Records Volume 43: Hampshire Registers 2

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Publications of the Catholic Record Society

The Catholic Record Society was founded 10th June 1904, for printing Registers andother old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

Hampshire Registers

The Hampshire Secular Clergy Fund

Rules and The Hampshire Ledger

Registers of Sopley

Canford and Stapehill and Tichborne

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Historical Introduction to the Ledger

Historical Account of Sherfield English

Historical Account of Longwood

of the Hampshire



Tichborne Mss.-

(1) Letter from the Rev. Edward McStay to Bishop Bramston, 6 August 1833

(2) Lady Tichborne's (née Elizabeth Plowden)





The Hampshire Ledger is evidently one of a series of Account Books belonging to the London Vicariate, the remainderof which have not yet been found Apparently the London Clergy Library, or a good portion ofit, found its way to Old Hall, Ware. It is possible that the Librarysuffered damage in the GordonRiots and was transferredfrom Gray's Inn to Moorfields If so , that would explain the presence of the Ledgerat St. Edmund's College, for the Moorfields ClergyLibrary was sent thither .

This Ledger was kept by the Rev. John Philip Betts, Treasurer ofthe Hampshire Funds, and by his successor, the Rev. Peter Browne The Rev. John Philip Betts was educated at Douay, arriving there on 16 May 1724, as a convictor or paying-guest He was ordained at Ypres on 21 September 1726, and left Douay on 14 February 1730 , having obtained his Licentiate in Theology (C.R.S., xxviii, 117 and note, 134, 153). He was assistant to the Rev. Joseph Gildon, the Head of the School at Twyford When the latter died, 26 July 1736 , the Rev. John Betts became the Head of the School. Twyford School closed down rather suddenly , circa 1745, and the Rev. Mr. Betts retired to Gray's Inn where he had charge of the Clergy Library and became Administrator of the Hampshire Funds He was elected to the Chapter in 1732. It would seem that he did not go immediately to London, for in this Ledgerhe charges expenses" to andin London" between 1747 and 1750, and " from Arundel to Petersfield to meet Mr. Savage " in 1746. He died in London 28 March 1770. The Very Rev. Peter Browne succeeded him as Administrator of the Hampshire Funds. He was born at Cadiz in 1731 , of an Irish father and an English mother He went to Douay and tookthe Oath 26 May 1753 . He was a deacon before October 1755, and left Douay 17 August 1756. After ordination he was chaplain to the Sardinian Embassy (C.R.S. , xxx, passim); was elected to the Chapter in 1760 and was Dean of the Chapterfrom 1789 until his death, 31 May 1794 (C.R.S., xix, 206; xxviii, 246). Among the Funds administered by the Rev. Mr. Betts were three concerning Winchester: (a) St. Peter House; * He was the son of James Betts (who afterwards became the Prior of the Carthusians at Nieuport and took the name Joseph: he died in 1729) and Frances , daughter of Mr. Sergeant Trinder of Berry Court, near Bentley, Hants. Canon Burton (MS . Collection, Westm Archives, File I, A-B) does not know whether the priest ordained in 1726 was John Philip or his father From C.R.S. vol xxviii it is clear that it was John Philip He also has a query: was he the Mr. Betts at Bellhouse , Essex, in 1754 ? A brother of John Philip, Joseph, went to Douay in September1716 , but died as a student there (C.R.S. , xxviii, 45n).

Gillowsays (Dict. of Eng. Cath., i, 206) that Betts succeeded the Rev. Walter Fleetwood as Head of the School in 1732 or 1733 .

C.R.S. , xix, 206, gives Oporto as his birthplace, in the year 1730 .

(b) Winchester Poor; (c) Richard Spencer's Fund The Capital of the two first was in New South Sea Annuities, plus an annual amount to be paid by Mr. Richard Martin, a farmer of Barton Stacy, who went bankrupt and absconded in 1757/8. The third, the Richard Spencer Fund, was a legacy from Richard Spencer of Barton StacytoWinchester amounting to £600, of which 200 was in New South Sea Annuities, and part of Richard Martin's Bond The remainder was a mortgage on an estate at Hursley for which nothing had been paid for years. In 1748 John Betts receives the capital sum of £400 and all the interest due to date . Itwould be interesting to know whetherthe property on which the mortgagewas held was the estate of Roger Corham, where the Silkstead School was established *


The purposes of Richard Spencer's legacy were:

1) To increase the salary of the Winchester incumbent

(2) For Masses to be said for the Benefactorby the six priests nearest to Barton Stacy (originally £6)

(3) For the Poor

(4) For apprenticing poor children at Winchester (when there was a balance in hand) ..




(5) For burying the Poor in St. James's Cemetery 10/7

There was also £100 at 4% held by Mrs. Wells on a Bond This seems to be the Bond referred to in Winchester Register A (C.R.S., i, 188), where it is recorded that Mrs. Frances Smith (she was not yet married to Alexander Wells) received this £100 in 1732/3 and engaged to pay 4% annually to Charles Aldridge for his life, and afterwards to the priest at Winchester, for Masses for the Aldridge family Mr. Betts enters the receiptoftwo years' interest in July 1750 , from which we may surmise that Charles Aldridge died circa 1748. Mrs. Wells herselfdied in 1756. No further mention is made of any interest In 1758 John Betts paid 1/9 for the Bond, but gives no reason for doing so The Rev. Peter Brownecame to Winchesterin December 1773" to recover interest on Mrs Wells' Bond," presumably from her nephew, EdwardSheldon, since he received of Mr. Sheldon per Mr. Spearing (the lawyer) three years' interest due in January 1773.

From 1746 the Rev. John Betts also administereda sum of £500 left by the Rev. Robert Hills, alias Hyde, mainly to subsidize priests who cared for groups ofneglected Catholics . The Rev. RobertHillshad left his books to the ClergyLibrary at Winchester, as did other priests of the District, and the legacy made a provision of £2 a year for the Winchesterincumbent to look after the ClergyLibrary. When the Rev. Peter Brownebecame Administrator no paymentsfrom this Fund were shownunless they were included in the dividends for theHants Fund It is rather curiousto note that the total of the Fundsadminis* Or has it some connexion with the mortgage of William Holman and the securitiesgivenby John Betts, as mentionedin the Minutes ofthe Consults of the Old Brotherhood ?

See C.R.S., xlii, 6

Thereare books there which belonged to, amongothers, RogerCorham, the Revv . Augustine Taylor, John Churcher, Bonaventure Codrington, William Bernard, Edward Hunt, John Route, Edward Coffin, as well as to the following asyet unidentifiedpriests: EllisWarham, Edmund Moreand William Woodiate.

tered by the Rev. John Betts was £1,773 13s Od. It may bea mere accident that the figure shown by the Rev. Peter Brownein 1792 was £1,773 13s. 6d., but it does raise a suspicion that he allocated the entireHillsFund toWinchesterand also that the capital of Mrs.Wells's Bond had been spent.

The first mention of the Hampshire and Havant Funds in the Ledgerapart from the Rev. John Betts's entries in 1760 on slips of paper, now pasted on the inside coversis made by the Rev. Peter Browne in 1770after the deathof the Rev. John Betts It is apparent that the latter had left £100 to the Hampshire Fund. He himself no doubt had kept the Hampshire Fund accounts in another ledger The Havant Fund evidently descends from a separate source It may possiblybe connected with the Caryll legacy * The Hampshire Fund still exists and is now known as The HampshireSecular Clergy Fund (vulgoThe HampshireHog), andthis Fundstill pays a separate dividend to the Havant incumbent, apart from the ordinary dividends to its members The only other Fund mentionedin the Ledger is theShort Fund which pays out 5/9 ayear (save the 5/3 paid in one year, possibly by mistake), evidently honoraria for masses for the Short family.

A transcript of the Rules of the Hampshire Fund, of Donations to the Fund and of Resolutions passed by the Hampshire Clergy, is given beforethe Ledger. These are the earliest known references to the Fund.

From at least 1796 the incumbent ofBrockhampton (Havant), the Rev. Richard Southworth, was the Administrator of the Hampshire and Havant Funds until his death in 1817. He kept his accounts in hisownledger, thefirst pages ofwhich are devotedto these two Funds. Thereafterthe accounts are interwoven with those of the Mission. It was not possible therefore to publish his details of the Hampshireand Havant funds in this volume. They must be consulted in a subsequent volume which will contain the Brockhampton Registers and Records.

Since entries in this Register deal with places which are now lost centres of the Faith, it may be as well to give some accountof these lost centres here

Sherfield English. This is a village some five miles from Romsey , on the Salisbury Road The manorofSherfield English was purchased from Henry Ringwood byLionel Tichbornein 1567. Lionel was brother to Peter and Nicholas , who both died in prison for the Faith The intimate connexion of Nicholas with St. James's cemetery in Winchester has been already told (C.R.S., xlii, 145 sqq ). In Elizabeth's early days Lionel appears to have resided in Salisbury and to have conformed to the Establishment, for in 1568 the churchwardens ofSt. Thomas's in that city were " Lyonel Tycheborne and Giles Thorneburye, who received towards makyngeof ye neworgaynes as appearth by a byll, £7 . 13. 5." Moreover, his son, Henry, who went to Rheims in 1583 , was described as of the diocese of Salisbury. He became a Jesuit and died Minister of the Jesuit College in Sevillein 1606 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 779) Lionel became reconciled to the Church and suffered in consequence His name is givenin the Recusants' Exchequer Rolls of 1592/3 and his residence as Sherfield English His other sons

* See Introductionto the Brockhampton Registers, C.R.S., xliv, 2.

The details are based upon theMSS ofthe Rt. Rev. John HenryKing, Bishop of Portsmouth.


were Roger, Michael, and possibly Francis * He appears to have died before 1596, for at Whitsuntide in that year Mass was said by the future martyr, (Ven ) Thomas Tichborne (+Tyburn, 20 April 1602), in Mr. Roger Tichborne'shouse at which "old Mrs Tichborne , " Francis TichborneandWilliam Ringwoodwere present, but not Roger (C.R.S., v, 361) From which it appears that Mass was saidat Sherfield English but that the authorities were unsuccessful in tryingto ensnare the master of the house, Roger The Third Douay Diary (C.R.S.,x, 84) records the arrival from Seville, in April 1605 , of Simon Tichborne . He was sent home after a fortnight Who was this Simon? The Victoria County History ofHampshiregives the date ofRoger's death as 1620. He was succeeded by his brother Michael, who sold Sherfield English to Bartholomew Smith in 1629, though he and his familyremainedonas tenants The" sale " mayhave beenanaccommodation, to block the incidence of the Penal Laws. Brother Henry Foley, S.J. (Records S.J., v, 820) tells us Michael Tichborne married Margaret Smith, and that their son Henry, born about 1632 , went to the English College, Rome, togetherwith AugustineHill of Farehamthe future Franciscan Chaplain at Tichborne House (cf. Foley, vi, 375-6; C.R.S. , xl, 43)-on 14 November 1649, as a convictor among the scholars , and left 7 April 1652. Henry Tichbornein Romestated that his father was wounded by robbers and died after his return to England on 26 December 1645. This helps us to understand the quotation in Oxfordshire Post-Reformation Missions (p 289): 30 June 1652 BartholomewSmith of the Soke, Winchester , " being entitled to the farm of Sherfield English for 70 years, complains that Michael Tichborne(lessee thereoffrom WilliamSmith, Bartholomew'sbrother)* who is dead and left a wife supposed to be a recusant , the County Committee have sequestered it for her recusancy . "

Henry Tichborne also mentioned his two brothers and his two sisters . One ofthese brotherswas Michael, whomarriedMary Catherine Kempe, daughterofHenry Kempe ofSlindon, Sussex, andAnneKempe (née Coope) of Hampshire. Mary Catherine Kempe was born in 1619 , was described as" wife andwidow of Mr. Michell Titchborne ofShernill in hampsheere" whenshe was clothedas a Benedictinenun at Pontoise 12 January 1677. She was professed 16 January 1678 , anddied20May 1689 (C.R.S., xvii, 304). "Shernill' is Sherfield , also called 'Shervile' in the ChapterList mentionedbelow MichaelTichbornewas obviously dead before 1677. Their son, Michael, married Mary MagdalenRoper, daughter of John Roper of North Court, Kent. This couple had at least three sonsWilliam, Joseph and Benjamin This MichaelTichborne must have died before 1692 since the Old Chapterlist of priests in Hampshire in that year shows a Jesuit as living with Mr. William Tichborne " at Shervile" (C.R.S., iv, 108) It is William, too, who makes the return for the property at Sherfield in 1715 (Estcourt and * The relationship of Francis is uncertain He went to Valladolid. The entry in the Register of the College runs, " Francis Tichborne of the diocese of Winchester was admitted to this College 30 May1604: being madea priest he was sent to England " (C.R.S., xxx, 84). He was then twenty, had been born in Winchester of noble and Catholic parentage and had always lived in the bosom of the Church He had been at St. Omer since 1601. He went on the Mission in 1608. If he was born circa 1584 and went to St. Omer in 1601 on his father's advice, he could scarcely be Lionel's son , nor Nicholas's of Hartley Maudit He may have been Roger's son . The parentheses have been inserted to make the meaning clear .



Payne, English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715, p 239) In this return he mentionshis two brothers Joseph and Benjamin. Michael's widow (Mary Magdalen Roper) was still alive in 1715 (Eng Cath. Nonjurors, p. 232). The Old Chapterdocument does not name the Jesuit Father who was chaplain there in 1692. Brother Foley says that there was a Jesuit there in 1707 , but does not give his name: "William Tichborne , Esq., has one of ours, who has £10 : 00 per annum, as follows: Mrs Tichborne , widow, allows him £5; Mrs Hants' allows £5 : 10. Note the manner how: Mr Moore, then at Shirefield, bought for Mr Tichborne, as I suppose, some land in Shirefield or thereabouts ofMr White, then living at Brimore, and he laid down for the same £110 . Now Mr T. pays to the gentlemanthere the interest of the above capital, £10 . 10 per annum instead of paying it into 'Mrs Hants'' hands (Foley, Records S.J., v, 815n). The meaning of this passage is not altogether clear, but the complaint seems to be that the ten guineas should be paid to 'Mrs Hants'that is to the Jesuit Districtwhence we may infer that the capital was paid by the Jesuits and that Mr. Moore was a Jesuit. If this is so , it is possible that Mr. Mooreis the alias ofthe Rev. John Vaudry, S.J. (alias More), a native of Chichester , born 1658 , who was a missioner in England in 1690 and served the Hants District for many years. He died 19 October 1725, probably in the same District (Foley, vii , 794-5) Moreover, we may presume that he was chaplain at Sherfield before 1707. "

A list of Jesuit addresses (C.R.S., xiii, 160 sqq.) gives the names of two chaplains-(p 185 , No. 128) Richard Meredith, S.J., and (p. 186 , No. 154) MichaelDean, S.J., "atMrsTichburnsatShirefield byRumsey bagg, Hampshire" The Rev. Richard Meredith, S.J., was there circa 1724 (Foley, vii, 502), and must have been there till 1727 when the List of Addresses was begun (see C.R.S., xiii, 60). He was a native of London, born in 1696. He died at St. Omer 26 October 1754. The Rev.MichaelDean, S.J., was born at St. Germain's29 September 1696 , and entered the Society 7 September 1714. He was at Sherfield at some time between 1727 and 1734 , the period covered by the Listof Addresses, and obviously followed the Rev. Richard Meredith, whose name has been cancelled and the Rev. Michael Dean's insertedin the same List He died at Watten 8 July 1760 (Foley, vii, 198).

Inthe ListofAddresses there are three Jesuits named Tichborneall, accordingto Foley, born in Hampshire The Rev. John Hermenegild Tichborne (C.R.S., xiii, 171 , No. 11) was the brother ofSir Henry Joseph, whom he succeeded as fifth baronet in 1743 (Foley, vii, 779) He was in the Hants District in 1716. The other two seem to belong to the Sherfield branch, possibly sons of William The Rev. Michael Tichborne , born in 1692, entered the Society in 1712 and died 4 July 1751 (Foley, vii, 780) The Rev. John Tichborne , junior, born in 1694 , entered the Societywith Michael in 1712 (or later in 1714) He served in the Hants Districtfor some years, at Southend and at Padwell. He died 20 April 1772 (Foley, vii, 779).

In 1741 , on 9 July, Bishop Challonervisited Sherfield , which he calls" Sherwell" (see E. H. Burton, LifeandTimes ofBishopChalloner , * Benjamin married Elizabeth Sturdyand was living in Southampton in 1725 (cf. C.R.S., xlii, 126) Their son Michael went to the English College, Rome, 21 July 1753 , and was ordained priest 31 March 1759 (cf. C.R.S. , xl, 209)

The name given to the St. Thomas of Canterbury College or Jesuit District of Hants, Wilts, Sussex and Dorset.

i, facing p. 148), a name Canon Burton could not identify apparently (see ibid., pp. 156-7). There was a congregationof fiftyof whom twenty-threewere confirmedundera priestnamed Martin. Ithas been suggested that this was Fr. Gregory Martin, O.S.F. It was more probably the John Martin in this Hampshire Ledger, a priest as yet unidentified, but who, it is now fairly certain, was not the Gosport John Martin (see C.R.S., xlii, 9) He was at Sherfield from at least 1741 to circa 1760, as the Ledgershows. His successorwas a Franciscan , the Rev. Joseph Hickins. He had come on the English Mission in 1732 , but returned to Aire as confessor to the nuns in 1740 and Bruges in 1741. In 1758 heis said to be at Sherfield (Thaddeus, Franciscans in England, p. 252): "TheincumbentofShirefield was chieflymaintained byMrHolman's legacy forthe Missionaryservingthe poorin Hampshire . In connection with this Fund, fifty-two Masses had to be discharged annually Hehadalso anallowance ofMr Sheldon forserving Shirefield: of Mr Betts for serving Bishop's Waltham: and of Mr Young § for serving Stockbridge The father who was in residence here had also to attend to the spiritual needs of Catholics at Barton Stacey, Uphusborn[now Hurstbourne Tarrant] Basingstoke andWhitchurch , in case there was no other priest available for duty in those parts " (Ibid., p 178)

The Ledgerfixes the time ofthe Rev. Joseph Hickins'schaplaincy. He was paid for attendance at Longwood until the close of 1761. Thereafter the priest at Winchester took over the obligation and the remuneration.

It is possible that the Rev. Richard Prescottand the Rev. Robert Tommins (cf. C.R.S., xlii, 9) were at Sherfield . They both laboured in Hampshire and were members of the Clergy Fund The former was paid a dividend in 1772, which meant that he had been resident in the county for some time (he baptized twice in Winchester in 1768 andonce in 1771) since therule was, andis, that members'firstdividends were not paid to them but accredited towards their entrance fee of £5. Hence the £1 17s 4d which Richard Prescott received in May 1772 was evidently the remainderof a dividendafter his £5 had been creditedfor that year. In the previous year, 1771, the Rev. Robert Tommins received £2 15s Od . from the Fund, which shows him to havebeen alreadyworking in the county for some time. Unfortunately these payments from the Fund are the Rev. Peter Browne's first allusions to it; the Rev. J. P. Betts records nopayments Possibly they were kept in a different ledger.

"In 1740 SirWm Holman, Knight, left£400forthe supportofamissionary of the Order in England, in whatever place it might be thought most expedient" (Thaddeus , Franciscansin England, p 96) William Holman of Warkworthmarried MaryWells andlived at Longwood He diedin 1740 .

The Manor of Sherfield English had devolved upon Alexander Wells in virtue of his marriage with Frances Smith (see C.R.S. , xlii, p xii) When he died s.p. in 1753 it was inherited by the son of AnastasiaSmith, who had married William Sheldon Edward Sheldon was, therefore, helping to maintain a chaplain for the benefit ofhis tenantry

Mr. Betts's contribution was from the Robert Hills's fund See the Ledger infra, pp. 50-63.

§ Mr. Young has not been identified, unless it was that the Young family of Whatcombe, Berks, had an interest in Stockbridge, which was , asitstill is, a horse-training centre

It is interesting to note that the Franciscan Father was supposed to attend to Catholics right across the northern and westernparts ofthecounty.


Sherfield is mentioned in Bishop Challoner's Report to Romein 1773 , but is omitted from Bishop Talbot's in 1786. Edward Sheldon sold the manor to John Ingram Lockhart in 1785 and presumably Ichabod was written across the Mission of Sherfield English * Longwood

There are references in the Ledger to the congregation around Longwood , Upham and Bishop's Waltham Bishop's Waltham lies to the south-east of Winchester; Longwoodis in the parish of Owslebury, five miles east-south-east of Winchesterbetween the Petersfield Road and the old Portsmouth Road Upham is about two and a half miles north-west of Bishop's Waltham and almost midway between Bishop's Waltham and Longwood

There was a Longwood House , known now as Longwoodand now as Rosehill, and a Longwood Warren and Lodge, on the borders of Owslebury and Morestead (Victoria County History of Hampshire , iii, 334; Rev. T. C. Wilks, History of Hampshire , ii, 91-2)

Longwood is first mentionedin February 1583-"Mr Tichborne, of Porchester , now residing at Longwood, receivethAskew , Fisher ,§ Yong, Gardiner, ** Somerfield " The spy, Thomas Dodwell, also gave similar information-"M Tichbourne, sometimes of Porchester , who remaining at Ronge-wood, receiveth Askew, Fysher, Younge, Gardiner, and any other Seminary priest that comes. He being at London, M Fortescue brought thither Somerfield , his three sisters being the receivers (Foley, Records S.J., vi, 720, 724). "

In 1605 § § Bishop Thomas Bilsongranteda lease of the Warren and Lodge of Longwood to William Brock , for three lives (self, wife Anne and daughter Elizabeth), at a yearly rental of £9 6s 8d In Duthy's Sketches ofHampshire(pp 340-1) we read of " William Brock

* The Mass has returned to the neighbourhood The SistersofNazareth House took MelchettCourt when their Southampton House was destroyed in the 1939-45 War

* PeterTichborne, son ofHenry, 4th son ofJohn Tichborneof Tichborne Henrywasusually referred to as Henryof Owsleburyor ofLongwood. Peter died in prison for the Faith

Alias of the Ven Robert Nutter, brother of Blessed John Nutter. Robert was of the diocese of Chester, ordained at Rheims 1581; prisoner in the Tower Feb. 1584 , twice tortured ; exiled 1585 , returned; prisonerin the Marshalsea 1587-8and at Wisbech 1587-1600 ; escaped, taken in Lancashire , martyred in Lancashire 26 July 1600.

§ Or Finch, alias of Robert Holmes; died in prison.

Alias of the Ven John Adams of the diocese of Gloucester , ordained 1580; exiled 1585; returned; martyred at Tyburn 8 October 1586 .

** James Gardiner of the diocese of Chester , ordained 1582; cameon the Mission with Adams; arrested in Winchester before 3 March 1585 , and sent to London

Alias of Henry Holland, of the diocese of Worcester. Ordained 1580; came on the Mission1582;went abroad; was Professor of Theologyat Anchine Monastery near Douay, where he died 25 September 1625


Anthony Fortescue of Racton

§ In 1606 Sir Thomas Clerke sold the manor of Merdon [in the parish of Hursley, which parish is mentioned in the Ledger] with the rest of his property to William Brock When the latter died in 1618, his only child , Elizabeth, was a minor, and Sir Thomas Savage and Sir Richard Tichborne were named as her guardians When Elizabeth married Sir John Arundell he became lord of the manor (Vic Co. Hist of Hampshire, iii, 419)


Esq., of whom it is only known that he lived at Longwoodand was reputeda greatlawyer " William Brock (or Brooke) hasnot beenidentified (cf. C.R.S., xlii, 153 , note 14) In the Arundell Pedigrees (privately printed) he is described as " WilliamBrock ofthe County ofCheshire " He married Ann, daughter of Sir Benjamin Tichborne, and had the one daughtermentionedabove, Elizabeth. In 1626 Elizabeth married Sir John Arundell of Lanherne , son of the 13th Sir John by Anne, daughterofSir Henry Jerningham. Her husband sold Hursley in 1630 and himself died in November 1646. Elizabeth survived him for many years and lived at Longwood

During the Commonwealth shesuffered by confiscation (cf. Calendar for Compounding Estates, vol iii) She braved the Penal Laws by maintaining a chaplain at Longwood The names of only three are known to us because they happened to die there. They were (1) the Rev. William Palmer, O.S.B. Foley gives him as a Missioner in Hampshire circa 1632-3(Records S.J., iii, 266), while Dom Weldon (Chronological Notes) gives an Obituary of him: " At Longwoodin Hampshiredied R. F. William Palmer professed in Italy, a man of great learning and rare perfection and of long and faithful laboursin the Mission, May 31 , 1655." (2) The Rev. William Rudge, a Discalced Carmelite He was born at Nimpton in Devonshire , about May 1623, the son of Michael Rudge, alias Leigh, and Anne (Dowrick). He had lived mostly in Surrey with his parents. He left Englandin 1639 and studiedat St. Omer, going thence to the English College in Rome on 1 November 1642, where his alias was Dowrick. He was ordainedpriest 8 December 1647 , and leftthe College tojointhe Discalced Carmelites 27 April 1648 (Foley, Records S.J. , vi, 357; C.R.S. xl, 28) He spent his last two years at Longwood, died there on 28 December 1664, and was buried in St. James's Cemetery, Winchester , where the name on his stone is given as John Riglei (cf. C.R.S. , xlii, 152 , M.I. No. 6). (3) The Rev. Robert Robinson, O.S.B. Ofhim Weldon says (op. cit ) " At Longwoodin Hampshire, aged 66, on the 6th of August 1667 died R. F. Paul, otherwise Robert Robinson , descendedofa noble family, a famous lawyer before he come to religion, a finelyspoken man and very polite in all respects In applying himself to religion and to holy studies, he became a famous preacher,

An action of trespass, Brock v Spencer, was brought in the eighth year of James I. The question turned upon what customary rights copyholders had "in a close called Newlands, in Hursley " The defendant's plea was " that Newlands was customary lands of the manor of Marden [Merdon], in the parish of Hursley aforesaid And that there is a custom within the saidmanor of Mardenthat the copyholdtenants ofthe same tenementsmight fell timber, &c. " The plaintiff successfully traversed the custom. Brock's death Spencer brought a writ of error against Sir Thomas Savage and other ofthe plaintiff'sexecutors (Rev. T. C. Wilks, Hist of Hampshire, i, 417n) Hursley and Richard Spencer both figure in the Ledger

After Cranbury, a copyhold held of the manor of Merdon, also passed in the early seventeenth century from Sir Thomas Clerke to William Brock of Longwood(Rev. T. C. Wilks, op cit , ii, 95-7) Cranbury afterwardsdescended to Roger Corham (see C.R.S. , xlii, 1 sqq)

* Yet Longwood Warren and Lodge were sold to Thomas Hussey and his heirs in 1648 (Vic Co. Hist of Hampshire, iii, 334) Is it possiblethat Elizabeth lived at Longwood House?

There is evidence that in 1640 or 1641 , and probably for some years before and after, Dom Leander Prichard, O.S.B., and possibly two or more other Benedictines , were in Hampshire, though whereis notstated (cf. C.R.S. , xxxiii, 151 , 153).

passed Doctor in Divinity, was made Cathedral Prior of Ely, chosen President and was designed by King Charles II for one of those who were to have accompanied him, if Sir George Booth's undertakinghad succeeded. " His stone, now vanished, was visible in Milner's days, who described him as Chaplain to Queen Catherine (C.R.S., xlii, 97). Lady Elizabeth Arundell was a Convicted Recusant of 1663/4 She was buried in Winchester (C.R.S., xlii, 153 , M.I. No. 14), but no date is given for her death At her death the Mass centre at Longwood presumably disappeared.

No more is heard of Longwooduntil the next century, when , as the Hampshire Ledger shows, it was again a Mass centre William Holman of Warkworth Manor, near Banbury, rented Longwood. Was it LongwoodHouse which was his residence ? The House was in the possession of George, 1st Lord Carpenter , until his death in 1731 (Rev. T. C. Wilks, Hist. of Hampshire , ii, 91), but the succeeding residents' names are not given William Holmandied in 1740 , but an entry of John Betts (see infra, p 24) makes it clear thatfor some time before Mr. Holman's death Mass was said at Longwood . After Mr. Holman'sdeathit is possible that the Rev. Robert Hills, being a" riding missionary , " paid special attention to this abandoned flock. At all events he left a legacy of £500 from which the Hants Clergywere to be paid for attendanceupon " families or persons not otherwisesufficiently taken care of, " and the first payment from the legacy wasfor Longwood , to the Rev.John Martin on LadyDay 1747. The payment was continuedto this priest until 1759, when the Franciscan Chaplain atSherfield English, the Rev.Joseph Hickins,assumed theresponsibility. In 1761 the Winchester incumbent, the Rev. Patrick Savage (alias Grace), accepted the obligation of this congregation , which continued to be served from Winchester till at least 1845, after which date no accounts are extant


Transcribed from MSS . in the Old Brotherhood Archives bythe Rt. Rev. John Henry King, Bishop of Portsmouth Proposalls & Constitutions to be made & agreed upon by the Clergy off the District of Hant-shire concerning the Fund &

* Married toMaryWells.

Transcribed from a copy made by the Rev. Bonaventure Codrington in 1694. Thereis an earlier MS copy dated 3 November 1683 , withoutsignature, and ending with a motto which occurs in some of the Clergy Books in the Library in St. Peter's Presbytery: "Laus Deo atque Deipară Virgini ffinis coronat opus " The two copies are identical save for the addition, made by the Rev. Bonaventure Codrington, of " (V.G.)" after each mention of the Archdeacon . Inthe earlier copy there follows the Decree (in Latin) ofthe Vicar Apostolic, dated 31 December 1685, concerning Feastdays This is one of several MSS newly bound up in half morocco entitled "Obituaryof Priests, TwyfordSchool Rules, and others" (see C.R.S. , xii, 1).

Throughout this transcription contractionsand abbreviationshavebeen expanded (e.g., intheMS . " ye" is everywhere writtenfor" the "), in accordance with the rules of the C.R.S. Council

Regulation of the said District

Chapter 1st

Off the necessitye & Benefitt of a Fund

It was without doubt the inspirations of the Holy Ghost& an admirable effect of that vehement fire of devine [sic] Love which he had newly kindled in the hearts of those primitive Xtians, that moved them to doe what is recorded Acts 2 verse 44& 45. "All they alsoe that believed were together& had all thingscommon,theirpossessions & substancethey sold &devided them to all, according as everyone had need"

And again somewhat more at larg Chapt 4thfrom_verse the 32d " And the multitude of believers had one heart & one soul neitherdid any one say that ought was his own of all those things which he possessed " & verse 34 " For neither was any one needy among them for as many as were owners of Lands & houses sold them & brought the prices of those things which they sold & layd it before the feet of the Apostles & to every one wasdevided according as every one had need . " And it is highlyobservable which follows verse 36 " And Joseph who was surnamed ofthe Apostles Barnabas which is by interpretation the son of Consolation, a Levite a Cyprian born, whereas he had a piece of land , sold it&broughttheprice & layditbeforethefeet ofthe Apostles. " Joseph a Levite of the old Law, designed by the Holy Ghost for a priest, a Bishop & an Apostle of the Law of Grace (not improbably syrnamed by the Apostles for his eminent zeal & charitye, Barnabas, that is, the son of consolation) is sett downasthefirst & leading Example of so excellent & devine a worke, to teach the Priests & Ministers of Jesus Christ how free & forward they ought to shew themselves by giving examples to the Laytyein works of publick Charity.

Now althoughthis holy ceconomywas not under precept, but only of Counsell & voluntary, yet was it marvelously conducing to the state of a begining Church, oppressed, persecuted, & strangled under by the powers of this world For by this means (besides the perfect leaving all to follow with less incumbrance & more expedition Jesus Christ) were layd the foundations of humilitye, upon which the Church of Christ is built & by which it is always advanced; unity was nourished and strengthned , mutuall Charity practised & maintaynd, the necessity as well Churchmen as Laymen were plentifully relieved, the piety ofthe rich exercisd , their merit augmented, & finally all encouraged so muchthemoreboldly & confidentlyto profess the faith of Jesus Christ, & to suffer persecution for the same, by how muchthe lessthey feardto fayle of the assistancesof theirbrethren oftheir relief

This the devine penman St Luke insinuates in the place above cited v 33 "And with great power did the Apostles give testi-

monye ofthe Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord & greatgrace was in themall." To which by way of reasonhee adds imediately "for neither was any one needy amongst the" &c ., & the rest which is above rehearsed Soe excellent & devine an Invention was it to have a Fund & common treasure by which soe many admirableeffects were produced.

Thestate & conditions of English Catholicks in manythings resembles that of the primitive Christians, but more espeacially dos ours, the Clergy, who on the one side lye under the Rod of still threatning persecutions which oftentymsfall heavy upon us , & on the other side are destitute of Church patrymonys, as the Apostles & primitive Bishops & Clergy were But in this case we resemble them not, that for want of raising common stocks & setling commentreasuresin our respective provinces &Countrys, as was continually done by the primitive Christians till the time ofConstantine (even after theApostolicklivingin common ceased , witness many ancient Canonsforthe regulatingthereof) Isay,for want of such a common treasure wee have noe certayn way of relieving the necessitys of the Brethren but are even driven to seek itt just when the extremitye pinches, & like improvident people are often for this cause exposd to great wants.

Butfrom hencearrisesyet a greater evill, whichis,thatthere being noe common stock or fund out ofwhich a ready provision may be made for the needy, divers Priests who have not a competent allowance from some particular family, nor any temporall patrimony of their own, are forced to undertakelarge districts for a subsistance, whereby they have very little leisure to attend to their own improvementby study and contemplation , neither can they soe frequently visitt theirflocks, nor attend soe fully to their spirituall comfort & improvement as otherwise they might doe; if, where their subsistances are smallfrom the Laity they might be supplyd out of the Common . Let it be considered , whether a more regular & learned Clergy, & a better, more instructed & virtuous Laity might not be hoped for if these evills were thusremoved ? A naturall consequenceto theformeristhat ill applyed & anti-apostolicall principle of self provision, which causing to much solicitude for the future, fearingwant in old age, is thebane ofthepublick good & renders us oftheClergy especially weak & inconsiderable in ourselves & less regarded nay even contemptible to others

All these evills would by a Fund be redressed, by whichmore Priests in every County would be maintayned, their externall labors lessened, their internall retreatsmore frequent: all people, the poor espeacially in all places whateverwould be more duely observed , every Priest be competently provided for , nor would there be any cause for fear of want in old age

It must be considered that the care which has been continuallytakenby both Priests & Laity for the maintenance &support of Colledges beyond seas is highly laudable & ought to be still

withgreat zeal continued, for they are Nurseries &, as I may say , Market-places which supplyour Country withdevine labourers in God's Vineyard: but indeed wee have been & are yet wanting in our own to maintain & support such as are or might be sent to our support and assistance out of the Colledges; which being att present by the bounty of his Holyness, the liberality of Catholick Princes, the charity of eminent Prelates & by the donation of divers personsof the best quality in our Countryindifferently well endowed; it is high tyme for us to begin to shew & practice at least an equall care howto maintayn a great number of labourers att home, it being no less heroick & worthy of our due consideration to preserve, provide for & encrease the number of labourers here, than it is to prepare & bring them up for that holy end abroad

To conclude, in consequence to what has been already alledged, it ought to be a most evident argument to us thebrethren of this district & to the Clergy of every district throughout this distressed nation, of the absolute necessity of having a Fund or Common Stock, to consider that noe society or congregation of men whetherecclesiasticall or merely temporall or civill, dos or can subsist in the natureof a Communitywell cemented & united without some deposition or common stock, as weeplaynly see by the example of Christ himself, & his disciples, who had a common purse or stock to supply their necessitys, & alsoe by the practice of the holy Apostles & the first Christians . For as eachindividuall person cannot support himselfin this world without a livelyhood which consists in some temporall being or estate more or less: soeneither can a community, as it is a body politick, preserve it self without the providentiall care of providing some being or estate more or less belonging to it Without this we are not, nor can not be said to be one well compacted body whose nerves are properly the estate by which it subsists; but only soe manyparticular personswho attend eachto his own interest& selfpreservation; or at least a body without nerves, sinews or bones , weak , yielding & winding every way & in fine not able to stand upon its legs.

Itis therefore without doubtnot only exceeding commendable but absolutelynecessary to the being & well being of the Clergy to imitate, as far as is consistant with our present condition,that most wise providence & conduct of Jesus Christ, his Apostles & primitive Christians, whichcannot be (as thestateofour condition now stands) more closely followed than by raysing&establishing a Fund or Common Stock, whereby wee may be able to support one anotherin tyme of need & att all other times to have where withallto promotethe publick good & advance ofthis ourdistrict It is very obvious how many evils will be thus providedagainst: how many good effects will naturally ensue : how many Religious people of the Laity will be by our example greatly incited & encouraged to have a part & share in the merit of soe excellent & good a work

Chapterthe 2d Off

The means how to raise a Fund

That therefore a Fund may be begun & established to the glory of God & the wellfair of the English Clergy in generall & inparticularofthisdistrict ofHantshire, thesefollowingproposalls are made to be agreedupon & determined as Rules &Constitutions amongst us.

1st The first & principal means propos'd is that wee the Brethren ofthis District as a form & example to theLaityshould according to our ability & condition contribute our Quota's towards a Fund, which may be by one these 3 wayesas it best suits to each ones power & good will.

1st by giving a present summ of monye to be payd into the hands ofthe treasurer Or2dly to allow somewhat yearly for such a term of tyme as any one shall willingly oblidge himself to by some present writingunder his hand before competent witnesses, which writing isto be delivered to the treasurer ; Or3dlyto oblidge himselfby Bond orObligatoryBill to give some determinate summ of Mony to the Fund to be payd att his decease whether he live or dye a member of the district or not; upon condition he has remaynd a member thereof some considerable tyme.

The 2d proposall is that to the end something yearly may forthwith be raysed for the supplying such wants as may occur & for the more speedy increase & advance of the Fund, such Brethren as shall choos to give their contribution thereuntoatt their decease in the manner above mentioned, shall be mov'd to pay some contribution as long as they shall be able & remayn members of this district.

3d, that weethe Clergy would use our best & most prudent endeavours with Lay people with whom wee have any interestto exhortthem tocontribute towards the Fund by one ofthe 3ways proposed in the first Paragraph.

4th that if any of the Clergy or Laity shall desire to putt out any summ of Money together with the moneys belonging to the Fund, that the interest may be duely paid them during their lives without libertyto recall theprinciple; if they shallbe willing to give in writing under their hand & seal before competent witnesses, that they give the said moneys after their deaths to the said Fund, their offer shall be accepted & such security shall be given as shall be judgd satisfactory .

5th. that if any Brother shall have any Almes given him in trust to dispose of for pious uses as he shall thinkfitt, not being determined to any pious use in particular, that then he shall apply part thereoff to the said Fund

6tly, that whereas it is to be lamented that the bookes , holy Vessels & Church ornaments of some Clergymen have by their dyingintestate, falleninto the hands of scismaticks & Protestants as their next heirs or else by their wills have been given to Lay

Catholicks who afterwards have little or noe regard to the Clergy, weetheBrethrenofthe Clergy wouldby Will or some due writing under our hand & seal before competent witnesses leav the proprietyatt least of the holy Vessels & Church ornaments of which wee dye owners, unto the district of which wee are members at the tyme of our departure out of this world, or at least to the Secular Clergy of any district where he shall think fitt

And that as to books wee would, by some writing declare that in case wee dye intestate, they shall be understood to belong to the Clergy of that district of which wee are members att the tyme of our decease

7th, that if any Brother shall be entrusted with any Alms to begivenunto anyColledgeor perticularfund ofthe Secular Clergy to the end that this intention of the Donermay not be diverted, he shall forthwith acquaint the Arch: deacon (Vicar G) of the district wherein the said Alms are given, & the Arch-deacon the Ven: Dean: yet the trust ofpaying & distributing the said Almes shall be in him according to the order & will oftheDoner.

8th. that for the better encouragement both of Priests & Laity to contribute towards the raising & establishing a Fund, every Brother in this district shall offer once a month for the Benefactors of the said Fund, & upon notice given of any that shall give a determinate summ, for every 5 each Priest shall offeronce for the Donor, eitherin his life tyme or att his decease , as he himself shall require it.

9th. that each Brother in this district transcribe or procure to be transcribeda copy of all Constitutions agreedupontouching the Fund, as well for his own use as alsoe whereit shall be thought expedient to communicate them to Lay Catholicks, the more efficatiouslyto excite them to contribute to soe holy & excellent a work

Chapter the 3d

Off the management of the Fund.

1st, that none shall have any vote or power in the management of the Fund but such as doe yield canonicall obedience & persever in the same to the Ven: Dean of the Clergy forthe tyme being & to the Bishop when it shall please God to give us one & to the Archdeacon (or Vicar G:) of the District : & moreover who shall oblidge themselves by a writing under their hand & seal (in the manner as it is mentioned C2 para 1) to giveatt least at their deaths some determinatecharity thereunto: or in case they be not able soe to doe, unlessthey promise to endeavour thelawfull & prudent promotion of the Fund in their respective Stations

2ly thattheArch-deacon(V.G.) & Brethrenshall makechoice of a treasurer to stand & continue for 3 years which being expired he may again be chosen, or in his place another as it shall seem fitt to the Arch-deacon (V.G.) & Brethren .

3ly that the Archdeacon (V.G.) shall keep a bookwherein all Charitys, Funds & donations belonging or which may belong to this district shall be registered with the names of the Donors &


procurers, the year, month & day when they were given as alsoe the use for which they were given; that soe the dutys may faithfully perform'd & Benefactors duely remembred

4th, that all moneys, writings, Bonds, Deeds & engagements, as alsoe all CataloguesorInventoryesrelatingto theFundorgoods of theClergyofthis district be deposited into the hands of Treasurer during the tyme of his soe being & att the end thereof shall be delivered up by him to the new Treasurer duly chosen .

5ly that the Treasurer shall keep a book, in which shall be sett down the names of the persons, in whose hands the moneys or goods belonging to the Clergy doe lye, declaring the natureof the security given for them.

6th that the said Treasurer shall keep anotherbook , wherein he shall keep an account of what profitts he receivs out of the Fund & what he disburses as between debitor & creditor.

7th that the said Treasurer shall not place out any moneys without the advice & consent of the Arch-deacon (V.G.) & some other of the Brethren

8th that noe Brother shall lend any goods belonging to the Clergy of the district to any person if they be of the value of20% , but he shall as soon as may be acquaintthe Arch-deacon (V.G.) or Treasurer with it & if need require, procure a note under the hand of the person to whom they are lent & deliver it to the Treasurer.

9th that once a year the said Treasurer shall give up his accounts to the Arch-deacon (V.G.) & some other ofthe Brethren to be nam'd by the Arch-deacon & the said accounts if approved shall be subscribed by their hands

10th that noe moneys shall be disburst out ofthe profitts of the Fund by the Treasurer without the order of the Archdeacon (V.G.) & some other of the Brethren, but that the Fund it self shall not be deminished but by the major part of the votes of all the Brethren

11th That in case any Moneys or goods placed out or lent by due advice, should chance to miscarry or be lost, neither the Treasurer shall be further accountable for them, save only to declare the manner of the loss : But the Arch-deacon, as well as any other officer or other Brother ofthis district shall be accountable to the Ven: Dean & Chapter (sede vacante) for any wilfull miscarriage in the management ofthe Fund, unless in case of any loss of moneys or goods as aforesaid Yet, whateverobligation was undertaken by the Clergy according to the intention ofthe Donor shall be notwithstanding performed as if the donation were still in being.

12. That every Brother shall give in writing to the Archdeaconan account of what Charitys, Funds & Donations are left for the benefitt of the Clergy of this district that they may be registred & be kept by the Arch-deacon (V.G.) in a book for that purpose

13. That furthermore every Brother give a list to the

Treasurer of all utensills, Vessells , ornaments, Books or goods which he knows or can learn to have been left by the Clergy or any other person for the publick & shall also sett down forwhat uses they were given

14 If any Clergyman desires to leave unto the Clergy ofthis District any such goods above mentioned att his decease , that then he would in due tyme secure the gift by somewritingunder his hand& seal before some competent witnesses, leavingalsoein the hands ofthe Treasurer an Inventory of the said goods & where they are to be found

[This section is crossed through in the 1694, but not in the 1683, MS ]

Chapterthe 4th

How the profits arising out of the Fund are to be employed. The issues& profits arising out ofthe Fund shall beemployed

1st for the relief of such priests of the district who, living in canonicall obedience to the Ven: Dean of EnglishClergy (sede vacante) or to the Bishop thereoff when it shall pleaseGod to bless the Clergy with one, & alsoe in obedience to the Archdeacon (V.G.) shall be persecuted or imprisoned or such who by age or sickness are in want, or such who by reason of helping chiefly the poor, have not a competent subsistence.

2ly for the defraying of all publick charges of our meetings, as alsoe for all Letters , Messengers , journeys& all other expences belonging tothe Fundorupon anyotheraccount : of whichcharges att our annual meeting each Brother shall bring in his account.


Ifit shall pleaseGod to raise up such friends to us ,that the Fund come to be considerable & sufficient, that then after the aforesaid necessitys be supplied, the overplus shall be equally devided & be shared amongst the Arch-deacon & Brethren or Lay Catholicks as are under their charge or to their own use as an Almes due for such duties as they are bound to perform for the Donors as it shall seem best to them.

Chapter the 5th

Off the regulation of the district

1st to the end that the whole district may be duelysupplyed & served: & that none may ask spirituall bread without having it given them, each Brother ought carefully to enquire into the parts adjacent to him, what Catholicks want due assistance & help: & if he shall understand that any doe, lett him give notice thereoftotheSuperiors that soe a provision may bemadeforthem.

2ly that wee wouldforthis purpose use our best endeavours to encreasethe number of labourers : 1st by resigning such places as eitherare att toogreat a distancefrom our respective residences , or as wee cannot frequently visitt : 2¹y by exhorting such as are able to give residences to Priests 3ly by promoting with our example, as well as with our friends, the establishing a Fund.

3ly Whereas the regulation of every man's district is very

necessary, it would be exceeding expedient that the whole fraternity would by unanimous consent agree to allott to each a circuit as near as maybe to theirresidences: providednevertheless that the Laity may have their full content & satisfaction in the person who is to have the care of their souls. This therefore is tobeunderstood in our circumstances soe farras it maystandwith grace& good will of the Laity, to whichwee oughtto induce them , as much as in us lyes by prudent persuasions.

4thifanyaggrievancesdoe happen amongst us, ifitbepossible lett them be redressedbetween ourselves, by the interposition of the Arch-deacon & some other prudent Brother, but if by this mean peace cannot be obtayn'd, lett them be referd to the Venerable Dean (sede vacante) But above all things lett all caution be had, that what differences should arise, noe scandal be given, noe complaynts be made, noe appearancesof dissensiondoe break forth by our words & comportment to the Laity.

5th that noe Brother shall enter into, or accept oftheemployment of another without the knowledge, leave & consent of the incumbent & approbation of the Arch-deacon (V.G.) : yea rather shall use his best endeavours with the Penitent or Penitents to continue & preserve the right of the incumbent as farr as may bewith discretion : espeacially if this dismission proceedout ofany unreasonable distaste or dislike in the Penitent

6th that noe Brother administerthe Sacrament of Matrimony to the Penitent or Penitents of another without the knowledge & advice of the incumbent: or if they come newly to be his Penitent or Penitents, without the advice of their last ghostly Father, unless their case & condition be evidently or sufficiently known to him.

7th that every Brother in his respective cure & charge, endeavour that as well as the place appoynted for divine service as alsoe all ornaments belonging thereunto, be decent in themselves & kept with decency & clenlyness though never so mean

8th that every Brother once a quarter or oftner iftherebe occasion acquaint the Superiors by letter with what ever occurs worth giving notice off & they the Brethren as occasion shall require. And because to maintain a mutuall Charity whichwithout some sort of correspondence is apt to grow cold, it will be expedient if once a quarter each Brother without any farther occasion would write to his Superiors & the Superiors to them.

9th That once a year there be a Meeting of all the Brethren , or at least of the Arch-deacon (V.G.), Treasurer & some others oftheDistrict, bothto consult aboutthepromotingofthepublick good, to deliberate upon all arising difficulties, to maintain & strengthen a mutuall charitytoprovidefor all emergent necessityes & to adjust all accounts belonging to the Fund

October the 18 1694

Laus Deo Semper written by B.C. [Bonaventure Codrington]

An Account of what was given & offered bytheArchdeacon & Brethrenattameeting July the 7th 1685 As alsoe by several Brethren since

Mr John Ward, Arch-deacon by Bond to Mr Will: Dormer of Idsworthwhetherhedyesamember ofthisdistrict 11 S D or not att his death promised 50-00-00 And the said Mr John Ward farther promises during his ability to give to the Fund yearly Mr Augustine Taylour July the 8th 1685 gave in hand and afterwards 02 0000 then 10 guineas 10 15 [sic] 0001 -0000 -

Mr John Churcher promised then 1011 pds which he paid in some tyme after & gave 1011 more att his death inall 20 0000 Besides one guinea he then deposited in the hands of the Treasurer All paid 01-00-00

Mr Berry gave then a guinea & promised p.a.

Mr Bona: Codrington promisd 2011 if he dyed a Member of the District & 10 if he did not; 101 of which he has payd in, the other 10 he has given Bond for to Mr Edmund Perkins of Winkton As alsoe during ability per annum 20-00-00 01-00-00

Mr Edward Hunt promisd by Bond to Mr Edmund Perkins if he dy'd a member of the District 2011; if he dy'd out ofitt 1011 20-00-00 01-00-00 as alsoe per an during ability

Mr William Bernard promisd by Bond to Mr Edmund Perkins of Winkton if he dy'd a member of the district 2011; if out of the District 1011 the one 1011 is paid in Alsoe during ability per ansince that

Mr Will: Mathews has given and has promised 20-00-00 01-00-00 05-00-00 05-00-00 more

MrThomas Brown 1691 by Bondto Mr EdwardHunt ofWinkton promised 101 if he dy'd a member of the district: if he dy's out 0511

Also during ability per annum August the 30th 1692 10-00-00 01-00-00

Mr Georg Freeman promised to pay the Fund per annum during ability & aboad in the district

Dr Robert Jones promised to the Fund 01-00-00 Sept the 5th 1694 10-00-00

Mr Nicholas Wilson att the same tyme promised 05-00-00 and also his Library

Mr Francis Perkins att the same tyme promised 15-0000 (this is paid)

The Brethren of this district by a common contribution in the year 1676 gave 10-00-00

Mr John Rigby who dy'd Janu: 6 1683 gave att his death to 10 00-00 this district

There was alsoe given to the Fund 2011 being the money of Mr Walton Priest of the Secular Clergy 20-00-00

An Account of Donations given to the Fund of Hantshire by some Lay Catholicks

October the 1st 1672

John Carryll of Harting Esq gave unto the Secular Clergyof the districts of Sussex & Hantshire the summ of 60011 , with obligation of saying a Mass every first Sunday of the Month or the nearest convenient day thereunto , for the living & deceased of the said family, & of saying Mass on the respective Anniversaries of Sr John Carill 8brethe 5th, the Lady Mary Carrill June the 27: the Lady Phillippa Morley Feb the 7th; the said John Carrill Septemb the 8th; Mrs Catherine Carrill Feb the 2d; with farther obligation of serving the poor in Sussex or Hantsh

Wherefore as far as it concerns this our district of Hantshire, it ought to be our care that upon the decease of Mr John Ward or Mr William Mathews, Mr John Carrill the now present Patron be intreated to nominate for their successors such person or persons as shall help the poor of Hantshire as their Predecessors have done

Sr Henery Tichborn Sept the 20 1682 gave Bond for 2011 tothe Fund 20-00-00

Mr Richard Cotton & his Lady, Feb. 1. 1684/5 gave totheFund 05 00-00

Edmund Perkins Esq May the 1st 1685 gave to the Fund 50-00-00

John Read of Ashley gave to the Fund att his death 05-00-00

Mrs Constance Taylour att her death gave to the Fund 08-00-00

Rules agreedupontaken out of the extracts ofthe Clergye ofEnglandin severall assemblysheld for the better government thereoffin the severall years of our Lord 1653 , 1657 , 1667 , 1672 .

All whichwere confirmed in the generall assemblyheld 1676 & ordered to be communicated to the Brethren by the Superiors of each respective district

1694 Decemb the 24 Mrs Margaret Hunt of Sevington promised to the Fund at her death And alsoe during life per an 1st 2ly 20-00-00 01-00-00

That Superiours & other priests under themoughtmutually to vindicate & stand up for the credit of each other Priests ought to be wary & discreet that they stand not litigiously in defence of one party against another without sufficient cognizance of the cause & hearing both partys'


speak: that they be not forward in resolving doubtfull cases, espeacially when other men's interests are concerned: that they venture not upon practices that may sound ill but take advice from their superiours or some other There ought to be such a correspondenceamongst thoseof everydistrict as may keepthe superiorssufficientlyinformed of the employments of their subjects, as what places they frequent, what places are provided , what unprovided or likely to be soe, what notable alterations have hapned or likely to happen, that if there be any evill towards us it may be prevented

4thly Fraternalladvice is to begiven to all Priests ratherto address themselves to our own Brethren then [than] to Regulars, not only in matters of ordinary advice & communication but espeacially in matters of Sacraments


6ly Priests ought to be wary in their disputes concerning controversy's in cases of conscience before Lay people. The Pope'sBreve concerning holydays is to be observed: viz that thedaysdefested bythat Breve arenotto beesteemed obligatory to be kept, & the new feasts more & more are to be brought into custome; though not to be esteem'd of strict obligationattfirst: by that means an uniformitye will be brought in everywhere by little & little.

7thly The Frydays (& 3 days of Rogation week) between Easter & Ascension are not to be fasted, but observed as days of abstinence

gly gly

Every Clergye Priest is to say a Mass for every Clergye Priest that dyeth as soon as his death is signifyedunto him. Priests are forbidden to censure or intermeddlewith any actions of his Majestye, of any of his Officers of State, but humbly obey & expect Gods & their pleasure

10ly None of our brethren are to mantayn anyopinion,practicall or speculative against the common doctrine & practice of the Church, nor to practice any extravagant cases .

11ly St George Patron of England & St David Patron of Wales are to be observed respectively as duplex majus following ancient costome

12ly A diligent observance of Mentall prayer is to be recommended to all priests, with a due tyme for preparationto Mass & a competent recollection after itt

13ly 14ly 15ly

All Brethrenare to have a great guard over themselves not to give scandall to the Laity by mispending their tyme in drinking, gaming or the like. that if any difference arise among the Brethren they refer themselves to their immediate superiors that the Brethren make frequent exhortations or Catechisticall discourseswhich are extremelynecessary, espeacially amongst the common sort of people. And that the Pax be given in Mass * I.e. no longer to be observed as Feasts .

De Usura

Resolutio quatuor Episcoporum

Utrum abstrahendo a circumstantiisLucri cessantisetdamni emergentis qui dat mutuô pecuniam cum assecurationesortis sub certo lucrov.g. 4, 5, 6 ultra sortem pro centum accipiendo, retentâ facultate repetendae sortis comittat peccatum usurae ?

Setting asideall circumstances of Lucrum cessans & damnum emergens, whetherthe putting out monye upon good securitye for a certayn gain of for example 4, 5, 6 per Cent with a poweroff calling in the principal, be not usurarious ? this proposition being read & considered by all here underwritten was unanimouslyresolved in the affirmative this 1st day of June 1688

*John, Bishop of Adramite V.A.

Bonaventure , Bishop of Madaura V.A.

Phillip Bishop of Aureliople V.A.

§ James Bishop of Callipoly V.A.

Agreed upon that wee the Brethren of this districtdoe mutually engage one to the other to say 3 Masses apiece for each Brother deceasing a member of this district, or that having been a member did contribute to the Fund

Agreed alsoe that noe Brotherofthis district havingacure of souls doe leave his said cure without tymely notice given tothe Archdeacon, that soe by the joyntcare ofthe Archdeacon & the incumbent the cure may becontinued in the Clergy

Agreed thatthe proposalls read in this Assembly withthe corrections made by the suffrages of the Brethren, shall standforgood & be signedbythe handsofall the Brethren present.

Agreed that Mr. Churcher be allow'd 411 yearly for the help of Candover, Frinkley, Amport & Thruxton .

* John Leyburn, Bishop of Adrumetum, cons 9 September 1685. Vicar Apostolic of England untilfour districts were created by Pope Innocent XI, 30 January 1688; he then became 1st V.A. London District

Bonaventure Giffard, cons 22 April 1687; 1st V.A. Midland District until 14 March 1703, when he was translated to the London District

Philip Michael Ellis , O.S.B. , Bishop ofAureliopolis, cons 6 May 1688; 1st V.A. Western District

$ James Smith, BishopofCallipolis, cons. 13 May 1688; 1st V.A.Northern District

According to Benjamin Pitts Caper, A TopographicalDictionary ofthe United Kingdom, London, 1813, Amport was a parish in Andover division , Hants, 5 miles from Andover; Candover Preston was 7 miles from Basing- stoke , Candover Brown was 6 miles from Alton, and Candover Chilton 5 miles from Alton Frinkleyis not mentioned, and the onlyThruxtongiven is , very curiously, a parish in the division of West Medina, Isle of Wight

5ly Agreed alsoe that noneofour Brethren doehereafter marry a Catholickwitha Protestant, unless theProtestantparty do oblidge him (or her) selfe before Competent witnesses, that the Catholickpartyshall peaciblyenjoythe exercise of his or her Religion, & that all the Children bebrought up in the Catholickfaith

Lastly resolv'd by the unanimous consent ofthe whole assembly that it is unlawfull for Catholicks who are first marryed bya Priest , to be again marryed by a Minister, or take a Certificate from him that they were marryed by him.

April 21 1691

1st 2. 3 4

Whether it be lawfull on fastingdays to dress flesh for Protestants without any particular reason v.g. on avisit or the like ?

Resolv'd in the Negative Whether it be lawfull on fasting days to dress meatfor Protestant servants ? Resolved in the Negative Whether it be lawfull to employ Protestant servants to worke upon Holydays? Resolved in the Negative Whether tofulfill the Church precept of sanctifying the Sobaoth itbe sufficient to hear Mass, evensong& Prosne ?

September the 4th 1694

Resolved in the Affirmative [Three leaves blank]

1st 20 Agreed that eating Harts-horn jelly on fasting days benot allowed that eggs are not to be putt in puddings in Lent on those days whereon eggs are not allow'd

September the 5th 1694

Propos'd in the assembly of the Brethren in Hantshirein the presence of Robert Jones D.D. & V: G: Whetherwee the Brethrenshould declare Canonicall Obedience to the Right Revnd Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Adramyte & promise the continuance off it to him & his successors ?

Resolv'd unanimously by all present to declare & promise Canonicall obedience as above propos'd

" Will Mathews Bonaven: Codrington*

Nicolas Wilson

*At Compton in 1692 . Signed

Edward Hunt John Grove

Will Bernard Fran : Perkins

Thomas Brown Thos. Roydon§

At Winktonin 1692. At Silkstead in 1692 § Cf. C.R.S. , xxviii, 9 note . There were four Thomas Roydons The Thomaswho signed the abovein 1694 must be one of the two first mentioned in the note , page 9, C.R.S. , xxviii: (1) ThomasCornforth Roydon, born circa 1652 , ordained about 1676-7; wasChaplain to the Scroopes of Derby in 1693 , and had been 16 or 17 years on the Mission (C.R.S., ix, 111 ) (2) Thomas Roydon, a Professor at Douay on 1 October 1690 , born in York diocese , took the Oath in 1681 , went on the Mission in October 1692 , elected to the Chapter in 1715 , missioner at Dodding Green, Kendal, Westmorland , where he died in 1741.

September the 5th 1694

Propos'd & agreed by common consent to say the Office of the dead & one Mass by each Brother then present for the soul of Will. Tichborn Esq att his death [Last leaf blank ]


Transcribed by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King, Bishop of Portsmouth

This transcript, though unconnected with the Hampshire Secular Clergy Fund, is given here because it was taken from the Old Brotherhood Archives by Bishop Kingat the same time as the Rules .R.E.S .

Catherine Bostock her Book *

my dear fath died the 7 [? 5] day of feb: my dear moth² died the last day of July

MygrandfatherBostockdied the ninth of May, my grandmother died 22 of Xr

my grandfather Stafford died the 23 of March, my unkle Huddleston died the 10 May: my cous Richd Huddleston died the 21 of May. My Bror John died upon Christmas Day: my unkle James Bostock died the 21 of March

My dr Bror James died the 15 of March 1734

My dearest Mr Paston died the 8 of Ocr 1735

My sister Eyre died the 10 of Dec 1741

My deart Bror Doc : Bostock died the 16 of March 1746/7

Dear Mrs Paston of Horton died the 29 of Ocr 1746/7


A book, 1 inches thick, bound in vellum, with leaves 73 inches by 6 inches . It is now at St. Edmund's College, Ware, and is labelled 15. 1. (in ink) 94 (printed) on the front cover, and "St Edmund's College Archives, Miscel.: Vol 14 " on the first page There are 122 leaves now in this book , though leaves 53 and 54 have been pasted together After leaf 64 five leaves have been cut out, or torn out, as has also the last leaf but one The first three pages are plain white paper; the rest are cash-ruled in red, with one red line on theleft for the date, and three on the rightfor cash entries. The first three pages are unnumbered ; page 4 (the first of the cash-ruled) is numbered 1 in ink The numberingis in ink up to page 8; pages 9 to 112 are numbered in pencil After p 112 the numbering(in pencil) is erratic, only the even pages being numbered up to 126 , which is blank (and follows immediately after the five cut-out leaves) Twelve blank pages come

* Cf. C.R.S. , viii, 328, under " Anne Bostock. " By the kindness of the Very Rev. Mgr (now Rt Rev. and Canon) John B. Bagshawe, President of St. Edmund's College, Ware , and of the Rev. N. J. Kelly, D.S.H. , I have been permitted to make the transcript of this Ledger. Iam also very much indebted to the Rev. L. F. Allan, B.A., of St. Edmund's College, who kindly collated the proofs with the original Ledger

next, of which one, p 130 , is numbered The even pages are then numberedagain from p 140 to p 164. Then every tenth page, from 170 to 220 (all blank), is numbered , and the consecutive numbering of the even pages is resumed from p 222 to p 238 (the last but one in the book). The Rev. John Betts's accounts of Peter House, Winchester, begin on page 1 and end on p 16. Pages 17 to 31 are blank. His accounts for the Poor of Winchester begin on p 32 and end on p 44. Pages 45 to 60 are blank Pages 61 and 62 contain the Hursley account ; pages 63 to 80 the Richard Spencer fund accounts Pages 81 to 92 are blank On page 93 John Betts begins the accounts ofthe Robert Hyde fund and ends them on page 125. Pages 126 to 138 are blank The Rev. Peter Browne's accounts begin on p 139, but a footnote, in another hand, observes that the accounts really begin on pp 221 and 237; to follow the chronologicalorder in this transcript seemed the better plan Peter Browne's accounts end onp. 160. Pages 161 to 220 are blank. Pages 221 to 238 contain the beginningof the Rev. Peter Browne's accounts, as observed above.

[At the very top of the front outside cover] Leger Hants

[On a slip of paper pasted to the inside front cover , written sideways, in the Rev. J. P. Betts's hand]

Mr Robt Hills Fund consists of £500 N.S. Sea Annuities the produce whereof he orders to be paid either wholly or in part to such of ye members of the County Fund who shall take care of families or persons not otherwise sufficientlytaken care of: under such obligation yt he or they shall yearly say one Req. M. for his soul so long as he or they shall receive 40s out of ye said produce. He also orders the Administrator of ye Hampshire Fund to Pay 40s ran out of ye produce aforesaid to that person (now Mr Savage) yt has care of ye books he left to ye Hampshire Fund for ye use of ye members of ye saidfund. Out of ye Produce of this fund I pay Mr Savage* £7ran. viz forty shillings for his care ofye books, and £5 for his attendance from time to time at Waltham (where he complains he has only a pewter chalice) on people yt used to go to prayers at Longwood when rented by Mr Holman. ran. Produce of £500 is Paid yearly to Mr Savage

[On the back of the slip ofpaper, written upside down] Oct 26 J.B. Dr to Mr Hill's fund Cr

: 4 : 10%

[On a second slip of paper, pasted to the back of thefirst slip]

Hants St Peters House Winton ..

* See C.R.S. , xlii, 10

These are the totals on 11 August


R.H. Short Hants fund


Mrs Wells's bond

[On a third slip of paper, pasted to the inside front cover]

[sic] 6308 2070 3 5

Since Mr Richard Martin failed [in pencil, in anotherhand, See p. 39 (1757)] the composition money being put into ye New Annuities the several Capitals contained in ye Ledger standthus:

S Peters house A. p 11

Winton Poor B. p. 41 Rd Spencer Rt Hills I have in N. Ann € p 75 D. p 112 formerly 1996 : 10. 6 Lent thereout

Hants funds claim besides Sheldons £100

Feb. 28. 1769

[Page 1 or fly-leaf]

[Page 2 blank.]

[Page 3]


mine 10 : 3:11 April 29, & May 10. 1746 .

John Betts Debtor to St Peters House Winchesterin the followingCapital sums transferred to him by the late Mr Robert Hyde's als Hills' Executors in trust for the Incumbent thereof, for the time being, who is entitled to the annual produce, viz.

