Constitutions (1689); (v) the Pensions Book; (vi) a small Douay College Diary (1639-1643), the description of whichwillbefound in a paper read at the Thirty-ninth Annual General Meeting (Vol XXXIV) by Fr. Alphonsus Bonnar, O.F.M. There is some hope that the original Constitutionsof the Douay College willbe found and included in the volume

Franciscan Archives. The Very Rev. Fr. Paulinus Lavery, O.F.M., Minister Provincial, has welcomed the suggestion of the Council that the Society should print the Archives ofthe English Franciscans in Penal Times, which are preserved at Forest Gate, London Thesearchives consist principally of a number ofbound volumes, the chief of which are Chapter Records dating from 1630. There are also a large number of loose papers, mainly letters, belonging mostly to the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It is estimated that these important archives will fill several volumes They are being edited for the Society by Fr. Aloysius Kelly, O.F.M., M.A.

Yorkshire Brethren Documents. The Rev. M. V. Sweeney, B.A., and B. Sweeney, Esq., M.A., have kindly undertaken to transcribe and edit these documents, which were discovered by the former . The collection comprises (i) Douay Account, 1722-


1793, i.e. the account of the Yorkshire Procurator with the Procuratorof Douai College; (ii) Accounts of monies left for the support of the clergy and of various parishes; (iii) Account of the Yorkshire Brethren's Fund, being Hogarth's copy of the originalminutebook, datingfrom 1672 : the originallist ofmembers is given and the list of benefactors; (iv) An account of Certain Missionary Stations in the Southern Deanery of the Yorkshire District compiled by the Rev. Robert Hogarth in 1843.

The Council has given very careful consideration to the details of the method of transcribing and editing documents. They have thought it desirable that in all our future volumes there should be uniformity in this matter and they have drawn up and had printed " Directions for Transcribing and Editing Documents for the Press, " to be followed by the individual editors whofrom time to time so generously work for us These Directions follow the general lines of the volumes which have already appeared and will introduce a greater uniformity in matters of detail A copy of the Directions can be obtained on applicationto the General Editor, Fr. Alphonsus Bonnar, O.F.M., St. Bonaventure's , Cambridge. A foolscap addressed envelope will be appreciated.

TheSociety is fortunate in securing the services on itsCouncil of the Reverend Gordon Wheeler, M.A., Westminster Archivist, and of Major F. G. C. Rowe ofthe Middlesex Guildhall.


The Council has decided to issue this year an abbreviated Report, omitting the full Roll of Members and the Ten Years' Obituary. The Report will be seen to contain the Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31st May, 1946; also the Roll of New Members and the Year's Obituary, including the notice, delayed by the war, of the death on active service of Philip Christopher Fogarty, I.C.S. , in 1942 .

The Hon Bursar regrets to announce five resignations. The Membership Roll now stands at 344, as against 333 last year.

The Hon. Bursar thanks those members, old and new , who continueto send in their subscriptions promptly; in particular, members who have taken out Banker's Orders have greatly lessened the Bursar's work.

Members who show a natural eagerness for the resumption of publication by the Society can rest assured that Vol 41 will be readyfor the press in the near future and that the long-term programme of the Council is such that soon a steady succession of volumes will be available in the years to come .


Members are asked to call the attention of their friends to the Society and its work Transcripts of suitable documents, together with theloan ofthe originals for the purpose of collation, are invited

Offers of help in transcribing documents , especially in the Public Offices and Libraries in London, where the greater part of the documents relating to the country are stored, will be very welcome Parish Priests are especially asked to provide copies of old registers in their custody, or to give facilities for this being done The transcription should always be complete and without modification. The Society's " Directions for Transcribing and Editing Documentsfor the Press" will be forwarded on application to the General Editor, Fr. Alphonsus Bonnar, O.F.M., St. Bonaventure's , Cambridge .

Members desirous of paying annual subscriptions through their bankers can be supplied with a " Banker's Order, " on application to the Bursar , Rev, Dr. Gordon Albion, Carshalton House, Carshalton , Surrey.

Itis requested that corrections in names or addresses bekindlynotified to the Secretaryas soon as possible




Fogarty, Philip Christopher , I.C.S., 30 April (on active service), æt. 57.


Sumner, Rev. Francis J., 2 January, æt 63 .

Gillow, Mrs. Joseph,

Robertson, Charles, K.S.G. ,

Evetts, Margaret, 7 February, æt. 81.

Norfolk , The Dowager Duchess of, 28 August, æt. 68.

O'Driscoll, Very Rev. Benet, O.P., 27 October, æt. 44.

Moorat, Samuel Francis Ferrers , 18 November , æt 82


Hansom, Allan Joseph Roskell, 1 February, æt 65

Hannon, Rt. Rev. Daniel Joseph, 4th Bishop of Menevia , 27 April, æt. 62

Requiescant in pace.


Acton, The Lord, Aldenham Park, Shropshire

Albemarle, The Countess of, Quidenham , Norwich

Arundell, Reginald John Arthur, Wardour Castle, Tisbury, Wilts

Attwater, Donald, 21 , High Street, Petersfield , Hants.

Bellord, George, Inverloddon, Wargrave, Berks.

Calder , Sir James Charles, Ledlanet, Milnathort , Kinross-shire.

Clifford of Chudleigh , The Lord, Lawell House, Chudleigh, Devon

Dawson, Col. Rupert George, T.D., J.P. , D.L., C.B., Orchil, Braco , Perthshire.

de Trafford, Sir Humphrey, Bt , M.C., Newsells Park, Barkway, Royston , Herts.

Dormer, Sir Cecil, K.C.M.G. , M.V.O., Liesse, Buckfast, Devon

Dormer, The Lord, Grove Park, Warwick.

Eastwood , Charles J., M.A., 42, Lune Street, Preston, Lancs

French , The Viscount, Stow Bedon Hall, Norwich

Gutowski, Stanislaus Anthony, 41a, Radnor Street, Hulme, Manchester , 15.

Hines, I. E., 64, Kings Road, Richmond, Surrey (substitute for Geo Coldwell , resigned).

Hope, Lt.-Col. the Hon. Henry John, Guards' Club, Charles Street , W.1.

Lacy, Sir Pierce, Bart , K.C.S.G. , J.P. , Ampton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds.

Leeming, Gerard de Pfyffer, Skirsgill Park, Penrith, Cumberland . McCausland, Lt.-Col Conolly R., M.C., Guards' Club, Charles Street, W.1

Maxwell-Scott, Major-Gen Sir Walter, Bart , C.B., D.S.O. , Abbotsford, Melrose, Roxburghshire .

Maycock, M. G., B.Sc. (Eng), 4, Grange Terrace, Edinburgh, 9

Moorat, Samuel A., 25, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W.8.

Riddell-Blount, Mrs., Mapledurham , Reading, Berks

Robertson , John Baptist, The Dower House, Hatfield Heath , Bishops Stortford, Herts

Rowe, Major Francis George Crawford, 6, Perham Road, West Kensington, W . 14

Scrope, Ralph H., Eldon Estate Office, Eldon, Bishop Auckland, co Durham

Tempest, Stephen, Broughton Hall, Skipton, Yorks.

Whitgreave, John Lockley, Stockerston Hall, nr Uppingham, Rutland

Form of Bequest by Codicil to the Catholic Record Society

Members desirous of making such bequest can do so on the following Form , and avoid the trouble of altering the Willitself:

THIS IS A CODICIL to the last Will and Testament dated... of me: in the county of....

I give to the Bursar of the Catholic Record Society of London the sum of pounds, free of all duty, and to be payable primarily out of my personal estate, to be applied to the general uses and purposes of the said Society. And I declare that the receipt of the Bursar or other proper officer forthetime being of the said Society shall be a sufficient discharge for the same . As witness my hand this day of.... ..19 ...

Signed by the Testator (or Testatrix) in our presence and by us in his/her presence and that of each other:

(Please place this Codicil where your Will is lodged.)

