Records Volume 44: Hampshire Registers 3

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Publications of the Catholic Record Society


The Catholic Record Society was founded 10thJune 1904, forprinting Registers and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

Brockhampton Chapel

This Volume is Jssued to the Dembers for 1944-45

Notes on Missions mentioned in the story of, or connected with, Brockhampton



Brockhampton (Brochemtunein eleventhcentury; Brokhampton in fourteenth century) was one of the tithings of Havant (corrupted from Havehunte or Havonte) ; the others were Leigh, Langstoneand Hayling North. The present West Street in Havant " leads through Brockhamptontithing towards Bedhampton , past the RomanCatholic Church ofSt. Joseph (Victoria County History, Hampshire , iii, 122). Bedhamptonis one mile west of Havant Station and six miles northeast of Portsmouth (Vict County Hist, iii, 142).

Havant itself lies astride the old Roman road from Clausentum (Bitterne, Southampton), which leads through Portus Magnus* (Portchester ) to Regnum (Chichester) In the Brockhampton Registers we find baptisms of children from Fareham on the west, and from Chichester on the east . The distance between these two places is eighteen miles . Of the other places mentioned, Warblington is east of Havant, on the same Roman road, while Rowland's Castle is north of, and Hayling Island and Langstone south of, Havant itself. " The road crossing the street of Havant at right angles from northtosouth seems to have been one of the main approaches from [the Romans'] encampment on old Winchester[Hill], through Rowland'sCastle tothe harbour and island of Hayling " (Charles John Longcroft, A Topographical Account of the Hundred of Bosmere , p 2, London, 1857) Winchester and Havant might be termed the main Hampshire " centres of resistance " in the penal days When the Elizabethan settlementwas imposed Leonard Bilson was the incumbentof Havant Wefind him a prisoner in the Towerin June 1562, andseemingly already a long time in prison (C.R.S., i, 56). He was removed on 14 October 1571 to the Marshalsea, where he remained until June 1582 (C.R.S., i, 70; ii, 231) Canon St. George Kieran Hyland (A Century of Persecution, pp. 355-6, 389 , London, 1920) has transcribed a Marshalsea Prison List dated 27 July 1582 from the Loseley MSS , in which the Christian name is given as Bernard , " Bernard Bilson before his imprisonmentwhich hath been this XXth years he was parson at Havant and Kingesworthie [Kings Worthy] in the County of Southp. and Prebendary residentiarieof WinchesterandSalsisbury [sic]. " Doddin his Church History (ii, 319) calls him " Richard" and describes him as a Prebendaryof Wells. Altogether the incumbent of Havant spent over twenty years in prison The area round Havant returned many Recusants The Historian of the district writes: " For some reason * TheLatin nameforthe present diocese ofPortsmouth is PortusMagnus See Hants Field Club, vol xiv, part I, p 75. Canon Hyland seems to think that he was a layman, probably a Catholic and a convert. That he was the incumbent is clear from the Hants Field Club article. It is possible that he was a member of the Belson family; Mrs. Bryan-Stapleton (PreReform Oxfords Catholic Missions) says that he was . Canon Hyland does give a Leonard Bilson or Bylson on pp 383 and 385 . Cardinal Gasquet'sdefinition might berecalled:" Arecusantwassimply one who refused to be present at the public services in the parish churches (Hampshire Recusants , p. 9).


the old religion seemed to linger here among many of the yeomanry and lowerclasses with greater tenacity than in other partsof England (Longcroft, Hundred of Bosmere, p 63), and Cardinal Gasquet notes that the first Roll for the reign of James I (1604) gives the names of twenty-six men and womenof the labouring classes in Warblington alone (HampshireRecusants, p. 30) In all three lists of Recusants for the County, in 1592/3, in the reignof Charles II andamong the Catholic nonjurors of 1715, the neighbourhood of Havant is well represented * Among others, Thomas Pounde of Farlington in 1592 is represented by Thomas Pound and his wife of Boarhunt (Burrant in the List) in 1663and byanotherofthe same name and place in 1715. The Deringe of Havant in 1592 finds descendants in the Dering and Deerings of Boarhunt in 1663. Among the gentry we find George Cotton of Warblington Castle and Edward Bannister of Idsworth Manor, § and the Pole family across the Sussex border ** These familieswiththeir domestic chaplains largely contributed without a doubt to the maintenance of the Faith in this district. The Caryll family had perhaps the greatest influence . They owned Harting, Lady Holt and subsequently WestGrinstead In 1671 JohnCaryll gave £600for the support ofthreepriests, one to be ChaplainatWestGrinstead, the other two to be " riding missionaries " from village to village in Sussex and in Hampshire(Tranqualeon , West Grinstead et les Carylls). The deed was signed by the donor and by HumphreyWaring (Dean of the Chapter) The first beneficiaries were Dom Serenus Cressy , O.S.B., Chaplain at West Grinstead , and the Rev. GeorgeMiddleton and the Rev.John Ward as the " riding missionaries " " Their successors were to be secular priests living in obedience to the hierarchy, and the right of nomination rested with the Caryll family" (Irene Hernaman, West Grinstead and our SussexForefathers, p 76, London, 1924). Longcroft mentions a bequest of John Caryll, in a Will dated 17 October 1680 , of £50 among the priestsof Sussex , Hants, Wilts and Dorset, § § and another of £60 among the poor Catholics in those counties (Hundred of Bosmere, p. 64).

Dr. Tranqualeon states that shortly after the year 1715 Philip Caryll of North House, Catherington, made a permanentestablishment for a priest at Brockhampton He tells us that Philip was the eldest

* Cf . Estcourt and Payne, Cath Nonjurors of 1715, pp 235-238. For his story see A Century of Persecution, pp 352-5. George Cotton paid £260 each year in fines for many years. Cardinal Gasquetverified the payments from 1587 to 1607; in those twentyyears he paid £5,200 in money of those days, or something over £60,000 of our money" (i.c. the money of Cardinal Gasquet'stime) (Hampshire Recusants , p 31). For relations see C.R.S. , xvii, 310; xiv, 42; xiii, 42.

§ Idsworthpassed to the Dormer family (cf. Foley, Records S.J. , vol. vii, part I, p 205) by marriage and, according to Longcroft, there was a secret chapel in the upper part of the old Manor House

** Blessed Margaret Pole was arrested in Warblington Castle , 13 Nov. 1538

See Foley, Records S.J., iii, 534 note.

See Intro. to Winchester Register (C.R.S. , xlii, 3) The Rev. Geo. Middleton was succeeded bythe Rev.WilliamMathews(OldBrotherhood MSS .)

§§ As thesecountiesformed the Jesuit districtof " Mrs. Hants, " possibly this gift was made to the Society. Bro Foley (Records S.J., iii, 534 note) records a donation, dated 1675, The Lady Caryll, £50 : 0 : 0."

son of Philip, sixth son of John Caryll (the VI), and that hefounded the Mission of Havant in 1718. Philip had married the heiress ofthe Fettiplaces of Swyncombe , Oxon, whose mother was an Englefield of Catheringtonhence the residence Philip registers under the Act of George I as worth £154 . He died in Dunkirk in 1735. The local Historian, writing in 1857 , says: " there is a Roman Catholic Chapel attached to the residence of the priest, which was built in the year 1752. Previous to this the cottages at the corner of Brockhamptonlane, lately occupied by Mr. West, deceased , served the purpose of a chapel, and service was also performed at all the houses of the Roman Catholic families in the neighbourhood There being no chapel at Chichester the district was one of some extent. " The secrecy ofthe PenalDays hangs heavily over this Mission andit is somewhat difficult to trace the history of the various chapels at Brockhampton. § There are indications that there was a chapel at Langstone and it is evident that Langstone played no small part in the history of the Mission. Canon Francis Bailey, the present Parish Priest at Havant, statesthat Mass was said at Langstone , until the 1750s, in the three cottages before the " Royal Oak" public-house, on the roadleadingtoWarblington, and that the priest lived in one of the cottages. This was evidently in Father John Biggs's time and in the first years of Father David Morgan. Longcroft gives the date oftheRoman Catholic Chapel attached to the priest's residence as 1752. The Bishop of Winchesterin 1759 says** that a few years before the Rev. David Morgan had built a House and Chapel facing Langstone harbour, at a cost of £1,200 to £1,400. The Rev. Richard Southworth claims Father David Morgan asthefounder . The BulbeckMS . avers that" theChapel wasremoved from Langstone andwas held in the atticks of 3 cottages (near the late Chapel)" i.e. in BrockhamptonLane It further states (though the

* Bishop Ward (Dawn of the Catholic Revival, i, 50) gives 1733 as the date when the Mission was founded and endowed by theCarylls Obviously this is merely giving the first date in the Registers . In the Caryll pedigree given by Foley (Records S.J. , iii, 534), Philip of Shipley is shown as the fourth, not the sixth, son of John Caryll Foley also mistakenly says that Philip of Shipley, who died 1688 , founded the Mission at Havant

According to Longcroít (Hundred of Bosmere, p 66) John Caryll, the last of the family, was left utterly destitute and took refuge in the Roman Catholic Mission at Brockhampton and made it his home until his death in 1780. There is no mention of this death in the Brockhampton Registers Moreover, a John Baptist Caryll died at Dunkirk 7 March 1788 (C.R.S., xii, 30) Foley (Records S.J., iii, 537 note) says that a lineal descendantof the same namestill survived in America when he was writing FortheCaryll family see Foley, Records S.J., iii, 534-40 . The John Caryll said to have died in 1780 does not figure in Foley's pedigree

Longcroft, Hundred of Bosmere , pp 62-3

§ The Winchester Visitation Returns for 1725 give 50 reputed Papists at Havant who meet frequently at Middle Leigh with divers others; and another 69 Papists at Bedhampton.

** Bishop Hoadley's letteris given in full after theRegisters, p. 145 . MS. given in full after the Registers, p 138 .

Alettersigned "J. A. Burgess " inTheHampshireCountyTimes, 10July 1914: " Reliable tradition teaches us that a priest always managedto live secretly in one of the three small cottages overlooking the sea at Langston till 1733 , when the old Catholic Church in Brockhampton was built " 1733 is evidently the date when the Registers began, and not the date when the church was built


dateis obviously incorrect) that Father Thomas Talbot built a chapel circa 1750. The Rev. Bernard Kelly (History of Catholic Missions), following the Catholic Directory, gives 1790 as the date of the Chapel, and 1839 forthe opening of a NormanChurch, which in fact was never opened From all of which we gather that Mass was said in the beginningin the threecottages atLangstone ; that Fr. David Morganremoved to three cottages in Brockhampton Lane and later he, and not Fr. Thomas Talbot, built a House andChapel circa 1752. In 1790itappears that another Chapel was built; this would be the " barn like chapel with a hiding-place for the priest in the choir loft seen in her childhood by Mother Maurus Corney , who was born in 1856. This is probably the Chapel which, according to the MS published below and photographs, was afterwards burnt down The present church at Havant was opened in 1875

Details about the priests who served this district are sparse for the early years. The creeks along this shore were convenient places for the Seminary priests to land in and a number must have received hospitality with the Pounds, the Cottons and at Idsworth before going inland. Mr. John Chapman was caughtin the widow Bullacre'shouse in 1582, and the Jesuit Father, William Baldwin vere Bawden , was atGeorge Cotton'sforsix monthscirca 1598-9, andThomas Lister, S.J., was there circa 1603 (Foley, Records S.J., iii, 501 sq ) The first priest of whomthere is any record is the Rev. John Biggs Thereis nopriest of this name in the lists of the colleges at Rome, Douay, Valladolid or Lisbon. In the Liber Ruber of the English College, Rome (C.R.S. , xl, 147), however, there is a John Vancam, a Londonerson of John Vancam and Winifred Biggsborn 10 February 1693, who, after studying in London, entered the English College, Lisbon, in 1708; went to the English College, Rome, on 23 March 1712; was ordained 11 April 1716 and left for Englandin 1718. As John Vancamdoes not appear in any of the Obituary lists it is possible that he adopted his mother's name as an alias, according to the customof the times We do not know when John Biggs came to Brockhamptonthe records of sixtyearlierbaptisms appear to be missing. Hewas certainly therefrom 1733 to 1750. He may have been absent or ill between 1750 and 1753 , but he appears again in 1753. When BishopChalloner made his visitation in 1741 at" Langston, Havant, etc." he found 260 Catholics under Mr. Biggs and confirmed 112 ofthem John Biggs died in London20 July 1756 (C.R.S., xii, 9) In his Register of Lisbon College Gillow states that Mr. John Frankland, alias or vere Moyses, was priest at Havant in 1734. § There is no evidence in the Registers for this statementin fact at the time of Bishop Challoner's visitation, 1741, a Rev. Frank-

* See the portion of a letter reproduced after the Registers, p. 137 . " Mrs Edborow Bullacre, widow, of Warblington " was in a houseof correction in Winchester in 1583 because " In August 1582 John Chapman formerlyrector of Langton Herring in Dorset & now a seminary & massing priest ' was discoveredin the house of Mrs Bullacre in Warblington wherehe had resided for some time" (Gasquet, Hampshire Recusants, p 37).

There was a priestBiggsin Northamptonshire in 1702 (Canon Burton, MS Collection, " Priestsin PenalTimes , " File I, AB, Westminster Archives).

§ Fr. Bernard Kelly repeats this, giving the dates 1734-42 (Hist Dict of Missions , 1907)

Brockhampton Catholic Presbytery and Chapel

" The land presumably Johnwas at " Pennington and Avon . "* Rev. David Morgan, otherwise Pelagius, was the first established minister, and he may be said to have foundedthe Mission " (Longcroft, Hundred of Bosmere, p 66) David Morgan was admitted to Lisbon 9 December 1734 and ordained on 4 March 1742. By 1750 he was in Brockhampton In that year the Rev. John Philip Betts records the payment to him of half a guinea " for attendance in the Isle of Wight, " a payment repeated in 1752 for a similar purpose, and for 1752 there is not a single baptism in the Brockhampton Registers As no Mission was established in the Island before 1791 one wonders who the Catholics were whom he attended It is possible that they were the Brownes of Sheat, Gatcombe, whose daughter, Elizabeth, married James Windsor Heneage, and later founded the Missions of Newport and Cowes The Rev. David Morgan'slastentry was in January 1757, and he died at Bedhampton4 November 1758 (C.R.S., xii, 9) The next incumbent was the Rev. the Honourable Thomas Talbot, bornin 1728, the fifth son of GeorgeTalbot(commonly called the Earl of Shrewsbury as his elder brother, Gilbert, was a Jesuit and outlived him) and of Mary, daughter of ThomasViscount Fitzwilliam . He was the brother of George, 14th Earl of Shrewsbury , and of James , the future Vicar Apostolic of the London District With his two brothers he went to Twyford School and was sent to Douay in 1740, where he was ordained in December 1752. Comingto England, he resided for a time at Norwich with his old travelling tutor, until he came to Brockhampton before the month of April 1756. The Rev. David Morgan and he were there together for a time After the Rev. David Morgan's death in November 1758 , the Rev. Philip Wyndham is baptizing in Brockhampton in the same month of November. At this time the Mission had become a two-priest Mission, ifnot before. In a letter to a Minister of State, dated 22 May 1759, § Benjamin Hoadley, the Bishop of Winchester, writes: " There are now Two Priests belonging to this Chapel. One is said to be a Man of Fortune of the Shrewsbury Family His name is Talbot The Other, whose name is Wyndham, was born at Rome of English Parents " (S.P. Dom Geo. II, bundle 142, no 13). The Rev. Philip Wyndham also baptized in Gosport from April 1758 until March 1767. Hithertoit was a moot point whetherPhilipWyndham lived in Havant or in Gosport, but the foregoingextract seems to settle the question Moreover, Mr. William G. Gates, in his Illustrated History ofPortsmouth (Portsmouth, 1900, p 493) writes: " From Havant priests journeyed to various centres to minister to the scattered Catholics ' The Rev. Thomas Talbot was appointed, in 1762, Superiorof the English College at St. Omer when the Jesuits were forced to give up that College, but he did not cross over to Flanders until the end of 1762 , nor take over the Headship until the February of 1763. His last baptism at Brockhamptonwas in August 1762 , thoughwe findhim baptizing thereagain, once in October 1765 and once in May 1766, and in Gosportin March 1767. He was appointedCoadjutorto theVicar ApostolicoftheMidland District in 1766 and succeeded him in 1778. He died at Bristol 24

I.e., in the Sopley area .

A facetious alias: the Pelagian heresywas started by a British monk named Morgan.

See "Hampshire Ledger, " C.R.S. , xliii, 53 § Reproduced in full after the Registers, p 145


February 1795. The Rev. Philip Wyndham was the son ofJohnWynd- ham of Ashcombe, Wiltshire, and Margaret Kennedy. He was born in Rome on 10 August 1732 ; went to the English College, Rome , on 14 November 1744; was ordained 13 March 1756 and left for England 5May 1756 (C.R.S., xl , 200-1) Heserved the Missions of Brockhampton and Gosport, at first underthe Rev. Thomas Talbot and then as Resident Priest until 1767. Afterwards he became Confessor to the Augustinian Nuns at Bruges: the Editor of C.R.S. vii (p 356) says he was there from 1764 to 1772, but the former date is obviously wrong. After that he went as Chaplain to the Duke of Norfolk at Worksop Manor and finally to the Duke's seat at Arundel in 1785, where he remained fornearlyfortyyears . He was elected to the Chapterin 1806 He baptized once at Burton, Sussex , in December 1817 (C.R.S. , xxii, 310), and at Slindon (C.R.S., vii, 356) In 1824, at the age of 92, he walked from Arundel to London He died at Brook Green , Hammersmith (Gillow, C.R.S., viii, 440, says he died at Arundel Castle), in February 1825. The Rev. Peter Browne appears in the Registers for one baptism in August 1760. The Rev. Richard Kendal attended " at Brockhampton in Mr. Thomas Talbot's place on his going abroad (superiorum consensu) " and the Rev. John Philip Betts allows him £5 for this on 20 November 1762. We do not know how long hewas here . There is only one baptism by him in December 1762 and a cancelled entry in February of the following year. The next priest was the Rev. Richard Cornthwaite His first entry was in May 1767. He was aLancashireman, born about 1736. He studiedandwasordained at Douay, where he took the Oath 27 December 1760, aged 24 (J. Gillow, Haydock Papers, p 143, note, London, 1888) Gillow has a few curious mistakes in this noteon Cornthwaite. He saysthat Richard Cornthwaite succeeded the Rev. Thomas Talbot in 1764§ at Havant , which he places in Sussex It is obvious that Cornthwaite succeeded Wyndham in 1767. Thereis somethingmysteriousalso aboutthe Rev. Richard Cornthwaite's alleged appointment as Chaplain to Sedgley Park School According to Gillow, " about 1779** hewas appointed chaplain at Sedgley Park School, and after the death at Finchley, Sept. 28, 1782, of Mr. William Mumford, the procurator of St. Omer's College, succeededto the office, and was ofgreat service to the college. " From the Rev. F. C. Husenbeth (The History of Sedgley Park School, London, 1856) we learn (p 27) that " Mr. Thomas Hartleyremained as chaplain till the year 1781 "; he also tells us (pp 36 and 37) that * His sister , Anne Wyndham, married James Everard Arundell in 1751 , and their son succeeded as the9thLordArundell of Wardour in 1803 (C.R.S., viii, 440). The Editor says that there were only two children, Philip and Anne, but theirtwo brothers, Dominic, born in Venice 1 October 1730 (C.R.S. , xl, 200), and Charles , born in Rome 5 January1735 (C.R.S., xl, 204), were both dismissed from the English College in Rome A letter from Philip Wyndham to Bishop Douglass , written at Arundel, concerning the French refugee priests, is quoted by Bishop Ward (Dawn of the CatholicRevival, ii, 14-15)

. See Introduction, " Hampshire Ledger, " C.R.S. , xliii, 1 .

See Introduction, Winchester Registers (C.R.S. , xlii, 7-9) and " Hampshire Ledger. "

§ C.R.S. , xvii, 368, says he was at Douay in 1754 and ordainedin 1765 , and was then priest at Sedgley Park and succeeded Bishop Talbotat Brockhampton in 1766. These dates appear to be verydoubtful

** C.R.S. , xvii, 368, gives 1773 as Chaplain at Sedgley Park, and 1781 for his appointment to St. Omer Again very doubtfuldates.


shortly before the death of the first President, the Rev. Hugh Kendal, on2 July 1781 , a change hadtaken place andthe Rev. Thomas Hartley had been succeeded by the Rev. Richard Cornethwaite[sic]. In his History of Cotton College (London, 1940) Canon W. Buscot makes no mention of the Rev. Richard Cornthwaite It is difficultto reconcile with the above statements the factthat the Rev. Richard Cornthwaite was baptizing continuously at Brockhampton throughout 1781 and throughout 1782 until the month ofNovember, and also with the other factthat he drewhis dividends from the Hants Secular ClergyFundforpaymentofwhich workin the county was a sinequa non conditionuntil the November of 1782 (see " Hampshire Ledger ") If he was ever atSedgley Park it must have been a veryfleetingvisit. Heescaped from St. Omer at the time of the French Revolution and settled at Harvington Hall, Worcestershire , where he died 11 September 1803 , aged 67 (J. Gillow, Haydock Papers, p 143, note; J. Gillow, St. Thomas's Priory, p 100 , London, undated) During Father Cornthwaite'stime the following priests baptized at Brockhamptonthe Rev. John Underhill in 1768, who was the priest at Gosport : the Rev. Robert Tommins in 1777: the Rev. Richard Antrobus in 1777, 1778 and 1779 ; he was the son of Thomas Antrobus and Sarah Greenhow, of the diocese of Chester; he was in theology at Douay from 1 October 1766 until 1770 and tookthe Oath on 11 March 1768, aged nearly 33; he was ordaineddeacon before October1769 and was a minor professor from October 1770 to 1771 ; he went to St. Omer to study underAlban Butler 31 May 1771 ; returned to Douay, being sent by BishopChalloner to prepare for the priesthood, on 13 September 1772 and was ordained priest at Cambrai 5 June 1773; was prefect of musicat Douay 1773-4 and taught Rudiments 1774-5, leaving for the Mission 15 May 1775; hewas chaplainto Lord Montaguat Cowdrayand Easebourne 1779-82 , chaplainat Burton House, Burton, Sussex , 4 March3 May 1783, and finally chaplain at Hollest House, near Midhurst, Sussex , in or before 1800 , where he died 1 February 1800 (Knox, Douay Diaries, p 73; Canon Burton, MS Collection , File I, A-B, WestminsterArchives); itis quite possible, therefore , that he was assistant priest at Brockhampton 1777-9: the Rev. Joseph Knapp, § a native of the parish, who baptized here atintervals between July 1781 andAugust 1810. The Rev. Richard Cornthwaitewas succeededby the Rev.James Appleton , ** whose first entry was in November 1782 and his last in December 1784. Curiously enough, he received only half a year's dividend for Havant in May 1784 and a full year's dividend in April 1785 (see " Hampshire Ledger "). Possibly these were retrospective . Gillow (Dict of Eng. Cath ., i, 54) gives him a short notice, but makes no mention of his Brockhamptonincumbency. He was of the Norwich diocese, the son of James Appleton and Mary Smith, and was born in 1743 or 4. He took the Oath at Douay 12 March 1762 and was in theology there from 1762 to 1765. As a sub-deacon he was a master at Esquerchin,

* See Introduction to Gosport Registers

See Introductionto Winchester Registers, C.R.S. , xlii, 11 Canon Burton says his alias was Mann (MS Collection, "Priests in Penal Times , " File I, AB, Westminster Archives)

§ See Introductionto Portsea Registers.

** Dr. Husenbeth, without giving any authority, says that his real name was Moore("Memoirsof Parkers, " MS . I, f. 6, quoted by Gillow, St. Thomas's Priory, p. 101).


but returned to Douay 9 July 1767. He was professor at St. Omer for about two years (1769-71) and left Douay 31 May 1771. Subsequently he travelled on the Continent as tutor to some of the Jerninghams, and on his return became chaplain to Sir William Jerningham, Bart , at Cossey Hall in Norfolktill 1778 , when he became chaplain toMichaelBlount at Mapledurham , Oxon His term of office at Brockhampton must have followed this appointment He next went to Chillington, Staffs., the seat of the Giffard family, thence to Mawley, Salop, as chaplainto SirWalter Blount, Bart, and finallytoSt.Austin's, Stafford, on 27 July 1804, where he remained till his deathon 22 March 1813, aged 71. He was buried at Castle Church , where his gravestone was still visible in Mr. J. Gillow's time. He was a sound theologian and an able writer and his works obtained considerable popularity in his day. While at Brockhamptonhe published four volumes ofsermons (Ward, Dawn of Cath Revival, i, 28-9; Burton, MS Coll , File I, A-B , Westminster Archives). It is curious to note that Father Appleton did not baptize once outside Brockhampton itself He was succeeded by the Rev. John Earle (1785-1787), who was the son of Tobias Earle and Elizabeth Hutton He was born in London 31 December 1749 (Old Style), i.e. 11 January 1750 (New Style) He took the Oath at Douay 10 August 1777, and was ordainedpriest at Arras 18 December 1779. He left Douay before October 1784. In his short noticeofhim Gillow again omits to mention the Rev. John Earle's stay at Brockhampton. He laboured mostly in London, being assistantpriest at Warwick Street Chapel, with the Rev. John Lindow, to the nominal head chaplain, Bishop James Talbot, in 1788 or 1789 , and confessor to the Poor Clares at 17 Somerset Street, Manchester Square, in 1794 , when they came over from Rouen He was elected a member of the Chapterin 1803. He was head chaplain at the Spanish Ambassador's Chapel in Dorset Street, Manchester Square, from 1792 to 1818 , dying there 15 May 1818. He was buried in St. Pancras (Gillow, Dict of Eng Cath , ii, 151 ; Ward, Dawn of Cath Revival, i, 192 ; ii, 129; Burton, MS Coll , File II, CDE, WestminsterArchives) He was succeeded at Brockhampton by the Rev. Richard Southworth, the G.O.M. of Brockhampton Richard Southworth was born in 1743 , and came from Goosnargh, Lancashire , § the son of Ralph Southworth of BroughtonandCatherine Kay ** He tooktheOath at Douay2April 1763, aged 19. He was ordained priest 19 March 1768. After ordination he was professor of theology in Douay in September 1773 and Vice-President in February 1775 , and was still occupying that post when the entries in the First and Second Douay Diariesendin 1780 We haveit on his own statement(recorded in his Memorandum Book)

* Kirk gives 1814 in error

C.R.S. , xii, 118, calls him John CanonBernard Mooreof Stafford has recently had the stone renovated Bishop Ward says that he was chaplain at Mapledurham when he published the sermons His authority is a letter dated 24 May 1784; but at that date James Appleton was at Brockhampton.

§G. Oliver, Collections, pp 413-4, where, however, Richard's obit is wrongly given as 9 December 1817

** The EditorofC.R.S. vol xxviii (p. 21, note) is in error in sayingthat he was afirst cousin of the four Kendal priest-brothers They were thebrothers of Richard Southworth's grandmother, and their nephews, the Rev. Richard Kendal (Legal Proprietor of Standon Lordship) and the Rev. Hugh Kendal (President of Sedgley Park) were first cousins to Richard Southworth's mother. See C.R.S. , xlii, 8.

that he arrived in Brockhampton5 October1787. A wealth ofinformation can be garnered from the minute detailswith which he ornamented his entries in the Registers and other books. Bishop James Talbot apparently thought so highly of him that in a Will drawn up some two years before his death on 26 January 1790 he expressed a desire that Richard Southworth should succeed him No application, however , had been made to Rome, and after the Bishop's death Bishop John Douglass succeeded him. Southworth does not appear to have been very popular with the clergy and we find Dr. Milner writingto Bishop Douglass on 23 March 1795, apropos of establishinga college in Englandto replace Douay: "Mr. Daniel, I take it for granted, must be President , and he will take his own measures. I own he is a good man and a man of good parts, but he will be as much laughedat here as Mr. Richard Southworth" (Ward, Hist of St. Edmund's College, p 125) Bishop Douglass showed his confidence in RichardSouthworth by appointing him Vicar of Hampshire, and incidentally Milner's superior Proof of his ability as the Hants Vicar will be seen in the Introductions to the Gosport and Portsea Registers Further evidence of Bishop Douglass's confidence will be found in Bishop Douglass's letters to Richard Southworth and in the latter's replies, publishedin this volume. Richard Southworth was instrumental in passing on the legacy of £10,000 left by one of his parishioners , John Sone, the miller of Bedhampton , for the building of St. Edmund's College. After his deathon 19 November 1817 he was buried in Warblington Churchyard. Longcroft (Hundred of Bosmere , pp 66-7) says that Richard Southworth " was universally respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, " and quotes his monumental inscription: "Here liethe mortal remains of the Reverend / Richard Southworth, late Pastor of the Catholic/ Chapel of Brockhampton, having fulfilled all / the duties of his station during thirty years with zeal, prudence, and charity, truly admirable / He departed this life on the 19th day of November/ 1817 , in the 75th year of his age, regretted by all who knew him , but particularly by his surviving congregation , who, as a small token oftheirgratitude, have raised / this stone to his memory. Requiescat in pace. Have pity on me, at least you, my friends' Job. "

The record of one baptism at Chichester in 1812 is included in the Register This was administered by the Abbé Jean Baptiste François Le Cordier, whose full name was apparently Le Cordier des Jardins. As "M.Desjardins " he figures in RichardSouthworth'sMemorandum Book Having refused to take the Oath, he left Cherbourg in September 1792. In 1827 he was Curé of Couville, a parish 12 kilometres from Cherbourg, and still held that office ten years later. The Rev. Joseph Kimbell was the next incumbent of Brockhampton. He was educated at St. Omer and was one ofthose imprisonedat Doullens during the Revolution. He went to Old Hallin 1795 and was ordained there (deacon in 1800, but of the priesthoodthere is no record) He remained on as professor, was Prefectfrom 1803 to 1806 (BishopWard says " five years"), and Vice-President from 1810 to 1813. He suc-

There is an echo of this in one of the Rev. Richard Southworth's letters to Bishop Douglass, vide infra, p 118. See also Ward,Dawn ofCath Revival, i, 197. Afterthe Bishop'sdeath the Rev. James Barnard made known the Bishop'sdesire at a meetingofthe clergy Theclergyvoted for:(1) Bishop Charles Berington, Coadjutor Midland District; (2) John Douglass ; (3) Peter Browne Bishop Walmesley's terna was : (1) Gregory Stapleton; (2) John Douglass ; (3) Richard Southworth (ibid. , p. 233)


The ceeded Dr. Poynter as third President from 1813 to 1817 Edmundian (December 1898,p 113) saysthat" he left [St. Edmund's] in 1817. After doing some temporary duty at Lincoln's Inn Field and elsewhere, hewas appointedhead priest at Moorfields . " His temporary duty at Lincoln's Inn Field must have been slight, for he was at Brockhampton from at least November 1817 until June 1825. He died at Moorfields5 December 1835. His successor at Brockhamptonwasthe Rev. John Kearns , who entered his first baptism in August 1825 and his last in March 1853. He was in the Third Class of Rudiments at St. Edmund'swhen theschool commenced on 1 August 1812. He appears among the philosophers therein 1818 and 1819 and then went to Rome (Prefect of Studies' Book 1800-30, St. Edmund's College) He died at Chelsea He was succeededby the Rev.DanielDonovan , who was here for about two years, until 1855, when he went to Crayford The next priest was the Rev. ArmengolRitort He was born in Catalonia, Spain, and was ordainedthere in 1832. He came to England in 1841 and was chaplain to the Convent at New Hall until February 1844 Next he became affiliated to the London District and served at Saffron Hill, Gravesend; was in 1850, for about a year, chaplain at Gosport to Princess Maria, wife of Prince Carlos of Spain, and was appointed to Havant in 1854. He died in 1864 and was buried at Warblington Since then the following priests have served the Mission:

The Rev. Eugene Reardon

The Rev. W. Stone

The Rev. John Horrigan (He was also here in 1871)

The Rev. Joseph P. Hayes

The Rev. Albert G. Clarke

1864-Christmas 1882 1882-till his death, 29 January 1888 1888-13 May 1895

1895-February 1902 1902-November 1906 (He died later in Australia)

The Rt Rev. Mgr Canon Louis Hall 1 November 1906-28 July 1909

The Rev. Hugh Breslin July 1909-28 December 1909

The Rev. (Canon in 1913) James J. Daly, 28 December 1909 to May 1924 (when he retired, and died in Havant on 14 October 1925) and the present incumbent, The Rev. (Canon in 1941) FrancisBailey, May 1924-


NOTES ON MISSIONS mentioned in the story of, or connected with, Brockhampton

By the Rt. Rev. John Henry King, Bishop of Portsmouth , and Canon Robert E. Scantlebury


Anoutpost ofthe Faithin the Penal Days, which has nowvanished, was the Jesuit Residence atSouthend , Soberton The district served by it comprised Hambledon, Catherington, Boarhunt andthe Meon Valley

* A sketch of the Rev. Joseph Kimbell is given as frontispiece to this issue of The Edmundian See also Ward, History of St. Edmund's College, passim Gillow (Dict. ofEng. Cath., i, 210) says that his successor as President ofSt. Edmund's, the Very Rev. Joseph Bew, D.D. (1817-8), retired toHavant shortly after he had resigned in 1818 , and died there 25 October 1829. Cf. C.R.S., xix, 151

This and the following appointments are taken from the Rt Rev. Bishop John Baptist Cahill's list, which was destroyed by enemy action in 1941. See Index : Silveira.

TheCatholicfamilyofthe Brunings held lands at Hambledontill 1718 , and the Henslowes of Boarhunt were still Catholics in 1662/3. Brother Foley refers to the Englefield family as residing at Catherington_in the seventeenth century (Records S.J., iii, 411), and mentions Fr. Thomas Blackfan, vere Thomas Bennett, S.J ., * as Chaplain there in 1658 , when Miss Margaret Carew made a gift to him of £100 in trust in his capacity of Superiorof " Mrs Hants, " i.e. the district of Hants , Dorset, Sussex andWiltshire Later, in 1692, there were JesuitChaplainsat Catheringtonand Hookheath From these temporaryorpassing chaplaincies a permanent centre was eventually formed at Southend . Brother Foley places the earliest resident Jesuit there at the end of the seventeenth century (Records S.J., iii, 265 sq ) Means of existence were provided by a small copyholdestate known as " Kirby's," which was a farmhouse serving both as a Chapel and a residence for the Fathers The original donor was said to be Miss Jane Cotton, who became Mrs. Bright, and Lord Arundell of Wardour acted as trustee. Brother Foley also states that many of the congregation were Catholics whocame south after the rebellionof '45 and that he himself, as a boy, hadoften served Mass there (Records S.J., vii, part 2, p 1406) There was another property belongingto the Residence, called " Furzeley, " which was acquired by the Society in 1682, but disposed of in 1774 When Bishop Challonervisited Southend on 2 July 1741 he found a congregation numbering 100 , of whom he confirmed 40; the Jesuit in charge was Fr. Leonard Coniers . In Jesuit Addresses 1727-34 his direction is thus given: " to be left at Mr. Geo Binsteds mercerin Hambledon, by Fareham bagg. " He was born in Kent 6 August 1671 , entered the Society 7 September 1690 , and appears to have spent the whole of his missionarylife in the Residence of St. Thomas ofCanterbury (Hants District), and died at Southend , Soberton , 15 July 1745 , aged 74 (Records S.J., vii, part 1 , p 155) He was succeeded by Fr. John Tichborne , Junr , S.J. (Records S.J., vii, part 2, p 779) Other Fatherswho served this Mission (the order may not be strictly chronological) were:

Fr. Francis Short, S.J., who died at Southend 9 November 1755 , aged 37, having been at West Grinstead in the previous year (Records S.J., vii, part2, p 711) He was ofthe EastAnglian familyof medical men and a relation of the Smiths of Winchester Books belongingto him , with the inscription "Le livre de François Short," are in the Winchester Presbytery Library Cf. C.R.S. , xlii, 154n.

Fr. Robert Dormer, S.J., who was a relation of the Sixth Lord Dormer . He died at Wappenbury, co Warwick, 4 May 1792 , aged 66 (Records S.J. , vii, part 1 , p 206)

Fr. GeorgeBruning, S.J., the last survivor of the Wymering family, who died at Isleworth 3 June 1802, aged 64. He resided for a time at EastHendred, Berks, with his brother-in-law, Thomas John Eyston, who had married his half-sister, Mary, in 1743 (Records S.J., vii, part 1 , p. 100)

Fr. John Couche, S.J., who spent twenty years at Southend (see Introduction to Gosport Registers).

* Brother Foley gives Fr. Bennett's own account of his captivity, ibid, pp 411-20 . George Binsted's wife has a tombstone in St. James's Cemetery, Winchester See C.R.S. , xlii, 164, M.I. No. 125


Fr. Richard Knight, S.J., appears to have been at Southend in 1792. It is difficult to say whowere the next priests here, as nomention is made of the Mission in the Laity's Directory until 1829, when Fr. A. Wainwright, S.J., is in charge How long he had been there wedo not know, but he was supplying in Gosport and Portsea in 1827. He was succeeded by Fr. James Knight, S.J. , from 1831 to 1839 , in which year the property was sold and the proceeds invested in a new venture at Tunbridge Wells Brother Foley says that the congregationhad steadily declined In 1741 there were 100 : thirty-eight years later , in 1779 , it had been reduced to 74. If there were Registers kept here , their present whereabouts are uncertain .


Mention of this Station has been made in the previous Notes on Southend WilliamEnglefield , a youngerson of (?) Sir Francis, married Mary, daughter of WilliamWollascott of Shinfield, Berks, and a home was purchased for him near Catherington, known as North House . Their daughter and heiress took the property to the Fettiplace family of Oxfordshire, whence it came again, by the marriage of an heiress , to a younger branch of the Caryll family.

We know for certain the names of only two resident priests: Fr. Thomas Blackfan, vere Thomas Bennett, S.J., about 1658 , and Fr. Gilbert Talbot, S.J., in 1692. Both being Jesuits, we may presume that the Society served the chaplaincy as long as it was in existence. Philip Caryll, to whom the foundation of the Brockhampton Mission in 1718 is attributed, was the last lord of the place.


This was the chaplaincy of the Dormer family. In Elizabeth's days the great Recusant of these parts was Edward Bannister. By marriage the property came to the Dormer family.

According to the Old Chapterdocument(C.R.S., ix, 108), the Rev. Robert Hornby, S.J., resided " with Mr William Dormer, Idsworth , " in 1692. Brother Foley states that Fr. Francis Powell, S.J., "was living there [at Idsworth] for some years, from about 1724 , but after him no other Missioner is named " (Records S.J., v, 799, note).

In the Francisan Annals, Fr. Thomas Holmes, O.S.F., is said to have been there in 1758. Although this chaplaincy is omitted from Bishop James Talbot's Report to Rome in 1786, Gillow (Dict of Eng Cath ., ii, 348) says that the Rev. Thomas Gabb (see Portsea and Cowes Registers) was here for six months circa 1787-8.


Ladyholt was one of the residences of the Caryll family. Foley (Records S.J., iii, 542) states that Fr. Lavinius Brown, S.J., appears to have been appointed to the Mission at Ladyholt immediately after September 1700 , and (ibid , pp 538 sq ) that Fr. RichardCaryll, S.J., the son of John, the second Lord Caryll, was also residentthere under the assumed name of Paul Kelly, at some date before 1718 until circa 1724. In Bishop Challoner's Visitation of"Ladyholtand Compton in 1741 , he found a priest named " Brooks" in residence. Brother Foley says he wasa Jesuit.

Brockhampton Catholic Presbyteryand Chapel after the Fire


THE REGISTERS (1733-1855)


The Registers are now preserved in St. Joseph's Presbytery, Havant

No. 1 Register is a small quarto book, with leaves measuring 7x5 inches . Each page is ruled in rednow fadedas for a cash book. The book has been reversed and the three red lines are on the left-hand side, and the one red line on the right hand; it is vellum-covered and half an inch thick.

The pages are not numbered (pagination here supplied). During the Rev. John Biggs'stime the entries are on one side of the leaf only. Register No. 2 is exactly the same in format as No. 1 .

In 1751 the Rev. David Morgan opened Register No. 2. In 1753 the Rev. John Biggs again made entries in the No. 1 Register (there are no records of any baptisms in 1752), and in 1754 the Rev. David Morgan continued with Register No. 2. His successors completed Register No. 2, and then the Rev. Richard Southworth continuedthe entries in Register No. 1 , from 1813 until his death His successors also made use of this No. 1 Register until 1855. * The last forty-one pages are blank, and several leaves have been torn out at the end of the book.

On the outside front cover is written in black ink, now faded: Baptismal Registers

Book N° 1

Catholic Chapel Brockhampton



In the bottom left-hand corner, in another hand, lengthwise: 1st Baptism 1733

On the inside front cover is a blob of red sealing-wax with a piece of paper adhering to it bearing the printed letters


CATH a remnant of the certificate showing that the Register was submitted to Somerset House


[On fly-leaf, in pencil] baptisms 91-25 yrs * - baptisms 91 in 25 altered to years

[On reverse offly-leaf, in pencil, in the Rev. J. Kimbell'shand] King George the 1st died 11th June 1727

George 2d

[Queen Anne a all heavily scored]

* The last entry was made by the Rev. A. Ritort on 20 May 1855. Counting the 60, of which the records are presumably missing (see note below), the 91st baptism is on 6 March 1735/6 The first recorded baptism would therefore be at the beginning of 1711 .


[p . 1] Mary Hargood [three letters heavily scored] Daughterof thos & Jean Hargood was born March the 9th 1732/3 & baptized by me John Biggs March the 11th 1732/3 in the presence ofthe Godfather & Godmother Jeams* Hargood & Mary Ridchards

[A line is drawn roughly across the page after each entry.]

Eliz: Grigg daughter of Eliz: & Thos Grigg was born Novr the 8th 1733 & baptized by me John Biggs Novr the 15th 1733 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Rd Knapp & Mrs Eliz: Stanley sen:, at Mr Thos Grigg's house at Bedhampton . Jeams Hyggins son of Wm Hyggins & Sarah Chatfeild [sic] born Novr the 17th 1733 & baptized by me John Biggs Decem the 4th 1733 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Rd Hyggins & Joan Collins ; at old Goodman Hyggin'shouseat Leigh. John Tipper son of Wm Tipper & Ann his wife born Novr the 25th 1733 & baptizedby me John Biggs Decemr the 4th [4th above , but a 5 is superimposedon the first figure of the year] 1773 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother John Biggs aforesaid & Mary Fran: Hyggins sen : at Mr Wm Tipper'shouse at Chichester

EmmanuellHudson son of John Hudson & Mary his wife born Novr the 24th or thereabouts 1733 & baptizedby me John Biggs Decem the 9th 1733 inthe presence ofthe Godfather & Godmother Emmanuellthe Portugese & Margaritt Hydesen:, att the Chapple att Brockhampton . [1733 in pencil]

Charles Ibbotson son of John Ibbotson & Kat: his wife born Decem the 23d 1733 & baptizedby me John Biggs Decem" the 27th 1733 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Millett Jun: & Molly Ring proxy for Mrs Sarah Ibbotson sen: [66 in pencil underneath .]*

[p. 2 blank.]


Mary Todd daughterof Wm Todd & Mary his wife born Marchthe 11th 1733/4 & baptized by me John Biggs March the 14th 1733/4 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mrs [word obliterated] Rix sen: & Mr How .

WmWallis son of Thos Wallis & Jean his wife born May the 1st 1734 & baptizd by me John Biggs May the 8th 1734 in the presenceofthe Godfather& Godmother the aforesaid John Biggs & Mrs Farr

Henry Farr [heavy obliteration] son of Henry Farr & Mary his wife, born June the 8th 1734 & baptized by me John Biggs June the 17th 1734in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Wm Millett Jun:, & Eliz: Champ Jun:

* James is often spelt thus by the Rev. J. Biggs

These pencil additions are all obviously by a later hand, by somebody who has been examining the Register. The 65, coupledwith thefigures on subsequent pages, seems to show that the records of 60 baptisms are missing. The 1733 indicates the first mention of the Brockhampton Chapel Most probably the mother of Bishop William Poynter, V.A. (see statement inside cover, Brockhampton Register No. 2, infra, p 48).

Toms Kennell son of George Kennell & Ann Kennell his wife, born June the 27th 1734 & baptizedby me John Biggs July the 3d 1734 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother MrJohn Bartholomew senr & Mrs Eliz: Reynolds

Barbara Ford daughter of Rd Ford of Alsworth & Eliz: his wife, born July the 15th 1734, and baptized by me John Biggs July the 25th 1734 in the presenceof the Godfather& Godmother Wm Millett Jun:, & Mrs Mary Salter.

Sarah Littleworth daughter of John Littleworth & Mary his wife, born Augst the 20th 1734 & baptized by me John Biggs Augst the25th 1734 in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Joseph Marchant & Eliz: Fleett.

[72 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 4 blank.]

[p. 5] Toms Leach son of Thos Leach & Eliz: his wife , born Septem the 2d 1734 & baptizedby me John Biggs Septem" the 8th 1734 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Thos Champ Jun & Eliz: Champ Jun

Franciscus Grover son of Philip Grover & Mary his wife, born Decem the 13th 1734 & baptizedby me John Biggs Decem" the 15th 1734 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Robt Ball & Mary Veal.

William Morey son of John Morey & Margarett his wife born Decemr the 17th 1734 & baptizedby me John Biggs [obliteration] the said 17thday of Decem 1734 in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Rd Knapp & Mrs Ring Sent of Langstone proxy for Mrs Millett of Bedhampton

Eliz: Gillingam daughter of Jeams Gillingam & Eliz: his wife born Janrythe 18th 1734/5 & baptizedby me John Biggs Janry the 19th 1734/5 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Digory Roe & Mrs Rd Ayles.

FrancusMash son of Edward Mash & Margarett his wife born Feb: the 13th1734/5 & baptized per me John Biggs in the presence ofthe Godfather& Godmother the aforesaid John Biggs & Mary Fran: Hyggins Sen" Feb: the 22d 1734/5 .

Jeams How son of George How & Eliz his wife born March the 25th1735 & baptizedby me John Biggs March the 30th 1735 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Mr John Ibbotson Sen & Molly Ring proxy for Mrs Bold.

[78 in pencil at the bottom of the page]

[p. 6 blank.]

[p. 7] John Roe son of Digory Roe & Mary his wife born Aprill the 3d 1735 & baptized per me John Biggs Aprill the 6t 1735 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Rd Veal & Ann Pitt.


John Ayles son of Jeams Ayles & Ann his wife born May the 16th 1735 & baptizedby me John Biggs the said 16th day of May 1735 in the presenceof the Godfather& Godmother the aforesaid John Biggs & Mrs Farr

Katharin Ring Daughter of Wm Ring Jun & Mary his wife , born June the 16th 1735 & baptizedby me John Biggs June 17th 1735 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Millett Jun & Eliz: Champ Jun

Charles Ford son of EdwardFord of Heylin * & Mary his wife, born July the 13th 1735 & baptizedper me John Biggs July the 20th 1735 in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Gooddy Colebrook Sen & Toms Leach

Robt Marshall son of Robt Marshall & Eliz: his wife, born Augt the 27th1735 & Baptized per me John Biggs Augt the 28th 1735 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Tom Ring, & Molly Ring.

[83 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 8 blank savefor one line as mentionedin the first entry below .]

[p. 9] Jeams Farr son of Henry Farr & Mary his wife born Sep the 1st 1735but being in danger (as people thought) ofDeath , was baptized by Mrs Ring of Langstone, Sepr the 4th 1735 the ceremonys being afterwards performed by me, viz Sepr the 18th 1735. Godfather& Godmother was J: Biggs Mr John Ibbotson senr & Mrs [on opposite page (8), x Knappproxy for Mrs Wm Cook; this belongs to Jeams Farr &c:]

Wm Cook son of Wm Cook & Mary his wife born Octor the 31st 1735 & baptized per me JohnBiggs Sep" [sic]the 20th 1735 in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Thos Champ & Ann Everett

Rd Knapp son of Rd Knapp & Eliz: his wife born Novr the 30th 1735 & baptized per me John Biggs Decem" the 1st 1735 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr John Ibbotson senr & Mrs Ring Wde

Mary Blunden daughter of John Blunden& Maryhis wife born Decem the 5th 1735 & Baptized per me John Biggs Decem" the 9th 1735 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Jos: Merchant & Mary Allen.

Mary Bethell Daughter to Joseph Bethell & Mary his wife born Decem³ the 12th 1735 & Baptized per me John Biggs Decem* the 15th1735in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Jeams Hyggins Sen & Mary Farr.

[88 in pencil at the bottom of the page]

[p. 10 blank.]

* Hayling Island

Several pencilled crosses markthis entry, and also the baptisms ofthe other membersof the Knapp family in this Register. " Wde stands for " Wade" Cf. [p 20] apparently

[p. 11]

Mary Typper daughterof Wm Typper & Ann hiswife born Decr the 18th 1735 & baptized per me John Biggs Decr the 23d 1735 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Edward Mash & Mary Hyggins Jun" of Chichester .

Thomas Hargood son of Thomas Hargood & Jean his wife born January the 26 1735/6 & baptizedper me John Biggs Feb: the 1st 1735/6in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Thomas Richards & Mary Bethell

Eliz: Todd daughterof Wm Todd & Mary his wife born March the 5th 1735/6 & baptized per me John Biggs Marchthe 6t 1735/6 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Rd Todd & Mary Molton

John Veal son of Richard Veal & Mary his wife born Aprill the 12th 1736 & baptizedper me John Biggs Aprill the 13th 1736 in the presenceofthe Godfather& Godmother the aforesaid John Biggs & Sindony Layton Sen™

Eliz: Hyggins daughter of George Hyggins & Ann his wife born June the 7th 1736 & baptizedper me John Biggs Junethe 13th 1736 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Oliver Sen & Eliz: Ford Sen of Alsworth.

Eliz: How daughter of George How & Eliz : his wife born Augt the 10th 1736 & baptized per me John Biggs Augt the 16t 1736 in the presenceofthe Godfather & Godmother Thos Champ & Clare Giggs

[94 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 12 blank .]

[p. 13]

Mary Mash daughter of Edwd Mash & Margaretthis wife born Augt the 19th 1736 & baptizedby me John Biggs the aforesaid Augt the 19th 1736 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Francis Higgins Sen & Sarah Varndall proxis for Francis Hyggins Jun & Frances Groves.

Mary Ayles daughter of Jeams Ayles & Ann his wife born Augt the 3d 1736 & baptized per me John Biggs the aforesaid Augt the 3d 1736 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother the aforesaid John Biggs & Eliz: Knapp.*

Rd Hughes son of Rd Hughes & Mary his wife born Oct the 23d 1736 & baptized per me John Biggs Octr the 25th 1736 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Barnes & Winefrid Gardiner Senr

Jean Govar daughter of Thos Govar Jun & Mary his wife born Novr the 16th 1736 & baptized per me John Biggs Nov" the 21st 1736 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Oliver Sen & Mary Oliver his wife proxes for JohnOliver Jun" & Jean Morris .

Joseph Farr son ofHenry Farr & Mary his wife born December the 6th1736 & baptizedper me John Biggs Decem² the 8th1736 in the presenceof the Godfather& Godmother theaforesaid John Biggs & Margarett Morey.

[99 in pencil at the bottom of the page.)

* This entry is out of chronological order .


[p. 14 blank.]

[p. 15]

Bonaventure Roe son of Digory Roe & Mary his wife born Decr the 22d 1736 & baptized per me John Biggs Decr the 28th 1736 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother the aforesaid John Biggs proxy for Rd Veal, & Molly Ring. [100-600 in pencil underneath]

George Cook son of Wm Cook & Mary his wife born Jany the [blank] 1736/7 & baptizedper me John Biggs Janry the 10th1736/7 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother George Champ senr & Mrs Lyddia Millett.

Martha Wallis daughter of Thos Wallis & Jean [his omitted] wife bornJanythe8th 1736/7 & baptized per me JohnBiggs Janty the 17th 1736/7 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Rd Knapp Sen & Ann Ayles.

Joseph Morey son of John Morey sen & Margtt his wife, born Feby the 12th 1736/7 & baptized per me John Biggs Febry the 15th 1736/7 in the presence of the Godfather & GodmotherRd Ayles & Molly Ring proxy for Mrs Wm Todd

Rd Booman son of Rd Booman & Margit his wife born Febry the 18th 1736/7 & baptized per me John Biggs Febry the 19th 1736/7 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Stephen Pitt, & Mary Bulbeck Sen™

[p 16 blank ]

[p. 17] Stephen Pitt son of Stephen Pitt & Ann his wife born March the 3d 1736/7 & baptized per me John Biggs March the 6t 1736/7 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Thos Ring & Sarah Lamb

Eliz: Collins daughter of John Collins & [Ann scored , Joan or Jean above] his wife born March the 5th 1736/7 [obliteration] & baptized per me John Biggs Marchthe 13th1736/7 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Phil : Grover Sen" proxyfor Wm Hyggins Senr & Mary Grover.

William Marshall son of Robt Marshall& Eliz: his wife born Marchthe 24th 1736/7 & baptized per me J: Biggs Marchthe27th 1737 in the presenceofthe Godfather & Godmother Jos: Merchant & Mrs Butt.

Mary Ball daughter of Robt Ball & Mary his wife, born Aprill the 23d 1737 & baptizedper me John Biggs May the 8th 1737 in thepresenceof the Godfather& Godmother Rd Ayles & Mrs Butt

Eliz: Knapp daughter of Richd Knapp & Eliz: his wife born May the 11th 1737 & baptized per me John Biggs May the 13th 1737 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Nich: Sone & Mrs Jeams Ayles.

[p. 18 blank .]

[p . 19]

Sarah Heather daughter of Edwd Heather & Mary his wife born June the 13th 1737 & baptizedper me John Biggs

* The meaning of this is not clear, save that this is the 100th baptism (counting the 60missingrecords ) The' 600' could be the 600thbaptismcounting backwards, but this is not correct if correlatedwith the pencilled '500 ' on [Ф. 55]

A second ampersand occurs here in the MS . Pencilled cross above this entry.

June the 15th 1737 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother John Voack & Dorothy Kent.

James Veal son of Rd Veal & Mary his wife born June the 20th 1737 & baptized per me John Biggs June the 21st 1737 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother the aforesaid John Biggs & Mary Ring Sent of Wade.

William Fuller son of Richd Fuller Sen & Mary his wife born August the 12th 1737 & baptizedper me John Biggs Augst the 16 1737 in the presenceofthe Godfather& Godmother theaforesaid John Biggs & Gooddy West aliàs Sheppard.

Jeams Ford son of Rd Ford of Alsworth & Eliz: his wife born October the 1st 1737 & baptizedper me John Biggs October the 3d 1737 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Sone & Jeane Morrice

Lyddia Little-worth Daughter of John Little-worth& Mary his wife born October the 4th 1737 & baptized per me John Biggs October the5th1737 inthepresenceoftheGodfather&Godmother George Champ Jun & Lyddia Millett.

[p. 20] WmTodd son ofWm Todd and Mary his wife born Febry the 26t 1737/8 & baptizedper me Febry the 28th 1737/8 in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Martin Rix Sen & Mary Ring Sen" of Wade .

[p. 21] Phoebe Farr daughter of Henry Farr & Mary hiswife born Jany the 12th 1737/8 & baptized per me John Biggs the aforesaid Janrythe 12th 1737/8 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Jos: Butt & Mary Bethell.

Mary Butt daughter of Jos: Butt & Mary his wife born Janty the 28th 1737/8 & Baptized per me &c: Janry the 29th 1737/8 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Rd Todd & Mary Molton.

George Hyggins son of George Hyggins & Ann his wife born Febrythe 7th 1737/8 & baptizedper me &c: Febry the 12th1737/8 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Jeams Hyggins & Sarah Hyggins proxy for Mrs Brommond

An asterisk here , and an asterisk on the opposite page, indicate that the baptism on (p. 20) should be inserted here .]

Cecilia Champ daughter of George Champ Junr & Mary his wife born May the 9th 1738 & Baptizedper me Maythe 13th 1738 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother George Champ Senr & Mrs Millett.

John Gover son of Thos Gover Jun & Mary his wife born June the 26 1738 & baptized per me J: Biggs July the 9th 1738 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Henry Oliver & Eliz: Fleett

[p. 22 blank .]

[p . 23] Lyddia Grover daughter of Philipp Grover & Mary his wife born July the 26t 1738 & baptizedper me the said July the26' 1738 inthe presenceof the Godfather& Godmother Jeams

* Most probably the uncleof Bishop William Poynter, V.A. (see statement inside cover, Brockhampton Register No. 2, infra, p 48).


Ayles Sen & Eliz: Boxell [altered from Boxall] proxy for Mrs Lyddia Millett.

Wm Ring son of Wm Ring Jun" & Mary his wife born October the 10th 1738 & baptized per me october the 11th 1738 in the presenceofthe Godfather & Godmother Mr Wm Ring Sen" & Mrs Eliz: Knapp Senr

Eliz: Marshalldaughter of Rob Marshall & Eliz: his wife born November the 18th 1738 [12thscored, anotherdate andyear scored above] & baptizedper me November the 20th 1738 in the presence oftheGodfather& Godmother John Ring & MrsMargarettMorey

Wm Ford son of Edwd Ford & Mary his wife born Nov" the 24th 1738 & baptized per me Novr the 26t 1738 in the presence ofthe Godfather& Godmother Wm Todd Senr & Mary Rd Todd.

Jeams Hargood son of Thos Hargood & Jean Hargood his wife born Novr the 24th 1738 & baptizedper me Novr the 28th 1738 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Morey Sen & Mrs Boughers

[25 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]*

[p 24 blank ]

[p. 25] Ann Pitt daughter of Stephen Pitt & Ann his wife born Decem the 4th 1738 & baptizedper me Decem" the 8th 1738 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother Rd Todd & Mary Wm Todd.

George How son of George How & Eliz: his wife born Decem the7th1738& baptizedper me Decem"the 9th 1738 inthepresence ofthe Godfather& Godmother John Biggs proxy forMr Bartlett of Lady Holt & Mary Richards proxy for Mrs Eliz: Carryll Rose Urry daughterof John Urry & Margarett his wife born Decem the26t 1738 & baptized per me Decem" the 27th 1738 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Laurence Seagrove & Jean Hyde.

Mary Veal daughter of Rd Veal & Mary his wifebornDecember the 26 1738 & baptized per me Decem" the 30th 1738 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Biggs proxy for Mr Andrew Mathews§ of Heath house & Mrs Margarett Gosden proxy for Mrs Molly Alvin.

[29 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p 26 blank ]

[p. 27] Martha Bolton daughter of Mr Bolton & Francisca his wife born January the 2d 1738/9 & baptized per me January the 5th 1738/9 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Gardiner & Wenefrid Gardiner Senr

Eliz: CookdaughterofWm Cook & Maryhis wifebornJanuary the 9th 1738/9 & baptizedper me January the 17th 1738/9 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Eliz: Champ & John Biggs proxy for Mr Rd Knapp Senr

*" 18th 1738 " written underneath The residence ofJohn Caryll I.e. 25 baptisms since the 100 counted up to 28 Dec. 1736 . § Son of Henry Mathews of Heath House , Buriton Cf. Estcourtand Payne, Eng Cath Nonjurors, p 232

Mary Todd daughter of Richd Todd & Mary his wife born Februarythe4th1738/9& baptized per me Februarythe 7th1738/9 in the presenceof the Godfather& Godmother John Biggs proxy for [1.5 cms. blank] Molton of Denmead & Darquis Ford proxy for Molly Ring

Robt Ball son of Robt Ball & Mary his wife born March the 5th1738/9 & baptizedper me Marchthe 15th1738/9in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Jos: Butt & Mrs Richd Ayles

Francus Typper son of Wm Typper & Ann his wife born March the 30th 1739 & baptized per me Aprill the 13th 1739 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Biggs proxy for Mr George How Senr & Mrs Eliz: Floyd proxy for Mrs Turner olim Knappe

[34 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 28 blank.]

[p. 29] Thos Wallis son of Thos Wallis & Jean his wife born Aprill the 24th 1739 & baptized per me May the 6t 1739 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Warndall & Mrs Rd Ayles

John Knapp son of Rd Knapp sen & Eliz: his wife born Augt the 1st 1739 & Baptized per me Augt the 6t 1739 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother George Champ Jun & Mrs Wm Cook

Jeams Morey son of John Morey & Margarett his wife born August the 7th 1739 & baptizedper me August the 13th 1739 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Champ & Mrs George Champ Jun

WmLeach son of Thos Leach & Eliz: his wife born September the 6t 1739 & baptized per me Sepr the 9th 1739 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Champ & Mrs Wm Cook

Eliz: Champ daughter of Wm Champ & Eliz: his wife born 7ber the 20th 1739 & baptized per me 7ber the 23d 1739 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother J: Biggs & Mrs Millett

Eleanor Gover daughterof Thos Gover Jun" & Mary his wife born Oct the 30th 1739 & baptized per me Novr the 12th 1739 in the presence of the Godfather& Godmother John Blunden & Mrs Oliver proxy for Mary Fuller Senr

[40 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 30 blank .]

[p. 31] Richard Marshall son of Robt Sen & Eliz: Marshall his wife born Decr the 5th 1739 & baptized per me Decr the 11th 1739 in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother myselfJohn Biggs & Mrs Margarett Morey

Ann Hyggins daughter of George Hyggins & Ann his wife

* Pencilled cross above this name. Student at Douay (deacon according to the Rev. R. Southworthsee p 134) His obit is erroneously given as 16 Aug. 1816 in C.R.S. , xxviii , 279n . James Knapp died on thatdate (see p. 134) John Knapp died in November, year unknown (see pp. 49 and 134) The mother's name was Elizabeth Ring, not King as stated in C.R.S. , xxviii, 279n


born December the 3d 1739 & baptizedper me Decr the 16th 1739 in the presenceof the Godfather& Godmother John Wallis proxy for Fran : Hyggins Junr & Mr Fran: Hyggins Jun's wife proxy for Eliz: Boxwell olim Ball

Joyce Varundelldaughterof Wm Warundell [sic] & Eliz: his wife born Febry the 3d 1739/40 & baptized per me Febry the 4th 1739/40 in the presence of Godfather & Godmother Thos Cook & Mary Buckhall *

Josph Butt son of Josph Butt & Mary his wife born Febry the 24th1740/39 & baptized per me Febry the 27th 1740/39 in the presence of the Godfather and Godmother Nichos King & Mary King.

Bridgett Hyggins daughter of Fras Hyggins Jun" & Jean his wife born March the 2d 1740/39 & baptizedper me March the 4th 1740/39 in the presence of John Biggs proxy for Mr Charles Sturton Warmsley& Mrs Hyggins Sen" ofChichproxyfor Mrs Bridgett Andrews.

[45 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 32] Daniell Sprake son of Daniell [Sprygs scored] Sprake & Martha his wife was baptizedper me July the 3d 1741 without the ceremonys it being near a twelve month old, the father a notorious presbiterian the mother's Religion to chuse, viz: nothing.

[A line drawn across the page, and underneath it Daniell Sprake born october the 30th 1739 Rest of page blank.]

[p. 33] John Todd son of Richd Todd & Mary his wife born March the 3d 1739/40 & baptized per me March the 4th 1739/40 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Jos: Butt Senr & Mrs Wm Todd.

John Littleworth son of John Littleworth& Maryhis wife born March the 17th 1740/39 & baptized per me March the 19th 1740/39 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Champ & Eliz: Champ Senr

Henry Oliver son of Henry Oliver & Eliz : his wifebornNovember the 13th 1740 & baptized per me Novr the 19th 1740 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Oliver Sen™ & Mrs Barnes, Kingstone.

Mary Jones daughterto Edward Jones & Mary his wife born October the 25th 1740 & baptizedper me Novr the 2d 1740 in the presenceof the Godfather& Godmother Wm Todd Senr& Mrs Eliz: Knapp Senr

GeorgeFord son ofEdward Ford & Maryhis wife bornNovember the 25th1740 & baptized per me November the 28th 1740 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Rd Todd & Mrs Wm Todd

* Or " Bucknall " Sic. §Entry out of chronological order Kingston, in Portsmouth Chichester

Ann Cook daughter of Wm Cook & Mary his wife born Novr the26t 1740 & baptizedperme Nov"the30th1740 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother George Champ Junr & Mrs Bold.

[52 in pencil at the bottom of the page]

[p. 34 blank .]

[p. 35] Mary Urry Daughterof John Urry & Margarett his wife born Decem" the 21st 1740 & baptized per me on condition (it being baptizedper Mrs Oliver, thinking it to be dying) Decem the 28th 1740 in the presenceofthe Godfather & Godmother John Bulbeck & Mary Austin

Franca Pitt daughterof Rd Pitt & Mary his wife born Janry the 24th 1740/1 & baptized per me Janty the 25th 1740/1 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Biggs & Mary Cook Jun

John Wallis son of Thos Wallis & Jean his wife born March the 10th 1741 & baptizedper me Aprill the 12th 1741 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Blunden Senr & Mrs Warndell .

John Ball son of Robt Ball & Mary his wife born March the 28th 1741 & baptizedper me Aprill the 12th 1741 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Blunden Sen & Dorothy Ring.

Jos: Butt son of Jos: Butt & Mary his wife born Aprill the 15th1741 & Baptized per me Aprill the 19th 1741 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Bulbeck & Mary Keeping.

Thos Cook son of Thos Cook & Mary his wife born June the 7th 1741 & baptized per me June the 8th 1741 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Jeams Ayles Senr & Mrs Eliz: Warundell .

[58 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 36 blank.] num 9*

[p. 37]

George Champ son of George Champ Jun & Mary his wife born June the 12th 1741 & baptized per me June the 14th 1741 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mrs Eliz: Champ Sen & Mr Wm Millett Sen proxy for Mr Wm Millett Jun

Eleanor Randall daughter of Thos Randall & Joanna his wife bornSepber the 23d 1741 & baptizedper me October the 5th 1741 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Fran: Hyggins

Jun & Jean & [sic] his wife [100 in pencil]

Ann Grover daughter of Philip Grover Senr & Mary his wife born Novr the [1 cm. blank] 1741 & baptized per me Nov" the 23d 1741 in the presence of the Godfather & GodmotherJoseph Butt & Mrs Warndell of Langne

Thos Fuller son of Rd Fuller sen" & Mary his wife born Aprill

* This is inserted here for the sake of a referenceon [p. 43] The last baptism on this page, Charles Cook's, is out of chronological order, and , on [p. 43], attentionis called to the place it should occupy.

A later addition The hundredth baptism in this register The '100' inserted four baptisms below is therefore incorrect Langstone.


the 1st 1742 & baptized per me Aprill the 20th 1742 inthe presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Barnes & Mrs Ware.

Maria Philippa Deltence* daughter of Mr John Baptist Deltence & Mary his wife born Aprill the 20th 1742 & baptized per me May the 4th 1742 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Peter Jos: Sonar & Mrs Franca Groves

Mary Hyggins daughterof Georgu Hyggins & Ann his [wife omitted] born May the 22d 1742 & Baptized per me Junethe 3d 1742 in the presenceoftheGodfather& Godmother Mary Hyggins Jun & John Hyggins proxy for Edwd Hyggins Chichester [100 in pencil.]