The sum of £218 : 14 : 6 NewSouth Sea Annuitiesyielding at 4 cent ann £8 14 : 11

Also of £86 17 : 6 in East India Stock which wassold out and the purchase money being laid out in New South Sea Annuities produced £147 13 0 which raised the former sum to £3667 6 yielding at 4 C an £14 : 13 : 1 :

* The figures in these two items have been altered, which may possibly account for the incorrect totals Probably Mr. J. Gillow's "

In pencil, a 1 has been placedbeforethe 7, a 3 underthe 2 inthe shillings column, and an 0 under the 4 in the pence, thus giving the correct total The correction is probably Mr. J. Gillow's

Also of £66 : 17 : 11 part of £100 secured on a bond ofMr Rich Martin of Barton Stacy at 4 Ct yielding £2 : 13 : 6

[Rest of page, 8 cms , blank ] ann

[Pages 4 and 5, numbered 1 and 2]+ 1


J.B. Dr to S.P. House. A. May

Received £70 : 9 of Mrs Hills infullfor one years dividend on £86 East India Stock SD 17 : 6 7.09

Rec £8 14 11 of ditto for last Midsummer & Xmas dividends on £218 . 14 6 New South Sea Annuities

Recd £2 13 6 of Mr Richd Martin one years Interest on £66 : 17 : 11 due on his bond 26th of March 1746

Augt 29 Recd £7 : 6 : 6 MrWyke for years dividend on £3667 : 6 NewSouth Sea Ann due at Midsumm² 1746

Feb. 16 Recd£7 : 6 : 6 ditto last Xmasdivi1747 Sept™ dend on ditto :

Recd £2 13 0 for a years Interestdue from Mr Martin about last Lady-day Rec £76 6 Mr Wyke for last Midsum dividend on £366 : 7 : 6 &c Feb. 10 Recd £766ditto last Xmas


dividend on ditto

Mar. 30 Recd £2 : 130 for a years Interest due from Mr Martin 26th Instant :2136

53.2 4 2§

N.B. The last paragraph in the lateMr Hyde's account book relating to St Peters House is: " April 20 1745. " Settled accounts with Mr Shaw " (the Incumbent) this 20th day ofApril 1745 " when thereremained due toRobtHyde " £1 10 2 "-This was paid to Mr Shepperd for the use of Mrs Hills by John Betts Credr

* A farmer. See above, p. 2

To avoid confusion, it will be better to adopt the pagination given in the Ledger. These two items of £2 13. 0 are carried into the columns as £2 13. 6 (the right figure).

§ In theLedger the Debitaccounts, on the odd pages, face the Credit accounts , on the even pages. In this transcriptthe pages are madeto follow . See C.R.S. , xlii, 6

May 5

Oct 20 11


Feb 18

Also allowed her £10 : 100 as paid Mr Shaw since her Brother's decease

Paid £10 10 : 0 to Mr Shaw in part of arrears due to him on his own account and for the Poor of Winchester

Paid £7 10 : 0 to ditto in part of ditto

Paid £2 13 5 in full for charges attending the surrender by Mr Hydes Execrs of the sums that compose the fund for the Incumbent at Winchester aforesaid: as Brocage, postage; &c

Paid £8 :5 : 6 to MrJohnMartin * (2s 3d postage included) which with the former £2 : 13 : 5 makes 7 months Income ordered him by Mr White for attendanceat Winchester(chargesdeducted) over & above his proportion in ye revenue of Hursley unpaid

pp. 3 and 4] 3

Aug. 11

Feb. 9


Recd £7 :6 : 6 Mr Wykeforlast Mids™ dividend for £366 : 7 : 62 ..

Recd ditto last Xmas ditto on do

Rec £2 13 6 of Mr Rd Martin for a years Interest due ye 26th on £66 &c

Recd £7 :6 :6 MrWykelastMidsumm dividend on £366 : 7 : 6

Recd ditto last Xmas ditto on ditto

Recd £2 : 13 : 6 of Mr Rd Martin a years Interest due 26th Instant

Recd £7 6 6 last Mids" dividend on £36676 New Ann

Recd £800 of Mrs Wells in full for 2 years Interest for £100 at 4 Cent due

1. Carried this £103 2 : 1 to Gen. Accot bk Due to me from St Peters House ..

As it appearsbythis account that S Pe- 120 .3 2 -ter's housefund owes me £17 : 1 : 1 , I * See C.R.S. , xlii, 9

The alias of Bishop Benjamin Petre , Vicar Apostolic of the London District 1784-1758 , born 10 Aug. 1672 , died 22 Dec. 1758 .

have paid myselfthe same out of Hills's Fund as appears from p. 200 [rest of the line heavily scored] So that the balance now is nothing.

1747 J.B.

Febr Cr

Brot over

Paid Mr Shaw in part of arrears aforesaid Paid Mr Savage £370 10 in full of his income (Mrs Wells's £4an. included). due from 31 Oct 1746 (ye day of his arrival) to Jan. 31. 1747-8 See Bill-book

Advanced MrSavagehis next Midsummer 7 : 6 : 6 dividend on £366 the New Ann viz 2 : 13 : 6 £7 : 6 : 6 Also a year's Interest on Mr Martin's £66 : 17:11 viz £2 : 13 : 6 10:00 In all




Returned him his last Xmasdividend on ditto, & advanced him a years Interest due on Mr Martin's bond as before Returned his last Midsummer dividendon

Paid Mr Savage £2 136 for yrs Interest due26th Inst. on £66 : 17:11 Also his last Midsum dividend on £366 : 7 : 60 ... 7661

Carried £10 of this sum viz £130 : 3 :21

[sic] (as belonging to the Poor) to their account page 34 & 64: which reduces it to £120 : 3 : 21 which sum I carried to General Accot bk Nov. 1 1750 , as that in ye opposite page [pp. 5 and 6] 5 J.B. Dr to St Peters House

Recd £7661 Mr Wyke last Xmas Dividend on £366 : 7 : 6 .. 1750-1 Feby 1751

Mar. 26 Recd £2 £66 17 13 6 for a years Interest on 11 due at date * This '0' has been superimposedupon a ' 9.' 2 136



Jan 29




Apr 6

August 1754


Recd £6 8:21 infullfor last Midsumm dividend on £3667 63 reduced to 3 Cent from Xmas 1750

Rec £6 : 8 : 2 in full forXmas dividend on ditto at 31 Cent

Recd £2 13 6 for a yrs Interest onMr Martin's bond for 120 due 26th Inst

Recd £6 : 8 :2 forlast Midsum² dividend on £3667 62

Also Xmas ditto ..

Recd £2 13 6 for a yra Int. due on Mr Martins £66 : 17 : 11

Rec £6 8 2 last Mids dividend &c 1753

Febr Also Xmas ditto ..

April Also Mr Martin's Interest as before Augt Also last Mids dividend as before : :

Nov 15 Paid Mr Savage in part of his next half years dividend .. 1751

Feb. Paid him £46 : 6 in full of ditto

March Also £2 : 13 : 6 for a years Interestdue on Mr Martin's £6617 11. 26 Inst O.S. .. Paid Mr Savage his last Midst dividend on £3667 6 at 31 Cent

Augt 1752


Apr. 6

July 1753



Also last Xmas ditto Paid him ₤2 : 13 : 6 due at date Returned him his last Midsum² dividend

Also last Xmas ditto

Aug 19 Also his Midsum dividend 1754

Feb. Also last Xmas ditto

April Paid him MrMartin's Interestdue6thInst Augt Also last Mids™ dividend Paid him a years Interest due 6th Inst from Mr Martin on £66 : 17 : 11 4.6 6 2 13

[pp. 9 and 10] 1759 J.B.

Feby 1760

Feby 1758 9

Carried the 2 articles on ye opposite page to Hyde's account page 110

Recd last Xmasdividend on £366 : 7 : 6

Recd Last Midsummer & Xmasdividends on £3667 6 N.S. Sea Ann at 3Ct

Recd £110 1 in lieu of 2 years Interest (in virtue of Mr Rd Martin's composition) on £66 17 : 11 nowreduced to £24 11 11 in ye New S. Sea Ann ..

N.B. As Mr Hydes fund has supplied the deficiency to the Incumbent, this £1101 is carried to the account thereof page 111.

Recd last midsum & Xmas dividends on £24111 also carried to Mr Hills's fund's account for the above reason-




Part of my charges from Arundel to Petersfield to meet Mr Savage there a little after his arrival at Winchester

Paid 18 9 for Mrs Wells's bond for£100 at 4 Ct recd by ye Incumbent at

St Peter's house 1759

Feb. Paid Mr S. his Xmas dividend &c 1760

Feb: 21 Paid Mr Savagehis last Midsum & Xmas dividends on £366 : 7 : 6 ..

N.B. The 2 sums of £366. 7. 6 & £24 : 111 both nowin the NewSouthSea Annuitiesform aCapitalof £390 : 18 :8 yielding half yearly £5 17 2 at 3 Cent. The first payment due at Midsummer 1760. See the opposite page. :

[pp. 11 and 12] 1760

Augt 11

J.B. Dr to St Peters House

Rec £5 17:21 last midsumгs dividend on £390 18 : 8 N. Ann

5.9 101 10 198

5.9 10 10 19 8 16 15 12 SD B.O ... 16 15 14 5 17 2


13 and 14] 13

Dr to St Peters House

Received £5 17:21 on £390 : 18 : 8 due at Midsum™ 1766


£5 17 2 on ditto due at Xmas 21 on ditto due at Mid-

Paid £5 17 2 to Mr Savage due at Midsummer 1766

This day I agreed with Mr Savages successor pro tempore , Mr Nolan * to allow him a salary of £20an free from all charges on account of taxes & repairs, the former to be divided between the Tenant and the Treasurer or Administrator of ye Fund He was accordingly paid ten pounds for six months expiring the 5th of January 1767 John Betts James

] Paid £5 17 2 to Mr Nolan aforesaid in part of his salary

£5 17 : 21 to my account with St Peters House

8 Recd Ditto due at Midsum ™ John Betts Dr to St Peters house [pp. 15 and 16] 1768 Feb. 15 1769 Augt

Recd £5 17 21 for 6 months dividend on £390188 due at Xmas

[The total in the Rev. P. Browne's hand] 133 18 10 [Rest of the page blank] * See C.R.S., xlii, 10

Carried to do due at Xmas 1769 [The total in the Rev. P. Browne's hand]

[Rest of the page blank.]

[pp. 17 to 31 blank] [р 32] [End of this Account.] 32

April 29 & May 10. 1746

John Betts Drto the Poor ofWinchester in the following Capital sums transferred to him by the late Mr Robt Hyde's (als Hills) Executors in trust for the Poor aforesaid, who are entitled to the Annual produce thereof at the discretion of the Incumbent of St Peter's House in Winchester : viz.

300 :0 : 0

290 : 18:01 The sum of £290 : 180 New South Sea Annuities, yielding annum at the rate of4 Cent £11 12 : 8 9:2 :0 Also the sum of £9 : 20 part of £120 secured on Mr Richard Martin's bond yielding annum at the rate of4 Cent 07 : 3

N.B. During the life ofMargueritChamberlain a Widow at Winchester the Poor there are entitled only to two thirds oftheproduce ofthe£300aforesd she being entitledtotheremainder. See Mr Hydes Posthumous Instructions , No 4.

[pp. 33 and 34]

1746 May 10


John Betts Dr to Winton Poor B. Recd £8 : 00 of Mrs Hills in full forlast Midsummer & Xmas dividends on £290 180 New S. Sea Ann at 4

Also 07 : 3 in full for a years Interest due last Lady-day on £9 : 20 part of Mr Martin's bond


March August

Feby 1748

Also last Midsum" dividend on the above £290 180 New Ann at 4

Also last Xmas ditto on ditto .. lastXmasditto

Also Mr Martin's Interest due 26th Also last Midsum dividend as before Also last Xmas ditto

March 26 Augt ..

Recd a years Interest on Mr Rd Martin's £920 due at date

Feb. Also last Xmas ditto 1749


Dec 1747 J. Betts

19 Paid £40 : 0 to Mr Savage for yrs Income for the Poor of Winchester

Also £4 to do fortheWidow Chamberlain due to her 24th of last June

20 Paid £1 :0 : 73 in full for chargesattending the surrender of the Sums that composethe fund for the Winton Poor to this day

25 Paid £20 : 0 to Mr Savage income on the Poor's accot

Sept 2 1748 Paid £4 : 0 : 0 to Do for the Widow Chamberlain due at Midsum ™ 1747

29 Also £600 to Do for of a yr due at date to Winton Poor on £200 Brought from page 4 £8 wch I had paid Mr Shaw for the Poor, this being its proper place

Sept 2 Paid £6 to Mr Savage for yr due last Midsum to the Poor aforesaid: Also £4 (ayear due to Mrs Chamberlain at ye same time) 1748-9 Febry

Also £6 for yr due to Poor & Chamberlain last Xmas on £300

[pp. 35 and 36] 35 1749 J.B. Dr to Winton Poor Brot over

Paid Mr Savage the Poor's last Midsummer dividend on £200 aforesd Also Chamberlain do on £100 .. This fund'ssharein a present to MrWyke ye Receiver [interlined] Paid him the 2 Sums last mentioned due at Xmas 1749-50 Also the same 2 sums due last Mids"

[pp 39 and 40]


J.B. Dr to Winton Poor


Feby 10 Recd£47 : 3 in full for last Xmas dividend on £290 : 18 : 0 NewAnn at3

August Cent N.B. On Mr Rd Martin's stopping payment and absconding thereupon nothing wasrecdfor 1757 on the account of this or any other fund Recd £473 in full for last Midsum dividend on £290 : 18 : 0 16 Paid MrSavage7s 2dshortofthedividend due to Poor at Xmas 1757

Feby 20 Rec £8 : 14 : 6 for last Mids & Xmas dividends on £290 : 180 .. Recovered £0 4 : 0 in lieu of 2 years Interest on £9 : 2 : 0 secured on Mr Martin's bond reduced since his failing to £369 Recd 2sfor last Mids" & Xmas dividends on £369 [N.S.S. Ann above] heretofore £9 : 2 : 0

7 Paid Mr Savage a years Interest on Mr Martins bond at 4 Ct due 5 Inst


Also last Midsum ™ ditto 16 This fund's share in presents &c from 1749 to this daySee p 36 Overpaid 7d on £290 18 0 while at 4 & 3 Ct


Febry 1760 Feby ..

Paid £4 : 7 : 3 last Xmas dividend on £290 180 N.S.S. Ann

Paid £8 14 6 for last Midst & Xmas dividends on do

N.B. The2 sums of£290 : 18 : 0 & £3 : 6: 9 being both nowin the S. Sea Ann form a capital of £294 :49 yielding from Xmas 1759 £8 16

3 Cent

[pp 41 and 42] 41 1760

Augt J.B. Dr to Winton Poor Recd £483 in fullfor last Mids™ dividend on £294 : 49

: 8 :3 fordittodue at Midsummer





July 7



Paid 48 : 3 for ditto due at X. .. Paid 48 : 3 for do due at Midsr

Feby Paid ditto for ditto due at Xmas Augt Paid ditto for ditto due at Mids" 1770

Feb. Paid ditto for Do due at Xmas

[pp. 45 to 60 blank]


[The total in the Rev. P. Browne's hand] 248 17 11 [End of this Account]

[pp. 61 and 62]


1746 & 7 Hursley Dr to J. Betts

Paid £9 16 to Mr Spearing forrecovering the rents of the Estate

Allowed 288d to the Tenant being money not recd

April May

Paid £120 for Land tax at Hursley

Paid £5 to Mr Jo. Martin year of Mr See p. [blank] R. Spencers contribution viz for attendance at S. Peters H. from 25 March to Mich$/46


Novr 1748

Paid £20 to Mr Shaw on accot

Expences in Town with Mr Spearing

Apr. 14 Purchased£400 NewSouth Sea Ann with ye money returned me by Mr Spearing (in full of the 400 mortgage) all charges included and defrayed: advanced moreover in order to the said purchase 1750 Augt 31 [Entry erased and written over] Charged myself (page 65) with 62

1747 1748 Augt 11


Received £70 :28 of the Tenant by the hands of Mr Spearing, the balance ofsix years and rent due at Midsummer 1746

Recd £800 Mr Wyke last Midsummer dividend on £400 New S. Sea Ann purchased last April as mentioned on the opposite side [End of this Account]

[pp 63 and 64]

1746 63 J. Betts Dr to Richd Spencer's fund ..

May 10 Recd last Midsum & Xmas dividends of Mrs Hills due on £181 South Sea Annuities Also a years Interest due 26 of last March on £18 : 40

Augt 29 Recd last Midsum"

Augt 17


Also a years Interest due 26 Inst on £1840 Mr Martins bond

Recd last Midsum" dividend on £181 &c

Also last Xmas ditto

Recd a yrs Interest on Mr Martins bond Also last Mids" dividend on £181 : 16 : 0

Also last Xmas ditto

Recd £800 for years dividend on £400 inNew S.S. Ann dueat Xmas

A Mar. 25 Brought from page [sic]£2 [paid above] (as Mr Spencer's direction in his declaration of trust Article 3.) to ye Incumbent (Mr Shaw) for one yr due at Lady day 1746 to the Poor of, or near, Winchester

Sept. 5

Oct. 20 1747

Sept. 2

To the 6 Pts nearest Barton-stacy. 1746. * Paid 11s 3d for charges attending Mr Hyde's Executor's surrender of the Capitals that compose this fund 2.00 3.0 0 .. 11 3

To the 6 Pts nearest Barton-stacy 1747 3.00

Dec 25 To Mr Savageinfull for MrSpencersCon11 : 12 : 8 17 :4

5 : 0 : 0

17 : 10 : 0 tribution to this day £11 : 12 : 8 Alsoto Mr Jo . Martin his share 17 :4 12 : 10 : 0 wch with £5 paid him as page [113 added in pencil] makes a year & , due in full to the Incumbent at S. Peters House from Lady-day 1746. £17 : 10 : 0 In all 12 10 0 * A bequest for Masses

Dec. 25 1748


To Mr Savage a year & for the Poor aforesaid due at date

Sept. 2 To do yr due last Midsum" for Mr Spencers Contribution

[pp. 65 and 66] 65 1749 J.B. Dr to R.S.' Fund Brot over

Mar. 29

Augt Feb. 1750 March

Recd 14s 7d for a yrs Interest due on Mr Martin's £18 4 : 0 .. : :

Recd £11 12 8 for last Mids dividend on £581 16 : 0

Recd ditto due last Xmas

Recd Mr Martins yrs Interest on £18 : 40 due 26th Inst Aug. Recd £11 12 8 last Mids" dividend as before 31

Recd the balance of the Accountp 61 ,it not having been hitherto brought to accot




To the 6 Pts nearest Barton stacy. 1748 To Mr Savage for the Poor a yr due at Xmas 1748

.. 1749

Augt do Feb.

1750 Aug. 6

To dittofor MrSpencer'sContribution .. To ditto for Poor year due at Mids™ To ditto the 2 sums last mentioned due at Xmas 1749 5.0 0 1.0 0

To the 6 Pts as beforeon the original footing of 20s each Pt ... . 1749

To Mr Shaw his arrears on Mr Spencer's Contribution as by his particular accot Jan. 31 last past £45 6 : 9

Also towards Mrs Spencer's enlargement permissû Superiorum 4 : 13 : 2

This fund'ssharein a present to MrWyke the Receiver of its income

To Mr Savage yr due at Midsum for himself & the Poor as above


To him for the 6 pts aforesaid (reduced) Todittofor himself& Poor yearduelast Midsum

To Mrs Spencer in a low condition

To Mr Savage & Poor due last Xmas To ditto the same due last Midsum To ditto for the 6 pts aforesaid

To ditto for himself & Poor due last Xmas year To ditto the same due last Midsum Sept 16 To ditto for the 6 pts as before




To ditto & Poor year due last Xmas To ditto the same due last Midst Septr To ditto for the 6 pts aforesaid

[pp. 69 and 70] 69

J.B. Dr to R.S.' Fund

Brot over

Recd £10 :37 for a years dividendon £581 160 due last Xmas

Also 148 7d on Mr Martin's £18 : 4 : 0 due 6th Instant, one years Int Also last Mids dividend on £581 : 16

Also last Xmas ditto on ditto Also Mr Martin's Int due at date Also last Midst dividendas beforereduced from 3 to 3 Cent

Also last Xmas dividend &c

a years Interest due on £18 :4 :

as above for 1756 Augt Also last Mids" dividend at 3 1758

Febry Also last Xmas ditto Augt Also last Midsummer ditto


Augt To ditto Last Midst ditto

Paid £6 to Mr Savage for last Xmas dividend for himself and Poor 6.00 6.0 0 Septr To ditto for the 6 pts aforesd 4 100 1756

Feby To ditto for himself & Poor due last Xmas 6.00

Augt Sept To ditto the same due at Mids™ To do for the 6 pts (reduced) for 1756 6.0 0 3.0 0 1757

Feby Augt Septr Todittofor himself& Poor duelastXmas To ditto the year due at Midsum To do for ye 6 pts as in 1756 for 1757 6.0 0 6.00 3.0 0 1758

Feby To ditto yr due last Xmas for himself & Poor 6.0 0

[Entry erased and figures erased in cash columnsedand

Augt To ditto the yr due last Midsummer ..

[pp. 71 and 72]

1758 1759 Febry 1760 Feb. 20


J. B. Dr to R. S.' Fund D Brot over

As to Mr Rd Martin's Interest due last April on £18 :48 : 0d [for 1757 above] See page [blank]

Rec £8 14 6 for last Xmas dividend on £581 : 16 : 0 N.S.S. Ann ..

Recd£17 :9 :0 forlast Xmas & Midsum dividends on £581 : 16 :0 N.S.S. Ann

Recovered £080 in lieu of 2 years Interest on £18 4 : 0 in part ofMr Martins bond, reduced since his failing to £6 13 : 7

Reed £0 40 for last Mids's andXmas divividends [sic] in the N.S.S. Ann on £6 13 7 heretofore £18 4 : 0 ..

N.B. The2 sums of £581 : 16 : 0 and of £6 13 7 being bothnowintheSouth Sea Ann form a capital of £588 :9 : 7 yielding from Xmas 1759 £8 : 18 : 6 half yearly, at 3 Cent.

See page 80 in relation to an Error com-

mitted in the aforesaid calculation of interest for £588.9.71

This fund's share in presents &c from 1749 to this day .. . See page [blank]

Paid £300 to Mr Savagefor the 6 Pts nearest Barton stacy for 1758

Paid 28 : 6d to X at Londontotreatwith Mr Spearing about the sale of Hursley Estatetowards payingye Incumbents&c

Paid £27 to Mr Savage towards apprenticing poor Children at Winchester pursuanttothe late Mr Spencer's Instructions

Paid £6 to Mr Savage for last Xmas dividend for himself & Poor .. ye 6 Pts for 1759 ..

1760 Also£3foryo


Paid £12 to Mr Savage for last midsum & Xmas dividends [One line of writing very heavily scored] [pp. 73 and 74] ofwriting ve very 73


Augt Recd £8 18 6 in full for last Mids" dividend on £5889 71 New. Ann

Recd £8 18 6 for ditto due at Xmas 1760

Augt Recd £8 : 18 : 6 for dittodue at Mids' 1761

Aug 21


Feb. Augt

Paid £6 to Mr SavageDue last Midsummer for himself & Poor

Paid £2 13 0 to ditto in full for all arrears due to ye 6 Pts nearest Barton Stacy regard being had to the deed of Trust of R.S. in ye judgmt of MrW. W. &c

Paid £3 : 3 : 10 to ditto (encreased ) for 1760

Also 88:9d to Mr Savage for bringing Poor peopleto St James's* (afterdeath) for 1759 pursuant Mr Spencer's directions in the deed of Trust aforesd which is to be henceforward 10s : 7d pr an

Paid £6 to Do for himself and Poordue at Xmas 1760 ..

Paid £019 short of the allowance for burials &c as above

Paid£6 toditto for himselfand Poor due at Midsum 1761

Also£3 : 3 : 10 to the6 Pts nearest Barton Stacy for 1761 .. * St. James's Cemetery, Winchester.

15 18


1768 Feb.




Febry Recd £8 18 6 last Xmas dividend on £588 : 9 : 7 NewS.S. Ann

18 6 [In the Rev. P. Browne's hand] Mr Betts Dr Credr

By Errors of account.

FromFeby 1759 to Feby 1769 from account made out of surplus of £17 : 13 : 1 [or thehalf being £8 : 16 : 6 have made myself half yearly debtr £8 18 £8 16 6 : 6 Errors = 1 : 11 half is = 3s 1110 years 1 19 2 1770

Febry To Mr Nolan and poor . For Burials 1770 .. [In the Rev. P. Browne's hand]

[End of this Account] [pp. 81 to 92 blank] [pp. 93 and 94] 93 1746 John Betts Dr to Robt Hydes' Fund £ S D [March 25 erased] Augt 29 Recd £1000 Mr Wyke for last Midsummer dividend

Feb 16 Recd £1000 ditto for last Xmas dividend on ditto at 4 Cent

94 1746 Oct 20 J.B. Cr £ S D 1747 March25 Paid£1 : 17 : 3 for chargesattending Mr Hyde's Executors' surrender of £500 left by him for the uses and purposes mentioned in his Posthumous Instructions No 6

Also£5 to Mr John Martin for attendance in the Neighbourhood of Longwood due at date for one year 1 17 3 5 .0 0



Jan. 31

Expences in Townto assist at Consultations about Mr Shaw

PaidMrSpearing £1 : 11 : 6 for Councils' [sic] opinion in Mr Shaws' affairs

Feed Council a 2d time in regard to Arbitration ..

Also 68 : 6 for searching after Mr Corams Will in Doctors Commons Νον. Decr 5

Paid £1 to Mr Savage by Mr Whites'* order ..

Paid £2 : 10 to Mr Savage for one year & due at date for his care of Mr Hyde's books at Winton as by Instrucons N. 6.

[pp. 95 and 96] 95

1747 J.B. Dr to Robt Hyde's Fund £ S D Brot over 20.0 0


Recd £10 MrWyke last Midsum* dividend on £500 at4

Feb. 10 Recd £10 dittolast Xmas do ..



Recd £10 more for last Midsummer dividend at 4 C

Feb 8. Recd £10 more for last Xmas ditto

1748 J.B. Cr £ S D Brot over 13 11 3

Mar. 26

Paid £50.0 to Mr John Martin for a years attendance near Longwood due at date

Sept. 2. & Feb. 8 5.00 ann.

Paid £13 : 17 : 10 to MrSavagetowards making his income up to £40 ( Mr Whites direction) from Nov. 1. 1746 to Feb. 1. 1748.9 2 years and Dec 16. Paid 1 to ditto in consideration of his paying rent for his chappel

Paid £2 to dittoforayeardue [nextabove] Jan. 31 for his care of Mr Hyde's bks 25 Also paid 28 1d this fund's share in an [sic] yearly present to Mr Wyke, receiver of the income belonging to it, from 1746

Alsoofthat belonging to St Peter's house * Bishop Benjamin Petre , V.A. London District 13 17 101 1.0 0 2.00 ... 21 16

Oct. 12

Decr 1749-50


Paid£8 : 16 : 6 the amountofMrSpearings bill of charges in the affair ofthe ejectment

Expended 10s :4don him & another Law-

yerat a tavernto consult abouta fine &c ...

Paid £15 6 6 [to Mr Savage above] for necessaryfurniture ; also rates & taxes, to his taking possession about last Lady-day, left unpaid by Mr Shaw ..

Brot over

Recd £1000 Mr Wyke for last Midsummer dividend on £500 at4 ..

Recd £50 of his two sisters towardsthe recovery of possession of St Peters House for Mr Savage &c &c

Recd £10

Paid £500 to Mr John Martin for a yrs attendance Near Longwood due last Lady day

Paid 10s 6d to do for 6 months attendance elsewhere at £1 10an allowed him from Lady day 1749

Paid £13 100 to Mr Spearing the amountofhis bill of chargesfor passing a Fine with regard to St Peters House. deed. & enrolment

Returned £23 to Mr Savage towards fitting up S. Peter's House for Mr Biddulph Mr White's advice

Paid £2 to ditto for a year due to him ye 31st of last month for his care of Mr Hyde's bks .. : 6

July 29

Paid £2 16 0 to ditto on the same account as Septr 2d & Feby 8th in full Expences to & in London at different times in Mr Shaw's affair & postage, from 1747 to this day

pp. 99 and 100] [These two pages are much discoloured, probably due to the paste with which two pages (the back of 100 and the next) have been stuck together]

1750 Augt


J.B. Dr to R . Hs Fund

Rec £10 :00 Mr Wykelast Midsum dividend on £500 at 4

Nov. 1 Carried to General Account bk

1750 J.B.

May 9 Paid 10s 6d to Mr David Morgan * on account of attendance in the Isle of Wight due last Paid £6 Lady-day

10 to Mr John Martin for ditto near Longwood & elsewhere Also 10s 6d due [to do above] at Ladyday (1749) forgot

Paid £2183 Mr Savage's bill for brewing vessels, Locks &c

Allowed him 9s for a church rate due before he took possession 31 Also ₤1 11 : 6 for 6 benchesanda chest of drawers for the use of his chappel and sacristy

See p [blank] Expences of 2 journeys from Hammersmithinto Hampshire ontheCounty affairs in 1747 & 1749 chargeable in part on this fund on account of Mr Hills's 50 annexed thereto . See p 97 Paid my self seventeen pounds 181d out ofthisfund to make upforthesame sum advanced by me to supply deficiencies ofSt. Peter's House as appeared by stating the accounts See p 3

[The next two pages are pasted together and ignored in the numbering. Entries on them have been very heavily scored]

[pp. 101 and 102] 101 1750 John Betts Dr to R.H.s Fund Feb Brot over figures altered] 6 Recd £10 : 0 :0 MrWyke for lastXmas dividend at 4 Ct

* Priest at Brockhampton. This may be " Mrs"

Nov. 29 Paid 138 : 4d for postagefrom 31st July 1749 , & other expenceswith regardto the Fine relative to St Peter'shouse

To Mr Morgan, Isle of Wight, &c. To Mr Savage for Mr H's books

To Mr Martin, as above, a yr at Date

To Mr Savage in consideration of the reduction of Interest from Xmas 1750 to 3 from 4Ct

Overpaid him forty shillings when I accounted with him for Mrs Wells's Interest in January 1747.8 See bill book

April 6

Augt Dec

Paid £610 to Mr Martin for his attendance [at scored, near above] Long- wood and Elsewhere one year due at date

Allowed£1 : 1 : 0 to Mr Milner* towards his expence of changing his quarters from Avon to Soply. Hants

To Mr Savage £1 11 6 as Feby 1752 2 To ditto £7 17 6 on accout of his House being untenanted 15 months at date (Superiorum consensû)

Apr. 6

Augt To ditto £200 for Mr Hs books one year due 31st Ult

To Mr Martin (as above) one yeardueat date

To Mr Savage £1 : 11 : 6 on accountof ye reduction of Interest &c

To ditto as above Dec 2d on accot of his house being unlet to 2d June/54

Febry Recd £8 on £500 at 3Cent Brot over [figures altered] 150 for last Xmasdividend

Feb. Recd last Xmas ditto

Augt Also last Midsum ditto reduced from 3 to 3 Cent

1757 Feby Recd £7 : 10 : 0 for last Xmas dividend on £500 at 3Ct

Paid £2 to Mr Savage for his care of Mr Hs books due 31. Ulto ..

* John Milner, Senr , at Avon and Sopley, 1753-7. AdmittedLisbon 12 Dec. 1746, ordained 31 May 1749, left for the Mission 28 Jan. 1750; Chaplain to theMontaguesat Cowdray, 1757-58(C.R.S. , i, 250-1); died in London 30 July 1782 .

Apr 6

Also £61 : 0 to Mr Martin for attendance near Longwood, &c one yeardue at date 6.10

Augt Paid£6 : 6 : 0 to MrSavage on account of his house being unlet from 2d June 1754 to ditto 1755 6.60 1756

Feb. Paid £2 to ditto Mr Hs books due 31st Ulto 2.0 0


Aug. 20

Also £1116 for reductionof interest

Also £610 to Mr Martin

Allowed Mr Savage a bill of repairs amounting to

Also ₤1 : 11 :6 Reduction&c .. N.B. Mr Biddulph retook ye House this month [interlined]

£110 house unlet &c

Dr to R . Hs


Paid £330 to Mr Savagein consideration of Interest being reduced from 3 to 3 C

Also £6 : 1 : 0 to Mr Martin due 5th Inst. for attendance as before Also £2 to Mr Beaumont* for helpingat Ropley, Bramdean, &c duringSr Henry Tichborne's absence from Tichborne, one year

3.3 0 6.10

Also £200 for Mr H's books a year due 31st Ult O.S. 2.00 2.0 0

* John Baptist Beaumont, O.S.F. , eldest son of Joseph Beaumont and Hannah Beaumont, of Stone-Easton, Somerset Guardian, Bristol, from 3 May 1734; for six years at least, before the winter of 1745, chaplain at Tor Abbey; died at Douay, 1774 (see Oliver, Collections, pp 239-40).



Also £330 Reduction &c ..

Also £330 to Mr Martin on account of his helping at or near Southampton from Advent 1755

Allowed 14s 6d extraordinary to Mr Savage for repairs

This fund's, & that of St Peter's House share in presents, &c to this day, as

1748 Dec 25 .. See page96 [figures altered] 10 11

[pp. 109 and 110]


1758 J.B. Dr to R . H's Fund


Febry Recd £7 100 for last Xmas dividend on £500 at 3 pr Cent

August Dr [sic] £ S D

Paid £610 to Mr Martin for attendance near Longwood & elsewhere (as before) due 6th of April 1758 ..

Paid £1 to Mr Savage for Mr Hs books year due about last Mids" ..

Paid £330 to Ditto on accot for reduction of Interest to 3 Ct

Brought 2 articles (to ye amount of 5s7d) from page 10, this being their proper place

25 Paid £1 1 : 0 to Mr Barnwell for his attendance at & near Southampton in part of £220 ann &c as in Journal page 1



Postage (Mr Martin)

Paid £1 to Mr Savagefor Mr Hills' books due about last Xmas

Paid £2 13 6 to Mr Savage in lieu of what has been hitherto recd on his accot of Mr Rd Martin, a bankrupt due at Lady Day 1758

In 1765 a Rev. Anthony Barnewall was one of four priests brought to trial in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster on information given by the informer , William Payne (Burton, Life of Challoner , ii, 93); a John Barnwell died at Kingscliff, Lincolnshire, in 1782

[pp. 111 and 112]

1759 Augt 1760 Febry

J.B. Dr to R . Hs Fund

Recd £7 100 for last Mids' dividend on £500 N.S. Sea Ann

Recd £7 10 0 for last Xmasdividend on ditto

Recovered £1

101 on Mr Martins £66 17 11 to £24 reduced since his failing 11 11 brot from page 9 for


Augt a reason there mentioned for 2 yrs

Recd £0 14 8 for last Mids" and Xmas dividends £24 11 11 brot from page 9 which see : Recd £7 10 for last Mids dividend on on [sic] £500

1759 J.B.

Feb. 20

1760 Septr

Paid £5 to Mr Jo. Martin for attendance &c near Longwood as before due at Lady day O.S ...

Paid £2 : 13 : 6 to Mr Savage in lieu of what has been formerly paid abt Lady day byMrRd Martin on £66 : 17:11 at 4 Cent & wod have been due 27th Mar . /59 O.S.

Paid ditto for the year expiring at Lady day 1760

Also to ditto in consideration ofseveral uncommon repairs during 1759

Also £440 to Mr Barnwell in the Newforrest* for 2 years attendance at Southton due [25th of Febry 1761 written over an erasure]

Also£3 :30to Mr Savageforreduction of Interest to 3 from 4 Cent

Also £1 to do for Mr Hills's books

Paid 18 9 to Mr John Martin for the use of Mr Hickins due at Lady day 1760 for Longwood as before the remaining £3 : 11 : 2 being my own free gift to end disputes with the former

* Sopley.

Rev. Joseph Hickins, O.S.F. , died Douay 1772/3 . 5.0 0 2 136 2 13 6 2.20 4.4 0 3.30 1.0 0 1.8 91 287 150

[pp. 113 and 114] 1761 J.B. Dr to R . Hs fund

£7 10 0 for last Midsr ditto Recd £710 : 0 for last


Seep 9-10 May See p 1

Paid£100 to Mr Savagefor Mr Hills's books .. Also £550 to ditto in consideration of several uncommon repairssince Also £118 10 in lieu of and in full for what was formerly paid about Lady-daybyMr Rd Martin &c asp 112 Also £10 to Mr Hickinsfor attendance &c near Longwood in the room ofMr John Martin, due the 7th of April 1761

To Mr Savage for books as above

To Mr Barnwell in full of all demands as by his receipt Augt 11/61 to the 25th Inst

Oct. 20 To Mr Hickins for attendance as above 1762 Feby

See p 112 to Michmas 1761 .. To Mr Savage for Mr Hills's books due about this time Also £2 13 6 in lieu of the interest usuallypaid by Mr Martin till hefailed due about 5 April 1762

[pp. 115 and 116]

Augt 20 To Mr Savage for Mr Hills's books 6 months salary due about

1.0 0 2.20 2 100 1.0 0 2 136 315.4 4

Nov. 20

Paid£660 to Ditto for this and the last year for reduction of Interest as p. 112 ..

Allowed him a small bill of repairs :

Also £1 13 8 for 4 month'sattendance near Longwood in ye room of Mr Hickins due at Lady day 1762

Allowed £500 to Mr Kendall* for his attendance at Brockhampton in Mr Thos Talbots place on his going abroad (Superiorum consensû )

Paid 20s to Mr Savagefor Mr Hills' books

To ditto £5 : 0 : 0 for his attendance [at scored , near above] Longwood in ye room ofMrHickins, due at [wordscored , Lady day above] 1763 1763

[pp. 117 and 118] 1763 J.B. Dr to R . Hs Fund :

Aug 11 Recd £7 10 0 for last Midst dividend on £500 N.S.S. Ann

Paid £330 to ditto for reductionof Interest for this year ..

Paid £1 to Mr Savage for books &c

Paid £5 to ditto for attendance near Longwood &c due at Lady day 1764

Paid £210 to Mr Nolan for ditto near Portsmouth

Paid £76 : 2 to Mr Savage for fitting up his house for a new Tenant viz. Mrs Wells of Brambrige [sic] as pr bills returned Mr Savage

Paid £1 to do for Mr Hills books

Also £220 for his housebeing un-let for 4 months or thereabts

Aug 11 Paid £1 10 Mr Savage for Mr Hills's books due this month 1764 Feb. Augt See p. 106

* Rev . Richard Kendal See C.R.S. , xlii, 7 sqq .

I.e. Gosport.

Oct 16 Paid £2 : 10 to Mr Talbot* for MrNolan in full for six months due at Michmas 1764


To Mr Savage for books

Feb. To do £5 for attendance near Longwood due at Lady day 1765

[pp. 119 and 120] 1765 J.B. dr to R . Hs Fund

Recd £7


22 Aug. 1766 Feb. March

Paid £2100 to Bp Talbot for Mr Nolan in full for 6 months due abt Lady day

Omitted to charge £2 13 6 pr an. to this account since February 1762 allowed Mr Savage in lieu of Interest paid by Mr Richa Martin till hefailed, and paid him annually as appears by my yearly account with him in ye bill book

Paid£1 to Mr Savage for Mr Hills books due at or abt Mids™ /65

Paid £5 to ditto for attendance &c due at Lady 1766

Paid £210 0 to Mr Talbot &c due last Michmas

Paid £1 for books &c due in Jan. (65

Paid£2 : 10 to Mr Talbot, as above, due at Lady day 1766

Paid £110 to Ditto for Mr Nolan aforesaid for attendance at Southampton in ye room of Mr Flanogan Deceased

Bishop James Talbot, Coadjutor to Bishop Challoner, V.A. London District . The Rev. Mr. Flanagan was burnt to death when the Presbytery at Sopley was burnt down in December1765. Either he had received no salary for his work , or else Mr. Betts forgot to enter it

pp. 121 and 122]


Dr to R.H.s Fund

10 : 0 last Midsum" dividend on £500 New Ann. Recd £7 10 0

Allowed £414 6 to Mr Savage on account of his house being unlet To ditto £2 13 : 6 in lieu of Martins interest due about Lady-day 1766 .. To ditto£1 for books &c due in July 1766

To Mr Talbot £1 : 5 : 0 for Mr JasNolan who succeeded Mr Savage at Winton about Midsummer 1766 in full for Gosport &c

To Mr Savage for Longwood April, May, June & July To ditto £3 . 3. 0 on account of House being unlet to the time of his quitting St Peters House

To Mr Nolan £3 : 6 : 8 for Longwood 8 months due abt Lady day 1767 For books as above ..

[pp. 123 and 124]

J.B. Dr to R . Hs Fund

[Dr altered to Cr] £ S D

Allowed Mr Savage in consideration ofa former repair, & this in full of all demands as receipt 1.1 0

Augt Carried to my account with S. Peters house for books 1768

Feb. Ditto due at Xmas

To Mr Nolan for Longwood ats Waltham Congregation attended due at Lady day 1768

Carried to accot aforesd for books [inpencil 417 : 8 : 8 *



Journey to Winton & stay 8 days there to inspect & take Estimates of repairs wanted at St Peter's house

For books as before

For one years Interest due at Midsummer or thereabouts for £100 Lent towards the Repairs ofSt Peter's House Winton [in pencil Lent 50% more (word indecipherable) at do]*

J.B. Dr to R . Hs Fund B.O. 10 last Xmas dividend on £500 N. Ann 1769 Feby Recd £7 14 Augt 1770

Recd £7 10 due at Mids

[In the Very Rev. P. Browne's hand] Mr Betts Dr Cred

[The Credit account on the oppositepage has been cut out, but from the Very Rev. Peter Browne's figures above itis clear that £19 8. 0 was expended ] [End of this Account.]

[In Mr. Joseph Gillow'shand]

The Rev. John Philip Betts, the treasurer of theforegoing Funds died at Gray's Inn, where he resided, March 28th, 1770. Heheld thetitular dignity in theChapter ofArchdeacon ofLondon & Middlesex He had the care of the Clergy Library, which was located in Gray's Inn. He was " a quaint queer old chap, " said Mr. Wm Sheldon, of Gray's Inn, who added that " he sometimes plagued him with questions. " J. Gillow

* Inthe same hand as the pencilled accountson p [159] infra, p 82

[The next ten pages have been cut out, or torn out. The next page is numbered , in pencil, 126. Pages 126 to 138 blank.]

[Page 139 contains a continuation of the Very Rev. P. Browne's accounts The accounts begin on p 221.]

[pp. 221 and 222]



Mr Browne to the Hants [Winton & Havant above] Funds Dr

To seven pounds three shiles & 5drecdfor half years Interest of £478 108 - 0 in the New S.S. Annuities due 24th June 1770

To two pdsoneshilg3d recd ofMr Walton* for Hills Fund from Paris

Dec 24 To twenty two pds twelve shilgs & 43d recd of Mr MaireExecutor to Mr Betts being halfyears Interestof£1508 : 168 : 71din different Bonds for that sum lent to diverse Personsdue last midsummer

24 To two pds recd of Mr Maire being half years Interest on Mr Betts's Bond to the HonbleThos Talbot for the use of the Hants Fund due 28th last Augst 1771

Febry 19 To fifteen pds half years Dividend on £1000 lent to Mr N. Tuite due last Xtmass; the Capital is since replaced in the N.S.S.

1770 Pr Contra

Oct 11th


Paidto Mr Nolanfor the PoorofWinton their half years allowance due last Midsummer 1771

Febry5th Paid Mr Nolan twenty pounds for his years Salary due at Xtmass 1770 ..

Paid to Ditto for the Poor the half years allowance due at Xtmass 1770

Paid to Ditto for Burials

Paid to ditto for the six Priests

Paid the Bricklayers Bill Paid the Carpenters Bill

* Query: William Walton, friend and secretary of Bishop Challoner; consecrated Bishop of Trachonitis 1770 , Coadj to Bp Petre, V.A. Northern District; succeeded as V.A. Northern District 1775; died 26 Feb. 1780, aged 74. See Canon E. H. Burton, Life of Bishop Challoner Bishop Thomas Talbot.

Paid to Mr Nolan four guineas by mistake for the care of the Librarywhich I found afterwards to be included in the £20 for his salary ..

[pp. 223 and 224]

1771 P. Browne to Hants Funds Febry Brought over 9 April 11

4 40 Carried over £43 16 10 Dr SD 48 170

Tothe XtmassDividend on £478 : 10 : 0 in the New S.S. Annuities

To seven pounds twelveshillings& seven penc [sic] recd of Mr Maire Executor to Mr Betts being half years interest due last Xtmass of£508 16s8d* lent to diverse persons by Mr Betts

June 6th To one hundred & three pounds recd of MrBetts's Executorinfull for Principal & Interest ofMr Betts's Bond for£100 being Mr Betts's donation to the Hants Fund

July 2d Recd of Mr Sheppard one pd for the Widow Chamberlain

Augst 8

To Midsummer Dividend on ₤1578 : 10% in the New South S. Annuities

735 712 73 10300 100 23 13 5 Carried over 191 661


Paid to Mr Cornthwaite four pounds thirteen shillings & 7d on account of Havant due last Lady day 1771 Pr Contra April Brought over 16

18 Paid to Ditto one pd ten shilgs & 8d on account of Hants Fund

18 Paid to Mr Tommins two pds fifteen shillings [& 8d scored] on account of Hants Fund

18 Paid to Bp Challoner seventeen shillings & 7d being part of what is recd from Paris jointly with the Interest of the £60 in Paris Rents belonging to the Hants Fund ..

* Apparently a mistake £1,506 16s 8d is meant. Priest at Brockhampton

E Rev. Robert Tommins See C.R.S. , xlii, 11

S D 43 16 10 4 13 7 1 10 8 2 15 [8 scored] 0 17 7

June 8th Paid eighty six pounds seven shilgs & 6d for the purchase of £100 in the New S. Sea Annuities for the Hants Fund & two shillings & six pencefor Brockage

Sept 24 Paid Mr Nolan ten pds being half years salary due at Midsummer

Paid ditto for the six priests

To ditto for Winton poor

To ditto for Widow Chamberlain

To ditto for Longwood &c due last Lady Day


[pp. 225 and 226]

1771 P. Browne to Hampshire Dr

Brought over


Oct 22d To one pd recd for the widow Chamber-

1772 25

Febry 13 lain

To two pds one shilg & 9d recd of Mr Howard pr Mr Lindow for Hills Fund from Paris .. To Xtmass Dividend on ₤1724 : 38 : 3d in New S.S. Annuities

March 21st To thirteen pds nine shilgs recd of Mich: Blount Esq Executor of Mr Betts being all the Interest due on £508 : 167 which is now all replaced in the New S.S. An.

1771 Octr Pr Contra ..

1772 Brought over

Credr .. 8th Paid twenty one pounds for the purchase of £25 Stock in the New S. Sea Annuities for the Hants Fund & 1s for Brokage

Febry 21 Paid Mr Nolanten pds being half a year's salary due last Xtmass and one [pd 58 : 5d left unpaidthe last paymentby mistake interlined]

Paid to dittohalf year for the poor due ditto

To Ditto for Longwood due next Lady Day

* Rev . Charles Howard, D.D., Superior of St. Gregory's College, Paris See C.R.S., xix, 132n Rev. John Lindow .

To Ditto for Burials

Paid toditto forthe Widow Chamberlain

6 Paid toMr Tommins forfulfillingtheobligations of Shorts Fund two years

7 Paid to Messrs Cornthwaite & Tommins their yearly Dividends of the Hants Fund

Paid Mr Cornthwaite a years Dividend of the Havant Fund

8 Paid Bp Challoner seventeen shilgs & 7d being part of what is recd from the Paris rents [

and 228]

P. Browne to Hampshire including all the Funds of that County

Brought over Dr

To one pd recd of Mr Sheppard for the WidowChamberlain due lastLadyDay

Augst 8 ToMidsummer Dividendon£2112 : 68 :4d

Oct 21


Febry 9

New S. Sea Annuities

To two pds one shilling & 10d recd of Mr Howard at Paris pr Mr Lindow for Hills's Fund

To Xtmass Dividend on £2112 : 6 : 4 in New S. Sea Annties [sic]

March 25 To two pds recd of Mr Sheppard for the widow Chamberlain due this day

1772 Pr Contra May Brought over Carried over Credr 7th Paid Mr Prescot* his Dividend of the Hants Fund

Oct 13 Paid Mr Nolan half years salary due last

Midsummer ..

Paid ditto for the poor due ditto

Paid ditto for the six Priests

Paid ditto for the Widow Chamberlain

Nov 9


March 17

Paid Bp Challoner seventeen shilgs & 7d part of what is recd from Paris

Paid Mr Nolan half years salary due last Xtmass

Paid ditto for the Poor due ditto

* The Rev. Richard Prescott See C.R.S. , xlii, 11 583

Paid Widow Chamberlain Paid for Burials

Paid Mr Nolan forWaltham & Longwood due next Lady Day

20 Paid Mr Blount Executor to Mr Betts three years Interest due to Mr Betts on £150 Mr Betts lent for the repairs of S Peters House

May 13 Paid Messrs Cornthwaite & Tommins their

[pp. 229 and 230] 1773

May P. Browne to Hants Funds Brought over

Augst 13

Oct 19

Nov 5

Anñties for £2112 : 6 : 4

To one pd recd of Mr Sheppard for the Widow Chamberlain due last Michmass

To one pd eighteen shilgs & 11d recd ofDr Howard pr Mr Lindowfor Hills's Fund

Decr 8 1774 Dr To Midsummer Dividendson NewS. Sea

Recd ofMr Sheldon pr Mr Spearing three years Interest on Mrs Wells's Bond due 30th Janry 1773 ..

Febry 11th To Xtmass Dvidend on £2112 : 68 : 4d New S. Sea Annuities

28th Recd of Mr Spearing one year's Interest on Mrs Wells's Bond due 30th Janty/74

1773 May13 Pr Contra .. Brought over

Paid Mr Cornthwaitehis yearly Dividend of the Havant Fund

PaidMrTommins his Dividend of[Hants scored] Shorts Fund

Sept 29th Paid Mr Nolan half years salarydue last

Octr midsummer

Paid ditto 6 months poor money due ditto

Paid ditto for the six priests

Paid ditto for Widow Chamberlain

2d Paid Mrs Kennedy her Bill of money laid out on acct of St Peters House

Decr 14thPaid Mr Nolan half a years salary pr advance due at Xtmass 1773

Paid ditto for Waltham due Lady day next

Paid ditto half years poor money

Paid ditto for Widow Chamberlain

JourneytoWinton & staytheretorecover the Interest due on Mrs Wells's Bond & toexamine & settlethedisputesbetween the Incumbent & Mrs Kennedy the House Keeper of St Peters

. 231 and 232]

P. Browne to Hants Funds Dr Brought over

Recd of Dr Howard pr Mr Lindow for Hills's Fund

Recd of Mr Sheppard for the Widow Chamberlain for one year due last Michmass

Recd of Mich: Blount Esq Executor to the late Mr John Betts [the Balance of scored] all that remained due to the different Hants Funds from the late Mr John Betts as appeared by the Balance of his accts Febry 9

Paid Mr Challoner his part of what is recd from Paris

Paid Messrs Tommins &Cornthwaitetheir yearly Dividendsof the Hants Fund

Paid MrCornthwaitehis yearly Dividend of the Havant Fund

Paid Mr Tommins for Shorts Fund

Sept 16 Paid Mr Nolan half years salary due last Midsummer

To ditto half years poor money

To ditto for Widow Chamberlain

To ditto for the six Priests

Dec 27 Paid Mrs Kennedy her Bill of Disbursements on acct of the Taxes of Peter House

Paid ditto the Tradesmens Bills for Repairs at Peter House

28th Paid Mr Blount Executor to the late Mr John Betts all Interest due to thisday on £150 lent by the said Mr Betts for the repairs of Peter House

[pp. 233 and 234] 1775 June P. Browne to Hants Funds Dr Brought over

5 Recd of Bp Talbot towards the repairs of Peter House

Augst 14thRecd of Mr Sheppard for the Widow Chamberlain due last Lady day £ S 18 To Midsummer Dividend on 2112 : 6 : 4 New S.S. Annuities

Sept 7 Nov 4 To oneyear's InterestofMrs Wells's Bond Recd of Dr Howard for Hills's Fund


Febry Pr Contra Brought over Credr

Paid Mr Challoner his part of what is recd from Paris

May 11thPaid Messrs Tommins & Cornthwaite their yearly Dividends for Hants, Havant &c

June 13 Paid Mr Nolan his half years salary due last Xtmass

Paid ditto for attendance at Upham a year & for burials .. Paid ditto for Poor & Chamberlain

Paid ditto for the repairs of Peter House on account

Paid ditto the remainder due on acct of Repairs of ditto ..

July 21 Paid Mr Tommins his expences for journeys & attending at Peter House To my severaljourneysto & fromWinton on acct of Mr Nolans Illness ..

Augst 18 Paid Mr Nolan half years salary

Paid ditto for Poor & Chamberlain

To ditto for the 6 Priests

Sept 23d To Smiths & Glaziers Bills

Nov 29 Paid Mr Challoner his Part from Paris

[pp. 235 and 236]


Febry 9 20

June 18

Augst 14

Nov 15 19 1777

Febry 8 17

P. Browne to Hants Funds

Brought over Dr

To Xtmass Dvdends on £2[2 altered to 1]12 6s 4d New S. Sea Anties

To one pd recd for the widow Chamberlain due last Michmass

To one pd recd for Chamberlain due last Lady day

To Midsummer Dvdends on £2212 [sic]: 68 4d New S. Sea Annuities altered from

Recd of Dr Howard for Hills's Fund

Recd of Mr Sheppard forChamberlain due last Michmass ..

To Xtmass Dvdend on £2212 : 68 : 4d N. S. Sea

To two years Interest on Mrs Wells's Bond due 30th Janry/77

Recd at the same time the Principal of the said Bond

1776 Pr Contra

May Brought over


8 To Taxes & Rates of Peter House

To the Carpenters Bill for mending &c in the House & Chapel

To the Upholster's Bill for Bedding & furniture in the New Room .. 9 Paid to Mr Tomminshalf a years salary £10 To dittoforUpham£5for Burials 10s 6d

To the Poor of Winton £5.8s 3d To Chamberlain [letters scored] due last Lady day £2

Paid Mr Tommins for Shorts Fund

Paid Messrs Cornthwaite Tommins & Martin


Augst 7 Paid Mr Nolan half a years salary due last Midsummer

Paid ditto for Poor & Chamberlain

Nov 16 1777

Febry 15 20 HAMPSHIRE

Paid ditto for the 6 Priests

Paid for some repairs in the Parlour

Paid Mr Challoner his part from Paris

Paid Mr Fryer pr Mr Dunn for Yeovil* Paid for the purchase of £100N. S. Sea

March 3d Paid Mr Moody's Bill the Carpenter £4 10 : 6

[At the bottom of the page, writing upside down , J.B. Dr to S. Peters House] 1777 March Augst 13 Dr [pp. 237 and 238; leaf torn out between them] Peter Browne to Hants Funds Brought over the Balance

To Midsummer Dvdends on £221268- 4d New S. Sea Annuities

Recd from Dr Howardfor Hills fund Oct 15 1778

Febry 11 To XtmassDividendson £22126s4d New S. Sea Annuities

These Accounts balanced & carried to the middle of this Book where a New Account is begun Pr Contra 1777 [1777 scored] Credr 238 £-SD

March 2 Paid Mr Nolan his Bill for half a year 20. 19 6

April 17 Paid Messrs Tommins , Cornthwaite & Martin

Paid Mr Cornthwaite for Havant

Paid Mr Tommins for Shorts Fund

May 14thPaid Mrs Kennedy the amount of the different Trademens Bills for repairs

Paid Ditto for the different Taxes

June 20thTo theexpencesof my differentjourneys to Winton on acct of the repairs of Peter House & Chapel

To an Altar Piece

To New Altar Cards

To New Antipendium 8-13-73 2-6-8 0-5-3 4:17 1 6:13:15 4 : 4 : 0 1-14-0 1-4-0 2-12-6 * Evidently entered by mistake in the Hampshire Ledger



To a Holy Water Pot

0-8-0 [sic] 6

Paid Mr Nolan half a years salary 10-0-0

To ditto for the 6 Priests 3-3-0

Paid Mr Challoner his part from Paris

27 Paid Mr Cornthwaite for Havant

May 2[7 over 6]

To ditto for half a year for the Poor 5-8-3 0-17-7 2-6-8

Febry 28 Paid Mr Nolan his half year &c

Paid Mr Tommins the yearly Dividends for himself & Hants Brethren8 : 13 : [7 over 10] & also Short's 589d ..

[p. 239, the last in the book, blank.] [pp. 139 and 140]

P. Browne to the general Accounts of Hampshires, Havant & Winton P. Dr House Funds

1778 June 8-19-4 21-0-0 106-2-8

To Balance brought from the end ofthis Book ..

To the sale of one hundred pounds Stock in the New S. Sea Annuities at Augst 17 ToMidsummer Dividendof£2112-68-4d

1779 Febry 9 To Xtmass Dvidend on £2112 68 New S. Sea


27 Recd from Paris pr Mr Lindow for Hills's Fund [In anotherhand: See p 237. and p. 221 for beginning of this account.]

1778 Pr Contra .. June 3 Cred Paid the Bricklayers Bill for repairs at Peter House & Chapel

Paid the Painters Bill

Paid the Carpenters Bill for repairs

Paid Plumbers Bill

Paid Glaziers Bill

Paid Mrs Kennedy for Taxes & other small Bills, for repairs

Paid Mr Nolan some Bills for repairs

Augst 4 Paid Mr Nolan half a years salary Paid ditto for the 6 Priests

1779 Febry

Paid ditto for the Poor Paid Mr Challoner his share of Hills fund from Paris

March 16 Paid Mr Nolan half a years salary

pd ditto for repairs of furniture

Pd ditto for Taxes, Modus* &c

pd ditto for Burials 118 Winton poor £5-88-3d

pd ditto for Upham Longwood&c

[pp. 141 and 142] 1779 April

Augst 13

Decr 8

P. Browne to Hampshire, Winton & Havant Dr

Brought over

To Midsummer Dividendson £211268

4d in the 3 pr Cent Cons: Recd from Paris pr Mr Lindow for Hills Fund

1779 Pr Contra

April Brought over Credr

Allowed Mr Nolanfor fire in the sacristy to keep it dry ..

28 Paid Messrs Martin Cornthwaite& Tommins their yearly Dvidends

Paid Mr Tommins Shorts Fund

Pd Mr Cornthwaite for Havant

Augst 21 Paid BP Talbot the half years salaryDue to Mr Nolan deceased

To ditto for the Poors half year

To Ditto for the 6 Priests

Oct 15 Pd Mr Meader for Land & WindowTax Pd ditto for Modus 58. for Poor's Rates £1 48

pa the Upholsterer for some necessary Household Goods for Peter-House

PdMr Lindow for his journeysto & from Winton

To my own journeys & Mr Milner's To Foxhall the Gilder & Carver

[To the Goldsmith . . .. . scored] allowed Mr Walsh§ one qrs Salary

Modus's paving rates. A transparent blot showing a figure '1' underneath the next page shows that the '1' is meant to be scored

on A blot precedes the '8'apparently '18' changed to '8.' § Rev. Thomas Walsh See C.R.S. , xlii, 12

[pp. 143 and 144]



Augst 17

Novr 7 1781

P. Browne to Hants, Winton & Havant


Brought over

22d To Xtmass Dividend on £2111 : 68 & 7d [sic] in the 3 pr Cent Consol To a Benefaction from [? Tr. Tr.] for repairing Peter House & chapel To Midsummer Dividend on £2111 : 68 7d in the 3 pr Cent Consol: Recd from Paris pr Mr Lindow for Hills's Fund

Febry 11 To Xtmass Dividend on £2111 : 68 : 7d in the 3 pr Cent Consol

Augst 17 To Midsummer Dividend on £2111 : 68 : 7d in 3 pr Cent Consol: -

1780 Pr Contra

Janry Brought over [Paid the Carver & Gilder

Credr For 6 Brass Candlesticks & Pots &c ..

pd the Silversmithfor the Remonstrance 3d Pd Mr Milnerfor one qrs salary pddittofor Poor £5-88-3d, for Upham &c £210s &c Pd ditto for Burials

March Pd Mr

April 20 Pd Cornthwaite & Martin * their Dividend from Hañts & Havent [sic]Funds

Sept 23

Pd Mr Millner [sic] halfa years salary

Pd ditto £3 38 for the 6 Priests & £588 3d Poor

Nov 23 Pd Mr Meader for diverse Taxes & disbursements on acct of Peter-House 1781

Janty 12

Pd Mr Milner for half years salary pd ditto for Upham &c

ditto for the Poor

Pd Messrs Cornthwaite , & Martin their Dividend [of Hant or Short scored]

pd Mr Cornthwaitehis Havent [sic]Dvid

Pd Bp Talbot his share of Hills's Fund

[pp. 145 and 146] 1781


Decr 14 1782

Febry 20 P. Browne to Hants, Winton & Havant Dr S Brought over Recd of B Talbot for repairs

allowed Mr Milner for a Guard to Peter House during the Riots


To Midsummer Dividend on £211166 - 7d in 3 pr Cent

Recd from Paris for Hills's Fund scored]

These accounts, settled to the 1st of Decr 1783 S D

Total Paid 529 15 9

Total Recd 476 16

Balance due to me £.52198

April Pr Contra Brought over 25

Dec Credr


PdMrCornthwaitefromthe Havant Fund pd Ditto for his expencesto & at Winton to take an Inventory ofPeter Houseon the decease of Mr Nolan .. Pd Bp Talbot his share of Hills' Fund 6 Pd Mr Milner half a years salary duelast

Febry 19 Midsummer Pd ditto for the 6 Priests & the Poor Pd ditto for diverse trådesmens Bills Pd MrMilnertheXtmasshalf yearssalary

ditto for Upham Longwood &c pd ditto for the Poor For the Burials pd Mr Cornthwaite his due to the 18th Nov 82

Septr 23d pd Bp Talbot his share of Hills's Fund PdMr Milner half a year's salarydue last Midsummer & also for the Poor &c .. pd Messrs the Members oftheHantsFund their Dividends

May Decr 1st Pd MrMeader for2 years Taxes & repairs

[pp. 149 and 150] 1784

Febry 12

Augst 14 Oct 20 P. Browne to Hañts, Winton & Havant To Xtmass Dividend on £21116s7d in 3 pr Ct Cons To Midsummer Ditto on ditto .. Recd from Paris for Hills's Fund


Feby 17 To Xtmass Dividend on 2111 3 pr Ct .. -6-7 in

1784 Pr Contra [Dec scored] Pг Balance due to me [another erasure]

May 5

Pd Mr Milner half a years Salary due last Xtmass

pd Ditto for Upham & Longwood &c pd ditto for the poor

Pd ditto for Burials

pd ditto for the Painter

Pd [M scored]dittoforthe Carpenters Bill Pd dittoforGlazier & othervarious articles

6 Pdthe Members ofthe Hants' Fundtheir Dividend

Pd myself for the obligations of Shorts Fund-

pd Mr Appleton his Dividend of the Havant Fund


Sept 2

Oct 28

Dec 12


April 21

pd Mr Milner half a years Salary due Midsum

pa ditto for the 6 Priests £3-38. For the Poor £5 883d -

Pd Mr Meader for Taxes & Rates

Pd Bp Talbot his share of Hills Fund

Pd for Gold Lace for a Cope at PeterHouse

Pa Mr Milner for half a year due last Xtmass

På ditto for Upham Longwood &c Pd ditto for the poor £588 Burials 108 6d -

Pd the members of the Hants Fund

Pd Mr Appleton of the Havant Fund pd myself for Shorts Fund [pp. 151 and 152] 1785

Funds Brought over in 3 pr Ct Octr 3 To Hills Executors from Paris

Priest at Brockhampton.

1785 Augst Pr Contra Brought over 5

Pd Mr Milner his half year Salary, & also for the 6 Priests & Poor

pd Mr Meader for a years Taxes & parish rates


May 11thpd Milner his Xtmass half year

Pd Messrs Martin & Milner their Dividends of Hants Fund

Pd Mr Earle* for Havant Fund

pd myself for Shorts Fund

Octr 1787


pd Mr Milner his half years salary To ditto for the 6 priests £3-38 for poor 58 3

Pd Mr Meader for Taxes & Parish rates May 11 Pd Mr Milner half a years Salary due last Xtmass

Pd Messrs Martin Milner & Earl their Dividendsfor Hants& Havant &Short Funds [pp. 153 and 154] 1787 P. Browne to Hants Funds [Brought scored] Recd for Hills's Fund from Paris

Augst 1788

Febry To Xtmass ditto on ditto Augst


Febry 9 To Xtmass Dividend on ditto ..


1787 Pr Contra Novr 1788 Credr Pr Balance due to me on setling [sic] accts

pd Mr Milner his half year due last Midsummer £10 . for the 6 Priests £3-38 Poor 5 8 : 3 allowed to ditto for repairing the organ

April 16 Pd Mr Milnerhalf a year due last Xtmass £10 . For Upham£5 Poor & Burials £5 : 18s : 9d


Jany 20 pdditto his Dividend for Hants Fund ..

PdMrMilnerfor oneyear due lastXtmass including Poor Upham &c Pd ditto for all Taxes from March 1787 to Nov 24th/88

May 6 Pd Mr Milner his DividendofHañtsFund Pd Mr Southworth* for one year& a half of Havant Fund due next Midsummer PdMr Peters pr Mr Walmsley hisDividend of Hants Fund

Oct 20 Pd Mr Milner half a year due last Midsummer £10 :six Priests £3-38. Poor £5-88-3d


Janry 21 Recd from Paris for Hills's Executors To Xtmass Dvidend on £2236 : 65 : 7d New South Sea Augst 9 To Midsummer Dividend on ditto Octr Recd from

pd to Mr Milner half year's

Pr Contra .. 1790 Brought over March &c due last Xtmass .. * Priest at Brockhampton. Rev. Chas Peters , at Tichborne Rev. William Walmsley, O.S.B. , at Brambridge.



