Records Volume 68: Spain and the Jacobean Catholics Volume 2

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Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña to Philip III The first page of a deciphered letter reporting the death of the Earl of Northampton, from London, 30th June 1614 (E2592/77) (By courtesyofthe Archivo General de Simancas .)


VOLUME II: 1613-1624




©The Catholic Record Society

The Societyacknowledges withdeep gratitude agrant from the Twenty-Seven Foundation and agrantfrom theJesuit Community of FordhamUniversity

Typeset andprinted in Great Britain by Lowe& BrydonePrinters Limited, Thetford, Norfolk







1. Spanish Representativesin London, 1613-25

2. Gondomar and the 'Spanish Faction'

3. CarlosColoma's Embassy

4. The English Catholics in this Collection



As in the preceding volume (C.R.S. 64, 1973) which described the first half of the reign of James I the documents here presented are largely from the Archivo General de Simancas, whose Director Señor Amando Represa Rodriguez has kindly granted permissionfor their publication As always the entire staff at Simancas has maintainedits traditionof generous assistance to visiting scholars I am also indebted to Dr. Richard Blaas, Director of the Haus Hof und Staatsarchiv in Vienna, for permission to publish two documentsfrom the original collection of the Low Countries. A letter from the Fondo Gesuitico deposited in the Roman Archive of the Societyof Jesus is printed with authorization of the Archivist, Fr. Edmond Lamalle , S.J. Originaldocuments from the Biblioteca del Palacio Oriente in Madrid have been transcribed with permission from Señor Fernando Fuertes de Villavicencio, the Consejero Delegado Gerente of the Patrimonio Nacional. The transcripts from Manuscritos Varios in the Biblioteca in Madrid are printed by courtesy of the Secretary General of that library. My previouslypublishedtranslation of a letter of Francis Bacon is included with the authorization of the Renaissance Society ofAmerica .Adocument from the Westminster Cathedral Archives is transcribedwith the kind permission of His Eminence , the Cardinal ofWestminster . Transcripts of Crown Copyright documents from the Public Record Office appear with the permission of the Controller of H.M. StationeryOffice

Once again I would like to express my sincere gratitudefor support provided by the Directors of the Penrose Fund of the American Philosophical Society and of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation while gathering materials for this collection. As always Fr. Basil Fitzgibbon, S.J. hasplaced his wide scholarship at my disposal. Mr. Philip Harris of the Catholic Record Society has been particularly generous of time and patience in guiding the manuscriptthrough the press

Fordham University A.J.L.


The Council of State to Philip III,Madrid

Joseph Creswell to the Duke of Lerma , Madrid

Philip III to Diego Sarmientode Acuña,Segovia

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato Philip III, London

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato the Duke of Lerma , London

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato Philip III, London

Diego Sarmientode Acuña to Philip III, London

The Archpriest of England to Diego Sarmientode Acuña ,

Philip III to Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, Madrid

The Count of Castro to Philip III, Rome

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato Philip III, London

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato Philip III, London

The Count of Castro to Philip III, Rome

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato Philip III, London

The Council ofStateto Philip III, Madrid

TheCount ofCastro to Diego Sarmientode Acuña, Rome

Diego Sarmiento de Acuñato Philip III, London

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato the Marquisof Guadaleste, London

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato the Duke of Lerma, London

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato the Duke ofLerma , London

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato Philip III, London

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato Philip III, London

Juan de Ciriçato Antonio de Arostequi,Madrid

EdwardBentleyto Diego SarmientodeAcuña , London

TheCouncilofState to Philip III, Madrid

Diego Sarmientode Acuñato Philip III, London

Jean Baptiste van Male to Phillipe Praets, London

Fray Luis de Aliagato the CouncilofState, Madrid

The CouncilofStateto Philip III,Madrid

The Count ofGondomarto Philip III, London

Agustin Perez to the Count ofGondomar,Madrid

The Count of Gondomarto the Duke of Lerma, London

The Count of Gondomarto the Duke of Lerma, London

The Count ofGondomarto Philip III, London

Thomas CornwallisII to the CountofGondomar, Portillo

LouisLewkenorto Fray Diego de la Fuente, London

Louis Lewkenorto Fray Diego de la Fuente , Hackney

The Count ofGondomarto Robert Cardinal Bellarmine , London

Baron Verulam to the Count ofGondomar, London

Julian Sanchez de Ulloa to Philip III, London

Julian Sanchez de Ulloa to Philip III, London

Fray Diego de la Fuenteto Philip III, London

Friar Paul of London to the Count ofGondomar, San Lucar de Barrameda

Julian Sanchez de Ulloa to Philip III, London

Fray Diego de la Fuente to Philip III, London

Fray Diego de la Fuenteto Philip III, London

William Baldwin, S.J. to the Count ofGondomar , Madrid

Julian Sanchez de Ulloa to the Marquisof Bedmar, London

William Stanleyto the Count ofGondomar, Malines

Melchior de Espinosa to the Count ofGondomar , Brussels

The Archbishopof Cachel to the Count of Gondomar

Jean Baptiste van Male to Phillipe Praets, London

The Count ofGondomarto Philip III,London

Fray Diego de la Fuente to Philip IV, Rome

Archduchess Isabella to the Count ofGondomar , Brussels

Juan de Cirica to Walter Aston,Madrid

10 Mar. 1623 o.s.The Directions ofJames Ifor AnglicanServices in Spain, Newmarket

Nov. 1623

9 Nov. 1623

9 Nov. 1623

Dec. 1623

10 Sept. 1624

Sept. 1624

The Infanta Mariato theMarquisofSan Germano ,

The Marquisof LaYnojosato Philip IV , London

A Report of the ArchdeaconofCambrai, London

The Count of Gondomarto the Council of State , Madrid








Bib . Vat


B . Nac

B . Nat




Chamberlain Letters


Documentos Ineditos

E Foley, Records




The Narrative



Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussels

Papiers d'Etatset Audience

Secrétairerie d'Etat et de Guerre

Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid

Archivum RomanumSocietatis Jesu

Archivio Segredo diVaticano

Bibliotheca Vaticana

British Museum


BibliothèqueNational, Paris

Bibliotecadel Palacio Oriente, Madrid

The publications of the Catholic Record Society.

Calendars ofStatePapers

McClure, N.E. ed The Letters of John Chamberlain [Memoirs oftheAmericanPhilosophical Society, vol 12, Philadelphia, 1939. ]

Dictionary ofNationalBiography Duque de Alba, et al edd. Documentos

Inéditos para la Historia de España (Madrid, 1936- )

Sección de Estado, Archivo General de Simancas (cited with legajo and carpeta)

Foley, H., Records of the EnglishProvince oftheSocietyofJesus, (London, 1877-83.)

HistoricalManuscriptsCommission document, or book , undated unnumbered folio

Gardiner, S.R. ed Narrative ofthe Spanish Marriage Treaty(ElHecho de Los Tratados del Matrimonio por F. Franciscode Jesus) [Camden Society, Old Series, vol 101 , London, 1869. ]

Haus Hof und Staatsarchiv, Vienna (The archive ofthe Low Countries)

Public Record Office, London


The Sourcesfor this Edition

I. Archivo General de Simancas: Sección de Estado, Libros 368, 369, 375, 381; Legajos 629, 845, 1000, 1865, 2514, 2518, 2559, 2572, 2590, 2591 , 2592, 2593, 2596, 2597, 2598, 2599, 2602,2603.

II PublicRecordOffice, London: S.P.94, vols 20,25

III Westminster Cathedral Archive: Series A, vol 17 .

IV . BibliotecaNacional , Madrid: Manuscritos vol 18420, 18422 .

V. Biblioteca del Palacio Oriente, Madrid: Manuscritos vol. 2170, 2183

VI Roman Archiveof the Societyof Jesus : 'Fondo Gesuitico' vol 446 .

VII Haus-Hofund Staatsarchiv, Vienna: Series P C vols. 53, 56


London, British Museum: EgertonMss 2592-2597, Carlisle papers; King's Mss . 133-136 , Documents on Anglo-French affairs, 1624-25; Add Mss 14015 , 14043 , Spanish documents , 1613-19 , original narrative of Fray Francisco de Jesus ; Add Mss 35,832 , Hardwicke papers; Add Mss 36,444-36,446 , Walter Aston papers, 1622-23 ; Add. Mss. 48,166 Letters of Calvert and Digby, 1622-23 (YelvertonPapers).

London, Public Record Office: S.P.94, vols 25-32 , Papers concerning Spain, 1613-25 ; S.P.78, vols 72-76, Papers concerningFrance , 1624-25 ; S.P. 77, vols 16,17 , Papers concerning Flanders , 1613-24; P.R.O. 30/53, Powis Manuscripts(EdwardHerbertpapers).

Oxford, Bodleian Library: TannerMss vols 73, 75, 76; Douce Mss vol 393; RawlinsonMss . SeriesC , vol. 674 .

Reading, Berkshire Record Office: Trumbull Mss, vols 23 , 24 , Lettersof John and SimonDigby, 1618-23.

Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional : Manuscritos Varios: 2354, 2355, 2366, Original letters, 1623-24 ; Manuscritos Gayangos: vols. 18195, 17th centurytracts; 18420, papers of Fray Diego de la Fuente; 18422, letters received by Gondomar, 1619-1620 ; 18427 , letters received by Gondomar, 1620-24 .

Madrid, Archivo Histórico Nacional: Sección de Estado, libros 716, 722, 733, 738, 739, Consultas, 1618-25 .

Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia: Salazar Mss. vols A84, A85 , A86, Original papers on Anglo-Spanish affairs belonging to Gondomar

Madrid, Bibliotecadel Palacio Oriente: Manuscritos vols. 2107, 2108, 2134, 2165, 2167, 2170, 2174, 2176, 2180, 2183, 2187, 2191, 2198, Originalcorrespondence of Gondomar, 1617-23 . Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale: Mannuscrits Français, tomes 15988 , Original despatches from England , 1615-20 ; 15989 , despatches for 1621-23 ; 15990, despatches for 1617-26 ; 15991 , despatches for July to December 1624

Rome , Archive of the Society of Jesus : Anglia, vols 36, 37,38 and Historia Angliae, vol 32, (Parts I, II); Epistolae Nostrorum, vols. 81-84; Castillia, vols 7, (Parts I, II), 8,9.

Rome, Archivio Segredo di Vaticano: Nunziatura di Fiandra, vols. 14, 14A, 14B, 138, Correspondence between Rome and Brussels , 1623-27; Nunziatura di Francia , vols 60, 61 , 64, Correspondence between Paris and Rome, 1624; Nunziatura di Spagna, vols 60B , 60C , 60D, 60E , 60F, 62, 64 and 339, 340, 341, 342 Correspondence between Rome and Madrid, 1614-23; Fondo Borghese, Series II, vols 428 and 403, Replies of Secretariate to Brussels, 1615-21 ; Series II, vols. 98, 102, 104 105, 109, 112, 113, Flanders nunciatura to Rome, 1616-20; Fondo Borghese Series II, vols. 253, 258-9, 260, 261 , 262, 263, 265, 344, Madrid nunciature to Rome, 1614-20 ; Series I, vols 921 , 939, 970 and Series II, vols 342, 345, 347, 348, 349, 360, Replies of Secretariate to Madrid, 1614-20.

Rome, Vatican Library: Mss Barberini Latini, vol 6810 , original letters of Nuncio in Flanders, 1620; vols 8060, 8061 , 8062 , correspondence of Nuncio in Paris, 1624; vols 8287-8289 and 8292-8296, correspondence from Nuncio in Madrid, 1621-1624 ; vols 8615-16 , miscellaneous papers on England , 1620-23 .

Vienna, Haus, Hof und Staatsarchiv : Series P C , vols 48 to 62 , Original correspondence of agent in London, in files of Conseil d'Etat et Audience of Brussels, 1613-24

The Relevant Printed Collections

Ofuniqueimportancefor the theme ofthis collection is the selection of Gondomar'sletters for the years 1613-20 from the library of the royal palace in Madrid published in Documentos Inéditos para la Historia de España (Vols I-IV, Madrid, 1936-45) However the despatches of English representatives in Madrid, John Digby, Francis Cottington and Walter Aston are not printed in a series; manyindividual items are summarized in the Calendars ofState Papers Domesticandin reportsofthe Historical Manuscripts Commission S.R. Gardiner's translationofthe narrative of thecourt preacher ofPhilip IV,Fray Francisco de Jesus, El Hecho de los Tratados delMatrimonio (Camden Society, 1st Ser , vol 101 , London, 1869) contains many usefuladditional documents on the marriage negotiations Buckingham's subsequent efforts to blame Digby for diplomatic failures in Spain provoked the publication ofsome important originalletters such as those providedin"TheEarlof Bristol's Defence of his Negotiations in Spain" edited by Gardiner in The Camden Miscellany, Volume VI (Camden Society, 1st Ser., vol 104, London, 1871). Later, the anti-monarchistpropagandist , Prynne, made further important disclosures about James'sSpanish diplomacyin A Breviate of the Life of William Laud (1644) and The PopishRoyal Favorite and the Hidden Workes ofDarkness brought to Light. Other

copies of Buckingham's letters were printed in the Cabala , sive Scrinia Sacra (1654) while Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke'sprinting of Miscellaneous State Papers (London, 1778, 2 vols) offered documents concerningthepardons prepared for Catholicsin 1623 .

Of special importancefor understanding the surviving Spanish documents of this period is the concise inventory prepared by Geoffrey Parker in 'Guide to the Archives of the Spanish Institutions in or concerned with the Netherlands , 1556-1706 ' , Archiveset Bibliothèquesde Belgique (Numéro Special 3, Brussels, 1971). The Colecciónde DocumentosInéditos vol. 54 contains originalmaterials on the first stages of the war in the Palatinate , and vol 96 has correspondence ofdon Pedro de Toledo, Marquis de Villafranca, on the Savoy crisis of 1616-18 . The publications already mentioned in the previous volume of this edition continue to be of value Some light on Anglo-Dutch relationsforthe years 1616-20 is provided in the Letters from and to Sir Dudley Carleton, edited by the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke(London, 1757) Papal policytoward England can be studied indirectly through two different nuncios B. de Meester, Correspondence du Nonce GiovanniFrancesco Guido di Bagno (Analecta-Vaticano-Belgica, 2e Sér , Brussels, 1938 , 2 vols ) has valuable insight into papal objectives in thePalatinate Luigi de Steffani, La Nunziatura di Francia del Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio (Florence , 1863-70 , 4 vols ) demonstrates the constant surveillance by this nuncio of James's policy towards EnglishCatholics from 1616 to 1620. Both nunciatures contributed to the papal curia information on English Catholic affairs to a greater degree than the Spanish representatives The first volume of M. Avenel's edition of Lettres, Instructions Diplomatiques et Papiers d'Etat du Cardinal de Richelieu (Paris, 1853-77, 8 vols ) has valuable references to Frenchpolicy towards the English Catholics Sidney Lee's edition of the Autobiography ofEdward Lord Herbert of Cherbury (London, 1890) made available a unique recordof Herbert'santi-Spanish maneouvres in Paris from 1619-24

The published correspondence of the Count of Gondomar mentioned above printed the Spanish transcription of several of the documents here translated When the original of that same documentwas also traced in the Archivo General de Simancas, its full pressmark has been includedin the prenotes.


1.Spanish Representatives in London, 1613-25 .

August 1613 1 July 1618, Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, Count of Gondomar(1617), Resident Ambassador

July 1618 March 1620,Julian Sanchez de Ulloa,Agent

March 1620 bassadorJuly 1622, The Count of Gondomar, Resident Am-

June 1622 September 1624, Carlos Coloma , Ambassador Extraordinary.

May 1623 June 1624 , Juan de Mendoza, Marquis de la Ynojosa, Ambassador Extraordinary.

September November 1623, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, Ambassador Extraordinary (April 1624, nominatedAmbassador).

June 1624 November 1625, Jacques Bruneau ,Agent. (February 1625Count of Gondomar, nominatedAmbassador Extraordinary).

The Assistant Personnel

Secretary for Ciphered Correspondence: Julian Sanchez de Ulloa , 1613-24

Secretary for Languages: Cosme de VillaViciosa, 1613-24 . Assistant Secretary to Ambassador : Jasper Grant , 1613-19 . Secretary for English Letters : Francis Fowler II, 1613-19 . RichardBerry, 1619-22. HenryTaylor, 1622-25 . Chaplain to the Embassy: Agustín Pérez, 1611-14 . Diego de la Fuente, O.P. 1615-19 . Thomas Wentworth (alias Juan Hidalgo) 1620-25

Porterof the Residence: Henry Barber , 1613-25 . Correspondent fromEdinburgh: William Laing, 1613-25 . Some Pensioners of the Household : RichardPhilip, John Richardson , James 'LeMettier ' , AnneJay,Mary Snow . (Sources: for the Secretary of Languages, DocumentosInéditos vol 1 , p 160; for Sarmiento'sSecretary, DocumentosInéditos vol 3, p 274, vol 1 , p 191 , vol 2, p. 185, E 2742 n fol consulta of 5 Feb. 1605 , B.M. Add Mss 14015 f. 73, "Memorial de Gaspar Grande" , 26 March 1619; for the Secretary of EnglishLetters: Loomie, "Francis Fowler II, English Secretaryof the Spanish Embassy, 1609-19 "Recusant History vol. 12 (1973) p. 70-78 and "Richard Berry, Gondomar's English Catholic Adviser" Ibid vol. 11 (1971) p 47-57; for the chaplains, Documentos Inéditos vol 3, p 273, vol 1 , p 191, vol 2, p 181 , 185 (concerningPérez and de la Fuente), C.R.S. vol. 9 (1911) p 120 (con-


cerningWentworth); the rest are on Bruneau's pension list to Gondomar in E 2316 n. fol letter of 29 Jan. 1626 and B.P.O. Manuscritosvol. 2165 n fol Prioress of Gravelines to Gondomar, n.d. ca. 1618, C.S.P. Dom . 1611-18p.422-23 .)

2. Gondomarand the 'Spanish Faction' .

In 1567 at Gondomar in Galicia, Diego Sarmiento de Acuña was born to a family oflong traditions of service to the Castilian crown.Asa young man he gained military experience in the coastal defences of Portugal and Andalucia, especially duringthe Englishexpeditionsunder Drake in 1589 and Essex in 1596. Family influence anddistinguished service contributed to his knighthood in the order of Calatrava, after which he was promoted, at the age of 34, to the responsible post of Corregedor of Valladolid during the brief period when Philip III transferred the court of Castile there. Then followed service within the administration of the crown's treasury and another promotion tothe governorship of his native Galicia After his first four years as ambassador in England he was rewarded with his familiar title of Count of Gondomar. Finally, because of the importance of the protracted negotiationsfor the Spanish Match, he was promoted to membership in the Council ofState early in the reignofPhilip IV.¹

Originally Sarmiento had expected a term of about three yearsas ambassador to London, similarto his predecessors, and there is evidence that the Council of State seriously considered his transferral to the major post of ambassador to France in 1616, but the unconcealed preference of James I for his continuation in England prevented his removal . His activities at Whitehall were the subject of contemporary caricaturein Thomas Middleton's play A Game of Chessas well as the frequently reprinted pamphlets of Thomas Scott Modern historians have erased the calculated malicious guile but there lingers an impression of an occasional manipulation of a weak JamesI.2 What basic considerations should be kept in mind? It is worthrecalling thatGondomar'searlier career had been withinthe Iberianmilitaryestablishment and administration, not in diplomacy Furthermore, neitherhiswritten diplomatic instructions nor the previous appraisal of the resident ambassador in Madrid, John Digby, promiseda changein policy or any unusualdemands upon James I. In 1612 Digby had had several interviews with the Duke of Lerma, the valido of Philip III, so that he expected that the new ambassador's purpose "should be in no way to give your Majestie discontent but that leaving to each king to do that which they thought fitt in theire owne dominions there should be an exact care had of perfourming punctually the articles ofthe peace. "³ The instructions for his mission were not fresh; they repeated in every paragraph the directives previously issued in 1605 to the first ambassador, Pedro de Zúñiga In fact there was a contemporary English


translation of them which circulated long enough to be printed in Rushworth'sCollections later.4

The basic ingredients of Gondomar'slegendary influence have been a pleasing dominant personality, a well-filled purse to pension the venal courtier and an enthusiastic clientele among Catholics , crypto-catholics and a scattering of conservative, or Hispanophile , sympathizers within the Whitehall establishment .Wit, audacity and candourwere reflections of Gondomar'searly perception that he should not expect frequent or easy success . It has not been acknowledged sufficiently that he labored to understand the court of England , the country and the people. There were few diplomats of his generation who were prepared to writeto a friend, as he did in 1615: "I have gained familiarity with the English nationthrough conversations with Englishmen ...I have devotedmyself with interest to their histories and annals for many years, I have tried with a special effort since the start of my residency here to observe and understand theiractivities ... " As a consequence ofhis informalstudy there is a dominant note of caution in many of his letters; not merely was he unaware of any personal control over James I, he usually viewed the regular circle of advisers about the kingwith dismay. In his written opinion passed on to Philip III he frankly downplayedthe advantage of pensions so that in his regular accounts of expensesfiled in 1619 only four were listed, which had been promised under his predecessors, and these were of questionable political significance . His papers do show ,however, occasional gifts to friends and confidants ,but these were not lavish nor regularly offered to the same personages For example at his departurein the summer of 1618 jewelswerepresented to Buckingham , Hamilton, Lennox, Calvert, the Countess of Arundel and Endymion Porter These are not corruption but courtesy In March 1620 hissecond residence in London commenced with authorizedfunds of30,000escudos (approximately £7500) "for the costs ofthe embassy and other items of his Majesty's service" , with a supplement of10,000 escudos for his personal needs and family. There was still a residue of this amount to be transferred to Coloma and Bruneau , when hesuddenly returned to Spain two years later If gold as the foundation ofthe Spanish ambassador's influence can rightly be questioned, the reasons for his success mustbe sought elsewhere . The fundamental reason for his importance was clearlythe personal preference of James and the emergence of a visible following for him fromthe outset He was quick to discern among the Catholics, however , the opportunist and the foolish. In the autumn of 1613 he confidedto the Spanish king that therewere some Catholics"whoseekto govern the ambassador" and others were acting as if "merely by being Catholics your Majesty and your ambassador had an obligation to be grateful to them and even to pay them . Consequentlythey make a lot of the fact that they hear massas if itwere not muchtotheirown profit to doso .... ' At about the same time there is a touch of sarcasmin a note to Lerma:


"If everything were true that they have been telling me within a few hours, I will not be losing my expectation of seeing the friars ofSan Pablo [a convent of Valladolid] in their habits in London ... " The principal trait of his relationship to the English Catholics, not withstanding the importunate, was mutual loyalty The symbol of his partisanship for them remained always the free access to his embassy chapel. He was indifferent to any resentment over it When he was absent in Spain, Sir Robert Naunton, principal Secretary ofStatecomplained in 1619 over what had developed in the previous years for "the city is jealous that the Barbican house is a forge of mischief and takes much exception against the open swarming of hundreds of our English thither to hear masse".9 William Prynne once estimated that "two or three thousand" persons publiclywent to mass at the Spanish embassy in Ely House after Gondomar's return 10

But a vindication ofhis chapel's rightswas alreadyin the traditionof his predecessors. How well did he succeed in other respects? One informed answer is his own, prepared late in 1615, when followingthe king of Spain's orders he selected his chaplain , Fray Diego , to go to Madrid and report on the entire situation The Dominican prepared a statement of nearly twenty-five pages to reflect his master's opinions The Spaniard was struck by the sizeable and vocal anti-Spanish faction that was close to the king The strenght of this war party made it imperative that Spain maintain military preparedness To counter the faction he commented: "I have attempted since my arrival to show in word andaction how muchmore advantageous and necessarythefriendship ofSpain is to England than that ofEngland to Spain " He deplored the absence of a "good and true peace" which he felt was possible only whenfreedom for Catholics had been finally negotiated Meanwhile, he warned that Spain was being weakened by Englishtradewhich removed substantial amounts of bullion, while heavy internal taxes failed to encourage domestic trade within . 11 What then was the advantage to Philip of a peacewith England ? Hepointed out that James was reducing his naval strength which made his court's war faction less of a threat Furthermore, peace between the two crowns contributed to "disunion" with the Dutch Otherbenefitscould be foreseen in the rest of northern Europe . For example , James appeared less determinedto head a general league of all protestantsalthough he remained actively concerned over the Huguenots of France. He did not think that James had a close alliance with Denmark or the princes ofGermany , for even the "Count Palatine has little satisfaction" after his marriage to the king's daughter Despite the house of Stewart's blood ties to the duchy of Lorrainethere were no indications of special influence James was said to have no respect for the young king of France, "and he dislikes extremely the queen mother and he is trying to discredithergovernmentand activities byevery means possible" . Similarly James was antipathetic to the pope and anxiousto"deprive him ofhispower." Lastly, what did Gondomar


feel was James's policy towards Spain? Although he conceded thatthe English king would not be prepared to create an anti-Habsburg league, still he was certain that he sought to reduce "the greatness" ofSpainas far as he could. In concluding, again he appealed to Philip to review the relative resources ofeach country forwar . 12

The Spanish envoy's typical circumspectionhad surfaced By 1617 , when the Spanish marriage was being debated in London, he confided to Philip that he would never marry his own daughter to a Princeof Wales unless there was a clear possibility that the lot of the Catholics would improve and he had strongdoubts that this could happen. 13 In 1618 he left London in the midst of unprecedented gestures offriendship from James, who had recalled for the momentthe commissions of pursuivants against Catholics and handed him all imprisoned clerics , includingWilliam Baldwin, to accompany him overseas.When he arrived in Spain in early 1619 he was able to write his own opinions in frankness and in tranquility. He was in poor healthbut this, hefelt, had been brought on by the heavy weight ofmattersundernegotiation, "andthe broadside bateríathat every enemy of God andyour Majesty directs against the post, and further more and above all the slight assistance , support and aid that were granted to me for it ... " He still was disturbed over the strength of the war faction in Whitehall and propheciedthat there were "small results" to be expected from any Spanish representative whose "authority and influence" is founded "solely upon the respect and fear that they have towards his master" Despitehis pessimistic view of his role, he had become convinced that an alliance with England must be cultivated "Guerra con toda la tierra y paz con Inglatierra" , a maxim from the days of Charles V, he cited as the principle for the future in a letter to the Secretary of the Spanish Council ofState . 14

It is within this context that the circle of his confidantsand sympathizers , the Spanish faction, should be appraised He has already hinted clearly that he did not feel that much important assistancewas at his disposal either from Madrid or London. It remains to sort out the names ofthose who can safely be identified from the files ofthe embassy's correspondence as Hispanophile to establish his sense of inadequacymoreaccurately.Not unexpectedlythe faction shows membership of varying degrees of loyalty and usefulness The highest in dignity was probably Queen Anne, about whose Catholicobservance Gondomar received her own personal confidences . 15 After her, Thomas Howard, Earl of Northampton, was the mostinfluential ally, althoughGondomar knewhimfor only a short period . 16 Robert Ker, Duke ofSomerset , was clearly sympathetic during his short political ascendancy at court. Although they lived overseas during a large part of his first visit to London, the Earl and Countess ofArundel remained ofhelp even when the Spanish match was no longernegotiable . The Earl and Countess of Suffolkwere confidantsand supporters ofGondomarregularly,although


their political eclipse removed much of the value of their patronage. Edward Lord Wotton, a privy councillor, was a reliable friend provided he remained at court, but his political status was minimal towardsthe end of the reign . 17 Sir Thomas Lake, as Secretary ofState, was certainly Hispanophile until he lost his post; his successor Sir George Calvert was less overtly favorable but never hostile. The French and Venetian ambassadors regularly denounced Sir Lewis Lewkenor as partisan to Spanish interests Certainly Sir Endymion Porter rendered service but he was without political stature . Sir William Monson, ViceAdmiral of the Narrow Seas, quietly visited the embassy and chapel severaltimes . 18

It is noteworthy how the former and current English diplomats in Spain rallied to Gondomar'shelp and therefore presented his activities in a morefavorablelight in many ways in their despatches. Sir Charles Cornwallis, who had, as ambassador in Madrid, been hostile, was very friendlyto the Spanish embassy in England and even pleaded privately to be allowed to end his life overseas in the territory of Spain.19 Sir John Digby was a personal admirer of Gondomar as his letters show in different occasions The same nuance can be seen in Francis Cottington's despatches;itisnot surprising therefore that Cottington'spatron,Richard Weston became close to each of the Spanish representatives William Cecil, Lord Burghley, son of the Earl of Exeter, his wife and son , the Lord Rous, made clear their willingness to assist Gondomaron many occasions . 20 Towards the end of his life the 9th Earl of Worcester, Edward Somerset, showed a steady and unswerving support even when it had ceased to be fashionable in any way A circle of important Catholic landed families, such as Vaux, Roper , Brudenelland Vavasour were well known to Gondomarand encouraged their younger sons to enterthe Archdukes service in 1622 after the Dutch warhad reopened . ²¹ To bedenounced by Buckingham in 1623 as pro-Spanish is hardlyasafe norm for membership in the faction, so that the name of Lionel Cranfieldcan be treated with reserve .

The predecessors of Gondomar , Zúñiga and Velasco, usually considered the Scottish peers at Whitehall to be pro-French Their assumption was in the main correct but Gondomar found some exceptions Lady Drummond, Queen Anne'sfavourite, was a Spanish pensioner and informant during his first residence Alexander Seton , Chancellor of Scotland, and Archibald Campbell , 7th Earl of Argyle were his personal friends and attempted to be of service James Hamilton, the Marquess Hamilton,2 and Ludovic Stewart, Duke of Lennox, who were in high favour at Whitehall, are seen to be friendly on many occasions ifnotpartisan.Lastlythere was noticeableto foreign observers in London the popularity of Gondomaramong some of the family of Buckingham . Lady Mary Compton, Countess of Buckingham, the favourite's mother23 and Francis Manners, 7th Earl of Rutland , his father-in-law did not conceal their approval of the Spaniard's popularity withtheking.



These personalities , identified almost exclusively from embassy correspondence, belong to what has been called at times a 'Spanish Faction' , yet it is necessary to weigh Gondomar'sreactions to his residence in London to appreciate their true significance In 1618 after he left England with five year's experience of most of these courtiershe was discouraged rather than optimistic about the future. Even a quick examinationofthe 'Faction' can establish that it was, even at the height of its numbers, a minority in the overallpolitical scene . Deaths, such as those ofNorthampton and Queen Anne, or political decline and disgrace such as that ofSuffolk, Lake and Monson weakened its stature beforeit had acquired permanent influence As a consequence Gondomar, the realist, did not look myopically to these quiet supporters orvocalsympathizers, but always to the whole hostile, or indifferent, majority in attendance about the king. When he returned to London in thespring of 1620 he sensed that his position had deteriorated. This explains his caution in the face of James's public encouragement of a Spanish match and the familiar signs of favour to him on the part of the king Despite the contemporarymisapprehension ofhis perverse manipulation of a weak king, the "Faction" did not gain momentum. Buckingham had become the magnet for future political advancement and the favouritewould not andcould not sufferthe growth of any rival faction. After he returned from Spain in 1623 the favourite would devote his energies to stifling Hispanophile sentiment anywhere in court; his partnershipwith the House of Commons to achieve this is wellknown. In February 1621 duringhis second residence in London there was a significant private interview between Gondomarand King James . Here there was an effort to dissipate the innerscepticism ofthe Spaniard by fresh assurancesof relief for the EnglishCatholics and the king's more moderate attitude towardsthe papacy The Spaniard dutifully reported these pledges to the Spanish kingand then added the following lines: "I find nothing more to comment save that as the cause is that ofGod , perhaps He will arrange and achieve todaywhat seemedto be impossible yesterday . "24 A year after this Gondomar returned to the court at Madrid with a determination, ably supported by JohnDigby, to arrange a marriage treaty satisfactory to three courts: Whitehall, the Vatican and Madrid. His possible success was viewed by the same forceswho had been the "batería" of 1618 as the wrong path for the futureof England, of Protestantism , and their own careers The coalition does not have the frenzy of a "Popish Plot" ofthe 1670's yet parliament, the pulpit , the theatre, the hostile embassies ofFrance and Venice, sections of the merchant community and of the court, all contributed to make James hesitate Here the friendship ofa king or the support of a faction could not prevail and Gondomar had been long prepared forthis.John Chamberlain had prophesied the same outcome to Dudley Carletonin September 1622 when he commentedthat if James I showed "good respect" to Catholics , it would be "no doubt ... don in goodmeasure


like the Spanish paven, as muchforward as backward."25

3. Carlos Coloma's embassy

OfficiallyGondomarretained his diplomatic title of ambassadoreven during his absence from London until April 1624. Later, before the news of the death ofJames I had reached the court in Madrid, Philip IV had ordered him to go once again to England "so that he trywiththat kingto bring about a discussion of the affairs of Germanyby way of mediation."26 During hisfirst leave in Spain the Secretary for Ciphered Letters in London, Julian Sanchez de Ulloa, was appointed resident Agent for Spanish Affairs for the duration of a year and a half. When Gondomarwas recalled a second time to undertakethe marriage negotiations, Carlos Coloma was appointed ambassador extraordinary for two years to represent Spanish interests in his place His credentials were distinguished by naval service in the Mediterranean and a career on the battlefield in Flanders, where he had risen to the rank ofMaestre de Campo. He had also served as governor in Perpignan,Majorcaand Cambrai Philip's aunt, the Archduchess Isabella was most anxiousfor his return to serve in Brussels, yet two urgent appeals to him were refused . 27 Coloma's intelligence and tact in the face of mounting hostility in parliament and the spite of Buckingham's faction at court in 1624 were remembered by Charles I, who welcomed himto London five years later again as ambassador extraordinary to promote the conclusion of a peace with Spain . 28 In May 1624 Coloma sponsored an assembly of Englishlaity and priests who were, as he wrote, "secluded in my house out of fear of parliament" , who prayed and reflected on the future of the English Catholic community after the breakdownof the Spanish marriage negotiations.229

Two other ambassadors extraordinary came to London during Coloma's residence Both appointments were a consequence of the unexpected visit of the Prince ofWalesand Buckinghamto the Spanish court early in the spring of 1623. Juan de Mendoza , Marquis de la Ynojosa, reached London in Mayto announce the safe arrivalofCharles and convey special messages from Philip IV to James on that occasion . After an elaborate public audience he remained in London to observe the completion ofthe articles ofthe Spanish marriage treaty Previously the marquis had served with the Spanish army in north Italy, before appointmentsas governor of Milan and viceroy of Navarre; he was also a memberof the Council of State . Although James I insisted thatthe Infanta still be entitled "Princess of Wales" until late December 1623 , Ynojosa soon became the focus of Buckingham's anti-Spanish campaign His final months in London were a painful ordeal when serious charges of subversion were levelled against him. He left without the traditional public audience of farewell, a snub that was equivalentto being declared persona non grata 30 Diego Hurtado de Mendoza's mis-


sion as ambassador extraordinary was totally one of courtesy and ceremony. A knight of the order of Santiago, Captainofthe province of Alava, he had once served as personal escort of the Infanta Ana to her marriage in France in 1615.Similarly on this occasion he was the escort in the name of Philip IV for Charles to England as the marriage treaty was not officially broken When he arrived in October 1623 Coloma hoped in vain that he would replace him but Ynojosastrongly objected to any extended visit to London ConsequentlyHurtado de Mendoza departed in late Novemberwith the cordial good wishes of the English court . 31

It was not until September 1624 that Philip IV allowed Colomato return to Brussels After that the embassy's affairswere committed to Jacques Bruneau as resident Agentin the absenceof Gondomar. JamesI still expressed hopes that he would return quickly. Instead Bruneau quietly corresponded with him about the alarmingsituation in London as preparationsfor his return were postponed . Afterthe Anglo-Spanish war had opened Bruneau's discreet serviceswere warmly commended to Philip IV . 32 In a short time Bruneau became President ofthe Chambre des Comptes in Lille and then Secretary of the Council of Flanders in Madrid .

4. The English Catholics in this collection

The Spanish embassy's preoccupation with the condition ofthe Catholics of England prompted periodic reports about James's official statements or occasional promises of moderation. The variationsinthe enforcement ofpenal laws can be traced fromyearto year;for example, one for 1613 (Doc. 4) must be compared with that for the following year (Doc 11) There was no specific method followed in describing this problem. Sarmientoconcentratedon a candid appraisal of James's private hostility to Catholics in 1615 (Doc 20) although the regular personal assurancesto the contrary were also passed along in his other letters . The Spanish embassy was irritated by James's printed attacks on Paul V and Cardinal du Perron far more than James ever realized (Doc 13, 21) On the advice of Gondomarthe Council of State was to discount any private assurance from James and to watchany move to lighten the harassment ofCatholics (Doc 3, 28, 54, 58) There is a note of frustration in some of these observations ; protestsin 1617 seem to have some results in England (Doc. 30) but severity was still observed in Ireland or Scotland (Doc 33, 34) When the revocationof all commissions of pursuivantswas promised (Doc . 39) a new note of optimism was visible in the agent's despatches in the summer of 1618 (Doc 40) This began to wither in the following winter and spring (Doc. 44, 45) and the forecastfor early 1620 included rigour and new devises to create legal obligationsfor the wives of recusants (Doc 46). James's determination to convince Gondomar of his effective control


over enforcement brought another period of mildness which was signalled by the release of hundreds of recusants on bail in the summer of 1622 (Doc 54). Although the situation was morepromisingagain in the summer of 1623, the sequence of reports ends with the grim reflectionsofColoma.

Paul V's mistrust of James, already documented in C.R.S. 64 (1973) continued to have influence within the Council of State (Doc 1 , 13 , 15, 16) and certainly prolongedbeyondendurance thenegotiationsfor the Spanish marriage (Doc 20, 28, 34, 46 and Appendix II).Therewas need to include here new sources on the church in Scotland (Doc 11 , 23, 33) and Ireland (Doc 4, 11, 19) and a forgotten popular legend from Wales (Doc 50) The unusual theme of Catholic printing is touchedupon in various ways (Doc 6, 21 , 27). There need notbesurprise that the bizarre adventurers continue as before to be noted (Doc 18, 32) The famous tragedy at Blackfriars has two fresh documents (Doc. 56, 57).

Finally there is representative sampling of the strong personalities who provide the special colour of Jacobean Catholicism. A former Anglican preacher (Doc 6), an Oxford don (Doc. 10) and a Scottish savant (Doc. 38) and the Master of Ceremonies at Whitehall (Doc. 36, 37) had to have a place. Sir William Stanley provided a fresh eye witness account of the surrender of Deventer (Doc 46, 47) and the next generation's offers of service to the archdukes military campaigns (Doc. 17, 35, 43) are worth attention aswell. Since this collection was planned to illustrate Spanish policy and activities on behalf of the Catholicsin England itwasthoughtproperto place in an appendix unusual contemporary itemsthat pertain to the Iberianpeninsula Here is an appeal ofthe autumn of 1618 to Gondomar to assist the establishment of a new conventforEnglishDominicansin Andalucia There is also a confidential report by William Baldwin, S.J. presented to Gondomarin Madrid in the summer of 1619. Lastlythere are the unusual original directives of James I concerning the Anglican services he desired to be conductedfor Prince Charles during his visit to the Catholic court at Madridin 1623 .

Notes to the Introduction


Alonso Lopez de Haro, El Nobiliario Geneologico de los Reyes y Titulos de España (Madrid, 1622) vol 1 pp. 236-38 is the earliest printed biography Thereis no modern biography of distinction Good new information as well as critical bibliographies are available in C. Carter, "Gondomar : Ambassador to James I" , The Historical Journalvol 7 (1964) p 189-208; C. Senning, "TheCarvajal Affair: Gondomar and James I" Catholic HistoricalReview vol 56 (1970) p. 42-66

2 See G. Mattingly, Renaissance Diplomacy (London, 1955) p 259 ff.; D. Willson , James VI and I (London, 1956) p 362 f.; M. Breslow, A Mirror of England: English Puritan Views of Foreign Nations, 1618-40 (Cambridge, Mass


1970) p 142-48; W. Maltby, The Black Legend in England (Durham , N.C., 1971) p. 100-115 .

3 P.R.O. S.P. 94/19/239, Digbyto James I, Madrid, 7/17 Jan. 1612/1613

4 See C.R.S. vol 64 (1973) Doc 10; P.R.O. S.P. 94/19/382-84, "Secrett Instruc tions of don Diego Sarmiento sent by the Kinge of Spayne"; J. Rushworth , HistoricalCollections(ed 1721) vol 1 p 18-20, copy is printed withoutcorrect identification

5 E 2594/80, Sarmiento to Marquis of Guadaleste, London, 7 Dec. 1615 . Shortly after his arrival Sarmiento was ordered to assistthe court cronista, Fray Pedro de Valencia , by preparing "a verydetailed report" ofwhat had happened in England "concerning the king our lord" since his accession (E libro 367 f. 64, Ciriça to Sarmiento , Madrid, 11 Dec. 1613) Fray Pedro's manuscript was not completed (M. Serrano y Sanz, Pedro de Valencia: Estudio Biografico- Critico , Badajoz, 1910). Gondomar was critical of errors in contemporaryEnglish and Spanish histories He asked Lerma to demand a revision of Fray Marco deGuadalajara's Quarta Parte de la Historia Pontifical (Zaragosa, 1612) where it was stated that Spain was anxious for peace with England in 1604 and that a concessionof trade with the Indies had been made (E 2592/2 Sarmiento to Lerma, London , 25 Jan. 1614) He brought his library of English books back to Spain where he duly secured permission from the papal nuncio to retain histories"composed by hereticalwriters" (E libro 368 f. 115 , Millino to Gondomar , Madrid, 7 July 1619).

6 For 1611-14 see DocumentosInéditosvol 3 , p 271; for 1615-16, Ibid vol 1 , p 191; B.P.O. 2108 f. 68 "Relacion del estado en que quedan las pensiones ... " Dec. 1623; E 2516n fol GondomartoPhilip IV, Brussels, 1 Feb. 1626

7 E.2575 n fol Certification ofaccounts dated 2 Oct. 1636

8 E libro 360 f. 4 Sarmiento to Philip III, London, 6 Sept. 1613; Documentos Inéditosvol 3 p 139, Sarmiento to Lerma, London, 6 Oct. 1613 .

9 B. M. Harleian Mss 1581 f. 113-14, Naunton to Buckingham , n.d. ca. April 1619

10 W. Prynne, A Breviate of the Life of William Laud (1644) p 48. Later Charles I refused to permit Ely House to return to Spanish use In 1636 the Count of Oñate y Villa Mediana asked to reside there but the Masterof Ceremonies , John Finnet, replied "I knew it to be resolved that the House whichfor the scandall's sake , which at that tymecame ofit for the exceptions taken by our bishops against the use of the chapel for the Masse (sayd dayly therein) and for the kinges subjects to repayre to it should never more be made a dwellingfor ambassadores" (Rousham House, Oxon Mss "FinnetsNotes" p 401) Meanwhile in early 1623 Van Male reported that "by command of the king signed by the new secretary Sir Edward Conway" pursuivants entered Newgate prison where they broke into the quarters of the imprisoned priests "and took all theirpapers, books and church ornaments" (PC 59 f. 56 letter to Archduchess, London, 17 Feb. 1623)

11 Madrid, B. Nac Manuscritos 2366 f. 135-47: "Relacion que el conde de Gondomardio a fray Diego. "

Ibid f. 135, 138, 142 , 144 . 12



See Doc 11, 34.

Documentos Inéditos vol 2, p 131-43, Gondomarto Philip III Madrid, 28 March 1619; Ibid p 103, Gondomarto Ciriça, Madrid, 28 March 1619 . 15

See Doc 34 . 16

See Doc 14 .



See C.R.S. vol 64 (1973) Doc 46

18 See Doc 5, 12, 36, 37.

19 See Doc 35; further details in E 2514/85 consulta of 4 March 1617 and E 2515/13consulta of 29 Jan. 1618


21 See Doc. 30

Loomie, "Gondomar's Selection ofEnglish Officersin 1622" Engl Hist Rev. vol 88 (1973) p. 574-81 .

22 E libro 378 n fol. Bruneau to Gondomar , London, 25 March 1625, where therumour that Hamilton sought a Catholicpriestis reported

23 Years later the story was still current in London that when Gondomarwas aboutto send some official letters to Madrid"and the old countess of Buckingham then inextraordinary high favourthat mostSuters made their addressunto her, he writ a postscript to Count Olivares that ther were never greater hopes then now that England would turn Roman Catholik, for the mother was moreworshipped thenthe son . "J.Howell, Discourse concerning Precedency (1664) p. 210






See Doc 51

N. McClure , ed The LettersofJohn Chamberlain vol 2, p 452

EK 1457, Philip IV to Count ofOsona, Aranjuez, 24 April 1625.

E 2038/99 consulta of 18 Jan. 1624; E 2038/32 consulta of 24 June 1624

Loomie, "Olivares, the English Catholics and the Peace of 1630" Revue Belge dePhilologieet d'Histoirevol 47 (1969) p 1154-66 .

29 E 2516/130 Accounts of Coloma ending 20 June 1624. The assembly of Catholics cost 2254 reales (approximately£56); See also Coloma to Mellini, n.d. ca. June 1624 (Tierney-Dodd, vol 5, p. cclxi); Olga Turner, "DonCarlos Coloma , 1566-1637 , como historiador" , Homenaje a Jaime Vicens Vives (Barcelona, 1967) vol 2, p 717-31 contains a full bibliographyofhiscareer .

30 See Doc 56; R. Ruigh, The Parliament of 1624 (Cambridge, Mass 1971) p 257-302

31 E 2516/49 consulta of 19 Nov. 1623; E 2573/200 Philip IV to Hurtado de Mendoza, Madrid, 20 Nov. 1623

32 E 2316 n fol Bruneau to Gondomar , Brussels, 29 Jan. 1626; Gondomarto Philip IV, Brussels, 1 Feb. 1626 .



Original consulta , 4 pages, E 2514/4 . The king's response isindicated in Document 3. Earlier diplomatic approaches of Paul V to James I are seeninVol.I, doc 18, 19 , 37, 47. Although the Franco-Spanish marriage alliances werenowassured, the Pope's appeal for a commoneffortdiplomatically by Catholic princes on behalf of the English Catholics aroused misgivings at the Spanish court Cooperationwith France had been reluctantly attempted by Philip III in 1602 but had come to nothing (see "Philip III and the Stuart Succession in England" , Rev. Belg. de Phil et d'Hist. 43 (1965) pp 510-13) Subsequently French partisanship of the "Appellants" had been found divisive (see J. Bossy, "Henry IV, the Appellants and the Jesuits" , Rec Hist 8 (1965) pp 106-11). At that time Zúñiga advised Philip from London that any French interest to be considered "Protector of the Catholics" was demonstrated "so as to damage their affection for Spain" (E 2584/74, letter of 10 November 1605) Subsequently he warned of James's annoyance over a rumour that a league was planned between Paul V , Henry IV and Philip III (E 2584/54 letter of 31 March 1606). Although only a rumour,there does survive fromthis period an undatedmemorandum to the pope by Joseph Creswell (possibly 1606) insisting on the creationofan ententeon behalfof the English Catholics (A.S.V Fondo Borghese, II vol 68 ff 228-30) For a later reaction to this plan see Doc 21. (p.1)


Vuestra Magestad mando por villete del Duque de Lerma que se viese en el consejo un memorial que ha dado el nunciode su Santidad¹ en que refiere que un religioso que auia llegado de Inglaterra a Roma propuso a su Santidad que si los embaxadores de vuestra Magestad yde Francia con algun ministro del emperador hablasen juntos al Rey de Inglaterray le apretasen muy de veras para que no se hiziese tantapersecucion como agora reciben los catolicos que ay en aquel Reyno le darian quizaen que entenderque desseandosu Santidad acertar en cosa tan grave como esta no ha querido hazer nada sin oyr antes el parecer de Vuestra Magestad como hijo tan obediente suyo y amparo de la Religion catholica para que pareciendo de consideracion a Vuestra Magestad esta propuesta haga su Santidad la diligenciaque convenga junto con Vuestra Magestad y los dichos principes. y auiendo platicado en el consejo sobre lo referido se voto comose sigue:

El ComendadorMayor de Leon³ que todo lo que se pudiere hazer por los Catholicos de Inglaterray de todas partes (p.2) es muyjusto y

proprio de la grandeça y mucha Christiandadde Vuestra Magestad pero es materia que pide mucha consideraçion porque no reciban daño poniendolos en diferencia con su Rey o tomando el el officio quese apunta por especie de amenaça y pensando que es a aquisicionde los catolicos les aruyne de quaxo, pero no se puede responder esto a su Santidad porque no diga que ya hizo su officio con VuestraMagestad y con aquello cumple sino aqui al nuncio que VuestraMagestad esta muy prompto para acudir al beneficio de los Catholicos y que dessea que prevalezca mucho y que su Santidad considere el fructoque se podra sacar de lo que hiziere por ellos segun el estado de las cosas y el proy contra que ay en el casso y ver con esto a lo que salen de parte de su Beatitud en quien se ha conocido mucho recato en hazer officios en Inglaterra si bien se ha dado a entender de su parte la esperança que tiene de que serian bien recebidos . Ha se pensado algunas vezes si seria bien avisar a los catolicos de aquel Reyno por mayor bien suyo queno faltando en lo espiritual a su obligacionni haziendoel Juramentoque aquel Rey les pide en lo demas (p. 3) temporalle sirvan bien y no traten de nada contra el y se podria esperar que arimando a esto el oficioque agora advierte el nuncio llevase caminoy aprovechase y desto y de lo demas que pareciese se podria hazer proposicional Papapara que entienda quanto dessea Vuestra Magestad el bien de aquellos catolicosy visto loque responde y se le offreçe tratar de lo que convenga

El Marques de Vellada que la advertiençiamuestra muchapiedad y zelo del serviciode nuestro Señor y assi conforma conelComendador Mayor de Leon

El Duque de Infantados que tiene por muy peligroso esta diligencia que apunta el nuncio por que al mismo punto que que se hiziese a de pensar el Rey de Inglaterra que es liga contra el y podria ser resultara esto el degollarlos a todos y el aver ydo contiento en esta materiaha sido por la misma salud y bien dellos y es assi que diran en Romaque acudierona Vuestra Magestad y no les ha respondido peroporel inconveniente dicho es bien yr con mucha consideraçion y hazer lo que se pudiere (p. 4) sin su perjuycio porque no les llevara durestas pues aun quandoel subcesso de la polbora (en que no huuo mas causa de la que se vio) dieron a entender que fue traça de aca y del Papa, de mas de que tiene por cierto, que de françia no embiaran a hazer, este officiopero conformasecon lo ultimo que apunta el ComendadorMayor de Leon.

El Marques de Villa Franca se conformaconel ComendadorMayor de Leon

Don Agustin Messia que no se desista de lo que dize su Santidady se le ponga en consideraçion todo lo que offreçepara que entiendaquanto se dessea aca el bien de aquellos Catholicos y se vaya tomando el expediente que masconvenga .

El Marques de la Laguna? se conformacon el Comendador de Leon. Vuestra Magestad etc. a 30 Abrilde 1613.

Translation :]

By a letterfrom the Duke ofLermayourMajestyorderedthatthere be a review of a memorial presented by the nuncio of his Holiness¹ wherein he relates that a religious from England , who came to Rome , proposed to his Holiness that ifthe ambassadors ofyour Majesty and France, together with some representative of the Emperor, should speak to the Kingof Englandandshouldstronglyprotest to him about the heavy persecutionthat at themoment the Catholics ofthat kingdom endure they would perhaps make him realize that it ought to beended . While his Holiness was anxiousto assist an affairas grave as thishedid notwishtodoanything beforehearing first theopinion ofyour Majesty, a most obedient son and protector ofthe Catholicfaith, so that, should this seem important to your Majesty, his Holiness might undertake appropriate measures jointly with your Majesty and the said princes . When the Council had discussed the report itvotedasfollows . The ComendadorMayor ofLeon³ [said] that everythingpossible should be done for the Catholics ofEngland, as a thing mostfittingin every respect and in keeping with your Majesty's stature and deep Christianity; still this is a question which demands muchreflection lest they receive harm by setting them at odds withtheir king, or by letting him view the undertaking, which is being here suggested, as a sort of threat. Once he thought that controlof the Catholics was being sought he would promptly destroy them . Yet this can not be said in the response to his Holiness because he does not mention that he has previously exercised his duty with your Majesty and that consequently therewas agreement, but rather that now at the momentyourMajestyis to be fully prepared to come to the aid of the Catholics and he is insistingupon this strongly. His Holiness shouldreflect upon the effect that might result accordingto the condition of affairs and that thereis a "for" and "against"in the questionand [he ought] to lookintothis caseand seewhatmight be the outcomefor his Holiness, in whom there has been seen a considerable caution in his proceedings with England, although he let it be known that he hoped they would be wellreceived. The thought had occurred to him at one time or another whetherit would be good to advise the Catholicsofthat kingdomfor theirown greater good that, provided there was no failingin theirobligations to the spiritual andno acceptance of the oath, they shouldserve the king well in whatever he asks concerning the temporal and not conspire against him in any way. It could then be expected that byfollowingthis advice, the activityabout which the nuncio is speaking at present might be begun and makeprogress Concerning this and the subsequent effect a statementcan be made to the Pope so that he might realizehow well your Majesty is looking after the good of those Catholics and after seeing his response and what the opportuntiy providesto discuss what issuitable.

The Marquis of Velada [said] that the statement showedgreat piety and zeal for the service of our Lord and accordingly he agreed with the Comendador Mayor ofLeon.

The Duke of Infantados [said] that he considered this activity which the nuncio disclosed to be very dangerous for, as soon as itis begun, the king ofEngland willbelieve thereis a leagueagainst him and perhaps therewill result the ruin of everyone and his previouscontentment in this matter has been to theirown security and well beingand inevitably they will be saying in Rome that they did turn toyour Majesty and there was no response for them. Howeverbecause ofthe aforesaid difficulty it is best to proceedwithgreatcare and to do what ought to be done without danger for them so as not to bringhardship upon them . For even in the PowderPlot(whereintherewas nofurther causefromwhat was seen) they let it be known that it was a designfrom here and the Pope Furthermore, he thinks it certain that as far as France is concerned they will not send word to proceed in this role. However he is in agreement with the last remarks of the Comendador Mayor ofLeon .

The Marquisof Villa Franca [said] that he agreed with theComendadorMayor ofLeon.

Agustin de Mexia[said] that thereis no evasion ofwhat hisHoliness said and that everythingthat happened should be kept in mindsothat he should become aware of how much the good of the Catholicsis beingsought here and that there is goingto be adoptedthe course that is most suitable

The Marquis de la Laguna" [said] that he agreed with the ComendadorMayor ofLeon.

2 Mayyour Majesty, etc. On 30 April 1613 .

1 Antonio Caetano, ArchbishopofCapua, Nuncioin Spain 1611-18

Samuel Spifame, Sieur de Buisseaux, who was reportedto have already been ordered by the Queen Mother to make "serious efforts on behalfofthe Catholics " since there was greater liberty for Huguenots in France that whatSpain permitted to protestantsin its territories (P C 48 n. fol Boisschot to Archduke, London, 25 April 1613)

3 Juan de Idiáquez.

4 Antonio Gómez Davila, Marquis ofVelada y Astorga.

5 Iñigo López de Mendoza, Duke ofInfantado .

6 Pedro de ToledoOsorio , Marquis ofVilla Franca

7 Sancho Cerda, Marquis de la Laguna de los Cameros


Madrid, 17 May 1613.

Holograph with signature, 3 pages, E2590/42

(p.2) +

Entiendo que Don Ricardo Berry' cauallero Ingles que parte para Inglaterraprocurabesarlas manos a VuestraExcellenciapara despedirse: ymehaparecidopor via de prevencionrepresentar a VuestraExcellencia loqueaquidire

Solia siempre de muchos años desta parte residire aquienMadriduna persona confidente de los Catholicos de Inglaterra con cargo de corresponder con ellos y entretenerlos afectos al servicio de su Magestad Esto hizo Don Francisco Englefield2 que fue del consejo de estado de la ReynaDoñaMaria, y despuesdel, Thomas Fitzherbert.³

Vacandoeste lugar le quiso ocuparThomas Jaymes, y porcartas del Duque de Sesas y otros que truxo de Roma su Magestad le mandodar 40 escudos al mez para este efecto Pero comolos otros no le conocian nyquerria nadie corresponder con el: se fue a san Lucar, adonde agora reside con titulo de Consul de los mercaderes, que es su profession.

Vista lafalta que aqui se hazia al servicio de su Magestad y a la misma causa, que es comun, escriui a Inglaterra que embiassen aca para este efecto persona de quien ellos tenian confianca y embiaron a este cauallero .

Enfermandose grauemente en Madrid, este embaxador levisito mas veces , y le ofrecio su casa, para curarle y regalarle Pregunto my parecer y yo le aconseje de aceptarlo , si el embaxador le hazia mas instancia: porque (o que viviesse, o muriesse) sabia que auia de edificarles , y assi fue: porque aprobecho su buen exemplo, y yo fui a confesarle encasa del Embajador sabiendo el: y le quedo muy aficionado, y con estas ocasiones se ganan los hombres a Dios: de donde los que no saben lo que passa , toman (a veces) materia de sospechar: y cada uno injura a otrosconforme a su propriaintencion.

Este cauallerose resuelve de volvera Inglaterraa donde tiene credito entre los Catholicos yo por my parteprocuro que vaya deaca satisfecho y obligado porque puede servir Vuestra Excellencia viera (segun su prudencia ) lo de mas que convenga hazer con el (p. 3) Segun las relaciones que vienen de Inglaterra el Rey no puede vivir muchosdias y con su muerte abia (infaliblemente) mudança: y el estado de los Catholicos , es muydifferente de lo que an pintado algunos que an venido de alla Las muestras de amistad que agora se les hazen, en todos tiempos seran agradecidos Pero las que ubiese despues que le hallasen en mejor fortuna, ni se estimaran ny se creeran, si les entrare opinion que se an menos preciados en su necessidad Sabe dios (por quienlo he

hecho) el cuydadoy trabajo que me ha costado , de encubrir y escusar cosas que pudiessen causar esta opinion Pero yo soy uno: y si fuere solo, no me creeran .

