Records Volume 59: Isle of Wight Registers

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Issued to Members for the year 1968-69


NEWPORT 1792-1887

COWES 1796-1856

Transcribed With Historical Introductions by


THOW TO 1121

© The Catholic Record Society

NOTE: Parts of this book have been re-printed by photolithography from originalproof sheets . The Catholic Record Society apologizes for defects in clarity on some pages

Printed in Great Britain




Mrs. Elizabeth Heneage, widow of James Windsor Heneage, built the churches at Newport and Cowes (I.W.) A former Rector of Cowes, the Rev. Richard George Davis, spent many laborious years ofresearch tracing the history of Mrs. Heneage Several MS volumes in the Cowes Archives record the fruits of his work, and he embodied his findings in an article in The Lamp (Vol LIII, No. 295, no date, but, from internal evidence, 1897). " For years running into centuries there had lived at Brenchley, in Kent, a family of the name of Browne The family by marriage had allied itself with the family of Iden , descendants ofAlexanderIden, who, in the thirty-fifth yearofthe reign of Henry VI, captured the rebel Jack Cade . In 1626 John Browne was attached to the service of King James, and was the founder of His Majesty's Ordnance

"In the latter halfof the seventeenth century the then John Browne , of Brenchley, left the home of his ancestors and with his wife Mary settled at Gatcombe, in the Isle of Wight A son, John, was born to them, who, in 1733, married Elizabeth Urry, a member of a branch of an old island family* who had about one hundred years before established themselves at Sheat in the parish of Gatcombe . .. . John and Elizabeth Browne had only one child, a daughter, to whom at her baptism was given the name of Elizabeth " Elizabeth Browne was born in December, 1734, and baptisedin the church at Gatcombe on January 5th, 1735. Nothing is known of the early years of her childhood, nor of how her parents, livingin the very centre of the Isle ofWight, received the gift offaith Theyboth became Catholics when their daughterwas very young. " Her parents sent her to the ConventSchool at Hammersmithin 1749. In a MS list (nowat St.Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth) of boarders at this school is the entry in 1749 : " Elizabeth Browne (IsleofWight) Heneage, " and in asecond, later, list (1669-1768) containingtheentries of her daughters in 1768: "M. Heneage & E. Heneage, " the same entryoccurs again: Elizabeth Browne (Isle of Wight) Heneage 1749." She was therefore sent to school at the age of fourteen . Father Davis says " She left "

* " The Urreys, Urrys or Urries . . . . were among the most ancient families of the Isle ofWight Their arms were : Gules a chevron betweenthree falcons argent (Rev. E. Boucher James, Letters Archeological and Historical Relating to the Isle of Wight, i, 391; London, 1896).R.E.S


In this list, written probably about 1763 by Frances Gentil , then Superior, the name of the husband is given, as above , for girls who had married (Rev. H. J. Coleridge , S.J.: St. Mary's Convent, York, pp. 139-41 ; London, 1887)

school in due course and with her parents must have resided forsome years at Gatcombe There still survive [1897] in the parish some of the remote descendants of the family of Urry of Sheat, and amongst them they have the tradition that in the time of Thomas Urry, the grandfather of Elizabeth Browne, and the last of the Urrys of Sheat, there existed in the roof of the old Manor House* a chapel in which Mass was celebrated. "

In The Dawn of the Catholic Revival (i, 306), however , Bishop BernardWard says of Elizabeth Browne , " Though her parentswere Protestants , they sent her to the Convent School at Hammersmithand she was afterwards received into the Church by the Rev. Thomas Talbot at Brockhampton. " It is difficult to see on what this statement is founded . The Rev. Thomas Talbot was not at Brockhampton till shortly before the end of 1758, and Elizabeth Browne married James Windsor Heneage in the September of 1761. Moreover, it seems unlikely that non-Catholic girls would be sent to the ConventSchool at Hammersmith, and the Registers of Brockhampton do not record her reception into the Church On the other hand, in later years Bishop Thomas Talbot appears to have been her almoner-in-chief, as her letters attest Father Davis made the most searching inquiries and eventually succeeded in tracing Mrs. Heneage's pedigree thus:


David Urry of Thaley Mariana, dau ..... of Dean

Mary,dau. ofThomasThomasUrryofSheat=Jane, dau. of ThomasDayof Legg of Godshill. (made a will in 1638) | Drayton, Co. Sussex (nephew of Bp Day) 2nd wife 1st wife

Thomas Urry of Sheat, Catherine, dau. of Richard Oriat obiit circa 1675 , at 65 | of Highwood, Hants

Penelope, dau ofSirJohn=ColonelThomas Leigh of Northcourt . 1st | Urry of Sheat wife

Elizabeth George Oglander of Hale

Catherine John Hinde of Newport

John Urry of Ann Urry, obiit s.p. Effingham, at Newport obiits.p. Jan. 1780; buried at Gatcombe


Cecilia, dau . of Richard Urry Alexander Thistlethawte , John Urry Co. Wilts.; mar . - 1670; buriedat David Urry Gatcombe1710 2nd wife

Elizabeth John Urry, b 1700; Browne of

Thomas Urry of Sheat , born 1704; obiit 1 Nov. Gatcombe 1776 at Newport; unmarried; buried at Gatcombe mar. 27 Nov. 1733


* The old Manor House still stands, unaltered, on the main road from Newport to Chale

He is quoting Kirk, though he does not say so . The Brockhampton Registers do, however, record the baptism, on 27 December 1738, of a Rose Urry, daughter of John and Margaret Urry, who was born 26 December 1736. Whether this Urry family had any connexion with the Urrys of Sheat is difficult to determine (cf. Brockhampton Registers)

ELIZABETH BROWNE , born Dec. 1734


Arms: A vulture, wings addorsed, displuming a mallard's wing, all proper

Thomas Browne of BrenchleyCecily Iden, dau & heiress of Jasper Iden

Thomas Browne Anne, dau of Edward Lysted

John Browne (In the service of King Martha Tylden, dau ofMichaelTylden James Founder of H.M. Ordnance ) | ofCars Place inthe parishofBrenchley

John Browne Susan, dau & heiress of John Langley (eldest son) of Colchester , Essex, born 1624

John Browne, died 23 March 1735Mary, died (came to Gatcombe) 13 March 1736

John Browne, mar. 27 Nov. 1733; died Sept. 1772 Elizabeth Urry



Alexander Iden, High Sheriff of Kent Took Jack Cade theRebel=

Thomas Iden=

Jasper Iden .... dau. of .... Rootes of Sussex

Cicely Iden, dau & heiress

In April, 1761, James Windsor Heneage went to Gatcombeto " pay my addresses to Miss Browne," and they were married in the September. There is no clue as to how they first became acquainted. James Windsor Heneage was the fifth son of GeorgeHeneage ofHainton and Elizabeth Hunloke, daughter of Sir Henry Hunloke of Wingerworth (James Windsor was not " one of four sons, " as stated in Fr. Davis'sarticle in The Lamp). The pedigree of James Windsor Heneage is set out here in full to correct the inaccuracies in the notes to the Seventh Douay Diary (C.R.S., vol. xxviii) The note on p. 49 is a case of mistakenidentity The George Heneage who married Elizabeth Hunloke did so in 1705, having previously married his first wifein


1696. By 1717 , when he is said to be leaving Douay, he had already nine children at least , of whom one was the George Heneage (by his first wife) who left Douay in 1717 (Wingerworth is also spelt, wrongly, 'Wingeworth, ' p 49n) The editor of C.R.S. vol xxviii calls Windsor Heneage John' instead of James (p 149), and queries, in the Index, the correct entry of James Windsor Heneage on p. 162. Moreover , all the entries relating to Windsor Heneage are listed, in the Index , under John Windsor Heneage There was no John Windsor Heneage: all these entries relate to James Windsor Heneage. A noticeable feature of the Ledgers given below is the contacts Windsor Heneage maintained with students, especially priests, whom he had known at Douay in the years 1729 to 1734


The Heneage Pedigree dates back to the fourteenth century

The Heneage arms were: Or, a greyhound courant sable between three leopards' faces azure; a bordure engrailedgules

Mary, dau & heiress of ThomasGeorge Heneage * Kemp of Slindon, Sussex, and of of Hainton, born Ipres, Flanders 1st wife 16 Nov. 1651

James Heneage born at Lincoln 13 Aug. 1693

Frances, diedinfant; bur 20 Mar. 1687-8 in Lincoln Cathedral

Mary, dau and heiress ofWilliam, Lord Petre; born 23 Mar. 1679-80; mar 14 April 1696; bur. at Hainton 10 June 1704. 1st wife

Frances, dau of Moyser. 2nd wife

Elizabeth, mar Edward Greathed, M.D., died 29 June 1737 , æt . 49; bur. in Lincoln Cathedral

George Heneage, born 3 Aug. 1674; died 31 Dec. 1730; bur. at Hainton 10 January 1731

George Heneage,§ of Hainton, 1st son , born 30 May 1698; left Douay 5 April 1717 ; bur at Hainton 25 Aug. 1745, s.p.

Elizabeth, dau of Sir Henry Hunloke, Bart , of Wingerworth, Co. Derby; married 4 Aug. 1705. 2nd wife

Mary Bridget, born at Hainton 7 Sept. 1703; died at Pontoise 31 Dec. 1717

William Heneage, died infant B

* Harleian Soc , li, 484-5

George Heneage's fourolder sisters werenuns: Constantia, O.S.B. , at Pontoise, died at Pontoise 1717, aged 59 (C.R.S., xvii, 301); Winifred , an Austin nun at Paris; Penelope, O.S.B. , at Pontoise , professed 1684 (C.R.S., xvii, 258) ; Ann, a nun at Saumur Eng Cath Nonjurors, p 162. She wasborn in the Tower . The pedigree in Harleian Soc , li, 484, says that she was born in Covent Garden , and that her father was Thomas, 6th Lord Petre C.R.S. , xix, 175n , says she was Anne, only child of William, 4th Lord Petre Catholic Nonjurors of 1715, pp 1 , 58, 161 , 162 , 214 § Possibly married to Mary Newport, 17 May 1738. Cf. C.R.S. , xix, 175; xxxviii, 49.

C.R.S. , xxviii, 49, 113, 132, 137, 149, 176, 242 .

*Anna Maria, dau .ThomasHenryHeneage =Katherine, eldest dau . of ofRoboaldoFieschi; arrived Douay 9 Oct. |John Francis Newport, mar 14 July 1728. 1723, left 3 Sept. 1726 1st wife Esq , of Furneux-Pelham , Co. Herts 2nd wife

Hon Catherine Petre, eldest dau . of Robert, Lord Petre; mar 1755

George Fieschi, arrived Douay 22 June 1745

Thomas, arrived Douay 22 June 1745, left 11 Nov. 1748

Henry Heneage, born at=Ann, dau. & co-heiress Hainton 28 Nov. 1708 ; arrived Douay 9 Oct. 1723 , left Douay 10 Oct. 1729 ; died 16 July 1755

Robert Heneage, born 30 July 1714; arrived Douay 12 Aug. 1727, left 19 Nov. 1732

of Jeremiah Bowes of Waleby, Co. Lincoln; die 9 Jan. 1805, æt 79

John Heneage, born at Hainton 29 Jan. 1712-13, arrived Douay Aug. 1726 , left 12 Oct. 1732 ; died 1758

JAMESWINDSOR HENEAGE , ELIZABETH BROWNE born at Hainton 10 Oct. | born Dec. 1734; died 1715; arrived Douay Sept. 10 Dec. 1800 1729, left 15 Feb. 1734 ; mar. 23 Sept. d. 19 Feb. 1786 1761 ;

William =Mary Fitzherbert Heneage, George Thomas Heneage, born Brockholes b. 21 Nov. 30 Dec. 1763; 1762; mar died 23 April 20 June 1767 1791

Francis Heneage, born at Hainton 6 May 1717; arrived atDouay Sept. 1729, left 15 Feb. 1734

Ursula, died infant 1713

Elizabeth Hene--Basil age, born 9 Dec. 1764; mar 27 Feb. 1786


Elizabeth, born at Hainton 1 Nov. 1709

Cuthbert Tunstall of Burton Constable , Co. York

Katharine, born at George Palmes of Naburn , Hainton 28 April 1719 Co. York; died 7 Feb. 1774

Cadebywas a second Heneage propertythe first being Haintonand seems to have been given over to the use of a youngerbrother of the Heneage of Hainton of the day, andthen, failing male heirs, tohave reverted to the senior branch Cadeby is in Lincolnshire, eleven or twelve miles from Louth, and was known as Cadeby Chapelry , and also as Wyham-cum-Cadeby James Windsor Heneage inherited Cadeby on his brother John's death, in 1758. John had apparently inherited itfrom his brother Henry in 1755 (see biographicaldetails of the Rev. Anthony Witham, infra).

* Catholic Nonjurors of 1715, pp 1 , 58, 161 , 162, 214

C.R.S., xxviii, 49, 113, 132, 137, 149, 176, 242

Who added the name Brockholes on succeeding to the Claughton estates


It is clear from Windsor Heneage's ledgers that there was a chaplain at Cadeby The following priests were there:

The Rev. Anthony Witham (not mentioned in the Ledgers, but died at Cadeby, 21 March 1763C.R.S , xii, 10) Educatedat Douay; went to St. Gregory's , Paris , September 1703; ordained deacon in December 1709no date given for priesthood; left in July 1712 , on accountofill-healthandwent to the PoorClares at Rouen ; afterwards to Cadeby as chaplain to Henry Heneage (C.R.S., xix, 117–121 ).

The Rev. J. StricklandJohn or Joseph (more probably John)- from at least November 1764 to July 1766 (Kirk, Biographies, p 222)

The Rev. Henry Kirby, from July 1766 till his death, 12 May 1767. He was born at St. Germains, 26 February 1712 , son of Henry Kirby and Elizabeth (Fulbern); entered the EnglishCollege, Rome, 19 November 1720 ; was ordained priest 13 February 1735, and left for England 4 June 1735. " Helived manyyears in the Heneage family at Cadeby, " and is said to have been " as free from guilt as a child: had a good taste for musicand was a good preacher " (Kirk, Biographies, p 143

Cf. C.R.S., xl, 164 ; xii, 12; xxii, 351)

It is possible that the Rev. John Phillips, alias Elston, was here from May 1767 to September 1767 (see Ledgerunderdate25 September 1767).

The Rev.William Hartleyfrom September 1767 till at leastAugust 1778. He was born 26 July 1742, near Banbury, Oxfordshire , the son of RichardHartley and Elizabeth (Taplin) ; went tothe EnglishCollege , Rome, 20 November1756; was ordained priest 20 December 1766, and left for England 18 April 1767. Cadeby must have been one of his first places, if not the first Kirk says he " worked at Cobridge in the Potteries many years and then removed to Sixhills in Lincolnshire, where he died 1794." It seems probable that he and the Rev. Henry Kirby were part-time chaplains at Cadeby, for they received only £8 8s. a year, whereas the Rev. J. Strickland received £21 C.R.S., xii, 44, gives Hainton as the place of his death, on 8 July 1794. By that year James Windsor Heneage was dead and his widow had left Cadeby , and the Rev. William Hartley apparently had gone to the other Heneage estate (Kirk, Biographies, p. 112 ; C.R.S., xl, 215; xii, 44)

The Rev. Simon Lucas was the next chaplain He was born in Warwickshire , in August 1745, the son of Simon Lucas and Susanna (Benton) of King's Norton, Warwickshire He studiedat Douay, and was sent thence, with other students, to colonize the English College, Valladolid, in 1769, when the secular clergy took over the College He was ordained priest there 23 December 1775 (C.R.S., xxx, 196 , 199 , 203). On his return to England he was appointedchaplainto Sedgley Park School and assistant to the President , the Rev. Hugh Kendall (Gillow, Dict. of Eng Cath , iv, 343) Gillow says that he wasattached to the Bavarian Embassy, Warwick Street, as one of the chaplains in 1769. This is obviously a misprint, for he was not ordained until 1775. No doubt 1779 was meant He was next appointed chaplain to James Windsor Heneage at Cadeby The earliest mention of him is in a letter to Mrs. Heneage dated January 1786 (a month before James Windsor Heneage's death), from which it is clear that the Rev. Simon Lucas had been to Paris withMrs.Heneage on an earlieroccasion . Apparently he continuedas chaplain to Mrs.Heneageafter her husband's

death, probably in London, * and went with her to Newport, Isle of Wight. Both their names are given in The UniversalBritish Directory for 1792 , so we can assume that they were there at least in 1791

In a MS. collection of notes (which were at Louthin 1893) made by Mr. Edward Young in 1830, it is stated that " The Cadeby mission was removed to Louth about the year 1792 , and the RevdLucas of Cadeby was therefore first missioner at Louth I [i.e. the compiler of the note] was told that he had a handsome sum of moneyplaced in his hands by[one], who was thencalled thegood MrsWinefride Heneage, who erected three chapels during her life. She resided at Lincoln. The Revd Lucas placed Mrs Winefride's money to erect a chapel at Louth in the hands of the then Bishop of London, for to take care of, and the party to whom he lent it failed, and the amount was entirely lost." There seems to be a certainamount of confusion in these hearsay memories IfCadeby Mission was moved to Louthand the Rev.Simon Lucas did serve it, it must have been before 1792.

From AlexanderKnight's letters, given below , it would seem that Mrs. Heneage left Cadeby soon after her husband's death (19 February 1786), for Knight reports a sale of stock in June 1786, and thereafter regularly sends rents and other monies to Mrs. Heneage After her husband's death a Jointure seems to have been settled upon her , pay- able from the Cadeby Estate, similar to the Jointure paid to Mrs. Ann Heneage at Hainton in James Windsor Heneage's lifetime The Rev. William Darra is already at Cadeby in 1786 (see Knight's letter). It is just possible that he was either at Louth or Cadeby in January 1784, the year after his ordination, forin James Windsor Heneage's " Waste Book," as he calls itit is more a petty cash book, kept at first by Samuel Goulding and later by Windsor Heneage himselfunder the date 27 January 1784 occurs the entry: " Gave Mr Daragh, for old Nurse 5/& to Mrs Smith 4/, of Louth. "

If this is the Rev. William Darra, it is curious that it is the only occasion onwhich the name is speltalmostas in the Valladolid Register, 'Darragh. '

Five days after Mrs. Heneage's death (10 December 1800) the Rev. Simon Lucas left Newport and retired to the college at Old Hall, where he died little more than a month later (31 January 1801) In 1796 he publishedat Newport The True Principlesof Roman Catholics, a 12mo pamphlet of twelve pages

The followingextractsfrom the Ledgers ofJamesWindsor Heneage (1759-1786) are given for their Catholic interest The Ledgers, now preserved in the Archives of the Catholic Church at Cowes , are the Account Books of the Cadeby estate Theyare very methodicallykept and writtenin a very clear hand Mostly they record the income and expenditure of the estate Occasionally they serve as a Diary. The

* In theWill of a Jane Dennis New the Rev. SimonLucas is saidtobe living at 1 , Mill Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, in 1788: the other priest mentioned in the Will, the Rev. Thomas Gabb, was said to be living, at that date, at Duke Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields (the Rev. R. G. Davis's MSS,, Cowes Archives)

In the "Waste Book " Windsor Heneage has made an entry, " 1778 , 20th April Died Mr SamuelGoulding, Aged 78.Requiescatin Pace," but from other entriesit seems probablethat Samuel Goulding was not a Catholic


first two pages are set out here to show how the books were kept. Afterwards only extracts are given In these pages many eventsof Catholic life find an echo Catholic families are mentionedso, too , are priests (only once, however, is the word ' priests ' used). It has not been easy to single out the priests, and sometimes the identification may be faulty. "

Frequently,whena priestwas inquestion, James WindsorHeneage wrote gave to Mr " instead of" paidMr. " There are also a few interesting details concerning the Convent School at Hammersmith, and the records of the visits to France show how Catholics over therelinked up with Catholics here. Births, Baptisms and Deaths are also recorded

As it is unlikely that these Account Books will be publishedin fullthey would fill several C.R.S. volumesand as the majority of the entries are of domestic and not of Catholic interest, a departure has been made from the Catholic Record Society's regulationrequiring the publication of all documents in full

The Letters written to Mrs. Heneage, which also are preserved in the Cowes Archives, are published here for the light they throw on her benefactions and for the variousdetails about Bishops, Priestsand Nuns contained in them.


[Register No. 1 is a vellum-covered book, similar to the Brockhampton, Cowes and GosportRegisters , with pages measuring 7"x 6" . On the front cover is written, under a curious designconsisting of a largefigure 4 over an inverted spear-point shape in which are the initials WH']

1759 & 1760 17615

[On the inside front cover] Windsor Heneage 1759 1760

[On the fly-leafthe accounts are indexed . The reverse is blank.]

[р 1]


Burton Constable13th January 1759 (1

from William Constable Esqr Two hundred Pounds , in ful for One year's interest, of Five Thousand Pounds, the Interest of £4000 whereof was due on the 7th last August, and

the Interest of£1000 was due 27th last August 1758 , I say rečed by me this day

14 Do Paid Mr Thorpe 4 Guineas for 4 Chances Raffling for his Horse 4 Collin N.B. Windsor& Robt Hunloke's Gs 2 on acct. 15

Paid to Mr Whitaker, atorney, under an Execution , at the suit of Mr Bell [? Merett] against Messrs Caddy & Brown Grocers at

Paid for Glasses & Decanters


Came to Cadeby, and settled accounts with Bennet, in ful to this day Do

Paid CharlesCooper forhis Boots 18th

Settled & paid Sam: Goulding for Labourers 20th

Paid Sam: Goulding for Labourers Do Paid Bennet* for Housekeeping

[р 4]

Cadeby 4th Febry 1759

Receivedfrom Mr Gwillim** on acctof Neph. Heneage, for 2 acres Rent due last Lady Day 1758 for Two Acres in Weelsby £2

[р 10] Taxes 5 =}

Drew on Mr Wright, of Sister Ann Heneage§§ forJoynture

Cadeby 3d April 1759 for £45 in favr 1-15-0

Paid to Mr Ward, theLandTaxfor Cadeby, 4th Quarterly payment 14..2..9 S d

Reced Salary 3/6 Net £13..19..3

Drew on Mr Wright in favr of Mr Gwillim, for value reĉed in Cash

Frances Bennet, Cook, etc. Butler. 30..0..0 Sam Goulding, a tenant of one ofWindsor Heneage's properties, acting as Estate Agent

§ An error of £10 . ** A Rev. John Gwillim (Lisbon) died at Holywell 3 April 1763 (C.R.S. , xii, 10. On the previous page he paid Mr. Gwillim " for Malt")

This is an abbreviation, presumably for 'acres . ' For Wrights the Bankers see C.R.S. , xix, 167n . §§ Widow of his brother Henry. Henry died 1755.

[р 15]


Cadeby 9th May 1759

Reced from Mr Harniss for half year's Rent for Laceby due last Michaelmass 1758 .... £17 : 10 : Allow'd Taxes 4:12 :

Memorandum it is Taxed at £23.per year at 8/- double,* about 100Acres he says this Farm is 10th

I this day made out Duplicates for the Land Tax for Cadeby, for the Constableof Horbyto carrytomorrow to Castor

[р 16]

Paid the Poor's assessment ofWyam & Cadeby

Tob: Scales Overseer £200 @ 16% per £

[р 17]

Cadeby 18th May 1759 5.-


Rečed of John Robinson for 22d May 1759 . Laceby for half year's rent f. s due Mich last Taxes at 78

SrC. Wray. Allow'd out Rent to Mich¹

3 ..

3 * Catholics paid double Land Tax.

Farm's Name


Tenant's Name




Mr Neeve's

John Atkins

Nephew Heneage

Robert Brady

Francis Marshall



р. 24]


Cadeby 28th May 1759

Paid Mr Smith as Churchwarden my Third of£4..9s..3d for Cadeby & Wyam

Paid Revd Mr Wright for a year's

Cadeby 10th June 1759 and I likewise gave him a receipt for 5s in ful of all demands [p. 27]

Set out in the afternoon for Worksop Manor & Wingerworth and Lay that Night at Sixhills at Mr Rt Newton's [p. 30]

Sixhills 12th June 1759 went from Sixhills with Mr Robt Newton* toLookatmyFarmat Metheringham, near the Green Man on Lincoln Heath, there is averygoodStone House, Stable , Barns &ca belonging to the Farm . I Laid this night attheGreenMan , and set out nextmorning for Worksop Manor.


Set out from Worksop Manor for Wingerworth

[p. 31] Wingerworth 25th June 1759

Paid Mr Pickering on acct of my Br

To Mr Hardwick§ on do

To Ditto on Mr Gradel's acct

* ThenameNewton frequently occurs in these accountsRobert Newton , Captain Newton, Messrs Newton References are made to payments to Mr. Newton " of the Grange. " These are paid to him by the London Vicariate from"Croft's Fund " A Rev. Robert Newton died 4 February 1800 (C.R.S. , xii, 73), but whether there is any connexion with those mentioned in the Accounts is difficult to determine.

Query: Lancelott Pickering from Westmorland, son of John and Margaret Pickering, born 1681 , went to the English College, Rome, 1699; ordained 3 April 1707, left Rome 30 April 1707; died 15 Jan. 1763 at Lartington ? (C.R.S., xl, 125-6; xii, 10).

Mass stipendsfor his brother John and for the Rev.ChristopherGradell, whom he had known at Douay, and who had died the previous September. § Son of Francis Hardwick and Ann Torner, born in Lichfield diocese 28 November 1712. Ordained at Douay 1 April 1741 , came on the Mission 5 July 1741 ; was at Yeldersley, Derbyshire, and Paynesley , and afterwards chaplain to Sir Henry Hunloke at Wingerworth Escorted two of James Windsor Heneage's nephews to Douay in June 1745. Elected to theChapter 1762. Died at Wingerworth 27 Nov. 1767 (C.R.S. , xxviii, 135n, 242) He was at Douay when James Windsor Heneage was there.

The Rev. Christopher Gradell was the son of Christopher Gradell of Barbles Moor in Ulnas Walton, Lancs, by his second wife, who was oneof the Winckleys of Banister Hall He went to Douay in Oct. 1722 , wasordained in April 1734 , was professor at Douay until 11 September 1736, when he left for England He was elected to the Chapterin 1755, and died at Sheffield 27 Sept. 1758 (C.R.S., xxviii, 100n, 192, 208; xii, 9)

[р 31]

Settled accounts with Sir Henry Hunloke

[June] 27th

Paid on my acct for Saints' Lives [p. 32] Wingerworth 29th June 1759

Gave Jonathan Redfern, to distribute to the poor of washington as per my Br's will 2d July

Went to Oulsgroves and overlook'd my Br John Heneages papers &ča, and paid Mr Jno Cordon Jun: for Malt on my Br's account & in ful £2 : 6- for halfof a Lottery Ticket2 : 13 : 6

£4: 19 : 6

N.B. my Brother had paid for Board , Lodging &ča in ful when he wentaway, I found in the Bureau belonging to my Br in silver Isold the Bureau for£1 : 1 : [р 34]


Wingerworth 8th July 1759

Set out for Cadeby, where I arrived the day after Cadeby

18th July 1759 £..s..d

Paid Mr Nicholas Shaw for the London Chronicle &ča to 5th this Instant (1..5..6 per order of Chris . Harris

Paid Jno Alison the last of my Br's money of £5 5 by will for Cadeby & Wyam poor


Went to Rasen , and recvd from Mr Ward on my Bonds at 4 per Cent per Ann. £500 vizt

My Bond sign'd this day to the Revd John Jenkinson of Gillingham in Kent £200

To Elizabeth Needham of Wragby, To Solomon Small of Melton Ross To GeorgeAtterbyof Theddlethorpe

Gave Mr Ward £5 : 5 & his man 10/6

[р 38] Cadeby

7th Augst 1759 10 .... " The Rečed from the Honble Champion* Dymoke) 1. year's rent due 5th last Aprill

" His Majesty's Champion, " always referred to herein as Champion. " For this title and its historysee E. Walford, Tales ofOur Great Families, pp 339 et seq ., London, 1890 .



N.B. The Champion would give me no satisfaction about the Knowledge where the land lay, it is ming land

[р 39] 7th

Champion Dymoke's Husbandman at Dolderley, shew'd me the Land, which he said was part of mine . .

N.B ... The Husbandman's name was Copeland at Dolderley.

[p. 41]

Drew on Mr Wright in favr of Mr Greenwell, on acct ofmy Brs Funeral

Cadeby [August] 22nd [1759]

Ten days after date in ful paid.

[р. 43]

Paid Mr Gwillim in ful for Malt

Cadeby 29th August 1759 Do

Paid Mr Gwillim his Legacy Left him by my Br Jno Heneage

Paid Mr John Gwillim his Legacy 31st

Drew on Mr Wright for Twenty pounds in Favour of Mr John Smith

Ten days after date For his Legacy

[p. 44]

Cadeby 5th September 1759

Set out for Lincoln& Chesterfield Races and carried with me out of Cash £45 ....- Lincoln 7th September 1759

Glasswell 10th

Wingerworth 10th Do

[p. 45]

Wingerworth 19th Sept 1759

Paid Sir Henry Hunlokehis Legacy left him by my Br John Heneage's Will

Paid Mr Robt Hunloke his Legacy

Paid Mr James Hunloke his Legacy

Paid Miss Hunloke her Legacy

Paid Miss Charlotte Hunloke her Legacy

* Probably the undertaker

Query: The Rev. John Gwillim ?



Gave Sr H. Hunloke for Mr T'April* that serves at West Hallam ...


Paid Mr Hardwick for Mr Wilson & Mr Shimell§ Priests

Idrew on Mr Wright in favr of Sr Henry Hunlokefor £30 : 15 on acct on account [sic] of my Br Jn° Heneage for medecines

[р 46]

Wingerworth 8th October


Went to Worksop Manorfrom Wingerworth Worksop Manor 10th

Paid Mr Haddock ** for himself& Mr Shuttleworth on acct of my Br 2.. 2..-

* John Taprell, son of John Taprell of London and MaryLund his wife. Born 18 Apr. 1718; at Douay 14 May 1739 to 5 Aug. 1749; ordained 1748; Tutor in 1751; Missionerat Derby; fell away fromthe church, married and practisedMedicineat Marston Montgomery, Derbyshire, till his death (C.R.S. , xxviii, 222 , 255, 260, 274)

Chaplain to Sir Henry Hunlokevide supra Query: Thomas Wilson alias Clark, who was at Douay with James Windsor Heneage. He was there from at least Oct. 1727 till Sept. 1738 , being ordainedat Arras 30 Nov. 1737 (the Seventh Douay DiaryC.R.S., xxviii, 218givesthe Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 30 Nov.presumably a slip for St. Andrew) He died at Hethersidge , Derbyshire, 12 Dec. 1779 (C.R.S., xxviii, 139, 218, 220; xii, 14)

§ Probably Thomas (or Johnthe nameis variously given) Shimell who went to Douay in the same year as Windsor Heneage Ordained in 1741 (C.R.S. ,xxviii, 150n, has a misprint , '1714'), he wasGeneral PrefectatDouay, leaving in 1743; afterwards chaplain to Nathaniel Eyre at Glossop, and then at Crumpsall near Manchester , where he died 23 Aug. 1779 (C.R.S. , xxviii, 150, 228, 237; xii, 14)

The only mention of ' priests' in these Ledgers.

** Rev. Cuthbert Haydock, chaplain to the Duke of Norfolk at Worksop Manor for forty years He was the third son ofWilliam Haydock and Jane Anderton his wife Born in 1684, he went to Douay 27 Dec. 1703. C.R.S. , xxviii, 20n , saysthat he was ordainedat Douay in 1714 , but theDiaryitself (p 30) seems to imply that he left the College on 6 Nov. 1713. He served Mawdesleyin Lancashire, living with Thomas Finche, who had married his sister Mary He is also said to have been chaplain at Hodsock Park, the residence of his sister , Mrs. Shuttleworth , before ultimatelybecomingchaplain at Worksop Manor He was at Worksop when the Manor was burnt to the ground on 22 Nov. 1761. He was elected to the Chapter in 1734, and died at Worksop 11 Jan. 1763 (C.R.S. , xxviii , 20, 30; J. Gillow , Haydock Papers, pp 48-50; for pronunciation Haddock, ' p 222)

Probably the Rev. George Shuttleworth alias Haydock, son of George Shuttleworth and his wife Dorothy Haydock Born circa 1721, he wentto Douay 28 May 1732 , was ordained 19 Feb. 1744; left for England 25 July 1744; inherited his grandfather's fortune and bought Hodsock Park, near Worksop, and lived there till his death, 11 May 1791 (C.R.S. , xxviii, 163n , 239, 240)

[p. 47]


Worksop Manor, 14th October 1759

Set out from Worksop for Cadeby, where I arriv'd on the 15th

[p. 49]

Cadeby 25th October 1759

Paid George Craggs, on account of his Daughter Ann Cragg's Legacy left her by my Br's will, which George Craggs promises to be accountable for

[р 56] 5

Cadeby 27th November 1759

Paid Mr Harniss for Cash paid by him to the Poor of Laceby per my Br's will 3 .. 3 ..-

[p. 66]

Cadeby 13th January 1760

Set out from hence for Lincoln Cocking Lincoln 17th Do

Set outfor London, I have lostattheCocking 20 ..- . and arriv'd at London 19. Instant

Mr Wright paid by Brown my Br Jn: Legacy in full

London 23d Do my order to Wm Heneage man his £20 .. & a year's wages 8 .. £28 ....

have Cr Mr Wright with the same [р 68]

London 31st Janty 1760

Paid my Nephew & Niece Heneage their Legacys 20 ... N.B. £10 each 5th Do

Paid Sister Henry Heneage her Legacy 10 .. -

Paid Mr Shepherd* his Legacy 20 .. 0 .... Do Do

Paid Sister Constable her Legacy

Gave Mr Walton, for Mr Butler

[p. 70]

London 15th Febry 1760

Paid Mr Mackworth§ his Legacy in ful

* Is this the Rev. John Shepherd who took Windsor's two brothers , Thomas and Henry, to Douay in October 1723 ? He was ordainedat Lisbon about 1706; was afterwards Dean of the Chapter and died in London 27 Oct. 1761 (C.R.S., xxviii, 113)

Rev. William Walton, afterwards V.A. Northern District (1770-80), who was at Douay with Windsor Heneage (C.R.S., xxviii, 160n), Secretary and friend ofBishop Challoner (E. H. Burton, TheLife and TimesofBishop Challoner , passim)

Rev. Alban Butler, author of Lives of the Saints, who was at Douay with Windsor Heneage

§ Query: The Rev. ThomasMackworth ? See under date 21 Oct. 1773 .

[р 72]


London 25th Febry 1760

Paid Mr Petre's his Legacy, Left his Father, by my Br Henry Heneage's 20 .. will, paid to Mr Hewitt as Execr Do

Paid Mr Petre's for drawing up a Case for me & Councill in full 26th Do } 4..10 .. 6

Went to Ingatestone to see my Nephew) Heneage, Chaise &ca Cost Expences 2 .. 2 ..- and returned 28th inst.

[p. 73]

[p. 74]

[p. 77]

London 29th Febry 1760

Left London, and went in a Post Chaise to see Mr Conquest* at Irnham, where I got the next day

Irnham 3d March 1760

Set out from hence for Lincoln Do 4th

Came to Cadeby

Cadeby 12th September 1761

Rečed from Mr Wright Cash Do £100 ....

Miss Browne, consign'd over a billtomefor the above Cash, and for which Mr Wright has credited me

[p 97]

Cadeby 7th June 1760

I went this day to Caistor to meet the Commissionersof LandTax,vizt

Mr I. Thorold, Mr Perkinson, & Mr Uppleby, about their putting my Duplicate 100 ..... to Beeseby & Haverley, but could get no Satisfaction , they said that the Window Tax must be paid with the Land Tax, & that Papists could not be Assrs or Collrs

[р 105]

[р 112]

Cadeby 13th September 1760

MrConstables of Burton wentfrom Cadeby, and left for Servants £5. 5.8

Cadeby 21st October 1760

Paid Mr Windsor Hunloke his Legacy Left by my Br John 40 ..-

He * There was a Benedict Conquest at Douay from 1723 to 1729 inherited the Thimelby estates at Irnhamin 1753, but died the same year. There was also a John Conquest at Douay with Windsor Heneage. Hewas there in 1733; and in 1734 there is a Conquest ' as Convictor (C.R.S. ,xxviii, 115n , 152, 175, 197).

This occursin a statement ofhis accountswith Mr. Wrightthe Banker , and so is out of chronological order. His future wife. § Query: William Constable ?

[p. 136]


Cadeby 25th March 1761

Set off for London .. .. 27th

Came to London

London 3d April

Paid Charles for his place in the Portsm . Coach 6th

Went to Gatcombe to pay my addresses to Miss Browne


Return'd from Gatcombe to London

[p . 139]

р 148]

London 18th May 1761

Left London and came to Cadeby the 20th

Cadeby 2d June 1761

Left Cadeby and set out for London &ča

Came to London 5th


Left London, and went to Gatcombe in the Isle ofWight, were [sic] I arrived on the 9th

Paid Charles for a Chaise &ča to

Gatcombe 27th Do Freshwater S d £ .... 15 .. 6) my washing to London &ca ....

[р. 151] 3 .. 7 .... 19 .. 5 ..... 4] July 15th

Left Gatcombe and set out for London where I arrived on the 16th Instant

London 18th August 1761

Mary Gorst is to come to me on next Thursday , to waite on Miss Browne as her maid, & be housekeeper &ca. She is to have £10 per year, she is to have her Charges to London , when she leaves us

[р 152]

London 19th August 1761

Paid to Mr Wright on acct of Miss Browne,forMrsEmmet, for whichher Note 20th £ .. s.. d 10 . 20 ....Portsmouth.

Lent Miss Browne, for which she gave me her Note to repay

* Charles Cooper, his butler.


Rečed from Mr Errington, * on acct ofMr Kirby, which I am to pay him 22d

Paid for Binding Mr Butler's Sts' Lives and gave the man that brot them 1/.. 16 ..- 24th

Lent Miss Browne on her Note 21 ....


Set out from hence, with Mr Wilmott, and went to Winchester, to meet Mr 10 ..- Eames, abt marriage settlement, and return'd 27th , & spent in the Journey_ [p. 153]

Lent Miss Browne on her Note

London 29th August 1761 Do

Paid Mr Lewis the difference of binding Mr Gothier's works, 18. Vol: in ful 2d Sept

Paid Mr Shepperd, § for disbursmtforPrayers for my Br Jno at Portugese Chappel Do

Rečed from Miss Browne, in ful for Cash Lent her

[p. 154]

London 14th September 1761

Paid Mr Clark, at Doctors Commons , for a Marriage Licence &ca £1 : 5 : 6

To his Clerk

[Ф. 156]

Went to St Mary le Bon Church and I married Miss Eliz: Browne and gave her purse

Gave to the Parson

To the Clerk 10s/6d & Cushn Womn 28/6d

Gave to Sundrys

Borrow'd of my wife

Set out from London, & arrived at Cadeby 25th Instant, & spent 10

on my Journey

* Rev. William Errington, born 17 July 1716 , ordained at Douay Dec. 1747 , left 26 January 1748 , chaplain to Bishop Challoner for many years; died 28 Sept. 1768 (C.R.S., xxviii, 232n, 253; Gillow, Dict of Eng. Cath., ii, 177 et seq .)

A Rev. Henry Kirby was later chaplain at Cadeby . Acting for Mr. Browne, father of Windsor Heneage's fiancée . The Rev. John Shepherd , Deanof the Chapter, died in London 27 Oct. 1761 (C.R.S. , xxviii, 113n) Mass stipend Cushion woman.

[р 161]


Paid Mr Kirby* for what I rečed from MrWalton, on his account £16 .. 6 .. From Mr Errington on do's acct 12..10 28..16..―

[There is no Ledgerfor the years 1762-1764. Ledger No. 2 isamuchlarger vellum-coveredbook, withpages measuring12 "x 8" .

The outside front cover has a parachute-like drawing surmounted by what appears to be a figure 4 , similar to the device on Ledger No. 1 .

Inside the device the years are set out as under] 1765 1767 . . 66 68 69. 70 71 72

[On the inside front cover is written] Windsor Heneage his Cash Book Memorandums &ca Cadeby 1st Jan. 1765 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769 1770. 1771 . 1772

[On the fly-leaf, numbered p. 1, the contents are indexed.]

[p 5]

Cadeby 20th January 1765

Paid Benjamin Kent , for his Wife's nursing, in full, to this day, Wet Nurse at 7 /- per week from 9th last month 2..2..Do

Rečed a Bill from my Sister Constable§ on Mr Anthony Wright, to my order , drawn by her, dated 15th Instant for £11..11s .. Vizt

To pay Winefrid Fawcett for her On Mr Tunstall's Account To Ditto

To give on her Acct on my Daughter Elizabeth's Christening

* Query: The Rev. Henry Kirby ?




..11..11 ..


The Rev. William Walton. Elizabeth was born 9 Dec. 1764 §Elizabeth Heneage married Cuthbert Tunstall See Pedigree .


On Mr Tunstall's Account , to the Nurse &ca at Ditto

Mrs Constable paid, on my Acct, for P. Marshall's Truss

[p 6] 3 .. 3 ..-

£12..12 ... 1 .. 1 ..–

£11..11 ...

Cadeby 29th January 1765

This morning was Christen'd my Daughter, Elizabeth, the Sponsors were Mr & Mrs

Heneage, for Mrs Constable , & Mr Tunstall , By Mr J. Strickland. *

[On pp. 10 and 11 are set out the disbursements for the year 1765, and on the last line is written] 1765 per year

Mr Strickland 21 ... When due When Paid

21st Nov 1765 21st Nov 1765 Year 21 ..-.

[On pp. 22 and 26 is a summary of his dealings with Mr. Anthony Wright, Banker On the last line is written] [Cadeby] 22d April 1767* Drew in Favr of Mr Henry Kirby, or order, 31 days after sight, value reced

[p. 28]

Cadeby 8th May 1765

Rečed from Mr Browne§ Vizt

Interest on his Bond to me, for £800, at 4 per Ct from 30th Augst last to 4th May

§To his Board &ča from 24th Oct. last to 4th Instant at £22 per Ann

To my Note of hand to pay him on demand, dated 4th Inst at 4 per Ct

To Cash for Wood &ca reced

* This may be the Rev. John Strickland or the Rev. Joseph Strickland; more probably John Cf. C.R.S., xix, 136 , 140

The Accounts are over a number of years. Chaplain

§ Mrs. Heneage's father was apparently living with them .

[р 29]


Cadeby 13th May 1765

Paid Mr Wright in full for a Year's Tythe, due Yesterday, for Cadeby 7 ....—

N.B. I Gave him an Acct of the Birth of my Son & Daughters

Gave Mr Strickland, * his half Year's Salary, due 21st Instant

[p. 33] To place in his Book Cadeby 22d May 1765 10..10 ..-

[p. 42]

Cadeby 24 June 1765

Set out this afternoon, for London


Arriv'd in London, and find that I have spent on my Journey here

Paid Mr Coghlan's Bill

[р 43]

London 4th July, 1765 7 .. 4

30th Gave my Wife for Mr Errington, for my Br Jn

[p. 44]

London 27th July 1765 1..1 ..-

Rečed from Mr Errington, on Acct of Mr Newton, of the Grange Net

[р 45] 8th August 1765

Arriv'd at Cadeby and have expended on my journey from London £8

[Ф. 50]

Cadeby 5th September 1765

Paid Mr Kirby, the Cash I Rečed from Mr Errington, on account of Mr Newton of the Grange

[p. 54]

Cadeby 5th October 1765

Gave Mr Strickland, § the £30 Bank Notes, for Mrs Ann Heneage, on Acct of her Joynture, due last Michaelmass

[Р. 60]

Cadeby 21st November 1765

Gave Mr Strickland, his half Year's salary, in full for the Year, due this day

[p. 62]

Cadeby 6th December 1765

GaveDoctorPetre, for comeing [sic]from] Lincoln to see my son George

* The Chaplain, the Rev. J. Strickland 6 .. 8..10

John Peter Coghlan , Catholic publisher Cf. C.R.S. , xii, 29, 31. " Croft Fund "

Query: Was the Rev. J. Strickland also serving Hainton ?

[On a loose leaf is a cash summary for 1765. In it the following items occur.]

Cadeby 31st December 1765

Windsor Heneage

Account of Full Rental of Lands that belonged to my late Br Henry Heneage, on which my Sister , his Widow's Joynture is fixed, & all the Taxes &ca Incumbrances on the same


Cadeby Ditto



Louth Farm


Holme Land

Haltham &



John Goulding

In my own hands

Thomas Atkins

Mr Robt Neve

John Atkins

George Heneage Esqr

Robt Brady

Charles Pilkington

Taxes allow'd to the Tenants

I pay Land Tax in Cadeby, Net

Do on Out Rent for Holme Land, Net

Window Tax for Cadeby, 77 Windows

Account of the Full Rental of the Lands Left by my

Br John Heneage, & their Taxes &ča , Vizt

Washington ,

Laceby, John Wheatcroft

Theo: Curtis

Ditto, John Robinson

Ditto's, Out Rents

[Among My own


[р 72]


Cadeby 1st February, 1766

Rečed from Mr Robt Young, for Books, from Coghlan

Rečed from Mr Browne , as byMr Coghlan's) Bill for Books to him sent [p. 75] 23d ..8..6 13 ..-

[pp. 78, 79] Account of Disbursements 1766. [On the last line] per year

Mr Strickland, 21 ..-..- When Due When Paid 21stNov 1766 3d July 1766

[р 95]

Cadeby 3d July 1766

Paid Mr Strickland, in full for his salary and in full of all demands 6th £9.. 9 ..-

[р 101] Mr

Reced from Mr Kirby, on acct of Mr Strickland, for 4 Latin Directorys

Cadeby 17th August 1766

GaveMr Kirby,forserving us, to this day* 3 .. 3 ..[р 102]

Arriv'd at London. 21st

My Expencesfrom Cadeby, 2 Post Chaises &ca £17 ..-..-

GavemyWife, for her Expencesto Bristoll &c 26 .. 5 ..

Paid DoctorDominicetti, Entranceformyson 1 .. 1 ..2 ..23d 24th

Gave Doctor Savage 25th

Carried my Son, to Dr Dominicetti, at Chelsea

My Wife set out for Bristoll Do [р 103] 7th September 2..2..-

Paid Mrs Walker's expences, at Doctor Dominicetti's, withthe Child &ča, Ballance8 .. 1 15th

Set out for Bristoll, and arriv'd there 1}6 .. 16th Spent on myJourney, Post Chaise &ča 6 .. 7..6 Bristoll 26th

Paid Mr Woodall, for Lodging &ča

Gave the people, at the Pump Room

Paid the Apothecary, for my wife

Gave my wife

* A change of chaplains apparently. The detail of the previous extract. The Rev. HenryKirby 3..15 .. -.. 15 .. 6 6.-2..2..-


Set outfrom hence, for Lullworth Castle," and arriv'd there 1st October , spent on my Journey, Post Chaise &ĉa 3..18 .. 2

Bought half pound of Tea, at Bath -.. 8 ..-

[p. 104]

Lullworth Castle 22d October 1766

Set out from hence, for London, where I arriv'd 23d: Spent on my Journey 5 .. London 25th

Paid Doctor Dominicetti, for Bathing Fumigating, & Sweating myLittle Boy& 55 .. 5 ..- Lodging, 9 Weeks &ca at Chelsea

Gave his servants for attendance &ca 28th Do

Paid Mrs Walker, in ful for attendance on 1..11 .. 6 my Boy, whilst at DoctorDominicetti's&ca 7 .. 7 ..-

[Р. 105]

London 4th November 1766

Gave Mr Elston,* on acct of Mr Browne 1 .. 1 ..—

[р 107]

Paid DoctorDoughlas, for medecines&ca

London 24th November 1766 for my Wife and for my Little Boy- attendance &čaj Do 1 ..

Gave my Wife , for her Journeyto Lincoln 7 .. 7..— 25th

Gave Mr Cæsar Hawkins, surgeon 26th

Set out from London , for Hainton Do

Paid 1st Stage, for my wife, to Barnet 27th

Iarriv'd at Hainton, and came inMrWeld's Coach, spent on my Journey &ča 2d Decr

Paid my Wife's Chaise, from Lincoln

We arriv'd at Cadeby. Do 1 .. 1..— ..12 .. 6 1 .. 2..10 -.. 14 .. 6

[р 108] Cadeby 9th December 1766

Borrow'd & Receiv'd of Mr Henry Kirby, for which, I gave my promissory Note, on demand 1 20 ..-

* Query: The Rev. Francis Lacy alias Elston, son of Henry Lacy and Mary Eyston, admitted English College, Rome , 15 Mar. 1705, aged 19; ordainedsub-deacon 14 June 1710, date of priesthood not given; left 13 April 1712; describedin the Seventh Douay Diary as a strenuousworker on the Mission in London; died 3 Dec. 1774, aged 90, according to the Obituary Notice (C.R.S., xl, 135; xxviii, 113, 121 ; xii, 13; Foley, Records S.J., vi, 456) ? Or the Rev. John Phillips alias Elston (see entry under date 25 Sept. 1767)?

[p. 116]

Cadeby 21st February 1767

Paid Mr Henry Kirby, for what I Borrow'd & Receiv'd ofhim, on my Note 9th last December, & tore the said Note

[р 120]

[р 123] 20 ..-.

Cadeby 17th March 1767

My Niece Heneage, wife of my Nephew George Fieschi Heneage, of Hainton, was brought to Bed, of a Son, an Heir, at Hainton, a little after Ten o'clock , this night, and was Christen'd, George Buno Heneage (by Mr Huddlestone, * Lady Stourton, Godmother, and myself God Father, N.B. Mrs Weld, stood for Lady Stourton, by Proxy.

Cadeby 12th April, 1767

Gave my Nephew Heneage, on account ofthe Nurses, for the Christening &ča, I being God Father £3 .. 3 ..-

[р 124]

Cadeby 23d April 1767

My Son George Thomas Dyed, about 11 o'Clock , this Night He was born, 30th December, 1763 25th

Gave Mr Shuttleworth, for assisting at theDissection & Opening myLittle Boy's head &ca 1 .. 1..-


Cadeby 6th May 1767

Gavethe Revd MrCurtois, Curate ofHainton for BuryingmyLittle Boyhis demands108/and gave him over 12th

Paid John Ward, Joyner, his Bill &ca Vizt For a Wainscote Coffin, for -6 -.. 10 .. 6 2 ..-.. my LittleBoy, cover'd withWhite £1..10 ..- To Robt Clark, Clerk, his demands 58/- & Tolling the Bell 18/For 8 screws, for my Chaise And gave him ..6..— -.... 21 3 .. 9 £2..-

* Chaplain at Hainton The Rev. John Huddleston, born 27 Dec. 1693 , son of Henry Huddleston and Mary (Bostock), of Cambridgeshire ; entered English College, Rome, 16 Oct. 1711, ordained27 March 1717 , but suspended until Jan. 1718 because he had been ordained under age; left 21 Apr. 1718; at first with Whitgreave family at Moseley; in 1730 went to Lynn, whence he removed to Hainton where he died 3 Jan. 1773 (C.R.S. xl, 146; xii, 13; Foley, Records S.J., vi, 461; Kirk, Biographies , p 132)


Gave Four Little Boys, that carried the Coffin, to the Vault 28/each

[р 127] -.. 8 ..-

Cadeby 17th May 1767

Gave Mr Busby , * in full for Mr Kirby's*) serving usfrom December last, to this present 3..13 .. 6 month, at £8. 88. per year

N.B. Mr Busby is Sole Executor, to Mr Kirby, deceased

[pp. 137 to 144, inclusively, coveringthe period 21 June 176717 July 1767, are torn out.] [р 153]

Cadeby 25th September 1767 . Mr Phillips went away, and I gave) him, on account of his Expences &ca staying here &ca [р 161]

Cadeby 1st December 1767

[р 169] 8 .. 8 ..-

Sent my late Brother George Heneage's, Copy of his Will, to my Nephew Heneage, by George Wilthew, and for my Nephew to return me again it

Cadeby 21st January 1768

Drewin Favourof Mr Coghlan, on Anthony Wright, at sight, dated 23d Instant

Vizt Mr Coghlan's bill &ca

Mrs Stroud's

Receiv'd from Mr Browne, on account ofthe same

and for Patsell's Apology 2/6

Mr Butler's life of a Nun§ 1/

* A Rev. John Busby, born 11 Feb. 1714 (O.S.), went to Douay in Oct. 1724; took the Oath Nov. 1734; was ordained 29 May 1738; left 22 Sept. 1739. He was at Douay with Windsor Heneage ; became missioneratGrantham, Lincolnshire; V.G. Midland District; died at Barrowby, nearGrantham , 3 April 1794 (C.R.S., xxviii, 121 , 198n, 219, 223; xii, 43. See also theletter from the Rev. John Busby, among Mrs. Heneage's letters, infra)

Two later entries on the same page record payments to a Mr. John Busby for wine, candles , raisins and sugar. Died 12 May 1767 (C.R.S. , xii, 12).

Is this a priest supplying in the interval between the Rev. Henry Kirby's death and the Rev. William Hartley's arrival in September? If so , it might be the Rev. John Phillips alias Elston, of Lancashire, admitted English College, Rome , 22 Dec. 1697, aged 19 ; ordained 3 March 1703 (C.R.S., xl, 123; Foley, Records S.J., vi, 449)

§ A Short Account ofthe Life andVirtues of the Venerableand Religious Mother, Mary ofthe Holy Cross, Abbess of the English Poor Clares at Rouen, who died therein the Sweet Odour ofSanctity, March 21 , anno 1735. London , 1767; 8vo



Gave Mr Hartley,* for serving us, half Year, to this day, as a present

[р 191]

[р 195]

Cadeby 25th March 1768 ear ,} 5 .. 5 ..-

Cadeby 11th May 1768

My Nephew Heneage's, Son George, Dyed last Night, at Hainton, about half an hour after seven o'clock Born 17th March 1767 . He was Cadeby 24th May 1768

Gave Mr Hartley,* for serving us , from 25th March last, to this day

[р 197]

Cadeby 28th May 1768

Set out from Cadeby, for London, with my Wife& My Two Little Girls, to be Inoculated , and Arriv'd at Lincoln the same Day, Gave Harry

Lincoln 31st May

Paid Carr for going Express to Louth & Cadeby .... 12 ..-

2d June

Set out from Lincoln, arriv'd at London 4th Instant, Spent on the Journey, Post Chaise &ca Expences

London 13th June 8..5..

went to Mr Sutton's, at Kensington, with the Children, to have them Inoculated 27th

Went from Mr Sutton's, and gave the servants and came to our Lodgings at Mrs Henderson's, agreed to giveher₤1 11s 6d per week, for Four weeks.

[pp. 199 to 210, covering the period London 16 July 1768Cadeby 22 November 1768, torn out.] [р 215]

Cadeby, 25th December 1768

[р 220]

Receiv'd a Letter, from my Nephew Heneage, at London dated 22d Instant , with an account, that my Niece Heneage, wasbroughtto bedof a Son, 21st Instant, at night, and was Christen'd George Robert, LadyStourtonstood Godmother , for my wife. Cadeby 17th January 1769

Paid Winefrid Fawcett , by Mr Hartley," on account of my nephew Tunstall's 10..10 ..- Annuity, sent me for her, 2d Instant

* The Rev. WilliamHartley, Chaplainsince Sept. 1767. SeeIntroduction. The second entry is evidently a settlement before setting out for London for several months


Paid Robert Newton , by Mr Hartley, for the Ride of a Tup, in 1768, in full 4 .. 4 ..

[р 223]

[р 225]

Cadeby 1st Febry 1769

I have drawn, at 3 days after sight, to Mrs Gentil* or order, for Twenty Fourpounds, thirteen shillings, in full our Children's Board &ča, due 25th last month, at HammersmithSchool, on Mr Anthy Wright. Vizt. Half Year

Cadeby 13th February 1769

Receiv'd from Mrs Gentil, her acknowledgment, for the Bill I sent her, 1st Instant, on Mr A. Wright, for half Year's Pension & Extroardinarys [sic], in full to 25th last month, for my Two Daughters, at HammersmithSchool

£24.12.7 Letter &ca 41d £24..13 ..-

[р. 232]

Cadeby 19th April 1769

Gave Mr Hartley, for serving us , about 5 months at £8..88 per Year

[р 233]

Cadeby 20th April 1769

Set out for Lincoln, and gave away &\ spent at Wragsby, my own Chaise

Post Chaise from Do to Lincoln, expence

Set out from hence, and arriv'd at .. 9

Lincoln 26th April

London 27th Spent on myJourney, Post Chaise 7 ..-..

[p . 243]

London 24th May 1769

Paid my Wife, in ful for Mrs Gentil's bill, for Children's Extroardinaries[sic] to 12th Instant ...... 2..12..10

[р 245]

Paid my Wife, in ful for Mrs Gentil's extroardinary's, to 9th Instant, Fige's bill, Miss Chester's, Stratford's &ca

[p. 246]

London 12th June 1769 4..15 .. 3

London 20th June 1769 5..15 .. 6

Set out for the Isle of Wight, and arriv'd at Sheat, in the said Isle, & spent on my Journey there &ča

[P . 247] Sheat, Isle of Wight, 23d August 1769

Receiv'dfrommyWife, to be accountable, on demand for Mr Browne's account 27th

Paid Thomas Turton, forChaisehire to Chale

3..13..6 18..16 ..

128/- & 18/ N.B. 108/6d accountedforinMr Browne's Acct: Paid Net on my Acct £ 2 .. 6

* Frances Gentil was Superior of the Convent School at Hammersmith , 1760-1781 (C.R.S., xxvi, 59). For the Hammersmith Convent School see Gillow, Haydock Papers, p 184; H. J. Coleridge , S.J., St. Mary's Convent , York, pp 139 et seq . , London, 1887 .


Gave Mr Urry, for my part of house Expence at Steeple 58/- & to pay Jona: Tompkins for Chaisehire there £1.1

3d Septr

Paid Jona:Tompkins forChaise hire to Cowes , by Mr Masters


Set out from Sheat, & Gave to the Servants, & Poor of Gatcombe &ča and arriv'd at London 14thspenton my Journey [р 248]

London 25th September 1769

Mr Coghlan's bills

Vizt On Mr Browne's Acct On Mr Hartley'sforBreads* On my Acct & Wife's


[р 249] London 2d Oct 1769

Paid Mr Thomas, for Mr Hartley, for 2 Doz Mountain £2..2. Bottles &ca 7s/6d 2 ..

[р 250]

London 6th October 1769 I sign'd an Authority, for Mr Petre, to appear for me, in Chancery, Heneage against Heneage, he promising me, by Letter, that I shall be at no expence, concerning theSuit Letter dated 2d Instant 11th

Paid Mrs Gentil, on account, for Children [р 251] London 26th October 1769

My Wife & self went to the Herald's Office, and register'd our Children, their Births &ca, and paid, Mr Heards, of that Office] Coach hire, to the said place

Altar breads

The following was received by the Rev. R. G. Davis in 1895: " Col: Arms: B. No 1

No 56

George Thomas Heneage

Mary Heneage

Elizabeth Heneage

"Our 3 children as follows were all born at Cadeby in the County of Lincoln Our eldest son was born 30 Dec. 1763 & died 23 April 1767 & was buried at Hainton in the said county. Mary Heneage our eldest Daughter was born 21 Nov: 1762. Elizabeth Heneage our daughter was born 9 Dec: 1764. we having been married at the Parish Church of St. Mary-le-bone in the County of Middlesex the 23 of Sept 1761 as witness our hands this 26 day of October 1769 .

James Windsor Heneage of Cadebyin the County of Lincoln 5th son of George Heneage of Hainton in the said County by Elizabeth eldest daughter of Sir Henry Hunloke Bart

Elizabeth Heneage only dau . of John Browne of Gatcombe in the Isle ofWight by Elizabeth dau of Thomas Urry of Sheet in the said Island. Signed in the Presence of Isaac Heard, Lancaster"

[р 252]

Paid Mr Short, * for my Nephew Heneage 4th November

London 31st October 1769 3

Paid Mrs Gentil, in ful to this day, for our Children, Board, Dancing & extroardinarys &ca Apothecary's bill &ca Ballces £12..12 ..-2

Gave Mrs Gentil for Servts herself &ca 5 .. 3

[р 253]


London 14th November 1769

Set out from London, with my Wife," and my Two Daughters, & arriv'd at Lincoln 16th spent on my Journey

[p . 254] 8 .. 8 ..-

Lincoln 23d November 1769

Set out from Lincoln, paid at Wragsby for Chaise hire &ča, Arriv'd at Hainton.. 10 .. 6 28th

Set out from Hainton, & arriv'd at Cadeby

[p. 255]

Paid MrNewton, by Mr Hartley, in full forwhat I rečed from Mr Dunn 16thAugust ) N.B. Mr Newton of the Grange

Cadeby 6th December 1769 Nett 6 .. 4 .. 8

Receiv'd in 7th Wine&caboughtforhity , whenIwas in London} 2..10 .. 6

[p. 260]

Cadeby 30th December 1769

Paid Winefride Fawcett , by Mr Hartley, her Christmas Annuity, from Neph" Tunstall

[p. 262]

Cadeby 11th January 1770

N.B. The First Stamford Mercury, }10..10 . came to me, this day, dated 4th Instant. 10..10 ..-

* Fr. Benedict Short, O.P. (1723-1800) Procurator of the province for forty years. Four times Provincial (p. 118 says 'twice'); on the Mission at Woburn and Cheam Chaplain to the Dowager Lady Stourton. Attached to the Portuguese Chapel ; died 30 May 1800; buried at Chertsey(C.R.S. , xxv, 118, 134) Mentioned in these Ledgers several times as baptizing in London

Query: Rev. Robert Newton ?

The Rev. John Dunn, of the London Vicariate, friend of Bishop Challoner; one of four priests suggested for the post of President of Douay in June 1769 (G. H. Burton, The Life and Times of Bishop Challoner , ii, 119) Ofthe Chester diocese, born circa 1718, went to Douay 26 June 1732;ordained 8 June 1743; Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Douay; left Douay 27June 1750; missionerat Croxdale , Durham, chaplain at Burton Constable; finally Treasurerofthe Chapterand Librarian ofthe ClergyLibraryat Gray's Inn Died suddenly after saying Mass at Lincoln's Inn Fields, 14 Jan. 1778 (C.R.S., xxviii, 164, 236, 265, 270; xii, 14).

[p 265] [In an AnnualSummary of Accounts.]

Cadeby 18th Sept 1770

Paid by Mr John Dunn, on my Account N.B. I paid the same , to Mr Newton,* of the Grange, by his desire.

[р 279]

Cadeby 29th May 1770

Gave Mr Hartley, for serving us, half Year's Salary, due this day

[р 293]

Cadeby 18th September 1770

Paid Mr Robt Newton, of the Grange, by order & account ofMr John Dunn , who has paid the said [amount] to Mr Anty Wright £5. 14. 1. must Debit his acct with the same.


Receiv'd a Letter, from Sr Henry Hunloke , he acquaints me, that Lady Hunloke, was broughtto bed, of a Daughter, 11th Instant, Charlotte Constance.

[p . 295]

Cadeby 6th October 1770

Receiv'd fromMr Hartley, on account ofMrs

[p. 301]

Cadeby 29th November 1770

Gave Mr Hartley, half Year's salary, due this day, for serving us

[p. 308] [In Annual Summary of Accounts]

Cadeby 16th February 1771

Drew in Favr of Mr ArthurVaughan, or order , Twenty days after date

[p. 310]

Drew on Mr Wright, 20 days after 12

Cadeby 16th February 1771

date, in favour of Mr Arthur Vaughan for Twelve pounds.

I have from Mr Tunstall Igave, on AcctofMrVaughan

* A much later entry shows these paymentsfrom the London Vicariate to be from the " Croft Fund . " Is this the Rev. Robert Newton ? Windsor Heneage frequently specifies him as " Mr Newton of the Grange. " The obituaries of severalNewtons of Irnham are given in C.R.S. vol xii, but no layman named Robert appears among them.

The Rev. Arthur Vaughan, born 14 Feb. 1724, son of MauriceVaughan of London and his wife Jane Power; went to Douay 12 July 1739; ordained 30 April 1749; sent from Douay 11 Aug. 1750 to assist the Rev. James Postlethwaite at Standon Lordship school ; went to Harvington Hall 1752 , and remained there till his death 25 July 1792, aged 67. He was interred at ChaddesleyCorbett, 28 July 1792. He establisheda boarding school under the direction of Miss Ainsworth at Hartington , which was removedto Oscott some time before 1785 (C.R.S., xxviii, 222n, 258, 265; xiii, 289; xvii, 368 , 417; xix, 298-9)


To Debt my Wife's Acct

N.B. The above ₤12 my 7..16 .. 6 £12 ... wife collected together with her own for Mr Vaughan's School

[р 313]

[p . 322]

[p. 329]

Cadeby 21st February 1771

Receiv'd from Mrs Teresa Goulding a Lottery Tickett for 1770suppose Twentypound prize, No 48 m 836, for me to send to Mr Wright on her account.

Cadeby 5th May 1771

Receiv'd from Mr Hartley, on account of Mr Johnson, Two supposed Prize Lottery Ticketts of Twenty Pounds each N° 35 m 167. 35168 to be accountable

Cadeby 31st May 1771

Gave Mr Hartley, his half Year's salary, due to him, 29th Instant 4..4 ..

[p. 334] [In a Summary of Accounts with the Banker ] Cadeby 17th August 1771

Drew in Favr of Mr Arthur Vaughan, or order, 10 days after payable

[р 339]

4 ....

Cadeby 6th Augst 1771

GaveMrHartley,for serving us, tothisday

[p 341]

from 29th last May 1..11..6

Cadeby 9th August 1771

Set out from hence, for Hainton, with my Two little Girls, for London

[p. 342]

Set out from Hainton

Hainton 12th August 1771 14th

Arriv'd at London, and spent on my Journey with a Post Chaise &ca expences, from Cadeby = at my Nephew Tunstall's House

[р 343] 17th

Drew in Favr of Mr Arthur Vaughan, or order , Ten days after date payl: on Mr Anthy Wright, for Four Pounds, to Debt my Wife's Acct with the same.

London 26th August 1771

My Two little Girls went to Hammersmith School, to stay. 28th

Paid Mr Coghlan, for my next Year's new Account Book 6s/6 &ca 38/6 }-...S -.. 10 ... 8..14 ..-

[р 345]


London 9th Sept 1771

Paid Mr Carpue* Jun" for 2 pr Strong Shoes

[р 346]

London 28th September 1771.. 18 ..-

My Niece Heneage, was brought to Bed, of a Son , about a Quarter of an Hour after Two this morning, it was Christen'd by Mr Short, about Noon, I stood Godfather for Sr Henry Hunloke, and Nurse Alder, Godmother for Mrs Weld, it was Christen'd Thomas Fieschi at Mr Baldwin's house, Grosvenor Square

2d Octr

Paid Mrs Burnell, of HammersmithSchool , for 12 Lbs of Chocolate, at 35/6d per Lb.

[p. 347] £2 .. 2..- by my wife

Paid Mr Marmaduke, on account of Mr Browne, for Books

London 5th October 1771 1 .. 6 .. 9


Paid Mrs Gentil, for Betsey's entrance for Dancing 10s/6d Pocket money forthem (2 .. 8 ..- tothis day3/6 my Wife's Board 15/- Coals for the ensuing Winter 10s/- &ca Total

[p. 348]

London 4th October 1771

[In a statement of Mr. Browne's Accounts] 9th Janry 1772 Paid my Wife, on Mr Browne's For B.C.10.. -..-

London 24th October 1771

Paid Mrs Gentill, for Six pair of Shoes, for Children at Hammersmith School

[P . 350] £1 .. 1 .. 6

London 20th November 1771

Paid Mrs Gentill, One Qur pension £10..10. One Quarter Dancing, for Children 2 .. 2 pocket money 28/6d Combs &ca 28/6d- 7 .. 6 12..19 .. 6 pins & Tape 28/6d

Due this Day & paid £12..19 .. 6

In subsequent entries referred to as Charles Shoes are frequently bought from him Canon Burton says (Life and Times of Bishop Challoner , ii, 18n) that it is difficult to gain definite information about the family For that reason all entries in the Ledgers relating to the Carpues are given here. James Marmaduke, Catholic publisher. See C.R.S. , xii, 29n , 31n .

Bishop Challoner. In consequence of an attack upon the Catholics in South Uist, Scotland, Bishop Challonerenlisted the sympathiesof English Catholicsand was able to send a considerable sum of money to Bishop Grant (E. H. Burton, The Life and Times of Bishop Challoner, ii, 153-5). Windsor Heneage had known Bishop Challoner as Vice-President at Douay in the months between Oct. 1729 and the following summer

[p. 351]

London 7th December 1771

Paid by my Wife, Mrs Gentill, One Quarter Pension, advance to 26th next February 10..10 ..- 30th

Gave Mr Dunn, for B. Chaloner,* for the Poor, in Scotland

[р 353]

London 4th January 1772

Bought Two Pockett Books, for Molly & Betsey 7th Do

Gave Little Molly, to give to Molly Gorse 9th

Paid myWife, on her Acct £10 ..

Paid Do, on Mr Browne's 10

[p. 354]

For B.C.

London 26th Febry 1772

Paid Mrs Gentill, for Sundries, for my Two Daughters , atHammersmith

Vizt ..s .. d.

For One Qu' Dancing, due this day2..2 ..- Washing 18/7d Gloves &ča 48/6d

Pocket money 38/6d Tea 2/6

3 pr Stockings for Molly Hair Cutting = Paid to this Day

Mem: I paid Mrs Gentill, the Quarter advanced pension, for them to this day £10 : 10 : 26th last November

[p. 355] -

London 23d Febry 1772

Paid Mrs Gentill, by my Wife, in ful

for her Board & Wine &ca, at Hammersmith

4 weeks

Extroardinariesfor Children, Shoes 3 pr &ča mending Stayes prayer Books, Catechisms &ca to 12th Instant

[р 360]

Paid Mrs Gentill


London 4th May 1772

One Qur Pension, to 26th Instant One Qu Dancing to 26th Do ExtroardinarystothisDay

* See note on oppositepage. 5s . 3d. is a sum frequently given to poor persons in this ledger, i.e, a quarter of a guinea


Advanced to Mrs Gentill, for their extroardinarys

Gave to The Servants, at Hammersmith , N.B. I have not paid for Molly's Writing

[p. 362]

London 19th May 1772

Gave Mrs Issabel Newcombe £3 .. 3..- Do to Charles Do to Molly Do to Molly

Paid Mr Cooper, for Washing &ča Gave to Haggett

Set out from London , and arriv'd at 6..10..-

Lincoln. 20thDospent on my Journey

[p . 363]

[р 375]

Lincoln 25th May 1772

Set out this morning, from hence, and arriv'd at Cadeby, 28 miles Do spent for Chaise &ca from Lincoln £1..10..-

Paid my Wife, at Hainton

Cadeby 10th August 1772 4..15 .. 6

Viz on her Account , to Debt her Acct £3..14 .. 6 On my Account to Mr Challoner* for prayrs for my Br Jo 1..1..-

[Ledger No. 3 is a brown suede leather covered volume with pages 12 x 7 inches, with a tooled design on thefront and back covers, and stamped on thefront cover in black-]



[On thefly-leaf an Index of the Contents .]

[р 3]

Cadeby 28th August 1772

Drew in Favour of Mrs Gentill, or order, Ten days after date, on Messrs Anthy Wright & Son, dated 31st Instant, for £16 .. 6 ..-

N.B. Mrs Gentill is Dr to me , for the £2..12..6 which I advanced for their Expences Their quarter pension, due 26th Instant is included in the Bill, Dancing and writing &ca

[р 4]

Cadeby 5th September 1772

Mrs Gentill sent me her Receipt for the Draft on Messrs Wright & Co

* Mass stipend to Bishop Challoner for Brother John

р 5]


for £16..6 .. being for a Quarter's Pension & Extroardinarys, due 26th last August, for my Two Daughters at HammersmithSchool Cadeby 11th September 1772

This morning about 5 o'Clock, Died Mr John Browne, my Wife's Father, aged 68, last June, an Holy and exemplary Person, who endured his long Illness with great patience, and Resignation 15th &

Paid on my Wife's account , for Mr Browne's Funeral , Coffin, Philip Low £3 15 .. Bearers &ca £4.19. Mem:He was Buried in Wyam Church, this day Cadeby 30th September 1772

[p. 6]

Paid John Knowle's Wife, for Bread as desir'd by Mr Browne's Will

[р 10] Cadeby 6th October 1772

Gave Mr Hartley, for serving us , 5 months

Set out for Wingerworth and arriv'd there 8th Spent on my Journey, by Post Chaise &ča

[р 11] 7th

Wingerworth 20th October 1772

Set out from Wingerworth, and arriv'd at London 22d spent on my Journey Post Chaise &ca expences

6 21st

Paid my Wife, a wager I Lost

.. 6 [р. 13] London 11th November 1772

Paid Mrs Gentill's Niece, for making 2 Capuchins & 2 Bonnetts for Children 1st Decr 10 .. 6

Paid for the Carriage of Mr Browne's Box ofWritings, & Carre ofGame&ca from Cadeby 8 .. 4

[p. 15]

London 5th December 1772

Paid Mrs Gentill, her Ballance to 26th last month, for Children's pension, Dancing & Molly's Writing &ca

Advanced to Mrs Gentill, for their extroardinaries , to be accountable £17 .. 6 ..

[р 18]

London 17th December

Expencesof Coach&ca to Hammersmith

Gavelittle Molly, for Holy Innocents'day

[р 19]

London 24th December 1772

Gave Mrs Crilli, late Mistress at Hammersmith 28th

Gave my Daughter Molly, more on account of holy Innocents' Day

[p. 24]

London 25th February 1773

Gave Mr Clinton * ...

1st March Paid

Vizt a Qur Pension, due 26th Feby

Do Dancing & Writing

Coals for Dressing room fire

Apothecary's Bill

Shoes, Gloves, Caps &ca

for what I advanced in Novr

Board for my wife there I advanced now

[р. 25]

Gave Mrs Gentil, for a poor Girl 14th

London 2d March 1773 £

Gave Mrs Newcombe,for prs forCharles 1

[p. 26]

London 26th March 1773

This morning about 3 o'Clock , my Niece Heneage, was brought to bed, of a Daughter , and was Christen'd, Mary Ann Winefride by Mr Short 3d April

Gave Mrs Newcombe for a poor man.. 5 .. 3 [р 28]

London 4th May 1773

Took Lodgings at Mrs Carpue's at Hammersmith , with Coals & Candles &ca at £2..2 .. per week

* The Rev. Alexander Clinton, vere or alias Mackenzie , S.J. , was named as the Newgate Missioner in the Catalogue for 1773 (Foley, Records S.J. , vii, 143-4)

Prayersfor Charles, i.e. a Mass stipend See entryunder 19 May 1772

This would appear to be Mrs. Isabel Newcombe , and Charles, her husband or son (more probably the former, since he, too, received three guineas), had recently died

Is this the Mrs. Carpue who ran a school for poor girls at Hammersmith, with which Lady Stourton was most probably connected ? Cf. Canon Burton, Life and Times of Bishop Challoner , ii, 18


Paid Mrs Gentil, by my Wife, For Tea -.. 13 ..- 11th

Paid Mrs Carpue, a week's Lodging, £2..2 .. &ca 14 /5d Total £2..16..5 2..16 .. 5 12th

Paid Miss Gentil, for making Molly's Frock 38/- Tape 3d ..3.. 3 18th

Paid Mrs Gentill, in full for Eliz Hitchock, on acct of MrWeld 22..3..-

Paid Mrs Carpue, on E. Hitchock 9..15 ..- Paid Do for Julia Prescot 22d May Reced from MrWeld

[р 29] 9..10 .. 6 £41 .. 8. 6 By his draft to me on Messrs Wright the same

London 18th May 1773

Paid Mrs Carpue, Lodging £2..28 Board £2 per week 4 .. 2 ..-

[р 30]

London 8th June 1773

Paid Mr Coghlan, on Acct of Mr Hartley 9th

Paid Mrs Gentill, in full to 26th last month, for my Daughters Do

Paid Mrs Carpue, in fullfor our Board , Lodging &ča for Children, to 8th Instant 7 .. 5..—


Paid Miss Gentil, 4 weeks wages, due this day, 168/- &ca 18/8d by my wife

[p. 34]

London 23d June 1773 ..17..8

London 15th July 1773

Paid Mrs Frances Carpue, by my Bill on MessrsAnthyWright, to her, ororder for £9..10s . being in ful for Children Board &ča to 13th Instant, N.B. she gave me 9d her Bill being £9..9..21 Do

Gave Miss Gentill, 3 weeks wages, 128/to 14thInstant,& her Bill for exps 38/9 -.. 15..9

[p. 37] [Summary of the Bankers' Accounts]

By my Draft, to Mrs Carpue

[р. 39]

London 14th Sept 1773 18 ....-

London 7th August 1773

Paid MissGentilto4th Instant, by my wife.. 12 ..-

[p. 40]

Gave for Prayers at Chapelfor Br J. H.* £1 .. 1 .. * Mass for Brother John Heneage £..s..d1 .. 6 ..11..19 ....9

London 16th August 1773


Paid MrCarpue,for3 prverystrong Shoes 1 .. 8 .. 6

[р 41]

London 1st September 1773

Paid Miss Gentil, 4 weeks wages 165/- Mode , Ribbon &ca for Children Bonnets 8..4 £1 .. 4 .. 4

London 14th September 1773 [p. 43]

Paid Mrs Carpue, by my Draft on Messrs Anthy Wright Cash £18 ..-3 .. 8 -

[р 44]

Paid total £18 .. 3 .. 8

London 14th September 1773

Mem: I paid Mrs Carpue, in ful to this day, for my Children's Board & Lodging &ca except one week's washing ; the Writing Master is paid to 4th Instant. N.B. from 14th this day, he isto come, Four times a week 48/- my Wife's Dinners not paid.

Paid Miss Gentil, to 29th Instant 30th -.. 18 .. 5


London 21st October 1773

Paid Mr Mackworth, in full 10 .. 8 ..-

Paid Mrs Carpue, in full

Gave Mrs Gentil, for herself & the Rest £3..3 .. to Mr Shepherd* £1..1 .. to Mrs Saunders 58/3d: at Hammersmith

[р. 46] 13. 2 .. 6 4 .. 9 .. 3

London 24th October 1773 Set out for Lincoln 27th

Arriv'd at Hainton, and spent on my Journey, in Post Chaises &ca charges 7..12..-

[р. 55]

Gave Mr Hartley, for serving us , Mr Coghlan's Bill £1..68 .. his Account , 5th last June

Came 4th Novr to Cadeby Cadeby 6th January 1775 which I paid on 8th

Set out for Hainton

[p. 56] Hainton 18th January 1774 20th

Set out for London.

Arriv'd at London , and spent on my Journey , in Post Chaises &ca 9 .....

* Query: Rev. John Shepherd, Chaplain at Hammersmith Convent from 1757 ? (Cf. C.R.S. , xxviii, 113n .)

[p. 57]

[p. 60]


London 31st January 1774

Molly & Betsey, went to Hammersmith School, Mrs Gentill's

London 7th February 1774

Advanced to Mrs Gentill, for Children Necessarys by my Wife

[p 69]

London 2d May 1774

Paid Mrs Gentil's Bill &ca to 30th last month

Mem: She has a Guinea of mine advance

[р 70]

London 14th May 1774

Paid Mr James Ansell, for Mr Christie, for putting up to Sale, my Wife'sEstate

in the Isle of Wight, in 3 Lotts, amounting to £3610, at one per Cent

[p. 71]

Paid £36 .. 2 ..

Mrs Elizabeth Heneage, Wife, Account London 14th May 1774

Paid toMrAnsell, for putting upto Sale, her Landin the Isle ofWight, Bought in, at£3610, at 1 per Cent

12th July

Mem: As my Wife don't stand to the Agreement we made 6th last July, I must charge her, with Repairs forLower Rill House, Paid Mr Blackford, 9th July

London 21st May 1774

Paid Mrs Carpue, for Board, Lodging&ča Coachhire&ca expences, at Hammersmith

[р 72]

Hammersmith 14th June 1774

Paid Mrs Carpue, for Lodging & Board' for my Wife & Self, at Hammersmith , in full from 25thlast month & for Wine&ca N.B. Board & Lodgingat£2..2

Gave her Servants

Gave Miss Halford, for our Children

Gave Mrs Gentill, on account of Children Do

Set out from Hammersmith , in the Winchester Stage Coach, & expended for my Wife & Self, Vizt Coach £1..8 .. Gave Coachman &ca 5, &ca expences 9s/Winchester 15th Do

Gave my Wife, on her account , for Mr

Nolan , # ₤1 .1. Cowdryf1..1..64 B.Giller 10..6d3 ..

[p. 73]

Winchester 20th Do

Pair Mr Brereton , Apothecary , for myWife

Paid the Bill, at the George Inn &ca

* Rev . James Nolan, incumbent of Winchester Query: Mass stipend?

Gave Bet. Giller

Paid the Coach to Southampton , &ca

Southampton 21st

Paid the Bill, at the Star Inn

Paid the Boat &ca from hence, for Cowes, Isle of Wight

Expencesat Cowes 18/- CoachforNewport5%/-

Paid Chaise, from Newport for Sheat Sheat 23d Do

Receiv'd from Mr Urry, for a Mettle Watch , whichI paid Sterkfor, 7th last May 6th July

I have agreed with my wife, to give her, TwentyTwo pounds, Ten Shillings per year, Net, from next Michaelmass. O.S.

for Lower Rill, Tenant , Moses

*Eliz .

Morris, and I (and my Heirs) am to have the same , during Mr John Pittis's Life; I am to pay Mr Blackford £32..2..- in Lieu of Repairs &ca for the Barn, & £2..16..6for Sheat 21st July 1774

[р. 74]

Gave Mrs Urry, for her maids

Gave Thomas

Set out from Sheat, for Cowes, Chaise &ča 22d Do

Bill at the Fountain, for Supper & Lodging &ča Hired a packet Boat for Southampton 10s..6d [?tip] 1/-

Paid the Bill, for Dinner &ca at the Star at Do Paid Chaise , to the George at Winchester &ca [р 75] Winchester 27th July 1774 Paid the Bill, at the George , at Winchester &ca Set out this day, in the (28th) Stage Coach, and paid for my Wife & Self, for Two places £ 1 .. 8 ..- Gaveto the Coachman&cafornot weighing my Trunk 1st August &ca Expences to Hammersmith

Paid Mrs Gentil, in full, for a Quarter pension for our Girls, due 31st last month, & for Dancing, Writing &ca &ca Mem: Remain in her hands £2..2s to Acct for [p. 76]

Hammersmith 18th August 1774

Paid Mrs Carpue, in full for Board & Lodging 5

&ca, in full to this day, & came to London Coach hire &ca expences

* Autograph signatures

London 3d September

Paid Mrs Carpue, for Board & Lodging &ca` for my Wife & Self, 3 Days &ca

Gave Mr Beeston, for Prs for Br J.* 5th Do

Gave my Wife, for Mr Lindoe

[р 77] &ca for Br Jn.

London 22d September 1774

Advanced to Mrs Gentil, on her Note, to me 3d October

Paid for Lb Green Tea, at Hammersmith

Gave Molly & Bet, for pocket money

London 31st October 1774. [p . 78]

Gave Mrs Newcombe £2 : 12 : 6, to Thomas £2..2..- to Molly Ball £2..2 .. to Molly Collier £1..11..6 Total

We left Mr Tunstall's, and went to our Lodgings, Vizt: First Floor furnishd at Mrs Stratford's, in Sherrard Street, Golden Square, at £1..1 .. per weekour Victualls dress'd by the Maid, Linnen found, & Do wash'd by them.

[p. 79]

London 11th November 1774

Paid my Wife, on Account of Coghlan's bill 88/, & for Mr Butler's Moveable Feasts 6s/-

[p. 80]

London 19th November 1774

Paid Mr Wheble's bill, for 2 Dozn of Candles, at 78/8d per Doz" & Box 1s/23d

Paid Mrs Gentil, One Quarter pension, &ca due 31st Last month

Vizt By Cash paid per her Note 22d Sept Paid Total

Mem: She has £2..2.. advance

* Isthis the Rev. George Beeston, son ofPeter Beeston and Jane (Pennythorne) his wife, of Irnham, Lincolnshire ? Born 1737, he went to Douay 8 May 1751 ; after ordination taught at St. Omer ; became chaplain to Sir ThomasClifford at Tixall, Staffs, and died there 15 Aug. 1797 (C.R.S., xxviii, 277n). See Index " Mass stipend Prayers for Brother John. "

The Rev. John Lindow, son of James Lindow and his wife Bridget (Ormanby) (Gillow, Ormandy '), born in Lancashire 1730 (Gillow, 1729); went to Douay 20 Apr. 1754; worked on the Mission in London; lived with Bishop Challoner and Bishop Douglass (Gillow says Bishop Poynter) at 4, Castle St.; Capitular 1770; Dean of the Chapter 1794-1806 ; retired to Old Hall 1802, died there 9 Dec. 1806; buried in Standon Churchyard In Bishop Douglass's list, beginning 1800 (Westminster Archives), is the following entry: Name Came on the From what Where placed Removedto John Lindow Mission 1765 College Douay in 1800 London When removed Eternity 9 Dec. 1806




London 12th January 1775

Paid Mr Eyre, for Linnen &ca for Molly's Bed Gowns No Receipt

Paid for seeing Wax Work 45/- & Coach hire 28/6d


London 13th Febry 1775

Paid Mrs Gentil, in full to 31st last month

Mem: The Apothecary is paid. She has advance 15..15 .. 6 of mine £2..2 ..-)


London 6th May 1775

Paid Mrs Gentil, in full, for our Girls 9th

Set out from London, spent on the Road

Arriv'd at Hainton 11th

[р 98] 14 .. 2

Hainton 23d May 1775

Set out from Hainton for Cadeby.

[р 109]

Cadeby 15th August 1775

Gave Mr Hartley, for serving us

Journey, Post Chaise &ca 2..2..- 9 .....

Arriv'd at London 17th N.B. Paid to Lincoln 27 mile£1 ..- .. 3d

Set out for London , andspenton my}

[р. 110] for Chaise, from Cadeby London 25th August 1775

Gave my Wife, for B- Ch -r, * for Prys 1 .. 1 ..- for Br J.


Molly & Betsey, went to HammersmithSchool

р 111]

London 22d September 1775

Gave Mrs Gentill (23d) advance 2..2..-

GavetoMolly & Betsey, for pocket money.. 10 ..- 25th

Set outfor Wycliff, and tookwithme Cash 16..13..9

Arriv'd atWycliff 30th Spent on my Journey4..13..9

30th Octr 10..6

My Wife's expences at Richmond [р 114]

Wycliff 11th December 1775

Set out from Wycliff

Borrow'd& Receiv'd (14th) fromMrTunstall

Arriv'dat London (16th) Spent on theJourney13 ..-..

* Bishop Challoner; Mass stipend for Brother John. 8 .. 8 ..-

Marmaduke Cuthbert Constable , born 1743 , assumed the family name Tunstall when , in 1760, he inherited the family estates of Wycliffe Hall, Scargill Castle and HuttonLong Villers, on the death ofhis uncle, Marmaduke Tunstall He left no issue and the estates devolved upon his nephewFrancis Sheldon , who also inherited Burton Constable and assumed the name of Constable (Gillow, Dict. of Eng. Cath., v, 558).



Paid Mrs Gentil's Bill, in full, by my Wife, For a Quarter's Pension, &ca, due 30th last November

Mem: She has advance of mine £2..2 ..

[р. 122] London 27th February 1776

Gave Mr Tunstall's Servants £10..10 .. Do to Eliz Deaves

Came to our Lodgings, at Mr Anson's , King Street, Golden Square 1 .. 1 ..

5th March

Paid Mrs Gentill, on account N.B. Began Drinking Asses Milk

[p . 124]

Wednesday 6th

London 1st April 1776

Paid my Wife, Coghlan's Bill, for Mr Hartley

Paid to Do Do's Bill, for Teresa Goulding

[р 125]

London 2d April 1776

Gave my Wife, for Mr Jameson, *


Paid Mrs Gentill (19th) Ballance of her Bill Gave to Ditto, for her Nephew's Apprenticeship

[р 127]

The Letter dated 28th April 1776

Receiv'd from Mr James Talbot, the Certificate, of the

London 18th May 1776 late Mr Moody's Buriall, at Havant, July 6th 1764

[p. 128]

London 12th June 1776

Paid Chs Carpue, by Mrs Lee, for Dying Silk

[р. 129]

London 25th June 1776

Paid Mrs Gentil (26th) in full of all Demands

[р 132]

London 13th July 1776

Paid Mr Carpue, for 2 pr Shoes

[р 133]

London 30th July 1776

Set out with my Wife & Daughters

6th August

§Arriv'd at Paris, and find bymyAccount that I have expended, on my Journey 36..11..— [Cash balance]

* Query: The Rev. Philip Jameson , whose real name was Sachmorter, S.J.; born at Dunkirk 8 Nov. 1720; entered the Society at Watten 7 Sept. 1738; 1746 confessor at Dunkirk; 1764 missioner at Watten ; 1771 College of St. Ignatius, i.e. London; died at Hammersmith 6 Sept. 1795, aged 75 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 678; C.R.S. , xii, 50, gives his age as 79)? Query: Mass stipend?

The Rt Rev. James Talbot

One of the Trustees

§ From this point all the entries relating to France are given in full


At the present Liv Sols Sols Dirn Exchange, of23..3 per Sterling, is Liv 1093..16..12th

Molly & Betsey went to the Fossez , * as Pensioners .

Week 13th

Paid Mr Foucault, for 1 Liv Lodging

Paid Do for Wine 72 .. 27 .. 5 .. 8 $ 3.00 .. 5 .. 87

Paid, Traiteur, for Dinnersat 2 Liv per head, & Supers Liv: 1: 5: 86..10 .. 5

Do for Breakfasts &ca, this week

Gave Molly & Bet

Paid B. Lacassin, my Servant, for 8 .. -..223 .. 5..1 12 .... Candles &ca 12..2 ..-

Do to Mrs Beneloupe, for Washing 5 .. 7 ...

: 870..10..1]

[р. 134] Paris 13th August 1776 Liv: 870..10..1]

Brought over , Cash Drew in Favour, of Mr Willm Hurst, on Messrs Anthony Wright, for Fifty Pounds, for which he gave me his Note, to pay me, on demand Liv Sols

N.B. 25 Guineas, at 24..6.. per Stl to take from Cash 16th Do 607..10 ..Liv: 263 .... 11

Paid for Coach hire & Sundrys Liv: 32 ..- Do for 18 Ells, Strip'd Lutestring, at Liv s 4..5 per Ell for my Wife 76..10 ..- 20th

Paid MrsSaucede , Traiteur,for Dinners 51..10 ..- forthis week Liv. S. Do to B. Lacassin, for Sundrys 9 .. 4` Do to Ditto, for 2 weeks wages at Liv : 2: per Day 28 ... 37 .. 4 ..-

Paid Martin, for Butter, Cream, Bread &ča3..17 ..-

* English Augustinians, Rue des Fossez St. Victor, Paris

The Rev. William Hurst, born in Lancashire , March 1737 ; went to Douay 17 Oct. 1749; after ordination taught at Douay andSt. Omer; Confessor to the Augustinian nuns in Paris; agent for the English Clergy and Douay; imprisoned during the Revolution; returned to the Convent and died there 27 Nov. 1793 (Gillow and C.R.S. viii, 374, give 11 Nov. Cf. C.R.S. , xxviii, 261n ; viii, 374; Kirk, Biographies , p. 134 ; Gillow, Dict. of Eng Cath , iii, 486)



Received from Mr Hurst on acct of his Note Paid MrsFoucault , for Lodging , & wine

Liv: 54 per week 60..10 ..-

Paid for making myWife'sNegligee&ca 15 .. -..-

Gave my Wife (27th) the money, she recedfrom Mrs Bailey, for Miss Stratford £10. Mem: I have 15 & an half guineas remaining

Paid B. Lacassin, his wages &ca 26 .. 4..-

Do to Mrs Saucede , for Dinners &ca 38 .. 5 ...

ReceivedfromMr(28th) Hurst, my Ballce

Paris 13th August 1776 , to my Note , on Messrs AnthyWright, in his FavrforFifty Pounds, at Liv: 23..4sols per Sterling Cr. Liv: 1160 ..-

21stAugust, Received, on Account Liv: 240 ....— 28th Do per Cash, paid Mrs Lancaster* 529..18..

Do Do Receivd from him, my Ballce 390 .. 2..—

Do Do Drew, on Messrs Anthy Wright ) Liv. s D 1152 ... for £50 Stl. at 23 .... 9 22d Septr per Ballance, received 1152 ....— Ballance Liv: 2312 ... -..2312 ...

Paris 28th August 1776

Brought forward Cash . Liv. 552..2..11

Drew on Messrs Wright, for £50stl to Mr Wm Hurst. Paid MrsFoucault , for Lodging & Wine


Do for Coach hire & Sundrys 56..17 ..- 39 .. ..

Omitted Coachhire &ča 20thlast month 30 ..

Paid for mending my Trunk

Do for Curls &ca for my Wife 6 ... 7..14..

* A loose letter from Wrights the Bankers in the Ledger is addressed to "Monsieur Heneage, Chez MadameLancaster, Rue de Fossée S Victoir à Paris Par Ostende ' " Louisa Frances Lancaster, Superior of the Augustinian nuns , Paris, for 42 years, died 22 May 1808 (C.R.S., xii, 101)

4th September

Paid expences, at Pontoise , * Liv: 11 ... for Chaise hire &ča , to Do and to Paris 33 .. 44

[р. 136] Paris 5th September 1776 Brought over, Cash

Paid B. Lacassin for Wages &ča to 3d Inst

Doto Traiteurfor Dinners &ca this week 27..13 .. 4

Do to Mrs Foucault, for Lodging& Wine 49..15..-

Do to Coach hire &ca this week

Paid for Coach, to (9th) MountCalvaire

St Cleud &ca Expences

Paid MrsLancaster, for Tea & Sugar

Paid B: Lacassin, 1 week's wages &ca

Paid, Deslogez , Traiteur

Do to Mrs Foucault, for Lodging& Wine51..13 ..-

Do for Coach hire, & sundry exps this week 20 ..-. 12th Do

Drew on Messrs Wright, in Favr of Mr Neil Stewart £26..5 .. Stl. and receiv'd value Livrs

Paid B. Lacassin (17th) his wages &ca

Doto Deslogez , Traiteur, for Dinners &ča 36 ..

Do to M. Grenet, for Ribbon , for SrH:\ Hunloke , value £1..12..6d Stl Livrs 37..10 .. 20th

Paid Mrs Foucault , for Lodging & Wine 67..15 ..- Receiv'd from Miss Murphy, for Mr Challoner

[р 137] Paris 22d September 1776 Livrs 567

Brought forward, Cash

Received from Mr Hurst, for my £50 Note, at Exch: 31 Livrs

Paid for Coachhire, & Sundryexpences Livrs

Paid Mrs Lancaster's Bill to 23dInst. 69 ...128..13 ..-

* His aunt , Dame Marina Hunloke, O.S.B. , had been Abbess at Pontoise; died 1753 Mother Louisa Lancaster.


To Mrs Lancaster's Note to me , to account

To Ditto for a present Liv: 48 to Mr Hurst Liv. 24

..-. 72

To myDaughters (23d)forChristmas &ca 72 .

Paid MrPascall (24th) for hire ofaChaise to Calais

Paid B. Lacassin, his Wages &ca, in full 25..15 ..-

Paid for Post Horses &ča, at Post Royal 8 .. 5 ..-

Paid Mr Foucault , in full for Lodging & wine &ca

Paid Deslogez , Traiteur, in full for Dinners &ca

Gave the Servants, at the Hotel


24th Do

Set out from Paris

Arriv'd, at Calais (28th Do) Table Royal

Paid Mrs Tuillier (29th Do) for 1 pe Cambrick Quantity 9 Hanker

Arriv'd at Dover (Do) the Livrs 23 per Sterling Livrs

N.B. 15 & an half Guineas, remaining

Arriv'd at London (2d October) Spent on

[p. 138] Journey from Paris London 5th October 1776

Gave my Wife, Miss Murphy's money, for B . Cr * 2..2..- 15th

This morning about 3 o'Clock, my Niece Heneage, was brought to Bed of a Daughter, Christen'd by Mr Short, Teresa Catherinemy Wife & Self stood by proxy, for Mr Barnwell & Mrs Ann Heneage.

[p. 144] London 12th December 1776

Paid Mr Wheeble, for 2 Doz" Candles , at 78/8d & Box

[p. 146] London 7th January 1777

Set out for the Isle of Wight, and Arriv'd at Newport (10th) Exps on the Journey 5 ...

[p. 147] Newport , Isle of Wight, 4th Febry 1777

Set out from hence, and Arriv'dat London Spent on my Journey (6th)

* Bishop Challoner

Mr. Wheble of Kensington

[р 149]


London 5th April 1777

Paid to Mr Coghlan, Life of Christ ,

[p. 153]

London 28th April 1777

Set out from London

Arriv'd at Cadeby 1st May Spent on

[p . 160] the Journey 9..Cadeby 25th June 1777

Receivedfrom Mr Hartley (28th) Coghlan's Bill

[р 162] 1st Apl 76

Cadeby 19th July 1777

Gave Mr Hartley, for serving us Set out for Hainton (24th) Chaisefrom Wragsby 11 miles, to Lincoln

[р 163] Lincoln

Set out from Lincoln (29th) and arriv'd at London (30th)at my Nephew Heneage's Spent on the Journey, for Chaise &ca 8 ..

..- 2d August

Gavemy Wife, for Prayersfor Br John 1 .. 1 ..-

London 5th August 1777

Drew on Anthy Wright (16th) & Son, in Favr

[p. 164] of Honble James Talbot* £105stl, value received , By his Note to me, on Mr Hurst, at Paris for Livers , 2400.

[p. 165]

London 25th August 1777

Set out from hence, Arriv'd 26th at Dover, and at Paris 2d September, at Girard's Hotel D'Angleterre , Rue Haute Feuille St Andre, Spent on our Journey to this Place £20

Gave my Wife, Molly & Betsey,

[р 166] 21st Nov Remains

Carried the above, to Cash , page 169. Paris 3d September 1777 .

Receiv'd from Mr Hurst, on account of Mr James Talbot's Note to me, on him, dated 16th last month, for Livers, 2400

Receivedfrom him, on the above account, Livers * Bishop James Talbot

Paid Mrs Lancaster,by Livs Bill, on Mr Hurst and by Cash

Year Paid Mrs Lancaster, to 12th Augst Livs :



Livs Sols Den. 19thSeptr Paid Mrs Girard, for Lodging, Wine &ca 161

Dinners &ca, 2 weeks , to 16th Inst 25 Guineas, Exchang'd at the Mint ExpencesCoachhire &ca Do Do &ca

Receivedfrom Mr Hurst, by Mr Rigby* 600

Paid my Servant , St Pierre 9

Paid Mrs Girard, for a' week's Lodging &ča to 22d

Received from Mr Hurst, the Ballce of Mr Talbot's Paid Mr Dunn, by order & Acc: of Mr Dunn of London

Pd Mrs Mullart, for Mrs A. Heneage's Gown

Drew on MessrsWright, to Mr Hurst£50 894..19 ..- Expences, at the Fair&ca 91..12

Mrs Girard, in full

Probably the Rev. Thomas Rigby, Douay till 1771 ; went to St. Gregory's, Paris, 13 Aug. 1771 ; ordainedpriest 1776; D.D. 1782; subsequently head chaplain at Lincoln's Inn Fields 1807-11 ; V.G. London District; died 24 Jan. 1815, aged 68 (C.R.S., xix, 150-1). The College of St. Gregory was started, in 1667, next door to the Augustinian Convent in Rue des Fossez St. Victor (Bishop King's MSS.).

Dr. William Dunn alias Earpe, born in 1749; after two years Divinity at Douay went to St. Gregory's, Paris , 13 Oct. 1772; ordained priest 1780; took his doctorate in 1782, returned to England and was on the missionat Blackburn; died 27 Oct. 1805 (C.R.S., xix, 150; Gillow, Dict of Eng Cath , ii, 147); as appears from a later entry, a relation of Mr. Dunn of London . Query: Is the latter the Rev. John Dunn of the London Vicariate ?

16th Do Do Do 17th Do

[p. 167] Paris 15th October 1777 Cash . Livers 815..16 .. Paid forCoach hire&ca Expences, Livrs 59..16 ..- Receivedfrom Mr Hurst, onAccount Gavemy Wife, for Tea &ca 9 .. -..- Paid St Pierre 9 & wages days

18th Do


Paid MrsGirard, in full to Do 13th Inst

25th ÅÅ Å Å Å Å Do Do to my Barber, to 14th Inst., @ 11v 4s per week

Exps to, at & from Pontoise &ca

Paid Mr Christian Taylor 106..15 .. 87 ..Livs 66 78 .... (Paid Coach to Pontoise

27th Do 3 Days Permitt 6. & Gave the Coachman 6

30th Do Paid Piebot, for Tea

Received from Mr Hurst, on acct

31st Do Do Do Paid MrsGirard, 2weeks 28..16 ..- 400 ..-

Lodging &ca, to 27th 129..12..― Instant, in full

4th Novr Sundry expences

6th Do to 3d Inst

Paid Mrs Girard, in full

13th Do Received from Mr Hurst

17th Do Å Mr Hurst, Stl 40 39..13 ..55..14 .. 138 .. Drew on Messrs Anthy Wright, to` 1953..16 .. his Note for Livs 908, at about 31 or 22.14 per Stl

Do Do

20th Do Paid Mrs Lancaster, for the making Mrs Ann Heneage's Gown Gave my Wife Livs 24 & Paid Mrs Girard, 2 Weeks Bills to 17th Inst. 139.2

[p. 168] Brought over Cash

Gave Mr Hurst he gave me 894..12..6 ..-. Livr 1059 .. 4 ... 163 .. 2 ..Paris 21st November 1777 Livers

Do tomy Daughter Molly, it being her Livers £1059..4 .. 24 ...... Birthday 6 ..-..

Do to my Wife, & to Betsey Livs 6 each 12 . Andtomy Wife, & Molly& Betseyhalf

24th Guinea each Coach hire &ca expences , to187 .. 4..— my wife and Daughters &ca


25th Paid my Barber, in full

Endors'd Mr Hurst's Note, to Mrs Lancaster. 27th Vizt Livers 908

Took her Note for Livs 800 ..- Gave toMolly& Betsey 48. Do to Herself &ca

60 .

Do Paid Mrs Girard in full 102

28th Gave Martin 151ivs & St Pierre 3 18 ....―

Do Do to S.A.M. for her Br 24 ..

Do Paid for a Chaise to Calais 72 .

Do Received from my Wife, to account


10th Set out from hence , & arriv'd

2d December at Calais , Table Royal

Staid here 'till the 10th N.B. it blew very hard, & bad weather

Paid Mrs Tuillier her Bill

[p. 169] Arriv'd at London 12th December 1777

Broughtforward, Livers 648, at 23 .. Livrs per Sterling28..3..6

Remains, as by page 165 Six Guineas

17th Decr I have 12 Louisdores Left, valued Stl. My Journey from Paris to London, 12 ..-..-

besides the hire


Do Received from Mr Dunn, for what I had advanced his Relation, Mr Dunn, at Paris, by his order

[p. 170] London 8th January 1778

[р 171] Set out from hence, & arriv'd at Lincoln, the 10th Arriv'd at Cadeby 13th January 1778

My Expences, Post Chaise, &ca from London £11..12 ..-

[р 174] [Statement of Accounts with Messrs Wright, Bankers.] 1778

16th May per my Draft, to Mrs C: Carpue 9

27th Do per my Draft, to Mr Lindow*

[p. 175] [Statement continued.] 1779

1st Febry Drew in favr of Mr Lindow* 65..15

Apparently payments to the Austin nuns in Paris through Mr. Lindow for the children's schooling . See later entry under date 27 May 1778

р 176]


[р 186]


Cadeby 4th February 1778

I sign'd an Appointment, to Messrs Petre & Pearson, to appear for me, in Chancery , in the Suit, about the late Sr George Barlow's affairs *

Cadeby 16th May 1778

Drew in Favr of Mrs C: Carpue, on Messrs Wright Nine pounds, to debt my wife's Account Cadeby

Drew on Messrs Wright, in Favr of May 27th Mr Lindow, on Acct of Mrs Lancaster to 12th Instant £57 ..- And I advance to her 20 .. Total £77 ..- Livers

Mem: Mrs Lancaster, Accounted to me, in her Bill for the 800 she received 27 Novr

[р 193] Cadeby 11th July 1778

To One who is going to be a Nun at Bruges, at the Austin's, Mr Short 10 ..- .

[р 194] Cadeby 1778

August 5th Gave Mr Hartley, as a present, for £ .. S serving us, from last Jany to this time 5 .. 5

[р 195] Paid £3..10 .. 6

Cadeby 6th August 1778

Set out for Lincoln

[р 196] Lincoln 7th August 1778

Paid Chaise from Cadeby to Lincoln £1.1 & 35/11th

Set out for London, and arriv'd there 12th . Expences of Journey, from Lincoln &ca 13th Gave my Wife, for Mr Challoner, for Br Jn

[р 197] London 1778

August 17th

Paid Mr Coghlan, in full for Mr Hartley's 1..4..} 7. 7.1..1..bill, I receivedthesame , 5thInstant,fromhim £1..13 ... Mem: to return to Mr Hartley 1s/6d 19th Paid to Messrs A: Wright, on Acct of my Nephew Heneage, for the use of Mrs Mary More , at Bruges, for a Nun

Mem: Receivedfrom my Nephew,forthesame 17th last July -10 ...

* SeeAlexander Knight's letter toMrs. Heneage, dated16July1798, infra. Prioress O.S.A. Bruges (cf. Gillow, Haydock Papers, pp 128, 168).

London 1778

Sept 14th Set out for the Isle of Wight

15th "

[p. 200] Arriv'd at Sheat, expences Journey Sheat 1778

November 19th Set out fromSheat, GavetheServants 1..16 .. 6 " " 21st 23d


[p. 205]

Staid at Ride [Ryde], could notget aBoat , and Rainy Weather

Left Ride, and arriv'd at London Spent on my Journey Iwent to Westminster Hall, & took theOath ofAllegiance, to his Majesty, before Lord Chief Justice de Grey, at the Court of Common Pleas, and Sign'd my Name * Gave the Clerk

London 1st February 1779

Drew on Messrs Anthy Wright, in Favr of Mr Lindow, in full for Mrs Lancaster's Bill, due 12th last Novr


London March 1799


[p. 206]

Set out for the Isle of Wight, 5th Arriv'd at Sheat, spent on the Journey

[р 211] Sheat 23d March 1779

Set out for London ; 24th: Arriv'd, Journey Exps


[р 212]

London 20th April 1779

Paid at the Secreatry's [sic] Office , for pass-port, to Calais , for me & my Wife

27th Set out for Paris, and carried Cash 11th August 1781 Arriv'd at London

Royal Hotel Pal-Mal

Mem: I kept an Account , in a smallBook ,

6 from the time of my setting-out to my return.

London 16th August 1781

Do Came to Mrs Poitiers, Conduit Street

[р 213]

[р 214]

London April 1781


Gave DoctorSavage, for Betsey 1..1..-

[р 216]

London October 1781


[p. 223]

Received from Mr Lindow, to remit to Mr Newton , of the Grange

London 1782 } 6 .. 6..11

21st March This morning, about Eleven o'Clock, my Nephew Heneage , departed this Life

* Their [the Catholic gentry's] loyalty had been confirmed by the oath enacted as an accompaniment to the Relief Act of 1778, which oath all of them had taken " (B. Ward, The Dawn of the Catholic Revival, i, 88).

From subsequent entries it is clear that they brought their daughters back from their school in Paris

Query: The Rev. Robert Newton?

[р 224]


London April 1782

24th Advanced to my Daughters, on acct of Tweezer & Souvenir

[р 225] 28th

[р 227] 12th 21st

London May 1782

Receiv'd from Mr Lindow , for Mr Newton , *` of the Grange 6

London June 1782

Set out from London 14th Arriv'd at Lincoln Gave Mr Wright, of Hainton, the money I received 28th last month, from Mr Lindow for Mr Newton*

[р. 229]

[р 237] 1 .. 1 ..-

Cadeby 13th July 1782

My Wife & Daughters set out for Wycliff

Cadeby November 1782

9th Paid my Wife, forMr Lindow, Prayrs 1 .. 1 ..-

[р. 248]

Cadeby May 1783 6 ....-

10th Set out for Mrs Heneage's, at FizWalter 13th Arriv'dthere,Spent on myJourney 28th Cameto London, Spent at FitzWalter

[р 250] 11th [р 251] 12th & to here

London July 1783 18..19 ..5 .. 3 ..-

Received from Mr Jno Lindow , on Acct of Mr Robt Newton of the Grange, one Year's dividend, for Croft's fund, due 8th Instant

London August 1783 6 ....

My Wife & Self put in our answer, in Chancery, to James Urry, Claimant , for the Isle of Wight Estate &ca§ * Payments fromthe " Croft Fund. "

The Rev. Thomas Wright, son of Thomas Wright and Martha (Clary) of Norwich; educated Douay; went to St. Gregory's, Paris, 2 Dec. 1761; left 6 Aug. 1767 , to teach at St. Omer; ordained priest at Arras 19 Dec. 1767; returned to St. Gregory's 2 July 1769; D.D. 21 March 1772; chaplain to Heneage family at Hainton; elected to the Chapter in 1792; spent his last years as a missioner at West Ham, Essex, where he died 26 May 1799, aged 56 (C.R.S. , xix, 147 , 149 , 150).

The Rev. John Lindow Mass stipend

§ Mr. R. Urry, ofShrewsbury, in a letterto the Rev. R. G. Davis, dated 20 July 1893 , says: " Richard Urry, the 2nd Brother of Col. Thomas Urry, was a Merchant in London . He married Mary, Daughter of Sir Thos Thynne, Ancestor of the Marquis of Bath. They had one son , James, who married Elizabeth Guyer at Newchurch on May 31st 1686. He died on May 9th 1738 , without issue , whereupon Thos Urry, the son of his Father's next Brother John became the heir presumptive to the Sheat Estate, under the Entailcreated by settlement made by Col. Thomas Urry on his marriage in 1670and in 1776 (on the death of Thos Urry, Grandsonof Col. Thomas) becameit is saidentitled to possession of such Estate, although the last named Tho affected to leave same by his Will to his sister Elizth (the mother of Mrs Heneage) who in fact took same under such Will, and I believe same was never challengeduntil after a long lapse of years by my Great Uncle This was about the year 1800 I think . "




Set out for Lincoln

Paid Mr Wright, at Hainton, for Mr Newton'

of the Grange, on acct of money received from 6 .. -..- Mr Lindow, 11th Instant

[p. 253] [Statement of Accounts with Messrs . Wright, Bankers] 1784

27th Nov Per my draft to Mrs Louisa Lancaster

[p. 254] Arriv'd at Cadeby 22d August 1783

My Journey from London, Expences £20 ..-

[р 256]

Cadeby 11th October 1783

[Lengthwise , in the margin]

13th my Niece Heneage, Died at Fizwalter, Essex.

[Р. 257]

Cadeby 1st November 1783

16th Gave my Wife, for her Journey to London 17th She & my Daughters Set out, for Do

[р. 271]


Cadeby 22d November 1784

Drew on Messrs Wright, in favr of Mrs Louisa Lancaster, 1 m. date , to account £45 .... 6

[Ledger No. 4in the same binding and size as No. 3 , but a thinner book ]

[On white paper, apparently used as a cover, is written]

[р 4] Windsor Heneage

His Account Book Cadeby 1st January 1785

Cadeby 26th January 1785. 28th

Drew on Messrs Wright, in Favr of my Wife Eliz: Heneage, for £100, & gave her for her Journey to London; set out this morning

[p. 14]

Cadeby 1785 10..10..-

16th August Gaveto myWife, for her JourneytoLondon

[p. 18] [Last entry] Cadeby 11th January 1786

Cash, Brought over

Do Drew on Messrs Wright, in favr of Mrs Ann Heneage , in full for her Christmass Joynture£45 31st Disbursements, this month as per Day Book 10..10 ..-

291..17 .. 6 21. 16. 4

270 .. 1 .. 2

[On p. 12 is written, in Mrs. Elizabeth Heneage's hand ,] 13 Feb 1786 Mr Heneage drew £530. [on Messrs . Wright]




[All the letters sent by one person are placed together in chronological order . The archaic spelling has been retained.]

No. 1. Letter dated London 25 July 1761 from James Windsor Heneage to his future wife, Miss Elizabeth Browne of Sheat, Gatcombe, Isle of Wight

[A double quarto sheet sealed with the Heneage coat ofarms in red wax and addressed] [p 4]

To Miss Browne at Gatcombe, near Newport in the Isle of Wight Hants 25] [post-markedJyl

[p. 1]

London 25th July 1761

Dear Madam

I Receiv'd your most kind and obliging Letter, byyesterday's post, whichgave me great Satisfaction , to hear that you was well, and hope you will continue so; As for myself, I don't expect, to be right well, untill I shall have the pleasure of seeing you in London, which I hope will be, on Tuesday the 11th August , if all things succeeds, which I don't question but will; the only thing my Lawyerswant to see at present, is the Schedule of our Mortgages & Securities, and how they are to be fixed and settled ; I wrote to Mr Browne, and to Mr Eames, * about the same, which I hope they receiv'd , and that Mr Eames will send the same to me, for to shew to Mr Booth, after that, I shall send the Copy of our settlements &ča, to Mr Eames, to have them ingross'd, and then cannot see any obstacle to hinder our mutuall matrimoniall happiness, which I hope, in God, will allways continue, and the longer we live, I don't fear but that our Love & Affection will encrease daily; and you may depend that I shall do all in my power to contribute to the same ; so I would have you be in good spiritts, and recommend this great affair to God, [p. 2] who I hope will bestow his Blessings on us, and you may be sure, that I shall join with you, in the same prayer, heartily & sincerely. I hope I shall hear from Mr Browne, & Mr Eames soon , and that I shall know, in what manner they would have the Securities &ca settled and fixed; pray my humble respects to Mr Browne, and am obliged to him, for all Favours; and I would havehim Fix all things, as to his mortgages &ča, to his own ease and convenience, and I don't question but that I should agreeto the same , as I am fully convinced, that he would desire nothing, but what was Just and equitable I saw Mr Errington this morning, and

* Apparently acting for Mr. Browne

Apparently acting for Windsor Heneage

The Rev. William Errington of the London Vicariate See Heneage Ledgers under date 21 August 1761 , and his letter to Mrs. Heneage infra.

acquainted him, that Mr Brown thank't him for his Letter, and for his offer of comeing down, and accompanying you to London , and I told him, that he must not hurry you upon the Roade; and desire you will take care ofthe same your self, and not make your self sick when you come first to London, I am sure that I shall be extreamly overjoy'd to see you in Town , and shall not be right easy, and well, till shall have that same pleasure.

[p . 3] The only thing, I can desire ofyou in the mean while is, to Let me hear from you, as often, as you can conveniently , for it really refreshesme, and does me more good, than any thing I can take, or doe, for the weather is very faint, warm, &ca, and as I know , you are very charitable, & good, I don't question, but that you will comply, with this my only Comfort & desire, and shall live in hopes, of hearing very soon from you; thô even so short a Letter, will give great pleasure, and satisfaction to him , who has the honour, of subscribing himself ,


P.S. Mr Errington designs to sett Dear Madam

most Affectionate & Sincere humble Servant, for ever Windsor Heneage out from London, on next wednesday; hegoes first to MrsElliott's, and then tothe PeopleaboutWindsor , so if you and Mr Browne thinks proper, designs to set out from Windsor, on Monday 3d August for Gatcombe; he will leave directions* with me for to send to him at Windsor, if anything particular happens

Adieu, Pray for me.

No. 2. Letter dated Barrowby [near Grantham] 23 February 1763, from the Rev. John Busby to Mrs. Heneage at Cadeby.

[A double quarto sheet addressed] To Mrs Heneage at Cadeby near Louth

Turn at Stilton.

[p. 3] Madam


The Favour of your obliging Lines came in due Time tohandand am more obliged to you foryour kind rememberance of the poor in these parts then I can express . I shall give an Account of my situation and leave you to judge, how far your Charity may extend to them. My Number consists of about Eighty in different places and about two or three and Twenty Children ; none of them in so good circumstances as to give me a dinner and few of them very poor, so leave you to determine

* An address

See Heneage Ledgers under date 17 May 1767 .

whetherthe whole or what Number comes under your plan. In Nottingham and places adjacent , there are many poor Journeymen Fraime Work Knitters, who I think are proper objects As to Granadals &c I think it a most incomparable good Book. It was some time ago published at Manchester, But as it is raither Voluminous , I am affaired few of Mine can find Time to make proper use of it And as to the [? Petey] or Key of Heaven I preferr for the poor, The Garden of the Soul, as answering every End of the former more Instructive and much cheaper, tho a few of them will be acceptable. I desire you will return my sincere thanks to the person, that mentioned me to you. I send you here a Catalogue of the Books, I chiefly give.

Mr Gothers Instructions for Confession &c do for particular states &c do for Masters Labourers & Servants ; Instructions for Youth, Think well on't, B: C: Meditations ; Garden oftheSoul; Grounds of the Catholick Faith, Catholick Christian , A Caveat against Methodists , Poor Mans Catechism, Practical Reflections, Introduction to a devout Life St Fr: de Sales, Imitation of Christ. my directions are, To Mr Busby at Barrowby near Grantham Lincolnshire, by Truman'sWaggon from the Castle Inn in Wood Street London

[p. 2] [Written lengthwise]

If there are any other Books you ch[oose]§ to send down I shall be very glad to distribute them. My Compliments and best W[ishes ....]nd§ you, Mr Heneageand Brown , withyour Little ones I am with the greatest regard [Mada]m§ Barrowby

Feb: the 23, [17]63

Your most obliged Is Mr Hartly** dead Humble servant for I wroteto him some time ago Jno Busby and have not heared one word from him.

No. 3. Letter dated London 13 June 1765, from the Rev. William Errington to Mrs. Heneage at Cadeby.

* All by the Rev. John Gother (cf. Gillow, Dict of Eng Cath , ii, 545) The Instructions for Youth mentioned here must not be confused with The Instruction for Youth by the Rev. Thomas Eyre, and mentioned by him in his letter (vide infra). The latter was published in 1783 .

All by Bishop Challoner, as arealso the translations of theIntroduction to a Devout Life and of The Invitation (Canon Burton, Life and Times of Bishop Challoner , ii, 323 et seq )

I.e. address

§ Hole in the letter where it had been sealed with red wax

Mrs. Heneage's father

** A curious question The Rev.William Hartley was not chaplain at Cadebyuntil September1767 accordingto the Ledgers : he wasnot ordained until 1766

See Heneage Ledgers under date 21 August 1761: Founder and Proprietor of Sedgley Park School (Gillow, Dict of Eng. Cath., iii, 401).

[A double quarto sheet addressed]

[p. 4] To Mrs Heneage at Cadeby near Louth


[On the same page, but hidden when the sheet was folded , is Mrs Constable mends written]

[p. 1]

Dear Madam

London June 13-1765

I was favoured with yours on friday Last & tho'I thought it Long since I heard from you, yet never had the Least temptation to think you ungrateful. I must own I should have been more uneasy had I known of your Illness, which I am really sorry to hear, and do earnestly beg of you, my Dr Mad™ , to take all possible care to recover your health I cannot blame you for being unwilling to take many drugs, as you never was accustom'd to deal much with medicins. Some Little cooling things, such as whey, or the Like, may take off, perhaps, that feverish disposition in the blood, & a Little flannel may give ease for the Rheumatickcomplaint.But as to the Spiritual Complaint, I am very glad, my Dr Child, you have mention'd so particularly how you find yourself, which I beg you always will do, without any fear of being troublesome, for, I do assure you, it would[be] a far greater trouble to me for you to go on with any uneasiness of mind thro' your unwillingness of giving me trouble, than you possibly can by writing to me, if it was every week.

The dryness that you feel & disrelish, even to those most pious & at other times moving subjects, is not a sign that you are worse [p. 2] or any ways Gone back in Spirituals The great difficulty in your Spiritual dryness &c, is the very great ease the Enemyfinds to make you believe all that is bad ofyourself; and what still adds to this dejection, is the indispositionof bodythat you are in was you in perfect health, you would much sooner recover, from your present Low dejected & melanchollystate But after all, do what you can, my Dr Madm to pluck up your spirits, & make yourself as cheerful as you can . Take this for your comfort, that altho' your present state is very irksome & apt to weight you down with grief & melancholly , yet, believe me, 'tis much more secure than you are aware of, nor are you so displeasing to God, as you will, now, be too muchinclined to think, & the Enemy will endeavour to persuaided [sic]. Your Prayers in the very midst of all your dryness, & totaldissipations, will be more pleasing to God than, when you, perhaps, foundmore devotion in them, & you will be removed, at a fargreater distance , from the temptation of Spiritual pride. Do not therefore omit your prayers, but present yourself before God Alm : & wish, at Least, you could perform your Prayers in such a manner as was most pleasing to him . Donot be tooLonga time at your prayers,


nor spend too much time in reading, and what you do read, Let it be those subjects that may move you most to a Love & confidance in God. Endeavour in conversation [p. 3]to be as cheerful as you can, & I do not doubt, but in a Little time, you will find your usual peace of mind, to which a return of health will very much contribute . In your feverish disposition , keep yourself as still & quiet as you can; do not take too much exercise. Do not, by any means , perplex yourselfwith the thoughts of the account you must give of your familly, or those under your charge; these thoughts are only temptations, & the same about your Children. You are safe enough in both those heads When in your room , retir'd at your prayers or reading, do not imagine you should be about the house; these are temptations When you quit your Room, Prayers &c, do not then think you should be at them; this is again a temptation. The books I would chiefly advise you to read, at these times, is St Fra: Sales Introduction, * & the following of Christ.*

You will see by the date, this was designedforyou Last post. I am sorry I have been so Long before I answer'd you, but you know it has been a busy time You did right in writing to me , pray Let me hear from you soon, & by the post B: Chal . sends you his Blessings & hopes you will find comfort by this, tis what I wish most earnestly we shall not think the Least amiss ofyour Gentleman, but are glad you have such a one But 'tis best to consult those that know you. Our kind Compls to your Father Husband &c I am Madm Most sincerely Ever yours Wm Errington.

No. 4. Letter dated London 28 December 1770, from Mary, Lady Arundell, to Mrs. Heneage at Cadeby. [A double quarto sheet addressed to] wax .] Mrs Heneage at Cadeby (by Lincoln) Near Louth Lincolnshire [Post-marked 29 Dc and with a coat of armson the red sealing-


Your Obliging Letter dated the 12 inst did not arrive at Wardour till I had left that place & ever since I received it (which was last week) I have been confined to my Room (& part of the time to my Bed) by a very bad sore Throat, thank God I am now allmostquite well again tho I am not yet allow'd to go down stairs. This will I hope plead my excuse for being so long in answering the favour of yours As for the Woman you recommend for seting up a School at Irnham her Charracter is such that I could have no objectionto * Translated by Bishop Challoner, the Introductionas recently as 1762 . Bishop Challoner

her but we have allreadyfix'd a Cat School Master there who is a most deserving Man & gives great content to all partys & therefore it would not on any account be right to remove him. [p. 2] I am intierly of your oppinionMadame that itis one of the greatest Charitys that can be dun to poor Children to promote there being well instructed in their Youth & doubtless great will be your reward hereafter for your indevourto promote such acts of Charity as allso for your Piety & the good example you set us all. I hope you will pardon this last expression which is not ment as flattery & belive me to be Madam

Your most obedt Humble Servant Mary Arundell

Portman Square Decbr the 28 1770

No. 5. Letter dated Longbirch 15 February 1773, from Bishop John Hornyold* to Mrs. Heneage [A double sheet of paper ; outside pages blank Letter beginson p. 3 and ends on p 2.] Madam

Your favour of the 6th Inst came duly to hand. I am concernedtofind therebythatyou should be in the least solicitous about the payment of your Father's Legacies, since it is well known, that there is a whole year allowed to every Executor before the payment of any Legacy , and this inorder, that the Executors may have time to get in the Debts, or dispose of the Effects which belonged to the Deceased ; we therefore beg that you will make yourselfquite easy upon that account, and we also desire that you will not sell or dispose of any thing to a loss upon ourAccount .Give menowleaveMaddam to returnyoumythanks for the present of the new years Gift; which I will dispose of according to your Intention but as to the Price of the Binding the Books Intitled the way to Happiness, I must beg to be excused in not informing you, especially as you was so good as to give them to the Poor . I must now acquaint you that Mr Talbot & I have both of us carefully looked over your Dear Father's Manuscripts, which I assure you has much edified me , and from which there appears a great Fund of Piety; but not any thing that he ever intended to publish, being purely for his own use , and memory : I have packed them [p. 2] up in the Same Box in Born 19 February 1706; went to Douay 7 August 1728; after ordination at Grantham in Lincolnshire; in 1739 went as chaplain to Mrs. Giffard at Longbirch, Staffordshire, which was rented after her death, 13 February 1753 , as a residence for the Vicars Apostolic of the Midland District; consecrated in Stonor Castle, Oxon , Bishop of Philomelia 10 February 1752 , Coadjutor to Bishop John Talbot Stonor, and succeeded him as V.A. Midland District in 1756. Died 26 December 1778 (Gillow , Dict of Eng. Cath , iii, 399-403). Bishop Thomas Talbot, Coadjutor.

See entry under date 1 Dec. 1772 , Heneage Ledgers

which they came down to me & have directed them for you at MrCoghlan's they went off this morningbythe LondonCarrierMr Talbot joins me in best wishes & Compls to you & Mr Heneage Madam

Your most oblgd humle Servt Jno Hornyold. and I am Longbirch

Febr the 15th 1773

No. 6. Letter dated Paris 31 July 1781 , from Prioress Ann Johnson to Mrs. Heneage at London. [A double quarto sheet addressed]To Mrs Winsor Heneage to be left with Mr Coghlan Bookseller Duke Street near Grosvenor Square


Dear Madam Paris July the 31. 1781.

Ihasten to giveyou joyofyour Safe arrivall to England, & hope the journey has been prosperous & agreeable& that you was not alarm'd byStorms or bad weather uponSea, Mr Brindle & each one of our family unites in respectfull Compliments to Mr Heneage your Dear Self & two amiable Daughters, our best remembrance will never be wanting, that the Choicest Blessings may Ever attend the whole family, we justly owe this Small tribute for the many favours Confer'd upon us Since your first coming to Paris, for which we are & Ever shall be truely gratefull.

If the happiness which through the Divine mercy I have enjoy'd about fortyyears would allow it, there is only one thing that I could almost envyyou in, 'tis not I asureyou Dear Madam [p. 2] In Sumptuous Banquets, Costly dress, or visits to the Grandees of this world, these are but a meer Slavery, but 'tis in your visits to poor familys, howwill theseneedy membersofJesus Christ rejoyce to see their Benefactress return'd in better health then when you first quitted England, what tears ofjoy will they shed on this occasion, & what fervent prayers will they offer up to heaven in your behalf. I hope your Dear Daughters will one day Copy the Exampleyou have giventhem in this point, & will reap both in this world & the next the benefit of that valuable

* Rev . Mother Prioress DameAnne Johnson , O.S.B., diedat Paris 13June 1784 (C.R.S., xii, 25) Rev. Mother Mary MagdalenJohnson, O.S.B. , Prioress for eighteen years, died at Paris 13 June 1784 (C.R.S. , ix, 397) Ann was her Christian name, and Mary Magdalen her name in religion

There was a Mother Mary Placid Brindle in the Community (C.R.S., ix, 402), but no trace of a Mr. Brindle In a letter to the Rev. R. G. Davis from St. Benedict's Priory (nowSt. Mary's Abbey), Colwich, underdate 7 Dec. 1793 , among the names of those who paid the nuns' expenses when they arrived in England is " William Brindle £10 "

Dowray which you have treasured up for them, viz the prayers & vows ofthe poor, more precious in the sight of God thenmillions of gold or silver [p. 3] we should be extremly glad to hear , at your leasure how your Self & family Sustain'd the journey, and with the asurance that you'll never be forgot at Chant Lalouette, * particularly by her who remains with the greatest Esteem & gratitude Madam your most obedient humble Servant Ann Johnson

Nos 7 , 8 and 9. Letters dated (7) Bath 22 December 1781; (8) Bath 20 January 1782 ; (9) Bath 26 October 1787; from Bishop Charles Walmesley, O.S.B., D.D., F.R.S. , to Mrs. Heneage

[A single quarto sheet] Madam Bath Dec: 22: 1781

Yesterday I received the parcel of books togetherwithyour favour inclosing your bounties of two Bills of ten pounds each , forthe Poor. YourspiritofCharity is undoubtedlybeyond expression, and your reward will certainly be so too I shall take care to have the money distributed to the Poor as you direct, without taking any of it to myself; but am much obliged to you for your kind offer. The books shall likewise be disposed of agreeably to your desire . I have already some intelligence oftheyoungwoman you recommend, and her case shall be examined into. The Poor here are numerous; they are tolerably helped. They have great reason to bless you on this occasion, and they will certainly offer up their ardent prayers foryou though kept unknownto them . I am very sorry that Mr Heneage here has found no benefit from the Bath-waters. I beg that you and Mr Heneageand Miss Heneagewill accept of my best wishes of a happy Christmas and a happy New Year, and am


Your very hble servant

* The Benedictine Convent was in Rue Chant de l'Alouette, or Rue du Champde l'Alouette, since 1664 (cf. C.R.S., ix, 430) This was in the XVI Quartier of Paris, that of the Place Maubert, running parallel with Rue des Filles anglaises, but on the side nearest to St. Marcel'schurch (Maquet, Paris sous Louis XIV, Paris, 1889 )

Born 13 Jan. 1722; educated at St. Gregory's College, Douay, and St. Edmund's, Paris, wherein 1739 he was professed ; D.D., Sorbonne ; mathematician known throughout Europe, Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Berlin ; 1749, Prior of St. Edmund's, Paris; 1753, Procurator-General oftheOrderin Rome; 1756, consecrated BishopofRama , Coadjutor to Bishop York, V.A. Western District, who resigned in 1763 and was succeeded by Bishop Walmesley. Died at Bath 25 November 1797 (Gillow , Dict. of Eng Cath ., v, 569-70).


[A double quarto sheet addressed to]

Mrs Heneage

No 42 Conduit Street



Bath Jan: 20: 1782

Yesterday I received the packet of books togetherwithyour letter containingyour draft of 180 on Messrs Wrights. The books I'll endeavour to distribute as well as I can conformablyto your desire . You give a noble instance of Charity in the generous sum of money which you send, and for whichyou deserve the highest acknowledgements; but what is above all, is that your rewardwill be certain and secure . I shall make that use of it that you pre- scribe, and shall take care to admonish those who are benefited by it, to offer up their prayers according to your intentions . I hope those prayers will procure the blessings your desire . There is so much corruptionin the world, and particularly among youth, that it is very difficult and dangerous to introduceyoung people into it The times, as you justly observe, are very bad; and yet, if Pastorini's observations may be trusted, I fear Religion will decline more and more till it comes to a much higher pitch than it is at present; a lamentable circumstance for all well-thinking people.

[p. 2] Pains have been taken with the woman you mention to rescue her out of the danger she is in, but hitherto they have been rather unsuccessful: however, further endeavours shall be made for it

My best wishes of health and all other blessings attend you, Mr Heneage, and Miss Heneage, and am Madam Your very humble servant C. Walmesley [p. 3 blank; p. 4 addressed as above]

[A single quarto sheet] Madam

Your favour of the 17th inst. found me at Wardour Castle , Lord Arundel's seat, where I was gone to give Confirmation , and could not look into my books about the money-matters you inquire after, till my return to Bath. I have forwarded to Mr Sharrock* MrTunstal'sbill of£3.3.0. I find in my books the following sums you sent to me: £ 200 in 1782; £ 300 in 1783;£200 in 1787; I constantly added the interest to the principal and bought in stock; by whichmeans the stock now amounts to £1280 in the 3 p. cent reduced Annuities, whichproducesyearly £38.8.0 Mr Sharrock received from you, I believe, 150 in 1782; again £200 in 1787: but of this he will give you an exact account, as

* Bishop William Gregory Sharrock, O.S.B. , Coadjutor, consecrated Bishop of Telmessus 12 Aug. 1780; succeeded as V.A. Western District in 1797. Died 7 Oct. 1809 .

also of the intended Mission inWales, as he is nearest the spot, and has paid attention to it all along, and we hope it will besoon sufficient for the purpose and the mission settled . I shall always acknowledge with the warmest gratitude your bounty to my District, and I don't fail in offering up frequent prayers for you On reading in your last your desire of a Mass for your intention, the next day I said it. with regard to Sir Pyers Mostyn, I don't exactly know what he does for the poor catholics : [on the reverse] I have forwarded to Mr Sharrock the list of anniversaries you desired . Very alarming, as you observe, is the decay of Religion in these days. Nothing seems to be minded but the satisfactions of this world and the next scarce thought of And what adds greatlytothealarmis, thatit seems to followfrom thesame source of knowledge you hint at, that this general Degeneracy will go on increasing to a future period. On that account we see also the Divinescourgesconstantlyincreasing in proportionupon mankind I have a sincere regard for Mr & Mrs Tunstall. I beg my best Compliments to them, and shall not fail to complywith Mrs Tunstal's desire

With allgood wishes of health &c to yourselfand Daughters I am

Chapel-Row, Bath Oct. 26: 1787


Your obliged humble servant C. Walmesley

Letters 10, 11 and 12. No. 10, dated Longbirch3 July 1783 , and No. 11 , dated Longbirch 29 January 1794, from Bishop Thomas Talbot ; No. 12, dated Coventry5 June 1783 , from the Rev. John Pilling addressedto Bishop Thomas Talbot and enclosed in the letter to Mrs Heneage.

* The Rev. R. G. Davis, Rector of Cowes, tried to trace this Mission He was informed that in a list of contributors to the erection of the Catholic Church at Monmouth, drawn up by Bishop Sharrock and dated 4 July 1792 , Mrs. Heneage's name was down for £30. The priest at Breconalsowrote, in 1893, Mrs Elizabeth Heneage is one to whom this mission is , I believe, somewhat largely indebted There is still a farm attached to this mission, yielding a rent of about £40, which was given by her towards the support of this mission, towards the end of last century "

See Brockhampton Registers

The Rev. (John) Bonaventure Pilling , O.S.F. , Guardian of Douai 1773-6; sent on the Mission 1776, at West Grinstead; at Coventry before Oct. 1779 until 29 Sept. 1794 (except for four months in 1785, when he was at Lord Dormer's at Grove Park); titular Guardian of Coventry 1788-9; Provincial 1791-4; at the PortugueseChapel, London, at the close of his life; died at Osmotherley, Yorkshire, 12 Jan. 1800, aged 66 (Fr. Thaddeus, Franciscans in England, p 287; C.R.S. , xii, 78; Dom Sebastian Simpson , O.S.B., A Centenary Memorial of Saint Osburg's, Coventry, pp 4, 7, Coventry, 1945 (in which the date of death is given, wrongly, as 12 June); Irene Hernaman , West Grinstead and Our Sussex Forefathers, p. 81, London, 1924 (in which the name is spelt ' Pelling '))

[A single small quarto addressed to]

Mrs Heneage

Conduit Street No 42 Hanover Square London


Longbirch July 3: 1783

Through my Neglect in omitting to send Directions to you, to those to whom I remitted money in your name They have respectively made me the channel through which their Thanks are to flow to you Mr Walmesley, to whom I remitted £300, says, "Be so good as to tell Mrs H. with my most grateful Thanks that I shall take care to comply with her Desire and Intentions. " Mr Gibson to whom I sent £100 says "I request you will return my most grateful Acknowledgments for her very seasonable & charitable Donation . " I inclose in this B. Hay's§ & Mr Pillings Letter from Coventry; as the wants & Distresses atCoventryare I believe verygreat Iwill shortly send him another £10 . I beg to be kindly remembered to Mr Heneage and your Daughter & am with great Esteem

Yr most obedt hble Seryt Thos Talbot

[A single small quarto sheet .]


Longbirch Jan. 29: 94

To the best of my Power & Recollection I wish to send you an Acct of Expenditure & Rects Dec: 1792 I recd from you £50: per contra Bredalls Extras & Duprenes ₤ 11-12-0. 1793 Sep. 4 for Do & Hunt £ 23-6-6. Nov: 2 Mr Marsh £ 15 . I recd also from you £70 of which I have returned by Demands from MrNutt** for Wheeler & Weston & afterwards for Mrs Green £60 These frequent Demands alarmed me and I thought exceeded your Designs& Intentions& mademe unwillingto proceedwithout positive Orders from you Before the 70 Drafts just recd from you on Bp Douglass I had but a few Pounds belonging to you.

* I.e., your address

Bishop CharlesWalmesley, O.S.B., V.A. Western District (1763-97)

Bishop Matthew Gibson, Bishop of Comana , V.A. Northern District (1780-90).

§ Bishop George Hay, V.A. Lowland District, Scotland (1778-1805 ) It is difficultto know whether these payments refer to priests There was a Rev. James Marsh, born in Lancashire 19 Aug. 1762 , son of Thomas Marsh and Alice (Chamberlaine), who went to the English College, Valladolid, 9 March 1778 , was ordained priest 22 Sept. 1787 , and left for England 7 July 1788. In 1793 he was chaplain to Charles Stanley, Esq , of Moorhall near Ormskirk (C.R.S. , xxx, 205, 211). He died 21 May 1811 (C.R.S. , xii, 111) ** Fr . PacificusNutt, O.S.F. , approved for the Mission 1770; Praeses at Birmingham 1771; Provincial 1785-8 , 1794-9 ; died at Birmingham 27 Sept. 1799. What the payments are for is difficult to say. " Mrs Green " suggests that they may be to religious communities (Fr. Thaddeus , Franciscansin England, p 299 ; C.R.S. , xii, 68)

We have already had two Subscriptions made here for [p. 2] the persecuted & distressed Priests, I dont know how I could well petition & urge another which if I did I fear would not prove productive& would offend many. I mean by the firstopportunity to signify your Intentions to Mr Marsh, & am with many complts and the greatest Respect

P.S. I believe Mr Austin* Yr most obedt hble Servt is in a distressed situation in a very poor & numerous Congregation on which he labours much, and in much want of assistance. By this Days Post

Talbot I have sent £20-0-0 to Mr Nutt for Green & Weston & have acknowledged your Rect of Green's £ .

[A single sheet.]

My Lord

Coventry June 5th 1783

This bythereturn of Post acknowledgesthe Rect ofyour draft of £10-0-0, and presents your Lordp and worthy Mrs Heneagemy most gratefulthanks for the same Neverwas misery greater in Coventry amongst all denominations , in consequence of almosta total stagnation of trade; never of consequence could come more opportunelyso ample a supply. Be assured, My Lord, that it shall be faithfully distributed amongst the necessitous , according to emergencies , which happen more or less everyday. I have several sick at present in the utmost distress , whom your late charity enabled me to relieve, and this will abundantlysupply all future wants I hope, till Providence sends more. By spiritual wants, I suppose, your Lordp means pious and instructive books These I will also procure and distribute , as circumstances may require. If Mrs Heneage has any other particular object in view, should be glad to be informedof it, that I may fulfill her charitable intentions in every respect. If the Pastor himself becomes necessitous, as is likely to be my case , quid juris et facti? In reality, My Lord, my poor pittance is so [p. 2] reduced at present by the emigration of Some, and the Poverty of others, that it is very difficult indeed to make ends meet The Subscriptiondiminishes daily, and tho' trifling at the best, was still a great help towards my Subsistence Ifthat once drops, as it necessarilymust if times dontmend, itwillbe impossible for me to remain at Coventry, without some other supply. God's

* A Rev. John Austin died at Brailes, Warwickshire, 28 Sept. 1809, aged 67 , educated at the English College, Rome (C.R.S. , xii, 104). There is no John Austin in the English College Register, but there is a John Augustine Lamb of London, who was born in 1742, on 14 Sept. , son of William Lamb and Mary (Tapprel), who went to Rome 15 July 1754 , was ordained priest 8 Sept. 1765 and left for the Mission9 April 1766 (C.R.S., xl, 211, No. 1416) Moreover , there were only two other Roman students born in 1742 (i.e. who would be 67 in 1809)


will be done . Please to excuse the libertyI take in exposing my personal difficulties and wants, and to believe me to remain with profound veneration and respect, My Lord , your most obedt and much obliged hble Servt Jno Pilling

Nos 13, 14 , 15, 16, 17. Letters from Bishop George Hay* dated (13) Edinburgh, 5 December 1771; (14) Aberdeen , 22 June 1783; (15) Aberdeen, 25 September 1783; (16) Aberdeen, 27 December 1783; (17) Edinburgh, 28 October 1798

[A double quarto sheet addressed]



In these unhappy days wherein vice & irreligion are daily gaining so much ground, nothing is a greater Consolation to the Pastors of the Church than the piety and virtuous Examples of those whom the divine Goodness preserves untainted amidstthe too too general Corruption. I cannot help looking upon myself ashavinga particular Connexion withall suchholy Souls, however unworthy myself of being so much as named among them My sincerest good wishesat all times attend themand mydailyprayer is that the Almightymay grant them constancy & perseverance & add more & more totheir number. It was from theseSentiments, Madam , that I took the Liberty to cause Mr Coghlan present you in my name with a little piece I lately published in defence of our holy Religion , not doubting but the Subjectwouldrender it acceptable, and glad of any opportunity of presenting my best respects to one with whose virtuous Character I [p. 2] I am not altogether unacquainted . The circumstances ofmyaffairshindered me from writing along with the Book, but being informedbyMr Coghlan ofyour Goodness in accepting it and of your kind enquiry after me , I would not omit testifying my grateful sense ofthe honourdone me, & returning suitable thanksfor the same . May I presume to recommend myself& my poor people to a charitable remembrance in your good prayers ? This would be a very great

* Born 24 Aug. 1729; received into the Church by Fr. John Seton , of Garleton, 21 Dec. 1748; Oct. 1749, elected member of the Royal Medical Society; entered Scots College, Rome, 10 Sept. 1751; ordained priest 2 April 1758; consecrated Bishop of Daulis and Coadjutor to Bishop Grant , V.A. Lowland District, 21 May 1769; succeeded as V.A. on Bishop Grant's death , 3 Dec. 1778; resigned 16 June 1805; died at Aquhorties, 15 Oct. 1811 (C.R.S. , viii, 367).

consolation to me amidst the manydifficultieswe daily here meet with, & a singular favour done to


Edin 5. Decr. 1771 .

[p. 3 blank; p. 4 addressed as above .]

[A single quarto sheet, unaddressed]

Madam +

your most obedt humle Servt

George Hay

To Mrs Heneage of Cadeby*

I have this day received a remittance of£50 on your Acct from B. T. Talbot, to be distributed in Charity, chiefly in the spiritual way. I cannot express how much I am obliged to you for this Benefaction, as it comes in a very seasonable time for many in distress, which must continue in this Country till the new crop come in; may it please God to send it in well! I shall not fail to comply with your just request in recommending your Intentions to Almighty God, as indeed I am obliged to do on account of the repeated instancy of your goodness to me since our first acquaintance, & I trust in our good Lord that he will direct you in all your undertakings , & be himself at last your eternal reward exceeding great.

I beg you will present my respectfull Complts to Mr Heneage and your young Ladies, & most sincerely praying God to bless & preserve you and yours I ever am with very great Regard

Justice port Aberdeen

Madam your much obliged and obedient humble Servt 22. June 1783 George Hay

[Reverse blank.]

[A double quarto sheet addressed to]

Dear Madam Mrs Heneage

Your favour of the sixth of Augt I received in Course and am sorry for the uneasiness you there express at the Contents of your former to me, for which there was certainly not the smallest Cause. Indeed your kindness & charity to the poor Catholicks in this Country has far exceeded any thing I could have looked for, and I hope our Good Lordwill amplyrewardyou for it. Your last favour through Bp Thomas Talbot's hand , was particularly seasonable , as last year was very severe in these north parts; but I almost regrete [sic] that I had mentioned it to you, as it had the appearance of asking a supply when it was

* Letter mentioned in previous letter by Bishop Thomas Talbot, and enclosed by him in his letter to Mrs. Heneage. Or 'post '


inconvenient for you to give one, & on that account seemedto give you pain ; but I assure you the supply you afterwardssent was more than I could have thought of Your sentiments about the objects of your Charities are certainly most just, & I hope Almighty God will always direct you in the Exercise of that virtue to what is most agreeable to his holy will. Indeed [p. 2] Indeed [sic] to whom may we expect he will give such Direction, if not to a soul ardently desirous of knowing & doing what is most agreeable to him ?

I have this summer published a second part to the Sincere Christianentitled The Devout Christian instructed in the Law of God; when I left this Town in Summer I ordered a Copy to be sent you, among with others for Mr Coghlan, I hope by this time you have received it, and will be so good as accept of it as a small testimony of my sincere esteem , regard & gratitude I beg you will present my Complts & best wishes to Mr Heneage & your young Ladies, & earnestly praying God to bless & preserve you at all times & be himselfyour eternall reward I remain

Justice Port Aberdeen 25. Septr 1783

Dear Madam your much obliged and most obedt humble Servant P.S. This is good Mr Southcote's* Anniversary. May he reposein peace!

[p. 3 blank; p. 4 addressed as above .]