To Mr Meaders Bill for Taxes ..

To a Bill for repairs

Pd myself for 4 years of Shorts Fund

28 Pd to the Members of the Hants Fund

Pd to Mr Southworth the Havant Fund

Novr 10th pd

Mr Milner half a years salary £10 , the poor £58s 3d the 6 Priests £3 : 38 due last Midsummer & Pd to ditto Mr Meaders Bill for Taxes £10 : 178. 4d 1791 :

Janty 18

Pd Mr Milner half a years salary på ditto for the poor

pd ditto for Upham &c

Pd ditto for Burials ..

May 18 Pd myself for Shorts Fund

Pd the Members of Hants Fund

Pd Mr Southworth for Havant Fund

Augst 2 Pd Mr Barnard* the Bp's share of Hills's Fund for 6 years past

Balance due to [the Funds scored , me above]

[pp. 157 and 158]

1792 P. Browne to Winton & Hants Funds Dr Janry 16th [To Balance To Xtmass Dividend on £2236 : 68 : 7d New S. Sea Annuities

1792 Pr Contra .. Credr

[179 scored] [Pd Mr Bernard scored] Pr Balance

Janry 12

Pd Mr Milner a years Salary due last Xtmass

Padittofor Upham&c£5,forthe6Priests £3 : 38 for the poor £10 : 16s : 6d , for burials 10s 6d due last Midsummer ..


Pd Mr Bernard [sic] the Bps share of Hills's fund 20 -

] * Vicar General , London District

HithertoI have kept all the Hampshire Funds & accounts together in one account book [or but] finding that Peter House by thecontinualexpences [ofit above] I have advanced beyond the Interest of its Fund is becomea considerable Dr to me more than I can afford I begin in the next Leaf a separate acct for Peter House alone, having balanced Peters House accounts separately from the other Funds I make Peter House Dr to me at least £145 : 178 : 7d March 1793 [pp. 159 and 160] 1792 Jany 16 P. Browne to Peter House Winton [To last Xtmass Dividendon £1773 : 13s : 6d New South Sea Annuities



[Omitted last years payment to markinterlined] ..

[Pd dittofor Upham, the 6 Priests, Poor, burials

Augst 27 Pd Mr Milner half a yearfor salary, Poor & the 6 Priests due last Midsummer

Decr 1793

7thTo Bill for Taxes pd to Mr Meader

Janry 18

Pd Mr Milner his half years salary pd to ditto for Waltham Upham &c Pdtodittoforpoor£5 : 88 : 3d forburials 10s 6d ..

Peter House Dr to P Browne 177 14 7

[Sums by Rev. P. Browne] 177 14-7

[Intheright-hand bottom corner in Mr. Joseph Gillow's hand] The Very Rev. Peter Browne, Dean of the Chapter, died May 31 , 1794. He was a wretched accountant & his brothercontrivedto embezzle £3,000 J. Gillow .

[On a piece of paper affixed with wax to the inside back cover , in the Rev. J. P. Betts's hand, written sideways] Returned for St Peters 1760 Augt Mr Hs books

R.S. Contribn Poor & Chambn Six pts for 1760 Hants fund do Reduction of Int. Burials overchargd

: 1

£104 107 whereof £60 belongs to Hants fund £44 10 : 7 is in trust for ye Bishop of this district

[On the bottom half of the paper, written across the page in the usual manner]

J.B. Dr to Mr Savage S.P. (six priests ofHants fund*)

R.S. (Rich Spencer*) Bks (Books )


Chamln (Widow Chamberlain*) Six Pts Hants (Hants Fund*)

[On the back of the piece of paper, a cancelled accountin the Rev. J. P. Betts's hand]

1760 J.B. DrtoMrSavage from Xmas 1758 to ditto 1759

S. Peters House Mr Hills's books

[The whole account scored with two crosses.] * All lateradditions in pencil. Thefirst is obviously an error: St. Peter's House, and not the Six Priests Query: a source of Interest?

[Two scraps of loose paper]

[No. 1 , 4 x 2 inches : on one side, in an unknown hand]

Benjamin Smith

Richard Stuttard

William Riley went June 22 at Lisbon 1788

[On the other side, in the Rev. P. Browne's hand] H. Fd

[Hants Fd scored ] [Unimportant figures scribbled underneath]

[No. 2. A pieceofpaper, 9 inches long, with one side roughly torn; about 2 inches wide Its age is shown by the dirt at the top. Evidently the paper on which the pencilled figures given on p. 159 were worked out. The items are given in single column on each side ofthe paperMr. Nolan's on one side, Mr.Milner's on the other .] 3 : 3 : 8 Mr Nowlan

* A separate sum in the corner of the paper, totalling

This 16 9" seems to be written on the line above it; thus it was probably cancelled.

[On the other side, in single column]








Area covered by Sopley, Canford and Stapehill Registers



In 1934 the present Bishop of Portsmouth (the Rt. Rev. John Henry King) transcribed the first Sopley Register and, later, wrote the Story of Sopley. This was not done , however, for publication by theCatholic Record Society At His Lordship's request, therefore, these have now been revised , rewritten and the Historical Introduction enlarged for publication in the present volume.R.E.S.

Sopley lies in the south-western corner of Hampshire: it covers the area beyond the New Forest reachingto the Dorset border The county border is now a very definite ecclesiastical frontier : it divides not only two dioceses, but also two Provinces Before the re-establishment of the Hierarchy (1850) it was the boundary between the London and Western Districts Before the days of James II, however , it meant nothing to Catholics from the religious point of view . It is necessary to stress this fact since it would appear that supportforthe Mission of Sopley came from both sides of the county boundary.

The name " Sopley " is here used because the Mission seems so to have been called by priests and people Winkton , " , " "Avon , " " Pennington and Avon,' Sopley " and " Burton Green appearto " " have been its successive titles before its removal to Christchurch. Moreover, since Pennington" was once part of its title, the parish of Lymington, and the daughter Missions of Christchurch and Lymingtonnamely, Bournemouth, Lyndhurst, Brockenhurst, New Milton and Ringwoodmay claim the honour of descent. The rich family of the Webbsof Odstock, Wilts, bought theManors of Canford in Dorset (G. Oliver, Collections, p 52) and Avon Tyrrell ontheHampshire side, and were virtually the founders of the Sopley Mission The Manor of Christchurch, which had belonged to the martyred Countess of Salisbury, Blessed Margaret Pole, and had been restored to her grand-daughter by Queen Mary, came into the possessionofthe Arundells of Wardour early in the seventeenth century. They also owned Hampreston and Stapehill across the border, in Dorset. The great Hampshire recusant families of Tichborne and Philpott also owned property in this district To these noble families, then, wemay attribute the persistence of the Faith in south-west Hampshire.

In Elizabethan days we find, in 1588 , that Mr. Tettersall * and * Mr. Tettersall and his wife were probably not permanent residentsat Beaulieu The sister of Blessed Swithun Wells, Mrs. Ann Perkins, widow of William Perkins of Ufton, Berks , had married as her second husband George Tettersall of Stapleford, Wilts In the Recusant Lists of 1592/3 thereisalsoan Edward Tettersall ofStreatley, Berks, and his wife , Catherine.

his wife, of Beaulieu , are recusants, and also Mr. Roger Lyne* of Ringwood, who had been thrown into Newgate Prison (C.R.S., xxii, 122). In 1592/3 Henry Cary has his estates at Hordle and Keyhaven sequestrated for recusancy ; Eleanor Young, wife of Simon Young of Ringwood,isindebtedto theQueenfor£180 onaccount ofherrecusancy, and Benjamin Stockwell, late of Lymington, for £160 (C.R.S., xviii, 278, 290, 289)

Whatever organization then existedand however meagre it waswas to be found across the border around Hampreston There , in fact, we find quite a number of farmers and labourers entered as recusants and owing huge sums to the Royal Exchequer When next the veil is lifted on this corner of Hampshirewe find an astonishingly large numberof Catholics in the ListofConvictedRecusants of 1662/3 . The List is very imperfect and contains the names of none of the Catholic gentry. Yet we find twenty-three convicted recusants in the " Hundred ofChristchurch," four in the " Town of Christchurch , " one in Ringwood , and another eleven in the Liberty of Westover (C.R.S., vi, 314-5).

Francis Perkins , the nephew of Blessed Swithun Wells, married Ann , daughterof Edmund Plowden , the celebrated jurist of Elizabeth's reign, and lived at Ufton Court in Berkshire . Miss Sharp (History of Ufton Court) says that their second son , Edmund, was thrice married, and was mentioned in a Herald's Visitation of Berkshire as being domiciled at Winkton near Christchurchin 1660, with his third wife, Jane Kenyon In the Fifth Douay Diary (C.R.S., xi, 521), under the date22 November1652, is notedthe arrivalfrom Englandof" Edmund Perkinshere called Moreaged 16 [altered to 18], the eldest son of Edmund Perkins and Jane Kennion, Catholics, of the place called Brooke in the County of Southampton, educated from his infancy in the Catholic Faith ' He left through ill-health on 1 May 1653. In 1692 the Rev. Edward Hunt § is said to reside with Mr. Edmund Perkins at Winkton near Christchurch, Hampshire (C.R.S., ix, 107 , where Winchester is given, a mistake for Winkton ), and is also said to have been eleven or twelve years on the Mission A broken tombstone in St. James's Cemetery, Winchester, records the burialof some

* Roger Lyne was the husband of Blessed Ann Lyne, and came of well-to-do stock living at Ringwood Apparently he was the eldestson , born about 1567. His friend and associate was William Higham, who had been practically disowned by his father, a wealthy Essex squire, on account of his reconciliation to the Faith The sister, Ann Higham, was also reconciled and married Roger Lyne. Roger matriculated at Douay in January 1593 , and died in Flanders some time after August 1594 (cf. 1st and 2nd Douay Diaries, p 280; C.R.S., ii, 249-50, 252, 255, 271; Morris, Conditions under James I, vol lxxiii)

Henry Cary, recusant, of Tadford, Hants, grandson of Thomas, the first captain of Hurst Castle This family persisted in recusancyfor a long while Unfortunately the name appears in various documents as " Carew , " Cary, " " Carey , " and " Caree (cf. C.R.S. , xiii, 121 ; v, 313; xxiv, 275) "

Blessed Swithun Wells was bailed out of prison by Francis Perkins and stayed with the latter at Ufton.

The Rev. Edward Hunt, alias Colbeck , of the diocese of Lincoln , took the College Oathat Douay in 1674. The record of his ordination is missing (First Douay Diary) He died August 1726 (C.R.S., xii, 2)

Winkton was probably read as Winton

one of importance from Winkton, who died 15 September 1676, but the name is illegible From all of which we gather that Edmund Perkins had acquired estatespossibly through his third wife, Jane Kenyonin south-west Hampshire, namely, at Brooke in the parish of Bramshaw and at Winkton just north of Christchurch*; that possibly his tombstoneor his wife'sdated 1676, is in Winchester cemetery; that his son Edmund succeeded to the estates and maintained a priest for the benefit of Catholics in the vicinity; and that this priest, the Rev. Edward Hunt, alias Colbeck, had already been on the Mission well over ten years in 1692, quite possibly in these parts. Dodd (Church History, iii, 460) tells us that Edmund Perkinswent to St. Germains in 1694 , to the court of the exiled James II, to actas tutor to his son, the " Old Pretender, " and died at St. Germains 13 August 1697. *

No further mention is made of the Perkins in these parts, and none ofthefamily is listed among the 1715 Nonjurors Among those obliged to register their property after the failure of the 1715 Rebellion we find Richard Clapcote of Sopley, carpenter, wife and six children; SimonWhite of Wardour Castle, who has a house at Ringwood; Ambrose Plowman, farmer at Wick, Christchurch, and two daughters; Richard White of Evilton, Milford, clothier; Sir John Webb of Great Canford, who has estates at Sopley and Christchurch; Rebecca Edwards of Longham, widow; Martin Biddlecombe ofMerryton, farmer; Winefride Hammondof Brook; Thomas Lovatt, husbandman ; John Morrice of Fawley, mariner; John Mackrell of Benfield , Dorset, who has an estate at Milton; Alexander King of Hurn; Lord Arundell of Wardour, who has the Manor of Ringwood ; Amy Bloomer of Crow , Ringwood, widow, andthreesons ; Martin Hounshill ofRingwood, brazier, wife and two sons; and Mary Lewen of Crow , widow , and two daughters (Eng. Cath Nonjurors, pp 232-40) All of these were of, or connected with, the Sopley area, and the names of descendants of several of them occurin the Registers. One of them, Sir John Webb, carried on the traditions of the Catholic gentry byhousing a priest and providing for the spiritual welfare of Catholics in the neighbourhood

BishopChallonervisited this area on 5-7 July 1741. In his Notes he describes the Mission as " Pennington and Avon." This suggests that there were once two chaplaincies here, now united under the care of a single priest The two dates given by the BishopforConfirmation, 18 on 5 July and 21 on 7 July, lead to the same conclusionthat he was at Pennington, a hamlet close to Lymington, on the former

* Miss Sharp says that his house at Winkton was the Manor House , now destroyed, known as "Akers "

The Rev. Francis Perkins, priest at Petersfield, died 13 March 1760 , aged 90. He was of this family. He took the oath at Douay 15 August 1689 and was in Sussex or Hants in 1695, andin Sussex 1702. In 1769, whenJohn Perkins, the last Squireof Ufton, died, James Perkins unsuccessfullyclaimed the estates (see Frederic Turner, A Berkshire Bachelor's Diary, Newbury, 1936) It is not certain that he was a Catholic His monumental inscription, and his son's , are written in Latin

Martin Hounshill, born 1718, sonofMartinHounshill, brazier, of Ringwood, and his wife, Elizabeth Hunt,was educatedat TwyfordSchooland the English College , Lisbon, where he was ordained priest 27th March 1742 (Gillow , Register ofLisbon College, p. 218)

date, and at Avon, * a small place on the river of the same name just above Sopley, on the latter The Philpotts, Tichbornes and Arundells owned property in the vicinity of Pennington In recent years a little more evidence has come to light showing the existence of Catholic families around Milford and Pennington, among whom the shadowyform of Father Paul Atkinson, O.F.M., seems to move. We find that threefamilies, all Catholics , succeededeach otheratEvertonSteptoe, White and Lacytheir occupation extendingfrom the days of Charles II down to the beginning of the nineteenth century.

In 1666 John Steptoe owned a messuage and twenty-six acres at Evelton, at which time George Carew owned Keyhaven; William Mackarell, Ashley and a part of New Milton; and Henry Philpott Lower Pennington The Steptoe property at Evelton passedpresumablyby marriageto the Whites In 1716 Richard Whitereturns his property as a Catholic Nonjuror (Eng. Cath. Nonjurors, p 233). In Milford Churchyard his stone is still just decipherable He died 4 September 1727, aged 80, and his wife, Elizabeth, was 50 at her death on 22 March 1711. In Old Times Revisited in Borough andParish of Lymington, p 276 (Lymington, 1879), a formerMayorofLymington, Mr. Edward King, says, "I have reason to believe that Fr. Paul Atkinson ... was attached to their [the White's] private chapel and family as priest and tutor, " and again "Hurst was only a short distance from the Salt Works at Pennington belongingto the White family, and it is well known that he was allowedto meetfriends at an intermediate house at Keyhaven where, under the ostensible plea of social intercourse, the quiet exercise of his priestly functions was connived at for many years " After the Whites came the Lacys, who are first mentioned as owners of property in 1725. Thereis Mr. William Lacy and Mr. Richard White Lacy, which seems to prove some marriage relationship between the Whites and the Lacys. The tombs of both are situated beside the White tomb.

From the Milford Record Society's journal, The Milford Record (I, No. 3, 1910), we learn that the Churchwardens ' accounts ofMilford mention the Lacys many times as paying Church Rates for Everton §

* Avon and Pennington are some ten miles apart " as the crow flies . " As regards the other places named, the distance from Sopley of Beaulieu is 15 miles; ofAvon Tyrrell 2 miles ; of Canford 7 ; of Hampreston 6 ; of Stapehill 6 ; of Pennington 10 ; of Lymington 10 ; of Christchurch 2 ; of Burton 2. Everton is 1 miles from Pennington and Milfordis 2 .

John Steptoe in 1667 left all his lands at Milford and Keyhaven to Amy and Olive Bernard fortheir lifetime, and afterwards to theCorporation of Southampton on trust that they should apply one third of the rents for the relief of the poor and lend the remainder in sums of £10 to young beginners " in the town, free of interest.

Healsoleft £100 on trust to pay £2 a year to the Minister ofAll Saints' for quarterly sermons, and £3 yearlyfor sixty poor persons of All Saints' parish

By the middle of the nineteenth century Steptoe's Charity consistedof forty-nine acres at Fawley and Yeovilton, let at £60 a year Sums of £20 were at that time lent to industrious young tradesmen, but a large portion ofthe loan fund had been lost by failures of principals and bondsmen All of which seems to arguethat theSteptoes had conformed , at leastoutwardly, possibly to save their property.Communicated by Mr. Ernest G. Ash of Lymington

Hurst Castle , where Fr. Paul Atkinson was imprisoned. § Everton, otherwise Yelverton, Yeovilton, Evelton, Evilton

(or 'Evilton' as they spelt it). The first mention of the family is in 1725. They also paid for " late Olliver's, " the entrybeing" Mr Lacy. " In 1744-5 Mr. RichardWhiteLacy* pays for Everton andMr.William Lacy for " late Olliver's," the latter being situated near the sharp bend of the road leading from Milford to Lymington, just beyond Everton Grange, and on the same side of the road. From that date until 1796 there is no further reference to Mr. William Lacy, but constant reference to Mr. Richard White Lacy, who appears to pay for both Everton and " late Olliver's " Mr. William Lacy owned a Saltern of ten pans, and Mr. Richard White Lacy one of three pans, at Pennington Marsh in 1743

About the year 1725 the Lacys came to live in Efford Cottage , on the main road between Everton and Lymington Father Paul Atkinson, O.F.M., a prisoner in Hurst Castle since 1699, used to say Mass at Efford Cottage. He stayed the night at the VormansatEverton as their house was less conspicuous than the Lacys' . In 1920a Mrs. Shepherd, aged 70, was living in the Vormans ' cottage, which was still standing, though enlarged There are two accounts of Mrs. Shepherd's storythe one by Mr. W. Ravenscroft , F.S.A. , in The Milford Record (August, 1919), the other by E. M. Harting in the Franciscan Monthly (January and March, 1920) Mrs. Shepherd had a great-grandmother who had died circa 1869, aged 96. This old lady had often told of the priest's comingto the cottage , having heardthe story from her own grandmother, a Mrs. Sims § Mrs. Sims's first husband was a sailor, but she married a second time a German named Vorman, also said to be a sailor There were no children of the second marriage. Mrs. Sims used to assert that " Fr. Paul, a dark, tonsured man , once said Mass onthe steps of what is nowthe ChurchyardCross at Milford. There was then no crossonly the steps and baseand at these he said Mass This was at 7 a.m. Vorman, beinga Catholic, was present, also some others .... Fr. Atkinson is said to have got out from Hurst and to have sleptfive nightsin Mrs. Shepherd's cottage, breakfastingin a parlour at the northend , since blowndownin a great gale. " A great ado was made over this escapadewhen it was reported to the authorities and with much delicacy of feeling Fr. Atkinson is said to have remained ever afterwards in his cell rather than compromise his good friend the Governor .

Mr. Edward King gives, in the book mentioned above (p 277), an extract from a private letter written by Mrs. C. Steer (née Kitty

* Western Gazette, 9 July 1745: " On Saturday last was married at Lymington , Richard White Lacy Esq., a young gentleman of large estate near that town, who is lately come of age, to Miss Stafford, daughter ofthe late John Stafford Esq of Southampton, a beautiful young lady, worth £4000 " This was his first marriage.

In 1730 a William Lacy was the owner and occupier of an estate at Everton worth £300 a year, and he had five or six children A WilliamLacy died in 1749 , aged 61 (see M.I., infra).

Sixteen weeks' boiling was the general season average, and eachpan made about three tons of salt per week, burning nineteen bushels of coal for each ton A drift or turn took eight hours, after which the pan had tobe cooled , emptied and cleaned Sixteen drifts made a week's work, which extendedfrom Sundaynight to Saturday morning (Edward King, Old Times Revisited, pp 199-200)

§ There are slight discrepancies in the two accounts , but the above seems the only possible version


Biddlecombe ), grand-daughterof Mr. RichardWhite Lacy: " I willtell you about the Lacy family They came with William the Norman into England My grandfather was settledat Yelverton, near Lymingtou, where he kept hounds and was much respected by all Myfather was engaged to his only daughter eleven years; the reason beingthat she would not marry without Mr. Lacy's consent, the objection was that my father was not a Roman Catholic After Mr. Lacy's death they were married at Milford Church by my father's old friend, the Rev. Richard Warner, and afterwards by Dr. Milner * accordingto the Rites of the Catholic Church; I suppose at Yelverton House, as there was a chapel in the house, and Mr. Greenwood was the priest I was born (in Lymington) at a house (nearly) opposite the Angel Inn, occupied by the three Miss Shepherds My mother died there (æt 28) and was buried with her father and mother in Milford churchyard Southey wrote my grandfather's epitaph and one on the death of my mother M. Cochet was the priest, who had much to dowith my early education He resided at Burton near Christchurchwhere there was a chapel At St. Austin's, near Lymington, my father's old friends,Mr. & Mrs. Lyons, resided ; the present duchess of Norfolk wasa daughteroftheirs; Admiral Walcot (my old companion in youth) was their nephew With the Weld family, my mother was educated at the old convent at Hammersmith I think the mother of Cardinal Weld was one of her school-friends, and used often to come from Lulworth Castle to see my father. I recollecther. "

The Milford Record (I, No. 3, 1910) also shows that there was a Catholic school at Milford A court case known as the Penny Trial concerned the Penny Charity of Milford. Thomas Penny of Milford by his will dated 1696 left the income of certain properties to be distributed to the poor of Milford annually. In 1731 certain parishioners wished to found a school with the money The scheme was opposed by " MrWmLacy gentleman" and others. The affair was carried to the Court of Chancery and went on for three years till 1735

James Thorne, the Parish Clerk of Milford, deposed, among other things, that there was a school in Milford carried on by a Roman Catholic to teach children reading, writing and arithmetic. Thomas Godwin of Milford, gentleman , deposed that Milford already had two schoolsone kept by " one Lane, a notorious sot, " and the other by " W. Matthews, a reputed Papist. " §

As for Avon, Sir John Webb of Canford, Dorset, owned the Manor of Avon Tyrrell and supported a chaplain there.

In his 1741 Visitation Bishop Challonerrecords that the congregation at Pennington and Avon numbered about two hundred, and

* The Rev. John Milner was at Yelverton in October 1793 , as an entry in the Winchester Register shows: " Die 23 Octobris 1793, apud Yevelton prope Lymington Baptisatus est à me, cæremoniis omissis, Gulielmus filius Jacobi & [Ignoti & casu inventi erant a lateraddition]"given in a mutilated form in C.R.S. , i, 184. No marriageis, however, mentioned

Recte Greenwell

From the obituarylist, printed with the Registers below , we know that her mother died in March 1799, a week after Kitty's birth (but shewas buried at Milford, and not at Lymingtonas the obituary list says)

§Much of the foregoing information relates to Lymington parish and is supplementary to the Historical Introductionto the Lymington Registers published in C.R.S. , xiv, 295 sqq

Iam indebted to Mr. Ernest G. Ash of Lymington for many details given above

higher up on the same page, under the name of the priest, Frankland, gives one hundred and twentycommunicants (E. H. Burton, Life and Times ofBishopChalloner, i, 148 *). How longthe Rev .. Frankland had been there or how long he remained we do not know. In the Register of Lisbon College a John Frankland, alias orvereMoyes,isshown as being ordained at Lisbon between 1723 and 1727, in which year he was sent to England (pp. 198-9). Mr. Gillow places him at Brockhampton, Havant, in 1734, although there is no evidence for this in the Brockhampton Registers, and says that he died in London 16 July 1752. Inthe Old ChapterObituary the deathof a Rev. George Frankland is given in London 1 August 1752 (C.R.S., xii, 8). Forour information of the next priests, and also of the fact that the Mission was moved from Avon to Sopley, we are indebted to the Rev. John Philip Betts, who kept the accounts for the Hampshire Missions. In the Hampshire Ledger (supra, p 55) he records that he paid a guinea from theRobert Hyde, or Hills, Fund to"MrMilner towardshisexpence of changinghis quartersfrom Avon to Sopley " This wasin August 1753. He was the Rev.John Milner who went to Douay on 18 August 1736. He must not be confused with Bishop Milneras the compiler of the Index of C.R.S. vol xxviii has confused him . The Bishopwas not born until 1752. The Rev. John Milner left Douay, inPhilosophy, 16 June 1744; was admitted to theEnglishCollege, Lisbon, 12December 1746, andwas ordained31 May 1749. Heleftforthe Mission28 January 1750 (Gillow, Register of Lisbon College, p 231) It is possible that this was his first mission and that he remaineduntil 1757, from which year until at leastthe end of 1758hewas the priest at Cowdray(C.R.S., i, 250) He died in London 30 July 1782 (C.R.S., xii, 21). He was succeeded, presumably, by the Rev. Mr. Barnwell, for in August 1758 the Rev. John Philip Betts pays him a guinea for" attendanceatand near Southampton, " and when, in September 1760 , he pays him four guineas, which fall due 25 February 1761 , for the same reason , he becomes " Mr Barnwell in the New Forest." A final payment oftwo guineas "in full of all demands " is made to him in August 1761 , § at which date, it may be presumed , he left Sopley (cf. Hampshire Ledger, supra , p 59) He is difficult to identify He may possibly be the Irish priest, the Rev. John Barnwell, whose death is recordedat Kingscliff, Lincolnshire, on 11 February 1782 (C.R.S., xii,

* A photographic copy of the page containing Bishop Challoner'sentry concerning Pennington and Avon is given, facing p. 148.

Is this perhaps a slip for Avon ?

Possibly the change was caused by the sale of the Webb property . Sir John Webb was an ardent Jacobite and was in trouble in 1745 , inwhich year also he died at Aix-la-Chapelle According to the Vict County Hist ofHampshiretheManor of Avon was sold in 1772. The Chapel, andpossibly the priest's residence, had been at Springfield House , Avon In 1753 the priest moved to Sopley, to a house belonging to Sir Thomas Webb. § Betts's accountsmakeitclearthatfrom1758 to 1761 the priestsofSopley also served Padwell, Southampton TheRev.J. P. Betts'slastentryconcerning Sopley and his sole mention of the Rev. Mr. Flanaganruns: " To Mr Talbot [Bishop James Talbot] for Mr Nolan's [priest at Gosport] attendance at Southampton in the room ofMr Flanogan deceased £1.1.0 , " from which it is clear that Mr. Flanagan served Southampton and that Mr. Betts either forgot to pay him for doing so or else forgot to enter it.


21). His successorwas, inalllikelihood, the Rev.. Flanagan, whose existence was made known through the recollections of an aged parishioner, Mr. Argyle, who wrote the following account, about 1872 , at the request of the Rev. H. Van Doorne (priest at Christchurchin 1872).

"It was of tradition that the Catholics of Christchurch and its vicinity, used to assemble at Springfield House, Avon, opposite to Court House and Farm, now belonging to Fane Esq . Within the memory of many the Font was in a room near the river, § but this was, within a few years, pulled down: the house was of stone and ancient: some of the materials of the walls forms [sic] the present smithy ofAvon In 1768 , December 21st the Priest's house at Sopley (the last house in the lane leadingfrom Sopley to Ripley) was burnt, and the Priest, by name, Revd Mr Flanagan perished also: he appears to have come downstairs, when, near the bottom, a burning beam fell uponhim: this was near the present doorat backofhouse. His remains were dug out and interred in Sopley Churchyard It was not rebuilt for some time, andthe Catholics went to Stapehill or to CanfordHouse , the residence of Sir T. Webb . OccasionallyMasswas said at MrClapcott's Mark Argyle, one of the congregationwent and asked Sir J. Webb to send a Priest, the house was rebuilt and Revd Mr Parker was the first Priest that lived at Sopleyafter this sad event Thenames of the congregation : Biddlecombs , farmer, living at an old house called White's now standing, south of Sopley Church: the land to thisfarm is now sold off &c: Blacklocks, Clapcotts (carpenters ), Drapers , Haines , carpenter to Sir J. Webb, Mrs Wilmot (mother of Mrs Daw), Gayler, an old Irish lace maker, Bishops, labourers ; Argyles (Christchurch, shoemakers), Chapples, Dawes of Wick, Bloomer of Wick, Trevis of Christchurch.

" This Revd Mr Parker obtained for Clapcotts the redemption of a mortgage to Mr Willis of Ringwood, who would not give it up Mr. Clapcott tried the law, but to no purpose Revd Mr Parker asked Mr. Clapcott if he would allow him to see what could be done in thematter: the permission being willingly granted, he went to London, put it in a friend's hands and it was soon settled to Mr Clapcott's satisfaction.

" To Revd Mr Parker succeeded Revd Mr Greenwell : he lived some time at Sopley, but eventually removed to Christchurch living with Mrs Daw's at a house now occupied byMr Ibert EverySunday andHolyday he walkedto Sopley to say Mass His deathwas occasioned by mortification brought on by wearing a tight shoe, his toe became

A priest, AnthonyBarnewall, was prosecuted in June 1768 , on the evidence of the informer Payne Cf. E. H. Burton, Challoner , II, 93; D. Gwynn, Bishop Challoner , p. 170

At this period there were three Irish priests working in Hampshire- the Rev. Patrick Savage at Winchester, the Rev. James Nolan at Gosport, and the Rev. Flanagan at Sopleyfor none of whom can any details be found . On examining a number of Registers it is curious to note how priests from the same college follow one another on a Mission , or group together in the samearea

The original MS. is in the Archives of the Catholic Church at Christchurch The MS. was first brought to Bishop King's notice by Canon D. O'Mahony of Southampton. §Meaning, apparently, that a room in Springfield House " near the river" served as the Chapel, and that the holy water stoup was still visible some fifty or sixty yearsbeforethis Memorandum was written, i.e, circa 1820 1765 was the correct date

inflamed and mortified: recourse was had to surgical aid, but the amputation did not succeed in stopping it, he died and was buried at Sopley . To him succeeded the Revd Mr Beni a French Priest, after him a Revd Mr Chantittour who lodged with Mr Jno Godden , Coachman to Walcott Esq at Winkton. The Stapehill nuns with their Superioress, Madame Chaban, driven from France, came to Burton House ; they did not remain long but passed over to their present residence Sir T. Moore with Lady Mannockhisniece then came to Burton House § His Priest, Revd MrVial said Mass at Sopley. Revd Mr Cochet, a French emigrant Priest, came on Sundays and Holydays from Stapehill to say Mass, returning again to Stapehill "After a few years, by the assistance of Lady Mannock,** he purchased of a family by name Howe at Burton Green, the house garden, now the site of the present Chapel House The Chapelwas begun in 1810 , In 1811 it was opened by Bishop Poynter Revd Mr Cochet seized with paralysis so as to be obliged to have assistance when saying Mass [returned to France] where he recovered health , lived some years and died in 1830. Sir T. More died at BurtonHouse and was buried at Stapehill, LadyMannock at Endless St, Salisbury. She left £300 to the Mission at Burton. Names of Congregation : Howes , Joys, Vineys , Pitmans, Peckfords , Read, Argyles, Blacklocks & Mrs Lacey"

On 13 February 1933 the present Bishop of Portsmouth visited Sopley. " Walking from Purewell [Christchurch] I came to Burton where a cottager told me I would find the old Catholic Churchon the Green and now a Congregational Chapel Whether this is so or not I cannot say, but my companion (the Rev. F. Pinkman) and myself rather fancied an old school near at hand as the more likely building, and our opinion was confirmedby the occupant of the Priest's House at Sopley, later on, who stated categorically that the old school was the real place We called on the Rector of Sopley who very kindly took us into his church and brought out the Burial Register There we found, at the end of 1765 , this entry:

Mr- Flanagan December the 23d Under 1802 was the entry: 'John Greenwell , Romish Priest, November 27th'

* Query: Recte Besnée ?

Recte Abbé Pierre Chantelou or Chanteloup.

"In 1802 Henry, the eighth Lord Arundell afforded a refuge here to MadameRosalieAugustin de Chabannes , a ladyofthe highest merit, and her religious community de la SainteCroix de Notre Damede la Trappe" (Oliver , Collections , p 42)

§ Sir ThomasMoorewas the sixthandlast baronet ofthe CatholicFamily of the Moores of Fawley, Berks His sister, Anastasia, had married Mark Browne of the family of Montague of Cowdrayand a daughter, also Anastasia, became the second wife of Sir Thomas Mannock, Bart She was now a widow and lived with her uncle

Recte Abbé Gilles Viel

** Sir ThomasMoore died 10 April 1807, before the BurtonChapel was commenced . He was buried in the old chapel of Stapehill (now the Nuns' Refectory). His niece, Lady Mannock, was still at Burtonwhen thebuilding of the Chapel began, but migrated to Henley in 1812 , which was her home till her death, 17 April 1814. TheDirectorygives the place ofdeathas Windsor , not Salisbury.


and next to him:

'William Perkins of Winkton ' *

"We then went to the Priest's House ' (still so called) in Priest's Lane,' the occupants of whichthey were Methodistsaccording tothe Rectorgave us a cordial welcome. Thewife showed us overthehouse . In the kitchen, on the left hand side of the fireplace , was an alcove , in the floor of which was a circular hole with a grating at the bottom This, she declared , was where the priest made his wafers "Her bedroom , she stated , was evidently the place where Masswas said . A tiny niche inside the door might easily have been the holy water stoup. At the head ofthe bed there had been, originally, folding doors which led into another room which apparently contained the altar. The stairs to the upper floor descend to the ground outsidethe back door of the kitchen "

The first priest at Sopley was then the Rev. Mr Parker. It is not easy to identifyhim There are three Parkers in the Valladolid College Registers, but all three became Jesuits. The Sopley Mr. Parker would seem to be the Rev. Francis Parker, educated in Paris, who died in September 1779 (C.R.S., xii, 14). There is a strong probability that the three Irish priests mentioned above were also educated in Paris, and it is therefore likely, as also noted above, that the Rev. Francis Parker followed the Rev. -. Flanagan

The Rev. John Baptist Greenwell was the next priest. He was the son of John Greenwell and Catherine (Wilkinson), born in London 24 June 1750, who took the oath at Douay He left Douay to go to Nieuport to become a Carthusian 18 April 1771, but returnedto Douay 6 June 1772. He was ordainedsubdeacon 21 December 1776, deacon 15 March 1777 and priest 19 December 1777. After ordination he remainedat Douay as a Minor Professor until 17 May 1779 , when he left for England (Canon Burton's MSS , Priests in Penal Times, File III, FG-H, Westminster Archives). If he succeeded the Rev. Mr. Parker circa 1779 he may have been about eighteen years at Sopley, for it was the death of Sir John Webb, 5th Baronet, in 1779 , which affected the priest and people of Sopley. The title passed to his nephew Sir Thomas, 6th and last Baronet, who appears to have ceased to support the Mission Hence the Rev. John Greenwell had to leave his house and lodge with a parishioner in Christchurch. He died 24 November 1802, as the Prayer Book obituary given below shows , though his age is given as 53. A belated obituary notice appeared in the Directory for 1805 (C.R.S., xii, 88).

*" In Christchurch Priory we found a monument to some ofthe Perkins family It read : 'MemoriæsacrumMartha Jacobi Perkins armigeris uxoris delectissimæ , quæ ex hac vita ærumnosa placide pieque emigravit secundo die Decembris anno( domini 1749 ætatis 46

'Juxta obdormiscit in Christo Jacobus Perkinsarmiger Mortuusestvigesimo die mensis Martii anno Domini 1772 ætatis 79

'Sub eodem marmore positæ sunt reliquiæ Edmundi Perkins armigeris, eorumquefilii natu maximi, omnibus cari sub carissimi, qui vixit annos heu paucos non defletus : obiit 5 die Martii mensis anno ætatis 47 Christi 1773'”

These outside stairs were a feature of many of these early "Upper Room" chapels .


The next priests were French refugees Mr. Argyle's "Mr Beni" is difficultto identify. He may possiblybe the Abbé Besnée, a Canon of Laon Cathedral , who was in Jersey in 1796 (Canon F. X. Plasse , Le Clergé Français Réfugié en Angleterre, ii, 437) "Mr Chantittour" is the Abbé Pierre Chantelou, who was there in 1803. An Abbé Pierre Chantelou had been vicaire at Craon, arrondissement Château-Gontier , departement Mayenne He embarked at Granville 15 September 1792 , then aged 29. He is no doubt the Abbé Pierre Chanteloupmentioned by Dr. Oliver (Collections, pp 185, 262), who became the incumbent of Taunton from 1830 to 1833, leaving the English Mission in the November of 1833. The date of his death has not been ascertained He was followed by the Abbé Gilles (Aegidius) Viel, vicaire of St. Paterne -du-Buais in the diocese of Avranches , from 1806 to 1807. * In 1811 theAbbé Viel built the chapel in Holland Street, Kensington. He died 27 August 1823 (Plasse, ClergéFrançais Réfugié en Angleterre, II, 285, 286, 292, 411). The next priestwas the AbbéAlexandreCochet , of whom Dr. Oliver says (Collections) "an excellent French priest, who did duty for several years at Stapehill before he left for Sopley in 1811. I think he returned to France after the Restoration of the Bourbons." In the Stapehill Register (the transcript of which is given after the Sopley Register) the Abbé Cochet has made the following entry: " Alexander Cochet, Presbyter, successit Revdo Dño Jacobo Porter, Die 22 Decembris 1801 , " and he records baptisms therein from 1804 to June 1810. He said Mass on weekdays for thenuns at Stapehill, a Cistercian Fatherfrom LulworthridingoverfortheSundays (La Trappe in England , p. 98). He was the first priest at Burton Green He opened the Sopley Registers, writing in the baptisms performed by his two predecessors, and then entering his own from 1808 to 1816. Anappeal byhim forfundsfor a newchapel was inserted in the 1811 Directory: " To all CharitableChristians The poorCatholics of Sopley, Christchurchand its vicinity from time immemorial, through the generosityof a noble family, had enjoyed the happiness of having in the midst of them a missionary who procuredfor them the benefit and consolation of our holy religion But, being deprived of that comfort by the death of the last head of that family and the nearest Mission being situate 10 miles from them, they have with the approbation of their Bishop, the Rt Rev. Dr. Douglass, opened a subscription to enable them to support a chaplainand to build a Chapel The subscription having scarcely produced half the funds necessary, they humbly and earnestly solicit the charitable assistance of the nobility, gentry etc. Those who visit the commodious bathing place of Christchurch will reap the advantageof having divine service performedin that neighbourhood . .. . A second appeal, headed " Burton, New Chapel, near Christchurch, Hants, " appeared in the 1814 Directory after the building had been erected It was stated that" divine service is daily performed" in the new chapel and that a house had been erected for the residence of their Pastor, " but expenses for the purchase of the land, building, and maintenance of the priest exceeded the donations received ; hence this second appeal.

In 1817 the Rev. Joseph Stapleton was appointed to the Mission

* TheCistercian nunsresided at Burton House, kindly lentto them by Lady Mannockwhile their Convent at Stapehill was being made readyfor them, from January to October, 1802, and the Abbé Gilles Viel acted as their chaplain there (La Trappe in England, pp 91 , 96; London, 1937)

and remained until possibly1833. * From March 1819 to August 1820 the only entries in the Southampton Register, four in number, are by the Rev. Joseph Stapleton. During this period therefore he would seem to havehad charge of the SouthamptonMissionas well. He was educated at St. Edmund's College, Ware, having entered in 1800. He was ordained in 1809, and was on the staff at St. Edmund's until 1816 , being Prefect from 1810 to 1816 . After 1834 the Rev. Joseph Stapleton, according to Mr. Edward King (Old Times Revisited, p 178), became father-confessor to the Baroness de Feuchères at Bure Homage, nearChristchurch Mr. King says that the Baroness died in 1836 and that the Rev. J. Stapleton lived on at Bure till his own death, 27 August 1839, at the age of 55 , when he was buried in Lymington churchyard The Baroness did not die, however, until 15 December 1840. Sophie Dawes was the daughter of the oyster-catcher , pilot and smuggler, Dicky Dawes, of St. Helens, Isle ofWight, and Jane Callaway Jane Callawayand her children left the father and went to the Newport House of Industry, a workhouse run on novel and model lines Sophie passed via Portsmouth (theGeorge Hotel) to London, where shemettheDucde Bourbon , whose paramour she eventually became and reigned as the uncrowned queen of Chantilly A diplomatic. marriage was arranged with the unsuspecting Baron de Feuchères, who afterwards left her There were very strong suspicions that she at least engineered the Duc's murder in 1830. She inherited a considerable part of his fortune, returned to England in 1835 and built herself, or restored, a mansion at Bure Homage She had become a Catholic while in France , and apparently the Rev. J. Stapletonbecame her chaplainat Bure Homage till his deathin 1839. In 1838 her healthbegan tofail, and in the spring of 1840 she moved to London, dying there in the December of the same yearone author says "in the odour of sanctity"-showing at least signs of great piety.

The next priest was the Rev. Richard Kelly, from 1833 to 1836 He was born in London 7 September 1798, went to Old Hall in 1808 , and was ordained 30 September 1821 , leaving the College in the December of 1821 (apparently he went away during his course and returned in 1815 to finish it) He was at St. Patrick's, Soho, 1822-7;

* The last baptism is in 1831 , but the Rev. Laurence F. Allan, of St. Edmund's Collegeto whom I am indebted for details concerning many priestsinforms me that he is recorded as being at Burton from 1818 to 1834, after which there is no record of him until his death. The gap in his record is now filled in; but the Rev. Richard Kelly was at Burton Greenin 1833

For Sophie Dawes' story see Violette M. Montagu, Sophie Dawes , Queen of Chantilly (London, 1912), an unbiased and documentedaccountof her life particularlyin France; The Honble Mrs. StuartWortley's Sophy, The Winkle Picker (Christchurch, 1930), which gives the story more in form of a novel, and with the aid of presumably original letters stresses more her early life in the Isle of Wight, though it is difficult to decide whatis fact and what is fiction (Mrs. Wortley gives the father's name as James and the brother's as Dicky, and says that the place and date of Sophie'sdeath are not known); Marjorie Bowen, The Scandal of Sophie Dawes (London, 1934), which adds very little to the story and repeats much of Violette Montagu's account

They were married in Paris, and also at Spanish Place The entry in the Register for the latter marriage, 6 August 1818 , describes Sophie Dawes as a widow , born in London 29 September 1792: neither of these statements was true

opposite page)

Bermondsey, 1828-31; Burton Green, 1833-6; after which no further trace of him has so far been found

He was succeeded by the Rev. Laurence Joseph Byron, who was born in London 15 November 1800, entered Old Hall 16 July 1817 , and was ordained 20 September 1828. He left the College in 1829 , was at Tichborne, Hants, 1830-1; then comes a gap of six years; Burton Green, 1837-60 The 1861 Catholic Directory shows that there were two priests at Burton Green in 1860. Possibly the Rev. L. J. Byron was in failing health. This appears to be confirmed by the Directory of the following year, which gives his address as " 1 , Clyde Terrace, Bevois Hill, Southampton, " which is changed in the 1863 and subsequent Directories to "2, Anglesea Villas, Portswood , Southampton. " It is evident that he lived in retirement, for ill-health or other reasons , at Southamptonfrom 1861 to 1868. He died 26 July 1868 and was buried at Southampton In 1860 an assistantpriest was appointed, the Rev. M. P. Fannan, who baptized until May 1861 Both their names are given together in the 1861 Catholic Directory, but in the 1862edition the Rev.JohnMcDonaldis the incumbent His last baptism was in November 1863. In the 1866 Directoryhe is the priest at Lymington . The next priest was the Rev. BernardVan Reeth, who baptized from June 1864 to May 1871 . In 1866 the Mission was moved to Christchurchand Burton makes itsfinal appearance inthe 1867 Directoryas " served fromChristchurch. "

In the Christchurch Archives there is a water-colour (reproduced facing this page) on the back of which is written " The old house with Roman Catholic Chappel of SomerfordGrange about two miles from Christ Church Hants Now taken down"

This provides a puzzle which has not yet been solved.

The Victoria County History of Hampshire (v, 84) says that " SomerfordGrange, which was once the grange of the priorof Christchurch , was inhabited by John Draper, the last prior after the Dissolution It is now [1912] owned by the Rev. Gustavus Brander" It was acquired by Gustavus Brander in 1781 (v, 95), " who pulled down the old house and built a new one on its site It has descended in the Brander family." " The house built before 1787 by Gustavus Brander on the site ofthe priory was once inhabited by the Duke of Orleans, father of KingLouis Philippe" (v 85) * "

Another Somerford Grange is also mentioned (v, 95) In 1834 James Edward, second Earl of Malmesbury, exchanged my old tythe barn called Somerford Grange " for some land in Bure and Hurn belongingto John Spicer. " This was presumably the ancient manor-house of Somerford. " Wasthe chapel in the " old tythe barn"? And why was the chapel there?


Supplementaryto C.R.S., xiv, 295 sqq.

Mr. Edward King (Old Times Revisited, p 164) mentions a refugee FrenchCarmelitepriest who settled in Lymington, one of whose books he possessed with the name written in it" Père Gomberkine , Carme" Healsogives (pp 166sqq.)extractsfromthe Registers ofLymington and BoldreParish Churches concerning Frenchemigrantsand refugees. A somewhatsimilar list is also given in The Church in Lymington, by * A son ofLouis Philippe diedin Christchurchin 1807 .


Ed. Hapgood and the Rev. Charles Bostock, 1912. There are slight differences in the two lists Where these occur they are set out side by side, the former as A, and the latter as B.

Baptisms A

1792. Mary-Anne-Caroline

Agläe, dau of Pierre Vasseur and Rose Bossier, his wife, ofSarviq, Pays de Caux, en Normandie 1794

Agläe-Angélique, dau. of Count Hervé Louis Marie

Du Plessis-Pascau , of Landerneau in Bretagne (formerly lieut in the French RoyalNavy and now inthe regiment of Gen. Count d'Hector) and Anne Buisson de la Vigne, his wife (of L'Orient)


1795. Mary Ann Caroline Aglae, dau of Peter Vapeur and Rose Bossier, French emigrants. The R.C. Chaplain to the Regiment performed the ceremony.

1795. Aglae Angelique dau of Count Hervé Louis Joseph Marie de Plessix Pascau, and Ann Buisson de la Vigne his wife

Jean, son of Jean Révol, of the Parish of St Marcellin (bishopric of Vienne) in Dauphiné; and Margaret Bastide, of Toulon

Joseph Louis Bertrand, son of BertrandFerrier, of St. Paul-in-Quersey, bishopric of Conors (Cahors ?) and Françoise Lucan, of Toulon

Anne Mary Laura, dau of Philip Duplessis, of Count d'Hector's regiment ; and Anne Buisson de la Vigne, his wife

Emilie Marie, fille de Pierre Bouttes, et de Marie Schmitt (Regt de Mortemar)

Gasparina Ludovica Rosalie de Fenin, dau. of Louis François Xavier de Fenin, and Marie Rosalie Oreille, his wife. B 1797

Jean Révol 1797

Joseph Louis Bertrand 1797

Anne Marie Laura du Plessis 1809

Gasparina Ludovica Rosalie de Fenin.

Philippine Joseph Françoise, dau of François Paul and Marie Rase [sic] de Vassault

John Martins, son of John Thomas Barr (capt. in Meuron's regiment ) and Sybrandina Theodora Albertina, his wife.

Maria, dau of the Count de Passée . [B has the followingnot in A]


Charles Phillip Pascau du Plessis

A [From the Boldre Register]-1811.

Mary Pauline, dau. of Arthur Marie Edward D'Orfeuille, and Charlotte Marie Françoise, his wife

* The old style 's' probably mistaken for 'p.'

"From January to June 1795, there occur the following deaths of French emigrants ; and nearly all are entered as being from the regiment of General Count d'Hector, in the barracks at Buckland

Lieut. Du Hautoy (of the French Artillery)

Pierre Borrel

Yves Vaillant

Hervé d'Authec

Mathurin Arrois

Jean Petit

Monsieur Guieux

Belle Eugreville

Jacques Androt

Jean Marie Guaingan

Augustin Le Mesle

Joseph Vaillant

François La Tour

Louis Gouardmus

François Laurint " [p. 167]

[M .I's from Lymington Churchyard] [p. 174]

Joseph Marie de la Moussaye / Major of the Corps of Loyal Emigrants who died 29th August, 1813, Aged 55 Years.

To the Memory of Isidore de Vaudreuil Of the Regiment of Loyal Emigrants / Brave and Good / Lamented by all those who knew him, / He was drowned while bathing with his Friends, The 7th of August, 1796, / Aged 22 Years.

Sacred To the Memory of / AmaranteEmilie de Soulange / The Wife of Capt Charles de Menard, / Died in Child-bed , on the 19th of June, 1798, / In the 28th year of her age. / Heu ! Lumina, flete diu.

[From the Lymington Registers (no date)]

[p. 175] Charles-Augustus, son of Pierre François Charles De Ménard, captain Dutch Artillery, and Amaranthe Emilia, his wife

[p. 176] Henricus Ludovicus Duval , son of Anthony Duval and Jacoba Garcias, his wife, bapt. by Mons Le Tellier (Roman Catholic priest here)

[Deaths extracted from the Lymington Registers] [p. 298] 1801. Mons. de Caen (French Emigrant priest). 1813. John Baptist Le Tellierpriest

Note . The Count d'Hector, mentioned several times above , had been Governorof Brest and was brother to the Countess de Soulanges. In 1795 he lived in Reading, where he died at Southcote House. His tomb could be seen in 1897 in St. Giles's churchyard, Reading, with this inscription: Hic jacet Joannes Carolus Comes d'Hector/ Prefectus classium Regis christianissimi: / Regii et militaris Scti. Ludovici Ordinis princeps / Fortitudine, prudentia et summa activitate emicuit Brest- ensis Portus Gubernator , innumeras classes miranda celeritate paravit. 68 annos Principisgloriæ viriliter consecravit. Religionis amantissimus, virtutibus pollens, / Ad meliorem vitam transivit, 18 Augt. 1808,ætatis suæ 86. /Requiescat in Pace. Hoc monumentum poni curavit moestissima soror / Comitissa de Soulanges.

* 'Vendueil' on the stone; 'Vaudreuil' in the Parish Register. Daughter of Count de Soulanges, and niece of Count d'Hector

"The relics of the French corps were incorporated with the German regiments"


Register No. 1 .

(Transcribed, in 1934, by the Rt. Rev. John Henry King.)

[An octavo book, bound in leather and fastened with a clasp; leaves 7 x 4 inches .]

[Written on the back cover] Burton Chapel. Cath: Chapel, Burton Green near Ringwood Hants

To be returned as soon as done with Laur Jos Byron M.A.

[On the inside front cover is written] Number of the Congregation.

[Nothing else seems to have beenentered here, and thereis nowaffixed the Certificate signed by LaurenceJosephByron 3 May 1837 , when he sent the Registerto the Commissioners. The pages are numbered.]

[Until p. 13 every entry is in the Abbé A. Cochet's hand.]

[p. 1]

Baptismalis liber pro Catholicâ Congregatione of Sopley, in Comitatu of Southampton

Die 9a Julii 1811 Benedictionem accepit nova Capella of Burton, sub invocatione Sti Augustini Angl: Apost¹ a R: R: Do Dre & Episcopo Poynter, Ri Ri D: Dris & Episcopi Douglass, Coadjutore.


[p. 2]

Die 26a Februarii natus et Die 27 ejusdem mensis , an: 1803 Baptisatus fuit JoannesDavie, of Burton in Parochiâ of St Church, FiliusJoannis etMariæ(olimCarr)Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Moore Matrina Anastasia Mannock, a Revdo Dno Petro Chantelou Miss Apco

Die 18Martii 1804 Natuset die 19 ejusdem mensis Baptisatus est Guillelmus Filius Joannis How et Elisabeth (olim Foot) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Thomas Moore Matrina Anastasia Mannock , a Revdo Dno Petro Chantelou Misso Apco++ vide pag: 9.


[p. 3]

Die 17a Januarii 1804 Natus et die 17 ejusdem mensis baptisatus fuit Josephus Filius Susannæ Read a Revo Dño Petro Chantelou Miss Apco in Cujus Fidem mea manu subscripsi apud Sopley Die 8a Maii 1808 A: Cochet Miss Ap

Die Februarii 7a 1804 Nata et 12 Martii ejusdem anni Bap. tisata fuit

Maria Filia Maria Read a Revo Dño Petro Chantelou Misso Apco in cujus fidem mea manu subscripsi Die Sa Maii 1808 apud Sopley A. Cochet Missus Apeus

* Query : Is this meant for X' Church?

Die 188 Aprilis 1805 Nata in Parochiâ of Sopley in Comitatu of Southamptonet Die 28a ejusdem


[p. 4] Mensis et anni Baptisata fuit Anastasia Grasserfilia

Josephi et Sara (olim Shaves) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Thomas Blacklock et Matrina Anastasia Mannock a Revdo Ægidio Viel Misso Apeo, in Cujus fidem meâ manu subscripsi A Cochet Missus Apcus

Die 17 Maii 1805 nata in Parochia of Christ Church in Comitatu of Southampton & Die 27 ejusdem mensis Baptisata fuit

Lucia Joy, Filia Eduardi & Catharina Joy (olim Newman) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Marcus Argile, Matrina Maria Joy, a Revdo Dño Egidio Viel A Cochet Missus Ap.


[p. 5] 22 Julii 1805 nata in Parochiâ of Christ Church in Comitatu of Southampton & Die 5ª Augusti Baptisata fuit

Helena Morgan Filia Francisci et Helenæ Morgan (olim Newhill) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Josephus Georgius How, Matrina Maria King, a Revdo Dno Egidio Viel

A: Cochet Missus Apcus

Die27 Februarii 1806 Natain Parochiâ ofSopley in Comitatu of Southampton & Die 9a Martii ejusdem anni Baptisata fuit

Carolina Lee Filia Thomæ et Annæ Lee (olim Bray) Conjugum , Patrinus fuit Jacobus Hussey et Matrina Anna Hussey a Revdo Dño Viel.


A: Cochet Missus Apcus

[p. 6] Die 4a Maii 1806 Nata in Parochiâ of Sopley et Die 8va Baptisatafuit MariaWinefrida Pitt Filia Jacobi et Catharina Pitt (olim Beety) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Robertus Blacklock & Matrina Elisabeth Heal, a Revdo Dno Ægidio Viel Misso Apco

A: Cochet Missus Apcus

Die 18ª Octobris 1806 Nata in Parochiâ of Christ Church et Die 19a Baptisatafuit Maria, Anna, Elisabeth How filia Joannis et ElisabethHow (olim Foot*) Conjugum, Patrinusfuit Georgius Last et Matrina Elisabeth Muston a Revdo Dno Egidio Viel Misso Apco A: Cochet Missus Ap. [monogram ] 7

[p. 7] Die 17 Januarii 1807 Nata in Parochiâ of Christ Church et Die 8a Februarii ejusdem anni Baptisata fuit Lydia Joy, Filia Eduardi & Catharina Joy (olim Newman) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Marcus Argile, Matrina MariaJoy, a Revdo DñoViel MissoApco

Hoc et omnia præcedentia Baptismatis testimonia , ex volante Chartâ transcripsi in hoc Baptismali libroA: Cochet Missus Ap.

Die 15a Maii 1808 Natus in Parochiâ of Sopley & Die 22a Baptisatus fuit Georgius Draper Filius Joannis et Lucia (olim Chapel) Conjugum, Patrinus fuit Thomas Blacklock, Matrina Sarah Blacklock , a me A: Cochet Misso Apo

* In a different hand .


[p. 8] Die 3a Januarii 1808 Natus et Die 28 Maii ejusdem anni Baptisatus fuit Jacobus Argile Filius Annæ , Patrinus fuit

Joannes Argile, a me A: Cochet Misso Apco

Die28 Novembris 1808 Natus & Die4ª Decembris ejusdem anni Baptisatusfuit Guillelmus Pitt Filius Jacobi et Catharina Pitt (olim Beaty*) Conjugum, Patrinus fuit Thomas Blacklock , Matrina Elisabeth Howe , a me A: Cochet Misso Apco

Die 6a Natus et Die 11ª Decembris 1808 Baptisatus fuit Edwardus Joannes Joy, Filius Eduardi et Catharina Joy (olim Newman)


[p. 9] Conjugum : PatrinusfuitMarcus Argile, MatrinaAnna Argile, a me A: Cochet Misso Apco

Die 10a Maii 1810 natus et Die 13a Baptisatus fuitAugustinus Davey, filius Joannis et Saræ Davey (olim Bailey) conjugum ; Patrinus fuit Georgius Sparks, Matrina ElisabethSparks, a me A: Cochet Misso Apco § ++ Die7aJulii natus et die 8a 1804 Baptisatus estJoannes, Filius Jacobi et Catharina Pitt (olim Beaty) Conjugum, a Revdo Petro Chantelou Patrinus fuit Robertus Blacklock. Hoc baptismale testimoniumex volante chartâ transcriptum est a me A: Cochet Misso Apeo [monogram] 10

[p. 10] Die 13ª Decembris 1810 nata et die 13ª Januarii 1811 Baptisatafuit Winefrida Peckford, Filia Guillelmi et Elysabeth (olim Norton) Conjugum . Patrinus Robt Blacklock Matrina Elysabeth Howe a me Alexdro Cochet. Miss Apco

Die 11a Julii natus et die 22a 1811 Baptisatusfuit Joannes

Feltham Filius Henrici et Elysabeth+ (olim Batten) Conjugum, Patrinus fuit Samuel Bellamy, Matrina Catharina Bellamy, a me A: Cochet. Misso Apco + de Parochia of Ringwood. 11

[p. 11]

Die 3a Julii natus et Die 28a 1811 Baptisatusfuit

Thomas Pitt, filius Jacobi et Catharina (olim Beaty) Conjugum, Matrina fuit Maria King, a me A: Cochet Misso Apco

Die 29ª Augusti natus et die 2a Septembris 1811 Baptisatus fuit Josephus Robertus Sparks, Filius Georgii et Elysabeth(olim Blacklock) Patrinus fuit Thos Blacklock, Matrina Sara Blacklock , a me A: Cochet Misso Apco

Die la Januarii Nata et die 12ª Februarii 1812 Baptisatafuit

Thecla Davey Filia Joannis et Saræ (olim Baily) Conjugum, Patrinus fuit Joannes Argyle, Matrina Priscilla How. a me A Cochet Misso Apco

* Third letter altered from ' e' to ' a,' in different ink

The final e' added, in the same ink as the alteration in ' Beaty. ' Alterations in the same ink, 'u' changed to ' w' in ' Edwardus , ' and third letter in Newman' altered to ' w . '

§ Crosses in MS , referring back to p 2; out of chronologicalorder



p. 12] Die 21a Octobris 1795 nata et die 19a Septembris 1813 baptisata fuit RebeccaKeeping, filia Annæ Keeping, Patrinus fuit Matthæus Argile, Matrina Sara Blacklock, a me A. Cochet, Misso Aposco

Die 16a nata et die 17a Februarii 1814 Baptisatafuit Maria Trowbridge, Filia ElizabethTrowbridge: Patrinusfuit Reverendus Georgius Spain, * Matrina Maria Dean, a me A: Cochet Misso Aposco

Die 3 Aprilis natus et Die 17a anni 1814 Baptisatusfuit Robertus Joy, filius Eduardi et Catharina Joy (olim Newman) Conjugum, Patrinus fuit Joannes Argile Matrina, Maria Argile, a me A: Cochet Misso Apostco


[p. 13] Die 16a nata et die 26 Februarii 1815 Baptisatafuit

Lydia Elizabeth Pitman Filia Jacobi et Joannæ Pitman (olim Harbin ) Conjugum ; Patrinus fuit Thomas Blacklock, Matrina Elizabeth Trowbridge, a me A: Cochet Misso Aposco

Die 13 Martiinatus et 18a ejusdemmensis an: 1816 baptisatus fuit Jacobus, filius Susannæ Read, Matrina fuit Elizabeth trowbridge, a me A. Cochet Misso Aposco [In the Rev. Joseph Stapleton'shand]

Die 16 Maii natus et die 31 ejusdem mensis an: 1817 baptizatus fuit Josephus Pitman filius Jacobi et Joanna Pitman (olim Harbin) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Thomas Blacklock. Matrina Elizabeth Harbin a me Jos Stapleton Misso Aposco


[p. 14] Die 4 Septembris 1818 natus et die 13 Septembris 1818 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Grassy, filius Josephi et Sarah Grassy (olim Shaves) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Pitman, Matrina Elizab: Harbin a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apoco

[Two lines ruled across page]

Die 230 Nov: 1818 natus et die 29 Nov: 1818 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Josephus Pitman filius Jacobi & J. Pitman (olim Harbin) conjugum, Patrinus fuit Robt Blacklock, Matrina Eliz: Harbin a me Jos: Stapleton Miss Apsco 15

[p. 15] Die5 Maii 1819 natus et die 23 Maii 1819 baptizatus fuit Patritius Din, filius Joannis & Sara Din (olim Sara Wald) conjugum, matrina fuit Maria Peckford a me Jos Stapleton Misso Apco

[Two lines ruled across page]

Die 6 Julii 1820 natus et die 7 Julii 1820 baptizatus fuit

Ferdinand Thomas Lee Boyle filius Joannis & Cath: Boyle (olim Lee) conjugum PatrinusfuitJacobus Boyle MatrinaMariaWebb a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apco

*Priest at Newport, I.W.


[p. 16] Die25 Martii 1821 nata & die 20 Maii 1821 baptizata fuit Maria Anna Slater, filia Petri & Margarettæ Slater (olim M'Donnell) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Brusen Matrina Maria McDonnell a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apsco

Die 10 Octobris natus, et die 16 ejusdem mensis an: 1822 , baptizatus fuit Guls Read, filius Mariæ Read. Matrina Mar: Peckford a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apsco 17

[p. 17] [A pencilled entry afterwards inked over] Maria Peckford nata 2 Oct 1798 & baptizata9 Oct 1798 vide Rath Keal Baptiza Ireland Pastor Jones

Die 3ª Decembris 1823 Nata et die 5a Decembris 1823 baptizata fuit Maria Anna Keeping filia Eduardi et Mariæ Keeping (olim Peckford) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rtus Blacklock Matrina Jane Argyle a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apco 18

[p. 18] Die 6a Janii 1824 nata et die 25° 1824 baptizata Eleonora Slater, filia Petri et Margarittæ Slater olim McDonnell Conjugum Patrinus fuit Ar: Machin Matrina Maria Anna Rine

a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apco 19

[p. 19] Die 26 Augusti 1819 et die 26 Sepris 1819 baptizatus fuit Joannes Cutler filius Jacobi & Annæ Cutler (olim Argyle, Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Argyle, Matrina Maria Dean . a me Jos Stapleton Misso Apco

* Keeping. Die 16 Decembris 1825 natus, et die 18 ejusdem mensis Baptizatus fuit Josephus Keeping; filius Eduardi, et Mariæ Keeping (olim Peckford) cong: Patrinus fuit Joannes Brown a me Jos Stapleton Miss Apos 20

[p. 20] [Southampton along the margin] Die 3 Junii 1820 natus et die 11 Junii 1820 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Healy, filius Eduardi & Jane Healy (olim Conroy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Baldwin Matrina Maria Casey a me Jos Stapleton Misso Apco 21

[p. 21] Die 27 Maii 1827 Nata & die 8 Junii 1827 Baptizata fuit Catherina Brackan, filiaJacobi & Eliz: Brackan(olim Rogers) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Eduardus Cantwell a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apco

*Die 23 Octobris 1827 nata et die4 Novembris 1827 Baptizata fuit Anna Macbane Patrinus fuit Joannes Argyle et Matrina Martha Argyle A me J. Stapleton Misso Apco

* These Keeping entries are not in Fr. Stapleton's hand, but in Fr. Laurence Byron's

This entry does not appearto be in Fr. Stapleton's hand. From p 18 Fr. Stapleton entered one baptism on a page and the blank spaces at the bottom of the pages have been used to make these laterentries. See note on Second Register


[p. 22] Die 13 Maii 1828 nata et die 20 Maii 1828 Baptizata fuit Anna Wood filia Michael & Annæ Wood (olim M Bane) conjugum PatrinusR: Lee a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apco

* Keeping Die 23 Octobris 1827 nata et die 4 Novembris 1827 Baptizata fuit Carolina, Laura Keeping ; filia Eduardi, et Mariæ Keeping (olim Peckford) cong: Patrinus fuit, Joannes Argyle; Matrina Martha Argyle a me Jos : Stapleton Apco Misso [pencilled signature underneath, with M.A]


[p. 23] Die23 Sept 1832 Nata & die 21 Oct. 1832 baptizata fuit Maria Sweeny filia Pat & Mar Sweeny (olim McGinley) Conjugum Matrina fuit A Hendey a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apco

* Keeping. Die 9 Julii 1829 Nata et die 12 ejusdem Mensis Baptizata fuit Emma Keeping; filia Eduardi, et Mariæ Keeping (olim Peckford) cong: Patrinus fuit Thomas Blacklock: Matrina Teresia Blacklock a me Jos: Stapleton Misso Apco [pencilled signature underneath, with M.A.]



24] [Die 21 Octobris 1834 baptizatus fuit, et die 19. Octobris ejusdem anni natus fuit Georgius filius Petri Chapman et Francisca Bland conjugum. Sponsores fuere Henricus Butler et Clara Butler Baptizatusa me Ricardo Kelly. Ap. Missoall scored] Vide P. 31

[pp. 25 and 26 blank.]