JUNE 1 , 1946 to MAY 31, 1948


1. Name . The name of the Societyis " THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY . "

2. Objects The objects are the transcribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

3. Management The affairs of the Society are managed by a Councilconsistingoftwelve members, three trustees and five honorary officers , viz. The Recorder , Bursar, Legal Adviser, Librarian, and Secretaryfour formingaquorum. It has power to appoint a Presidentand Vice-Presidents, its Chairman and Officers, and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership . Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re-election Nominations of new Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretaryfourteen days beforethe Annual Meeting The representation and management are reserved to Catholic Members

4. Subscription . The subscription is one guinea per annum , commencing June 1st, which entitles members to any publications issued during the year. No volume will be issued to any member whose subscriptionis unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removed from the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretarybefore the 1st day of June , or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year. Personal Life Membership may be obtained on payment of twenty guineas in advance. Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas All life subscriptionsare to be capitalized.

5. Back Numbers. Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers (if in stock) on such terms as the Councilmay direct.

6. Meetings. An Annual Meeting is held in the month of June or July, of which at least seven days' noticeis sent to all the members Atthis meetinga report of the workof the Society , with a statement of the income and expenditure, is presented This is issued together with the list of members and the Constitutions of the Society

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Council At least seven days' notice, stating the object ofthe meeting, shall be given.

7. Audit. The Bursar's accounts are audited by a memberof the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31 .

N.B.The Bursar deals with Membership and Subscriptions ,

The Catholic Record Society

FOUNDED JUNE 10 , 1904









MOST REV . DAVID MATHEW , M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S.


COUNCIL (Elected)

A. C. F. BEALES , M.A.





W. A. PANTIN, M.A. , F.S.A.








REV . GORDON ALBION, D.Sc.Hist , B.A., F.R.Hist.S.

F. W. CHAMBERS , K.S.G. , M.A.


Officers (On Council ex officio)

Hon. Bursar and Acting Secretary

REV . DR GORDON ALBION , Carshalton House, Carshalton , Surrey

Hon. Recorder


Hon Legal Adviser

HUBERT HULL, Barrister-at-Law

Hon Librarian






The Council has pleasure in presenting to the members of the Catholic Record Society the Forty-third and Forty-fourth Annual Reports.

At the same time the Council has regretfully to announce that, havingovercome all other obstacles to the issue of our next volume , nowin print, it is faced with a delayof six months while the volume is withthe binders.

In asking for the continued indulgence and loyalty of our members, the Council would like to place before them detailsof the several items now on our programme, togetherwith the state of progress of each .

1. Volume 41, nowwiththe binders, isThe LettersofThomas Fitzherbert, 1608-1610 (edited by Fr. Leo Hicks, S.J.). These were discovered over a year ago, together with other documents including a number of Father Persons's letters, in the house of Mr. L. Barrett The nineteen Fitzherbertletters form the centre of the present volume, though one or two other letters and documents have been added from the Vatican Archives, the Westminster Archives and the Archives of the Society of Jesus The central theme is Dr. R. Smith's agency in Rome: Why and how he was sent by the Archpriest, what he did in Rome and the result. There is a good deal of information in the volume on the question of bishops for England, the persecution, the difficulties of the Archpriest in England and kindred subjects

The Council is confident thatthis volume will beinthe hands of members by the late summer, 1948

2. The Portsmouth Registers, edited by Canon R. E. Scantlebury. This provisional title covers material that will provide several volumes for the Catholic Record Society. Theindividual items are: The Registers of Brockhampton , Gosport, Portsea, Newport, Winchester and other places; also the Tombstone Inscriptions and Sexton's Book of St. James's Cemetery, Winchester, the Ledger of the Hampshire Secular Clergy Fund, and a variety of other documents. Sufficient copy has been set up in type for at least two volumes, but the Winchester Registers, whichwill appear in the first volume, have not yet been received from the printer Immediately they are ready our Forty-second volume will be paginated, indexed and delivered to the binder . It is hoped that this will be done by the early summer and that the volume will be in the hands of our members bythe beginning of 1949. The subsequent volumes being edited by CanonScantlebury should be completed during the course of 1949

3. The Belson MSS have been transcribed and are now being edited by our President, His Lordshipthe Bishop of Portsmouth.

The Belsons, a family of Catholic squires residing at Brill, Bucks, and Aston Rowant , Oxon, came to an end on the death of John Belson at Nieuport, Charterhouse, in 1772. His sister married Brian Barrett, the friend of Bishop Challoner, whosebody lay in the Barrett vault at Milton, Berks, until May 1946. In November 1946 a box of old papers from Milton was sent to Father Francis Philips, of Abingdon , who had offered to sort them. It was hewhodiscovered theirworth Theymay be dividedinto two classes: (A) Papers of the Belson and Barrett families (B) Papers and letters once preserved at Douai College.

(A) Theserange from the reignof Queen Mary Tudor down to the middle of the eighteenthcentury. The most important are those ofJohn Belson (cf. Gillow, Bibl Dict of Engl Catholics), including letters of Rev. Thomas White (Blacklo) and Rev. John Serjeant, and manydraftson theological and philosophical matters by Belson himself There are also many papers on the Oath of Supremacy. All are tinged with an anti-Jesuit bias.

(B) There are two letters of Cardinal Allen, dated 1579 (cf. T. F. Knox, Letters and Memorials of Cardinal Allen, pp. 75 et seq .); one letter of Richard Haydock to Cardinal Allen (1579); 29 letters of Father Robert Persons, mainly to the Archpriest Birkhead; 18 letters of Father Thomas Fitzherbert (cf. supra); papers endorsed " Panzani. " Nearly all the above have been endorsedin Dodd's handwriting There are also rough notes made by Dodd for his History. How these papers came to Milton is still a mystery.

Bishop King, who has himself made transcripts of all the above documents, is now engagedin editingthem for publication, which willprobably be in the course of 1949 .

4. A Douai Miscellany volume containing The Prefect of StudiesBook and theDouai Rules (both originals at St. Edmund's, Ware) ; the College Constitutions, 1689 , a very rare printed book of 40 pp., small octavo; and a Douai Diary, as yet unpublished, discovered by Father A. Bonnar, O.F.M., in the Bibliothèque Communale at Douai (described in 35th C.R.S. Report)

These items , with the exception of the last, are beingedited by Dr. Nicholas Kelly ofSt. Edmunds, Ware, who, unfortunately, on the eve of completing his work, has been stricken down bya serious illness.

Before the volume is issued Dr. Kelly hopes to discover the Douai Procurator's Book and to print it. In view of these circumstancesnodate can be given for the publicationofthevolume.

5. The Registers of Swynnerton (Stone, Staffs.), transcribed by the late Father William Bayliss, are in typescript. When BrigadierT.B. Trappes-Lomaxhas completed his historicalintroduction, they will be sent to theprinter

6. Yorkshire Brethren Documents , comprising (A) Douai Account, 1722-1793, the account of the Yorkshire Procurator with the Procurator of Douai, containing names of many Yorkshire families and of their financial status ; (B) Extracts from and copies of books and papers, giving accounts of monies leftforthe support of the clergy and of various missions; (C) Account ofthe Yorkshire Brethren Fund, namely Hogarth'scopy fromtheoriginal Minute Book, dating from 1672, containing the original list of members and ofbenefactors; (D) An account of certain missionary stations in theSouthernDeaneryofthe Yorkshiredistrict,compiled by Rev. Robert Hogarth, 1843 .

All these documents are being edited by Father Morgan V. Sweeney and will be ready for publication some timenext year.

7. The Diary of William Mawhood Mr. E. E. Reynolds is transcribing and editing extracts from this Diary, which covers the years 1764-1790 and is in 49 notebooks, containing in all 4,024 pages with a total of at least half a million words Notebooks 1-5 have been transcribed . This is obviously a long task , involving a good deal of research and the collectingof further information about William Mawhood himself and the identification of persons and places mentioned by him in his accounts of eight visits toSt. Omers. Mr. Reynolds reportsthat theworkis going on steadily.