[A single quarto sheet, unaddressed]


As I certainly have your real happiness muchat heart, I was much comforted at the truely pious sentiments you express in your last, particularly with regard to your Lawsuit which is going on I have not hitherto, and shall not fail again & again to recommend it & all your concerns in the best way I can to the divine Goodness , that every thing may be directed to what is most for your real good; it is for that End that every thing thatcomesupon us in this life is intended bythedivineProvidence , and I hope our good Lord will always enable you so tocorrespond onyour side with his blessed views that his mercifull designsshall be fully accomplished in you

I heard some time ago of the sanctity of that holy Person Benedict, who died lately at Rome, but of late have had no further particulars concerning him. I beg you will present my * Unidentified

Urry v . Heneage See entry in Ledger under date 12 Aug. 1783 St. Benedict Joseph Labre (1748-83), born at Amettes, France; died in Rome, Canonized 1881.

best Respectsto Mr Heneage and the young Ladies and Iremain with the most sincere regard

Aberdeen 27th Dec 1783

P.S. Ipray God togrant you & yoursa plentifull share in the Blessings of this holy season


Your much obliged and most obed humble servt

George Hay

A letter from Bishop Hugh MacDonald , C.SS.R., Bishop of Aberdeen 1890-1898, dated 21 July 1893 , to the Rev. R. G. Davis of Cowes, supplies a backgroundto the following letter of Bishop Hay

" The new school referred to in Bishop Hay's letter of 1798 was without [doubt] the Seminary of Aquhorties (pronounced Ahorties'), which was established about that time. The first Seminary (postreformation) in Scotland was founded at Scalan in Glenlivet in 1712 It was transferred to Aquhorties in Aberdeenshire (near Inverurie) in 1797 , or thereabouts It was in 1797 that the farm of Aquhortieswas acquired for the above purpose

"A seminary was also established in the Highlandsalmostas early as Scalan , and it was transferred to several different localities

"In 1829 Blairswas founded, as the common Seminaryofthewhole ofScotland; andAquhortiesandLismore* (whichwasthen theHighland Seminary) were closed [* Lismore is an Island near Oban ]"

A double quarto sheet addressed to]

Mrs Henneage In the care of Mr J. P. Coghlan Printer Duke's Street Grosvenor Square


[This address has been cancelled and the letter re-addressed , twice, to]

[р 1]

Mrs Heneage Cosham House Newport Isle of Wight Hants + Madam

Considering the singular & beneficent concern whichyou have all along taken for promoting the good of Religion in this Country, I ought perhaps to make an Apology for not having informedyou sooner ofthe progresswe had madein theimportant business I have been employed in, since I last wrote you But the real cause of my silence was, that I was loath to trouble you with my letters, lest it might have the appearanceof an unseasonable importunity for some assistance from you. But now that I have got matters brought pretty near to a close , & knowing that it will give you pleasure to know the success we have had , I would not delay longer to give you that satisfaction . The main house is now finished, and the workmen are finishing out the


Chapel In the house we have four small but neat apartments for the masters, a good Schoolroom, and two Dormitoriesforthe boys, one forthe little boys & onefor those who are advanced in their studies ; each of these contains eight beds, and we have another place for more if we ever be in a condition to increase our members; there is also a decent apartment for the Bishop when he is there ; and a library a good Kitchen & Refectory, with a spare apartmentfor a stranger. The house itself is eighty feet long in front, and twenty two feet broad within the walls ; it is exceedingly well built, plain but strong; the Master Mason & Carpenter are both of our own people, and were upon honour with it. And what gives [p. 2] gives me no small consolation, all the protestant Gentry in the neighbourhood seem very well pleased with our settling among them, and are very encouraging to us on everyoccasion Some time next Spring I intend to bring down our young family from where they are at present, as by that time the house will be thoroughly dry, and we shall have time throughthe winter tolay in all necessaryprovisions forthem The farm has everyappearance ofturning out well, when properly ordered, and within a few years will I hope enable us to increase our students and help to pay off the Debts, we have been obliged to contract. We have as yet some office houses to build, but we intend to dothat by degrees, as we can afford it, beginning with the mostnecessary The Expences indeed have been very great, much more than I could have expected; but I have great reason tothank kind Providence, for the assistanceI have got; ourpeople entered very much into the spirit of the business, and subscribed a good deal more than I looked for, whichwith the assistance of a few friends has enabled me to clear offthe greatest part of what is done; I have indeed been obliged to borrow a few hundred pounds, & take some small sums on annuitieswhich with the Interest of the borrowed money and the loss of all we had from abroad, reduces my own circumstances; but if it please God to restore peace to the world, I hope we shall by degrees get over our difficulties

MrCoghlan has been very kind in procuringsomenecessaries for our Chapel; in doing which he tells me you have born [sic]a part; for which please accept my best thanks. There are but a few Catholicks in the neighbourhood, but from the dispositionof the people, & the good behaviour of a few Converts that have been made, we have reason to hope thatin time our numbers will increase

I beg leave to mention another thing which I know will be agreeable to [p. 3] to you When first we we [sic] were thinking ofgetting a College, it was proposed to make it verylarge,sufficient to supply both the Highland & the Lowland Districts; but on consideration several objections occurred, particularly two; One , that such a house & such a number of boys in one place, would

be too remarkable and might give great umbrage to thosewho were not friendly to us, of which there are still great numbers in different parts of this Country; The other was that it would be risking too muchat once ; and in case any disturbance should arise in the Country, of which there was too much appearance at that time, if anyof the parties should fall upon us our all would be gone at once It was therefore thought most prudent to have one in each district, that in case one should be destroyed the other might be yet preserved Accordinglysince I began my work for the Low Country District, Bp Chisolm is busy in procuring a place for the Highlands ; and I was very happy to learnfrom him last Summer, when we had our annual meeting, that his people, which are much more numerous than in the Low Countries, had subscribed very liberally to assist so necessary a work. I cannot close this long letter without congratulating with my Country & with all Europe, upon the late naval victories* which His Majesty's arms have gained over the declared Enemies of peace, religion& order. I hope this will be the beginning oftheir downfall, and that peace, religion and order will soon be established in the world.

I hope, Madam, this will find you and all your young familyin good health, my earnest prayers foryour & theirhappiness daily wait upon you all and I remain with the most sincere regard & gratitude


Ed 28. Octr 1798

Your much obliged & most obed humble Serv George Hay

[p. 4 addressed as above .]

No. 18. Letter dated Headham 25 August 1783, from Bishop Matthew Gibson.

[A double quarto sheet addressed to] Mrs Heneage Conduit Street No 42 Hanover Square

* Battle of the Nile, 1 and 2 Aug. 1798. London. Edinburgh.

The Rt Rev. Matthew Gibson, born 25 March 1734 (O.S.); went to Douayin Sept.1747; fouryears Professor of Philosophyand six years Professor of Theology at Douay, after ordination ; returned to England in July 1768; 1770 , Archdeacon of Kent and Surrey; 1776, V.G. to Bishop Walton , V.A. Northern District, and SpecialVicar in 1777; consecrated by Bishop James Talbot, in London, Bishop of Comana, V.A. Northern District, 3 Sept. 1780; for some years lived at Headham, but moved to Stella Hall in 1784; died at Stella Hall 17 May 1790 (Gillow, Dict. of Eng. Cath , ii, 444-5). He was one of the three bishopsthe other two being Bishop James Talbot and Bishop William Sharrockto whom Mrs. Heneage, in her will, directed that the proceeds from the sale of her father's property should be given (C.R.S. , viii, 368)





After a very great multiplicityof business& a long Tour thro' Westmd, Cumberld & Northd* to dischargeinparttheduties annexed tomy office, I take upmy pen to return my most grateful acknowledgments, in the name of the Poor in this Distt for your very generous & charitable donation of one hundred Pounds transmitted to me thro' the hands of Bp Th: Talbot. I can with singular satisfaction inform you that the Instruction of Youth from the french of Gobinet is now finished . This very valuable treatise will I hope render very important services in the spiritual way. I have long wished for a new Edition ofit, & the present one never would have made it's appearance had it not been for your Charity, so that you will, I confide , partake insomemeasureofthe beneficial effectsin their full extent Every one, in the least acquainted with the Book, was pleased with the Idea. To subscribers the price is 38 bound to non-subscribers 4s I shall be happy to send you two or three Copies bound by way of specimen, if you will [p. 2] be so obliging as to send proper directions , as I dont know whether or not you are in Town. I shall distribute a very considerable Number of Copies amongst the Poor with your money, part of which money I indeed have already sent into Lancash & Yorksh to relieve Corporalnecessities , & have myselfoccasionally given to the Pts in North' &c some portion for the same purposes desiring them to recommend you to the prayers of those who reaped the benefit .The sale, I believe, will be very rapid The Subscriptions were veryconsiderable. I beg my respects to Mr Heneage & the young Ladies & remain with unfeigned Gratitude


yr very obedt & obliged Hble Servt M. Gibson Headham 25th Aug . /83

Nos 19 and 20. Letters dated (19) Stella near Newcastle , 14 September 1784, and (20) Stella-hall, 22 November 1791; from the Rev. Thomas Eyre.

* Westmorland, Cumberland and Northumberland Address

Fourth son of Nathaniel Eyre; went to Esquerchin in 1758 at the age of ten; ordained at Douay and retained there as Professor and General Prefect; took charge of the Stella Mission at the invitation of his kinsman , Thomas Eyre of Stella Hall, 11 Oct. 1775; published several works; in 1784 BishopGibsontookup residence atStella Hall; Oct. 1792 , ThomasEyrewentas temporary chaplain toMrs.Silvertop, at Wooler in Northumberland, thenceto the mission at Pontop Hall, nearLanchester , co Durham; first PresidentCrook Hall (1794) and first President of Ushaw (1808) ; died at Ushaw 8 May 1810 (Gillow , Dict of Eng Cath , ii, 199-201)

There appears to be no record of our Newcastle Press " From these letters it would seem that the Rev. Thomas Eyre was running this press , yethis Instruction of Youthwas published, in 1783 , by F. Coates ofNewcastle.

[A double quarto sheet addressed to]




Stella near Newcastle, Northumberland Sept. 14. 1784

B -p Gibson being set out for Lancashire, when his Ldship received your favour, he has desired me to answer it. I readily embrace this opportunity to express my most grateful thanksfor the support & encouragement you have given to our Newcastle Press, byyour charitablesubscription to theInstruction forYouth, as also by being lately pleased to order a good stock of that invaluable work to America, where I dare to say there must be as great a want of instruction, as there is little convenience of acquiringit. If in our own small island 4000 have not been enew to supply the demand, I presume 500 will not be over manyfor that vast continent, whichfrom the direful effects of a long war, must necessarily have been debarred almost everyopportunity of cultivating the useful science of religion.on the 8th Inst. were shipped off on board the Peggy, Thomas Middlemas Captain, 2 Bales each containing 225 Instructions of Youth in Quires, & a paper parcel marked N° 3 containing 50 Instructions of Youth , 50 Confirmation & 1000 catechisms to Mr Edward Young at London. These catechisms are just come out from the Press , full as well printed, if not better than any now extant. The present you are pleased to make to that nation must be highly acceptable as we cannot supposethe poor missioners to be qualified to lend their flocks any great assistance towards procuringany books of piety whatever. Your bill is as follows

500 Instruct : of Youth Quires at 38/3d

50 Instr: on Confirmationat 3d

1000 Catechisms at 1d Mats, Ropes , Paper, Packing & shipping

20 Instr: of Yo just ordered to Cadeby

I shall not venture to draw upon Bp Thos Talbot for this sum , until we shall have received your express approbationof our proceedings. This advantage, Madam, attends the encouragement of our Press, that it becomes an ever fructifying charity; inasmuch as whatever overplus of profits may arise from the vast numbers of our books, (which we ventureto draw off & which are greatly undersold) is designedto be solely appropriated to thepublication of other catholic performances hence the good effects of your charities will be felt in every work of piety, that may happen


to make its appearancefrom this Press 3000 instructionson confirmation, which are already sold; 6000 instructionsfor Youth of which near 5000 are disposed of; & 9000 catechisms, are what have come from this Press within these thirteen months. These are numbers that neitherCoghlan* nor any other dares to venture to draw off: hence whilst their numbers are comparatively so trifling, they must come very high & after all are scarcely enew for one copy in each congregation throughthis nation .our bookbinder is a youngbut verypromising good catholic , whom we have set up . I should be glad to know what the plan of the abstract ofSaints lives is designedto be, & if no secret , who the author is. if Mr Coghlan is to [p. 3] print it I shall not look for it these 2 or 3 years. Bp Challoner's meditations were 3 years in making their appearance. We have long wished & actually had it in contemplation to publish the lives of Saints, Mr Butler's lives are far too copious & too learned for vulgar people. it were to be wished that some select lives were published in a very plain stile & such as may be patterns & models for people living in the world. The Scripture account of old & young Toby might be a perfectmodel to follow in writing for the vulgar. One might be more diffuse & particular in the history of some who were in lowlife & sanctified themselves & their vocation , not by converting nations or directinggrand councils, but by fidelity in little things. Thus the lives of Homobonus Nov. 13 , of Guy Sept. 12, called the poor man of Anderleckt, of Zita April 27 a servant maid, of Isidore May 10. a ploughman , of Servulus a beggar Dec. 23. wouldbe very edifying & instructive; where authenticrecords are tobe met [there is a hole in the paper here] wit[h I s]houldparticularly choose the lives of such chole in paper]ts of our own nation. Mr Gother's lives tho excellent in themselves are perhaps too short & otherwise do not dwell upon lives most adapted to the poor. perhaps an able hand might make a complete collectionfor the poor out of the two viz Gother & Butler what is to be the price of the London abstract as to Mr Gother's prayers, for the nine years I have been here, I never yet once omitted reading them to the congregation in the afternoon after Vespers & Complin. The publicprayers I say before Sermon, which always immediately preceeds Mass are Clem XIV Acts of Faith, hope & charity, Our Father, hail Mary & Apostles Creed, ten Commandments & the Confiteor. In begging pardon for the liberty I have here taken, I beg leave , with most respectful compts to Mr Heneage, to subscribe myself your most obdt humble Servt


Thomas Eyre

I have not written to Mr Edwd Young, as they perhaps may not arrive before you mayfind time to advise him of theirbeingsent from hence .

[p. 4 addressed as above .] [

A double quarto sheet addressed to]

Mrs E. Heneage with Bas: Fitzherbert Esqr Swinerton near Stone Staffordshire Hond Madam

I am duly honoured with your kind letter, for which I beg to return my best thanks. Our late worthy prelate requested me to be at the trouble of selecting from Mr A. Butler such festivals & lives, as should seem best calculated to instruct & edify our poor catholics. His Lp well aware I could not pretend to take the publishing such a work upon my own risk, gave me the strongest assurances ofyour ample support Upon his Lp's death , as I had nothing whereby I might recommend my Servicesto you, this intended publication was unfortunately dropt. However , your letter convinces me that you still mean to interestyourself in a charity so advantageous to religion. To answer these wishes, I readily make you a tender of my poor Services, in undertaking what you may think proper to command. You will thereforebe so obliging as to favour me with your idea of this publication. Being meerly[sic]for the poor& middling class ofpeople, besides the festivals of our Saviour , Nativity, Circumcision, Epiphany, Transfiguration , Five or Six of our Blessed Lady, One of each of the twelve Apostles, you [p. 2] would probably wish to have principally those among theLaity who living in theworldattained to great Sanctity Not but the lives of most of the Episcopal character of this kingdom would serve to convince our deluded countrymenthat our Ancestors for manycenturies were all united to the Catholic church. would it not be proper even to have one life, by way of task for each day, as an inducement to many to read half an hour, who otherwise would have had no thoughts of spending it so well. All this cannot be comprised in less than 2 or 3 Volumes of the Size of Mr Butler's Irish Edition; especially as it will be universallywished this publicationmay be in as large a type . But allthis in due deferenceto your judgment, who must beconsidered its principal patroness . I cannot but congratulate you upon the immense good your pious donations produced in the Instruction of Youth, which has to my certain knowledge occasioned many solid conversions Nearly Six thousand copies of that book have been spread through all parts . People in these parts seem to be of a more religious cast in general, than those in the South ; but alas ! it turns out to little better account , because void of its main foundation, which is faith. Perhaps nothing will serve better to confound these Sectaries than an Account of the [p. 3] Catholic faith for these Eighteen hundred F

years in the lives of the Saints.- Mr Brittains* book I have had a good while,it is well adapted to the times . Mr Clinton'sabstract ofS. Austin's Confessions I have not yet seen: I have that Saints Confessionsby me already : Notwithstanding I mean to peruse Mr Clinton's translation . As you will have been at Longbirch it is needless to trouble you with best respects to Bp Talbot & love to my brother . I expect Bp Gibson this very day to makea short Stay upon business . In hopes of being honoured with a letter from you, I remain, Madam, with the greatest respect, Your obliged humble Servt


Nov: 22. 1791.

[p. 4 addressed as above .]

Thomas Eyre

Nos 21 , 22 and 23. Letters dated (21) Paris, 2 May 1785; (22) Paris, 15 January 1786 ; (23) Paris, 4 March 1786; from Mother Mary Clare Bond of Jesus O.S.B.

[A double sheet of note-paper, 73 ins by 4 ins , addressed to] Mrs Heneage

[and, in another hand,]

N.B. This Letter to be kept

The Memorandums I mentiond my most dear Madam are these I rote [sic] to Mr Short by an occasion & am afraid he never received it if your staye in towne permits you to see him , be so good as to inform him of my doubt, & beg him to write , as I had in that letter earnestly desired I shall ever retain the most grateful esteem & respect for him, & wish to return his freindship [sic] at least by assuring him of our prayers. Sister Norris& desired me to intreat the favour of you, incaseyou should be ask'd or rote [sic] to About her Sister in Law that washed for you in London that you would be so kind as to say what sort of a woman she is,forthe poor Creature is in great poverty & distress and the Nuns at Bruges will try to gett her a freind [sic] but think they should name some one that she had worked for in London, least [sic] they might fear an imposition. it is not certain that the person will apply, only it may be & they beg this good-

* Query: Principles of the Christian Religion and Catholic Faith investigated, by Fr. Thomas Lewis Brittain, O.P.; London, 1790 ?

Morality extracted from the Confessions of St. Austin. Translatedfrom the French of Mons L'Abbé Grou, by Alexander Clinton; London, Coghlan, 1791 (vere Alexander Mackenzie , S.J.)

Prioress (1784-9) of the English Benedictine nuns at Rue Champ (or Chant) de l'Alouette, Paris Died 22 Nov. 1789 (C.R.S. , ix, 398) When this Community came to England during the Revolution Mrs. Heneage gavethem £12 annually until the time of her death.

§ Lay Sister, Sister Agnes Norris of Our Lady of Mercy, died 7 Jan. 1793 , aged about 60. Thirty years in religion (C.R.S., ix, 400)

ness [p. 2] of you I am desired by Sister Gee* to intreat you most humbly to grant her one communion for her intention, any time that you think fitt within this present year & she will offer 2 for you. I depend my dear Madm upon a constant remembrance in your prayers& good works I shall never fail to offer you and yours in my prayers such as they are & to supply my deficiencys I make you in virtue of my Office partaker in all the little servis [sic] that we pay to our devine [sic] Master and that as long as this Convent subsists including good Mr Heneage& your Daughters to which I subscribe my name this 2d day of May, 1785. Sis. Mary Clare Bond of Jesus Prioress

[A double quarto sheet addressed to]

My dear Madam Mrs Heneage to be left with Mr Coghland Bookseller Duke Street, Grosveners Square London

Paris Jan. 15. 1786 Ireceived thefavour of yours very safe at last byMrWaters was sincearly glad to hear you was well and all your good family & hope you have continued so ever since My good Friend Mr Lucas rote me a short letter by our Postulant & not a word have I heard of him ever since, tho I have twicerote to him which makes me fear he is or has been ill She is a most pious good young woman indeed and as far as I can see has an exelent vocation and is as happy & likely to proceed as her good Companions are. the 2 Eldest where Profest on our Ladys day the 21 ofNovember Sis Greenway§ hopes for the same happynessnext summer and the two postulants for to be Cloathd. I must tell you my dear Madam in confidence that I have been a little mortifyd about the impertunitys you have had from Sis Agnes & her Sis conserning there Neices I should not have given Her leave to have rote about it only the good Nun at Bruges had advanced so far that without shocking I could not refuse. She has got a friend in these parts who will contribute something but the expence of fitting out and the Journey will take a sum

* Mother Anne Joseph Gee of the Holy Family, died 27 Nov. 1816 (C.R.S. , ix, 406).

Query: Dom James Placid Waters, alias Duviviers, O.S.B., born in London in 1740, professed at St. Gregory's, Douay, in 1757 , died in Rome 7 Dec. 1800 ? His father, John Waters, was a banker in London and Paris (C.R.S. , viii, 431)

The Rev. Simon Lucas, priest at Cadeby and Newport, I.W.

§ Mother Mary Scholastica Greenwayof the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, died 3 Oct. 1807, aged 49 (C.R.S. , ix, 404-5)

Sister Agnes Norrissee previous Letter.

that I think [p. 2] would be better bestowd in providing for the Children and Mother together in England, for a fine education may do them more harm then Poverty. The Pension at Bruges is 400 a year & other expensis, at Paris it sertainly should be more. where things are now come to such an exorbitant price and dayly threanten to be still dearer. the Nun at Bruges as well as Sis Agnes will be quite easyto folow your sentiments I dare say- if you think my notion is wright and thought fitt to signefy it to either of them, but I must beg the favour of you not to name me in it, as I have only told you my dear Madam my private sentiments as to a friend I value & Esteem-& who I knowfinds reale wants sufficient to imploy her charitys in if the Eldest should have a vocation God will afford her in time the means to comply with it I doubt notand for a trade or a place I should think it would be better procured where she isin a word Ten pound on the spot where they are would be full as much as twenty to send them over I humbly recommend to your good prayers and those of all the persons of Piety you can procure, a young creature whoseconversion I have some hopes of probablyshemay loose all for this life by it, but divine Providence will not forsake herif she has courage to trust to him, pray for me thatGodmay give me the grace to move her to it effectualyfor she has taken a great confidence and affection to me just here a letter is come from Mrs Norris who informs her sister that you have been so good as to deposit money for the sending over the Childrenso shall lett [p. 3] Sis Agnes give what answer she thinks best I hope my dear Madame that good Mr Heneage your self and the young Ladysare well to whom with all my little familyI present every wish thats good and kind for this year and every one you live which for the benefit of others and the increas of your merit I most sincearly hope will be very many, be assurd ofmyconstant Remembrance in such poor prayers as mine I shall be happyto hear when God affords you the comfortable change I so muchintreat himfor but wemust pray& wait withpatience & resegnation the time apointed I shall write to my dr and hond Friend Mr Lucas by this same ocasion I beleive my dr Madam you are not a stranger to the holy union which subsists between us I am truelygrateful to God and you who made me acquainted with him. & I hope I shall benefit by his charitable and holy prayers for me how sweet & aimable is the conduct of devine Providence you brought him to Paris for an end my dear Madam you knew nothingof, & I say so much to you on it, that you may be assured it was notin vain you brought him withyou. Mrs Moore's health is much as it used to be she desires her kind Complyments to you& yoursso does her Sisters. our Confessor* sends his respectful

A few years later, at the time of the Revolution, the Confessor was the " Rev. Mr Nayler " (C.R.S. , ix, 402) Dom J. J. [Placid] Naylor, O.S.B. , died at Paris 9 January 1795 (C.R.S. , xii, 49)

wishes of all desireable happiness to your self & family, we have a greattreasure in him. our house visibly increases in solid virtue under his Pious and prudent conduct God continue him to us to the further advancement of his Glory is my dayly prayer pray favour me with a letter sometimes as it will be a consolation to me to here from one I doe & ever shall esteem as my dearest friend be assurd of this my dr Madam and the respect withwhich I am your very humble & obedient servant Sis Mary Clare Bond of Jesus P.S. Sis Macdonald has spoke much to me of a Book publised by Mr Clinton on dayly Com

should be much obliged to you for one in case you are in town.

[A single quarto sheet .]

My very dear Madam

The adorable will of God has chosen me a very mouving occasion whereby I may find means to give you stronger assurance than ever I could before, ofthat sincear love and affectionate friendship which I have for you in our Lord, by makeing myself a fellow feeler of all your greif in the great sacrifice which God has required at your hands, I will beg of him without ceasing to sanctifie your soul by it in the maner his devine Majesty wishes you to do in the perfect acquicement of your will to his holy dispensations, and devine will for the dear soul departed, it shall beto me as the soul of my Brother. Nothing that can be of benefit for its speedy injoyment of God shall be forgotten with me our whole Community, and the numerous connections I have withthe pious servants of God, and my dear friends the poor. but above all the Adorable Sacrifice, and Communions with our visits to the blessedsacrement shall not be spared my dear Sisters every one of them desires me to assure you of the share they take in your affliction & how cordialythey will join with me in their supplications to heaven [p. 2] God direct you to his glory in disposeing all things to his greater honour in all your affairs both spiritual & temporal that you may give your self to him in peace after all your exterior conserns are settled when you can, pray lett me hear from you as I shall be in pain least the heavy tryal should overturn your very weak constitution til you have more leisure good Mr Lucas can lett me know how you do, which favour

* Mother Teresa Catherine Macdonald of the Blessed Sacrament , died 29 Nov. 1831 , Sub-Prioress (C.R.S. , ix, 412-3). The account of her in C.R.S. vol ix says that she was elected Prioress at Cannington on the death of Mother Teresa Joseph Johnson, i.e. 1807, yet Mother Mary Bernard Frost , who died in 1813, was said to be Prioress " four years or near , " until her death (Ibid., p 405).

Frequent Communion : or, the Advantages and Necessity of it asserted and proved from Scripture, Authority and Tradition By A.C., London , 1780Rev. Alexander Clinton, vere Mackenzie , S.J.

The death of James Windsor Heneage, 19 Feb. 1786

March 4. 86


beg of him and that he will be assured of my respectful remembrance . I remain and ever shall my dear Madame your most sincear and partakeingfriend & humble servant Sis Mary Clare Bond of J. Our Confessordesireshis kind and respectful remembrance, & will constantly remember the dr Deceased at the Alter

Nos 24 and 25. Letters dated (24) Aire, 31 August 1786; (25) Aire, 28 October 1786; from Mother Mary Catherine Hodgson.*

[A singlequarto sheet, written on on both sides . The other sheet has evidently been torn off .]

Honord Madame

I flater myself your goodness will pardon my so long delayin acknowlidgeing your most gratious favour and not impute my Silence to any want of gratitude for your exceeding great Goodness and Charity to us, whichwe shall ever retainea greatfull remembrance of as long as this house subcists by offeringup our poor prayers for yourselfand all that is Dear to you. accept tho late mine and Communitys most Greatfull thanks for your late Bountifull Charity £ 50 , which we have received. the reason I deferd writing so long was to giveyou a more satisfactoryaccount of the Prayers and Masses which you desier'd to be sayd the twelve Masses are discharg'd . we have also offerd up Holy Communion for your Intentions several times we say'd the Veni Creatorwith a prayer to our Bd Lady and Saint Josepheforyour Intention ten days we are now saying the Office of the Dead five for each of the Soules of the three Dear deceased, and with the Councel of my Discreets and the aprobation of Rd Father Provintial we engage ourselves to have the three Aniversary Masses for the Repose of the Soules of Mr Heneage your Dear Father and Motherfor the space of twenty years (begining from the 11th of September of the present year) if please God this House subcists so long as we confide in the Mercys of Allmighty God it will. you may be assurd of our dayly prayers for yourself Dear Miss Heneage and Mrs Fitsherbert to whom all the Community unites me in best Respects particularly Miss Weld and Miss Coghlans§ I hope Dear Madame the term of years fixd for the three Aniversa [ry] Masses will be to your Satisfaction which I shallbe Glad to hear, as also that Miss Heneageandyou

* Of the Poor Clares at Aire in Artois The death of a Rev. Mother CatherineHodgson, of the Poor Clares , is recordedat ClareHouse , Plymouth, 19 Nov. 1813 (C.R.S. , xii, 123)

Anniversary of Mr. John Browne, Mrs. Heneage's father. Elizabeth Heneage was married to Basil Fitzherbert 27 (or 26) Feb.


§ A PoorClareSister, Ann Coghlan, died at Coxside, Plymouth, 22 March 1829 (C.R.S. , xii, 183) Torn ,

are in good health the favour of a few lines will add to themany obligations conferd on

Honord Madame

Your most obedient Humble Servant

Mary Catherine Hodgson Abb: unworthy Aire Augt the 31st 1786

Mr Nutt* desierd me to present his Respectfull Complyments to you and Miss Heneage he set out for England the 27th instant, Mr and Mrs Coghlan left us the 25th who also desierd thair Respects

[A double quarto sheet addressed to] A Madame

Madame Heneage Chez les Dames Benedictines

Angloisses Rue Angloisses Faubourgue

St Marcell A Paris

[Printedin thetopright-hand corner, apparently a post-marking]

[p. 1]

Honord Madame, Aire Artois

I take the liberty of troubling you with these few lines to assure you of mine and Communitys best and most Greatfull [sic] Respects was glad to find by the favour of your last that the term of years fixd for the Anniversarys &c was agreable and satisfactory to you. we can never be suffitiently [sic] greatfull to you for your great and Benevolent Charitys to us at a time we were in thegratestnecessaty [sic]. all the return we can make is to offer up our Prayers to the throon [sic] ofAllmighty God for you and all that is Dear to you as you are the best Benefactor we have living on the feast of All Saints we shall offer up Holy Communion for your Intention High Mass will also be Sung for you, with all the Devotions of that day for your preservation . I hope this will find you and Miss Heanage in good health and that MrsFitsherbertwas well when you heard from her all the Community desier [sic] thair best Respects to you particularly Miss Weld and the two Miss Coghlan who also unites me in the same to Miss Heanage believe me to be with deepest Sentimentsof Gratitude

Honord Madame

Your Most Obedient Humble Servant

Mary Catherine Hodgson Abb: Aire 8ber the 28th 1786

[The two inside pages, 2 and 3, blank.] unworthy

The following Historical Notices were received in 1893 by the Rev. R. G. Davis from St. Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth They

* Fr. PacificusNutt, O.S.F. , Provincial See Bishop Talbot's letter of Jan. 1794. He had probably been on a visitation

are included here on account of their valuable data and because the first Notice identifies the writer of the next letter, and the second explainsthe visits to Pontoise mentionedin the Heneage Ledgers. The first Notice might be considered a supplement to C.R.S., xix, 1 et seq., and the second a supplement to C.R.S., xvii, 248 et seq

" The Abbey of Dunkirk

"In the year 1662 , this monasterywas founded at Dunkirkby the Lady Abbess of the English BenedictineDames at Ghent, DameMary Knatchbull As Dunkirk then belonged to England, the consent of the King Charles II was asked for and obtainedbefore the new foundation was commenced . Twelve religious, seven choir nuns and five Lay Sisters, were sent from Ghent Dame Mary Caryll, a member of the ancient Sussex family of that name , being appointedSuperior Her companions in the work were Dame Ignatia Fortescue, Dame Anne Neirl, Dame Flavia Cary, D ConstantiaSavage, D Scholastica Heneage, * D Agatha Webb, D. Valeria Stanley, D Christina Munson, D Anastasia Maurice , D Xaveria Pordese [or Pordege], and D Viviana Eyre, all ladies of birth and singular virtue Five of these religiousafterwards returned to Ghent when the community of Dunkirk had becomesufficiently numerous The new community was established in May 1662 : the Reverend Mr Gerard accompanying the nuns as Chaplain . Dame Mary Caryll, who though young, had won the confidence of all by her greatpietyand the sweetnessof her dispositionwas chosen the Abbess , and solemnly blessed on the 24th June 1664; and so rapidly did her community increase under her guidance, that before her deathin 1712 , she had received to profession ninety-five religious

" The donations bestowed on her by her Father, John Caryll Esqre of Harting and West Grinstead , her uncle Lord Petre, and other benefactors, enabled her to erect a Church and other monastic buildings. In this work she received valuable assistance from her brother, Dom AlexiusCaryll, a BenedictinemonkofSt Gregory's monasteryatDouay, who was well skilled in architecture

" The troubles of the French Revolution which fell so heavily on all religious houses, did not spare the English Abbey at Dunkirk. On October 13th 1793 the inclosure was invaded, all records and documents seized , and the expelled religious imprisoned , together with two other communities , at Gravelines, where they remained for 18 months. So great were the hardships of this imprisonment that eleven of the nuns died, and several others were seriously ill when permission was at length obtainedfor their removalto England The BenedictineDames , now reduced to the number of 25 reached London in May 1795 , and took up their abode in the old Convent at Hammersmith, which was soon made over entirely to their use. There they remained till in 1863 they removed to their present Monastery of St Scholastica, at Teignmouth, in Devonshire , where in 1875 they took up the Perpetual Adoration.

" The Abbesses of Dunkirk 1. Dame Mary Caryll, professed at Ghent, February 6th 1650 , sent toDunkirkin 1662, blessedAbbess on June 24th, 1664 , diedin office , August 21st 1712.

* Became Prioress ; accompaniedLady Abbess Caryll to the Abbey of St. Bertin at St. Omer, wherethe Abbess was to be blessed on 24 June 1664 , and died there 25 June 1664 .

2. Dame Benedicta Fleetwood , professed in 1686; blessed Abbess on Oct. 2nd, 1712 ; died Oct 10th 1748 . 3 4

Dame Mary Frances Fermor, professed on the 23rd April, 1713; blessed Abbess on Oct. 20th 1748; died December 10th 1764. Dame Mary Winifred Englefield ; professed in 1736 ; became Abbess in 1765 ; died Feb. 12th 1777.

5. Dame Mary Magdalen Prujean, professed June 14th 1750; blessed Abbess May 20th 1777. Under her guidance the community settled at Hammersmith near London in 1795.* Her successor was 6. Dame Mary PlacidaMessenger, professed at Pontoise, August 10th 1772; blessed Abbess at Hammersmith, November 3rd 1812 ; died August 30th 1828."

" The Abbey of Pontoise, near Paris, commenced at Boulogne in 1652, and settled at Pontoise in 1658

" In January 1652, a few of the religious of the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady at Ghent, were sent bythe Lady Abbess, Dame Mary Knatchbull , to establish a new community at Boulogne. The nuns selected for the new foundation were the following: Dame Catherine Wigmore, daughter of William Wigmore Esqre of Lutton, Herefordshire; Dame Lucy Perkins: Dame Anne Neville, daughterof Lord Abergavenny , First Baron of England: Dme Margaret Markham; Dme Eugenia Thorold, daughter of Edmund Thorold Esq of Hough, near Grantham, and D Christina Forster , daughter of Sir Richard Forster Secretaryand Treasurer to the Queen of England When in 1658 Dunkirkfell into the power of Cromwell, the nuns of the new monasteryat Boulogne were strongly advised to quit a sea port town liable to a similar fate, and to withdraw further intothe country; and accordinglythey removed to Pontoise near Paris Lady Abbess Knatchbull tells us in her writings that she was greatly assisted in this undertaking by Monsieur Vincent whose power and credit were exerted in her behalf, and whose name is now known throughout theChurchas the greatSaintVincent de Paul The Pontoise community flourished for many years but meeting subsequently with heavy pecuniary losses, occasioned partly by the non-payment of large sums promised by Queen Mary Beatrice in expectation of her return to the throne, andpartlyby the failure ofa bank in whichnearly all their funds were deposited, there remained for them no alternative but the sorrowful necessity of separation . The community at the period of its dissolution in 1786 consisted of ten choir religious and four Lay-Sisters The Abbess, Dame Anne Clavering and fourof her Choir nuns , Dame Mary Teresa Armstrong, Dame Placida Messenger, Dame Mary Winifred Clarke and Dame Mary Frances Markham, together with two Lay-Sisters, Agnes Morgan and Anne Lincoln, were received into the community of Dunkirk, the remainder of the community finding an asylum in otherConvents The sale of the houseand grounds at Pontoise enabled the nuns to discharge their liabilities to the tradespeople of the town whohad longand faithfully served them , and who deeply regretted theirdeparture

" The Abbesses of this Community

1. Dame Catherine Wigmore, blessed Abbess at Boulogne, October 18th, 1653. Died October 28th 1656.

* Died 15 May 1812 , aged 87, at Hammersmith (C.R.S., xii, 116).


Dame Christina Forster , blessed Abbess, May 16th 1657. The Community removed to Pontoise in 1658 , where this Abbess died December 16th 1661 .

3. Dame Eugenia Thorold, blessed Abbess of Pontoise March 7th 1662 ; died December 21st 1667.



Dame Anne Neville, blessed Abbess in February, 1668 ; died December 15th 1689 .

Dame Elizabeth Dabridgecourt , elected in December 1689, resigned in 1710

6. Dame Xaveria Gifford, elected Abbess on March 7th 1710 ; died February 11th , 1711.

7. Dame Elizabeth Joseph Widdrington, elected Abbess on March 18th 1711 ; died November 9th 1730

8. Dame Marina Hunloke, * elected Abbess on December 6th 1730; died March 3rd 1753

9 Dame Anne Catherine Haggerston, elected March 31st 1753; died October 8th 1765.

10. Dame Mary Anne Clavering , elected Abbess on October 24th 1765. At the dissolutionof her Abbey, June 12th 1786, she with several ofher nuns joined the DunkirkCommunity, andat the Revolution settledwith them at Hammersmith, where she diedon November 8th 1795."

No. 26. Letter dated Dunkirk 9 July 1788 , from Abbess Mary Magdalen Prujean , O.S.B., of Dunkirk Abbey. [A double quarto sheet addressed to]

A Madame Madame Heneage

Chez les Pauvres Clarisses


Artois A Aire

Dear Madam

This morning I was Honor'd with your letter by Br Daniel, and am very glad it gives me an opportunity to return you thanksfor the Charitable Donation you were so kind to send to this Comty for Prayers for your Deceasd Husband &c this I should have done immediately upon the receipt of that money but as I did not know your address, I beg'd Mr Barnard who remitted it to me to say every thing that was proper from me and mine upon that occasion which I hope he did or I must appear very ungrateful to our Good Benefactor. I also wrote at the same time to Bishop James Talbot upon that subject, and told him what we would performconformable to what was desired of us. Viz. we have Inregester'd Mrs Henneage in our Books to be ever rememberd as a Benefactor to this House and to partake of those Masses and Prayers that are appointed in this com-

* Aunt of James Windsor Heneage, educated at Hammersmith

The Rev. James Barnard, V.G. London District (Gillow , Dict of Eng Cath ., i, 136-7).

munity for our Benefactors, we have three Aniversary [sic] Masses Every Year for your Father Mother and Husband to continue for twenty years, upon the Respective Days and Names as specifyed to us, and we had upon receiving the 50 pound fifteen Masses for Mrs and Miss Heneages Intention [p. 2] Ihope Dr Madam this will be satisfactory, and thatyou will be persuaded that we are ever Mindful of our Benefactors Living and Dead whichis a strickt Observancein this Community. we all join in best and grateful compliments to you and Miss Heneage. If I should be so happy as to see you at Dunkerque it will give me great pleasure to give you my thanks by word of mouth and to assure you how much I am


July 9. 1788 [p. 3 blank ]

Dear Madam

Your most obliged and obedient Humble Servant


No. 27. Dated 22 June [no year given] pencil notation 1788; from the Abbé Henry Edgeworth . * [A double small quarto sheet, addressed to]

Madame Heneage chez les ReligieusesAngloises de Ste Claire. A Aire en Artois [Underneath, written in pencil] Written in 1788 Vide No 17


I'm ashamed to be so long in your debt : but sincereceipt ofthe letter you favoured me with, I reallyhave not had a moment to my self. I charged the Revd Mother to inform you that the Bill was come to hand, and by the same occasion, to make my apology for not writing to you by the return of the post. had I foreseen that you intended sending me any money for Masses , I would have forewarned you, that I never take any however as the money is here, I shall not send it back to you. I thought it better to put it into the hands of the Mother Prioress, who will make a good use of it. as to the Masses they shall be said as speedily as will be consistant with some previous engagementsof the same kind but you must be so good as to fix the number , next time you write to the Revd Mother: then I shall discharge

* The Rev. Henry Essex Edgeworth of Firmont , Vicar-Generalof the diocese of Paris, and Confessor to Louis XVI; died at Mittau, 22 May 1807 , from a disease contracted while attending French prisoners (C.R.S., xii, 97) Hewas alsoextraordinary Confessor to the Benedictinenuns in Paris (C.R.S. , ix, 399, 403)

1.e. LetterfromDunkirk, dated 9 July 1788; presumably because both letters are to the same address .

them faithfully, one or two each week hereafter, if you desire I should say any masses for you, I beg you will let me know; but dont think of sending me any retribution. I shall always deem my self happy [p. 2] to have it in my power to give you this or any other proof of my zeal: and the pleasure of serving you, will be a more abundant salary, than all you could possibly offer

Theprediction ofyour Saint is very consoling may it prove true. I beg you will recommend me to his prayers ifyou have an occasion of seeing him, or writing to him pray dont forget me in yours. if you have a mind to oblige me vastly, you will offer them up likewise for four persons who are most Dear to me , and are on the brink of everlasting perdition may Almighty have mercy on them My Mother and Sister join in most respectful compliments to you and Miss Heneage. though I have not the honour of being personaly acquainted with Miss Heneage, I take the libertyto present mine believe me Dear Madam,with unfeigned respect, Your most obedt & humble Servt 22. Jun. H. Edgeworth

No. 28. Letter dated Cadeby, 14 November 1793 ; from the Rev. William Darra. * [A double quarto sheet, but the second sheet has been torn off .] +Dear Madm

I have now to inform you that I have made a purchase everyway suited to the intention it is design'd for. It has only one misfortunethe price being very greatbut still with the remedy in my own hands. The purchase money is seven hundred pounds. The purchased Estate consists of a very neat Dwelling house Garden &can adjoining Close of three acres of land In the same & nearly contiguous to the House a good Brick & Tile building 27 foot by 21 & in hight proportioned . In this last you plainly see Mad a future Chaple The whole is situated in Louth as to meet the approbation (as far as I know) of all who have heard ofit or whoseopinion I have consulted previous to engaging it. Now I have Madmtwo favors to askthefirst to knowprecisly & distinctly what sort of Chaple you wish to have built or estab-

* In a series of notices collected circa 1830 by Mr. George Young from elderly Catholics then living, and which were at Louth in 1893, occurs the following : " 2nd Priest The Revd W. Darrahe was a native of Irelandhe came to the Louthmission about the year 1792 from the Cadebymissionhe was educated at Valladolid in Spain. He died at Louth on the 19thof Janry. 1817 , aged 57. He was buried in Louth Parish Church where there are two Tablets to his memory. "

A William Darragh is entered in the Valladolid Register as being from Ulverston in Lancashire He entered the College 16 June 1771, the son of Nigel Darragh and Agnes (Askew), born 29 March 1759 , and was ordained priest 14 June 1783 (C.R.S. , xxx, 199, 207) The name and birthplace differ in the two accounts, but the age is the same

lish'd that so I may know when I have fulfil'd your desire And secondly that engaging my self to fullfil entierly your will yougive me a power to draw upon your Bankerfor five hundred pounds. The reason I request the first is obvious-& the second I desire because upon a private promise of paying down a considerable part ofthe purchase money imediately upon the Estatebeing conveyed over to mehe remainingby permission upon the premises tillMay daynexthe agreedof the purchase whichwas orriginaly £735 to abate the thirty five. NowMadm whatI mention'd above ofhaving the power in my own hands is this. when ever I please I can sell part of it so as to reduce the purchase [p. 2] to five or even four hundred pounds .I hope in that I have acted prudently --but perhaps am unwise in being determin'd if possible to keep the whole . Iam convinc'd it will one day or other be foundhighly servicable . I am very sorry my expectations from other quarters fallveryshort . Afewpounds arenot more than sufficient todefray the extraordinary expences I am unavoidablyput tobut I am no ways discourag'd at that. But nowI mentionlittle expencespray did you intend the accumulatinginterest which I supose is 3 pr to go with the donation Ifyou did pray be so goodas to inform me in your next. Thus Madmhavinggiven you the outlines of the business I will not detain you any longer with my scrawl but referit to the time when I shall satisfy the interrogationyou may be pleas'd to make. I amignorant ofyour present residance but if with any of your good family pray remember me kindly to them & to Mr Lucas.

Cadeby Nov 14th 1793

with resps, your most obedt Sert Wm Darra

No. 29. Letter dated Lullworth Castle, 12 October 1795; from Mr. Thomas Weld* to Mrs. Heneage at Claughton. [A double quarto sheet addressed to]

Madam , Mrs Heneage at Claughton Nr Garstang


Lullworth Castle Oct: 12th 1795 .

I was duly favored with yours & according to your desire I carried the letter to the Good Prior ; the draft has been duly paid by Bp Douglass & the Prior has directed me to assureyou that their prayers shall not be wantingto you for the intentions you mentioned ; He was much delighted with your expression of prayingfor true humility, he said that was sufficient to convince

* Father of Cardinal Weld

Dom Jean Baptiste de Noyer, who with six Cistercian monkscameto Lulworth in October 1794 , at the invitation of Mr. Weld, and were placed in the chaplain'shouse nearthe castle (cf. C.R.S., vi, 366-7; Oliver, Collections)

him of your Sanctity You need not wish for more of these holy monks of this Order coming to England; they increase so fast canscarcemake room for them There is oneEnglishtookthe habit They are now twelve in Community & expect two more for the Noviceshipvery soon . I have not yet finished their new house . When it is there will be room for more We have had the pleasure of seeing your son & daughter, they are very well at Weymouth. Mrs Weld & all my family are well & unite in Compts to you & Mr & Mrs Brockholes We go this week to my Eldest daughter's profession at Winchester * I am

Madam yr Obed : humble Ser

Thomas Weld

No. 30. Letter dated Samalaman, 9 January 1799; from Bishop John Chisholm

Another letter from Bishop HughMacDonald, C.SS.R. , to the Rev. R. G. Davis of Cowes, dated 28 September 1893, supplies the background for the following letter:

Samalaman was for a short time the Highland Seminary & Bishop's residence. Samalaman is situatedon the West Coast of Invernesshire & onthe South side ofanarm of the sea called Loch na Nuagh, almost opposite the Island of Eigg. "

And in another letter to the same, dated 3 Oct. 1893: " The intended establishment' was probably the new College that was established on the Island of Lismore in the year 1804 , i.e., 5 years later than the Bishop's letter. Lismore is a large Island, 10 miles long. The College, which was at the South end of the Island , is about 5 miles from Oban, & is still standing I visited it last April, atthe time ofthe Consecration ofthe BishopofArgyll The old buildingsstillremain & are occupied bya farmer. There is the old College, & the Bishop's House, with the Chapel between them . .. . P.S. we saw BishopJohnChisholm's tomb in the little College Cemetery of Lismore , & beside it that of his nephew Bishop Æneas Chisholm "

[A double quarto sheet addressed to] Mrs E Heaneage of Newport

Madam , Hants Isle of Wight

[p. 1 blank.]

[р 2]

Samalaman 9th January 1799

On receipt of your letter & draft I inclosed a line under cover to B. Douglass requesting the favor of you to send me your draft on stamp this request is now unnecessaryas B. Douglass has settled the matter with the bankers and has given me besides

* Juliana Weld , in religion Sister Frances de Sales, O.S.F. , buried at Winchester 30 Oct. 1800, aged 26 (C.R.S., i, 202).

Vicar Apostolic, Lowland District, Scotland, born 1752 , consecrated 12 Feb. 1792, and died 8 July 1814

I.e. on stamped paperotherwise the drafts were refused

a character of you which the virtue you mention in your letter and which you have so much at heart forbids me to repeat your commands to B. Hay I did not fail to transmit. your otherrequest has partly been and shall be in full faithfully complied with. I shall not in this line repeat my thanks for your benefaction in support of our intended establisment [sic]. am confident a purer motive than thanks from any Mortal has been the Spring of the actions ofyour life he on whoseaccount you have extended your charity knows what you have done and knows how to reward

[p. 3] what is done for his Glory. wishing you a large share in the blessings of the holy days that are now at an end and many happy returns of this season

I am , Madam your most obt & muchobliged hble Servt

John Chisholm E.O.*


These letters show that Alexander Knight was Agent for Mrs Heneage. There is one entry in Windsor Heneage's " Waste Book , ' or " Day Book," under date 26 May 1785 , Gave Mr Alx Knight, for old Fawcett of Hainton 5/" (For Alexander Knight and family see C.R.S. , iv, 260; xxii, 194). Though mostly concerned with financial matters, they give a few details about the Rev. William Darra (see his letter supra) They also show that Mrs. Heneage apparently left Cadeby after her husband's death in 1786. They are written on fourpage sheets , folded and addressed on part of the fourth; the two first letters foolscap sheets, the rest quarto sheets.

No. 1. [Dated 16 June 1786; addressed] To Mrs Heneage at Mr Coghlan's Printer in Duke Street Grosvenor Square

[p . 1] Hond Madam

London [post-marked] 19 Ju.

Enclosed I take the liberty of sending you an Account of the Sale of Stock &c at Cadeby and shall take care to send Bills to Messrs Wrights on your Account as soon as I can fall in for them , the Sale was not so good a one as I could have wish'dbutIhave noreasontodoubtbut MrPinner (the Auctioneer) did his best . I shall be much obliged to you to inform me by a letter directed to me at Cadebywhere I propose to be next Thursday, Fryday & Saturday being the days of Sale, of the following particulars first whether the Game piece (a picture in the Chimney piece of the Best Chamber) is yours and to be taken down. 2d About the repairs, which I hoped to hear from you before. 3d How long a time you are liableto payrentforCadeby , * Episcopus Oriensis , Bishop of Oria .


the Land being nowall cleared 4th Mr Tennyson wishestoknow the particulars of your settlement respecting the Washington Estate. I shall be very happy if we can hear how you approve ofour last Sale before we proceed to the next After the Sale was over I heard MrWrigglesworthwish'd on thepart ofMrMackenzie to have the sale put off however as he did not mentionit to me I could do nothing and indeed Mr Dara* to whom he made his proposals, told me they could have had no wright. I am Hond Madam with the greatest respect

Sixhills Grange

June the 16th 1786

P:S: Please to make my

Your most obliged Humble Serv to command Alex Knight best respects to Mrs Lee

[p. 2 blank.]

[p. 3] An Account of Stock &c sold at Cadeby June the 12th 1786

To Mr Weldon 11 Shearlings at 23sper head

To Do

To Mr West

To MrGrant

To Do

To Do

To Do

To Do

To Do

To Do

20 Ewes & Lambs at 24s/6d 20 Shudr Hogs at 158/9d 14 Ewes without Lambs at 178/3d 10 Huder Hogs at 168/3d

2 Beasts at 20 Ewes & Lambs at 228/3d 20 Ewes & Lambs at 228 A Waggon

27 Shudr Hogs at 168

To Mr Brooks an Ass: and Foal

To Mr Cunningham Chesnut Mare (lame)

To Mr Howson a Cow & Calf

To Mr Hunt a pair of harrows

To Mr Golding 20 Ewes & Lambs at 228/3d

To Do 12 Ewes & Lambs at 225/6

To Do 1 Ewe & Lambs 2 bad ones

To Mr Rowland 2 Asses

To Do a cart

To Mr Hudson 5 Doz" of Trays at 6s/6d

Carry'd to Account

Particulars mentiond in our Valuation and not sold as follows

Hainton Horse gone to Lond" valued at Black Lame Horse to Do valued Black Old Horse given to Mr Hunt

Some other things not yet sold

* The Rev. William Darra. Covered with black sealing-wax

No. 2. [Dated 23 March 1791; addressed]

To Mrs Heneage No 27 Golden Square


[Post-mark indecipherable , except for the word Lincoln stamped twice on the address Sealed with black wax .]

[p. 1 blank.]

[p. 3] Hond Madam

Enclos'd I have the pleasure of sending your Account to this time , with a Bill for thefull Balance, which Ihope you will find right. I have, as you was pleas'd to order me , charged the £15 118 0d, whichI was to have receiv'd of Mr Darafrom your last Account to this and as to any trouble I may have had in this as it is but a small affair I have made no charge of it. I am truly mortified at my being again obliged to send you such a lame account of your Clock, Telescope &c at Cadeby, I can with great truth say it is not owing to anyneglect of mine . Ihave repeatedly spoke to Mr D: on that subject, as I inform'd you in my last, to which I was [in]* hopes of being favour'd with your answer before now a[nd I]* deferr'dsending your Accountsome time for that reason [I]* should have waited longer but was afraid you would think long for it In about six weeks your Tennants at Laceby willpay their year's Rents, which I shall takecare toremit to you as usual My wifejoins me in our most respectfull Compliments to yourself and Miss Heneage I am happy to hear you have found your Isle of Wight writings and Sixhills Grange March the 23d 1791 am Hond Madam Your most obliged Humble Servt to command

[p. 2. Written lengthwise ] Alex Knight to Mrs E: Heneage 1789

March 24

Apl 4 Do

Octobr 13

May Alex™ Knight Dr £ s d

Received a year's Jointure from Cadeby Due Febry the 19th 1789

Received of Mr Robt Cropper a year's net Rent Due Lady Day 1789

Received ofMr Bell a years Do DueDo

Received half a years Jointure from Cadeby Due Augst the 19th 1789

Received of Mr Bell a year's full Rent Due Lady Day 1790 1790 4th 8

Receivedhalf ay " DoDue Febry 19th1790 10 :

Do Received of Mr Robt Cropper a yrs Do Due Do



: 0 : 0 Do Received for 3 year's Outrents Due Michs 88 3:10 : 6 * Torn; where the seal was. Mary Heneage. G

Sepr 25. 1791

Jany 5

Received half yr Jointure Due Augst 19th. 90

Received2 year's Outrents Due Mich³ .

Febry 28. Febry 90

Received half a year's Jointure Due

per Contra 1789

April 1st

Aug. 2d

Octobr 29th 1790

May the 8 Do Do 13


July 13 1791

March 8.

To yourself by Messrs Wright & Co

To Mrs Coates by your order

To a proportionatepart of an Outrent Due at Mrs Heneage's death

To yourselfby Messrs Wright & Co.

To a year's Taxes for Mr Bell's Farm Due Lady Day 1790

To a years Do for Mr R: Croppers Do

To a year's Outrent from Do Due to Sr Cecil Wray at Michs. 89

To yourself by Messrs Wright & Co

To Wm White Joiner for a case for the Harpsichord& Packing

To Crow Quills sent to you

To the carriage of the Harpsichordto Lincoln

To myself by your order to Mr Dara not paid

Total of Disbursments

March 23. By Bill sent to Mrs Heneage

No. 3. [Dated 28 September 1795. Addressed]

Mrs Heneage

Newport Isle Wight Hants

[post-marked] Market Raisin " B.O.C.I.95" [p . 3] Hond Madam

Having receiv'd your favour of the 4th Inst in which I am truly sorry to observe you seem dissatisfied with what I have done respecting the management of your affairs here, I must beg leave to answer it in everypart and in doing this I am under the necessity of saying, that tho' I have not yet paid the full of what I have received on your Account there has allways been upon settling every Account which I have had the honour of having

withyou a balance due to me and as you have several times given me orders to do this or the other little thing I have kept the very little money which is in my hands to answer any exigence of that kind. As to your alteration of Rents, it begun (as you observe) from Lady Day 1794, which was as soon as it could from your orders. The Misstatement of Rent, which you have been pleas'd to observe betwixt the year 1776 and the present time [p. 2. Written lengthwise] must (I suppose ) have been owing to some alteration of Rent made by Mr Heneageat that time and some additional Taxes laid upon the Estatein consequence thereof, but as it was long before I had the honour of being concern'd I cannot answer it particularly. As to the Account being stated to May-Day, the Land has allways been, what is commonly call'd May Day Land tho' the Account has usually stated it to Lady Day. In regard of Mrs Randall's money, tis so long since it was paid and the Account settled, that I cannot positively say what it was, but I think it was Thirty five Pounds by 2 payments As soon as I receive the LacebyOutrents, which I will as soon as possible I will take care to send your Account and the Balance I am sorry to inform you both Mr Dara and myself are likely to be great losers by our Chapel Business at Louth I am also very sorry to inform you Mrs H: Heneage is but poorly, tho' I hope no worse than usual. My wife joins me in our most respectful Comptsto yourself & Mr Lucas and to Mr & Mrs Brok[holes]* if with you & I remain

H[ond Mada]m* Your most obliged Humble [Servt to com]mand* Sixhills Grange Sep 28th 1795

Alex Knight

No. 4. [Dated 23 December 1796. Addressed]

[p. 1]

Mrs Heneage at B: Fitzherbert's Esqr Swinnerton near Stone Cross Post Staffordshire

[p. 2] [post-marked] Wragby

Alex Knight to Mrs Winds Heneage Dr sd Crf : s : d 1796

Received of Mr Bell a years Ap¹ 16 net Rent Due MayDay1796 50 : 0: 0 May 25. Received by Mr Smith half ayrs Jointure from Cadeby 10 : 0 : 0 Due Febry 96

June 10

Received of Mr Cropper a years net Rent due May 12 : 0: 0 Day 1796

Nov 23d Received by Mr Smith half a yrs Jointure Due Augst 10 : 0: 0 19th 1796

To Mrs Wind Heneage by my order to Messrs Wright & Co July the 20th96

To one Year's salary Due Xmass 96

To the Balance of this Account by Bill' on Messrs Wright & Co Decr the 23d 1796

Hond Madam

Having been inform'd only a very few days ago by Mrs Heneage of Lincoln that you was arrived at Swinnerton , I take the earliest opportunity of sending you my Account with a Bill on Messrs Wright & Co for the Balance; which I hope you will find right. I was favour'd by a letter from you in July last, but as I had paid the full Balance of the preceeding year's Account by Messrs Wright & Co last Feby viz FortySix Pounds 18 Shillings and 11d , I thought it unnecessary to trouble you with a letter [p. 3, written lengthwise] till this year was compleated, w[hich]* was only the 23d of last month, and indeed the full yearis scarce compleated yet. I shall also enclose in this the preceedingAccount the Balance of which was paid last Feby and should have sent the particulars of it at the same time ifI had known where you was . I hope you will find the whole perfectlyright. I am certain it is agreable to the orders I received from you, which I have allways endeavoured to execute to the best of my power. As to Mrs Randall's money tis a long time since I settledthat account and deliver'd up the Vouchers, but to the best ofmy recollection and from my Books it appears that I paid Thirty five Pounds at two differentpayments As to the rents of your Lands at Laceby , that part let to Mr Cropper would not be worth so much as itis let for, only it is very useful and convenient to him and as to Mr Bell's farm, ifit is not let for so much as it might possiblybe rack'd up to in these times, it is let for as much as you order'd me to let it for and for more than it was when I enter'd on the Business and the then Tennant gave it up at the rent and ifthe present Tennant(Mr Bell) had not improved it as he has , hecould not have afforded the rent for it My wife joins me in the most respectfulCompts of the Season to yourself and Mrs Fitzherbert. Please also to present mine to Mr Fitzherbert and believe me Hond Madam Your most obliged Humble Sixhills Grange

Decr the 23d 1796 Servt to command Alex Knight

* Torn . This may be 'Mr'

No. 5. [Dated 16 July 1798. Addressed] Mrs Heneage

at Newport in the Isle

of Wight

by London

[p. 3] Hond Madam


[post-marked] Market Raisin

We are happy to find by your favour of the 11th Inst which I received last night that you and your numerous Family are all well, I should certainly have sent your last Account with the small remaining Balance in my hands before now, but as ] suppos'd it was to be your final Account here, I wish'd to have the Quit-rents of Laceby and some small payments to Mr Dara included in it and I have not evenyet had itin my power to collect everything readyfor it As I suppos'd from your favour last year that you & Mr Thos Heneagehad actually agreed foryour Estate at LacebyI did not know I was to have the honour of receiving your rents there any more. I have therefore not received either your rents there or annuity from Mr Thos Heneagethis year, but will nowtake care to call for them and remit themto you as soon as I can I will also take care to give your Tennants at Laceby proper notice to quit at next May-Day that beingthe time at whichtheir year is clos'd Notwithstanding I am perhaps as well or better acquainted withSr Geo: Barlow's affairs than anyperson now left in the Country, I am afraid it will scarce be in mypower to give you a very satisfactory account of them, but this I am sorry to say is true that by the neglect and mismanagement of those employ'd in that Business Sr Geo : Barlow's Creditors have been [p. 2, written lengthwise ] shamefully deprived of their just demands for a very great manyyears and this too when there was sufficient to pay all with, if it had been properly attended to. If a meeting of the Creditors or their representatives (for many of the Principals are dead and I am sorry to add died in want ofwhat they had a just right to) was call'd and Mr Heneagewould come forward in the Business it might perhaps yet be brought to an end , but the prospect appears to me a very distant one. Mr Howell seems to like his new situation very well, we were very sorry for his leaving Swinnerton as we were afraid it would be unpleasant to Mrs Fitzherbert Mr Dara lives chieflyat Orford. Teresa Golding lives in his house at Louth & Sam has taken a small farm at Barnetby Mr Newton is still living & tolerably well. Mrs Heneageat Lincoln as usual, but I am afraid thingsare so awkward , we shall not have the pleasure of seeing her this summer . I shall take care to observe your orders respecting Mr * Could this be the Rev. John Howell of Valladolid College, ordained 11 April 1789 anddiedat Nerquis, Mold , N. Wales, 24 Feb. 1810 ? (Cf. C.R.S. , xxx , 210.)See C.R.S., iv, 264 note. Query: Rev. Robert Newton, who died 4 Feb. 1800 ? (C.R.S., xii, 73.)

Sixhills Grange

Thos Heneage'sselling Laceby farms . I am sorry tosaythe times are as alarming and the world as wicked as you describe them. God grant we may all prepare for a happy death, which seems to be the only thing likely to terminate our misfortunes. My wife joins me in the most respectful Compts to you &c and I remain Hond Madam , Your most obliged Humble Servt [to com]mand*

July the 16th 1798 Alex Knight

P:S: you will please to direct to me market]* Rasen

No. 6. [Undated, but accounts made up to 3 November 1798 . Addressed]

Cross post [Re-addressed]

Mrs Heneage at Swinnerton near Stone Staffordshire

Mrs Heneage Newport Isle of wight [Post-mark] Stone

[The Accounts are written across the inside of the sheet , Debit account on p 2 and Credit account on p 3. The Letter underneath begins on p. 2 and continues on p. 3.]

[p. 2]

Alex Knight to Mrs Heneage Dr

Received by MrSmith a year's Jointurefrom Cadeby Due Augst the 19th 1797

Received of Mr Bell a yrs rent Due May-Day 1797

Received of Mr Cropper a year's Do Due Do

Received 2 year's Outrents Due Michs 1797

Received of Mr Bell a year's Do Due Do

Received by MrSmith a year's Jointurefrom Cadeby Due Augst the 19th 1798

1798 Nov the 3d

Balance Due to Mrs Heneage per contra [p. 3] 1797

Dec 16 To yourself by Draft on Messrs Wright & Co 1798

Augst 20 To Do by Do To Mr Dara by your order

To Do for 3 yr & a half Schooling for BridgetMumby'sChildren Due Nov 1798

.. d

* This piece was sealed with wax and has been cut to open the letter. I.e. to address.

The Rev. William Darra Query: Mass stipend ?

[p. 2]

To 2 year's Salary

Hond Madam

Enclos'd I have the pleasure to send your Account_with a Bill for the Balance, which I hope you will find right I am afraid you will think me rather long in sending it, but I assure you it is not long since I receivedyour Jointure and since I settled with Mr Dara and I have been obliged to be from home for this last ten days.

[p. 3] My wife joins me in the most respectful Complimts to you and Mrs Fitzherbert, to whose House I have taken the liberty of addressing this, as I did not know very well where you was As this I suppose is the last Account I shall ever have the honour of sending you, I must beg leave to return you my most grateful thanks for all your past favours to myself and Family and to assure you I remain with the sincerest gratitude your most obliged Humble Servt to command ,

No. 7. [Dated 17 July 1799. Addressed ] Alex™ Knight Mrs Heneage at Newport Isle of wight

[p . 3]

Hond Madam


[Post-marked] Market Raisin [and] B Jul 19 99

Enclos'd I have the pleasure to send you my Draft for Twenty Pounds, which is what I have received ofyour rents as yet. Iam truly sorry it was not in my power to answer yourfirst favour (to any purpose) sooner but I did not receive any money on your Account till some time after I was favour'd with your letter and I was in hopes I [woul]d* have received Mr Bell's rent and have had it in my power [to]* send you the whole Account and Balance long before now. I have both spoke and wrote to him, but I assure you money is very scarce , I believe with most people in this Country at present, however you may be assured as soon as I do receive it, which I hope will be very soon , I shall take care to send the account and Balance to you By a letter, which I received yesterday from Mrs Fitzherbert I find I am to remit Eighteen Guineas to the Revd Mr Beaumont, which I shall of course do. My wife joins me in the most respectful Comptsto you and I remain Hond Madam your most obliged Humble Servt to commd

Sixhills Grange July the 17th 1799

* Torn; where the seal was

Alex Knight


NEWPORT (1792 -Baptisms 1856; Obituaries 1887) and COWES (1796-1856)


In the Isle ofWight the Reformation seems to have blotted out the Faithso muchso that an Oglander of Charles I's reign could boast that in the Island there was " neither fox nor papist " Only two Isle ofWightclergywere deprivedfor refusingtotakethe OathofSupremacy in the early years ofQueen Elizabeth's reign. One of them was Michael Raby, instituted Rector of St. Lawrence in 1536 (John L. Whitehead , The Undercliff of the Isle of Wight, p 201 , Ventnor and London, 1911). Yet, accidentally, the Island has two* martyr priests, Blessed Robert Anderton and Blessed William Marsden, both Lancashire men , the latter from the parish of Goosenargh Both went to Douay 10 July 1580and were entered " ofChester diocese " Theywere sent toEngland 4 February 1586. On account of bad weather the ship was brought into an unnamed port in the Isle ofWight There they were arrested and sent to Winchesterto stand trial at the Lent Assizes On 10 March 1586 they were taken to London by the Sheriff of Hampshireand sent to the Marshalsea. On 16 March writs were issued for their examination. They were taken back to Winchester and handed over to the Sheriff on 21 April. On 25 April 1586 they were hanged and quartered in the Isle of Wight on some high ground in sight of the moaning sea (Stonyhurst MSS., M , fol 134 ; cf. Pollen, Acts of English Martyrs; Challoner , Memoirs of Missionary Priests, pp. 114-5 ; C.R.S., v, 8, 395) The exact site of the martyrdom has not been determined .

" Until recently it was believed that there were no Recusants in the Island Miss Agnes Mott of Christchurch has discovered three: Mark Curle, gent., of Aireton ; Anthonie Lisle, gent , and Mrs. Jane Lisle of Whippingham. Their names were recorded in an Inquisition made in April 1583 (P.R.O. , Dom S. P., vol 160, art 26; quoted from Miss Mott's MSS ). Another trace of lingeringCatholicity is found in Father Thomas Worsley, S.J., alias Hervey, bornin Louvain 31 May 1597 , who was the son of John Worsley of the Isle of Wight, ancestor ofthe noble family of Yarborough, and his wife Leonora Hervey, daughter of Sir Thomas Hervey andgrand-daughterofSir Nicholas Hervey, ambassador

* There is fairly conclusive evidence that a third martyr, the Ven . Sir Thomas Dingley, Knight of Justice of the Order ofSt. John of Jerusalem , Preceptor of the Commanderyof Baddysley and Mayne, was a native ofthe IsleofWight Hewasthe son ofJohn Dingley byMabel, daughterofEdmund Westonof Boston, Lincs , who was sisterto Sir William Weston. (References : Mgr Mifsud, Knights Hospitallers in Malta, p 162; Brit Museum , Addit MSS ., 31890 , for Pedigrees (Weston) ; Vict Co. Hist., Hampshire, ii, 125 , iv, 255; Hasted, Kent, ii, 754, 810; Hutchins, History of Dorset, ii, 501; Oglander Memoirs, p. 92, Newport (I. ofW.), 1888; Cal Dom. S.P. Henry VIII, 1535–9; Lives of the English Martyrs, i, 437, 451; Berry , Hampshire Genealogies, pp. 9, 122, 123, 130.)

It has been suggested that a spot formerly known as Gallows Hill, in Parkhurst Forest, outside Camp Hill B.I., may possibly be the site. Before houses had been erected and the trees had grown it was quite possible to see the sea from there, Downend is also suggested.

from Henry VIII to Charles V. Father Worsley entered theSociety at Antwerp 30 September 1614, went to Valladolid at an unknowndate (but was there in 1618) and left for the Novitiate in September 1621. He diedat Liège 8 February 1671 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 864; C.R.S., xxx, 131). No further evidence of Catholicity in the Island is so far available until 1750. In May of that year, and again in 1751 , cryptic entries made in the Hampshire Secular Clergy Fund Register by the Treasurer, the Rev. John Philip Betts, record the payments of two half-guineas to the priest at Brockhampton, the Rev. David Morgan, "for attendance in the Isle of Wight." Whom he attendedis a matter for speculation: it was quite possibly the Brownes of Gatcombe * As recorded above, Miss Elizabeth Browne became Mrs. Heneage, and in the 1790s, in her widowhood , built the churches at Newportand Cowes.



Mrs. Heneage apparently left Cadeby soon after her husband's death and lived in London, France and Swinnerton (her son-in-law's estate), with occasional visits to Bath for her health There are still extant (in the Cowes Archives) several business letters written by her to Mr James, Attorney, Henley on Arden, Warwickshire" In one ofthem , dated 17 November 1789, addressed to him at the "Beaugle Inn Newport Isle of Wight," she writes: " Mr Clark is very Intelligent in affairs My Compliments to Him & please to ask Him what I'm Indebted to him for the Lease of the House I've taken in Newport Before you return please to order my Blew DamaskChairs at Mr Crooks to be remov'd to my House in Newport up stairs in one of the Dryest rooms & none of them to be put near any outside wall "; and in the postscript, " Mr Lucas begs all that's kind to you .. . " In a second letter, addressed to him at Arden from Bath on the 19 February 1790, concerning business affairs with Mr. Foquett in the Island, she adds, " Mr Lucas also wrote to me by the same post wishing to have all adjusted peaceably " In yet another letter to him from Swinnerton on 8 May 1790 , a postscript is added : " MrLucaswell also & in the Isle " In several of these lettersto Mr. James she presents her compliments to "Mrs Lucas"; whether this is a relation of the Rev. Simon Lucas is not clear . The address on one of the letters, dated 1798, printed before this Introduction, is " Mrs Heneage, Cosham House, Newport." Whether Cosham House and the Presbyteryor the Chapel House, as it was called, and in which she diedwere one and the same has not been determined. The Presbytery was reconstructed and enlarged in the Rev. John Doran's time. Apparently the Rev. Simon Lucascame to Newport before May 1790 and Mrs. Heneage followed some time after that date

* In a letter to Father R. G. Davis of Cowes, Mr. J. Gillow said that he had heard that Elizabeth Browne'sfatherhad been received into the Church by the Hon the Rev. Thomas Talbot at Brockhampton (Kirk says it was Elizabeth Browne whom the Rev. ThomasTalbot received), but as the dates of the Rev. ThomasTalbot's tenure of office at Brockhampton did not seem to fit in, he surmisedthat it might have been the Rev. David Morgan who received him . Kirk gives as his source of Information Mr. Edward Eyre of Longbirch

An Elizabeth Lucas appears as godmother in the early entries ofthe Cowes Register

Mrs. Heneage lies buried beneath the church in Newport, on the Gospel side of the entrance door


In the 1842 Catholic Directory is publishedthe obituary notice of Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Barnes, who died on 10 September 1841 , at the age of 71. She was the widow of James Barnes, Chief Magistrate of Shaftesbury , Dorset, who was the last surviving son of Walter Barnes Shedied at Carisbrooke , after a residence offiftyyears, and the Directory adds "At this respected lady's house, Mass was performed for six months before the completion of the sacred Catholic edifices in the Isle of Wight" In 1792 the first Catholic Church on the Island was openedSt Thomas of Canterbury, Newport. It is now the oldest CatholicChurch in Hampshirestill in use * Inthe Archivesat Newport isa printed Certificateof Registrationset out as follows (the particulars written in ink are shown here in italics):


MEETING being recorded at the Session.



Robert Reeks Corbin Deputy Clerkof the Peace (to wit) for the said County, do hereby certify, that at the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, holden at the Castle of Winchester, in and for the said County, on Tuesday in the first Week after the Clause of Easter to wit, the Seventeenth Day of April in the Year of our Lord 1792 , a Chappel lately erectedin theTown and parish of Newport in the Isle of Wight in the said County was certified to this Session, as a Place set apart for Religious Worship, and was then duly recorded, and also the Name and Descriptionof the Revd Simon Lucas was likewise recorded at the said Session, as a Priest or Minister to officiateat the said Place of Meeting, pursuant to an Act of the 31st of George the 3d, Cap 32, intituled "An Act to relieve, upon Conditions, and under Restrictions , the Persons therein described, from certain Penalties and Disabilities to which Papists, or Persons professing the Popish Religion, are by Law subject " Witness my Hand this 19 Day of April 1792

Rob: Reeks Corbin Dep Clerk of the Peace

In 1813Newport was said tohave 564 housesand 3,585 inhabitants, of whom 640 were employed in various trades It was " situate near the middle of the Island, on the river Medina or Cowes , which falls into the sea, 7 miles below this town ... The only manufacture carried on here is that of starch" (Benjamin Pitts Capper, A Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom , London, 1813).

Two baptisms in 1792, none in 1793, and four in 1794 are some indication of the fewness of Catholics . In later years the building of military barracks in the vicinity causes a sharp rise in the numbers of the congregation Bishop Douglass reported to Propaganda on 17 June 1796 , " In the Isle of Wight there is a Chapel at Newport, the chieftown of the Island and anotherChapel is in process oferection at Cowes. Both are due to the piety and zeal of the most illustrious

* Aphotograph ofthis churchis givenin B. Ward, TheDawn oftheCatholic Revival, i, facing p. 308,

lady, Elizabeth Heneage, a native of Wight." At the end of 1815 Bishop Poynter's report to Rome mentioned 700 Catholic soldiers in Newport (Mazière Brady, Episcopal Succession , iii, 181, 189)

A letter from Bishop Poynter to the Rev. William Pierrepont (CowesArchives) shows that the idea of having a chapel in the Barracks had been mooted . Dear and Rev. Sir, The annexed is a copy of the deeds relating to West Cowes , as far as they describe the situation and measurement of the premises you occupy I believe that this comprises the whole In answer to your enquiry in your letter to Mr Hodgson 14th inst. I beg to inform you that the salary of your place pays the whole of the income tax before it is received by Mr. Hodgson. I have just put Mr Spain's letter concerning a place of worshipin the Depot into Sir John Hippersley's hands, who entered most heartily into the cause and promised to make application immediately. I have not yet received any answer from Sir John. But any further Communication concerning the conveniency of the place forthe purpose, from Mr Spain will be ofservice . Iam to open a chapel at Burton near Ringwood on Tuesday the 9th of July. I do not know whether Mr. Cochet may have invited you on the occasion. If he has I shall feel great pleasure in your company. Bishop Douglass [word illegible] Mr Hodgson unite in every kind sentimentwith

Castle Street

June 26: 1811


Dr Sir Your most humb St Wm Poynter

The great majorityof Canon Fryer's entries in the Registers relate to theArmy.Newport also became the Mother Church of the Island, and the priest was responsible for the whole Island. After Cowes Church was built we find entries in the later Newport Registers relating toVentnor and Freshwater . In August 1864 the Rev. Thomas Fryer records a baptism " at the chapel of St. Michael , Cliff End Fort, Freshwater (Royal Artillery). "

In the 1814 Directory there is an advertisementwhich denotes an attempt at Catholic education Mr. Sims's Academy, of Quay Street, Newport, advertises for young gentlemen under twelve at 40 guineas a year. Inquiries may be addressed to Mr. Sims of the Academy, or Mr. G. Spain of Newport. There is also, in one of the Rev. R. Southworth's letters , a reference to Mr. Hawcke'sschool in the Isle ofWight. * It also mentions 400 Catholic soldiers at Lymington, on themainland . In the CatholicDirectoryfor 1858 Ventnor St. Wilfrid'sappearsas being served" occasionallyfrom Newport " In December1858 a baptism is entered inthe Newport Registerbythe Rev. PeterCoop " at the Oratory ofStWilfrid's Ventnor " In the 1861 Directory for Ventnor we find " Apsley Cottage,High St" and in Oct. 1863 another baptism in the Newport Register at the Oratory of St Wilfrid's, Apsley Cottage, High St, Ventnor, " by the Rev. Victor William Duke, who is also given at Ventnor in the 1864 Directory, but the address is " Montebello House, Victoria Road" In the 1865 Directory he is replaced by the Rev. Frederick S. Bowles.

No information seems now to be available as to what or where this school was . The name " Hawke" occurs frequently in the early Newport Registers.

The first priest at Newport, as stated above, was the Rev.Simon Lucas (1792-1800). * In the first Register, which is entirely in the Rev. Simon Lucas's hand, baptisms are recorded in April and May 1796 by the Rev. Thomas Gabb, who was apparently staying with the Rev. Mr. Lucas while Cowes Church was being built; in July and August 1797by the Rev.IgnatiusLempfrid, a German priest, Chaplain to the Foreign Legion, who later appears at Cowes and was incumbent of Gosport from 1802 to 1815; and in November 1797 by the Abbé Etienne Desperques, as yet unidentified (he also appears at Cowes), who became the priest-in-charge after the Rev. Simon Lucas's departure until June 1801, in which month two baptisms were entered by the Abbé Aimable Nicolas Bourget, priest at Cowes 1801-3 . The Rev. Thomas White § was at Newport from 28 July 1801 until May 1804 , when he was replaced bythe Rev. Peter Gandolphi , who remaineduntil April 1806, at which date the Rev. Thomas White, who had taken charge of Cowes Missionfrom May 1804 to 19 April 1806 , returned to Newport The Rev. Peter Gandolphi (or Gandolphy) was born in London 26 July 1779 , the son ofJohn Vincent Gandolphiof EastSheen , Surrey, and Anna Maria, daughter of Benedict Hinde of Worlesby, Lincolnshire, and the grandson of Count Pietro Gandolphi of Genoa , LeghornandLondon As a boy he was at Stonyhurst from 12 December 1794 to 9 July 1797 (Dr. Oliver says that he was also at the Jesuits' previous College at Liège, a point on which Dr. Oliver should be well informed; but in the accounts mention of his three brothers is made , but not of Peter). He returned to Stonyhurst 17 September 1798 to begin his studies for the priesthood , and became what was known as a "Junior"-not a Jesuit, as this was during the periodofthe suppression Toquote Dr. Oliver, in his Collections S.J.and he was at Stonyhurst, too, at the time-"After passing three years in the Juniorate hewas appointedto commence [i.e. teaching] a course of Humanitieson the 4thofOctober 1801 , butquitted the College threeyears later. After some time he was promoted to Holy Orders, by the worthy Bishopof the London district . . , ' Dr. Douglass ** Newport was hisfirst Mission. He was next appointed to Spanish Chapel, London Here he incurred the censure of BishopPoynter for some of his writings and was suspended and his works denounced in a pastoralletter dated 24 April 1817. He resigned his chaplaincyin 1818 andretired to live with his relatives at East Sheen, where he died of a broken heart 9 July 1821 . BishopMilner, who remainedhis sincere friend, testified to his sterling

* He lies buried in the churchyard at Standon Lordship. See Introduction, Portsea Registers.

See Introduction, Gosport Registers.

§ See Introduction, Winchester Registers. The Registers are signed " Gandolphi, " but when writing in English he apparently preferred the form " Gandolphy. "

** For the above details I am indebted to the Rev. H. Chadwick , S.J., of Stonyhurst

A fairly complete collection of the correspondence concerning this episode with Bishop Poynter is at Stonyhurst College

109 qualities, adding that whatever inaccuracythere might be in some of his writings " there was no heterodox or dangerous principle in his mind " (Gillow, Dict of Eng Cath., ii, 365-6 ; Foley, Records S.J., vii, 286Foley's dates are wrong). When the Rev. Thomas White left for Winchesteron 15 July 1810 he was succeeded by the Rev. George Spain During the Rev. Thomas White's first incumbency the Rev. Richard Southworth of Brockhampton baptized here once, in March 1804, being on a visitto Newport, possiblyas the Vicar of Hampshire. The Abbé Louis Coquiere appears to have filled a slight gap in April 1806, between the departure of the Rev. Peter Gandolphi and the arrival, for the second time, of the Rev. Thomas White, forhebaptized on 20 April 1806, and again in June 1807 and April 1809. WhenBishop Milner was the priest at Winchester he left a MS. in which the Abbé Coquiere was referred to as the priest at Romsey It is evident that he was not on the Island all through the years from 1806 to 1809 , forhe also baptizedin Southamptonin February 1806, May 1807, and again in January 1810; he also baptized in Cowes, in May 1805. The Rev. George Spain, who was at Newport from July 1810 till the end of 1820 (his last baptism was in the October), was born 9 January 1778 , * the son of William Spain and his wife Elizabeth (Hertend), of Hainton , Lincolnshire, and subsequently ofLondon He was the eldest brother , and two ofhisbrothersbecame BenedictinesHenry (DomLeo, O.S.B.), born in London in 1790 and professed in 1808, and Lewis (Dom Cuthbert, O.S.B.), born in 1797 and professed in 1814. A younger sister wasa nun at Shepton Mallet, Somerset George Spain was admitted to the English College, Lisbon, on 12 March 1802, and became an alumnus 16 December 1804. He was ordained at Lisbon and left for England 21 February 1809. From Newport he went to the Bavarian Chapel, Warwick Street, Golden Square, London, where he died 9 December 1838. He performeda marriage atthe Portuguese Embassy Chapel in London in July 1834 and was witness at another there in December 1835 (C.R.S., xxxviii , 156, 160) He is described as an indefatigablemissioner and an eloquentpreacher (Historical Account of English College, Lisbon, p 254). The College Register says that he was baptized by Mr. Wright and confirmed by Bishop Douglass

The next priest appointedwas the Rev.John Russell, who probably came late in 1820 (his first baptism was in the following January) and remained until July 1829. He went to Old Hall College 13 June 1802 , was ordained 21 September 1811, and left in 1814 , having apparently

* For these details I am indebted to the Very Rev. Canon James Sullivan, Rector of the English College, Lisbon, and to Dom G. Lucius Graham, O.S.B. , of DownsideAbbey. In the Fasti Gregoriana, orbriefnotices respecting the members of the monastery of St. Gregory the Great from 1773 , at Downside Abbey, George Spain's date of birth is given as 9 January 1773, but Dom Lucius Graham agrees that this is most probably a copyist's error , as the details were added later from a letter dated circa 1856

It is almost certainly her obituary notice which is given in C.R.S. , xii, 125:" MrsElizabeth Spain, late of Old Quebec Street, 27 February 1814 , aged 58."

MaryMargaret Teresa Spain, late of Sales-House , Shepton Mallet , died 24 Feb. 1826, aged 26 (C.R.S., xii, 170) Obituarynotices of other Spains are given in the same volume: Charles Spain, late of Quebec Street, 25 June 1827, aged 41 (p 177)-probably a brother ; Miss Catherine Spain, 25 Oct. 1809, aged 26 (p. 108)-probablya sister; Mrs. Sarah Spain, 23 April 1827 , aged 67 (p 177); and William Spain, senior, 23 Nov. 1831 , aged 60 (p. 198).


taught at the College from 1809 until that date So far all that is known about his priestly life is the incumbencyat Newport. He died 22 September 1830, aged 42. In June 1829 one baptismwas administered by the Abbé Richard César de Grenthe He was born in Caen , in the parish of St. Nicolas On 29 August 1788 a brief was sentto Bayeux from Paris granting a dispensation on account of his age, and he was ordained 20 September 1788. He was appointed vicaire to St. Benedict's Chapterin Paris Accordingto the Register ofMgr. Cheylus, Bishop of Bayeux, which was kept by the Abbé Chrétien, the Abbé de Grenthe left France 8 September 1792 and arrived at St. Ouen in Jersey 17 September 1792, said to be then 41 years old He is also said to have lodged atPortsmouth Heapparentlylived atNewportfor many years. The Catholic Journal of 8 March 1828 describes him as officiating" as High Priest "at the Rev.William Pierrepont'sobsequies in Cowes in February 1828 , on which occasion the Rev. John Russell preached. He applied for nationalization papers, but it is not known whether or not they were granted (P.R.O., H.O., Series 44, bundle 6) Hediedat Newport 19 March 1842 and a square stone memorial, which still stands in the forecourt of Newport Catholic Church, was erected " as a markof respect by a few pupils and friends" His age is given as 77 , and D.D. is added after his name. The Rev. Stephen Dambrine was here for a few monthsfrom July to September 1829. Hewasborn in France 24 December 1800, went to Old Hallin 1821 , andwas ordained 20 September 1828. He seems to have beenonthe staffat St.Edmund's, being listed as "Prefect ofPoets" in January 1829. He left in 1829 and apparentlycame toNewport. Hewasnext appointedtoWoolhampton, either in 1829 or 1830 , and remained there until 1854, dying 7 May 1854. He was a Canon of Southwark in the first list of the Chapter in 1852. He was followed at Newport by the Rev. John Sidden , from September 1829 till the last months of the year (his last baptism was in the October) He was born in Surrey 22 September 1802 , went to Old Hall 20 August 1816 , was ordained 18 November 1827 , and left in the same year. In 1828 he was at Carshalton , and from 1831 to 1847 at Thornton Hall, Brentwood. Later he appears to have been at Louvain, some accounts say as a Professor. His brother, Joseph, was priest at Southampton. From the end of 1829 (his first baptism was 18 December) until the middle of 1830 (his last baptism was in May) the Rev. Christopher VincentDowlingwas incharge ofthe Mission An Obituary Notice in Freeman's Journal (Sydney, Australia) for 3 January 1874 says that " the Rev. ChristopherVincent Dowling was bornin thecity of Dublin in theyear 1789. Hewas educated ataCollege of the Dominican Fathers in Lisbon, and afterwardsjoined theirorder. When he completed his studies there he returned to Dublin and was ordained priest by the late Dr. Murray in the year 1814, one year prior to the battle of Waterloo He was appointedthe sub-prior of his order , but had to leave Ireland on account of failing health. He went to France, and had charge of a small parish in the vicinity of Bordeaux , where he remained for several years. During his absence in France he was chosen prior by his order, but he declined the honour because his health was not restored. The Right Rev. Dr. Bramston , Bishop of London, gave him a missionin the Isle of Wight, and he officiated therefornineor ten months; after that he served the Churchin London

*Iam informed that the Abbé Chrétien'sfacts are frequentlyinaccurate

for a time. On the nomination of Dr. Bramston he was appointed RomanCatholic Chaplain to New South Wales, being sent out by the Imperial Government to assist in reclaiming the then frightful state of society out herea society then bereft of the blessed influence of religion, and sunk almost to the lowest depths of degradation. "

The Rev. C. V. Dowling was curé of Salignac, in the deanery of Cubzac, diocese of Bordeaux , from at least 1826 till the beginningof 1829 , the name being speltDouling in the Ordo In the 1820 Directory of Bordeaux(p. 214) afirm of Irish merchants , Dowling, Jacques etfils, is shown at No. 88, Quai des Chartrons , Bordeaux Did the Rev.C.V. Dowling go to Bordeauxto be near relations? After his ten months' stay in Newport and his subsequent service in London, he arrived in Australia on 17 September 1831. Dom Bert, O.S.B. (Benedictine Pioneers in Australia, i, 126), gives 1829 as the date of his arrival. Apartfrom thefact that he was in Newport during 1829-30, a letter from him to Under-Secretary Hay, in England, dated 24 January 1832, speaks of Ia four months' residence here. "

Father Dowling arrived in Sydney in the middle of a first-class dispute. Father Therrywho had laboured alone in Sydneyafter the departure for Tasmaniaof Father Connolly, with whom he had quarrelledhad been deprived of the chaplaincy and salary, and Father Powerhad been appointedin his place Another account places Father Power's arrival in 1826, and says that he was in bad health and stayed only a few years Father Therry refused to recognize the legality of his eviction and still regarded himself as priest-in-charge. Father Dowling became involved in the row against Father Therry, with the best of intentions, and is stated to have been appointed official R.C. Chaplain, with a government salary of £150 a year, but he was not the man the Governmentwanted " to keep Therry under control, " so he went toWindsor. In June 1832 Father McEnroe came to NewSouth Wales, and Dr. Ullathorne, on arrival in Sydney in 1833, said that Fathers Therry, Dowling and McEnroe were the only three priests he found in the Colony One of Dr. Ullathorne's letters, dated 17 April 1833 , says "MrDowling is now stationedat Windsor" (forty-five miles from Sydney). In 1836 , under Dr. Polding, he went to minister tothe scatteredflock along the Hunter River, with his headquarters atMaitland. His first entry in the Register at East Maitland was dated 8 August 1836, and followed the last entry made there, on 24 July 1836 , by another priest from Hampshire, the Rev. James Watkins, who built the church at Southampton

His obituary notice in Freeman's Journal (Sydney) contains an error for the date of arrival, 1821 instead of 1831 , and says that on arrivalhe" immediately made a missionarytour through the southern districts of the colony. He was soon after stationedat Windsor , where he remained for some years. In 1831 [this date is obviouslyincorrect] he got charge of the mission of Newcastle, where his principal duties, so far as he had to do with the Imperial Government, were to act as chaplainto the military andthe prisoners He resided forsome time at East Maitland -I cannot ascertain for what length of time ... but it appears from other data that it was only for a short period. It is pretty well known that he had permanently resided at Newcastle for nearly forty years, that is since he left East Maitland " In September 1838 he was transferred to Newcastle, where he was priest-in-charge until 1861. The Catholic Directoryshows the Rev. C. V. Dowlingin New-


castle, Australia, in 1841-2. In 1861 he retired from active work. He died at Newcastle on 14 December 1873 and was buried at East Maitland, in the grounds of St. Joseph's Church, on 16 December. Whenthe new modern church was erected at East Maitland some years ago his remainswere transferredto a resting-place withinthe church (Articles by the Rev. J. J. McGovern in The AustralasianCatholic Record; Freeman's Journal (Sydney), 3 January 1874 .)*

The Rev. C. V. Dowling was followed by the Rev. Joseph George Robson , whose firstbaptismwas in July 1830, and the lastin April 1839 He was born in London 21 March 1804, entered Old Hall 15 June 1821 and left 1 May 1824, when he went to Rome He entered theEnglish College there 9 June 1824, was ordainedsub-deacon 22 December 1827 , deacon in August 1828 , and priest in March 1830. He returned to England, on account of his health, 19 May 1830, so that Newport was his firstappointment Nothing more is so far knownabouthim . In that sameyear, 1839, the Rev. J. G. Robson was succeededbythe Rev.(later Canon) Thomas William Fryer, who entered his first baptism in the month of July. Heremained for fiftyyears, until 1889 , when he retired. Thomas William Fryer was born in London 15 June 1811 , the son of Thomas Fryer and Frances (Petch), both natives of Richmond, Yorkshire (the former died circa 1853, aged 80, and the latter circa 1864 , aged 86). He was one of nine children. Two brothers became priests- William Joseph the priest at Cowes, andAlfred, who was at Southampton in 1848 , Finsbury Circus in 1850 , and joined the Passionists in 1853 , his name in religion being Father Leonard Three sisters entered the Ursuline OrderMary Ann (Mother St. Augustine), Catherine (Motherofthe Assumption), and Margaret(MotherSt. Ursula) Thomas William went to Old Hall in 1826 and was ordained 25 December 1836 In 1838 he was at Acton, and at Newport from 1839 to 1889 , when he retired. He was elected to the Portsmouth chapter on the formation of the new diocese in 1882 and died 10 March 1893. His friend the Rev. (laterCanon) Thomas Bowmanbaptizedhere on several occasionsin September 1850, October 1852, and July 1855and also entereda number of funerals The Rev. Thomas Bowman was born in Sussex 13 May 1807 , went to Old Hallin 1822 and was ordained22 September 1832. He went to Bermondsey in October 1832, during the cholera epidemic, as assistant to the Rev. Peter Butler From 1836 to 1839 he was at Weybridge, and at Bermondsey again from 1840 to 1856 , at first as assistant to the Rev. P. Butler until the latter's death in 1848 , and then as Rector. He was elected to the first ChapterofSouth-

For the above information I am indebted to the Rev. L. F. Allan, B.A., of St. Edmund's College ; the Rt. Rev. Abbot B. C. Butler, O.S.B. , and Dom Lucius Graham, O.S.B., of DownsideAbbey; the Editor and Miss Betty Cullen of the (Sydney) Catholic Weekly; Father Benedict O'Sullivan, O.P. , of Tralee; His Grace the Archbishop of Bordeaux and the Abbé Pelette, curé of St. Germain du Puch (Gironde); and the Rev. Gerard P. Flatley , Diocesan Secretary to His Lordship the Bishop of Maitland Cf. Clergy Review , xxxii, No. 2, pp 79 sqq

The Rt. Rev. Mgr J. Macmillan, D.D., Ph.D., Rector of the Ven. English College, Rome, informs me that, in the Register, March has been written over "Jan. 5" or "June 5 , " which has been erased .

According to the recordsat St. Edmund's College, Fr. Davis has 13 June 1810 in his MSS


wark in 1852 and died 23 January 1856. On 25 May 1854 the Rev. J. Silveira enters the baptism at Swainstone of Sir John Simeon's daughter, Joanna Maria, who was born the same day anddied immediately after baptism Swainstone lies about three miles from Newport on the Newport to Calbourne road It was the seat of Sir John Simeon , M.P. for the Island from 1847 to 1851 , who resigned his seat on becoming a Catholic

During the Rev. Thomas Fryer's incumbencythe following priests also entered baptisms in the Newport Registers:

The Rev. Henry Clarktwo children, Mary and James Cubitt, from Ventnor, in September 1856

The Rev. Joseph M. Silveirathe son of Sir John Simeon , Stephen Louis Simeon, from Swainstone, in November1857; others in June 1859 and August 1860 .

The Rev. Paternus Miot* (writingin a French hand) inSeptember 1858, August 1861 , August 1863.

The Rev. Peter Coop, at Ventnor, in December 1858 .

The Rt. Rev. William Hall, V.G. Tasmania , in September 1860

The Rev. William Hampson, O.S.B., at Ventnor, in December 1860, and in February 1861.

The Rev. Claud Besnin (writing in a French hand) in May 1861 (Rev. Paternus Miot was Godfather).

The Rev. H. F. C. Logan, at St. John's Chapel, Swainstone , in April 1862

The Rev. Richard W. Meager, in August 1862 , signing himself "Miss. Coad. Plym " Again, in November 1866, he baptizedtwo Meagers and all the godparents were Meagers; other Meagers were baptizedby him in September 1868 and October 1871, apparently relatives. In November 1876 he baptized an Elkins

The Rev. Victor William Duke, at Ventnor, in October 1863.

The Rev. Philip G. Munro, in March 1867.

The Rev. Peter Sablon, O.S.D., Chaplainat Carisbrooke , entered baptisms between October 1868 and March 1871 .

The Rev. Robert Mount2 February 1869

The Rev.James Purcell, chaplainat Parkhurst, in September 1871 .

The Rev. EdmundFrancis Egan, baptized an Egan in June 1874

The Rev. Justin Mooney, in July 1876

The Rev.F.W.D. Trenow, O.P., Chaplain at Carisbrooke, baptized (1) two converts at Gunville in March 1882 and July 1882; (2) three converts in October, November and December 1886

The Rev. Reginald Buckler, O.P., Chaplain at Carisbrooke, two converts in September and October 1886 .

The Rev. Joseph Bower, in August 1887 .

The next priest-in-charge was the Rev. Justin Mooney, whose first baptism was entered in January 1889 , until 1892.

* Dr. G. Oliver (Collections, p 356) mentions an Abbé Miot, who, after serving in the Clifton diocese for seven and a half years, was transferred to Chelsea in the middle of April 1856 .

Order of St. Dominic, to-day O.P. (Order of Preachers) Priest at Southampton

The High Altar was consecrated the following day, so he was evidently staying overnight.


Then followedthe Rev.James D. Murtough, March 1892 -February 1899 , with Assistant:

The Rev. William Forrest , April 1895March 1899 .

The Rev. LawrenceDoran, May 1899.

The Rev. John E. Hayes, October 1899June 1900

The Rev. James P. Conway, July 1900-1919, with Assistants:

The Rev. Timothy Mannix, November 1900 -August 1902

The Rev. Patrick Egan, January 1903-August 1903

The Rev. Jeremiah Casey, March 1904 -July 1906.

The Rev.JohnH. Denvir, (1) November1906November1907; (2) December 1908-December 1910.

The Rev. Edward Sweeney, December 1907June 1908 .

The Rev. Michael John Mullins, January 1911 -January 1914 .

The Rev. Timothy Watson, January 1914 -July 1915

The Rev. James Joseph Ahern, October 1915 -July 1921 .

The Rev. Timothy Watson, January 1920December 1929 , with Assistants :

The Rev. Francis Pinkman baptized in December 1929

The Rev. Harold Nye, April 1929-1930.

The Rev. Anthony Ibbett baptized in 1930.

The Rev.Francis J. Murphy, March 1930 -May 1931 , withAssistant:

The Rev. John Lane, 1930-1931 .

The Rev. John Doran, June 1931 -July 1935, with Assistants:

The Rev. Jesse Hetherington , July 1931 -May 1934 .

The Rev. Daniel Rea, July 1934June 1936

The Rev. Walter R. Lynch, July 1935 -January 1947 , with Assistants :

The Rev. Herbert E. Martin, August 1936 -July 1937 .

The Rev.GeorgeVincent Swanton, September 1937December 1937

The Rev.MichaelRaymund Henessy, August 1938 -April 1939 .

The Rev. Richard E. Quigley, January 1940 -August 1940 .

The Rev. Austin Slowey, 1940-1941. The Rev. Henry Murphy, 1941-1942.

The Rev. Michael Murphy, 1942-1943

The Rev. Maurice Wallace, 1943-1946

The Rev. Guy Facey, 1946-1947

The Rev. Daniel Rea, January 1947, with Assistants: The Rev. Guy Facey (as above).

The Rev. Michael Eady, 1947-

THE REGISTERS (1792-1856).

NEWPORT REGISTER No. 1 (1792-1799).

A small note-book measuring 6 by 4 inches and barely inch thick, bound in soft brown leather. The leather, which is nearly inch thick, has become detached from the cardboardcover A number of leaves have been cut out, but apparently none of the records have

* The dates hereafter given are those of the first and last baptisms Supplying.



been lost thereby, and only fourteen leaves remain Originally there was a sheet of pink blotting-paper between each two pages, but all these sheets have been torn out All the entries are in the Rev. Simon Lucas's hand . The pages are not numbered : pagination has been supplied here

[On the outsidefront cover , written lengthwise] Chapel Register

[On the inside front cover]

Martii 30 1795 Benedixi NovamNavem sub Nomine Nuestra Senora De Vegonia Domino Señor Andres de Cortina

[In smaller and fainter writing]

[Rest of the inside front cover blank.]

[p. 1]

Nov 2 1808 in [rest smudged out.]

Simon Lucas

Die 2da Julii 1792 Baptizavi Jacobum Swithunum Barnes, filium Jacobi et Elizabeth Barnes Conjugum : natum eâdem Die Sponsor Georgius Hussey cujus vice Eliz. Heneage

Simon Lucas 1st

[A line drawn across the page divides each entry fromthe next.]

Die 18va Augusti 1792 Baptizavi Carolettam Joannam Creswelfiliam Jacobi & Joanna Creswel natam die 7tima ejusdem mensis et anni

Sponsores Anna Brown et N. N. Gallus

Simon Lucas 2nd

[p. 2]

Die 16 Februarii 1794 Baptizavi Elizabeth Teresiam Barnes filiam Jacobi & Elizabeth Barnes natam die 16 ejusdem mensis et anni S. Lucas Spon

Simon Lucas 3rd N. Vinn

Die 26 Maii 1794 Baptizavi Patritium Dooley filium Patritii & Catharina Dooley natum die 18 ejusdem mensis et anni S. Lucas 4th Sponsor Catharina Holland

[p. 3]

Die 18 Octobris 1794 Baptizavi Josephum Lucam Redstone filium Joannis & Laetitia Redstone conjugum natum die 17 ejusdem mensis & anni

Simon Lucas 5th Richardus James

Sponsores & Anna Browne

Die 24 Octobris 1794 Baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Jacobi & Joanna Creswell, natam die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni

S. Lucas 6th Spon Martinus King ElizabethPorter

Feb. 1. 1795 Baptizatusfuit Patricius filius Arthuris & Mariæ Quigley

[p. 4]

Simon Lucas 7th Spon Jacobus Foley & Rosa Foley


Feb. 26. 1795 Baptizavi Winefredam filiam Mauritii & Mariæ Casedy. natam die 23 ejusdem mensis & anni

S. Lucas 8th Spon Gulielmus Martin & Maria Chusy

Feb. 1795 Baptizavi (sine Patrinis) Patritium filium Edwardi & N. Smith

Simon Lucas 9th

[p. 5] [For erecting a Chapel in Favourof thepoor Catholics in the Borough, at Newington , Lambeth &c Subscriptions of the Nobility, Gentry & Clergy. £ .. s ..all scored]

Martii die 16 95 Ego Baptizavi Nicolaumfilium Joannis & Catharina [ Shields scored] ut puto natum Feb. 10. 1795 Sine Patrinis Hatilyhill*

Simon Lucas 10th

Martii 17.95 Baptizavi Georgium filium Gulielmi Mannin & Eliza Loughton natum Martii 13. 1795

Simon Lucas 11th (Sine Patrinis)

[p. 6] Martii 21. 95. Ego baptizavi (sine Patrinis) Margaritam, filiam Danielis et Birgittæ Meian. natam eadem die

Simon Lucas 12th

Martii 28. 1795 Baptizavi Margaritam filium [sic] Gulielmi & Mariæ Quinlan natam die 27 Martii 1795

Sine Patrinis

Simon Lucas

Maii 2. 1795 baptizavi Thomam filium Thomæ Marsfield& Eliza Jones Conjugum natum 29 Aprilis 1795.

Simon Lucas 13th Spon Timothy Conor Helena Pearson

[p. 7] Die 16 Maii 1795 Baptizatus fuit Christophor[us scored] Carrol filius Christophori & Saræ Carrol.

Maii 1795

Simon Lucas 14th natus die 14 . Sine Patrinis

Die 10 Junii Baptizatusfuit (sine Patrinis) Gulielmus Doire filius Samuelis et Ameliæ Doire natus eodem Die. 15§

Simon Lucas 15

Die 26 Julii vel Die 2da Augusti 1795 Baptizavi Leodegavium filium Martini Gillman et Helenæ N. Conjugum natum die 1mo

Maii ejusdem anni. Simon Viegin

Sim Lucas 16th Spon & Anna Gillman

* Doubtful reading

For some reasonor other this baptism is omitted fromthe numbering. § 15 evidently refers to the number of baptisms, and not to theday of birth

[p. 8]

Die 20 Maii 1795 Baptizatus fuit Carolus Blomhead filius N. Major Bromhead et N. Lynch natus die 18 Maii 1795

Pr Mich Mahady Spon Jos Baldisson & N. Baldisson 17

Die 22 Maii 1795. Baptizatus fuit Joannes Crasbury filius [2.5 cms blank] Crasbury & [4 cms blank] natus die 15 Maii 1795

Spon N. Yarde

Pr Mich Mahady 18th N. Portebois

Die 25 [or 29]Maii 1795 Baptizatafuit Maria Reho [7.5 cms blank] nata die 25 Maii 1795. Spon Mathew Burke & Pr Mich Mahady 19th Margarita Leahy

[p. 9] Die27 Dec. 1795. Baptizatus fuit Nicolaus filius Henrici Josephi et Mariæ Eliz. Bient conjugum natus Die 26 Decembris 1795

Simon Lucas 20th


Nicolaus Muller & Catharina Avi

Die 28 Decembris 1795. Baptizata fuit Maria Francisca Jerom, filia Joanna[sic] Jerom et [2.5 cms. blank]Fairley Natadie [8 cms blank]

Simon Lucas 21

Sponsor Lætitia Redston

Dec. 30. 1795. Baptizata fuit Joanna King filia Martini & Mariæ King eodem die nata


Simon Lucas & Lætitia Redstone postea admissi &c

[p. 10]

Die 7. Jan. 1796

P Simon Lucas 22

Baptizatus fuit Petrus Josephus Saeg filius Stephani Abrahamæ Saeg & Sarah Sarrat natus die 4 Jan. 1796. pr me

Simon Lucas 23

Sponsores Petrus Joseph Tiberghien et Anna Lasot

[The first entry on p 9 , " Nicolaus Bient, " is here repeated and then cancelled In this cancelled entry the dateisgivenas Dec.26.]

[p. 11] Die 23 Aprilis 1796. Baptizatus fuit Carolus Ignatius Barnes filius Jacobi Barnes et Elizabeth Giles, pridie natus

Sponsores Pr R. Thom Gabb Ita Testor

Rev. Thos Gabb. & Anna Fonalley vice Annæ Vinn

Die 22. Maii 1796

Simon Lucas 24th

Baptizatus fuit Joannes filius Joannis Hawke et Elizabethæ Porter pridie natus

Spon Richardus James

Spon Anna Fanelley

Pr Tho. Gabb 25th Ita testor S. Lucas

Die 29 Maii 1796. Baptizatafuit Mariafilia GulielmiClayton & Margarita O Hara Conjugum eodem die nata

Spon Barnabas Creigton & Maria Wood Pr R. Thom Gabb 26 Ita testor S. Lucas

* The next three entries do not chronologically follow the previous ones. Reading doubtful


[p. 12] Die 13. Augusti 1796, Ego infra scriptus baptizavi (non adhibitis cæremoniis) Elizabeth & Joannam filias Patritii

Cavanagh et Birgittæ Cannon pridie natas. Simon Lucas 27th

Die 6ta Septembris 1796

Baptizavi Annam Maximilianam filiam Frederici Holstein et Annæ Cartrose, natam die 30. Augusti 1796


Jacobus Fredericus Druin et Anna Maximiliana Blasires

[p. 13] Sept 9. 1796

Simon Lucas 28th

Baptizavi Joannem James filium

Richardi & Annæ James pridie natum

Spon Joas Hawke & Lætitia Redston. 29

Simon Lucas

Die 4ta Novembris 1796. Baptizavi Catharinam Teresam

filiam Jacobi Chiftra et Mariæ Creda Portsa pridie natam

Spon Catharina Crouse & Andreas Horihe*

Simon Lucas 30

Die 10ma Decembris 1796. Baptizavi Franciscum filium

Fanaque Derque et Cæciliæ Ingehaha [or Ingehala] natum die 2nda Decembris 1796

Spon Franciscus Vanelle et Teresa Vanelle

Simon Lucas 31st

Die 4ta Januarii 1797 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Carolum Martinum filium Josephi Engel & Theodoræ Louisæ

[p. 14]

Fisher pridie natum.


Joannes Martinus de Stalberg

Simon Lucas 32

Die 16 Julii 1797 Baptizatus fuit Christophorus Ludovicus filius AndreæSegillinski & Susanna Poldurame conjugum natus die 8vo Julii 1797 Pr Ign Lemfrid Ita testor Simon Lucas



Ludovicus Ellargel 33

Die 13. Augti 1797 baptizatus erat Fredericus Joseph filius Frederici Martzsihet Catharina ElizabethWigensih natus die 8vo ejusdem mensis et anni


Fredericus Plankenbach

Maria Josephina Le Planc. Pr Ign. Lempfrid Ita testor Simon Lucas 34

[p. 15]

Die 13. Augusti 1797 baptizaviAugustinam Cæciliam Pulcheriam filiam Nobilissimi viri Armandi Joannis Stephani

Dumesniel Comitis de Sommery, et Nobilissimæ Dominæ Cæciliæ Agathæ, Adelaide Requet de Caraman Comitissæ de Sommery, conjugum,natameademdie. PatrinusNobilissimus VirAugustinus

* Reading doubtful


Jos Baptista Dumesniel Comes de Sommery Matrina 35

Nobilissima Domina Antonia Magdalena Pulcheria Dumesniel de Sommery. Vidua Nobilissimi Viri Ludovici Cavallier Comitis de Turville*

Die 24 Augusti 1797

Baptizavi Mariam Annamfiliam Mathæi

O Toole & Francisca Teigh Conjugum eâdem die natam


Dominicus Teigh et Anna Maria Teigh.

Die 26 Augsti 1797

Simon Lucas No 36

Baptizavi Michaelem filium Martini & Mariæ King die 14 ejusdem mensis & anni natum


Joannis [sic] Hawke & Maria Griffiths

Simon Lucas No 37

[p. 16] Die 20 Septembris 1797 Baptizavi Dominicum Mathæum Carolum Robertum Teighe filium Dominici Teighe et Teresia Lillien Conjugum, natum die 18 ejusdem mensis et anni

Spon. Carolus Lillien et Teresa de Buchanburg

Simon Lucas

Simon Lucas 38.

Die4. Novembris 1797. Baptizatus fuit Joseph filius Joseph Montaguard et Magdalenæ Cazotte Conjugum

Sponsor Joannes Jonlain Pr Stephanum Desperque Ita testor Simon Lucas 39

[p. 17] Die 20 Novembris 1797 Baptizavi Joseph filium

JosephChemeportte& Josephæ natum die 17 ejusdem mensis et anni

Spon Fredericus Iniche & Catharina Paien. S. Lucas 40

Die 4 Janii 1798. Baptizavi Franciscum filium Francisci Villameer et Emelia Teresiæ, natum die 15 Aprilis 1796. S. Lucas Spon. Xaverius Blassea 41

Die 14. Jan. 1798. Baptizavi Josephum filium Jacobi et Margarita Spreng natum die 8to ejusdem mensis et anni


Joseph Valusiaa et Francisca Prouhel S. Lucas 42

[p. 18] Die 11ma Martii 1798 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Joseph Carolum, filium Joseph Pechlè et Francisca Broohneren natum die 10ma ejusdem mensis et anni.


Joseph Mattick & Christina Frederica

* Reading doubtful

Simon Lucas 43



Die 14maAprilis 1798 Ego baptizaviJosephumfilium Richardi & Anna James Conjugum pridie natum.

Sponsores Joannis [sic] Hawke et Maria Griffiths

Simon Lucas 44th

Die 23 Maii 1798 Ego baptizavi Josephum filium Joannis et Elizabeth Hawke Conjugum pridie natum.


Richardus James

Simon Lucas 45

[p. 19] In Capella Sti Joans Evang N.P. Die 5. Octobris 1794. Per RR D.D. Joannam [sic] Douglass, V.A. et E.C. Confirmati erant

Ricardus James

Elizabeth Porter Letty Redston Jos Quirk+*

[The rest of the page blank ]

[p. 20 blank.]

Joannes Teresia Maria Patricius


[p. 21] 1799. Die 7. Januarii baptizavi Edwardum Wolstanum King filium Martini et Mariæ King Conjugum natum 4ta ejusdem mensis et anni


Richardus James et Maria King

Simon Lucas 46 1799 Die 14. Aprilis baptizavi Jacobum filium Michaelis Kelly & Mariæ Doyle (Conjugum) natum die 11. ejusdem mensis et anni.

Spon Hugo Reily & Maria Reily

Simon Lucas 47 1799. Die 12. Maii Baptizavi Barnabam filium Patricii & Margaritæ, [3.8 cms blank] natum die 14 April 1799. Spon Gulielmus [blank]

Sophia Hogan

Simon Lucas 48

[p. 22] [The Register has been reversed and this pageusedfor marriages; writing upside down]

Die27 Julii 1795. Conjunxiin MatrimoniumJoannem Hawke et Elizabeth Porter. Testes Jacobus Barnes Anna Browne S. Lucas

* The in MS calls attention to another + at the foot of the page and a footnote; this + remains, but the footnote has been cut out.

Die 20 Septembris 1795. Conjuncti erant in Matrimonium

Richardus James et Anna Browne Pr me S. Lucas.


[The rest of the page, 5.5 cms , blank ] (Carolus James

[p. 23] [The writing is the right way up again] et Barbara Moore

Die 12 Maii 1799 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Catharinam filiam [Patricii et Margaritæ scored] [4.5 cms. blank] natam [4.3 cms . blank]

Spon. [Gulielmus [blank] et Sophia Hogan all scored]

Simon Lucas 49

Die 26 Maii 1799 Baptizavi Joannam filiam Joannis Jenkins et Winefridæ N. natam die 8va ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores

Simon Lucas 50th

Anna Morris et Terencius Swiney .

Die 7. Junii 1799 Baptizavi Margaritamfiliam Francisci et Susanna Farrel natam die quarta Junii 1799. Spon

Michael Mullin }

Simon Lucas 51

[р. 24] 1799

Die 26 Augusti Baptizavi Mariam Teresam Annam Claram filiam Dominici Mathæi Teighe et Teresa Lillien Conjugum, eâdem die natam

Spon. [blank] Teighe

Simon Lucas 52

Die 26 Augti Baptizavi Saram Franciscam, filiam Josephi et Francisca Smith die 20 Julii 1799 natam

Spon. Richardus James.

Simon Lucas 53

Die [1 cm . blank] Octobris Baptizavi [unfinished]

[p. 25 blank.]

[The rest of the page, 6.5 cms., blank.]

[The book is now reversed and written in from the other end; writing upside down]

[Inside back cover]

Basil Fitzherbert & Eliza Heneage married Feb. [27 over 26] 1786 by S. Lucas

Mary Margaret Fitzherbert born - June 10. 1787

Thos Fitz -born Jan. 21 1789

Basil July 2 1790

John Sept. 2 1792

George July 30 1793

Eliza May 1 1795

Franciscus Nov. 21 1796

Basil Fitzherbert died May 20 1797


Wm Fitzherbert Brockholes & Mary Heneage married June 20. 1791. by R. G. Robinson

Joseph Brockholes born Sept. 18-1793

Mary born Jan. 24. 1795

Constantia Eliz born Feb. 14 1796

Wm Brock born May 28 1797

Frances Brock. born May 31 1798

James John born June 2 1799

Thomas born June 15 1800

[р 28] £ S d

[March 4. 88 lost by light gold



Mortuary in Isle of Wight

Oct. 18. 3. Barbara Eales at Cowes Joannes Rose do do

1794 Nov. 13. Joannes Razina

June 3. 14 24 John Redstone at Newport Thos Redstone child of 6. years James Redstone do of 4 & half [Anna N. (Irish) scored underneath Maria Strillits*] Matthæus Byrn Joannes Murphy.

Feb. 1795 do do do do do do Antonius Agan. do do Joannes Hay. Martius Marcus Dolan Patritius Laury

Mauritius McGuire. Patritius Murphy.

[р 27]

Martii 19. 95 Joannes Flanagan Patritius Casey. Edwardus Carty. Edwardus French 22 25 Jacobus Devign Patritius Foverty.

April 1 Joannes Donovan & Jeremias Finerty

May 10 Michael McFoyle 23

June 7

June April 2 3 Terentius Mathison. Lucas Hogge Wm Toole

Mr Mahady attended Patrick Arton & Patrick Nowlan Thomas Moran

21 John Walker. * Reading doubtful . First letter blotted; it may be 'Egan'

May 4

6 Daniel Mullone [Charles scored] Wm Cassady

[Four leaves have been cut out here .] [p. 26] Simon Lucas

Die 12 Augusti 1793. In Ecclesiam recepi Joannem Redstone .

Testes R. Rob. Davies Eliz. Porter

Die Dec. 93 Lætitiam Redstone

Die 17. Aprilis 1794 Ricardum James

Oct: 1794 Carolum James

1795 March 27. Annam Fanelly. May [95 scored] Mariam King

[On the outside back cover some writing has been cancelled by a series of small crosses . The only letters now decipherableare West Di]


(Baptisms 1792, 1799-1856; Confirmations 1794-1851; Marriages 1805-1855; Deaths 1839-1887)

A very long and narrow book, measuring 16 by 6 inches, and 13 inches thick, bound and covered in brown suede leather, tooled round the edges on the front and back covers, with the monogram I HS, surmountedby a cross with three nails or thorns underneath , in each of the four corners on both front and back covers, and with four narrow purple ribbon page-markers The inside covers are also tooled round the edges . The inside of each cover is covered in brown paper, as is also the page facingeach cover . These pages andthecovers are bound together by a strip of blue flowered linen which extends underneaththe brown paper on each side

On the inside front cover is pasted a Certificate shewing that the Register was submitted to the Commissioners on 30 March 1837 by the Rev. Joseph Robson . On this Certificate the foundation of the Mission is stated to be " about the year 1790."

The pages are not numbered , save during the two periods of the Rev. Thomas White's incumbency Pagination has been supplied here .

The Register has been used for Baptisms, and then reversed and writtenin from the other end, being used as a Register ofConfirmations , Marriages and Deaths

[A strip of paper has been pasted down the centre to hold pp. 1 and 2 together. Page 1 is blank The top portion ofp. 2, measuring 9 inches , is blank. On the remainder of this page a printed notice concerningmixed marriageshas been pasted over a written noticealso dealing with them Underneaththe notice is written : At St Georges Quinquagesima Sunday 1854.]

[A line is drawn across the page, and underneath is written] The following Form of Applicationin cases of mixed Marriages will save Trouble & ensure precision: -


The undersigned applies for permission in order that A.B. a Catholic of his congregation may marry C.D. a Protestant. Both have promised that all the children , will be baptized & brought up Catholics. The Protestant promises to allow A.B. the free exercise of the Catholic Religion & the Catholic undertakes to use everyendeavour to induce the otherpartyto adopt the True Faith

St Georges 16 June 1854 [p. 3] [In the Rev. T. Fryer's hand]


Revd S. Lucas baptized

Signed " N.N." 72 .

Redd S. Despergne [sic] 12

Revd A. Bourget 2.

Revd Thos White 178

Revd Peter Gandolfi 35

Revd G. Spain 316

Revd J. Russell

Revd S. Dambrine

Revd J. Sidden

Revd C. Dowling

Revd J. Robson 264 6 15 71

Revd T. Fryer 328 [In pencil Feb. 14. 1851] [A line drawn across the page.]


Confirmed under Revd S. Lucas

Confirmed under Revd Thos White

Confirmed under Revd G. Spain

Confirmed under Revd J. Russel

Confirmed under Revd J. Robson

Confirmed under Revd T. Fryer

1794-4 Ad 1803-9-28 1813-16-36 1822-25-78 1836 22 1839-1841-4-9-339 [A line drawn across the page.]


Revd Thomas White married 6

Revd George Spain do 11

Revd John Russel do 15

Revd C. V. Dowling do 2

Revd Joseph Robson do 3

Revd Thomas Fryer do [41 in pencil 71 written over it in ink, and alongside in pencil Novb 53 34]

[A line drawn across the page ]


From June 13th 1839 to May 14th 1850. 164


[p. 4] [In the Rev. Simon Lucas's hand] 1792 125

* Die 2da Julii 1792 Baptizavi Jacobum Swithunum Filium

Jacobi Barnes et Elizabeth Giles Conjugum natum eâdem die. Sponsor Georgius Hussey. Simon Lucas 1st

[Aline drawn across thepage after this, and afterthe nextentry.]

* Die 18 Augti 1792 Baptizavi Carolettam Joannam filiam

Jacobi Creswel et Joannæ Ñ Conjugum natam die septima ejusdem mensis et anni

Sponsor. Anna Brown

[The rest of the page, 10 inches , blank.]

[pp. 5 to 11 , inclusively, blank.]

Simon Lucas 2nd

[p. 12] Die aliquâ Octobris 1799 Baptizata fuit Margarita filia Thomæ & Sara King Conjugum die decima octobris 1799 nata

Spon Edward Clark et Maria Wallis

Simon Lucas [49 scored , 53 ]

[A line drawn across the page after each entry ]

Die aliqua Octobris 1799 Baptizati fuerunt Thomas et Sarah filius et filia Edwarda [sic] & Mariæ Magan [nati omitted] die octobris octava 1799 . Simon Lucas

Spon Gulielmus Magan 54 & 55 [50 et 52 scored]

Die 27 Octobris 1799 Baptizavi Jacobum filium Michaelis et Mariæ Macdonald natum die 13tia ejusdem mensis et anni MichaelBoyd

Spon et Elizabeth Dean

Simon Lucas 56

Die aliquâ Novembris 1799 Baptizata fuit Maria Joanna Charlotta filia Francisci Dumen et Mariæ Dormein nata die 21 ejusdem mensis et anni

Spon J. L. de Courelles et Maria Prestines

S. Lucas 57

[Die [4.5 cms. blank] 1799 Baptizatus fuit [Ricardus scored] Thomas filius [non conjugum underlined] natus die [1 cm . blank] ejusdem mensis et anni


All scored , and in very small writing underneath-

S. Lucas 58 " Sinonfueritexlegitimomatrimonionatus, omittatur verbum Conjugum '; omnis tamen infamiævitetur occasio. " Ita Rituale & omnes Theologi also scored .]

* These two baptisms are also the first two entered in Register No. 1; the entries here and there differ, however, in some details. The last baptism in Register No. 1 was also numbered 53.


Die 4ta Januarii 1800 Baptizavi Franciscum Silvestrumfilium

Richardi James et Annæ Brown Conjugum natum die 31 Decembris 1799

Spon Joannes Hawke et Anna Fannelly. S. Lucas 59

Die 25 Februarii 1800 Baptizavi Louisam Teresam filiam

Joannis et Elizabeth Crasburg. natum die sexta Januarii 1800

Spon Anna Fannelly. S. Lucas 60th

[p. 13] Aprilis die 4ta 1800, Baptizatusfuit Joannes Fredericus filius Joannis Frederici Long et Mariæ Magdalenæ die aliqua aprilis 1800 natus

Spon Conradus Alavant et Maria Castan.

Die 1ma Maii 1800 filius et filia Martini et

Die 4ta Maii 1800

Buyling et Matildæ Van (61)

Simon Lucas

Baptizati fuerunt Petrus et Elizabeth , Mariæ King, die 27ma aprilis nati 1800. (62 et 63)

Pr Domm Ignatium Lemfrid

Baptizata fuit Christiana filia Joannis Kampe, nuper nata

Pr Domm Stephanum Desperque

Die 22da Junii 1800. Baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis et Annæ Cummins, natum die 27ma Maii 1800 Simon Lucas (65)

Sponsor Anna Eyles

Die4ta Julii 1800 Baptizavi Adrianamfiliam Joseph Palbach et Mariæ Elizabeth Goffing (Conjugum) nuperrimè natam.


Josp Lonrehher et Joanna Catharina Goffing.

Simon Lucas (66)

Die8 Octobris 1800 baptizatus fuit Alexander filiusAlexandri Gordon et Margarita Macnamara Conjugum die 4ta Octobris 1800

Simon Lucas (67) natus.

Sponsor Maria Dunbar

Die 13 Octobris 1800 baptizavi Hubertam Teresiam filiam Joannis Fonternale & Petronillæ Tenhott Conjugum natam die 12 ejusdem mensis et anni

Spon. Herbertus Sutherland et

Odilia Cornelisen.

Simon Lucas (68)

Die 14ta Novembris 1800 Baptizavi Josephum filium Jacobi et Annæ Brennan die 2nda Novembris 1800 natum

Spon Sarah Silsby

Simon Lucas (69.)

[p. 14] Nov. 30. 1800 baptizavi Jacobum filium Joannis Emel & Catharina Frelecus pridie natum.

Sponres Jacobus Clum et Catharina Offman

* Or Cemel '

Simon Lucas (70)

Doubtful reading.

Dec. 8. 1800. Baptizavi Infantem ignotumet valdèægrotum Nomen ejus, et Parentum perditum.

Spons Anna James

Simon Lucas (71)

Die 15. Dec. 1800. Baptizavi Fredericum Osmundum filium Martini Sherat et Joannæ Bemalach* natum die 12mo ejusdem mensis et anni


Michael Simons et Elizabeth Fandick.

Simon Lucas (72.)

[In another hand Vid infra]

[In the Abbé Etienne Desperques's hand]

hodie decima nona januarii 1801 a me infrascripto gallico sacerdote, tunc missionarii apostolici vices Gerente, ritè baptisatus petrus thomas, precedente die natus ex legitimo matrimonio joannis+ hawke et elizabeth porter conjugum, patrinus et matrina fuere thomas young et elizabeth yong [sic] ejus soror absenter, richardojames et anna brown conjugibus, vices illorum gerentibus qui ambo subscripserunt mecum§ + Hawke Stephanus desperques

Dom . Dom. Simon Lucas Obt 31 Januarii 1801 .

hodie decima quarta martis 1801 a me gallico sacerdote missionarii apostolici vices gerente ritè baptisata fuit maria orta ex legitimo matrimonio jacob jacobs et joannæ bleumer** conjugum, patrinus et matrina fuere jacob gineets et maria lustig

[No dividing lines henceforward .]

Stephanus des perques

hodie decima nona martis a me subscripto sacerdoterite baptisatus fuit patricius heri ortus ex legitimo matrimonio joannis clary et margaretæ Dye conjugum patrinus et matrina fuere thimotheus hogain et Sara holloran anno domini 1801 . Stephanus des perques

[p. 15] hodie vigesima octava martis 1801 a me subscripto sacerdoteritèbaptisatus fuit joannes, vigesima prima die ejusdem, mensis natus ex legitimo matrimonio jeremiæ crimen et mariæ heroward conjugum patrinus et matrina fuere thomas jouer et helena donoven Stephanus desperques hodie vigesima nona die martis a me subscripto sacerdote ritè baptisatus fuit michael, decimâ octavâ hujus mensis natus ex legitimo matrimonio patricii beavil et mariæ ford conjugum , patrinus et matrina fuere joannes manley et anna kelly anno domini 1801 Stephanus desperques

* Or Bernalach' Although spelt ' Despergne ' by the Rev. T. Fryer on [p. 3], the above seems to be the correct reading

The calls attention to alterations in the Hawke ' in the entryitself

§ But they did not sign the Register. ** Very difficult to read: possibly Bloomer' Doubtful reading.


hodie secunda die aprilis 1801 a me subscripto sacerdote ritè baptisata est maria vigesima tertia die martis nata ex legitimo matrimoniopatricii fogarty et joannæ may conjugum patrinus et matrina fuere Samuel midleton et eleonora Ryan Stephanus desperques

hodie octavâ die aprilis a me subscripto sacerdote rite baptisatus fuit joannes quarto aprilis natus ex legitimo matrimonio thomæ lion et joannæ judy conjugum patrinus et matrina fuere joseph douglass et catharina bryan Stephanus desperques

hodie decima nona die aprilis 1801 a me subscripto sacerdote ritè baptisata est eleonora decima sexta hujus mensis orta ex legitimomatrimoniojeremiæ cronan et eleonorædowney conjugum, patrinus et matrina fuere edward collum et maria dwyirStephanus desperques

hodie vigesimâ quinta die aprilis 1801 a me subscripto sacerdote, ritè baptisatus fuit matheus carolus, die præcedente natus ex legitimo matrimonio guillelmi pick et guillellminæpeters conjugum patrinus et matrina fuere cornelius matheus laaven et catharina carti [unsigned]

[p . 16] hodie vigesima sexta die aprilis 1801 a me subscripto sacerdote rite baptisata fuit Suzanna vigesima quarta julii 1799 nata ex legitimomatrimoniojoannis mehoweet eleonora Gollagher conjugum patrinus et matrina fuere evins magdonal et catharina Lokman Stephanus desperques

hodie decima nona maii 1801 a me subscripto sacerdote ritè baptisatus fuit patricius die præcedentenatus ex legitimo matrimonio joannis claryet margaretædyeconjugum patrinuset matrina fuere thimotheus hogain et sara holloran Stephanus desperques

hodie secundâ die junii 1801 a me subscripto sacerdote rite baptisatafuit mariadecimâ quintâ die maiinataex legitimomatrimonio patricii shortil et marthæ bridget toole conjugum patrinus et matrina fuere patricius neale et bridgia railly

Stephanus desperques (12)

[In the Abbé A. Bourget's hand]

hodie septima die Junii 1801 a me subscripto sacerdote ritè Baptisatus fuit Germanus vigesima octavâ die maii natus ex Legitimo matrimonio Patrick Melligott et Judy Melligott Conjugum, Patrinus et matrina fuere George Honywood et Bridgett Barham . Aimable Bourget hodie septima die Junii 1801 a me subscripto sacerdote ritè Baptizatusfuit Thomas vigesimâ nonâ die maii natus ex Legitimo matrimonio thomæ Gewery et Judith Gewery Conjugum, patrinus et matrina fuère Patrick Myers et anna Froely* Aimable Bourget (2)

[In the Rev. Thomas White's hand, and dividinglines afterthe entries .]

[A whole entry scored ]

* Doubtful reading

90 Aug 1801 Jane Dring baptized privately as being indanger T. White

Die 25 Aug 1801 baptizavi Antonium filium Antonii Jenkins et Elizabeth Davis Conjugum natum die 31 Julii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Richardus James & Elizabeth Dane .

Thomas White*

[p. 17] 1801. 1 . 1801.2

[Marginal entries are here given in brackets at the beginning of each entry] .

(Chas Philip Maurice de Hundheim ) Die 29° Augusti, anno verò 1801. Ego infra-scriptus Sacerdos Missionarius baptizavi Carolum Philippum Mauritium, filium Josephi Antonii Judæ Thaddæi de Hundheim et Annæ Julia Newburg, Conjugum,natum die 290 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Puerum è sacro fonte suscepit Ricardus James. Thomas White Sacdos Missus Apost.

(Mary James)

Die 30 Augusti anno Dñi 1801 baptizavi Mariam Filiam Ricardi James et Annæ Brown Conjugum, natam pridiè Sponsores fuêre Joannes Hawke et Maria Toomer. Thomas White Sacerdos Missus Apost.

(Robert & Eleonora Harrington) Die la Octobris Anno 1801 baptizavi Robertum & Eleonoram filium et filiam Jacobi Harrington et Saræ Dove, Conjugum, eodem partu editos die 26 Septembris eodem anno . Sponsores fuere Joannes Hawke et Elizabetha Thomas White Sacdos Miss Ap Hawke. 1802

(Richa White) Die23 Januarii anno 1802 baptizavi Ricardum filium Josephi White et Mariæ Callaghan Conjugum, natum 20 ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Thomas Murtagh et Margarita White Thomas White Sacdos Miss. Ap

(Mary Kinsley) Die 26 Januarii 1802 baptizavi Mariam filiam Matthæi Kinsley et Eleonora Lennan Conjugum, natam 150 ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere JoannesCain et Maria Rawleigh Thomas White Sacdos Miss Ap

(Jane Dunlap) Die 13 Feb 1802 baptizavi Joannam (Jane) filiam Roberti Dunlap et Judith Mara Conjugum, natam 6º ejusdem mensis eodemque anno 1802. Sponsoresfuere Joannes Allen & Rosa King Thomas White Miss . Ap. baptizavi Jacobum filium (James Smith) Die 2a Maii 1802

Matthæi Smith & Elizabeth Bailey Conjugum, natum die 22a Aprilis eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Corry Philippus Duke et Maria Thomas White Miss . Ap

* Allthe Rev. T.White's entriesare very neatly written , andan elaborate monogramalways follows his signature Beginning on the next page, each page is ruled off with a margin and a space for each entry.


(Frances Hanlon ) Die 5 Maii 1802 baptizavi Franciscam filiam Michaëlis Hanlon et ElizabethBodkinConjugum, natam die 6ºAprilis eodemanno Sponsoresfuêre Gulielmus Hayeset Jöanna (Jane) Kelly. Thos. White Miss. Ap. (William Morkane) Die 30 Maii 1802 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Jacobi Morkane et Birgittæ Ryan Conjugum, natum die 27° ejusdem mensis eodem anno Sponsoresfuere Joannes Cummins et Catharina Cantwell . Thomas White Miss. Ap. Seq 20 Junii 1802 . [p. 18] 1803.-3 2

(Richard Marshall) Die 20 Junii 1802 baptizavi Ricardum filium Thomæ Marshall et CatharinaWhite Conjugum, natum die 4 Decembris 1801.Patrinus fuit Thomas FitzPatrick Matrina Eleonora Paterson Thomas White Miss. Ap. (John Kallaghan ) Die 18 Julii 1802 baptizavi Joannem filium Jeremiæ Callaghan et Mariæ Leary Conjugum, natum die 18 Junii Sponsoresfuere Joannes Kennedy & Catharina Marshall. Thomas White Miss Ap

(Eleonor Brin) Die 3ª Octobris 1802 baptizavi Eleonoram filiam Patritii Brin et Magaretæ [sic] Wilkinson Conjugum natam die 26 Septembris eodem anno Patrinus fuit Andreas Magan. [In pencil 100] Thos White Miss Ap

(Thomas Keating) Die 24 Octobris 1802 baptizavi Thomam filium Thomæ Keating et Joannæ (Jane) Dunbar Conjugum, natum die 16 Augusti, eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Murphy & Catherina Caghal. Thomas White Miss . Ap.

(Joseph Lock) Die 6° Novembris 1802 baptizavi Josephum filium RicardiLocket Mariæ Brecker Conjugum, natum eodemdie. Sponsores fuere Joannes et Elizabeth Hawke Thomas White Miss: Ap

(James Hawke) Die 18° Novembris 1802 baptizaviJacobum filium Joannis Hawke et Elizabeth Porter Conjugum natum die 15 ejusdem mensis . Sponsores fuere Jacobus Hicks et Maria Toomer. Thos White Miss Ap 1803

(Thomas Stivington) Die5º Januarii1803 baptizaviThomam filium Michaëlis Stivington et Judith Sullivan Conjugum natum 21 Decembris 1802. Matrina fuit Catherina Lee Tho. White Miss Ap.

(Charlotte Tunks) Die 16 Januarii 1803 baptizavi Carolettam filiam Abraham Tunks et Mariæ Jones Conjugum, natam 28 Decembris 1802. Sponsores fuere Joannes Cornelius et Maria McCarthy. Thos White Miss . Ap

(Mary Cath: Murphy) Die 16 Mariam Catherinam filiam Michaëlis Conjugum, natam 17 Decembris 1802 loco Annæ FitzGerald .

Januarii 1803 baptizavi Murphy et Sarah Murphy Matrina fuit Helena Lewis Thomas White Miss . Ap


1803. [р 19]

(Lucia King) Die7° Februarii 1803 baptizavi Luciam filiam Martini King et Mariæ Freemantle Conjugum, natam pridie. Sponsores fuere Joannes Hawke et Sara Cooke

McGuire Conjugum, natum 7°

Matrina fuit Eleonora Kelly.

Thomas White Missions Apost. (James Welsh) Die 150 Februarii 1803 baptizavi Jacobum filium Michaëlis Welsh et Birgittæ ejusdem mensis eodemque anno .

Thomas White Miss : Apost: (Thomas Burke) Die 20 Februarii 1803 baptizavi Thomam , filium Joannis Burke et Judith Hinds Conjugum, natum 1 ° Februarii eodem anno. Sponsores fuêre Hugo Doran et Maria Farrell

Thomas White Miss Ap (Jane McCarthy). Die 20 Februarii 1803 baptizavi Joannam (Jane) filiam . ... McCarthy et Rose Clarke Conjugum, natam die 6° ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Sponsores fuere David Loghman et Maria White.

Thomas White Miss. Ap. (Catherine Daly) Die 10 Aprilis 1803 baptizavi Catherinam , filiam Joannis Daly et Annæ Brown Conjugum, natam 28 Martii eodem anno Sponsoresfuere Jacobus Connell et ElizabethFaghy pro Margaritâ Brown.

Thomas White Miss Ap (James Daverin) Die 12 Aprilis 1803 baptizavi Jacobum , filium Jacobi Daverin et Catherinæ Corless Conjugum, natum 10 ejusdem mensis eodemqueanno Sponsores fuere CarolusMcCarthy & Catherina Edwards . Thomas White Miss. Ap (Henry Cain) Die27 Aprilis 1803 baptizavi Henricum,filium Joannis Cain et Annæ Thomas Conjugum, natum die 20 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Matrina fuit Sabina Teague.

Thomas White Miss. Ap (Ann Heaphy) Die 19 Junii 1803 baptizavi Annam, filiam Pierce Heaphy et Birgittæ Ringwood Conjugum natamdie 29 Maii eodem anno Sponsores fuere JoannesMcMullan et Helena Donelly. Thomas White Miss. Ap.

[No marginal name.] Die 25 Junii 1803 baptizavi Mariam , filiam Annæ Grimes (olim Salter) natam 7° ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Joannes Hawke et Sara Cooke . Thomas White Miss. Apcus Seq 10 Julii 1803

[р. 20] 1803.4. 4

(Sarah Harrington) Die 10 Julii 1803 baptizavi Saram filiam Jacobi Harrington et Sara Dove Conjugum, natam die 28 Junii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Carolus James et Anna James. Thomas White Miss. Ap.

(John Marshall) Die 4 Octobris 1803 baptizavi Joannem filium Thomæ Marshall et Catherinæ White Conjugum, natum die 23 Septembris eodem anno Sponsores fuere Thomas Burke et Maria McCarthy . Thomas White Miss. Ap. 1804

(John McLean) Die 10a Martii 1804 baptizavi Joannem ,


filium Thomæ McLean et Annæ Ormbsby Conjugum, natum die 2 ejusdem mensis, eodemque anno. Sponsores fuere Michaël Flanagan et Margarita Malone

Thomas White Miss. Ap.

[The next entry in the Rev. Richard Southworth's hand] (Patrick Clarke) Die 18. Martii, anno Domini 1804. baptizavi Patricium filium Jacobi Clarke et Mariæ Lacy Conjugum, natum die 10 ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Hugo Divine et Anna Dempsey . 1804. Ricardus Southworth, Miss Ap (Catherine Camel) Die 1º Aprilis, anno Dñi 1804 baptizavi Catherinam, filiam Joannis Camel et Joanna (Jane) Moore Conjugum, natam 14 Martii, eodem anno. Matrina fuit Margarita

Thomas White Miss. Ap. Robinson.

(George Penston) Die 2º Aprilis 1804 baptizavi Georgium, filium Michaëlis Penston et ElizabethWhite Conjugum, natum die 13º Martii eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Daniel Kennedy et Margarita Kennedy. Thomas White Miss. Ap

(Teresa King) Die 3º Aprilis 1804 baptizavi Theresiam , filiam Martini King et Mariæ Freemantle Conjugum, natam die 31° Martii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Joannes Hawke et Elizabeth Hawke.

Thomas White Miss Ap (Sarah Calaghan) Die 11° Aprilis, anno Dñi 1804 baptizavi Saram, filiam Joannis Calaghan et Margaritæ Kirwan Conjugum, natam die 90 ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Joannes Beahan& Catherina Owen.

Thomas White Miss . Ap (Catherine Cruise) Die 5° Maii 1804 baptizavi Catherinam , filiam Joannis Cruise et Elizabeth Plunket Conjugum, natam die 30°Aprilis eodem anno Matrina fuit Maria Jones loco Catherinæ Plunket

Thomas White Missrs Apeus [p. 21] 5 1804

(Mary Brinon ) Die 6 Maii Anno Dñi 1804 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Brinon et Annæ Burt Conjugum, natam 16 Aprilis eodem Anno. Matrina fuit Maria Leary (38)

[In the Rev. Peter Gandolfi's hand] 1804

Thos White Missrs Apcus

(Francis [sic] Francis) Die 4ta Junii baptizavi Franciscam filiam Joannis Francis et Mariæ Doyle Conjugm, natam 22 Maii anni 1804. Matrina fuit Eleonora Lawless


Petrus Gandolfi Missгs Apcus

(Mary Dowley) Die 23 Junii baptizavi Mariam filiam Thomæ Dowley et Annæ Black Conjugum natam 20 Die ejusdem mensis eodem anno Matrina Katharina Lackton


Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apcus

(John Hughes) Die 24 Junii [baptizavi omitted] Joannem

* Priest at Brockhampton, Havant

filium Joannis Hughes et Eleonora Connor Conjugum. natum eodem Mense ejusdem anni Patrino Joanne Hawkes.

Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apcus


(Richard Lynch) Die 25 Junii Richardum baptizavi filium Conjugum, natum 20 Die ejusdem Edwardi Lynch et Mariæ mensis Matrina Maria Leary Patrino Joanne Hawke


Petrus Gandolfi Miss . Apeus

(Katharin Burke) Die 11mo Julii Katharinam baptizavi filiam Dominicæ [sic] Burke et Mariæ Air Conjugum, natam 2 Die ejusdem mensis . Patrino Patricio O Brien, Matrina Maria Burke Petrus Gandolfi


(Nicolas Calahan) Die 11 Julii Nicolaum filium Thomæ Calahan et KatharinaRoster* Conjugum baptizavi, natum Die6to ejusdem mensis eodem anno. Patrino Joan Hawke MatrinaMaria Connor . Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apcus [p. 22]


(John Molleneux) Die 16 Julii Joannem baptizavi filium Joannis Molleneux et Mariæ Ulner Conjugum, natum Die 10º ejusdem mensis eodem anno. Matrina Maria James

Petrus Gandolfi Miss . Apost.

(Robert Sherlock) Die 6to Augusti anni 1804 baptizavi Robertum filium Joannis Sherlock et Margaritæ MacDurmot Conjugum, natum 1 Die ejusdem mensis Patrino Joanne Chale

Petrus Gandolfi Miss . Apost

(Henry Coney) Die 19 Augusti anni 1804 baptizavi Henericum filium Henerici Coney et Eleonaræ Conoly, natum in matrimonio Die 120 ejusdem Mensis Patrinus fuit Joannes Hall. Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apost.

(Mary Conoway) Die 29 Augti baptizavi Mariam filiam

Hughii Conoway et Katharina Maiadel* Conjugum, natamDie 20 ejusdem mensis Matrina Maria Brining.

Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apost.

(John Green) Die 15 Septembris baptizavi Joannem filium

Jacobi Green et BrigittæMacCawley, natum Die 12 ejusdemmensis. Patrino Petrus Gandolfi Miss apost.

(John Pollard) Die 23 Septem. baptizavi Joannem filium

Jacobi Pollard et Adæ Adams Conjugum, natum Die 15 ejusdem mensis . Patrino Joanne Hunt Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apcus [p. 23] 1804 5

(Mary Eustace) Die 30 Septembris baptizavi Mariam filiam

RobertiEustace et Birgittæ Win Conjugum, natam25 Die ejusdem mensis Matrina Anna Edgeworth . Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apcus (Margarite Lochlan) Die 2da Decembris baptizavi Marga-

* Doubtful reading.


retam filiam Thomæ Lochlan et Joanna Mungomery Conjugum Natam mense precedente Matrina fuit Katharina Reily.

Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Ap. (John Cahill) Die 16 Dec. baptizavi Joannem filium Patricii Cahil et Katharina Kavanagh natum 10 Die ejusdem mensis.

Matrina Maria Dale Petrus Gandolfi Miss . Apos. (Judith Crinion) Die 30 Decembris baptizavi Judith filiam Francisci Crinion et EleonoraCoyle, natamDie 11° ejusdem mensis in matrimonio Patrino Petro Casey.

Petrus Gandolfi Misss Apost


(Matthew Horrigan) Die 20 Jan. baptizavi Matthæum filium Joannis Horrigan, et Joanna Barry Conjugum, natum Die 16 ejusdem mensis Patrino Joanne Hickey

Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Ap.

(Mary Cunningham) Die 11 ° Februarii anno Dom . 1805 baptizavi Mariamfiliam Michaelis Cunningham et Mariæ Rennells Conjugum, natum Die 2da ejusdem mensis.

Petrus Gandolfi Miss . Apost [p. 24]


(Eleanor Lynch) Die 11 Feb. baptizavi Eleanoram filiam

Danielis Lynch et Elizabethæ Calahan, Conjugum, natam Die 7° ejusdem mensis. Matrina Maria Rennells . Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apost. (Anne Hakey) Die 20 Feb baptizavi Annam filiam Joannis Hakey et Margaretæ Down Conjugum, natam eodem mense

Matrina Maria Brown Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apost (John Davy) Die 20 Aprilis baptizavi Joannem filium

Thomæ Davy et Helenæ Hall Conjugum, natum eodem mense . Patrino Luca Noon Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apost. (Elizabeth MacCastle) Die 26 Aprilis baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Alexandri MacCastle et Margarittæ Thompson Conjugum , natam Die 20 ejusdem mensis Matrina Eleonora Flaburn [or Haburn ] Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apost (Andrew Burke) Die 4ta Maii baptizavi Andream_filium

Jacobi Burke et Joannæ MacGahan Conjugum, natum Die 27 mensis precedentis Patrino Carolo MacLoclan Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apost (Charles King) Die 4ta Junii baptizavi Carolum filium

Martini King et Mariæ Freemantle Conjugum, natum Die 26 Maii. Patrinus fuit Samuel Baldwin Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apost. [p. 25] 1805.6

(John Coreron) Die4ta JuliibaptizaviJoannemfilium Jacobi Coreron et Saræ Henderson Conjugum, natum la Die ejusdem mensis Patrino Francisco Macanally

Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apost. (Mary Power) Die 23 Julii baptizavi Mariam filiam Matthæi Power et Elizabethæ Calian Conjugum, natum eodem mense . Petrus Gandolfi Miss Ap

(Margaret MacFawden) Die 28 Julii baptizavi Margaretam filiam Patricii MacFawden et et [sic] Brigittæ MacMullagen Conjugum natam 20 Die hujus mensis

Matrina Anna Swinney

Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apost (John Walsh) Die 3 Septembris baptizavi Joannem filium

Michaelis Walsh et Brigittæ Macguire pridienatumin matrimonio Matrina Juliana Thames


Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apost.

(Willm Murcell) Die 7° Jan. baptizavi Gulielmum filium

Thomæ Murcell et Katharina White Conjugum, natum Die 3º ejusdem mensis Patrinus fuit Luca MacGaw

Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apost. (John Macdonald) Die 6to Februarii baptizavi Joannem filium Alexandri MacDonald et Annæ Rose Conjugum, natum Die 18 Jan 1806, Patrino Georgio Macdonald

[р 26]


Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apost.

(Andrew Kain) Die 70 Feb. baptizavi Andream filium

Andreæ Kain et Mariæ Kolon Conjugum, natum Die 31 Januarii Patrino Joanne Coney.

Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apost. (Katharine Owens) Die25Feb. BaptizaviKatharinamfiliam

Simonis Owens et Annæ Brady Conjugum, natam 12 Die, hujus mensis. Matrina Maria Wilson. Petrus Gandolfi Missus Apos. (Edward Crow) Die 15 Martii Baptizavi Edwardum Crow , filium Edwardi, et Elizabethæ Cain Conjug natum la Die ejusdem mensis. Patrino Joanne White Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apos. (Katharine Kenedy) Die 7° Aprilis Baptizavi Katharinam filiam Mich . Kenedy et MariæConnor conjug Patrino Brian Kelly

Matrina Maria Smith Petrus Gandolfi Miss Apos (James Jackman) Die 7 Ap, Baptizavi Jacobum filium Alexandri Jackman et Mariæ Dun Conjugum, natum 20 Feb. Patrino Joanne MacDerby (35) Petrus Gandolfi Miss. Apos [1 inches left blank at the bottom of the page.] [p. 27] [In the Rev. Thos. White's hand] 11.* 1806 (38)* (Michael Farrell) Die 29a Aprilis 1806 baptizatusest Michaël filius Patricii Farrell & Margarita Flinn Conjugum natus die 9a ejusdem mensis & eodem anno a Rev. Dño Ludovico Coquiere Sponsores fuere Patricius Doran et Anna Gibbons. Ita testor Rev. Dñus Ludovicus Coquière pastor Gallicanus (Edwd Stanley) Die 27 Aprilis 1806 baptizavi Edoardum filium Joannis Stanley & Margaritæ Ennis Conjugum, natum die 24° Martii eodem anno 1806. Sponsores fuere Michaël Kennedy et Margarita Caffry. Sub con . Thos White Miss: Ap: *' 11 ' refers to the Rev. Thos White's previous numbering ofthepages: (38) in another handto his previous number of baptisms Ludovico and the signature in the Abbé Coquière's hand.

(Wm Davenport) Die 27 Aprilis Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Archeri Davenport & Judith Dowde Conjugum, natum die 90 ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Jacobus Butler & Maria Kennedy. Tho. White Miss: Ap. (Helen Caffry) Die 27 Aprilis Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Helenam filiam Audoëni Caffry et Margarita Moran Conjugum, natam 16° ejusdem mensis . Sponsores fuêre Jacobus Diamondet Judith Davenport. Thos White Miss: Ap. (Patrick Matty) Die 27 Aprilis Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Patritium filium Gulielmi Matty et Elizabeth Molloy Conjugum, natum die 16 Martii, eodem anno Sponsores fuere Audoënus Caffry et Margarita Stanley. Thos White Miss Ap (John MacDonald) Die 28 Aprilis Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis MacDonald et EleonoraFarrellConjugum, natum pridiè Sponsores fuere Thomas Cowen & Anna Doolin Thos White Miss: Ap (Mary Burke) Die 2ª Maii Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi, sub conditione, Mariam filiam Michaëlis Burke et Mariæ Curley Conjugum, natum7° Martii eodemAnno; omissis cœremoniisob urgens mortis periculum, quas tamen postridie supplevi, Sponsore Timotheo Howe Thos White Miss: Ap (Rose Wade) Die 3ª Maii Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Rosam filiam Jacobi Wadeet MariæRignyConjugum, natam die 27 Aprilis, eodem Anno 1806. Sponsores fuere Audoënus McDermot & Maria Dunn Tho White Miss: Ap (Mary O Neil) Die 7° Maii Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Mariam filiam Gulielmi O Neil et EleonoraFox Conjugum, natam die 22° Aprilis eodem Anno Sponsores fuere Thomas McDermott et Birgitta Welch. Tho White Miss: Aplcus

(Thomas Fynan) Die 80 Junii Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Thomam filium Patricii Fynan et Margaritæ Feeny Conjugum, natum die 3º ejusdem mensis eodemque anno . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Duffy. Thos White Misss Aplcus. [р 28] 1806 . 12 (Elizabeth Jones) Die 22a Junii Anno Dñi 1806_baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Simonis Jones et Mariæ Boyce Conjugum, natam die 11a ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Sponsoresfuere Daniel O Neil et Maria Lynch Thomas White Miss Ap (Wm Chapman) Die 26 Junii An: Dñi 1806 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Gulielmi Chapman et Mariæ Barber Conjugum, natum 22° ejusdem mensis eodemque anno . Sponsores fuere Franciscus Purcell et Anna Purcell Thos White Miss Ap (Mary Mahan) Die la Augusti Anno verò 1806 baptizavi Mariam filiam Roberti Mahan et Margarita Brown Conjugum, natam die 31a mensis Julii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Joannes Harrison & Margarita Dulin Thos White Miss: Apcus (Mich' O Brian) Die 3ª Augusti Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Michaëlem filium Thomæ 0 Brian et Joannæ Carey Conjugum,

natum die 7a Julii eodem anno. Sponsoresfuere Gulielmus O Neil et Maria Baxter. Thos White Miss Apeus

(Francis Cates) Die 10a Augusti, Anno verò 1806 baptizavi Franciscum, filium Jacobi Cates et Annæ Fanelly Conjugum, natum pridiè Sponsores fuere Jacobus Harrington et Anna Harvey. Tho White Miss Apcus

(Chas Fitzgerald ) Die 5° Septembris Anno verò 1806 baptizavi Carolum filium Gulielmi FitzGerald et Brigittæ Corcoran Conjugum, natum 1º ejusdem mensis & eodem anno Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Morrisy & Birgitta Nichols. Tho White Miss. Apcus

(Mary Lee) Die 8ª Septembris, anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Mariam filiam Ricardi Lee et Catharina Hogan Conjugum, natam 6º ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Matrina fuit Maria Ryan. Thos White Miss Apeus

(Elizabeth Lynch) Die 12 Octobris, anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Elizabetham , filiam Michaëlis Lynch et Mariæ Ready Conjugum, natam die 4a ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Patrinus fuit Patricius Burke Thomas White Miss . Apcus.

(Mich¹ Flaherty) Die 17° Octobris, Annoverò 1806 baptizavi Michaëlem filium Michaëlis Flaherty et Margarita Henright Conjugum, natum die 30 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Patrinus fuit Edmundus Burke Thomas White Miss Apcus [p. 29] 13. 1806.

(Jane Ogleby) Die 7a Novembris anno vero Dñi 1806 baptizavi Joannam filiam Joannis Oglebyet Mariæ Johnson Conjugum, natam die 28 Octobris eodem anno Matrina fuit Maria Somers Thomas White Miss: Apcus. (Ann Wrighton) Die9a Novembris Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Annamfiliam Matthæi Wrighton & Annæ Barry Conjugum natam die 29 Octobris eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Joannes Riley et Maria Quin . Thomas White Miss : Apcus. (Thos Sheridan) Die9a Novembris anno verò 1806 baptizavi Thomam filium Philippi Sheridan et Catherine Roddy Conjugum natum die 18 Octobris eodem anno Sponsores fuere JoannesRiley et Maria Quin. Thomas White Miss: Apcus

(Sarah Devine) Die 14 Novembris 1806 baptizavi Saram filiam Hugonis Devine et Annæ Davies Conjugum, natam 29 Octobris eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Jos Harris et Margarita Fallon. Thomas White Miss: Apcus

(Thomas Murphy) Die 15 Novembris anno verò 1806 baptizavi Thomam filium Dionysii Murphy et Isabellæ Coldwell Conjugum natum 1º ejusdem mensis, anno eodem . Sponsores fuere Patricius Connor et Birgitta Hargrove Tho White Miss: Apcus

(Thomas Burne) Die 21 Novembris anno verò 1806 baptizavi Thomam filium Joannis Burne et Annæ Riley Conjugum, natum


die 17 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Puerum e sacro fonte suscepit Anna James Thomas White Miss: Apcus (Thomas Bouhean) Die 26 Novembris Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Thomam filium Matthæi Bouhean et Joanna (Jane) Hare Conjugum, natum Augusti 29 eodem anno . Matrina fuit Anna James. Thos White Miss: Apcus (Thos Kelly) Die Decembris 18° anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Thomam filium Thomæ Kelly et Eleonora Rose Conjugum, natum die 26 Novembris eodem anno Sponsores fuere Michaël Ahern et Brigitta MacDermot. Tho White Miss: Apcus (Cath. Aherne) Die 180 Decembris anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Catherinam filiam Michaëlis Ahern et Joannæseu Judith ODonnell Conjugum, natamdie 4° ejusdem mensis et eodemanno Sponsores fuere Arthurus Paterson et Birgitta Leahy.Thos White Miss. Apcus (Mary Dunbar) Die 21 Decembris, anno verò 1806 baptizavi Mariam filiam Matthæi Dunbar et Joannæ (Jane) Brownlee, natam die 18 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Petrus FitzPatrick & Eleonora Mullen. Tho White Miss. Apcus Seq 1. Feb 1807

[р 30]



(Thomas Nichol) Die 1º Februarii 1807 baptizavi Thomam filium Patricii Nichol et Mariæ Clark Conjugum, natum die 30 Januarii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Patricius Brady et Maria Leach Thomas White Miss Apcus (Peter Bird) Die 2a Januarii, anno verò Dñi 1807 natus est Petrus, filius Christophori Chapman Bird et Christina Buissinne Conjugum. Cum verò periculummortis videretur urgere, ab ipso Patre baptizatus est Infans, die 18 ejusdem mensis Die tandem 4a Februarii sequentis, in navi vectoriâ (The Etingdon) ad stationem dictam The Mother-bank,* ceremonias baptismales explevi Patrinus et Matrina (absentes licet) fuere Joannes Bird et Hesther Bird. Thomas White Miss : Apcus (Mary Brinnan) Die 80 Februarii Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Brinnan& Annæ Ryan Conjugum, natamdie 50 Decembris Anno 1806. Matrina fuit Margarita Spencer. Thomas White Miss: Apcus (Thomas Shannon) Die 10° Februarii Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Thomam filium Cornelii Shannon et Eleonoræ Toppin Conjugum, natum die 1° Januarii eodem anno. Patrinusfuit Joannes Brennan Thomas White Miss Apcus (Henry[sic] Duplan) Die 11 Feb 1807 baptizaviGulielmum filium Henrici Duplan et Mariæ Cokum Conjugum, natum die 24 Januarii eodem anno Matrina fuit Maria Anna Crean

Thomas White Miss . Apcus. (Margt McNamara) Die 14 Februarii Anno Dñi 1807 bap-

* To-day the name of a sand-bank off the channel for ships entering Southampton waters; between Cowes and Calshot.

tizavi Margaritamfiliam Jacobi Macnamara et Judith seu Joannam [sic] Moran Conjugum, natam die 19 Januarii eodem anno . Sponsores fuere Joannes Donelly et Eleonora Ready

Thomas White Miss Apcus (Wm & Jas. Poor) Die 20 Februarii 1807 baptizavi Gulielmum et Jacobum filios Petri Pooret Joannæ(Jane) HowConjugum; parentibus, licet acatholicis, enixè poscentibus Natusest Jacobus Julii die 4° anno Dñi 1804; Gulielmus autem 26 Junii 1806 .

Thomas White Miss Apcus (Mary Richardson) Die 25 Februarii anno verò Dñi 1807

baptizavi Mariam, filiam Josephi Richardson et ElizabethBallard Conjugum, natam die 14 Januarii eodem anno Susceptoresnon affuêre, sed in morâ periculum fuisset.

Thomas White Miss: Apcus

(Eliza Cath: Gray) Die 30 Martii 1807 baptizavi Elizam Catherinam, filiam Gulielmi Gray et Barbara Eliza Blake Conjugum, natam die 20 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Edoardus Connor McCarthy et Sarah McCarthy .

Thomas White Miss: Apcus 15 1807 [p. 31]

(Frances Stuart) Die 6°Aprilis 1807 baptizavisub conditione Franciscam, filiam Patricii Stuart et Annæ Toole Conjugum, natam 5º die Maii præcedentis. Infantem suscepit Anna James.

T. White Miss Apcus

(Elizth McDonnell) Die Maii 11a anno verò Dñi 1807 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Reginaldi McDonnell et Elizabethæ Sinclair Conjugum, natam die 24 Martii eodem anno Susceptores fuere Jacobus Harrington et Anna Cates. Thomas White Miss : Apcus

(Pat Cosgrove) Die 17 Maii anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi sub conditione Patricium filium Roberti Cosgrove et Mariæ Lennard Conjugum, natum die 25 Februarii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Michaël Kiernan et Anna James Thomas White Miss: Apcus. (Helena Lennard) Die 14 Junii anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Helenam filiam Jacobi Lennard et Catharina Coffee Conjugum, natam die 31 Maii, eodem anno. Susceptores fuere Joannes Summers et Elizabeth Carbery. Ludovicus Coquiere* presbyter gallicanus (Mary Stuart) Die Julii 4° anno verò Dñi 1807 baptizavi Mariam filiam Gulielmi Stuart et Isabellæ Thompson Conjugum natam die 230 Junii eodem anno 1807 Sponsores fuere Hugo Lucas et Margarita Lucas. Thomas White Miss Apcus (Sarah Lawler) Die 25 Julii anno Dñi 1807 baptizaviSaram filiam Jacobi Lawler et Judith Brown Conjugum, natam die 30 Junii, eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Patricius Conolly et Elizabeth McLaughlan. Thomas White Miss: Apcus

* Signature alone autograph.


(Willm Henly) Die 26° Augusti, anno verò 1807 baptizavi Gulielmum, filium Joannis Henlyet McNolty Conjugum, natum die 13 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Patrinus fuit Joannes Brown. Thos White Miss: Apcus (Thomas Donohough) Die 100 Septembris Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi (sub conditione) Thomam filium Patricii Donohough et Catharina Fallon Conjugum, natum 230 Januarii eodem anno. Patrinusfuit Joannes Reagan. Thos White Misss Apcus. (James Sweny) Die 4ª Octobris Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Jacobum filium Jacobi Sweny et Joannæ (Jane) Hoey, Conjugum, natum die la Septembris eodem anno Sponsores fuere Jacobus Bourne et Lucia Clark.

Thomas White Misss Apcus. (Theresa Egan) Die 15 octobris Anno Dni 1807 baptizavi Teresiam filiam Donaldi Egan et Birgittæ Gleeson Conjugum, natam die 29 Septembris eodem anno Matrina fuit AnnaDelany

Thomas White Miss: Ap

[p. 32]


[No margin for the next entry]

Seqtr 18. Oct. 1807 16

Die 18° Octobris Anno Dñi 1807, baptizavi Thomam Lucam, filium Patricii Gallagher et Sara Mulroan Conjugum, natum die 10° ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Sponsores fuere Nicolaus Lacy et Honoria Monagherty . Thos Luke Gallagher. Thomas White Miss: Apcus (Thomas Jordan) Die 23 Octobris Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Thomam filium ThomæJordan et Saræ Hogan, Conjugum , natum die 21° ejusdem mensiset eodem anno Matrinafuit MariaConnor. Thomas White Miss Apcus. (John Hansbury) Die 14 Novembris Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Joannem filium Jacobi Hansbury et Mariæ ConnorConjugum, natum die 9º ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Sponsores fuere Ricardus Wilson et Elizabeth Edwards. Thomas White Miss Apcus. (Dennis Sheen) Die22° Novembris Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Dionysium filium Bartholomæi Sheen et ElizabethKing Conjugum , natum die 19° ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Sponsores fuere Joannes Coffee et ElizabethCoffee . Thomas White Miss: Apcus. (Margaret Wright) Die 24 Novembris Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Margaritam, filiam Jacobi Wright et Susannæ Freeman Conjugum, natam die 15 ejusdem mensis , eodemque anno. Sponsores fuêre Joannes White et Susanna Rogers. Thomas White Miss: Apcus.

(Ann Read) Die 26 Novembris Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Annamfiliam Stephani Read et EleonoraCorganConjugum, natam die 17° ejusdem mensis et eodemanno Sponsores fuere Matthæus Mochlar et Catharina Hanbury. Thomas White Misss Apcus. (James McGennis) Die 26° Novembris Anno Dñi 1807 baptizavi Jacobum filium Jacobi McGenniset ElizabethMcEvoy Con-

jugum, natum die 19° ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Omissæ sunt cæremoniæ imminentepericulo mortis: quas tamen postea supplevi die 24° Decembris sequentis, Matrinâ Anna MacNaspy. Thomas White Miss: Apcus. 1808

(William Duff) Die 30 Januarii 1808 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Petri Duff et Elizabeth Stafford Conjugum, natum die 1º ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores fuere Hugo Lucas et Margarita Lucas Thomas White Miss: Apcus (John[sic]Morrow) Die7° Januarii 1808 baptizaviPatricium filium Joannis Morrow et Dianæ Atkinson Conjugum, natum die 25 Decembris 1807. Sponsores fuere Patricius Gallagher et Sarah Gallagher. Thomas White Misss Apcus. [p. 33] 17 . 1808.

(Mary Riorden) Die 3ª Februarii Anno verò 1808 baptizavi Mariam filiam Edoardi Riorden et MariæDowney Conjugum,natam die 15ª Januarii, eodem anno Patrinusfuit Dionysius Ferguson. Thomas White Miss: Ap.

(John Byrne) Die 12a Februarii Anno vero Dñi 1808_baptizavi in Generali Militum Hospitio Joannem filiumGeorgiiByrne et Joanna (Jane) Parkinson Conjugum, natum eodemdie. Omissæ sunt cæremoniærituales, nec Sponsoresadfuere qui puerum è sacro fonte susciperent; instans tamen mortis periculumnullam moram pati videbatur

Postridiè mortuus est Infans. Thomas White Miss: Apcus

(Mary Ann Green) Die 14 Februarii Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi sub conditione Mariam-Annam filiam Joannis Green et Catharina Cary Conjugum, natam die 26° Januarii eodem anno. Patrinus fuit Joannes Petty.

Thomas White Miss. Apcus (James McLean) Die 18. FebruariiAnno Dñi 1808 baptizavi Jacobum filium Jacobi McLean et Patientiæ Benson Conjugum, natum die 80 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Connor et Maria Rourke. Thomas White Miss: Apcus (Mary Burn) Die 1º Martii Anno verò 1808 baptizavi Mariam, filiam Briani Burn et Mariæ Hennesy, natam die 4º Februarii eodem anno . Sponsores fuere Thomas Wickham et Birgitta McCarthy. Thomas White Miss: Apcus (Willm[sic] Crowe) Die 8° Martii Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi Thomam filium Gulielmi Crowe et Elizabeth Cain Conjugum , natum die 16º Februariieodem anno. Matrina fuit Joanna (Jane) White Thomas White Misss Apcus. (Mary Mooney) Die 9° Martii 1808 baptizavi Mariam filiam Joannis Mooney et Joannæ (Jane) Gorden Conjugum, natam die 4º ejusdem mensis, eodemque anno. Mooney et Anna Rowling. Sponsores fuere Mauritius Thomas White Miss Apcus

Martii Anno Dñi 1808 bapti- (Ann Teresa Rawden) Die 28 zavi Annam Teresiam filiam Lucæ Rawden et Catherinæ Casson

Conjugum, natam 27 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Sponsores fuere Samuel Baldwin et Maria James.

Thomas White Miss Apcus. (Robert Yates) Die 24ª Aprilis Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi Robertum filium Conolly Yates et Annæ Fitzpatrick Conjugum, natum die 14a ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Sponsores fuere Patricius O Brien et Elizabeth Nowlan

Thomas White Miss: Apcus (Margt Gorman) Die 26 Junii Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi Margaritam, filiam Joannis Gorman et Margarita Reardon Conjugum, natam die 19 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Sponsores fuere Thomas Rogers et Joanna Cooney.

[р 34] 1808

Thomas White Miss Apcus. Sequitur 3a Julii 18

[The margin on this page is on the right-hand side] (William & Mary Murray) Die 3a Julii Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Joannis Murray et Margarita Spicket Conjugum, natumdie 13 Martii 1806. Thomas White Miss: Aplcus Sponsores fuere Jacobus Kelly et Catharina Bedford. Eodem die 3 Julii 1808 baptizavi, sub conditione, Mariam sororem Gulielmi et filiam pariter Joannis Murray et Margarita Spicket Conjugum, natam Oct 3º 1806 . Sponsores fuere Jacobus Kelly et Margarita Lambert

Thomas White Miss. Ap. (Harriet & Sarah Baldwin) Die 30 Julii Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi sub conditione Henriettam Mariam et Saram , filias Samuëlis Baldwin et Saræ Exton Conjugum Nata erat Henrietta Maria 28 Septembris Anno 1802 ; Sara verò 11 Decembris Anno 1804

Thomas White Miss : Apcus. Utriusque Susceptores erant Lucas Rawdon & Caroletta Harris

(Thomas Nowlan) Die 8º Julii Anno vero 1808 baptizavi in Hospitio Generali Militum Thomam filium Joannis Nowlan et Birgittæ Hickey Conjugum (omissis coeremoniis) natum die 50 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Thomas White Miss: Apcus Ceremonias supplevi 9a Augusti sequentis Matrinâ Mariâ Marr. T.W. qui supra. (John [sic] Mac-Call) Die 10a Julii Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis McCall et Mariæ McNally Conjugum, natam die 6a ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Sponsores fuere Joannes McGowran et Anna McGowran .

Thomas White Miss: Apcus.

(Sarah Smith) Die 26 Julii 1808 baptizavi, sub conditione, Saram filiam Jacobi Smith et Elizabeth McCarthy Conjugum, natam die 14 ejusdem mensis, eodemque anno.

Thos White Miss : Apcus. (Joseph Mulligan) Die Julii 31° baptizavi Josephum filium Danielis Mulligan et Teresia Redman Conjugum, natum die 29

ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Sponsores fuere Daniel McGovran et Margarita Clyne Anno Dni 1808. Thos White Miss Apcus (Patrick [sic] Power) Die 31 Julii, Annoverò 1808 , baptizavi Joannem filium Patricii Power et Mariæ Boyland Conjugum, natum die 22 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Sponsoresfuere Philippus Danaher et Maria Sullivan. Thomas White Miss: Apcus (Patrick O Neal) Die 19 Septembris, anno verò 1808 , baptizavi Patriciumfilium Joannis O Nealet BirgittæBradyConjugum , natumdie 7º ejusdem mensiset eodemanno Patrinus fuitJacobus Gagan Thomas White Miss. Apcus (Mary Osburn) Die Octobris 2a, anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi

Mariam, filiam Henrici Osburn et Margarita Clifford Conjugum; natam 17a Septembris, eodem anno Sponsores fuere Daniel Mahony et Judith McCourte Thomas White Miss. Apcus. (James Kennedy) Die Octobris 8a anno vero Dñi 1808 baptizavi sub conditione , et cæremoniis omissis, cum videretur morti proximus, Jacobum filium Philippi Kennedy et Margaritæ Scott Conjugum natum 26° mensis Junii præcedentis Patrinus fuit Christopherus Riley. Thomas White Miss. Apcus. Mortuus est sequenti die in Hosp. Gen: Mil [р 35] 19 . 1808

(Helen Devine) Die 30a Octobris Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi

Helenam filiam Thomæ Devine et Birgittæ Callaghan Conjugum, natam die 17a ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Sponsores fuere

Patricius McNeal et Catherina Cassedy. Thos White Miss: Apcus

(Timothy Griffin) Die 15 Novembris Anno 1808 baptizavi

Timotheum filium Michaëlis Griffin et Mariæ Hyland Conjugum, natum die 12 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Sponsores fuere

Gulielmus Miller et Helena Halloran Thomas White Miss: Apcus (Jas. Cary) Die 18 Novembris 1808 baptizavi Jacobum filium Joannis Cary et Catharina Clements Conjugum, natum 14 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Sponsores fuere Franciscus

Smith et Catharina Salmon . Tho White Miss: Apcus. (Joanna Vier) Die 29 Novembris , Anno 1808 , baptizavi Joannam filiam Petri Vier et Margaritae Bach Conjugum, natam die 230 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Matrina fuit Joanna McGuire. Thos White Miss: Apcus.

(Mary Farley) Die 4ª Decembris Anno Dñi 1808 baptizavi Mariamfiliam Hugo Farleyet MariæMcCormack Conjugum, natam 3a ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Sponsores fuere Franciscus Berney et Judith Green. Tho White Miss Apcus 1809

(Alice Fallon) Die 10 Januarii Anno Dñi 1809 baptizavi Aliciam filiam Philippi Fallon et Alicia Honan Conjugum, natam die 22° Septembris anno 1808. Matrina fuit Joanna (Jane) Crotty vice Franciscæ Fallon. Thos White Miss: Apcus.


(Christ Mead) Die4° Januarii 1809 baptizaviChristopherum filium Roberti Mead et Judith Cain Conjugum, natum die eodem. Matrina fuit Margarita Farrell Thos White Miss Apcus (Mary Sullivan) Die 11 Januarii 1809 baptizavi Mariam filiam Davidis Sullivanet Margarita Graham Conjugum, natam die 60 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Thomas et MariaStone . Thomas White Miss : Apcus. (Elizth Dunn) Die 16 Januarii Annoverò Dñi 1809 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Michaëlis Dunn et Judith Terrath Conjugum, eodem die natam Sponsores fuere Gulielmus McEvoy & Maria Carroll Thomas White Miss: Apcus

(Helen Kelly) Die 22ª Januarii 1809 baptizavi Helenam , filiam Petri Kelly et Annæ MurphyConjugum, natam 18a ejusdem mensis eodemque Anno. Sponsores fuere Bernardus Brown et Maria Power. Thomas White Miss: Apcus.

(John Connor) Die Januarii 25 Anno verò 1809 baptizavi Joannem filium Patricii Connor et Catharinæ Fitz-Patrick Conjugum, natum die 17° ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Sponsores fuere Jacobus Kenean et MargaritaMcGiff.

[p. 36] 1809

Thomas White Miss: Apcus Sequitur 12 Feb 20

(Nath Aloys Bonnenzi) Die 12° Februarii 1809 baptizavi, sub conditione , Nathanaëlem Aloysium filium Gulielmi Bonnenzi etAnnæWickenden Conjugum, natum Octobris 27° AnnoDñi 1804. Sponsores fuere Joannes & Elizabeth Hawke. Thos White Miss. Apcus.

* (Martha Bonnenzi) Die 12° Februarii 1809 baptizavi, sub conditione,Marthamfiliam Gulielmi Bonnenzi et Martha Whittington Conjugum, natam Martii 12° anno Dñi 1808. Sponsores fuere Joannes Murry et Alicia Dillon Thos White Miss . apcus.

*(Jño Leopold Bonnenzi) Die 12° Februarii 1809 baptizavi, sub conditione , Joannem Leopoldum filium Gulielmi Bonnenzi et Martha Whittington Conjugum, natum 27° Januarii 1809. Sponsores fuere Henricus Rayment et Elizabeth Barnes. Thos White Miss. Apcus. (Ann Trower) Die 20 Februarii Anno Dñi 1809 baptizavi Annamfiliam Michaëlis Trower et Birgittæ Cain Conjugum, natam 220 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Sponsores fuere Joannes Rogers et Birgitta Cain. Thos White Miss Apcus. (Margaret Kelly) Die 20 FebruariiAnnoverò Dñi 1809 baptizavi (coeremoniis & precibus omissis propter urgens mortis periculum) Margaritam , filiam Jacobi Kelly et MariæConollyConjugum, natam die 13 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Cum postea convalescerecoepisset Infans, delata est ad Ecclesiam, et omissa omnia ,

* It is curious that in the first of these three baptisms the mother's Christian name and surname are different, though there is a phonetic resemblance in the surname

ordine et ritu præscripto, supplevi die 8° Martii, eodem anno 1809 , sponsore Birgitta McEvoy. Thos White Misss Apcus

(Mary Alton) Die 19 Martii AnnoDñi 1809 baptizaviMariam filiam Christophori Alton et Margarita Early Conjugum, natam 14 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Hastings et Maria McCall .

(Timothy Sexton) Die Martii Timotheum filium DionysiiSextonet natum die 200 ejusdem mensis et Joannes Sexton . Thos White Misss Apcus

220 Anno Dñi 1809 baptizavi EleonoraCrimmenConjugum, eodem anno. Patrinus fuit

Thos White Misss Apcus.

(Edwd Bedford) Die 26° Martii 1809 baptizavi Edoardum filium Edoardi Bedford et CatharinaMurrayConjugum, natum 15º Januarii eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Joannes et Margarita Murray.

Thos White Misss Apcus.

(Sarah Sullivan) Die 3 Aprilis 1809 baptizavi Saram filiam Thomæ Sullivan et Mariæ Jennings Conjugum, natam die 23° Martii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Neil Burns et Anna Burns.

Thos White Misss Apcus.

(Mich [sic] McGee) Die 12° Aprilis, Anno verò 1809 baptizavi Joannem filium Michaëlis McGee et Rose-Annæ Haney Conjugum, natum die 12° Martii eodem anno . Patrinusfuit Jacobus Conolly. Thos White Miss Apcus.

(Jas Murphy) Die 130 Aprilis, Anno verò 1809 baptizavi Jacobum filium Jacobi Murphy et Eleonora McElroy Conjugum, natum die Martii 12° eodem Anno. Sponsores fuere Thomas McGuire et Margarita Lucas . Thomas White Misss Apcus

(Cath. Hillary) Die 14 Aprilis Anno vero 1809 baptizavi Catherinam filiam Petri Hillary et Eleonoræ Hanley, natam 20 Martii eodem anno. Patrinus fuit Joannes Halligan

[p. 37] 21. 1809 .

Thomas White Miss: Apcus

(Mary Divine) Die 230 Aprilis, anno verò 1809 baptizataest a Rev. Dño Ludovico Coquiere Presbytero Gallicano, in Angliâ autem Missionarii Apostolicigerente, Mariafilia Patricii et Mariæ Divine (olim McLaughlin ) Conjugum, nata 180 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Sponsoresfuere Patricius Mullin et MariaMcCarthy. In cujus rei fidem ipse suâ manu subscripsit. [unsigned] (Mary McLean) Die 300 Aprilis, anno verò 1809 baptizavi Mariam, filiam Danielis McLean et Elizabeth Scullen Conjugum, natam die 20 Februarii eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Moyses Frayne et Elizabeth Mortimer. Thos White Miss Apcus (Ann Rutley) Die 11a Maii, Anno verò Dñi 1809 baptizavi Annam , filiam Joannis Rutley et Annæ Cooney Conjugum, natam die 29 Aprilis, eodem anno Matrina fuit Anna Johnson Thos White Misss Apcus. (Mary Harrington) Die 80 Junii 1809 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Harringtonet SaræDore, * natam die 27 Maii eodem Anno. Sponsores fuere Samuel Baldwin et Elizabeth Hawke . Thos White Misss Apcus.

* It would seem that a space was left for this maiden name and that it wasafterwards inserted Inprevious entriesit has been transcribedas 'Dove . '


(Elizabeth James) Die 11a Junii, Anno verò Dñi 1809 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Caroli James et Esther Lansdown Conjugum, natam 3ª die Maii, eodem anno Sponsores fuere Joannes Hawke et Anna James. Thomas White Misss Apcus.

(James Smith) Die 25 Junii, Anno verò Dñi 1809 baptizavi Jacobum filium Francisci Smith et Eleonora Conroy Conjugum, natum die 19 no ejusdem mensis eodemqueAnno Sponsores fuere Michaël Hopkinset Coecilia Coghlan. Thos White Misss Apcus

(HenriettaBrewer) Die Julii 9 ° Anno verò Dñi 1809 baptizavi Henriettamfiliam Thomæ Brewer et Joannæ (Jane) Johnson Conjugum, natam 7° ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Cum videretur imminere mortis periculum , & Parentes, licèt Acatholici, enixè postularent , baptizavi Infantem; omissis tamen cæremoniis usitatis, nullisque spondentibus Patrinis.

Thos White Misss Apcus.

(Bridgt Walsh .) Die 29 Julii Anno Dñi 1809 baptizavi Birgittam filiam Gulielmi Walsh et Catharina Walsh Conjugum, natam 24° ejusdem mensis eodemque anno . Sponsores fuere Jacobus Walsh et Birgitta Graham Thos White Miss Apcus.

(Eleon Doyle) Die 30 Julii Anno Dñi 1809 baptizavi Eleonoram filiam Michaëlis Doyle et Mariæ Lucas Conjugum, natam 21 ejusdem mensis et eodem anno Sponsores fuere Jacobus Sharkey et Maria Sharkey. Thos White Miss Apcus.

(Donald Hayes.) Die 7a Augusti, Anno verò 1809 baptizavi Donaldum , filium Donaldi Hayes et Saræ Oulis Conjugum, natam die 6a ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Matrina fuit Catharina Howell Thos White Misss Apcus.

(John Stokes) Die 18 Augusti Anno verò 1809 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Stokes et Annæ McMahon Conjugum, eodem die natum. Sponsores fuere Edoardus FitzPatrick et Sara Ingram Thos White Miss Apcus Seq 12 Oct. 1809 .

[p 38]

1809-10 22

(Frances James) Die 12 Octobris Anno Dñi 1809 baptizavi Franciscam filiam Gulielmi James et AnastasiaStagg Conjugum, natam die 4º ejusdem mensis, eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Joannes Hawke et Anna James Thomas White Miss:Apcus.

(Patrick Graham) Die 21 Octobris Anno Dñi 1809 baptizavi Patriciumfilium Patricii Graham et Joannæ (Jane) Hall Conjugum, natum die 18 ejusdem mensis, eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Murphy et Dorothea Price

Thomas White Miss . Apcus

(Mary-Ann Hickey) Die 12ª Novembris , Anno verò 1809 baptizaviMariam Annamfiliam Simonis Hickeyet MargaritaByrne Conjugum, natam die 30a Octobris eodem anno Sponsoresfuere Joannes Ervin et Anna Larkin. Thos White Miss: Apcus

(Mary Corbett) Die Decembris 4° anno verò 1809 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Corbett et Judith Gleeson Conjugum, natam die 13 Novembris eodem anno Matrina fuit Anna James. Tho White Miss Apcus


(Geo. Richardson) Die 17 Decembris anno Dñi 1809 baptizavi Georgium filium Joannis Richardson et Catharina Cain Conjugum, natum die 26 Novembris eodem anno. Matrina fuit Maria Cain Thomas White Misss Apcus. [A double line drawn across the page; and doublelines above and below the year 1810.]


(Willm & Elizth McCarthy) Die Januarii 4° anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi, sub conditione, Gulielmumet Elizabethfilium & filiam Caroli McCarthy et Catharina Lamasna Conjugum Natus est Gulielmus die 19 Martii 1804; Elizabeth autem nata erat 31 Decembs 1805. Sponsor erat Maria Anna James

Thomas White Miss . Apcus

(Louisa McCarthy) Die6ª JanuariiAnnoDñi 1810 baptizavi, sub conditione , Louisam filiam Caroli McCarthy et Catharina Lamasna Conjugum, natam die 6a Aprilis 1808. Sponsor erat Anna Winefrida James Thomas White Misss Apcus.

(Ann Hughes) Die Januarii 10a Anno Dñi 1810 , baptizavi Annam, filiam Jacobi Hughes et Joannæ Neal Conjugum, natam die 7a ejusdem mensis, eodem anno Sponsores fuere Jacobus

Hughes et Anna Hughes. Thos White Miss . Apcus

(Jas McGrath) Die 15° Januarii anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi Jacobum filium Patricii McGrath et Mariæ ButlerConjugum,natum 13º ejusdem mensis et anni. Omissas coeremonias postridiè supplevi, Sponsoribus Michaele Bourke et Elizabeth Mortimer

(Margt Duffy) Die Januarii 18° Margaritam filiam Hugonis Duffy et natam eodem die Matrina fuit Maria

Thos White Miss Apcus anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi

Judith Dunn Conjugum, Collins

Thos White Miss . Apcus

(Mich' O Neil) Die Februarii 4° Anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi Michaëlem , filium Dionysii O'Neil et Catharinæ Barry Conjugum , natum die 29° Januarii, eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Mulhearn et Elizabeth Wilson. Thomas White Misss Apcus [p . 39] 23. 1810

(Maria McCarthy) Die 8a Feb 1810 baptizavi Mariam filiam Caroli McCarthy et Catharina Lamasna Conjugum, natam 19 Januarii eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Thomas Baylis et Elizabeth Barnes Thomas White Miss . Apcus.

(Ann Teresa Murray) Die 13a Februarii 1810 baptizavi Annam Teresiam, filiam Joannis Murray et Margarita Spickett Conjugum, natam pridiè. Sponsores fuere Joannes Hawke et Anna James . Thomas White Misss Apcus


(Jno Griffin) Die Februarii 27. Anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Griffin et Mariæ Tyter, Conjugum, natum die 20a ejusdem mensis eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Thomas Godfrey et Elizabeth Godfrey Thos White Misss Apcus (Jane Brading) Die Februarii 28 Anno verò 1810, baptizavi Joannam (Jane) filiam Ezechia Brading et Hanna Grimes (olim Salter) natam die 30 Decembris Anno 1809 . Thomas White Missionarius Apcus. (Sarah Comerford) Die 4ª Martii 1810 baptizavi Saram filiam Thomæ Comerford et Catharina Wallen Conjugum, natam die 25ª Februarii, eodem anno Sponsores fuere Edmundus Harris & Birgitta Cain. Thomas White Misss Apcus. (James Walsh) Die Martii 50 baptizavi Jacobum filium Edwardi Walsh et Annæ O Connor Conjugum, natum die 21° Februarii, eodem anno 1810. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Hepburn et Margarita Master Thomas White Miss Apcus. (Patrick Conlin) Die Martii 12º, cum periculummortis imminere censeretur, baptizavi in Nosocomio militari , coeremoniis omissis, Patricium filium Patricii Conlin et Elizabethæ Burn Conjugum, natum 7° ejusdem mensis eodemqueanno. È sacro fonte puerum suscepit Catherina McEvoy. Thomas White Miss .Apcus. Omissas cæremonias supplevi Die 18° Martii, spondente (vice Catharine McEvoy) Eleonora O Connell T. White qui supra. (Mary Long) Die25 Martii AnnoDñi 1801 baptizaviMariam , filiam Joannis Long et Annæ Larking Conjugum, natam die 21° ejusdem mensis , eodem anno Sponsores fuere Edoardus Nowland et Margarita Millis Thos White Misss Apcus (Jas [sic] Ryan) Die 16 Aprilis Anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi Michaëlem filium Jacobi Ryan et Mariæ Doyle Conjugum, natum eodem die. Sponsores fuere Joannes Welsh et Maria Griffin Thos White Miss Apcus. Aprilis Anno Dñi 1810 bapfiliam Edoardi Sennett et Ne foret in morando dis-

(Josh & Mary Sennett ) Die 21 tizavi Josephum et Mariam filium et Mariæ Kase Conjugum, pridiè natos crimen, baptizati sunt nullis præsentibus Patrinis, & omissis, pro præsenti, cæremoniis Thomas White Miss Apcus. Die 20a Maii supplevi cæremonias baptismales, spondentibus Thomâ McCarten et Mariâ-Annâ James T. White qui supra. (Matt McLaughlin ) Die Maii 20 Anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi Matthæum , filium Briani McLaughlin et Elizabeth McGuire Conjugum, natum die 230 Aprilis, eodem anno 1810. Sponsores fuere Alexander Stanton et Joanna (Jane) James

Thomas White Misss Apcus. (Willm Cragen) Die 20a Maii Anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi Willelmum filium Joannis Cragen et Susanna Nowlan Conjugum, natum die 17° ejusdem mensis , eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Cushley et Anna Dogherty. Thos White Misss Apcus. Sequitur 21. Maii 1810.

[p. 40]



(John Rourke) Die 21° Maii Anno Dñi 1810 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Rourke et Annæ McGarry Conjugum, natum pridiè. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Ryan et Maria Ryan. Thos White Miss Apcus.

(Ann Delahunty) Die Junii 17, Anno verò 1810, baptizavi Annam filiam Ricardi Delahunty et Annæ Halpen Conjugum, natam 14° ejusdem mensis et eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Joannes Davis et Joanna Murphy. Thos White Misss Apcus.

(Nic McDonnell) Die 2a Julii 1810 baptizavi Nicoläüm filium Patricii McDonnell et Eleonora Murphy Conjugum, natum 27 Junii eodem anno Patrinus fuit Joannes Masterson. Thos White Misss Apcus.

(Margt Blair) Die 2a Julii 1810 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Samuelis Blair et Margaritæ Cleland Conjugum, natam 29 Junii eodem anno Matrina fuit Judith Holland.

[In the Rev. George Spain's hand] Thos White Miss Apcus


(Honoratia Sullivan) Die 5a Julii Ano Dni 1810 , baptizavi Honoratiamfiliam Thomæ & Mariæ Sullivan, Conjugum, natam 20 Junii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Edmundus Craughan et Anna Rourke. Georgius Spain Misss Apcus. (Margt Lonnon) Die 11a Julii A° Di 1810 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Henrici et Annæ Lonnon Conjugum natam 17 . Junii eodem anno Patrinus fuit Michael Hart.

[In pencil 300] Georgius Spain Misss Apcus

(John Craughan) Die 17° Julii A° DI 1810 baptizavi Joannem filium Edwardi Craughan et Mariæ Irving Conjugum, natam 5a die ejusdem mensis & anni Matrina fuit Maria Kirby. Geo Spain Mo A° (Thomas Baker) Die 27° Januarii A.D. 1810. Natus et die 30a ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatusfuit Thomas filius Josephi Baker, et Lucia Scott, Patrinusfuit Michael Matrina Teresa Scott Actoni Middx a me Geoli Spain Misso Apso (Brigit Nugent) Die 29° Julii A.D. 1810 baptizavi Birgittam filiam Davidis Nugent et Annæ Cathnick Conjugum, natam 6a die Februarii eodem anno Sponsores fuere Nicholas et Maria Welch. Geo Spain Miss. Apo (Thomas Rice) Die 5a AugustiA.D. 1810 baptizaviThomam filium Thomæ Rice et Catharina McKnally conjugum, natum 30a die mensis Julii eodem anno Sponsoresfuere Joannes Clarke et Helena Hourhan. Geo Spain M.A. [p . 41] 25 1810

(Elizabeth Reeks) Die la Septembris A.D. 1810 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Josephi Reeks & ElizabethCraslar Conjugum. pridiè natam.


Sponsores & Reeks


Ita testor Geo Spain M.A.

(Mary Ansborough) Die 7 Octobris A.D. 1810 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Ansborough, et Mariæ Connor Conjugum natam die 5a ejusdem mensis Matrina fuit Maria Craughan. Ita testor Geo Spain M.A.

(Margaret Clarke) Die 21a Novembris A.D. 1810 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Thomæ Clarke et Margarita Sutton conjugum natamdie 20a mensis Octobris præcedentis Sponsor fuit Johannes McGee . Ita testor Geo Spain M.A.

(Mary Toohay) Die 26a Decembris A.D. 1810 baptizavi Mariam filiam Patricii Toohay et Margarita Donoho conjugum natam die 29a mensis Septembris anni currentis Sponsor fuit Patricius O riley


Ita testor Geo Spain M.A.

A.D. 1811

(Antonia Amalia Schutz [sic]) Die 5ª Januarii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Antoniam Amaliam filiam Antonii Schultz et Josephæ Pillishek Conjugum, natam die 3a ejusdem mensis et anni.

Sponsores fuére Ita Testor Geo Spain M.A.

Johannes Richter & Amalia Elsberg

*(James Creighton) Die 19. Sep. A.D. 1810 baptizaviJacobum filium Joannis Creighton et Mariæ McCormick conjugum natum .... parentibus licet acatholicis poscentibus proptermortis periculum . Omissæ sunt tamen cæremoniæ rituales nec adfuére sponsores Ita testor Geo Spain M.A. (Mary Carrol) Die 11ª FebruariiA.D. 1811 baptizaviMariam filiam Danielis Carrol et Mariæ Scanlan Conjugum, natam die 9a ejusdem mensis & anni

Sponsores fuére

Jacobus McCan

Catha Swiney [p. 42] 1811

Ita testor Geo Spain M.A. (Sequitur 19. Feb. 1811)


(Sarah Porter) Die 19 Februarii baptizavi Saram Porter parentum acatholicorum propter mortis periculum Omissæ sunt coeremoniæ rituales nec adfuere sponsores . Ita testor Geo Spain

(John Charles Hageder) Die 24ª Februarii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Johannem Carolum Hageder, filium Joannis Caroli Hageder & Nannetta Porkornin Conjugum natam die 14a ejusdem mensis et Anni.

Sponsores fuére

Francisca Forgisaa

Johannes Muller

Johannes Schreiber Ita testor Geo Spain

* Not in chronological order.

(Cathe Long) Die la Martii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis Long et Annæ Larkin Conjugum nuperrime natam . Sponsores fuere A P Staunton et Henrietta Byrne. Ita testor Geo. Spain (Mary Flannigan ) Die 7a Martii A.D. 1811 baptizaviMariam filiam Patricii Flannigan et Annæ Mullaghan Conjugum eâdemdie natam Omissæ fuére cœremoniærituales . Sponsorserant Jacobus Cunningham et Anna Manners Ita testor Geo Spain (Mary Rogers) Die 1º Aprilis A.D. 1811 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Rogers et Annæ Cassidy conjugum natam die 13ª mensis præcedentis Sponsor fuit Alexander McLean. Ita testor Geo. Spain (Richard Power) Die 2a Aprilis A.D. 1811 baptizavi Richardum filium Patricii Power et Mariæ Boylan Conjugum natum die 3a mensis antecedentis Sponsores fuere Neil Burns , et Birgitta Kane Ita testor Geo Spain (filia Leigh & Stagg) Omissis Ceremoniis , ob mortis periculum baptizavi filiam Samuel Leigh & Esther Stagg

Ita testor Geo Spain

(Genovefa C. M. Schultz) Die 13a Aprilis A.D. 1811 baptizavi Genovefam Christianam Mariam filiam Jacobi, & Mariannæ Schultz Conjugum natam 6a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsores fuère Antonius Schultz, & Mariana Groeskin*

Ita testor Geo Spain

[p. 43] 27 1811 .

(Helen McGoverin) Die 22a Aprilis A.D. 1811 in Nosocomio Generali militum, baptizavi Helenam filiam Joannis McGoverin et Annæ Riley Conjugum natam 14ª die ejusdem mensis et Anni Matrina fuit Sara O Neal Omissæ sunt Coeremoniæ rituales supplevit Gul. Pierrepont

Ita testor Geo Spain

(Cathe O. Neil) Die 13a Maii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Terentii O Neil et Sara Smith Conjugum e sacro fonte susceperunt Hanna Cotter et Thomas Sullivan Ita testor Geo Spain M.A.

(Thomas Baldwin) Die2a Junii A.D. 1811 baptizaviThomam filium Thomæ Baldwin et Saræ Dorey conjugum natam die 10a Maii eodem anno e sacro fonte susceperunt Samuel et Sara Baldwin Ita testor Geo. Spain M.A.

(Catharine Rawden) Die 9a Junii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Lucæ Rawden et Catharina Casson conjugum natam die 7a ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Sponsores fuére Joannes Hawke et Anna Coombs Ita testor Geos Spain

(Hugh Laferty) Die 2ª Julii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Hugonem filium BernardiLaferty et EleonoraKelly conjugum pridie natum . Sponsores fuere Joannes Meantire et Alicia Moon. Ita testor Geo. Spain

* Reading doubtful Priest at Cowes.


(Margt Mugalleir ) Die 12a Julii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Jacobi Mugalleir et Margarita Grey Conjugum, natam die [1 cm. blank] mensis præcedentis, eodem verò anno Sponsores fuére Joannes Killins et Maria McLean.

Ita testor Geo Spain

(Anne Proud) Die 12a Julii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Annam filiam Caroli Proud et Elizabethæ Hallerin Conjugum, natam die [1 cm . blank] mensis præcedentis eodem veró anno Sponsores fuere Thomas Brannam et Maria Donnelly.

Ita testor Geo Spain Seq 17. Jul 1811 28 [р 44]

1811 .

(Anne Haley) Die 17ª Julii A.D. 1811 baptizavi Annam filiam Gulielmi Haley et Margaritæ Connolly Conjugum natam25a die Junii præcedentis Sponsores fuere Carolus McKeoghan et Eleanor Churchill.

Ita testor Geo Spain M.A.

(Eliza Geohigan vel Gegan) Die 12a Augusti A.D. 1811 baptizavi Elizam filiam RichardiGeohigan & Elizabethæ Farren Conjugum Sponsores fuere Phillippus Denher & Maria Swan. Ita testor Geo. Spain M.A. (John Clansie) Die 12a Septembris A.D. 1811 baptizavi

Joannem filium Joannis Clansie et Mariæ WeatherickConjugum natum 12ª die Julii ejusdem Anni Sponsores fuere Alexander Stanton et N.N. Ita testor Geo. Spain

(George Ash) Die 27a Septembris A.D. 1811 baptizavi Georgium filium GulielmiAsh, et Hannah LockConjugum Parentes licet acatholici enixé postulaverunt propter mortis periculum, omissæ sunt cæremoniæ rituales nec adfuere sponsores . Ita testor Geo Spain

(William Ryan) Die 27. Octobri. A.D. 1811 baptizavi

Gulielmum filium Jacobi Ryan et Birgittæ Meaney Conjugum natum die 22a ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsor fuit Petrus

Doran Ita Testor Geo . Spain (Edwd McDonnough) Die 29a Octobri A.D. 1811 baptizavi

Edwardumfilium Jacobi McDonnough et Saræ Hudson Conjugum natum die 26a mensis Septembris eodem anno. Sponsores fuére Michael Gillan et Sara Chapman. Ita Testor Geo Spain

A.D. 1811 baptizavi (John Crawley) Die 13a Novembri

Joannem filium Mauritii Crawley et EleonoraMahoney Conjugum natum die 10a ejusdem mensis & anni

Mahagh. (Mary Daly)

Die 21 Novembri

Mariam Daly, coeremoniis omissis.

(Joseph Reeks) Die 3ª Decembri

Sponsor fuit Thomas

Ita Testor Geo Spain

A.D. 1811 baptizavi

Ita Testor Geo Spain

A.D. 1811 baptizavi

Josephum filium Josephi Reeks et Elizabethæ Crasler Conjugum, natum 30a die novembri præcedentis Sponsores fuere Joannes Reeks et Elizabetha Green. Ita Testor Geo Spain

[p. 45]

29. 1811

(Patrick Laferty) Die 12a Decembri A.D. 1811 baptizavi Patritium filium Patricii Laferty et Eleonora McKue Conjugum, natum die 4a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsores fuére Jacobus Fox, et Anna Richards Ita Testor Geo. Spain

A.D. 1812

(William Murphy) Die la Januarii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Joannis Murphy et Annæ Senate Conjugum natam die 28a mensis Decembri A.D. 1811. Sponsores fuére Patricius Runny & Margarita Kelly. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Margt Cave) Die 11ª Februarii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Mar garitam filiam Joannis Cave et Mariæ Casey Conjugum natam die 4a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuére Timotheus Mernon et Maria Conjux. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Sarah Carey) Die 11a FebruariiA.D. 1812 baptizaviSaram filiam Jacobi Carey et Mariæ Nolan Conjugum natam die 16a Januarii præcedentis Sponsores fuére Bernardus Farrell et Maria Wyms. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Thos Denhar) Die 23a Februarii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Thomam filium Joannis Denhar et Catharina Adlerly Conjugum natum die 21a ejusdem mensis & anni Patrinus fuit Edwardus Nowlan Matrina Anna Long. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Mary Ann Casey) Die 10a Martii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Mariam Annamfiliam Andreæ Casey et Birgittæ McCormick Conjugum natam die 8a ejusdem mensis & anni. Patrinus fuit Patricius Malony et Maria Doud. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Edwd [sic] Martel) Die 2a Maii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Franciscum filium Edwardi Martel & Mariæ Lonza Conjugum eadem die natum . Patrinus fuit Franciscus Formoso Matrina Romana do Carminho. Ita Testor Geo . Spain

[p. 46] 1812 seq 6. Maii 1812 30.*

(Patrick Bryan) Die 6a Maii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Patritium Filium Patritii Bryan & Sara Corr Conjugum pridie natum. Sponsores fuere Roger Hoghy et Joanna (Jane) McGill Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Eleonora McKeogh) Die 8a Maii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Eleonoram filiam Michaelis McKeogh et Margaritæ Austin Conjugumnatam 3a die ejusdem Mensis & Anni Matrinafuit Birgitta Matthews Ita Testor Geo Spain

(John Halerty) Die 31a Maii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Halertyet Birgittæ Havey Conjugum natum die 27a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsores fuére Jacobus Burns & Anna McGofferty Ita Testor Geo Spain

The last of the numbered pages, numbered in advance by the Rev. T. White


(John Dillon) Die 24ª Junii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Joannem filium Gulielmi Dillon et Hannæ McIntosh natum die 9a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Sponsor fuit Jacobus Matthews

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(John Murphy) Die 8a Julii A.D. 1812 baptizavi Joannem filium Audoeni (Owen) Murphy et Margarita Thompson pridie natum. Sponsores fuere Joannes Dickson et Margarita Clarke

Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Margt Farrell)

Die 13a JuliiA.D. 1812 baptizaviMargaritam filiam Petri Farrell et Elizabethæ Farrell natam die 5a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuére Thos McSheen et Catharina


Ita Testor Geo Spain (Thos Mowles)

Die 28 AugustiA.D. 1812 baptizavi Thomam filium Thomæ Mowles et Mariæ Sennett Conjugum natum die 16" ejusdem Mensis & anni Patrinus fuit Laurentius McCarthy .

Ita Testor Geo Spain (Edwd Shannon) Die 30a Augusti A.D. 1812 baptizavi Edwardum filium Joannis Shannon & Annæ Brady Conjugum natum die 25a ejusdem mensis & Anni Patrinusfuit Morganus

Butler. Ita Testor Geo Spain

Sponsores fuere Joannes

Ita Testor Geo Spain

A.D. 1812 baptizavi (Richd James) Die 6a Septembri Richardum filium Gulielmi James & Anastasia Stagg Conjugum natum die 17a Augusti ejusdem Anni Hawke et Joanna (Jane) James [p 47] 1812

(Mary Callaghan) Die 17a Septembri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Mariam filiam Barnabæ Callaghan et Birgittæ Connor Conjugum natam die 12a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Patricius Connor & Catharina McCue. Ita testor Geo Spain (Joseph Stanisbery a Negro Adult) Die 24ª Septembri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Adultum, natum triginta circiter abhinc Annis, natione Americanum , cui impositum est nomen, Josephus Stanisbery Patrinus fuit Jacobus Hogan Ita Testor Geo Spain (Elizbth Welsh) Die 4ª Octobri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Joannis Welsh et Elizabethæ Carfoot Conjugum, natam die 12ªSeptembri præcedentis Sponsorfuit JoannesOrpen.

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Mary Neville) Die 6a Octobri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Mariam filiam Josephi Neville et Catharinæ Connor Conjugum, natam die 3a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Welsh et Catharina McLaughlin

Ita Testor Geo Spain (John Brandis) Die 18 Octobri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Brandis et Elizabethæ Condrer Conjugum. natumdie 4a ejusdemMensis&Anni Matrinafuit Helena Diamond

Ita Testor Geo Spain (Mary Pierce) Die 18ª Octobri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Pierce et Juditha Fox Conjugum natam die 14a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Matrina fuit Catharina McLaughlin .

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Matthew Brady) Die 13a Novembri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Mattheumfilium Audoeni Brady & Birgittæ McGoverinConjugum , natum die la ejusdem mensis & Anni Patrinus fuit Johannes Cannon. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Bridget Connel) Die 17ª Novembri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Birgittam filiam Matthei Connel et Birgittæ Mason Conjugum natum die 10a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsores fuerunt Martinus Green & Catharina Neville Sequitur Decr 27th Ita Testor Geo Spain

[p. 48]


(Denis Ryan) Die 27a Decembri A.D. 1812 baptizavi Dionysium filium Bartholomæi Ryan et Helenæ Mehigan Conjugum natum die 13a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsor fuit Margarita Fye Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Thomas Garrett) Die 2a Januarii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Thomam filium Audoeni (Owen) Garrett et Birgittæ Geheoghan natum die 30a præcedentis mensis et anni Sponsor fuit Catharina Conway. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Margt Lennard ) Die 17ª Januarii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Margaritamfiliam MichaelisLennard et Mariæ Kavanagh Conjugum natam die 13a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Sponsoresfuere Jacobus Collins et Maria Egan. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Johanna Madden) Die 17a Januarii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Johannam filiam Danielis Madden et Mariæ Mahony Conjugum natam die 6a Novembri A.D. 1812. Sponsor fuit Mich. Lennard Ita Testor G.S.

(John Sullivan) Die 11ª Februarii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Joannem filium Roberti Sullivan et Birgittæ Keane Conjugum pridie natum Sponsores fuere Joannes Whelin et Catharina Marshall Ita Testor Geo . Spain (Anne Feenin) Die 28a Februarii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Annam filiam Locklin Feenin et Catharinae Kelly Conjugum, natam die 16a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Sponsor fuit Joannes Murty. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Sarah Burne) Die 29aFebruariiA.D. 1813 baptizaviSaram filiam Michaelis Burne et Mariæ Keenan Conjugum pridie natam . Sponsores fuére Margarita Burne et Abraham McLochlin Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Mary Ann Bruin) Die7a Martii A.D. 1813baptizaviMariam Annam filiam Patricii Bruin et Rose Dooning Conjugum natam die 5a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Matrina fuit Catharina Torly. Ita Testor Geo Spain 1813 [р. 49]

(Helen Winter) Die 7a Martii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Eleonaram filiam Joannis Winter & et [sic] Margarita Doran Conjugum. natam die 4ª ejusdem Mensis & Anni Matrina fuit MariaMinney. Ita Testor Geo Spain


(Cathe Sturgeon) Die 28a Martii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis Sturgeon et Mariæ Cullen Conjugum natam die 21a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Matrina fuit Hannah Hughes. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Mich McGuire) Die 29a Martii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Michaelem filium Philippi McGuire et Mariæ McDonough Conjugum natam 20a die ejusdem Mensis & Anni Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Horrell Ita Testor Geo Spain

(John Burne) Die 6ª Junii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Joannem filium Dionysii Burne & Helenæ RourkeConjugum natum die 25ª mensis præcedentiseodem verò anno Sponsor fuit Joannes Kerns. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Maria McMullen [written above Coffill] ) Die 20a Junii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Mariam filiam Bernardi Coffill & Mariæ McMullen Conjugum natam die 9a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Sponsor fuit Michael McMullen. Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Petri Charles Reeks) Die la Julii A.D. 1813 baptizavi Petrum Carolum filium Josephi Reeks et Elizabethæ CrosslerConjugum natum die 29. Mensis Junii in eodem Anno Sponsores Joannes Ring & Francisca Reeks

Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Francis Kernn) Die 11a Julii A.D. 1813 baptizaviFranciscum filium Andreæ Kernn & Lucia Morun Conjugum natum die 9a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Franciscus Grinvald et Antonia Maria Ita Testor Geo. Spain

Sequitur. 1. Aug. 1813 .

[p. 50] 1813

(Lewis Griff) Diela AugustiA.D. 1813 baptizaviLudovicum filium Laurentii Griff & Mariæ Jordan Conjugum natum die 26ª mensis Julii præcedentis Sponsores fuére Ludovicus Losson et Antonia Maria Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Mary Lanon) Die la Augusti A.D. 1813 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Lanon et Annæ Filin Conjugum natam die23 mensis Juliipræcedentis Sponsores fuere DanielDaly et SusannaGormley Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Johanna Bridget Clarke) Die la Augusti A.D. 1813 baptizavi Johannam Birgittam filiam Davidis et Birgittæ Clarke Conjugum natam die 24 Mensis Julii præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Thomas Cary et Margarita Farrell. Ita Testor Geo Spain (Philip Duffy) Die 9a Augusti A.D. 1813 baptizavi (sub conditione) Phillippum filium Philippi Duffy et Winifreda Hanley Conjugum natum die 6a Junii in eodemanno, a ministroacatholico infans baptizatus fuisset apud Hastings vel Battle in Sussex Matrina fuit Margarita Kelly. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Mary Kelly) Die 9a Augusti A.D. 1813 baptizavi Mariam filiam Caroli Kelly & Margarita McKarn Conjugum natam die 11a Junii in eodem anno. Matrina fuit Winifrida Duffy

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Isabella Margaret Malone) Die 12ª Septembri A.D. 1813 baptizavi Isabellam Margaritam, filiam Michaelis Malone et Francisca Bird Conjugum natam die 9a ejusdem mensis & anni. Sponsores fuere Patricius Connor, & Elizabetha Connor

Ita testor Geo Spain

(Joseph Baldwin) Die 19ª Septembri A.D. 1813 baptizavi Josephum filium Thomæ Baldwin et SaraDovey Conjugum natum die 13a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsores fuere Samuel Baldwin & Joanna James

ita testor Geo. Spain (James Power) Die 29a Septembri A.D. 1813 baptizavi Jacobum filium Patricii Power et Mariæ Boylan Conjugum natam die 15a mensis Augusti in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Hogan et Catharina Marshall.

Ita testor Geo Spain. [p. 51] 1813 |

(Rose Leavey) Die 17a Octobri A.D. 1813 baptizavi Rosam filiam Laurentii Leavey & Elizabethæ Dodd Conjugum natam die 7a ejusdem mensis & anni. Sponsores fuere David Leavey & Catharina McCue

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Ann Saunders) Die 19a OctobriA.D. 1813 baptizaviAnnam filiam Bernardi Saunders & Mariæ Flaherty Conjugum natam die 2a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsor fuit Lucas Smith.

Ita testor Geo . Spain

(Thos Hunt) Die 26a Octobri A.D. 1813 baptizaviThomam filium Michaelis Hunt et Mariæ McDonough Conjugum, natum die 23a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsor fuit Gulielmus Dillon.

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(HenryTallen) Die29. Octobri A.D. 1813 baptizaviHenricum filium Henrici Tallen & Helenæ Thompson Conjugum natum die 24a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Patricius Rourkeet Catharina °Connor.

(Luke Molloy) Die 22. Lucam filium Lucæ Molloy et 2a ejusdem mensis et Anni & Elizabetha McKue

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

Novembri A.D. 1813 baptizavi Mariæ Duffy Conjugum natum die Sponsores fuere Jacobus Campbell

Ita Testor Geo Spain (Helen King) Die 22a Novembri A.D. 1813 baptizavi Helenam filiam Jacobi King et Catharina Hinds conjugum natam die 11a ejusdem mensis et Anni. Sponsor fuit Joanna Atterton.

Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Sam Bramley) Die la Decembri A.D. 1813 baptizavi Samuelem filium Gulielmi Bramley et Mariæ Brennan Conjugum natum die 22a mensis præcedentis in eodem anno. Sponsores fuére Joannes King et Margarita O Brien. Ita Testor Geo. Spain


(Mary Jordan) Die 10 Januarii A D 1814 baptizavi sub conditione , Mariam filiam Patricii Jordan et Julia Quin Conjugum natam die 10a Januarii, anno vero præcedenti 1813

Ita Testor Geo Spain Sequitur Die la Martii 1814

[p. 52]

A.D. 1814

(Cathe Farrell) Die la Martii A.D. 1814 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Edwardi Farrell et Saræ Riley Conjugum natam die 17a mensis Februarii præcedentis Sponsores fuere Michael O Connor et Margarita Farrell Ita Testor Geo Spain.

(Jane Hogan) Die 13ª Martii A.D. 1814 baptizavi Joannam filiam Joannis Hogan et Margarita McKiernan Conjugum natam die 10a mensis Februarii præcedentis Sponsores fuere Jacobus Hogan & Helena Rivett Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Thos McCormick) Die 15ª Martii A.D. 1814 baptizavi Thomam filium Thomæ McCormick et Annis [sic] Clarke Conjugum natum die 9a ejusdem mensis et anni Patrinus fuit Patritius Lawler. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Mich' Riley) Die 6a Aprilis A.D. 1814 baptizavi Michaelem filium Petri Riley et Mariæ Grady Conjugum natum die la ejusdem mensiset Anni Sponsores fuere JoannesDaleyet RebeccaLongford. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Esther Green) Die 10a Aprilis A.D. 1814 baptizavi Esther filiam Joannis Greenet Elizabethæ Flanigan natam die 7a ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Jacobus Dunn et Anna Brogen. Ita Testor. Geo Spain

(Anne Neave) Die 9a Aprilis A.D. 1814 baptizavi Annam filiam Thomæ Neave et Catharina Welch Conjugum natam die 3a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Jacobus Haly et Helena Thompson. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Teresa Baldwin) Die la Maii A.D. 1814 baptizavi Terisam filiam Samuelis Baldwin et Saræ Exton Conjugum natam die 24a Mensis Aprilis præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Thomas Baldwin et Catharina Marshall Ita Testor Geo Spain

(John N.N. A German soldier's child) Die 26a Junii A.D. 1814 baptizavi Joannem filium Matthiæ N.N. et Annæ N.N. Conjugum natamdie 20 Maii præcedentis Sponsores fuere Joannes Henricus et Anna N.N. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Michael Long) Die 26a Junii A.D. 1814 baptizaviMichaelem filium Joannis Long et Annæ Crawley Conjugum natum die 17 Junii præcedentis Sponsores fuere Joannes Morris et Anna Crawley. Ita Testor Geo. Spain [р 53] 1814

(Charles Lee) Die 25a AugustiA.D. 1814 baptizaviCarolum , filium Andreæ Lee, et Margarita Murphy, Conjugum natum die7a ejusdem mensis & anni Matrina fuit Helena O Brien Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Mary Medley) Die 10a Septembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Mariam filiam Thomæ Medley et Margaritæ Anderson Conjugum natam die 7aejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Archibaldus Walde et Anna Anderson. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (Cath Lalevel) Die 25ª Septembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis Lalevel et Saræ Meyner Conjugum natam die 10a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Michael Sullivan et Maria Jewry.

Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Henry Archer) Die 26ª Septembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Henricum filium Henrici Archer et Mariæ N.N. Conjugum natum die 16a mensis ejusdem et Anni. Ita Testor Geo Spain (Arth F. A. Robinson) Die 7a Octobri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Arthurum Franciscum Alfridum filium Henrici Robinson et Francisca Clavering Conjugum natum die 30a mensis præcedentis in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Franciscus DeNoe et MariaRobinson vice Edwardi Paston et Sara Greenvald* Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Mich¹ Foley) Die9a OctobriA.D. 1814baptizaviMichaelem , filium Patricii Foley et Margarita Morarty conjum. [sic] natumdie 22a mensispræcedentis in eodem anno Sponsores fuére Richardus et Catharina Marshall. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (John McBride) Die 23a Octobri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Joannem filium Jacobi McBride et Honoratiæ Hopkins Conjum natum die 15ª ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Robertus et Anna Green Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Sarah Sullivan) Die 30a Octobri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Saram filiam Roberti Sullivan et Birgittæ Cain Conjugum natam die 27a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores fuere Joannes Maxwell et Margarita Farrell Ita Testor Geo Spain sequitur Nov. 2. 1814 1814

[р 54]

(Frances Phillibert) Die 2ª Novembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Franciscam filiam Joannis Baptista Phillibert Colombeir et Annæ Le Sage Conjugum. natam die præcedente Sponsoresfuere Ludovicus Phillibert et Francisca Fany. Ita Testor Geo Spain (Mary Hortensia Phillibert) Die 2ª Novembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Mariam Hortensiam filiam Ludovici Phillibert et Mariæ Victoria Loyal Blondel Conjugum natam die 29a præcedentis mensis et in eodem anno Sponsores fuere Joannes BaptistaPhillibert et Joanna Maria Gaillord Ita Testor Geo Spain (Mary Mulhern) Die 6a Novembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Mariam filiam Joannis Mulhern et Mariæ N.N. Conjugum natam die 25 mensis præcedentis in eodem vero anno Sponsoresfuere Thomas Ryan et Elizabetha Higgins Ita Testor Geo Spain (Frances Watson) Die 11a Novembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Franciscam filiam Jacobi Watson et Annæ Mullagan Conjugum natam die 28a mensis præcedentis et eodem verò anno. Matrina fuit Elizabetha Wells. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

* Doubtful reading

(Margaret O'Rourke) Die 13. Novembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Margaritamfiliam Hugonis O Rourke et Helenæ Baker Conjugum natam die 6a ejusdem mensis et Anni. Sponsoresfuére Jacobus Kelly et Eleonora Row Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Patrick Sherry) Die 18a Novembri A.D. 1814 baptizavi Patriciumfilium Bernardi Sherry et Rose Sonaghan[or Sorraghan] Conjugum natum die 12a ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsores fuere Jacobus McLurkyet MariaBowley Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Elizabeth Ellworth) Die 21a NovembriA.D. 1814 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Thomæ Ellworth & Margarita Gray Conjugum natam die 13ª ejusdem mensis et Anni Matrinafuit RosaBanning. Ita Testor Geo Spain

A.D. 1814 [p . 55]

(Henry Osnabruck) Die 20a Decembri 1814 baptizavi Henricum filium Joannis Osnabruck & Mariæ Kelly Conjugum natum die 31ª Mensis præcedentisin eodem anno Sponsores fuere Henricus et Sara Wiescher Ita Testor Geo . Spain

Anno Domini 1815

(Mary Gauglagher) Die 2ª Januarii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Mariam filiam Briani Gauglagher et Gratiæ Boyle Conjugum , natam die 31a mensis præcedentis Decembri, anno 1814. e sacro fonte susceperunt Fredericus Burne, et Anna Moran. Ita Testor. Geo Spain.

(William Keegan) Die 15a Januarii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Keegan Conjugum natum die9a ejusdem mensis et Anni Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Willm McElligot) Die 2a Februarii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Edwardi McElligot et CatharinaKeanConjugum natum die 27. mensis Decembri in anno præcedenti Sponsores fuere Bernardus Scullyet Maria Scandon Ita Testor Geo Spain (Sam Barker) Die5ª FebruariiA.D. 1815 baptizaviSamuelem filium Joannis Barker et Catharinæ Clarke Conjugum natum die 28a mensisDecembri in anno præcedenti Sponsores fuere Patritius Gillan et AnnaMcBurney. Ita Testor . Geo Spain (John Williams) Die 7a Februarii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Williams et Annæ Molloy Conjugum natum die 4a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuére Thos Dunbar & Margt Welsh. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (Willm Gallaughar) Die 12a Martii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Francisci Gallaughar et HelenæDaltonconjugum natum die 15a mensis præcedentisin eodem anno Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Doran et Elizab. Smith

Ita Testor Geo. Spain sequitur die 19a Mar. 1815 [Р. 56]

(Thomas Mahan) 1815

Die 19a Martii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Thomam filium Roberti Mahan et Catharina Gayner Conjugum, natum die 18a mensis Februarii præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Owen O Neale et Joanna Garvey Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Walter Power) Die 25a Martii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Walterum filium Patritii Power et Mariæ Boland Conjugum natum die 28 Januarii in eodem anno . Sponsores fuere Maria Swan et Thomas Keane. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (James Slattery) Die 2ª Aprilis A.D. 1815 baptizaviJacobum filium Michaelis Slattery et Helenæ McCabe Conjugum natum die 8a Martii in eodem anno. Sponsores fuére Thomas Warner [or Warren] et Birgitta Welsh . Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(George Jerido) Die 9a Aprilis A.D. 1815 baptizaviGeorgium filium Francisci Jerido et Marianæ De Rees* Conjugum natum die 2a Februarii in eodem anno Patrinus fuit Nusa Fanelly. Ita Testor. Geo. Spain

(Catharine Hulihan) Die 9a Aprilis A.D. 1815 baptizavi Catharinam filiam JeremiæHulihanet AnnæDaly Conjugum natam die 7a Februariianno Domini 1814. Patrinusfuit CarolusMcCarty. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Willm Osmund Reeks ) Die 11a Aprilis A.D. 1815 baptizavi Gulielmum Osmundum filium Josephi Reeks et Elizabethæ Crasler Conjugum, natum die 9a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsoresfuere Gulielmus et Elizabetha Green . Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Margt Luddon) Die 23a Aprilis A.D. 1815 baptizaviMargaritam filiam Dionysii Luddon et Joannæ Ormsby Conjugum, natam die 25a mensis Februariiin eodem anno Sponsores fuere Martinus Corfield et Maria Gilarty.

Ita Testor Geo Spain. [p. 57] 1815

(Nicolas Mulligan ) Die 16a Aprilis A.D. 1815 baptizavi Nicolaum filium Joannis Mullagan et natum die 8a ejusdem mensis et Anni Mullagan et Margarita Allan.

Mariæ Burns Conjugum Sponsores fuere Jacobus

Ita Testor. Geo Spain

(Cathe Annecy) Die 16a Aprilis A.D. 1815 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Jacobi et Mariæ Annecy, conjugum, natam die 5a ejusdem mensis et Anni. Matrina fuit Maria Flannery

Ita Testor. Geo. Spain

(John Hifeven) Die 7ª Maii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Joannem filium Rogerii Hifeven et Birgittæ Hopkins Conjugum natum die 17a mensis Februarii in eodem Anno. Sponsor fuit Joannes

Ita Testor Geo Spain Kearney. (Mary Riley) Die 14ª Maii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Mariam filiam Christophori Riley et Annæ McGee Conjugum, natam-die 27a Aprilis in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Lutel et Dorothea Briggs.

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Robt McCarty) Die 15ª Mai A.D. 1815baptizavi Robertum filium Caroli McCarty et CatharinaRoach Conjugum pridie natum. Sponsores fuere Murty Shougrou et Joanna McGuire

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

* Doubtful reading: it may be " De Rics" or " De Rus . "

Doubtful reading: it may be ' Rusa' or 'Wega.'


(Thos Collins) Die 20a Maii baptizavi A.D. 1815 Thomam filium Jacobi Collins et Mariæ Dogherty Conjugum, natum die 13a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Carolus Milarty et Elizabetha Ridden . Ita Testor Geo Spain (Anne Connor) Die 25 Maii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Annam filiam Martini Connor et Mariæ Burke Conjugum, natam die 17a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores fuere Daniel Thornley etAnna Murray. Ita Testor Geo. Spain Seq 4 Jun. 1815

[р 58] 1815

(Mich' Pavil) Die 4a Junii 1815 baptizavi Michaelem , filium Joannis Pavil et Eleonora Hughes Conjugum. natum die 29a mensis Maii, in eodem anno Sponsores fuere Morgan Dunn et Sara Davison. Ita Testor . Geo Spain (Anne Gallaugher) Die4a Junii A.D. 1815 baptizaviAnnam, filiam Joannis Gallaugher et Sara Shaw Conjugum, natam die 13 Maii in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Michael et Esther Boyle. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (John White) Die 12a Junii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Joannem , filium Michaelis White et Elizabethæ Leigh Conjugum natum pridie Sponsores fuere Laurentius et Anna Singer

Ita Testor Geo . Spain (Lewis La Motte) Die 2a Julii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Ludovicum, filium Jacobi Ludovici La Motte et Annæ Smith, natumdie 20a mensis præcedentis, in eodem Anno Matrina fuit Catharina Beazely. Ita Testor Geo . Spain (Mary Duffey) Die 6a Julii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Mariam , filiam Jacobi Duffey et Helenæ Doyle Conjugum natam die la Junii, in eodem anno Sponsores fuere Laurentius Connor et Anna Brownley Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Margt Dwyer) Die9a Julii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Margaritam , filiam Michaelis Dwyer et Catharina Fitzgerald Conjugum natam die 4ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores fuere Michael Rowley et Anna Williams Ita testor Geo Spain (John Spite) Die 10a Julii 1815 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Spite et Mariæ Kearney Conjugum, natum die la ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores fuere Joannes Kelly et Elefrilda* Watson Ita Testor Geo Spain [р 59] 1815 (Thomas Sullivan) Die200 JuliiA.D. 1815 baptizaviThomam filium Thomæ Sullivan et Mariæ Butler Conjugum, natum die 15ª ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Owen Millahy et Francisca Libor. Ita Testor Geo Spain (Sarah Grubbin) Die 23 Julii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Saram filiam Jacobi Grubbin et Francisci [sic] Boyd, Conjugum, natam die 18a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Dionysius Reardon et Birgitta Russell. Ita Testor . Geo Spain

* Doubtful reading: this may be ' Elepilda ' or 'Elessilda' Or'Lebon . '

(Alice Craven) Die 27 Julii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Aliciam filiam Jacobi Craven et Mariæ Shea Conjugum, natam die 20a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Stevenson et Maria Cruickshanks. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (George Caulfield) Die 30 Julii A.D. 1815 baptizavi Georgium filium Petri Caulfield et CatharinaMcGuire Conjugum, natum die 17a mensis Aprilis præcedentis Sponsores Patricius et Margarita Boyne. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Nicolas Brennan) Die la Augusti A.D. 1815 baptizavi Nicolaum filium Jacobi Brennan et Nabitha Donnelly, natum die 25a mensis præcedentis Sponsores Jacobus Morrison et Maria Gainer. Ita Testor Geo Spain (Stephen Akers) Die 6a Augusti A.D. 1815 baptizavi Stephanum filium Stephani Akers et Cecilia Petty, Conjugum , natum die 26a Mensis Maii præcedentis Sponsores Petrus Caulfield et Catharina McGuire. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (James McGarry) Die 13. Augusti A.D. 1815 baptizavi Jacobum filium Edwardi McGarry et Joanna Johnson Conjugum, natum die 31ª mensis præcedentis. Sponsores Miles Telly et Joanna Ludden. Ita Testor Geo Spain

Sequitur Aug 20. [p. 60] 1815

(Augustus William Horsham)* Die 20. Augusti A.D. 1815 baptizavi Augustum Gulielmum , filium Richardi Horshman, * et Rosæ Mariæ Conjugum, natum die 26 Mensis Decembris anno præcedenti. Sponsores Murray et Birgitta Mullans . Ita testor Geo . Spain

(John Philips) Die la Septembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Joannem filium Gulielmi Philips et Birgittæ Cannon Conjugum, natum die 10 [or 16] mensis præcedentis. Sponsores Daniel et Anna Spelman Ita testor Geo. Spain

(John Higgins) Die 6 Septembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Joannem , filium Daniel Higgins et Judithæ Higgins, Conjugum natum die 2a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores Joannes Molloy et Nabigail Brennan Ita testor Geo. Spain

([Charles Buncombe scored] John Buncombe) Die 17a Septembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi [Carolum scored] Joannem filium Caroli Buncombe et Joanna James Conjugum, natum die 13a ejusdem mensis et Anni SponsoresCarolus et Esther James. Ita testor Geo Spain

(Ann Provis) Die 18ª Septembris A.D. 1815 baptizaviAnnam, filiam Joannis Provis et Birgittæ Kelly Conjugum natam die 6a ejusdem mensis et Anni Matrina Maria Power Ita testor Geo. Spain

(James Welsh) Die 25 Septembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Jacobum filium Joannis Welsh et Birgittæ Coleman Conjugum, natum die 18a ejusdem mensis et Anni. SponsoresMartinus Carty et Bella King Ita testor Geo. Spain

* Both readings doubtful


(Bridget Mahon) Die 29a Septembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Birgittam, filiam Michaelis Mahon et Mariæ Kilevis Conjugum, natam die 25a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores Maria Somers et Jacobus Brennan Ita Testor Geo Spain [p. 61] 1815

(John Kennedy) Die la Octobris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Joannem, filium Joannis Kennedy et Alicia Rothwell Conjugum, natum die 14ª mensis præcedentis Sponsores Edwardus Irwin et Alicia Glancy Ita Testor Geo Spain (Roger Murray) Die 5ª Octobris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Rogerium filium Philippi Murray et Mariæ O Grady conjugum natum die 25. mensis præcedentis Sponsores Joannes Money et Maria Flanigan. Ita testor Geo. Spain (James McManus) Die 19a Octobris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Jacobum , filium Joannis McManus et Honoratiæ McGoverinConjugum natum die 16 ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores Jacobus Donnelly et Alicia Molloy. Ita Testor . Geo. Spain (Monica Johnson) Die 24ª Octobris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Monicam, filiam Francisci Hutchinson Johnson et Elizabethæ Barnes Conjugum , pridie natam. Patrinusfuit Jacobus Hunlocke , Ita testor Geo Spain (Eleonora Sullivan) Die 5a Novembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi

Eleonorar,filiam MichaelisSullivan et Elizabethæ AllenConjugum, natam die 16a mensis Augusti, in eodem anno Sponsores Felix Lynch et Maria Lynch

Ita Testor Geo . Spain (James McGuire) Die 5ª Novembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi

Jacobum, filium Petri McGuire et Catharina Fitzpatrick, conjugum , natumdie20a mensispræcedentis. PatrinusMichael Sullivan.

Ita Testor Geo Spain (Daniel Woods) Die 10a Novembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Daniel, filium Gulielmi Woods et Catharina Lynch, Conjugum, pridie natum. Sponsores Michael et Maria Brennan 1815

Ita Testor Geo Spain [р 62]

(James Shehan) Die 19. Novembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Jacobum, filium Jacobi Shehanet Mariæ Ryan, Conjugum, natum die 29a mensis præcedentis. Sponsores Thomas Philips et Esther Stevens

Ita testor Geo Spain (Dennis Brice) Die 19a Novembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Dionysium, filium Gulielmi Brice et Annæ Cassidy Conjugum , natum die 10a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores PatriciusMealy et Elizabetha McCormick.

Ita testor Geo Spain (James Kelly) Die 24a Novembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Jacobum, filium Martini Kelly et Annæ Cox, Conjugum, natum die 19a ejusdem mensiset Anni SponsoresHugo Clansieet Maria Burn

Ita testor Geo Spain

(Joseph Christopher) Die 3ª Decembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Josephum, filium Josephi Christopher et Saræ Beazley Conjugum

natum die 29a mensis præcedentis Sponsores Henricus Fowles et Catharina Beazely. Ita testor Geo. Spain

(Margt Bradley) Die 3ª Decembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Margaritam , filiam Jacobi Bradley et Margarita Brown Conjugum natam pridie Sponsores Andreas Bradley et Catharina Boyle Ita testor Geo Spain

(James Thompson) Die 15ª Decembris A.D. 1815baptizavi Jacobum filium Joannis Thompson et Eleonora Callaghan, Cons jugum, natumdie 13a ejusdemmensis et Anni SponsoresGulielmus Brene et Catharina Caude Ita testor Geo Spain

(James McCombe) Die 24 Decembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Jacobum, filium Adami McCombe et Elizabethæ Kelly Conjugum , natum die 19a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores Robertus Frill et Honoratia McManus Ita testor Geo. Spain [p. 63] 1815

(Mary Ann Richards [sic]) Die 25ª Decembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Mariam Annam, filiam RichardiBarrettet Mariæ Cammil Conjugum natamdie la ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores Samuel Tanner et HonoratiaJones Ita testor Geo Spain

(James Keegan) Die 31ª Decembris A.D. 1815 baptizavi Jacobum, filium Patricii Keegan et Ceciliæ Kane, Conjugum, natum die 24a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores David Grant et Judith Higgins

A.D. 1816

Ita testor Geo. Spain

(Mary Fendbron* ) Die 7a Januarii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Mariam, filiam Michaelis Fendlun* et MariæRileyConjugum natam die 24a mensis Decembris anno præcedenti Sponsores Jacobus Dwyer et Margaritta McDaniel Ita testor Geo Spain (Rose McGrahan) Die 7a Januarii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Rosam, filiam Joannis McGrahanet Annæ Shirly Conjugum, natam die 21a mensis Decembris, anno præcedenti. Sponsores Joannes Purcell et Elizabetha McGuire Ita testor Geo. Spain (Dennis Callon) Die 24. Januarii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Dionysium filium Francisci Kallon et Margarita Sweenyconjugum natum die 14a ejusdem mensis et anni Matrina fuit Maria Chapman Ita Testor Geo. Spain (Catha Clemow) Die 28 Januarii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis Gulielmi Clemow et Henriettæ Bodle conjugum natam die 14 mensis præcedentis Patrinus fuit Joannes Clanchy. Ita Testor Geo Spain sequitur 4ª Feb. 1816

[р 64]

A.D. 1816

(John McNally) Die 4a Februarii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Joannem filium Henrici McNally et Jesse Morrison Conjum, natum die 17a mensis præcedentis in eodem anno Patrinus fuit Joannes Clanchy Ita Testor Geo Spain

* In both cases the second half of the name is a doubtful reading


(Will Bulger) Die 10a Februarii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Gulielmum , filium Joannis Bulger et Margarita Harthorne * Conjugum natum die præcedente Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Simpson et Catharine Twedale

Ita Testor Geo Spain (Peter Curry) Die 14 Feb. A.D. 1816 baptizavi Petrum filium Michaelis Curry et Elizabethæ Mark, Conjugum natum die 28a mensis Decembri in anno præcedenti Sponsores fuere Joannes Clanchy et Juditha Welsh .

Ita Testor Geo Spain (John Hogan) Die 14ª Feb. A.D. 1816 baptizavi Joannem , filium Joannis Hogan et Bellæ Mulony conjugum , natum die ga ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsoresfuere Joannes McLauglin et Maria Queegan . *

Ita Testor Geo . Spain (Margt Lee) Die 27. Feb. A.D. 1816 baptizavi Margaritanı filiam Michaelis Lee et Mariæ Gordon Conjugum natam die 18a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Joannes McCree et Elizabetha Troy.

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Anne McTeague) Die 25a Feb. A.D. 1816 baptizaviAnnam, filiam RobertiMcTeagueet Margarita McTeagueConjugum natam 23a die ejusdem mensis & anni. Sponsoresfuere Joannes Molloy et ElizabethaJeffrey.

Ita Testor Geo . Spain (John Ging) Die 25a Feb. A.D. 1816 baptizavi Joannem filium Jacobi Ging et Mariæ Murphy Conjugum natum 5a die ejusdem mensis et Anni. Sponsoresfuere Joanneset Alicia Burne.

[p. 65]

A.D. 1816

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(James Orage) Die la Martii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Jacobum , filium Richardi Orage et Elizabethæ Fiely Conjugum natum 24 die mensis præcedentis in eodem anno Sponsores fuére Michael Daffy et Catharina Farrell.

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Cathe Flynn) Die3ª Martii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Thomæ Flynn et Mariæ Flynn Conjugum natam die 20ª mensis præcedentis in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Rogerius Flynn et Honoratia Jones.

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Pat Griffin) Die 6a Martii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Patritium filium Timothei Griffin et Joannæ Hinderson, Conjugum pridie natum Sponsores fuere Joannes et Alicia Burne

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Catha Troy) Die 21a Aprilis A.D. 1816 baptizavi Catharinam, filiam Gulielmi Troy et Elizabethæ Lahey Conjugum natam die 11a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores fuere Michael Cunnif et Joanna Johnson

Ita testor Geo. Spain

(Catha Power) Due 29a Aprilis A.D. 1816 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis Power et Annæ Hayes, Conjugum, natam die la ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Edmundus Butler et Catharina Touy

Ita testor Geo Spain

(Thos Childerhouse) Die 11a Maii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Thomam, filium Roberti Childerhouse et Annæ Burrows , Conju-

gum, natum 25a diemensispræcedentis in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Patricius Laving et Catharina Green

Ita testor Geo Spain

(Helen Reardon) Die 12a MaiiA.D. 1816 baptizaviHelenam , filiam Dionysii Reardon et Catharina Bergan, Conjugum, natam 29a die mensis præcedentis in eodem anno . Sponsores fuere Michael et Birgitta Bandon

[p. 66]

A.D. 1816

Ita testor Geo. Spain

Seq 12a Maii

(Cath Anderson) Die 12a Maii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Jacobi Anderson et Agnetis Kavanagh conjugum natam die 30a mensis præcedentisin eodem anno Sponsores fuere Joannes et Alicia Molloy.

Ita testor Geo. Spain (John Bostock) Die 23a Maii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Joannem, filium Jacobi Bostock et Mariæ Crampton conjugum natum die 11a ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Jacobus Maxwell & Elizabetha Kenish

Ita testor Geo. Spain (Michael Golligher) Die 18a Junii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Michaelem, filium Michaelis Golligher et Catharina Fitzpatrick Conjugum, natum die 18a mensis præcedentis in eodem anno . Sponsores fuere Bernardus Fitzpatrick et Anna Chitterton Ita testor Geo Spain (Isaac John Thompson) Die 23. Junii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Isaac Joannem, filium Ludovici Thompson et Francisci [sic] Summers Conjugum , natum die 10ª Februarii in eodem anno Matrina fuit Maria Summers. Ita testor Geo. Spain (Mary Ann Wall) Die 27a Junii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Mariam Annam, filiam Thomæ Wall et Henrietta Codle, conjugum pridie natam. Matrina fuit Sara Donnelly. Ita testor Geo Spain (Mary Burne) Die 7a Julii A.D. 1816 baptizavi Mariam, filiam Joannis Burne et N. Alicia McGuire conjugum , natam die 23a mensis præcedentisin eodem anno Sponsores fuere Timotheus Smith et Maria Chairman. Ita testor Geo Spain (John Hay) Die 18a Augusti A.D. 1816 baptizavi Joannem , filium Georgii Hay et Elizabethæ Watson, Conjugum, natum die 30a mensis præcedentis in eodem anno Sponsoresfuere Joannes Kelly et Helena McCannon . Ita Testor Geo Spain [p. 67] 1816

(Sarah Lovell) Die 2ª Septembris A.D. 1816 baptizavi Saram filiam Joannis et Saræ Lovell Conjugum, natam die 23a mensis præcedentis in eodem anno Sponsores fuere Thomas et Maria Molloy. Ita Testor Geo . Spain (Leo Edward Francis William De Noe) Die 6a Septembris A.D. 1816 baptizavi Leonem, Edwardum , Franciscum Gulielmum , filium Ludovici Amadei , Comitis De Noe et Franciscæ Carolina , Conjugum natum die 20a mensis præcedentis in eodem anno Sponsores fuere Joannes Clanchy et Catharina Roney vice Fran cisci Comitis D'Escors et N.N. Comitissae de Lussé Ita Testor Geo. Spain


(Margt Byrne) Die 15 Septembris A.D. 1816 baptizavi Margaritam, filiam Hugonis Byrne et Mariæ Devine Conjugum, natam die 29a mensis præcedentis, in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Martinuset Elizabetha Kinseller . Ita testor Geo Spain [In the margin , in pencil: 500.]

(Emily Burne) Die 6ª Octobris A.D. 1816 baptizaviEmiliam, filiam Patritii Burne et Elizabethæ Donnellan Conjugum natam 17a die mensis præcedentis in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Ita Testor Geo. Spain Henricus O Brien et Maria Brown.

(Mary Jane Brady) Die 13a Octobris A.D. 1816 baptizavi Mariam Joannam, filiam Gulielmi Brady et Henrietta McDonald, Conjugum natam 23a die mensis præcedentis in eodem anno. Patrinus fuit Joannes Clanchy vice Patricii Ryan

Ita testor Geo Spain

(John Glancey) Die la Decembris A.D. 1816 baptizavi Joannem filium Terentii Glancey et Helenæ Cassidy Conjugum natum 24a die mensis præcedentisin eodem anno Sponsoresfuere Patritius Glancey et Helena Cassidy. Ita testor Geo. Spain Sequitur 1. Decr 1816. [р 68]

A.D. 1816

(Sarah Marr) Die la Decembris A.D. 1816 baptizavi Saram , filiam Thomæ Marr et Birgittæ Moran conjugum, natam 26a [or 20a] die mensis præcedentis in eodem anno. Sponsores fuere Edwardus et Maria Slader. Ita testor Geo. Spain

(John McGaguay) Die 6ª Decembris A.D. 1816 baptizavi

Joannem, filium Terentii McGaguayet CatharinaDoud, Conjugum, natum pridiè. Sponsoresfuére Thomas Bonney et Rosa Connelly

Ita testor Geo Spain

(Helen Kinnaly) Die 15ª Decembris A.D. 1816 baptizavi Helenam, filiam Timothei Kinnaly et Margarita Brian conjugum, natam die 11a ejusdem mensis et anni, Sponsores fuere Joannes et Maria McCarrick. Ita testor Geo Spain (Edward Fowles) Die 22a Decembris A.D. 1816 baptizavi Edwardum, filium Henrici Fowles et Carlotta Beazley conjugum, natum die 5a mensis præcedentis in eodem anno. Patrinus fuit Joannes Clanchy vice Thomæ Baldwin. Ita testor Geo. Spain Anno Domini 1817 (John Reeks) Die2ª Januarii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Joannem , filium Josephi Reeks et Elizabethæ Crosler, Conjugum, natum die 31a Decembris, anno præcedenti Sponsores fuere Joannes Reeks et Elizabetha Leary. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (Walter Kennedy) Die9. Januarii A.D. 1817 baptizavi sub conditione Gualteriumfilium Gualteri Gerardi Kennedy et Alicia Callaghan Conjugum natum die 7a Junii A.D. 1814 Sponsores fuere Jacobus et Maria Robinson.

Ita Testor Geo Spain (Elizabeth Power) Die 9a Februarii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Patritii Power et Mariae Boland Conjugum,

natam die 17 Januarii in eodem Anno Sponsores fuere Richardus et Catharina Marshall. Ita Testor Geo Spain [p. 69]

A.D. 1817

(George Baldwin) Die 16ª Februarii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Georgium, filium Thomæ Baldwin et Saræ Dorey Conjugum natum die 8a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsor fuit Samuel Baldwin. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(George Frederic Moore) Die 24ª Februarii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Georgium Fredericum filium Josephi Moore et Francisca Blackley Conjugum natum die 10a [or 16a] ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsores fuere Georgius et Maria Lidwell

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(John Skelly) Die28a FebruariiA.D. 1817 baptizaviJoannem filium Patritii Skelly et Marthæ Corker Conjugum natum die 18* ejusdem mensis et Anni Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Haly

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(James Sweeny) Die2a Martii A.D. 1817 baptizaviJacobum , filium Barclai Sweeny et Mariæ Henley Conjugum natum die 28* Februarii præcedentis Sponsores fuere Timotheus Cayley et Margarita Kelaney Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Henoch Kinscla) Die2ª Martii A.D. 1817 baptizaviHenoch, filium Martini Kinscla et Elizabethæ N.N. natum die 24ª Februarii præcedentis Sponsores fuere Patritius Flyn et MariaBurns. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Mary Anne Buncombe) Die 16a Martii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Mariam Annam , filiam Caroli Buncombe et Joanna James Conjugum natam die 9a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsores fuere Carolus James et Maria Lock vice Richardi et Mariæ Annæ James. Ita Testor Geo Spain Sequitur 28. Mar. 1817.

[р 70]

A.D. 1817

(Mary Miller) Die 28a Martii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Mariam Annam, filiam Joannis Miller et Margarita Burns Conjugum natam die 16a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores fuere Bernardus Martin et Catharina Rourke. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Edwd Burne) Die9a Aprilis A.D. 1817 baptizaviEdwardum filium Joannis Burne et Mariæ Artey Conjugum, natum die 15 Martii præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Bones et Eliza etha Bones Ita Testor Geo Spain (Sarah Montague) Die 11a Aprilis A.D. 1817 baptizaviSaram , filiam BernardiMontague et Rose Connelly Conjugum, pridie natam. Sponsores fuere Jacobus McCormick et Catharina McGaughy Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Duncan Alliz) Die 20a Aprilis A.D. 1817 baptizavi Duncanum filium Joannis Alliz et HelenæMcDonnell Conjugum natum die 16a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Gulielmus et Maria Stark. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(George James) Die 23.Aprilis A.D. 1817 baptizaviGeorgium, filium Gulielmi James et Aniciæ Stagg, Conjugum, natum die 23a Aprilis in anno 1815. Sponsores fuere Carolus et Joanna Buncombe Ita Testor Geo Spain

(John Russell) Die 28a Aprilis A.D. 1817 baptizavi Joannem filium Gulielmi Russell et Mariæ Connelly Conjugum natumdie23a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Dionysius et Catharina Sullivan Ita Testor Geo Spain [p. 71]

A.D. 1817

(Eleanor Molloy) Die 14a Aprilis A.D. 1817 baptizavi Eleanoram, filiam Gulielmiet CatharinaMolloy Conjugum, natam die 7a ejusdem mensis et Anni. Patrinus fuit Thomas Farrell. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Ann Stretton) Die 18 Maii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Annam filiam Joannis Stretton et Julie Sullivan Conjugum, natam die 16" ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Andreas Johnson et Rosa Connelly. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Margt Ryan) Die 18a Maii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Edwardi et Annæ Ryan Conjugum, natam die 12ª ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsoresfuere Mauritius Connelly et Elizabetha Tracey. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Anne Moore) Die 18a Maii A.D. 1817 baptizavi Annam filiam Gulielmi Moore et Elizabethæ Bell Conjugum, natamdie 15a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Hugo Thompson et Alicia Cassidy. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(James Burne) Die 16a Augusti A.D. 1817 baptizavi Jacobum, filium Patritii Burne et Catharinæ Ryan Conjugum, natum die 29a mensis præcedentis Sponsores fuere Joannes Shortells et Anna Flynn. Ita Testor Geo Spain (John Sullivan) Die 27a Septembris A.D. 1817 baptizavi Joannem, filium Patritii Sullivan et Margarita Mahir Conjugum, natum die 16a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsoresfuere Jeremias Ryan et Anna Crawford. Ita Testor Geo . Spain Sequitur Oct. 12. 1817

[р 72]

A.D. 1817

(Daniel Connor) Die 12ª Octobris A.D. 1817 baptizavi

Danielem, filium Petri Connor et Margarita Coley, Conjugum, natum die 9a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsoresfuere. Nicholas Dobbin et Margarita Coughlan Ita Testor Geo. Spain (Patrick O Donnell) Die 31a Octobris A.D. 1817 baptizavi

Patritium, filium Michaelis O Donnell et Annæ Haly, Conjugum, natum die 26a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Patritius O Donnell et Sara Rigney. Ita Testor Geo Spain (John Peter Cooper) Die 9a Novembris A.D. 1817 baptizavi

Joannem Petrum, filium Joannis Cooper et Mariæ Tresmonnais

Conjugum natum die 17a mensis præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Patritius Kennedy et Maria Cooper. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Thomas Haly) Die 22 Novembris A.D. 1817 baptizavi Thomam filium Johannis Haly et Mariæ Degan, Conjugum natum die 20 ejusdem mensis et Anni Ita testor Geo . Spain Sponsores fuere Mich. O. Brien et Eliza Williams (Mary Shepherd) Die 3. Decembris A.D. 1817 baptizavi Mariam filiam Gulielmi Shepherd et MariæCarrol, Conjugum,natum die 21. mensis præcedentis, ejusdem vero Anni Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Austin et Birgitta Fawcett. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (Thomas Brown) Die 4. Decembris A.D. 1817 baptizavi Thomam, filium Thomæ Brown et Margaritæ Foley, natum die 25ª mensispræcedentis, ejusdem vero Anni Sponsores fuereGulielmus Lobey et JudithFlaherty. Ita Testor Geo Spain [р 73]

A.D. 1817

(Cathe Gallagher) Die 7. Decembris A.D. 1817 baptizav Catharinam filiam Dionysii Gallagher et Elizabethæ 0 Donnel Conjugum, natam die 22a mensis præcedentis ejusdem vero Anni. Sponsor fuit Anna West Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Helen Pratt) Die 26. Decembris A.D. 1817 baptizavi Helenam, filiam Joannis Pratt et Catharina Mullens Conjugum, natam die 2a ejusdem mensis et Anni. Ita Testor Geo Spain Anno Domini 1818

(James Connelly) Die 25ª Januarii A.D. 1818 baptizav

Jacobum filium Jacobi Connelly et Mariæ Lewis Conjugum natum die 21 mensis et Anni præcedentis Sponsores fuere Archibald Walker et Maria Johnstone Ita Testor Geo Spain

(John Daniel) Die25 JanuariiA.D. 1818 baptizaviJoannem , filium Hugonis Daniel et Annæ Green Conjugum, natum die 18a ejusdem mensis et Anni. Matrina fuit Maria Green .

Its Testor Geo. Spain Seq Feb. 6. Margarita

[P . 74]

A.D. 1818

(Margt Flynn) Die 6. Februarii A.D. 1818 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Patritii Flynn et Saræ Hughes Conjugum, natam die 26a die mensis præcedentis Patrinus fuit Ric. Orman Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Mary Driscoll) Die8 FebruariiA.D. 1818 baptizavi Mariam filiam Florentii Driskill [sic] et Mariæ Piggott, natamdie 2a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsoresfuere Joannes Haily et Maria Tracy. Geo . Spain Ita Testor

(Michael Welsh) Die 14 Februarii A.D. 1818 baptizavi Michaelem , filium Joannis Welsh, et Birgittæ Morone Conjugum, natum die 10 ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Petrus Ita Testor Smith et Margarita Cunchelan Geo. Spain

(Wm Purcell) Die 15 Februarii A.D. 1818 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Thomæ Purcell et Sabinæ Finlay Conjugum, natum die 3. ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Patricius Ita Testor Geo Spain & Margt Mulhollan


(James McCloughlin) Die 23 Februarii A.D. 1818 baptizavi Jacobum, filium Petri McCloughlin et Elizabethæ Balmer, Conjugum natum die 19a ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Joannes & Maria Burns Ita Testor Geo Spain 1818 [p. 75]

(Samuel Stark) Die 17. Aprilis A.D. 1818 baptizaviSamuelem Ambrosiumfilium Gulielmi Starket Maria Warn Conjugum , natum die 4a ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuére Gulielmus & Elizb. Green . Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Thos Gason) Die 26a Aprilis A.D. 1818 baptizavi Thomam , filium Joannis Gazon [sic] et Annæ McCannagh Conjugum natum die 14ª ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Joannes Burns et Anna Bryan Ita Testor. Geo Spain

(Margt Ryan) Die 30a Aprilis A.D. 1818 baptizavi Margaritam, filiam Richardi Ryan et Mariæ Conway, Conjugum, pridie natam . Sponsores fuere Joannes Leary et Joanna Connor. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Jeremiah O Brien) Die 3a Maii A.D. 1818 baptizavi Jeremiam, filium Patricii O Brian [sic] et Annæ Luddey Conjugum pridie natum. Sponsores fuere Andreas et Catha Johnson Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(John Driggs) Die 31: Maii A.D. 1818 baptizavi Joannem , filium Petri Driggs et Saræ O Neale Conjugum die 6a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsor fuit Joannes Vandermen Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Willm Sheen) Die 21. Junii A.D. 1818 baptizavi Gulielmus, filium Jacobi Sheen et Mariæ Ryan Conjugum, natum die la ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Jacobus o Connor et Anna Maxwell Ita Testor Geo. Spain Sequitur 28 Jun

[р 76] 1818

(Margt Carlen) Die28. Junii A.D. 1818 baptizaviMargaritam, filiam Jacobi Carlen et Margarita Henvey Conjugum natam die 13a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Michael Tracey et Margarita Gibbon Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Willm Fowles) Die26a Julii A.D. 1818 baptizaviGulielmum, filium Henrici Fowles et Carlottæ Beazley Conjugumnatum die 29a mensis præcedentis Patrinus fuit Thos Baldwin Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Oswald Pilling) Die 15. Augusti A.D. 1818 baptizavi Oswaldum, filium Oswaldi Pilling et Annæ Radcliffe Conjugum natum die 10a ejusdem mensis & Anni Patrinus fuit Gulielmus McRea Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Edw Byrne) Die 6ª Septembris A.D. 1818 baptizavi Edwardum, filium Joannis Byrne et Mariæ Harty Conjugum, natum die 10a mensis præcedentis Sponsores fuere Thomas Roulin et Sara Rigney. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Richd Clarke) Die 20 Septembris A.D. 1818 baptizavi Richardum , filium Michaelis Clarke et Margaritæ KinshellerConjugum natum die 5. ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuére Jacobus Humfry et Sara Murray Ita Testor Geo Spain (Henry McGuire) Die4ª Octobri A.D. 1818 baptizavi Henricum filium Joannis McGuire et Saræ Hiden Conjugum natum die 25 mensis præcedentis in eodem Anno Sponsores fuere Alexander Pattison et Eleonora Morley Ita Testor Geo. Spain (James Connolly) Die 4a Novembri A.D. 1818 baptizavi Jacobum, filium Joannis Connolly et Mariæ Hughes Conjugum, eodem die natum. Sponsores fuere Michael et Elizabeth Welsh. Ita Testor Geo. Spain 1818 [p. 77

Henry Forkum) Die 12a Novembri A.D. 1818 baptizavi Henricum , filium Jacobi Forkum et Mariæ 0 Horan Conjugum, natum die la ejusdem Mensis et Anni. Matrina fuit Dorothea Gibbs Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Sarah Allen) Die 22a NovembriA.D. 1818 baptizavi Saram , filiam Josephi Allen et Elizabethæ Mahollan Conjugum, natam die 8a ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Michael Tumi et Eleanora Kelly. Ita Testor Geo Spain (Jas Grier) Die 22 Novembri baptizavi Jacobum filium [1.5cms blank] Grier et N.N. Conjugum Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Kenelly N.N. Marshall

Ita Testor Geo Spain (Margt Dogan) Die 29a NovembriA.D. 1818 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Manicks Dogan et Mariæ Keegan Conjugum natam die 18. ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Donohoe etMaria Maxwell

Ita Testor Geo Spain (Mary Tighe) Die 6a Decembri A.D. 1818 baptizavi Mariam , filiam Georgii Tighe, et Annæ Skeffington Conjugum natam die27 mensis præcedentis Sponsores fuere Joannes et Helena Coghlan. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Mary Donoghue) Die 20a Decembri A.D. 1818 baptizavi Mariam, filiam Hugonis Donoghue et Francisca Curran Conjugum, natam die 9a ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Marcus Dugan et Margarita Fox. Ita Testor Geo Spain

Sqr Die 3a Jan. 1819

Anno Domini 1819. [p. 78] (Mary Small) Die 3ª Januarii A.D. 1819 baptizavi Mariam, filiam Roberti Small et Mariæ Hedger Conjugum natam die 27a mensis et Anni præcedentium Sponsores fuere Patricius Rogers et Anna Sloane. Ita Testor Geo Spain (Eliz Buncombe) Die 17a JanuariiA.D. 1819 baptizaviElizabetham Mariam filiam Caroli Buncombe et Joanna James Conjugum,natamdie la ejusdemmensis & anni Sponsores fuere Thomas Baldwin et Anna James Ita Testor Geo Spain

* Or ' Deegan. '


(Brigt Fenny) Die 24ª JanuariiA.D. 1819 baptizavi Birgittam filiam Thomæ Fenny et Catharina Sullivan Conjugum Sponsores fuere Samuel King et Maria Harries. Ita Testor Geo Spain (John Kearney) Die 14ª Februarii A.D. 1819 baptizavi Joannem, filium Joannis Kearney et Elizabethæ Skible Conjugum [natum omitted] die 2a ejusdem Mensis & Anni Sponsoresfuere Michael et Anna O Donnell Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Elizth Mahony) Die 14ª Februarii A.D. 1819 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Joannis Mahony et Elizabethæ Sweeny Conjugum, natam die 3a ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Georgius Hill et Maria Crohan Ita Testor Geo Spain (Jas Brady) Die26ª FebruariiA.D. 1819 baptizavi Jacobum , filium Danielis Brady & CatharinaDonoghue Conjugum natum die 19a ejusdem Mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Gulielmus et Sara Turner. Ita Testor Geo. Spain 1819 [p. 79]

(Mary Chiverton ) Die 4a Aprilis A.D. 1819 baptizavi Mariam , filiam Joannis Chiverton et Annæ Shanahan Conjugum, natam die 21a mensis præcedentis Sponsores fuere Joannes et Sara Baldwin Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Edwd Power) Die 11a Aprilis A.D. 1819 baptizaviEdwardum, filium Patricii Power et Mariæ Boland Conjugum, natum die 12 mensis præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Thomas Jefferey etCatharina Marshall. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Mary Meaby) Die 29a Aprilis A.D. 1819 baptizavi Mariam , filiam Patricii Meaby et Mariæ Tuvey Conjugum, natam die 26ª ejusdem mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Benjamin Wright et Sara Rigney Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Margt Shee) Die 23a Maii A.D. 1819 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Ricardi Shee et Elizabethæ Cashen Conjugum natamdie 14a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsores fuere Joannes Steven et Margarita Pierce . Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Lucy Lahey) Die 30. Maii A.D. 1819 baptizavi Luciam filiam Cornelii Lahey et Mariæ Mararty Conjugum natam die 16 ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsores fuere Gulielmus McGinnen et Margarita Rover. Ita Testor Geo Spain

Seqr 20. Junii [р 80] 1819

(Helen Crone) Die 20a Junii A.D. 1819 baptizavi Helenam , filiam Joannis Crone et Mariæ Driscoll Conjugum, natam die 6ª ejusdem Mensis & Anni Sponsores fuere Patricius Gallagher & Elizabetha Mahony Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(John McGoverin) Die26aJuniiA.D. 1819 baptizaviJoannem , filium Joannis McGoverin et Rose SanctiGermani Conjugum natum die 16a ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsoresfuere Joannes & Catharina Keane. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Birgt Tracy) Die 29. Junii A.D. 1819 baptizavi Birgittam filiam Michaelis Tracey et Elizabethæ Gaheoghan Conjugum, natam die 9. Mensis Aprilis in eodem Anno Sponsores fuere Jacobus Carter et Anna Burt Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Susan Welsh) Die 4a Julii A.D. 1819 baptizavi Susannam filiam Michaelis Welsh et Elizabethæ West Conjugum natam die 24a Mensis præcedentis Sponsores fuere Thomas Holfordet Helena Makins. Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Peter Rush) Die 11a A.D. Julii 1819 baptizavi Petrum filium Petri Rush et Catharina Burke Conjugum, natum die 28a Mensis præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Thomas Strogen et Maria Hill Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Sebastian McLochlin ) Die 8a Augusti A.D. 1819 baptizavi Sebastianum, filiumThomæ McLochlin et Mariæ Tudery Conjugum natum die 27. mensis Aprilis in eodem Anno Patrinusfuit Franciscus Kelly. Ita Testor Geo. Spain [р 81]

(John Fox) Die 8a Augusti A.D. 1819 baptizavi Joannem , filium Patricii Fox et CatharinaDelvin* Conjugum natum die 23a Mensis pra:cedentis Patrinus fuit Joannes Conway

A.D. 1819 Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Martin Donovan) Die 29a Augusti A.D. 1819 baptizavi Martinum filium Jacobi Donovan et Eleonora Lennen Conjugum natum die 22a ejusdem Mensis Sponsores fuere Jacobus Arthur et Sara Dinnond Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Mary Hughes) Die 29aAugustiA.D. 1819 baptizaviMariam , filiam Michaelis Hugheset Joannæ King Conjugum, natam die 25a ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Bernardus Hughes et Elizabetha King. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Margt Moriarty) Die 16ª Octobri A.D. 1819 baptizavi Margaritamfiliam Joannis Moriarty et Annæ Hanley Conjugum natam die 8a ejusdem mensis . Sponsores fuere Robertus Branfield et Maria Golden Ita Testor Geo Spain (Mary O Brien) Die 25ª Octobri A.D. 1819 baptizaviMariam filiam Jacobi O Brian [sic] et Mariæ Hughes Conjugum, natam die 14a ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Jacobus Bowhter et Joanna Stralthers Ita Testor Geo Spain (Catherine McEvoy) Die 15 Novembri A.D. 1819 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis McEvoy et Hannæ Barry Conjugum, natam die la ejusdem mensis . Sponsores fuere Samuel Shannon et Helena Halerssat. Ita Testor Geo. Spain (Henry Torrens Campbell) Die 15a NovembriA.D. 1819 baptizavi Henricumfilium Torrens Campbellet Margarita Miken Conjugum natam die 31a mensis præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Marcus Dugan et Maria Silvester.

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

Seqr 15 Nov. Anna

* Or Delvini ' or ' Delvim ' Doubtful reading: it might be ' Bownter ' or ' Rownter ' Possibly Halerpat '

[p. 82]



(Anne Birne) Die 15a NovembriA.D. 1819 baptizavi Annam, filiam Marci Birne et et [sic] Birgittæ Welsh Conjugum natam die 3a ejusdem mensis

Sponsores fuere Neil McDidett, Maria Fox. Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Emily James ) Die 8a Decembri A.D. 1819 baptizaviEmiliam, filiani Gulielmi James et AnastasiaStagg Conjugum natam die 7. Februàrii præcedentis Sponsores fuere Elizabetha James et N- Ita Testor Geo Spain 1820

(Will Arbor) Die 9a Januarii A.D. 1820 baptizavi Gulielmum , filium Thomæ Arbor, et Margarita Tracey natum die la Decembri in Anno præcedenti Ita Testor Geo Spain (Edw. Malone) Die 16ª Januarii A.D. 1820 baptizavi Edwardum filium Edwardi Malone et Annæ Murphy Conjugum, natumdie 6a ejusdem mensis

Sponsores fuere Franciscus Riley et Anna Tighe Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(James Cane) Die 3 Martii A.D. 1820 baptizavi Jacobum filium Joannis Cane et CatharinaDowlan Conjugum natum die 20 Februarii in eodem Anno Sponsores fuere Jacobus Brian et Maria Martin.

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Joseph Hill) Die 16a Martii A.D. 1820 baptizavi Josephum filium Jacobi Hill et JoannaStark* natum die 14a ejusdem mensis & anni Matrina fuit Maria Lock

Ita Testor Geo Spain

(James Baldwin) Die 19a Martii A.D. 1820 baptizaviJacobum filium Thomæ Baldwin et Saræ Dorey Conjugum natum die 12 ejusdem mensis et Anni Matrina fuit Joanna Buncombe

[p. 83]

Ita Testor Geo Spain 1820

(Alexander Kelly) Die 6. Maii A.D. 1820 baptizaviAlexandrum filium Alexandri Kelly et Annæ Magennis Conjugum natum die 21a Aprilis præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Geo et Eliz. Foster.

Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(Alice Mulloy) Die 11a Junii A.D. 1820 baptizavi Aliciam filiam Jacobi Mulloy et Susanna Johnstone Conjugum natam die 27. Mensis præcedentis Patrinus fuit Jacobus McLane

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Anne McDewell) Die 15 Junii A.D. 1820 baptizavi Annam filiam Alexandri M Dewell et Esther Warne Conjugum natum [sic] die 4 ejusdem Mensis Matrina Birgitta Allen

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Willm Simpson) Die 27 Julii A.D. 1820 baptizavi Gulielmuu filium Gulielmi Simpson et Annæ Mulkerry Conjugum natum die 24 ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Henricus James & Maria Clarke

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Robt Strudgeon) Die 30 Julii A.D. 1820 baptizavi Robertum filium Thomæ Strudgeon et Mariæ Birne Conjugum natum die 11a

* Or possibly 'Stack . '

ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Joannes McKanolty et Maria Dunlary Ita Testor Geo Spain [In pencil, in the margin: 600]

(James Keane) Die 13. Augusti A.D. 1820 baptizaviJacobum filium Michaelis Keane et Margarita Conway Conjugum natum dic 12 Julii præcedentis Patrinus Arthur Connolly. Ita Testor

Geo. Spain

(Lucy Mullens) Die 26. AugustiA.D. 1820 baptizavi Lucian filiam Michaelis Mullens et Lætitiæ Courry Conjugum natam die 2a ejusdem Mensis Sponsores fuere Robertus Miller et Maria Brown Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Rose Clacken) Die 27. Augusti A.D. 1820 baptizavi Rosam filiam Jacobi Clacken et Mariæ Fagan Conjugum natam die 21* ejusdem Mensis Sponsores fuere Patricius Minnim et Margarita Brine Ita Testor Geo Spain

Sequitur 3. Sep. 1820 [р 84] 1820

(Cathe Dricoll) Die 3. Septembris A.D. 1820 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Florentii Dricoll et Mariæ Pickett Conjugum, natam die 22 Mensis præcedentis Sponsores fuere Pat Lawler et Maria Morarty.

Ita Testor Geo . Spain

(John Wolfe) Die 10 Septembris A.D. 1820 baptizaviJoannem filium Petri Wolfe et Mariæ Chissell Conjugum natum 21 die Mensis præcedentis Patrinus fuit Thos Baldwin Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Mary Ann Roach) Die 17 Septembris A.D. 1820 baptizavi Mariam Annam filiam Philippi Roach et Margarita Doyle Conjugum natam die 5 ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Michael McClurkie et Birgitta.

Ita Testor Geo. Spain

(Elizabeth Way) Die 17. Septembris A.D. 1820 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Gulielmi Way et Celia Lynch Conjugum natam die 11a ejusdem mensis Sponsores Gulielmus Dicks et Birgitta Gribben Ita Testor Geo Spain

(Anne Shanahan) Die 29. Septembris A.D. 1820 baptizavi Annam filiam Hugonis Shanahan et Birgittæ Cavotty* Conjugum natam 19. ejusdem mensis Sponsores fuere Joannes FitzPatrick et Rebecca Gonne Ita Testor Geo Spain (Mary Martin) Die la Octobris A.D. 1820 baptizavi Mariam filiam Mathei Martin et Mariæ Kelly Conjugum natam 26a die mensis præcedentis Sponsores fuere Lucas Helling etTurner Ita testor Geo. Spain

(Michael Connor) Die 4a Octobris 1820 baptizavi Michaelem filium Jacobi Connor et Helenæ Lane Conjugum natum die 27a mensis præcedentis Sponsores fuere Dionysius Killanan et Anna Kennedy Ita Testor Geo . Spain

* Possibly Carotty ' ' L

* This may be '22.'


(Mary Anne Burne) Die 8. Octobris A.D. 1820 baptizavi Mariam Annam filiam Joannis Burne et Mariæ Artey Conjugum, natam die 23a mensis præcedentis. Sponsores fuere Michael Browne et Molly McCabe Ita Testor Geo . Spain [p. 85]

(Sophia Lyons) Die 18. Octobris A.D. 1820 baptizaviSophiam filiam Gulielmi Lyons et Saræ Francis Conjugum natam die 28a mensis præcedentis Sponsores Clara Dixon et* . Ita Testor Geo Spain 1820-1

(Michael Fogerty ) Die 20. Octobris A.D. 1820 baptizavi Michaelem filium Danielis Fogerty et Margarita Shea Conjugum natum die 7. ejusdem mensis . Sponsores Step Ourragan et Margt Sweeny Ita Testor Geo . Spain (Catharine Shee) Die 31a Octobris A.D. 1820 baptizavi Catharinam filiam RichardiShee et Elizb Cashell Conjugum natam die 15. ejusdem mensis. Sponsores Georgius Flood et Maria Perry (316) Ita Testor Geo Spain [In the Rev. John Russell's hand] Anno Domini 1821

(Susannah Teighe) Die 6 Januarii 1821 baptizavi Susannam filiam Georgii Teighe et Annæ (Scavington), conjugum, natam die 26 Decembris 1820. Patrini fuere Arthur Connelley et Ellenor Coghlan Joannes Russell Miss Apcus (Catharina Bolster) Die 6 Januarii 1821 baptizaviCatharinam filiam Joannis Bolster et Mariæ (Sercuit) conjugum, natam die 29 Decembris 1820 Sponsores fuere Owen Clintion et Anna Blake Joannes Russell Miss Apcus (Birgitta Faure) Die 14 Januarii 1821 baptizavi Birgittam filiam Patritii Faure et Mariæ Burke conjugum , natam die 31 Decembris 1820. Patrini fuere Jacobus Carley et Eliza Nicholson Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Ellen Barrett) Die 3 Februarii 1821 baptizavi Ellen filiam Patritii Barrett et Jane Dovon cong. natam die 14 Januarii 1821 . Patrini fuere Jacobus Connelly et Maria Connelley Joannes Russell Misss Apeus Seqr 4 Feb. 1821

[p. 86] (Marg. Dalton) Die4 Februarii1821 baptizaviMargaritam filiam Patritii Dalton et Jane Whittington conjugum, natam die 30 Januarii 1821. Patrini fuere Henricus Gribben et Elizabeth Patterson Joannes Russell Misss Apcus. (Thos Purcell) Die 11 Februarii 1821 baptizavi Thomam filium Thomæ Purcell et Sabina Finley, conjugum, natum 24 die Januarii 1821. Patrini fuere Joannes Fraser et Catharina Marshall Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

* Second sponsor's name omitted

Query: recte Houragan ? See entry infra, 16 April 1821

Total of the Rev. G. Spain's baptisms, in another hand, presumably the Rev. T. Fryer's

(Joannes Loghlan) Die 11 Martii 1821 baptizavi Joannem filium Marci Loghlan et Ellen Murray (conjugum) natum die 18 Februarii 1821. Sponsores fuerunt Jacobus Cassidy et Maria Rhodes Joannes Russell Miss Apcus (Carol J. Buncombe) Die 1 Aprilis 1821 baptizatus fuit

Carolus-Josephus filius Caroli J. Buncombe et Jane (olim James) conjm. natus die 25 Martii 1821. Sponsores fuere Thomas Baldwin et Sarah Baldwin per procurationem pro Gulielmo Starks et Maria Starks A me Joanne Russell Misso Apco (Gulielmus Dint) Die 8 Aprilis 1821 baptizavi sub conditione Gulielmum filium Joannis Dint et Birgittæ (Ryan) conjugum, natum die 18 Martii 1821. Matrina fuit Maria Moore

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Cath: McDonogh) Die 15 Aprilis 1821 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Jacobi McDonogh et Rosa (Armstrong) conjugum. natam die 4 Aprilis 1821. Patrini fuere Joannes Russell et Anna Morrison

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Jacobus Houragan) Die 16 Aprilis 1821 baptizavi Jacobum filium Stephani Houragan et Birgittæ (McGrath) conjm Natum die 10 Aprilis 1821. Sponsores fuere Daniel Fogerty & Maria Shea

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Flor Flinn) Die 20 Aprilis 1821 baptizavi Florentiumfilium

Joannis Flinn et Mariæ (Long) conjugum, natum die 13 Aprilis 1821. Patrini fuere Joannes Rynad & Maria Keating

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus 1821 [p. 87]

(Guliel: Donaghue) Die 30 Aprilis 1821 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Joannis Donaghue et Mariæ (Keating) conjm natum die 23 Aprilis 1821. Patrini fuere Richardus Cronin et Maria Lyon

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Dionysius McCarthy) Die 20 Maii 1821 baptizavi Dionysium filium Caroli McCarthy et Mariæ Sheahan conjugum, natum die 17 Maii 1821. Sponsores fuere Ægidius White et Maria Carey

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Pattius McGrath) Die 17 Junii 1821 baptizaviPatritium filium Michaelis McGrath et Annæ (Gorman) conjugum, natumdie 8 Junii 1821. Patrinus fuit Joannes Phillpot

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Maria Cassidy) Die 8 Julii 1821 baptizavi Mariam filiam

Jacobi Cassidy et Mariæ Byrne conjugum, natam die 29 Junii 1821 Patrini fuere Joannes Corbett et Catharina Critchley

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Anna McCluskey Vide 23 Maii 1822*) Die 8 Julii 1821 baptizavi Annamfiliam Michaelis McCluskeyet Birgittæ (Eccles) conjm natam die 30 Julii 1821. Patrini fuere Philippus Roche et Maria Moore Vide* Joannes Russell Misss Apcu

* The reference was first begun in the text and then written in the margin Itcallsattention to a baptism in June 1821 , but not entered until apparently May 1822 .


(Joannes White) Die 15 Julii 1821 baptizavi Joannem filium

Joannis White et Mariæ Brian conjugum, natum die 13 Maii 1821 . Patrini fuere Richardus Shea et Elizabeth Cashel

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Elizabeth Hobbs) Die 15 Augusti 1821 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Joannis Hobbs et Saræ (Smith) conjugum natamdie 16 Novr 1820 Matrina fuit Maria Lock Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Elizabeth Moffit) Die 19 Augusti 1821 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Thomæ Moffit et Annæ (Reed) conjm natam die 14 Augusti 1821. Patrini fuere Franciscus Kiernan , Franciscus Hughes et Annette Jenkins Joannes Russell Misss Apcus Sequitur [P . 88] 1821

(Michael Shean ) Die 22 Augusti 1821 baptizavi Michaelem filium Phillippi Shean et Annæ (McKoene) conjugum. Natum die 19 Augusti 1821. Patrini fuere Petrus Kelly et Sarah Baldwin Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Joannes Connolly) Die Septembris 12 A D 1821 baptizavi Joannem filium Jacobi Connolly et Mariæ Grahan Conj; natum die 4 Septembris 1821. Sponsores fuere Petrus Nowlan et Maria Palmer Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Eliza Barnet) Die 14 Septembris 1821 baptizavi Elizam filiam Henrici Barnet et Mariæ Annæ McDonagh conjugum ; natam die 150 Septembris 1821. Matrina fuit Francisca Murphy

Joannes Russell Miss Apcus (Hugo Curry) Die 14 Octobris 1821 baptizavi Hugonem filium Andreæ Curry et Catharina Corcoran conjugum ; natum die 1 Octobris 1821. Patrini fuere Joannes Murphy et Birgitta Mullen

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Rosa Lynch) Die 19 Octobris 1821 baptizavi Rosam filiam Walteri Lynch et Elizabeth (Galaghan) conjugum ; natam die 7 Octobris 1821. Sponsores fuere Edwardus Flannagan et Birgitta Ford Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Anna Blaney) Die 28 Octobris 1821 baptizavi Annam filiam Jacobi Blaney et Mariæ (Burke) conjugum natam die 18 Octobris 1821. Sponsores fuere Patritius Ryan et MargaritaCarabine

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Anna Smith) Die 11 Novembris 1821 baptizaviAnnamfiliam Gulielmi Smith et Annæ (Gibbons ) conjugum ; natam die 1 Novembris 1821. Patrini fuere Patritius Brophy et Maria Doran. Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Margarita Shean ) Die 20 Novembris 1821 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Gulielmi Shean et Margarita (Howard) conjugum. natam die 16 Novembris 1821. Sponsores fuere Cornelius Collins et Honora Purcell Joannes Russell Misss Apcus [p. 89] 1821-2

(Joannes Whittle) Die2º Decembris 1821 baptizaviJoannem filium Joannis Whittle et Ellenor (Mullins ) Conjm natum die

8 Novembris 1821. Sponsores fueruntJoannesRobinson et Leonora Castro Duke Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Maria Anna Jane Healy) Die 310 Decembris 1821 baptizavi Mariam Annam Jane filiam Edwardi Healy et Jane (Conroy) conjugum natam die 21 Novembris 1821. Sponsores fuere Michael Brenan et Maria Baldwin Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Gulielmus Murray) Die 27 Decembris 1821 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Philippi Murray et Mariæ (Nailor) Conjm natum die 9 Decembris 1821. Sponsores fuere Owen Smith et Maria McCormick Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Gulielmus Barry) Die 28 Decembris 1821 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Joannis Barry et Birgittæ (Sullivan) conjugum ; natum die 29 Novembris 1821. Sponsores fuere Jacobus O Brian et Amelia Hall Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Bernardus Moore) Die 29 Decembris 1821 baptizavi Bernardum filium Patritii Moore et Annæ Flood conjugum ; natum 21 Decembris 1821. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Jenkins, Bernardus Kiernan et Anna Moffit Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

An Dom 1822 (Maria AnnaGodfrey) Die 10 Januarii 1822 baptizavi Mariam Annam (sub conditione) filiam Gulielmi Godfrey et Mariæ O Mealy Conj: natam die 13 Junii 1821. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Bleany et Anna McFallan Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Josephus Nobbs) Die 11 Januarii 1822 baptizavi Josephum filium Joannis Nobbs et Mariæ Heagon* Conjmnatam die 7 Decem.bris 1821. Patrinus fuit Joannes Conroy Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Maria Perkinson) Die 20 Januarii 1822 baptizavi Mariam filiam Roberti Perkinson et Sara Dunovan Conjugum: natam die 31 Decembris 1821. Sponsores fuere Patritius Newman et Jane

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus Walker [p. 90] (Jeremiah Connell) Die 10 Februarii 1822 baptizavi Jeremiam filium Jeremiæ Connell et Catharina (Connor) conjugm Natum die decima Novembris 1821. Matrinafuit ElizabethBlacke

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Patritius Toole) Die 13 Februarii 1822 baptizavi Patritium filium Patritii Toole et Honoræ (Belton) conjugum ; natum die 28 Januarii 1822. Patrini fuere Edwardus Hussey et Maria Burke

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Catharina Flanery) Die 24 Februarii 1822 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Patritii Flanery et Mariæ Connor Conjugum. natam die 17 Februarii 1822. Patrini fuere Murtha Kensloh et Jane Youell

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Anna Dunn) Die 10 Martii 1822 baptizavi Annam filiam

Joannis Dunn et Birgittæ (Cain) Conjugum. natam die 28 Februarii 1822. Sponsores fuere Patritius Rafferty et Maria McDowel

Joannes Russell Miss Apeus

* Or possibly ' Heazon '


(Dorothea Power) Die 10 Martii 1822 baptizavi Dorotheam filiam Patritii Power et Mariæ (Bolan) Conjm natam die 11 Februarii 1822. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Teevin et Anna Maxwell

Vide Jan: 1824*

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Rosalia Simmons) Die 15 Martii 1822 baptizavi Rosaliam filiam Jacobi Simmonset Mariæ (Lahy) Conjm natam 29 die Decembris 1821. Patrini fuere Jacobus Teevin et Rosa Anna Teevin

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Anna Shipman) Die 5 Aprilis 1822 baptizavi Annamfiliam Abraham Shipman et Eadith (Davis) Conjugum natam die 19 Februarii 1822. Matrina fuit Anna Handling

Joannes Russell Miss Apeus (Elizabeth Percy) Die 14 Aprilis 1822 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Thomæ Percy et Sabinæ Finley Conjm natam die 30 Aprilis 1822. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Sheehan et Margarita Ryan

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus [p. 91] (SarahSarsfield) Die 21 Aprilis 1822 baptizaviSaram filiam EdwardiSarsfield et MariæMullin Conjmnatam die 8 Aprilis 1822. Patrini fuerunt Terentius Conolly et Birgitta Smith

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Maria Anna Godfrey) Die [0.5 cm. blank] Junii 1821 baptizavi Mariam Annamfiliam Gulielmi Godfrey et Mariæ (O Mealey) conjugum, natamdie 13 Junii 1821. Patrini fuere Jacobus Bleany et Anna McFallan

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Maria Lyons) Die 19 Maii 1822 baptizavi Mariam filiam Gulielmi Lyons et Sarah Frances Conjugum, natam die 18 Maii 1822. Patrini fuere Philippus Rourk et Catharina Annary

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Thomas Harrison) Die 23 Maii 1822 baptizavi Thomam filium Joannis Harrison et Mariæ Riley conjugum. natam die 14 Maii 1822. Patrini fuere Gulielmus Jenkins et Ellen Harvey

Joannes Russell Miss8 Apcus

(Sarah Lynch) Die 26 Maii 1822 baptizavi Saram filiam Jacobi Lynch et Margarita (Wilson) Conjugum natam die 13 Maii 1822. Patrini fuerunt Jacobus Mooney et Catharina Mooney

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Margarita Rourk) Die 28 Maii 1822 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Philippi Rourk et Margarita Doyle conjugum natam die 22 Maii 1822. Sponsores fuere Joannes Cain et Birgitta Murray

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Georgius Melone) Die 21 Julii 1822 baptizavi Georgium filium Edwardi Melone et Annæ Murphyconjugum : natam die 13 Julii 1822. Patrini fuere Michael McCluskeyet Elizabeth McGarrely Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

* Reference to a baptism on 12 March, but entered in January, 1824 , when the ceremonies were supplied

Not in chronologicalorder Apparently the baptism to which attention was drawn on page 87

(Anna Teresa Stagg [sic]) Die 23 Julii 1822 baptizaviAnnam Teresam filiam Gulielmi James et Annes [sic] Stagg conjugum, natam die 29 Maii 1822. Matrina fuit Jane Buncombe

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus [p. 92] (Patritius Byrne) Die 8th Augusti 1822 baptizavi Patritium filium Joannis Byrne et Catharinæ Neil Conjugum: natam die 29 Julii 1822. Sponsores fuere Philippus Small et Abigail Kiernan

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Jacobus Gill) Die 11° Augusti 1822 baptizaviJacobum filium

Patritii Gill et Mariæ Boyle conjugum natum die 28° Julii 1822. Sponsoresfuere Michael Maloy et Birgitta Dent

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (JoannesHall) Die 18 Augusti 1822 baptizavi Joannem filium

Petri Hall et Amelia [1.5 cms blank] conjugum natum die 1° Augusti 1822. Patrini fuere Patritius Enright et Jane Enright

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Josephus Farrel) Die 20 Augusti 1822 baptizavi Josephum filium Josephi Farrel et Jane [2 cms. blank] conjm natum die 8 Augusti 1822. Sponsores fuere Richardus Hynes etAnna O Keefe

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Elizabeth Ryan) Die 20 Augusti 1822 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam PatritiiRyan et Annæ Crawford Conjm natamdie 15 Augusti 1822. Sponsores fuere Hayes et Ellen Burke

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Elizabeth James) Die 25 Augusti 1822 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam ThomæJameset Mariæ (Carrol) conjm natamdie 16 Augusti 1822. Sponsoresfuere Dionysius Kelly et MargaritaWhitaker

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Franciscus Wolfe) Die 10 Septembris 1822 Francisco coremonias supplevi omissas propter urgens mortis periculum Franciscus baptizatus est eodem die quo natus viz 310 Augusti 1822

Patris nomen Petrus Wolfe conjugis Maria Anna Chisell. Sponsor

Josephus Rowe

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Joannes Cooper Stark) Die 13 Septembris. 1822 baptizavi Joannem Cooper Starkfilium Gulielmi Stark et Mariæ Warn conjugum. natum die 8 Septembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Carolus Josephus Buncombe et Jane Buncombe

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus [p . 93] (Carolus JosephusCooper) Die Sepris 27-1822 baptizavi Carolum Josephum filiumJoannis Cooper et MariæFresmonnais conjugum, natum die 8 Septembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Maxwell et Hannah Maxwell

Joannes Russell Misss Apus

* Or possibly ' 5th'

Christian name omitted

This name has been given previously as Tresmonnais . '


(Georgius Baris) Die 6 Octobris 1822 baptizavi Georgium filium Antonii Burrios * et Mariæ, conjugum, natum die 8 Septembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Eliza Leary et Timothæus Leary

Joannes Russell Miss Apcus

(Carolina Baris) Die 6 Octobris 1822 baptizavi sub conditione Carolinam filiam Antonii Burrios* et Mariæ, conjm natam die 3 Januarii 1820. Sponsoresfuere Maria Locke et Timothæus Leary

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Ellen Hatton) Die 19° Octobris 1822 baptizavi Ellen filiam Petri Hatton et Ellen Cammel Conjm. natam die 8° Octobris 1822. Sponsores fuere Josephus McCowel et Maria Perry

Joannes Russell Miss Apeus

(Joannes Smith) Die 20 Octobris 1822 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Smith et Alicia McPadding conjugum ; natum die 4" Octobris 1822. Sponsores fuere Joannes McNulty et Maria Hind

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(John Ellenborough ) Die 17 Novembris 1822 baptizavi Joannem filium Jacobi Ellenborough et Ellen Shean conjugum . natum die 7 Novembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Philippus Small et Maria Walker

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Samuel Wreng ) Die 17 Novembris 1822 baptizaviSamuelem filium Francisci Wreng et Annæ Lynch conjm. natum die 7 Novembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Thomas Bowser et Maria Clarke

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Maria AnnaStone) Die 24 Novembris 1822 baptizaviMariam filiam Joannis Stone et CatharineMcGlarglin, natam die 5 Novembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Joannes Riche et Maria Martin

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus [р 94] 1822-3

(Elizabeth Hart) Die 1º Decembris 1822 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Joannis Hart et Elizabeth Coulter, conjugum natam die 31 Octobris 1822. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Caddin

Joannes Russell Miss Apeus

(Maria Laven) Die 8 Decembris 1822 baptizavi Mariam filiam Patritii Laven et Annæ O Neil Conjm natam die 25 Novembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Blany et Maria Blany

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Thomas McNamara) Die 22 Decembris 1822 baptizavi Thomam filium Joannis McNamara et Mariæ Dempsey conjugum , natum die 17 Decembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Daniel McSweeney et Eliza Dogherty

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

* This name may have been altered, subsequently, from ' Baris ' to Burrios. '

This date is a later insertion Or possibly Wring. '

(Anna Tolan) Die 29 Decembris 1822 baptizaviAnnam filiam Hugonis Tolan et Mariæ Conlan Conjm natamdie 17 Decembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Owen Guilcheanan et Maria Sullivan

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus An. Dom. 1823

(Margarita Tobin) Die 9 Januarii 1823 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Thomæ Tobin et Laurita Dunn Conjm natam die Januarii 1º an Dom . 1823. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Jenkins et Maria Tobin

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Thomas Tevin) Die 10 Februarii 1823 baptizavi Thomam filium Jacobi Tevin et Rosanna Blythe conjugum. natum die 29 Decembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Maxwellet Sarah White

Joannes Russell Miss Apcus

(Anna Maria Reilly) Die 30 Martii 1823 baptizavi Annam Mariam filiam Christopheri Reilly et Annæ Magee Conjm natam die 23 Februarii 1823. Sponsoresfuere Anna Jenkins et Michael Munday

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(ElizabethMolloy) Die 17 Martii 1823 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Michaelis Molloy et Elizabeth Delany conjugum : natam die 6 Martii 1823. Sponsores fuere Patritius Gill et Maria Gill

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

[p. 95] (Richardus Kenney) Die 13 Aprilis 1823 baptizavi Richardum filium Thomæ Kenney et Joannæ Philipps conjugum, natum die 25 Martii 1823. Sponsores fuere Patritius Raffertey et Birgitta Rafferty Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Margarita Burke) Die 14 Aprilis 1823 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Patritii Burke et Sarah McCann conjugum, natam die 14 Martii 1823 Sponsores fuere Michael Corrogan et Sarah Parkinson

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Philippus Murry) Die 14 Aprilis 1823 baptizavi Philippum filium Philippi Murry et Birgittæ Shenen conjugum, natum die 10 Aprilis 1823. Sponsores fuere Patritius et Sarah Burke

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Henricus Youel) Die 20 Aprilis 1823 baptizavi Henricum filium Gulielmi Youel et Joanna Kearns conjugum, natum die 13 Februarii 1823. Sponsores fuere Petrus Wolfe et Maria Carter

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Joanna McSweeny) Die 25 Aprilis 1823 baptizavi Joannam filiam Danielis McSweenyet JoannaSullivan conjugum, natam die 18 Aprilis 1823 Sponsores fuere Redmondus Lion et Margarita


Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Thomas Butler) Die 27 Aprilis 1823 baptizavi Thomam filium Jacobi Butler et Elizabeth Dale, conjugum, natum die 8 Aprilis 1823 Sponsoresfuere Thomas Baldwin et Anna Casouzan

Joannes Russell Miss Apeus

(Joannes Mahoney) Die 19 Maii 1823 baptizavi Joannem filium Martini Mahoney et Mariæ Campbell (Conjm) natum die 13 Maii 1823. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Dawson et Jane Palmer

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Joannes Hickey) Die 21 Maii 1823 baptizavi Joannem filium

Joannis Hickey et Mariæ Halpin conjugum natum die 6 Maii 1823. Sponsores fuere Daniel Clearey et Joanna Marshall

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

[p. 96] (Joanna Maria Meary) Die 23 Maii 1823 baptizavi Joannam Mariamfiliam Joannis Meary et Joanna Talbot Conjm natam die 4 Maii 1823. Sponsor per procurationem pro Patritio

Flanegan Jacobus Barnes Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Joannes Glynn) Die 31 Maii 1823 baptizavi Joannem filium

Joannis Glynn et Jane Clarke conjugum, natum die 15 Martii1823. Patrinus fuit Richardus Moore Joannes Russell Miss Apeus (JoannesMurphy) Die4 Junii 1823 baptizaviJoannem filium

Dionysii Murphy et Mariæ McCarthy (Conjm) natum die 25 Maii ejusdem anni. Matrina fuit Anna Malone

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Maria Rowe) Die 8 Junii 1823 baptizavi Mariam filiam

Josephi Rowe et Sarah Sarral conjugum ; natam die 29 Maii 1823 Sponsores fuere Petrus Wolfe et Maria Carter

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Margarita Christie) Die 9 Junii 1823 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Gulielmi Christie et Amelia O Connor conjugum, natam die 6 Maii 1823. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Christie et Maria Locke Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Richardus Hinds) Die 25 Junii 1823 baptizavi Richardum filium Richardi Hinds et Mariæ AnnæAnelly conjugum, natumdie 10 Junii 1823. Sponsores fuere Gilbertus Hinds et Maria Hinds John Russell Misss Apeus

(Elizabeth Rowe) Die 13 Julii 1823, baptizavi sub conditione

Elizabethfiliam Josephi Rowe et Sarah Sarral conjugum, natam die 12 Martii 1819. Sponsores fuere Thomas Baldwin et Maria Anna Wolfe Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Joannes Rowe) Die 13 Julii 1823 baptizavi sub conditione

Joannem filium Josephi Rowe et Sarah Sarral conjugum, natum die 5 Novembris 1820. Sponsores fuere Thomas Baldwin et Anna Joannes Russell Misss Apcus Maria Wolfe [р. 97] 1823-4

(Michael Fane) Die 22 Septembris 1823 baptizavi Michaelem filium Thomæ Fane et Birgittæ Murphy (conjugum) natum die 20 Septembris 1823. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Egan et Ellen Smith

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Richardus Moore) Die 22 Septembris 1823 baptizavi Richardum filium Richardi Moore et Mariæ Campbell (Conjm) natum die 19 Septembris 1823. Patrinus fuit Michael Welsh

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Mathæus Bolster) Die 5 Octobris 1823 baptizavi Mathæum filium Joannis Bolster et Mariæ Sercuit (conjugum ; natum die 30 Septembris 1823 Sponsores fuere Petrus Twineyet Maria Bates

Joannes Russell Miss Apcus

(Mauritius Egan) Die 12 Octobris 1823 baptizavi Mauritium filium Bartholomæi Egan et Ellen Farrel (conjugum) natum die 3 Septembris 1823 Sponsores fuere Jacobus Donolly et Isabella


Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Ellen Burke) Die 13 Novembris 1823 baptizavi Ellen filiam Huberti Burke et Jane Connolly conjugum ; natamdie 20 Novembris 1823. Matrina fuit Maria Locke

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Joannes Gregg) Die 30 Novembris 1823 baptizavi Joannem filium Petri Gregg et Sarah (Donolly) conjugum Natum die 29 Novembris 1823. Sponsores fuere Joannes Sheeran et Anna Sheeran Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Elizabeth Donolly) Die 7 Decembris 1823 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Jacobi Donolly et Elizabeth McCabe conjugum, natum die 25Novembris 1823. Sponsores fuere JacobusCambleet Isabella

Daley Joannes Russell Misss Apcus Anno Dni 1824

(Jacobus Moore) Die 2d Januarii 1824 baptizavi (sub conditione) Jacobum filium Joannis Moore et Margarita Farnon conjugum, natum die 27 Octobris 1821. Matrina fuit Maria Locke Joannes Russell Misss Apost cus 1824 [р 98] 100

(Joannes Moore) Die 2d Januarii 1824 baptizavi (sub conditione) Joannem filium Joannis Moore et Margarita Farnon conjugum, natum die 2310 Novembris 1823. Matrina fuit Maria Locke Joannes Russell Misss Apostcus

(Teresa Maria Enery) Die 9 Januarii 1824 baptizavi (sub conditione) Theresam Mariam filiam Joannis Enery et Catharina Moynihan conjugum natam die 18 Februarii 1823. Matrinafuit Maria Locke Joannes Russell Misss Apost (Patritius Develin) Die 21 Januarii 1824 cæremoniaspropter urgens mortis periculum omissas supplevi Patritio filio Patritii Develin et Margarita Duffy Conjm, nato die 11 Martii 1822 et sequente die baptizato . Sponsor fuit Carolus Barnes Joannes Russell Miss. Apost. (Anna Culkin) Die 1 Februarii 1824 baptizaviAnnamfiliam Richardi Culkin et Elizabeth Kennedy conjugum, natam die 2d Januarii 1824. Sponsor fuit Joannes Smith

Joannes Russell Misss Apost (Eliza Beggins) Die 11 Februarii 1824 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam EdwardiBegginset SusannahNewman natam die 28 Januarii 1824. Matrina fuit Margarita Moore

Joannes Russell Miss Apost

(Gulielmus Clarke) Die 18 Februarii1824 baptizaviGulielmum filium Joannis Clarke et Elizabeth Hanity conjm natum die 12 Februarii 1824. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Devin et Maria Connolly

Joannes Russell Misss Apost"s (Ellenor Sullivan) Die 10 Martii 1824 baptizavi Ellenor filiam Gulielmi Sullivan et Mariæ Doyle, conjugum : natam die26 Februarii 1824. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Fulton et Isabella Moss

Joannes Russell Misss Apost (Anna Moore) Die 26 Martii 1824 baptizavi sub conditione Annam filiam Joannis Moore et CatharinaFagan conjugum:natam die 11 Februarii 1824 Matrina fuit Maria Linnington

Joannes Russell Miss Apost An: Dom 1824 [p. 99]

(Anna Lentz) Die 27 Aprilis 1824 baptizavi Annam filiam Caroli Lentz et Birgittæ (Toomey) conjugum natam die 26 Aprilis 1824. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus et Catharina Marshall

Joannes Russell Misss Apostcug (Carolina Lentz) Die 27 Aprilis 1824 baptizavi Carolinam filiam Caroli Lentz et Birgittæ (Toomey) conjugum : natam die 26 Aprilis 1824. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus et Catharina Marshall

Joannes Russell Miss. Apostcus (Georgius Milligan) Die 23 Maii 1824 baptizavi (sub conditione) Georgium filium Georgii Milliganet Annæ Condonconjugum; natum die 24 Martii 1824. Matrina fuit Anna Hackett

Joannes Russell Miss8 Apost cus (Jacobus Byrne) Die 2310 Maii 1824 baptizavi Jacobum filium Joannis Byrne et Margarita Murphy conjugum ; natum die 7 Maii 1824. Matrina fuit Ellen Whelan

Joannes Russell Misss Apost cus (Francisca Anna O Donnell) Die 29 Maii 1824 baptizaviFranciscam Annam filiam Joannis O Donnell et Franciscæ Annæ Sheil conjugum ; natam die 21 Maii 1824. Sponsores fuere Joannes Russell et Maria Margarita Mitchell Joannes Russell Mission. Apostcus

(Maria Anna Doyle) Die 30 Maii 1824 baptizavi Mariam Annamfiliam Lucæ Doyle et Honoræ Grace Conjugum natam die 16 Maii 1824. Sponsores fuere Hugo Fitzpatrick et Margarita Cavanagh

Joannes Russell Misss Apostcus (Jane Ellen Buncombe) Die 30 Maii 1824 baptizavi Jane Ellen filiam Caroli Buncombe et Jane James Conjugum natam die 2310 Maii 1824. Sponsores fuere Ambrosius Discacciati et Maria Locke Joannes Russell Miss Apost cus (Maria Magdal. Mahoney) Die 16 Junii 1824 baptizaviMariam Magdalenamfiliam Martini Mahoney et MariæCampbellconjugum : natam die 7 Junii 1824 Sponsores fuere Daniel Cleary et Marianna Mahoney

Joannes Russell Mission Apost


100] (Gulielmus Rolston) Die 20 Junii 1824 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Roberti Rolston et Mariæ O Neill Conjm natum die 6 Junii 1824. Sponsores fuere Robertus Rolston et Elizabeth O Neil

Joannes Russell Misss Aposcus (Henricus Carrol) Die 27 Junii 1824 baptizavi Henricum filium Jacobi Carrol et Mariæ McCarey conjugum : natum die 17 Junii 1824. Sponsores fuerunt Michael McClasky et Ellen Whiddle

Joannes Russell Misss Apostus (Gulielmus Tiffin) Die 4 Julii 1824 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Joannis Tiffin et Ellen Bolan conjugum ; natumdie 23 Junii 1824. Matrina fuit Catharina Moore

Joannes Russell Miss Apost (Jacobus Aylward) Die 4 Julii 1824 baptizaviJacobum filium

Joannis Aylward et Catharina Kenny conjugum natum die 22 Junii 1824. Sponsores fuere Thomas Bren et Margarita Conolly

Joannes Russell Misss Apostcus (Elizabeth King) Die 18 Julii 1824 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Michaelis King et Harrietta Squil, conjugum : natam die 22 Aprilis 1824. Sponsores fuere Joannes Russell et Elizabeth Russell

Joannes Russell Miss Apostcus (Maria Hickey) Die 27 Julii 1824 baptizavi Mariam filiam Joannis Hickey et Mariæ Halpin conjugum : natam die 19 Julii 1824. Sponsores fuere Joannes Regan et Birgitta Regan

Joannes Russell Misss Apost cus (JoannesDaly) Die22 Augusti 1824 baptizaviJoannem filium

Gulielmi Daly et CatharinaMcCabe conjugum, natumdie 3 Augusti 1824. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Carrol et Maria Anna Malony

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Maria Anna Marley) Die 24 Augusti 1824 baptizavi Mariam Annam filiam Hugonis Marley et Birgittæ Lenaghan conjugum, natam die 11 Augusti 1824. Sponsores fuere Thomas Enright et Sarah Parkinson Joannes Russell Misss Apcus [p. 101] (Catharina Dwyer) Die 28 Septembris 1824 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Jeremiæ Dwyer et Catharinæ Connor , conjugum; natam die 16 Junii 1824 Sponsores fuere Joannes et Anna Finn Joannes Russell Mission Apost (Maria Dalton) Die 310 Octobris 1824 baptizaviMariam filiam Thomæ Dalton et Ellen Moffit ; natam die 28 Septembris 1824 Matrina fuit Margarita Coen Joannes Russell Mission Apost (Thomas Cowell) Die 10 Octobris 1824 baptizavi Thomam filium Thomæ Cowell et Margaritæ conjugum : natum die 7 Octobris 1824 Sponsores fuere JoannesStackpole et Catharina Young Joannes Russell Mission. Apostcus (Joanna Regan) Die 11 Octobris 1824 baptizavi Joannam filiam Gulielmi Regan et Catharina Collins conjugum : natam die 310 Octobris 1824 Sponsores fuere Josephus Ging et Catharina Clarkin Joannes Russell Misss Apeus


(Jacobus Delap) Die 16 Octobris 1824 baptizavi Jacobum filium Jacobi Delap et Winefridæ McCabe conjugum ; natum die 5 Octobris 1824. Sponsores fuere Patritius Carey et Honora Tooley Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Catharina Highland) Die 29 Octobris 1824 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis Highland et Margaritæ [3 cms blank] conjugum: natam die 25 Octobris 1824. Sponsores fuere Thomas Cosgrove et Birgitta Dunn Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Elizabeth Slattery) Die 7 Novembris 1824 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Joannis Slattery et Ruth Montjoy conjugum : natam die 10 Novembris 1824 Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Kelly et Anna Kelly Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Samuel Bolster) Die 17 Novembris anno Domini 1824 , cæremoniis omissis, sub conditione, Samuelem baptizavi annos habentem septem, filium [2.5 cms blank] et Joannis Bolster Joannes Russell Misss Apeus [p . 102]

(Francisca Herbert) Die 30 Octobris 1824 , cœremoniis ob urgens mortis periculum omissis baptizavi Franciscam filiam Mathæi Herbert et Margarita Templeton conjugum : natam die 29 Octobris 1824

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Neil Fitzpatrick) Die 21 Novembris 1824 baptizavi Neil Patritium filium Neil Fitzpatricket Margarita McGrath conjugum : natum die 12 Novembris 1824. Sponsores fuere Michael McCorbick et Catharina Wall Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Michael Wall) Die 21 Novembris 1824 baptizavi Michael filium Michael Wall et Catharina Mannin conjugum. natum die 5 Novembris 1824. Sponsores fuere Joannes Leigh et Elizabeth Williams Joannes Russell Miss8 Apeus

(Gulielmus Malone) Die 28 Novembris 1824 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Edwardi Malone et Annæ Murphy conjugum : natum die 12 Novembris 1824. Sponsores fuere Edwardus Hodgson et Maria Hall Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Richardus Cross) Die 18 Decembris 1824 baptizaviRichardum filium Martini Cross et Mariæ Joice, conjugum ; natum die 28 Novembris 1824. Matrina fuit Julia King

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Jane Hart) Die 19 Decembris 1824 baptizavi Joarnam [sic] filiam Joannis Hart et ElizabethCoulter conjugum : natam die 11 Novembris 1824. Sponsores fuere Thomas Walter et Anna Commins

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus 1825

(Anna Riley) Die 7 Januarii 1825 baptizavi Annam filiam Michaelis Riley et Giles McCann conjugum : natam die 4to Decembris 1824 Matrina fuit Maria Brady

Joannes Russell Miss Apeus

* Not in chronological order

(Maria Anna Farrel) Die 12 Februarii 1825 baptizaviMariam Annam filiam Jacobi Farrel et Joanna Welsh, conjugum : natam die 5 Januarii 1825. Sponsores fuere Edwardus Farrel et Anna Shearan Joannes Russell Misss Apcus [p. 103] (Matilda Mitchell) Die 20 Februarii 1825 baptizavi Matildam filiam Joannis Mitchell et Elizæ Brosure conjugum ; natam die 6 Februarii 1825 Sponsores fuere Richardus Neil et Joanna Sullivan Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Maria Filbin) Die 21 Februarii 1825 baptizavi Mariam filiam Thomæ Filbin et Mariæ Igo conjugum. natam die 19 Februarii 1825 Sponsoresfuere Robertus Bell et Maria Bell

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Harrietta Connor) Die 23 Februarii 1825 baptizavi Harriettam filiam Jacobi Connor et Harrietta Hilliers conjugum natam die 29 Januarii 1825. Sponsores fuere Sarah Rowe et Josephus Rowe Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Catharina Burke) Die 2º Martii 1825 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Patritii Burke et Sarah McCann conjugum natam die 10 Februarii 1825. Sponsores fuere Michael Welsh et Ellen Hearn

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Jacobus Wolfe) Die 6 Martii 1825 baptizavi Jacobum filium Petri Wolfe et Mariæ Chissell conjm natum die 23 Februarii 1825 Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Hardin et Maria Hall

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Ellen White) Die 7 Martii 1825 baptizaviEllen filiam Archibald White et Birgittæ Mahony conjugum: natam die 9 Februarii 1825 Sponsores fuere Joannes Cunningham et Margarita Shaughnessy

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Maria Lynch) Die 9 Martii 1825 baptizavi Mariam filiam Patritii Lynch et Annæ Higgins conjugum, natam die 1º Martii 1825. Sponsores fuere Michael Glynn et Margarita Flinn

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Joannes Cooke) Die 20 Martii 1825 baptizavisub conditione

Joannem filium Josephi Cooke et Annæ White* conjugum natum die 3 Martii 1825. Matrina fuit Catharina Kenny

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

[p. 104] (Maria Hanley) Die 10 Aprilis 1825 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Hanley et Mariæ Barrett , conjugum: natam die 5 Aprilis 1825. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Keating et Maria Igo

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Anna Conroy) Die 10 Aprilis 1825 baptizavi Annamfiliam Patritii Conroyet Birgittæ Lynan, conjugum: natam die 310 Aprilis 1825. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Henley et Joanna Kaye

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Maria Farrel) Die 10 Aprilis baptizavi Mariam filiam Patritii Farrel et BirgittæMcGovernconjugum : natamdie 2doAprilis 1825. Matrina fuit Catharina Gallaughan

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

* Or possibly 'While. '


(Maria McSweeney ) Die 12 Aprilis 1825 baptizavi Mariam filiam Danielis McSweeney et Joanne Sullivan conjugum : natam die 31 Aprilis 1825. Sponsores fuere Maria Palmer et Patritius Hynes Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Anna Hodgson) Die [date omitted] Aprilis 1825 anno Domini 1825 [sic] omissis cæremoniis baptizavi Mariam Annam Hodgson filiam Josephi Hodgson et [2 cms blank] McGennis Conjugum: natam die [2 cms. blank] Aprilis 1825. Matrina fuit Maria Locke

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus

(Gulielmus Browne) Die 10 Maii 1825 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Gulielmi Browne et Susannæ Clarke conjugum : natum die 5 Maii 1825. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Riley et Ellen Harvey

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Maria Tormy) Die 29 Maii 1825 baptizavi Mariam filiam Michaelis Tormy et Mariæ Daley conjugum : natam die 20 Maii 1825. Sponsores fuere Malachy Burns et Margarita Burns

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Jacobus Keefe) Die 11 Junii 1825 baptizavi Jacobum filium

Michaelis Keefe et Birgittæ Moore conjugum : natum die 310 Junii 1825. Sponsores fuere Terentius Cassidy et Anna Purcell

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus [p. 105] (Joannes Hunt) Die 19 Junii 1825 baptizavi Joannem filium Mauritii Hunt et Annæ Kegley conjugum : natum die 15 June 1825. Sponsores fuere Georgius et Margarita Nailor

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Joannes Farrel) Die 6 Julii 1825 baptizavi Joannem filium

Thomæ Farrel et Mary Dwyer conjugum : natum die 4 Julii 1825. Sponsores fuere Joannes Butler et Anna Buckley

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Maria Anna Lynn) Die 7° Julii 1825 baptizavi (sub conditione) Mariam Annam filiam Gulielmi Lynn et Ellen Monks conjugum: natam die 16 Octobris 1824. Matrinafuit Catharina Roper.