Losembaxadores (despuesde la Paz) an gastado a su Magestadmucho dinero VuestraExcellenciasabra mejor, si los efectos ayan correspondido Yo se que sus yerros(si los hiziesen) cuestan caro a los Catholicos porque se vengan dellos en Inglaterra y ay probabilidad que llegados aca, y con sus cartas, los echan a otros, y assi yo he topado con ministro graue muy engañado en aquellos materias: y si ay muchos de la misma manera no me puedoespantar de malos sucesosen estos negocios

Lo que sucedio bien a los que an hecho algo bueno en Inglaterra sucedio, porque les ayudaron los Catholicosy vemos que despues que les vinieron a conocery tener en poco no an hecho lo que antes en el servicio de su Magestad

Por esto yo fui de parecer que este cauallero acompanasse a Don Diego Sarmiento y que fuesse con aprobacion deste Embaxador de Inglaterrapues no se podia encubrir: y el lo aprobo, sabiendo que don Diego (por fuerça) auia de lleuar alguno: y que auia de ser Catholico: y esto supuesto, (por tener a este cauallero por persona pacifica y de honrados respectos) entendiaque no hariacosaindignadellos

Nadiepuede prometerla perseverancia de otro ni el suyo tampocoen la fee y gracia de Dios. Pero si miramos las cosas segun presentem Justitiam tantas prendas tiene este cauallero de perseverar fiel (p 4) a Diosy a su Magestad quantas qualquier de los que se an a ambiadode aca: y bien sè que ningunodellos (quando se fue) auia dadotangrandes pruebas como este cauallero ha dado, de ser Catholico (no por interes) sino por serlo de corazon .

Algunos no son capaces (por falta de experiencia ) de entenderque esta causa es comun y que todo el bieny mal que recibe su Magestad es nuestro y en mayor grado lo sentimos que sus proprios vasallos (fuera de los que tienen mano en el gouierno y estan sujetos a premiosy penas) porque las cosas a los demas vasallos son picaduras de moscasa nos otros son heridas mortales Lo de mas remito a la prudenciay piedad de Vuestra Excellencia a quien guarde NuestroSeñor comoeste indigno siervo suyo suplica continuamente. Oy 17 de Mayo de 1613 . Joseph Cresuelo


I understand that Richard Berry, ' an English gentlemanaboutto leave for Englandis arranging to bid farewell to your ExcellencyandI have decided to set down here in a sort ofintroduction what hewillbe saying to yourExcellency.

For many years it has been the regularcustomon ourparttohavea reliable person livein Madrid to represent the Catholics ofEnglandwith the duty to correspond with them and preserve their loyalty in his

Majesty's service . Sir Francis Englefield, who was oncea memberof Queen Mary's council, did this and after him Thomas Fitzherbert.3 When the position fellvacant Thomas James wished to assume itand because ofletters from the Duke ofSessa³ and others as wellwhichhe broughtfrom Rome his Majestyorderedthat he be given 40 escudosa month for that purpose Howeversince the restdid notknowhim , nor did anyonewishto correspond with him, he leftfor San Lucar wherehe now resides with the title of consul of merchants , as that is hisprofession

When the loss for hisMajesty'sservice and the same commoncause became evidentI wrote to Englandin order that they might send some oneherein whom they had confidencefor this position and theysent thisgentleman -

When hefellseriously ill in Madrid, the ambassador visitedhimon several occasions and offered him his residence to mend andrepose He asked myopinion andIadvised him to accept ifthe ambassador pressed him again since whether he shouldlive or diehe knew thathehad to edify them and accordingly he went, because Iapproved hisgood behaviourand I went to hear his confession in the ambassador's house withhis knowledgeand he remainedvery devoted . Indeedwithinthese opportunities men are won to God, wherein some who are unaware of what is happeningmay, at times, find occasion forsuspicions, andeach one gives offenseto another in keeping with his ownpointofview.

This gentleman has decided to return to England where he has a good name amongthe Catholics For my part, Iam labouringthat heshould return therecontentedand indeed underobligation becauseheis capable ofservice. According to yourprudentjudgementyourExcellencymight ponder what more should be done for him . According to the reports which come from England the king cannot live many days and at his deaththerewill most certainly be a change. The condition ofthe Catholics is very different from what some who have come from therehave pictured The signs offriendship which at the momentare shown toto them will be pleasing at all times. But no matter whatmight happen to them , if they reach a better situation, they will be neither appreciated not believed if they are overwhelmed by the news that they are to be lessesteemed in time ofneed .

Since the peace, the ambassadors have spent considerable moneyon his Majesty'sbehalf. Your Excellencyshould be thebetterjudgewhether the results have been equivalent I am aware that their mistakes whenever they commit themare costing the Catholics dearlybecause they are committed by them in England. There is a probabilitythat once they reach there, even with their letters, they might drive them away toothers . On this score Ihave argued withan important councillor who was quiteconfusedabout these mattersand ifthere are many of the same sort I can not be surprised at the unfortunate resultsof these negotiations .

What success occurred for those who have been doing well in England occurredbecause they assisted the Catholics We see now that later, whenthey came to realize that theywere considered to be ofsmall value, they have not acted as before in his Majesty's service. Forthis reason I believe that this gentleman should accompany don Diego Sarmiento and that he should go with the approbation of this ambassador from England since it cannot be concealed. He has approvedthis as he has known that don Diego perforcehad to bring some one and that he should be a Catholic, and on this supposition since he considers this gentleman a peaceable individual and ofhonorableintentions he knows that he will not do anything unbecoming .Ifsome one has stirred up trouble on this account it has been because he has notbeen informed of the problem, and for this reason I wrote at once about it to your Excellency No one can promise the perseverance of another, nor ofhimselffor that matter, in God's faith and grace.Howevershould we look at things according to the present dispensation of grace this gentleman possesses as many guarantees of remainingfaithful to God and his Majesty as any of those who have been sent from here . This gentleman knows quite well after he has gone that none of them has offered such complete proof of being a Catholic as he and not from selfinterestbut out ofconviction. Some people are incapable , from a lackof experience, ofunderstaning that this is a common cause and that anything good or bad thathis Majesty experiences, is also ours and that we are suffering to a greater extent than his own subjects aside from those who have a hand in governmentand accordinglyare subject to rewards and penaltiesfor thingswhich for many subjects are flea bites are mortal woundstothe rest of us . I leave the rest to yourExcellency'sprudence and piety,for whom this unworthy servant continually asks our Lord's protection Todaythe 17th ofMay.

Joseph Creswell

1 See Loomie, "Richard Berry, Gondomar's English CatholicAdviser" , Recusant History, vol. 11 (1971), pp 47-57.

2 See Loomie, Spanish Elizabethans, 14-51

3 Ibid . pp. 108-12; C.R.S., vol 41 (1948), Introd

4 See Loomie, Guy Fawkes in Spain, (BulletinInst Hist Res , Supplement , 1971) pp. 9-14 .

5 Antonio de Cardona y Cordoba, Duke ofSessa

6 JohnDigby .

7 See , for example, D. Willson,KingJames VI and I (London, 1956) p. 336 .


, Segovia, 21 September 1613

Contemporary translation, 1 page, P.R.O. S.P.94/20/101 . Enclosed in a despatch of John Digby to James I, 13 October 1613. Original Spanish, 2 pages , B.P.O. Manuscritos , 2183 n fol.; also in E 2572/26 See Document 1. In support of the Council's policy there are two further letters by Luis de Aliaga of 18 May (E 2514/7) and 2 July 1613 (E 2514/6). See also Doc. 21.

(f.101) The Nuncio of the Pope hathe represented unto mee , that certaine English priests had propounded in Rome that yf the Spanish ambassador and the French Ambassador¹ and some minister in the behalfe of the Emperour should joyntly speake togeather untotheking of great Brittayne and presse him earnestly not to use so great persecution towards the Catholickes yt mighte bee that thereuppon he would growe more milde and moderate. The Popes nuncio in Spayne tolde me that heerein the Pope desires to know my opinion to the ende that hee mighte for his parte take that course in the business which mighte bee moste requisite Ihave causedansweare to be given hereupon unto the Pope offering unto his consideration all that may bee sayd bothe pro and contra. And that may bee that the king of great Brittayne may iudge these our indevours too bee a kinde ofacquisition ofthe Catholicks his subiects unto our selves . And theruponruine and overthrowe them all togeather . Esteeming this kinde of proceedinga manner of threatning and therefore I helde yt fitt with this occasion againe to direct you that you counsole the sayd Catholicks(with that heede and discretion as you knowe the case requirethe) to labour and indevourto winthe favour of the king of great Brittayne byallactes of fidelitie and obedience . But preserving ever the puritie of our faith as well in the interiour as the exteriour And whenfor confession offaith yt is fitt to make any publick demonstrations thei must bee confident in God who will not faile to helpe them. And the persecutionofthe king of great Brittayne will cease when he shall be assured that the Catholicks have no intention against his person nor his Estate. You shall advise me of all things that may concerne this particular. And by whatwayes you guide your negociationin this kinde

1 Earlier Spifame reportedthat James I defended his policy by declaring thatthe laws of England against Catholics were far more specific than in France (against Protestants) yet he did not persecute as much "as he would be able" , for"he woould be satisfied" merely to imprison priests unless thay were guiltyof"something against the state" or of breaking a pledge not to return from exile(B. Nat Mss Francais 15987 ff 87v, Spifame to Puisieux, London, 16 June 1613) Rome

still requested the French court to seek moderationfrom James (A.S.V. Fondo Borghese, I vol 896 f. 151 Borghese to Ubaldini, Rome, 6 July 1613, and f. 213 , letter of 7 November 1613)

2 In the Springof 1614 Paul V wrote a specialbreve toSarmiento expressing his gratification over his efforts "for the preservation and increase of our religion" in England (B. Nac Manuscritos 18420 f. 73, copy in Spanish, 13 March 1614)


, London, 5 October 1513 .

Original decipher, received on 17 October, 3 pages , E 2590/120. Text: DocumentosInéditos vol 3, pp. 111-14 .


Sire , The oath which this king is demandingofall his subjects affirms in one paragraph that they swear that they abhore , detest and abjureas heretical, diabolical and damnable the opinion held by Catholicsthata prince under excommunicationand deprivedof his estate by the pope can be deposed or killed by his vassals with a good conscience. They swear thatthey can not be absolved fromthis oath norfrom anyportion ofit. Indeedthis is thepointupon which the kingfeelsmost deeplyand wherein the heretics hold the most influence upon him and provide arguments against the Pope andthe Catholics. This oath has been the principal reason for a change in the situation in Ireland and twelve Irish deputies ' who arrived to report about the disagreements between theirparliamentandthe Viceroy² are beingseen here before the Council at the moment. Here the king desired to be present when they made their report to the Council and asked the person who spoke in the name of all (he is a learned and important person ) why it was that in Ireland they did not wishto showobedience and take the oath ofloyalty. The deputy replied that everyone recog nized him as their king and sovereign and theirnatural temporal lord, and as such they obeyedhim and would ever continue to do so and they would die in its defense and in the service of him and his heirs. Then he inquired what religion he hadandherepliedit was the Roman Catholic which his ancestors had held. Then he repeated to him his question whathethought about the opinion held bythe Catholicsthat the Pope could depose and deprive him ofhis kingdom. Herepliedthat he did not understandthis despite the factthat he gave severalanswers on this point he was never able to produce another response exceptto say that he had no wish there to decide or affirmthe one orthe other.

They tell me that the Archbishop of Canterbury shoutedloudly against this and the king became disturbed and ordered him to be bound and conductedto the Tower where he still remains Outofthis oath stems the increased persecutionof the Catholics ofthis kingdom since once it is refused they confiscate theirproperty and condemn them to perpetual imprisonment. Accordingly manyestatesandhouses are lost andgreatprivations are to be seen even amongimportant persons who were once seen with prosperous estates Since the Catholics happen to be so harassedandexhausted it is no small burdenupon their slight resources to have to support somany religiousand secular priests as move about this kingdom. They tell me that there are more than 800, and in this city of London alone more than 300 are being supported. Accordingly his Holiness can not perform any charity more acceptable to God than to distribute here some some thousands of ducats for the continuanceand support ofthe life and blood which is being poured forth and sacrificedwith such joyforhisservice andthat of the Holy RomanChurch. This can bedone through thehands ofone of the prieststhemselves who is most acceptable to his Holiness as there aremany here ofgreat storein learningandprudence This willbean action mostpraiseworthy in public andprivate.

Iwould have already written and informed his Holiness sinceIbelieve itisproper to do so but Idid notthinkitcorrect to do so withoutfirst reporting to your Majesty to see what your Majesty might be pleased to commandme to do in this question Herewith Iam sending to your Majesty a book which was printed in this city at the beginningofthis year which is a new device against the Pope's authority since the time of Sixtus V and that of the Holy RomanChurchandespecially against the authority ofPaul V. I understand this book has beenpreparedbya Doctor Martos, a native ofNaples, who after encounteringcertaindifficultiesin Rome has fled to the territoryofthe Venetians and is now at present in Padua He gave this book to the ambassador ofthis king who resides in Venice and he sent it here where they have caused itto be printed.5

On this account learnedpriests and those who desire to help and relieve this king and his kingdom have said to me that the composition ofbooks, which tear down the authority ofthis king'sperson in harmful words, has done greatdamage to the verygoal whichis being sought. For it has providedmaterialfor the ill disposed wherebytheyrenderhim obstinatein continuing to write as he has writen This is to be seenin what Cardinal du Perron has written while treating him courteously and exhorting him reasonably has produced different results in the king. Hehas orderedthat the Cardinal is to be answered verygraciously by lettingit be understood that he has been pleased with whathehas written many timesfor he has been entertainedformanypleasanthours with hisletters " May Godprotect yourMajesty, etc.



See C.S.P. Venetian 1613-15, pp 13, 30; C.S.P. Ireland 1611-14 , pp xxxviii-lix; R. Bagwell, Irelandunderthe Stuarts, (London, 1909), vol 1 , pp 135-37 .

2 Sir Arther Chichester, Lord Deputyof Ireland.

3 Possibly Sir Thomas Lutterel of Lutterelston, C.S.P. Ireland 1611-14 , pp 407, 413-19.

4 A commission of inquiry was created in Parliament on 12 November 1613

Ibid pp. 436-37 .

5 Jacopo Antonio Marta , Professor of Canon Law at Padua, 1611-17 On June 1612 he wrote to James offering a "Relation ofthe Court of Rome" , but laterin 1614 Somerset advised Dudley Carleton to see that Marta's "vast and immoderate ideas are to be restrained" His book was handed to the English ambassador in 1618. (See L.P. Smith, The Letters and the Life ofSir Henry Wotton , Oxford, 1907, vol 2, pp 97-99, 472-73.)


6 Jacques Cardinal Davy du Perron, 1556-1621 , a friend of Henry IV and Bellarmine , had urged the King of France to pursue a conciliatory policy towards James, distinctfromthe Spanish approach (See C. de Ligny, ed Les Ambassadeset Negotiationsdu Cardinal du Perron (Paris, 1633), vol I, pp 546-47) TheLetter written from Paris by the Lord Cardinallof Peron to Mons Casaubonin England (St. Omer, 1612. STC 6383) was a recent example of Sarmiento's comment. See Document21, note 3.


, London, 6 October 1613.

Original autograph , 2 pages, E 2590/111 Text: DocumentosInéditos vol 3, pp 136-38 .

[Translation :] +

When the courrier was ready to depart Ifound out whattheambassador of this king has writtenrecently concerningwhat transpiredina recent interview which he hadwithyourExcellency. Iam giving a more detailedaccount ofthis to his Majesty along with this despatch.¹ This has had a great effect on this king as a person, who is wellinformed about these matters, tells me that he looksat it so very differentlythat, when Ihad advised him that Iwas about to send a courrier to Spain, in case he might wish to write to his ambassador² , he has sent me a despatch for him which this courrier is to carry. This person has told me that in it this king instructs his ambassador that he should seek an audience again with your Excellencyand shouldsay onhis behalfthat, though the laws of the last parliament are very rigorous against the Catholics, he hasbeenmoderate in their enforcementwitha considerable differencefrom the days ofQueen Elizabeth. However he would be very pleased to learn, and your Excellency should tell him , what was his Majesty'spleasure that heshoulddoboth in general and in particular withthe Catholicsandthat whatever touches him , he would bemosthappyto do and the rest, which concerns parlia-

ment, he will accomplishby a smootharrangement, forhe wants on his part to tighten the bond offriendship and brotherhood with Spain as well . He would like to clarify and remove doubts in order thatafter doing as much as possible he will be able to rest assured that thisfriendship will befirm. The same person, who informed me about this, told me that I should report this to your Excellency so that you might be prepared when the ambassador will speak on this question to your Excellency. He is of the opinion that there should be a very gracious response because it will be highly valued andyour Excellency should state what seems best on behalf of the Catholics , while not requiring that he become a Catholic nor freedom ofconscience, butonlycertain things which would continue to solve the matter step by step so as to reach those results For, by seeking to move this matter along too quickly, we will put ourselves in danger of losingeverything as wellas placing the king in jeopardy for his crownand his life. This person told me this inexplicitwords . It is highly convenientto use this opportunity andnotto lose it and that the ambassador remainindebtedandsatisfied from this interview so that he might write accordingly to this kingand in this way there will be a motion to begin whatis so muchin keeping with God's service and the kingdom'sgood. The information isofsuch a nature that I value it highly and I expressed my gratitude to the one who spoke to me I am trying to keep him honourably obligedtome by telling him that he is ofas much service to his king as to ourssothat in this way we should be kept better informed of everything which happens here and this one under more obligation and less restrained May God protect yourExcellencyas is necessary. From London, 6 October1613.

(Autograph) don Diego SarmientodeAcuña

1 Debated by the Councilon 31 October (E 2514/10)

2 The exchange of courriers was common at thistime

3 Digby reported that Lerma responded with"expressions of affectionand good will unto your Majestie" but demanded "the mitigating of the pressures and rigorous courses against the Catholicks ... " (P.R.O.S.P.94/20/173, DigbytoJames, 3 December 1613).

4 The informant of Sarmiento was probably Thomas Lake whom Velasco had praised recently as "a man of good and zealous for the Catholic religion ... " (E 2590/58Velasco to Lerma, London 2 June 1613) See also Doc 12


, London, 16 November 1613

Original decipher , 3 pages , received on 27 December, E 2590/25 .

Text: DocumentosInéditos, vol 3, pp 167-68 .



Doctor Carier , a Canon of Canterbury, which is called here the metropolitan church ofthis kingdom, is a Royal Chaplain who provided considerable satisfactionby his preaching. Lastyearhe gave a sermon in the king's presence wherein he touched upon certain points of confession, contrition and satisfaction which were not agreeable to protestants. For this reason they decided to detain him for guidance as to how to change towards a modified explanation of what he hadsaid . When he returned to preach in the same place not only did he not retract what he had said but rather he corroboratedandproveditwith new and more effective reasons As they did not dare to give apublicreprimand since he is an important person of considerable reputation, they made an excuse in his case . From then on thiskingdid notmanifest either the same favour or pleasure as before towards him When he happened to feel certain indispositionsthis past summer he asked leave to takethe waters in Spa in the regionofFlanders After departingwith the king's permissionto travel, he took the route to Rome whereit is said here that he is now staying reconciled to the obedience to the church . He has written accordingly to his friends advising them to do the same , as he was extremely happy after havingdone so . He has left here the two thousandreales ofincome³ which he had held. Protestants andcertainbishops have shown considerable chagrin at this.

They tell me there are four of five other very learned Royal Chaplains who are true Catholics and who wish to decide to travelthe same road . It is very much to be desired that his Holiness shouldwelcome , honour andfavour them .

Furthermore the Dean of Saint Paul's Church in this city preached a few daysago in favour of the most blessed Sacrament. He is a person reputed to be both learned andwell disposed. At present he is writing a book under the king's orders and they tell me that he has told a friend ofhis that he is very unwilling to do thisfor they areforcing him tosay some things contrary to what he holdsfor certain in mattersofreligion


Recently a book has been published here in defense of the oath which this king is demandingofhis subjects. They say thatthe author is a Catholicpriest who has taken this oath and accordingly he would like to defend the possibility oftaking it licitly Iam sending the book enclosed to yourMajesty, whose Catholicperson may God protect, etc.

1 BenjaminCarier (see Foley, Records vol 1 , pp 622-23) wasreportedbyJohn Chamberlainto have "turned papist and gone to Collen(sic) and this is cause to suspect that more will follow ... "(Chamberlain Lettersvol 1 , p 483)

2 The Treatise Written by Mr. Doctour Carier (Brussels, 1614, STC 4623, Allison and Rogers 207) contained a letter to James IfromLiege of 12 December 1613 explaining"the meanesofmy conversion" .

3 Approximately £50.

John Overall, Dean 1604-14 His bookis not known However William Nicholls Comment on the BookofCommon Prayer (London, 1710) contains a supplement (Sigs 5A to 5T) with additional "notes on the Common Prayer" from notebooks of Overall

5 Roger Widdrington, A TheologicallDisputation concerning the Oath ofAllegiance (London, 1613 STC 25603). See also M. Lunn, "English Benedictines and the Oath of Allegiance, 1606-47" , Recusant History 10 (1969) pp 150-57


London, 16 November1613 .

Original decipher, 16 pages, E 2590/8 and 10. This includes a letter of James I of 29 October and a report of Francis Fowler Text: Documentos Inéditos vol 3, pp 144-56 .




On thefifthoflastmonthIgaveyourMajestya report on the happy results that were produced in this king'sattitude by theresponse which the Duke of Lerma made to his ambassador in telling him about that loyalty that will be manifest in his Catholic subjects when they are being treated with loveand gentleness withoutallowing them to be persecuted andandill treatedas they have been until now .

This favourable attitude was so much increasing in the king's mind that he showedunusual signs ofaffection andconfidencetowardsme Indeedhe began to talk ofsending a gift to yourMajestyofsome things most suitable in his opinion, as proof of his good will and desire to renew and further strengthen peace with your Majesty. They told me today that this gift will shortly be departingbecause the kingis most intent about the completion of what he is to send.2 A memorandum about this is going with this letter

In keepingwith the same outlook, one day while attable hesaid to the Bishop ofLichfield³ that he had no doubt thattheRomanCatholic Church was the true one and that the Pope could admonishand even take action within his spiritual jurisdiction against kings and princes who might not have done as they should, but that the ambition of certain popes and their desire to meddle in many temporal thingshad broughtin manyabusesthat couldnot be endured .

Another night he repeated the samebeforeeveryone in his chamber , that should the pope become moderate in temporal power that they might easily be in agreement. All this togetherwith other signs ofhis respect and good disposition towards the Catholics, had caused such resentmentin the Archbishop ofCanterburyand the Chancellor and

the enemies of Spain and generallyfor allpuritans - they are the most obdurateof heretics that they have met many times to discuss how they might succeed in diverting the king away from the good disposition that hehasbeen showing . Just as thingshad reached thispoint, the king then received here a copy ofthe book which Father Suarez had composed, after which he changed considerably andspoke publicly against the fathersoftheSocietyand the Catholics. He complainedalso against yourMajesty forpermitting a book to be printed in Spainwhose doctrinewassoopposed to his authority. Becauseofthisincident aswell as two books that had been printed in Flanders , the Archbishop of Canterburyand the Chancellor, who had been watchingmost carefully, went to the king andfinding him well disposed to acceptwhat they wantedto say and persuade him to do, they stated that no trust could be placed in any Catholic prince and especially in yourMajesty since they were constantly plotting against his realm and the authorityand security of his person. Herein they were endeavouring to convincehim as muchasthey could that heshouldrevertto persecuting the Catholics witha freshseverityand thus tofinishthem offcompletely.

They relatedtohim the grave scandal which DoñaLuisadeCarvajal , " by not resting content to keep in touch withpriestsand conceal them, gave by doing other things of considerable danger to his crown She maintainsa smallresidence whereinshe began the establishment ofa monastery of professed nuns with veils and religious habits and a bell. Becauseofthe greatdifficulties whichmight ensuefrom this theybegged him earnestly to command that she should be seized and punishedas the Archbishop had orderedand desired to be done some days before, yet it was not done out ofrespect for thefactthat she was at that time in my residence.

The king consented to this and so on the 28th of last monththe Recorderofthis city went withhis warranttogetherwitha sheriff' and a large number from the watch to the house of doña Luisa where I arrived after receiving a report by then of what had happened. I was unable to prevent her arrestalthough I will keep trying by allpossible means When Ihad protested before the Council about her freedom ,I decided to write to the king who was at Royston, 30 miles away the following letter.

Most SereneLord "I deeply regret annoying your Majesty by complaints but your Majesty ought to be made aware of anything that might occur here. Indeed, should it be necessary, I would prefer to report nothing tomy Lord, the King, save the honours and favours which I have received fromyourMajestysince my arrival here . Iwishto continue to dosoand to have no reason forsaying the opposite, Howeverat the momentIcan not neglectto indicate to your Majesty the just resentmentthat Ifeel andthegrave causewhich has provokedmeto it. "'33

"It has been eight years since a Spanish lady ofhigh station , dona Luisa de Carvajal by name, came to this city with a wish to livehere, as she has done, without giving offence or bad example to anyone by always keepingher chamber withintheresidence ofthe Spanish ambassadors, as shehas atpresentin mine "

"When she found herself in poor health and in need ofgetting the fresh air of the countryside she left eight days ago for a smallhouse which she keeps in Spitalfieldsto restherselffrom time to time. Yesterday the Recorder together with a large number of men with drawn swords went there to arrest her. They stormed the house from three sides by breakingdown the doors, which had been bolted, to reachthe room where the lady was stayingand had been living with a decorum which is in keeping with hernormal behaviourand is customaryamong women of her quality and professionofvirtue, as well as from afearof robbers Thereupon she replied to theRecorderthat she was notableto open the door to anyone without an order from the Spanishambassador and I gave no approvalfor this even though I was at the place . What they found in her house was threeorfour wooden stools andtwo water jars andfour or five servants that she has kept withherformany years.


Ihad word of what had happened and with all speed Ileft my residence and went there at once to see whetherIcould helpherinany way in keepingwithmy role andto see that no disorderoccurred. When passing by the residence of the ambassador from Flanders who lives closeby he came to the door and entered my coach and we went on together. Inside the house ofthislady wefoundtheRecorderas wellas the sheriffand a large crowd I told him that this was indeedunusual and that unless there was somethingagainst yourMajesty'sservice, asI knew there could not be , I would take it as a favour to postpone this decision untilIhad spoken to the members ofthe Councilaboutitand that we would learn the wish ofyourMajestywhile offering to take her away andkeep her in my residence "

"He replied to me that he could not do this since he had an express order from your Majesty to bring her before the Council wherethey already were waiting and that I would profit by allowing him todohis duty without creatingdifficulties which couldbefollowed up, andthat Ishouldorder my servants as wellto accompanyme. Out ofthe deference which I bear foryour Majesty I did so , thusallowing the coach in which they carried the lady to pass. My Secretary ofLanguages, 10 who would have accompanied her, and I returned to my residence while the Recorder brought her to the palace of the Archbishop of Canterbury When Isenta messageto him he repliedin a different fashion thanthat which your Majesty is accustomed to respond to me and afford me courtesy, for he orderedthat she be brought to prison at once . AtthisI stayed in deep distress forI look upon this lady as a sister andrelative and because of all the happiness and companionshipshe has been for

doña Costanza, my wife, and because she is Spanish and a womanof high quality for whom many greatlords in Spain have a deep respect , since she is related to them; and yet all this is insufficient, even my intervention, to change this decision , not withstanding the fact thatI am givinga report to yourMajesty. "

"What distresses me the most is that, in order to give colour towhat has been done, they are charging her with a statement , as monstrousas it is baseless , thatshe wished tofounda monasteryfornuns inLondon , as ifsuch a thing couldbe believed ofaperson who possesses such good judgement as this lady, and that it was to be bruited about without my being aware as certainly no one had believed or heardsuchathing until the Archbishoptoldmein the Council"

11 "

"Furthermore Ideeply regrettedthat they waited to make thisdisturbanceon the day when I had an hour arranged in the afternoon to speak to the members ofyourMajesty'scouncil aboutthe depredations ofpirates, ¹ , 12 because it can be presumed that some ofthose ill disposed to the Spanish crown as wellas to yourMajesty'sservice, have nowish that the true friendship which exists between my Lord, the king, and yourMajesty be preserved. Perhaps they are behaving like this so as to disrupt and overturn everything , forit is certain that ifthe Archbishop of Canterbury would like a remedyfor somethingandnot its destruction, it will be more easily rebuilt by telling me about it to myface. Howeverit is to the devil that certainpeople are indebtedfor the idea that they are to be considered as faithful and completelyloyal subjects ofthis crown whenthey showthemselves the enemies ofother[crowns] by tryingwith subterfuges to have somethingbelieved which is notso , nor does itstandup on reflection, becauseit is to youMajesty, as Isaid , to whom they do the greater disservice herein as shall be seen ifyour Majesty should ever believe them .

"Yesterday I was present beforethe members ofyourMajesty'sCounciland asked them to let me have the custody ofthis lady after telling me their accusations against her so that redress might be given, orthat satisfaction might be offered since it was more certain that therewas falsehood . In reply the Archbishopgreatly exaggerated this affairofthe monasteryand other baseless accusations after which he concludedby saying that within a veryfew days a decision would be reached and I would be informed."

"IentreatyourMajesty not to allow this injury to be done tomeindeed the desire I have to serveyour Majesty hardly merits it - but rather to commandthat this lady be handed over to meat once. Forin addition to what will be neglected, doña Costanza, my wife, has to be her companionat present in theprison itselfand has to suffer thesame lot with her in everything. May Godprotect the most sereneperson of yourMajestyformanyyears In London on the 29th ofOctober 1613."

I sent this letter to the king with the Licentiate Francis Fowler, my Secretary of Languages, along with one for the Viscount Rochester13

asking him tolook favourably upon this request, for it was so much a causeofregret to me, andto ask that redress be given atonce.

The Viscount received him very graciously and entering wherethe king was restinghe gave him my letter. Shortly afterwardshecame out to where the Secretary of Languages was and told him that the king desired to make his response by word ofmouth and that he shouldwait in theanteroom which the Secretary proceeded to do The king came in person in company withthe ViscountRochesterand Lake, a gentleman, who at present performs the duties of Principal Secretary of State Shortly after they retired leaving the king along withmy secretary and he spoke asfollows

"Last night I received a report from my Council that this Spanish lady had been arrested and that theLordAmbassador, yourmaster , was very pained about it At once Igave orders that she be handed overto him and thusyou can return, because I trust that when you reachhis presence he will be less disturbed than what he indicatesin the letter that you carried to me, and othershave reported to me about this as well. However, I have ordered that my Council is to inform him that this Spanish lady was handed over on condition that he shall begin to bring her away from this kingdom at once. Since this woman is unmarried and still of such importance as is publicly given out, I am astounded that she should prefer to remain here withpermissionyet without any business to require her to do so, nor have I ever heard before ofa womanofsimilarquality wishingto see foreign lands andto live in them withouta greater reason and obligation than this Spanish ladyhas .

"According to what they tell me she has been in this kingdomfor nine years without doing anything else save enticing the souls ofmy subjects away from the faith that we here profess by persuadingand directing them towards living in papistry whose doctrine teaches that vassals can deny obedience and due loyalty to their kings andprinces by releasing them from such an obligation whenever their sovereign lords are not of the Romanfaith and do not recognize and give obedience to the Pope. Thus recently a certain Theatine[sic] whom they call Suarez is teachingin a certainbook, which has beenjustprintedin Spain with the approval of two universitiesand the names of some bishops. Furthermore a few days ago there have appeared twoor three books printed in the Archbuke's estates that are very scandalous and contrary to the governance ofthese my realms andestates.

"There is no answer to this because it is happeningin thisfashion ,it is to be seen even in the book of Suarez, here in this window, whose doctrine deprives kings and princes in every respect of the security of their subjects and it is contrary to what Holy Scripture teaches in different places.14 With this the papists dispense when it is to their purpose , as is to be seen regularlyin the marriages they arrange between relatives and cousins within prohibited degrees ofconsanguinity . '

"As to what pertains to this lady it is certain that she has no other reason to remain here except to talkwith people who might followthe Roman faith as she has always been doing since she arrivedin this realm and as she is continuing to do. There is not any answer to this either, becauseI know it from a reliable report I also know of two priestsof your faith who had been condemend to death a few years ago - not because of their faith but for treason and lése Majestéwho were seen by this lady on the night beforethey were to be hanged whenshe went to take food to them in Newgate prison When I reported this tothe previous ambassador he dismissed it by saying that he did not believe it, neither had he heard of such a thing although I later offered better proofand returnedto tellhim . "

"I see , furthermore, that this lady has been keeping six or seven serving-maids along with two men servants, everyone ofwhomisasubject ofthis crown. These she instructs and leads into the Romanfaith, and this I know for certain. She attempts to keep these servants and others as well under certain rules as they are accustomed to do in monasteries of nuns. Theycall one another 'sister'in her house without anothernameor title. It is evidentthat this lady has no need ofsomany servants , nor to keep them for any other reason that whatIhave said. Underno circumstance would Ipermitmy ambassador inSpain¹s either to sponsor or protect a subject of mine who would attempt such a manner of life in that realm . Instead I would punish him for such activity, much less would it be permitted there for the Inquisition would order them to the stake at once HoweverI do not want to proceed to such lengths of severity but I want merely that this lady departfrom my kingdomsat once where she has neitheran excusenor a pretext of businessfor stayingin them , and that she cease henceforth to attempt to suborn my subjects from their duty towards theirfaith and my service . Indeed she can stay and live in other places whereshe might wish with greater ease and tranquility and hear every mass that strikes her fancy I believe that a king can rightly commandto depart from his kingdom the stranger who has nothing more nor less todo save to be engaged in giving such bad exampleand scandal to my subjects as she is doing "

"Neither can this lady be a loss for the ambassador forhe has no need ofher for anything connected with his office What she has now been doing again, as well as the authority and liberty which she has takenfor granted, require that a heavy public chastisement be inflicted upon her , as would have been done save that the ambassador , your master, affirmed that it touches him so closely and because I wish to afford him happiness andcontentmentin every wayImaybeable, provided itis notagainst my honour and the dutyIholdasking.

"In this matter it can not be said that somethingnew is being done against the ambassador, since on other occasions this lady has been arrested and warnedagainst continuing in this way oflife. It was hoped

that shewould act accordinglyafter such a public scandal waspardoned , yet she has been continuing her conduct until it reached such a pass that it could neither be furtherendurednor ignored , as has been done until now while waiting for this lady to leave this kingdom together with the kinswomen of don Alonso, the predecessor of don Diego, your Master .

"Ibelieve that the order which Ihave given that this lady is to be handed over tothe Lord Ambassador willhave been accomplished today beforenoon andyoumust say on my behalfthat it is withthe condition that heundertaketo send herout of thiskingdomatonce .

The secretary replied to the king that whateverI had said to him shouldbebelieved sinceIwas better informed about what had happened as wellas less upset than the Archbishop of Canterburyand the others who had carried this report to him. Perhaps they were prompted by some ambitions and private intereststo do this andso hehopedthat he would act as I asked in my letter He would, moreover , reportto me everything that he had said to him . With this the kingretired to the chamber where he sleeps and the secretary returned to London The Viscount Rochester wrote to me how evilly informed the king hadbeen andhow offended he was andhow difficult he was topersuade,andthat how I would be hearingfrom my secretary ofwhat he had said personally, but that my intervention and a desire to please me had smoothedthe wayfor everything .

The next day, which was the last of October, earlyin themorninga secretary came from the Council to tell me in their name that they had received an order from the king to hand doña Luisa over to my care provided thatI would promiseto send her out ofthe kingdom within eight days. Then turning to present me with an extremely gross distortion ofthecaseandits difficulties he said that in addition to themaid servants ofher house, whom they callnuns, she kept in the house some of theirfathers to whom shehadmade a vowandgiven obedience.

First I responded to the courtesies which he had shownme in the Council's name; then I said that as to giving my word to send doña Luisa awayfrom here in eight days it would be somethingthat Ishould neither offernorfulfill , for Iconsidered this lady a goodandexemplary woman and so it would not be good that she would be exiled by my hand when innocent, so that the fabrications and charges which they had laid against her would be supported . What I intended to do, ifI gave my word, was to accompanyher, and not merely within eight days but that very afternoon, indeed even within one hour, shouldit seem good to the Council. This was the response that he should give onmy behalf.

The secretary said to me that heunderstoodthat the members ofthe council would send him again to my residence with another reply (because there were some in the Council who desired deeplyto be of service toyourMajesty), to whichIanswered that that was goodindeed

and that heshould say to them whatIhad toldhim. After this Ididnot see him again until very late in that day when the ambassador from Flanders and I were speaking about how doña Costanza would be arriving to bring doña Luisa with her. As we were bowing to the floor to welcomethem we found that the same secretary had also comeand that the Council had required him to go to the prison where doña Luisa was to bring her to my house without bringing another warning back to me, but rather he shouldhandher overto me with themessage that as far as the agreement to send her away from here was concerned that it should be at the convenience that I found suitable , although they urgedseriously that it shouldbe withallpossible speed.

Doña Costanza, my wife, and doña AnaMaria de Zamudio, the wife of the ambassador from Flanders¹6 have been in constant attendance on doña Luisa for the three days that the imprisonment lasted by carrying food to her from my house with the dignity that was needed for so public a gesture and late in the evening theyreturned to sleepat home. Although I saw that there wasa risk thatthis might appear to be an extravagant proceeding(Ifelt that in the questionofthe faith andof the Catholics your Majesty's ambassador ought to do all this, and they tell me that the Catholics and the heretics are edified and they praised it, exceptfor theArchbishop)17

Furthermore they toldme that the Archbishophad given ordersthat they should not permit doña Luisa to speak with any one and so they would not allow doña Constanza to enter into the prison. Nevertheless she sought entrancesince she had come withtherank ofthe wifeofan ambassador and if they had not permitted her to enter she would withdraw even if everyone would see what happened, but they did notdare in the end . Instead they permitted her to enter, and the wife ofthe ambassador fromFlanders as well, along with our servants whileshowing them greatcourtesy .

I can not omit to tellyourMajestythat theLicentiate Ferdinandde Boisschot, Ambassador ofFlanders, andhis wife at this occasion as well as in everything else that is happeninghere in your Majesty'sservice , have been supporting us and continuing to assist with a very special generosity. The day of doña Luisa's imprisonment (the ambassador saveda Jesuit,18 whom dona Luisa had been keepingat her house,from the grasp of the judge and the watch with the highest courage and demeanour by claiming him to be his own servant and by promising that he would stand bond for certain, andby stayingin commanduntil he was allowed to go outsidefor had they restrainedhim there would have been serious trouble. Furthermore, both I and the Licentiate Agustin Perez, my secretary in the embassy, have protected thevestmentsand chalice which doña Luisa had along withsome manuscripts , booksand other important papers andthings.)

(The ambassador of Venice19 has acted differently , forthoughthe news ofthe emprisonmentofdoña Luisa was brought to his residence

and even to his door neither he nor his servant, nor even his comment emerged but rather they tell me that he went to see the Archbishopof Canterburyand stayed five hours with him which would hardly befor the wellbeing ofChristianity.) The French ambassador20 did well, for he came to see me at once andI understand that he has spoken about this matter in his residence and in other quarters as becomes agood gentleman and a good Christian.

(This is everything that transpiredin this affair and the situation which is developingtoday. Doña Luisais atpresentin this house affording us a deep consolation through her good exampleand fine companionship , although it is certain that the Archbishop and the Chancellor will not rest and it can be believed that they are planning new assaultsandcontrivances .Ithought itproper togo to the assistance ofthislady and Iwill not agreeto remove herfromhere unless itwould be , as I said to the Council, that Ishouldgo withher.)

I beg your Majestyto give order that your royal will be made clear andwhatmy dutyis to be .May Godprotect the Catholicperson ofyour Majesty as Christianity hasneed. 16 November1613. (autograph )don Diego SarmientodeAcuña.

1 See Document5; the date is 6 October

2 The visit of John Finnet and Arthur Lake took place in thefollowing summer (E 2572/53 Philip to Sarmiento , Madrid, 16 July 1614; E 2514/32-35 , consulta of26 Sept. 1614)

3 RobertNeile , Bishopof Coventryand Lichfield, 1610-14

4 George Abbot and Thomas Egerton.

5 Francisco Suarez: Defensio Fidei Catholicae et Apostolicaeadversus AnglicanaeSeciae Errores (1613); Sarmiento advised Philip that the English ambassador would ask for the book's condemnation(E 2590/land 3 , letter of 24 November 1613)

6 Since the king was usuallyspecific in his denunciations of books , he musthave referred to the liberty to print books overseas

7 Her career is recounted in G. Fullerton, The Life ofLuisa de Carvajal (London , 1881); the best recentaccountis in C. Senning: "The Carvajal Affair: Gondomar and JamesI", Cath Hist Rev., 56 (1970) 42-66 .

8 AtSpitalfields.

9 Henry Montague, Recorder (1603-16); Thomas Bennet and Henry Jaye were the Sheriffs of Londonand Middlesex for this year


11 ' Francis Fowler

Later he did admit that doña Luisa had a residence "where she foundedin it a residence of nuns ... " (E 2602/14GondomartoPhilip III, 20 Jan. 1621)

12 HenryE. Huntington Library, Ellesmere Mss vol 1639 "Touchingthe Lord Ambassador of Spaine his last complaint with the answeare ... " has a full review ofthese cases .

13 ViscountRochester wasSecretary of State, 1612-14

14 After Philip had the book reviewed again he wrote: " ... not onlyis it true commondoctrine and approved in the school of thedoctorsoftheChurchbutit does not possess anything prejudicial or provocative to the said king... " (E 2572/43, Philip to Sarmiento , Madrid 16 June 1614)

15 Earlier the Spanish court had protested that Digby provided shelterfor "delinquents" in his embassy but Velasco had warned from London that Digby's freedomin Spain was protectedby the same practice as that by whichtheEnglish authorities could not prevent Catholics from visiting his chapel in London (E 2590/100Velasco to Lerma London22 July 1613)

16 Ferdinand de Boisschot.



Sentences in parentheses are written overthe originalcipher

Michael Walpole , S.J.

19 Antonio Foscarini

20 Samuel Spifame, Sieur de Buisseaux


Originalautograph , 1 page , E libro 368/11. George Birchet(Birkhead) was appointed Archpriest in 1608 (See P. Renold, Letters of William Allen and Richard Barret, 1572-98 , C.R.S.: vol 58, pp 58-59) It is clear Sarmiento intended to correspond with the leaders of the English clergy William Harison acknowledged his letters and assistancewhen hewas thethird Archpriest(E libro 368/110, letter of27 October 1615) In fact Sarmiento later implied that it was his recommendationthat secured Harison's appointment (DocumentosInéditos vol 1 , pp. 15859). In 1621 he providedfunds for John Bennet , fourthArchpriest, to goto Rometo speak on behalf of the Spanish match(See Doc. 52 note).


IllustrissimeDomine , Quae nunc per annos plurimos pro fide Christiana sustinuimusea cunctis aliarum gentium principibus et populis nota et manifestaesse vehementer desideramus Atque ideo multum profecto gaudemus Excellentiam Vestramin has partes appulisse: quia quae de vestro singulari zelo accepimus mire nostros animos ad credendum excitant Magnificentiam vestram posse et velle nostras calamitates recto oculo inspicere. Nemo si quidem eas vel hostium nostrorum versutias satis percipiet, nisi Dei et Catholicae religionis amans Quam certe nunc annis quinquaginta minime interuptis exercendi nulla data est nobis licentia. Imo longe maior Catholicorum pars, etiam illorum quinullo

modo rempublicam vexaverunt , incredibili ob id maerore quasi confecta, vitam miserimam et inquietissimamtoto hoc tempore transegit, solum ergo non ut perduelles, verum uti Christiani Petraeque Sedi Apostolicae adhaerentes per viscera Christi cupimus , ut huius persecutionis in Catholicos Anglos violentia (singulis circumstantiis examinatis)plenius vobis innotescat , ne dulcibusinimicorumfidei sermonibus, infalsasde nostris laboribus inducamini. Hanc notis pro fide pugnantibus amicitiam, si benigne prestiteris; nescio an aliud quidpiamsitquod a te profectum maiori nos perfundat consolationis Haec nomine omnium nostrum totiusque cleri Anglicani ad vestram Illustrissimam Dominationem scribere mihi visum est . Ceterumdici non potest,quam vellem , nisi propter colubres in via haec ipsa egomet vobis explicatius enarrare. Deus Illustrissimam suam Dominationem diutissime servet incolumem.

Datum e latebris 10 Decembris 1613.

Illustrissimae DominationisVestrae addictissimus

(autograph) Georgius Birchetus Angliae ArchipresbyterIndignus.

[Translation :] +

Right Honorable , My Very GoodLord

Of what we have sufferedfor the sake of the Christianfaith now over many years, we sincerely desire all princes and peoples among foreign nations to be plainly aware. Accordingly we are very happy indeed that your Excellency has arrived in these parts, since what we have heard ofyouroutstandingdevotion encourages our hearts wonderfully to believe that your Worship has both the will and the desireto look upon our misfortunes with an honest eye No one mayfullypenetrate the real craftiness of our enemies unless he loves God and the Catholicfaith which for fifty years now, with scarcely a break, there has been nofreedomgiven to us to practice. On the contrary, byfarthe greater number of Catholics, indeed the very ones who have not endangered the state in any way, have endured a most wretchedand unhappy existence for this entire period while being nearly overwhelmed with an unbelievable griefon that score . It is only therefore as Christians, who cling to the rockand seat of theApostle, andnotas enemies , that we desire in the name of Christ'sblood andflesh thatthe fury of this persecution against the English Catholics be more fully explainedto you by indicating every aspect lestyou be lead intofalse statements about our travails through the bland words ofthe enemiesof the faith Shouldyou provide this welcome to the known warriors on behalf ofthe faith, I know ofno other accomplishmentofyours which would afford us greater comfort. In the name ofallofus and ofthe entire clergy of EnglandI felt these thingshad to be writtento you. More cannot be said, as Imight prefer, save that, were it notfor vipers in the path, Imight be able to recount these thingsmorefully toyou.


May God preserve your illustrious Lordship in safetyfor the longest time. Writtenfrom a secret place 10 December 1613.

YourIllustrious Lordship's mostdevoted

George Birchet, the unworthy ArchpriestofEngland .


Originaldraft, 1 page, E 2572/31 . See also Doc. 7.


Por la via de Flandes se ha entendidodelfallecimiento de doña Luisa de Carvajal y porque ella en vida deseava ser monjaen el monasteriode la Incarnacion de esta villa he acordado que su cuerpo esta en el¹ yassi os encargo y mandoque con mucho secreto y a titulo de que es alguna ropa vuestra lo hagais embarcar en un de los navios que vinieron a España para que se ponga en el dicho monasterioy tambien embiareis los cuerpos de los martires que la dicha doña Luisa tenia recogidos y los papeles y demas cosas que huviese suyos con orden que todo se entregue a la persona que tuviese del Conde de la Oliva² para recivirloy auisareisle a que puerto vendra el navio para que haga prevenir en esto lo que convenga.

Asi mismo os encargo y mando que hagais officios en mi nombre o como mejor os pareciere para livertar las mujeres que la dicha doña Luisa tenia en su compañia diziendo que siendo gente de su familia no es justo tenerlas en prision ni hazerlas molestia y si para facilitar esto vieredes que es necessario ofrecer que saldran deste reynolo podreis hazer y encaminarlas a Flandes o a España encaminallas con la ropa al Conde de la Oliva que el sequiere encargar de su comodidady avisareis me luego de lo que en esto se hiziere


The death of doña Luisa de Carvajal has been learned by way of Flanders. Since in her lifetime shedesired to be a nun in the monastery of the Incarnation in this city I have agreed that her body beburied there . Accordingly I charge and commandyou that with fullsecrecy and with the assertion that this is your possession you should arrange to have it embarked in one ofthe ships that are comingto Spain so that she may beplacedin theaforesaid monastery Furthermoreyoushould send the bodies of the martyrs which the aforesaiddoña Luisa had

retained as wellas the papers and the rest ofthe things that had been hers withaninstruction that everythingis to behandedto the individual who should be appointed to receive it on behalf of the Count de la Oliva . You shouldgive notice to him as to what port the vessel shall comesothathemightprepare what is suitabletherein

At the same time I charge and commandyouto undertakethe duty inmy name , oras best seems to you, to obtain therelease ofthe women whom the aforesaid doña Luisa kept in her company by statingthatas they were persons of her householdit is unjust to keep them inprison andtoharass them. If, in order to expeditethis, youshould see that itis necessary to promise that they should departfrom this kingdomyou shouldbeableto do this and direct them to Flanders or Spain, wherever they might have greater preference and, ifthey shouldwish to cometo Spain, to send alongwith them their property to the Count de la Oliva as he shall continue to be in charge of their comfort. You should inform meat once ofwhat is to be donein thismatter.

1 Luis Muñoz, Vida y Virtudes de la Venerable Virgen Doña Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoéa (Madrid, 1632) chapter 39 relates herburial at the IncarnacióninMadrid afterspecial servicesat the English collegesin Seville and Valladolid 2 RodrigoCalderon , Count de la Oliva, Marquis ofSiete Iglesias.

10. THE


Original despatch, 1 page, E 1000/273 . Forthe Count ofCastrosee Volume 1 , doc. 47.



Aqui ha llegado Thomas Wenmani¹ Ingles y me ha pedido que represente a Vuestra Magestad la prision y travajos que por la religion Catolicaha padecido y la perdida de hazienda que ha hecho , yhaviendo querido saber lo que pasa en esto me han certificado los tres entretenidos de aquella nacion que se pagan en esta embajada, personas dighas de fe, que el Thomas Wenmani es noble de case principal, hombre docto y que ha sido publico orador de la Universidad de Oxonia y que por defender la religion catolica fue carcerado en Inglaterray sacado de aquel Reyno con haver perdidotoda su hazienda yqueporesto se hallaen estreme necessidady para remedio dellaacude

a los reales pies de Vuestra Magestad para que mande hazelle³ la merced queespera de su grandeza. Guarde Dios la Catolica Real Persona de Vuestra Magestad como la Christiandad ha menester de Roma2 de Mayo 1614 . El Conde de Castro



, Thomas Wenman , Englishman, has arrivedhere and appealed tome to relate to your Majesty the imprisonment and trials that he has enduredfor the Catholicfaith and the loss ofproperty thathehas suffered . After trying to learn what happened in this affair the three pensioners ofthat nation, who are paid by this embassy2 and who are trustworthy men, have certified to me that he is a patrician of an important family, a learned man who was the Public Orator of the University of Oxford. For his defence of the Catholic faith he was imprisonedin Englandand expelled from that kingdom withthe loss of all his property As he happens to be in extremeneed and desirous of assistance he embraces the royal feet so that you may commandthat the favour be provided³ which he expects from your greatness. May God protect the royal Catholic person ofyour Majesty as Christianity has need . From Romethe2nd ofMay 1614 . The Count of Castro

1 Thomas Wenman of Gloucestershire attended Trinity and Balliol Colleges (1583-87) and was Public Orator (1594-97) See J. Foster, Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1714 , vol 4.

2 Roger Baynes at 25 escudos a month, Thomas Fitzherbertat 50 escudos and Hugh Owen at 80 escudos (E 1000/294"Quentas de los gastos de la Embajada de Roma" 30 June 1614).

3 Howeverthe letter was endorsed: "This case is to be set asidefor thepresent" .


. London, 9 May 1614 .

Original decipher , 11 pages, E 2592/63. Text: DocumentosInéditos vol 4, pp 70-78.


Sire ,

In the midst ofall the despatches I consider it quite appropriate to offer a report foryour Majestyabout the conditionsin religiousaffairs

in this kingdom. ForI am aware that hopeofachieving progress in them was theprincipal reason whyyour Majesty was pleased with thesepeace treaties . As I have been here for some period oftime Ifeelforced to offer a more detailed account about it to yourMajestyfor indeedto appreciate and improve upon the situation here is the most difficult thingthat thereis

According to the mostreliablereports that Ihave been able toobtain about the kingdom of England , excludingScotlandand Ireland, there are three million, five or six hundredthousandpeoplethe equivalent ofthirty six timesa hundredthousand- ofwhom it is believed thatone twelfth are actually Catholics, who do not take the oath, norfrequent the churches in company with heretics, conduct themselves prudently and suffer the harassments with favours and payments According to this estimate the Catholics number threehundredthousandpeople

Two twelfths constitute the schismatics who know and believe the truth and are Catholics in their hearts Howeverfear and considerations rooted in the perverse expediency ofthe world force them to gotothe churches and to take the oath. It is understoodthat these amount to six hundred thousandpersons They tell me that they are the ones who mostresentthepersecution becauseas they live with a bad andunsettled conscience ,thereis deep trouble causedfor them in not beingableto be free ofthis burden

Another three twelfths are made up of those whom the Catholics call the welldisposed. These do not dislike the Catholicfaith; however they do not believe in anything nor do they want to talk or thinkabout the questionofreligion. They only try to live andcontinuein happiness and they can be called atheists According to the estimatethatis being offered, they will reach to nine hundred thousand Thus these three types of people total a half ofthe kingdom The other six twelfths are divided intoprotestantsand puritans

The protestants, who are so named because they protested at the Diet of Augsburg on behalf of some propositions ofLuther in 1530 , are the more moderate heretics. This is this king's religion and is professed in England Consequently it is thought that four twelfths are protestants , whoamount to a millionandtwo hundredthousandpeople Hence the byword and common saying "to live as a protestant and to die as a Catholic" .

The puritans adhere closely to the belief of Calvin and it is thought that they comprise two twelfths, which will be six hundred thousand . However, they are gaining people every day from the protestants, for many are leaningtowardsit as it holds certain rules and practices which appeal to faith and conscience andthis they can follow withoutpenalty but not if a Catholic It is clear that among them neither the protestantnor thepuritan know what is their faith; not even the king, they tell me , can set out hisfaith in writing. He himself said four days ago when eatingin public that he knew that if many of those presentwho

praised and flattered him were to state what they felt in the interior of their consciences about his affairs they would say that he did not have any religion, nor did he keep and practice a clear code , and he continued to speak many other thingsin this vein.

A person told me today that the king showed him a book that they call here a martyrology and the "Lives of Good People" wherein Herrezuelo [sic], and others ofthat type listedas heretics, are burntin every age and there are some here for the years that the king our Lord and the lady Queen Mary ruled. He told me that the king said tohim: "not oneword oftruthdoes this book contain" . Only in onerespect do the protestants and puritans agree, namely in an abhorrenceof the pope. For this reason the puritans are tolerated, yet the king is harder against them than the Catholics becausehe said publicly thatheabhors three types of people: the puritans, the fathers of the Society, whom he callsJesuits, and those who take tobacco, which is an intoxicantor medicine for which they spend many thousands ofducatshere.

Although they are speaking atpresentwith less disdainofthepope, the absurdities and nonsense that they have been saying andpreaching are ofsuch a quality that they assureme that the larger portionofthese people believe that the pope is not a person but a dragon or some such similar monster which eats people.

From out ofall thisnumberandvariety ofpeoplefrom every onein the Council of State and from every rank the ones who live with greatest contentment and peace are the Catholics . Sackville , ³ a great Catholic gentleman , brother of the Earl of Dorset, gave away all his property to the poor with the remark that he would prefer to give it to God rather than have it and notuse itproperly He is living at presentin great poverty and contentment. As I reported to your Majesty, they assure me that they keep increasing and that there are more Catholics every day and the king said this as well in my presence when talking about parliament This is what is happening in religious affairs in this kingdom and the priests number up to eight hundred including both religiousand seculars

In the prisonsthere are twenty-six under arrest These remain there in greater security and producegreater fruit because most of them go out day andnight after a payment to thegoaler. In theprison they look for a gatheringto preachand say Mass and Catholics whoneed a priest certainly know where they need to go to look to find one One day during this Lenta certain sheriff , who is the alcalde here, came tocall together the priests and he rebuked them severely for the scandal in which they lived there becauseit is being said that theypreachandsay mass They all replied that they were not puritans, orprotestants, or Moors, or Jews but Catholics and for that reason they were under arrest and they expected death each day joyfully, and they preferred and were bound to keep the faith they professed, since not to do so would be to act like animals At this the sheriffshrugged his shoulders

andleftwithoutsayinga word .

If there should be freedom of conscience or toleration, it is considered beyond question that even from among some of the Puritans themselves many would be converted All this depends completely on the king's good will, in which I am beginningto have less confidence every day after making considerable efforts to understandit. Despite thefact that some Catholics comfort themselves with the thought that the king is well disposed and that his proceedings against our holyfaith arefrom reason ofstate so as not to alter the religion ofthe kingdomas hefound itandaccordinglyhe keeps protestantsand puritanscontentand I understood the same as well at first from conversations which I have had with the king himselfstill after a period I have been investigatingand recently in particular. I have seen certain thingsafter whichIlookupon it differently andthat it is naturalfor this king to be protestant because of his upbringing and because he looks upon itthis way and so it is appropriate for him . He is very ambitious to be the leader and to influence all of the heretics ofthe world As to reason of state , he makes use ofit towardsour side by not appearing to bevery severeagainst the Catholics and by dissimulatingsomewhatoutoffear to retain the advantage which he is going to reap by enforcing the laws that are extant against them . They are the most severe that they have ever been in anypersecutionthat the church has suffered and theresult has been that therehave been so very manyand so unusual martyrdoms of saints The greatest persecutionofall is considered to bethatofthe EmperorJulian theApostatewho retainedthe samelaws withoutbloodshed that they enforce in England at present, although they were less rigorousandless stringentand lasted lesstime than this is goingon here.

The reason is that here the Catholic cannot hold office nor honour nor title nor enter a complaint over injuriesbeforethe court, norcollect his debts, nor participate in any law suit, and a thousandother harassments Above this there is always the fact that should court officers wantto visithis house they can do so and take away theproperty they might find there, and from the entire estate and revenue, whether it be entailed orfree, they can take two-thirds for the king and allow only one for the Catholic. If the property is free the two-thirds are confiscatedfor ever;ifthey are entailed, for the lifetime oftheCatholic .