8. Persecutionis Catholicorum Anglicanae, et Coniurationis Presbiterianae Hystoria, by John Warner, S.J. This account of the Popish Plot is being edited by T. A. Birrell, fromthe University Library of Cambridge MS. Gg 4, 3. (A rough holograph draft is in the British Museum, MS Harl. 880, and a considerable part of the Cambridge MS. was transcribed by Baker , the antiquary: U.L.C. MS LL. 1 , 46.)

AThe Cambridge text consists of 181 folios, in closely-written holograph, comprising altogether approx 120,000 words. description of the work and of the author is given in Foley's Records S.J., v, 289, and vol vii, pt ii, p 816, and in Pollock, The Popish Plot (1903), p 406. Sir John Pollock's comments are in character with the tone of the rest of his book

FatherWarnerwas Rectorof Liège atthetimeoftheoutbreak of the " Popish Plot " and succeeded Father Whitebread as Provincial after the latter's martyrdom The work was begun on 29 July 1685 and completed on 17 January 1687. The two MSS , together with a number of printed books belonging to Father Warner, were seized at the Revolution. Amongst other items that might be of special interest to members of the Catholic Record Society, the work includes: (1) Detailed obits of all the Jesuit Fathers who suffered in the Plot. Much of this information is, of course, also contained in the Annual Letters of the Brevis Relatio, but Father Warner, as Rectorof Liège and as Provincial, had personal knowledge of the movements of manyofthe Fathers (cf. his letter-book, ULC. MS Ll. 1 , 19).

(2) Some bibliographical information which reveals the authorshipof several contemporaryCatholic controversial pamphlets and shows Warner himselfplaying a considerable part in the pamphlet -war which followed the outbreak of the Plot


3) Information on the part played in the Plot by John Sergeant (cf. M. V. Hay: The Jesuits and the Popish Plot).

In general, however, the chief value of Father Warner's History is that it gives the fullest account of the Plot from a contemporaryCatholic source , and has been used all too littleby modern historians of this period.

Mr. Birrell hopes to have this finished by January 1949 .

In addition to the above , several smaller items are ready, or in course of preparation, and will be included in a miscellany volume.

As soonas possibleaftertheissue of our next volume aGeneral Meeting will be held

We record with deep regret the death of our President, Colonel the Right Hon the Viscount FitzAlan, K.G., G.C.V.O. , D.S.O., and of the Hon Secretary, R. Cecil Wilton, B.A.

The Right Reverend John Henry King, D.D., Ph.D., Bishop of Portsmouth, has kindly consented to be our new President.

Captain Cuthbert Fitzherbert, A. C. F. Beales , M.A., E. E. Reynolds, J.P., and Canon R. E. Scantleburyhave been elected to the Council, the following members retiringC A. John Armstrong, M.A., F.R.H.S., Dom Hugh Bowler, O.S.B., B.A., C.F. , and M. R. Trappes-Lomax The last-named has been elected to the Hon. Recordership.

The following items are also virtually ready for press The Catholic Registers of Husbands Bosworth(Lincs.), Mapledurham (Oxon.), Bonham (Wilts.), Hales Place (Canterbury), WarkworthBanbury, Stonyhurst. The continuation of the Portuguese Embassy Chapel Records is in hand, and the Franciscan Archives are being transcribed .



The Hon. Bursarbegs to report the accession ofthe following new membersT . F. Burns ; Rev. Humphrey J. T. Johnston; David Constable Maxwell ; Aubrey Joseph McCabe; St. Andrew's University; the Hon CharlesStourton; the Rev. Wilfrid Stibbs; J. Martin Cleary; T. A. Birrell ; Sir Harold Hood, Bt.; Anthony Crompton Wood; Mrs. Mary Hopkirk ; Victor Edwards ; E. E. Reynolds, J.P.; Bernard Elliott, B.A.; Richard R. Girouard ; George Harrison Russell, M.A.; Rev. William Kirk; Rev. Daniel Rea; the Earl of Gainsborough; Gonzaga University Library, Washington ; Mrs. C. C. Baines; A. C. F. Beales, M.A.;M.Christian de Parrel ;the Rt. Rev. Francis J.Grimshaw , Bishop ofPlymouth; the Most Rev. Joseph Masterson, D.D. , Ph.D., D.C.L. , Archbishop of Birmingham; the Holy Ghost Fathers, Newark, Notts

The Bursar regrets to announce the following deathsThe Viscount FitzAlan; the Rt Rev. John Barrett, Bishop of Plymouth; the Rev. Bernard Hyde; the Most Rev. Thomas L. Williams, Archbishop of Birmingham; the Rt Rev. J. Hannon, Bishop of Menevia ; and R. Cecil Wilton, B.A.

The Membership Roll now stands at 369, an increase of 25.

March, 1948

The Forty-fifth Annual Report, including the Report on the Annual General Meeting held on 5th October, 1948, will appear in the next volume .


Members are asked to call the attention of their friends to the Society and its work. Transcripts of suitable documents , together with the loan of the originals for the purpose of collation, are invited

Offers of help in transcribing documents , especially in the Public Offices and Libraries in London, where the greater part of the documents relating to the country are stored, will be very welcome. Parish Priests are especiallyasked to provide copies of old registers in their custody, or to give facilities for this being done The transcription should always be complete and without modification The Society's " Directions for Transcribing and Editing Documentsfor the Press" will be forwarded on application to the General Editor, 33, Wilfred Street, S.W.1

Members desirous of paying annual subscriptionsthrough their bankers can be supplied with a " Banker's Order, " on application to the Bursar, Rev. Dr. Gordon Albion, Carshalton House, Carshalton , Surrey.

It is requested that corrections in names or addresses be kindlynotified to the Secretaryas soon as possible


, TO 31st MAY, 1948


FFounderson June 10 , 1904 HHonorary Members LLife Members

Abbott, Rev. E. M. , SS . Peterand Paul, Atherton Street, Wallasey, Cheshire.

Acton, The Lord

L Adamson , Rev. Philip, C.F. , SS Catherine and Martina's Presbytery, Birkenhead Road, Hoylake, Wirral, Cheshire. Albemarle, The Countess of, Quidenham , Norwich.

Albion, Rev. Gordon, D.Sc.Hist , B.A., F.R.Hist.S., Carshalton House, Carshalton , Surrey.

Allison, Antony Francis, B.A., 21, Dalmore Avenue, Claygate , Surrey

Amriding, John, 20, Nevett Street, Preston, Lancs.

Apamea, Most Rev. David Mathew, M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A. , F.R.Hist

S. ,Archbishopof,Delegate Apostolicto Africa forthe Missions , P.O. Box 468, Mombasa, British EastAfrica

Armstrong, C.A. John, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., Hertford College, Oxford

L Arundell, Reginald John Arthur, Hook Manor, Donhead St. Andrew, nr. Shaftesbury, Dorset

Ashburnham, The Lady Catherine, Ashburnham Place, Battle, Sussex

Attwater, Donald, Llanarth Hall, Raglan, Monmouth

Baines, Mrs. C. C., 609, Duncan House, Dolphin Square, S.W.1.

Baker, Thomas, 85, Charlotte Street, W.1.

L Bamber, Rev. Joseph Edward, Dodding Green, Skelsmergh, Kendal, Westmorland.

Baron, Rev. J. W., S.J., Corpus Christi, Christchurch Road , Boscombe, Hants.

Barrett, Rev.Thomas James , The Presbytery, Warley Hill, Warley, Brentwood, Essex.

Beales, Arthur Charles Frederick, M.A., 8, Carlton Drive (Flat 1), S.W.15.