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Patritius Byrne) Die 31° Julii 1825 baptizavi Patritium filium Michaelis Byrne et Catharina Miler, Conjugum: natum die 21 Julii 1825. Sponsores fuere Michael O Brianet AnnaMcDurmot . Joannes Russell Misss Apcus (Jacobus Malay) Die 1º Augusti 1825 baptizavi Jacobum filium Joannis Malay et Mariæ Callaghan conjugum : natum die 30 Julii 1825. Sponsores fuere Petrus Dowling et Anna Gilroy

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Pat : Edw Loobey) Die 10 Augusti 1825 baptizavi Patritium Edwardumfilium Patritii Loobey et Margarita Roach conjugum : natum die 25 Julii 1825. Sponsores fuere Michael Foley et Francisca Evans Joannes Russell Misss Apeus (Jacobus Sweeny) Die 15 Augusti 1825 baptizavi Jacobum filium Jacobi Sweeny et Louisa Gaynor conjugum : natum die 4 Augusti 1825 Sponsores fuere Georgius Sweeny et Maria Rogers

Joannes Russell Misss Apcus

(Maria Stokes) Die 21° Augusti 1825 baptizavi Mariam filiam Joannis Stokes et Birgittæ Ford, conjugum : natam die 2º Augusti 1825. Sponsores fuere Josephus et Sarah Rowe

Joannes Russell Misss Apeus [p. 106] (MargaritaMurphy) Die 31 Augusti 1825 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Stephani Murphy et Honoræ Lyons conjugum : natam die 19 Augusti 1825. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Foleyet Maria Fitzgerald Joannes Russell M.A.

(Hannah Row) Die 27 Augusti 1825 sub conditione baptizavi Hannah Row filiam Josephi Row et Sara Sarral conjugum. Hannah nata fuit die 13 Novembris A.D. 1815 Joannes Russell M.A.

(Ellen Hayes) Die 25 Septembris 1825 baptizavi Ellen filiam Dionysii Hayes et Mariæ Toomy conjugum : natam die 18 Septembris 1825. Sponsores fuere Michael Slattery et Maria Locke Joannes Russell M.A.

(Joannes Creagh) Die 2º Octobris 1825 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Creaghet Margaritæ Higgins conjugum : natum die 21 Septembris 1825. Sponsoresfuere Patritius McGuire et Margarita Riley Joannes Russell M.A.

(Anna Smith) Die 17 Octobris 1825 baptizavi sub conditione Annamfiliam Jacobi Smith et Annæ Lotty conjugum : natam die 13 Novembris 1824. Sponsores fuere Ambrosius Discaciati et Maria


Joannes Russell M.A.

(Elizabeth Flarherty [sic]) Die 30 Octobris 1825 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Brian Flahertyet Judith Banks conjugum : natam die 29 Octobris 1825. Sponsores fuere Josephus et Sarah Row Joannes Russell M.A.

(Gulielmus Allen ) Die 6 Novembris 1825 baptizavisub conditione Gulielmum filium Jacobi Allen et ElizabethNash: natum die 15 Septembris 1822. Sponsores fuere Josephuset Sarah Row Joannes Russell M.A.

(Sarah Allen) Die 6 Novembris 1825 baptizavi Saram filiam Jacobi Allen et Elizabeth Nash: natam die 16 Octobris 1825 Sponsores fuere Josephus Row et Sarah Row Joannes Russell M.A.

[p. 107] (Anna Carter) Die 11 Decembris 1825 baptizavi Annam filiam Georgii Carter et Mariæ Kinsley conjugum : natam die 30 Octobris 1825. Sponsores fuere Josephus Baldwin et Maria Linnington Joannes Russell M.A.


(Gulielmus Rogers) Die 10 Januarii 1826, sub conditione baptizavi Gulielmum filium Gulielmi Rogers et Annæ Shannon conjugum: natum die 15 Novembris 1821 Joannes Russell M.A.

(Rosa Cassidy) Die 23 Januarii 1826 baptizavi Rosam filiam Edwardi Cassidy et Birgittæ Brannan conjugum : natam die 20 Januarii 1826. Sponsores fuere Patritius Roarke [sic] et Eliza Morning Joannes Russell M.A.


(Anna Connor) Die 28 Januarii 1826 baptizavi Annam filiam Thomæ Connor et Mariæ Doran conjugum : natam die 23 Januarii 1826 Sponsoresfuere Gulielmus McGoldrick et Margarita Craigh Joannes Russell M.A.

(Joannes Duignan ) Die 28 Januarii 1826 baptizavi Joannem filium Thomæ Duignan et Annæ Mighan conjugum : natum die 26 Januarii 1826. Sponsores fuere Thomas Connor et Rosa Quail Joannes Russell M.A.

(Joannes Dwyer ) Die 5 Februarii 1826 baptizavi Joannem filium Martini Dwyer et Birgittæ Henessy conjugum : natum die 31 Januarii 1826 Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Rutledge et Anna Rogers Joannes Russell M.A.

(Martinus Farrel) Die 19 Februarii 1826 baptizavi Martinum filium Martini Farrel et WinefridæByrne conjugum : natumdie 10 Februarii 1826. Sponsores fuere Patritius Buckley, Franciscus Bulst et Sarah Bulst Joannes Russell M.A. (Jacobus Bergan) Die 2º Martii 1826 baptizavi Jacobum filium Patritii Bergan et Birgittæ Cashan, conjugum : natum die 21 Februarii 1826. Sponsores fuere Joannes McGrath et Anna Daley Joannes Russell M.A.

[p. 108] (Maria Conry) Die 26 Martii 1826 baptizavi Mariam filiam Michaelis Conry et Birgittæ Sweeneyconjugum : natam die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoresfuere Thomas Duignanet Maria Calrey Joannes Russell M.A.

(Anna Cornish) Die 31 Martii 1826 baptizavi Annam filiam

Jacobi Cornish et Mariæ [3 cms. blank] conjugum natam die 28 ejusdem mensis et anni Matrina fuit Joanna Eliza Andrews Joannes Russell M.A.

(Josephus Gannon) Die 1º Aprilis 1826 baptizavi Josephum filium Michaelis Gannon et Margaritæ Denison conjugum : natum die 27 Martii 1826. Sponsores fuere Mathæus Welsh et Maria Clarke Joannes Russell M.A.

(Thomas Walsh) Die 3 Maii 1826 baptizavi Thomam filium

Edwardi Walsh et Mariæ Ryan conjugum : natumdie 2º Maii 1826 Matrina fuit Maria Locke Joannes Russell M.A.

(Edwardus King) Die 11 Junii 1826 baptizavi Edwardum filium Michaelis King et Harriettæ Preston conj: Natus fuit

Edwardus die 13 Maii 1826. Patrinus fuit Robertus King Joannes Russell M.A.

(Patritius Dalton) Die 16 Decembris 1826 baptizavi Patritium filium Josephi Dalton et Annæ Kirwan conjugum : natum die 14 Decembris 1826. Patrini fuere Nicholas Nowlan et Maria Fitzgerald Joannes Russell M.A. (Sarah Jane McCormick) Die 17 Decembris 1826 baptizavi Saram Joannam filiam Caroli McCormick et Birgittæ Tigart conjugum : natam die 23 Novembris 1826. Sponsores fuere Thomas Monaghan et Anna Monaghan Joannes Russell M.A.

(Joannes Hayes) Die 28 Januarii 1827 baptizavi Joannem filium Dionysii Hayes et Mariæ Toomey conjugum : natum die 17 Januarii 1827. Sponsores fuere Joannes O Connor et Anna Bush Joannes Russell M.A. [p. 109] 1827

(Josephus Wolfe) Die4 Februarii 1827 baptizavi Josephum filium Petri Wolfe et Mariæ Chessell, conjugum : natum die 19 Januarii 1827. Sponsores fuere Carolus Buncombe et Joanna Brading Joannes Russell M.A.

(Thomas Walsh) Die 12 Martii 1827 baptizavi sub conditione

Thomam filium Edwardi Walsh et Mariæ Ryan : natum die 2º Martii 1826 Joannes Russell

(Maria Anna O Connor) Die 4 Maii 1827 baptizavisubconditione Mariam Annam filiam Jacobi O Connor et Harrietta Hyllier conjugum. natam die 12 Julii 1823. Sponsores fuere Josephus & Sarah Rowe Joannes Russell M.A.

(Michael Purcell) Die 4° Augusti 1827 baptizavi Michael filium Edwardi Purcell et CatharinaDwyer conjugum : natum die 29 Julii 1827 Sponsores fuere Joannes McInarny et Birgitta Crimmin Joannes Russell M.A.

(Julia Anna Parkinson) Die 25Augusti 1827 baptizaviJuliam Annamfiliam Caroli Parkinson et Julia Annæ Jackson conjugum : natam die 15 Augusti 1827. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Keegan et Eliza Keegan Joannes Russell M.A.

(Patritius Ahearn) Die 10 Septembris 1827 baptizavi sub conditione Patritium filium Patritii Ahearn et Mariæ Robinson conjugum; natum die 29 Augusti 1827. Sponsoresfuere Mathæus Hogan et Ellen Mulhavill Joannes Russell M.A.

(Joannes Shea) Die 21 Septembris 1827 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis Shea et Mariæ Mason conjugum : natum die 4 Septembris 1827 Sponsores fuere Joannes Hogan et Anna Parkinson Joannes Russell M.A.

(Mich Sullivan) Die 1° Octobris 1827 baptizavi Michael filium Patritii Sullivan et Joannæ Price conjugum : natum die 29 Septembris 1827 Sponsoresfuere Michael Quin et Eliz: Smith Joannes Russell M.A. 1827

[р 110]

(Gulielmus Berry) Die 6 Octobris 1827 baptizaviGulielmum filium Gulielmi Berry et Mariæ Whelan, conjugum : natum die 24 Septembris 1827. Sponsores fuerunt Thomas Pagnam et Judith Pagnam Joannes Russell M.A.

(Gulielmus Cassidy) Die7 Octobris 1827 baptizaviGulielmum filium Jacobi Cassidy et Mariæ Byrne, conjugum natum die 23 Septembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Mich: Breen et Anna Mahon Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria Anna Keegan) Die 7 Octobris 1827 baptizavi Mariam Annamfiliam Jacobi Keegan et Elizæ Flanegan, conjugum: natam die 22 Septembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Petrus Mathews et Anna McCow* Joannes Russell M.A.

* Or possibly McCone '


(Maria AnnaMullens) Die 12 Octobris 1827 baptizaviMariam Annam filiam Jacobi Mullens et Mariæ Carrol, conjugum : natam die 5 Octobris 1827. Sponsores fuere Timothæus Mullens et Maria Farral Joannes Russell M.A.

(Elizabeth Hussey) Die 14 Octobris 1827 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Philippi Hussey et CarolinaArnmight, conj: natam die 26 Septembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Steven Owens et Margarita Sweeney Joannes Russell M.A.

(MariaAnna Hickey) Die 26 Octobris 1827 baptizavi Mariam Annam filiam David Hickey et Elizabeth Jones, natam die 15 Octobris, anno Dñi 1827 Sponsores fuere Joannes McCormick et Maria Howley Joannes Russell M.A.

(Gulielmus Scanlan) Die 11 Novembris 1827 baptizaviGulielmum filium Stephani Scanlanet Mariæ Butterly conjugum : natum die 310 Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Joannes Coyle et Maria Whelan Joannes Russell M.A.

(Joanna Migan) Die 17 Novembris 1827 baptizavi Joannam filiam Michaelis Migan et Ellen Gleeson, conjugum : natam die 7 Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Edmundus Leonard et Anna Gleeson Joannes Russell M.A.

[p. 111] (Catharina Reading) Die 18 Novembris1827 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis Reading et Mariæ Leary, conjugum: natam die 12 Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Ward et Alicia Murphy Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria Leonard) Die 19 Novembris 1827 baptizavi Mariam filiam Edmundi Leonard et Mariæ Murphy: natam die 17 Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Joannes Wrerem* et Maria Murphy Joannes Russell M.A.

(Anna Hore) Die 21 Novembris 1827 baptizavi Annam filiam Patritii Hoare et Ellen Winn conjm. natam , die [1.5 cms blank] Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Joannes Harrigan et Birgitta Whelan Joannes Russell M.A.

(Thomas Hogan) Die 21 Novembris 1827 baptizavi Thomam filium Frederici Hogan et Annæ Cavanagh conjugum : natum die 13 Novembris 1827 Sponsores fuere Michael Howley et Joanna Hogan Joannes Russell M.A.

(Margarita Mahony) Die 23 Novembris 1827 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Bartholomæi Mahony et Margarita Mahar, conjugum: natam die 22 Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Joannes Keating et Margarita Wrenn Joannes Russell M.A.

(Sarah Howley) Die 26 Novembris 1827 baptizavi Saram filiam Michaelis Howley et Mariæ Hoodman conjugum : natamdie 20 Novembris 1827 Sponsores fuere Richardus Doris et Maria Berry Joannes Russell M.A.

(Thomas Welsh) Die 29 Novembris 1827 baptizavi Thomam filium Cornelii Welsh et Margarita Corbit conjugum : natum die

* Or possibly Urerem. ' The a' has been added above Or possibly ' Stoodman'

23 Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Hogan et Anna McOwne Joannes Russell M.A.

(Patritius Grumley) Die 2º Decembris 1827 baptizavi Patritium filium Patritii Grumley et Catharina Cooney conjugum : natum die 26 Novembris 1827 Sponsores fuere Jacobus et Anna Fitzmorris Joannes Russell M.A.

[p. 112] (Daniel Hogan) Die 2 Decembris 1827 baptizavi Danielem filium Patritii Hogan et Alicia Cahill, conjugum : natum die 27 Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Edmundus Pine et Margarita Coghlan Joannes Russell M.A.

(Gulielmus James) Die9 Decembris 1827 baptizaviGulielmum filium Gulielmi Jameset Mariæ Annæ Baker conjugum : natumdie 7 Novembris 1827 Matrina fuit Eliza James Joannes Russell M.A.

(ElizabethMcDole) Die 19 Decembris 1827 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Mathæi McDole et Margaritæ Barny, conjugum : natam die 8 Decembris 1827 Sponsores fuere Jacobus Nealon et Anna Madden Joannes Russell M.A.

(Joannes Megan) Die 22 Decembris 1827 baptizavi Joannem filium Thomæ Megan et Annæ Hagerty, conjugum : natum die 7 Novembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Mannaon et Maria Leonard Joannes Russell M.A.

(Ross-Josephus Mahon) Die 23 Decembris 1827 baptizavi Ross-Josephum filium Francisci Mahon et Annæ Flinn conjugum : natum die 15 Decembris 1827 Sponsores fuere Bartholomæus Wrin, Patritius Ward , et Julia Webster Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria Owen) Die 24 Decembris 1827 baptizavi Mariam filiam Stephani Owen et Matildæ Dunnegan conjugum : natam die 20 Decembris 1827. Sponsores fuere Michael Breen et Anna McOwne Joannes Russell M.A.


(Catharina Burke) Die 13 Januarii 1828 baptizaviCatharinam filiam Thomæ Burke et Mariæ Brookes, conjugum : natam die 12 Januarii 1828. Sponsores fuere Arthur Brookeset MariaArmstrong Joannes Russell M.A.

(Margarita Hill) Die 14 Januarii 1828 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Joannis Hill et Ellen Neil conjugum: natam die 13 Januarii 1828. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Berry et Joanna Lyons Joannes Russell M.A.

[p . 113] (ElizabethSmith) Die 14 Januarii 1828 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Gulielmi Smith et Annæ Byrne, conjugum: natam die 16 Octobris 1827. Sponsores fuere Joannes Hill et Birgitta McKay Joannes Russell M.A.

(Daniel Callaghan) Die 27 Januarii 1828 baptizavi Danielem filium Joannis Callaghan et Mariæ McCarthy, conjugum : natum die 17 Januarii 1828. Sponsores fuere Georgius Ford, Anna Smith et Ellen Cain Joannes Russell M.A.


(Joanna Hughes) Die 27 Januarii 1828 baptizavi Joannam filiam Thomæ Hughes et Mariæ Moore, conjugum : natam die 21 Januarii 1828. Sponsores fuere Thomas McDonnell et Maria Callaghan Joannes Russell M.A.

(Patritius Hogan) Die 27 Januarii 1828 baptizavi Patritium filium Joannis Hogan et Mariæ Harney, conjugum : natum die 17 Januarii 1828. Sponsores fuere Joannes McInhearney et Maria McCain Joannes Russell M.A. (Catharina Horrogan)

Die 4 Februarii 1828 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Joannis Horrogan et Mariæ Sheahee , conjugum: natam die 29 Januarii 1828. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Kelly et Ellenor Hoare Joannes Russell M.A.

(Laurentius H. Green)

Die 6 Februarii 1828 baptizavi Laurentium-Henricum filiuin Laurentii-Henrici Green et Hannah Dyer, conjugum : natum die 23 Maii 1826. Sponsores fuere Joannes Russell et Maria Locke Joannes Russell M.A. (Maria Delaney) Die 10 Februarii 1828 baptizavi Mariam filiam Gulielmi Delaney et Mariæ Kilpeck conjugum : natam die 21 Januarii 1828 Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Leo et Eliza James Joannes Russell M.A.

(GeorgiusJ.Green ) Die 22 Februarii 1828 baptizaviGeorgium Jacobum filium Laurentii-Henrici Green et Hannah Dyer, conjugum: natum die [1 cm . blank] Februarii 1828. Sponsores (per procurationem ) fuere Georgius Farrel et Birgitta Tysan* Joannes Russell M.A.

[p . 114]

(Thomas Keogh) Die 28 Februarii 1828 baptizavi Thomam filium Patritii Keogh et Mariæ Linnahan conjugm natum die 23 Februarii 1828. Sponsores fuere Jeremiah Luther, Thomas Fitzgerald et Ellen Fitzgerald Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria Dwyer) Die 11 Martii 1828 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Dwyer et Mariæ Madden, conjugm: natam die 9 Martii 1828. Sponsores fuere Thomas Lader et Margarita McNamara Joannes Russell M.A.

(Patritius Scanlan) Die 14 Martii 1828 baptizavi Patritium filium Michaelis Scanlan et Margaritæ Evans, conjugum : natum die 6 Martii 1828. Sponsores fuere Carolus Knight et Honora Shiel Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria Keogh) Die 26 Martii 1828 baptizavi Mariam filiam Petri Keogh et Mariæ Morrissey conjugum : natam die 24 Martii 1828 Sponsores fuere Morgan Madden et Maria Reading Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria Pine) Die 27 Martii 1828 baptizavi Mariam filiam Edmundi Pine et Catharinæ Conway, conjugum : natam die 25 Martii 1828. Sponsores fuere Dionysius Sullivan et Catharina Keating Joannes Russell M.A.

* Doubtful reading

(Maria Quin) Die 12 Aprilis 1828 baptizavi Mariamfiliam Michaelis Quin et Catharinæ Leonard conjugum: natam die 12 Aprilis 1828. Sponsores fuere Michael Breen et Margarita Connor Joannes Russell M.A.

(Jacobus Fitzmorris) Die 11 Maii 1828 baptizavi Jacobum filium Jacobi Fitzmorris et Annæ Brumel conjugum: natum die 4 Maii 1828. Sponsores fuere Jacobus Barry et Catharina Grumley Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria Tunny) Die 14 Maii 1828 baptizavi Mariam filiam Gulielmi Tunny et Siby Finn, conjugum : natum die 3 Maii 1828 . Sponsores fuere Petrus Myland et Maria Burke Joannes Russell M.A.

[p. 115] (JoannesLyon ) Die 19 Maii 1828 baptizaviJoannem filium Danielis Lyon et Joannæ Andraghan conjugum natum die 12 Maii 1828. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Frost et Anna McCarthy Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria McInarney) Die 24 Maii 1828 baptizavi Mariam filiam Joannis McInarney et Birgittæ Crimmin, conjugum : natam die 19 Maii 1828. Sponsores fuere Patritius Ahern et Maria Joannes Russell M.A. Leonard

(Anna Devit) Die 26 Maii 1828 baptizavi Annam filiam Michaelis Devit et Ellen Mulvihill, conjugum : natam die 23 Maii 1828. Sponsores fuere Joannes Lellis et Ellen Danahar Joannes Russell M.A.

(Margarita Dunn) Die 26 Maii 1828 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Joannis Dunn et Mariæ McNamara, conjugum : natam die 25 Maii 1828. Sponsores fuere Joannes Burke et Maria Anna Joannes Russell M.A. Coates

(Anna Kelly) Die 27 Junii 1828 baptizavi Annam filiam Michaelis Kelly et Margaritæ Hind, conjugum : natam die 19 Junii 1828 Sponsores fuere Patritius Keogh et Siby Finn Joannes Russell M.A.

(Michael Cleary) Die 5 Julii 1828 baptizavi Michaelem filium Laurentii Cleary et Mariæ Reedy conjugum : natum die 30 Junii 1828 Sponsores fuere Mathæus McCarthy et Maria HorJoannes Russell M.A.

(Gulielmus Webster) Die 5 Julii 1828 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Joannis Webster et Judith Dunn conjm: natum die 3 Julii 1828 Sponsores fuere Franciscus Mahon et Anna Mahon Joannes Russell M.A. rogan

(Anna Doyle) Die 6 Julii 1828 baptizavi Annam filiam Patritii Doyle et Annæ Rossin conjugum : natam die 5 Julii 1828. Sponsores fuere Joannes et Ellen DoyleJoannes Russell M.A.

[p. 116] (Franciscus McLaughlan [sic]) Die 27 Octobris 1828 baptizavi Edwin Franciscum filium Hugonis McLaughlin et Eliza Fancy conjugum : natum die 2 Octobris 1828. Matrina fuit Maria Edwards Joannes Russell M.A.


(Joannes Allen) Die 27 Octobris 1828 baptizavi filium (cui nomen Joannes) Jacobi Allen et Elizabeth Nash: natum die 12 Octobris 1828. Sponsores fuere Josephus et Sarah Rowe Joannes Russell M.A. (Carolus Discacciati) Die 9 Decembris 1828 baptizavi Carolum Norbertum filium Caroli Ambrosii Discacciati et Maria Woolfreyconjugum : natum eodem die et anno Sponsoresfuere Josephus et Maria Woolfrey Joannes Russell M.A. (Catharina Bolan) Die 28 Decembris 1828 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Patritii Bolan et Annæ Connor, conjugum : natam die 4 Decembris 1828. Sponsores fuere Michael Ryan et Honora Callaghan Joannes Russell M.A. 1829

(Patritius McBride) Die20 Januarii 1829 baptizaviPatritium filium Jacobi McBride et Birgittæ Whelan, conjugum : natum die 10 Januarii 1829. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus et Catharina Regan Joannes Russell M.A. (Elizabeth Wolfe) Die 4º Januarii 1829 baptizavi Elizabeth filiam Petri Wolfe et Mariæ Annæ Chessell conjugum : natamdie 29 Decembris 1828. Sponsores fuere Samuel Lelli et Anna Fitzpatrick Joannes Russell M.A. (Margarita Rogers) Die 25 Januarii 1829 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Henrici Rogers et Annæ McGourk conjugum : natam die 5 Januarii 1829. Sponsores fuere Joannes Scanlan et Anna Noble Joannes Russell M.A. (Jacobus Clohosy) Die 25 Januarii 1829 baptizavi Jacobum filium Patritii Clohosy et Ellen Green conjugum : natum die 18 Januarii 1829. Sponsores fuere Mitchell Devitt et Sarah Johnson Joannes Russell M.A. [p. 117] (Maria Anna Doyle) Die 9 Februarii 1829 baptizavi Mariam Annam filiam Joannis Doyle et Catharina Kelly conjugum: natam die 29 Januarii 1829. Sponsores fuere Thomas Derham et Catharina Clarke

Joannes Russell M.A. (Susanna Doran) Die 1º Martii 1829 coeremonias omissas supplevi Susannæ , filiæ Arthuris Doran et Margarita Byrne, conjugum, dudum baptizatæ et die 13 Decembris 1828 natæ. Sponsores fuere Thomas O Brian et Sarah Carr

Joannes Russell M.A. (Anna Mahoney) Die 1º Martii 1829 baptizavi Annamfiliam Jacobi Mahoney et Judith Byrne, conjugum natam die 5 Januarii 1829. Sponsores fuere Patritius Campbell et Margarita Thomson

Joannes Russell M.A.

(Gulielmus Mullins) Die 6 Aprilis 1829 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Timothæi Mullins et Annæ Tailor conjugum : natum die 6 Aprilis 1829. Sponsores fuere Patritius Brady et Elizabeth Brady Joannes Russell M.A. (Jacobus Mullins ) Die 8 Aprilis 1829 baptizavi Jacobum filium Timothæi Mullins et Annæ Tailor conjugum : natum die 7 Aprilis 1829 Matrinafuit Maria O Neil Joannes Russell M.A.

(Maria Killeen ) Die 19 Aprilis 1829 baptizavi Mariam filiam Jacobi Killeen et Annæ Seery, conjugum : natam die 12 Aprilis 1829 Sponsores fuere Edwardus Conaghton et Ellen Cook Joannes Russell M.A. (Gulielmus McNeil) Die 3 Maii 1829 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Caroli McNeil et Franciscæ Davis, conjugum : natum die 27 Aprilis 1829. Sponsores fuere Patritius Murphy et Anna Joannes Russell M.A. McCue

(Maria Anna King) Die 31 Maii 1829 baptizavi Mariam Annam filiam Michaelis King et Harrietta Squib, conjugum : natam die 9 Decembris 1828. Sponsores fuere Robertus et Elizabeth King Joannes Russell M.A.

[p. 118] (Joanna Kimber) Die 1 Junii 1829 baptizavi Joans nam filiam Danielis Kimber et Catharinæ Ryan, conjugum : natam die 1 Aprilis 1828. Matrina fuit Maria Linnington Joannes Russell M.A.

(Marg: McCarthy) Die 7 Junii 1829 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Florentii McCarthy et Margaritæ conjugum : natam die 5 Junii 1829. Sponsores fuere Samuel Gallaghar et Maria Anna Berrick *Rd C. Degrenthe prêtre (Maria Purfield) Die 12 Julii 1829 baptizavi Mariam filiam Laurentii Purfield et Catharina Wall, conjugum : natam die 5 Julii 1829. Sponsores fuere Joannes Doyle et Ellen Clohosey (264) Joannes Russell M.A.

[In the Rev. S. Dambrine's hand]

(Maria Garvy) Die 26 Julii 1829 Baptizavi Mariam filiam Joannis Garvy & Ellen Kelly Conjugum : natam die 22 Junii 1829 Sponsores fuere Joannes Manners & Maria Jones. Stephanus Dambrine M.A.

(Marg: McHern) Die 26 Julii 1829 Ceremonias Baptismales Supplevi Margaritæ filiæ Neile McKern [sic] & Catherinæ Kennedy, conjugum, olim a patre propter urgens periculum baptizatæ& die 10 Martii 1829 natæ Sponsores fuere Petrus Burke & Jane Tailor. Stephanus Dambrine M.A.

(Joannes Manhon) Die 27 Julii 1829 Baptizavi Joannem filium Petri McManhon [sic] & Mariæ Rorch conjugum natam Die 21 Junii 1829. Sponsores fuere Joannes Foley & Margarita

Stephen Dambrine M.A. White.

(Catherina Faanny) Die9 Augusti 1829 BaptizaviCatherinam filiam Petri Faanny & Mariæ Shavlin conjugum, natam 30 Julii 1829. Sponsores fuere Timotheus Mullin & Anna Mullin

Stephen Dambrine M.A.

(Joannes Keenan) Die 16 Augusti 1829 Baptizavi Joannem Filium Patricii Keenan & Maria McCarthy Conjugum, natam Die 15 Augusti 1829. Sponsores fuêre Joannes McCarthy & Elizabeth Woods Stephanus Dambrine M.A

* Surname omitted . Signature alone in Abbé Degrenthe'shand

[p. 119] (James Clarke) Die 6 Septembris 1829 Baptizavi Jacobum filium Michaelis Clarke & Catherinæ Fewry* conjugum, natum Die 29 Augusti 1829. Sponsores fuere Thomas Durham , & ElizabethBrady (6) Stephanus Dambrine A.M. [In the Rev. John Sidden's hand]

(MargaritaTurner) Die 14. Martii 1829 nata et die 18 Sept™ 1829 baptizata fuit Margarita Turner, filia Elizabeth et Henrici Turner Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Kenning a me Joanne Sidden Missionario Apco (Catharine Welch) Die 22 Septr 1829 baptizavi Catharinam filiam Hannah et Martini Welch Conjugum, natam die 10 Septr 1829. Sponsores fuere Hearne Haffart et Maria Lenington Joannes Sidden M.A. (Jane Herney*) Die 9 Octr 1829 baptizavi Joannam Herney, filiam Annæ et Ricardi Herney, Conjugum, natam 2 Octr 1829. Sponsoresfuere Dionysius McCabe et Joanna Dillon

Joannes Sidden Missions Apcus (Robert Thompson) Die 4 Oct 1829 Baptizavi Robertum filium Gulielmi et Margaritæ Thompson Conjugum: natum die 18 Septr 1829: Sponsores fuere Ricardus Herney et JudithVigo

Joannes Sidden Mission Apcus (Thomas McMannis) Die 4 Octr 1829 Baptizavi Thomam filium Caroli et Annæ McMannis Conjugum: natum die 27 Septr 1829 Sponsores fuere Patricius Duffey et Maria Laghnan

Joannes Sidden Missionus Ap (Catharine Shelley) Die 4 Oct. 1829 Baptizavi Catharinam filiam Thomæ et Shelley Conjugum, natam die 28 Septr 1829 Sponsores fuere Farrell Hand § et Anna Noble Joannes Sidden M.A.

(William Ready) Die 18 Septr 1829 Baptizavi Gulielmum , filium Jacobi et Judith Ready Conjugum, natum die 2 Septris 1829 Sponsores fuere Michael Roney et Maria Haggerty§ (7) Joannes Sidden M.A.

[In the Rev. C. V. Dowling's hand]

(George Barry) Die 18 Decembris**Baptisavi Georgium Barry filium Gulielmi et Mariæ Conjugum natum die 2a Maii 1827 Sponsores fuere Gulielmus et Catharina Regan

C. V. Dowling (Hugh Ward) Die 25 Decembris**baptisavi Hugonem filium Hugonis et Mariæ Ward conjugum natum die die [sic] 17 Novembris sponsores fuere Patricius Cassidy et Maria Shanahan

C. V. Dowling

* Doubtful reading; may be Fenry. "

All doubtful readings This is a very small hand, and it is difficultto see whether the initial letter in most of these words is 'H' or not

Not in chronological order

§ Initial 'H' doubtful ** 1829 ' omitted


p . 120] (Catharine Regan) Die 25ª Decembris Baptisavi Catharinam Regan filiam Gulielmi et Catharinæ natam die 3tia Octobris Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Barry et Maria Keelly*

C. V. Dowling


(James Oulahan) Die 10ma Januarii 1830 BaptisaviJacobum filium Hugonis et Margaritæ Oulahan conjugum natum die 71 Januarii 1830 Sponsores fuere Thomas McEvoy et Anna Reynolds

C. V. Dowling

(John Doyle) Die 14ª Januarii 1830 Baptisavi Joannem filium Joannis Doyle et Catharinæ conjugum natumdie 1a Januarii 1830 Sponsores fuere S Sarney et Catharina Sarney

C. V. Dowling

(Bridget Dwyer) Die 30a Januarii 1830 BaptisaviBrigittam filiam Thomæ et Catharinæ Dwyer conjugum natum die 29 Januarii 1830 sponsores fuere Laurentius Purfield et Catharina Purfield

C. V. Dowling

(John O Neil) Die 31a Januarii 1830 Baptisavi Joannem filium Joannis et Mariæ O Neil conjugum natum die 21a Januarii 1830 Sponsores fuere Joannes Kenedy et Catharina Clarke

C. V. Dowling

(Jane Kane) Die 7a Martii 1830 Baptisavi Joannam filiam Jacobi et Mariæ Kane Conjugum natam die 10ma Januarii 1830 Sponsores fuere Michael Burke et Catharina Mullin

C. V. Dowling

(James Coyle) Die 17a Aprilis 1830 Baptisavi Jacobum filium Joannis et Martha Coyle conjugum natum die 13a Aprilis 1830 Sponsores fuere Dyonisius et Maria Clary

C. V. Dowling

[p. 121] (Bridget Guerton) Die 18a Aprilis* Baptisavi Birgittam filiam Jacobi et Mariæ Guerton conjugum natam die 15a Aprilis 1830 Sponsores fuere Thomas Fitzgerald et Maria Ellis

C. V. Dowling

(William Bultin) Die 18a Aprilis* Baptisavi Gulielmum filium Roberti et Annæ Bultin natum die 12a Aprilis 1830 Sponsores fuere Joannes O Connor et Rebecca Stuart

C. V. Dowling

(James Bryan) Die 25a Aprilis* baptisavi Jacobum filium Patricii et Mariæ Bryan conjugum natum die 14a Aprilis 1830 Sponsores fuere Vincentius Hunt et Margarita Sweeny

C. V. Dowling

(Hugh Suran) Die 4a Maii 1830 baptisavi Hugonem filium Gulielmi et Annæ Suran Conjugum natum die 29a Aprilis 1830 Sponsores fuere Joannes Flanagan et Catharina Ahern

C. V. Dowling

* Possibly 'Heelly ' or 'Keelty'

* 1830' omitted


(John Rafferty) Die 11a Maii 1830 baptisaviJoannem filium

Roberti et Margarittæ Rafferty conjugum natum die 30a Aprilis 1830 Sponsores fuere Timotheus Buckley et Maria Walsh

C. V. Dowling

(Mary Power) Die 30a Maii 1830 baptisavi Mariam filiam Joannis et Catharina Power conjugum natam die 28a Februarii 1830 Sponsores fuere Daniel Curtis et Margaritta Burns (15)

[In the Rev. Joseph G. Robson's hand]

C. V. Dowling

(Bridget Flanagan) Die 10a Julii 1830 baptizavi Birgittam Flanagan filiam Faulkener & Catharina Flanagan conjugum natam die 14ma Junii 1830 Patrinusfuit Joannes Duigh matrina Anna Swan

J. G. Robson Miss Apos

(Mary Blake) Die 17ma Julii 1830 Baptizavi Mariamfiliam

Joannis & Annæ Blake conjugum, natam die 7ma Julii hujus anni Patrinus fuit Joannes McGinn, Matrina Susanna Cooper Josephus Georgius Robson Miss. Apost. 1830 [р 122]

(Michael Sweeny) Die 28va Augusti 1830 baptizavi Michaelem filium Patritii & Margarita Sweeny conjugum natum die 17ma Augusti ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit John Deegan matrina Ellenah Connor J. G. Robson Miss. Apost.

(MargaritHarley) Die 12 Septembris 1830 baptizaviMargarittam filiam Jeremiah Harley et Mariæ Harley conjugum natam die 7ma ejusdem mensis 1830. Patrinus fuit Daniel Cleary Matrina Catharina Flanagan

J. G. Robson Miss Apos

(Mary Collins) Die 25 Septembris 1830 Baptizavi sub conditione Mariamfiliam Jacobi Collins & Mariæ Conolly conjugum natam die 15ta Augusti ejusdem anni Matrina fuit Maria Limmington* Josephus Geo. Robson Miss Ap

(William Pickering) Die 25 Novembris 1830 Baptizavi Guglielmum [sic] filium Joannis Pickering & Annæ Jennings (conjugum) natum die 2da hujus mensis ejusdem anni. Patrinus fuit Thomas Clancy Matrina Maria Kenny Joseph Georgius Robson M.A.

(John Tho Merit) Die 25ta Decembris 1830 Baptizavi sub conditione Joannem Thomam filium Joannis & [2 cms. blank] Merit conjugum natum Die 24ta Novembris ejusdem anni. Patrinus fuit Patricius Kenny Matrina Catharina Kenny Josephus Geo. Robson M.A.

(Margaret O'Connor) Die 26ta Decembris 1830 Baptizavi Margaritamfiliam Joannis O'Connor & Margaritæ O'Connor olim Gainer conjugum natamdie 20 Novembris ejusdemanni Matrina fuit Elizabeth Walker Josephus Georgius Robson M.A.

[A space, 4.5 cms deep, blank at the foot of the page.] [p. 123] 1831

* Query: recte Linnington ?

(John Benjamin Clevo) Die 1ma Januarii 1831 Baptizavi sub conditione Joannem Benjamin filium Joannis & Joanna Clevo conjugum natum die 28va Februarii 1829. Patrinus fuit Joannis [sic] Raffaello

Josephus Georgius Robson M.A.

(Honora Stack) Die 20ma Februarii 1831 Baptizavi Honoram filiam Edmundi & Ellen Stack conjugum natam die 20ma Januarii 1831. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Linnington Matrina Maria Linnington Josephus Georgius Robson M.A.

(Ellen Dacy) Die 11ma Julii 1831 Baptizavi Ellen filiam Caroli & Birgittæ Dacy conjugum natam die 7ma ejusdem mensis 1831. Matrina fuit Maria Dignum

Josephus Georgius Robson M.A.

(John McHenry ) Die 17ma Augusti 1831. BaptizaviJoannem filium Joannis & Mariæ McHenry conjugum natum die 24to Junii ejusdem anni Patrinusfuit Joannes Murphy, matrina Dorothea Hind Josephus Georgius Robson M.A.

(Walter Ballay West) Die 11ma Septembris 1831. Baptizavi Walterium Ballay West filium Samuelis & Elizabeth West conjugum. natum die 7ma mensis Martii ejusdem anni. Matrina fuit Joanna West

Jos. Geo Robson M.A.

(James Woolfe) Die 2da mensis Octobris 1831. baptizavi Jacobum filium Petri et Mariæ Woolfe conjugum natum die 30 Septembris ejusdem anni . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Allen Matrina Maria Coni

Jos Geo Robson M.A.

(Francis Kennedy) Die 20ma mensis Octobris 1831 baptizavi Franciscum filium Edwardi et Rosæ Kennedy Conjugum natum die 6ta Octobris ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Joannes McHenry

Jos Geo, Robson M.A. [р 124] 1832

(John Coni [written above Podesta]) Die 10mamensis Februarii 1832 baptizavi Joannem filium Domenici Coni & Mariæ Murphy conjugum natum hodie. Patrinusfuit Joannes Roscelli, Matrina

Anna Bush

Jos Geo Robson M.A.

(Charlotte Welsh) Die 12ma mensis Martii 1832 baptizavi ommissis [sic] ceremoniis solemnioribus Carolettam filiam Joannis & Mariæ Welsh conjugum, natam die 7ma mensis Februarii ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Joannes McHenry Matrina Maria McHenry

Jos Geo Robson M.A.

(Margeret Cooper) Die 5ta mensis Aprilis A.D. 1832 baptizavi Margaritam filiam Hugonis & Margarita Cooper conjugum, natam die 26ta mensis Martii ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Edwardus Kennedy Matrina Rosa Kennedy

Josephus Geo. Robson M.A.

(Thomas Clancy) Die 8va mensis Aprilis 1832 baptizavi sine ceremoniis Thomam filium Thomæ & Margarita Clancy natum die 29na mensis Martii ejusdem anni Josephus Robson M.A.

(William Maen) Hodie die 21ma mensis Octobris A.D. 1832 . baptizavi Gulielmum filium Edwardi et Sarah Maen conjugum ;


natum die 27ma mensis Augusti ejusdem anni

Georgius Carter Matrina Hannah Rowe Patrinus fuit

Josephus Georgius Robson M.A.

[A blank space, 5 cms deep, at the foot of the page.] [p . 125] 1833

(Jane Cooper) Hodie die 3tia mensis Augusti A.D. 1833

baptizavi Joannam filiam Hugonis Cooper et Margaritæ Murray conjugum natam die 19na mensis Julii ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Robertus Fainnell Josephus Geo. Robson M.A.

[The space for the next entry, 5.5 cms deep, has been left blank.] 1834

(Mary Brien) Hodie die 29na mensis Aprilis A.D. 1834

Baptizavi Mariam filiam Mauritii Brien et Mariæ Dacey conjugum natam die 30ma mensis Januarii ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit

JoannesMurphy MatrinaEllen Murphy Jos Geo Robson M.A. (Laurence Coni [written above Podesta]) Hodie die 11ma mensis Maji A.D. 1834 Baptizavi Laurentium filium Domenici Coni et Mariæ Murphyconjugum natum die 10ma ejusdem mensis et ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Laurent Brinnon MatrinaCatharina Kenny Jos Geo Robson M.A. (James Thomas Shipton) Die 10ma mensisAugustiA.D. 1834.

Baptizavi Jacobum Thomam filium Jacobi et Elizabeth Shipton conjugum natum die 12ma mensis Maji ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Joannes Welch Matrina Maria Linnington 1834 Jos Geo . Robson M.A.

[р 126]

(Margaret Goodfellows) Die22da mensis Septembris A.D. 1834

baptizavi Margarittamfiliam Joannis et Sarah Goodfellows (quondam Smith) conjugum, natum [sic] die 21ma mensis Julii ejusdem anni. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Linnington; Matrina Maria Linnington Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

(Michael William Walsh) Die 27ma mensis Octobris A.D. 1834 Baptizavi Michaelem Guglielmum filium Joannis et Maria Walsh conjugum natum die 31ma mensis Augusti ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Joannes Murphy Matrina Ellen Murphy Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

(George Self) Die 9na mensis Novembris A.D. 1834 Baptizavi Georgium filium Jeremiah et Sarah Self conjugum natumdie 12ma mensis Octobris ejusdem anni Matrina fuit Anne Self Josephus Geo . Robson M.A.

(John Collins) Die 23tiamensis Novembris A.D. 1834 baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis et Honoræ Collins conjugum, natum die 25ta mensis Octobris ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Petrus Woolf Matrina Maria Linnington Josephus Geo . Robson M.A.

(Edwardum Meehen) Die 2da mensis Aprilis A.D. 1835 baptizavi Edwardum filium Edwardi et Sarah Meehen conjugum natum die decima sexta mensis Februariiejusdem anni Patrinus fuit [8 cms. blank] Matrina [10 cms. blank]Josephus Geo. Robson M.A.

[р 127]


(William Pine) Die 3a mensis Maji A.D. 1835 baptizavi Guglielmum filium Patritii Pine & Sarah Pine conjugum natum die 13tta mensis Aprilis ejusdemanni Patrinus fuit JosephusRowe

Matrina Anna Linnington

(Thomas Pine)

Josephus Geo . Robson M.A.

Die 3tia mensis Maji A.D. 1835 ommissis ceremoniis baptizavi Thomam filium Patritii Pine & Sarah Pine conjugum natum die [3.5 cms blank]

Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

(Elizabeth Sarah Pine) Die 3tia mensis Maji A.D. 1835 baptizavi sub conditione ommissis ceremoniis ElizabethSarah filiam Patritii Pine & Sarah Pine conjugum natam die 25 Martii 1827

Josephus Geo . Robson M.A.

(John O Donnell) Die 28va mensis Decembris 1835. Baptizavi Joannem filium Michaelis et Mariæ O Donnell conjugum natum die 24ta mensis Octobris 1835 Patrinusfuit Joannes Goodfellows

Matrina Catharina Kenny Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

(John Golding) Die 29na mensis Decembris 1835 ommissis ceremoniis baptizavi Joannem filium Thomæ et Lydia Golding Conjugum natum die 23tia mensis Novembris Patrinus fuit

Joannes Murphy Matrina Ellen Murphy

[P . 128]

Josephus Geo. Robson M.A. 1836

(Josephine Mary Symmonds) Die 18va mensis Januarii 1836 Baptizavi Josephinam Mariam filiam Georgii & Mariæ Symmonds conjugum natam die 28va mensis Decembris 1835 Joannes Murphy Matrina Anna Bush Patrinus fuit

Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

(James Barton) Die 13tia mensis Martii A.D. 1836 Baptizavi Jacobum filium Thomæ et Mariæ Barton conjugum natum die 4ta mensis Februarii ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Georgius Carter Josephus Geo Robson M.A. Matrina Maria Carter

(Caroline Pierce) Die 3tia mensis Julii A.D. 1836 Baptizavi

Carloninam [sic] filiam Henrici et Mariæ Annæ Pierce conjugum natam die 7ma mensis Maji ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit Josephus Rowe Matrina Sarah Rowe Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

(Robert Kennelly) Die 17ma mensis AugustiA.D. 1836 Baptizavi Robertumfilium Michaelis et Joannæ Kennelly conjugum natumdie 22da mensis Julii ejusdem anni Patrinusfuit Robertus Fennell Josephus Geo. Robson M.A.

(Margerite Burke) Die 2da mensis Octobris A.D. 1836. Baptizavi Margeritam filiam Joannis & Margeritæ Burke conjugum natam die 12ma mensis Septembris ejusdem anni Matrina fuit

Joanna Collins Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

[р 1293 ]



(Francis Heasle*) Die 6to mensis Novembris A.D. 1836 bap- tizavi Franciscum filium Roberti et Hannah Heasle* Conjugum natum die 5to Mensis Octobris ejusdem anni Patrinus fuit

Josephus Rowe. Matrina Maria Linnington


Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

(John Harrington) Die 17ma mensis Aprilis A.D. 1837 baptizavi Joannem filium Dennis Harrington et Mariæ Downey conjugum, natum die 8va mensis Martii ejusdem Anni Patrinus fuit

Joannes Fitzpatrick Matrina Anastasia Fitzpatrick

Josephus Geo Robson Misss Aps (Catherine Fitzpatrick) Die 17ma Aprilis A.D. 1837 baptizavi Catherinam filiam Joannis & Anastasia Fitzpatrick conjugum natam die 25 mensis Februariiejusdem anni. Patrinusfuit Dennis Harrington & Matrina Maria Harrington (olim Downey)

Josephus Geo Robson Misss Aps (Hannah Tansom Leary) Die 18va mensis Aprilis A.D. 1837 baptizavi sub conditione Hannah Tansom Leary filiam [2 cms . blank]&Margerita Learyconjugum natamdie 3a ejusdemmensis et anni Matrina fuit Maria Bedford

[р 130]

Josephus Geo . Robson Misss Aps 1837

(William Bernard Miles) Die 19na mensis Maji A.D. 1837 baptizavi Gulielmum Bernardum filium Gulielmi Mills [sic] et CarolinaMills (quondam Mew) conjugum, natumdie 10maejusdem mensis et anni Matrina fuit Maria Ambrosia Discacciati

Josephus Geo. Robson Misss Aposts (Thomas Murphy) Die 14ta mensisJunii A.D. 1837. baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis, Thomam filium Jacobi & Helenæ Murphy, olim Gallagher, conjugum, natum die 2da mensis Octobris A.D. Josephus Geo. Robson Misss Apeus 1836 (JohnWoodhouse) Die28va mensis Junii A.D. 1837. baptizavi Joannem filium Davidis Woodhouse et ElizabethæWoodhouse (quondam Duffy) conjugum natum die 24ta mensis Junii A.D. 1837. Patrinus fuit Joannis [sic] White Matrina Margerita Leary Josephus Geo Robson Miss Aps (Peter Synott) Die 16ta mensis Julii A.D. baptizavi Petrum filium Jacobi Synott et MariæSynott (quondam Lyndon) conjugum, natum die 29na mensis Junii A.D. 1837. Patrinus fuit Edwardus O Neill. Matrina Hannah Rowe

Josephus Geo Robson Miss Aps (Anne Meehan ) Die 6ta mensis Augusti A.D. 1837 baptizavi Annam filiam Edwardi Meehan & Sarah Meehan (quondam Denham) conjugum, natam die 29na mensis Junii A.D. 1837 . Patrinus fuit Josephus Rowe Matrina Sarah Rowę Josephus Geo. Robson Miss Aps

* Or possibly Heagle. ' 1837 omitted

(Mary Anne McPharlen) Die 13ta mensis Augusti A.D. 1837 baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis, Mariam Annam filiam Patricii McPharlen & Annæ McPharlen, quondam Casy, natam die 30ma mensis Julii A.D. 1837 . JosephusGeo. RobsonMiss Aps [р 131] 1837

(Timothy Mahony) Die Ima Mensis Septembris A.D. 1837 . baptizavi Timotheum filium Davidis Mahony & Isabellæ Mahony, quondam Burness , conjugum, natum die 15ta mensis AugustiA.D. 1837 Jos G. Robson Misss Aps

(Honorah Caton [in different ink vel Keating ]) Die 15ta mensis Septembris A.D. 1837. Baptizavi Honoram filiam Patritii Caton et Mariæ Caton, quondam Cleary, conjugum, natam die 23tia mensis Augusti A.D. 1837. Patrinus fuit Petrus Cruming Matrina Maria Bedford Josephus Geo Robson Misss Aps

(Andrew Callan) Die 12ma mensis Novembris A.D. 1837 .

Baptizavi Andream filium Michaelis Callan et Rosanna Callan, quondam Cane, conjugum, natum die 28va mensis Octobris A.D. 1837. Patrinus fuit Daniel Gualier Matrina Julia Discoll Josephus Geo Robson Misss Aps 1838

(Catherine Clinton) Die 7ma mensis Aprilis A.D. 1838 baptizavi Catherinam filiam Henrici Clinton et Margaritæ Clinton , quondam Henchey, conjugum, natam die, 22da mensis Martii A.D. 1838. Patrinus fuit Joannes Murphy

Josephus Geo Robson Miss Aps

(Thomas Golding) Die 9na mensisAprilis A.D. 1838. omissis ceremoniis, Baptizavi Thomam filium Thomæ Golding et Lydia Golding, quondam Cary, conjugum, natum die 16ta mensis Martii

Josephus Geo Robson Misss Aps 1838 A.D. 1838

[p. 132]

(George Samuel Meager ) Die 18va mensis Aprilis A.D. 1838

Baptizavi Georgium Samuelemfilium Guglielmi Henrici Meager et Elizabethæ Jane Meager conjugum quondam Perkins, natum dię 10ma mensis Martii A.D. 1838. Patrinus fuit Samuel Bartholomæus Lelli Matrina Elizabeth Perkins

Josephus Geo Robson Misss Aps (Richard Willm Meager) Die 18va mensis Aprilis A.D. 1838. Baptizavi sub conditione Richardum Guglielmum filium Guglielmi Henrici Meager et Elizabethæ Jane Meager quondam Perkins conjugum, natum die 19na mensis Februarii A.D. 1835

Josephus Geo Robson Misss Aps

(Henry Méager) Die 18va mensis Aprilis A.D. 1838 Baptizavi sub conditione Henricum filium Guglielmi Henrici Meager et Elizabethæ Jane Meager quondam Perkins conjugum natum die 3tia mensis Octobris A.D. 1836 Josephus Geo. Robson Miss

In the Rev. T. Fryer's hand See infra, 26 April 1840 [p. 136]. N


(George Henry Pierce) Die 13ma mensis Maji A.D. 1838 Baptizavi Georgium Henricum filium Henrici Pierce & Mariæ Annæ Pierce , quondam Atwell, * conjugum, natum die 22da mensis Aprilis A.D. 1838 Patrinus fuit Guglielmus Hayward Matrina Anna Bush Josephus Geo Robson Miss (James Nash) Die 14ta mensis Maji A.D. 1838. Baptizavi sine ceremoniis Jacobum filium Malcolm Nash et Annæ Nash quondam O Donnell conjugum natum die 21ma mensis Aprilis A.D. 1838 . Josephus Geo Robson Miss Aps [р 133] 1838

(Thomas Nicholas Kenelly) Die 2da mensis Junii A.D. 1838 . Baptizavi sine ceremoniis Thomam Nicolaum filium Michaelis Kenellyet Joannæ Kenelly quondam McDonnell conjugum natum die 20 mensisAprilis A.D. 1838. Josephus Geo. Robson Miss Ap (Elizabeth Lythgo) 'Die 8va mensis Julii A.D. 1838 Baptizavi sine ceremoniis Elizebetham filiam Stephani Lythgo et Mariæ Lythgo quondam Jones conjugum, natam die 5ta mensis Martii A.D. 1837 . Josephus Geo. Robson Miss Ap (Thomas Smith) Die 26ta mensis Augusti A.D. 1838 Baptizavi Thomam filium Caroli Smith et Katharina Smith, quondam Kenny conjugum, natum die 22 mensis Julii A.D. 1838. Patrinus fuit Joannes Murphy Matrina HannahRowe

Josephus Geo Robson Misss Aps 1839

[No marginal name] Die 5ta mensis Februarii A.D. 1838

Ceremonias Baptismales supplevi Luciæ filiæ Gulielmi Mills & Carolina Mills, quondam Mew, conjugum, olim a me propter periculum mortis baptizatæ et die 6ta mensis Januarii A.D. 1839 natæ. Patrinus fuit Ambrose Discacciati Matrina Anna Self Josephus Geo Robson Miss Aps (Mary Anne Driscoll) Die 10ma mensis Martii A.D. 1839

Baptizavi Mariam Annam filiam Joannis Driscoll et Margeritæ Driscoll quondam Harrington, conjugum natam die 3tia mensis

Decembris A.D. 1838. Patrinusfuit Daniel W. Kennely Matrina Elizabeth Rowe Josephus Geo Robson Miss Aps (Elizabeth Meehan ) Die 13tia mensis Martii A.D. 1839 Baptizavi omissís ceremoniis Elizabeth filiam Edwardi Meehan et Sarah Meehanquondam Denham conjugum natam die 11mamensis

Martii A.D. 1839 . Josephus Geo. Robson Miss Ap Supplevi ceremonias die 7ma mensis Aprilis 1839

Patrinus Richardus Perkins MatrinaElizabeth Perkins Jos G.R. (Helen Meehan) Die 13tia mensis Martii A.D. 1839. Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis Helenam filiam Edwardi Meehan et Sarah Meehan quondam Denham conjugum, natam die 11ma mensis

Martii A.D. 1839 Josephus Geo. Robson M Supplevi ceremonias die 7ma mensis Aprilis 1839

Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Mills & Monica Johnson Josephus Geo Robson

* Or possibly 'Alwell ' Query: mistake for 1839 ?

р 134] 1838

* (Winifred Mary Shepherd) Die 30ma mensis Decembris A.D. 1838 BaptizaviWinifridam Mariam filiam Jonæ Shepherd et Annæ Shepherd conjugum natam die 15ta mensis Decembris A.D. 1838 . Patrinus fuit Joannis [sic] White Matrina Maria Anna White. Josephus Geo Robson Miss Ap [Space for next entry, 3 inches deep, left blank.] 1839

(Martha Meehan) Die 13tta mensis Martii A.D. 1839. Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis Martham filiam Edwardi Meehan & Sarah Meehan quondam Denham conjugum natam die 11ma mensis

Martii A.D. 1839 Josephus Geo Robson Miss Ap Supplevi ceremonias die 7. Aprilis A.D. 1839

Sponsores fuere Samuel Lelli & Elizabeth Jane Meager Josephus Geo. Robson

(Richard Alabone) Die 16ta mensis Martii A.D. 1839. Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis Richardum Filium Francisci Alabone & Martha Alabone quondam Roach conjugum, natum die 22da mensis Februarii A.D. 1839 JosephusGeo RobsonMissAp Supplevi ceremonias die 4ta mensis Aprilis A.D. 1839

Sponsores fuere Samuel Lelli & Elizabeth Jane Meager Jos Geo Robson M.A.

(Margeret Reilly) Die 31 mensis Martii A.D. 1839 Baptizavi Margeritam filiam Edwardi Reilly & Catherinæ Reilly quondam Murray conjugum natam die 12ma mensis Martii A.D. 1839 . Josephus Geo. Robson Miss Aps " (Helen Divine) Die 9na mensis Aprilis A.D. 1839 Baptizavi Helenam filiam TimotheiDivine et Mariæ Divine quondam Murray conjugum, natam die 16. mensis Februarii A.D. 1839. Matrina fuit Lydia Golding (71) Josephus Geo. Robson Miss Ap [p. 135] [In the Rev. T. Fryer's hand] 1839

(Cæcilia P. Croucher) Die 29 Julii 1829 nata et die 31 Julii 1839 Baptizata fuit Cæcilia Philomena Croucher filia Georgii et Annæ Francisca Croucher (olim Crouch) Conjugum Patrinusfuit

Reydus Gulielmus Waterton Matrina Cæcilia Cadle a me Thoma Fryer Misso Apco (Ed. M. Riley) Die 29 Septembris 1839 baptizavisub conditione Edwardum Michaëlem Riley, filium Rolandi et Catherinæ Riley (olim Bedford) conj, natum die 15 Julii 1837. Matrina fuit

Maria Phalick* a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Maria Anna Hagity) Die 21 Novembris 1839 nata et die 21 Decembris 1839 baptizatafuit Maria Anna Hagity filia Michaelis et Mariæ Hagity (olim Fitzgerald) Conj Patrinusfuit Joannes Fleming a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

* Entry not in chronological order. * Ph'in blue ink; altered from 'F.'


(Josephus Carolus Meager) Die 7 Decembris 1839 Natus et die 8 Januarii 1840 baptizatusfuit JosephusCarolus Meager filius Gulielmi Henrici et Elizabethæ Jane Meager (olim Perkins) Conj Patrinusfuit Samuelis Bartholomæus Lelli. MatrinaJane Medlane a me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Joannes Edwardus Symmonds) Die 18 Decembris 1839 Natus et die 18 Januarii 1840 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Edwardus Symmonds filius Georgii et Mariæ Symmonds (olim Bush) Conj Patrinusfuit Thomas Albanus Butler Matrina Anna Maria Bush à me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Joannes Clinton) Die 19 Januarii 1840 Natus et die 8 Februarii 1840 Baptizatus fuit JoannesClinton filius Henerici et Margeritæ Clinton (olim Henchy) Conj. Patrinusfuit Josephus Rowe à me Thoma Fryer M.A.

[р 136]


(Catharina Taken) Die 6 Februarii 1840 Nata et die 22 Martii 1840 Baptizata fuit Catharina Taken filia Patritii et Charolle Taken (olim Thom*) Conj Patrinus fuit Patritius Keating. a me Thomas Fryer M.A.

Matrina Sarah Rowe

(Martha Morris) Die 30 Martii A.D. 1840 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis, MarthamMorris filiam Henerici et Mariæ Annæ Morris quondam Nobbs conjugum, natam die 22. Martii 1840 Thomas Fryer. M.A.

(Maria Nash) Die 10 Februarii 1840. Nata et die 2 Aprilis 1840 Baptizatafuit Maria Nash filia Malcolm et Annæ Nash olim (0 Donnell) Conj Matrina fuit Sarah Meehan a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(Franciscus Falick ) Die 5 Aprilis 1840 Natus et die 19 Aprilis 1840 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus Falick filium [sic] Francisci et Mariæ Annæ Falick (olim Bedford) Conj. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Harding . Matrina Jane Bevines

(Maria Keating vel Caton§) 25 Aprilis 1840 Batizata [sic] fuit

Mariæ Keating (olim Cleary) Conj

Matrina Anna Carter a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. Die 2 Aprilis 1840 Nata et die Maria Keating filia Patritii et Patrinus fuit Petrus Cruming. à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Monica Coghlan) Die 4 Maii 1840 Nata et die 23 Maii 1840 Baptizata fuit Monica Coghlan filia Gulielmi et Mariæ Coghlan (olim Fleming) Conj Patrinus fuit Joannes Fleming Matrina Maria Amelia Locke à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Or Thorn. '

In each case ' Ph' has been altered to 'F.' um altered to ' us'

So supra [p. 131], entry 15 Sept. 1837


(Mary E. Anderson) Die 23 Aprilis 1840 Nata et die 17 Maii 1840 Baptizatafuit Maria Emily Anderson filia Josephi et Sarah Anderson (olim Corp) Conj. Patrinus fuit Edwardus Meehan. Matrina Maria Linnington à me Thomâ Fryer M..A . (Charles Smith) Die 5 Maii 1840 Natus et die 3 Junii 1840 Baptizatus fuit Carolus Smith, filius Caroli et Catherinæ Smith (olim Kenny) Conj. Patrinus fuit Josephus McGolrick. Matrina Maria Long à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [p. 137] 1840 (Edward Bedford) Die 27 Septembris 1840 Baptizatusfuit Edwardus Gulielmus Michaëlis Bedford, et die 24 Novembris 1839 natus, filius Thomæ et Rebecca Bedford (olim Smith) Conj. Matrina fuit Maria Phalick à me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Charles A. Mills) Die 17 Octobris 1840 Natus et die 18 Novembris 1840 Baptizatus fuit Carolus Ambrosius Mills, filius Gulielmi et CarolinaMills (olimMew) Conj. Patrinus fuit Richardus Perkins, Matrina Elizabetha Perkins à me Thoma Fryer.M.A. (Joseph Meehan) Die 8 Novembris 1840 Natus et die 7 Decembris 1840 Baptizatus fuit Josephus Meehan, filius Edwardi et Sarah Meehan (olim Denham) Conj Patrinus fuit Georgius Carter, Matrina Sarah Rowe à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. A.D. 1841

(Austin Fergus) Die 5 Januarii 1841 Natus et die 31 Januarii 1841 Baptizatusfuit Augustinus Fergus, filius Thomæ et Amelia Fergus (olim Squill) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Jacobus Fergus

Matrina Maria Brown à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Maria J. Harding) Die 1. Martii 1841 Nata et die 28 Martii 1841 Baptizatafuit Maria Joanna Harding filiaGulielmi et Joannæ Harding (olim Bivines*) Conj Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Mills. Matrina Carolina Mills à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Elizabeth Barrett) Die 11 Martii 1841 Nata et die 17 Aprilis 1841 Baptizata fuit Eliza Barrett , filia Michaelis et Catherine Barrett (olim 0 Briant) Conj. Matrina fuit Maria Devines à me Thoma Fryer, M.A. (Mathew Taken) Die 12 Aprilis 1841 Natuset die 2 Maii 1841

Baptizatus fuit Matthæus Taken filius Patritiiet Charotte Taken (olimThorn ) Conj. Patrinus fuit Petrus Cruming. Matrina Maria Keating a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Anna Frampton) Die 12 Aprilis 1841 Nata et die 16 Maii 1841 Baptizata fuit Anna Frampton filia Lucæ et Catherinæ Frampton (olim Bush) Conj. Patrinus fuit Thomas Butler Matrina à me Thoma Fryer M.A.

Anna Bush [p. 138] 1841

(Robert Hazell) Die 6 Aprilis 1841 Natus et die 30 Maii 1841

Baptizatus fuit Robertus Hazell, filius Roberti et Helenæ Hazell (olim Pickett) Conj Patrinus fuit GeorgiusCarter, Matrina Maria Carter à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading Or Charolle' and 'Thom'; see previous entry [p. 136].


(Mary T. Richards) Die 30 Junii 1841 Nata et die 25 Jnlii 1841 Baptizatafuit Maria Teresia Richards, filia Gulielmi et Hannah Richards (olim Rowe) Conj Patrinus fuit Joannes Rowe , Matrina Elizabeth Rowe à me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Edward Morgan) Die 17th Augusti 1841 Natus et die 29 Augusti 1841 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Morgan filius Danielis et Mariæ Morgan (olim Donnelly) Conj. Patrinus fuit Patritius Keating , Matrina Francisca Croucher a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(Frederick B. Meager) Die 14 Septembris 1841 Natuset die 7 Octobris 1841 Baptizatus fuit Fredericus Bernardus Meager filius Gulielmi et JoannæMeager(olimPerkins) Conj: Patrinusfuit

Gulielmus Mills Matrina Carolina Mills a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(Wilemina J. Murphy) Die 2 Novembris 1841 Nata et die 14 Novembris 1841 Baptizatafuit WileminaJoanna Murphy filia Jacobi et Ruth Murphy (olim Mathews) Conj Patrinusfuit Bernardus Taggart Matrina Margarita Webb a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(Ann. C. M. Croucher) Die 13 Novembris 1841 Nata et die 12 Decembris 1841 Baptizatafuit Anna Catherina Maria Croucher filia Georgii et Annæ Croucher (olim Crouch) Conj Patrinus fuit

Richardus O'Farell Cadell, Matrina Polina Maria Cadell

[р 139] a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

[5 cms . blank at the foot of the page.] 1842

(Ellen M. Bridgland ) Die 16 Januarii 1842 Nata et die 30 Januarii 1842 Baptizata fuit Helena Mahony Bridgland filia Joannis et Mariæ Bridgland (olim Mahony) Conj. Patrinus fuit Michaelis Franciscus Mahony Matrina Helena Mahony a me Thoma Fryer. M.A

(Emily. M. Bramwell Baptized at Ventnor) Die 19 Januarii 1842 Nata et die 3 Februarii 1842 Baptizata fuit Emilianis Margarita Bramwell filia Gulielmi et Sarah Bramwell (olim Irving) Conj. Patrinus fuit Revdus Thomas Sherburne Matrina Catharina Hoghton a me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Caecilia Keating vel Caton) Die 18 Februarii 1842 Nata et die 13 Martii 1842 Baptizata fuit Cæcilia Keating filia Patritii et Mariæ Keating (olim Cleary) Conj Patrinus fuit Bernardus Taggart Matrina Anna Bush a me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Joannes Ryan) Die 27 Februarii 1842 Natuset die 20 Martii 1842 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Ryan, filius Joannis et Winefridæ

Ryan (olim Egan) Conj Patrinusfuit Patritius Keating. Matrina Magarita Webb a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Jacobus Huggins) Die 26 Martii 1842 Natus et die 10 Aprilis 1842 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Huggins, filius Joannis et Magaritæ* Huggins (olim Burke) Conj . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Taylor. Matrina Magarita Turnbull a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(James Fergus) Die 27 Martii 1842 Natus et die 1 Maii 1842

Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Fergus, filius Thomæ et Amelia Fergus (olim Squill) Conj. Matrina fuit Teresia Austin a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(Michaelis Leary) Die 8 Maii 1842 Natus et die 5 Junii 1842

Baptizatus fuit Michaelis Leary, filius Michaelis et Mariæ Leary (olim Buckley) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Gray a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(Joannes Divine) Die 30 Aprilis 1842 Natus et die 13 Junii 1842 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Divine, filius Timothei et Mariæ

Divine (olim Manning) Conj. Patrinus fuit Laurentius Meighers a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. 1842

[р 140]

(George F. Mills) Die 23 Junii 1842 Natus et die 20 Julii 1842

Baptizatus fuit Georgius Fredericus Mills , filius Gulielmi et Carolinæ Mills (olim Mew) Conj Patrinus fuit Samuel Bartholomæus Lelli, MatrinaJoanna Megher a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (George Hagety) Die 30 Junii 1842 Natus et die 23 Julii 1842

Baptizatus fuit Georgius Hagety, filius Michaelis et Mariæ Hagety (olim Fitzgerald) Conj Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Mills Matrina Maria Anna Jupe a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (M. Donahue) Die 2 Maii 1842 Nata et die 24 Julii 1842 Baptizata fuit Maria Donahue, filia Michaelis et Susanna Donahue (olim Budd) Conj. Patrinus fuit Thomas Albanus Butler. Matrina Winefrida Ryan a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Ellen Cannon) Die 1 Augusti 1842 Nata et die 14 Augusti 1842 Baptizata fuit Helena Cannon, filia Martinæ [sic] et Mariæ Cannon (olim Healy) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Wise

Matrina Birgitta Carrol a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Mary Frampton) Die 17 Julii 1842 Nata et die 14 Augusti 1842 Baptizata fuit Maria Frampton, filia Lucæ et Catherinæ Frampton (olim Bush) Conj. Patrinus fuit Bernardus Taggart. Matrina Anna Bush a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Mary. A. Marghar) Die 2 Julii 1842 Nata et die 21 Augusti 1842 Baptizatafuit Maria Anna Marghar, filia Danielis et Helenæ Marghar (olim Paterson) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Anna Lesleay a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (John J. Fagan) Die 9 Septembris 1842 Natus et die 12 Septembris 1842 Baptizatus fuit JoannesJosephusFagan, filius David et Elizabeth Fagan (olim Lovell) Conjugum. Patrinus Carolus Donnell a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

* The first 'r' omitted in all these spellings


(Teresia James [sic] ) Die 18 Augusti 1842 Nata et die 18 Septembris 1842 Baptizata fuit Teresia Anastitiæ [sic] (Enice) Harvey filia Gulielmi et Amelia Harvey (olim James) Conjugum Matrina Anna James a me Thoma Fryer M.A. [p. 141] (H. Loughnane) Die 8 Septembris 1842 Natus et die 25 Septembris 1842 Baptizatus fuit Henericus Loughnane, fikus Michaelis et Honoræ Loughnane (olim 0 Brian) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Andreas Kannady, Matrina Anna Donahue a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (JoannesKenny) Die 24 Maii 1842 Natus et die 20 Novembris 1842 Baptizatus fuit JoannesKenny, filius Joannis et Annæ Kenny (olim Kenny) Conjugum Patrinus fuit JoannesDiamond , Matrina Anna Diamond a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Wm. T. Harding) Die 20 Octobris 1842 Natus et die 20 Novembris 1842 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Thomas Harding, filius Gulielmi et Joannæ Harding (olim Bevines*) Conj Matrina fuit Anna Mulholand a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (John Smith) Die 23 mensis Novembris 1842 baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis, propter periculum mortis , Joannem, filium, Caroli et Catherinæ Smith (olim Kenny) Conjugum, natum die 1 Thomas Fryer M.A. Octobris 1842

Died on the 25th of Novb/42

(T. McManus) Die 14 Octobris 1842 Natus et die 4 Decembris 1842 Baptizatus fuit Thomas McManus, filius Thomæet Catherinæ McManus (olim Madden) Conj Patrinus fuit Petrus Waters Matrina Maria Sweetman à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(Thomas Waters) Die 23 Novembris 1842 Natus et die 11 Decembris 1842 Baptizatus fuit Thomas Waters filius Petri et Mariæ Waters (olim Brannan) Conj . Patrinus fuit Josephus Doughity Matrina Elizabeth Russel à me Thoma Fryer M.A

(E. Richards) Die 7 Novembris 1842 Nata et die 11 Decembris 1842 Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Richards, filia Gulielmi et Hannah Richards (olim Rowe) Conj Patrinusfuit Joannes Rowe, Matrina Elizabetha Rowe a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [4.2 cms. blank at the foot of the page.]

[р 142] 1843 (Josephus Johnson [in pencil, Died Jany 1843. T. Fryer]) Die 12 Decembris 1842 Natus et die 4 Januarii 1843 Baptizatus fuit Josephus Johnson filius Joannis et Joanna Johnson (olim Johnson) Conj. Patrinus fuit Thomas Fryer M.A. MatrinaMaria Amelia Lock à me Thoma Fryer. M.A

(George Brereton) Die 7 Januarii 1843 Natus et die 29 Januarii 1843 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Brereton filius Georgii et Sarah Brereton (olim Carter) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Dennis Murphy á me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading

(George Fallow) Die4 Decembris 1842 Natus et die 5 Martii 1843 Baptizatus fuit GeorgiusFallow, filius Joannis et MariæAnnæ Fallow (olim Power) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Butler à me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Amy Sharpe) Die 23 Februarii 1843 Nata et die 5 Martii 1843 Baptizata fuit, Amy Sharpe filia Joannis et Annæ Sharpe (olim Digan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Noonan, Matrina Maria Linnington à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (William Mulcare* ) Die 8 Martii 1843 Natus et die 13 Martii 1843 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Mulcare, filius Joannis et Isabellæ Mulcare (olim Young) Conjugum Matrina fuit Birgitta Rafferty a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Charles Mehan [sic]) Die 19 Februarii 1843 Natus et die 19 Martii 1843 Baptizatus fuit Carolus Meehan filius Edwardi et Sarah Meehan (olim Denham) Conjugum Matrina fuit Illma

Elizabetha Julia Georgina Fitzgibbon Cometissa de Clare a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (C. Sullivan) Die 2 Martii 1843 Nata et die 26 Martii 1843 Baptizata fuit Catherina Sullivan, filia Patritii et Mariæ Annæ Sullivan (olim Thicklt) Conj Patrinus fuit Jacobus Linnington. Matrina Maria Linnington a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (M. A. Sullivan) Die 1 Aprilis 1843 Nata et die 10 Aprilis 1843 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Sullivan, filia Danielis et Mariæ Annæ Sullivan (olim Kennedy) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Ball, Matrina Anna Coke a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. [p. 143] (Ann Ahern) Die 15 Mensis Aprilis 1843 baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis, Annam filiam Timothei et Annæ Ahern (olim Barrett) Conj natam die 1 Novembris 1842. Thomas Fryer M.A.

(Henry Jackman) Die 16 Aprilis 1843 baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis, Franciscum Henricum Jackman, filium Isac [sic] Jackman et Margarita Burke, natum die 13 Decembris 1842 [unsigned]

(Ann Brenton) Die 21 Aprilis 1843 Nata et die 1 Maii 1843

Baptizata fuit Anna Brennon, filia Dominici et Mariæ Brennon (olim Kechan) Conj Patrinus fuit JacobusNimock, MatrinaMaria Linnigan a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(MaryAnn Keane) Die7 Junii 1843 Nata et die 18 Junii 1843

Baptizatafuit Maria Anna Keane, filia Michaelis et Julia Keane (olim Lamb) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Foley, Matrina Joanna Foley a me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Ellen Wise) Die 18 Junii 1843 Nata et die 2 Julii 1843

Baptizata fuit Helena Wise, filia Thomæ et Margarita Wise (olim Caroll) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Caroll, Matrina Margarita Cooney a me Thoma Fryer. M.A

* Or possibly ' Mulcase '

Lady Elizabeth, Countess of Clare, who lived at Ryde and drove to Newport every Sunday for Mass In 1845 she built, at her own expense, St. Mary's Church in Ryde (opened in Sept. 1846) Query: is this a mistake for ' Linnington '?


(Eliza. A. Hill) Die 31 Maii 1843 Nata et die 14 Julii 1843

Baptizata fuit Eliza Anna Hill, filia Joannis et Annæ Hill (olim Grace) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Fryer. M.A. a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Eliza Brown) Die 6 Julii 1843 Nata et die 16 Julii 1843

Baptizata fuit Eliza Brown filia Petris [sic] et Birgitæ Brown (olim Griffin) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Brown, Matrina Birgitta Brown a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (H. Hookey) Die 30 Julii 1843 Natus et die 20 Augusti 1843

Baptizatus fuit Henricus Hookey, filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Hookey (olim Burn) Conj Patrinus fuit Thomas Butler Matrina Anna James a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Richard Murray) Die 9 Augusti 1843 Natus et die20Augusti 1843 Baptizatus fuit Richardus Murray, filius Joannis et Elizabeth Murray (olim McCuddon) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Hugo O Beirn. Matrina Birgitta Tully a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [p. 144] (M. Fagan) Die 19 Septembris 1843 Nata et die 5 Octobris 1843 Baptizatafuit Monica Fagan, filia David et Elizabethæ Fagan (olim Lovell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Josephus McGolerick, Matrina Carolina Mills a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Margaret Lynch) Die 21 Octobris 1843 Nata et die 29 Octobris 1843 Baptizatafuit Magarita [sic] Lynchfilia Martini et Francisca Lynch (olim Peira) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Dionysius Murphy. Matrina Anna Lynch a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Jane MacLaughlin) Die 6 Novembris 1843 Nata et die 19 Novembris 1843 Baptizatafuit Joanna MacLaughlin , filia Edwardi et Helenæ MacLaughlin (olim Keane) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Thomas Albanus Butler a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Elizabeth Roberts) Die 13 Novembris 1843 Nata et die 19 Novembris 1843 Baptizata fuit Elizabeth Roberts, filia Michaelis et Catharina Roberts (olim Mehan) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Joannes Quigley

Matrina Maria Quigley a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Elizabeth Jack) Die 23 Novembris 1843 Nata et die 3 Decembris 1843 Baptizatafuit ElizabethJack filia Jacobi et Annæ Jack (olim Billand) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michaelis Concargh

Matrina Anna Concargh a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (M. A. Gurley [sic] ) Die 15 Decembris 1843 Nata et die 17 Decembris 1843 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Gurlay, filia Joannis et Mariæ Gurlay (olim Layden) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Michaelis Quin Matrina Winefrida Dougherty a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [6.5 cms blank at the foot of the page.] [p. 145] 1844

(John Grant) Die 1 Januarii 1844 Natus et die 6 Januarii 1844 Baptizatus fuit JoannesGrant, filius Joannis et Mariæ Grant (olim Caryle) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Henericus Hudson Matrina Catherina Hannon a me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(James Dyer) Die 13 Decembris 1843 Natus et die 21 Januarii 1844 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Dyer, filius David et Mariæ Dyer (olim Carroll) Conjugum Matrina fuit Anna James a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (James D. Keating vel Caton) Die 21 Januarii 1844 Natus et die 4 Februarii 1844 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Danielis Keating filius Patritii et Mariæ Keating (olim Cleary) Conj Patrinusfuit Thomas Albanus Butler Matrina Francisca Croucher a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Jorne M. Coglan) Die 6 Januarii 1844 Natus et die 16 Martii 1844 Baptizatus fuit Jorne* Melanus Coglan filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Coglan (olim Fleming) Conjugum. Patrinus Thomas Butler a me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Julia Cavanagh) Die 15 Martii 1844 Nata et die 31 Martii 1844 Baptizata fuit Julia Cavanagh, filia Edwardi et Mariæ Cavanagh (olim Connelly) Conjugum Matrina fuit Elizabetha Wolfe a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Maria Anna Larkins) Die 21 Martii 1844 Nata et die 31 Martii 1844 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Larkins, filia Pierce et Annæ Larkins (olim Navan) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Ware a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary. A. Graham) Die 2 Februarii 1844 Nata et die7 Aprilis 1844 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Graham filia Thomæ et Mariæ Graham (olim Finigan) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Patritius Cooney Matrina Anna Howlett a me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

[3.2 cms. blank at the foot of the page.]

[p. 146] (Mary Phelan) Die 31 Martii 1844 Nata et die 14 Aprilis 1844 Baptizata fuit Maria Phelan , filia Dionysii et Sarah Phelan (olim Griffith) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Mattheus Byrne a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(F. Adams [written above Burke ?])

Die 27 Martii 1844 Natus et die 14 Aprilis 1844 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus Adams, filius Petri et Catherinæ Adams (olim Burke) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Butler. Matrina Maria O'Bryan a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (J. Johnson) Die 19 Martii 1844 Natus et die 14 Aprilis 1844 Baptizatus fuit JoannesJohnson filius Joannis et Joanna Johnson (olim Johnson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Josephus Johnson . Matrina Maria Johnson a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Jane Scalin) Die 18 Aprilis 1844 Nata et die 28 Aprilis 1844 Baptizatafuit Joanna Scalin, filia Gulielmi et Mariæ Scalin (olim Carne) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Bartholomæus Mulcahey. * a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. Matrina Helena Davies

* In both places it is difficult to decide what name is intended. Doubtful reading


(Agnes. T. Croucher) Die 15 Aprilis 1844 Nata et die 5 Maii 1844 Baptizata fuit Agnes Francisca Croucher, filia Georgii et Francisca Croucher (olim Crouch) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Bernardus Taggart Matrina Anna Bush a me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Edward Lawler ) Die 21 Aprilis 1844 Natus et die 5 Maii 1844 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Lawler, filius Roger et Hannah Lawler (olim Doughtey) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Nimock Matrina Maria Lennigan a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(S. M. A. Bone) Die 28 Septembris 1841 Nata et die 8 Maii 1844 Baptizata fuit Susanna Maria Anna Bone, filia Jacobi et Susannæ Bone (olim Brown) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Johnson a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 147] (N. A. Phalick) Die 19 Aprilis 1844 Natus et die 12 Maii 1844 Baptizatus fuit Norbertus Augustinus Fallick [sic] filius Francisci et Mariæ Annæ Phalick (olim Bedford) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Anna James a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Joseph Hoy) Die 1 Maii 1844 Natus et die 19 Maii 1844

Baptizatus fuit Josephus Hoy, filius Joannis et Margarita Hoy (olim Dunn) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Samuel Ball, MatrinaCatharina Ball a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Sarah Pollard) Die 17 Maii 1844 Nata et die 25 Maii 1844

Baptizatafuit Sarah Pollard, filia Josephi et Mariæ Pollard (olim Slattery) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Pollard, Matrina Eliza Kennedy a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Edward Pine) Die 24 Maii 1844 Natus et die 16 Junii 1844

Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Pine, filius Patritii et Sarah Pine (olim Hobbs ) Conj. Patrinus fuit Michaelis Donohue Matrina Anna James a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Edward M. Richards) Die 18 Junii 1844 Natus et die 28 Junii 1844 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Maria Richards, filius Noe et Joanne Richards (olim Jacobs ) Conjugum Matrinafuit Joanna Rebecca Young a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Daniel Marghar) Die 7 Junii 1844 Natus et die 30 Junii 1844 Baptizatus fuit Danielis Marghar, filius Danielis et Helenæ Marghar (olim Paterson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Grady a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Joseph M. Petty) Die 2 Maii 1844 Natus et die 5 Julii 1844

Baptizatus fuit Josephus Maria Petty, filius Jacobi et Joanna Petty (olim Griffiths) Conjugum Matrina fuit Isabella Young a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Redmond Barry) Die 8 mensis Julii 1844 baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Redmond Barry filium Redmond, et ariæ Barry (olim Coleman) Conjugum natum die 22m Maii 1844 Thomas Fryer. M.A.

* h here looks very much like a 'k. ' Query: error for Linnington ' ?


Supplevi ceremonias die 29 Septembris 1844

Patrinus fuit Jeremiah Leayly Matrina Maria McDonell Thomas Fryer. M.A.

[p. 148] (John Macdonell) Die 28 Junii 1844 Natuset die 14 Julii 1844 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Macdonell, filius Joannis et Margarita Macdonell (olim Carr) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Macdonell à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(MaryAnn Coke [sic]) Die 10 Julii 1844 Nataet die 11 Augusti 1844 Baptizatafuit Maria Anna Cooke filia Isaac et Mariæ Annæ Cooke (olim Young) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Edwardus Meehan , Matrina Maria Lennington a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Catherine A. Beine*) Die 7 Augusti 1844 Nata et die 25 Augusti 1844 Baptizatafuit Catherina Anna Beine, * filiaAlexandri et Elizæ Beine* (olim Ging) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Owen Hart , Matrina Magaret Brady a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Charles Tennuci*) Die 12 Augusti A.D. 1844 Natus et die 25 Augusti A.D. 1844 Baptizatus fuit Carolus Tennuci, filius Josephi et Jesse Tennuci (olim Riva) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Ryan, Matrina Elizabetha Ryan a me Thoma Fryer. Misso Apeo (Clementina Sanders ) Die 24 Julii A.D. 1838 Nata et die 25 Augusti 1844 Baptizatafuit Clementina Sanders, filia Gulielmi et Martha Sanders (olim Lane) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Edwardus Mehan. Matrina Sarah Mehan a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (John Sanders) Die 25 Januarii 1841 Natus et die 25 Augusti 1844 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Sanders filius Gulielmi et Martha Sanders (olim Lane) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Langdon Matrina Elizabetha Rowe

a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (William Sanders) Die 19 Januarii 1844 Natus et die 25 Augusti 1844 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Sanders, filius Gulielmi et Martha Sanders (olim Lane) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Josephus Rowe, Matrina Sarah Rowe a me Thoma Fryer M.A. [p. 149] (John H. McGinity) Die 14 Julii 1844 Natus et die 1 Septembris 1844 Baptizatusfuit Joannes Henericus McGinity, filius Joannis et Joanna McGinity (olim Curley) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Moran a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Henry. T. Symmonds) Die 9 Augusti 1844 Natus et die 8 Septembris 1844 Baptizatus fuit Henericus Thomas Symmonds, filius Georgii et Mariæ Symmonds (olim Bush) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Butler, Matrina Anna Bush a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Thomas McDonough) Die 1 Septembris 1844 Natus et die 8 Septembris 1844 Baptizatus fuit Thomas McDonough, filius Jacobi et Margaret McDonough (olim Landigran) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Georgius Keane Matrina Anna Vesey a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

* In all three places Beane was written, but the a ' has been crossed out and 'i' written above Altered from ' Tenichea'


(HenrySpranklin) Die 12 Septembris 1844 baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Henericum Spranklin filium

Jacobi et Catherinæ Spranklin (olim Brusshhen*) Conjugum, natum die 13 Augusti 1844 Thomas Fryer M.A. (Francis Langdon) Die 25 Julii 1844 Natus et die 22 Septembris 1844 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus Langdon filius Gulielmi et Annæ Langdon (olim Bartlett) Conj Matrinafuit Caroletta Elliot a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Joanna Fallow) Die 22 Junii 1844 Nata et die 22Septembris 1844 Baptizata fuit Joanna Fallow, filia Joannis et Mariæ Anna Fallow (olim Power) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Franciscus Hervey

Matrina Maria Scalin a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Cuthbert. J. Mills) Die 26 Augusti 1844 Natus et die23 Septembris 1844 Baptizatus fuit Cuthbertus Josephus Mills filius Gulielmi et Carolina Mills (olim Mew) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Samuelis West, Matrina Anna Bush a me Thoma Fryer M.A. [p . 150] (Mary Carle ) Die 5 Septembris 1844 Nata et die 6 Octobris 1844 Baptizatafuit Maria Carle, filia Jacobi et Catherinæ Carle (olim Welch) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michaelis McCarthy. Matrina Helena McCarthy a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Gerald. G. Greenough) Die 26 Augusti 1844 Natus et die 6 Octobris 1844 Baptizatus fuit Geraldus Georgius Greenoughfilius Joannis et Annæ Greenough (olim Mew) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Wise Matrina Elizabeth Connor a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Joanna Brenen) Die 23 Septembris 1844 Nata et die6 Octobris 1844 Baptizata fuit Joanna Brenen, filia Dominici et Mariæ Brenen (olim Kechan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Mulvay. Matrina Anna McQuin a me Thomâ Fryer. M.Å. (Dennis Vincent) Die 11 Septembris 1844 Natus et die 6 Octobris 1844 Baptizatus fuit Dionysius Vincent, filius Josephi et Margarita Vincent (olim O Brian) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Dunn . Matrina Deborah O Brian a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Sarah Byrne) Die 8 Octobris 1844 Nata et die 20 Octobris 1844 Baptizata fuit Sarah Byrne, filia Matthæi et Alice Byrne (olim Carter) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Phelan. Matrina Sarah Phelan a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Agnes Byrne) Die 8 Octobris 1844 Nata et die 20 Octobris 1844 Baptizata fuit Agnes Byrne, filia Matthæi et Alice Byrne (olim Carter) Cor jugum Patrinusfuit Jacobus Stading Matrina Maria Stading a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (George. W. Richards) Die 14 Septembris 1844 Natus et die 20 Octobris 1844 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Gulielmus Richards, filius Gulielmi et Hannah Richards (olim Rowe) Conj. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Hayward Matrina Maria Dashwood a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [2.5 cms blank at the foot of the page]

* Doubtful reading Or possibly ' Casle ' Or possibly 'Hading. '

[p .

151] (Francis Connor) Die 24 Octobris 1844 Natus et die 3 Novembris 1844 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus Connor, filius Michaelis et Birgittæ Connor (olim Kirby) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Stephens, Matrina Catherina Coke a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Catherine. C. Smith) Die 4 Novembris 1843 Nata et die Novembris 1844 Baptizata fuit Catherina Caroletta Smith, filia Caroli et Catherinæ Smith (olim Kenny) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Henericus King Matrina Maria Hazell

a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Sarah Anna Harding) Die 5 Octobris 1844 Nata et die 3 Novembris 1844 Baptizatafuit Sarah Anna Harding, filia Gulielmi et Joanna Harding (olim Berines* ) Conj. Patrinus fuit Thomas Butler. Matrina Elizabetha Rowe [In pencil 46] a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Catherine Quin) Die 12 Novembris 1844 Nata et die 17 Novembris 1844 Baptizata fuit Catherina Quin, filia Michaelis et Mariæ Quin (olim Welch) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannis [sic] Gurlay. Matrina Maria Lelly a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Julia Waters) Die 10 Novembris 1844 Nata et die 24 Novembris 1844 Baptizatafuit Julia Waters, filia Petri et MariæWaters (olim Brennen) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Peter Wolfe, Matrina Winefrida Wolfe a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary A. Owens) Die 29 Novembris 1844 Nata et die 15 Decembris 1844 Baptizatafuit Maria Anna Owens, filia Jacobi et Margarittæ Owens (olim Kennedy) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus Pollard Matrina Helena Hardings a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Thomas Hagerty) Die 3 Novembris 1844 Natus et die 21 Decembris 1844 Baptizatusfuit Thomas Hagerty, filius Michaelis et Mariæ Annæ Hagerty (olim Fitzgerald) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Bartholomæus Mahoney Matrina Birgitta Mahoney

a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 152] 1845

(Ellen Coyle) Die 22 Decembris 1844 Nata et die 5 Januarii 1845 Baptizata fuit Helena Coyle, filia Joannis et Mariæ Coyle (olim Mullen) Conjugum Matrina Fuit Agnes Conway

a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Elizabeth Weir) Die 1 Januarii 1845 Nata et die 12 Januarii 1845 Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Weir filia Georgii et Sarah Weir (olim Welch) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Engar

a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (T. J. Madden) Die 9 Januarii 1845 Natus et die 19 Januarii 1845 Baptizatusfuit Thomas Josephus Madden, filius Malachi et Margerittæ Madden (olim Dockry) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Handly Matrina Anna Kelly

a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading


(Peter Donohue) Die 13 Novembris 1844 Natus et die 25 Januarii 1845 Baptizatus fuit Petrus Donohue, filius Michaelis et Susanna Donohue (olim Budd) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Patritius Pine Matrina Elizabetha Pine a me Thomâ Fryer M.A (Sarah Cox) Die5 Februarii 1845 Nata et die 9 Februarii 1845 Baptizatafuit Sarah Cox, filiaGulielmi et Julia Cox (olim O Brian) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Dionysius Carle . Matrina Catherina Carle a me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Mary A. Smith) Die 10 Martii 1845 Nata et die 27 Aprilis 1845 Baptizatafuit MariaAnnaSmith, filia Thomæet JuliaSmith (olim Driscoll) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ludovicus Gordon. Matrina Birgitta Donovan a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Sarah Brereton) Die 3 Aprilis 1845 Nata et die 27 Aprilis 1845 Baptizatafuit Sarah Brereton, filia Georgii et Sarah Brereton (olim Carter) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Welch Matrina Maria Purtell a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. [p. 153] (Lætitia M. Meager) Die 29 Martii 1845 Nata et die 30 Aprilis 1845 Baptizata fuit Lætitia Maria Meager. filia Gulielmi Henerici et Joannæ Meager (olim Perkins) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Samuelis Lelli Matrina Maria Amelia Locke a me Thomâ Fryer M.A (Thomas H. Callagher) Die 9 Januarii 1844 Natuset die 26 Maii 1845 Baptizatusfuit Thomas Hugo Callagher, filius Francisci et Annæ Callagher (olim Fox) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Mulvay à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Eliza Neile) Die 23 Maii 1845 Nata et die 1 Junii 1845 Baptizata fuit Eliza Neile, filia Gulielmi et Mariæ Neile (olim Farell) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Georgius Carter . Matrina Margerita Tully à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Michael W. Moran) Die 27 Maii 1845 Natus et die 4 Junii 1845 Baptizatus fuit Michaelis Gulielmus Moran, filius Thomæ et Joanna Moran (olim Callaghan) Conjug. Patrinusfuit Michaelis Kelly. Matrina Anna Jack à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John Earley) Die 15 Junii 1845 Natus et die 22 Junii 1845

Baptizatus fuit Joannes Earley, filius Danielis et Mariæ Earley (olim Margouthy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Robertus McCann. Matrina Maria Quigley a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Jesse Jack) Die 16 Junii 1845 Nata et die 29 Junii 1845

Baptizatafuit Jesse Jack, filia Jacobi et Annæ Jack (olim Boland) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes McLaughlin Matrina Jesse Whiteburn a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Ellen McCarthy) Die 1 Augusti 1845 Nata et die 17 Augusti 1845 Baptizata fuit Helena McCarthy, filia Michaelis et Helenæ McCarthy (olim Maloney) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Cornelius McCarthy. Matrina Maria Joint a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Rosanna Reading) Die8 Augusti 1845 Nataet die 17 Augusti 1845 Baptizatafuit Rosanna Reading filiaCaroli et Mariæ Reading

(olim Callhem) Conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Hazell

a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 154] (John Grant) Die 6 Augusti 1845 Natus et die 24 Augusti 1845 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Grant, filius Gregorii et Mariæ Grant (olim Carlye ) Conjugum Matrina fuit Elizabetha Kennedy a me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(E. Mullane) Die 26 Augusti 1845 Nata et die 7 Septembris 1845 Baptizatafuit Elizabetha Mullane, filiaPatritiietCatherinæ Mullane (olim Brown) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit PatritiusDonoghue a me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Charles Vincent) Die 22 Septembris 1845 baptizavi sub conditione Carolum Vincent, filium Josephi et Margeritæ Vincent (olim O'Brian) Conjugum, natum die 28 Martii 1842. Patrinus fuit Joannes Stephens Matrina Maria Stephens Thomas Fryer. Missus Apus

(James Feeney) Die 26 Septembris 1845 Natus et die 12 Octobris 1845 Baptizatusfuit Jacobus Feeney, filius Jacobi et Mariæ Feeny (olim Maguire) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Edwardus McLaughlin Matrina Helena McLaughlin a me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Elizabeth Hookey) Die 23 Septembris 1845 Nata et die 19 Octobris 1845 Baptizatafuit Elizabetha Hookey, filia Gulielmiet Mariæ Hookey(olim Burns) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Harding Matrina Joanna Harding a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (M.A. Phillips) Die 26 Octobris 1845 Nata et die 8 Novembris 1845 Baptizatafuit Maria Anna PhillipsfiliaJoannis et Elizabethæ Phillips (olim Clarke) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Georgius Curtis . Matrina Birgitta Curtis a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Anna Tucker) Die 12 Novembris 1845 Nata et die 23 Novembris 1845 Baptizata fuit Anna Tucker filia Thomæ et Margeritæ Tucker (olim O'Connell) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes MacCully. Matrina Susanna MacCarty a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [p. 155] 1846

(Ann. T. Johnson) Die 18 Decembris 1845 Nata et die 11 Januarii 1846 Baptizata fuit Anna Teresia Johnson filia Joannis et Joanna Johnson (olim Johnson) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus Johnson Matrina Maria Johnson a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Francis McCann) Die 7 Januarii 1846 Natus et die 18 Januarii 1846 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus McCann, filius Roberti et Elizabethæ McCann (olim Coppinger) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Kennedy: Matrina Elizabetha Kennedy a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(John Kennedy) Die 30 mensis Januarii 1846 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis, propter periculum mortis Joannem filium Patritiiet MariæKennedy quondam Monaham Conjugum, natum die 29 mensis Januarii 1846 Thomas Fryer. M.A.


(Catherine Madden) Die 4 Decembris 1845 Nata et die 31

Januarii 1846 Baptizatafuit Catherina Maddenfilia Petri et Mariæ

Madden (olim Harvey) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Jacobus Broadly

Matrina Elizabetha McCann a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Mary. A. Sprankling) Die 15 Januarii 1846 Nata et die 1

Februarii 1846 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Sprankling, filia Jacobi et Catherina Sprankling (olim Earnett) Conjugum. Matrina fuit

Birgitta Ryan a me Thoma Fryer M , A. (John Sullivan) Die 13 Februarii 1846 Nata et die 15 Martii 1846 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Sullivan, filius Joannis Horacks et Helene Sullivan Patrinus fuit David Porter Matrina Anna Horracks a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. p. 156] (John Lawler) Die 13 Martii 1846 Natus et die 29

Martii 1846 Baptizatus fuit JoannesLawlerfilius Roger et Hannah

Lawler (olim Doughtey) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Burns

Matrina Anna McQuin a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (John Roberts) Die 20 Martii 1846 Natus et die 29 Martii 1846 Baptizatus fuit JoannesRoberts, filius Michaelis et Catherinæ

Rolerts (olim Mehan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Horan .

Matrina Anna Bridget a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Ann Hill) Die 12 Decembris 1845 Nata et die 11 Aprilis 1846 Baptizata fuit Anna Bill filia Joannis et Annæ Hill (olim Gace) Corjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Kennedy Matrina

Elizabetha Kennedy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (W Stevenison) Die 2 Aprilis 1846 Natus et die 10 Maii 1846 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Stevenisonfilius Gulielmi Grady et JoarnaStevenison Patrinusfuit Jacobus Coffee. Matrina Helena Sullivan a me Thoma Fryer. M.A .. (Robert Hunt) Die 12 Maii 1846 Natus et die 24 Maii 1846 Baptizatus fuit Robertus Hunt filius Gulielmi et Margeritæ Hunt (olim Lyons) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Georgius Farell Matrina Maria Lyons a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (H. John Tinichea) Die 21 Maii A.D. 1846 Natus et die 31 Maii A.D. 1846 Baptizatus fuit Henericus Joannes Tinichea, filius Josephi et Jesse Tinichea (olim Riva) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Franciscus Argier Matrina Anna James a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Sarah Ryan) Die 11 Maii 1846 Nata et die 31 Maii 1846 Baptizata fuit Sarah Ryan, filia Henerici et Catherine Ryan (olim Stars) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Kennedy a me Thomà Fryer [p. 157] Marginal names henceforward written from top to bottom . (Patrick Cain) Die 27 Maii 1846 Natus et die 7 Junii 1846 Baptizatus fuit Patritius Cain, filius Catherinæ Cain Matrinafuit Julia Smith a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.


(James Ingles) Die 6 Maii 1846 Natus et die 14 Junii 1846

Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Ingles, filius Walter et Joannæ Ingles (olim King) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Ball Matrina

Catherina Ball a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Sarah Kenny) Die 1 Junii 1846 Nata et die 14 Junii 1846

Baptizata fuit Sarah Kenny, filia Joannis et Annæ Kenny (olim Kenny) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Diamond . Matrina

Margerita Vincent a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Elizabeth Hoy) Die 4 Junii 1846 Nata et die 14 Junii 1846

Baptizata fuit Elizabeth Hoy, filia Joannis et Margarita Hoy (olim Dunn) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Martinus Lynch Matrina

Francisca Lynch a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Agnes Jane MacLaughlin ) Die 17 Junii 1846 Nata et die 5 Julii 1846 Baptizatafuit Agnes Joanna MacLaughlin , filia Edwardi et Helenæ MacLaughlin (olim Kane) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Josephus Vincent Matrina Hariett O Brian a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Margaret MacGavin) Die 4 Junii 1846 Nata et die 8 Julii 1846 Baptizata fuit Margaritta MacGavin filia Roberti et Mariæ MacGavin (olim Nolan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Danielis Marghar

Matrina Joanna Murphy a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (D. B. Cavanagh) Die 2 mensis Augusti 1846 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Danielem Bryant Cavanagh, filium Edwardi et Mariæ Cavanagh quondam Connelly, Conjugum natum die 26 mensis Julii 1846

Thomas Fryer. M.A.

[p. 158] [3 cms blank at the top of the page.] (Mary Anna Burns) Die 5 Augusti 1846 Nata et die 29 Augusti 1846 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Burns filia Jacobi et Margaritæ Burns (olim Smith) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Henericus Connor. Matrina Maria Early a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Mary Gurley) Die 14 Augusti 1846 Nata et die 30 Augusti 1846 Baptizata fuit Maria Gurley filia Joannis et Mariæ Gurley (olim Layden) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Byrne Matrina Birgitta Byrne a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (George Croucher) Die 27 Augusti 1846 Natuset die 11 Octobris 1846 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Bernardus Braxton Croucher , filius Georgii et Franciscæ Croucher (olim Crouch) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Bernardus Huggins Matrina Charlotte Huggins a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Robert Hall) Die 11 Augusti 1846 Natus et die 17 Octobris 1846 Baptizatus fuit Robertus Michaelis Hall filius Gulielmi et Birgittæ Hall (olimMoran) Conjugum Matrinafuit Sarah Darough a me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Elizabeth Byrne) Die 16 Octobris 1846 Nata et die 25 Octobris 1846 Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Byrne, filia Mathæi et Alice Byrne (olim Carter) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Owen. Matrina Catherina Roberts a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.


(Ellen Byrne) Die 16 Octobris 1846 Nata et die 25 Octobris 1846 Baptizata fuit Helena Byrne, filia Mathæi et Alice Byrne (olim Carter) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michaelis Owen Matrina Maria Engar a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p. 159] (Dennis Carle) Die 11 Octobris 1846 Natus et die 1 Novembris 1846 Baptizatus fuit Dionysius Carle, filius Dionysii et Catherine Carle (olim White) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Jacobus Greenham. Matrina Julia Cocks à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Caroline Heney) Die 15 Octobris 1846 Nata et die 4 Novembris 1846 Baptizatafuit, Carolina Heney, filia Edwardi et Carolina Heney (olim Cartledge) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit JosephusJohnson. Matrina Francisca Cæcilia Croucher à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John Owens) Die4 Novembris 1846 Natus et die 15Novembris 1846 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Owens filius Jacobi et Margaritæ Owens (olim Kennedy) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Dionysius Carle Matrina Catherina Carle a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (BridgetWyatt) Die 30 Septembris 1846 Nata et die 25 Novembris 1846 Baptizatafuit Birgitta Wyatt, filia Abdellet Joannæ Wyatt (olim Caffry) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Falick a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Maria Sanders) Die 1 Januarii 1845 Nata et die 6 Decembris 1846 Baptizata fuit Maria Sanders, filia Georgii et Catherinæ Sanders (olim Bowen) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Winefrida Ryan a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (W. J. Vesey) Die 14 Septembris 1839 Natus et die 27 Decembris 1846 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus JoannesVesey filius Gulielmi Pierce et Joannæ Vesey. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Vesey. Matrina Anna Vesey a me Thoma Fryer M.A.

*(J. B. Richards) Die 17 Novembris 1846 Natus et die 20 Decembris 1846 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Bernardus Richards filius Gulielmi et Hannah Richards (olim Rowe) Conj Patrinus fuit Josephus Rowe Matrina Hannah Rowe. 1847 a me Thoma Fryer M.A. [p. 160] (Luke Hagerty) Die2 Octobris 1846 Natus et die 6 Februarii 1847 Baptizatus fuit Luca Hagerty, filius Michaelis et MariæAnnæ Hagerty (olim Fitzgerald) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Gallagher a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John McDonough) Die 22 Septembris 1846 Natus et die 7 Februarii 1847 Baptizatusfuit JoannesMcDonough, filius Jacobi et Margaret McDonough (olim Landigran ) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Gurley Matrina Maria Gurley

a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (E. Harding ) Die 17 Januarii 1847 Nata et die 14 Februarii 1847 Baptizatafuit Elizabetha Harding, filia Gulielmi et Joannæ Harding (olim Bennes ) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Rowe Matrina Joanna Harding a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Chronologically this entry should precede the previous one Doubtful reading

(Mary Durmidee) Die 28 Januarii 1847 Nata et die 14 Februarii 1847 Baptizata fuit Maria Durmidee, filia Joannis et Julia Durmidee (olim Camping) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Haly

Matrina Maria Anna Murphy a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Matilda Jane Leslie) Die 23 mensis Februarii 18 :7 baptizavi omissis ceremoniis, propter periculum mortis Matildam Joannam, filiam Caroli et Annæ Leslie (olim Murphy) Conjugum , natam die 19 Februarii 1847

Thomas Fryer M.A. Supplevi ceremonias die 15 Augusti 1847 Patrinus fuit Georgius Marghar Matrina Maria Horan

Thomas Fryer. M.A.

(Eliza Smith) Die 30 Decembris 1846 Nata et die 1 Martii 1847 Baptizata fuit Eliza Smith, filia Caroli et Catherinæ Smith (olim Kenny) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Catherina Ryan a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

[p. 161] (Ellen Keating vel Caton) Die 20 Februarii 1847

Nata et die 14 Martii 1847 Baptizata fuit Helena Keating filia Patritii et Mariæ Keating (olim Cleary) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Mathæus Tagart Matrina Charlotta Taken à me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Mary MacKonskar *) Die 17 Februarii 1847 Nata et die 28 Martii 1847 Baptizata fuit Maria MacKonshar* filia Joannis et Joanna MacKonskar * (olim Vesey) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Vesey. Matrina Anna Vesey à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Maria J. Johnson) Die25 Martii 1847 Nata et die 18 Aprilis 1847 Baptizatafuit MariaJoanna Johnson filia Joannis et Joanna Johnson (olim Johnson) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Josephus Johnson Matrina Anna Johnson à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Amelia C. White) Die 13 Aprilis 1847 Nata et die9 Maii 1847 Baptizatafuit Amelia Carolina White filia Petri et Margerittæ White (olim Horan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Horan Matrina Carolina White à me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Catherine Homer) Die 28 Martii 1847 Nata et die 9 Maii 1847 Baptizatafuit Catherina Homer, filia Caroli et Mariæ Homer (olim Archer) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Catherina Fletcher a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Robert Marghar) Die 18 Maii 1847 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis, propter periculum mortis Robertum , filium Danielis et HelenaMarghar (olim Paterson) Conjugum natumdie 18 Maii 1847 Thomas Fryer M.A.

(Michael Casey) Die 14 Aprilis 1847 Natus et die 23 Maii 1847 Baptizatus fuit Michaelis Casey, filius Jacobi et Elizæ Casey (olim MacDunner) Conjugum Matrina fuit Eliza Hedifant à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 162] (James Neile) Die 19 Maii 1847 Natus et die 30 Maii 1847 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Neile filius Jacobi et Mariæ Neile (olim Farrell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Farell Matrina Maria Johnson à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading


(Cornelius McCarthy) Die 3 Maii 1847 Natus et die 4 Junii 1847 Baptizatus fuit Cornelius McCarthy filia [sic] Michaelis et Helenæ McCarthy (olim Moloney) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Jacobus Conway Matrina Maria Hoy à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Ellen Madden) Die 1 Maii 1847 Nata et die 6 Junii 1847

Baptizata fuit Helena Madden, filia Gulielmi et Mariæ Madden (olim Harvey) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Robertus McCann Matrina

Elizabetha Dennis à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary Ann Cox) Die 24 Maii 1847 Nata et die 6 Junii 1847

Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Cox, filia Gulielmi et Julia Cox (olim O Brian) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Engar. Matrina Maria Stevens à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary Delaney) Die 29 Maii 1847 Nata et die 13 Junii 1847

Baptizata fuit MariaDelaney, filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Delaney (olim Flinn) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Reilly. Matrina Maria Douglas à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (John Moran) Die 20 Junii 1847 Natus et die 21 Junii 1847

Baptizatus fuit Joannes Moran filius Thomæ et Joannæ Moran (olim Callaghan) Conjugum Matrina fuit Jesse Caddell à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary. A. Dunleavy) Die25 Aprilis 1847 Nata et die 18 Julii 1847 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Dunleavy, filia Patritii et Elizabethæ Dunleavy (olim Armstrong) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Patritius Cooney Matrina Catherina Curly à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 163] (Catherine Murphy) Die 2 Augusti 1847 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Catherinam, filiam Patritii et Mariæ Murphy (olim Kennedy) Conjugum natum die 2 Augusti 1847 Thomas Fryer. M.A.

Supplevi ceremonias die 8 Augusti 1847

Matrina fuit Maria Keating Thomas Fryer M.A. (Elizabeth . M. Burns) Die 24 Julii 1847 Nata et die 22Augusti 1847 Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Maria Burns filia Isac et Birgittæ Burns (olim Hannen) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Grogan

Matrina Elizabetha Casey à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (George Flanigan) Die 30 Augusti 1847 Natus et die 12 Septembris 1847 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Flanigan, filius Joannis et Annæ Flanigan (olimLawler) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Patritius Gilligan Matrina Maria Gilligan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Henry Murphy) Die 24 Octobris 1847 Natus et die 31 Octobris 1847 Baptizatusfuit Henericus Murphy, filius Jacobi et Helenæ Murphy (olim Farell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Maclin . Matrina Teresia Jenkins a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Thomas Hall) Die 21 Octobris 1847 Natus et die 20 Novembris 1847 Baptizatus fuit Thomas Hall, filius Gulielmi et Birgittæ Hall (olim Moran) Conjugum Matrina fuit Elizabetha Darough a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.


(James Roberts) Die 6 Novembris 1847 Natus et die 21 Novembris 1847 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Roberts, filius Michaelis et Catharina Roberts (olim Mehan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Robertus Bridget Matrina Anna Drake à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Michael Curren) Die 7 Novembris 1847 Natus et die 12

Decembris 1847 Baptizatus fuit Michae Curren, filius Michaelis et Catherinæ Curren (olim Jennings) Conjugum Matrina fuit

Maria Mathews à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

[p. 164] (Wm Renney) Die 26 Octobris 1847 Natus et die 12 Decembris 1847 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Renney filius

Samueliset Mariæ Renney (olim Gloster) Conjugum Matrinafuit

Catherina Curren à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Margeret Bradley) Die 5 Decembris 1847 Nata et die 14

Decembris 1847 Baptizatafuit Margerita Bradleyfilia Jeremiæ et Margeritæ Bradley (olim Mitchell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Thomas Duffy. Matrina Margerita Hunt à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(August. J. Cleary) Die 4 Decembris 1847 Natus et die 15 Decembris 1847 Baptizatus fuit Augustus Joannes Cleary, filius Jacobi et Mariæ Cleary (olim Crow) Conjugum Matrinafuit Julia à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. Cox

(Charity McCann) Die 28 Decembris 1847 Nata et die 29 Decembris 1847 Baptizata fuit Charitas McCann, filia Robertiet Elizabethæ McCann (olim Coppinger) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Patritius Somerville Matrinafuit Maria Sweetner à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary. A. Allbines) Die 29 Decembris 1847 baptizavi sub conditione Mariam Annam Allbines, filiam Joannis et Helenæ Allbines (olim McCarthy) Conjugum natam die 22 Julii 1845. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Burns. Matrina MargeritaBurns

1848 Thomas Fryer. M.A.

(James Thos Sullivan ) Die 8 Decembris 1847 Natus et die 9 Januarii 1848 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Thomas Sullivan filius Gulielmi et Helenæ Sullivan (olim Fitzgerald) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Harding Matrina Harietta Cantello à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Margaret [sic] Mullane) Die 24 Decembris 1847 Nata et die 9 Januarii 1848 Baptizatafuit ElizabethMullanefilia Patritiiet Catherinæ Mullane (olim Browne) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Dunn Matrina Maria Wood à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. [p. 165] (Catherina Hally) Die 24 Decembris 1847 Nata et die 16 Januarii 1848 Baptizatafuit Catherina Hally, filia Jacobi et Hannah Hally (olim Hyde) Conjugum Matrina fuit Catherina Burns à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.


(Ann Taylor) Die 17 Januarii 1848 Nata et die 6 Februarii 1848 Baptizatafuit Anna Taylor, filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Taylor (olim Faulkener) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Kenny

Matrina Honora Cuff à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (C. Je/ma: *) Die 24 Januarii 1848 Nata et die 13 Februarii 1848 Baptizatafuit Catherina Je/man* filia Joannis et Margeritae Je ma (olim Daughtey) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Birgitta Oliffe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Rose Ann Her . ey) Die 23 Februarii 1848 Nata et die 8 Martii 1848 Baptizata fuit Rosa Anna Heney, filia Edwardi et Carolinæ Herey (olim Cartlidge) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Thomas A. Butler.

Matrina Francisca Cacilia Croucher à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Catherine Early) Die 5 Martii 1848 Nata et die 12 Martii 1848 Baptizatafuit Catherina Early, filia Danielis et Mariæ Early (olim McGirtey) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Grumley

Matrina Anna Carter à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary Loughlin) Die 18 Martii 1848 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis, Mariam, filiam Joannis et Birgittæ Loughlin (olim Murphy) Corjugum, natam die 18 Martii Thomas Fryer M.A. 1848

Supplevi ceremonias die 15 Octobris 1848

Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Harding Matrina Jessie Cantelo Thomas Fryer. M.A. (Mary Sullivan ) Die 29 Martii 1848 Nata et die 30 Martii 1848 Baptizatafuit MariaSullivan filia Danielis et HonoræSullivan (olim Keating) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Danielis Sullivan Matrina Catherina Sullivan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. p. 166] (Agnes L. Johnson) Die 11 Martii 1848 Nata et die 9 Aprilis 1848 Baptizata fuit Agnes Louisa Johnson filia Josephi et Anna Johrson (olim James) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Joanncs Johnson. Matrina Francisca Cæcilia Croucher à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (B. Tenicheà) Die 21 Aprilis 1848 Natus et die 7 Maii 1848

Baptizatus fuit Bartholomæus Tenicheà, filius Josephi et Jesse Teniches (olim Riva) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Samuelis Ball Matria Elizabetha Pine à me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Ellen Haughney) Die 27 Aprilis 1848 Nata et die7 Maii 1848

Baptizata fuit Helena Haughney, filia Tobiæ et Elizabethæ Haughney (olim Divine) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Michaelis Hickey.

Matrina Margarita Hickey à me Thoma Fryer. M.A, (E. Berkley) Die 29 Aprilis 1848 Nata et die 7 Maii 1848

Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Berkley filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Berkley (olim Nesbit) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Butler

Matrina Sarah Pine à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A

* In each case two strokes have been made through a third letter to make it Jeuman . '


(A.J. Meager) Die 22 Aprilis 1848 Natus et die 14 Maii 1848

Baptizatusfuit Alfridus JoannesMeager, filius Henerici et Joannæ Meager (olim Perkins) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Samuelis Lelli, Matrina Elizabetha Perkins à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Frances Frampton) Die 11 Martii 1848 Nata et die 12 Junii 1848 Baptizatafuit Francisca Frampton, filia Lucæ et Catherinæ Frampton (olim Bush) Conj. Matrina Anna Bush

7. 197 à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (M. Clancy) Die 9 Junii, 1848 Natus et die 18 Junii 1848

Baptizatusfuit Michaelis Claney , filius Joannis et Birgittæ Clancy (olim Gleeson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Andreas Donovan Matrina Maria Sweny a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p. 167] (Charles. E. Hamilton) Die 19 Junii 1848 Natus et die 2 Julii 1848 Baptizatusfuit Carolus Eustace Hamilton, filius Michaelis et Sarah Hamilton (olim Bush) Conjugum Patrinusfuit

Gulielmus Galihar . Matrina Helena How* . à me Thoma Fryer M.A.

(Agatha M. Cunningham) Die 10 Junii 1848 Nata et 'die 10 Julii 1848 Baptizatafuit Agatha Moran Cunningham,filiaDanielis

Edwardi et Mariæ Annæ Cunningham (olim Carry Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Patritius Dunn Matrina Joanna Harding à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Ann M. Cunningham) Die 10 Junii 1848 Nata et die 10

Julii 1848 Baptizata fuit Anna Maria Cunningham, filia Danielis Edwardi et Mariæ Annæ Cunningham (olim Carr) Conjugum Matrina fuit Amelia Cunningham à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (William Douglass) Die 2 Julii 1848 Natus et die 16 Julii 1848 Baptizatusfuit Gulielmus Douglass, filius Joannis et Mariæ Douglass (olim Keating) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Horner à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (W. J. Moultass) Die 31 Maii 1848 Natus et die 13 Augusti 1848 Baptizatusfuit Gulielmus JosephusMoultass filius Josephi et Eliza Moultass (olim Kirby) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Richardus Fogerty Matrina Helena Penders à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Eliza Penders) Die 23 Maii 1848 Nata, et die 13 Augusti 1848 Baptizatafuit Eliza Penders , filia Joannis et Helenæ Penders (olim Cullen) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Petrus Wolfe Matrina Eliza Moultass à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Margaret Marghar Die 5 Augusti 1848 Nata et die 15 Augusti 1848 Baptizata fuit Margarita Marghar, filia Danielis et HelenæMarghar (olim Paterson) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Georgius Paterson. Matrina Margarita White à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(James McReynolds) Die 15 Augusti 1848 Natus et die 10 Septembris 1848 Baptizatusfuit Jacobus McReynolds, filius Jacobi et Mariæ McReynolds (olim Donley) Conjugum Matrinafuit Eliza Guilfoyle à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

** Or 'Hone'


[p. 168] (M. Carle) Die 2 Septembris 1848 Nata et die 10 Septembris 1848 Baptizata fuit Margarita Carle , filia Joannis et Joanna Carle (olim Donohue) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Donohue Matrina Birgitta Garon* à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Honora Usher) Die 21 Septembris 1848 Nata et die 24 Septembris 1848 Baptizatafuit Honora Usher, filia Joannis et Honoræ Usher (olim Ryan) Conjugum Matrina fuit Judith McDermott à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (George. G. Johnson) Die 10 Septembris 1848 Natus et die 1 Octobris 1848 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Germanus Johnson, filius Joannis et Joanna Johnson (olim Johnson) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Patritius Pine, Matrina Sarah Pine à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Catherine Laydon ) Die 23 Septembris 1848 Nata et die 8 Octobris 1848 Baptizata fuit Catherina Laydon filia Edwardi et CatherineLaydon (olim Brady) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Timotheus Maleney. Matrina MargeritaJerman à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Ann Byrne) Die 4 Octobris 1848 Nata et die 15 Octobris 1848 Baptizatafuit Anna Byrne filia Mathæi et Alice Byrne (olim Carter) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Joannes Taylor. Matrina Elizabeth Taylor à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Mary McCanner) Die 11 Octobris 1848 Nata et die 22 Octobris 1848 Baptizata fuit Maria McCanner, filia Jacobi et Lucia McCanner (olim Hamilton) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Hollenherd Matrina Maria McReynolds à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John MacCusker) Die 15 Octobris 1848 Natus et die 29 Octobris 1848 Baptizatus fuit Joannes MacCusker, filius Hugonis et Mariæ MacCusker (olim McGear) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Owen MacSheen . Matrina Elizabetha O Neil a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (E. Frowell) Die 31 Octobris 1848 Natus et die 23 Novembris 1848 Baptizatusfuit Edwardus Frowell, filius Richardi et Mariæ Frowell (olim Lumley) Conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Hill Matrina Catherina Lumley à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p . 169] (Catherine Murphy) Die 25 Novembris 1848 Nata et die 3 Decembris 1848 Baptizata fuit Catherina Murphy, filia Patritii et Mariæ Murphy (olim Kennedy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Smithwick à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Samuel Creed) Die 11 Decembris 1848 Natus et die 31 Decembris 1848 Baptizatus fuit Samuelis Creed, filius Joannis et Helenæ Creed (olim Carey) Conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Hall a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John. J. Richards) Die 3 Decembris 1848 Natus et die 31 Decembris 1848 Baptizatus fuit Joannes JosephusRichards, filius Gulielmi et Hannah Richards (olim Rowe) Conjuguin Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Haywood Matrina Elizabetha Rowe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading.


(Mary. A. Baxter) Die 24 Decembris 1848 Nata et die 7

Januarii 1849 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Baxter filia Michaelis et Catherine Baxter (olim Reilly) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Richardus Fogerty

Matrina Helena Manning à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary Shaw) Die 4 Januarii 1849 Nata et die 14 Januarii 1849 Baptizata fuit Maria Shaw , filia Roberti et Catherina Shaw (olim Sullivan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Lopeman

Matrina Margerita Lopeman (John McCuskar) Die 29

Januarii 1849 Baptizatus fuit

Pragnall et Joanna McCuskar à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. Decembris 1848 Natus et die 28

Joannes McCuskar filius Marci

Matrina fuit Joanna Sweetman a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Margaret Burns) Die 17 Februarii 1849 Nata et die 21 Februarii 1849 Baptizata fuit Margarita Burns, filia Jacobi et Margeritæ Burns (olim Smith) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniclus Earley. Matrina Elizabetha White à me Thomâ Fryer M.A [p. 170] (John W. Dillon) Die 2 Februarii 1849 Natus ef die 25 Februarii 1849 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Gulielmus Dillon filius Edwardi et Mariæ Annæ Dillon (olim Baker) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Dionysius O Brian [Matrina omitted] Maria Anna O Brian à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Henry J. Mathews) Die 18 Februarii 1849 Natus et die 25 Februarii 1849 Baptizatus fuit Henericus Jacobus Mathews, filius Henerici et Mariæ Mathews (olim Ryan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Elizah Bowering Matrina Maria Bowering à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John Canty) Die 31 Januarii 1849 Natus et die 4 Martii 1849 Baptizatusfuit Joannes Canty, filius Joannis et Annæ Canty (olim Quin) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Foley. Matrina Honora Fuller à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Michael Scanling) Die 7 Februarii 1849 Natus etdie4 Martii 1849 Baptizatus fuit Michaelis Scanling, filius Jacobi et Helenæ Scanling (olim Murphy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Murphy Matrina Catherina Burns à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Catherine Sheenan ) Die 26 Februarii 1849 Nata et die 4 Martii 1849 Baptizata fuit Catherina Sheenan, filia Lucæ et Mariæ Sheenan (olim Sheenan) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Patritius Martin Matrina Catherina Ball à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (George Lavery) Die 4 Martii 1849 Natus et die 18 Martii 1849 Baptizatus fuit GeorgiusLavery filius Georgii etAnnæ Lavery (olim Arnoll) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannis [sic] Eves. Matrina Sarah Phelan a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Mary J. Sullivan ) Die 7 Martii 1849 Nata et die 24 Martii 1849 Baptizatafuit Maria Joanna Sullivan filia Francisci et Mariæ Annæ Sullivan (olim Haely) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Elizabetha Danugh à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.


(P. Wallace) Die 2do Aprilis 1849 Natus et die 8 Aprilis 1849

Baptizatus fuit Peter Wallace filius Gulielmi et Eliza Wallace (olim Lawler) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carrlus [sic]:Rutledge

Matrina Maria Carne à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A [p. 171] (Mary Stanley) Die 10 Aprilis 1849 Nata et die 15 Aprilis 1849 Baptizatafuit Maria Stanley, filia Thomæet Christiannæ Stanley (olim Reynolds) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus

Brennen Matrina Maria Brennen à me Thomâ Fryer, M.A: (James Blakey) Die 19 Aprilis 1849 Natus et die 6 Maji 1819 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Blakey filius Gulielmi et Catherina Blakey (olim Hogan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Sullivan.

Matrina Maria Pottle à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Paula M. Croucher) Die 7 Aprilis 1849 Nata et die 27 Maii 1849 Baptizatafuit Paula Maria Croucher, filiaGeorgii et Francisca Croucher (olim Crouch) Conj Patrinus fuit Arthur Jerningham.

Matrina Sophia Jerningham à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Ann McCann) Die 10 Maii 1849 Nata et die 27 Maii 1849 Baptizata fuit Anna McCann, filia Roberti et Eliza McCann (olim Coppinger) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Peter Madden. Matrina Maria Anna McCougher a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (James Larkin) Die 1 Junii 1849 Natus et die 7 Junii 1849

Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Larkin, filius Thomæ et Mariæ Larkin (olim Mahoney) Conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Collins a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (William Cox) Die 1 Junii 1849 Natus et die 17 Junii 1849 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Cox, filius Gulielmi et Julia Cox (olim 0 Brian) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Roberts, Matrina Catherina Roberts a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Catherine Bradley) Die 1 Junii 1849 Nata et die 20 Junii 1849 Baptizatafuit Catherina Bradley, filia Jeremiah et Margeritæ Bradley (olim Mitchell) Conjugum Patrinusfuit JoannesKennedy Matrina Birgitta Brown* à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary Flaherty) Die 15 Junii 1849 Nata et die 24 Junii 1849 Baptizatafuit Maria Flaherty, filia Gulielmiet Margerita Flaherty (olim Connors ) Conjugum Matrina fuit Elizabetha Taylor à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 172] (Helen Flaherty) Die 15 Junii 1849 Nata et die 24 Junii 1849 Baptizata fuit Helena Flaherty, filia Gulielmi et Margeritæ Flaherty (olim Connors) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Helena Connors à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (John O Donohæ*) Die 20 Junii 1849 Natus et die 1 Julii 1849 Baptizatus fuit Joannes 0 Donohæ, filius Joannis et Margaritæ O Donoha (olim Kane) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Samuelis. Barker à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. * Or Brenn. '

Query: Mistake for O'Donohue' ? The writinggrows more and more careless

(James Donovan) Die 9 Junii 1849 Natus et die 8 Julii 1849 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Donovan filius Andreæ et Mariæ Donovan (olim Maney) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Harding

Matrina Carolina Mills à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary T. Henny) Die 30 Junii 1849 Nata et die 22 Julii 1849 Baptizata fuit Maria Teresia Henny, filia Edwardi et Carolinæ Henny (olim Cartledge) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Ball Matrina Maria Cartledge à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Hugh Gannon) Die 29 Julii 1849 Natus et die 22 Augusti 1849 Baptizatus fuit Hugo Gannon, filius Patritii et Birgittæ Gannon (olim McGovan) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Dunn

Matrina Helena George à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Michael County) Die 12 Augusti 1849 Natus et die 1 Septembris 1849 Baptizatusfuit Michaelis County, filius Jeremiah et Margarita County (olim MacDonell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Dalton Matrina Birgitta Meany à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Patrick Boyle) Die 24 Augusti 1849 Natus et die 8 Septembris 1849 Baptizatus fuit Patritius Boyle filius Thomæet Catherinæ Boyle (olim McGaning) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus

Marghar Matrina Maria Magee à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [In pencil 274] (Michael Keating) Die 3 Septembris 1849 Natus et die 16 Septembris 1849 Baptizatusfuit Michaelis Keating, filius Michaelis et Catherine Keating (olim O Connell) Conj Patrinusfuit Petrus Wolfe. Matrina Honora Sullivan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p . 173] (John Campbell) Die 4 Septembris 1849 Natus et die 16 Septembris 1849 Baptizatusfuit Joannes Campbell, filius Joannis et Helenæ Campbell (olim Priestley) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Georgius Henericus Campbell Matrina Maria Roughan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Eugene O Callaghan) Die 9 Septembris 1849 Natus et die 16 Septembris 1849 Baptizatus fuit Eugenius O'Callaghan filius Timothei et Margaritæ O Callaghan (olim Joyce) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Mauritius De Courcey. Matrina Elizabetha Gegg à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Mary A. Smith) Die 2 Septembris 1849 Nata et die 5 Octobris 1849 Baptizatafuit Maria Anetta Smith, filia Caroli et Catherinæ Smith (olim Kenny) Conj. Matrina fuit Sarah Rowe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (William Hall) Die 25 Septembris 1849 Natus et die 7 Octobris 1849 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Hall, filius Jacob [sic]et Annæ Hall (olim Morrice) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Clancy. Matrina Maria Horner a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (James E. D'Alton) Die 25 Septembris 1849 Natus et die 25 Octobris 1849 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Edwardus D'Alton filius Jacobi et JoannaD'Alton (olim Shaughnessy ) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jeremiah County Matrina Maria Anna Hagerty à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.


(Mary Madden) Die 18 Septembris 1849 Nata et die 28 Octobris 1849 Baptizata fuit Maria Madden filia Petri et Mariæ Madden (olim Harvey) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Carolus McCarthy Matrina Julia Cox à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary. A O'Neill) Die 25 Octobris 1849 Nataet die 11 Novembris 1849 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna O Neill, filia Michaelis et Sarah O Neill (olim Mure*) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Dionysius Nash. Matrina Anna Collins à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Richard O Bryan) Die 20 Octobris 1849 Natus et die 18 Novembris 1849 Baptizatusfuit Richardus 0 Bryan filius Michaelis et Mariæ O Bryan (olim Kirby) Conjugum Matrina fuit Helena Howe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p. 174] (Eliza Roughan) Die 8 Novembris 1849 Nata et die 18 Novembris 1849 Baptizatafuit ElizaRoughan, filia Michaelis et Mariæ Roughan (olim Lynch) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Danielis

McCarthy Matrina MargaritaCollins à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Michael Sullivan ) Die 6 Novembris 1849 Natus et die 25 Novembris 1849 Baptizatusfuit Michael Sullivan, filius Gulielmi et Helenæ Sullivan (olim Fitzgerald) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Richardus Fogerty

Matrina Anna Green a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Matilda Kavanargh) Die 20 Novembris 1849 Nata et die 2 Decembris 1849 Baptizatafuit MatildaKavanargh filiaChristopher et Helenæ Kavanargh(olim McDonnell) Conjugum Patrinusfuit

Bernardus O Neill

Matrina Helena O Neill à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Ellen Smith) Die 8 Decembris 1849 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Helenam filiam Jacobi et Elizabethæ Smith (olim [3 cms . blank]) Conjugum natam die 27 Novembris 1849 Thomas Fryer M.A. Died on the 10th of December (William Keefe) Die 18 Octobris 1849 Natus et die 16 Decembris 1849 Baptizatusfuit Gulielmus Keefe, filius Gulielmi et Sarah Keefe (olim Hogan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Keefe . Matrina Maria Ryan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Ann Flanagan) Die 20 Novembris 1849 Nata et die 30 Decembris 1849 Baptizata fuit Anna Flanagan, filia Patritii et Mariæ Flanagan (olim Duggins) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Michael Hickey. Matrina Martha Burns à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Mary A. Owens) Die 20 Novembris 1849 Nata et die 30

Decembris 1849 Baptizatafuit Maria Ann Owens, filia Henrici et Mariæ Owens (olim Lowe) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Ricks. Matrina Sarah Ferguson à me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Samuel. J. Lucas) Die 6 Decembris 1849 Natus et die 30

Decembris 1849 Baptizatus fuit Samuel Josephus Lucas, filius Samuelis Josephi et Louise Lucas (olim Tabbitt) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Dunn. Matrina Elizabetha Rowe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading.

р 175] 1850

(ElizabethCuff) Die 9 Decembris 1849 Nata et die 13 Januarii 1850 Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Cuff, filia Joannis et Hannah Cuff (olim Joyce) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Richardus Fogerty Matrina Maria Roach à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(John Hoscraft) Die 9 Januarii 1850 Natus et die 13 Januarii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Hoscraft, filius Henrici et Mariæ Hoscraft (olim Sweeny) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Clancy Matrina Birgitta Clancy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(James Connel) Die 31 Decembris 1849 Natus et die 29 Januarii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Connel, filius Patritii et Eliza Connel (olim Flanagan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Vesey. Matrina Maria Vesey à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Thomas Welch) Die 4 Februarii 1850 Natus et die 10 Februarii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Thomas Welch, filius Joannis et Honora Welch (olim Boyd) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patricius Hughes. Matrina Barbara Kennelly à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(William Sanders) Die 2 Januarii 1850 Natus et die 17 Februarii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Sanders, filius Georgii et Catherinæ (olim Bone) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Joanna Mac à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A Cuskar

(Alexander Doud) Die 5 Januarii 1850 Natus et die 17 Februarii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Alexander Doud, filius Cormack et Mariæ Doud (olim Johnstone) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patricius Carroll. Matrina Eliza Walters à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary M. A. Johnson) Die 22 Januarii 1850 Nata et die 17

Februarii 1850 Baptizata fuit Maria Magdalena Anastitia Johnson, filia Josephi et Annæ Johnson (olim James) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Johnson. Matrina Francisca Croucher à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Ann Mulholand) Die 20 Decembris 1849 Nata et die 20 Februarii 1850 Baptizata fuit Anna Mulholand , filia Annæ Mulholand et Edwinis Urry. Matrina fuit Joanna Harding à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. [p. 176] (Mary Flinn) Die 5 Januarii 1850 Nata et die 24 Februarii 1850 Baptizata fuit Maria Flinn, filia Thomæ et Rosæ Flinn (olim Freeman) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Gardiner Matrina Maria Haile à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary Ann Roberts) Die 21 Februarii 1850 Nata et die 3 Martii 1850 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Roberts filia Michaelis et Catherine Roberts (olim Mehan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Halley. Matrina Maria Stephens à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (David Foley) Die 23 Februarii 1850 Natus et die 10 Martii 1850 Baptizatus fuit David Foley, filius Joannis et Elizabethæ Foley (olim Smail) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Guleilmus Flinn. Matrina Margarita O Brian à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.


(Cuthbert . M. Johnson) Die 24 Februarii 1850 Natus et die 17 Martii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Cuthbertus Mathias Johnson filius Joannis et Joannæ Johnson (olim Johnson) Conj Patrinusfuit Josephus Johnson Matrina Anna Johnson à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary A. Rigney) Die 17 Martii 1850 Nata et die 24 Martii 1850 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Rigney, filia Petri et Mariæ Rigney (olim Connell) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Jacobus Murphy. Matrina Helena Linehen à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (John James Hickey) Die 9 Februarii 1850 Natus et die 7 Aprilis 1850 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Jacobus Hickey filius Michaelis et Margarita Hickey (olim Murphy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Elizah Bowering. Matrina Maria Bowering à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary McCarthy) Die 30 Aprilis 1850 Nata et die 30 Aprilis 1850 Baptizata fuit Maria McCarthy, filia Michaelis et Helenæ McCarthy (olim Mulleney ) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patricius McCarthy. Matrina Margarita Dunn à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Pat Wall) Die 30 Martii 1850 Natus et die 1 Maii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Patricius Wall, filius Joannis et Joanna Wall (olim Lyons) Conj Matrina fuit Eliza Guilfoyle a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(E. Penders ) Die 5 Aprilis 1850 Nata et die 9 Maii 1850 Baptizata fuit Helena Penders filia Joannis et Helenæ Penders (olim Cullen) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Petrus Wolfe â me Thomà Fryer M.A.

[p. 177] (James J. Hally) Die 4 Aprilis 1850 Natus et die 10 Maii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Julius Hally, filius Jacobi et Hannah Hally (olim Hide) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Catherina â me Thomà Fryer. M.A. Roberts

(John Griggs) Die 13 Maii 1850 Natus et die 13 Maii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Griggs, filius Edwardi et Annæ Griggs (olim Carter) Conjugum Matrina fuit Sarah Pine à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (James Coveney) Die 29 Martii 1850 Natus et die 15 Maii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Coveney, filius Thomæ et Mariæ Coveney (olim Thompson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus D'Alton Matrina Maria D'Alton à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (A. Cunningham) Die 31 Martii 1850 Nata et die 9 Junii 1850 Baptizata fuit Anastatia Cunningham , filia Danielis et Mariæ Annæ Cunningham (olim Carr) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Edwardus Bassenett Matrina Joanna Elizabetha Cunningham à me Thoma Fryer M.A. (John Keating vel Caton) Die 26 Maii 1850 Natus et die 16 junii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Keating, filius Patritii et Mariæ Keating (olim Cleary) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Pine Matrina Rosa McPharline à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(H. Ed. Frampton) Die 10 Februarii 1850 Natus et die 23 Junii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Henricus Edwardus Frampton, filius Lucia [sic] et Catherina Frampton (olim Bush) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Harding Matrina Joanna Harding à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Dennis Madden) Die 7 Junii 1850 Natus et die 23 Junii 1850 Baptizatus fuit Dionysius Madden, filius Dionysii et Helenæ Madden (olim Carr) Conjugum Matrina fuit Margarita Kennally à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary A. Griffiths) Die 4 Junii 1850 Nata et die 30 Junii 1850 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Griffiths, filia Georgii et Margarita Griffiths (olim Welch) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Lynne à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Genevieve M. Mills) Die 27 Julii 1850 Nata et die 18 Augusti 1850 Baptizata fuit Genevieva Maria Mills, filia Gulielmi et CarolinaMills (olim Mew) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit,Gulielmus Cantello Matrina Harietta Cantello et à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(W. H. Ryan) Die 9 Augusti 1850 Natus et die 21 Augusti 1850 Baptizatusfuit Gulielmus Henricus Ryan filius Elizabethæ Ryan. Patrinus fuit Petrus Wolfe Matrina Helena Hazell a me Thomà Fryer. M.A.