[p. 27] Die 8 Sepri 1831 nata et die 11 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Wenefrida Teresa Keeping filia Eduardi & Mariæ Keeping (olim Peckford) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Mat Argyle Matrina Maria Argyle a me Jos: Stapleton Missio Apsco [p. 28 blank .] [In the Rev. Richard Kelly's hand]


[p. 29] Die 26 Octobris 1833 Nata et die 29 ejusdem_baptizata fuit Elizabeth filia Eduardi Keeping et Mariæ (olim Peckford) conjugum Patrinusfuit Matthæus Argyle, MatrinaWinefrida Peckford a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Apco


[p. 30] Die 14 Januarii 1834 natus et die 24 Februarii1834 baptizatus fuit Joannes filius Joannis Driscolet MargaritaDriscol olim Harrington Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patricius Sweeney et Matrina Maria McGhenley a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Aposto

* These Keeping entries are not in Fr. Stapleton's hand, but in Fr. Laurence Byron's In Rev. L.J. Byron's hand



31] Die 190 Octobris 1834 Natus et die 21 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Georgius filius Petri Chapman & Francisca Bland Conjugum Sponsores fuere Henricus Butler et Clara Butler a me Ricardo Kelly Miss Aposto Die 14 Decembris 1834 Nata et die 5ª Novembris (sic) 1834 baptiza [sic] fuit Catharinafilia Patricii Sweeney et Mariæ olim M'Genley conjugum Sponsoribus Alexandro McBride et Maria Anna McGonnigan a me Rdo Kelly



32] Die 24 [rest blank.] [33 in pencil]

[p. 33] Die 24 Aprilis 1835 Natus et die 7 Junii 1835 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus filius Margarita (olim Nicholson) et Jacobi McGonegalconjugum Sponsores PatriciusSweeney et Gulielmus Peckston et MariaSweeney a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Aposto [p 34 blank .]


35 [pagination henceforwardin pencil]

35] Die Junii 25 1835 Nata fuit Maria Agnes et die 7 Julii 1835 baptizata fuit Maria Agnes filia Ricardi Chantryet Catharinæ olim Jarrott conjugum Patrina [sic] Johannes Slater Matrina Maria Anna Slater a me Ricardo Kelly Missionario Apostolico


[p. 36] De 13a Maii 1835 Natus fuit et die 6 Septembris 1835 baptizatus fuit Jeremiah filius Joannis Driscolet Margarita olim Harrington conjugum Patrina fuit Alexander McBride et Margareta McBride a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Aposº


[p. 37] Die 4 Octobris 1835 Nata et die 20 ejusdem baptizata fuit Maria filia Jeremiæ Gallavan et Mariæ (olim Sullivan) conjugum Matrina Maria Sullivan

[p. 38 blank ] a me Ricardo Kelly Missionario Apostolico


[p. 39] Die 6a Decembris 1835 Nata et die 13 Decembris 1835 baptizatafuit Helena Agnes filia Eduardi Keeping et Mariæ (olim Peckford) conjugum PatrinusMatthæus Argyleet Winefrida Peckford a me Ricardo Kelly Apost Missus [sic]

[p. 40 blank .]


[p. 41] Die 18 Januarii 1836 natus et die 14 Februarii baptizatusfuit Marcus filius Simonis Petri Barnes et Annæ olim Scovell conjugum Patrinus Joannes Argyle Matrina Margarita Slater a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Aposº

[p. 42 blank .]



43] Die 27 Februarii 1836 Nata et die 10 Martii 1836 baptizata fuit Maria filia Thomæ Maguire et Catharinæ olim Moinchan conjugum Matrina fuit Sarah A. Jolliffe a me Ricardo Kelly


[p. 44] Die [5.5 cms blank] 1836 nata et die [4 cms . blank] baptizata fuit Eliza filia Petri Langdoun et Sarah Saundersconjugum. Patrinus Josephus Langdoun et Teresa Blacklock a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Apostolico


[p. 45] Die 5 Junii 1836 nata fuit et die 26 Junii 1836 baptizata fuit Francisca filia Petri Chapman et Franciscæ olim Bland conjugum . Patrinusfuit JoannesArgyle et MatrinaMarthaArgyle a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Aposto


[p. 46] Die 11 Julii 1836 natus et 7 Augusti 1836baptizatus fuit Gulielmus filius Mauretii Heron et Julia olim Coglan conjugum . Patrinus Gulielmus Supple et Matrina Margarita Supple a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Aposº


[p. 47] Die 31 Julii 1836 Natus et die 10 Augusti 1836 baptizatus fuit Josephus filius Josephi Nelson et Margarita (olim Lyons) conjugum Patrinus Michael Quinlanet Johanna Quinlan a me Ricardo Kelly Misso Apostolico 48 [In the Rev. L. J. Byron's hand] 1837

[p. 48] Die 4 Martii 1837 nata, et die 15 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Anna filia Thomæ et Catharina Maguire (olim Moinchan) conj : ceremoniæ omissæ fuêre

a me Laur: Jos. Byron M.Ap.

Die 14 Maii 1837 nata, & 28 ejusdem mensis Baptizatafuit Anna Matilda Kearnan, filia Eduardi et Francisca (olim Smith) cong: PatrinusFlorentius McCarthy: MatrinaMargarittaMcCarthy

a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.

McAlister Die 25 Junii 1837 nata et die 26 ejusdem mensis ceremoniis omissis Baptizatafuit Maria McAlister filia Alexandri & Margarittæ (olim McCallion) cong

a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A. 1837 49

[p. 49] McAlister Die 6 Augusti 1837 ceremoniæsuppletæ fuêre: matrina fuit Margaritta Sinnott

a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.

Langdown Die 31 Decembris 1836 natus et Die2 Julii 1837 Baptizatus fuit Petrus Langdown Filius Petri, et Saræ (olim Saunders ) cong: Matrina fuit Anna Langdown

a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A. 1838

Grasser. Die4 Decembris 1837 nata, et die 14 Januarii 1838

Baptizata fuit Sara Grasser: filia Josephi et Johanna Grasser (olim Lockyer) cong: Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Peckford ; Matrina Winefrida Peckford

a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.

* Henceforth the surname heads the entry, in the margin


Keeping. Die 15 Januarii 1838 nata et die 28 ejusdem mensis

Baptizata fuit Sara, Monica Keeping, filia Eduardi et Mariæ Keeping (olim Peckford) cong: Patrinus fuit Matthæus Noonan; Matrina Elizabeth Noonan . a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.



50] Maguire Die [0.5 cm blank] Februarii 1837 Nata et 15 Martii 1837 baptizatafuit Anna filia Thomæ et Catharina Maguire (olim [2.3 cms. blank]) conjugum : Ceremoniis omissis: a me Laur. Jos Byron M.A.

McCarthy Die 22 Februarii 1838 Natus et die 16 Aprilis 1838 Baptizatusfuit CarolusMcCarthyfilius Florentii &Margarittæ

McCarthy (olim Harragan ) cong: Patrinus fuit Joannes Bell: Matrina Margaritta Supple a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A. Sinnott Die 26 Aprilis 1838 Natus, et die 30 ejusdem mensis

Baptizatus fuit Richardus Sinnott filius Richardi, et Margarittæ Sinnott (olim Sinnott) cong: Patrinus fuit Alexander McAlister: Matrina Margaritta McAlister a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.

Supple Die 23 Julii 1838 Natus, & die 26 ejusdem mensis

baptizatus fuit Thomas Supple, filius Gulielmi & Mariæ Supple (olim Walsh) cong: Patrinus fuit Jacobus Sinnott: Matrina fuit

Julia Hearne a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A. 51 1840

[p . 51] [Thomas Die 31 Decembris 1839 natus & die 13 Februarii1840 Baptizatusfuit Gulielmus, JacobusThomas, filiusall scored]

Thomas. Die 31 Decembris 1839 natuset die 13 Februarii 1840 Baptizatusfuit Gulielmus Jacobus Thomas filius Jacobi & Catharina Thomas (olim Hearne): cong: Matrina fuit Sarah , Edwards, Miles: a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.

Jones Die27 Februarii 1840 Nata, et die 28 ejusdem mensis , Baptizata fuit

Elizabeth (Anglice Eliza) filia Richardi et Elizabeth (anglice Betsey) Jones (olim McKay) cong: Matrina fuit

Catharina Thomas a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.

Ash. Die 24 Januarii 1840 Nata, et die 8 Martii1840 Baptizata fuit Elizabeth (anglice Betsey) filia Eduardi & Mariæ Ash olim Sullivan cong: Matrina fuit Sarah, Edwards, Miles. a me Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.


[p. 52] Pratt Die 18 Martii 1842 Nata, et et die 3 Aprilis 1842 baptizata est Maria Anna Pratt filia Joannis, et Esther Pratt (olim [blank] ) conj : Matrina fuit Maria Frances Pizzen a me Laur. Jos. Byron M.Ap.

James Die 22 Nov 1843 Nata, et die 12 Dec. 1843 baptizata est Anna Maria, filia Roberti et Mariæ James (olim Willis) conj: a me Laur Jos Byron M.A. Matrina fuit Sarah, Edwards Miles

Thomas Die 18 Januarii 1842 Nata et die 23 Novembris 1847 Baptizata est Helena Thomas filia Jacobi & Catharina Thomas (olim Hearne) conj : Patrinus fuit Franciscus Argyle: Matrina Sarah Edwards Miles a me Laur. Jos Byron M . Ap

[p. 53] Weld: Die 24 Maii 1842 Natus, et die 26 ejusdem Mensis , et Anni, Baptizatus fuit Reginaldus, Josephus, Weld , Filius Eduardi, et Helenæ Weld (olim Wrey): cong: Patrinus fuit Laurentius Josephus, Byron loco Dom Domñi Bouchier Wrey Armigerii, Matrina fuit Domina Carolina Weld 54 a me Laur. Jos. Byron. M.A.

[p . 54]

Thomas Die 24 Decembris 1844 vel prope Sarah

Alicia Thomas Nata et die 23 Nov. 1847 baptizata fuit a me Laur Jos Byron M . Ap Patrinusfuit Franciscus Argyle Matrina Sarah Edwards Miles

Jones Die 23 Nov 1843 Nata et about (2 Months later) baptizata est Sarah Jones filia Richardi, et Elisabeth Jones olim McKay conj : Patrinus fuit Franciscus Argyle, Matrina Sarah Edwards, Miles a me L. J. Byron M.A


[p. 55] [Die 27 Augusti [nata scored] 18 [blank] nata et die [blank]Augusti 18 [blank] Baptizata est Carolina, Filomena Weld filia Eduardi, et Helenæ Weld conj :-all scored]

Die 27 Augusti 1843 Nata et Die 28 Augusti 1843 baptizata est Carolina, Filomena Weld filia Eduardi et Helenæ Weld (olim Wrey) conj : Patrinus fuit Thomas Weld-Blundell; matrina Catharina Stourton a me Laurentio Josepho Byron M.A

James Die 3 Februarii 1846 Nata et Die 22 Quinquagesima 1846 baptizata est Maria, Teresia James, filia Roberti, et Mariæ James (olim Willis) conjum a me Laur Jos. Byron M.Ap. Patrinus fuit Robertus Blacklock; Matrina Teresia Blacklock

Die 5 Feb 1846 nata et die 15 Martii 1846 baptizata fuit Catharina filia Eduardi& MariæAsh (olimSullivan) conj : Matrina fuit Catharina Thomas a me L. J. Byron M.Ap.



56] Guppy

Die 1 Februarii 1846 Natus & die 8 Martii 1846, baptizatus est Albertus, Henricus Guppy, filius Henrici & AnnæGuppy(olimShepherd)conjugum Sponsores Nicolaus Fogarty Helena Hogan a me Laur. Jos. Byron M . Ap

Duggan Die 29 Nov 1852 Nata, & die 19 Decembris 1852 baptizata est Martha Duggan, filia Eduardi & Isabella Duggan (olim MacDonald) Conjugum: a me Laur. Jos Byron M.Ap.

Patrinus fuit Nicolaus Fogarty Matrina Helena Hogan

Donald: Die 16 Maii 1853 Natus, et die 12 Julii 1853 baptizatus est Joannes, Petrus Donald, filius Joannis, & Mariæ Donald (olim McCarthy) conj: Matrina fuit Sarah Edwards Miles a me Laur Jos Byron M.A.

For some reason which is not apparent, this entry was first made on the upper half of the page and then cancelled

From Tawstock Court, Barnstaple


[p. 57] Coombs Die 8 Martii 1854 Nata, et die 21 Aprilis 1854 baptizataest Joanna Maria Coombs, filia Joannis, et Joannæ Mariæ Coombs (olim Howard) conj : a meLaur Jos Byron M.Ap. Matrina fuit [blank] Lockington

Butler. Die 1 Aprilis 1854 Nata, et die [blank] Aprilis 1854 baptizata est Catharina Butler filia [6 cms. blank] Butler conj: a me Laur Jos Byron M.A. Matrina fuit Sara Edwards Miles

* Die 3 Aprilis 1842 natus & die 17 Julii 1842 baptizatus fuit Cornelius Cheatis a me L. J. Byron M.A. The above was baptized by Rev. H Philips at Tichborne , ceremonies omitted I think L.J.B.


[p. 58] Die 5 Oct, 1842 Natus & die 1845 [sic] baptizatus fuit Robertus Jones Lucia Whale Matrina fuit a me Laur. Jos. Byron M.A

Guppy. Die29 Junii 1848 Natus et die 30 Julii 1848 baptizatus fuit Marcus Guppy filius Henrici et Annæ Guppy (olim Shepherd) conj: a me Laur. Jos Byron M.A.

Ash Die 5 Februarii 1846 nataet die 15 Martii 1846 baptizata est Catherina filia Edwardi et MariæAsh (olim Sullivan) conjugum a me Laur. Jos Byron M . Ap Matrina fuit Catharina Thomas 59


59] Turner. Die 7 Aprilis 1855 nata et die 24 Augusti 1855 baptizata est Elizabeth Emilia Turner filia Caroli et Eliza Turner (olim Halley) Conjugum Sponsores [7.5 cms. blank] a me Laur. Jos Byron M.Ap.

Eite Die 17 Januarii 1858 natus et die 26 Maii 1858 baptizatus est Henricus filius Henrici et Birgittæ Eite (olim Keating) conjm Matrina Maria Miller a me Laur. Jos. Byron M.Ap. Barnan. Die 24 Decembris 1856 nataet die 11 Januarii 1857 baptizata est Catherina Barnan filia Jeremiæ et Helenæ Barnan (olim Collins) conjm Patrinus fuit Michaelis Keefe Matrina Maria a me Laur Jos. Byron M.Ap. Miller 60

[p. 60] Connor. Die 13 Novembris 1858 nata et die 7Aprilis 1859 baptizata est Francisca Connor filia Petri et Emmæ Connor (olim Pritchard) conjm sponsores fuerunt Franciscus Argyle et Barbara Argyle. a me Laur Jos. Byron M.Ap. Ennis. Die 16 Maii 1855 Natus et die 22 Julii 1855 Baptizatus fuit Eduardus Ennis, filius Eduardi et Annæ Ennis (olim Short) conj: a me Laur. Jos. Byron M.A Matrina fuit Sarah Edwards Miles

The next four baptisms are all out of chronological order.



61] McCullen.* Die 6 Aprilis 1841 Natus, et die 12 Aprilis 1841 baptizatus est Manus M Cullen filius [2.8 cms blank]

McCullen (coastguard) et [2 cms blank] McCullen (olim [3 cms. blank]) conj: a me Laur. Jos Byron M.Ap. Patrinus fuit Richardus Jones

Ash, Die 2 Oct: 1841 Nata, et die [1 cm blank] Oct 1841 baptizata est Maria, Deborah, Ash filia Eduardi, et Mariæ Ash (olim Sullivan) Conj: Matrina fuit Catharina Keeping

[p. 62 blank .] a me Laur. Jos. Byron M.A.




Die 23 Januarii 1866 natus et die 28 Januarii 1866 bapt est Eduardus Campbell filius Henrici Job et Sara Monica

Campbell (olim Keeping) conjugum a me Bernardo Van Reeth

Misso Aposo Patrinusfuit Henricus Kentell MatrinafuitHelena Kentell

[Rest of book , 95 pages, blank.]

[Loose leaves in Register]

[I] [Sac]ramentum Confirmationis receperunt 23a Die Augusti 1808 a Revdo D: D. Epis : Collingridge

Nomina Baptismi et familiæ

Catharina Lee Nomen Confirmationis

Sarah Blacklock

Samuel Bellamy

Joanna Harbin

Elisabeth Harbin

Sarah How

Die 10 Julii 1811 Sacramentum a Revo D: D: Episcopo Poynter

Jacobus Pitman

Josephus Thomassé

Joannes How

[On the reverse]

Mattheus Argile

Joannes Argile

Catharina Bellamy

Maria Brower

Susanna Read

Sarah Davey

Maria Burt


Maria Anastasia Joannes Baptista



Maria Barbara Confirmationis acceperunt

Josephus Petrus Cornelius

Ren[torn] [Remundussee Second Register]

Alex[torn] [Alexandersee Second Register]



Anna Thecla


[Rest of page, 10 cms , blank]

* The two baptisms on this page are not in chronological order Torn .



[II] Sacramentum Confirmationis receperunt 25 die Septembris 1817 a Revo D. D. Epis : Poynter. Nomina baptismi & familiæ

Cath: Joy

Anna Lee

Maria Peckford

Maria Joy

Margaretta Lee

Ambr: Sparks

Maria Sparks

Carol Lee

Gull: Howe

Teresa Blacklock

Elis : Peckford

Marga: Joy

Jacobus Long

Maria Reid

Louiza Croydon

[On the reverse]

Sarah Joy

Thom : Blacklock

Jacob: Argyle

Adalida Clementina Gomere

Jacobus Lawrence

Nomen Confirmationis



Anna Brigitta



Gabriel Anastasia




Maria Louiza



Maria Sophia Joannes


Maria Michael

[Rest of page, 12.6 cms , blank ]

[III] Conversi ab Hæresi ad Fidem Catholciam [sic]

Die 14ª Augusti 1808 ab hæresi Conversi, abjurationemsuam fecerunt : -

Samuel Bellamy

Joanna Harbin

Elisabeth Harbin

Sarah How

Catharina Bellamy 1808


Sarah Davey

Mary Brower

James Pitman

* + Maria Burt

Rebecca Keeping

Sara Hayter Peckford

10 Martii 1810

29 Sept. 1810

8ber 7th 1810

August 1809

19a Septbris 1813

Mense Novem: 1813

[On the reverse, in another hand]

Subscribers to the support of ye Chaplain Mr Wm Metcalfe No 8 RodneyBuilss, East St New Kent Road, London₤11 -0

July 18. 1814. £1-1-0 per an: [In another hand]

An annual commemoration of Mrs Maria Wheble on the 25th of April. This was appointed by the Rev: A. Cochet in consequence of Mr Jas Wheble giving Twenty Pounds towards the * Crosses in MS to indicate chronological position of " Maria Burt."

building ofthe Chapel [& ratified by the Right Rev. Dr. Griffiths Oct. 25. 1836 added later in a different hand]

[IV] [A slip of paper, possibly torn from a Prayer Book.] [One side, three lines scored and illegible]

Mary Willmott died on friday ye 14 of Decem. 1787 aged 70 years and nine months. She was buried at Sopley Hants

Mrs Biddelcombe the once Miss Kittey Lacy died on Easter Sunday ye 24 day of March 1799. [Her daughter Kittey was one week old at her death. She was buried at Lymington Hants added later, between lines ]

Rev Mr John Greenwell died Wednesday morning 6 o clock the 24 Day of November 1802 God rest his soul Aged 53 years He was buried at Sopley

[Other side]

Sir Thomas Michell Moor, died friday Night 7 Oclock the 10 day of April 1817 * God rest his soul aged 81 years and half he died at Burton House and was buried at Stapehillnear Wimborn, Dorsetin the Chappel Burton House is near Christchurch in Hamshire

Sir Thomas Michael Moor died friday night at seven o clock the 10 day of April 1817 :* at Burton House near Christchurch , Hants aged 81 years and a half God rest his soul Sir Thos M Moor was born Sept 11 : 1726

[In another hand]


Anastasia Lady Mannock died April 18 1814 God rest her

Revd Alexander Cochet born Nov 18 1766 1827 December 3 Died died the Rev. Ri Rrev Dr Poyntr, bishop of London God rest his soul Amen

[V] [A paper, which was once pasted in a frame; copper-plate writing]

Have mercy on me at least you my Friends &c

Lady Mannock one ofye Foundress ofthis Chapel 1814 Apr 18

Mrs Mary Drew Feb: 11th 1837 aged 89

Mr Thomas Blacklock Feb 1837

Mr J Dalton aged 91 May [torn]th 1837

Mrs Maria Wheble Benefactress to the Chapel Ap 25

Mrs Fitzherbert 27 March 1837 aged 84

Cardinal Weld 10 April 1837

[Printed Requiescant in p[ace]]

[VI] [A slip ofpaper] [Edmundscored, Owen above]McEntaggart married to MaryAnneCarney, 21 Sept 1833 in Presence ofEdward Davey & Ellen his wife Matthew Ryan M.A.

* In both accounts someone has altered 1807 to 1817 Query: 9th ?


[VII] [Letter from Jno S. Burn, Secretary, to Rev. L. J. Byron, M.A., from 22, Downing Street, May 4th, 1837 , returning the Registers]


22 Downing Street May 4th 1837.

As the examinationof Registers would be of no advantage unless they are to be finally deposited with some Public Officer for safeCustodyand as the Roman Catholic Clergy are not willing that their Registers should be so deposited, the Commissioners have directed me to return the Book received from you

I am Sir

Your mo:

Revd LJ Byron MA.

obedt Serv Jno. S. Burn Secy

[VIII] [Certificate that the chapel at Marriages on 29 Sept. 1860.] Burton was registered for


[There is a second Register, a brown leather-covered cashbook , 6 x 4 inches, into which Father Byron has copied all the entries of the previous Register, with a few exceptions. There are also some additional entries.]

[Inside cover and opposite page mottled paper; other side of this last page, fly-leaf and pp. 1 and 2 all blank Pages numbered from p 4, which is numbered 2, to p. 28, numbered30.]

[p. 3] Extracta e Registro Baptis : &c Capellæ, sub invocatione St Augustini Angl: Apost: in via vulgo Burton Green , juxta vicum vulgo Christchurch , in comitatu Southampton

[Rest of page copies the title-page, p. 1 , of the other Register.

The three Keeping entries in Father Byron's handin the other Register, pp. 19, 22, 23, are missing in this second Register, and the entry Brackan on p 21 Father Byron enters here as Brackeen .

The last baptismal entry is that of Father Byron's own first baptism, recorded on p. 48 in the other Register, and on page 27 in this Second Register Curiously enough, Father Byron then continues to use the old Register for his baptisms.]


[p. 30] The 10th of July & the 10th of Jany: are the terms for drawing on Messrs Wright & Co Bankers for the Int: of £500-5 p Cents due Xmas being half yearly £11 : 50 Now the IncomeTax been taken off £12-10 Lady Day and Michaelmass are the Terms for the half yearly paymt of the Bishop's Grant.

Anastasia Lady Mannock, chief Foundress of the Chapel at Burton, died April ye 18th 1814 .

The Rt Rev Bishop Poynter has ordered that, on or about thatday, and on orabout the 18 ofeveryMonthin the year, a Mass [p. 31, unnumbered henceforward] shall be said by the incumbent for the repose of her soul in perpetuum But if thefunds should fail or be reduced by some unforeseen calamity a proportionable

reduction in the Masses must take place, as shall be judged necessary, by the Bishop who shall then have the administration of the London District. The same Masses are to be said by any priest who shall receive the Salary, in case it should be transfered to another place.

[p. 32] An annual commemoration of Mrs Maria Wheble on the 25 April This was appointed by the Rev: A. Cochet in consequenceof Mr Jas Wheble giving Twenty pounds towards the buildingofthe Chapel & ratified by theRight Rev Dr Griffiths Oct. 25. 1836

Subscribers to the support of the Chaplain.

Mr Wm Metcalfe

No 8 Rodney Builgs East St New Kent Road London July 18. 1814 £1 . 1.0 per An

Hæc & omnia præcedentia extraxi [p 33] ex libro Bap pro Congregatione Cath: apud vulgo Sopley, Christchurch , Burton Green, Ringwood et partes finitimas Apud Burton Green

Die 3 Maii 1837. Laur: Jos: Byron M.A.

[Rest of page, 13 lines, blank ]

[p. 34. List of Converts copied from loose leafin other Register, as above .]

[p. 35 blank .]

[p. 36] Confirmation lists of August, 1808 , July 1811 and Sept. 1817, apparently copied from the loose leaves as given above .]

[Bottom of p. 38] Ego Laur: Jos: Byron M.A. in Districtu Lond: attestor prædicta & sequentia extracta in in [sic] omnibus esseconformia cum registris In cujus fidem huic Testimoniomea manu subscripsi Apud vulgo Burton Green die 3 Maii, 1837

L. J. Byron M.A.

[p. 39] Sacramentum Confirmationis receperunt 25 die Octobris 1836 a Revd D. D. Epis. Griffiths.

Nomen bap: Josephus Keeping

Josephus Crassey

Maria Argyle

Susanna Burt

Thomas Fergus

Maria Anna McGonnegal

Gulielmus Peckford

Nomen Confir: Joannes

Marcus Elizabeth Anastasia

Augustinus Anastasia


Helena McGonnegal Winefrida

Maria Anna Keeping Francisca

Petrus Chapman


Jacobus Sinnott Ricardus

Franciscus Argyle

Ricardus Chantry

Winifrida Peckford





[p. 40] Marriages

Geo: Sparks to Elizabeth Blacklock, May the 6th 1810* James Pitman to Jane Harbin 8ber 7th 1810

Robt Blacklock to M: Bellamy, [undated]

Alexander McBride & Margaret, Power were married by me on the 1st of March 1835 in the presence of Matthew, Argyle, Patrick, Sweeney Margaret Driscol &c March 1st 1835

[p. 41 blank .]

[p. 42]

R. Kelly.


Sir Thos: Michael Moore, aged 83 . Ap 10 1807

Anna Read 28 April 1808

Margarita Clapcott

Joseph Dean

John Haines

Hannah , Hayward

Mary, Read

Ann, Gaylor aged 83

Wm Dean

Mrs Elizabeth, Howe

Wm White of Ringwood

John, Clapcott of Sopley

Richard , Bloomer

Samuel, Bellamy

Elizabeth, Green

Hugh McGuire


8 May 1809

16 May 1810

26 Oct 1812

15 Jany 1813

18 May 1813

4 Aug. 1813

1 Oct. 1815

26 Nov: 1815

18 Jany 1816

17 Feby 1816

23 July 1816

2 Sept 1817

Thos: Lee aged 68 11 Aug 1808

23 Ap: 1820

[Rest of book blank.]


(Copied bythe Rt Rev. John Henry King, Bishop ofPortsmouth.)

Gravestonesin Sopley Churchyard [Copied29 August 1932.]

Here lyeth ye body of Richard Clapcott / who died Septemberye 25 1724 aged 80 years

§ In memory of Ann wife of Richard Clapcott who after a long and painfull affliction which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, departed this life /Junethe 10th 1827 aged 72 years

§ In memory of Richard Clapcott who departed this life / on the 7thday of February 183-[? 2] aged 83

* Copied, presumably, from loose leaves now lost. All these entries are in the Rev. L. J. Byron's hand

Cf. English Catholic Nonjurors, 1715, p 232. Richard, son of John Clapcott ; wife, Mary; children, Elizabeth, John, Dorothy, Barbara, Winifred and Anne

§ Richard Clapcott of Sopley married Ann Kemp in 1782 (Hants Parochial Registers , St. Michael's in the Soke , Winchester).

Gravestones in Hampreston Church [Copied 29 August 1932.]

In the Chancel-

H. S. E.

Susanna relict of Geo Hussey Esq of Marnhull / in this who died / December 24 1760 / Requiescat in pace county

In the Nave-

Here lieth ye Body of Mr / Charles Caryll * / S.J. who dyed ye 12 day of June 1745 R.I.P.

Here lieth ye Body of/ Mr Caryll S.J. * / who dyed . .. . / Feb

1750 R.I.P.

In Hampreston Churchyard-

Here lyeth the Body of John Biddlecombe Senior / who died the [ ij] day of April 1682

Here lyeththeBody of/ Mary the wifeof John Biddlecombe Senior who died the 14 day of December 1694

Here lyeththe Body of John Biddlecombe / who died the 13th day of June 1709

[A coat of arms, like fleurs-de-lys upside down]

To the memoryof Mr Wm Lacy / who died Mayye 16 1756 aged 65 also of Sarah his wife aged 64 and of Margaret wife of Richard Clarke who died March 29th 1770 aged 42 | also Richard, William and Sarah / their children

Here lies in hopes of the joyfull Resurrection the / body of Mary, wife of / Nicholas Gillett / who died February/ the 21st 1746 / aged 68 years

[Another stone , which may be that of a Catholic] Sacred to the memory of William King / son ofSimonand Charity King.

In New Milford Churchyard [Copied 11 February 1935.]

[Three large recumbent slabs, much worn] (1) Here lyeth the body of Richard White § of Evilton who departed this life on the 4th day of September in the 80th / year of his age Anno Domini 1727

Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth/ the wife of RichardWhite of Eviltonwho departed this life / on the 22nd day ofMarch in the 50th year of her age in the year 1711 Memento homo quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris.

* See Stapehill Introduction , infra, p. 126 . Among these three stones is another, smashed in pieces. Brother of HenryLacyof Wardour, buried in St. James's , Winchester.

See C.R.S., xlii, 159 , M.I. No. 76; Eng. Cath Nonjurors, p 45; C.R.S. , vi, 238 C.R.S., vi, 238, gives " Margaret" as the name of William Lacy's wife; Payne (Records of English Catholics, p 52) gives " Mary"; see also p 12 in Payne's book

§Cf. Eng. Cath Nonjurors, p 233. " Richard White of Evilton in the parish of Milford, clothier Estate there and at Fawley, for lives of self , daughter Elizabeth, and John Parnell, jun , and house as administrator to his daughter Mary, dec.-£156 . 12.0. "


[There are a number of other inscriptions on the same slab , but now illegible, as the slab has served as a slidefor several generations of boys.]

(2) Here lyeththe body ofWilliam Lacy / Gent who died . ... / 1749 aged 61

[There are other names below, too worn to be legible]

(3) Here lyeththe remains of Mrs Hannahwife of R. W. Lacy/ 29 Dec. 1789 aged 18 'a sweet and shorten " and of Richard White Lacy* Dec 3 1797 aged 75 and of Maria Biddlecombe March 1799

[Ina written list of the stones , kept in the vestry, was aprobable addition to No. 2, possibly William Lacy's wife and daughter of Richard White]

Lacy Elizabeth May 17 17Requiescat in pace

[In the Burial Register of the Church]

Richard White July 2 1791

Margaret wife of Richard White December 18 1795

Richard White Lacy December 3 1797 aged 75


1693 James Selnen and Ruth Beddelcom 1694 John Daw and Maggret Larra

1701 Thomas Perkins (Hampreston ) and Mary Lane (Christchurch)

1702 Thomas Lane and Mary Etheridge

1703 John Lane and Elizabeth Clapcoat " Richard Angell and Betty Barnes

* A Richard WhiteLacy, " whohadlatelycome ofage " in 1745 , married a Miss Stafford in July 1745. See Introduction , supra

See ObituaryList, supra, p. 115. Mrs. Biddlecombe (née Kitty Lacy) died 24 March 1799 , when her daughter, Kitty, was one week old. " Are these of the same family ?

§ Some of these are certainly, others possibly, Catholics.


William Pottle and Clare Bedlecombe

"د Perkins and Mary Wing (both of Christchurch )

10 Oct. 1721













Henricus Wells of Studland and Mary Hart of Nursling

Thomas Pottle and Martha Biddlecomb

John Reeks (Holdenhurst ) and Mary King (Ensbury)

ChristopherGannaway (Ringwood) and Betty Tarrant

William Ayles (Hordle) and MaryScott

John Clapcot and Mary Borne

John Veal (Hordle) and Hannah Saunders

Roger Perkins and Elizabeth Waters

John Lane and Mary Coffin

James Gosling and Mary Clapcot widow

Charles Pearce and Mary Clapcott (Christchurch)

Thomas Blacklock and Sarah Carter widow

Thomas Clapcott and Sarah Filby





Canford and Stapehill are not in Hampshire and belong to the present diocese of Plymouth, but, as will be seen by the Introductionto Sopley, they are closely connected with the latter Mission Therefore it was thought that the Registers of thesetwo Missions might well follow those of Sopley. I am grateful to the Rt. Rev. LadyAbbess of Holy Cross Abbey, Stapehill, for kindly lending me the Registers and for assistance in gathering facts connected with these Missions


CanfordandStapehill were both Jesuitresidences in the" College ' (or District) of St. Thomas of Canterbury, commonly known as "Mrs Hants," which covered the counties of Sussex, Wiltshire, Hampshire and Dorset

Canford, or Canford Magna, or Great Canford, is " a parish in the hundredofCogdean, division of Shaston, Dorset, 1 miles [southeast] from Wimborn Minster and 101 from London, near the river Stour " (A Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom , Benjamin Pitts Capper, London, 1813). 'Stapehill is situated in the Parish of Hamprestonin the Hundred of Cranborne, and was formerly included in the Manor of Hampreston, which belonged to the ArundellsofWardour from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century " (La Trappe in England, p 84, London, 1937) Stapehill lies a mile or so north-east ofCanford, two and a halfto three miles almost due east of Wimborne. " To the north stretched [in 1802] Hampreston Heath, to the east ParleyCommon andHerneCommon, whilesouthwardsacrossthe Stour the expanse of Canford Heath and Poole Heath lay between Stapehill and the coast, ten miles distant, where only a desolate line of sandbanks marked the site where the town of Bournemouth was to spring up in the latter half of the nineteenth century " (La Trappe, p. 85) So close together are Canford and Stapehill that a local legend of an underground passage connecting the two has persisted down to the present day. The Manor of Canfordwas purchased by Sir John Webb in 1611 , and that staunchCatholic family no doubt had theirresident chaplain from an early date, and Stapehill probably owes its origin to the same family (Oliver, Collections, p 52; La Trappe, pp 86, 88), but the long list ofrecusants in Hamprestonin 1592 (see Sopley Introduction) is evidence of a priest'spresencein the area atthatearlierdate


Brother Foley (Records S.J., v, 797; iii, 410-1) says thatthedate when the Society entered upon the Mission of Canford is uncertain , but that it must have been as early as 1658. Dr. Oliver, alluding to the secrecy of the Penal Days, says: " In vain have I attempted to

" (Collections ,

form out the list of incumbentsat . .. . Canford p. 177). Father Anthony Bonville, or Bovill (alias Terrill), who was born at Canford in 1621 , entered the English College, Rome , 4 December 1640, and gave the following biographical details ofhimself:"Iam the son of Humphrey and Maria Bonville, born at Canford in the county of Dorset, where I was brought up till my fifteenth year .... My parentsare ofvery high andillustrious families, although they are not at the present time rich or opulent My mother is a Catholic, my father was much estranged from the Catholic faith, but as I have lately heard by a letter from the Rev. Father Bennett, he now greatly desires to embrace the faith and law of Christ I have five brothersand one sister, allofwhom, exceptmy sister, were brought upin heresy;but Imyself, thanks be to God , with threeofmybrothers, was brought out of the darkness of heresy with the true and ever clear light of Christ,and the Catholic faith, by the assistance of the Rev. Fathers Bennett and Webb" (Foley, Records S.J. , iii, 420; cf. La Trappe, pp. 86-7) From this it would appear that Fathers Bennett and Webb were in this area in the 1630s, and the former also in the 1640s Father Thomas Bennett , S.J., vere Thomas Blackfan , was sent on the Missionin 1634 and died 10 December 1663/4. Father Webbis not so easily identified The only Jesuit of that nameDr. Oliver gives no secular named Webbwho fits in with the dates is Father Thomas Webb , a native of Gloucestershire, born 1575, but he is said to have spent the whole of his missionarylife, from 1621 to 1658 , in the College of St. Francis Xavier (North and South Wales District) (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 62, 824; iii, 410).

It is possible that the Rev. Charles Stafford, S.J., alias Charles Hills, was at Canford at some period after 1706 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 727 , 911 ; C.R.S., xiii, 186 and notein this note Foley's reference ismisprinted 717, insteadof727). Heworkedin the HampshireDistrict for many years and was its Rector in 1708. He died at Ghent 29 February 1732 , aged 80. He may, therefore, have been at Canforduntil succeeded by Father Michael Jenison, S.J., who was chaplain to the Webb family at Canfordin 1724. He was a native of Durham , born 29 September 1655/6, entered the Society 7 September 1675 , wasordained 8 December 1683. In 1701 andfor many years he workedin theHants District, and diedat Watten 17 November1735 (Foley, RecordsS.J. , vii, 400; Oliver, Collections, p 336) The nextpriest recorded is Father Thomas Talbot, S.J., alias Mansell, who was at Canford before 1764 . He was born in Lancashire21 July 1717; studied at St. Omer; entered the Society in 1735, and was on the mission in London from 1764 till his death, 12 October 1799 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 759; Oliver, Collections, p. 419) Brother Foley gives the Rev. George Clarkson at Canford in 1765(RecordsS.J., vii, 136) The Rev.JohnCouche, S.J., was also there, probably in the 1770s He was the son of William Couche and his wife , the daughter of Charles Hoskins, of Ibberton, Dorset, and was born at Tolfrey, near Fowey, in Cornwall, 14 April 1744; studied at St. Omer and entered the Society 7 December 1762. The last twenty-two years of hismissionarylife are said to have been spent

* Ordained priest in St. John Lateran's 16 March 1647; entered the Society 20 June 1647; died 11 October 1676 at Liège

C.R.S. , xiii, 178 , has among the Jesuit addresses " Mrs. Brook at Great Canford, " and a later hand has added " Jennison" above. See the page and notes in C.R.S. vol xiii


at Southend , Soberton , Hampshire , but he appears again at Stapehill, as stated below. He died at Greenwich 29 December 1813 (Foley, Records S.J. , vii, 177; Oliver, Collections, p 277).

InDecember 1794 Sir JohnWebband hisonly daughterandheiress, Lady Barbara, fifth countess of Shaftesbury , offered Canford House to the English Carmeliteor Teresian nuns from Hoogstraet. They had arrived in England on 13 July of that year and had lived at Friars Place, Acton, until the December With them from Belgium came the Belgian Jesuit Father, the Rev. Henry John Joris, S.J., whom Dr. Oliver callsJonis and says that his real name was George Henry John He was the son of Henry Joris and Joanna Catherine (Sientenoy) and was born in London 27 January 1733. Hestudiedunderthe Jesuits at Antwerp and was admitted to the Belgian Province 3 September 1752. He had been Director to the Teresian nuns at Hoogstraetfor many years and came with them to England in July, and to Canford in December, dying there 9 July 1796. His burial is recorded in the parish register on 12 July (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 409; Oliver, Collections, pp 140, 237; C.R.S., xii, 53)

" His successor is classed among the Jesuits by Dr. Oliver, and is given as 'ex S.J." in the obituary list, but he was disowned by Brother Foley, who says that he was a secular He was the Rev. Christopher Wright, who served Canford and the Teresian nuns until his death there 18 March 1799 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 869; Oliver, Collections, p. 442; C.R.S., xii, 68) He was followed by the Rev. James Philip Bourgeois, S.J., whose alias was Beeston, who was born in French Flanders 5 January 1738. He was at Canford from 1799 till hisdeath 19 May 1801. * Two baptisms only were entered byhim , in July and November 1799. After his deathtwo more baptisms were entered, one in July 1801 by an Abbé Le Franc, and the second in January 1802 by the Abbé AlexandreCochet. It would seem therefore that the next priest, the Rev. James Willacy, did not arrive until early in 1802. No baptisms were recorded by him during his term of office. He was born in Lancashire in 1738, entered Douay 17 October 1749 , was ordained in 1762 and stayed on as Professor until 23 July 1764. Most probably he went straight to the school at StandonLordship, and after three years at Standon and two at Hare Street was appointed first Headmaster of Old Hall Green in 1769, a post he retained until 1792. During those twenty-three years he was also ParishPriest of Old Hall His last years, until his death 25 September 1805,were spent at CanfordHouse (C.R.S. , xii, 93; xxviii, 261 andnote; B.Ward, Hist of St. Edmund's College, pp 37-8, 332, 334; G. Oliver, Collections, pp 288, 437-8) The next priest was the former curé of St. Remi, in the diocese of Coutances, the Abbé Jacques Florentius Duval, who remained at Canfordtill his death, 30 March 1817 , at the age offifty-six (G. Oliver, Collections, p 288) Dr. Oliver says that he succeeded on the death of the Rev. James Willacy, but the Registers show that he was there earlier, probably during an illness of his predecessor , at least from August 1804. Another French priest followed, the Abbé Jean BaptisteMarest He was born at Tour de Ville 1 April

Dr. Oliver has 1811 as the year of his death (Collections, p 241), but says (pp 437-8) that Fr. Willacy, who died in 1805 , succeeded Fr. Beeston on the latter'sdeath Brother Foley (Records S.J., vii, 75) also gives 19 May 1811 as the date of death, but quotes two other accounts as giving 1800 and 1802. C.R.S. , xii, 78, gives the correct date, 19 May 1801

1768 and was ordainedin Winchesterin Whitsun week 1793, by the Bishop ofRodez Shortly afterwardshe was attachedtoLordArundell's family at Wardour, taking charge of the parishas well on theresignation of the Rev. E. Nihell, S.J., in 1801. There he remained until 26 July 1817. Atthat date, onaccountofinfirmities, he became director to the Carmelitenuns at Canford WhenLadyBarbarathe only child of Anthony Ashley, fifth Earl of Shaftesbury, by his wife Barbara (Webb)-married Francis Spenser Ponsonby (created Lord deMauleyin 1838) on 5 August 1814 , the Carmelite nuns were given ten yearsin which to vacateCanford House and find another residence. They left Canford thereforein September 1825. Sailing on the 14th, they reached Thorigny, between Cherbourg and Coutances, on the 24th , theAbbé Marest journeying with them. In September 1830 they moved to Valognes. The Abbé Marest , who went with them, remainedthere till his death , 3 February 1849 (G. Oliver, Collections, pp 141-2, 194 , 354, 385). After the nuns' departurethe MissionofCanfordwasunited to that of Stapehill, and Mass was said on Sundays at Canfordonly when Lady Barbara was in residence For this purpose one of the retired priests living as boarders at Stapehill would go over. Among the retired priests who lived there were the Abbé François Langlois, formerly priestat Southampton; theAbbéJacques Normand, mentioned below , who presided over the electionofthe Prioress, as BishopCollingridge's delegate, in 1827 , and at the same time made a Canonical Visitation ; and the Rev. Richard Towers, O.S.B., who died there 10 March 1844. All three are buried in the cemetery at Stapehill (La Trappe, pp. 129-30)

A visit of the Franciscan nuns at Winchesterto the nuns atCanford and Stapehill, in 1807, is described in C.R.S., xxiv, 101 .



Of Stapehill Brother Foley says "This place will ever be one of greatinterest to the members of the English Province Its secluded position made it a place of resort for the Fathers of the District, who were enabled to maintain a school here in secret during the penal times . Many of them also are interred in its burial ground" --but one of the Cistercian community later wrote " No trace of their tombs is to be found " (Foley, Records S.J. , v, 817-8; La Trappe, p. 88; G. Oliver, Collections, p 42) In later years, apparently towards the end of the seventeenth century, the annual meetings of the College of St. Thomas of Canterbury were regularly held at Stapehill. In 1721 Henry Lord Arundell gave a lease of Stapehill valued at £30, and in 1736a memorandum states " The good gentlemanat Stapehill to have £5 per annum for the assisting at Odstock" (Foley, Records S.J., v, 789n , 814n).

Few details are available of the earlier priests who served this Mission Father Thomas Bennett , S.J., has already been recorded as being somewhere in this area in the 1630s and 1640s. There is a possibilitythat FatherJohnRobinson , S.J., alias Taylor, alias Valentine Upsall, was in the districtafter 1655. He was born between 1598 and * CanonPlasse gives Coutances as his diocese (Le Clergé Français Réfugié en Angleterre , ii, 414)

Probably derived from Steep Hill

Dr. Oliver quotesanamusingandbigotedaccountof this school, loc. cit



1600, the son of John Robinson of Upsall Castle, Yorkshire, and entered the English College, Rome, 13 October 1616. He received all the Minor Orders in 1617 and entered the Society in 1620. Sent on the Mission in 1628 , he workedin the Durham and Yorkshire Districts, being twice arrestedin 1628 and 1652. After his release the second time he worked in the Yorkshire and Hampshire Districts, dying in the latter 20 September 1675. A relic belongingto him is still preserved in the Abbey at Stapehill, which suggests a possible connexion with thisMission (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 658-9 ; C.R.S., xxxvii, 178; La Trappe in England, pp 86-7) The earliest recorded Missioner is Father Michael Jenison , S.J., from 1686to 1690. He has alreadybeen mentioned above as being at Canford in 1724. Brother Foley does not recordhis stay at Stapehill, but the dates are given by the author of La Trappein England(p. 87). * From that time onwards Stapehill was served regularly by the Jesuits and their small school maintained here

An article in The Rock (the magazine of St. Peter's School, Southbourne, December 1942) says " there is mention that Father Edward Poynes was teaching in this District, probably at Stapehill,' from 1704 to 1706." Brother Foley does not give this Father in his list, and no authorityfor the above statement is quoted

The first name we have been able definitely to trace is that of the Rev. Charles Caryll, S.J., alias Cartiton, at Stapehillfrom 1738 to 1745. He was the son of Philip Caryll of Shipley, and was born in Sussex 10 October 1685. He entered the Society 7 September 1704. He died at Stapehill 12 June 1745 and was buried in Hampreston Church. He was succeeded by the Rev. Richard Caryll, S.J., son of John, the second Lord Caryll, who was first cousin to the Rev. Charles Caryll mentioned above Richard was born in Sussex 2 April 1692 and entered the Society 7 September 1711. From 1722 to 1724 hewas at Ladyholt under the name of Paul Kelly, from 1724 to 1727 at Bonham, and at Cheeseburn Grange, Newcastle -on-Tyne, from 1727 till hesucceeded at Stapehill, where he died 18 February 1750and was alsoburied in HamprestonChurch (Foley, Records S.J., iii, 534; vii, 122; G. Oliver, Collections, p 260; La Trappe, p 88)

The following Jesuit priests also served Stapehill, though their dates cannot be determined Father Hermenegild Carpenter, S.J., who was bornin Lillein February1702/3 and entered theSociety7September 1721. He died at Bury St. Edmunds 12 April 1770 (Foley, RecordsS.J. , vii, 116; G. Oliver, Collections, p 259) His period at Stapehill would be after 1746. Father Henry Brent, S.J., alias Aspinall, who wasborn in Lancashire 25 March 1715 , entered the Society 7 September 1734, and died at Irnham 9 January 1784 (Foley, Records S.J. , vii, 81; G. Oliver, Collections, p. 246). He must have been at Stapehill before the suppression of the Society , i.e. before 1773. FatherGeorgeClarkson, S.J., was sent toStapehillin 1770-1 . He was bornat Southhill, Chorley, 4 May 1739 , andjoined the Society 7 September 1758. He died at

* The authorityfor this statement is an account of the early history of Plymouth diocese drawn up by the late Bishop Keily This appearsto be basedupon the Rev. B. W. Kelly's English Catholic Missions (p. 372), and must therefore be treated with reserve Mary, sister of the Rev. Charles Caryll's grandfather, married Sir John Webb of Canford (Foley, Records S.J., iii, 534, Caryll pedigree). See their M.I.s, supra, p 119

Southhill 5 November 1813 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 136; G. Oliver, Collections, p. 263) At an unspecified date the Hon Father Robert Dormer, S.J., was also said to be there. He was born in Buckinghamshire 26 February 1726, entered the Society7 September 1743 , anddied at Wappenbury 4 May 1792 (Foley, Records S.J. , vii, 206; G. Oliver, Collections, pp. 115, 287) Dr. Oliver (Collections, pp 356-7) also places Father William Molyneux, S.J. , at Stapehill, though Brother Foley makes no mention of this Missionin his notice of the Father (Records S.J., vii, 516) He was born in Lancashire 1 February 1726, entered the Society7 September 1748, anddied at Bryn in Lancashire 30 April 1789 (C.R.S., xii, 31) We are on surer ground with Father James Porter, S.J., who dates the baptismal register from 18 May 1770though hisfirst baptism was in 1772. His last baptism was inAugust 1798 , but he countersigns a baptism in April 1799 by, judging from the writing, a French priest, the Abbé C. Maurice Father Porter's successordates his succession from 22 December 1801. James Porter was born in Belgium 9 November 1733 and entered the Society 7 September 1752. In 1763 he was in the Derby district and subsequently in Beckford, Gloucestershire, and Salisbury before comingto Stapehill. He died at Portico, near St. Helens, 28 March 1810 (Foley, Records S.J. , vii, 616; G. Oliver, Collections, p 385). His successor , the Abbé Alexandre Cochet, was here until 1811 , when he went to Sopley. Mother Augustin de Chabannes and three other Cistercian nuns disembarked at St. Catherine's Docks , London, in March 1801 . For ten months they lived at Blyth House, Brook Green , Hammersmith. They were anxiousto secure a place where they could receive assitance from monks of their own Order A small community ofsix Cistercian monks was established at Lulworth Park through the generosityofMr. Thomas Weld In 1796 they took possessionoftheir newly-built monasteryof St. Susan at Lulworth Some twenty miles to the north-east of the monastery, at Stapehill, was a smallproperty belonging toLordArundell ofWardour Thiswas givento theCistercian nuns . In January 1802 they removed to Burton House, kindly lent to them by Lady Mannock, and there the Abbé Gilles Viel acted as their chaplain On 21 October 1802 theynow nine in numberentered their monastery (later raised to the rank of Abbey) of the Holy Cross of Our Lady of La Trappe. On their arrivalat Stapehill the last Jesuit missioner was still in residence there, Father John Couche, S.J. Hethen moved to an old cottage known as the " Pilgrim's house, " or " Pilgrimage, " and lived on there for some time, withtwo pupils. During the week Mass was said by the Abbé AlexandreCochet , who went on Sundays to say Mass at Sopley Père Antoine, whose full name was Anne Nicolas Charles Saulnier de Beauregard, was their Confessor and rode over on horseback every Saturday from Lulworth, returning on the Monday. He was born in Joigny, Champagne, 20 August 1764. DoctoroftheSorbonne and Canon of Sens ,hewas ordained in 1789. He came to London in 1794 and entered the Cistercian community in June 1795. He was elected its fourth Prior in 1810, when he ceased to act as Confessor, and in 1813 was solemnly blessed as Abbotofthe monastery(newly raised to the dignity of anAbbeyby Pope Pius VII) in London by BishopPoynter, in August of that year He died at Melleray, near Nantes, 6 January 1839. One baptism by him is recorded in May 1807 (La Trappe in England, chaps viii, ix, x; G. Oliver, Collections, pp. 217, 407) The Cistercian monks sailed from


Weymouth on 10 July 1817 , and established themselves at Melleray in Brittany In the earliest account book at Stapehill Abbey the following agreement with the Abbé Cochet, in Mother Augustin de Chabannes's hand, can be read: "La Maison est engagée avec le Chapelain de Stape Hill a 20 Sterlin, que nos peres ont eu la bonté de chargé de payer jusqu a ce que la maison fut en etat de le faire En outre de fournir tous les ans 25 boisseaux de charbon et 2. 10s pour le reste de son chaufage quil se fournit comme il juge a propos. La maison n'est tenue qua lui charier ses tourbes et cela autant qu'elle aura des chevaux, un seul homme. C'est a lui a fournir les autres necessaires Cest les arrangements pris avec lui En presence du Reverend Pere Marie Bernard. R. P. J. Baptiste P Antoine et la Soeur Augustin On lui Blanchit son lingea lui seul a lui fournirtousles jours une pinte de lait chaud '

The Abbé Cochet, and his successor, lived in a small thatched cottage close to the chapel This was demolished after 1826 and the infirmary kitchen built on the site The Abbé André De Laportewas the successor (La Trappe, p 98; G. Oliver, Collections, p 384), andhe records the baptisms until August 1816, and one baptism in the Canford Register in June 1822. There are also two more baptisms by him in the Canford Registerin February and March 1826. These were after the departure of the Carmelite nuns and after the Registers had been handed over, and may therefore be of children in the Canford area

One baptism is recorded in February 1825 by the Abbé Jacques Normand He lived on at Stapehill till his death, at the age ofeightytwo, 14 January 1842 (La Trappe , p 130) Dr. Oliver (Collections, pp 190, 365) calls him Nicholas , says that he was of the diocese of Rouen, born 1 January 1760, and that he supplied in several places in the Midland District, was at Tor Abbey for a short while and retreated to Spetisbury before comingto Stapehill Père Palemon , vere Nicolas Rousselin, opened the new Register in 1817. He was ofa noble familyone account calls him Count Nicolas Rousselinborn at St. Maloin 1770. Attheoutbreakofthe Revolutionhe was anecclesiastical studentandwas thrownintothesameprisonin Parisas MotherAugustin de Chabannes On the deathof Robespierre he was released and made his way to Jersey, thence to Lulworth , where he began his novitiate in 1795. From 1810 to 1817 he was Confessor to the nuns Whenthe Cistercian monks leftfor France in 1817 he remained behindas resident chaplain at Stapehill, fulfilling that office till his death, 19 May 1851 . Dr. Oliver (Collections, p 441) says that a Cistercian Father Odillon (William Woolfrey) was assistant chaplain here after his ordination in 1827. He was born, presumablyat Lulworth , 8 October 1803. The Rev. William Young, styled by Dr. Oliver " one of the apostles of Cornwall" (p. 443), baptized here in May 1852. Père Palemon was succeeded byanotherCistercian , FatherFrancisAndrew Hawkins,who had first arrived to assist him in May 1840. He was born at Wardour in 1795 , entered Lulworthin 1808, went with the monks to France, as a novice , in 1817 , and was ordained at Nantes in 1822. It was he who collected the funds for the new church (La Trappe, pp 134-5). Two other Cistercians were living with Père Palemonat Stapehill in 1848 , Père Jean Baptiste, aged 80, and a young Irish priest, Father Francis Walsh, O . Cist The latter was here from 1845 to 1849. In May 1849 he was Prior of Mount Melleray, and in January 1850 went to America as Superiorofthe newly-foundedNewMelleray. In Decem-

ber 1847 a marriagewas entered by the Rev. Ralph Brindle (G. Oliver , Collections, pp 187, 248), and baptisms in 1854 by the Rev. J. B. Anderson, and in 1855 by the Rev. Richard L. Schofield. This last priest came in 1854 and stayed in the guest-house nearly eighteen months Father Andrew Hawkins remained at Stapehill till hisdeath , 1 May 1866 (La Trappe , p 153)

The following priests came to assist Father Andrew Hawkins: The Revv. William Young, in 1853.

Robert Smyth, O . Cist , for a few months in 1856. (He was there also in 1851, painting the Altar .La Trappe in England, p. 151.)

Joseph Bunn, C.P., for a few weeks in 1857

McEvoy, from the beginning of 1857 to the middle of 1858 .

Luke O'Kelly, 1858-60.

Father Placid, O . Cist , 1860August 1861

John Magini, August 1861February 1866

O'Brien, for a few months in 1866

The following priestshave served Stapehill since Father Hawkins's death :

The Revv. David Walsh, O . Cist. , from Mount Melleray, 1866, till his death 13 January 1878, aged 66

James Hayes, O . Cist , from Mount Melleray, 1878-1882.

Austin Collins, O . Cist. , from Mount St. Bernard's, 1882January 1913 (he also lived at the Priory as assistant from 1868-1882) He died at Mount St. Bernard's, 29 January 1919 , aged 91.

Celsus O'Connell , O . Cist , from Mount St. Bernards , as assistantforafewmonthsin 1912, andwas replacedby Leo Fitzgerald, O . Cist , of Mount St. Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, who succeeded Father Austin Collins and had charge of the Mission February-October 1913

Edward Damen, October 1913-19 .

Patrick Morton, 1919-24

Charles Scanlan, 1924-5

Canon Michael Burns, 1925-7, assisted by J. Doody

Patrick Tobin, 1927-33.

Frederick Biggs, February-July 1933

Emmanuel McGinley, July 1933-7 .

William Moylan, 1937-44

Walter Conway, 1944-7 .

Robert Andras, 1947-

Since 1938 FatherKieran Shorten, O . Cist , hasalsobeeninresidence as chaplain to the Community.


The Canford Register (1796-1826)-Register No. 3 in this transcriptconsists ofthirty-eight pages of plain white paper, the first six and the last four pages of apparently different texture and size from the rest One leaf has been cut out after the first six pages, and ten leaves before the last four The whole has been stitched into rough, obviously home-made , dark brown cardboardcovers , and these cardboard covers have in turn been encased in a cover of loose white


paper, now much frayed, worn and darkened . It would seem that the 1804-26 portion of the Register has been sewn in as an inset to the earlier Register This would explain the statement at the end of the Register that " these two Registers were deliveredat Stapehill. The pages of the earlierRegister measure 6x4 inches , the pages of the inset6x4 inches "

This Canford Register is sandwiched between two other Registers, which have been stitched into the same covers to preserve them. In front is the Stapehill Register of the Rev. James Porter, S.J., from 1772 to 1799Register No. 1 in this transcript This is a thin notebook, withmarbled-paper covers, of eighteen pages, eachpagemeasuring 5x3 inches . It is entirely in the hand of the Rev. James Porter, except for the last entry. At the back is another Stapehill Register (1801-16)-Register No. 2 in this transcript. This is only halfa notebook, without covers The other half was apparently used for another purpose, and the leaves, seven in number, havebeen cut away, leaving a margin sufficient to hold the other seven leaves together Each page measures 6 x 33 inches The Rev. James Porter summarized the baptisms of his previous Register in its first pages It was then used bysuccessivepriests to recordtheirbaptisms . Register No. 4, i.e. Stapehill No. 3 (1817-56), is a vellum-covered volume, measuring7 x 6 inches, similar to those used in other Missions, e.g. Brockhampton, Gosportand Cowes The pages are of plain white paper, cash-ruled, and each page measures 7 x 6 inches None of these Registers is paginated; pagination has been supplied in this transcript. The last Register is carried to a late date, 1856, but the whole Registeris here transcribedin accordance with the Catholic Record Society'srule that Registers must be transcribed in their entirety.

[р 1]



Batizatorum à die 18a Maji an 1770 26a Julii*

29 *

Die 17a Octris 1772 baptisatus est Josephus Sparks, natus die 14a ejusdem mensis, filius Tho. et Mar. Sparks J.P. conjugum Jac . Porter

[p. 2]

Die 27a Junii an 1774 baptizata est Joanna King, filia Joannis (acathel) King et Mariæ King Conjugum Susceperunt Geor et Anna Barnes. Ita Jac. Porter

[Rest of the page blank.]

[p. 3] Die 25 Feb 1776 Baptizatus est Joannes Moore filius Joan'sMoore et Marth Froud (acat.) conjugum. Susceptore Fr. Kippin ita J. Porter

Die 17ª Martii ann 1776, Baptizata est ElizabethaKing filia Joan's King (acath.) et Mariæ King Conjugum. Susceperunt Anna Barnes et Jos. Gillet. ita Jac. Porter

Die 26 Decembris 1776, baptisatus est Thomas Scot , filius [blank] Scot (acathet) et Annæ Mariæ Purchase conjugum Natus est 29a Novis et Susceperunt Joannes Brown et Maria Hinnon J. Porter

* Apparently the beginning of two entries which were not completed

[p. 4]

Die 24a Maii an 1778 Baptizata est Sara King Joannis King (acath ) et Mariæ King conjugum filia Nata est 18a ejusdem men. et susceperunt Jacobus Brown et Catharina Kipping. Ja Porter

Die 18a Junii anni 1779, Baptizata est Anna Catharina Bugden filia Jacobi et Mariæ Bugden Nata est die 13a ejusdem Mensis; Et suscepit Eliz. Biddlecomb Jac Porter

[p. 5]

Die 18 Junii anni 1780, Baptizatus est Petrus filius Mariæ Biddlecomb, natus die 16a ejusdem mensis: Susceptore Jacobo Bugden Jac. Porter

Die 17ª Septembris Anni 1781, Baptisatus est à me Gulielmus Brown , filius Jacobi Brown et Mariæ Biddlecomb Catholm Natus die 16a ejusdem Mensis Susceperunt Josephus Brown, et Elizab Biddlecomb. Ita testor Jac. Porter.

[p. 6]

Die 9a Martii, Anni 1782 Baptizatusest à me Gulielmus Tubbs, filius Gulielmi Tubbs (acathei) et Elizabethæ Brown, Natus est die Ga ejusdem Mensis; et Susceperunt Jos Barnes, et Anna Brown. Ita testor Jac. Porter

Die 31ª Martii, Anni 1782 Baptizatusest à me Thomas filius Mariæ Bugden Viduæ. Natus est die 30a ejusdem mensis, et Susceperunt Thos Brown, Et Eliza Tubbs Ita testor Jac. Porter.

[p. 7]

Die 2a Junii, Anni 1782, Baptisatus est à meJoannes Scot filius Scot acatholici , et Mariæ Purchase conjugum Suscepit Jacobus Brown Natus est 11a die Maii. Ita testor Jac. Porter.

Die 20 Octobris Anni 1782 Baptizata est à meMaria King filia Joannis King (Acatholici) et Mariæ King conjugum. Nata est undecima ejusdem mensis; et Susceperunt Isac Fryeet Anna Barnes J. Porter

[p. 8]

Die Decima Nona Septembris Anni 1784, Baptizata est a me Anna Phoebe Brown filia Roberti Brown (acatholici ) et Annæ Barnes Conjugum. Nata est Die 17a Ejusdem Mensis, et Susceptores fuere Tho Brown et Anna Brown Ita J Porter

Die 20 Feb. 1785 Baptizatus est à me Henricus Tubbs, natus die 18ª ejusdem mensis Susceptoribus Tho. Brown, et Maria Bugden. Ita testor Jac Porter.

[p. 9]

Die 12a Julii Anni 1785, Baptizatusest a me Teresa Brown filia Jacobi et Mariæ Brown Cathm et conjugum. Nata est die 11ª ejusdem men. et Suscepit Gulielmus Brown ita J Porter.

Die25 Junii Anni 1786 , Baptizatusest a me Robertus King, filius Martini Kinget [blank] conjugum . Natusest die 24ª ejusdem mensis ; Susceptoribus Joannes Sparks, et Maria Bugden juniore. Jac. Porter.

[p. 10]

Die 21a Januarii Anni 1787

Barbara Lambert filia Mariæ Lambert Gillet et Elizabetha Tubbs .

Baptizata est à me Sponsoribus Joseph J Porter.



Die21 Octobris An 1787 Baptisataest à me MarthaLadden filia Joans Ladden et Annæ Corbin, sponsoribus Josepho Gilletet Lydia Barnes . J Porter

[p. 11]

Die 15a Decemb 1787 baptisata est à me Maria Bond filia Mariæ Bond Vagæ Patrino Gulielmo Barnes. J. Porter

Die 17a Febril 1788 , Baptisata est Martha King filia Martha King Solutæ; Matrinâ Maria Bugden. J Porter

Die 25a Maii 1788 Baptizatusest Thomas Tubbs, Sponsoribus Tho Brown et Mariâ Barnes J Porter.

[p . 12]

Die la Julii Anni 1788 , Baptisatus est a me Georgius Sparks; Sponsoribus Joanne Sparks et [blank] Brown. J Porter

Die 31 Oct. Anni 1790 Baptisatus est à me Basilius Sparks; Sponsoribus Gulielmus [sic] Bugden et Mariâ Sparks J. Porter

Die 6a Martii 1791, Baptisatus est à me Jacobus Tulk; Sponsoribus Gulielmo Bugden et Joannâ Sparks. J. Porter

[p. 13] Die 10a Aprilis 1791, Baptizatus est a me Elizabetha Lawden (nata die 3a) Sponsoribus Lydia Barnes et Josepho Gillet J Porter.

Die 7 Octobris 1792 Baptizatus est à me Jacobus King Sponsoribus Thoma et Mariâ Brown conjugs J Porter

Die 2ª NovembrisAn 1792 Baptizata est à me Maria Anna Lawden , nata 28a die Octobris ; Sponsoribus Gulielmo Bugdenet Brigittâ Budden . J Porter

[p. 14] Die 30 Januarii An. 1793 Baptizata est a me Barbara Sparkes, pridie nata Sponsoribus Jacobo Sparkeset Mariâ Brown Jac. Porter

Die 11 Junii An 1793, Baptizata est à me Maria Tulk, eadem die Nata Sponsor Joanna Sparks. Jac Porter

Die 29a Septis 1793 Baptizatus est à me Jacobus Sparkes filius Joannis et Joanna Sparkes natus die 27. Sponsoribus Thoma Sparkes et Mariâ Sparkes. Jac. Porter.

[p. 15] Die 24ª Novembris An. 1793 Baptizatus est à me Gulielmus Kippen filius Joannis et Elizabethæ Kippen Natusdie 22a Sponsoribus Gulielmo Kippen, et Mariâ ejusdem Matre. Jac. Porter

Die 8a Junii Anni 1795 Baptizata est à me Joanna Sparks filia Ambrosii et Mariæ Sparks Conjugum Susceptoribus Thomâ Sparks et Mariâ Brown Nata est die sexta ejusdem mensis J Porter

[p. 16] Die 11ª Octob Anni 1795 Baptizatus est à me Ambrosius Sparks filius Joannis et Joanna Sparks Conjugum. Susceptoribus Thomâ et Maria Sparks Natus est die 12a Sep. J Porter

Die la Maii An. 1796 Baptizata est à me Carolina Dimmock filia Richardi Dimock [sic] et Brigittæ Budden Suscepit illam Maria Collins. J Porter,


Die 18a Martii An 1798, Baptizata est à me Elizaba Sparks filia Joans et Joan Sparks conjugum Susceperunt illam Thos Sparks et Maria Sparks. J Porter.