Bellord , George, Inverloddon, Wargrave, Berks

L Birmingham, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Joseph Masterson, D.D., Ph.D., D.C.L., Archbishop's House, 6, Norfolk Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 15

Birrell, T. A., 22, Little Silure, Worlebury Park, Weston-superMare, Som

Blundell, Nicholas , Crosby Hall, Blundellsands , Liverpool

L Bowler, Dom Hugh, O.S.B., B.A., Douai Abbey, Woolhampton, Berks

Boyan, Mrs. P. A., 6, Crick Road (Flat 6), Oxford

Bradley, Rev. James, St. Marie's Presbytery, Norfolk Street, Sheffield

Brentwood, Bishop of, Right Rev. Arthur Doubleday, Bishop's House , Brentwood, Essex .

Burns, Thomas F., 1 , Victoria Square, S.W.1.

Calder , Sir James Charles, Ledlanet, Milnathort , Kinross-shire.

Cardiff, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Michael McGrath, M.A., Archbishop's House, 24, Newport Road, Cardiff

L Cardwell , Dr. Mary, Avenham View, Bairstow Street, Preston , Lancs

Cartmell, Rev. Joseph, D.D., Ph.D., M.A., St. Mary's Presbytery, Market Street, Chorley, Lancs.

Chadwick, Very Rev. Provost Alfred, St. Mary's, Alnwick, Northumberland

Chambers, F. W., K.S.G., M.A., 20, Holmes Road, Twickenham , Middlesex .


Christall, Very Rev. Canon Robert, 24 , Heathcote Road, Epsom , Surrey.

Ciceri, Leo J., 1 , St. Mark's Crescent, Newport, Mon.

Clarke, Rev. Henry E., The Presbytery, Petersfield, Hants.

Cleary, J. Martin, B.A., 12 , Mafeking Road , Penylan, Cardiff

Clifford ofChudleigh , The Lord, Lawell House, Chudleigh, Devon.

Coldwell, George E. J., 17, Red Lion Square, W.C.1

Constable-Maxwell, David, Bosworth Hall, Rugby.

Cuming, Miss Agnes, 23, WellesleyAvenue, Hull, Yorks

Cyme, Bishop of, Right Rev. James Scanlan, D.C.L., B.L., 150 , Nethergate , Dundee

Dalton, Mr. JusticeLlewelyn C. , c/o A. W. Innes, Esq , Richmond Lodge, Lewes, Sussex

Daniell, Very Rev. Canon Edward M., Sacred Heart Convent, 212, Hammersmith Road, W.6.

L Dawson, Col. Rupert, C.B., D.L., J.P., T.D., La Hague Manor, St. Peter, Jersey, Channel Isles (Volumes to Rev. Fr. Rector, S.J., Stonyhurst College, Whalley , via Blackburn, Lancs )

Dearlove , G. J. Stanley, 4, Linden Avenue , Cardiff. de Chambrun,LaComtesseClaraLongworth, 58, RuedeVaugirard, Paris, 6, France.

Deeley, Perceval , c/o Messrs Sands & Co. , 15 , KingStreet, Covent Garden, W.C.2.

de Geijer, Capt William, White's Club, St. James's Street, S.W.1 (Volumes to University Chaplain, Fisher House, Cambridge.) de Hoghton, Sir Cuthbert, Bart , Hoghton Tower, Hoghton, Preston, Lancs. de Parrel, Christian, 38 rue des Martyrs de la Libèration, Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), France. de Trafford, Capt. Sir Humphrey Edmund, Bart,, M.C. , Newsells Park, Barkway, Royston, Herts

Dillon, Major the Viscount, 12 , Victoria Road, W.8

Dixey, John H., K.H.S., F.R.G.S. , 31 , WelbeckStreet, W.1

Dormer, Sir Cecil, K.C.M.G., M.V.O., " RockHill House , " Chipping Norton, Oxon.

Dormer, Captain The Lord, Grove Park, Warwick.

Duchemin, Right Rev. Mgr Charles, Collegio Beda, 67, Via San Nicolo da Tolentino, Rome , 5

Eastwood , Charles J., M.A., 42, Lune Street, Preston, Lancs. Eccles, Miss Alice, Fernleigh, Grange-Over-Sands , Lancs.

Edmondstoune -Cranstoun , C. J., J.P. , Corehouse, Lanark, Scotland

Edwards, VictorCharles Alex, 1 , Westgate Terrace , S.W.10

Elliott, Bernard, B.A., 14, Grosvenor Crescent, Leicester

Ellison, Alfred Joseph, M.A., LL.M., 21A, Putney Hill, S.W.15



Elwes, Very Rev. Mgr Aubrey Valentine D., The Old Palace , St. Aldates, Oxford

Eyre, Stanislas Thomas , J.P., 16 , Royal Crescent, Bath, Somerset (Volumes to Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S.W.1)

Eyre-Huddleston, Commander Reginald Francis , R.N. (retd ), K.S.G., Sawston Hall, Cambridge

Eyston, Mrs. E., New House, Kingston Bagpuize, Abingdon, Berks

Fitzalan, Lt.-Col the Hon Miles, Carlton Towers, nr Goole, Yorks

Fitzherbert, Major Cuthbert, Old Rectory, Albury, Surrey

Fitzherbert-Brockholes , Major John, M.C., Lofthouse, Claughtonon-Brock, Garstang, Lancs

Fletcher, C. B. Kyrle, F.R.S.A., 79, High Street, Newport, Mon.

Fooks, Rev. E. Graham , B.A. , "Boringwheel , " Horney Common , Uckfield , Sussex

Fooks, Rev. Thomas, B.A., " Boringwheel , " Horney Common , Uckfield, Sussex .

Ford, Very Rev. Canon George, D.D., Ph.D., 30, LangstoneRoad, Beaconsfield, Plymouth, Devon

French , The Viscount J. R. C. L., Stow Bedon Hall, Norwich

Furley, John T., c/o Mrs. Ewart, 24, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.2

Gainsborough , The Earl of, Exton Park, Oakham , Rutland

Gaisford -St. Lawrence , Thomas J., M.C., F.S.A. , M.A., Howth Castle, co. Dublin

Gibson, W. H. P., J.P., 8, Marchwood Crescent, Eaton Rise , Ealing, W.5

Gilbey, Rev.Alfred N., FisherHouse, Guildhall Street, Cambridge

Gilbey, Capt John, " Glan Avon, " Harlow, Essex

Gilbey, William Gordon, Harrowden Hall, Wellingborough, Northants

Girouard, Richard D., 6 , Draycott Place, S.W.3

Goulder, Rev.S. L., M.A., 19, Church Avenue, Southall, Middlesex . Grover, Mrs., 6, St. Catherine's View, Ventnor, I.O.W.

L Gutowski, Stanislaus Anthony, 41a, Radnor Street, Hulme, Manchester, 15

Hannon, Sir Patrick, M.P., F.R.G.S. , F.S.S., F.R.Econ.S., 22, Northumberland Avenue , W.C.2.

Hayes, Rev. John E. , Maryland, Milford -on-Sea , Hants

L Henson, Right Rev. Mgr Canon Edwin, Collegio de Ingleses, Valladolid, Spain

Hexhamand Newcastle, Bishopof, Right Rev. Joseph McCormack , Bishop's House , West Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 5.

Hicks, Rev. Leo, S.J., 114, Mount Street, W.1

Hinds, A. E., " Woodhall," Sunningdale , Berks.

Hodgkinson, H. R., F.S.A. , K.S.G., " Chadstowe, " CorbettAvenue, Droitwich. Hood, Sir Harold Joseph, Bart., 225, CromwellMansions, Cromwell Road, S.W.5

L Hope, Capt. Geoffrey A. E., Yorkshire Club, York

Hope, Lt. Col. the Hon. Henry John, Guards' Club, 16, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W.1

Hopkirk, Mrs. Mary, Danbury Rectory, Chelmsford , Essex.