There are, moreover , certain laws whereinthe entireproperty islost and one is condemend to perpetual imprisonment or to loss oflife. Among others there are [penalties ] for not wanting to take the oath and not going to the the church with heretics, and shelteringa priest, and possesing statues and a rosary, and not being willing to receivethe bread that the hereticscall communion; while even amongtheheretics themselves there are some who receive on the knees after affirming that ithas tobedoneso, andotherswhosay this is superstitionand thatitis sufficient to receive standing , and so they do the one orthe other without a fixed rule. A Councillor has told me that he heard that once ,

when this king was in Scotlandand wanted to take communion there, the king'sfool wentinto the sacristy and ate all the bread anddrank the wine that had been provided and came out very happily with thecomment thatthey might eat when they wished as he hadalreadydined

They told me that it is true that a woman came here from a village to sell a gander a few days ago and met a friend on the way to church to receive the bread, who persuaded her to come along with her . When the minister held up the bread in his hand and said a few words the gander stretched out its neck (for the woman held it under her arm) and and snatched the bread from the minister's handand swallowedit The woman was shocked and the minister consoled her bysaying there was more bread there. They tell me that a protestant therepresent was converted after seeingthis

Since I have been staying in this kingdom they have not executed any onefor religion. Even though they have led me to believe thatitis the respect they have foryourMajesty which has served as a restraint, I believe that the principal reason is that they have learned of the great effect that the martyrs have had by their deaths. It is the devil's own invention to increase the persecutionin this way withoutthe crownof martyrdom. The sickness and its causes , accordingto everything thatI have been able to gather, is this Although God alone can provide the remedies and the cure for such a wicked root, in His most HolyName andyour Majesty'sI have attempted every effectivemeans that Icould discover in safety without producing any great result . Some who stay verycloselyto the kingand know a considerable amountabouthis affairs and out of concern for his own good as well as for their ownasthey are Catholics would want very much the king to be one, orat the least that things be improved, and they are in despair. They believe that only God can remedy this and among them El Cid and Calvos have deeplydeploredthis, as wellas Ector recently withme.

Although in dealing with this kingfear is a great resource, as itisin keepingwith the way he lives and his character, Ido notjudge itproper at the moment to break off the peace, unless thereis an affronttoour honour or some other serious accidentbecauseduringwar this kingdom prospers and enriches itself and they will discover for their own best governance andsecurityextremely effectivelaws that are no helpto the spiritual in any respect , while with the peace it has finally improved somewhatand been protected. Some days ago after Easter the kingsent me a complaint through a secretary stating that he had been informed that the services had been conductedin my residence withprocessions, sermons and all the other solemneties as ifI were in Seville, while a great number of his subjects were in attendance , " and furthermore I had been welcomingand encouraging them . Some peoplehadtoldhim that he should be displeased thatI would be wantingto obtain such an advantage in this respect over the otherresidentambassadors here from the other princes ofthe samefaith He gave me this complaint merely

to inform me what others had been saying to him . I replied that Idid not meddle in the activities of other ambassadors and the one thing about which I wantedto assure him was that none ofthem , not even this king's subjects, provided me with any advantage in feeling secure and affording them pleasure. As to the rest, that which I had been doing was what I believed to be the duty ofany Christian ambassador , especially the onefrom the Catholic King, which was never to close his door to any one who came to hear mass . And so I was happy to beas goodasthey had said to the king .

Should this king die everyone says that the prince is extremelywell disposed, very gentle and well tempered.

To support the seminaries of the English, to increase , help and favour several of them is the best and most efficient resource that I havefound to preventtheir decline

Your Majesty's use of Englishmen in the armies andfleets with pay andgood treatment will be of much assistance, andfurthermore itwill be a seminary too, for thereare numerous soldiers andsailors who have served the late king, our lord, as well as your Majesty, many ofwhom are Catholics and devotedto Spain, as indeed are allthe Catholicshere who love your Majesty and commendyou to God withgreatfervour. For this reason the impertinencesand aggressiveness of some can be endured, and withthisIalleviatemy lack ofcharity on many occasions.

In your great prudence may your Majestyrender the most suitable decision about allofthis as the sightofit leavesme mostdepressed ,yet most happy to see myself a subject and servant ofyourMajestywhose Catholicperson may God protect as Christianity has need . London , the ninth ofMay 1614.

1 Forsimilarreports for 1604 and 1610, see VolumeI, doc 8 and 55.


The name is an error in the cipher, possibly Cranmer(?); there is an illustration of an executionby firewith a list ofmartyrsof 1553-58 in Anon , The fierie tryall ofGods saints, London, 1612, STC 24270 , Sig. G toSig H.

3 See VolumeI, doc 1 , note 2 .

4 The Earl of Northampton

5 Edward, Lord Wotton

6 Queen Anne

7 See"Proceedings against Catholics for attendingMass at the Spanish embassy on Palm Sunday, 1614" , C.R.S., vol 9, pp 122-26 .

8 The original says seminarios; the Documentos Inéditos transcription has an errorwith navios




. London, 9 May 1614.

Original decipher , 1 page, E 2592/73.



Este rey ha a instancia de los puritanosy protestantes nombro antes del parlamento por su secretario a Rafael Genutque avia estado porsu agente en los estados de Olanda porque los protestantes y puritanosle dizeronque sino le nombrava y quitava a Thomas Lac² que hasta aqui avia hecho el officio de gran secretario no se haria ninguna cosa que quisiese en este parlamento³ porqueel Lac era todo papista yaunque el Conde de Sufolc y de Nortanton y otros se opusieronmucho a estono pudieroncontrastallo.

El don Thomas Lac tubo resolucion de yrse a su casa despedido y desdenado pero en fin le contentaronhaciendole luego del consejo de estado y assi juraron en un mismo dia antes del parlamento et Rafael Genut de Secretario y Lac de consejo Guarde Dios,etc.

[Translation :] Sire


Attheinsistance ofthePuritans and theprotestantsbeforeParliament met¹ this king has nominated as his secretary Ralph Winwood , who had been his Agent in the provincesof Holland. The reason is that the protestantsandpuritans told him that if he were not nominatedandif he did not dismiss Thomas Lake, 2 who until the presenthasperformed the duties of principal Secretary, nothing that he wanted would be accomplished in Parliament , since Lake was totally papist. Although theEarls ofSuffolkandNorthampton and otherswere stronglyopposed they could notpreventit

Sir Thomas Lakedecidedto departforhisresidence, as onedismissed in disgrace, but by makinghim a memberof the Council, at oncethey appeased him finally. Thus on thesame day beforeParliamentmet they gave the oath to Ralph Winwood as Secretary and to Lake as a Councillor

May Godprotect , etc.

1 Winwoodwas appointed 29 March 1614; the sessionwas 5 Aprilto 7 June.

2 Hewasnotsecretary, but possibly exercised some of the duties underRochester .

3 The king's angry dismissal of Parliament was believed by the Habsburg ambassadorstoindicatea decline in his favour to puritans(PC n.fol Boisschot to Archduke , London, 29 June 1614)

4 For Winwood'sactivitiesin the House ofCommons see Moir, T. L.The Addled Parliament of 1614, Oxford, 1958, pp 109-11 For latercomments ofJamesIon Winwoodsee The Narrative pp 318-19 .


. Rome , 21 June 1614 .

Original autograph , 1 page, E 1000/67.



Haviendo yo hablado al Papa sobre materias del mundo me mando que en su nombreescriviese a Vuestra Magestad tres cosas . La primera que siendo tan conocida la maldad de intencion con que todos los hereges se unen y corroboranhoy diajuzga que conviene mucho velar sobre ellos, la segunda que a lo que de muchas partes se entiendelleuan todos estos mira de hazer cabeza al Rey de Inglaterraque es bienpensar desde luego en impedir este efecto , la tercera que para todo es muy malo que los Olandeses se holgan con haverse puesto en Juliersespecialmente con pretexto de asegurar el estado para cuyo fuese el derecho que es muy grande desverguençia que estos seguieron abonanzar officioque no les toca Sirvase Vuestra Magestad de mandar que me escriuia la respuestaque ha de daralPapa.

El Conde de Castro

[Translation:] Sire, Havingspoken to the popeaboutworld affairshe advised me to write in his name three things to yourMajesty The first is that, since thereis wide knowledge of the malign intention with which all heretics are uniting and in league at the presentday, he has decided that it would be very proper to be on the watch against them . The second is that, since from many sides it is understood that all of them plan to give the leadership to the king ofEngland , it is best to planfrom henceforthon how to prevent this from taking effect The third is that it is very bad in every respect that the Dutch are staying in their place acquiredin Julich particularly under the excuse that they are supporting a regime for whose cause a right exists It is a verygreatshame that theywould continue to retain the advantage ofa placewhich is nottheirconcern.² May yourMajesty be pleased to commandthat there be written to me the response which is to be given to the Pope. (autograph) The CountofCastro .


See also Document 23. Paul is deliberatelycontradictingJames's assertion of his right to be called Catholic.

2 At this time the army of Maurice of Nassau supported the claim of Wolfgang William to Julich and Berg The treaty of Zanten of 12 November settled the dispute


London, 30 June 1614 .

Original decipher received on 3 August, 6 pages , E 2592/77.


Señor +

El savado 14 deste escrivio el papel incluso el Conde de Nortanton desde Granuche donde estava retirado en una casa muy linda que ha fundado sobre una torre muy antiguaque fue la de Oriana¹ y el mismo dia que me le escrivia se hauia ydo el Reyde aqui a ver con el y a darle quenta del disgusto que tenia con su parlamentoy a tomar su parecer que siempre le daua el conde enderezado a bien de la christiandady a beneficio y servicio de España con fidelidad con verdad con secreto ,y assi tengopor cierto que de lo que trato con el Rey resultoescriuirme estepapel pero que no supo el Rey que me la escriuia .

Este buen cauallero murio el miercoles 25 deste aqui en Londres donde vino por consejo de los cirujanos a abrirse una piernay dizenque le curaronmuy mal, acauo santisimamente .

Todos sus pasados, los duques de Norfolc fueron catolicissimosysu hermano mayor abuelo del (p.2) conde que oy es de Arandel lo fue tambieny este conde de Nortanton vivio como tal todo el tiempo de la Reyna Isabel y por esto desfavoreçido de la Reyna y en vida retirada pero luego que este Reyvino a la corona le busco y le escogio, assi por que su hermano hauia muerto por favorezera la Reyna Maria de Escocia, y este conde y todos los de su casa padeçido mucho por esto como por el valor virtud prudenciay grandes letras del conde que en todoesto era tenido por el primero hombrede estado ycon razon .

Estos veneficios yotrosmuchos publicosy secretos y la gran instancia que el Rey hizo con el conde para que le acompañasse a la iglesia le vencieron para que cayese en esta flaqueza de que el Rey triumphava mucho y dezia publicamenteque havia sido su convertidor³ pero nunca quiso tomar el pan ni hazer juramento.

Viendole yo una vez muy privademente hacia quatro meses y hablandome en estas cosas de religion tiernisimamente y con gran

confianzale dize tambien yo cierto con ternura y afficion mi parezer muy claro y muy llano añadiendo que las obligaciones que le teniamos (p.3) eran tantas que no se las podia yo pagar en otra cosa sino en hablalle de aquella manera y aconsejelle que no dilatase mas los llamamientos y luz que Dios le daua de poderle yr a gozar Dentro de muy pocos dias me escriuio un papel diziendomeque enviase alla a tal hora al liçenciado Agustin Perez mi secretario quees sacerdote de quien el hazia grandissima estimaciony confianzaporque con el tambien hauia tratado estas cosas algunas vezes, fue el secretario el dia y ora que el conde me advirtio, hallo quien le guiase con mucho secreto y el conde se confesso con el generalmente y con grandissimas lagrimas y deuocion le pidio que le reconciliase a la Iglesia catholica,el secretario le hizo assy y le confeso otras dos vezes y le dio el santissimo sacramento advirtiendole y aconsejandole fuera de la confesionque tenia obligacion de hazer otra demonstracionpublica de catholicapara cumplir consigo y dar buen exemploy alyento a los demas diziendole sobre esto muy efficzes razones y assi lo cumplio el conde de muchas maneras en el testamento entra declarando que moria como hijo obediente de la Iglesia Catholica Romana haziendo (p.4) en esto una oraciony exortaçion al Rey como un apostoly con palavras de grandissima fidelidad y amor a su servicio que en un sujeto de tanta calydady partes como el conde ha sido esta declaracion y demonstracionaqui de grandissima importanciapara nuestra sagradareligion. Murio de cerca de 70 años estando en muy buen sujeto, no fue casado ni tubo hijos antes fue tenido siempre por continentissimo, dejo la casa que tenia aqui en Londres que como el la hauia acomodado es una de las mejores casas de Europa al conde Sufolc su sobrino para que ande en su casa y majorazgo y a don enriqueObar hijo tercero deste conde de Sufolc por ser su ahyjado y de su proprio nombre le dejo quatro mil ducados de renta .

De todo lo restante de su hazienda que dizen valdra de 16 a 20Mil ducados de rentay mucha plata y joyas dejo por heredero universal al conde de Arandel que por ser caveza de su casa y verdaderissimo catholico le tenia grande amore y hazia grandissima confianzadel

Este conde de Arandel ha mas de tres años que esta en Italya con liçencia deste Rey con (p.5) su muger y sus hijos con ocasion de poder ver a Italya perolo mas cierto es por podervivir publicamentecatholico

Manda el conde Nortanton quelos frutos que rentare su hazienda en diez años se ponga en renta perpetua y aplique para algunas obras pias que el dejo fundadas muy cuerdamente de manera que hasta passados los diez años ni el conde de Arandel ni el don enriquede Obar hande entrar a gozar nada

Manda que su cuerpo se deposite en la capilladel castillode Dobra hasta que el conde de Arandel disponga donde se ha de enterrar y entiendese que le movio a esto no enterrarse en las iglesias porestar profanadas y por ser Dobra el lugar mas cercano de tierra de Catholicos

para que le puedan pasar alla sus huesos masfacilmente en caso que en Inglaterrano se acomoden las cosas de la Religion. Ha me pareçido hazer tan particular relacion' a Vuestra Magestad deste cavallero por ser raro en sus partes y virtudesy en su afficion al servicio de Vuestra Magestad cuya catholica persona guarde Nuestro Señor, etc.

El Doctor Treuer Juez de la Corte del Almirantazgohamuerto aqui estosdias tambienpublicamentecatholico. ' 11

[Translation: ]

Sire , +

On the 14th of this month, a Saturday, the Earl of Northampton wrote a message, here contained , from Greenwich where he had been resting in a very attractive residence which he had built within an ancienttower that was[called] Oriana . On the sameday thathe wrote to me the king left here to visit him to inform him about his disagreement with parliament and take his advice which the Earl has always offered in keepingwith the good of Christianity andtheadvantage and service of Spain, reliably, truthfully and in confidence . Thus Ithink it certain that as a result of what he discussedwith the kinghe decided to writeme this message but that thekingdoes not know that he has written to me .

This good gentleman died on Wednesday, the 25th ofthis month , here in London where he came for the advice ofthe surgeons tohave a leg pierced and they tell me that they treated him very badly He expiredin a veryholyfashion.

All of his ancestors, the Dukes ofNorfolk, were most Catholic as well as his older brother, grandfatherof the present Earl ofArundel. This Earl of Northampton lived as one for the entire reign ofQueen Elizabeth and on that account, with the loss of the queen's favour, he lived a retired life. Then as soon as this king came to the throne he sought him out because his brother had diedfor his support ofMary Queen of Scots This earl and every memberof his house hadsuffered considerably on this account. In considerationof the earl's courage, virtue, prudenceand refinement he was for all this accountedthefirst gentleman of the kingdom, andwithreason . These advantages, as well as many othersboth public and private, as well as the strongpressure that the king exertedupon the earl thathe should accompany him to church, prevailed over him so that he succumbed to that failing. At this the king was quitejubilantand stated publicly that he had occasioned his conversion ;3 however he never wantedto receive the hostortake theoath

It is fourmonthssince Isaw him veryprivately and spoke cautiously on these questionsofreligion. Undercomplete secrecy I then toldhim

with affectionate discretion my very clear and full opinion, after explainingthat the obligationswe thenheld towardshim were such that I could not pay them in any other way save to speak to him in this manner and to counsel him, that he should not put aside longerthe summons andthe lightwhich Godhadgiven him to enable him to come and enjoyit

After a few days he wrote me a message saying to me thatthe Licentiate Agustin Perez should be sent there at a certain hour. He is my secretary, a priest, towardswhom he showed the highestregard and trust because he too had discussed these things with him at various times. The secretary went at the day and the hour which the earlhad appointed to me and found a person to lead him in full secrecy The earl made his general confession and withdeep tears anddevotion asked to be reconciled to the Catholic church The secretary did so andhe confessed him on two other occasions and gave him the most blessed sacrament. After informing and advising him outsideofconfession that he had a duty to provide some other public indication of being a Catholic so as to fulfill his obligationsandprovideagood exampleand encouragement for others, he offered very persuasive reasons to this purpose. This the earl accomplished in several ways. In his will he began with a statementthathe died as an obedient son of the Roman Catholic church and after this he prepared, as an apostle, a prayerand exhortation for the king in words of deep loyalty and affection forhis service as became a subject of such quality anddignity as the earl. This declaration and testimony has been of great importance hereforour holy religion.

He died at close to seventy years ofage, whenin verygood control; he was unmarried and had no children, rather he was always considered very chaste . Heleft theresidence which he kept in London, whichafter hehad furnished it was one of the finest in Europe, to his nephew , the Earl of Suffolk so that it might remain in his family and entailedfor Sir Henry Howard the third son of the Earl ofSuffolk, for he was his god-son, togetherwithfour thousandescudos a year in his own name . All of therestofhis property, which they say was worthfrom 16 to 20thousandescudos a year, as wellas his plate and jewels, he left tothe Earl of Arundel as his principal heir. For he is the head ofhisfamily and a verygenuineCatholicfor whom he hada deep loveandveryfull trust

This Earl ofArundel has been inItaly threeyears, togetherwithhis wife and children, with the king's permissionto have the opportunity to see Italy but the more certain reason is to enable him to live as a Catholicinpublic .

The Earl of Northampton left instruction that the revenuewhich would accrue from hisproperty for ten years is to be placed in a perpetual annuity and applied to certain works which he has founded in such a way that until the ten years have passed neither the Earlof

Arundel nor Sir Henry Howard have the right to start to enjoy any part. He orderedthat his body be laid in the chapelofDoverCastle until the Earl of Arundel shall arrange where he is to be interred. It is understood that he was moved to this lest he be buried in a church which is profaned, and because Dover is a sitefar closer to theland of Catholics so that his ashes might be moved there more easily in the event that the affairsofreligion in England are not set aright.

I considered it of use to provide such a detailed report to your Majesty about this gentleman because he was unique in hisqualities and virtues and in his devotion to your Majesty's service,10 whose Catholicperson may ourLordprotect, etc.

Doctor Trever, a Judge ofthe Admiralty Court, died hererecently andthis toowas publicly as a Catholic " 11

1 This is the GreenwichPark and Tower, purchased recentlyfrom Sir William Cecil and improvedat this own cost (H. Drake, ed Hasted's History ofKent: The Hundred of Blackheath , London, 1886, pp 60-61)

2 i.e. Thomas Howard II,4th Dukeof Norfolk (1538-72).

3 In The Diary of Walter Yonge (Camden Society, 1st Ser vol 41, 1847 , p. 19) it was noted that Henry Howardwas thought to be a secret recusant by Robert Cecil Nevertheless Howard beganproceedings in theStarChamber against persons wholibelledhim as a papist (Chamberlain Lettersvol I, pp 508-9)

4 Quotedin The Complete Peerage , sub nomine

5 For a description and Hollar's drawing of the building see The Survey of Londonvol. 18 (Parish of St. Martin in the Fields) Part 2, pp 10-20 .

6 "My Lord of Arundel hath taken a risolution to winter in Toscany which becausehe liketh Siena best hee hath chosen the townefor his aboad, whither likewise hisladyand all his family are removed fromhence ... " (P.R.O. S.P. 94/20/161 Carleton to Digby, 27 November 1613)

7 AsLord Warden oftheCinquePorts


9 Ultimately atGreenwich College in 1696 . The conversion is mentionedby the ambassadors of France and theArchduke (B. Nat. Mss Francais, 15987 f 268vSpifame to Puisieux , London, 28 June 1614; PC 50 n fol Boisschot to Archduke, London 3 July 1614). However the English informant of Cardinal Borghese was uncertainwhether Northampton died" as a Catholic or a heretic" (A.S.V. Nunziature Diverse vol 207 f 256 "Avissi di Londra" 5 July (1614). See also Tierney-Dodd , Church History, vol. 5 p 63

10 In London sermons after the"Overbury Affair" Northamptonwasdenounced asan "archpapist" , a servant of Spain and a poisoner. One assertedthat Northampton was not dead but "now lived in Rome as a member of the Society ... " (E 2594/94 and 95, Sarmiento to Lerma, London, 26 December 1615)

11 Richard Trever , ofDenbighshire , was educated at Queen's College and Trinity Hall, Oxford. He was Surrogate for Daniel Dun as Judge of High Court of Admiralty, 1606-14, and Surrogate of Dun as Official Principalin the Court of the Arches in 1609. (I am indebted to Dr. Brian Levack for this information.) Contemporaries thought "he died a very beggar" (Chamberlain Letters vol. 1 , pp 544-45).


Madrid, 30 August 1614.

Original text with 5 initials, 4 pages, E 2518/5 Excerpt Previous interviews of Castro with Paul V are seen in vol 1 , doc 47 and above , doc 10. Before leaving Spain in the Spring of 1614 Digby discussed with Lerma measures to preserve the friendship of the two crowns and they were agreed that "the most certain and probable" way was the marriage of the Prince to the Infanta Maria. Digby received assurance that Philip was favourablein principle "in the event that therewill have been an agreement in the questionof religion ... " (B.P.O. Manuscritos vol 2170 n fol Digby to Sarmiento, London, 17 June 1614) Atthe same time Philip warned Sarmiento that he did not want to discuss a binding agreement as yet but, since the English court's interest in the Infanta might end the discussion of a French match, it should be encouraged (E 2572/44, Philip to Sarmiento , Madrid, 16 June 1614). On 19 June orders were sent to Castro to inform Paul V of the serious interest of the king of England in the Spanish marriage In this debate below the Council ofState reviews the response fromRome



El Conde de Castro escribe en carta de 14 de Julio que en conformidad de lo que Vuestra Magestad le mando en 19 de Junio dio quenta al Papa del estado a que llegaronlas platicas de casamiento entre la Señora Infanta y el Principe de Gales y de lo que ultimamenteescribe de Inglaterra don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña sobre las conveniencias que avia en que mantuviese viva alguna platica de casamiento entrelas dos coronas y aunque desde la primera audiencia le dio a entender su Santidad la abersion con que se hallava la platica semejante no le dio por entonces la resolucionpor averle supplicado el conde que la pensase despacio y la encomendase a Dios, en que vino el Papay en prometerle el secreto que le pidio, y que assi en la segunda audiencia que tuvo le respondio que daba infinitas gracias a Vuestra Magestad que tan Catolicamente rezelava entrar en platicatal sin acudirprimero a aquella Catholica sede y de la honra que a su particular persona resultava de aver acudido a el Vuestra Magestad de que estaua agradecidisimo en pago de lo qual y en cumplimiento de su obligacion dezia a Vuestra Magestad que el no (p.3) sabria en el caso presente dar mejor respuesta que la substancia de lo que el Duque de Lerma amonesto los dias passados al embaxador de Francia¹ en platica parecida a esta y que juzga por agora que no conviene tratar de que se de hija de Vuestra Magestad al Principe de Gales no siendo el Catolico fundandolo en quatrorazones .

La primera porque la Señora Infanta quedaria expuesta a manifiesto riesgo de perder la fee casada una vez con hereje, la segundaporquelos hijos que nacierondel tal matrimonio se perderan sin duda y seguiran la seta del Padre, la tercera porque abria la puerta de par en paral comercio y communicaçiondestas dos naciones (cosa muy perjudicial a la pureza con que nuestra religion vive oy unicamente en españa) la 4a porque los Reyes de Inglaterra es cosa sabida ya que tienen por liçito el repudio y le platican quando no les dan hijos sus mugeres y añadio que la libertad de conciencia tacitamente platicada viene a ser nada o tampocoque por ninguncase se debe hazer casodella 2


Sire , The Count of Castro wrote in a letter ofJuly 14th in pursuance of yourMajesty'sinstructions ofJune 19th to tell thepopeoftheprogress which had been made in the talk of a marriage between the Lady Infanta and the Prince of Wales, as wellas about what don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña wrote from Englandconcerning the advantages that existedas longas a discussion ofmarriage was to be keptgoingbetween the two crowns Although after his first audience his Holiness hadmade him aware ofthat aversion which he felt towardssuch a discussion he did not give his decision, for the Count asked him to ponder itat his leisure and to commend it to God. To this the pope agreed with a promise to observe as well the secrecy which he requested Accordingly in the second audience which he grantedhe strongly commended your Majesty in that, as a true Catholic, you hesitated to enter upon such a negotiation withoutfirst havingrecourse to this CatholicSeeand he spoke of the true honour which had come to him personallyfrom the approach made by your Majesty to him forhe was deeplygrateful. In payment for all this and in satisfactionfor his debt, he declares to your Majesty that he is unaware in the present questionofa betterresponse than the substance of the warningspoken recently by the Duke of Lerma to the Ambassador of France¹ in a conversation similar to this. He believes it is not proper to negotiateabout the bestowalofyour Majesty'sdaughteron the PrinceofWalesas long as he is not a Catholic and he bases his decision onfourreasons .

Thefirst is because the Lady Infanta who is to be betrothedwillbe exposed to a clear risk oflosingherfaith once she is wed to a heretic. The second is because the childrenwho will be born ofsuchamarriage will undoubtedly be lost and will follow the sect of the father The third is because this will open the door to a free exchange and communication between the two countries: somethingmostprejudicial to the purety that our faith retains today only in Spain Thefourth is because it is somethingwellknown that the kings of Englandalready consider it permissible to repudiate their wives when they have no

children. He added that the freedom of conscience under tacit discussion willbe cutdownto nothing so that no attention shouldbegiven toit

1 AndreCochefilet, Baron de Vaucelas.

2 The rest of the text is printed in The Narrative , pp 7-8 and 115-16 . In subsequent consultas the council recommended the continuance of the negotiation with the commentthat through a French matchJames would make less concessions to the English Catholics , it also observed that the Infanta would be protected by Queen Anneand Lady Drummond(E 2518/7, consulta of 27 November 1614) Later it noted that the distinction between "freedom of conscience" , which was to come from Parliament exclusively , and a "permission" or a toleration, which would come from James, was not clear enough Others were wary of any sudden change in James's attitude towards the marriage with a Catholic(E 845/21consulta of 11 Jan. 1615)


Original autograph , 1 Page, E 1000/361. (p.1)

Aviendo sabido el Papa queel embaxadorVeneciano que reside en esta corte escribe a su republicaque este Rey quiere socorrera Savoya con 6 M Infantes y que insta a la Reyna de Francia para quetambien de socorro y aun de a sauer que no le de y sabiendose esto en Italia de originales dibersos, me ha mandado que en su nombre escribe a Vuestra Señoria lo primero que procure sacar en limpio la verdad del caso hablandoal Rey y diziendole la publica boz y fama que correpor Italia en esta parte, lo segundo que le dibierta del socorro con buenas razones y al fin con ponelle miedo, lo tercero que de lo que descubrieren las diligencias de VuestraSeñoria y de lo que dellas resultare me auise luego y todo lo que supiese de intentos y resolucion de protestantes y en orden al negocio de Saboya para que yo lo representa a su Santidad el Conde de Castro


The Pope has learned that the Venetianambassador who resides in this court is writing to his Republic that that king would like to assist Savoy with 6000 troops² and that he is urgingthe Queen ofFranceto

also provide aid, although he admits that he knows that this help will not be provided, and this has been learned from different sources in Italy, still he has orderedme to to writeon his behalftoyourLordship as follows The first is to try to getat the truthopenlyin this question by speaking with the king and telling him ofthe public report that is current in Italy in this quarter.3 The second is to try to divert him from the assistance by worthy reasons andultimately to inducehim to be afraid. The third is that out ofwhatyourLordship's efforts might discover and whatever emerges from them you should inform me at once both about everything which is suspected about the plans and determination ofthe protestantsas wellas what is afootin the business ofSavoy so thatImight relate them to his Holiness

The Countof Castro

1 Tomaso Contarini

2 After an interview with the Dutch envoy it was stated that James would "assist the Duke with 4000 infantry according as need should arise" and ifthe Spanish forces overwhelmed the Duke "he would make war openly both by sea and land." (C.S.P. Venetian 1613-15, p 251 , Foscarini to Doge, London 21 November 1614) See also Doc 19.

3 Later Sarmiento reportedthat James was offering excuses to Savoy although he had a strongdesire to help and to keep "things unsettled in Italy" (E 2591/42 and 43,Sarmientoto Philip III London, 17 Dec. 1614)



Originaldecipher, 1 page, E 2591/44 London, 17 December 1614. (p.1) + Señor

Don Roberto Druri , un cauallero de aqui muy calificadoy sinhijos tiene diez mil ducados de renta en hazienda de mucho valor, dessea vendella y vivir y morir en España¹ paresciendole buena ocasion para ello yr a servir a Vuestra Magestad en alguna guerra, me ha offrecido que llevara de aqui para ellaquatro mil hombres a su cargo y pedidome que lo represente assi a Vuestra Magestad, es cauallero de buena edad y partes. Vuestra Magestad se sirvira de mandarme auisar lo que podre respondelle.2 Guarde Dios ,etc.

Sir Robert Drury, a highly qualified gentleman of this land, who is without children and has ten thousand ducats in revenue from an estate ofhigh value, wishes to sell it to live anddie in Spain Since he decided that it is the proper moment for him to enteryourMajesty's service in some war he has offered to me to hire fourthousandmen from hereat his own cost. He is a gentleman ofa good age and background. May your Majesty be pleased to order thatI be informed of whatIcan reply to him . May God protect, etc.

1 Possibly this is the Robert Drury who was knighted by Essex at Rouen in 1591 and later fought on the Dutch side with Francis Vere . A friend ofJohn Donne, he settled for a time in Amiens before returning to England in 1612. He died in April 1615 withhis estates left to his sisters (Chamberlain Letters, vol. 1 , pp 95. 103, 322, 595).

2 The Council was sceptical of this offer and noted the bad effect ifPhilip "avails himself of a force from there without anyempresa " (E 845/21 consulta of 18 Jan. 1615).


London, 19 April 1615 .

Original decipher, 1 page, E 629 n. fol Felipe Cardona, Marquis of Guadaleste, was Spanish ambassador to the Court of the Archdukes.He later reported that William Nayler and "an important peer ofEngland" promisedto kidnap Prince Charles and bring him to the LowCountries where "by raising him among Catholics he would become one. . . " (E 629 n fol Guadaleste to Philip, decipher, 3 May 1615). Unaware of the plot at first, Sarmientowas alarmed that Nayler had been allowed to travel freely and urged the Council to prohibit his access to the Spanish court (E 2593/71 Sarmiento to Lerma, 16 May 1615). The Council was angry that Guadaleste had listened to such an adventurer and ordered Nayler to be returned to England and the Sarmientowas to inform King James of the threat "without saying who themanmight be ... "(E 629 n fol consulta of4 June 1615)


Guillermo Nayler portador desta, gentilhombre Catholico, he ha dicho que va a esa corte a solo comunicarcierto negocio del servisio


de su Magestad y me pidio que encaminase a persona con quien lo pudiese hazer y assi le envio a vuestra Señoria para que se sirva de oylle y de lo que huviere en ello mandar me auisar por que el no me ha queridodezir aquimas queesto.¹

Diego SarmientodeAcuña


William Nayler, a Catholicgentleman , the bearer ofthis, has toldme that he is traveling to that court solely to report a certain offer of service to his Majesty and he has asked me to direct him to a person withwhom hecould continueandaccordinglyIam sending him toyour Lordship so that you might be pleased to hear him andadvise me what ought to be done in this matter because he has not wanted to tell me morethan this

(autograph) Diego SarmientodeAcuña.

When he learned of Naylor, Digby wrote: "This counsell whetherthey suspected this to be some trayne or whether they doubted of the performance , or that they could be loath to give eare to so odious an overture , theyseemedutterly to dislike the proposition and commanded the partye to depart this kings dominions ... " (P.R.O. S.P. 94/21/159B, Digby to Somerset, 7 September 1615).


Original decipher received on 2 June, 3 pages, E 2593/72 . Thereis a similarincident described in doc 51 below.


A su Excellencia

Este Arzovispo de Cantuaria y algunos obispos y otrospuritanosdel Consejo hizieron gran fuerza con el Rey para que martirizasse a los sacerdotes que estauan aqui en las carzeles diçiendo que andauan convirtiendo y persuadiendo contra el Juramento instandoconel Reyque no estaua segura su persona estando ellos aqui y han pasado en esto cosas de que se pudiera hazer un largo processo siendo el principal intento desta gente turbar la amistad de su Magestad con este Rey y impossibilitarqueno se estreche mas comolo temen. Y hauiendo remitido el Rey al consejo esto se tomo porexpediente que los lleuasen a Uuisuique una casa 25 leguas de aqui que era la

prision ordinaria de los catholicos en tiempo de la Reyna Isabel.¹

Por todos los medios que me parecieron convinientes procure estorvar el martirio y la salyda de aqui pero la de algunos (que eran las mas çelosas con quien esta gente esta peor) no se ha podido escusar (p.3)y a los confidentesy masbien intencionadospor agora necessario el tomar este expediente² y el conde de Somerset me lo dixo assi y que se ordinaria que fuesen bien tratados,³ y lo procuro y no perdellos de vista para hazer quanto se pueda por su libertad yqueelembaxador de Flandes quese entiende se yra prestolos pida.4

Han publicado tambien un edicto mandando a los padres que tienen hijos en seminarios que los hagan boluer a este Reynoyqueno enuien otros

La ocasion de qué para esto se han valydo los malyciosos fueque hauiendollegado a Doblaun Juan Ouben natural deste Reynohombre muy noble mozode 22 años que venia del colegio de Duay (tambienme dizen que estubo en Valladolid) le presentaron el Juramentopara quele tomase como lo hazen a todos y por no querello tomar antes hauen dicho con muchalivertad lo que entendiadel le enuiaronpreso aquial Arzovispo el qual aprentandole en las preguntas del Juramento respondio en sustancia que tenia por cierta la doctrina de la autoridad del Papa y sobre esto añadio que se el Papa declarase a este Rey por escomulgado el le matariasi pudiese y despuesjudicialmenteseretiffico en ello y echo dos firmas . (p.4) Y los rezelos ordinariosque este Reytiene de que le matenson tan grandes que de noche hazen tres camasjuntas a la suya a los dos lados y a los pies y quando camina es corriendo con mucho lacayos a los estriuos para que no le lleguen y añadiendose a esto este caso ha dado materia para que los mal intencionados pareciendoles que le lisongean al Rey le mueven a rigores, el casamiento que en la tierra pareze que ay solo para que esto se mejore la platica que se trata, Dios lo hagay guarde a Vuestra Excellencia etc.


Your Excellency,

This Archbishop of Canterbury, some bishops and other puritans within the Council have strongly represented to the king that heshould inflict martyrdoms onpriests who are imprisonedby asserting thatthey were engagedin convertingpeopleand advising them against theoath. They were insistingwiththe king that his person was notsafeas longas they were here and they mentioned attacks out of which they can prepare a big case for it is the principal intention of these people to break up the friendship of his Majesty and this king and to make it impossible for them to be closer friends than they arenow .

After the king had sent thismatter to the council it was decided that they should be taken to Wisbech, a residence 25 leagues from here ,

which was the ordinary prison for Catholics in the days of Queen Elizabeth.1

By every means that Ithought advantageous Iwilltry to preventthe martyrdom and the departure from here but I have been unable to intervene in the behalf ofa few(who were the most zealous which is the worst thing with these people). To the confidants and the well intentioned it appears to be necessary at the present to adopt this course Furthermore, the Earl ofSomerset told me thatorderswillbe giventhat they be well treated there.3 Iam tryingnot to losesightof them so as to do as much as possible for their freedomand theambassador of Flanders, as it is understood, will be goingatoncetolookfor them.4

They have also published a proclamation requiring fathers who have sons in seminaries to make them return to this kingdom and not to send othersaway.

The incident upon which the ill-disposed have capitalizedfor this action was the arrival at Dover of a John Owen , a nativeofthis kingdom, a veryillustrious young man of22 years of age. He came from the college at Douai (they tell me he was at Valladolid as well) and they required him to take the oath as they do with everyone and as hedid not want to take it but rather to speak with considerable freedom of what he thought about it, they sent him here under arrest to the Archbishop who proceeded with the examination on the oath. He replied in substance that he considered the doctrine of the pope's authority as certainand on thispoint he remarkedthat shouldthepope declare this king to be excommunicatedhe would slay him ifhe could and later he correctedhimself himself in a legal manneron thematter andgave his signature twice .

The constant anxieties that his king has that some one might kill him are so strong that at nightfall they arrange three beds nearto his , on each side and at the foot When he is on the road he travelswith many lackeysat his stirrups to prevent some onefrom reachinghim. By bringing forward this case to his attention the ill-disposed thought that they might influencethe king towardsmore severity. The marriage which in this land seems to be the only measure to improve this situation is the thing to be negotiated. May God bring it about and protect yourExcellency, etc.

1 See also the introd to The WisbechStirs, C.R.S. vol 51 (1958)

2 The plans were already completed (C.S.P. Dom 1611-18 p. 283)

3 The priests petitionedtheCouncilfor a "modification of the strictness oftheir orders" ,Ibid p 285.

4 The wife of Boisschot petitioned Queen Anne for the release of 10 priests, Ibid. p 299

5 Steele, Tudor and StuartProclamations no. 1156 , issued on 23 March 1615 . 6 See Douai Diaries, 1598-1654 , C.R.S. vol 10, 11 pp 59, 66, 109, 111;C.S.P. Dom. 1611-18 , pp 548, 558.



Originaldecipher, 5 pages, E 2593/91. London, 30May 1615 .

(p.2) +

A su Excellencia

Por lo que este Rey responde a su embaxador a los puntos que le embio sobre el casamiento de su hijo de que embioa su Magestad copia en este despacho vera Vuestra Excellencia quan diferentementesatisfaze a ellos de lo que hauia dicho a su embaxador¹y me embio a dezir a mi el conde de Somerset con el cauallero Coton embiandome los a mostrar , porque casi en ninguno dellos pusso duda diziendomequeel Rey mismo los hauia leydo diversas vezes en su presencia sin hallar en ellos difficultad sino que en la educacion de los hijos precisamente en la fee catolica, se podrian poner criados de lo uno y de lo otro con que venia a ser lo mismo de la capitulacion que era no forzallos. Lo que puede hauermouido al Rey a esta respuesta es desconfiar del don Juan Digby y temer no la vean algunos de la facion puritana que yase han descubierto en hazer grandissima oposicion a este casamiento y temelle mucho y tambien no querer el Rey discubriese (p.3) con el don Juan ni concluyr esta negociacion por su mano, temiendo que ganado oynclinado a nuestra parte y causa , la adelante y le empeñe mas de lo que el querria; porque en materias de religion es cierto que el se holgara de hazer lo menos que pueda y queria prouarassi puede escusar lo que se la ha propuestoy en la forma de las palabras,demas de queel no es muydulce ni muy pulido se ha de considerar que habla privadamente con su embaxador , el qual pienso yo que se ha de hallar bien embaraçado con la respuesta de los capitulos por que conforme a lo queel Rey le dixo aqui y a lo que le ha auisado despuesnoledeuode parecer quepodia auer duda en ellos.

Pienso que le mas cierto desto es que a este rey le embaraça mucho considerarse suegro de una Infanta de España y parecelle que este casamiento ha de dar tanta fuerça a los catolicos que de su parte sea superior y que se mete con esto en grandes ruydos y que perdera la

autoridad y fuerza que piensa que le da el ser caueça de los herejes y que su Santidadle deposaria luego del reyno y le dara a su hijoy como cosa en que debe de andar pensando ha dicho estos dias algunos vezes (p.4) que es muy bueno que digan que el Papa no ha mandado ni manda matar Reyes como si el deponellos no fuese muerteciuil y que despues quedando ni Reyno ni autoridad qualquieralos puede matary que sus mismos hijos lo harian para su seguridad o por lo menos losmeterianen un castillo .

Halehecho mas recatado en esta opinion la resolucioncon que estos dias han defendidoy firmado aqui algunos la autoridad del Papa y en Escocia han martirizado por esto a un sacerdote³ y a los de aqui desseauan hazer lo mismo pero el respecto de su Magestad y las diligencias que hemos hecho lo ha estorbado hasta agora y para todo lo bueno ha hecho grandissimo daño y alteracion la venida aqui del principal ministro hereje de Francia que se llama Dumolin queporsu medio se trata de que este Rey sea caueça de todos los hereges en lo que el acomodar esto es posible y que si se consigue la dara grandissimo poder y authoridad y el lo cree de manera que me dizenque hadicho quelo estimara mas que ser Emperador.

Y por que en los despachos en queha dado quentaa su Magestad de las materias de religion he dicho lo que entiendodel ingeniodeste Rey y (p.5) del arte y temores con que vive no tengo en esto que añadirsi no que pues el principal punto a que se deue mirar en admitir laplatica de casamiento deste principe con hija del Rey nuestroSeñores elbien y augmento de la religion y que para ello este solo es el unico remedio no se deue perder de vista ni soltar por embaraços que el demonioy los suyos pongan para atravesarlo

Y en caso que le malicia o desdicha deste Reyno no merezcan esto es tambien punto de mucha consideracion procurar que este Principe no se case en Francia o en otra parte donde a España le puede estar mal y pues esta platica se ha introducido con tanta decencia y reputacion del Rey nuestro Señor como se vee y con tan publicasdemostraciones y diligencias como ha hecho ahi su embaxadorme parece seguro y conueniente seguir el mismocaminoy teneren tal disposicion el tratado que se pueda tomar y dexar como el tratofuere mostrando ser necessario

Y mande Vuestra Excellenciaver si seria bien obligary embaraçar a la Reyna de Francia con dalla alguna quenta de que este Rey ha pedido a la Señora Infanta Maria y que don Iñigo de Cardenas (p.6) en confianca y secreto se lo dixese en el modo que pareciese mas convenientepues las juntas que ahi se han hecho sobre ello es cosatan publica que anda ya en las gazetas Guarde Dios, etc.


YourExcellency, -

Through the king's response to his ambassador about thepoints pertaining to his son's marriage which he had sent to him a copyof which I am sending to his Majesty in this despatch your Excellency willnotice how differently he offers to satisfy them from whathehad told his ambassador . He sent the Earl of Somerset together with Cotton, a gentleman , to talk to me and to show them to me² wherein he raises a doubt against scarcely any one ofthem. They tell me that the king has read them at different times in their presence without finding difficulty with them, with the exception of the educationof the children specifically in the Catholicfaith and that they should be able to appoint servants from the oneorthe otherfaith, which amounts to thesame, in the article which was meantnottoforce them. What could have moved the king towards this response is the suspicion against John Digby andthefear that some ofthe Puritanfaction maynot approve, since they have already indicated it by showingvery strong apposition to this marriage and their deep anxiety over it. Furthermore, the king'sunwillingnessto be frankwith SirJohn andnot to concludethis negotiationby his agency, outoffearthat he had been won overandfavours our partyand purpose, delays it and is agreater obstacleto whathe is lookingfor. Indeed, in the questionofreligion it is certain that he would be happy to do as little as possible and he wants to indicate as much so that he can push aside what has been proposedto him in the formula ofwords. In addition to the fact that he is not very courteousnor very polished, it has to be remembered that he is speaking privately to his ambassador and that I think he is going tofind himself very embarrassed over this response to thearticles because according to what the king said here and according to his later explanation thereshould be no cause to believe that he can have doubts over them The one thng that I believe to be most certain in this question is that it would considerably embarrass this king to be the father-in-law ofa Spanish Infanta. He believes that this marriage is going to provide such support to the Catholics that theirfactionwould be strongerand would by this means be involvedin serious disturbances and that he will lose the prestige andpower that he believes the leadership ofthe heretics confersupon him and in a short time his Holiness would depose him from his kingdom and confer it upon his son Ifit might be something to keep under consideration , he has said recently at one time or another that it is all very well that they might say that the pope has not given nor is he giving the order to slay kings, yet, if deposing them is not a legal death later, when living without any kingdom or authority whatsoever , then one could kill them , indeed his own children might do it for their own security or at least they might keep him in a castle The courage with which some have been defendingand holding here the pope'sauthorityindeedin Scotland

they have martyred a priest on this account³ has made him more suspicious about this opinion They would have wantedto do thesame to some here but the deference forhis Majestyas well as the efforts we have made haspreventedituntil thepresent .

In opposition to all this good work, the arrivalofDu Moulin here , a leadinghereticalminister from France, has created thegravest danger and misgivings since there is talk, at his inspiration, ofmakingthis king the leader ofall heretics in what they call "the spiritual" . They might convincehim that he is capable of assuming this, and shouldhe do so the greatest power andprestige will be conferredupon him . Hebelieves this to suchan extent that hehas said that hewould consider itgreater than being Emperor.

Since, in the despatches where I have reported to his Majestyabout religiousaffairs, I have said what I know about the king's characteras wellas about the plots andfears amidst which he lives, I have nothing to add about this except that the principal goal for which one must look when allowing a discussion of the marriage ofthis prince with a daughterofthe king, our lord, is the benefit and progress ofthefaith. Since, for that goal, this is the only means, it must not be leftout of sight norabandoned on accountofthe difficulties thatthedevilandhis minions set up topreventit

In the event that the wickedness and perverseness ofthisrealmdo not deserve it, there is another highly important purpose here in being vigilant about this prince's marriage with Franceor some other power whereit could be dangerous to Spain Howeverthis discussion has been begun with suchcandourand honour on thepart ofthe king, ourlord, asis to be seen and there is also the clear evidence andbehaviourthat their ambassador has shown there, I believe it safe and profitable to continue along the same path and to preserve the negotiationin sucha way that it can be accepted or dropped as the situation might indicate itnecessary.

YourExcellencyshould orderconsiderationto be given as towhether itwill begood to introduce andinvolvethe Queen of France bytelling her somethingabout how this king has askedfor the Infanta, the lady Maria, and in confidence and secrecy let don Iñigo de Cardenas be informed in the way that might seem most proper. In any case the consultations that have been had on this question are so wellknown thatit is being mentionedin thegazettes May God protect , etc.

1 SeeThe Narrativepp 293-95

2 Sir Robert Cotton's later conversation of 2 July with Sarmiento is reported Ibid pp 295-98.

3 John Ogilby, S. J. was executed on 10 March 1615; see also Forbes-Leith, Narratives pp. 297-315 .


See Doc 21 5

Previously Winwood had informed Thomas Edmondes, ambassador to Paris, that neither King James, nor Digby had tried "either overtly, or underhande directly, or obliquely to intimate any such overture ... " for the Infanta, and that the discussions of Spanish theologians were done "partly to magnifieand improve their owne glory, as though all the world were enamored of their greatness ... " (B. M. Stowe Mss, vol 175 f. 276, Winwood to Edmondes, London 20 March 1615)


. London, 30 June 1615 .

Original decipher , 6 pages , received on 15 July, E 2593/107. (p.2)


Entre los frutos que va causando aqui la venida de Dumolin¹ el hereje de Francia y las trazas que ha dado y da a este Rey para ser cavezaen lo que ellos llaman espiritual de todos los de su falsa religion con que ha cegado y apassionado furiosamenteencerrandose con el solo muchas horas cada dia es hauer impresso el Rey un libro² para amotinar y reboluer al pueblo de Francia contra su Rey natural hablando de su persona y de la nobleza y estado ecclesiastico de Francia bien differentemente de lo que fuera razon tomando por pretesto responder al papel que el cardenal de Peron³ ha hecho contradiciendo la proposicion que se hizo en Paris sobre hazer ley en Francia conforme al Juramentode Inglaterra.

Ha me parecido materia digna de auisar luego della a vuestra Magestad y assi enuio el libro que se acauo de imprimir ayer siendo el Rey mismo el corrector hauiendoexcrito el original de su (p.3) mano como lo confirma el Dumolin en la aprouacionque pone en la ultima oja del libro dizen me que estos que llaman obispos estan sentidissimos de que se diga que ha traydo qui este Dumolin para su reformador siendo persona sin ninguna buena calydad y lo sentiran mas quando vean queel libro se ha impresso con sola su aprouacionsin dar cuenta a ninguno dellos que por esto y por que el animoprincipal deste Reyes turbar la francia lo ha escrito en frances y dizenme que lo imprimira luego en latin

A don Iñigo de Cardenas enuio otro libro para que este aduertido


de lo que passa antes que el Rey los enuie de aqui que segun entiendo seran millares dellos y es bien que el Rey de Franciapues es hijo de Vuestra Magestad y no tiene aqui agora ambaxador lo tenga entendido a tiempo para preuenirlo que conuiniere y don Iñigo usara desto consu prudencia en la forma que mas conuenga segun el estado de las cosas y las ordenes que tuuiere de VuestraMagestad porquesiendo el Reyde Francia el que deue como yo espero es justo que veade la manera que en todas partes los criados de Vuestra Magestad le acuden. (P.4) Del Rey de Inglaterra he dicho a Vuestra Magestad en differentes despachos la que entiendo y lo mismodigo agora yquepienso que no ayotrohereje aequo (a lo menos como el) porquelos mas malos muestran serlo son para adularle y porque hallan que es este el camino para medrar y vivir seguros con el aunque algunos entienden que no tiene ninguna religion porque cada dia se contradize en lo que habla pero el engaño de la autoridady seguridad que piensa que le da y daraser gran Soffi de los Hereges haze que conforme y quierabien a todoslos que reconozen al vicario de Dios Y de aqui nazen los zelos de España y el parecelle que todo hombre que dize bien de España es catholicoy vive con tan gran arte dequeno lo entienda el embaxador de Vuestra Magestad que en una larga audienciaqueyo tube con el a los 17 deste sino le conociera ni supiera lo que se de los que mas tratan con el pensara (segun lo que hizo conmigo y lo que me dijo) que era catholico y tan verdadero hermanode VuestraMagestad comoel Señor ArchiduqueAlberto.

Yo he sido hasta aqui de parezer que (p.5) el persuadir a este Rey en lo que se escruiese fuese con solo la fuerza de la razones y quede su persona se hablase templadamente pero ya visto lo poco que esto aprouecha y lo que continuadezirblasfemias y desatinos no me atreuer a hazer juicio de lo que sera mas conuiniente ni si conuendriarespondellea todo a proposito pues ay tanta materia dello.

Y aunme pareze cosa digna de ponerse en consideracion que pues sin hauerle el Cardenal de Peron dado ninguna ocasion mas de hauer escrito en francia un papel para el buen gouierno de francia y que de su cantidadtampoco ha tenido de que quexarse ni le ha dado ocasion para que perseuerse tantos años en ecriuir y imprimir libros tan sediciosos y contra su authoridad si seria bien que su Santidad fuese amonestandole que no mejorandose comenzara a declarar contrael las penasy censuras establecidas por derecho para que no se entienda en el mundo que se faltaal seruiciode Dios en pecados tan publicos

El yr con estas amonestaciones sin hazer declaracion pondriamiedo a este Rey que para (p.6) con el es el mas importante medio que ay alentarse huyan los vasallos catholicos viendo que se acude a su causa porque el dexar los assi quita el animo y alyento a mucho flacos y entiviaraotros.

Pero tambien se deue considerar si con esto se pondria este Rey en la ultima desesperacion procurando deshazer de todo punto los

catholicos de sus reynos y unirse mas estrechamente con los herejes.

Un medio del que han propuestoalgunos aprouandole por seguro y es que Vuestra Magestad y el Emperador , el Rey de Franciael de Polonia y el Señor Archduque escriuiesen a este Rey tomando ocassion de lo que escriue contra el estado de Francia en tan mala consecuencia y exemplo de los demas Reynos y subditos mostrando sentimiento dello y pidiendole que se abstenga en continuallo y en el rigor de la persecusion contra sus subditos catholicos y en el hablar de la persona de su Santidad tan differentemente de lo que es razon de que esto se haze por su conuiniencia (p.7) y por los peligrosque puede tener de no hazerlo .

Han me dicho que para esto seria muy apropositoel DuquedeGuisa trayendo el solo las cartas assi por que este libro es contra francia direchamente como porque el Duque de Guisa esta tan cerca y ser pariente deste Reyy tan seguro y buen Catholico.

Vuestra Magestad vera lo mas conuinientey se servira de mandarme aduertir a mi lo que conuiniere hazer para azertar como deuo y desseo . Guarde Dios, etc.




Among the results which the arrival of Du Moulin, ' the French heretic, has produced here and of the plan which he has initiatedto make this king leader in what they call "thespiritual" - overeveryone of his false religion, for which reason he has blinded and stirred him up passionately after being closeted with him alone for many hours everyday, is that the king has printed a book²seeking tostirthe people of France to revolt against the king theirnatural lord by speaking of his person and of the nobility and the ecclesiastical order of France fardifferentlythanwhat is proper Forexcuse thereis takenthe need to reply to the work whichCardinal du Perron³ has composed against the motion which had been made in Paris about passing a law similarto the oath in EnglandforFrance

Ithought this matter deserving animmediatereport toyourMajesty. Therefore, I am sending the book which was printed yesterdaywhile the king himself was proofreader after he had written the complete original in hisown handas Du Moulin attests in the endorsement which he has placed on the last page of the book. " They tell me thatthese people whom they call bishops are very upset about the declaration that he has brought this Du Moulin here as theirreformer since heisa person without any fine quality They will be morepained when they see that the book has been printed by his authority alone without informing any one ofthem . For this reason and because the principal purpose ofthis king is to provoke France , he has written itin French Theytell me that itwillbe printed shortly in Latin.


Ihave sentanother copy to donIñigo de Cardenas sothathewould be informed of what happened before the king sends over thousands ofcopies from here accordingto what I hear . It is better thattheking of France for he is your Majesty's son and withoutan envoyhere should have notice in time so as to make proper provision. Don Iñigo should use this prudently in the manner that is most fitting, according to the situation of affairs and the instructions he might receive from your Majesty, becauseit is proper that the king ofFrance, as I hope, should see the way that the servants ofyourMajestysupport him from all sides

I have set forth in different despatches my opinion ofthe King of England and Isay thesame again, that I believe there is no other heretic who is his equal at the very least like himbecause those whoshow themselves to be the most perverse do so to flatter him and because they find that this is the way to prosper and to live with him in security, although some believe that he does not have any religion since he contradicts himself daily in what he say. However the illusion of authority and security, which he thinks that being the highpriest of the heretics providesand will give him, forces him to conform and to wish well towards every one who does not recognize the Vicar of Christ

Out of this are born the suspicions of Spain and his conviction that every man who thinks well of Spain is a Catholic and he lives under such a deep pretence that your Majesty'sambassador is not to beconscious ofit that during a longaudience whichIhad withhimon the17th of this month without his beingaware or suspicious ofwhatI knew about those who deal the most with him he should (both in his mannerofacting and speaking to me) consider himself a Catholic and as true a brother ofyourMajesty, as the lordArchdukeAlbert.

Until the presentI have believed that the only way to influencethe king against what might be written was the force of arguments anda respectfulspeech about his person but I have foundsmalladvantage out of this and that he keeps uttering blasphemies and nonsense . Iwould not dare to make a judgement over what would be more proper and whether it would be advantageous to reply to everythingdirectlyfor thereis so much materialfor that.

Even though it seems to me to be something deserving reflection that Cardinal du Perron had offered no more provocation beyond writing a work in France for the proper governmentofFrance" and that he has complainedabout his Holiness without being given cause , and that he has continued for so many years to compose and print such seditiousbooks against his authority, I wonder whether itwould be better for his Holiness to rebuke him so that after a failure to improve he might start to invoke against him the penalties and censures by law established lest the world fail to see that he sins against God's service by such public offenses. To proceedin these warnings, without

making them public, will make him fearful that his Catholic subjects might abandon him seeing that there is interest in their causewhich is, as far as he is concerned, the most important way that there is tobe helped, because to abandon them in that way would crush the courage andstrengthofthe wavering andweaken others.

However one also has to reflect whether by this step the king, reduced to extreme desperation, might try to destroy the Catholicsin every corner of his kingdom and to bind himself morefirmly tothe heretics. One remedyfor this, which some have proposed afterjudging it to be safe , is that yourMajesty, theEmperor, the king ofFrancethe king of Poland and the Lord Archduke should write to this king. They are to use the occasion ofwhat he has written about thegovernment of France with such an unhappy effect and exampleto other kingdomsand subjects, to express regretabout it andask thattherebe a stop to its continuation and to the severityof his persecutionofhis Catholic subjects as well, and to the remarks against the person ofhis Holiness which are so different from what is propereven in fitting courtesy by desisting from activitiesfor his own advantage because ofthe risks that he can run by failingto do so. They told me thatfor this mission the Duke of Guise alone would be a very appropriate person to bringthe letters, both becausethis book is directly concerned withFrance, as well as becausethe DukeofGuise is so close a relative of thisking, in addition to beingreliableanda goodCatholic. May your Majesty reflect upon what is most appropriate and be pleased to give order to instruct me as to what is best to do in order to succeed according to my duty and desire . May God protectthe Catholicperson ofyourMajesty.



1 Pierre Du Moulin, the Elder, (1568-1658) arrived in London in April and nominated a Prebend ofCanterburyin June (C.S.P. Dom . 1611-18 pp 282, 289). Declaration du Roy JacquesI (London, 1615 , STC 14367).

3 See Doc. 4 note6. His Apologiepur les peres Jesuites (Paris, 1615) appeared a year after the Estates General had heard it.

4 In his "Advertisement" Du Moulin admitted onlygiving"quelque polisseure" tothe language (Declaration Sig Q4)

5 Instead Thomas Edwards presented three formal protests in Paris against the Franco-Spanish marriages, the "diabolicall opinions" of Cardinal du Perron and Louis's letter to Conde in July 1615 (Anon. Remonstrances made by the Kings Maiesties Ambassadour London, 1615, STC 9237).

6 Samuel Spifame left London in January. His successor , Gaspard Dauvet, Sieur des Marets, was not announced untilJuly 1615

7 Shortly the controversy increased with the translationof Du Perron's book as An OrationMade on thepart ofthe Lordes Spirituall (St. Omer, 1616, STC 6384) which stated that the oath favouredby King James was introduced to theThird Estate "by certaine irreverentsemi-Catholickes " who sought to make "an idoll of

the temporall power of kinges" (Sig, *4v) When A Remonstrance of... themost Gratious King James I was translated (Cambridge, 1616, STC 14369) he claimed his purpose was that "people might be unwitnessed of this pernicious opinion: that Popes may tosse the Frenchking his thronelike a tennis ball and thatkilling of kings is an act meritorious to the purchase of the crowne of Martyrdome... (Sig A 2). The first volume of Du Perron's Replique a la Response du Roy dela Grande Bretagne was not printed in English in St. Omer until 1630 (STC 6385 , Allison and Roger 288)

8 See Doc 1 and 3

9 Charles de Lorraine, 4th Duke of Guise (1571-1640 ) was a second cousin of JamesI.


London, 10 September 1615.