[p. 17]

Die 26a Augusti Anni 1798, Baptizatus est à me Mathæus Bayly filius Gul et Winifr Bayly. Suscepit illum

Maria Collins

[In another hand] J Porter.

die 9a aprilis anni 1799 baptisatus est a me Carolus Kane georgii filius Susceptore joseph jilet* ita testor C. Maurice J Porter

[Rest of the page blank.]

[p. 18] [Writing upside down]


Confirmatorum ab Anno Dom. 1772

Die 5 Junii 1772

Maria Biddlecomb.



[р 1]


Baptizatorum à me Jacobo Porter Presbo à Die 18a Maii Anni 1770

Oct. 17a 1772 .

Maii 16a 1773 .

Junii 12a 1774

Junii 20. 1774

Josephus Sparks

Francisca Tubbs

Maria Scot.

Albanus Gillet.

Junii 27. 1774. Joanna King.

Apr. 15a 1775

Feb. 23a

Mar. 17 1776

Dec. 26 1776

Maii 24 1778

Junii 18 1779

Jacobus Bugden.

Thomas Scot.

Sarah King

Anna Cath Bugden

[p. 2]

Junii 18a 1780

Sep. 17a 1781.

Mar. ga 1782 1779.[sic] Joannes Moore .§ Elizabetha King.

Mar. 31 1782

Junii 2a 1782

Petrus Brown

Gulielmus Brown. Gulielmus Tubbs

Thomas Bugden. Joannes Scott

Oct. 20a 17782.[sic]Maria King

* Presumably " Gillet"; the writing is in a French hand . A summary of the baptisms in Register No. 1

These four baptisms are not recorded in Register No. 1 . § This baptism is recorded under date 25 February 1776 in Register No. 1; 1779 is evidentlya mistake

Entered in Register No. 1 as " Peter son of Mary Biddlecomb"; the next entry, however, in the next year, is of" William Brown son of James Brown and Mary Biddlecomb"


Sepr Feb. [p. 3]

9. 1784 . 20. 1785

Julii 12. 1785

Junii 25. 1786

Jan. 21. 1787

[p. 2 continued]

Oct. 21. 1787.

Dec. 15

Feb. 17. 1788. 1787

Anna Phoebe Brown. Henricus Tubbs

Teresa Brown. Robertus King

Barbara Lambert. Martha Ladden.

Maria Bond. Martha King.

Maii 25. 1788. Thomas Tubbs

Julii 1a 1788 Gorgius [sic] Sparks

Oct. 31a 1790. Basilius Sparks

Mar. 6. 1791

Apr. 10. 1791.


Nov. 7. 1792 . 2. 1792

Jan. 30. 1793

Jacobus Tulk

Elizabetha Lawden. Jacobus King

Maria Lawden. Barbara Sparks

[p. 4]

Junii 11a 1793.

Sep. 29a 1793.

Nov. 24a 1793

Junii ga

Oct. 11а 1795 .

Maria Tulk

Jacobus Sparks. Gulielmus Kippen

Joanna Sparks. Ambrosius Sparks 1795 .

Maii la 1796. Carolina Dimock

Mar. 18a 1798

Aug. 26 1798

Elizabetha Sparks. Mathæus Bayly.

[The next entryin the Abbé Cochet's hand, and thenceforward all in his hand until p. 11.]

Aprilis ga 1799. Carolus Cane .

Ex Congregatione dictâStapehillConfirmati sunt ab Illustmo

Revmo Episcopo : G : G : Sharrock

Jacobus Tulck

Georgius Sparks

Elysabeth Cane

Teresa Brown

Carolina Slades (olim Coombs) 1802 1805.§

[p. 5]

Alexander Cochet Presbyter, successit Revdo Dño

Jacobo Porter, Die 22a Decembris 1801.

Ego infra Scriptus testor, Thomam Coombs filium Guillelmi & Theresia (olim Slades) Conjugum, natum die decimâ nonâ

Cross in MS calling attentionto four entries omitted and inserted on [p 3]

Spelt "Kane " in Register No. 1 .

The Rt. Rev. William Gregory Sharrock, O.S.B. , Bishop of Telmessus , consecrated 12 August 1780 , Coadjutor Western District; "V.A. Western District 1797-1809 . § 1804 is given a few entries below

January, a me baptisatum fuisse vigesimâ die ejusdem mensis , anno Dñi 1804. Patrinus fuit Richardus Sparks, Matrina Maria Slades A. Cochet Miss : Apeus [monogram]*

Die 8a Junii 1804 natus & die 9a Baptisatusfuit, Josephus Gillet, Filius Albani & Eleonora Gillet (olim Barker) Conjugum : Patrinus [p. 6] fuit

Thomas Sparks, Matrina BarbaraCane, a me A. Cochet Misso Apco

Die 17ª Septembris 1804 Confirmata est Caroleta Slades (olim Coombs) quæ in Confirmatione Mariæ nomen assumpsit A. Cochet Miss. Apost

Die 18 Septembris 1804 natus & die 30a Baptisatusfuit

Guillelmus Filius [7 cms. ofwriting scored] JoannaKing, Patrinus fuit Thos Sparks, Matrina Maria Tulck; a me A. Cochet Misso Apco

Die 10a Maii 1800 & Die 16ª Decembris 1804 Baptisatus fuit

Carolus Burt, Filius [naturalis Joannis Rich & scored] [p. 7] Elisabethæ Burt, Patrinus Richardus Sparks, Matrina Elisabetha Burt, a me A. Cochet Misso Apco

Die 6a Martii 1805 natus & die 15ª ejusdem mensisBaptisatus est Petrus Frampton, Filius Guillelmi & Annæ (olim Burt) Conjugum. Patrinus Georgius Barnes, Matrina Maria Hearskell; a me A. Cochet Misso Apo

Die 18a Junii 1805 natus & die 19a ejusdem mensis Baptisatus fuit Aloysius Slades, filius Bernardi & Carolinæ Slades (olim Coombs) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Carolus Hocque Matrina [Nobilis scored] Domina [p. 8] Anastasia Mannock; a me A. Cochet Misso Apco

Die 5a Julii vide pag: sequen:

Die 18 Octobris natus & die 17a Novembris 1805 baptisatus est Guillelmus Sparks Filius Joannis & Joanna (olim Burn) Conjugum, Patrinus Thomas Sparks, Matrina Maria Sparks, a me A. Cochet Misso Aposto

Die 2a Aprilis nata & Die 5a ejusdem mensis an: 1806 bap- tisata est MariaGillet, Filia Albani et Helenæ (olim Barker) Conjugum, Patrinus Carolus Hocque, Matrina Barbara Cane, a me A. Cochet , Misso Apco

[p. 9] + Die 5a Julii natus et die 6a ejusdem mensis baptisatus est (an: 1805) JoannesReynolds § Rowe,Filius Joannis et Elisabeth (olim [Randall scored , + Kennell above] Conjugum, Patrinus Carolus Hocque, Matrina Maria Tulck, a me A. Cochet Misso Apco + Kennell approved by André De Laporte

* This monogram appears after all his entries "In September , 1804 , the VicarApostolic of the Western District, Dr. Sharrock, O.S.B., paid hisfirst visit to the Priory[Holy Cross , Stapehill]"(La Trappe in England, p. 98) Crosses in MS. §"Reynolds" above, in a differenthand



Die 8ª Octobris nata et die 12a ejusdem mensis an: 1806 baptisata est Anna Willis filia Jacob et Annæ (olim Tubbs) Conjugum, Patrinus Thomas Brown, Matrina Maria Brown, a me A. Cochet Misso Apco

Die 2a Maii 1807 nata et die 24a ejusdem mensis baptisata est Maria Anna Hiscock filia Joannis et Mariæ (olim Harkenson) Conjugum, Patrinus Albanus [p. 10] Gilet, Matrina Maria Kelloway a Dom: Antonio Saulnier Presbytero, præsenteme: A. Cochet Misso Apco

Die 24ª Septembris 1808 natus et Die 6a Novembris batisatus [sic] est Daniel Byrne filius Petri et Elysabeth Annæ (olim Reading) Conjugum, Patrinus Carolus Hocque, Matrina Maria Kelloway a me A. Cochet Misso Apco

Die 1a Augusti natus et Die 15a ejusdem mensis an: 1809 baptisatus est Josephus Thomas Hiscock, filius Joannis et Mariæ (olim Harkenson) Conjugum, Patrinus [p. 11] Josephus How, Matrina Elysabeth Blacklock, a me A. Cochet Miss: Apco

Die sa nata et Die 9a Junii 1810 baptisata est Anna Gilet Filia albani et Helenæ(olim Barker) Conjugum, PatrinusJoannes Hiscok [sic], Matrina ElisabethCane a me A. Cochet MissºApco [In the Rev. A. De Laporte's hand]

Die quarta decimâ Augusti [+ 1811 above] natus est Alexander Augustinus Hiscock filius Joannis et Mariæ hiscock (olim Harkenson) Conjugum, Baptisatus est à me, die octavâ decimâ ejusdem mensis et anni [1811 below] Patrinus Jacobus Randall et Matrina Maria Burt André De Laporte Misso Apo. +1811 approbatum

à me et Scriptum

[p. 12]

Die 15 Novembris anno 1811 Baptisatusest à me

Guillemus Ludovicus Gilet filius Albani et Helenæ (olim Barker) Conjugum. Natus est 14 ejusdemmensiset anni patrinusJoannes

Hiscock etMatrinaElizabethCane AndréDeLaporteMiss Apos

Die quartâ Julii 1813 Baptisata est à me, Elizabeth Hiscok [sic], filia Joannis et Mariæ (olim Harkenson) conjugum, nata die trigesimâ Junii ejusdem anni. Patrinus Solomon Hiscok et Matrina Elizabeth Cane.

Die quartâ Julii 1813 André De Laporte

[p. 13] Die vigesimâ tertiâ Novembris 1815 Baptisatafuit à me Theresia Hiscok, filia Joannis Hiscok et Mariæ (olim Harkenson) Conjugum. nata die vigesima secundâ ejusdem mensis et anni patrinus Thomas Brown et Matrina Maria Brown

Die vigesima quarta [sic] Novembris 1815 . André De Laporte Misso Apos

DiedecimâquartâAugusti1816 Baptisatusfuit à me Georgius Rowe natus anno 1808 die decimâ octavâ Maii ejusdem anni, ex Joanne Rowe et ex Elisabeth(olim Kennell) conjugibus. patrinus fuit Joannes Barber

Die decima quartâ 1816 André De Laporte Misso Apos

[p. 14]

Die Decimâ quartâ Augusti 1816 Baptisatus fuit à me Edwardus Rowe natus anno 1810 Die octavâ Aprilis ejusdem anni, ex Joanne Rowe et ex Elisabeth (olim Kennell) conjugibus. patrinus fuit Joannes Barber Die decima quartâ 1816

André De Laporte Misso Apos

Die decimâ quartâAugusti 1816 Baptisatus fuità me Carolus Rowe natus anno 181 [? 6 or 5] die secundâJunii ejusdem anni, * ex Joanne Rowe et Elisibeth (olim Kennell) conjugibus Patrinus fuit Joannes Barber Die decimâ quartâ Augusti 1816

André De Laporte Misso Apos

[Seven leaves (i.e. the other half of the book) have been cut out, but no entries appear to have been lost The margins remaining showthat the book had been used from the other end, the pages ruled offin squares, and whatever the entries were,they were numberedin tens: thus, the first margin shows ' 100 , ' '10,' the second (which must be the third page) '50, ' '60. ']



[No covers . On the first, outside, page, is written in pencil] Canford Register.

[In the Rev. J. F. Duval's hand] [P. 2] August ye 28th 1808 were confirm'd by the Rt Rd Bishop Collingridge Catherine Lawrence, MariaVannar, & Hanna Meaby. [The rest of the page blank ]

[In the Rev. J. Beeston's hand]

[p. 3] 1799

July 21st was baptized by me William theson ofWmand ann Frampton born [4 cms blank] The God Father Francis Jillet, the God Mother Ann Toms , J. Beeston

Novbr 13th was baptized by me John the son of Thos Burt and Mary Burt born the 27th October. The God FatherJ. Trim , God Mother, Ann Toms

[In the Abbé Le Franc's hand] J. Beeston

Die junii 18. 1801 natus, et die 28 ejusdem junii baptisatus fuit carolus framptonfilius guiellemi et annæframpton conjugum, patrinus fuit franciscus jillet, matrina anna toms a me

[In the Abbé Cochet's hand] le franc Sacerdos

Decembr9th 1801 was born & Jany: 27th 1802 was baptized [p. 4] by me, Theresa, Mary Turner Daughterof Francis & Elisabeth Turner Lawfully married, the God Father Wm Slade, the God Mother Anne Pyck A. Cochet Priest [monogram]

[The next three entries in the Abbé J. B. Marest's hand; evidently retrieved from pieces of paper.]

Mary Ann Dymott born october 16-1802, the Daughter of Richard & Bridget Dymot, God mother Mary Collins: Taken from a scrap of Paper foundin this book. J B Marest Miss: Apcus [Rest of the page blank.]

*"ejusdem anni" apparently a mistake

[p. 5]


Die 13 Junii a me Baptisatus fuit Joannes Pennington, filius Joannis Pennington et Mary N. Susceptores John and Mary Trim



Caroline Frampton was bornApril 23th 1815 , & was Baptized May 21st of the same year James Florentius Duval. [Rest of the page blank.]

[p. 6 blank, and the next leaf has been cut out .]

[p. 7] August 21st 1804 was baptized by me Mary Eleonor Dumot the Daughter of Richard & brigit Dumot (olim) Budden Lawfully married, the God mother Elizabeth Cane J. f. Duval Priest

September 23d 1804 was baptized by me Ann Elizabeth Turner the Daughter of Francis & ElizabethTurner (olim) Meaby lawfully married the God father Jillet, God motherElizabethCane J. f. Duval Priest.

February 21st 1805 was baptized by me Mary Theresa Pennington the Daughter of John & Mary Pennington (olim) Buden the God father Mr. Pennington, God mother Mrs. Buden J. f. Duval Priest

[p. 8] March 25th wasborn& on the 30thofthesamemonth 1807 was baptized by me Mary Elizabeth Katherine Bartlet the Daughter of John & Elizabeth Bartlet (olim) Stone lawfully married, theGod father George Joseph HowGodmotherCatharine Lawrence J. f. Duval Priest

September 27th 1807 was baptized by me helena Pennington the Daughter of John & Mary Pennington (olim) Buden lawfully marriedthe God father Mr. Pennington, God motherMrs. Buden J. f. Duval Priest

[p. 9] 1807 December 21st was Baptized by me Francis Thomas the Son of Francis & Elizabeth Turner born .... The God Mother Han'nah Meaby J. f. Duval Priest April 1808 Born the 17th was Baptized by me Elizabeththe Daughter of Willis [6.5 cms. blank] the God father Mr. Brown the God Mother his wife J. f. Duval Priest

April the27thwas Baptized byme Joseph RichardtheNatural Son of Dunford the God father Joseph George How J. f. Duval

[p. 10] [Space, 6.5 cms deep, blank at the top of the page.]

february 19th 1809 was Baptized by me Joseph the Son of Joseph and Margret Watselivig

The God father Joseph Howe the God Mother Catherine Lawrence J. f. Duval Priest

[Another space, 4.5 cms. , blank at the foot of the page.]

* The name of the priest who baptized is not given.

[p. 11] [5 cms. blank at the top of the page.]

August the 17th 1809 was Baptized by me Mary Theresa Bartlet the Daughter of John & Elizabeth Bartlet (olim Stone) Lawfully married , the God father George Joseph How , the God Mother Catharine Lawrence J. f. Duval Priest catharine lawrence*

[p. 12]

September the 15 1810 was baptized by[me omitted] Edward Reynolds Rowe ye son of Mrs [? Ndo] & John Rowe the God Father George Joseph Howe by proxie J. f. Duval Pr December the30th 1810 was baptized byme Mariathe Daughter ofwilliam & MariaFrampton lawfully marriedthe God-Father Richard Vanar the God Mother Ann Vanar.

J. f. Duval Presbiter

February ye 27th 1811 was baptized by me Elizabeth, Magdelen Bartlet the Daughterof John & ElizabethBartlet

[p. 13]

Lawfully married ye God [Father omitted] myself & ye God Mother Catharine Lawrence J. f. Duval Priest

June 1811 the [blank]rd Was Baptized by me Thomas Kelly the son of Maurice & Ann Kelly, born the 21st of May of ye same year, the God father John Bartlet, the God Mother Catharine Lawrence J. f. Duval Priest

[p. 14]

January the 17th 1812 was born & on 18th ofthe same month was baptized by me felicityDufou the Daughterof Peter & N. Dufou Lawfullymarried, the God Mother Mary Burt J. f. Duval Priest

february the 24th1812 was baptizedby me ElizabethTurner the Daughter of francis & Elizabeth Turner Lawfully married, the God Mother Mary Turner J. f. Duval

[p. 15]

April the 9th 1812 wasBaptized by me frances Willis the Daughter of [Will scored] & Willis Lawfully married, the Godmother [blank] Tub J. f. Duval Priest

March ye 17th1813 was born & on the 21st of ye samemonth wasbaptizedby me John Joseph Bartlet the son ofJohn& Elizabeth Bartlet (olim Stone) Lawfully married, the God father Mr. George Scot, the God Mother Miss Mary Ann Law. J. f. Duval

[p. 16]

Marchye 19. 1813 was born & on ye 21st ofyesame month was Baptized by me Thomas Joseph Penington the son of John & Mary Penington (olim Buden) Lawfully married, the God father John Bartlet, the God Mother Miss Mary Ann Law. J. f. Duval

April ye [blank] 1813 was born & on the 2d of May was Baptized by me Mary Ann the Daughter of William and Maria frampton(olim Vannar) Lawfully married, the God father Richard Vannar, the God Mother Ann Vannar J. f. Duval

* Autograph signature.

There are several alterations here and it is difficult to see what is intended: in Register No. 2 John Rowe and Elizabeth Kennell were given as parents.

[p. 17]

June ye 27 1813 was born & on ye 6th of July was Baptized by me Cornelius the Son ofWilliam & Lidwine Vannar, Lawfully married, the God father Richard Vannar the God Mother Ann Vannar J. F. Duval

Augustye 7th Was Baptized by me John the Son ofWilliam & LidwineLee ofmanchester, the God motherCatharine Lawrence J. f. Duval

[p . 18]

[6 cms blank at the foot of the page.]

January the 5th 1814 was born and on the 9th of the same month was Baptized by me Henry Thomas Willis the Son of Jacob & Anne and Willis Lawfully married the God father John Penington the God Mother Mary Penington J. f. Duval Priest

[p. 19]

[8.5 cms blank at the foot of the page.] 1815

february the 17th 1815 was born and on the 19thofthe same month was baptized by me Sara Catharine Bartlet the Daughter of John and Elizabeth Bartlet (olim Stone) Lawfully married the God FatherMr. Michel the GodMotherMaryireland J.f. Duval P. April on the [blank] 1815 was born and on the 19th of May 1815 was baptizedby me David Turnerthe son of Francis Turner & Elizabeth Turner (olim Meaby) Lawfully married the God Mother Catherine Lawrence J. f. Duval P.

[p. 20 blank.]

[p. 21]

November the 27th 1815 was born & on the 25thof December was Baptized by me Georgina ElizabethDevereux the Daughter of Georges Alfred and Ann Mary Devereux, olim Smith, Lawfully married, the God father John Smith, the God mother Sarah Smith J. f. Duval Priest

Marchthe 3d 1816wasBaptized by meJames florentiusDuval ElizabethWillis theDaughterofN. and N. Willis Lawfullymarried the God mother Mrs. Brown J. f. Duval Priest

[p. 22] June 1816 on the 27th was born and on the 29th of the samemonthwasbaptized by me MaryAnnHoaretheDaughter of Thomas & Mary Hoare (olim Penington) Lawfullymarried , the God father John Bartlet, the God motherCatherine Lawrence J. f. Duval Priest

[Despite the signature, the next entry is in the hand ofthe Abbé Marest, as are also the subsequent entries.]

December 2th 1816 was born and on the 3d ofJanuary 1818 was Baptized by me, Henrietta Devereux the Daughter of Mr. George Alfred, & Ann Mary Devereux (olim Smith) lawfully married, the God father Henry Frederick Devereux, the God mother Charlotte Cecilia Devereux

James Florentius Duval Priest

* These last four words evidently inserted later, which explains the " and " that follows

[p. 23]

Ann: Dom: 1820

May 20th 1820 was born and on the 22d of the same month was Baptized by me, James francis Son of Thomas & Barbara Lee, alias Bishop, alias Maybe, lawfully married God father William Rogers God mother Catharine Law . JB Marest Miss Ape

June 3th 1820 was born, and 11th of the same month was Baptized by me Maria Mathilda Daughter of John & Charlotte Penington alias Demick Lawfully married God Father thomas [p. 24] & Godmother Mary Peniten JB Marest Miss . Ape

August24th 1820 was born & the same day was Baptizedby me Mary Ann Teresa the Daughter of William & Catharine Law (olim Lawrence) lawfully married Godfather Thomas Lee & Godmother Mary Ann Law. J. B. Marest Miss Ape

[p. 25] October 13th 1814 was born & December 25 was Babtized [sic] by the Revd James Florence Duval, Agnes Mary Mostyn Daughter of John & Agnes Mostyn (olim Buttler), lawfully married, Godfather William Rogers Godmother Mary Rogers JB Marest Miss A.

June 27th 1816, was Born, & August 19th of the same year was Baptized by the Revd James Florence Duval Rebecca Daughter of John & Agnes Mostyn (olim Buttler) lawfullymarried Godfather John Bartlet Godmother Catharine Lawrence JB Marest

May 23 1818 was Born and June 14th was Baptizedby me Frederick, son of John & Agnes Mostyn, olim Buttler, lawfully married, Godfather John Dean, Godmother [blank] Dean JB Marest Miss Ape

[p. 26] December 5th 1818 was born and on the 6thofthe same month was Baptized by me, Joseph Nicolas Bartlet son of John and Elizabeth Bartlet, alias Stone, lawfully married , God Mother Catharine lawrence JB Marest Miss Ap

December 25th 1818 was born & on the 26th was Baptized by me Jacob, son of Jacob & Anne Willis, olim Tub, lawfully married Godfather John Pennington Godmother MaryPennington JB Marest Miss. Ap.

[p. 27] March 10th 1810 , was born and in the same month wasBaptized by the Revd James FlorentineDuvalMary catharine Daughter of Jacob & Anne Willis olim Tub, lawfully married Godfather Joseph How, and Godmother Catharine laurence JB Marest

June 7th 1821 was born and July 8th of the same year was Baptized by me, Agnes Daughter of John & Agnes Mostyn, olim Buttler, lawfully married, Godfather Henry Lampert, Godmother Mary Lynach JB Marest Miss. Ap. " Alias " in this hand stands for " olim . " Alteration here; may be " 27th "

[p. 28]

Augustthe 5th 1821 was born & the 9th of the same month was Baptized by me Elizabeth Mary Daughterof Thomas & Barbara Lee olim Bishop olim Maybe lawfully married, Godfather Henry Lampert for whom stood Proxi William Rogers, God Mother Mary Anne Law. JB Marest Miss Ape

[p. 29]

October 31st 1821 was born & November 1st was Baptized Sarah Teresia Daughter of William & Catharine Law , olim Laurence, lawfully married God Father Thomas Law for whom Henry Lampert stood proxi & God Mother ElizabethDean for whom Mary Anne Law stood proxi, by me JB Marest Miss . Ap.

April 16th 1822 was born & 21st of the same month was Baptized Caroline Daughter of William & LedwinaVanner lawfully married Godfather Richard Vanner Godmother Anne Vanner JB Marest Miss Apos.

[p. 30] May 22 was born & on the 26th of the samemonth was Baptized Sarah Teresa the daughter of John & Mathilda Penitens Lawfully married God father Thomas Lee Godmother Agnes Mosthen* JB Marest Miss Ap.

[The next entry in the hand of the Abbé A. De Laporte] May 7th was born and on the 29 of June was baptizedby me, Charles Bartlet son to Jhon [sic] and ElisabethBartlet (alias Stone) Lawfully married God Mother Mary Rogers 29 ofJune 1822 André Delaporte M.A. prêtre

[p. 31] Dec 31. 1822 was born & the same day was Baptized by me Henry the son of Thomas & Barbara Lee (olim) Bishop (olim) Maybe, lawfully married . GodfatherHenryLampert God Mother Mary Ann Law JB Marest Miss Ape

Jan 7-7th1823 was born & thefollowing day was Baptized by me William Thomas the Son of William & Catharine Law (olim) Laurence, lawfullymarried. Godfather Thomas Blacklock , God Mother Sarah Blacklock JB Marest Miss Ape

[p. 32] March 29th 1824 was born & the same day was baptized by me, John son of John & Agnes Mostyn, olim Buttler, lawfully married. God father Joseph Parsons & God mother Bridget Parkins JB Marest Miss. Apost September 17, 1824, was born & on the 19th of the same month was baptizedby me, Thomas, son of Thomas & Barbara Lee, olim Bishop, lawfully married God Father John Parsons & God Mother Elizabeth Calne (or Calm)

[The next entry in another hand] JB Marest Miss Ap

[p. 33] february 21st, 1825, was born & on the 22d of the samemonthwas baptised by me, MaryTheresadaughter of Henry & Jane Lampert, olim Eyere, godfatherThomas Lee & godmother Hannah Eyere, Proxy Mary Ann Law Jes Normand Miss Apt

* Query: Intended for " Mostyn "?

March 4th 1825 was born & on the 5th of the same month was Baptized by me, Margarite Teresa, daughter of William & Catharine Law, olim Laurence, Lawfully married. God Father John & God Mother Cecily Callahan JB Marest Miss Ape May 29 was born & on the 5th of June 1825 was Baptized by me, Mary Ann Daughterof John & Charlotte Penington olim Demick lawfully married God FatherHenry LampertGodmother Mary Hyland JB Marest Missus Apcus

[p. 34]

[In the Abbé De Laporte's hand] february 5th1826 was born Charles Vanner and Baptized the 5th march following. Son of William Vanner and Lydia (alias Lockyer) Lawfully married. Godfather henry Lamport, God André Delaporte Miss Apo Mother Janes King. 1826

March 14th 1826 was born francis Alfred Lee, son ofthomas and Barbara Lee (olim Bishop) Lawfully married. and Baptized by me the 28th of the same month god father William Law, god mother Elisabeth Turner March 28th 1826 André Delaporte Miss. Apos.

[Ten leaves have been cut out here .]

[pp. 35 and 36 blank.]

[p. 37] This present register of Baptism has been delivered to me by the revd Jhon [sic] Bap. Marest Missionary at Canford. The mission havingbeenreunitedtoStape Hill the 15thofSeptember 1825 Stape hill 15 Sep. 1825. André Delaporte Miss. Ap.

[In an unknown French hand] these two Registers of Baptisms have been delivered to me by the Revd André de la porte at Stape-hill the 18 September 1820 [sic] [Rest of the page blank.]

[Last page, 38, blank.]


The first pages have been used by Father Andrew Hawkins for later marriages.

[Written in large letters on the outsidefront cover]


[Inside front cover and p. 1 blank ]

[p. 2] [In the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's large hand]

I the undersigned do hereby promise that, all the Children with which it may please Almighty God to bless my Marriage withMichael Carrollshall be brought up in the Faithofthe Holy Catholic Apostolical Church Jane White* Alice [? Coneghan]*

Mary [name illegible]*

* Autograph signatures.


I the undersigned do hereby promise that all the Children with which it may please Almighty God to bless my marriage with william Butt shall be brought up in the Faith of the Holy Catholic Church

This 28 Jay 1856

[One leaf has been cut out here ]

[p. 3] Nuptiæ

Mary Jane Waterman*

Die [9.5 cms. blank] conjuncti in sacro Matrimonio fuerunt

Jacobus Pullen [or Tuller] et Joanna Pullen olim [10.5cms. blank]

Testes Daniel Hogan Fr A. Hawkins M.A.

1852 Die 24a Februarii conjuncti in Sacro Matrimonio fuerunt Jacobus Gurney et Winifreda Gurney olim Peckford James Gurney * Fr A. Hawkins Miss. Ap. Witnesses Winifrid Gurney*

John Dean* her Fanny x Barnes mark

[p. 4] 1853 Die [9.5 cms. blank] conjuncti fuere in Sacro MatrimonioThomas Cribb & Maria Anna Freeborne olim Hyscock

Testes [blank] Fr A. Hawkins M.A. 1853 Die Sexta Aprilis conjuncti fuere in sacro Matrimonio

Richardus Winsley et Elisabeth Calnan F.A. HawkinsM.A. + +

Testes Jeremias ac Anna Sheehan. 1854 Die Trigesima Maii conjuncti fuere in Sacro Matrimonio Michaël Carroll et Joanna White F. A. Hawkins

Testes x Michael Carroll Jane White

John White Elizabeth Kite.

[p. 5] I the undersigned do hereby promise that all the Children with which it shall please Almighty God to bless my Marriage with Vincent Pfrangley shall be brought up in the Catholic Faith Emily Hobbs * 1855 Die Decimâ Nonâ Julii conjuncti fuerunt in Sacro Matrimonio Vincentius Pfrangley et Emilia Hobbs

19 July 1855

Vincent Pfrangley*

Emily Susan Pfrangley *

Testes George Randall*

Heneretta Sharlet Randall+ x F. A. Hawkins M.A.

[p. 6 blank.]

[p. 7] I the undersigned do hereby promise that all the Children with which it shall please Almighty God to bless my Marriage with Mary Ann Lambert shall be brought up in the Faith of the Catholic Church Thomas Jeffery*

* Autograph signatures In George Randall's hand

1855 Die 30 Augti Die Trigesima Augusti Conjunctifuere in Sancto Matrimonio à me Thomas Jeffery and Maria Anna


Thomas Jeffery*

Mary Ann Jeffery* <

Testes John King*

Jemima Mary Wills*

[p. 8] [In Père Palemon's hand] 1817

Novemb. die 9a 1817

Septembris die 2a 1818 1817

Fr A. Hawkins M. Ap

Die 9a novembris 1817 baptisata est Cecilia Hiscok

filia joannis Hiscok& Mariæ Hiscok, conjugum, nata est die 8a ejusdem mensis et anni, Patrini Jacobus

Barber & Elizabeth Barber

Nicola Palemon Rousselin Miss Apost

Die 2a Septembris 1818 Baptisata fuit Catharina Caroll filia joannis Caroll & henriatæ Caroll Conjugum. Nata est die 3a Augusti ejusdem anni Patrini

Joannes Hiscok & Maria Brown Nata est die 2ª Septembris 1818*

Nicola Palemon Rousselin Mis. apost.

[The entries on the firstfew pages are set out as above: afterwards the year alone figures in the margin. All marginal entries are henceforwardgiven in parentheses at the head ofeach entry]

(Februarii die la 1820) Die la Februarii 1820 Baptisatusest Abraamus Petrus Hiscok, filius Joannis Hiscok & Mariæ Hiscok , Conjugum. PatrinusAlexander Barber. Natus estdie1ªFebruarii


Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis. apost.

(Julii die 18a 1823) Die 18a Julii 1823 Baptisatus fuit Elizabeth tobs filia Joannis & Elizabeth tobs Conjugum. Nata est 11ª ejusdem mensis et anni. Patrini thomas tobs

Nicou Palemon Rousselin Mis. apost.

[p. 9] [The top of the page, to a depth of 5.5 cms. , has been cut away.]

(Mai die 6a 1825) Die 6a Mai 1825 Baptisatus est henricus thomas Jobs [sic] filius Joannis tobs & Sara Colin Conjugum Patrini Andreas Delaporte & Maria Lynach Natusest Die 5a Mai Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis. apost. 1825

(Octobris die 30a 1827) Die 30a 1827 [sic] Baptisatusest a me henricus tobs filius Joannis tobs & Sarætobs Conjugum Patrina BarbaraCane natus est die 20a ejusdem mensis & anni Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis . apost

(August die [unfinished])

* Autograph signatures.

The date in this repetition is evidently erroneous . There is somethingcurious about thesethree entries: the wife is Elizabethin the first and Sarah in the other two; and in the second entry Jobs' is given firstof all as the surname, evidently a slip: Sarah may have been a second wife

[p. 10] (Februarii 20-1828) Die 20 Februarii Baptisata fuit a me Maria Antonia Louisa Bushel filia Francisci Bushel & Antoniæ Bushel conjugum Patrini Joannes Bushel & Maria Antonia Cassan Nata in Pool * 20 Februarii 1828

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis apost (Octobris 168-1828) Die 16a octobris 1828 Baptisatus est a me Edmundus Casey filius Michaelis & Elizabeth Casey Conjugum. Patrini Petrus Kerwan & Maria Gilet natusest24 Septem [Unsigned] (1828) Baptisatus est Die 20a Aprilis 1828 EdwardMannahum filius Edwardi & Mariæ Manahum [sic] Patrinus henricus [3 cms blank] Natus est Die Aprilis 13a 1828

Nicolas Rousselin M. Ap. [p. 11]


(April 1825 ) Die 30 Aprilis 1825 Baptisatus est Joannes Musson filius Joannis & Elizabeth Musson Conjugum. natus est die 26 hujus mensis Patrini Joannes Patrick Doyer & Mary Boyers Nicolas Palemon Rousselin (Martius 2-1827) Die 3ª Martii 1827 Baptisatus est a me Joannes Law filius Guilemmi & Catherine Law Conjugum. Patrini guilemus Roger & ElizabethCane. Natus estdie 2a hujus mensis 1827 Nicolas Palemon Rousselin (Julius 17-1827) Die 17a mensis Julii 1827 natusestJoseph Petrus Lampert filius Josephi & Joannæ Lampert Conjugum & Baptisatus est a me die 23 ejusdem mensis1827. Patrini Neese § X Margerita greenwood Nicola Palemon Rousselin (November 17-1828 ) Die 17a Julii 1828 natus est Edward England filius Frederik& Mariæ EnglandConjugum & Baptisatus est a me die 20a ejusdem mensis 1828 Patrini Peter Greenwood & Elizabeth Cane Nicola Palemon Rousselin

(Augustus 26-1828) Die 26a augusti 1828 Baptisatusest a me Thomas Grantfilius Guilemi & Ester Grant Conjugum natus die 22 ejusdem mensis 1828 Patrini therence Donnally & Maria Gilet Nicolas Palemon Rousselin

**(183 ) die 22a aprilis 1830 Baptisatus est Joan Manahum filius [sic] Edwardi Manahum & Mariæ Manahum natus est Die 10a aprilis 1830 Patrinus henricus Lampert

Nicolas Rousselin M. Ap.

*I.e Poole

The next three entries are not in chronological order; or possibly the four previous entries were inserted later.

2' has been altered to ' 3.'

§Query: Is this meant for " Niece" ? The cross which follows in MS. may be intended for an ampersand. "Julius" is scored and " November" written underneath In the entry itself "Julii" is given.

** Not in chronological order: squeezed in at the foot of the page Is "Joan" meant for " Joannes "?

[р. 12]


(December 3-1829) Die 3ª decembris 1829 Baptisataest a me Maria Anna Gubbins filia francisci gubbins & Mariæ gubbins Conjugum Patrini guillemmus Greenwood & ElizabethCane nata est die 2a ejusdem mensis & anni (januarii 8a1832)

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis Aps (junii 2-1830) Die 2a junii Baptisata est a me Elizabeth elingbam filia- elingbam & matiiæ elingbam nata est die tertia ejusdem mensis & anni Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis ap (octobris 24-1831) Die 24a octobris 1831 Baptisataest a me Maria Anna Coal filia guilemi & Briget Coal parkins patrini guilemmus Roger & RebeccaLampert Nata est die 24 Septembris 1831 Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis apost Die 8a januarii 1832 Baptisatusest a meGeorgiusLawfilius Guilemmi & Chaterina [sic]Law Conjugum. Patrini franciscus Law & Maria Gilet Natus est la Die ejusdem mensis et anni

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin mis apost (januarii 19a1832) Die 19a januarii Baptisata est a me helena Musson filia joannis & agnetis Musson Conjugum patrini emilia greenwood Nicolas Palemon Rousselin mis apost (februarii 19a 1832) Die 19a februarii 1832 Baptisataest a me helena Manahum filia edwardi & mariæ Manahum Patrini henricus Langsat * Nata est 17 ejusdem 1832

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis apos [p. 13] (1833 Novembris 6a1833) Die 6a novembris 1833 Baptisata est a me Maria-Ema Lee filia thomæ Lee & Elizabeth Lee Conjugum Patrini Franciscus Lee & Maria Ailand Nata est die5ªejusdem mensis& anni Nicolas Palemon Rousselin mis apost (octobris 19a 1832) Die 19ª octobris 1832 Baptisatusest a me jacobus Goulding filius jacobi & elizabeth Goulding Patrina Elizabeth cane . natus est die 15 Septembris 1832 1805

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin mis apost (aprilis 13-1805) Baptisata fuit die 6a julii 1834 Maria Elizabeth Davis filiajoannis& Rebecca PineDavis- Conjugum Patrini jacobus Boyle & Maria anna Corpue§ Nata est 13 aprilis

Nicola Palemon Rousselin Mis apost (januarii 16a 1834) Die 16a januarii 1834 natusest Richard jacobus Davis filius jacobi & honoræ Davis Conjugum Baptisatus est a me 20a aprilis 1834 Patrinus guilemus Roger

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis apost (Martii 19a 1834) Die 19a Martii 1834 Baptisata est a me Catherina Langdown filia Petri & Catherinæ Langdown nata est 8a die Martii 1834 Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Misapost

* Most probably " Lampert " is intended Query: Is this meant for " Ireland " as in previous Registers? Not in chronological order. § Query: " Carpue" ?

Some marginal entries are dates of birth; with regard to baptismal dates , these two entries should be reversed , chronologically.

[p. 14] (julii 30-1834) Die 30 julii 1834 Baptisata est a me Elizabeth hogan filia joannis& Ellis hogan Conjugum Nata est in hibernia 1832 Nicolas Palemon Rousselin Mis apost (julii 5-1835) Die5a julii 1835natus est guilemmus Sticland filius guilemmi & Brigittæ Sticland baptisatus est a me die 6a ejusdem mensis & anni Patrini therence Donnella & Brigittae [sic] Pareau Nicolas Palemon Rousselin

§(Mai 22 1835) Die 22a mai 1835 Baptisata est a me Maria Anna Gilet filia guilemmi Gilet & Mariæ Gilet Conjugum Patrini Charles Bunch & anne Gilet. Nata est 21a ejusdem mensis & anni

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin mis apost (julii 11-1835) Die Baptisata est a me Agnes lucia Rosalia

Butt filiajacobi Butt & Chriana Butt Conjugum Patrini tharence Donnely & Maria Moore Nata est die 6a junii 1835

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin mis apost

(Martii 18a 1837) Die 18a Martii 1837 Baptisata est a me theresa Davis Patrini guilemmi [sic] Roger & Maria Greenwood nata est 17a martii 1837. fui¶¶filiajacobi Davis & honoræDavis Conjugum

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin mis apost

** Die vigesima aprilis 1837 Baptisataest a me joannajoice filia joannisjoice & mariæ joice Patrina elizabeth Kaine nata est Die 16 decembris 1835

[p. 15]

Nicolas Rousselin 1837

(Martii 18a1837) Die 18a martii 1837 Baptisatusest a me

Thomas Bartlet filius Mariæ Bartlet Patrini therence Donnely & Maria hailan . natus est Die 30 februarii ejusdem mensis [sic] et anni

Nicolas Palemon Rousselin mis apost

Die 8a Martii 1838 Baptisatus est a me jacobus King filius

David King & Mariæ King. joannes David & eva David patrini Natus est Die 15ª februarii ejusdem anni 1838

Nicolas Rousselin M. apost (1838) Die 12a martii Baptisata est a me Maria theresa filia guillemmi & 1830 Brigittæ Sticland. Nata est 11 martii 1830 ? Tharens] §§ . .. & anna Lee Patrini

Nicolas Rousselin M. apost (1838) Die 30 aprilis 1838 Baptisata est a me Eliza Willis filia henrici & [? thelae* ] Willis (olim Gobin) Nata est Die 30% martii Patrinus Georgius [blank]

* Query: Alice ?

Probably intended for" Parsons "

Mrs. Gobin

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost

Recte Donnelly

§Not in chronological order. Later entries show that " Christina " is intended 11" fuit" intended next

** Entry not in chronologicalorder: a bottomof-the-page entry, probably squeezed in.

Is this the " Ailand " of the previous page ?

1830 was placed at the end of the wrong line; it was intended for the

§§ Query: Terence Donnelly ?

* This handwriting is very small indeed and difficult to read

(1838) Die 28 mai 1838 Baptisatus est a Me Eliseus augustinus & Jacobus Gobin filius georgii gobin & francisca gobin(olim Willis) Conjugum natus est Die 27 ejusdem anni & mensis 1838

Patrinus William Davis Patrina Maria allen

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost [p. 16] (Augustus 27-1838) Die vigesima septima 1838

Baptisatus Barnard Basilius Bennet Son of Barnard Bennet & isabellæ annæ Bennet Conjugum natus est die 4ª augusti 1838 patrinus fuit Therence Donneli Patrina Maria Anna Ly-*

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (Sept 138 [sic]) Die 13ª Septemb 1838 Baptisataest a me Emilia frahy Chrisend filia Eduardi & Mariæ frahy Sponsores Mr. Caroll & Mrs. Cheadle nata est 26 July 1838

Nicolas Rousselin MA (Nov. 1838) Die undecima novembris 1838 Baptisata est a me Maria Anna But filia jacobi & Christina But nata est 5ª die novem ejusdem anni Sponsores Mr. Lee & annæ [sic] Lee

Nicolas Rousselin M. ap. (1838) Die 17ª octob. Baptisa[sic] Maria hunt filia jeremiæ & Mariæhunt nata [theDie 1st octobris 1838] SponsoresEdward anna Smith Nicolas Rousselin M. apost [p. 17] (1839 februarius Die20a) Die20avigesima Februarii Baptisata est a me Elizabeth francisca Moncrish filia joannis Moncrish & helenae Moncrish nata est die 12ª ejusdem mensis februarii 1839. Sponsores Edward Manoam§ & anna More Nicolas Rousselin M. apost (aprilis 18-1839) Die decima 8a aprilis 1839 Baptisata est a me elizabeth Gillet filia guillemi [and omitted] Mary ann Gilet Sponsores jacobi [sic] Morisy & Elizabeth gillet. nata est Die decima septima aprilis 1839

Nicolas Rousselin M. ap (jullii 10a 1839) Die decima julii 1839 Baptisata est a me Maria Anna Cecilia heard filia thomæ heardl & Mariæ Annæ heard Conjugum Sponsores guillemus James anna greenwood. Nata est die 8a junii 1839

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost 1839 (Julii 23 189-[sic]) Die vigesima tertia 1839 baptisatus est a me guillemus Davis filius gulemi & honora Davis Sponsores petrus greenwood & El Moore natus est die decima octavajullii

Nicolas Rousselin M ap (17 august 1839) Die decima Septima Baptisatus est a me guillemmus joice Son of joannis & Mariæ joice natus est die 5ª julii 1839 patrini tharè [2 cms. blank] & eliza Kain

Is this the Lynach of previous entries?

Nicolas Rousselin M ap

This word does not seem to make sense The final letter looks like a'd': possibly"christened" is meant The surnamein this entry, "frahy, " is also doubtful .

The words in brackets are a later addition § Is this the" Manahum " of earlier entries, and are both an attempt to spell "Monaghan" ? In later entries "Hurdle. "


[p. 18] (august 10a 39) Die Decima augusti 1839 Baptisata est a me Maria grosserfilia josephi & Mariæ grosser Nata est Die 29 Septembris 1839 Patrini Ludovicus Slade & maria anna greenwood Nicolas Rousselin M. ap [Hereisacancelled entry ofthefollowingbaptism The marginal dates were wrong] (Januarii 16 1840) Die Decima Sexta Baptisata est a me elizabeth Brown filia Elizabeth Brown Sponsores John & helena Moerich nata est Die vigesima 9a octob 1839

Nicolas Rousselin

(februa -2-1840) Baptisatus est a me Edward henri Noltleyfilius hery [sic] & Mariæ Nolley natus est die 25 decemb 1839 Sponsores Edward & Mariæ [sic] Smith +

Nicolas Rousselin (1840) Die 19thofjulyBaptisatus est a me JoannesAugustinus King Son of David & elizabeth King natus 12ª ejusdem mensis 1840 Patrinus Ludovicus alozius Slade patrina Christina [sic] But Nicolas Rousselin apost [p. 19] (1840) Die 3 augusti 1840 Baptisatus est a me Carolus Augustinus even filius Georgii & marEven. Sponsores edward Monoham & anna Moore Natus est Die 10ma augusti 1840 Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (1840) Die vigesima Septembris 1840 Baptisata est a me Anna hurdle filia Thomæ hurdle & Mariæ annæ hurdle Sponsores Sarah Stout nata est Die 18 augusti 1840

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (1840) Die undecima octobris 1840 Baptisataest a me ema anna Sticland filia guillemi & Elizabeth Sticland nata est die 20 Septem 1840. Patrinus Eduard & Mary Willis

Nicola Rousselin M ap (1840) Die 24ª novembris 1840 Baptisata est a me emilia agnes gobben filia georgii & Stephanæ gobben . nata est die 23ª novembris 1840. Sponsores james Strange moore & mariæ annæ [sic] moore

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost [p. 20] (1841) Februarius 27 Baptisatus est a me joannes jacobus Willis filius henry & [blank] Willis. Patrini georgius gobbin & Maria Moor natus est Die 20 januarii 1841

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (1841) Mai 23 - Baptisatus est a me Fredericus Carolus james filius Edwardi & annæjames natus est 18 ejusdem mensis 1841 Patrini jacobus Strangmoore & annæ [sic] Lee

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (1841) Mai 27 - Baptisatus est a me ambrosius Nicolaus

* Spelt " Moorish" in the cancelledentry. Reference sign in MS . Apparently attention was to be called to the discrepancy in the dates, and thenforgotten. Previous entries have "Gubbins. " §1841," in this and the four following entries, is a later addition .

But filius jacobi& Christianæ But Natus est Die vigesima ejusdem mensis 1841 Sponsores [blank] Davis & Mariæ Morris

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (1841) junius 6th 1841 Baptisata est a me Maria Carolina

Theresa Hiscock filia guilemmi & mariæ Hiscock. Sponsores

Therence Donnali & Mariæ Morris nata est Die nona mai 1841

Nicolas Rousselin miss apost

[p. 21] (1841) Die 23a augusti Baptisata est a me Emilia

anna Duit filia henrici & a Duit Sponsores Robertus & Maria

Anna More Nata est Die vigesima augusti 1841

Nicola Rousselin M apost (1841) Die 15ª Septembris Baptisataest a me helena Maria

gillet filia Albani & helenæ gillet. nata est die 20a augusti 1841 ejusdem anni Sponsores jacobi but & annæ moore.

Nicolas Rousselin map (1841) Die 7 novemb Baptisataest a me Mariaanna hurdle filia thomæ hurdle & Mariæ annæ hurdle Sponsor maria anna Moor. nata est Die 30a octobris 1841

Nicolas Rousselin (1841) Die 14ª novembris 1841 Baptisatus est a me georgius grosser filius josephi grosser & joannæ grosser Sponsores maria anna Moor. Ludovicus Slade natus est 18 Septembris 1841 .

Nicolas Rousselin

[p. 22] (1841) Die 21a Decembris Baptisatus est a me fredericus King Sonof henrici &King natus est Die 10ªnovembris ejusdem anni 1841 Sponsor Ludovicus Slade

Nicolas Rousselin (1842) Die 21 februarii 1842 baptisatus a me fredericTaylor Meddler son [of omitted] Mariæ Meddlerignote patrenatus est die 8a januarii 1842. Sponsores Ludovicus Slade & Matilda Dewey [or Dewer]

Nicolas Rousselin M ap (1842) D 28 aprilis 1842 Baptisata est a me anna_george filia guilemmi& annægeorgenataest 12 martii PatrinusTerence Donnolly

Nicolas Rousselin M ap [p. 23] (1842) Die 12 junii 1842 Baptisatus est a me Ludovicus joann- [3 cms. blank] filius [3.5 cms blank] natus30 mai 1842 Sponsores joannes Riket & helizabeth Kain -

Nicolas Rousselin Mo ap (1842) Die22a augusti 1842 Baptisatus est a meguillemmus Monachum filius Edward & annæ Monachum natus est 11a augusti 1842 Sponsores Edward Monahum & Thomas griffin

Nicolas Rousselin (1842) Die 9a octob 1842. Baptisatus est Joseph DuitSon Duit Spo Sponsores Mr Ludovicus of georgius Duit & - Slade & Carolinæ Duit. natus est 18 Septem . 1842

Nicolas Rousselin Ms ap (1843) Die 30 januarii 1843 Baptisata est a meElizabeth maria willis filia henrici & thaurer willis nata est Die 5a januarii 1843 Sponsores Ludovicus Slade & anna Moor , Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost



[p. 24] (1843) Die 23 februarii 1843 Baptisatus est a me fredericus King Son of David & Elizabeth King natus est Die 14a ejusdem mensis februarii 1843 SponsoresLudovicus Slade & maria anna Moore

Nicolas Rousselin M apost (1843) Die 19a martii Baptisatus est a me Nericus hibdige Son of georgii & joanna hibdige natus est 17a februarii Sponsores georgius Duit & anna moore

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (1843) Die 30a aprilis 1843 Baptisatus est a me thomas hudl [sic] Son ofthomas & mary hurdle Sposores [sic]tarè Donelly & mary ann moore Natus est Die 30a martii 1843

Nicolas Rousselin M ap (1843) Die 2a Mai 1843 Baptisata est anne Monica gobin filia georgii & Stephanæ gobin Sponsores adreas Slade & maria anna Slade. nata est Die 30a aprilis 1843

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (1843) Die 2a junii 1843 Baptisatus est a me Robertus King filius henrici & mariæ King Sponsores maria anna moore & Robertus moore natus est la Die Maji 1843

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost

[p. 25] (1843) Die 3ª Decembris 1843 Baptisataest a me

Maria Hiscot filia jacobi & M Hiscot Sponsores thare Donelli &MDavis, nata est die 3ª novembr 1843

Nicolas Rousselin Map (1844) Die 24 aprilis Baptisata est a me Maria Rosalia greenwood filia guillemi & joannæ greenwood nata est Die 22 ejusdem mensis Sponsores jacobi & annæ white

Nicolas Rousselin

[Two attempts were made here to enter the baptism of Theresa Gilet and then cancelled .]

[p. 26] March 31 was baptised [unfinished] (1844) Die 19 aprilis 1844 nata et & baptisataa me theresa Gilet filiaguillemmi& mariæannæGilet Sposores [sic]Laurentius Magi & maria anna Moore

Nicolas Rousselin

[Cancelled entry here of the following baptism] (1844) Die 14ª mai 1844 mai [sic] Baptisata est a me Catharina Emilia Hodan filia francisci & Emiliæ Hodan. nata est 5a die Mai 1844 Sponsores Jacobus & anna White Nicolas Rousselin M: ap (1844) Die 25a Mai 1844 Baptisatus est a me alfred joseph Man filius [3.5 cms blank] Man [1 cm. blank] natus est die 25 aprilis ejusdem anni 1844. Sponsores Edward More & [blank]

Nicolas Rousselin M. apost more [p. 27] (1844) Die 8a julii 1844 baptisata est a me emma mathilda Elizabeth King filia guillemmi King & Sara King nata est Die prima junii anno 1844 Sponsoresjoannis Riked & maria anna Moore N Rousselin M. ap

Possibly"19." "henericus" may be meant . Previously "Hiscock. "

(1844) Die 14 augusti 1844 Baptisataest a me [unfinished] [A cancelled entry here of Cecilia White's baptism, 11 August ] [p. 28 blank.]

[p. 29] (1844)* Die8a julii 1844 Baptisataest a me Emma Mathilda Elizabeth King filia guillemmi & Sara King nata est Die prima junii 1844 Sponsores joannis Riked & Maria anna

Nicolas Rousselin M. ap Moore

(1844) Die 11a augusti 1844 Baptisata est a me Cecilia Maria White filia Jacobi & mariæ annæ White nata est Die ga augusti 1844 Sponsores frederic hodan & joana frampton

Nicolas Rousselin M ap

(1844) Die 15 augusti 1844 Baptisatus est a me Joseph Edward But filius jacobi & Christina But natus est Die 14a augusti 1844. Sponsores thare Donelli & maria anna Moore

Nicolas Rousselin 1844 m apost (1844) Die 18a augusti 1844 Baptisataest a me anna Dewey filia georgii & [blank] Dewey Sponsores joannis et emerya Dewey nata 9 augusti 1844

Nicolas Rousselin m ap

[p. 30] (1844) Die27 Octobris Baptisatus est a mejacobus hurdle filius tomæ hurdle & mariæ hurdle natus est Die 27ª Septembri 1844. Sponsores [blank] Slade & maria anna Moore

Nicolas Rousselin m ap (1844) Die 21 Decembris Baptisatus est a me joannes Ly filius joannis & elizabeth Ly Patrini Jacobus Doneald & Mrs. Lamper. natus est Die 17a decembris 1844

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost (1845) Die 16 aprilis 1845 was baptised joseph Robertus King filius henri & mariæ annæ King Born 26 mar 1845. Sponsores Joseph Riket maria anna Moore

(1845) Die 25 aprilis 1845 was georgii & [? Lowing] Simons Evens Mrs. Moore nata est 26 mars 1845

Nicolas Rousselin M apost Baptised juliana evens filia Sponsores joannes Riket &

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost

[p. 31] (1845) DieSeptima maii 1845 was baptised thomas georgiusMoorichson ofjoannis& ita Moorich Sponsores Joannes Richet & maria Moor. natus est Die 4a maii 1845

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost (1845) Die 18a mai Baptisatus est a me josephus fredericus albericus King son of David & Elizabeth King natus est 19ª Die aprilis 1845; Sponsores Ludovicus Slade & Maria anna Moore

Nicolas Rousselin Ms apost (1845) Die 13 junii Baptisata est a me Elizabeth Maria Stricland filia[? Lua] & mariæ Stricland nata est the the [sic] 10a Die junii 1845. Sponsores georgius & Elizabethgobin

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost

* Duplication of the entry on [p. 27].

(1845) jullii 26 Baptisata est a me Maria anna West filia thom & maria West nata 22 junii 1845. Sponsores[blank] gillet

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost

[p. 32] (1845)* Die augusti 23 i Baptised jacobum georgium filium georgium [sic] gobens & franciscam gobens Sponsores [blank] Nicolas Palemon [Cancelled entry] (1845) Die Septembris 14 i Baptised henry Richardus Snouk son of Richardi & annæ Snouk Borne the 31 of augusti Sponsores Ric [unfinished and unsigned] (1845) Die Septembris 14 i Baptised henry Richardus Loadar son of george & mary anne Loadar Borned 31 augusti Sponsores Richardus Snook & anna

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost (1846) Die februarii 19a i Baptised thomas King Son of Sarah King Born 31th day of january 1846 Sponsores james Morigny & honora Davis

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost (1845) was baptised the 24 of september 1845 james Dolman Son of James & matilda Dolman god father James Duit Borne the 20 of September 1845

Nicolas Rousselin [p. 33] (1846) Die junii 21a was Baptised guillemus joseph Gossé Sonof Joseph& JoannæGossé was Bornthe24 march1846 Sponsores [blank] Slade & mary anne moore Nicolas Rousselin (1845) Die 30a Decembris 1845 was Baptised james Kiping Son of james & eliza Kiping god father Mrs. Kandi & tharè [blank] Born the 29 of decemb 1845

Nicola Rousselin (1846) Die augusti 16ª was Baptised a me anastasia hurdle Daughter of thomas & mary hurdle Borne the 18 jully 1846 godfather thary Donelly & god mother Mary greenwood

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost (1846) Die 11° octobr was Baptised joannes guillemus Son ofguillemmi greenwood & joannæ greenwood Sponsoresfrederic & francissæ Hodan natus est Die 7a octob.

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost (1846) Was baptised the 6th of december james greenwood Son of william greenwood & of Mrs. frampton greenwood Borne the2ªofdecember1845. godfather tharé§ & god mothermargaret greenwood Nicolas Rousselin [p. 34] (1847) Was baptised MargariteWhite Daghter[sic] of james white & mary anne White god Mother Margaret Greenwood Borne the 5 December 1846 Nicolas Rousselin (1847) Was Baptised the 8 of february frederic hiscok Son offrederic[blank] hiscok god father & god mother [blank] he was borne the 3t of february 1847 god father tharé [blank]

Nicolas Rousselin

* The writing becomes even worse from now onwards Père Palemon was now in his seventy-sixth year.

Not in chronological order: squeezed in at the foot of the page. Not in chronological order. § From previous entries presumably " Donnelly "

(1847) the 23d of march 1847 was Baptised henricus georgi [sic] filius of geogii [sic] & M.Duith natus est the 8th of the Same month march 1847 god father jacobus Donelli & matilda Duith

Nicolas Rousselin M apost (1847) the 25 of mars 1847 was Baptised henry William Man Son ofWilliam & anna Man god father & god motherWiliam Donelly& Mrs. anna moore he was borne the 18 offebruary 1847

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apos

[p. 35] (1847) The 4 of april 1847 was baptised francis Mary Weste Daughter of thomas & Mary Weste borne the 30th of march 1847

Nicolas Rousselin (1847) The 16th of april 1847

Baptisatus est a me george henry Kipping son of joan & Elisa Kipping Borne [entrycancelled] (1847) the 21 of may was Baptised georgi [sic] henry Kiping, Son of joan & Eliza Kiping , Sponsores thare Donelli & mari ann Slade he was Borne the 16 april 1847

Nicolas Rousselin m ap (1847) the 15 of mai was Baptised ... ... . even Son of george & .... even Sponsorestharé Donelli & mary ann moore . borne the 12 of april 1847


Nicolas Rousselin (1847) was Baptised francis But Son of Christina & james he lived but 4 hours

Nicolas Rousselin

[p. 36] (1847) 27 june 1847 was Baptised mary agnes

Daughter of Robert & virtue Lamper god father Laurence Magee & mary anna Moore, Borne the 26 of june 1847

Nicolas Rousselin M. apost (1847) 17th july was Baptised Mary Kipping Son [sic] of [several lines left blank]

Nicolas Rousselin misapost (1847) 18th august was Baptised Maria Carolina thomas , Daughter of thomas & Eliza thomas Born the 29 of mai 1847 Sponsores Mary anne Moore & Laurence Magee

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apos (1848) 24 Sept was Baptised Carolina Stricland dauther[sic] of Carolina Stricland & ... . her husband Borne the 1st August 1848. god father tharé Donelly & maria more . Nicolas Rousselin

[p. 37] (10) September 1848 was Baptised [unfinished] (15) october 1848 was baptised joanna King filia David & ElizabethKing borne the 1 September 1848. god father andrea Slade & god mother anna Slade

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apos (16) December 1848 was baptised georgiusjosephusSanudry Son of elisabeth & David Sanudry Borne the 27 december 1838 god father john gobin God Mother mary anne Moore

Nicolas Rousselin M ap (28) Nov] 1848 was baptised eliza Bugdden Dagther[sic]

Daughter of eliza bugden Borne the 30th of january god father

Nicolas Rousselin M ap geoge [sic] gobben & eliza goben

[p. 38] (January 5 1849) Was baptised jacobus butt filius jacobi & christianæ Butt natus est Die prima januarii 1849

Patrini tharé Donelli & joannaSlade Nicolas Palemon m ap

[An entry erased here .]

(29 july 1849) was Baptised Marta Maria Dewey Daughter of john & martha Dewey She was Born the 13th july 1849 Sponsores J. Strangemore & marta Dewey Nicolas Rousselin

[The next entry in the Rev. A. Hawkins'shand] (September 1849 in the Père Palemon's hand, but written over it by the Rev. A. Hawkins 21 Sept 1849)

Die 21 Sept 1849 nata, et die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni , Baptizatafuit à me Maria-Joanna Saunders , filia David et Elisabeth Saunders, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Laurentius Macgèe , Patrina Maria-Anna Moore Fr. A. Hawkins Miss. Ap

[p. 39] (28September 189 [sic]) [Beginning ofan entryscored .] (29 Sep 1849) Baptisatus est a me John Lacyfilius Joannis & Elizabeth Lacy patrinus Daniel [blank] natus est 27 januarii 1833 (or 1838). [Unsigned] (1849 28 aout) Was Baptised Eliza Bugden Dagther[sic] of Eliza [blank] She was Born the 30° of June 1849 god father george Goben

Nicolas Rousselin mis apost (1849 21 octob) was Baptised [blank] Daughterofjames & Mary ann White god father james Strangemore & god mother Elizabeth Moore. She was borne the 16th of october 1849 [Unsigned]

*(1849 24 october) Was Baptised the 24 of october 1849

Michel Driscol Son of John and ellen driscol god father Danil Hogan and god Mother Margret Carty he was born the 22nd of October 1849

Nicolas Palemon [p. 40] (1849 November 25) was baptised Edward Hurdle Son of thomas & Mary ann Hurdle god father Ludovicus Slade & Sara habgood he was Borne the 2d of november 1849

Nicolas Rousselin Mis apost (1849) was Baptised the 2d of December the name Daniel son of Heneryand Jane Cluett Bourn June the 1. 1849 the god Father and god mother James Strangemore and Jane Slade

Nicolas Palemon (1850) the 15th of january 1850 Was baptised Mary Sarah Andrews Daughter of Rebecca father unnown [sic] Bornethe 24th December 1847 god father & mother Louis & jane Slade

Nicolas Rousselin M apost (1850 25 of june) Baptized Mary Elen Hudley Daughter of John & Elen Hudley sponcers [sic] Lewis Slade & Mary ann More25 of June 1851 [sic]

Nicholas Rousselin Palemon

* This entry, except for the signature, appears to be in another hand Both theseentries are in different handsagain, exceptfor the signature in the firstentry Père Palemon appears to be almost past writing now . All these words have been altered or inked in again by the Rev. A. Hawkins

[p. 41] (1850) this day 29 of january was baptised a me helenaMaria Daughter of Charle & helenaMaria[surnameomitted] Borne the 20th of December 1849 god father Daniel [blank] Nicolas Rousselin

[The next entry in the Rev. A. Hawkins's hand, but unsigned.] (1849) Die la Novbris natus est Guilelmus Joannes Dewey et baptisatus est à me, die 3ª Martis 1850, Filius Georgii et Joanna Dewey. Sponsoresfuerunt Joannes Budden Dewey, et Mathilda Joanna Dolman . (1850) Die vigesima tertia junii 1850 Baptisatus est guillemusjoannes Wareham filius joannis Wareham & helenæ Wareham Natus est Die 23 Maii 1850. Patrini guilemus gilet & Elizabeth

More Nicolas Rousselin mis apost

[p. 42] (1850 August 19) Henry Andrews Base Born son of Sophia Andrews Single woman The Father Henry Willis Born the 10 of August Sponsers Lewis Slade &Mary Ann Moore

*Nicola Rousseli [sic] M apost

*(1849) june the 1st was Baptised john Hadley (1851 April 25) Baptised by me Henry Joseph Christopher Saunders son of David & Elizabeth saunders was Born 25 day of April 1851 Sponcers [sic] Lewis Slade & Mary Ann Moore

Nicholas Rousselin Palemon (1850 Sept 9) William Gubbins son of George Gubbins & Frances Gubbins born 8 day of september and Baptised the 9th 1850 sponcers James Strangemore & Mary Ann Moore

Nicholas Rousselin Palemon

[Henceforward in the Rev. A. Hawkins's hand]

[p. 43] (1851 13. Ap ) Die 13 Ap nata et die 11 Mai ejusdem anni 1851 baptisatafuit a me Agnes Gould filia [rest of the line blank] Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Strangemore.

PatrinaCatharina Gould

Fr. A. Hawkins M. Ap (28 Novbris 1849) Die 28 Nov. 1849 nata et die 18 Mai 1851 baptisata fuit à me Adelaide MariaMoore Filia Henriciet [blank] Moore olim StuartConjugum. Patrinus fuit [blank] Stuart

Patrina Maria Moore

Fr. A. Hawkins Miss. Ap. [p. 44] (14 Mai 1851) Die 14 Maii 1851 nata et die la junii 1851 baptisatafuit Elisa RosaDove Filia Frederici et Elisa Lydia Dove (olim West) conjugum, Patrinus fuit Carolus Vine, Matrina Helena Maria Vine a me Franciscus Andreas [sic] Hawkins Miss. Apost. (25 Mai 1851) Die 25 Maii nata et die 9 Junii 1851 baptisatus fuit Francisca King Filia Guillelmi et Annæ King, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ludovicus Slade Matrina Maria Anna Moore: a me, F. A. Hawkins Miss. Apost.