L Hornyold-Strickland, Henry, J.P., F.S.A., Sizergh Castle , Kendal, Westmorland

Hull, Hubert, 4, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.4

Hutton, Edward, 114, Hill Street, St. John's Wood, N.W.8 "

Jeffcock , William Philip, F.R.S.S. , Ladymead," Sidmouth , Devon

Johnson, Basil Henry, 3 , Artillery Mansions, 75, Victoria Street, S.W.1 .

Johnson, Rev. Humphrey John T., 3, St. Peter's Terrace , Cambridge

L Kean , Very Rev. Charles George, C.J., St. George's College, Weybridge, Surrey.

Kemball, Rev. Oswald A., S.J., St. Joseph's, Chapel Street, Leigh, Lancs.

L Kenyon, Major Joseph Robert, M.C., Gillingham Hall, Beccles , Suffolk

Kerr, Mrs. Philip, Stoner Hill, Petersfield , Hants

Kirk, Rev. William, Catholic Church, West Cowes , I.O.W.

Lacy, Sir Pierce, Bart , K.C.S.G. , J.P., Ampton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds

Lamb, Joseph Cuthbert, B.A., Hayton House, How Mill, Carlisle

Lancaster , Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas E. Flynn, Ph.D. , M.A., Bishop's House, Cannon Hill, Lancaster

Leadbitter, Major Nicholas G., Bury Court, Bury Road, Branksome Park, Bournemouth, Hants.

Leeds, Bishop of, RightRev. Henry J. Poskitt, D.D., J.C.L., M.A., Bishop's House, Weetwood Lane, Leeds, 6 .

Leeming, Gerard de Pfyffer, Skirsgill Park, Penrith, Cumberland . Lindsay, Hon and Rev. Edward R., The Catholic Presbytery, Stone, Staffs

Liverpool, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Richard Downey, D.D., Archbishop's House, Woolton, Liverpool, S.

Lothian, The Marquess of, Melbourne Hall, Derby

Lynch, Rev. T. J. E., 48, Bugle Street, Southampton, Hants

McCabe, Aubrey J., 15 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Surrey.

McCausland, Lt.-Col Conolly R., M.C., Guards ' Club, 16, Charles Street , Berkeley Square, W.1.

McInnes, Miss Eilidh, 43, Narcissus Road , N.W.6

MacMillan, Rt Rev.Mgr. John, D.D., Ph.D., VenCollegio Inglese, Via Monserrato 45, Rome, Italy

L Macnamara , J. G., 33, Valentines Road, Ilford, Essex.

McNulty, Rev. Joseph, B.A., F.R.H.S., 27, Seabank Road , Southport, Lancs

McQuirk, Very Rev. Canon John, V.F., The Presbytery, Rathfarnham, Dublin

Mahoney, Very Rev. Canon Edward J., D.D., North Lodge, Poles, Ware, Herts

Marshall, Miss Dorothy Enid, 94 , Alexandra Mansions, JuddStreet, W.C.1

Maxwell-Scott, Major-General Sir Walter, Bart , C.B., D.S.O., "Abbotsford , " Melrose, Roxburghshire


Maycock, Martin George, B.Sc.(Eng , 95, Camlet Way, Hadley Wood , Barnet, Herts.

L Menevia , Bishop of, Right Rev. John E. Petit, M.A., Bishop's House, Wrexham

Middlesbrough , Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas Shine , Bishop's House , Middlesbrough , Yorks

Moorat, Samuel A., 25, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W.8

Mott, Miss Agnes, 35, Hurn Way, Christchurch, Hants.

Newton, W. Douglas, 20, Aubrey House , Maida Avenue, W.2

Norfolk, TheDuke of, E.M., K.G., Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex. Northampton, Bishop of, Right Rev. Thomas Leo Parker, M.A., Bishop's House, Northampton

O'Brien, Major Richard Alfred, " Old Friars , " Richmond Green, Surrey.

O'Connor , Rev. Arthur J., M.C., H.C.F., St. Joseph's Presbytery, Mary Street, Audley, Blackburn, Lancs.

L O'Mahony, Eoin, K.M., "Dun Locha, " Dubhglas , Corcaigh, Eire.

Pantin, William Abel, M.A., F.S.A. , Oriel College, Oxford.

Parisotti, Rev. Albert, O.B.E., S.C.F., c/o Headquarters , Northern Command

Petry, Rev. Denis J., 208, Northcote Road, E . 17

Philips, Rev. Francis , St. Joseph's, London Road, Newbury, Berks

Pilkington, Charles Edward Nigel, 8a, Gwendwr Road, W . 14

Plymouth, Bishop of, Right Rev. Francis J. Grimshaw, D.D., Bishop's House, Cecil Street, Plymouth

Portsmouth, Bishop of, Right Rev. John Henry King, D.D., Ph.D., 29, Jewry Street, Winchester

Preedy, Rev. J., 91 , Harvest Road, Englefield Green , Surrey.

Quinlan, Rev. David, St. Wilfrid's Rectory, High Petergate, York.

Radcliffe, Roger C. J., Draycott Hall, Richmond, Yorks

Rea, Rev. Daniel, 96, Pyle Street, Newport, I.O.W.

Reynolds , Ernest Edwin, J.P. , " Rosebank, " Salperton , near Cheltenham , Glos

Reynolds, Major James R., Leighton Hall, Carnforth, Lancs

Reynolds , Lt.-Col Sir John, Bart , M.B.E., J.P., 12, Mellors Buildings, 30, Exchange Street East, Liverpool, 2

Riddell, John Cuthbert Widdrington, Swinburne Castle, Barrasford, Hexham, Northumberland.

Robertson , John Baptist, The Dower House, Hatfield Heath, Bishop's Stortford, Herts

Robo, Rev. Etienne, CatholicPresbytery, Tilford Road, Farnham , Hants

Roch, Hon Mrs. Walter, " Llanarth Court," Raglan, Mon.

Rowe, Major Francis George Crawford, 6 , Perham Road, West Kensington, W . 14.

Russell, George Harrison, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge .

Salford, Bishop of, Right Rev. Henry Vincent Marshall, Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester .

Sandwell , Rev. Alfred, St. Patrick's, 404, Commercial Road , Portsmouth, Hants. L Scantlebury, Very Rev. Canon Robert Elliott, St. Wilfrid's Presbytery, Ventnor, Isle of Wight

Scrope, Ralph H., F.L.A.S., " The Friarage, " Yarm, co York

Scrope, Richard L., Danby-upon-Yore, Middleham, co York.

Shrewsbury , Bishop of, Right Rev. Ambrose Moriarty, TheCouncil House, Shrewsbury , Salop.

Smith, William Abbey, J.P., Rosebery Villa, Hutton Avenue, West Hartlepool, co Durham.

Smith, Rev. William Vincent, St. Joseph's Presbytery, Castle Bank, Tow Law, Bishop Auckland, co. Durham.

Southern, Alfred C., Ph.D., B.A., 18, Eastcliff Road, Tunbridge Wells , Kent.

Southwark, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Peter E. Amigo, Bishop's House, St. George's Road, Southwark, S.E.1.

Stafford, The Lord, Swynnerton Park, Stone, Staffs

Stanford, Rev. F. E., St. Colman's Presbytery, Cosham, Hants

L Stearns, Foster, K.M., " Gemini , " Exeter,NewHampshire, U.S.A.

Stewart, Walter Arnold, c/o Messrs. Sands & Co., 15, KingStreet, Covent Garden , W.C.2.

Stibbs, Rev. Wilfrid, 21A , Soho Square, W.1

Stourton, The Hon Charles Edward, Allerton Park, nr. Knaresborough, Yorks.

Sweeney, M. V., 26, Dobcroft Avenue, Sheffield, 7

Sweeney, Rev. MorganV., M.A., M.Ed., 21, Wilmer Drive , Heaton , Bradford, Yorks

Tacchi -Venturi, Rev. Pietro, S.J., Piazza del Gesù 45, Rome 117 , Italy

Tempest, Stephen, Broughton Hall, Skipton, Yorks.