Originaldecipherreceived on4 October, 3 pages, E 845/81. (p.2) + Señor

La carta que Vuestra Magestad me mando escriuir a siete de Julio sobre lo que alla se ha entendido del procederde don Ricardo Berri¹ receui con Riuas a los 29 de Agostoy conlo que Vuestra Magestad me manda dezir he confirmado las sospechas que tenia del como Vuestra Magestad vio por la carta de 16 de Mayo que escriui al SecretarioJuan de Ciriça y habra visto por lo que despues escriui a los dos de Agosto. No entendi que tratara de boluer ni el me dixo palabra de pedir entretenimiento para aqui ni despues de buelto me ha dicho que pretendio tal sino que supplico que Vuestra Magestad le hiziese alguna merced y que por ver a VuestraMagestad tam embaraçado en losviajes se quiso boluer con la carta que Vuestra Magestad le mando dar para mi hablandome en sus casas solo lo que basta para queyoentiendaque tiene pretensionde que VuestraMagestad le haga merced. He sauido que el don Ricardo passo desde Valladolid a Madrid a verse con el embaxadorde Inglaterra con gran secreto y hauiendoleyo preguntadosi fue a Madrid me ha dicho que no y tengo por cierto (p.3) que don Juan Dygbi es quien mas deue de hauelle instado en que bueluaaqui. Este hombre tiene tan engañados a los Padres de la Compañia en este punto que les ha parecido que yo hago gran error en no hauelle

metido en los negocios ni permitido que passe en mi casa que en esto han hecho tambien gran fuerzay la santa doña Luysade Caruajal llego asentarsemucho conmigo sobre ello.

Bien creo que a los Padres de la Compañia les es fiel en todo y tambien a los Catholicos en materia de religion pero tengo por conuenientissimo apartalle breuemente de aqui porquepor mas recato que yo tenga como lo he procurado y procuro, es impossible queel dexe de entenderquien sale y entraen mi casa quando estoyencerrado quando salgo soloquandoviene correo y quando le embiode quepuede hazer y hara conjecturas de mucho inconveniente que el vive cerca desta casa y el entrar en ella no se le puede quitar sin mucha nota y rompimiento.

Y assi me parece que si el se contentase con un entretenimientoen Flandes o en Italia (p.4) se le podria dar, o mande VuestraMagestad ver si seria mejor que yo le buelua a despachar a Madrid .Y allase podra entretener o despedir en la forma que a Vuestra Magestad le pareciere mas conueniente Supplico a Vuestra Magestad se sirua de mandarme aduertir lo que le parece deuo hazer con la mayor breuedad que se pueda para salir deste cuydado . NuestroSeñor, etc.


Sire ,

On the 29th of August through Ribas I received the letter which yourMajesty ordered writtento meonJuly 7th concerning information received thereabout the activityofRichardBerry. ' Throughwhatyour Majesty advised me to be told I have confirmed my suspicions against him, asyourMajesty may read in my letter ofMay 16th to Secretary Juan de Cirica and it is to be seen in what I wrote on August 2nd.

Iwas unaware that he would negotiateto come back here. Hedid not saya word to me about asking fora pension forhere, norafter his return herehas he told me that he was asking for that much but only thathe asked your Majesty to provide him with some aidandsince he had been so long engagedin thejourney to see yourMajestyit waspreferred that he return here with the letterwhich your Majesty ordered given to him for me. He has been talking to me about his affairsonlyto the extent that I should be aware of his request that yourMajestygive him an aid.

I discovered that Mister Richard traveledfrom Valladolid toMadrid to see the ambassador from Englandin great secrecy and afterIasked him if he had been in Madrid he denied it. Iam certain that itis Sir John Digby who is responsible forhis insistence on returning here .This gentleman has so deceived thefathers ofthe Societyin thismatter that they believed that I had committed a serious mistake innot employing him in my business and not allowinghim to live in my house, indeedin this instance they have exerted considerable pressure and the saintly

Doña Luisa de Carvajal became very distant towardsme about him .I firmly believe that he is loyal to the fathers of the Society in every respect and to the Catholics in the religious question as well. However I believe it most expedient that he be removedfrom here promptly since, for thegreatersecuritythat Iammaintaining, as Ihave been and am continuing to arrange, it is impossible that he be allowed to know who comes in and goes out of my residence and whenIam alone in seclusion and when I depart alone, when the courrier comes and when he is sent away, about all of which he can and willmake guesses. There is already some serious difficulty for he is living at present near this residence and access to it can not be refused him withouta completeinsult anda break.

Accordingly I think that ifhe is to be made happywith a pensionin Flanders or Italy it could be given to him, oryourMajestymightorder an inquiry whether it might be better for me to send him with letters toMadrid again He can be pensioned ordismissed therein the way that your Majesty thinks proper. I urge your Majesty to please command thatIbe instructedaboutyourdecision as towhatIoughtto do withall possible speed in order to be freed of this burden. May our Lord protect, etc.

1 See Document 2. (The Bodleian Library contains Berry's personal copy of Benito Guardiola: Tratado de Nobleza y Titulos Madrid, 1595, which he purchased in 1612 in Spain )



Su Magestad tiene resueltopor consulta del Consejo (como vuestra Merced sabe) que se escriua a sus Embaxadores en Franciay Flandes¹ que detengan (hasta dar quenta a su Santidad) a David Chalmers escozes a quien su Beatitud enuia a visitar la nobleza catholica de Escocia pues solo seruiriade causarzelos al Rey de Inglaterracreyendo que procede de correspondencia entre España, Romay los Catholicos

MARCH 1616 61

de aquellas partes, a los quales se les seguiria mucho daño³ y hauiendose comunicadolo referido al Nuncio que aqui reside4 como su Magestad mando , ha offrecido que dara quenta della a su Santidad justificando la causa pareciendole que al mismo tiempo que se escriua a los embaxadores que detengan esta persona y al consejo pareciolo mismo , Vuestra Merced se seruira de ordenar se escriua por ally al Pontifice en esta conformidad Dios guarde a Vuestra Merced como deseo De casa, a 30 de Marzo 1616. Juan deCirica


After the Council'sdebateas yourHonour knows his Majesty has decided that word be sent to his ambassadors in France and Flanders to detain David Chalmers, a Scotsman, 2 until his Holiness is informed, for he has been sent by his Holiness to visit the Catholic nobility of Scotland. Surely this would serve to arouse suspicions in the king ofEnglandas he would think thereis somethingafootbetween Spain, Romeand the Catholics ofthose regions and grave harmtothem might ensue23 After communicating the report to the Nuncio who resides here , as his Majesty commanded , he has suggested that an account ofthis might be given to his Holiness by explainingthereason and indicating at the same time that word is being sent to the ambassadors that they should detain that person The Council is in agreement. May your Honour please order that word be sent there to the Pontiff accordingly. May Godprotect your Honour as I desire. From my home, 30th ofMarch 1616 . (autograph) Juan deCirica

1 In Paris Iñigo de Cardenas; in BrusselsFelipe Cardona, Marquis ofGuadaleste . 2 In 1624, asAgent of the Scottishclergy in Rome , Chambers requested Urban VIII to refuse the Archpriest, Dr. Bishop, authority over the Catholics ofScotland (Tierney-Dodd , Church History vol 5, pp cclxiii-cclxiv) He visitedScotlandin 1631 and afterwards published De Scotorum Fortitudine (Paris, 1631) By 1637 he was appointed Principalof the Scots College in Paris where he died in 1641;a cousin was chaplain ofRichelieu (M. V. Hay, The Blairs Papers , 1603-60 , London, 1909, pp 106-7, 110-12, 115-17).

3 At this time , MacDonald , "Lord of Islay and Kintyre" sought unsuccessfully Spanish assistance to establish his claims in western Scotland (E 845/69-72 and 202 to 209, memoranda of William Semple; E 2031 n fol consulta of 20 May 1617)


5 Antonio Caetano, ArchbishopofCapua, nuncio, 1611-18 . By Gaspar Cardinal de Borjay Velasco, ambassador, 1616-19 .


Original holograph, 1 page, undated , E 2596/117 The accompanying note from Sarmiento to Ciriça of 5 October urged him to act favourably "as the deed is certainly of great piety" (E 2596/ 116).


Illustrissimo Señor

Eduardo Bentley Cauallero Ingles, y que ha tenido amplas possessiones en su tierra, como se sabe , dize que le quitaua su estado ytodo quanto tenia, y el encarcelaron , y condenaron a muerte29 años ha, por ser el Catolico, achacandole, que auia procuradode poneren libertad la Reyna de Escocia¹ y aunque su Magestad Catolicamovido de su real piedad , fue servido de mandar escriuir una carta muy encarecida en fauor deste supplicantea don Pedro de çuniga, entonces su embaxador , alegando razones2 muy vivas y efficaces para que el Rey de Inglaterra la hiziesse merced , pues auia padeçido tanto por causa de su madre: pero como por ella no pudo alcançar en Inglaterrany fauor nyjusticia, se recogio el supplicante a Flandes con muger y diez hijos, que descenden del gran Chancillerque fue de InglaterraThomas Moro³ que perdio el fauor del Rey Enrique 8, y la vida por no auer querido consentir en el diuorcio de la santa Reyna Catalina , tia de su Magestad, y son tambien de la familia del Vizconde de Monteagudo que fue embaxadoren Roma de los Reyes de gloriosa memoriaDon Felipe²do y doña Maria quando reynauan en Inglaterra, y assi como hijos de criados de su Magestad y de su Real casa, acudierona su protecion y amparo con desseo de seruir con la lealdad y fidelidad que sus antepassados lo an hecho antento lo qual su Magestad de su real munificencia mando dar a este supplicante sesenta escudos al mes, y al Federico Bentley su hijo mayor veinte y cinco escudos al mes en su exercito de Flandes con orden que a entrambos les pagassen puntualmente de la qual merced (que reconoscen por muy grande) avyendo gozado algun tiempo seis años ha, que se les reformaron el tercio de los dichos entretenimientos con las demas entretenidosy despues en la 2da reformacion general, se les reformaronde todo:6 de manera que quedando ellos sin otro medio con que vivir y el padre muy viejo y cargado de mujer y hijos, han tomado por ultimo refugio acudir a su Magestad como al Rey verdaderamente catolico, y defensor de lafe de Jesu Christo, y el unico amparo de los que padescen por ella, supplicandole umilmente que se apiade de la condicion destos supplicantes,

concediendoles exempcionde las dichas dos reformaciones y mandando aclararles sus entretenimientospor entero, y pagarles como antes ,para que tengan comodidad de quedar en el servicio se su Magestad como dessean

Y aunque la merced que ya VuestraSeñoria Illustrissima a hecho a estos supplicantes , es tal, que les obliga de servir siempre a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima buscando medios para mereçerla, muy confiados de obtenir su pretension con la recomendation de Vuestra Señoria Illustrissimay animados con las muestras tan claras que ha dado de su generosa naturaleza tan inclinada a soccorer con su fauor a los que tienen necessidad dello, han atreuido, de volver a supplicarle, que se sirue de mandarescriuir en su fauor dellos para que se les haga merced en este su pretençion, en lo qual reciueran muy particular de Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima y quedaran obligados ellos con sus amigos y deudos de servirle en qualquieroccasion ,etc.


Right Honorable , My Very GoodLord

Edward Bentley, An English gentleman, who once possessed large estates in this land, states that he was deprived of his property and everythinghe ownedand then imprisonedand condemned to death29 years ago for being a Catholic and also under chargesthat he hadtried to free the Queen of Scotland. Even though his Catholic Majesty, prompted by his royal generosity, was pleased to order a most urgent letterto be written on behalfofthispetitioner to donPedrodeZuniga, his former ambassador, alleging very strong and effective reasons2 why the king of England should show him kindness for indeedhe had suffered on behalf of his mother still for her sake hecouldfind neither help nor justice in England The petitioner withdrew to Flanders with his wife and ten children, who are descended from the former LordChancellorofEnglandThomas More, ³ who lost thefavour of King Henry VIII and his lifefornothaving wished to approve ofthe divorce of the saintly Queen Catherine , the aunt of his Majesty. They are also descended from the family of Viscount Montague , who was ambassador in Rome on behalf ofPhilipII and the Lady Mary, kings ofglorious memory, when they ruled in England . Thus as children of the servants of his Majesty and his royal house, they sought hisprotection and support with a wish to serve with the loyalty and fidelity that their ancestors have given Mindful ofthis his Majesty out ofhis royal generosityorderedthat seventy escudos a month begiven to this petitioner, andto his eldest son , FrederickBentley, twenty five escudos in hisarmy in Flanders, with instructions that they be paid regularly. After enjoying his kindness forsome timeand this they acknowledge to be generous they reformed the services ofthe aforesaid pensions


six years ago along with the rest ofthe pensioners, later in the second general reform they lost everything . As a result ofthiswhenthey were left without any other resource with which to live and the father of advanced years and burdened with the support of wife and children , they have carried as the last resort theirrequestto his Majesty, as the truly Catholic king , the defender of the faith ofJesus Christ and the sole protection ofthose who sufferforit. They humbly entreathispity for the condition of these petitioners that he might grant them an exemption from the aforesaid two reforms and order that theirpensions be fully granted and paid as before, so that they can have the support to remainin his Majesty'sservice as they desire.

Although the kindness which your Lordship has alreadyshown to these petitioners is such that they are ever under obligation to serve your Lordship while still looking for ways to merit it, still they are deeply confident of obtaining their request under your Lordship's patronageand encouraged bysuch clear signsas have alreadybeen given ofa generous characterveryprepared to assist those who have needof your kindness They are emboldened to beg once more for your willingnessto order that a letter be written on their behalf in order to assist them in this request From this they would receive averyspecial favour from your Lordship and remainunder obligation asfriends and debtorsto serveyou at anyopportunity . 7

1 See Vol 1 , doc 39, Pensioner 23 and note. The estate was Hungry Bentley, in the parish of Longford, 11 miles northwestof Derby "There was formely a family of the nameofBentleywho resided here Edward Bentley, esq was tried and convicted of high treason at the Justices Hall, Old Bailey, London 31 May 29 Eliz ... " (S. Glover and T. Nobel, edd History ofthe CountyofDerby, London , 1829, vol 2 p 105).

2 At that time theCouncilofState noted that theconvictionoccurred "because one of thosewho plotted to free the Queen of Scotland had revealed itto a Bentley without specifying if it were he or another ... " The Bentleyestate had then been granted to a "gentleman named Michael Stanhope " The Council instructed Zuniga not to ask for a restoration of property but a full pardon (E 2767 n fol consulta June 1605)


3 She was a fourth generation descendant of More The daughter of Lucy Browne (sister ofthe first Viscount Montague ) and Thomas Roper(grandson of St. Thomas More), shewas also second cousin of Fr. Thomas MoreIV Thedeparture of members of the Bentley family in June 1606 to the Low Countriesis described by Mary Ward who travelled as one of Mrs. Catherine Bentley's 'daughters' to St. Omers (See H. J. Coleridge, ed . , The LifeofMary Ward , 15851645 by Mary C. E. Chambers, 2 vols London, 1882, 1885, vol 1 , pp 107 ff.). Anthony Browne (1528?-1592) Viscount Montague had been an Ambassador Extraordinaryto Pope Paul IV and Venice in 1555

5 Frederick , born 1582 at the estate in Derbyshire , studied at St. Omers 159498, and Douai 1598-1601 underthealias Francis Walker He returnedto England in ill health to find his parents in poverty. He described his relatives as "aliqui Catholicialiiheretici ... " After a brief enrollment in the English college in Rome

he left (Douai College Diaries, C.R.S. vol 10 (1911) pp 37 , 39, Responsa Scholarum, C.R.S. vol 54 (1962) pp 116-17; Foley, Records vol 6, p 223 for Francis (sic) Bentley ). A second son, Henry, born in Derbyshire in 1583/4, was at the English College 1598-1603 , but returned to England He began studies again at Douai in 1604 but ceased shortly after. He then returnedto Romeand after ordination became a Jesuit in 1610 (Douai College Diaries p 56; Foley, Records vol 7 (part 1) pp 51-2) A third son, Edward II, born in London in 1588, studied at St. Omers and entered the English College in 1606 and becamea Jesuit in 1609 (Responsa Scholarum, 176-77; Foley, Records, loc. cit ) Afourth son, John, born in 1590 in Northamptonshire , studied at St. Omers and entered the English College in 1608 and the Society of Jesus in 1611/12 (Responsa Scholarum, pp 200-201 ; Foley, Records loc cit) Daughters Catherine and Anne entered the Poor Clares at Gravelines Catherine translated , possibly, L.Wadding, The history of the angelicall virgin gloriousS. Clare, Douai , 1635, (miscellanea IX, C.R.S. vol 14, pp 38-39; Allison and Rogers no 869).

6 See vol 1 , doc. 40.

7 Sarmiento had written in March 1614 tosecure leave for a grantfrom embassy funds for Mrs. Catherine Bentley, who lived near his residence in London. However she does not appear in the accounts until 1617, for 1100 reales (approximately£27) a year Documentos Ineditosvol 3, p 298 ; vol 1 , p. 190).

25. THE COUNCIL OF STATE TO PHILIP III. Madrid, 23 November1616.

Originalconsulta withfive initials, 6 pages, E2518/20. (p.2)


Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña en cartas de 2 y 30 de Setiembre refiere las platicasque tuvo con aquel Reyen materiade casamiento del Principe de Gales su hijo, por dos vezes que el mismo Rey le embio a llamar y hablo en ello que porqueVuestraMagestad ha visto las cartas se dira sumariamente lo que contienen Dize que aquel Rey muestra grandissimo desseo de que se haga el matrimonio con la Señora Infanta doña Maria, ofreciendoesforçarse quantopudiere en materiade religion catholica, aunque le dixo, que en los puntosque acase auian dado auia algunas cosas terribles¹ y que con lo que el Duquede Lermaescribioa don Juan Digbi quiso luego nombrar personas que tratassen de los puntos con don Diego y que el se escuso deziendo que pues las dificultades estauan desta parte y la dama tambien estaua aca, era fuerça que del negocio se tratasse en esta corte: y que el Reyvino en ello dize

don Diegoque halla grandes inconbenientes en que se trate alla destas platicas y que pues aquel Rey se ha reduzido (p.3) a que se traten aca , combiene nombrar personas doctas con quienes el embaxador que viniese hable en los puntos y solicite el negocio y que es tambien conueniente conserbar este tratado con que aquel Principe se ira inclinando a las cosas de España en que don Diego va encaminando buenos medios. Dize tambien que aquel rey se ha prendado para no tratar de casamiento de su hijo en otra partemientrasduran los tratados con España, y que aunque el varon de Hey que fue por Embaxador Extraordinario a Francia ha querido que alla se continuen las que se auian començado el Rey le ha respondido que en ninguna manera buelua a ellas . Auisatambiendon Diego que ha entendidoque el varon de Roos³ no trae comisionpara hablar en esta materiay quedon Juan Digbi dessea bolueraca aello .

Con esto se ha visto tambien en consejo lo que el Cardenal de Borja ha respondidoen carta de 21 del passado, a lo que VuestraMagestad le mando escribir acerca deste casamiento y dize que auiendo dado quenta a su Santidad de la platica que auia movido el Rey de Inglaterra y que auiendo Vuestra Magestad respondido , que no se trataria dello sin (p.4) el beneplacitoy dispusicionde su Santidady sin queprimero en materia de religion diesse tales muestras que obligassen a ello hazia nueuas instancias para que de parte de VuestraMagestad se supiessela mente y disposicion de su Santidad porque si auia de contravenir a estematrimonio, como al que se auia tratado con hija del Gran Duque,s y no llegar a effecto, no queria adelantarse en materia de religion con herejes, y dize el Cardenal que auiendo su Santidad tomado tiempo para considerar el negocio le auia respondido que era muy digna de la Christiandady santo zelo de VuestraMagestad la respuesta dada al Rey de Inglaterra y que su Beatitud no puede dexar de reprobar este matrimonio, como otras vezes lo ha hecho, por medio del Conde de Castro,y del Arzobispo de Capua, por ser ilicito, y espuesto a pecado mortal, y a grandes peligros por el trato y comunicacioncon herejes,de que naceria gran escandalo y mal exemploa los demasprincipes, demas de que concurrian tres razones muy eficaces, la primerael riesgo deque la compañia del Principe y comunicacion de otros herejes, podrian lleuar mas sus opiniones a la Señora Infanta,la segundaque los hijos de tal matrimonio siendo nietos de Vuestra Magestad fuessen herejes, la tercera el inconuenienteque podria naçer del repudio que se usa en Inglaterra y que por estas razones juzga su Santidad que deue Vuestra Magestad insistir en la respuesta dada en tiempo de don Alonso de Velasco que se effectuaria este matrimonio en caso que el Principede Gales se reduzga a la religion Catholicay se permita en aquel Reyno el uso y exercicio della y que si esto no se alcançare no podra su Santidad dispensar en un acto illicito como este ni oyrsemejante platica sino es que se le propongan causas y condiciones muy justas y de muy evidente probecho al servicio de Dios y de la Iglesia Catholicay que

entiendole propuestas , las considerara con madurez y tomara la resolucion que Dios fuese servido inspiralle, y en quanto a los inconvenientes que pone el Rey de Inglaterra que nacerian de la negatiua de su Beatitud responde que es un pretexto frivolo y muy de la condicion fraudulenta de los herejes, supuesto que de parte de VuestraMagestad sinde su Santidadno se ha de faltar de la obligaciondel secreto . Y auiendose visto en consejo con la consideracion que la calidaddel caso requiere parecio respecto de ser negocio que pidetanta atencionse recojan las pareceres de teologos que ha hauidoen la materiay se torne a verpara refrescar la memoria, y poderse tratar del, despuesde muy enterados del estado que tiene. Y que agora se escriba a don Diego Sarmiento agradeciendole el cuydado con que anda en esto y aprobandole lo que haze encargando le juntamenteque continueel dar a entender, a aquel Rey los beneficios temporales que se les seguiransi tuviese effecto, alargandose el en lo de la religion catholica, todo lo que se pudierepero caminando don Diego con la reserba de la dispensacion de su Santidad sin la qual no se podra concluir y que este muy advertido de procurar el beneficio que se pudiese sacar de la Reyna de Inglaterra en esta materia de religion por via de intercesion con su marido en que se ha de gouernar don Diego, conla destreza que sabra porque no la haga daño ni el perda el lugar que tiene con ella, y que avise de todo lo que se ofreciere ,y aca se vera lo que traenlos embaxadores de alla y se le aduertira con aquel Rey sobre sus conuencias temporales llegando a effecto el matrimonio sera entre otras muchas cosas, la reputacion y (p.7) seguridad que se le seguira viendole tan unido conesta corona y el gran beneficioy probechoque resultara a sus vasallos del comercio con estos reynos asentandolo como conuiene . Vuestra Magestad lo mandara ver y proberlo que mas fuese seruido. EnMadrid a 23 de Noviembre1616.


Sire , Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña in letters of the 2nd and 30th September relates the conversations which hehad withthat king onthe subject of the marriage of his son, the Prince of Wales, on the two occasions when the king himself sent a messageto him to talkaboutit. As your Majesty has seen the letters their contentswill be statedin a summaryfashion. He said that that king shows a strongwish tohave the marriage with the Infanta Doña Maria while promising to proceed asfar as he can in the matter of the Catholic religion, althoughhedid indicate that there were some terrible things in the points that have been here provided. ' [He said] that in keepingwith what theDukeof Lerma wrote to Sir John Digby he wishes to appoint the persons immediately who should negotiateon these points withdonDiegoand

he excused his role with the remark that as the difficulties arose from this side and the lady was here as well, it was necessary that the negotiations be held at this court and that the king agree to it. Don Diego says that since he sees great disadvantages in negotiationsabout these arrangements thereand that, in any case that king had consented thatthey shouldbe conductedhere, it is important that learned persons be nominated with whom the ambassador who is to come might speak concerningthepoints and oversee the negotiation [Hesaid] that there is afurther advantage in continuing this negotiation in that the prince will be disposed towards the affairsofSpain anddon Diego is tryingto pursue good measures about it Furthermore he said that that king has committed himself not to discuss a marriage for his son with another party while the negotiation with Spain continues . [He said] that although Lord Hay, who went as ambassador extraordinary to France had asked that what had been begun there be continued the king replied that under no circumstances was he to resume it. Don Diego has also sent word that he has learned thatLord Rous³ does not bear a commision to speak upon this questionandthat SirJohnDigby wishes to return here for thispurpose .

Together with this the Council has also seen the response which Cardinal Borja gave in a letter of the 21st of October to what your Majesty ordered be written to him about this marriage. He says that after relating thediscussion to his Holiness whereinthe kingofEngland has made the motion and your Majesty has responded, there willnot be negotiations about it without the approval and agreement of his Holiness and without those assurances first being given about the religious question that ought to be binding to that purpose . He has insisted again that, as far as yourMajesty is concerned, the mind and consent of his Holiness must be discovered because if he intends to oppose this marriage, as he did with that which was being discussed over the daughter of the Grand Dukes and it does notcome to pass, he does not wish to makefurtherprogress into thereligiousquestionwith heretics . The cardinal says that after his Holiness had taken time to reflect on the matter he replied that yourMajesty'sanswer to theKing ofEngland wasquite in keeping withyourChristianfaith andholyzeal , yet his Holiness can notfail to condemnthis marriage, as he hasdone on other occasions through the Count ofCastro and the Archbishopof Capua , as it is illicit because ofthe danger ofmortal sin andthegrave risks that exist in the exchanges and dialogues with heretics Great scandal and bad example will arise from it for other princes . Furthermore there are three very strong considerations involved: first, the risk that the companionshipofthe prince and the familiaritywith other heretics can influencethe beliefsofthe Lady Infanta, second , the children ofsuch a marriage, althoughrelatedtoyourMajestywould be heretics, third, the troubles that can occur with a divorce, that is a custom in England . For these reasons his Holiness decidedthatyour


Majestyhad to insistinyouranswer given in the days ofdon Alonsode Velasco that this marriage would take place provided the Prince of Wales is convertedto the Catholicfaith andtheuse andpracticeofitis allowed in that realm . " If this is notforthcoming his Holiness can not dispense an illicit action like this, nor listen to a similar proposal unless it be that thereasons and very correct conditionsare setforthto the very clear advantage of the service ofGodandthe Catholicchurch , and that after studying the proposals he would reflect on them in the light of experience and decide what God might be pleased to inspire him to do As to the difficulties that might be created, as thekingof England hints, by his Holiness's refusal, he replies that this is afrivolous excuse and very much in keeping with thefraudulent habitsofheretics provided that there is no lapse in keeping secrecy on the part ofyour Majesty and his Holiness.

After the council had reviewed this with a deliberation that the importance ofthematter demands, it appeared, in all deference , tobea business demanding such deep consideration that the opinions of theologians should be collected which have been formed on the subject and that then there be a return to refreshthe memory, for onlyafter being completely informed about the situation that existsisitpossible to discuss it

[We advise] that a despatch be sent now to don DiegoSarmiento commendinghimfor the caution with which he is proceeding in this affair and approvingwhat he has done. He should also be told thathe might continue to advise that king about the temporaladvantagesthat willfollow if this takes place by dwelling at length on the questionof the Catholicfaith as much as he can . Howeverdon Diego is always to proceed in the light of the condition of his Holiness's dispensation withoutwhich a conclusionis impossible [We advise] that he bevery skilful in trying to derive whatever benefit he can from the Queen of England in this question of religion through her intervention with her husband , wherein don Diego has to proceed with his known discretion so as not to place her in danger nor lose his position with her [We advise] that he should send news ofeverythingthat might happen and whatever the ambassadors from theremight bring will be studiedhere and he will be advised about what is proper. Furthermore it will be good to advise him that in discussing temporal advantages with that king, he should say among other things that once the marriage is concluded, there will come to him both renownandsecuritywhen hesees himself linked with this monarchy, and greatprofit and advantage will result for his subjects from the commerce of these kingdoms once a suitable arrangement is decided

May yourMajesty commandwhatevermight be yourpleasure tosee and approve. Madrid the 23rd ofNovember1616.




SeeDoc. 20.

The official mission of James Hay (1580-1636 ) to France was to offer congratulationson the marriage of Louis XIII; however he was reportedin Spainto have travelled to Lorraine to discuss a marriage alliance (E 2514/78 consulta of 31 July 1616)

3 William Cecil, Lord Rous, son of the 2nd Earl of Exeter was a friend of Sarmiento , "a younggentleman of 26 years who has an estate of nearlytwenty thousand escudos of revenue as heir of his mother, he has been in Spain and speaksSpanish well ... " (E 2595/77 Sarmiento to Philip, London, 12 May 1616). Van Male thought he was an "ambassador extraordinary" and would discuss "weightymatters " in Spain about a Spanish match(PC 52 f. 196-97 , VanMaleto Archduke, London, 16 September 1616) His official mission , however was the sameasLord Hay's but he also carried a message for the Dukeof Lerma aboutthe crisis in Savoy (E 2595/137 Sarmiento to Philip, London, 12 Oct. 1616) Philip complained to Rous about the failure of the Dukeof Savoy to disarm becauseof James's activities (E 2572/200minute of 22 January 1617)

4 This is in E 1865/67 ; See also The Narrative , pp 127-29 .

5 i.e. the match between Prince Henry and Catarina, sister of Cosmo II of Tuscany

6 See doc. 15; Castrowas no longer ambassadorin Rome ,but theArchbishop continuedasnuncioin Madrid .

7 See vol 1 , doc 63

8 See doc 28

9 Seedoc. 34


London, 22 December 1616

Original autograph received on 8 February 1617, 2 pages, E 2596/15 (p.2)


En carta de 10 de Septiembre se sirua VuestraMagestaddedezirme que ha sido informado que auiendo venido a esta ciudad de Londres desde Flandes don Thomas Vortington ' a tratar de particulares suyos fue preso por orden del Arçobispo de Cantarveri y mandame Vuestra Magestad que yo procure su livertad haziendo con este Rey y sus ministros los officios que parecieren convenir que por justas consideraciones que obligan a Vuestra Magestad seria seruido de ello.

Y assi cumpliendo lo que Vuestra Magestad manda he hecho las diligencias que he podido para la livertad deste cauallero ingles, yayer vino orden del Rey para soltalle libremente dispensando con el en el no tomar el juramento, y dandole licencia para que pueda assistir aqui el tiempo que aya menester para sus negocios y boluerse a flandes quando quisiere sin ser molestado en materia de religion que es todo que el me dixo que pretendiayyo procureque hiziese yfue necessario que el Rey mismo lo ordenare assi firmandolo de su mano y sellandolo con su sello por que en presentando a qualquierasubdito desta corona el juramento y prendiendolepor no querelle tomar (p.3) ni el Arçobispo de Cantarveri ni todo el consejo puede soltalle sin que el rey mismo le haga la gracia (cosa que aqui dizen los Catholicosque no se ha hecho en tan ampla forma como en este caso agora) y demas de lo del juramento y religion el Arçobispo acusaba a este cauallero de que tiene aqui hermanos sacerdotes de la Compañia de Jesus que andaban ocultos en este reyno² y que por su mano se proueen de aqui dineros a los seminarios y que con sus intelligencias se pasansacerdotes de una parte a otra , con que se difficultaba y agradabamos el negocio para que el Rey no hiziera lo que ha hecho, pero en fin todo se havencido y el cavallero esta reconocidissimo del amor que VuestraMagestad le ha hecho y me dize que el y los suyos rogaran perpetuamente a Dios por la salud y prosperidad del Vuestra Magestad cuya Catolica persona guarde la Christiandadha menester. Londres 22 de Decembre 1616 don Diego Sarmientode Acuña


Sire , +

In the letterof September 10th yourMajestywaspleased to tellme thatyouhadbeen informed that Thomas Worthington¹ was arrested by order of the ArchbishopofCanterburyafter his arrivalin Londonfrom Flanders to deal with private affairs; your Majesty instructed meto secure his release by beginningthose proceedings with this king andhis officials that seem suitable so that after due reflection they areconstrained to pleaseyourMajestyin thisrespect . And so in compliance with yourMajesty'scommandImade every possible effort on behalf ofthis Englishman's freedom. Yesterday the king's order came to let him go free with a pardonfor not taking the oath and a licence to stay here for the time that is needed for his business and to return to Flanders whenever he wanted without hindranceabout religion which is all that he said that he wantedand thatI tried to accomplish It was necessaryfor the king himselftogive the order after signing it with his own hand and sealing it with his own seal, since once the oath is presented to any of this crown's subjects whatsoever , and upon refusal he is arrested , neither theArchbishopofCanterburynor the full council is empowered torelease him


unless the king himself grant the favour (a thing that the Catholicssay here has notbeen done in so full a fashion as this instance atpresent).

In addition to the charge concerning the oath and his faith, the Archbishop accused this gentleman ofhaving brotherswho were priests of the Society of Jesus who move secretly about this kingdom² and that with his help money is being sent to the seminaries and through his guidance priests travel from one locality to another, wherein the case was placed in greatertroubles anddoubt whether the kingwould proceed as he did However everything has been overcome and the gentlemanis most grateful for the favour your Majesty has donefor him³ and he told me that he and his familyshallpray always to God the health and prosperity ofyourMajesty whose Catholic personmay He protect as Christianity has need London, 22 December 1616. (autograph )Don Diego SarmientodeAcuna

His career as a recusant in 1584 had been described for the Spanish court in Yepez's Historia Particular de la Persecucion, Foley, Records vol 2, pp 116 ff.

2 Johnand Lawrence Worthington(Foley, Records vol 2, p. 133).

3 Apparently he stayed for two years afterwhich he was said to havedifficulties in securing a licence to leave (PC 54 f. 172 Van Male to Praets, London, 10 Aug. 1618).


London, 27 February 1617

Original autograph , 2 pages , Vienna, Haus Hof und Staats archiv , PC 53 ff. 34-35 Excerpt. Sir Jean Baptiste van Male was Agent ofthe Archduke at the English Court from 1614 to 1623 after which he returned to Brussels to become a member of the Council of Finance Phillipe Praets, the son of the councillor to the Archdukesofthe same name, succeeded his father as Secretary of the Privy Council of the Archdukes. Later he was created Seigneur de Saint Aubert and diedin 1635. This description of the destruction of books printed at a secret press in London touches upon a very sensitive issue between the court of James I and the Spanish Habsburgs The king's annoyance extended beyond books of controversy to the existence of all English Catholic publications. Digby thought it significant enough to relate : "Our English in the seminaries of Seville and Valladolid do commonly once a yeare for the moving of greater commiserationtowards them from the

Spaniards, publishe some of the papers of the persecution and their sufferings in England , of late therehath come to my hands one printed at Sevill ... " (S.P. 94/21/139v, Digby to Somerset, Madrid, 14 July 1615). There had been some retaliation, for the Council of State advised Sarmiento that "a quantity of prohibited and condemned books from England" were presently being sent to Spanish ports and that he must inform James that there would be proceedings "against some of his subjects" in Spain (E 2514/83 consultaof 3 Sept. 1616).

The book burning described here was preceded by two related incidents In the late spring of 1616 Creswell reported to the Duke of Lerma from St. Omer that: "I sent to the king of Englandby an individual who will give it to him, a book newly printed here which will afford him some disillusionment, if he cares to read it, and even ifhe does not, at least the cause ofGod is justified beforehim. Great careis devoted to Catholic books which are continually being sent into England from this college where we have an excellent press The opposition does what it can to prevent their entry into the kingdom but caution and money work a great effect. The heretic merchants and sailors themselves transport them and distribute them among the Catholics for a profit, and the books that are misdirectedand lost, when they come at times into the hands of people who are being deceived, are the cause of the conversionof those whom we would never think of as believers. . . His divine Majesty is verywellservedby these three houses at Liege, Louvain and here at St. Omers (E 2858/54 Creswell to Lerma , 30 May 1616) Perhaps Creswell's gift did reach James I, for Sarmiento discussed later the bitterness arising from publications with him at which time the king "took out and handed to the said ambassador another book printed in Douai which reported the life and death of the priests who were recently martyred here which had not pleased him very much ... " (P C 52 f 252 Van Male to Archduke, London, 15 Nov. 1616). This book: Exemplar Literarum a quodam Sacerdote Colegii Anglorum Duaceni (Douai, 1616) remains in the Gondomar papers where its title page is inscribed in his hand: "the king of England gave it to me,with his hand in mine, in considerable resentment ... " (Bib Nac . Manuscritos tomo 1842 f.7)


Monsieur, Il y'a trois ou quatre jours que l'on a icy publiquementbruslesur la place de Saint Paul une excessive quantite de livres catholiques comme breviares, offices de Notre Dame et autres semblables de devotion que l'on avoit recouvert a la maison d'un certain Imprimeur Catholique Chose a la verite tres deplorable que nous voyons

aujourdhui en ce Royaulmele faict de la vraye Religionsi violentement oultrage , sans aulcun espoir de changement, ny que ces pauvres Catholiques y puissent attendre quelque consolation Il soit par la divine providence du Souveran que prendra quelque jour compassion de son peuple tant afflige. Mantenant l'on traicte de faire le proces¹ au cest Imprimeur et de le convaincre tout ensemble et selon que J'intens il aura du mal assez a sauversa pauvre vie ... ²


Sir, Three or four days ago there was a bonfire here in public at Saint Paul's place for an extraordinary quantity of Catholic books such as Breviaries, Officesof Our Lady and similar other [books] ofdevotion which had been discovered at the house ofa certainCatholicprinter. It is somethingtruly very much to bedeploredthat today in this kingdom we see the true faith so violently assaulted without any prospectofa change and that these poor Catholics here have no hopeforany relief . May it be the divine providenceofour Sovereign to take compassion some day upon his deeply afflicted people. At the present there is an effort to bring a charge against this printer and to convict him¹ and according to what I hear, he will have great trouble in saving his poor life ... 2

1 Van Male was aware of the efforts ofWilliam Trumbull, the English Agent in Brussels, to close the presses in the Low Countries Earlier, in 1614 , he had demanded the closure of the press of the Irish Cordeliers in their monasteryat Louvain "as something contrary to the treaties between the two crowns (P C 50 n fol Trumbull to Archduke, 4 July 1614) This request continued against others thought responsible for the Corona Aurea Later, in 1618, he forced the Archduke to establish a commisionto receive the oaths ofthe Rector and Council of the universities of Louvain and Douai that they had no part in a new book attackingKing James (P C 54 f. 12 Praets to Van Male, 11 Jan. 1618). Then Van Male prepared a strong denunciationofTrumbull's arguments thatsuch books were "against the treaties" He announced he could prove fifty similar violations in London and warned that Trumbull's demand to break up "the presses and the type" ofEnglish and Irish printersin Flanders would never be met by an agreement to do the samefor protestant presses in England (P C 54 f 52 VanMale to Praets, London, 7 Feb. 1618)

2 The letter continues with a report on James's speech in the Star Chamber against duelingand withnews broughtby Baron de la Tour from France


Madrid, 27 February 1617.

Original consulta , 10 pages , E 2518/33 . One of the series ofwritten opinionsfrom thejunta oftheologians who met in theMadrid residence ofthe Cardinal ofToledoto advise the Councilof State on the marriage (See The Narrative, pp 132-33 , and Docs 25, 32, 34) Luis de Aliaga, O.P. (1560-1630) the confessor of Philip III and friend ofthe Duke of Lerma was later to be the Inquisidor General (1618-21) By this time he was a highly influențial voice in the secret negotiationsto be begun shortly with John Digby, who then noted: "This kinges confesor being the person appoynted to negotiate with me, by whome the business hath been carried with so much privatenesse that I dare confidently assure your Majestie that unless it be the king, the Duke ofLermaand himself, there is not any man in Spayne acquainted in any kinde with our proceedings ... " (S.P. 94/23/3 and 4, Digby to James I, 15 Jan. 1618) Later, after Gondomararrived he was to join with Fray Luis in a Junta de Dosa committee of Twowhich discussed the terms concerningreligion (E 2572/375 consulta, ca. Dec. 1618) "The Confessor and the Conde of Gondomar have now an express order and commandmentfrom his Majestie to meete two dayes in every weeke about the mayn buisiness . . " Cottington informed Buckingham (S.P94/23/97 letter of 18 Dec. 1618).



En cumplimiento de lo que Vuestra Magestad fue seruido mandar por villete del Duque de Lermase hizo segundavez lajunta de teologos en casa del Cardenal de Toledo y en ella se vieronlos papeles que aqui van del Padre Fray Francisco de Jesus , del Padre Federico , del Doctor Montesinos y del Padre Fray Antonio de Sotomayer, confesor de su Altezza, que es lo que dizen se les ofrece y parece en la materiade que se trata de cada uno de los quales se ha sacado unsumarioque tambien va aqui. Y el Padre Confesor de VuestraMagestad voto lo que se sigue.¹ Que este negocio de casamiento con Inglaterraes de lagrauedad que muestra y aunque sustancialmente esta entendida la materia desde que se empeço a tratar della le pareçe que se reduze a dos caueçasla primera que su Santidad dispensar en las leyes eclesiasticas aviendo causa de beneficio publico o que se reduzga a el y assi todo lo que en esta materia mirare a solo la prohibicion de las leyes ecclesiasticas (p.3) podramuy bien dispensar su Beatitud, y para que lo pueda y deba hazer


ay muchas causas bastantes y suficientes en las que se representan a VuestraMagestad en los papelesdichos.

La segunda a que mas cuydado debe dar es el peligro de la Señora Infanta y de sus hijos el qual si le ay imposibilita el matrimonio por derecho diuino y natural y segun lo que se platico en lajuntaqueaqui se huuo el año de 16152 juzgo entonces que le auia y assi fue de parecer que ni Vuestra Magestad podia tratar deste negocio ni su Santidad dispensar en que se hiziesse . Y en las condiciones y puntos que se dieron entonces a don Juan Digbi que son las que van aqui con su respuesta se prevenia este peligro respecto de la Señoria Infanta , con la libertad de poder viuir en su ley y de su casa y familia del usolibrede la religion Catholica pareçiendo que pues los de su casa auian de ser todos Catholicos se aseguraua su persona por este camino y que los hijos se aseguraban tambien con la forma de educacion que alli se señalaua y se quitaua el impedimento que auia de derecho diuino y natural y se quedaua solo dentro de los limites de los sagradoscanones para lo qual se acudia tambien a su Santidad (p.4) que agora auiendo oydo los papeles que se an leydo y lo que se ha dicho y conferido en la junta, le parece que conforme al estado que oy tiene la materiaylo que por parte de Inglaterra se insignaua que se concedera, no esta el peligro que arriba se toca saluado y assi se conforma con lo que dixo la primera vez y tiene por llano que entonces no quedo la materia en el estado que conbenia , pues vee que agora se añaden nueuas condiciones que entonces no se dezia eran menester . Y que lo que hasta agora conceden en Inglaterra y se apunta concederan no basta para euitar el peligro y la materia a su parecer esta oy en el mismo estado que al principio y sera menester entrar en nuevo tratado con Inglaterra añadiendo lo que agora se dizeen los pareceresque se han leydo

Para esto pone en consideracion que la reconcilacion del Rey Enrique quarto de Francia la contradixo España y que aunque el se reconcilio al gremio de la santa Madre Inglesia Apostolica Romana se entiendeno fue Catholico y que las demostraciones que hizo de tal fue por razon de estado para conserbar el reyno que alcanço por auerse reconciliadoy porque le perdia³ no perseverando (p.5) assi porlo que tocaua a las censuras de la Iglesia y priuacion que se le pusiera como tambien porque la mayor parte de Francia eran Catholicosy tenia el experienciaque auian preualecido y sido poderosos para impedirle el reynar aunque a el le auian asistido y ayudadolos herejes En el caso presente succede todo al rebes como es facil de considerar

Y si bien la iglesia hasta agora a permitido tales matrimonios no se sabe, que se aya dispensado en ellos Y en los Papas es de gran consideracionlas consequencias y exemplares para lo que han de hazer , y parecele que por lo menos las seguridades que se ayan de tomar de Inglaterra han de ser muy grandes, porqueeste ReyJacobo quandofue de Escocia a Inglaterra muerta la Reyna Isabel, ofrecio muchas cosas a los Ingleses Catholicos , y no solo no les cumplio ninguna pero la

persecucion que les ha hecho y haze ha sido mas rigurosa apretandola con nuevas leyes y executandolas tanto las suyas como las que antes auia puesto la Reyna Isabel con mayor rigor. De manera que sin gouernarnos ni guiarnos por reglas generales de Herejes, sino por las obras (p.6) deste mismo Rey de quien se ha de fiar, auemos de sacar , la poca seguridad de la esperança que se debe tener de que cumplira lo que ofreciere . Y no parece que la puede auer porque quandoel diesse libertad de consciencia no queda preuenido el peligro anteramente respecto de que su edad y poca salud no dan esperança de vida larga, lo qual dificulta mas la materia, porque si succediesseel caso, quanto antes entrasse el gouierno del Reyno en manos de un Reymoçohereje , y el libre de la palabra que huvieese dado el Padre, se puede inferir facilmente que aun lo que se capitulare , por instrumento publico no se guardara. Y quandobien sobre viuiese la Reyna Madre y alcançase de dias a su marido no seria poderosa para hazerlo cumplir (que es en lo que se podria fundar alguna esperanca) por la poca mano que tienen las Reynas en Inglaterra De suerte que en vida deste Rey por su condicion y sus obras (p.7) ay poca seguridad de que se cumplira lo tratado, y si muriesse presto no sabe que pueda auer esperanças considerables de lo que hara le hijo. Y teme que son faciles de admitirlas yqueen laexecucionseran dificultosasde conseguir.

No vee que en lo que de aca se proponey hasta agora se dizeen los papeles de los teologos (aunque parece que lo añadiran con auerlo advertido) se haze memoriadel juramento de fidelidad que en Inglaterra se pide a los vasallos que aunque parece le dieron principio por conueniencia politica le han pasado ya a religion y seria conveniente tratar dello porque libertad de conciencia o toleranciaen la forma que queda dicho no podra executarse sin la moderacion del Juramento quedando en la seguridad que es menester para el Principe que le impusosintocar en la religionni indirectamente.

Parecele tambien que si llegare a trattar desta materiaconelPapa y a pedirle la dispensacion no se haga como apunto el Padre Federicoen lo que dixo de palabra en virtud de los meritos de VuestraMagestad para con la Iglesia y sede Apostolica, porque no es bien que parezca que la dispensacion (p.8) es gracia que se haze a Vuestra Magestad sino que solamente por servicio de la Iglesia y exaltacion de la santa fee catholicala proponey trata VuestraMagestad con su Beatitudy tendria por cosa de poco exemplo de un Rey Catholico que tratase esta materia siendo de la consideracion que es, haziendo demostracionde que no se pretende solo el beneficio de la religion Catholica, pues no es esta para mezclar della otro respecto ninguno profesando tanta finezaen la fee catholica.

Yconsiguientemente le parece que todas las razonesquemiran a fines politicos no se representen a su Beatitud por cuasas para la dispensacion , sino fuese por la calidad que pueden tener de medios para la exaltacionde la fee.

Y porque en los pareceres que agora de nuevo se dan, yenloquede neuvo se platica se añaden como queda dicho condiciones no señaladas antes y que son prudentes y considerables, le parece que debria Vuestra Magestad mandar se juntassen con el Padre Maestro (p.9) fray Antonio de Sotomayor confesor de su Altezza los Padres Federicoy Fray Francisco de Jesus , y que hagan un papel de solas las causas y condicionescon que se tiene por justificado el matrimonio y licita la dispensacion del Pontifice y por las quales debe darla yquedeuaxode cada condicion pongan las razones que la justifican no en forma escolastica ni de dotrina, sino de manera que con breuedad pueda ver VuestraMagestad las condiciones y la justificacion dellas.

Tambien le pareçe que seria conueniente que alguna persona se hiziese muy capaz de todas las dichas condiciones y razones que las justifican por si fuese necesario servirse dellaporque como oy esta la materia no la tiene por licita sino contratodo derecho diuino y natural y con las condicionesque la junta pondra se prebendra el peligro y se justificara todo lo demas y como el peligro se preuenga se conformara con lo que pareciere a la junta Y quando a su parecer no estuviere preuenido si a la junta le pareciese que si, desde luego se asegura, que podra Vuestra Magestad seguir el que ella diere y no se le hara nueuoa Vuestra Magestad este parecer pues en otras ocasiones ha dicho y aconsejado a Vuestra Magestad que puede seguir parecer ageno contrael su confesor pudiendo el confesor con seguridad (p . 10) respectar lo que otros aconsejan como tambien quando no llegar la materia a estos terminos tocado a su oficiojuzgar de las doctrinas agenas en comolas puede seguir Vuestra Magestad diria libremente lo que le pareciesse. "

[Translation:] Sire,

In fulfillment ofwhat was your Majesty'spleasure tocommandina letter of the Duke of Lerma, the commission of theologians was convened a second time in the residence of the Cardinal of Toledo Papers from the Reverend Friar Francisco de Jesus, from Father Frederick, from DoctorMontesinosand the Reverend Friar Antoniode Sotomayor, confessor of his Highness, that were seen thereaccompany this document. Herein is what they say and what opinion occurred to them about the matter which is being discussed. A summary has been drawn up about each one of them which also accompanies this The father confessor ofyourMajestyvotedasfollows.¹

This negotiation of a marriage with England is as serious a matter as it appears. Although there has been substantialappreciationofthe matter from the outset ofthe discussion about it, he thought itmight be reduced to two headings. First that his Holiness can dispense with ecclesiastical laws whenever there is a public advantage, ora reason that can bereducedto that. Consequently everythingin thismatter which is

simply connected to a prohibition of ecclesiastical laws can well be dispensed by his Holiness. Many sound and adequate reasons why he can and ought to act are among those that are placed before your Majesty in the aforesaid papers. The second heading, to which more attention ought to be given, is the riskfor the Lady Infanta and her children. Indeed, if this occurs, it will render the marriage impossible in keeping with both the divine and the natural law. Such was the decision of the debate in the committee which met here in theyear 1615.2 It decided accordingly that neither could your Majesty negotiateover it nor could could his Holiness dispense what wasabout to be done . This risk for the Infanta is now to be avertedthroughthe conditions and terms, that were then handed to Sir John Digby, and they are contained here together with his response Through the freedom to be able to live in keeping withher law, andamong herown household and retinue with the free use ofthe Catholicreligion, itwas thought that, since each memberofherhouseholdought to be Catholic, her person was protected by this measure and her children were protected as well in what touches upon their education Thereinthe impedimentfrom both natural and divine law was both identified and removed , and it remained only within the limits ofthe sacred canons forwhich recourse is then to be had to his Holiness

Now, having read the papers and listened to the discussion and the recommendationswith the committee, he believes that accordingto the presentstate ofthe question and the descriptionofthe concession on England'spart theaforesaid risk is notbeingaverted . Accordingly he confirms what he said on the first occasion and he considers it as clear now asitwas then that theproblem is notadequatelysolved Indeedhe notices that new conditions are being introduced which, at that time , were not said to be necessary What they have conceded up to the presentin Englandand is being negotiatedfor concession isinadequate to prevent the danger. In his opinion the matter is in the same condition today as it was in the beginningand it willbe necessary to start the negotiation anew in Englandafter adding what is beingsaid atthe momentto the opinionsthat have been read

For this purpose he notes how Spain opposed the reconciliation of Henry IV of France and that although he wasreconciledto the bosom ofholy mother, the Roman Apostolic Church, it is known that hewas not a Catholic and that the signs he gave of being one were from reasons of state so as to keep the kingdom he had won by his reconciliation and because, ifhe had not persevered, he would have lostit.³ Thus, once he was faced with the censures ofthe church and the loss which might happen to him and because the majority ofFrance were also Catholic and he realized that they had won and were strong enough to deny him his throne, even though the heretics had aided and assisted him , in this present case everything turned out the opposite asis easy to see .

Ifindeed the church has allowed such marriages until now, it is not known who has dispensed in them. With the popes the consequences and the example are of great importance for what they have to do. He believes that at the leastthe guarantees that have to be received from England have to be completely certain, because when this King James leftScotlandforEnglandfollowingthe deathofQueen Elizabeth he promised many things to the English Catholicsand he failed to fulfill any ofthem . Insteadthepersecutionforwhich heis responsible has been most severe by pressing on with newlaws andenforcingboth his own and those which Queen Elizabeth had imposed with greater harshness. Consequently , if we are not conductingourselves andacting in keeping with thegeneral norms for heretics and ifwe are nottrusting this same king as far as his conduct, then we are still relying upon the slender guarantee that one might expect him to fulfill what he promises. Indeed it does not seem possible that an expectationis tobe had, because even if he might grant a freedom of conscience thereis no fullprovision for the risk pertainingto the evidence thathisageand bad health do not promise a long life, which makes the case more difficult The reason being that if that eventuality occur at oncethe government will pass into the hands ofa young heretical king, poorly instructed and inexperiencedin affairs, a person with almost no mind ofhis own save that ofhis ministers , all ofwhomare heretics. It can be easily inferred that he is released from any promise that hisfather might have given which, even ifit is stipulated in a public document , is not going to be kept When the Queen Mother shall become advanced in years and each day move closer to her husband , she will not be of influence to require him to keep promise a thing which could become the basis for some hopebecause of the slight role in England that a consort plays. Hence it follows that in the lifetimeof this king, in the light of his condition and his behaviour , there is little assurance that he will be bound by the treaty and, shouldhe suddenly die , itis notknown whether one is capable ofhavingfirm confidencein what the son will do He fears that the expectationswhich are easyto declare willbe difficult to achieve in performance .

Hedoes not seewithin theproposals here andin the discussion up to thispoint in thepapers ofthe theologians - althoughit seems thatthey would add it once they were informed that there is an oath of allegiance to be recalled as it is required of the subjects ofEngland . Although it appears that they imposed it at first from political expediency they have now directed it towards the faith. It will be proper tonegotiateabout it, since freedomofconscience , or toleration, in the fashion that has been described can notbeaccomplishedwithout a mitigation of the oath, while providing a necessary securityforthe prince who imposed ityetnot touching thefaith even indirectly

Furthermore he believes that if the point is reached ofnegotiating about this matter with the pope and there is to be a request for a dis-

pensation it should not be done, as Father Frederick suggests in his speech by referring to a rewardforyourMajesty'sserviceson behalfof the church and the apostolic see. The reason is that it is notrightthat the dispensation seems to be a favour doneforyourMajesty, ratherit is only for the service of the church and the exaltation of the holy Catholicfaith that your Majesty is presentingandnegotiatingthis with his Holiness . It will be considered somewhatof a bad example on the part of a Catholic king that thismatter ofsuch importanceis to bediscussed with a claim that it is not theprogress ofreligionalonethatisto besought. Indeedno other motive is to be mixed in itifprotestingsuch integrity ofthe Catholicfaith

Consequently he believes that any arguments which pertain to politicalobjectives should not be brought to the attention ofhisHoliness as reasons for the dispensation exceptfor their possible advantage as measuresto advance thefaith

Since in the opinions that are now beingadvanced once again and in the recent debates as well, conditions notpreviouslymentioned are being put forwardas has been saidand these are serious and significant, he believes that yourMajesty ought to commandthat Father Master, Fray Antonio de Sotomayor, confessor ofhis Highness, Father Frederick and Father Francisco de Jesus shouldmeet togetherin order to prepare a papersolelyconcerned withthe reasonsandthe conditions whereby the marriage is to be considered justifiedand the pope'sdispensation licit In the lightofthese it oughtto be granted Undereach condition they should set down the reasons which prove it, not in a scholastic fashion, nor as a doctrine, butin a way thatyourMajestycan see more concisely both the conditionsandtheirexplanation.

Furthermore he believes that it will be proper to have some person become fully versed in each of the aforesaid conditions and in the reasons which prompt them in the event that it might be necessary to have recourse to him, because, as of today, the marriage is not considered licit but totally contrary to divine and natural law The danger will be prevented by the conditions that the committee will demand and all else will be justified. As long as the dangeris being averted , the opinion ofthe committee is being followed. Andshouldit not bepreventedin theiropinion, ifit seems to the committeeto beso , from that point it is to be assured that yourMajestycanfollow what it will say. This opinion will not bepresented again to yourMajestyfor on other occasions he has spoken to and advised yourMajestythathe can follow an opinion contrary to thatofthe onewho is hisconfessor , for the confessor is able withconfidenceto respect whatothersofferas advice provided the matter does not reach these limits touching upon his office, andtojudgeupon opposing doctrinesandas to howfaryour Majesty can follow them he will speak freely what seems bestto him. "


1 Fray Francisco de Jesus, O.P. is the author of the valuable Narrative concerning this marriage negotiation Father FrederickGelder, S.J., a court preacher, was formerly confessor of Queen Margarita , the late consort of Philip III When Digby first came to the Spanish court he discussed the marriage withGelderwho was responsible for the articles whichwere first given to King James LaterDigby found Gelder had left thecourt, "neitherhave his coursesbene muchapproved by the confessor (i.e. Aliaga) who indeed desiring to have this buisinessmeerely the work of the Duke of Lerma and himself, tyes not himself to any former demands ... " (S.P. 94/23/3-4 , Digby to James I, Madrid, 15 Jan. 1618). Fray Antonio de Sotomayor, O.P. was confessor of the Infante Philip See also M. Canal, "El P. Luis Aliaga y las controversias teologicas" , Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum vol 1 (1931), pp 107-57 .

2 See The Narrative , pp 123-24 .

3 For a more accurate opinion on Henry's religious observance see Dagens, J, Berulle et les Origines de la Restauration Catholique(Brussels, 1952) pp. 169, 179 ff


5 Seehowever the report of the Constable of Castile of 1604 (Vol 1 , doc 8)

See Loomie, "King JamesI'sCatholicConsort" , Huntington Library Quarterly vol 34 (1971), pp 303-16

6 Theirreport of September 1617 is in The Narrativepp. 298-305 .

7 The documentnoted that Secretary Prada brought this report and the papers to the Cardinal ofToledo


Madrid, 29 April 1617 .

Originalconsultawith two initials, 4 pages , E 2514/87 .


Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña en carta de 31 de Março(que por auerla visto Vuestra Magestad se referira sumariamente) dize que el Rey de Inglaterra hizo un junta¹ de algunos de su consejo y en ella mando que don Juan Digby propusiesse el estado en que estaban las platicas de casamiento de aquel principe con la Señor Infanta doňa Maria y lo que ultimamente le auia escrito el duque de Lerma en esta razon y que auiendo lo referido todo el mismo Rey hizo a los de la dicha junta una grande platica de los conuiniencias que podia tener el negocio y pidiendolesparecer en dos cosas, la una en las conuiniencias del tratado y la otra en el modoquese auia de tratar.² Yque todoslos

de la junta votaron que no auia en el mundo casamiento ni union mas conueniente para aquel Principe y que assi era justo y honroso elprocurarlo y pedirlo publicamenteembiando persona dello y quetambien era puestoen razon que para una cosa de tanta importancia se hiziesse de parte de Inglaterra assi en la materia de religion como en estas todo aquelloque fuesse possible y que el rey aprouandoel parecer de losde la junta ordeno a don Juan Digby que luego se previniesse para revenir a España a tratar deste negocio comolo hara partiendo de alli (p.3) este mes de Mayo o el de Junio, ³ y que aquel Rey hablando en esta materiale dixo que protestaba ante dios que su animo era hazer de su parte quanto pudiesse, como lo haria , buscando los medios mas necessarios para el buen effecto y que si de parte de Vuestra Magestad se desseaba lo mismo, seria facil el hazer un camello por el ojo de una aguja y acaua don Diego con que se trata este negocio conla autoridad que se deue, pues en tiempo que alla andan los embaxadores de Francia haziendo ofrecemientos y solicitando este casamiento (como es cierto que le hazen) sin que el embaxador de VuestraMagestadsalga de su casa embian embaxador a la corte de Vuestra Magestad a que publicamentepida el negocio y informe a los de la junta de teologos nombrados por VuestraMagestad. Y auiendose visto en consejo ha parecido que se aduiertaa los de la junta donde se trata desta materia la sustancia de lo que escriue don Diego Sarmientopara saber lo que se les ofrece en elle y vertrasesto los que conbendra hazer segun el estado de las cosas y si fuese necessario dar salida al negocio no puede auer camino mas suabe y a proposito que la dificultad que pondra su Santidad por la que se entiende abia de (p.4) parte de Inglaterra, para venir en todo lo conueniente a la conclusion deste negocio y si de alli se propusieren tales condiciones que conbenga continuarle se abia gañado esto conlas diligencias (y quando don Juan Digbi venga sera bien que sea oydo gratamente por la materia y dandole siempre esperancas hasta ver lo que aconseja el tiempo) Vuestra Magestad lo mandarver y probeera lo que mas fuese de su servicio . En Madrid a 29 de Abrilde 1617 .


Sire, +

Don Diego Sarmientode Acuña in a letter ofMarch 31st- asyour Majesty has seen it there willonly bea summaryreviewsaid thatthe king of England created a committee¹ ofsome ofhis councilforwhom he instructed Sir John Digby to offer a report about the discussions of the marriage of that prince with the Lady Infanta, doña Maria, and about the letter of the Duke of Lerma on this matter After he had reportedeverything , the king personallydelivereda long discourse tothe members of the committee about the advantages which the proposal

containedand asked theiropinion on two questions, thefirst about the advantages of the treaty and the other about the way to conduct the negotiation Every member of the committee voted that there was nowherein the world a marriage oralliance moresuitablefor theprince and accordingly it was proper and honorable to seek it publiclyby sending a person for this purpose. Furthermore, it stood to reason that for somethingof such importance everythingpossible should be done on England'spart both in thereligiousquestionas in the rest Afterthe king approved the advice of the members of the committee he instructed Sir John Digby to be prepared at once to come to Spain to proceedwith this negotiation, as he willdo by leaving thereduring the month ofMay or June.3 While thisking was talking about theproposal he said to him that he swore before God that it was his determination to do as much as he could on his part, as he will do, bylookingforthe most essential measures for a good result and if there was the same good will on your Majesty'spart it will be easy 'to have the camel pass through the eye ofthe needle'. Don Diego has concludedthe discussion of this proposal with proper authority, still at the same time the ambassadors of France there are keepingup theiroffersandpetitions for this marriage it is certain that they are doing thisandwithout havingyour Majesty's ambassador leave his residence they are sending an ambassador to yourMajesty'scourt where he will openlyrequestthe negotiation and report to the committee of theologians nominated by yourMajesty.

After the council had seen this it decided that the members ofthe committee where the negotiation is to be handledshould be informed of the substance of the despatch of don Diego Sarmiento so as to obtain their opinions about it and in addition to this to see what would be best to do according to the state of affairs. Should it be necessary to leave this negotiation, there can not be a smootherand more suitable way than the difficulty which his Holiness will raise because of what it is believed willhave to be doneon England's partto reach a completely satisfactoryconclusionofthis negotiation. Should such conditions be advanced from there that it might be profitable to continue it will have been accomplished by these efforts (When Sir John Digby arrives it will be bestto listen to him courteouslythroughout the negotiation and to keep his hopes alive until seeing what time mightsuggest.)6

May your Majesty command this to be seen and may you ordain what what would be most for your service In Madrid , on 29 April 1617

1 Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk; William Herbert , Earl of Pembroke; Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel; George Villiers, Earl of Buckingham ; Thomas Erskine , ViscountFentoun; Thomas Lake ,JohnDigby

2 See J. Spedding, The Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon London, 1872 , vol 6, pp 146-48

3 P.R.O. S.P.94/22/120-21, Originalinstructionsof4 April 1617; Tierney-Dodd, Church History vol 5 pp cclxxxi-cclxxxiiii

4 After Baron du Tour's departure many doubted that an Anglo-Frenchmatch was possible (PC 53 f 45 and 71 , Van Male to Archduke, 18 March and 22 May 1617).

5 At the junta's meeting the Cardinalcommented : "Velasco said it was not proper to speak on this question nor to negotiate a marriage and the Count of Gondomar approves and says 'yes' ... " (E 2518/39 consulta of 16 September 1617).

6 Sentence written in the margin in anotherhand .


London, 12 July 1617 .

Original decipher received on 7 August, 7 pages, E 2596/79 . (p.2)


Yendo este rey a Escocia por Jorque el Presidente de aquella Prouincia que es el Varon Gefe gran puritano y el Jarife² que es el ministro superior de Justicia dixeron al Rey el gran numero de Catholicos que auia en aquella provincia y que no auia poder contra ellos por que ni querian parecer a llamamientos ni cumplir con las ordenes que se les daban que el remedio era hazerles la notificacion en sus casas y si no pareciesen derribarlas , dizen que el rey se encolerizoy enojode oyresto y que respondioquese executasse .

El Jarife hizo un auto y pregon dello que aqui llamanproclamacion (de queembio a Vuestra Magestad³ copia) que causo generalmente en todos losCatholicosgran turbacion yyo acudio luego a ello comome parecio conueniente el consejo mando parecer aqui al Jarife para que diese razon del fundamento que tenia para lo que hizo el dixoque el Rey se lo auia mandado , pidieronlela ordeny respondioqueno latenia porqueauia sidode palabra.

Hizo el consejo una consulta al Rey suplicandole los mandasseauisar delociertoaduirtiendoleque no auia leyquemandassetal, ni parecia que se podia hazer (p.3) sin Parlamento a esto respondio el Rey que era

verdad y yendo ya a cauallo quando se partia de Jorquele auiandicho tanto de la inobediencia de los Catholicosy que facilmente se podria remediar con ponellos aquel terror que el auia respondidoque si se podia hazer conforme a las leyes que se hiziesse pero que no auia sido su animo que se executasse y que todo lo demas que conteniael edito era falso porque el nunca tal auia mandado ni dicho, que tenia a los Papistas por rebeldes por que en esto en diuersas ocasiones y platicas publicas auia la distincion que se sabia que el Jarife le auia parecido hombre de poco entendimientoque remitia al consejo el hazer justicia del en laforma que les pareciesse. Y aunque en ausencia deste Rey gouiernan los del consejo tienen especial y particular comision sobre todos y sobre todo el que llaman Arcobispo de Cantarueriel Chanciller(que es muy honrada persona) y el conde de Sufolq y el de Uster han mandado poner en la carcel publica al Jarife en esta ciudad de Londres donde oy esta y ha dos dias que me dixo un consejero que no podra dexar de ser muy castigado porque si perseuera en dezir que el Rey se lo ordeno y el rey lo ha negado y assi su prision sera larga por lo menos y se abra de buscar algun modo de castigo (p.4) y si se hallara que el Reyno se lo mando incurre en la ley de Primunire que es prision perpetuay perdimientode toda su hazienda por auer hecho edito sin ordenni ley El carcelero de Gateus quees donde aqui estan presos la mayor partede los sacerdotes y de los Catholicospor que los trato un dia muy mal y dio de palos a un Catholico lego de manera quele quebroun braço (y a la verdad ellos le auian tambien tratado como el merecia y assi junto gente armada para lo que hizo) a mi me dieron luego quentadelloy yo la di a algunos del consejo y mandaron parecer esta semana pasada en la camera estrellada publicamente al carçelero y le reprehendieronmucho y le embiaronpreso a otra carçel donde aunesta .

Esta demostracion que se haze en fauor de los Catholicos la atribuyen toda a la platica que agora corre de casamiento deste Principe conhija deVuestraMagestad.

Haya algunos dias que el cauallero Ramesen ascoces gentilhombrede la camera de la cama deste Rey le pidio la hazienda de donGuilliermo Roper cauallero Ingles por ser Catholico recusante el Rey se la concedio , fue el Ramesen al Roper con la gracia para componerse y dizen que se cumpusieron (p.5) en tres mil libras que son doze mil ducados y el dia que acordaron que el Ramesen auia de receuir el dinero fue a casa del Roper y dixole que se auia informado que la hazienda era mucha y que assi le auia de dar otros quatro mil ducados mas Altercaron tanto sobre esto que el Roper perdio la paciencia y con disimulacionatiendo de la mano el Ramesen le dixo que fuesse con el a contar el dinero a otra casa alli cerca y llegando a la primera Iglesia se entro en ella el Ropery le dixo E me aquiSeñor ya soy protestante y vengo a la Iglesia y quiero ser hereje mil vezes antes quedar a Vuestra Merced un maravedi , el Ramesen se turbo mucho viendose

burlado y con mucha modestia y sumision persuadia al Roperque no hiziesse tal ni perseuerasse en ello y entre otras razones le dixo, pues como Señor es posible , que por tan poco dinero como quatro mil ducados quiese Vuestra merced condeñar su alma y irse alinfierno que para sermon dicho de hereje a Catholico es tan notable, que me ha parecido justo dar quenta dello a Vuestra Magestad A este Rey se la dieron luego y dizenque respondioquientodo lo quiere todo lo pierde , el don Guillermo Roperha buscado medio como componersu hazienda y se ha pasado a los estados (p.6) de Flandes a Malinas Donde me dizen que profesa oy ser Catholico publicamente El Varon Burles que es hijo mayor del conde de Excester y nieto del Gran Tesorero Burle Guillermo Cicil ha estado con migo esta tarde y me ha dicho quees quien mas sauia de su abuelo, y que en el entendimientoy enlointerior era Catholico y que se retiraba¹ a hazer sus oraciones y plegarias en latin y por libros Catholicossino que el conseruarse en la gracia que tenia con la Reyna Isabel le hazia perseguir a los Catholicos y a la religion y obrar contra la misma verdad que entendiatanto que el le auia contado que un dia le dixo la Reyna si seria bueno para quietar a los Catholicos Ingleses y acreditarse con los Reyes sus vezinos dar libertad de conciencia y una Iglesia libre donde se dixese la misa y pudiessen acudir los Catholicos que el Guillermo Cicil la auia respondidoSeñor si abria una Iglesia con libertad a los Catholicoses menester que sepais que yo tambienire a ella y que sera cerrar todas las vuestras y assi conuiene el dexar esto para alguna estrema necessidadde quesalgamos conpermitir dezirunamisa

Y contome tambien esta tarde el Varon Burle que el ceremonialde religion que oy se guarda en (p.7) Inglaterrano tiene mas antiguedad¹¹ ni autoridad que auerle hecho este su abuelo de su misma mano tomando y dexando del Misal Romanolo que le parecio y que estose imprimio y dio generalmente en Inglaterra y Irlanda a los Obispos y ministros para que lo quardasen y hiziessen guardar, dixome que buscaria el libro y me lo mostraria Guarde Dios la Catholica persona, etc.



During this king's progress to Scotland¹ he passed through York where the President of that province who is Lord Sheffield, a leading Puritan, and the Sheriff , who is the highest officer ofjustice , toldthe king about the large number of Catholics that there were in that province and that he was powerless against them since they cared not to appear after a summons nor obey orders and that a solution was to give notice at their houses and, if they should fail to appear, to demolishthem . They report that the king was angered andannoyedto hear this andthatheresponded that action shouldbetaken.

The sheriff prepareda warrant, or edict against this which they call here a proclamationand I enclose a copy ofitforyourMajesty³ that created deep anxiety among all the Catholics . At once I attended to this as I thought proper The council orderedthe sheriffto appear here in order to explain by what right he acted as he did. Hesaidthat the king had ordered him When they asked for the order, he replied that he had none becauseit wasdoneverbally.

The council sent a report to the king asking that he commandthat they be advised of the truth and telling him that there was no law which had such a regulation, nordid it seem that this couldbedone withoutParliament The king replied that it was true that whenleaving York on horseback they had spoken to him at length of the disobedience of the Catholics andofa possiblyeasyremedyby treating them with severity. He had replied that ifit could be done in keeping with the law it should be done but it had not been his intention that such proceedings happen and that all the rest of the contentsofthe proclamation were false since he had never issued orders norspokenin such a way that he considered the papists to be rebels On this point at different timesandpublicly hehad been makingthedistinction, asis well known . Since the sheriffseemed to him to be a man ofslight intelligencehe left the council to renderjustice upon him in a manner that seemedappropriateto them . 5

While they are directing affairs during the king's absence, the members of the Council hold a special and extraordinary commission above everyone else. In addition to all this the person they call the Archbiship of Canterbury, the Chancellor , who is a very distinguished person, andthe EarlsofSuffolkand Worcester , have orderedthesheriff to be placed in thepublic prison in this city ofLondon where heisnow stayingfor the last two days A councillor informed me that hecan not escape severe punishment since, should he continue to say that the king orderedhim to do it, while the kinghas denied, it willfollowthat his imprisonment will be lengthy at the least and itwill be necessaryto find a suitable punishment. If it is established that the king did not issue the order he will incur the penalty of Praemunire which means perpetual imprisonment and loss of all property, because he madea proclamation withoutorders andagainst the law . The gaoler of the Gatehouse, which is where the largernumberof the priests and Catholics are imprisoned, is liable for treating them harshly: one day he beat a Catholic layman so badly that hebrokehis arm . They were getting ready to treat him as he deserved andpeople wereupinarms as a result ofwhathedid which theyreported to meat once. I informed some Councillors and they commandedthe gaoler to appear this past week in the Star Chamber in public where they severely reprimanded him and sent him in chains to another prison where he is still

They attribute these demonstrationsoffavour towardsthe Catholics

to the negotiationsnow under way about the marriage ofthis prince with yourMajesty'sdaughter .

Some days ago a Scotsman, named Ramsey, a Gentleman of the Royal Bedchamber asked the king for the property of Sir William Roper, an Englishman , as he wasa Catholicrecusant;Ramsey wentto Roper withauthority to compoundwithhim andthey tell me thatthey agreed upon three thousandpounds , that is equal to twelvethousand ducats Upon the agreed day when Ramsey was to receive the moneyhe went to Roper's house and told him that he had been advised thatthe property was large and that he had to pay four thousandducats more They argued so violently over this that Roper lost his patience andwith an excuse he took Ramsey by the handandtoldhim thathehadtogo count the money with him in anotherhouse nearby When he reached thefirst church Roper entered it andtold him: "Here am I, my Lord, a protestant, I am going to the church andI would prefer to be a heretic a thousand times before giving your Lordship a penny" . Ramseywas deeplyupset atthe sightofhis mockery andwith considerable restraint and courtesyhe urgedRoper not to do such a thing nor to persevere in it. Among other reasons he said to him: "How is it, my Lord, thatfor such a smallamount ofmoney as four thousandductas yourLordship would prefer to lose his soul and go to Hell" . Since a sermon by a heretic to a Catholic is so remarkable I thought itfitting to giveyour Majestythe story. Immediately they informed thekingandthey say he replied: "Whoever wants everything loses everything" . Sir William Roper has found a wayto compoundforhis property and has travelled to Malines in the province ofFlanders where they say thatheprofesses publicly to bea Catholic

Lord Burghley, who is the eldest son ofthe Earl ofExeteranddescendant of the Lord Treasurer Burghley, WilliamCecil, has visitedme this afternoon. He told me, as one who is well acquaintedwith his grandfather, that in his outlookand his inner attitude hewas a Catholic andthat he would retire to say his prayers and devotionsin Latinwith Catholic books . 10 It was only to maintain himself in the Queen's favour thathewas brought to persecute the Catholics andthe Faith and to labour contrary to the truth that heunderstood. So muchsothathe told him that one day the queen asked him whetherit would be good, in order to calm the Catholics of Englandand to gain thegoodwillof the neighbouringmonarchs, to allow freedom of conscience and one free church whereMass would be said and the Catholicswould beable to come . William Cecil replied: "Madam, if one church should be opened with freedom for Catholics it is necessary that you should know that I would also go thereand it would be the closure ofallof yours, consequentlyitis better to leave thisfor some ultimate necessity from which wemight extricate ourselves by lettingaMassbesaid'

Lord Burghley also told me this afternoon that the religious rite which is observed today in England has no great authority or

antiquity. Indeed his grandfathercomposed itwithhisown hand out of the Roman Missal by taking and leaving what he liked and as he wished andthis is printed anddistributed widely in EnglandandIreland to the bishops and ministers so that they shouldfollow it and require its observance . He told me he will lookfor the book andshowittome . May Godprotect the Catholicperson, etc.

From May- July 1617

2 Edmund 3rd Lord Sheffield, was Lord President of theCounciloftheNorth; SirMichael Whartonof Beverley was sheriff.

3 The contemporary text of the Proclamation is in P.R.O. S.P.14/91; The Spanish version is in E 2596/80; see also C.S.P. Dom 1611-18 pp 459,467,468

4 Ibid p 470, Thomas Lake to RalphWinwood, 29 May 1617 .

C.S.P. Dom . 1619-23 p 23.

6 Possibly Aquila Wykes, C.S.P. Dom. 1611-18 p. 499.


8 . Lord Ramsay of Barnes, Viscount Haddington (There survives a patentfrom James I to Ramsay for a grant of lands dated 3 June 1608 in W.C.A., Series A vol. 8 ff. 319-30). Possibly the recusant was Sir William Roperof Eltham, Kent. William Cecil , Lord Burghley (1566-1640 ) succeededto the Earldom ofExeter in 1623. Lady ElizabethManners, his wife, had strong Catholic connections His son, William Cecil Lord Rous was already known to Gondomar(See doc 25 note 3).

9 The decipher uses "nieto" , a nephew, but in the context it means a relative. His uncle was RobertCecil, Earl ofSalsibury, Lord Treasurer , 1608-12 . HisgrandfatherWilliamCecil, Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer, 1572-98

10 He was well read in Latin and Spanish. His Spanish book collection has been reconstructed by G. Ungerer, "The Printing of Spanish Books in Elizabethan England" , The Library (Oxford) Series5, vol 20 (1965), pp 222-29 .

11 See however , G. J. Cuming , A History of the Anglican Liturgy (London , 1969), pp 49-65, 123-25 Breviaries and missals belonging to the first Lord Burghley survive in the Hatfield House Library (I am indebted to Miss Clare Talbotfor thisinformation)


. Madrid, 28 September 1617 .

Holograph, 3 pages , E libro 369 ff 38-39 Father Agustin Perez , formerly Gondomar'ssecretary in London, had returned to Spain in the winter of 1615 (See also Doc 15 and Vol 1 , doc.55).

Estos dias passados hize una visita al embaxador de Inglaterra y llegando a ablar deste negocio que se trata me dixo que este vez¹ hade quedar dentro o fuera que si se concluyequedara una perpetua hermandad y paz entre las dos coronas y yo añadi que quando por algunas causas justas no pueda tener efectoque tambien se podraconservar por otros medios Y por auer entendido el gusto con que vuestra Excellencia a uisto otras vezes papeles mios me atreuo agora a escriuir este para advertir (con mucha breuedad) algunos puntos que se deuen poneren consideracion , quando se comenco a dar oydos a estas platicas de casamientos con Inglaterra fue mas por entretener y conservar gustosos aquellos reyes² por diuersos respectos de estado y de religion que con intencion de concluir cosa ninguna porque en despues queyo vine la ultima vez de Inglaterra con auisos de la buena resoluciondel Parlamentoy con las nueuas propuestas deste tratado parece (si yo no me engaño) que se abrazo con mas calory differente yntencion que por lo passado y esta ya tan adelante que su Magestad (a mi pobre juicio) se hallaentre dos inconbenientes muy considerables.

El primero es que si no se concluye esta platica forcosamentehallo quedar mal satisfecho el Rey de Inglaterray aun offendido sospechando que nunca su Magestad tubo intencion de casar su hija con elPrincipe de Uallia y que todas las aparienzias que ha hauido an sido finxidas y finalmente a de parar en rompimiento de las paces que a mas tardarsera quando se cumple el tiempo de las treguas con Olandeses.

Y si este casamiento se concluye tambien es harto grande ynconbiniente no tener seguridad de alcancar lo que pretendifundando el buen suceso del en solas esperancasque por este se vendra a reconciliar (f.38v) el Reyy Reyno de Inglaterra a la Iglesia Catholicaquees lo que deue mouer principalmente a su Magestad fuera de otras conbenientes de estado .

Una de las cosas que podian asegurar los buenos effectos deste casamiento quando se propuso ultimamenteera el tenerentonces la casa de Huard authoridad en Inglaterra porque della es el Almirante, el Conde de Sufolch con sus hijos y hierons y el Conde de Arandel y otros señores titulados y varones por la mayor parte tenidos por Catholicosa lo menos en mi corazony por muy aficionados a las cosas de España y hauiendo de apoyer toda esta faccion las cosas de la Infanta se podra esperar que con sola la tolerancia que llaman se vendria poco a pocoa la liuertad de conciencia y de aqui de una reducion general del reyno de la Iglesia Catholica.

Pero este apoyoy estas buenas esperanciasno pueden serya de tanta consideracion hauiendo faltado el conde de Nortampton aquien yo reconcili a al iglesia Catholica y caido de su priuanza el conde de Somerset yerno del de Sufolch que hera el que daua authoridada toda la casa y su muger que hera y es tenida por Catholica effectiuas

esperancias de que a su tiempo haria grandes efectos con su marido y el con el Rey y Principey no solamente a faltado la authoridaden esta casa con la cayda del Conde Somerset pero con la mudanza delnueuo privado del Rey esta agora en otras personas no tambien afectas y debotas a la coronade España ni a la religionCatholicay es punto que es menester pensar que ansi parece que si este negocio se a de tratar de veras conviene el declarar auiertamente liuertad de conciencia por que no se deue fiar negocio tan graue de solo el buen natural del Principe la buena intencion de su madre ni de otras esperancasque se proponen antes es necessario asentar alguna cosa sigura que no pueda faltar

Y porque se dice que el conceder liuertad de conciencia toca al parlamentoque esta agora compuesto de herejes no pudiendoentraren el ninguno Catholico conforme a una ley del reyno y que asi seria (f. 39) muy dificultoso salir con esta propuesta quando se yntentase al presente a esto se responde que concede el Rey la tolerancia desde luego tacitamentey dissimulando con la ley que se a dicho se podrian huir eligiendoCatholicos para el parlamentoy estando bien compuesto se podra pedir y assentar la liuertad de conciencia y despuesconcluir y effectuar el casamiento .

Yoha muchos dias que deje los papeles de la embajada deInglaterra y por faltarme la luz y la noticia que es necessario para discurrir enesta materiapodria ser que me engañaseen todo lo quedigo resciua vuestra Excellencia mi buen yntencion que es de alentar y de continuar mas seruicios en la parte y ocupacion que mas fruto pueda hacer no obstante que por los passados no tengo premio ninguno hasta agora. Guarde Dios a vuestra Excellencia como es menester para el buen gouierno desta monarquia De mi posada oy Martes 28 de Septiember 1617




A few days ago Ipaid a visit to the Ambassador from England When he came to the point of speaking about this matter which is underdiscussion he told me that on this occasion¹ he had to endupon oneside or the other and that in the event ofits conclusiona confirmation of a permanent partnership and peace between the two crowns would ensue . I commented that, should it not be possible to achieve out of reasonable considerations , it still could be achieved by other measures

As I am conscious that your Excellency has read my papers with pleasure on other occasions I am encouraged now to write this to explain in a very briefmannersome points which have to be kept in mind whenever one starts to listen to these discussions ofmarriages with England. It has been morefrom a desire to entertain in continuing

friendship those kings² out of various considerations of state and religion than from the intention of concludinganything at all, because since the last time I arrived with the news ofthe dismissal ofparliament and with the newproposals about this treaty it appearedunless Iam deceiving myself that it is now being handledwithmorefervour and a differentobjective than in the past andit is now so far advanced thathisMajesty inmy humbleopinionis caught betweentwo very serious disadvantages

Thefirst is that if this discussion is notfinished decisivelytheking ofEnglandwill become displeased and even offendedonce he suspects that his Majesty never had an intention to marry his daughtertothe Prince of Wales and that all existing appearances were pretences and andfinally have to lead to a rupture ofthepeace which willbe evident when theperiod ofthe truce withtheDutch expires

If this marriage is concludedthereis still a considerable disadvantage in not havinga guarantee offulfilling whathepromises, asthe successful outcomeis founded merelyupon expectations thatin thisway there will be a reconciliation of the king and the kingdomofEnglandtothe Catholic church which is what mainly ought to prompt his Majesty asidefrom other advantagesofstate.

One ofthe things which was capable ofproviding assuranceofgood results from this marriage when it was last being discussed was the authoritythat the house of Howard then possessed in England , since members ofit are the Lord Admiral, the Earl ofSuffolktogetherwith his children and sons-in-laws, and the Earl ofArundel as wellas other titled lords and barons for the mostpart considered Catholics - atleast in my opinionand highly devotedto the affairs of Spain When the entire faction was supporting the cause of the Infanta there could be hope that by tolerance alone, as they call it, theremight be reached a liberty ofconscience little by littleandfrom that pointa general return of thekingdom to the Catholicchurch

However this support and high expectations can not be ofmuch value at present after the death ofthe Earl ofNorthampton, whomI reconciled to the Catholic church, and thefall oftheir protector, the Earl of Somerset, son-in-law of the Earl ofSuffolk, who was theone who provided prestige to the entire house, as wellas his wife, whowas and is stillconsidered to be a Catholic. There were stronghopes thatin time she would have great influence with her husband andhewiththe kingand theprince Notonlyhas theprestigeofthis house declinedwith the downfall of the Earl of Somerset but in the change of a new favourite of the king there are now present other persons not at all devoted andfavourableto the crown ofSpainand to the Catholicfaith. It is a point demanding reflection whether it now appears that this affair should be seriously negotiatedand that it is suitableto havean open declaration of freedom of conscience. For so serious a matter should not rest upon the favorable disposition of the prince and the

good intentions ofhis mother, norupon other expectationswhich are being put forth, but rather it is necessary to agree to somethingfirm which can not lapse

Since it is beingsaid that the concession offreedom of conscience touches upon Parliament , which is at present is composed ofheretics with no Catholic capable of enteringitfroma requirementin thekingdom's law , it will be very difficult as a consequence to accomplish this proposal when it is introduced at present To this thereis theresponse that the king is granting toleration immediately in secret by dissimulating with the law which has been mentioned, they will be capable of evading it by the election of Catholics to parliament and once it is properly composed freedomofconscience shouldbesoughtand approved andthemarriage concludedandcarriedoutlater.

Itis some time since Iput aside thepapers ofthe embassy ofEngland and asIam in need oflightandinformation that are essential to discuss this matter, perhaps I am deceiving myself in everything I say. May your Excellency acceptmy good intention, which is to advance and maintain my services in a role andperformancethat can achieve greater results, even though during the past I had no share ofmy own until now. May God protect your Excellency as it is vital for the good governmentof this monarchy. From my chamber, today Tuesday, the 28th ofSeptember 1617. Agustin Perez

1 i.e. Digby'sthird visit to Spain, asAmbassador Extraordinaryon this occasion , may 1617-April 1618 .

2 JamesI.

32. THE COUNT OF GONDOMAR TO THE DUKE OF LERMA. London, 22 October 1617 .

Original autographreceived on 15 November, 5 pages, E 2596/136. Text: DocumentosIneditos vol 1 , pp 122-24 .


In a letter of July 12th I told your Excellency that Sir Henry Wotton, this king's resident ambassador in Venice, has sent here with

the courrier a man who states that he knows and will reveal great mattersagainst this kingandhisrealm.

The Secretary ofState here, Sir Ralph Winwoodand the Archbishop ofCanterbury to whom this person came, as directed, have held him in seclusion and under deep secrecy lest he be capable of speaking to anyone A servant of the same ambassador who came with him is in constant attendance.

He says that he is named Pablo Ferrino, ¹ a nativeoftheprovinceof Milan and that he has been a member of the Society of Jesus and formerly superior of the Society's house in the province of Milan [He says] that through reliable and trustworthy friends whom hehas in Paris he has learned for certain that the kings of Spain and France were in agreement that the Infante of Spain, don Carlos, is to be married with Madame Christine, sister ofthe king of France and that the Pope is to declare the king of Englandand his son to be excommunicated heretics and to deprivethem ofthe crown of Englandand confer it upon the Infante, don Carlos, and his wife and Spain and France willofferall the help andforces needed for the conquest [He says] that before theagreement is announced theDuke ofMayenne,or of Guise, is to arrive here in the name ofthe King ofFrance underthe pretext of some sort of embassy with well armedships or galleys and will try to sail up this river² as far as he can .[He says] thatsinceheis a royal cousin he will invite the king andhisson to dinesome day ona ship or galley where a great banquet is to be provided, and oncethe king and the prince are on board the return journey to Calais is to be made. ThisPablo Ferrino asserts that this was certainandagreedupon as time willproveifthesecret has been kept. He wanted very much to talk to the kingalone buthekepthimself away from him carefully because of the slight affection he has forthe word "Jesuit" and because he thought the man had to beanimposter. However he ordered that Lord Wotton, the Chancellor , 3 and theEarl of Suffolk should meet with the Archbishop and Secretary Winwood and examinehim again. In the presence ofallfivehe explainedhimself andremainedfirmoverwhat he hadsaid but wasunwilling to reveal the source of what he knew At this theywantedto put him to thetorture and put him under arrest in the Tower but later it was decided that since he had arrived here in open trust and the promise of an ambassador itwill be bad example for other cases no matterwhattruth orfalsehoodthere was in what he said. Accordingly he was to be given money and his freedom in order to remain or return or do as he pleased. The king approved andgave him two hundredescudos . The man was disconsolate at seeinghow different was his treatment from what he expected He determined to escape one night but was discovered whereupon they are holding him more carefully and after being punished for this he was in a very badstate.

Now they tell me that he has departed and that his name Pablo

Ferrino was fictitious. Asto his being a nativeoftheprovinceofMilan, he is a native of Genoa, for some one who knew him has been found . His name is Stanislao Ferrerio and he is certainly a memberof the Society ofJesus, where he was a person of repute. He had permission from his General to come to Englandafter claiming that he had some gentlemen friends among those who had been inItaly and that they had invited him believing that there would be a great advantage in his presence for the service ofthe Catholicreligion They tell me that he stayed so stubborn over it that he told the councillors who examined him that must live and die in it and he would prefer very willinglyto bea martyrin defense ofthe truth. He told theEnglishsuperiorofthe Society who lives here that he intendedto talkto the king alone so as to explain the error in which he stayedand to converthim. Thisalone was thepurposeofhis coming: to achieve it he had reliedupon allthese tricks. After seeing that they had not succeeded as he expected hewill return to his religious [house] in Italy.5 This is everything that is available on the subject, it is very lengthy and pointless but after beginningthe report about it foryour ExcellencyI prefered to tellits conclusion . There are numerous examples of this sort ofdeceit every day. May God protect yourExcellencyas I desire . London, 22 October 1617. (Autograph) The Count ofGondomar

1 Estanislao Ferrerio proved to be Tomaso Cerroneo (or Ceronio) S. J. , the superior , Preposito , of San Fidelein Milan (See L. P. Smith, Sir Henry Wotton, The Life and Letters, Oxford, 1907, pp 114-18, 120, 122-23).

2 The Thames

3 Francis Bacon .

4 Richard Blount, S.J.

5 See also C.S.P. Venetian 1611-18, p. 25


London, 30 December 1617.

Text: DocumentosIneditos vol 1 , pp 182-83.

[Translation :]

In a letter of August 9thyour Majesty was pleased to tell me that you have reports by way of Flanders that the persecutionin Scotland is very heavy and to require me to tell how manyreligious therearein Ireland and Scotland. They say that in Ireland there are two thousand priests, both religious of various orders and clergy, althoughIhave not been able to verify the precise numbers among them. Howevertheysay that in Scotland there are no more than three priests althoughthere are many Catholic nobles Even the Chancellor, who is theperson who governs the realm , ¹ when he was here bemoaned the unhappystateof that kingdom with me . [He said] that he has always remaineda Catholic and is to die as one, however, to prevent a heretic from entering his office who might start to destroy the Faithhemaintains himself in it by goingat times to the kirk; his wife andall his children are recusants. However the few bishops who have survived thereandall the ministers are such seditiouspuritans that only with the greatest difficulty can a priest be kept there. They tell me at present thatthose people who in Scotlandare called the "ecclesiastics" have made therea senate or committee among themselves and annulled everything that this king has required both as to bishops as wellas to organs andsurplices and other things which he enjoinedfor religious observance . At this the king said that the open puritans who are in Scotlandare worse than the secret Jesuits who go about England Consequentlyeverything which your Majesty might command to encourage the increase of priests in Scotland will be a great endeavour although it is to be arranged with the fullest possible secrecy May God protect the Catholicperson ofyourMajesty. London, the 30th ofDecember 1617 .


1 2 Alexander Seton, Earl of Dumferline, Chancellor 1605-22

For the rejection of the Five Articles concerning worship by the Assembly in November 1617 see G. Donaldson , Scotland, James V-James VII (Edinburgh, 1965) pp 209-10 .

34. THE COUNTOF GONDOMARTO PHILIP III. London, 30 December 1617 .

Original decipherreceived on 2 February 1618, 8 pages, E 2597/4 . Text: Documentos Ineditos vol 1 , pp 167-71 . On the cover the Secretary noted that five councillors approved the activitiesofGondomar

Howeverhis letter reflects his personal uncertaintiesover the marriage alliance . Before his departure for Spain Digby had been well aware of the dangers in James's lack of a clear policy. He warned: "If whilst this treatye shall beon foote his majesty shall not be pleasedwith that show of a constante resolution and his favour to strengthen it but that his inclination and affection shall be avowed to be doubtfull, nay, averse but onlyfor other ends. ..I doubt his majestie will not only in Spaine finde colde and unlooked for answers but will (I feare) fayle of any other service to which this might be useful ... " (S.P94/22/133v,Digby to Buckingham , London, 1 May 1617).



In a letterofNovember 15th Ireported to yourMajesty¹ thatthis king said to me how different and changed he foundfor his partthat his wife, the queen, had become in recentdays Hereupon he relatedto me some extremely coarse thingsabout the matter ofthequeen's faith aswellasabout the affection and friendship which she is accustomedto hold for the Lady Infanta, dona Isabella ? All the while he wasusing the same fluttering gestures and tone of voice as the queen when he told me this

Although my illness and poor health have left me incapable ofperforming as I ought, and as I desire to do in yourMajesty service , ³ I forced myself to go to see this queen who at present is here . I spoke with her for an extended period and one day she kept mefor nearly four hours while only she andI were in her chamber and her Mistress of the Chamber remained aside andthe queen herselfarranged forthe comforts which my ill health demanded . I judge it certain that she spoke as your Majesty's servant and as ifyou were hers I also think that what she most desires today and looks out for are the affairs of Spain and that, if she has spoken any word or token to the contrary, it is becauseofthe aversion shefeltfor her husband's activities, towards whom she spoke at length of how slight was her obligation. She kept warning me of the caution which we have to use in proceedingwith him . She also spoke tearfully to me aboutreligiousmatterson thatday while maintainingthat she was intendingto be completelyworthyfrom henceforth. Every day since then she has been most attentive to send to inquireabout my health. She is uneasy about her son, theprince, as she believes that hewants tofollow his father's will in everything.

The king of Denmark has sent her recently a gift of mares and other things in the custody of an official in the role of a partial ambassador . This man carriedinstructions from his master , the kingof Denmark, to visit me at once, as he did, to inquire ofyourMajesty's

health as well as of their highnesses Iissuedan invitation andprepared as fine a banquet as I could, for which the queen and he were deeply appreciativeandthey have reportedit to the kingofDenmark 6

The latest letters here from Sir John Digby, the ambassador, were written in Madrid on the 18th and 30th ofNovember . They say that those ofthe 18th to this king report that he was awaitingtherehourly your Majesty's arrival and that owing to your absence he had been unable to ascertain the state of the marriage until then. However , if one could rely upon tokensand words, there would appear to him to be in Spain in general a very strongapprovalofthe marriage despitethe efforts of the nuncio of his Holiness and the French ambassadors to prevent it by all possible means However Sir Thomas Carey , a gentleman in the suite ofthe prince who is also there with him, wrote to his mother here that he thought that there is nothing more than a hope of a marriage, although she did not tell this to any one untilhe wrote her more details Despiteall this they tell me that she has shown thisletter to theprinceunder thedeepest secrecy.


Sir John Digby has written to oneofhis confidantsherethathesees the marriage progressing more slowly than he expected which for him is theworst possible crimebecausehe is spending each day 120 escudos and has spent in thejourney, and everything else, a large amount . He asked this friend to relate these expenses to theEarl ofBuckingham in order that he might give a large allowance forhe is unableto staythere in any other way and if he is to be kept therehe planstosendforhis wife who is very close to childbirth

He wrote other letters of the same date to councillors and officials and in each he speaks and performs his duty well. In the letter ofthe 30th he says that your Majesty has finally arrived and appointedfor him the commissioner with whom he should negotiate the substance and articles of the marriage, 10 and another to deal with the arrangements to join the fleets of Spain and Englandagainst piracy. News has reached Madrid of the troubles that Walter Raleigh has created in the Canary Isles and as this king will have word by other means ofwhat happened in this affair he does not want to speak about it becausehe has been aware that there might be some in the council who consider him biased, after his explanation was seen and his excuse for Walter Raleigh's departure was heard. He also says in this letter ofthe30th that his secretary¹ arrived there three days previously and that he would send him away again at once so that he might be herefor Christmas, or for the whole month of December in the English reckoning


I have told your Majesty many times about the marriageissue and what occurs to me here and I am maintaining the same outlook at present. Despite the fact that in Ireland the person who is the Viceroy12 is conductinga persecutionwithgreatseverity andcunning , it is certain that the Catholicsare growingin numbers daily in England .

The truth and good name of the Catholic faith is continuing to be established , and a great part of this is to be attributed to this negotiation and to the expectation that it willbe concluded . Although it must be conceded that time and tact must pave the way to itsconclusion, there are so many other things that can establish thecertainty of an agreement before the final conclusion , and there willbe on hand so many sufficient reasons against doing so, that of themselves these things create obstacles. Unless there is a failure of good willIdonot believe that there is an objection against keeping this alive, while not makingan offer ofgreaterpromises onyourMajesty'spart, butsimply by listening very courteously and continuing to gain ground as is possible accordingto circumstances For affairs ofgreat moment are never concludedon the basisupon which they began.

Even now I have been thinking that if his Holiness will make the conditions more difficult once they are made clear somethingI am certain that he will be doinga compromisecan be reached by having your Majesty sponsor the marriage of this prince with one of the daughters ofmy lord, the King of Bohemia¹3 or some one elsewhom yourMajestyjudges fitting. Perhaps during thisperiod a marriage ofthe second daughterofthe king of France is to be arranged, justas thatof the third daughter has already been arranged with the Count of Soissons,14 and this prince will remainin need ofanddependent upon your Majesty's good will Furthermore keeping these talks alive can contribute to the conclusion of better treaties and agreements with Holland, for the Lady Infanta, doñaMariais ofthe right age to provide time to listen and to lookintoeverythingleisurely. Furthermore I thought I ought to tellyourMajestythis especially in case I should die some time very soon - that, if the state ofthe Catholic faith is not very markedly improved here andfull certainty is reached that this will be continued and increased, although I am the humblest and poorest ofyour Majesty's servants, I would not marry my daughter to this prince so long as both he and his realmare tostay the heretics that they are now. Howeverifby this measure the Catholic faith could be introduced here , it willbe truly a glorious deed onyour Majesty'spart, one of the most significantin the world forthe goodof Christianity. Still, remainingconscious ofwhat is wellknown, that this prince agreed to marry the daughter of the king of France , as was requested and initiated on the part ofFrance, ifIhad notpreventedit, it would be concluded within eight days if this prince preferred it today, I do not see any objection in Christian prudence to listening courteously to what might be proposed to yourMajesty, indeed itis concerned with the good and advancement of the Catholic faith The very protestants whoare makingthe offercome in with thisrefrain and it is what I have been telling them and I keep saying here daily.Ifind nothing to add to this save to commendit to God, as I do, with the hope that your Majesty shall make the most fitting decisionabout it

May our Lordprotect, etc.

The ill disposed are persuading this queen that the authority ofthe Lady Infanta shall be so great if she comes here that she will be unhappy and without any one who might follow her nor prefer her Theyalso tell her a thousandother thingswithoutfoundation.

1 This letter had been already reviewed by the Council (E 2514/90 consulta of 12 December 1617)


3 See Doc. 28 note 5

B.P.O. Manuscritos vol 2107 contains many letters about his illness during 1617

4 Anne's Privy Chamber was attended at this timeby Blanche Arundell, Barbara Sydney and Lady Southwell, Finnetti Filoxenis (London, 1656) p 40.

5 The cordiality of the queen's brother towards Sarmiento had earlier diplomaticreasons, see C. F. Senning: "The Visit ofChristianIV to England in 1614" The Historianvol 31 (1969), pp.555-72.

6 Digby wrote to Gondomarthat the court was unprepared to negotiate specifically on the marriage (B.P.O. Manuscritos , vol 2170 n. fol letter of 17 Oct. 1617)

7 A special instruction had been sent to theNuncioto learn the precise instructions of James about toleration(A.S.V.Fondo Borghese, Series I, vol 921 f.413, Borgheseto Caetani, 4 Nov. 1617).


8 Henri de Bauffrement , Marquis de Senecy. Thomas Carey, son of Robert 1st Lord Carey of Lepington, Master of the Household of Prince Charles Lady Carey, nee Elizabeth Trevannon , was the widow ofSir HenryWiddrington

10 i.e. Luis de Aliaga (See Doc 28) The understanding of the English court was that Digby"should talke of the pointsof religionbut by way of discourse and not as in vertueof the commission till it might appeare how neere they shoulde come together ... " (S. R. Gardiner , The Fortescue Papers (Camden Society, New Ser . vol. 1 , 1891) p. 29 Thomas Lake to Buckingham , 25 October1617)

11 SimonDigby

12 Sir Oliver St. John, Lord Deputy, 1616-22


14 i.e. Ferdinand II

Louis de Bourbon (1604-41) brother of Conde, later considered a partisan of Spain

35. THOMAS CORNWALLIS II TO THE COUNT OF GONDOMAR . Portillo , 19 February 1618.

Original holograph, 1 page, E 2598/20. In sending this lettertothe council, Gondomar urged favourable consideration, "for his father is most useful andfaithful to his Majesty'sservice and so much without ambition that he has done morefavours for me thanI have forhim ... " (E 2598/19 Gondomarto Ciriça, London, 26 April 1618).


Algunas cartas he escrito a vuestra Señoria¹ las quales me persuado no han llegado a manos de Vuestra Señoria porque vasta que ha conocido a Vuestra Señoria por tan noble que estoy muy confiado que Vuestra Señoria no dexara de responderlas. El successode mi entretenimiento aura declarado el Padre Maestro² porqueen Pamplona ni ay guerra ni occupacion si no estarme alli ocioso entre algunos pobres soldados y por no poder que me pagassen en Madrid Salamanca o Valladolid le he dejado adonde deseaua vivir y apprender algo entre gente vertuoso. Pero aunque ha faltado el entretenimiento no me falla el agradecimiento a vuestra Señoria y si pudo siruir a vuestra Señoria en algo me estimaria dichoso pero los malos successos solos desanima las pusilanimes Otra vez me atreuere a supplicar a vuestra Señoria en otro negocio mas importante para mi y mas facil para vuestra Señoria pienso que mi padre³ ha dado noticia a vuestra Señoria que es de aiudarme con dos cartas en mi fauor para el officio de Caballaerizo Mayor de la Infanta doña Maria que esperamos presto sera Señora y Princesa de Ynglaterra la una para el Duque la otra para el Secretario de EstadoJuan de Ciriça. Bien veo que no he meriçido tanta merced a manos de vuestra Señoria todo lo que puedo dezir es que mi padrees hombre de bien y pienso que vuestra Señoria lo diraqueyotengoleun poco de ventaja siendo Catholico en facto y el en fin y assi guarde dios a vuestra Señoria como yo deseo Portillo a 19 de ebrero de 1618 . En esto punto reciui una de mi padre en que da quentade la poca salud de vuestra Señoria y de mi Señora Condesa que ha sido nueua para mi de harta tristeza, beso mil vezes las manos de mi Señora Condesa y al Padre Maystro, vuestra Señoria dara un gran recado demi parte agradesiendole el trabajo que aquituvo en aiudarme.

Don Tomas Cornwaleys

[Translation:] +

Ihave been writingletters to your Lordship' whichIam convinced

have not reached your Lordship's hands because it suffices thatIhave knownyourLordship to be such a nobleperson that Iremainconfident that your Lordship would not fail to reply to them. Father Master² will have informed you what occurred with my pension, for in Pampelona there is neither war nor employmentunless Iwas toremain there in idleness in the midst of some miserable soldiers; and as there was no possibility that they might pay me in Madrid, Salamanca or Valladolid I left where they wished me to live to lookforsomething among courageous people However although the pension has lapsed , my sense ofgratitude to yourLordship has notandifIam able to serve your Lordship I will considermyself fortunate. Howevermisfortunes by themselves dismay thefainthearted Once again Iam emboldenedto entreat your Lordship about another matter on my behalf easier for your Lordship. I believe that my father³ has toldyourLordship that it is to assist me with two letters in support ofmefor thepost ofMaster of the Horsefor the Infanta doña Maria whom we hope will shortly be My Lady, the Princess of England. One is for the Dukes and the other for the Secretary ofState, Juan de Cirica.I am fully aware thatI have not deserved such kindness at your Lordship's hands All thatI can say is that myfather is a man ofgood andI thinkyourLordship might say so , and that I have a slight advantage in being a Catholic in deed and one unto the end. Thus mayGodprotect yourLordship as Idesire. Portillo 19 February1618. At this moment I received a letterfrom myfatherin whichhetold me about the ill healthofyourLordship andofmy lady, the Countess This news brought deep sadness to me . I salute a thousandtimesmy lady, the Countess and may your Lordship say a sincere remembrance on my behalf to Father Masterin gratitudeforhis efforts here to assist me (autograph) Thomas Cornwallis

1 These were received since the Council, in response to earlier lettersofGondomar, approved the transfer of his pension to Valladolid for studies (E 2515/9 consulta of 5 April 1618).

2 Fray Diego de la Fuente

3 The recusancy of Sir Thomas Cornwallis is described in A. Simpson, The Wealth ofthe Gentry, 1540-1660 (Cambridge , 1961) pp 175-76 .

4 Gondomar reported that Thomas Cornwallishad abandoned "the office that he held in the Household of the Prince ofWales" (consulta of note 1) His departure from England was first arranged in the ambassador's letter of 4 August 1615 (E 2594/23).

5 i.e. Dukeof Lerma

6 See also the depositions of Richard Cornwallis and Charles Yelverton, (Responsa Scholarum , C.R.S. vol 54 (1962), pp 4, 5, 100, 102) It is of relevance that at this time his uncle, Sir Charles Cornwallis , former ambassador to Spain,


had told Gondomarof his conversion and desire to leave England to retire to a monastery in Spain . There were two discussions in the councilafterwhichPhilip III granted him a pension of 1000 escudos and support for servants and four rooms in any place he chose but suggested he stay in Liege (E 2514/85consulta of4 March 1617 ; E 2515/13 consulta of29 January 1618)

7 Written in the margin


. London, 17 April 1618 .

Original holograph, 1 page , B. Nac. Manuscritos , vol. 18420 f. 101 . Lewkenor (See D.N.B. sub nomine) was Master of Ceremonies atthe court ofKing James, an office he retained until his death in 1627.He was reported by the embassies of Venice and Holland to have proSpanish sympathies (See Finetti Filoxenis, London 1656, pp 118 , 139). He had previously published a translation from the Spanish of Hernando de Acuña, The Resolved Gentleman (London, 1594) and from the Italian of Gasparo Contarini, The CommonwealthandGovernment of Venice (London, 1599).Fray Diego was Gondomar's confessor at his residence in the Barbican (See docs 35, 37,42,45) (f.101)

Muy Reuerendo y amado Padre, Desseaua mucho de auer hablado con vuestra Paternidad hier pero dixeron mi que staua al altar. El señor Conde mi dixo que Riuas era buelto con muy buenas nueuas de España pero no me atreuio de preguntalle si se auia hecho algo en mi negotio siendo el Señor Guillermo Monson¹ presente todo el tiempo que hablaua con su Señoria . Vuestra Paternidad mi hara gran fauor de mandarmi coneste criado si se ha tratado algo en mi particular sea come fueremi remetto en todo a la voluntad de Dios. Todo el consuelo que tengo en este mundo esta puesto en el fauor del Señor Conde y vuestra Paternidad Dios de a entrambos todo el bienquese puede dessear en esta vidayla vida vendera. Bezo muy deuotamente las manos de vuestra Paternidad y encomiendo mi y los mios a sus orationes 17 auril 1618. Luys Leucuenor


Very Reverend and dear Father,

Ivery much wanted to speak to your Paternity yesterdaybut they told me you were at the altar My lord count told me that Ribas had returned with verygood news from Spain but Idid notdare to inquire of him whether anything had been done in my business as Sir William Monson¹ was presentall the time that I was speaking to his Lordship. Your Paternity would be doing me a great favour by advising me through this messenger if something has been arranged for my own business, come what may, I leave myself to God's will Every consolation that I have in this world stands emplaced in the kindness of my lord the count andyour Paternity. May Godgrant to both ofyou that good which can be desired in this life and in the life to come .I kiss most devoutly yourPaternity's handandcommendmyselfandmy householdtoyourprayers 17April 1618 . Louis Lewkenor

1 Van Male had reported earlier that Monson was under suspicion of "some secret intelligence with Spain" He suggested that the only thing he might be guilty of was that "he is known in part to be a Catholic" (PC53 f. 13 VanMale to Praets, London, 28 Jan. 1616).


. Hackney, 9 June 1618.

Original holograph, 1 Page , B. Nac . Manuscritos , vol. 18420f. 103 .

On 26 April 1618 Gondomarwrote toPhilip III that onApril 22nd his 'confessor received into the church, "a member ofthe king's councilof the highest quality and character and within this house he has confessed him, said Mass for him and given himthe most Holy Sacrament ... " (E 2598/38). Although Lewkenor was not a councillor, it is probable that the reference was to him

(p . 103)

Muy Reuerendo Padre:

La suya singular piedad usada con migo quandoestaua malo, miha dado atreuimiento de supplicalleque sea servido de tomar el trabajode

venir mañana despues de comera mi casa a Hackney , o si esto no se puede hazer de senalar mi otro lugar donde yo puedo venir hallar a vuestra Paternidadyo tengo infinito desseo de seguir el buen consejo que vuestra Paternidad mi dio y para hazerlo con seguridad no ay lugar que mi parece tan bueno como mi casa en Hackneya en pago de su trabajo yo lo tendre toda mi vida la osservantia que debia al proprio padre Dios guarde vuestra Paternidad como puede Hackaneia, este domingo, 9 de Junio, Luys Leuquenor.


Supplico vuestra Paternidad de no dar respuesta alguna a este muchacho porque si no mi escriue un billeto al contrario yo le mañana entretres y quatro horas despuesde media dia.


Very Reverend Father,

Your singular kindness displayedtowardsme whenI was ill hasgiven me courage to ask that you might please endure the trouble to visit me tomorrow after dinner at my home in Hackney , or if that is impossible to assign another place where I can come to be withyour Paternity. I have a profound desire to continue with the good advice that your Paternity has given me, and in order to do it safely there is no placeas good in my opinion as my residence in Hackney. Inpayment for your trouble I will, all my life, retain a proper loyalty as to my very own father. May God protect your Paternity as He can. Hackney , this Sunday , 9 June.


I beg your Paternity not to give any reply to this servant since , unless a letter is written to me to the contrary, I shall be waiting tomorrow between threeand fourafternoon.


The contemporary Spanish translation of a Latin original made by Agustin Castaña, S.J., 4 pages , Archivum RomanumSocietatis Jesu, Fondo Gesuitico , vol 446 ff. 633-34v (I am indebted to Miss Penelope Renoldfor this document).


El favor y merced que recevi con la carta de vuestra Señoria Illustrissima de 26 de diziembredel año passado¹ es mayor de lo que puedo encarecer, beso las manos de vuestra Señoria Illustrissima por ello y los pies, que aunque no he merecido hazer esto personalmente como lo he desseado muchos años ha, es cierto que no tiene vuestra Señoria Illustrissima en el mando mas obediente y afficionado servidor que yo y assi traigo conmigoy leo ordinariamentealguno de sus libros y agora De Gemitu Columbae et Bono Lachrymarum , ² que me es de grandissimo consuelo Y para que vuestra Señoria Illustrissimale tenga de sus trabajos , le hago saber que es grandissimo el fruto y beneficio que en estas partes del Norte han hecho sus obras Y hamuy pocos dias que un gran personaje deste Reyno vino a reconcilarse y a recebirlos sacramentos aqui con el Padre Maestro Fray Diego de la Fuente mi confessor , y me dixo, el Cardenal Bellarminocon la efficaciade sus razones me ha obligado y forçado a dexar la sinagoga y entrar en la Yglesia.³ Y como digo es de los mayores y primeras personas deste Reyno en calidad y grados.

No me agradezia Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima lo que yo procuro servir aqui a los Padres de la Compañia porque aunque es todo lo que puedo es mucho menos lo que devo y desseo . Y a este proposito quiero tambien dezir a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima lo que me dixo ayer un cavallero Ingles muy santo y muy sabio y es que avia observado aquien Inglaterra que los penitentes de la Compañia eran Catolicos como en España y los de otras religiones y sacerdotes como en reynos inficionados de heregias. Cierto, Señor aqui haze gran fruto la Compañia y a grandes personas y el Padre Blondo que es aora Superior es eminentissimoen todo.4

VuestraSeñoria Illustrissimaemplea muybien su favorygracia en Juan Barclay y yo me huelgo mucho de auer acertado en lo quele assegure desto (f.633v) An sentido aqui harto su yda y lo que haescrito tan quanto es satisfecho y contentado a los buenos El me escrive con grandissimo reconocimientolas mercedes que recibe de su Santidad y de VuestraSeñoria Illustrissima en que yo la recibo muy grande y assi supplico a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima muy humilmente lo continue porque cierto amo y estimo a Juan Barclay como a proprio hermano mio.

El averseme gastado aqui mucho la salud me ha obligadoa supplicar al Reymi Señorme concediese licenciapara irme a curara España yme la ha concedidoy estoyya despedido destos Reyes y me partire dentro de quatro dias si plaze a Dios yendopor Bruxelas y Paris. Ha dado este Rey, por mi intercession , libertad a todos los sacerdotes que avian presos y condenados a muerteque eran setenta y dosy aunque estuvomuy duro en darme al Padre Balduino que estavaen la torre; me embio a visitar ultimamente con el Marques de Boquingam

que es su gran privado y me truxo una sortija de diamante de su parte en forma de coraçondiziendomeque con el embaxador de España que aora se yva el Rey de Inglaterra avia hecho mas demonstracionde lo que le amava y respectava que con otro ninguno. Pero que no se contentava con estosino que embiava al Conde de Gondomarsu coraçon en un diamente para que me assegurasse yo de que seria firme como avia sido dificultoso en labrarse Y porque sabia y tenia buena experiencia de quan PuritanoPapista era le Conde de Gondomarse avia resueltoen embiarme otra joya que yo tendria por mejor presente que era la libertad del Padre Balduyno encareciendo harto lo que el Rey hazia en esto por la causa de su prision el ruido que se avia hecho en traerle de Alemania a este Reyno y los muchos principes embaxadores y personas grandes a quien este Rey avia negado su libertad (f.634) He hecho desto la estimacion que es razon porque es rigurosissima la prision en que ha estado mas de ocho años el Padre Balduyno sin poderle hablar ny tratar a nadie, y ser su persona de las calidades y partes que Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima abra entendido. No quiero embaraçar mas a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima solo le supplico no me olvide y me mande todo los que fuera de su gusto y servicioenqueyo puedo ser de provecho. Guarde Dios a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima tantos y tan felices años como desseo En Londres 4 de Julio 1618 . Al Padre Balduino tengo ya aqui en mi posada en su mismo abito de la Compañiay diziendo missa publicamentey acuden innumerabiles gentes a verle , y muchos a confessarse con el que es el alivio de todos los demas cuidades y embaraços que aqui he tenidoy tengo.