[p. 45] (14a Junii 1851) Die 14a Junii 1851 nata et die 22ª ejusdem mensis et anni baptisataest à me Francisca Brigitta

* The signatures and the one short entry are in Père Palemon'shand; the rest of this p 42 is written in by somebodyelse

Holms, Filia Caroli et Mariæ Annæ Holms, Conjugum, olim Casey Patrinus fuit Jacobus Strangemore Matrina Helena Casey

Fr. A. Hawkins M.A. (27 Mai 1851) Die 27ª Maii 1851 nata et die 29 Junii 1851 baptisata est à me Maria-Joseph, Pullen Filia Jacobi et Joannæ Pullen Conjugum Patrinus fuit Ludovicus Slade, Matrina Maria Anna Hurdle

Fr. A. Hawkins Miss Ap [p. 46] (1851 13 Dec.) Die 13 Decembris 1851 nata et die 16 Decb. 1851 baptisata fuit Maria Teresia Dewey filia Joannis et Martha Dewey olim Jewer, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniel Hogan Matrina Maria Anna Moore. à [blank] pro F. A. Hawkins M.A. (1852 7 J ) Die 7 Januarii 1852 nata et die 8 Februarii 1852 baptisata fuit à me Agnes Gemima Guy filiaGeorgii et Sophiæ Guy Conjugum Patrinus fuit Guillelmus Ludovicus Gillett Matrina Maria Anna Moore

F. A. Hawkins Miss. Ap. [p. 47] (1851 17 Nov. 27 Feb.) Die 17a Novembris 1851 nata et die 27a Februarii 1852 baptisatafuit à me Emilia Combes filia Kesiah Combes et ElisabethCombes , olimDurdle, conjugum. Patrinusfuit Daniel Hogan, Matrina Rebecca Maria Andrews.

Fr. A. Hawkins Miss. Ap. (1852 8 Feb.) Die 8a Februarii 1852 natus et die 29a ejusdem mensis et anni baptisatus fuit à me AlfredusEdmundus James Filius Roberti et Mariæ James (olim Willis) Conjugum.

Patrinus Edmundus James; Matrina verò Anna James

F. A. Hawkins Miss Ap (1852 26 Mart )

Die 26ta Martii 1852 nata et die 5ta Ap 1852 baptisata fuit[p. 48] a me MariaJulia AnnaStrickland Filia Lucæ et Mariæ Annæ Strickland, Conjugum (olim Perkins) Patrinus fuit Daniël Hogan Matrina vero Maria Anna Moore

F. A. Hawkins Miss Ap (1852 2da Ap.)

Die 2da Ap. 1852 natus et die 13ª ejusdem mensiset anni baptisatus fuit a me JoannesCrowley Filius Jacobi et Mariæ Crowley Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Denarvan. Matrina vero Julia Crowley

F. A. Hawkins Miss. Ap (1852 19 May)

Die 19 Mai 1852 nata fuit Maria Juliter Payne filia Georgii et Elisabeth Payne (olim Vincent) Conjugum , baptisata fuit a Christina Butt in periculo mortis [p. 49] sed die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni Ceremoniæ adhibendæ fuerunt à Guillelmo Young Miss . Apostolico ; Patrinus fuit Daniel Hogan; Matrina verò, Christiana Butt

F. A. Hawkins M. Ap. (1852) Die [blank] natus et die 12 Sept ejusdem anni baptisatus fuit a me Carolus Dewey Filius Georgii et Joanna Dewey Conjugum, olim [blank] Sponsores fuere Joannes Dewey ac Mathilda Dormer F. A. Hawkins Miss Ap. (1852 5 Sept.)

Die 5a Sept. natus et die 17a ejusdem mensis et anni baptisatus fuit a me Joseph Jacobus Andrews filius illegitimusSophiæAndrews, Spon-[p. 50]sores fuere DanielHogan et Maria Anna Gubbins.

F. A. Hawkins Miss. Ap

(1852) Die [blank] natus et die [blank] baptisatus fuit a me Ignatius Franciscus [? Edwinus] Clark filius Thomæ ac Annæ Clark Conjugum (olim Joy) Sponsoresfuere Ludovicus ac Joanna

F. A. Hawkins M. Ap. Slade (Sept. 1852 1853 Jan. 9) Die [blank] Sept nata et die 9a Januarii baptisata fuit a me Veronica Hurdle , filia Thomæ ac Mariæ Annæ Hurdle conjugum (olim Langdown) Sponsoresfuere Ludovicus ac Maria Slade

F. A. Hawkins Miss Ap

[p. 51] (1853 1 Jii) Die la Janii [sic] natus et die 3ª ejusdem mensis et anni baptisatus fuit a me Robertus Andreas Joannes Lambert filius Roberti ac Virtue Lambert conjugum, olimGubbins, Sponsores fuere Georgius ac Francisca Gubbins

F. A. Hawkins Miss . Ap. (1853 12 Janii) Die12ª Januarii nata est et die 16ªejusdem mensis et anni baptisataest a me Catharina Crowley filia Jacobi et Catharina Crowley (olim Bennett) Sponsores fuere Derry

Sheenan Maria Denoven

F. A. Hawkins Miss. Ap

Martha Tancrect. (1853 7. Ap.) Die 7a Aprilis nata et eodem die baptisataest à me Maria Winsley; Filia Richardi et Eli-[p. 52]sabeth Winsley

Conjugum olim (Calnan) Sponsores fuere Daniel Hogan cum F. A. Hawkins M.A. (1853. 10. Ap ) Die Decima Aprilis nata ac die vigesima quinta ejusdem mensis et anni baptisata est a me Elisabeth Juliana Dewey filia Joannis ac Martha Dewey Conjugum olim Jewer Sponsores vero fuere Daniel Hogan ac Maria King

F. A. Hawkins. M.A. (1853 24 Mai) Die vigesima quarta Mai 1853 natus etdie vigesimâ nonâ ejusdem mensis ac Anni baptisatus est a me

Guillelmus Carolus Bugden filius Isaac ac Elisabeth Bugden olim E. James Sponsores fuere Dionysius O'Donnell cum M. A. Strickland F. A. Hawkins M. Ap [p. 53] (1853. 15. Aug.) Die undecimâ Augustinataetdie quinta decimâ ejusdem mensis baptisata est a me Josephina Maria GubbinsfiliaGeorgii ac Francisca Gubbins, Conjugum, olim Willis Sponsores vero fuere Daniel Hogan ac Maria Slade

F. A. Hawkins M.A. (1853. 28. Julii) Die vigesimâ octava Julii nata et die vigesima Augusti baptisata est à me Maria Anna Joachim James filia Joannis ac SaphiraJames Conjugum, olim [blank]. Sponsores Tho ac M. Anna Cribb. F. A. Hawkins M. Ap (1853. 4 Oct.) Die quarta Octobris 1853 Natus ac die nona ejusdem mensis baptisatus est a me Georgius JosephusMockridge filius[p. 54]MariæAnnæ Mockridge Patre ignoto Sponsoresfuere Georgius Gubbins ac [blank] Moore F. A. Hawkins M.A. (1854 Die Feb.) Die Sexta Februarii 1854 natus ac die octava baptisatus est a me Dionisius Murphy ejusdem Anni et mensis Sponsores fuerunt Jeremias [? Shealers ] et MariaMurphy. Filius Micaelis ac Mariæ Murphy Conjugum (olim Hayes)

F. A. Hawkins.

(1854. Die Ap. 15) Die Quinta Decima Aprilis 1854 natus ac Die Sexta Maiejusdem Anni baptisatus est à me David Joseph James Filius Saphira James Patre ignoto . Sponsores fuere Daniel Hogan ac Maria Anna Cribb.

F. A. Hawkins Miss . Ap.

[p. 55] (1854. Die 24 Feb.) Die Vigesima QuartaFebruarii 1854 nata ac Die Septimâ Maii ejusdem anni baptisata est à me

Lucia Maria Osmond Filia Bernardi ac Elisabeth Osmond (olim Kennedy) Conjugum. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Strangemore ac Maria Slade

F. A. Hawkins Miss Ap. (1854 Die 31. Martii) Die Trigesima PrimaMartii 1854nata ac Die Decima Quinta Mai baptisataest a me Francisca Saunders Filia David ac Elisabeth Saunders (olim Barnes) Conjugum. Sponsores fuere Ludovicus ac Joanna Slade.

F. A. Hawkins Miss Ap.

[p. 56] (1854. Ap. 18) Die Decima Octava Aprilis 1854 natus ac Die Undecima Junii ejusdem Anni baptisatus est à me Andreas Georgius Fredericus Dove Filius Frederici ac Elizabeth Dove (olim Weste) Conjugum Sponsores vero fuere Jacobus Strangemore ac Joanna King. F. A. Hawkins. M. Apos [The next entries in the Rev. J. B. Anderson's hand] (1854) Die Vigesima quinta Julii 1854 Nata; ac die Octava Augusti ejusdem Anni Baptisata est a me Maria Anna Francisca Andrews Filia [illegitima in the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's hand over several erased words] SophiæAndrews Sponsores Jacobus Strangemore et Maria Anna Moore J. B. Anderson M.A. (1854) Die 13 Februarii nata ac die prima Novembris ejusdem anni 1854 Baptisatus est a me Thomas [p. 57] Robertus Guppy Filius Jacobi et Emma Guppy (olim Fooks) Conjugum, Sponsores Thomas et Maria Anna Cribb J. B. Anderson M.A. (1854) Die 29 Martii 1852, natus, et Die Prima Novembris 1854, baptisatus est a me Jacobus Guppy, Filius Jacobi et Emma Guppy (olim Fooks) Conjugum. Sponsores Ludovicus Slade et Maria Anna Gillet. J. B. Anderson M.A. (1854) Die 12 Novembris 1848, natus, et Die PrimaNovembris 1854 baptisatus est a me SamuelGuppy FiliusJacobi et Emma Guppy (olim Fooks) Conjugum Sponsores Georgius Gubbins et Charlotta Slade. J. B. Anderson M.A. (1854) Die Decima Sexta Julii 1850, nata, et Die Prima Novembris 1854, baptisata est a me Emma Guppy, Filia Jacobi et Emma Guppy (olim Fooks) Conjugum Sponsores Daniel Hogan et Maria Anna Gillet. J. B. Anderson Missionarius Ap. [The next two entries in the Rev. R. L. Schofield's hand] [p. 58] (1855) Die 8va Februarii natus fuit, et eadem die sub periculo mortis baptizatus fuit Henry John James filius Joannis James et Sophiæ uxoris ejus olim Frampton, à me Ricardo L. Schofield M. Ap.

(1855) Die 19 Februarii baptizatafuit à me (nata die 22do Januariiejusdem anni) Christiana Virginia, filia JoannesetMartha Dewey olim Jewer

Sponsores Daniel Hogan et CharlotteSlade. Ricardo L. Schofield M.A. last [In pencil, in the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's hand] George Dewey's [Rest of the page blank .]

[p. 59]

[In the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's hand]

(1855) Die 3a Martis natus ac die 26a Maii baptisatus fuit a me Guillelmus Henricus Tatchel, filius Joannis GuillelmiTatchel ac Mariæ Annæ Tatchel olim Dewey Sponsores fuere Georgius Gubbins ac Maria Anna Moore

F. A. Hawkins Miss . Ap (1855 Die 15. Junii) Die Quintâ Decimâ Junii 1855 natus ac Die 4a Augusti baptisatus est a me ejusdem anni Augustinus

Anselmus Bernardus Clark Filius Thomæ et Annæ Clarkolim Joy, Conjugum. Sponsoresfuere Ludo-[p. 60]vicus ac Caroletta Slade

F. A. Hawkins M. Ap.

[In pencil] Donovan'schild

[A space here , in which has been pinned a slip ofpaper with the following in an unknown hand]

Frances Mary Hurdle Daughter of Thomas & Mary Ann Hurdle Born on the 24 Day of Jany and Baptised the 2d ofMarch maiden name Mary Ann Langdown Sponcer [sic] Lewes Slade Charlotte Slade [Unsigned] [At the bottom , in the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's hand] Butinwhat year was she borne (1855 Die 31. Julii) Die trigesima prima Julii 1855 nata ac die 9a Augusti ejusdem anni baptisatafuit à me Mary Maria Andrews Filia illegitima Sophiæ Andrews . Sponsores fuere Ludovicus Slade [p 61] ac Martha Lambert

F. A. Hawkins Miss. Ap. (1855) Die Vigesima Octava Julii 1855 nata ac 25 Augusti baptisata fuit à me ElizabethMariaJames, filia Roberti ac Mariæ James (olimWillis) Sponsores fuere Georgiusac Francisca Gubbins

F. A. Hawkins Miss Ap. (1855) Die Quinta Augusti 1855 natus ac die 9a Septembris baptisatus fuit à me [8.5 cms blank] Pfrangley filius Vincentii Pfrangley ac Emiliæ (olim Hobbs) conjugum Sponsores fuere G. Gillett ac Mtha Candy. F. A. Hawkins M. Ap. [The next entry in the Rev. R. L. Schofield'shand] [p. 62] (JohnJoseph Holmes) Die[blank] 185[blank]natus, et die 19 Decembris 1855 baptisatus fuit Joannes Josephus filius [blank] et [blank] Holmes (olim Casey) conjugum, patrinus fuit Ludovicus Slade, et matrina fuit Charlotte Slade à me Ricardus [sic] L. Schofield M. Ap. 1855 (1856) Die trigesima Januarii nata ac die trigesimaprima baptizata est à me Caroletta Maria Galtan filia Georgii ac Francisca Galtan (olim Slade) conjugum Patrinus Ludovicus Slade et vero [sic] Caroletta Slade F. A. Hawkins. M. Ap.

[p. 63] (1856) Die 28ª Januarii natus 1856 ac die 8ª Februarii ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Fredericus Joannes Holmes filius CHolmes ac [blank] Holmes (olim Casey) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniël Hogan, Matrina verò Elisa Lacey à me F. A. Hawkins. (1856) Die Septima Martis nata, ac die 16a 1856 baptisata fuit a me Teresa Maria Aloysia Longman filia Jacobi Longman ac n[blank] (olim [blank] ) conjugum. Sponsores fuere [blank]

F. A. Hawkins M. Ap (1856) Die vigesima sexta Martis 1856 natus ac die octava Aprilis baptisa-[p 64]tus fuit a me Guillelmus Georgius Brown filius Samuelis ac Mariæ Brown (olim King) Conjugum. Sponsores fuere Daniel Hogan ac M. Anna Moore

F. A. Hawkins M. Ap. (1856) Die Decima Sexta mensis Martis 1856 sub conditione baptisata sunt a me Sequentes omnes Filios Jacobi ac [blank] Longman, conjugum. 10 Carolus Longman qui natusfuerat die 15 Decembris 1847 cujus Sponsores fuere Jacobus Longman ac Gloria James. 2° Sara Longman nata die vigesima quinta Martis 1849. Sponsores fuere G. Gillett [p. 65] ac Elisabeth Gillett. 30 Maria Longman nata die 38 Augusti 1852. Sponsores fuere Ludovicus ac Caroletta Slade 4° Elisabeth Longman nata die 5 Octobris 1854. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Strangemore ac Eliza Willis F. A. Hawkins Miss . Ap.

[The bottom half of the page is blank, but on a piece ofpaper pinned to it, in the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's hand ,is]

The little Irish Childbaptised died in July 1856 John Murphy* And the little [? Ridlestont] Baptised and who died soon after [B. Daniel interlined] God mother Mrs. Smith

[p. 66] [Top half blank.]

(1856) Die Tertia Novembris nata ac die 18a baptisatafuit à me [blank] Mockridge filia Helenæ Mockridge, patre ignoto. Sponsores fuere [blank] F. A. Hawkins M. Ap.

[The book is now reversed and burials entered from page 74writing upside down .]

[p. 74] (May 21. 1851.) Died on the 19 Mayand was buried Revd Fr. Palemon Rousselin In his 82d year, the 53d of his Religious Profession, of his Priesthood the 54, after having been Chaplain to this Comty & Congreg for near 50 yrs He wentabout doing Good and was beloved by God and Man. R.I.P. aged 82 F. A. Hawkins M.A.

[Lengthwise in the margin] Having Received all the Rites of the Church

(May 23. 1851) Died and was buried by me Mrs. Samways who died most piously fortified by the holy Sacraments of the Church R.I.P. aged [blank] F. A. Hawkins M.A.

These names have been added later in a different ink


(June 4. 1851) Died and was buried by me M. Lambertaged 13 months.

F. A. Hawkins M.A.

(June 16. 1851) Died and was buried by me Fanny King aged three weeks.

F. A. Hawkins Priest

[p. 73] (8 Nov. 1851) Died and was buried by [blank] Mr John Lacywho died most piouslyafter long Sufferings borne with great Patience and Resignation on the 8 of Nov. 1851 , being fortified by the holy Sacraments of the Church


F. A. Hawkins M.A.

(17 Feb. 1852) Died and was buried by me on the 17 Feb. 1852 [blank] West fortified by the Sacraments of our holy Church , after a long Illness, which she bore with the greatest Patience


F. A. Hawkins. M.A.

(21 Feb. 1852) Died and was buried by me Kesiah Combes , Convert, [p. 72] on the 21 Feb. 1852, after being received by me into the bosom of the Catholic Church on his Death-Bed, was baptised conditionally, and received the holy Sacrament of Extreme Unction R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins M.A.

(7 March 1852) was admitted into the Church on his Sickbed John King Son of William King by me

F. A. Hawkins M.A.

[Lengthwise in the margin, written twice, for each of the two followingentries] Fortified by the Holy Sacraments oftheChurch

Died & was buriedby me Anna Saphira James aged 14 years


F. A. Hawkins

Died & was buried by me [blank] King aged [blank] R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins M.A.

[p. 71] Died & was buried by me Emilia Gubbins aged 11 years, Having received the H. Sacraments R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins. M. A.

(21 June 1852) Died and was burried [sic] by me Mrs.Mary Highland aged 84 years, being fortified by the Holy Sacraments of the Church


F. A. Hawkins M. A.

(3d of Ap. 1853) Died and was burried at Dorchester John Coombs being fortified by the H. Sacramts of the Church. aged [blank] R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins M. A

(3 May 1853) Diedand was burried by me RobertLambert aged [blank] being fortified bythe Holy Sacramentsofthe Church .

F. A. Hawkins M.A.

(26 May 1853) Died and was burriedbyme LukeStrickland being [p. 70] fortified by the Holy Sacraments of the Church Aged [blank] R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins M.A.

R.I.P. (26 July 1853) Died and was burried by me Mrs. Mary Habgood being fortified by the Holy Sacraments of the Churchaged [blank] R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins . M. A.

(23 July 1853) Died and was burried by me James Davis aged [blank] R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins M. A.



(26 Nov. 1853) Died in the Union ofWimborne Mrs. Teresa Brown after receiving all the Rites ofthe Church aged 68. R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins M.A. (27 Nov. 1853) Died Mary Ann JoachimJames aged Four Months. Laud. Domiñ

F. A. Hawkins. M. A. (1 Jay. 1854). Died James Habgood after receiving all the Rites of our Holy Church Aged [blank] R.I.P.

F. A. Hawkins M.A.

[p. 69] [In pencil See Mr Arguile and a space left blankfor an entry.]

[Entries henceforwardin the hand of the signatory.] (4th August 1854) Died, Elias Gubbins, after a long and painful Illness, which he bore with admirable patience and receiving all the Rites of the Church. Aged 15 years R.I.P.

J. B. Anderson Missionarius Apostolicus (18 September 1854) Died, and was buried by me on the 23d Mary Ann Frances, Andrews Aged 7 weeks.

J. B. Anderson M. Apost (15 Nov. 1854) Died, and was buried by me, Mr. James Miles, being fortified with the Holy Sacraments Aged 79. R.I.P. J. B. Anderson. M.A.

[p. 68] (March 5 1855) Died on the 5 March 1855 Jane Greenwood wife of William Greenwood, after a lingering and painful illness, which she bore with great meekness , and resignation to theWill of Almighty God, and after receiving all the rites ofthe church.aged [blank]. She was buriedby me on the following Sunday March 11th R.I.P. Richard L. Schofield, Miss Ap (28 Dec. 1855) Died 28 Dec. 1855 & was burried by me Andrew Dove, aged 1 year & Eight months Laud. Domum F. A. Hawkins M. Ap (20 Jay. 1856) Died on the 20 Jay, after receiving all the Rites of the Church Betsey Gubbins, aged 18 & was burried by me R.I.P. F. A. Hawkins M. A. (1856. 13. June) Died on the 13 June aged [blank] the Revd Thomas Tilling at Weymouth where he had [p. 67] (1856 13. June) officiated as Parish Priest during the last 15 years of his life. He was buried by me The First in our new Cemetery R.I.P. F. A. Hawkins M.Ap. (1856 17 July) Died & was buried in the new Cemetery John Murphy on the 17 July, aged Seven Days. hand] F. A. Hawkins M. Ap.

[Rest of the page blank ]

[Two loose sheets ofpaper On No. 1 , in the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's J.M.J.

1. Died Mrs Mary James Oct. [blank] 1856. All the Rites of the Church aged [blank]

2. Mrs Gillett Recd &c . .. . aged [blank]

3. Old Mr [blank] G. Gubbins Uncle Recd on his Death Bed Aged [blank]

4. Old Mrs. [? Snooky] Recd &c

aged [blank]

5. Mrs Dove Recd &c . . . . aged [blank]


7. 8

Mr Greenwood Recd &c.

Little Mary Hurdle aged 2 yrs aged [blank]

Poor Little Philomene Greenwoodat Paris Recd aged 15 For Rev. Fr Aus-

[On No. 2 sheet, in the same hand]

Die 10 7bre 1856 natus et eademd .. bapt est a me J.M.J. Fil .... R .... d M. .. . Murphy (olim [blank] ) Conjugum Sponsors. [L scored] ac [C. Slade scored]

[p. 75] [Writing right way up.]


(Ap. 21 1851) Mr Riddente and Mrs Riddente togetherwith Mrs. Boyt were solemnly admitted into the Catholic Church , and made their 1st Communion F. A. Hawkins M.A. (Ap 26) was also admitted on Friday John Wareham when he also made his 1st Comm F. A. Hawkins (1852. 15. Feb.) Was also received into the Church Kesiah Combes on his death-bed

7 March 1852. Was also admitted on his Sick-bed by me John King, Son of william King. F. A. Hawkins M.A. 1853. 6. Feb. Were received into the Church Georgiana & Anna Coombes & Anna Lacey. 1853. Ap. 2.

1. Jan. 1854. was recd into the Church L. Strickland were received into the Church H. Perkins, Elisa Lacey and Mathilda Hawkins

[p. 76] was received into the Church Mr [blank] Boyt 1856 The 18 of Ap. were received Mrs Wills & her Daughter El. Wills

12 May Emilia Pfrangley and T. .. . Longman [Rest of the page blank.]

[pp. 77 to 91, inclusively, blank.]

[p. 92, at the foot of the page] James Pullen, Jane Pullen, Daniel Hogan

[pp. 93, 94, 95, and 96 blank.]

[The book is reversed , and writing upside down]

[p. 98] Die vigesimâ octavâ Januarii anno Domini 1856 in Sacro Matrimonio conjuncti fuerunt Gulielmus Butt ac Maria Joannes [sic] Waterman à me F. A. Hawkins. Miss. Ap

* William James Butt

Mary Jane Waterman

* Charles Barrett

* Emma Waterman

Die vigesimâ septimâ Augusti anno Domini 1856 in Sacro Matrimonio conjuncti fuerunt à me Georgius Pearce ac Emilia Miles

* George Pearce

F. A. Hawkins M.A. Daniel Hogan x

* Autograph signatures.

[p. 97]


Die decimâ sextâ Octobris anno Domini 1856 in Sacramento Matrimonii conjunctifuere à me Franciscus Henricus Kentell ac Elisabeth Helena Jordan

F. Andrew Hawkins M. Ap.

frances [sic] henry kentell Elisabeth Ellen Jordan

Daniel Hogan

Martha Lambert+-Testes fuere

[The book is now the right way up again. The names are in two columns .]

[p. 99]

Die [blank]

J.M.J. First Communions. 1852

[1st column] M. A. Freeborn Maria Strickland Elisabeth Gillett Helena Mockridge Elisabeth Mockridge Georgina Combes. Anna Combes. Emilia Gubbins. L. Strickland Elias Gubbins. Mrs. Johns Perkins Elisa Lacey. Matilda Hawkins

1853. Anna Lacey

[pp. 100 to 116, inclusively, blank.] 1st Jay 1854. H. Jane Greenwood. Maria James 16a 1856. 24. Ap. [blank]

Philo Hodan [2nd column] Betsey Willis Aprilis Cæcilia Hurdle. Jacobus Smith. Wills. Elisabeth Wills. Th Tubbs natus 83. 12 May Emilie Pfrangley & Longman

[Entries are now made from the back ofthe book -writingupside down .]

[p. 120] [In the Rev. R. Brindle's hand] Die 28 Decembris 1847 in Sacro matrimonio Conjuncti fuerunt Georgius Stricland & Joanna Adams R. Brindle M. Ap

I hereby promise that all childrenwith which God may bless my marriage shall be brought up in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.

Witnesses Ralph Brindle Clerk Nicolas Rousselin Clerc George x Stricland

[In the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's hand]

I the undersigned do hereby promise that All the Children with which it shall please Almighty God to bless my marriage with Jemima Mary Wills shall be brought up in the Faithofthe Catholic Church. Thomas [? fougone]

[p. 119 blank.]

[p. 118] [In the Rev. F. A. Hawkins's hand]


On this 17 of July 1851 were solemnly confirmed by Bishop Hendren ofNottingham, olim of Clifton, in our newlyconsecrated Church of the Seven Dolours of Mary, Stape Hill.

[Nine pencilled lines are left blank. Then at thefootofthepage] were confirmed by our own BishopErrington on the 9th Oct. 1852 . * Autograph signatures.

Thos Cribb. Mrs. M. A. Strickland . Mary A. Cribb . Mary Strickland . [p. 117] Georgina Combes. Elisabeth Gillett. Anna

Combes ElisabethMockridge Jane King. A. Clark.

[In the Rev. Luke O'Kelly's hand]

Fr. A. Hawkins M.A.

Sunday 16th of Sept. 1859. Feast of the purity of the B.V. Mary. The following were confirmed by the Right Revd Dr Vaughan Lord Bishop of the Diocese

Thomas John Samways

Thomas Francis George Pierce

Edward John Joseph Galton

Mary Joseph Louisa Wills

Gemima Josephine Longman

Emily Mary Ignatius Dewey

Eliza Mary Joseph Hurdle

Cecilia Mary Winifride Hurdle

Anastatia Mary Magdalene Hurdle

Agnes Joseph Catherine James

Frances Mary Elizabeth James

Agnes Joseph Teresa Lambert Ringwood

[The remainder written lengthwise in the right-hand margin]

Mary Anne Elizabeth Pierce

Eliza Lucy Agatha Loder

Total 14

Stape hill Sept 17th 1859. Luke O'Kelly Pastor .

[p. 121 blank.]

[Onthelast page, 122, aroughentry in the PèrePalemon'shand]

John Hudley Elen Cave

Mary Elen Hudley Baptised 25 Born 9 day of June of June

Henry A. Lewis Slade

Mary Ann More N. Palemon M. apost.

[On the inside back cover, in pencil]

Die 25 Augusti natus et die 28 ejusdem mensis et anni

MORE baptizata fuit Joannes More filius Petri More et Annæ [? Chibbery]

[In ink, in the Père Palemon's hand]

Last [? Salev] 15

henry Richar Sara George Loader ta an-

Mary Anne Loader

[End of the Register.]

No. IV




The parish of Tichborne lies east of Winchester, in the centreof the Fawley Hundred, and rises from north to south from the valley through which the River Itchen wanders (Victoria County History of Hampshire , iii, 336 sq.). The family and the parish take their name from the Itchen Bourne

TichborneHouse lies to the east of the branch roadrunning north to Tichbornefrom the main Winchesterto New Alresford road. The presenthouse was built at the beginningof the last century to replace the Old House which had existed as early as Henry III's time.

Tichborne occupies a place in the Catholic history of Hampshire which is unique, for it has come down to us unchanged in its Penal Day dress of a chaplaincy, and of all the famous recusantfamilies in Hampshirethe Tichborne family alone has survived The historyof Tichborneis, therefore, the historyofthe family

The family was already there, as documents prove, by the twelfth century, and they may well have been there for a long time before the earliest writing. At the time of the Babington Plot, Chideock Tichborne claimed that the house descended from two hundredyears before the Conquest The famous" Tichborne Dole" is attributed to the twelfth-century " Crawl" of the Lady Mabilla Following the history of HampshireManors as given by the Victoria County History we find that their first extensionin property dates from about 1250 , when JohndeTichborneacquiredthe ManorofLimerstoneinthe West Medina of Wight [Isle of Wight] by marriage with Mabel, daughter and heiress of John de Limerstone That property remained with the familytill 1724. Soon after 1300 another John de Tichborneobtained Kempshott by his union withMargaret, heiress of Rogerde Sifrewast. Benjamin Tichborne sold this Manor in 1578. By 1337 the Manor of West Tisted came by the same means Richard and Walter , sons of Sir John Tichborne, married Alice and Agatha, the co-heiresses . For two centuries their descendants formed a separate branchand adopted the surname of Tisted, but by 1540 it had devolved upon four coheiresses , and the head of the Tichborne clan bought it back tothe family

The Lord of Tichborne in the closing years of the fifteenth century was John, Sheriff of Hants in the third year of Henry VII, andmarriedto Ann Mervyn (Berry [Hants Genealogies ] saysthat John's wife was Margaret, daughter and heiress of Richard Martin; the official Pedigree at Tichborne House is followed here) John was succeeded in 1498 by his son William, who died without issue, so that the next son , Nicholas, came into possession Other sons wereHenry (of Longwood) and Thomas . In the Visitation of St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, in 1536, a Thomas Tichborne is mentioned as chaplain (Vic Co. Hist, ii, 124).

Nicholasmarried Ann, daughterof Robert White of South Warnborough. Berrygives their children as Bartholomew, Nicholas , Roger, William , Dorothy, Margaret and Dorothy Mrs. Ann died in 1519 , andis commemorated bya small plate in TichborneChurch Nicholas lived till 1540. His eldest son must have diedearlier, for Nicholas junior succeeded and was already of mature age when he came into possession Heappears tohave beenconsidered friendly toHenry VIII's policy, for we find a letter of John Kingsmill to Wriothesley in 1539, telling him to summonto the County Sessions "young NicholasTichborne " and others " as they are indifferent men" (Vic. Co. Hist, v, 336). Nicholasjunior was twice married. His first wife was Juliana, daughter of a London alderman, Henry Fenrother; his second was Elizabeth Rythe, of a good old Hampshirefamily and the sole heiress of her threebrothers. *

In the Winchester Presbytery there is a Latin Bible (printed Paris, 1526) which once belonged to Nicholas Tichborne. In it he entered, in Latin, " Mem . that on the 9th day of Octoberin the21st [? 11th] year of the reign of Henry VIII at [?] 6 in the afternoon , was born Francis Tichborne son of Nicholas Tichborne Junior."

AletterwrittenbySirHenry, 3rd Baronet, to his son is still extant at Stonyhurst (cf. Morris, Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers, vol i) In it he begins the story ofthe Tichbornes withthe Nicholasmentioned above , who wasfirst cousin to Peterof Portchester, Lionel of Sherfield English and Nicholasof HartleyMaudit By his first wife he hadthe son Francis whose birth is recorded above Of the second wife Sir Henry says " Your great great grandmother was of the family of Rythes, very ancientin these parts and bywhom we yet possess some lands . Her piety was the stay of our family in the Catholicfaithof our ancestors , andher prudence the supportofit in the greatestagonies ofour affairs and most dangerous symptoms of our decays, which her prudence restored again toits former healthandthrivingconstitution . " Atruly great encomium ! She is the 1577 Recusant Widow Tichborne ofWest Tisted in the footnote below. By the first marriagethere was also a daughter Juliana who married Thomas Cresswell. Nicholasdied in 1555 and his heir Francis in 1565, without issue Francis settled the estates for life on his widow, Joan, who, in 1571 , handed over her interest in them to Benjamin, the eldest son of Nicholas's largefamily by his second wife Besides Benjamin there were Gilbert, Ambrose, Martin, Jerome, and three (? four) daughtersAnn wife ofJohn Beconsawe, Jane wife of FrancisYate, and Constance wife ofRobert Knight The(?) fourthdaughterwas Mabelwho marriedJohnBeard ofAbberton , * The three brothers were Thomas , William and James. The lastnamed died in 1572. The two other brothers and the sister all appear as Recusants in Bishop Horne's list of 1577 (C.R.S., xxii, 40-1)"Thomas Rythe of Ropley " worth £300 in goods " William Rythe and his wifeof Totiord" worth £20 per annum in lands and £200 in goods "Mistress Tytchborne wedowe " of West Tisted worth £40 per annum in lands and £600 in goods. In the RecusantsRoll of 1592/3 there is mention of " Elizabeth Rythe of Selborne , widow" (C.R.S. , xviii, 289) The Tichborne family inherited the main portion of the Rytheproperty.

The Rev. John Churcher's name is also written in this Bible

Cf. article byMichaelTrappes-Lomax , "In the FootstepsofChalloner , " p 46, Westm Cath Chronicle , 1946. Sir Henry confused the generations in his old age. She was the great-grandmother



Sussex , and whose son, Ben Beard, acted as informer againsthis own kin in 1594 (cf. AmpleforthJournal, Spring, 1926) The list of "Influential Catholics " in 1574 ( C.R.S., xiii, 96) mentions Benjamin and Jerome (though the Editor practically denies Jerome's existence). Gilbert was thenabroad . None ofthebrothersappears in BishopHorne's list of Recusants in 1577 , though the mother's name is there. The official Tichborne Pedigree says that she died in 1576. Yet Cardinal Gasquet quotes a letter from her written in 1586 (Hants Recusants , p. 41). Though BishopHorne'slist does not include Benjamin, wefind Tichborne, Benjamin Tichbornegent and his wife " in a similar list, apparently in the 1580s(Canon St. G. K. Hyland, A Century ofPersecution, pp 316, 380) Gilbert Tichborneappears among the Recusants of 1592/3, but there is no mention of Benjamin It would seem that he found it necessary to make some show of conforming to save his estates. Brother Foley says of him (Records S.J., iii, 684n): " Mr. B. Tichbornewas a great favourer of Papists, and was himself suspected, not having been to the 'Lord's Supper ' for some years past; and Mrs. T., and others of his house, refused to go to church He gave warning to divers Catholics to fly fromthe diocese, who would otherwisehave been apprehended bythe savage Bishop." Sir Benjamin's* wife, Lady Amphyllis, was the daughterof Lord Chief Baron Weston Their sons were Richard, Walter, Benjamin and Henry, and their daughtersElizabeth, who married WilliamOwenAnn, who married William Brock (or Brooke)-and Amphyllis, who married William Gratwick. Sir Henry, the youngestson, settledin Ireland. Sir Benjamin, the third son , and his wife Margaret, are buried in West Tisted Church (" Hic infra jacet corpus Benjamini Tichborn Equitis : obiit 21 Aug. 1665. Requiescat in pace. " " Hic infraa lateredilecti viri suiBenjamini Tichborn Equitis jacet corpus De MargaritaeTichborn: obdormivit in DominoA.D. 1677. R.I.P.") The two elder sons, Richard andWalter, married two sisters, co-heiresses of RichardWhite ofAldershot, nephew to Bishop John White. Richard married Ellen and Walter Mary. Sir Walter and Mary lived at Aldershot, where they raised a very large family. Their eldest son, Benjamin, married Elizabeth heiress of Sir John Compton of Colemore Their son, Compton Tichborne, died in 1657/8 and left his property to the 3rd Baronet, Sir Henry, passing over hisownfather, whowas still alive ! The second son ofSir Walter , Francis, was the ancestor of Henry, who succeeded as 6th Baronet upon the failure of male heirs of the senior line

Gilbert Tichborne, Sir Benjamin's brother, was a sturdy Confessor of the Faith. He was expelledfrom the Inns of Court early in Elizabeth's reign and exiledto Flanders in 1573. In August 1580 he accompanied Laurence Vaux, § a Canon Regularof St.Augustine, to England, andthe pairwere arrested at Rochester and thrown into the Gatehouse Prison by Alymer, Bishopof London. LaurenceVaux diedintheClink in 1585 , but Gilbert would seem to have been released In 1592 he was again in trouble for voluntarilyhearingMass, and his smallestate

* He was the famous Sir Benjamin Tichborne. He and allhis four sons were knighted (Rev. T. C. Wilks, History ofHampshire, i, 367 , London,n.d.) Bro. Foley tells (Records S.J., iii, 647 sqq.) how Benjamin got his father-in-law on his side in a certain case concerningWilliam Pitts , who had been exhibitingCampion's Challenge

Her second husband was Sir ThomasTimperley. Cf. The Poor Souls' Friend, 1906-7; The Rambler , Dec., 1857

at Totford was taken to cover the fine of one hundred marksand he was put in prison In 1594 he was still in prison, in WinchesterCastle . After that we lose sight of him His stone records his death in 1636 at the age of 96% (C.R.S., xlii, 151 , M.I. No. 1)

Sir Richard, 2nd Baronet, son of Sir Benjamin and Gilbert's nephew, lost his wife, Ellen White, in 1606, and he then married Susan daughter of William Waller of Stoke Charity, who bore him three sons and two daughters Of these Ann married Charles Tasburgh and Elizabeth married her first cousin, James Phelyps, and apparently brought the Faith back to that family Richard § and John died before theirfather, who was succeeded bySir Henry, ** 3rd Baronet, in 1657. Sir Henry married LadyMaryArundell, daughterofWilliam Arundel, second son of Thomas 1st BaronofWardour, and was succeeded in turn by his son Sir Henry Joseph, 4th Baronet, from whom the title passed to Sir Henry Joseph's brother, Sir John Hermenegild , S.J. Upon Sir John Hermenegild'sdeathin 1748 the title passed to Henry, great-great-grandson of the Sir Walter mentioned above. This Sir Henry, the 6th Baronet, married Mary Blount, grandchild of the4th Baronet Their son, Sir Henry, the 7th Baronet, succeededin 1785. He married Elizabeth Plowden , who bore him a numerous family Three of their sons succeeded as the 8th, 9th and 10th Baronets

* His will reads : "In the name of God, Amen I, Gilbert Tichborne of the Cittie of Winchester Esq , this twelfth day of Decemberin the twelf yeare of the raigne off our Sovereigne Lord King Charles in the yeare 1636 . I desire to bee buryed in St. James his Chappe neere Winchester" His legacies were: " to Sir Richard, Bart his lands in West Buriton , Petersfield, Mapledurham, Cotford, Micheldever, Brown Candover and Northington : toSirWalter, his house at Winnall , Winchester and an annuityof£10: to Sir Benjamin, £60: to Sir Henry £60: to his niece Elizabeth Owen £20: to Susan and Elizabeth daughters of Sir Richard, £20 each and a dozen silver spoons : to the grand-daughter of his niece Elizabeth Owen £10 and half a dozen silver spoons : to the children of his niece Amphyllis Gratwick £5: out of a rent charge of £5 p.a. his nephewPeter Beconsawe is to pay to the children of his sister Cornwallis £10: to my cousin Sir Thomas Tymperly Kt. 20/-: to my cousin william Owen a brace of old .... ells [? pistols]: to my executors 20 noble apiece: to John Wine my kinsman 40/to goodwife Bartholomew my old servant 10/-: to Ann Moody my now servant 20/-: to Tristram Goter one whole suit of my old clothes: to Drew Turner one ditto: Residue to nephews, Richard, Walter and Benjamin, William Owen my cousin to be overseer . "

William Waller had two daughters The other daughter, Charity, married ThomasPhelyps Wilks (op cit , i, 302n; ii, 21) says that Sir Richard's wife was Sir William Waller's sister

The Rev. T. C. Wilks mentions (op cit , i, 76) a daughter Susan , who died in 1616

§ Christened 20 August 1615 in Winchester Cathedral (Hants Parish Registers). Christened 14 October 1621 in Winchester Cathedral (ibid.). ** Christened 24 May 1624 in Winchester Cathedral (ibid)


Very littleis known about the chaplains . Traces of their presence, however , are recorded " In the panelled rooms of the " Dower House at West Tisted " there remain some fine overmantelsof dark carved oak, twisting staircases ... . one leads to a priest's holewhich is now an ordinary room. What once was the Chapel is now used as a sittingroom; an archin the outsidewall has been blockedup: the altartable and a huge and ancient fourpost bedstead were sold by auction on the death of the last tenant" (D. H. M. Read, Highways and Byways in Hampshire , London, 1908) In the Chantry Chapel of the Tichborne Parish Church there is preserved " a wooden altar table of Elizabethan date and curiousproportions with a Latin cross in slight relief on the surface . It was secretly used to support a small stone super-altar for Mass in the 16th and 17th Centuries " (J. Charles Cox , Little Counties Guide to Hampshire) The Rev. T. C. Wilks, in his History ofHampshire, also says (ii, 17) that Tichborne Church is one of few English churches in which the ancientaltar remains : " At Titchborne, as at some other seats of old familiesprofessing the ancientfaith, the parish churchwas,withinthe memoryofliving persons, appropriatedinpart to the use of Roman Catholics of the neighbourhood , " and in a footnote the Editor adds "I cannot doubt the authority upon which I make this statement. " Ifthese statements are true, this issomething without parallel in Penal Days.

A priest named Fennellis said to be " atMr Tichborne'sin Hampshire " in March 1588 (C.R.S., xxii, 128) This may refer to Sherfield English, though much more probably to Tichborne. He was Simon Fennell, who was reported by Thomas Dodwell, the spy, in February 1583 or 1584 , as being shortly about to come to England, and who in 1586 was said to be in England (Foley, Records S.J., vi, 725, 730) Father Robert Parsons numbered among his studentsat Balliol College " Simon Fennell" (C.R.S., ii, 19) Simon Fennell was ordained at Laon on Whitsun Eve, 1583. He was still at large in Englandin 1594 whenthe informer, Ben Beard, reported that Fennell and Richards were continually at Mrs. Tichborne's house at West Tisted and that whenever the search grew dangerous they took refuge in Jerome Heath's house in Winchester The informer also statedthat John Shelley was in the habit of taking them round the country dressed in the livery of My Lord Montague , with the chains of office round their necks.

The first priest of whom we have any knowledge is Dr. Robert Tempest, S.J. There were two priests of the Tempest family, both named Robert, and both Doctorsthe one " of Law, " the other " of Divinity." Some confusionseems to have been caused bythe similarity in names , in Dodd's Church History, and apparently in a note in the C.R.S. vol xiii (p 117)

* No date of publication is given, but it was published during the incumbency of the Rev. Ignatius Collingridge at Winchester (1848-83), and nearly sixty years after the old house at Tichborne was pulled down Possibly Fr. Giles White. In May 1581 a young man named Richards went to Douay In February 1582 he was sent to Rome In August 1586 Giles White alias Richards returned to Rheims and receivedfaculties for the Mission in 1588.

Jerome was a schismatic, his wife, Averia, a Convicted Recusantin 1592/3 (C.R.S. , xviii, 287). Bl James Bird was captured in their house They afterwards went to live in Brussels (C.R.S., v, 394).

The elder Robert Tempest, born in co Durham, Doctor of Law , wentto Rheims in January 1584 (Knox , DouayDiaries, I-II, p 200); was ordainedthat year (ibid , p 12); went to Rome in January 1585 (ibid , p 203); was in Paris in 1590 during a famine (ibid , p 236); returned to the College at Rheims on 8 Novemberand succeeded Dr. Worthington as Procuratoratthe end ofthe year (ibid , p. 237) ; went to Douay in May 1593 (ibid , p 250) In the ThirdDouay Diary(C.R.S., vol x) we find him in Flanders , twicevisitingthe College fromAntwerp, in July 1599 (p. 7), and 17 June 1603 (p 51), on the second occasion to receive facultiesfortheMission Whenhe diedwe donotknow,butitwas seemingly before 1626, for his testamentary wishes regarding the College, to which he bequeathed property in Antwerp, are set out in C.R.S. xiii, 244-6

Therein his brother and nephew, William Tempest andWilliam's son Thomas , and another nephew, Henry Clifford, are mentioned. His nephew, Robert Tempest, * D.D., son ofMichaelTempest, born in County Durhamin 1563, entered the College at Rheims in 1584 from the Preparatory School at Eu (Knox, Douay Diaries, I-II, p 201) He appears to have been sent to Rome, for he returnsthence in ill health in October 1589, and was sent to Paris in the following January (ibid., p 227); returned in August (ibid , p 232) to teach logic (ibid. , p. 233); was ordained in Rheims Cathedral21 September 1591 ((ibid , p. 241) He visited Rome, returning in June 1600 , having visited his uncle in Antwerp before setting out for England (C.R.S., xiii, 22) He left for England 15 July 1601 (ibid , p 26) Roundabout 1612he was in prison Foley, whohas several referencesto him (Records S.J., ii, 141 ; iii, 266, 401 sqq., 718 ; v, 819 ; vii, 766-7), speaks ofa long imprisonment. Mrs. Bryan Stapleton(Oxfords. Post-Reform. Missions , p. 73) states that he suffered "a long, wellnigh thirty years, imprisonment for the Faith and when released he retired into Hampshire. " The accountin Foley (iii, 401), erroneous in other details, says that he was in prison from 1612 to 1614, in which year he joined the Society. It was in 1624 that he entered the Society, though the fact was apparently so little known that in 1632 he was rated among the secular clergy. In 1628he was working in London and in 1632 in the Hants District His last years were spent at Tichborne, where he probably died 13 July 1640, and was buried in a " churchyard never yet profaned by heretics, " an obvious allusionto St. James's Cemetery, Winchester . Gillow (Dict ofEng Cath , v, 464) says that Dom Thomas Vincent Sadler, O.S.B., was " probably Chaplain to Sir Henry Tichborne in Hants for sometime before 1657." This BenedictineFather dedicated his The Daily Exercise of the Devout Rosarists to Sir Henry in 1657 , and one wonders if this is Gillow's only proof of the chaplaincy. The next chaplain,in and before 1692, was the Rev.John Churcher (C.R.S., ix, 107; cf. xlii, 3) The Franciscans were also here apparently atthis time, and later, though Father Thaddeus in his Franciscans in England is vague about dates. He gives many details about Father Augustine Hill, O.S.F. , but does not say that he was at Tichborne Yet Gillow (op. cit , iii, 313) says "It was Fr Aug. Hill, O.S.F., who was chaplain to Sir Henry Tichborne, nearWinchester, andno doubt it is hisportrait which appears in the celebrated Tichborne-dole picture byTilbourg in 1670 , described in the key as ' No. 13, Rev. R. Hill, who died ata

* William Copley called Robert Tempest his cousin , though it is not clear which Robert is referred to (Records S.J. , iii, 404)


very advanced age, Sept. 14, 1692.' It is clear that the key was written long after the picture was painted, " hence the error in the initial Foley (v, 809 and note) asserts that the chaplain was the Rev. Robert Hutton, S.J., alias Robert Hill Gillow denies this identification, and asserts that Augustine Hill died at Tichborne 14 September 1692. The controversy is decided by the Old Chapter List drawn up by the Rev. John Ward in 1692. In it he states " MF Augustin Hill of the order ofSt. Francisof Assissium, resides constantly atSirHenry Tichbornes" (C.R.S., ix, 107) John Churcher andAugustineHillwere, therefore , at Tichbornetogether at this time. Father Thaddeus states that Father Paul of St. Francis (Matthew) Atkinson, O.S.F. (see supra, Sopley Introduction, p 90), "resided for a time at Tichborne. " This is sandwiched between statements referring to 1687 and 1698. We know that he came on the English Mission in 1687. A pencillednote in Mr. Joseph Gillow's copy of Thaddeus places Fr. Atkinson at Tichborne " some time after the Revolution of 1688." "

Thereis a long interval before the recordingof another chaplain's name Bishop Challonervisited Tichborne on 15 and 16 July 1741 , and therefound a congregation of 150 underthe Rev.Anthony Fetherstone , O.S.F. There is no Anthony Fetherstone in Franciscans in England nor in the Franciscan Obituary List (C.R.S., vol xxiv), but extracts from unpublishedpapers in the Franciscan Provincial Archives at East Bergholtkindly communicated by Father H. Docherty, him to be a Franciscan A letterfrom Sir Henry Tichborne, dated 19 March 1740/1 and postmarked Alresford, " to Father Joseph Pulton, O.S.F., has a postscript: " My service to Mr Wright [the Banker]. Mr fetherstonedesires his to you." Thereare two letters from Father George Lancaster , O.S.F., at Grove Park In thefirst, dated 21 October 1730 and addressed apparently to the Provincial, he mentions that Featherstone has been over to see him and that he accompanied him back to Edgebaston . He thinks the scholars in the school are too advanced for Featherstone and that the latter might usefully be put to parish workin Edgebaston . A letter from Father Thomas Holmes , O.S.F. (no address), to the Provincial, Fr. Joseph Pulton, O.S.F. , dated 30 October 1730 , tells of difficulties with the Matron at the Edgebaston School, but that Mr. Featherstone hopes that the school will go on. The second letterfrom Fr.George Lancaster , O.S.F., at Grove Park, to the Provincial, Fr. Joseph Pulton, O.S.F., dated 2 December 1730, mentionsa visit he and Fr. Holmes had made to Edgebaston to pacify the Matron Fr. Featherstone told Fr. Lancasterthat he had pressinglyasked the Provincial to move him from Edgebaston , but would give no reasons Fr. Lancaster'sadvice isthat Fr. Featherstonebe moved, as he will continue to worry. Finally, there is a letter from Fr. Fetherstone himself, dated Edgebaston 8 March 1730/1 , to Fr. Pulton, the Provincial, remindingthe Provincial of the latter's promise soon to relieve him In accordance with the injunction ofthelast Chapterhe presents his accounts. He has" received £44 18.6, spent £39.18.0. " There is owing to him "from Lord Fauconberge £10 for half a year's salary when in Flint; from Mr Fox ofFredeshin inSalop£1 . 10.0; from Mrs Price ofLlanvilling£4.10.9. " Since his arrivalin England he has married one couple, baptized four persons and buried eight The letter is signed " B. Ant ffetherston. " There is evidence here that he had been stationed at Flint before 1731 .

* Neither Robert Hutton nor Augustine Hill was of a very advanced age in 1692. The former was born in 1629 , the latter in 1633 .

What the other two debts are for does not appear. It has been said that " Fetherstone" was an alias of Fr. Anthony Parkinson, Junior This seemsto be borneout by the dateofdeath Anthony Parkinson's death, by apoplexy, occurred on 18 March 1750 (C.R.S., xxiv, 309) Anthony Fetherstone's obit is given as 29 March 1750 (infra, p. 186). Thedifferenceof eleven days would be accounted forby the alteration in the Calendar, the Franciscan Obituary List giving the date in the Old Style and Sir Henry Tichbornein the New Style It is also noteworthy that Fr. Anthony Parkinson, Junior, was sent on the English Mission in 1729 or shortly afterwards (Thaddeus, p 282)

A little later two Franciscans were living there together, Father John Baptist Beaumont , O.S.F. (see supra, p 56), and Father Angelus Ravenhill, O.S.F. A list compiled by Father Felix Englefield places them at Tichbornein 1758, but the HampshireLedger shows that Fr. Beaumontwas therefrom at leastabout 1756 (see p 56) Annotations in Mr. Joseph Gillow's copy of Thaddeus give "Richard" as Fr. Ravenhill'schristian name and his obit as " 22 October 1792, at Lower Hall, Salmesbury"

Another gap occurs until 1785, the date ofthis Register , when the Rev. Francis Leigh was Chaplain He wastheson ofJames Leigh andhis wifeAnn (Halford) and was borninthe Midlands 20 April 1759. Hetookthe MissionOathat Douay 24 June 1779, before Richard Southworth, Vice-President and Professor of Theology and later priest at Brockhampton The earliest entry made by him in the Register is 3 May 1785, of a baptism administeredby the Rev. George Bruning, S.J., in the parish of Sutton Three more baptisms were entered in 1786, after which apparently he left Tichborne. He died 6 February 1830 at Hatherop (C.R.S., xii, 188). His successorwas the Rev. Charles Peters, who remained for forty-six years. Only twelve baptisms areentereddownto 1790, and then thereis no furtherrecord of baptisms until 1829. As the leaves of the Register are loose it is possible that some are missing, though more probably, if records were kept, they were entered in another Register which has not yet been discovered Baptisms by Father Laurence Byron (see Sopley Introduction, supra, p. 99) were entered from November 1829 to June 1831 , and his name is given in the 1831 Laity's Directory under Tichborne, which seemsto indicatethat Father Peters was ill during hislast years. Father Peters died 2 February 1833, aged 73 , and was buried in St. James's Cemetery , Winchester (cf. C.R.S., xlii, 176 , M.I. No. 222)

The 1834 Laity's Directorygives the Rev. . McStay at Tichborne and the 1835 edition the Rev. Henry Philips. No entries were made by the Rev. Edward McStay, but the Rev. Henry Philips afterwards entered baptisms performed by the Rev. Edward McStay in August, Octoberand December 1832 , and in March 1833. These seem to be taken from another Register which the Rev. Edward McStay took away with him, for the Rev. Henry Philips prefaces the entries with " 1832 Extractum é Registro Baptismali manuscripto ad me infrascriptum ab Edwardo M Stay misso. "

The Rev. Henry Stephen Philips (see Portsea Introduction in a subsequent volume ) baptized here from August 1836 to 1846 . * I.e. Bishops Sutton. Mrs. Bryan Stapleton (Oxfordshire Post-Reformation Missions, p 175) seems to confuse Lee and Leigh

It was intended to publish the Portsea Register beforethe Tichborne Register, but printingrestrictions limiting the size ofthe volumeshave caused the order of publication to be altered.


The following priests have baptizedat Tichbornesince thattime. Those who were obviously not chaplains, but merely performing an occasional baptism, are marked with an asterisk.

Revv .
















John Tilt

Amadee Guidez

O. Chevalier

Eugene Reardon

John J. Fegan

Joseph Styles

Ignatius Collingridge*

Thomas Quinn

Daniel Spillane

Francis L. Weale

Everard Aloysius Gonzaga Arundell*

John Wyse

Luke Gunning*

John Trumble

Laurence Doran

1899-1906 § Louis Hall





Francis Green

William J. Flynn

Hugh Breslan

Albert Peter Lion

1943- Charles Sebastian Ritchie


A suede-covered note-book (similar to modernautographalbums), 6 x 4 inches , with brass clasp at the longer end, has been used as a Register. The binding is broken and the leaves, unpaged, are loose. The book has not been used as it was made to be used, i.e. the entries are not across the 6 inches, but across the 4 inches, so thatthe clasp is at the bottom of the writing

The insidecover is plain white paper Thereis no fly-leafand the entries begin without any heading. All the entries down to and including Father Peters' own entries appearto be in Fr. Peters' hand , the rest are all in Father Philips's writing

[p. 1] Die 3a Maii an . 1785. LuciaLinckhornefiliaAugustini & Annæ Linckhornebaptizata fuit a Georgio Bruning Sacerdote Societatis Jesu in Parochia Sutton, Patrino Jacobo Bulbeckita testatur Franciscus Leigh

[Torn] Januarii an 1786. Catharina Brewer filia Gul & Barbara Brewer Conjugum Catholicorum apud Philmore Hill baptizata fuit a Fran. Leigh Sacerdote, Patrinis Thoma & Catharina Bulbeck

Die 30 Aprilis an 1786. Sarah Beezleyin parochia Alresford baptizata fuit a Fr. Leigh patrinis Gilbert & Freeman

Apud Alton a Fran Leigh baptizata fuit mense Julii 1786 filia Jac. Stubbington patrino Thoma Moody from the Warren

Where two dates are given they are the dates of the first and last baptisms The priests may have been there beyond thesedates § There is a notable gap between 1906 and 1909.

[p. 2] Apud Cheriton Anna Cole nata die 5a Jan. an 1787. filia Jac & Sara Cole Conjugum Catholicorum a me infrascripto baptizatafuit die 8va Jan. ejusdem anni ; Patrinis Jac Bulbeck & Maria Berry Car Peters.

MariaAnna Brewer nata die 3ª Septembris an. 1787 filia Gul & Barbara Brewer Conjugum Catholicorum apud Philmore Hill Hants baptizatafuit a me infrascripto die 5ª Septembris ejusdem anni, Patrinis Jac Bulbeck Francisca Knight (Mary Berry proxy) Car Peters

Elizabetha Padwick filia Mar[torn] Padwick baptizata fuit a me infrascripto die 19. Novembris an 1787. Thoma Hammond respondente pro. Gul. Brewer Car. Peters

[p . 3] Joannes Newell natus die 6a Decembris an . 1787 . filius Thomæ & [blank] Newell Conjugum Catcorum a me infrascripto baptizatus fuit die 9a Dec. ejusdem anni Patrinis [blank] [Unsigned]

Maria Norris filia Winifredæ Norris & Joannis Tuck nata die 6ª Februariian 1788 baptiza [sic]a me fuit die 12 ejusdemmensis & anni Patrinis Jacobo Bulbeck& Francesca Norris . Infans nata fuit in Parochia Tichborne Car. Peters

Maria Burne filia Joannis & Margaritæ Burne nata apud Ripley prope Guilford in comitatu Surreydie 20a Septembris an . 1787 Parentibus pertinentibusad Parochiam S. Pri Exeter a me [p. 4] infrascripto baptizata fuit die 13ª Februarii an 1788 apud Tichborne Patina [sic] Francesca Knight. Car Peters

Maria Morley filia Gulielmi & Mariæ Morley Conjugum Catcorum nata (in Parochia New Alresford) die 11ª Februarii an 1788 a me infrascripto baptizata fuit die 17a ejusdem mensis & anni Patrina Margarita Hall. Car Peters

Joannes Michael Tichborne filius Nob: Dni HenriciTichborne Baronetti & Dominæ Elizabethæ Conjugum natus circa horam 2am matutinam diei 22 Februarii an 1788 eadem die a me infrascriptobaptizatus fuit Patrinis Dnis Michaele Blount juniore & Lucia Drummond. Car. Peters

[p. 5] Thomas Morley filius Edwardi Morley Catholici & [blank] Morley Protestantis natus die 31. Martii eadem die a me infrascripto baptizatus fuit, Matrina Eliz Bulbeck Parentes & Infans de Parochia Tichborne Anno 1789 Car Peters

Thomas Cole filius Jacobi & Sara Cole Conjugum Catholicorum natus die 2º Aprilis 1789 a me infrascripto apud Cheriton baptizatus fuit die 5ª Aprilis ejusdem anni Patrinis Thoma Newell & Francesca Knight Car Peters

[The next entry is in the same hand as the previous entries; the signature is apparently autographic.] Georgius Tichborne filius Nob Dni Henrici Tichborne Baronetti& Dnæ Elizabethæ Conjugum natus die 15ª Aprilis 1789

* 7th Baronet


Elizabeth Plowden


eadem die baptizatus fuit Joanne Biddulph de Burton & Dna Francisca Cary patrinis W. Walmesley

[p. 6] Apud Alton Joannesfilius Jacobi Catholici & Martha Stubbington Protestantis natus die 29a Martii 1789 a me infrascripto omnibus rite peractis baptizatus fuit die 16a Aprilis ejusdem anni, Patrinis Carolo & Francesca Moody de Winton C. Peters

Gulielmus Morley filius Mariæ Morley natus die 24ª Junii 1789 baptizatus fuit a muliercula Protestante eadem die, omnia a me infrascripto supplebantur die 28a denuo sub conditione baptizatus fuit infans die 5a Aprilis 1790 a me Car. Peters

[In the Rev. H. Philips's hand]

[p. 7] Hæc libri baptismalis pars a me infrascripto fuit excerpta pro testimonio parentum

Die 21 Novembri 1829 natus & die 23 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatus fuit, Thomas, filius Caroli & Joannæ(olim Butcher) Guy, conjugum ; Patrinis Jacobo & Sarâ Coles , a Domino Laurentio Byron. M.A.

Die 18 Novembri 1830 natus & baptizatus 22 vel 23 ejusdem mensis & anni fuit Georgius, filius Gulielmi & Mariæ Martin (olim Perry) conjugum Patrinis, Maria Martin & Martino Maher, à Domino Laurentio Byron M.A.

[p. 8] Nata die 2 Septembri 1831 & baptizata die incerto ejusdem mensis , fuit Elizabeth filia Joannis & Bridgittæ Barton (olimHanley) conjugum. Patrinis, Reverendo Domino L. Byron& Anna Smith. a Domino Laurentio Byron A.M.

Die 8 Junii nata & die 9 ejusdem mensis 1831 baptizatafuit Catherina Maria filia Jacobi & Sara Cole (olim King) conjugum. Patrinis, Illustri Francescæ Arundell & Thomâ Coles a Domino Laurentio Byron A.M.

Die Septembri 23 nata & 25, 1830 baptizatafuit Joanna filia Jacobi & [p. 9]JoannæPatience (olim Burke) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Doughty, a Domino Laurentio Byron A.M. Henrico Philips A.M. 1832

Extractum e Registro Baptismali manuscripto ad me infrascriptum ab Edwardo McStay misso

Die4 Augusti 1832 nata & eodemdie baptizatafuit Euphemia Anna Elizabeth, filia Illustrissimi Josephi Thadæi DormerBaronis Anglici et Elizabethæ (olim Tichborne) conjugum Patrinis Henrico Josepho [p. 10] Tichborne Baronetto & Anna Condessâ de Newburgh ab Edwardo McStay A.M.

* Die 30 Octobris 1832 nata & die 21 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizata fuit Sarah filia Gulielmi Martin & Mariæ (olim Perry) Conjugum Patrinis Michaele Heney & Brigitta Barton ab Edwardo McStay A.M.

* Die 20 Maii 1830 natus & die 9º Decembris 1832 baptizatus

* Written lengthwise in the margin: " not legal E.R."

fuit Georgius filius Henrici Prince & Annæ (olim Courtney) conjugum; Patrinis, Owen Finigan & Maria Martin. ab Edwardo McStay A.M.

*[p. 11] Die 15 Junii 1832 nata & die 9 Decembri ejusdem anni baptizatafuit Annafilia Henrici Prince & Annæ (olim Courteney) conjugum Patrinis Jacobo Magin & Maria Martin. ab Edwardo McStay A.M.

Die 11° Decembris 1832 natus & eodem die baptizatusfuit Bertram Arthur filius Caroli Thomæ Talbot & Juliana (olim Tichborne) conjugum. Patrinis Henrico Josepho Tichborne Baronetto & Maria Condessâ de Shrewsbury ab Edwardo McStay. A.M.

H.P. Sub conditione ut mihi testatum fuit. [p. 12] 1833

Die Augusti 22, 1833, sub conditione fuit baptizatafuit [sic] Joanna Maher, adulta a me Henrico Philips. A.M. 1834

Die Februarii 50 nata, & 23 die ejusdem mensis, 1834 baptizata fuit Margarita, filia Michaelis Richardi Brennin & Mariæ , (olim McCline) conjugum ; Patrinusfuit Ego & Matrina, Catherina Owen à me, Henrico Philips A.M.

Die Martii 31° 1834, nata & 4° die Aprilis ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Joanna, filia Joannis & Bridgittæ (olim Hanley, olim Smith) Barton[p. 14] conjugum Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Martin & Margarita Bryer Matrina. A me Henrico Philips M.A. 1833. [Apparently a later insertion : all in the Rev. H. Philips's hand]

Die 190 Februarii 1833 & die 30 Martii ejusdem anni sub conditione baptizata fuit Anna Patience, filia Jacobi & Joannae (olim Burke) Patience conjugum . Matrina Maria Martin , ab Edwardo McStay. M.A. 1834. Die 19° Maii nata & die 22 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizata fuit Theresa, filia Jacobi & Elizabeth Coulson (olim Haimes) conjugum: Patrinis Stephen Haimes & CarolettaGurd: Henrico Philips M.A. a me [p . 15] 1834

Die 30 Junii 1834 nata, & eodem die baptizata fuit Maria Annett, filia Caroli Thomæ & Julia (olim Tichborne) Talbot conjugum, Patrinis Maria Marchionessa de Wellesly & Illustrissimi Domini Josephi Thaddæi [allfour words thus] Dormer; a me

Die 4º Julii 1834 natus & die 11° baptizatus fuit Jacobus filius Henrici & Prince conjugum. a me

Henrico Philips M.A. ejusdem mensis & anni Annæ (olim Courtney) Henrico Philips. M.A.

* Written lengthwise in the margin, to cover the next two baptisms ["not a legal entry" erased].

The five previous baptisms are recorded again in Father McStay's letter to Bishop Bramstonvide infra


[p. 16] Die 29 Julii nata & die 4 Augusti 1834, baptizata, (& die 24 ejusdem mensis & anni, omissa supplebantur) fuit

Margaritafilia Gulielmi & Mariæ (olim Perry) Martyn, conjugum. Patrinis Jacobo Morley & Sara Cole, a me

Henrico Philips M.A.

Die 6° Septembri natus & die 70 ejusdem mensis, 1834 baptizatusfuit EverardAloysius Gonzaga, filius Illustrissimi Domini Henrici Benedicti , & Francesca Catherinæ (olim Tichbourne)

Arundell, conjugum: Patrinus fuit Joannes Bennett & Matrina Ilustrissima Domina Maria Arundell a me Henrico Philips. M.A.

[p . 17] 1835

Natus initio Junii, 1835 & baptizatus fuit eodem mense & anno Gulielmus, filius Thomæ & Saræ (olim Vincent) White, Protestantium , ab Maria Martin, Catholica in periculo mortis

Henricus Philips. M.A.

Die 50 Augustinata & die 7° ejusdem mensis, 1835 baptizata fuit Maria, filia Jacobi & Joannæ (olim Burke) Patience, conjugum, apud Candover: Matrina Catherina Burke, a me

Henrico Philips M.A.

[p. 18] Nata Die 14 Septembris, 1835, & die 16 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizata fuit Joanna, filia Martini & Joanna (olim Faithful) Maher, conjugum. Omnia supplebantur a me , mense Octobris, ejusdem anni, Patrino, Martino Maher , Henrico Philips M.A.

Die 11 Decembris, 1835, natus, & die 17 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatusfuit Gulielmus, filius Joannis Garrett & Francesca Millar, a me Henrico Philips M.A.