Threlfall, Rev. L., S.J. , Holy Name, Manchester , 13

Towneley-Worsthorne , S. P., Dyneley, nr Burnley, Lancs.

Trappes-Lomax, Michael Roger, Rouge DragonPursuivant, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4. L Trappes-Lomax, Brig Thomas Byrnand, C.B.E., Great Hockham Hall, Norwich.

Undreiner, Rev. George J., Ph.D., Pontifical College Josephinum, Worthington, Ohio, U.S.A.

Vaughan , Capt (S.) Herbert R.H., O.B.E., R.N., " Nantymwyn, " Rhandirmwyn, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire

Waring, Rev. Cuthbert L., M.A., 16, Maryland Street, Liverpool

Weld, Francis Joseph, 32, Weld Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs.

Weld, Lt.-Col Joseph W., O.B.E., J.P., LulworthCastle ,Wareham , Dorset

Westminster , Cardinal Archbishop of, His Eminence Bernard Griffin, Archbishop's House, Westminster, S.W.1

Whatmore, Rev. Leonard Elliott, M.A., 59, Burgate Street, Canterbury

Wheeler , George A., 64, Great Russell Street, W.C.1 .

Wheeler, Rev. Gordon , Cathedral Clergy House, Francis Street, S.W.1

White, Thomas, 17, Brynhyfryd Road, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon.

L Whitfield, Rev. Joseph L., M.A., D.S.O., Catholic Rectory, Southend -on-Sea , Essex.

Williamson, Cuthbert A., "Downlands , " Fort Road, Guildford, Surrey

Willson, Very Rev. E. Hilary, O.S.B., Ampleforth Abbey, York. (Volumes to The Librarian , St. Benet's, Oxford.)

L Wilson, Very Rev. Canon Michael J., 35, London Road, Chelmsford, Essex .

Wood , Anthony Crompton, Shire Hall, Warwick.

Woodruff, John Douglas, 199, Park West, W.2

Woods, Raymond E. M. , 47, Weighton Road, Harrow Weald , Middlesex .

Young, Smelter Joseph, Richmond Park, near Sheffield .

Young, William E. V., Manor Bungalow, Avebury, nr. Marlborough, Wilts.




Aberdeen .The Librarian , The UniversityLibrary.

Aberystwith .The Librarian, The National Library of Wales.

Barrow-in-Furness .The Librarian , The Public Library, Ramsden Square

Birmingham . The City Librarian , The Public Library (Reference Dept.), Ratcliffe Place

Blackburn .The Librarian , The Public Library, Library Street

Bolton . The Librarian , The Public Library, Victoria Square

Bristol .The Librarian , The Central Library

The Librarian , The University, Bristol, 8

Cambridge .The Librarian , PeterhouseCollege

The Librarian , The University Library.

Cardiff .The Librarian , The Public Library, Trinity Street

Derby . The Librarian , The Public Library.

Dublin .The Librarian , The National Library, Kildare Street

The Librarian , The Trinity College Library.

Durham . The Librarian , The UniversityLibrary, Palace Street

EdinburghThe Chief Librarian , The Public Library, George IV Street

The Librarian, The Signet Library

Glasgow . The Librarian, The Corporation Public Library (The Mitchell Library)

The Librarian, The UniversityLibrary.

Gosport .Miss M. I. Dingle (Acting Librarian), Central Public Library, Walpole Road.

Hull . The Librarian , The Public Library, Albion Street.

Lancaster . The Librarian , The Public Library, Market Square.

Leeds . The City Librarian , The Public Library, Municipal Buildings

Liverpool . The Chief Librarian, The Public Library, William Brown Street

The Librarian, The UniversityLibrary.

London . The Secretary, The Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House , Piccadilly, W.1

The British Museum Library, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30, Little Russell Street, W.C.1

The Librarian , The Catholic Central Library, 33, Wilfred Street, Westminster, S.W.1

The Librarian , College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

The Librarian , The Constitutional Club, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2.

The Librarian , Fulham Public Libraries, 598, Fulham Road, S.W.6

The Secretary, The Society of Genealogists , Chaucer House , Malet Place, W.C.1

The Librarian, The Guildhall Library, King Street, E.C.2

The Librarian, The Public Library, Hendon, Middlesex

The Chief Librarian , The Institute of Historical Research, University of London, W.C.1

The Librarian, Kensington Central Library, Kensington High Street, W.8

The Secretary and Librarian, The London Library, St. James's Square , S.W.1

The Public Record Office (Book Section ), Westminster, S.W.1 .

The Librarian , The Royal Historical Society, 96, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W.3

The Librarian , London University , South Kensington, S.W.7.

The Librarian, Westminster Public Library, Accessions Dept., St. Martin's Street, W.C.2.

The Librarian, Wimbledon Public Library, Wimbledon High Road , S.W.19

Manchester.--The Librarian , The Victoria University The Chief Librarian , The Public Library, St. Peter's Square

The Librarian , The John Rylands Library, Deansgate

Middlesbrough .The Librarian , The Public Library, Victoria Square.

Newcastle-on-Tyne.The Librarian , The Public Library, New Bridge Street

Oxford .The Librarian , The Bodleian Library. Portsmouth .The Borough Librarian , The Central Public Library, Town Hall Square, Park Road

Preston . The Librarian , Free Public Library. The Librarian , Lancashire County Library, County Offices .

Reading . The Chief Librarian , The Public Library, Blagrave Street. St. Andrews .The Librarian , The University Library

Sheffield . The Librarian, The Public Library, Surrey Street. The Librarian , The University Library

Southampton .The Librarian, The Central Public Library, London Road

Stockport .The Librarian , The Public Library, Wellington Road South. Wallasey . The Chief Librarian , The Earleston Central Library. Wigan . The Chief Librarian , Free Public Library, Rodney Street. York . The Librarian , The Public Library, Museum Street


AUSTRALIA .New SouthWalesPublic Library, c/o Messrs Truslove&Hanson 153, Oxford Street, W.1

The Public Library of Victoria, c/o Messrs Truslove & Hanson , 153, Oxford Street, W.1

CANADA .Library of Parliament, Ottawa, c/o Messrs Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14 , Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue,W.C.2

DENMARK .The Royal Library, Copenhagen , c/o Mr. Francis Edwards, 83 , High Street, W.1

FRANCE . Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, c/o Messrs. Dawson& Sons , Cannon House, Macklin Street, W.C.2

Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, Strasbourg, 6 , Placede la République, Strasbourg, Bas Rhin , France


GERMANY .The Librarian , Bavarian State Library, Ludwigstrasse 23, Munich

The Librarian, Göttingen UniversityLibrary, Zugangs-Abteilung I, Göttingen, Hanover

Prussian State Library, c/o Messrs Asher & Co., Behrenstrasse 55-57, Berlin, W.8

(H) ITALY . Right Rev. Mgr Giovanni Mercati, Prefect, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Città del Vaticano.

UNITED STATES .The Director, New York State Library, Albany, N.Y. The Peabody Institute, Baltimore, c/o Messrs Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14, Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

The California University Library, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little RussellStreet, W.C.1

The Director, Boston Public Library, Boston, c/o Messrs Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., 11 , Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W.1.

The Librarian ,New England Historic GenealogicalSociety, 9 , Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass.

The Librarian , Harvard University Library, c/o Messrs. Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14, Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2.

The Librarian , Newberry Library, Chicago, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30, Little RussellStreet, W.C.1

The Director, University of Chicago Libraries , Order Division, Harper W . 21, Chicago, Illinois.

The Librarian, The Cleveland Public Library, Ohio, c/o Messrs. Henry Sotheran, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W.1.