[The next entry in the Rev. Thomas Bowman's hand] (Helena County) Die 27 Augusti 1850 nata et die 21 Septembris 1850 baptizata fuit Helena County filia Jeremiæ et Margarita County (olim McDonnell) conjugum. Matrina fuit Johanna Dalton A me Thoma Bowman Misso Apco son

[p. 178] (Thos Riley) Die 25 Septembris 1850 Natus et die 3 Novembris 1850 Baptizatus fuit Thomas Riley, filius Jacobi et Carolina Riley (olim Crew) Conj Patrinus fuit Joannes JohnMatrina Joanna Johnson à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Henry W. Richards) Die 10 Octobris 1850 Natus et die 3 Novembris 1850 Baptizatus fuit Henricus Wilfridus Richards, filius Gulielmi et Hannah Richards (olim Rowe) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patricius Pine Matrina Sarah Pine a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Catherina Fant) Die 30 Novembris 1850 Nata et die 16 Decembris 1850 Baptizata fuit Catherina Fant filia Joannis et Annæ Fant (olim McLoughlin ) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Hugo McBrian Matrina Margarita O Callaghan à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(John Welch) Die 10 Decembris 1850 Natus et die 22 Decembris 1850 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Welch, filius Jacobi et Margarita Welch (olim Mines)* Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes MacDermott Matrina Margarita Welch à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading: possibly Rines'


(Thos Nickleson) Die 23 Novembris 1850 Natus et die 29 Decembris 1850 Baptizatus fuit Thomas Nickleson, filius Joannis et Catherinæ Nickleson (olim Heslings) Conjugum Matrina fuit Elizabeth Raffey* à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Agnes C. Henny) Die 30 Novembris 1850 Nata et die 29 Decembris 1850 Baptizatafuit Agnes Cæcilia Heney, filia Edwardi et Carolina Heney (olim Cartlidge) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Josephus Johnston. Matrina Anna Johnson à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. 1851

(Matthew Byrne) Die 7 Decembris 1850 Natus et die 12 Januarii 1851 Baptizatusfuit Matthæus Byrne, filius Matthæiet Alice Byrre (olim Carter) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Petrus Wolfe

Matrina Maria Keating à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(BridgetSullivan) Die 23 Januarii 1851 Nataet die 9 Februari 1851 Baptizatafuit Birgitta Sullivan, filia Morice et Elizabethæ Sullivan (olim Lee) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Marcus Gaughan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Catherina Burns) Die 11 Januarii 1851 Nata et die 12 Februarii 1851 Baptizata fuit Catherina Burns filia Michaelis et Mariæ Burns (olim Lewis) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Margarita White à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Francis Donnell) Die 12 Januarii 1851 Natus et die 14 Februarii 1851 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus O Donnell filius Jacobi

Michaelis et Mariæ O Donnell (olim Belcham) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Georgius Fallack à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 179] ( Ann Rowe) Die 7 Februarii 1851 Nata et die 2 Martii 1851 Baptizatafuit Sarah Anna Rowe filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Rowe (olim Brading) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Thomas Matrina Elizabetha Rowe à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(William Campbell) Die 23 Februarii 1851 Natus et die 8 Martii 1851 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Campbell, filius Joannis et Helenæ Campbell (olim Priestley) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Priestley Matrina Catherina Campbell à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (William Coulton) Die 11 Martii 1851 Natus et die 14 Martii 1851 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Coulton, filius Gulielmi et Annæ Coulton (olim Collins) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Lyan. Matrina Maria Lynn à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary Ellen Flynn) Die 22 Februarii 1851 Nata et die 16 Martii 1851 Baptizata fuit Maria Helena Flynn, filia Petri et Alice Flynn (olim Cuthbert) Conjugum Matrina fuit Harietta O Brian à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

* Doubtful reading

Doubtful reading: possibly meant to be ' Marci '


(George Canty) Die 7 Martii 1851 Natus et die 30 Martii 1851 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Canty, filius Joannis et Hannah Canty (olim Quin) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Hugo Harten. * Matrina Maria Engar à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (William Dear) Die 22 Martii 1851 Natus et die 6 Aprilis 1851 Baptizatusfuit Gulielmus Dear filius Jacobi et Alice Dear (olim Murphy) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Georgius Dear. Matrina Alice Kilmasters à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(M.A. Kenhan [sic]) Die 8 Martii 1851 Nata et die 20 Aprilis 1851 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Kenahan filia Gulielmi et Annæ Kenahan (olim Birmingham ) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patricius Cunningham. Matrina Elizabetha Conroy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(John Earley) Die 13 Aprilis 1851 Natus et die 20 Aprilis 1851 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Earley, filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Earley (olim Combes) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Cassidy. Matrina Catherina Cassidy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(F. W. Parker) Die 10 Aprilis 1851 Natus et die 20 Aprilis 1851 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus Gulielmus Parker filius Joannis et Mariæ Annæ Parker (olim Moran) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Joannes Dolin Matrina Harietta O Brian à me Thomâ Fryer

(Mark Ginghan) Die 13 Aprilis 1851 Natus et die 11 Maii 1851 Baptizatus fuit Marcus Ginghan, filius Marci et Mariæ Ginghan (olim Corbel) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Morris Sullivan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(John Jenkins) Die 1 Maii 1851 Natus et die 18 Maii 1851 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Jenkins, filius Gulielmi et Birgittæ Jenkins (olimDormer) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes McBride.

Matrina Catherina Chambers a me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Edward Dillon) Die 22 Maii 1851 Natus et die 1 Junii 1851

Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Dillon, filius Edwardi et Mariæ Annæ Dillon (olim Baker) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Cash Matrina Margarita Cash à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 180] (G. Temple) Die 26 Martii 1851 Natus et die 8 Junii 1851 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Temple, filius Georgii Michael et Susannæ Temple (olim Branigan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit [2 cms blank] Tighe Matrina Birgitta Madden a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A

(C. McDermott) Die 18 Maii 1851 Nata et die 8 Junii 185 Baptizata fuit Catherina McDermott, filia Joannis et Annæ M:Dermott (olim Leadbetter) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Henricus Webster MatrinaAnna McPherson à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading

* Doubtfulreading


(M. F. Johnson) Die 20 Maii 1851 Nata et die 8 Junii 1851

Baptizata fuit Monica Francisca Johnson, filia Josephi et Annæ Johnson (olim James) Conj Patrinus fuit Joannes Johnson .

Matrina Elizabetha Raffey à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (C. J. Bayston) Die 19 Junii 1851 Natus et die 29 Junii 1851

Baptizatus fuit Carolus Jacobus Bayston, filius Caroli et Mariæ Bayston (olim Brady) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Gulielmus Whelan .

Matiina Maria Anra Bradley à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (M. Cloghessy) Die 28 Maii 1851 Nata et die 6 Julii 1851

Baptizata fuit Margarita Cloghessy, filia Thomæ et Margarita Cloghessy (olim Kearn) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus

O Neil Matrina Joanna Peat à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (P. Ed. Smith) Die 27 Maii 1851 Natus et die 6 Julii 1851

Baptizatus fuit Philipphus Edmundus Smith filius Caroli et Catherina Smith (olim Kenny) Conj Patrinus fuit Gulielmus

Fine Matrina Elizabetha Rowe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (W. C. Croucher) Die 27 Junii 1851 Nata et die 3 Augusti 1851 Baptizata fuit Winefrida Charlotte Croucher filia Georgii et Francisca Croucher (olim Crouch) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Josephus Johnson Matrina Anna Johnson à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (E. Cox) Die 21 Julii 1851 Nata et die 10 Augusti 1851

Eaptizata fuit Elizabetha Cox filia Gulielmi et Julia Cox (olim

O Brian) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Rabbits. Matrina

Catherina Rabbits à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (A. E. Meager ) Die 3 Augusti 1851 Nata et die 31 Augusti 1851 Baptizata fuit Agnes Elizabetha Meager, filia Henrici et Joannæ Meager (olim Perkins) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Samuelis

Lelli. Matrina Elizabetha Perkins à me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Mary . Ann. Edwards) Die 2 Septembris 1851 Nata et die 21 Septembris 1851 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Edwards, filia Joannis et Joannæ Edwards (olim Clark) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Burns. Matrina Joanna Clark à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Maria Delaney) Die 19 Septembris 1851 Nata et die 5 Octobris 1851 Baptizata fuit Maria Delaney, filia Dionysii et Mariæ Delaney (olim Enright) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michaelis

Reardon Matrina Maria Martin à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [p. 181 ] (John Campion) Die 7 Octobris 1851 Natuset die 19 Octobris 1851 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Campion, filius Patritii et Mariæ Annæ Campion (olim Sullivan) Conjugum Patrinusfuit

Michaelis Thornton Matrina Maria Thornton à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Bernard F. Johnson) Die 4 Octobris 1851 Natus et die 26 Octobris 1851 Baptizatusfuit Bernardus Franciscus Johnson ,filius

Joannis et Joanna Johnson (olim Johnson) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Josephus Johnson Matrina Anna Johnson à me Thomà Fryer. M.A.


(Patrick Webster) Die 23 Octobris 1851 Natus et die 23

Novembris 1851 Baptizatusfuit Patricius Webster, filius Henriei et Catherina Webster (olim Dann*) Conjugum Matrina fuit

Anna Dann à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Edward J. Driscoll) Die 31 Octobris 1851 Natus et die 6

Decembris 1851 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus JacobusDriscoll, filius

Joannis etAnnæ Driscoll(olim Morison) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Jeremiah County Matrina MargaritaCounty à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(C. Walker) Die 24 Julii 1851 Nata et die 7 Decembris 1851 Baptizata fuit Charlotte Walker, filia Joannis et Annæ Walker (olim Scott) Conjugum. Matrinafuit Anna Pritchard

1852 à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Margaret McNerney) Die 7 Januarii 1852 Nata et die 1

Februarii 1852 Baptizata fuit MargaritaMcNerney, filia Thomæ et CatherineMcNernay(olim Courtney) Conjugum. Matrinafuit

Eliza Maffey* à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(James Purcel) Die 11 Martii 1852 Natus et die 21 Martii 1852 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Purcel , filius Jacobi et Joanna Purcell (olim Barry) Conjugum Matrina fuit Helena Hazell à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Michael Thornton) Die 15 Martii 1852 Natus et die 23

Martii 1852 Baptizatusfuit Michaelis Thornton, filius Michaelis et Mariæ Thornton (olim Madagin) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Patritius Campion. Matrina Maria Anna Campion à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Elizabeth Foley) Die 16 Martii 1852 Nata et die 28 Martii 1852 Baptizatafuit Elizabetha Foley, filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Foley (olim Curren) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Lynch

Matrina Teresia Jenkins à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary Kilroy) Die 19 Martii 1852 Nata et die 28 Martii 1852 Baptizata fuit Maria Kilroy, filia Thomæ et Mariæ Kilroy (olim Turnbull) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Owens Matrina Birgitta Tierney à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(John Homles) Die 29 Januarii 1852 Natus et die 4 Aprilis 1852 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Homles, filius Joannis Gabrielis et Margarita Homlest (olim Grimes) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Joannes Dempsey. Matrina Margarita Hopkins à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

[p. 182] (James Maher) Die 28 Aprilis 1852 Natus et die 9 Maii 1852 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Maher, filius Richardi et BirgittæMaher (olimMaurisey) Conjugum. PatrinusfuitThomas Mulloy. Matrina Maria Mulloy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Or ' Davin '

* Possibly Massey. ' † Threeentries lower a Margaret Holmes' occurs


(James Dempsey) Die 25 Aprilis 1852 Natus et die 16 Maii 1852 Baptizatusfuit Jacobus Dempsey, filius Joannis et Mariæ Dempsey (olim Maloney) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Cornelius Dempsey. Matrina Margarita Holmes à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(S. E. Roberts) Die 18 Maii 1852 Nata et die 30 Maii 1852

Baptizata fuit Sarah Helena Roberts, filia Michaelis et Catherinæ Roberts (olim Mehan) Conjugum Matrina fuit Julia Cox à me Thomâ Fryer M:A.

(M. J. Coveney) Die 13 Aprilis 1852 Nata et die 2 Junii 1852

Baptizata fuit Margarita Joanna Coveney, filia Thomæ et Mariæ Coveney (olim Thompson) Conjugum Matrina fuit Eliza Maffey à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(M. Burke) Die 23 Maii 1852 Nata et die 6 Junii 1852

Baptizatafuit Matilda Burke, filia Joannis et Annæ Burke (olim Ellis) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Farell. Matrina Anna Hussey à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Ě Bradley) Die 24 Maii 1852 Nata et die 6 Junii 1852

Baptizatafuit Eliza Bradley, filia Jeremiah et Margarita Bradley (olim Mitchell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Petrus Brown Matrina Maria Bayon* à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (James Maher) Die 10 Junii 1852 Natus et die 20 Junii 1852

Baptizata fuit Jacobus Maher, filius Joannis et Mariæ Maher (olim McCormick) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Connor. Matrina Birgitta Duffy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Thomas Crookwell) Die 10 Junii 1852 Natus et die 20 Junii

1852 Baptizatus fuit Thomas Crookwell, filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Crookwell (olim Doud) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Martinus Hopkins Matrina Margarita Hopkins à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Thomas Doherty) Die 27 Maii 1852 Natus et die 26 Junii

1852 Baptizatusfuit Thomas Doherty, filius Gulielmi et Birgittæ Doherty (olim Hagan) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Catherina O'Mera à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Joseph O Hara) Die 18 Junii 1852 Natus et die 27 Junii 1852 Baptizatus fuit Josephus O Hara, filius Edwardi et Joannæ O Hara (olim Spain) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Edwardus Hickey

Matrina Birgitta Welch à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (John Burke) Die 24 Junii 1852 Natus et die 4 Julii 1852

Baptizatus fuit Joannes Burke, filius Petri et Helenæ Burke (olim Luce) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Burke Matrina Julia Maguire a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. [p. 183] (Mary Ann Markey) Die 28 Maii 1852 Nata et die 4 Julii 1852

Baptizatafuit Maria Anna Markey filia Edwardi et Catherine Markey (olim Stanford) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Matheus McDonnell Matrina Catherina Johnson à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading

(Edward Mulin) Die 9 Julii 1852 Natus et die 19 Julii 1852 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Mulin, filius Edwardi et Catherinæ Mulin (olim Duffy) Conjugum Matrina fuit Catherina Purcell à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (George McManus) Die 25 Junii 1852 Natus et die 11 Julii 1852 Baptizatus fuit Georgius McManus, filius Stephani et Margaritæ McManus (olim Carroll) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Clarke. Matrina Joanna Clarke à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Michael Wren) Die 24 Julii 1852 Natus et die 31 Julii 1852 Baptizatus fuit Michaelis Wren, filius Dionysii et Sarah Wren (olim Fitzpatrick) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Wren. Matrina Eliza Fitzpatrick à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Mary Ann Reel) Die 31 Julii 1852 Nata et die 8 Augusti 1852 Baptizatafuit MariaAnna Reel, filia Patritii et Mariæ Reel (olim Dalton) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Alexander Reel Matrina

Susanna McDermott à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Stephen Mullins ) Die 22 Augusti 1852 Natus et die 29 Augusti 1852 Baptizata fuit Stephanus Mullins, filius Michaelis et Mariæ Mullins (olim Heran) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Timotheaus [sic] Fitzpatrick Matrina Sarah Rowe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary Skelly) Die 17 Augusti 1852 Nata et die 29 Augusti 1852 Baptizata fuit Maria Skelly filia Patritii et Mariæ Annæ Skelly (olim Staris*) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Edwardus Ward. à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. Matrina Catherina Moran

(John Kallin) Die 30 Augusti 1852 Baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Joannem filium Thomæ et Margarita Kallin (olim Cavanaugh) Conjugum natum die 18 Augusti 1852 Thomas Fryer. M.A.

Supplevi ceremonias die 5 Septembris 1852

Matrina fuit BirgittaKelly

Thomas Fryer M.A.

(John Kelly) Die 4 Septembris 1852 Natus et die 5 Septembris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Kelly, filius Patritii et Winefridæ Kelly (olim Fitzpatrick) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Dionysius Wren Matrina Margarita Maguire à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Patrick Neil) Die25 Augusti 1852 Natus et die 5 Septembris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Patritius Neil, filius Joseph et Mariæ Neil (olim Galaher) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Kenny Matrina Joanna O Hara à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Joseph Smith) Die 9 Augusti 1852 Natus et die 8 Septembris 1852 Baptizatus fuit JosephusSmith, filius Caroli et Catherinæ Smith (olim Kenny) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Pine

Matrina Sarah Pine à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* Doubtful reading.


[p. 184] (Francis Jones) Die 2 Septembris 1852 Natus et die 12 Septembris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus Jones, filius Patriti [sic] et Mariæ Annæ Jones (olim Roach) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Valentine McDonough Matrina Anna Moran à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Ellen Welch) Die 3 Septembris 1852 Nata et die 12 Septembris 1852 Baptizatafuit Helena Welch, filia Joannis et Catherinæ Welch (olim Fahy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Andreas Kennedy Matrina Catherina Costello à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Joseph W. O Donnell) Die 8 Septembris 1852 Natus et die 22 Septembris 1852 Baptizatus fuit JosephusGulielmus O Donnell filius Richardi et Elizabethæ O Donnell (olim McCoy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Owen Fitzpatrick Matrina Maria McNally à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Edward Heney) Die 12 Septembris 1852 Natus et die 3 Octobris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Heney, filius Edwardi et Carolina Heney (olim Cartlidge) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Michaelis Curell . Matrina Eliza Woolfrey à me Thoma Fryer, M.A.

(Henry Bull) Die 16 Septembris 1852 Natus et die 3 Octobris 1852 Baptizatusfuit Henricus Bull, filius Henrici et Mariæ Annæ Bull (olim Kennedy) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Sarah Pine à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary,Ann Savage ) Die 10 Septembris 1852 Nata et die 6 Octobris 1852 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Savage, filia Joannis et Eliza Savage (olim Keogh) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Price. Matrina Sarah Wren à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[The next entry in the Rev. Thomas Bowman's hand] (John Jeuman) Die 6 Septembris 1852 natus et die 13 Octobris 1852 baptizatus fuit Joannes Jeuman filius Joannis et Margarita Jeuman (olim Doherty) conjugum Matrina fuit Margarita Farrell. a me Thoma Bowman M.A. (Pat Gaoghan) Die 9 Octobris 1852 Natuset die 17 Octobris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Patritius Gaoghan, filius Thomæet Catherinæ Gaoghan (olim MacMahon) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Patritits Kelly. Matrina Winefrida Kelly à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (J. H. Riley) Die 29 Junii 1852 Natus et die 31 Octobris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Henricus Riley, filius Jacobi et Carolina Riley (olim Crew) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Edwardus Heney. Matrina Francisca Croucher à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Patrick Henry Healy) Die 23 Octobris 1852 Natus et die 31 Octobris 1852 Baptizatusfuit Patritius Henricus Healy, filius Joannis et Mariæ Healy (olim Dillon) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Felix Byrne Matrina Margarita Carroll à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A

(Margaret Lacey) Die 11 Octobris 1852 Nata et die 7 Novembris 1852 Baptizata fuit Margafita Lacey, filia Patritii et Carolina Lacey (olim Brady) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Cooney MatrinaHelena Lenry à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p. 185] (James Martin) Die 31 Octobris 1852 Natus et die 14 Novembris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Martin, filius Edwardi et Margarita Martin (olim Cavarnagh) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Owen Healy. Matrina Catherina Lenry [In pencilNil] à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (William Lodge) Die 30 Septembris 1852 Natus et die 21 Novembris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Lodge, filius Jacobi et Julia Lodge (olim Birmingham ) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Thighe. Matrina Joanna Morgan [In pencil N] à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A

(Edward Hughes) Die 14 Octobris 1852 Natus et die 21 Novembris Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Hughes, filius Gulielmi et Annæ Hughes (olim Reardon) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Archbald [sic] Smith Matrina Maria Smith à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(William Shay) Die 24 Novembris 1852 Baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Gulielmus Shay, filium Maurice Dillon et Mariæ Shay, natum die 12 Novembris 1852 Thomas Fryer M.A.

(Ellen Mary Seaward) Die 13 Octobris 1852 Nata et die 11 Decembris 1852 Baptizata fuit Helena Maria Seaward, filia Thomæ et Margarita Seaward (olim Ahern) Conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Bush à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Patrick Welsh) Die 8 Decembris 1852 Natus et die 19 Decembris 1852 Baptizatus fuit Patritius Welsh, filius Martinis [sic] et Honoræ Welsh (olim Doherty) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Richardus Mahar. Matrina Birgitta Morrisey à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Agnes L. Johnson) Die 30 Novembris 1852 Nata et die 19 Decembris 1852 Baptizata fuit Agnes Louisa Johnson, filia Joannis et Joannæ Johnson (olim Johnson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Pine Matrina Sarah Pine 1853 à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(John George Clark) Die 28 Decembris 1852 Natus et die 9 Januarii 1853 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Georgius Clark, filius Michaelis et Eliza Clark (olim Read) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Lavan Matrina Margarita McGuire a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

2. (Ellen Shanly) Die26 Decembris 1852 Nata et die 9 Januarii 1853 Baptizata fuit Helena Shanly, filia Jacobi et Mariæ Shanly (olim Healy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Shelly Matrina Anná Rutledge à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.


(Sarah. L. Richards) Die 16 Decembris 1852 Nata et die 9 Januarii 1853 Baptizatafuit Sarah LuciaRichards, filia Gulielmi et Hannah Richards (olim Rowe) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Petrus Wolfe. Matrina Sarah Rowe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p. 186] (Teresia C. Johnson) Die 20 Decembris 1852 Nata et die 16 Januarii 1853 Baptizatafuit Teresia CharlottaJohnson , filia Josephi et Annæ Johnson (olim James) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Johnson. Matrina Charlotta Huggins à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Mary Lynch) Die 20 Januarii 1853 Nata et die 23 Januarii 1853 Baptizatafuit Maria Lynch, filiaMichaelis et Joanna Lynch (olim Cahill) Conjugum Matrina fuit Margarita Connor à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Michael Christie) Die 31 Octobris 1852 Natus et die 30 Januarii 1853 Baptizatusfuit Michaelis Christie, filius Laurentii et Elizæ Christie (olim Molahern ) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Brandon . Matrina Maria Dempsey à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary. M. Moul) Die 22 Decembris 1852 Nata et die 30 Januarii 1853 Baptizatafuit Maria Matilda Moul, filiaSamuelis et Elizabethæ Moul (olim Frampton) Conjugum Patrinus fuit [1 cm . blank] Reeves Matrina Maria Linnington à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Sarah Jane McCulchem) Die 30 Januarii 1853 Nata et die 13 Februarii 1853 Baptizata fuit Sarah Joanna McCulchem filia Joannis et Mariæ Annæ McCulchem (olim Whelan) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Georgius Buckeridge Matrina Elizabetha Maria Buckeridge à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Catherine Keating vel Caton) Die 16 Februarii 1853 Baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Catherinam , filiam Patritii et Mariæ Keating (olim Cleary) Conjugum natam die 10 Februarii 1853

Thomas Fryer. M.A. (James. M. Price) Die 11 Martii 1853 Baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis propter periculummortis Jacobum Michaelem* filium Sidrack et Mariæ Price (olim MacLoughlan ) Conjugum, natum die 15 Februarii 1853

Thomas Fryer M.A. Supplevi ceremoniis [sic] die 13 Martii 1853. Patrinus fuit

Richardus O Connell. Matrina Maria McKeough. Thomas Fryer M.A. (Ellen Dart) Die 25 Decembris 1852 Nata et die 13 Martii 1853 Baptizata fuit Helena Dart, filia Georgii Gulielmi et Eliza Dart (olim Allcock) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Hannah Wilkinson. à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Morris Sullivan ) Die 5 Martii 1853 Natus et die 20 Martii 1853 Baptizatus fuit Maurice Sullivan,filiusMaurice et Elizabethæ Sullivan (olim Lee) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Gordon . Matrina Helena Gordon à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. * Price' has been written here and then scored.

(Elizabeth Elliott) Die 21 Martii 1853 Nata et die 10 Aprilis 1853 Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Elliott, filia Joannis et Mariæ Elliott (olim Deasy) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit Joannes McCarthy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 187] (Mary Mulkerrin) Die 2 Aprilis 1853 Nata et die 17 Aprilis 1853 Baptizata fuit Maria Mulkerrin, filia Simonis et Annæ Mulkerrin (olim Conrein) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Patritius Owen Matrina Emma O Neill à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Amelia Foster) Die 30 Aprilis 1853 Nata et die 8 Maii 1853 Baptizata fuit Amelia Foster, filia Jacobi et Helenæ Foster (olim Hayes) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Foster Matrina Maria Foster a me Thomâ Fryer (Catherine Gray) Die 30 Aprilis 1853 Nata et die 8 Maii 1853 Baptizata fuit Catherina Gray, filia Christophori et Annæ Gray (olim Burns) Conjugum Matrina fuit Birgitta Burns a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (William Walker) Die 10 Maii 1853 Natus et die 15 Maii 1853 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Walker filius Thomæ et Eliza Walker (olim Callahern) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Hugh Dawson Matrina Elizabetha Purcell a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (James B.Iohan) Die 26 Maii 1853 Natus et die 5 Junii 1853

Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Benjamin Lohan, filius Joannis et Hannah Lohan (olim Humphriss) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit David McBean. Matrina Grace Gibson à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (H. W. Werneck) Die 4 Junii 1853 Natus et die 26 Junii 1853 Baptizatus fuit Henricus Gulielmus Werneck, filius Joannis et Joanna Werneck (olim Cooper) Conjugum Matrinafuit Helena Howes à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (James A. Croucher) Die 8 Junii 1853 Natus et die 10 Julii 1853 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Albanus Croucher, filius Georgii et Francisca Croucher (olim Crouch) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Edwardus Henney Matrina Caroletta Huggins a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Margaret Donovan) Die 30 Aprilis 1853 Nata et die 24 Julii 1853 Baptizata fuit Margarita Donovan, filia Edwardi et Annæ Donovan (olim Morgan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Cornelius Donovan Matrina Maria Cross à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Pat. Ginghan) Die 19 Julii 1853 Natus et die 31 Julii 1853 Baptizatus fuit Patritius Ginghan, filius Marci et Mariæ Ginghan (olim Corbel) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Petrus Wolfe Matrina Elizabetha Smith à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (M. Savory) Die 4 Julii 1853 Natus et die 7 Augusti Baptizatus fuit MaximillianusSavory, filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Savory (olim Hagleston) Conj. Matrina fuit Catherina Skelton à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. ' Corbet' may possibly have been meant


(W. M. Greenough) Die 9 Julii 1853 Natus et die 28 Augusti 1853 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Mew Greenough , filius Joannis et Annæ Greenough (olim Mew) Conj . Patrinus fuit Joannes Kennedy. Matrina Anna Benton à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [p. 188] (M. Fielding) Die 25 Julii 1853 Nata et die 28 Augusti 1853 Baptizata fuit Margarita Fielding, filia Bourles. et Mariæ Fielding (olim Shidlet) Conjugum Matrina fuit Joanna Crook à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John Casey) Die 6 Augusti 1853 Natus et die 28 Augusti 1853 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Casey, filius Joannis et Joannæ Casey (olim Murphy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Robertus Hazell. Matrina Maria Donovan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Julia Loughlin) Die 30 Augusti 1853 Nata et die 12 Septembris 1853 Baptizatafuit Julia Loughlin, filia Joannis et Birgittæ Loughlin (olim Murphy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Kennedy Matrina Elizabeth Maffey a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Melina Jane Heno) Die 7 Septembris 1853 Nata et die 18 Septembris 1853 Baptizata fuit Melina Joanna Heno , filia Augustini et Ida Heno (olim Wolf) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Edwardus Martin Matrina Joanna Martin à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Edward Edwards) Die 14 Septembris 1853 Natus et die 2 Octobris 1853 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Edwards, filius Joannis et Joannæ Edwards (olim Clarke) Conjugum Matrinafuit Catherina Burns à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Catherina Hickey) Die 30 Septembris 1853 Nata et die 16 Octobris 1853 Baptizata fuit Catherina Hickey, filia Danielis et Mariæ Hickey (olim McManus) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Samuel Sanders Matrina Mary Fahey à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (John Thompson) Die 26 Octobris 1853 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Joannem, filium Joannis et Helenæ Thompson (olim Fitzgerald) Conjugum, natum die 5 Octobris 1853 Thomas Fryer. M.A. (James Atherton) Die 21 Octobris 1853 Natus et die 2 Novembris 1853 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Atherton, filius Edwardi et Catherinæ Atherton (olim Campball) Conjugum Matrinafuit Sarah Rowe à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (William Shepherd) Die 30 Octobris 1853 Natus et die 20 Novembris 1853 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Shepherd, filius

Gulielmi et Annæ Shepherd (olim Lee) Conjugum. Matrina fuit

Margarita Jeuman a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John Conway) Die 7 Novembris 1853 Natus et die 20 Novembris 1853 Baptizatus fuit JoannesConway, filius Bartholmæ [sic] et Mariæ Conway (olim Maloney) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Petrus Fahy. Matrina Maria Linnington a me Thoma Fryer. M.A

[p . 189] (Clare Bradley) Die 7 Novembris 1853 Nata et die 20 Novembris 1853 Baptizatafuit Clara Bradley, filia Jeremiah et Margaritæ Bradley (olim Mitchell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit

Jacobus Irvine Matrina Harietta O Brian a me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

(Edith O Neill) Die 4 Septembris 1853 Nata et die27 Novembris 1853 Baptizatafuit Edith O Neill, filia Jacobi et Elizæ O Neill (olim Ward) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Handley Matrina Maria Jones à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary. M. Trotman ) Die 8 Novembris 1853 Nata et die 4 Decembris 1853 Baptizatafuit Maria MarthaTrotman, filia Georgii et Annæ Trotman (olim Higley) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Moger. Matrina Maria Hazelĺ à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.


(John Thompson) Die 25 Septembris 1853 Natus et die 1

Januarii 1854 Baptizatusfuit Joannes Thompson, filius Joannes et Helenæ Thompson (olim Fitzgerald) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Joannes Slater Matrina Anna Slater à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (William Slater) Die 26 Novembris 1853 Natus et die 1

Januarii 1854 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Slater, filius Joannis et Annæ Slater (olim Allen) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Higgins. Matrina Helena Curtis à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Agnes Frampton ) Die 22 Januarii 1854 Nataet die 5 Martii 1854 Baptizata fuit Agnes Frampton, filia Thomæ et Carolina Frampton (olim Atwell) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit JosephusJohnson Matrina Anna Bush à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Ellen Hunt) Die 6 Martii 1854 Nata et die 6 Martii 1854 Baptizata fuit Helena Hunt, filia Richardi et Catherine Hunt (olim La hart) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Edwardus Martin Matrina Maria Hunt à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John Barry) Die 5 Februarii 1854 Natus et die 11 Martii 1854 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Barry, filius Michaelis et Mariæ Barry (olim Fitzgerald) Conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria McCarthy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (F. McNerney) Die 8 Februarii 1854 Natus et die26 Martii 1854 Baptizatus fuit Franciscus McNerney, filius Thomæet Catherinæ McNerney (olim Courtney) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. Hazell (B. G. Smith) Die 1 Martii 1854 Natus et die 19 Aprilis 1854 Baptizatus fuit Benjamin Georgius Smith, filius Caroli et Catherine Smith (olim Kenny) Conjugum Matrina fuit Helena Howes à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p. 190] (Charles Halfpenney) Die 8 Martii 1854 Natus et die 23 Aprilis 1854 Baptizatus fuit Carolus Halfpenney, filius Gulielmi et Julia Halfpenney (olim Melia) Conjugum Matrina fuit Elizabetha Hollywood à me Thoma Fryer M.A.


(Thomas W. Selwood) Die 3 Martii 1854 Natus et die 6 Maii 1854 Baptizatus fuit Thomas Gulielmus Selwood, filius Thomæ et Margarita Selwood (olim Eearn) Conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Bush à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Ellen Welch) Die 20 Aprilis 1854 Nata et die 7 Maii 1854

Baptizata fuit Helena Welch, filia Patritii et Mariæ Welch (olim Batty) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Johnson

[In Bishop Grant's hand] à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

Visum et approbat in S Visitat. die 14 Maii 1854

Thomas Epus*

(William Lee) Die 15 Aprilis 1854 Natus et die 14 Maii 1854 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Lee, filius Gulielmi et Birgittæ Lee (olim Marghar) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Henricus McQuade à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Frances Stapleton) Die 8 Martii 1854 Nata et die 21 Maii 1854 Baptizatafuit Francisca Stapleton, filia Samuelis et Julia Stapleton (olim Brennan) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Patritius Stephens Matrina Honora Keating à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Thomas Hassett) Die 3 Aprilis 1854 Natus et die 21 Maii 1854 Baptizatus fuit Thomas Hassett, filius Maurice et Birgittæ Hassett (olim Burns) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Christmass. Matrina Eliza Burns à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. Maii 1854 Nata et die Maii (Mary Laughlan [sic]) Die 21 1854 Baptizata fuit Maria Loughlan, filia Joannis et Hariettæ Loughlan (olim Robson) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit David Devine à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[The next entry in the Rev. J. Silveira's hand] (Simeon. Swainstone) Die 25a Maii 1854 nata, et statim, privatim, ob imminens mortis periculum, Baptizata fuit Joanna Maria filia Joannis, (Baronettide Simeon) et JoannæMariæ (olim Baker) Conjugum: cæremoniis omnibus omissis

N.B. mortua instanter post Baptismum a me J. Silveira , A.M. apud Swainstone (Ann Thornhill) Die 17 Junii 1854 Nata et die 29 Junii 1854 Baptizata fuit Anna Thornhill, filia Joannis et Helenæ Thornhill (olim Daly) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Joanna McQuade a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (E. Cunningham) Die 6 Aprilis 1852 Nata et die 2 Julii 1854 Baptizata fuit Eliza Cunningham, filia Danielis Edwardi & Mariæ Annæ Cunningham (olim Carr) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Sarah Rowe a me Thoma Fryer M.A.

* The Rt. Rev. Thomas Grant, First Bishop of Southwark. Swainstone Manor, seat of Sir John Simeon, M.P. See Historical introduction to this Register

[p. 191] (Rachael Cunningham) Die 18 Maii 1854 Nata et die 2 Julii 1854 Baptizatafuit Rachael Cunningham, filia Danielis Edwardi et Mariæ Annæ Cunningham (oiim Carr) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Hazell à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Honora Jenngs) Die 18 Junii 1854 Nata et die 9 Julii 1854 Baptizata fuit Honora Jennings, lia Joannis et Margaritæ Jennings (olim Ford) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michaelis Conlan. Matrina Maria Conlan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Thomas Roberts) Die 12 Junii 1854 Natus et die 9 Julii 1854 Baptizatusfuit Thomas Roberts, filius Michaelis et Catherinæ Roberts (olim Mehan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Stephens Matrina Maria Stephens a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Charles McDonnell) Die 3 Augusti 1854 Natus et die 13 August 1854 Baptizatus fuit Carolus McDonnell, filius Joannis et Mariæ Anne McDonnell (olim Boutlayer) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Helena Donelly à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Elizabeth Handley) Die 16 Decembris 1851 Nata et die 13 Augusti 1854 Baptizata fuit, sub conditione, Elizabetha Handley, filia Jacobi et Mariæ Handley (olim O Neill) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Helena Cavanaugh à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Henry B. S. Gough) Die 22 Julii 1854 Natus et die 14 Augusti 1854 Baptizatus fuit Henricus Brock Stanton Gough, filius Thomæ et Julianæ Gough (ol:m Wilson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Henricus Webb. Matrina Maria Stanton à me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Edward T. Bennett) Die 23 Junii 1854 Natus et die Septembris 1854 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Thomas Bennett filiu Caroli et Helenæ Bennett (clim yan) Conjugum Patrinus fui Thomas Bennett Matrina Maria Castaux à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Cæcilia Heney) Die 17 Augusti 1854 Nata et die 3 Septembris 1854 Baptizata fuit Cæcilia Heney, filia Edwardi et Carolina Heney (oli .. Cartlidge) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Dominicus Heney. Matrina Francisca Croucher a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. [p. 192] (Jane Lenord) Die 1 Septembris 1854 Nata et die 17 Septembris 1854 Baptizata fuit Joanna Lenord, filia Thomæ Mullinset Joannæ Lenord. Patrinusfuit Jacobus Hart. Matrina Maria McCarthy a me Thoma Fryer M.A. (Gulielmus H. Killom) Die 16 Augusti 1854 Natus et die 24 Septembris 1854 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Henricus Killom , filius Thomæ et Annæ Killom (olim Conway) Conjugum Patrinus Gulielmus Pendebury Matrina Joanna Crook a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Agnes Riordan) Die 8 Augusti 1854 Nata et die 29 Octobris 1854 Baptizata fuit Agnes Riordan, filia Michaelis et Carolina Riordan (olimMullins) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius McCraich à me Thoma Fryer M.A


(Ellen Shea) Die 1 Octobris 1854 Nata et die 29 Octobris 1854 Baptizata fuit Helena Shea, filia Joannis et Helenæ Shea (olim Kelly ) Conjugum Matrina fuit Joanna Whiting a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(George W. James) Die 10 Octobris 1854 Natus et die 5 Novembris 1854 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Gulielmus James filius Joannis et Rose James (olim James) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Edwardus Heney Matrina Francisca Croucher à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Rosanna McGuigan) Die 22 Octobris 1854 Nata et die 5 Novembris 1854 Baptizatafuit Rosanna McGuigan, filia Joannis et Mariæ McGuigan (olim Macdonell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Hogan Matrina Maria Wilson a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Ellen Gough) Die 12 Septembris 1854 Nata et die 19 Septembris 1854 Baptizata fuit Helena Gough, filia Marci et Mariæ Gough (olim Corbet*) Conjugum Matrina fuit Helena Gordonn à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Ellen Hart) Die 13 Novembris 1854 Nata et die 19 Novembris 1854 Baptizatafuit Helena Hart, filia Jacobi et Honorah Hart (olim McCarthy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Purcell. Matrina Maria McCarthy à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (John MacDonnell) Die 9 Novembris 1853 Natus et die 4 Decembris 1854 Baptizatus fuit Joannes MacDonnell, filius Douglas et Helenæ MacDonnell (olim Kearns) Conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Bush à me Thoma Fryer. M.A.

[p. 193] (Pat Purcell) Die 9 Decembris 1854 Natus et die 17 Decembris 1854 Baptizatus fuit Patritius Purcell filius Jacobi et Joanna Purcell (olim Barry) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Mullins Matrina Joannâ Casey à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Ann Brown) Die 6 Novembris 1854 Nata et die 19 Decembris 1854 Baptizata fuit Anna Brown, filia Joannis et Mariæ Brown (olim Ferguesson ) Conjugum Matrina fuit Annâ Bush a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Eliza Wheler *) Die 3 Septembris 1853 Nata et die 31 Decembris 1854 Baptizata fuit Eliza Wheler,* filia Henrici et Mariæ Wheler * (olim McGonan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Larkin à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Monica Johnson) Die 24 Octobris 1854 Nata et die 31 Decembris 1854 Baptizata fuit Monica Johnson, filia Joannis et Joanna Johnson (olim Johnson) Conj . Patrinus fuit Joannes Hollywood Matrina Eliza Hollywood

* Later additions, in different ink. à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

* The last letter was written 'n, ' but in each case the first stroke oftheletterhas been crossed through, making it an'r'


(Helen MacAuliffe ) Die 17 Decembris 1854 Nata et die 7 Januarii 1855 Baptizatafuit Helena MacAuliffe , filia Jeremiæ et Mariæ MacAuliffe (olim Shee) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Hazell à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(MaryJeuman) Die 2 Decembris 1854 Nata et die 17 Januarii 1855 Baptizata fuit Maria Jeuman, filia Joannis et Margarita Jeuman (olim Doherty) conjugum . Matrina fuit Winefrida Ryan à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(William McEvoy ) Die 12 Februarii 1855 Baptizavi omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Gulielmumfilium Gulielmi et Annæ McEvoy (olim Egan) Conjugum natum die 10 Januarii

Thomas Fryer M.A.

Supplevi ceremoniis [sic] die 21 Februarii 1855. Patrinusfuit Joannes Rowan Matrina Catherina Connolly 1855

Thomas Fryer. M.A.

(Aaron Webber) Die 18 Martii 1855 Natus et die 8 Aprilis 1855 Baptizatus fuit Aaron Webber, filius Thomæ et Catherinæ Webber (olim Diggins) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Hugo Holland Matrina Anna Crassan a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Arthur Campbell) Die 25 Martii 1855 Natus et die 8 Aprilis 1855 Baptizatus fuit Arthur Campbell, filius Patritii et Margaritæ Campbell (olim Farell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Kennedy. Matrina Anna Kennedy a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 194] (Erick E. Cotter) Die 7 Aprilis 1855 Natus et die 22 Aprilis 1855 Baptizatus fuit Erick Edwardus Cotter , filius Joannis et Catherinæ Cotter (olim MacKey) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Collins. Matrina Eliza Hynes à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(John W. Jackson) Die 11 Aprilis 1855 Natus et die 3 Maii 1855 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Gulielmus Jackson, filius Joannis Gulielmi et Catherinæ Jackson (olim Murphy) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Grimes Donaghey Matrina Maria McGugan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(EdwinA. Meager) Die 17 Aprilis 1855 Natus et die 13 Maii 1855 Baptizatus fuit Edwin Albertus Meager, filius Henrici et Joanna Meager (olim Perkins) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Samuelis Lelli Matrina Carolina Mills à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John Rogan) Die 27 Aprilis 1855 Natus et die 13 Maii 1855 Baptizatus fuit Joannes Rogan, filius Jacobi et Isabellæ Rogan (olim Ross) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Patritius Keating Matrina Francisca Patten à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (John Morgan) Die 15 Junii 1855 Natus et die 24 Junii 1855 Baptizatus fuit JoannesMorgan, filius Petri et Margarita Morgan (olim MacCabe) Conjugum Matrina fuit Cæcilia Keating à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.


[The next entry in the Rev. T. Bowman's hand] (Robt Jno Flanagan) Die 30 Augusti 1852 natus et die 15 Julii 1855 baptizatus fuit Robertus Joannes Flanagan, filius Patritii et Joannæ (Jane) Flanagan (olim Miner) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Walsh ; Matrina Margarita Morgan. a me Thoma Bowman M.A.

(James H. McKenna) Die 2 Julii 1855 Natus et die 22 Julii 1855 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Henricus McKenna filius Jacobi et Luciæ McKenna (olim Hamilton) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius McCraith Matrina Catherina McCraith à me Thomâ Fryer M.A.

(Mary I. Hollis) Die 6 Augusti 1855 Nataet die 2 Septembris 1855 Baptizatafuit Maria Isabella Hollis, filia Isac [1 cm blank] et Catherine Hollis (olim Ryan) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Margarita Collier à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(M. A. Darmody) Die 23 Septembris 1855 Nata et die 30 Septembris 1855 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Darmody, filia Joannis et Catherinæ Darmody (olim Magee) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Danielis Smith Matrina Maria Smith à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Wm Bradley) Die 14 Septembris 1855 Natus et die 7 Octobris 1855 Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Bradley, filius Jeremiah et Margarita Bradley (olim Mitchell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Greenough. Matrina Maria Anna Bull à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. [p. 195] (Mary Ann Conlan) Die 5 Octobris 1855 Nata et die 22 Octobris 1855 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Conlan, filia Michaelis et Mariæ Conlan (olim Teney) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Jenning. Matrina Margarita Jenning à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Honora Sullivan ) Die 28 Septembris 1855 Nata et die 28 Octobris 1855 Baptizata fuit Honora Sullivan, filia Jacobi et Elizabethæ Sullivan (olim Lee) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Petrus Wolfe. Matrina Anna Shepherd à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Mary A. Connelly) Die 17 Octobris 1855 Nata et die 4 Novembris 1855 Baptizatafuit Maria Anna Connelly, filia Joannis et Catherinæ Connelly (olim Rooney) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Patritius Fitzgerald Matrina Anna McEvoy à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Thomas MacCarthy) Die 9 Octobris 1855 Natus et die 11 Novembris 1855 Baptizatus fuit Thomas MacCarthy, filius Thomæ Blackburn et Margarita MacCarthy. Matrinafuit WinefridaRyan a me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Isabella Fullard) Die 11 Novembris 1855 Baptizavi, omissis ceremoniis propter periculum mortis Isabellam, filiam Andræ et Isabellæ Fullard (olim Newell) Conjugum, natamdie 10 Novembris Thomas Fryer. M.A. 1855


Supplevi ceremoniis [sic] die 17 Februarii 1856 Patrinus fuit Jacobus Keating Matrina Maria Kennedy

Thomas Fryer. M.A.

(Ellen O Hea) Die 7 Novembris 1855 Nata et die 2 Decembris 1855 Baptizatafuit Helena O'Hea, filia Thomæ et Francisca O'Hea (olim Mason) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Petrus Power. à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. Matrina Maria O'Hea

(Elizabeth . C. Flanagan) Die 5 Octobris 1855 Nata et die 9 Decembris 1855 Baptizata fuit, Elizabetha Catherina Flanagan filia Patritii et Joannæ Flanagan (olim Miner) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Isaac Barnes. Matrina Birgitta Barnes à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Ellen L. Barnes) Die 10 Octobris 1855 Nata et die 9 Decembris 1855 Baptizata fuit Helena Louisa Barnes, filia Isaac et Birgittæ Barnes (olim Hannan) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Josephus Parker Matrina Joanna Flanagan à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Malachy. T. Byrne) Die 10 Decembris 1855 Natus et die 20 Decembris 1855 Baptizatus fuit Malachias Thomas Byrne, filius Gulielmiet Hannah Byrne (olim Flynn) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Nicholas Walsh. Matrina Joanna Lindsey

1856 à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

[p. 196] (David Reddy) Die 24 Decembris 1855 Natus et die 6 Januarii 1856 Baptizatusfuit David Reddy, filius David et Rosa Reddy (olimGarginiy [sic]) Conjugum Patrinusfuit Joannes Murphy. Matrina Maria Millar a me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.

(Mary Ann Hazell) Die 7 Januarii 1856 Nata et die 16 Januarii 1856 Baptizata fuit Maria Anna Hazell, filia Gulielmi Sheath et Mariæ Hazell. Patrinus fuit Robertus Hazell Matrina Maria Linnington à me Thoma Fryer. M.A. (Elizabeth . A. Noon) Die 24 Decembris 1855 Nata et die 27 Januarii 1856 Baptizata fuit Elizabeth Anna Noon, filia Roberti et Elizabeth Noon (olim Stafford) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Bartholemaus Noon, Matrina Maria Smith à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (Henry J. Coppinger) Die 14 Januarii 1856 Natus et die 27 Januarii 1856 Baptizatus fuit Henricus Joannes Coppinger, filius Joannis et Catherinæ Coppinger (olim Curren) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Edwardus Toohey Matrina Maria Kelly à me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Teresia Frampton) Die 20 Januarii 1856 Nata et die 20 Februarii 1856 Baptizata fuit Teresia Frampton, filia Thomæ et Carolina Frampton (olim Atwell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Josephus Johnson Matrina Anna Johnson à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A.


(James Lyons) Die 23 Januarii 1856 Natus et die 2 Martii 1856 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Lyons, filius Jacobi et Christina Lyons (olim Hobson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Donoghoue Matrina Birgitta Best a me Thomâ Fryer M.A. (Pat. Finaughty) Die 29 Februarii 1856 Natus et die 9 Martii 1856 Baptizatus fuit Patritius Finaughtyfilius Thomæ et Mariæ Finaughty (olim Harrington) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Menahern Matrina Maria McAuliffe à me Thomâ Fryer. M.A. (James Hickey) Die 19 Februarii 1856 Natus et die 9 Martii 1856 Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Hickey, filius Danielis et Annæ Hickey (olim Farell) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Cornelius Ryan. Matrina Elizabetha Byrnes à me Thoma Fryer [The next eleven pages are blank The Register is thenreversed and written infrom the other end ]

With the Register now reversed and the writing upside down , thefirst threepages are blank . There is a blank space of21 inches at the top ofp. 4 and then the following confirmations are entered .]

Die 5a Octobris, anno vero 1794 confirmati sunt a Reymo Dño Dño Joanne Douglass Vic Apco, et Episc, Centuriensi Nomen Bap. Ricardus


Elizabeth James Quirk Nomen Conf Joannes Patricius


Porter Redstone Teresia

Maria (4)* Hæc fideliter & accuratè me extraxisse declaro ex libello Registrali scripto a Revdo Dño Simone Josepho Lucas

Thomas White Miss Ap

Die 13ª Octobris, Anno Dni 1803 confirmatæ sunt a Revmo Dño Dño Gul Poynter Episc., Haliensi et Vic. Apost. Coadj. in Dist. Lond Nomen Bap. Nomen Conf.

Sarah Maria Cooke Lock Maria Maria

Maria Toomer Anna

Elizabeth Coolidge


Maria King Anna

Maria King Jun


Anna Cates Teresia

Coombes Maria Anna (8) Patrinus pro omnibus ipse fui T. W.*

Die Octobris 80 anno Dni 1809 confirmati sunt a Reymo Dno Dno Gul PoynterEp. Hals! et Vic Apost , Coadj in Dist Lond

* This and subsequent totals in brackets are apparently added by the Rev. T. Fryer.

Thomas White.

[p. 5]

Nomen Bap

Lucas Newpt Rawden

Alexander Stanton

Joannes Sexton

Nomen Conf. Paulus Patricius Thomas

Jacobus Barnes Edoardus

Joannes Hawke Lucas

Alicia Dillon Maria

Catherina Rawden Maria

Hannah Brennan Maria

Elizabeth Mortimer Maria

Margarita Murray Maria

Anna White Maria

Maria-Anna James Birgitta

Elizabeth Barnes. Monica

Joanna (Jane) Starks Teresia from Cowes

Josephus Ward Andreas

Jacobus Laws Joannes

Maria Harris Anna

Martha Hickman Maria

Caroletta Harris Maria-Anna

Joanna (Jane) (20) James Maria-Anna Patrinus pro omnibus ipse fui Tho White

[In thefollowingentries the handis that ofthe signatory.

Die 29a Augusti A.D. 1813 Confirmati sunt a Revdimo Dño Domo Gulielmo PoynterVicario Apostolico et Episcopo Haliensi

Nomen Bap. Nomen Confir




King Hawke Stagg Maria Marcus Joannes

Carolus Buncombe Josephus

Joanna Birt

Richardius Marshall

Joannes Baldwin

Henrietta Baldwin Maria Marcus Georgius Elizabeth

Carlotta Baldwin Maria

Thomas Baldwin Michael

Maria Rawden Agnes

Petrus Hawke Mattheus

Gulielmus Gates Georgius

Elizabetha Stagg Catharina

Elizabetha Leary Anastasia

Elizabetha Leary Teresa

Timotheus Leary Josephus

Esther James

Amelia Lock Maria Maria

Johannes Reynolds Thomas

Carolus Barnes Martinus

Petrus King Mattheus

Thomas Marshall Mattheus

Michael King Joannes

Gulielmus Stark Jacobus

Carolus Vandernoff

Martinus O Brien

Patricius Murray Gulielmus



Joannes Cowen Michael (29)

Patrinus pro omnibus Revdus Dnus Jacobus Bramston . M.A. Ita Testor Geo. Spain Misso Aposcus

[p. 6] Die 20a Mensis Octobris A.D. 1816 in Capella Cowsianâ Confirmati sunt a Revdmo Dno Dom Gulielmo Poynter Episcopo Haliensi, et Vicario Apostolico Nomen Confir. Nomen Bap.

Franciscus Fallack

Maria Stark

Gulielmus Brady

Henrietta Brady

Georgius Lidwell

Gulielmus Green

Henricus (7) Fowles




Maria Robertus Edwardus Josephus

Patrinus pro omnibus Ipse fuit Geo. Spain M.A.

Die 140 Mensis Julii anno Domini 1822 Confirmati sunt a Reverendissimo Domino Domino Gulielmo Poynter Episcopo Haliensi et Vicario Apostolico in Districtu Londinensi

Nomen Bap Nomen Confirm.

Joannes Ward Joannes

Joannes Power Paulus

Thomas Baldwin Joannes

Thomas Tobin


Hannah Maxwell Anna

Maria Hall

Anna Hackett



Rachel McBrian Rachael

Amelia Hall

Catharina O Brian

Anna Jacobus Shean Quin

Maria Catharina

Anna Patritius

Henricus Catesidy* Joannes [p. 7] Nomen Bap. Nomen Confirm. Elizabeth


James Purcell Agnes Josephus

* Two letters , fourthand fifth (' ch '), have been scored .


Josephus Baldwin

Joannes Ford

Petrus Laurentius

Marcus Pegg Joannes

Jacobus Caveney Joannes

Patritius Connor Thomas

Jacobus Baxter Joannes

Joannes Logan Joannes

Dionysius Riley Patritius

Jacobus Gregan Joannes

Joannes Riordan

Patritius O Line Joannes Patritius

Joannes Fitzgerald Joannes

Gulielmus Barne Michael

Richardus Swift Joannes

Margarita Greenham Margarita

Elizabeth Green Maria

Maria Hall Teresa

Michael Barret Michael

Petrus Wolfe

Joannes Sarsfield Josephus Thomas

Henricus O neil

Bartholomæus Flinn

Franciscus Bradley

Josephus Rowe

Gulielmus Greenham Jacobus Michael Franciscus Joannes Gulielmus

Adophus De Grenthe Petrus

Sarah Perkinson Sarah

Michael Sullivan

Maria Wolfe

Thomas Bergin

Petrus Barrett

Michael Egan

Jacobus Green

Martinus Murray

Joannes Marshall

Michael Flinn

Michael Anna Thomas Gulielmus


Richardus Power [In pencil3*] Thomas Martinus

Andreas Michael Antonius [р 8]

Nomen Bap. Nomen Confirm.

Jacobus Purcell Antonius

Daniel McKiernan Daniel

Gulielmus Marshall Michael E Capella Cowesiana .

Emilia White Maria

Harriet White Elizabeth

* Apparently an attempt to number the pages.

Amelia Eliza


Bradford Graham Elizabeth Maria

Patrinus pro omnibus ipse fui

Joannes Russell

Die 280 Mensis Augusti A.D. 1825 Confirmati sunt a Revmo Dño Dño Jacobo Yorke Bramston Episcopo Usulensi et Vict: Apost : Coadjutore in Districtu Londinensi

Nom : Bapt: Joannes


Nom: Confirm : Patritius

Maria Power Elizabetha

Patritius Earley Patritius

Hannah Row Teresa



Harding Petrus

Connolly Patritius

Joanna Harding Elizabetha

Sarah King Anna

Elizabeth James Maria

Hannah Row Maria

Catharina Kenny Maria

Georgius Sweeny Jacobus

Joannes Buncomb Jacobus

Georgius Carter Franciscus

Joannes Sullivan Joannes

Maria Kenny Maria

Joanna Brading Maria

Sarah Row Maria

Die 2° Sep Ejusd Anni



Barnes [In pencil 4] Maria

Patrinuspro omnibus ipse fui

Joannes Russell M.A.

[p. 9] Die 19na mensis Octobris A.D. 1836 confirmati sunt a Revmo Dño DñoThoma Griffiths Episcopo OlensiVicario Apostolico in Districtu Londinensi

Nomen Confirm. Nomen Bapt.

Charlotte Stanbrough Francesca

Monica Johnson Ida

Maria Anna Phelan

Anna Self Teresia Teresia

Maria Woolfry Elizabetha

Elizabetha Perkins Anna

Elizabetha Rowe Gertrude

Maria Rowe Anna

Joannes Rowe Franciscus

Anna Carter Maria

Sarah Meehan Anna

Thomas Meehan Thomas


Joannes Johnson


Josephus Rowe Josephus

Georgius Heywood Josephus

Gulielmus Heywood Bernardus

Franciscus Wolfe Josephus



Linnington Josephus



Thomas Butler Albanus


Butler Elizabetha

Anna Bush Maria


Patrinus pro omnibus ipse fui

Josephus Robson M.A.

[p. 10] Die 24 mensis Octobris A.D. 1839 confirmati sunt a Revmo Dno Dno Thoma Griffiths Episcopo Olensi et Vicario Apostolico in Districtu Londinensi

Nomen Bapt.

Carolina Nomen Confirm.


Joanna Bevan

Francisca Croucher

Elizabeth Brannon

Elizabeth Bellsand

Rebecca Leg

Maria Anna Pierce

Elizabetha Davies

Maria Elizabeth

Maria Teresia

Maria Monica

Maria Catherina

Maria Magdalena

Maria Magdalena

Maria Magdalena

Maria Monica

Anna Jones Maria

Anna Mulholand

Francisca Urry

Maria Keating








Meehan Mills Johnson Teresia


Joannes Carr (Convert)

Dolores Day

Amelia Day

Edwardus Day

Joannes Badlan

Jacobus Saul

Samuel West

Patritius Murray

Josephus Edwardus




Maria Magdalena

Monica Agnes

Ignatius Carolus

Joannes Baptista Bernardus Augustinus

Michal Guilfoyle Paulus Augustinus


Patrinus pro omnibus ipse fui

Thomas Fryer M.A.

[p. 11] Die 10 mensis Novembris A.D. 1841, confirmati sunt a Revmo Dño Dño Thoma Griffiths Episcopo Olensi Vicario Apostolico in Districtu Londinensi

Total in the Rev. J. Robson'shand * Totalin the Rev. T. Fryer's hand.

Nomen Bapt. Joannes Nomen Confirm Johnson Joannes

Joannes Bridgland Josephus

Charlotte Davies Agnes

Anna Teresia James Agnes

Anna Watson Maria

Charlotte Jackman Teresia

Elizabetha Joanna Sweetman Teresia

Martha Carr Monica

Maria Riall Margarita

Gulielmus Mehan

Maria Anna Sweetman Josephus Winefrida

Joanna Johnson Maria Magdalena

Louisa Johnson Maria Magdalena

Maria Symonds Teresia

Elizabetha Wolfe

Josephus Wolfe Anna Carolus

Jacobus Riall Josephus

Elizabetha Joanna Meager Agnes

Elizabetha Ryan Helena

Teresia Austin Teresia

Margarita Webb Maria Magdalena

Maria Mehan Anna 22* Patrinus pro omnibus ipse fui

Thomas Fryer. M.A.

[p. 12] Die 22 Octobris A.D. 1844 confirmati sunt a Reymo

Dño Dño Thoma Griffiths Episcopo Olensi Vicario Apostolico in Districtu Londinensi

Nomen Bapt: Nomen Confirm :

Jacobus Gelahem Patritius

Jacobus Owen Patritius

Michaelis Quin Joannes

Michaelis Coke Josephus

Mathæus Burns Josephus

Cornelius McCarthy Joannes

Timotheus McQuin Gulielmus

Gulielmus Philips Jacobus

Jacobus Donohue Cuthbertus

Michaelis McCarthy Patritius

Joannes Gurlay Joannes

Josephus Pollard Josephus

Franciscus Hervey Joannes

Patritius Murphy Josephus

Peter Waters Paulus

Thomas Wilson Patritius

Jacobus Dalton Thomas

* Total in the Rev. T. Fryer's hand

[p. 13]

[p. 14]

Danielis Reardon

Edwardus Ryan


Jacobus Jack Edwardus Peter

Joannes Connors

Danielis Earley

Catherina Burns Josephus Joannes Elizabetha

David Richards Josephus

Anna Mackin Anna

Maria Mehan Anna

Maria Hazell Helena

Sarah Anna Mills Agnes Cæcilia

Maria Gurlay Maria Agnes Conway Agnes Maria

Anna Wilson Anna

Maria Quigley Maria Anna

Maria Waters Maria Anna

Winefrida Wolfe Maria

Maria Earley Maria

Margarita Owen Margarita

Julia Cox Anna

Joanna Moran Louisa

Maria Hookey Agnes

Anna Vesey Elizabetha

Maria Engar Agnes

Maria Lucas Anna

Helena Sullivan Agnes

Winefrida Ryan Catherina

Martha Sanders Maria Magdalena

Maria Cantwell MariaAgnes

Eliza Kennedy Anna Carolina Mills Winefrida Philomena

Elizabetha Richards Anna

Louisa Matilda Ross Maria

Maria O Bryan Teresia

Anna Ahern Anna Elizabetha

Anna Coke Catherina

Margarita Mahoney Maria Anna

Margarita Kennedy Elizabetha

Maria Scalin Anna

Maria Anna Fallow Maria

Helena Quigley Maria

Rosa Donohue Teresia

Helena Marghar Helena

Maria Anna Coffee Maria

Maria Pollard Maria

Maria Stephens Maria

Gulielmus Scalin Gulielmus

Timotheus Hart Patritius

Owen Hart Patritius















Joannes Baptista


Collins Jacobus


Mitchell Joannes

Gulielmus Pine Jacobus









Donohue Edwardus

Stephens Fredericus

Hazell Georgius

Connor Patritius

Coffee Joannes

Dalton Fredericus


Vesey Patritius Josephus

Jacobus Allen Jacobus



Langdon Paulus

Horne Georgius

Jacobus Riley

[p. 15 Joannes







Jacobus Augustinus

Gulielmus Georgius

Wolfe Michaelis

Jacobus Hoy Jacobus (91) Patrinus pro omnibus ipse fui

[The next two entries in pencil]

Thomas Fryer M.A.

N.B. Colonel CustanceCommanding the Depôt Battalion at Parkhurstallowed 30 of the Catholic soldiers to attend the Chapel on Confirmation Day October 22nd 1844. The service commenced at past 10 in the morning . Ensign MacDonnell of the 71st Regt. marched the Catholics to Chapel Thos Fryer

Colonel Taylor Commanding the Depot Battalion at Parkhurst allowed 148 of the Catholic soldiers to attend Chapel on Wednesday the 3 of October 1849 Service at 11

Captain MacMahon of the 44 marched the men to Chapel

Die 3 Octobris A.D. 1849 Confirmatisunt a Revmo Dno Dno

Joanne Hynes (O.S.D) Episcopo Lerosensi, cum licentia Revmil Dni Dni Nicholai Wiseman Episcopo Melipotamensis et in Districtu Londinensi Vicarii Apostolici

Nomen Bapt

Cæcilia Philomena Croucher







Nomen Conf

Maria Teresia

Franciscus Bartholomæus




[p. 16]


Edwardus Coyle Coyle

Maria Cavanargh

Margarita Cavanargh





Teresia Coyle Maria

Joanna MacCuskar Maria Elizabetha




Maria Anna



Merchant Josephus

Overtone* Agnes

Vessey Jacob

Murphy Agnes

Cavanargh Agnes O Brian Josephus

Harietta O Brian


Brown Maria Elizabetha

Maria Finmore Gertrude

Petrus Brown

Georgius Brown . Joannes Thomas

Georgius Fallick Franciscus


Mills Thomas

Lucia Mills Anastasia

Sarah Pine Agnes

Joannes Austin Jacobus

Maria Brown

Mathæus Taken

Samuel Ball



Gulielmus Brannen

Anna Roach

Honora Keating Anna Josephus Josephus Carolus Josephus Margarita Agnes

MariaJoanna Harding


Kennedy . Winefrida Elizabetha

Jeremiah Bradley Josephus


Bradley Birgitta

Maria Bradley Anna

Helena Scanling Maria

Elizabetha Marghar Elizabetha


Byrne Patritius

Carolina Henney Maria Paulina

Maria Lee Maria


Kennelly. Maria

Maria Keating Anna

Joanna Gillighan Maria

Joannes Ludovicus Gorham Augustinus

Andreas Donovan Petrus

Patritius Josephus

Pine . * Doubtful reading Franciscus in first column with ' 2 ' above it, and Georgius ' in third column with ' 1 ' aboveit

[p. 17] Sarah Pine Maria

Birgitta Roughan Maria

Helena Penders Maria

Thomas Gillinghan Joannes

Stephanus Burke Stephanus

Thomas Cassidy Thomas

Petrus Mullins Petrus

Daniel Boughan Daniel

Joannes Ward Joannes

Elizabetha Burke Elizabetha

Joannes Finn Joannes

Thomas Mannion Thomas

Joannes Cosstello Joannes

Martinus Cahill Martinus

Josephus Burke Josephus

Joannes Horan Joannes

Joannes Kelly Joannes

Jacobus McLoughlan Jacobus

Patricius Spain Patricius

Thomas Spain Thomas

Patricius Kelly Patricius

Mathæus Moran Mathæus

Petrus Delaney Petrus

Patricius Murphy Patricius

Henericus Duffy Henericus

Michal Regney Michal

Daniel Sweeny Daniel

Thomas Bailey Thomas

Patricius Burns Patricius

Jacobus Rock Jacobus

Robertus Burns Robertus

Thomas Egan Thomas

[p. 18] Patricius Brannen Patricius

Patricius Burke Patricius

Gulielmus Scanlin Gulielmus

Patricius Tully Patricius

Patricius Lynes Patricius

Thomas Fahy Thomas

Michal Brady Michal

Michal Nolan Michal

Joannes Glynne Joannes

Patricius Delaney Patricius

Jacobus Managan Jacobus

Christopher Connelly Christopher

Joannes Conway Joannes

Laurentius Boughan Laurentius

Daniel Madden Daniel

Patricius Hynes Patricius


Thomas Petrus Coolahan

Hogan Thomas Petrus

Gulielmus Tracey Gulielmus

Joannes Guilfoyle Joannes

Patricius Rooney Patricius

Joannes Brady Joannes

Joannes McGuire Joannes

Gulielmus Varley Gulielmus

Josephus Hennesey Josephus

Patricius Magonner Patricius

Patricius Cononelly [sic] Patricius

Patricius Carty Patricius

Daniel McCarthy Daniel

Jacobus O Leary Jacobus

Gulielmus Collins Gulielmus

Michal Roughan Michal

Patricius McDonnell Patricius

Patricius Fahy Patricius

Joannes Wall Joannes

[p. 19] Joannes

Patricius Regan Joannes Carberry Patricius

Joannes Coghlan Joannes

Gulielmus Pendalton Gulielmus

Thomas Reilly Thomas

Samuel Dainty Samuel

Michal Duff Michal

Joannes Loughlan Joannes

Patricius Corcannon Patricius

Joannes Hagerty Joannes

Thomas Galtey Thomas

Daniel Murphy Daniel

Michal Murphy Michal

Thomas Hurst Thomas

Michal O'Neill Michæl

Joannes Clancy Joannes

Michal Sullivan Michal

Helena Creed Helena

Richardus Fogerty Richardus

Anna MacSheen Anna

Petrus Coonor Petrus

Edwardus Gannon Edwardus

Patricius Cochlan Patricius

Patricius Wilkenson Patricius

Patricius Martin Patricius

Michael Knight Michal

Michael Cunneen Michal

Anna Keenan Anna

Anna Lavery Anna

Helena Susanna Manning Keenan


Gulielmus Flaherty Maria* Edwardus

Joannes Lavven Joannes

[p . 20] Patricius Murray Patricius

Martinus Mangan Martinus

Mathias Corigan Mathias

Richardus Mack Richardus

Joannes Mahoney

Joannes Fanning Joannes Joannes

Thomas Calahan Thomas

Maria Flanagen

Joannes Cuff Maria Joannes

Daniel Toomey

Thomas Freeman

Patricius Murray Daniel Thomas Patricius

Jacobus Toowle Jacobus

Maria Johnson

Thomas Hewitt Maria Thomas

Luca Smith Luca

Martinus McFarline Martinus

Patricius Bihannon Patricius

Josephus Collins Josephus

Timotheus Collins Timotheus

Franciscus Burke Franciscus

Joannes Murphy Joannes

Gulielmus Owens Gulielmus

Petrus Dunlevey Petrus

Birgitta Gannon Birgitta

Patricius Gannon Patricius

Thomas Gowey Thomas

Edwardus Dillon Edwardus

Jacobus Moran Jacobus

Patricius McCarthy Patricius

Andreas Sproinl Andreas

Thomas Mahan Thomas

Jeremiah Kew Jeremiah

Jacobus Burns Jacobus

[p. 21]

Michal Burns Michal

Jacobus Nolan Jacobus

Patricius Lanigan Patricius

Gulielmus Vincent Gulielmus

Thomas Connell Thomas

Laurentius Traynor Laurentius

Maria Curren Maria

Andreas Curren Gulielmus

Edwardus Bassnett Edwardus 'Susanna ' scored, ' Maria ' above.

Thomas Hanley




Lane Joannes

Nugent Joannes

Franciscus Maginnis Franciscus



Magee Gulielmus


Thomas Boyle







Thomas Elizabetha Joannes D.

Patrinus pro omnibus ipse fui

Thomas Fryer. M.A.

[The next entry is all in the Rev. T. Bowman's hand , save the signature, which is the Rev. T. Fryer's

Die9 Novembris 1851 , Confirmati fuere (apud Ryde) a Revmo Dno Dno Thoma Grant, Episcopo Suthwarcensi

Nomen Baptmle Nomen Confirm Joannes Cognomen

Joannes Parker




Herbert Andreas



Thomas Joseph

Michael Greany


Vis. et approb 14 Maii 1854 +Thomas Epus


Thomas Fryer. M.A.

[p. 22] Die 8 Octobris 1854 Confirmati fuere (apud Ryde) a Revmp Dno Dno Thoma Grant Episcopo Suthwarcensi

Nomen Baptmle Nomen Confirm Cognomen




Thomas Frampton Bernardus




Hazell Gulielmus

Rowe Anna


Anna Trotman






Nunan Michælis

Stapleton Josephus


Josephus (9)

Thomas Fryer. M.A.

[The rest of the page, 8 inches , blank. The next 45 pages are also blank, save that p 42 is numbered 9* in pencil at the bottom and p. 43 is numbered 10.]

[In the Rev. Thomas White's hand]

[p. 68 ] Die 31 Augusti Anno verò Dñi 1807 nullo detecto impedimento in matrimonium conjunxi Patricium Doran et Catharinam Gosdem, Testibus præsentibus Godfrido et Mariâ Gosdem Thomas White

* Page 7 was numbered3 in pencil and page 8 numbered4.

Page 67 is numbered 11 in pencil, and the subsequent pages up to 18 . A monogramfollows each of his signatures


Die 30 Januarii 1808, nullo detecto impedimento , in matrimonium conjunxi Patricium Kilkenny et Elizebetham Cook , præsente et annuente puellæ Patre Gulielmo Cook, Gratiâ Nobbs et Thomâ Kenny Thomas White.

Die 7° Martii AnnoDñi 1808 in matrimoniumconjunxi (nullo detecto impedimento ) BrianumBurn et Mariam Hennesy testibus præsentibus Thomâ Wickham et Birgittâ McCarthy

Thomas White.

Die 29 Septembris Anno Dñi 1808 in matrimoniumconjunxi (nullo impedimento detecto) Thomam Horen et Elizabeth Carthy, testibus præsentibus Joanne Linehan et Catherinâ Cassedy et Catherina McCue Thomas White.

Die 14 Julii Anno Dñi 1809, nullo impedimento detecto , in matrimoniumconjunctisunt Thomas Connor et ElizabethMalony; testibus præsentibus Mariâ Killony et Mariâ Annâ James Ita testor Thomas White Miss Apcus

Die 4º Octobris Anno Dñi 1809, in matrimonium conjunxi (nullo impedimento detecto) Henricum White et Annam Harvey: testibus præsentibus Thomâ Harvey Patre puellæ, Elizabeth White Sorore Henrici , multisque aliis

Thomas White Miss Apcus

[In the Rev. George Spain's hand]

Die 16° Julii Anno Dn' 1810, in matrimonium conjunxi, (nullo detecto impedimento ) Jacobum Kirby et Mariam McKierny testibus præsentibus Joanne McKey, et Mariâ Murphy Ita testor Georgius Spain. M.A.

Die 20ª Octobris A.D. 1810 in matrimonium conjunxi (nullo detecto impedimento) Martinum Boiton et Franciscam Callaghan, præsente Timotheo Mahony teste Ita testor Geo³ Spain M.A.

Die 23a Aprilis A.D. 1811 in matrimonium conjunxi (nullo detecto impedimento ) Martinum Holahan et Mariam Conroy. præsente Joanne Kaanaghan teste Ita testor. Geo. Spain M.A.

Die 5ª Decembri A.D. 1812, in matrimonium conjunxi* PhilippumDe Grasse et Carlottam Hearne. Testibus præsentibus Antonio De Grasse Jacobo Hearne, Francisâ Edwardo Cheverton Ita Testor. Geo Spain

[In pencil at the foot of the page: 12]

[p. 69] Die 5ª Januarii A.D. 1813. in matrimonium conjunxi Audoenum (Owen) Garrett et Birgittam Geheoghan Georgius Spain-

Die 12a Aprilis A.D. 1814. in matrimonium conjunxi Joannem Green et Elizabetham Harrigan Ita Testor Geo Spain

Die 17ª Octobri A.D. 1814 in matrimoniumconjunxi, Franciscum Hutchinson Johnson et Elizabetham Monicam Barnes, Testibus præsentibus puellæ Matre et Blanch Hobson et aliis Ita Testor Geo Spain

* The second ' n ' omitted

Die 10 Decembri A.D. 1814 in matrimonium conjunxi Gulielmum Brady et Henrietta [sic] McDonald. Ita Testor Geo Spain M.A.

Die 8a Julii A.D. 1815 nullo detecto impedimento, in matrimonium conjuncti sunt Henricus Murray et Maria Swan Vidua Testibus præsentibus Jacobo Maxwell, Gulielmo Lyons et Maria Frances Ita Testor Geo Spain

Die 3 Octobris A.D. 1815 nullo detecto Impedimento , in matrimonium Conjuncti sunt Gulielmus Coddington et Susanna Caffree. Testibus præsentibus Patricio et Anna Carty. Ita Testor . Geo . Spain

Die la Maii A.D. 1816 in matrimonium conjuncti fuere Edwardus Day, et Carolina Mariana Maria de los Dolores Duran Ita Testor Geo Spain

[In the Rev. J. Russell's hand]

Die 20 Martii 1822 in matrimonium nullo detecto inedimento, conjunxi Hippolitum Joannem Carolum Fabre de Montvaillant et Catharinam Selby. Testibus Joan. Davis et Chris tina Selby Ita testor Joan: Russell Miss Apeus [In pencil at the foot of the page: 13] [p. 70] [2 cms. have been cut off at the top of the page

Die 2310 Junii 1822 nullo detecto impedimento in matri monium conjunxi Joannem Flannigan et Catharinam Largey Testibus Joannes Russell

Hugone Largey

Joanna Brian

Die 2310 Julii 1824 nullo detecto impedimento in mutrimonium conjunxi Samuel Philpot Brookes et Sophiam Willis juxta ritus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ

Teste Richardo Swift Joannes Russell Mission . Apost.

Die 23 Julii 1825 Jacobus McCabe et Julia Nugent, nullo impedimento detecto in matrimonium conjuncti sunt juxta ritus

Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Joannes Russell

Die 10 Augusti 1825 Petrus Dowling et Anna Gilroy, nullo impedimento detecto, in matrimoniumconjuncti sunt juxta ritus

Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Joames Russell

Die 12 Augusti 1825 Patritius Noonan et Ellen Dyne, nullo impedimento detecto, in matrimoniumconjuncti sunt juxta ritus

Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Joannes Russell

Die 14 Augusti 1825 Bernardus Dodd et Rosa Shiel, nullo impedimento detecto, in matrimoniumconjuncti sunt juxta ritus

Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ

Testibus Joanne Murtha Marg Murtha

[In pencil at the fool of the page: 14.] Joannes Russell


71 Dię 18 Decembris 1825 nullo detecto impedimento in matrimonium conjuncti sunt Gulielmus Medcalf* et Margarita



Simon Williams

Cath . McCarthy J. Russell

Die 8 Julii 1826 nullo detecto impedimento, in matrimonium conjuncti surt Jacobus Cornish et Maria Gaffney J. Russell

Die 8 Augusti 1827. nullo impedimento detecto , in matrimorium conjuncti sunt Joannes Dunn et Maria McNamara

Teste Joanne Burke Joannes Russell

Die 31 Augusti 1827, nullo impedimento detecto, in matrimor ium corjurctisunt StephanusChambers et Anna Lyons Testes fuere Jacobus Keegan et Ellen Mulvihill . Joannes Russell

Die 13 Septembris 1827 , nullo impedimento detecto, in matriinoi . ium conjuncti sunt Michael Quin et Catharina Lenard juxta itus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Joannes Russell

Die 17 Septembris 1827 , nullo detecto impedimento, in matrimorium conjuncti sunt Joannes Coghlan et Margarita Steven juxta ritus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Joannes Russell In pencil at the foot of the page: 15.]

p. 721 12.5 cms. cut off at the top of the page]

Die 6 Julii 1828, nullo detecto impedimento, in matrimonium conjuncti sunt Petrus Dunn et Jane Brading, juxta ritus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Joannes Russell Testes fuere Carolus Scully & Anna Fitspatrick

Die4 Julii 1829, nullo detecto impedimento, in matrimonium conjunctisunt Patritius Ryan et Sarah White, juxtaritus Sanctæ Ecclesia Catholicæ Joannes Russell Testes fuere Stephanus Dambrine et Maria Linnington [In the Rev. C. V. Dowling's hand]

Die 17 Novbris 1829 nullo detecto impedimento in matrimonium conjuncti sunt Antonius McGarry et Rosa Carroll juxta ritus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ C. V. Dowling testes fuere Joannes Doyle et Maria Gallgher

Die 22a Februarii 1830 nullo detecto impedimento in matrimonium conjuncti sunt Gulielmus Barry et MariaDillon C. V. Dowling [16 cms . blank at the foot ofthe page, and in pencil the number 16.] [p. 73]

The entries on this page in the Rev. J. G. Robson's hand]

Die 10ma Januarii A.D. 1832 nullo detecto impedimento juxta Ritus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ in legitimum Matrimoniumconjuncti sunt Samuel Lelli & Elizabeth Perkins

Testes fuere Richardus Perkins patre puellæ et Jane Perkins ejus Soror Josephus Geo Robson M.A.

* Readinguncertain

[An entry here scored: the same as the following, but with slightly different wording and the word legitimumomitted.]

Die 4 Septembris A.D. 1834 .

Nullo detecto impedimento in legitimum matrimonium conjunxi juxta ritum Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Josephum Castle et Birgittam Range Ita testor Josephus Geo. Robson M.A.

Die 3tia mensis Octobris A.D. 1835

Nullo detecto impedimento in legitimum matrimonium conjunxi juxta ritum Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ

Jeremiah Selfet Sarah Dean Tucker

Ita testor Josephus Geo Robson M.A. Testis fuit Anne Self

[In pencilat thefoot ofthe page: 17.]

[p. 74] [Five inches blank at the top of the page; then a doubleline drawn across the page and the remainder of the entries , all in the Rev. T. Fryer's hand, begin After each entry sometimes one , sometimes two lines are drawn across the page. For the first 13 pages these are neatly ruledafterwards just roughly drawn ] * 1842

Die 14 FebruariiJosephus McGolricket Monica IdaJohnson , nullo impedimento detecto, in matrimoniumconjuncti suntjuxta ritus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ

Ita Testor Thomas Fryer M.A. 1843

Die 4 Januarii 1843 Petrus Wolfe et Winefrida Ryan, nullo impedimento detecto, in matrimoniumconjuncti sunt, juxtaritus Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Ita Testor Thomas Fryer. M.A.

Die 20 Martii 1843 Martinus Cannon et Maria Hæly, nullo impedimento detecto, in matrimoniumconjuncti sunt, juxta ritus

Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ Ita Testor Thomas Fryer. M.A.

[A double line, 3 inches left blank, and in pencil 18 , atthefoot ofthe page.]

[р 75]



Anno 1840 die 23 Augusti nullo legitimo impedimento detecto ego Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight, GulielmumHarding, filium Gulielmi et Joanna Harding Newport I.W. et Joannam Bevines, filiam Caroli ac Sarah Bevines Newport I.W. interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi, præsentibus testibus notis Thomâ Butleret Annâ Mullholand qui habititant apud Newport . I.W.

23 Augusti 1840. Thomas Fryer. Missus AposusNewport . I.W.

* It is difficult to see why these three marriageshave been placed, out of chronologicalorder, on this page.


Anno 1840 die 25 Augustinullo legitimoimpedimento detecto (go Thomas Fryer Miss is Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Gulielmum Richard filium Gulielmi et Joannæ Richard Parkhurst Forest Hannah Rowe filiam Josephi ac Sarah Rowe Newcit,I.W.interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habitosolemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi, præsentibus testibus otis Gulielmo Heywood et Elizabeth Rowe qui habitant apud Newport. I.W.

2 Augusti 1840. Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport . I.W.

Anro 1840 die 10 Novembris , nullo legitimo impedimento detecto ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport . Isle of Wight Danielem McGenity filium Edwardi et Birgittæ McGenity Fangual Armagh Ulster et Martham Salter filiam Gulielmi et Roseala Salter Lake* I of W interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Bernardo Targart et Hannah Trent qui habitant apud Newport I.W. 10 Novembris 1840. Thomas Fryer MissusAposus Newport.I.W.

[p. 76]


Anno 1841 die 12 Octobris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Joannem Johnson, filium Joannis et Mariæ Johnson North Fairlee I.W et Joannam Johnson filiam Richardi ac Annæ Johnson Bilston Suffolk interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Gwine et Louisa Johnson qui habitant apud Newport . I.W.

12 Octobris 1841 Thomas Fryer Missus Apos Newport . I.W. Anno 1843 die 2 Martii, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto , Ego Thomas Fryer M. Ap apud Newport Isle of Wight Jacobum Dashwood, filium Joannis et Annæ Dashwood, Newport I.W. et Mariam Rowe, filiam Josephi ac Sarah Rowe, Newport I.W. interrogavi eorumque, mutuo consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibus testibus notis Joanne Rowe et Elizabeth Rowe, qui habitant apud Newport. I.W.

2. Martii 1843. Thomas Fryer. M.A. Newport. I.W. Anno 1843 die 2 Junii, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M. Ap apud Newport Isle ofWight Michælem Concargh, filium Joannis et Mariæ Concargh Newport Isle of Wight et Mariam Jones filiam Joannis et Mariæ Jones Newport I.W interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito, solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Margerita Webb et Georgio Keane, qui habitant apud Newport. I.W.

2 Junii. 1843 . Thomas Fryer. M.A. Newport I.W.

* Between Sandownand Shanklin Readingdoubtful .

Anno 1843 die 12 Augusti, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport Isle of Wight Joannem McGenity, filium Joannis et Helenæ McGenity Newport . I.W et Joannam Curley, filiam Thomæ et Sarah Curley Newport I.W interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito, solemniter pr verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Margerita McDonaugh et Annâ Vesey , qui habitant apud Newport. I.W. 12. Augusti 1843 p. 771

Thomas Fryer. M.A. Newport I.W. 1844

Anno 1844 die 2ª Novembris , nullo legitimo impedinerto detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Jacobum Nemuks* Parkhurst Isle of Wight filium Thomæ et Mariæ Nemuks* Cork Ireland et Mariam Anna [sic] Ayers filiam Jacobi et Mariæ Annæ Ayers Guernsey, interrogavieorumque mutuo cor sensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Purtell et Joanne Bull qui habitant Newport Isle of Wight 2 Novembris 1844

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport Isle of Wight 1845

Anno 1845 die 27 Septembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of White Josephum Dunn Parkhurst Isle of Wight, filium Jacobi et Mariæ Dunn Kilkenny Ireland et Honoram Keefe filiam Patritii et Mariæ Keefe interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibus testibus notis Patritio Keating et Maria Keating qui habitant Newport Isle of Wight

Thomas Fryer Missus Apos Newport Isle of Wight 27 Septembris 1845 [p. 78] [1 inches blank at the top ofthe page] 1846

Anno 1846 die Ima mensis Januarii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Philippum Nind Londini, filium Philippi et Mariæ Nind Belfast Ireland et Annam Jemimam Webb filiam Gulielmi et Anna Welhams Shanklin Isle of Wight, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxipræsentibus tes . ibus notis Horatio Thomâ Waternorth et Mariâ Ameliâ Lock qui habitant Newport Isle of Wight 1 Januarii 1846

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport. Isle of Wight

Anno 1846 die 17ma inersis Januarii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Joannem Mackouskar Parkhurst I of W filium Patritii et Susanna MacKouskar County Tyrone Ireland et * keading doubtful: may possibly be ' Nimocks' Possibly Waterworth . '

Joannam Vesey filiam Jacobi et Annæ Vesey Newport I.W interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Patritio Owen et Christianâ Lenard qui habitant Newport Isle of Wight 17 Januarii 1846

Thomas Fryer Missus Apos" NewportI ofW. Anno 1846 die 7ma mensis Septembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Patritium Puyravel Ryde I.W filium Joannis Baptistæ et Mariæ Puyravel Paris et Mariam Joannam Long filiam Jacobi et Joannæ Long Yarmouth I.W interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibus testibus notis Henericâ Meander et Jemima Sargent qui habitant Ryde I.W. 7 Septembris 1846

Thomas Fryer. Missus Apos Newport I.W [p. 79] Anno 1846 die 13 mensis Octobris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport. Isle of Wight Augustinum Cuidon Newport . I.W filium

Martinis sic et Rhodda Cuddon, Bungay Suffolket Franciscam Baylis, filiam Gulielmi et Annæ Baylis Hanley Worcestershire, interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Petro Wolfe et Mariâ Connor qui habitant Newport . Isle of Wight 13 Octobris 1846. Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport. I.W

Anno 1846 die 9. mensis Novembris , nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Josephum Johnson Newport I.W filium Joannis et Mariæ Johnson Fairlee I.W et Annam James, filiam Gulielmi et Anastatiæ James Newport . I.W interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus [testibus omitted] notis Georgio Croucher et Francisca Cæcilia Croucher qui habitant Newport I.W 9 Novembris 1846 Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport. I.W 1847

Anno 1847 die 14 mensis Januarii, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer Mus Apus apud Newport Isle of Wight Georgium Farell Parkhurst I.W filium Gulielmi et Birgittæ Farell Kings county et Margeritam Hunt viduam Gulielmi Hunt Parkhurst interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus [testibus omited] notis Michæle Coke et Anna Coke , qui habitant Parkhurst I.W 14 Januarii 1847

Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport . I.W [p. 80] Arno 1847 die 1 mensis Junii, nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. Miss" Apos" apud Newport. Isle of Wight Danielem Mahoney Ryde I.W filium Danielis et Mariæ Maloney London et Norah Denney, filiam Joannis et Norah Denney Sea View I.W, interrogavieorumque mutuo con-

sensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus notis Joanne Mahoney et Edwardo Meehan qui habitant Ryde Isle of Wight

1 Junii 1847

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport I.W

Anno 1847 die 3 mensis Augusti, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Jacobum Lee Parkhurst I.W filium Gulielmi et Mariæ

Lee Wicklow et Mariam Annam Mandivo Spain interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Edwardo et Sarah Jones qui habitant Parkhurst Isle of Wight

3 Augusti 1847

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport. I.W.

Anno 1847 die 15 mensis Septembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Patritium Hynes Parkhurst I.W filium Gulielmi et Birgittæ Hynes, Galway, et Elizam Kennedy filiam Joannis et Margeritæ, Newport I.W interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis, Gulielmo Smith, et Catherina Ball qui habitant Parkhurst Isle of Wight

15 Septembris 1847 Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport I.W [p . 81] Anno 1847 die 9 mensis Octobris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Gulielmum Sanders Ryde I.W filium Gulielmi et Mariæ Sanders Newport I.W et Annam Dimmick filiam Josephi et Annæ Dimmick Ryde I.W interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter pre verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Josepho Tinnchea et Jesse Tinnchea qui habitant Newport. I.W 9 Octobris 1847 Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport I.W

Anno 1847 die 28 mensis Octobris, nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Joannem Rowe Newport I.W filium Josephi et Sarah Rowe Newport I.W et Elizabetham Brading filiam Gulielmi et Sarah Brading, Newport I.W interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Richards et Maria Dashwood qui habitant Newport . I.W 28 Octobris 1847 Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport . I.W 1848

Anno 1848 die 3 Februarii , nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Edwardum Dillon Parkhurst I.W filium Gulielmi et Sarah Dillon Dublin et Mariam Annam Baker Parkhurst I.W, filiam David et Catherinæ Baker Bembridge interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter pre verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Jacobo Murphy et Catherina Ball qui habitant Newport. I.W 3 Februarii 1848 Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport . I.W


Tp . 82 Anno 1848 die 3 mensis Junii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Frver Missus-Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Bernardum O Neil Parkhurst . I.W filium Francisci et Mariæ O Neil Derry et Helenam Lion Parkhurst. I.W filiam Edwardi et Winefridæ Lion, Galway interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Jacobo McKewin * et Anna Carter qui habitant Newport . I.W

3 Junii 1848

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport . I.W

Anno 1848 die 24 mensis Junii, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport. Isle of Wight Jacobum Lahiff Parkhurst I.W filium Joannis et Mariæ Lahiff Newport Ireland [sic] et Mariam Davis Parkhurst. I.W filiam Joannis et Catherinæ Davis New Ross Wexford interrogavi eorum mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Patritio Cooney et Annâ Doherty qui habitant Parkhurst. I.W

24 Junii 1848

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport . I.W

Anno 1848 die 24 mensis Junii, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Patritium Cooney Parkhurst. I.W filium Patritii et Catherinæ Cooney Clare et Elizabetham Robinson. Parkhurst. I.W filiam Gulielmi et Alicæ [sic] Robinson Belfast interrogavi eorum mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Jacobo Phelan et Sarah Phelan qui habitant Parkhurst Isle of Wight

24 Junii 1848

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport I.W

[p. 83] Anno 1848 die 12 mensis Julii nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Timotheum Burns Parkhurst I.W filium Andræ et Mariæ Burns Tipperrary et Luciam Annam Spencer Newport. I.W , filiam Georgii et Lucia Spencer Queens Countyinterrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Josepho Tinnchea vel Tennis et Winefrida Ryan qui habitant Newport


12 Julii 1848

Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport. I.W

Anno 1848 die 25 mensis Octobris nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Patritium Gannon Parkhurst . I.W. filium Hugonis et Maria Gannon Sligo et Birgittam McGovarn, Hunny Hill I.W tiliam Joarnis et Catherine McGorvarn [sic] Sligo interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Petro Wolfe et Jacobo Murphy qui habitant Newport I.W 25 Octobris 1848

Thomas Fryer Missus Apos Newport. I.W

* Or McKenin '

Anno 1848 die 31 mensis Decembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer MissusAposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Jacobum Riely Newport . I.W. filium Joannis et Sarah Riely. Portsmouth et Carolinam Crew Newport I.W. filiam Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Crew Newport I.W. interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Jacobo Shepherd et Catherina Riely qui habitant Newport. I.W. 31 Decembris 1848 Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport I.W. [p. 84] 1849

Anno 1849 die 7 mensis Januarii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Patritium Taken Newport I.W. filium Stephani et Annæ Taken County Down et Elizam Homer Newport I.W. filiam Thomæ Lucia [sic] et Annæ Arneld Dorchester interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Hugono Taggart et Maria Keatingqui habitant Newport I.W.

7 Januarii 1849

Thomas Fryer. Missus Apos Newport. I.W.

Anno 1849 die 5 Maii nullo legitimo impedimentodetecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport . Isle of Wight

Jacobum Bryan Parkhurst I.W. filium Gulielmi et Margeritæ

Bryan Carlow et Elizabetham Sarah Pine Newport I.W. filiam

Patritii et Sarah Pine Newport interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Patritio Pine et Sarah Pine qui habitant Newport.

5 Maii 1849

Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport. I.W.

Anno 1849 die 27 Maii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport Isle of Wight Thomam Burke Parkhurst Barracks. I.W. filium Thomæ et Joanna Burke Chelsea et Mariam Tinnuchi Newport I.W. filiam Josephi et Jessie Tinnuchi Lucca interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus [testibus omitted] notis Alberto Meherst et Joanna Taylor qui habitant Newport

27 Maii 1849

Thomas Fryer Missus AposusNewport IofW

[p. 85] Anno 1849 die 10 mensis Augusti nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer Missus Apos apud Newport Isle of Wight Stephanum Burke Parkhurst I of W. filium

Patritii et Mariæ Burke Castle Bar et Elizabetham Barry Parkhurst filiam Christopher et Mariæ Barry Cork interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Henerico Roads et Esther Murphy qui habitant Parkhurst. I.of W

10 Augusti 1849

Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport . I.of W

Anno 1849 die 3 mensis Novembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus apud Newport


Insula Vectis Edwardum Byrne Freshwater I.V. filium Thomæ et Mariæ Byrne Courtinn Wexford et Mariam Annam Cole Newchurch I.V. filiam Abrahæ et Elizabethæ Cole Newchurch interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Hardinget Jacobo Murphyqui habitant NewportInsula Vectis

3 Novembris 1849 Thomas Fryer Missus Aposus Newport I.V. Anno 1849 die 26 mensis Novembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus apud Newport

Insula Vectis Joannem Greer* Parkhurst I.V. filium Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Greer* Cork et Annam Kelly Parkhurst, filiam Danielis et Mariæ Kelly Kings County interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Petro Wolfe et Catharinâ Butler qui habitant Newport . Insula Vectis

26 Novembris 1849 Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport. I.V. 1850

Anno 1850 die 14 mensis Martii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I. of Wight Edwin Urry Newport filium Jacobi et Sarah Urry. Newport et Annam MullholandNewportfiliam Bernardiet Annæ Mullholand Newport interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Harding et Joanna Harding qui habitant Newport Isle ofWight

4 Martii 1850 Thomas Fryer. M.A. Newport I.ofW [p. 86] Anno 1850 die 17 mensis Martii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Joannem Gallivanalias Galnil† Parkhurst. I. ofW. filium Morrice et Catherinæ Gallivan Tralee et Mariam Morriaty Parkhurst . I. of W filiam Hugonis et Margariæ Morriaty Kerry interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Thomâ Flyneet Francisca C. Croucher qui habitant Newport 17 Martii 1850 Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport.I.ofW Anno 1850 die 2 Aprilis nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Thomam Dunne Parkhurst, filium Jacobi et Mariæ Dunne Kings County et Margaritam Kennedy Newport I.V.filiam Joanniset Margarita Kennedy Newport . Interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibus testibus notis Michalo McCarty et Dionysio Phelan qui habitant Parkhurst I.V. Aprilis 2: 1850

Thomas Fryer Miss Apos Newport. I.V

* Possibly Green ' † Doubtful reading; in small writing above.

Anno 1850 die 27 mensis Junii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Robertum Dean West Cowes, filium Roberti et Annæ Dean Sligo et Dinah Mitchell West Cowes, filiam Edwardi et Mariæ Mitchell West Cowes , interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Joanne Patritio Pine et Sarah Pinequi habitant Newport. I.V.

Junii 27: 1850 Thomas Fryer. Miss Aposus Newport I.V.

Anno 1850 die 12 mensis Octobris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Patricium Territt Parkhurst, filium Timotheis [sic] et Mariæ Territt Queens County et Margaritam White viduam Petri White Parkhurst interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibustestibus notis Joanne Kennedy et MargaritaKennedy qui habitant Newport . I.V.

Octobris 12: 1850 Thomas Fryer. Missus Aposus Newport. I.V 1851

Anno 1851 die 28 mensis Januarii, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Jacobum McGennity Parkhurst filium Joannis et Mariæ McGennity Newry Down et Margaritam Collins Hunny Hill [filiam Hugonis et Catherine McCurrin Monaghan scored] viduam Jacobi Collins Malta interrogavi eorumque mutuoconsensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibus testibus notis Petro Wolfe et Margaritâ Ryan qui habitant Newport Insula Vectis

Januarii 1851

Thomas Fryer. M.A. Newport. I.V [p. 87] Anno 1851 die 28 mensis Januarii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Joannem Bultitude Parkhurst filium Joannis et Mariæ Bultitude Norwich et Rosannam Tox* Newport . filiam Owen et Catherinæ Tox * Tyroll interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Petro Wolfe et Laurâ Vigens qui habitant Newport Insula Vectis

Januarii 28: 1851

Thomas Fryer. M.A. Newport I.V

Anno 1851 die 10 mensis Augusti nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer

M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Martinum Dwyer Parkhurst , filium Joannis et Anastiæ [sic] Dwyer Tipperary et Helenam Wallice Carísbroke, filiam Jacobi et Maria Wallice Tipperary interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Timotheo Conroy et Julia Brennon qui habitant Newport Insula Vectis

Augusti 10: 1851

* Is this meant for Fox ' ?

Thomas Fryer M.A. Newport. I.V.

*Or Tyrell.'


Anno 1851 die 17 mensis Augusti, nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Carolum Perkett Parkhurstfilium Joannis et Elizabethæ Perkett London et Catherinam Burden Newport filiam Gulielmi et Alica Burden Limerick interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Turner et Catherina Roberts qui habitant Newport. I.V.

Augusti 17 : 1851

Thomas Fryer. M.A. Newport I.V.

Anno 1851 die 31 mensis Augustinullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V. Gulielmum Hayward Ryde, filium Gulielmi et Mariæ Hayward Shaftesbury et ElizabethamRowe Newport, filiam Josephi et Sarah Rowe Newport interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Joanne Rowe et Elizabethâ Rowe qui habitant Newport. Augusti 31 : 1851

Thomas Fryer M.A. Newport I.V.

Anno 1851 die 2 Octobris nullolegitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I.V. Danielem Egan Parkhurstfilium Carberry et Julia Egan Kerry et Sarah Osborne Carisbroke viduam Edwardi Osborne Newport interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibus testibus notis Thoma Gillaghan et Francisca Baggs qui habitant Newport.

Octobris 2 : 1851

Thomas Fryer M.A. Newport InsulaVectis

Anno 1851 die 2 Novembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V. Samuelem Stapleton Parkhurst filium Thomæ et Lucie Stapleton Peterborough et Juliam Brennan Newport , filiam Joannis et Honoræ Brennan Tiperrary interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba [p. 88] de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Henrico Mills et Annâ Buckley qui habitant Newport . I.V

Novembris 2: 1851 Thomas Fryer. M.A. Newport. I.V

Anno 1851 die 16 mensis Novembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport Insula Vectis Patritium MacNamara Parkhurstfilium Danielis et Catherinæ MacNamara Cork et Mariam Annam Welch Newportfiliam Gulielmi et Helenæ Welch Limerick interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Henrico Hearn etTimotheo Sullivan qui habitant Newport . I.V

Novembris 16: 1851

Thomas Fryer M.A. Newport . I.V

Anno 1851 die 18 mensis Decembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I.V. Michælem Brough Parkhurst Barracks, filium Coleman et Margarita Brough Cork et Elizam Annam Osborne Newport filiam

Georgii et Joannæ OsborneNewport interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Danielo Egan et Mariâ Annâ Osborne qui habitant Newport. I.V.

Decembris 18 : 1851

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport I.V 1852

Anno 1852 die 19 mensis Junii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport . Insula Vectis Michælem Layden, Parkhurst , filium Bartholomæi et Catherinæ Layden Longford et Mariam Lynch Parkhurst, filiam Jacobi et Birgittæ Lynch Kerry, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Michæleo Lynch et Gulielmo Harding, qui habitant Newport . I.V

Junii 19: 1852

Thomas Fryer M.A Newport . I.V

Anno 1852 die 22 mensis Junii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V David Vaughan Parkhurst filium David et Mariæ Vaughan Cork et Honnoram O Lyons Parkhurstfiliam Danielis et Helenæ O Lyons Kerry, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Jacobo Johnson et Maria Johnson qui habitant Parkhurst Barracks. I.V.

Junii 22: 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport I.V.

Anno 1852 die 3 Julii nullolegitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I.V. Joannem McNamee Parkhurst filium Josephi et Elizabethæ McNamee Westport et Mariam Annam Hooker Parkhurst , filiam Jacobi et Annæ Hooker Canterbury interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Patritio MacNamara et Joannâ Gillighan qui habitant Parkhurst Barracks. I.V

Julii 3: 1852

Thomas Fryer M.A Newport . I.V

[p. 89] Anno 1852 Die 7 mensis Julii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport . I.V. Joannem Murnane Parkhurst filium Jacobi et Mariæ Murnane Limerick et Birgittam Hayes Limerick, filiam Martinis [sic] et Mariæ Hayes Limerick interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Harding et Joannâ Edmunds qui habitant Newport Insula Vectis

Julii 7: 1852

Thomas Fryer M.A Newport. I.V

Anno 1852 die 31 mensis Julii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I.V. Patritium McGuire Parkhurst , filium Joannis et Anastatiæ McGuire Cork et Annam Jordan Canterbury, filiam Denwood et Mariæ Jordan Canterbury , interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solem

niter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Garett Fortune et Julià Mcguire qui habitant Parkhurst

Julii 31 : 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport . I.V

Anno 1852 die 18 Augusti nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport . I.V. Jeremiah McAuliffe Parkhurst , filium Patritii et Helenæ McAuliffe Cork et Mariam Shay. Parkhurst filiam Joannis et Julia Shay Tralee, interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habitosolemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis

Sarah Martha Mann et Mariâ Coghlan qui habitant Parkhurst

Angusti 18: 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport I.V

Anno 1852 die 21 mensis Augustinullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V. Michælem

Yeats. Parkhurst , filium Patritii et Mariæ Yeats, Kings countyet Mariam Coghlan, filiam Joannis et Annæ Coghlan, Kings county

interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Harding et Petro Wolfe qui habitant Newport

Augusti 21 : 1852

Thomas Fryer M.A Newport . I.V

Anno 1852 die 22 mensis Augustinullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V. Danielem Foley Parkhurst filium Patritii et Mariæ Foley Kerry et Mariam O Brian Cowes filiam Cornelii et Aby O Brian Cork interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Patritio Foley et Alicia Mariâ Coppinger qui habitant Parkhurst

Augusti 22 : 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport I.V

Anno 1852 die 24 Augustinullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I.V Martinum Costello Parkhurst , filium Thomæ et Mariæ Costello Mayo et Catherinam O Brien Parkhurst filiam Danielis et Catherinæ O Brien Cork interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Georgio Meager et Sarah Mills qui habitant Newport . Augusti 24 : 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport . I.V

Anno 1852 die 18 mensis Septembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport . I.V. Morrice Scandling Parkhurst , filium Patritii et Catherinæ Scandling Kerry et Joannam Murry, Huney Hill, filiam Gulielmi et Margari-p. 90]tæ Poerdown Ireland interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Hughes et Anna Hughes qui habitant Parkhurst Barracks Septembris 18 : 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport. I.V

Anno 1852 die 22 mensis Septembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V. Joannem Casey Parkhurst, filium Jacobi et Margaritæ CaseyCorket

Joannam Murphy Newport , filiam Joannis et Catherine Murphy

Cork interrogavi eorum mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibustestibusnotis

Petro Wolfe et Helana [sic] Hazell qui habitant Newport. I.V. Septembris 22: 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport . I.V

Anno 1852 die 6 Octobris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V Patritium Walsh

Parkhurst , filium Gulielmi et HelenæWalsh Limerick et Mariam Arnam Walsh Newport , filiam Joannis et Marie Walsh Athlone interrogavi eorum mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus notis

Patritio Walsh et Annâ Moran qui habitant Parkhurst I.V.

Octobris 6 : 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport I.V

Anno 1852 die 4 Novembris , nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V. Patritium Lavan Parkhurst, filium Cormick et Margarita Lavan Roscommon , et JuliamMcGuyre Hunny Hill, filiam Thomæet Amelia McGuyre Hunny Hill, interrogavi eorum mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Michalo Clark et Margarita McGuyre qui habitant

Parkhurst . I.V

Novembris 4: 1852

Thomas Fryer M.A Newport. I.V

Anno 1852 die 10 Novembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V. Jacobum Lowry Parkhurst Barracks, filium Jacobi et Birgitta Lowry Roscommon et Catherinam Purcell Parkhurst , filiam Jacobi et Lucia Purcell Cork, interrogavi eorum mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Danielo Purcell et Eliza Walker qui habitant Parkhurst Barracks I.V.

Novembris 10: 1852

Thomas Fryer M.A Newport . I.V

Anno 1852 die 11 Decembris, nullo legitimo impediment> detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V Joannem Callaghan. Parkhurst, filium Patritii et Mariæ Callaghan. Cork (t Mariam Roach Parkhurst filiam Garett et Elizabetha Roach. Cork , interrogavi eorum mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibustestibusnotis Georgio Meager et Anna Bush* qui habitant Newport. I.V Decembris 11 : 1852

Thomas Fryer. M.A Newport I.V. [р 91] 1853

Anno 1853 die 17 mersis Maii nullo legitimo impedime: to detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport. I.V Patri:ium O Mara Parkhurst, filium Joannis et Birgittæ O Mara Galwayet Catherinam Hayes Newport filiam Joannis et Julia Hayes Limerick interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus tes:ibus

* Housekeeper to the Rev. T. Fryer at The Chapel House , Newport See obituaries infra.


notis Georgio Meager et Anna Bush qui habitant Newport. I.V. Maii 17: 1853 Thomas Fryer. Missus Apocus Newport. I.V

Anno 1853 die 26 mensis Julii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V Rowland Gom Parkhurst, filium Thomæ Lucia Gom Brill et Mariam MoranNewport filiam Jeremiah et Julia Moran Chester, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Henrico Bull et Georgio Meagerqui habitant Newport Julii 26: 1853 Thomas Fryer. M.A

Anno 1853 die 14 mensis Septembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V Joannem HollywoodNewport, Filium Thomæ et Mariæ Hollywood Armargh et Elizabetham Agnetem Maffey, viduam Caroli Maffy Winchester interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxipræsentibus testibus notis Edwardo Henney, Frederico Meager, Carolinâ Henney et Joannâ Edmunds, qui habitant Newport

Septembris 14 : 1853

Thomas Fryer. M.A

Anno 1853 die 12 mensis Octobris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V.Arthur Hassett Parkhurst, filium Joannis et CatherineHassett Limerick et Birgittam Thuey* Parkhurst, filiam Joannis et Mariæ Thuey* Limerick, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi, præsentibus testibus notis Georgio Meager et Annâ Bush qui habitant Newport

Octobris 12: 1853

Thomas Fryer. M.A

Anno 1853 die 14 mensis Octobris nullolegitimoimpedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I.V Owen Murphy Parkhurstfilium Owen et Birgittæ Murphy Louth et Annam Conway Parkhurst, filiam Patritiiet Annæ Conway Mayo interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Mathæo Fitzpatrick et Helena Dwyer qui habitant Parkhurst

Octobris 14: 1853

Thomas Fryer. M.A

Anno 1853 die 14 mensis Novembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A apud Newport . I.V. Jacobus [sic] Hart Newport, filium Joannis et Helenæ HartCork et Honoram McCarthy[p. 92] Newport, filiam Edwardiet Mariæ McCarthy . Cork, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Georgio Meager et Anna Bush qui habitant Newport. I.V

Novembris 14 : 1853

* Possibly Thucy. '

Thomas Fryer. M.A.


[In Bishop Grant's hand: Vis. et approbat die 14 Maii 1854 in S Visit +Thomas Epus]

Anno 1854 die 20 mensis Junii, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I.V Thomam MacNerney Newport , filium Francisci et Margarita MacNerney Cavan et Catherinam CourtneyNewport, filiam Joannis et Catherinæ Courtney Cork, interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Annâ Bush et Mariâ Joannâ Edmunds qui habitant Newport

Junii 20: 1854

Thomas Fryer. M.A


Anno 1855 die 1 Maii nullo legitimoimpedimento detecto Ego

Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport I of W Jacobum Kaley alias Power* Newport , filium Patritii et Catherinæ Kaley Waterford et Helenam How Newport , filiam Richardi et Joannæ How Down, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Gulielmo Hardinget Anna Bush qui habitant Newport

Maii 1 : 1855

Thomas Fryer. M.A

Anno 1855 die 15 mensis Maii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A apud Newport I.V. Jacobum CooperParkhurst, filium Joannis et Elizabethæ CooperUpminster et Helenam Murphy Newport , filiam Michælis et Catherinæ Murphy Limerick, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Maria Joannâ Edmunds et Annâ Bush qui habitant Newport

Maii 15: 1855

Thomas Fryer M.A

Anno 1855 die 28 mensis Maii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A. apud Newport . I.V. Georgium Hayward Ryde, filium Gulielmi et Mariæ Hayward Shaftesbury et Joannam Cheverton Newport , filiamJoanniset SarahCheverton Newport , interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter. per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Jacobo Cheverton et Mariâ Cheverton qui habitant Newport

Maii 28 : 1855

Thomas Fryer M.A

[p. 93] Anno 1855 die 7 mensis Julii nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A apud Newport. I.V Patritium Dwyeralias ConnersParkhurstBarracks filiumJoannis et Margarita Dwyer (olim Conners ) Tipperary et Johannam Hackett London, filiam Nicolai et Honoræ Hacket Tipperary interrogavieorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter perverba

* Doubtful reading; in small writingabove.

de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Thoma Bowman M.A et Anná Bush qui habitant Newport. I.V

Julii 7: 1855

Thomas Fryer M.A

Anno 1855 die 17 mensis Septembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I.V Jacobum Worley Newport , filium Gulielmi et Maria Worley Spalding et Mariam Annam Breen Newport , [filiam Cornelii et Catherinæ scored] viduam Michalis Breen Kilrush interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Annâ Bush et Maria Joannâ Edmunds qui habitant Newport. I.V

Septembris 17: 1855

Thomas Fryer. M.A

Anno 1855 die 24 Septembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer. M.A apud Newport I.V Joannem Carr Parkhurst , filium Thomæ et Mariæ Carr, Down et Annam Burke London, filiam David et Catherinæ Burke Tipperary, interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Patritio Dwyer et Anna Bush qui habitant Newport. I.V

Septembris 24: 1855

Thomas Fryer M.A

Anno 1855 die 4 Decembris, nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego Thomas Fryer M.A. apud Newport I.V. Thomam Kearney Newport , filium Joannis et Elizæ Kearney Tipperary et Honoram Dunn Newport, filiam Patritii et Mariæ Dunn Waterford interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Annâ Bush et Mariâ Joannâ Edmunds qui habitant Newport. I.V. Decembris 4: 1855

[In blue pencil at the foot of the page] 76 in this Book

Thomas Fryer. M.A. 40 in New Book to December 17/61 116

[pp. 94 to 134 blank.]

[p. 135] [Thefive ribbon book-markers are betweenpages 135 and 136.]

[All in the Rev. T. Fryer's hand] Deaths

Church 1839. June 13. Mrs. Elizabeth Wyatt. Protestant Recd ag. 66 Novb. 12 Frances James Prot. Recd into the Church

December 14. Mrs. Harriet Bashanni Prot ag. 29 do .. ag. 32


Jan. 7. Mr. Henry Knight. Catholic aged 30


Feby. Catherina Taken. infant 293 aged 10 days

May 22. Mr. Ambrose Discacciati. Catholic aged 58

July4 Mrs. Anastiatia [sic] James Catholic aged 64

August Mr. John Driscoll suddenly at Sandown* Catholic

July 11. Mr. Francis Norton Catholic

November 3 John Murphyat Ryde Cat


Feby 14. Mr. Joseph Rowe convert of Rev. about 50 ag. 35 ag. 10 J. Robson aged 81

Feby 22. Austin Fergus. infant


Sept 10th Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Barnes aged 7 weeks Cat. aged 71

October 22 Miss Jane Midlane.

December 2 Mrs. Hannah Rowe. Convert

March 19. Mons L'Abbe De Grenthe Mr. Thomas Farron Convert aged 24 aged 85 1842 aged 77 do 30

July 2 Mr. J. Smith. Private St Helena Regiment aged 27

28 Mrs Mary McDonell aged 71

August 12th Revd Joseph Rathborne of Cowes aged 34

Coglan Coglan twins, privately baptised

Oct. 1 John Joseph Fagin 1 month old

Novb 16

Mr George Carter

Decb 10 Mr GeorgeDanby Privateof23 Regt. Buried the above publickly at the Military Burial Ground, on the 13th. Mr. D. was buried with military honors 1843

Jany 12. Mrs. Mary Flanigan of the Rifle Bri53 28 30 gade buried privately at the Barracks on the 13th of Janty.

May 10. Mr. John Hackett Pri 97

24 Mr. Cornelius Barry Pri. Rifle Brigade ag. 37

Buried on 25th at Military Burial Ground aged 43

June 1. Mr. John Hunt Pri of 12th Regt. aged 19

Buried on the 3 of June at Military Burial Ground

July 8 Mrs Rebecca Leg. Convert 40

July 15 Miss Jane Leslie 20th Depot buried at the Military Burial Ground aged 13

22. Master GeorgeLynchofthe 12thDepot buried at the Military B. Ground aged 7

[p. 136] November 23. Mr. John Roach Private of the 97th Buried on the 24thattheMilitary Burial Ground, with Military honours . aged 22

These lasttwowords in different ink.


December 3. Mary McQuin ofthe 97th. buried on the 4th in Newport read burial

December 14. ElizabethMehan.


Feby 4th John Mullane of the 20th Depot

aged21 years service in chapel aged4

Buried on the 6th at the Military Burial Ground

Mr. James Roach 14

March 2. Mr. EdmundMurphy. Privateofthe 12th . Buried the above at the Military

Burial Ground on the 4th of March

March 28. Thomas Towney of the 12th

Buried the above at the Military Burial Ground on the 29th inst

Mr. James Foley Sergeantofthe 20th aged 41 years

April4 aged 3 years aged45 years aged 21 years aged 2 years

Depot Buried the above at the Military

Burial Ground with Military Honours on the 6 ofApril


Mr. Michael Concargh Drumerofthe aged 44

12th Depot Buriedthe aboveattheMilitary

Burial Ground withmilitaryhonours on the

May 29 William John Neill ofthe45Depot

31 Eliza Neill do

Read the funeral service over both in the Chapel on Sunday the 2 of June

June 1st Mr William Phillips of the 12 Depot

24 ofApril. aged 3 years 1 yrs aged 26

Buried the above at the Military Burial Ground with military honours on the 3 of June

N.B. The parson was burying another soldier at the same time, a few yards off.

5 Mr John Power aged 40 23. ElizabethMacDonald 97 Depot aged 3 years

July 8th Mr. Francis Fallick aged 52

August 19 Mr Patrick Maloney ofthe 12th Depot aged 23

Buried the above at the Military Burial Ground with Military Honours on the 20th of August.

N.B. The parson was burying another soldier at the same time, a few yards off

Sept 16th GeorgeBrereton aged 1 years

Buried at Military Burial Ground on the 17th inst

Oct 22 Mr James Flanagan of the Rifles aged 38

Buried the above on the 23 at Military Burial Ground

November 8 MaryAnn Gurlay

11 Mr [blank] Andre

20 John Tully

27 Mrs Ann Bush*

December 6 John Feniant aged 11 months aged 70 years 6 years 64 years 1 year

* Query: Mother of Miss Ann Bush, Fr. Fryer's housekeeper ? † Doubtful reading.

[p. 137]


January 3rd Mrs. Cæcily Rathborne (Mother of the Revd Jos Rathborne)

Jany 6th Mr John Dalton 9

June 23. Jane McLaughlin

Mr Leech private of the 97th Depot Buried at Military Burial Ground

Mr John Stenson Privateofthe97th Depot Buried on the 24 June at Military Burial Ground

aged 74 aged 37 aged 14 months aged 22 32

Oct 29 Mr William Pollard Drumer ofthe97th 22 Depot Buried on the 30 of October at MilitaryBurial Ground 1846

March 16 Mr Timothy Leary

(Fatherofthe Revd MrWoodsofSheerness) He was called atthewish of Bishop Poynter after his mother's maiden name (Woods)

May Eliza Nerle* of the 45th Depot

June 15 Mr James Nemock ofthe 97th aged 86 aged 1 year aged 37

Buriedthe 17 of June at the Military Barracks

June 20 Joseph Wolfe aged 19

Read the burial service over him in the Chapel August 28. Mr Charles James Died very suddenly at the Workhouse aged 72

8 Sept Mr John Smith aged 27

6 October Mrs BridgetDaltonof the 97th aged 46 10 October Mr John Ryan aged 50 1847

Jany 12th Mr Pierce Walsh ofthe 45th aged 40 years

Buried the above with Military Honours on the 14th inst


Mr JosephWarrenofthe97thDepot aged 20

Buried the above with Military Honours on the 15th inst

20th Mr John Cavanagh ofthe 45th

Buried on the 21stat MilitaryBurial Ground with Military Honours

27 30

[р 138]

Feby 1st Feby 2nd

Mrs Margaret Cooney wife of Sergeant Cooneyofthe Rifles

Mr James Fenian* of the 97thDepot

Buriedonthe 1stof Feby. with Military Honours at the Garrison Burial Henry John Tinnchea aged 18 aged 44 aged 22 Ground aged 9 months

Mr Daniel Wilmott ofthe 36thDepot aged 24 years

Buried the 3rd instant at the M. Burial Ground 19th ofJanuarydied in London , Mrs. Monica Ida McGolrick, aged

Buriedon the 26th of Janry in the Catholic Cemetery at Chelsea R.I.P. * Doubtful reading.

32 years

11th Mr Michael Curick of the 36th Depot. 21 years

Buried on the 13th at M. Burial GroundwithMilitaryHonours

March 8th

Mr Hugh Rourke of the 97th Depot aged 45 years

Buried the above on the 9th with Military Honours N.B. The Parson wasburying achild

Mr James Blake

37 13 17 23 at the same time

Corporal JamesGreenham97thDepot

Buried the above on the 19th at the Military Burial Ground aged 36 years 32 years

Mr Thomas Tyrell of the 97 Depot aged 39

Buried the aboveon the25 ofMarch, with the usual Military Honours.

April 7th Mr Michael Rice of the 20th 14 29 30

Buried on the 9th at Military Burial Ground

Mr John Larkin of the 12th Depot aged 18

Buried the above on the 16 at the Military Burial Ground with the usual honors

Mr John Fitzsimon ofthe 20th Depot aged 18

Buried the aboveat theMilitaryBurial Ground May 1st

Mr Thomas Harrigan of the 91st

Buried the above on the 3 of May with Military Honours aged 19

Mr Lawrence Grant of the 20th Depot aged 18

May 3 aged 22

Buried the above on the 5th of May at the Military Burial Ground

15 Mr William Connors of the 91st Buried the aboveon the 17 ofMayatthe Military Burial Ground

June 5 Mr Peter Lynch of the 91st aged 17 aged 13 hours aged 6 weeks aged 18 years

18 Robert Marghar

30 Amelia Carolina White

Buried the above with Military Honours on the 7th

Aug 11 Mr Thomas Bradley of the 91st 14 16 aged 18 years

Buried the above with Military Honours on the 13th Catherine Murphy

Mr Richard Perkins Convert

Sept 5th Mr Timothy Conelly of the 97th aged 12 days aged 66 years aged 24 years

Buried the above on the 7th with Military Honors

Sept 8 MaryMacDermott (born on the 5thprivately baptizedby my clerk T. Butler on Sunday the 5th

[p. 139] Mr EdwardCavanaghofthe45th Depot

Died Sept 19th 1847

November 27th Mary MacKuskar aged 44 years aged 9 months

Buried the above with Military Honours at the M. Burial Ground Sept 21st

December3. Patrick Cunningham of the 5th aged 2 yrs Depot & 4 months

Mr PatrickGilroy ofthe69th Depot aged 23 years

Buried the above with Military Honours on the 14 inst at theMilitary Burial Ground

Mr Michael Marley of the 23rd aged 20 yrs

Depot Buried theabovewithMilitary Honours on Sunday the 19th inst

December 29 Mr James Brett of the 69 Depot aged 19 years

Buriedtheaboveonthe30thwith Military Honours

11 January 30 Johanna McDermott of the 56 Depot Buried on the 31 at the Barracks 1848 years

Mr William Neill late of the 45th aged 46 years Depot

14 January Charity McCann of the 45th

15 Mr George Davies of the 5th Depot

Buried the above with Military Honours at the Military Burial Ground on the 18th of Feby 18 Mr William Byrne of the St Helena Regiment Buried the abovewith Military Honours Feb 19th


March 1

Mr John Dononughue of the 97th Depot

Mr Peter Flynn of the 12th Depot

Buried Donoughe & Flynn at theMilitary B. Ground on the 2nd of March with Military Honours

aged 17 days aged 29 years

Jay. aged 18 years aged 23 yrs aged 38 yrs

2nd Mr James Chapmanofthe 69 Depot aged 24 yrs

Buried the above on March the 3 with Military Honours

12 James Neill of the 45

25 Joseph Lavery of the 67th Depot

31st Mr Bernard Boylan of the 36 Depot

31st Mr John Phelamy of the 76 Depot Aprilthe 2 (Sunday) Buried the above Boylan& Phelamy with Military Honours

12 Mr John Weston of the 69th Depot

Buried the above on the 14th at the 21 Mr James Cormick of the 67 Depot

Buried the above April 23 (Easter Sunday) at theMilitary BurialGround with the usual Military Honours

29 Catherina Horner of the 56th Depot

29 Julia Cavanaghof the45thDepot

[p . 140] 2 of May

aged 1 year aged 13 months aged 21 years aged 31 years aged 19 years M.B. Ground aged 23 years aged 13 months aged 4 years & 1 mn

Mr Thomas Ryan of the 36 aged 36 years Depot Buried the above on the 4 of May with Military lionours

* Doubtful reading.

10th of May Ann MariaDavis ofthe 76th Depot aged 11 months

Buried at the M. Burial Ground

15thofMay MrsElizabethLeary Convert inher Buried the above on the 17th May

19th Mrs. Charlotte Taken Convert

June 4th Mr PatrickDunleavy ofthe45th Depot

Buried the above on the 5th with Military

July 6. Mr William Dalton of the 23rd Depot


82 year aged 26 years aged 24 yrs Honours aged 17 years

Buried the above on the 8th with Military Honours aged 17* years

Drumer Michael McGenity of the 97th Depot Buried the above on the 14th of July with Military Honours

18 Mrs Mary Hookey

Aug. 1st Buried the above at the Military B. Ground

Sept. 3rd Mr Michael Maloney ofthe 76thDepot aged 21 years

30 Elizabeth Laughlin of the 23 Depot aged 36 years 1 years the 4th inst

Buried the above with Military Honours on N.B. The Parson was burying at the same time a soldier of the 44th Depot.

Sept. 3. Mrs Mary O Bryan Convert aged 42 years aged 33 years

29. Colour Sergt. John Heskett of the 20th Depot

October 2nd Buried the above with Military Honours, at the M. Burial Ground

26th Mr Daniel Hall of the 20th Depôt aged 20 years

Buried the above on the 27thwith the usual M. Honours

November 7th at Bath Lieutenant General John Luther Richardson Convert (Formerly of this congregation)

December 20th Mrs Elizabeth Taylor Convert 23 Stephen Coyle of the 45th 31 Henry Owens of the 76th in his 86 year 52 years 7 years 5 months

[The last three bracketed together; and written lengthwisein the margin is: Read the funeral service over them in the dead house of the Umen* Hospital]


Jany 3rd Margaret Cuff of the 69th

Feby 4th Mr John Flanigan of the 36th Depot aged 37 years

N.B. Buried the above on the 5th of Feby attheNew MilitaryBurial Ground, being the first interred there, in the part set aside for the Catholic Soldiers Mr F, was buried with the usual Military Honours

March 2. Johanna Wall of the 44 Depot

Buriedthe same day at 5 P.M. in the New M. B. Ground

* Doubtful reading aged 11 months

Buried the above on the 19 of March at the New M. Burial Ground with the Honours N.B. Wore the surplice for the 1st time

Mr Michael Moffatt 69th Depot

April3rd Mr Michael Adrian44th Depot

Mr John Sarchfield of the 67 Depot aged 23 years aged 20 years aged 21 years

Buried both at the New M. B. Ground with the usual Military Honours on the4th

Mr John Griffin of the 5th Depot

Buried with M. H. on the 12th inst.

Mr Patrick Murphyof the 36th Depot

Buried on the 16th with the usual M. Patrick Bohannon of the 76 Depot aged 2 years

Buried on the 29th in N. Military B. Ground

May 10th Henry George of the 44th Depot

Buried on the 12th at the N. M. B. G.

June 5th

aged 20 years aged 36 years H's aged 1 day

My Dear Brother, William Fryer, incumbent ofCowes Chapel departed this life at past 2 in the morning 14 of June the 5th 1849. aged 32. May his soul rest in peace. Amen . He was buried alongside the chapel in the garden in the very spot which he selected the day before his death [In brackets in the right-hand margin, written lengthwise: (Sr. Augt 12. L.M. March 1968) ]

Daniel Marghar of the 23rd Depot aged 5 years

Buried on the 15th at the New M. B. Ground

July 10 Mr William Clarke

Aug. 5 14

31 (cholera) (do)(do)

Mr HumphreyKeating

John Ryan

Mr Mathew Donohue ofthe 20th Depot

Buried the above with M. H. on the Sept 2. Mr Patrick Manger 67th Depot

8 11 27

Buried the above with M. H. on the 4th John Manning of the 67th

aged 27 years aged 30years aged 8 years aged 20 years 1st of Sept aged 29 years aged 2 days

Buried the same day at Military B. Ground

Mr George Williamsof the 56th Depot

Buried the above with M. H. on the Mr Dennis Bryan ofthe 67th Depot

Buried the above with M. H. on the 29th of Sept

Oct 9 Sergeant Peter White 97th (Convert)

29 aged 20 years 13th inst aged 23 years aged 37 years

Buried the above with the usual M. Honours on the 11th

Catherina Murphy

30 Mr Hubert Taggart

December 15 James Larkin of the 67 Depot

Buried on the 16th New Military 'B.' Ground [In blue pencil: 10 Ellen Smith 1850

Jany 23 ElizabethCuffofthe 69th Depot

Buried on the 24 at N. M. B. Ground

aged 9 months aged 28 years aged 6 months 10 days] aged 6 weeks

Feby 1


Mr Timothy Maher 20th Depot

Mr John Connor 76th Depot

Buried the above on Feby 2nd with M. Honours at New M. B. Ground

March 3

John Canty of the 36 Depot aged 20years aged 18 years aged 13 months

Buried on the 5th at the New Military Burial Ground

[p. 142]

March 14 John Onslow 2 years old

April 10

Mr William Irvin late 20th (Convert) aged 40 years

Buried at the Military Cemetery on the 15th at 3 P.M.

N.B. Mr W. I. was the first Pensioner buried at the M. Cemetery The Colonel sent a Guard of 16 soldiers

April 30 Mary McCarthy 97th Depot 1 day old

Buried at 5. P.M. on the 1st of May at the M. B. Ground

May 4 Mrs Helen McCarthy 97th Depot All Buried May 6th at M. B. Ground

14 John Griggs of the 56th Depot aged 30 years

the Sergts of 97th Depot present the deceased being a Sergeant's wife

Mother & child buried in one grave

Buried on the 18th in Military B. Ground

June 11 James Lopeman of the 97 Depot

Buried in New M. B. Ground

June 29 Henry Edward Frampton

Sept. 21. Mr Edward Stevens of the 44th Depot

Buried with Military H. at the N. M. B. Ground on the 23rd Sept

Oct. 3rd William H. Ryan

Sept. 22. Mr Richard Fronell* 2 days old 1 day 5 months old aged 21 aged 7 weeks aged 32 years

Novb 8 Helena County 18 Mrs Mary Egan 1851

Feby 2. Elizabeth Taylor

John James Hickey ofthe 69th Regt

Buried on the 21st at the New Military

April 19 Mr David Geary 20 25 aged 10 weeks aged 74 years 9 months aged 78 years 15 months Burial Ground 19 years

Mr Edward Burne of the 97thDepot

Buried above on the 27 of ApriłwithMilitaryHonours

27. Mr John Sullivan of the 36th Regt.

Buried with M. Honours on the 28th

May 13th James Hally 97th Depot aged 40 years aged 38 years aged 13 months

28 Mr William Bophy 67th Depot

Buried on the 14th at the NewMilitary Burial Ground

June 21 Thomas Daly 36th Depot

Buried on the 23rd at the New Military

July 4th Mr Patrick Rourke 36th Depot

Buried July 6th (Sunday) at Ñ M B.

Burial Ground aged 30 years with Mil. Honours

* Doubtful reading. aged 18 months


August 4


Mr Thomas (John ?) Clancy 97th

Buried July 9 with M. Honours

Mrs Mary Carter 301 aged 20 years 56 years

Buried at House of Industry*

20 Johanna Conway 67th Depot aged 9 months

Buried on the 21 at the New Military B. Ground

22 Thomas McDermott 67 Depot aged 7 months

24 Ph Ed. Smith

Sept. 2 Private Michael Connell 67th Depot

Buried on the 23rd at N. M. B. Ground aged 3 months aged 22 years

Buried on the 4th at N. M. B. G. without military honors (Tem. Insanity)

Sept. 22. aged 36 years Mr Patrick Whelan 36th Depot

Buried with Military honours on the 24th

30 Miss Margaret Isabella Simeon aged 4 years4 months

Read Burial service over the body on the 4th of October at Swainstone

October 16th Mr Patrick Callahen of the 36th aged 23 years

23 Depot Buried with Military honours on the 18th 3 officers present

Mr James Cresnell

Read Burial Service over the aged 76 years above in Dead House at the House of Industry

November 12 Mr David Gorman

Read B. Service over the above in Dead House at House of Industry

20 John Jenkins 36th Depot

Buried on the 21 at Military B. Ground Thomas Whelan 36 Depot

Buried on the 12th at M. B. Ground

[p. 143]

December 11 aged 30 years aged6 months aged 5 years years

December 21st Ellen Whelan of the 36th Depot Buried at M. B. Ground on the 1852

Jany 10th Mr John Bush

Feby 5th Mrs Mary Amelia Locke

The deceased was the faithful & valued housekeeper of the Revd Messrs Russell , Robson & Fryer for upwards of 30 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. [The next entry in the Rev. T. Bowman's hand] aged 3 22nd inst. aged 47 years aged 52 years

Buried on the 10th of Feby 1852 in front of the Catholic Church , Newport (I.W) after a Solemn Dirge & Requiem Mass , Thomas Bowman M. Ap.. aged 40 years by me

March 2nd Mrs Rose Anna Coppinger

Read the Burial Service over the deceased on March the 4th at Pear Tree Cottage West Cowes . I of W

* Cf . C.R.S. , xliii, p. 98 .



Mrs Elizabeth Merchant

Read Burial Service over the above in the dead house in House of Industry on the 9th March aged 72 years

Mr John Dunleavy ofthe 36thDepot aged 24 years

Buriedon the 25th at MilitaryB. G. witli the usual honours

Mrs Eliza. G. Ellis of Mill Hill W. aged 36 years Cowes

George Canty of the 36th Depot

Buried in the same grave with his brother John who died March 3rd /50 aged 13 months, at New Military B. Ground. March 31 aged 14 months

Mrs Margaret Stack of the 88th Regt. aged 30 years

Buried on the 17th at the New Military B. Ground

28 Mrs Ann Hollywood aged 45 years

N.B. Read the burial service over the body in the chapel on Sunday afternoon the 2d of May. 3 P.M.

May 14 Mr OwenMacLaughlin ofthe88thRegt aged 27 years

Buried with Military Honours on the 15. at N. M. B. Ground. 4 p.m.

19 Mrs Jane Connell of the 88th Regt. Buried on the 20th at New Military B. Ground . 4 p.m.

May 31st Mary Moran of the 88th Regt.

Buried on the 1st of June at New M. Burial

June 2. Revd Charles Francis Darcy at West Cowes I of W Buriedin Chapel Garden. June 4th R.I.P. Amen

4th Mr Michael Rinn of the 26th Depot

MrThomasCarroll ofthe 88th Regiment

Buried on the5th with MilitaryHonours Rinn at to 4. Carroll

9 Mrs Elizabeth Welch " past 4 p.m. Read Burial service over the above in

the dead House in House of Industry on the 10th inst 14. John Cunnane of the 88th Regt

Buried on the 15th at M. Burial Ground at past 5 P.M.

15 Mary Fallon of the 88thRegt

25 Buried on the 16th at M. Burial Ground

Mr Francis Philbin of the 88th Regt Buried the above on the 26th inst at M. B. G. with Military Honours

July 12 Mr John Brennan of the 36th Depot, attached to the 88th Regt


died on the 12 at 7 a.m. & Buried with Military Honours on the 12th at 4

14 Mr James Carney of the 88th Regt Buried the above with Mil. Honours on the 15th at 4 P.M.

16 Edward Rutledge of the 88th Regt p.m.

. aged 27 years aged 1 year

[The next entry in the Rev. T. Bowman's hand]

Buried the above in the New Military Burial Ground July 17th 1852

29 Mr John Wall of the 88th Regt,

October 10 John Kelly of the 88th Regt. T. Bowman aged,39 years aged 23 years

30 Buried the above with Military Honours at past 4 P.M.

[The next entry in the Rev. T. Bowman's hand] 11 Buried the above in the New Military Bl. Ground

October 29 Mr Joseph Scanlon of the 88 Regt aged 23 years Buried the above with Mil. H. on the 30th inst at New Mil B. Ground

November 3rd James Burke 26th Depot. Buried on the 4th at 3 P.M. New M, B. Ground ,

[р. 144]

Jany 23rd 1853

Patrick Kelly of the 26th Depot, aged 5 years aged 3 years

[The next entry in the Rev. T. Bowman's hand] 25th Buried the above in the Military B Ground T.B. Feby 17 Catherina Keating, vel Caton

18 Mrs Charlotte Sweetman

21 Matilda Burke 26th Depot

Buried on the 23 at 3 P.M. New Mil

March 23. Elizabeth Murphy of the 88 Depot [Read the scored] Buried in the Barrackroom on the 24 of March on account of Tenebræ being sung at the hour appointed for the funeral James Michael Price April 17 .

19 Mrs Ann Burke of the 26 Depot

Buried at N. Mil B. Ground at 3 P.M.

July 2. Mr Silvester Bligh of the 23 Regt Buried the above with Military Honours at the M. B. Ground on the 4th inst

Sept. 7. Mr George Croucher

24 John Jeuman 8 days aged 60 years aged 9 months B. Ground aged 18 months aged 2 months aged 27 years on the 26th inst aged 36 years aged 40years ged 12 months

November 12 Mr John Crewe of the 23 Regt aged 30 years

Buried at Military B. G. on the 14th with the usual honours 1854

24 Jany. Mrs Mary Dashwood,(Ventnor) Read burial service over the body in the Chapel on the 29th at 3 P.M. aged 33 years

13 April Private William Keily of the 77 Regt aged 27 years

Buried with Military Honours on the 15th inst

26 April Mrs Mary Long

Read Burial Service over [sic] in the dead House on the 28th inst

May 5 Alice Leary of the 28th Depot

Mr John Austin (at Sea March 5th) aged 80 years aged 19 years aged 16 months to 6. P.M.

Buried on Sunday the 7 inst at in Military B. Ground

May 7th Mr James Hughes of the 28th Depot aged 36 years

[In Bishop Grant's hand: Fiat ad formam Ritualis Romani Die 14 Maii 1854 + Thomas Epus]

The Bishop on the 9 of October 1854 allowed me permission to enter the deaths &c as usual Thos Fryer.

May 15 Monica Frances Johnson aged 3 years

Read burial service over the body in chapel on the 18th

June 25 Mr Henry McCormick

Read Eurial service over the body in the dead House on the 28th

July 18 Mi Daniel Clifford 95 Depot

26 Mr Patrick Ryan

Read B. Service in the Dead House on 29th

August 26 ElizabethHenley of the 95th Depot

Buried on 28 in Military B. Ground

Sept 27 John Casey 88 Regt

October 11th

24 aged 23 years aged 28 years aged 19 years aged 2 years aged 2 years & half aged 2 years House

William McAuliffe88 Regt.

Read burial service in the Dead Mr Edward Farley 77th Depot

Buriedin the Military B. Ground on the 25 with the usual Military Honours

[p . 145]

November 1st Mr Joseph Rowe aged 32 years aged 67 years

2 63

Read B. Service in Chapel on the 4th William H. Killom 77th Regt aged 2 months

9 Mr James Burton aged 47 years

Read Burial Service in Chapel over the body 12 inst 16 Patrick Conlan of the 77 aged 4 years

17 Buried at the New Military B. Ground 1855

Jany27 Mrs Johanna McQuadeof the 95thDepot

Buried in New Military B. G. on Sunday 3.

Feby 20 RosannaMcGuemon* ofthe 95th Depot

Buried in New Mil B. G. on 21 at 3. P.M.

March 8th William McEvoy of the 28th Regt.

April 5. Ann Thornhill of the 95th Depot

Buried at the Military B. Groundon the 6th at past 4. P.M.

* Doubtful reading. aged 28 years P.M. Jany 28th aged 4 months aged 2 months aged 9 months

In the margin, first two letters almost indecipherable (possibly P.U. or 10): Buried in Mil Cemetery New A line indicates that the entry should be here

Agnes Frampton aged 14 months

Read Burial Service in Chapel on the 15th

Maria McIntyre of the 95th Depot

Buried at New Mil B. Ground on the 29 at past 3. P.M.

aged 1 year

Sergeant Thomas O Callaghan of the 20 Depot Buried on the 1st of May at 3. P.M., at Mil B. G. with the usual honours

aged 29 years

[In pencil in the margin : (82) ]

N.B. At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 1st of May 1855, & the 15th of June Presentthe Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council, it was desired (according to an Act passed in the 16 & 17 years of Her Majestys reign) that burials should be discontinued in the Catholic Chapel Newport. I of Wight " Newport . Isle of Wight--To be forwith sic discontinued in the old part of the Churchyard , and in the Roman Catholic Chapel , and from & after the 1st of January 1857 in the Churchyard and in the Roman Catholic Chapel Burial Ground "

See London Gazette of May 1855

June 5 Mr John Branagan of the 95thDepot

Buried on the 6th at the MilitaryB. Ground with the usual Mil Honus. N.B. The Parson was burying another soldier of the same depot at the same time aged 35 years

July 7th Mr William McCannofthe 20th Depot aged 19 years He was accidentally run over & died a few minutes after Buried the above with more than the usual Military Honours on the 10 at the New Military Burial Ground: 10 officers in full uniform & 250 soldiers were present at the funeral

July 8th Mary Magdalen Johnson aged years & half

The nextentry, and that ofJuly 17, in the Rev. T. Bowman'shand]

Buried by me, in front of the Catholic Church, Newport on Wednesday, July 11 , 1855 .

July 17 Mary Jane Thornhill, (95 Depot)

Buried 18th at the New Mily Burial Ground at pt 2.

Augt. 1

Cuthbert Matthias Jóhnson

Buried in front of the Chapel August 3.

23 T. Bowman. aged 10 yrs

aged5 years 5 months

Mr Patrick Havey ofthe 28 Depot

Mr Edward Reily ofthe 48th Depot

aged 20 years aged 19 years

Buried both on the 25 of August at the N. Mil Burial Ground, with Mil Honours

Sept. 6th Mr Thos Farell of the 28th Depot

Buried the above with Mil Honours on the p. 146 Sept. 7. Mr Thos Finnerty of the 48 Depot Buried on the 8th at the New Mil B. Ground Teresia Charlotte Johnson


October 22

Buried in front of the Chapel October 3rd

Buried the above on the 24 at N. M. B. Ground with the usual 30th Thomas Hassettof the 28th Depot

aged 24 years 7th inst aged 35 years aged2 years & 9 months

Private Thomas Walsh of the 28th aged 36 years Depot

Buried on the 31st inst at N. M. B. Ground

November 10 Mrs Ellen Howes*

Read burial service over the Body at her house on the 16th inst

December 11 . 14

Mil Honours aged 1 year & 7 months

aged 70 years

Mr James Doyle of the 77th aged 30years Depot Buried the above on the 12 at the MilitaryB. G. with the usual Mil. Honours

Mr John Stanton

Decb 13 Mr Thos Costello of the 28th Depot

Buried the above on the 15 of Decb in the Mil B. Ground &c

N.B. Mr. J. Stanton buried in front ofthe Church December 16th

Jany 9. 1856

Mr Thos Kyne of the 77 Depot

Buried the above on the 10th at Mil. B. Ground with the usual Mil. Honours

[The next entry enclosed in square brackets] Feby 23rd My dear friend Canon Thos Bowman died at Bermondsey He was on a visit here from the 1st ofJany to the 12th .

R.I.P. Buriedat Chelsea on the 29thofJany, after a solemn dirge had been performed at Bermondsey on the same day. Feby. 3 Thomas McCarthy

Read burial service over the body at the house on Feby 5th

7 Mr Thomas Langton 95th Depot

Buried the above on the 9th with the usual Mil Honours

Or possibly'Hones '

aged 40 years aged 32 years aged 39 years aged 4 months aged 38 years

Feby' has lines through it as though scored : from the body oftheentry it is evident that this shouldbe Jany. ' .


10 Mr William Murray of the 28th Depot

Buried the above with the usual Mil Honours on the 12th inst

March 27 Mrs Ann Hickey ofthe 28th Depot

Buriedon the 29th at the N. Mil B. Ground

April 8th

MrMichael McGinnis ofthe28 Depot

307 aged 34 years aged 26 years in pencil: 100 aged 20years

Buried on the 9th at the Military B. Ground

Mr Daniel McNulty 48th Depot 26 * aged 35 years

Buried the above with Mil Honours on the 28 inst

The next entry in square brackets]

April 24 Mrs Eliza Johnson late of Carisbroke. She was buried in the Catholic Ceme tery at Chelsea She was a memberfor many years of this congregation R.I.P. Amen

In pencil: 100 May 4th Mr HenryKilduffofthe 95th Depot Buried the above with Mil Honours on the 6th of May 19 Mary Ann Joyce of the 28th Depot


31 aged 39 years aged 12 years Mil. B. Ground aged 39 years aged 40 years

Buried the above on the 20th at New Mis Mary Lippey of the 95 Depot, Buried the above at the N. Mil B. Ground on the 28 inst

Mr William Maher of the 95th Depot

Buried the above on the 2nd ofJune, with Mil Honours

June 7 Harriett Cummins of the 20th Depot aged 21 days

Buried the above on the Sin at N Mil B. Ground

June 7 Mrs Johanna Shee

Read the Burial service over her, atthe house she died on the 9th inst [sic] 11 James Hickey of the 28 Depot

Buried on the 12 at N. Mil. B. Ground 1856 [p. 147]

12 June Edmund Rodney Pollexson Bastard Esq of Killey Devonshire (died at Swainstone)

18 Mrs Catherina Darmody 48 Depot aged 54 years aged 4 months aged 31 years aged 25

Buried the above at New Mil B. Ground on the 20th inst

20 Henry Hookey of the 4th Depot

Buried the above, with Mil Honours on the

21, at past 5.

23 Isabella Fullard 95th Depot

Buried at the Military B. Ground on the 24 inst

25 John Sinfield of the 77th Depot

aged 13 years aged8 months aged 3 years

Buried at the Military B. Ground on the 27th inst

July 2 Catherina Doyle 95 Depot aged 4 months

Buried at the Military B. Ground on the 3rd inst

* 6 and 7 , one superimposed on the other: 6 would appear to be the correct date

Figure blotted .


5 Mrs Anna Urry aged 27 years

Buried in front of the Church on the 11th inst

[Space of one inch blank before next entry]

August 10 PensionerJohn McCarthy late ofthe aged 36 years 95th Depot Buriedthe above, without Military Honours on the 12th inst at the New Military B. Ground at 3. P.M.

October 14. John Casey of the 15th Depot aged 12 years 16th inst aged 3 years

Buried the above at Mil B. Ground on the October 16th Ellen Campbell of the 15th Depot

Buried the above on 17 at Mil B. Ground

October 23. Mr Edward McCannof the 15 Depot aged 35 years Buried on the 25 of Oct. with Mil. Honours

November 4th James Collert of the 15th aged 5 months Buried on the 5th at Mil B. Ground

6th Mr Henry Bull (formerly Drum Major of the 3 Buffs) Convert

Buried in front of the Church 9 Mary Higgins of the 55th . Catherina Higgins of the 55th Depot Buried on the 14that New Mil B. Ground

13 14 23 23 Patrick Barnalli* 34 Depot Buried with Mil Honours on the 25th inst at M. B. Ground aged 44 years of November 1 day old 2 days old aged 40 years

18 December Deborah O Brian late 97th Depot aged 58 1857

Jany 22 Mr Dennis O Connell 77th Depot years

N.B. Revd John Russel for 10 years the Priest of this Church died on the 22 of September 1830. aged 42. He is buried at the foot of the Altar

His friend, Abbe De Grenthe, who died March 19th: 1842 , aged 77. is also buried at the foot of the Altar. Revd J. Russel's Sister a Nun, died at the Priory of St Dominic in Carisbrooke in her 85th year, on the 9 of July 1867*

[p. 148] 1883

Miss Ann Bush (a Convert) died at St Josephs House, Portobello Road Notting Hill, London W on the 5 of November, aged 70

The Deceased was for upwards of 24 years the respected & faithful Housekeeper of the Chapel House, Newport, I of W

May she rest in peace. Amen

She was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery on the 8thofNovember T. Fryer

Possibly Bamalli . '

These words written twice--lengthwise in the margin and again on p. 148 .

Mrs Mary Barlow, a member of this congregation for manyyears & who died at Nazareth House on the 13 of August 1887 , fortified with all the rites of Holy Church in her 78 year. She was burie.! in Eastney Cemetery Southsea on the 15 of August. May she rest in peace. Amen

[The rest of the page, 9 inches, blank .

[Pages 149 to 165 blank.]

[p. 166]

Baptized sub conditione, and received into the Churen

[By the Rev. J. Russell scored] M.A.