Illustrissimo Señor, beso las manos de Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima, su muy obedienteservidor

El Conde de Gondomar

[Translation :]

Right Honorable , My verygoodLord

The kind favour which I received by the letter ofDecember 26th of last year from your Lordship is ofa value higher thanI can pay. For this I kiss your Lordship's hand and feet, which, despite my unworthiness , I have wanted to do personallyfor many years, for it is certain that your Lordship has not a more obedient and loving servant than I in the world . Therefore, I keep carrying with me andreadingregularly one or other ofyour books at presentthe de Gemitu Columbae et Bono Lachrymarum² which is a deep consolationforme. Indeed, in order that your Lordship might also grasp this I have to inform you that your works have been of the greatest effect and value in these northern regions It has been a few days since an important personage ofthis realm came to be reconciled and to recieve the sacraments with the Father Master, Fray Diego de la Fuente, my confessor andhetold me that Cardinal Bellarmine by theforce ofhis reasons has obligedand

lead me to abandonthe synagogue andenterthe church.3 As Isaid , he is among the highest leading personages of this realm in quality and rank

Your Lordship should not thank me for my efforts to assist the fathers ofthe Society here, since despitethefact that it is allthatIam capable ofdoing, it remains much less than Ioughtand want to do .In this respectI want to tellyour Lordship what a very saintly andwise Englishman told me yesterday, which is that he had noticed herein Englandthat the penitents of the Society were as Catholicas thosein Spain and those of other orders and priests were like those in the kingdoms infected with heresy It is certain, myLord, that the Society has a great effect here and distinguished persons are within it and Father Blount, the present superior, is most outstanding in every thing.4

To a good purpose is your Lordship showing a gracious kindness towards John Barclays andI am extremelypleased thatIcan restsatisfied that he will stay assured of it They deeply regret his departure here and what he has been writing is, and has been, givingsatisfaction and contentment to the good. He wrote in profound gratitude about the favours he receives from his Holiness and from your Lordship which I deeply appreciate, and accordingly I most humbly beg your Lordship to continue this since surelyI love and esteem John Barclay asmy veryown brother . Since my health has declined considerably here Iwas obligedto beg my lord, the king, to grant leave to me to go to Spain to recuperate and he has allowed it. I have now taken my leave of this king andwill depart within four days, please God, to travel by Brussels and Paris

Because of my intervention this king has grantedfreedom toall priests who had been imprisonedand condemned to deathwho number seventy-two. Although he had been quite adamantagainst grantingme Father Baldwin' who was in the Tower, finally he sent him tome , in companywith the Marquess of Buckingham , who is his greatfavourite, who brought me a diamondring in the shape ofheart in his name He said that although the king of England had made a greater demonstration of his love and respect towards the ambassador of Spain beyond that to any other on the point ofdeparture- yet he was not satisfied with this but he sent to the Count ofGondomarhis heart in a diamond so thatI might stay assured that it would remainas firm as this had been difficult to carve Since he knewandhad full experience of how puritanical a papist the Count of Gondomar was, he had decided to send me another jewel which I would feel to be a finer present, which was the release of Father Baldwin What enhances enormouslythis gesture ofthe king is the reason for his captivity, the outcry that was made after bringing him from Germany to this kingdom and the numerous princes, ambassadorsandemminentpersonages to whom this king has denied his release . Ihave indicatedproperly my

appreciation of this, for the captivity in which Father Baldwin has spent eight years has been most severewithouta possibility ofspeaking or meeting with anyone, and his character retains the qualities and traits of which your Lordship has long been aware . I had not wished to detain your Lordshipfurthersave onlyto beg that youdo notforget me and that you commandany thing that might beforyourpleasure and service whereinI can be ofassistance . May God protect your Lordship formanyhappyyears as I desire. In London 4July1618 . I have Father Baldwin in his own Jesuit robe here now in my residence , even saying masspublicly Countless peopleflock to seehim and many to make their confessions to him . This is the rewardforall the other anxietiesand difficulties that I have borneandstill bear here. My verygood Lord, I kiss yourLordship's hand, yourmostobedient servant , The Count ofGondomar

1 The letter is in his Epistolae Familiares , pp 353-54 (No. clv) translated (with wrong date) in Broderick, J. The Life and Work of Blessed Robert Bellarmine (London, 1928) vol 2, pp 285-86 .

2 There are editionsin Rome, Antwerp, Lyon, Paris, Cologne in 1617

3 Sentence underlinedin document

4 Sentence underlinedin document

5 John Barclay (1582-1621 ) a Latin poet, was born atPont àMousson thesonof William Barclay , a Scottish Catholic professor of law at the university Late in 1605 he came to England and was appointed a Gentleman of the King's Bedchamber His poems, dedicated to RobertCecil, Ludovick Stewart and Baron Hay dealt with King James's favorite anti-Catholic themes (See D. Fleming, "John Barclay : Neo-Latinist at the Jacobean Court" , Renaissance News vol 19 (1966), pp. 228-36)

6 In the summer of 1615 the papal secretary of state acknowledged Sarmiento's letter announcingthe return ofJohn Barclay to the churchwhichwill be"fruitful for the Catholics of England" at that time he promised 600 scudi a year in pension. (A.S.V. Fondo Borghese series I, vol 973 f 352, Cardinal Borghese to Sarmiento , Rome, 15 August 1615) In January-February 1616 Barclay wrote several lettersto Fray Diego de la Fuente from Rome expressing his gratitudefor hisassistancewiththe pope (B. Nac Manuscritos , vol 18420 ff 83-96).

7 For William Baldwinsee the AppendixII

8 Postscript in Gondomar's hand


. London,22 July 1618 o.s.


Original Latin autograph , 1 page, E 2598 n fol Text: Renaissance Quarterly vol. 21 (1968), p 1. Sir Francis Bacon,BaronVerulam, Lord Chancellor of England reveals the existence of a private agreement between Gondomar and James I that the activities of pursuivants against Catholics were to be soon curtailed. See also The Narrative pp. 146-49. Previously , Gondomar had explained in a letter to Lucio Morra , Archbishop of Otranto, papal nuncio in Flanders that he had had a long private audience with King James who asserted: "The persecution is against his will and intentions, that he intended to remedy it himself and that he would recall immediatelythe commissions given to each pursuivantwho enforces the law and accordingly no one would be able to search houses and effect arrests and penalties without having an express and particular order from six of the Privy Council, and the king himself said that it was already decided and would be ordered into effect the first day he reached Brussels . . " (A.S.V. Fondo Borghese, Series II vol 354 f. 5, Lucio Morra to the Secretaryof State , Brussels, 16 June 1618). The next threedocuments belowillustrate the subsequent events .


Illustrious Lord

In your absence to converse by letters is to alleviatemissing you. There is moreoveran excellent occasion for this letter When my king was about to leave the city, he gave me to know in hisinstructionsthat he confided to my charge to see that the pursuivants' severity and abuses against Catholics were investigated and checked as soon as possible While this pertainsto the maintenance of justice, than which nothing is customarily more important to our king, yet I perceived at once that this time his Most Serene Majesty was more earnestly devotinghimself to it in that he sought to satisfyyourIllustrious Lordship I am sure that this will not be displeasing to you andI myself learned ofit with morepleasure because ofmy affection foryou. Farewell, and take care ofyour health which stands endangered byheavy cares . I felicitate you on the fair crossing 22 July, old style, 1618 Francis of Verulam , Chancellor


Original decipher, received on 1 September , 3 pages , E 2598/81. For the twentymonths of Gondomar'sabsence fromLondon, the embassy was officiallyunderthe care of donJulian as ResidentAgent. (p.2) + Señor

Las cosas de la religion catholica aqui se van mejorando cada dia y a los Catholicosy bien intencionados les parece que dentro de muy pocos meses no ha de auer memoria de persecuçion en Inglaterra por que este Rey pone mucho cuydado en que se quiten los Pursibantes (que son la gente mas perjudicial y los mayores perseguidores que ay aqui contra sacerdotes y Catholicos ) y ellos como alguaziles¹ prendeny acusan y he salido que el Rey embio a llamar al Gran Chanciller de Inglaterray le ha dicho que haga parecer en la camera estelata algunos destos Pursibantes y se castiguen por los robos y vejaciones que hazen a Catholicosy que se les quite todas las comisiones y Guarantes que tuuiesen de obispos para prender.

Y auiendo entendido el Rey que el Baron Gefil Presidente de la Prouincia de Jorque usaba de su officio con demasiada pasion y procedia muy asperamente y rigurosamente contra Catholicosle quite la presidencia y me afirman que se dara al Varon Escruse³ hombre templado y no malicioso, el Chanciller es muy buen cavallero ymuy bien inclinado y aficionado(p.3) a las cosas de España y assi lo muestra en las ocasiones que se offrecen y una persona de mucho credito y autoridad me ha dicho que el chanciller se ha holgadode que el Reyle aya cometido lo de los pursibantes porque como vee que esto va enderaçado al casamiento que se trata deste Principe con la Señora Infanta Doña Maria y que el animo del Rey esta dispuesto a hazer quanto sea possible de su parte para que venga a effecto y elChanciler lo dessea le pareçe que agora con lo que el Rey le ha encargado podra mas libremente hablar y tratar con el lo que conuiene para que no afloge de la buena disposicion en que esta y adelantara las cosas de la religion Catholica

Ayermurio aqui el obispo de Winchestre capellan mayordeste Rey y gran puritano y dize se por muy cierto que le succedra el obispo de Glique [sic] es del Consejo de Estado persona doctay bienaffecta a la religiony de buena partehe sabido tambieny confirmadolo por muchas vias que este Rey da intencion de deponer de los officios a todos los ministros assi eclesiasticos como seglares que le parece son opuestos al

casamiento y que lo ira disponiendopoco a poco porque de golpey de una vez dize que no puede hazer todo lo que (p.4) querria en esta materia Guarde Dios la CatholicaPersona, etc.


Sire, +

The affairs ofthe Catholicfaith continue to improvehere daily and it seems to the Catholicsand the well disposed that within a very few months the memory ofpersecutionin England is to cease to exist. For this king has exerted considerable care that the pursuivantsbe suppressed (they are the most obnoxious people and the greatest persecutors ofpriests and Catholics that exist here) andthey make arrests and place charges as an alguacil does.¹ I am aware that the king senta summons to the Lord ChancellorofEngland andhetoldhim torender a judgementin the StarChamber against some ofthesepursuivantsthat they be punishedfor thefts andharassments which they commit against Catholics and that all the commissions and warrantswhich they held from bishops to make arrests are to bevacated

When the king learned that LordSheffield, President oftheprovince [sic] of York made use of the powers of his office with excessive anger and acted with considerable harshness and severity against Catholics , he deprived him of the presidencyand they tell me thatit will be given to Lord Scrope³ a moderateperson withoutmalice. The Chanceller is a very fine man , very well disposed and devotedtothe affairsofSpain andhe shows this fittingly in the opportunities thatare offered . An individual of considerable trust andauthority toldmethat the Chancellor was pleased about the king's commission to him concerning the matter of the pursuivants , because as he sees that thisis linked to the marriage which is being discussed between thisprinceand the Lady Infanta, DoñaMariaandthat the king'smind is disposed todo whatevermay be possible on his part that it should come to passand the Chancelloralso desires this, it seems to him that at presenthewill beableto speak morefreelywiththe king aboutwhat he hasasked him to do and to discuss with him what is suitable to prevent him from abandoningthe good disposition in which he is at presentand he will assistthe affairsofthe Catholicfaith.

Yesterday, the king's principal chaplain and a great puritan, the Bishop of Winchester died It is being said as a certainty that the Bishop of Ely shall succeed him . He is a Privy Councillor, a learned man and well disposed towardsreligion. From a good source, which I have confirmed in many ways, I have also learned that this kinghas been thinking of removing from office all officials, whether ecclesiastical or secular, whom he believes are opposed to the marriageand that he will continue to arrange it little by little, since at a strokeand

atone time he says that he can notdo everythingthat hewants in this question. May God protect the Catholicperson, etc.

1 i.e. a constable Some previous Spanish representations against themare noted in the author's"The Spanish ambassador and the Pursuivants" , Cath. Hist Rev. vol 49 (1963) pp. 203-10 .

2 Edmund 3rd Lord Sheffield(1565-1646 ) Lord President of theCouncilof the North; see also Doc. 30


Emmanuel 11th Lord Scrope (1584-1630 )

4 See Doc 39

5 James Montague

6 Launcelot Andrewes was nominated to Winchester the day this letter was written.




TO PHILIP III London, 24 September 1618.

Original decipher received on 5 November , 3 pages , E2598/101.

(p.2) + Señor

En carta de 30 de Julio dixe a VuestraMagestad como las cosas de la religion Catholicaaqui se yban mejorando cada diay comoeste Rey auia mandado proceder contra los pursibantes y que se les quitasen¹ las comisiones que tenian para prendera sacerdotes y catolicos. Esto se va executandoy los catolicosdandoynfinitas gracias a Dios por el sosiego y quietud que agora tienen lo atribuyen al casamiento que se trata del principe de Gales con la Señora Infanta Doña Mariay estan contentos que dizen que si acauan de quitar de todo punto los pursibantes es conceder libertad de conciencia y se puede dezir que ya aqui no ay persecucion pues se vee que con sauer este Rey y sus ministros que los mas de los sacerdotes que el Conde de Gondomar saco de las carceles deste Reyno y paso del a otra parte (p.3) de la mar se han buelto y que andan descubiertamente por las calles de Londres algunos se disimula y pasa por ello y dizenme que queriendo el Arzobispo de Cantarberi dar al Rey una informacion hecha contra

algunos catolicosle pregunto el Rey que era lo que conteniay haziendole el Arzobispo relacion dello sustancialmente tomo el Rey la informacion y que sin leerla la hizo pedaços delanteel mismoArzobispocon quey con ver que la gente que acude cada dia sin peligroningunoala capilla que vuestra Magestad tiene en esta casa a confesar y a oyr misa es tanta particularmentelos dias de fiesta que no cabe en la capilla con ser muy capaz crecen las esperanzasdel effecto del casamiento quecon gradisima ansialo desea casi toda la nobleza de Inglaterra

Yde buenapartehe sauido que esteReyesta con animode hazertodo quanto sea possible en materia de religion para que se concluya el (p.4) casamiento pero que sera poco a pocoy no se declarara ni alargara mucho hasta veer que redunda de la llegada del conde de Gondomara la corte de Vuestra Magestad y que de ello depende agora todo el negocio Dios guarde,etc.

[Translation :]


In a letter ofJuly 30th I told yourMajesty that the affairs ofthe Catholic religion were continuing to improve daily and that this king had given orders to proceed against the pursuivants and that the commissions which they held to arrest priests and Catholics shouldbe vacated.¹

This is continuing to be fulfilled and the Catholics , while giving infinite thanks to God for the relief and quiet that they now enjoy, attribute it to the marriage which is being negotiated between the Prince of Wales and theLady Infanta, DoñaMaria They are so content that they are saying that if they succeed in blockingthepursuivantsin every way it means the concession of liberty of conscience At the moment one can now say that there is no persecution, for it is to be seen in the fact that with the knowledge of the king and of his officials² that themajority ofthepriests whom the count ofGondomar tookfrom the prisons ofthis kingdom and brought away fromhereto the other side of the sea , have returned and that it is concealed and overlooked that some are walking about openly in the streets of London They tell me that whenthe ArchbishopofCanterburywanted to hand the king a report against some Catholics the king asked him what itcontained. WhentheArchbishopgave him an accountofits substance the king, withoutreadingit, tore itintopieces in thepresence of the Archbishop. In addition there is to be seen the people who resort daily to the chapelwhich yourMajesty maintainsin this residence for confession and to hear mass The crowd is so large, especially on feast days, that there is not enough room in the chapel although it is very capacious. The number is increasing as a result of the marriage which almost the entire nobility of England desires with deepest longing

From agoodsource Ihavelearned that thisking hasdeterminedtodo everything as far as possible in thequestionofreligion so that themarriage be concluded , but it will be little by little. He will not declare himself norexert himselffurtheruntil he sees what willresultfromthe arrival of the Count of Gondomar at your Majesty's court At the moment the entire negotiation hinges upon this. May Godprotect , etc.

1 Seethe preceeding Doc

2 This is a mistake The condition of their release was that they should not return. Digby advised Buckingham that the "greater part have returned" and accordinglythe king "wil havejust causeto shew himselfverysensible ... " (B. M. Harleian Ms. 1580 f. 102, letter of 12 Oct. 1618)


London, 16 November 1618 .

Original autograph , received on 21 December , 5 pages , E 2597/71. By order of Philip, Fray Diego was asked, togetherwithdon Julian ,to report to James I regularly on the progress of negotiationsin Spain (E 2572/326, Philip III to Gondomar, 18 August 1618).


Se + Señor

Este Rey vino aqui el sabado passado de Roeston y deseando yo hablarle por la noticia que (como he escrito a VuestraMagestad con carta de 10 deste) tenia de lo qual los mal yntencionadosprocuraban obrar en el para divertirle del tratado de casamiento y de toda buena correspondencia con Vuestra Magestad hiçe diligencia para hablar al Marques de Boquingam y tenerpor este medioaudienciadel Rey Señalome tiempo para oy viernes a la diez de la mañana y hauiendome receuido muy grata y cortesamente en camino como tubiesse luego audiencia del Rey que cierto muestra el Marques particular ynclinacion al seruiciode Vuestra Magestad y en las cosas que yo le propuse de lo que los mal yntencionadoshaçian respondiomuy bien y me pidiole auisase de todos los singulares que yo supieseen esta parte asegurandome que el Rey estaba con desseo de castigarlos exem-

plarmente. Yo le di un librillo que ha salido estos dias (p.3) aquien Londres aunque sin nombre de Autor pero tienele del Ympresory el dara quenta del Autor señalole algunas proposiciones que tenia notadas en el contra el matrimonio y contra la amistad de España² y dile tambien una avenga que hiço un juez en la Provinciade Yorque conel mismo buenespiritu que el que hiçoel libro, dixome que los malyntencionados se vean muy apretados de las veras con que procedia este tratado y assi no querrian perder el poco tiempo que les quedaba yole respondi que aora era el tiempo de resistirles con mayor esfuerço para que se violenciano hiçiesse suerto.

Entre a hablar al Rey y hauiendome reciuido muy gratamente le represente los ynconvenientes que podria tener el no ympedir la corriente a los mal yntencionados en lo que hauian començado estos dias contra los Catolicos por ser en tiempo en que tambien se yba sazonando y disponiendo la conclusion del tratado en que Vuestra Magestad van con tan buena y verdadera yntencion de que no es mal argumento lo que sus ministros y criados de Vuestra Magestad han hecho y hacen aqui desdeel principio desta platica que es tratar siempre de quitar estoruos que quien trata desto bien muestra querer el efecto y que el se deuia reçelar mucho de los que procuranponertantos(p.4) estoruos

Que yo le suplicaba que hasta que viesse mas eficaces argumentos que los que le haçian malas yntencionesno tubiesse ningun reçelo de la verdadera yntencion de VuestraMagestad.

Respondime que si bien era verdad que de muchas partes continuaban el ponerle en desconfianca el no queria entrar en ella por lo que fiaba de un tan grande Principe como Vuestra Magestad y que deseabatanto que el tratado se adelantase y concluyesse que en orden desto harai todo lo que pudiesse y mas si aora despuesde la llegada del Conde de Gondomar a la corte de VuestraMagestad le viniessen buenas nueuas como las esperaba y que el remediarialos desordenes queyo le hauia propuesto particularmente los que tocan a España de que hauia y mandado se hiçiesse aueriguacion .

Apretele con el exemplo que don Francisco Cotinton ha escritodel castigo que Vuestra Magestad mando hacer en Pedro Mantuanoporlo que escriuiocontra las cosas de aca³ de que este (p.5) Reymostroestar muy satisfecho.

Hiçele tambien una breve relacion de agrauios de sus ministros contra catolicos diçiendolehablaua en ellos solo porel ladoquepodian haçer daño a lo que el mostraba deseartanto y viendole bien dispuesto le hice un sermonçillo breue exortandole a clemencia y pidiendole siguiese el alcançe de lo que con tanto valor hauia comencado pocos dias antes .

Y cierto Señorque lo oyo muy bienyme a sido de la manoportres vezes haciendome muchas honrrasy mostrandoestar muy gustoso con que me despedi del de todo lo demas que se offreçiereen la materiayre

dando muy particular quenta a VuestraMagestad cuyacatolica persona guarde nuestro Señor largos yfeliçissimosaños como la Christiandadha menester Londres Noviembre16 del 1618 . (autograph) Fray Diego de la Fuente

[Translation :]


, This kingcame here fromRoyston lastSaturday¹ andasIdesiredto speak with him because I had information (as I wrote to yourMajesty in a letter of the 10th ofthis month) about how the ill-disposed were trying to influencehim to turnawayfrom the marriage treaty andafull accord with your Majesty, I managed to speak to the Marquess of Buckinghamand by this means to secure an audience from theking. He arranged the time for today, Friday, at ten in the morning where he welcomedme most graciouslyand courteouslyon the way for the audience with the king was to take place at onceas the Marquess clearly indicated a special partialityforyourMajesty'sservice and to the things that I might explain about the way the ill-disposed are acting. He replied very favourably and asked me to keep him informed about every detail that Imight learnfrom thisdirection while he assured me that the king intended to punish them in an exemplary fashion.

Itold him that I had seen a book which had appeared recently here in London. Although its author was not named still the printer was known and he should reveal the author. I pointed out to him certain statements which I had marked within it against the marriage and friendship with Spain. I told him as well about the vindictiveness which a Yorkshirejudge displayedin the samefine spirit as theperson who composed the book. He told me that the ill-disposed considered themselves very hardpressed becauseofthe progress ofthisnegotiation and thus they did not want to lose the little time still left to them . I replied that now was the time to withstand them withgreaterforceso that their violence might not endin a loss.

Ithen went in to speak to the king who received meverygraciously and I explainedto him the evils that can result by notfrustrating the ill-disposed in theiractivities which they have recently initiated against Catholics, as it is within the time when a treaty was being completed and concluded in which your Majesty with such a good and true purpose , about which there is not a single bad argumentagainst what yourMajesty's officials and servants have done and are still doing here since the start of this discussion, which is always to push away the obstacles. For whoevernegotiates for this good purposeshows that he desires that result and one is duty bound to avoid completely those who tryto set up so many obstacles.

[I said] that I begged him that, until he should see more cogent arguments than the ones which these hostileintentionsprovide to him , heshouldnothave any fear ofthe truepurposeofyourMajesty. He replied to me that although it was true that frommanyquarters they were continuing to render him distrustful he did not desire to become so, since he trusted so great a prince as yourMajestyand he was so desirous that the treaty shouldbe advanced andconcludedthat, in order to have it, he would do everythinghe couldandmoreifnow , at the arrival ofthe count of Gondomar at your Majesty'scourt, the good news that he longedfor might come and that he would takecare of the disturbances that I had set out beforehim especially thosethat touched upon Spain concerning which he had given orders that an investigationbe made I brought before him the case about which Sir Francis Cottington had written of the punishment whichyourMajestyhad commanded to be imposed upon Pedro Mantuanofor what he had writtenagainstthe situation here . At this the king showed himself quite content. Ialso provided him with a briefreport of the offences ofhis officialsagainst Catholics, although I told him that I spoke about them only from a fear that they might damage what he was proving that he desiredso much. When I saw him so well-disposed I offered him a brief little sermon formercyand beggedhim to follow throughto the end whathe hadbegun with such courage a few days before. Certainly, Sire, he heard this out very well and gavemehishandon three occassions while showing memanyfavoursandindicating thathe was very pleased whenat thepointofdismissing me Concerningeverything else that might happen I shall continue to presenta very special report to yourMajestywhose Catholicperson mayour Lordprotect for many very happy years as Christianity has need London 16 November 1618 . (autograph) Fray Diego dela Fuente

i.e. 1 November 1618

2 At this time George Calvert reported a search for the author of a printed letter of Archbishop Abbot which was a forgery (Breslow, M. A Mirror of England: English Puritan Views of Foreign Nations , 1618-40, Harvard, 1970, pp 67-68)

3 P.R.O. S.P. 77/16/402-5 contains the"Discourse ofPedro Mantuanotouching the match between England and Spaine" This secretary of the Count of Lemos argued that there are signs of God's displeasure after previous marriages of Catholics and heretics In this year he had published a laudatory account of the marriages of Bourbon and Habsburg in Casamientos de España y Francia y Viage del Duque de Lerma (Madrid, 1618).

43. JULIAN SANCHEZDE ULLOA TO PHILIP III. London, 18 January 1619 .

Originalwith a part deciphered , 2 pages, E2599/44 .

(p.2) +


Muchoscaualleros de este Reyno estan con muy gran deseo deyr a servir a VuestraMagestad en la guerra y holgariande que siendo Vuestra Magestad servido, se levantase un regimientode Ingleses, que para esto , auiendo permissionde este Rey ay personas de mucha calidad que se offrezen a buscar y hallar un coronel con capitanes y demas officiales de la nobleça de Inglaterra con gente escogido que yran de muy buena gana a servir en Flandes o donde Vuestra Magestad les mandare y en esta conformidad algunos destos cavalleros que ya siruieron a Vuestra Magestad en aquellos estados han escrito agora un papel al Conde de Gondomarpara que sepa le boluntad de Vuestra Magestad (Llamanse¹ los que proponen esto don Eduardo Somersea2 cauallero mozo y de gallarda dispocision , hijo del Conde de Uster que es aqui del Consejo de Estado y tiene de Sello Priuado , don Jorge Piter³ y don Eduardo Param que estos dos fueren otra vez sospechosos a Flandes y son personas de mucha estima y todos tres muy buenos Catolicos). Dequeme ha parecido dar cuenta a Vuestra Magestad cuya Catolica persona guarde Dios como la Christiandad ha menester Londres , 18 de Henero 1619

Don Julian Sanchez de Ulloa



Many gentlemenofthis kingdom are extremelyanxioustogo tothe war in your Majesty's service and they would be pleased that, should your Majesty desire, a regiment ofEnglishmen be raised, as, oncethe permission ofthis king is granted, thereare peopleofhighquality who offer themselves for this and to seek out andfind a colonel with the captains and the other officials from among the nobility of England with a select troop who will go very willingly to serve in Flandersor where your Majesty might order them. In this respectsome of these gentlemen who have alreadyserved your Majesty in thoseregionshave now writtena paperfor the Count ofGondomarin order to learnyour Majesty's will. (Those who propose¹ this are named Sir Edward

Somerset , a young gentleman ofa brave temperament , the son ofthe Earl of Worcester, who is here a Privy Councillor and Keeper ofthe Privy Seal, Sir George Petre(?) and Sir Edward Parham . These two have been on another occasion under suspicion of being in Flanders. They are persons of high repute and all three are good Catholics). I thought it best to give your Majesty a report about this . May God protect the Catholic person ofyour Majesty as Christianity has need London, 18January1619. (autograph ) Don Julian SanchezdeUlloa

1 This part was in cipher

2 Sir Edward Somerset, fourthson of Edward 4thEarl ofWorcester.

3 Sir George Petre ofEssex?

4 Sir Edward Parham of Lincolnshire

5 On the cover the Secretary of the Council wrote: the Archduke was to be informed and "should the captains be good, he might consider whether these persons might be suitable at the time of the break of the truce with the Dutch . "


London, 18 January1619 .

Original autograph received on 11 February 1619, 3 pages , E 2597/ (p.2) +


En carta de 21 de Diziembredi quentaa VuestraMagestad de loque los Puritanosy mal Yntencionadostrabajan aqui procurandoanimarla execucion de las leyes que ay contra Catholicosy como en particular en una junta que se tubo en casa delChancillerhabian acordado losdos puntos de que se executase la ley no solo contra los hombres que recusan yr a las iglesias de los Protestantes porque estan condenados en veinte libras al mes que haçen ochocientos reales, sino tambien contra las mugeres que por la misma causa estan condenados en diez libras y que se examinasen de nueuo las composiciones que los Catolicos cuyas haçiendas, o las dos partes dellas estaban confiscadas

conforme a las leyes de este reyno habian hecho con el Rey¹ prometiendose sacartangran suma de dineropor este medio .

Dixe tambien a Vuestra Magestad que me parecia no se llegariaa executar esto por algunos inconuinientes de consideracion que se descubrian y assi lo va pareciendo y que aquello no fue mas que amenaca y a (p.3) lo que se entiende querer quietar a los puritanos, pues no se habla ya en ello, y en lo demas tienenun poco de respiracion y aliuio los Catolicos por aora,yo procuro quanto puedo se aprouechen de manera que les dure, porque con qualquier ocasion tienen tantos fiscales contra si, que les haren todo el daño posible

Este Rey ordeno al Baron Digbi en Numarqueteque me dixese de su parte que la buelta de los sacerdotes de que ya he dado quenta a Vuestra Magestad² habia traydo consigo tan grandes inconuinientes que no se podian deçir que por euitar los padres adelante se holgaria mucho de diese orden como los obligasen a detenerse a la otra parte del Mar, dandoles casa y sustento a los sacerdotes secularesen laforma que ay algunos seminarios para Ingleses³ que desta manera me lodixo el Baron o acomodandolos en otra forma quemejor pareciesea Vuestra Magestad o al Papa

Yo tube por buena esta proposicion juzgando por ella que el Rey estaba cerca de desenojarse contralos sacerdotes pues llegaba ya a tratar de medios y asi me parecio conuinienteoffrecer daria quenta a Vuestra Magestad y darle al Baron buenas esperancas de que VuestraMagestad abra e auia muy bien qualquier medio que fuese a proposito para que ni los sacerdotes ni los demas catolicosdiesen disgusto a este Reyy que lo mismo sentia de la intencion de su Santidad y que (p.4) de Vuestra Magestad era bien cierto pues sabiayo que sus embaxadores y ministros habian tenido aqui siempre ynstrucionesy ordenes muy apretadas para procurar que los catolicos le fuesen seguros y leales vasallos en todo.4

El hacer lo que este Rey propone demas de hacerse con su approbaciony gusto y saliendo el al camino que no espoco pues le han dado tanta pena los seminarios que hasta aqui se han hecho terniaami parecer artas conviniencias de consideracion a si para detener en el por algun tiempo los sacerdotes que salen desterrados del reyno como tambien para retirar de quandoen quando algunos de aqui que lo unoy lo otro seria importantisimo para el mayor efecto y para la mayor seguridad de los Catolicos y no seria de menos consideracion que los sacerdotes que hubiesen de venir a este reyno se registrasen primeroen este seminario algun tiempo, y se conociese quales serian a proposito para aqui y los demas se saçonasen y madurasen mas de que me ha parecido dar quenta a VuestraMagestad y suplicarlemuyhumilmente se sirua de ordenar me lo que debo responder si me ablaren masenesta materia guarde Dios la catolica persona de Vuestra Magestad largos y felices años como la Christiandad ha menester. Londres Henero 18 de 1619

Fray Diego de la Fuente


Sire , In a letter of December 21st I reported to your Majestywhatthe Puritansand the ill-disposed are trying to do here by seeking to revive the enforcement of the existing laws against Catholics and how especially in a meeting which took place in the residence of the Chancellor they secured agreement on two points wherebythe law isto be enforced not merely against men who refuseto go to churches of the Protestants , for which they are condemned to twenty pounds a month , which is valued at eight hundredreales, butalso against women who for the same cause are condemned to ten pounds Furthermore there is to be a fresh examination of the compositions which the Catholics, whose estates or two parts ofthem were confiscatedin keeping with the laws ofthis kingdom, had made with the king. They are convincing themselves that they will extort a great amount of moneyby this means 1

Ialso toldyourMajestythatIdid notbelieve that itwould reachthe point of enforcement ofthis because of certain significant difficulties which were discovered and itdoes continueto seemlikelythat this was nothing more than a threat and that it is to beunderstoodas a wishto quiet the Puritans because there is no further talk about it As aresult the Catholics have a little respite and relief. Iam trying as muchasIcan to maintain their advantage so that it will continue to exist for them since they have so many prosecutorsat hand against them at every opportunity who might do them every possible harm .

This king ordered Baron Digby at Newmarket to tell me on his behalf that the return of thepriestsabout this Ihave alreadyreported to your Majesty² has brought such great disadvantages with itthat they can not be told, andto avoidthem in thefuturehe would bevery pleased that an order be given by which they are forced to remain on the other side of the sea , by providing a house and support for the secular priests in the way that happens in certain seminaries for the English . The Baron told me that they should be accomodated in this wayor inanotherthat might appear better to yourMajestyorthe Pope

Itook this report in good part, understanding by it that the king was about to lose his temperagainst thepriests forhe wasgetting close to a decisionabout measuresand so Ithought itproper to inform your Majesty and provide the baron with fair hopes of whatyour Majesty would holdand hadalreadyaccepted in goodpartany measure that might be proper as long as both the priests and the rest ofthe Catholicswould notgive any offense to this king andthat Ithought the same about the attitude of his Holiness , as this was most certain on your Majesty's part for I knew that his ambassadors and officials had always brought here very explicitinstructionsandorders to see thatthe Catholics were reliableand loyal subjects in every respect*

Doing what this king proposes, aside from proceeding with his approval and to his satisfaction and provided it seems that a start is beingmade, which is no small thing since the seminaries are givinghim so much trouble as they have done until now, will create great advantages ofimportance by the detainingfor some time ofpriestswholeft the kingdom for exile and also for the removing of some from here , from time to time as either the one or the other will be highly important for the principal result and for the greater security of the Catholics. It wll be of no less value to have the priests who mightbe coming into this kingdomregistered first in this seminaryfor some time and there be an inquiry as to whether they be suitable for here and others become more seasoned and mature. I thought that a report should be given to your Majesty and I beg most humbly that you would please send advice to me about what I ought to replyifthey should speak to me again on this question. May God protect the Catholic person of your Majesty for many prosperous years as Christianity has need London, 18 January1619. (autograph) Fray Diego de la Fuente

1 Reportsdiffer about this meeting Van Male wrote that Bacon rebukedthe justices for their faulty observance of penal laws Lord Montague , Chief Justice , was said to have suggested these changes which were then reserved to King James's decision (P C 54 f. 301, Van Male to Archduke 14 Dec. 1618).

2 SeeDoc. 42.

3 Joseph Creswell had already complained to Gondomarofthe lack offundsto support the sudden influx of clergy, but he said the clergy did notintendto stay permanently , but "to recover new strength and return better prepared to labour ... (Madrid Academia de Historia, Manuscritos 9/84 f. 150 Creswell to Gondomar 28 Sept. 1618) When Digby had seen Fray Diego beforethis letter was written he saw "some lettersfrom Flanders as likewise a grant of the Archduchess for some relief to such Jesuits as came over . . " This was a hint thathe hoped they would remain there. (P.R.O. S.P. 94/23/80 Digby to Buckingham , 1 Dec. 1618)

4 Seefor example , Vol 1 , Doc 6 and 10


London, 30June 1619 .

Originaldecipher , 1 page, E 2599/137 .

(p.2) +


En cartas de 29 Noviembre, 21 de Decembre y 18 de Hebrero di quentaa Vuestra Magestad de la instancia que hacian con este Reylos Puritanos para executarse algunas leyes penales contra las mugeres Catolicas recusantes y aunque esto trae tantas inconuinientesque ellos y la nouedad hacen parece que aseguraban que no tubiera efecto esta proposicionla malicia de los Puritanosy los mal intencionados hasido porfiada que ha ydo obrando en el animo del Rey y disponiendole sobre la necessidad grande que tiene de dinero para que executecomo lahahecho estos dias a algunas mugeres.²

Yo he habladodiferentesveces en ello procurandoreducir a propria conueniencia suya el no hacer aora lo que no ha hecho en todo su tiempo ni hiço la reyna como le dixe a VuestraMagestad conla cartade 18 de Henero³ y todas las veces que le he visto despuesaca le hedicho algunas cosas en esta conformidad particularmente despues de su enfermedad assegurando le tenia grande obligaciona los Catolicos ylo que en sustancia responde y dicen muchos descubiertamente es que hasta que se asegurase de que el casamiento con la Señora Infanta terna effecto no quiere perder el interes y prouechoque puede tenerpor esta parte . Dios Guarde , etc.


Sire , In letters of November 29th, December 10th and February 18th I reported to your Majestyabout the urgentefforts which thePuritans are making with this king for the enforcement of certain penal laws against Catholic women.¹ Although this produces great difficulties, which both they andthe novelty create, it seems that therewere certain proceedings against havingthis proposal take effect Still the maliceof the Puritans and the illdisposed has been so insidious that it has continued to work upon the mind of the king and to influence him , because of his great need ofmoney, to enforce it against some women as he has done recently.2

I have spoken out at different times about it in tryingto showhis

ownadvantage in avoidingsomethingnewwhich hehad not doneinthe entire reign nor had Queen Elizabeth, as I told your Majesty in the letter ofFebruary 18th.³ Every time that I saw him thereafterwardsI told him some things appropriate to this, especially after his illness , assuring him that he was deeply obliged to the Catholics . Whathe replies in effect and what he is saying in private to many is thatuntilhe is certain that the marriage with the Lady Infanta will takeplacehe does not want to lose the support and interestwhich he can holdfrom that faction. May Godprotect, etc.

1 See doc 44

2 Van Male reported that Catholics of "a good income" were payinga fineof "200 florins a month" because of their wives (PC55 f. 156 Van Male toPraets, 10 May 1619) See also Aveling, NorthernCatholics, p.213 ff

3 In this previous letter he reported an interviewwithJamesin whichheargued that puritans expected to disrupt the marriage "by giving as their excuse their zeal for his service ... " (E 2599/66, FrayDiego to Philip III, 18 Feb. 1619)


Copy deciphered , 4 pages , E 2600/28 Don Alonso de la Cueva , Marquis of Bedmar, was Spanish ambassador in Brussels. (p.1)

Por relaciones de Padres de la Compañia de Jesus y de caualleros y otras personas Inglesas que estan entretenidos por essas partes abra Vuestra Señoria entendido que tal aya sido el estado de los Catolicos deste reyno desde que en el entro este Reyy assi agora dare a Vuestra Señoria quenta solamente de algunas particularidades notables del estado presente de las cosas de losCatholicos. Cada Catholico que profesa serlo descubiertamente , sea cauallero o titulado, o de otra calidad rico esta obligado a pagar al Rey cada mes de composicion 20 libras esterlinas que hazen ochocientos reales por no ir a la iglesia de los heregesy esto se pagaua assi en tiempo de la Reyna Isabel, pero agora el Rey quiere que se den mas y manda que paguen otro tanto por sus mugeres Catholicosy que los caualleros heregesque

tienen mugeres Catholicas paguen de la misma manera por cada una dellas 20 libras cada mes y que los unos y los otros, no solo por lo de presente yporvenirqueden obligados (p.2) assi a pagarpor sus mugeres cada mes sino tambienpor lo passadode manera que hallandose muchas señoras tales que las unas ha que son Catholicas diez años, otras 15 , otras 20 y aun algunas 30 sin obligacion de pagar cosa ninguna los maridos han de pagar todo una vez desde el tiempo que ha que ellas son Catholicas hasta agora, inbencion no menos diabolicay astuta que importante al autor para sacar presto gran suma de ducados y aruynar totalmentelas casas y estados de los Catholicos.

Y pensando que quiça muchas destas señoras Catholicas porsalbar a sus maridos casas y hijos de tanto daño y ruyna temporal querrian entrarse en las carceles y dexarse estar alli hasta morir ha se resuelto no admitirlo. Y el Rey mando a su abogado general¹ (que en España llaman fiscal) que sin delacion ni remisionalguna execute estas ordenes y assi estan llamados y citados muchissimos caualleros Catholicos y hereges para que parezcan ante el dentro de un breuetiempo enque seran sentenciados a pagar por sus mugeres como queda dicho (p.3) tambien los otros Catholicos que no tienen caudal ni hazienda para poder pagar las 20 librascada mes auiendo la Reyna Isabel tomadopara si dos partes de sus rentas de cada año pretendese agora que se les hizo entonces particion demasiado faborable y que assi se ha de hazer otra particion rigurosa.²

El estado de los CatholicosIrlandeses no es menos lastimoso pues no solo pagan cada mes los titulados y caualleros pero viniendo a morir alguno dellos su hijo o otro heredero si es Catholico por las leyes no puede entrar en posesion de sus tierras y hazienda hasta auer desamparado la profecion de la santa fee catholicay aun dado fiadores de no solo de alli adelante viuir hereje frequentando como los demas sus iglesias pero de morir³ tal es la maldad inuentada para desaraygarlos ydestruirlosa todos .

Y contra los otros pobres Catholicos tambien se ha establecido ley que el que no fuese a la iglesia de los heregescada domingoha depagar por cada vez nueue peniques moneda de Inglaterra que hazen real y medio, lo qual se executa sin remisionalguna yansi daran desta suerte la muchadumbrede Catholicos que ay en aquel (p.4) reyno se saca cada año gran cantidad de ducados que es lo que que este Rey con sumo cuydadobusca por semejantes medios y traças para socorrer al hierno. Guarde Dios a Vuestra Excellencia


Through reports from Fathers ofthe Society ofJesus , Englishmen and others who are pensioned in those regions, yourLordship willhave learned what has been the situation ofthe Catholics ofthis realm since

the time this king arrived here and accordinglyIwillpresent areport to your Lordship only about certain noteworthy traits of the present situation ofthe affairsofthe Catholics

Every Catholic who professes to be one openly, whether he is a gentleman , or a nobleman or ofother wealthy status, is obligedtopay to the king each month twenty pounds sterling which amount to eight hundred reales for not attending the church of the heretics . This was duly paid in the days of Queen Elizabeth but at presentthe king wants them to pay as much because of their Catholic wives and that hereticalgentlemenwho have Catholic wives should pay, with the same feefor the other, twenty poundsa month, andthattheoneorthe other, not only for the present and for the future remains obliged accordingly to pay for his wife each month, but also for thepast Asa consequence many such women are being found for there are some who have been Catholics for ten years, others fifteen, others twenty, and even some for thirty withoutan obligation to pay anything. Now the husbands have to pay everythingat once from the time they were Catholicsuntilthe present. A contrivanceno less diabolical and clever as it is important for its inventor to acquirequickly a large amountof ducatsandtoruin completelythe homes andproperty of the Catholics

In the beliefthat perhaps many ofthese Catholicladies in thehope ofprotecting their husbands, homes and children from such a threat and temporal ruin, would prefer to go to the prisonsand leave themselves there until death, it has been decided not to permit this. The king has ordered his Attorney General¹in Spain they call him the fiscalto enforce these instructions without delay and withoutany exception and accordingly very many gentlemen , both Catholicsand heretics, are summonedand cited to appear before him within a brief period whereinthey will be sentenced to payfor their wives as has been said

Furthermore, for the other Catholics who have no wealth or property to enable them to pay the twenty pounds each month although Queen Elizabeth tookforherselftwopartsfromtheirannual rents, it is now claimed that there was thenarranged a divisionthatwas too favourable and accordingly therehas to be arranged a different and moreseveredivision.2

The situation of the Catholics of Ireland is no less unfortunate For not merelydothe nobilityandgentrypay each month but whenoneof them dies, his son or other heir, if he is a Catholic, cannot enter into possession of his lands or property according to the law until he has made a public rejection oftheprofessionofthe holy Catholicfaith and even provided bondsmen for living as a heretic in the future, by attending their churches as the others do, and to die as one.³ Suchis the evilplannedto extirpate andruin themall. 3

Against the impoverished Catholics there has been passed a law as well which is that he who had not gone to the churches oftheheretics

each Sunday has to pay for each offense ninepence in Englishmoney, which equals one and a half reales, that is exacted without any exception. They look upon the Catholicpopulacethat is in that kingdom in this mannerand a large amount of ducats is gained fromthem each year for which this king is looking about with great diligence through similar devices and schemes so as to help his son-in-law. May God protect yourExcellency, etc.

1 Sir Henry Yelverton

2 See , for example , Notestein , Relf, Simpson , Commons Debates 1621 (New Haven, 1935) vol 6, pp 61-65 for a text of a bill of the House of Lords concerning trustsand recusant lands that was not passed

3 See R. Bagwell, Irelandunderthe Stuarts (London, 1909) vol 1 , pp. 153-58 withtheexampleof an inheritance inWexford .

4 See G. O'Brien, ed. Advertisements for Ireland (Royal Soc. of Antiquariesof Ireland , Dublin, 1923) pp 15-16, where the fine is indicatedat 12 d.: "I have heard that 5000 of them presented at one assizes in thecounty ofCorkthereand I know ... such as were presented were compelled to pay . be they never so poor"


. Malines, 16 March1620 .

Original holograph, 3 pages , E 2600/80. This letter and the next document were sent to Philip III by Gondomar on 29 March 1620.He commented that the Catholics of England were aware of Stanley's financial straitsand advised his help Meanwhile"the enemy exultsover it and daily they publish it in the histories of England saying that they should see how the Spaniards treat Stanley. These are the things, Sire , about which we ,yourMajesty's ministers, oughtto paygreater care and attention ... " (E 2600/76) Stanley had corresponded withGondomar previously, since his newsletters discussing the militarypositionsofthe Dutch and the offers of English captains to enter Spanish service survive (B.P.O. Manuscritos , vol 2165 n fol Stanley to Gondomar, Malines 28 Dec. 1618; 2134 n fol Brussels, 6 February1619).

(p.2) +

Illustrissimo Señor

Auiendo entendido por su Secretario¹ que Vuestra Señoria

Illustrissima auia llegado con salud y seguridad a Paris me he holgado mucho dello reconociendo siempre las grandes mercedes que Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima me ha hecho en todostiempos Diosle recompensa por ellos y guarde siempre a Vuestra Señoria de todos peligros y le de muy buen viaje

Por las muchas difficultades que me ha escrito por differentes sus cartas el Reverendo Padre Antonio Vasquez2 se offrecieron en las cobranzas de mi juro y por su auiso del escriui y procure cartas al Conde de Salaçar³ Presidente de la Hazienda de su Magestad de fauorescerme en el pagamiento de lo que deuen por quatro años enteros que otramente por lo mucho que me apretauan mis necessidadesde fuerça huviereyo de acudir en persona a pedir gracia de su Magestad a que mandasse compliessen con ello y viendo que ny esso me aprouechaua ny todas las diligencias que el dicho padre de su caridad ny yo podimos hazer en ello , escriui entonces sobre ello a vuestra Señoria Illustrissima manifestando mis necessidades supplicandola fuesse encomendar mis negocios a su Magestad para hallar algun remediopor mis affliciones y como de mi carta no recibi respuesta de Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima yo quedaua como confuso y harto espantado y en el interim auiendo ya hecho grandissimas deudas empeñada mi plata y desesperado de socorro y de cobrar lo queme deuian en España y que sin ello no vi possibilidadde remediar a mis necessidadeshe tomado la resolucion(aunque con harto peligro de mi vida siendo ya 73 años y sin salud) de yrme otra vez despues de estas pasquas o mas presto a España a echarme a los pies de su magestad a pedir pagamiento de lo que despues de entregada la villa de Deuentera la obediencia de su Magestad que sea en gloria me señalaron de sueldo en España por termino de mi vida en respecto de mi gouierno de dicha villa mediante me proveyessen de otra merced que hasta agora no lo han hecho siendo esso cosa razonable y justa no tomandony pidiendo merced ny interez ninguno por mis servicios de dicha entrega sino solamente reseruacion de dicho gouierno para entretener mi persona con mi regimiento lo qual tambien truxe con migo al seruicio de su Magestad siendo por entonces en pie y bien armados no obstante que al entregada la villa el Señor Melchior de Spinosa que auia la comission de tratar el negocio de parte del Señor Duque de Parma me offrecio grandissima merced que yo no la quise aceptar toda via yo he satisfecho y pagado por descargo de mi consciencia a mercaderes y otras personas de mi proprio dinero desde que ha venido al servicio de su Magestad Catholica hasta hazia ocho mil escudos que se deuian antes por armas, vestidos , municiones y semejantes deudas por mi partes y los soldados de mi Regimiento que truxe conmigo a este seruiciode manera que no quedo deuiendo maravedi en Inglaterra otramentelo huuieran perdido los accreedores. (p.3) Agora he recibido otra carta del Padre Antonio Vasquez la qual ynbio con esta a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima que puede ver la

necessidad que yo tengo de dar prissa por este viaje y aguardare solamente la respuesta de Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima aunque es viaje peligroso y costoso que en los otros passados que he hecho por semejantes occasiones de cobranzas, he gastado casi la mitad de lo cobrado y no tengo otro remediopara accomodarme por este que de empeñar lo que me resta de mi hazienda y mi casa auiendo primerode dar alguna satisfaccion a mis accreedores oltra lo que soy cargadodemi hija, un nieto, su hijo, dos hijas de mi yerma que son para ser religiosas a mi costa y dos sobrinos a quienes yo soy tambien para proueer ya sabe Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima que yo he perdido mi patria y no tengo otro patrimonio que las mercedes del Rey que medieron pormi gouiernoy Regimiento ny puedo acudir a otro por remedioque asu Magestad Catolica en cuyos servicios como he perdido mi hijo, nieto , tres sobrinos y muchos parientes de mi casa con mi proprio sangre? me queda solamente la vida para ser empleada y los años que me queden por ser empleados en su Real servicio . No pretendo agora aduancamiento ny recompensa por mis servicios de 33 años que solamente pagamiento de lo que me deuen y continuacion de mis sueldos sin darme este continuo trabajo y afflicion en procurar pagamiento y tambien que su real Magestad se sirue de particular gracia de hazerme merced de algun entretenimiento por mi nieto Rolando Geraldin hijo unico de mi hija, por ser frustrado el de todo lo que pudiere pretender en su patria y por estas mis pretensiones tengo de supplicar a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima que sea seruido mandar accompañar me con su favorable carta a su Magestad despues que Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima se aura informado por mis servicios quando dexe a mi patria de cargosestado y patrimonio en Inglaterray Irlanda. (p.4) Presumiendo que VuestraSeñoria Illustrissimade su accostombrada gracia no me rehusara la merced ny tomaradesgustosoque yola dije parte de lo mucho que padesco de pura necessidad oltra las affliciones de mis enfermidades supplico a Vuestra Señoria sea servido mandar me respuesta con la priesa possible, nuestro Señor guarde y prospera a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima con mucha salud, accredimiento de estado y largos años como yo su criado lo desseo Madrid a 16 de Marzo 1620


[Translation:] +

Right Honorable , My verygoodLord

When I had learned from your secretary that your Lordship had arrived in health and safety in Paris I was very happy about itas Iam constantly mindful of the greatfavours whichyourLordship haddone for me at every time May God rewardyoufor them and ever protect your Lordship from every danger and grant you a very finejourney.

Because of the many difficulties about which theReverend Father Antonio Vasquez2 has written to me in his various letters concerning the paymentsofmy pension and because of his advice about it,Ihave written to the Count of Salazar , 3 President of the Hazienda of his Majesty, in support ofthepayment ofwhat is due to me, afterfourfull years. Otherwise , because my necessities weighed heavily upon me ,I was forced to resort to a personal appeal to his Majestyfor thefavour ofan order requestingcompliance When I saw that neither this served for my progress nor any of the proceedings which theaforesaid father, in his kindness , andI were capable ofdoingabout this, thenIwroteto yourLordship making clear my extremity and begging you to support my efforts with his Majesty so as to secure some relief for my afflictions. As I received no response from yourLordship to my letter, I was confused and deeply despondent In the interval since I had acquired a large debt, pawnedmy plate and become reducedto despairing ofany helpandofcollectingwhat they owedme inSpainandsince I saw no chance ofrelieving my needs without this step Idecided although at great risk to my life as Iamnow 73 years old andunwell to travel to Spain another time at next Easter , or soon after, to place myself at his Majesty'sfeet to begpayment.

After the transferofthe city ofDeventerto the authorityofhislate Majesty they assigned me a salary in Spain for the rest ofmy life, in respectof my post as Governor of the aforesaid city, until the presentation of a warrant for anothergrant, which until now they have not done. Since this was a reasonable and proper action, unaccompanied by any demand for, or acceptance of, favour or bribe in return formy services in the aforesaid transfer except only the reservation ofmy aforesaid office as Governor , to support my person along with my regiment that I also brought with me into the service ofhis Majesty, which at that time was on a warfooting and well armed, all this, notwithstanding the fact that at the transferofthe citySenorMelchior de Espinosa who held the commissionin the name of his lordship, the Duke of Parma, offered me a very large reward which I refused to accept. At that timefor the reliefofmy conscience, Isatisfiedandpaid off the merchants and other people out of my own money afterIhad entered the service of his Catholic Majesty to the amount of eight thousand escudos which had been owedalreadyfor the arms, clothes, munitions and similar obligationson my parts and the soldiers ofmy regiment whom I brought along with me into this service so thatIdo not remain in debt for a maravedi in England which otherwisethe creditorswould have lost.

I have now received another letter from Father Antonio Vasquez which I am sending to your Lordship with this in which one can see how urgent it is that I hasten on thisjourney.Iwill stay only for the reply ofyour Lordship even though the journey is both dangerous and costly, for in the other previous ones which I made for similarreasons


ofcollectionIspentnearly halfthepayment Ihave nootherresources to provideformyselfonthis occasion save topawn therestofmy property and my house since I must first givesome satisfactionto my creditors aside from the fact that I am responsible for my daughter, a grandson who is her son and two daughters of my daughter-in-law who are to become religiousat my expense, and two nephews for whomIalsoam to makeprovision. Your Lordship is alreadyaware that Ihave lostmy native land and Ihave no otherpatrimony savethegrants fromtheking which they gave me for my post of Governor and the regiment I have no other resource to which to turn but his CatholicMajestyin whose service I have lost my son, grandson, three nephews and many relatives of my house together with my own blood." Thereremains only my own lifeto be expended, as well as theyears still leftformeto be spent, within his royal service. I am not now seeking an advancement , nor a rewardfor my 33 years, but only the continuanceofmy salary without causing me this constanttoil and anxiety in securing the payment, andfuthermore that his royal Majestybe pleased, as a special favour, to grant me the kindness of some support for my grandson, Roland Geraldine, the only child of my daughter, for he is bereft of everything to which he could aspire in his native land. On behalfof these claims of mine Iamforced to begyourLordship to bepleased to command that there be help for me by a favourable letter to his Majesty after your Lordship shall have become acquaintedwith my worth and what I lost at that time through my services when I abandoned my offices, estate andpatrimony in England andIreland in my homeland .

While presuming that your Lordship in your wonted kindness will not refuseme this favour nor take offense that I speak ofa portionof the great amount that I endure from pure necessity besides theafflictions from my infirmities I beg your Lordship to please send me a reply with all possible speed May our Lord protect and advance your Lordship with great prosperity, an increase in position and long years asI, yourservant, desire Malines , 16 March 1620 . (autograph) WilliamStanley

1 Don Cosmo de Villa Viciosa ; Gondomarwas enroute backtoEngland

2 Therector ofSt. Alban'sCollege, 1600-02 (C.R.S. vol 30 ,p. xx).

3 Luis de Velasco, Count ofSalazar, laterMarquis ofBelveder .

4 See document48

5 The equivalent of £2000 The expenses normally included theinitialbounty and payment for food, clothes and passage to the Low Countries (See Cruickshank, C. G., Elizabeth'sArmy, Oxford, 1966, pp 143-58).

6 200escudos a month See also C.R.S. vol 64, p 135

A partial genealogy of his family is inG. Ormerod, The History ofthe County Palatine and City of Chester, London, 1819, vol 2, pp 231-32 ; TheVisitationof Chester 1613 , Harleian Society, London, 1909 , vol 59, p 222


. Brussels, 26March 1620 .

Original holograph, 4 pages, E 2600/79. Espinosa was Veedor General, or Inspector General, of the armies of the Archdukesin 1620 This letter is the only extant eye witness account of the events at Deventer . (See also Spanish Elizabethans , pp 135-39)

(p.1) +

Quando partio el cauallerizo del Señor Marques Spinolano pude,por estar ausente, besar a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima las manos ahora lo hago por medio deste papel supplicandoa vuestra Señoria Illustrissima se sirua de tenerme siempre por uno de los menores criados de su casa mandandome como a qualquierdellos aqui y donde estuviere .

El Coronel Guillermo Stanley con saber la merced que Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima le hazo ha querido que yo refera el servicio que hizo a su Magestad quandoentro en su real servicio, seria historialarga y por no cansar a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima dire sumariamente el caso , como testigo de vista y que me halle presente a todo el suceso . Siendo el dicho coronel Gobernador de la villa de Deuentery de algunos fuertes en el contorno y la guarnicion puesta de su mano ya su orden en Deuenterun regimiento que el tenia de Hirlandeses,gente de mucho servicio y velicosa, y en el fuerte principal de Suptefenbuen golpe de ynfanteria y una compania de cauallos , muchas municionesde guerra y bastimientos (p.2) Todo ello en servicio de los estados parte contraria. Trato secretamente de reducirse y comunico esta yntencion con el coronel Tassis¹ Gouernadorde la villa de Suptefenvezina a la de Deuentery resuelto el negocio entre los dos dio parte dello al coronel Verdugo Gouernador de Frisa estando en Gruningeny yo con el a cierta comission que truxe particular. Conciertose que yo me partiese con el coronel Tassis para yr a dar quenta al Duque de Parma de aquel intento. Hizose assi y el Duque mando que nos boluiesemos luego y dio al dicho Tassis carta de credencia confirmando los capitulosquele auia propuesto³ y porque en aquel tiempo auia mucho peligro en los

MARCH 1620 135 caminos mandoque se me diese assi otra carta para elmismoeffecto y de mas desto una orden por el Tesorero General que me asistieseen el de manera que yo librase en el y con esto partimos, no sin peligroal llego Tassis primero que yo, viose conel coronelStanleyy tratarondel entrego de la dichavilla en Marzo 1587 y para executarlouna noche . Junto Tassis con la mayor parte de su guarnicion otra gente de guerra de mas de 1200 personas y casi al amanecer salio el coronel que tenia una puerta abierta para el efecto y entramos dentro sin que se tocase arma y se hizo esquardron en la plaza y como fue de dia que los de la villa supiessen el trato, se retiraron a sus casas y en todo huuo (p.3) muy buena orden: al fin como causa de Dios alojose la gente sin exceso y el dia siguiente segun la orden que tuue recibi en un puesto al regimiento de Hirlandeses donde hizieronjuramento de seruir desde alli en adelante al Rey nuestro Señor fielmente con que se les diese el mismosueldoque auian gozado de la parte contrariay queseles pagase todo lo que les deuian los estados que asi auia capituladohizose todo ansi y fueron recibidosal sueldo y serviciode su Magestady como llego el dinero les hize pagar en tabla a mano propria todo lo que auian de auer de los estados. Acudi de hecho al coronel Stanley que se auia retrado a su casa yndispuesto y cansado y le propuse de parte del Duque de Parma que en señal del servicio que auia hecho pidiese el dinero que quisiese para si y propusiese la merced que deseauade su Magestad, alterase desta propusiciony dixeme estas palabras, el servicio queyo e hecho ha sido a Dios primeramente y a su Magestad delRey de España como defensor de su yglesia y no por que me aya mouido interes ni permita Dios que se diga ahora ni en otro tiempo otra cosay assi no quiso recibir un solo real sino que francamentehizo el entrego referido y quedo por entonçes Gouernador de la dicha plaza con su regimiento y alguna gente que le truxo el coronel Francisco Verdugo, despues ha servido como vuestra Señoria Illustrissima sabe en todas ocasiones conmucho valory prudenciade que a su instancia he hecho a vuestra Señoria Illustrissima esta relacion (p.4) y sepa vuestra Señoria Illustrissimalo que paso en aquel entrego para que en las ocasionesque se ofrecieren vuestra Señoria Illustrissima le pueda hazer mas merced . Nuestro Señor guarde vuestra Señoria Illustrissima como sus criados hemos menester De Bruselas 26 de Março 1620. Melchior de Espinosa

[Translation:] +

Right Honorable, My very good Lord

Owing to the departure of the cavalry ofMarquis Spinola I was absent andunable to pay my respects to your Lordship, as now I do , by means of this letter, as I begyourLordship to please hold measbut one of the least servants ofyour house and to commandme as wellas anyoneofthosehere, no matter where youmaybe.