The Librarian , University of Wisconsin, The General Library, c/o Messrs. Henry Sotheran , 2, 3, 4 and 5 , Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W.1

The Librarian, Michigan University , c/o Messrs . Henry Sotheran, 2, 3, 4 and 5 , Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W.1.

The Librarian , MinnesotaUniversityLibrary, Minneapolis, Minn

The Librarian , New York Historical Society, 170 , Central Park West , New York City, N.Y.

The Librarian , New York Public Library, c/oMessrs B.F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30, Little RussellStreet, W.C.1.

The Librarian, Universityof Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind

The Librarian , Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa

The Librarian , Pennsylvania University Library, Philadelphia, Pa

The Librarian, Princeton Theological Seminary Library, N.J.

The Librarian, Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, Cal

The Librarian, The Library of Congress, Washington, c/o Messrs Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14, Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

The Librarian, The Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

The Librarian , The Yale UniversityLibrary, c/o Messrs Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14, Grape Street Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2





Birmingham .Right Rev. the Rector, St. Mary's College, Oscott

Cambridge .The Librarian , St. Edmund's House Library, Mount Pleasant. Glasgow .Very Rev. the Rector, St. Peter's College, Bearsden

Maynooth .The Librarian , St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, co Kildare, Eire

Strawberry Hill, Twickenham .Very Rev. the Principal, St. Mary's College Upholland, nearWigan, Lancs.--VeryRev. the President, St. Joseph's College Ushaw , co Durham .Rev. the Librarian , St. Cuthbert's College Rev. the Prefect ofStudies , TheStudents' Library,St. Cuthbert's College

Ware, Herts .Rev the Librarian , St. Edmund's College Wonersh, near Guildford, Surrey .Right Rev. the Rector, St. John's Seminary


Italy .Right Rev. the Rector,CollegioBeda, 67 Via San Nicolo da Tolentino , Rome 5 Right Rev. the Rector, Ven Collegio Inglese, Rome

Spain . Right Rev. the Rector, Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid

United StatesRev F. D. Cohalan, Cathedral College, 555 , West End Avenue, New York, N.Y.

The Librarian , Union Theological Seminary, Broadway at 120th Street, New York, N.Y.



Augustinians (C.R.L. ) .Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.L., St. Mary's Priory, Bodmin, Cornwall

Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.L., St. Peter-in-Chains Priory, 12, Womersley Road , Hornsey, N.8

Augustinian Nuns .Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.L., Priory of Our Lady of Good Counsel , Hayward's Heath, Sussex .

Benedictines (O.S.B .).-

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B., AmpleforthAbbey, York

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Belmont Abbey, Hereford

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B., Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh, Devon.

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Douai Abbey, Woolhampton, near Reading, Berks.

Rev. the Librarian , O.S.B. , Downside Abbey, Stratton -on-the-Fosse , near Bath, Somerset

RightRev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Fort AugustusAbbey, Inverness

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Prinknash Abbey, Gloucester .

Right Rev. the Abbot , O.S.B. , Quarr Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight.

Dom D. R. Webster, O.S.B. , Worth Priory, near Crawley, Sussex

Benedictine Nuns.The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St. Mary's Abbey, East Bergholt, near Colchester , Essex

The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St. Mary's Abbey, Little Haywood, Colwich, near Stafford.

The Lady Abbess, O.S.B., St. Mary's Abbey, Oulton , Stone, Staffs

The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St. Mary's Abbey, Stanbrook, Worcester .

The LadyAbbess, O.S.B., St. Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth, Devon

Brothers of the Christian Schools .The Librarian , La Salle House , 7 Brookside, Cambridge (F) Bridgettine Nuns (O.SS.S .).-Syon Abbey, South Brent, Devon.

Carmelite Nuns (O.C.D . ) .The Prioress, Lanherne Convent, St. Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall

Carthusians (O . Carth .) .-Very Rev. the Prior, O . Carth , Charterhouse of St. Hugh, Parkminster , Partridge Green , Horsham, Sussex.

Cistercians (O.C.R . ) .-

Dominicans (O.P . ) .-

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.C.R. , Mount St. Bernard's Abbey, near Coalville, Leicestershire

Very Rev.the Prior , O.P., St. Thomas'sPriory, Hawkesyard, Rugeley, Staffs

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P., St. Albert the Great's Priory, 24, George Square, Edinburgh

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P., St. Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road, Haverstock Hill, N.W.5

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P., Blackfriars, Priory of the Holy Ghost , 64, St. Giles' Street, Oxford.

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P. , St. Dominic's Priory, Red Barns, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Franciscans (O.F.M . ) .-

Rev . the Superior, O.F.M., St. Cambridge Bonaventure's,

Very Rev. the Provincial, O.F.M., The Friary, St. Anthony's Road, Forest Gate, E.7.

Rev. Fr. Guardian, O.F.M., Franciscan House of Studies, East Bergholt, Suffolk.

Very Rev. the Provincial, O.F.M., The Friary, Woodford Green, Essex (O.S.F.C.) . The Librarian , Greyfriars, Grosseteste House, Iffley Road , Oxford

Very Rev.the Superior, O.S.F.C. , FranciscanCollege, Over Wyresdale, Bay Horse, Lancaster

Franciscan Nuns (O.S.F.) .Rev Mother Abbess, O.S.F., Convent of Our Lady of Dolours, Taunton, Somerset

Holy Ghost Fathers .The Librarian , St. Joseph's College, Upton Hall , Newark, Notts

Institute of Charity (I.C .) .-Very Rev. the President, Ratcliffe College , near Leicester

Jesuits (S.J . ).-

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. , Beaumont College, Old Windsor , Berks

Very Rev. the Fr. Provincial, S.J., 35, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Heythrop College, Chipping Norton, Oxon

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., St. Francis Xavier's, Salisbury Street, Liverpool

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Manresa House, Roehampton, S.W.15

Rev. the Editor, S.J. , " The Month, " 31, Farm Street , Berkeley Square, W.1

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Mount St. Mary's College, Spinkhill, near Sheffield

Very Rev. the Master, S.J. , Campion Hall, Oxford

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Campion House, Osterley, Middlesex

Very Rev.the Rector, S.J., St. Beuno's College,St.Asaph,Flint.

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., St. Ignatius's, Meadow Street , Preston , Lancs

Rev.theRector, S.J., StMary's, LoweHouse, St.Helens ,Lancs

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. , St. Wilfrid's, 1 , Winckley Square, Preston , Lancs.

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Stonyhurst College, Blackburn , Lancs

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. , Wimbledon College, S.W.19

VeryRev. the Rector, S.J., St. Wilfrid's, 1 , Winckley Square, Preston , Lancs

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Stonyhurst College, Blackburn , Lancs

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Wimbledon College, S.W.19

Marist Fathers.--Rev. Bursar, The Monastery, St. Mary's Hill, Paignton, Devon

Notre Dame Nuns .Rev Sister Provincial, Convent of Notre Dame, Ashdown Park, Coleman's Hatch, Tunbridge Wells , Kent

Oblates of St. Charles (O.S.C .) .-

Very Rev. the Superior, O.S.C., St. Mary of the Angels, Westmorland Road, Bayswater, W.2

Oratorians .Very Rev. the Superior, Cong Orat., The Oratory, Brompton Road, South Kensington, S.W.7

Rev. Librarian , The Oratory, Hagley Road, Birmingham, 16.

Passionists (C.P . ).---VeryRev.the Rector, C.P., St. Anne'sRetreat, Monastery Lane, Sutton, St. Helens, Lancs

Redemptorists (C.SS.R . ) .-

Very Rev. the Rector, C.SS.R., St. Mary's, Clapham Park Road, S.W.4

Religious of St. Andrew .The Librarian , Holmwood, Garlands Road , Leatherhead, Surrey.