[In the Rev. G. Spain's hand]

Julia Page

Susan Doran

Mary, or Amelia Locke

Leonard Stagg

Henry Stagg

Eliz Stagg

Esther Mrs Chas, scored James

Benj Young

Mrs Leary & daughter

28th Aug. 1813

19th Sept 1813

1814 Jan 1

1815 Jan 24th " " 1815. "March 25th

Ap¹ 15

1816. Apl 13th 1817. March 25

[In the Rev. J. Russell'shand] 1821

1822 1823

Charles Buncombe

William Stark

William Gates

Stormont Flint*

Susan Howard

Francis Beagel

Mr [blank] Green

Ensin William Brady. 99 foot

Harriett Brady



Geo. Lidwell. Capta, 98 regt

Mary AnneRyan

*xMary Hall

Thos Moffit

Marg Wolfe

Nancy Hackett

Joseph Rowe

William Hardia ; Jane Hart

XSaralı Baldwin

George Carter

x John Bolster Sergt

It is not certain that there is a final't' to this name Crosses evidently later additions

[In pencil: 26]

Jane Harding

X William James

xMary Chissell

Hanna Rowe

Sarah Rowe

xSarah Harrington

XMary Galton

XJohn Cox 40

[In the Rev. J. G. Robson's hand]

[p. 167]


Receivedinto the Church

James Burns 60

Anne Bush

1831 baptized under conditionJany 18

Charlotte Stanborough

1831 baptized under condition John Johnson

1831 Do

1831 Do 1831 Do 1832


1833. Oct. 13 Do

1834. 1835

Elizabeth Butler

Elizabeth Jackman

Elizabeth Perkins

Elizabeth [blank]

Jeremiah Self

Charlotte Carter Way Rowe

Anne Self

Sarah Self

Caroline Purn*

William Mills

Coroline Mills

William Mew

[In the Rev. T. Fryer's hand]

1839 July 11th baptized under condition [

Elizabeth Perkins scored]

Elizabeth Wyatt (dead§)

Francis Urry Oct 18 do 19 23

Novb 12

December5 9

Rebecca Leg (dead)

Eliza Davies

Frances James

Harriet Bastianni (dead§)

Amelia Bastianni

John Bastianni

1840 22 June baptized under condition

Enice vel Ansntita James (dead§)

July 3 do 1841. Jany 2 do do

* Doubtful reading

William Rowla do John Hazell

Small writingabovethe line

§ Later additions


Oct 9

November 9 do

Jane Johnson

Louisa Johnson

John Bridgland

Ann Watson

Charlotte Jackman

James Riall

Mary Riall

Ann James

Martha Carr

1842 July 30th

[p. 168] Received into the Church


1843 Feby 10

May 31

James Godsmark corporal of the St Helena

Baptized sub conditione (dead)

MaryFoley wife of Corporal Foley ofthe 20 Regt

Sarah McLaughlin wife of Corporal McLaughlin of the Rifles

December 24

1844 Jany 23 .

May 16th

Miss Caroline Mills

James Peters . Private of the 20th Regt.

Mrs Mary Cantevell of the 97th Depot

Mrs Susanna Bone dead

June 20th Mr David Richards of Ryde in his 64thyear

August 15 Mr William Langdon of Ryde in his 50th year

Mr James [Newp scored] Riley -

Sept Oct. Oct.

31 Mrs Elizabeth Richards of Ryde in her 70th year

25 Mr Edward Byrne

9 Mrs Martha Sanders dead

21. Sarah Ann Mills

Mr JamesVesey 1845

October 26 1 December 7

21 24 31

October 31st

Mr John Fallow42 Depot dead

Mrs Elizabeth Taylor dead

Mrs Hannah Jemina Webb (Nind)

Miss Frances Stagg

Mrs Charlotte Taken dead

Mr Horatio Thomas Waternorth 1846

Mrs Sarah Pine

November 4. Mary Barton

December 12 1847

Jany 20

Catherina Hazell

Martha Salter

Sept 5 Jane Vesey

Novb 20 H. Hazell 1848

Jany 27 . Mary Taylor dead

July 19

Mrs. E Danugh

December31 Mrs Caroline Heney 1849

May 30 Mary Farren

June 20 Mrs Jane MacCuskar

Aug 8 Elizabeth Barry

[p. 169]

Sept. 25. Mrs Ann Lavery 67th Depot 26 Sergt Peter White 97th Depot Patrick Gannon 97th Depot 27

1 October (dead) ' Mr William Pendalton of the 56th

Jane Gillinhan

Novb. 24 Mr John Green ofthe 69th 1850

Feby 2 Mr George Trotman

Sept 20 Miss Eliza Rees 1851

May 6

June 1

July 28

John Thomas Trotman

Mrs Mary Ann Cunningham

NewtonClark 67th Regt.

Aug 10 John Crowden 67th Regt

Sept 20th Mr Alfred Cogher

November 2. Mr John Parker 67th Regt

December 1. Mr John Bush 1852

April 7th Mrs Elizabeth Welch

May 11th Mrs Mary Connell of the 88th

March 23 . Sept 6th 1853

Mrs Ann Trotman Mr GeorgeCroucher

December 4th Mr Thomas Frampton 1854

June 29 Serg Samuel Stapleton 28 Regt

July 25 Mrs Elizabeth Rowe

21st Jany

8 March 1855 Emily Agnes Harvey MariaRogers. (Birginham)

8 August Mary Ann Watson (London: 24 Sept. Mr James Worley

21 December Mr Henry Bull 1856

Jany 6 Mr Richard Winscome

Feby 20 Emma Frampton

* Mary Jane Frampton

Henry Albert Frampton

December 15. Mrs Ann Mullohand (the motherof Mrs Ann Urrythat lays buried in front ofthe Church) 1857

Jany 21 Mr John Valentine Toms

March 26 Sarah Wyborne which . ' that has been scored and something written above that looks like


May 22. Caroline Frampton

May 23

Sept 20

Jany 21

[p. 170]

Alice Frampton

Susannah Davies 19 Depot

Emma Owens (olim Cottom) 96thDepot 1858

Elizabeth Dennett

March 24

Jemima Mary Jacobs

April 3 Elizabeth Roche

17 June Eliza Rogers

4 December Jane Kennedy 13 December

Michael James Wright (30thDepot)

May 8. 1859

June 10

Thomas Welham Trotman

Mr Welham Hynes

December 23. Welham Dwyer 24 John Edwards 1860

Jany 30

Emma Pitcher

Sarah Pitcher

Conroy Pitcher

Feby 5 John Haskell Collins

Sept 8 Thomas Doyle 45th Depot 1861

Jany 11 George Carr

April 6 Mrs Sarah Ann Rice

May 1st Laura Mary Newell 8 Mrs Mary Meager

[The next entry is in anotherhand*]

Maji 21. Johanna Edmunds baptizatafuit sub conditione a 1862 Leonardo à S. CordeJesu

January 11th

Andrew Ardargh* 41st Regt

Feby 15 Mrs Elizabeth Marshall

April 19 Mrs Emma Meager

Decber 20 Revd Henry Brooks. 1863

July 27

William Francis Manners

Alice Mary Manners R.I.P

Louisa Maud Maria Manners

John Robert Ignatius Manners

Novb 19 20 Jane Herbert 21

Rose Teresa James

Henry Dickenson Armery (100th Depot)

Feby 8 1865 Mrs Elizabeth Dove

March 24 Mr Frederick Bishop (100 Depot)

* The writing is German in character

Severalalterations in this name .

April 5

Mr James Kingswell

Baptized at St Johns Chapel Swainstone, Isle ofWight

June 14th 1865 Mrs Elizabeth Margaret Rees

[p. 171] 25th of October Mr Charles Kingswell

8 December Mary Ann ElizabethMarsh Mrs Helena Louisa Mary Butcher 1866

Feby 27 Mrs Emmeline Mary Cole

March 1st Revd Edward HenryLloyd (R.I.P. October 1869)

May 6

Mrs Sarah Kingswell

November 3 John Lane 105th Depot

[The next entry in another hand] 1867

Die 7 Martii baptizata fuit sub conditione Maria Emily d'Esterre

21 August Mr William Howes Philippus Geo Munro

22 October Mrs Emma Nelson 64 Depot

10 November Catherine Welsh (C) 1868

March 20th Mrs Harriett Cantello

March 26 FrancesWard

March 21 Sarah Barnes

May 10 ElizabethMaryAllen

July 18 Private John Lewis 1/11 Depot 20 Martha Brookes 1/11 Depot

Oct 2 Mary Jane Campbell 88th Depot

November 22 Lance Corporal William Moffatt88Depot 1869

Margaret Muney of the 46 Regt Ceremonies of Baptism supplied by me Thomas Fryer on Jany the 17: 1869. Godfather

William Cahill

Feby 1st Mrs Elizabeth Campbell 88th

19 Feby 18 June Edward Blake

Catherina Mary Ann Barnes Walter Joseph Barnes

15th July William Henderson Butler

24 October Edwin (Joseph) Urry

November 13th James Urry (R.I.P)

Decb. 21st Mary Cheverton

Jany 2nd David Collins

Feby 24


[p . 172]

Mrs M. A. Newman 1870

Mrs Ellen Godfrey (86th Depot)

October 11 at Totlands Bay Freshwater Mrs Henrietta Dove " 1871

Jany 6

Mrs Elizabeth Kennedy 99th Kegt

June 5 Charles H. Nolan 99th Regt

July 2 Charlotte Mary Thompson 1872

October 22 Mrs Ann Harbour

December 24

Mrs Sarah Knapp 30 Mrs Mary Crewen 1873

Jany 6th

March 19

Mary Smythe 79 Regt John Watson

Sept 28 James Hazzell 1874

March 19th George Tomlinson

June 20 John Hazzell

November 14 Henry Fowler 19 Martha Fowler 1875

Feby 12 James David Rufus Fry

March 6th William Henry Knowles 1876

May 7. Peter Hawkins

June 28 Patrick Carroll

July 9 Mr Edward Ridgehay 1877

April 5 Harriett Mary Shepherd

May 13 Henrietta Pitcher

Augst 18 Mrs Jane Arnold 1878

15 June Jane Mary Clear

Sept 6 Ellen Cæcilia Shepherd


The last two inches of this page have been cut off.] [р 173]


Oct 23 1879 Elizabeth Kenny 28 James Nelson 1880

August 14 Elizabeth Mary Brice John Morgan 1881

21st July Agnes Laura Maria Anna Newman

March 28 (F.W. Trenon O.P) 1882

July 30

Mr GeorgeJames Drudge

Mrs Sarah Mary Drudge

November 11 Mr George HenryDuslan 19

Feby5th Mrs Máry Ann Bannigan

Mrs Ann Johnson (aged 94) 1883

* Nothing follows ' Sept.'


May 19 Mrs Selina Hazell


October 2. Mrs Maria O Shaunessy

[The rest of the page, five inches (not including the two inches cut off), is blank.]

[Pages 174 to 184 blank Page 185 is the last page ofbaptisms written in from the other end ]


In 1796 Mrs. Heneage began the second church in the Island, at Cowes For this she secured the services of the Rev. Thomas Gabb from the Vicar Apostolic of the London District, Bishop Douglass, who made this entry in his diary in May 1796 : "On the 15th , Whitsunday, Mr Beecham sings Mass and enters chaplain at St Patrick's [Soho] as successor to Rev. Mr Gabb who is gone to the Isle of Wight Mission and has begun to build a chapel at Cowes under the patronage of Mr Heneage " The Rev. Thomas Gabb had been the first priest at Soho He was quite gifted as an architect and drew up his plans for the Cowes church He must have arrived in Cowes early in the year 1796 , for under date 29 March in the building accounts of the church is the entry: " Expenses of Mr Gabb to Newport on accountof a bill " No doubt, as mentioned above, he stayed with the Rev. SimonLucas at Newport, forwe find him baptizingin Newport inApril and May of that year The altar and tabernacle of the new church he designed from his recollections of the altar and tabernacle at his old College in Douay The altar of the old chapel in the College at Douayis or at least was at the beginningof this centurythe Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church of St. Jacques at Douay A comparison between the two revealed a close resemblance except for a few minor details Having drawn up the plans, he partially superintended the building of the new church , but the Rev. Simon Lucas was apparently Mrs. Heneage's principal agent and he entrusted the main matter of costs to a Portsea builder, Mr. John Young, who was also a prominent Catholic The foundations were begun in May 1796 and the work was completed by June 1797. There are indications that Mass was said in the church on Trinity Sunday, 11 June 1797. A printed certificate similar in every way to that given above for Newport exists in the Cowes Archives. It is signed by the same gentleman , Robert Reeks Corbin, Deputy Clerk of the Peace In the heading the words " Chapel or have been inserted so that it reads " Certificate of Roman Catholick Chapel or Meeting" It was given on Monday in the first week after the Clause of Easter, 24 April 1797 , and a Chapel situate at West Cowes in the Parish of Northwood in the said County was duly recorded, and also the Name and Descriptionof The Reverend M Thomas Gabb ... as a proper Person to officiate . All the bills for the building of the church are still extant They are countersigned " measured and examined . Jn'o Young," and the


317 done at One or

receipts acknowledge payment through Mr. John Young. Mr. John Young's own bill is among them and is headed " 1797. Dec 20. Mrs. Heneage for Bricklayers, Masons, Plasterers &c Work the Catholic Chapel west Cowes I. Wight to Jn° Young Dr." two curious items occur in it Under 1-29 March 1797" Cash Paid Candles &c to illuminate Chapel (onAcct. of 14th feby) to preserve windowsfrom being broken"

The 14th February 1797 was the day on which Admiral Jervis defeated the Spanish Fleet off Cape St. Vincent Another item reads" Cash Paid at Raising Roof to Workmen , and Dinner Self, MrPorter, Mr Gabb, &c, &c"

The totalof the Bill is £1,427 12s 6d., and underneathis added" Self, Surveying, Measuring &c &c The Amount of Bills £2,808 9. 8 @ 2 per Cent and Extra Expenses attending the purchase of Land, and in diging [sic] and planning the foundations &c &c.

0. 0

1,507 16. 9 "

From which it would seem that the total cost was over £4,000. Later bills, after Mrs.Heneage's death, are made out to BishopDouglass. By March 1876 the church needed extensive repairs . Mr. J. Crawley, Architect and Surveyor , of 2 Bloomsbury Square, sentin his report to the Bishop of Southwark, stating that the various walls of the building and those enclosing the site had settled down irregularly or bulged out in parts, owing principally to the treacherous natureof the soil beneath The exterior woodwork also showed signs of decay, the roof needed re-slating, and the gutters and stack-pipes were faulty from great age

The necessary repairs were delayed for a few months, and on 28 September of that same year 1876 a severe tornado struck the Isle of Wight Cowes and the churchof St. Thomas suffered the fullfury of it. The ravages of this storm were confined to a line scarcely one hundred yards wide. One house was completely blown down and its furniture scattered in the fields The Church of St. Thomas and the Presbytery suffered severe damage. The total cost of the repairs was over £650

Mrs. Heneage appears to have blamed the Rev. Thomas Gabb for having spent too much on the building of the church, though he declared that he could have saved one third of the cost if he had had entire direction of the building He was apparently made the scapegoat, and after three years at Cowes , 1796-1799, he was movedto Portsea, as is recorded in Bishop Douglass's diary-"1799 Nov. 12: on this day the Rev. Thomas Gabb removed from Cowes to Portsea to settlethere and serve the congregation of that town (See Portsea Introduction). "

Originally the church was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, but during the Rev. J. Rathborne's incumbency the Protestant church was built, in 1832 , underthe title ofthe HolyTrinity,and thededication of the Catholic church was changed from Holy Trinity to St. Thomas of Canterbury. During the Rev. Thomas Gabb's term of officethe baptisms were largely those of foreigners, and the entries in the Registers and the names of the chaplains after his departure show clearly

that the Catholics belonged largely to the Foreign Legion. The population of Cowes in 1797 was 2,000, a number which had increased by only 771 when a report was publishedin 1813 , but which obviously related to a few years before that date : this report included both East and West Cowes Cowes, we are told, which is at the mouth of the Medina river, has no manufacture. Many of the principal warehouses are now converted into barracks, it being the principal depot for the recruits to regiments on foreign service, as well as for the foreign troopsin British pay. Several ships of the line have been built here ... During the summer season Cowes is much frequented for the purpose of sea-bathing; and there have lately been a numberofgenteel buildings erected as lodging-houses, together with an assembly room. Passage vessels go from hence to Southampton every day, except Sunday" (Benjamin Pitts Capper, A Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom , London, 1813).

The Rev. Thomas Gabb was followed by the two French refugee priests already mentioned , the Abbé Etienne Desperques (1800-1) and the Abbé Aimable Nicolas Bourget (1801-3), while a third French priest, the Abbé Desmouts, enters two baptisms in November 1801 during the Abbé Bourget'stenure of office. In Cowes Archives there are two slips of paper with what are evidently copies of the same entries in a Register, possiblyin the Public Records Office, relating to an Abbé Bourget and an Abbé Des Pergues [sic]. The former applied for assistance on 15 May 1798, "having exhausted his means of subsistence, " and the latter on 10 June 1798 , "having lost his means of subsistence by his removal from I of Wight" Both were admitted 1 April 1798 and granted each 1 15s per month It is curious that the date given is 1798. The next priest was the Rev. James Taylor, who was in charge for a few months from late 1803 until March 1804. He was born 1 July 1761 , thesonofThomas and Elizabeth Taylor. In January 1771 he went to Sedgley Park, whence he went to the English College, Rome, in 1776. There he was "a scholar upon the foundation of Pippi " and took the Oath 14 September 1780, and received Minor Orders on 25 September 1780 and 9 June 1783. He was subject to fainting fits and left Rome for Douay in September 1783, at his own expense In 1786 he was Professor of the third class of Rudimentsat Doiay and Præfectus Musei in 1787. In the latter year he was ordained deacon, and priest in 1788. He was on the mission at Bugden aid in 1795 he was chaplainto the Earl ofShrewsbury at Heythrop On 26 April 1804 he transferred his services to Sir Edward Hales at Hales Place, Canterbury, where he died 5 March 1806 and was buried in St. Stephen's cemetery (Foley, Records S.J. , vi 505; Fr. Davis's MSS., Cowes Archives)

He was succeeded, as already stated, by the Rev. Thomas White (see Winchester Introduction), from May 1804 till April 1806. As in the Newport Registers, he records also in the Cowes Register a baptism by the Abbé Louis Coquiere in May 1805. The next priest was the Rev. Joseph Lee, whocame onthe 7thMay 1806 and remained until 20 August 1810. He was born in London 28 August 1765 , the son of CaptainLee, R.N., and elder brother of the Rev. John Lee, priest-at Winchester and East Hendred Father Davis, in his MSS ., says that * He was a nephew of the Rev. Christopher Taylor at Shefford Prefect of study-place

he was ordained at Douay in 1791 : Canon Burton (MSS. Westminster Archives ) gives 19 December 1789 as the dateof ordination The latter is moreprobable as Father Davis gives no authority for his date He was with the Neapolitan Ambassador in 1800, and after leavingCowes went as chaplain to St. Monica's Convent , Spettisbury, 20 August 1810, whence, from 1814 , he also looked after the Catholics at Blandford He died there 20 January 1840 and was buried in the Convent cemetery . His monumental inscription reads " In Memory of the Rev. Joseph Lee who died January 20th 1840 In the 75th year of his age and 30th of his residence here R.I.P." (G. Oliver, Collections; MSS Rev. R. Davis; J. Gillow, Haydock Papers, pp. 185 sq )

The Rev. William Pierrepont alias Poole was next appointed, in June 1810. He remained until his death, 15 February 1828 He was of the Chester diocese, the son of James Pierrepont and Anna Maria (Lowe), and was born in Lancashire 9 August 1753. In 1769 he entered Sedgley Park under the name of Poole, and under the same name went to Douay 24 February 1771. He went backto Douay, under his real name, 4 October1778, took the Oath 8 December 1779 , and was ordained priest in 1781 , remaining there as a Minor Professor until 1783. He was chaplain at Burton Park from January 1784 until July 1810, and supplied at Slindon December 1786 to January 1787 . He was a member of the first Board of Commissioners set up in Cowes in 1816 , a most unusual position for a Catholic priest in those days, and acted as Town Surveyor, having charge of the scavengers He was buried in a vault under the Sanctuary steps (C.R.S., vii, 355; xxii, 310 ; MSS. the Rev. R. G. Davis). The Rev. FrancisTuite baptized here once during this period, in May 1821. He was Procurator and Professor at St. Omer and Old Hall, past nominal President of Douay, titular President of the Paris Seminary, Vice-President ofOld Hall and V.G. London District (B. Ward, Hist of St. Edmund's , pp. 51 , 61 , 87; C.R.S., xxviii, 337) He died in 1837 .

The Rev. AlexanderMaccabe* was next to be given charge of the Cowes Mission He was born in 1791 and educated and ordained at the Irish College, Paris He came on the Missionon 10 July 1822and served at Virginia Street from that date until 12 July 1823 , and at Greenwich from July 1823 to September 1827. He came to Cowes in 1828 and remaineduntil his death 5 November 1830, recordingonly one baptism , in March 1830. He was buried with his predecessorin the vault beneath the Sanctuarysteps He was succeeded bythe Rev. Joseph John Baptist Rathborne , from November 1830 till his death 12 August 1842. He was born in London 11 May 1807 , the eldest son of Captain Wilson Rathborne, R.N., C.B. (promoted captain 18 October 1802), who was not a Catholic, and Cecilia Mary French At the early age of six he went to Ushaw, 12 October 1813, where he remained until 3 October 1823, when he entered Old Hall On 24 September 1825 he received the tonsure, was ordained subdeacon

* He was godfather to the Rev. F. Rymer. See Orthodox Journal, vol x, January 1840, for a biography ofCaptain Rathborne, written evidently by his son

Captain Wilson Rathborne was born 16 July 1748 near Loughrea, Co. Galway. In 1805 he married the youngestdaughter of John French, late of Loughrea, Co. Galway (G. Marshall, Royal Naval Biography , ii, Part ii, p 739 , 1825).

20 September 1828 , deacon 19 September 1829 andpriest 18 September 1830. Cowes would appear to be his one and only Mission He was the author of several works published by Samuel Lelli in the Isle of Wight. They were written under the pen-name Alethphilos" Other works under his own name were The Church in its relations with Truth and the State A reply to the work by W. E. Gladstone Esq &c . entitled The State in its relations with the Church. By Joseph Rathborne Student in TheologyLondon, Longmans , 1841 ; and The Funeral Oration ofthe l'enerable and Reverend Richard Cæsarde Grenthe D.D. By the Rev. Joseph Rathbornewith a short account ofthe ObsequiesLondon, Thomas Jones 1842. From the former work we learn that the Rev. J. Rathborne was present at the Queen's Coronationin Westminster Abbey 28 June 1838, that he visited Ireland,andthat Dr. Briggstaught him his catechism Mrs. Rathbornelived at the Presbyterywith her son , and after his death resided at 1 Trafalgar Place with a Mrs. Hollis She died there 3 January 1845 , aged 75. The Rev. Joseph Rathborne was buried under the Sanctuary, in a vault on the south side of the vault mentioned above

During his incumbency the Rev. George Oliver baptized here once, in September 1835 .

The next priest was the Rev. William Joseph Fryer His first baptism was entered in November 1843, but it is possible that he was here a good while before that, otherwise the Mission would appear to have been deserted after the Rev. Joseph Rathborne'sdeath in August 1842. He was a younger brother of the priest at Newport, the Rev. Thomas Fryer, and was born in London 14 July 1817. He went to Old Hall 14 October 1830, was ordained there by Bishop Griffiths 24 September 1842 and said his first mass 2 October 1842. He was at Cowes until his death 5 June 1849 , * save for a short period, April to August 1845 , when he was at Poplar. He was buried by the Rev. John Clark , the priest at Gosport, in the garden beside the Chapel

From 25 August to 30 September 1872 Napoleon III, the Empress and the Prince Imperial were in Cowes and attendedMass on Sundays.

Father Fryer was followed at Cowes by the Rev. Charles Francis Darcy, from July 1849 till his death three years later, 2 June 1852 . He was born in Ireland 30 August 1804. He went to Old Hall 24 July 1824, having apparently begun his studies elsewhere, possibly in Ireland (though he was confirmed by Bishop Walsh of the Midland District), was ordained subdeacon 24 September 1825 , deacon 22 September 1827 and priest 1 March 1828. He was at Lincoln's-InnFields from 21 March 1828 , at the Sardinian Chapel 1831-8, at St. Patrick's, Soho, 1838-47. He was buried in thegarden andafterwards removed to the cemetery in 1866. During his incumbencythe Rev. Edward Cox, D.D., President of Old Hall till 1851 and priest at Southampton in 1852, baptized here once, in February 1852 .

The Rev. (later Canon) Joseph Bowerwas the next priest in charge of the Mission. He was born 20 December 1815 in the neighbourhood of Lulworth Castle, the son of Thomas Bower and Mary (Balmer). He studied at St. Edmund's from 3 October 1826, was ordained by Bishop Griffiths 29 September 1839 and said his firstMass on 6 October

* A notice of the funeral appears in The Orthodox Journal, 10 June 181 . Thomas Bower died 18 February 1872, aged 87 .


In an Autobiography Canon Bower wrote "At the end of October 1839 1 received anorder from the Bishopto be at Southamptonforthe Feast of All Saints and to do as the Rev. W. Hunt directedme. real intention of my going to Southampton was to serve the Mission of Cowes as the Rev. J. Rathborne was an invalid and was supposed to be too unwell to say Mass This I found to my cost was not quite true On the first Saturday I presented myscif he told me very decidedly that he did not want me and on the next when I was sent over from SouthamptonI found the house closed againstme and the Cha'ice was sent to the care of the Rev. Joseph's mother. I remained in Southampton about six weeks when I received notice to leave . " He spent another six weeks at Virginia Street and was then sent to Buckland, and in August 1840 went to Bermon Isey. In February 1841 he was sent to Brentwood and in November to Southampton In June 1842 he went to Islington and in September to Wandsworth. He was at Cowes from 1852 till September 1884, when he retired on account of ill-health

During the years that followed he was living at various addressesin Cowes: 1885 , 1 Mount Place , Victoria Roadin Newport: 1888 , 1 St. John's Terrace, * Node Hill; 1896 , 1 Terrace Road 1897 , 1 St. John's Terrace* ; 1901, St. John's Road* , till 9 April 1903, when he died and was buried in Cowes cemetery. During his incumbency the Rev. J. A. Gross baptized once, in March 1854

The Rev. Francis J. Kelleher was here from September 1884 to February 1885. He was ordained 23 December 1866 and was made a Canon 18 August 1896. The Rev. Richard G. Davis was appointed Rector in February 1885. He may be styled the Historian of the Cowes Mission , for it is due to his indefatigableresearchesthat Cowes is one of the best documented parishes in the diocese, and the large majority of the foregoing details are from his manuscripts He was born in London 1 February 1837 , and educated partly at Downside and partlyin Belgium, and in 1853 went to Ushaw He was ordained priest 5 April 1862 by BishopGrant in St. George's Cathedral , Southwark. After ordination he was successively at Gravesend, Dover, Southampton, Woolwichand Portsmouth In 1871 he wentto Maidenhead, and later to Aldershot In 1882, on account of ill-health, he went to Buckland, removing to Cowes in 1885 , where he remained untilhisretirementin 1909. He died at Southcliff Road, Southampton, 19 November 1914. He was succeeded by the Rev. John O'Hanlon, who remained parish priest until his retirement in 1946

His assistant priests were: 1946-

The Rev. William J. Kearney , January 1944April 1945.

The Rev. Timothy Dwyer, April 1945-1946

The Rev. William Kirk succeeded as parish priest 1 November


The The Register is a vellum-covered volume 8 x 6 inches pages are plain white paper, each measuring 7 x 61 inches On the * All these addresses are so suspiciously similar that one is forced to conclude that they were all one and the same A letterwrittenin 1892 from " 1 St. John's Terrace " confirms this

outside front cover was once written WEST COWES



Few traces of the ink now remain, but the imprint of the writing is still plainly visible.

The first two pages have been stuck together. Pagination, in black ink and in red, begins on page 3, which is numbered 1. This pagination has been adhered to in the transcript The double pagination, in black and red, ceases on p 24. Pages 25 to 40 are numbered in black only, and 41 to 56 in red alone, but both p. 47 and p. 48 are numbered 47. The numbering ceases entirely after page 56

On the page facing p 1 are the remains of a printed certificate showing that the Register was submitted to the Commissioners

[On the inside front cover is written in the Rev. W. Pierrepont's hand]

1/8 The Front of the House & Chapel is due South or 29 wide

The Chapel is 56feet long & 29 high in the [word illegible] rather more accurately stands S W b SS.

N:B: The Crown of the Well to the Pump in the back Kitchen is 12 feet from the Center of the Window of the little Parlour towards the Street. I had it opened & cleaned 18th April 1817 , when it was very foul But to remedy that expence & inconvenience in future I am of opinion that [? hard or hand] pumping it, particularly in summer when the water is low, willsufficiently draw off the sediment to keep the water clean.

This 21st Day of April 1817

Wm. Pierrepont Pastor

N:B: From the lower part of the Joist outside the Communion Bench is 32 metres *

[The opposite page is blank, save that the above writing has left an impression upon it.]

[p. 1] Hoc baptismale Registrum servandum est in Capella apud West Cowes edificata impensis Piissimæ Matronæ Elizabethæ Heneage 1796

[A scroll across the page.]

Die 8 Decembris 1796 Agnes filia Joannis Henrici Schouden & Cecilia Cariz conjugum, nata 25 Novembris hoc anno, rite baptizata fuit (patre & matre non catholicis annuentibus) Susceptrice Elizabetha Lucas, à me Tho: Gabb, Miss : Aposo

* The asterisk refers to the continuation on [p 1]

*deep Wm Pierrepont

N:B: The candelsticks [sic] & urns on the Alter [sic] & Tabernacle will not bear washing: being burnished Gold But the rest may be washed with a sponge & water lightly the whole was new Gilt in the Summer 1818 Wm . Pierrepont

[In the Rev. T. Gabb's hand]

[p . 2]

Hodie vigessima 8a Julii 1797 à me subscripto baptizata est francisca Ludovica Albertina filia legitima Josephi Chabond & Joannæ Poeston conjugum, nata pridie, patrinus fuit Franciscus Antonius de Rumpler centurio regiminis Rojal sic etrangers dicti, Matrina vero Ludovica Albertina de Vacquant nata in civitate Leodiensi, qui omnes unà mecum & Patre subscripserunt Ignus Lempfrid Capellanus castrensis

Patrinus Antonius de Rumpler Cap'

Matrina Louise Albertine de Vacquant

Pater Joseph Chabond

Testificorsuprà scripta verbatimtranscriptafuisseex schedulo mihi oblato a Reverendo Ignatio Lempfrid, a me

Tho: Gabb Missionario Apos

[p. 3] Die 14 Decembris 1797 Isabella filia Joannis Crasburgh & Elizabethæ Cloevet conjugum, nata 9 hujus mensis & anni, patrinis Andreâ Fisser & Elizabetha Lucas, rite baptizata à ma [sic] Tho: Gabb Miss" Apost" fuit

Die 22 Martii 1798 Catherina filia Briani Foley & Marga rittæ Barrett conjugum, nata 20 hujus mensis & anni, patrinis Thoma Moren & Elizabetha Egan, rite baptizatafuit à me Tho: Gabb Mission : Apost":

Die 11 Aprilis 1798 Rosa filia Farrelli Muckteer & Elizabethæ Brooks conjugum , nata 9 hujus mensis & anni, rite baptizata fuit, patrinis Jacobo Cahan & Maria Latimor, à me

Tho: Gabb Missionario Apost":

Die 13 Maii 1798 Ludovica filia Petri Joannis Francisci Xaverii Founier de Veaux Couleur & Mariæ BerinleGros conjugum , heri nata, rite baptizata fuit patrinis Ludovico de Finance & Ludovicâ Veut, a Reverendo Ignatio Lempfrid capellano castrensi in Insula Wight dicta, comitatu Southampton me teste Tho: Gabb Miss : Apo

[p. 4] Die 4 Augusti 1798 Maria filia Joannis FitzMorris & Elisa Merry conjugum , nata 18 Julii hoc anno, rite baptizata fuit susceptore Joanne Crasburgh, à me

Tho: Gabb Mission" . Ap":

* The asterisk is Fr. Pierrepont's, indicating continuation from inside front cover

The " Foreign Legion" or Royal Regiment of Foreigners .


Die 3 Septembris 1798 Elizabetha Clara filia [Joannis scored] Harris Power & [Lucæ scored, Joannæ above] Antoinette [Lucæ above] Millot conjugum, nata 20 Augusti hoc anno, rite baptizata fuit (patrenon catholico annuente) patrino meipso (vice Alexandri Verlegchgt,) Matrinâ Ludovicâ Albertinâ de Vacquant (vice Elizabethæ Claræ Millot,) à me Tho : Gabb Missionario Apostolico Londinensi

p. 5

Die 19 Octobris 1798 Maria filia Jacobi White & Sara Harris conjugum, nat [sic] 6a hujus mensis & anni, rite baptizata fuit, patrinis Thoma Teighe & Teresia Teighe, à me Tho : Gabb

Die 17 Novembris 1798 Francisca filia Joannis Smith & Joanna Ware conjugum , nata 15 hujus mensis & anni, ritè baptizata fuit (patre & matre annuentibus sed non catholicis) susceptrice Elizabetha Lucas , à me Tho : Gabb.

[In Rev. I. Lempfrid's hand]

hodie nonâ Maji anni 1799ni a me Subscripto Capellano Castrensi militiæ extraneæ baptizatusest

[p. 6] augustus Ludovicus quintâ ejusdem mensis natus , filius legitimus Di* josephi Tholon chirurgi Majoris hospitalis militiæ extraneæ, et Margaretha Gasquet uxoris ejus legitimæ pro Tempore in West-Cowes Commorantium ; patrinus fuit Ludovicus Bellamont officialis domesticus ejusdem hospitalis oriundus de Bruges provinciæ Berri in Galliâ site; Matrina verò Margaretha Gasquet puerperi Mater, qui omnes una mecum et Patre Subscripserunt.

Patrinus L. Bellamont

Matrina x Gasquet

Pater tholon [Sen or Gen]

[In the Rev. T. Gabb's hand]

Ign Lempfrid [monogram] Capell: qui supra

[p. 7] Die 22 Junii 1799 Ego infrà scriptus Sacerdos ritè baptizavi Emiliam Teresam die 180 hujus mensis & anni natam fiiliam Ludovici Versturme (e Gulielmo Versturme & Petronillâ de Bruyhes conjugibus in oppido Ghent orti) Medicinæ Doctoris honorarii Imperatori Germaniæ totiusque extraneorum Militiæ Regi Britanniæ Magnæ inservientium Medici Generalis pro tempore in Insulâ Wight commorantis & Harriettæ Paillet uxoris ejus legitimæ filiæ Clementis Paillet & Leah Oldmeadow conjugum patriâ anglorum : Patrinus fuit Matheus O Toole Capitanus Militum Equestrum in regimine D'Hompesch , Matrina vero Teresa Teighe, me ministro

Thomâ Gabb Missionario Apostolico Districtûs Londinensis

Die 25 Junii 1799 Joannes & Anna soror ejus filii Jacobi Alford & Elizabethæ Jamesconjugum rite baptizati fuêre , patrinis utriusque meipso & Elizabetha Lieucasse , Joannes natus fuit die

* I.e. Domini

I havea suspicionthat thisis the Elizabeth Lucaswho was Godparent in previous baptisms Fr. Gabb appears to like " dressing up " his entries.

7mo Decembris 1798 Anna autem soror ejus nata fuit 24 Junii 1797, parentibus nondum catholicis postulantibus , a me Tho : Gabb missionario apostolico

Districtûs Londinensis & Capellano juxta actum Parliamenti 1791 latum recognito utpote idoneo [ad scored] ministerio in capella Romana catholicâ apud West Cowes in Insula Wight

[p. 8] Die 60 Octobris 1799 Mathæus Michael Dominicus filius Mathæi O Toole & Francisca Teighe conjugum, natus & rite baptizatus fuit, patrinis meipso vice Briani O Toole & Maria Teighe vice Elizæ O Toole, à me

Tho: Gabb Missionario Apostolico Districtûs Londinensis

[In the Abbé Desperques' hand]

Hodie nona februarii 1800, a me Subscripto Gallico sacerdote vices Capellani gerente, rite baptisata fuit Sara, Legitima filia Jacobi White et Sara Harris Conjugum, nata vigesima prima Januarii. Patrinis William Connery et Maria Teighe, qui una mecum et patre presente subscripserunt. Wm. Connery [autograph signatures]

[р. 9] [In the Abbé Bourget's hand]

James White N. Des Perques Priest hodiè vigesimâ octavâ maii 1801 à mi subscripto gallico sacerdote, vices Capellani gerente, ritè baptisatus fuit Josephus Georgius heri natus filius legitimus Dñi Josephi Tholon Chirurgii Majoris hospitalis militiæ extraneæ, et margaretæ Gasquet uxoris ejus legitimæ pro tempore in West-Cowes commorantium , patrinus fuit Josephus tholon frater ejus, matrina vero Margareta Gasquet Aim. frenchBourget priest J. Tholon *

[Gen or Sen]

[In the Abbé Desmouts' hand] hodie decima novembris 1801 , a me subscripto gallicano sacerdote vices capellani gerente ritè baptisatus fuit Richardus filius legitimus jacobi White et Sara Harris conjugum, natus Die septima ejusdem mensis. patrinus amabilis nicolaus Bourjet [sic capellanus in Weste Cowes qui mecum subscripsit

Desmouts ptre Aimable Nicolas Bourget prêtre françois Chapelain de la Chapelle de West Cowes isle of Wight

[p. 10] hodiè vigesima sexta Novembris 1801 a me subscriptogallicano sacerdote vices capellani gerente rite Baptisatus

* Autograph signatures.

fuit Franciscus antonius Gabriel filius legitimus Francisi [sic] Blandin et annæ MacKett conjugum natus die vigesima quarta ejusdem mensis patrinis franciscus antonius Gabriel Gomer, et Maria Margareta tholon qui mecum patre presente subscripserunt fras Blandin* fras Gomer* Marie tholon* Desmouts


In the Abbé Bourget's hand]

Die secundâfebruarii 1802 à me subscripto Gallicosacerdote ritè Baptisatus fuit Ludovicus Robertus Jacobus natus die decimâ decembris 1800 filius Ludovici versturme, (è Guilielmo versturme et Petronillâ BRUKHER * Conjugibus in oppido Gandavensi orti) medicinædoctoris honorariiimperatoriGermaniæ totiusque extraneorum militiæ Regi Britanniæ Magnæ inservientium medici generalis pro tempore in insulâ Wight Commorantis et Harriettiæ Paillet uxoris ejus Legitimæ filiæ Clementis Paillet et Leah [p. 11] oldmeadow Conjugum patriâ anglorum, Patrinus fuit franciscus Gomer, Loco Jacobi francisci Versturme, matrina vero Maria Tholon, loco Izabellæ Philippinæ servaes in oppido Gandavensi (in flandriâ) orti et eamdem Civitatem inhabitantes Amabilis Bourget Missionarii apostolici vices gerers, districtus Londinensis

Die secundâfebruarii 1802 à me subscripto Gallico sacerdote ritè Baptisata fuit Ludovica Eliza nata die decimâ decembris 1800 filia Ludovici versturme (e guilielmo versturme et Petronillâ de BRUKHER + Conjugibus in oppido Gandavensi orti) medicina doctoris honorarii imperatori Germaniæ totiusque extraneorum militiæ Regi Britanniæ Magnæ inservientium medici generalis pro tempore in insulâ Wight Commorantis et Harriettiæ Paillet uxoris ejus Legitimæ filiæ Clementis Paillet et Leah oldmeadow Conjugum patriâ anglorum, Patrinus fuit franciscus Gomer, Loco Jacobi francisci scored, Petri Josephi above] versturme , matrina vero Maria Tholon, Loco [Izabellæ Philippinæ Mariæ scored] Annæ Theresiæ van Reystehoot in oppido Gandavensi (in flandria) orti et eamdem Civitatem inhabitantes

Amabilis Bourget

Missionarii apostolici vices

Gerens Districtûs Lordinensis

Amabilis Bourget

Missionarii apostolici vices Gerens districtus Londinensis

[p. 12] hodiè tertiâ februarii 1802 Ego Gallicus sacerdos , (nullo impedimento reperto) Conjunxi in matrimonium Johann Werner et Catharinam haeterin [In another hand is written Testibus.]

* Autograph signatures. Kaltered from 'Y.'

Doubtful reading.

§ Either this or ' Test ' has been written in the same hand beneath all the Abbé Bourget's marriages , apparently calling attention to the lack of witnesses for these marriages

hodiè septimâ* februarii 1802 à me subscripto Gallico sacerdoteritè Baptisatafuit sara Legitimafilia Mathei Schneider et MariæMargarethaSperlingerConjugum nata undecimâ februarii, matrina fuit Sara Wolbold A. Bourget . priest. hodiè vigesimâ octavâ februarii 1802 a me subscripto Gallico sacerdote ritè Baptisata fuit Anna Maria Rebeccha Legitima filia Alberd [sic] Shefer et Annæ Mariæ Shefer Confugum [sic], patrinus fuit hellrich Neil, matrina vero Rebeccha Neil A. Bourget priest.

hodiè vigesimâ nonâ aprilis 1802, Ego Gallicus sacerdos (nullo impedimento reperto,) Conjunxi in MatrimoniumPhilippum Schuck et Margaretham Lindemeyer. A. Bourget Sacerdos [In the other hand, ut supra: Testibus]

[p. 13] Die prima martii 1802, à me subscripto Gallico sacerdote, vicarii apostolici vices Gerente, Baptisatafuit Maria Josephina nata undecimâ februarii hujus anni, filia Petri Boats+ et Mariæ Semiter uxoris ejus Legitimæ, Patrinus fuit Josephus Thollon , Matrina vero Margaretha Gasquet

A. Bourget. priest.

hodiè decimâ septimâ Maii 1802, Ego Gallicus sacerdos , (nulloimpedimento reperto) Conjunxi in MatrimoniumChristianum Prinly et Cunigundam Wastermannin . Amabilis Bourget

[In the other hand, ut supra: Testibus]

[Rest of page, 8 cms , blank.]

[p. 14] diè vigesimâ secundâ Julii 1802, Ego Gallicus sacerdos Missionarii apostolici vices Gerens , nullo impedimento reperto, Conjunxi in Matrimonium Dominum Dominicum , Franciscum Alexim, Fourier Equitem De Nacquard major D'artillery Batavianae Regalis Britanniarum Regi inservientis , et Dominam , Claudinam, Franciscam, Felicitatem Paris De Soulange, viduam

Le Fortier, Comitem De Boiseon

[Other hand, ut supra: Test .]

A. Bourget priest

hodiè vigesimâ quartâ Julii 1802, a me subscripto Gallico sacerdote, Misionarii apostolici vices gerente, ritè Baptisata fuit

Maria Decimâ octavâ hujus mensis et anni natâ, filia Legitima Josephi Masson et Josephinam Latour uxoris ejus Legitimæ, Patrinus fuit JoannesHifland A. Bourget. priest

Dié secundâ augusti 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens, (nullo impedimento reperto,) Conjunxi in MatrimoniumGirardum Leutzy et Elizabetham Seems .

[Other hand, ut supra: Test ]

A. Bourget priest[monogram ]

[p. 15] Die nonâ augusti 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens, (nullo impedimento reperto,) Conjunxi in MatrimoniumHenricumGraaffet Catharinam Morin.

[Other hand, ut supra: Testibus.] A. Bourget priest.

10ª is written above Bouts. † Or


hodie nonâ augusti 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens (nullo impedimento reperto) Conjunxi in natrimonium fredericum Besch et Seraphinam havering

[Other hand, ut supra: Test.] A Bourget priest. hodiè nonâ augusti 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos , Missionarii apostolici vices Gerens , (nullo impedimento reperto) Conjunxi in Matrimoniumfranciscum Spourn et Mariam Guilliuse.

Other hand, ut supra: Test.] A Bourget priest.

hodiè Duodecimâ augusti 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens, (nullo impedimentoreperto)

Conjunxi in Matrimonium Michaelem Matjory et Annam Whaan.

Other hand, ut supra: Test.] A Bourget priest. [p. 16] hodiè vigesimâ sextâ augusti 1802, à me subscripto Gallico sacerdote, Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerente, ritè Baptisatus fuit Michaelis Diè vigesimâ tertiâ hujus mensis et anni natus, filius LegitimusGuillelmi [sic] Hodghin et Helenæ Demette uxoris ejus Legitimæ, Patrinus fuit Michaelis Halders, Matrina vero Maria Josephina Dupont. A. Bourget monogram]

hodiè secundâ Septembris 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos

Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens, (nullo impedimentoreperto)

Conjunxi in Matrimonium Alexandrum Henny et Magdalenam Twisten viduam Josephi Twisten. A Bourget [monogram] [Other hand, ut supra: Test ]

hodiè sextâ Septembris 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos , Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens (nullo impedimento reperto)

Conjunxi in matrimonium John Mantz et Jenny Mackett [Other hand, ut supra: Test.] A Bourget [monogram]

hodiè vigesimâ sextâ Septembris 1802 à me subscripto

Gallico sacerdote Missionarii apostolici vices Gerente, rite Baptisata fuit Margaretha [p. 17] die trigesimâ hujus mensis et anni nata, filia Joannis Magauran* et annæ Bully uxoris ejus Legitimæ, Patrinus fuit Thomas fin matrina vero Anna Pepper.

A Bourget

hodiè decimâ octavâ octobris 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos

Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens , (nullo impedimento reperto)

Conjunxi in Matrimonium Johann Wattler et Mariam Rochets

[Other hand, ut supra : Test ] A Bourget. hodiè decimâ octavâ octobris 1802, Ego Gallicus sacerdos,

Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens, (nullo impedimentoreperto)

Conjunxi in Matrimonium Josephum Rosenberg et Mariam Zives

[Other hand, ut supra: Test.]

A Bourget. hodiè decimâ octavâ octobris 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos

Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens , (nullo impedimentoreperto)

Conjunxi in Matrimonium Michaelem Hellinger et Mariam hoff-

A Bourget man.

[Other hand, ut supra: Test.]

hodiè decimâ nonâ octobris 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos

* Recte McGauran; vide 21 March 1804 .


missionarii apostolici vices gerens, (nullo impedimentoreperto,)

Conjunxiin Matrimonium[p. 18] Josephum Bossellet Ludovicam angelam Dodera. A Bourget

[Other hand, ut supra: Test.]

hodiè vigesimâ octobris 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens (nullo impedimento reperto)

Conjunxi in Matrimonium Andream Lasky et Saram West

Other hand, ut supra: Test.] A Bourget hodiè vigesimâ secundâ octobris 1802, Ego Gallicus Sacerdos

Missionarii Apostolici vices Gerens, (nullo impedimentoreperto)

Conjunxi in matrimonium Albertum Kuschell et Susannam

Barrich A Bourget

[Other hand , ut supra: Test.]

hodiè vigesima quartâ augusti 1803 à me subscripto Gallico Sacerdote ritè Baptisatafuit Emelia decimâ quartâ hujus mensis et ami nata filia Legitima Jacobi White et Sara Harris uxoris ejus Legitimæ Patrinus Ego matrina vero fuit Cecilia Addis. A Bourget [monogram ] p. 19] hodie utlimâ [sic] die octobris 1803 à me subscripto Gallico sacerdote ritè Baptisatus fuit Lucas die Nonâ septembris natus filius Luca finagay* et Margarethæ ejus legitime uxoris. Patiinus franciscus Joysis* matrina vero Christiana o brayan *

[In the Rev. James Taylor's hand]

A Bourget [monogram ]

Die 29 Januarii) Joannes filius Gulielmi , & Mariæ Mayer conjugum natus 22 die Januarii patrino Gulielmo Phelan, baptizatus fuit a me Jacobus Taylor

Anno Dni 1804.

[A line drawn across the page after this and subsequent entries]

Die 21a Martii 1804) Catharina filia Joannis, & Annæ McGauran conjugum nata 21 Feb¹ patrino Joanne Scot, baptizatus fuit a me Jac: Taylor

[In the Rev. Thomas White's hand]

Die la Decembris anno Dñi 1804 baptizavi Joannam (Jane) filiam Joannis M'Cullam et Eleonora Smith Conjugum, natam die 6a Julii, anno 1803. Patrinis T. White & Annâ James, loco Joannis et Esther Donohough Thos White Sac & Miss Apeus Anno 1804 [p. 20]

Die 9a Decembris 1804 baptizavi Gulielmum Andream filium Gulielmi James et Anastasia Stagg Conjugum, natum die 30a Novembris eodem anno. Sponsores fuêre Carolus James et Anna James; loco Caroli ipse respondi Thomas White Misss Apeus Sacerdos [Henceforward the name is given in English in the margin. Three examples only are given here; the marginal name is then given in brackets below the entry A monogram appears after Fr. White's name , savein a few instances: the exceptions are indicated by n.m.]

* Recte Finnegan, Joyce and O'Brien; vide 23 and 25 March 1806


Die 10a Martii 1805 baptizavi Robertumfilium Jacobi White et Sara Harris Conjugum, natum die 2a ejusdem mensis, eodemque anno Patrinus ipse fui, Matrina vero fuit Anna James Thomas White Miss Ap. Sacos

Die 8 Aprilis An. 1805 baptizavi Gulielmum filium Edmundi Ryan et Elenoræ Hayes Conjugum; natum die 4a ejusdem mensis, eodem anno Ceremonias omissas supplevi die 10a sequenti, Sponsoribus Francisco Hart & Cecilia OMaly Thos White Miss Ap Sacerdos .

Die 14 Aprilis, Anno Dñi 1805 baptizavi Oliverium filium Jacobi Reynolds et Margarita Egan Conjugum, natum die 28 Martii eodem anno. Sponsbus Milone Teighe & Mariâ Stuart

Thomas White Miss . Ap. Sacdos

Die 12 Maij 1805 baptizata est a Revdo Dño Ludovico Coquiere Presbytero Gallicano, Catherina Rawdon filia Luca Rawdon et Catherinæ Curson Conjugum, nata die 1º ejusdem mensis, eodemque anno Susceptrice Anna James (Catherine Rawdon)

Ita testor [unsigned, n.m.]

[One leaf has been cut out here .] [p . 21]

Anno 1805

Die 29 Septembris anno verò 1805 baptizavi Thomam filium

Thomæ Carrol et Mariæ Welsh Conjugum, natum die 25 Augusti eodem anno. Matrina fuit Anna James (Thos Carroll)

Thomas White Miss Ap [n.m.] 1806.

Die 19 Januarii, Anno Dñi 1806 baptizavi Elizabetham filiam Gulielmi Phelan et Mariæ Joliff Conjugum, natam die 1 Octobris Anno 1805. Sponsores fuêre Joannes & Eleanora Mahony (Elizabeth Phelan) Tho White Miss. Ap

Die23 Martii 1806 baptizavi Mariam filiam Joannis M'Gauran et Annæ RileyConjugum, natam die 18 ejusdem mensis eodemque anno. Patrinusfuit Lucas Finnegan. Thomas White Miss. Ap. (Mary M'Gauran)

Die 25 Martii 1806 baptizavi (cæremoniis omissis) Patricium filium Francisci Joyce et Caterinæ OBrien Conjugum, natum die 17º ejusdem mensis eodemque anno Tho White Miss Ap. (Patrick Joyce)

Supplevi ceremonias in baptismate omissas , die 6º Aprilis eodem anno. Sponsores fuere JoannesClaryet Catherina Rawden [p. 22] [In the Rev. Joseph Lee's hand. Surnames only in margin]

Anno 1806-7

Die 21 Julii 1806 Natus et die 8 Augusti ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Joannes Augustus filius Augusti Oreille et Joanna Dashwood conjugum . Patrini fuere Joannes Maguaran et Anna Magauran (Oreille) à me Josepho Lee Miss Ap:

Die 4 Octobris 1806 Nata et Baptizata fuit Elizabethafilia Luca Rawden et Catharina Casson conjugum: Matrina fuit Constantia Baldwin à me Josepho Lee Miss Ap (Rawden)

Die 30 Decembris anni 1806 Nata et die 20 Januarii anni 1807 Baptizata fuit Henrietta filia Jacobi White et Sara Harris conjugum : Matrina fuit Constantia Baldwin (White) à me Josepho Lee Miss Ap:

Die 20 Maii anni 1807 Nata et die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Elizabetha filia Jacobi McKenzey et Honora Tobin conjugum : Patrini fuere Margaritta McGauran et Joannes McGauran à me Josepho Lee Miss. Apco (McKenzey) [р. 23]

Anno 1807-8

Die 18 Octobris 1807 Natus et baptizatusfuit die 21 ejusdem mensiset Anni Joannesfilius Joannis Thompson et Annæ Loobey Conjugum : Patrini fuere Joannes Mooney et Hellena Stammon (Thompson) à me Josepho Lee Miss : Apco.

Die 28 Octobris 1807 Nata et die 4 Novembris ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Maria filia Joannis Stanton et Brigittæ White conjugum : Patrini fuere Edwardus Leavy et Ellenor Boland (Stanton " Miles ") à me Josepho Lee Misso Apleo

Die 7 Aprilis 1808 Natus et die 10 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Edmundus filius Joannis Magauran et Annæ RileyConjugum : Patrini fuere Joannes MeCall et Martha Heazell (Magauran) a me Josepho Lee Misso Apco

Die 18 Augusti 1808 Natus et die 28 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joannesfilius Francisci Joice et Catharina O Brian conjugum : Matrina fuit [9 cms blank] (Joice) [р 24] a me Josepho Lee Misso Apco Anno 1808-9

Die 11 Decembris 1808 Natus et die 20 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Patritius filius Rorke [sic] et Catharina O'Donnell conjugum : Patrini fuere Gulielmus Gill et Anna Haley (Rorke) à me Josepho Lee Mis: Apco.

Die 2 Aprilis 1809 Nata et die 14 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatafuit Margaritta filia Michaelis McMullan et Margarittæ Walsh Conjugum : Matrina fuit Martha Heazle (McMullan) a me Josepho Lee Mis: Aplco. [Space of 5 cms ruled off but left blank In margin: Child since dead]

Die 1 Septembris 1809 Natus et die 26 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Michael filius Francisci McGuire et Joannæ Green conjugum : Matrina Anna Moore (McGuire) a me Josepho Lee Miss Apco [p . 25] Die 21 Decembris 1809 Nata et die 22 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Maria filia Joannis Fahy et Annæ

* An alteration hereeither 11 ' or '19.'


Dawson conjugum : Patrini fuere Gulielmus Smith et Eleonora à me Josepho Lee Roach (Fahy)

Die 26 Januarii 1810 Natus et die 28 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Ricardus filius Gulielmi Phelan et Maria Joliff conjugum : Patrini fuere Jacobus Lawes et Elizabetha Harris (Phelan) à me Josepho Lee Mis: Apco Space of 4 cms. ruled off but left blank.]

Die 26 Maii 1810 Nata et die 3 Junii ejusdem anni 1810 baptizata fuit Maria Anna filia Jacobi Tanner et Anna Richards conjugum. Matrina fuit Caroletta Harris (Tannir [sic]) à me Josepho Lee Mis: Apco [p. 26] [In the Rev. William Pierrepont's handj

Die 22 Februarii 1811 Nata & die 26 ejusdem Batizata [sic] . fuit Magaretta White filia Jacobi & Sara White (olim Harris) Conjugum: Matrina fuit Caroletta Harris: (Mar: White) a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss" Apco

Die 26 Januarii 1811 Natus & die 26 Februarii ejusdem anni Baptizatus fuit JoannesDesmondfilius Joannis & Mariæ Desmond (olim Dunnovan) Conjugum : Patrinus fuit Joannes Hevorn , Matrina Grace Clery a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss" Apco (Joannes Desmond)

Die tricesimo primo Augusti 1811 Natus & die nono Septembris ejusdem anni Baptizatus fuit [Carolus scored, Ricardus above filius Caroli & Abigal Valentine (olim Colebrook) conjugum : Patrinusfuit [Carolus scored] Franciscus Valentine Susceptrice Margaritta Smith a me Gul : Pierrepont Miss" Apc" (Ricardus Valentine)

[p. 27] Die vigesimo Septembris 1811 Natus & die vigesin nono ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Edmundus FitzEustace filius Henrici & Francisca (olim Clavering) Robinson Conjugum : Pa trinusfuit ThomasWalmsley, MatrinaConstantia Walsh, per susceptores Carolum Valentine & Franciscum O'Toole a me Gul": Pierrepont Misso Apco. (Edmundus Fitzeustace Robinson)

Die tricesimo Octobris 1811 Natus & die decimo tertio Novembris baptizatus fuit Richardus Huges filius Thomæ & Sara Huges (olim Sutton) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Joannes Cronny Matrina Birgitta Nevin, a me (Huges) Gulo: Pierrepont Miss : Apco

Helena filia Joannis & Annæ MacGoverin baptizata fuit a Georgio Spain apud Newport 22 Aprilis 1811

[No name in margin] ita est Gulo: Pierrepont [p. 28] Die vigesimo primo Octobris 1811 Nata & die vigesimo secundo ejusdem Baptizata fuit Margarita Hayley, filia Edvardi & Catharina Hayley (olim MacDonal) conjugum : Matima fuit Catharina Hardey. a me (Margarita Hayley) Gulo: Pierrepont Miss Ap

[Henceforwardthe year is given in the margin, and after three more entries marginal names cease .]

Die vigesimo nono Octobris Nata & die decimo septimo Novembris Baptizata fuit Maria Anna, filia Patritii & Elizabeth (olim Donwell) Kelly, Conjugum : Patrinus Joannes Johnson , Matrina Elizabeth McaNollen fuêre (1811 Maria Anna Kelly) a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Miss Apco

Diequinto Decembris natus & die octavo ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Joannes, filius Danielis & Birgittæ (olim [4 cms . blank]) O

Brien Conjugum; Matrina fuit Anna Burn, (1811 Joannes O'Brien) a me Gulo: Pierrepont Misso Apco

[p. 29] Die octavo Martii Natus & die vigesimo secundo ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Patritius, filius Gulielmi & Margarita (olim Ryan) Jordan Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Timotheus Dowlan : (1812 Patritius Dowlan [sic]) a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss Apc

Dietertio Maii Nata & die sexto ejusdem Baptizatafuit Anna, filia Jacobi & Saræ (olim Harris) White Conjugum: Matrina fuit

Elizabetha Harris: a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss Apco (1812)

Die vigesimo quarto Junii natus & die vigesimo quinto ejusdem Baptizatusfuit Joannes, filius Jacobi & Caroletta (olim Harris) Sweatman Conjugum: Matrina fuit Elizabetha Harris: (1812) a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Misso : Apco.

Die secundo Augusti natus & die tertio ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Thomas Dayly, filius Thomæ & Brigittæ Dayly (olim [3.5 cms. blank]) Conjugum: Matrina fuit Ann Green , (1812) a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Misso : Apco

[p. 30] Die vigesimo octavo Octobris natus & die primo Novembris Baptizatusfuit Joannes, filius Joannis & Margarittæ (olim Wayling) Flemin Conjugum: Matrina fuit Anna Ryan, a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Misso Apco (1812)

Die vigesimo nono Martii natus & die tricesimo ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Thomas Harveyfilius Joannis & Ann (olim Doon) Harvey Conjugum : Matrina fuit Catharina Jones , (1813) a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Misso Apco. [Henceforwardthere are no lines drawn to divide the entries.]

Die decimo Maii nata & die decimo Junii Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Sheedy, filia Jacobi & Mariæ (olim Kelly) Sheedy Conjugum: Matrina Margarittæ [sic] Smith fuit, (1813 ) a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Misso : Apco

Die vigesimo quinto Augusti nata & vigesimo sexto ejusdem Baptizata fuit Margaritta filia Ricardi & Joannæ (olim Burden) Kilpoy Conjugum: Matrina fuit Francisca Butt (1813) a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss : Apc"

[p. 31] Die quarto Decembris natus & die octavo ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus filius (1813) [2.5 cms. blank before next entry]


Die vigesiomo [sic] Januarii nata & die vigesimo tertio ejusdem Baptizata fuit Charoletta White, filia Jacobi & Sara (olim Harris ) White Conjugum : Patrinus Thomas Bommate, Matrina Charoletta Sweatman fuere, (1814) a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss : Apc":

Die septimo Februarii nata & die octavo ejusdem Baptizata fuit Anna Sweatman, filia Jacobi & Carolettæ (olim Harris) Sweatman Conjugum: Matrina fuit Elizabetha Harris, . (1814) a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Miss : Apc":

Die octavo Junii natus & die undecimo ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Petrus Mordaugh, filius Petri & Mariæ (olim Quigley) Mordaugh Conjugum: PatrinusMatheus, Matrina Elizabetha Partland a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Misso : Apc": fuêre, (1814)

Die tricesimo Junii nata & die quarto Julii Baptizata fuit Maria Valentine filia Caroli & Abigal (olim Colebrook) Valentine Conjugum, Matrinafuit Caroletta Valentine, Susceptrice Margaritta Smith. a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss" Apco (1814)

[p. 32] Die vigesimo primo Februarii natus & die decimo octavo Martii Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Gallagher, filius Joannis & Eleanor (olim Horane) Gallagher Conjugum; Matrina fuit Ether [sic] Morn, a me Gulo: Pierrepont Misso Apco (1815)

Die decimo octavo Aprilis 1813 nata & periclitans a Matre sua Baptiza , [sic] posteadie primi [sic] Augusti 1815 sub conditione Baptiza [sic] fuit Sarah Mitchell, Filia Georgii & Eleanor (olim Pritchett) Mitchell, Conjugum ; Matrina fuit Margaritta Smith, a me Gulo: Pierrepont Misso: Apco (1815)

Die primo Augusti Natus & die quinto ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Frederico [sic] Day, filius Edvardi & Carolina Mariana Mariæ de los Dolores (olim Duran) Day Conjugum; Patrinus Manuel Fernandez, Matrina MargarittaSmith, fuêre, a me, Gulo: Pierrepont Miss : Apco (1815)

[p. 33] Die decimo septimo Octobris nata & die decimo octavo ejusdem Baptizatafuit MariaAnna Blandford, filia Jacobi & Francisca (olim Butt) Blandford Conjugum ; Matrina [Johana Grafney scored] Francisca Mason fuit, a me Gul": Pierrepont (1815) Miss : Ap .

Die primo Junii natus & die decimo Novembris Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Ford, filius Patricii & Mariæ (olim New) Ford Conjugum : Matrina Johana Grafney fuit, (1815) a me Gulo: Pierrepont Misso. Apco.

Die Duodecimo Novembris nata & die decimo nono ejusdem Baptizata fuit Elizabeth Clarke, filia Thomæ & Elizabeth (olim



Smith) Clarke Conjugum; Matrina Anna Agnew fuit, a me Gulo: Pierrepont Misso. Apco. (1815)

Die vigesimo octavo Novembris natus & die vigesimo nono ejusdem baptizatus fuit Joannis [sic] Cliff, Filius Georgii et Margaritta (olim Rhiley) Cliff Conjugum ; Matrina Elizabetha Harris fuit, a me Gulo: Pierrepont Misso: Apco. (1815)

[p. 34] Die secundo Decembris natus & die nono ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Daniel Woods, filius Gulielmi et Catharina (olim Lynch) Woods Conjugum: Matrina fuit Maria Gough, per procuratorem Franciscam Mason , a me Gulo : Pierrepont Misso Apco. (1815)

Die quarto Decembris Nata & die undecimo Baptizata fuit

Joanna Hamilton, filia Michaelis& Sarah(olim Barden) Hamilton, Conjugum Patrinus Joannis, [sic] Matrina Elizabeth Arnold fuêre, a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss : Apco (1815)

Die decimo octavo Decembris nata et die vigesimo ejusdem Baptizata fuit Maria Croker, Filia Patrici [sic] et Dinah (olim Baxter) Croker, Conjugum, Matrina fuit Ann Terrya me Gul Pierrepont Miss Apco. (1815)

[In margin . Vide infra*]*

Die vigesimo sexto Januarii natus & die vigesimo septimo ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Joannes Donolan filius Gulielmi & Brigittæ (olim Hopkins) Donolan Conjugum; Patrinusfuit Patricius Me:Cormack fuit [sic] per susceptorem Francisca [sic] Mason (1816) a me Gulo : Pierrepont Miss Apco [p. 35] Duodecimo Die Februarii nata & die vigesimo quarto ejusdem Baptizata fuit Joanna Filia Jacobi & Sara (olim Harris) White conjugum : Matrina fuit Elizabetha Harris; a me Gulo : Pierrepont Miss Apco (1816)

Primo die Junii natus & primo die ejusdem Baptizatusfuit Patricius Filius Patricii et Elizabethæ (olim Rannels) Gavan Conjugum: Matrina fuit Elizabetha Sullivan: (1816) a me Gulo : Pierrepont Miss : Apc": Octavo die Julii natus & nono die ejusdem Baptizatusfuit Johannes Connor filius Johannis & Catherinæ (olim Murphy) Connor Conjugum : Matrina fuit Elizabetha Gaffin; a me, Gul: Pierrepont Miss : Apco (1816)

Die decimo sexto Julii nata & die decimo septimo ejusdem Baptizata fuit Caroletta Sweatman, filia Jacobi & Caroletta (olim Harris) Sweatman, Conjugum: Matrina fuit Elizabetha Harris , a me Gulo: Pierrepont Mis Apc° (1816)

Asterisk refers to first entry on p . 39




Die vigesimo nono Augusti nata & die trigesimo ejusdem Baptizata fuit Theresia Martha McEntee Filia Barnardi & Joanna(Baldock) Me: Entee Conjugum : Matrinafuit Emilia Day, (1816) a me Gulo : Pierrepont Miss : Apco

Die sexto Augusti nata & die octo [sic] ejusdem Baptizata fuit Margaretta Brown Filia Joannis & Catharina(olim Connor) Brown Conjugum ; Matrina fuit Catharina Cummins (1816) a me, Gulo : Pierrepont Miss : Apco

Die septimo Maii nata & die decimo quinto ejusdem Batizata [sic] fuit Amelia Maria Teresa Ascencion Day, Filia Edvardi & Carolina Marianæ de los Dolores (olim Duran) Day, Conjugum;

Patrinus Manuel Fernandez per susceptricem MargarittamSmith a me Gulo Pierrepont Misso Apco. fuit, (1817)

Die duoducimo Maii nata & die Decimo octavo ejusdem Baptizatafuit Anna Butcher Filia Jacobi & Annæ (olimWheeler) Butcher Conjugum : Matrinafuit Francisca Mason; (1817) a me Gulo: Pierrepont , Misso: Apco: [p. 37] Die primo Januarii natus & die secundo ejusdem

Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Blandford filius Jacobi & Francisca (olim Butt) Blandford Conjugum : Matrina Francisca Mason fuit, a me Gulo: Pierrepont Misso Apco (1818)

Dievigesimo Martii nata & die Decimo sexto Aprilis Baptizata fuit Francisca filia Antonii & Clementiæ (olim Retti*) Baltaza Conjugum, PatrinusConstantine Matzet Matrina Joanna Retti, * fuere per susceptricem Margarettam Smith (1818) a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss : Apco Apud Cowes Isle of Wight

Die decimo nono Aprilis Natus & die vigesimo ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Thomas Lawler Filius Joannis & Grace (olim Larcomb) Lawler Conjugum: Matrina fuit Margaritta Sweetland Gulo. Pierrepont Misso: Apco. a me (1818)

[p. 38] Die vigesimo quinto Octobris nata & die vigesimo septimo ejusdem Baptizatafuit Francisca Sweatman,FiliaJacobi & Caroletta (olim Harris) Sweatman, Conjugum : Matrina fuit Francisca Mason , a me Gulo: Pierrepont Miss : Apco (1818)

Die decimo nono Novembris natus & die vigesimo secundo ejusdem Baptizatus fuit Jacobus Graham Filius Jacobi, et Saraæ (olim Whitewood) Graham Conjugum: Matrina fuit Francisca Mason. a me Gulo : Pierrepont Miss : Apco : (1819)

Die Trigesimo primo Januarii natus & die octavo Februarii Baptizatus fuit Josephus Maximilianus Valentine Filius Caroli &

* This name may be 'Ketti ' † Doubtful reading; writtenabove.


Abigail (olim Colebrook) Valentine Conjugum: Patrinus Georgius Josephus Kirchner. Matrina SusceptricesJoannesAndreu -Francisca Mason .

(1816 omisso in proprio loco) Sontag fuere a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc°

[p. 39] Die decimo septimo Octobris nata & die tertia Novembris Baptizata fuit Charoletta Valentine Filia Caroli & Abigail (olim Colebrook) ValentineConjugum. PatrinusGeorgius JosephusValentine . MatrinaCharoletta Valentinefuere.Susceptrix Francisca Mason a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apco (1819)

Dieoctavo Junii natus et eodem die Baptizatusfuit Jacobus White Filius Jacobi et Saræ (olim Harris) White Conjugum : Matrina fuit Emilia White. a me Gulº Pierrepont Miss Apc (1820)

Die Vigesimo sexto Novembris nata & trigesimo ejusdem Novembris Baptizata fuit Carolina Graham, filia Jacobi& Sara (olim Whitewood) Graham Conjugum. Matrina per ceptricem Harriet Bell, fuit Emilia White.

(1820) susa me GuloPierrepont Miss Apc

[p. 40] Die decimo Decembris natus & die decimo secundo ejusdem mensis Baptizatus fuit Firmin Peter Edvardus Dayfilius Edvardi & Carolina Marianæ Mariæ de los Dolores (olim Duran) Day Conjugum ; Patrinus Fredericus Day, Matrina Ann De Mendoza Rios fuere a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc


Die secundo Februarii nata & die quarto ejusdem mensis Baptizata fuit Ann Filia Jacobi & Francisca (olim Butt) Blandford Conjugum. Matrinafuit Harriet Bell.

(1821) a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc

(in a different hand)

Die Vigesima Maii 1821 Baptisatus fuit Jacobus Sweatman filius Jacobi et Carolettæ Sweatman Conjugum natus die decima sexta ejusdem mensis et anni: Matrina fuit Emilia White a me Francisco Tuite Missinar Apostolico (1821)

[p.41] Die decimo quartoDembris [sic] natus & die trigesimo ejusdem mensis Baptizatus fuit Carolus Burke, filius Patricii & Sarah (olim McGinn) Burke Conjugum. Patrinus Owen McGinn Matrina Anne Wright fuere Per susceptricem Harriet Bell. a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc°



Die decimo septimo Januarii nata & die vigesimo octavo ejusdem mensis Januarii Baptizatafuit Margaretta MacKur filia Joannis & Isabellæ (olim (?) Mactur) MacKur Conjugum ; Matrina fuit Harriet Bell a me Gulo Pierrepont Misso Apco (1822)

Diedecimo octavo Junii natus & die vigesimo quinto ejusdem menis Baptizatus fuit (caeremoniis omissis ) Fredericus Georgius Fanasa, Filius Josephi & Charolettæ (olim Forster) Fasana [sic]. Conjugum a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apco (1823)

Die decimo septimo Februarii natus & die decimo septimo Martii Baptizatus fuit Georgius Tighe Filius Georgii Tighe & Annæ (olim Skeffington ) Tighe Conjugum. Patrinus Arthur O'Keefe Matrina Birgitta Allen. (1823) a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apco

[p. 42] Die decimo sexto Maii nata , et Die Vigesimo quinto ejusdemmenis Baptizatafuit Dolores Carolina FerminiaDayFilia Evardi [sic] & Carolina Marianæ Mariæ de los Dolores (olim Duran) Day Conjugum. Patrinus Fredericus Day. Matrina MargarittaSmith fuere a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc° (1824)

Die vigesimo primo Januarii natus, et vigesimo quinto ejusdemmensis Baptizatus fuit Thomas BlandfordFilius Jacobi & Francisca (olim Butt) Blandford Conjugum; Matrina fuit Ann a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apco Veal (1825)

Die duodecimo Maii Nata et die decimo nono ejusdem mensis Baptizata fuit Julia Teresia Assention Day, Filia Edvardi et Carolina Marianæ Mariæ de los Dolores (olim Duran) Day Conjugum. Patrinus Fredericus Day fuit

(1825) a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc

[p. 43] Die vigesimo sexto Maii natus, et Die vigesimo nono ejusdem mensis Baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Filius Ricardi & Anne (olim Veal) Harris Conjugum Matrina Amelia Blandford fuit: a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apco (1825)

Die tertio Februarii nata et die vigesimo quinto Septembris Baptizata fuit Julia Elizabeth Green Filia Laurentii Henrici & Hannah (olim Dyer) Green Conjugum; Patrinus Michael Mullaly, MatrinaMargaritta Smith fuere a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc°


Die Decimo quinto natus, & die decimo sexto (no monthgiven in either place) Baptizatus [sic] Francisca Filia Jacobi & Francisca (olim Butt) Blandford Conjugum Matrinafuit Anna Fagan a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc (1826)

[p. 44] Die Vigesimo Tertio Decembris Nata & DieVigesimo decimo baptizata fuit Elizabeth Harris Filia Richardi Harris & Annæ (olim Veal) Conjugum Matrina fuit Francisca Blandford a me Gulo Pierrepont Miss Apc

(1827) (The hand-writing has deterioratedconsiderably)

Die Augusti 11. 1827 nata et vigesimo primo Baptizatafuit

Amenilia Rososa Day, Filia Evardi Day & Carolinæ Mariæ de Dolores (olim Duran) Conjugum Patrinus Patrinus. (The same entry re-written)

Die 11 Augusti nata & die Vigesimo primo Baptizata fuit

Amelia Rosa Day, filia Edvardi Day Conjugum & Carolina Mariæ de Dolores (olim Duran) Conjugum. Patrinus Fredericus Day fuit & Matrina Maria Rilyfuit a me Gulo PierrepontMiss Apco

[The Rev. W. Pierrepont died in February, 1828] (1830)

[p. 45] Die 26 februarii 1830 Natus et die 3 Martii ejusdem anni baptizatus est Carolus Theophilus filius Edvardi Day et Carolinæ Mariæ de Dolores (olim Duran) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Firman Petrus Eds Day, Matrina Anna Fagan a me Alex Maccabe Miss Apost (1831)

Die 30m Septembris 1829 natus est et die 28va Martii 1831 sub Conditioni baptisatus est Joannes Filius Thomæ Bloomfield & Helenæ Bloomfield , (olim Ledy) conjugum.


A me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apost

Die 5 Januarii nata et die 6ª mensis ejusdem baptisata fuere (omissis cæremoniis ob mortis periculum) duæ filiæ geminæ Edvardi Day et Carolinæ Mariæ de Dolores (olim Duran) conjugum. a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apostco (1832)

[p. 46] Die 23 Februarii supplevi cæremonias omissas in baptismate ElizabethMariæ Martha Day & RosinæLouisæMariæ Adelaidæ Day (filiarum Edvardi Day et Carolinæ Mariæde Dolores Day (olim Duran) conjugum a me die 5 Januarii baptisatarum ). Patrini Jose Manuel Sevenari & Gretan Serra, Matrina Margarita Sweetland Josephus Rathborne Missus Aposus



Die 7 Aprilis 1832 natus et die 18va ejusdem mensis ejusdemque anni baptisatus est Samuel Jacobus filius Samuelis West et Elizabeth West (olim Barry) conjugum Matrina fuit Joanna West a me Josepho Rathborne M° A° (1833)

[p. 47] Die 4 Martii 1833 nata et die 10 ejusdem mensis ejusdemque anni baptisata fuit Anna Filia Jacobi Lacy & Annæ Lacy (olim Bleach) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Bleach & Matrona Eliza Bleach , (1833)

a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco

Die 30 Aprilis 1829 natus et die 24 Septembris 1833 baptisatus fuit Georgius filius Thomæ et Annæ Bleach (olim Hurley) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Bleach. (1834)

a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco (numberedby mistake 47)

[p. 47A] Die 15° Februarii natus et die 12° Aprilis ejusdem anni baptisatus fuit Georgius filius Samuelis West et Elizabeth West (olim Barry) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Phelan.

a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco (1834)

Die decimo quinto Maii natus et die vigesimo quinto ejusdem anni [sic] baptisatus fuit Thomas filius Thomæ Bleach et Eliza Bleach (olim Lacy) Conjugum. Patrinus Jacobus Lacy, Matrina AnnaLacy a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco (1834)

[p. 48] Die 20° Julii natus et die 5 Augusti ejusdem anni baptisatus fuit Joannes Filius Michalis Kennedy & Joanna Kennedy (olim Macdonnell ) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Robertus Fennell. Matrina Margarita Cooper a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apoco (1834)

Die 3 Augusti natus et die 10 ejusdem mensis ejusdemque anni baptisatus fuit Jacobus filius Danielis Morgan et Mariæ Morgan (olim Donnelly) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Patricius Magennis, Elleonora Davison Matrina (1835) a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apco

[p. 49] Die vigesima nona Januarii 1835 natus et dei decima nona Februarii ejusdem anni baptisatus fuit Hugo Cooper filius Hugonis Cooper et Margarittæ Cooper (olim Murray) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Robertus Fennell Matrina Joanna Kennedy. a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apo


Die decima quarta Martii 1821 nata, et die decima quinta Martii 1835 baptisata fuit Teresia Emma Bleach filia Thomæ et Annæ Bleach (olim Hurley) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Bleach, Matrina Eliza Bleach. (1835) a me Josepho Rathborne Misso Aposco

[p. 50] Diesexta Octobris 1833 natus et die decima Maii 1835 baptisatus fuit Joannes filius Joannis et Margarittæ Rochford (olim Forrest) conjugum Patrinus Joannes Sliney Matrina Elizabetha Sliney a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apo (1835)

Diesexta Aprilis 1835 nata, et die decima Maii 1835 baptisata fuit Julia filia Joannis et Margarittæ Rochford (olim Forrest) conjugum. Patrinus Thomas Cummins, Matrina Maria Connell a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apos (1835)

[p. 51] Die 14 Julii natus, et die 6 Augustibaptisatus fuit

Richardus filius Edvardi Cummins et Mariæ Cummins (olim Harrington) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Rochford, Matrina

Elizabeth Sliney, a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apco (1835)

Die 26 Maii natus], et die 17 Augustiejusdemanni , baptisatus fuit (omissis cæremoniis) Joannesfilius Joannis Osten et Teresæ Osten (olim Crawly) conjugum a me Josepho RathborneMiss Aposco

Die 6 Septembris supplevi Cæremonias . Patrinus Thomas Bleach (1835 )

[p. 52] Die 23 Augusti nata, et eadem die baptisata fuit

Maria Matilda filia Edvardi Day et Mariæ de Dolores Day (olim Duran) conjugum Patrinus , Firmin Edvardus Day, Matrina, Dolores Day. a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco (1835)

Die 19 Augusti nata, et die 6 Septembris baptisata fuit

Elizabeth filia Samuelis West et Elizabeth West (olim Barry) conjugum. Patrinus , Thomas Leggart, Matrina Maria Morgan. a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Apose (1835)

[p. 53] Die 8v Augusti natus, et die 13 Septembris baptisatus fuit

Richardus filius Richardi Harris et Annæ Harris (olim Whelan)* conjugum Patrinus Samuel West, Matrina

Anna Cates. a me GeorgioOliver M.A. (1835)

*Everywhere else the maiden name of Anne Harris is given as Veal


Die 2 Novembris 1835 nata, et die 15" ejusdem mensis ejusdemque anni baptisata fuit Maria filia Joannis Halloran et Alicia Halloran (olim Cornwell) conjugum Patrinus Joannes Connell, Matrina Maria Connell

(1836) a me Josepho Rathborne Mo Aco

[p. 54] Die30 Decembris 1835 natus, et die 7 Februarii 1836 baptisatus fuit Joannes filius Elijah Bayly et Annæ Bayly (olim Garnett ) conjugum . Patrinus Thomas Bleach, Matrina Anna a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco Lacy


Die 19 Aprilis nata, et die 15 Maii baptisatafuit Francisca filia Thomæ Bleach et Elizæ Bleach (olim Lacy) Conjugum. Patrinus Jacobus Lacy, MatrinaAnna Lacy.

(1836) a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco

[p. 55] Die 3 Julii 1836 et die 27 Julii ejusdem anni baptisata fuit Eliza Welch filia Gulielmi Welch et Ellen Eliza Welch (olim Smith) conjugum . Patrinus Jacobus Hamilton, Matrina Joanna Smith a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco


Die 5 Octobris 1836 natus et die 23 Octobris ejusdem anni baptisatus fuit Joannes filius Joannis et Eliz Sliney (olim Driscoll) conjugum. Patrinus Michael Neale, Matrina Francisca Saul a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco (1837)

[p. 56] Diesexta Decembris 1836 nata et die secundaAprilis 1837 baptisata fuit Anna filia Jacobi Connor et Ellenæ Connor (olim Coyne) Conjugum Patrinus Michael Kennedy, Matrina Joanna Kennedy. a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco


Natus Die 26 Junii 1837, et die 23 Julli ejusdem anni batisatus [sic] fuit Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Mariæ (olim Considine) Clapshaw, Conjugum. Patrinus Hugo Murray, Matrina Ellena Saul a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco

Pagination supplied henceforth


[p. 57] Die 26 Junii 1837 natus, et die 23 Julii ejusdemanni baptisatus fuit Joannes filius Jacobi et Annæ (olim Bleach) Lacy Conjugum Patrinus Thomas Bleach, Matrina Eliza Bleach a me Josepho Rathborne Miss Aposco


Hodie die nona Augusti 1837, nullo impedimento reperto, in Matrimonium conjunxi Joannem Baptistam Carolum Humbert de Quincy, Colebem , et Mariam Annam Lacy, Viduam (olim Philp) Testes Matilda Chapman Louisa Fleming Chapman. (1837) Josephus Rathborne Missus AposcusLondiniensis

[p. 58] Die 18 Junii 1837 nata, et die 29 Octobris 1837 baptisata fuit Maria Anna filia Samuelis West et ElizabethWest (olim Barry) conjugum. Patrinus Thomas Bleach, Matrina Joanna Kenevick. a me Josepho Rathborne Mo Aco Lat (1837)

Die 27 Octobris natus, et die 28 Novembris 1837 baptisatus fuit Joannes filius Richardi Harris et Annæ Harris (olim Veal) conjugum. Matrina Anna Fagan. (1838) a me Josepho Rathborne M. A. L.

Die26 Februarii natus, et die eadem baptisatus fuit Joannes Henricus filius Gulielmi Lacy et ElizabethLacy (olim Williams) conjugum Patrinus Thomas Bleach, MatrinaAnna Lacy. a me Josepho Rathborne M. A. L. (1838)

[p. 59] Die27 Februariinata et die 18" Martii ejusdem anni Baptisata fuit Catherina filia Hugonis Murrayet Annæ Murray (olim McLean) Conjugum Patrinus Petrus Crummy. Matrina Francisca Saul a me Josepho Rathborne M. A. L.

Hodie die decima septima Maii 1838 nullo impedimento reperto in Matrimonium conjunxi Georgium Croucher , et Franciscam Ceciliam Crouch, Puellam Josephus Rathborne M.A.

Hodie vigesima quinta Junii 1838 nullo impedimentoreperto in Matrimonium conjunxi Laurentium Brannon et Elizabeth Reke, Puellam Josephus Rathborne M. A.

[p. 60] Hodie vigesima octava Januarii 1839 nullo impedimento reperto in Matrimonium conjunxi Franciscum Fallick et Mariam Bedford . Josephus Rathborne M.A. L. (1839)

Die 19 Aprilis 1839 nata, et die 19a Maii ejusdem anni baptisata fuit Francisca filia Samuelis West et Elizabeth West (olim Barry) conjugum Patrinus Thomas Faron, Matrina Francisca Saul a me Josepho Rathborne M. A. L.



Die 13 Junii 1839 nata, et die 6 Julii ejusdem anni baptisata fuit Ellena filia Joannis Patrick et Anastasia Patrick (olim Kinsella) conjugum Matrina Maria Fleming a me Josepho Rathborne M. A. L.

Hodie vigesima prima Julii 1839, nullo impedimento reperto in Matrimonium conjunxi Gulielmum Coghlan et Mariam Fleming , Puellam Josephus Rathborne M. A. L.

[p. 61] Hodie octava Augusti 1839, nullo impedimento reperto in Matrimonium conjunxi Jacobum Ford et Joannam Mariam (?) Hamill, Puellam. Josephus Rathborne M. A. L. (1840)

Die secunda Aprilis 1840 natus, et die 26 ejusdem mensis baptisatus fuit Thomas filius Timothei Leary et Johannæ Leary (olim Glarvin) conjugum Patrinus Thomas Pendergast, Matrina Anna Murray. a me Josepho Rathborne M. A. L.

Die 10 Februarii 1841 nata, et die 14 Martii baptisata fuit MariaJoanna filiaSamuelis West et ElizabethWest (olim Barry) conjugum. Patrinus Joannes Badlan Matrina Joanna West. a me Josepho Rathborne M. A.

Die 10 Decembris 1841 nata, et die 28 ejusdem mensis baptisata fuit Maria Anna filia Jeremiæ Sullivan et Ellenæ Sullivan (olim Clement) conjugum Patrinus Patricius Sullivan a me Josepho Rathborne M. A. L. (1843)

[p. 62] Die 17 Octobris 1843 Nata, & die sexta Novembris ejusdem anni Baptizata fuit Teresia, filia Samuelis, & Eliza West (olim Barry) conjugum Patrinusfuit Samuel Lelli Matrina Maria Hoskins. A me Gulielmo Josepho Fryer Miss. Apos. Lond. Dist (1844)

Die 25 Januarii 1844 Natus, & die undecima Februarii Baptizatus fuit Jeremias, filius Jeremiæ et Ellenæ Sullivan (olim Clement) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Welch, Matrina Catherina Riordan. A me Gulielmo Josepho Fryer M. A. L.

Die 11 Septembris 1844 Nata, & die 29 ejusdem Mensis Baptizatafuit Annafilia Jacobi ac Mariæ Blake (olim Callaghan) conjugum. Patrinus Fuit Joannes Roe Matrina vero Anna A me Gulielmo Josepho Fryer M. A. L. Fagan (1846)

[p. 63] Die 14 Maii 1844 nata, et die 27 Maii 1846 baptizata fuit Louisa, filia Richardi ac Annæ Harris (olim Veal) conjugum. Matrinafuit Anna Fagan. A me Gulielmo Josepho Fryer M. A. L. D.


Die 4 Decembris 1846 nata, & die 4 Januarii 1847 Baptizata fuit Medina Joanna Turner, filia Thomæ ac MedinaSaræ Turner (olim Dalton) conjugum Matrinafuit Anna Fagan. A me Gulielmo Josepho Fryer M. A. (1847)

Die 17 Januarii 1847 Nata et die 28 Februarii ejusdemanni Baptizata fuit Carolina Blake filia Jacobi ac Mariæ Blake (olim Connor) conjugum Patrinus fuit Bartolomæus Lyden, Matrina Eliza West. A me Gulielmo Josepho Fryer M. A. L. D.


[p. 64] Die 29 Martii 1849 Natus , et die 22 Aprilis ejusdem anni Baptizatus fuit Josephus, filius Samuelis ac ElizabethWest (olim Barry) conjugum. Patrinus Samuel Lelli. Matrina Elizabeth A me Gulielmo Josepho Fryer M. A. L. Moger. (1849)

Die 18 Junii 1849 natus et die 13 Julii 1849 Baptizatus fuit Josephus filius Thomæ Turner et Medinæ Saræ olim Dalton conjugum. Patrini fuere Samuel Augustinus West et Catharina Graves A me C. F. D'Arcy M. Ap. (1851)

Die 13 Decembris 1850 Natus et die 15 Januarü 1851 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Gulielmus filius Thomæ Turner et Medina Saræ , olim Dalton, conjugum, Patrini fuere Thomas Mogeret ElizabethMoger. A me C.F. D'Arcy (1851)

Die 21 Julii 1851 natus et die 10 Augusti 1851 Baptizatusfuit Robertus filius Roberti Dean et Dinæ olim Mitchell conjugum Patrini fuere Jacobus Timotheus D'Arcy et MariaJana Coppinger. A me C. F. D'Arcy (1852)

[p. 65] Die 26 Januarij 1852 natus et Die 3 Februarij baptizatus fuit Franciscus, filius Aaron et ElizabethWeber (olim Gallemeni) conj Patrinus fuit Franciscus Papillon, Margareta Weber. A me Edwardo Cox M. A. (1852)

Die 11 Octobris 1852 natus et die decima quarta Novembris baptizatus fuit Thomas Henricus Turner, filius Thomæ Turneret Medina Saræ Turner (olim Dalton) conj: Patrinus fuit Thomas Moger, Matrina ElizabethWest A me Josepho Bower M° Ap (1852)

Die 27 Julii 1852 natus et die Septembris 1852 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Thomas MacDonald, filius Richardi et Ellenæ MacDonald (olim Murphy) conj: Matrina fuit Elizabetha West A me Josepho Bower Mis .Apos.



[p. 66] Die 13 Martii 1854 natus et die 19 Martii 1854 baptizatafuit Margaretta Russell, Filia Joannis et Mariæ Russell (olim Manning ) conj Sponsores fuere Jacobus Johnson et Maria Blake A me JosephoBowerM.Ap (1854)

Die22 Martii 1854 natus et die 28 ejusdem mensisbaptizatus fuit Joannes, filius Francisci et Annæ Mariæ (olim Schact) Beger, conjugum Sponsores fuere Joannes Harrig et Rosina DuDicham , a me J. A. Gross (1854)

Die 14 Martii 1854 nata et die 28 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Eva Emma, filia Adami et Barbara (olim Waltz) Weinreich, conjugum; sponsores fuere Philippus Maurer et Maria Eva Lutz, a me J. A. Gross (1854)

Die 11 Aprilis 1854 baptizata fuit sub conditione Carolina a me Josepho Bower Webb Budd. (1854)

[p. 67] Die 1854 nata et die 27 Septembris 1854 baptizata fuit Harrietta Turner, filia Thomæ Turner et Medina SaraTurner (olim Dalton) conj Sponsores fuere Samuelis West et Maria Jane West. A me Josepho Bower (1854)

Die 30 Septembris 1854 nata et die 12 Novembris 1854 baptizata fuit Jane McDonnell, filia Richardi et Ellenæ McDonnell (olim Murphy) Conj. Sponsores fuere David McDonnell et Jane Minto. A me Josepho Bower (1855)

Die 30 Januarii 1855 nata et die 18 Februarii 1855 baptizata fuit AgnesMartina, filiaGulielmi et Annæ (olim Rowe) Richards, conj. Sponsores fuere Gulielmus Hayward et Sara Rowe. A me Josepho Bower (1855)

Die 2 Aprilis 1855 baptizata fuit sub conditione Matilda Devereux. A me Josepho Bower (1856)

[p. 68] Die nona Maii 1856 baptizatus fuit sub conditione Gulielmus Hayward . A me Josepho Bower (1856)

Die 20 Junii 1856 baptizata fuit sub conditione Joanna A me Josepho Bower White


Die Octobris 1856 natus et die 2 Novembris 1856 baptizatus fuit SebastianusHenricus Petre filius Henrici et Ellenæ Petre, olim Walmesley, conj. Sponsores fuere



A me Josepho Bower Novembris 1856 natus et die 7 Decembris

1856 baptizatus fuit Thomas Josephus Russell filius Joannis et Mariæ Russell (olim Manning) conj Sponsores fuere Samuel West et MariaJoanna West.

A me Josepho Bower

The Register is reversed and entries made from the end of the book. Three pages are left blank and on p. 4 is written:

The cerificate requiredby the New Marriage Act to be signed by twenty Householders at least to obtain a Certificate of the Registry of this Chapel of St Thomas of Canterbury for the solemnisation of Marriages therein, dated the third day of October 1837 , was countersigned by me, and signed by thefollowingin the order as below

Rd C. Degrenthe

Jos Rathborne

Edward Day

Henry Halliday

James Saul

Samuel West

Elijah WilliamBaylyLacy

Anne Bayly

John Badlan

A. Stanton

W. Hillyer Junr

Michael Neil

Thomas Bleach

James Alford

Marie Robinson M. Meehan

William Faulkner

E. Moore

W. J. Little

M. Hall

Countersigned by me Jos Rathborne as Proprietor

The Chapel was duly Registered for the Solemnization of Marriages therein on the seventh of October 1837 , and the Certificate of Registry signed by William Hearn Esq Superintendent Registrar is dated October 19th, 1837 .

Jos Rathborne M. A. L. Cowes October 21st 1837

[p. 6]

Die8° Junii 1849 sepultus fuit Reverendus Gulielmus

Josephus Fryer prope Latus hujus Capella

a me Joanne Clark Mo Apo

In Capella apud Cowes sepulta sunt Corpora Revd Dni Gulielmi Pierrepont qui obiit die 15a Februarii 1828, Revat Dni

Alexandri Maccabe, qui obiit die quinta Novembris 1830 , et Seraphine Hunter, die sexta Septembris 1833

[p. 7]

Confirmata ab Illusmo et Revo Gulielmo Episcopo Haliensi in Capella apud Cowes, die 20 Octobris anno Dni 1816

EmeliaDay- Magdalena Teresia

H. Radcliffe Eyre - Maria Anna

Joanna McEntee - Anna

Anna RedfernElizabetha

Francisca Mason - Maria

Patrinus Gul Pierrepont, Pastor

Confirmatæ ab Illusmo et Revmo Episo Haliensi in Capella apud Newport die 14 Julii anno Dni 1822

Emilia White - Maria

Harriet White - Elizabetha

Amelia BradfordElizabetha

Eliza GrahamMaria

Patrinus, JoannesRussell

Pastor, Gulielmus Pierrepont

True Copy Of Mr. Pierrepont's certificate Jos Rathborne

[p. 8] Die 28 Augusti 1849 nullo impedimento detecto in Matrimonium conjuncti fuere Edvardus Gafney et Catharine Crawly presentibus testibus Jacobo Timetheo D'Arcyet Eliza (?) Anna Hurley a me C. F. D'Arcy (Signatures of thetwo witnesses)

Die 31 Maii 1845 natus et die 5 Decembris 1849 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Agustus Macdonald Bayley filius Elijah Bayley et Annæ olim Garnett conjugum Susceptrix fuit Elizabeth Hurley. a me Car F. D'Arcy


An asterisk denotes more than one reference on the page.

Adams, Ada, Mrs. Pollard, q.v.

Catherine , née Burke, 219

Francis, 219

Peter , 219

Addis, Cecily, 329

Adlerly, Catherine , Mrs. Denhar, q.v.

Adrian, Michael, 299

Emel (or Cemel), see also Camel

Catherine , née Frelecus , 126

James , 126

John 126

Agan, Anthony, 122

Agnew, Ann, 335

ElizabethMary, 314

James, 193* , 200, 205 , 268

John, 129, 200

Joseph, 173

Sarah, 173, 193

William, 193

Alliz, Duncan , 169

Helen, née McDonnell , 169

John, 169

Alton, Christopher, 145

Margaret, née Early, 145

Mary, 145

Alwell, Mary Ann, Mrs. Pierce, q.v.

Ahern (or Ahearn), Ann, daughter of Anderson , Agnes, née Kavanagh, 167

Timothy, 217

Ann, née Barrett, 217, 267

Catherine , daughter ofMichael, 138

Catherine , godmother 1830 , 203

James Joseph,priest, 114

Jane or Judith, née O'Donnell, 138

Margaret,Mrs.Seaward ,q.v.

Mary, née Robinson , 195

Michael, 138 *

Patrick, 195, 199

Patrick, son ofPatrick , 195

Timothy, 217

Ainsworth, Miss, schoolmistress, 34n

Air, Mary, Mrs. Burke ,q.v.

Akers, Cecily, née Petty, 163

Stephen, 163

Stephen, son ofStephen, 163

Alabone, Francis, 211

Martha, née Roach, 211

Richard, 211

Alavant , Conrad, 126

Ann, 159

Catherine , 167

James, 167

Joseph, 213

Margaret, Mrs. Medley, q.v.

MaryEmily, 213

Sarah, née Corp, 213

Anderton , Blessed Robert, priest, 104

Andraghan , Jane, Mrs.Lyon, q.v.

André , Mr.

Andreu, John, 337 294

Andrews, Jane Eliza, 194

Anelly, MaryAnn, Mrs. Hinde,q.v.

Angier, Francis , 226

Annary, Catherine , 182

Annecy, Catherine , 161

James, 161

Mrs. Mary, 161

Ansborough see Hansbury

Ansell, James, 43*

Anson, Mr., ofLondon, 47

Arbor, Margaret, née Tracey, 176

Alford, Ann, 324, 325

Alder ,, nurse, 36

Elizabeth, née James , 324

James, 324, 347

John, 324*

Alison, John, 15

Allan, Margaret, 161

Allbines, Ellen, née McCarthy, 231

John, 231

Mary Ann, 231

Allcock, Eliza, Mrs. Dart, q.v.

Allen, Ann, Mrs. Slater, q.v.

Bridget, 176, 338

Elizabeth, née Mahollan, 173

Elizabeth, née Nash, 193 * , 200

Elizabeth, Mrs. Sullivan , q.v.

Thomas , 176

William, 176

Archer, Henry, 159

Henry, son of Henry, 159

Mary, 159

Mary, Mrs. Homer, q.v.

Ardargh, Andrew, 313

Armery, Henry Dickenson, 313

Armstrong, Elizabeth, Mrs. Dunleavy, q.v.

Mary, 197

Mother Mary Teresa, O.S.B., 89

Rose, Mrs. McDonough, q.v.

Arneld, Ann, Mrs. Homer, q.v.

Arnmight, Caroline, Mrs. Hussey, q.v.

Arnold, Elizabeth, 335

Mrs.Jane , 315

John, 335

Arnoll, Ann, Mrs. Lavery, q.v.

Artey, Mary, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Arthur, James, 175

Arton, Patrick, 122

Arundell, Mary, Lady, 64 , 65

Ash, George, 152

Hannah, née Lock, 152

William, 152

Askew , Agnes, Mrs. Darragh, q.v.

Atherton, Catherine , née Campbell, 252

Edward, 252

James , 252

Atkins, John, 25

Thomas , 25

Atkinson, Diana, Mrs. Morrow , q.v.

Atterby, George, 15

Atterton, Jane, 157

Atwell, Caroline, Mrs.Frampton, q.v.

MaryAnn, Mrs. Pierce ,q.v.

Austin , John, 269, 304

John , priest, [?alias Lamb], 71, 71n .

Margaret, Mrs.McKeogh,q.v.

Teresa, 215, 266

William, 171

Austin Nuns, English, at Bruges,56

Avi, Catherine , 117

Ayers, James, 279

Mrs. Mary Ann, 279

MaryAnn, Mrs. Nimocks, q.v.

Aylward, Catherine, née Kenny, 189

James, 189 John, 189

Bach, Margaret, Mrs. Vier,q.v.

Badlan, John, 265, 344, 347

Baggs, Winifred, 286

Bailey see also Bayly

Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith, q.v.

Mrs. 49

Thomas , 270

Baker, Catherine , 281

David, 281

Helen , Mrs. O'Rourke ,q.v.

Jane Mary, Lady Simeon ,q.v.

Joseph, 149

Lucy, née Scott , 149

Mary Ann, Mrs. Dillon, q.v.

MaryAnn, Mrs. James ,q.v.

Thomas , 149

Baldisson, Jos. , 117 godmother , 117

Baldock, Jane, Mrs.McEntee ,q.v.

Baldwin , Charlotte, 261

Constance , 331*

George, 169

Henrietta Mary, 142* , 261

John, 174, 261

Joseph, 157 , 193 , 263

Mary, 181

Mr., 36

Samuel, 134, 142* , 145 , 151 , 157 , 158 , 169

Sarah, 174, 309

Sarah, daughter ofSamuel , 142*

Sarah, née Dorey or Dovey, 151 , 157 , 169, 176, 179 , 180

Sarah, née Exton, 142 , 151 , 158

Teresa, 158

Thomas, 151 , 157, 158, 168, 169 , 172 , 173, 176, 177, 179, 185, 186* , 261, 262

Ball, Catherine , 220, 227, 235, 281*

John, 217, 227, 237

Molly, 45

Samuel, 220, 232, 269

Ballard, Elizabeth, Mrs. Richardson , q.v.

Balmer, Elizabeth, Mrs. McLaughlan, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Bower, q.v.

Baltaza , Anthony, 336

Clementia, née Retti or Ketti , 336

Frances, 336

Bandon, Bridget, 167

Michael, 167

Banks , Judith , Mrs. Flaherty, q.v.

Banningan, Mrs. MaryAnn , 315

Banning, Rose, 160

Barber, Mary, Mrs.Chapman , q.v.

Barden, Sarah, Mrs. Hamilton, q.v.

Barham , Bridget, 128

Baris see Burrios

Barker, Catherine , née Clarke, 160

John , 160

Samuel, 160, 236

Barlow, Sir George, 56 , 101 *

Mrs. Mary, 309

Barnard , James, priest, V.G. , 90

Barnalli, Patrick, 308

Barnes, see also Byrne

Bridget, née Hannan, 230, 259*

CatherineMaryAnn , 314

Charles, 187, 262

Charles Ignatius 117

Dorothy, 264

Elizabeth , 147 , 261

Elizabeth Jane, née Giles, 106 , 115* 117, 125, 144, 293

Elizabeth Mary, 230

ElizabethMonica, Mrs.Johnson ,q.v

ElizabethTeresa, 115

Ellen Louise, 259

Isaac, 230, 259*

James, 106, 115* , 117 , 120, 125, 186, 261

James Swithun, 105, 125

Mrs., mother ofElizabethMonica, 274

Sarah, 314

Walter , 106

Walter Joseph, 314

William, 263

Barnet, Eliza, 180

Henry, 180

Mary Ann, née McDonagh, 180

Barnwell, Mr. 51

Barny, Margaret, Mrs. McDole, q.v.

Barrett, Ann, Mrs. Ahern, q.v.

Catherine , née O'Briant, 213

Elizabeth, 213

Ellen, 178

Jane, née Dovon, 178

Margaret, Mrs. Foley, q.v.

Mary, née Cammil, 165

Mary, Mrs. Hanley, q.v.

Mary Ann, 165

Michael, 213, 263

Peter, 263

Richard , 165

Barrich, Susan , Mrs. Kuschell, q.v.

Barry, Ann, Mrs. Wrighton, q.v.

Bridget, née Sullivan, 181"

Catherine , Mrs. O'Neill, q.v.

Christopher, 283

Cornelius, Private, 293

Elizabeth, 312

Elizabeth, Mrs. Burke , q.v.

Elizabeth, Mrs.West ,q.v.

George, 202

Hannah, Mrs. McEvoy,q.v.

James, 199

Jane, Mrs. Horrigan, q.v.

Jane, Mrs. Purcell , q.v.

John, 181 , 253

Mary, 202, 283

Mary, née Coleman , 220

Mary, née Dillon, 276

Mary, née Fitzgerald, 253

Michael, 253

Peter, Sergeant, 312

Redmond , 220*

William, 181, 202 , 203 , 276

Bartlett, Ann, Mrs. Langdon, q.v.

Barton, James, 207

Mrs. Mary, 207, 311

Thomas, 207

Bashanni, see Bastianni

Bass [e]nett, Edward, 240 , 272

Bastard , EdmundRodneyPollexson , 307

Bastianni (Bashanni), Amelia, 310

Harriet, 310

Mrs. Harriet, 292

John, 310

Bates, Mary, 187

Batty, Mary, Mrs. Welch ,q.v.

Baxter, Catherine , née Reilly, 235

Dinah, Mrs. Croker, q.v.

James, 263

Mary, 137

Mary Ann, 235

Michael, 235

Baylis, Ann, 280

Frances, Mrs. Cuddon, q.v.

Thomas , 147

William, 280

Bayly, see also Bailey

Anne, née Garnett, 342, 347, 348

Elijah, 342, 347 , 348

George AugustusMacdonald, 348 John, 342

Bayon [?], Mary, 246

Bayston, Charles, 244

Charles James, 244

Mary, née Brady, 244

Beagel, Francis , 309

Beahan, John, 132

Beane (or Beine), Alexander, 221

CatherineAnn , 221

Eliza , 268

Eliza, née Ging, 221

Beaumont, Rev. , 103

Beavil , Mary, née Ford, 127

Michael, 127

Patrick, 127

Beazley, Catherine , 162, 165

Charlotte, Mrs. Fowles, q.v.

Sarah, Mrs. Christopher, q.v.

Bedford , Catherine , née Murray , 142 , 145

Catherine , Mrs. Riley,q.v.

Edward, 145

Edward, son of Edward, 145

Edward William Michael , 213

Mary, 208, 209

Mary Ann , Mrs. Falick ,q.v.

Rebecca, née Smith, 213

Thomas , 213

Beecham ,priest, 316

Beeston, George, priest, 45, 45n .

Jane, née Pennythorne , 45n

Peter, 45n

Beger, Ann Mary, née Schact, 346

Francis, 346

John, 346

Beggins, Edward, 187

Eliza , 187

Susannah, née Newman, 187

Beine, see Beane

Belcham , Mary, Mrs. O'Donnell, q.v.

Bell, Elizabeth, Mrs. Moore, q.v.

Harriet, 337 , 338

Mary, 191

Mr., tenant-farmer, 9, 97*-100, 102* ,


Robert, 191

Bellamont , Louis, 324

Bellsand, Elizabeth, 265

Belton, Honora, Mrs. Toole, q.v.

Bemalach, Jane, Mrs. Sherat, q.v.

Benedictine Nuns, English, at Boulogne, 89*

Dunkirk, 88-91

Ghent, 88 , 89

Paris, 67, 67n , 82n , 87 , 91n

Pontoise , 89 , 90*

Benedict Joseph Labre, St., 74 , 74n

Beneloupe, Mme , Laundress, 48

Bennes, Jane, Mrs. Harding, q.v.

Bennet[t], Charles , 255

Edward Thomas, 255

Ellen, née Ryan, 255

Frances, Cook, 10* , 10n

Thomas , 255

Benson, Patience , Mrs. McLean, q.v.

Benton, Ann, 252

Susanna, Mrs. Lucas, q.v.

Bergan (or Bergin), Bridget, née Cashan , 194

Catherine , Mrs. Reardon, q.v.

James , 194

Patrick, 194

Thomas , 263

Berines, Jane, Mrs. Harding, q.v.

Berkley, Elizabeth, 232

Elizabeth, née Nesbit, 232

William, 232

Bernalach, Jane, Mrs.Sherat , q.v.

Berney, Francis, 143

Berrick, MaryAnn, 201

Berry, Mary, 196

Mary, née Whelan, 195

William, 195, 197

William, son ofWilliam, 195

Besch , Frederick, 328

Seraphine, née Havering, 328

Besnin, Claud, priest, 113

Best, Bridget, 260

Betts, John Philip,priest, 105

Bevan, Jane, 265

Bevines, Charles , 277

Jane, 212

Jane, Mrs. Harding, q.v.

Mrs. Sarah, 277

Bient, Henry Joseph, 117

Mrs. MaryEliz. , 117

Nicholas, 117

Bihannon, Patrick, 272

Billand (recte Boland), Ann, Mrs. Jack, q.v.

Bird, Christina, née Buissinne, 138

ChristopherChapman , 138

Frances, Mrs. Malone, q.v.

Hester, 138

John, 138

Peter, 138

Birmingham , Ann, Mrs. Kenahan, q.v.

Julia, Mrs. Lodge, q.v.

Birne, see Byrne

Birt, Jane, 261

Bishop, Frederick, 313

Bivines, Jane, Mrs. Harding, q.v.

Black[e], Ann, Mrs. Dowley, q.v.

Elizabeth, 181

Blackburn, Margaret, née MacCarthy [?], 258

Thomas, 258

Thomas MacCarthy [?], 258

Blackford, Mr., 43, 44

Blackley, Frances, Mrs. Moore, q.v.

Blair, Margaret, 149

Margaret, née Cleland, 149

Samuel, 149

Blake, Ann, 178

Ann, daughter of James, 344

Mrs. Ann, 204

Barbara Eliza, Mrs. Gray, q.v.

Caroline, 345

Edward, 314

James, 296, 344 , 345

John, 204

Mary, 204, 346

Mary, née Callaghan , 344

Mary, née Connor, 345

Blakey, Catherine, née Hogan, 236

James, 236

William , 236

Blandford , Amelia, 338

Ann, 337

Frances, née Butt, 333, 334, 336 , 337 , 338, 339*

Frances , daughter ofJames, 339

James, 334, 336, 337, 338, 339

James, son of James, 336

Mary Ann, 334

Thomas , 338

Blandin, Ann, née MacKett , 326

Francis, 326*

FrancisAnthony Gabriel , 326

Blaney, Ann, 180

James, 180, 184

Mary, née Burke, 180, 184

Blasires, Ann Maximiliana , 118

Blassea, Xavier, 119

Bleach, Ann, née Hurley, 340, 341

Ann, Mrs. Lacy, q.v.

Eliza, née Lacy, 340* , 341, 342*

Frances, 342

George, 340

Teresa Emma, 341

Thomas, 341, 342, 343* , 347

Thomas, husband ofAnn, 340, 341

Thomas, husband of Eliza, 340* , 341 , 342*

Thomas , son ofThomasand Eliza, 340

Bleany, James, 181 , 182

Bleumer , Jane , Mrs. Jacobs, q.v.

Bligh, Silvester , 303

Bloomhead, (or Bromhead), Charles, 117

Major, 117

née Lynch, 117

Blondel, Mary Victoria Loyal, Mrs.

Phillibert ,q.v.

Bloomer, Jane, Mrs. Jacobs, q.v.

Bloomfield , Helen, née Ledy, 339

John, 339

Thomas, 339

Blythe, Rose Ann, Mrs. Teevin, q.v.

Boats (or Bouts), Mary, née Semiter, 327

Mary Josephine, 327

Peter, 327

Bodkin, Elizabeth, Mrs.Hanlon,q.v.

Bodle, Henrietta, Mrs. Clemow, q.v.

Bohannon, Patrick, 299

Boiseon, Le Fortier, comte de, 327

Boiton, Frances, née Callaghan, 274

Martin, 274

Boland (or Boyland), Ann, née Connor , 200

Ann, Mrs. Jack, q.v.

Catherine , 200

Ellen, Mrs. Tiffin , q.v.

Ellenor, 331

Mary, Mrs. Power, q.v.

Patrick, 200

Bolster , Catherine , 178

John, 178, 187 , 190

John, Sergeant, 309

Mary, née Sercuit, 178 , 187

Matthew, 187

Samuel, 190

Bommate, Thomas, 333

Bond, Mother Mary Clare, O.S.B., 82 , 83, 85, 86

Bone[s], Catherine , Mrs. Sanders, q.v.

Elizabeth, 169

James, 220

Susanna, née Brown, 220

Mrs. Susanna , 311

Susanna Mary Ann, 220

William, 169

Bonnenzi, Ann, née Wickenden, 144

John Leopold, 144

Martha, 144

Martha, née Whittington, 144*

Nathaniel Aloysius, 144

William, 144*

Bonney, Thomas , 168

Boughan, Daniel, 270

Laurence , 270

Bouhean, Jane, née Hare, 138

Matthew, 138

Thomas , 138

Bourget, Abbé Aimable Nicolas, 108 , 124, 128* , 318* , 325* , 326*-329* .

Bourke, see Burke

Bourne, James, 140

Boutlayer , MaryAnn,Mrs. McDonnell, q.v.

Bouts, see Boats

Bowen (or Bone), Catherine, Mrs. Sanders , q,v

Bower, Canon Joseph, 113, 320, 321,345* , 346* , 347*

Mary, née Balmer , 320

Thomas , 320

Bowering , Elijah [?], 235 , 240

Mary, 235, 240

Bowes, Ann, Mrs. Henry Heneage, q.v.

Jeremiah , 5

Bowhter [?], James, 175

Bowles, Frederick S. , priest, 107n.

Bowley, Mary, 160

Bowman, Canon Thomas, 112, 241 , 248 , 258* , 273,292 301 * , 303* , 305 306

Bownter , see Bowhter

Bowser, Thomas, 184

Boyce, Mary, Mrs. Jones, q.v.

Boyd, Frances , Mrs. Grubbin, q.v.

Honora, Mrs. Welch , q.v.

Michael, 125

Boylan, Bernard, 297*

Boyland, see Boland

Boyle, Catherine , 165

Catherine , née McGaning, 237

Esther, 162

Grace, Mrs. Gallagher, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Gill, q.v.

Michael, 162

Patrick, 237

Thomas, 237, 273

Boyne, Margaret, 163

Patrick, 163

Bradford, Amelia, 264 , 348

Brading , Ann or Hanna, formerly

Grimes, née Salter, 131 , 148

Elizabeth, Mrs. Rowe ,q.v. Ezechias, 148

Jane, 148, 195, 264

Jane, Mrs. Dunn, q.v.

Sarah, 281

Bossell, Joseph, 329

Booth , Mr., [? Solicitor], 60

LouiseAngela, née Dodera , 329

Bostock , James, 167

John , 167

Mary, née Crampton, 167

Mary, Mrs. Huddlestone , q.v.

William, 281

Bradley, Andrew, 165

Catherine , 236

Clare, 253

Eliza, 246

Francis, 263

James , 165

Jeremiah , 231 , 236, 246, 253, 258 ,269

Margaret, 165, 231, 269

Margaret, née Brown, 165

Margaret, née Mitchell, 231 , 236, 246,

253, 258

Mary, 269

Mary Ann, 244

Thomas , 296

William, 258

Brady, Ann, Mrs. Owens, q.v.

Ann, Mrs. Shannon , q.v.

Bridget, née McGoverin, 155

Bridget, Mrs. O'Neill , q.v.

Caroline, Mrs. Lacey, q.v.

Catherine , née Donoghue, 174

Catherine , Mrs. Laydon,q.v.

Daniel, 174

Elizabeth, 200, 202

Henrietta, née McDonald, 168, 262, 275

James , 174

John, 271

Margaret, 221

Mary, 190

Mary, Mrs. Bayston , q.v.

Mary Jane, 168

Matthew, 155

Michael, 270

Owen, 155

Patrick, 138, 200

Robert, 25

William , 168 , 262 ,275

William, Ensign, 309

Bramley, Mary, née Brennan, 157

Samuel, 157

William, 157

Bramston, James Yorke, Bp , V.A.Lond, 110 , 111 , 262,264

Bramwell, Emily Margaret, 214

Sarah, née Irving, 214

William , 214

Branagan, see Branigan

Brandis , Elizabeth, née Condrer, 154

John, 154

John, son ofJohn, 154

Brandon, John, 250

Branfield , Robert, 175

Branigan(or Branagan), John, 305

Susan, Mrs. Temple, q.v.

Brannan, Brannam , Brannon,see Brennan

Brecker, Mary, Mrs. Lock,q.v.

Bredall, [? priest], 70

Breen, Mary Ann, widow, later Mrs. , Worley, q.v.

Michael, 195, 197 , 199

Michael, of Kilrush, 292

Bren[e], Thomas , 189

William, 165

Brenn vere Brown, q.v.

Brennan (or Brenan or Brennon), Ann, daughter of Dominic, 217

Mrs. Ann, 126

Bridget, Mrs. Cassidy, q.v.

Dominic, 217 , 222

Elizabeth, 265

Elizabeth, née Reke, 343

Hannah, 261

Honora, 286

James, 126, 163 , 164

Jane, 222

John, 138, 286, 302

Joseph, 126

Julia, 285

Julia, Mrs. Stapleton, q.v.

Laurence , 343

Mary, 164 , 236

Mary, née Kechan, 217 , 222

Mary, Mrs. Bramley, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Waters, q.v.

Michael, 164, 181

Nabigail, 163

Nabitha, née Donnelly, 163

Nicholas, 163

Patrick, 270

Thomas, 152

William, 236, 239

Brereton , George, 216, 224, 294

George, son ofGeorge, 216

Mr., apothecary, 43

Sarah, 224

Sarah, née Carter, 216 , 224

Brett, James, 297

Brewer, Henrietta, 146

Jane, née Johnson, 146

Thomas , 146

Brian, see Bryan

Brice, Ann, née Cassidy, 164

Denis, 164

ElizabethMary, 315

William, 164

Bridgett, Ann, 226

Robert, 231

Bridgland, Ellen Mahony, 214

John, 214, 266, 311

Mary, née Mahony, 214

Brien , Mary, 206

Mary, née Dacey, 206

Maurice, 206

Briggs, Dr., priest, 320

Brin, Eleonor, 130

Margaret, née Wilkinson , 130

Patrick, 130

Brindle, Mother Mary Placid, O.S.B. , 66n

Mr., 66

William, 66n.

Brine, Margaret, 177

Brining, Mary, 133

Brinnan, Ann, née Ryan, 138

James , 138

Mary, 138

Brinnon, Ann, née Burt, 132

James , 132

Laurent, 206

Mary, 132

Brittain, ThomasLewis, O.P., 82 , 82n .

Broadly , James, 226

Brockholes, see Fitzherbert-Brockholes

Brogen, Ann, 158

Bromhead, see Blomhead

Broohneren, Frances, Mrs. Pechlè, q.v.

Brookes, Arthur, 197

Elizabeth, Mrs. Muckteer ,q.v.

Rev. Henry, 313

Martha, 314

Mary, Mrs. Burke, q.v.


Samuel Philpot, 275

Sophie, née Willis, 275

Brophy, Patrick, 180

William, 300

Brosure, Eliza, Mrs. Mitchell, q.v.

Brough, Coleman , 286

Eliza Ann, née Osborne , 286

Margaret, 286

Michael, 286

Brown & Caddy, see Caddy & Brown Brown[e], Ann 256

Ann, née Lysted, 3

Ann, Mrs. Daly, q.v.

Ann, Mrs. James, q.v.

Bernard , 144

Bridget , conf 1849 , 269

Bridget, godmother 1843 , 218

Bridget , godmother 1849, 236

Bridget , née Griffin, 218

Catherine , née Connor, 336

Catherine , Mrs. Mullane,q.v.

Cecily, Mrs. Iden, q.v.

Eliza , 218

Elizabeth, née Urry, 1* , 32n , 58n , 86

Elizabeth, Mrs. Heneage,q,v.

George, 269

John (1),father ofMrs. Heneage, 1* , 3, 21n , 23, 23n , 26, 27, 29 , 31* , 32, 32n . , 36 , 37, 39* , 60 , 61 , 62, 65n , 86, 105n

John (2), godfather1807 , 140

John (3), godfather1843 , 218

John (4), husband of Catherine, 336

John(5), husband of Mary (4), 256

John (6), of Brenchley, 1625, 1 , 3

John (7), ofBrenchley, son ofJohn(6), 3

John(8), ofBrenchley, son ofJohn(7), 1,3

Judith, Mrs. Lawler, q.v.

Margaret, daughter ofJohn (4), 336

Margaret, godmother 1803, 131

Margaret, née Foley, 171

Margaret, Mrs. Bradley,q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Mahan, q.v.

Martha, née Tylden, 3

Mary (1), conf 1849 , 269

Mary (2), godmother 1805-20, 134, 168, 177

Mary (3), godmother 1841 , 213

Mary (4), née Ferguesson, 256

Mary (5), wife ofJohn(7), 1

Michael, 178

Peter, 218, 246, 269

Susan, née Clarke, 192

Susan, née Langley, 3

Susanna, Mrs. Bone, q.v.

Thomas, 171

Thomas, son ofThomas, 171

William (1), 192

William (2), servant ofJohn Heneage, 18

William (3), son of William(1), 192 family, 1 , 105 Brownlee, Jane, Mrs. Dunbar, q.v.

Brownley , Ann, 162

Bruin, Mary Ann, 155

Patrick, 155

Rose, née Dooning, 155

Brukher, Petronilla, Mme Versturme, 9.v.

Brumel, Ann, Mrs. Fitzmorris, q.v.

Brusshhen, Catherine , Mrs. Spranklin

q.v. Bruyhes, Petronilla, Mme Versturme, q.v.

Bryan (or Brian), Ann, 172

Catherine , 128

Dennis, 299

Elizabeth Sarah, née Pine, 207 , 224, 232, 283

James, 203, 283

Jane, 275

Margaret, 283

Margaret, Mrs. Kennelly,q.v.

Mrs. Mary, 203

Mary, Mrs. White, q.v.

Patrick (1), husband ofMary, 203

Patrick (2), husband ofSarah, 153

Sarah, née Corr, 153

Patrick (3), son ofPatrick (2), 153

William , 283

Buchanburg, Teresa de, 119

Buckeridge, Elizabeth Mary, 250

George, 250

Buckler, Reginald, O.P. , 113

Buckley, Ann, 192, 286

Mary, Mrs. Leary,q.v.

Patrick, 194

Timothy, 204

Budd, CarolineWebb, 346

Susanna, Mrs. Donoghue, q.v.

Buissinne, Christina, Mrs. Bird, q.v.

Bulger, John, 166

Margaret, née Harthorne [?], 166

William, 166

Bull, Ann, 258

Henry, 248, 290, 312

Henry, son ofHenry, 248

Henry, ex-Drum-Major, 308

MaryAnn, née Kennedy, 248

Bully, Ann, Mrs. Magauran, q.v.

Bulst, Francis , 194

Sarah, 194

Bultin, Mrs. Ann, 203

Robert, 203

William, 203

Bultitude , John, of Norwich, 285

John, son of John , 285

Mary, wife ofJohn, 285

Rosanne, née Tox, [or Fox?], 285

Buncombe, Charles, 261 , 309

Charles Joseph, 163, 169, 170 , 173 , 179, 183, 188, 195

Charles Joseph, son ofCharles Joseph, 179

ElizabethMary, 173

Jane, née James, 140, 154, 157, 163 , 169, 170.173, 176, 179, 183 * , 188,261

Jane Ellen, 188

John, 163, 264

Mary Ann, 169

Burden, Alice, 286

Catherine , Mrs. Perkett, q.v.

Jane, Mrs. Kilpoy, q.v.

William, 286

Burke(or Bourke), Andrew, 134

Ann, née Ellis, 246, 303

Ann, Mrs. Carr, q.v.

Catherine , daughter ofDominic, 133

Catherine , daughter of Patrick, 191

Catherine , daughter ofThomas , 197

Mrs. Catherine, ofTipperary , 292

Catherine , Mrs. Adams, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Rush ,q.v.

Charles, 337

David, 292

Dominic, 133

Edmund, 137

Elizabeth, 270

Elizabeth, née Barry, 283

Ellen, daughter ofHubert, 187

Ellen, godmother, 183

Ellen , née Luce, 246

Francis , 272

Hubert, 187

James, d 1852 , 303

James, husband ofJane, 134

Jane, née Connolly, 187

Jane, née MacGahan, 134

Mrs. Jane, of Chelsea, 283

John (1), husband ofAnn, 246

John (2), husband ofJudith, 131

John (3), husband of Margaret, 207

John (4), son ofPeter , 246

John (5), sponsor 1827-8 , 199 , 276

Joseph, 270

Judith, née Hinds, 131

Margaret, daughter ofJohn (3), 207

Margaret, daughter ofPatrick, (4), 185

Margaret, wife ofJohn (3), 297

Margaret, Mrs.Huggins, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Jackman , q.v.

Mary, daughter of Michael (4), 136

Mary, godmother 1804, 133

Mary, godmother 1822-8, 181 , 199

Mrs. Mary, of Castle Bar, 283

Mary, née Air, 133

Mary, née Brookes, 197

Mary, née Curley, 136

Mary, née Tinnuchi, 283

Mary, Mrs. Blaney, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Faure, q.v.

Matilda, 246, 303

Matthew , 117

Michael (1), godfather1810 , 147

Michael(2), godfather 1830 , 203

Michael (3), godfather1852, 246

Michael (4), husband ofMary, 136

Patrick (1), conf 1849 , 270

Patrick (2), godfather1806, 137

Patrick (3), husnamd ofMary, 283

Patrick (4), husband of Sarah, 185* , 191 , 337

Peter, godfather1829, 201

Peter, husband ofEllen, 246

Sarah, née McCannor McGinn, 185* , 191, 337

Stephen, 270, 283

Stephen, 270, 283

Thomas (1), godfather1803, 131

Thomas (2), husband ofMary, 197

Thomas (3), of Chelsea, 283

Thomas (4), son ofJohn (2), 131

Thomas(5), son ofThomas(3), 283

Burne, see Byrne

Burnell, Mrs., of HammersmithSchool, 36

Burness, Isabella, Mrs. Mahoney,q.v.

Burns, see Byrne

Burrios (or Baris), Anthony, 184*

Caroline, 184

George, 184

Mrs. Mary, 184*

Burrows, Ann, Mrs. Childerhouse ,q.v.

Burt , Ann, 175

Ann, Mrs. Brinnon, q.v.

Burton, Canon Edwin, 319

James, 304

Busby, John, priest V.G. 29* , 29n., 61, 62

Bush, Ann, housekeeper, 195, 205 , 207 , 210, 213-5, 220-22, 233, 249, 253, 254, 256* , 265, 289-92* , 294n , 308, 310

Mrs. Ann, 294

Ann Mary, 212

Catherine , Mrs. Frampton,q.v.

John , 301 , 312

Mary, Mrs. Symmonds ,q.v.

Sarah, Mrs. Hamilton ,q.v.

Butcher, Ann, 336

Ann, née Wheeler , 336

James, 336

Mrs. Helena LouisaMary, 314

Butler, Alban, priest, 18n , 21, 29 ,45

Catherine , 284

Edmund, 166

Elizabeth , 265, 310

Elizabeth , née Dale, 185

James, 136, 185

John, 192

Mary, Mrs. McGrath , q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Morgan, 154

Peter, priest, 112*

T., clerk, 296

Thomas , 185, 217 , 218, 219* , 221 , 223 , 232, 265, 277

Thomas Alban, 212, 215, 218, 219, 232

William Henderson , 314

Butt, Frances, Mrs.Blandford, q.v.

Butterly, Mary, Mrs. Scanlan, q.v.

Buyling, Christiana, 126

John, 126

Matilda, née Van Kampe, 126

Byrne (Birne, Burne, Burns), Agnes, 222

Alice (1), née Carter, 222, 227, 228, 234, 242

Alice (2), née McGuire, 166* , 167

Andrew, 282

Ann, daughter ofMark, 176

Ann, daughter ofMatthew, 234

Ann, godmother 1809-11, 145 , 333

Ann, née Riley, 137

Ann, Mrs.Gray, q.v.

Ann, Mrs. Smith, q.v.

Brian, 141 , 274

Bridget , godmother 1846-53, 227, 251

Bridget [or Barnes] née Hannan, 230


Bridget , née Welsh, 176

Bridget, Mrs. Hassett, q.v.

Catherine(1), 1844-53, 231, 235, 252, 267

Catherine(2), daughter ofMichael(4), 242

Catherine(3), née Miler, 192

Catherine (4), née Neil, 183

Catherine(5), née Ryan, 170

Denis, 156

Edward(1), bapt and conf 1844-9 , 269, 311

Edward (2), d. 1851 , 300

Edward(3), son ofJohn(6), 169

Edward (4), son ofJohn (6), 172

Edward, (5), son ofThomas , (1), 284

Eliza, 254

Elizabeth(1), daughter ofMatthew(2), 227

Elizabeth(2), godmother 1856, 260

Elizabeth(3), née Donnellan, 168

Elizabeth , Mrs. Conlin , q.v.

ElizabethMary, 230

Ellen , 228

Emily, 168

Felix, 248

George, 141

Hannah, née Flynn, 259

Helen, née Rourke, 156

Hugh, 168

Isaac, [or Barnes), 230, 259*

James (1), 1830-49 , 272 , 310

James (2), godfather1812 , 153

James (3), husband of Margaret (5), 227, 231, 235

James (4), son ofJohn (5), 188

James (5), son of Patrick (2), 170

Jane, née Parkinson, 141

John (1), godfather 1846-51, 227 , 244

John (2), husband of Alice (2), 166* , 167

John (3), husband of Ann, 137

John(4),husbandofCatherine(4), 183

John (5), husband ofMargaret(4), 188

John (6), husband of Mary (4), 169 , 172* , 178

John (7), son ofDenis , 156

John (8), son ofGeorge, 141

Judith, Mrs. Mahoney, q.v.

Lucy Ann, née Spencer, 282

Malachy, 192

Malachy Thomas , 259

Margaret(1), daughter ofHugh, 168

Margaret (2), daughter of James (3), 235

Margaret(3), godmother 1813-30 , 155 , 192, 204

Margaret(4), née Murphy , 188

Margaret (5), née Smith, 227 , 231,235

Margaret, Mrs. Doran,q.v.

Margaret, Mrs.Hickey, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Miller, q.v.

Mark, 176

Martha, 238

Mary (1), daughter ofBrian, 141

Mary (2), daughter ofJohn (2), 167

Mary (3), godmother 1815-17, 164 , 169

Mary(4), née Artey or Harty, 169, 172, 178

Mary(5), née Hennessy, 141 ,274

Mary (6), née Keenan , 155

Mary (7), née Lewis, 242

Mary (8), wife ofAndrew , 282

Mary (9), wife of Thomas (1), 284

Mary, Mrs. Hookey,q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Mulligan, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Strudgeon , q.v.

Mary Ann, daughter ofJames (3), 227

Mary Ann, daughter of John(6), 178

Mary Ann, née Cole, 284

Matthew (1), d 1795 , 122

Matthew (2), husbandofAlice (1),219 , 222, 227, 228, 234 , 242 , 266

Matthew (3), son of Matthew (2), 242

Michael (1), conf 1849 , 272

Michael(2), husband of Catherine(3), 192

Michael (3), husband ofMary(6), 155

Michael(4), husband ofMary (7), 242

Neil, 145

Patrick (1), conf 1849, 270

Patrick (2), husband of Catherine(5), 170

Patrick (3), husband of Elizabeth (3), 168

Patrick (4), son of John (4), 183

Patrick (5), son ofMichael (2), 192

Robert, 270

Sarah, daughter ofMatthew (2),222

Sarah, daughter ofMichael (3), 155

Thomas (1), husband of Mary (9), 284

Thomas(2), son ofJohn(3), 137

Timothy, 282

William (1), godfather1846 ,226

William (2), husband of Hannah, 259

William (3), of St. Helena Regt , 297

Winifred, Mrs. Farrell, q.v.

Caddell(or Cadle), Cecily, 211

Jesse , 230

Polina Mary, 214

Richard O'Farell, 214

Caddin, James, 184

Caddy & Brown, Grocers ,9

Cade, Jack , The Rebel, 1 , 3

Cadle, see Caddell

Caffry (or Caffree), Helen , 136

Jane, Mrs. Wyatt, q.v.

Margaret, née Moran, 135, 136

Owen , 136*

Susan, Mrs. Coddington, q.v.

Caghal, Catherine , 130

Cahan, James, 323

Cahill, Alice, Mrs. Hogan, q.v.

Catherine , née Kavanagh, 134

Jane, Mrs.Lynch, q.v.

John, 134

Martin, 270

Patrick, 134

William, 314

Cain, see also Cane , Kane, Keane

Andrew, 135

Andrew, son ofAndrew , 135

Ann, née Thomas , 131

Bridget, 144, 148 , 151

Bridget, Mrs.Sullivan, q.v.

Bridget , Mrs. Trower, q.v.

Catherine , 226

Catherine, Mrs. Richardson, q.v.

Cecily, Mrs. Keegan, q.v.

Elizabeth , Mrs. Crow, q.v.

Ellen, 197

Henry, 131

John, 129, 131 , 182

Judith, Mrs. Mead, q.v.

Mary, 147

Mary, née Kolon , 135

Patrick, 226

Calahan (or Calian), see Callaghan

Callaghan (Calahan, Calian, Callahan, Callahen , Callahern, Kallaghan)

Alice, Mrs. Kennedy, q.v.

Barnabas, 154

Bridget, née Connor, 154

Bridget, Mrs. Devine, q.v.

Catherine, née Roster, 133

Daniel, 197

Eleonora, Mrs.Thompson, q.v.

Eliza , Mrs. Walker , q.v.

Elizabeth, Mrs. Lynch, q.v.

Elizabeth , Mrs. Power, q.v.

Frances, Mrs. Boiton , q.v.

Honora, 200

Jane, Mrs. Moran, q.v.

Jeremiah, 130

John, husband ofMargaret, 132

John, husband ofMary(4), 197

John, husband ofMary(5), 289

John, son ofJeremiah , 130

Margaret, née Kirwan, 132

Mary(1), daughter of Barnabas, 154

Mary (2), godmother 1828 , 198

Mary (3), née Leary, 130

Mary(4), née McCarthy, 197

Mary(5), née Roach, 289

Mrs. Mary(6), of Cork, 289

Mary, Mrs. Blake,q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Malay, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. White, q.v.

Patrick, d. 1851 , 301

Patrick, of Cork, 289

Sarah, 132

Thomas, conf. 1849 , 272

Thomas , husband ofCatherine , 133

Callagher, Ann, née Fox , 224

Francis, 224

Thomas Hugh, 224

Callahan (Callahen, Callahern), see Callaghan

Callan, Andrew, 209

Michael, 209

Rose Ann, née Cane , 209

Callhem , Mary, Mrs. Reading , q.v.

Calrey, Mary, 194

Camble, see Campbell

Camel (or Cammel), see also Æmel

Catherine , 132

Ellen, Mrs. Hatton, q.v.

Jane, née Moore, 132

John, 132

Cammill, Mary, Mrs. Barrett, q.v.

Campbell(or Camble), Arthur, 257

Catherine , 242

Catherine, Mrs.Atherton ,q.v.

Mrs. Elizabeth, 314

Ellen, 308

George Henry, 237

Helen, née Priestley , 237 , 242

Henry Torrens, 175

James, 157, 187

John, 237, 242

John, son of John, 237

Margaret, née Farell, 257

Margaret, née Miken , 175

Mary, Mrs. Mahoney, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Moore, q.v.

Mary Jane , 314

Patrick, 200, 257

Torrens , 175

William, 242

Camping, Julia, Mrs. Durmidee, q.v.

Campion, John, 244

Mary Ann, née Sullivan, 244, 245

Patrick, 244, 245

Cane, see also Cain, Kane, Keane

Catherine, née Dowlan, 176

James, 176

John, 176

Rose Ann, Mrs. Callan, q.v.

Cannon, Bridget, Mrs. Cavanagh, q.v.

Bridget, Mrs. Phillips, q.v.

Ellen, 215

John, 155

Martin, 215, 277

Mary, née Healy, 215 ,277

Cantello, Harriett, 231 , 241

Mrs. Harriett, 314

Jessie , 232

William, 241

Cantevell , Mrs. Mary, 311

Cantwell, Catherine , 130

Mary, 267

Canty, Ann or Hannah, née Quin, 235 , 243

George, 243, 302

John, 235, 243

John, son ofJohn , 235, 300, 302

Car[a]bine, Margaret, 180, 185

Caraman, CecileAgatheAdelaideRequet de Countessde Sommery,q.v.

Carberry, Elizabeth , 139

Patrick, 271

Carey, see also Cary

Helen , Mrs. Creed , q.v.

James, 153

Jane, Mrs. O'Brian, q.v.

Mary, 179

Mary, née Nolan, 153

Patrick, 190

Sarah, 153

Carfoot, Elizabeth, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Cariz, Cecilia, Mrs. Schouden , q.v.

Carle, Catherine , née Welch, 222

Catherine, née White, 224, 228*

Dennis , 224, 228*

Dennis , son ofDennis , 228

James, 222

Jane, née Donohue, 234

John , 234

Margaret, 234

Mary, 222

Carlen, James, 172

Margaret, 172

Margaret, née Henvey, 172

Carley, James, 178

Carlye, Mary, Mrs. Grant, q.v.

Carminho , Romana do, 153

Carne, Mary, 236

Mary, Mrs. Scalin, q.v.

Carney, James, 303

Caroll, see Carroll

Carotty, Bridget, Mrs. Shanahan, q.v.

Carpue, Mrs. C., 55 , 56

Charles , 36n , 47

Mrs. Frances, of Hammersmith , 40, 41 , 42 , 43 , 44, 45

Mr., shoemaker, 36, 42, 47

Carr, Ann, née Burke , 292

Ellen, Mrs. Madden , q.v.

George , 313

John, 262, 292

Margaret, Mrs. MacDonnell, q.v.

Martha, 266, 311

Mrs. Mary, 292

MaryAnn, Mrs. Cunningham, q.v.

Sarah, 200

Thomas , 292

Carroll, Bridget, 215

Christopher, 116

Christopher, son of Christopher, 116

Daniel, 150

Henry, 189

James, 189 , 190

Margaret, 248

Margaret, Mrs. McManus, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Wise,q.v.

Mary (1), 150

Mary (2), née McCarey, 189

Mary (3), née Scanlan , 150

Mary (4), née Welsh, 330

Mary, Mrs. Dyer, q.v.

Mary,Mrs. James, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Mullins, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Shepherd, q.v.

Michael, 217

Patrick, 239, 315

Rose, Mrs. McGarry, q.v.

Mrs. Sarah, 116

Thomas(1), d. 1852 , 302

Thomas (2), husband ofMary(4), 330

Thomas (3), son ofThomas(2), 330

Carter, Alice, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Ann, 193, 212, 232, 264 , 282

Ann, Mrs. Griggs, q.v.

Charlotte, 310

George, 193, 206, 207, 213* , 224 , 264 , 293, 309

James , 175

Mary, 185, 186, 207, 213, 301

Mary, née Kinsley, 193

Sarah, Mrs. Brereton ,q.v.

Carthy, Elizabeth, Mrs. Horen, q.v.

Cartledge, Caroline, Mrs. Heney, q.v.

Mary, 237

Cartrose, Ann, Mrs. Holstein, q.v.

Carty, Ann, 275

Catherine , 128

Edward, 122

Martin, 163

Patrick, 271 , 275

Cary, see also Carey, Catherine , née Clements , 143

Catherine, Mrs.Green, q.v.

Mother Flavia, 88

James, 143

John , 143

Lydia, Mrs. Golding, q.v.

Thomas , 156

Caryle, Mary, Mrs. Grant, q.v.

Caryll, Alexius, O.S.B. , 88

John, 88

Abbess Mary, O.S.B., 88* , 88n .

Casey (or Casy), Andrew 153

Ann, Mrs. McFarline, q.v.

Bridget, née McCormick, 153

Eliza, née MacDunner, 229

Elizabeth , 230

James, 229, 288

Jane, née Murphy, 252, 256, 289

Jeremiah, priest, 114

John, 252 , 288

John, son ofJohn, 252 , 304

John, of 15th Depot, 308

Mary, Mrs. Cave, q.v.

Mary Ann, 153

Michael, 229

Patrick, 122

Peter, 134

Cash, Margaret, 243

Thomas , 243

Cashan, Bridget, Mrs. Bergan, q.v.

Cashen (or Cashell), Elizabeth, 180

Elizabeth, Mrs. Shea, q.v.

Casouzan, Ann, 185

Cassidy, Alice, 170

Ann, Mrs. Brice,q.v.

Ann, Mrs. Rogers , q.v.

Bridget, née Brannan , 193

Catherine , 143 , 243, 274

Edward, 193

Helen, 168

Helen, Mrs. Glancey, q.v.

Henry, 262

James, 179* , 195

John, 243

Mary, 116, 179 , 202

Mary, née Byrne, 179 , 195

Maurice, 116

Rose, 193

Terence, 192

Thomas , 270

William, 123, 195

Winifred, 116

Casson, Catherine , Mrs. Rawden , q.v.

Castan, Mary, 126

Castaux , Mary, 255

Castle, Bridget, née Range, 277

Joseph, 277

Casy, see Casey

Cates, Ann, 341

Ann, née Fanelly, 137 , 139 , 260

Francis, 137

James , 137

Cathnick, Ann, Mrs. Nugent, q.v.

Caton, vere Keating, q.v.

Caude, Catherine , 165

Caulfield, Catherine , née McGuire, 163

George, 163

Peter , 163*

Cavanagh, see also Kavanagh

Ann, Mrs. Hogan, q.v.

Bridget, née Cannon, 118

Daniel Bryant, 227

Edward, 219, 227, 296

Elizabeth , 118

Ellen, 255

Jane, 118

John, 295

Julia, 219 , 297

Margaret, 188, 269

Margaret, Mrs. Kallin, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Martin, q.v.

Mary, née Connelly, 219, 227, 269

Patrick , 118

Cave , John , 153

Margaret, 153

Mary, née Casey, 153

Caveney, James, 263

Cavotty, Bridget, Mrs. Shanahan, q.v.

Cayley, Timothy, 169

Cazotte, Madeleine , Mrs. Montaguard, q.v.

Chabond, Frances LouiseAlbertine, 323

Jane, née Poeston, 323

Joseph, 323*

Chairman, Mary, 167

Chale, John, 133

Challoner, Bishop Richard, 18n . , 22n , 33n , 36n.* , 37* , 38, 45n., 46, 46n , 50, 51 , 51n ., 56, 62, 62n ., 64, 64n . * , 80

Chamberlaine , Alice, Mrs. Marsh,q.v.

Chambers, Ann, née Lyons,276

Catherine , 243

Stephen, 276

Chapman, James, 297

Louisa Fleming, 343

Mary, 136, 165

Mary, née Barber, 136

Maud, 343

Sarah, 152

William , 136

Chemeportte, Joseph, 119

Joseph, son ofJoseph, 119

Mrs.Josepha, 119

Chester, Miss, 31

Cheverton, Edward, 274

James, 291

Jane, Mrs. Hayward,q.v.

John , 291

Mary, 291 , 314

Sarah, 291

Cheylus, Mgr, Bishop of Bayeux, 110

Chiftra, CatherineTeresa , 118

James , 118

Mary Creda, née Portsa, 118

Childerhouse , Ann, née Burrows, 166

Robert, 166

Thomas, 166

Chisholm , Aeneas, Bp , V. A. Highland, 94

John, Bp , V.A. Highland, 77 , 94* , 95

Chissell, Mary, 310

MaryAnn, Mrs. Wolfe ,q.v.

Chitterton, Ann, 167

Chiverton, Ann, née Shanahan, 174

John, 174

Mary, 174

Chretien , Abbé, 110 , 110n.

Christie, Amelia, née O'Connor, 186

Eliza, née Molahern, 250

Laurence, 250

Margaret, 186

Michael, 250

Mr., 43

William , 186*

Christmass, James, 254

Christopher , Joseph, 164

Joseph, son of Joseph, 164

Sarah, née Beazley, 164

Church , Thomas, Upholsterer,9

Churchill, Eleanor, 152

Chusy, Mary, 116

Circello, Marquis de, Neapolitan Ambassador in London, 319

Clacken, James, 177

Mary, née Fagan, 177

Rose, 177

Clanchy, John, 165* , 166, 167, 168*

Patrick, 168

Clancy, Bridget, née Gleeson, 233 , 239

John, 233, 237, 239 , 271

Margaret, 205

Michael, 233

Thomas , 204, 205

Thomas , son ofThomas, 205

Thomas(John?) [sic], 301

Clansie, Hugh, 164

John, 152

John, son of John, 152

Mary, née Weatherick, 152

Clapshaw, Mary, née Considine , 342

William, 342

William, son ofWilliam, 342

Clare, Elizabeth Julia Georgina Fitzgibbon, Countess of, 217 , 217n .

Clarke, Ann, Mrs. McCormick, q.v.

Bridget, 156

Catherine , 200, 203

Catherine , née Fewry or Fenry, 202

Catherine , Mrs. Barker ,q.v.

David, 156

Edward, 125

Eliza, née Read, 249

Elizabeth, 334

Elizabeth, née Hanity, 188

Elizabeth, née Smith, 334-5

Elizabeth, Mrs. Phillips, q.v.

Henry, priest, 113

James, 132 , 176 , 202

Jane, 244, 247

Jane, Mrs. Edwards, q.v.

Jane, Mrs. Glynn, q.v.

JohannaBridget, 156

John, 149, 188

John, priest, 320, 347

John George, 249

Lucy, 140

Margaret, 150, 154

Margaret, née Kinsheller, 173

Margaret, née Lacy, 132

Margaret, née Sutton, 150

Mary, 176, 184 , 194

Mary, Mrs. Nichol, q.v.

Mother Mary, O.S.B. , 89

Michael, 173, 202, 247 , 249 , 289

Mr., 105

Margaret, née Henchey , 209 , 212

Owen, 178

Cloevet, Elizabeth, Mrs. Crasburgh, q.v.

Cloghessy, Margaret, 244

Margaret, née Kearn, 244

Thomas, 244

Clohosy, Ellen, née Green, 200, 201

James, 200

Patrick, 200

Newton, 312

Mr., Registrar[?], 21

Patrick, 132

Richard, 173

Robert, clerk, 28

Rose, Mrs., McCarthy, q.v.

Susan, Mrs. Brown, q.v.

Thomas , 150, 334-5

William , 188, 299

Clarkin, Catherine , 189

Clary, Denis, 203

John, 127, 128, 330

Margaret, née Dye, 127 , 128

Martha, Mrs. Wright, q.v.

Mary, 203

Patrick, 127 , 128

Clavering , Abbess Ann, O.S.B. , 89 ,90

Frances , Mrs. Robinson, q.v.

Clayton, Margaret, 117

Mary, née O'Hara, 117

William, 117

Clear, Jane Mary, 315

Cleary, AugustusJohn, 231

Daniel, 186, 188 , 204

James , 231

Laurence, 199

Mary, née Crow , 231

Mary, née Reedy, 199

Mary, Mrs. (Caton) Keating,q.v.

Michael , 199

Cleland, Margaret, Mrs. Blair, q.v.

Clement , Ellen, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Clements, Catherine , Mrs.Cary q.v.

Clemow , Catherine , 165

Henrietta, née Bodle, 165

John William, 165

Clery, Grace, 332

Clevo, Jane, 205

John, 205

John Benjamin, 205

Cliff, George, 335

John, 335

Margaret, née Rhiley, 335

Clifford, Daniel, 304

Margaret, Mrs. Osborne , q.v.