Charles Cook Son of Thos Cook& Mary his wife born Janry the 30th 1744/5 & baptized per me Febry the 3d 1744/5 in the presenceoftheGodfather & Godmother PhilippGrover Junr&Mary Cook Jun .

[65 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

p. 38. One entry only.]

Rd Todd son of Rd Todd & Mary his wife born Janry the 16th 1742/3 & baptized per me Janrythe 23d 1742/3 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Linckhorn & Poll Cook ,

[Line drawn underneath]

[p. 39] Mary Ford daughter ofEdward Ford & Maryhiswife born July the 25th 1742 & baptized per me July the 26th 1742 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Lawrence Seagrove & Mary King.

$Sarah Sprake daughter of Daniel Sprake Sen" & Martha his wife born Febry the 16th 1741/2 and baptizedby me June the 26t 1742 in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Jos: Ayles& Mary Austin.

John Cook son ofThos Cook & Mary his wife bornNovember the 24th 1742 & baptizedby me November the 28th 1742 in the presence ofthe Godfather & Godmother Wm Warundell& Molly Ring.

x [A cross here, and a cross on the opposite page, indicate where the baptism on (p. 38) should be inserted to be in chronological order .]

Jeams Champ son of George Champ Jun & Mary his wife born May the 21st 1743 & baptized per me May the 22d 1743 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Richd Knapp Sen & Mrs Wheeler

Wm Randall son of Thos Randall & Johanna his wife born May the 31st 1743 & baptizedper me June the 15th 1743 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Richd Knapp Senr & Mrs Wm Todd

* This may be Deltenre or Delteme: the writer himself does not seem to be certain of the spelling and in both places the letters are carefully formed in the same manner

The transcription is verydoubtful Conjecturally it may be Scwarz Entry referred to on [p. 43]

§ Not in chronological order, unless June is a mistake for July.

James Pitt son of Stephen Pitt & Ann his wife born Junethe 16th 1743 & baptizedper me June the 19th 1743 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Wm Todd Senr & Mrs Eliz: Knapp Senr

Jeams Ball son of Robt Ball & Mary his wife born Junethe 16th 1743 & baptizedper me June the 29th 1743 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Bulbeck & Mary King.

[73 in pencil at the bottom of the page .]

[p. 40 blank ]

[p. 41] Ann Urry Daughter of John Urry & Margarett his wife born June the 20th 1743 & baptized per me July the 10th 1743 inthe presenceoftheGodfather& Godmother Walter Grover & Jean Morrice

Jos: Turner son of Stephen Turner Sen & Eliz: his wife born Augustthe 27th 1743 & baptized September the 7th 1743 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Richd Drake & Mrs Franca Moody.

Charles Moody son of Charles Moody & Franca his wife born Oct the 15th 1743 and baptized per me Oct the 25th 1743 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Biggs & Mrs Grizzill .

Kat: Fishwick daughterof Richd Fishwickand Kat: hiswife born Oct the 23d 1743 & baptized per me Oct the 25th 1743 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Richd Drake & Mrs Grizzill, proxy for Mrs Franca Moody.

Eliz: Sprake daughter of Daniell Sprake & Martha his wife born November the 12th 1743 & baptized per me Novemberthe 26th 1743 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother John Morey & Eliz : Frampton.

Thoms Cook son of Thomas Cook & Mary his wife born Decem the 26t 1743 & baptized per me Janry the 2d 1743/4 in the presenceofthe Godfather & Godmother Henry Farr Sen & Mary Burges.


[p. 42 blank .]

79 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 43] Mary Knapp * daughter of Richd KnappSen & Eliz: his wife born Janry the 31st 1743/4 & baptized per me Febry the 5th 1743/4in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother MrRichd Ayles & Mrs Mary Todd Sen

Mary Philipps daughter of Anthony Philipps & Mary his wife born Febry the 28th 1743/4 & baptized per me March the 4th 1743/4 in the presence of the Godfather & GodmotherPhilipp Grover Junr & Mary Austin

Charles Cook see Num 9

Richd Drake son of James Drake & [1.5 cms blank] his wife born May the 20th 1745 & baptizedper me May the 22d 1745 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Richd Drake Sen™ & Mrs Underwood

* A pencilled cross above this name. Reference to entry on [p. 37].


Mary Clary Daughter of Darby Clary & Mary his wife born June the 22d 1745 & baptized per me July the 11th 1745 in the presenceofthe Godfather & Godmother the aforesaid John Biggs Ellinor Brady.

John Peter William Hind son ofJohn Hind & [1.5 cms. blank] his wife born June the 3d 1745 & baptizedper me July the 11th 1745 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Peter Penchard & Mrs Joanna Leahy

Ann Mary Farner daughter of Francus Farner & Mary his wife born July 10th 1745 & baptized per me July the 12th 1745 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Richd Fishwick Sen & Mrs Farr proxy for her daughter Eliz: Cook.

[85 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 44 blank ]

[p. 45] KatherineAustin daughter of GeorgeAustin & Eliz: his wife born Augst the 4th 1745 & baptizedper me Augst the 5th 1745 in the presence of John Biggs proxy for The Hon¹ John Carryll Esqr Lady Holt & Ann Jinks proxy [for omitted] Mrs Edwd Carryll.

Thos Ball son of Robt Ball & Mary his wife born June the 5th 1746 & baptizedby me July the 17th 1746 in the presenceof the Godfather & Godmother Thos Cook & Franca Austin.

Earl daughter of John Earl & Mary his wife bornMarch the 12th 1746 & for particular reason baptized by Mrs Farr the Ceremonies beingperformed by me July the 17th 1746 Godfather & Godmother Henry Farr Sen & Mary his wife

Mary Goddard daughter of Benjamin Goddard & Sarah Goddard his wife born March the 13th 1748/9 & baptized per me March the 27th 1749 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Jeams Byrne & Kat: Ford P-

John B son of R --B & Fy

JBorn June the 4th 1749 & Baptized per me June the 13th 1749 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother B: proxy for T B & Flonr [Three pencilled crosses]


Richd Lumley Son of Richd Lumley & Eliz: his wife born Janrythe 15th 1749/50 & baptized per me Janry the 23d 1749/50 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr Hugh Booker & Ann Hart Proxy for Mrs Margarett Gosden.

[91 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 46 blank ]

[p. 47] Henry Austin son of George Austin & Eliz: his wife born Janry the 20th 1750/1 & baptized per me Febry the 3d 1750/1 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Mr John Biggs proxy for Thos Austin & MrsBooker Sent proxy for MrsCumleach. James Farenden son of John Farenden & Eliz his wife born Decem the 30th 1750 & baptized per me Febry the 4th in the presence of the Godfather Godmother Richd Lumley Sen & Gooddy Allen proxy for Mrs Booker

* ?Secrecycarried to suchan extent as to conceal his own name, John Biggs

*Mary Metcalf daughter of Thos Metcalf & [1.8 cms. blank] his wife born Janry the 23d 1753 & Baptized Janry the 24th 1753 in the presence of Mr Emon proxy for Mr Philip Southcutt & Mrs Frain proxy for her Grace the Duchess ofNorfolk.

George Austin son of George Austin & Eliz: his wife born Aprill the4th 1753 & Baptized Aprill the 8th 1753 in the presence ofthe Godfather& Godmother JohnAustin of Langstone & Eliz: Floyd

Mary Austin Daughter of Edward Austin & Margarett his wife born May the 24th 1753 & baptized May the 27th 1753 in thepresenceofthe Godfather& Godmother John Austin Langne & Mrs George Austin.

[96 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 48. J. Biggs 1378 in pencil.]

[p. 49]

Charles Farenden son of John Farenden & Eliz: his wife born June the 2d 1753 & baptizedper me June the 3d 1753 in the presence of the Godfather & Godmother Wm Cumleach Sen & the Widdow Lumley [97 in pencil.]**

[Two loose leaves, from a thumb-index book, the first marked at the bottom 'W X , the second 'Y , written on one side only in the Rev. J. Biggs's hand]

[No. 1] Wm Lemmon was married to Ann Trevetthis wife Janry the 20th 1744/5 in the presence of John Oliver Sen³, Mrs Oliver & Henry Oliver Sen at John Oliver's house Sen" at Bedhampton

Wm Blunden was married to Clare King his wife Febry the 2d 1744/5in the presenceof John Hyggins, John Ring, MrsFranca Austin, Mary Austin & John Littleworthat John Hyggin'shouse at Leigh.

Thos Holloway was married to Sarah West Aprill the 25th 1745 in presence of Mr James Ayles Sen" , Mrs Austin, Mrs Morey & Mrs Griffis, at Mrs Morey's house at Langstone.

Mr Benjamin Burges was married to Mary King his wife August the 18th 1745 in the presence of Mr Wm Millett Jun , Henry Burges & Mary Burges, at Brockhampton.

James Ludgater was married to Catherin Carus his wife

August the 19th 1745 in the presenceofRichd Crisp & Mrs Hawley, at Compton.

Wm Doggins was married to Mary Austin his wife March

* There is a curious gap of two years here , and at the beginning of RegisterNo.2 wefind six baptismsenteredby the Rev.David Morganbetween January 1751 and September 1751 (though the second baptism is dated January 1750), and then no more by him till January 1754 Or Ednon

I.e. of Langstone.

§I.e. 137 baptisms by the Rev. J. Biggs in this Register.

Towards the second hundred: 197 altogether, a further indication that the records of 60 baptisms are missing

** The last baptism by the Rev. J. Biggs Register No. 2 was opened by the Rev. David Morgan (see previous note) and completed by the Rev. Richard Southworth, who then continued his entries in this Register (No. 1), on [p. 49]


the 17th 1746/7 in the presence of ChristopherDummer & Lois Clough.

[No. 2] Sammuell Sparrow was married to Eliz: Blunden Jun his wifeJune the 5th 1748 in the presence ofMr John Turner, John Austin, Andrew Moore, Mary Wooldridge & Mary Ward Witnes

John Tourner

Andrew Moore

Mary Wooldridge

Edward Austin was married to Margarett Hosley his wife Janrythe 21st 1749/50 in the presenceof Mr Wm Higginson, Wm Cumleach, Paul Kelly, Philipp Grover, Esabella [sic] Hawley, John Hawley & Fran : Higginson.

John Farnden was married to Eliz: Utley his wife Janry the 26th 1749/50 in the presence of Mr Wm Comleach, Eliz Kelly & Mary Gregory.

Robt Page was Married to Mary Cook his wife May the 13th 1750 in the presence of Mr Charles Hawley , Mrs Hawley & Robt Ball

Richd Hutton was married to Eliz: Rigby his wife June the 14th 1750 in the presence of Mr Charles Hawley, Mrs Hawley , Eliz: Floyd & Isabelly Hawley.

[p. 49 continued Chronologically, these entries followthe entries in Register No. 2, thelastofwhich is dated 8 November 1812. They are in the Rev. R. Southworth's hand The name of each person baptized is in bolder characters and underlined. Each entry is divided from the next by a rough line drawn across the page .] 1813

Die 8. Aprilis, anno Domini 1813. in Havant nata est, etdie 11. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Maria Emilia Veal, filia Ricardi Veal et Mariæ Annæ Sweetapple, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes West , Matrina Francisca Butt à me Ricdo Southworth, Missrio Apco

Die 23. Aprilis, anno Domini 1813. in Emsworth natus est , et die 27. Maii sequentis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Thomas Ginman, filius Georgii Ginman et Catharina Ford, Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Veal à me Ricdo Southworth, ut supra.

Die 29. Novemb. anno Domini 1812. in Chichester nata est, et die 6. Augusti, anno Domini 1813. sub conditione in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Luisa de Lambilly, filia LaurentiiXaverii-Martini de Lambilly, et Mariæ Fifield, conjugum. Sponsores fuêre Jacobus et ElizabethaAyles. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 28. Augusti, anno Domini 1813. in viciniâ Havant nata est, et die 1. Septemb eodem anno in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Helena Knapp, filia Gulielmi Knapp et Mariæ Annæ Morey, Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes (filius Joannis) Bulbeck

* Autograph signatures

The Rev. R. Southworth usually describes himself thus in the first entry on each page, contenting himself with ut supra for the others.

(per Procuratorem Ric. Southworth) Matrina Catharina Bulbeck , ejusdem soror à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 1. Septemb. anno Domini 1813. in Havant natus est , et die 4. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus GeorgiusJacobs , filius ThomæJacobs et Annæ Private, Conjugum. Susceptrix fuit Maria Veal [mortuus est infans Nov. 11. 1814 . interlined] à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra [p. 50] 1813 continuatur [All these headings of years are in square brackets in the MS.]

Die 26. Septemb. anno Domini 1813. in Warblington natus est, et eodem die ibidembaptizatusGeorgius Moody, filius Legatt Moody & SusannæVeal, Conjugum. Susceptores fuêre Carolus Veal cum Mariâ conjuge suâ . à me Ric Southworth Missrio Apco

Die21. Septemb anno Domini 1813. apud LeighinParochiâ Havant nataest, et die Novemb 7. eodem anno in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Sara-Anna West, filia Joannis West etLydia Tee, Conjugum Susceptrix fuit Maria Veal, avia infantis, à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. 1814

Die 12. Februarii, anno Domini 1814. in Havant nata est, et die 18. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Catharina-Anna Doughty, filia Joannis Doughty et Catharina Hewett, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Petrus Fasquel, Matrina Susanna Fasquel, conjux ipsius à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 2. Julii anno Domini 1814. in Emsworthnata est , etdie 20. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Helena Meighan, filia Gulielmi Meighan et Alicia Heafanon, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ricardus Bowman , Matrina Maria Veal pro Catharinâ Wade , à me Ric Southworth, ut supra

Die 23. Aprilis anno Domini 1814. in Chichester natus est , et die 8. Aug. eodem anno ibidem baptizatus Georgius-LudovicusXaverius deLambilly, filius Laurentii-Xaverii-Martini deLambilly et Mariæ Fifield, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Ric Southworth pro Petro-Gabriele-Francisco de Lambilly, absenti in Galliâ, Matrina Francisca-Teresa-Jacobetta (gallicé Jacquette ) de la Forist Darmaillè, avia infantis, absens pariterinGalliâ per procuratricem [5.5 cms. blank.] à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1814 continuatur [p . 51]

Die 26. Septemb anno Dñi 1814. in Urbe Chichester nata est, et die 16. Octob. eodem anno in Capello Brockhampton baptizata MargaritaRyan,filiaRoberti Ryanet CatharinaBarrett, Conjugum : Susceptrix fuit Maria Veal pro Annâ Baker. à me Ric. Southworth, Missrio Apco 1815

Die 12. Jan. anno Domini 1815. in Havant natus est , etdie 15. ejusdem mensis in Capello BrockhamptonbaptizatusJacobus West, filius Petri West et JoannaTee, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Critchett, Matrina Maria Veal, avia infantis. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra


[Die 28. Decemb. anno Domini 1814. in Emsworthnatusest , et die 25. Januarii, anno Domini 1815. in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Jacobus White, filius Thomæ White et Henrietta (Harriot) Hunt, Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes (filius Joannis) Buthe whole entry scored .]

Die 28. Decemb anno Domini 1814. in Emsworth natus est, et die 25. Januarii, anno Domini 1815. in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Thomas Innocentius White, filius Thomæ White et Henrietta (Harriot) Hunt, Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes (filius Joannis) Bulbeck, Matrina, soror Catharina Bulbeck. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 26. Januarii, anno Domini 1815. in Havant natus est , et die 29. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Jacobus Veal, filius Ricardi Veal et Mariæ Annæ Sweetapple, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, avunculus infantis, Matrina Anna Veal, filia ejus. à me Ric . Southworth , ut supra [81 in pencil at the bottom of the page] [p . 52] 1815 continuatur

Die 25. Februarii, anno Domini 1815. in Langston natusest , et die 2. Martii eodem anno in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Gulielmus-Edvardus Hickes, filius Gulielmi Hickes et Elizabethæ Batcheler, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Hickes, avunculus infantis, Matrina Elizabetha (Joannis filia) Hickes à me Ric Southworth, Missrio Apco.

Die 10. Feb. anno Domini 1815. apud Leigh natus est , et ibidem ob imminens , ut putabatur, mortis periculum , die 23 ejusdem mensis ab aviâ Mariâ Veal baptizatus Joannes West , filius Joannis West et Lydia Tee Conjugum Die autem 5. Martii eodem anno, cum infans convaluisset, sacræ preces et cæremonia quæ omissæ fuerant, publicè suppletæ sunt in Capello Brockhampton . Ric. Southworth , ut supra.

Die 14. Martii, anno Domini 1815. in Emsworth nata est , et die 16. Aprilis sequentis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata AnnaGinman, filia Georgii Ginmanet CatharinaFord , Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Ford, avunculus infantis, à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 1. Aprilis, anno Domini 1815. apud Redland in Parochiâ Warblington nata est, et die 17. Maii eodem anno in Capello Brockhampton baptizataMariaCaroletta Sims, filia GulielmiSims et Mariæ Smith, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes West , Matrina Maria-Penelope Smith, avia infantis, à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 2. Aug. anno Domini 1815. natus est, et die 13. ejusdem mensis in Capello BrockhamptonbaptizatusGulielmus Day, filius Patricii Day et MariæGroghan, Conjugum Susceptrix fuit Judith à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1815 continuatur

Langley. [p. 53]

Die 27. Septemb anno Domini 1815. in Havant natus est, et eodem die in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Josephus

Jacobsfilius ThomæJacobs et Annæ Private, Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria (Caroli) Veal Eodem die (viz 27. Septemb.) mox quasi intervallo 5 horarum nata est soror ejus, et pariter cum gemello fratre in dicto Capello baptizata Joanna Jacobs . Matrina fuit Susanna Fasquel à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 25. Novemb anno Domini 1815. in Chichester nata est, et die 19. Decemb eodem anno et in eâdem civitate baptizata Matilda-Catharina De Lambilly, filia Laurentii-Xaverii-Martini De Lambilly et Mariæ Fifield, Conjugum. Sponsores fuêre ex consensu ipsorum et parentum infantis, Alanus Le Breton de Blessin, et Carolina Porée, * ipsius Conjux. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 5. Decemb anno Dñi 1815. in Emsworth natus est, et die 9. Januarii anno 1816. ibidem baptizatus Horatio-Theophilus White,filius ThomæWhite et Henrietta Hunt, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ric Southworth pro Henrico White, Matrina Maria Barnett pro Annâ White. a me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. 1816

Die 21. Feb.anno Domini 1816. in Insulâ Hayling natus est , et die 3. Mar. eodem anno in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Josephus Jones , filius Gulielmi et Joanna Jones (paterno nomine Private) Conjugum Sponsores fuêre Jacobus Critchett et Maria (conjux Caroli) Veal à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 7. Junii anno Domini 1816. Havant nata est, et die 8 in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Lucia Knapp, filia Gulielmi Knapp et Mariæ Annæ Morey, conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Dimes, Matrina ElizabethaDimes conjux ipsius. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. [91 in pencil at the bottom of the page.] [p. 54] 1816 continuatur

Die 16. septemb anno Domini 1816. in Havant natus est , et die 22. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus

Joannes Alexander Doughty, filius Joannis Doughty et Catharina Hewett, conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Critchett, Matrina Maria Veal, à me Ric . Southworth, Missrio Apco.

Die 1. Dec. anno Domini 1816. in Havant nata est, et die 8 ejusdem mensis in Capello BrockhamptonbaptizataHelena West , filia Petri West et Joanna Tee, Conjugum . Patrinusfuit Carolus Veal, Matrina Sara Veal, filia ipsius à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 23. Decemb anno Domini 1816. in Langston nata est , et die 28. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Joanna Hickes, filia Gulielmi Hickes et Elizabethæ Batcheler, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Edmundus Hickes, Matrina Teresa Hickes, soror ipsius à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. 1817.

Die 16. Maii, anno Domini 1817. in Havant natus est , et die 18. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus

* Or Porcé


Henricus Veal filius Ricardi Veal et Mariæ Annæ Sweetapple, Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Saige, Matrina SusannaMoody, a me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 19. Maii, anno Domini 1817. apud Leigh nata est , et die 25. ejusdem mensis inCapello BrockhamptonbaptizataElizabetha-Maria West, filia Joannis West et Lýdiæ Tee, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Anna Veal à me Ric Southworth, ut supra

Die 3. Aug. anno Dñi 1817. apud Redland in Parochiâ Warblington natus est David Sims filius Gulielmi Sims et Mariæ Smith, Conjugum ; et baptizatusin Capello Brockhamptondie 17 . ejusdem mensis Patrinus fuit Joan West, Matrina Maria Penelope Smith, avia infantis Eodem die, et in eodem loco nata est soror ipsius Henrietta Sims ex iisdem conjugibus, et pariter in supradicto capello baptizata eodem die cum gemello fratre. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, Matrina Maria Veal, soror ejus. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. 1817. continuatur [p. 55]

Die 19. Feb. anno Domini 1812. apud Somerstown prope Chichester nata est Helena Ryan, filia Roberti Ryanet Catharina Barrett, conjugum, et sub conditione baptizata in Capello Brockhamptondie 31. Aug. 1817. Patrinusfuit Jacobus Ryan. Matrina Anna Ryan, conjux ipsius. à me Ric. Southworth, Missrio Apco

Die 16. Julii anno Dñi 1817. in Donnington, prope Chichester , natus est , et die 31. Aug. eodem anno in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Thomas Ryan, filius Jacobi Ryan et Annæ Veryon, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Robertus Ryan, Matrina Catharina Ryan conjux ipsius. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 13. Aug. anno Dñi 1817. prope Emsworth nata est, et die 7. Septemb eodem anno in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Catharina Ginman, filia Georgii Ginman et Catharina Ford, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Edwardus Norris, Matrina Maria Veal. [500 in pencil.]* à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. Die 20. Octob. in Havant natus est, et die 22. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Joannes-Edvardus Jacobs filius Thomæ Jacobs et Annæ Private, conjugum. Susceptrix fuit Susanna Moody. [240 in pencil] à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. [In the Rev. Joseph Kimbell's hand]

Die 30° Nov : 1817 [in Havant natus est scored] baptizatus est in Capella Brockhampton Gulielmus White filius Joannis et Mariæ Annæ Gyet (conjugum) Natus die 23° ejusdem MensisPatrini fuere Jacobus Crichet et Sara Veal

Per me Josephum Kimbell

* See note on [p. 15]. Missionario [sic] Apostcum

The Rev. R. Southworth's last entry. The handwriting of this entry is shaky comparedwith all the others He died 19 November 1817 .

[p. 56] *

Die 220 Januarii 1818 Baptizata fuit apud Chichester Louisa Augusta Filia Laurentii Xaverii Martini de Lambilly et Mariæ Fifield (conjugum) Nata 200 die Novembris 1817Patrinus fuit

Gabriel Julianus Jacobus Ludovicus de la Foret d'Armaillé, Matrina Francisca Victoria Henrietta Isidora de Lambilly dame de Feron Infantem tenuere per procurationem Raymundus Joannes Canutus Planté et Francisca Maria de Lambilly. Per me Josephum Kimbell

Missionarium Apostolicum .

[p. 57] Die 18° Julii 1818 baptizata fuit in Capella Brockhamptoniana Maria filia Abrahami et Susanna Morey (olim Moody) conjugum Nata die 150 ejusdem mensis et anni Matrina fuit Maria Kern Per me Josephum Kimbell

Missionarium Apostm

Die 14° Sept. 1818 baptizatus fuit in insula Hayling Joannes filius Gulielmi Heyden et Mariæ Astlett (conjugum) Natus die 2º ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Patrini fuere Joannes et Barbara Bulbeck.

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

Die 16° Maii 1819 baptizatus fuit in Capella Brockhamptoniana Edwardus Georgius filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Hicks (conjugum) Natus die 100 ejusdem mensis et eodemanno . Patrini fuere Henricus Hicks et Francisca Hicks.

[p. 58]

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

Die 30 Octobris 1819 baptizata fuit in Sacristia Capella Brockintoniensis Martha Anna filia Gulielmi et Joanna Jones (conjugum) nata die 26° die Septembris et eodem anno.

Matrina fuit Sara Veal

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

Die 21º Novembris 1819 baptizatus fuit apud Havant in domo parentum Joannes filius Joannis et Barbara Bulbeck(olim Morris) (conjugum) natus die 180 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck avus infantis Matrina Susanna Morris. Catharina Bulbeck tenuit infantem per procurationem Susanna Morris

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

Die 13° Octobris 1819 baptizatafuit apud Chichester indomo Dñi de Lambilly Anna filia Jacobi et Annæ Ryan (conjugum) Patrinus fuit Joannes Dillon, Matrina Anna Dillon

Per me Josephum Kimbell

Die 13° Octobris 1819 Baptismi coeremonias feci super Anna filia [sic] Roberti et Catharina Ryan Nata 25° die Maii ejusdem

* The following appears here , but entirely scored" Die 22° Januarii 1818 Baptizata fuit apudChichesterLouisaAugusta Filia Laurentii Xaverii Martini de Lambilly et MariæFifield (conjugum) Nata 200 die Novembris 1817Patrinus fuit [2 cms blank] la Forêt d'Armaillé et Matrina Victoria de Langles Infantem tenuereperprocurationemRaymundus Joannes CanutusPlanté et FranciscaMaria de Lambilly

Per me Josephum Kimbell Missrum Aposcum "

The entry is , of course, an erroneous version of the following one

This entry is not in chronological order: the three following baptisms were administered on the same day in Monsieur de Lambilly's house at Chichester .


anni et baptizatain periculo mortis Patrinusfuit Thomas Barrett

Matrina Barbara Silversides in domo Dñi de Lambilly apud

Chichester Josephus Kimbell

Die 13 Octobris 1819 baptizata fuit in Domo paternâ apud

Chichester Caroletta Anna Henrietta filia Laurentii Xaverii Martini de Lambilly et Mariæ Fifield (conjugum) nata 12° Septembris ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Hippolitus de Lambilly Matrina Henrietta de Lambilly per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. [p. 59] 1820

Die 160 Januarii baptizata fuit apud BrockhamptonMartha filia Thomæ et Annæ Jacobs conjugum nata die 10 ejusdem mensis et anni Matrina fuit Maria Kearn

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

1820 Feb 17 baptizata fuit in Capella Brockhamptoniensi Emilia filia Abrahami et Susannæ Morey (olim Moody, olimVeal) conjugum natadie 12° ejusdem mensiset anni Matrinafuit Maria Veal

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

1820 Mar 26 baptizatus fuit apud BrockhamptonCarolus filius Richardi et Mariæ Annæ Veal (olim Sweetapple) conjugum natusdie 19° ejusdem mensis et anni PatrinusfuitCarolus Veal.

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

[14 in pencil. Rest of page, about 6 cms , blank.]

[p. 60] 1820

1820 Die18°Junii 1820 baptizataest Catharina filiaGulielmi Sims et Mariæ Smith (conjugum) nata 14° Maii ejusdem anni. Patrinus fuit Joannes West et Maria Smith Matrina

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

1820 Die 20° Augusti baptizatus est Gulielmus Elcock quinquagenarius, Matrina fuit Catharina Bulbeck.

Per me Josephum Kimbell [olim in different ink] Professus erat Religionem Trementium . Mortuus est Die 30 Augusti ejusdem anni receptis Sacramentis Eucharistiæ et Extremæ Unctionis

1820 Die 5° Novembris baptizata est Sara Ginman filia Georgii Ginman et Catharina Ford (conjugum) nata 25° Septembris ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal & Matrina Joanna West. Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. 1820. Die 160 Novembris baptizata fuit in insulâ Hayling Martha filia Josephi Reekes & Elizabethæ Crasler (conjugum) nata 3º die ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Matrina fuit Martha Bulbeck Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. [Space of circa 3 cms blank at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 61] 1820 Die 28° Decembris 1820 apud Langston baptizata est Elizabeth filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Hicks (olim Batchelor) (conjugum ) nata 14° ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Hicks avus infantis Matrina Martha Bulbeck. Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

The year is set above all the entries.


The M.A. in this and the four following entries is in different ink, obviously a later addition .

1821 Die25º Martii 1821 baptizataest SusannafiliaJoannis Bulbeck et Barbara Morris (conjugum) nata 17° ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Patrinusfuit Antonius Morris, Matrina Catharina Bulbeck. Sponsor fuit per procurationem Joannes Todd

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. 1821 Die 25° Novembris 1821 baptizatus fuit Georgius Thomasfilius Joannis West & Lydia Tee (conjugum) natus 6º die Decembris 1819. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal Matrina Anna Veal Patrini filia.

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. [21 in pencil

[p. 62]

Space of circa 2 cms. blank at bottom ofpage.]

1822 Die 200 Januarii 1822 batizata [sic] est Teresia Robins Kent filia Jacobi et Helenæ Kent (olim Barry) conjugum. Nata est 30 die Decembris 1821. Patrinus fuit Michael Barry Matrinafuit Teresia Robins Jacobus Robins infantemtenuit per procurationem .

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

1822 Die27° Januarii 1822 baptizataest TeresafiliaThomæ et AnnæJacobs(olim Private) conjugum Nata est 25° die ejusdem mensis et anni. Matrina fuit Anna Veal.

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

1822 Die 17° Novembris 1822 baptizatus est in Domo Paternâ Gulielmus Antonius Filius Joannis et Barbaræ Bulbeck (olim Morris) conjugum . Natus est 100 die mensis ejusdem et eodem anno Patrinus fuit Josephus Bulbecket Susanna Morris. Infantem tenuit per procurationem Catharina Bulbeck

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

[p. 63] 1822 Die 8° Decembris 1822 baptizatusfuitJosephus filius Ricardi et Mariæ Annæ Veal (olim Sweetapple) conjugum. Natus est 2° die ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Patrini fuere Benjaminus Critchet et Susanna Veal

per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. 1822 Die 80 Decembris 1822 baptizatus fuit Ambrosius filius Gulielmiet Joanna Jones ([4 cms blank]) conjugum. Natus est [12.5 cms . blank] Matrina fuit Joanna West

per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. 1823 Die 15 Januarii 1823 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Thomas filius Thomæ et Martha Adams (olim Hewett) Natus 12° die ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Matrina fuit Catharina Doughty.

1823 Die 90 Februarii Georgii et Catharina Ginman 1º die Januarii eodem anno

per me Josephum Kimbell 1823 baptizata fuit Helena filia (olim Ford) conjugum. Nata est Matrina fuit Joanna West

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

[p. 64] 1823 Die 25 Martii 1823 baptizatus est Jacobus filius Gulielmi Sims et Mariæ Smith (conjugum) natusest 22º die Februarii, ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, Matrina Maria Smith Senr

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

Die 5° Decembris 1823 baptizata est Helena Martha filia Joannis et Lydia West (olim Tee) Conjugum . Nata est 60 Junii 1822. Matrina fuit Maria Veal Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.


[200 twice in pencil]

Die 5° Decembris 1823 baptizata est Emma Joanna filia Joannis et Lydia West (olim Tee) conjugum . Nata est 7º die Septembris 1823. Matrina fuit Anna Veal.

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. 1824 Die4º Januarii 1824 baptizatusfuit Henricus Thomas, Filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Hicks (olim Batchelor) conjugum. Natus est die 25° Decembris 1823. Patrinusfuit Thomas Dimes , Matrina Elizabeth Dimes Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

[p. 65] 1824 Die 4° Februarii 1824 baptizatus est Christopherus Ricardus , filius Josephi et Elizabethæ Reekes (olim Crasler) conjugum. Natus est 27° die Septembris anni 1823

Matrina fuit Maria Veal Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. 1824. Die 3º Martii baptizatus est sine cœremoniis in Domo paternâ in Havant (ob mortis periculum) a me GulielmusMiles filius Gulielmi et Saræ Miles (olim Veal) conjugum Natus est 2º die Martii. Coremoniæ factæ sunt super puerum 4° die Aprilis ejusdem anni. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Bartley et Anna Veal

Per me Josephum Kimbell

Matrina 1825 Die 6° Januarii 1825 baptizataest MariaFilia Jeremiæ et Annæ Murray (olim Bailey) conjugum. Nata est die 11 Novembris 1824. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Bartley Matrina Maria Drew .

Per me Josephum Kimbell

[p. 66] 1825 Die 9° Maii 1825 baptizatus est Thomas filius Thomæ et Annæ Jacobs (olim Private) conjugum Natus est die 4º ejusdem mensis et anno supradicto . Patrinus fuit Joannes West Sen Matrina Susanna Morey. Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A.

Die 90 Junii 1825 baptizatus fuit apud Old Park Josephus filius Josephi et MariæAnna West (olim White) conjugum. Natus est 27° die Maii anni supradicti Patrinus fuit Thomas Saige (Ego ipse sponsor fui per procurationem ) MatrinafuitElizabetha

Per me Josephum Kimbell M.A. Bennett.

[The following in the Rev. John Kearns's hand]

Die 11 Augusti 1825 natus, et die 14° Augusti 1825 baptizatus fuit Joseph, filius Abrahamet Susanna Morey (olim Veal) conjugum Patrinus fuit Benjamin Critchet Matrina fuit Maria Veal

A me Joanne Kearns Mo Aº

[p. 67] 1825* Die 17° Novembris 1825 natus, et die 27° Novembris 1825 baptizatus fuit Henricus filius Joannis et Barbaræ Bulbeck, olim Morris, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Todd Matrina Maria Morris

A me Joanne Kearns Missrio Aplco 1826 Die 23° Januarii 1826 natus, et die 5º Februarii 1826 , baptizatusfuit Georgius, filius Ricardi et Mariæ Annæ Veal, olim Sweetapple, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Dench, Matrina Sara Myles

A me Joanne Kearns Missrio Aplco

* The year is placed as a heading to each of these entries by the Rev. J. Kearns, as was the case with his predecessor

Die 30º Junii 1826, nata, et die 20 Augusti 1826, baptizata fuit Helena , filia Josephi, et Mariæ Anna West, olim White , conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Dimes. Matrina Teresia West. A me Joanne Kearns Missrio Aplco [4. 68] 1826 Die 290 Novembris 1826, natus, et die 4° Decembris 1826, baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Carolus, filiusGulielmi, et Elizabethæ Hicks, olim Batchelor , Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Hicks Matrina Martha Anna Hicks

A me Joanne Kearns. Missrio Aplco 1827. Die 31° Augusti 1827 , Nata, et die 90 Septembris 1827 baptizata fuit Agnes MariaKnapp, filia Eduardi et RhodæKnapp, olim Reeves, Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Kearns Matrina Anna Morey A me Joanne Kearns Missrio Aplco [In another hand: obiit 16 augti 1849.]

Die 3ª Septembris 1827 natus, et die 23a Septembris 1827 , baptizatus fuit Henricus, filius Henrici, et CarolinaAslett, olim McCarthy, Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina

Joanna West .

A me Joanne Kearns Missrio Aplco [p. 69] 1828. Die 190 Decembris 1827, natus, et die 7°Aprilis 1828 baptizatus fuit Thomas Murray, filius Jeremiæ et Annæ Murray, olim Bailey, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Cornelius O Brien, Matrina Rhoda Knapp A me Joanne Kearns. Missrio Aplco

Die 3ª Februarii 1828 natus, et die 20 Aprilis 1828 baptizatus, fuit Arthurius Eteridge, filius Dionysii, et Catharinæ Eteridge , olim Salter, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Nicolaus Butler , Matrina Maria Veal A me Joanne Kearns Missrio Aplco

Die 26 Martii 1828 apud Purbrook, nata est, et ibidem , et eodem die, ob imminens, ut putabatur, mortis periculum, ab Aviâ Winifreda White, baptizata fuit Maria Clara West, filia Josephi, et Mariæ Annæ West, olim White, conjugum . Die vero 4° Maii 1828 Sacræ preces, et ceremoniæ quæ omissæ fuerant publice suppletæ sunt in Sacello Brockhampton . Patrinus fuit Thomas Dimes, Matrina Teresia West. Joannes Kearns. M.A.

[p. 70] 1828. Die 2º Julii 1827 natus, et die 25, Augusti 1828 baptizatusfuit Gulielmus West, filius Joannis et LydiaWest olim Tee , Conjugum

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 31a Junii 1828 , nata, et die 7a Septembris 1828, baptizata fuit Maria Woolridge, filia Jacobi , et AnastasiaWoolridge, olim Hanigan, Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Hanigan. A me Joanne Kearns Misso Apco 1829. Die5ª Aprilis 1829, natus, et eodem die, ob imminens utputabaturmortispericulum, ab Avia WinifredaWhite, indomo paternâ, apud Purbrook, baptizatus fuit Georgius West, filius Josephi, et Mariæ Annæ West, olim White, conjugum Dieautem 10a Maii 1829 , sacræ preces et ceremoniæ quæ omissæ fuerant, publicsuppletæ sunt in Capello Brockhamton[sic]. Patrinusfuit Joannes Ford Sen Matrina Maria Veal.

Joannes Kearns Miss. Apl

[p. 71] 1829. Die 25. Octobris 1829, nata, et die 1. Novembris 1829, baptizata fuit Helena Anna Knapp, filia Eduardi et


Rhoda Knapp, olim Reeves, conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Kearns, Matrina Lucia Knapp

A me Joanne Kearns Misso Apo

Die 14 Decembris 1829, nata, et die 28 Januarii 1830, baptizata fuit Catharina Aslett, filia Henrici, et Catharina Aslett, olim McCarthy, conjugum . Patrinusfuit Jacobus Dench, Matrina Catharina Bulbeck. A me Joanne Kearns Misso Apleo

Die 20 Martii 1830 natus, et die 22 Martii 1830 baptizatus fuit Henricus [Thomas over another word] Fosset , filius Thomæ et Sara Fosset , olim Myles, quondam Veal, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Susanna Morey.

[53 in pencil.]

[p. 72]

A me Joanne Kearns Missrio Apleo

1830. Die 17. Martii 1830, natus, et die 2 Junii 1830 , baptizatus fuit Ricardus Eteridge, filius Dionysii et Catharina Eteridge, olim Salter, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes West Sen Matrina Susanna Bulbeck. A me Joanne Kearns M.A. 1831. Die23 Maii 1831 natus, et die26Junii 1831 baptizatus, fuit Jacobus West, filius Josephi et MariæAnnæ West, olim White, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Dimes, Matrina Elizabetha Dimes A me Joanne Kearns. Misso Aplco

Die 14 Junii 1831, nata, et die 9 Julii 1831 , baptizata fuit AugustaLætitia Snooke, filia Joannis, et Mariæ Augustæ, Snooke, olim Holloway, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Midlane, Matrina ElizabethaAyles. A me Joanne Kearns Missrio Aplco

[p. 73] 1831. Die 22 Octobris 1831 nata, et die 30 Octobris 1831 , baptizata fuit Helena Fosset , filia Thomæ et Saræ Fosset , olim Myles, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Murphy Matrina Anna Murphy

A me Joanne Kearns M.A. 1832

Die 19 Aprilis 1832 natus, et die 10 Junii 1832 baptizatus fuit Franciscus Bernardus McFaul, filius Danielis, et Joannæ McFaul, olim Boyle, conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Murphy, Matrina Anna Murphy

A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 18 Junii 1832 natus, et die 3tia Augusti 1832 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Joannes Aslett, filius Henrici, et Catharina Aslett, olim McCarthy, conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Mahoney. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

[p. 74] 1832. Die 26 Octobris 1832, nata , et die 28 Octobris 1832 baptizata, fuit, Maria Anna Murphy, Filia Joannis, et Annæ , Murphy, olim Veal, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, Matrina Maria Veal. A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[In pencil: 697=100 years 60] 1833. Die 18° Februarii 1833 natus, et die 4° Martii 1833 baptizatus, fuit Albertus Eduardus Knapp , filius Eduardi, et Mariæ Knapp, olim Vincent, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Daniel King* Matrina Lucia Knapp. A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

Die 5° Februarii 1833 nata, et die 10° Martii 1833 baptizata *"Daniel King" is written over another name which is erased .

fuit Agatha West, filia Josephi et MariæAnnæ West, olim White, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Dimes , Matrina Maria Veal.

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 75] 1834. Die25 Januarii 1834 nata, et die 16 Februarii 1834 baptizata fuit Maria-Anna Hanning, filia Gulielmi, et Margarita Hanning , olim Hagerty, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Daniel McFaul, Matrina Elizabetha McFaul

A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 21 Martii 1834 nata, et die 20 Aprilis 1834 baptizatafuit

Anna Joanna Jones, filia Joannis et Annæ Jones, olim Albon, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus Jones, Matrina Martha Anna Jones

A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

[p. 76] 1834 Die 3tla Maii 1834 nata, et die 15a Junii 1834 baptizata fuit Joanna Couzens, filia Joannis, et Annæ Couzens , olim Haggerty, conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Hanning: Matrina Margarita Hanning. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 20 Maii 1834 nata, et die 15 Junii 1834 baptizata fuit

Maria AnnaAslett,filia Henriciet CatharinaAslett, olim McCarthy, conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Anna Clarke

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 7ma Octobris 1834 natus, et die 19a 1834 baptizatus fuit Carolus Henrizzi , filiusAdamHenrizzi , et Tertulliæ, olim Summerland, conjugum Patrinusfuit Carolus Henrizzi , MatrinaElizabetha Lettering.

A me Joanne Kearns A.M.

[p. 77] 1834. Die 10 Novembris 1834 natus, et die23Novembris 1834 baptizatusfuit Jacobus, Leggatt, Moody, filius Jacobi, et Mariæ, Moody, olim Clarke, Conjugum Patrinusfuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Anna Murphy.

A me Joanne Kearns Misso Aplo 1835 Die 8 Februarii 1835 natus, et die 8 Martii 1835 baptizatus fuit Joannes Morris West, filius Josephi, et Mariæ Annæ West, olim White, conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck , Matrina Susanna Morris . A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 24, Februarii 1835. nata, et die 22 Martii 1835 baptizata fuit Adelina Teresia Knapp, Filia Eduardi, et Mariæ Knapp, olim Vincent, conjugum Patrinus fuit Daniel King Matrina Teresia Hicks A me, Joanne Kearns M.A.

[p. 78] 1835. Die 19 Augusti 1835natus, et die 5 Septembris 1835 baptizatus fuit Joannes Watson , filius Joannis Watson , et Gratia, M Coughan, Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus McCann , Matrina Joanna Hill

A me Joanne Kearns . M.A. 1836. Die 5 Junii 1836 natus, et die 10 Julii 1836 baptizatus fuit Franciscus West, filius Josephi et Mariæ Annæ West, olim White, conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Bulbeck, Matrina Susanna Morris .

A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

Die 31 Maii 1836 nata, et die 14 Julii 1836 baptizata fuit

MariaAnna Quin, filia Jacobi, et Mariæ Annæ Quin, olim Holland, conjugum. Patrinusfuit Eduardus Knapp, Matrina MariaKnapp. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

* Query: Octobris or Novembris?

[p . 79] 1836 Die 25 Julii 1836 natus, et die 28 Julii 1836 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Bridger, filius Gulielmi Bridger, et Mariæ Collins, conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Brown.

A me Joanne Kearns M.A. M.A. 1837. Die 17 Januarii 1837 Nata, et die 15 Februarii 1837 baptizatafuit Martha Sage, filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Sage, olim Heath, Conjugum . Patrinusfuit Jacobus Critchett, MatrinaMaria Veal. A me Joanne Kearns.

Die 22 Februarii 1836 nata, et die 24 Februarii 1837 baptizata fuit Francisca Killbride, filia Thomæ et Joannæ Killbride, olim Pendergast, conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Veal

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 80] 1837. Die 21 Januarii 1837 Nata, et die 30 Martii 1837 baptizatafuit MariaSmith, filia Jacobi, et Catherinæ Smith, olim Nunnan, Conjugum Matrina [6 cms . blank].

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 6 Martii 1837 natus, et die 7 Maii 1837 baptizatusfuit

Jacobus Gulielmus Burke, filius Gulielmi et Rosa Burke, olim Wells, Conjugum Matrina fuit

Maria Veal. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 9 Aprilis 1837 Nata, et die 7 Maii 1837 baptizata fuit

Martha LudovicaAllen, filia Eduardi et Marthæ Allen, olim Hicks, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck, Matrina Teresia Hicks. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

[p. 81] 1838 Die 4 Februarii 1838 nata et die 18 Februarii 1838 baptizatafuit Maria Anna Everard, filia Laurentii et Mariæ Everard, olim Byron, conjugum . Patrinusfuit Robertus McHenry. Matrina Maria Veal a me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 30 Martii 1838 natus, et die 29 Aprilis 1838 baptizatusfuit

Enricus Jacobus Quin, filius Jacobi et Mariæ Annæ Quin, olim Holland, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Enricus Veal. Matrina Anna Murphy. a me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 29 Aprilis 1838 nata, et die 27 Maii 1838 baptizatafuit

Petronilla West, filia Josephi et Mariæ Annæ West, olim White, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck, Matrina Susanna Bulbeck a me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

[p. 82] 1838 Die 14 Maii 1838 natus, et die 10 Junii 1838 baptizatus fuit Albanus Vincentius Knapp, filius Eduardi et Mariæ Knapp, olimVincent, conjugum Patrinusfuit Daniel King, Matrina Susanna Morris. a me Joanne Kearns. M.A. 1839 Die 9 Augusti 1839 natus et die 15 Septembris 1839 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Georgius King, filius Jacobi et Annæ Saræ King, paterno nomine King, conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Joannes Bulbeck, Matrina Anna Staunton Cormick. a me Joanne Kearns M.A.

[p. 83] 1839. Die 5 Septembris 1839 Natus et die 6 Octobris 1839 baptizatus fuit Eduardus Allen, filius Eduardi et Martha Allen, olim Hicks, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck, Matrina Susanna Bulbeck a me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 30 Septembris 1839 Nata, et die 24 Novembris 1839 bap-

tizata fuit Æmilia Bower, filia Joannis et Æmiliæ Bower , olim Isaacs , conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus West, Matrina Maria Morey. a me Joanne Kearns M.A.

[p. 84] 1840. Die 8 Januarii 1840 natus et die 27. Januarii 1840 baptizatusfuit Eduardus Vine filius Jacobi et Joannæ Vine, olim Ayles, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Todd, Matrina Elizabetha Ayles. a me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

Die 23 Februarii 1840 natus et die 6 Aprilis 1840 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Smithfilius Jacobi et Catherinæ Smith, olim Nunan , conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Morey. a me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 17 Julii 1840, nata, et die 23 Augusti 1840 baptizatafuit ÆmiliaVeal, filia Jacobi et Annæ Veal, olim Lee, quondam Wake , conjugum Patrinus fuit Enricus Veal, Matrina Maria Morey. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

[p. 85] 1840 Die 10 Septembris 1840 natus et die 26 Octobris 1840 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Ricardus King, filius Jacobi et Sara King, paterno nomine King, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck, Matrina Sara Todd. A me Joanne Kearns.

Die6 Novembris 1840 nataet die 1 Decembris 1840 baptizata fuit Maria Dalton filia Jacobi et Hannæ Dalton, olim Rourke, conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Morey. A me Joanne Kearns. 1841 Die 13 Decembris 1840 nata, et die 17 Januarii 1841 baptizatafuit Susanna ElizabethaAslettfilia Henriciet Catherinæ Aslett, olim McCarthy, conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus King: matrina Susanna Bulbeck. A me Joanne Kearns

[p. 86] 1841 Die 5 Februarii 1841 nata, et die 14 Martii 1841, baptizata fuit Helena Holland Quin filia Jacobi et Mariæ

Annæ Quin, olim Holland , Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Eduardus Knapp, Matrina Lucia Knapp, A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 19. Maii 1841 nata, et die 13 Junii 1841 baptizata fuit Anastastia Lucia Knapp, Filia Eduardi et Mariæ Knapp, olim Vincent, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Enricus Bulbeck, Matrina Francisca Hicks

A me J: Kearns M.A.

[p. 87] 1841. Die 11 Augusti 1841 natus et die 2 Septembris 1841 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Madden, Filius Joannis et Birgittæ Madden, olim Gavin, Conjugum Matrina fuit Catherina Aslett

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 26 Octobris 1841 natus, et die 6 Decembris 1841 baptizatus fuit Eduardus Albertus Godfrey King, Filius Jacobi et Sara King, paterno nomine King, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Joannes Bulbeck, Matrina Francisca Hicks

a me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 22 Novembris 1841 nata et die 26 Decembris 1841 baptizata fuit Cæcilia Anna West Filia Josephi et MariæAnnaWest , olim White, conjugum Patrinus fuit Enricus Bulbeck, Matrina

Susanna Bulbeck .

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 88] 1842. Die27 Decembris 1841 natus, et die 11 Januarii 1842 baptizatus fuit Edmundus Benedictus Christophers Hicks, filius Joannis et Francisca Ursulæ Hicks, olim Christophers, con-


jugum. Patrinusfuit JoannesAlfredus Knapp. MatrinaElizabetha Molineux A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

Die 6 Januarii 1842 natus et die 6 Februarii 1842 baptizatus fuit Carolus Robertus Allen, filius Eduardi et Marthæ Allen, olim Hicks, Conjugum . Patrinusfuit Jacobus Hicks, Matrina Francisca Hicks A me Joanne Kearns, M.A.

Die 8 Martii 1842 natus et die 3 Aprilis 1842 baptizatus fuit

Gulielmus Pottle, filius Thomæ et Luciæ Pottle, olim Knapp, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Enricus Bulbeck, Matrina Francisca Hicks. a me J. Kearns.

[p. 89] 1842. Die4 Maii 1842, apud West Wittering, Sussex , nata, et die 12 Maii 1842 ibidem baptizata fuit Maria Francisca Sisk, filia Gulielmi et Margarita Sisk, olim Healy, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michael Collins, Matrina Catharina Collins " a me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 9 Octobris 1842 nata et die 26 Octobris 1842 baptizata fuit ElizabethaHarris , filiaJacobi et Joanna Harris, olim Carrol, conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria Morey. a me Joanne Kearns . M.A. 1843. Die 2 Februarii 1843 nata et die 15 Februarii 1843 baptizata fuit Maria Joanna Vine, filia Jacobi et Joannæ Vine , olim Ayles, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Todd Matrina Elizabetha Todd A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 90] 1843. Die 25 Maii 1842* apud Cowes, I.V. natus, et die 15 Martii 1843, in Capella Brockhampton , baptizatusfuit

Jacobus Harris, filius Ricardi et Annæ Harris, olim Veal, Conjugum. Matrina fuit MariaVeal A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

Die 11 Novembris 1843 nata et die 10 Decembris 1843 baptizata fuit Anna Quin, filia Jacobi et Mariæ Annæ Quin, olim Holland , conjugum. Patrinus fuit Eduardus Knapp, Matrina Maria Knapp. A me Joanne Kearns M.A. 1844. Die 4 Januarii 1844 nata et die 28 Januarii 1844 baptizatafuit AgathaRosa Knapp, filia Eduardi et Mariæ Knapp, olim Vincent, Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Josephus West : Matrina Maria Anna West a me Joanne Kearns M.A. [p . 91] 1844 Die 20 Januarii 1844 nata et die 21 Februarii 1844 baptizata fuit Catharina Smith, filia Jacobi et Catharina Smith, olim Nunan, Conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria Morey. a me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 24 Septembris 1844 natus et die 19 Octobris 1844 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Linus West, filius Josephi et Mariæ Annæ West, olim White, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Watkins. Matrina Maria Morey. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 21 Septembris 1844 natus, et die 23 Octobris 1844 baptizatus fuit LaurentiusGulielmus Glover, filius Thomæ Augusti et Saræ Glover, olim Hewson , Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Watkins Matrina Susanna Morey a me J. Kearns. M.A. [p. 92] 1845. Die 9 Decembris 1844 natus, et die 1 Januarii 1845 baptizatusfuit Alfredus Joannes King, filius Jacobi et Saræ Insula Vectis (Isle of Wight) * Corrected from 1843 .

King, olim King, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Daniel King, Matrina Susanna Morris

A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

Die2 Novembris1844 natus et die 9 Februarii 1845 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Veal, filius Jacobi et Annæ Veal, olim Lee, quondam Wake, Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Watkins Matrina Susanna Morris. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 21 Junii 1845 natus et die 20 Julii 1845 baptizatusfuit

Alfredus Jacobus Allen, filius Eduardi et Martha Allen, olim Hicks, conjugum Patrinusfuit Henricus Bulbeck, MatrinaMartha Hearne. a me Joanne Kearns M.A.

[p. 93] 1846. Die 8 Augusti 1846 natus et die 6 Septembris 1846 baptizatus fuit Thomas Quin, filius Jacobi et Mariæ Annæ Quin, olim Holland, conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Morey. A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die22 Octobris 1846 nata et die 6 Decembris 1846 baptizata fuit Maria Evelina Veal, filia Ricardi et Saræ Veal, olim Sharp, conjugum Patrinus fuit Enricus Bulbeck, Matrina Susanna Bulbeck.

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 94] 1847. Die 15 Februarii 1847 nata et die 21 Februarii 1847 baptizata fuit Emilia Collins, filia Caroli Moody et Mariæ Collins. Matrina fuit Æmilia Morey. A me Joanne Kearns

Die 2a Julii 1847 nata, et die 30 Julii 1847, baptizata fuit Anna Carolina King, filia Jacobi et Saræ King, olim King, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniel King: Matrina Sara Todd

A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

Die 30 Julii 1847 baptizata fuit Winefrida, Maria, Emma, Blake, decimo nono ætatis suæ anno, filia Joannis et Claræ Blake, olim Barker, conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria West.

A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

[p. 95] 1848. Die 31 Maii 1848 natæ, et die 31 Maii 1848 , in domo paternâ baptizatæ fuerunt, Maria, et Æmilia Pratt, gemellæ sorores, filiæ David Pratt, et Mariæ olim Morey, Conjugum: Die autem 16 Julii 1848, sacræ preces , et ceremoniæ omissæ , publice suppletæ sunt, in Capella Brockhampton Mariæ , sponsores fuerunt Georgius West, et, Anna Murphy: Æmiliæ , Eduardus Keevil, et Æmilia Morey. A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

[p. 96] 1848. Die6 Novembris 1848 nata, et die 12 Novembris 1848 baptizatafuit Helena Crowly, filia JeremiæCrowly et Mariæ olim Donovan, conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Quin : Matrina Susanna Morey. a me Joe Kearns. M.A.

Die 23 Octobris 1848 nata et die 19 Novembris 1848 baptizata fuit MariaElizabethaKing, filia Jacobi, et Saræ King, olim King, conjugum Patrinusfuit JoannesBulbeck. MatrinaSusanna Bulbeck a me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 97] 1849. Die 25 Septembris 1849 nata, et die 9 Octobris 1849 baptizatafuit Anna Smith, filia Josephi Smith, et Elizabeth Byrche, conjugum . Matrina fuit Anna Barron. a me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 29 Septembris 1849 nata et die 28 Octobris 1849 baptizata


fuit Maria Elizabetha White, filia Josephi et Elizabethæ White , olim Harding, conjugum . Patrinusfuit Albertus Knapp: Matrina

Maria Anna Murphy. a me Joanne Kearns, M.A.

[p. 98] 1849. Die 13 Octobris 1849 nata et die 11 Novembris 1849 baptizata fuit Catherina Quin, filia Jacobi et Mariæ Annæ Quin, olim Holland, conjugum Patrinus fuit Eduardus Quin

Matrina Susanna Morey. A me Joanne Kearns . M.A. 1850. Die 25 Aprilis 1850 natus et die 25 Maii 1850 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Josephus Crasler, filius Josephi Thomæ Crasler, et Franciscæ Mariæ Crasler, olim Bulbeck, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck: Matrina Martha Bulbeck: - A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 99] 1850. Die 14 Augusti 1850 nata et die 15 Augusti 1850 baptizata fuit MariaCollins Filia Joannis Collins et Joannæ , olim Harrington, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Timotheus Regan: Matrina Margarita Collins . a me Joanne Kearns M.A. Die 7 Augusti 1850 natus et die 1 Septembris 1850 baptizatus fuit Georgius Pratt, Filius David Pratt, et Mariæ, olim Morey, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Albertus Knapp: Matrina Catherina Aslett. a me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 100] 1851. Die28 Novembris 1850 nati, et die 5Januarii 1851 baptizati fuerunt, Georgius et Carolus Higgins, Filiigemelli Joannis Higgins , et Helenæ , olim Driscol, conjugum. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Callanan et Joanna Jones: Jacobus Quin et Maria Anna West. a me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 22 Februarii 1851 natus et die 29 Martii 1851 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Gulielmus Hills, filius Caroli et Kiziah Hills, olim Powell, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Ricardus Powell : Matrina Olivia Powell. a me J. Kearns. M.A.

[p. 101] 1851. Die 21 Aprilis 1851 natus, et die 27 Aprilis 1851 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Crowly, filius Jeremiæ Crowly, et Mariæ, olim Donovan, conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Collins : Matrina Maria Anna Murphy. a me J: Kearns. M.A.

Die 21 Aprilis 1851 natus, et die 11 Junii 1851 baptizatus fuit Dominicus McFarlan, filius Joannis McFarlan et Mariæ Coll, conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria West. a me Joanne Kearns.

[p. 102] 1851. Die 19 Junii 1851 nata et die 22 Julii 1851 baptizata fuit Elizabetha Bulbeck, filia Thomæ Bulbeck et Elizabethæ, olim Hoare, conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Bulbeck: Matrina Susanna Horn A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

Die 14 Novembris 1851 nata et die 11 Decembris 1851 baptizata fuit Francisca Teresia Crasler, filia Josephi Thomæ Crasler et Franciscæ Mariæ, olim Bulbeck, conjugum Patrinus fuit Georgius Bulbeck: Matrina Francisca Hicks a me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

[p. 103] 1852. Die 1 Martii 1852 natus, et die 28 Martii 1852 baptizatus fuit Joannes Callaghan, filius Joannis et Mariæ Callaghan, olim Corbet , conjugum. Patrinusfuit Jeremia Crawley : Matrina Maria Purcell a me Joanne Kearns

Die 18 Martii 1852 nata et die 11 Aprilis 1852 baptizatafuit

Elizabetha White, filia Josephi et Elizabethæ White, olim Harding, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Lee: Matrina Catherina Aslett

A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 104] 1852. Die 4 Augusti 1852 nata et die 29 Augusti 1852 baptizata fuit Helena Callanhan, filia Jacobi Callanhan et Helenæ, olim Firlton, conjugum Patrinus fuit Stephanus Mara: Matrina Maria Anna Quin. A me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

Die 9 Julii 1852 Nata et die 12 Septembris 1852 baptizata fuit Maria Bulbeck, filia Thomæ Bulbeck, et Elizabethæ, olim Hoare, Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Georgius Bulbeck: Matrina Susanna Horn a me Joanne Kearns. M.A.

[p. 105] 1853. Die 1 Februarii 1853 natus et die 2 Februarii 1853 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Stallard, filius Eduardi Stallard, et Æmiliæ, olim Morey, conjugum Paulo post obiit infans.

A me Joanne Kearns . M.A.

Die 7 Februarii 1853 natus, et die 13 Martii 1853 baptizatus fuit Henricus Jacobus Pratt, filius David Pratt, et Mariæ, olim Morey, Conjugum Patrinusfuit JosephusWest : Matrina Æmilia Stallard

A me Joanne Kearns M.A.

[97 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 106] [The next two pages, in the Rev. D. Donovan's hand , have been stuck together and some of the words are now missing, and the baptisms have been entered again on the followingpages.]

Die Maii 3º 1853. Nata fuit et 15° ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit, Sarah Rachel of Edwin Goodwin Roberts and Ann McMahon: SponsorsJohn Bulbeck & Kate Haslett. D. Donovan . 26th June 1853born John of Jeremiah Crowley and Mary Donovan and baptized 10th July 1853. Sponsors James Quinn & Mrs Callaghan. D. Donovan

July 1st 1853. Born. Albert of Charles Hills & Gazier Powell & Baptized 1st August 1853. Sponsors James Powell & Olivia Powell D. Donovan. November 3d 1853. Born. Mary of Thomas Bulbeck & [Elizabeth Hoare Baptized 13 November 1853: [Sponsors] John Bulbeck & Martha Bulbeck. D. Donovan. December 12th1853. Born Jessy Gertrude of Joseph Thomas Crasler & Fanny Bulbeck and baptized 6th of January 1854. Sponsors John Bulbeck & Martha Bulbeck. D. Donovan.

[p. 107] November 26th 1853. Born Joseph of Joseph White & Elizabeth Harding & Baptized on the 15th January 1854 Sponsors John Lee & Elizabeth Lee. D. Donovan. November 17th 1853. Born Mary Anne of [Jo]hn Callaghan & Mary Corbett and baptized [18th Dece]mber 1853. Sponsors William Dwyer & Susan [Hasle]tt D. Do[nov]an February 5th 1854. Baptized [William [Charles] of John William Price & Sarah Jones (Protestant ) Born 11th December 1853. Sponsors Joseph White & Marie Merland D. D[ono]v[an] April 26 1854 Born [Ma]ry Elizabeth] [word obliterated] West & Charity E[liz]ab[eth] Vikers. [Ba]ptiz[ed] 21st of May 1854. Sponsors Joseph West & Agatha West D. Donov[an].

[p. 108]



3 Maij 1853 Born, and baptized on the 15th of the same month and year, Sarah Rachel, Daughter of Edwin Goodwin Roberts (Protestant ) and Anne McMahon. D. Donovan .

Sponsors John Bulbeck & Kate Haslett.

26 June 1853

Born and baptized on the 10th of July and in the same year John the Son of Jeremiah Crowley & Mary Donovan D. Donovan Sponsors. James Quinn & Mrs Callaghan.

1st July 1853

Born and baptized1st Augustin the sameyear. D. Donovan [sic]

Albert the son of Charles Hills (Protestant) & Gazier Powell Sponsors James Powell & Olivia Powell. D. Donovan.

[p. 109]


14th August 1853 Born and baptized 25th September inthe same year.

Elizabeth daughter of John Higgins & Ellen Driscoll Sponsors James Callaghan & Mary Knapp D.D. D. Donovan.

3d November 1853 Born and baptized 13th of November in the same year Mary Daughter of Thomas Bulbeck & Elizabeth Hoare

SponsorsJohn Bulbeck & Martha Bulbeck. D. Donovan .

12 December 1853 [born omitted] and baptized6th ofJanuary 1854 Jessy Gertrude Daughterof Joseph Thomas Crasler (Protestant) & Fanny Bulbeck.

Sponsors John Bulbeck & Martha Bulbeck.

[p . 110] 1853 & 1854 D. Donovan

26 November 1853 Born and baptized15thofJanuary 1854. D. Donovan .

Joseph the son of Joseph White & Elizabeth Harding Sponsors John Lee & Elizabeth Lee D. Donovan .

17 November 1853 Born and baptized 18th decemberin the sameyear Mary Annedaughter of John Callaghan & MaryCorbett SponsorsWilliam Dwyer& SusanHaslett. D. Donovan

11th December 1853 Born and Baptized 5th of February 1854 William Charlesson of JohnWilliam Price (Protestantunder Instruction) & Sarah Jones (Protestant ) Sponsors Joseph White Mary Menland.

[p. 111]

26th April 1854

1854 D. Donovan

Born and baptized on the 21st May in the same year ElizabethDaughterof Joseph West & CharityElizabeth Vickers

Sponsors Joseph West & Agatha West D. Donovan

9 March 1854 , and baptized on the4thJune in the sameyear

Gazier Daughter of William Ackman & Anne Barn (Protestant) Sponsors John Higgins & Jane Lynch. D. Donovan .


16th of July 1854 aged 32 years

Anne Ackman convert Conditionally baptized.

16 July 1854 aged 37 years

Jane Kew Convert. Conditionally baptized.

[p. 112] 16 July 1854 aged 11 years

D. Donovan .

D. Donovan.

Mannah (convert conditionally baptized) of William and Anne Ackman

Sponsors [sic] Denis Higgins

D. Donovan .

16 July (Convert conditionally baptized) Mary aged 9 years, Daughter of William and Anne Ackman

Sponsor Hannah Crowley

16 July 1854. aged 7 years

William (Convert conditionally baptized)

Son of William and Anne Ackman

Sponsor Michael Lynch

[p. 113] 16 July 1854 aged 4 years

D. Donovan . D. Donovan

Thomas (Convert conditionally baptized)

Son of William and Anne Ackman

Sponsor Patrick Crowley.

[In the Rev. Armengol Ritort's hand]

D. Donovan

At 14 annos conversa, et facta professione fidei; die 14 Jannuarii 1855baptizatafuit (sub conditione) Maria Anna Cooper ; filia Georgii et Rose Cooper (olim Lea ) conjugum : Patrinus fuit

Josephus West, Matrina Elena West

A me = Hermengando Ritort M.A.

[p. 114] At 72 annos conversus, et facta professione fidei; die 4 Februarii 1855 baptizatusfuit (sub conditione) Guillemus Jones : (natus Dec 1783) filius Guillemi and Annæ Jones (olim Aldrich) conjugum Patrinus fuit Josephus West, Matrina Elena

A me Hermengando Ritort. West

Die 16 Martii 1855 natus, et die 8 Aprilis 1855 baptizatus fuit Edmundus Hills, filius Caroli et Kiziah Hills (olim Powell) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Michael Lynch, Matrina Joanna Lynch

A me Hermengando Ritort M.A.

[p. 115] Die 12 Martii 1855 natus, et die 22 Aprilis 1855 baptizatus fuit Joannes Bulbeck, filius Thomæ et Elizabethæ Bulbeck(olim Hoare) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck , Matrina Francisa [sic] Catharina Hicks.

A me Hermengando Ritort M.A.

Die 12 Septembris 1854 natus, et die 20 Maii 1855baptizatus fuit (sub conditione) Carolus Stallard, filius Edwardi et Emilia Stallard (olim Morey) conjugum : Matrina fuit Maria Pratt.

A me Hermengando Ritort M.A.

[41 pages blank, and several leaves torn out at the end of the Register.]

* Doubtful reading; possibly " Ken. " Or "Sea" "Joannes Jones" scored



[On outside front cover, veryfaint]

Baptismal Register


No 2

[Inside front cover]

Brockhampton [rest indecipherable]

Fidem facio Ego infrascriptus Missionarius Apostolicus in districtu Londonensi, qualiter in Li[bro] baptizatorum apud m[covered with wax] reperitur [torn] (here the register word for wor[rest torn]

Ego N N Successor N N in Congregatione Br[ock]hamptonii Missionarius ut supra hanc presen[tem] subscripsi meoque solito signo munivi. In qu[orum] &c.