Sacred Heart Nuns .Rev. Mother Superior, Sacred Heart Convent , Roehampton, S.W.15

Sepulchrine Nuns (C.R.S.S .) .Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.S.S., New Hall, Chelmsford, Essex (Temporary address: Newnham Paddox , Rugby, Warwick )

Servites (O.S.M .).-Very Rev. the Provincial , O.S.M. , St. Mary's Priory, 264 , Fulham Road, South Kensington, S.W.10 ,

Visitation Nuns .Rev . Mother Superior, Visitation Convent, Harrow, Middlesex



Augustinian Nuns (C.R.L .) .Rev Mother Prioress , C.R.L., Le Couvent Anglais, Bruges

Jesuits (S.J . ) .Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Société des Bollandistes , 24 , Boulevard St. Michel, Bruxelles

United States

Dominicans (O.P . ) .The Archives Library, Dominican House of Studies , 487 , Michigan Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C.

Jesuits (S.J.) . Rev. the Librarian , S.J., St. Louis University Library, St. Louis, Mo.

Rev. William J. Young, S.J. , Librarian, Milford Novitiate, Milford, Ohio

Rev. Librarian , S.J., Georgetown University , Washington , D.C.

Rev. C. Carroll, S.J. , Gonzaga University Library, Spokane, Washington.

The Rev.Librarian , S.J., College ofthe Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass

Sacred Heart Nuns .The Librarian, Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, Convent Avenue and 133rdStreet, New York, N.Y.



Noble, Sir John Henry Brunel, Bart. , 8 Jan., æt 72.

Mackin, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Provost Henry, B.A., 7 Feb., æt. 72 .

Parker, Colonel John W. R., C.B., J.P., F.S.A., 24 Feb. , æt 80

Anderton, Henry Philip John Ince, 7 March, æt 57 . Nixon, Rev. Raphael , C.P., 23 March, æt 73

Cox, Rt Rev. George Bede, O.Š.B. , Abbot ofGlastonbury, 29 April, æt. 84.

Henshaw, Right Rev. Thomas, 5th Bishop ofSalford, 23 Sept., æt 65. Milton , Rev. Anthony, 19 Oct., æt 44 . Carter, Very Rev. Canon Thomas Walmsley , 19 Nov., æt 71.

Pearson, Right Rev.Thomas Wulstan, O.S.B., 1st Bishop ofLancaster, I Dec., æt 68 .

McCabe , Right Rev. Mgr. Bernard J. Provost, V.G., 8 Dec., æt 80 , Vonier, Right Rev. Anscar,O.S.B., Ph.D., Abbot of Buckfast, 26Dec. æt . 63 .


L Sheldrake , Willie, 15 Feb., æet . 83 .

Goodier , Most Rev. Alban, S.J., Titular Archbishop of Hierapolis, 13 March, æt. 69

Wilcox , George, 28 March, æt. 75.

Matthews, Right Rev. James Joseph Edmund, O.S.B. , M.A., Abbot of Ampleforth, 7 April, æt 68 . Carus, Alexander Hubert, J.P. , 19 Aug., æt 68

L Sheldrake , Harry James, 12 Sept., æt 81 . Bedingfeld , Mrs. Katharine Gregory Paston, 13 Sept., æt. 78.

Mostyn, Most Rev. FrancisJoseph, K.M., 2nd ArchbishopofCardiff, 25 Oct., æt. 79

Youens , Right Rev. Lawrence , 6th Bishopof Northampton, 14 Nov., æt 65 .


O'Toole, Rev. Patrick, I Feb. , æt 77

La Mothe-Houdancourt, Elisabeth Jeanne Thérèse Marie Duchesse de, 4 Feb., æt

Gainsford , William, 8 March, æt 64.

Turnbull, Francis Harold, K.C.S.G., O.B.E., J.P., 27 June, æt 59

L Callaway, Rev. Thomas, 4 July, æt 68 . Berkeley, Robert Valentine, J.P., F.S.A. , 14 Aug., æt 87.

Riddell, Edward Charles, J.P., 17 Sept., æt. 73 .

Cotter, Right Rev. William Timothy, 3rd Bishop of Portsmouth, 24 Oct., æt 73

L. Freeland, Right Rev. Mgr Provost John, 7 Dec., æt 79 . Roskell, Robert Nicholas , 20 Dec., æt. 68.


Geijer, Captain Eric Neville, M.C., B.A., F.S.A. , Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, 14 Jan. (on active service), æt 46

Kerr, Pilot Officer Philip Walter, M.V.O., Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, K.M., F.S.A., 10 Feb. (on active service), æt 54 . Sumner, Francis George, J.P., 16 Feb., æt 74 .

Bedingfeld , Sir Henry Edward Paston, Bart , J.P., 18 May, æt 80


FSmith, John Peter, J.P. , 19 May, æt 77 .

Turville -Petre, Colonel Oswald Henry, B.A., D.L., T.D., J.P. , K.M., 16 June, æt. 79.

Stafford, Admiral Edward Stafford Joseph, K.C.B., 13th Lord , 28 Sept., æt 77 .

Lindsay, Leonard Cecil Colin, 15 Oct., æt. 84 .

Dearlove, Group-Captain Cuthbert J. S., R.A.F., 30 Nov. (on active service), æt. 44


F Engelbach, George Frederick, 11 Feb., æt 84 . O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis, O.B.E., C.F., 2 April, æt. 73

H Newdigate, Rev. Charles A., S.J., 6 June, æt 79.

FWilliamson, George Charles, Litt.D., J.P. , 4 July, æt 84 . FH Camm , Dom R. Bede, O.S.B., M.A., F.S.A. , 9 Sept., æt 78

Burton, Rev. Harold, 27 Sept., æt. 69.

Weale, J. Cyril M., 20 Nov., æt. 84 .

Chichester -Constable, Col. Raleigh, J.P.

Fogarty, Philip Christopher, I.C.S. (on active service)


Skeet, Major Francis J. A. , J.P. , F.S.A., 9 Feb., æt. 73. Calderbank , Rev. Thomas, 19 Feb., æt. 53

Keogh, C. George Neal, 13 March, æt 95

Hinsley, HisEminenceArthur Cardinal, D.D., B.A., 5thArchbishop of Westminster, 17 March, æt 77.

Mulgrew, Francis M., 10 April,

McNulty , Rt. Rev. John, F. M.A., 6th Bishop ofNottingham, 8 June , æt. 63

Charlton, George Victor Bellasis,

Riddell-Blount, Major Edward Francis, J.P., 14 October, æt 78 .

O'Connell, Rev. Sir John R., K.C.S.G., LL.D., 19 December , æt 75

Riddell-Blount, Major Edward Francis, J.P.

O'Connell, Rev. Sir John R., K.C.S.G., LL.D.


Lupton, Very Rev. Canon Edward, 11 February, æt 93

Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John Rory, 27 February, æt 83

Newdigate, Bernard H., 24 May, æt 75 .

Butt, Most Rev. Joseph, Archbishop of Nicopsi, 23 August, æt. 75

Sutcliffe, Very Rev. Canon William Ormond, M.A., 16 November , æt 88

Lupton, Very Rev. Canon Edward

Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John Rory

Newdigate , Bernard H.

L Butt, Most Rev. Joseph, Archbishop of Nicopsi

FSutcliffe, Very Rev. Canon William Ormond, M.A.


Sumner , Rev. Francis J., 2 January, æt 63

L Sumner, Rev. Francis J. H Gillow, Mrs. Joseph

Robertson , Charles , K.S.G.

Evetts, Miss Margaret C. Bickersteth

Norfolk, The Dowager Duchess of O'Driscoll, Very Rev. Benet, O.P.

Moorat, Samuel Francis Ferrers

F Hansom , Allan Joseph Roskell

1946 Hannon, Rt Rev. Daniel Joseph, 4th Bishop of Menevia Williams , MostRev. Thomas Leighton, 4thArchbishopofBirmingham Barrett, Rt Rev. John, 5th Bishop of Plymouth Hyde, Rev. Bernard


FitzAlan, Colonel the Rt Hon. the Viscount, K.G.,

Wilton, Richard Cecil, B.A.

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