[p 20]


Die 25 Decembris 1835 natus, & die 10 Januarii 1836, baptizatus fuit Thomas, filius Joannis & HelenaDawson, conjugum, Henrico Philips M.A.

a me

Die 6 Octobris 1836 nata, & die 18 ejusdem mensis & anni, baptizata fuit Maria, filia Dionysii & Catherinæ (olim Barrett) Sullivan, conjugum, Matrina Birgitta Barton, á me Henrico Philips. M.A.

Die 17 Novembris 1836 natus & die 21° ejusdem mensis & anni, ceremoniis omissis, [p. 21] baptizatus fuit Gulielmus, filius Gulielmi & Mariæ Martin (olim Perry), conjugum : unctio Sancti Chrismatis adhibita fuit post Baptismum, [2 cms space ]

[Autograph signature] a me Laur Jos Byron M.Ap.

Die 18 Decembris ejusdem anni omnia supplebantur, Birgetta Barton, Patritio Welch, Patrinis, á me, Henrico Philips A.M.

Die 25 Novembris , 1836 nata, & die 26 ejusdem mensis et anni, baptizata fuit Catherina , filia Caroli & Henrietta Shawyer

* Afterwards a priest (see supra, p 176).

(olim Whitear) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Joannes Doughty, Matrina, Rebecca Tichborne, a me , Henrico Philips M.A. [p. 22] 1837. Die 13 Januariinatus & die 22 ejusdemmensis, 1837 , baptizatusfuit Jacobus Guy, filius Caroli & Joannæ (olim Butcher) Guy, conjugum : Patrinus fuit Thomas Richardus Cole , & Matrina Caroletta Silvester, a me Henrico Philips. Mo Aº

N.B. Those Baptisms entered in the name of Mr. McStay by Mr. Philips have no value in law as was proved by Bertram Talbot's being rejected at the bar of house of Lords' June 9 185, on the occasion [p. 23] of Erl Shrewsbury claim to the titles of an irish peer being discussed . E.R.

[79 blank pages follow, and then 28 pages of notes , in presumably Father Peters' writing, dealing with the siege ofJerusalem , the Popes and St. Paul's journeys There is also one sheet with autograph signatures of Car. Peters (twice) and Henry Philips.]


(1) Letter from The Rev. Edward McStay to Bishop Bramston , Vicar Apostolic LondonDistrict, dated August 6th, 1833

[A four-page letter addressed on the back pageto Rt Revd Dr Bramston 35, Golden Sq London sealed with red wax and post-marked London Au- 7 1833

In the top left-hand corner a circular impression bearing the words Perry's London (?) Perfectionated for the Patent Perryian Pens. Endorsed, top right-hand corner, in another hand , N.B. The Baptism of Bertram Talbot mentioned here was rejected as legal evidence at the House of Lord by Mr. Fleming Q.C. June 9 1854 when the claims of Bertram Talbot (Lord Shrewsbury) to vote as representative peer for Ireland were discussed E.R.]

My Lord, In compliance with your wish I here send you the registers of the children baptized at Tichborne. Die4° Augusti 1832 nata & eodemdie baptizatafuit Euphemia Anna Elizabeth, filia Illustrissimi Josephi Thadæi Dormer, Baronis Anglici, & Elizabethæ (olim Tichborne) conjugum, Patrinis Henrico Josepho Tichborne Baronetto & Annâ Condessâ de Newburgh a me Edwardo McStay Misso Apco

* A Whitear was housemaid to Mrs. Robt Tichborne in 1833 (MS letter of Rev. Edward McStay written in 1833vide infra). The lastfigure is indecipherable In MS letter, given below, it is 1854 . From an endorsementon a MS letter of Rev. E. McStay, these initials stand for E. Reardon.


Die 30 Octobris 1832 nata & die 21° ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatafuit Sarah, filia Gulielmi Martin & Mariæ (olim Perry) Conj, Patrinis Michaele Heney & Brigitta Bartona me Edo McStay Misso Apco

Die 20 Maii 1830 natus & die 90 Decembris 1832 baptizatus fuit Georgius filius Henrici Prince & Annæ (olim Courtney) conj, -Patrinis Owene Finigan & Mariâ Martin a me Edwardo McStay Misso Apeo

[p. 2] Die 150 Junii 1832 nata & die 9 Decembris 1832 baptizata fuit Anna filia Henrici Prince & Annæ (olim Courtney) conjPatrinis Jacobo Magin & Mariâ Martin a me Edo McStay Misso Apeo

Die 11° Decembris 1832 natus & eodem die baptizatus fuit Bertram Arthur filius Caroli Thomæ Talbot & Julianæ (olim Tichborne) conjPatrinis Henrico Josepho Tichborne [Baronetto above], & Maria Condessâ de Shrewsbury--a me Edo McStay Misso Apco

I beg leave to say that the Mrs. Martin to whom I yesterday referred Mr Philips is not the servant at Tichborne of that name but a person living in Alresford

It may be useful to Mr Philips to be also informed of the case of a girl named Barton of the age of 14 or 15. She was to have received conditionalbaptism along with a little brother & sister , as they were when infants baptized in the Protestant church; the two latter I baptized, but reserved the baptizing of her till I should have instructed her, as she is sufficientlygrown toreceive the sacrament as an adult. She will require considerable attention, as she is [p. 3] living with an ignorant mother & Protestantfather, & cannot be assisted by any one about her .

Iwishto add also that it was my intention to have continued for some time occasionally to instruct Whitear the housemaid of Mrs Robt Tichborne, & her late cook whose name I think is Titheridge. They had a competent knowledge of our Faithwhen admitted into the church, but required to be further instructed in Catholic practices This may lead Mr Philips to examine them & complete their instruction if he finds them deficient With respect to others I had under instruction, I named themyesterday to your Lordship Sir Henry [torn] might have thought I had others in addition to those, from the circumstance of myhaving said that therewas a prospect of conversions, as there were some indirect applications made for instruction.

I forgot to say that the head-gardener of the Grange, (Mr Baring's Estate) through his acquaintance with the Knights at Chelsea has become strongly inclined to be converted He reads

our books, & is already tolerably acquainted with our tenets I had one conversation with him.

Believe me My Lord with reverence & submission Yr obedient Servt & Subjt


Augst 6th /33

E. McStay

[Endorsed: These baptisms as legal evidence will not be received E. Reardon June 1854]

(MS No. 2)

A paper-covered note-book, 7 x 43 inches, with " Eliza Tichborne" writtenin ink on the outside cover, containing twenty-three plain leaves (the leaf, pp 27 and 28 , has been cut out) Thereis no pagination.

[p. 1] This book belongs to Eliza Tichborne

[p. 2 blank ]

[p. 3] I was married to Henry Tichborne Esq at Bath janry 24 1778 by Mr Parker and on the [blank] of March same year at the Parish Church of Ellingham in Northumberlandby Nicholas Hornsby Eliza Tichborne

Henry Jos Tichborne was born Januy 5th 1779 at Tichborne in Hampshire , Baptised januy 6same year Sponsors Sr Hy Tichborne Bart & Mrs Robt DrummondConfirmed John Sepbr 5 1784 by BP James Talbot Innoculated by Mr Sutton April 24th 1781 had the Chicken Pox in 1785has had the Hooping Cough & Measles

married April the 23d 1806 by Revd Chas Peters, to Miss Anne Burke Daughter of Sir Thos Burke Bart, ofMarble Hill Countyof Galway

[p. 4] BenjaminEdmund Tichborne born Sepbr2d 1780 at Tichborne baptised Sepbr 3d 1780 Sponsors Edmund Plowden Esq & Mrs John Stonor Confirmed George Sepbr 5 1784 by BP James TalbotInnoculated by Sutton April 24 1781Had the Chicken Pox 1788 Has had the Measles-[later entry] & Died on Board the Cuffnals Companies Ship on his return from the East Indies to England Ocbr 8 1810

Edward Tichborne § born March 27th 1782 at Tichborne baptised the28thSponsorsEdwd Haggerstone Esq & Lady Dowgr Tichborne Confirmed James by BP James Talbot Sepbr 5th 1784¶ -was InnoculatedApril 18 1787had the Measles at Isleworth June 1792Chicken Pox in 1785

* Elizabeth Plowden, died 1829 7th Baronet, died 1821 8th Baronet § 9th Baronet, died 1853 Allthreeboyswere confirmedthe same day, aged 5 , 4 and 2 respectively.


[p. 5] James Francis Tichborne * borne Ocbr 3d 1784 Baptised Octbr 4th Sponsors Mic Blount Esqr & Mrs Biddulphhad the Chicken Pox in 1785 was Innoculated April 18 1787 Confirmed at Old Hall Green 1797 by BP Douglass


still born son june 8th 1786

John Michael Tichborne born 22d Febuy 1788 Baptised same day by Mr Peters Sponsors Michael Blount jun & Miss Drummondhad the Chicken Pox 1793Innoculated 22d Ocbr 1794 by Mr Smith. Winton Confirmed 1797 by BP Douglass [Then later entry, different ink] had the Whooping Coughin the Summer 1799Killed at Velore in the East Indies July 10 1807

[p. 6] George Tichborne born April 15 1789 Baptised the same day by MrWalmeslyof High bridge in the Countyof Hants Sponsors Jno Biddulph & Mrs Caryhad the Chicken Pox in 1794 Innoculated Ocbr 22d 1794 by MrSmithWintonConfirmed by BP Douglass [Then later entry, different ink] had the Whooping Cough 1799 Died of the Scarlet Fever & sore throat at Vernon Hall School Febuy 20 1802

Mary BarbaraTichborne born Augst 24 1790 baptised same day byMr Peters Sponsors Francis Plowden Esq" CountessDow: Newburgh Died July 30 1792

Had the [blank]

[p. 7] Roger Robt Tichborne born Febuy 15 1792 baptised same day Sponsors Edwd Constable of Burton Esqr & Mrs Sheldon of Wycliffehad the Chicken Pox in 1794 Innoculated by Mr Smith of Winchester Ocbr 22d 1794 Had the Whooping Cough 1799-

Eliza Charlotte Tichborne borne June 14th 1798

Baptised same day SponsorsChs Biddulph Esqr & Mrs Towneley Cut her first tooth Decbr 15 1798InnoculatedDecbr 18th by Mr Davies from his Childhad it very full had the Whooping Cough 1799

[p. 8] Lucy Maria Tichborne Born March 22d 1800Sponsors [Interlined: Baptised same day by Mr Peters] Francis Sheldon Eqr Wycliffe Hall-& Mrs ThrockmortonLlanblithianInoculatedfor the Cow Pox Sepbr 15-1800 by Mr Kingscote had it very well2 pustules on the forhead

Confirmed by Monseigneur Fodoas Bishop of Reims in the Chapel of the College at Reims July the 10th 1806

Had the Chicken Pox at Tours December 1806 Had the Measles [Then later entry] Lucy had the Scarlet Fever at the Fossé Paris Febuy 19 1810

* 10th Baronet.

Henry Joseph Tichborne married to Miss Anne Burke April 23d 1806

His Daughter Eliza Anne borne May 28 1807Cath Frans borne March 18th 1809-

Juliana Born July 15 1810-

Mary Born May 28th, 1812 *

Catherine born April 21 1814

Lucy borne Decbr 20th 1816-

[p. 9] Lucy came home from the Convent 26 Decbr 1811 with the Whooping Cough

May 16 1812 Lucy sicken'd for the Measles which she had very favorably at the Convent June 7 she came home being quite recoverd-

June 3d 1813-

My Dear Lucy made her first Communion on the 3d of June 1813 the Octave day of the Ascension at the English Convent rue des fossés St Victor Paris, L'Abbé de Vilelle instructed & communicated her

July 25 1815 Lucy was Innoculatedfor the Small Pox , The Arm inflamed, a good deal of fever three days, every appearance of the disorder having affected the Constitution, pain under the arm and about a dozen pustules

[p. 10 blank.]

[p. 11]

My Dear Son George Tichborne died at Vernon Hall Accademy Nr Liverpoolof a Scarlet Fever & sore throat February 20th 1802 Aged 12 yrs & 10 months

[Rest of page blank The rest of the book is blank save for a pencil drawing of some flowers on p. 16.]


No. 1 [A book The / Office ofthe Dead / According to the / Roman Breviary / Missal and Ritual / Containing / The Office entire, with all the proper Masses, and the Order of Burial / in Latin and English with a quotation from St. Augustine, In Enchir Cap. 110. Printed in the Year MDCCXLV with C:A:P [Rev. Charles Peters] on the title-pagehas thefollowingobitsentered on the fly-page, in various handwritings]

Henry Tichborne(1)

Hry Tichborne(2) obiit 15 Julii S:V: 26 N: S: 1743 [last figure altered, in heavier ink.]

* Died 1827

(1) The owner's signature; probably the 6th Baronet (2) Sir Henry Joseph , 4th Baronet, died in 1743.


Michael Blount Esq Novr 1 (3)

Ex Dono Ant¹ Fetherstone(4)

Qui Obiit 29 Martij 1750

Dame Mary Tichborne ob: 6 Decem* 1754(5)

Francis Doughty Ob: 20 Aug. 1765

Maria Eugenia Blount Ob: 12 De: 1765

Maria Agatha Tichborne 17 May 1768

Lady Hales Obijt 25 Sepr 1700.(6)

Mary Blount 19 May 1777.(7)

Marmaduke La Langdale 6 April 1778(8)

Lady Mannock 19 June 1779(9) 27 July 1779(10)


Charles Stonor 31 Oct 1781(11)

Mary Drummond 3 March 1782(12)

Elinor Blount 11 May 1782

Charles Biddulph Esq Do 13 1784(13)

Sr Henry Tichborne July 16 1785(14)

Lady Ann Radclyffe. Nov 18 1785(15)

[? Jame] Bartholomy Newburgh Janry ye 2d 1786(18)

[On the back of the fly-leaf] 5 (17)

Michael Blount Esq feby 1792

(3) Query: Michael Blount, son-in-law of4th Baronet, who married Mary Agnes Tichborne ? He died 2 Nov. 1739. Cf. A Berkshire Bachelor's Diary

[Francis Prior of Ufton] Newbury, 1936, p 45

(4) Connected with owner's signature; the two obits have been inserted between the owner's signature and this line

(5) Dame Mary (Kempe), widow of 4th Baronet.

(6) Query: Relation of Sir Edward, 5th Baronet, No. (19) ?


7) Mary Agnes, wife of Michael Blount, dau and coheiress of Sir Hen Jos Tichborne and Mary Kempe Born 1693 , buried at Mapledurham. Cf. A Berkshire Bachelor's Diary, p. 45

(8) 5th and last Baron

(9) Widow of Sir Francis Mannock. She died in 1789, not 1779

(10) Father James Nolan, Priest at Winchester 1766-79 . Cf. C.R.S. , xlii, 10-11

(11) Charles Stonor, 2nd son of Thomas Stonor and Mary Biddulph Cf. C.R.S. , xxviii, 258n .

(12) Miss Mary Drummond See infra, p 189

(13) Charles Biddulph, son of John Biddulph and Mary, dau of Charles Arundell of Horningsham; married firstly Elizabeth Bedingfield Their son , John, died unmarried in 1835, aged 85, thelast male ofhis family. His second wife was Frances Doughty. Charles lived in Peterhouse , Winchester Cf. C.R.S. , xlii, 10 , 10n , 94

(14) 6th Baronet

(15) Lady Ann Radcliffe, dau of James Bartholomew Radcliffe, 4th Earl of Newburgh See next entry.

(16) James, 4th Earl of Newburgh.

(17) Query: Son of Michael mentioned above, and brother of Lady Tichborne, wife of 6th Baronet ?

The Dowager Lady(18)

Tichborne Died Feb. 10 .. 1799. .

Sir Edwd Hales Bart(19)

Obit Sep. 1802

George Tichborne(20)

Obit Feb. 20 1802

Edward Constable Esq(21)

Obit Feby 23 .. 1803

Maria Constable(21)

Obit Feb 22nd 1811

[At the end of the book , on the two unprinted leaves]

р 1]

p 2]

Francis Constable Esq (22)

Obit Feb. 1rst 1821

James Burke Esqre

Brother to Lady Tichborne

obit Dec. 9th 1811

Sir Thomas Burke Bart [Father to Lady Tichborne interlined]

Obit May 13th 1813-

Thomas Burke Brother to Lady Tichborne obit May 2nd 1819

John Michael Tichborne

Obit July 10th 1806

Benjamin Edmd Tichborne

Obit October 8th 1810

Sir Henry Tichborne Bart(23)

Obit. June the 14th 1821

My Dearest Daughter

Mary Tichborne died August the 29th 1827

she was born May the 28th 1812. May she rest in Peace

(18) Lady Mary (Blount), wife of 6th Baronet . (19) Sir Edward Hales , 5th Baronet, married Winifred, dau of Sir John Webbe, 3rd Baronet (20) George, sixth son of Sir Hen and Elizabeth Plowden Cf. supra, p. 185 .

(21) Cf. C.R.S. , xlii, 173, Winchester M.I. No. 202. The date ofMary's death is given there as 24 Feb. 1810 (22) Cf. C.R.S. , xlii, 173 , Winchester M.I. No. 202, where the date is given as 12 Feb. 1821 . (23) 7th Baronet.

*My Dearest Mother died on the 24th of January -1829

[p. 3] May she rest in Peace

*Eliza Tichborne

The Revd Charles Peters obit Feb 2nd 1833

The Dowager Lady Burke Mother of Lady Tichborne obit June 21rst 1835-

Lady Strangford May the 26th 18[35 underneath, 26 written over]

My Dearest & most belov'd Daughter Frances Catherine Lady Arundell, departed this life on tuesday the 19th day of April at Wardour Castle- she was born on the 17th of March 1809 May she rest in peace

[p. 4 blank ]

No. 2

[A French prayer-book: L'Ange/ Conducteur / dans/ Les Prieres et Exercices de Pieté . . . . Imprimé à Liege, & se vend A Luxembourg , / Chez André Chevalier . . . 1731.]

[On inside cover, on two stick-on labels, in violet ink]

Lady Radcliffe

[On two leaves in front of book]

[р. 1]

Est Rerum omnium Sed Eternitatis Felicis, aut infelicis, Nullus est Finis

Mary Blount Jan: ye 22. 17401.

[р 2]

[p. 3]


Eliza Tichborne her Book ye gift of her Mother Lady Tichborne , for whom she is to pray 1778

Miss Tichborne (24) died May 17th 1768

My Dr Grandmama Stonor died October ye 5th 1782

Sir Francis Mannock died Sepbr 11th 1778

Mrs Nagle died janry 29 1784

[Rest of page, 21 inches, blank ]

My Dear mother departed this life july 4 1765

my Dear Father 9 janry 176[7 or 9]

my Aunt Dorothy Plowden 11 April 1772

Miss Mary Drummond died March 3d 1782

Mrs Blount(25) died [in pencil May 11th 1782]

Charles Stonor died October 31st 178[? 1]

anthony wright Esq™ died Sepbr 18 1782

[p. 4]

married janry 24 1778

My Dear Son Henry

joseph Tichborne born janry ye 5 1779

Christned janry 6th

Sponsors Sir Henry Tichborne

Bart & Mrs Drummond

(24) Mary Agatha (25) Eleanor.


Benjamin Edmund Tichborne borm 2d Sptr 1781 Cristned Sepbr 3d

Sponsors Edmund Plowden & Mrs John Stonor

Edward Tichborne born March 27th 1782 Christned Mrch 28 82

Sponsors Edwd Haggerston Esq™ Lady Tichborne

James Francis Tichborne born 3d October 1784

baptised ye 4th Sponsors Mr Blount & Mrs Biddulph



* Denotes more than one mention on a page.

n Indicates a footnote

Latin Christian names have been translated into English wherever possible .

Names in italics are the names of writers

N.B. Père Palemon's spelling in the Stapehill Register is most erratic and unreliable

A. , Henry 167

Abberton (Sussex) 169

Acton, Friars Place 124

Adams, Joanna (Mrs. Strickland) 166; Ven John (priest), alias Young 7n*

Adrumetum, Bishop of (John Leyburn) 21, 21n , 22

Ailand (Hailan,? Ireland), Mary 147 , 148

Aire 6

Aix-la-Chapelle 93

Aldershot 170*

Aldridge, Charles 2*; family 2

Allan, Laurence F. (priest), B.A. 23n , 98n

Allen, Mary 149

Alresford (Hants) 174 , 176 , 182; New 168, 177

Alton (Hants) 21n* , 176 , 178

Alymer, Bishop of London 170 America 128

Amport (Hants) 21 , 21n

Anchine, near Douay at 7n - Monastery

Anderson , J. B. (priest) 129 , 160* , 164*

Andover (Hants) 21n*

Andras, Robert (priest) 129

Andrews, Henry 157; Joseph James 158; Mary 161; Mary Anne (Joseph) (Frances) 160, 164; Mary Sarah 156; Rebecca Mary 156, 158; Sophia 157 , 158, 160, 161

Androt, Jacques 101

Angell, Betty (née Barnes) 120; Richard 120 Antwerp 124, 173*

Appleton, James (priest) 78*

Argyle (Argile), Anne 104*; Anne (Mrs. Cutler) 106; Barbara 112; family 94, 95; Francis 110, 111 * , 112, 117; James 104, 114; Jane 106; John 104 , 105, 106* , 107-9, 113; Mark 94, 103* , 104; Martha 106, 107 , 109; Matthew 105 , 107 , 108, 113, 118; Mary 105, 107, 117; Mr. 94, 97 , 164

Arrois, Mathurin 101

Arundel (Sussex) 1 , 31

Arundell, Anne, Lady of Lanherne (née Jerningham) 8; Charles (of Horningsham) 186n; Elizabeth, Lady, of Lanherne (née Brock) 7, 7n* , 8* , 8n, 9; Everard Aloysius Gonzaga (priest) 176 , 180; Frances 178; Frances Catherine (née Tichborne) 180, 188; Henry, Lord 125; Henry, 8th Lord Arundell of Wardour 95n; Henry Benedict 180; Lady Mary 180; Lady Mary (3rd Lady Tichborne) 171; Lord, of Wardour 89, 125 , 127; Mary (Mrs. Biddulph) 186n; of Wardour 87 , 90, 122; 13th Sir John, of Lanherne 8; 14th Sir John, of Lanherne 7n, 8; Thomas, 1st Baron of Wardour 171; William 171

Ash, Ernest G. 90n , 92n

Ash, Betsey 110; Catherine 111 , 112; Edward 110-3; Mary Deborah 113; Mary (née Sullivan) 110-3

Ashley (Hants) 19 , 90

Ashley, Anthony , 5th EarlofShaftesbury 125; Lady Barbara (née Webb; m . Ashley), 5th Countess of Shaftesbury 124 , 125; Lady Barbara (née Ashley; Mrs. Ponsonby, later Lady de Mauley) 125*

Askew alias of Robert Nutter 7*

Aspinall, Henry, alias of Henry Brent (priest), S.J. 126

Atkinson, Paul of St. Francis (Matthew) (priest), O.F.M. 90* , 90n , 91* , 174*

Aureopolis, Bishop of (Philip Michael Ellis, O.S.B. ) 21 , 21n

Barton, Bridget (formerly Hanley; formerly Smith) 178* , 179, 180* , 182; Elizabeth 178; girl 182; Joanna 179; John 178, 179

Barton Stacy (Hants) 2* , 26, 42* , 43, 46, 47*

Basingstoke (Hants) 6 , 21n

Bastide, Margaret (Mdme Révol) 100

Avon, River 90

Aus, Rev. Fr. 165

Avon (Hants) 55, 55n, 87* , 90, 90n , 92, 93 , 93n, 94*; Court House and Farm 94; Springfield House 93n , 94 , 94n

Avon Tyrrell 90n; Manor of 87 , 92 , 93n

Avranches (France), Diocese of 97

Ayles, Mary (née Scott) 121; William 121

Babington Plot, The 168

Bagshawe, Rt. Rev. Canon J. B. 23n

Bailey (Bayly), Matthew 133, 134; Sarah (Mrs. Davey) 104* , 113, 114; William 133; Winifred 133

Baldwin, Thomas 106

Banbury (Oxon ) 9

Barber, Alexander 145 ; Elizabeth 145; James 145; John 136 , 137*

Baring, Mr. 182

Barker, Eleanor or Helen (Mrs. Gillet) 135* , 136* , 151

Barnabas, The Apostle 10*

Barnan, Catherine 112; Jeremiah 112; Helen (née Collins) 112

Barnard (Bernard), James (priest),

V.G. London Dist 81*

Barnes, Anne 130* , 131 ; Anne (Mrs. Brown) 131 ; Anne (née Scovell) 108; Betty (Mrs. Angell) 120 ; Elizabeth (Mrs. Saunders ) 156, 157, 160; Fanny 144; George 130; Joseph131; Lydia 132*; Mark 108; Mary 132; Simon Peter 108; William 132

Barn(e)well (Barnewall), Anthony (priest) 57n, 94n; John (priest) 57n , 93; Mr. (priest) 57-9, 93*

Barnstaple (Devon) 111n

Barr, John Martins 100; John Thomas 100; Sybrandina Theodora Albertina 100

Barrett, Catherine (Mrs. Sullivan) 180; Charles 165

Bartholomew , Goodwife 171n

Bartlet, Charles 142; Elizabeth Magdalen 139; Elizabeth (née Stone) 138 , 139 *-142 ; John 138, 139*-141* , 142; John Joseph 139; Joseph Nicholas 141; Mary 148; Mary Elizabeth

Katherine 138; Mary Teresa 139; Sarah Catherine 140 ; Thomas 148

Bath 183

Batten, Elizabeth (Mrs. Feltham) 104

Bayly, see under Bailey

Beard, Ben 170 , 172; Mabel (née Tichborne) 169; John 169

Beaty (Beety), Catherine (Mrs. Pitt) 103, 104*

Beaulieu (Hants) 87, 88, 90n

Beaumont , Hannah 56n; John Baptist (priest), O.S.F. 56, 56n, 175*; Joseph 56n

Beckford (Glos ) 127

Beconsawe, Ann (née Tichborne) 169 ; John 169; Peter 171n

Bedingfield, Elizabeth (Mrs. Biddulph) 186n

Beeston, James Philip (priest), S.J., vere Bourgeois 124, 124n, 137*

Beezley, Sarah 176

Belgium 124 , 127

Bell, John 110

Bellamy, Catherine 104, 113 , 114; M. (Mrs. Blacklock) 118; Samuel 104 , 113, 114, 118

Bellhouse (Essex) In

Benedictines 8n

Benfield (Dorset) 89

Beni (? Besnée), Abbé 95, 95n , 97

Bennet (t), Barnard 149; Barnard

Basil 149; Catherine (Mrs. Crowley) 159 ; Isabelle Anne 149

Bennett vere Blackfan, (priest), S.J. 123* , 125

Bentley (Hants) In


Berkshire (Berks ) 6n, 87n* , 88*

Bermondsey (London) 99

Bernard, Amy 90n; Olive 90n; William (priest) 2n, 18, 22

Berry 168, 169

Berry, Mary 177*; Robert (priest) 18

Berry Court, near Bentley (Hants) In Besnée, Abbé 95n, 97

Betts, Frances (née Trinder) In; James (priest), in religion JosephIn; John Philip (priest) (J.B.) 1* , In*,

2* , 2n, 3* , 6* , 6n, 9, 24* , 25, 26* , 27,

28*-31* , 33*-65* , 66, 68* , 69* , 70* , 83, 84 , 85 , 93* , 93n*; Joseph In; Mr. (priest) In

Biddlecombe (Beddelcom), Clare (Mrs. Pottle) 121; Elizabeth 131*; family 94; John 119*; Kitty (née Lacy) 115, 120, 120n; Kitty (Mrs. Steer) 91-2, 92n , 115, 120n; Martha (Mrs.


Pottle) 121 ; Martin 89; Mary 119 , 133; Mary (Mrs. Brown) 131 * , 133n; Peter ( Brown) 131, 133, 133n; Ruth (Mrs. Selnen) 120; William 131

Biddulph, Charles 52, 56, 184 , 186 , 186n; Elizabeth (née Bedingfield) 186n; Frances (née Doughty) 186n; John 178 , 184, 186n; Mary (Mrs. Stonor) 186n; Mary (née Arundell) 186n; Mrs. 184, 190

Biggs, Frederick (priest) 129

Bilson, Thomas(Protestant Bishop) 7

Bird, Blessed James 172

Bishop, Barbara, alias Maybe (Mrs. Lee) 141 , 142* , 143; family 94

Bishops Sutton (Sutton) 175, 175n , 176

Bishop's Waltham (Waltham) 6, 7* , 24, 63, 68* , 83; see also Longwoodand Upham

Blackfan, alias Bennett, Thomas (priest), S.J. 123* , 125

Blacklock, Elizabeth 136; Elizabeth (Mrs. Sparks) 104* , 118, 133 , 134; family 94 , 95;M. (née Bellamy) 118; Robert 103, 104* , 105, 106, 111 , 118; Sarah 103-5 , 113, 142; Sarah (Mrs.; 1º Mrs. Carter) 121 ; Teresa 107, 109, 111 , 114 ; Thomas 103* , 104* , 105* , 107, 114 , 115 , 121 , 142

Bland , Frances (Mrs.Chapman) 107-9

Bloomer, Amy 89 , her three sons 89; family 94; Richard 118

Blount, Eleanor 186, 189 ; Mary 188; Mary (6th Lady Tichborne) 171 , 186n , 187 , 187n ; Mary Agnes (née Tichborne) 186, 186n* , 187 , 187n , 189; Mary Eugenia 186; Michael 66 , 68-70, 177, 184* , 186* , 186n , 190

Blyth House, Brook Green 127

Boldre (Hants) 99, 100

Bond, Mary 132* , 134

Bonham 126

Bonville (or Bovill), alias Terrill, Anthony (priest) S.J. 123 ; Humphrey 123; Maria 123

Booth , Sir George 9

Borne , Mary (Mrs. Clapcott) 121

Borrel, Pierre 101

Bossier, Rose (Mdme. Vasseur) 100*

Bostock , Anne 23n ; Catherine 23, Catherine's Father 23, Catherine's Mother 23, Catherine's Grandfather 23* , Catherine's Grandmother 23 , -'s uncle23, cousin 23; Doctor 23; James 23*; John 23

Bostock, Rev. Charles 100

Bourbon, Duc de 98*

Bourbons , Restoration of the 97 Bourgeois , James Philip, alias Beeston (priest), S.J. 124 , 124n, 137*

Bournemouth (Hants) 87 , 122 M

Bouttes, Emilie Marie 100; Marie (née Schmitt) 100; Pierre 100

Bowen, Marjorie, 98n

Boyers, Mary 146

Boyle, Catherine (née Lee) 105, 113; Ferdinand Thomas Lee 105; James 105, 147; John 105

Boyt, Mr. 165; Mrs. 165

Brackan (Brackeen), Catherine 106; Elizabeth (née Rogers) 106; family 116; James 106

Brambridge(Hants) 60, 80n; see also


Bramdean (Hants) 56

Bramston, James Yorke, V.A. London

District 179n , 181 *

Bramshaw (Hants) 89

Brander, family 99; Gustave 99*; Rev. Gustave 99

Bray, Anne (Mrs. Lee) 103, 114

Brennin, Margaret 179; Mary (née McCline ) 179; Michael Richard 179

Brent, Henry, alias Aspinall (priest), S.J. 126

Breslan , Hugh (priest) 176

Brest 101

Brewer, Barbara (Mrs.) 176, 177; Catherine 176; Mary Anne 177; William 176 , 177*

Brimore (Hants) 5

Brindle, Ralph (priest) 129 , 166*

Bristol 56n

Brittany (Britagne) 100 , 128

Brock (Brooke), Anne (née Tichborne; 2° Lady Timperley) 7, 8, 170; Elizabeth (Lady Arundell of Lanherne), 7 , 7n* , 8* , 8n, 9 ; William 7* , 7n, 8* , 8n* , 170

Brockenhurst (Hants) 87

Brockhampton (Havant , Hants) 3 , 53n, 60, 65 , 78n, 79n, 80n , 93* , 130 , 175; Registers and Records 3

Brook(e) (Hants) 88 , 89*

Brooke, Mrs. 123n; William, see under Brock

Brower, Mary 113 , 114

Brown Candover (Hants), see under Candover

Brown(e), Anastasia (LadyMannock) 95* , 95n* , 97n , 102* , 103, 115 , 116 , 127, 135; Anastasia (née Moore) 95n; Anne 131*; Anne Phoebe 131, 134; Anne (née Barnes ) 131; Elizabeth 150*; Elizabeth (Mrs. Tubbs) 131*; James 131* , 133n; John 106, 130; Joseph 131 ; Mark 95n; Mary 132* , 136 , 145; Mary (née Biddlecombe ) 131 , 133n; Mary (née King) 162; Mr. 138; Mrs. 138, 140; Peter (? Biddlecombe) 131, 133, 133n; Peter (priest) 1*-3* , 6, 24* , 33, 34, 40 , 41 ,

50* , 63* , 64* , 65-83* , 85; Robert

131; Samuel 162; Teresa 131 , 134* , 164; Thomas 131 * , 132* , 136*; Thomas(priest) 18 , 22; William 131* , 133, 133n; William George 162; 132

Bruges 6

Bruning, George (priest), S.J. 175 , 176

Brusen, Thomas 106

Brussels 172n

Bryan Stapleton, Mrs. 173, 175n

Bryer, Margaret 179 Bryn (Lancashire) 127

Buckinghamshire 127

Buckland 101

Budden, Bridget (? Mrs. Dimmock or Dymott or Dumot) 132* , 137 , 138; Mary (Mrs. Pennington) 138* , 139 , 140; Mrs. 138*

Bugden , Anne Catherine 131 , 133; Eliza 155* , 156*; Elizabeth (née James ) 159; Isaac 159; James 131* , 133; Mary 131* , 132; Mary junr. 131 ; Thomas 131 , 133; William 132*; William Charles 159

Buisson de la Vigne, Anne (Countess de Plessis-Pascau), 100*

Bulbeck, Catherine 176; Elizabeth 177 ; James 176, 177*; Thomas 176

Bunn, Joseph (priest), C.P. 129

Bure Homage (Hants) 98* , 99

Mary Jane(née Waterman) 144, 165*; William 144, 165*

But(t)ler, Agnes (Mrs. Mostyn) 141* , 142; Catherine 112; Clara 107, 108; Henry 107 , 108; Mr. 112; Mrs. 112

Byrne, Daniel 136; Elizabeth Anne (née Reading) 136; Peter 136

Byron, Laurence Joseph (priest) 99* , 102* , 106 , 107n* , 109*-113* , 116* , 117 , 118n, 175, 178* , 180

Cadiz 1 ? Cahors, Diocese of 100

Callahan, Cecily 143; John 143

Callipolis, Bishop of (James Smith) 21 , 21n

Calloway, Jane 98*

Calnan, Elizabeth (Mrs. Winsley). 144, 159

Calne (or Calm), Elizabeth 142

Campbell , Edward 113; Henry Job 113; Sarah Monica (née Keeping) 110, 113

Campion, Blessed Edmund (priest), S.J. 170n

Candover (Hants) 21 , 180

Candover Brown 21n, 171n

Candover Chilton 21n

Candover Preston 21n

Candy, Martha 161

Burke, Anne (8th Lady Tichborne) 183, 185 , 187*; Catherine

Bunch, Charles 148 180;

Dowager Lady 188; James 187; Joanna (Mrs. Patience) 178-180 ; Thomas 187; Sir Thomas 183, 187

Burn(e), Joanna (Mrs. Sparks) 132* , 133-5; John 177; John S. 116*; Margaret (Mrs.) 177; Mary 177

Burns, Canon Michael (priest) 129

Burt, Anne (Mrs. Frampton) 135 , 137*; Charles 135; Elizabeth 135*; John 137; Mary 113 , 114, 136 , 137 , 139; Susan 117; Thomas 137

Burton, Canon E. H. In, 6

Burton (Green) (Hants) 87, 90n , 92, 95* , 95n* , 97 , 98n* , 99* , 102* , 116 , 117*; House 95* , 97n , 115* , 127

Burton (Sussex) 178 , 184

Bury St. Edmunds 126

Bushel, Antonia (Mrs.) 146 ; Francis 146; John 146; MaryÁntonia Louise 146

Butcher, Joanna (Mrs. Guy) 178 , 181

But(t), Agnes Lucy Rosalie 148; Ambrose Nicholas 150-1 ; Christine or Christiana (Mrs.) 148-151 , 153 , 155, 156, 158*; Francis 155; James 148,149,151* , 153,155, 156* ; Joseph Edward 153; MaryAnne 149;

Cane (Kane, Kaine), Barbara 135* , 145; Charles 133, 134; Elizabeth 134 , 136* , 138* , 146 , 147 , 148 , 149 , 151

Canford, Great (Dorset) 89 , 90n , 92 , 122*-5*, 128 , 129 , 130, 137* , 143; Heath 122; House 94, 124* , 125; Manor of 87 , 122

Cantwell, Edward 106

Caper, Benjamin Pitts 21n

Carew , George 90; see also Cary

Carmelites , Discalced , The8* ; English (or Teresian nuns) 124* , 125* , 128

Carney, Mary Anne (Mrs. McEntaggart) 115

Carpenter , George, 1st Lord 9; Hermenegild (priest), S.J. 126

? Carpue (Corpue), Mary Ann 147 , 147n

Carr , Mary (Mrs. Davie) 102

Car(r)oll, Catherine 145; Jane (née White) 143 , 144*; John 145; Henrietta 145; Michael 143, 144*; Mr. 149

Carter, Sarah (Mrs.; 2° Mrs. Blacklock) 121

Cartiton, alias of Charles Caryll (priest), S.J. 126

Carty, Margaret 156

Cary (Carew, Carey, Caree), Frances 178; Henry 88, 88n; Mrs., 184; Thomas 88n

Caryll, Catherine (Mrs.) 19 ; Charles


(priest), S.J., alias Cartlton 119 , 126 , 126n; family legacy 3; John 19*; Sir John 19; John, 2nd Lord 126; Lady Mary 19; Mary (Lady Webb) 126n; Philip 126; Richard (priest),

S.J., alias Paul Kelly 119, 126*

Casey, Edmund 146; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 146; Helen 158; Mary 106; Mary

Anne (Mrs. Holms) 158, 161 , 162; Michael 146

Cassan, Mary Antonia 146

Catherine , Queen 9

Caux (France) 100

Cave , Ellen (Mrs. Hudley) 156 , 167

Challoner, Bishop Richard 5, 7, 61n , 64n, 65 , 67* , 69, 70* , 72, 73* , 75, 89, 92, 93 , 174

Chamberlain , Marguerit (Widow) 34 , 35 , 36, 65, 66*-71* , 83, 84*

Champagne (France) 127

Chancery , Court of 92

Chantelou (p), Abbé Pierre 95 , 95n , 97 , 102* , 104

Chantilly (France) 98

Chantry, Catherine(née Jarrott) 108; Mary Agnes 108; Richard 108, 117

Chapman, Frances 109; Frances (née Bland) 107-9; George 107 , 108; Peter 107-9, 117

Chapple (Chapel ), family 94; Lucy (Mrs. Draper) 103

Charles II, King 9 , 90 , 171

Chateau-Gontier (France) 97

Cheadle, Mrs. 149

Cheatis, Cornelius 112

Cheeseburn Grange, Newcastle-onTyne 126

Chelsea 182

Cherbourg 125

Cheriton (Hants) 177*

Chester, County of 8; Diocese of 7n*

Chevalier , O. (priest) 176

? Chibbery, Anne (Mrs. More) 167

Chichester (Sussex) 5

Chorley (Lancs.) 126

Christchurch (Hants) 87* , 88* , 89* , 90n, 92, 94 , 94n, 95, 96, 97* , 98, 99* , 99n, 102n, 103* , 115 , 116 , 117 , 120 , 121; Hundred of 88; Manor of 87; Prior of 99; Priory 96n

Churcher, John (priest) 2n, 18 , 21 , 169n, 173, 174

Cistercian Order 97, 97n, 125 , 127* , 128; PèreAntoine 127, 128; Père Jean Baptiste 128*; Père Marie Bernard 128; Father Odillon 128; Père Palemon 128* , 145*-157* , 157n , 162 , 166, 167*; Father Placid 129

Clapcott (Clapcoatt, Clapcote ) Anne 118n ; Ann (née Kemp) 118, 118n; Barbara 118n; Dorothy 118n; Elizabeth 118n; Elizabeth (Mrs. Lane)

120; family 94*; John 118, 118n , 121 ; Margaret 118; Mary (Mrs.) 89 , 118n; Mary (Mrs.; 2° Mrs. Gosling ) 121; Mary (Mrs. Pearce) 121; Mary (née Borne) 121 ; Richard 89, 118* , 118n* , his six children 89 ; Sarah (née Filby) 121; Thomas 121

Clark(e), A. 167 ; Anne (née Joy) 159 , 161; Augustine Anselm Bernard 161 ; Ignatius Francis Edwin 159; Margaret 119; Richard 119*; Sarah 119 ; Thomas 159, 161 ; William 119

Clarkson, George (priest), S.J. 123 , 126

Clergy Library, The, at Gray's Inn 1 , 63; atMoorfields1 ; atWinchester2*

Clerke, Sir Thomas7n , 8n

Clifford , Henry 173

Clifton, Bishop of 166

Cluett , Daniel 156; Henry 156; Jane (Mrs.) 156

Coal (? Cole), Bridget (née Parkins) 142, 147 ; Mary Anne 147 ; William 147; see also Cole

Cochet, Abbé Alexandre 92, 95* , 97* , 102*-105* , 114 , 115, 117, 124 , 127* , 128* , 135*-7*

Codrington, Bonaventure (priest) 2n , 9n* , 17, 18, 22

Coffin, Edward (priest) 2n; Mary (Mrs. Lane) 121

Cogdean, Hundred of 122

Coglan, Julia (Mrs. Heron) 109

Colbeck, alias of Rev. Edward Hunt 88n, 89

Cole(s), Anne 177; Catherine Mary 178; James 177* , 178*; Sarah (née King) 177* , 178* , 180; Thomas Richard 177, 178, 181; see also Coal Collingridge, BishopPeterBernardine, O.S.F. , V.A. Western District 113, 125, 137; Ignatius (priest) 172n , 176

Col(1)in(s), Austin (priest), Ord Cist 129*; Helen (Mrs. Barnan) 112 ; Mary 132, 133, 137; Sarah (Mrs.Tubbs) 145*

Compton , Elizabeth (Mrs. Tichborne) 170; Sir John 170

Compton (Hants) 22n ? Coneghan, Alice 143

Connor, Emma (née Pritchard) 112; Frances 112; Peter 112

Conors (? Cahors), Diocese of 100; St. Paul-in-Quersey 100

Conroy, Jane (Mrs. Healy) 106

Constable, Edward 184, 187 ; Francis 187 ; Mary 187 , 187n

Conway, Walter (priest) 129

Co(o)mb(e)s , Anne 165-7; Caroline (Mrs. Slades) 134, 135; Charlotte (Mrs.Slades) 135, 160, 161 , 162, 165; Elizabeth (née Durdle) 158 ; Emily 158; Georgiana 165-7; Joanna Mary

112; JoannaMary (née Howard) 112; John 112, 163; Kesiah 158, 163 , 165; Teresa (née Slades) 134; Thomas 134; William 134

Coope, Anne (Mrs. Kempe) 4

Copley, William 173n

Coram, Mr. 51

Corbin, Anne (Mrs. Ladden) 132

Corham , Roger 2 , 2n , 8n

Cornthwaite, Richard (priest) 65, 67* ,

68* , 69 , 70, 71 , 72 , 73, 74* , 75* , 76, 77*

Cornwall 123, 128

Cornwallis, Sister of Gilbert Tichborne 171n

Corpue (? Carpue), Mary Anne 147

Cotton , Richard 19; Richard's wife 19

Couche, John (priest), S.J. 123 , 127; Mrs. (née Hoskins) 123; William 123

Coulson, Elizabeth (née Haimes) 179; James 179; Teresa 179

Court(e)ney, Anne (Mrs. Prince) 179* , 182*

Coutances 125; Diocese of 124 , 125n

Cowdray (Sussex) 55n, 93, 95n

Cowes (I. of W.) 130

Cranborne , Hundred of 122

Cranbury, Hursley (Hants) 8n*

Craon (France ) 97

Crassey (? Grasser), Joseph 117

Cresswell, Juliana (née Tichborne) 169; Thomas 169

Cribb, Mary Anne (formerly Freeborne, formerly Hiscock) 144 , 159 , 160 , 167; Thomas144, 159 , 160 , 167

Crow , Ringwood (Hants) 89*

Crowley, Catherine 159; Catherine (née Bennett) 159; James 158 , 159; John, 158; Julia 158; Mary (Mrs.) 158

Croydon, Louise 114

Cuffnals Shipping Co. 183

Cutler, Anne (née Argyle) 106; James 106; John 106

Dalton, J. (Mr.) 115

Damen, Edward (priest) 129

Daniel, B. 162

Dauphigné (France ) 100

D'Authec, Hervé 101

Davey, Augustine 104; Edward 115; Ellen (Mrs.) 115; John 104*; Sarah (née Bailey) 104* , 113, 114; Thecla 104

David, Eve 148; John 148

Davie, John 102*; Mary (née Carr) 102

Davies, Mr. 184

Davis, Elizabeth 147; Honora 147149, 154; James 147 , 148, 163; John 147; M., 152; Rebecca (née

Pine) 147; Teresa 148 ; William 149*; 151

Daw(es), Dicky 98, 98n; family 94; James 98n; John 120; Margaret (née Larra) 120; Mrs. 94*; Sophie (Baroness de Feuchères) 98* , 982*

Dawson, Helen 180; John 180; Thomas 180

Dean, Elizabeth 142; John 141 , 144; Joseph 118; Mary 105 , 106; Michael (priest), S.J. 5*; William 118; Mrs. or Miss 141

De Beauregard , Anne Nicolas Charles

Saulnier, Père Antoine (priest), Abbot

Ord Cist 127 , 128 , 136

De Chabannes , Mother Rosalie

Augustin, Ord Cist 95, 95n , 127 , 128*

De Fenin, Gasparina Louise Rosalie 100*; Louis François Xavier 100; Marie Rosalie (née Oreille) 100

De Feuchères, Baron 98 ; Baroness (Sophie Dawes ) 98* , 98n*

De la Moussaye, Joseph Marie 101

De Laporte, Abbé André 128 , 135 , 136*-7*, 142* , 143* , 145

De Mauley, Lady Barbara (née Ashley) 125*; Lord 125

DeMénard, Amaranthe Emilia (née de Soulanges) 101*; Charles Augustus 101 ; Pierre François Charles 101* Denovan , see under Donovan

De Passée, Count 100; Marie 100

De Plessis Pascau, see under Du Derby 22n; Jesuit District 127

De Soulanges, Amaranthe Emilia (Mdme de Menard) 101*; Count 101n; Countess 101*

De Vassault , François Paul 100; Marie Rose 100; Philippine Joseph Françoise 100

De Vaudreuil (Vendueil), Isidore 101

Devereux, Ann Mary (née Smith) 140*; Charlotte Cecilia 140; George Alfred 140*; GeorginaElizabeth 140; Henrietta 140; Henry Frederick 140

De Vilelle, Abbé 185

Devonshire 8

Dewey(or Dewer), Anne 153; Charles 158; Christiana Virginia 161 ; Elizabeth 159; ? Emerya 153 ; Emily Mary Ignatius 167; George 153, 157, 158 , 161; Joanna (Mrs.) 157 , 158; John 153 , 158* , 159, 161 ; John Budden 157; Martha 156*; Martha Mary 156; Martha (née Jewer) 158 , 159, 161; Matilda 151 ; Mary Anne (Mrs. Tatchel) 161; Mary Teresa 151; Mrs., 153; William John 157

D'Hector , John Charles, Count General 100* , 101* , 101n; Regiment of 100*


Dim(m)ock (Dymott, Dumot, Demick), Bridget (? née Budden) 132* , 137, 138; Caroline 132, 134; Charlotte (Mrs. Pennington) 141 , 143; Mary Anne 137; Mary Eleanor 138; Richard 132, 137 , 138

Din, John 105; Patrick 105; Sarah (née Wald) 105

Docherty, Rev. H. , O.F.M. 174

Doctors Commons 51

Dodd, Charles 89

DoddingGreen (Kendal) 22n

Dodwell, Thomas 7 , 172

Dolman, James 154*; Matilda Joanna (Mrs.) 154 , 157

Don(e)ald, James 153; John 111 ; John Peter 111 ; Mary (née McCarthy) 111

Donnelly (Donnally, Donnella, Donelli), James 155; Terence (Tharé)

146, 148 , 148n, 149* , 151 * , 152* , 153, 154 , 154n, 155, 156; William 155

Donovan(Denoven), John 158; Mary 159 ; 's child 161

Doody, J. (priest) 129

Doran, Laurence (priest) 176

Dorchester 163

D'Orfeuille, Arthur Marie Edward 100; Charlotte Marie Françoise100; Mary Pauline 100

Dormer, Elizabeth, Lady (née Tichborne) 178 , 181 ; Euphemia Anne Elizabeth 178, 181 ; Hon. Robert (priest), S.J. 127; Joseph Thaddeus (Lord) 178 , 179 , 181 ; Matilda 158; William 18

Dorsetshire(Dorset) 5n, 87* , 89, 92 , 115, 122 , 123*

Douay 7n, 56n, 58n; English College at 1* , In, 22n, 88n* , 89n, 93* , 96* , 124, 172 , 173* , 175

Doughty, Frances (Mrs. Biddulph) 186n; Francis 186; John 181 ; Thomas 178

Douglass, Bishop John, V.A. London

Dist 97, 102, 184*

Dove, Andrew George Frederick 160 , 164; Elise Lydia (Elizabeth) (née West) 157 , 160; Elise Rose 157; Frederick 157, 160; Mrs. 165

Dowrick, Anne (Mrs. Rudge) 8; William, aliasofWm . Rudge(priest), O.D.C. 8

Doyer , Patrick 146

Draper, family 94; George 103; John (prior) 99; John 103; Lucy(née Chapel) 103

Drew , Mary (Mrs.) 115

Driscol, Ellen 156; Jeremiah 108; John 107* , 108, 156; Margaret (née Harrington ) 107 , 108, 118; Michael 158

Drummond, Lucy (Mrs. Robt.) 177 , 183; Miss Mary 184 , 186, 186n , 189; Mrs. 189

Dufou, Felicity 139; N. 139; Peter 139

Duggan, Edward 111; Isabella (née MacDonald) 111; Martha 111

Du Hautoy, Lieut 101

Duit(h), A , 151; Caroline 151; Emily Anne 151; George 151 , 152 , 155; Henry 151; Henry George 155; James 154; Joseph151; Matilda 155; Mrs. M. 155; Mrs. 151

Dumot, see under Dimmock

Dunford, Joseph Richard 138

Dunn, Mr. (priest) 72

Du (De) Plessis (Plessix)-Pascau , Agläe Angélique 100*; Anne (née Buisson de la Vigne) 100*; Anne

Mary Laura 100*; Charles Phillip100; Count Hervé Louis (Joseph) Marie 100*

Durdle, Elizabeth (Mrs. Combes) 158

Durham 123 , 126; County 173*

Duthy 7

Duval, Abbé Jacques Florentius 124 , 137, 138*-141*; Anthony101 ; Henry Louis 101; Jacoba (née Garcias) 101

Dyniott, see under Dimmock

Earle, John (priest) 79*

East Bergholt, Franciscan Archives at 174

East Indies 183, 184

Edg(e)baston (Birmingham), School at 174*; Matron of 174* Edwards , Rebecca 89

Efford Cottage, nr. Everton (Hants) 91*

Eite, Bridget (née Keating) 112; Henry 112*

Elingbam, see under Elingham ? Elingham (Elingbam), Elizabeth 147; Matiia 147; Mr., 147

Elizabeth, Queen 3, 88 , 170

Ellingham (Northumberland) 183

Ellis, Philip Michael, Bishop of Aureliopolis, O.S.B. , V.A. Western Dist 21, 21n

Ely Cathedral, Prior of 9

England, Edward 146; Frederick 146; Mary (Mrs.) 146

England 4, 4n, 5, 8, 20, 92, 93, 96, 98, 124* , 170, 172* , 173* , 174,183

Englefield, Felix (priest), O.S.F. 175

Ennis, Anne (née Short) 112; Edward 112* Ensbury 121

Errington, George, Bishop of Ply- mouth 166

Essex , In, 88n

Etheridge, Mary (Mrs. Lane) 120

Eu, College at 173

Eugreville, Belle 101

Evelton, see under Everton

Even (s) (? Evans), Charles Augustine

150; George 150, 153; Juliana 153; ? Lowing Simons 153; Mar150

Everton (Yelverton, Yeovilton, Evelton, Evilton) (Hants) 89, 90* , 90n* , 91* , 91 , 92 , 92n* , 119* , 119n; Grange 91

Evilton, see under Everton

Exeter, St. Peter's 177

Eyere , Hannah 142; Jane (Mrs. Lambert) 142

Eyre, Miss or Mrs. 23

Faithful, Joanna (Mrs. Maher) 179 , 180

Fane, Mr. 94

Fannan, M. P. (priest) 99

Fareham (Hants) 4

Fauconberg , Lord 174

Fawley (Hants) 89 , 90n , 119n;

Hundred 168

Fawley (Berks) 95n

Fegan, John J. (priest) 176

Feltham, Elizabeth (née Batten) 104; Henry 104; John 104

Fennell, Simon (priest) 172*

Fenrother, Henry 169; Juliana (Mrs. Tichborne) 169

Fergus, Thomas 117

Ferrier, Bertrand 100; Françoise(née Lucan) 100; Joseph Louis Bertrand 100*

Fetherstone(Featherstone), Anthony (priest), O.S.F. , ? vereAnthonyParkinson, Junr., O.S.F. 174 , 175* , 186

Filby, Sarah (Mrs. Clapcott) 121

Finigan, Owen 179 , 182

Fisher (Fysher) or Finch, alias of Robert Holmes 7* "

Fitzgerald, Leo (priest), Ord Cist . 129

Fitzherbert, Mrs. 115

Flanagan, Mr. (priest) 61 , 61n, 93n* , 94* , 94 , 95, 96

Flanders 88n, 124, 170, 173

Fleetwood, Walter (priest) In Fleming, Mr. (Q.C.) 181

Flint 174*

Flynn, William J. (priest) 176

Fodoas, Mgr. , Bishop of Rheims 184

Fogarty, Nicholas 111*

Foley, Brother Henry, S.J. 4, 5* , 8, 122 , 123* , 124, 124n, 125 , 126* , 127 , 170, 170n, 173* , 174

Fooks , Emma (Mrs. Guppy) 160*

Foot, Elizabeth (Mrs. Howe) 102 , 103, 104 , 118

Fortescue , Anthony 7 , 7n ? Fougone, Jemima Mary (née Wills) 145, 166; Thomas 166

Fowey (Cornwall) 123

Fox, Mr. 174

Foxhall, Mr. 74

Frahy, Edward 149 ; Emily 149; Mary (Mrs.) 149

Frampton, Anne(née Burt) 135 , 137*; Caroline 138; Charles 137; Joanna 153; Mary (née Vannar) 137 , 139*

Mary Ann 139; Peter 135; Miss(? Mrs. Greenwood ) 154; Sophie (Saphira, Mrs. James ) 159, 160*; William 135, 137* , 139*

France 95* , 97, 98, 98 , 128*

Frankland, (priest) 93*; George (priest) 93; John, aliasor vere Moyses (priest) 93

Fredeshin (Shropshire) 174

Freeborn(e), Mary Anne 166; Mary Anne (formerly Hiscock; 2° Mrs. Cribb) 144 , 159 , 160* , 167

Freeman, George (priest) 18; 176

French Royal Navy 100

Frinkley (Hants) 21 , 21n

Froud, Martha (Mrs. Moore) 130

Frye, Isaac 131

Fryer, Mr. (priest) 72

Gallavan, Jeremiah 108; Mary 108; Mary (née Sullivan) 108

Galton (Galtan), Charlotte Mary 161; Edward Joseph 167; Frances (née Slade) 161; George 161

Galway (Ireland) 183

Gannaway, Betty (née Tarrant) 121; Christopher 121

Garcias, Jacoba (Mdme Duval) 101

Gardiner, James (priest) 7" , 7n

Garrett, John 180; William (or Millar) 180

Gasquet, Cardinal 170

Gayler (Gaylor), Ann 118 ; Mr. or Mrs. 94

George, Anne 151 ; Anne (Mrs.) 151 ; William 151

Ghent 123

Giffard, Bonaventure, Bishop, V.A. Midland Dist 21 , 21n

Gilbert 176

Gildon, Joseph (priest) I

Gillet(t) (Jilet), Alban 133, 135* , 136* , 151; Anne 136, 148*; Eleanor or Helen (née Barker) 135* , 136* , 151 ; Elizabeth 149* , 162, 166, 167; Francis 137* , 138; G. 161, 162 , 164; Joseph 130-132 * , 133 , 135; Louis 158; Mary 119, 135, 146 , 147 , 148; Mary Anne 149, 152, 160*; Mrs. 164; Nicholas 119 ; Teresa 152*; William

148, 149, 152, 157; William Louis 136; 154

Gillow , Joseph 1n, 25n* , 63* , 83* , 93 , 173 * , 174* 175

Gloucestershire 123, 127 ; Diocese of7n

Gobin, see under Gubbins

Godden, John 95

Godwin , Thomas 92

Gomberkine, Père, Ord Carm . 99

Gomere, Adelaide Clementine 114

Gordon Riots, The 1 , 76n

Gosling , James 121 ; Mary (1° Mrs. Clapcott) 121

Gosport (Hants) 6, 60n, 62, 75n , 93n , 94n , 130

Gossé, Joanna (Mrs.) 154; Joseph154

Goter, Tristram 171n

Gouardmus , Louis 101

Gould, Agnes 157; Catherine 157

Goulding, Elizabeth James 147*

Grange, The 182 (Mrs.) 147;

Grant, Esther (Mrs.) 146; Thomas 146; Thomas, Bp. ofSouthwark 116; William 146

Granville (France) 97

Grasser (Grassy), Anastasia 103; Joanna (née Lockyer) 109; Joseph 103, 105, 109, ? 117; Sarah 109; Sarah (née Shaves) 103, 105; William 105; see also Grosser

Grassy, see under Grasser

Gratwick, Amphyllis (née Tichborne) 170, 171n ; William 170

Gray's Inn (London) 1*

Green, Elizabeth 118; Francis (priest) 176

Greenwell , Catherine (née Wilkinson) 96; John 96; John Baptist (priest) 92 , 92n, 94, 95 , 96* , 115

Greenwich 124

Greenwood , Anne 149; Emily 147; James 154; Jane 152, 154* , 164 , 166; John 154; Margaret 146, 154; Mary 148, 154; Mary Anne 150; Mary Rosalie 152; Mrs. (? née Frampton) 154; Mr. 165; Peter 146, 149; Philomene 165; William 147 , 152 , 154* , 164

Griffin , Thomas 151

Griffiths, Bishop Thomas , V.A. London Dist 115 , 117*

Grosser (? Grasser), George 151; Joanna 151 ; Joseph 150, 151 ; Mary 150*

Grove, John (priest) 22 Grove Park (Warwickshire) 174*

Guaingan , John (Jean) Marie 101

Gubbins (Gobin, Gobben, Gobens), Agnes 150; Elias 164 , 166; Elizabeth 153, 155, 164; Emily 163 , 166; Frances (née Willis) 149, 154 , 157 ,

159 , 161 ; Francis 147; George 149 ,

150* , 152-7, 159 , 160, 161*; James 149; James George 154; Mary (Mrs.) 147; Mary Anne 147 , 158; Monica 152; Mrs. 148; Stephanie 150, 152; ? Thaurer or Thela (Mrs. Willis) 148, 150, 151 ; Virtue (Mrs. Lambert) 155, 159; William 157

Guidez , Amadee (priest) 176

Guieux, Mons. 101

Guildford (Surrey) 177

Gunning, Luke (priest) 176

Guppy, Albert Henry 111 ; Anne (née Shepherd ) 111, 112; Emma 160; Emma (née Fooks ) 160*; Henry 111 , 112; James 160*; Mark 112; Samuel 160; Thomas Robert 160

Gurd, Charlotte 179

Gurney, James 144*; Winifred (née

Peckford) 144*

Guy, Agnes Gemima158; Charles 178 , 181; George 158; James 181; Joanna (née Butcher) 178, 181 ; Sophie (Mrs.) 158; Thomas 178

Habgood, James 164; Mary (Mrs.) 163 ; Sarah 156

Hadley (? Hudley), John 157

Haggerston (e), Edward 183 , 190

Hailan, see under Ailand

Haimes, Elizabeth (Mrs. Coulson) 179 ; Stephen 179

Haines, John 118; Mr. 94

Hales, Lady 186; Sir Edward, 5th Bart 186n , 187, 187n; Winifred (née

Webbe) 187n

Halford, Ann (Mrs. Leigh) 175

Hall, Louis (priest) 176; Margaret177

Halley, Eliza (Mrs. Turner) 112 Hammersmith 53, 92

Hammond, Thomas 177; Winefride 89

Hampreston(Dorset) 87 , 88, 90 , 120 , 122* Church 119, 126*; Churchyard 119 ; Heath 122; Manor of 122

Hampshire (Hants) 1* , 1n , 4* , 5* , 5n, 6 , 8 , 8n, 19 , 21n, 53, 87* , 88* , 88n, 89, 89n, 94n, 97 , 99* , 102, 115* , 122* , 124, 168* , 172, 173* , 177 , 183 , 184

Hampshire District, The 2, 19*; Clergy of (Hants Brethren) 3, 9, 13* , 22, 73

Hampshire Funds, The 1* , 63-83; Administrator or Treasurerof 1* , 2 , 63 " Hampshire Hog, " The 3

Hampshire Ledger, The 1* , 3* , 6* , 7 , 7n, 8n, 9, 23, 23n, 72n, 93, 175

HampshireSecular Clergy Fund, The (" Hampshire Hog") 2, 3* , 6* , 9 , 19 ,

23 , 24 , 64, 65 , 66 , 67 , 68-70, 75* -

81 , 83, 84 , 85; Administratorof 3, 24, 25; Rules of 1 , 3 , 9

Hanley, Bridget (formerly Smith; Mrs. Barton) 178 , 179 , 180 , 182

" Hants, Mrs. , " Hants Jesuit District of Hants, Wilts, Sussex and Dorset

5* , 5n, 122 , 123* , 125, 126 , 173

Hapgood, Ed 100

Harbin, Elizabeth 105* , 113 , 114;

Jane (Mrs. Pitman) 105* , 113 , 114 , 118

Hare Street, School at 124

Harkenson , Mary (Mrs. Hiscock)

136* , 145*

Harragan, Margaret (Mrs. McCarthy) 109, 110 (? Carty 156)

Harrington, Margaret (Mrs. Driscol) 107 , 108, 118

Hart, Mary (Mrs. Wells) 121

Harting 19

Harting, E. M. 91

Hartley Maudit (Hants) 4n, 169

Hatherop 175

Havant (Hants) 3* , 65 , 93

Havant Fund, The 3* , 25, 64 , 67-70 ,

72, 73*-81* , 85; Administrator of 3

Havant, Incumbent of 3*

Hawkins, Francis Andrew (priest), Ord Cist 128, 129* , 143* , 144 , 145 , 156-166* , 156n , 167; Matilda 165 , 166

Hayes, James (priest), Ord Cist. 129; Mary (Mrs. Murphy) 159

Hayter, Sarah 114

Hayward, Hannah 118

Heal, Elizabeth 103

Healy, Edward 106; James 106; Jane (née Conroy) 106

Hearne, Catherine (Mrs. Thomas) 110* , 111 , 112; Julia 110

Heath, Averia (Mrs.) 172n; Jerome 172 , 172n

Hendey, Mrs. or Miss A. 107

Hendren , Joseph W., O.S.F., Bishop of Nottingham 166

Heney, Michael 178 , 182

Henley 95n

Henry III, King 168

Henry VII, King 168

Henry VIII, King 169*

Herne Common (Dorset) 122

Heron, Julia (née Coglan) 109; Maurice 109; William 109

Hibdige , George 152; Joanna 152; Nericus (or Henry) 152

Hickins, Joseph (priest), O.S.F. 6* , 9 , 58, 58 , 59 , 60*

Higham, Ann (Blessed Ann Lyne)

88n*; William 88n

Highbridge (Hants) 184; see also Brambridge

Highland, Mary (Mrs.) 163

Hill, Augustine (priest), O.S.F. 4, 173* , 174 , 174n ; alias of Hutton , Robert (priest), S.J. 174, 174n

Hills, alias of Fr. Chas Stafford, S.J. 123; Mrs. 26* , 34 , 42 ; Robert (priest) (Mr. H.) alias Hyde 2* , 9, 26*, 27 , 34*, 42, 50, 51 * , 52, 53, 54*-57*, 58, 59* , 60* , 61 , 78, 80, 83, 84; his Fund (R. H.) 2, 3, 6n, 24* , 25* , 28, 31* , 50-63, 66-72, 73 , 74, 75*-7* , 78 , 79 , 80, 81 , 82, 93

Hinnon, Mary 130

Hiscock (Hiscok, Hiscot), Abraham Peter 145; AlexanderAugustine 136; Cecily 145; Elizabeth 136; Frederick 154*; James 152; John 136* , 145*; M. 152; Mary 152; Mary (Mrs.) 151 ; Mary (née Harkenson) 136* , 145*; Mary Anne 136; Mary Anne (Mrs. Cribb; formerly Freeborne ) 144 , 159 , 160* , 167; Solomon 136; Teresa 136, 151; Thomas 136; William 151