DatumBrockhamptoniihacdie [Red wax]

[In the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand]

m[ensis] - Anni

Fidem facio Ego infrascriptus Missionarius Apostolicus in districtu Londonensi me sequentem Attestationem accepisse a Dño Guli Todd Avunculo & patrono nec non a Joanne & Maria Poynter Parentibus Guli Poynter, viz Nos infrascripti testamur& fidem facimus Gulielmum Poynter filium Joannis & Mariæ Todd conjugum, natum die 20° Maii, anno 1762 baptizatumfuisse apud Petersfield in domo parentum die 24 ejusdem mensis a Reverendo Dño Dno Radulpho Falkner missionario Apostolico in districtu Londonensi, nosque presentes

G: Todd fuimus

J: Poynter*

M: Poynter

Ego Ric: C: in Congregatione Brockhamptonii Missionarius ut supra hanc presentem subscripsi meoque solito signo munivi , in quorum fidem &c 1781

Datum Brockhamptonii hac die 26 mensis Decembris anni

[The first leaf in the book is loose] [p. 1] [In the Rev. T. Talbot's hand] Die 7 : Novembris Anniversarium pro Benefactoribus hujus Loci

* The signatures are not autograph, but in the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand; hehimself has not signed the statement. It would seem that a baptismal certificate was not obtainable and an affidavit was needed beforeHoly Orders could be received William Poynter was ordained priest at Douay in 1786, and succeeded Bishop Douglass as Vicar Apostolic of the London District in 1812.

Ralph Falkner of Maryland was admitted to the English College, Rome , 12 November 1755 , ordained priest 7 March 1761, left for England 28 April 1761 (C.R.S., xl, 215; Foley, Records S.J., vi, 498). Apart fromthe above entry, and his standing as a godfather at Brockhampton in March 1764, there seems to be no trace of him. His name does not appear in the Obituaries (C.R.S. , vol xii).


[In the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand]

Die primo cujuslibet Mensis non impeditodici debet missa de requiem pro omnibus fidelibus defunctis qui unquam ad hanc congregationem pertinebant.

[Same hand, but a later entry]

Extincti Illustrissimi & Reverendissimi Dñi Dni Thomæ Talbot Episcopi Acon anniversarium in perpetuum, ut Benefactoris hujus loci, Maximi, celebrare tenetur Parochus Brockhamptoniensis: subea enim conditione fundatorextitit, autsaltem prostratumerexit, sustentavit & Amplificavit.

[In the Rev. P. Wyndham's hand]

Cujuscumque mensis quolibet die dici debet missa pro vivis & defunctis familiæ Knapp. Insuper Missa de requiem dicenda est pro animabus viz Richardi Knapp die 14° Martii, Dn Elisabethæ Knapp die. 7° Aug!, Elis: Wheeler die 11° Octbris & Dn¹ Joan: Knapp die 7° Nov: Nec non et missa de requiem quolibet die mensis cujuscunque pro animabus defunctis Congregationis Brockhampton ; A idem quod supra, in principio pag. 1751. [p. 2]

Anno Domini 1751 die 26 Januarij Baptizavi Mariam Filiam Joannis et Patricia i.e. Martha § Wright natam die 24 Jan: anni supradicti. Patrini fuere Johannes Sone, et Clara Wheeler David Pelagius alias Morgan

Anno Dñi 1750 die 20 Januarij Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Richardum natum die 13 ejusdem Filium Melchioris, et [2 cms . blank] Collart conjugum Patrini fuere Ricardus Knap, et Francisca Millard. David Morgan.

Anno 1751. die 24. Augusti Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi [2.7 cms. blank] natam die 16 ejusdem mensis Filiam Melchioris et [2.3 cms . blank] Collart conjugum Patrini fuere Franciscus Turner, et Maria Erle David Morgan.

Anno Dñi 1751. die 15 Septembris. Ego Infrascriptus baptizaviJohannem natumdie 7 ejusdem Filium Laurentii, etRachael Seagrove conjugum Patrini fuere Henricus White et Francisca Hills David Morgan

Anno Dñi 1751. die 16 Septembris Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Franciscam natam die 12. ejusdem Filiam Francisci et MariæTurner conjugum Patrini fuere Melchior Collart, et Maria Erle. David Morgan

Anno Dñi 1751. die 23. Septembris Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Jacobum Filium Thomæ , et Elisabethæ Williams conjugum natum die 15 ejusdem Patrini fuere Thomas Bulbicket Elisabetha Frampton David Morgan

*" de " is underlined in pencil and " ad aut " inserted in pencil above. An indecipherable word precedes " requiem. "

This sentence (" Nec .... Brockhampton ") is in a later unknown hand. These words (" A idem ... pag. ") in still another hand . §" i.e . Martha" inserted above

D Recte Bulbeck.

[p. 3]


Anno 1754

Die decimo sexto Januarii Ego Infrascriptus Parochus Havantensis baptizavi Marthamfiliam Gulielmi et Claræ Blunden natam die quarto ejusdem mensis anno supradicto . Patrini fuere Johannes Collins et Maria Farr David Pelagius

Anno 1754

Die vigesimo quarto Martii Ego Infrascriptus Parochus Havant: baptizavi Johannem filium Thomæ et Francisca Bulbic* natum die vicesimo primo ejusdem mensis anno supradic: Patrini fuere Johannes Sone et Maria Champ. David Pelagius [blob of red sealing-wax]

Anno 1754

Die decimo quarto Aprilis Ego Infrascrip: baptizavi filium Antonii et Annæ Hide, natum die quarto ejusdem mensis anno supradic: Patrini fuere Henricus Oliver et Maria Morey. David Pelagius

Anno 1754

Die vicesimo primo Aprilis Ego infrascrip: baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Susannæ et Gulielmi Hicks natam die decimo octavo ejusdem mensis anno supradic : Patrini fuere Johannes Morey et Elizabeth Knap David Pelagius

Anno 1754

Die vigesimo octavo Aprilis Ego infrascrip: baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Laurentii et Rachel Segrove natam die vigesimo quinto ejusdem mensis anni supradic : Patrini fuerunt Franciscus Collins et Elizabetha Frampton David Pelagius [p. 4] [Space, 8.3 cms deep, blank at the top of the page]

Anno 1754

Die vigesimo quarto Novembris Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Henericum [sic]filium Henrici et Mariæ Burges natum die octavo ejusdem mensis anni supradic: Patrini fuere Andreas Dipnall et Maria Ford David Pelagius

Anno Domini 1755

Die decimo sexto Mensis Januarii Ego Infrascrip: baptizavi Gulielmumfilium [4 cms. blank] Collart natum die decimo tertio ejusdem mensis anni supradic: Patrini fuerunt [rest blank] [Unsigned]

Anno Domini 1755

Die vigesimo sexto Januarii Ego Infrascript: baptizavi Georgium Edwardumfilium Francisci et Johannæ Higginsnatum die vigesima prima ejusdem mensis anni supradic: Patrini fuerunt Jacobus Higgins et Maria Wallis David Pelagius

[р 5]

Anno Domini 1755

Ego infrascrip: Parochus Havantensis baptizavi Annam filiam Die secundo Feb" Johannis et PenelopeWest natam vigesimo quinto Januarii anni supradic: Patrini fuerunt Petrus West et Maria Wallis David Pelagius.

* Recte Bulbeck.

Anno Dom¹ 1755

Die vigesima Februarii Ego Infrascrip: baptizavi Catharinam filiam Johannis et Mariæ Bulbick natam die septimo ejusdem mensis anno supradic: Patrini fuerunt Jacobus Wheeler & Elizabeth Knap. David Pelagius

[Two spaces ruled offfor entries, each headed Anno Dom¹1755 , but the rest of each space blank.]

Anno Domini 1755

Die vigesimo septimo Julii Ego Infrascrip: baptizavi Jacobum filium Francisci et Francisca Collings, natumdievigesimo sexto ejusdem mensis anno supradic: Patrini fuere Jacobus Collins et Elizabeth Frampton David Pelagius

[p. 6]

Anno Dom 1755

Die quinto Septembris Ego infrascrip: Parochus Havantensis baptizavi Gulielmumfilium Thomæ et Mariæ Cook natum die trigesimo primoAugusti anni supradic: Patrini fueruntGulielmus Hicks et Maria [blank] David Pelagius

[p. 7]

[Rest of page, 15.7 cms , blank.]

[Blank space, 4.3 cms deep, at top of page]

Anno Domini 1756

Die sexto Junii Ego infrascriptus Parochus Havant: baptizavi Gulielmum filium Laurentii et Rachel Segrove natum die [2.5 cms. blank] anni supradic: Patrini fuerunt Gulielmus

Morey et Maria Blunden. David Pelagius

[Anno Domini 1756 in the Rev. D. Morgan's hand]

[In the Rev. T. Talbot's hand] Brockhamptonii Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam & Joannem [rest of entry blank]

[In the Rev. D. Morgan's hand] Thos Talbot

Anno Domini 1756

Die quinto Decembris Ego infrascrip: Parochus baptizavi Barbaram filiam Thomæet FranciscæBulbick, natam die vigesimo nono Novembris anno supradic: Patrini fuerunt Franciscus Collins et Elizabeth Foord. David Pelagius

Anno Domini 1756

Die duodecimo Decembris Ego infrascrip: baptizavi Elizabeth filiam [2 cms. blank] et [1.4 cms. blank] Pit natam dieseptimo ejusdem mensis anni supradic: Patrini fuerunt [2.2 cms blank] Bowman et Catharina Ring David Pelagius

[p. 8] [In the Rev. T. Talbot's hand]

* BrockhamptoniiAn: 1756 Die28 Aprilis baptizavi Mariam Hicks Filiam Gulielmi, & Susanna Collins; Patr: Richardus Knapp Maria Todd. T. Talbot

* Wardi baptizavi Elizabetham Woodger an: 1756 Die 10 [or 15] Sep. Filiam Gul. & Eizabethæ [sic] Leech; Patr. Jacobus Knapp & N. Bolds. Thos Talbot

* Brockhamptonii Anno Domini 1756 Die 3. Octobris Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Carolum Higgins Filium Francisci, & Joanna Withrington; Patrini fuere Carolus Ford N. Fuller.

* These three baptisms by the Rev. T. Talbot are out of chronologicalorder Thos Talbot Query: A neighbouring place-name.


[2.5 cms . space.]

[In the Rev. D. Morgan's hand]

Anno Domini 1757

Die tricesimo mensis Januarii Ego infrascrip: baptizavi Johannem filium Johannis et PenelopeWest, natum vigesimo nono ejusdem mensis anni supradic: Patrini fuere Henricus White et Elizabetha Ford David Pelagius

[In the Rev. T. Talbot's hand]

An: 1757 Die 15 Feb: Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Apud W. Bourne Susannam Page Filiam Roberti & Mariæ Cook: Patr: Josephus Butt, Elizabetha Cook Thos Talbot

Brockhamptonii An: 1757 Die 17 Aprilis baptizavi Elizabetham Dench Filiam Gulielmi, & Sara Calloway Patr: Jacobus

Collins, Maria Marly. Thos Talbot.

Apud Insulam Haling an. 1757 Die 4ª Octobris baptizavi Martham White Filiam Richardi & Annæ Clapcoat Patrina[sic] N. White Thos Talbot

BrockhamptoniiAn: 1758 Die 2. Aprilis baptizavi Jacobum Woodger Filium Gul & Elizabethæ Leech; Patr: Carolus Ford, & Anna Pitt. Thos Talbot

BrockhamptoniiEgo infrascriptusbaptizaviGulielmumHicks

Filium Gul. & Susanna Collins Patr: Jacobus Knapp Catharina Fielder Anno Dñi 1758 Die 5 Novembris Thos Talbot

[p. 9] [In the Rev. P. Wyndham's hand]

Anno Dñi 1758

Die 19 Novembris Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Joannem filium Gulielmi, et Saræ Dench natum die 5. ejusdem mensis anni supradicti Patrini fuere Josephus et Maria Butts

[In the Rev. T. Talbot's hand] Philipus Wyndham

Die 17: Decembris Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Joseph Hide Filium Antonii, & Annæ Randal : Patrini Gulielmus Barnes & Catharina Fielder pro Margareta Morey. An : 1758 Brockhamptonii Thos Talbot

Apud N. Bourne § Die 29 Decembris 1758 Ego Infrascriptus baptizaviAnnamBulbickFiliam Joannis, & Mariæ Russel Patrini Richardus Knapp & Maria Todd. Thos Talbot

Apud W. Bourne Anno Domini 1759 Die 12 Martii Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Franciscam Page Filiam Roberti & Mariæ Cook: Patrini Carolus Harding Francisca Austin Thos Talbot

Die 8 Aprilis Anno Domini 1759 Havanti Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Thomam Bulbick Filium Thomæ & Francisca Ford. Patrini fuere Gulielmus Todd & Elizabetha Champ Thos Talbot**

[p. 10] Die 31a Junii An: Dñi 1759 Apud Warblington Ego InfrascriptusbaptizaviJacobum West Filium Joannis & Penelopes Reading. Patrini Gulielmus Dench, Maria West Thos Talbot

* Westbourne Hayling Island

The name Clapcott appears also in the Sopley Register. § Query : Nutbourne ? Westbourne . ** Extremely bold signature.

Apud N. Bourne An: Dñi 1759 Die 5a Augusti Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Joannem Turner Filium Francisci et Saræ Goodwin, Patrini fuere Gulielmus Bulbick, & Catharina Ring. Thos Talbot

Brockhamptonii Die 16 Septembris An: 1759 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam Smith Filiam Moses & Maria Wallace Patrini fuere Richardus Knapp & Maria Cook . Thos Talbot

[Writing henceforwardthat of signatory]

Die 2. Octobris An: Dni 1759 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Gulielmum Woodger Filium Gulielmi , et Elisabethæ Woodger conjugum Patrini fuere Gulielmus Cook, et Maria Buts Philipus Wyndham

Apud W. Bourne Die 18 Novembris An: Dñi 1759 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Franciscum Bridger Filium Petri & WinifridaRowe PatrinifuerePetrus West &Maria Butt Thos Talbot

[p. 11]

Brockhamptonii Die 19 Novembris An: Dñi 1759 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Annam Canon Filiam Alexandri, et MariæCanonnatamdie 16 ejusdemmensis Patrini fuere Johannes Basset pro Gulielmo Randel, et Maria Pitt pro Elisabetha Collins. Philipus Wyndham

Brockhamptonij Ego Infrascriptusdie 24 Feb: An: Dñi 1760

baptizavi Catharinam Vardell Filiam Johannis Vardell , et CatherinæHowardnatam die 5 ejusdem mensis Patrini fuere Joannes Champ et Maria But. Philippus Wyndham

Bedhamptonii Die 12 Martii An: Dñi 1760 Ego Infrascriptus

baptizavi Jacobum Filium Laurentii & Rachaelis Segrove pridie natum Patrina fuit Francisca Bulbick Thos Talbot

BrockhamptoniiDie 15 Junii An: Dñi 1760 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Winfridam [sic] Blunden Filiam Gulielmi& Claræ King: Patrini fuere Joannes Morson, Helena Lovedyn Thos Talbot

In Insula HalingDie 13 Julii An: Dñi 1760 Ego Infrascriptus

baptizavi Josephum filium Richardi, et Annæ White Patrini fuere Gulielmus Barns, et Margaritta Moring Philippus Wyndham

Apud Bourne An Dni 1760 Die 30 Augusti Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Jacobum PagefiliumRoberti, et Mariæ Page natum die 29 Julii Patrini fuere Joannes Cook , et Anna Veal Philippus Wyndham

[p. 12] Brockhamptonii Ego infrascriptusbaptizavidie 31 Augustian: Dñi 1760 MariamCookfiliam Gulielmi , et MariæCook natam die 25 Augusti Patrini fuere Richardus Knap, et Helena Lovedyn Petrus Browne*

Emsworth Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi die 26 Octobris An Dñi 1760 Annam Wheeler filiam Jacobi, et Elisabethæ Wheeler natam die 22 Octobris Patrini fuere JoannesMorin, & Elisabetha Knap. Philippus Wyndham Obiit

King George 2d died

* Entry in the Rev. P. Wyndham's hand; signature autograph. This note has been addedin pencil A similar observation, in theRev. J. Kimbell's hand, is made about the death of George I on the reverse of the fly-leaf in Register No. 1


Brockhamptonii Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi die 30 Novembris Josephum Dench filium Gulielmi, et Saræ Dench natum die4 ejusdem An: Dn. 1760. Patrini fuere Henericus [sic] Far, et Anna Pitt Philippus Wyndham .

Bedhampton Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi die 18 Januarij 1761 Josephum Collins filium Francisci Collins, et BarbaraCollins natumdie 18 ejusdem Patrini fuere Jacobus Champ, pro Gulielmo Morey, & Elisabetha Champ Philippus Wyndham

Langstone Die 2. Mar: An: 1761. Natus est Carolus Filius Antonii, et Annæ Hide, quem ob immines [sic] mortis periculum in domo rite baptizavit Margarita Morey ut mihi retulit Martha Sone Die vero 8 ejusdem mensis ad Ecclesiam Brockintonianam portatus est infans prædictus ipsique ego Infrascriptus sacras cæremonias, et preces adhibui, et Caroli nomen imposui; Patrini fuere Lucas Ladwedg, et Rosa Whiting Philipus Wyndham

[p. 13] Brockhamptonii Die 15 Martii An: Dni 1761 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi MariamFiliam Joannis & Mariæ Blunden; Patrini fuere Stephanus Blunden & Maria More Thos Talbot

Brockhamptoniidie 19 Aprilis An Dñi 1761 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Joannem filium Gulielmi , et Susanna Hicksnatum die 17 ejusdem Patrini fuere Joannes Morey, et Maria Trim Philippus Wyndham

ApudWarblington Die 22 Octobris An: Dñi 1761 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Gulielmum [West abovein anotherhand]Filium Joannis & Penelopes Reading conjugum ; Patrini fuerunt Martinus Asprey, Maria Butt. dead* Thos Talbot.

ApudW.Bourne Ego Infrascriptusbaptizavi Die26: Decembris An: Dni : 1761 Jacobum Bridger Filium Petri & Winifrida Rowe Conjugum: Patrini fuere Henricus White Maria Trim Thos Talbot

Apud W.Bourne An: Dni 1762: Die 11 Januarii Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Carolum Platt Filium Thomæ & Annæ Wilcox Conjugum : Patrini fuere Petrus Bridger & Catharina Webster per Mariam Page Thos Talbot

[p. 14] Die 11. Feb: 1762 Ego InfrascriptusBaptizaviAnnam Simons Filiam Johannis, et Lucie Simons Conjugum natam Die 6. Feb: 1762. Patrini fuere Laurentius; et Rachel Segrove. Philippus Wyndham

Brockhamptoni Die 28 Feb: 1762. Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam Canonfiliam Alexandri, et Mariæ Canon Conjugum natam die 25 ejusdem Patrini fuere Jacobus Champ & Maria Knap. Philippus Wyndham

Brockhamptonii Die 11 Aprilis An: Dni 1762 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi Thomam Woodger Filium Gulielmi & Elizabethæ Leech Conjugum : Patrini fuere Jacobus Champ & Maria Trim [300 in pencil] Thos Talbot " Dead" has been added in very small writing, in another hand

In Insula Haling Die 12 Junij 1762 Ego Infrascriptusbaptizavi AmbrosiumWhite filium Richardi, et Annæ White natum die [3 cms blank] Patrini fuere Nicholaus Sone, et Elisabetha Geywood Philippus Wyndham

Brockhamptonii Die 10 Augusti An Dñi 1762. Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi AnnamSmith Filiam Moses, et Maria Wallace , natam die 11 Julij Patrini fuere Gulielmus Cook et Elisabetha Champ Philippus Wyndham

[p. 15]

BrockhamptoniiDie 22: AugustiAn: Dni 1762 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Franciscam Dench Filiam Gulielmi & Sara Calloway Conjugum : Patrini fuere Carolus Vale & Francisca Pitt Thos Talbot

[Another hand]

Brockhamptoniidie 12: Decembris An: Dñi 1762 Ego infra. scriptus baptizavi Elisabeth filiam, Antonii & Annæ Hide Conjugum natam die 9: hujus mensis Decembris Patrini fuere Joan Morey & Elisabeth Gaywood. Richd Kendal


[Ego Infrascriptus die 4 Januarij 1763 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Joannis et Mariæ Blunden conjugum Patrina fuit Clara Blunden PhilippusWyndham all scored]

[Havant Feb: 18 1763 Rachael Segrove , ut mihi retulit Baptizavit Jacobum filium Joannis Mansbridge & Lyddiæ Pickering, Hortulani Dñi Ridge apud Sussexob iminentismortispericulum, qui infans sequenti die mortuus est Richd Kendal all scored]

[p. 16] Emsworth die 17 Aprilis An: Dñi 1763 Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Thomam Filium Jacobi, et ElisabethæWheeler natum die 13 ejusdem Patrini fuere Richardus Knap, et Elisabetha Champ pro Elisabetha Wheeler Philippus Wyndham

Die 12 Junii Havant. An: Dñi 1763. Ego Infrascriptus

Baptizavi GulielmumFilium Gulielmi , et Mariæ Cook natum die 4 Junii Patrini fuere Gulielmus Todd, et Elisabetha Knap. Philipus Wyndham

Brockhampton die 22. Junii An Dñi 1763. Ego Infrascriptus

Baptizavi Joannem Morey Filium Gulielmi, et Elizabethæ Morey natum die 15. ejusdem Patrini fuere Joannes Sone, et Margareta Morey. Philippus Wyndham

Bedhampton die 11. Septembris An: Dñi 1763. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Mariam Knap Filiam Richardi, et Elisabethæ Knap natam die [1.5 cms blank] ejusdem Patrini fuere Jacobus Wheeler, et Maria Knap. Philippus Wyndham

Bourne die 16 Septembris An: Dni 1763. Natus est Jacobus Filius Petri, et Winifride Bridger quem ob imminens mortisperi- culum in domo ritè baptizavit Maria Row ut mihi ipsa retulit

Die vero 20. ejusdem mensis in eadem [p. 17] domo Ego infrascriptus sacras cæremonias, et preces adhibui et Jacobi nomen imposui Patrina fuit Anna Prat pro Maria Trim . Philippus Wyndham


Bourne die26 Feb: 1764 Ego InfrascriptusBaptizaviCarolum Prat filium Thomæ, & Annæ Prat conjugum natumdie22. ejusdem mensis Patrina fuit Maria White. Philippus Wyndham

BrockhamptoniiDie 27 1764. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi AnnamSegrove Filiam Laurentii et Rachael Segrovenatamdie 24 ejusdem. Patrini fuere Reverendus Dominus Rodulphus Falkner , * et Martha Bulbick Philippus Wyndham

Brockhampton die 8. Aprilis 1764 Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Jacobum Cannon filium Alexandri, et Mariæ Cannon Conjugum natum die 4 ejusdem Mensis . Patrini fuere Johannes Sone junior pro Jacobo Champ, et Rebecca Le Roy Philippus Wyndham

Brockhampton die 14 Aprilis 1764 Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Johannem Blunden filium Johannis, et Mariæ Blunden natum die 22 Mar: Patrini fuere Elisabetha Sparrow et [erasure] Stephanus Blunden. Philippus Wyndham

[p. 18] Die 3. Maji 1764. Ego InfrascriptusBaptizaviMariam filiam Samuelis, et Elisabethæ Sparrow Conjugum natam die. 19 Aprilis. Patrini fuere Johannes Sone, Jun: et Winifrida Bridger Philipus Wyndham

Die26. Aug: 1764 Ego Infrascriptus BaptizaviMariam filiam Antonii et Annæ Hide conjugum natam die 21. Ejusdem mensis. Patrini fuere Gulielmus Todd et Maria Knap. Philippus Wyndham

Die[2.7 cms . blank] 1763. Ego InfrascriptusBaptizavi[4cms. blank] Fili m [sic] Moses, et Mariæ Smith nat m [sic] die [2.7 cms blank] Patrini fuere [3.6 cms blank] Catharina Ring Philippus Wyndham .

Die 24 Mar: 1765. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Carolum Filium Gulielmi , et Elisabethæ Woodger Conjugum Patrini fuere Richardus Knapp, et Elisabetha Champ. Natum die 12 mensis supradicti. Philippus Wyndham

Die 8 Aprilis 1765. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Thomam Dench filium Gulielmi, et Saræ Dench Conjugum natum die 2. Aprilis Patrini fuere Paulus Kelly, et Maria More Philippus Wyndham

[p. 19] Die 23. Aprilis 1765. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Eduardum Filium Gerardi Fitzgerald et MargaritaFitzgeraldconjugum natum 13 Aprilis Patrini fuere Georgius Baker, et Rebecca Le Roy Philippus Wyndham

Die 19 Maji 1765. Emsworth Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Jacobum Wheeler filium Jacobi, et Elisabethæ Wheeler natumdie 12. Maji Patrini fuere Jacobus Knapp, et Maria Knapp. Philippus Wyndham

Die 9 Junii 1765. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Annam filiam CatharinaReekset N N [2 cms blank] natamdie 12 Maii Patrini fuere Thomas Bulbick, et Maria More. Philippus Wyndham

* See note supra, p. 48

Die 21 Junii 1765. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Elisabetham filiam Richardi, et Elisabethæ Knapp natam 16. ejusdem Patrini fuere Joannes Sone, et ElisabethaKnapp Philippus Wyndham

[85 in pencil at the bottom of the page.]

[p. 20] Apud Warblington Die 3a Octobris 1765 Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi MariamAsprey Filiam Martini, etAnnæ Jacobs Conjugum natam la die hujusce Mensis: Patrini fuere Carolus Vale et Maria Butt Dead* Thos Talbot

Bourne Die 20 Octobris 1765. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Elisabetham filiam Petri, et Winifridæ Bridger natam die 14 ejusdem Patrini fuere Maria Row, pro Georgio Baker, et Elisabetha Ailes pro Maria Jones . Philippus Wyndham Bedhampton die 2. Martii 1766 Ego InfrascriptusBaptizavi Elisabetham Collins Filiam Francisci, et Francisca Collins Conjugum natam die 26 Feb: 1766 Patrini fuere Richardus Collins, pro Gulielmo Hicks, et Elisabetha Champ pro Elisabetha Collins Dead Philippus Wyndham

Bourne die 12 Aprilis 1766 Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Joannem Simms filium Joannis , et Lucie Simms conjugum natam die 9 mensis supradicti Patrina fuit Winifreda Bridger Philippus Wyndham

Brockhampton die 20 Aprilis 1766. Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Jacobum Bulbick filium Thomæ, et Francisca Bulbick Conjugum natum die 12 ejusdem Patrini fuere Joannes Morey, et Elisabetha Geywood Philippus Wyndham

[p. 21] Purbick Heath* die 24 Aprilis 1766 Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Annam Blunden filiam Joannis, et Mariæ Blunden natam die 8 ejusdem Patrina fuit Maria Molden Philippus Wyndham

Apud Langstone Die3: Maii 1766 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi

Antonium Hide Filium Antonii et Annæ Randal conjugum eodem Die natum: Patrini fuere Nicolaus Sone et Elizabetha Knapp Thomas Talbot Dead*

Bourne die 21. Julij 1766 Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Henericum [sic]filium Thomæ, et Annæ Plat Conjugum natumdie 13 ejusdem Patrinusfuit HenericusWhite Philippus Wyndham

Havant die 8 Mar: 1767. Ego Infrascriptusbaptizavi Elisabetham Cook filiam Gulielmi, et Mariæ Cook conjugum natam die 1º ejusdem. Patrini fuere Jacobus Champ, et Maria Poynter. Philippus Wyndham

[In the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand]

Apud Havant Die 17 Maii 1767 Ego infrascriptusBaptizavi Annam Knapp filiam Ricardi & Eliz: Champ Conjugum 9º Die hujusce mencis natam. Patrini fuere Gul: Todd et Eliz Wheeler Ric: Cornthwaite

* " Dead" in another hand Mensis spelt thus for a number of entries. Purbrook .

[p. 22] Apud Emsworth die 25 Octobris 1767 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Josephum Wheeler filium Jacobi & Eliz:Knapp conjugum 22 die hujusce mencis natum Patrini fuere Gul : Todd & Éliz Rd Knapp

Obiit R Cornthwaite

Apud Langstone die28 Octobris 1767 Ego infrascriptusBaptizavi Catharinam Knapp filiam Jacobi Knapp & Cath: Howse conjugum 23a die hujusce mencis natam Patrini fuere Josephus Glaspool & Maria Knapp. Ric Cornthwaite

Brockhampton die 22 Novembris 1767 Ego Infrascriptus

Baptizavi Jacobum Hull filium Gul & CatharinaRicksconjugum die 11 Octobris natum Patrini fuere Johanes Burges & Maria Woods. [100 in pencil] Ric: Cornthwaite

Brockhampton die 23 Decembris 1767 Ego infrascriptus

baptizavi Eliz Woodger filiam Gulielmi & Eliz: Leech Conjugum die 19 hujusce mencis natam. Patrini fuere Johnes Ford: [in different ink] M Pitt pro Eliz Saltley. Ric Cornthwaite [In a different hand]

Brockhamptondie 21 Januarii Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Susannam Ratlife filiam Roberti & Eliz: Ratlife Conjugum die 9 Sep. natam Patrini Jacobus Woods, & Maria Moors Jno Underhill.

Brockhamptondie 23 Jan 1768 Ego Infrascriptusbaptizavi Josephum Asprey filium Martini & Annæ Jacob: conjugumdie 23 10bris natum. Patrina fuit Franciscus Pitt R Cornthwaite

[p. 23] Apud Brockhamptondie 60 Aprilis 1768 Ego infrascriptus baptizaviRichardum Knapp filium Richardi& Eliz Champ conjugum 1º die hujusce mencis natum patrini fuere Gul. Tod & Eliz: Wheeler R: Cornthwaite

Apud Emsworth die 5 Maij anno 1768 Ego infraScriptus Baptizavi Annam Collins natam 27 Aprilis Patrina fuit Susanna Hicks Rd Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 13 Novembris Ego infraScriptus an: 1768 baptisaviJacobum Knapp filium Jacobi & Cathrina[sic] Howse conjugum die 5 hujusce mencis natum Patrini fuêre [1.5 cms blank] Ricd Knapp Eliz Wheeler Rd Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 13 Septembris anno 1769 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam Morgan filiam Gul. & Mariæ Nuff conjugum die 90 hujusce mencis natam patrini fuereJohes & Eliz Mory Rd Cornthwaite

Apud Fisborne die [3 cms blank] Ego infraScriptus baptizavi Mariam Hull filiam Gul & Cath: Ricks conjugum die [3.5 cms blank] Patrini fuere [rest blank] [Unsigned]

* In this, and in other entries, the husband'sname is given to identify the person: Elizabeth, wife of Richard Knapp

On 5 May 1771 this name is given as Ruff: vide infra. Query: Fishbourne?

Apud Brockhampton die 15 April 1770 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Josephum Knapp* Filium Jacobi & Cath: Howse conjugum die 90 hujusce mencis natum Patrini fuere Jacobus Wheeler Eliz Knapp Sen. Rd Cornthwaite [p. 24] Apud Brockhampton die 18 Aprilis 1770 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam Knapp filiam Richardi & Eliz Champ conjugum natam hujusce menis [sic] 15th Patrini fuere Jacobus Knapp Maria Todd. Ric Cornthwaite *Ego InfraScriptus Apud Brockhampton March 27 1770 baptizavi Carolum Veal filium Caroli & Mariæ Butt conjugum natum 24 hujusce mencis Patrini fuere Georgius Veal AnnaWest. Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Warblington Ego infraScriptus Die 23 Aprilis 1770 baptizavi Martinum Aspray Filium Martini & Annæ Jacob conjugum natum 20 'hujusce mencis Patrinus fuit Sam: West Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Pirbick Heath Ego infraScriptusdie [4.3 cms blank] baptizavi Mariam Blundon filiam Johannis & Mariæ [3.3 cms. blank] conjugum Patrini fuere Johanes & Martha Blundon Ric Cornthwaite

[Written along the margin is this next entry]

Ego infrascriptusapud Emsworthdie 6 Septembris anno 1770 baptizavi Eliz: Wheeler filiam Jacobi & Eliz Knapp conjugum die 3 hujusce mensisnatam 13 [?] Aug. § Patrini fuere Jacobus pro Josepho Knapp & Cathrina [sic] Knapp. Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Pile baptizata fuit Cath Cook Die 1º Feb: 1771 (à Maria Jones) filiam Gulielmi & Mariæ Blundon conjugum eodem die natam Patrini fuere [rest blank] [Unsigned]

Apud Brockhampton Ego Infrascriptus die 5º Maii 1771 babtizavi[sic] Gulielmum Morgan filium Gul: & Mariæ Ruff Conjugum natum die 20 hujusc Mensis Patrini fuere Johnes Sone Eliz Hicks Ric C. [p. 25] Apud Pile die 90 10ber 1771 Ego infrascriptusbap- tizavi Annam Cook filiam Gulielmi & Mariæ Blundon Conjugum natam 3º hujusce mencis Patrini fuere Joannes Sone jun & Eliz Mory. Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 16° 10ber 1771 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Josephum Veal filium Caroli & Mariæ Butt conjugum natum 13 hujusce mencis Patrini fuere Petrus West & Maria Veal Obiit. Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Langstone Ego infrascriptus die 23 10ber 1771 Bap- tizavi Teresam Knapp filiam Jacobi & Cath: Howse Conjugum natam 20 hujusce Mencis Patrini fuere Gul: Todd & Elizabetha Knapp jun Ric Cornthwaite

* A pencilled cross against this name Not in chronological order . Purbrook

§13 [?]

Aug." has been inserted abovein another hand Unidentified, unless it be Pyle Farm

*Apud Havant Ego infrascriptusdie 12 Jan 1772 baptizavi Gul Knapp filium Ricardi & Eliz Champ Conjugum pridie natum patrini fuere Gul Morey Eliz Champ Sen. Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Langstone Ego infrascriptus die 23 1772 Babtizavi [sic]Josephum & Mariam Condomfilium & filiam Mauricii& Cath: Ring Conjugum eodem die natos Patrini fuere Johannis [sic] Duy

St Michaelis & Eliz Morey conjux ejus Mortui sunt Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Cosham Ego infrascriptus die 25 Martii 1772 Baptizavi Thomam Bishop Filium Joannis & Mariæ Molton conjugum natum die 3 hujusce Mencis Patrini fuere Eduardus Molton & Eliz Collins

[21 400 in pencil] R: Cornthwaite

[p. 26] Ego infrascriptusdie 10 Julii 1772 apud Brockhampton baptizavi Mariam Aspray filiam Martini & Annæ Jacob conjugum die 28 Juniinatam Patrini fuere Jno West jun & Martha Molton Ric Cornthwaite

Ego infrascriptusdie 3 Decembri [sic] 1772 apud Warblington

baptizavi Gul. Todd fillium [sic] Gul & Maria Knapp Conjugum pridie natum Patrini fuere Ricardi [sic] & Eliz Knapp senior Ric Cornthwaite

Ego infrascriptus die 13 Decembri 1772 Apud Langstone baptizavi Joannem Knapp filium Jacobi & Cath: Howse conjugum pridie natum patrini fuere Jacobus Wheeler pro [3 cms. blank] Howse & Eliz Knapp Sen pro [rest blank]Ric Cornthwaite

Ego infrascriptus Die 18 Martii 1773 apud Pile baptizavi Joannem Cook filium Gul & Mariæ Blundon Conjugum die 70 hujusce mencis natum Patrini fuere John & Eliz Pointer. Ric Cornthwaite obiit

Ego infrascriptus die 1º Augusti 1773 Apud Brockhampton

BaptizaviAnnamSone filiam Raphaelis & Eliz Stanford conjugum natam die 220 Julii Patrina fuit Maria More Ric Cornthwaite

[p. 27] Apud Novum Murum Ego infrascriptus die 31 Augusti 1773 Baptizavi Jacobum Ayles filium Jacobi & Elizebethæ Sumervell conjugum 29 hujusce Mencis natum Patrini fuere Gul Tanner vel Barns & Eliz S¹ Michaelis Morey Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 21 Novembris 1773 Baptizavi Josephum Huit filium Roberti & Francisca Pit Conjugum die 20 hujusce Mencis natum Patrinus fuit Jonnes [sic] Ford Obiit. Ricardus Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptusdie 26 Decembris1773

BaptizaviAnnamKnapp Filiam Ricardi & Eliz. ChampConjugum die 230 hujusce Mencis natam Patrini fuere Gul Todd (pro Josepho Knapp) & Cath: Knapp Ricardus Cornthwaite

* A pencilled cross by this entry and a pencilled bracket New Wall, Apuldram, Chichester . " Tanner vel " has been inserted above

Apud Brockhampton Ego infraScriptusdie 12 JanuariiAnno 1774 Baptizavi Gulielmum Blundon filium Joannis & Francisca Kaylde Conjugum die 25 Novembris anno Ult natum Patrina fuit

Maria Blundon Ricardus Cornthwaite

Apud Warblington Ego infrascriptus die 17 Feb" An 1774 baptizavi Mariam Veal filiam Caroli & Mariæ Butt Conjugum eodem die natam Patrina fuit Maria Butt

[31 in pencil] Obiit Ricardus Cornthwaite

[p. 28] Apud Coshamdie 24 Februarii anno 1774 Ego infrascriptus Babtizavi [sic] Martham Bishop filiam Joannis & Mariæ Molton Conjugum natam25 Januarii Patrinusfuit JoannesWest Junior Ric: Cornthwaite

*Aprilis 24 vide inferig

Apud Emsworth die 23 Junii anno 1774 Ego infrascriptus

Baptizavi Joannem Midlane filium Georgii & Mariæ Wright Conjugum natum 13 hujusce Mensis Patrina fuit Martha Wright Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 7 Augusti anno 1774 Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi Joannem Todd filium Gul & Mariæ Knapp conjugum natum 4 hujusce mensis Patrini fuere Jacobus Knapp & Maria Pointer Ric. Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 28 Augusti anno 1774 Ego Infrascriptus Baptizavi ElizabethAspray filiam Martini & Annæ Jacob conjugum die 25 hujusce Mensis Natam Patrini fuere Carolus & Maria Veal Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Langston die 24 Aprilis anno 1774 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Gulielmum Eliot Morey filium Gul: Morey & Eliz Eliot Conjugum eodem die natum Patrini fuere Joannes Morey & Eliz (Gaywood) Morey Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 20 Novemberis [sic] anno 1774 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Mariam Annam Knapp filiam Jacobi & Cath: Howse Conjugum die 15 hujusce mensis natam Patrini fuere Joannes Morey de So Michaele ipsiusque conjux Obiit

Rica Cornthwaite [p. 29] Apud Portsdown die 20 Novembris anno 1774 Ego Infrascriptus baptizaviMariamTaylor filiam Henrici & Elizebeth [sic] Veal Conjugum pridie natam Patrini fuere LaurentiusVeal & Maria Veal Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 1° Januarii anno 1775 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Jacobum Huit filium Roberti & Fransis [sic] Pit conjugum 22 Decembris natum Patrina fuit Maria Veal & Patrinus Carolus Veal

Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 8 Januarii anno 1775 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Teresam Cooke Filiam Gul: & Mariæ Blundon conjugum natam2 hujusce Mensis Patrinusfuit Joannes Blundon

R. Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 25 Junii anno 1775 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam Veal Filiam Caroli & Mariæ Butt Conjugum natam hujusce mensis die 18a Patrini fuere Joannes West jun Martha Molton

Ric: Cornthwaite

Asterisk in MS. , referred to by asterisk three entries previously.


Apud Novum-Murum die 25 Julii anno 1775 Ego InfraScriptus Baptizavi Martham Ayles Filiam Jacobi & Elizebeth

Sumervell conjugum 20 die hujusce Mensis Natam Patrini fuere Ricardus & Elizebeth Knapp.

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 3º Septembris anno 1775 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Carolum Knapp filium Ricardi & Eliz: Champ

Conjugum die 27 Mensis Ultimi Natum Patrini fuere Joannes

Sone junior & Maria Sone

[43 in pencil]

Ric: Cornthwaite

[p. 30] Apud Brockhamptondie 11 Feb anno 1776 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Petrum Coome filium Ricardi & Sarahæ

Veal Conjugum natum die 8 hujusce Mensis Patrini fuere Carolus

Veal Anna West.

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die22 Febi Anno 1776 Egoinfrascriptus

Baptizavi Gulielmum Veal Filium Georgi & Barbara Trim Conjugum die 19 hujusce Mensis natum Patrini fuere Joannes Dove

Anna Bulbeck

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego Infrascriptus die 8 Martii Anno 1776 babtizavi [sic] Ricardum Josephum Powel filium Joannis& FranciscaTurnerConjugum natum die 1° hujusce mensis patrina fuit [4 cms . blank] Maria Joannis Sone Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Northwood Ego infrascriptusdie 10 Aprilis anno 1776 babtizavi [sic] Mariam Langridge Filiam Joannis & Elizebeth

Austin Conjugum pridie natam Patrina fuit Maria Austin Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Langstone Ego Infrascriptus die 2º Maii anno 1776

baptizavi Saram Morey Filiam Gulielmi & Elizabeth Eliot Conjugum die 230 Aprilis natam Patrini fuere JoannesMorey Junior & Cathrina Condom Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 12° Maii anno 1776 baptizavi Raphäelem Sone Filium Raphaelis & Elizebeth Stanford Conjugumdie 70 hujusce Mensis natum Patrini fuere Joannes West junior & Penelope West Ric : Cornthwaite [p. 31] Apud Brockhamptondie 9 Junii anno 1776 Ego infrascriptusBaptizavi Josephum Aspray filium Martini & Annæ Jacob conjugum die 31 Maji natum Patrina fuit Eliz Pitt Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 30 Junii anno 1776 Ego infrascriptus

Baptizavi Georgium Cook filium Gulielmi & Mariæ Blundon Ĉonjugum die 20 hujusce Mensis natum Patrina fuit Francisca Bulbick Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Hilsey die 13 Julii anno 1776 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Thomas Blundon filium [Joannis scored , Gulmi above] & Francisca Kaylde conjugum die 30 Mensis Ultimi Natum Patrina fuit Martha Blundon Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Cosam [Cosham] die 15 Julii anno 1776 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Josephum Bishop filium Joannis & Mariæ Molton conjugum natum die 24 Mensis Ultimi Patrini fuere

Joannes Bulbick Martha Blundon

* Hilsea, Portsmouth

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 25 Septembri [sic] anno 1776 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Joannem BulbickFilium Gulielmi & Elizebeth Hicks Conjugum die 21 hujusce Mensis Natum, Patrini fuêre Joannes Bulbick & Maria Hicks pro Martha Bulbick Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 25 Septembris Anno 1776 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam-Annam Todd Filiam Gulielmi & Mariæ Knapp Conjugum die 23 hujusce Mensis Natam Patrini fuêre Eliz Ric Knapp & Ric Cornthwaite pro Rev: Dñº Dñº Josepho Knapp* [55 in pencil] Ric : Cornthwaite [p. 32] Apud Wheat Land (prope Pirbrook Heath) ego infrascriptus die 90 Decembris anno 1776 Baptizavi Joannem

Taylor Filium Henrici & ElizebethVeal Conjugum die 60 hujusce Mensis natum Patrini fuit [2 cms. blank] Veal Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Polchester ego Infrascriptusdie 27 Januariianno 1777

simler [? simpliciter] Baptizavi ob eminens Mortis periculum

Infantem Ric: Vine & Mariæ Tarman Conjugum pridie natam [rest blank] Robt Tommins § Apud Langstone Ego infrascriptus die 120 Februarii anno 1777 baptizavi Cathrinam [sic] Condom Filiam Mauritii & Cath: Ring Conjugum pridie natam Patrini fuere Gul: Bulbick Eliz: St Michaelis Morey obiit

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 90 Martii anno 1777 baptizavi RicardumVeal Filium Caroli & Mariæ Butt Conjugum die 6ºhujusce Mensisnatum Patrini fuere MartinusAspray & Anna West jun

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi die 16º Martii An: 1777 Ricardum Cooms filium Ricardi & SarahæVeal conjugum die 11° hujusce mensis natum Patrini fuere Joannes West jun & Eliz. Blundon Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 30 Martii anno 1777 baptizavi Mariam Seagrove filiam Joannis & Sara Daws conjugum die 25° hujusce mensis natam Patrini fuere Joannes Bulbick & Mariæ [sic] Hicks

Ric : Cornthwaite [p. 33] Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 30 Martii Anno 1777 baptizavi Eliz: Huit filium Roberti & Fransis [sic] Pitt conjugum die 21 Hujusce MensisNatam Patrini fuere Jacobus

Stubington & Elizebeth Pitt

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Northwood Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi die 230 Junii anno 1777 Joannen [sic] Langridge filium Joannis & Elizebethæ

Austin conjugum die 200 hujusce mensis natum Patrinus fuit

Dñus Caralus Dormer [Autograph signature] Ricardus Antrobus

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 28 Decembris anno 1777 baptizavi Saram Sone filiam Raphaelis & Elizebeth

Stanford Conjugum die 23° hujusce mensis Natam Patrinus fuit

Joannes Ford

Ric: Cornthwaite [100 400 in pencil]

* Native of Havant ; later priest at Portsea . Query: Portchester? Purbrook

Signature autograph; entry in the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand.


Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptusdie 10 Februariianno 1778 baptizavi Mariam-Annam Sone filiam Joannis & Mariæ Jackson Conjugum eodem die natam Patrini fuere Ric: Cornthwaite, & Jennetta Cornthwaite pro Helenâ Jackson juniore

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 22 Martii anno 1778 baptizavi Hannam Bridger pridie natam patrini fuere

Joannes Ford Mariae [sic] More

Ric : Cornthwaite [66 in pencil]

[p. 34] Apud Wheat-lane-end Ego Infrascriptus baptizavi 14° die Aprilis anno 1778 Elizebeth: Taylorfiliam Henerici & Eliz: Veal conjugum die 8° hujusce mensis natam patrina fuit Maria


Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Dean Ego infrascriptusbaptizavidie 14° AprilisAnno 1778 Gulielmum Horar [Hoare] filium Gulielmi & Mariæ Austin Conjugum die 90 hujusce Mensis natam patrini fuere Josephum [sic] Austin Eliz Langridge

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 10 Maii anno 1778 baptizavi Martham Aspray filiam Martini & Annæ Jacob conjugum die 5º Aprilis natam Patrina fuit Anna Comiley

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud BrockhamptonEgo infrascriptusdie 21 Junii anno 1778 baptizavi Elizebeth Bishop filiam Joannis & Mariæ Molton conjugum die 17 Maii natam . Patrini fuere Josephus & Helena


Ric Cornthwaite

Apud NovumMurum Ego infrascriptusdie 9 Julii anno 1778

baptizavi Josephum Ayles Filium Jacobi & Elizebeth Summersell* conjugum pridie natam Patrini fuere Ego pro Gulielmo Todd & Maria Jones pro Mariâ Todd Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud BrockhamptonEgo infrascriptusdie 22 Juliianno 1778 baptizavi Josephum Mitch filium Josephi & Elizebeth Cannon conjugum die 22 Aprilis anno 1777 natum Patrini fuere Joannes Hicks Maria Cannon Ric Antrobus

[p. 35] Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptusdie 18° Septembris Anno 1778 baptizavi Mariam Bulbick filiam Gulielmi & Eliz: Hicks conjugum die 13° hujusce Mensis Natam Patrini fuere John & Maria Hicks Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Polchester§ Ego infrascriptusdie 29 Octobrianno 1778

Baptizavi MariamVine filiam Ric: & MariæTamin conjugum die 3 hujusce mencis natam- -Patrini fuere Josephus Collins Maria Miller- Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptusdie 10 Januarii anno 1779 Baptizavi Gul : Seagrove filium Joannis & SaraDows** die 80 hujusce mencis natum Patrini fuere Joannes Hicks & Maria Cook Ric Cornthwaite

* Finch Dean; see Obituary 1 October 1806, infra, p. 105 . Previously "Sumervell"

Signature only in the Rev. R. Antrobus's hand. § Query Portchester? ** Previously " Daws. " Previously " Tarman. "

Apud Bedhampton ego infrascriptus die 25 Januarii anno 1779 baptizavi Abraham Cooms filium Ricardi & Sarahæ Veal

Conjugum eodem die natum Patrinus fuit Joannes Sone

Ric. Antrobus

Apud Brockhampton ego infrascriptus die 24 Maii an 1779 baptizavi MarianamHuit filium Roberti & Fransis [sic] Pitt conjugum die 19 hujusce mensis natam Patrini fuere Joannes Dove & [A scored; 1 cm. blank] Austin

Ric: Cornthwaite

Ego infrascriptusapud Brockhamptondie 24 Julii an: 1779

Baptizavi Michaelem Ireland Filium Joannis & Mariæ Page Conjugum die 17 hujusce Mensis Natum Patrini fuere Joannis [sic]

Bulbick AnnaWhite jun"

[78 in pencil]

[p. 36]


Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptusdie 19° Septembris an: 1779 baptizavi Joannem Watson Filium Joannis & Annæ Phillips Conjugum die 14° hujusce Mensis Natum Patrini fuere Simon Larchin & AnnaWhite jun

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Hilsey* Ego infrascriptus die 120 Januarii an: 1780 baptizavi Josephum Blundon filium Gulielmi & Franciscæ Kaylde Conjugum die 1º hujusce Mensis natum Patrina fuit Maria Blundon senior Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Cosham Ego infrascriptus die 160 Januarii an: 1780 baptizavi Sara-Annam Bulbick filiam Joannis & Sara Todman conjugum die 11 hujusce Mensis natam Patrini fuere Joannis [sic] & Anna Bulbick Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 16º Januarii an: 1780 baptizavi Josephum Veal filium Caroli & Mariæ Butt conjugum pridie Natum Patrinus fuit Georgius Veal Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Insula Heling Ego infrascriptusdie 2º Martiian: 1780 baptizavi Eduardum Moltonfilium Eduardi & MariæGover Conjugum die 29 Februarii natum Patrini fuere Joannes Bulbick & Martha Molton Ric Cornthwaite

[A leaf has been cut out here , but apparently no entries are missing]

[p. 37] Apud Dean § Ego infrafrascriptus[sic] die 25Martii an: 1780 baptizavi Edwardum Hoar filium Gulielmi & Mariæ Austin Conjugum die 21 hujusce Mensis natum Patrini fuere Jos: & Cath: Austins Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Denmeade Ego infrascriptus die 20 Aprilis an: 1780 baptizaviMariamMoltonfiliam Josephi & JoannaChaloner Conjugum die 14 hujusce Mensis Natam Patrini fuere Joannis Ricks & Maria Molton senr Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Cosham Ego infra-scriptus die 21 Maii an: 1780 baptizavi Ricardum Bishop filium Joannis & MariæMoltonConjugum die 16 hujusce Mensis natum patrini fuere Joannis Bulbeck & Vena Molton Ric : Cornthwaite

* Hilsea, Portsmouth Hayling Island "Todman " is a later insertion § Finch Dean . E


Apud Brockhamptondie 28 Maii an: 1780 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Gulielmum Smith filium Gulielmi & Mariæ Penelope West Conjugum die 24 hujusce Mensisnatum patrini fuere Samuel West & Anna West

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Chip-hall die 29 Maii an: 1780 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Mariam Genaway filiam Joannis & Annæ Privet conjegum [sic] die 19 hujusce mensis natam patrini fuere Joannis Prior & Elizebeth Ford

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Northwooddie 12 Septembris an: 1780 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Antonium Langridge filium Joannis & Eliz: Austin conjugum die 5 hujusce mensis natum patrini fuere Josephus Austin & Maria Hoar Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Langstone die 14 Septembris an: 1780 Ego infrascriptus baptizaviJoannem IrelandfiliumJoannis & Mariæ Page conjugum die 11 hujusce mensis natum Patrini fuere Josephus Collins & Maria Hicks

Ric : Cornthwaite [91 in pencil]

[p. 38] Apud Brockhampton die 3 Octobris an: 1780 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Thomam Aspray filium Martini et Annæ Jacob Conjugum die 17 Augustinatum patrina fuitMaria Pointer

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 16 Novembris an: 1780 Ego infrascriptus baptizaviJoannam Sone filiam Raphaëlis & Eliz: Stanford conjugum die 9 hujusce mensis natam patrina fuit Maria More .

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 16 Novembris an: 1780 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Elenam Sone filiam Joannis & Mariæ Jackson Conjugum die 12 hujusce mensis natam Patrini fuere Reverendus Dñus Martin & Joanna Cornthwaite pro Dña Eliz: Willan

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 30 Novembris an: 1780 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Jacobum Bridger filium Winifrida (Patrina fuit Winefrida Bridger Senior) natum die 24 hujusc [sic] mensis

Ric: Cornthwaite

Ego infrascriptusdie 20 Februariian: 1781 apud Brockhampton baptizavi Mariam Hide filiam Jacobi & Rebecca Baker conjugum natam 13 hujusce mensis Patrina fuit Maria Cook junior

Presente Samuele Hunt Ric Cornthwaite Obiit

Apud Clanvile die 6 Martii anno 1781 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi MariamRicks filiam Josephi & Eliz: Marsh Conjugum die2 hujusce mensis natam patrini fuere Joannis Ware & Winefrida Ricks Ric: Cornthwaite [p. 39] Apud Chip-Hall die 21 Martii an: 1781 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Joannem Prior Filium Joannis & [2 cms blank]

Genaway Conjugum die 18 hujusce mensis natum susceptrix fuit

Joanna Privet

Ric: Cornthwaite

* Near Wickham Rev. John Martin, priest at Gosport.

Apud Brockhamptondie 13 Maii an: 1781 Ego infrascriptus baptizaviSaram Cooms filiam Ricardi & Saræ Veal conjugum die 10 hujusce mensis natam Susceptrix fuit Anna West pro Maria Veal Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Rudley Mill die 29 Julii an: 1781 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Thomam Bennet filium Thomæ & Eliz Blundon Conjugum die 25 hujusce Mensis natum susceptrix fuitMariaBlundon Ric : Cornthwaite

[200 in pencil]

Apud Havant 29 Julii an: 1781 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Cathrinam Huit filiam Roberti & Francisca Pitt conjugum eodem die natam susceptrix fuit Maria Pitt Jos: Knapp* Ego infrascriptus apud Brockhampton die 5 Augusti Anno 1781 baptizavi ElizebethWillan Bradshow Filiam Eduardi Bradshaw & Jenny Morgan Conjugum natam die 3 hujusce mensis Presentibus Jacobo Knapp, Joanne Sone , Eliz Bradshow , Mariâ Sone & Eliz ChampPatrini fuere Joannes Sone & Eliz Bradshow Ric Cornthwaite

[Underneath, at the bottom of this page, closely written and obviouslywrittenat the same time as the foregoing, is thefollowing] id est .... I, whose name is underwritten at Brockhampton ye 5 day ofAugust In ye year of our Lord 1781 babtized [sic] Elizebeth Willan Bradshow ye daughter of Edward Bradshow & Jenny, Bradshow his wife, whose Maiden name was Morgan ye infant was born ye 3 of ys Month Messrs Jas Knapp & Jno Sone Mrss Bradshow Mary Sone & Eliz Champ were present the Gossips were Mr John Sone & Elizebeth Bradshow Richd Cornthwaite

[p. 40] Apud Hilsey die 5 Augusti An: 1781 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Saram [Bennett scored, Blundon above, also scored, filiam Gull Blundon & Eliz Blundon conjugum die 3 huj

Blundon , allscored] [Blundon above] filiam Gulielmi& [Francicisca several alterations give this finally] Kayld conjugum die 3 hujusce mensisnatam Susceptrix fuit MariaBlundon Ricd Cornthwaite

Prope Stanstead die 13 Octobris an: 1781 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Joannem Ford filium Joannis & Mariæ Button Conjugum eodem die natum Susceptrix fuit Winefrida Bridger pro Anna Ford Ric: Cornthwaite

**Apud Warblington die 29 Octobris an: 1781 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Josephum Todd filium Gulielmi& MariæKnapp conjugum eodem die natum. Patrini fuere Revdus Dñus Dñus Josephus Knapp & Elizabeth Knapp Ric: Cornthwaite

**Apud Langstone die 21 Septembris an: 1781 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Jacobum Watson Filium Joannis & Annæ Phillips conjugum eodem die natum patrini fuere Gul Bulbick & Susan: Hicks

Obiit Jos: Knapp*

* Signature alone in the Rev. J. Knapp's hand Hilsea

Asterisks in MS.


Apud Havant die 21 Novembris an: 1781 Infans Josephi Hide & [4.5 cms. blank] conjugum ob iminens [sic] vitæ periculum ritè Baptizatus fuit ab Anna Hide, qui infans paulo post Obiit

Apud Chip-Halldie 25 Novembris an: 1781 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam Jenaway * filiam Joannis & Annæ Privet conjugum die 15 hujusce Mensis natam patrini fuere Petrus Privet & Joanna Privet Ric: Cornthwaite

[p. 41] Prope Wickham die 25 Novembris Ego infrascriptus an: 1781 baptizavi Isabellam Ford filiam Eduardi & Joanna Figg conjugum die 23 hujusce mensis natam Susceptrix fuit Eliz Ford Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Langstone die 20 Januarii 1782 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Mariam-Annam Morey filiam Joannis & Annæ Higgins conjugum die primo hujusce mensis natam patrini fuere Gul: Morey & Maria Midlane Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Cossam die 30 Januarii anno 1782 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Joannem Bulbick filium Joannis & SaræTodman conjugum die 31 Decembris natum Susceptrix fuit Anna Hide pro Barbarâ Brewer.

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptusdie 17 Martiian: 1782 baptizavi MariamSmith filiam Gulielmi & Mariæ Penelope West conjugum die 14 hujusce Mensis natam Patrini fuere Joannes (filius Samuelis) West & Maria Conjux ipsius

Ric: Cornthwaite

In Iinsula [sic] Hailing Ego infrascriptusdie 31 Martii an: 1782 baptizavi Martham Molton filiam Edwardi & Mariæ Gover conjugum die 28 hujusce Mensis natam Patrini fuere Joannes Goldfinch & Anna Watts Ric Cornthwaite

Apud Dean§ Ego infrascriptusdie 7° Maii an: 1782 Baptizavi Mariam Hoar filiam Gulielmi & Mariæ Austin conjugum die 21 Aprilis Natam Patrini fuere Josephus Austin pro Joanne Ball & Elizebeth Langrage [? Langridge]

Ric : Cornthwaite

[13 in pencil]

[p. 42] Apud Brockhamptondie 19 Maii an: 1782 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Joannem Ball filium Joannis & Annæ Cobbett conjugum die 17 hujusce mensis natum patrini fuere Jacobus & Anna Hide Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 30 Junii an: 1782 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Annam West Filiam Joannis & Sarah Hodgskins Conjugum die 16 hujusce mensisnatam patrini fuere JoannesSamuelis West & Maria Pennelope Smith

Ric: Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhampton die 28 Julii an: 1782 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi AnnamAspray filiam Martini & Annæ Jacob conjugum die 11° hujusce mensis natam Susceptrix fuit Anna Watts

Ric : Cornthwaite

* Previously " Genaway. " Hayling Island. Cosham § Finch Dean .

Apud Warblington die 16 Augustian: 1782 Ego infrascriptus Baptizavi Jacobum Veal filium Caroli & Mariæ Butt conjugum pridie natum fatrini [sic] fuere Edwardus Bradshow & MariaTodd

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 20 Septembris an: 1782 Egoinfrascriptus baptizavi Elizebeth Bulbick filiam Gulielmi& Eliz: Hicks conjugum pridie natam Patrini fuere Ric: Cornthwaite pro Gul: Hicks & Maria Hicks pro Catharina Bulbick

Ric: Cornthwaite

[p. 43] Apud Brockhamptondie 8a Novembris an: 1782 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Franciscam Annam Hide filiam Jacobi & Annæ Bulbeck conjugum die 6 hujusce mensis natam Patrini

fuere Joannes Bulbeck & Cath Knapp

Ric : Cornthwaite

Apud Brockhamptondie 10 Novembris an: 1782 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Samuelem Petrum West Filium Joannis & Mariæ Kelly Conjugum die 8a Hujusce mensis natum Patrini

fuere Samuel & Anna West

Ric : Cornthwaite [500 in pencil] [That is the last of the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's entries. The next entries are in the Rev. J. Appleton's hand]

Apud Horndean die 21° Novbris An: 1782 Ego infrascriptus

baptizavi Franciscam Margarettam Fermer filiam Caroli & Susanna Nyren natam die 200 Novbris, patrinis Richardo & Francisca Nyren. Jacobus Appleton

Apud Brockhamptondie 240 Novbris An: 1782 Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Carolum Irishfilium Josephi & Sara Lang conjugum natum die 31° Octobris, patrinis Edwardo & Joannâ Bradshaw Jacobus Appleton

Apud Brockhamptondie 20 Februarii An: 1783. Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Mariam Annam Hyde filiam Josephi & Mariæ conjugum natam die 24° Januarii, patrinis Gull: Bulbeck & Anna Hyde Jacobus Appleton

Apud Brockhamptondie 5º Martii an: 1783 Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Saram Sone filiam Ralph & Elis: Stanford. patrinis Jacobo Clarkson & Mariâ Mores, natam die 5º Martii Jacobus Appleton

[p. 44] Apud Brockhamptondie 9° Martii 1783 Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Elisabetham Langridge filiam Joan: & Elisabethæ Austin Conjugum natam die 2310 Feb., patrini fuere Rich: Goldfinch & Maria Hoare die 90 Martii 1783 Jacobus Appleton

Apud Brockhampton die 80 Junii 1783 Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Martham Hewet filiam Roberti & jugum natam die 1° Junii: Patrinis Jacobo Moreton

Francisca Pitt conClarkson & Martha Jacobus Appleton

* See"Hampshire Ledger" (C.R.S. , xliii, 77), inwhichthe Rev.P.Browne notes that he paid Mr. Cornthwaite at Havant " his due on 18 November 1782."

TheCricketer's family (see Gosport and Portsea Registers insubsequent volumes).


Apud Brockhamptondie 250 Junii 1783 Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Joannem Morey filium Joannis & Annæ Higgins conjugum, natum die 220 Junii, patrinis Gul: Bulbeck & Catharinâ Knapp. J. Appleton

Apud Brockhamton die 4º Julii 1783. Ego infrascriptus baptisaviAnnamBradshaw, filiam Eduardi & JennyMorgan conjugum, natam die 20 Julii, patrinis Gul: Cook & Annâ Bradshaw . Jac: Appleton

Apud Brockhamptondie 21° [1783 above] Augusti Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Catharinam Bulbeck, filiam Joannis &Catharina Pollington conjugum, natam die 20° Augusti, patrinis Gulielmo & Marthâ Bulbeck. J. Appleton

Apud Brockhampton die 70 Septembris 1783. Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Carolum Combes, filiam Rich & Saræ Veal conjugum, natum die 5° Septembris, patrinis Carolo Veal & Mary Bridger. J: Appleton.

Apud Brockhamptondie 21° Martii 1784 Ego infrascriptus baptisaviMariamAnnam Cannon filiam Joannis & Elizab. Clarke conjugum natam die die [sic] 140 Martii, Patrinis Joso Collins & Maria Cook [31 in pencil] Jac: Appleton.

[p. 45] Apud Brockhamptondie 13° Junii 1784 , Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Joannem Smith, filium Gulielmi & Penelope West, natum die 60 Junii, patrinis Joanne West & Annâ White. Jacobus Appleton.

Apud Brockhamptondie 20° Junii 1784 Ego infrascriptus baptisavi Elisabetham Bulbeck, filiam Joannis & Sarâ Todman, natam die 310 Maii, patrinis Gulielmo Brewer & Debora Gatchel. Jac: Appleton.

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus, die 70 Novembris 1784, baptisavi Joannem West, filium Joannis & Saræ Hodskins , natum die 22° Octobris , patrinis Josepho Austin & Mariâ Smith. Jacobus Appleton.

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 280 Novembris 1784 baptisavi Franciscum Hoar, filium Gulielmi& MariæAustin, natum die 180 Novembris , patrinis Edwardo Austin & Elisabetha Langrege [? Langridge]. Jacobus Appleton

Apud Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die 260 Decembris 1784 baptisavi Mariam Annam Molton, filiam Eduardi & Mariæ Gover, natam die 18° Decembris, patrinisJoanne Pointer &Annâ White Jacobus Appleton

[Henceforward the entries are in the Rev. John Earle's hand The writing is somewhat difficult to read and the ink has faded in several places. He has a custom ofenclosing his signaturein brackets , sometimes square , sometimes round, which are all represented here by round brackets .]

Brockhampton. die 16 Januarii 1785. Infrascriptus baptizavi Joannem Bulbick, filium Joannis Bulbick et Catharinæ

Pollington Conjugum , natum Januarii 15 ejusdem anni Patrini fuere Gulielmus Hicks Junior, et Catharina Bulbick. (Joannes Earle) *

Brockhampton . die 25to Jan. 1785. Infrascriptus baptizavi Gulielmum Bulbick filium Gulmi Bulbick et Elizabethæ Hicks conjugum natum die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni Patrini fuere Joannes Bulbick (Joannes Earle)*

[p. 46] die 8vo Feb. 1785. Langstone Infrascriptus baptizavi Antonium Hide filium Jacobi Hide et Annæ Bulbick natum die 7mo ejusdem mensis et anni Patrini fuere Thos Bulbick Wenefrida Guyatt (Joannes Earle) die 13tto Feb. an 1785. Havant. Infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam Dench filiam Gulielmi Dench et MariæDridge conjugum natam 10mo Feb: ejusdem An. Patrini fuere Gul: et Maria Cook (Joannes Earle)

Emsworth. Infrascriptus baptizavi Maii die 15to 1785. Annam Hyde filiam Josephi Hyde et Mariæ Warne conjugum natam 12mo ejusdem mensis . Patrini fuere Jacobus Hyde Anna Cobbert. (Johannes Earle) Brockhampton Die 27mo Augusti 1785

Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Jacobum Sone filium Raphaelis Sone et Elizabeth Stanford conjugum , natum 19no ejusdem mensis . Patrinâ Maria Bridger. (Joannes Earle)

Havant. die [3.5 cms blank] Ego infrascriptus baptizavi White filium Roberti White et Martha Cotes§ conjugum natum die 6. Junii. Patrinis Jacobo Knapp et Anna Morey (Joannes Earle)

Brockhampton Ego infrascriptus die Sep. 28vo 1785 bptzvi [sic] Stephanum Langridge filium Joannis Langridge et Elizabeth Austin, natum die 13tio ejusdem Mensis Patrini fuere Joannes Bulbick, Maria Cook (Joannes Earle)

Brockhampton Ego infrascriptusdie 16to Octrobis [sic] 1785 bptzvi Joannem Aspry filium Martini Aspry et Annæ Jacob conjugum, Natum die 5to Septembris Patrinus fuit SamuelisWest (Joannes Earle)

[p. 47] Brockhampton . Ego infrascriptus die 11moSeptembris 1785. baptzv Elizabetham Cannon filiam Joannis Cannon et Elizabethæ Clark, natam die 17mo Augusti. Patrinis Guil. Hicks et Annâ Cobbert . (Joannes Earle)

Emsworth. die 22do Novembris 1785. Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Gulielmum Hyde, filium Caroli Hyde et Saræ Jupp Conjugum, natum 19no ejusdem mensis. **(Patrinus fuit Jac . Hyde (Joannes Earle)

* Brackets here in very faded ink; later additions. "Mariæ Dridge" has been added later. "Maria Warne" also a later addition. §" Martha Cotes " a later addition This date has been added later.