Sir Thomas, 44n

Clinton, Alexander, S.J., alias Mackenzie, 40, 40n,, 82* , 82n , 85, 85n

Catherine , 209

Henry, 209 , 212

John, 212

Clum [?], James, 126

Clyne, Margaret, 143

Coates, F., publisher, 78n

Mary Ann, 199

Mrs., 98

Cochet, Abbé Alexandre, 107

Cochlan, Patrick, 271

Cocks, Julia, 228

Coddington , Susan, née Caffree , 275

William, 275

Codle, Henrietta, Mrs.Wall, q.v.

Coen, Margaret, 189

Coffee, Catherine , Mrs. Lennard, q.v.

Elizabeth, 140

John, 140

James, 226, 268

Mary Ann, 267

Coffill, Bernard, 156

Mary, [or McMullen], 156

Cogger, Alfred, 273

Mary, née McMullan [?], 156

Cogher, Alfred, 312

Coghlan, see also Coughlan

twins, 293

Ann, 288

Sister Ann, Poor Clare, 86, 86n., 87

Cecily, 146

Ellenor, 178

Helen, 173

John, 173, 271, 276, 288

John Peter , publisher , 24, 24n , 26* , 29* , 32, 35, 41, 42, 45, 47, 52*, 56* , 66* , 72 , 74-76, 80* , 80n ., 87, 95

Jorne Melanus, 219

Margaret, 197

Margaret, née Steven , 276

Mary, 288

Mary, née Fleming, 212, 219, 344

Mary, Mrs. Yeats, q.v.

The Misses, of Aire , 87

Monica, 212

William, 212, 219, 344

Coke, see also Cooke

Ann, 217, 267, 280

Catherine , 223

Michael, 266, 280

Cokum, Mary, Mrs. Duplan, q.v.

Coldwell , Isabel, Mrs.Murphy , q.v.

Cole, Abraham, 284

Mrs. Elizabeth, 284

Mrs. EmmelineMary, 314

Mary Ann, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Colebrook , Abigal, Mrs. Valentine, q.v.

Coleman, Bridget, Mrs. Welch,q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Barry, q.v.

Coley, Margaret, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

Collert , James, 308

Collier, Margaret, 258

Molly, 45

Collins, Ann, 236, 238

Ann, Mrs. Coulton, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Regan,q.v.

Cornelius, 180

David, 314

Honora, 206

James, of Isle of Wight, 155 , 162 , 204

James, ofMalta, 285

Jane, 207

John, 206

John, son ofJohn, 206, 257 [?]

John Haskell, 313

Joseph, 272

Margaret, 238

Margaret, née McCurrin [?], later

Mrs. McGennity, q.v.

Mary, 147 , 204

Mary, née Conolly, 204

Mary, née Dogherty, 162

Robert, 268

Thomas, 162

Timothy, 272

William, 271

Collum, Edward, 128

Colombier , Jean Baptist Phillibert, see Phillibert

Combes , Mary, Mrs. Earley, q.v.

Comerford , Catherine , née Wallen, 148

Sarah, 148

Thomas , 148

Commins, see also Cummins

Ann, 190

Conaghton, Edward, 201

Concargh, Ann , 218

John, 278

Mrs. Mary, 278

Mary, née Jones, 278

Michael, 218, 278

Michael, drummer , 294

Condon, Ann, Mrs. Milligan, q.v.

Condrer, Elizabeth, Mrs. Brandis, q.v.

Coney, Eleonora, née Conolly, 133

Henry, 133

Henry, son of Henry, 133

John, 135

Coni, Dominic, 205, 206

John, 205

Laurence, 206

Mary, née Murphy, 205* , 206

Conlan, Mary Ann, 258

Mary, née Teney, 255, 258

Mary, Mrs., Tolan, q.v.

Michael, 255, 258

Patrick, 304

Conlin, Elizabeth, née Burn, 148

Patrick, 148

Patrick, son of Patrick, 148

Connell , Bridget, 155

Bridget, née Mason, 155

Catherine , née Connor , 181

Eliza , née Flanagan , 239

James, 131, 239

Mrs. Jane , 302

Jeremiah , 181

Jeremiah , son ofJeremiah , 181

John , 342

Mary, 341 , 342

Mrs. Mary, 312

Mary, Mrs. Rigney, q.v.

Matthew, 155

Michael, Private, 301

Patrick, 239

Thomas , 272

Connell, see also Connolly,

Arthur, 178

Catherine, née Rooney, 258

Christopher, 270

James, 171 , 178

James, son of James , 171

John, 258

Mary, née Lewis, 171 , 178

Mary, Mrs. Cavanagh , q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Russell, q.v.

Mary Ann, 258

Maurice, 170

Patrick, 271

Rose, 168 , 170

Rose, Mrs. Montague,q.v.

Timothy, 296

Conners, Margaret, Mrs. Dwyer,q.v.

Patrick, alias Dwyer, 291

Connery, William, 325*

Connolly , see also Connelly, Ann, Mrs. Bolan, q.v.

Arthur, 177

Catherine , 257

Eleanora , Mrs. Coney, q.v.

James, 145, 173 , 180, 264

Jane, Mrs. Burke, q.v.

John, 173, 180

Margaret, 189

Margaret, Mrs. Haley,q.v.

Mary, 188

Mary, née Graham, 180

Mary, née Hughes, 173

Mary, Mrs. Collins, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Kelly, q.v.

Patrick, 139

Philip, priest, 111

Terence, 182

Connor, see also O'Connor ,

Ann, dau. ofJames, 342

Ann, dau of Martin, 162

Ann, dau of Thomas, 194

Bridget, née Kirby, 223

Bridget, Mrs. Callaghan , q.v.

Catherine , née FitzPatrick, 144

Catherine , née Murphy, 335

Catherine , Mrs. Brown, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Connell, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs.Dwyer,q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Neville ,q.v.

Daniel, 170

Eleanor, Mrs. Hughes, q.v.

Elizabeth , 152, 222

Elizabeth, née Malony, 274

Ellen , née Coyne, 342

Ellenah , 204

Francis, 223

Harriett, 191

Harriett, née Hilliers, 191 , 195

Helen, 236

Helen, née Lane, 177

Henry, 227, 268

James, 141

James, husb ofEllen, 342

James, husb. ofHarriet, 191, 195

James, husb of Helen, 177

Jane, 172

John, 144, 246, 300, 335

John , son ofJohn, 335

Lawrence , 162

Margaret, 199 , 250

Margaret, née Coley, 170

Margaret, Mrs. Flaherty, q.v.

Martin , 162

Mary, 133 , 140 , 280

Mary, née Burke, 162

Mary, née Doran, 194

Mary, Mrs. Blake, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Flannery, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Hansbury,q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Kennedy,q.v.

Michael, 177 , 223

Patrick, 137 , 144 , 154 , 157 , 263

Peter, 170

Thomas, 194* , 274

Timothy, 116

William, 296

Conoway, Catherine, née Maiadel, 133

Hugh, 133

Mary, 133

Conquest, Benedict, 19n

John, 19n .

Mr., 19

Conrein, Ann, Mrs.Mulkerrin , q.v.

Conroy, Ann, 191

Bridget, née Lynan, 191

Eleonora, Mrs. Smith , q.v.

Elizabeth, 243 Jane, Mrs. Healy, q.v.

John, 181

Mary, Mrs.Holahan ,q.v.

Patrick, 191

Timothy, 285

Conry, Bridget, née Sweeney, 194

Mary, 194

Michael, 194

Considine, Mary, Mrs. Clapshaw , q.v.

Constable, Francis, née Sheldon , 46n

MarmadukeCuthbert, later Tunstall,

Mrs.q.v. , 63

Mrs.[Elizabeth?], 18, 23*

William, 8

Mr. [William ?], 12, 19

Conway, Agnes, 223, 267

Ann, 290

Ann, Mrs.Killom, q.v.

Ann, Mrs. Murphy, q.v.

Bartholomew, 252

Catherine , 155

Catherine, Mrs. Pine , q.v.

James, 230

James, P., Canon, 114

Johanna, 301

John, 175, 252, 270

Margaret, Mrs. Keane ,q.v.

Mary, née Maloney, 252

Mary, Mrs. Ryan, q.v.

Patrick, 290

Cook(e) see also Coke

Ann, née White, 191

Elizabeth, Mrs. Kilkenny ,q.v.

Ellen , 201

Isaac, 221

John , 191

Joseph, 191

Mary Ann, 221

Mary Ann, née Young, 221

Sarah, 131* , 260

William, 274

Coolahan, Peter , 271

Coolidge, Elizabeth, 260

Coombs, Ann, 151, 260

Cooney , sergeant, 295

Ann, Mrs. Rutley, q.v.

Mrs. Catherine , 282

Catherine, Mrs. Grumley,q.v.

Elizabeth , née Robinson, 282

Joanna, 142

Margaret, 217, 295

Patrick, of Clare, 282

Patrick, ofParkhurst, 219, 230, 249, 282

Coonor, Peter, 271

Coop, Peter, priest, 107n , 113

Cooper, Charles , butler, 10 , 20* , 20n .

Charles Joseph, 183

Elizabeth, 291

Helen, née Murphy, 291

Hugh, 206, 340

Hugh, son of Hugh, 340

James, 291

Jane, 206

Jane, Mrs. Werneck, q.v.

John, 170, 183 , 205, 291

John Peter, 170

Margaret, 340

Margaret, née Murray, 205* , 206 , 340

Mary, 170

Mary, née Tresmonnais or Fresmonnais , 170 , 183

Mr., 38

Susanna, 204

Copeland, husbandman, 16

Coppinger, Alice Mary, 288

Catherine , née Curran, 259

Elizabeth, Mrs. McCann , q.v.

John , 259

Mary Jane, 345

Rose Ann, 301

Coquière, Abbé Louis, 135* , 135n , 139 , 145, 318, 330

Corbel, Mary, Mrs. Gingham,q.v.

Corbett(or Corbit), James, 147

John, 179

Judith, née Gleeson , 147

Margaret, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Mary, 147

Mary, Mrs. Gough, q.v.

Corbin , Robert Reeks, 106, 316

Corbit, see Corbett

Corcannon, Patrick, 271

Corcoran , Bridget, Mrs. FitzGerald, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs.Curry, q.v.

Cordon, John, jun., 15*

Coreron, James, 134

John, 134

Sarah, née Henderson, 134

Corfield, Martin, 161

Corgan, Eleonora, Mrs. Read, q.v.

Corham, John Louis, 269

Corigan , Mathias, 272

Corker, Martha, Mrs. Skelly, q.v.

Corless, Catherine, Mrs. Daverin, q,v

Cormick, James, 297

Cornelisen, Odile, 126

Cornelius, John, 130

Cornish, Ann, 194

James, 194, 276

Mary, née Gaffney, 194 , 276

Cornwell , Alice, Mrs. Hailoran, q.v.

Corp, Sarah, Mrs.Anderson, q.v.

Corr, Sarah, Mrs.Bryan,q.v.

Corrogan , Michael, 185

Corry, Mary, 129

Cortina, Andresde, 115

Cosgrove Mary, née Lennard, 139

Patrick, 139

Robert, 139

Thomas , 190

Costello, Catherine , 248

Catherine , Mrs. O'Brien, q.v.

John, 270

Martin, 288

Mrs. Mary, 288

Thomas , ofMayo, 288

Thomas , of28th Depot, 306

Cotter, Catherine , née MacKey, 257

Erick Edward, 257

John, 257

Cottom, Emma, Mrs. Owens, q.v.

Coughlan see also Coghlan

Margaret, 170

Coulter, Elizabeth, Mrs. Hart, q.v.

Coulton, Ann, née Collins, 242

William, 242

William, son ofWilliam , 242

County, Ellen, 241, 300

Jeremiah , 237* , 241 , 245

Margaret, née MacDonell, 237, 241, 245


Courcey, Maurice de, 237

Courelles, J. L. de, 125

Courry, Laetitia, Mrs. Mullins, q.v.

Courtney, Mrs. Catherine, 291

Catherine , Mrs. McNerney, q,v.

John, 291

Coveney, James, 240

Margaret Jane, 246

Mary, née Thompson, 240 , 246

Thomas , 240, 246

Cowdry, , 43

Cowell, Mrs. Margaret, 189

Thomas , 189

Thomas , son ofThomas , 189

Cowen John, 262

Thomas , 136

Cox, Ann, Mrs.Kelly,q.v.

Edward, D.D., 320, 345

Elizabeth, 244

John, 310

Julia, née O'Brian, 224, 230, 231, 236, 238, 244, 246, 267

Mary Ann, 230

Sarah, 224

William , 224, 230, 236, 244

William, son ofWilliam , 236

Coyle, Edward, 269

Eleanor, Mrs. Crinion, q.v.

Ellen, 223

James, 203, 269

John, 196, 203, 223

Martha, 203

Mary, née Mullen , 223 , 268

Stephen, 298

Teresa, 269

Coyne, Ellen, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

Cragen, John, 148

Susan, née Nowlan, 148

William, 148

Craggs, Ann, 18

George , 18*

Craigh, Margaret, 194

Crampton , Mary, Mrs. Bostock, q.v.

Crasburgh (or Crasbury ), Elizabeth, née

Cloevet , 126, 323

Isabella , 323

John , 126, 323*

John , son ofJohn [?], 117

Louisa Teresa, 126

Crasler , Elizabeth, Mrs. Reeks , q.v.

Crassan, Ann, 257

Craughan, Edmund , 149

Edward, 149

John, 149

Mary, née Irving, 149 , 150

Craven, Alice, 163

James, 163

Mary, née Shea, 163

Crawford, Ann, 170

Ann, Mrs.Ryan, q.v.

Crawley, Ann, 158

Ann, Mrs. Long, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Gaffney, q.v.

Eleanora , née Mahony, 152

J., architect , 317

John , 152

Maurice, 152

Teresa, Mrs. Osten, q.v.

Creagh, John , 193

John , son of John, 193

Margaret, née Higgins, 193

Crean, Mary Ann, 138

Creed, Helen, née Carey, 234, 271

John , 234

Samuel, 234

Creighton , Barnabas , 117

James , 150

John, 150

Mary, née McCormick , 150

Cresnell , James , 301

Creswell, Charlotte Jane, 115, 125

Elizabeth , 115

James, 115* , 125

Jane, 115* , 125

Crewe, Caroline, Mrs. Riley, q.v.

Mrs. Elizabeth, 283

John, 303

William, 283

Crewen, Mrs. Mary, 315

Crilli, Mrs., of Hammersmith , 40

Crimmen (or Crimmin), Bridget, 195

Bridget, Mrs. McInarney,q.v.

Eleonora, Mrs. Sexton , q.v.

Jeremiah , 127

John , 127

Mary, née Heroward , 127

Crinion, Eleanora, née Coyle, 134

Francis, 134

Judith, 134

Critchley, Catherine , 179 "Croft's Fund" , 14n., 34n., 58n

Crohan, see also Crone

Mary, 174

Croker, Dinah, née Baxter, 335

Mary, 335

Patrick, 335

Cronan, Eleanor, 128

Eleanor, née Downey, 128

Jeremiah, 128

Crone, see also Crohan

Helen , 174 John, 174

Mary, née Driscoll, 174

Cronin , Richard, 179

Cronny, John, 332

Crook, Jane , 252 , 255

Mr., 105

Crookwell, Mary, née Doud, 246

Thomas, 246

William, 246

Cropper, Robert, 97*-100, 102

Cross, Martin , 190

Mary, 251

Mary, née Joice, 190

Richard, 190

Crossler, Elizabeth, Mrs. Reeks ,q.v.

Crotty, Jane, 143

Crouch, Ann Frances, Mrs. Croucher, q.v.

Frances Cecily, Mrs. Croucher, q.v.

Croucher, Agnes Frances ,220

Ann CatherineMary, 214

Ann Frances, née Crouch, 211, 214* , 219, 220,227 , 236,244, 251

Cecily Philomena , 211, 268

Frances, 239, 248, 255, 256, 265

Frances Cecily, néeCrouch, 228, 232" , 280, 284, 343

George , 211, 214, 220, 227, 236 , 244 , 251, 280, 303 , 312 , 343

George BernardBraxton, 227

James Alban, 251

Paula Mary, 236

Winifred Charlotte, 244

Crouse, Catherine , 118

Crowden, John , 312 366

Crowe, Edward, 135

Edward, son ofEdward, 135

Elizabeth, née Cain, 135, 141

Mary, Mrs. Cleary, q.v.

Thomas, 141

William , 141

Cruickshanks , Mary, 163

Cruise, Catherine , 132

Elizabeth , née Plunket, 132

John, 132

Cruming, Peter, 209 , 212 , 213

Crummy, Peter, 343

Cuddon, Augustine, 280

Frances, née Baylis, 280

Martin, 280

Rhoda, 280

Cuff, Elizabeth, 239 , 299

Hannah , née Joyce, 239

Honora, 232

John, 239, 272

Margaret, 298

Culkin, Ann, 187

Elizabeth, née Kennedy, 187

Richard, 187

Cullen, Helen, Mrs. Penders, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Sturgen, q.v.

Cummins see also Commins

Mrs. Ann, 126

Catherine , 336

Edward , 341

Harriet, 307

John, 126

John , son ofJohn, 126

Mary, née Harrington, 341

Richard, 341

Thomas, 341

Cunchelan, Margaret, 171

Cunnane, John, 302

Cunneen, Michael, 271

Cunnif, Michael, 166

Cunningham, Agatha Moran, 233

Amelia, 233

Anastasia , 240

AnnMary, 233

Daniel Edward, 233* , 240, 254 , 255

Eliza, 254

Elizabeth, 240

James, 151

John, 191

Mary, 134

Mary, née Rennells , 134

Mary Ann, née Carr, 233,* 240, 254, 255

Mrs. MaryAnn, 312

Michael, 134

Mr., 96

Patrick, 243, 296

Rachel, 255

Curell, Michael, 248

Curick, Michael, 296

Curle, Mark, recusant , 104

Curley, Catherine , 230

Jane, Mrs. McGennity, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Burke, q.v.

Mrs. Sarah, 279

Thomas , 279

Curran, Frances, Mrs.Donoghue, q.v.

Curren, Andrew, 272

Catherine, néeJennings, 231*

Catherine , Mrs. Coppinger,q.v.

Elizabeth, Mrs. Foley,q.v.

Mary, 272

Michael, 231*

Curry, Andrew , 180

Catherine , née Corcoran, 180

Elizabeth, née Mark, 166

Hugh , 180

Michael, 166

Peter, 166

Curtis, Bridget,225

Daniel, 204

Ellen , 253

George, 225

Theo , 25

Curtois,, curate of Hainton, 28

Cushley, James, 148

Custance , , colonel, 268

Cuthbert , Alice, Mrs. Flynn, q.v.

Dabridgecourt , AbbessElizabeth, O.S.B. , 90

Dac(e)y, Mrs. Bridget, 205

Charles , 205

Ellen, 205

Mary, Mrs.Brien,q.v.

Daffy, Michael, 166

Dainty, Samuel , 271

Dale, Elizabeth , Mrs. Butler, q.v.

Daley see Daly

D'Alton, James, 237, 240

James Edward, 237

Jane, née Shaughnessy, 237

Mary, 240

Dalton, Ann, née Kirwan , 194

Mrs. Bridget, 295

Ellen, née Moffit, 189

Helen, Mrs. Gallagher,q.v.

James, 237

James (Frederick), 268

James (Thomas), 266

Jane, 241

Jane, née Whittington, 178

John, 295

Joseph, 194

Margaret, 178

Mary, 189

Mary, Mrs. Reel, q.v.

Medina Sara , Mrs. Turner, q.v.

Patrick, 178

Patrick, son ofJoseph, 194

Thomas , 189

William, 298

Daly(or (Daley), see also Dayly

Ann, 194

Ann, née Brown, 131

Ann, Mrs. Hulihan, q.v.

Catherine , 131

Catherine, née McCabe , 189

Daniel , 156

Ellen, Mrs. Thornhill , q.v.

Isabella, 187*

John, 131, 158

John, son ofWilliam , 189

Mary, 152

Mary, Mrs. Tormy, q.v.

Thomas , 300

Daniel, 189

Dambrine , Stephen, priest, 110, 124 , 201* , 202, 276

Danaher, Ellen, 199

Philip, 143

Danby, George , private, 293

Dane, Elizabeth, 129

Daniel ,, br., 90

Ann, née Green, 171

Hugh, 171

John , 171

Dann (or Davin), Ann, 245

Catherine, Mrs.Webster ,q.v.

Danugh Mrs. E., 311

Elizabeth , 235

D'Arcy, Charles Francis, priest, 302 , 320, 345 , 348*

James Timothy, 345

Darmody , Catherine , née Magee, 258, 307

John, 258

Mary Ann, 258

Darough, Elizabeth, 230

Sarah, 227

Darra (or Darragh), Agnes, née Askew , 92n

Nigel, 92n

William, priest, 7" , 92, 92 , 93, 9599 , 101-103

Dart, Eliza, néeAllcock, 250

Ellen , 250

George William , 250

Dashwood, Mrs. Ann, 278

James, 278

Jane, Mrs. Oreille, q.v.

John , 278

Mary, née Rowe, 186, 222, 264 , 278 , 281, 303

Daughtey, Margaret, Mrs. Jeuman , q.v.

Davenport , Archer, 136

Judith, née Dowde, 136*

William , 136

Daverin, Catherine, née Corless , 131

James, 131

James, son ofJames , 131

Davies see also Davis

Ann, Mrs. Devine, q.v.

Charlotte , 266

Eliza, 310

Elizabeth, 265

George, 297

Helen, 219

R. Rob , 123

Susannah , 313

Davin see Dann

Davis seealso Davies

Ann Maria, 298

Mrs.Catherine, 282

Eadith, Mrs.Shipman, q.v.

Elizabeth Mrs. Jenkins , q.v.

Frances, Mrs. McNeil, q.v.

John, 149

John, of New Ross , 282

Mary, Mrs. Lahiff, q.v.

Richard George ,priest, 1*,2, 7n . , 32n .,

66n . , 69n . , 75, 87, 94, 105, 318 , 319 , 321

Davison, Eleanor, 340

John, 275

Sarah, 162

Davy, Helen, née Hall, 134

John, 134

Thomas , 134

Dawson, Ann, Mrs. Fahy,q.v.

Hugh, 251

James, 186

Day, Amelia, 265

Amelia Maria Teresa Ascencion, 336

Amelia Rosa, 339*

Caroline Mariana Maria de los Dolores, née Duran, 275, 334, 336, 337, 338* , 339* , 341

Charles Theophilus, 339

Dolores, 265, 341

DoloresCaroline Firmin, 338

Edward, 265

Edward, 275, 334, 336, 337, 338* , 339* , 341, 347

ElizabethMary Martha, 339*

Emily, 347

Firmin Edward, 341

Firmin Peter Edward, 337 , 339

Frederick, 337 , 338*

Frederick, son of Edward, 334

George, Bp of Chichester , 2

Jane, Mrs. Urry,q.v.

Julia Teresa Assention , 338

Mary Maud , 341

Rosina Louisa Mary Adelaide, 339

Thomas, 2

Dayley see also Daly

Mrs. Bridget, 333

Thomas , 333

Thomas, son ofThomas , 333

Dean, Ann, 285

Dinah, née Mitchell , 285, 345

Elizabeth , 125

Robert, (1) of Cowes, 285, 345

Robert, son ofRobert (1), 345

Robert, ofSligo, 285

Dear, Alice, née Murphy, 243

George, 243

James, 243

William , 243

Deasy, Mary, Mrs. Elliott, q.v.

Deaves, Eliz , 47

Deegan see also Dugan

John, 204

Mary, Mrs. Haly, q.v.

De Grasse, Anthony, 274

Charlotte, née Hearn, 274

Philip, 274

De Grenthe seeGrenthe

Delahunty, Ann, 149

Ann, née Halpen, 149

Richard, 149

Delaney, Ann, 140

Denis, 244

Elizabeth , née Flinn, 230

Elizabeth , Mrs. Molloy,q.v.

Mary, b 1828, 198

Mary, b. 1847, 230

Mary, b 1851, 244

Mary, née Enright, 244

Mary, née Kilpeck, 198

Patrick, 270

Peter, 270

William, husb ofElizabeth, 230

William, husb ofMary, 198

Delap, James, 190

James, son ofJames, 190

Winefrid, née McCabe, 190

Delvin [?], Catherine , Mrs. Fox,q.v.

Demette, Helen, Mrs. Hodgkin, q.v.

Dempsey, Ann, 132

Cornelius , 246

James, 246

John, 245, 246

Mary, née Maloney, 246 , 250

Mary, Mrs. McNamara , q.v.

Denham, Sarah, Mrs. Meehan, q.v.

Denhar, Catherine, née Adlerly, 153

John, 153

Thomas , 153

Denher, Philip, 152

Denison Margaret, Mrs. Gannon, q.v.

Dennett , Elizabeth, 313

Denney, John, 280

Mrs.Norah, 280

Norah, Mrs. Mahoney,q.v.

Dennis, Elizabeth, 230

Dent, Bridget, 183

Denvir, John H.,priest, 114

De Quincy, John Baptist Charles Humbert, 343

Mary Ann, formerly Lacy, née Philp, 343

Derham , Thomas, 200

Derque, Cecily, née Ingehaha or Ingehala , 118

Fanaque , 118

Francis , 118

Deslogez 51, eating-house -keeper,50* ,

Desmond, John, 332

John, son ofJohn, 332

Mary, née Dunnovan, 332

Desmouts, Abbé, 318 , 325, 326

Desperques, AbbéEtienne, 108, 119 , 124 , 126, 127* , 128* , 318* , 325

Develin , Margaret, née Duffy, 187

Patrick, 187

Patrick, son ofPatrick , 187

Devereux, Maud, 346

Devine (Devign, Devines , Divine), Ann, née Davies, 137

Bridget, née Callaghan , 143

David, 254

Elizabeth, Mrs. Haughney,q.v.

Helen, dau ofThomas , 143

Helen , dau of Timothy, 211

Hugh, 132, 137

James, d 1795 , 122

James, Irving 1824 , 188

John, 215

Mary, dau ofPatrick, 145

Mary, godmother 1841 , 213

Mary, née McLaughlin, 145

Mary, née Manning, 215

Mary, née Murray, 211

Mary, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Patrick, 145

Sarah, 137

Thomas , 143

Timothy, 211, 215

Devit, Ann, 199

Ellen, née Mulvihill, 199 , 276

Michael, 199

Devitt, Mitchell, 200

Diamond , Ann, 216

Helen, 154

James, 136

John , 216, 227

Dicks, William , 177

Dickson, John, 154

Digan, Ann, Mrs. Sharpe, q.v.

Diggins , Catherine , Mrs. Webber, q.v.

Dignum, Mary, 205

Dillon, Alice, 144 , 261

Edward, 235, 243, 272, 281

Edward, son of Edward, 243

Hannah, née McIntosh, 154

Jane, 202

John , 154

JohnWilliam , 235

Mary, née Shay [?], 249

Mary, Mrs. Barry, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Healy, q.v.

Mary Ann, née Baker, 235, 243, 281

Maurice, 249

Mrs.Sarah, 281

William, 154, 157

William, of Dublin, 281

William Shay [?], 249

Dimmick Mrs. Ann, 281

Ann, Mrs. Sanders, q.v.

Joseph, 281

Dingley John , 104n

Mabel, née Weston , 104n

Ven Sir Thomas , 104n.

Dinnond, Sarah , 175

Dint, Bridget, née Ryan, 179

John , 179

William, 179

Discacciati , Charles Ambrose, 188 , 193 , 200, 210, 293

Charles Norbert, 200

Mary Ambrosia, née Woolfrey, 200, 208

Discoll, Julia, 209

Divine see Devine

Dixon, Clare, 178

Dobbin , Nicholas, 170

Dockry, Margaret, Mrs. Madden,q.v.

Dodd, Bernard , 275

Elizabeth, Mrs. Leavey, q.v.

Rose, née Shiel, 275

Dodera, Louise Angela, Mrs. Bossell,

Dogan, Manicks, 173 q.v.

Margaret, 173

Mary, née Keegan , 173

Dogherty(or Dougherty), Ann, 148

Eliza, 184

Joseph, 216

Mary, Mrs. Collins, q.v.

Winifred, 218

Doherty, Ann, 282

Bridget , née Hagan, 246

Honora, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Jeuman, q.v.

Thomas, 246

William , 246

Doire, Mrs.Emily, 116

Samuel, 116

William, 116

Dolan (or Dolin), John, 243, 264

Mark, 122

Dominicetti, Dr., 26* , 27*

Donaghey, Grimes , 257

Dona(g)hue see Dono(g)hue

Donelly see Donnelly

Donley, Mary, Mrs. McReynolds, q.v.

Donnell, Charles , 215

Donnellan , Elizabeth, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Donnelly(or Donelly or Donolly),

Elizabeth, 187

Elizabeth, née McCabe , 187

Ellen, 1803, 131

Ellen, 1854, 255

James, 164, 187*

John, 139

Mary, 152

Mary, Mrs.Morgan, q.v.

Nabitha, Mrs.Brennan, q.v.

Sarah, 167

Sarah, Mrs. Gregg, q.v.

Dono(g)hue (or Dona(g)hue, or Donohough), Ann, 216

Catherine , née Fallon, 140

Catherine , Mrs.Brady, q.v.

Esther, 329

Frances, née Curran, 173

Hugh, 173

James, 266

Jane, Mrs. Carle, q.v.

John, 179 , 297* , 329

Margaret, Mrs.Toohay, q.v.

Mary, dau. of Hugh, 173

Mary, dau of Michael, 215

Mary, née Keating, 179

Mathew , 299

Michael, 215, 220, 224, 234

Patrick, 225, 260

Patrick, husb of Catherine , 140

Peter, 224

Rose, 267

Susanna, née Budd, 215, 224

Thomas , 268

Thomas , son ofPatrick , 140

William, 179

Donohough see Dono(g)hue

Donolan, Bridget, née Hopkins, 335

John, 335

William , 335

Donolly see Donnelly

Donovan, Andrew, 233, 237

Andrew, confirmed 1848 , 269

Ann, née Morgan, 251

Bridget, 224

Cornelius, 251

Edward, 251

Eleonora , née Lennen , 175

Helen, 127

James , 175

James, son ofAndrew, 237

John, 122

Margaret, 251

Margaret, Mrs.Medcalf,q.v.

Martin, 175

Mary, 252

Mary, née Maney, 237

Mary, Mrs. Desmond, q.v.

Sarah, Mrs. Perkinson , q.v.

Donwell , Elizabeth, Mrs. Kelly, q.v.

Dooley, Mrs. Catherine, 115

Patrick, 115

Patrick, son of Patrick , 115

Doolinsee also Dulin

Ann, 136

Doon, Ann, Mrs. Harvey,q.v.

Dooning, Rose, Mrs. Bruin, q.v.

Doran, Arthur, 200

Catherine , née Gosdem , 273

Hugh , 131

John, priest, 105 , 114

Lawrence, priest, 114

Margaret, née Byrne, 200

Margaret, Mrs.Winter ,q.v.

Mary, 180

Mary, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

Patrick, 135, 273

Peter, 152

Susan, bapt 1810 , 309

Susan, bapt 1829 , 200

William, 160

Dore, Sarah, Mrs.Harrington, q.v.

Dorey, Sarah, Mrs. Baldwin, q.v.

Doris, Richard, 196

Dormein, Mary, Mrs.Dumen, q.v.

Dormer Bridget, Mrs. Jenkins , q.v.

John , 7th Baron Dormer, 69n

Doud (Dowde), Alexander, 239

Catherine , Mrs.McGaguay, q.v.

Cormack, 239

Judith, Mrs. Davenport, q.v.

Mary, 153

Mary, née Johnstone , 239

Mary, Mrs. Crookwell, q.v.

Dougherty(or Doughity) see Dogherty

Doughias see Douglass

Doughtey , Hannah, Mrs. Lawler, q.v.

Douglas(s) (or Doughlas), Dr., 27

John, 233

Bishop John, V.A. Lond, 45n* , 70n , 93n . , 94 , 106-9, 120, 260, 316 , 317

Joseph, 128

Mary, 230

Mary, née Keating, 233

William, 233

Douling see Dowling

Dove, Mrs. Elizabeth, 313

Mrs. Henrietta, 314

Sarah, Mrs. Harrington, q.v.

Dovey, Sarah, Mrs. Baldwin, q.v.

Dovon, Jane, Mrs. Barrett, q.v.

Dowde see Doud

Dowlan , Patrick, 333

Timothy, 333

Dowley, Ann, née Black, 132

Mary, 132

Thomas , 132

Dowling (or Douling), Ann, née Gilroy, 275

Christopher Vincent, O.P., 110-112 , 124, 202-204,276*

Jacques, etfils, merchants , 111

Peter, 192 , 275

Down, Margaret, Mrs. Hakey,q.v.

Downey, Eleanor, Mrs. Cronan, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Harrington, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Riordan, q.v.

Doyle, Ann, 199

Ann, née Rossin, 199

Catherine , 307

Catherine , née Kelly, 200 , 203

Eleonora, 146

Ellen, 199

Helen, Mrs. Duffy, q.v.

Honora, née Grace, 188

James, 306

John, 199 , 200, 201 , 203 ,276

John, son of John, 203

Luke, 188

Margaret, Mrs.Roach, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Rourke, q.v.

Mary, née Lucas , 146

Mary, Mrs. Francis, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Kelly, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Ryan, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

MaryAnn, dau ofJohn, 200

MaryAnn, dau ofLuke, 188

Michael, 146

Patrick, 199

Thomas , 313

Drake, Ann, 231

Dricoll (or Driscoll, or Driskill),

Catherine, 177

Florentius, 171 , 177

Mary, 171

Mary, née Piggott or Pickett, 171 , 179

Driggs, John, 172

Peter, 172

Sarah, née O'Neale, 172

Dring, Jane, 129

Driscoll (see also Dricoll)

Ann, née Morison, 245

EdwardJames , 245

Elizabeth, Mrs. Sliney,q.v.

John, 210, 245, 293

Julia, Mrs. Smith, q.v.

Margaret, née Harrington, 210

Mary, Mrs. Crone, q.v.

Mary Ann, 210

Drudge , George James , 315

Mrs. Sarah Mary, 315

Druin, James Frederick, 118

Dudicham , Rosina , 346

Duff, Elizabeth, née Stafford, 141

Michael, 271

Peter, 141

William, 141

Duffy (or Duffey), Bridget, 246

Catherine , Mrs. Mulin, q.v.

Elizabeth , Mrs. Woodhouse , q.v.

Helen, née Doyle, 162

Henry, 270

James, 136, 162

Judith, née Dunn, 147

Margaret, 147

Margaret, Mrs.Develin ,q.v.

Mary, 162

Mary, Mrs.Molloy, q.v.

Patrick, 202

Philip, 156

Philip, son of Philip, 156

Thomas , 231

Winifred, née Hanley, 156, 157

Dugan (or Deegan), Mark, 173 , 175

Duggins, Mary, Mrs. Flanagan, q.v.

Duigh , John , 204

Duignan , Ann, née Mighan, 194

John, 194

Thomas, 194*

Duke, LeonoraCastro , 181

Philip, 129

VictorWilliam, priest, 107n , 113

Dulin, see also Doolin

Margaret, 136

Dumen, Francis, 125

Mary, née Dormein, 125

Mary Jane Charlotte , 125

Dumesniel de Sommery see Sommery

Dunbar, Jane, née Brownlee , 138

Jane, Mrs. Keating, q.v.

Mary, 126

Mary, dau ofMatthew , 138

Matthew , 138

Thomas , 160

Lord William , 12

Dunlap, Jane, 129

Judith, née Mara, 129

Robert, 129

Dunlary, Mary, 177

Dunleavy(or Dunlevey),

Elizabeth , née Armstrong, 230

John, 302

Mary Ann, 230

Patrick, 230, 298

Peter, 272

Dunn, see also Dunne

Ann, 181

Bridget, née Cain, 181 , 190

Elizabeth, 144

Honora, née Keefe,279

Honora, Mrs.Kearney, q.v.

James , 158

James, of Kilkenny, 279

Jane, née Brading, 276

John, husb of Bridget, 181

John, husb ofMary, 199, 222, 276

John, priest, 33, 33n., 34* , 37, 53, 53n., 55

Joseph, 268

Joseph, son ofJames, 279

Judith, née Terrath, 144

Judith, Mrs.Duffy, q.v.

Judith, Mrs.Webster , q.v.

Laurita, Mrs. Tobin, q.v.

Margaret, b. 1828 , 199

Margaret, godmother, 240

Margaret, Mrs.Hoy,q.v.

Mary, 136

Mary, née McNamara, 199, 276

Mrs. Mary, of Kilkenny, 279

Mrs. Mary, of Waterford, 292

Mary, Mrs. Jackman , q.v.

Michael, 144

Morgan, 162

Pannick, 9

Patrick, 231, 233, 238

Patrick, of Waterford, 292

Peter, 276

Thomas , 237

William , alias Earpe, priest, 53 , 53n , 55

Dunne, see also Dunn

James, 284

Margaret, née Kennedy , 267, 284

Mrs. Mary, 284

Thomas , 284

Dunnegan, Matilda , Mrs. Owen , q.v.

Dunnovan , Mary, Mrs. Desmond, q.v.

Dunovan, Margaret, Mrs. Medcalf, q.v.

Sarah, Mrs. Perkinson ,q.v.

Duplan , Henry, 138

Mary, née Cokum, 138

William, 138

Dupont, Mary Josephine, 328

Duran, Caroline Mariana Maria de los Dolores, Mrs. Day, q.v.

Durham , Thomas , 202

Durmidee , John, 229

Duprene ,, priest [?], 70

Julia, née Camping, 229

Mary, 229

Duslan, George Henry, 315

Duviviers, alias of James Placid Waters, O.S.B., q.v.

Dwyer, Mrs. Anastasia , 285

Bridget, 203

Bridget, née Henessy, 194

Catherine , 189

Mrs. Catherine, 203

Catherine , née Connor, 189

Catherine, née Fitzgerald, 162

Catherine , Mrs.Purcell, q.v.

Helen, 290

Helen, née Wallice, 285

James, 165 , 198

Jane, née Hackett, 291

Jeremiah, 189

John , husb ofAnastasia , 285

John, husb. of Margaret, 291

John, son ofMartin, 194

Margaret, 162

Margaret, née Conners , 291

Martin, husb ofBridget, 194

Martin , husb ofHelen, 285

Mary, 128

Mary, née Madden, 198

Mary, Mrs.Farrell, q.v.

Michael, 162

Patrick, 292

Patrick, alias Conners , 291

Thomas , 203

Timothy, priest, 321

Welham , 313

Dye, Margaret, Mrs. Clary,q.v.

Dyer, David, 219

Hannah, Mrs. Green , q.v.

James, 219

Mary, née Carroll, 219

Dymoke, Lewis, The King's Champion, 15 , 16*

Dyne, Ellen, Mrs. Noonan,q.v.

Eady, Michael, priest, 114

Eales, Barbara , 122

Eames, Mr., Solicitor , 21 , 60*

Earley, Catherine , 232

Daniel, 224, 232, 235, 267

John, son ofDaniel, 224

John , son ofWilliam , 243

Margaret, Mrs. Alton, q.v.

Mary, 267

Mary, née Combes, 243

Mary, née Margouthy or McGirtey, 224, 227, 232

Patrick, 264

William , 243

Earpe, alias ofWilliamDunn, priest, q.v.

Eccles , Bridget, Mrs. McCluskey,q.v.

Edgeworth, Ann, 133

Abbé Henry Essex , V.G. , 91, 92

Edmunds , Jane, 313

Mary Jane, of Newport , 287 , 290 , 291 * 292**

Mr., fishmonger, 9

Edwards, Catherine , 131

Edward, 252

Elizabeth, 140

Jane, née Clarke, 244, 252

John , 244, 252, 313

Mary, 199

Mary Ann, 244

Egan, Ann , Mrs. McEvoy,q.v.

Anthony, 122n

Bartholomew , 187

Bridget, née Gleeson, 140

Carberry, 286

Daniel, 268, 286, 287

Donald, 140

Edmund Francis, priest, 113

Elizabeth, 323

Ellen, née Farrel, 187

James, 186

Mrs. Julia, 286


Mary, 155

Mrs. Mary, 300

Maurice, 187

Michael, 263

Patrick, priest, 114

Sarah, widow Osborne , 286

Theresa, 140

Thomas , 270

Winifred ,Mrs. Ryan,q.v.

Elkins , 113

Ellargel, ChristopherLouis, 118

Ellenborough , Ellen, née Shean, 184

James, 184

John, 184

Elliott, Charlotte, 222

Elizabeth, 251

John, 251

Mary, née Deasy, 251

Mrs., 61

Ellis, Ann, Mrs. Burke ,q.v.

Mrs. Eliza G., 302

Mary, 203

Ellworth, Elizabeth, 160

Margaret, née Gray, 160

Thomas , 160

Elsberg, Amalia, 150

Elston , -, alias ofFrancisLacy,q.v. aliasofJohnPhillips, q.v.


Emmet, Mrs., 20

Enery, Catherine , née Moynihan, 187

John , 187

Theresa Mary, 187

Engar, John, 230

Mary, 223 , 228, 243, 267

Engel, Charles Martin , 118

Joseph, 118

TheodoraLouisa, née Fisher, 118

Englefield, AbbessMary Winifred, O.S.B. , 89

Ennis, Margaret, Mrs. Stanley, q.v.

Enright, Jane, 183

Mary, Mrs. Delaney, q.v.

Patrick, 183

Thomas , 189

Errington, William, priest, 21 , 21n ,22,

22n, 24* , 60, 60n , 61 , 62, 64

Ervin, see Irvin

Escors, François, comte d' , 167

Esterre, Maria Emily d' , 314

Eugenie, Empress, 320

Eustace, Bridget, née Win, 133

Mary, 133

Robert, 133

Evans, Frances, 192

Margaret, Mrs. Scanlan ,q.v.

Eves, John , 235

Exton, Sarah, Mrs. Baldwin, q.v.

Eyles, Ann, 126

Eyre, Edward, 105n

H. Radcliffe, see Radcliffe-Eyre

Mr., linen-draper [?], 46

Nathaniel, 78n.

Thomas , of Stella Hall, 78n

Thomas , priest, 78, 78n . * , 80, 82

Mother Viviana, O.S.B., 88

Eyston, Mary, Mrs. Lacy, q.v.

Faanny, Catherine , 201

Mary, née Shavlin, 201

Peter, 201

Fabre de Montvaillant, Catherine, née

Selby, 275

Hippolyte John Charles , 275

Facey, Guy, priest, 114*

Fagan (or Fagin), Ann, 339* , 344* , 345

Catherine, Mrs. Moore , q.v.

David, 215 , 218

Elizabeth , née Lovell, 215 , 218

John Joseph, 215, 293

Mary, Mrs. Clacken , q.v.

Monica, 218

Fahy (or Faghy), Ann, née Dawson , 331-2

Catherine, Mrs. Wel q.v. presumably


Elizabeth , 131

John, 331

Mary, 252

Mary, dau ofJohn, 331

Patrick, 271

Peter, 252

Thomas, 270

Fainnell , see Fennell

Fairley ,, Mrs. Jerom , q.v.

Falick (or Phalick) Francis, 212 , 220, 262, 269, 294, 343

Francis, son ofFrancis, 212

George, 242, 269

MaryAnn, née Bedford, 212, 213 , 220, 228, 343

Norbert Augustine, 220

Fallon , Alice, 143

Alice, née Honan, 143

Catherine , Mrs. Donoghue, q.v.

Frances, 143

Margaret, 137

Mary, 302

Philip, 143

Fallow, George, 217

Joanna, 222

John, 217, 222 , 311

Mary Ann, née Power , 217, 222, 267

Fanasa, Charlotte, née Forster, 338

FrederickGeorge, 338

Joseph, 338

Fancy, Eliza, Mrs. McLaughlan, q.v.

Fandick , Elizabeth, 127

Fane, Bridget, née Murphy, 186

Michael, 186

Thomas , 186

Fanelly(or Fonalley), Ann, 117* ,

123, 126*

Ann, Mrs. Cates, q.v.

Nusa (or Rusaor Wega), 161

Fanning, John, 272

Fant, Ann, née McLoughlin, 241

Catherina, 241

John , 241

Fany, Frances, 159

Farell, see Farrell

Farley, Edward, 304

Hugh, 143

Mary, 143

Mary, née McCormack , 143

Farnon, Margaret, Mrs. Moore, q.v.

Faron, see Farron

Farrell, Ann, Mrs. Hickey, q.v.

Bernard , 153

Mrs. Bridget, 280

Bridget, née McGovern, 191

Catherine , 166

Catherine , dau ofEdward, 158

Edward, 158, 191

Eleanor, Mrs. MacDonnell, q.v.

Fenry, Catherine, Mrs. Clarke, q.v.

Fergus, Amelia, née Squill, 213 , 215

Austin, 213, 293

James, 213

James, son ofThomas , 215

Thomas , 213, 215

Ferguson, Denis, 141

Mary, Mrs. Brown, q.v.

Sarah, 238

Fermor, Abbess Mary Frances, O.S.B. , 89

Fernandez, Manuel, 334, 336

Fewry, Catherine , Mrs. Clarke, q.v.

Margaret, dau. ofFrancis , 121

Margaret, dau ofPeter , 154

Margaret, née Flinn, 135 , [also probably ] 144, 156, 158 , 159

Margaret, Mrs. Campbell, q.v.

Margaret, née Lyons, widow Hunt, 226, 280

Martin , 194

Martin, son ofMartin, 194

Mary, dau ofPatrick , 191

Mary, godmother 1803 , 131

Mary, née Dwyer, 192, [probably] 196

Mary, Mrs. Neil, q.v.

Mary Ann, 191

Michael, 135

Patrick, 135 , 191

Peter, 154

Sarah, née Riley, 158

Mrs. Susan, 121

Thomas , 170, 192

Thomas , d 1855 , 306

William, 280

Winifred, née Byrne, 194

Farren , Elizabeth, Mrs. Geohigan , q.v.

Mary, 311

Farron, Thomas , 293 , 343

Faulkner , Elizabeth, Mrs. Taylor, q.v.

William, 347

Faure, Bridget, 178

Mary, née Burke , 178

Patrick, 178

Fawcett, Bridget, 171 "Old" , of Hainton, 95

Winefrid, 22, 30 , 33

Feenin, Anne, 155

Catherine , née Kelly, 155

Locklin, 155

Feeny, James, 225

James, son ofJames, 225

Margaret, Mrs.Fynan, q.v.

Mary, née Maguire, 225

Fendlun (or Fendbron), Mary, 165

Mary, née Riley, 165

Michael, 165

Fenian, James, 295 John, 294

Fennell (or Fainnell), Robert, 206, 207, 340*

Fenny, Bridget, 174

Catherine , née Sullivan, 174

Thomas , 174

Mrs. Elizabeth, 154

Ellen, Mrs. Egan, q.v.

Francis, 121

George, 198, 226 , 280

Helen, Mrs. Murphy, q.v.

James, 191, 229 , 246

Mrs. Jane , 183

Jane, née Welsh, 191

John, 192

Joseph, 183

Joseph, son ofJoseph, 183

Margaret, 248

Fielding, Bourles, 252

Margaret, 252

Mary, née Shidlet, 252

Fiely, Elizabeth, Mrs. Orage, q.v.

Fieschi, Anna Maria, Mrs. Heneage, q.v. Roboaldo, 5

Filbin, see also Philbin

Mary, 191

Fige ,, 31

Mary, née Igo, 191

Thomas , 191

Filin, Ann, Mrs. Lanon ,q.v.

Fin, see Finn

Finagay, see Finnegan

Finance, Louis de, 323

Finaughty , Mary, née Harrington, 260

Patrick, 260

Thomas , 260

Finerty, see Finnerty

Finigan, see Finnegan

Finlay(or Finley), Sabina, Mrs. Purcell, q.v.

Finmore, Mary, 269

Finn (or Fin), Ann, 189

John, conf. 1849, 270

John , godfather1824 , 189

Siby, 199

Siby, Mrs. Tunny, q.v.

Thomas , 328

Finnegan (or Finagay), Luke, 329 ,

329n , 330

Luke, son of Luke, 329

Margaret, 329

Mary, Mrs. Graham, q.v.

Finnerty , Jeremiah, 122

Thomas, 306

Fisher, TheodoraLouisa, Mrs. Engel, q.v.

Fisser, Andrew, 323

Fitzgerald , Ann, 130

Bridget, née Corcoran, 137

Catherine, Mrs.Dwyer,q.v.

Charles , 137

Ellen, 198

Ellen, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Ellen , Mrs. Thompson, q.v.

John, 263

Mary, 193 , 194

Mary, Mrs. Barry, q.v.

Mary Ann, Mrs. Hagerty, q.v.

Patrick, 258

Thomas, 198 , 203

William, 137

Fitzgibbon , see Clare, Countessof Fitzherbert-Brockholes , Basil, 5n , 81, 86n . , 94, 99, 121*

Basil, son of Basil, 121

Constance Eliz , 122

Eliza, 121

Elizabeth(Betsey), Mrs. Basil, née

Heneage, 1 , 5, 22n., 23, 32n , 37, 41-48, 52, 54 , 55, 57-9, 69, 86 , 86n , 87, 121

Frances , 122

Francis, 121

George, 121

James John, 122

John, 121

Joseph, 122

Mary, 122

Mary (Molly), Mrs. William, née

Heneage, 1 , 5, 32n , 37-48 , 52, 54* , 55, 58, 59, 67-9, 86-7* , 91-2, 94, 97, 99-101 , 103* , 122

Mary Margaret, 121

Thomas , son ofBasil, 121

Thomas , son ofWilliam , 122

William, 5, 99-100, 122

William, son ofWilliam , 122

Fitzmorris, Ann, née Brumel, 197 , 199

Elisa, née Merry, 323

James , 197 , 199

James, son ofJames, 199

John, 323

Mary, 323

Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Anastasia , 208*

Ann, 200, 276

Ann, Mrs. Yates, q.v.

Bernard , 167

Catherine , 208

Catherine , Mrs. Connor ,q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Gallagher,q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. McGuire, q.v.

Edward, 146

Eliza , 247

Hugh, 188

John, 177 , 208*

Margaret, née McGrath, 190

Matthew , 290

Neil, 190

Neil Patrick, 190

Owen, 248

Sarah, Mrs. Wren, q.v.

Thomas, 130

Timothy, 247

Winifred, Mrs. Kelly,q.v.

Fitzsimon , John, 296

Flaburn , Eleonora, 134

Flaherty, Brian, 193

Elizabeth , 193

Helen, 236

Judith, 171

Judith, née Banks, 193

Margaret, née Connors, 236*

Margaret, née Henright, 137


Mary, Mrs. Saunders, q.v.

Michael, 137

Michael, son ofMichael , 137

William, 236* ,272

Flanagan (Flanaghan , Flanegan, Flanigan, Flannagan , Flannigan)

Ann (1), dau of Patrick (4), 238

Ann (2), née Lawler, 230

Ann (3), née Mullaghan, 151

Bridget, 204

Mrs. Catherine(1), 204*

Catherine(2), née Largey, 275

Edward, 180

Eliza , Mrs. Connell, q.v.

Eliza , Mrs. Keegan, q.v.

ElizabethCatherine , 259

Elizabeth, Mrs.Green , q.v.

Faulkener, 204

George, 230

James, 294

Jane, née Miner, 258,259*

John (1), d. 1795 , 122

John (2), d. 1849, 298

John (3), godfather 1830, 203

John (4), husb ofAnn(2), 230

John (5), husb ofCatherine(2), 275

Mary (1), conf 1849 , 272

Mary (2), dau. ofPatrick (2), 151

Mrs. Mary (3), d 1843 , 293

Mary (4), godmother 1815, 164

Mary (5), née Duggins, 238

Michael, 132

Patrick (1), godfather1823, 186

Patrick (2), husb ofAnn (3), 151

Patrick (3), husb of Jane, 258,259

Patrick (4), husb of Mary (5), 238

Robert John , 258

Flannery , Catherine, 181

Mary, 161

Mary, née Connor, 181

Patrick, 181

Flannigan, see Flanagan

Fleetwood, AbbessBenedicta , O.S.B., 89

Flemin [g], John, 211, 212 , 333*

Margaret, née Wayling, 333

Mary, Mrs. Coghlan, q.v.

Fletcher , Catherine , 229

Flinn, see also Flynn

Ann, Mrs. Mahon, q.v.

Bartholomew, 263

Elizabeth, Mrs. Delaney, q.v.

Florentius, 179

John, 179

Margaret, 191

Margaret, Mrs. Farrell , q.v.

Mary, 239

Mary, née Long, 179

Michael, 263

Rose, née Freeman , 239

Stormont, 309

Thomas , 239

William, 239

Flin[t?], Stormont, 309

Flood, Ann, Mrs. Moore, q.v.

George, 178

Flynn (or Flyne), see also Flinn

Alice, née Cuthbert, 242

Ann, 170

Catherine , 166

Hannah, Mrs. Byrne, 259

Margaret, 171

Mrs. Mary, 166

MaryEllen , 242

Patrick, 169, 171

Peter, husb ofAlice, 242

Peter, of 12th Depot, 297*

Roger, 166

Sarah, née Hughes, 171

Thomas , 166, 284

Fogarty(or Fogerty), Daniel, 178 , 179

Jane, née May, 128

Margaret, née Shea, 178

Mary, 128

Michael, 178

Patrick, 128

Richard, conf . 1849 , 271

Richard, godfather1848, 233, 235 , 238, 239

William, 273

Foley, Brian, 323Corporal, 311

Catherine , 323

Catherine, Mrs. Welch , q.v.

Daniel, 288

David, 239

Elizabeth, 245

Elizabeth, née Curren , 245

Elizabeth, née Smail, 239

James, 1795, 115

James, 1843, 217

James, Sergeant, 294

Jane, 217

John, 201

John, husb of E. Smail, 239

John, husb. ofE. Curren, 245

Margaret, née Barrett, 323

Margaret, née Morarty, 159

Margaret, Mrs. Brown , q.v.

Mrs. Mary, of Kerry, 288

Mrs. Mary, wife ofCorporal, 311

Mary, née O'Brian, 288

Michael, godfather , 192 , 235

Michael, son ofPatrick , 159

Patrick, 159

Patrick, of Kerry, 288*

Rose, 115

William, 193

Fonalley, see Fanelly

Fonternale , Huberta Teresa, 126

John , 126

Petronilla, née Tenhott, 126

Foquett, Mr., ofI.ofW. , 105

Ford, Bridget, 180

Bridget, Mrs. Stokes , q.v.

George, 197

James, 344

Jane Mary, née Hamill [?], 344

John, 263

Margaret, Mrs. Jennings,q.v.

Mary, née New, 334

Mary, Mrs. Beavil, q.v.

Patrick, 334

William, 334

Forgisaa, Frances, 150

Forkum , Henry, 173

James, 173

Mary, née O'Horan, 173

Formoso, Francis, 153

Forrest, Margaret, Mrs. Rochford, q.v.

William, priest, 114

Forster , Charlotte, Mrs. Fanasa, q.v.

AbbessChristina, O.S.B. , 89, 90

Sir Richard, 89

Fortescue, Mother Ignatia, O.S.B. , 88

Fortune, Garett, 288

Foster, Amelia, 251

Elizabeth, 176

Ellen, née Hayes, 251

George, 176

James, 251 Mary, 251

Thomas, 251

Foucault , Mme . , ofParis, 49 , 50*

M., ofParis, 48,49, 51

Fournierde VeauxCouleur , Louise, 323

Marie Berin, née le Gros , 323

PierreJean FrançoisXavier, 323

Foverty , Patrick, 122

Fowler, Henry, 315

Martha, 315

Fowles, Charlotte, née Beazley, 168 , 172

Edward, 168

Henry, 165, 168 , 172 , 262 , 309

William, 172

Fox, Ann, Mrs. Callagher, q.v.

Catherine , née Delvin [?], 175

Mrs. Catherine , 285 [?]

Eleonor, Mrs. O'Neill, q.v.

James, 153

John , 175

Judith, Mrs. Pierce, q.v.

Margaret, 173

Mary, 176

Thomas , 112

Canon Thomas William, 107* , 112* , 113 * , 124 * , 211-260 , 265, 266, 268, 273-292 , 301 , 308

Patrick, 175

Owen, 285 [?]

Rosanne , Mrs. Bultitude , q.v.

Frampton , Agnes, 253 , 305

Alice, 313

Ann, 213

Caroline, 313

Caroline, née Atwell, 253 , 259

Catherine , née Bush, 213, 215, 233, 241

Elizabeth, Mrs.Moul,q.v.

Emma, 312

Frances, 233

Henry Albert, 312

Henry Edward, 241, 300

Luke, 213, 215, 233, 241

Mary, 215

Mary Jane, 312

Teresa, 259

Thomas , 273, 312

Thomas , husb ofCaroline, 253, 259

Francis, Frances, 132

John , 132

Mary, 275

Mary, née Doyle, 132

Sarah, Mrs. Lyons, q.v.

Fraser, John, 178

Frayne, Moses, 145

Frederica, Christine, 119

Freeman, Rose, Mrs. Flinn, q.v.

Susan, Mrs. Wright, q.v.

Thomas , 272

Freemantle, Mary, Mrs. King, q.v.

Frelecus, Catherine , Mrs. Aemel, q.v.

French, Cecilia Mary, Mrs. Rathbone ,


Edward, 122

John, 319n

Fresmonnais , Mary, Mrs. Cooper, q.v.

Frill, Robert, 165

Froely, Ann, 128

Fronell, recte Frowell, q.v.

Frost, Mother Mary Bernard , O.S.B. , 85n

William, 199

Frowell(or Fronell), Edward, 234

Mary, née Lumley, 234

Richard, 234, 300

Fry, James David Rufus, 315

Fryer, Alfred (Leonard), Passionist , 112

Catherine(Mother of the Assumption), Ursuline, 112

Frances, née Petch, 112

Margaret (Mother St. Ursula), Ursuline , 112

MaryAnn(Mother St. Augustine), Ursuline, 112

William Joseph, priest, 112, 299, 320 , 344* , 345* , 347

Fulbern , Elizabeth, Mrs. Kirby, q.v.

Fullard, Andrew, 258

Isabella , 258, 307

Isabella, née Newell, 258

Fuller, Honora, 235

Fulton, William , 188

Fye, Margaret, 155

Fynan, Margaret, née Feeny, 136

Patrick, 136

Thomas, 136

Gabb, Thomas , priest, 7n , 108, 117* , 316*-8, 322-25

Gaffin, Elizabeth, 335

Gaffney, Catherine, née Crawly, 348

Edward, 348

Mary, Mrs. Cornish, q.v.

Gagan, see Geohigan

Gaheoghan, see Geohigan

Gaillord, Jeanne Marie, 159

Gainer, see Gayner

Galaghan (or Gallaughan), Catherine , 191

Elizabeth, Mrs. Lynch, q.v.

Galaher (or Galiher), see Gallagher

Gallagher (Galaher, Galiher, Gallaugher , Gauglagher , Gollagher, Golligher)

Ann, 162

Brian, 160

Catherine , dau ofDenis, 171

Catherine , née Fitzpatrick, 167

Denis, 171

Eleanor, née Horane, 334

Eleanor, Mrs. Mehowe ,q.v.

Elizabeth, née O'Donnel, 171

Francis, 160

Grace, née Boyle, 160

Helen, née Dalton, 160

Helen , Mrs. Murphy, q.v.

James, 334

John, godfather1847 , 228

John, husb of Eleanor, 334

John , husb ofSarah, 162

Mary, dau of Brian, 160

Mary, sponsor 1829 , 276

Mary, Mrs. Neil, q.v.

Michael, 167

Michael, son ofMichael, 167

Patrick, 140, 141 , 174

Samuel, 201

Sarah, née Mulroan , 140 , 141

Sarah, née Shaw , 162

ThomasLuke, 140

William, godfather1848 , 233

William, son of Francis, 160

Gallaughan, see Galaghan

Gallaugher, see Gallagher

Gallemeni, Elizabeth, Mrs. Weber, q.v.

Gallivan alias Galnil, Mrs. Catherine , 284

John , 284

Mary, née Morriaty, 284

Morrice, 284

Galtey, Thomas , 271

Galton, Mary, 310

Gandolphi, Anna Maria, née Hinde, 108

John Vincent, 108

Peter, priest, 108* , 124, 132*-135*

Count Pietro, 108

Gannon, Bridget, née McGovan, 237 , 272, 282

Edward, 271

Hugh , of Sligo, 282

Hugh , son of Patrick , 237

Joseph, 194

Margaret, née Denison , 194

Mrs. Mary, 282

Michael, 194

Patrick, 237, 272, 282 , 312

Gaoghan, Catherine , née MacMahon, 248

Patrick, 248

Thomas , 248

Gardiner, John , 273

William, 239

Garginiy, Rose, Mrs. Reddy, q.v.

Garnett, Ann, Mrs. Bayly, q.v.

Garon, Bridget, 234

Garrett, Bridget, née Geheoghan, 155, 274

Owen, 155, 274

Thomas , 155

Garvey, Ellen, née Kelly, 201

Joanna, 160

John, 201

Mary, 201

Gason (or Gazon), Ann, née McCannagh, 172

John , 172

Thomas , 172

Gasquet, Margaret, 324, 325, 327

Margaret, Mme . Tholon, q.v.

Gates, William , 261 , 309

Gaughan, Mark, 242

Gauglagher, see Gallagher

Gavan, Elizabeth, née Rannels, 335

Patrick, 335

Patrick, son of Patrick, 335

Gayner (or Gainer), Catherine , Mrs. Mahan , q.v.

Louisa , Mrs. Sweeney,q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. O'Connor, q.v.

Mary, 163

Gazon, see Gason

Geary, David, 300

Gee , Mother Ann Joseph, O.S.B. , 83, 83n

Gegan, see Geohigan

Gegg, Elizabeth , 237

Geheoghan, see Geohigan

Gelahem, James, 266

Gentil, Frances , Rev. Mother, 1n ., 31* , 31n , 32, 33* , 37* , 38* , 39* , 40* ,

41* , 42, 43 , 44, 45* , 46* , 47*

Miss, niece of Frances, 39 , 41 , 42* nephew of Frances, 47

Geohigan (Gagan, Gaheoghan , Gegan, Geheoghan )

Bridget, Mrs. Garrett, q.v.

Eliza, 152

Elizabeth, née Farren, 152

Elizabeth, Mrs.Tracey, q.v.

James, 143

Richard, 152

George, Helen, 237

Henry, 299

Gewery, see also Jewry

Gerard ,, chaplain, 88

Mrs. Judith, 128

Thomas , 128

Thomas, son ofThomas , 128

Gibbon[s], Ann, 135

Ann, Mrs. Smith, q.v.

Margaret, 172

Gibbs, Dorothy, 173

Gibson, Grace, 251

Bishop Matthew, 70, 70n., 77, 77n., 78, 78n . , 79, 82

Giffard, Mrs., ofLongbirch , 65n .

Gifford, AbbessXaveria, O.S.B. , 90

Gilarty, Mary, 161

Giles, ElizabethJane , Mrs. Barnes , q.v.

Gill, James , 183

Mary, née Boyle, 183 , 185

Patrick, 183, 185

Gillaghan , see Gillighan

Gillan, Michael, 152

Patrick, 160

Giller, Bet, 43 ,44

Gillighan (or Gillaghan or Gillinghan),

Jane, 269, 287, 312

Mary, 230

Patrick, 230

Thomas, 270, 286

Gillman, Ann, 116

Mrs. Helen , 116

Leodegavius , 116

Martin , 116

Gilroy, Ann, 192

Ann, Mrs. Dowling, q.v.

Patrick, 297

Gineets, James, 127

Ging, Eliza, Mrs. Beane , q.v.

James , 166

John , 166

Joseph, 189

Mary, née Murphy, 166

Ginghan, Mark, 243, 251

Mark, son of Mark, 243

Mary, née Corbel, 243 , 251

Patrick, 251

Girard, Mme . , hotel-keeper in Paris, 52-55

Glancey, Alice, 164

Helen , née Cassidy, 168

John, 168

Terence, 168

Glarvin, Jane, Mrs. Leary, q.v.

Gleeson, Ann, 196

Bridget, Mrs. Clancy, q.v.

Bridget, Mrs. Egan, q.v.

Ellen, Mrs. Migan, q.v.

Judith, Mrs. Corbett, q.v.

Gloster, Mary, Mrs. Renney , q.v.

Glynn [e], Jane, née Clarke, 186

John, 186

John, son of John, 186 , 270

Michael, 191

Gobinet, Charles , 78

Godfrey, Elizabeth, 148

Mrs. Ellen, 314

Mary, née O'Mealy, 181 , 182

Mary Ann, 181 , 182

Thomas, 148

William, 181, 182

Godsmark , James, Corporal, 311

Goffing, Jane Catherine, 126

Mary Elizabeth, Mrs. Palbach , q.v.

Golden, Mary, 175

Golding (or Goulding), John, son of

Thomas, 207

John, tennant at Cadeby,25

Lydia, née Cary, 207 , 209 , 211

Mr., 96

Samuel, 7* , 10* , 101

Mrs. Teresa, 34 , 35 , 47 , 101

Thomas , 207, 209

Thomas , son ofThomas, 209

Gollagher (or Golligher), see Gallagher

Gom, Mrs. Lucy, 290

Mary, née Moran , 290

Rowland, 290

Thomas , 290

Gomer, FrancisAnthony Gabriel, 326*

Gonne, Rebecca, 177

Goodfellows, John, 206 , 207

Margaret, 206

Sarah, née Smith, 206

Goose, Andrew, 13

Gorden, Jane, Mrs. Mooney,q.v.

Gordon, Alexander, 126

Alexander, son ofAlexander , 126

Helen, 250, 256

Louis, 224

Margaret, née MacNamara, 126

Mary, Mrs. Lee ,q.v.

Thomas, 250

Gorman, Ann, Mrs. McGrath, q.v.

David, 301

John, 142

Margaret, 142

Margaret, née Reardon , 142

Gormley, Susan, 156

Gorst, Mary, maid, 20

Gosdem, Catherine, Mrs. Doran, q.v.

Godfrey, 273

Mary, 273

Gother , John, priest, 21, 62, 62n., 80*

Gough, Ellen, 256

Henry Brock Stanton, 255

Juliana, née Wilson, 255

Mark, 256

Mary, 335

Mary, née Corbet, 256

Thomas , 255

Goulding , see Golding

Gowey, Thomas , 272

Graaff, Catherine, née Morin, 327

Henry, 327

Grace, Ann, Mrs. Hill, q.v.

Honora, Mrs. Doyle, q.v.

Gradell, Christopher, 14n

Christopher, priest, 14 , 14n .

Mrs., née Winckley, 14n

Grady, Jane, née Stevenison [?], 326

Mary, Mrs. Riley,q.v.

William , 220, 226

William Stevenson, 226

Grafney, Jane, 334*

Graham, Bridget, 146

Caroline, 337

Eliza , 264, 348

James, 336, 337

James, son ofJames , 336

Jane, née Hall, 146

Margaret, Mrs. Sullivan ,q.v.

Mary, née Finigan, 219

Mary Ann, 219

Patrick, 146

Patrick, son ofPatrick, 146

Sarah, née Whitewood, 336 , 337

Thomas , 219

Grahan, Mary, Mrs. Connolly, q.v.

Grant, David, 165

Gregory, 225

Bp James, V.A. Lowlands, 36n , 72n

John, 218

John, son ofGregory, 225

John, son of John, 218

Lawrence , 296

Mr., 96

Mary, née Carlye, 225

Mary, née Caryle, 218

Thomas , Bp. of Southwark, 254, 254n., 273* , 291, 304

Grasse de, see De Grasse

Graves, Catherine , 345

Gray, see also Grey

Ann, neé Burns, 251

BarbaraEliza, née Blake, 139

Catherine , 251

Christopher, 251

Eliza Catherine , 139

Margaret, Mrs. Ellworth,q.v.

Mary, 215

William, 139

Greany, Michael, 273

Green, Ann, 1812-14 , 159 , 333

Ann, 1849, 238

Ann, née Kelly, 284

Ann, Mrs. Daniel, q.v.

Bridget, née MacCawley, 133

Catherine , 167

Catherine , née Cary, 141

Elizabeth , conf 1822, 263

Elizabeth, godmother 1811-18 , 152 , 161, 172

Elizabeth , née Flanigan, 158

Elizabeth, née Harrigan, 274

Mrs. Elizabeth, of Cork, 284

Ellen, Mrs. Clohosy, q.v.

Esther, 158

George James, 198

Hannah , née Dyer, 198* , 338

James, conf . 1822 , 263

James, husb. of Bridget, 133

Jane, Mrs. McGuire, q.v.

John, husb ofAnn, 284

John, husb ofCatherine, 141

John , husb of ElizabethF., 158

John, husb of ElizabethH., 274

John , of 69th. , 312

John, son ofJames, 133

Judith, 143

Julia Elizabeth, 338

Lawrence Henry, 198 , 338

Lawrence Henry, son of Lawrence , 198

Martin, 155

Mary, 171

Mary Ann, 141

Mr., 309

Greenough, Ann, née Mew, 222 , 252

Gerald George, 222

John , 222, 252, 258

William Mew, 252

Greenvald [?], see also Grinvald

Sarah, 159

Greenway, Mother Mary Scholastica , O.S.B., 83, 83n.

Greenwell, Mr., undertaker ? 16

Greer, Ann, née Kelly, 284

Mrs. Elizabeth, 284

John, 284

William, 284

Gregan, James, 263

Gregg, John, 187

Peter, 187

Grenthe, Adoph de , 263

Sarah, née Donolly, 187 Grenet ,, haberdasher , 50

Abbe Richard C'esar de, 110* , 201 , 293, 308, 347

Grey, see also Gray

Margaret, Mrs. Mugalleir,q.v.

William de, Lord ChiefJustice, 57

Gribben, Bridget, 177

Henry, 178

Grier, James, 173

Griff, Lawrence, 156

Lewis, 156

Mary, née Jordan, 156

Griffin, Bridget, Mrs. Browne, q.v.

Jane, née Hinderson, 166

John (1), husb ofMary, 148

John (2), of5th Depot, 299

John (3), son ofJohn (1), 148

Mary, 148

Mary, née Hyland, 143

Mary, née Tyter, 148

Michael, 143

Patrick, 166

Timothy, husb ofJane, 166

Timothy, son of Michael, 143

Griffith[s], George, 241

Janes, Mrs. Petty, q.v.

Margaret, née Welch, 241

Mary, 119 , 120

Mary Ann, 241

Sarah, Mrs. Phelan, q.v.

Bp. Thomas , V.A. Lond., 264, 265* , 266, 320*

Griggs, Ann, née Carter , 240

Edward, 240

Robert, 159

Mrs., [nun?], 70 , 70n , 71

William, conf 1816 , 262

William, godfather, 161 , 172

William, of Cork, 284

Greenham, James, Corporal, 228, 296

Margaret, 263

William, 263

John, 240, 300

Grimes, Ann or Hanna, née Salter , later Mrs. Brading, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs.Holmes, q.v.

Mary, 131

Grinvald, seealso Greenvald[?]

Francis, 156

Groeskin , Mariana, 151

Grogan, Thomas, 230

Gross, J.A., priest, 321

Grubbin, Frances, née Boyd, 162

James, 162

Sarah, 162

Grumley, Catherine , née Cooney, 197, 199

John, 232

Patrick, 197

Patrick, son ofPatrick, 197

Gualier, Daniel, 209

Guerton, Bridget, 203

James, 203

Mrs. Mary, 203

Guilcheanan, Owen, 185

Guilfoyle, Eliza, 233, 240

John, 271

Michael, 265

Guilliuse, Mary, Mrs. Spourn, q.v.

Gurlay (or Gurley), John, 218, 223, 227 , 228, 266

Mary, 227

Mary, née Layden, 218, 227, 228, 267

Mary Ann, 218, 294

Guyer , Elizabeth, Mrs. Urry, q.v.

Gwillim, John , priest, 10n., 16n.

Mr., 10* , 10n , 16*

Gwine [?],William, 278

Haburn, Eleonora, 134

Hackett, Ann, 188, 262

Mrs. Honora, 291

Jane, Mrs. Dwyer, q.v.

John , Private, 293

Nancy, 309

Nicholas, 291

Hading[?], James, 222

Mary, 222

Haely, MaryAnn, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Haeterin, Catherine , Mrs. Werner, q.v.

Haffart[?], Hearne, 202

Hagan, Bridget, Mrs. Doherty, q.v.

Hageder, John Charles , 150

John Charles , son ofJohn Charles , 150

Nannette, née Porkornin, 150

Hagerty (or Haggertyor Hagity), Ann, Mrs. Megan, q.v.

George, 215

John , 271

Luke, 228

Mary, 202

MaryAnn , 211

Mary Ann, née Fitzgerald, 211 , 215, 223, 228, 237

Michael, 211, 215 , 223 , 228

Thomas , 223

Haggerston , Abbess Anne Catherine ,

O.S.B., 90

Haggerty[?], see Hagerty

Hagity, see Hagerty

Haggett,, 38

Hagleston , Mary, Mrs. Savory, q.v.

Haile, Mary, 239

Haily, see Haley

Hakey,Ann, 134

John , 134

Margaret, née Down, 134

Halders, Michael, 328

Halerssat (or Halerpat), Helen, 175

Halerty, Bridget, née Havey, 153

John, 153

John, son of John, 153

Hales, Sir Edward, 318

Haley (or Hailyor Hayley), Ann, 152

Catherine , née MacDonal, 332

Edward, 332

John, 171

Margaret, 332

Margaret, née Connolly, 152

William, 152

Halford, Miss, 43

Halfpenny , Charles, 253

Julia, née Melia, 253

William, 253

Hall, Amelia, conf. 1822 , 262

Mrs. Amelia, 181 , 183

Ann , 234

Ann, née Morrice, 237

Bridget, née Moran, 227 , 230

Daniel, 298

Helen, Mrs. Davy, q.v.

James, 237

Jane, Mrs. Graham , q.v.

John, 133

John, son of Peter , 183

M., 347

Mary, bapt 1821 , 309

Mary, godmother, 190 , 191

Mary (Mary), conf . 1822 , 262

Mary(Teresa), conf. 1822 , 263

Peter, 183

Robert Michael, 227

Thomas , 230

William, husb of Bridget, 227, 230

William, son ofJames , 237

William , V.G. Tasmania , 113

Hallerin, Elizabeth, Mrs. Proud, q.v.

Halley, see Haly

Halliday, Henry, 347

Halligan, John, 145

Halloran, Alice, née Cornwell, 342

Helen, 143

John , 342

Mary, 342

Hally, see Haly

Halpen (or Halpin), Ann, Mrs.

Delahunty, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Hickey,q.v.

Haly (or Halley or Hally), Ann, Mrs. O'Donnell, q.v.

Catherine, 231

Hannah, née Hyde or Hide, 231 , 240

James, 1814, 158

James, 1847, 229, 231, 239, 240

James Julius, 240 , 300

John, 171

Mary, née Degan, 171

Thomas , 171

William, 169

Hamill [?], Jane Mary, Mrs. Ford, q.v.

Hamilton, Charles Eustace, 233

James , 342

Jane , 335

Lucy, Mrs. McKenna, q.v.

Michael, 1815 , 335

Michael, 1848, 233

Sarah, née Barden , 335

Sarah, née Bush, 233

'Hampshire Secular ClergyFund' , 105

Hampson, William , O.S.B. , 113

Hanbury, Catherine, 140

Hand [?], Farrell, 202

Handley, Elizabeth, 255

James, 255

John, 223

Mary, née O'Neill, 255

William, 253

Handling, Ann, 182

Haney, Rose Ann, Mrs. Magee, q.v.

Hanley , Ann, Mrs. Moriarty,q.v.

Eleonora, Mrs.Hillary, q.v.

James, 191

Mary, 191

Mary, née Barrett, 191

Thomas , 273

Winifred , Mrs. Duffy,q.v.

Hanlon , Elizabeth, née Bodkin, 130

Frances, 130

Michael, 130

Hannan (or Hannen), Bridget, Mrs. Barnes ,q.v.

Hannon, Catherine , 218

Hansbury (or Ansborough), James , 140 , 150

John, 140

Mary, 150

Mary, née Connor , 140 , 150

Harbour, Mrs. Ann, 315

Hardey, Catherine , 332

Harding(or Hardin), Elizabeth , 228

Helen, 223

Jane (1), wife ofWilliam(1), 228, 264, 277 , 310

Jane (2), née Bevines , Bivines , Berines or Bennes, wifeof William (2), 213, 216, 223 , 228, 277

Jane [either (1) or (2)], 225, 233 , 239, 241, 284

Mary Jane, 213 , 269

Sarah Ann, 223

William (1), 191, 264, 277, 309

William (2), son ofWilliam(1), 213 , 216, 223, 228, 277

William [either (1) or (2)], 212 , 225 , 231 , 232, 237, 241, 284* , 287* , 288, 291

William Thomas, 216

Hardwick, Ann, néeTorner, 14n

Francis, 14n .

George, priest, 14, 14n.

Hare, Jane, Mrs. Bouhean , q.v.

Hargrove, Bridget, 137

Harley, Jeremiah, 204

Margaret, 204

Mrs. Mary, 204

Harnett, Catherine, Mrs. Sprankling, q.v.

Harney, Mary, Mrs. Hogan, q.v.

Harniss , Mr., 11, 18

Harries, see also Harris

Mary, 174

Harrig, John, 346

Harrigan, Elizabeth, Mrs. Green, q.v.

John, 196

Thomas , 296

Harrington, Denis, 208*

Eleanor, 129

James, 129, 131 , 137 , 139 , 145

John , 208

Margaret, Mrs. Driscoll ,q.v.

Mary, 145

Mary, née Downey, 208*

Mary, Mrs. Cummins, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Finaughty,q.v.

Robert, 129

Sarah, bapt 1803 , 131

Sarah, bapt 1823 , 310

Sarah, née Dove or Dore, 129, 131 , 145

Harris, Anne, née Veal, 338, 339, 341, 343, 344

Charlotte, Mrs. Sweatman ,q.v.

Chris , 15

Edmund, 148

Elizabeth, 332, 333* , 334, 335*

Elizabeth, dau. ofRichard, 339

John, 343

Joseph, 137

Louise, 344

Mary, 261

Richard, 338, 339 , 341 , 343, 344

Richard, son ofRichard, 341

Sarah, Mrs. White, q.v.

William, 338

Harrison, John, 1806, 136

John, husb ofMary, 182

Mary, née Riley, 182

Thomas , 182

Hart, Elizabeth, 184

Elizabeth , née Coulter, 184 , 190

Mrs. Ellen, of Cork, 290

Ellen , dau of James, 256

Francis, 330

Honora, née McCarthy, 256, 290

James, 256, 290

Jane, bapt 1823 , 309

Jane, dau ofJohn, 190

John, godfather , 256

John , husb of Elizabeth, 184, 190

John , of Cork, 290

Michael, 149

Owen, 221, 268

Timothy, 267

Harten[?], Hugh, 243

Harthorne[?], Margaret, Mrs. Bulger, q.v.

Hartley, Elizabeth, née Taplin, 6

Richard, 6

William, priest, 6, 29n. , 30*-35* , 39

41, 42, 46, 47, 52* , 56* , 62, 62n

Harty, Mary, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Harvey, see also Hervey

Amelia, née James, 216

Ann, 137

Ann, née Doon, 333

Ann, Mrs. White, q.v.

Ellen, 182, 192

Emily Agnes, 312

James, 216

John, 333

Mary, Mrs. Madden, q.v.

Teresa Anastasia(Enice), 216

Thomas , father ofAnn, 274

Thomas , son ofJohn, 333

William, 216

Hassett, Arthur, 290

Bridget, née Burns, 254

Bridget, née Thueyor Thucy, 290

Mrs. Catherine, 290

John, 290

Maurice, 254

Thomas , 254, 306

Hastings, William, 145

Hatilyhill[?], Mrs. Catherine , 116

John, 116

Nicholas, 116

Hatton, Ellen, 184

Ellen , née Cammel , 184

Peter, 184

Haughney, Elizabeth, née Divine , 232

Ellen, 232

Toby, 232

Havering, Seraphine, Mrs. Besch, q.v.

Havey, Bridget, Mrs. Halerty, q.v.

Patrick, 305

Hawke(or Hawcke), schoolmaster, 107 , 108

Elizabeth, née Porter, 115 , 117 , 120* , 123, 127, 129, 130* , 132 , 144, 145 , 260

James, 130, 261

John, 117, 118, 119, 120* , 126, 127 , 129* , 130 , 131* , 132, 133* , 144 , 146 , 147, 151 , 154

John, son of John, 117 , 261

Joseph, 120

Peter Thomas, 127 , 261

Hawkins, Caesar , surgeon,27

Peter, 315

Hay, Elizabeth, née Watson, 167

George, 167

Bishop George , V.A. Lowlands, 70 , 70n . , 72-75* , 77, 95

John , d 1795, 122

John, son of George, 167

Robert William , Under-Secretary, 111

Hayes, , 183

Ann, Mrs. Power, q.v.

Bridget, Mrs. Murnane ,q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. O'Mara, q.v.

Denis , 193, 195

Donald, 146

Donald, son ofDonald, 146

Eleanor , Mrs.Ryan,q.v.

Ellen, 193

Ellen, Mrs. Foster, q.v.

John , ofLimerick, 289

John, son of Denis, 195

John E., priest, 114

Julia, 289

Martin, 287

Mrs. Mary, 287

Mary, née Toomey, 193 , 195

Sarah, née Oulis, 146

William, 130

Hayley, see Haley

Hayward(or Haywood), Elizabeth, née Rowe, 186, 210, 214, 216, 221, 223, 234, 238, 242, 244, 264, 278* , 286

George, 291

Jane, née Cheverton, 291

Mrs. Mary, 286 , 291

William , bapt 1856, 346

William, of Ryde, 210, 222, 234 , 278, 286, 346

William, of Shaftesbury, 286 , 291

Haywood , recte Hayward, q.v. see also Heywood

Hazell (or Hazzell), Catherine, 311

H., 311

Helen, née Pickett, 213, 241 , 245, 289

James , 315

John, 310 , 315

John (Augustine), 268

John (George), 268

Martha, 331*

Mary (1), 267

Mary (2), 223, 225, 253* , 255, 257

Mary (3), wife ofWilliam , 259

Mary Ann, 259

Robert, 213, 252, 259

Robert, son of Robert, 213 , 273

Mrs. Selina, 316

William, 259

Heagle, see Heasle

Heagon, Mary, Mrs. Nobbs, q.v.

Healy(or Haely), Edward, 181

Jane, née Conroy, 181

John, 248

Mary, née Dillon, 248

Mary, Mrs. Cannon, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Shanly, q.v.

Mary Ann, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Mary Ann Jane , 181 Owen, 249

Patrick Henry, 248

Heaphy, Ann, 131

Bridget, née Ringwood, 131 Pierce, 131

Heard, Isaac, Lancaster Herald, 32, 32n. Hearn, Charlotte, Mrs. De Grasse, q.v.

Ellen, 191

Henry, 286

James, 274

Margaret, Mrs. Selwood ,q.v.

William, 347

Heasle (or Heagle), Francis, 208

Mrs. Hannah, 208

Robert, 208

Heazle, see also Hazell

Martha, 331*

Heazon, Mary, Mrs. Nobbs, q.v.

Hedger, Mary, Mrs. Small, q.v.

Hedifant, Eliza, 229

Helling, Luke, 177

Hellinger, Mary, née Hoffman, 328

Michael, 328

Henchey, Margaret, Mrs. Clinton, q.v.

Henderson , Mrs. , landlady, 30

Sarah, Mrs. Coreron ,q.v.

Heneage, Ann, née Bowes , 5, 7, 10 , 13 , 13n , 18 , 24, 25, 51 , 53, 54, 59 , 99-101

Ann, nun, 4n.

Anna Maria, née Fieschi , 5

Catherine , née Petre, 5

Constantia, O.S.B. , 4n

Elizabeth , née Browne, 1-3, 5-8 ,

19-21* , 29n . , 32n , 43, 56n , 58n., 59-62 , 64-69* , 71 * , 73n , 81-2* , 87, 90, 95, 97-100, 102* , 105* , 105n , 107 , 115, 316, 317, 322'

Elizabeth, née Hunloke, 3* , 4, 32n

Elizabeth(Betsey), Mrs. FitzherbertBrockholes , q.v.

Elizabeth, Mrs. Greathed , q.v.

Elizabeth, Mrs. Tunstall, q.v.

Frances, 4

Francis, 5

George, ofHainton, b. 1661 , 4

George, of Hainton, b 1674, father of Windsor , 3, 4, 32n

George, of Hainton, b. 1698 , brother ofWindsor , 4, 29

George, ofWeelsby [? George Fieschi ], 25

George Buno, 28, 30

George Fieschi , nephew ofWindsor, 5, 28 * , 29 , 30, 33, 52, 56, 57

George Robert, 30

George Thomas, son ofWindsor , 5, 24, 28 , 32n

Henry, 5, 6

Mrs. Henry, seeAnn James, 4

James Windsor, 1-9, 14, 14n , 17n , 18n ., 19n ., 29n , 32n., 34n., 36n ., 49n , 59, 60, 62, 66-68, 70, 73-75, 83-86 , 90n , 95, 99 his niece, 36, 40, 51, 59

John , bro ofWindsor, 5, 12 , 14-16* , 18-19, 21, 25, 38, 41, 41n, 45 , 45n , 46, 46n . , 52 , 56

John Windsor vere James Windsor , q.v.

Katharine, Mrs. Palmes , q.v.

Mary(Molly), Mrs. FitzherbertBrockholes ,q.v.

Mary, néeNewport, 4n

Mary, née Petre, 4

MaryAnn Winefride, dau ofGeorge Fieschi, 40

Mary Bridget, 4

Mr. and Mrs., 23

Penelope, O.S.B., 4n

Robert, 5

Prioress Scholastica , O.S.B. , 88 , 88n .

Teresa Catherine, dau of George Fieschi , 51

Thomas, 18n , 101 , 102

Thomas , son ofThomas Henry,5

Thomas Fieschi, 36

Thomas Henry,5

Ursula, 5

Mrs. Winefride, 7*

Winifred, O.S.A., 4n

family, 4-5, 58n.

Henessy (or Hennesey), Bridget, Mrs.


Joseph, 271

Mary, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Michael Raymund, priest, 114

Heney (or Henney), Agnes Cecily, 242

Alexander, 328

Caroline, 228

Caroline, née Cartledge , 228, 232 , 237, 242, 248, 255, 269, 290, 311

Cecily, 255

Dominic, 255

Edward, 228, 232, 237, 242, 248, 251 , 255, 256, 290

Edward, son of Edward, 248

Magdalen , widow Twisten, 328

Mary Teresa, 237

Rose Ann, 232 née McNolty, 140

Henley, Elizabeth, 304

James, 191

John , 140

Mary, Mrs. Sweeney,q.v.

William, 140

Hennesey, see Henessy

Henney, see Heney

Heno, Augustine, 252

Ida, née Wolf, 252

Melina Jane, 252

Henright, Margaret, Mrs. Flaherty,


Henvey, Margaret, Mrs. Carlen, q.v.

Hepburn, James, 148

Heran , Mary, Mrs. Mullins, q.v.

Herbert, Frances, 190

Jane, 313

Margaret, née Templeton, 190

Matthew , 190

Patrick, 273

Herney[?], Mrs. Ann, 202

Jane, 202

Richard , 202*

Heroward , Mary, Mrs. Crimmen,q.v.

Hertend , Elizabeth, Mrs. Spain, q.v.

Hervey, see also Harvey

Francis , 222, 266

Leonora, Mrs. Worsley, q.v.

Sir Nicholas, 104

Thomas , aliasofThomas Worsley, S.J. , q.v.

Sir Thomas , 104

Heskett, John , Colour Sergt , 298

Heslings, Catherine , Mrs. Nicholson,


Hetherington , Canon Jesse , 114

Hevorn , John, 332

Hewitt, Mr., 19

Thomas , 272

Heywood, George, 265

William, 265

Hickey, Ann, née Farell, 260, 307

Bridget, Mrs. Nolan, q.v.

Catherine, 252

Daniel, husb ofAnn, 260

Daniel, husb ofMary, 252

David, 196

Edward, 246

Elizabeth, née Jones , 196

James, 260, 307

John (1), godfather1805 , 134

John (2), husb ofMary, 186, 189

John(3), son ofJohn (2), 186

John James, 240, 300

Margaret, née Byrne, 146

Margaret, née Murphy, 232, 240

Mary, 189

Mary, née Halpin, 186 , 189

Mary, née McManus, 252

Mary Ann, dau ofDavid, 196

Mary Ann, dau ofSimon, 146

Michael, 232, 238, 240

Simon, 146

Hickman, Martha, 261

Hicks, James, 130

Hide, Hannah, Mrs.Haly, q.v.

Hiden, Sarah, Mrs. McGuire, q.v.

Hifeven, Bridget, née Hopkins, 161

John, 161

Roger, 161

Hifland, John , 327

Higgins, Ann, Mrs. Lynch,q.v.

Catherina, 308

Daniel, 163

Elizabeth, 159

John, 163

Mrs. Judith, 163 , 165

Margaret, Mrs.Creagh, q.v.

Mary, 308

William, 253

Highland, see also Hyland

Catherine , 190

John, 190

Mrs. Margaret, 190

Higley, Ann, Mrs. Trotman, q.v.

Hill, Ann, 226

Ann, née Grace, 218 , 226

Eliza Ann, 218

Ellen, née Neil, 197

George, 174

James , 176

Jane, née Stark or Stack, 176

John , 197* , 218 , 226 , 234

Joseph, 176

Margaret, 197

Mary, 175

Hillary, Catherine, 145

Eleonora, née Hanley, 145

Peter, 145

Hilliers, Harriett, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

Hillyer, W., 347

Hind[e] (or Hinds), Anna Maria , Mrs. Gandolphi, q.v.

Benedict , 108

Catherine, née Urry, 2

Catherine , Mrs. King,q.v.

Dorothy, 205

Gilbert, 186

John, 2

Judith, Mrs. Burke, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Kelly, q.v.

Mary, 184 , 186

Mary Ann, née Anelly, 186

Richard, 186

Richard, son of Richard, 186

Hinderson , Jane, Mrs. Griffin, q.v. Hinds, see Hind(e)

Hippersley (Hippisley), Sir John , 107*

Hitchock, Eliz , 41*

Hoare, Ann, 196

Ellen , née Winn, 196

Ellenor, 198

Patrick, 196

Hobbs, Elizabeth, 180

John , 180

Sarah, née Smith, 180

Sarah, Mrs. Pine, q.v. Hobson, Blanch, 274

Christine, Mrs.Lyons, q.v.

Hodghin, Helen, née Demette, 328

Michael, 328

William, 328

Hodgson, Edward, 190

Joseph, 192

Mary Ann, 192

Mother MaryCatherine , Poor Clare, 86, 87*

Mr., 107*

Mrs. (Joseph), née McGennis, 192

Hoey(Hoghy), Jane, Mrs. Sweeney, q.v.

Roger, 153

Hoffman, Mary, Mrs. Hellinger, q.v.

Hogan, Alice, née Cahill, 197

Ann, née Cavanagh , 196

Bella, née Mulony, 166

Catherine , Mrs. Blakey,q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Lee, q.v.

Daniel, 197

Frederick, 196

James (1), 154, 157 , 158

James (2), 197

Jane, 196

Jane, dau. ofJohn, 158

John (1), godfather , 256

John (2), husb ofBella, 166

John (3), husb ofMargaret, 158

John (4), husb ofMary, 195 , 198

John (5), son ofJohn (2), 166

Margaret, née McKiernan, 158

Mary, née Harney, 198

Matthew , 195

Patrick, 197

Patrick, son ofJohn, 198

Sarah, Mrs. Jordan , q.v.

Sarah, Mrs. Keefe, q.v.

Sophia , 120, 121

Thomas , 196, 271

Timothy, 127, 128

Hogge, Luke, 122

Hoghton , Catherine, 214

Hoghy, see Hoey

Holahan, Martin, 274

Mary, née Conroy, 274

Holland, Catherine , 115

Hugh, 257

Judith, 149

Hollenherd [?], John, 234

Hollis, Catherine, née Ryan, 258

Isaac, 258

Mary Isabel , 258

Mrs., 320

Holloran, Sarah, 127 , 128

Hollywood, ElizabethAgnes, widow

Maffey, 245, 246, 252, 253 , 256, 290

John , 256, 290

Mrs. Mary, 290

Thomas , 290

Holmes (or Homles), John, 245

John Gabriel, 245

Margaret, née Grimes, 245, 246

Holstein, Ann, née Cartrose , 118

Anna Maximiliana, 118

Frederick, 118

Homer(or Horner), Ann, née Arneld, 283

Catherine , 229, 297

Charles, 229

Eliza, Mrs. Taken, q.v.

Mary, née Archer, 229, also ? 233 , 237

ThomasLuke, 283

Homles, see Holmes

Honan , Alice, Mrs. Fallon, q.v. Honywood , George , 128

Hoodman , Mary, Mrs. Howley, q.v.

Hooker, Mrs. Ann, 287

James, 287

MaryAnn , Mrs. McNamee, q.v.

Hookey , Elizabeth, 225

Henry, 218, 307

Mary, née Burns, 218, 225, 267, 298

William, 218, 225

Hopkins, Bridget, Mrs. Donolan, q.v.

Bridget, Mrs. Hifeven, q.v.

Honoratia, Mrs. McBride,q.v.

Margaret, 245, 246

Martin, 246

Michael , 146

Horacks , see Horracks

Horan[e] Eleanor, Mrs. Gallagher, q.v.

John, 270

Margaret, Mrs. White, later Mrs. Territt ,q.v.

Mary, 229

Patrick, 226, 229

Horen, Elizabeth, née Carthy, 274

Thomas , 274

Horihe [?], Andrew, 118

Horne, Patrick, 268

Horner, see also Homer

Mary, 233, 237

Hornyold, Bishop John, V.A. Midland

Dist . , 65, 65n, 66

Horracks, Ann, 226

Helen , née Sullivan [?], 226

John, 226

John Sullivan, 226

Horrell, William, 156

Horrigan, Jane, née Barry, 134

John , 134

Matthew , 134

Horrogan , Catherine , 198

John, 198

Mary, née Sheahee, 198, 199

Horsham (or Horshman), Augustus

William, 163

Richard, 163

Mrs. Rose Mary, 163

Hoscraft, Henry, 239

John, 239

Mary, née Sweeny, 239

Hoskins, Mary, 344

Houragan (or Ourragan), Bridget, née

McGrath, 179

James, 179

Stephen, 178, 179

Hourhan , Helen, 149

How, see Howes

Howard, Margaret, Mrs. Shean, q.v.

Mary, see Maryofthe Cross

Susan, 309

Howe, see Howes

Howell, Catherine , 146

John , priest, 101 [?], 101n

Mr., 101

Howes (or How or Howe), Mrs. Ellen, 306

Helen, 233, 238, 251, 253

Helen , Mrs. Kaley, q.v.

Mrs. Jane, 291

Jane, Mrs. Poor , q.v.

Richard, 291

Timothy, 136

William, 314

Howlett, Ann, 219

Howley, Mary, née Hoodmanor Stoodman , 196*

Michael, 196*

Sarah, 196

Howson, Mr., 96

Hoy, Elizabeth, 227

James, 268

John, 220, 227

Joseph, 220

Margaret, née Dunn, 220 , 227

Mary, 230

Huddleston, Henry, 28n .

John, priest, 28, 28n.

Mrs. Mary, née Bostock , 28n .

Hudson, Henry, 218

Mr., 96

Sarah, Mrs. McDonough,q.v.

Huges, Richard, 332

Sarah, née Sutton, 332

Thomas, 332

Huggins, Bernard, 227

Charlotte, 227, 250, 251

James , 215

John, 215

Margaret, née Burke, 215

Hughes, Ann, 147

Ann, dau of James, 147

Ann, née Reardon, 249 , 288

Bernard , 175

Edward, 249

Eleonora, née Connor, 132

Eleonora, Mrs. Pavil, q.v.

Francis, 180

Hannah, 156

James, d. 1854, 304

James, husb ofJane, 147*

Jane, 198

Jane, née King, 175

Jane, née Neal, 147

John, 132

John, son ofJohn, 132

Mary, 175

Mary, née Moore, 198

Mary, Mrs. Connolly, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. O'Brien, q.v.

Michael, 175

Patrick, 239

Sarah, Mrs. Flynn, q.v.

Thomas , 198

William, 249, 288

Hulihan, Ann, née Daly, 161

Catherine , 161

Jeremiah, 161

Humfry, James, 173

Humphriss , Hannah, Mrs. Lohan, q.v.

Hundheim , Ann Julie de, née Newburg, 129

Charles Philip Maurice de, 129

Joseph Anthony Jude Thaddaeus de, 129

Hunloke (or Hunlocke), Miss

Charlotte, 16

Charlotte Constance , 34

Elizabeth, Mrs. Heneage,q.v.

Sir Henry, Bart , 3 , 4, 13-17, 34 , 36,50

James, 1759, 16

James, 1815, 164

Margaret, Lady, 34

AbbessMarina, O.S.B., 50n , 90

Miss , 16

Robert, 9, 16

Windsor, 9, 19

Hunt, priest[?], 70

Ann, née Kegley

Catherine , née La Hart, 253

Ellen, 253

John, 1804, 133

John, Private, 293

John , son of Maurice, 192

Margaret, 231

Margaret, née Lyons, later Mrs.

Farrell, q.v.

Mary, 253

Mary, née McDonough, 157

Maurice, 192

Michael, 157

Mr., 96*

Richard , 253

Robert , 226

Thomas , 157

Vincent, 203

William, 226, 280

William, priest, 321

Hunter, Seraphine , 347

Hurley,Ann, Mrs. Bleach, q.v.

Ibbett, Canon Anthony, 114

Iden, Alexander, 1 , 3

Cecily, 3*

Jasper, 3*

Thomas, 3

Igo, Mary, 191

Mary, Mrs. Filbin, q.v.

Ingehaha (or Ingehala), Cecily, Mrs. Derque, q.v.

Ingles, Jane, née King, 227

James, 227

Walter, 227

Ingram , Sarah, 146

Iniche, Frederick, 119

Irvin (or Irvine, Irving, Ervin), James , 253

John, 146

Mary, Mrs. Craughan , q.v.

Sarah, Mrs. Bramwell, q.v.

William, 300

Irwin, Edward, 164

Jack, Ann, née Boland or Billand, 218, 224*

Elizabeth, 218

James, 218, 224 , 267

Jesse , 224

Jackman , Alexander, 135

Charlotte, 266, 311

Elizabeth, 310

FrancisHenry, 217

Isac [sic], 217

James, 135

Margaret, née Burke, 217

Mary, née Dun, 135

Jackson, Catherine, née Murphy, 257

JohnWilliam , 257

Elizabeth, 348

Eliza [?] Anna, 348

Hurst, Thomas , 271

William, priest, 48, 48n., 49 , 50, 51, 52* , 53 , 54 ,55

Hussey, Ann, 246

Caroline, née Arnmight, 196

Elizabeth, 196

George, 115, 125

Philip, 196

Hyde, Hannah, Mrs. Haly , q.v.

Hyland , see also Highland

Mary, Mrs. Griffin, q.v.

Hyllier, Harriett, Mrs. O'Connor, q.v.

Hynes, Mrs. Bridget, 281

Eliza, 257

Eliza, née Kennedy, 220, 267, 281

Bishop John , O.P., 268

Patrick, 1825, 192

Patrick, 1847-9 , 270, 281

Richard, 183

Welham , 313

William, 281

John William, son ofJohn William, 257

Julia Ann, Mrs. Parkinson, q.v.

Jacobs, James, 127

Jane, née Bleumer or Bloomer, 127

Jane, Mrs. Richards, q.v.

Jemima Mary, 313

Mary, 127

James, Amelia, Mrs. Harvey, q.v.

Anastasia (Anicia), née Stagg, 146 , 154, 170, 176, 183, 280, 293, 310, 329

Ann, 311

Ann, née Brown, 115* , 118 , 120* , 121 , 125, 126, 127 , 129 , 131 , 138* , 139* , 146* , 147* , 173 , 329* , 330*

Ann Teresa , Mrs. Johnson ,q.v.

Ann Winifred, 147

Charles , 121 , 123, 131 , 146, 163, 169 , 295, 329

Elizabeth , dau ofCharles , 146

Elizabeth , dau ofThomas, 183

Elizabeth , 1819, 176

Elizabeth, 1825-9, 197, 198, 264

Elizabeth, Mrs. Alford, q.v.

Emily, 176

Esther, née Lansdown, 146, 163 , 261, 309

Frances, 292, 310

Frances, dau ofWilliam (1), 146

FrancisSilvester , 126

George, 170

George William , 256

Jane, Mrs. Buncombe , q.v.

John, husb ofRose, 256

John, son of Richard, 118

Joseph, 120

Mary, dau ofRichard, 129

Mary, godmother, 133 , 142

Mary, née Carrol, 183

Mary Ann, 147, 148, 169, 261 , 274

Mary Ann, née Baker, 197

Mr., attorney , 105*

Richard, 115 , 117, 118 , 120* , 121* , 123, 126, 127, 129* , 169 , 260

Richard, son ofWilliam, 154

Rose, née James [sic], 256

Rose Teresa, 313

Teresa, 183

Thomas , 183

William (1), husb ofAnastasia , 146, 154, 170, 176, 183, 280, 310 , 329

William (2), husb ofMaryAnn, 197

William (3), son ofWilliam (2), 197

William Andrew, 329

Jameson, Mr., 47

Philip, vere Sachmorter , S.J., 47n.

Jeff[e]rey, Elizabeth, 166

Thomas, 174

Jenkins, Ann, 185

Annette, 180

Anthony, 129

Anthony, son ofAnthony , 129

Bridget, née Dormer, 243

Elizabeth , née Davis, 129

Jane, 121

John , 121

John, son ofWilliam, 243 , 301

Teresa, 230, 245

William, 181 , 182, 185

William, husb ofBridget, 243

Mrs. Winifred, 121

Jenkinson, Rev. John, 15

Jennings, Ann, Mrs. Pickering, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Curren , q.v.

Honora, 255

John, 255, 258

Margaret, née Ford, 255 , 258

Mary, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Jerido , Francis, 161

George, 161

Marian, née de Rees [?], 161

Jerman, see also Jeuman

Margaret, 234

Jerningham , Arthur, 236

Sophie, 236

Jerom , , née Fairley, 117

John, 117

Mary Frances, 117

Jeuman, see also Jerman

Catherine , 232

John , 232, 248, 257

John, son of John, 248, 303

Margaret, née Daughteyor Doherty, 232, 248, 252, 257

Mary, 257

Jewry, see also Gewery

Mary, 159

Johnson, Agnes Louise, 232, 249

Andrew, 170, 172

Ann, godmother 1809 , 145

Mrs. Ann, 315

Mrs. Ann, of Bilston, 278

Ann, née James, 183, 216, 218 , 219 , 220* , 226, 229, 232, 239, 240, 242 , 244* , 250,259,266,280

Prioress Ann (Mary Magdalen), O.S.B., 66, 66n., 67

Ann Teresa, 225

Bernard Francis , 244

Catha , 1818, 172

Catherine, 1852 , 246

Cuthbert Mathias, 240 , 305

Mrs. Eliza , 307

Elizabeth Monica, née Barnes, 164, 274

Francis Hutchinson, 164, 274

George Germanus , 234

James, 287, 346

Jane, godmother 1816 , 166

Jane, née Johnson[sic], 216, 219 , 225, 229, 234, 240, 241 , 244, 249, 256, 266, 278, 311

Jane, Mrs. Brewer, q.v.

Jane, Mrs. McGarry, q.v.

John (1), conf . 1836 , 265 , 310

John (2), godfather1811 , 333

John (3), of N. Fairlee, 278, 280

John (4), son of John (3), 216 , 219 , 225, 229, 232, 234, 239 , 240, 241, 244* , 249, 250, 256, 266,278

John (5), son ofJohn (4), 219

Joseph, 219, 225, 228, 229, 232, 239 , 240, 242, 244* , 250, 253, 259, 265 , 280

Joseph, son of John (4), 216

Louisa , 266, 278 , 311

Mary (1), conf 1849 , 272

Mary(2), godmother 1844-52, 219 , 220, 225, 229, 254, 287

Mary (3), wife ofJohn (3), 278 , 280

Mary, Mrs. Ogleby, q.v.

Mary Jane , 229

Mary MagdalenAnastasia , 239, 305

Mr., 35

Monica, 256

Monica Frances, 244 , 304

Monica Ida, Mrs. McGolrick, q.v.

Richard, 278

Sarah, 200

Teresa Charlotte, 250 , 306

Mother Teresa Joseph, O.S.B. , 85n

Johnstone, Mary, 171

Mary, Mrs. Doud, q.v.

Susan, Mrs. Mulloy, q.v.

Joice, see Joyce

Joint, Mary, 224

Joliff, Mary, Mrs. Phelan, q.v.

Jones, Ann, 265

Catherine , 333

Edward, 281

Eliza, Mrs. Marsfield, q.v.

Elizabeth , 136

Elizabeth, Mrs.Hickey, q.v.

Francis, 248

Honoratia, 165 , 166

John, 278

Mary, 1804, 132

Mary, 1829, 201

Mary, 1853, 253

Mrs. Mary, of Newport, 278

Mary, née Boyce, 136

Mary, Mrs. Concargh , q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Lythgo, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Tunks, q.v.

Mary Ann, née Roach, 248

Patrick , 248

Sarah, 281

Simon, 136

Jones & Osborne , Messrs. ,9

Jonlain, John , 119

Jordan , Ann, Mrs. McGuire, q.v.

Denwood, 287

Julie, née Quin, 158

Margaret, née Ryan, 333

Mary, dau ofPatrick, 158

Mrs. Mary, of Canterbury , 287

Mary, Mrs. Griff, q.v.

Patrick, 158

Patrick, son ofWilliam, 333

Sarah, née Hogan, 140

Thomas, 140

Thomas , son ofThomas, 140

William, 333

Jouer, Thomas, 127

Joyce (or Joice), Catherine, née

O'Brien, 329, 330, 331

Francis, 329 , 329n ., 330 , 331

Hannah, Mrs. Cuff, q.v.

John, 331

Margaret, Mrs. O'Callaghan, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Cross , q.v.

Mary Ann , 307

Patrick, 330

Judy, Jane, Mrs. Lyon,q.v.

Jupe, Mary Ann, 215

Kaanaghan, John, 274

Kain, see Cain

Kaley, Mrs. Catherine , 291

Helen, née How , 291

James, alias Power, 291

Patrick, 291

Kallaghan , see Callaghan

Kallin, John , 247

Margaret, née Cavanaugh , 247

Thomas , 247

Kallon, Denis , 165

Francis, 165

Margaret, née Sweeny, 165

Kane, see also Cain, Cane, Keane

Bridget, 151

Helen , Mrs. McLaughlan,q.v.

James, 203

Jane, 203

Margaret, Mrs. O'Donohue, q.v.

Mary, 203

Kase, Mary, Mrs.Sennett , q.v.

Kavanagh (Kavanargh), see also Cavanagh

Agnes , Mrs. Anderson , q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. Cahill, q.v.

Christopher, 238

Helen, née McDonnell, 238

Mary, Mrs. Lennard, q.v.

Matilda, 238

Kaye, Jane , 191

Keane, see also Cain, Cane , Kane

Bridget, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Catherine , 174

Catherine, Mrs. McElligot , q.v.

George, 221 , 278

Helen , Mrs. McLaughlan,q.v.

James, 177

John, 174

Julia, née Lamb, 217

Margaret, née Conway, 177

Mary Ann, 217

Michael, husb. ofJulia, 217

Michael, husb. ofMargaret, 177

Thomas , 161

Kearn, see Kearns

Kearney , Mrs. Eliza, ofTipperary , 292

Elizabeth, née Skible, 174

Honora, née Dunn, 292

John (1), husb ofElizabeth, 174

John (2), ofTipperary, 292

John (3), son ofJohn (1), 174

Mary, Mrs. Spite, q.v.

Thomas, 292

William J., priest, 321

Kearns, Helen, Mrs. McDonnell, q.v.

Jane, Mrs. Youell, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Cloghessy,q.v.

Keating(Caton), Catherine , dau of Patrick, 250, 303

Catherine , godmother 1828, 198

Catherine , née O'Connell, 237

Cecily, 214, 257

Ellen, 229

Honora, 209, 254, 269

Honora, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Humphrey, 299

James , 259

James Daniel, 219

Jane, née Dunbar, 130

John, godfather1827, 196

John , son of Patrick, 240

Mary, dau ofPatrick, 212, 265

Mary, godmother 1821 , 179

Mary, née Cleary, 209, 212, 213 , 214, 219, 229, 230, 240, 242, 250 , 279, 283

Mary, Mrs. Donoghue,q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Douglass , q.v.

Michael, 237

Michael, son ofMichael, 237

Patrick, 209, 212, 214* , 219 , 240, 250, 257, 279

Thomas , 130

Thomas, son ofThomas, 130

William, 191

Kechan, Mary, Mrs. Brennan , q.v.

Keefe, Bridget, née Moore, 192

Honora, Mrs. Dunn, q.v.

James, 192

Mrs. Mary, 279

Michael, 192

Patrick, 238, 279

Sarah, née Hogan, 238

William, 238

William, son ofWilliam , 238

Keegan, see also Queegan

Cecily , née Kane, 165

Eliza , née Flanegan , 195*

Mrs. Elizabeth, 160

James, 195* , 276

James, son ofPatrick , 165

Mary, Mrs. Dogan, q.v.

MaryAnn, 195

Patrick, 165

William, 160

William, son ofWilliam , 160

Kegley, Ann, Mrs. Hunt,q.v.

Keily, William, Private, 304

Keinan, see also Keenan

Catherine, 154

Kelaney, Margaret, 169

Kelleher, Canon FrancisJ. , 321

Kelly, Alexander , 176

Alexander, son ofAlexander, 176

Ann (1), dau. ofMichael (2), 199

Ann(2), godmother 1801 , 127

Ann (3), godmother 1824, 190

Ann (4), godmother 1845 , 223

Ann (5), née Cox, 164

Ann (6), née Magennis, 176

Ann (7), née Murphy, 144

Ann, Mrs. Greer, q.v.

Brian, 135

Bridget, 247

Bridget, Mrs. Provis, q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. Doyle, q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. Feenin , q.v.

Charles, 157

Daniel, 284

Denis , 183

Eleonora , 173

Eleonora, née Rose, 131 , 138

Eleonora, Mrs. Laferty, q.v.

Elizabeth, née Donwell, 333

Elizabeth, Mrs. McCombe ,q.v.

Ellen, Mrs. Garvey, q.v.

Ellen , Mrs. Shea, q.v.

Francis, 175

Helen, 144

James, (1), godfather 1828 , 198

James (2), husb ofMary(3), 142* , 144, 160

James (3), son ofMartin, 164

James (4), son ofMichael (3), 120

Jane, 130

John , conf. 1849, 270

John, d. 1852, 303

John, godfather1815-6, 162, 167

John , son of Patrick (4), 247

Margaret(1), dau ofJames (2), 144

Margaret (2), née Hind, 199

Margaret (3), née McKarn, 153 , 156, 157

Martin, 164

Mary (1), dau ofCharles , 157

Mary (2), godmother 1856, 259

Mary (3), née Conolly, 144

Mary (4), née Doyle, 120

Mary (5), wife ofDaniel, 285

Keenan, see also Keinan

Keelly [?], Mary, 203

Ann, 271

John, 201

Mary, née McCarthy, 201

Mary, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Patrick, 201

Susan, 272

Mary, Mrs. Martin, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Osnabruck , q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Sheedy, q.v.

Mary Ann, 333

Michael (1), godfather1845, 224

Michael (2), husb of Margaret (2), 199

Michael (3), husb ofMary(4), 120

Patrick (1), conf. 1849 , 270

Patrick (2), d 1853, 303

Patrick (3), husb ofElizabeth, 333

Patrick (4), husb ofWinifred, 247

Peter, 144, 180

Thomas , 138

Thomas , son ofThomas, 138

William, 190

Winifred, née Fitzpatrick, 247, 248

Kemp, Mary, 4

Thomas , 4

Kenahan, Ann, née Birmingham, 243

Mary Ann, 243

William, 243

Kendall, Hugh, priest, 6

Kenean, James, 144

Kenelly, see Kennelly

Kenevick , Jane, 343

Kenish, Elizabeth, 167

Kennally, seeKennelly

Kennedy, Alice (1), née Callaghan , 168

Alice (2), née Rothwell, 164

Andrew, 216, 248

Ann, godmother 1820, 177

Ann, godmother 1855 , 257

Catherine , 269

Catherine, Mrs.McKern ,q.v.

Daniel, 132

Edward, 205*

Eliza , Mrs. Hynes, q.v.

Elizabeth , 225 , 226

Mrs. Elizabeth, 314

Elizabeth, Mrs. Culkin ,q.v.

Francis, 205

James, godfather1853 , 252

James, son ofPhilip, 143

Jane, bapt 1858 , 313

Jane [? Kennelly], née Macdonnell, 207, 210,340, 342

John (1), godfather 1802, 130

John (2), godfather1830, 203

John (3), godfather1846-55 , 225 , 236, 252, 257

John (4), husb ofAlice (2), 164

John(5), husb of Margaret (3), 281 , 284, 285

John (6), son of John (4), 164

John (7), son ofMichael (1), 340

John (8), son ofPatrick (2), 225

Katherine, 135

Margaret (1), godmother 1804, 132

Margaret(2), née Scott, 143

Margaret (3), wife ofJohn (5), 281, 284, 285

Margaret, Mrs. Dunne, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Owens , q.v.

Mary(1), 259

Mary (2), née Connor, 135, 136

Mary (3), née Monahan , 225 , 226

Mary, Mrs. Murphy, q.v.

MaryAnn , Mrs. Bull, q.v.

Mary Ann, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Michael (1) [? Kennelly], husb of Jane, 207, 210, 240, 342

Michael (2), husb ofMary (2), 135*

Patrick (1), godfather1817 , 170

Patrick (2), husb ofMary(3), 225

Philip, 143

Mrs. Rose, 205*

Thomas , 226

Walter, 168

Walter Gerard, 168

Kennelly (Kennally, or Kinnaly ),

Barbara , 239

Daniel W., 210

Helen, 168

Jane [? Kennedy], née McDonnell, 207, 210,340,342

Margaret, 241, 269

Margaret, née Brian, 168

Michael [? Kennedy], 207, 210, 340, 342

Robert, 207

Thomas Nicholas, 210

Timothy, 168

William , 173

Kenney, see Kenny

Kenning, Mary, 202

Kenny, Ann, née Kenny [sic], 216, 227

Catherine , 191, 204, 206, 207, 264

Catherine , Mrs.Aylward, q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. Smith, q.v.

Elizabeth, 315

James, 247

Jane, née Philipps, 185

John , 216, 227 , 232

John , son ofJohn, 216

Mary, 204 , 264

Patrick, 204

Richard, 185

Sarah , 227

Thomas , 1808, 274

Thomas , husb ofJane , 185

Kensloh, Murtha, 181

Kent, Benjamin ,22

Keogh, see also Kew

Eliza , Mrs. Savage, q.v.

Mary, 198

Mary, née Linnahan, 198

Mary, née Morrissey, 198

Patrick, 198, 199

Peter, 198

Thomas , 198

Kernn [sic], Andrew , 156

Francis, 156

Lucy, née Morun, 156

Kerns, John, 156

Ketti, see Retti

Kew , seealso Keogh

Jeremiah , 274

Kiernan , Abigail, 183

Bernard, 181

Francis, 180

Michael, 139

Kilduff , Henry, 307

Kilevis, Mary, Mrs. Mahon, q.v.

Kilkenny, Elizabeth, née Cook, 274

Patrick, 274

Killanan, Denis, 177

Killeen, Ann, née Seery, 201

James, 201

Mary, 201

Killins, John, 152

Killom, Ann, née Conway, 255

Thomas , 255

William Henry, 255, 304

Killony, Mary, 274

Kilmasters , Alice, 243

Kilpeck, Mary, Mrs. Delaney , q.v.

Kilpoy, Jane, née Burden, 333

Margaret, 333

Richard, 333

Kilroy, Mary, 245

Mary, née Turnbull, 245

Thomas , 245

Kimber, Catherine, née Ryan, 201

Daniel, 201

Jane, 201

King, Bella, 163

Catherine , née Hinds, 157

Charles, 134

Edward, 194

Edward Wulstan, 120

Elizabeth, dau ofMartin, 126, 175 , 201, 261

Elizabeth, dau of Michael (3), 189

Elizabeth , Mrs. Shean, q.v.

Harriett (1), née Preston , 194

Harriett (2), née Squibor Squil, 189, 201

Helen, 157

Henry, 223

James, 157

Jane, 117

Jane, Mrs. Hughes , q.v.

Jane, Mrs. Ingles, q.v.

John, 157

Julia, 190

Lucy, 131

Margaret, 125

Martin, 115, 117 , 119 , 120, 126, 131 , 132, 134

Mary (Ann), conf . 1803 , 260

Mary (Elizabeth), conf . 1803, 260

Mary, née Freemantle , 117 , 119 , 120* , 123, 126, 131 , 132, 134

MaryAnn, 201

Michael [? one person ](1), conf. 1813, 262

Michael(2), husb of Harriet (1), 194

Michael (3), husb of Harriet (2), 189, 201

Michael (4), son ofMartin, 119

Peter, 126, 262

Robert, 194, 201

Rose , 129

Samuel, 174

Sarah, 264

Mrs. Sarah, 125

Teresa, 132

Thomas , 125

Kingswell , Charles , 314

James, 314

Mrs. Sarah, 314

Kinnaly, see Kennelly

Kinsella , Anastasia , Mrs. Patrick, q.v.

Mrs. Elizabeth, 168 , 169

Henoch , 169

Martin , 168 , 169

Kinsheller , Margaret, Mrs. Clarke, q.v.

Kinsley, Eleanor, née Lennan, 129

Mary, 129

Mary, Mrs. Carter, q.v.

Matthew , 129

Kirby, Bridget, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

Eliza, Mrs. Moultass , q.v.

Elizabeth, née Fulbern, 6


Henry, priest, 6* , 21-24, 26*-29*

James, 274

Mary, 149

Mary, Mrs. McKierny, 274

Mary , Mrs. O'Brien, q.v.

Kirchner, George Joseph, 337

Kirk, William , priest, 321

Kirwan, Ann, Mrs. Dalton, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Callaghan , q.v.

Knapp, Mrs. Sarah, 315

Knatchbull, Abbess Mary , O.S.B., 88, 89*

Knight, Alexander, 7* , 56n., 95*-103*

Charles, 198

Henry, 292

Michael, 271

Knowles, Mrs. John , 39

William Henry, 315

Kolon, Mary, Mrs. Cain, q.v.

Kuschell, Albert, 329

Susan, née Barrich, 329

Kyne, Thomas, 306

Laaven, see Lavan

Labre, Benedict Joseph, St. see Benedict Joseph Labre

Lacassin, B., servant, 48* , 49, 50* , 51

Lackton, Catherine, 132

Lacy, Ann, 340

Ann, née Bleach, 340* , 342* , 343

Caroline, née Brady, 249

Eliza, Mrs. Bleach, q.v.

Elizabeth , née Williams, 343

Francis, priest, alias Elston, 27n .

Henry, 27n

James, 340* , 342*

John, 342

John Henry, 343

Margaret, 249

Mary, née Eyston, 27n .

Mary, Mrs. Clarke, q.v.

Mary Ann, Mrs. de Quincy, q.v.

Nicholas, 140

Patrick, 249

William, 343, 347

Lader, Thomas , 198

Laferty, Bernard, 151

Eleonora, née Kelly, 151

Eleonora, née McKue, 153

Hugh , 151

Patrick, 153

Patrick, son ofPatrick, 153

Langdon, Ann, née Bartlett, 222

Francis, 222

William, husb ofAnn, 221 , 222

William, of Ryde, 268 , 311

Langley, John , 3

Susan, Mrs. Browne, q.v.

Langton , Thomas , 306

Lanigan, Patrick, 272

Lanon , Ann, née Filin, 156

James, 156

Mary, 156

Lansdown , Esther, Mrs. James , q.v.

Larcomb, Grace, Mrs. Lawler, q.v.

Largey, Catherine, Mrs. Flanagan , q.v.

Hugh, 275

Larkin(s), Ann, née Navan, 219

Ann, Mrs. Long, q.v.

James, 236, 299

John, 296

Mary, née Mahoney, 236

MaryAnn, 219

Pierce, 219

Thomas , 236

William , 256

Lasky, Andrew, 329

La Hart, Catherine, Mrs.Hunt, q.v.

Laghnan [?], Mary, 202

Lahey, Cornelius, 174

Elizabeth, Mrs. Troy, q.v.

Lucy, 174

Mary, née Mararty, 174

Mary, Mrs. Simmons , q.v.

Lahiff, James, 282

John, 282

Mrs. Mary, 282

Mary, née Davis, 282

Lahy, see Lahey

Lalevel, Catherine, 159

John, 159

Sarah, née Meyner, 159

Lamasna, Catherine, Mrs. McCarthy, q.v.

Lamb, John Augustine, alias Austin [?], priest, 71n

Julia, Mrs. Keane, q.v.

Mary, née Tapprel, 71n

William, 71n .

Lambert, Margaret, 142

La Motte, Ann née Smith, 162

James Lewis, 162

Lewis, 162

Lancaster, Rev. Mother (Mrs.) Louisa

Frances, Augustinian , 49, 49n * , 50* , 50n , 51, 53, 54* , 55, 56* , 57, 59*

Landigran , Margaret, Mrs. McDonough, q.v.

Lane, Helen, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

John, bapt 1866 , 314

John, conf. 1849 , 273

John, priest, 114

Martha, Mrs. Sanders ,q.v.

Sarah, née West, 329

Lasot, Ann, 117

Latimor, Mary, 323

Latour, Josephine, Mrs. Masson, q.v.

Laughlin, Elizabeth, 298

Laury, Patrick, 122

Lavan (or Laven, or Laving), Ann, née

O'Neil, 184

Cormick, 289

CorneliusMatthew , 128

John, 272

Julia, née McGuyre or Maguire, 246, 288, 289

Margaret, 289

Mary, 184

Patrick, 1816, 167

Patrick, husb ofAnn, 184

Patrick, husb. of Julia, 249, 289

Lavery, Annnée Arnoll, 235 , 271 , 312

George, 235

George, son ofGeorge, 235

Joseph, 297

Laving (or Lavven) see Lavan

Lawes, James, 261 , 332

Lawler, Ann, Mrs. Flanagan, q.v.

Edward, 220

Eliza, Mrs. Wallace , q.v.

Grace , née Larcomb, 336

Hannah, née Doughtey, 220, 226

James, 139

John, husb. ofGrace, 336

John , son of Roger, 226

Judith, née Brown, 139

Patrick, 158, 177

Roger, 220 , 226

Sarah, 139

Thomas , 336

Lawless, Eleonora, 132

Lawrence, Margaret, 273

Laws see Lawes

Layden(or Laydon), Bartholomew, 287

Catherine , dau of Edward, 234

Mrs. Catherine, of Longford, 287

Catherine, née Brady, 234

Edward, 234

Mary, née Lynch, 287

Mary, Mrs. Gurlay, q.v.

Michael, 287

Leach (or Leech), - , Private, 295

Mary, 138

Leadbetter , Ann, Mrs. McDermott, q.v.

Leahy, Bridget, 138

Jeremiah , 221

Margaret, 117

Leary, Alice, 304

Eliza , 184

Elizabeth, 168

Mrs. Elizabeth, 298

Elizabeth(Anastasia), 261

Elizabeth(Teresa), 261

HannahTansom, 208

Jane, née Glarvin, 344

John, 172

Mrs. Margaret, 208*

Mary, 132, 133

Mary née Buckley, 215

Mary, Mrs. Callaghan , q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Reading, q.v.

Michael, 215

Michael, son of Michael , 215

Miss , 309

Mrs., 309

Thomas, 344

Timothy, 184* , 261

Timothy, husb ofJane, 344

Timothy, alias Woods, priest, 295

Leavey, David, 157

Edward, 331

Elizabeth, née Dodd, 157

Lawrence , 157

Rose , 157

Leayhy, see Leahy

Lebon, Frances, 162n

Ledy, Helen, Mrs. Bloomfield, q.v.

Andrew, 158

Margaret, 166

Margaret, née Murphy, 158

Mary, 269

Mary, dau of Richard, 137

Mrs. Mary, of Wicklow , 281

Mary, née Gordon, 166

MaryAnn, née Mandivo, 281

Michael, 166

Mrs. , 47, 96

Richard, 137 William (1), 254

William (2), of Wicklow , 281

William (3), son of William (1), 254

Leech see Leach

Leg(g), Mary, Mrs. Urry, q.v.

Mrs. Rebecca, 265 , 293 , 310

Thomas , of Godshill , 2

Leggart, Thomas, 341

Le Gros, Marie Berin, Mme Fournier de Veaux Couleur, q.v.

Leigh, " dau. ofSamuel , 151

Elizabeth, Mrs. White, q.v.

Esther, née Stagg, 151

John , 190

Sir John, 2

Penelope, Mrs. Urry, q.v.

Samuel, 151

Lelli (Lellis or Lelly), Elizabeth, née Perkins , 276

John, 199

Mary, 223

Samuel, 200, 211* , 224, 233, 244, 257, 276, 320, 344, 345

Samuel Bartholomew, 209, 212 , 215

Lempfrid, Ignatius, priest, 108 , 118* , 126, 323* , 324*

Lenaghan, Bridget, Mrs. Marley, q.v.

Lenard, see Lennard

Lennan, Eleanor , Mrs. Kinsley, q.v.

Lennard (or Lenard, or Leonard), Catherine, née Coffee , 139

Catherine, Mrs. Quin, q.v.

Christiana, 280

Edmund, 196*

Father , of the S. Heart ofJesus , 313

Helen, 139

James, 139

Margaret, 155

Mary, dau. of Edmund, 196

Mary, née Kavanagh, 155

Mary, née Murphy, 196, 197, 199

Ann, Mrs. Shepherd , q.v.

Lee ,, Capt, R.N. , 318

Bridget, née Marghar, 254

Catherine , née Hogan, 130 , 137

Charles, 158

Elizabeth, Mrs. Sullivan , q.v.

James, 281

John, priest, 318

Joseph, priest, 318, 319 , 330-2

Michael, 155*

Lennen, Eleonora, Mrs. Donovan, q.v.

Lennigan, see Linnigan

Lennington , see Linnington

Lenord, Jane, 255

Jane, Mrs.Mullins[?], q.v.

Lenry, Catherine , 249

Ellen , 249

Lentz, Ann, 188

Bridget , née Toomey, 188*

Caroline, 188

Charles, 188*

Leo, William, 198

Leonard, see Lennard

Le Planc, Mary Josephine, 118

Le Sage, Ann, Mrs. Phillibert, q.v.

Leslie (Lesleay), Ann, née Murphy, 229

Charles, 229

Jane, 293

Mary Ann, 215

Matilda Jane, 229

Leutzy, Elizabeth, née Seems, 327

Girard, 327

Lewis, Helen , 130

John, Private, 314

Mary, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Connelly, q.v.

Mr., book-binder [?], 21

Libor, Frances, 162

Lidwell, George , Capt., 169, 262 , 309

Mary, 169

Lieucasse [? Lucas], Elizabeth, 324

Lillien, Charles , 119

Teresa, Mrs. Teighe, q.v.

Limmington, see Linnington

Lincoln , Sister Anne, O.S.B., 89

Lindemeyer, Margaret,Mrs. Schuck, q.v. Lindow, Bridget, née Ormanby, 45n

James, 45n

John, priest, 45* , 45n * , 55*-59

Lindsey, Jane, 259

Linehan (Linehen or Linnahan), John, 274

Helen, 240

Mary, Mrs. Keogh,q.v.

Linnigan(Lennigan), Mary, 217 , 220

Linnington(Lenningtonor Limmington), Ann, 207

James, conf . 1836 , 265

James, godfather 1831-43, 205, 206 , 217

Mary, 188 , 193, 201, 202, 204 , 205 , 206* , 208, 213, 217* , 217n , 221, 250 , 252,259,276

Lion, see Lyons

Lippey, Mrs. Mary, 307

Lisle, Anthonie, recusant, 104

Mrs. Jane, recusant, 104

Little, W. J., 347

Lloyd, Rev. Edward Henry, 314

Lobey, William, 171

Lochlan , see also Loghlan, Loughan

Jane, née Mungomery, 133

Margaret, 133 Thomas, 133

Lock(e), Amelia (Mary), 261

Joseph, 130

Mary, conf. 1803 , 260

Mary, née Brecker, 130

MaryAmelia, 169, 176, 180, 184 , 186 , 187 , 188 , 192, 193 , 194, 198 , 212, 216, 224, [261 ?], 279, 301, 309

Richard, 130

Lodge, James, 249

Julia, née Birmingham, 249

William, 249

Logan, Dr. H. F. C., priest, 113

John, 263

Loghlan, see also Lochlan, Loughlan

Ellen, née Murray, 179

John, 179

Mark, 179

Loghman (Lokman), Catherine, 128 ,

David, 131

Lohan, Hannah, née Humphriss, 251

James Benjamin, 251

John, 251

Lokman, see Loghman

Long, Ann, née Crawley, 158

Ann, née Larkin , 146, 148 , 151 , 153

Catherine, 151

James, 280

Mrs. Jane, 280

John, husb ofAnn C., 158

John, husb ofAnn L., 148 , 151

John Frederick, 126

JohnFrederick, sonofJohnFrederick, 126

Mary, 1840, 213

Mrs. Mary, 304

Mary, dau ofJohn, 148

Mary,Mrs.Flinn, q.v.

Mary Jane, Mrs. Puyravel, q.v.

Mrs. MaryMagdalen, 126

Michael, 158

Longford , Rebecca, 158

Lonnon , Mrs. Ann, 149

Henry, 149

Margaret, 149

Lonrehher , Joseph, 126

Lonza, Mary, Mrs. Martel , q.v.

Loobey, Ann, Mrs. Thompson, q.v.

Margaret, née Roach, 192

Patrick, 192

Patrick Edward, 192

Lopeman, James, 300

Margaret, 235

William , 235

Losson, Lewis, 156

Lotty, Ann, Mrs. Smith , q.v.

Loughlan (Loughlin) see also Lochlan , Loghlan

Bridget, née Murphy, 232 , 252

Hainet, née Robson, 254

John (1), conf 1849 , 271

John (2), husb of Bridget, 232, 252

John (3), husb ofHarriet,254

Julia, 252

Mary, dau ofJohn (2), 232

Mary, dau of John (3), 254

Loughnane, Henry, 216

Honora, née O'Brian, 216

Michael, 216

Loughton, Eliza, Mrs. Mannin, q.v.

Lovell, Elizabeth, Mrs. Fagan, q.v.

John, 167

Sarah, 167

Mrs. Sarah, 167

Lowe, Anna Maria , Mrs. Pierrepont, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Owens, q.v.

Philip, undertaker ?, 39

Lowry, Mrs. Bridget, 289

Catherine, née Purcell, 289

James, 289

James, son ofJames, 289

Lucas, Elizabeth, 105n , 322, 323, 324*

Hugh, 139 , 141

Louisa, née Tabbitt , 238

Margaret, 139, 141 , 145

Mary, 267

Mary, Mrs. Doyle, q.v.

Mrs., 105

Samuel Joseph, 238

Frances, née Peira, 218 , 227

George, 293

James, husb. of Margaret, 182

James, of Kerry, 287

Jane, née Cahill, 250

Margaret, 218

Margaret, née Wilson, 182

Martin, 218, 227

Mary, dau ofMichael, 250

Mary, dau. ofPatrick, 191

Mary, godmother, 136, 164

Mrs. Mary, 133

Mary, née Ready, 137

Mary, Mrs., Layden, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Roughan, q.v.

Michael, husb of Jane, 250, 287

Michael, husb ofMary, 137

Patrick , 191

Peter, 296

Richard, 133

Rose, 180

Sarah, 182

Thomas, 245

Walter, 180

Walter, R., priest, 114

Samuel Joseph, son ofSamuel Joseph, Lyndon, Mary, Mrs. Synott, q.v. 238

Simon, 6

Simon Joseph, priest, 6 , 7 , 83-5, 99, 105 * , 108 * 115-21 , 124-7, 260, 316*

Susanna, née Benton ,6

Luce, Ellen , Mrs. Burke , q.v.

Luddey, Ann, Mrs. O'Brien, q.v.

Luddon, Denis, 161

Jane, née Ormsby, 161 , 163

Margaret, 161

Lumley, Catherine, 234

Mary, Mrs. Frowell, q.v.

Lusse, Comtesse de, 167

Lustig, Mary, 127

Luther, Jeremiah, 198

Lutz, Mary Eve, 346

Lyden, Bartholomew , 345

Lynan, Bridget, Mrs. Conroy, q.v.

Lynch, Ann, 218 Mrs. Blomhead , q.v.

Ann, née Higgins, 191

Ann, Mrs. Wreng, q.v.

Mrs. Bridget, 287

Catherine, Mrs. Woods , q.v.

Celia, Mrs. Way,q.v.

Daniel, 134

Edward, 133

Eleanor, 134

Elizabeth, 137

Elizabeth, née Calahan, 134

Elizabeth, née Galaghan, 180

Felix, 164

Lynes, Patrick, 270

Lynn(e), Ellen, née Monks , 192

John , 242

Mary 241 , 242

MaryAnn, 192

William , 192

Lyon(s) (or Lion), Ann, Mrs. Chambers , q.v.

Christine, née Hobson, 260

Daniel, 199

Edward, 282

Helen, Mrs. O'Neill, q.v.

Honora, Mrs. Murphy, q.v.

James , 260

James, son ofJames , 260

Jane, 197

Jane, née Andraghan, 199

Jane, née Judy, 128

Jane, Mrs. Wall, q.v.

John, son ofDaniel, 199

John, son of Thomas , 128

Margaret, Mrs. Farrell, q.v.

Mary, 1821 , 179

Mary, 1846, 226

Mary, dau of William , 182

Redmond, 185

Sarah, née Francis, 178 , 182

Sophia, 178

Thomas , 128

William, 178, 182, 275

Mrs. Winefrid, 282

Lysted, Anne , 3

Edward , 3

Lythgo , Elizabeth , 210

Mary, née James, 210

Stephen, 210

MacAnally, Francis, 134

McAntire, John, 151

MacAuliffe, Helen, dau. ofJeremiah , 257

Mrs. Helen , of Cork, 288

Jeremiah, 257 , 288

Mary, née Shay or Shee, 257, 260 , 288

Patrick, 288

William, 304

McBean , David, 251

McBrian, Hugh, 241

Rachel, 262

McBride, Bridget, née Whelan, 200

Honoratia, née Hopkins, 159

James, husb of Bridget, 200

James, husb of Honoratia, 159

John, 159, 243

Patrick, 200

McBurney, Ann, 160

McCabe , Alexander, priest, 319, 339 , 347

Catherine, Mrs. Daly,q.v.

Denis , 202

Elizabeth, Mrs. Donnelly, q.v.

Helen, Mrs. Slattery,q.v.

James, 275

Julia, née Nugent, 275

Margaret, Mrs. Morgan, q.v.

Molly, 178

Winefrid, Mrs. Delap, q.v.

McCain, Mary, 198

McCall, Catherine , 142

John, 142, 331

Mary, née McNally , 142 , 145

McCann, Ann, 236

Charity, 231 , 297

Edward, 308

Elizabeth, née Coppinger, 225 , 226 , 231 , 236

Francis , 225

James, 150

Robert, 224, 225, 230, 231, 236

Sarah, Mrs. Burke, q.v.

William, 305

McCannagh , seeMcKenna

McCanner , see McKenna

McCannon , Helen, 167

McCarey, May, Mrs. Carroll, q.v.

McCarrick, John, 168

Mary, 168

McCarten, Thomas , 148

McCarthy (or McCarty), husb . of Rose, 131

Ann, 199

Bridget, 141, 274

Catherine (1), godmother 1825 , 276

Catherine(2), née Lamasna, 147*

Catherine(3), née Roach , 161

Charles (1), godfather1803 , 131

Charles (2), godfather1849, 238

Charles (3), husb of Catherine (2), 147*

Charles (4), husb of Catherine (3), 161*

Charles (5), husb ofMary (6), 179

Cornelius, 224, 266

Cornelius, son ofMichael , 230

Daniel, 238, 271

Denis , 179

Edward, 290

Edward Connor, 139

Elizabeth, 147

Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith, q.v.

Ellen, 224

Ellen or Helen, née Maloney, 222 , 224, 230, 240, 300

Ellen, Mrs. Allbines, q.v.

Florentius, 201

Mrs. Helen, see Ellen

Honora, Mrs. Hart, q.v.

Jane, 131

John, godfather1829, 201

John, godfather1853, 251

John , d 1856, 308

Lawrence , 154

Louisa, 147

Margaret, dau ofFlorentius, 201

Margaret, mother of Thomas, 258

Mrs. Margaret, wifeofFlorentius, 201

Mary (1), dau of Charles (3), 147

Mary (2), dau. of Michael, 240, 300

Mary (3), godmother 1803-9, 131 , 145

Mary (4), godmother 1854, 253, 255, 256

Mrs. Mary(5), of Cork, 290

Mary (6), née Sheahan, 179

Mary, Mrs. Callaghan , q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Keenan ,q.v.

Mary,Mrs.Murphy, q.v.

Matthew, 199

Michael, 222, 224, 230, 240, 266 , 284

Patrick, 240, 272

Robert, 161

Rose, née Clarke, 131

Sarah, 139

Susan, 225

Thomas , 258, 306

William, 147*

MacCastle, Alexander, 134

Elizabeth, 134

Margaret, née Thompson, 134

MacCawley , Bridget, Mrs. Green, q.v.

McClasky, Michael, 189

McCloughlin, see McLaughlan

McClurkie, Bridget [?], 177

Michael, 177

McCluskey, Ann, 179

Bridget , née Eccles, 179

Michael, 179, 182

McCombe , Adam, 165

Elizabeth, née Kelly, 165

James, 165

McCone, Ann, 195n

McCorbick, Michael, 190

McCormack, Mary, Mrs. Farley, q.v.

Patrick, 335

McCormick, Ann, née Clarke, 158

Bridget, née Tigart, 194

Bridget, Mrs. Casey, q.v.

Charles, 194

Elizabeth, 164

Henry, 304

James, 169

John, 196

Mary, 181

Mary, Mrs. Creighton, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Maher, q.v.

Sarah Jane, 194

Thomas , 158

Thomas , son of Thomas, 158

McCougher, Mary Ann, 236

McCourte, Judith, 143

McCow , Ann, 195

McCowel, Joseph, 184

McCraith, Catherine, 258

Patrick, 255, 258

McCree, John, 166

McCuddon, Elizabeth, Mrs.Murray, q.v.

McCue(or McKew or McKue), Ann 201

Catherine, 154, 157 , 274

Eleonora, Mrs. Laferty, q.v.

Elizabeth , 157

McCulchem, John,250

Mary Ann, née Whelan, 250

Sarah Jane, 250

McCullam, Eleonor, née Smith, 329

Jane, 329

John , 329

MacCully, John, 225

McCurrin, Mrs. Catherine , 285

Hugh, 285

Margaret, Mrs. McGennity, q.v.

MacCusker (or MacKouskar, or McKonshar), Hugh, 234

Jane (or Pragnall), 235

Mrs. Jane, 239 , 269 , 312

Jane, née Vesey, 229, 280

John (or Pragnall), 235

John , son of Hugh, 234

John, son of Patrick, 229 , 279

Mary, 229, 296

Mary, née McGear , 234

Patrick, 279

Mrs. Susan, 279

McDaniel, Margaret, 165

MacDerby, John 135 400

McDermot (t) (orMcDurmot),Ann, 192

Ann, née Leadbetter, 243

Bridget, 138

Catherine , 243

Johanna , 297

John , 241, 243

Margaret, Mrs. Sherlock, q.v.

Mary, 296

Owen, 136

Susan, 247

Thomas , d . 1851 , 301

Thomas , godfather1806 , 136

McDewell, Alexander, 176

Anne, 176

Esther , née Warne, 176

McDidett, Neil, 176

McDole, Elizabeth, 197

Margaret, née Barny, 197

Matthew , 197

McDonagh, see McDonough

MacDonald, see McDonnell

McDonaugh , see McDonough

McDonnell (MacDonald, Magdonal), Ensign of 71st, 268

Alexander, 135

Ann, née Rose, 135

Catherine, Mrs. Haley, q.v.

Charles , 255

David, 346

Douglas, 256

Eleonor, née Farrell, 136

Eleonora, née Murphy, 149

Elizabeth, dau ofReginald, 139

Elizabeth, d. 1844 , 294

Elizabeth, née Sinclair, 139

Ellen, née Murphy, 345 , 346

Evins, 128

George , 135

Helen, née Kearns, 256

Helen , Mrs. Alliz, q.v.

Helen, Mrs. Kavanagh, q.v.

Henrietta, Mrs. Brady, q.v.

Bishop Hugh , C.SS.R. , 75 , 94

James , 125

James Thomas, 345

Jane , 346

Jane , Mrs. Kennedy, q.v.

John (1), husb. ofEleonor, 136

John (2), husb ofMargaret, 221

John (3), husb ofMaryAnn, 225

John (4), son ofAlexander, 135

John (5), son ofDouglas, 256

John (6), son ofJohn (1) 136

John (7), son ofJohn (2), 221

Margaret, née Carr, 221

Margaret, Mrs. County, q.v.

Mary, godmother 1844, 221*

Mrs.Mary, d 1842 , 293

Mrs. Mary, wife ofMichael, 125

Mary, Mrs. McGuigan, q.v.

Mary Ann, née Boutlayer, 255

Matthew , 246

Michael, 125

Nicholas , 149

Patrick, conf . 1849 , 271

Patrick, husb ofEleonora , 149

Reginald , 139

Richard, 345, 346

Mother Teresa Catherine , O.S.B., 85 , 85n .

McDonough(or McDonaugh, McDonnough, McDonogh, MacDunner)

Catherine , 179

Edward, 152

Eliza, Mrs. Casey, q.v.

James, husb of Margaret, 221 , 228

James, husb ofRose, 179

James, husb ofSarah, 152

John, 228

Margaret, 279

Margaret, née Landigran, 221, 228

Mary, Mrs. Hunt, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. McGuire ,q.v.

MaryAnn, Mrs. Barnet ,q.v.

Rose, née Armstrong, 179

Sarah, née Hudson, 152

Thomas, 221

Valentine, 248

McDowel, Mary, 181

MacDunner , see McDonough

McDurmot, see McDermott

McElligot, Catherine , née Kean, 160

Edward, 160

William, 160

McElroy, Eleonora, Mrs. Murphy , q.v.

McEnroe , John, priest, 111*

McEntee , Barnard, 336

Jane, 347

Jane, née Baldock, 336

Teresa Martha, 336

McEvoy, Ann, née Egan, 257, 258

Bridget, 145

Catherine , 148

Catherine , dau ofJohn, 175

Elizabeth, Mrs. McGennis, q.v.

Hannah, née Barry, 175

John, 175

Thomas , 203

William , 144

William, husb of Ann , 257

William, son of William, 257 , 304

McFallan, Ann, 181, 182

McFarline (McPharlen, or McPharline),

Ann, née Casy, 209

Martin, 272

MaryAnn , 209

Patrick, 209

Rose, 240

MacFawden , Bridget, née MacMullagen, 135

Margaret, 135

Patrick, 135

McFoyle, Michael, 122

McGaguay, Catherine, née Doud, 168

John, 168

Terence, 168

MacGahan , Jane, Mrs. Burke, q.v.

McGaning, Catherine, Mrs. Boyle, q.v.

McGarrely, Elizabeth, 182

McGarry, Ann, Mrs. Rourke, q.v.

Anthony, 276

Edward, 163

James, 163

Jane, née Johnson, 163

Rose, née Carroll, 276

McGauglhy , Catherine , 169

McGauran, see McGoverin

MacGavin, Margaret, 227

Mary, née Nolan, 227

Robert, 227

MacGaw, Luke, 135

McGear, Mary, Mrs. MacClusker , q.v.

McGee, see Magee

McGennis (or McGinnis), Hodgson,q.v.

Elizabeth, née McEvoy, 140

James, 140

James, son ofJames, 140

Michael, 307


McGennity(or McGinity), Bridget, 278

Daniel, 278

Edward, 278

Helen , 279

James, 285

Jane, née Curley, 221 , 279

John (1), of Newport , 279

John (2), son ofJohn (1), 221, 279

John (3), of Newry, 285

John Henry, 221

Margaret, née McCurrin [?], widow

Collins, 285

Martha, née Salter, 278

Mrs. Mary, 285

Michael, drummer, 298

McGiff, Margaret, 144

McGill, Jane, 153

McGinity, see McGennity

McGinn, John, 204

Patrick Owen, 337

Sarah, Mrs. Burke, q.v.

McGinnen, William, 174

McGinnis, see McGennis

McGirtey, Mary, Mrs. Earley, q.v.

McGlarglin, Catherine , Mrs. Stone , q.v.

McGofferty, Ann, 153

McGolrick (or McGoldrick or McGolerick), Joseph, 213 , 218 , 277

Monica Ida, née Johnson , 164 , 210 , 264, 277 , 295

William, 194

McGonan, Mary, Mrs. Wheeler, q.v.

McGourk, Ann, Mrs. Rogers, q.v.

McGovan(or McGovarn), Bridget, Mrs. Gannon ,q.v.

Mrs. Catherine , 282

John, 282

McGoverin (McGovern , McGovran , McGowran, McGauran, Magauran)

Ann, née Bully or Riley, 142 , 151 , 328, 329, 330 , 331 , 332

Bridget, Mrs. Brady, q.v.

Bridget, Mrs. Farrell, q.v.

Catherine , 329

Daniel, 142

Edmund, 331

Helen , 151, 332

Honoratia, Mrs. McManus,q.v.

John (1), husb. ofAnn, 142 , 151 , 328 , 329 , 330* , 331* , 332

John (2), husb ofRose, 174

John (3), son of John (2), 174

Margaret, dau ofJohn (1), 328

Margaret, godmother 1807 , 331

Mary, 330

Rose, née St. Germain , 174

McGrahan, Ann, née Shirly, 165

John, 165

Rose, 165

McGrath, Ann, née Gorman, 179

Bridget, Mrs. Houragan,q.v.