Since Colonel William Stanleyalreadyknowsthe kindness thatyour Lordship has been doing for him, he wished me to recount the deed which he performed for his Majesty when he enteredhis royal service It willbe a long history and lest I tire your Lordship Iwillexplainthe event in a summaryfashion asI was an eye witness andpresentduring the entireaffair

When the aforesaid colonel was Governorof the cityofDeventeras well as certain forts in the vicinity [there was] a garrison under his controland at his orders in Deventer, a regimentofIrishmenwhich he held, men of long service, and warlike, and [there was] in the main fortress at Zutphen a goodnumberofinfantry and a companyofhorse , a large quantity ofwarsupplies andprovisions Ofall this in the service ofthe states , theopposingside, he secretlynegotiatedthe deliveryand revealed this intention to Colonel Tassis , the Governorofthe city of Zutphen near to Deventer After the business was settledbetweenthe two of them he informed Colonel Verdugo, 2 Governor of Friesland who was in Groningenand I was with himunder a special commission which I held .It was agreed that Iwould leave with ColonelTassistogo to inform the Duke of Parma about this proposal It was done accordinglyandtheDuke gave orders that we shouldreturn atonceand he gave to the aforesaid Tassis a letter ofcredence which confirmed the articles that had been proposedto him.3 Since at that time there was considerable risk on the roads he ordered that there be given to me another letter as well to the same purpose and in addition to this an order to the Treasurer General to servemeso that Iwaspaid With this we left, and not withoutrisk, Tassis arrivedfirst andmet withColonel Stanley and they planned the delivery of the aforesaid city in March 1587 and to complete it in one night. Tassis came at the head ofthe largerpartof his garrison andotherfightingmen, more than 1200 men. Just beforedawnthe colonelcame outandleft a gate opened according to plan and we passed within, not having to lay hand upon our weapons, and a squadron was deployed into the square . When it was day the townspeoplelearned ofthe event andreturned to theirhouses . In every respect there was good order, totally as ifthe cause ofGod The troops took up lodging without hindranceand on the following day in keepingwith the order which I carriedIreceived at the onepost the regiment of Irish as they took an oath to serve faithfully from thenceforth the king our Lord. Whereupon thesamepay was handed to them that they had had on the opposing side and everythingthat the Estates owed them was paid, for so it had been stated in theagreement. And so everything was completed and they were received into the pay and service of his Majesty. Since the money had arrived, payment was made across the table directly into their hands ofeverythingthat they were owed by the Estates . In fact I waited upon ColonelStanley when he had retired indisposed and fatigued to his own house andI proposedto him, on behalf ofthe Duke ofParma, that as proofofthe

service that he had rendered he might requestthe money he would like for himself and that he should suggest thefavour he desired from his Majesty. He pushedaside this suggestion and said to me these words: "The service that I have done has been first to God and then to his Majesty the king of Spain as the defender of His church and not because ambition has prompted me , normay Godpermit anything else ever to be said now or at any other time. So I do not want to receive a single real unless it has been openly agreed to in the transferwhich has been reported and Istay from nowon the Governorofthe aforesaid place with its regiment and some men whom Colonel Verdugo broughthere"

. Since thenhehas served at every opportunity withgreatcourage and prudence as your Lordship knows At his request I have given this report to your Lordship, that your Lordship might understandwhat happened in this delivery so that in the chances that might occuryour Lordship might be able to provide further favours May our Lord protect your Lordship as His servants have need. From Brussels 26 March 1620 . (autograph) MelchiordeEspinosa

Juan Baptista de Tassis (1530-1610 ) later ambassador to France had been Veedor General of the armies ofParma since 1585 and was Philip II's agent with the League in France. He was uncle of Juan de Tassis, Count of Villa Mediana, ambassador to James I, 1603-5 (See Nationaal Biografisch Woordenbock , sub nomine; J. Rubsam, Johann Baptista von Tassis , 1530-1610 , Freiburg im-B , 1889).

2 Francisco Verdugo, Governorof Friesland, and colonel of the Spanish tercio there was deputy ofParma in the campaigns in the north Some ofhis evidence is found in Carlos Coloma's Las Guerras de los Estados Baxos, Antwerp, 1626, p 2

3 This is proven on the original letter Parma wrote to Stanley: " . . praeter laudes quas consequeris, maximas , non patiemur unquam dignoet convenientite praemio destitui Quod si pro tua vel tuorum securitate malveris de mercede precisi, id erit tibi cum Taxio [Tassis ] liberum: pollicemurenim promissa pereum non modo probaturos sed eadem et ampliora liberaliter persoluturos . Alban'sCollege, Series II, legajo 5 f 30 originalletter, 10 January 1587).

4 (St.

After Stanley's first visit to Spain Philip II wrote to Parma thathe did nor need to commend him further since the duke had written of his merits many times (E 2220 (2)/127 letter of 12 July 1591)


Original holograph, 1 page, B. Nac Manuscritos , vol. 18422 f. 96.

David Kearney, Archbishop of Cashel, 1603-24 , was the author of a report sent to Spain of the persecution of 1612 of Ireland and subsequently his diocese had a fraternity of "prelates, priests and honorablemen" to protect religion in the area (Moran, P.,Spicilegium Ossoriense, Dublin, 1874, pp 119-23 , 129). Previously Gondomarhad reported about Ireland (doc 4) When he had remonstrated to James about conditions in Ireland, the king assured him that he would annul laws passed in the Irish parliament without his approval. In turnthe Spaniard promisedthat Philip would warn Paul V to be wary ofwhat he heard from Irish refugees in Rome "until he had been well informed" (E 2592/49 Sarmientoto Philip, London,9 May 1614).


Illustrissimeet Excellentissime Domine

Recordabitur non dubito Excellencia Vestra promissi mihi Davidi Kearneo Archiepiscopo Casselensi Hiberno facti obtinendi nimirum conscientiae libertatem cum certis iustis aequis et inviolabilibus conditionibus, si matrimonium inter Regis Magnae Britaniae, etc. filium et heredem , cui Deus benedicat, et Infantem HispaniarumRegis filiam (quam Deus ad multos incolumem seruet) concludatur. Valeat Excellencia Vestra pro cuius in omnibus felici progressu ac incolumitate Deum iugiter orabo.Ultimo Maii 1620


Most illustrious and excellentLord

Iam confident thatyour Excellency willbemindfulofthepromise made to me, David Kearney, ArchbishopofCachel in Ireland to obtain full freedom of conscience under secure, just, fair and inviolable conditions should there be concludeda marriage between the son andheir may God bless him of the King of Great Britain, etc., and the Infanta, daughterof the King of Spain - may God preserve her safely for many years May your Excellency prosper and for your happy success in all thingsIwillbe always praying. The lastday ofMay 1620.

1 Gondomar'scontacts withtheIrish episcopate are not veryfrequent, however ,

later Fray Diego reported that Peter Lombard, Archbishop of Armagh, had written to Paul V in support of the Spanish marriage statingthat the promise of James I under the great seal would be a sufficient guarantee for the Catholics This too was Gondomar's expectation(E 369 ff 162, 183, Diego de laFuenteto Gondomar , 10 Oct. 1621, 11 Jan. 1622)


London, 6 November1620 .

Original holograph, 2 pages , P C 56 ff 399-399v There is also an original autograph of Gondomar to Philip III, London, 4 November 1620, E 2601/125. (f.399)

Serenissimo Señor

El obispo de Bangor¹ en la Prouinciade Walliafue la semanapassada a la fuente de Santa Guinofrida donde la misma santa fue martirizada que es una romeria muy antigua aqui del tiempo de Catolicos2 y donde siempre obrado Dios muchos milagros y se veen cada dia esta romeriala continuan oy los Catolicosy queriendoel obispoquitarlo diziendoque era supersticion , yendo en persona a prender los sacerdotesy catolicos que alli acudian se leuanto el pueblo de las aldeas (aunque los mas son hereges) y cogieron al obispo y le trataron muy mal hechando le en un arroyo y me dizen le hubieran muerto sino le acudiera la Justiciade la tierra No se sabe hasta agora lo que este rey mandar hazer sobre ello Don Juan Trogmorton Principal Juez de Wallia Shismaticoy su muger (f.399v) catolica, yendo esta muger en romeria a esta fuente santa y lleuando dos criados consigo el uno catolico y el otro hereje, sucedio que los dos criados quedaron solos el Catolico hincado de rodillas hizo su oracion con mucha deuocionel hereje haziendo burla desto entro las botas que lleuaua a pisar la fuente y subitamentese tullio de pies y manos enclauandose la mano en que lleuaua la espada por el puño de modo que fue menester para quitarsela yr le servando con lima todo el yerro y estuuo tollido desta manera muchos dias asta que conuertido y hecha penitencia boluio a la misma fuente y cobro salud, son infinitas las gentes que vieron esto y a mi me lo han affirmado personas de mucho credito Nuestro Señor guarde Vuestras

Altezzas tan largos y felices años como la Christiandad ha menester y sus masfieles vasallos dessean Londres a 6 de Noviembre1620 . El mas humilde y mas fiel criado y vasallo de vuestras Altezzas

Jean Van Male


Most Serene Lord

The bishop ofBangor¹ in the province of Wales went lastweek to Saint Winifred's well, where the saint herself was martyred, which is one of the oldest pilgrimages here from the days of the Catholics.² Itis there that God has worked manymiracles thatare daily to beseen and the Catholics continue to make this pilgrimage today. Sincethe bishop desired to stop this, saying it was superstition, hewent in person to arrestthe priestsand Catholics whoresortedthere. The peoplefrom about the countryside rose up, even though most ofthem are heretics and seized the bishop and handled him roughly and then threw him into a ditch.³ They tell me that they would have left him todie ifthe local justice had not reached him . It is not known as yet what this kingwillorder to be doneabout this

Sir John Throckmorton, Lord President ofWales [was] a schismatic and his wife a Catholic. When this lady wenton pilgrimageto the holy wellshe took two servants, one a Catholic the other a heretic Thetwo servants remainedalone and the Catholic, falling to his knees offered his prayerswith deep devotion and the heretic scoffing at this walked in withhisbootsand tried to trampleupon thespring . Suddenlyhe was strickenin both hands andfeet andthe handin which he heldhissword by the fist was cut so that it was necessaryto loosen it and close upthe entire wound with salve . Heremainedstrickenin thisfashionformany days until once he was convertedand did penance, he returned to the well again and regained his health. Countless people have seen thisand persons of considerable trust have reported this to me . May our Lord protect your Highnessesfor many happy years as Christianity has need and yourmost loyal subjects desire. London 6 November1620 . Your Highness's mosthumbleandloyal servant andvassal , Jean Van Male

1 Lewis Bayley, Bishop , 1616-31 See E. Barnard , "Lewis Bayley, Bishop of Bangor and Thomas Bayley, his son" Trans CymmrodorianSociety, 1928-29 , pp. 99-132 .

2 The devotion was constant during these years: "At Holiwell in Wales , not many miles off the city of Chester, while every yeer about Midsummer many superstitious papists of Lancashire, Staffordshire and other more remote counties go in pilgrimage . . they were so bold the last yeere 1623 that they intruded themselves divers times into the church ... and there said massewithout

contradiction ... " (Gee, J. Foot out of the Snare , London, 1624, p 34; see also Foley , Records vol 4, pp 428-36; E. Jones, "Catholic Recusancy in Counties of Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery , 1581-1625" , Trans CymmrodorianSociety , 1945, pp. 114-33; D. Thomas, "Saint Winifred's Well and Chapel, Holywell" , Jour. of Hist. Soc ofChurch in Wales vol 8 (1958), pp 15-31).

3 The temper of the bishop was reportedby Van Male to have annoyed King James when at dinner "he defended the opinion of the Puritans with such vehemence that the king became very angry ... "and forcedhim to leave the court (P C 57 f. 312v Van Male to Praets, London, 16 July 1621) See also C. Hill, Economic Problems ofthe Church (Oxford, 1956) p. 310


Gondomar's accountadds: "The Catholicfaith of itself has strength and maintains its vigouragainst all human authority" .

5 This legend must have dated from over 40 years, since John Throckmorton died in 1580. However his wife, Margery Puttenham , and his son, Sir Thomas, were known to be recusants as SirJohnused his office to protect them(Williams , P. The Council in the Marches of Wales under Elizabeth I, Cambridge, 1958 , pp 253-55 , 266-67) The incumbent when this letter was written was William Compton, Earl ofNorthampton, President 1617-31


. London, 18 February1621

Original autograph with parts deciphered , received on 7 March , 6 pages, E 2602/11 .



A 6 de Henero di cuenta a Vuestra Magestad como auiadadoa este Rey la carta de VuestraMagestad y como la auia leydoenmipresencia , y lo que me auia dicho y yo respondidole sobre lo que Vuestra Magestad le dezia en ella, quedando ultimamente muy satisfecho del proceder de Vuestra Magestad y de la yda a Roma del Maestro fray Diego de la Fuentey que a el tocaba ya el probandoy disponiendolas cosas de la religion catolicay seguridad y quietud de los Catolicos, de manera que se llegase al fin que se dessea de que su Santidad tenga justas causas para aprouallo y uendicillo y despues hemos habladoen ello algunas vezes en la misma conformidad.

Y cada dia ua mostrando la experiencia y los afecto que Vuestra Magestad ha encaminado esto comoconuiene para el seruicio de Diosy bien universal porque (a las proposiciones de Francia , Olanda y de

Venecia , cierto es que se respondiera diferentementey esto es aun de mucho menor consideracion que) las almas que aqui se han ganado y ganan cada dia, conuirtiendosey declarandose catolicos infinitos con el silencio de la persecucion , cosa que aun los mismos que lo veen ylo gozan, no lo acaban de creer (p.3) tanto que auiendoentendido o inbentado el Arzobispo de Cantuariay el Secretario Nanton² que los sacerdotes presos tenian una emplentaen la carcel donde estan y que imprimian libros y libelos contra este rey y ydo a hazer la busca, no allaron la emplenta pero allaron les todos libros catolicos y de controuersia (contra los hereges y contra este Rey) en mucha cantidady de ualor; tomaron se los y el dineroque allaron.Yo hable al Reysobre ello y finalmente les ha mandado boluer el dinero y los libros sin que les falte una eja, que ha sido cosa de consideracion³ y estos dias ha hecho este Rey otras muchas magnificiencias en beneficio de los Catolicos, sin permitir que sea hecha uejacion ni molestia a ninguno. (Pero es cierto que la persecucion en Irlanda es grandissima yquesi lafuerçaque oy tiene alli la religion catholica se pierde con las artes que este gouierno lo procura ir haziendo insensiblemente perdera Vuestra Magestad la mayor autoridad y combeniencia que puede tenerpara con este Rey en paz y en guerra y assi es cosa digna de gran consideracion y de no perder de vista ni tiempo en el remedio En escocia se aumentan cada dia los Catholicos y mucho mas los desseosos de serlo y oy se hallan en este estado casi los principales de aquel Reyno Yo he socorrido puntualmentehasta agora (p.4) que he podidoa aquella mision con los mil y dozcientos ducados al año que Vuestra Magestad me mando por mano del Padre Juan Robeo de la compañia de Jesus que es el que negocio en España y lo tiene muy bien entendidobienme parece que esto corriera mejor por el embaxadorde Vuestra Magestad en Flandes y quese asentasela distribucion aplicandolos ocho cientos ducados que al colegio Escoces y los quatrocientospara los sacerdotes que de allia viniessen a Escocia).

Este Rey me embio a dezir que le uiese viernes a la tarde 12 deste mes, dixome lo que suele de su buena intencion y queenrespuesta de la carta que yo le di escriuia a Vuestra Magestad y embia la carta a su embaxador de que yo he procurado copia y la embioaquia vuestra Magestad. Contomemuy particularmente la platica que auia hecho enel parlamento y lo que auia dicho en la materia de religion adulcandoloy declarandolo a buena interpretacion y offreziendo la verdadera manifestacion con los effectos de que me dixo mucho y queel estaba ya resueltoen abenturarse a pender al lado y partido de VuestraMagestad y de los puritanos me dixo hartas cosas sobre lo que imprimen y intentan cada dia contravuestra Magestad y contrael.

Dixome tambien que de todas partes le embiaban susembaxadores y sus amigos copia (p.5) de la declaracionque el hizo y me dio de que ni Vuestra Magestad ni ministro suyo le auia dado palabra de no con-

quistar el Palatinado , tendolo por inbencion de España y por ciertala promesa que el auia confirmado el papel y la declaracion que me dio tambien contra su hierno sobre el Reyno de Bohemiaantes que le perdiese, con que se probaba bien su respecto a VuestraMagestad en no dexar pasar y colar por todas partes la opinion que tenian tan contraria a esto y dio me quenta de su entrada en la iglesia de Uuesmister³ quando fue al parlamento, como le salio a rezibir el clero , como le pusieronalmohaday se hinco de rodillas, la procesion que se hizo en la iglesia, como todo lo que se canto fue en latin, y que si me parecia que hasta alli yua conforme con la iglesia Catholica, pedille que antes de respondelle me dixese si el dia siguiente auia oido misa, pero obligandome mucho de lo que me dixo le hable con llaneça yamor verdaderamente en las materias de religion y en su reducion a la Iglesia y a la obediencia del Papa, diziendoselo de modo que conocio mi buena voluntad y agradeciendola , me dixo que si estas cosas se trataransin pasion, el tenia por cierto que se podrian acordar platicamos un poco en el reconocimientoal Papapor cabeca universal , y al fin se vino a reducir a esto , y me dixo con ponderacion y resolucion que el vendria en reconocer al Papa (p.6) por su cabeca universal y de toda la Christiandad en lo spiritual y eclesiastico y que fuesen al papa las apeleaciones de todos los obispos de sus reynos con que el papa no se metiere enla jurisdicion temporal de sus reynos particularmenteen le quitar y poner Reyes a su boluntad y que el auer escritoel en sus libros que el papa era antechristo era porque queria hazer esto que no lo haziendo le ternia por papa y cabeça universal ; dixele que si lo cumpliria como me lo dezia, dixome que si ; y pedile la mano sobre elloy dio me la ylicencia para escriuillo a Vuestra Magestad.

(Cierto es que si yo fuera rezien llegado agora a Inglaterraponderara y estendiera mas estos puntos, pero como ya he dicho a vuestra Magestad tanto sobre ello, no hallo que añadir mas de como causa de Dios puede ser que el disponga y obre oy lo que parecia impossible ayer )

Dixome tambien mucho de las obligaciones en que se allaba a las honras y fauores que su Embaxador y Cotington le escriuieren que VuestraMagestad les hazia a el y a ellos por su causaen todo: haziendo gran estimacion del Ingles preso en la Inquisicion, que se entregoa su Embaxador

(Y el Baron Digby me ha dicho que escriuia a VuestraMagestad en su nombre que el trata estos negocios y que tiene puesto en ellos su honra, su vida y su ser y que sabe mejor que nadie la intencion delRey ydel principe conque se aseguraque la conclusionde los (p.7) negocios sera en todo muy a satisfacion de VuestraMagestad y queesta tan satisfecho desto que no pretende ni aconseja a Vuestra Magestad que el Palatinato se restituya sin mucha seguridad primero de que el Palatino sera adelante fiel y obediente al servicio del Emperadory de Vuestra Magestad¹ ni tampoco pretende que Vuestra Magestad embie aqui a


la Señora Infanta sin que este Rey aya cumplido y puesto por obra primero todo lo que ha offrecido y fuese necessarioy aseguradolo para adelante ni es justo que VuestraMagestad venga en lo uno y en lootro de otra manera .)

(Y es assi que el Rey y el Principey el Marques de Boquingamme responden assi en esta conformidad a proposito de lo queyo les digoen estos puntos con que por agora pareçe que camina esto bien y con beneficio y seguridad para el servicio de Vuestra Magestad en todos acontecimientos .) Guarde Dios la Catolicapersona de VuestraMagestad como la christiandadha menester Londres 18 de Febrero 1621 . El Conde de Gondomar.



, On January 6thIreportedtoyourMajestywhat this kingsaid tome after I gave him yourMajesty'sletter andhe had read it in my presence; and what I replied to him thereconcerningyourMajesty'smessageto him atwhich heremained extremelypleased withyourMajesty'saction and about the journey to Rome ofthe [Father] Master ,Fray Diegode la Fuente . I said that now it was his concern to try to arrange the situation of the Catholic religion and the security and tranquilityof the Catholics in such a way that the desired purpose be achieved whereby his Holiness would have just reasons to approve and bless it. Afterwards we spoke about it at different times in the same pleasant fashion.

Every day the evidence and the results are clear that your Majesty has been supporting what is best for God's service and the universal good, for (it is certain that there will be a differentresponse to the offers of France, Holland and Venice and indeed this is ofmuch less consideration) than the souls which have been won here and are still being won here each day, for countless persons are being convertedand declaringthemselves Catholics during the lull in the persecution . Something which even the very people who see it are pleased and can not begin to believe . So much so that whenthe ArchbishopofCanterbury and Secretary Naunton² discovered, or imagined , that the priests in prison have a press within theprison where they are and that theyprint books and tracts against this king, they went to make a search anddid notfind the press but theyfoundmany Catholicbooks ofcontroversey against the heretics and this king which were in a large amountandof high value . They seized them as well as the money which they found I spoke to the king about this andafter a time he commanded themto returnthe money as well as the books withoutthe loss ofa single line. This has been something of importance³ and recently this king has done many other generous acts on behalf of the Catholics without

permiting any harassment or annoyance to any one. (Howeverit is certain that the persecution in Ireland is very heavy and thatifthe strengthwhich the Catholicreligion holdsthereis lost through the wiles which this regime is trying to employ, your Majesty will lose imperceptibly thegreatest influenceandadvantage that you can hold against this king in peace and war and accordingly it is somethingdeserving deep reflection andis not to be lost sightof, nor time lost to changeit.)

(In Scotland the Catholics increase each day and there are many more desirous to be one and today virtually the leadership is to bediscovered in that situation. I have helpedthat missionregularlyuntil the presentas I have been able - by the twelvehundredescudosa year which your Majesty ordered me, through the hands of Father John Robbs of the Society of Jesus who is the one who negotiateditin Spain and I consider this very well meant , although I think it will run better through yourMajesty'sambassador in Flanders so that thedistribution might be arranged by applying eight hundredescudos to the Scots College and four hundredfor the priests who might come from thereto Scotland)

The king sent word to me that I should see him Friday afternoon , the 12th of this month. He offered me hisfamiliar message about his good intention, and in reply to the letter which Ihad given him hehad written to your Majesty, and had sent to his ambassador a letter, of which I secured a copy, and I am herewith sending ittoyourMajesty.

He related to me in great detail the speech which he hadmadein Parliament' and what he had said about the questionofreligionallthe while mitigating his words and explaining them in a good light and offering the true evidence in the results, about whichhespoketomeat length as to how he had already decidedto stayat the side and friendship of your Majesty. He spoke severely about Puritans in that they publish daily and conspire against yourMajesty as wellas against him

Furthermore he told me that from every side his ambassadorsand their friends are sending him a copy ofthe declarationwhich he made and gave to me to the effect that neitheryourMajesty norany ofyour officials had givenhim theirword not to conquerthePalatinate , a thing which he considers to be a fraud fromSpain, andcertainly thepromise [was], for the document confirmed it for him, as well as the declarationwhich he had also given to me against his son-in-lawabout the kingdom of Bohemia , in preference to his loss ofit, wherein he showed his courtesy towardsyourMajesty by not permitting theview, which they were maintaining so contrary to this, to pass about and permeate everywhere.

He talked to me about his entry into the church at Westminster when he went to Parliament , and how the clergy came forth toreceive him, and how they offered him a cushion and he fell to his knees , and the procession that was held into the church and how everythingwas sung in Latin and whetherIthought until now that this conductwasin


conformity with the Catholic church. Rather thananswer him ,Iasked whether he would tell me if he had heard Mass on the followingday. However, while I was deeply obligedfor what he had told me, Iwould speak frankly, lovingly and truthfully about the affairs ofreligion and about his submission to the church and the papal obedience while talking to him in a way that made him aware ofmy good will. In thankingme he said that if these thingsare handledwithoutpassion heconsidered it certain that they would beagreement Hespoke a little about recognizingthe pope as universal head and finally he was brought to acknowledge this and he told me that he would reach the recognition of the pope, as his universal head and ofallchristianity in thespiritual and ecclesiastical, and that theremight be appeals to thepopefromall of the bishops of his dominionsprovided that thepopedidnotmingle in the temporaljurisdiction of his states especially in the removaland deposition of kings at his pleasure, and that he wrote in hisbooksthat the pope was anti-Christ because he wanted to act this way, andwere he not so acting, he would hold thepope as the universal head . Iasked him ifhe were willingto abide by what he had said to meandhesaid yesand I asked for his handupon it and hegave it to me as wellas permission to write ofit to yourMajesty.

(It is certain that ifI had but recently arrived in EnglandIwould reflect upon and further develop these points, but as I have already spoken so much to yourMajestyabout itIfind nothingfurtherto comment save that as the cause is of God, perhaps He willarrangeandwill accomplish today what appeared impossible yesterday)

He also spoke to me at length about the obligations which hehad incurred, because of the honoursand courtesies which his ambassador and Cottington had relatedto him which yourMajestyhas donetohim and them on behalf oftheir cause in every way, while showingadeep appreciation ofthe Englishman imprisonedin the Inquisition who was handed over to his ambassador .

(And Baron Digby has told me that he has written toyourMajesty in his name that he is to deal in these negotiations and that he has placedupon them his honour, hislifeandhis being andthat heis more aware than anyoneofthedetermination ofthe the kingand theprince, wherebyhe is convincedthat the conclusion of these negotiationswill be in every respectvery much to yourMajesty'ssatisfaction, thatheis pleased over this, that he is not requesting , nor does he advise your Majesty, that the Palatinate be restored without a full assurancefirst that the Palatine will in the future be loyal and obedientin theservice ofthe emperor and ofyour Majesty10 Neither does he seek as well that yourMajesty should send here the lady Infanta without this king first havingfulfilled and shown in action everything that had already been promisedand would be necessary and guaranteed for the future, nor is it proper that your Majesty should agree to the one and to the other in another fashion Thus it is that the king, the prince and the

Marquisof Buckinghamreplied to me in this cordialmanneraccording to what thereis goodprogress both to the advantage andto the security ofyour Majesty's service in each event ) May GodprotecttheCatholic person ofyour Majesty as Christianity has need London 18 February 1621 (autograph) The Countof Gondomar

1 In parentheses are the deciphered sentences .

2 SirRobertNauntonwas appointed Secretary 8 Jan. 1618.

3 See doc 27 above Gee, J. Foot out of the Snare contains a "Catalogue or Noteofsuch English bookes" printed in Londonfrom 1622 to 24 .

4 See Bagwell,Irelandunderthe Stuarts vol 1 , pp 150-51 .

5 See also docs 23, 33, 38.John Robbhad been recommended as Superiorafter the death of John Ogilby in 1615 (Forbes-Leith, Narratives p 316). In his report to Maffeo Card Barberini , ProtectorofScotland , in March 1618 Robb notedthat "by the lack of instruction and the severity of persecution nearlyall Catholics , even those once very fervent, frequent the services of the heretics ... " . However the divisions of Scottish protestants and the unpopularity of James's "new doctrines" was causing a greater interest in Catholicism . (Bib Vat Mss . Barberini Latini vol 8618 no 31, autograph memorandum , Antwerp, 31 March1618)

6 Alonsode la Cueva, Marquis of Bedmar .

7 He told Parliament that during the marriage negotiations he "wished you to have that confidence in our Religionand wisdome that we should somanageitas our Religion should receive no prejudice by it ... " (His Maiesties Declaration touchinghis proceedings in thelateAssemblie and Convention ... London, 1621 , p 31) See also C.S.P. Dom, 1619-23, p. 217

8 On 19 Feb. 1621 after the procession from WhitehallPalace"at the abbey the Bishop ofExeter [WilliamCotton, 1598-1621 ] preached before him ... "Journals ofHouse of Commons vol 1 , p.670

9 This was to lead to the release of all English, Scots or Irish prisoners in the galleys (B.M. Add Mss 36451 f 35 , Philip IV to Marquis of Santa Cruz,Madrid, 7 June 1621)

10 After Spinola's recent occupationof the Palatinate, James said that hehoped "it hath bene onlyby way of diversion and therby so reduce his sonne in lawe to termes of reason for the business of Bohemia ... " (B.M. Add Mss 36445 f 50 Digbyto Aston, Brussels, 13 March 1621)

52. FRAY DIEGO DE LA FUENTE TO PHILIP IV. Rome, 16 July 1621 .

Contemporarycopy, 3 pages , E libro 369 ff. 124-25 .



En carta de 19 de passado¹ di quenta a Vuestra Magestad de la audiencia que hauia tenido de su Santidad a los 4 y de como hauia benido a esta corte don Jorge Caxe2 cauallero yngles catholico con sabiduriay gusto del Rey su amo para que en nombrede loscatholicos de aquel Reyno que con esta cubierta bino haga instancia en quese conceda la dispensacion para el casamiento y que procurandopenetrar el animo de su Santidad y ministros esta juntamente atento a lo quese fuese haciendo por parte de VuestraMagestad. Tubo la primera audiencia sauado 26 del pasado de que salio contento por hauerle dicho su Santidad que deseaua grandemente el consuelo y aliuio de los Catholicos de aquellos reynos y que en ordena esto estaua despuesto a hazer todo lo possible en lo que se le pedia, pero no salio tan gustoso de la segunda audiencia que tubo Juebes a los 8 deste porque si bien al principio le dijo su Beatitud que aguardaua a sauer el gusto de Vuestra Magestad por carta suya que no la hauia tenido en la materia y despues lo mandara ver y estaua con resolucion de hacer lo que pareziese ser mayor servicio de Dios apretando la instancia el don Jorge le respondiosu Santidad mudando algo elsemblante y tono en la voz que este negocio es dificultissimo y precisamentenecessario que el Rey de Ynglaterra se disponga a hazer muchas cosas que no se been agora, questas fueron las palabras formales de la respuesta (f.124v) Queria darse por entendido este cauallero que tiraban a la libertad de conciencia o a la conversion del principe de Gales ya se metia en desperacion , y biendo yo el inconbiniente que podria tener se entendiese assi en Inglaterrapor agora ylo quecerca de lo se siruio el Rey nuestro Señor queesta en gloriade ordenarme enmi instruzion que aun quando su Santidad y ministros quisiesen cerrarla platica con razones que la escluyesen del todo no se aceptase en ningunamanera por final resoluciony que tambien se me aduierteque conbieneyr con mucho tiento por que no case luego el Rey a su hijo con persona de su secta de que podria seguirse la toda ruyna de los Catholicos de Ynglaterray los daños que se dejan considerar a nuestra santa religion procure quietar al don Jorge esplicandole las palabras del papa en menos rigorososentido que el las entendia; diciendole que los

avisos que hauian benido de los rigores que yntentauan los Puritanos en el parlamento de Londres haciendo nuebas leyes contra Catholicos tenian desabrimientoy dolor a su Santidad que esto lo podia remediar el Rey y seria bienlo hiciese luego para que sus diligencias del cauallero sobre las apretadas que se van haciendo en nombrede VuestraMagestad haganel efecto

Mostro quietarse y se que escribio luego a don Jorge Caluert secretario de estado de su Rey haciendo buenos oficios cargando la culpa de la tibieza que ve en algunos y de la dilaciony dificultadesque puede hauer en la materia sobre lo que se hace contra catholicos que esto parece conbenientissimo lo entiendan asi en Ynglaterray aun precisamente necessario hauiendo confidentesde aquel Rey (f.125) en Roma que estan atentissimos a la caja que aqui se hace el tratado y a lo que se camina en la negociaciones.

Deste parezer es el Duque de Alburquerque y este lenguaje les ha hablado siempre el Conde de Gondomaren aquel reyno y yo hacialo mismoen su ausencia con que han visto se les habla verdad y se muestra deseo del efecto pues continuamentese les va pidiendo que quiten los estorbos .

Y en esta conformidad me ha parecido responder a la carta del baron digbi que embie original a Vuestra Magestad con la traducion, va con esta la copia de la respuesta que le he hecho para que Vuestra Magestad se sirua de mandarme aduertir lo que debo emmendar en las conferencias que de aqui adelante se ofrezieren : pues en negocio tan graue qualquieryerro puede ser grande.

Bessomuy humilde los pies de Vuestra Magestad por lamerced que ha sido seruidode hacerme con la carta de crecencias para su Santidad usase dellacomoy quando pareciere al Duque Guarde Dios la catholica persona de Vuestra Magestad largos y felicissimos años como la Christiandad ha menester . Roma Julio 16 de 1621 . Fray Diego de la Fuente



In a letterofthe19th oflastmonth¹ Iinformed yourMajestyabout an audiencewhich I had on the 4th, and also that George Gage, an English Catholic gentleman , had arrived at this court with the knowledge and approvalofthe king, his master, in order to pleadin thename ofthe Catholicsof that kingdom for he came with that titlethat the dispensation for the marriage be granted While trying to observe the attitude of his Holiness and his officials, he is also looking intowhat might bedoneon yourMajesty'spart. -

He had hisfirst audience on Saturday, the 26thoflast month , and he emerged pleased that his Holiness told him that hedeeplydesired

the comfort and relief of the Catholics of these realms and that in pursuit ofthis he was prepared to do everythingpossible towardsthat which he desired. However he did not emerge with the same pleasure from the second audience, which he had on the 8th of this month , because his Holiness told him at the beginningthat he was waiting to learnyourMajesty'spleasure about thequestioninyourletter which he had notyet received, and after he hadordered itsreview, he was determined to do what might appear to be thegreater service ofGod When Sir George pressed thediscussion his Holiness responded, witha change of countenance and tone of voice, that this business was extremely difficult and that it was of the utmost importance that the kingof England prepare himself to do many thingswhich are notevidentatthe present Such were theformalwordsofthe reply

This gentleman preferred to believe that they were aiming at freedom of conscience, or the conversion of the Prince of Wales andis alreadyplungedinto desperation . Forseeing thedifficulty that willarise should it be thus understood in England at the presentmoment and seeing what the late king our lord hadbeen pleased to advise meinmy instructions that even though his Holiness and his officials might want to terminate the discussion completely it should not be accepted in any way as a final decision, andfurthermore as I reflected that it was proper to proceedwith great caution lest the king shouldimmediately marry his son toa person ofhis ownsect from which the completeruin of the Catholics of England might possiblyfollow as well as harm to our holyfaith which is to be leftto the imagination, I tried to quiet Sir George by explainingthe wordsofthepope in a less rigorous sensethan thatin which he had understood them, while informing him thatnews had come of the severe measures, which the Puritansplanned in the Parliament of London by passing new laws against the Catholics , had brought despondency and pain to his Holiness and that the king could alter this and it would be better that it would be done at onceso that their endeavours through this gentleman , in addition to the pressing remonstrances which are going to be made in your Majesty's name , might have effect .

He seemed to be assured and I know that he wrote at onceto Sir George Calvert , the king's secretary ofState, using hisgood officesto warn of the danger ofthe coolness, which he sees in some , and ofthe evasions and the obstacles which he could encounterin thequestionin response to what is being done against the Catholics. So it seems very important that they should realize it in England, andindeeditis ofthe utmost importance, since there are confidants of this king in Rome who are very alert to the progress whichis happeninghere on behalfof the allianceandto what is atfootin the negotiations .

The Duke of Alburquerque is of this opinion and the Countof Gondomarhad always used this language in that country, as alsodidI in his absence , wherebythey have seen that the truthis beingspokento

them and there is a desire for results that is being shown to them , indeed one is constantly going to them to ask them to clear aside obstacles

It is in thisfashion that Idecided to reply to BaronDigby's letter, the original of which I have sent to your Majesty along with a translation. A copy of the reply that Imade to him is accompanying thisso that your Majestymight be pleased to commandthat Ibeinformed of what I ought to correctin themeetings which might occurfromnowin thefuture. Indeed in a matter ofsuch consequence anymistakecan be serious

Most humblydo Ikiss thefeet ofyourMajestyforthefavour which you were pleased to afford me through the letter ofcredence for his Holiness. How and whenit is used shallbe decided by theDuke May God protect the Catholicperson ofyourMajestyformany auspicious years as Christianity has need. Rome 16 July 1621 . Fray Diego de la Fuente


1 For the mission of FrayDiego to Rome see The Narrativepp 162 ff

2 George Gage (ca. 1582-1638 ) a friend of Toby Mathewand John Digby, was to accompny Endymion Porter to Madrid later in 1622. (For his biographysee Revill, P. and Steer, F. "George GageI and George GageII" , Bull. Inst.Histo. Res . 31 (1958) pp 141-58)

3 It was reported at this time that the oath of Allegiance was administered in London to a large number of Catholics which revealed "manywho had passed without being thought to be one ... " (A.G.R.S.E.G. vol 363 n. fol. Van Male to Praets, London, 12 March 1621).

4 See the Narrative p 207. Aware that the Curia could demand too muchofthe Prince of Wales, Gondomar asked John Bennet, "to go in the name of the clergy of this realm" to request less specific terms on behalfof the Catholics (Bib. Vat. Mss Barberini Latini vol 8591 f. 76 Gondomar to Ludovisi , London, 15 Sept. 1621; Tierney-Dodd, Church History vol 5 pp ccxci -ccxciii for memorialof clergy of 26 Aug. 1621)

5 As a result Calvert informed Walter Aston in Spain that James I had ordered the justices going on circuit "to procede with all moderation and clemency" against recusants, "this being not a time to use severity and rigour ... " (B.M.Add Mss 36445 f 151, letter of 26 June 1621)

6 Francisco de la Cueva, 8th Duke of Alburquerque, Spanish resident ambassador in Rome

7 Digby had been suspicious abouta delay ofover threemonthsafterPhilipIV's accession in the reappointmentof Fray Diego to Rome (B.M. Add Mss 36445 f 192, Digbyto Aston, Vienna 6 Aug. 1621).





. Brussels, 31 March 1622

Original autograph, 1 page, B.P.O. manuscritos , vol. 2170 n. fol. Despite James's assurances to Gondomar of milder treatment of Catholics, results had been disappointing. When the king promisedto restrain pursuivants again in 1620 he allowedinstructionstobe sent to the clergy and officials of each parishfor a close watchupon Catholics (PC 56 f 189v Van Male to Praets, London, 15 May 1620) A year later when Gondomarvisited Sir Thomas Coventry, AttorneyGeneral, "concerning some recusantes that were extraordinarily vexed by informers and promooters" he was advised that the ordinary proceedings against recusants could not be stopped"withouthis majesties further direction" (Gardiner, ed. Fortescue Papers pp. 155-56, Coventry to Buckingham, 23 July 1621)

Conde de Gondomar,pariente

Ha se entendido y declarado por aca que el Rey de Gran Bretaña a vuestra Instancia a prometido de dar libertad y soltura a muchos Catholicosencarzelados en esse Reyno por causa del juramento y dela religionCatholicaen particular a los que se hallanpresos en la ciudad de Jorq que se llama en latin Eboracum y assi os encargo muy de veras procureis y hagais todas diligencias y esfuerzo para que se cumplala promesa del dicho Rey con effecto quanto antes dandoles soltura porque hauiendo corrido voz que esta ya determinada¹ la libertad de los dichos presos han cessado las limosnas que se les dauan para su sustento en la prision, por lo qual padezen agora mucha mas necessidad que por lo passado, la obra es tal y de tanto serviciode Diosque noha menester otra recomendacionpara con vos, esperando yo el buenoy breueeffecto della.2 NuestroSeñor sea en vuestra guardia.De Brusselas a ultimo de Marco 1622

(autograph) Issabel


Countof Gondomar , Cousin

It has been learnedand reported hereabouts that the king ofGreat Britain at your request has promised to grant freedom and reliefto many Catholics imprisoned in that realm because ofthe oath and the Catholicfaith, in particular to those who are presentlykept in thecity of York, which is called in Latin, Eboracum Accordingly Irequest you

most strongly that you should try to exert everyeffort andresource that the aforesaid king's promisebe infactfulfilled at once bygranting them release because once the report was current that thefreedom of the aforesaid people had been decided¹ the alms that were being given for their support in prison stopped; as a consequence they now suffer much greater privation than before . The task is important and ofso much service to God that nofurtherrecommendationis needed to you as Iawait the happy and immediateoutcomeofit Mayyou be in the Lord'sprotection From Brussels, the last day ofMarch 1622 . (autograph ) Isabella

1 In the previous year the prosecutions in York Lancashire, Durham and the north were "of a greater degreethan has been seen inmanyyears" with imprison- ment, fines and loss of property (St. Alban's College Mss Series 2 , leg 6, f 24 , "avisos" from William Savell, 12 May 1621) However by Gondomar's efforts there were a change. In the P.R.O. Chancery CrownOffice, Book ofCommissions (C 181/3 ff. 70-70v) there is a list of names of 71 recusants "that were enlarged out of the prisones for the countie and citie of York upon baylebythe Justices of Assize" in Easter term 1622. Names for Hereford, Durham , Devon, Lancashire and London are also given (I am indebted to Dr. Brian Levack for this information)

2 Hereplied to the Archduchess : "Thisking has promised me thefreedomofall Catholics imprisoned in the kingdom for the faith by ordering me to secure its effect It has been done accordinglyalthoughI have had the greatest difficulties and obstacles . Today the prince and the Secretary ofState [Calvert ] told me that ithas now been ordered ... tomorrowthe orders will be sent concerning this to all places ... " (B.P.O. Manuscritos , vol 2108 f. 54, Gondomarto Isabella ,London , 15 April 1622)


. Madrid, 7 July 1622 .

Original autograph , 1 page, P.R.O. S.P.94/25/116 The secretary of the Spanish Council of State is here writingin the name ofPhilip IV to Sir Walter Aston (1584-1639 ), the English resident ambassador in Madrid . He held two appointmentsthere in 1620-25 and 1635-38 (See also D.N.B.).

In the preceding document the permission to Gondomarto secure the release of a large number of Catholics before his second departure for Spain has been indicated It emerged that: "all the Jesuits and priests which were in prison in London and elsewhere were settat liberty ... " but "they went under baile to be forthcoming whenthey

should be called for ... " (H. Ellis, ed OriginalLetters Illustrative of English History, 1st Series, vol 3 , London 1824 , p 128) There was , as a result, some uncertainty over what James intended to do: "The affairesof the Catholike religion stande att a staye, ther is no persecution nor permission , his majestie hath sent downe writts to all the judges, that they shall in their circuits sett att libertie all papists which they finde in prisons upon sureties to retorne to their prisons in Easter terme next, if in the mean time they doe not conforme themselyes to our religion and that thejudges shall not questionthem,for hearinge of mass or praying at mass , nor press them with the oathe ofsupremacie, or with any matter not totally civille and politique and this is inioyned likewise to all comissioners for the peace in all Englande, there is not any worde, nether can we here tell, whether it extendeto the enlargement of priests or not ... " (P C 58 f 443 WilliamSterrell to London 25 Aug. 1622) It was found that it requiredmanyrequests to John Williams , BishopofLincoln, Lord Chancellor , to prepare the writs for the justices (P C 58 ff 290, 334 , Van Male to Isabella, 4 June,24 June 1622) Finally when his decision was made Williams issued two writs to the judges saying that they were to make "noe nicenesseor difficultye to extend his princely favour to all such papists as you shall finde imprisoned in the severall goals ofyour circute ... " (B.M. Add Mss 25 , 832 f. 79 letter of 2 August 1622; see also A. Wilson ,History ofGreat Britain, London, 1653, p. 196).

IllustrissimeSeñor ,

El Señor Conde de Gondomardio quentalos dias passados al Reymi Señor que a instancia suya a dado libertad el Serenissimo Rey de la Gran Bretañaa quatro mil personas que estauan presos en aquel reyno por causa de religion, y su Magestad ha hechotanta estimaciondello por lo que corresponde esta demostracion a lo que dessea, la conserbacion de amistad de entrambas coronas, que me a mandado darlas gracias dello a Vuestra Señoria Illustrissimay yo se las doy con mucho gusto porque se con el que las receuyra¹ Vuestra Señoria Illustrissima que Diosguarde como desseo . EnMadrid, 7 de Julio 1622

Juan de Ciriça


My very good Lord,

The Lord Count of Gondomar has reported in recent days to my Lord, the king, that upon his urging the most Serene king of Great Britain had granted freedom to four thousandpersons who had been

imprisoned in that realm because of religion. His Majesty has such a deep appreciation of this, for this action corresponds to what he desires in the preservationoffriendship between both crowns, that hehascommanded me to convey his gratitudeforit to yourLordship Iknow that it is with deep pleasure that I convey them since Iam aware withwhat happiness your Lordship will receive them. May God protect you asI desire. Madrid 7 July 1622 (autograph)Juande Cirica 1

1 The ambassador responded at once (E 2603/24 Aston to Olivares, Madrid 8 July 1622).


. Madrid, ca. November1623 .

ContemporaryEnglishcopy, 1 page, Westminster Cathedral Archive, Series A, vol 17 f 237: endorsed "A copie of the last letter thatthe Infanta of Spaine sent to the Marques of St. Germans at London." Juan de Mendoza, Marquis ofLa Ynojosa(see next document) was also Marquis of San Germano. (f.237)

Marques, It hath bene thought the providence of God All mightie that this business is come to issue through a numberof difficulties.Icommande you that you tell such religious persons and any Catholickes as resorte toyour house that they be not dismayed at the delationofmyjourney but bid them be ofgoodcomforte and constante in the Catholikefaith, and let them be assured that I will most willingly loose my dearest bloode to redeeme the meanest of them from persecution Marques, God Keepe you. Marie .

56. THE MARQUIS OF LA YNOJOSATO PHILIP IV . London, 9 November1623 .

Original autographwith a portion deciphered , 1 page, E 2603/101 . Don Juan de Mendoza , Marquis of La Ynojosa, formerly Viceroy of Navarre , had been made a Councillor of State before his departurefor England . Aston explainedthat his mission asAmbassador Extraordinary was "to congragulate withhis Majestie the safe arrival ofhis Highnessat this court: he is also to remaine there as an assistant with don Carlos de Coloma ... " (P.R.O S.P. 94/26/106 Aston to Carleton, Madrid, 12 April 1623). This letter introducesdoc.57.


En 5 deste¹ porla tarde predicoen casadel embaxadordeFrancia² un Padre de la Compañia de Jesus³ de mucha opinion a que concurrieron todos los Catholicos que cupieron en la pieca donde hiço el sermon, estando en le hundio la mayor parte del suelo y del quatro baxo adonde corespondia , murieron el predicadory cien personas que sacaron despues y quedaron eridos passados de ciento y cinquenta, fue suceso lastississimo y de que comencaron a formar matherialos ereges para tachar como suelen la religion catholica y grande escandalo y ynsolencia de los que concurrieron alli luego que se supo pues procedieron en la forma que contiene el papel que aqui ba del Arcediano de Cambray a quien embiamos don Carlos Coloma y yo a visitar al embaxada de Francia offrecelle la assistencia necessaria y pedille se enterrassen los muertosen su casa para excusar que los ereges haciendolo fuera executassen alguna maldad, bera Vuestra Magestad tambien por el papel lo que dijo el embaxadorcon esta occasional arcediano, a don Carlos y a mi despuesfuimos a berle nos ablo cassien la misma conformidad a que le respondimos con palabras generales assegurandole quan buena despusicion ay siempre en la voluntad de Vuestra Magestad para corresponder a una verdadera ermandad y amistad, este embaxador es gran Catholico (y en sus acciones y proceder muestra menos que otros la naturaleça francesa) Guarde Dios la Catholica y real persona de Vuestra Magestad Londres 9 de Noviembre 1623 . El Marques de la Ynojosa

Translation :] Sire ,

On the afternoon ofthe fifth ofthismonth¹ in theresidence ofthe ambassador of France there was a highly regarded father of the Society of Jesus³ to whom every Catholic who wished gathered togetherin the chamber where he was to preach his sermon While they were there the greater portionof thefloor as wellas theroom belowto which it corresponds, collapsed The preacher died along with a hundred peoplewhom they later removed andovera hundredandfifty remain with injuries. It was a most tragic event Upon it the heretics have begun to build a case to attack the Catholic religion as they usually do andgreat were the raillery and insultsfrom those who soon gathered there as is to be seen immediately for they acted in the mannerwhich is described in the report oftheArchdeaconofCambrai that accompanies this. Don Carlos and I sent him there to visit the ambassador of France to offerhim needed helpandto beghim tobury the deceasedwithin his residence to preventthe heretics who were outside from doing somethingharmful Your Majesty will also see in the paper what the ambassador said on this occasion to the Archdeacon . Later whendon Carlos and Iwent to see him he spoke to us in thesame agreeable fashion. We replied to him ingeneral terms withan assurance ofhow welldisposed was the will ofyourMajestyto beconcernedwith true brotherhood and friendship. This ambassador is a great Catholic (and in his actions and conduct shows less than others the French character). May God protect the Catholic royal person of your Majesty. London 9 November1623. (autograph) The MarquisofLa Ynojosa

1 i.e. 26 October1623 o.s.

2 Tanneguy Le Veneur, Count of Tillieres, ambassador from August 1619 to July 1624, had a residence at Hunsdon House in Blackfriars; the accident occurred in the adjoiningproperty.

3 RobertDrury, S.J., see Foley, Records vol 1 , pp. 76-98

4 Portion is deciphered

57. A REPORT OF THE ARCHDEACONOF CAMBRAI. London, 9 November 1623 .

Original holograph, 4 pages , E 2603/102. Francois de Carondelet , Archdeaconof Cambrai , came to London late in 1622 at the request of Carlos Coloma to serve in the embassy for fourmonths(A.G.R., P.E.A. vol. 2059 n. fol Coloma to Isabella, London, 13 Sept. 1623) He received a strong commendationfrom the Archpriest of the English clergyfor his efforts to further the relaxation ofthe penal laws (PC 58 f. 507, John Colleton to Coloma , undated holograph) Coloma then appealed again to Isabella to secure a continuanceofCarondelet's leave of absence from Cambrai for he was "needed not only in mattersof religion but also in others of the highest importancefor his Majesty's service amongst which there are some which we cannot well negotiate without him. (A.G.R. P.E.A. vol 2065 n fol. Coloma to Della Faille, 29 Sept. 1623). For his diplomacyat a later occasion in 1632 see P. Geyl, The Netherlandsin the 17th Century. Part One, London, 1961 , p. 96. After becoming an agent of Richelieu, he died in prison in Antwerp in 1635 (See Biographia Nationale vol 1 , p 690, vol 3, p 351). י , (p.1)

Fui a seis de nouiembre a ver el embaxador de Francia el Conde de Tillers a darle el pesame de parte del Marques de la Ynojosay de don Carlos Coloma de la desgracia que abia sucedido en su casa dondeabia caido una pieca en la qual se haziael sermon y muerto el Predicadory la mayor parte del auditorio Mostrome los muertos en mumero de mas de ochentapersonas que se iuan amortalandopara enterralles y en este interim llego un recado del obispo de Londres que mandaua que se enterrassen en un mulador por ser descomulgados y que se les quitassen los vestidos y lo que tenian Visto esto se resoluio el dicho embaxador a venir en lo que le pedi de parte del Marques y de don Carlos de enterralles en medio del patio para este effecto para quitar todo peligro de que el pueblono se alboratasse y hiziesse crueldades. El dicho embaxador muy sentido dessa propuesta me dixo que bien se echaua de ver lo que se podia esperar dessa gente, pues en tiempoque se trataria de assigurar las cosas de la Religion, y que prometian tanto en favor del casamiento, no dexauan de usar de crueldad contra los muertos² y no gente ordinaria sino los mismos obispos, y que quantoa la que tocaua al (p.2) pueblo , a penas podian tantas guardas que abian alli remediar a que no entrassen en su casa por fuerça Dixome muchas afrentas particulares que abian hecho por las calles a los heridosque

lleuauan a curar a sus casas tirandoles piedras y lodosy echandoles mil maldicionesy en particular como abian querido quemara una señora donzella que iua en coche herida, mientras estauan remediando a una rueda rota Quiza Dios abia permitido essa desgracia para que del successodella nos desenganassemosantez de passar mas adelante en el casamiento , sin embargo de que no podra creer que nos pudiessemos resolber a hazer alianca con gente tan enemiga de nuestra religiony tan irreconciliable con la iglesia a la qual y a nuestra nacion aborecian tanto con muchos otras cosas despues de las quales me dixo que desseaua obiesse mayor confianzaentrelos embaxadores de España y el que seria en gran prouechonuestropues podriadar buenissimos auisos sin reparar en la differentia de las naciones la qual devia cessar en essa tierra y que no debia aber aqui otra differentia sino de religion en la qual eran todos unos Españoles y Franceses. Encareciendome mucho lo que desseaua que los embaxadores de España se siruiessen del, añadio que sabia que los dichos embaxadores de España abian tenido auisos de Paris queel Rey de Francia le abia mandado bolber se ayi en Londres para opponerse al casamiento del (p.3) Principe con la Infanta y tratardel con la hermana del Rey de Francia , pero que Dios no le perdonasse jamas sus pecados si tal cosa ubo jamas y que muchas razones abia para que los Españoles no se aliassen con Inglaterra pero cinquenta mas dellas para que los Franceses lo hiziessen tan poco. Y dos en particular la una que si a caso el Rey de Francia y su hermanomuriessen sinhijos seria dar occasion a los Ingleses a que pretendiessen otra vez la succesion del reino de Francia , no obstante la ley salica a la qual ellos se opusieron siempre La otra que seria cosa facil al Rey de Inglaterra rebolber a Francia en qualquier tiempo con la comodidaddeste alianca teniendo un partido tan fuerte como el delos herejes desse reyno , los quales luego se leuantariany reconocierian al de Inglaterrapor su Rey ofreciendose la menor ocasion. Y para que se viesse conquantaverdad el desseauacomunicar con los embaxadores offrecio de mostrarlo que abia escrito en differentestiempos al Rey su señor en esta materiay a mas desto los despachos que abia embiado y recibido para que se aprouechassen dellos Despues de muchos discursos con mucho zelo , dixome que el verdadero remedio de establecer la religionenInglaterra no era con darles un Infanta por prenda, en lugar de (p.4) receuilla dellos , sino haziendo de manera que tengan miedo a nuestras armas , siendo cosa auerigada que es mas facil ganar a Inglaterra que a una forteleza de Olanda encareciendome nuestras fuercas y menos preciando la flaqueza desta gente y desta tierra Dixome lo que importaua por esso la buena correspondencia entre los principes christianos y particularmente los Reyes de España y Francia y que se aliassen mas, el Infante don Carlos y la hermana del Rey de Francia podian con nueba aliança y renouar y establecer las aliancas priores. En conclusionme pidio que yo dixesse a los Embaxadores que si veian ser a proposito en qualquiertiempo les offreciaemplearse a quesu Rey

entrasse en mejor correspondencia con el de España para remediar a la aflicion de los Catholicos y establecer nuestra santa fe prometiendose de salir conello. Este es el discurso que huuo conmigo al qualme obligo dar mucho credito la consideracion de su zelo ordinario a la religiony la occasion en la qual me lo dixo y muchas otra circonstancias .