** Bracket in MS


Brockhampton die 2do Feb. 1786. baptizavi Susannam filiam CaroliVeal et Mariæ Butt conjugum natamdie 1mo ejusdem Mensis Patrini fuere Jacobus Poynter et Susanna Watts. (Joannes Earle)

Brockhampton 1786 Ego infrascriptus die 2do Aprilis baptizavi Henricum Pink filium Caroli Pink et Marthæ Molton conjugum, natumdie 25 Martii Patrini fuere Edwardus MoltonMaria Molton. Joannes Earle

Brockhampton . Ego infrascriptus die 30mo Aprilis 1786 bptizavi [sic] MariamAnnam Gyat filiam Joannis Gyat et Wenifridæ Bridger, conjugum, natam die 28vo ejusdem Mensis . Patrini fuere Joannes dove Maria Bridger Joannes Earle

Brockhampton . Ego infrascriptusdie 19 Julii 1786 baptizavi Franciscam Louisam Hicks filiam Gulielmi Hicks et Martha Hussey conjugum natam 18vo ejusdem Mensis. Patrini fuere Joannes Hicks Eliz Bulbick (Joannes Earle)

[p. 48] Julii 30, 1786 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Joannem Goldfinch filium John Goldfinch et Annæ Wats conjugum, natum die 28vo ejusdem mensis . Patrini fuere Henricus Molton Johanna Wats. (Johannes Earle)

[In different ink: Brochampton (sic)]

Emsworth Nov. 1a 1786. Ego infrascriptusbaptizaviMariam Annam Collins filiam Josephi Collins et Mariæ Street, conjugum, natam die 31mo Octobris. Patrini fuere Joannes Hicks Maria Midlane (Joannes Earle)

Langstone die 7mo Decembris 1786. Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi GulielmumWhite filium Roberti White et Martha Cotes, * conjugum , natum 28vo Novembris Patrini fuerunt JoannesSone, Katharina Knapp. (Joannes Earle) Bedhampton . Januarii die 2do 1787. Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Joannem West, filium Joannis West et Mariæ Kelly Conjugum, natum eodem die. Patrina M. Sone . (Joannes Earle) Brockhamptondie 19no Martii 1787 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Martham Sone filiam Raphael Sone et Eliz. Stanford conjugum natam eodem die Patrina fuit Maria West (Joannes Earle) Havant die 30mo Maii 1787. Ego infrascriptus bapzv! [sic] Martham Bulbick, filiam Joannis Bulbick et CatharinaPollington conjugum, natam 29no ejusdem Mensis. Patrinis Jac. Knapp Seniore et Anna Morey (Joannes Earle) [p. 49] Emsworth. die 310 Junii 1787 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Thomam Cooper, filium Benjamini Cooper et Mariæ Veal conjugum, natum die 31mo Maii Patrinis Georgio Veal et Anna West (Joannes Earle) Emsworth. die 6to Junii 1787 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi ElizabethHicks , filiam Joannis Hickset Hannah Baker conjugum, natam die 4to Junii Patrina fuit MariaMidlane (Joannes Earle)

* This surnameis a lateraddition "Eliz. Stanford" added later.

Leigh-heath Die vigesimo Junii 1787. Ego infrascriptus

baptizavi Mariam Bennet filiam Thomæ Bennet et Elizabethæ Blunden conjugum, natam 16to ejusdem mensis Patrina fuit

Clara Blunden (Joannes Earle)

Brockhampton die 22do Julii 1787 Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Eleonoram Molton filiam Eduardi Molton, et MariæGover conjugum, natam die 15to ejusdem Mensis Patrinis Jacobo Poynter Mariâ Bridger (Joannes Earle) Ego infrascriptus Bulbick et Eliz

Brockhampton die 14to Augusti an: 1787 baptizavi Catharinam Bulbick filiam Gulielmi

Hicks natam die 13tto ejusdem mensis . Patrinis Jacobo Knapp Juniore et Catharina Iberton (Joannes Earle)

Brockhampton die 25to Septembris 1787. Ego infrascriptus

Baptizavi Winifredam Burgess filiam Henrici Burgess et Saræ

Privat Conjugum natam die 16to ejusdem mensis Patrina fuit

Maria West (Joannes Earle)

[p. 50] [The rest of the Register is in the Rev. Richard Southworth's hand . It is very carefully and methodically kept. In each entry the Christian name and surname of the person baptized are written in bolder characters and underlined. Each entry is numbered up to No. 107 and divided from the next by a line drawn across thepage. The ink, though now showinga brownish tint, is still very clear and outstanding]

1º Langston die 15. Octob 1787. Ego infrascriptusbaptizavi Joannam Hyde, filiam Josephi Hyde et Maria Warne, conjugum, natam die 14. Octob ejusdem anni Matrina fuit Anna Ball. Natafuit supradicta Joanna apud Langston, in Parochia Havant* Ricardus Southworth , M.Ap.

2 Brockhamptondie 13. Jan. 1788. Ego infrascriptusritè baptizavi Mariam Goldfinch, filiam Joannis Goldfinch et Annæ Wattsconjugum, pridie(viz die 12.) natam in Havant Susceptores fuêre Jacobus Poynter et Elizabetha Wheeler Obiit infans Oct. 13. eodem anno . Ricardus Southworth

30 Bedhampton die 13. Feb. 1788. Ego infrascriptusritè baptizavi Mariam-Annam West, filiam Joannis West et Mariæ Kelly, conjugum, natam die 10. ejusdem mensis ibidem in Bedhampton. Susceptoresfuêre Joannes & Maria Sone Obiitinfans 9. Jun ejusd anni Ricardus Southworth

40 Havant die 22. Mar. 1788. Ego infrascriptusritèbaptizavi Annam Cannon, filiam Joannis Cannon et Elizabethæ Clarke, conjugum, natam die 21. ejusdem mensis ibidem in Havant . Susceptores fuêre Edwardus Higgins et Maria Hart Ricardus Southworth

50 Brockhampton die 13. April 1788. Ego infrascriptusritè baptizavi Saram Denche, filiam Jacobi Denche et Mariæ Dridge, conjugum, natam die 30 Mart ejusdem anni, in Havant. Susceptores fuêre Jacobus Hyde, Anna Hyde

Nata .... Ricardus Southworth Havant " is in smaller writing " Obiit . .. . anni " is in smaller writing.


[p. 51] 60 Emsworth die 14. Maii 1788. Ego infrascriptus ritè baptizavi Jacobum Collins, filium Josephi Collins et Mariæ Street, conjugum , natumeodemdie ibid. in Emsworth,inParochia Warblington. Susceptores fuêre Joannes Hicks pro Gulielmo Hicks, fratre, et Maria Cooke. Ricardus Southworth.

70 Langston die 18 Junii 1788. Ego infrascriptusritè baptizavi GulielmumHicks, filium Gulielmi Hicks et Martha Hussey, conjugum, natum die (17.) præcedente ibid in Langston, in Parochia Havant Susceptoresfuêre Jacobus Knapp, etCatharina Knapp. Ricardus Southworth.

80 Brockhamptondie 29. Junii 1788. Ego infrascriptusritè baptizavi Joannem Guyat, filium Joannis Guyat et Winefreda Bridger, Conjugum, natum die 24. ejusdem mensis, et anni, in Havant. Susceptores fuêre Joannes West, et Maria Veal. Ricardus Southworth.

90 Brockhamptondie 20. Julii 1788. Ego infrascriptusritè baptizavi Jacobum West, filium Joannis West et Sara Hodskins , Conjugum, natam ibid. in Brockhampton die 12. ejusdem mensis , et anni

Susceptoresfuêre Carolus Veal, et Maria West

Perished at sea. Ricardus Southworth

10° Havant die 30. Julii 1788. natus est, et eodemdie baptizatusob imminens mortispericulumGeorgiusBulbick, à Gulielmo PoynterC.A.D.* alumno et sacerdote. Filius erat Joannis Bulbeck et Catharina Pollington, Conjugum Mortuus est infantulus die 10. Aug. eodem anno. Ricardus Southworth [p. 52] 11° Langston die 6. Aug. 1788. Ego infrascriptus ritè baptizavi Martham White, filiam Roberti White et Martha Cotes, Conjugum, natam ibid in Langston , die 4. ejusdem mensis , eodem anno. Susceptoreserant Gulielmus Morey, et Anna White. Ricardus Southworth.

120 Brockhamptondie 9. Novemb. 1788. Ego infrascriptus ritè baptizavi Jacobum Smith, filium Gulielmi Smith et MariæPenelope West, conjugum , natum ad Stanstead die 29. Octob. eodem anno Susceptores erant Joannes West et Anna White obiit infans Sep. 3. 1791.* Ricardus Southworth 1789. [All date headings by the Rev. R. Southworth are enclosed in square brackets.] 130 Emsworthdie 13, Feb. 1789. Ego infrascriptusritèbaptizavi Carolum Hyde, filium Caroli Hyde et Saræ Jupp, conjugum, natum ibid in Emsworth, in Parochiâ Warblington, die 10. ejusdem anno. Susceptores erant Joannes Hickes , Catharina Hickes. Ricardus Southworth

140 Bedhampton die 17. Mart. 1789. Ego infrascriptusritè baptizavi Joannem West, filium Joannis (Samuelis) West et Mariæ Kelly, conjugum, natum die 15, ejusdem mensis eodem anno, ibid. in Bedhampton Susceptoresfuêre Joannes (filius Joannis) West, et Maria Bridger. Ricardus Southworth

* English College , Douay. William Poynter, ordained priest in 1786; afterwards Vicar Apostolic of the London District This obit and date are in smaller writing.

p. 53]

1789 continuatur

15º Die 19 Augusti 1789 in Stockheath nata et die30ejusdem mensis eodem anno apud Brockhamptonbaptizatafuit Eleonora Pinke, filia Caroli et Martha Pinke (olim Molton) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck, Matrina Maria Moore , à me Ricardo Southworth Misso Apco First bap. given according to the new ritual published this year.*

160 Die 31 Augusti 1789 in Langston nata est, et die 4 Sep. sequentis ibid. baptizata fuit Martha Bulbeck, filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Bulbeck (olim Hickes) conjugum : Patrinusfuit Jacobus Ayles, Matrina Catharina Hickes à me Ricardo Southworth Misso Apeo

17º Die25Augusti1789 in Havantnata est, et die 6 Septemb. sequentis apud Brockhampton baptizata, Sarah Austin, filia Josephi et Sarah Austin (olim Tery) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Joannes West, Matrina Catharina Cooke. à me Ric Southworth Misso Apeo

180 Die 16. Junii 1789 in Hilsea nata est, et die 20 Octob. eodem anno apudBrockhamptonbaptizata, Maria-AnnaBlunden , filia Joannis et Francisca Blunden (olimKind) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Cooke , Matrina Catharina Cooke. à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

190 Die23. Octob 1789 in Havantnatus est, et die 25ejusdem mensis Octob. eodem anno apud Brockhampton baptizatus , JacobusGoldfinch, filius Joannis et Annæ Goldfinch (olim Watts) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Ricardus Goldfinch, Matrina Maria a me Ric Southworth M.A. 1790 Cooke. 20°

Die21. Feb. 1790, in Langston natus est, et die 22. ejusdem mensis, et anni, ibid baptizatus , Joannes Hickes, filius Gulielmi et Martha Hickes (olim Hussey) conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Bulbeck, Matrina Maria Cooke [Several words scored] [83 in pencil] [p . 54] 210 à me Ric. SouthworthM.A. 1790 continuatur

Die25. Feb. 1790. in Brockhampton natus est, et die7.Martii sequentis, ibid. baptizatus , Gulielmus West, filius Joannis et Saraa West (olim Hodskins) conjugum Patrinusfuit Carolus Veal, junior, MatrinaAnnaWallace, à me Ricardo SouthworthMo Apco

220 Die3. Apr. 1790, in Havant natus est, et die 5. ejusdem mensis, eodem anno, inCapello Brockhamptonbaptizatus , Jacobus Denche , filius Jacobi et Mariæ Denche (olim Dridge) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Moore . à me Ric Southworth M.A. 23º Die26. Aug. 1790 in Havant nataest, et die 31. ejusdem mensis , eodem anno ad Brockhampton baptizata, Catharina Cannon, filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Cannon (olim Clarke) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Hart. à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

* Judging by the new wording ofthe entries, a formula for the Registers was published at the same time.


24º Die 2. Septemb. 1790 in Havant natus est, et die 5 ejusdemmensis, eodemanno, in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus, Jacobus Guyat, filius Joannis et Winefridæ Guyat (olim Bridger) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal jun Matrina Susanna à me Ric Southworth M.A. Mitchel.

25° Die 1. Septemb. 1790 in Langston nata est et die 5. ejusdem mensis, eodem anno, ibidembaptizata, Catharina White, filia Roberti et Martha White (olim Cotes) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Bulbeck, Matrina Elizabetha Bulbeck à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

260 Die 31. Aug. 1790 in Havant natus est, et die 6. Sep. sequentis, in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus , Patricius Sone , filius Patricii Calaghanet Mariæ Sone Matrinafuit MariaDriscol à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

[ .55] 270 1790 continuatur

Die 31. Octob 1790. apud Northwood nata est , et die 14 . Nov. sequentis in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Catharina Langridge, filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Langridge (olim Austin) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Goldfinch, Matrina Maria Penelope [West scored] Smith. à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

280 1791

Die 6. Feb. 1791. apud Purbrook Heath in Parochiâ Farlington natus est, et die 18. dicti mensis ibidem baptizatus, Josephus Austin, filius Josephi et Sarah Austin (olim Tery) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Georgius Austin. à me Ric Southworth M.A.

290 Die 21. Feb. 1791. in Emsworthnatus est, etdiesequenti ibid. baptizatus Josephus Collins, filius Josephi et Mariæ Collins (olim Street) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Poynter, Matrina Susanna Poynter. à me Ric Southworth M.A.

300 Die 14. Apr. 1791. apud Langston nata est, et die 17 dicti mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Hannah, sive Anna Molton, filia Edwardi et Mariæ Molton (olim Gover) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Hickes , Matrina SusannaMitchel. à me Ric Southworth M.A.

31° Die 4. Junii 1791. apud Langston natus est, et die 5. dicti mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Josephus Bulbeck, filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Bulbeck (olim Hickes) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Joannes Knapp, Matrina Martha Ayles. à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

[94 in pencil] [P . 56] 320 1791 continuatur

Die 23. Aug. 1791. apud Emsworth natus est, et die 26. dicti mensis ibidem baptizatus Jacobus-Philippus Hickes , filius Joannis et Catharinæ Hickes (olim Knapp) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp, senior; Matrina Maria Todd. à me Ric Southworth M.A.

33. Die 26. Sep. 1791. in Warblington natus est, et die 2. Octob sequentis apud Brockhamptonbaptizatus Joannes Hoare ,

filius Joannis et Mariæ Hoare (olim Asprey) conjugum Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, jun Matrina Winifreda Guyat 1792 à me Ric Southworth M.A.

34. Die 31. Decemb. 1791. ad Stockheath nata est, et die 15. Jan. an. 1792. apud Brockhampton baptizata Maria Pinke, filia Caroli et Martha Pinke (olim Molton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Edwardus Molton, Matrina Anna White à me Ric Southworth M.A.

35. Die 12. Feb. 1792. in Brockhampton natus est , et die 16. dicti mensis in Capello baptizatus SamuelDenche, filius Jacobi et Mariæ Denche (olim Dridge) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Bridger à me Ric Southworth M.A.

36. Die 2. Apr. 1792. in Bedhampton nata est, et die 4 dicti mensis ibidem baptizata Maria West, filia Joannis et Mariæ West (olim Kelly) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Dove , Matrina Maria West, senior obiit infans Sep. 4. seq.* a me Ricardo SouthworthM.A. 1792 continuatur [p 57] 37

Die 28. Aug. 1791. in Cosham natus et die 9. Apr. 1792. in Havant baptizatus Gulielmus Bulbeck, filius Joannis et Sara Bulbeck (olim Todman) conjugum Patrinusfuit Thomas Bulbeck, pro Gul Brewer, Matrina Francisca Bulbeck [300 in pencil] à me Ricardo Southworth M.A.

38. Die 10. Apr. 1792. in Langstonnata est, et die sequenti ibid baptizataMaria White, filia Roberti et Martha White (olim Cotes) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Knapp, Matrina Teresa Knapp. à me Ricardo Southworth , M.A.

39. Die 18. Maii 1792. apud Purbrook Heath natus est, et die 31. dicti mensis ibid baptizatusThomas Saige, filius Thomæ et Martha Saige (olim Blunden) conjugum Matrina fuit Clara Blunden à me Ricardo Southworth, M.A.

40. Die 2. Jun 1792. in Havant nata est, et die 3. dicti mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizata MariaGoldfinch , filia Joannis et Annæ Goldfinch (olim Watts) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes (Samuelis) West, Matrina Martha Pinke à me Ricardo Southworth, M.A. [No dividing line between these entries]

41. Die 3. Jun 1792. in Havant natus est, et eodem die in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Ricardus Goldfinch, filius Joannis et Annæ Goldfinch (olim Watts) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Bulbeck, Matrina Maria Veal jun à me Ricardo Southworth M.A.

42. Die 3. Julii 1792. in Brockhamptonnata est, et die 8 dicti mensisinCapello Brockh baptizataMariaWest, filiaJoannis etSaraWest (olim Hodskins) conjugum Patrinusfuit Edwardus Molton, Matrina Maria (Caroli) Veal. à me Ricardo SouthworthM.A.

* In smaller writing

[p. 58]


1792 continuatur

43. Die2. Aug. 1792. in Roland's Castle* nata est, et die 12 . dicti mensis in Capello Brockh . baptizataElizabetha Austin, filia Josephi et Saræ Austin (olim Tery) Conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria Langridge. à me Ricardo Southworth. M.A.

44. Die 11. Maii in Portsmouth nata est 1792. et die 14 . Septemb eodem anno baptizata Sara Seagrove, filia Joannis et Saræ Seagrove (olim Dawes) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Rachel Seagrove. à me Ricardo Southworth . M.A.

45. Die4. Octob 1792. In Langston nata est, et die 7. dicti mensis ibid baptizata Maria Hickes, filia Gulielmi et Marthæ Hickes (olim Hussey) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Knapp, Matrina Teresa Knapp à me Ricardo Southworth, M.A. died in Feb. following

46. Die 12. Nov. 1792. apud Leigh-heath nata est, et die 13. dicti mensis in imminenti mortis periculo baptizata Anna Bennett, filia Thomæ et Elizabethæ Bennett (olim Blunden) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Bennet jun died soon after. à me Ricardo Southworth M.A. 1793.

47. Die 8. Junii 1793. in Langston natus est, et die 12. dicti mensis in Capello Brockh baptizatus Josephus Molton, filius Edwardi et Mariæ Molton (olim Gover) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Joannes (Joannis) West, Matrina Anna Bulbeck. à me Ricardo Southworth M.A.

48. Die 3. Julii 1793. in Emsworthnatus est, etdie 5. dicti mensis ibid. baptizatus Josephus Hickes, filius Josephi et Catharinæ Hickes (olim Knapp) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan. Todd pro Rev. D. Josepho Knapp, Matrina Teresa Knapp, [p . 59] à me Ricardo Southworth M.A. 1793 continuatur

49. Die 16. Julii 1793. in Havant nata est, et die 28. dicti mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Maria Hutchins , filia Joannis et Mariæ Hutchins (olim Lynch) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Critchet, Matrina Maria Driscol. à me Ric Southworth M.A.

50. Die 5. Aug. 1793. in Emsworth natus est, et die 11 dicti mensis ibidem baptizatus Carolus Collins, filius Josephi et Mariæ Collins (olim Street) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Edwardus Scott, (Joanne Hickes vices ejus gerente), Matrina Anna Cooke à me Ricardo Southworth M.A.

51. Die 21. Aug. 1793. in Havant natus est, et die 25. ejusdem mensis et anni in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Georgius Guyat, filius Joannis et Winefredæ Guyat (olim Bridger) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Jacobus Critchett, MatrinaMariaBrewer à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

52. 53. Die 28. Aug. 1793. apud Langston nata est, et eodemdieob imminens mortis periculum baptizataAnnaBulbeck ,

* Neighbouring place-name , Rowlands Castle . In different ink.

filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Bulbeck , conjugum, abMariâ Cooke , Materterâ. Pariter eodem die ob eamdem causam baptizatusest à supradictâ Mariâ Cooke Jacobus Bulbeck, gemellus Frater. Quod ita esse Ego infrascriptus ab eâdem Maria Cooke et aliis personis fide dignis compertum habeo; et eodem die quæ omissa erant supplevi , Annâ Hyde pro gemellis infantibus spondente. Ricdus Southworth M.A. (Ambo obierunt die 12. Sep. sequentis)

54. Die 29. Aug. 1793. apud Bedhampton natus est , et die 1. Septemb sequentis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Jacobus Critchett, filius Jacobi et Mariæ Critchett (olim Bridger) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Carolus Veal, jun Matrina MariaVeal, uxor Georgii Veal à me Ricardo Southworth , Missrio Apco

55. Die 31. Aug. 1793 apud Langston natus est, et die 14. Sep. sequentis ibid baptizatus Josephus White, filius Roberti et Martha White (olim Cotes) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp, jun Matrina Catharina, conjux ipsius.

[p. 60] à me Ricardo Southworth M. Apco 1793 continuatur

56 Die 7. Nov. 1793. in Warblington nata est, et die 17 ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockh baptizataMartha Hoare, filia Joannis et Mariæ Hoare (olimAsprey) conjugum. PatrinusCarolus Veal jun Matrina Maria Langridge à me Ric Southworth, M.A. 1794.

57. Die 19. Jan. 1794. in Langston natus est, et die 21. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus Josephus Hickes, filius Gulielmi et Martha Hickes (olim Hussey) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Bulbeck, Matrina Anne Morey. [600 in pencil] à me Ric Southworth, M.A.

58. Die 31. Jan. 1794. Apud Leigh-heath nataest, etdie3. Feb. sequentis baptizata Elizabetha Bennett, filia Thomæ et Elizabethæ Bennett (olim Blunden) conjugum. Matrinafuit Clara Blunden à me Ric Southworth, M.A.

59. Die 29. Maii 1794. apud Langston nata est, et die 30. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Maria Catharina Knapp filia Jacobi et Catharina Knapp (olim Ibbotson) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp, sen Matrina Catharina Hickes pro Maria Ellis. à me Ric. Southworth, M.A.

60. Die 24. 1794 Maii apud Roland's Castle nata est, et die 8. Junii seq: in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Maria Austin, filia Josephi et SaraAustin (olim Tery) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Joannes Dove, Matrina Elizabetha Langridge. à me Ric Southworth M.A.

61. Die 5. Julii 1794. in Brockhamptonnata est , et die 10 ejusdem mensis in Capello baptizata Louisa Denche, filia Jacobi et Mariæ Denche (olim Dridge) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria (Georgii) Veal. obiit Nov. 11. anno 1803.* à me Ric Southworth M.A.

* In different ink


62. Die 12. Julii 1794. apud Purbrook-Heath natus est, et die 16. Aug. seq. ibid baptizatus Joannes Saige, filius Thomæ et Martha Saige (olim Blunden) conjugum. Matrina fuit Clara Blunden, avia à me Ric Southworth, M.A. 1794 continuatur [p. 61]

63. Apud Comp-house, in Parochiâ Southwick , die 15. Septemb. 1794. natus est, et die 19. ejusdemmensisibid baptizatus Gulielmus Blunden, filius Josephi et Elizabethæ Blunden (anteà Meach) conjugum Matrinafuit Winifreda Blunden, soror Josephi à me Ric Southworth , M.A. (obiit eodem die)

64. Die 23. Sep. 1794. in Emsworth nata est, et die 26. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Elizabetha Aslett, filia Henrici et Annæ Aslett (olim Bulbeck) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan. Hickes pro Gulielmo Bulbeck, Matrina Catharina Bulbeck pro Catharinâ Bulbeck, Materterâ . à me Ric Southworth, M.A.

65. Die3. Nov. 1794. in Langston nataest, et die 7. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Maria Bulbeck, filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Bulbeck (olim Hickes) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Todd, Matrina Sophia Ibbotson. à me Ric Southworth M.A. 1795.

66. Die 19. Feb. 1795. in Havant natus, et die 22. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Georgius-Joannes Hickes. filius Joannis et Catharina Hickes (olim Knapp) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus (Jacobi) Knapp, Matrina Martha Midlane. à me Ric Southworth M.A.

67. Die 7 Junii, anni 1795. in Brockhamptonnata est , et die 21. ejusdem mensis in Capello baptizata Joanna West, filia Joannis et Sara West (olim Hodskins) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal jun Matrina Anna White à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

68. Die 19. Julii, anni 1795. apud Havant natus est , et eodem die ibid baptizatus Carolus Pinke, filius Caroli et Martha Pinke (olim Molton) conjugum Matrina fuit Francisca Hewett [29 in pencil] à me Ric. Southworth M.A. [p. 62] 1795 continuatur

69. Die 27. Julii 1795. in Langston nata est et die 29. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizataSara Molton, filia Edwardiet Mariæ Molton (olim Gover) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ricardus Knapp, Matrina Anna Morey. à me Ric. Southworth, M.A.

70. Die 17. Julii 1795. in Langston natus est, et die 29. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatusJoannesHutchins,filius Joannis et MariæHutchins (olim Lynch) conjugum Patrinus fuit Edwardus Molton, Matrina Elizabetha Bulbeck à me Ric Southworth, Misso Apco

71. Die 22. Sep. anni 1795 apud Comp-house in Parochia Southwick nata est, et die 6. Oct. seq ibid baptizata est Maria Anna Blunden, filia Josephi et Elizabethæ Blunden (olim Meach) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Anna Barker pro Winifredâ Blunden Materterâ obiit infans* à me Ric Southworth Miss Apco * In different ink

72. Die 29. Nov. anni 1795. in Langston natus est , et die 9. Decemb. seq in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Georgius White, filius Roberti et Martha White (olim Cotes) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Midlane. à me Ric SouthworthMisso Apco

73. Die 12. Dec. anni 1795. apud Bedhampton natus est, et die 25. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus est Josephus Critchett, filius Jacobi et Mariæ Critchett (olim Bridger) conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Ford , Matrina Hannah Bailey. à me Ric Southworth Misso Apco 1796

74. Die 10. Maii, anni 1796. apud Bedhampton nata est , et die 11. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Marianna Veal, filia Caroli et Mariæ Veal (antea West, olim Kelly) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Mari-Anna Sone.

obiit infans die 17. Mar. 1797* [P . 63] à me Ric. Southworth, M.A.

1796 continuatur

75. Die 16. Julii, anni 1796. apud Emsworthnatusest die 24. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus Albanus Collins, filius Josephi et Mariæ Collins (olim Street) conjugum. Matrina fuit Francisca Collins, avia. Obiit infans Mar. 10. 1797* à me Ric Southworth Mrio Apco

76. Die 21. Julii, anni 1796. apud Langston natus est , et die 28. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatusJacobus Henricus Hickes , filius Gulielmi et Martha Hickes (olim Hussey) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck pro Jacobo Poynter, Matrina Maria Cooke pro Susannâ Poynter. à me Ric. Southworth, Missrio Apco

77. Die 27. Octob anni 1796. apud Emsworthnata est , et die 30. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizataMariaAslett, filia Henrici et Annæ Aslett (olim Bulbeck) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck jun pro Joanne Bulbeck seniore, Matrina Elizabetha Bulbeck. à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

78. Die 27. Novemb anni 1796. in Havant natus est, et die 29. ejusdem mensis ibid, baptizatus Edmundus-Josephus Hickes filius Joannis et Catharinæ Hickes (olim Knapp) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp sen pro Joanne Knapp, filio suo; Matrina Maria Glaspole à me Ric Southworth M.A. 1797

79. Die 10. Feb. anni 1797. in Havant natus est, et die 12 ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Gulielmus Guyat, filius Joannis et Winefredæ Guyat (olimBridger) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Bulbeck, Matrina Mari-Anna Hewett à me Ric Southworth M.A.

80. Die 14. Mar. anni 1797. in Havant natus est, et die 17 ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus Gulielmus King, filius Samuelis et MariæKing (olim Cooke) Conjugum. MatrinafuitTeresaCooke obiit Dec. 13. 1800 . à me Ric Southworth M.A.

* In square brackets


81. Die 31. Mar. anni 1797. apud Brockhamptonnatusest , et eodem die ibid baptizatus Andreas West, filius Joannis et Sara West (olim Hodskins) Conjugum Matrina Fuit Maria Veal jun™ à me Ric Southworth, M.A. [42 in pencil] [р 64]

1797 continuatur

82. Die4. Apr. anni 1797. apud Purbrook natus est, et die 20. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus Josephus Saige, filius Thomæ et Martha Saige (olim Blunden) conjugum. Matrina fuit Elizabetha Bennett à me Ric. Southworth M.A. obiit Sep. 9. 1798

83. Die 16. Maii, anni 1797. in Havant natus est, et die 21. ejusdem mensis in Capello BrockhamptonbaptizataMari-Anna Wake, filia Thomæ et Elizabethæ Wake (olim Hewett) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Mari-Anna Hewett à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

84. Die 24. Maii, anni 1797. apud Bedhampton nata est , et die25. ejusdem mensis in Capello BrockhamptonbaptizataSara Veal, filiaCaroli et Mariæ Veal (anteà West, olim Kelly) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Maria Veal, jun à me Ricardo Southworth M.A.

85. Die 22. Maii, anni 1797 apud Purbrook natus est , et die 26. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Georgius White, filius Georgii et Winifreda White (olim Blunden) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan White pro Josepho Blunden , Matrina Martha Saige. à me Ric Southworth. M.A.

86. Die 19. Junii, anni 1797. in Havant natus est , et die 29. ejusdem mensis in Capello BrockhamptonbaptizatusJacobus Hutchins , filius Joannis et MariæHutchins(olimLynch) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Driscol. à me Ric Southworth M.A.

87. Die 3. Aug. anni 1797. apud Purbrook nata est , et die 27. Septemb. sequentis ibid baptizata Maria-Anna Blunden, filia Joannis et Annæ Blunden (anteà Young, paterno nomine Davies) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria-Anna Barker.

Extincta est infans Aug. 15. 1798.* [p. 65] à me Ric Southworth M.A. 1797 continuatur

88. Die 22. Octob. anni 1797. in Havant nata est, et die 23. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizata Margarita-Teresa Cooke, filia Teresa Cooke . Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Todd jun, Matrina Maria King à me Ric. Southworth. M.A.

89. Die 16. Novemb anni 1797. apud Bedhampton natus est, et die 19. ejusdem mensisin Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Henricus Critchett , filius Jacobi et Mariæ Critchett (paterno nomine Bridger) conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Dove , Matrina Maria Veal , junr à me Ric Southworth M.A.

* In square brackets


90. Die 19. Jan. anni 1798. in Langston natus est, et die 26. ejusdem mensis ibidembaptizata Anna White, filia Roberti et Martha White (olim Cotes) conjugum Patrinus fuit Robertus White junt pro Gulielmo Hickes juniore, Matrina Sara West. à me Ric. Southworth M.A.

91. Die 22. Julii anni 1798. in Havant nata est, et die eodem ibidem baptizata Carolina Denche, filia Jacobi et Mariæ Denche (olim Dridge) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Mahany, Matrina Maria Mahany. à me Ric Southworth, M.A.

92. Die 11. Sep. anni 1798. In Insulâ Hayling nata est , et die 13. ejusdem mensisibidem baptizataTeresaReeks, filiaJosephi et Elizabethæ Reeks (olim Marsh) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ricardus Southworthpro Gulielmo Bulbeck, MatrinaAnna Reeks pro Elizabethâ Bulbeck à me Ric. Southworth, M.A.

93. Die 15. Octob anni 1798. in Havant nata est, et die 17. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Teresa-Catharina Hickes , filia Joannis et Catharina Hickes (olim Knapp) conjugum. Susceptoresfuerunt Jacobus Knappjun" , cum conjuge suâ Catharina Knapp. [54 in pencil] à me Ric. Southworth , M.A. [p. 66] 1798 continuatur

94. Die 13. Octob. anni 1798. in Emsworth natus est, et die 18. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus Joannes Morey, filius Joannis et Mariæ Morey (olim Duke) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck, jun : Matrina Maria-Anna Morey. obiit infans Nov. 19. 1801 à me Ric Southworth, M.A.

95. Die 4. Nov. anni 1798. apud Bedhampton nata est , et die sequenti ibid baptizata HelenaVeal, filia Caroli et Mariæ Veal (anteà West, paterno nomine Kelly) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Petrus Bowman, Matrina Helena Sone. Extincta est infantula Feb. 17. 1800. à me Ric. Southworth, M.A.

96. Die 7. Decemb anni 1798. apud Warblington natus est , et die 10. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus Gulielmus Todd, filius Gulielmi et SaraTodd (paterno nomine White) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Todd, Matrina Elizabetha Wheeler

97. + à me Ric. Southworth M.A. 1799. Die 3. Feb. anni 1799. apud Langston natus est, et die 4. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Henricus Robertus Hickes , filiusGulielmiet Martha Hickes (olim Hussey) conjugum Patrinus fuit JoannesBulbeckpro Gulielmo Bowman, MatrinaAnnaMorey pro Mariannâ Sone. à me Ric. Southworth, M.A.

98. Die 1. Feb. anni 1799. apud Emsworthnatus est, et die 5 ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Joannes Collins, filius Josephiet Mariæ Collins (olim Street) conjugum PatrinusJoannes Langridge per procuratorem Josephum Collins, Matrina MariaAnna Collins pro Mariâ Veal juniore à me Ric Southworth , ut supra


99. Die 27. Jan. anni 1799. in Havant nata est, et die 10. Feb. eodem anno ibidem baptizata Helena King, filia Samuelis et Mariæ King (olim Cooke) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Mahany, MatrinaSaraMahany. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

100. Die 13. Mar. anni 1799. apud Brockhamptonnatus est, et ibidem in Capello baptizatus Josephus-Nicephorus West, filius Joannis et Sara West (paterno nomine Hodskins) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ricdus Veal, Matrina Anna White

[p. 67] à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra +baptizatus est die 24. ejusdem mensis Martii, ut supra. 1799. continuatur

101. Die 28. Feb. anni 1799. apud Purbrooknatus est , et die 5. Maii eodem anno in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Joannes Blunden, filius Joannis et Annæ Blunden (antea Young, paterno nomine Davies) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Dove , Matrina Maria Veal, jun à me Ric Southworth, Misso Apco obiit Mar. 12. 1806. [600 in pencil]

102. Die4. Aprilis, anni 1799. in Insulâ Hayling natus est , et die 12. Maii eodem anno in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus

Henricus Aslett, filius Henrici et Annæ Aslett (anteà Bulbeck) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Bulbeck jun pro Joanne Bulbeck, fratre: Matrina Elizabetha Bulbeck, jun à me Ric Southworth, ut supra

103. Die 13. Maii, anni 1799. apud Appledram * natusest , et die 16. ejusdem mensis ibid in domo paternâ baptizatus

Jacobus-JosephusAyles, filius Jacobi et Elizabethæ Ayles(paterno nomine Glaspole) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus Ayles pro Jacobo Knapp, Matrina Maria Glaspole, senior à me Ric Southworth, ut supra [several words scored].

104. Die 14. Maii, anni 1799. apud Purbrooknatus est, et die 18. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Joannes White, filius Georgii et Winifreda White (paterno nomine Blunden) conjugum Matrina fuit Martha Sage. à me Ric. Southworth, qui supra

105. Die 29. Julii, anno 1799. apud Langston natus est , et die 4. Augusti eodemanno ibidembaptizatus Gulielmus Appleton, filius Joannis et Annæ Appleton(paterno nomine Piper) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Hickes, junior; Matrina Sara West. à me Ric. Southworth .

106. Die 10. Septemb anno 1799. apud Bedhampton nata est, et die 15. ejusdem mensisin Capello Brockhampton baptizata

Maria Critchett, filia Jacobi et Mariæ Critchett (paterno nomine Bridger) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, junior: Matrina

Maria Veal, jur pro Mariâ Langridge à me Ric Southworth. obiit in fine Aprilis 1801 .

107. Die 13. Octob anno 1799. in Havant natusest , et die 14. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Gulielmus Knapp, filius Gulielmi et Teresa Knapp (paterno nomine Cooke) conjugum Susceptores fuêre Ricardus Knapp et Elizabethaconjux ipsius. à me Ric. Southworth, qui supra. [68 in pencil]

* Near Chichester .

1799. continuatur

[The Baptisms are no longer numbered] ApudStockheath die 16. Octob anno 1799. Ego infrascriptus baptizaviAnnam, filiam ThomæBulbeck &AnnæClewernatamdie 12. hujusce mensis .Susceptoresfuêre Joannes Bulbeck , junior; et Martha Pinke Ric Southworth, Missrius Apeus* 1800.

Die 2. Apr. anno Domini 1800. apud Warblingtonnatusest , et die 8. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus Henricus JoannesTodd filius Gulielmi et Saræ Todd (paterno nomine White) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Knapp, Matrina Teresa Knapp à me Ric Southworth, Misso Apco

Die 20. Julii, anno Domini 1800. in Havant natus est , et eodem die ibidembaptizatus CarolusGuyat, filius Joannis et Winifredæ Guyat (paterno nomine Bridger) conjugum . Patrinusfuit Ric. Southworth pro Joanne Bulbeck, filio Joannis, Matrina Francisca Hewett pro Mariâ Veal juniore. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 23. Aug. anno Domini 1800. apud Bedhampton nata , et die 24. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatafuit Anna Veal, filia Caroli et Mariæ Veal (antea West, sed paterno nomine Kelly) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck jun¹ Matrina Catharina Bulbeck soror ipsius à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.


Die 19 Jan. anno Dñi 1801. in Havant baptizatus est Thomas Killduff (qui natus est die 15. ejusdem mensis ) filius Thomæ et Norricia Killduff, (Paterno nomine Maghny ) conjugum. Matrina fuit ElizabethaSaltley. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 31. Jan. anno Domini 1801. apud Purbrook nata est Maria-Anna White, filia Georgii et Winifreda White (paterno nomine Blunden) conjugum ; et baptizataibidem in domo paternâ die 13. Feb. ejusdem anni. Matrina fuit Maria-Anna Barker à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra 1801 continuatur [р 69]

Die 3. Maii, anno Domini 1801. apud Brockhampton natus est, et eodem die in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Thomas West, filius Joannis et Sara West (paterno nomine Hodgskins) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal pro Jacobo Critchett, Matrina Maria Veal, jr pro Mariâ Smith à me Jos Knapp died of a scarlet fever July 17. 1809 .

Die 18. Maii, anno Domini 1801. in Havant natus est, et die 19. ejusdem mensis ibidem in domo paternâ baptizatus Henricus Jacobus Knapp, filius Jacobi et CatharinaKnapp(paterno nomine

* This is a curious relapse into a formula of registration which has not been used for ten years

Is this a phonetic rendering of Mahony ?

The entry is in the Rev. R. Southworth's hand, but the signature is autographic.

Ibbotson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp, senior , pro Thoma Ibbotson, Matrina Catharina Hickes, pro MellicintâLane à me Ric Southworth, M.A.

Die 17. Maii, anno Domini 1801. apud Langston nata est , et die 22. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizataSara Appleton, filia Joannis et Annæ Appleton (paterno nomine Piper) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus White pro Ricardo Veal; Matrina Maria Veal (Caroli filia) pro Franciscâ Hyde. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 11. Junii, anno Domini 1801. in Insulâ Hayling natus est, et die 8. Julii in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus GulielmusJoannes Astlett, filius Henrici et Annæ Astlett (paterno nomine Bulbeck) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes (filius Joannis) Bulbeck, Matrina soror ejusdem Catharina Bulbeck à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 14. Junii, anno Domini 1801. apud Purbrooknatus est , et die 19. Julii eodem anno in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Josephus Blunden filius Joannis et Annæ Blunden (anteà Young, paterno nomine Davies) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ric. Southworth pro Joanne Bulbeck, Matrina Maria-Anna Barker. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 15. Aug. anno Domini 1801. apud Bedhampton natus est, et die 19. ejusdemmensisinCapello Brockhampton baptizatus

JoannesCritchett , filius Jacobi et Mariæ Critchett (paterno nomine Bridger) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ric Southworth, Matrina Maria Veal, Caroli filia. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra [80 in pencil] [p. 70]

1801. continuatur

Die22. Septemb anno Domini 1801. in Havant nata est, et die 25. ejusdem mensis ibid in domo paternâ baptizata Anna Knapp, filia Gulielmi et Teresa Knapp (paterno nomine Cooke) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Knapp, Matrina Elizabetha Knapp, soror ipsius à me Ric Southworth, Misso Apco obiit infans Feb. 24. anno seq. 1802.

Die 19. Novemb . anno Domini 1801. apud Warblingtonnatus est, et die 23. ejusdem mensis ibidem in domo paternâ baptizatus

JoannesTodd, filius Gulielmi et Saræ Todd (paterno nomine White) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp, jun³ pr Procuratorem Ric Southworth: Matrina Catharina Hickes. à me Ric . Southworth, ut supra

Die 2. Decemb anno Domini 1801. apud Emsworth natus est, et die 8. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Georgius Collins, filius Josephi et Mariæ Collins (paterno nomine Street) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Bulbeck (filius Gulielmi), Matrina Anna Collins à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1802

Die 19. Feb. anno Domini 1802. apud Bedhampton natus est, et die21. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Carolus Veal, filius Caroli et Mariæ Veal (anteà West, paterno

nomine Kelly) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Critchett, Matrina Susanna Veal à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra died Octob. 12. 1812.

Die4. Martii, anno Domini 1802. in Havant nata est, et die 6. ejusdem mensis ibid. in domo paternâ baptizata FranciscaCatharina Hickes, filius [sic] Joannis et Catharina Hickes (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Bulbeck, senr pr Proc. R. D. Jos Knapp, Matrina Sara Todd. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra

Die 9. Junii, anno Domini 1802. apud Havant natus est , et die 15. ejusdem mensis ibid in domo paternâ baptizatus Josephus Ayles, filius Jacobi et Elizabethæ Ayles (paterno nomine Glaspole) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Josephus Ayles, per Procuratorem Ric. Southworth , Matrina Maria Glaspole, jun à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. Died at Appledram Sep. 21. 1804 . [р 71] 1802. continuatur

Die 19. Julii, anno Domini 1802. apud Bedhampton natus est, et die 22. ejusdem mensis ibidem in domo paternâ baptizatus Georgius Midlane , filius Joannis et Joannæ Midlane (paterno nomine Thompson) conjugum. Matrina fuit Catharina Knapp. à me Ric. Southworth, Misso Apco

Die 24. Aug. anno Domini 1802. apud Langston nata est , et die 27. ejusdem mensisibid baptizataMaria Morey, filia Joannis et Mariæ Morey (olim Duke) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Morey (filius Joannis), Matrina Catharina (Joannis) Bulbeck. à me Ric . Southworth, ut supra.

Die 4. Septemb in Emsworth natus est, et die 8. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus JoannesBulbeck, filius Joannis (Gulielmi) etMariæBulbeck(anteà Slodden) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Hickes pro Gulielmo Bulbeck, juniore; Matrina Anna Collins pro Elizabethâ Bulbeck, prædicti Gulielmi sorore. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra 1803.

Die 14. Martii, anno Domini 1803. in Langston natus est , et die 16. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Georgius Appleton, filius Joannis et Annæ Appleton (paterno nomine Piper) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Robertus White jun" Matrina MarthaWhite , soror ipsius à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 6. Martii, anno Domini 1803. in Havant nata est, et eodem die baptizataTeresaKnapp, filia Gulielmi et Teresa Knapp (paterno nomine Cooke) conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria Knapp, soror dicti Gulielmi .Eodem tempore baptizatusfuit Josephus Knapp, gemellus frater supradicta Teresa, eodem die (viz 6. Martii) natus. Matrinafuit supradicta Maria Knapp. Ambo baptizati sunt in Havant, in domo paternâ à me Ric Southworth , ut supra

Extincta est infantula Julii 31. sequentis Obiit fraterculuseodem anno Sep. 15. [91 in pencil]

р 72]


1803 continuatur

Die 27. Junii, anno Domini 1803, apud Purbrooknata est , et die 30. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Sara White, filia Georgii et Winifreda White (paterno nomine Blunden) conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria Bennett. à me Ric. Southworth, MissrioApco obiit infans 29.Aug. eodem anno [Item gemellus frater Sep. 15. eodem anno * scored out]

Die 18. Julii, anno Domini 1803. in Emsworth natus est , et die 19. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Joannes Gawen Holloway, filius Gawen et Martha Holloway (paterno nomine Midlane) conjugum . Patrinusfuit Ric. Southworth; MatrinaMariaMidlane. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra

Extinctus est infans Aug. 15. eodem anno .

Die 17. Julii, anno Domini 1803. apud Warblingtonnataest, et die 20. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Sophia Todd, filia Gulielmi et SaraTodd (paterno nomine White) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp, sen Matrina Teresa Knapp, pro Sophiâ à me Ric . Southworth, ut supra Ibbotson

Die 2. Aug. anno Domini 1803. in Havant natus est, et die 7. ejusdem in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Carolus Peskett , filius Georgii Peskett et Annæ Baily. Patrinusfuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Catharina Hewett. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. Extinctus est Octob 9, eodem anno .

Die 12. Novemb . anno Domini 1803. apud Bedhampton nata est, et die 13. ejusdem mensis ibid. Baptizata Martha Sone Midlane, filia Joannis et Joannæ Midlane (paterno nomine Thompson) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Ric. Southworthpro Jacobo Knapp, juniore; Matrina Maria Midlane.

[р 73] à me Ric Southworth, ut supra 1803 continuatur

Die 15. Novemb anno Domini 1803. in Havant natus est , et die 17. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Gulielmus Hickes, filius Joannis et Catharina Hickes (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Joannes Todd, Matrina Teresa Knapp, pro Mariâ (Joannis) Knapp. à me Ric SouthworthMissalo Apco

Die 24. Novemb . anno Domini 1803. in Havant natus est, et die 26. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Carolus Ibbotson Knapp, filius Jacobi et Catharina Knapp (paterno nomine Ibbotson) conjugum Patrinusfuit Ric Southworth pro Carolo Ibbotson, Matrina Francisca Willcock, pro Sophiâ Ibbotson à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1804

Die 5. Jan. anno Domini 1804. in Brockhampton nata est, et ibidem die 8. ejusdem mensis in Capello baptizata Francisca West, filia Joannis et Sara West (paterno nomine Hodgskins) conjugum Patrinusfuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Winfrida Guyatt.— Baptizata fuit die mensis 8. supradicti. died of a scarlet fever July 23. 1809 . à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

* The latter sentence a mistake for the previous entry.

Die 14. Jan. anno Domini 1804. in Brockhamptonnata est, et eodem die mox baptizata ibidem Maria Fasquel, filia Petri et Susanne Fasquel (paterno nomine Mitchel) conjugum Matrina fuit Helena Sone à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. [400 in pencil]

Die 7. Feb. anno Domini 1804. in Havant nata est, et eodem die mox baptizata Francisca-Anna Bulbeck, filia Thomæ et Annæ Bulbeck (paterno nomine Clewer) conjugum. Matrina fuit Catharina (filia Joannis) Bulbeck. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. obiit infans secundo mense mortua mater est eâdem nocte puerperii [p. 74] 1804. continuatur

Die 12. Mar. anno Domini 1804. in Bedhampton natus est, et die 18. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Benjamin Critchett filius Jacobi et MariæCritchett (paterno nomine Bridger) conjugum . Patrinus fuit JoannesWhite Matrina MariaAnna Guyatt. à me Jo Knapp*

Die 27. Aprilis, anno Domini 1804. in Emsworthnatusest , et die 11. Maii, eodem anno, ibidem baptizatusRobertus Collins, filius Josephi et Mariæ Collins (paterno nomine Street) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes (Gulielmi) Bulbeck pro Jacobo Collins, Matrina Anna Baker pro Mariâ Janaway. à me Ric. Southworth, Misso Apco

Die 18. Aug. anno Domini 1804. in Bedhampton nata est, et die 19. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Maria-Anna West, filia Petri & Joanna West (paterno nomine Tee) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, Matrina Maria Veal, conjux ipsius. à me Ric. Southworth , ut supra.

Die 17. Aug. anno Domini 1804. apud Stanstead natus est, et die 27. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Gulielmus Smith, filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Smith (paterno nomine Reyner) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes West, proavus maternus infantis, Matrina Maria Penelope Smith, avia à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. 1805

Die20. Maii anno Dñi 1805. in Langston nata est, et die23 ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Martha-Anna Hickes, filia Gulielmi et Martha Hickes (paterno nomine Hussey ) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes (Joannis) Bulbeck, Matrina Elizabetha Bulbeck, junior. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra [p. 75] 1805

Die 20. Maii, anno Domini 1805. in Havant nata est, etdie 22. ejusdemmensisin Capello BrockhamptonbaptizataAnna Veal, filia Ricardi et Marie-Annæ Veal (paterno nomine Hewett) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, junior; Matrina Maria Veal, soror ipsius. à me Ric Southworth, Missrio Apco

Die 6. Maii, anno Domini 1805. in Chichester nata est, et die 25. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Francisca-Maria de * Entry in the Rev. R. Southworth's hand; signature autograph.


Lambilly, filia Laurentii-Xaverii-Martini de Lambilly, et Mariæde Lambilly (paterno nomine Fifield) conjugum. Patrinusfuit MariaHannibal-Josephus de Bedée , Matrina Barbara Silverside. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 25. Junii, anno Domini 1805. in Brockhampton nata est , et die 30. ejusdem mensis ibidem in Capello baptizata Teresa West, filia Joannis et Saræ West (paterno nomine Hodgskins) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Ford, Matrina Maria-Anna Collins à me Ric. Southworth , ut supra

Die 16. Julii, anno Domini 1805. in Havant natus est, et eodem die ibidem baptizatus Jacobus King, filius Jacobi et Mariæ King (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Rev. D. Josephus Knapp, Matrina Catharina Hickes , à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 24. Augusti anno Domini 1805. in Brockhamptonnata est, et eodem die ibidem in Capello baptizata Elizabetha Fasquel, filia Petri et Susannæ Fasquel (paterno nomine Mitchel) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Dove, Matrina Maria Veal, à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. Extincta est infans Dec. 16. eodem anno.

Die 5. Octob anno Dñi 1805. in Stamshaw* nata est, et die 8. ejusdemmensisibidem baptizataElizabetha Green,filiaGulielmi et Elizabethæ Green (paterno nomine Reeks) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus Reeks, Matrina Maria Reeks, soror ipsius, [12 in pencil] [р 76] à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1805 , continuatur

Die 22. Octob anno Domini 1805. in Havant natus est, et eodem die in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Edwardus Knapp, filius Gulielmi et Teresa Knapp(paterno nomine Cooke) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Sone, Matrina Maria Sone , conjux ipsius. à me Ric Southworth, M.A.

Die 23. Octob. anno Domini 1805. in Emsworth nata est , et die 24. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Maria Augusta Holloway, filia(Gawen) et Martha Holloway(paterno nomine Midlane) conjugum . Patrinusfuit Ric. Southworth , MatrinaMariaMidlane , à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. mortua est die 1. Septemb 1806 . 1806

Die4. Martii, anno Domini 1806. in Havant nata est, et mox , imminentemortis periculo, à Mariâ Veal baptizata Joanna West , filia Petri et Joanna West (paterno nomine Tee) conjugum : quo peracto infans paulò post moritur Ric. Southworth, ut supra. 1806

Havant die 23. Martii, anno Domini 1806. nata est , et die 24. ejusdem mensis ibidem in domo paternâ baptizata Elizabetha Maria Ayles, filia Jacobi et Elizabethæ Ayles (paterno nomine Glaspole) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rev. D. Josephus Knapp, Matrina Maria Glaspole, jun à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

* Portsmouth

Die 19. Aprilis anno Domini 1806. in Langston natus est, et die 21. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Joannes Morey, filius Joannis et Mariæ Morey (paterno nomine Duke) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Hickes jun" Matrina Teresa Knapp. à me Ric Southworth , ut supra.

Die 29. Aprilis anno Domini 1806. in Havant natus est, et die 30. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus est Jacobus Gulielmus Knapp, filius Jacobi et CatharinaKnapp(paterno nomine Ibbotson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Lane per procuratorem Ric Southworth, Matrina Anna Lane conjux ipsius, per Mariam Reynolds procuratricem . à me Ric Southworth. [700 in pencil]

Die 15. Julii, anno Domini 1806. in Havant natus est, et eodem die ibidem baptizatus Joannes Shepherd , filius Joannis et Annæ Simkins , conjugum Matrina fuit Maria-Anna Guyatt. mortuus est in infantia. à me Ric Southworth [p . 77] 1806. continuatur

Die 1. Octob. anno Domini 1806. in Havant natus est, et die 2. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Joannes Hickes, filius Joannis et Catharina Hickes (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Knapp, Matrina Maria Sone. à me Josephus Knapp [autograph signature].

Die4. Octob. anno Domini 1806. in Brockhampton natusest, et die 5. ejusdem mensis in Capello baptizatus Thomas Fasquel, filius Petriet Susannæ Fasquel (paterno nomine Mitchel) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes West junior, Matrina Maria-Anna Collins à me Ric. Southworth, M.A.

Die 17. Novemb anno Domini 1806. in Emsworthnatus est, et die 18. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Joannes Gawen Holloway, filius Gawen et Martha Holloway (paterno nomine Midlane) conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria Midlane, à me Ric Southworth, ut supra 1807

Die 14 Jan. anno Domini 1807. in Warblington nata est , et die 26. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Carolina Todd, filia Gulielmi et Saræ Todd (paterno nomine White) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Hickes, Matrina Elizabetha Hickes ipsius filia à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. vitam infantulæ extinxit virus inoculationis Maii 3 eodem anno.

Die 27. Jan. anno Domini 1807. in Havant natus est, et die eodem ibidem in domo paternâ baptizatus Joannes King, filius Jacobi et Mariæ King (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Knapp, Matrina Anna Hickes, soror Elizabethæ suprascripta . à me Ric Southworth, ut supra mortuus est infans die 8. Feb. 1808 .

Die 23. Feb. anno Domini 1807. in Chichester nata est, et die 10. Martii mox sequentisibidembaptizata Carolina de Lambilly, filia Laurentii-Xaverii-Martini de Lambilly, et MariædeLambilly

(paterno nomine Fifield) conjugum Patrinusfuit Thomas Belasyse, Matrina Maria Belasyse filia ipsius, [25 in penci!] [р 78] à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1807. continuatur

Die 15. Januarii anno Domini 1807. in Fareham natus est , et die 12. Mar. eodem anno in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Henricus Appleton, filius Joannis et Annæ Appleton (paterno nomine Piper) conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria (Caroli filia) Veal. à me Ric. Southworth, Misslo Apco

Die 30. Aprilis anno Domini 1807. in Brockhamptonnata est, et die sequenti (nempe 1. Maii) in Capello baptizataMartha West, filia Danielis Harding et Mariæ West. Patrinusfuit Joannes Dove, Matrina Maria Veal pro Sara West, sororeMatrisinfantulæ à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 6. Julii, anno Domini 1807. in Havant nataest, eteodem die in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Joanna West, filia Petri et Joanna West (paterno nomine Tee) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes West, Matrina Maria Veal, avia infantis à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1808

Die 20 Jan. anno Domini 1808. in Havant nata est, et die 22. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Rosa Anna Poland, filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Poland (paterno nomine Mooney) conjugum Patrinus fuit Laurentius Meagher, Matrina Elizabetha Saltley. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die8. Martii, anno Domini 1808. in Brockhamptonnata est , et die 13. ejusdem mensis ibid in Capello baptizata Catharina Fasquel, filia Petri et Susannæ Fasquel (paterno nomine Mitchell) conjugum. Patrinusfuit CarolusVeal, jun MatrinaMariaRussell à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra Extincta est infantula Sep. 7. eodem anno .

Die 8. Februarii, anno Domini 1808. apud Redland in Parochiâ Warblington natus est, et die 19. April eodem anno in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus (sub conditione) Gulielmus Sims , filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Sims (paterno nomine Smith) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Penelope Smith, Avia

[р 79] à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. 1808. continuatur

Die 20. Aprilis, anno Domini 1808. in Havant natus est , et die 21. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Ricardus Carolus King, filius Jacobi et Mariæ King (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Carolus Knapp, Matrina Elizabeth (Joannis) Hickes à me Ric. Southworth, Missio Apco

Die 1. Maii, anno Domini 1808. in Emsworth nata est, et die 7. ejusdem mensis ibidembaptizataMariaAugusta Holloway, filia Jawen et Martha Holloway (paterno nomine Midlane) conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Baker à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 30. Junii, anno Domini 1808. in Havant natus est , et mox die 3. Julii, in Capello BrockhamptonbaptizatusGulielmus Jones , filius Gulielmi et Joanna Jones (paterno nomine Private) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal jr. Matrina Maria Veal, conjux ipsius. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 2. Novembris, anno Domini 1808. in Havant nata est, et die 4. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizata CatharinaMaria Robins, filia Jacobi et Teresa Robins (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp, avus infantis, Matrina Maria King, pro Catharina Knapp. à me Ric Southworth , ut supra

Die 11. Novembris , anno Domini 1808. in Insulâ Hayling natus est. et die 12. ejusdem mensis ibid baptizatus Jacobus Reekes, filius Josephi et Elizabethæ Reekes (paterno nomine Crasler) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Joannes Bulbeck jun" Matrina Catharina (filia Gulielmi) Bulbeck à me, Ric Southworth ,utsup. Extinctus est infantulus die 20. ejusdem mensis 1809

Die 4. Januarii, anno Domini 1809. in Havant nata est, et die 6. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Sara West, filia Petri et Joanna West (paterno nomine Tee) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Dove, Matrina Susanna Moody. Mortua est die 27. Octob. eodem anno. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 27. Decemb. anno Domini 1808. in Emsworthnata est, et die 16. Januarii anni Dñi 1809 in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Anna Shepherd , filia Joannis et Annæ Shepherd (olim Simkins) Conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Baker. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra Extinxit animam virus inoculationis die 30. Maii. 1812. [39 in pencil] [p 80]

1809 continuatur

Die 20. Jan. anno Domini 1809, in Emsworth natusest, et die 26. Martii seq in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Georgius Ginman filius Georgii et CatharinaGinman (olim Ford) Conjugum Susceptrix fuit Susanna Moody à me Ric. Southworth, Missrio Apco

Die 21. Maii, anno Domini 1809, in Chichester natus est , et die 31. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Fredericus de Lambilly, filius Laurentii-Xaverii-Martini de Lambilly & Mariæ Fifield, conjugum Susceptrix fuit Luisa Juliana Belasysemortuusest eodem à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra. anno.

Die 19. Septemb anno Domini 1809. in Havant nata est , et die 21. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Helena Maria Ayles, filia Jacobi et Elizabethæ Ayles (paterno nomine Glaspole) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Ric Southworthpro Josepho Ayles, avunculo , Matrina Maria-Editha Molyneux. Ric. Southworth , ut supra


Die 14. Octob anno Domini 1809. in Warblington natus est , et die 18. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus

Jacobus Moody filius Legatt Moody et Susannæ Moody (paterno nomine Veal) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Maria Veal, soror ipsius. Ric. Southworth , ut supra

Die 9. Novemb anno Domini 1809. in Havant natus est , et die 12. ejusdem mensis in Capello BrockhamptonbaptizataSophia Veal, filia Ricardi et Mariæ-Annæ Veal, (paterno nomine Hewett) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Ford, Matrina Anna Hickes. Ric Southworth , ut supra

Die 27. Julii, anno Domini 1809. in Fareham natus est , et die 15. Novemb sequentis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus

Stephanus Appleton, filius Joannis et Annæ Appleton (paterno nomine Piper) conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria (filia Caroli) Veal. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1810.

Die 21. Januarii, anno Domini 1810. in Havant natus est , et die 28. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus

Samuel West, filius Petri et Joanna West (paterno nomine Tee) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ricardus Veal, Matrina Maria Veal, soror ipsius à me Ric Southworth, ut supra. 1810 continuatur [P . 81]

Die 15. Februarii, anno Domini 1810, in Havant natus est , et die 18. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Carolus Knapp Hickes, filius Joannis et Catharinæ Hickes (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum Patrinusfuit Carolus Knapp, Matrina Anna Hickes, pro Sophiâ Ibbotson. à me Ric Southworth, Missrio Apco

Die 16. Martii, anno Domini 1810. apud Brockhampton privatim baptizata fuit sub conditione Sara Luisa Sims, filia Gulielmi et Mariæ Sims (paterno nomine Smith) conjugum. Nata fuit die 18. Februarii præcedentis apud Redland, in Parochia Warblington. Ric Southworth , ut supra.

Die 4. Aprilis, anno Domini 1810. in Havant natus est , et die 10. ejusdem mensis inCapello Brockhampton baptizatus Daniel Wyeth King, filius Jacobi et Mariæ King (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes (Joannis) Bulbeck, jun pro Carolo Knapp, Matrina Anna Hickes pro Elizabethâ Young. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 15. Aprilis, anno Domini 1810. in Havant natus est , et 18. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatusJoannes Jones, filius Gulielmi et Joanna Jones (paterno nomine Private) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Dove, Matrina Anna Jacobs à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 10. Julii, anno Domini 1810, in Langston natus est, et die 15. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizata Catharina Hickes, filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Hickes (paterno nomine Batcheler) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes (Gulielmi) Hickes, Matrina Anna Hickes. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

Die 30. Julii, anno Domini 1810. in Warblington natus est , et die 3. Augusti in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizatus Edwardus Todd, filius Gulielmi et Saræ Todd (paterno nomine White) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Todd, avunculus infantis, Matrina Elizabetha Hickes. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 12. Julii, anno Domini 1810. in Chichester natus est, et die 6. Augusti in eâdem Urbe baptizatus Alfridus de Lambilly, filius Laurentii-Xaverii-Martini de Lambilly et Mariæ Fifield, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Renatus-Franciscus Drouin, + Matrina Francisca Belasyse à me Ric Southworth, ut supra +per procuratorem Thomam Belasyse. 1810 continuatur [53 in pencil] [p. 82]

Die 10. Augusti, anno Domini 1810. in Langston natusest , et die 12. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizatus Alfridus Knapp, filius Gulielmi et Mariæ-Annæ Knapp (paterno nomine Morey)

Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Hickes, medius, MatrinaAnna Morey. à me Josepho Knapp [autograph signature].

Die 25. Septemb anno Domini 1810. in Havant natus est, et die 28. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Jacobus-JosephusRobins, filius Jacobi et Teresa Robins (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Knapp, pro filio suo Jacobo, Matrina Maria King pro Sophiâ Ibbotson à me Ric. Southworth, M.A.

Die 1. Decemb. anno Dñi 1810. in Insulâ Hayling, apudsina , * nata est, et die 13. ejusdem mensis ibidem baptizata Martha Bulbeck, filia Gulielmi et Martha Bulbeck (paterno nomine Bone)

Conjugum Paternus [sic] fuit Joannes Bulbeck senior, avunculus; Matrina Elizabetha Bulbeck, avia à me Ric Southworth, M.A. 1811

Die 6. Junii, anno Domini 1811. in Havant natus est,etdie 9. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Ricardus Veal, filius Ricardi et Mariannæ Veal (paterno nomine Sweetapple) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, jun Matrina Susanna Moody, ejus soror . à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 3. Julii anno Domini 1811. in Emsworth natus est, et die 4. Augusti sequentis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus AntoniusGinman; filius Georgii et Catharina Ginman (olim Ford) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus Collins, Matrina Susanna à me Ric Southworth, M.A.


Die 12. Septembris anno Domini 1811. in Warblingtonnatus est, et die 15. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Carolus Moody, filius Legatt Moody et Susanne Moody (paterno nomine Veal) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, jun Matrina Maria-Anna Collins à me Ric Southworth, M.A.

Die 9. Decemb anno Domini 1811. in Havant nata est, et die 11. ejusdemmensisin Capello BrockhamptonbaptizataJoanna * Sinai was a part of Hayling Island.


Maria Ayles, filia Jacobi et Elizabethæ Ayles (paterno nomine Glaspole ) conjugum Patrinusfuit Jacobus Ayles, frater infantis: Matrina Maria Glaspole pro Elizabethâ Molyneux [Inside back cover] à me Ric Southworth, ut supra 1812

Die 21. Januarii, anno Domini 1812. in Havant natus est , et die 26. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Joannes West, filius Petri et Joanna West (paterno nomine Tee) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Critchett, Matrina Maria Veal, avia infantis. à me Ric. Southworth, M.A. animulam efflavit infans Mar. 5, eodem anno [200 in pencil]

Die 25. Januarii, anno Domini 1812 in Langston nata est , et die 5. Februarii ejusdem anni in Capello Brockhamptonbaptizata Agnes Maria Knapp, filia Gulielmi et Mariæ Annæ Knapp (paterno nomine Morey) conjugum . Susceptrix fuit Anna Morey, avia infantis à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 16. Martii, anno Domini 1812. in Havant nata est, et die 19. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizataMaria Teresa Robins, filia Jacobi et Teresa Robins (paterno nomine Knapp) conjugum Susceptoresfuerunt Jacobus et Maria King. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra.

Die 29. Julii, anno Domini 1812. in Langston natus est, et die 31. ejusdem mensis baptizatus , Robertus White, filius Joannis etMarie-Anne White (paterno nomine Guyatt) conjugum. Patrinus fuit (per procuratorem me infrascriptum) Josephus White, frater infantis, Matrina Maria Astlett. à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra

Die 11. Augusti, anno Domini 1812. apud Emsworthnatus est, et die 6. Septemb ejusdem anni in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Gulielmus Perkins, filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Perkins (paterno nomine West) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes West, Matrina Joanna West à me Ric. Southworth, ut supra mortua est die 13. Julii, 1815

Ego infrascriptusdie 21. Octob anno Domini 1812 , baptizavi sub conditioneJacobum Lyons (antea, ut dicebatur, à ministro acatholico baptizatum) filius Alexandri Lyons, et Mariæ Coyle conjugum. Susceptrix fuit Maria Veal, pro Carolettâ Small. Ric Southworth , ut supra.

Die 2. Novemb . anno Domini 1812. in Insulâ Hayling natus est, et die 8. ejusdem mensis in Capello Brockhampton baptizatus Cornelius Jones, filius Gulielmi et Joanna Jones (paterno nomine Private) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus Veal, jun Matrina Maria Veal, conjux ejus. à me Ric Southworth, ut supra.