Hoare, Mary Ann 140; Mary (néc Penington) 140; Thomas 140

Hobbs, EmilySusan(Mrs. Pfrangley) 144 * , 161 , 165,166

Hocque, Charles 135* , 136

Hodan, Catherine 152; Frances 154; Francis 152, 154; Frederick 153; Emily (Mrs.) 152; Philomena166

Hogan, Daniel 144 , 156 , 158*-160* , 161, 162* , 165* , 166; Elizabeth 148; Ellis ( Alice) 148; Helen 111 *; John 148

Holdenhurst 121

Holland, Henry (priest), alias Somerfield 7n

Holman, Mary (née Wells) 6n , 9n; William 2n, 6 , 6n (the" Sir" appears to be a mistake), 9* , 24

Holm(e)s, Charles 158 , 161, 162; Frances Bridget 157-8; Frederick John 162; John Joseph 161 ; Mary Anne (née Casey) 158, 161 , 162; Robert (priest), alias Fisher or Finch 7n; Thomas(priest), O.S.F. 174*

Hoogstraet 124*

Hordle (Hants) 88 , 121

Horne , Bishop, of Winchester 169n , 170*

Horningsham , Arundell of 186n

Hornsby, Nicholas (Rev.) 183

Horton 23

Hoskins, Charles 123; Miss (Mrs. Couche) 123

Hounshill, Elizabeth (née Hunt) 89n; Martin 89, 89n, his wife 89, his three sons 89; Martin (priest) 89n

Howard, Charles (priest), D.D. 66, 66n, 67-72; Joanna Mary (Mrs. Coombs) 112


How(e), Elizabeth (née Foot) 102 , 103, 104 , 118; family 95*; George Joseph 138, 139*; John 102, 103, 113; Joseph 136, 141 ; Joseph George 103 , 138 ; Mary Anne Elizabeth 103; Priscilla 104; Sarah113, 114; William 102 , 114

Huddlestone , Mr. 23; Richard 23

Hudley, Ellen (née Cave) 156 , 167; John 156, 167; MaryEllen 156, 167; see also Hadley

Hunt, Edward (priest), alias Colbeck 2n, 18* , 22, 88, 88n, 89 ; Elizabeth (Mrs. Hounshill) 89n; Jeremiah 149; Margaret (Mrs.) 19; Mary 149*

Hurdle (Heardl) 149n; Anastasia

Mary Magdalen 154, 167; Anne 150; Cecily166; CecilyMaryWinifred 167; Edward 153; Eliza Mary Joseph 167; Frances Mary 161, 164; James 153; MaryAnne (née Langdown) 149-151* , 153 , 154 , 156, 158, 159, 161 ; Mary Anne Cecily 149; Thomas 149-151 , 152-4, 156, 159, 161 ; Veronica 159

Hurn (Hants) 89, 99

Hursley (Hants) 2, 8, 8n* , 27, 41 , 46;

Fund 24, 41*; Parish of 7n

Hurstbourne Tarrant (Hants) 6

Hurst Castle (Hants) 88n, 90, 90n, 91*

Hussey, Anne 103; George 119; James 103; Susanna 119

Hutton, alias Hill, Robert (priest), S.J. 174, 174n

Hyde, alias of Robert Hills, q.v. Hyland, Mary 143

Ibberton (Dorset) 123

Ibert, Mr. 94

Idsworth (Hants) 18

Innocent XI, Pope 21n

Inns of Court 170

Ireland (? Ailand, Hailan), Mary 140 , ? 147 , 147n , ? 148

Ireland (Hibernia) 148, 170, 181

Irnham 126

Isle of Wight 21n, 53, 54, 98 , 98n , 168; West Medina of 168 Isleworth 183

Italy 8

Itchen, Bourne 168; River 168

James I, King 8n

James II, King 87 , 89

James III, " The Old Pretender" 89

James, Alfred Edmund 158; Agnes

Joseph Catherine 167; Anne 158; Anne Mary 110; Anne Saphira 163; David Joseph 160; Edmund 158; Elizabeth Mary 161; Elizabeth (Mrs. Bugden) 159; Frances Mary ElizaN

beth 167 ; Gloria 162; Henry John 160; John James 159 , 160; Mary 166; Mary Anne Joachim 159 , 164; Mary (née Willis) 110, 111 , 158, 161 , 164; Mary Teresa 111 ; Robert 110 , 111 , 158 , 161; Sophie (Saphira) (née Frampton) 159, 160*; William 149

Jarrott, Catherine(Mrs. Chantry) 108

Jeffery, Mary Ann (née Lambert) 144 , 145*; Thomas 144 , 145*

Jen(n)ison, Michael (priest) S.J. 123 , 123n, 126

Jerningham,Anne(Lady Arundell) 8; Sir Henry 8

Jersey (Channel Islands) 97, 128

Jerusalem 181

Jewer, Martha (Mrs.Dewey) 158 , 159 , 161

Jilet, see under Gillett

John, George Henry, ? alias Joris (priest), S.J. 124

Johns, Mrs. 166

Joigny (France) 127

Jolliffe, Sarah A. 108

Jones, Betsey (née McKay) 110 , 111; Eliza 110; Pastor 106; Richard 110 , 111 , 113 ; Robert 112;Robert (priest), D.D. 18, 22; Sarah 111

Jordan, Elizabeth Helen (Mrs. Kentell) 113 , 166*

Joris (Jonis, John), Henry 124; Henry John (priest), S.J. 124; JoannaCatherine(née Sientenoy) 124

Joy, Anne (Mrs. Clark) 159 , 161; Catherine (née Newman) 103* , 104, 105, 114; Edward 103* , 104 , 105; Edward John 104; family 95; Lucy 103; Lydia 103; Margaret 114; Mary 103* , 114; Robert 105; Sarah 114

Joyce (Joice), Joanna 148; John 148 , 149 ; Mary 148, 149; William 149

Kandi, Mrs. 154

Kane, see under Cane

Kearnan, Anne Matilda 109; Edward 109; Frances (née Smith) 109

Keating, Bridget (Mrs. Eite) 112

Keefe, Michael 112

Keeping (? Kippin), Anne 105; Caroline Laura 107; Catherine 113; Edward 106 , 107* , 108 , 110; Elizabeth 107; Emma 107; family 106n , 107n , 116; Helen Agnes 108 ; Joseph 106, 117; MaryAnne 106 , 117; Mary (née Peckford) 106* , 107* , 108, 110; Rebecca 105, 114; Sarah Monica (Mrs. Campbell) 110, 113; Winifred

Teresa 107

Keily, John, Bishop of Plymouth 126m

Kelloway, Mary 136*

Kelly, Ann 139; Maurice 139 ; N. J. (priest), D.S.H. 23n ; Paul, alias of Richard Caryll (priest), S.J. 126; Richard (priest) 98, 98n, 107-109*, 118; Thomas 139

Kelly, Rev. B. W. 126n

Kemp(e), Ann (Mrs. Clapcott) 118n; Anne (née Coope) 4; Henry4; Mary

Catherine (Mrs. Tichborne) 4*; Mary (4th Lady Tichborne) 186n, 186n*

Kempshott (Hants), Manor 168

Kendal 22n

Kendal, Richard (priest) 60, 60n

Kennedy, Elizabeth (Mrs. Osmond) 160; Mrs. 68, 69 , 72, 73 , 76

Kennell, Elizabeth (Mrs. Rowe) 135 , 136, 137* , 139n

Kensington, Holland St. 97

Kent 4

Kentell, Elizabeth Helen (née Jordan) 113, 166*; Francis Henry 113 , 166*

Kenyon, Jane (Mrs. Perkins) 88* , 89

Kerwan, Peter 146

Keyhaven (Hants) 88 , 90* , 90n

King, Alexander 89; Anne 157; Charity 119; David 148, 150, 152 , 153, 155; Elizabeth 130, 133 , 150 , 152 , 153, 155; Emma Matilda Elizabeth 152 , 153; Frances 157 , 163; Frederick 151 , 152; Frederick Albert 153; Henry 151-3; James 132 , 134 , 148; Jane 143, 167; Joanna 130 , 133 , 135, 155, 160; John 130* 131* , 145 , 163, 165; John Augustine 150; Joseph Robert 153; Martha 132* , 134; Martin 131; Mary 103 , 104, 130* 131* , 133 , 148,152, 159; Mary Anne 153; Mary (Mrs. Brown) 162; Mary (Mrs. Reeks) 121 ; Mrs. 151; Robert 131 , 134 , 152; Sarah 131, 133, 152-4; Sarah (Mrs. Cole) 177 , 178 , 180; Simon 119 ; Thomas 154; William 119, 135, 152, 153 , 157 , 163 , 165; -163

King, Edward 90, 91 , 98* , 99; Rt Rev. John Henry, Bishop of Portsmouth 3n , 9, 23* , 87* , 94n, 95, 102, 118

King's Bench, Court of 57n

Kingscliff (Lincolnshire) 57n , 93

Kingscote , Mr. 184

Kingsmill, John 169

Kip(p)in(g) (Kippen, ? Keeping), Catherine 131; Eliza 154 , 155; Elizabeth 132; Fr. 130; George Henry 155; James 154*; John 132, 155; Mary 132, 155; William 132* , 134

Kite, Elizabeth 144

Knight, Constance (née Tichborne) 169 ; family (ofChelsea) 182; Frances 177*; Robert 169

Lac(e)y, Anne 165, 166; Elizabeth 120 , 156, 162, 165, 166; family 90* , 91* , 92; Hannah 120; Henry 119n; John 156* , 163; Kitty (Mrs. Biddlecombe) 115, 120, 120n; Margaret 119n; Mary 119n; Mr. 91; Mrs. 95; Mrs. (née Stafford) 91n, 120n; Richard White 90, 91 , 91n, 92* , 120* , 120n; Sarah 119; William 90 , 91 , 91n* , 92 , 119, 119n , 120*

Ladden, Anne (née Corbin) 132; John 132; Martha 132, 134 Ladyholt (Hants) 126

Lambert (Lampert, Lamport), Agnes Joseph Teresa 167; Barbara 131 , 134; Henry 141 , 142* , 143* , 146, ? 147 , 147n; Jane (née Eyere) 142; Joanna (Mrs.) 146; Joseph 146; Joseph Peter 146; M. 163; Martha 161 , 166; Mary 131; Mary Agnes 155; Mary Teresa 142; Mary Ann (Mrs. Lambert) 144, 145*;Mrs. 153; Rebecca 147; Robert 155, 159, 163; Robert Andrew John 159; Virtue (née Gubbins) 155 , 159

Lancashire 7n* , 123 , 124, 126 , 127*

Lancaster , George (priest), O.S.F. 174*

Landerneau (Brittany) 100

Lane, Elizabeth (née Clapcoat) 120; John 120, 121 ; Mary (née Coffin) 121; Mary (Mrs. Perkins) 120; Mary (née Etheridge) 120; Mr., 92; Thomas 120

Langdale , Marmaduke, 5th Lord 186 , 186m

Langdown (Langdoun), Anne 109; Catherine 147; Catherine (Mrs.) 147; Eliza 109; Joseph 109; Mary Anne (Mrs. Hurdle) 149, 150, 151* , 153 , 154, 156, 158, 159, 161; Peter 109* , 147 ; Sarah (née Saunders) 109*

Langlois, Abbé François 125

Langsat (? Lampert), Henry 147

Lanherne (Cornwall), Arundell of 8 Laon, 172; Cathedral of 97

Larra, Margaret (Mrs. Daw) 120 Last, George 103

La Tour, François 101

Laurint, François 101

Law, Catherine (née Lawrence) 137 , 138-142*, 143 , 146, 147; Francis 147; George 147; John 146; Margaret Teresa 143; Mary Ann 139* , 141 , 142*; Mary Ann Teresa 141 ; Sarah Teresa 143 ; Thomas 142; William 141 , 142* , 143* , 146, 147; William Thomas 143

Lawden, Elizabeth 132, 134; Mary Anne 132 , 134

Lawrence, Catherine (Mrs. Law) 137 , 138*-142* , 143, 146, 147; James 114 Lee , Alfred 143; Anne 148-150 ; Anne (née Bray) 103 , 114; Barbara


(née Bishop or Maybe) 141 , 142* , 143 ; Caroline 103; Catherine (Mrs. Boyle) 105, 113; Charles 114; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 147; Elizabeth Mary 142; Francis 147; Henry 142; James Francis 141 ; John 140; Lidwine 140; Margaret 114; Mary Emma 147; Mr. 149; R. 107; Thomas 103, 118 , 141* , 142* , 143, 147; William 140

Le Franc, Abbé 124 , 137*

Leigh, Ann (née Halford) 175; Francis (priest) 175, 175n, 176*; James 175; Michael, alias Michael Rudge , O.D.C. 8

Le Mesle, Augustin 101

Le Tellier, Abbé 101 Lewen, Mary, 89; her two daughters 89

Leyburn, John, BishopofAdrumetum,

V.A. London Dist 21 , 21n, 22 Liège 123n

Lille 126

Limerstone(IsleofWight) Manor 168

Limerstone , John de 168; Mabel (Mrs. Tichborne) 168

Linckhorne, Anne (Mrs. ) 176; Augustine 176; Lucy 176

Lincoln, Diocese of 88n Lincolnshire 57n , 93

Lindow , John (priest) 66, 66n , 67-69 , 73, 74 , 75, 82

Lion, Albert Peter (priest) 176 Lisbon, English College at 55n , 85 , 89n , 93*

Liverpool 185

Llanblithian 184

Llanvilling 174

Loader (Loder, Loadar), George 154 , 167; Henry Richard 154 , 167; Mary Anne 154, 167*

Lockhart, John Ingram 7

Lockington, Mrs. or Miss 112

Lockyer, Joanna (Mrs. Grasser) 109; Lydia (Mrs. Vanner) 143 ; [? Lidwine 140, 142]

London 1* , 5, 7, 7n, 46, 52, 55n , 93* , 94, 96 98* , 98n, 99, 122–4, 127 * , 173 ; Acton 124; Archdeacon of 63; Bermondsey 99; Bishop of 170; Brook Green 127; Chelsea 182; Clink, The 170; Downing Street 115, 116; Gatehouse Prison 170; Gray's Inn 1* , 63*; Golden Square 181 ; Hammersmith 53, 92 , 127; Isleworth 183; Kensington 97; Marshalsea Prison 7n; Moorfields 1; New Kent Rd. 114 , 117; Sardinian Embassy Chapel 1; Soho, St. Patrick's 98; SpanishPlace 98n; St. Catherine's Docks 127; Tower of 7n; Tyburn Tree 7n

LondonDistrict, The 87, 117 *; Clergy Library 1 , 63; Vicar Apostolic


(Bishop) of21n* , 27n, 51, 61n, 83, 115 , 181 ; Vicar General 81n; Vicariate of1

Long, James 114

Longham 89

Longman, Charles 162 ; Elizabeth 162; Gemima Josephine 167; James 162*; Mary 162; Mrs. 162*; Sarah 162; Teresa Mary Aloysia 162; T. 165 , 166

Longwood (Ronge-wood) (Hants) 6, 6n, 7 , 7n, 8* , 8n, 9* , 24, 50-57, 58* , 59, 60* , 61, 62 , 63, 66* , 68, 74 , 77 , 78* , 168; House (Rosehill) 7 , 8 , 9*; Lodge 7* , 8n; Warren 7* , 8n; see also Bishop's Waltham and Upham

Lords, House of 181*

L'Orient (France) 100

Louis Philippe, King 99, 99n

Lovatt, Thomas 89

Loyal Emigrants, Corps of 101*

Lucan, Françoise (Mdme. Ferrier) 100

Lulworth 97, 128*

Lulworth Castle 92; Park 127; St.

Susan's Monastery 127*; Cistercians at 97, 127 , 128

Ly, Elizabeth 153; John 153*

Lymington (Hants) 87* , 88-90, 90n* , 91* , 91n, 92* , 92n* , 98, 99 * , 101 * , 115; Angel Inn 92; Mayor of 90

Lynach, Mary 141 , 145; Mary Anne ? 149, 149n

Lyndhurst (Hants) 87

Lyne, Blessed Ann (née Higham) 88n; Roger 88, 88n*

Lyons, Margaret (Mrs. Nelson ) 109; Mr. 92; Mrs. 92

Macbane (McBane), Anne 106; Anne (Mrs. Wood) 107

McAlister, Alexander 109 , 110; Margaret (née McCallion) 109 , 110; Mary 109

McBride, Alexander 108 * , 118; Margaret (née Power) 108, 118

McCallion, Margaret (Mrs. McAlister) 109, 110

McCarthy, Charles 110; Florentius 109, 110; Margaret (née Harragan) 109, 110 (? Carty, 156); Mary (Mrs. Donald) 111

McCline, Mary (Mrs. Brennin) 179

McCullen , Manus 113; Mr. 113; Mrs. 113

MacDonald , Isabella (Mrs. Duggan) 111

McDonald , John (priest) 99

McDonnell, Margaret (Mrs. Slater) 106* , 108; Mary 106

McEntaggart, Mary Anne (née Carney) 115; Owen 115

McEvoy, (priest) 129

McGinley (McGhenley , McGenley ), Mary (Mrs. Sweeny) 107 , 108*; Patrick (priest) 129

McGon(n)egal, Helen 117; James 108; Margaret (née Nicholson) 108 ; Mary Anne 117; William 108

McGonnigan , Mary Anne 108

McGuire, Hugh 118; see also Maguire

McKay, Betsey(Mrs.Jones) 110 , 111

McStay, Edward (priest) 175* , 178* , 179 , 179 , 181* , 181n* , 182* , 183

Machin,? Arthur 106

Mack(a)rell, John 89; William 90

Magee (Magi, Macgee), Lawrence152 , 155* , 156

Magin, James 179 , 182

Magini, John (priest) 129

Maguire, Anne 109 , 110; Catherine (née Moinchan) 108-110 ; Hugh 118; Mary 108; Thomas 108-110 ; see also


Maher, Joanna 180; Joanna (née

Faithful) 179 , 180; Martin 178, 180*

Maire, Mr. 64* , 65

Malmesbury, James Edward, 2nd

Earl of 99

Man, Alfred Joseph 152; Anne (Mrs.) 155; William 155*; 152

Manchester 140

Man(n)ahum (Manoam , Monoham),

Edward 146 , 147, ? 149-151 ; Helen 147; John 146; Mary (Mrs.) 146* , 147; see also Manoam, Monoham, Monachum

Mannock, Lady 186; Lady Anastasia (née Browne) 95* , 95n* , 97n , 102* , 103, 115 , 116, 127 , 135; Sir Francis 186n, 189; Sir Thomas 95n

Manoam (? Monahum), Edward 149

Mansell, alias of Fr. Thomas Talbot, S.J. 123

Mapledurham(Hants) 171n

Mapledurham (Oxon) 186n

Marble Hill (Galway) 183

Marest, Abbé Jean Baptiste 124 , 125* , 137* , 140, 141*-3*

Marnhull (Dorset) 119

Marshalsea Prison 7n

Martin (Martyn) George 178; Gregory (priest), O.S.F. 6; John (priest at Gosport) 71 , 72, 74 , 75 , 76, 79; John (priest) 6* , 9, 27, 41, 42 , 50, 51-3, 54-58* , 59; Margaret 180; Margaret (? Mrs. Tichborne) 168; Mary 178; Mary (née Perry) 178* , 179 , 180 , 182*; Mrs. 182; Richard 2* , 25, 26*-30* , 31 , 34*-38* , 42* , 43* , 44, 45* , 46* , 57, 58* , 59* , 61 , 62, 84* , 168; Sarah 178; William 178* , 179 , 180*

Mary, Queen 87

Mathews , William (priest) 18 , 19 , 22

Matthews , W. 92

Maurice, Abbé C. 127 , 133

May, Lady Strangford 188

Maybe, Barbara (Bishop; Mrs. Lee) 141 , 142* , 143

Mayenne (France) 97

Meaby, Elizabeth (Mrs. Turner) 137 , 138 , 139, 140; Hannah 137 , 138

Meader, William 74-8, 79 , 81* , 83

Meddler, Frederick Taylor 151; Mary 151

MelchettCourt, nearSherfieldEnglish (Hants) 7n

Melleray, nr Nantes (France) 127 , 128; Mount (Ireland) 128, 129*; New (America) 128

Merdon (Marden) (Hants), Manor of 7n , 8n*

Meredith, Richard (priest), S.J. 5*

Merryton (Hants) 89

Mervyn, Ann (Mrs. Tichborne) 168

Metcalfe , William 114 , 117

Michel, Mr. 140

Micheldever (Hants) 171n

Middlesex , Archdeaconof 63

Midland District, The 128; Vicar Apostolic of 21n

Miles, Emily (Mrs. Pearce) 165; James 164; Sarah Edwards 110* , 111 * , 112

Milford (Hants) 89 , 90* , 90n* , 91* , 92* , 92n, 119n; Church 91 , 92*; ParishClerk of92; PennyCharity 92; New, Churchyard 119

Millar, Frances 180; William (or Garrett) 180

Miller, Mary 112*

Milner, John (laterBishop) 9 ,74,75* - 81* , 82, 83 , 85, 92, 92 , 93; John senr (priest) 55, 55n, 93*

Milton, see under New Milton

Mockridge, Elizabeth 166, 167; George Joseph159; girl 162; Helen 162 , 166; Mary Anne 159

Modus's Paving Rates 74* , 74n

Moinchan, Catherine (Mrs. Maguire) 108-110

Molyneux, William (priest), S.J. 127

Monochum, Anne (Mrs.) 151 ; Edward 151; William 151 ; see also Mannahum Monaghan (? Manahum , Manoam , Monachum) 149n

Moncrish, Elizabeth Frances 149; Helen (Mrs.) 149; John 149

Montagu, Violette M. 98 *

Montague, family 55n , 95n ; Lord 172

Moody, Ann 171n; Charles 178; Frances 178; Mr. 72; Thomas 176

Mo(o)r(e), Adelaide Mary 157; Anne 149-152, 155; Anne (née ? Chibbery) 167; Anastasia (Mrs. Browne) 95n; Edmund (priest) 2n; Edmund, alias

Perkins 88; Edward 152; El 149; Elizabeth 156, 157; family 95n; Henry 157; John 130* , 133, 167; Martha (née Froud) 130; Mary 148 , 150, 157; Mary Anne 150, 151*-3* , 154, 155-8* , 159-62, 167;Mr. (priest; ? John Vaudry, S.J.) 5*; Mrs. 153; Mrs. (née Stuart) 157; Peter 167; Robert 151 , 152; Sir ThomasMichael 95* , 95z* , 102* , 115 * , 118;

Moorfields (London) 1 152

Moorich (Moerich, Moorish), Helen 150; Ita 153; John 150, 150n , 153; Thomas George 153

More, see under Moore

Morestead (Hants) 7

Morgan, David (priest) 53, 54; Francis 103; Helen 103; Helen (née Newhill) 103

Morigny, James 154

Moris(s)y, James 149

Morley, Edward 177; James 180; Lady Phillippa 19; Mary 177 , 178; Mary (Mrs.) 177; Mrs. 177; Thomas 177; William 177 , 178

Morris (Morrice), John 89;Mary151*

Mortemar, Regiment of 100

Morton, Patrick (priest) 129

Mosthen , see under Mostyn

Mostyn (? Mosthen), Agnes 141 , 142; Agnes (née Butler) 141 * , 142; Agnes

Mary 141 ; Frederick 141; John 141 * , 142* Rebecca 141

Mount Melleray, see under Melleray

Mount St. Bernard's (Leicestershire ) 129*

Mount St. Joseph's, Roscrea 129

Moyes, alias of John Frankland 93

Moylan, William (priest) 129

Murphy, Denis 159; John 162 , 164; M., 165; Mary 159; Mary (née Hayes) 159; Michael 159; R. 165; son 165

Musson, Agnes (Mrs.) 147; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 146; Helen 147; John 146* , 147

Muston, Elizabeth 103

Nagle, Mrs. 189

Nantes (France) 127 , 128

Nazareth House at Melchett Court 7n; atSouthampton 7n; Sistersof7n

Neese, 146

Nelson, Joseph 109 *; Margaret (née Lyons) 109

Newburgh, Anne, Countess of 178 , 181 ; Countess Dowagerof184; James Bartholomew (Radcliffe), 4th Earl of 186 , 186n*

Newcastle -on-Tyne 126

Newell, John 177; Mrs. 177; Thomas 177 *

New Forest 58, 87, 93

Newgate Prison 88

Newhill, Helen (Mrs. Morgan) 103

Newlands , Hursley (Hants) 8n*

Newman, Catherine (Mrs. Joy) 103* , 104 , 105 , 114

New Milton (Hants) 87 , 89, 90

Newport (Isle ofWight) 105n; House of Industry98

Nicholson , Margaret(Mrs.McGonegal) 108

Nieuport (Flanders) 1n, 96; Carthusians at In, 96; Prior of In

Nihell, E. (priest), S.J. 125

Nimpton, Devon 8

Nolan, James (priest) 33* , 49, 50 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63, 64 , 65, 66*-8* , 69 , 70 , 72, 73 , 74* , 77, 82, 85* , 93n, 94n, 186, 186n

Noltley (Nolley), Edward Henry 150; Henry 150; Mary 150

Noonan, Elizabeth 110; Matthew 110

Norfolk, Duchess of 92

Normand , Abbé Jacques (Nicholas) 125 , 128 , 142

Normandy 100

Norris, Frances 177; Mary 177; Winifred 177

North Court (Kent) 4

Northern District, The, Vicar Apostolic of 21n , 64n*

Northington (Hants) 171n

Northumberland 183

Norton, Elizabeth (Mrs.Peckford) 104 , 114

Nottingham, Bishop of 166

Nursling 121

Nutter, Blessed John (priest) 7n; Ven Robert (priest), alias Askew7n*

O'Brien, (priest) 129

O'Connell , Celsus (priest), Ord Cist 129

O'Donnell, Denis 159

Odstock (Wilts ), 87 , 125

O'Kelly, Luke (priest) 129, 167*

Old Brotherhood , The 2n; Archives of 9, 23*

Old Chapter, The 1* , 4* , 5 , 22n , 63 , 93, 174; Dean of 1 , 83

Old Hall Green, Ware (St. Edmund's College) 1* , 23* , 23n* , 98* , 98 , 99* , 124* , 184

" Old Pretender , " The 89

Oliver, Rev. G., D.D. 97* , 122 , 123 , 124 , 124n, 125n, 127, 128*

" Olliver's, Late" 91*

O'Mahony, Canon Denis (priest) 94n

Oporto In

Oreille, Marie Rosalie (Mdme de Fenin) 100

Orleans, Duke of 99

Osmond, Bernard 160; Elizabeth (née Kennedy) 160; Lucy Mary 160

Owen, Catherine 179; Elizabeth (née

Tichborne) 170, 171n; Elizabeth 171n; William 170, 171n*

Owslebury(Hants) 7* , 7n

Oxford, Balliol College 172

Padwell (Hants) 5, 93n

Padwick, Elizabeth 177; ? Mary 177

Palemon , Père (Nicolas Rousselin),

Ord Cist 128* , 145*-157* , 157n , 162, 166, 167*

Palmer, William (priest), O.S.B. 8*

Pareau (? Parsons), Bridget 148

Paris 64, 65 , 66, 67* , 69, 70* , 72, 73* , 74, 76* , 77* , 79* , 80* , 96* , 98n , 165, 173* , 184; La Sorbonne 127; Convent at Rue des Fossés St.

Victor 184, 185

Parker, Mr. (? Francis) (priest) 94* , 96* , 183; three Jesuits 96

Parkins, Bridget (Mrs. Coal) 142, 147

Parkinson,? alias Fetherstone, Anthony (priest), O.S.F. 174* , 175* , 186

Parley Common (Dorset) 122

Parnell, John 119n

Parsons, Bridget ? 148, 148n; John 142; Joseph 142; Robert (priest), S.J. 172

Paston, Mr. 23; Mrs. 23

Patience, Anne 179; James 178-180 ; Joanna178; Joanna(née Burke) 178180; Mary 180

Payne, Elizabeth (née Vincent) 158; George 158; Mary Juliter 158; William 57n , 94n

Pearce, Emily (née Miles) 165; Charles 121 ; George 165*; Mary (née Clapcott) 121

Peckford, Elizabeth (née Norton) 104, 114; family 95; Mary 105, 106* , 114; Mary(Mrs. Keeping) 106 , 107* , 108 , 110; William 104, 109, 117; Winifred 104, 107-9, 117; Winifred (Mrs. Gurney) 144*; 114

Peckston, William 108

Penitens (? Pennington), John 142; Mary 141 ; Matilda 142 ; Sarah Teresa 142

Pen(n)ington (? Penitens ), Charlotte (née ? Dimmock) 141, 143; Helen 138; John 138 , 139, 140, 141* , 143; Mary 141 ; Mary Anne 143; Mary Matilda 141 ; Mary (Mrs. Hoare) 140; Mary (née Budden) 138* , 139, 140; Mary Teresa 138; Mr. 138*; Thomas 141 ; Thomas Joseph 139

Pennington (Hants) 87* , 89 , 90* , 90n ; Lower 90; Marsh 91

Penningtonand Avon 87 , 89 , 92 , 93n

Penny, Thomas 92

Perkins, Anne (née Plowden) 88; Ann (née Wells; 2° Mrs. Tettersall) 87n; Edmund, aliasMore88; Edmund 18* , 19 , 88 , 89* , 96n; Elizabeth (née Waters) 121; family 89, 96n; Francis 88, 88n ; Francis (priest) 18, 22, 89n; H. 165, 166; James 89n , 96n*; Jane (née Kenyon) 88* , 89; John 89n ; Martha 96n; Mary (née Lane) 120; Mary (née Wing) 121; Mary Anne (Mrs. Strickland) 153, 158, 159 , 167; Roger 121; Thomas 120 ; William87n , 96; 121

Perry, Mary (Mrs. Martin) 178*-180* , 182* ; (Pens) 181

Peters, Charles A. (priest) 80, 80n , 175*−178* 181 * , 183, 184* , 185, 188

Petersfield (Hants) 1 , 31 , 89n, 171n

Petit, John (Jean) 101

Petre, Benjamin, alias White, V.A.

London District 27, 27n, 51* , 51n, 52; Francis, V.A. Northern Dist 64n

Pfrangley, Emily Susan (née Hobbs) 144* , 161, 165, 166; Vincent 144* , 161 ; boy 161

Phelyps, Charity (née Waller) 171n; Elizabeth (née Tichborne) 171 , 171n; James 171; Thomas 171n

Philips, Henry Stephen (priest) 112 , 175* , 176, 178*-182*

Philmore Hill (Hants) 176, 177

Philpott, family 87 , 90; Henry 90

Pierce, Mary Anne Elizabeth 167; Thomas John 167

Pine, Rebecca (Mrs. Davis) 147

Pinkman, Francis (priest) 95

Pitman, Elizabeth 105; family 95; James 105 , 113, 114, 118; James Joseph 105; Jane (née Harbin) 105* , 113, 114 , 118; Joseph 105

Pitt, Catherine(née Beaty) 103, 104*; James 103 , 104*; John 104; Mary Winifred 103; Thomas 104; William 104

Pitts, William 170n

Pius VII, Pope 127

Pizzen, Mary Frances 110

Plasse, Canon F. X. 125n

Plowden, Ann (Mrs. Perkins) 88; Dorothy 189; Edmund 88, 183, 190; Francis 184; Elizabeth (7th Lady

Tichborne) 171, 177* , 177n, 183 , 183n , 187n , 188

Plowman, Ambrose 89; his two daughters 89

Plymouth, Bishop of 166, 167; Diocese of 122 , 126n

Pole, Blessed Margaret 87

Ponsonby, Lady Barbara (née Ashley, laterLady de Mauley) 125*; Francis Spenser, afterwards Lord de Mauley 125


Pontoise 4

Poole (Heath) (Dorset) 122, 146, 146n

Por(t)chester (Hants) 7* , 169

Porter, James (priest), S.J. 97, 127* , 130*−133* , 134

Portico, nr. St. Helens (Lancs) 127

Portsea (Portsmouth) Registers 175n

Portsmouth60, 98; Bishopof95, 118; George Hotel 98

Pottle, Clare (née Biddlecombe ) 121 ;

Martha (née Biddlecombe) 121; Thomas 121; William 121

Power, Margaret (Mrs. McBride) 108 , 118

Poynes, Edward (priest), S.J. 126

Poynter, Bishop William, V.A. London Dist 95, 102, 113-116 , 127

Pratt, Esther 110; John 110 ; Mary

Anne 110

Prescot(t), Richard (priest) 6* , 67 , 67n

Price, Mrs. 174

Prichard, Leander (priest), O.S.B. 8n

Prince, Anne 179, 182; Anne (née Court(e)ney) 179* , 182*; George 179, 182; Henry 179* , 182*; James 179

Prior, Francis 186n

Pritchard, Emma (Mrs. Connor) 112

Pullen, James (or Tuller) 144, 158 , 165; Jane (Mrs. ) 144 , 158, 165; Mary Joseph 158

Pulton, Joseph "(priest), O.S.F. 174*

Purchase, AnneMary (Mrs.Scot) 130 , 131

Purewell, Christchurch (Hants) 95

Pyck, Anne 137

Quinlan, Joanna 109; Michael 109

Quinn, Thomas (priest) 176

Racton 7n

Radcliffe, James Bartholomew , 4th

Earl of Newburgh, 186, 186n*; Lady Ann 186, 186n , 188

Randall, George 144, 144n; Henrietta

Charlotte 144; James 136

Rath Keal 106 (? Rathkeale)

Ravenhill, Angelus (Richard) (priest), O.S.F. 175*

Ravenscroft, W. 91

Read (Reid), Anne 118; family_95; James 105; John 19 ; Joseph 102; Mary 102* , 106, 114, 118; Susan 102, 105, 113; William 106

Reading (Berks ) 101 *; Southcote House 101 ; St. Giles's 101

Reading, Elizabeth Anne(Mrs.Byrne) 136

Reardon , Eugene (priest) 176, 181n , 183

Reeks, John 121 ; Mary (née King) 121

Reid, see under Read

Révol, John (Jean) 100*; Margaret (née Bastide) 100

Rheims , English College at 3, 7n, 172n, 173*; Bishop of 184; Cathedral 173; College at 184

Rich, John 135

Richards, Mr. (priest, ? Giles White) 172 , 172n*

Riddente , Mr. 165; Mrs. 165 ? Ridlestont, Child 162

Rigby, John (priest) 19

Riglei, John, alias William Rudge (priest), Disc Carm 8

Riket (Riked), John 151 , 152, 153*

Riley, William 85

Rine, Mary Anne 106

Ringwood (Hants) 87 , 88* , 88n , 89* ,

89n, 94, 102, 104, 117, 118, 121 , 167; Manor of 89

Ringwood, Henry 3

Ripley (Hants) 94

Ripley (Surrey) 177

Ritchie, Charles Sebastian (priest) 176

Robespierre 128

Robinson, John 126; John (priest), S.J., alias Taylor, alias Valentine Upsall 125; Robert (Dom Paul) (priest), O.S.B. 8*

Rochester 170

Rodez, Bishop of 125

Roger (s), Elizabeth (Mrs. Brackan) 106; Mary 141 , 142; William 141* , 142, 146, 147* , 148

Rome 7 , 173; English College at 4* , 5n, 8 , 123, 126, 172n, 173*; St. John Lateran's 123n

Romsey (Rumsey) (Hants) 3, 5

Ronge-wood (Longwood) 7

Roper, John 4; Mary Magdalen(Mrs. Tichborne) 4, 5

Ropley (Hants) 56, 169n

Roscrea (Ireland) 129

Rosehill, or Longwood House 7

Rouen, Diocese of 128

Rousselin , Nicolas (Père Palemon ) (priest), Ord Cist 128* , 145*-157* , 157n, 162, 166 , 167*

Route , John (priest) 2n

Rowe, Charles 137; Edward 137; Edward Reynolds 139 ; Elizabeth (née Kennell) 135, 136, 137* , 139n; George 136; John 135, 136, 137* , 139, 139n; John Reynolds 135

Roydon , Thomas (priest) 22, 22n*; Thomas Cornford (priest) 22n

Rudge, Anne (née Dowrick) 8; Michael, alias Leigh 8; William, alias

John Riglei (priest), Disc. Carm 8

Ryan, Matthew (priest) 115

Rythe, Elizabeth (Mrs. Tichborne)

169* , 169n*; family '169, 169n; James 169n; Thomas169n*; William 169n*

St. Augustine 102 , 116

St. Austin's, nr Lymington (Hants)


St. David 20

St.Edmund'sCollege, Ware, see under Old Hall Green

St. Francis Xavier , College of (Jesuit District of N. and S. Wales) 123

St. George 20

St. Germain's, France 5, 89*

St. Helens (Isle of Wight) 98

St. Helens (Lancs) 127

St. Luke 10

St. Malo 128

St. Marcellin (Diocese of Vienne, France ) 100

St. Omer 4n* , 5, 8, 123*

St. Paterne-du-Buais (France ) 97

St. Patrick's, Soho 98

St. Paul 181

St. Paul-in-Quersey, Dioc of Conors (? Cahors) 100

St. Remi (Dioc Coutances) 124

St. Thomas of Canterbury College, Jesuit District 5n, 122, 125; see also " Mrs. Hants"

Sadler, Thomas

O.S.B. 173 Vincent (priest), Salisbury 3 , 95n, 127; Countess of 87; diocese of 3; Endless St. 95; Road 3; St. Thomas's3

Salmesbury, Lower Hall 175

Salop, i.e. Shropshire, q.v.

Samways , Mrs. 162; Thomas John 167

Sanudry , David 155; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 155; George Joseph 155

Sardinian Embassy Chapel (London), The 1

Sarviq (France) 100

Saulnier, see under De Beauregard

Saunders, David 156, 157 , 160; Elizabeth (née Barnes) 156, 157, 160; Frances 160; Hannah (Mrs. Veal) 121; Henry Joseph Christopher 157; Mary Joanna 156; Sarah (Mrs. Langdown) 109*

Savage, Patrick (priest), alias Grace

1 , 9, 24*, 28*−33* 35* , 36, 37 * , 38* , 39, 40, 42, 43 , 44 , 45, 46*-8* , 49, 51* , 52 , 53, 54*-62* , 84* , 94n; his sisters 52; Sir Thomas 7n , 8n

Scanlan , Charles (priest) 129

Schmitt, Marie (Mdme Bouttes) 100

Schofield , Richard L. (priest) 129 , 160 , 161 , 164

Scot(t), Anne Mary (née Purchase) 130, 131; George 139; John 131 , 133; Mary 133; Mary (Mrs. Ayles) 121 ; Mr. 130, 131 ; Thomas 130, 133

Scovell, Anne (Mrs. Barnes) 108

Scroope family 22n

Selborne 169n

Selnen , James 120; Ruth (née

Biddlecombe) 120

Sens (France ) 127

Seville , Jesuit College at 3, 4

Shaftesbury , Anthony Ashley, 5th

Earl of 125; Barbara (Webb), 5th

Countess of 124, 125; theirdaughter, Lady Barbara (Mrs. Ponsonby, later Lady de Mauley) 125*

Sharp, Miss 88 , 89n

Sharrock, Bishop Wm . Gregory, O.S.B. , V.A. WesternDist 134 , 134n , 135n

Shaston (Dorset) 122

Shaves, Sarah(Mrs.Grasser orGrassy) 103, 105

Shaw , James (priest) 26, 27 , 28, 35 , 41-3 , 51* , 52*

Shawyer, Catherine 180; Charles 180; Henrietta (née Whitear) 180-1

Shealers (? Sheehan), Jeremiah 159

Sheehan, Anne 144; Jeremiah 144 , ? 159

Sheenan , Derry 159

Sheldon, Anastasia (née Smith) 6n; Edward 2* , 6, 6n, 7, 25, 68; Francis 184; Mrs. 184; William 6n, 63

Shelley, John 172

Shepherd, Anne (Mrs. Guppy) 111 , 112; Misses 92; Mrs. 91*

Shepperd (Sheppard), Mr. (? priest) 26, 65, 67 , 68-71

Sherfield English (Hants) (Shirefield, Sherwell, Shernill, Shervile) 3*-7*, 9 , 169, 172; Manor of 3 , 4* , 6n

Shipley (Oxon ) 126

Short, Anne (Mrs. Ennis) 112; family 3; Fund 3, 25, 67-9, 71-4, 78* , 79* , 81* , 85

Shorten, Kieran (priest), Ord Cist 129

Shrewsbury , Earl of 181 ; Lord 181 ; Mary, Countess of 179, 182

Shropshire (Salop) 174

Sientenoy, Joanna Catherine (Mrs. Joris) 124

Sifrewast , Margaret de (Mrs. Tichborne) 168; Roger de 168

Silkstead (Hants), School at 2 , 22n

Silvester, Charlotte 181

Sims, Mrs. (20 Mrs. Vorman) 91*

Sinnott, James 110, 117; Margaret (née Sinnott ) 109 , 110 ; Richard 110*

Slade(s), Andrew 152, 155; Anne 155; Bernard 135; Caroline (née Coombs)


134, 135; Charlotte (? Caroline) (née Coombs) 135, 160, 161 * , 162, 165; Frances (Mrs. Galton) 161 ; Jane 156 , 159, 160; Louis (Lewis, Aloysius, Ludovicus) 135, 150, 151 * , 152, 153 , 156* 157* , 158, 159* 160,161 * , 162, 165, 167; Louis Aloysius 150; Mary 135 , 152, 159* , 160*; Mary Anne 155; Teresa (Mrs. Coombs) 134; William 137; 153, 154

Slater, Eleanor 106; John 108 ; Margaret (née McDonnell) 106* , 108; Mary Anne 106, 108; Peter 106* Slindon (Sussex) 4

Smith, Anastasia (Mrs. Sheldon ) 6n; Anne 149, 178; Ann Mary (Mrs. Devereux) 140*; Bartholomew 4*; Benjamin 85; Bridget (Hanley; Mrs. Barton) 178 * , 179, 180* , 182; Edward 150; Frances (Mrs. Kearnan) 109; Frances (Mrs. Wells) 2* , 3, 6n, 25 , 27, 28, 31, 54, 60, 68-71; James 166; James, Bishop of Callipolis, V.A. Northern District 20, 21n; John 140; Margaret (Mrs. Tichborne) 4; Mary 150; Mr. 184*; Mrs. 162; Sarah 140; William 4

Smyth, Robert (priest), Ord Cist, 129 Snook (Snouk) (? Snooky), Anne (Mrs.) 154*; Henry Richard 154; Mrs. 165; Richard 154*

Soberton (Hants) 124

Society of Jesus 5* , 122, 123* , 123n , 126* , 127* , 173, 176; BelgianProvince 124; English Province 125 Soho 98

Somerfield , alias ofHenry Holland 7* Somerford Grange, nr Christchurch 99*

Somerset 56n

Sopl(e)y (Hants) 55, 55n, 58n , 61n , 87* , 89 , 90, 90n, 93 , 93n* , 94* , 94n, 95*-7* , 102* , 103 , 115* , 117 , 118, 118n, 120, 122* , 127* , 143*; Churchyard 118 ; Rector of 95

Southampton(Southton) 5n, 57* , 58, 61, 91 , 93, 93n* , 98* , 99* , 106 , 125; All Saints' 90n*; Corporation of 90n; County of 88, 102, 103* , 116; Register 98

Southbourne , Bournemouth 126; St. Peter's School at 126

Southend, Soberton (Hants) 5 , 124

Southey, The Poet 92

Southhill, Chorley 126, 127

South Warnborough (Hants) 169

Southworth, Richard (priest) 3, 80, 81* , 175

Spain, George (priest) 105

Spark (e)s , Ambrose 114 , 132* , 134; Barbara 132, 134; Basil 132, 134; Elizabeth (née Blacklock) 104* , 118 ,

133, 134; George 104* , 118 , 132 , 134*; James 132* , 134; Joanna (née Burn) 132 , 133-5; John 131 , 132* , 133, 135; Joseph 130, 133; Joseph Robert 104 ; Mary 114, 130, 132 * , 133, 135; Richard 135*; Thomas130 , 132 , 133, 135*; William 135

Spearing, Mr. 2, 41* , 46, 51, 52* , 54,


Spencer, Richard (R.S.) 2* , 8n* , 42* , 43 , 44, 46, 47* , 83, 84*; his Fund (R.S.) 2* , 24, 25* , 41 , 42-50; Mrs. 43, 44

Spetisbury 128

Spicer, John 99

Spillane , Daniel (priest) 176

SpringfieldHouse, Avon (Hants) 93n , 94, 94n

Stafford, Charles (priest), S.J. , alias Hills 123; Miss (Mrs. White Lacy) 91n, 120n; Mr. 23; John 91n

Standon Lordship, School at 124*

Stapehill (Dorset) 87, 90n, 94 , 95* , 95n, 97 , 97n, 115, 119n, 122* , 124 , 125-130* , 134, 167 ; Church at 166; Holy Cross Abbey 122, 126-8 , 135n , Rt. Rev. Lady Abbess of 122; " Pilgrimage, " The 127

Stapleford (Wilts.) 87n

Stapleton , Joseph (priest) 97, 98* , 105 , 106 , 106n* , 107 , 107n

Steer, Kitty (née Biddlecombe ) 91-2 , 92n, 115, 120n

Steptoe, family 90* , 90n; John 90, 90n; 's Charity 90n

Stockbridge (Hants) 6 , 6n

Stockwell, Benjamin 88

Stoke Charity 171

Stone, Elizabeth (Mrs. Bartlet) 138 , 139 *-142

Stone-Easton (Somerset) 56n

Stonor, Charles 186, 186n , 189; Mary (née Biddulph) 186n; Mrs. 189; Mrs. John 183, 190; Thomas 186n

Stonyhurst College 169

Stour, River 122*

Stourton, Catherine 111

Stout, Sarah 150

Strangemoore , James 150* , 156* , 157 , 158, 160* , 162

Streatley (Berks) 87n

St(r)ic(k)land, Bridget 148*; Caroline 155*; Elizabeth 150; Elizabeth Mary 153; Emma Anne 150; George 166*; Joanna (née Adams ) 166; Luke 153 , 158, 163; L. 165, 166; Mary 166 , 167; Mary Anne (née Perkins) 153 , 158 , 159, 167; Mary JuliaAnne 158; Mary

Teresa 148; William 148* , 150

Stuart, Miss (Mrs.Moore) 157;-157

Stubbington, James 176, 178; John 178; Martha (Mrs.) 178

Studland 121

Sturdy, Elizabeth (Mrs.Tichborne) 5n

Stuttard, Richard 85

Styles, Joseph (priest) 176

Sullivan, Denis 180; Catherine (née Barrett ) 180; Mary 108, 180; Mary (Mrs. Ash) 110--13; Mary (Mrs. Gallavan) 108

Supple, Margaret 109, 110; Mary (née Walsh) 110; Thomas 110; William 109, 110

Surrey 8 , 177

Sussex4, 5n, 19, 89n* , 122, 126* , 170; District of 19

Sutton, see under Bishops Sutton

Sutton, Mr. 183*

Sween(e)y, Catherine 108; Mary (née McGinley) 107* , 108*; Mary 107; Patrick 107 , 108* , 118

Tadford (Hants) 88n

Talbot, Bertram Arthur 179 , 181 * , 182; Bishop James 7 , 61 , 61n , 62 , 70, 74-6, 77 , 78, 93n , 183*; Charles

Thomas 179 * , 182; Julie or Juliana (née Tichborne) 179* , 182; Mary Annett 179; Thomas (later Bishop) 60 , 64 , 64n; Thomas (priest), S.J. , alias Mansell 123

Tancrect , Martha 159

Tarrant, Betty (Mrs. Gannaway) 121

Tasburgh, Ann (née Tichborne) 171; Charles 171

Tatchel , John William 161; Mary

Anne (née Dewey) 161 ; William

Henry 161

Taunton (Somerset) 97

Tawstock Court, Barnstaple 111*

Taylo(u)r, Augustine (priest) 2n, 18; Constance (Mrs.) 19 ; John, alias of Robinson (priest), S.J. 125

Telmessus, Bishop of 134n

Tempest, family 172 ; Michael 173; Robert (priest), S.J., D.D. 172, 173, 173n; Robert (priest), D.C.L. 172 , 173, 173n; Thomas 173; William 173

Terrill, alias of Fr. Anthony Bonville, S.J 123

Tettersall, Ann (née Wells; 1° Mrs. Perkins ) 87n; Catherine87n; Edward 87n; George 87n ; Mr. 87, 87n, his wife 87 , 88

Thaddeus, Father, O.S.F. 173 , 174* , 175

Thomas , Catherine(née Hearne) 110* , 111 , 112; Eliza 155; Helen 110; James 110*; Mary Caroline 155; Sarah Alice 111 ; Thomas 155; William James 110

Thomassé, Joseph 113

Thorigny (France) 125

Thorne , James 92

Thorneburye , Giles 3

Throckmorton, Mrs. 184

Thruxton (Hants) 21 , 21n

Tichborne Family, Agatha (Tisted) 168; Alice (Tisted) 168 ; Ambrose169; Amphyllis (Lady T., 1st Bart's wife, née Weston) 170; Amphyllis (Mrs. Gratwick) 170, 171n; Anne (Mrs. Brock; 20 Lady Timperley) 7, 8, 170; Ann (Mrs. Beconsawe) 169; Ann (Mrs. Tasburgh) 171 ; Anne (Lady T., 8th Bart's wife, née Burke) 183, 185 , 187*; Ann (née Mervyn) 168; Ann (née White) 169*; Bartholomew 169; Benjamin 4, 5 , 5n, 168-170* , 170n , 171n; Benjamin Edmund 183 , 190; Catherine 185; Catherine Frances 185; Chideock 168; Compton 170; Constance (Mrs. Knight) 169; Dorothy 169*; Edward 190; Eliza Anne 185; Eliza Charlotte 184; Elizabeth (Lady Dormer) 178, 181 ; Elizabeth (Mrs. Phelyps) 171 , 171n; Elizabeth (Mrs. Owen) 170, 171n; Elizabeth (née Compton) 170; Elizabeth (Lady T., 7thBart's wife, née Plowden) 171 , 177* , 177n, 183, 183 , 187n , 188; Elizabeth (née Rythe) 169* , 169n; Elizabeth (née Sturdy) 5n; Ellen (née White) 170, 171 ; family 87, 90 , 169n; Frances Catherine (Lady Arundell) 180, 188; Francis 4* , 4n, 169 , 170; George 177 , 184, 185, 187, 187n; Gilbert 169, 170 , 171 , 171n; Gilbert's sister (Cornwallis) 171n; Henry (ofLongwood) 7n, 168; Henry (of Sherfield) 3, 4*; Jane (Mrs. Yate) 169; Jerome 169, 170*; Joan 169; John 168* , 171 ; John de 168*; John junr (priest), S.J. 5; John Michael 177, 184, 187; Joseph 4, 5; Juliana 185; Juliana (Mrs. Cresswell) 169; Julie or Juliana (Mrs. Talbot) 179* , 182; Juliana (née Fenrother) 169; Lady 189; Lady (Dowager) 183, 190; Lionel (of Sherfield English) 3* , 4n, 169; Lucy 185; Lucy Mary 184*; Mabel (Mrs. Beard) 169; Mabel (née de Limerstone) 168; Mabilla (Lady) 168; Margaret 169; Margaret (Lady) 170*; Margaret (née de Sifrewast) 168; Margaret (née Martin) 168; Margaret (née Smith) 4; Martin 169; Mary 185, 187; Mary Agatha 186, 189 ; Mary Barbara 184; Mary(Lady T., 3rd Bart's wife, née Arundell) 171; Mary (Lady T., 6th Bart's wife, née Blount) 171 , 186n , 187 , 187n; Mary (Lady T., 4th Bart's wife, née Kempe) 186, 186n"; Mary (née White, wife of Sir Walter) 170;


Mary Agnes (Mrs.Blount) 186, 186n* , 187 , 187n , 189; Mary Catherine (of Sherfield, née Kempe), O.S.B. 4*; Mary Magdalen (of Sherfield, née Roper) 4, 5; Michael 4* , 5; MichaelI (priest), S.J. 5*; Michael II (priest), S.J. 5n; Mr. 5* , 172; Mrs. 4, 5* , 170 , 172; Mrs. Robert 181n, 182; Nicholas 168; Nicholas (ofHartleyMaudit) 3* , 4n, 169*; Peter (of Portchester) 3, 7* , 7n* , 169; Richard 168, 170* , 171 , 171n; Roger 4* , 4n, 169; Roger Robert 184; Simon4*; Sir Benjamin, 1st Bart 8 , 170 , 170n, 171; Sir Benjamin (son of 1st Bart) 170, 171n ; Sir Edward, 9th Bart 183, 183n; Sir Henry, 3rd Bart (m. Lady Mary Arundell) 19, 169* , 169n , 170 , 171 , 173* , 174; Sir Henry, 6thBart. (m. Mary Blount) 56, 170, 171 , 175 , 185, 185 , 186, 186n; Sir Henry, 7th Bart (m Elizabeth Plowden) 171 , 177* , 183* , 183n, 187 , 187n; Sir Henry (son of 1st Bart ) 170* , 171n; Sir Henry Joseph, 4th Bart (m Mary Kempe) 171* , 174 , 185 , 185n , 186n; Sir Henry Joseph, 8th Bart (m.Anne Burke) 178, 179 , 1813, 183n , 185 , 189; Sir James Francis , 10th Bart. 184, 190; Sir John 168; Sir John Hermenegild (priest), S.J., 5th Bart 5 , 171*; Sir Richard, 2nd Bart. 7n, 171, 171n*; Sir Walter (son of 1st Bart) 170 , 171 , 171n*; Rebecca 181 ; Susan (2nd Bart's 2nd wife, née Waller) 171; Susan 171n*; Thomas 168*; Ven Thomas 168;

William 4* , 5* , 23, 168, 169

Tichborne House (Hants) 4, 7n , 56 , 80n, 99, 112, 168* , 172, 172n , 173*5* , 176, 177, 181 , 182, 183*; church 169, 172*; Dole 168, 173; Parish177*;

Register 175n , 176

Tilbourg (painter) 173

Tilling, Thomas (priest) 164

Tilt, John (priest) 176

Timperley, Lady Ann (née Tichborne; 1° Mrs. Brock) 7 , 8, 170; Sir Thomas 170n , 171n

Tisted, Agatha (Mrs. Tichborne) 168 ; Alice (Mrs. Tichborne) 168

Titheridge, (a cook) 182

Tobin, Patrick (priest) 129

Tolfrey (Cornwall) 123

Tommins, Robert (priest) 6* , 65, 65n , 67-72 , 73, 74*

Toms, Anne 137*

Tor Abbey 56n , 128

Totford 169n , 171 , 171n

Toulon 100*

Tour de Ville (France) 124

Tours 184

Towers, Richard (priest), O.S.B. 125

Towneley, Mrs. 184

Trachonitis, Bishop of 64n

Trappes -Lomax, Michael 169n

Trevis family 94

Trim, John 137, 138; Mary 138

Trinder, Frances (Mrs. Betts) In; Sergeant 1

Trowbridge,Elizabeth 105*;Mary 105

Trumble, John (priest) 176

Tubbs (Tobs), Anne (Mrs. Willis) 136, 138-140 , 141*; Elizabeth 145; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 145; Elizabeth (née Brown) 131*; Frances 133; Henry 131 , 134, 145; Henry Thomas 145; John 145*; Thomas 132, 134 , 145 , 166; Sarah (née Colin) 145*; William 131 * , 133; 139

Tuck, John 177

Tuite, Mr. N. (? priest) 64

Tul(c)k, James 132, 134*; Mary 132 , 134,135*

Tuller, see under Pullen

Turner, Anne Elizabeth 138; Charles 112; David 140; Drew 171n; Elizabeth 139, 143; Elizabeth (née Meaby) 137, 138 , 139, 140; Elizabeth Emily 112; Eliza (née Halley) 112 ; Francis 137, 138 , 139, 140; Francis Thomas 138; Mary 139; Teresa Mary 137

Twyford (Hants), School at 1* , In, 89n, Rules of 9n Tyburn 7n

Ufton Court (Berks) 87 , 88, 88n , 89n , 186n

Upham (Hants) 7* , 70 , 71 , 74, 75* , 76, 77, 78 , 79, 80 , 81* , 83*; see also Bishop'sWaltham andLongwood

Uphusborn (Hurstbourne Tarrant) (Hants) 6

Upsall (Yorkshire) Castle 126

Upsall, Valentine, alias of John Robinson (priest), S.J. 125

Vaillant, Joseph 101 ; Yves 101

Valladolid, English College at 4n* , 96

Valognes (France ) 125

Van Doorne, Henry Charles Everest (priest) 94

Van(n)ar (Vanner), Ann 139* , 140 , 142; Caroline 142; Charles 143; Cornelius140; Lidwine (? Lydia) 140, 142; Lydia (née Lockyer) 143; Mary (Mrs. Frampton) 137, 139*; Richard 139* , 140, 142; William 140, 142 , 143

Van Reeth , Bernard (priest) 99 , 113

Vasseur , Mary Anne Caroline Aglae 100*; Pierre 100* ; Rose (née Bossier)


Vaudry, John, aliasMore (priest), S.J. 5*

Vaughan, William, Bishop of Ply- mouth 167

Vaux, Laurence (priest), C.R.A. 170*

Veal, Hannah (née Saunders ) 121 ; John 121

Velore (East Indies) 184

Vernon Hall School (Liverpool) 184 , 185

Viel, Abbé Gilles 95 , 95n, 97* , 97n , 103* , 127

Vienne (France ), Diocese of 100; Parish of St. Marcellin 100

Vincent, Elizabeth (Mrs. Payne) 158;

Sarah (Mrs. White) 180

Vine, Charles 157 ; Helen Mary 157

Viney family 95

Vorman, family 91*; Mr. 91*; Mrs. (1º Mrs. Sims) 91*

Walcot(t), Admiral 92; Mr. 95

Wald, Sarah (Mrs. Din) 105

Wales 20

Waller, Charity (Mrs. Phelyps) 171 ;

Sir William 171n; Susan (2nd Lady

Tichborne) 171; William 171

Walmesley, William (priest), O.S.B. 80, 80m , 184

Walsh, David (priest), Ord Cist 129;

Francis (priest), Ord Cist. 128; Mary (Mrs. Supple) 110; Thomas (priest) 74 , 74n

Waltham, seeunderBishop'sWaltham

Walton, Bishop William, Vic Ap

Northern Dist 64n; Mr. (priest) 19 ;

Mr. (? William) (priest) 64, 64n

Wappenbury 127

Ward, John (priest) 18* , 19 , 174

Wardour (Castle) 87, 89* , 119n , 125 , 127, 128, 188; Thomas, 1st Baron of 171

Ware (Hertfordshire) 1 , 23 , 23n , 98

War(e)ham, Ellis (priest) 2n ; Helen (Mrs.) 157; John 157* , 165

Warkworth Manor (Oxon) 6n , 9

Warner, Rev. Richard 92

Warren, The 176

Waterman , Emma 165; Mary Jane (Mrs. Butt) 144 , 165*

Waters , Elizabeth (Mrs. Perkins) 121

Watselivig, Joseph 138*; Margaret 138

Watten, Flanders 5 , 123

Weale, Francis L. (priest) 176

Webb, Father (priest) 123; Thomas (priest), S.J. 123

Webb (e), Barbara (m. Ashley), 5th

Countess of Shaftesbury 124 , 125; family 87 , 123 ; Lady Mary (née Caryll) 126n ; Mary 105 ; Sir John

89* , 92, 93 , 94* , 122, 124, 126n; Sir John, 3rd Bart 187n; Sir John, 5th Bart 96; Sir Thomas , 6th Bart 94, 96; Winifred (Lady Hales) 187n

Welch, Patrick 180

Weld, Cardinal 92, 115; Caroline 111 ; Caroline Philomena 111 ; Edward 111*; family 92; Helen (née Wrey) 111*; Reginald Joseph 111 ; Thomas 127

Weld-Blundell, Thomas 111

Weldon, Dom. , O.S.B. 8*

Wellesly, Mary, Marchioness of 179

Wells, Alexander 2 , 6n; Ann (Mrs. Perkins; 2° Mrs. Tettersall) 87n ; Blessed Swithun 87n , 88 , 88n; Frances (née Smith) 2* , 3 , 6n, 25, 27 , 28, 31, 54, 60, 68-71; Henry 121 ; Mary (née Hart) 121 ; Mary (Mrs. Holman) 6n, In

West Buriton (Hants) 171n

West(e), Elise Lydia (Elizabeth) (Mrs. Dove) 157, 160; Frances Mary 155; Mary 154, 155; Mary Anne 154; Mrs. or Miss 163; Thomas 154 , 155 Western District, The 87; Vicar Apostolic of 21n , 135n

Westminster 57n


Weston , Amphyllis (1st Lady Tichborne) 170 ; Lord Chief Baron 170

Westover (Hants), Liberty of 88

West Tisted, Church 170; Dower House 172; Manor of 168 , 169n , 172

Weymouth 128, 164

Whale, Lucy 112

Whatcombe (Berks.) 6n

Wheble, James 114, 117; Mary (Mrs.) 114 , 115 , 117

Whitchurch (Hants) 6

White, Ann (Mrs. Tichborne) 169*; Anne 152*; Benjamin, alias ofBishop Petre 27, 51 , 52; Cecily Mary 153*; Elizabeth 90 , 119, 119n; Ellen (Lady Tichborne) 170, 171 ; family90*; Giles (priest) 172n ; James 152* , 153 , 154 , 156; Jane (Mrs. Carroll) 143 , 144*;

John 144; John, Bishop 170; Margaret 120, 154; Mary 119n; Mary (Lady Tichborne) 170; Mary Anne 153, 154, 156; Mr. 5; (Miss) 156; Richard 89, 90, 119 * , 119n, 120* , 170; Robert 169; Sarah (née Vincent) 180 ; Simon 89; Thomas 180; White's House, Sopley 94; William 118 , 180

Whitear, Henrietta (Mrs. Shawyer) 180-1 ; 181n , 182

Wick, Christchurch (Hants) 89 , 94

Wilkinson, Catherine (Mrs. Greenwell) 96

Wilks, Rev. T. C. 171n, 172

Willacy, James (priest) 124* , 124n


William the Conqueror92

Willis, Anne 136; Anne (née Tubbs) 136, 138-140 , 141* ; Catherine 141 ; Edward 150; Eliza 148 , 162 , 166; Elizabeth 138, 140; Elizabeth Mary 151; Frances 139 ; Frances (Mrs. Gubbins) 149, 154, 157, 159* , 161; Henry 148 , 150, 151 , 157; Henry Thomas 140; Jacob or James 136 , 139, 140, 141* , 150; Mr. 94; Mary 150; Mary (Mrs. James) 110, 111 , 158, 161, 164; ? Thaurer (née Gobin ) 148 , 150 , 151

Wills, Elizabeth 165, 166; Jemima Mary (Mrs. Fougone ) 145, 166; Mary Joseph Louisa 167; Mrs. 165; 166

Wilmot(t), Mary 115; Mrs. 94

Wilson, Nicholas (priest) 18 , 22

Wiltshire (Wilts ) 5n, 87 , 87n , 122

Wimborne (Dorset) 115, 122* , 164

Winchester (Winton) 1 , 2 , 3, 4n, 6, 7* , 7n, 9, 27, 31, 34, 46, 51 , 54 , 62 , 63, 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 88, 88n , 94n , 125, 168, 171n, 172, 172n, 173 , 178 , 184 , 186n; Castle 171 ; Cathedral 171 ; Clergy Library 2*; Diocese of An; Franciscan Nuns at 125; Funds 64, 74, 75, 76 , 77, 78, 80, 81, 82; Incumbent of 2* , 6, 27, 34, 42 , 69; Poor Fund 2, 24, 25* , 27, 28, 34-42,

43*-49* , 64* , 66, 70 , 71* , 74 , 75* , 77*-81* , 83* , 84*; PresbyteryLibrary 9n; St. James's Cemetery2 , 3 , 8, 9, 47, 47 , 76, 88, 89, 119 , 173 , 175; St. James's Chapel 171n; St. Mary's Abbey 168; St. Michael'sin the Soke 118n; St. Peter House (Presbytery, S.P.) 1 , 9n, 24* , 25-28, 30, 31* , 33* , 41, 42, 51 , 52*-4*, 57, 62, 63* , 68*70* , 71, 72, 73* , 74, 75 * , 76-8,82* 84* , 84n, 186n; Register 2, 92n; Soke, The 4; Winnall 171n Windsor (Berks) 95n Wine, John 171n

Wing, Mary (Mrs. Perkins) 120

Winkton (Hants) 18* , 22n, 87, 88* , 88n, 89 , 89n, 95, 96; Manor House ("Akers ") 89n

Winsley, Elizabeth (née Calnan ) 144, 159; Mary 159; Richard 144, 159 Wisbech 7n

Wood , Anne 107; Anne (née McBane) 107; Michael 107

Woodiate, William (priest) 2n

Woolfrey, William (Fr. Odillon), Ord

Cist 128

Woolwich 183

Worcester , Diocese of 7n

Worksop 84

Worthington, Thomas (priest), S.J. , D.D. 173

Wortley, Hon Mrs. 98n*

Wrey, Bouchier 111 ; Helen (Mrs. Weld) 111*

Wright, Anthony 189; Christopher (priest) 124

Wright & Co. , Bankers 116; Mr., Banker 174

Wriothesley 169

Wycliffe Hall 184*

Wyke, Mr. 26* , 27* , 28, 36* , 41-3, 50, 51 * 52* 53*

Wyse, John (priest) 176

Yate, Francis 169; Jane (née Tichborne) 169

Yelverton, see under Everton; House 92

Yeovil 72

Yeovilton, see under Everton York, Diocese of 22n

Yorkshire 126*

Young, Eleanor 88; family 6n; Mr. 6 , 6n; Simon 88; William (priest) 128, 129 , 158

Yo(u)ng(e), alias ofVen John Adams


Ypres 1

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