James, 147

John , 194

Margaret, Mrs.Fitzpatrick,q.v.

Mary, née Butler, 147

Michael, 179

Patrick, husb ofMary, 147

Patrick, son ofMichael, 179

McGuemon[?], Rosanna , 304

McGuigan (or McGugan), John, 256

Mary, née Macdonell, 256, 257

Rosanna , 256, 304[?]

McGuire (McGuyre or Maguire) Alice, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Mrs. Amelia, 289

Mrs. Anastasia , 287

Ann, née Jordan, 287

Bridget, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Catherine , 163

Catherine, née Fitzpatrick, 164

Catherine, Mrs. Caulfield, q.v.

Elizabeth, 165

Elizabeth, Mrs. McLaughlan, q.v.

Francis, 331

Henry, 173

James, 164

Jane , 143 , 161

Jane, née Green, 331

John (1), conf 1849 , 271

John (2), husb ofAnastasia , 287

John (3), husb. ofSarah, 173

Julia, Mrs. Lavan, q.v.

Margaret, 247, 249, 289

Mary, née McDonnough, 156

Mary, Mrs. Feeny,q.v.

Maurice, 122

Michael, son ofFrancis, 331

Michael, son ofPhilip, 156

Patrick, godfather1825 , 193

Patrick, son ofJohn (2), 287

Peter, 164

Philip, 156

Sarah, née Hiden, 173

Thomas , 1809 , 145

Thomas, 1852, 289

McHenry, John, 205*

John, son ofJohn, 205

Mrs. Mary, 205*

McHern, see McKern

McInarney (or McInhearney), Bridget, née Crimmin, 199

John, 195, 198 , 199

Mary, 199

McIntosh, Hannah, Mrs. Dillon, q.v.

McIntyre, Maria, 305

Mack, Richard, 272

McKanolty, see McNolty

McKarn, Margaret, Mrs. Kelly, q.v.

McKay, Bridget, 197

McKenin (or McKewin), James, 282

McKenna(or McCannaghorMcCanner)

Ann, Mrs. Gason, q.v.

James, 234, 258

James Henry, 258

Lucy, née Hamilton, 234, 258

Mary, 234

MacKenzie(or McKenzey), -, alias of AlexanderClinton, S.J., q.v.

Elizabeth, 331

Honora, née Tobin, 331

James, 331

Mr., 96

McKeogh(or McKeough), Eleonora, 153

Margaret, née Austin, 153

Mary, 250

Michael, 153

McKeoghan , Charles , 152

McKeough, see McKeogh

McKern (or McHern), Catherine , née Kennedy, 201

Margaret, 201

Neile, 201

Mackett, Ann, Mrs. Blandin, q.v.

Jenny, Mrs. Mantz,q.v.

McKew, see McCue

McKewin, James , 282

MacKey, Catherine, Mrs. Cotter, q.v.

John, 274

McKiernan, Daniel, 263

Margaret, Mrs. Hogan, q.v.

McKierny, Mary, Mrs. Kirby, q.v.

Mackin, Ann, 267

McKnally, nee McNally

McKoene , Mary, Mrs. Shean, q.v.

McKonshar , see McCusker

MacKouskar , see MacCusker

McKue, see McCue

Mackur, John, 338

Isabel, née Mactur [?], 338

Margaret, 338

MacKuskar, see MacCusker

Mackworth , Mr. 18, 42

Thomas , priest, 18n

McLaughlan (McLaughlin, McCloughlin, McLochlin, MacLoclan, McLoughlan)

Corporal, 311

Abraham, 155

Agnes Jane, 227

Ann, Mrs. Fant, q.v.

Brian, 148

Catherine , 154*

Charles , 134

Edward, 218, 225, 227

Edwin Francis, 199

Eliza , née Fancy, 199

Elizabeth , 139

Elizabeth, née Balmer, 172

Elizabeth , née McGuire, 148

Helen, née Kane or Keane, 218, 225 227

Hugh, 199

James , 172, 270

Jane, 218, 295

John , 1816 , 166

John , 1845, 224

Mary, née Tudery, 175

Mary, Mrs. Price, q.v.

Matthew , 148

Owen, 302

Peter, 172

Sebastian, 175

Mrs. Sarah, 311

Thomas , 175

McLean, Alexander, 151

Ann, née Ormbsby, 131

Daniel, 145

Elizabeth, née Scullen, 145

James, 141

James, son ofJames , 141

John , 131

Mary, dau ofDaniel , 145

Mary, godmother 1811 , 152

Patience, née Benson , 141

Thomas , 131

Maclin, John, 230

McLochlin or MacLoclan, or McLoughlan, see McLaughlan

McLurky, James, 160

McMahon, Ann, Mrs. Stokes, q.v.

Captain, 268

Catherine , Mrs. Gaoghan , q.v.

McManhon(Manhon), John , 201

Mary, née Rorch, 201

Peter, 201

McManus, Mrs. Ann. 202

Charles , 202

Thomas , 202

McManus, Catherine , née Madden, 216

George, 247

Honoratia, née McGoverin, 164 , 165

James, 164

John, 164

Margaret, née Carroll, 247

Mary, Mrs. Hickey,q.v.

Stephen, 247

Thomas, 216

Thomas , son ofThomas, 216 MacMullagen, Fawden, q.v. Bridget, Mrs. MacMcMullan(or McMullen), John, 131

Margaret, 331

Margaret, née Walsh, 331

Mary [?Coffill], 156

Mary, Mrs. Coffill[?], q.v.

Michael, 156, 331

McNally (or McKnally), Catherine , Mrs. Rice, q.v.

Henry, 165

Jesse, née Morrison , 165

John, 165

Mary, 248

Mary, Mrs. McCall, q.v.

MacNamara , Mrs. Catherine , 286

Daniel, 286

James, 139

John, 184

Judith, or Jane, née Moran, 139

Margaret, 138-9 , 198

Margaret, Mrs. Gordon, q.v.

Mary, née Dempsey, 184

Mary Ann, née Welch, 286

Mary,Mrs. Dunn, q.v.

Patrick, 286, 287

Thomas , 184

McNamee , Mrs. Elizabeth , 287

John, 287

Joseph, 287

Mary Ann, née Hooker, 287

McNaspy, Ann, 141

McNeal, Patrick, 143

McNeil, Charles , 201

Frances, née Davis, 201

William, 201

McNerney, Catherine, née Courtney, 245 , 253 , 291

Francis , of Cavan, 291

Francis , son ofThomas , 253

Margaret, dau ofThomas , 245

Mrs. Margaret, of Cavan, 291

Thomas, 245, 253 , 291

MacNollen, Elizabeth, 333

McNolty (or McNulty, or McKanolty), Mrs. Henley, q.v.

Daniel, 307

John , 177, 184

McOwne, Ann, 197*

McPadding, Alice, Mrs. Smith, q.v.

McPharlen (or McPharline), see


McPherson , Ann, 243

McQuade , Henry, 254

Jane, 254

Mrs. Johanna , 304

McQuin, Ann, 222, 226

Mary, 294

Timothy, 266

William, 268

McRea , William, 172

MacReynolds , James, 233

James, son ofJames, 233

Mary, née Donley, 233, 234

MacSheen , Ann, 271 Owen, 234

Thomas , 154

McSweeney, Daniel, 184, 185, 192

Jane, 185

Jane, née Sullivan, 185, 192

Mary, 192

McTeague , Anne, 166

Mrs. Margaret, 166

Robert, 166

Mactur [?], Isabel, Mrs. MacKur, q.v.

Madagin, Mary, Mrs. Thornton , q.v.

Madden, Ann, 197

Bridget, 243

Catherine , 226

Catherine, Mrs. McManus , q.v.

Daniel, 270

Daniel, husb ofMary, 155

Denis, 241

Denis, son of Denis, 241

Ellen, 230

Ellen, née Carr, 241

Johanna, 155

Malachi, 223

Margaret, née Dockry, 223

Mary, 238

Mary, née Harvey, wife ofPeter, 226, 238

Mary, née Harvey, wife of William , 250

Mary, née Mahoney, 155

Mary, Mrs. Dwyer,q.v.

Morgan, 198

Peter, 226, 236 , 238

ThomasJoseph, 223

William, 230

Maen, Edward, 205

Mrs. Sarah, 205

William, 205

Maffey, Charles , 290

Elizabeth Agnes, widow, later Mrs. Hollywood, q.v.

Magan, Andrew, 130

Edward, 125

Mrs.Mary, 125

Sarah, 125

Thomas, 125 William , 125

Magauran, see McGoverin

Magdonal, see McDonnell

Magee(orMcGee), Ann, Mrs. Riley, q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. Darmody, q.v.

John, godfather , 150

John, son of Michael, 145

Mary, 237

Michael, 145

Rose Ann, née Haney, 145

William, 273

Magennis (or Maginnis), Ann, Mrs.

Kelly, q.v.

Francis, 273

Patrick, 340

Magonner , Patrick , 271

Maguire, see McGuire

Mahady, Michael, priest, 117*

Mahagh, Thomas, 152

Mahan, Catherine, née Gayner, 160

Margaret, née Brown, 136

Mary, 136

Robert, 136, 160

Thomas, 160, 272

Maher (or Mahar), Bridget, née

Maurisey, 245

James, son of John, 246

James, son of Richard, 245

John , 246

Margaret, Mrs. Mahoney,q.v.

Mary, née McCormick , 246

Richard, 245, 249

Timothy, 300

William, 307

Mahir, Margaret, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Mahollan, Elizabeth, Mrs. Allen, q.v.

Mahon, Ann, née Flinn, 195, 197 , 199

Bridget, 164

Francis , 197, 199

Mary, née Kilevis, 164

Michael, 164

Ross Joseph, 197

Mahon(e)y, Ann200

Bartholomew, 196, 223

Bridget, 223

Bridget, Mrs. White, q.v.

Daniel, 280

Daniel, son of Daniel, 280

David , 209

Eleanor, 330

Elizabeth, 174

Elizabeth, née Sweeny, 174*

Ellen, 214

Francis , 214

Isabella , née Burness , 209

James , 200

John, conf . 1849 , 272

John, godfather 1806, 330

John, husb of Elizabeth, 174

John , son of Martin, 186

John , sponsor 1847 , 281

Judith, née Byrne, 200

Margaret, 196 , 267

Margaret, née Mahar, 196

Marian, 188

Martin, 186, 188

Mrs. Mary, 280

Mary, née Campbell, 186, 188

Mary, Mrs. Bridgland, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Larkin, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Madden ,q.v.

Mary Magdalen , 188

Norah, née Denney , 280

Timothy, son ofDavid, 209

Timothy, sponsor 1810 , 274

Maiadel, Catherine, Mrs. Conoway, q.v.

Malay, James, 192

John, 192

May, née Callaghan, 192

Maleney , see Maloney

Malone (Melone or Mullone) see also Mullane

Ann, née Murphy, 176, 182 , 186, 190

Daniel, 123

Edward, 176, 182, 190

Edward, son of Edward, 176

Frances, née Bird, 157

George, 182

Isabella Margaret, 157

Margaret, 132

Michael, 157

William, 190

Maloney (Maleney, Malony, Mulony), Bella , Mrs. Hogan, q.v.

Elizabeth, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

Eilen or Helen, Mrs. McCarthy,q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Conway, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Dempsey , q.v.

Mary Ann, 189

Michael, 298

Patrick, godfather1812 , 153

Patrick, of 12th Depot, 294

Timothy, 234

Maloy, see Molloy Managan (or Menahern), James , 260 , 270

Mandivo, Mary Ann, Mrs. Lee , q.v.

Maney, Mary, Mrs. Donovan, q.v.

Mangan , Martin, 272

Manger, Patrick, 299

Manhon , see McManhon

Manley, John, 127

Mann, Sarah Martha, 288

Mannaon, James, 197

Manners , Alice Mary, 313

Ann, 151

John, 201

John Robert Ignatius, 313

LouisaMaud Maria, 313

William Francis, 313

Mannin(g), Catherine , Mrs. Wall, q.v.

Eliza , née Loughton, 116

George, 116

Helen, 235 , 272

John, 299

Mary, Mrs. Divine, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Russell, q.v.

William , 116

Mannion, Thomas, 270

Mannix, Timothy, priest, 114

Mantz, Jenny, née Mackett, 328

John, 328

Mara, Judith, Mrs. Dunlap, q.v.

Mararty, see Moriarty

Marghar, Bridget, Mrs. Lee, q.v.

Daniel, 215, 220, 227, 229, 233

Daniel, son ofDaniel, 220, 299

Elizabeth, 269

Ellen, née Paterson, 215, 220, 229 , 233, 267

George, 229, 268

Margaret, 233

Mary Ann, 215

Robert, 229, 296

William, 237, 268

Margouthy, Mary, Mrs. Earley, q.v.

Mark, Elizabeth, Mrs. Curry, q.v.

Markey, Catherine, née Stanford, 246

Edward, 246

Mary Ann, 246

Markham, Margaret, O.S.B. , 89

Mother Mary Frances, O.S.B. , 89

Marley, Bridget, née Lenaghan , 189

Hugh, 189

Mary Ann, 189

Michael, 297

Marmaduke, James, publisher , 36, 36n.

Marr, Bridget, née Moran, 168

Mary, 142

Sarah, 168

Thomas , 168

Marsden , BlessedWilliam, priest, 104

Marsfield, Eliza, née Jones , 116

Thomas , 116

Thomas , son ofThomas, 116

Marsh, Alice, née Chamberlaine , 70n

James, priest, 70n

Mary Ann Elizabeth, 314

Thomas , 70n

Mr. [? James], 70, 71

Marshall (or Murcell), godmother

1818, 173

Catherine, 155, 157, 158, 159 , 169 , 174, 178, 188*

Catherine, née White, 130 , 131 , 135

Mrs. Elizabeth, 313

Jane , 186

John , 131 , 263

P., 23

Richard, 130, 159 , 169 , 261

Thomas , 130, 131 , 135

William, 188 , 263

William, son ofThomas, 135

Martel, Edward, 153

Francis, 153

Mary, née Lonza, 153

Martin , ,in Paris, 48, 55

Bernard, 169

Edward, 249, 252, 253

Herbert E. , priest, 114

James, 249

Jane , 252

Margaret, née Cavarnagh , 249

Mary, dau ofMatthew , 177

Mary, godmother 1851 , 244

Mary, née Kelly, 176 , 177 , 184

Matthew, 177

Patrick, 235, 271

William, 116

Martzsih, Catherine Elizabeth, née Wigensih, 118

Frederick, 118

Frederick Joseph, 118

Mattick , Joseph, 119

Matty, Elizabeth, née Molloy, 136

Patrick , 136 William , 136

Matze[?], Constantine , 336

Maurer, Philip, 346

Maurice, Mother Anastasia , O.S.B. , 88

Maurisey, see Morrissey

Maxwell, Ann, 172, 182

Donohoe, 173

Hannah, 183, 262

James, 167, 183 , 185 , 275

John, 159

Mary, 173

May, Jane , Mrs. Fogarty, q.v.

Mayer, John 329

Mrs. Mary, 329

William , 329

Meaby, Mary, 174

Mary, née Tuvey, 174

Patrick, 174

Mead, Christopher, 144

Judith, née Cain, 144

Robert, 144

Meager (or Megher), Agnes Elizabeth, 244

Alfred John, 233

Edwin Albert , 257

ElizabethJane, née Perkins ,209* ,211* , 212, 214, 215, 224, 233, 244, 257 , 266

Mrs.Emma, 313

Frederick, 290

Frederick Bernard, 214

George, 288, 289, 290*

Mary Beatrice , Queen Consort of George Samuel, 209 , 268 England, 89

Mary of the Cross (Mary Howard), Poor Clare, Abbess of Rouen, 29n

Mason, Bridget, Mrs. Connell, q.v.

Frances, 334, 335* , 336* , 337* , 348

Frances, Mrs. O'Hea,q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Shea, q.v.

Masson, Joseph, 327

Josephine, née Latour, 327

Mary, 327

Master, Margaret, 148

Masterson , John, 149

Mathews , see Matthews

Mathison, Terence, 122

Matjory, Ann, née Whaan, 328

Michael, 328

Matthews(or Mathews), Bridget, 153

Henry, 235

Henry James, 235

James, 154

Mary, 231

Mary, née Ryan, 235

Peter, 195

Ruth, Mrs. Murphy, q.v.

Henry, 209, 268

Joseph Charles , 212

Laetitia Mary, 224

Mrs.Mary, 313

Richard W.,priest, 113

Richard William, 209

William Henry, 209* , 212, 214, 224, 233, 244, 257

family, 113

Mealy, Patrick, 164

Meander, Henerica | ?Henry], 280

Meaney(or Meany), Bridget, 237

Bridget, Mrs. Ryan, q.v.

Meary, Jane, née Talbot , 186

Jane Mary, 186

John, 186

Medcalf, Margaret, née Dunovan, 276

William, 276

Medley, Margaret, née Anderson, 159

Mary, 159

Thomas , 159

Meehan (Meehen, Mehan, Meian), Anne, 208

Mrs. Bridget, 116

Catherine , Mrs. Roberts, q.v.

Charles , 217

Daniel, 116

Edward, 206, 208, 210* , 211, 213* , 217 , 221* , 281

Edward, son ofEdward, 206

Elizabeth , 210, 294

Helen , 210

Joseph, 213

M., 347

Margaret, 116

Martha , 211

Mary, conf . 1841 , 266

Mary, conf 1844 , 267

Sarah, conf . 1836 , 264

Sarah, conf . 1839 ,265

Sarah, née Denham, 206, 208, 210* , 211, 212, 213, 217 , 221

Thomas, 264

William , 266

Megan, Ann, née Hagerty, 197

John, 197

Thomas , 197

Megher, see Meager

Mehan, see Meehan

Mehigan , Helen, Mrs. Ryan, q.v.

Menhowe, Eleanor, née Gollagher, 128

John, 128

Susanna, 128

Mehurst , Albert, 283

Meian , see Meehan

Meighers , Lawrence , 215

Melia, Julia, Mrs. Halfpenney, q.v. Mellagan, see also Milligan and ElizabethMulligan , 121

Melligott, Germain, 128

Mrs. Judy, 128

Patrick, 128

Melone, see Malone

Menahern , see Managan

Mendoza Rios, Ann de, 337

Merchant, Mrs. Elizabeth , 302

Joseph, 269

Merit, John , 204 wife ofJohn , 204

John Thomas , 204

Mernon, Mrs. Mary, 153

Timothy, 153

Merry, Elisa , Mrs. Fitzmorris, q.v. Messenger, AbbessMary Placida, O.S.B. 89*

Mew, Ann , Mrs. Greenough , q.v.

Caroline, Mrs. Mills, q.v.

William, 310

Meyner, Sarah, Mrs. Lalevel, q.v.

Middlemas , Thomas , Capt ofPeggy, 79

Middleton, Samuel, 128

Midlane, Mrs. Jane, 293

Migan, Ellen, née Gleeson , 196

Joanna, 196

Michael, 196

Mighan, Ann , Mrs. Duignan, q.v.

Miken, Margaret, Mrs. Campbell, q.v.

Milarty, Charles, 162

Miler, see Miller

Miles, vere Mills, q.v.

Millahy, Owen, 162

Millar, see Miller

Miller (or Miler or Millar), Catherine, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

John, 169

Margaret, née Burns, 169

Mary, 259

Mary Ann , 169

Robert, 177

William, 143

Milligan, see also Mellagan and Mulligan

Ann, née Condon, 188

George, 188

George, son of George, 188

Millis, Margaret, 148

Millot, Antoinette, Mrs. Power, q.v.

ElizabethClare, 324

Mills (or Miles), Bernard see William Bernard

Caroline, 267, 311

Caroline, née Mew, 208, 210, 213* , 214, 215, 218 , 222, 237, 241 , 257 , 265, 310

Charles Ambrose, 213

Cuthbert Joseph, 222

Genevieve Mary, 241

George Frederick, 215

Henry, 286

Lucy, 210, 269

Sarah, 288

Sarah Ann, 267 , 311

William, 208, 210* , 213* , 214, 215* , 222,241,265,310

William Bernard, 208 , 269

Milner, Bishop John, 108

Miner, Jane, Mrs. Flanagan , q.v.

Mines, Margaret, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Minney, Mary, 155

Minnim, Patrick , 177

Minto, Jane, 346

Miot, Abbé, 113n . Paternus, priest, 113

Mitchell, Dinah, Mrs. Dean, q.v.

Edward, 285

Eleanor, née Pritchett, 334

Eliza, née Brosure, 191

George, 334

James, 268

John , 191

Margaret, Mrs. Bradley,q.v.

Mrs. Mary, 285

Mary Margaret, 188

Matilda, 191

Sarah, 334

Mochlar, Matthew, 140

Moffatt, Michael, 299

William, L/Corporal, 314

Moffit, Ann, née Reed , 180, 181

Ellen, Mrs, Dalton, q.v.

Elizabeth, 180

Thomas , 180, 309

Moger, Elizabeth, 345*

James, 253

Thomas , 345*

Molahern, Eliza, Mrs. Christie, q.v.

Molleneux, John, 133

John, son ofJohn, 133

Mary, née Ulner, 133

Molloy (or Maloy) see also Mulloy

Alice, 164, 167

Ann, Mrs. Williams, q.v.

Mrs. Catherine, 170

Eleanor, 170

Elizabeth, 185

Elizabeth , née Delany, 185

Elizabeth, Mrs. Matty, q.v.

John, 163, 166 , 167

Luke, 157

Luke , son of Luke, 157

Mary , 167

Mary, née Duffy, 157

Michael, 183 , 185

Thomas , 167

William, 170

Monaghan , Ann, 194

Thomas, 194

Monagherty, Honora, 140

Monaham , Mary, Mrs. Kennedy, q.v.

Money (Muney), John, 164

Margaret, 314

Monks, Ellen, Mrs. Lynn, q.v.

Montaguard , Joseph, 119

Joseph, son of Joseph, 119

Madeleine , née Cazotte, 119

Montague , Bernard, 169

Rose, née Connelly, 169

Sarah, 169

Montgomery, seeMungomery

Montjoy, Ruth, Mrs. Slattery, q.v.

Montvaillant, see Fabrede Montvaillant

Moody, Mr., d. 1764 , 47

Moon, Alice, 151

Mooney, Catherine, 182

James , 182

Jane, née Gordon, 141

John, 141 , 331

Justin , priest, 113*

Margaret, 314

Mary, 141

Maurice, 141

Moore, Ann, dau. of John, 188

Ann, dau. ofWilliam , 170

Ann, née Flood, 181

Barbara , 121

Bernard, 181

Bridget, Mrs. Keefe , q.v.

Catherine, née Fagan, 188 , 189

E., 347

Elizabeth, née Bell, 170

Frances, née Blackley, 169

George Frederick, 169

James, 187

Jane, Mrs. Camel, q.v.

John (1), husb ofCatherine , 188

John (2), husb ofMargaret, 187*

John (3), son ofJohn (2), 187

Joseph, 169

Margaret, née Farnon, 187*

Mary, 179*

Mary, née Campbell, 186

Mary, Mrs. Hughes , q.v.

Mrs., 84

Patrick, 181

Richard, 186

Richard, son ofRichard, 186

William, 170

Moran, Ann, 248, 289

Bridget, Mrs. Hall, q.v.

Bridget, Mrs. Marr, q.v.

Catherine, 247

James, 272

Jane, née Callaghan , 224, 230, 267

Jeremiah , 290

John , 230

Judith or Jane, Mrs. McNamara, q.v.

Julia, 290

Margaret, Mrs. Caffry,q.v.

Mary, 302

Mary, Mrs. Gom, q.v.

Mary Ann, Mrs. Parker, q.v.

Matthew, 270

Michael William, 224

Thomas , 122

Thomas , husb of Jane, 224, 230

William, 221

Morarty , see Moriarty

Mordaugh, Mary, née Quigley, 334

Peter, 334

Peter, son of Peter, 334

More, Mary, O.S.A. , Prioress, 56, 56n

Moren, Thomas, 323

Morgan, Sister Agnes, O.S.B. , 89

Ann, Mrs. Donovan , q.v.

Daniel, 214, 340

David, priest, 105 , 105n .

Edward, 214

James, 340

Jane , 249

John, 257 , 315

Margaret, née MacCabe , 257 , 258

Mary, née Donnelly, 214, 340, 341

Peter, 257

Moriarty (Mararty, Morarty or Morriaty), Ann, née Hanley, 175

Hugh, 284

John , 175

Margaret, 175

Mrs. Margaret, 284

Margaret, Mrs. Foley, q.v.

Mary, 177

Mary, Mrs. Gallivan, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Lahey, q.v.

Morin, Catherine, Mrs. Graaff, q.v.

Morison, see Morrison

Morkane, Bridget, née Ryan, 130

James , 130

William, 130

Morley, Eleonora , 173

Morn, Esther, 334

Morning, Eliza, 193

Morone, Bridget, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Morriaty , see Moriarty

Morrice, Ann, Mrs. Hall, q.v.

Morris, Ann, 121

Henry, 212

John, 158

Martha, 212

MaryAnn, née Nobbs, 212 Moses, 44

Morrisey, see Morrissey

Morrison (or Morison), Ann, 179

Ann, Mrs. Driscoll, q.v.

James, 163

Jesse, Mrs. McNally,q.v.

Morrissey (Morrisy, Maurisey or Morrisey), Bridget, 249

Bridget, Mrs. Maher, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Keogh, q.v.

William, 137

Morrow, Diana, née Atkinson, 141

John, 141

Patrick, 141

Mortimer, Elizabeth, 145 , 147 , 261

Morun, Lucy, Mrs. Kernn, q.v.

Moss, Isabella , 188

Mostyn, Sir Pyers, Bart , 69

Moul, Elizabeth, née Frampton, 250

Mary Matilda , 250

Samuel, 250

Moultass , Eliza, née Kirby, 233*

Joseph, 233

William Joseph, 233

Mount, Robert, priest, 113

Mowles, Mary, née Sennett, 154

Thomas, 154

Thomas , son ofThomas, 154

Moynihan, Catherine, Mrs. Enery, q.v.

Moyser, Frances, 4

Muckteer, Elizabeth, née Brooks, 323

Farrell, 323

Rose, 323

Mugalleir, James , 152

Margaret, 152

Margaret, née Grey, 152

Mulcahey , Bartholomew , 219

Mulcare (or Mulcase), Isabella, née Young, 217

John, 217

William, 217

Mulhavill, Ellen, 195

Mulhearn(or Mulhern), James, 147

John, 159

Mary, 159

Mrs. Mary, 159

Mulholland (Mullholland, Mullohand), Ann, 216, 265 [?Mrs Urry]

Ann, dau of Ann, 239

Ann, wifeof Bernard, 277, 284 , 312

Ann, Mrs. Urry, q.v.

Bernard , 284

Margaret, 171

Patrick, 171

Mulin, Catherine , née Duffy, 247

Edward, 247

Edward, son ofEdward, 247

Mulkerrin, Ann, née Conrein, 251

Mary, 251

Simon, 251

Mulkerry, Ann, Mrs. Simpson, q.v.

Mullagan (Mullaghan) see Mulligan

Mullaly, Michael, 338

Mullane (or Mullone), Catherine, née Brown, 225, 231

Daniel, 123

Elizabeth , 225

Elizabethor Margaret, 231

John , 294

Margaret, 231

Patrick, 225, 231

Mullans, see Mullins

Mullart, Mme . , dressmaker , 53

Mullen(s), see Mullins

Muller, John, 150

Nicholas, 117

Mullholland, see Mulholland

Mulligan (Mullagan, Mullaghan) see also Mellagan and Milligan

Ann, Mrs. Flanagan , g.v.

Ann, Mrs. Watson, q.v.

Daniel, 142

James, 161

John , 161

Joseph, 142

Mary, née Burns, 161

Nicholas, 161

Teresa, née Redman, 142

Mullin(s) (or Mullans, Mullen or Mullens), Ann, née Tailor, 200* , 201

Bridget, 163, 180

Caroline, Mrs. Riordan, q.v.

Catherine, 203

Catherine, Mrs. Pratt , q.v.

Eleonora, 138

Ellenor, Mrs.Whittle, q.v.

James, 196

James, son of Timothy, 200

Jane, née Lenord [?], 255

Jane Lenord [?], 255

Laetitia, née Courry, 177

Lucy, 177

Mary, née Carrol, 196

Mary, née Heran, 247

Mary, Mrs. Coyle, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Sarsfield, q.v.

Mary Ann, 196

Michael, 1799, 121

Michael, 1820, 177

Michael, 1852, 247

Mgr. Michael John , 114

Patrick, 145

Peter, 270

Stephen, 247

Thomas , 255, 256

Timothy, 196, 200* , 201

William, 200

Mullohand vere Mulholland, q.v.

Mullone, see Malone

Mulloy, see also Molloy

Alice, 176

James, 176

Mary, 245

Susan, née Johnstone , 176

Thomas , 245

Mulony, see Maloney

Mulroan, Sarah, Mrs. Gallagher, q.v.

Mulvay, James, 224, 268

John, 222

Mulvihill, Ellen, Mrs. Devit, q.v.

Mumby, Bridget, 102

Munday, Michael, 185

Muney, see Money orMooney

Mungomery , Jane, Mrs. Lochlan, q.v.

Munro, Philip George , priest, 113, 314

Munson , Mother Christina, O.S.B. , 88

Murcell, see Marshall

Mure, Sarah, Mrs. O'Neill, q.v.

Murnane, Bridget, née Hayes, 287

James, 287

John , 287

Mrs.Mary, 287

Murphy, Alice, Mrs. Dear,q.v.

Ann(1), née Conway, 290

Ann (2), née Senate, 153

Ann, Mrs. Kelly, q.v.

Ann, Mrs. Leslie, q.v.

Ann, Mrs. Malone, q.v.

Mrs. Bridget, 290

Bridget, Mrs. Fane, q.v.

Bridget, Mrs. Loughlan, q.v.

Catherine, b. 1847 , dau. of Patrick (6), 230, 296

Catherine, b. 1848, dau. ofPatrick (6), 234, 299

Catherine, wife ofJohn (8), 289

Catherine , wife ofMichael (3), 291

Catherine, Mrs. Connor, q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. Jackson , q.v.

Daniel, 271

Denis (1), godfather 1843, 216 , 218

Denis(2), husb ofIsabel , 137

Denis (3), husb. ofMary(3), 186

Edmund, Private, 294

Eleonora, née McElroy, 145

Eleonora, Mrs. McDonnell, q.v.

Elizabeth, 303

Ellen, 206* , 207

Ellen, Mrs. MacDonnell, q.v.

Esther, 283

Frances, 180

Canon FrancisJ., 114

Helen (1), née Farell, 230

Helen (2), née Gallagher, 208

Helen, Mrs. Cooper, q.v.

Helen , Mrs. Scanling , q.v.

Henry, 230

Henry, priest, 114

Honora, née Lyons, 193

Isabel, née Coldwell, 137

James (1), godfather1802, 130

James (2), godfather 1809, 146

James (3), godfatherand sponsor 184850,240,281,282,284

James (4), husb. ofEleonora, 145

James (5), husb ofHelen (1), 230

James (6), husb of Helen(2), 208

James (7), husb of Ruth, 214

James (8), son ofJames (4), 145

Jane, godmother 1810, 149

Jane, godmother 1846 , 227

Jane, Mrs. Casey, q.v.

John (1), conf . 1849 , 272

John (2), d 1795 , 122

John (3), d . 1840 , 293

John (4), godfather1821 , 180

John (5), godfather 1831-38, 205, 206* 207* , 209,210

John (6),godfather1856 , 259

John (7), husb ofAnn(2), 153

John (8), husb of Catherine, 289

John (9), son ofDenis(3), 186

John (10), son of Owen (2), 154

Margaret, 193

Margaret, née Thompson, 154

Margaret, Mrs.Byrne,q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Hickey,q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Lee, q.v.

Mary (1), godmother 1810, 274

Mary (2), godmother, 1827 , 196

Mary (3), née McCarthy 186

Mary (4), née Kennedy, 230, 234

Mary, Mrs. Coni, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Ging, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Lennard, q.v.

Mary Ann, conf 1849 , 269

Mary Ann, godmother 1847, 229

Mary Catherine, 130

Michael (1), godfather1849, 235, 271

Michael (2), husb. ofSarah , 130

Michael (3), of Limerick , 291

Michael (4), priest, 114

Miss, 50, 51

Owen (1), husb of Bridget, 290

Owen (2), husb of Margaret, 154

Owen (3), son of Owen (1), 290

Patrick (1), conf 1844 , 266

Patrick (2), conf . 1849 , 270

Patrick (3), d. 1795 , 122

Patrick (4), d. 1849 , 299

Patrick (5), godfather1829 , 201

Patrick(6), husb ofMary(4), 230 , 234

Ruth, née Mathews, 214

Mrs.Sarah, 130

Stephen, 193

Thomas , son of Denis (2), 137

Thomas, son ofJames (6), 208

Wilhelmina Jane, 214

William, 153

Murray (or Murry), 1815 , 163

Ann, 162

Ann, née McLean, 343 , 344

Ann Teresa, 147


Bridget, née Shenen , 182 , 185

Catherine, dau . ofHugh, 343

Catherine , Mrs. Bedford, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Riley, q.v.

Daniel, Abp. of Dublin, 110

Elizabeth, née McCudden, 218

Ellen, Mrs. Loghlan, q.v.

Henry, 275

Hugh , 342 , 343

Jane, Mrs. Scandling , q.v.

John, husb of Elizabeth, 218

John, husb of Margaret (1), 142* , 144, 145, 147

Margaret (1), née Spicket, 142* , 145 , 147, 261

Mrs. Margaret (2), of Poerdown , 288

Margaret (3),Mrs. Cooper, q.v.

Martin, 263

Mary (1), dau . ofJohn, 142

Mary(2), née Nailor, 181

Mary (3), née O'Grady, 164

Mrs. Mary(4), widowSwan, 152 , 161 , 275

Mary (5), Mrs. Divine, q.v.

Patrick, conf . 1813, 262

Patrick, conf . 1839 , 265

Patrick, conf . 1849 , 272

Philip (1), husb. ofBridget, 185

Philip (2), husb ofMary(2), 181

Philip (3), husb. of Mary (3), 164

Philip (4), son ofPhilip (1), 185

Richard, 218

Roger , 164

Sarah, 173

William, d . 1856 , 307

William , husb. of Margaret (2), 288

William, son ofJohn, 142

William, son ofPhilip (2), 181

Murtagh, Thomas , 129

Murtha, John, 275

Margaret, 275

Murtough, James D., priest, 114

Murty, John , 155

Myers, Patrick, 128

Myland, Peter, 199

Nacquard , Claudine Françoise Félicitée Paris de, née De Soulange, Widow ofLe Fortier, Count de Boiseon, 327

Dominic François Alexis Fourier de, Major 327

Nailor, see Naylor

Napoleon III, Emperor, 320

Prince Imperial, 320

Nash, Ann, née O'Donnell, 210, 212

Denis, 238

James, 210

Malcolm, 210, 212

Mary, 212

Navan, Mary, Mrs. Larkins, q.v.

Naylor (or Nailor), George, 192

John Placid , O.S.B. , 84n

Margaret, 192

Mary, Mrs. Murray, q.v.

Neal(e), see Neil

Nealon , James, 197

Neave, Ann, 158

Catherine, née Welch, 158

Thomas , 158

Needham, Elizabeth, 15

Neil, (Neile, Neill, Neal, Neale),

Catherine, Mrs. Byrne , q.v.

Eliza, dau . of William , 224 , 295 [Nerle?]

Eliza, d. 1844, 294

Ellen, Mrs. Hill, q.v.

Hellrich, 327

James, 229*

James, son ofJames, 229 , 297

Jane, Mrs. Hughes, q.v.

Joseph, 247

Mary, née Farell, 224 , 229

Mary, née Galaher, 247

Michael, 342, 347

Patrick, godfather1801 , 128

Patrick, son of Joseph, 247

Rebecca, 327

Richard, 191

William, 224, 297

William John , 294

Neirl, Mother Anne, see Neville Nelson, Mrs. Emma, 314

James, 315

Nemock , see Nimocks

Nemuks, see Nimocks

Nerle[ ?], Eliza, 295, see also Neil Nesbit, Elizabeth, Mrs. Berkley,q.v.

Neve, Robert, 25

Neville, Abbess Anne, O.S.B., 88, 89, 90

Catherine , née Connor, 154, 155

Joseph , 154

Mary, 154 Nevin, Bridget, 332

New, Jane Dennis, 7n.

Mary, Mrs. Ford, q.v.

Newburg, Ann Julie, Mrs. Hundheim, q.v.

Newcombe, Charles, 40, 40n

Mrs. Isabel, 38, 40* , 40n., 45

Newell, Isabella, Mrs. Fullard, q.v.

Laura Mary, 313

Newman, Agnes Laura MariaAnna, 315

Mrs. M.A., 314

Patrick, 181

Susannah , Mrs. Beggins, q.v.

Newport, John Francis, 5

Katherine, Mrs. Heneage, 5

Mary, possibly Mrs. Heneage, 4n.

Newton, Capt, 14n

Messrs , 14n

Robert, 12, 14* , 31

Mr. Robert, of the Grange, 14n ., 24* , 33* , 34* , 57, 58* , 59, 101

Robert, priest, 14n ., 33n . , 34n ., 57n ., 101n.

family, of Irnham, 14n

Nichol(s), Bridget, 137

Mary, née Clark, 138

Patrick , 138

Thomas , 138

Nicholson (or Nickleson), Catherine , née Heslings, 242

Eliza, 178

John, 242

Thomas , 242

Nimocks (Nemock, Nemuks), James , 220, 268, 279, 295

Mrs. Mary, 279

MaryAnn, née Ayers,279

Thomas, 279

Nind, Ann or Hannah Jemimaformerly Webb, née Welhams, 279, 311

Mrs. Mary, 279

Philip, 279

Philip, son of Philip, 279

Nobbs, Grace , 274

John , 181

Joseph, 181

Mary, née Heagonor Heazon [ ?], 181

MaryAnn, Mrs. Morris,q.v.

Noble, Ann, 200 , 202

Noe, Françoisde, 159

Françoise Caroline, comtesse de, 167

Leo Edward FrancisWilliam de, 167

Louis Amédée , comte de , 167

Nolan (or Nowlan), Bridget, néeHickey, 142

Charles H., 314

Edward, 148, 153

Elizabeth, 142

James, 272

James, priest, 43, 43n

John, 142

Mary, Mrs. Carey, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. MacGavin ,q.v.

Michael, 270

Nicholas, 194

Patrick, 122

Peter, 180

Susan, Mrs. Cragen, q.v.

Thomas, 142

Noon, Bartholomew, 259

Elizabeth, née Stafford, 259

ElizabethAnn, 259

Robert, 259

Noonan (or Nunan), Ellen, néeDyne, 275

John, 217

Maurice, 273

Patrick, 275

Norris, Sister Agnes , O.S.B. , 82, 82n , 83, 83n , 84*

Mrs., 84

Norton, Francis, 293

Nowlan(or Nowland), see Nolan

Noyer, Jean Baptistede, Cistercian , 93n

Nugent , Ann, née Cathnick, 149

Brigit, 149

David, 149

John, 273

Julia, Mrs. McCabe , q.v.

Nunan, see Noonan

Nutt, Pacificus , O.S.F. , 70, 70n , 71, 87, 87n

Nye, Harold, priest, 114

O'Beirn, Hugh, 218

O'Brien (O'Brian, O'Briant, O'Brayan, O'Bryan) Mrs. Aby, 288

Ann, née Luddey, 172

Bridget, 333

Catherine, 262

Mrs.Catherine , ofCork, 288

Catherine , Mrs. Barrett ,q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. Costello ,q.v

Catherine, Mrs. Joyce,q.v.

Christiana, 329

Cornelius , 288

Daniel, husb of Bridget, 333

Daniel, husb ofCatherine , 288

Deborah, 222, 308

Denis, 235, 269

Harriet (1), 227

Harriet (2), 242, 243, 253, 269

Helen, 158

Henry, 168

Honora, Mrs. Loughnane, q.v.

James, 175, 176 , 181

Jane, née Carey, 136

Jeremiah, 172

Julia, Mrs.Cox, q.v.

Margaret(1), 1813 , 157

Margaret(2), 1850 , 239

Margaret, Mrs. Vincent, q.v.

Martin, 262

Mary (1), dau ofJames , 175

Mary (2), 1844 , 219 , 267

Mrs. Mary (3), d. 1848 , 298

Mary(4), née Hughes, 175

Mary (5), née Kirby, 238

Mary (6), Mrs. Foley, q.v.

Mary Ann, 235

Michael, godfather, 171 , 192

Michael, husb ofMary(5), 238

Michael, son of Thomas (2), 136

Patrick, godfather, 133, 142

Patrick, husb ofAnn, 172

Richard, 238

Thomas ( 1), 1829 , 200

Thomas (2), husb ofJane, 136

O'Callaghan, Eugene, 237

Margaret, née Joyce, 237 , 241

Thomas , Sergeant, 305

Timothy, 237

O'Connell, Catherine , Mrs. Keating, q.v.

Dennis , 308

Eleonora, 148

Margaret, Mrs. Tucker , q.v.

Richard , 250

O'Connor, seealso Connor

Ann, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Harriett, 191

Harriett, née Hyllier, 191, 195

James, 172, 191 , 195

John, 195, 203, 204

Margaret, 204

Margaret, née Gainer, 204

Mary Ann, 195

Michael, 158

O'Donnell, Ann, née Haly, 170 , 174

Ann, Mrs. Nash, q.v.

Mrs. Catherine, 331

Elizabeth, née McCoy, 248

Elizabeth, Mrs.Gallagher, q.v.

Frances Ann, 188

Frances Ann, néeSheil, 188

Francis, 242

James Michael, 242

Jane or Judith, Mrs. Ahern, q.v.

John, husb ofFrances Ann, 188

John, son of Michael, 207

Joseph William, 248

Mrs. Mary, 207

Mary, née Belcham , 242

Michael, husb . ofAnn, 170 , 174

Michael, husb ofMary, 207

Patrick, 170

Patrick, son ofMichael, 170

Michael Rorke [?], 331

Richard, 248

Rorke [?], 331

O'Donohue , John, 236

John, son ofJohn, 236

Margaret, née Kane,236

Offman, Catherine, 126

Oglander ,104

Elizabeth, née Urry,2

George, 2

Ogleby, Jane, 137

John, 137

Mary, née Johnson , 137

O'Grady, Mary, Mrs. Murray,q.v.

O'Hanlon, John, priest, 321

O'Hara, Edward, 246

Jane, née Spain, 246, 247

Joseph, 246

Mary, Mrs. Clayton, q.v.

O'Hea, Ellen, 259

Frances, née Mason, 259

Mary, 259

Thomas, 259

O'Horan, Mary, Mrs. Forkum, q.v.

O'Keefe, Ann, 183

Arthur, 338

Oldmeadow , Leah , Mrs. Paillet, q.v.

O'Leary, James, 271

Oliffe, Bridget, 232

O'Line, Patrick,263

Oliver, George , D.D., 108* , 113n , 320

O'Lyons, Daniel, 287

Mrs. Helen , 287

Honora, Mrs. Vaughan, q.v.

O'Maly, Cecily, 330

O'Mara , Mrs. Bridget, 289

Catherine, née Hayes, 289

John, 289

Patrick, 289

O'Mealy, Mary, Mrs. Godfrey,q.v.

O'Mera, Catherine , 246

O'Neill(or O'Neale), Ann, Mrs. Lavan, q.v.

Bernard , 238, 282

Bridget, née Brady, 143

Catherine, 151

Catherine , née Barry, 147

Daniel, 136

Denis , 147

Edith, 253

Edward , 208

Eleonor, née Fox , 136

Eliza, née Ward, 253

Elizabeth, 189, 234

Emma, 251

Francis, 282

Helen, 238

Helen, née Lion, 282

Henry, 263

James, 253

John (1), husb ofBridget, 143

John (2), husb. ofMary, 203

John (3), son ofJohn (2), 203

Mary, dau ofWilliam, 136

Mrs. Mary, of Derry, 282

Mary, wife ofJohn (2), 200, 203

Mary, Mrs. Handley, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Rolston, q,v

Mary Ann, 238

Michael, 271

Michael, husb. ofSarah, 238

Michael, son ofDenis, 147

Owen, 160

Patrick, 143

Sarah, 151

Sarah, née Mure , 238

Sarah, née Smith, 151

Sarah, Mrs. Driggs, q.v.

Terence , 151

William, 136, 137 , 244

Onslow, John, 300

Orage, Elizabeth, née Fiely, 166

James, 166

Richard, 166

Oreille, Augustus, 330

Jane, née Dashwood, 330

John Augustus, 330

Oriat, Catherine,Mrs. Urry, q.v.

Richard, 2

O'Riley, Patrick, 150

Orman , Richard, 171

Ormanby (or Ormandy), Bridget, Mrs. Lindow ,q.v.

Orm(b)sby, Ann, Mrs. McLean, q.v.

Jane, Mrs. Luddon, q.v.

O'Rourke, Helen, née Baker, 160

Hugh, 160

Margaret, 160

Orpen, John, 154

Osborne (or Osburn), Edward, 286

Eliza Ann, Mrs. Brough, q.v.

George, 287

Henry, 143

Mrs. Jane, 287

Messrs Jones and,9

Margaret, née Clifford, 143

Mary, 143

Mary Ann, 287

Mrs. Sarah, later Mrs. Egan, q.v.

O'Shaunessy, Mrs. Maria, 316

Osnabruck , Henry, 160

John , 160

Mary, née Kelly, 160

Osten, John, 341

John, son of John, 341

Teresa, née Crawly, 341

O'Toole, Brian, 325

Eliza, 325

Frances, née Teighe, 119 , 325

Francis, 332

Mary Ann, 119

Matthew, Capt, 119 , 324, 325

Matthew Michael Dominic, 325

Oulahan, Hugh, 203

James, 203

Mrs. Margaret, 203

Oulis , Sarah, Mrs. Hayes,q.v.

Ourragan , see Houragan

Overtone[ ?], Margaret, 269

Owen(s), Ann, née Brady, 135

Catherine , 132

Emma , née Cotton, 313

Henry, d 1848, 298

Henry, husb ofMary, 238

James, 223, 227 , 228, 245, 266

John, 228

Katherine, 135

Margaret, née Kennedy, 223, 228 , 267

Matilda, née Dunnegan, 197

Mary, 197

Mary, née Lowe , 238

Mary Ann, dau ofHenry, 238

Mary Ann, dau ofJames , 223

Michael, 228

Patrick, 251, 280

Simon, 135

Steven or Stephen, 196, 197

William, 272

Page, Julia, 309

Pagnam, Judith, 195

Thomas , 195

Paien, Catherine , 119

Paillet, Clement , 324, 326*

Harriette, Mdme Versturme, q.v.

Leah, née Oldmeadow , 324, 326*

Palbach, Adrian, 126

Joseph, 126

Mary Elizabethnée Goffing, 126

Palmer, Jane, 186

Mary, 180, 192

Palmes, George, 5

Katherine, née Heneage , 5

Papillon, Francis, 345

Parker, FrancisWilliam, 243

John, 243, 273, 312

Joseph, 259

Mary Ann, née Moran , 243

Parkinson , Ann , 195

Charles, 195

Jane, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Julia Ann, 195

Julia Ann, née Jackson , 195

Sarah, 185, 189

Partland , Elizabeth, 334

Matthew [?], 334

Pascall, M., of Paris, 51

Paston, Edward, 159

Paterson (Patterson or Pattison), Alexander , 173

Arthur, 138

Eleonora, 130

Elizabeth, 178

Ellen, Mrs. Marghar, q.v. George, 233

Patrick, Anastasia , née Kinsella, 344

Ellen , 344

John, 344

Perkinson , Mary, 181

Mr., Commissioner ofLandTax, 19

Robert, 181

Sarah, née Dunovan, 181 , 263

Perry, Mary, 178 , 184

Petch, Frances, Mrs. Fryer, q.v.

Peters, James, Private, 311

Wilhelmina, Mrs. Pick,q.v.

Petre, Anne, 4n

Catherine, Mrs. Heneage, q.v.

Dr., ofLincoln, 24

Ellen, née Walmesley , 347

Henry, 347

Mary, Mrs. Heneage, q.v.

Mr., lawyer, 19* , 32, 56

Robert, 7th Baron, 5

Sebastian Henry, 347

Thomas , 6th Baron, 4n.

William, 4th Baron, 4* , 88

Petty, Cecily, Mrs. Akers ,q.v.

James, 220

Jane, née Griffiths, 220

John, 141

Patten , Frances, 257

Patsell[?], author, 29

Patterson (or Pattison), see Paterson

Pavil, Eleonora, née Hughes, 162

John, 162

Michael, 162

Pearson, Helen, 116

Pease , Joseph, 9

Peat, Jane, 244

Pechlé, Frances, née Brookneren, 119

Joseph, 119

Joseph Charles, 119

Pegg, Mark, 263

Peira, Frances, Mrs. Lynch, q.v.

Pendalton, William , 271, 312

Pendebury, William , 255

Pendergast, Thomas, 344

Penders, Eliza, 233 Helen, 240

Helen, née Cullen, 233* , 240, 270

John, 233, 240

Pennythorne, Jane, Mrs. Beeston, q.v.

Penston, Elizabeth, née White, 132

George, 132

Michael, 132

Pepper, Ann, 328

Percy, recte Purcell, q.v.

Perkett, Catherine , née Burden, 286

Charles, 286

Mrs. Elizabeth, 286

John, 286

Perkins, Elizabeth, 213, 233, 244, 264, 310

Elizabeth, Mrs. Lelli, q.v.

ElizabethJane, Mrs. Meager, q.v.

Mother Lucy, O.S.B. , 89

Richard, 213, 265 , 276 , 296

Joseph Mary, 220

Phalick, see Falick

Phelamy, John, 297*

Phelan, Denis, 219, 284

Elizabeth, 330

James, 282

Mary, 219

Mary, née Joliff, 330, 332

MaryAnn, 264

Richard, 332

Sarah, 235, 282

Sarah, née Griffith, 219

William , 329, 330, 332, 340

Philbin, see also Filbin

Francis , 302

Philips(or Philipps), see Phillips

Phillibert, Ann, née Le Sage, 159

Frances , 159

Jean Baptist [Colombier?], 159*

Louis, 159*

MaryHortensia, 159

Mary Victoria Loyal, née Blondel, 159

Phillips (Philipps, Philips), Bridget, née Cannon, 163

Elizabeth, née Clarke, 225

Jane, Mrs. Kenny, q.v.

John, husb of Elizabeth, 225

John , priest, alias Elston, 6, 27n , 29n

John, son ofWilliam, 163

Mary Ann, 225

Thomas , 164

William, conf 1844 , 266

William, d 1844 , 294

William, husb of Bridget, 163

Phillpot, John, 179

Philp, MaryAnn, Mrs. de Quincy, q.v.

Pick, Matthew Charles , 128

Wilhelmina, née Peters , 128

William, 128

Pickering, Ann, née Jennings, 204

John, husb ofAnn, 204

John, husb ofMargaret, 14n .

Lancelott, priest, 14n

Mrs.Margaret, 14n

Mr., 14

William, 204

Pickett, Helen, Mrs. Hazell, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Dricoll, q.v.

Piebot, 54

Pierce , Caroline, 207

George Henry, 210

Henry, 207, 210

James, 154

Jane, née Vesey [?], 228

Judith, née Fox, 154

Margaret, 174

Mary, 154

MaryAnn, néeAtwellor Alwell, 207, 210, 265

William, 228

William John Vesey [?], 228

Pierrepont, Anna Maria, née Lowe, 319

James, 319

William, aliasPoole, priest, 107 , 110 , 151 , 319, 322* , 323* , 332*-339* , 347, 348*

Piggott, Mary, Mrs. Dricoll,q.v.

Pilkington, Charles, 25

Pilling, Ann, née Radcliffe, 172

(John) Bonaventure , O.S.F. , 69 , 69n ., 70, 72

Oswald , 172

Oswald , son of Oswald , 172

Pillishek, Josepha, Mrs. Schultz, q.v.

Pine, Catherine, née Conway, 198

Edmund, 197, 198

Edward, 220

Elizabeth, 224

ElizabethSarah , 207

Mary, 198

Patrick, 207* , 220, 224, 234, 241, 249, 269, 285

Sarah (Agnes), 269

Sarah (Mary), 270

Sarah , née Hobbs, 207* , 220 , 232 , 234, 240, 241, 247, 248, 249, 285 , 311

Thomas, 207

William , 207, 240, 244, 247, 268

Pinkman , Canon Francis , 114

Pinner, Mr., Auctioneer,95

Pitcher , Conroy, 313

Emma , 313

Henrietta, 315

Sarah, 313

Pittis , John , 44

Plankenbach , Frederick, 118

Plunket, Catherine , 132

Elizabeth, Mrs. Cruise, q.v.

Podesta, John, 205

Poeston, Jane , Mrs. Chabond, q.v.

Poitiers, Mrs., ofLondon, 57

Polding , Bishop John Bede, O.S.B. , 111

Poldurame , Susanna , Mrs. Segellinski ,

Pollardq.v. , Ada, née Adams , 133

James, 133

John, 133

Joseph, 220, 223 , 266

Mary, née Slattery, 220 , 267

Sarah, 220

William, 220

William, drummer, 295

Poole, alias of William Pierrepont, priest,q.v.

Poor, James, 139

Jane, née How , 139

Peter, 139

William, 139

Poor Clares , English, Aire, 86, 87, 90

Rouen, 6, 29n

Pordese (or Pordege), Mother Xaveria, O.S.B., 88

Porkornin, Nannette, Mrs. Hageder, q.v.

Porter, David, 226

Portebois ,, godparent , 117

Elizabeth, Mrs. Hawke ,q.v.

Mr., 317

Sarah, 150

Portsa, Mary Creda, Mrs. Chiftra, q.v.

Postlethwaite , James, priest, 34n.

Pottle, Mary, 236

Power , priest, 111

Ann, née Hayes, 166

Antoinette, née Millot, 324

Catherine, dau ofJohn (3), 166

Catherine, wife ofJohn (4), 204

Dorothy, 182

Edward, 174

Elizabeth, 168

Elizabeth, née Calian, 134

Elizabeth Clare, 324

Harris, 324

James, 157

James, aliasKaley, q.v.

Jane, Mrs.Vaughan, q.v.

John (1), conf 1822 , 262

John (2), d. 1844 , 294

John (3), husb ofAnn, 166

John (4), husb of Catherine , 204

John (5), son ofPatrick, 143

Mary, conf 1825, 264

Mary, dau. ofJohn (4), 204

Mary, dau of Matthew , 134

Mary, née Boyland or Bolan, 143 , 144, 151 , 157, 161 , 163, 168 , 174 , 182

MaryAnn, Mrs. Fallow ,q.v.

Matthew, 134

Patrick, 143, 151 , 157, 161 , 168 , 174 , 182

Peter, 259

Richard, 151 , 263

Walter, 161

Poynter, Bishop William, V.A.Lond., 45n . , 107 , 108, 108n , 260*-263, 295, 347, 348

Pragnall , Jane, née McCusker [?], 235

John McCusker, 235

Mark, 235

Pratt, Catherine , née Mullens, 171

Helen, 171

John, 171

Prestines, Mary, 125

Preston, Harriett, Mrs. King, q.v.

Price, Dorothy, 146

James Michael, 250, 303

Jane, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

John, 248

Mary, née MacLoughlan,250

Sidrack, 250

Priestley, Helen , Mrs. Campbell, q.v.

William, 242

Prinly, Christian, 327

Cunigund , née Wastermannin, 327

Pritchard, Ann, 245

Pritchett, Eleanor, Mrs. Mitchell , q.v.

Proud, Anne, 152

Charles, 152

Elizabeth, née Hallerin, 152

Prouhel, Frances, 119

Provis, Ann, 163

Bridget , née Kelly, 163

John, 163

Prujean, Abbess Mary Magdalen, O.S.B. , 89, 90, 91

Purcell(or Percy), see also Purtell

Ann, 136, 192

Catherine , 247

Catherine , née Dwyer, 195

Catherine Mrs. Lowry, q.v.

Daniel, 289

Edward, 195

Elizabeth, dau ofThomas, 182

Elizabeth, godmother 1853 , 251

Francis, 136

Honora, 180

James (1), conf 1822, 263

James (2), husb of Jane, 245, 256*

James (3), husb ofLucy, 289

James (4), priest, 113

James (5), son ofJames (2), 245

Jane, née Barry, 245 , 256

John, conf. 1822 , 262

John, godfather1816 , 165

Mrs. Lucy, 289

Michael, 195

Patrick, 256

Sabina, née Finlay or Finley, 171, 178, 182

Thomas, 171 , 178, 182

Thomas , son of Thomas, 178

William, 171

Purfield, Catherine , née Wall, 201, 203

Lawrence , 201, 203

Mary, 201

Purn [?], Caroline, 310

Purtell, see also Purcell

Mary, 224

William, 279

Puyravel , Jean Baptiste, 280

Mme. Marie, 280

Mary Jane, née Long, 280

Patrick, 280

Quail, Rose, 194

Queegan [?], seealso Keegan

Mary, 166

Quigley, Arthur, 115

Ellen or Helen, 267

John, 218

Mary, 218, 224 , 267

Mrs. Mary, 115

Mary, Mrs. Mordaugh,q.v.

Patrick, 115

Richard E., priest, 114

Quin, Ann or Hannah, Mrs. Canty, q.v.

Catherine , dau ofMichael (3), 223

Catherine , née Leonard or Lenard, 199, 276

James, 262

Julia, Mrs.Jordan, q.v.

Mary, 1806, 137*

Mary, dau ofMichael (2), 199

Mary, née Welch, 223

Michael (1), conf. 1844 , 266

Michael (2), husb of Catherine , 195, 199, 276

Michael (3), husb of Mary, 218, 223

Quincy, see De Quincy

Quinlan , Margaret, 116

Mrs. Mary, 116

William, 116

Quirk, Joseph, 120 , 260

Rabbits, see also Roberts

Catherine , 244

Michael, 244

Raby, Michael, priest, 104

Radcliffe, Ann, Mrs. Pilling, q.v.

Radcliffe-Eyre, H., 347

Raffaello, John, 205

Rafferty, Bridget, 185 , 217

John, 204

Mrs. Margaret, 204

Patrick, 181, 185

Robert, 204

Raffey, Elizabeth , 242 , 244

Railly, see Riley

Randall , Mrs., 99, 100

Range, Bridget, Mrs. Castle, q.v.

Rannels, Elizabeth, Mrs. Gavan, q.v.

Rathborne , Cecilia Mary, née French, 295, 319-21

Joseph John Baptist, priest, 293 , 295, 317, 319-21, 339*-44* , 347* , 348

Wilson, Capt , R.N. , 319 , 319n . *

Rawden (or Rawdon), Ann Teresa, 141

Catherine , 151 , 261, 330*

Catherine, née Casson, 141, 151 , 330, 331

Elizabeth, 331

Luke, 141 , 142, 151 , 261, 330, 331

Mary, 261

Rawleigh, Mary, 129

Rayment, Henry, 144

Razina, John, 122

Rea, Daniel, priest, 114*

Read, see also Ready

Ann, 140

Eleonora, née Corgan, 140

Eliza, Mrs. Clarke, q.v.

Stephen, 140

Reading, Catherine, 196

Charles, 224

John , 196

Mary, née Callhem , 224-5

Mary, née Leary, 196 , 198

Rosanne , 224

Ready, see also Read

Eleonora, 139

James, 202

Mrs. Judith, 202

Mary, Mrs. Lynch, q.v.

William, 202

Reagan, see Regan

Reardon, Ann, Mrs. Hughes , q.v.

Catherine, née Bergan, 167

Daniel, 267

Denis , 162 , 167

Helen, 167

Margaret, Mrs.Gorman, q.v.

Michael, 244

Reddy, David, 259

David, son ofDavid, 259

Rose, née Garginiy, 259

Redfern, Ann, 347

Jonathan, 15

Redman, Teresa, Mrs. Mulligan, q.v.

Redstone, James, 122

John, 115, 122, 123

Joseph Luke, 115

Letty, 115, 117 , 118 , 123 , 260

Thomas , 122

Reed, Ann, Mrs. Moffit, q.v.

Reedy, Mary, Mrs. Cleary,q.v.

Reeks, Clara , 150

Elizabeth, 149

Elizabeth, née Craslar or Crossler , 149, 152, 156, 161 , 168

Frances, 156

John, 152 , 168

John, son ofJoseph, 168

Joseph, 149, 152 , 156 , 161 , 168

Joseph, son ofJoseph, 152

Martin, 150

Peter Charles , 156

William Osmund , 161

Reel, Alexander, 247

Mary, née Dalton, 247

MaryAnn, 247

Patrick, 247

Rees , Miss Eliza, 312

Mrs. ElizabethMargaret, 314

Marian de, Mrs. Jerido, q.v.

Reeves , godfather , 250

Edward, 273

Regan (or Reagan), Bridget, 189

Catherine , 203

Catherine , née Collins, 189, 200, 202, 203

Jane, 189

John, conf . 1849 , 271

John, godfather1807 , 140

John , godfather1824 , 189

William , 189 , 200 , 202, 203

Regiments, 1/11, 314

4th, 307

5th, 296, 297, 299

12th, 293* , 294* , 296, 297

15th, 308*

19th, 313

20th, 293, 294* , 296* , 298-300* , 305, 307* , 311

23rd, 293, 297-299, 303* 26th, 302, 303 28th, 304*-307* , 312

30th, 313

34th, 308

36th, 295-302

41st, 313

42nd, 311

44th, 268, 298-300

45th, 294-298, 313

48th, 305-307

55th, 308*

56th, 297* , 299, 300 , 312

64th, 314

67th, 297, 299-301 , 312*

69th, 297-300, 312

71st, 268

76th, 297-300

77th, 304* , 306-308

79th , 315

86th, 314

88th, 302*-304* , 312, 314*

91st, 296*

95th, 304-308*

96th, 313

97th, 293*-301, 308, 311, 312*

98th, 309

99th, 309, 314*

100th, 313*

105th , 314

Buffs , 308

Foreign Legion, or Royal Regt of Foreigners , 323, 324

Regt d'Hompesch , 324

Rifle Brigade , 293-295

Rifles, 311

Royal BatavianArtillery, 327

St. Helena Regt, 193, 297 , 311

Regney, Michael, 270

Reho, Mary, 117

Reilly (or Reily), see Riley

Reke, Elizabeth, Mrs. Brennan , q.v.

Rennells, Mary, 134

Mary, Mrs. Cunningham, q.v.

Renney, Mary, née Gloster, 231

Samuel, 231

William, 231

Retti (or Ketti), Clementia, Mrs. Baltaza , q.v.

Jane, 336

Reynolds, Ann, 203

Christiana, Mrs. Stanley, q.v.

James, 330

John, 261

Margaret, née Egan, 330

Oliver, 330

Reystehoot [?], AnnTeresa van, 326

Rhiley, see Riley

Rhodes (or Roads), Henry, 283

Mary, 179

Riall, James, 266, 311

Mary, 266, 311

Rice, Catherine , née McKnally, 149

Michael, 296

Mrs. Sarah Ann, 313

Thomas, 149

Thomas , son ofThomas , 149

Richard(s), Agnes Martine, 346

Ann, 153

Ann, Mrs. Tanner, q.v.

David, 267

David, of Ryde, 311

Edward Mary, 220

Elizabeth , 267

Elizabeth, dau. ofWilliam, 216

Mrs. Elizabeth, of Ryde, 311

George William , 222

Hannah, or Ann, née Rowe, 193 , 206, 208, 210, 214, 216, 222, 228, 234 , 241 , 250, 264, 278, 346

Henry Wilfrid, 241

James Bernard, 228

Mrs. Jane, 278

Jane, née Jacobs, 220

John Joseph, 234

Mary Teresa, 214

Noe, 220

Sarah Lucy, 250

William (1), 278

William (2), son ofWilliam (1), 214, 216, 222, 228, 234, 241, 250, 278 , 346

Richardson, Catherine , née Cain, 147

Elizabeth, née Ballard, 139

George, 147

John, 147

John Luther, Lt. Gen. ,298

Joseph, 139

Mary, 139

William, 281

Riche, John, 184

Richter, John , 150

Ricks, John, 238

Ridden, Elizabeth, 162

Ridgehay, Edward, 315

Riely, see Riley

Rigby, Thomas , priest, 53 , 53n .

Rigney (or Rigny), Mary, née Connell, 240

Mary, Mrs. Wade, q.v.

Mary Ann, 240

Peter, 240

Sarah, 170, 172 , 174

Riley (Railly, Reilly, Reily, Rhiley,

Riely), Ann, dau of Michael (1), 190

Ann, née Mageeor McGee, 161 , 185

Ann, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Ann, Mrs. McGoverin, q.v.

Ann Mary, 185

Bridget, 128

Caroline, née Crew, 241, 248, 283

Catherine(1), godmother 1804, 134

Catherine(2), née Bedford, 211

Catherine (3), née Murray , 211

Catherine (4), sponsor 1848 , 283

Catherine , Mrs. Baxter , q.v.

Christopher, 143 , 161 , 185

Denis, 263

Edward (1), husb of Catherine (2), 211

Edward (2), of48th Depot, 305

Edward Michael, 211

Francis, 176

Mrs. Giles, 190

Hugh, 120

James, 241, 248 , 268 , 283 , 311

James Henry, 248

John , godfather1806, 137*

John, husb ofSarah, 283

Margaret, dau ofEdward (1), 211

Margaret, godmother 1825 , 193

Margaret, Mrs. Cliff, q.v.

Mary, dau of Christopher, 161

Mary, godmother 1799 , 120

Mary, godmother 1827 , 339

Mary, née Grady, 158

Mary, Mrs. Fendlun, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Harrison, q.v.

Michael (1), husb. ofGiles, 190

Michael (2), son ofPeter , 158

Patrick, 230

Peter, 158

Roland, 211

Mrs. Sarah, 283

Sarah, Mrs. Farrell, q.v,

Thomas, conf 1849 , 271

Thomas, son ofJames, 241

Rines, Margaret, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Ring, John, 156

Ringwood , Bridget, Mrs. Heaphy, q.v.

Rinn, Michael, 302

Riordan , Agnes, 255

Caroline, née Mullins, 255

Catherine , 344

Edward, 141

John, 263

Mary, 141

Mary, née Downey, 141

Michael, 255

Rios, see MendozaRios

Riva, Jesse , Mrs. Tenichea , q.v.

Rivett, Helen, 158

Roach (or Roche), see also Rorch, Rourke

Ann, 269

Catherine, Mrs. McCarthy, q.v.

Eleonora , 332

Elizabeth, 313

Mrs. Elizabeth, 289

Garett, 289

James, 294

John, Private , 293

Margaret, née Doyle, 177, 182 [?]

Margaret, Mrs. Loobey, q.v.

Martha, Mrs. Alabone ,q.v.

Mary, 239

Mary, Mrs. Callaghan , q.v.

Mary Ann , 177

MaryAnn, Mrs. Jones, q.v.

Philip, 177, 179, 182* [?]

Roads, see Rhodes

Roarke, see Rourke

Roberts, (or Rabbits), Catherine, née

Mehan, 218, 226, 227, 231, 236 , 239, 240 , 244 [?], 246, 255 , 286

Elizabeth, 218

James , 231

John, 226

Mary Ann, 239

Michael, 218 , 226, 231, 236, 239 , 244 [?], 246, 255

Sarah Ellen, 246

Thomas , 255

Robinson, Mrs.Alice, 282

Arthur FrancisAlfred, 159

Edmund FitzEustace , 332

Elizabeth, Mrs. Cooney,q.v.

Frances, née Clavering, 159 , 332

Henry, 159, 332

James, 168

John, godfather 1821 , 181

John, tenant ofLaceby, 11 , 25

Margaret, 132

Marie, 347

Mary, 159, 168

Mary, Mrs. Ahern, q.v.

R. G., priest, 122

William , 282

Robson, Harriet , Mrs. Loughlan, q.v.

Joseph George, priest, 112, 123, 124* , 204-211, 265, 276* , 277* , 293, 301, 310

Roche, see Roach

Rochets, Mary, Mrs. Wattler, q.v.

Rochford , John , 341 *

John, son ofJohn , 341

Julia, 341

Margaret, née Forrest, 341*

Rock, James, 270

Roddy , Catherine, Mrs. Sheridan , q.v.

Roe, see Rowe

Rogan, Isabel, née Ross, 257

James, 257

John, 257

Rogers, Ann, 194

Ann, née Cassidy, 151

Ann, née McGourk, 200

Ann, née Shannon, 193

Eliza, 313

Henry, 200

James, 151

John, 144

Margaret, 200

Mary, dau ofJames , 151

Mary, godmother 1825 , 192

Mary, of Birginham [sic], 312

Patrick, 173

Susan, 140

Thomas, 142

William , 193

William, son ofWilliam, 193

Rolston, Mary, née O'Neill, 189

Robert, 189*

William , 189

Roney, Catherine, 167

Michael, 202

Rooney, Catherine, Mrs. Connelly, q.v.

Patrick, 271

Rootes , ofSussex , 3

Roper, Catherine, 192

Rorch, see also Roach

Mary, Mrs. McManhon , q.v.

Rorke, Catherine, née O'Donnell, 331

Patrick, 331

Roscelli, John, 205

Rose, Ann, Mrs. MacDonnell , q.v.

Eleonora, Mrs. Kelly, q.v.

John, 122

Rosenberg, Joseph, 328

Mary, née Zives , 328

Ross, Isabel, Mrs. Rogan, q.v.

LouiseMatilda , 267

Rossin, Ann, Mrs. Doyle, q.v.

Roster, Catherine, Mrs. Callaghan , q.v.

Rothwell, Alice, Mrs. Kennedy, q.v.

Roughan, Bridget,270

Eliza , 238

Mary, née Lynch, 237 , 238

Michael, 238, 271

Roulin, Thomas , 172

Rourke, Ann, née McGarry, 149*

Catherine, 169

Helen , Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Hugh, 296

John, 149

John, son ofJohn, 149

Margaret, 182

Margaret, née Doyle, 182 see also Roach

Mary, 141

Patrick, d 1851 , 300

Patrick, godfather 1826 , 193

Philip, 182* , see also Roach

Rover, Margaret, 174

Rowan, John, 257

Rowe , -, bapt 1833, 310

Eleonora, 160

Elizabeth , née Brading, 242, 273 , 286, 312

Elizabeth, Mrs. Hayward, q.v.

Mrs. Hannah, 228, 264, 293, 310

Hannah, Mrs.Richards, q.v.

John, 186, 214, 216, 228, 242, 264, 278, 281, 286, 344

Joseph, d. 1841, 293

Joseph, husb of Sarah, 183 , 186* , 191 , 193* , 195, 200, 207* , 208* , 212, 221 , 228, 263 , 265 , 278* , 281 , 286, 304, 309

Mary, Mrs. Dashwood, q.v.

Sarah, née Sarral, 186 , 191 , 193* , 195, 200, 207, 208, 212, 213 , 221 , 237, 247 , 250, 252, 254, 264, 278* , 281, 286, 310, 346

Sarah Ann, 242

Rowland, Mr., at Cadeby , 96

William, 310

Rowley, Michael, 162

Rowling , Ann, 141

Rownter, see Bowhter

Rumpler, Francis Anthony de, Capt , 323*

Runny, Patrick, 153

Rush, Catherine, née Burke, 175

Peter, 175

Peter, son ofPeter, 175

Russell , 308

Bridget, 162

O.P. , sister of John (3),

Elizabeth, 189 , 216

John (1), godfather, 188 , 189, 198, 348

John (2), husb of Mary (2), 346, 347

John (3), priest, 109 , 110, 124 , 170, 178-201 , 264 * , 275 * , 276 * , 301, 308, 309*

John (4), son ofWilliam , 170

Margaret, 346

Mary(1), née Connelly, 170

Mary (2), née Manning, 346, 347

Thomas Joseph, 347

William, 170

Rutledge, Ann, 249

Charles , 236

Edward, 303

William, 194

Rutley, Ann, 145

Ann, née Cooney , 145

John, 145

Ryan, Ann, 333

Mrs. Ann, 170

Ann, née Crawford , 183

Ann, Mrs. Brinnan, q.v.

Bartholomew, 155

Bridget, 226

Bridget, née Meaney, 152

Bridget, Mrs. Dint, q.v.

Bridget, Mrs. Morkane, q.v.

Catherine , née Stars, 226, 229

Catherine, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Hollis, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Kimber , q.v.

Cornelius, 260

Denis , 155

Edmund, 330

Edward, conf. 1844, 267

Edward, husb ofAnn , 170

Eleanor, 128

Eleanor, née Hayes, 330

Elizabeth, 221, 266

Elizabeth, dau ofPatrick (3), 183

Elizabeth, mother ofWilliam Henry, 241

Ellen , Mrs. Bennett , q.v.

Helen, née Mehigan, 155

Henry, 226

Honora , Mrs. Usher, q.v.

James (1), husb. ofBridget, 152

James (2), husb of Mary (4), 148 , 149

Jeremiah , 170

John, 214, 221 , 295

John, son ofJohn, 214 , 299

Margaret, dau ofEdward , 170

Margaret, dau ofRichard, 172

Margaret, godmother 1822, 182

Margaret, sponsor 1851 , 285

Margaret, Mrs. Jordan, q.v.

Mary (1), godmother 1806 , 137

Mary (2), godmother 1849, 238

Mary (3), née Conway, 172

Mary (4), née Doyle, 148 , 149

Mary (5),Mrs.Matthews,q.v.

Mary (6), Mrs. Shean ,q.v.

Mary (7), Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Mary Anne, 309

Michael, 148, 200

Patrick (1), d 1854 , 304

Patrick (2), godfather , 168 , 180

Patrick (3), husb ofAnn, 183

Patrick (4), husb ofSarah ,276

Richard, 172

Sarah, dau of Henry, 226

Sarah, née White, 276

Thomas , d . 1848, 297

Thomas , godfather1814 , 159

William, son ofEdmund, 330

William, son ofJames , 152

William Henry, 241 , 300

Winifred, 228, 257, 258, 267, 282

Winifred, née Egan, 214 , 215

Winifred, Mrs. Wolfe, q.v.

Rymer, F., priest, 319n.

Rynad, John, 179

Sablon, Peter, O.P., 113

Sachmorter , Philip, see Jameson Saeg, Peter Joseph, 117

Sarah, née Sarrat , 117

Stephen Abraham, 117

St. Germain , Rose, Mrs. McGoverin, q.v.

St. John of Jerusalem, Order of, 104n

St. Pierre, servant, 53, 54, 55

Salmon, Catherine , 143

Salter, Ann or Hanna, Mrs. Grimes, later Mrs. Brading, q.v.

Martha , 311

Martha, Mrs. McGen(n)ity,q.v.

Rosalie, 278

William, 278

Sanders, Ann, née Dimmick, 281

Catherine, née Bowen or Bone, 228, 239

Clementina , 221 George, 228, 239

John, 221

Martha, née Lane, 221 * , 267, 311

Mrs. Mary, 281

Mary, dau of George, 228

Samuel, 252

William (1), husb ofMartha, 221*

William (2), husb of Mary, 281

William (3), son ofGeorge , 239

William (4), son ofWilliam (1), 221

William (5), son ofWilliam (2), 281

Sarchfield, John, 299

Sargent, Jemima, 280

Sarney, Catherine , 203

S. , godfather, 203

Sarral, Sarah, Mrs. Rowe,q.v.

Sarrat, Sarah, Mrs. Saeg, q.v.

Sarsfield, Edward, 182

John , 263

Mary, née Mullin, 182

Sarah, 182

Saucede, M., eating-house keeper, 48, 49

Saul, Ellen, 342

Frances, 342, 343*

James, 265, 347

Saunders, Ann, 157

Bernard, 157

Mary, née Flaherty, 157

Mrs., of Hammersmith , 42

Savage, Mother Constantia, O.S.B. , 88

Dr. , 26, 57

Eliza , née Keogh, 248

John, 248

Mary Ann, 248

Savory, Mary, née Hagleston, 251

Maximillian , 251

William, 251

Scalin, Jane, 219

Mary, née Carne, 219, 222, 267

William, 219, 267

Scandling, Mrs. Catherine, 288

Jane, née Murry, 288

Morrice, 288

Patrick, 288

Scandon, Mary, 160

Scanlan (or Scanlon), John, 200

Joseph, 303

Margaret, née Evans, 198

Mary, née Butterly, 196

Mary, Mrs. Carroll, q.v.

Michael, 198

Patrick, 198

Stephen, 196

William, 196

Scanling (or Scanlin), Helen, née

Murphy, 235, 269

James, 235

Michael, 235

William, 270

Scanlon, see Scanlan

Scavington, Ann, Mrs. Teighe, q.v.

Schact, Ann Mary, Mrs. Beger,q.v.

Schneider, Matthew , 327

Mary Margaret, née Sperlinger , 327

Sarah, 327

Schouden, Agnes, 322

Cecilia, née Cariz, 322

John Henry, 322

Schreiber, John, 150

Schuck, Margaret, née Lindemeyer, 327

Philip, 327

Schultz, Anthony, 150, 151

Antonia Amalia, 150

Genevieve Christiana Mary, 151

James , 151

Josepha, née Pillishek , 150

Mrs. Marian, 151

Scott, Ann, Mrs. Walker ,q.v.

John, 329

Lucy, Mrs.Baker, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs.Kennedy,q.v.

Teresa, 149

Scullen, Elizabeth, Mrs. McLean, q.v.

Scully, Bernard, 160

Charles, 276

Seaward, Ellen Mary, 249

Margaret, née Ahern , 249

Thomas, 249

Seems, Elizabeth, Mrs. Leutzy, q.v.

Seery, Ann, Mrs. Killeen ,q.v.

Segellinski , Andrew , 118

ChristopherLouis, 118

Susanna, née Poldurame , 118

Selby, Catherine, Mrs. Fabre de Montvaillant , q.v.

Christina, 275

Self, Ann, 206, 210, 264, 277, 310

George, 206

Jeremiah , 206, 277, 310

Sarah Dean , néeTucker, 206, 277 , 310

Selwood, Margaret, née Hearn, 254

Thomas, 254

Thomas William , 254

Semiter , Mary, Mrs. Boats, q.v.

Sennett (or Senate), Ann, Mrs. Murphy, g.v.

Edward, 148

Joseph, 148

Mary, 148

Mary, née Kase , 148

Mary, Mrs. Mowles, q.v.

Sercuit, Mary, Mrs. Bolster, q.v.

Serra, Gretan, 339

Servaes, IzabellaPhilippina, 326

Seton, John, priest, 72n

Sevenari, José Manuel, 339

Sexton, Denis, 145

Eleonore , née Crimmen, 145

John , 145, 261

Timothy, 145

Shanahan, Ann, Mrs. Chiverton, q.v.

Bridget, née Cavotty or Carotty, 177

Hugh, 177

Mary, 202

Shanly, Ellen, 249

James, 249

Mary, née Healy, 249

Shannon, Ann, née Brady, 154

Ann, Mrs. Rogers, q.v.

Cornelius, 138

Edward, 154

Eleonora, née Toppin, 138

John, 154

Samuel, 175

Thomas , 138

Sharkey, James , 146

Mary, 146

Sharpe, Amy, 217

Ann, née Digan, 217

John, 217

Sharrock, Bishop William Gregory, O.S.B., 68* , 68n. , 69 , 69n.

Shaughnessy, Jane, Mrs. D'Alton,q.v.

Margaret, 191

Shavlin, Mary, Mrs. Faanny,q.v.

Shaw, Catherine , née Sullivan, 235

Mary, 235

Nicholas, 15

Robert, 235

Sarah, Mrs. Gallagher,q.v.

Shay, see Shea

Shea (Shee or Shay), Catherine , 178

Elizabeth, née Cashell or Cashen, 174, 178

Ellen, 256

Ellen, née Kelly, 256

Mrs. Johanna, 307

John (1), husb. ofEllen, 256

John (2), husb ofMary, 195

John (3), son ofJohn (2), 195

John (4), ofTralee, 288

Mrs. Julia, 288

Margaret, 174

Margaret, Mrs. Fogarty,q.v.

Mary, godmother 1821 , 179

Mary, [Mrs. Dillon?], 249

Mary, née Mason, 195

Mary, Mrs. Craven, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. MacAuliffe ,q.v.

Richard, 174, 178, 180

William, 249

Sheahan, see Shean

Sheahee, Mary, Mrs. Horrogan, q.v.

Shean (Sheahan, Sheen, Shehan), Ann, née McKoene, 180, 262

Bartholomew , 140

Denis, 140

Elizabeth , née King, 140

Ellen, Mrs. Ellenborough,q.v.

James, 164, 172 , 182

James, son ofJames, 164

Margaret, 180

Margaret, née Howard, 180

Mary, née Ryan, 164 , 172

Mary, Mrs. McCarthy,q.v.

Michael, 180

Philip, 180

William, 180

Shearan, see Sheeran

Sheath, William , 259

Shee, see Shea

Sheedy, Elizabeth, 333

James , 333

Mary, née Kelly, 333

Sheen, see Shean

Sheenan, Catherine, 235

Luke , 235

Mary, née Sheenan [sic], 235

Sheeran (or Shearan), Ann , 187 , 191

John, 187

Shefer, Alberd [sic], 327

Ann Mary, 327

Ann Mary Rebecca, 327

Shehan, see Shean

Sheil (or Shiel), Frances Ann, Mrs. O'Donnell, q.v.

Honora, 198

Rose, Mrs. Dodd, q.v,

Sheldon, Francis, later Constable , 46n.

Shelley, Catherine , 202

John, 249

Mrs., wife of Thomas , 202

Thomas , 202

Shenen, Bridget, Mrs. Murray, q.v.

Shepherd, Ann, godmother 1855, 258

Ann, née Lee, 252

Ann, wife ofJonah, 211

Ellen Caecilia , 315

Harriett Mary, 315

James, 283

Dean John, 18, 18n. , 21 , 21n ., 42, 42n.

Jonah, 211

Mary, 171

Mary, née Carrol, 171

William (1), husb ofAnn, 252

William (2), husb. ofMary, 171

William (3), son of William (1), 252

Winifred Mary, 211

Sherat, FrederickOsmund , 127

Joanna, née Bemalach, 127

Martin, 127

Sheridan, Catherine , née Roddy, 137

Philip, 137

Thomas , 137

Sherlock , John, 133

Margaret, née MacDurmot, 133

Robert, 133

Sherry, Bernard, 160

Patrick, 160

Rose, née Sonaghan or Sorraghan , 160

Shidlet, Mary, Mrs. Fielding, q.v.

Shiel, see Sheil

Shipman, Abraham , 182

Ann, 182

Eadith, née Davis, 182

Shields [scored], Mrs. Catherine , 116

John, 116

Nicholas, 116

Shipton , Mrs. Elizabeth,206

James, 206

James Thomas , 206

Shirly, Ann, Mrs. McGrahan, q.v.

Short, Benedict , Provincial O.P., 33 , 33n , 36, 36n , 40, 51, 56, 82

Shortells , John, 170

Shortil, Martha Bridget, née Toole, 128

Mary, 128

Patrick, 128

Shougrou, Murty, 161

Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, 15thEarlof, 318

Shuttleworth, Mr., apothecary, 28

Sidden, John, priest, 110, 124, 202*

Silsby, Sarah, 126

Silveira, Joseph Mary, priest, 113* , 254*

Silvester , Mary, 175

Simeon, Jane Mary, née Baker, 254

Joanna Maria, dau of Sir John, 113 , 254

Sir John , 113* , 254, 254n.

MargaretIsabella, 301

Stephen Louis, 113

Simmons, see alsoSymmonds

James, 182

Mary, née Lahy, 182

Rosalia, 182

Simons, Michael, 127

Simpson, Ann, née Mulkerry, 176

William , 166, 176

William, son ofWilliam, 176

Sims, Mr., Headmaster , 107

Sinclair, Elizabeth, Mrs. McDonnell, q.v.

Sinfield, John, 307

Singer, Ann, 162

Lawrence , 162

Skeffington , Ann, Mrs. Teighe, q.v.

Skelly, John, 169

Martha, née Corker, 169

Mary, 247

Mary Ann, née Staris [?], 247

Patrick, husb ofMartha, 169

Patrick, husb. ofMaryAnn, 169

Skelton, Catherine , 251

Skible, Elizabeth, Mrs. Kearney, q.v.

Slader, Edward, 168

Mary, 168

Slater, Ann, néeAllen, 253*

John , 253*

William, 253

Slattery, Elizabeth, 190

Helen , née McCabe, 161

James, 161

John, 190

Mary, Mrs. Pollard, q.v.

Michael, 161 , 193

Ruth, née Montjoy, 190

Sliney, Elizabeth, née Driscoll, 341 * , 342

John , 341 , 342

John, son ofJohn, 342

Sloane, Ann, 173

Slowey, Austin, priest, 114

Smail, Elizabeth, Mrs. Foley, q.v.

Small, Mary, 173

Mary, née Hedger, 173

Philip, 183, 184

Robert, 173

Solomon, 15

Smith, Alice, née McPadding, 184

Ann (1), dau ofJames (1), 193

Ann(2), dau ofWilliam (3), 180

Ann (3), godmother 1828 , 197

Ann (4), née Byrne, 197

Ann (5), née Gibbons, 180

Ann (6), née Lotty, 193

Ann, Mrs. LaMotte, q.v.

Archibald, 249

Benjamin George, 253

Bridget, 182

Catherine, née Kenny, 210, 213 , 216 , 223, 229, 237, 244, 247, 253

CatherineCharlotte, 223

Charles , 210, 213, 216, 223, 229, 237, 244, 247, 253

Charles, son of Charles , 213, 269

Daniel, 258

Edward, 116

Eleonor, née Conroy, 146

Eleonor, Mrs. McCullum, q.v.

Eliza, 229

Elizabeth(1), dau. ofWilliam (2), 197

Elizabeth (2), godmother 1815-27 , 160 , 195

Elizabeth(3), godmother 1853, 251

Elizabeth(4), née Bailey, 129

Elizabeth(5), née McCarthy, 142

Elizabeth (6), wife of James (3), 238

Elizabeth, Mrs. Clarke, q.v.

Ellen, dau. ofJames (3), 238, 299

Ellen, godmother 1823 , 186

Ellen Eliza, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Frances, dau. ofJohn (4), 324

Frances, wife ofJoseph (1), 121

Francis , 146

J., Private , 293

James (1), husb ofAnn (6), 193

James (2), husb. of Elizabeth(5), 142

James (3), husb of Elizabeth (6), 238

James (4), son ofFrancis, 146

James (5), son ofMatthew , 129

Jane, 342

Jane, néeWare, 324

John (1), 1759, 16

John (2), d 1846 , 295

John (3), husb ofAlice, 184, 187

John (4), husb of Jane, 324

John(5), son ofCharles , 216

John (6), son ofJohn (3), 184

Joseph (1), husb of Frances, 121

Joseph (2), son of Charles , 247

Julia, née Driscoll, 224 , 226

Katherine, see Catherine

Luke, conf . 1849, 272

Luke, godfather1813 , 157

Margaret, 332, 333, 334* , 336, * 338*

Margaret, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Mary, godmother 1806 , 135

Mary, godmother , 1852-5, 249, 258, 259

Mary Ann, 224

MaryAnnette, 237

Matthew, 129

Mr., 99, 100, 102*

Mr., Churchwarden , 14

Mrs., 7

Mrs., wife of Edward, 116

Owen, 181

Patrick, 116

Peter, 171

Philip Edmund, 244, 301

Rebecca, Mrs. Bedford, q.v.

Sarah, 142

Sarah Frances, 121

Sarah, Mrs. Goodfellows, q.v.

Sarah, Mrs. Hobbs, q.v.

Sarah, Mrs. O'Neill , q.v.

Thomas , husb ofJulia, 224

Thomas , son ofCharles , 210

Timothy, 167

William (1), godfather 1809, 332

William (2), husb ofAnn (4), 197

William (3), husb ofAnn (5), 180

William (4), sponsor 1847 , 281

Smithwick, Michael, 234

Smythe, Mary, 315

Somers, see Summers

Somerville , Patrick, 231

Sommery, Antoinette Madeleine PulcheriaDumesnielde, Dowager Countessde Turville , q.v.

Armand Jean Etienne Dumesniel, Comte de, 118

Augustin Jean Baptiste Dumesniel , Comte de, 118-9

AugustineCecile Pulcheriade , 118

Cecile Agathe Adelaide Requet,

Comtesse de, née de Caraman , 118

Sonaghan, Rose, Mrs. Sherry, q.v.

Sontag, godmother, 337

Sorraghan , Rose, Mrs. Sherry, q.v.

Soulange, Claudine Françoise Félicitée

Paris de, Mme de Nacquard, q.v.

Southcote, Mr., priest [?], 74

Southwark , Diocese , 1st Bishop of (Grant), 254n , 273*

2nd Bishop of(Danell), 317

Chapter of, 112-3

Southworth , Richard, priest, 109 , 132

Spain, Catherine , 109n

Charles, 109n

Elizabeth , née Hertend, 109 , 109n

George, priest, 107* , 109* , 109n " , 124 , 149-178 , 262, 274* , 275* , 309, 332

Henry (Dom Leo, O.S.B.), 109

Jane, Mrs. O'Hara, q.v.

Lewis(Dom Cuthbert, O.S.B.), 109

MaryMargaret Teresa, Salesian , 109 , 109n

Patrick, 270

Mrs. Sarah, 109

Thomas , 270

William, 109, 109n

Spelman, Ann, 163

Daniel, 163

Spencer, George , 282

Mrs. Lucy, 282

Lucy Ann, Mrs. Byrne, q.v.

Margaret, 138

Sperlinger , Mary Margaret, Mrs. Schneider , 327

Spicket, Margaret, Mrs. Murray,q.v.

Spite, John, 162

John , son ofJohn, 162

Mary, née Kearney, 162

Spourn, Francis, 328

Mary, née Guilliuse, 328

Spranklin(g), Catherine , née Brusshhen , 222

Catherine , née Harnett, 226

Henry, 222

James, 222, 226

Mary Ann, 226

Spreng, James, 119

Joseph, 119

Mrs. Margaret, 119

Sproinl , Andrew, 272

Squil(1) (or Squib), Amelia, Mrs. Fergus, q.v.

Harriett, Mrs. King, q.v.

Stack, Edmund, 205

Mrs. Ellen, 205

Honora, 205

Jane, Mrs. Hill, q.v.

Mrs. Margaret, 302

Stackpole, John, 189

Stading, James, 222

Mary, 222

Stafford, Elizabeth, Mrs. Duff, q.v.

Elizabeth, Mrs. Noon , q.v.

Stagg,Anastasia(Anicia), Mrs. Johnson ,


Elizabeth, 261 , 309

Esther, Mrs. Leigh, q.v.

Miss Frances, 311

Henry, 261 , 309

Leonard, 309

Stalberg , JohnMartin de , 118

StamfordMercury, first number, 33

Stammon, Helen, 331

Stanborough (or Stanbrough), Charlotte, 264, 310

Stanford , Catherine, Mrs. Markey q.v., Stanisbery, Joseph, 154

Stanley, Charles, 70n

Christiana, née Reynolds, 236

Edward, 135

John, 135

Margaret, née Ennis , 135 , 136

Mary, 236

Thomas , 236

Mother Valeria, O.S.B. , 88

Stanton (or Staunton), A., 347

A.P., 151

Alexander, 148 , 152 , 261

Bridget, née White, 331

John (1), d . 1855 , 306*

John (2), husb of Bridget, 331

Mary, dau ofJohn(2), 331

Mary, godmother 1854 , 255

Stapleton ,Frances, 254

Julia, née Brennan , 254, 273, 286

Mrs. Lucy, 286

Samuel, 254, 273 , 286

Samuel, Sargeant, 312

Thomas , 286

Staris [?], MaryAnn, Mrs. Skelly, q.v

Stark (Starkes , or Starks), Jane, 261

Jane, Mrs. Hill, q.v.

John Cooper, 183

Joseph, 265

Mary, née Warn, 169 , 172, 179 , 183 , 262, 309

Samuel Ambrose , 172

William, 162, 172, 179, 183 , 262 , 309

Stars, Catherine, Mrs. Ryan, q.v.

Staunton, see Stanton

Stenson, John, Private, 295

Stephens (Steven or Stevens), Edward, 300

Esther, 164

John (1), 1819 , 174

John (2), 1844-54, 225, 255, 268

Margaret, Mrs. Coghlan, q.v.

Mary, 225, 230, 239, 255 , 267

Patrick, 223, 254

Sterk, 44

Steven, see Stephens

Stevenison, Jane, 226

William, 226

Stevens, see Stephens

Stevenson, William, 163

Stewart, see also Stuart

Neil, 50

Stivington , Judith, née Sullivan, 130

Michael, 130

Thomas , 130

Stokes, Ann, née McMahon, 146

Bridget, née Ford, 193

John (1), husb ofAnn , 146

John (2), husb of Bridget, 193

John (3), son of (1), 146

Mary, 193

Stone, Catherine, née McGlarglin , 184

John, 184

Mary, 144

Mary Ann, 184

Stonor , Bishop John Talbot, 65n

Stoodman, Mary, Mrs. Howley, q.v.

Stourton , Catherine , Lady, 33n

Lady [? Winifred, née Howard], 28* , 30, 40n

Stralthers, Jane , 175

Stratford, Miss , 49 31

Mrs., of SherrardSt., 45

Stretton , Ann, 170

John, 170

Julia, née Sullivan, 170

Strickland, John or Joseph, bothpriests, 6* , 23* , 23n , 24* , 24n., * 26*

Strillits, Mary, 122

Strogen, Thomas, 175

Stroud, Mrs., 29

Strudgeon, Mary, née Birne, 176

Robert , 176

Thomas, 176

Stuart , see also Stewart

Ann, née Toole , 139

Frances , 139

Isabella , née Thompson, 139

Mary, dau . ofWilliam , 139

Mary, godmother 1805 , 330

Patrick, 139

Rebecca, 203

William, 139

Sturgeon, Catherine, 156

John, 156

Mary, née Cullen, 156

Sullivan, Bridget, 242

Bridget , née Keane or Cain, 155 , 159

Bridget, Mrs. Barry, q.v.

Catherine , dau ofPatrick (4), 217

Catherine , godmother 1817 , 170

Catherine , godmother 1848, 232

Catherine , Mrs. Fenny, q.v.

Catherine, Mrs. Shaw, q.v.

Daniel, godfather 1848, 232

Daniel, husb ofHonora, 232

Daniel, husb ofMary Ann (4), 217

David, 144

Denis, 170, 198

Eleonora , 164

Elizabeth (1), 335

Elizabeth (2), née Allen, 164

Elizabeth (3), nee Lee, 242, 250, 258

Ellen (1), 267

Ellen (2), née Clement, 344*

Ellen (3), née Fitzgerald, 231 , 238

Ellenor, 188

Francis, 235

Helen [Mrs. Horacks?],226

Honora, 258

Honora, née Keating, 232, 237

Honoratia, 149

James, 258

James Thomas , 231

Jane, 191

Jane, née Price, 195

Jane, Mrs. McSweeney, q.v.

Jeremiah, 344*

Jeremiah , son ofJeremiah , 344

John, conf . 1825 , 264

John, d. 1851, 300

John, godfather 1849, 236

John, son of Helen, 226

John, son ofPatrick (3), 170

John, son of Robert, 155

Judith, Mrs. Stivington, q.v.

Julia, Mrs.Stretton, q.v.

Margaret (1), née Graham, 144

Margaret (2), née Mahir, 170

Mary (1), dau ofDavid , 144

Mary (2), dau ofDavid, 232

Mary (3), godmother 1808 , 143

Mary (4), godmother 1822, 185

Mary (5), née Butler, 149 [?], 162

Mary (6), née Doyle, 188

Mary (7), née Jennings, 145, 149 [?]

Mary Ann (1), dau ofDaniel, 217

Mary Ann (2), dau ofJeremiah, 344

Mary Ann (3), née Haely, 235

Mary Ann (4), née Kennedy, 217

Mary Ann (5), née Thicklt , 217

Mary Ann (6), Mrs. Campion, q.v.

Mary Jane , 235

Maurice, 242, 243, 250*

Maurice, son ofMaurice , 250

Michael (1), conf . 1822 , 263

Michael (2), conf 1849 , 271

Michael (3), husb of Elizabeth (2), 159, 164*

Michael (4), son ofPatrick (2), 195

Michael (5), son of William (1), 238

Patrick (1), godfather 1841 , 344

Patrick (2), husb ofJane, 195

Patrick (3), husb ofMargaret (2), 170

Patrick(4), husb. ofMary Ann(5), 217

Robert, 155, 159

Sarah, dau. of Robert, 159

Sarah, dau ofThomas, 145

Thomas, 145, 149 , 151 , 162

Thomas , son ofThomas, 162

Timothy, 286

William (1), husb of Ellen (3), 231 , 238

William (2), husb of Mary (6), 188

Summers (or Somers), Frances, Mrs. Thompson, q.v.

Mary, 137 , 164 , 167

Suran, Mrs. Ann, 203

Hugh, 203

William, 203

Sutherland , Herbert, 126

Sutton , Margaret, Mrs. Clarke, q.v.

Mr., of Kensington, 30*

Sarah, Mrs. Huges, q.v.

Swan, Ann, 204

Mrs.Mary, later Mrs.Murray, q.v.

Swanton, George Vincent, priest, 114

Sweatman (or Sweetman), Ann, 334

Charlotte, 335

Charlotte, née Harris, 142, 261 , 303 , 332*, 333, 334* , 335,336,337

ElizabethJane, 266

Frances, 336

James, 333, 334 , 335 , 336 , 337

James, son ofJames, 337

Jane, 235

John, 333

Mary, 216

Mary Ann, 266

Sweeney (or Sweny orSwiney), Ann, 135

Barclay, 169

Bridget, Mrs. Conry, q.v.

Catherine, 150

Daniel, 270

Edward, priest, 114

Elizabeth, Mrs. Mahoney, q.v.

George, 192, 264

James (1), husb ofJane, 140

James (2), husb ofLouisa, 192

James (3), son of Barclay, 169

James (4), son ofJames (1), 140

James (5), son ofJames (2), 192

Jane, née Hoey, 140

Louisa , née Gaynor, 192

Margaret, 178, 196, 203, 204

Margaret, Mrs. Kallon, q.v.

Mary, 233

Mary, née Henley, 169

Mary, Mrs. Hoscraft, q.v.

Michael, 204

Patrick, 204

Terence, 121

Sweetland, Margaret, 336, 339

Sweetman, see Sweatman

Sweetner, Mary, 231

Sweny, see Sweeney

Swift, Richard, 263, 275

Swiney, see Sweeney

Symmonds (or Symonds) see also Simmons

George, 207 , 212 , 221

Henry Thomas , 221

John Edward, 212

Josephine Mary, 207

Mary, née Bush, 207, 212, 221, 266

Synott, James, 208

Mary, née Lyndon, 208

Peter, 208

Tabbitt, Louisa, Mrs. Lucas, q.v.

Taggart (Tagart, or Targart), Bernard, 214* , 215, 220, 278

Hubert, 299

Hugh, 283

Matthew , 229

Tailor, see Taylor

Taken, Mrs. Ann, 283

Catherine , 212 , 293

Charlotte, née Thom or Thorn, 212, 213, 229, 298 , 311

Eliza , née Homer , 283

Matthew, 213 , 269

Patrick, husb of Charlotte, 212, 213

Patrick, husb ofEliza , 283

Stephen, 283

Talbot, Charles , 15th EarlofShrewsbury , 318

Bishop James, 47, 47n , 53, 53n , 54, 77n., 90

Jane, Mrs. Meary, q.v.

Bishop Thomas , 2 , 65, 65n , 66, 69, 70, 71 , 73 , 73n ., 78, 79 , 82, 105 , 105n *

Tallen , Helen , née Thompson, 157

Henry, 157

Henry, son ofHenry, 157

Tanner, Ann, née Richards , 332

James, 332

Mary Ann , 332

Samuel, 165

Taplin, Elizabeth, Mrs. Hartley,q.v.

Tapprel, Mary, Mrs. Lamb ,q.v.

Targart, see Taggart

Taylor (or Tailor), Ann, 232

Ann, Mrs. Mullins , q.v.

Christian, 54

Christopher, priest, 318n

Col., 268

Elizabeth, 300

Elizabeth, née Faulkener, 232, 234

Mrs. Elizabeth, 298, 311

Mrs. Elizabeth, wife ofThomas , 318

James , 215

James, priest, 318, 329*

Jane, godmother 1829 , 201

Jane, sponsor 1849, 283

John, 232, 234

Mary, 311

Thomas, 318

Teague, Sabina, 131

Teevin (or Tevin), James, 182* , 185

Rose Ann, née Blythe, 182 , 185

Thomas , 185

Teighe (or Tighe), godmother, 121 godfather, 243

Ann, née Skeffington or Scavington , 173, 176, 178

Ann Mary, 119

Dominic Matthew, 119 , 121

Dominic Matthew Charles Robert, 119

Frances, Mrs. O'Toole, q.v.

George, 173 , 178

John, 249

Mary, 173, 325*

Mary Teresa AnnClare, 121

Milon, 330

Susanna, 178

Teresa , 324*

Teresa, née Lillien, 119 , 121

Thomas , 324

Telly, Miles, 163

Temple, George, 243

George Michael, 243

Susan, née Branigan, 243

Templeton, Margaret, Mrs. Herbert, q.v.

Teney, Mary, Mrs. Conlan,q.v.

Tenhott, Petronilla, Mrs. Fonternale, q.v.

Tenichea (Tennuci, Tinichea, Tinnchea, or Tinnuchi), Bartholomew , 232

Charles, 221

Henry John, 226, 295

Jesse , née Riva, 221 , 226, 232 , 281 , 283

Joseph, 221, 226, 232, 281, 282 , 283

Mary, Mrs. Burke, q.v.

Tennyson, Mr., 96

Terrath, Judith, Mrs. Dunn, q.v.

Territt, Margaret, née Horan, widow

White, 229, 285

Mrs. Mary, 285

Patrick, 285

Timothy, 285

Terry, Ann, 335

Thames, Juliana, 135

Therry, JohnJoseph,priest, 111*

Thicklt, Mary Ann, Mrs. Sullivan, q.v.

Thistlethawte , Alexander , 2

Cecilia, Mrs. Urry, q.v.

Tholon, AugusteLouis, 324

Joseph, Surgeon Major, 324, 325, 327, Joseph George , 325

Margaret, née Gasquet , 324, 325

Mary, 326*

MaryMargaret, 326

Thom, Charlotte, Mrs. Taken, q.v.

Thomas, Ann, Mrs. Cain, q.v.

John, 242, 273

Mr., 32

William , 144

Thompson (or Thomson), Ann, née Loobey, 331

Charlotte Mary, 315

Eleonora, née Callaghan , 165

Ellen, née Fitzgerald, 252 , 253

Frances, née Summers, 167

Helen, 158

Helen, Mrs. Tallen ,q.v.

Hugh, 170

IsaacJohn , 167

Isabella, Mrs. Stuart, q.v.

James , 165

John (1), husb of Ann, 331

John (2), husb ofEleonora, 165

John (3), husb of Ellen, 252, 253

John (4), son of John (1), 331

John (5) and (6), sonsofJohn(3), 252, 253

Louis, 167

Mrs. Margaret,200, 202

Margaret, Mrs.MacCastle,q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Murphy, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Coveney, q.v.

Robert, 202

William, 202

Thorn, Charlotte, Mrs. Taken, q.v.

Thornhill, Ann, 254 , 304

Ellen, née Daly, 254

John, 254

Mary Jane , 305

Thornley, Daniel, 162

Thornton, Mary, née Madagin, 244 , 245

Michael, 244, 245

Michael, son ofMichael , 245

Thorold, Edmund, 89

Abbess Eugenia , O.S.B., 89 , 90

I., Commissioner ofLandTax , 19

Thorpe, Mr.,9

Thuey(or Thucy), Bridget, Mrs. Hassett ,

Johnq.v. , 290

Mrs. Mary, 290

Thynne, Mary, Mrs. Urry, q.v.

Tiberghien , Peter Joseph, 117

Tierney, Bridget, 245

Tiffin, Ellen, née Bolan, 189

John, 189

William, 189

Tigart, Bridget, Mrs. McCormick, q.v.

Tighe, see Teighe

Tinichea (or Tinnchea, or Tinnuchi), see Tenichea

Tobin, Honora, Mrs. McKenzie, q.v.

Laurita, née Dunn, 185

Margaret, 185

Mary, 185

Thomas , 185, 262

Tolan, Ann, 185

Hugh, 185

Mary, née Conlan, 185

Tomkins , Jona[than?], 32*

Tomlinson, George, 315

Toms, John Valentine, 312

Toohay (or Toohey), Edward, 259

Margaret, née Donoho, 150

Mary, 150

Patrick, 150

Toole(or Toowle) see alsoTooley

Ann, Mrs. Stuart, q.v.

Honora, née Belton, 181

James, 272

Martha Bridget, Mrs.Shortil, q,v.

Patrick, 181

Patrick, son ofPatrick, 181

William , 122

Tooley, see also Toole

Honora, 190

Toomer, Mary, 129 , 130 , 260

Toomey (or Tumi), Bridget, née Lentz, q.v.

Daniel, 272

Mary, Mrs. Hayes, q.v.

Michael, 173

Toowle, see Toole

Toppin , Eleonora, Mrs. Shannon , q.v.

Torly, Catherine , 155

Tormy, Mary, 192

Mary, née Daley, 192

Michael, 192

Torner , see Turner

Touy, Catherine , 166

Towney, Thomas , 294

Tox, Mrs.Catherine, 285

Owen , 285

Rosanna , Mrs. Bultitude, q.v.

Tracey, Bridget, 175

Elizabeth, née Gaheoghan , 170 , 175

Margaret, Mrs. Arbor, q.v.

Mary, 171

Michael, 172, 175

William, 271

Traynor, Lawrence , 272

Trenow , Frederick William Dominic, O.P., 113, 315

Trent, Hannah, 278

Tresmonnais , Mary, Mrs. Cooper, q.v.

Trotman, Ann, nee Highley, 253, 273, 312

George, 253, 312

John, 273

John Thomas , 312

Mary Martha, 253

Thomas Welham, 313

Trower , Ann, 144

Bridget, née Cain, 144

Michael, 144

Troy, Catherine , 166

Elizabeth, née Lahey, 166*

William, 166

Truman , -, carrier , 62

Tucker, Ann, 225

Margaret, née O'Connell , 225

Sarah Dean, Mrs. Self, q.v.

Thomas, 225

Tudery, Mary, Mrs. McLaughlan, q.v.

Tuillier, Mme , ofCalais , 51 , 55

Tuite, Francis, priest, 319 , 337

Tully, Bridget, 218

John, 294

Margaret, 224

Patrick, 270

Tumi, see Toomey

Tunks, Abraham , 130

Charlotte, 130

Mary, née Jones , 130

Tunny, Mary, 199

Siby, née Finn, 199

William, 199

Tunstall, 30, 33, 35 nephewofJ. W. Heneage,

Elizabeth, née Heneage, 5, 22, 22n

Marmaduke, 46n .

Marmaduke Cuthbert, née Constable , 5, 22, 22n . , 23* , 46n , 47

Mr., 34, 45, 68, 69

Mrs., 69*

Turnbull, Margaret, 215

Mary, Mrs. Kilroy,q.v.

Turner (or Torner), -, godmother , 177

Ann, Mrs. Hardwick , q.v.

Mrs. Elizabeth, 202

George William , 345

Harriet, 346

Henry, 202

Joseph, 345

Margaret, 202

Medina Jane, 345

Medina Sara, née Dalton, 345* , 346

Sarah, 174

Thomas , 345 , 346

Thomas Henry, 345

William, 174, 286

Turton, Thomas , 31

Turville, Antoinette Madeleine

Pulcheria Dumesniel de Sommery , Comtessede, 119

Tuvey, Mary, Mrs. Meaby, q.v.

Twedale, Catherine , 166

Twiney, Peter, 187

Twisten, Joseph, 328

Mrs. Magdalen, later Mrs. Heney, q.v.

Tylden, Mrs. Martha, 3

Michael, 3

Tyrell, Thomas , 296

Tysan [?], Bridget, 198

Tyter, Mary, Mrs. Griffin, q.v.

Ullathorne , Bishop William Bernard, O.S.B. , 111*

Ulner , Mary, Mrs. Molleneux,q.v.

Uppleby, Mr., Commissioner of Land Tax, 19

Urerem, John, 196

Urry, Ann dau. ofThomas ,2

Ann, née Mulholland , 216, 239, 265, 284, 308, 312

Catherine , née Oriat, 2

Catherine , Mrs. Hinde, q.v.

Cecilia, née Thistlethawte , 2

David, ofThaley, 2

David, son ofThomas(2), 2

Edwin, 239, 284

Edwin (Joseph), 314

Elizabeth, née Guyer, 58n.

Elizabeth, Mrs. Browne, q.v.

Elizabeth, Mrs. Oglander, q.v.

Frances , 265

Francis, 310

James, bapt 1869, 314

James, husb of Elizabeth, 58n .

James, husb ofSarah, 284

Jane, née Day,2

John (1), ofBrockhampton ,2n

John (2), of Effingham ,2

John (3), son ofThomas(2), 2

Mrs. Margaret, of Brockhampton , 2n.

Mrs. Mariana ,2

Mary, née Legg,2

Mary, née Thynne, 58n

Mr., 32* , 44

Mrs., 44

Penelope, née Leigh, 2

Richard, bro ofCol. Thomas, 58n

Richard, son ofThomas(2), 2

Rose, 2n.

Mrs. Sarah, 284

Thomas (1), 1638 , 2, 32n

Thomas (2), son ofThomas(1), 2

Thomas (3), Colonel, 2, 58n

Thomas (4), son of John (3), 58n

family, In, 2

Usher, Honora, 234

Honora, née Ryan, 234

John, 234

Vacquant, LouiseAlbertine de, 323, 324

Valentine , Abigal, née Colebrook , 332 , 334, 337*

Charles, 332* , 334, 336, 337

Charlotte, 334, 337

Charlotte, dau ofCharles, 337

Francis, 332

George Joseph, 337

Joseph Maximilian, 336

Mary, 334

Richard, 332

Valusiaa, Joseph, 119

Vandermen, John, 172

Vandernoff , Charles, 262

Vanelle (or Vanelse), Francis, 118

Teresa, 118

Van Kampe, Matilda, Mrs. Buyling, q.v.

Varley, William, 271

Vaughan, Arthur, priest, 34* , 34n. , 35*

David, of Cork, 287

David, son of David, 287

Honora, née O' Lyons, 287

Jane, née Power, 34n.

Mrs. Mary, 287

Maurice, 34n

Veal , Ann , 338

Ann, Mrs. Harris, q.v.

Verlegchgt , Alexander, 324

Versturme , Emilie Therese , 324

Guillaume, 324 , 326*

Harriette, née Paillet, 324, 326*

James Francis, 326

Louis , M.D., 324, 326*

Louis Robert James, 326

Louise Eliza, 326

Peter Joseph, 326

Petronilla, née Brukher or Bruyhes, 324,326*

Vesey (or Vessey), Mrs. Ann, 221 , 228, 229, 267, 279, 280

James, 228, 229, 239, 268, 280 , 311

Jane, 228, 311

Jane, Mrs. McCusker ,q.v.

Mary, 239

William , 269

William John, 228

William Pierce [?], 228

Veut, Louise, 323

Viegin , Simon, 116

Vier, Joanna , 143

Margaret, née Bach, 143

Peter, 143

Vigens, Laura, 285

Vigo, Judith , 202

Villameer, Emilie Terese , 119

François , 119

François, son ofFrançois, 119

Vincent, Charles , 225

Denis, 222

Joseph, 222, 225 , 227

Margaret, née O'Brian, 222, 225 , 227

William, 272

Vincentde Paul, Saint, 89

Vinn, godmother, 115

Ann, 117

Wade, James, 136

Mary, née Rigny, 136

Rose, 136

Walde, Archibald, 159

Walker, Ann, née Scott, 245

Archibald, 171

Charlotte , 245

Eliza, née Callahern, 251 , 289

Elizabeth, 204

Jane, 181

John , 245

Mary, 184

Waltz,Barbara , Mrs. Weinreich, q.v.

Ward, Bishop Bernard,2

Edward, 247

Eliza, Mrs. O'Neill, q.v.

Frances, 314

Hugh, 202

Hugh, son of Hugh, 202

John, conf . 1822 , 262

John, conf. 1849 , 270

John, joiner, 28

Joseph, 261

Mrs. Mary, 202

Mr., of Market-Rasen , 15*

Mr., Tax collector , 10'

Patrick, 197

William, 196

Ware, Jane , Mrs. Smith , q.v.

Mary, 219

Warn(e), Esther, Mrs. McDewell, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Stark, q.v.

Warner, Thomas, 161

Warren, Joseph, 295

Thomas [?], 161

Wastermannin , Cunigund, Mrs. Prinly, q.v.

Thomas , 251

Mrs., [nurse ?], 26, 27

William, 251

Wall, Catherine , née Mannin, 190*

Catherine , Mrs. Purfield, q.v.

Henrietta, née Codle, 167

Jane, née Lyons, 240

Johanna , 298

John, conf . 1844 , 271

John, d 1852, 303

John, husb ofJane , 240

Mary Ann, 167

Michael, 190

Michael, son ofMichael, 190

Patrick, 240

Thomas , 167

Wallace (Wallice, or Wallis), Eliza, née Lawler, 236

Helen, Mrs. Dwyer,q.v.

James, 285

Mary, godmother 1799 , 125

Mrs. Mary, ofTipperary , 285

Maurice, priest, 114

Peter, 236

William, 236

Wallen, Catherine , Mrs. Comerford, q.v.

Wallice (or Wallis) see Wallace

Walmesley , Bishop Charles , O.S.B. , 67* , 67n . , 68, 69, 70, 70n

Ellen, Mrs. Petre, q.v.

Thomas , 332

Walshsee Welch

Walter(s), Eliza, 239

Thomas, 190

Walton, Bishop William, 18 , 18n ., 22, 22n . , 77n .

Waternorth, Horatio Thomas, 279, 311

Waters, James Placid, O.S.B., alias Duviviers, 83n

John, 83n.

Julia, 223

Mary, née Brannan or Brennen , 216 223

Mary (MaryAnn), 267

Mr., 83

Peter, 216 , 223

Peter (Paul), 266

Thomas, 216

Waterton, William,priest, 211

Watkins, James, priest, 111

Watson, Ann, 266 , 311

Ann, née Mullagan, 159

Elefrilda [?], 162

Elizabeth, Mrs.Hay, q.v.

Frances, 159

James, 159

John, 315

Mary Ann, 312

Timothy, priest, 114

Wattler, Johann, 328

Mary, née Rockets, 328

Celia, née Lynch, 177

Elizabeth, 177

William, 177

Wayling, Margaret, Mrs. Flemin, q.v.

Way ,, bapt. 1833 , 310

Weatherick , Mary, Mrs. Clansie , q.v.

Webb, Mother Agatha, O.S.B. , 88

Ann or HannahJemima , née Welhams , Mrs. Nind, q.v.

Henry, 255

Margaret, 214, 215 , 266 , 278

Webber, Aaron, 257

Catherine , née Diggins, 257

Thomas, 257

Weber , Aaron, 345

Elizabeth , née Gallemeni, 345

Francis , 345

Margaret, 345

Webster, Catherine , née Dann or Davin , 245

Henry, 243 , 245

John, 199

Judith, née Dunn, 199

Julia , 197

Patrick, 245

William , 199

Weinreich , Adam, 346

Barbara , née Waltz, 346

EveEmma , 346

Weir, Elizabeth, 223

George, 223

Sarah, née Welch, 223

Welch (Welsh or Walsh), Ann, née O'Connor, 148

Bridget (1), dau ofWilliam(1), 146

Bridget (2), godmother 1815 , 161

Bridget(3), godmother 1852, 246

Rowan(4), née Coleman , 163

Bridget (5), née McGuire, 131 , 135 , 136

Bridget (6), née Morone , 171

Bridget, Mrs. Byrne , q.v.

Catherine (1), bapt 1867, 314

Catherine (2), dau ofMartin (1), 202

Catherine (3), née Foley, 248

Catherine (4), wifeofWilliam (1), 146

Catherine , Mrs. Carle,q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Neave ,q.v.

Charlotte, 205

Constance, 332

Cornelius , 196

Edward(1), husb. ofAnn, 148

Edward (2), husb of Mary (4), 194 , 195

Eliza, 342

Elizabeth (1), dau of John (6), 154

Mrs. Elizabeth(2), 302 , 312

Elizabeth(3), née Carfoot, 154

Elizabeth(4), née West, 173 , 175

Ellen , dau ofJohn (5), 248

Ellen, dau of Patrick (1), 254

Ellen Eliza, née Smith, 342

Mrs. Hannah, 202

Mrs. Helen , ofLimerick, 286, 289

Honora(1), née Boyd, 239

Honora (2), née Doherty, 249

James (1), godfather 1809-12 , 146 , 154

James (2), husb ofMargaret (4), 241


James (3), son of Edward(1), 148

James (4), son ofJohn (3), 163

James (5), son ofMichael, 131

Jane, Mrs. Farrell, q.v.

John (1), godfather 1810 , 148

John (2), godfather1845 , 224

John (3), husb of Bridget(4), 163

John(4), husb. of Bridget(6), 171

John (5), husb ofCatherine(3), 248

John (6), husb of Elizabeth (3), 154

John (7), husb. of Honora (1), 239

John (8), husb of Mary (5), 205, 206

John (9), husb of Mary (6), 289

John (10), son ofJames (2), 241

Judith, 166

John (11), son of Michael (2), 135

Margaret (1), godmother 1815 , 160

Margaret (2), godmother 1850, 241

Margaret (3), née Corbit, 196

Margaret(4), née Minesor Rines , 241

Margaret, Mrs. Griffiths, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. McMullan, q.v.

Martin (1), husb of Hannah, 202

Martin (2), husb of Honora (2), 249

Mary (1), godmother 1810 , 149

Mary (2), godmother 1830 , 204

Mary(3), née Batty, 254

Mary (4), née Ryan, 194, 195

Mary (5), wife of John (8), 205, 206

Mary (6), wife ofJohn (9), 289

Mary, Mrs. Carroll, q.v.

Mary, Mrs. Quin, q.v.

Mary Ann, née Walsh[sic], 289

Mary Ann, Mrs. MacNamara, q.v.

Matthew, 194

Michael (1), godfather 1823-5 , 186 , 191

Michael (2), husb ofBridget(5), 131 , 135

Michael (3), husb of Elizabeth (4), 173, 175

Michael (4), son ofJohn (4), 171

Michael William, 206

Nicholas, godfather 1810 , 149

Nicholas, godfather1855 , 259

Patrick (1), husb ofMary(3), 254

Patrick (2), son of Martin (2), 249

Patrick (3), son of William (3), 289

Patrick (4), sponsor 1852 , 289

Pierce, 295

Sarah, Mrs. Weir, q.v.

Susan, 175

Bishop Thomas , 320

Thomas , godfather1845 , 258

Thomas, Private , 306

Thomas , son of Cornelius, 196

Thomas , son of Edward, 194 , 195

Thomas , son ofJohn (7), 239

William (1), husb. of Catherine (4), 146

William (2), husb of Ellen Eliza, 342

William (3), husb of Helen , 286, 289

Weld, Juliana (Sister Frances de Sales , O.S.F.), 94n

Mrs., wife ofThomas, 28, 36, 94

Sister, Poor Clare, 86, 87

Thomas , Cardinal , 93n

Thomas , of Lulworth, 27 , 41* , 93 , 93n., 94

Weldon, Mr., 96

Welhams, Mrs. Ann, 279

Ann or Hannah Jemima, Mrs. Webb, later Mrs. Nind, q.v.

William, 279

Wells, Elizabeth, 159

Welsh, see Welch

Werneck, Henry William, 251

Jane, née Cooper, 251

John, 251

Werner, Catherine , née Hacterin, 326

John, 326

West , Ann, 171

Eliza, 345

Elizabeth, dau ofSamuel, 341

Elizabeth, née Barry, 205, 340* , 341, 343 * , 344* , 345*

Elizabeth, Mrs. Welch, q.v.

Frances, 343

George, 340

Jane, 205, 340, 344

Joseph, 345

Mary Ann , 343

Mary Jane, 344, 347

Samuel, 205, 222, 265, 340* , 341* , 343* , 344* , 345, 347*

Samuel Augustine, 345

Samuel James, 340

Sarah, Mrs. Lasky, q.v.

Teresa , 344

Walter Ballay, 205

Weston , priest[?], 70, 71

Edmund, 104n

John, 297

Mabel, Mrs. Dingley, q.v.

Sir William , 104n

Whaan , Ann, Mrs. Matjory, q.v.

Wheatcroft, John, 25

Wheble (orWheeble), Mr., ofKensington,

Ellen, godmother 1824 , 188

Henry [?], 256

John , 155

Mary, 196

Mary [?], née McGonan, 256

Mary, Mrs. Berry, q.v.

Mary Ann, Mrs. McCulchem,q.v.

Patrick, 301

Thomas, 301

William , 244

Wheler, see Wheeler

Whelin , see Whelan

Whiddle , Ellen, 189

Whitaker, Margaret, 183

Mr., Attorney,9

White, Amelia Caroline, 229 , 296

Ann, conf . 1809, 261

Ann, dau of James, 333

Ann, née Harvey, 274

Ann, Mrs. Cooke, q.v.

Archibald, 191

Bridget , née Mahony, 191

Bridget, Mrs. Stanton, q.v.

Caroline, 229

Catherine , Mrs.Carle, q.v.

Catherine , Mrs. Marshall, q.v.

Charlotte, 334

Elizabeth, 1809 , 274

Elizabeth, 1849 , 235

Elizabeth , née Leigh, 162

Elizabeth, Mrs. Penston , q.v.

Ellen , 191

Emily, 263, 329, 337* , 348

Giles, 179

Harriet, 236, 331 , 348

Henry, 274

James, 324, 325* , 329-335 , 337

James, son ofJames, 337

Jane, bapt. 1856, 346

Jane, dau. of James, 335

Jane, godmother 1806-8 , 135 , 141

John (1), godfather 1806-7 , 135 , 140

John (2), godfather 1837-8, 208 , 211

John (3), husb of Mary (2), 180

John (4), son ofJohn (3), 180

John (5), son ofMichael, 162

Joseph, 129

Margaret, dau. ofJames , 332 45,51

Wheeler (or Wheler), priest[?], 70

Ann, Mrs. Butcher , q.v.

Eliza, 256

Henry, 256

Mary, née McGonan, 256

Whelan (or Whelen or Whelin), Ann, Mrs. Harris, q.v.

Bridget, 196

Bridget, Mrs. McBride , q.v.

Eliza [?], 256

Ellen , d. 1851 , 301

Margaret, godmother 1802, 129

Margaret, godmother 1829 , 201

Margaret, godmother 1848-51 , 242

Margaret, née Horan, later Mrs. Territt, q.v.

Mary (1), dau ofJames , 324

Mary (2), née Brian, 180

Mary(3), née Callaghan , 129, 131

MaryAnn, 211

Michael, 162

Peter, Sergeant, 229, 285 , 299

Richard, son ofJames , 325

Richard, son ofJoseph, 129

Robert, 330

Sarah, dau ofJames, 325

Sarah, godmother 1823 , 185

Sarah, née Harris, 324, 325* , 329-335 , 337

Sarah, Mrs. Ryan, q.v.

Thomas , priest, 108* , 109* , 123-4, 128-132, 135-148, 260-1, 273-4, 318 , 329 , 330*

William, joiner, 98

Whiteburn , Jesse , godmother, 224

Whitewood , Sarah, Mrs. Graham, q.v.

Whitgreave , family, 28n

Whiting, Jane, 256

Whittington, Jane, Mrs. Dalton, q.v.

Martha, Mrs. Bonnenzi ,q.v.

Whittle, Ellenor, née Mullins, 180

John, 180

John, son of John, 180

Wickenden , Ann, Mrs. Bonnenzi, q.v.

Wickham, Thomas, 274

Widdrington, Abbess Elizabeth Joseph, O.S.B. , 90

Wiescher , Henry, 160

Sarah, 160

Wigensih , Catherine Elizabeth, Mrs. Martzsih ,q.v.

Wigmore, Abbess Catherine, O.S.B. 89*

William, 89

Wilkinson (or Wilkenson), Hannah, 250

Margaret,Mrs. Brin, q.v.

Patrick, 271

Williams, Ann, née Molloy, 160, 162

Elizabeth, 171 , 190

Elizabeth, Mrs. Lacy, q.v.

George, 299

John, 160

John, son of John, 160

Simon, 276

Willis, Sophie, Mrs. Brookes , q.v.

Wilmott, Daniel, 295

Mr., [Solicitor?], 21

Wilson , Ann, 267

Elizabeth, 147

Juliana, Mrs. Gough, q.v.

Margaret, Mrs. Lynch, q.v.

Mary, godmother 1806 , 135

Mary, godmother 1854 , 256

Richard, 140

Thomas , 266

Wilthew, George, 29

Win, see Winn

Winckley, Mrs. Gradell, q.v.

Winn (or Win), Bridget, Mrs. Eustace,

Ellenq.v. , Mrs. Hoare, q.v.

Winscome, Richard, 312

Winter, Helen , 155

John, 155

Margaret, née Doran, 155

Wise, Ellen, 217

Margaret, née Caroll, 217

Thomas , 215, 217, 222

Wiseman , Bishop (later Cardinal)

Nicholas, 268

Witham, Anthony, priest, 5,6

Wolbold, Sarah, 327

Wolfe, Anna Maria, 186

Elizabeth, 200, 219, 266

Francis , 183 , 265

Ida, Mrs. Heno, q.v.

James, 191 , 205 , 268

John, 177

Joseph, 195, 266 , 295

Margaret, 309

Mary Ann, née Chissell , 177, 183 , 186 , 191, 195, 200, 205, 263

Peter, 177 , 183, 185, 186, 191 , 195 , 200, 205, 206, 223, 233, 237, 240, 241 , 242, 250, 251, 258, 263, 277, 280, 282, 284, 285* , 289

Winifred, née Ryan, 223, 267, 277

Wood, see Woods

Woodall, Mr., ofBristol, 26

Woodhouse, David, 208

Elizabeth, née Duffy, 208

John, 208

Woods (or Wood), Sheerness , 295priest, of

Catherine, née Lynch, 164 , 335

Daniel, 164, 335

Elizabeth, 201

Mary, 1796, 117

Mary, 1847, 231

William, 164, 335

Woolf, see Wolfe

Woolfrey, Eliza, 248

Joseph, 200

Mary, conf . 1836, 264

Mary, godmother 1828 , 200

Mary, Mrs. Discacciati, q.v.

Worley, James, 292, 312

Mrs. Mary, 292

Mary Ann, widow Breen, 292

William, 292

Worsley, John, 104

Leonora, née Hervey, 104

Thomas S.J. , alias Hervey, 104, 105

Wray, Sir Cecil, 11-13 ,98

Wren (or Wrenn), Denis, 247*

Margaret, 196

Michael , 247

Michael, son ofDenis,247

Sarah, née Fitzpatrick, 247 , 248

Wreng (or Wring), Ann, née Lynch, 184

Francis, 184

Samuel, 184

Wrenn, see Wren

Wrerem, John, 196

Wrigglesworth , Mr., 96

Wright, Anne, 337

Messrs . Anthony & Son, bankers, 10, 10n . , 16 , 18-20, 22, 23, 29, 31* ,

34* , 35* ,38* , 41,42, 48-50, 52, 54,

56 , 57, 59* , 68, 95, 98* , 100* , 102

Benjamin , 174

James, 140

John , Parson, 13 , 14 , 24

Margaret, 140

Martha, née Clary, 58

Michael James, 313

Susan, née Freeman, 140

Thomas , husb ofMartha , 58

Thomas , priest, 58, 58n ., 59, 109

Wrighton, Ann, 137

Ann, née Barry, 137

Matthew, 137

Wrin, Bartholomew, 197

Wring, see Wreng

Wyatt, Abdell, 228

Bridget, 228

Mrs. Elizabeth , 292, 310

Jane, née Caffry, 228

Wyborne , Sarah, 312

Wyms, Mary, 153

Yates, Ann, née Fitzpatrick, 142

Conolly, 142

Robert, 142

Yeats, Mary, née Coghlan, 288

Yarde[?] ,, godfather, 117

Mary, wife of Patrick, 288

Michael, 288

Patrick, 288

York, Bishop Lawrence William, O.S.B., 67n

Youel(1), Henry, 185

Jane, née Kearns, 181 , 185

William, 185

Young, Benji 309

Catherine , 189

Edward, at London, 79 , 80

Elizabeth , 127

George, 92n

Isabella , 220

Isabella, Mrs. Mulcare, q.v.

Jane Rebecca , 220

John, builder, 316* , 317*

MaryAnn, Mrs. Cooke, q.v.

Robert, 26

Thomas , 127

Zives , Mary, Mrs. Rosenberg , q.v.


An asterisk denotes more than one reference on the page.

Aberdeen . Letters dated from, 72-75

Acton, Middx., 112

Aire, Artois, 86, 87 , 90

Aireton, I. of W. , 104

Aldershot, Hants, 321

Amettes, France, 74n

Antwerp , 105

Aquhorties , Aberdeens , 72n , 75

Armagh, 290

Arras, 58n

Athlone, co Westmeath , 289

Australia, 110-112

Banbury, Oxon . 6

Banister Hall, 14n

Barnet, Herts., 27

Barnetby , 101

Barrowby , Lincs, 29n , 61, 62

Bath, Som . , 27 , 67* , 69, 105* , 298

Battle, Sussex , 156

Bayeux, 110

Belfast, 279 , 282

Bembridge, 1. of W. , 281

Berlin, 67n

Bermondsey, Surrey, 112* , 306* , 321

Bilston , Suffolk, 278

Birmingham , 70n . * , 312

Blackburn , 53n

Blairs, Aberdeens Seminary, 75

Blandford , Dorset, 319

Bordeaux, 110 , 111 Boston, Lincs., 104n.

Boulogne, 89*

Brailes, Warks, 71n .

Brecon , 69n

Brenchley, Kent, 1*

Cars Place, 3

Brentwood, Essex, 321

Thornton Hall, 110

Brill, Bucks , 290

Bristol, 26*

Brockhampton , (Havant), 2* , 105, 105n* , 132n

Bruges, 56 , 56n , 82, 83, 84 , 324

Buckland , Berks . , 321 *

Bugden, 318

Bungay, Suffolk, 280

Burton, Hants , 107

Burton Constable, Yorks , 5 , 8, 9, 19 , 33n , 46n

BurtonPark, Sussex , 319

Cadeby, Lincs,5-7etpassim

Caen, Normandy , 110

Caistor(Castor), Lincs, 11 , 19

Calais, 51 , 55* , 57

Calbourne , I. ofW. , 113

Calshot , Hants , 138n

Cambridgeshire , 28n

Cannington , Som . , 85n ,

Canterbury , 287*

Hales Place, 318

St Stephen's cemetery , 318

Carisbrooke , I. of W. , 285 , 286 , 307

Dominican Priory, 106, 113* , 308

Carlow , Ireland, 283

Carshalton , Surrey, 110

Castlebar , co. Mayo, 283

Cavan, Ireland, 291

Chaddesley Corbett, Worcs , 34n

Chale, I. of W. ,2n , 31

Cheam, Surrey, 33n .

Chelsea , Middx , 26, 27 , 113n ., 283 , 295 , 306, 307

Chertsey, Surrey, 33n .

Chester , 290 Diocese , 33n., 104 , 319

Christchurch , Hants, 104

Clare, Ireland, 282

Claughton , Lancs , 5n.

Clifton, Diocese, 113n.

Cobridge, Staffs, 6

Colchester, Essex , 3

Cork, 279, 283, 286*-291

Coventry, 69-71

Cowes, I. of W., 1 , 7, 8, 32, 44* , 69n , 108 , 122, 136n , 261, 293, 316-348

Fountain Inn, 44

HolyTrinity, 317*

Mill Hill, 302

Pear TreeCottage, 301

River see Medina

St. Thomas of Canterbury(Capella), 262, 263, 299, 317* , 347

Trafalgar Place, 320

West, 285* , 301 , 302*

Crook Hall, co. Durham , 78n .

Croxdale , co Durham , 33n

Cubzac, France, 111

Derry, Ireland, 282

Dolderley, 16*

Dorchester, Dorset, 283

Douay (Douai), 69n

English College , 4* , 6* , 14n * , 18n . * ,

19n ., 22n . , 29n * , 33n . * , 34n * , 36n .,

45n . , 53n ., 58n , 65n , 77n . * , 104 , 316* 318* 319*

St. Gregory'sCollege , 67n , 88

St. Jacques, 316

Dover , 51, 52, 321

Down, County, Ireland, 283, 285 , 291

Downend, I. of W., 104n.

Downside Abbey, 109n * , 112n , 321

Drayton, Sussex , 2

Dublin, 110* , 281

Dunkirk, 47n . , 88*-91n.

East Hendred , Berks. , 318

East Maitland, New South Wales , 111* , 112 *

St. Joseph's Church, 112

East Sheen, Surrey, 108*

Edinburgh , 72 , 73 , 77

Fairlee, I. of W. , 278 , 280

Fangual, Armagh, 278

Finsbury Circus , Middx., 112

Firmont, France, 91n.

Freshwater , I. of W., 20, 107* , 284 , 314

Furneux -Pelham, Herts, 5

Gallows Hill,I.ofW., 104n

Galway, Ireland, 281, 282

Garleton , E.Lothian, 72n

Gatcombe, I. of W. , 1-3 , 20* , 32 , 32n ., 60, 61 , 105

Genoa, 108

Ghent (Gandavum), 88* , 89, 325 , 326*

Gillingham , Kent, 15

Glasswell, 16

Glenlivet , Banffs ., 75

Godshill , I. of W., 2

Goosnargh, Lancs , 104

Gosport, Hants ., 108 , 320

Grantham , Lincs, 29n * , 61 , 62, 65m. , 89

Gravelines, 88

Gravesend, Kent, 321

Greenwich , Kent, 319 Grove Park, near Warwick, 69n

Guernsey, 279

Hainton, Lincs , 3 , 4, 5, 6, 24n , 27 , 28* , 28n . * , 30, 33* , 35* , 38 , 42* , 46* , 52, 58n . , 59, 95, 109

Hale[? Hants .],2

Hammersmith , Middx , 40* . , 42, 43* , 44, 47n

Covent School, 1 , 2* , 8 , 31* , 31n , 35-40, 42n., 43, 46, 88-90n

Hanley, Worcs , 280

Harting, Sussex , 88

Hartington, Derbys , 34n

HarvingtonHall, Worcs , 34n .

Hastings, Sussex, 156

Havant , Hants , 47; see also Brockhampton

Headham, 77, 77n., 78

Henkey-in-Arden, Warks. , 105*

Heythrop , Oxon ., 318

Holywell, Lincs, 10n

Horby, Lincs , 11

Hough, near Grantham, 89

Hull , 9*

HunnyHill,I.of W., 282, 285, 288, 289*

Hunter, River, New South Wales, 111

Hutton Long Villiers, 46n

Ingatestone, Essex , 19

Invernesshire, 94

Inverurie, Aberdeens ,75

Irnham, Lincs , 19* , 44n , 64

Isle of Wight, See Wight and under names oftowns

Islington, Middx., 321

Jersey , 110

Kensington, Middx. , 30

Kerry, Ireland, 284, 286, 287* , 288*

Kilkenny, Ireland, 279

Killey, Devon, 307

Kilrush, co. Clare, 292

King's County, Ireland, 280, 284, 288*

King's Norton, Worcs , 6

Kingston-upon-Hull, 9*

Lake, I. of W., 278

Lambeth, Surrey, 116

Lancashire, 29n , 45n, 70n , 319

Lartington, Yorks, 14n

Leghorn, 108

Lichfield, Diocese, 14n

Liège (Leodiensis ), 324

Jesuit College, 105, 108

Limerick, 286, 287* , 289* , 290* , 291

Lincoln, 4, 7, 16, 18, 19 , 24 , 27* , 31* , 33* , 38* , 42, 46, 52, 55, 56 , 58, 59, 98


Green Man, 14

Heath, 14

Lincoln & Chesterfield Races, 16

Lisbon , Dominican College , 110

EnglishCollege , 10n , 18n , 109* , 109n .

Lismore, Scotland, 75, 94*


BavarianChapel , 109

Bermondsey , q.v.

Buckingham Palace, 305

CastleInn, 62

Castle Street , 45n , 107


Conduitq.v.Street , 57, 68, 70 , 77


Doctors Commons , 21

Duke Street ,7n , 66, 75 , 95

Finsbury Circus, q.v.

Gray'sInn, 33n

GrosvenorSquare, 36 , 66, 75 , 95

Golden Square, 97, 109

Hammersmith, q.v.

Hanover Square, 70, 77

Hanover Square (Mill Street), 7n

Islington, q.v.

Kensal GreenCemetery , 308

Kensington, q.v.

King Street, GoldenSquare, 47

Lambeth, q.v.

Marshalsea Prison, 104

Newgate, 40n .

Newington, q.v.

Poplar, q.v.

Portman Square, 65

Portugese Embassy Chapel , 21, 33n ., 69n ., 109

(Old) Quebec Street, 109n

Royal Hotel, Pall Mall, 57

Sardinian Chapel, 320

St. Joseph's House, Portobello Road , Notting Hill, 308

St. Mary le Bon church, 21 , 32n .

SherrardStreet Golden Square, 45

Soho, q.v.

Southwark, q.v.

Spanish Chapel, 108 Tower, 4n

Virginia Street church , 319 , 321

Wandsworth, q.v.

Warwick Street church, 6, 109

WestHam , q.v.

WestminsterAbbey, 320

WestminsterHall, 57

Wood Street, 62

Woolwich ,q.v.

Longbirch , Staffs , 65, 65n , 66, 69* , 70* , 82, 105n

Longford, Ireland, 287

Loughrea, co. Galway, 319n *

Louth, Ireland, 290

Louth, Lincs, 5, 7* , 30, 61 , 63, 64, 79, 92n * , 99, 101

Louvain , 104 , 110

Lucca, Italy, 283

Lulworth Castle, Dorset, 27* , 93* , 93n

Lutton, Herefs , 89

Lymington , Hants, 107

Lynn, 28n.

Maidenhead, Berks, 321

Malta, 285

Market Rasen, see Rasen

Manchester , 62

Mayo, 288, 290

Medina, River, I. of W., 106n , 318

Melton Ross , Lincs. , 15

Mittau, 91n.

Mold, Flints., Nerquis, 101n .

Monaghan , Ireland, 285

Monmouth , 69n

Moorhall, near Ormskirk, 70n .

Moseley, Staffs , 28n

Mother-Bank, Sandbank in the Solent, 138

Naburn, Yorks ,5

Newcastle, New South Wales, 111* , 112

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 78, 78n , 79

Newchurch, I.of W. , 58n , 284

Newington , Surrey, 116

Newport, 1. of W. , 1 et passim "Beaugle" Inn, 105

Cosham House , 75 , 105

Military Burial Ground, 293-308 etpassim

Mr. Sims's Academy, 107

Quay St., 107

St.Thomas ofCanterburychurch, 106

Workhouse(Houseof Industry), 295, 301* , 302*

New Ross, co Wexford , 282

Newry, co Down, 285

New South Wales, 111*

Norwich, 58n , 285

Nottingham , 62

Oban, Argyll, 75, 94

Old Hall, St. Edmund's College , q.v.

Orford, Suffolk, 101

Ormskirk, Lancs , 70n

Oscott College, Warws , 34n

Osmotherley, Yorks , 69n

Ostend, 49n.

Oulsgroves, 15

Paris, 6 , 47, 52* , 57, 84* , 84n ., 91n ., 110, 280

FaubourgSt. Marcel, 87

Hotel d'Angleterre, 52

Irish College , 319

Place Maubert, 67n.

Rue Chant de l'Alouette, Benedictine Convent, 67, 67n ., 82n ., 87

Rue des Filles anglaises, 67n , 87

Ruedes Fossés, Augustinian Convent, 48, 48n ., 49n ., 53n

Rue Haute Feuille St. André, 52

St. Benedict's Chapter, 110

St. Cloud, 50

St. Edmund's College and monastery (O.S.B.), 67n

St. Gregory's College , 6, 53n. * , 58n *

St. Marcel's Church, 67n.

Sorbonne, 67n

Parkhurst, I. of W. , 104n ., 279* ,289 , 292

Barracks, 283, 286, 287* ,289, 291 , 293

Forest, 104n , 278

Military Depot, 268*

New Military Cemetery , 298 Prison, 113

Paynesley, 14n

Pelham, Furneux, Herts.,5

Peterborough , 286

Plymouth, 86n *

Poerdown, Ireland, 288

Pontoise, 4, 4n , 50, 50n , 54* , 88, 89* , 90*

Poplar, Middx , 320

Portsea, Hants., 317

Portsmouth , Hants, 110, 283, 321


Queen's County, Ireland, 282, 285

Rasen (Raisin), Market, Lincs, 15 , 98 , 101-103

Richmond , Yorks, 46, 112

Ringwood, Hants , 107

Rome , 74

English College , 6* , 14n , 27n , 28n ., 29n , 71n , 112, 318* ,

Scots College, 72n

Roscommon, 289*

Rouen, 6, 29n

Ryde, I. of W., 57, 217n , 273* , 280* , 281 * , 286,291,293,311*

St. Mary's Church, 217n

St. Edmund's College (Old Hall), Ware, 7,45n , 109, 110, 112* , 122n * , 319* , 320*

Seealso StandonLordship

St. Germain du Puch, Gironde , 112n.

St. Germains , Paris , 6

St. Omer, 319

Abbey of St. Bertin, 86n

EnglishCollege , 44n , 58n ,

Salignac, France, 111

Samalaman, Inverness, 94*

Sandown, I. of W. , 278n ., 293

Saumur, 4n

Scalan, Glenlivet, Scotland , 75*

Scargill Castle, Yorks. , 46n .

Sea View, I. ofW. , 280

Sedgley Park School, Staffs., 6, 62n ., 318, 319

Shaftesbury , Dorset, 106, 286, 291

Shanklin, I.of W. , 278n ., 279

Sheat, I. of W., 1 , 2* , 31 , 32, 32n. , 44* , 57 , 58n ., 60

ManorHouse, 2, 2n

Sheffield, 14n

Shefford , Beds, 318n

Shepton Mallet, Som Sales-House, 109, 109n.

Shrewsbury, 58n

Sixhills, Lincs , 6, 14* , 96, 97 , 99, 100, 102, 103

Sligo , 282* , 285

Slindon , Sussex,4, 319

Soho, Middx , St. Patrick's, 316* , 320

Southampton , 44* , 112, 113n , 138n ., 318 , 320, 321"

Coach, 44

St. Joseph's Church , 111

StarInn, 44*

Southsea, Hants, Eastney Cemetery , 309

Nazareth House, 309

Southwark , Surrey, St. George's Cathedral, 321

Spalding, Lincs, 292

Spettisbury , Dorset, St. Monica's Convent , 319

Standon Lordship , Herts School, 34n , 45n , 108n

Steeple (? Steep Hill), I. of W. , 32

Stella Hall, Northumb ., 77n . * , 78* , 78n * , 79, 82

Stilton, 61

Stoke, Kent, 3

Stone, Staffs , 81, 99 , 102

StonorPark, Oxon , 65n

Stonyhurst College, Lancs , 108*

Swainstone, I. of W., 113* , 254, 254n , 301 , 307

St. John's Chapel , 314

Swinnerton , Staffs , 81 , 99, 100, 101 , 102 , 105*

Sydney, New South Wales, 110 , 111*

Tasmania, 111

Teignmouth, Devon, St. Scholastica's Abbey, 1 , 87, 88

Theddlethorpe, Lincs, 15

Tipperary, 282, 285, 286, 291* , 292*

Tixall, Staffs . , 44n.

Totland Bay, I. of W., 314

Tralee, Co. Kerry, 112n , 284, 288

Tyroll [?Tyrella, Co. Down], 285

Tyrone, Ireland, 279

Uist, South, Scotland , 36n.

Ulnas Walton, Lancs , Barbles Moor, 14n.

Ulverston , Lancs , 92n

Upminster , Essex, 291

Ushaw College, 78n.* , 319 , 321

Valladolid. English College, 6, 7, 70n. ,

92n * , 101n

Ventnor, I. of W. , 113* , 214 , 303

Apsley Cottage , Hight Street, 107n . *

Montebello House, Victoria Road , 107n.

St. Lawrence , 104, 107

St. Wilfrid's, 107n.*

Wales, 69

Walesby, Lincs, 5

Wandsworth , Surrey, 321

Wardour Castle , Wilts., 64 , 68

Washington , ?Farm, Lincs, 15

Waterford, 291, 292

Watten , 47n *

West Grinstead , Wilts , 69n , 88

WestHam, Essex , 58n .

Westmorland , 14n.

Westport , Co. Mayo, 287

Westminster , see London

Weybridge , Surrey, 112

Weymouth , Dorset, 94

Whippingham , I. of W. , 104

Wicklow, Ireland, 281

Wight, Isle of, 43* , 51 , 57* , 104* , see also names ofplaces

Winchester , 21, 43* , 44* , 94n , 104* , 106, 109, 290, 318

George Inn, 43, 44*

Windsor, Berks , 61*

Windsor, New South Wales, 111*

Wingerworth, Derbys , 3 , 4, 14* , 14n ., 15* , 16* , 39*

Woburn, Beds., 33n.

Woolhampton , Berks , 110

Woolwich, Kent, 321

Worksop Manor, Notts., 14* , 18*

Worlesby , Lincs. , 108

Wragby , Lincs, 15, 31, 33, 52, 99

Wycliffe Hall, Yorks., 46 , 46n.

Wyham , Lincs. , 39

Wyham -cum-Cadeby, 5, 11 et passim

Yarmouth ,I. of W. , 280

Yeldersley, Derbys , 14n

Ypres (Ipres), Flanders,4

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