The following are loose pages, from this or a similar register (watermark the same). It would seem that they were once the back partof the register, but apparently became detached before the Rev. R. Southworth reached the end of the bookotherwise he would not have used the inside of the back cover. They have been transcribed in chronological order


[p. 1] [In the Rev. P. Wyndham's hand]

Revd Dnus David Morgan Ob: 4 Nov: 1758 at Bedhampton

John Champ died the 25 of Feb: 1759. at Bedhampton

Mary Oliver died the 10th of June 1759 at Bedhampton

Catharina Varndell [or Warndell] died the 12 of March 1760 at Warblington

William Trig died the 19 of 7ber 1760 atPortsdown Mill

William Tod died the 27 of 9ber 1760 at Warblington

Lucy Lovel died the 26 of January 1761. at Portsmouth Common

Mary Pitt died the 9 of July 1761. at Warblington

Mary Tod died the 1st of Ober 1761 at Warblington

John Basset died the 6 of November 1761. at Brockhampton

Thomas Millet died sudenly [sic] the 23. of Feb: 1762. at Bedhampton

Mary Heather died the [blank] of Feb: 1762 at Leigh

Elisabeth Tod died the 3d of March 1762 at Petersfield

Richard Knap died the 14th of March 1762 at Langstone

Mary Bruman died the 21 of December 1762 at Havant['s Work house*]

ElisabethWest died the 21 of January 1763 at Warblington

Richardus Fuller died the 14 of April 1763 at Dreaton

Gulielmus Chiselton died the 9 of April 1763 at Kingstone

Richard Pitt died the 22 of August 1763. at Warblington

John Cook died time unknown 1763. at Jamica

Charles Hardin died the 24 of October 1763. at Langstone

Mary Far died the 10 of December 1763. at Arundell

Henery [sic] Far Died the 6 of Feb: 1764 sudenly [sic] at Arundel

Mary Ball Died the 11 of Feb: 1764 at Lay§

Mary Blunden died the 19 of July 1764 at Havant

Mary Bulbick died the 15 of Sept: 1764 at Bedhampton

Helen Loveden died the 15 of April 1765 at Havant

Antony Hide Jun: died the 2. of June 1765 at Langstone [p. 2] Richard Marshalldied time unknown in the West Indies

Francis Collins died the 17th of Feb: 1766 at Bedhampton

Henery [sic] White died the 25 of October 1766 at West Bourne

Elisabeth Aeyles died the 2 of Dec: 1766 at Do

Mary White died the 30th of Dec: 1766 at

John Morey died the 29 of January 1767 at Langstone [In the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand]

Dorothy Ring died ye 25 of May 1767 at Langstone

Anne Millet died ye 16 of August 1767 at Bedhampton

Eliz: Cook an infant died ye 19thof October 1767 at Havant

Hennry [sic] White died ye 21 of October 1767 at Born Common

* Added later. Query: recte Drayton ?

Kingston, Portsmouth. §Query: Leigh ?


Peter Bridger died ye 27 of Jany 1768 at Born

Thos: Cook died ye 28 of Feby 1768 at Langstone

Mary Higgins died ye 8th of March 1768 at Havant

Cath Wayet died ye 8 of May 1768 at Ligh

Austin Wayet died the 15 of May 1768 at Ligh

Mary Butt died at Brock ye 18th of Jany 1777

John Hide died at Langstone July ye 26th 1778

John Blundon died at Havant Augst ye 10 1778

John Austin died at Langstone ye 11 of Jany 1780

[In the Rev. J. Earle's hand]*

Mary Ireland died at Langstone 27 of August . 1785. [word or words smudged]

Thos. Cooksuddenly died at Emsworth5. of September. 1785.

Sarah Stapeley died at Havant 5 of October 1785

Richard White died in Heyling Island: Jany [blank] 1786

John Ireland died at Langstone Jany [blank] 1786.

Johanna Randal died at Horndean 18 of Nov. 1786 .

Peter West died at Warblington Feb. 16. 1787 .

John West an infant died at Bedhampton . Feb. 18. 1787 .

[The next entry is very faint] Martin Asprey died atLeighAug. 23. 1787

[p. 3] [In the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand] 1777

His Holiness has been pleased, in consideration of the circumstances of the Faithful living in this Kingdom, to dispense withym forthetime to come, both as to the obligationofresting from servile works, & that of hearing Mass , on all Festivals , excepting ye Lord's Day, & some principal Solemnities, Namely Ascension Day 1st Christmas Day

2. New years Day

3. The Epiphany


7. Whitsun Monday

8. Corpus Christi Day

4. The Anunciation of 9. The Feast of S.S Peter & Paul 5 our B: Lady Easter Monday

10. The Assumption ofye B:V . And 11. The Feast of All Saints.

The Other Festivals, that have been hitherto of Obligation, are henceforward to be only considered as Days of Devotion; & as such must be diligently recommended by the Pastors to all y Faithful

As to the Fasts, that have been annexedto the Eves or Vigils of those Holidays, which are now reduced, his Holiness has ordered the Obligation of ye Fast to be henceforth transferred to ye Wednesdays & Fridays of the four weeks of Advent. [p. 4] [In the Rev. R. Southworth'shand, on the back ofp. 3] Dec. 23. 1787. Captain John Morey, of Langston was unfortunately drowned at sea near Scilly Islands in a voyage to Liverpool, being washed over-board He was aged about 54.had been to his duty before he sailed left a wife and two children

* No entries were made by the Rev. J. Appleton


Feb. 26. 1788. died Lawrence Seagrove a married man at Brockhampton , in the 71. year of his age He had worked many years in Mr Knapp's mill at Langston . was buried at Havant He died of the palsy

Feb. 28. 1788. died at Langston Elizabeth Morey widow , aged about 66. was buried at Havant. Her maiden name was Frampton she died of the palsy left £200 to the chapel

Aug. 18. 1788. died at Bedhampton, of the small pox, Winifred Tucker, widow, aged 63. She was buried in Bedhampton church-yard. She left two daughters Elizabeth and Lucy: the elder married to Mr. Young, Portsea *

Octob 7. 1788. died at Langston Ann White, widow , aged 70 years, and more Her maiden name was Clapcote .She was buried at Havant. of several children only two survived her; one son , Robert, captain, married ; and a daughter, Ann, not married.

Octob 16. 1788 man , aged about 56 for several years had Havant

died at Langston Maurice Condom , married He was from Ireland: left no children ; and been a sea-faring man He was buried at

Octob 21. 1788. died at Roland's Castle ElizabethAustin , in the married state, and the 76th year of her age. shedied ofthe palsy Hermaiden namewasJenks she wasburied atWarblington.

July15. 1789. died at hishouseatAppledram , nearChichester , James Ayles, in themarriedstate, aged 63. He left three children, James, Martha, and Joseph.He was buried at Warblington.― James, his eldest son, was aged about 16 , at his Father'sdeath . Nov. 5. 1789. died in the poor-house at Havant Edward Higgins (or Hugens) aged 69. He was never married John Higgins, an Uncle of his left some land to Brockh Chapel, which wasafterwards sold for £300 the yearly interest of which is given tothe Incumbentofthe abovementioned chapel.Edward Higgins died of a dropsy.

[p. 5] [In the Rev. R. Southworth's hand Each year given as a heading in square brackets, as in the baptismal register] 1790

Feb. 2. 1790. died at Havant Mary Bulbeck (commonly called Nurse Bulbeck) widow, aged 74. She died ofthe palsy. Feb. 16. 1790. died at Havant William Cooke, junior, aged about 25.

[Fainter entry] June 20. 1790. died at Havant Ann Knapp, youngest daughter of Ricd and Eliz. aged 16 . Sep. 12. 1790. died in the poor-house at Havant MaryCooke , widow, aged 74. [Several words heavily scored .] Octob. 18. 1790. died at Purbrook Heath William Blunden (perhaps originally Blundell, or Blondelle), married man , aged upwards of 76. He was buried at Southwick .

* Elizabeth Young died 14 December 1809, aged 54 , and was buried in St. James's , Winchester Cf. C.R.S. , xlii, 171 , M.I. No. 183 .


July 10. 1791. died at Langston John Higgin , in themarried state, in his 87thyear. In his last sickness he embracedthe Catholic Faith, in which he died, havingreceivedall the rites of the Church He died of a cancer in his mouth

Nov. 4. 1791. died at Havant Mary Cooke, School-Mistress , in the married state, aged about 56. Her maiden name was Blunden.


Nov. 18. 1792. died at Langston Ann Hyde in the married state , aged 69.


July 13. 1793. died at Brockhampton Mary Pitt, widow , aged 84 .

July 14. at New-wall, Appledram, Elizabeth Ayles, widow , aged 56. She was buried at Warblington. Her maiden name , Sumersell.

Sep. 4. 1793. died of a fever at Langston Mary Bulbeck , eldest daughter of Wm Bulbeck and Elizabeth Hickes, aged near 15 years She was buried at Havant.

Sep. 26. 1793. died of a fever at LeighJohn Ford, only surviving child of John Ford and Mary Button, aged near 12 years. He was buried at Warblington.

Sep. 27. 1793. died of a consumption at Bedhampton John West, only son of Samuel West and Mary Asprey, aged near 44

yearsDec. 17. 1793. died at Havant Ann Goldfinch, in themarried state , aged 41. Her maiden name was Watts 1794

Jan. 7. 1794. died at Bedhampton Ann Sone , in the married state, aged 70. Her maiden name was Martin She was buried at St James's Winton *

[p. 6]

Jan. (I believe) 19. 1794. died at Hilsea JohnBlunden , in the married state

Mar. 19. 1794. died at Stock-HeathThomas Bulbeck,married man, aged 70. of the small pox.

Dec. 21. 1793. died at Jamaica (St Ann) Thomas Poynter, aged 22.

Apr. 23 1794. died at Havant Ann Watts, aged about 16 .

Sep. 9. 1794. died at Havant MaryTodd, in the married state , aged 51 years, 7 months . Her maiden name was Knapp

Dec. 4. 1794. died in Catharington Poor-house Thomas Randal, widower , aged 89 1795

March 4. 1795. died at Havant John Ware, shoemaker , aged 73. HebelongedtotheParishofCatharington Hadbeenmarried; but had no children : buried at Havant

* Not mentioned among Winchester Monumental Inscriptions (C.R.S. vol xlii)

Aug. 11. Raphael Sone died at Portsmouth

Sep. 27. Ann Hamilton (formerlyCooke) died at Portsmouth: was buried at Havant.

Octob 16. died at Bedhampton John Sone, widower , aged about 79. Long before he died he had settled 30 pounds pr an. on the Chapel.

Nov. 6. died at Havant, in the poor-house, Jane Higgins, widow aged about 81

Dec. 4. died at Leigh Lawrence Veal, married man, aged about 50 .

Dec. 14. died at Havant ElizabethChamp, widow, agednear 80. Her maiden name was Smith 1796

July 27. 1796. died at Emsworth , of the small pox, George Veal, married man, aged 62. He left a son, William, born Feb. 19 1776

Aug. 27. 1796. died at NorthwoodGeorgeAustin, widower , aged 85. He was buried at Warblington. 1797

Octob 11. 1797. died at Langston Catharine Condom , widow , aged 63. her maiden name Ring

Dec. 11. 1797. died at Langston Mary Cooke , widow , aged 41. her maiden name was Hickes ,

Jan. 1. 1798. widow , aged 64.

Feb. 19. 1798.


died in Brockhampton-House Mary Veal, died in Bedhampton Rachel Seagrove, widow , aged 66. She died in the presense of her children : was buried at Havant.

Sep. 19. 1798. died in Kingston* Poor House Elizabeth Seagrove, daughter of the above Rachel & Lawrence Seagrove, aged 44


Jan. 13. 1799. died in Havant Poor House Mary Driscol, widow , aged 76.

May 17. 1799. died in Bedhampton Ann Long, aged 71. in the married state. Herfirst husbandwas Peter West. Hermaiden name was Veal

Sep. 2. 1799. died at Emsworth Martha Wright, aged 81. in the married state Her maiden name, Sone; was sister to John Sone, who died Octob 16. 1795.

[pp. 7 and 8 blank.]

[p. 9] [In the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand Three columns of names Each column has the two cash columns, for shillings and pence, ruled beside it. The same names appear in columns1 and2 , but two new names appear at the head of the latter Column 3, with five names, is a continuation of column 2. Columns 2 and 3 are arranged alphabetically]

*Kingston, Portsmouth

Mrs. Knapp Mr Sone

Mr. Rd Knapp

Mr. Todd

Mr. Jas Knapp

[р 10] [In the Rev. R. Southworth's hand, on the back of p. 9]Octob 6. 1799. died in Hayling Island Joseph Reekes , aged about 60. He left a wife, with twelve children , was buried at St James's Winton.§ * Additions must have been made after this column was first totalled. These numbers refer to the first column, and are meant to place the names in alphabetical order in the second column Thus Mrs. Knappis 16th in column 2 , if the names Radclyffand Dormer are disregarded; but the numbering has not been strictly maintained The sums themselves may be of little interest, but the names are useful as a census of the parish at that period. "Saltley Eliz" is interlined § See Winchester Monumental Inscriptions, No. 160 (C.R.S. , xlii, 168)

1800. [No brackets round dates henceforward ]

Jan. 11. 1800. died at Havant Samuel West, aged 78.Jan. 14. died Mary West, his wife, aged 70.Both were buried on the sameday (Jan. 17.) and in the same grave, at Bedhampton . -Mary West's maiden name was Asprey .John West, their son , (only child) died Sep. 27. 1793. at Bedhampton , aged 44.

Septemb 19. 1800. died at Havant Mary Moore, in the married state, aged 69. Her maiden name was Reeks. was buried at Havant.

Octob 8. 1800. diedsuddenly at Leigh, Parish ofWarblington Mary Veal, widow of Lawrence Veal, aged about 67. They had been heretofore servants to Mr Caryll of Lady Holt.

Dec. 18. 1800. died at Warblington MaryVeal, inthemarried state, aged 62: Her maiden name was [letters scored] Butt. She was buried at Warblington Dec. 21 Her mother Mary Butt was for some time servant at Brockhampton 1801.

Feb. 18. 1801. died at Brompton, near London, Elizabeth Wheeler, daughter of James Wheeler and Elizabeth Knapp, aged 30 years, 6 months.

Nov. 5. 1801. died at Stockheath Frances Bulbeck, widow , aged 72. Her maiden name was Ford Shewas buried at Havant Nov. 11. died at Petersfield John Poynter, widower, aged 64.* 1802

Nov. 5. 1802. died at Bedhampton ElizabethFowler , widow aged 55.Her maiden name was Private Nov. 9. 1802. died in Havant Mary Sone, in the married state, aged 55.Her maiden name was Jackson was buried at St James's, Winton She was originally from Lancashire. 1804

Aug. 27. 1804. died at Newington, near London , Mary-Ann West, in themarriedstate, aged 26.Her maiden name was Sone. She left one child, a daughter, aged 2 years, 5 months.

May 24. 1804. died at Holyhead John Morey, aged near21 . Son of John Morey and Ann Higgins of Langston . He died ofa decline , on returning from a voyage at Liverpoole.

[p. 11] [In large lettering in the Rev. T. Talbot's hand]

David Morgan (Sacerdos , Capelli BrockhamptonFundator ) obiit pridie Nonas Novembris An: Dñi: 1758 (i.e. Nov. 4 ) Requiescat in Pace.

[In the Rev. R. Southworth's hand]

The Honble Thomas Talbot succeeded Mr. Morgan, and was Pastor of Brockhamptonfor several years. Having a patrimony from his family, he was able to finish what Mr. Morgan, who was poor, could not By his money he cleared away many encum-

Query: Bishop William Poynter's father?

Wife of John Sone See Winchester Monumental Inscriptions, No. 169 (C.R.S., xlii, 169). Above, in smaller writing, in the Rev. R. Southworth's hand


brancesand set the affairs ofthe Chapel on a good footing* He was afterwards Bp. of the midland District and died Apr. 24+ 1795. havingbyWill left the Chapel, house and land totheMission. He was 67 years old when he died.-

Aug. 14. 1804. Mr. James King was by me received into the bosom of the Holy Catholic Church, having made his profession of Faith (Pope Pius IV. Creed) at the Altar of Brockhampton Chapel, in presence of John Dove Mary Veal my Servant, Mary Janaway, & Susanna Fasquel Ricd Southworth

[Line drawn across the page.] 1804. Sep. 4. 1804. Charles Mahany, Portsmouth

Sep. 25. 1804. died at Stanstead William Smith , in the married state, aged 24. He was with his Father & Mother when he died; and also his grandfather. He left a youngwidow, with an infant at the breast, which was baptized Aug. 27. the same year. He was buried at Warblington. CharlesMahany died Sep. 4. 1804. at Portsmouth For some time he resided at Havant He was from Ireland.

Dec. 1804 14. died at Comp-house, near Southwick Joseph Blunden, farmer, in the married state, aged 43. He was buried at Southwick.


Jan. 24. 1805. died at Langston Susanna Hickes, in the married state, aged 77. Her maiden name was Collins She was buried at Havant

June 17. died at Finch Dean Wm Jobson, marriedman , aged 65. originally from Ireland was buried at Farlington.


Feb. 14. 1806. died at Roland's Castle Edward Austin, in the married state, aged 85, and about 9 months : was buried at Warblington. He had by his first wife an only daughter, Mary, now Mrs. Hoare, of Finch Dean

[p. 12] March 3. 1806. died at Bedhampton John Sone, in the married state, aged about 57. He was buriedat Bedhampton by the side of his kinsman John Sone, who died Octob. 16. 1795 .

May 18. 1806. died at Norfolk Lodge, Hayling Island ,§ illiam Bulbick, in the married state, aged 54.---Martha Bulbick, his sister , died at Havant, at the close of the preceeding year, viz, Dec. 26. 1805. aged 60.

June 10. 1806. died at Purbrook Clare Blunden, widow , aged 79. was buried at Southwick.

June 24. 1806. died at Havant RichardKnapp, inthemarried state, aged 71.Was buried at Warblington .He was the oldest " * 'on a good footing " has been scored in pencil

The Catholic Directory gives 24 February, aged 69 "Charles .... Ireland" is in small writing, inset in an oblong frame. § Longcroft (Hundred of Bosmere, p 291) says that " the ferry at the western harbour [of Hayling Island] the time of the late Dukes of Norfolk . ' was let by lease to Bulbeck in This may explain " Norfolk Lodge"

of the family. He married Elizabeth Champ, daughter of Wm Champ & Elizabeth Smith, born Sep. 20. 1739.

Aug. 23. 1806. died at Compton Ann Benford, in the married state, aged 75. She had formerly been a servant in Mr. Caryl's family, at Lady Holt.

Octob 1. 1806. died at Finch Dean Mary Hoare, in the married state , aged 53. Her maiden name was Austin, daughter and only child of Edward Austin, of Roland's Castle.

Nov. 21. 1806. died at EmsworthMaryMidlane, widow, aged nearly 57. Her maiden name was Wright. She was only child of John Wright & Martha Sone, his wife, and sister of John Sone , the elder, of Bedhampton Mill.She was buried at Warblington. 1807.

May 10. 1807. died in Havant Frances Hewett, widow , aged 66. Her maiden name was Pitt .was buried at Havant.

Nov. 22. 1807. died in Havant Elizabeth Knapp, daughter ofRich and ElizabethKnapp(whosemaiden name wasChamp).- was buried at Warblington. 1808

Jan. 24. 1808 died Catharine Blunden, daughter and only surviving child of Joseph Blunden, at Wicker, near Portchester , aged 15.She was buried at Southwick.

Feb. 11. 1808 died at Bedhampton Mary Sone , widow , aged 45. She was second wife to John Sone, who died Mar. 3. 1806 . She was from Worcestershire ; was a widow when she married Mr. Sone : her name, Harris.--was buried at Bedhampton, by the side of her late husband.

May 25. 1808. died at EmsworthMartha Ann Holloway, in the married state, aged 31. her maiden name was Midlane.She was buried at Warblington.

June 17. 1808 died at Havant Mary Glaspole,* widow of Joseph Glaspole, of Boyatt, aged 69 years, and nearly3 months , being born Mar: 22. now Apr. 2. 1739.She was buried at St James's, Winchester , by the side of her husband. Her maiden name was Howes

[p. 13]

June 21. 1808. died at Chiphall , near Wickham , Ann Janaway, in the married state, aged 65. Her maiden name was Private.

Octob. 4. died at Langston Teresa Knapp, in the married state, aged 33. 9. months. Her maiden name was Cooke .She was buried at Warblington. 1809.

Feb. 16. 1809. died at Havant ElizabethKnapp, widow of Ricd Knapp, in the 70th year of her age .Her maiden name was Champ . She was buried at Warblington .At the time of her illness and death were extraordinary great floods at Havant , for several days.

* See Winchester Monumental Inscriptions, No. 181 (C.R.S. , xlii, 170).


May 8. died in West Bourne Poorhouse James Ford , aged 78. was never married

July 6. 1809. died at Langston Joseph Hickes, son of Wm and Martha Hussey, aged 15. years 5. months

Novemb. 29. 1809 died at Havant Mary Ann Veal, in the marriedstate, aged 30. Her maiden name was Hewett .She was buried at Havant Dec. 3

Decemb 29. 1809. died at North Lodge, in the Parish of Warblington, John West, widower, aged 85. He was buried at Warblington; the coffin let down into the grave by his sons John and James , at the special desire of their Father. 1810.

Feb. 1. 1810. died at BrockhamptonFrances Collins (whose true name was Barbara) widow, aged 86 years, 6 months . She was buried at Bedhampton , near the remains of her Father, Mother , and others of the family.Her family name was Roads . 1811 He

Feb. 10. 1811. died at Portsea Charles Knapp, son of Richd Knapp, and Elizabeth Champ, in the 36th year of his age. died of a decline; as his sister Elizabeth also did Novemb 22 1807. as likewise did his youngest sister Ann June 20. 1790.Ch Knapp was buried at Warblington.

May 21. 1811. died in Hayling Island William Hickes, widower, aged near 90 years He had seen his childrens children, to the third and fourth generation, a numerous offspring .He wasburied at Havant.SusannaCollins, hiswife, died at Langston Jan. 24. 1805, aged 77.

July 8. 1811. died at Havant William Cooke, in the married state, aged near 77 .-was buried at Havant .His Mother'sname was Champ. Novemb. 18. 1811 died in Havant Poor-house Elizabeth Saltley, Widow, aged 86.Her maiden name was Cook: [p. 14] 1812

Jan. 12. 1812. died at Brighton George Hickes, the son of John Hickes and Catharine Knapp, his wife, aged near 17 years. He was buried at Brighton. Jan. 14. died in EmsworthPoor housesuddenly MaryCooper, widow, aged 70.Her maiden name was Veal .was buried at Warblington

Feb. 3. 1812. died at GibralterJames Guyatt, aged 21 years, 5 months, son of John and Winifred Bridger. Nov. 15. 1812. died near Portsea, Elizabeth Langridge, widow, aged 65. Her maiden name was Austin. 1814

Octob 11. died at Langston Ann White, maiden aged 64 years, 7 months . servant to Mr. James Knapp, of Langston, 38 years. She was buried at Havant 1815 .

July 27. 1815, Died at Leigh, near Havant ElizabethAyles,

aged 41. She died on her birthday, being born July 27. 1774.Her maiden name was Glaspole.Shewas buriedat Warblington.

Sep. 26. died in Havant poor-house Brigit (by her maiden name Murray) widow; on her way to her daughterat Bristol; but so ill that she was forced to stop at Havant Her parents were from Ireland. She was 55 years old at the time of her death

Nov. 23. 1815. died in West Bourne poor House Mary Page, widow , aged 95 and some days over . Her maiden name was Cooke . Mr. Ricd Knapp's (the elder of Langston) first wife was her aunt , sister to her Father.


Jan. 2. 1816. died at Havant (suddenly) William Todd , * widower, aged 77 years, 9 months .He was buried at Warblington . had received the Sacraments of penanceand the holy Communion during the Indulgence for Xtmas, viz, Decemb 29

March 7. 1816. Died at Warblington CharlesVeal, widower, aged 76, havingreceived all the rites of Holy Church .-was buried at Warblington.

Aug. 16. 1816. died at Langston James Knapp, widower, aged 75 years, 6 months, 15 days, after a tedious protracted illness . was buried at Warblington, Aug. 21 .

Octob 1. 1816. died at BrockhamptonJohn Dove, aged 65 . He was buried at Havantwas never married He was the last ofMr. Sone'sannuitents; withwhom he had lived at Bedhampton Mill as a servant 34 years R.I.P.

[p. 15]


Jan. 12. 1817. died at Warblington ElizabethWayke, in the married state, aged 39.Her maiden name was Hewett .Shewas buried at Warblington, and by her particular desire , in her Father's grave.

[Line drawn across the page.]

Mar. 2. 1817. died at PurbrookSusanFasquel, in themarried state , aged about 50. She was buried at Farlington. Her family name was Mitchel

[Line drawn across the page.]

[In the Rev. T. Kimbell's hand]

Nov: 19. 1817 died at the Chapel house of Brockhampton the Revd Richard Southworth , after having laboured for thirty years in the duties of this Mission ,

[In the same hand, 2.5 cms. lower down]

Dec. 18. 1817 died the Rev. Jos Knapp at Havant regretted by all, but particularly by the numerous poor, wholookedup to him as their Father. [Rest of page, 11 cms. , blank.]

[pp. 16, 17, 18 blank ]

[p . 19] [In the Rev. P. Wyndham's hand] Anno Dñi 1761. die 10 Mensis Maii qui fuit Dies Pentecostes

* Most probably Bishop William Poynter's uncle. Wronglygiven as the obit of John Knapp in C.R.S. , xxviii , 279n.


SubsequentesSacramentum confirmationis acceperunt a Reverendissimo Dño Jacobo Talbot Episcopo [blank] In Ecclesia Brockhamptoniana

Nomen In Confirmatione | Nomen Parentum

Richardus Collins Gulielmus Bulbick Idem & ætas Thomas , et Francisca

[The rest of the names follow in a single column: onlyone has a Confirmation name appended, and none has the names ofparents] Richardus White, Anna White, MariaCannon, Henericus [sic]

Burges, Paulus Kelly, Maria Segrove , Johannes Segrove, Johannes Bulbick, Johannes West, Anna Comely [or Cornely], Gulielmus

Bulbick(Confirmation nameJohannes), MartinusHicks, Florentius

Skennel, Petrus Bridger, John Bancks, Maria Dench, Elisabetha Gaywood.

[p. 20] Anno Dni 1763 Die 15. AugustiIn Festo Assumptionis

B.M.V. Subsequentes Sacramentum confirmationis acceperunt a Reverendissimo Dño Jacobo T .... t* Episcopo In Ecclesia Brockhamptoniana

Joannes Sims

Joannes Dove

Maria Flexon




[Line drawn across the page.]

Anno Dni 1764 die 2. Septembris qui fuit DominicaXII Post Pent Subsequentes Sacramentum Confirmationis acceperunt a Reverdmo DnoJ.... o T .... t Episcopo In Ecclesia Brockhamptoniana .

Francisca Skenel

Joannes Sone

Maria Jacobus

[Line drawn across the page.]

Anno Dni 1765 die 24 Junii In festo Nativitatis St Joannis Baptista SubsequentesSacramentum Confirmationis acceperunt a Revedmo Dño Jacobo T ....t* Episcopo in Ecclesia Brockhamptoniana

[In single column] Maria Fowler, Elisabetha Fowler, Anna Turner, Franciscus Turner (Confirmation name Josephus), Franciscus Bonno

[Line drawn across the page.]

[p. 21] [In the Rev. R. Cornthwaite's hand]

Anno Dñi 1770 die 30 Septemberis [sic] quifuit 17a Dominica post Pentecost SubsequentesSmtumconfirmatiois [sic] acceperunt a Reverendissimo Dno Dno Jacobo T. b . t* Episcopo in Ecclesiâ Brockhamptonianâ .

Barbera [sic] Bulbeck

Maria Cook

Gulielmus Hicks

Eliz: Hicks

* Talbot

Jacobo Talbot

Maria Hicks

Carolus Hide

Jane Hide

Eliz: Dench

Maria Miller

Joannes West

Anna West

Maria Pitt

[p. 22]



Maria 101 14 9 14




Anno Domini 1772 die 20 Septemberis [sic] Subsequentes Smtum Confirmãois acceperunt a Reverandissimo [sic]

Dño Dño T.b . t* in Ecclâ Brockhamptonianâ .

Sarah Neal

Penel West Mary Mary

Ann Wheeler

Winefred Bridger

Mary Eliz:

Anno Domini 1773 die 12° Septembrs Subsequentes Smtum Confrmãois acceperunt a Revssmo Dño Dño T. b . t* in Ecclâ Brock.

Joannes Woods Carolus Cath Bulbeck

Josephus Collins Jacobus Eliz Blundon

Tho: Bulbeck

Joannes Cath Blundon

Winef Blundon

Maria Maria Anna Maria

Item X Gosport eodem anno die 21 mencis [sic]superùs dicti Jonnes [sic] Moor, Anna Moor, & Maria Gibson

Anno Domini 1776 die 5° Maii Subsequentes Smtum Confrmãois acceperunt a Revssmo DñoDño T. b . t* in Eccla Brock.

Joannes Morey

Josephus Austin

Joannes Hicks

Jacobus Cannon

Josephus Jacobus Joannes

Eliz Ayles

Anna Plat



Anna Bulbick Maria

[p. 23] Anno Domini 1778 die 30 Augusti subsequentes

Smtum confrmaois acceperunt a Reverandissimo [sic] Dño Dño

T.b .t* in Cappello [sic] Brock.

Anna Morey

Maria [blank]

Eliz: Hide

Maria Hide

Maria Francisca Dench

Anna Maria Cannon

Maria Gul: Cook

Anna Jacobus Bulbick

Maria Anna Joannes

Anno Domini 1781 die 16 Septembris SubsequentesSmentum confrmaois acceperunt a Reverandissimo Dño Dño Jaccobo [sic] Tal..t in Cappillo Brock

Joannes Pointer

Jacobus Pointer

Anna Ball

Maria Knapp [blank] Joanna Bradshow [blank] Anna Cobbett

Maria Maria Cobbett

Anna Anna Hedger

[In the Rev. J. Appleton's hand]

Maria Maria Anna Maria

Anno Dñi 1783 die 190 Septembris duo subsequentesSacramentum confirmationis acceperunt a Reverendissimo Dño Dño

J: Talbot in capello Brock.

Debora Gatchell, Magdelena

Maria Bridger, Anna

* Talbot


[p. 24] [In the Rev. J. Earle's hand]

Anno Dñi 1785. Die 7mo Septmbris subsequentes scñm confmãois acceperunt in Saccelo Brockhamptoniano a Reverendissimo Dño Dño Jacobo Tal . .t. *

Carolus Veal

Jacobus Catherina Cook Francisca Smith

[In the Rev. R. Southworth's hand]

Catherina Anna.

Anno Domini 1788. die 14. Septemb. subsequentes Sacramentum Confirmationis acceperunt à Reverendissimo Domino Domino Jacobo Talbot in Sacello Brockhampton

Nomina Bap

Anna Knapp

Carolus Knapp

Joannes Todd

Josephus Knapp

Susanna Mitchel

Sara Guy

Maria Collins

Teresa Cook

Anna Cook

10 Maria Veal

Nomina Confirm. Anastasia



Joan Hugo

Maria Magdalena


Anna Elizabetha

Maria Elizabetha

Eodem tempore , et ibid ex Southend

Anna Janaway

Anna Bower

Marcus Ford

Lucia Agnes

14 Jacobus Bower Stephanus Thomas

Ita testor Ricardus Southworth, Miss Ap die 14 Sep. 1788 .

[p. 25 blank, save for some obviously unimportant pencilled accounts .]

[p. 26 blank.]

[p. 27] Anno Domini 1791. die 11. Septemb subsequentes fideles sacramento Confirmationis signati sunt ab Illustriss. et Reverendiss. Joanne Douglass, Episcopo, in SacelloBrockhampton , assistente Rev. Dom Jacobo Barnard, Vic Gen.

Nomina Bap.

Gulielmus Morey

Joannes Appleton

Ricardus Veal

Thomas Bulbick

Nomina imposita in Confirm . Joannes




Edwardus Molton Petrus

Elizabetha Hewett

Maria-Anna Hewett

Anna Watts

Anna Bailey

Maria Bulbick

Sara West






Maria 11

Ita testor Ricardus Southworth Paroc Brockhampton

* Talbot

[Line across the page] Pencilled in margin. Southend , Soberton

Anno Dñi 1794. Dom. 19. post Pent die 19. Octob. ab eodem ut supra Sacramento Confirmationis signati sunt infrascripti, 10

Jacobus Critchett .... Josephus Item Elizabetha Bulbeck Maria

Antonius Langridge .. Joannes Francisca Hyde .. Maria

Joannes Morey ..Joannes

Maria-Anna Morey .. Maria-Anna

Maria-Anna Sone .... Clara

Helena Sone

Martha Molton .. Clara .... Maria 10. AnnaWest Maria Ric Southworth, Pastor Brockhamptoniensis.

[p. 28] Anno Dñi 1800. die 31. Aug. Dom. 13 post Pent, infrascripti fideles Sacramento Confirmationis signati sunt ab III & Reverendiss. D. Joanne Douglass, in Capello Brockhampton , assistente Rev. D. Thoma Horrabin.

Nom . Bap

Nom Conf.

JosephusReekes... Josephus

Petrus West Josephus

Joannes Bulbeck Joannes

Samuel King Josephus

Gulielmus White Joannes

Jacobus West Josephus

Gulielmus West Thomas


Gulielmus Bulbeck


JacobusGoldfinch item .. Joannes Josephus

Elizabetha Reekes, sn


ElizabethaReekes , jn Maria

Anna Reekes Lucia

Clara Reekes Anna

Maria Denche Jun" .. Elizabetha

Sara Denche Agnes

Anna Wasper Susanna

Elizabetha Silvester Maria

Maria Cooke Anna

Maria-Anna Collins .... Martha

Maria Smith Lucia

Martha White. Lucia

Catharina Bulbeck Teresa

Elizabetha Hickes


Anna Grant Maria

Sara Higgins Agnes

Maria-Anna Cannon

SusannaVeal Anna



Sara Strugnell .. Maria

31. MariaJanaway Anna. Elizabetha

Anno Dñi 1803. die 9. Oct. Dom 19. Post Pent infrascripti fideles Scmnto Conf consgnti st ab. Illus. & RedssmoD. Gulielmo Poynter, Coadj. in Capello Brockhampton

Nom Bap. Nom Conf MartinusReeks Martinus Gulielmus ReeksJacobus

Joannes Reeks Joannes Georgius Reeks Georgius | Joannes Hickes Jacobus

Samuel Denche Franciscus item

Maria Denche sen ™ Cecilia

Sara Todd ... Teresa

Catharina Reeks Catharina Catharina Hewett Anastasia

Catharina WhiteElizabetha

Maria White Teresa

MarthaBulbeck Martha Maria West .... Anna 14

Ric. Southworth Pastor Brockhampton

Anno Dñi1809.die15.Octob.

Dom 21. post Pent. infrascripti fideles sacrmto Confirm consgnti st abIllus.& Revrdis D. Gulielmo Poynter, Coadj Londin. District. in Capello Brockhampton


Ric Southworth, Pastor Brockhamp

Nom . Bap. nom . Confirm .

Jacobus King .... Petrus

JosephusBulbeck .. Thomas

Josephus Critchett


Henricus Critchett .. Petrus

Andreas West ...... Petrus

GeorgiusWhite .. Vincentius

[On another loose sheet of (different) paper]

AnnoDomñi 1827.Die21 Octob:-InfrascriptiFideles Sacramento Confirmationis consignati sunt, ab Illussmo et Revdissmo D. Jacobo YorkeBramston , CoadjeIllussmi et RevdissmiD. Gulmi

Poynter. V.A.L. in Sacello Brockhamptoniano .

Nom : Bap: - Joannes Collins

Ricardus King

Nom : Conf: Paulus Lucia Knapp Anna Joannes Francisca Hewett Maria

Nom: Bapt : Nom: Conf: -

JoannesDoughty David Joanna Hicks Francisca

Eduardus Hicks Michael Emilia Veal Maria Anna

Cornelius Jones Barnabas Rhode Knapp Helena

Jacobus West Petrus Catharina Doughty Maria

Jacobus Jos Robins Martha Jones Maria Cornelius Elizabetha Reeks Maria

Joannes Jones Jacobus Maria Damer Agnes

Jacobus Veal Joannes Catharina Hicks Maria

Josephus Jones Hieronymus Helena Ayles Teresia

Georgius Moody

Carolus Veal

Thomas Purcell

Josephus Catharina Robins Teresia

Georgius Maria Bulbeck Elizabetha


Enricus Veal Gulielmus

Joanna Ayles

Maria Morey

Joanna West

Maria Robins

Sophia Veal

Emilia Morey 33


Anna* Maria Anna Agnes Elizabetha Susanna J. Kearns

[Other side blank.]

[On another loose sheet]

Anno Domini 1812 die decima sexta Januarii in Civitate dicta ChichesterGeorgius natus die vigesima quinta Decembris annisuperioris filius Patricii et Catharina Ryan, baptisatus fuit a me Joanne

Baptista francisco Le Cordier Presbitero parochiæ SSmæ Trinitatis cæsoroburgi Dioecesis Constantiensis in NeustriavulgoNormannia Patrinusfuit Jacobus White et Matrina MarguaritaDoran J. B. f, Le Cordier [monogram] prtre

* This confirmation name has been erased Cherbourg, diocese of Coutances


[Ten loose sheets, 7 x 6 inches, pages numbered 3 to 22 , which onceformed part of anotherbook . The pages are cash-ruled, onefaint red line on the leftfor the date, and three faint red lines on the right for cash entries. Pages 1 to 8 (numbered 3 to 10) contain sermons written by the Rev. R. Cornthwaite Page 9 (numbered 11) is blank On the followingpages marriages are entered. A line across thepage divides each entry from the next and the date is entered in the margin The dates are incorporated in the body of the text in this transcript. The first entry has the date repeated in the text itself, the second has only the year repeated, and the rest have only the marginal date The Christian names and surnames of both parties are underlined as in all Fr. Southworth's entries: only the first entry ofFr. Kimbell has the names thus underlined .]

[p. 10, numbered 12]

July 16. 1788. James Poynter was married to SusannaWatts his wife, in presense ofJohn Hicks, MaryCook, and John Poynter, at Brock. JamesPoynter aged about 23. SusannaWattsabout26. Richard Southworth .

Nov. 24. 1788. John Hickes was married to Catharine Knapp his wife, in presense of James Knapp of Langston her Father, James Knappjun John Knapp, TeresaKnapp, Elizabeth Wheeler &c at Brock Rd Southworth.

June 9. 1789. Joseph Austin was married to Sarah Teryhis wife, in presense of Rd Goldfinch, Mary Langridge, MaryVeal &c at Brockhampton . Richd Southworth

June 11. 1792. James Critchett was marriedto Mary Bridger his wife, in presense of John West, jun" , of Bedhampton , and Winifred Guyat, ofHavant, at Brockhampton . Richd Southworth

July 3. 1792. Nathaniel Long was married to Ann West , widow, his wife, in presense of James Poynter, Mary Veal, senr Mary Veal, jun &c at Brockhampton Ricd Southworth.

Nov. 3. 1793. Henry Aslett was married to Ann Bulbeckhis wife in presense of John Bulbeck, Wm Bulbeck , &c at Brockhampton Ricd Southworth.

June 22. 1795. CharlesVeal, jun" was married to Mary West, widow , his wife in presense of John West jun" of Brockhampton , Mary Veal, wife of George Veal, Anthony Langridge &c at Brockh. Ricd Southworth

Feb. 8. 1796. William Todd sen" was married to Ann Woodman, widow, his wife in presense of Ricd Knapp, and Elizabeth Wheeler, Mary Veal and Mary Smith, at Brockhampton . Ricd Southworth

[p. 11 , numbered 13]

Nov. 6. 1797. James Ayles was married to ElizabethGlaspole his wife, in presense of Joseph Ayles, Mary Glaspole sen² Mary Glaspole jun and Martha Ayles at Langston Ricd Southworth, M.A.

* Spelt thus in all the Rev. R. Southworth's entries



July 26. 1799. William Knapp was married to Teresa Cooke his wife, in presense of Richard & Eliz. Knapp, James Knapp, & Mary Knapp, at Havant. Ricd Southworth

Feb. 20. 1800. JohnGoldfinch was marriedto Jane Burgess, his wife, in presense of John Private and Mary Janaway, at Brockhampton Ricd Southworth. | Mary Ann Sone was about 23 years old; Th West was

Jan. 11. 1801. Thomas West was married to Mary Ann Sone, his wife, at Bedhampton, in presense of John & Mary Sone, her Father and Mother, Helen Sone , her sister, Ann Clarkson, Sara Matthewsand Mary Matthews, and Elizabeth Cruickshanks. Ricd Southworth younger

Sep. 19. 1802. Gowen Holloway was married to Martha Midlane, his wife, at Brockhampton , in presense of Mary Midlane her Mother , John Dove and Mary Veal Ricd Southworth.

Nov. 17. 1803. Peter West was married to Jane Tee, his wife, at Brockhampton , in presense of Charles Veal (his Father in law), Ricd Veal, Mary Veal, and Mary-Ann Hewett

Ricd Southworth

Peter West was turned of 21. Jane Tee was older.

[p. 12 , numbered 14]

May 21. 1804 .

Richard Veal was married to Mary-Ann Hewett, his wife, at Brockhampton , in presense of Mary Veal , his sister, John Bulbeck(Son of John) jun and JohnDove , Godfather to Mary Ann. Ricd Southworth . Rd Veal aged 27 Mary-Ann 25

Sep. 11. 1804. James King was married to Mary Knapp his wife, at Brockhampton , in presense of William & ElizabethKnapp brother & sister to the abovementioned, John Dove , and Mary Veal. Mary Knapp aged 34. James King some years younger Ricd Southworth

Jan. 6. 1807. in the evening George Batchelor was married to ElizabethBulbeck, his wife, in BrockhamptonChapel, in presense of John Bulbeck, Catharine his daughter, Mary Veal, Sarah Strugnell, and Sarah Dowling.Eliz. Bulbeck [letter scored] aged 24. George Batchelor some years younger. Ricd Southworth. February 1. 1807. Benjamin Green was marriedto Catharine Reeks, his wife, in BrockhamptonChapel, in presense of Joseph Reeks and Clare Reeks, her brother and sister, &cBenjamin aged 22. Catharine Reeks 20. years. Ricd Southworth .

Sep. 6. 1807. Samuel Lyddun was married to Mary Reeks, * his wife, in BrockhamptonChapel, in presense of Joseph Reeks , and Clare Reeks, her brother and sister, John Dove and Mary Veal. Ricd Southworth

Sep. 28. 1807. William Cooper Knocker was marriedtoAnn Reeks, his wife, in Brockhampton Chapel, in presenceofJoseph Reeks & Clare Reeks , her brother and sister. Ricd Southworth

[p. 13 , unnumbered]

Octob. 10. 1808. Legatt Moody was married to Susan Veal,

* A Mary Lyddondied at Portsea 20 January 1825 , aged 43 (C.R.S., i, 242).

his wife, in BrockhamptonChapel, in presense of Richard Veal, and Mary Veal, her Brother & sister, and John Dove Ricd Southworth .

June 1808 (I believe) 27. Joseph Reekes was married to Elizabeth Crasler, his wife, in BrockhamptonChapel, in presense of John Bulbeck, sen" and Mary Veal. Ricd Southworth

Nov. 9. 1809. William Knapp (a widower) was married to Mary Ann Morey, his wife, in BrockhamptonChapel, in presense of James Knapp, sen" Uncleto William, Catharine (daughterof William) Bulbeck, Mary Veal, and Sara Veal, her niece Ricd Southworth

October 9. 1811. William Howick was married to Mary Ann Collins , his wife, in Brockhampton Chapel, in presenseofJames Collins, brother to Mary Ann abovementioned, Mary Veal , & John Dove . Ricd Southworth.

October 27. 1812. Thomas Woodford was married to Jane West, his wife, in presense of John West, father of the said Jane , and Mary Veal, in BrockhamptonChapel. Ricd Southworth

June 3. 1817. George Scale was married to ElizabethHickes , his wife, in presense of John Hickes, father of the said Elizabeth, Catharine Hickes, her mother in law, * and Mary Veal, in Brockhampton Chapel Ricd Southworth.

[In the Rev. J. Kimbell's hand]

Jan: 26 1818 Abraham Morey (a widower) was married to Susannah Moody (a widow) his wife, in Brockhampton Chapel in presence of Mary Veal & Jane West Joseph Kimbell.

[p. 14 , numbered 15]

1818 Nov 7 John Tully was married to Mary Earl his Wife in the Sacristyof Brockhampton Chapel in the presence ofJames Roddy Joseph Kimbell

1820 July 19 Francis Mary Lefer de la Sandrewas married to Harriet Tiner in the Chapel of Brockampton[sic] in the prescence of William Howell and William Tyner. Joseph Kimbell

1822 Aug 19 William Miles was married to Sarah Veal in the Chapel of Brockhamptonin the presenceof CharlesVeal, Mary Veal & Maria Kearn Joseph Kimbell

1823 Nov 13 CharlesVeal (a widower) was married to[2cms blank] Fig (a Widow) in the chapel of Brockhampton in the presence of William Miles & Mary Veal Joseph Kimbell

1824 April 27 Joseph West was marriedto MaryAnn White in the Chapel of Brockhamptonin the presenceof Thomas Saige Jun & Teresa West Joseph Kimbell

[p. 15 , numbered 16]

1824 Oct 4 Joseph Benedict Luseau was married to Mary Mant Annell in the Chapel of Brockhampton in the presence of Mary Veal and John Bowers Joseph Kimbell

1826 Nov 21 .

[Rest of page, 13.2 cms ., blank. Six remaining pages blank , save for pagination 16 on p. 16 [sic], 17 on p. 18 and 22 on p. 20.] This date is in the margin, but no entry follows. * ?Mother.






Dear Sir

[MS. 19. Bishop Douglass to Reverend Richard Southworth.] Bedford Street Bedford Square London Feb: 14 1791

Placing a great confidence in your knowledge & judgement, & wishing to have your advice on the present state of the business with the Committee, I will lay before you the proceedings of last week; beg you will take them into serious consideration, & give me your sincere advice, what measures you would wish me to adopt in such critical times .

From a motive of peace, and because I hoped an accomodation might have been effected, I agreedto meet the Committee ; accordingly on last Tuesday the 8th Inst : Mr. Gibson & self accompanied by Mr. Barnard, gave them the meeting Three whole hours passed without advancing one little towards a reconciliation (to say no worse). At length B Gibson, with my approbation, proposed the following question. I will transcribethe whole, from the Paper, which the Committee delivered into my hands. The question proposed by Mr. Gibson & Mr. Douglass to the Catholic Committee is Whether the Committee intend to submit not to proceed further in the business of the Bill without the approbationof the Bishops ?

To the above question the reply of the Committee isWe have the greatest respect for Episcopal authority, & are always disposed to obey its decisions, when applied to proper objects, and confined within proper limitations: But we say with S Leo Manet Petri Privilegium, ubicumq: ex ipsius aequitate fertur judicium The requisition of submission, made by the two ApostolicalVicars, appears in the present instance, not grounded in equity No proof of the proposed Oaths containing anything contrary to Faith or Morals has been produced & we cannot acquiesce in the requisition without continuing, encreasing and confirmingthe prejudice against the Faith & moral character of the Catholics & the scandal & oppressionunder whichthey labour in this kingdom - We therefore refuse to submit to the above requisition, & we give your Lordships notice that we shall appeal from it, toall the Catholic Churchesin the Universe & especially to theFirst ofCatholic ChurchestheApostolicalSeerightlyinformed.

Charles Berrington

Joseph Wilks Stourton


Hen . Englefield

John Throckmorton

John Townley

Thos. Hornyold

Notwithstanding this declaration, we still request your Lordships to say whether you will suggest any addition or qualifying explanation , which can be admitted consistently with the instrument of Protestationsigned by the Apostolical Vicars , more than two hundred of the Clergy & almost every respectable Catholic in England. We will exert our endeavours in negotiating the admission of such an addition, or qualifying explanation . This request was signed as above You will naturally suppose thatmy feelings have been much hurt by such an answer as the aforesaid refusal of submission & appeal -I was so much hurt by it, that I called together fourteen of my most prudent & learned Priests on Thursday & after reading to them the question & answer , as I have transcribed them above, Irequestedtheiradvice & opinionThey unanimously declared that the words We therefore refuse to submit to the above requisition a formal act of disobedience

To the 2nd question which was and is not the notice of an appeal joined with their disobedience a tendency to Schism? they answered unanimouslyin the affirmative

To the 3d question Is any notice to be taken of the subsequent request of the Committee ? The answer was, The last request of the Committee is nugatory because they have refused to submit.

To the 4th question Is the Oath as altered bythe Committee lawful to be taken ? Answered unanimouslyin the negative

The alterationsin the Oath are these . 1st After that neither the Pope nor any are thesewords Prelate or Priestnor any assemblyof Prelates or Priests nor any Ecclesiastical power whatsoever hath or ought to have any jurisdiction or authority whatsoever within this realm; that can directly or indirectly affectorinterfere with the independance Sovereignty Laws Constitutionor Government thereof , or with the rights liberties persons or propertiesof the People of the said Realm or any of them.2nd alteration is introduced before the words And that no breach of Faith But that sorrow for past offences, resolution to avoid future guilt & atonement to God & the injured Neighbour are indispensably requisite to obtain forgiveness of sin You will easily apply these alterations to their places in your copy of the Oath. Ever your friend J Douglass

I shall be glad to receive your answer & advice as soon as convenient Please to direct your letter to Revd Mr. D. Bedfordstreet Bedfordsquare London

[Letter addressed to Revd. Mr. Southworth, Brockhampton , near Havant, Hampshire ]

[MS 22. The Reverend Richard SouthworthtoBishop Douglass.] Brockhampton Feb. 16. 1791 .

Hon.d Dear Sir, Your favour of the 14th Inst came to hand yesterday .-As a dutiful child of my spiritual Mother, and a warm wellwisher of my brethren's peace and welfare, I feel greatly, both for you and many others embarked with you in these troublesome times Could I do any good, I should so far think myself happy: but the more I consider your kind request, the more I seem at a loss how to say anything that can be of service: instead of which , I feel myselfstandingmuch more in need of the advice and direction of others, than capable of giving any myself. - Lying pretty much out ofthe way of information, and otherwise not without a good share of employment from myfunctions, I have paid less attention to the more distant business of the Oath &c; after it appearedto be the will of God thatI should remaininmyprivate situation. You are pleased to say, you put a confidence in my judgment, which I do not myself. Being now my Superiour, it is just I should have a regard for you as so related, and concern forthe anxietyyou must be in. I pray God giveyou an increase oflight, prudence and courage, to support you inallevents: which, Itrustin hismercy, he will do.

You beg me to consider, and give you my sincere advice what measuresI thinkyou had best adopt in such critical times. With a view of preventing a schism, and its dreadful consequences, (whichfromthealarmingposture of affairs yourepresent, and the present indisposition of men and measures , seems to be gathering) as far as I can judge, it appears to me most adviseable to use all possible condescensionand forbearance, as far as consistent with conscience and duty; yet so as to join a Christian firmness and resolution , in not consenting to anythingincompatible with those over-ruling obligations The applicationofthese principles in adopting any particular measure, I cannot at such a distance, and with so little information, judge of: That must ultimately rest withyour own prudence and judgment, aided with the advice ofthe most discreet and experiencedfrom among your clergy on the spot, and other well affected persons, whom you have hitherto consulted; imploring above all, by earnest prayer, the special assistance and direction of heaven You will pardon me in mentioningthis Impute it to my sollicitudefor you. In a word, I am for recommending such measures and ways as St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis of Sales, St. Vincentof Paul &c made use of, and with such success, in gaining over hearts and souls , making up breaches , composing differences, negotiatingthe most difficult affairs &c, as may be found in the history oftheir lives I would not advise you to employ the last exertion of your authority, (which God has put into your hands in aedifi-

* A reference to his having been passed over as successor to Bishop James Talbot. See Introduction , p 9

cationem 2. Cor 10. 8.) but in extreme necessity, when nothing else will do, and with mature deliberationwhethersuch necessity exist ; and to strive all you can to ward off and keep at a distance such necessity. In short , I thinkeveryjustifiable exertionshould be employed, and many things suffered, to ward off a schism , whichwould be one of the last of evils to us, scandalize Catholics abroad, be fatal to the souls of those at home who should break unityand perhaps bring on an enforcing ofthe penal laws against the most conscientious of our brethren, which otherwise might possibly never be thought on .

Thus much, Hon.d. Dear Sir, occurred to me to set downat present, somewhat in haste, whichI thought wasfriendly to you, and could do no harm to the public; the whole under submission to betterand more amply informed judges, who being on thespot are better qualified to give their opinions For undoubtedly , as in medicine , the applicationof violent remedies in some cases is necessary , according to the maxim, extremis morbis extrema adhibenda sunt remedia . Of these things you must judge, all circumstances duly considered, the opinion of your fellow Bishops, and other well informed persons &c, consulta_inprimis lege aeterna, to decide quid melius visumfueritin Dno .-Iremember in the life ofthe last Bishop of Amiens, published some years ago in french among other anecdotes, what is there said of his opinion in regard to learningand knowledge of Divinity requisite indeciding cases of conscience rightly. He recommendedinpreference on such occasions the consideration of death, la pensée de lamort, adding; c'est le Meilleur Casuistede tout He was a Prelate of great vivacity of wit and equal piety, and died at 92 years of age, universally beloved and revered. I have reason to believe your muchrespected Predecessor , Bishop Challoner , was of a like way ofthinking.-I beg leave to mention, before I conclude ,that asLent is approaching, ifmy opinionhas any weight, withaview of drawing down God's blessing, I should recommend an entire and primitive one. With my dutiful respects, I remain , Rev.d. Dr. Sir, Your ob: & hum : Servant , Ric.d Southworth.

[Letter addressed to Rev.d Mr. Douglas, Bedford Street , Bedford Square, London.]

[MS . 39 The Reverend Richard Southworthto BishopDouglass] Brockhampton Feb. 28. 1791 . Hon.d Dear Sir , I duly received the favour of your lines, jointly with the Instructions for the approaching LentWhat I mentioned was under submission to the judgment of more knowing persons, in conjunctionwithyours; nor do I doubtbut thereasons forgranting the mitigation were good and prudential. - In my last I made

no mentionofthe oath, on the presumption that its unlawfulness was a decided point, and that my sentiments on it were otherwise known to you In its amended state it appears clear to me unlawful; and contains several points, to which from motives of conscienceI cannot subscribe; and that ab intrinsicis abstracting from the external arguments in its disfavourab auctoritate, so it iswithmuch satisfaction that I can hear any thing that may give hopes of its being eitherput by, or further altered and amended, in such a manner that it can be generally taken Which if you and Mr. Gibson can, with the blessing of God, effect, it will be a most happything: or at least procure thatnous autreswho could not take it, might not be called upon, but passed over unnoticed , continuing as we are; which, I think, they who are chieflyactive in the business , and hope to benefit by it, are in honourand conscience bound to do their best to bring about in behalfof their conscientious fellow subjects and fellow citizens, who only for motives of piety and religion cannot accept of favours offerred on such conditions. Most affectionately wishing you, in the divine assistance, success in your labours for the public service , with health and happiness, I remain , in duty,

Hon.d Dr. Sir,

Your ob. & obliged humble Servant, Ric.d Southworth.

P.S. On the same day I received your first favour, a letter was forwarded to me from John Stacy, in distress, and beging assistancefor himselfand family He is with Mr. Weedall, Brewer* Street. I believe most of ours in London know him . I humbly beg you will be so kind as to request Mr. Horrabin, or any other person whom you think proper, to let him know from me, that I truly feel for his situation, but that two or three shillings is the utmost I could spare him at present which, in proportion to his wants , would be nothing However if some of our charitable and discreet people, acquainted with his case , should take it into consideration, and think it would be well done to make a collection of a sum of money to help him into business in such case and not otherwise, I will contribute a Guinea, when, pleaseGod, I come up to London at the meeting [Letter addressed as MS. 22.]

[MS. 64. Bp. Douglass to Rev. Richard Southworth] Dr Sir, 27 April 1791

Mr Butler having sent me a manuscript copy of the Oath as it now stands amended & passed by the Commons I will transcribe the amended passages & request the favour ofyour opinion on the lawfulness of it as now amended

After the words being Protestants is amendment

1 And I do swear that I do from my heart abhor detest & abjure as unchristian & impious that damnable doctrine & position &c After the words said Majesty is amendment * Bower?

And I do also in my conscience declare & solemnly swear that I acknowledge no infallibility right power or authority in the Pope or in any particular or general Council of the Churchsave in mattersof Ecclesiastical Doctrine & Disciplineonly Andthat no Foreign Church &c Afterthe words or any of them is amendment the

3 And that no person can be absolved from any sin byhim or her committed or to be committednor any such sin whatever be forgiven at the mere pleasure or discretion of any Priest or other person or persons whatsoever And that no breach of &c

After the words dispensewith or absolve me from is amendment

4 The obligations of this Oath or any other Oath contract promise engagement or compact whatsoever made to or withany person or persons whomsoever And all these things &c

The clause on the Infallibility of the Pope which stood towards the end of the Oath is totally omitted, The title too Protesting Catholic Dissenters & the word Protestation are expunged We are, throughoutthe Bill, styled Roman Catholicks & every officiatingPriest will berequired to subscribethefollowing declaration

IAB do hereby declare, that I profess the Roman Catholic Religion

Iintreat you, Sir, to consider these amendments & to give me your candid opinion in Jesus Christ whetherthe Oath as now amended , may or may not lawfully be taken

The times are dreadfuleverywhere: but Faith& Truthmust be adhered to, and I do confide in our good Master that hewill protect us and preserve us from Schism.

I am muchalarmed for ourestablishments in Doway BGibson tells me that the Curate of S Jacques is made Bishop of the Northern Department & that he means to reside at Doway. I executed your commission relative to the person at Mr Weedalls & hope to seeyou at Brockhampton sometime duringthe summer In the meantime remain with true esteem

Dr Sir

Your friend &c J. Douglass Bedford Street Bedford Square London April 2791

[Letter addressed to Mr Southworth Brockhampton Nr Havant Hants ]

[MS. 69. Bishop Douglass to Rev. Richard Southworth .] Dear Sir,

Accept my sincere thanks for the favour of your opinionon the Oath as it stands now amended by the Commons We are encouraged to hope for another, or perhaps more, essential amendments in the House of Lords


Mr Barnard has gone down to Long Birch with letters of attorney which Mr. Talbot will sign in order to transfer the property of this District into the three names of DouglassBarnard & Lindow As I have to request your signature to the same transfer, Mr Barnard, before he sett off, desired me to writefor you to come up to Town next monday, to do us that favour Accordingly I take the liberty of requesting you to come up on monday that the business may be finished next week . You will please to apply to Mr Marsland* or some other Priest to supply for you on the following sunday, that you may be at liberty to stay in Town till after the meeting. I mention Mr Marsland , because there is an Irish Priest at Gosport, who is allowed to say Prayers in Mr Marsland's Chapel. - I hope you will do me this favour. There will be bed & board for you at the Castle

May 3rd 1791

Your friend &c J. Douglass

[Letter addressed to Rev: Mr Southworth Brockhampton Nr Havant Hants.]

[MS. 77. NotefromMr. J. Milner to Mr. Southworth , enclosed in copy of Priests' Latin address to the Pope.]

Dr Sir Winton May 27 [1791]

Not being sure of the Enclosed address which has long been talked of& was at the latterend of last week resolved upon as necessary, to counteract certain intregues going on at Rome & to afford a drop of comfitto ourCommonfatherin the interval of his drinking a large poisonous draught, I have sent it to you, though it was resolved to send the sense & not the form of the address to as many as possible of our brethren in the country toPrevent its gettinginto improperhands Ihave theopportunity of sending the address itself by having been employed to draw it up. before I left town it was signed by the Gent of the Castle with Mr Barnard at their head, by Mr Varley, Willacy Messrs More Talbot Lawson & about a dozen others & there is every reason to think the signatures will be general throughout the district as far as the addresscan be circulatedwithin the Compass ofabout tendayswhen it wasresolved to send itto its destination.If you, Sir, approve of it you will be pleased to signify your consent to oneofthe above mentioned Gentlemen ortothe Bishop himself, but it was resolved upon that no offenceshould be taken against those who objected to signing, as their objection might be against an Improper expression & not against any part ofthe Substance -I have not yet heard the fate of the bill but I conceived it to be on its last legs when it got into the hands of Lord Stanhope. I never attempted to get it absolutelythrown out , though this might easily have been donethree months ago because I was never authorized so to do, but I am in my conscience persuaded that the bad consequences of this will be less than * Priest at Gosport

The Bishop, Dr. Douglass I.e. Mass

those to be apprehended from its passingwith all the amendments that have been made & are expected I remainwith due respect, Yr. most obedt: & faithful Humble Serv J. Milner [Letter addressed to Revd. Mr. Southworth, as above .]

[MS 90. Notefrom Rev. J. Milner to Mr. Southworth , written within a copy of the Bill corrected by Mr. Milner.]

Dr Sir, I send you a copy of the Oath & bill as they stood before Friday together with the alterations then adopted in writing. I should be glad to have in short your opinionon the objectionable parts as the Oath now stands The last alterations are far from satisfying me If the Bishops had thought it proper to specify the precise number & form of necessaryalterations , & I had had but been ever so little supported, I am confident that even I could have carried them all. but the orthodox party is as remiss as the other is active, as deficient in policy as their Antagonists in religion. begging your prayers I am , Dr Sir , Apr. 11 [1791] Yr obedt H Sert J Milner

[Letter addressed to Rd Mr. Southworth, as above] -

[MS. 121. Letter from Rev. J. Milner to Rev. R. Southworth.]

Dr Sir

Irecd your letter this morning & have no more to say concerning the persons whom you write about than that one was a little fair smart man dressed like an Abbé & the other a stout Brown man who was probably the person who called upon you. I was induced to favour them from seeing Mr Bernards hand writing & that of other persons with which I was acquainted. at the same time that in my private judgment I am of the late Bp's opinion who thought that in our particular circumstances no more of those Itinerants ought to be encouraged They did not seem to be those meek & humble men the former Friars appeared to be & were dissatisfied with the smallness of the sum collected I have no reason to doubt the truth of their story, though I think the Bishops or other personswho first sett them agoing ought to be very rigid in their Enquiries I observesome difference between their story to you & that they told me , viz they spoke only of three or four Religious & one lay brother being taken as they were going to preach the Ghospelin Corsica.James Hydewas with me this morninghavingatlengthrecovered his liberty he means to stay a day or two with his friends here. I committed to him the little Pastoral Instruction belonging to you & made him promise to go to his duty soon He has made his Easter but the difficulty of getting the other Prisoners in a proper state to receive oftner has been the cause that he has seldom been oftnerthan at EasterThe new President of Doway has been at Deaths door but is recovered. Mr Daniel I hear is actually dead. I hope the news is false but I have paid such


attention to it as to say Mass for him. Mr Jos Berrington has called Charles Plowden to an Acct. for his book & threatens at the head ofthat Staffordshire Squadron which is always at his command & in whichI am sorryto find the nameofa Southworth, to cite him before a Synod of all the Bishops in England Indeed I was urgentwith Mr P to soften certain passages. I do not hear how I come off. -I have the mortificationto hear that our worthy Mr Lindow is . .. . his reward may yet for some time . . . with best Compt.s to Messrs Sone & Knapp, (Mrs Lynch Gorman & Mr Meaders send theirs to you I am Dr Sir Yr. most respectful & obedt Sert


P.S. You perhaps saw the Latin adress of the Lancashire Clergy Including Messrs Bannister Dunn, John Rigby & Chadwick to the three Bishops congratulatingwith them on the success of their Labors in the affair of the Oath You also know that Mr. Wilkes'ssuspension is at length removed he having made a kind of submission to Mr. Walmesley. Winton Sept 29 1791

I think the pirates mentioned to me were Tunisians not Algerines I know of a translation made at Winchester

MSS. ARCHIV. WESTMON , VOL XLIV, PART 2. [MS 102. Mr. John Sone to Mr. Southworth .]

Mr. Richd . Southworth

Dear Sir

by the great confidence I have in youhave left to you in trust by my last will and testament one thousand pound to be dispos.d of in the manner followingA suffishency for the edication ofWilliam Veal to the time of his takenpriestly orderafter that time ten pound a year for his natural life (a) the same for John Bulbeck if they or either of them do not take priestly orders, then fifty pounds to endever to learn them some tradethe remainder of the said thousand pound to the College were they have ther edication and after there death the whoel to the said Collegedated the 5 December 1792 Jno Sone

(a) Mr. Sone, while living told me repeatedly, that nothing more was now to be done for William Veal, in consequence of his having been already provided for, and bound to a gentleman at Corunna, in Spain: which business was finished in Mr. Sone's lifetime, with his full consent and approbation , in May 1795.Mr. Sone died Octob 16. in the same year. Brockhampton Apr. 13. 1796

Ricd. Southworth

[Note (a) is inMr. Southworth'shand, theformerinMr. Sone's ]


* A Douay student See Ward, History of St. Edmund's College, pp 85 ,

Another Douay student. See ibidem, pp 120, 128 , 146



[MS. 10. Mr. Southworth to Bp. Douglass.]

My Lord,

Brockhampton Jan. 20. 1795. -

Your Lordship'sfavour ofthe 7th. Inst. cameduly to hand Having weighed the contents, I judged it would be better, for the present, not to mention the particularsto Mr. Sone. I only mentioned, that a situation for Wm. Veal, could not be found in London. I apprehend Mr. Sone will think the pension at Old Hall Green, as rated in your Lordship's letter, very high; compared with that of Sedgley Park, whither he has been accustomed to send boys for education, and where he pays foroneatpresent. He has more than once mentioned to me how much Wm Veal has cost him since coming to England; and that youth's not answering the expectation Mr. Sone had preconceived of him (thoughit raises no surprise in me), I perceive, is a deep sore in his mind Besides, for some time he has not been so well as usual, inclinedto be rather low; and the severityof the present season , at his age, is felt more sensibly Also, it is now a little more than a twelvemonthsince he lost his wife: his will had been made previous to her demise: it must now be altered ; which is not yet done For all these reasons , I believe your Lordship will agree with me, that it is prudent not to press the matter at present: and I should be sorry anything should alienate his mind from the proposed establishment in its infancy. What foundation he may propose to make , I apprehend, will be settled in his last will. I have no doubt of his leaving a provision for John Bulbeck's education ; unless the object of it come to an end before he dies , as in Veal's case .When that affair shall be settled, if please God to prolong Mr. Sone's life some time yet, and in the mean time I can meet with a promising well disposed youth, born of parents of approved virtue, and who have a reverence for the priesthood, I intend to propose him to Mr. Sone, in place of Wm. Veal, as one likely to answer his pious intentions, and to give him comfort, as the other gave him concern, in his old age. I have wrote to William Veal, and recommended to him, in his actual, circumstances, to put up with something lowerthan what perhaps he may aspire to in London If it will not suit him to teach others what he has been himself learning all his life time, and for which alone he is fit, why cannot he thinkofsome handicraft or mechanic trade, or more ordinary employ, such as that of a Shoemaker, taylor, carpenter, &c, or a grocer, either in the neighbourhood ofOld Hall Green, or in some othercountry-town, or place, near to a Catholic Chapel; by means of which he might be settled to get his bread by honest industry and labour; and give his friends the satisfactionto find, that if he must not be a good Priest , hewill at least be (as I heartily pray God he may) a good Xtian. I conclude with my dutiful respects, and beging Your Lordships blessing, and remain, My Lord, Your obedient & humble servant , Ricd Southworth

[MS. 101. Mr. Southworth to Bp. Douglass.]

My Lord , Brockhampton Oct. 6. 1795.

Your Lordship's favour dated 26th ult. I hereby acknowledge; should have wrote sooner again, had anything particular occurred since my last, the date of whichI do not now recollect. Good Mr. Sone still continues decaying, by slow degrees : may linger on some weeks, perhaps months, in what may be called a dying condition. He has now been 8 weeks, and upwards, confined to his bed, in a manner, helpless and speechless : his constitution, naturally strong and vigorous, and unimpaired by excess of any kind, combats death a long time Even in his extreme weakness he retains something of his native activity: loves to be doing, even to the end; even, as I may say , when past doing. I mentioned to him what your Lordship desired. He was sensible of it and appeared to take it kindly His warm wellwishes to your rising Establishment he can express to the last: was meditating to send you a second 2000, and had actually begun to set a hand to that work; but through weakness and inability was obliged to desist, and leave it re infecta - Kind compts to Mr. Barnard What he used to remit aboutMichaelmas in your name to Mr. Sone, and self, I think he had best defer till Lady Day in March next. - I have not forgot that I owe a letter to Mr. Poynter: purpose, please God, to write to him before the end of the present month With my duty and beging your blessing, I remain, My Lord , Your obedient hum: Servant , Ricd Southworth

[Letter addressed to R.R. Mr. Douglass, N. 4 Castle Street , Holborn, London ]

[MS 109. Mr. Southworth to Bp. Douglass]

My Lord, Brockhampton Octob 29. 1795

In my last I mentioned that I would write again, and more fully. I then foresaw there might be occasion.

The late Mr. Sone about two or three years back , sent to Sedgley Park a little boy related to him The boy is now about 12 years old: his name also John Sone The parents are Protestants, of very moderate circumstances and have a large family. They readily consented that Mr. Sone should provide for their son, and bring him up a Catholic : and I have reason to believe that had it pleased God to prolong his life some years, and the child turned out as his good Benefactor hoped and wished , he would have settled upon him and his heirs something very considerable. As mattersnow stand, he is to have 1000 pounds when come to age; and in Mr. Sone'sWill no provision has been left for his Education. Wherefore Mr. John Sone Junr who succeeds to the Mill and business, and is nearlyrelated to the boy, beged

I should write in his behalf and desire you should put him on a fund if it could be done His parents object not to his being brought up a Catholic, or taking Orders, if his inclination shall lead him thereto Mr. Sone, before he was taken ill, as soon as there wasquestionof a School at Newport, Isle ofWight, designed to send this boy thither; and with that view, during his illness , gave directions for his being removed from Sedgley Park, and sent down hither: and nowhe is at home with his parents, at Steyning, in Sussex. Mr. Horrabin, as Agent for the Park, may perhaps be able to give some account of him; which with the particulars above stated, may help to direct you in deciding what to do on the occasion . Were I consulted, I should advise eitherto answer for him yourself, (perhaps on certain conditions) or prevail with Mrs. Heneage to answer for him, at least for a twelvemonth , or so: after which, if found promising, he might be removed to Old Hall, and put on a fund; or otherwise providedfor, as circumstances might require At any rate in sending him to the Isle of Wight for the present, two good things will be done: the boy (who otherwise may go to Church) will be brought up a Catholic : and Mr. Hawcke's infant establishment will be benefited . I say, for a twelvemonth or so: because Mr. John Sone , who now has the business, and on whom, above all, the late deceased's legatees, the care of this child rests, will receive a very considerable sum, left him in the Will, at the end of a twelvemonth , forwhichin the meantime he mustpay interest; and then he will be better able to provide for his namesake and nephew on his own bottom .To this I beg the favour of an answer as soon as convenient, for fear the boy's disposition should suffer by staying at home too long.

Withregard tothe 8000 left to Mr. Wright ofCovent GardenMr. Sone, while living, directed me to deliver 400 guineas into the hands of Mr. Butler of Havant as his agent, towards raising a second 2000, as before. This I have done; and Mr. Butler, as I understand, will go up to town again on that business ; and I presume, will settle the whole in conjunctionwith your Lordship, and Mr. Wright, and with the Executors (Mr. James Knapp of Langston, and Mr. John Lane of Arundel) as far as they may be concerned, conformably to the donor's intentions: for the Executors ought not to be acquainted withthe purpose for which the donation is intended : though in reality it is no secret; for morally speaking, it is known in substance, by every body in this neighbourhood : Mr. Sone having mentioned it himself long ago to different persons , men and women .

Now as to Brockhampton house and land, which stood in Bp Thos Talbot'snameas far as I can learn, it must be taken out in a certainCourt, under a new name; and a certain finealso must be paid to the Lord of the Manor The fine for Brockh . , * Foundressof Newport (I.W.) and Cowes Missions .

I am told, is very light This court is held once a year; in May. Bp. Thos Talbot died in April last If the Successor does not settle the business in thefirst Court held aftertheformerPossessor's demise, at the next thefine will be the greater: and if three courts be suffered to pass and nothing done, the whole will become forfeited to the Lord of the Manor. This , I understand, is the case of Brockhampton house and land.

Mr. Sone has left 1000 pd in trust to me; which I am not to receive till after a twelvemonth On this I am charged, in part, to pay for John Bulbeck's education Mr. Sone, while living, gave me money to pay for him; as I have hitherto done The last payment was sometime in May, I believe, the 23rd. The expencesfromthat timetill Mr. Sone'sdeath Oct. 16. Iapprehend, the Executors ought to discharge; after which I will pay for the rest, if judged to be just and reasonable both during the twelvemonth and thenceforwards , when the money comes in. About this I have wrote to Mr. Poynter; and hope the young man will continue to give satisfaction

I heartily pray God to grant that all may be done in the most perfect union and peace among Mr. Sone's relations and friends, in mercy to his and their souls: and I hope that any cloud which passion may raise, will be dispelled by the benign warmth of the Sun of justice.

Please to present my kind respects and affectionate wishes of health and happiness to my good friends withyou: hopethat they are well. For old acquaintance sake I should be happy to take up my lodgings at the Castle, whenever I come to town ,if you will give me leave, and there be a spare bed: the garret will do very well.By Mr. Sone's death, Mr. Hawcke falls into an annuity for life of 15 pounds He has wrote to me about it. Half of it was due to Mr. Sone at Michaelmas last, as , I believe, mentioned before. From what I know of Mr. Sone's intentions, there can be no difficulty in Mr. Hawcke's receiving the whole at Lady Day in March next; and if he should want a littlemoney in the mean time, I am willing to advance it; that he may not trouble either your Lordship or Mr. Barnard about it. With my duty, and beging your blessing, I remain, My Lord, Your obedient humble Servant ,

[Address on letter as in MS. 101.] Ricd. Southworth.

MSS. ARCHIV. WESTMON., VOL . XLVII. [MS 255. Mr. Southworth to Bp Douglass]

My Lord, Brockhampton , Nov. 22. 1798

The occasion of my troubling you with this is as follows . Yesterday I happened to call on Mr. Sone ; when I found both him and Mrs. Sone in considerable perplexity, on account of a

letterreceived(some days back) from Mr. Clarkson, their nephew; in which he expresses a wish, unexpected to them as wellas to myself, of coming back again into these parts, and living with them, till such time as he can be provided with a place to his liking. We do not see what good purpose his abidinghere can answer . He has been at Bedhampton better than five months . His uncle has been very good to him; has given him his board all the time; and shewedhim kindness in other respects. OfSeabathing he has had a fair trial: and this is not the season . Of the manner of proceeding in my little way he has seen sufficient : there is nothing for him to do here In short, it is the opinion of all his friendsin these parts that to abide here as before would only be losing time, serve to increase his difficulties , and make him more loath to set his hand to the plough They wish him therefore to takecourage, and set himselfwith a good heart, under his Bishop's and God Almighty's blessing, to any work that may be assignedhim, in London or elsewhere, till such time as hecan be settled in a regular way. Still however , as we rely on your Lordship's superiour prudence and more full knowledge of circumstances, Mr. Sone would willingly agree to his returning, if such should be your particular desire, or any prudential motive required it. But Mr. Clarkson intimates nothing of that kind himself in his letter; but offers to pay Mr. Sone 10 shillingsor half of a guinea a week for his board: an offer quite needless; as Mr. Sone would readily admit and treat him on the same footing as before, were it for any good and approved by his Superiours And for this reason I was requested to write to your Lordshipas these good people abovementioned did not knowhow to answer , or what to say to Mr. Clarkson's proposal; thoughit be now several days since his letter came to hand.Wherefore, ifit be your Lordship's wish that Mr. Sone should do anything particular in regard to his nephew further than what he has done, we humbly request the favour of a line: on the other side if we do not hear from your Lordship, we shall conclude that Mr. Clarkson has made up his mind agreeably to our ideas as stated above.

I believe Mr. Clarkson to be a pious, conscientiousyoungman I apprehend, however, he is a little whimsical and does not know his own mind with easily and suddenly changing it; this in part may be owing to a nervous complaint he is troubledwith: circumstances at first siting out somewhat unpromising. I have also reasontothink he is liableto takeexceptions against persons and things too hastily, and without sufficient grounds Which indisposition , if yielded to, must naturally tend to subject him to inconveniences he might otherwise avoid. I have heard both his Uncle and Aunt more than once express their regret at his leaving Old Hall Green.

*A student at Old Hall, previously at Douay See Ward, Hist of St. Edmunds , p. 75 et passim

In regard to the people of this Cong. I have nothing to say in particular. Theyare, God be thankedforit, well. Mrs. Wright, late Mrs. Sone's sister, has been very ill; but is recovered, and now as usual; though unable to come to the Chapel Divine Providence is pleased to prolong her life, in mercyto her family. I am sorry to hear our Ven Dean is in a weak state ofhealth May God be his support and comfort. He has sent many before him to heaven, whom he shall be happy to meet when it shall please God beg to be remembered in the kindest and most affectionate manner to him: the same likewise to your Lordship: also to Mr. Barnard & Mr. Horrabin: and beging your blessing, I remain , My Lord, your obedient and humble Servant, Ricd . Southworth.

[Letter addressed to R. R.d Mr. Douglass, No. 4 Castle Street, Holborn]

[Further Correspondence of the Rev. R. Southworth dealing with Gosport and Portsea will be found under those Missions in subsequent volumes of this series.]


A note-book with cardboard covers, leather-faced, 7 x 5 inches and in. thick, of 80 pages, unnumbered Three leaves have been torn out at the beginning. These apparently contained a sermon , judging by the few words on the torn portions which remain and by the words on p. 1 , which are scriptural texts dealing with the Holy Ghost, and occupy 1 inches at the topofthe page: the rest is blank.

[pp. 2, 3 and 4 blank.]

[p. 5] Resolutions adopted by the Governors ofSt. Patrick's Charity Schoolsand Asylumfor orphans, established inSt Giles's Parish, London

That as Catholics firmly attached to our Religion, and grate- fultoGod foritsinvaluable blessings , we are thoroughlyconvinced that Christian education essentially comprises the early and assiduousinculcatingof the principles ofthe holy Roman Catholic Religion, both as to articles of Faith and the practical duties proposed to us in our catechism

That it is thestrict obligation, and one of the most important duties of every Catholic parent, from the various considerations of his own and his offspring's salvation, and of the well-being of society, to provide, to the best of his power, a ChristianCatholic education for his children ; who without efficacious helps to guide their conduct, and without remedy for their errors, would be exposed to the evident risk of growing up in a criminal and dangerous indifference.

That the schools in [St scored] Gorge-[sic]Street, Bloomsbury, entitled St Giles Irish Catholic Schools, being founded on principles notoriously opposed to the Holy Roman Catholic Religion, and positively excluding everykind of Catholicinstruction, are not Catholic, but an insidious delusion to entrap the simple and unwary.

That entertaining the highest respect for the sacred Scriptures, and receiving them togetherwith their interpretationfrom our lawful Pastors, as becomes dutiful children of our holy Mother the Roman Catholic Church, whose commission it is to teach, and whom it behoves us to hear and obey; we cannot approve of bibles unauthorized by our spiritual superiors being put into the hands of children, to form a part of their education.

That knowing unity to be essential to truth, and beholding men of mature age and judgment, and of the greatest [p 6] greatest talents, by putting their own individual constructionon the Sacred Scriptures, daily separating into innumerable sects , each sect containing the prolific principles of new and endless division; we confess ourselves totally unable to comprehend how the infant mind is to unravel the mysteries of thatsacredvolume.

The public benevolenceis solicited in aid of the St. Patrick's charity schools, and Asylum for orphans, situate in Denmark Street, St. Giles, and Dean Street, Soho, under the sanction and patronage of the Right Rev. Dr. Poynter Jan. 26. 1816 .

[There follows, on pp 6, 7 and 8, what is evidently a short sermon with the text " Suffer little children, " in which the onlyfresh point made isthat " the Catholiccatechism andtheCatholicclergyman are equally proscribed" in St. Giles's School ]

[p. 8 continued] June 29. 1817. Maria Karn, a youngwoman about 20 years of age, was associatedto the Holy Catholic Church, having made the Profession of Faith (Pius IV. Creed) in Brockhampton Chapel, in presense [sic] of Mary Critchett and Mary Veal Ric Southworth

[14.5 cms . blanki.e. the rest of the page.]

[p. 9] [In the Rev. R. Southworth's hand]

Some account of the Funds left for the support of Brockhampton Mission, with the obligations annexed to each of them

Mr. John Sone of Bedhampton left two funds, which jointly yield[ed scored] £30 pr annum, as follows. -1° He put in the stocks £500. This at first yielded £20 pr an for which it was expected (as himself expressed to me) that the Incumbent for the time being should say Mass in general, on the Wednesdays and Fridays throughoutthe year ; (his intention being free); that the Catholics might have an opportunity of hearing Mass on those days, on which the Protestants here at Havant have regularly prayers in their Church

2º The fund abovementioned, after some time, instead of £20, yielded only £15 the 4 pr cnts being reduced to 3 pr cent . This being so, Mr. Sone put into the hands of the Bp (whether Bp Challoner, or Bp Talbot I know not) £1,000 ; for which his Lordship was to be answerable for £30 pr an of which £15 , to be paid to John Hawcke during his life; and after his death , the above £15 to go to increasethe Bp's salary .The remaining£15 . for the benefit of BrockhamptonChapel in manner following.―


£10 . for Mass to be said once each calendar month for the souls ofthe Faithfuldeparted of this Congregation [and for Mr. Sone's family in particular inserted above] On what particular day of the week notice must be publicly given on the preceedingSunday. -The remaining £5 to be added to the £15 abovementioned ; thus to make up the original £20 pr an as first mentioned So the whole amount of what the abovementioned Mr. Sone left to this Chapel and Mission is £30 pr annum .

30 John Higgins left by will a portion of land to the Rev. David Morgan, forthe benefit of the Chapel This was afterwards sold, and the money vested in the Funds. It yields £10 4. 3 pr an. No particular intentions are specified. The trust(Iunderstand) was in the hands of the late Lord Dormer, whosefirst wife was Sister to Bps James and Thomas Talbot John Higgin's relations, after his death, contested the legacy, but without effect. Still Bishop James Talbot recommended them in a particular manner to me, in case they should come to be in want; viz. mindful of what [has above] come[s scored] to the Chapel from this family. Theseare numerous in this Congregation, viz Hickes , Bulbecks, Collins &c.

[p. 10] 4° Mrs Elizabeth Knapp, * sen* of Langston (who died Aug. 7. 1781.) while living, gave £200, stock. This yields £6 pr an. Intentions --1 mass per month forthelivingand departed of her family. Also 1 mass to be said on the anniv of each of her children after their death, viz Richard, James , Rev. Joseph, Elizabeth (Wheeler), Mary (Todd). Of all these , previous notice must be given in the chapel of the day when the Masses are intended to be said: the like with respect to the anniversaries, as they may occur .This fund was settled by and with the Rev. Richard Cornthwaite , who at that time served this Mission. Her own and Husband's (Ricd) annivs included. Ricd died Mar. 14. 1762

50 Mrs.ElizabethMorey (whosefamily name was Frampton, and who died Feb. 28. 1788.) left by Will £200, for the benefit of this chapel This yields £7. 16. 0. pr an .The intentions1 masspr month, for the living, then forthe departed, alternately, of the families Morey, Ayles, Frampton and Tanner Notice to be given beforehand as above.

60 Miss Elizabeth Knapp (daughter of Ricd and Eliz. Champ) left byWill£100 This yields £4 10. 0. She died Nov. 22. 1807 . Her Mother also (Mrs. Eliz. Knapp (Champ) abovementioned) left by Will£100. which brings in £4. 11. 0. pr an.---Shedied Feb. 16. 1809. Her husband Richarddied June 24. 1806.Intentionsone Mass pr month for Ricd Knapp jun" and family: day at the discretion of the Pastor .These two were left to me Rica Southworth, but for intention abovementioned. * Maiden name Ring. John Knapp is for some reasonomitted (see 5º in the "Sum of the intentions" below).

70 [60 scored] From the Rev. JohnMartin's money (formerly of Gosport) £3 16. pr annum . Intentions . . 4 Masses pr an [for his soul above] to be said; as to the time, at discretion .Mr Martin died at Gosport Feb. 14. 1788 .

80 [7° scored] Mrs. Mary Sone, second wife of Mr. John Sone , jun left to me , Ricd Southworth, by Will £100, which I have put in the hands of the Bishop, to be vested in the public funds It bringsin 5 pr an .For this I wish 3 Masses pr annum to be offered for the following intentions1st one Mass to be said on the 3d day of March, for the repose of her soul and that of her Husband, who died on that day in 1806.She died Feb. 11 1808.2dly Another Mass to be said on the Feast ofSt. Joseph, to beg his holy prayers and intercession, as Guardianof Brockhampton Congregation .3dly a third Mass to be said on someday during the Octave of All Saints, for the souls of the Catholics buried at Warblington--on what day, notice to be publicly given in the Chapel [p. 11] £500 (left me by Brother William) in the Imperial 3 pr Cents, yields£15pr annum. This I have causedto be annexed tothe other fundsfor BrockhamptonMission, as above I mean it to go to my Successorin office, for the time being, after my death, in perpetuum . From this stock it is my wish that £10 pr annum be given, after my death, to assist some pious and discreet Catholic School master, or mistress, for teaching the Children of the poor Catholics of the Congregation, gratis, or at a reduced price ; as may be deemed proper by the joint concurrence of the Bishopand Incumbentfor the time being.

90 There is likewise a fund in theSouthSea Annuities, commonly called the Hantsfund This yields £11 12s 2d pr annum . ofthis £2 68 8d is for Brockhampton: intentions, 2 Masses pr an for the souls of the Founders Of the origin, or grounds of it, I knownothing. I onlysuppose it to bearemnantofwhatformerly served for the support of the Chapel, being prior to Mr. Sone's foundations , the most ancient, I believe of those that belong to this Mission .The remaining£9 5. 6. is to be divided among the Brethren residing in Hampshire The conditions necessary to becomeintitled[sic]to it. 1° to say 4 Masses pr an for the Benefactors ofthe Fund 2° that on enteringthemselvesmembers they contribute £5. towards its increase, or their respective Divd be withheld till it amounts to that sum. I know no other particulars: have only heard that the chief Author and active Promoter of it was the Rev. John Betts, who for some time kept a School at Twyford, near Winchester , and died at LondonMar. 28. 1770.

100 one Mass must also be said on the Anniv. of Bishop Thomas Talbot, who for several years was Pastor ofthis Congregation before he was Bishop of the midland District. He died April 24. 1795. about 6 months before Mr. Sone, sen , his intimate

* The CatholicDirectory gives February 24.


friend while residing here. He left, by Will, these premises to the Mission; also the land, on condition of giving £5 to the poor, or for other charitable purposes. He is regarded as a secondFounder of this Chapel after the Rev. David Morgan.Mr John Sone, sen is accounted a principal Benefactor .for many years the Pillar of this Congregation.Mr. Morgan died at Bedhampton Nov. 4. 1758 Ricd Southworth, July 9. 1817. Sum [р 12] of the intentions which the Incumbent of Brockhampton is obliged to discharge annually.

1º One Mass every calendar month for the souls of the faithful departed of this Congregationparticularly for those of Mr. Sone's family.

2º One Mass every month for Ricd and Eliz. Knapp and family living and dead

3º One Mass every month for the families of Morey, Ayles, Frampton and Tanner ; but alternately, for the living and dead ofthesamefamilies .Ofthesethree, notice to begiven beforehand

4º One Mass every month for the family of Ricd and Eliz Knapp jun & family living and dead

50 One Mass on each of the following anniversariesOf Ricd Knapp sen" Mar. 14. of Elizabeth his wife Aug. 7.--Of Eliz Wheeler Octob. 11.of John Knapp (deacon at Douay) Nov. 7of James Knapp, Aug. 16.of Mary Todd Septemb 9. -of Ricd Knapp jun June 24.Of Joseph Knapp (Rev.) after his death [in the Rev. J. Kimbell's hand Dec 18 .]Catherine Bulbeck Decr 14th

60 Also on the following Annivries of John Sone, jun and Mary his second wife Mar. 3.of the Honble & R. Rev. Thomas Talbot Apr. 24. *of the Rev. David Morgan Nov. 4.-

On the Feast of St. Joseph Mar. 19 in his honour, andas guardian of the Brockhampton Congregation.On some day within the Octave ofAll Saints, for the souls of the Catholics whose remains lie buried in Warblington Church yardon what day notice to be given

70 4 Masses per an. for the Benefactors of the Hantsfund4 also pro animâ Rev. D. Joan Martin [Another hand 2 Masses for 1-6-8 from Hantsfund] *

N.B. with regard to the abovementioned intention on the Feast of St JosephIf it should so fall out hereafter that the Pastor appointed to serve this Congregation be antecedently bound in his intention on the aforesaid Festival, it will be sufficient if, in that case, he devoutly join my intention with his own Likewise, should his intention be entirely free, he may still join to mine any private intention of his own, as devotion

* The Catholic Directory gives February 24

may direct him, and as far as he can sine praejudicio intentionis principalis. My only wish is that this [p. 13] Congregation be devoutly commended to the pious care and regard of the holy Patriarch St Joseph at Mass on his Festival Mar. 19. becauseit was on that day Ireceived the holy Order of Priesthood in 1768 and have ever since regarded that glorious Saint as my special Protector and Patron. Ricd Southworth, July 14. 1817 .

[Line drawn across the page.]

[In the Rev. J. Kimbell's hand]

N.B. The three sums specified above of £100 each, which were left by Miss E. Knapp, Mrs. E. Knapp & Mrs Mary Sone , on account of the reduction of the Five Cents produce now only the following sums: viz Miss Knapp's instead of £4. 10-£3. 15. 6 Mrs Knapp's .. Mrs. Sone's £4 . 11-3. 16. 3 .£5£4.4. Joseph Kimbell July 1. 1824

[4 cms . blank save for pencilled figures.]

1833.- [In the Rev. J. Kearns' hand]

Miss Catherine Bulbeck made a bequest in favour of this Chapel. She left to it by will £100 . It is placed in the public funds It produces £3 10. 8 pr annum .


The above money was left on thefollowing [p. 14] conditions that the Incumbent of Brockhampton expend the money left, on the repairs of the Chapel and the Houseand that he say a Mass for Miss Bulbeckon her Anniversary. "Miss Bulbeckdied December the 14th 1832. John Kearns

[Line across the page ]

[In the Rev. E. Reardon's hand]

Mr West put £100 in thefundsthe interestto be giventothe schools at Brockhampton Dr Danell the Bishop has paid me year Oct 1873 . E. Reardon

Again Mr West invested another £100 with the Bishop. July 1876 (but too late forthe then Dividend)-on conditionthat four of the children of his late son John should be educated gratis.

[p. 15] £15 a year was taken from the funds ofthe mission by the sale of the great meadow in 1874 to Mr West. Thepriest was supposed to give £5 yearly out of the above to the poor- but as the income has ceased so also must the obligation The above produce of meadow was placed in building new church.

[Line across page.]

The fixed endowment for the Havant Mission is £84: per an. E.R. for School West £6 annuallythe Bishop sends this half yearly

Mr West invested £100in Consols 16 April 1877for 8 perpetual Masses. Dr Danell received the money and said it would [p. 16] be equal to £105-

The Masses to be offered up for Mr West's soul and for that of his Wife Mary Ann West


Mr West sent on July 18th 1877 £200 for the Havant School of St Josephs making altogether £400for the School theinterest on which is £12 per an The first £200 pay the interest in Oct & April

In the Rev. W. Stone's hand]

Mr JosephWest gave also the ground upon whichtheChurch & Presbyterystandas well as the Cemetery School & he was a great benefactor to this Mission. W. Stone.

[The next 61 pages blank. The book is then written infrom the back . On the inside back cover is a price in pencil, 1/9, and an extractfrom a printed circular signed by E. Reardon and W. J. Connolly , Havant, August 30th, 1878, is pasted in. Itis headed Extract from Memorandum written by Richard Southworth, July 14th, 1817 , and reproduces No. 9 of Father Southworth's Memorandum given above, about the Hants Fund, and below The above is a true extract from the Memorandum Book, kept by the Rev. Richard Southworth, at the Mission of St Joseph, Havant]

[p. 80, in the book, now reversed. First, an extractfrom letters to religious women, and others, written by Louis-François-Gabriel D'Orléans de la Motte, Bishop of Amiensborn Jan. 13. 1603 . died June 10. 1774.was consecratedJuly 5. 1734hewas regarded as the St Francis de Sales of the 18th century.]

[Line across the page ]

[On the left-hand side of the page] Brockhampton Account May 10. 1816. with Mr. Hodgson. £ 20 0.20

Havant (Sone's first)


Sone's MM



Southworth Navy (Southworth)

Mrs. Eliz . Knapp

Miss Eliz . Knapp


Imperial 3 pr cents Hants fund 10. 4. 3 10. 0. 0

16. 0

0. 0 5. 0. 0 5.0.04. 11. 0 4. 10. 0 3.16.015. 0. 0 11. 12. 2 .10 pr cent deducted 103. 9. 5

[On the right-hand side of the page] £10 8. 10. prop. Tax. gen fd Divd this year £4 . 4. 0

Cardinals declared by the Pope (Pius VII ) in a consistory held Rome July 23. 1816. [Therefollow biographical details offive Cardinals.]

[p. 79 blank ]

[р 78]

Brockhampton 1839

Amount of Monies Collected for Colleges &c from April to July 1839 s d Weekly Subs Donations 3. 1. 6 2

£5. 1. 6

N.B. of the above sum £1 10 reserved for Local wants

[Line across page ]

1840 Jan 25 July 27. 1839 Jno Kearns

£5. 9

N.B. of the above sum £2 14 6 to be reserved for Home wants.

[Line across page.]

Augt 6th J. Kearns.

£4. 18 .

N.B. ofthe above sum £2 9. to be kept for Home wants

J. Kearns.


Portion of a Letter writtenby Sister (later Prioress) Mary Maurus Corney, O.S.B., * from St. Mary's Priory, Princethorpe, near Rugby, dated 20 May 1915 .

" Just fancy you having been to Havant and Hayling where I spent so manyhappy days when I was a child. Weused to stay at a house in front of the beachthere were very few houses on the Isle in those days. The Miss Bulbeck who sold her property is my second cousin but my first cousin has still a good deal of house property in Havant. The familyused to live in the corner house of East Street opposite the Protestant Church and previous to that in a housein West St. where there is a very nice garden. We had to hear Mass at Brockhamptonin a kind of Barn Chapel which had a hidingplace for the Priestin a tiny Choir loft. Then my uncle's ambition was to see a new Catholic Church built & he gave most of the money for it & I used to go with him to see how his Altar was progressing at the Masons in London My cousin who is a great Musician was organist & choir Master & he collected the money for the Organ. I was at the opening ofthe Church &nearlyall the membersof the Bulbeck & Corney families met on that occasion The Rev. J. Corney buried at Havant was my Father's eldest brother. He became a Franciscan & was in Americafor a great many years, then he got secularized & ended his days at Havant . . .

* MaryCorney, dau ofCharles F. Corneyand Susanna Bulbeck, educated at Princethorpe; travelled on the Continent with her parents; entered the Novitiate at Princethorpe in 1878; professed 1880; Prioress from 1923 till her death in 1936, aged 80 . Two Fathers Bulbeck, O.S.B. , monks of Downside Abbey, were her uncles They died in the Guest House at Princethorpe Dom Charles Austin Corney, O.S.B. , of Downside Abbey, is her nephew.


Written on 26 sheets of ordinary writing-paper, each sheet 7 x 4 inches , by a member of the Bulbeck family. *

[p. 1]

Notes connected with the Brockhampton Mission taken at random

There has been a mission at Havant all through, in early times at Langstone the whole of which village was occupied by Catholics' Houses in the memoryof personsliving, Knapp, Hicks & Morey 1843 ?

Tradition said there was a Chapel in the roof of some ofthe cottages overlooking the sea . Last summer Mr Samuel [p. 3] Clarke of Havant 1895 purchased same cottages, and in repairing found a chapel-looking room (nice Arch), & they enquired if ever there had been a chapel (Catholic) there.

[р. 5]

Hayling Island

The Manor ofHayling belongedto the Duke ofNorfolk,which was sold to Mr. Wm Padwick about 1820 to 1825. The Duke till lately allowed the Priest £5 a year for the poor of Hayling William Bulbeck (brother of my grandfather ), with a large family lived a tenant at the Norfolk Arms, Sinai Common one son John (see further on). [InterlinedJohn, William, Joseph, Kate Mary Martha over]. [on p. 6 John, see Emsworth, Joseph was bailiff at Old Hall College 1847 ? Kate some time housekeeper to Dr Bew]

The last of the poor in Hayling was Mrs Reeks some of her family kept the faith some fell away.

[р 7]



The chapel was removed from Langstone to Brockhampton (when) and was held in the atticks of 3 cottages (near the late chapel). The cottages were burnt down (1850 ? ?) and three more were built on the same foundations by Mr Jos. West. They remain still. About theyear1750 ??? Fr HonbleThomas Talbot (afterwards Bishop of Midland District 1766 § (1776 ?) (Cath . Directory) built a very substantially built house and chapel. The House in front, the Chapel over the kitchen scullery pantry etc. & stair case from outside leading to ita prettychapel even now The Altar for it was removed to the new churchand benches for the aisles newly backedStables for the use ofthe congregation at a distance. The Altar had a painted leather frontal

[p . 9] I have seen the same pattern at Coughton & Worcester . There were some old old vestments , not many.

At the entrance a board (not Mass)

Afternoon Prayers on Sundays [Sketch of notice-board used for announcing times of prayers.]

* From internal evidence these Notes appear to have been written between the years 1896 and 1899

Brackets and contents in MS

Fr. Thomas Talbot arrived in Brockhampton in 1756 § Coadjutor 1766, succeeded as V.A. Midland District 1778 .

Vespers & Compline recited Catechism by heart & Challoner

Bp: Pointer [i.e. Bishop Poynter] from Petersfield said his catechism at the Altar rails.

[p. 8] FrHonbleJamesTalbot was Fr Thos Talbot'sbrother , afterwards Bp of London District, was tried before Judge Mansfield for saying Mass and let off by the Judge. In the Gordon Riots Mansfield's house was burnt down for it

[р 11]


In the garret was a large quantity of Papers Fr Donovan made the acquaintance ofthe Snook family at Bedhampton Mill, who were related to Sir Charles Dilke of Chichester Donovan gave the papers to Sir Charles and Snook's Cart 1852 ? fetched them Dilke sent them to the British Museum They are the celebrated " Carrol [i.e. Caryll] Papers," " Dilke's Collection. "

Gasquet has consulted them there. Mr Snook left his fortune to Sir Charles Dilke The last of the Carrol's family, of Cowdray, Midhurst, ended his days at Brockhamptonand no doubt brought the Papers & other things thereSee Longcroft's History. There was also a Box very heavy about 15 ins long, 6 or 8 wide 10 high, as [p. 13]far as I can remember Mr Kearns broke open the box, and showed [it omitted] to me, containingMedals in Bronze , Copper and Silver (a paper once containing a gold medal ofthe Pretender). About A.D. 1850 Mr TierneyofArundel took them to Dr Grant to London, and no one has heard ofthem since [

Here are rough sketches of both sides of the gold medal of the Pretender, mentionedabove .]

On one side the head of the Pretender The reverse an old dead oak tree and a small one springing up by its side [p . 15]

Brockhampton cont'd

Where did the medals come from ? Did Carrol bring them ? or did they come from Countess Newburg of Slindon (a relation of Earl of Derwentwaterexecuted fortaking part in the rebellion . His property confiscated and Greenwich Hospital built with it). Lady Newburg often visited Brockhamptonto see FrSouthwell§ A part of an old 13th century Cope from Brockhamptonwas sold (1895) to the South Kensington Museum for £120 of very curious work only 3 or 4 known [Ф. 17] Brockhampton cont'd to exist in the world of the same workmanship . Red groundwith figures of the Crucifixion (very curious) Prophets &c Where did it come from ? Carrols ?

* The even pages are generally blank, save for a few notes such as the above See Foley, Records S.J., iii, 534 , note Asterisk in MS calls attention to note in pencil on opposite page [p. 10]: " Not Cowdray but Lady Holt Park, Harting & West Grinsted . " § Mistake, for Southworth.


2 priests used to be at Brockhampton (Fr Silveira remembered french exiles) for the neighbourhood The nearest missions were Arundel Castle, Slindon (the chapel at the top of the house upthe servants' stairs I remember), Tichbourne , Southend** near Hambledon when a Catholic family lived there When the family left, and the mission fellaway The Jesuits left itforSevenOaks There wasno chapel at Portsmouth Ithink there was atGosport , up a wretched passage behind the houses A Garden near Brockhampton once belonged to the mission, almost opposite the 3 cottages

[p. 19] A very large fig tree (beautiful) and a very largevine used to grow round the Chapel, no doubt planted by Fr Talbot (the fig still exists !) & the stump of the vine only. Mr Ritort (Spaniard) used to make the altar wine from the vine grapes. There used to be a beautiful stream for trout at the bottom of the garden now taken by the Water Works. *

Whenthe Mission wasmoved to thepresent church atHavant Mr Jos. West wished to purchase Brockhampton (for £800) [on oppositepage, p. 18: The old Chapel has been used once at least as a Ball-room and now as a fruit and vegetable store room] and [p. 20] make it over to the Bishop to be used as a Home forretired Priests, the offer was declined, and then having intended or dedicated the £800 to religious purposes he consulted me, what to do with it, and I recommended him to offer it to the New Portsmouth Cathedral, as a great work in the Diocese, & which he intended to do However he died before executing it and the money wasin the Bank Mr. West gave theground for the present church and built the wall round the Cemetery and put in the window over the Altar.

р 21]



The " Blessed Countess of Salisbury § was taken from Warblington Castle to be tried & executed H. VIII. Many Catholics were buried at Warblington, see the tombs ofAyles, Hicks, Todd, King, &c Knapps

In one grave are 4 priests

Fr Southworth

Fr Knapp

Dr Bew

Fr Ritort.

Recusants & their ruinous fines are mentioned byFrGasquet at Warblington

Dr Bew lived and died in the house on the right-hand side , beyond the Hayling Railway Bridge (Kate Bulbeck his housekeeper)

* x calls attention to a note on the next page [p. 18]: "xAfterSouthend was given up, the poor Catholics had to walk 12 or 14 miles to Gosport. " Asterisk in MS calls attentionto note on the opposite page [p 16]: " Not Seven Oaks Nr Tunbridge Wells "; but it was to Tunbridge Wells area that the Jesuit Fathers went. xin MS calls attention to note on the oppositepage [p 18]: "xStream has been spoilt by sewage matter draining into itno trout nowvery little Blessed Margaret Pole water . "


Dr Bew was headmaster at Oscott May 1794 President till and built part of old Oscott. 1808

[p. 23]

Curious state of Catholic society at the beginning of this century

My Father John Bulbeck a tradesman of Havant, used to meet at Slindon House, as guests of Lady Newburg, Barbara Morrisa farmer's daughter of Rouscomb, beyond Lewes (justthen they had a chapel in the house at Rouscomb where an exiled frenchpriest used to say Mass), to carry on their courting. They were married at the old Chapel at Brighton 1818the nearest mission, 13 miles- (nowa furniture storehouse). My father buried Lord Newburg , at Slindon Church , and very many years ago , afterwards, my brother buried Lady Newburg at Chichester in the church which She had built [p. 24] Lady Newburg used to come to Havant and sleep at my father's, to go to Confessionto Father Southworth who was a very holy priest

The descendents of the Morris family are all lost to the church . At the beginning of this century, nearlyall the southof Sussex was belonging to Catholics. The Gage Family (Lord), beyond Lewes , at the Catholic Emancipationgave up the faith, as now being no longer bound by honour to keep it. How many others !!!

[p . 25]


John Soane, theMiller (or Sone) lived at the old Bedhampton Mill, of which a part still exists ; belonging to Mr Clarke, it has been enlarged, and stands the nearest to the Water Works (the other is Mr Snook's) He left his fortune to Old Hall Green, and with it the New College was built (£30,000). He is buried in Bedhampton Church Yard.

Dr Hick's (of Havant) sons were all sent to Old Hall College It was during their [read the] troublesome times when several boys had to be expelled [p. 27] The young Hicksall became Medical Doctors, Havant, Emsworth&c. They all abandoned the Faith Johnof Emsworth'ssecond wife, Miss FannyChristophus, was a Catholic He returned to the churchand died soon . His son by his 2nd wife, Edward, died a very youngpriestin London. Were the Hicks sent to College on account of John Soane's Benefactions ?

Charles Veal (crippledin his [? sinue] ) used to tell me ofthe fear Catholics were in from their [p. 29] neighbours. A priest would ride along quietly [or quickly], and folks rush out to stare at him . " Mr Soane gave my Grandfathera cottage in SouthSt. , * The true figure was £10,000.

Vere Christophers Married atSouthampton 29 April 1840 (cf.Southampton Registers).

A note on the opposite page [p. 26] says : " I have heard old Lord Arundel of Wardour talk about it"


still belonging to the family, and lent my grandfather £100 to set him up in business a little way down South St as a tailor(all pulled down) His son turned out bad (Sone's)

[p . 31]


Of late years there were not many Catholics there. Mrs [? Goen] Holloway

Her son died young at Old Hall (or soon after he left it) a Daughter married Mr John Snook of Bedhampton, in the end she & her daughter gave up the church all together (after the new church was built) through shame!!

Old Mrs. Jones used to trudge every Sunday to Brockhampton, umbrella in [p. 33] hand, till she could trudge no longer. John Bulbeck (born [or living] at Sinai, Hayling) was educated at Douai College, was imprisoned with others in the french revolution and made his escape (see Dr Coomb's Account in the Orthodox Journal), afterwards tried to open a school at Emsworth , but theRectorof Warblington (Emsworthis in Warblington parish) Mr Norris (the present Mr Norris' grandfather) [p. 35] Emsworth cont'd prevented it, as by law no Catholic could keep a school then.

His son Thomas Bulbeck brought up a large and excellent Catholic family at Sutton Park The eldest son John left the faith. John Bulbeckafterwards became a Doctor and settled at Hambledon for manyyears till he died The nearest mission was Southend, 4 miles off, till given up 1840 ??

[p. 35]


Gasquet calls it [? Westburunt] P. 30 My Great Grandfather was the last of the Bulbecks to live there. Gasquet mentions Elizabeth Bulbeck the Spinster, as living there in Q. Elizabeth's reign

In lateryears the Parson &family becameCatholics (Sperling) and lived in the parsonage for some time after .


[p. 37] Didnot Lord Dormerlive there ? and was there not a Chapel there , the ruins still remaining?

Brockhampton Parish

Portsmouth was in

I remember seeing the late Chapel in Prince Georges Street crammed with soldiers, the passage leading to it crammed with soldiers , the pavement outside the Chapel crammed with soldiers , and the pavement on the other side of the road crammed with soldiers, allon their knees hearing Mass What a spectacle! !! There was not much thoroughfare in the road. Fr Ignatius Collingridge commenced [p. 38] raising subscriptions for a New

* Cf . Ward , History of St. Edmund's College, pp 120, 128 , 146 1839 was the date when Southend Mission ceased In use till the Cathedral was opened in 1882 .

Church in Portsmouth I remember some of the subscriptions (see his spirited circular) I think the money raised had to be spent in repairing the Old Chapel Fr Collingridge was stationed at Winchester manyyears, and died at Clifton Wood Convent at great age.

[p. 39]

Fr Thos Talbot

Southworth " " Kemble

Kearns " "


Names of the priests at Brockhampton after Bp. of Midland District descendentfrom the Martyr family* related to the Kendals O.S.B. 40 years and buried at Warblington related to the Actorsa few years and then

was at Moorfields 25§ years, died blind or nearlyso at Bruges .

Ritort and Fr**

Reardon " Stone " 33 Hologan

Hayes "

Horigan W.T.C.

[p. 40] [In other hands]


Father Clarke

Canon Hall

Canon Daly From Dec. 1909 to May 1924

Canon Bailey 1924-

[p . 41]



Names of the Congregation in the list ofrecusants published byGovernmert of the rebellionare these names which I saw at Spetchley Park.

They lived in the house the left hand of the Bear Hotel. Mrs Ayles, and I think Miss Glasspole , were buried, by my father, at the old CatholicCemetery of St James, mentioned by Gasquet (Downside Review) at Winchester, kept from Queen Elizabeth's time, 1589, a Tichbourne being the first to be buried, from Winchester gaol as the Bishop would not have him in his Church yards (an interestingstory). I remember a Mr Weeble [Wheble] (from Reading) being buried there


[p. 43]


Names of Congregation

all gone and mostly lost the faith, used to live at Westburton Farm on Emsworth Road.

* Descendant of the Rev. John Southworth , martyred at Tyburn 28 June 1654 (Oliver , Collections, p 414)

30 years, 1787-1817 . Recte Kimbell

Elsewhere he is said to have died at Chelsea

§ 28 years, 1825-53 .

** Name illegible Fagan" added in another hand

Correction by the late Rt Rev. WilliamTimothyCotter, ThirdBishop of Portsmouth " Westburton " is a doubtful reading.

Ayles Ring Hicks


the remainder lost the faith

Mr Godfrey Ring, Southsea, is the last of the family all lost to the faith

Knapp the remnants lost the faith

Veal all lost the faith

WestsReeksWhiteSoane or Sone ?-MoreyAstlet. SagePowell Nanny Henshaw was an excentric old woman , who used to work on Mrs Ring's Dau* farm below Brockhampton . She dressed partly in man's clothes[p. 44] She retired to Chichester, and died leaving her savings to the Chichester mission (see the tablet in the church).

[p. 45]


I remember old Mrs. White, the grandmother of Mrs Street , who could remember people coming to take their horses for £5 each (I think on a Sunday morning) from their farm yard Fr Southworth

Parson Rennaud father of present Parson Renaud (Church) Scamp Independent in (1706) built the Palant were great friends "

[The rest of the page has been torn off.

[p. 47] We used to send down a man servant, William Miles , to protect the women servants, whilst he roared about the house and chapel, as I myself heard, you infernal Devils!! Vile fools ! my life!, like this misery

No music

No sanctuary lamp

Benediction perhaps once a year He would bolt ifa visitor came to see him

(When Fr Knapp lived at Langstone, they used § do grandly, tenebrae &c &c in old old times

[In another hand, in pencil : Havant Catholics !!!]

[p. 49] My father commencedsubscription for the new church about 1836. Afield was purchased at Town's End, throughwhich the Hayling Rd passes now . Plans were drawn by Mr Scoles very hideous

I saw the original at Canon Scoles (1898) (son of the Architect) a short time ago (see the Orthodox Journal).

[Roughsketch of church here .] That would have settled the attempt to build, if there had been nothing else to do so!

p. 51] There was no school till Fr Ritort built and opened the little room next to Brockhampton Mr Kearns used to pay for the schooling of some of the children at private schools , out of some funds for the purpose

33 * " Dau a doubtful reading

In other words, the old lady remembered the Penal Days. Presumably by a charitable hand to hide the identity of the next §" to " omitted character. Presumablythe Rev. Richard Southworth's (seehis MemorandumBook).

Letter from Benjamin Hoadley, Bishop of Winchester, to a Minister of State, dated 22 May 1759 . Public Record Office. S.P. Dom Geo II, Bdl 142, No. 13

The letter is writtenon the four sides of one foolscap sheet folded once Onthe topofthe fourthside, in the top margin (whichis nodeeper than those on the other pages) is written in pencil, in a similar style of handwriting (though hardly the same hand). "May 22, 1759."

The postscript is in rather more faded ink, in the same hand as the letter itself, but evidently writtenunder difficulties [p. 1]


I am Confident I stand in need of no Apology for laying before You the following Particulars in this Critical Juncture

According to my best Informations there is a House , with a Large Chapel, built a few Years ago by one Morgan a popish Priest, situated in the Manorof Havant, in Hants; which Manor is held of Me , as Bishop of Winchester , by one Mr Moody, by Lease for Three Lives, & has been so held of my Predecessors from Time immemorial It is opposite Langston Harbour: & is a Building which cost Twelve or Fourteen hundred Pounds . All the Papists in & about Portsmouth , & all who comefrom abroad , orgo abroad from thence, make no Secret of goingto this Chapel; & make generally a Large Congregation. There is Service twice on Sundays, & regularly on Holydays. Morgan died about Three Months ago And there are now Two Priests belonging to this Chapel [p. 2] One is said to be a Man of Fortune of the Shrewsbury Family. The Other, whose name is Wyndham, was born at Rome of English Parents. When Morgan built this House, He cut down six or seven Trees, belonging to Me as Bishop of Winchester : & Mr Mant (the under-Woodward) having heard of it, put the Bishop's Hammer upon them as My Property But, notwithstandingthis, Morgan took the Timber to his own Use, & built a Stable withit; & used to say, He had talkedwith the Bishop about the Affair, & settled the Matter with Him. And it might be true thus far, that He came to Me , as one of the Copy-hold Tenants of the said Manor; & requested the Trees so cut; whichI granted to Him, as I never deny such Timber as That was to the Tenants But I am sure , I never saw Him, or spake with Him, knowingor suspecting that He was a Priest & Officiated in that Chapel. [p. 3] One great Reason for giving you this Interruption is because this House is certainly more dangerous than any other House of the Same Kind, by reason of its Situation, whichis so perfectly convenient for sending any Persons abroad with Intelligence, or receving Intelligence from abroad At least it seems true that everyThing possible to be known by Enemies in these Partsmay be known in France, from Langston Harbour, in a few Hours

* The Rev. David Morgan died 4 November 1758


If I be not misinform'd, I have not any Legal Authority lodged in Me either to prevent such Buildings, or to remedy the evil Consequences & great Abuses of them: Otherwise I should have done it Myself. Whether this Affair particularly merits the Attention of the Administration, I know no One who is a better Judge, [p. 4] or whose Zeal for our present Establishment will influence Him to act withmore Vigourin this Case, if thought proper, than Yourself. To whom therefore I submit it; and beg Leave to subscribe Myself, with great regard,


Winchester House

Chelsea May 22d

Your most Humble Servt

B Winchester 1759

Not being able to wait on You Myself, I have sent this by my chaplain, Dr Pyle : by whom also I have sent the Same to the Duke of Newcastle. [Endorsed " May 22: 1759

B of Winchester"]


This book is an Account Book of 108 pages, covered and bound with vellum and similar to the Baptismal Registers. Two leaves at the back have been torn out The last twenty pages are cash-ruled in black ink, but there are no entries. On pages 41, 42 and 43 three marriages, of 1849, 1853 and 1854, have been entered At the beginning of the book are the Rev. R. Southworth's accounts Some of these accounts deal with the Hampshire Fund (now the HampshireSecular ClergyFund), and others with parishioners ; others again are household accounts or parochial collections . The last 72 pages are blank save for the marriages mentioned above

[p. 1] [A red sealing-wax impression in the top left-hand corner covers some of the words . The whole page is very closely written , allowing no margins ] Apr. 19. 1796 Hants & Havant funds, Capital£377 12s 8d South sea annuities * interest £11 6s 6d of which £2 68 8d due to the HavantIncumbent, theremainder £8 19s 10d to bedividedequally among the Brethren residing in Hampshire, after they have contributed £5 towards increasing the fund, or their divd be withheld till it amounttothatsum .-Apr. 19. 1796. Divd of£8 19s 10d among Messrs Milner, Peters, Marsland, § Greenwell , Southworth, ** Jos. Knapp, being , was29s 111d each,and 1dover . Mr Jos. Knapp's divd is in hand towards increasing the fund, * i.e. 298 11d Rd Southworth §§

* Several words obliterated Priest at Winchester Priest at Tichborne § Priest at Gosport.

**I.e himself, priest at Brockhampton Priest at Sopley. Priest at Portsea

The Rev. J. Knapp apparently not long enough in Hampshire to §§ For Hants Fund, c.f. C.R.S. , vol xliii qualifyfor a dividend

Hants Hants

For 1797. pd to Mr Milner30/ -Mr Peters 30/ -Mr Marsland 30/Mr Greenwell [blank] Mr Jos. Knapp's divd in hand Received of Mr Barnard annual Intst of Hants fd £5 13s 3d Sep. 13. 1797. also the other of dto £5. 13. 3. = £11 . 6. 6 Mar. 14. May 8. 1798. Divds of Hants fd paid..Mr Milner 30/Mr Charles Peters 30/ -Mr Marsland 30/June 2 Mr Greenwell 3 pounds remitted June 16. 1798. Sep. 10. 1798. received of Mr Barnard annual Intst of Hants & Hav. fds £5.13.3. Item Mar. 14. 1799 dto = £11 6. 6 Mar. 15. Divd of £8. 19. 10. among 7, viz Messrs Milner, Peters, Marsland, Greenwell, Southworth, Jos. Knapp, T. Gabb is 25/.8 .paid Marsland 25/.8 Mar. 15. Also Mr Jos. Knapp, 15/. 8. Also remitted £5 arising from his Divds withheld, to Mr Barnard, to increase the Hants fd Apr. 18. remitted by Mons" Piquot to Mr Milner 25. shillings 8 , also for Mr Ch. Peters 25/. 8. likewise for Mr Greenwell 25/. 8- Mr Gabb's 25/ 8 in hand towards increasing the fundSep. 16. received of Mr Barnard & Hav. £5. 13. 3.- Mar. 12. 1800 received ofMr Barnard & Havant £5. 13. 3. Cui + £5 13. 3 = £11 6. 6. Mar. 25 1800 to Mr Jos Knapp 25/. 8. -Apr. 5. Mr Marsland 25/. 8- May 6. to Messrs Milner, Greenwell, Ch Peters 25/ 8 each Mr Gabb's 25/. 8 in hand Sep. 17. 1800. received of Mr Barnard Hants and Hav. £5. 13. 3. + May 6. 1801. received of Mr Hodgson § £5. 13. 3. =£11 . 6. 6. May 5. 1801 to Mr Ch. Peters 25/8 . also to the same for Mr Milner 25/81 . May 13 or thereabouts to Mr Jos Knapp 25/8 . May 21 to Mr Marsland 25/8 . Mr Gabb's 25/8 in hand.May 6. 1801. Mr Barnard returned to me the £5 which he had in hand towardsincreasing the Hants Fd Sep. 29. 1801. received of Mr Hodgson Hants & Havant £5. 13. 3. Mar. 25, 1802. received of Mr Hodgson £5. 13. 3. Hants & Havant fd May 11. to Mr Milner 1. 2. 5 . also to his brother forMr Chas Peters 1. 2. 5June 5. to Mr Marsland 1. 2. 5Dto to Mr Jos Knapp June 9. Aug. 10 . toMrGreenwell £2 (due to him 8/. 2) -Mr Gabb's & MrWhite's** in hand 1. 2.5+ 1.2. 5 = £2. 4. 6 [sic] May 1802May 10 . 1803 received of Mr Hodgson £11 6. 6. Hants & Hav. fd Int Settledwith MrGreenwell's divdMay 10. 1803. to Mr Milner Divd £1 .2.5 to MrCh . Peters dto £1 . 2. 5.-toMrJos . Knapp May 15. 1. 2. 5. to Mr Marsland 8/6.

* Rev . James Barnard, appointed Vicar-General of the London District in 1782

Rev. Thomas Gabb, priest at Cowes, I. of W., till November 1799 , when he went to Portsea. Query: Is this a French priest ? He lodged with the Rev. R. Southworth from time to time See infra, p. 155

§ Rev. Joseph Hodgson, appointed Vicar-General to Bishop Douglass. " Dto" had been written at first, and " his brother " was afterwards substituted. ** Rev ThomasWhite, priest at Newport, I. ofW. Died 24 November 1802 . Was the Rev. J. Marsland absentfrom Hampshire for about seven and a halfmonths?


[p. 2] Belonging to Brockhampton house, Feb. 17. 1789. [There follows an inventory of bedding , linen and table cutlery ] There is a Turn, which is the property of Mr Thomas Talbot, but in an ill condition It is at present with Jos. Palmer, who works for Mr Slaughter, Blacksmith, at Havant.

[Line across the page.]


Mar. 10. to Mr Chas Peters £1 2. 5 £1.4.101 .to Mr Marsland £1 4. 10 . Lee's in hand, to increase Hants få Chas Peters £1 . 1. 6 due to him now 10 shillings- May 21. to Mr Jos Knapp 1. 8. 5 May 27. to Mr Marsland £1 8. 5.- May 6. 1806. given to Mr Chas Peter's £1 . 13. 9. for Hants fd Also June 2. to Mr Marsland dto £1 . 13. 9. Also June 6. 1806. to Mr Jos . Knapp £1 . 13. 9. N.B. by mistake, computing 5 divds instead of 6. -Mr Jn Lee's withheld to encrease the fd £1 9.2. the other divds should likewise have been£1 . 9. 2.- Apr. 30. 1807. to Mr Jos Knapp £1 3. 1. May 19. given Mr Lempfrid 10/9 . -also for Mr White £1 3. 0.-Also to Mr Marsland May 25. £1 3. 0. -Also to Mr Charles Peters, by Mr John Lee Octob. 14. 1807. £1 3. 0.- To Mr John Lee £0 5. 1 Octob 14. 1807. To Mr John Lee May 10. 1808 1. 2. Chas Peters Dto, £1 . 2. 7.- May 20. to Mr Ign. Lemprid [sic] £1. 2. 7. also for Mr White £1 2. 7. To Mr Jos. Knapp (per errorem) £1 . 5. 1. instead of £1 2. 7. May 9.- To Mr Marsland May 27 . £1. 2. 7. To Mr Knapp May 3. 1809. £1 3. 0- To Messrs Marsland, Lempfrid, White £1 . 3. 0. + £1. 3. 0. + £1.3.0. May 19. 1809. July 30. 1809. sent by Mr Wm Knapp for Mr John Lee £1 . 3. 0.- also for Mr Charles Peters £1. 3. 0.--May 1810 MrJos. Knapp £1 3. 0. Mr Marsland £1 3. 0. MrWhite £1 . 3. 0. MrPeters£1 . 3. 0. MrJoan. Lee £1 . 3. 0. MrLempfrid £1 . 3. 0.May 1811 MrWhite £1 . 3. 0.Mr Marsland § 1. 3.0. Mr Knapp £1 . 3. 11 [sic] Mr Lempfrid £1 . 3. 0.- Mr John Lee £1 3. 0 Mr Chs Peters £1 . 3. 0.May 1812. Divds among 5. (Mr John Lee's £1 3. 0. being included &c.).Mr Jos. Knapp £2 1. 6 Mr White £2. 1. 6. Mr Ch Peters £2 1. 6. Mr Lempfrid £2. 1. 6. Mr Ric. Southworth £2. 1. 6. May 1813. Divds among the abovementioned 5. £2. 1. 6 for eachMay 1814. Divds among the same5 previous as last year, viz £2. 1. 6 each . April 1815. Divds among 4 £2 1. 6. Mr Lempfrid's in hand. This year among 4£3 0. 9. May 6. 1817.Mr Charles Peters £2. 6. 4 . Mr White ditto, Mr Knapp ditto. Mr S. ditto.

[p. 3 blank ]

*" due to him 3/5" cancelled

[sic]*to Mr Knapp Messrs Gabb's, White's, May 7. 1805. given to

Rev. John Lee, priest at Winchester in succession to Dr. Milner

Rev. Ignatius Lempfrid, a German priest at Gosport

§ The Rev. John Marsland left Gosport in 1802. This is proof that he was still working in Hampshire in 1811 .

The Rev. Ignatius Lempfrid returned to Germany in 1815


p. 4 has a cross-account which shows Mr. James Critchett owing 5 guineas to Richard Southworth on 23 April 1796. Mr. James Critchett is evidently the grocer, and Fr. Southworth buys groceries tothe value of£5 7s 91d between30 April 1796 and 26 September 1797, so that on that date he owes Mr. Critchett 2/9 , which is paid on 5 October .]


p . 5]

Richd Southworthcame to Brockhampton Octob 5. 1787. on a friday. Mr Earle left Brockhamptonon the friday followingOctob. 12. Journeyfrom London (bolt in tun inn*)to Chichester (Mr Quenell's, Proprietor of the Chichester coach) was £1 7s 3d from Chichester to Brockhampton 11s 2d Total from Londonto Brockhampton , baggage &c included £1 18s 5dBill of Mr Earle, settled with him. [ ] me Rd SouthworthOctob. 7. 1787. two table spoons £1 88 six tea spoons £1 1s [torn]vepounds of wax candles £1 138 one pair of sheets £1 10s three bottles of moun[torn] 6s . fiveteen [sic] bottles of red port £1 10s = total £7 88 6d

For increasing Hants fd Mar. 15. 1799. Mr Jos. Knapp'sdivdswitheld [sic] 5- 0-

Mr Gabb's divd withheld 1800 .

Ditto, withheld May 1801 ..

Mr Gabb's other Divd May 1802

Dto May, Mr White Divd 1802

Mr Gabb's Divd May 1803

Mr White's dto May 1803

Mr White's divd Apr. 18. 1804

Mr Gabb's dto

Mr John Lee's dto

Mr White's divd May 7. 1805

Mr Lee's dto

Mr White Divd (remnant) 1806 finished § 1812

Now divds among 5, each £1. 16. 9

Mr John Lee's dto

* London terminus for stage coaches .

As the page has been torn at this point, the next word is indistinct: possibly " by."

Mountain This was a sweet red wine producedin the Malagadistrict of Spain; a namewell known in England in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries Query: Altar wine ?

§ Two items entered here-"Mr Peter's Divd May 1806, 1-13-9" and"MrMarsland'sdto June 2 , 1-13-9"-have been scored out, apparently beingreplacedby the framed note of 1812 . This total appears to be a mathematical puzzle, possibly because many alterations have been made in the column of figures above.


Rev. Ignatius Lempfrid gave £5 Oct. 30 , 1806 I made it up £20 Mr Lempfrid's added made £25 has been funded, yielding £1 . 4. 6. pr an. + 8. 19. 10 = £10 4. 4. to be divided among BB Hants. * from Mr John Lee

Mr Jos. Lee's Divd withheld May 1807 .

Mr Jos Lee's Divd withheld May 10. 1808

Mr Jos. Lee's Divd withheld May 1809

Mr Jos. Lee's Divd withheld May 1810

Mr Jos Lee's Divd withheld May 1811

[p. 6. A series of accounts for each year from 1803 to 1813 . An example is given here, 1804 being chosen because it includes the largest number of Feasts. 1806 has also the words Poor Chapel. Other items are given which may be of interest .] 1804

Given to the Cath

John Langridge To schooling

to surgeon

Ant Langridge began schooling Sep. 10. 1792. on a

[p. 7. A series ofaccounts, similarto the first column above ,from Nov. 1787 to 1802. At the top of the page, right-hand corner , is

* This whole entry concerningRev. I. Lempfrid has been scored out.

Rev. JosephLee, brother of Rev. John Lee, was the priest at Cowes , 1806-10 . In the accountsofthe Fund at the beginningof the book, curiously enough no mention is made of the Rev. Joseph Lee

The above six entries have been scored out.

§Cf. Benjamin Pitts Capper, A TopographicalDictionary of the United Kingdom, London, 1813, under " Langstone": " Langstone Harbour ,4 miles east of Portsmouth, Hants, capable of containing the whole Navy of England .... Here are stationed 6 or 7 hulks, having each about 200 convicts on board, many of whom are sent daily on shore to workin the dock-yard, at rigging vessels, &c. "

From the Rev. R. Southworth's letters (videsupra) it is clear that he had had personal experience of attending convicts

total to Jan. 1789. Poor-box £2 1s 61d , showing that these and the totals on the previous page relate to offeringsfor the Poor . The following statements also occur] d £ S 2- 0-103

For the french clergy, Feb. 2. 1793 [Under 1790 total £1169] Besides the above , from Xtmas to Candlemass was contributed £20 for the new Chapel in the Borough of Southwark. [pp. 8-19 have the weekly totals of expenditure set out in bare amounts, without details, from 8 Nov. 1788 to 28 Dec. 1806. Page19 is blank save for five sets of totals, and an addition, in the top lefthand corner. Page 20 blank. From p. 21 onwardsthe receiptsfor each year are set out in detail These are of interest because of biographical details of parishioners and of the names of ecclesiastics]

1789 * [р 21]

May 3. May 5

May 6

May 6. July 25.

Aug. 7. Aug. 27.

Octob. 3. Received ofMrRichd Knapp. LadyDay qr. &c. Mr Browne at the meeting 1 guinea

of Mr Browne (a year & int. of Havantfund, capital £78 28) ........ ofMrTalbot (not duetill midsummer) 10 ofMr Underwood rent for the field (due June 24) of Mr Richd Knapp (midsummer ).. of Mrs Ayles (with a view to prayers § for Mr Ayles, deceased) of Mr Underwood for the field (16s deducted for tythes) ..

Octob 15. of Mr Milner for 4 MMpro Ricardo Nov. 22 Dec. 30 Spenser

of Mr Richa Knapp (Michaelmass qr) 5 ofMrsCondom, witha view to prayers§ 0 total 38 -16-

Brought over from page 2. præced** ..

Jan. 4. Evening, at Mr Rd Knapp's ...

6. of Mrs Morey, widow , M. pro marito defuncto§

2- 6 * Ali the dates have been enclosed in square brackets, which are not included here

The Rev. Peter Browne, Treasurer of the Hampshire Fund Bishop James Talbot, V.A. London § Mass offerings Priest at Winchester. ** This page is missing from the book.

8 12 . 15 18 .

Feb. 7. Mar. 25

Apr. 7. NES 15. 19 23.


of Mrs Ayles, widow, MM pro marito defuncto* at Mr James Knapp's, evening of MrMilner, on his Mother's account (she died at Gosport Jan. 12) of Mr Underwood (Xtmass qr forthe land) . of Mr Knapp (Xtmass qr) of Mr Sone (offering on occasion of Lady-day) ofMrsHorton (forher Mother deceased) Evening at Langstone of Mrs Sone , junr prayers for Mary Coppige ofMr Underwood, Ladydayquar rent for the field


26. of Mr Barnard, on Mr Sone's £500 , 3 pr cents red six Mos Int 7-10- 0 dtto of dto of Mrs Knapp's legacy (£200) 18 months Int

dtto of dtto year's div. of Mr Martin's money due Mar. 25 dtto dto of Mr Lindow , of Dto ofMrSone's, due Mar.25 for Smith & Ward ..

27 of Mr Varley, com


& Int . of £10 108

Apr. 28 of Mr Lindow, for chap. fund of Mr Weedall, for seed ofMr Brownefor Hantsfund £1 08 3d Hav £2 68 8d [p. 22, numbered4]

Received 1790 continued May 28. dtto of Mr RicdKnapp (Lady day q ) ....


July 15 . of Mrs Ayles (prayers for Mr Ayles's soul)

July 24 . Aug. 1 3 of Mr Underwood (Midsummer qr) ofMr Ricd Knapp (Midsummer qr.) of Mr James Knapp, at his brother Ricd's 2-105 - 00 3 2- 14 ofMrsWilliams (from Itchenor), offering 0

* Mass Offerings Vicar-General, London District Rev. John Lindow , resided for many yearswith Bishop James Talbot, and afterwards with Bishop Poynter, in Castle Street, Holborn ; was elected Archdeacon of the Old Chapter 16 October 1770 , and subsequently became treasurer; succeeded the Rev. Peter Browne as Dean on the latter's death 31 May 1794; retired to Old Hall Green in 1805 and died there 5 December 1806

§ Rev. Thomas Varley, succeeded the Rev. John Lindow as Dean of the Chapter in 1805 .

Sep. 5. 25.


ofMr Cleghorn witha viewto prayers ofMr Barnard, 6 months of Mr Sone's fund

Ditto of ditto 6 months of Mrs Knapp's .. Dito of Dito 6 months of Mr Martin's for MM

Nov. 11 13. 14 21 29 Dec. 19 28 of Mrs Ayles (pro aâ Mariti def) .. of Mr Underwood (Michaelmass qr.) of Mrs Blunden (pro aâ Mariti def.).. of Mr Rd Knapp (Michs qr & Mrs Roberts) of Mrs Sone jun" (pp for her sister deceased) of Mr Milner for 4 MM pro Ricdo Spenser

of Mr Knight with a view to prayers_1 Total from the top of the page Brought over from page 3

Total received in 1790

Received 1791. 5. of Mrs Morey (M for her husband deceased)

Jan. 18 25. 29. 16 of Mrs Blunden (MM for her husband deceased) of Mrs Ayles, at Appledram

of Mr Underwood (Xtmass qr rent) ..

Feb. 13. of Mr Henry Daniel (religionis ergo).. of Mr Ricd Knapp (Xtmass qr) of Mr Sone (Lady day'sofferring [sic]) 10 of Mr Douglass (6 Months Mr Sone's Havant Acct Mar. 27. 25

of Dtoout of Mr Sone's life annuity 2 of Dto on Mrs Knapp's account .. of do on Mr John Martin's account 1 of do on Mrs Morey of Langstone Acct 3 18 of Mr Underwood (Lady day rent) dtto dto do do Apr. 2. total [p . 23]

May 10 . of Mr Varley (gen fund) 11

of Dto six months Int 12. of Mr Browne Hants f £1 198 Od Hav. £1 198 6d=

Foundation Masses for the Rev. John Martin, late priest at Gosport


8. [sic] of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady day qr with allow . for candles)

July 1 . of Mrs Bayard 18. 30.

Aug. 20 Sep. 21 26 27 Dto Dto 8 Dto 12 of Mrs Ayles of Mr Underwood (Midsummer rent) of Mrs Morey, for Father deceased ofMrsCondom , for Husband deceased of Mr Milner, MM for Ric Spenser .. of Mr Ricd Knapp (Midsummer q ).. ofMr Douglass (Mr Sone's fund 6 Mos Int ) of Dto out of Mr Sone's life annuity ofDtoofMrsKnapp's legacy 6 Mos Int of Dto on Mr Martin's account of Mr Douglass, present, 23. of Mrs Butt 25 Nov. 5 6. 9 16 20 Dec. 23 29

of Mr Knight, with a view to prayers of Mr Underwood (Mich. rent) of Mrs Roberts of Mrs Ayles (MM pro Marito def) ofMrsSone jun" (M forsister deceased) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Michalmass q ).. of Mrs Morey (M pro Marito def.) of Mr Mahany (Xtmass gift)

Apr. 1

of Mr Ricd Knapp (Xtmass qr) of Mr Besley (MM for Mrs Besley deceased Feb. 5) of Mr Douglass (due Lady Day) Mr S. 50-10-6 £10 Mrs K. £3. Mr M. 1 188 .. 14-18 - 0 Ditto of Dto Mrs Morey £3 188 2d Item life annuity (6 mos) £2 10% .. Ditto of Ditto, Higgins or LeighLand (6 Mos) Of Mr Sone (Lady day's offering)

[p. 24, numbered 6] 1792 continued Apr. 22. May 3. of Mrs Williams (Easter offering) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady-day qr & candles ) ..


June 3.

July 4 24 26.

Aug. 21

Sep. 12 24.


of Mr Varley (gen. fund) of Ditto an. Int ofMr Brown (Hantsfund £1 168) also (Hav. fund £2 68 9d) = of Mr Lindow (chap divd) of Mr Mahany.. of Farmer Hart (midsummer qr for the fields) of Mrs Ayles (pro Marito def.)

of Mrs Morey (pro patre def.) of Mr Ricd Knapp (midsummer q ).. of Mr Douglass (due at Michaelmass) 26 of Messieurs*

Octob 10. of F. Hart (Mich qr for the land) 13

Nov .. 2 Nov .. 3 7. Dec. 6 25 of Messieurs* of Messieurs Lucas * et Piquot* of Monsr Brochard* ofMr Ricd Knapp (Michaelmass qr).. of Mr Milner (pro Ric. Spenser) ofMrsMorey (pro Marito def.) add from foregoing page

received in 1792

Received 1793

Jan. 10 12 17 . of Stephen Hart, for the land-rent (Xtmass q) of Messrs Lucas & Piquot of Mr Mahany ... of Messieurs Lucas & Piquot of Mr Ricd Knapp (Xtmass qr) of Messieurs L. & P. of Mr Douglass (due at Lady day Mar. 25) Feb. 2. 10. Mar. 1 . 6. 22. 30. 31 . Apr. 5 of Mr Mahany ... 12. of Messieurs L. & P. of Mrs Williams (Easter offering) of Mr Sone (Lady day offering) of Messieurs Lucas & Piquot [p. 25, numbered 7] Apr. 26 ditto Apr. 20

of Mr Varley (com. fund) £1 118 6d also an 18/.. of Mr Browne (Hants fund Int.) of Farmer Hart (Lady day qr forthe land) * Query: Are these French priests?

Apr. 12 [sic] of Mr Ayles (donation) May 3. 8 24 . July 4 10 20.

Aug. 20 . 22

Sep. 11 .

Oct. 14

Nov. 3. Dec. 4 15. 23 of Messieurs L. & P. of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady day q* & candles).. of Mons Piquot of Mrs Ayles ofMr Browne (by Mr Barnard) Hants fd divd of Farmer Hart (midsummer qr for the land)

ofMrAyles (by request of his Mother, Eliz. Ayles, qæ [sic] obiit Jul. 14.).. 5 ofMrRicd Knapp(midsummer quarter) of Mr Douglass (due at Michaelmass Sep. 29) of Stephen Hart (Michaelmass qr for the land) of Mrs Aslett of Mr Ricd Knapp (Michaelmass qr) of Mr Milner (pro Ric Spenser) of Mrs Morey (pro Marito def)

Keceived Jan. 3 5 of Mr Mahany. Mar. 4 9 11 . of Mr Douglass (due at Lady day Mar. 25) 25. Apr. 4 14. of Mr Ayles including₤13 16" received from gentlemen boarding and lodging. * 1794 of Stephen Hart (Xtmass qr for the land) £ S d 2015 ofMrsChamp (board &c for 6 weeks) 1 - of Mr Rica Knapp (Xtmas qr) of Mr Sone (Lady day offering) ofStephen Hart (Lady day qr forthe land)

19 . of Mrs Williams (Easter offering) 20. 25 May 4. of Mr Jos. Knapp (Easter offering) of Mr Mahany (Easter offering) of Mr Rd Knapp (Easter q & w. and candles) ..

* The total of £13 16s is exactly the amount paid during the year by the Frenchmen, which seems to suggest that they were priests

[p. 26, numbered 8] 1794 continued of Mr Lindow (divd chap.) May 13. 14 . 14

June 7. July

Aug. 4 24

Sep. 10. Oct. 20 Nov. Dec. 4 4 0.20 22.55 30 31 of Mr Varley (ann.) 18/ -for com . fund £1 11s 6d ofMr Browne ( Havant) £1 38 4d Hants 17/of Mrs Sone (MM for Mary Coppige) of Stephen Hart (midsummer q for the land) of Mr Lindow (intentions)

of Mr Rd Knapp (midsummer q¹) of Mr Douglass (due Michaelmasnext) 26 of Stephen Hart (Michaelmas qr for the land) of the Bp of Lady Newburgh of Mr Ricd Knapp (Michmas qr). of Mr Ayles of Lady Newburgh


Morey of

(Xtmas qr for Land) ofMr Ricd Knapp (Xtmas q ) of Mr Douglass (due Lady day) of Mr Sone (

of Mr Ricd Knapp (Midsummer q)..

[p. 27, numbered9] Received 1796

Jan. 1. of John West jun" (Xtmas qr for the of Lady Newburgh land) 4 of Mr Ayles 5 20

Feb. 8 dto 10 Mar. 9 21 23

Apr. 7 19. 23 May 21 . June 18. July 19. 7. 16

Aug. 13 D233E of Mr Jas KnappExec. (out ofregard to Mr Sone deceased) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Xtmas q ). ofMrTodd (on his marriage withMrs Woodman)

14. Sep. Octob 1 10 of Lady Newburgh


of Mr Milner (Mrs Lynch's legacy) of Mr Douglass (due Lady day next) 31 of Mr Ayles of Mr Mahany. of John West jun (Lady day qr for the land) of Mr Varley £3 Mr Horrabin* 2/6 Havant & Hants£2 6s8d + £1 9811 + £3 168 71d of Mary Veal (for 4 weeks board).. of Mary Veal (for dto) of Mary Veal of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady day qr£5 + w . & candles £2 £7) of John West jun (Midsummer qr for the land) of Mary Veal (ut supra) of Mary Veal (ut supra) of Capt Wm Bulbeck (offering on occasion of Mr Sone &c) of Mary Veal of Mr Ricd Knapp (Midsummer qr). of Mr Douglass (due Michaelmas last) of Mary Veal of John West (Michaelmas q' for the land)

13 2-10 0 Nov. 1 of Mrs Wright (with a view to PP for her deceased Br Mr Sone)

5. of Mary Veal 7. of Mr Ayles Dec. 3. of Mary Veal

25 of Mrs Morey

28 of Mr Rica Knapp (Michlsq)

31. of Mary Veal

total received in 1796 124

* The Rev. Thomas Horrabin of Mrs Glaspole (pro anniv Mariti Jos Glaspole Dec. 7. 1794.) 0-1011 -

Jan. 2 of Mr Ayles 3. 28 Feb. 25. Mar. 17 of Mary Veal of Dto

ofMr Douglass (for Lady day next) ..

[p. 28, numbered 10]

25. Apr. 6. 10 of Mr Ayles 22. of Mary Veal May 19 .

June 17. of Mary Veal of John West (Xmas qr rent for the land)

Mar. 22 28. 1797 continued of Mr Ricd Knapp (Xtmas q ) of Mr Bowman (MM for Mrs Lahy deceased) of Mary Veal of John West (Lady day qr for the land) ..[sic] of Mr Milner (Havt fd £2 68 8d + Hants 30/-)=

June 28. of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady day qr + w & cand)

15. 22. Aug. 19 . Sep. Oct. of John West (Midsummer qr forthe land) of Mr Ayles of Mrs Veal of Mrs Ellis (MM for the soul of her sister Ruth Lahy) ofMrMilner(4 M. for Ricardo Spenser ) 0 -

9. of Mrs Veal 13 . 20 2-10I- 1- 0- 8-

0- 8 1 of Mr Douglass (for Michaelmas next) 31 of Ld Newburgh (Countess Dowager obiit Sep. 12) 8 1 1- 7 of Mrs Veal 0-10-

8 of Mr Ricd Knapp (midsummer q") with 5/- 5- 5- 0 12 . of John West (Michaelmas qr for the land)

Nov. 4. of Mrs Veal 0

of Mr Ayles (on occasion of his marriage)

Dec. Dto 3 14 . of Mrs Wright of MrsGlaspole (pro anniv Mariti Jos Glaspole Dec. 7. 1794.). of Mrs Veal of Mrs Bulbeck (for her sister Mrs Cooke of Langston)

May 3. July 12 . ofMr Ricd Knapp£7 38 (candles& w .) of John West (Midsummer q for the

land) 15 of Mr Ayles 31. of Mrs Wright

Sep. 30. of Mr Ricd Knapp 5-10-

Octob 11 . of John West (Michaelmas qr for the land) 2-10 30 of Mrs Wright 0-1010 of Mrs Ayles Dec. 2. *of Mr Douglass for Michaelmas Nov. 2. of John Midlane of Mrs Glaspole (pro anniv. Mariti Dec. 7. 1794)

22. 31. ofMr Milner (4 MM pro Ric Spenser)

of Mrs Ayles

Jan. 2. of Mrs Wright 10 25 Mar. 12 dto

18 of Mrs Ayles

28 of Mrs Wright

31 of Mrs Glaspole

Apr. 10 . dto May 2

5 16 of Mr Ayles 28 of Mrs Wright July 10 . 14.

Aug. 4.


of John West (Xtmas qr for the land) 210 ofMr Ricd Knapp (Michaelmasqrlast) of Mr Douglass (for Lady day next) 31 of Mr Barnard Hav. & Hants divds of John West (Lady day qr for the land) for ashes of Mrs Ellis (MM for the soul of her sister Ruth) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady day qr w .


of Mr Ricd Knapp (Xtmas qr omitted)

of Mrs Wright

of Mrs Midlane (for her mother'sobit)

3. 16 Oct. 14 . 15. & cand .) of John West (midsummer qr forthe land) of Mrs Glaspole

of Mr Douglass (for Michaelmas next) 31 of John West (Michaelmas qr for the land) of Mr Milner (MM. pro Ric. Spenser)

[p. 30, numbered 12] Received 1799 continued

Octob. 29. of Mr Ayles

Nov. 3 Nov. 29. of Mr Ricd Knapp (midsummer q ) . of Mrs Glaspole (pro aâ Mariti Dec. 7. 1794.)

Received. Jan. 6 14

Mar. 12. dto 1800 of John West (Xtmas qr for the land) 2 of Mr Ricd Knapp (qr for Michaelmas last) 5 of Mr Douglass (for Lady day next) 31 of Mr Barnard (divd of Havant &


16. 23

Apr. 7 7.

May 7

June 2

July 3

Aug. 30 .

Sep. 13 .



Dec. 7 17 11


of Mrs Ellis (for the soul of her sister , Ruth) ofMr Ricd Knapp (qr for Xtmas last) of Mrs Ayles of John West (Lady day qr for the land).. ofMrVarley (for two years divds) &c. of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady day qr with w. & cand.) of John West (Midsummer q" for the land) ofMrMilner ,by MrHorrabin(MM pro Ric Spenser) of Mrs Midlane (pro anniv Matris).. ofMr Douglass (for Michaelmas next) of John West (Michs qr for the land) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Midsummer q ).. 8. of Mr Joseph Ayles 16. 99 of Mrs Glaspole (pro anniv. Mariti Josephi Glaspole Dec. 7.)..

26. of Mr Ricd Knapp (Michaelmas q )..

Total received in 1800

Received 1801.

Jan. 7. of John West (Xtmas qr for the land) Feb. 1. of Mrs Ellis (pr for the soul of her sister Ruth)


of Mrs Sone (pro MM .) of Mr Jas Knapp (pp. for the soul of Miss Eliz. Wheeler obiit Feb. 10.) ofMr Ricd Knapp (Xtmas qr) of John West (Lady day qr for the land)


of Mr Douglass (due Lady day) of Mr Varley (for various divds) for Havant & Hants fds

[p. 31 , numbered 13] 1801 continued

June 14 . Brought over .... of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady day qr with w . & candles) July 7. of John West (Midsummer qr for the land)

Octob. 7.

16 Dec. 7 20 31 Received

Jan. 7. Mar. 7

July 10 . 30

of Mrs Sone (pp. for her Mother deceased) of Mrs Midlane (m pro anniv Matris Marthae Wright) of Mrs Sone (M. for Mary Moore's anniv 19. Sep.) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Midsummer q).. of John West (Michs q for the land) of Mr Douglass (Michaelmas dues) of Mrs Sone (M pro aâ Sororis Doroth Nov. 15.) of MrsGlaspole (pro aâ Mariti Josephi) ofMrsMidlane(pro aâ AndreæMurrill) of Lady Newburgh

Apr. 4 9. 25. May 12 . 13 of Mr Ayles (M. pro Patre & Matre)

1802. of John West (Xtmas qr forthe land) of Mrs Ellis (M pro aâ sororis Ruth La Hay) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Michaelmas last year) of John West (Lady day qr for the land) of Mr Jos Ayles of Mr Douglass (Lady Day) of Mr Varley (gen fd 2. 2. 0+ Chap. 10/6 private ann 18/-=

ofMrMilner (2 years pro Ric Spenser) 1 of Mr Hodgson * Hav fd Hants Divd of Mr Ricd Knapp (Xtmas last year) of Mrs Sone of John West (Midsummer qr for the land) of Mr Rd Knapp (Lady day qr w. & candles) .. May 24 . of Mr Mahany 30

Aug. 9

Sep. 2. 10 11 of Mrs Tunstal (widow of Mamaduke Tunstal, Oct. 11. 1790) of Mrs Midlane (M. pro Matredef) of Mrs Sone (pro aas Mat Mar. Moore Franc Bulbeck) of MrsGlaspole (pro aâ Patris Jacobi Howes, Sep. 14.)

1- 4-6 0-10-6 * The Rev. Joseph Hodgson, Vicar-General of the London District

19 29 Oct. 15 28 Nov. 6


ofMarthaMidlane (on occasionofher Marriage) of Mr Douglass of John West (Michaelmas qr for the land) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Midsummer qr) of Mr Joseph Ayles

[p. 32 , numbered 14] 1802 continued

Brought over

Dec. 4 of MrsGlaspole (pro aâ Mariti Josephi, Dec. 7. 1794.)

Received 1803. Jan. 5 of Lady Newburgh 6 12 Feb. 13. 27

Mar. 16. Apr. 11.

15 May 10 . of John West (Xtmas qr for theland) 2 - of Mr Ricd Knapp (Michaelmas qr last) of Mr Sone (Maria Sone , conjux, obiit Nov. 9. 1802.) .. of Mrs Ellis (M. pro aâ Sororis Ruth La Haye) of Mr Ric Knapp (Xtmas qr last) of Mrs Jas Knapp (M. pro aâ Sororis Carol Ibbotson (1802. Apr. 22) of John West (Lady day qr for the land) of Mr Jos. Ayles of Mr Douglass (Lady day) of Mr Varley (gen fd £2 2. 0+ pro.

18/. ===

===== ofMr Hodgson (Hav. £2. 6. 8.+ Hnts £1 . 2. 5 3- 912 May 19 . of Mr Ricd Knapp (Lady day q" w. & cands) 7 13- 0 July 7. of Mr John West (Midsm qr for the land) 2 10-

9 Aug. Sep. 2. 9 of Mrs Holloway(on occasion of bap.) of Mr Ricd Knapp (midsummer q ).. of Mr Douglass of Mrs Midlane (M. pro anniv matre def 1799.) ofMrsGlaspole (pro aâ P. Jac Howes , Sep. 14.) 0-10-6 0-10-6 Octob. 11. of JohnWest (Michmsqrforthe Land) 2-10 - 0 11 -0 5 5-0 31 - 8-4

Nov. 22 22

Dec. 2 11 .


OF BROCKHAMPTON of Lady Newburgh of Mons Desjardins * of Mrs Glaspole (pro ais Jos. Dec. 7. 1794. et Annæ Howes)

of Mr Ricd Knapp (Michaelmas q ) ..

total received in 1803.


Jan. 10 .

Mar. 7

Apr. 11 .

1804 . ofJohn West (Xtmas qr forthe land) of Mr Ricd Knapp (Xtmas qr) .... of John West (Lady day q for the land)

[p. 33, unnumbered]

Brought over Apr. 27. May 2 July 6 5

Sep. 8. 9. 11.

Oct. 15.

Nov. 22. 30.

Dec. 17. of Mr Jas Knapp (M for Mr Wm Holt Apr. 8.) of Mr Rd Knapp (Lady q candles & wine) of John West (Midsm qr for the land) of Lady Newburgh of Mrs Glaspole (M. pro aâ Patris Jacobi Howes Sep. 14.) of Mrs Midlane (M. pro aâ Matris Martha Wright, Sep. 2.) of Mr King (on occasion of his marriage of John West (Michaelmas qr forthe land) . of Mr Ricd Knapp (midsummer qr).. of Mrs G. (pro ais John G. & Annæ Howes) of Mr des jardins 31 of Lady Newburgh Apr.

Received Jan. 7. Apr. 17 . May 16 . of Mr Douglass, pr Mr Hodgson of Mr Varley £2. 2. 0. +188 + 10%=

Total received in 1804 1805. of JohnWest (Xtmas qr for the land) of John West (Lady day qr for the land) of Mr Douglass, pr Mr Hodgson

of Mr Varley £2. 2.+ 188 + 10% = * The Abbé Jean Baptiste François Le Cordier (one of whose baptisms. at Chichester , is recordedamongthe Registers ) appears in French directories as the Abbé J. B. F. Le Cordier des Jardins,


May 25. of Monsr De Lambilly & Monsr Des jardins

May 29.

June 19

July 11 . of Mr Marsland (MM pro aâ Mariæ Burke) ofMrs Jobson (Wm Jobsondied June 17. 1805) of John West (Midsummer q forthe land) of Mr Wm Knapp (Midsum qr & Lady q £5 58 3d+ £5 5s 3d) for wine & candles =

Sep. 8 ofMrsMidlane 10/6 . ofMrsGlaspole 10/6

Oct. 17 of John West (Michaelmas qr for the land)


Dec. 1 . of Mrs Holloway (Bap.) of Mrs Glaspole (pro ais Jos Glaspole & Anne Howes (Dec. 23.)

Total received in 1805. add Xtmas qr

[p. 34, unnumbered]


Jan. 2. 7. 13.

Apr. 11 .

May 20

June ....

July.. 14.

May 2.

Sep. 21.

(The income and property Tax has occasioned perplexity and confusion in these accounts &c.) 1806. of Lady Newburgh of JohnWest (Xtmas qr for the land) of Mr Wm Knapp (Michaelmas & Xtmas qrs) of John West (Lady day q for the land) of Mr Bowman (M. for son Philip deceased) of Mrs Bulbick (pro aâ Mariti Gul.obiit May 18.) .. of Mrs Ayles £1 . 1. 0. of Mrs Winifd White (pro aâ Matris) 10/6 of John West (Midsummer qr for the Land) (omitted) received of Mr Wm Knapp (Lady day qr) received of dto (of mid. q)

Sep. 2 of Mrs Midlane

Sep. 21. of Mrs Smith (pro aâ filii Gulielmi (Sep. 25. 1804.)

Octob 13. of John West (Michaelmas q for the land) .

* The Abbé Thomas Georges Gaubert, who baptized once in Portsea , is saidtohave lodgedwith a Mr. Jobson, in HighStreet, Portsmouth, in 1793 .



Next entry 3 cms. lower down]

Oct. 12

July 9. 1807. Received of John West (midsummer q for the land) received of John West (Michmas q for the land)


[Next entry 1 cm . lower down]

Apr. 9

1808. received of John West (Xtmas q for the land)

received of John West (Lady day q for the land)

July 5. 1808. received of John West (midsummer qr for the land)

Octob 12. 1808. received of John West (Michls qr for the land)

Received of Mr Wm Knapp

Apr. 10. 1808

Received of Mr Wm Knapp Sep. 18. 1808.

[These last two items bracketed and dividedfrom the rest, in pencil, and below , in pencil, in the Rev. J. Kimbell's hand-

[At the foot of the page, 4 cms. lower down, is

1809. Jan. 6. Received of John West (Xtmas q for the land)


[p. 35, unnumbered] 6. 1809. Received of J. West (Lady day q for the land)

16 Received of Mr Wm Knapp

[A space of 2.5 cms. before the next entry]

Octob 10. 1809. Received of John West (Michls q for the Land)

Jan. 10. 1810. Received of John West (Xtmas q for the Land)

Apr. 10. 1810. Received of John West (Lady

Ditto day qr for the Land) of John Bulbeck, sen" (on London) .

July 9. 1810. ReceivedofJohn West (Midsum-

October. mer q for the land)

Receivedof John West (Mich. qr for the land)

Jan. 7. 1811. Received of John West (Xtmas

Apr. 6. 1811

July 3. 1811. qr for the land)

Received of John West (Lady day q) for the land

Received of John West (midsummer q) for the land

October15. 1811. ReceivedofJohnWest(Michaelmas qr) for the land

Jan. 13. 1812. Received of John West (Xtmas q) for the Land


] the next entry]



Apr. 6. 1812. Received of John West (Lady

July 7. 1812

Octob .

Jan. 7 1812. day q ) for the Land ..

Received of John West (Midsummer q ) for the land

Receivedof John West (Michaelmas qr for the land)

Received of John West (Xtmas qr for the land)

Apr. & July 1813. Received of J. West2 qrs Rent 3 + 3 for the land

Octob 11. 1813. Received ofJohn West (Michmas q for the land)

Jan. 5. 1814. Received of John West (Xtmas q for the land)

Apr. 5. 1814.

July 11. 1814.

Also Michaelmas,

July 6


Received of John West (Lady day qr. for the land)

Received of John West (midsummer qr for the land) Xtmas qrs 1814. Lady day q 1815. April 6. 3 + 3+ 3 received ofJohnWest (Midsummer qr for the land)

received of JohnWest (Michsqr for the land)

Jan. April July . =======

9. 1816. Received of John West (Xtmas qr for the land) 1816. Received of John West (Lady day q for the land) 1816. ReceivedofJohnWest (Midsumsummer q for the land) Received ofJohnWest(Michaelmas qr for the land)

Jan. 7. 1817

Apr. 5. July 7.

Received of John West (Xtmas qr for the land) 3-0- 0 3 1 03 00 0 3 0-0

Octob 11. 1816 3 - 00


Received of John West (Lady day qr for the land) Received ofJohn West (Midsumsummer qr for the land) 3-0-0 3-0- 0 also 7/6 for Chapel [p. 36, unnumbered] £ S d October 11. 1817. Received ofJohn West(Michmas

7. 1818

Receivedof Jno West (dueXmas [In the Rev. qr for the land) J. Kimbell's hand] Jan: 1817 for the land) - 3- 0- 0 Do 25 Do for Seats in CRecd of Mr Dimes Do Do [Rest of page, 17 cms. , blank] 0 . 7. 6 1 . 0. 0 3-0-0 [pp. 37-40 blank.]

[p. 41 , unnumbered] Register Matrimonialis Brockhampton Havant.

Anno 1849, die 24 Januarii nullo impedimento detecto , Ego Joannes Kearns Missionarius aplicus apud Brockhampton ,Havant, Hants, Carolum Fredericum Corney, De Little Britain, Londini, Filium Jacobi et Mariæ Annæ Corney, Londini, et Susannam Bulbeck Filiam Joannis et Barbaræ Bulbeck, Havant, interrogavi, eorumque mutuo consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti, matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus notis: Joanne Bulbeck et Susanna Morris qui habitant in Havant

J. Kearns, M.A.

[p. 42, unnumbered]

Anno 1853 et die septima Septembris in Matrimoniumconj: Patritium Driscoll Natum apud Kinsale in Hibernia, et Mariam Russell Natam apud Dunmanwayin Hiberniâ Testibus: Jacobo Jones Joanna Jones Celebrans D. Donovan

[Rest of page blank.]

[One leaf has been torn out here .]

[p. 43, unnumbered]

Anno 1854. et die decima quartâ Septembris In Matrimonium Conj Michaelem Lynch et Joannam Kew de Havant Testibus : Jacobo Quinn Anna Quinn Celebrans. D. Donovan

[Rest of page blank.]



*Denotes more than one mention on a page

n indicates a footnote.

Latin Christian names have been translated into English wherever possible.

Names in italics are the names of writers

Any details discoveredsince the printingof the text have been incorporated in the Index

Ackman, Anne (née Barn) 46, 47*;

Gazier 46; Mannah 47; Mary 47; Thomas 47; William 46, 47*

Adams, Martha (née Hewett) 35; Thomas 35*

Albon, Anne (Mrs. Jones) 39

Aldrich, Anne (Mrs. Jones) 47

Algerian Pirates 124

Allen, Charles Robert 42 ; Edward 40 , 42, 43; Goody 26 ; James 43; Mary 16; Martha Louise 40; Martha

Anne (née Hicks) 37, 40 , 42, 43, 89

Alsworth (Hants) 15 , 17, 19

Alvin, Molly (Mrs.) 20

America 3n, 137

Amiens, Bishop of 119 , 136

Andrews, Bridget (Mrs.) 22

Anne, Queen 13

Annell, MaryMant (Mrs. Luseau) 115

Antrobus, Richard (priest) aliasMann

7, 7n, 63, 64, 64n, 65; Sarah (née Greenhow ) 7; Thomas 7

Appledram, see under Apuldram

Appleton, Anne (née Piper) 84 , 86 , 87, 92, 94; George 87; Henry 92; James 7; James (priest;? vereMoore)

7, 7n, 8, 8n (error: John 8n), 69* , 70* , 98n, 109; John 84, 86, 87, 92, 94, 110; Mary (née Smith) 7; Sarah 86; Stephen 94; William 84

Apuldram (Appledram), Chichester

60n, 84, 87, 99, 100 , 153

Arras 8

Arundel(1) (Castle) (Sussex) 6* , 6n , 97 , 127, 139, 140

Arundell, James Everard 6n; 9th

Lordof Wardour 6n; Lordof Wardour 11 , 141n

Ashcombe(Wilts.) 6

Aslett, see under Astlett

Aspr(e)y (Aspray), Anne 68; Anne (née Jacobs) 57-62, 64 , 66, 68 , 71; Elizabeth 61 ; John 71 ; Joseph 58 , 62; Martha 64; Martin 54, 57-9* , 60-64, 66, 68 , 71, 98; Mary 57 , 60; Mary (Mrs. Hoare) 77, 79; Mary (Mrs. West) 100, 103*; Thomas 66

As(t)lett (Haslett), Anne (née Bulbeck) 80, 81 , 84, 86, 113; Catherine (née McCarthy) (erroneously Caroline 37) 38* , 39, 41 , 44, 45 , 46; Elizabeth 80; family 144; Henry 37* , 38* , 39, 41, 80, 81 , 84 , 86, 113; Mary 81 , 96; Mary Anne 39; Mary (Mrs. Heyden) 33;Mrs. 156; Susanna Elizabeth 41, 45, 46; William John 38, 86

Augustinian Nuns (Bruges) 6

Austin, Catherine 26, 65; Edward 27 , 28, 70, 102* , 104, 105; Elizabeth 78; Elizabeth (Mrs. G.) 26* , 27*; Elizabeth (née Jenks ) 99; Elizabeth (Mrs. Langridge) 62-4, 66, ? 68, 69, 70, 71, 76, 79, 106; Frances 26, 27, 52; George 26* , 27* , 76, 101; Henry 26; John 27* , 28, 98; Joseph 64-6, 68 , 70, 76 , 78, 79, 109, 113 ; Katherine 26; Margaret (née Hosley, Mrs. Edward) 28; Mary 23-5, 27 , 62, 79; Mary (Mrs. Doggins ) 27; Mary (Mrs. Hoare) 64, 66, 68-70, 104, 105; Mrs. 27; Sarah (née Tery) 76, 78 , 79, 113; Thomas 26; 65

Ayles (Ailes ), Anne (Mrs. J.) 16-18*; Elizabeth 28, 38, 41, 57, 97, 109, 156; Elizabeth (née Glaspole) 84, 87 , 90 , 93, 96, 106-7, 113; Elizabeth (née Sumervell or Summersell ) 60, 62 , 64 , 100; Elizabeth Mary 90 ; family 132, 134, 140, 143, 144; Helen Mary 93 , 112; James 16, 17, 19 , 20, 23 , 27, 28,


60 * , 62, 64, 75, 84,87, 90, 93,96 * 99* , 113; James Joseph 84; Joanna 112; Joanna (Mrs. Vine) 41 , 42; Joanna Mary95-6; John 16; Joseph 24, 64, 84, 87 * , 93, 99, 113,162* , 163, 164*; Martha 62, 76, 99, 113; Mary 17; Mr. 151-2, 156-161 * , 163; Mrs. R. 15 , 21*; Mrs. 143, 151-6, 161-2, 166; Richard 18* , 25

Bail(e)y, Anne 110; Anne (Mrs. Murray) 36, 37; Anne (? Mrs. Peskett) 88; Canon Francis (priest) 3, 10 , 143; Hannah 81

Baker, Anne 29, 89, 92; George 56 , 57; Hannah (Mrs. Hicks) 72 ; Rebecca (Mrs. Hide) 66

Baldwin (vere Bawden), William (priest), S.J. 4

Ball, Anne 109; Anne (née Cobbett) 68 , 73;Elizabeth (Mrs. Boxall) 20, 22; James 25; John 23, 68*; Mary 18; Mary (Mrs. R.) 18 , 21, 23, 25 , 26, 97; Robert 15, 18, 21 , 23, 25, 26, 28; Thomas 26

Bancks, John 108

Bannister, Edward 2, 12; Mr. (priest) 124

Barker, Clare (Mrs. Blake) 43; Mary Anne 80, 82, 85, 86

Barnard (Bernard), James (priest),

V.G. London District 9 , 110, 122* , 126, 128, 130, 147* , 147n, 152 , 153 , 156, 157, 160-1*

Barn(e)(s), Anne (Mrs. Ackman) 46, 47*; Mrs. 22; William 17 , 24, 52, 53; (or Tanner) William 60

Barnett, Mary 31

Barrett, Catherine (Mrs. Ryan) 29 , 32* , 33; Thomas 34

Barron, Anne 43

Barry, Helen (Mrs. Kent) 35; Michael 35

Bartholomew , John 15

Bartlett, Mr. 20

Bartley, James 36*

Basset, John 97

Batchelor (or Batcheler) Elizabeth , (Mrs. Hicks) 30, 31, 33, 34 , 36, 37, 94; Elizabeth (née Bulbeck) 114*; George 114*

Bawden (alias Baldwin), William (priest), S.J. 4

Bayard, Mrs. 154

Bedhampton (Hants), 1* , 3n, 5, 9, 14, 15, 27, 54, 55, 57, 65,72,74* , 77 , 79 , 81 , 82* , 83-6* , 87-9, 97* , 98,99, 100* , 101 * , 103 *−5* , 106, 113, 114, 131 , 134, 141 , 142; Churchyard 141 ; Mill 105 , 107 , 139 , 141; Water Works 140, 141


Belasyse, Frances 95; Louisa Juliana 93; Mary 92; Thomas 92, 95

Belson family In Benford, Anne (Mrs.) 105

Bennet (t), Anne 78; Elizabeth 36; Elizabeth (née Blunden) 67 , 73 , 78 , 79* , 82; Mary 73, 88; Thomas 67* , 73, 78, 79; Thomas junr 78; Thomas (priest), S.J. , alias Blackfan 11 , 11n , 12

Ber(r)ington, BishopCharles 9n , 116; Joseph (priest) 124

Berkshire 11 , 12

Besley, Mr. 154; Mrs. 154

Bethell, Joseph 16; Mary 16 ; Mary (Mrs.) 16 , 17

Betts, John Philip (priest) 5, 6, 133

Bew, Joseph (priest), D.D. 10n, 138 , 140 , 141

Biggs (? vere Vancam), John (priest) 3, 4 , 4n, 13*-23* , 25-27 , 27n*; Winifred (Mrs. Vancam) 4

Bilson (Bylson) (Bernard, Richard) Leonard (priest) 1 , In

Binsted , George 11 ; his wife 11n

Bishop, Elizabeth 64; John 60-62 , 64, 65; Joseph 62; Martha 61; Mary (née Molton) 60-62, 64, 65; Richard 65; Thomas 60

Bitterne (Clausentum),Southampton1

Blackfan, Thomas (priest), S.J. (vere Bennett) 11, 11n , 12

Blake, Clare (née Barker) 43 ; John 43; Winifred Mary Emma 43

Blondelle (?family name) 99

Blount, Michael 8; Sir Walter 8

Blundell ( family name) 99

Blunden (Blundon, Blundell, Blondelle), Anne 37; Anne (née Davies, 1º Mrs. Young) 82, 84, 86; Catherine 105, 109; Clara 73, 77, 79 , 80, 104; Clare (née King) 27, 50, 53, 55, ? 104; Elizabeth 63, 109; Elizabeth (Mrs. Bennett) 67, 73 , 78 , 79 , 82; Elizabeth (Mrs. Sparrow) 28, 56*; Elizabeth (née Meach) 80*; Frances (née Kaylde) 61 , 62, 65, 67; Frances (née Kind) 75; John 16, 21 , 23 , 54-6* , 57, 59* , 61, 75, 82,84*, 86* , 98, 100 ; Joseph 65, 80 , 82, 86, 104, 105; Margaret 55; Martha 49, 59, 62*; Martha (Mrs. Saige) 77, 80, 82 , 84; Mary 16, 51, 54, 59, 61, 64, 65, 67* , 97; Mary Anne 75, 80, 82; Mary (Mrs.Cook) 53, 55, 57, 59 , 60-2, 100; Mary (Mrs. J.) 16 , 54-7, 59; Mrs. 153 ; Sarah 67; Stephen 54, 56; Thomas 62; William 27, 50, 53, 61, 62, 65, 67, 80, 99; Winifred 53, 80* , 109; Winifred (Mrs. White) 82, 84, 85 , 88 , 166

Boarhunt (Burrant) (Hants) 2* , 10 , 11

Bold(s), Mrs. 15, 23, ? 51

Bolton, Frances (Mrs.) 20; Martha 20; Mr. 20

Bone, Martha (Mrs. Bulbeck) 95

Bonno, Francis 108

Booker, Hugh 26; Mrs. 26*; William 160

Booman , Margaret(Mrs.) 18 ; Richard 18*

Boughers, Mrs. 20

Bo(u)rn(e) 53, 55, 56, 57* , 98; Common 97; see also Fishbourne, Nutbourne, Westbourne

Bower, Anne 110; Emily 41; Emily (née Isaacs) 41 ; James 110; John 41

Bowman, Mr. 159, 166; Peter 83; Philip 166; Richard 29, ? 51; William 83

Boxall (Boxell, Boxwell), Elizabeth (née Ball) 20 , 22

Boyatt (Hants) 105

Boyle, Joanna (Mrs. McFaul) 38

Bradshow (Bradshaw), Anne 70*; Edward 67* , 69* , 70; Elizabeth 67*; Elizabeth Willan 67*; Jenny (née

Morgan) 67* , 69, 70; Joanna 109

Brady, Ellinor26

Bramston, Bishop James Yorke, Coadjutor London District 112

Breslin, Hugh (priest) 10

Brewer, Barbara 68; Mary 78; William 70 , 77

Bridger, Elizabeth 57; Francis 53; Hannah 64; James 54-6; Mary70-4, 77 , 109; Mary(Mrs. Critchett) 79 , 81 , 82, 84 , 86, 89, 113; Mary (née Collins) 40; Peter 53, 54 , 55, 57, 98 , 108; William 40; Winifred 66; Winifred (Mrs. Guyatt) 66, 67, 71 , 72 , 74 , 76-8, 81, 85, 88, 106, 109, 113; Winifred (née Rowe) 53-7*

Bright, Jane (née Cotton) 11

Brighton 106* , 141

Bristol 5, 107; Clifton Wood Convent 143

British Museum , The 139

Brochard, Monsieur (? Abbé) 155

Brockhampton (Brock.) (Hants) 1* , 2, 3, 3n* , 4, 5* , 6* , 6n, 7* , 8* , 8n , 9* , 10* , 12-14, 14n, 27, 28*-34* , 37* , 42, 43, 48* , 48n, 49 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54-6 , 57, 58*-79* , 80, 81 , 82* , 84-6 , 88*-96* , 97, 98, 99* , 100, 103* , 104, 106, 107, 108*-15* , 117-9

121* , 122, 124, 125, 126*-8* , 131* , 133 , 134 , 135, 136 , 137 , 138* , 138n , 139* , 140 , 142* , 143, 144* , 146 , 149* , 169*; Chapel House 101 , 107 , 127, 128, 135, 148 ; Lane 3* , 4

Brommond, Mrs. 19

Brompton , London 103

Brook Green , London 6

Brooks, (priest), S.J. 12

Broughton (Lancs ) 8

Brown(e), Elizabeth (Mrs. Heneage) 5, 127; family 5; Lavinius (priest), S.J. 12; Mary 40; Peter (priest) 6, 9n, 53, 69n, 151 * , 151n, 152 , 152n , 153, 155 , 156-7

Bruges 143; Augustinian Nuns at 6

Bruman, Mary 97

Bruning, family (of Hambledon) 11; family (of Wymering) 11; George (priest), S.J.11 ;Mary (Mrs.Eyston) 11

Bryan-Stapleton, Mrs. In Buckhall (or Bucknall), Mary 22, 22n

Bulbeck (Bulbick), Anne 52, 62, 65, 78* , 85, 109 ; Anne (Mrs. Aslett) 80 , 81, 84, 86, 113; Anne (Mrs. Hide) 69, 71; Anne (née Clewer) 85, 89; Barbara 51, 108; Barbara (née Morris) 33* , 35 , 36, 141 , 169; Catherine 29, 30, 33-5* , 38, 51, 69-71 , 73, 80* , 85 , 86, 87, 89, 93, 109, 111 , 114 , 115, 134, 135*; Catherine (née Pollington) 70-2, 74; Elizabeth 44, 69, 70, 76, 80, 81, 83, 87, 95, 111 , 142; Elizabeth junr. 84, 89; Elizabeth (Mrs. Batchelor) 114*; Elizabeth (née Hicks) 63, 64, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76, 79, 80, 100, 159; Elizabeth (née Hoare) 44 , 45* , 46, 47; family 104n, 132, 137* , 138 , 142, 143; Frances 77 , 163; Frances Anne 89; Frances (née Ford) 50-3, 57, 62, 103, 108; Frances Mary (Mrs. Crasler) 44* , 45, 46; George 44, 45, 74; Henry 36, 41*-3*; James 57 , 79 , 109; John 23 , 25, 28 , 30, 33* , 35* , 36, 39, 40 , 41 , 43, 44*-7* , 50-1, 62 , 63* , 65* , 68-71 , 72 , 74 , 75 , 77, 81, 83 , 84, 86, 87 , 89 , 102 , 108, 111, 113-5, 124, 125, 128, 138* , 141, 142 , 169*; John junr 81, 83, 85* , 86, 93, 94, 114; John senr 81 , 85, 86, 94, 95, 114 , 167; Joseph 35 , 76, 112, 138*; Kate 138* , 140; Martha 34* , 44-6 , 56, 63, 70, 72, 75 , 95, 104, 111; Martha (née Bone) 95; Mary 18, 45, 46, 64, 80, 97 , 100, 110, 112; Mary (Nurse) 99 , 102*; Mary Martha 138; Mary (née Russell) 51, 52; Mary (née Slodden ) 87; Miss 137; Mrs. William 166; Sarah (née Todman) 65 , 65n, 68, 70, 77; Sarah Anne 65; Susanna 35, 38, 40* , 41* , 43*; Susanna (Mrs. Corney) 137n , 169; Thomas 44, 45 , 46, 47, 49-51, 52* , 56, 57, 71, 77, 81, 85, 89, 100, 102 , 108-10, 142; William 39 , 53 , 63 * , 64 , 67, 69*-71* , 73, 75, 76* , 77" 79* , 80* , 83, 86,87* , 89,93,95 , 100, 102 , 104 , 108 , 111 , 113, 115, 138 , 158, 166; William junr 84, 87*; William Anthony 35


Bulbeck MS 3

Bullacre, Widow Edborow 4, 4n*

Burges(s), Benjamin 27; Henry 27 , 50% , 73 , 108; Jane (Mrs. Goldfinch) 114; John 58; Mary 25, 27; Mary (née King) 22 , 24, 25, 27, 50; Sarah (née Privat) 73; Winifred 73 Burgess, J. A. 3n

Buriton (Hants) 20n

Burke, Mary 166; Rose (née Wells) 40; William 40*

Burton (Sussex) 6, 7; House 7

Burton, Canon E. H. 7n

Buscot, Canon W. 7

Butler, Alban (priest) 7; Charles 120; Mr. 127*; Nicholas 37

Button, Mary (Mrs. Ford) 67 , 100

Butt(s), Frances 28; John 23; Joseph 19 , 21 , 22* , 23* , 52*; Mary 19, 53* , 61 , 98 , 103; Mary (Mrs. Jos ) 18* , 22, 23, 52, 54, 57; Mary (Mrs. Veal) 59* , 61* , 63, 65, 69, 72, 103; Mrs. 154

Byrche, Elizabeth (Mrs. Smith) 43

Byrne, James 26

Byron, Mary (Mrs. Everard) 40

Cahill, Rt. Rev. John Baptist, 2nd

Bishop of Portsmouth 10n

Cal(1)aghan, John 44* , 45, 46; Mary

Anne 45, 46; Mary (née Corbet) 44 , 45* , 46*; Patrick 76

Callan(h)an, Helen 45; Helen (née Firlton) 45; James 44 , 45

Calloway, Sarah (Mrs. Dench) 52* , 54 , 55 , 56

Cambrai 7

Can(n)on, Alexander 53, 54, 56; Anne 53, 73; Catherine75 ; Elizabeth 71; Elizabeth (Mrs. Mitch) 64; Elizabeth (née Clarke) 70, 71 , 73 , 75; James 56, 109; John 70, 71 , 73, 75; Mary 54, 64, 108, 109 ; Mary Anne 70 , 111; Mary (Mrs.) 53, 54 , 56

Carew , Margaret 11

Carlos, Prince, of Spain 10

Carrol, Joanna (Mrs. Harris) 42

Carus, Catherine (Mrs. Ludgater) 27

Caryll (Carrol), Elizabeth (Mrs.) 20; family 2* , 3 * , 12* , 139 ; John 2* , 3 , 3n* , 20n* , 26; John, 2nd Lord 12; John Baptist 3n; Lady 2n; Mrs. E. 26; Mr. 103, 105; Philip 2* , 3* , 3n* , 12; Richard (priest), S.J., alias Paul Kelly 12;139

Caryll Papers, The 139 " Castle," The, The London V . A's residence 122* , 128 Catalonia (Spain) 10

Catherington (Catharington) (Hants) 3, 10, 11 , 12 , 100; North House 2, 12 ; Poor House 100

Chadwick, Mr. (priest) 124

Challoner, Bishop Richard, V.A. London District 4* , 7 , 11 , 12 , 119 , 131 , 139

Chaloner, Joanna (Mrs. Molton) 65

Champ, Cecilia 19; Elizabeth 14-16, 20-22, 52, 54, 55* , 56, 57 , 60, 67; Elizabeth (Mrs. Knapp) 21 , 55, 57* , 58 * , 58 , 59, 60* , 62* , 99, 105 , 106, 132 , 134; Elizabeth (Mrs.Wm.) 21 , 23; Elizabeth (née Smith) 101 , 102* , 105; George 18, 19 , 21 , 23* , 24; James 24 , 54 , 56, 57; John 53 , 97; Mary (Mrs. Wm Cook) 16* , 18 , 20, 21 , 23, 53, 55, 106; Mary (Mrs. Geo junr ) 19, 21, 23, 24, 50; Mrs. 156; N. 102; Thomas junr 15-17; William 21* , 22 , 105

Chapman, John (priest) 4 , 4n

Chapter, The Old 2, 6, 8, 12, 152 *

Charles II, King 2

Chatfield (Chatfeild), Sarah (Mrs. Higgins) 14 , 19

Chelsea 10 , 143n; Winchester House 146

Cherbourg 9* , 112 , 112n

Chester, Diocese of 7

Chichester (Regnum) (Sussex) 1* , 3 , 9, 14 , 17, 22, 24, 28, 29* , 31 , 32* ,

33* , 33n, 34* , 60n, 84n, 89, 91 , 93 , 95, 99, 112,139,141, 144 * , 149,165 ; Coach 149

Chillington (Staffs) 8

Chip-Hall,Wickham (Hants) 66* , 68, 105

Chiselton , William 97

Christophers, Frances Ursula (Mrs. Hicks) 41, 141 , 141n

Clanvil(1)e 66

Clapcote (Clapcott, Clapcoat), Anne (Mrs. White) 52, 53, 55, 99; family 52n

Clares, The Poor S

Clark(e), Albert G. (priest) 10 , 143; Anne 39; Elizabeth (Mrs. Cannon ) 70 , 71 , 73 , 75;Mary(Mrs.Moody) 39; Mr. 141 ; Samuel 138

Clarkson, Anne 114; James 69 *; John 129*

Clary, Darby 26; Mary 26; Mary (Mrs.) 26

Clausentum , see Bitterne

Cleghorn , Mr. 153

Clewer, Anne (Mrs. Bulbeck) 85, 89

Clough, Lois 28

Cobbett (Cobbert), Anne 714 , 109; Anne (Mrs. Ball) 68, 73; Mary 109

Colebrook , Gooddy, senr 16

Coll, Mary (Mrs. McFarlan) 44

Collart, Melchior 49*; Miss 49; Mrs. 49*; Richard 49; William 50

Collingridge , Ignatius (priest) 142 , 143

Collin(g)s, Alban 81 ; Anne 58, 86, 87; Barbara (Mrs. F.) 54; Catherine 42; Charles 78 ; Elizabeth 18, 53, 57* , 60; Emily 43; Frances 51, 57, 81 , 102*; Frances (vere Barbara, née Roads)

106; Francis 50, 51 , 54, 57, 97; family 132; George 86; James 51* , 52, 74 , 89, 115; Joan (Mrs.) 14 , 18; Joanna (née Harrington) 44 ; John 18 , 44 , 50, 83, 112; Joseph 54 , 64 , 66, 70, 72, 74, 76 * 78, 81, 83* , 86, 89, 95, 109; Margaret 44; Mary 43 , 110; Mary Anne 72, 83, 90, 91, 95, 111; Mary Anne (Mrs. Howick) 115*; Mary (Mrs. Bridger) 40; Mary (née Street) 72, 74 , 76, 78, 81, 83, 86, 89; Michael 42; Richard 57, 108; Robert 89 ; Susanna (Mrs. Hicks) 50-2 , 54 , 58, 67, 104, 106

Comiley (Comely or Cornely), Anne 64, 108

Commons, House of 121 Comp-House, Southwick (Hants) 80* , 104

Compton (Hants) 12* , 27 , 105

Condom (Condon), Catherine 63; Catherine (née Ring) 60, 62, 63 , 101 , 102*; Joseph 60; Mary 60; Maurice 60, 63 , 99; Mrs. 151 , 154

Coniers, Leonard (priest), S.J. 11

Connolly, W. J. (priest) 136

Convicts, Catholic 150

Cook(e), Anne 23, 59, 78, 110; Anne (Mrs. Hamilton ) 101 ; Catherine 59 , 75, 110; Charles 23n, 24, 25; Elizabeth 20, 57 , 97; Elizabeth (Mrs. Saltley) 58, 85, 92, 102, 102n, 106; Elizabeth (née Farr) 26, 52; George 18, 62; John 24, 53, 60, 61 , 97; Margaret Teresa 82; Mary 64 , 66 , 70 , 71 , 74, 75 , 79 , 81, 99, 108, 111 , 113; Mary (Mrs. King) 81 , 82, 84; Mary (Mrs. Page) 28, 52 , 53, 54, 107 , her aunt and father 107; Mary (Mrs. Thos ) 23* , 24* , 25, 51, 53; Mary (Mrs. Wm ., née Champ ) 16* , 18, 20, 21, 23, 53, 55, 106; Mary (née Blunden) 53, 55, 57, 59 , 60-2 , 100; Mary (née Hicks) 101 , 159; Poll 24; Teresa 61, 81, 82, 110; Teresa (Mrs. Knapp) 84-7, 90, 105, 114; Thomas 22 , 23-25 , 26, 51, 98*; William 16 , 18, 20, 23, 51, 53* , 55* , 57, 59* , 60-2, 70, 71 , 75, 102 , 106 109; William junr. 99

Coom(b)(e)(s), Abraham 65; Charles 70; Peter 62; Richard 62, 63* , 65, 67 , 70; Sarah 67; Sarah (née Veal) 62 , 63, 65 , 67 , 70

Coomb, Dr. 142

Cooper, Benjamin 72; George 47; Mary Anne 47; Mary (née Veal) 72 ,

106; Rose (née Lea or Sea) 47; Thomas 72

Coppige, Mary 152 , 157

Corbet(t), Mary (Mrs. Callaghan ) 44 , 45* , 46*

Cormick, Anne Staunton 40

Corn (e)thwaite, Janet 64; Joanna 66; Richard (priest) 6* , 7* , 48, 48 , 49 , 57*-69* , 69n , 97, 98, 101 , 108, 113, 132

Corney, Charles Frederick 137n , 169; Charles Austin (priest), O.S.B. 137n; family 137; Fathers, O.S.B. 137n; J. (priest), O.S.F. 137n; James 169; Mary Ann 169; (Mary) Mother Maurus, O.S.B.4, 137 , 137 ; Susanna (née Bulbeck) 137 , 169

Corsica 123

Corunna, Spain 124

Cosham (Hants) 60-2, 65* , 68 , 68n , 77

Cossey Hall (Norfolk) 8

Cotes, Martha (Mrs. White) 71 , 71 , 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 81 , 83

Cotter, Rt Rev. William Timothy, 3rd Bp. of Portsmouth 143n

Cotton , family 4; George 2, 2n, 4; Jane (Mrs. Bright) 11

Couche, John (priest), S.J. 11

Coughton 138

Coutances, Diocese of 112n

Couville 9

Couzens , Anne (née Haggerty) 39; Joanna 39; John 39

Cowdray (Sussex) 7, 139, 139n

Cowes , I. of W. 5, 42, 127n, 147n , 150n

Coyle, Mary (Mrs. Lyons) 96

Crasler, Elizabeth (Mrs. Reekes) 34 , 36, 93, 115; Frances Mary (née Bulbeck) 44* , 45 , 46; Frances Teresa 44; Jessy Gertrude 45, 46 ; Joseph Thomas 44 , 45, 46 ; William Joseph 44

Crawley, see under Crowley

Crayford 10

Cressy, Serenus (priest), O.S.B. 2

Crisp, Richard 27

Critchet(t), Benjamin 35, 36, 89; Henry 82, 112; James 29, 31* , 32, 40, 78 , 79 , 81, 82, 84-7, 89 , 96, 111, 113 , 149*; John 86; Joseph 81, 112; Mary 84 , 131; Mary (née

Bridger) 79 , 81, 82, 84, 86, 89 , 113

Crowl(e)y (Crawley), Hannah 47; Helen 43; James 44; Jeremiah 43, 44 , 45, 46; John 45, 46; Mary (née

Donovan) 43-6; Patrick47

Cruikshanks , Elizabeth 114

Cumleach (Comleach), Mrs. 26; William 27, 28*


Dalton, Hannah (née Rourke) 41; James 41; Mary 41

Daly, Canon James J. (priest) 10 , 143

Damer, Mary 112

Danell, Rt. Rev. James, 2nd Bp of Southwark 135*

Daniel, Henry 153; John (priest) 9 , 123

Darby, Mary (née Clary) 26

Davies, Anne (1° Mrs. Young; 2° Mrs. Blunden) 82, 84, 86

Daw(e)s (or Dows), Sarah (Mrs. Seagrove) 63 , 64 , 64n , 78

Day,Mary (née Groghan) 30 ; Patrick 30; William 30

Dean, see under Finch Dean

De Bedée, Mary Hannibal Joseph90

De Blessin , Alan Le Breton 31; Caroline (née Porée or Porcé) 31

De Feron, Françoise Victoire Henriette Isidora (de Lambilly), dame 33

De la Foret d'Armaillé (De la Forist

Darmaillé), Françoise Thérèse Jacquette 29 ; Gabriel Julien Jacques

Louis 33

De Lambilly, Alfred 95; Caroline 91; Charlotte AnneHenriette 34; Frances Mary 33, 33n, 89, 90; Frances Victoria Henrietta Isidora (dame de Feron ) 33; Frederick 93; George Louis Xavier 29 ; Henriette 34; Hippolite 34; LawrenceXavierMartin 28, 29 , 31, 33* , 33n* , 34* , 90 , 91 , 93, 95, 166; Louise 28; Louise Augusta 33, 33n ; Mary (née Fifield) 28, 29, 31, 33, 33n, 34, 90, 91-3, 95; Matilda Catherine 31 ; Peter Gabriel

Francis 29

De Langles, Victoria 33n

Deltence (or Deltenre or Delterne), John Baptist 24; Mary (Mrs.) 24; Mary Philippa 24

Dench(e), Caroline 83 ; Elizabeth 52 , 109; Frances 55 , 109; James 36, 38 (71,? Wm. mistake for James), 73 , 75, 77, 79, 83; John 52; Joseph 54; Louisa 79; Mary 71 , 108, 111 ; Mary junr 111 ; Mary (née Dridge) 71 , 71n , 73, 75, 77, 79, 83; Samuel 77, 111 ; Sarah 73 , 111 ; Sarah (née Calloway) 52* , 54-6; Thomas 56; William 52* , 54-6 (71,? mistakefor James), 102*

Denmead (Hants) 21 , 65

Dering (e) (Deering) 2

Derwentwater , Earl of 139

Des Jardins, Abbé Jean Baptiste

François Le Cordier 9* , 112 , 165* , 165n , 166

Dilke, Sir Charles 139*

Dillon, Anne 33; John 33

Dimes, Elizabeth 31, 36, 38; Mr. 168; Thomas 31, 36, 37 , 38, 39

Dipnall, Andrew 50

Dodd, Charles 1

Doggins, Mary (née Austin) 27; William 27

Donnington, near Chichester32

Donovan, Daniel (priest) 10 , 45*-47* , 139* , 143, 169*; Mary (Mrs. Crowly) 43-46

Doran, Margaret 112

D'Orléans de la Motte, Louis François Gabriel, Bp of Amiens 119, 136

Dormer, family 2n, 12*; Lord 132 , 142; 6th Lord 11; Robert (priest), S.J. 11 ; The Hon. Charles 102, 102n; William 12

Dorset 2, 4 , 11

Douay (Doway) 121*; Church of St. Jacques 121 ; English College at4-6, 6n, 7 , 8 , 9, 21n, 48n, 74n, 129 , 134 , 142 ; President of 123

Doughty, Catherine (née Hewett) 29 , 31, 35; CatherineAnne 29, 112; John 29, 31 , 112; John Alexander 31

Douglass (Rev.Mr. D.), BishopJohn, V.A. London District 6n, 9 , 9n* , 48n, 110, 111, 116 , 117 , 118 , 119* , 120, 121 , 122* , 122n, 125, 126* , 128 , 130, 147n, 153, 153 , 154*-165*

Doullens 9

Dove, John 62, 65, 72 , 77 , 79 , 82 , 84, 90, 92–4, 104, 107, 108, 114* 115*

Dowling, Sarah 114

DownsideAbbey 137n

Dows, see under Daws

Drake, James 25; Mrs. 25; Richard 25*

Drayton (Dreaton) 97 , 97n

Drew , Mary 36

Dridge, Mary (Mrs. Dench) 71 , 71n , 73, 75, 77 , 79 , 83

Driscol(1), Helen (Mrs. Higgins) 44; Mary 76, 78, 82, 101 ; Mary (née Russell ) 169 ; Patrick 169

Drouin, René François 95

Duke, Mary (Mrs. Morey) 83 , 87 , 91

Dummer, Christopher 28

Dunkirk 3 , 3n

Dunmanway, Ireland 169

Dunn, Mr. (priest) 124

Dwyer, William 45 , 46 26

Earl, John 26; Mary (Mrs. J.) 26; Mary (Mrs. Tully) 115; E(a)rle, Elizabeth (née Hutton) 8; John (priest) 8* , 70, 71-3*, 98; Mary 49 , 110 , 149 *; Tobias 8

Easebourne (Sussex) 7

East Hendred (Berks.) 11

Edmundian, The 10 , 10n

Ednon (or Emon), Mr. 27, 27n

Elcock, William 34

Eliot, Elizabeth (Mrs. Morey) 61, 62

Elizabeth, Queen 12, 142, 143

Ellis, Mary 79; Mrs. 159-64

Emon (or Ednon), Mr. 27, 27n

Emsworth (Hants) 28-30 , 31 , 32,

53, 55 , 58 , 61 , 71 , 72 , 74* , 76* ,

78* , 80, 81 * , 83 * , 86-93* , 95 * , 96,

98, 101 , 105* , 138, 141 , 142*; Poor House 106

Emsworth Road,? Westburton Farm 143

England 2, 4-6, 9, 10 , 48n, 149n; Navy of 150n

Englefield, family 3, 11 ; Henry 116; Mary (née Wollascott) 12; Sir Francis 12; William 12

Esquerchin 7

Eteridge, Arthur 37; Catherine (née Salter) 37, 38; Denis 37, 38; Richard 38

Everard, Lawrence 40; Mary Anne 40; Mary (née Byron) 40

Everett, Ann 16

Fitzwilliam , Mary (Mrs. Talbot) 5; Thomas , Viscount 5

Flanders 5

Fleett, Elizabeth 15 , 19

Flexon, Mary 108

Floyd, Elizabeth 21 , 27 , 28

Foley, Brother, S.J. 2n, 3n* , 11* , 11n , 12*

Fo(o)rd, Anne 67; Barbara 15; Catherine (Mrs. Ginman) 28, 30, 32 , 34, 35, 93, 95; Charles 16, 51 , 52; Daquis 21; Edward 16, 20, 24 , 68; Elizabeth 66 , 68; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 15 , 17 , 19 , 51, 52, 102*; Frances (Mrs. Bulbeck) 50-3, 57, 62, 103, 108; Isabella 68 ; James 19 , 106; Joanna (née Figg) 68; John 30, 37, 54 , 60 , 63, 64, 67 , 81 , 100*; Katherine 26; Mark 110; Mary 24, 50; Mary (née Button ) 67 , 100; Mary (Mrs.) 16 , 20 , 24; Richard 15, 19; William 20 , 90 , 94

Fosset, Helen 38; Henry Thomas 38; Eyston, Thomas John 11; Mary (née Sarah (née Veal, 1° Mrs. Myles) 36* , Bruning) 11

Fagan, F. (priest) 143n

Falkner, Ralph (priest) 48 , 48n , 56

Fareham (Hants) 1 , 11 , 92 , 94

Far(e)nden, Charles 27; Elizabeth (née Utley) 26-8; James 26 ; John 26, 27, 28

Farlington (Hants) 2, 76 , 104, 107

Farner, Ann Mary 26; Frances 26; Mary (Mrs.) 26

Far(r), Elizabeth (Mrs. Cook) 26, 52; Henry 14 , 16, 17, 19 , 25, 26, 54, 97; James 16* Joseph 17; Mary (Mrs. Henry F.) 14 , 16 , 17, 19, 26* , 50, 97; Phoebe 19

Fasquel, Catherine 92 ; Elizabeth 90; Mary 89; Peter 29, 89-92; Susanna (née Mitchel) 29, 31 , 76* , 89-92, 95, 104 , 107 ; Thomas 91

Fermer, Charles 69 ; Frances Margaret 69; Susanna (née Nyren) 69

Fettiplace family 3 , 12

Fielder, Catherine 52*

Fifield, Mary (Mrs. de Lambilly) 28, 29, 31, 33, 33n, 34 , 90-93, 95

Fig(g), Joanna (Mrs. Ford) 68; widow 115

Finch Dean (Dean) 64, 64n, 65, 65n , 68, 68n, 104* , 105

Finchley 6

Firlton, Helen (Mrs. Callanhan) 45 ? Fishbourne 58

Fishwick, Katherine 25; Katherine (Mrs.) 25; Richard 25 , 26

Fitzgerald, Edward 56; Gerard 56; Margaret (Mrs.) 56

38* , 115; Thomas 38*

Fowler, Elizabeth 108; Elizabeth (née Private) 103; Mary 108

Frain, Mrs. 27

Frampton, Elizabeth (Mrs. Morey) 25,49, 50, 51, 99, 132 ; family 132, 134

France (Gallia) 29* , 145

Frankland (alias or vere Moyses), John (priest) 4*

French Refugee Priests 6n , 151

French Revolution, The 7 , 9

Fuller, Mary (Mrs.) 19, 21 , 23; N. (Mr.) 51; Richard 19 , 23, 97; Thomas 23; William 19

Gabb, Thomas (priest) 12 , 147* , 147n , 148, 149*

Gage family 141

Gallia, see under France

Gardiner , William 20; Winifred 17 , 20

Gasquet, Cardinal In, 2, 2n* , 139, 140, 142 , 143

Gatchel(1), Deborah 70, 109

Gatcombe, I. of W. 5

Gates , William G. 5

Gaubert, Abbé Thomas Georges 166n

Gavin, Bridget (Mrs. Madden) 41

Gaywood , see under Geywood

Genaway , see under Janaway

George I, King 3 , 13 , 53n

George II, King 13 , 53

Germany 148n

Geywood (Gaywood), Elizabeth (Mrs. Morey) 55* , 57 , 61 , 108

Gibraltar (Gibralter) 106

Gibson, Mary 109; William, Bp of Acanthus 116* , 120


Giffard family 8

Giggs, Clare 17

Gilling(h)am, Elizabeth 15; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 15; James 15

Gillow, Joseph 4, 6 , 7, 8* , 12

Ginman, Anne 30; Anthony 95; Catherine 32; Catherine (née Ford) 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 93, 95; George 28 , 30, 32, 34, 35, 93 , 95; Helen 35; Sarah 34; Thomas 28

Glaspole (Glaspool), Elizabeth (Mrs. Ayles) 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 106-7 , 113; family 143; Mary (née Howes ) 81 , 84, 96, 105, 113, 158-60, 161 * , 162, 163-166*; Mary junr 87, 90, 113; Joseph 58, 105 , 158-66 ; Miss 143

Glover, LawrenceWilliam 42; Sarah (née Hewson) 42; Thomas42

Goddard, Benjamin 26; Mary 26; Sarah (Mrs.) 26

Goldfinch, Anne (née Watts) 72, 73 , 75 , 77* , 100; James 75, 111; Jane (née Burgess) 114; John 68 , 72* , 73 , 75 , 76, 77 , 114; Mary 73 , 77; Richard 69, 75, 77 , 113

Goodwin , Sarah (Mrs. Turner) 53

Goosnargh (Lancs ) 8

Gordon Riots, The 139 Gorman , Mrs. 124

Gosden, Margaret (Mrs.) 20 , 26

Gosport (Hants) 5* , 6, 7, 10, 12 , 66n, 109, 122, 122n, 130, 133* , 140, 140m , 146n , 148n* , 152, 153n; Registers 69n

Gother, John (priest) 139

Gover (Govar), Eleanor 21 ; Jean 17; John 19; Mary (Mrs. Molton) 65, 68 , 70, 73, 76, 78, 80; Mary (Mrs.) 17 , 19, 21; Thomas 17 , 19 , 21

Grant, Anne 111

Grant, Rt Rev. Thomas , 1st Bp. of Southwark 139

Gravesend 10

Green, Benjamin 114*; Catherine (née Reeks) 114*; Elizabeth 90; Elizabeth (née Reeks) 90; William90

Greenhow , Sarah (Mrs. Antrobus) 7

Greenwell , John Baptist (priest) 146, 147*

Greenwich Hospital 139

Gregory, Mary 28

Griffiths (Griffis), Mrs. 27

Grigg, Elizabeth 14*; Thomas 14*

Grizzill, Mrs. 25*

Groghan , Mary (Mrs. Day) 30

Grover, Ann 23; Francis 15; Lyddia 19; Mary (Mrs.) 15 , 18 , 19 , 23; Philip 15 , 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28; Walter 25

Groves, Frances (Mrs.) 17 , 24

Guy, Sarah 110

G(u)yat(t) (Gyet), Charles 85; George 78; James 76, 106; John, 72, 74* , 76 , 78, 81, 85, 106, 111 ; Mary Anne (Mrs. White) 32 , 72, 89, 91, 96, 111 ; William 81 ; Winifred (née Bridger)

66, 67, 71, 72, 74, 76-8, 81, 85, 88, 106, 109, 113

Hag(g)erty, Anne (Mrs. Couzens) 39; Margaret (Mrs. Hanning) 39*

Hall, Mgr Canon Louis (priest) 10 , 143

Hambledon(Hants) 10 , 11 , 140, 142

Hamilton, Anne (née Cooke) 101

Hammersmith 6

Hampshire (Hants) 1 * , 2* , 10 , 11 , 117, 121 , 122, 133, 145, 146n , 147n , 148n, 150n, 169; Vicar of 9

Hampshire Ledger, The 69n

Hampshire Secular Clergy Fund 7 , 133,134*, 136 * , 146 *−48* , 149, 150, 151n , 152-3, 155* , 156, 157* , 158-60, 161 , 162-4

Hanigan, Anastasia (Mrs. Woolridge)

37; Mary 37

Hanning, Margaret (née Hagerty) 39*; Mary Anne 39; William 39** " Hants, Mrs." , Jesuit District (St. Thomas of Canterbury) 2n, 11*

Hardin(g), Charles 52, 97; Daniel 92; Elizabeth (Mrs. White ) 44, 45* , 46

Hargood, James (Jeams) 14 , 20; Jean (Mrs.) 14, 17 , 20; Mary 14; Thomas 14, 17* , 20

Harrington, Joanna (Mrs. Collins) 44

Harris, Anne (née Veal) 42; Elizabeth 42; James 42*; Joanna (née Carrol) 42; Mary (widow, Mrs. Sone) 105, 133-35 ; Richard 42

Hart, Ann 26; Mary 73, 75; Stephen (Farmer) 155*-7*

Harting (Hants) 2, 139n

Hartley, Thomas (priest) 6 , 7

Harvington Hall (Worcs) 7

Haslett, see under Astlett Havant 1*-3*, 3n* , 4* , 5* , 6, 7, 10* , 10n, 13, 28*-33, 36, 50* , 51* , 55 , 57 , 60, 63n, 67 , 68, 71 , 72 , 73 , 73 , 74-8*, 80*-5* , 86, 87* - 101 , 103*-7* , 113, 114 , 117 , 121 , 122, 127, 131 , 135 , 136*-8*, 140 , 141* , 143, 144 , 148, 169*; Bear Hotel 143; Brockhampton Lane 3* , 4; East Street 137; Fund 146, 147* , 151-3, 155, 157-164; Hayling Road 144; Incumbent 146; Manor of 145*; Palant, The 144; Poor House 99, 101 , 106, 107; Railway Station 1; St. Joseph's Church 1 , 13, 136*; South Street 141 , 142; Town's End 144; West Street 1 , 137; Workhouse 97

Hawcke, John 127, 128* , 131

Hawley, Charles 28* ; Isabella 28; John 28; Mrs. 27, 28*

Hayes, Joseph P. (priest) 10 , 143

Hayling Island (Heylin, Heling, Hailing) (Hants) 1* , 16 , 16n, 31 , 33 , 34 ,

52, 52 , 53, 55, 65, 65n, 68, 68n , 83 , 84, 86, 93, 95, 95 , 96, 98, 102 , 104n , 106, 137, 138 , 142; Manor of 138; Norfolk Arms, Sinai Common 138; Norfolk Lodge 104, 104n; Railway Bridge 140; Sinai 95n , 138

Heafanon, Alice (Mrs. Meighan) 29

Healy, Margaret (Mrs. Sisk) 42

Hearne, Martha 43

Heath, Elizabeth (Mrs. Sage) 40

Heather, Edward 18; Mary (Mrs.) 18, 97; Sarah 18

Heath House , Buriton 20

Hedger, Anne 109

Heneage, James Windsor 5; Elizabeth (née Browne) 5, 127

Henrizzi, Adam 39; Charles 39*; Tertullia (née Summerland) 39

Henry VIII, King 140

Henshaw , Nanny 144

Henslowe family 11

Hewet(t) (Huit), Catherine 67, 88, 111; Catherine (Mrs. Doughty) 29 , 31 , 35; Elizabeth (Mrs. Wake) 63, 82, 107, 110; Frances 112; Frances (née Pitt) 23, 55, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69 , 80, 85, 105; James 61 ; Joseph 60; Martha 69; Martha (Mrs. Adams) 35; Mary Anne (Mrs. Veal) 65, 81 , 82 , 89, 94, 106, 110, 114 ; Robert 60 , 61 , 63, 65, 67, 69

Hewson , Sarah (Mrs. Glover) 42

Heyden , John 33; Mary (née Astlett) 33; William 33

Hick(e)s , Anne 91, 94*; Catherine94 , 112; Catherine (née Knapp) 58-60 , 69, 70 , 72 , 74-6, 78-81 , 83, 86 , 87, 88, 90, 91, 94, 106, 113, 115; Charles Knapp 94; Dr. 141 , his sons 141 ; Edmund 31 ; Edmund BenedictChristophers41; Edmund Joseph 81 ; Edward 112; Edward (priest) 141 ; Edward George 33; Elizabeth 30, 34, 50, 59, 72 , 91 , 92, 95, 108, 111 ; Elizabeth (Mrs. Bulbeck) 63, 64, 69, 71 , 73 , 75 , 76, 79 , 80, 100, 159; Elizabeth (née Batchelor) 30, 31 , 33, 34, 36, 37 , 94; Elizabeth (Mrs. Scale) 115*; family 132, 138, 140, 144; Frances 33, 41* , 42* , 44; Frances Catherine 47, 87; Frances Louisa 72; Frances Ursula (née Christophers ) 41, 141 , 141n; George 106; Hannah (née Baker) 72; Henry 33; Henry Robert 83 ; Henry Thomas 36; James 30, 42; James Henry 81 ; James Philip 76; Joanna

31 , 112; John 41, 54, 64* , 72* , 74-6, 78, 80 , 81 , 83, 87* , 88, 91 , 92 , 94* , 106, 109, 111 , 113 , 115; John of Emsworth 141 ; Joseph78 , 79, 106; Martha Anne(Mrs. Allen) 37, 40 , 42, 43, 89; Martha (née Hussey) 72, 74 , 75, 78, 79, 81, 83, 89, 106; Martin 108; Mary 51 , 63 , 64, 66, 69, 78 , 109; Mary (Mrs. Cooke) 101, 159; Susanna (née Collins) 50-2, 54 , 58 , 67, 104, 106; Teresa 31 , 39, 40; Teresa Catherine83; William30, 31 , 33 , 34* , 36, 37 , 50, 51*-2* , 54, 57 , 69, 71, 72 , 74-6, 78, 79, 81, 83, 88, 89, 94 , 95, 106" , 108; William, ?Captain 102*; William junr 71, 83, 84, 91; William Charles 37; William Edward 30 Hide (Hyde), Anne 68 , 69, 71, 73, 79, 100; Anne (née Bulbeck) 69, 71; Anne (née Randal(1) ) 50, 52, 54-7 , 68*; Anthony 50, 52, 54-6, 57* , 71; Anthony junr 97; boy 50; Captain 102*; Charles 54, 71 , 74* , 109; Elizabeth 55, 109; Frances 86, 111; Frances Anne 69 ; infans 67 ; James 66, 68, 69, 71* , 73; Jane 73 , 109; John 74 , 98; Joseph 52, 68, 69 , 71 , 73; Margaret 14; Mary 56, 66, 109; Mary Anne 69; Mary (née Warne) 69, 71 , 71 , 73; Rebecca (née Baker) 66; Sarah(née Jupp) 71 , 74; William 71 , 74

Higgin(s) (Hyggins), Anne 21; Anne (Mrs.) 17 , 19, 21, 22, 24; Anne (Mrs. Morey) 68 , 70, 103; Bridget 22; Charles 44, 51; Denis47; Edward 24, 73; (or Hugens) 99*; Elizabeth 17; Francis 17* , 22 , 23, 50, 51; George 17, 19 , 21 , 24, 44; George Edward 50; Helen (née Driscol) 44; James (Jeams) 14 , 16, 19 , 50; Jane 101; Jean (née Withrington ) 22* , 23 , 51; John 24, 27* , 44, 46, 50, 99, 100 , 132* , 136; Mary 24, 98; Mary (Frances , or wife of Francis) 14 , 15, 17, 24; Mr's land 154; Richard 14; Sarah 111 ; Sarah (née Chatfield) 14, 19; William 14 , 18

Higginson, Frances 28; William 28

Hill(s), Albert 45, 46; Charles 44-7; Edmund 47 ; Frances 49; James William 44; Joanna 39; Gazier or Kiziah (née Powell) 44-47

Hilsea (Hilsey), Portsmouth 62, 62n , 65, 65 , 67, 100

Hind, John 26; John Peter William 26; Mrs. 26

Hoadley, Benjamin, Bishop of Winchester 3, 3n, 5 , 145

Hoar (e) (Horar), Edward 65; Elizabeth (Mrs. Bulbeck) 44, 45* , 46, 47; Francis 70; John 76 , 77; Martha 79;


Mary (née Asprey) 77 , 79; Mary (née Austin) 64-6 , 68 , 69 , 70, 104 , 105; William 64 , 65, 68, 70

Hod(g)skins, Sarah (Mrs. West) 68, 70, 74, 75, 77, 80, 82, 84, 85, 88, 90

Hodgson, Joseph (priest), V.G. London District 136 , 147 , 147n , 163 , 163n, 164, 165*

Holland, Mary Anne (Mrs. Quin) 39-44

Hollest House (Sussex) 7

Holloway, Gawen (Jawen, Gowen) 88, 90-2, 114; John Gawen 88, 91; Martha Anne (née Midlane) 80 , 88 , 90-2, 105 , 114, 142, 164-6; Mary Augusta 90, 92; MaryAugusta (Mrs. Snooke) 38 , 142; Sarah (née West) 27; Thomas 27

Holmes, Francis (priest), O.S.F. 12

Holt, William 165

Holyhead 103

Hookheath (Hants) 11

Horn, Susanna 44 , 45

Hornby, Robert (priest), S.J. 12

Horndean (Hants) 69, 98

Hornyold, Thomas 116

Horrabin, Thomas (priest) 111 , 120, 127, 130, 158 , 158 , 162

Horrigan, John (priest) 10, 143

Horton (Horten), Mary 102*; Mrs. 152

Hosley, Margaret (Mrs. Edw. Austin) 28

How , Elizabeth 17; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 15, 17 , 20; George 15, 17 , 20* , 21; James 15; Mr. 14

Howard, Catherine (Mrs. Vardell) 53

Howell, William 115

Howes , Anne 165* , 166; James 163-4 , 165*; Mary (Mrs. Glaspole) 81 , 84 , 96, 105, 113,158-62,163 *-6*

Howick, Mary Anne (née Collins) 115 ; William 115

Howse, Catherine (Mrs. Knapp) 58 , 59* , 60, 61; 60

Hudson , Emanuel 14*; John 14; Mary 14

Hugens (or Higgins), Edward 99*

Hughes, Mary (Mrs.) 17; Richard 17*

Huit, see under Hewett

Hull, Catherine (née Reeks) 58*; James 58; Mary 58; William 58*

Hunt, Harriot (Mrs. White) 30* , 31; Samuel 66

Husenbeth , Rev. F. C. 6 , 7n

Hussey, Martha (Mrs. Hicks) 72 , 74 , 75, 78, 79, 81, 83, 89, 106

Hutchins, James 82; John 78, 80*, 82; Mary 78; Mary (née Lynch) 78, 80, 82

Hutton, Elizabeth (née Rigby) 28; Elizabeth (Mrs. Earle) 8; Richard 28

Hyde, James 123; see also under Hide Hyland, Canon St. G. K. 1 , In*

Ibbotson (Iberton), ? Caroline 164; Catherine(Mrs. Knapp) 73 , 79, 85-6, 88, 91 ; Charles 14 , 88; John 14, 15 , 16*; Katherine 14; Sarah (Mrs.) 14; Sophia 80 , 88* , 94, 95; Thomas 86

Iberton, see under Ibbotson

Idsworth Manor 2, 2n, 4, 12* , 142

Ireland (Hibernia) 99, 104* , 107, 169*

Ireland, John 65, 66, 98; Mary (née Page) 65, 66, 98; Michael 65

Irish, Charles 69; Joseph 69 ; Sarah (née Lang) 69

Isaacs, Emily (Mrs. Bower) 41 Isle of Wight (Insula Vectis) 42n, 127* , 1471 * Isleworth 11

Itchenor 152

Jackson , Helen junr 64; Mary (Mrs. John Sone) 64, 66, 103, 164

Jacob(s), Anne (Mrs. Asprey) 57-62, 64, 66, 68, 71; Anne (née Private) 29 , 31, 32, 34-6, 94; George 29; Joanna 31; John Edward 32; Joseph 30-1; Martha 34; Teresa 35; Thomas 29, 31,32,34,35,36*

Jamaica 97; St. Ann 100

James I, King 2

Janaway (Genaway, Jenaway), Anne 110; Anne (née Private) 66, 68 , 105; John 66, 68; Mary 66 , 68 , 69 , 104 , 111 , 114;(Mrs Prior) 66

Jenks, Elizabeth (Mrs. Austin) 99

Jerningham , family 8; Sir William 8

Jinks, Ann 26

Jobson, Mr. 166n; Mrs. 166; William 104, 166

Jones, Ambrose35; Anne Joanna39; Anne (née Albon) 39; Anne (née Aldrich) 47; Cornelius 96, 112; Edward 22; James 169; Joanna 169; Joanna (née Private) 31 , 33 , 35 , 44, 66, 68, 93, 94, 96; John 39, 94, 112; Joseph 31 , 39, 112; Martha Anne 33, 39 , 112; Mary 22, 57, 59, 64; Mary (Mrs.) 22; Mrs. 142 ; Sarah (Mrs. Price) 45, 46; William 31 , 33, 35 , 47* , 93 , 94, 96

Jupp, Sarah (Mrs. Hyde) 71 , 74

Karn (? Kearn), Mary 131

Kay, Catherine (Mrs. Southworth) 8, 8n

Kaylde, Frances (Mrs. Blunden) 61 , 62, 65, 67

Ke(a)rn, Mary 33, 34, 115; see also


Kearns, John (priest) 10 , 36*-45* , 112 , 135 , 136 , 139, 143, 144 , 169*

Keeping, Mary 23

Keevil, Edward 43

Kelly, Elizabeth 28 ; Mary (1° Mrs. West, 2° Mrs. Veal) 69, 72 , 73 , 74 , 77, 81-3, 85-7, 113; Paul 28, 56, 108; Paul, alias of Richard Caryll (priest), S.J. 12

Kelly, Rev. Bernard4, 4n

Kendal, Fathers, O.S.B. 143; four priest-brothers 8n; Hugh (priest) 7 , 8n; Richard (priest) 6 , 8n, 55*

Kennedy,Margaret (Mrs. Wyndham 6

Kennell, Ann 15; George 15; Thomas 15

Kent, Dorothy 19 ; Helen (née Barry) 35; James 35; Teresa Robins 35

Kent 11

Kew, Jane (Mrs. Lynch) 46, 47* , 169

Killbride, Frances 40 ; Joanna (née Pendergast ) 40; John 40

Killduff, Norricia (née Maghny) 85; Thomas 85*

Kimbell, Joseph (priest) 9, 10n , 32*26* , 53 , 107, 113, 115* , 134,135* , 143 , 143n, 167 , 168

Kind, Frances (Mrs. Blunden) 75

King, Alfred John 42; Anne Caroline 43; Anne Sarah (née King) 40 , 41* , 42, 43*; Charles 92; Clare (Mrs. Blunden) 27, 50, 53, ? 104; Daniel 38-40, 43*; Daniel Wyeth 94; Edward Albert Godfrey 41; Elizabeth (errorforRing) 21n; family140; Helen 84; James 40, 41 , 42, 43* , 90* , 91, 92, 94, 96, 104, 112, 114*, 165 ; James George 40; John 91; Mary Elizabeth 43; Mary (Mrs. Burges) 22 , 24 , 25, 27, 50; Mary (née Cooke) 81 , 82, 84; Mary (née Knapp) 90-96 , 114*; Nicholas 22; Richard 112; Rt Rev. John Henry, 4th Bishop of Portsmouth 10; Samuel 81 , 84 , 111; William 81; William Richard 41

Kingston, Portsmouth 22 , 22n , 97 , 97n, 101n; Poor House 101 Kings Worthy (Hants) I Kinsale, Ireland 169

Kirk, Rev. John Sn

Knapp, Adeline Teresa 39; Agatha Rose 42; Agnes Mary 37, 96; Alban Vincent 40; Albert Edward 38 , 44*; Alfred 95; AnastasiaLucy41; Anne 57 , 60, 86, 99, 106, 110; Catherine 83, 87, 93; Catherine (Mrs. Hicks) 58-60, 69, 70, 72, 74-76, 78-81, 83, 86 , 87, 88, 90, 91, 94, 106 , 113, 115; Catherine (née Howse) 58 , 59* , 60 , 61; Catherine (née Ibbotson) 73 ,

79 , 85-6, 88, 91; Charles 62, 86, 92 , 94* , 106 , 110; Charles Ibbotson 88; Edward 37 , 38, 39 , 40, 41* , 42* , 90;Elizabeth 18, 50 , 51, 53, 55-6, 57* , 59, 60* , 67, 84, 86, 105, 106, 114 * , 132, 135 , 136; Elizabeth junr 59; Elizabeth (Mrs.Wheeler) 49 , 53 ,55-7, 58 , 59, 103, 113* , 132, 134 , 162; Elizabeth (née Ring, Mrs. Ricd senr.) 16-18 , 20-1, 21n, 22, 25* , 49 , 132* , 134 , 135* , 136; Elizabeth (née Champ, Mrs. Ricd junr ) 21, 55, 57* , 58 , 58 , 59, 60* , 62* , 99, 105* , 106, 132* , 134; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 102* , 102n; family 16n , 49, 136, 138, 140, 144; Helen28; HelenAnne 37; Henry James 85; James 21n, 51 , 52, 56, 58 , 59* , 60, 61* , 67* , 71, 74,79-81 , 84, 85, 91 , 93, 102* , 106, 107, 114, 127 , 132, 134, 152* , 158, 162, 165; James junr 73, 79 , 83, 88* , 95, 113; James senr 72 , 76, 79 , 86* , 88, 95, 113 , 115; James William 91; John 21 , 212 , 49 , 68, 76, 81, 88 , 107n, 113, 132n , 134; John Alfred 42; Joseph (priest) 7, 63 , 67, 67 , 78, 85, 87 , 89, 90* , 91 , 95, 107, 132, 134, 140, 144, 146 , 146n , 147-8* , 149 ; Joseph 59* , 60, 80, 87, 110, 156; Lucy(Mrs. Pottle) 31 , 38* , 41, 42, 112 ; Mary 25, 39, 42, 54, 55* , 56 , 58, 59, 87 , 88, 109, 114; Mary (Mrs. King) 90-6, 114*; Mary (Mrs. Todd) 60 , 61 , 63, 67, 76, 100, 132 , 134; Mary (née Vincent) 38-42; Mary Anne 61; Mary Anne (née Morey) 28, 31 , 95, 96, 115; Mary Catherine 79; Miss (Mrs. Turner) 21 ; Mr. 16 , his Mill 99; Mrs. (James) 164; Mrs. 152, 153* , 154; Rhoda (née Reeves) 37* , 38, 112; Richard 14-16* 18* , 20, 21, 24* , 25, 49* , 51, 53* , 55-7, 58* , 58 , 59, 60* , 62* , 63 , 80, 84,97 , 99, 102* , 104, 105 , 106, 107, 113, 114, 124, 132* , 134* , 151-65*; Teresa 59, 77 , 78* , 85, 87 , 88 , 90, 91 , 113; Teresa (Mrs. Robins) 35, 93, 95, 96; Teresa (née Cooke) 84-7, 90, 105, 114; William 28, 31, 60, 77 , 78, 84* , 86, 87, 90, 91 , 95, 96, 114 , 115, 148, 166* , 167* Knight , James (priest), S.J. 12; Mr. 153, 154; Richard (priest), S.J. 12 Knocker, Anne (née Reeks) 114; William Cooper 114

Ladwedg, Luke 54 Lady Holt (Hants) 2, 12* , 20, 26, 103, 105, 139n Lahy (La Hay (e) ), Mrs. 159; Ruth 159-64

Lamb, Sarah 18


Lambilly, see under De Lambilly Lancashire 6, 8, 103; Clergy 124

Lane, Anne (Mrs.) 91 ; John 127; Millicent 86; William 91

Lang, Sarah (Mrs. Irish) 69

Langley, Judith 30

Langrage(? Langridge) or Langrege, Elizabeth 68, 70

Langridge, Anthony 66, 111 , 113 , 150; Catherine 76; Elizabeth 69 ; Elizabeth (née Austin) 62-64, 66, 68 , 69 , ? 70, 71, 76, 79 , 106; John 62, 63* , 66, 69, 71 , 76, 83, 150; Mary 62, 78 , 79, 84, 113; Stephen 71

Langston(e) Harbour (Hants) 1* , 3* , 3n, 4* , 16, 23, 27 , 30, 31 , 34, 54, 57-9, 60 , 61-3, 66-8, 71 , 72, 73* , 74* , 75, 76 * , 77, 78* 81* 83 * , 84, 86, 87 , 89, 91. 94, 95, 95*-101 * , 103–5, 106* , 107* 113, 127,132 , 138 , 144, 145 , 150n* , 152 , 153 , 159; " Royal Oak" 3

Langton Herring (Dorset) 4n

Larchin, Simon 65

Lawson , (priest) 122

Layton, Sindony 17

Lea (or Sea), Rose (Mrs. Cooper) 47

Leach (or Leech), Elizabeth (Mrs. Woodger) 51-4, 56, 58; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 15, 21; Thomas 15* , 16, 21; William 21

Leahy, Joanna 26

Le Breton de Blessin, Alan 31 ; Caroline (née Porée or Porcé) 31

LeCordier , Abbé, see AbbéDesjardins

Lee, Anne (née Wake, 2° Mrs. Veal) 41, 43; Elizabeth 45, 46 ; John 45* , 46; John (priest) 148 , 148 , 149* , 150, 150n; Joseph (priest) 150 * , 150n*

Leech, see under Leach

Lefer de la Sandre, FrancisMary 115; Harriet (née Tiner) 115

Leigh (? Lay, Ligh) (Hants) 1 , 14 , 27, 29, 30, 32, 97* , 97 , 98 , 100, 101 , 103, 106, 154; Heath 73, 78 , 79; Middle 3n

Lemmon, Ann (née Trevett) 27; William 27

Lempfrid, Ignatius (priest) 148* , 148 , 150 , 150n

Le Roy, Rebecca 56*

Lettering, Elizabeth 39

Lewes (Sussex) 141 *

Linckhorn, John 24

Lindow , John (priest) 8 , 122 , 124 , 152 , 152n* , 155, 157*

Lisbon, English College at 4* , 5

Lister , Thomas (priest), S.J. 4

Littleworth , John 15 , 19 , 22* , 27; Lyddia 19 ; Mary (Mrs.) 15 , 19 , 22; Sarah 15 Liverpool 98 , 103

London 4* , 6, 8* , 120* , 125* , 129 , 133, 137, 139, 149* , 149 , 167 , 169; Bedford Street, Bedford Square 116 , 117 , 119 , 121 ; Bloomsbury 130; Bolt - in - Tun Inn 149; Brewer (? Bower) Street 120 , 120n; British Museum 139 ; Brompton 103; Brook Green 6; Castle Street, Holborn 126, 130, 152n; Chelsea 10 , 143n , 145; Covent Garden 127; Dean St., Soho 131; Denmark St. 131 ; District 5 , 10 , 48 , 48n, 122, 139, 147n, 152n , 163n; Dorset Street 8; George St., Bloomsbury 130; Hammersmith 6; Holborn 126, 130, 152n; Lincoln's Inn Field 10 Little Britain 169; Manchester Square 8*; Marshalsea Prison 1*; Moorfields 10* , 143; Newington 103; St. Giles's Parish 130* , 131 ; St. Pancras 8; Soho 131; Somerset Street8; South Kensington Museum 139; Spanish Embassy Chapel 8; Tower of 1; V.A. District 5, 48n, 74n , 151n; Warwick Street Chapel8

Long, Anne (née Veal, 1° Mrs. West) 101, 113; Nathaniel 113

Long Birch, Residence of V.A., Midland District 122

Longcroft , Charles J. 1 , 2, 2n , 3* , 3n* , 9, 104n, 139

Lords, House of 121

Loseley MSS . 1

Loveden (Lovedyn), Helen 53* , 97

Lovel, Lucy 97

Lucas , Monsieur (? Abbé) 155* , 156

Ludgater , Catherin (née Carus) 27; James 27

Lumley, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 26; Richard 26*; Widow 27

Luseau, Joseph Benedict 115; Mary Mant (née Annell) 115

Lyddun (Lyddon), Mary (née Reeks) 114, 114 ; Samuel 114

Lynch, Anne 46 ; Jane (née Kew) 46, 47* , 169; Mary (Mrs. Hutchins) 78, 80, 82; Michael 47* , 169 ; Mrs. 124, 158

Lyons, Alexander 96; James 96; Mary (née Coyle) 96

McCann , James 39

McCarthy, Catherine (Mrs. Aslett) [mistake, Caroline 37] 38 , 39 , 41* , 44, 45* , 46

McCoughan, Grace (Mrs. Watson) 39

McFarlan, Dominic 44; John 44; Mary (née Coll) 44

McFaul, Daniel 38, 39; Elizabeth 39; Francis Bernard 38; Joanna (née Boyle) 38

McHenry, Robert 40

McMahon, Anne (Mrs.Roberts) 45,46

Madden, Bridget (née Gavin) 41; James 41; John 41

Maghny (? Mahony), Norricia (Mrs.

Killduff) 85

Mahoney(Mahany), Anne 38; Charles 83, 84, 104*; Mary 83; Mr. 154-5, 156 , 157, 158, 163; ? Norricia (Mrs. Killduff) 85 , 85n; Sarah 84

Malaga District, Spain 149n

Mann, James , alias of Richard Antrobus 7n

Mansbridge , James 55; John 55; Lydia (née Pickering) 55

Mansfield, Judge 139*

Mant, Mr. 145

Mapledurham (Oxon ) 8, 8n

Mara, Stephen 45

Marchant(Merchant), Joseph 15,16,18

Maria, Princess , wife of Prince Carlos 10

Marly, Mary 52

Marsh, Elizabeth (Mrs. Reeks) 66, 83

Marshall, Elizabeth 20; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 16, 18, 20, 21; Richard 21 , 97; Robert 16* , 18, 20, 21; William 18

Marsland , John (priest) 122 * , 146 , 147 , 147n, 148* , 148n, 149n, 166

Martin, Anne (Mrs. Sone) 100; John (priest) 66, 66n, 133 , 134 , 136 , 152 , 153* , 153 , 154

Maryland (America) 48n

Mash, Edward 15 , 17*; Francis 15; Margaret (Mrs. ) 15, 17; Mary 17

Mat(t)hews, Andrew 20; Henry20n; Mary 114 ; Sarah 114; William(priest) 2n

Mawley (Shropshire ) 8

Meach, Elizabeth (Mrs. Blunden) 80*

Meader , John 124

Meagher, Lawrence 92

Meighan , Alice (née Heafanon) 29; Helen 29; William 29

Meon Valley (Hants) 10

Merchant, see under Marchant

Merland (or Menland), Marie 45, 46

Metcalf, Mary 27; Mrs. 27; Thomas 27

Middleton, George (priest) 2 , 2n

Midhurst (Sussex) 7 , 139

Midland District, V.A. of 5, 104 , 143

Midlane, George 61 , 87; Joanna(née Thompson) 87, 88; John 38, 61 , 87 , 88 , 160; Martha Anne (Mrs. Holloway) 80, 88, 90-2, 105, 114 , 142 , 164-6; Martha Sone 88 ; Mary (née Wright) 49, 61, 68, 72* , 81 , 88* , 90 , 91 , 105, 114, 161-2, 163 , 164-5, 166*

Miles (or Myles), Sarah (née Veal, 2º Mrs. Fosset) 36* , 38* , 115; William 36* , 115* , 144

Millard, Frances 49

Miller, Mary 64 , 109

Millet (t), Anne 97; Lyddia (Mrs.) 15, 18 , 19 , 20, 21; Thomas 97; William 14* , 15, 16 , 23* , 27

Milner, John (priest, later V.A. Midland District) 9* , 122 , 123* , 124, 146, 147 * , 148n, 151-63

Mitch, Elizabeth (née Cannon) 64; Joseph 64*

Mitchel(1), Susanna 110; Susanna (Mrs. Fasquel) 29, 31, 76 , 89-92, 95, 104, 107

Molden (? same as Molton), Mary 57

Molineux, Elizabeth 42; and see under Molyneux

Molton, Anne (or Hannah) 76; Edward 60, 65* , 68, 70, 72 , 73 , 76 , 77 , 78, 80* , 110; Eleanor73; Hannah (or Anne) 76; Helen 64; Henry 72; Joanna (née Chaloner) 65; Joseph 64, 65, 78; Martha 60, 61 , 65, 68, 111; Martha (Mrs. Pink) 72, 75, 77* , 80 , 85; Mary 17 , 19, 65 , 72; Mary Anne 70; Mary (née Gover) 65, 68 , 70 , 73, 76, 78, 80; Mary (Mrs. Bishop) 60-2, 64, 65; Sarah 80 ; Vena 65; 21; see also Molden

Molyneux, Elizabeth 42, 96; Mary Edith 93

Montagu, Lord 7

Moody, Charles 25* , 43, 95; Frances (Mrs.) 25*; George 29, 112; James 39 , 94; James Leggatt 39; Legatt 29, 94 , 95, 114; Mary (née Clarke) 39; Mr. 145; Susan (née Veal, 2° Mrs.Morey) 29, 32*−6, 38, 42-4,94,95* , 114, 115; Susanna 93*

Mooney, Elizabeth (Mrs. Poland) 92 Moore,? alias ofJames Appleton 7n; Bernard (Canon) Sn

Mo(o)r(e) (s), Andrew 28*; Anne 109; John 109; Mary 54, 56 , 58, 60, 64, 66, 69 , 75* , 102* , 163*; Mary (née Reeks) 103

More, Mr. (priest) 122

Moreton, Martha 69

Mor(e)y, Abraham 33, 36, 115; Anne 37, 71 , 72, 79, 80, 83, 95, 96 , 109; Anne (née Higgins) 68, 70, 103; Elizabeth (née Gaywood) 55* , 57, 61, 108; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 60 , 61 , 63; Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm M.) 55, 58, 59; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 102*; Elizabeth (née Eliot) 61 , 62; Elizabeth (née Frampton) 25, 49, 50, 51, 99, 132; Emily 112; Emily (Mrs.Stallard)43* , 45* , 47; family 132, 134, 136, 138 , 144; James 21; John 15 , 18 , 20 , 21 , 25, 50, 54, 55, 57, 58, 62, 68, 70* , 83 , 87* , 91 , 97, 103* , 109 , 111; John , Captain 98, 102 *; John de St. Michael 60, 61 ; Joseph 18 , 36;

Margaret (Mrs.) 15, 17, 18 , 20, 21* , 52 , 54 , 55; Mary 33, 41 , 42 , 43, 50, 87 , 112; Mary (Mrs. Pratt) 43-5, 47; Mary (née Duke) 83, 87 , 91; Mary Anne 68, 83, 111 ; Mary Anne (Mrs. Knapp) 28, 31, 95, 96, 115; Mrs. 27 , 151, 153*-5*, 156, 157* , 158; Sarah 62; Susan (née Veal, 1ºMrs. Moody) 29, 32*-6* , 38, 42-4, 94, 95 , 115*; William 15 , 51, 54, 55, 60-2, 68 , 74 , 110; William, Captain 102*; William Eliot 61 Morgan(alias Pelagus), David (priest)

3* , 4, 5 , 13* , 27n* , 49*-52* , 97, 103 , 132, 134 , 145 , 145n; Jenny (Mrs. Bradshow or Bradshaw) 67* , 69, 70; Mary 58; Mary (née Nuff or Ruff) 58, 59; Morgan, British monk 5n; William 58, 59* Morin(g), James 53; Margaret 53 Morris (Morrice), Anthony 35; Barbara (Mrs. Bulbeck) 33 , 35* , 36, 141 , 169; family 141 ; Jean 17 , 19 , 25; Mary 36; Susanna 33* , 35, 39* , 40, 43* , 169 Morson, John 53

? Nutbourne 52, 52n, 53 Nyren, Frances 69; Susanna (Mrs. Fermer) 69; Richard 69

O'Brien, Cornelius 37

Old Hall Green, Ware 9 , 125 , 127 , 129, 129 , 138, 141 * , 142, 152n; see also St. Edmund's College, Ware Old Park 36

Oliver, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 22; Henry 19 , 22* , 27, 50; John 17 , 22, 27*;Mary (Mrs.) 17 , 21, 97; Mrs. 23, 27

Oliver , Rev. G. Sn Orthodox Journal, The 142, 144 Oscott College 141*; Presidentof 141

Oxfordshire (Oxon) 3, 8, 12

Padwick, William 138

Page, Frances 52; James 53; Mary (née Cook) 28, 52 , 53, 54, 107 , her aunt and father 107; Mary (Mrs. Ireland) 65, 66, 98; Robert 28 , 52* , 53; Susanna 52

Palmer , Joseph 148

Moyses (alias Frankland), John Pendergast , Joanna (Mrs. Killbride) (priest) 4

Mumford, William 6

Murphy, Anne (née Veal) 38* , 39, 40, 43, 44; John 38*; Mary Anne 38, 44

Murray, Anne (née Bailey) 36, 37; Bridget née Murray) 107; Jeremiah36, 37;Mary36; Thomas 37

Murrill, Andrew 163

Myles, see under Miles

Neal, Sarah 109

Newburg, Countess 139* , 141 * , 157 , 158 , 164 , 165* , 166; Countess Dowager 159; Lord 141 , 159

Newcastle , Duke of 146

New Hall 10

Newington, London 103

Newport, I. ofW. 5 , 127, 127n , 147n

New Wall(Novus Murus), Chichester 60, 60n, 62, 64 , 100

Norfolk, County 8; Duchess of 27; Duke of 6, 138*; Dukes of 104n

Normandy(Neustria, Normannia) 112

Norris, Edward 32; Mr., Rector of Warblington 142 , his grandson 142 Northamptonshire4n

North Lodge, Warblington 106 Northwood 62, 63, 66, 76, 101

Norwich 5; diocese of 7

Novus Murus, see under New Wall

Nuff (or Ruff), Mary (Mrs. Morgan) 58 , 59

Nun(n)an, Catherine (Mrs. Smith) 40-2


Pennington and Avon (Hants) 5

Penchard, Peter 26

Perkins, Mary (née West) 96; William 96*

Peskett , ? Anne (née Baily) 88; Charles 88; George 88

Peters, Charles (priest) 146, 147*-8*, 149n; his brother 147 Petersfield 48 , 97 , 103 , 139

Petre , Lord 116

Phil(1)ipps, Anne (Mrs. Watson) 65 , 67; Anthony 25; Mary 25; Mary (Mrs.) 25

Pickering, Lydia (Mrs. Mansbridge) 55

Pile (? Pyle Farm) 59, 59n , 60

Pink(e), Charles 72, 75, 77 , 80"; Eleanor 75; Henry 72; Martha (née Molton) 72, 75, 77* , 80, 85; Mary 77

Piper, Anne (Mrs. Appleton) 84 , 86 , 87 , 92 , 94

Piquot, Monsieur (? Abbé) 147 , 155* , 156*

Pit(t), Anne 20; Anne (Mrs.) 15 , 18 , 20, 25, 52, 54; Elizabeth 51, 62; Frances (Mrs. Huit or Hewett) 23, 55, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 80, 85, 105; Francis 58; James 25; Mary 67 , 97 , 100 , 109; Mary (Mrs.) 23, 53 ; M. 58; Richard 23, 97; Stephen 18" , 20, 25

Pius IV, Pope 104 , 131

Pius VII, Pope (His Holiness ) 98, 136

Planté, Raymond Jean Canute 33 , 33n

Plat(t), Anne 109; Anne (née Wilcox)

54, 57; Charles 54; Henry 57; Thomas 54, 57

Plowden (Mr. P.), Charles (priest), S.J. 124*

Pointer, see under Poynter

Poland , Elizabeth (née Mooney) 92; John 92; Rose Anne 92

Polchester (? Portchester) 63, 64

Pole, family2; Margaret, Blessed 2n , 140 , 140m

Pollington, Catherine (Mrs. Bulbeck) 70-72 , 74

Porée (or Porcé), Caroline (Mdme. Le Breton de Blessin) 31

Portchester (Portus Magnus) (Hants) 1 , 63, 63n , ? 64, 64n, 105

Portsdown(Hants) 61 ; Mill 97

Portsea (Portsmouth Common), Portsmouth 12, 63n, 97, 106* , 114n , 130, 146n , 147n, 166n ; Registers 691

Portsmouth 1 , 1n, 65n, 78 , 90n , 97n , 101 * , 104* , 140* , 142, 143, 145 , 150m ; Cathedral 140, 142n; Common (now Portsea) 97; Diocese of 140; Dockyard 150n; High St. 166n; Kingston 22n, 101n; Prince George's Street Chapel 142; Southsea 144; Stamshaw 90 of

Portus Magnus , see Portchester Portus Magnus (Latin name present Portsmouth Diocese) In Pottle, Lucy (née Knapp) 31 , 38* , 41, 42, 112; Thomas 42; William 42

Pound(e), Thomas 2* , his wife 2; family 4

Powel(1), family 144; Frances (née Turner) 62; Francis (priest), S.J. 12; Gazier or Kiziah (Mrs. Hills) 44-47; James 45, 46; John 62; Olivia 44-

46; Richard 44; Richard Joseph 62

Poynter (Pointer), Elizabeth 60; James 72, 73 , 76, 81 , 109, 113*; John 48* , 60, 70, 103, 109, 113; Mary (née Todd) 14 , 14n, 48* , 57 , 61 , 66; Susanna (née Watts) 72 , 76, 81, 113*; Thomas 100; William (Bishop), V.A. London District 10 , 14n, 19n, 48, 48n, 74, 74n, 103n , 107n , 111 * , 112 , 126, 128, 139, 152m

Prat(t), Anne (Mrs.) 55, 56; Charles

56; David 43-5; Emily 43*; George 44; Henry James 45; Mary 43*; Mary (née Morey) 43-5, 47; Thomas


Pretender, The 139*

Price, Sarah (née Jones) 45, 46; William 45, 46; William Charles 45 , 46

Princethorpe , near Rugby, St. Mary's Abbey 137 , 137n*

Prior, John 66*; Mrs. (née Genaway) 66

Private (Privet), Anne (Mrs. Jacobs) 29 , 31 , 32, 34, 35, 36, 94; Anne (Mrs. Genaway or Janaway) 66, 68 , 105; Elizabeth (Mrs. Fowler) 103 ; Joanna (Mrs. Jones) 31, 33, 35, 44, 66 , 68 , 93, 94 , 96; John 114; Peter 68; Sarah (Mrs. Burgess) 73

Public Record Office 145

Purbrook (Heath) (Hants) 37* , 57, 59, 63, 63n, 76, 77, 80, 82* , 84-7 , 99, 104, 107

Purcell, Mary 44; Thomas 112

Pyle, Dr. (Rev.) 146

Pyle Farm 59n

Quakers, The (Religio Trementium) 34 , 34n

Quenell, Mr. 149

Quin, Anne 42, 169; Catherine 44; Edward 44 ; Helen Holland 41; James 39, 40 , 41, 42, 43* , 44* , 45, 46, 169; Mary Anne 39, 45; Mary Anne (née Holland) 39-44; Thomas 43

Radclyff, The Hon James Clem 102 , 102n

Randal(1) (Randel), Anne (Mrs. Hide) 50, 52, 54-7, 68*; Eleanor23; Joanna (Mrs.) 23, 24, 98; Thomas23, 24, 100; William 24, 53

Ratlife, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 58; Robert 58; Susanna 58

Reading, Penelope (Mrs. West) 50, 52* , 54 , 62

Reading (Berks) 143

Reardon , Eugene (priest) 10, 135, 136, 143

Redland , Warblington (Hants) 30, 32 , 92 , 94

Reek(e)s (Ricks), Anne 56, 83, 111 ; Anne (Mrs. Knocker) 114; Catherine 56, 111; Catherine (Mrs.Green) 114*; Catherine(Mrs.Hull)58*; Christopher Richard 36; Clare 111 , 114*; Elizabeth 111 , 112; Elizabeth (Mrs. Green) 90; Elizabeth (née Crasler) 34, 36, 93, 115; Elizabeth (née Marsh) 66 , 83; family 144; George 111 ; James 93; John 65, 111 ; Joseph 34, 36, 66, 83, 90, 93, 102, 111, 114* , 115; Martha 34; Martin 19, 111 ; Mary 66, 90; Mary (Mrs. Lyddun) 114 , 114n; Mary (Mrs. Moore) 103; Mrs. 14 , 138; Teresa 83 ; William 111 ; Winifred 66

Reeves, Rhoda (Mrs. Knapp) 37* , 38 , 112

Regan, Timothy 44

Ren(n)aud, Parson 144*

Revolution, The French 7 , 9

Reyner, Mary (Mrs. Smith) 89

Reynolds, Elizabeth(Mrs.) 15; Mary 91

Ricks , see under Reeks

Ri(d)chards, Mary 14, 20; Thomas 17 Ridge, Mr. 55

Rigby, Elizabeth (Mrs. Hutton) 28; John (priest) 124

Ring, Catherine (Mrs. Condom) 60 , 62, 63, 101 , 102*; Dorothy 23, 97; Elizabeth (Mrs. Knapp) 16-8, 20-1, 21n, 22, 25* , 49, 132* , 134* , 135* , 136; family 144; Godfrey 144; John 20, 27; Katherine 16, 51, 53, 56; Mary 16; Mary (Mrs., of Wade) 16 , 19*; Molly 14-6, 18 , 21 , 24; Mrs. Ring's dau 144; Mrs. senr (of Langstone ) 15, 16; Mrs. Wm junr

20; Thomas 16, 18; William 16, 20*

Ritort, Armengol(priest) 10, 13n ,47* , 140* , 144

Rix, see under Reeks

Roads, Frances (vere Barbara, Mrs. Collins) 106, her father, mother and family 106

Roberts, Ann (née McMahon) 45, 46; Edwin Goodwin 45, 46; Mrs. 154; Sarah Rachel 45, 46

Robins , Catherine 112; James 35, 93 , 95; James Joseph 95, 96, 112; Mary 93 , 112; Mary Teresa 96 ; Teresa (née Knapp) 35, 93, 95, 96

Roddy, James 115

Roe, Bonaventure 18; Digory 15* , 18; John 15; Mary (Mrs.) 15 , 18; see also Rowe

Rome 5, 6, 6n, 9, 12, 122, 136, 145; English College at 4* , 6, 6n, 10 , 48n Rouen 8

Rourke, Hannah (Mrs. Dalton) 41

Rouscomb , near Lewes 141*

Row(e), Mary 55, 57; Winifred (Mrs. Bridger) 53-6, 57*; see also Roe

Ro(w)land's Castle (Hants) 1* , 78 , 78n, 79, 99, 104, 105

Rudley Mill 67

Ruff (or Nuff), Mary (Mrs. Morgan) 58 , 59

Rugby 137

Russel(1), Mary 92; Mary (Mrs. Bulbeck) 51 , 52; Mary (Mrs. Driscoll) 169

Ryan, Anne 33*; Anne (née Veryon)

32* , 33; Catherine (Mrs.) 112; Catherine (née Barrett) 29, 32* , 33; George 112; Helen 32; James 32* , 33;Margaret 29; Patrick 112; Robert 29, 32 , 33; Thomas 32

St. Edmund's College, Ware 9, 10* , 10n; see also Old Hall

St. Francis of Sales 118, 136

St. Ignatius of Loyola 118

St. Joseph 133 , 134* , 135

St. Leo 116

St. Omer, English College at 5 , 6 , 6n , 7* , 8, 9

St. Patrick's Charity Schools and Asylum, St. Giles's, London 130* , 131

St. Vincent of Paul 118

Saffron Hill, Gravesend 10

Sa(i)ge, Elizabeth (née Heath) 40; family 144; John 32, 40, 80; Joseph 82; Martha 40; Martha (née Blunden) 77, 80, 82* , 84; Thomas 36, 77* , 80, 82; Thomasjunr 115

Salisbury (Wilts ) 1 ; Countess of (Blessed Margaret Pole) 140

Salop, see Shropshire

Salter, Catherine (Mrs. Eteridge) 37, 38; Mary (Mrs.) 15

Saltley, Elizabeth (née Cook) 58 , 85 , 92, 102, 102n , 106

Scale, Elizabeth (née Hicks) 115*; George 115

Scamp, Parson 144*

Scilly Islands 98

Scoles , Canon 144; Mr. (Architect) 144

Scott, Edward 78

PScwarz , see under Sonar

Sea , see under Lea

Se(a)grove, Anne 56; Elizabeth 50 , 101; James 53; John 49, 63, 64 , 78 , 108; Lawrence 24, 49-51, 53, 56, 99 , 101; Mary 63 , 108; Rachel (Mrs.)4951 , 53-6, 78, 101*; Sarah 78; Sarah (née Daws or Dows) 63, 64, 64n , 78; William 51, 64

Sedgley Park School (The Park) 6* , 6n* , 7 , 8n, 125 , 126 , 127*

Seven Oaks, near Tunbridge Wells 140 , 140n

Sharp, Sarah (Mrs. Veal) 43

Sheat, I. of W. 5

Shepherd, Anne (née Simkins) 91; John 91*

Sheppard, Goody, alias West 19

Shinfield (Berks) 12

Shipley (Oxon ) 3 *

Short, Francis (priest), S.J. 11; François 11

Shrewsbury , Earlof 5 , 12; 14th Earl of 5; family 5, 145

Shropshire (Salop) 8

Silveira, Joseph Maria (priest) 10n , 140 [Mr. Gillow (p 251, Appendix, Canon Croft, Historical Account of Lisbon College) places him at Havant 184956; the Bulbeck MS (text p 140) refers to him; but there appearsto be no evidence of his having been here]

Silversides, Barbara 34 , 90

Silvester, Elizabeth 111

Simkins, Anne (Mrs. Shepherd ) 91

Sim (m)s, Catherine 34; David 32; Henrietta 32; James 35; John 57* , 108; Lucy 57; Mary (née Smith) 30 , 32, 34 , 35 , 92, 94; Mary Charlotte 30; SarahLouisa 94; William 30, 32, 34, 35, 92 , 94

Simons , Anne 54; John 54; Lucy (Mrs.) 54

Sinai, Hayling Island 95, 95 , 138 , 142

Sisk, Margaret (née Healy) 42; Mary

Frances 42; William 42

Sken(n)el, Florence 108 ; Frances 108

Slaughter , Mr. 148

Slindon(Sussex) 6, 139 , 140; Church 141 ; House 141

Slodden , Mary (Mrs. Bulbeck) 87

Smith, Anne43, 55 ; boy 56; Catherine 42; Catherine (née Nunnan) 40-2; Elizabeth (Mrs. Champ) 101 , 102 , 105; Elizabeth (née Byrche) 43; Frances 110; James 40, 41 , 42 , 74; John 70; Joseph 43; family, of Winchester 11 ; Mary 40, 53, 68, 70, 85 , 111 , 113; Mary (Mrs. Appleton) 7; Mary (Mrs. Sims) 30, 32, 34, 35, 92, 94;Mary(née Reyner) 89; Mary(née Wallace) 53, 55 , 56; Mary Penelope 30, 32, 34, 35, 89, 92; Mary Penelope (née West) 66, 68* , 70, 74 , 76; Moses 53, 55, 56; Mrs. 166; William 66* , 68, 70, 74, 89* , 104 , 166; 152

Snook(e), Augusta Letitia 38; family 139*; John 38; Mary Augusta (née Holloway) 38, 142; Mr. 139, 141

Soberton (Hants) 10* , 11 , 110n Society of Jesus 2n, 11* , 12 Somerset House 13 Somerstown , near Chichester 32 ? Sonar (? Scwarz ), Peter Joseph 24

Sone, Anne 60; Anne (née Martin) 100; Elizabeth (née Stanford) 60, 62 , 63 , 66, 69, 71, 72, 72n; Ellen 66, 83 , 89, 111 , 114; family 132, 134, 144; James 71; John 9 , 19, 50, 55-7, 59 , 64 , 65 , 66 * , 67* , 72 , 73, 90, 101 * , 102, 103 , 104* , 105 , 107, 108, 114, 124*-8* 131*-3*, 134, 141 * , 142, 164; John junr 56, 59, 62, 102, 126, 127, 129* , 134; Martha 54, 72 , 102*; Martha (Patricia, Mrs. Wright) 49, 61 , 101 , 102* , 105, 130, 158, 159, 160 , 161 , 162 (13Sep.)164 (2 Sep.), 165; Mary 67 , 73, 76, 91 , 114; Mary (1° Mrs. Harris) 105 , 133 , 134 , 135 ; Mary (Mrs.) 62* , 90; Mary (née Jackson) 64, 66, 103, 164; Mary Anne 64 , 81 , 83, 111 ; Mary Anne (Mrs. West) 103 , 114*; M. 72; Mr. 152*-4*, 155 , 157 , 158*; Mrs. 157, 160, 162* , 163*; Mrs.

John Sone senr . 130; Mrs. John S. junr 128 , 152-4; Nicholas 18 , 55 , 57; Patrick 76; Raphael (Ralph) 60 , 62* , 63, 66, 69, 71 , 72, 101 ; Sarah 63, 69

Sopley (Hants) 5n, 52n, 146n

Southampton 1 , 141 ; Bitterne 1; County of 1

Southcutt (? Southcote), Philip 27

Southend, Soberton (Hants) 10*-12* , 110, 110 , 140, 140n, 142, 142n; " Furzeley 11; " Kirby's " 11

South Kensington Museum 139

Southsea 144

Southwark, Borough of 151

Southwick (Hants) 80* , 99, 104* , 105

Southworth , (priest) 124 ; Catherine (née Kay) 8, 8n ; Blessed John 143n; Ralph 8; Richard (priest) 3, 8* , 8n, 9, 9n* , 13, 21n, 27n , 28* -

32* , 73*-96*, 96n, 98, 99, 102, 103, 1032, 104, 107, 110 * , 111 * , 112, 113* , 113 , 114*-6*, 117 , 118 , 119*-26* , 128* , 130 , 131 * , 132-5, 136 , 139n, 140, 141 , 143, 144 , 146* , 147n , 148 , 149* , 150n, his mother 8n, his grandmother8n; William(priest) 133

Spain 10* , 124, 149n

Sparrow, Elizabeth (née Blunden) 28 , 56 ; Mary 56; Samuel 28, 56

Spenser, Richard 151, 153, 155-6, 159-163

Sperling, Parson, and family 142

Spetchley Park 143

Sprake, Daniel 22* , 24, 25; Elizabeth 25; Martha (Mrs. ) 22, 24, 25 ; Sarah 24

Stacy, John 120

Stafford 8n; Castle Church 8; St. Austin's Church 8

Staffordshire (Staffs ) 8

StaffordshireSquadron (ofpriests) 124

Stallard, Charles 47; Edward 45, 47; Emily (née Morey) 43* 45* , 47; William 45

Stamshaw , Portsmouth 90

Standon Lordship School 8n

Stanford, Elizabeth (Mrs. Sone) 60 , 62, 63, 66, 69, 71 , 72, 72n

Stanhope, Lord 122

Stanley, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 14

Stanstead 67 , 74 , 89 , 104

Stapleton, Gregory (priest) 9n

Stap(e)ley, Sarah 98 , 102

Steyning (Sussex) 127

Stockheath75, 77, 85, 100, 103

Stone, W. (priest) 10 , 136*

Stourton, Lord 116

Street, Mary (Mrs. Collins) 72, 74 , 76, 78, 81, 83, 86, 89 ; Mrs. 144

Strugnell, Sarah 111 , 114

Stubington, James 63


Summerland , Tertullia (Mrs. Henrizzi) 39

Sum(m)ersell (or Summervell), Elizabeth (Mrs. Ayles) 60, 62, 64, 100

Sussex 2* , 6 , 7* , 11 , 42, 55, 127 , 141

Sutton Park 142

Sweetapple, Mary Anne (Mrs. Veal) 28, 30, 32, 34-6, 95

Swyncombe (Oxon) 3

Talbot, George (14th Earl of Shrewsbury) 5; Gilbert (priest), S.J. (Earl ofShrewsbury) 5, 12; Hon George 5; Hon James (priest, later V.A. London District) 5, 8, 9 , 12, 108*-10* , 118n, (late Bishop) 123 , 131 , 132* , 139, 151 , 151n , 152n; Hon Thomas (priest, later V.A. Midland District) 4-6 , 6n, 48, 49, 51-4* , 55 , 103* , ? 122, 127 , 128, 132-4, 138 , 138n , 139, 140, 143, 145 (ofthe Shrewsbury family), 148; Mary (dau of Viscount Fitzwilliam) 5

Tamin, see under Tarman

Tanner (or Barns), William 60

Tanner family 132, 134

Tarman (or Tamin), Mary (Mrs. Vine) 63 , 64 , 64n

Taylor, Elizabeth 64; Elizabeth (née Veal ) 61 , 63, 64; Henry 61, 63 , 64; John 63; Mary 61

Tee, Jane (Mrs. West) 29, 31, 34 , 35* , 37 , 89 , 90, 92-4, 96, 114*; Lydia (Mrs. West) 29, 30, 32, 35* , 36, 37

Tery, Sarah (Mrs. Austin) 76, 78 , 79 , 113

Thompson , Joanna (Mrs. Midlane) 87, 88

Throckmorton , John 116

Tichborne (Hants) 140 , 146n

Tichborne, Gilbert 143; John junr. (priest), S.J. 11

Tierney, Mr. (priest) 139

Tiner (Tyner), Harriet (Mrs. Leferde la Sandre) 115; William 115

Tipper (Typper), Ann (Mrs.) 14 , 17 , 21; Francis 21; John 14; Mary 17; William 14* , 17 , 21

Tod (d), Ann (widow Woodman) 113 , 158; Caroline 91 ; Edward 95; Elizabeth 17 , 42, 97; family 140, 143; Henry John 85; John 22, 35, 36 , 41, 42, 61 , 80, 83, 86, 88, 95, 110; Joseph 67; Mary 21, 51 , 52, 64, 69 , 97; Mary (Mrs. Poynter) 14 , 14n , 48* , 57 , 61 , 66; Mary (Mrs. R.) 20-2, 24; Mary (Mrs. W.) 14, 17-20, 22* , 24, 25, 59; Mary (née Knapp)

60, 61, 63, 67 , 76, 100, 132, 134; Mary Anne 63; Richard 17, 19-22, 24*; Sarah 41, 43, 87, 111 ; Sarah (née

White) 83, 85, 86, 88, 91 , 95; Sophie 88; William 14 , 17 , 19 , 20, 22, 25, 48* , 52, 55-9, 60 , 61 , 63, 64, 67, 83* , 85, 86, 88, 91 , 95, 97 , 102 , 107, 113, 158; William junr 82

Todman, Sarah (Mrs. Bulbeck) 65, 65n, 68, 70, 77

Tommins, Robert (priest) 7, 63

Townley, John 116

Tranqualeon, Dr. 2*

Trevett, Ann (Mrs. Lemmon) 27

Trig, William 97

Trim, Barbara (Mrs. Veal) 62; Mary 54* , 55

Tucker, Elizabeth (Mrs. Young) 94 , 99, 99n ; Lucy 99; Winifred 99

Tully, John 115; Mary(née Earl) 115

Tunbridge Wells 12 , 140n

Tunisian Pirates 124

Tunstal, Marmaduke 163; Mrs. 163

Turner, Anne 108; Frances 49; Frances (Mrs. Powel ) 62; Francis 49* , 53, 108; John 28* , 53; Joseph 25; Mary(Mrs.) 49; Miss (née Knapp) 21; Sarah (née Goodwin) 53; Stephen 25

Twyford (Hants), School at 5, 133

Tyburn 143n

Underhill, John (priest) 7 , 58

Underwood , Mrs. 25, 151 *-4*

Urry, Ann 25; John 20, 23, 25; Margaret (Mrs.) 20, 23 , 25; Mary23; Rose 20

Utley, Elizabeth (Mrs. Far(e)nden) 26-8

Valladolid, English College at4

Vancam(? alias Biggs), John (priest) 4*; John 4; Winifred (née Biggs) 4

Vardell, Catherine 53; Catherine(née Howard) 53; John 53

Varley, Thomas (priest) 122 , 152 , 152n, 153, 155* , 157 , 158, 160 , 162*165 *

Varndall, see under Warndall

Varundell, see under Warndall

Veal (Vale), Anne 30, 32, 35* , 36* , 53, 85, 89; Anne (née Wake, 1° Mrs. Lee) 41, 43; Anne (Mrs. Harris) 42; Anne (Mrs. Murphy) 38* , 39, 40, 43, 44; Anne (1° Mrs. West, 2° Mrs. Long) 101 , 113; Barbara (née Trim) 62; Charles 29-32, 34*-5* , 38, 55, 57, 59* , 61 , 62, 63, 65, 69, 70, 72 , 74 , 77 * , 79-83, 85, 86* 89,92, 94,95, 107, 110, 112-14 , 115* , 141 ; Charles

junr 75, 76, 79, 84, 89, 92, 93, 95, 96; Elizabeth (Mrs. Taylor) 61 , 63 , 64; Emily 41, 112; family 144;

Venice 6n

George 36, 59, 62, 65, 72, 79* , 101 , 102* , 113; Helen 83; Henry 32, 40, 41, 112; James 19 , 30, 41, 43* , 69 , 112; John 17; Joseph 35, 59, 65; Lawrence61, 101 , 103; Marianne 81; Mary 20, 28, 29*-32* , 34-5, 36*-7*, 38-9, 40 , 42, 59, 61 , 67, 74 , 77 , 79, 86 , 89 , 90* , 92* , 93, 94* , 96* , 101, 103, 104, 110, 113-5* , 158*-9*; Mary junr. 77 , 82 , 83, 84 , 85* , 113 , 131; Mary (née Kelly, 1° Mrs. West) 69, 72 , 73 , 74 , 77, 81-3, 85-7, 113; Mary Anne (née Hewett) 65, 81 , 82 , 89 , 94, 106, 110, 114*; Mary Emily 28; Mary (Mrs. Cooper) 72 , 106; Mary (Mrs. G.) 79; Mary (Mrs. R.) 15, 17, 19, 20; Mary (née Butt) 59* , 61* , 63 , 65 , 69, 72, 103; MaryAnne (née Sweetapple ) 28, 30, 32, 34-6 , 95; Mrs. 159 , 160; Mrs. (Widow Fig) 115; Richard 15, 17-20, 28, 30 , 32* , 37-9, 43, 63, 81, 82, 84-86, 88 , 89, 94* , 95* , 110, 114 , 115; Sarah31-3, 82 , 115;Sarah(Mrs. Coombes) 62 , 63 , 65, 67, 70; Sarah (1° Mrs. Myles, 2° Mrs. Fosset) 36* , 38* , 115; Sarah (née Sharp) 43; Sophia 94, 112; Susan (1ºMrs. Moody, 2° Mrs. Morey) 29, 32*−6* , 38, 42-4,94,95*, 114, 115; Susanna 72, 87, 111; William 62, 101, 124* , 125*; -63

Veryon, Anne (Mrs. Ryan) 32* , 33

Vickers(or Vikers), Charity Elizabeth (Mrs. West) 45, 46

Vincent, Mary (Mrs. Knapp) 38-42

Vine, Edward 41; infans 63; James 41, 42; Joanna (née Ayles) 41 , 42; Mary 64; Mary Joanna42; Mary(née Tarman or Tamin) 63, 64 , 64n ; Richard 63, 64 Voack, John 19

Wade, Catherine 29

Wade (Hants) 16, 16n, 19*

Wainwright , A. (priest), S.J. 12

Waite,? see underWayet

Wake (Wayke), Anne (1° Mrs. Lee, 2° Mrs. Veal) 41, 43; Elizabeth (née Hewett) 63 , 82, 107, 110; Marianne 82; Thomas 82

Wallace, Anne 75;Mary(Mrs.Smith) 53, 55, 56; see also Wallis

Wallis, Jean (Mrs.) 14 , 18, 21, 23; John 22, 23; Martha 18; Mary 50*; Thomas14, 18, 21 , 23; William 14; see also Wallace

Walmesley (Warmsley), Bishop

Charles, O.S.B. , V.A. Western District 9n, 124; Charles Sturton 22

Wappenbury (Warwicks .) 11

Warblington (Hants) 1-3, 4n* , 10 ,

29, 30, 32, 52, 54, 57, 59-61, 67, 69 , 74* , 76, 79, 83, 85, 86, 88 , 91, 92, 94* , 95* , 97* 98,99* 100 * , 101, 103-7* , 133, 140, 142* , 143; Castle 2, 2n, 140; Churchyard 9 , 134

Ward, Bishop Bernard 3n , 6n , 8n , 9, 9n

Ward, John (priest) 2; Mary 28; 152 ? Ward (? Hants) 51

Wardour, Lord Arundell of 11 , 141n

Ware, John 66, 100, 102*; Mrs. 24

Waring, Humphrey (priest), Deanof Old Chapter 2

Warndall(Varndall, Varundell, Warndell), Catherine 97; Joyce 22; Elizabeth (Mrs.) 22, 23*; Sarah 17; William 21 , 22, 24

Warne, Mary (Mrs. Hyde) 69 , 71 , 71n , 73

Warwickshire 11

Wasper, Anne 111

Watkins, William 42* , 43

Watson, Anne (née Phillips) 65 , 67; Grace (née McCoughan ) 39; James 67; John 39* , 65* , 67

Watts, Anne 68* , 100, 110; Anne (Mrs. Goldfinch) 72, 73 , 75, 77 , 100; Joanna 72; Susanna (Mrs. Poynter) 72, 76 , 81, 113*

Wayet (? Waite), Austin 98; Catherine 98

Webster, Catherine 54

Weedall, Mr. (priest) 120, 121 , 152

Wells, Rose (Mrs. Burke) 40

Wells (Somerset), Prebendary of 1

West, Agatha 39, 45, 46; Andrew 82, 112; Anne 50, 59, 62, 63, 66-9, 72 , 109, 111 ; Anne (née Veal, 2°Mrs. Long) 101 , 113; Cecily Anne 41; Charity Elizabeth (née Vickers) 45, 46; Elizabeth 97; Elizabeth Mary 32; Emma Joanna 36; family 144; Frances 88; Francis 39; George 35 , 37 , 43; Goody, alias Sheppard 19; Helen 31, 37, 47; Helen Martha 35; James 29, 38, 52, 74 , 106, 111 , 112; Jane 80, 90, 92, 96, 112, 115; Jane (Mrs. Woodford) 115*; Jane (née Tee) 29, 31, 34, 35* , 37, 89, 90 , 92-4 , 96, 114*; John 28, 29, 30* , 32* , 34, 35* , 36 * , 37 38, 50, 52* , 54 60, 61* , 62, 63, 68* , 69, 70* 72* , 73, 74* , 75, 77 , 78* , 80, 82, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90* ,. 92, 96* , 98, 100, 102 * , 103, 106, 108 , 109, 115, 135; John junr 91 , 106 , 113* , 157*-168*; John Morris 39; Joseph 36* , 37 , 38, 39 , 40, 41* , 42* , 45* , 46* , 47 , 115; JosephNicephorus 84; Lydia (née Tee) 29 , 30, 32, 35 , 36, 37; Martha 92; Mary 68 ,


74 , 77 , 92 , 111; Mary (Mrs. Perkins) 96; Mary (née Asprey) 100, 103*; Mary Anne 73, 89 , 135; Mary Anne (née Sone) 103, 114*; Mary Anne (née White) 36, 37 , 38, 39 , 40, 41 , 42 , 43, 44, 115; Mary Clare 37; Mary Elizabeth 45, 46; Mary Teresa 37; Mary Penelope (Mrs. Smith) 66 , 68 , 70 , 74 , 76; Mary (née Kelly, 2°Mrs.Veal) 69, 72* , 73, 74 , 77 , 81-3 , 85, 86-7, 113; Mr. 3, 135* , 136*; Mr. Joseph 136, 138, 140*; Penelope 109; Penelope (née Reading) 50, 52* , 54, 62; Peter 29, 31 , 50, 53, 59, 89, 93, 94 96 98,101, 102 * , 111 , 114* ; Petronilla 40; Samuel 59, 66, 68* , 69, 71 74, 77, 94, 100, 102* 103 ; Samuel Peter 69; Sarah 83, 84, 92 , 93, 110; Sarah Anne 29; Sarah (Mrs. Holloway) 27; Sarah (née Hodskins) 68, 70 , 74, 75 , 77, 80, 82, 84, 85, 88 , 90; Teresa 37, 90, 115; Thomas 85 , 114 ; William 37 , 54, 75, 111 ; William Linus 42 Westbourne52* , 52n* , 54* , 97* , 142; Poor House 106, 107 ? WestburtonFarm, Emsworth Road 143 , 143n

WestGrinstead (Sussex) 2* , 11 , 139n West Indies 97

Wheat Land, Purbrook (Hants) 63

Wheat-Lane-End 64

Wheble, James 143

Wheeler, Anne 53, 109; Clara 49; Elizabeth 55, 59, 73 , 83, 103; Elizabeth (née Knapp) 49, 53, 55-7, 58* , 59 , 103, 113 , 132, 134, 162; James 51, 53 55* 56* , 58, 59* , 60, 103; Joseph 58; Mrs. 24; Thomas 55 White, Ambrose 55; Anne 31 , 70* , 74* , 77 , 80 , 83, 84, 99, 106, 108 ; Anne junr 65 ; Anne (née Clapcoat) 52, 53, 55, 99; boy 71 ; Catherine 76 , 111 ; Elizabeth (née Harding) 44, 45* , 46; Elizabeth Mary 45; family 144; George 81 , 82 , 84, 85, 88, 112; Harriot (née Hunt) 30* , 31; Henry 31 , 49, 52, 54, 57, 97*; Horatio Theophilus 31; James (scored 30), 112; John 32, 82, 84 , 89, 96; Joseph 44, 45 , 46 , 53, 79, 96; Martha 52 , 74, 87 , 111 ; Martha (née Cotes) 71 , 71n , 72, 74 , 76, 77 , 79, 81, 83; Mary 56, 77 , 97, 111; Mary Anne 85; Mary Anne (Mrs. West) 36-44, 115; Mary Anne (née Guyatt) 32, 72, 89, 91, 96, 111 ; MaryElizabeth 44; Mrs. 144; N. 52; Richard 52, 53, 55, 98, 102* , 108; Robert 71 , 72, 74 , 76, 77, 79 , 81 , 83 , 96, 99; Robert junr 83, 87; Sarah 88; Sarah (Mrs. Todd) 83, 85, 86, 88, 91 , 95; Thomas 30* , 31; Thomas (priest)

147, 147n, 148, 149*; Thomas Innocent 30; William 32, 72, 86, 111; Winifred 37*;Winifred (née Blunden)

82, 84, 85, 88 , 166

Whiting, Rose 54

Wicker, near Portchester 105

Wickham (Hants) 66n, 68, 105

Wight, Isle of 5* , 42, 42n

Wilcox (Willcock), Anne (Mrs. Platt) 54, 57; Frances 88

Wilk(e)s , Joseph (priest) 116 , 124

Willacy, James (priest) 122

Willan, Elizabeth 66

Williams, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 49; James 49; Mrs. 152, 154-6; Thomas 49

Wiltshire (Wilts) 2, 6 , 11

Winchester (Winton) (Hants) 1* , 11 , 122, 124 , 133, 143, 146 , 148n, 151n; Bishop of 3 , 3n, 5 , 145 , 146*; House of Correction 4n; Old Hill 1; Presbytery Library 11 ; St. James's Cemetery 11n , 99 , 100, 102, 103, 105, 143

Withrington, Jean (Mrs.Higgins) 22* , 23, 51

Wittering, West (Sussex) 42

Wollascott, Mary (Mrs. Englefield) 12; William 12

Woodford , Jane (née West) 115; Thomas 115

Woodger , Charles 56; Elizabeth 51, 58; Elizabeth (née Leech) 51-4, 56 , 58; James 52; Thomas 54; William 51 , 52, 53* , 54, 56, 58

Woodman , Ann (widow , 2º Mrs. Todd) 113, 158

Woods, James 58; John 109 ; Mary58

Wool(d)ridge, Anastasia (née Hanigan) 37; James 37; Mary 28* , 37 Worcester 138 Worcestershire 7, 105

Worksop Manor 6

Worlock, Rev. Derek, J. H. 116

Wright, John 49, 105 ; Martha (Patricia, née Sone) 49, 61 , 101 , 102* , 105, 130, 158, 159, 160* , 161* , 162(13 Sep.), 163, 164 (2 Sep.), 165; Mary (Mrs. Midlane) 49, 61 , 68 , 72* , 81 , 88* 90, 91, 105, 114, 161,162,163* 164, 165, 166*; Mr., London Banker 127*; Mrs. 130, 158 , 159 , 160* , 161*

Wymering (Hants) 11

Wyndham, Anne (Lady Arundell) 6n ; Charles 6n; Dominic 6n; John 6; Margaret (née Kennedy) 6; Philip (priest) 5* , 6 , 6n* , 52*-7* , 53n , 97, 107, 145, 160

Young, Anne (née Davies, 2° Mrs. Blunden) 82, 84, 86; Elizabeth (née Tucker) 94, 99 , 99n; Mr. 99

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