D.F. de Carondolet


On November 6th I went to see the ambassador of France, the Count ofTilliers to offer sympathy in the name ofthe MarquisofLa Ynojosa and don Carlos Coloma over the tragedy that had occurredat his residence, where a room had collapsed while a sermon was being deliveredand the preacherwas killed as wellas the greater part ofthe assembly. He showed the dead to me, at a numberofmorethan eighty people, who were then being shrouded for their burial In the interval there came a warningfrom the Bishop ofLondon' which directedthat as excommunicates they be buried on the refuse pile and that the clothes they wore were to be strippedoff. When he read this the aforesaid ambassador decided, as I had asked him to do on behalf ofthe Marquis and don Carlos, to bury them in a pit whichwas prepared for this purpose in the middle of the courtyard to forestall any riskthat the peoplewould riot and commit outrages. The aforesaid ambassador was very downcastover this prospectand toldme that indeed hecould see what was to be expected from these people, for at the moment when the negotiationswere being conductedabout theguaranteeesfor religious matters and so much was being promised in support ofthe marriagenot merely the commonpeople, but even the bishops, had not failed to show cruelty towards the dead . In face ofthe populaceat least they could supply as many guards as they had to prevent them fromenteringtheresidence . Hetoldmeofmanyindividual outrages that they had committed in the streets against the wounded as they were taken away to their homes, by tossing stones andrefuse anduttering a thousand curses In particular, he said that they wanted to set an injured lady afire when she was travelling in her coach as they attempted tofix a broken wheel. Perhaps God has permitted this misfortune so that we might be disillusionedover the outcome beforewe proceed furtherwith themarriage.³ There is nogainsaying thefactthat itis unbelievablethat we would be capable ofagreeing upon an alliance with a populace so hostile to our faith and so irreconcilable to the church against which they show as much hatred as they do against our nation. [He continued] with many other things afterwhich he told me that he desired a greater trust between theSpanish ambassadorandhimselfand thatit would be to our greateradvantage, as he couldprovide excellent news, let alone make amends for the animosity betweenour

nations which ought to cease within this land and that here there should not be any disagreement except in religion about which the Spaniards and the French were as one. He urged me seriously to have the ambassadors ofSpain rely upon his services He added that hewas aware that the aforesaid ambassadorsofSpain hadhad news fromParis that the king of France had commanded him to come backto London to oppose the marriage of the Prince andtheInfanta andto negotiate one for the sister ofthe king of France but God would never pardon his sins ifsuch a thing ever took place. [He said] thathe hadmany reasonsagainst an alliance oftheSpaniards withEnglandbut therewere fifty more than these against the Frenchdoing so well. Thereweretwo in particular, the first was that if the King of France and his brother died without sons it wouldprovidean opportunity for the English: to make a claim again for the kingdom of France not withstandingthe Salic law to which they had always been opposed The second was that it would be an easy thing for the king ofEnglandto come backinto France on the strength ofthis alliance as he had a very strongfaction among the heretics of that kingdom who would rise up immediately andrecognize theperson from Englandas their king shouldtheslightest chance bepresented. In order that it might be seen how trulyhesought to communicate with ambassadors he offered to show what he had written at different times to his lord, the king, about this question, in addition to thosedespatches which he had been sending and receiving so thatthey might make use ofthem . Aftermany veryfriendlyremarks hetold me that the true means to establish religion inEnglandwasnot to offer them an Infanta as a guarantee instead of receiving onefrom them , but rather to act in such a way that they are afraid of our strengthfor it is an established fact that itis easier to win Englandthan a fortress in Holland He was highinpraise ofourforcesandlow in his esteem ofthe weakness of this peopleand the land. He toldme thata good friendship between Christianprinces, and especially the Kingsof Spain and France, was important for this and if the alliancealready concluded was not enough then they should bind themselves more closely. The Infante, don Carlos, and the sister oftheKingofFrance can renew and make firm theformer alliances with a new agreement. In conclusionhe asked me to tell the ambassadors that ifthey should consideritsuitableat any time he offeredto commit himself to having his king enter into closer ties with the king of Spain to relieve the misery of the Catholics and to establish our holy faith by pledging themselves to undertake it. Such is the conversation that he had with me for which I am forced to commendhim out of considerationfor his habitual devotion to religion andfor the accident, in the midst of which he was speaking to me, as well as formany other reasons . (autograph)D. F[rancois] de Carondolet

1 George Montaigne , Bishop of London, 1621-28 .

2 John Chamberlain commented to DudleyCarleton: "in myjudgementnothing is more remarkable then this was the first so solemne assemblie of theirsthatI have knowne or heard of in England these three score yeares and more ... " He noted the mob's cruelty but also found much charity (Chamberlain Lettersvol 2, pp. 520-21).

3 "The roomes in the frieri have been many yeares decayed and some report that father fisher who provided them was warned by the House Keeper not to trust to the large room for it woulde beare no waight There wer many thereof account, but are not particularly knowne ... " (P Č 59 n. fol. William Sterrill to Van Male, 9 Nov. 1623)

4 Don Carlos (1607-32) younger brother of Philip IV was actually named a candidate for the hand of Henriette-Marie shortly after (P.R.O. 30/53/6 f. 103 , Lord Herbertto Calvert, 21 May 1624).


. Madrid, ca. December 1623 .

Originalconsulta, excerpt of6 pages , undated , E 2559/77. Afterthe nuncio to Spain , Innocenzo de Massimi , had delivered Urban VIII's dispensation to Philip IV on 29 November, the king declared that 9 December would be the date of the marriage by proxy of his sister , the Infanta, to the Prince ofWales On 6 December the EarlofBristol received special instructions from London to raise new issues to Philip before the ceremony could be performed. Since Gondomar remarks below: "Your Majesty was ready to conclude the alliance yesterday morning" , hisstatementcan be dated possiblyfor 7 December . See also theNarrative, pp. 262-67 , and his earlier opinion inDoc .20.


El Conde de Gondomar: que el papel que VuestraMagestad ordeno que el Secretario Juan de Ciriça escriuiese al Conde de Bristol fue acerdadisimo pues con su respuesta se prueua la puntualidad y prontitude de Vuestra Magestad en cumplir todo lo capituladoy acordado y ponello enexecucion . '

Que se deue creer que la yntencion del Rey nuestro Señor que aya gloria en el principio del tratado deste casamiento fue principalmente por el beneficio y aumento de la Religion Catholica y aliuio de los

Catholicos tan perseguidos y mal tratados en aquellos reynos de Ynglaterra aun que el auerse començado este tratado en tiempo que estaua muy adelante la platica de casarse el Principe de Gales con Madama Christina (hermana del Rey de Francia que oy es Princesa (p.2) de Piamonte)2 dio ocasion para que entonces se pensaseque la gana de diuirtir los ynconuinientes que de aquella union se podian seguir auia ayudado a este otro tratado. Pero el Conde de Gondomar cree (como a dicho) que lo principal que a su Magestadqueaya gloriale deuio de mouerfue solo el bien de la Religiony que VuestraMagestad , Dios le guarde, sauemos que a tenido solo este fin, pues emos vistoque tubo aqui al Principe de Gales y el mismo Principe diga si se le ablo en cosa temporal de parte de Vuestra Magestad todo fue del bien y aumento de la religion Catholicaen su persona y en sus vasallosy desto buena satisfacion y prueba tiene el mundo y la iglesia y los sumos pontifices en cuyos tiempos se a tratado desto y que abentajo Vuestra Magestad (p.3) las condiciones con que ello se contentauan y muchas dellas tan auentajadamente que el conde de Gondomar le parecia dificultosisimo el bencer las conociendo la naturaleza del Rey de Ynglaterray el estado de las cosas de aquel Reynoen quese veelo que obro Dios por mano de Vuestra Magestad y medios del Conde de Olivares que en su real nombre lo dispuso tan bien Y assi deuemos tener firme fee de que su Diuina Magestad dispondara lo que mas conuenga para su santo seruicio y bieny grandeza de Vuestra Magestad pues ya se a visto el veneficio que VuestraMagestad a hecho a tantas almas con este tratado, mas aun que del tratado se ayan seguido estos beneficios y escusado se daños si en la conclusion no fuesen muy seguros los prouechos serian muy ciertos los daños que con esta nouedad (p.4) de aora es bien preueniry assi (pues Vuestra Magestad a tratado este negocio tan ydalgalmente con Dios y estaua resuelto de concluyrlo pasado mañana y el Rey de Ynglaterraquiere mercancia y que se trate y junte aora con el casamiento el acuerdo delPalatinado cosa tan distinta antes) parezele al conde de Gondomarque Vuestra Magestad conbenga con el Rey de Ynglaterraen esto y se balga desu mismo pretexto de que para que despues no aya causa de disgusto se trate y asiente tan bien antes lo de Olanda y lo de la Yndia oriental y que camine lo uno y otro a un mismo paso, por que si la paz no a de quedar muy asentada en todo y a de auer despues ocasiones de tenir mejor esta el Palatinado de nuestra parte que de la suya y que (p.5) tan bien con las menores demostraciones que se pueda se bayan disponiendolas cosas para lo que se puede offrezer en la guerra comolo a dicho el conde de Olivares y conseruando a los Yrlandeses sin perder de vista los confidentes en Escocia y Ynglaterray el aumento de los seminarios porque an sido artilleria que a hecho bateria de mucho efecto en aquellos reynos al seruicio de Dios y a VuestraMagestadque aun que esto es y sera disgusto para el Rey de Ynglaterrale da temor,y autoridad a Vuestra Magestad que es lo que principalmente se a de

negociar con aquel Rey y conseguir los buenos afectos que se dessean assi a sido siempre este su parezer y lo es aora 3

[Translation:] +

The Count of Gondomar [said] that the document which your Majesty ordered Secretary Juan de Cirica to write to the Earl ofBristol was most correct Indeed through it andyourreply thereis madeclear thereadiness and willingnessofyourMajestytofulfilleverythingstipulatedandagreed upon andto putitintoexecution

[He said] that it ought to be believed that the purposeofthelate kingour lord at the commencementof thenegotiation ofthismarriage was mainly the benefit and advancement ofthe Catholic religion and the relief of the Catholics who were so persecuted andmistreatedin those kingdomsof England , even though this negotiationwas startedat the moment when considerable progress in a discussion ofa marriage of the Prince of Wales with Madame Christine, the king ofFrance's sister, (who is now the Princess ofPiedmont) provided an occasion when it was thought at that time that the advantage ofpreventingthe dangers which could follow from that alliancehad spurreda new negotiation. However the Count of Gondomar believesas he has said that the principal purposewhich had movedhis lateMajestyhad been solelythe goodof thefaith and thatwe are aware that yourMajestywhom God protecthas kept to this purpose solely Indeed we have seen here what has happened here to the Prince of Wales and the Princehimself would say, should some one speak to him about a temporalmatter on your Majesty's behalf, that everything was for the good and advancement of the Catholic religion in his person and among his subjects There isfull satisfactionandproofofthisfor the world, the churchand the popes, in whose reigns this has been discussed, as well as in that your Majesty improved upon the conditions wherein they were contented and many of these were ofsuch a high degree that the Count of Gondomar believes it extremely difficult to surpass them, since heis aware ofthe natural dispositionofthe king ofEnglandandofthe state of affairs in that realm, in which one might see what God has worked by yourMajesty'shand andthe efforts ofthe Count ofOlivares whoin the king's name has arranged it so well . Accordingly we have to keepa firm faith that his Divine Majesty will arrange what should be most suitablefor His holy service and the wellbeingand grandeur ofyour Majesty Indeed the advantage has already been seen that yourMajesty had secured for so many souls by this negotiation, furthermore, although these advantages have followed and harm has been avoided , if at the conclusionthe benefitsmight be more in question therewill be more certitude about the harm which, after this recentnews , itis best to prevent Therefore, in as much as yourMajesty has, underGod,

conducted this negotiation so nobly and was ready to concludethe allianceyesterdaymorning and the king ofEnglandprefersbargaining and that there shouldnow be discussedandlinked togetherto themarriage an agreement about the Palatinate , something previously quite distinct, the Count ofGondomarbelieves that yourMajestyshouldface the king of England over this and avail yourself of the same excuse wherein, with the intention that there be no quarrellater, there should alsobe a prioragreement andnegotiationabout HollandandEast India and that the oneor the other shouldbe advanced at thesamepace.The reason is that if the peace is not a total accord in every respectand there are to be later opportunities for holding back, the Palatinateis better belongingto our side than to his, andfurthermore withthe least possible public notice they are starting to prepare things against what might possibly occur in a war as the Count of Olivares has said , and meanwhileby strengtheningthe Irish withoutlosingsightofthe confidants in Scotland and Englandand the growth of the seminaries , as these have been an artillery which has given a broadside ofgreateffect in those kingdomsfor your Majesty's and God's service , even though this will be vexingto the king of Englandyet it makes him afraidand increases your Majesty's authority which is the wayin which onehas to negotiatemainly with that king to achieve thegoodresults whichare to bedesired . This has always been his opinion and what itisatpresent.³

1 The ambassador noted: "they are much startled with this delay ... " and that his assurancethat therewas no intention "to breach thematch" had "little creditt with them ... " (B.M. Add Mss 36, 446 f 275 WalterAston to Prince ofWales , Madrid , 29 Nove 1623 o.s.).

2 She marriedVictorAmadeus I, DukeofSavoy, 1630-37 .

3 Gondomarthen voted approval of the official responseto the Earl ofBristol


. London, 10 September 1624 .

Decipher, copy, received on 7 October, 3 pages , E libro 375 n.fol. Carlos Coloma, a memberof a distinguished family ofAlicante , wasat this time Governor of Cambrai and member ofIsabella's CouncilofWar. In the summer of 1622 he was sent to the court of James I as an ambassador extraordinary to represent both Brusselsand Madridduring Gondomar'sprolonged second absence in Madrid His useful history,


Las Guerras de los Estados Baxos, Antwerp, 1625, covers the years 1588 to 1599 and was composed in part from his personal experiences He would return a second time as ambassador to Charles I in January 1630 pending the negotiation of the peace of Madrid during the following summer(See Magurn, R.S. TheLetters ofPeter Paul Rubens , Cambridge,Mass , 1955, pp 249-353) He died in 1637 .

(p.1) +


Boluio como escriui a Vuestra Magestad en carta de 3 deste el embaxador de Francia¹ a buscar a este Reypara mejorarlas cartas²en que el hauia venido muy contento a Londres y despachado aun confesor³ suyo capuchino por la posta a Paris lleuandoel dicho embajador enborrada la sustancia en que abian de benirlas cartas para quecon ellas se remediase la persecucion contra los Catholicos Reciuioleel rey muy mal culpando a los autores de aquellos advertimientos como papistas y recusantes declaradasque nada les contentaua sino la sedicion y ruina del reyno trato el embajador de mitigarle al principio ubiendo que no aprouechaua echo por otro camino diciendo que muy en ora buena que a su amo no le faltarian medios para pagarle en la misma moneda tratando a sus vasallos que se llaman de la religion reformada no como hasta aqui sino como ellos merecian pues le hera facil acauarlos del todo siempre y mas agora que las fuercas protestantes estauan tan prestadas en Alemania y los Olandeses en tanto aprieto. Con esto se ablando un poco en las palabras el Rey pero no que mejorase las ordenes en favor de los Catholicos. Voluio el sabado el embajador aca echando fuego y allandose a caso aqui Boquingam que yba a una casasuya veintemillasde aqui que se llama Niuhal fue leugo a berse con el y a procurar mitigarle ofreciendode yr a yntercedercon su (p.2) amo como fue el domingo, tienese todo por artificio o para entretenerlecon palabras, costumbre embexecida deste rey afectando hacerle desistir de su pretensionde puro cansado o para venderle mas caro un aparente aliuio de los pobres Catholicos obligandole a escriuir a su rey conocido de otra parte por demasiado afecto al matrimonio que se a alcançado no solo la esperanza de su total remedio sino la possessionde quanto an sauido desear . Yo entre otras cosas que me tienen aqui sin consuelo lo que particularmente lloro es que abiendo justamente cien años que Vuestra Magestad y sus gloriosos progenitorestienen a su cargo la protecionde la religion Catholica en estos reynos con el fructoexpiritual y temporal que es notoriovea yo por mis ojos y sea desdichado de quesubceda en mi tiempo el comencar a depender de Francia este miembro tan noble y tan benemerito de la religion Catholica sin que mi residencia aqui

sirva de otra cosaque de augmentar la berguenza en mi y el sentimiento en los que por mas firmes que sean an de acudir por agua a la fuente aunque sea salobre y turbio so pena de morir de sed, la casa de los embaxadores de Vuestra Magestad en esta corte solia ser y aun en mi tiempo lo ha sido el refugio y consuelo de todos los de nuestra sagrada religion y el gusto y satisfacion proprio en esta parte hera tanto que hauia tomar en paciencia todos los trauajos y sin sauoresdel oficiocon ser talescomo podran informar a Vuestra Magestad los que han tenido antes que yo todos consejeros y criados de Vuestra Magestad este consuelo unico y solo que me quedaua se me ha quitado tanderaizque no ay catholico en Londres que se atreua a entrar en mi casa aunque le vaga en ello poco menos que la vista. (p.3) Aqui ay un mercader que se llama Pedro Ricart que por hauer entrado en ella a ciertas aueriguaciones de quentas la semanapasadale llaman al consejo de estado y el presidente le dio una reprehension tal que quedoel hombremediomuerto sin embargo de que no es catholico sino protestante. Todo esto digo tanto para que VuestraMagestadsepa el estado de las cosas de aca como para que se sirua de considerar del poco fruto que es y a mi persona en esta corteni la de qualquierembajador que puede venir no hauiendootro remedio para que bueluan a ser estimados como solian sino hacerse los desear algun tiempo como infaliblementelos desearan enbiendose sin ellos y encomencandose a cansar defranceses como sin duda se cansaran con el tiempo.

Aqui ymbio la relacion del Yncognito de la semanapasadapodraya dar pocas porque se ba ya tambien embio otra del estado en que esta la persecucion copia de otra que a remitido al Duque de Pastrana . ¹º NuestroSeñor guarde , etc.




The ambassador ofFrance¹ came back, as I wrote toyourMajesty in a letterofthe third ofthis month, to ask this king for an improvement in the letters And so he has come backto London very pleased and he was even despatched his Capuchin confesor³ along with the courier to Paris; meanwhile the aforesaid ambassador has been demanding action whereby the letters are to give guidance so that through them thepersecutionagainst Catholics is ended .

The king received him in a very bad humour with the commentthat the authors of those reports were papists and convictedrecusants who would be satisified with nothing save the overthrow and ruin of the realm; the ambassador endeavoured to soothe him by declaringit was a principle that he did not approve. He moved to othergroundby saying that in very good season his master would not lack means to pay him backin the same coin by no longertreating his subjects who call themselves "of the ReformedReligion" in the same way as he had untilthe


present, but rather as they deserved. Indeed it would be easy to finish them off completely and for ever. Further more, the protestantforces were very sorely pressed in Germany and the Dutch were in similar straits Hereuponthe king moderatedhis wordssomewhatbutnotsoas to amend the instructions in favour of the Catholics . Saturday the ambassador returned here burning with anger. By chance Buckingham happened to be here and went to one of his residences twenty miles awaywhich is called New Hall. He immediately went to see himand he tried to mollify him by offering to go to intercede with his master as it was Sunday It is all thought to be for a deception, or for a manoeuvre with him through words, a well established practice ofthis king wherein he expects to force him to abandon his requestfrom pure exhaustion, or to bargain with him at a higher price, for a fictitiousrelieffor the poor Catholics by makinghim writeto his king, who is alreadyknown from another source to be strongly in favour of the marriage, that not only was the expectationfor their full relief finished, but even the achievement ofas much as they are known to want

Among other things which leave me inconsolablehere and which I particularly regret, is that, after your Majesty and your glorious ancestors have fora hundredyears duly fulfilled their obligationtothe protection ofthe Catholic religion within these realms with a spiritual and temporal benefit that is well known, Ishould see before my eyes, and that I should be so unfortunate that itshould happen during my stay, this most noble and well deserving branch of the Catholic faith start to depend upon France. Insteadmy residency serves no purpose but to increase the shame within me and the sorrow that they, no matter how firm they might be, have to go for water to that spring, despite the fact that it may be brackish and muddy, under pain of dying from thirst The house of your Majesty's ambassadors at this court was once, and even during my stay it has been, the asylum and haven for everyone of our holy religion, and my own pleasure and satisfaction on this score was such that I was capable of enduringany trial patiently and without the pleasures ofan office which is such as they who have once held it beforeme can relateto yourMajesty, all councillors and servants ofyourMajesty'and this one andonlyconsolation which remainedto me has left me so completely that thereis not a Catholic in London who would dare to enter my residence even though heshouldremainin itforlittle longerthana visit.

There is amerchanthere , Peter Ricaut by name, who afterentering this residence in order to settle certain accounts last week was summoned to the Privy Council and the President deliveredsuch a rebuke to him that the man was half dead despite the fact that he is not a Catholic but a protestant I relate all of this merely that your Majesty should know the state ofaffairs here so that you might bepleased to considerthe slight advantage in remaininghere andofmy personalpre-

sence in this court, nor is there available any sort of ambassador who could come unless he has anotherresource, through which they might be esteemed again as they once were, unless it were to have them request a period of time and this they will infallibly ask for, ifthey were sent withoutit, and ifthey begin to tire of the French, as without adoubt they willbe tired, in thepassageoftime .

Iam sending herewith the report from last week of "Incognito" There is little that he can offerbecause he hasalreadysent anotherconcerningthe situation ofthe persecution . A copy ofthe other has has been sentto the Duke ofPastrana . 10 May our Lordprotect, etc.

Antoine Coeffier Ruze, Marquis d'Effiat, ambassador of France from July 1624 toJuly 1625 .

2 By this time the ambassador had received copies of letters "from theprincipal officials" of King James assuring him that "no proceedings will be heldfor the persecution or harassment of his Majesty's subjects of the Roman Catholic religion in view of the intercession of the most Christian King and his incomparable sister ... " (P.R.O. S.P. 78/73/39, Conwayto D'Effiat, Derby, 15 August 1624).

3 "The Capuchin , the ambassador's chaplain , has been recalled by Cardinal Richelieu " , Valaresso to the Doge of Venice , London , 30 August 1624 , C.S.P. C.S.P. Venetian , 1623p. 423

4 James I was disturbedat the recent dismissal of the AnglophileMarquis de la Vieuville from his position at court because of his assurances to the English ambassador in Paris that French efforts on behalfofthe Catholics were "nothing more than a gesture and that one would not let it pass beyond this ... " (PC 32 f. 287v, Henri de Vic to Archduchess , Paris, 15 August 1624).

5 A residence near Hampton Court, Middlesex .

6 D'Effiat had once complained to the leaders of the English Catholics about "their frequent and continuous visits that they pay day and night to theSpanish ambassador whom they are seeing in procession ... "(B.M.King's Mss. vol 134 f. 56 D'Effiat to Louis XIII, London, 31 July 1624)

7 i.e. Marquis of La Ynojosa , Marquis of Floresdavila and Count of Gondomar were each members of theCouncilofState

8 This is not correct "Peeter Rycott" appeared before the Privy Councilon 7 Aug. 1624 and found innocent of charges of "buying and conveying from hence of an English ship" The embassy already owed him £ 3145 for servicesrendered to Gondomarwhile Coloma had contracted further debts By 1639, for various reasons, including a countermand of a royal order by the Hazienda, the unpaid debt with interest reached nearly £ 12,000 At the request of his heirs after Ricaut's death Cromwell, as Lord Protector, sent to Philip IV an autograph letter asking for £20,987 and threatening the issuance of letters of reprisal if the sum were not paid. (Acts of Privy Council , 1623-25 , p 299-300 ; E 2521 n. fol. consulta of 20 August 1639; E 2529 n fol "Oliverus Protector" to Philip IV , Westminster , 30 April 1655)

9 See Doc 60

10 Don Rodrigode Silva, 4th Duke of Pastrana, ambassador to Rome

60. AN "AVISO" ON THE CATHOLICSOF ENGLAND . London, ca. October 1624 .

Original text, 2 pages, E libro 375 n. fol. This report was prepared by an Englishman in Spanish employment labelled , "el Incognito" In his embassy accounts dated 20 June 1624 Coloma has the entry: "For Incognito the pay for this month of June: 500 reales ... " (E 375 n fol "Don Carlos Coloma , su quenta" , the amount is approximately £12 10s ) There are three informants who can be traced in the correspondence of this period with Brussels and Madrid: William Sterrill, Thomas Phelippes and "el Incognito " Van Male was also involvedin paymentsfor this person's services, for he explainedto the Archduchess the need for funds to payin advance "since he is a person ofhigh reputation and importance, as are also the other two ... "(PC 61 n fol.Van Male to Isabella, decipher, London, 21 Dec. 1624).


Lo que passa en Ynglaterracontra Catholicos desdeque se renovola persecucion que fue en el mes de abril deste año 1624.¹

Abiendo los jueces tenido orden del Rey de perseguir los Catholicos dieron tanta licencia a los informadores que desde aquel tiempo an puesto pleito a mas de mil Catholicos en sola la ciudad de Londres ya otros tantosque la tierra a dentro.²

En la sala de Westminster fueron presentados mas de doscientos personas por causade Religion.

Se condeno en la prison que llaman Newgate en Julio 1624 unHun Lestoncon pretexto de hauer persuadido a cierta persona quese hiciese catholica.

Tambien esta alli presso un pobre cochero por hauer recusado de tomar el juramento y se a dado orden que en la primerasessionle condenen en premunire por donde viene a perder todo lo que tiene y aguardar presso que siempre tambien esta alli Mr. Dauis un sacerdote viejo pobre a y ciego condenado a muerte al mismo tiempo por ser sacerdote y no hauer salido del reyno conforme a la ultima proclamacion.³ Por el pais fueron los jueces muy seberos en sus circuitos y dieron mas precisas ordenes a los justicierosde paz queporlo pasado por la presentacion de todoslos recusantes asta la hedad de nueue años , cobrançade los dos reales por cada domingo que se ausentaren de la iglesia y por el descubrimientoy aprehension de Jesuitas y sacerdotes de quelosjueces pasaron ciertosautos publicosen diferentes prouincias que seran causa de la total ruina de muchos, conforme a estos autos se juntanlos jueces sauado 24 de Agostoen la prouinciadeEssex .

(p.2) En la villa de Chester fueron acusados46 personas por hauer oydo missa, tres por haber receuido sacerdotes en su casa, que es traicion y4 por hauer persuadido a otros a ser Catholicos queest mismo en la otra prouincia de Yorque dos donçellas hermanas fueron acusadas y condenadas a muerte en Julio pasado por hauer alojadosacerdotesy alli quedan presas aguardando la execucion al beneplacito del Juez todas las cortes espirituales estan ocupadas en excomulgar Catholicos y el porsuibante Cros que es el principal de todos fue a bisitar con comission diferentescasas de caualleros y por direciones especialessean ymbiado muchas ordenes fuera de la Thesoreria del Rey en todos los condenados de Ynglaterray prouincia de Uuales por las quales encargan seberamente a los sherifes que por solo el beneficiodel Reyconfisquen las tierras. Vendan los vienes y aprehendan las personas de los Catholicos el numero de los nombres contenidos en estas hordenes llega a lo menos a ocho mil, por manera que considerando la seueridad de los jueces la promptitud y violencia de los justicieros de paz, el numero de pleitos comencados por los Ynformadoresen Londres y por todo el reyno en general, la multitud de acusaciones en general, las excomulgaciones de los obispos, las ordenes que en un ynstantean salido de la Thesoreria contra ocho mil Catholicos , se alla que la persecucion es al presente mucho major que en tiempos pasados y a obligado muchos a salir del Reyno y a otrosynfinitos a desimular y a frequentar laIglesias.

[Translation:] +

Proceedings in England against Catholics since the renewal ofthe persecutionoccurredin the month ofApril ofthisyear 1624.¹

After the justices had received an order from the king to persecute the Catholics they granted so much freedom to informers thatfrom that moment they have started proceedings against more than a thousand Catholics in the city of London alone and against as many more in the countryside.²

At Westminster Hall more than two hundredpersons were presented underthe charge ofreligion.

In the prison called Newgate a John Leston was condemned inJuly 1624 under a false charge of having persuaded a certain person to become a Catholic

There is also a poor coachman imprisoned therefor having refused to take theoath andan order has been given that they shouldcondemn him at the first assizes undera Praemunire for which reason heisat the point oflosing everything that he possesses and to remainin prisonfor ever . There is also a Mr. Davis, a poor elderly blind priest, condemned to deathat the same time for being a priest who had notleft therealm in compliancewith the recent proclamation.3 In the countryside the judges on their ciucuit were very strictandgave moredetailedinstruc-

tions to the Justices of the Peace than in the past concerningthe presentmentofall recusants above theage ofnineyears andthe collection ofthe two reales for each Sunday thatthey were absentfromthe church and the search for and arrestofJesuits andpriestsabout whom the judges held certain public hearings in different provinceswhich will be the cause ofthe total ruin ofmany. It was forthe purposeofthese hearings that the judges were assembled on Saturday the 24th of Augustin the county ofEssex..

In the city of Chester 46 persons were charged with havingheard mass and three with having sheltered priests in theirhomes, which is treason , and4 with having persuaded others to become Catholics . This same occurred in the other province of York [when] two women , sisters, were charged and condemend to deathlastJuly forhavingshelteredpriests, and they are keepingthem there in prison for theexecution is stayed accordingto the approvalofthe judge. All the ecclesiasticalcourts are engaged in excommunicatingCatholics. ThePursuivant Cross , who is the most important ofall, has gone with a warrant to visit various houses ofgentry. By special directions many orders have been issued from the Royal Treasury to all the counties ofEnglandand theprovinceofWales whereinthey strictlyenjoin the sheriffsthatthey should confiscate thelands solelyto the king'suse andsell theproperty and arrest the persons of the Catholics The number of names containedwithin these orders reaches to at leasteightthousandsothat, consideringthe severity of the judges, the speed and harshness ofthe Justices ofthe Peace , the number ofproceedings that have been begun through the informers in London and throughout the kingdom in general, the host of accusations in general, the excommunicationsby the bishops, the orders that, in one instance , have proceeded from the treasury against eight thousand Catholics, it is evidentthat thepersecution is at presentmuch greaterthan in times pastandmanyare bound to leave the kingdom and countless others to dissimulateandto attend the churches .


1 The English ambassador explained to the French court: "His Majestie doth nothing but remitt things into the state in which they were at what tyme his Majestie beganne to treat withSpaine ... " (P.R.O 36/53/5 f 66v Lord Herbertto Calvert , Paris , 15/25 March1623/24 )

2 It was said that the king's order, in mid-June, to the Justices was for the enforcementof all laws "while instructing them that he did not desire bloodnor extreme severity ... " (P C 60 n fol Van Male to Isabella, London, 28 June 1624)

3 Steele, Tudor and Stuart Proclamations , vol 2 n 1374, Proclamationof 6 May 1624 . i.e. 12 d 4

5 For Yorkshire at this time see Aveling, Northern Catholics pp 221-22; for


Humphrey Cross see M. Havran, The Catholics in Caroline England (Stanford, Oxford, 1962) pp. 124-25 .

6 Howeverafter the representations by the French ambassadororders were given not to receive "any sommes of moneye for the £20 a month, rents reservedupon leases , grants, patents or upon inquisition payable to his Majestie for the recusancy of recusants or anypersons whatsover ... " (P.R.O. S.P. 14/177/36 , 37 , King to Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of Exchequer )

AppendixI. GONDOMAR.


San Lucarde Barrameda, 18 November 1618

Original holograph, 2 pages, Madrid, B.P.O. Manuscritos 2165 n. fol Friar Paul's surname is not known He had lived in Spain since at least 1597 and for a periodafter 1616 he was reportedto be in Lisbon. G. Anstruther, A Hundred Homeless Years: EnglishDominicans , 15581658, London, 1958 , p 120; W. Gumbley, Obituary Notices of the English Dominicansfrom 1552 to 1952, London, 1955 .

Illustrissimo Señor

No puedo ny deuo callar el contentoy alegria que sientode la buena venida de Vuestra Senoria a essa cortey assi escojo que antes me tengo por atreuido que desconocido y olvidado de la grande y comun obligacionque yo y toda mi naciondeuemos a Vuestra Senoria de cuyo pio çelo del aumento de nuestra santa fee catholicay Christianopecho en fauorescer y amparar los que por ella padescenen YnglaterraVuestra Senoria he dexado perpetua fama y memoria Y assi confiado en este amparo de Vuestra Senoria me atreuo agora conesta a suplicar se sirua defauorescer mi pretencion que tanto tiempo y con tantos trabajos he pretendido de un convento o colegio para los religiosos de mi nacion donde podamos dar habitos para que ayan frayles de la ordende santo domingo que trabajen en la reducion de su patria a la obediencia de la santa madre yglesia como sabe Vuestra Senoria que ay religiosos de otras ordines. Este negocio ya se ha tratado con el Reverendissimo General de mi ordenpara que de su propria authoridadde y señale un convento de esta prouincia de Andalucia para el dicho efeto. Y su Paternidad Reverendissima esta muy inclinado de hazer nos merced . Importa mucho el fauor y auxilio y informacion en esta parte de Vuestra Senoria para que tenga el efeto² felicissimo que deseamosy porque estamos aguardando su Paternidad Reverendissima aqui a pocos

dias en este convento de santo Domingo de San Lucar suplicohumilmente a Vuestra Senoria se sirua de fauorescerme con una carta suya encareciendo quanto importa para el seruicio de Dios y honra del habito que ayan frayles de santo Domingo en Ynglaterray en esto recibere muy grande merced y quedare obligado siempre a rogar a Dios por la salud y prosperidad de Vuestra Senoria Illustrissima a quien nuestroSeñor guarde muy largo años como deseo de San Lucar 18 de noviembre1618. de Vuestra Senoria Illustrissima capellan y criado fray Pablo de Londres Yngles


IRight HonorableLord

neither can nor ought to conceal the happiness and pleasure Ifeel at the arrival of your Lordship at the court here and accordingly I prefer to be considered rash ratherthanungratefulandforgetfulofthe deep andcommonobligation that I, alongwith every one ofmy nation , owe to your Lordship. Due to yourpious zeal for the increase ofour holy Catholic faith and your Christian kindness in assisting and protecting those who suffer in Englandfor it your Lordship has inherited an everlasting name and repute. Therefore, confident in your Lordship's support I take courage at this occasion to beg by this that you might bepleased to assist my hopes, which Ihave nurtured throughso much time and labour, to have a conventor college for thereligiousof my nation wherewe would be able to confer habitsinorderthat there might be religious ofmy nation who would toilfor the reduction of their native land to the obedience ofholy mother the church and , as your Lordship is aware, there are present there religious from other orders . This has already been discussed with the Very Reverend General ofmy order so that he might in virtue ofhis authority provide and designate one convent within this province of Andaluciafor this purpose and his Very Reverend Paternity is quite well disposed to grant us this kindness For this part your Lordship'sfavour, assistanceand advice are of the highest importance so that this most happy event which we desire might occur Since we are expecting his very Reverend Paternity here in a fewdays at this conventofSaintDominic in San LucarImost humbly implore yourLordship topleasefavourme by one ofyourletterscommendinghow important it is to God'sservice and the honour of the habit that there be friars ofSaint Dominic in England. In this I willreceive a very greatfavour andIwill remainever obliged to pray to Godfor the healthand prosperity ofyourLordship, whom mayour Lordprotect formany longyears as Idesire . From San Lucar. 18 November1618 . Your Illustrious Lordship's chaplainand servant, Friar PaulofLondon, Englishman

1 Serafino Secchi de Pavia, Master General, 1612-28 .

2 In 1618 the conventat Alcalez was designated (Anstruther, op cit 123) 175


Madrid, ca. August 1619

An original Spanish document, unsigned, undated , 12 pages, E libro 381 n fol Endorsed in Spanish: "Father Baldwin, the Englishman, presents these opinions concerning the marriage in England" It is possible that his text represents notes taken on a conversation with Gondomar; the format, as will be seen , contains certainrepetitionsand breaks offabruptly at the conclusion.

In the aftermath of the accusation in the Act of Attainder of the Gunpowder Plot against William Baldwin (See Foley, Records vol 6, pp 508 ff.; D.N.B. sub nomine) strenuous efforts were made for his extradition from the Low Countries In August 1610 while travelling to Rome , Baldwin was arrested by officials of the Count Palatine in Speyer and brought a prisoner to London. His examination in the Tower was reported by the envoy of the Archduke to have produced nothing of significance and, in fact, a complete disavowal of the Attainder (A.G.R. P.E.A. vol. 365 f 314v, Louis de Groote to Archduke , 14 October 1610; Ibid f 319, 28 October 1610; Ibid. f. 325 4 November 1610; Ibid. f. 326 , 21 Jan. 1611). Subsequently a series of fruitless requests to King James for his releasewere made. At one time James explained his refusal by stating: "if he were not guilty ofthe Powder Plot, he was in the treason of Cobham . . " (P C 47 n. fol Boisschot to Archduke, 9 March 1612; Ibid 13 Oct. 1612). Similar efforts by Alonso de Velasco and the Marquis ofFloresdavila , as well as Samuel Spifame, the ambassador of France, were unsuccessful . As a token of esteem to Gondomar prior to his departure , James issued a warrant for the Jesuit's release from the Tower in June 1618 (Archives d'Etat de Gand , Fonds des Jesuites, liasse74, f 264). In return forthis favour Gondomar wrote to Paul V asking for the release of"John Moll" then a prisonerofthe Inquisition in Rome (Documentos Ineditos vol 1 , pp 369-70) who had once been a tutor to William Cecil , Lord Rous Richard Blount, Superior of the Jesuits in England, reported that, at Gondomar'ssuggestion, Baldwin wrote before leaving England "very pleasing" letters to King James and Buckingham as well as other peers in gratitude for his release (A.R.S.J.Anglia, Historia, vol 3, 2/1, f. 39 R. Blunt to J. Owen, 24 July 1618). Subsequently to his release

Baldwin travelled to Rome (DocumentosIneditos vol. 2, pp. 73-77) to inform the papal court of the situation in England. There he praised the activities of Gondomar, but in a letterto the envoyhe warnedthat there remained many suspicions in Rome against James I (B.P.O. , Manuscritos , vol 2134 n fol Baldwin to Gondomar, Rome , 10 Jan. 1619) In June 1619 he arrived in Madrid where he visited Francis Cottington, who remained sceptical of Baldwin's good will towards James: "he professeth with great oathes much affection to his service, what he hath in heart, I can nott tell butt I feare me all is fayned ... " (P.R.O. S.P. 94/23/219, Cottington to Naunton, Madrid, 21 June 1619). It is likely that this report to Gondomar was made while Baldwin was living at the same time as the envoyin Madrid TheJesuit also hoped to resolve the smouldering dispute concerning the fundsof the English college of Saint George which had been the occasion of Creswell's departure six years before (E. Henson, The EnglishCollege at Madrid, 1611-1767 , C.R.S. vol 29 (1929), pp. 202-3) Later, in January 1620, Gondomarprepared a warm introduction for Baldwin's visit to Philip III in Portugal(DocumentosIneditos vol 2, pp 251-52).


Since it seems probable that the king ofEnglandwill takeit badly that during this marriage negotiation they would press him for conditions pertaining to the question of religion especially by asking for further assurance than his promise , it seems to me that he can be told that although the kingof Spain trusts his Majesty in the waythat one Christian prince ought to trust the other, nevertheless because almost the entire world is aware and has knowledge of the promisehe madeto grant freedom of conscience and everythingelsethe Catholics could want before he became the king ofEngland , the king ofSpain, for the greater peace ofmind of every one, can properly demand a guarantee of the execution of his promise and the king of England shouldgrant this in the best andmost ample fashion Although theking of England is able to say that what was written to Clement VIII in Rome and to his nephew Cardinal Aldobrandino and to Cardinal Bellarmine was done by his secretary without his orders or knowledge and in this fashion his Majesty [acted] when Cardinal Bellarmine charged him with it in one of his books, for he commanded thatthe aforesaid secretary shouldbe exiledfrom Englandto Scotland¹ nevertheless it is the truth. So also is it that the Bishop ofGlasgow , ² his ambassador in France, and Lord Lethington, ³ his agent in Flanders, and Lord Semphill, the nephew of Colonel Semphill, who is still living today and whom his Majesty sent to stayat this court, promised everythingthat could be wished in thequestionofreligion. Andtothis purposehe carried a blank sheet signed by his Majesty under his royal seal, to the effect that the said conditions concerningreligion as wellas 5

other [things] which were to be agreed to by LordSemphillwould be kept, and, according to the clearproofofthe letter he carried fromhis Majesty, the aforesaid lordcame withsufficient instructionsconcerning his pleasure and will to assureit in every respect 6

Even as this occurred, as has been said, with the aforesaid people treatingabout these thingswithso much notoriety, therewere others at other courts acting in the same way. One ought to knowthat the Bishop of Cassano in Rome, and CharlesPaget in Flanders andsome members of the Society had the same purpose It is impossible to provide satisfactionto the world abouttheirbehaviouras is needed, nor are there at hand some Councillors, who even whenthey were living and were alerted to his Majesty's way ofproceeding when hewas in Scotland , such as don Juan de Idiaquez, who was the one withwhom they negotiated these matters at the court in Spain, as well as Juan Baptista de Tassis,10 and in the court of the Archduke in Flanders , there was Secretary Mancicidor,11 these are now dead, yet there are still many people alive who might have learned by word of mouth everything that transpired about this The manner of negotiatingat these two courts was such that therewas discussion ofan appointment of a person at each one of them who would be instructed to obtain assurance from his Majesty personally In fact an individual was appointed who was to go from Spain but he was still en route when Queen Elizabethdiedandso he turned back.

Although it is true that some one can say that his Majestydid not fulfill what he promisedbecause ofthe persuasion of Cecil, whoafterwards became the Earl ofSalisburythemanhe believed to know best the situation in the kingdom and whose opinion and advice he had to follow untilhesaw the affairsofthe realm settledat present however it is well known that he rules withoutbeing dependentonsome oneno further than any other prince in Christendomand perhaps no moreso than any one else It is proper then that he can now be required to fulfillwhat is completely in his power to accomplish in the opinion of everyone. Furthermore all the world knows who was his mother and where and at whose hands she suffereddeathand how manypersons there were who sufferedas wellfor their troubles, who becauseoftheir devotion to her have come to lose their lives, liberty andproperty and can look forward to the fulfillment in a short time of what was promised to them . They who are inclined to be Catholics, who , as his Majesty well knows, are a large part of the kingdom, will be able to receive the consolationthey await. There were such high hopes among everyone when the king entered England that he wasgoingto keep his word in this regardthat the opponentsofthe Catholicfaith thoughtit was about to be put into effect. Accordingto the thencurrent stateof affairs in thatkingdom, when his Majesty, after canvassingthe members ofhis Council out ofconsiderationfor thesignificance ofthe question, wanted to discuss it, he found veryfew according to what they tell

- me there were not more than six who were ofthe contrary opinion to a freedom of conscience. Some of these six stated theirreasons in onesideor another in such a waythat they seemed to be in favour and to show themselves more persuasive to permit freedom ofconscience. However one might like things to be, his Majesty then decidedto continue the same method ofgovernance The Earl ofNorthampton, 12 falling to his knees protested that the aforesaid decision would be a serious wrong in the realm and of considerable damage outside. In keeping with this the queen and persons very close to the king saidin the same way that in Spain and other countriesthere was a beliefthat within a short time they would grant freedom of conscience as the queen had let it be understoodby the ambassadors, don Juan deTassis and the Count of Aremberg . She made it very believable to everyone first, because the queen was a person so near to the king and second , because in Scotland she had professed the Catholic faith along with some of her principal retinue such as Douglas 13 and Stewart . 14 Aside from the fact that the sister ofColonel Semphill, who was in attendance with the Queen, went out ofdevotion to our Lady ofLoreto and to Rome,15 they said that her pilgrimage would be offered for the happy entrance ofthe king into England andforthe restorationofthe Catholic faith. Owing to her character and her womanhood she remainedless suspect to the Queen ofEnglandand to the state atthat time that she carried instructions to talk in secret of the king's intention. This was morebelievable since she was understoodto have written tothe samepurpose and because they said that the queen had become a Catholic with his knowledgeand that she continued to professit with hispermissionand knowledge. As it is true thatallof this rendered his entryinto Englandeasier andsmoother, his Majestyshould be able to afford satisfactionto allthe world overthe delayin grantingfreedomof conscience and showingconfidencein his Catholicsubjects becausethe Puritans in Scotland, when he left there, were so powerful and headstrong thathe had a good excuse for not concedingwhat theyinsisted upon strongly and especially because there would be many with the same attitude in England. All ofthe people in general have a dreadof the Spaniards because ofthe lies anddefamatorybooksandthecalumnious mannerofthe sermons of the preachers where they say thatthe faith has the inevitable consequence of bringing them into England , however even though they have lived in friendship for 16 years with England , not with standingthe injuriesreceived, itappears to be highly probable that they willnot lookfor anything else but true friendship andreligion.

Furthermore it is true that his Majesty hasalways been in dangerof his life on account ofthePuritans, and[they were] showingitthrough their love of freedom and giving more orders than he wantsand by their presentingbefore hisdeparturecertainarticles to which heshould swear assent which they thenpublished as ifin fact he had .sworn, yet

at present he does not have a better way to punish them and check their freedom and to assure their decline from power and insolence than by granting freedom of conscience whereby he will be able to perceive how much strongertheparty ofthe Catholics will remain than that of the Puritans.

Asidefrom the fact that in the marriage which is beingsoughtitis proper for the king ofSpain to seekassurancesforthe successionofhis daughterand for her protection in a liberty appropriateto princes , itis somethingwhich, as experience itself teaches and the king ofEngland recognizes, can not long endure together with the principles of the Calvanist sect. Accordingly as it is notorious that theleadingpreachers of England are Puritans and that the principal cities and towns are infected by this sect it is most important that a remedy be providedin time, seeing that the persecution and harassment which they inflict upon the Catholics is truely the principal means in support of their growth and as a consequence against the king and the prince, in addition to the fact that, as they are such malicious people, their increase and their continuancein their presentsituation, whereinmany of the principal officers of the king are part oftheir faction, willbea serious threat to the life of the Infanta towards whom and against whom they will maintain a special hatredanddislike as in facttheyare now doingagainst herfather, the king ofSpain.

At present this sect has considerable strengthin other parts ofthe world and therefore it is true that the king is veryhostileto it, as heis saying thattherewill be found a verygoodway throughthe marriage to supress them by his own and the king of Spain's power, otherwise undoubtedly itwillovercome him andall his plans

His Majesty is well aware that all the laws against Catholics were meant to prevent the invasions and the assistance that was expected from the king of Spain because ofreligion Thus by an alliance asfirm as that which is being made by means of this marriage every sortof suspicion is to be abandoned as wellas any pretext that willremainof the Catholics allying themselves with the king of Spain against his Majesty. And so it will be advantageous that, after a freedom ofconscience the laws against Catholics be annulled because , although their enforcement depends upon the king's decision, nevertheless as long as they are in force there will be a thousand schemes to revive their enforcementand experience teaches that whatever is held to bethe law will easily be rendered enforceable. It is not compatible with the honour ofthe king ofSpain that laws of such a natureshouldremain in force in the kingdom where his daughteris married. Although itcan be considered certainabout his Majestythe king ofEngland that hewill be careful about the succession nevertheless once this alliance is completed, that laws are to be suppressed which are still inforce thatwere passed expressly aginst his succession, because they accusedhismother oftreason and thus they decreed that no one could legitimatelysucceed

to the English crown who desended from whosoever plotted anything against Queen Elizabeth. As thereligious laws were intendedto prevent his mother's succession and, as a consequence, his own as well, it seems appropriate that everythingpassedwith that intention shouldbetotally suppressed, accordingto thejudgementofthe bestinformed. It is a verynewandunusualthingfor a greatprince to bemarried to a woman of another religion For although it is true that the king of Navarrearranged his marriage while still a hereticwith the sister ofthe king ofFrance who was a Catholic, yet when he actually marriedherhe became a Catholic and although some might say that this caseis equal in both senses , because whatever touches the good name ofthe oneis protected by the other, despite all this, it is somethingquite different First, because it is necessary to have a dispensation for it and that the Catholic church bepersuaded that the contract is licit in so far as itis a sacrament , when the pope is to give permission it is scarcely to be believed that he will grant it withoutadequate security in religion asa sufficient reason for the aforesaid permission . Furthermore the reason for the divergence between the two realms of Spain and Englandhas been principally out ofconcern for this difference ofreligion andthus there can never be established the ancient friendship of the Catholic faith with equal permissionfrom the king, a thing which every one understands is not displeasing to him so as not to keep living withthe suspicions against his subjects ofbeing Catholics

16 When Queen Elizabeth through herambassador, the EarlofDerby, ¹ sent to the Duke of Parma to discuss peace between herselfand the king, she undertook, in order to end allforms ofmistrust, tograntfreedom of conscience in the manner and with the assurance that they desired. It is inconceivablehow the Catholics can have sufficient security withoutsuppressing the laws and without the kingmaintainingatleast a politefriendship with thepope Forsince thereare laws whichforbid recourse to the Apostolic see which the Catholics are held to observe strictly, they can notaccomplishtheir dutywhensuch recourse is hateful nor can they try to seek their dispensations andother thingswhich are dependent upon his Holiness as long as these laws are not fully suppressed They have persuaded his Majesty that thereis no assurance of the pope's approval, however the opposite is to be clearly seen in that he is looking forways to provide satisfactionin this quarter as it is well known that he sent one of his household , who is at presenta bishopin Lorraine¹7 to indicate his good will andfor this purposehe carrieda breve . As far as concerns the pope, ifperchance he is stillnot satisfied , let him be given full satisfaction over what he can properly request . Sir James Lindsay, when he was in Rome, professed to have been sent on behalfofthe king ofEnglandandthat hismissionwas toassure the pope of the king's good intention to grant liberty to Catholics"18

Furthermore, although it is true that therewas notan open negotiation on the issue ofreligion when thepeace between England and Spain was concludedthis was done because oftheassertion ofsome oftheKing's councillors that it was not advantageous to have this discussed openly out of considerationfor the fact that the king was a stranger in the realm and that he was contemplating the concession on his own of everything that was being requested concerningthis point; accordingly the ambassador ofhis Catholic Majesty, the Count of Villa Mediana , 19 was persuaded to report to thiseffectwithverypressing arguments and he succeeded in having the CountofVilla Longa20 supporthim sothat he filled twelve pagesofpaperwith thereasons that he hadlearned personally These were sent to England to support the idea that there should not be a mention of religion until the peace was arranged as he admitted personally to Father Creswell . 21 Wherefore , since hehad had a different commisionwhen he left Spain, the Constable received a countermand when he was in Berghes St. Winox while waiting to embarkat Gravelines forEngland Accordingly after thepeacehadbeen concluded he discussed with his Majesty the concession oflibertyfor the Catholicsand heonly received in reply that he would proceed with them in a fashion that neither the pope nor the king ofSpain would have ajustreason to complain.222

At the same time that the peace was to be concludedtherewasa parliament in which not merely all the laws passed under Queen Elizabeth were confirmed, but many othersandofgreaterseverity were passed and although the king might be able to say thathewould dissemble withthem by allowing themto passso as not to showhimself in opposition to his subjects immediately after his first arrival in the kingdom, nevertheless it can justlybefearedthat he woulddothesame after the marriage is completed , ifafter the revocationoftheaforesaid laws, he shall not declare his real intention towards the Catholicfaith . Although onecan say that he is incapable ofsuppressing thelawsunless there is an act of Parliamentand that the necessary votes for this are not in his control he should do one thing on his own: that is thathe shall not require those who enter parliament to take the oath which they call of"fidelity" and prior to his summons for theparliamenthe shouldlet every one be aware that he does not demand ofhis subjects any further oath than that they be faithful subjects In such a case he will be able to see to it that Parliamentwould suppress the lawsas he might want. However the queen, and the king himself, soughtthis device of an oath in order to become established because, asidefrom the Catholics, there is a large numberofmenofworth, and those ofthe best blood of the kingdom, who would not want deliberatelyto take such an oath andfor this reason they excuse themselvesfrom beingthe representatives oftheir counties andfrom being present in Parliament .

As long as the laws survive no Catholic can enter parliament and hold public office in the service andgovernmentofthe state Asthis is

a hindrancefor the increase ofreligion so also will it be a great detriment to the good name of the Infanta herselfand against the security ofher person . There is great discontentin theSpanish court andparticularly inthe Roman court as well, and indeed in all ofChristendom , that from the time this marriage has begun to be negotiatednot only has therebeen as much persecution of the Catholics as in the past, but more so because the persecutionin Ireland is incomparablygreater, andeven in England there has been a new enforcementofthe law against Catholic wives even though their husbands might be ofa different faith. Thishas not been enforceduntil thepresent

Itis certainthat therehas been a greaterpersecutionofthe Catholics in the dominions ofthe king ofEnglandthan has ever been seen inthe land of the barbarians andbeyondthis, asidefrom the harassments that have been tried in England against the Catholics, they have attempted with particular care to introduce the same lawsinto Ireland andinto the governmentin Scotlandunder the bishops together with the same laws, some thing which is to the entire world a clear proof ofa very differentintention than that which is beingannounedofgrantingfreedomeofconscience to the Catholics

Aside from this it is well known that the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnel in Ireland with the rest of their supporters in the war against Queen Elizabeth were grantedconditions in favour ofreligion as ifit was to be that theirprovince would be able toprofess publicly the Catholic faith without being harassed for such a profession. The queen granted this to them whenpeace was being made betweenthem and the kinglater confirmed everything.Notwithstanding all this, after the peace betweenEnglandand Spain was concluded, as the aforesaid Earls had neither the assistance nor help from outsideupon which to rely, they were obliged and forced to abandon their lands and all their relatives and friends werepreventedfrom escaping orwere arrested , so that untilnow they are in perpetual imprisonment, or dead, and their estates confiscated and denied to their children without having committed another new crime against his Majesty Today the heretics own their estates although there was not even one to be found beforethis in all theseprovincesandlands .

It is a singular glory and a distinguishedtitle to have the Catholic king styled the Protector of the Catholics Consequently it would appear to everyone to be agreatdishonourto marry his daughterwithout requestingconditions in favour ofreligion forall the world is fully convincedthat he would favour the Catholicsfor no other reason than that they are Catholics

The marriages thatuntil the presenthave been made withSpainand especially that which Mary, of happy memory, made with the king occurredprior to Parliamentand where the kingpretends that a danger existsin too rapid a change as would be the annulment ofthe lawsby

an act of Parliament , hisMajesty can very well recall that Queen Mary annulled all the laws when she married king Philip of happymemory and it was even before his entry into the kingdom that she changed the entire governmentwhen a much larger portionof the people were infectedwith heresy than today. "24

His Majesty is accustomed to say at various times that in the event that he would permit freedom ofconscience the entire kingdomwould become Catholic because nearly all of the important people in general are so inclined, with wholeprovincesfor the Catholicfaith were itnot for the severity of the laws preventing the profession of it If this is true, it would seem, as his Majesty is well aware, that his failureto provide sufficient assurance is because he intendsrather to repress the Catholic faith than to allow its increase and thereis no lack ofmany very good reasons of state to prove this, especially after putting togethereverything that has alreadyoccurredwith what can befeared shouldthe marriage not takeplace.

However, if his Majesty of England can not provide assurances through Parliamentnotonly on accountofthe circumstance ofreligion but also on accountofother reasons which can be the occasion ofsome danger to the state as affairs are disposed presently, becausethe Infanta is still very young and the marriage contract is to be postponedfor three years, once the agreement is finally made the king could declare freedom of conscience from the time ofthe aforesaid agreement, indicating thereby that in real truthhe intendstofulfillhis promiseso that the world might take notice ofit. By this he could show as wellthathe has trustin his Catholic subjects by renderingthem eligibleforpublic offices since it is true that at presentnot only are they ineligible but alsothoseagainst whom thereis suspicion that they mightfavour them and theirfaith These are oppressed in the samewayandare incapable ofbeing promoted to other officesand higherdignities.

1 See D. Willson, James VIand I (London, 1956) pp 146-48

2 James Beaton, Archbishopof Glasgow, died in Paris in 1603. See Stafford,H., James VIand the SuccessionofEngland, (New York, 1940) pp 234-36

3 It is doubtful that Maitland of Lethington was in Flanders Lord Balfour of Burley, en route to Florence , and Lord Semphill en route to Madrid, were directed to visit Brussels Meanwhile Jamesreceived Scorza, an agent oftheArchduke (H. Lonchay , J. Cuvelier, edd Correspondence de la courd'Espagne surles Affairesdes Pays Bas (Brussels, 1923-27) vol 1 , pp 139-40 .

4 SeeStafford, op cit pp 242-43.

5 Sir William Semphill (Semple, Sempill), see Forbes-Leith, Narratives forthe text of a 17th century biography; T. G. Law, Collected Essays and Reviews (Edinburgh , 1904) pp 320-26; Loomie, "Sir William Semple and Bristol's Andaluciantrade, 1597-98" , Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc vol 82 (1963) pp 177-87 .



See C.S.P. Spanish, 1587-1603 , pp 651-53

7 See Dictionary of Welsh Biography , sub "Owen Lewis" ; Cleary, J. M. "Dr. Morys Clynnog'sInvasion Projects of 1575-76" , Recusant History vol 8 (1966) pp 300-314 .


See also L. Hicks , An Elizabethan Problem : Some Aspects ofthe Careers of TwoExile Adventurers (London, 1964) pp 7-11, 46-57 , 143-50, 219-22 .



Juan de Idiaquez y Olazabal (1540-1614) Comendador Mayorde Leon

Juan Baptista de Tassis , uncle of the Count of Villa Mediana, was Spanish envoy to the court ofHenry IV at this time (See also doc 50)

11 Juan de Mancicidor , presided over the Secretairerie d'Etat et de Guerre in Brusselsfrom 1596-1618 , where he directed correspondence between theSpanish court and Spanish officialsin thearmy and at the court in Brussels




See doc. 14.

Possibly WilliamDouglas, 10thEarl ofAngus.

Possibly Henriette Stewart d'Aubigny, Countess of Huntley, a confidant of Queen Anne

15 Helen Semphillvisited Italy in 1601 with a letter of introduction from Fr. A. MacQuhirrieto the General of the Jesuits Forbes-Leith, Narratives , p 372 .

16 Henry Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby (1531-93) withfour others metthe Prince of Parma at Ecluse in August 1587 (E 592/100; L. Van der Essen , Alexandre Farnese, Brussels, 1937, vol 5, pp 191-96; C. Read, Mr. Secretary Walsingham , vol 3, pp 260-70)

17 See vol. I, doc. 18



20 James Lindsay'svisit to Rome was in August 1602, See Stafford, pp 239-40 .

See for example, Vol. I, doc. 4.

Pedro de Franqueza, Count of Villa Longa, had recently been dismissed in January 1619.

21 Seedoc.2

22 For the Constable's report see Vol I, doc 8 ; Loomie, Tolerationand Diplo. macy, pp. 33-35

23 i.e. Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone and Rory O'Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnel, see Bagwell, Ireland underthe Stuarts vol 1 , pp 30-38; O'Ferrall, B. and O'Connell , D., Commentarius Rinuccianus (Dublin, 1932) vol 1 , pp 200ff.

24 This is not correct See Neale, J., Queen Elizabeth I and her Parliaments (London, 1953) vol 1 , pp 24-26; Elton, G. Tudor Constitution (Cambridge, 1960) pp 359-62 ,400.


Contemporary copy, 1 page, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson Mss Series C, vol 674 f. 66. Copy in P.R.O. S.P.94/26/80 The rumour that Charles had gone to Spain to embrace Catholicism was not unknown to James I, although there had been nothing in the Prince's attitude to provide a sound reason On the contrary, when he had learned in December 1622 in Whitehall that "two of his musitians , Angelo an Italian, Andrew and Englishman , that was at the Spanish Embassadors on Christmas Eve assisting with there voyces and musicke at the midnight masse" he had dismissed them fromhis service and only reappointed them upon the earnest plea ofColoma (B.M.Add. Mss 48, 166 f. 171v , Calvert to Digby, London, 14 Jan. 1623). This text was directed to two royal chaplains, Mawe and Wrenn , who were senttothe Spanish court "together with all stuffe and ornaments fitte for the service of God" . They had been told to act in a way" agreable to the puritie of the primitive churche and yett as neare the Romane forme as can lawfullie be done for it hath ever bene my wayeto goewith the churche of rome usque ad aras ... " he informed the Prince (B.M. Harleian Mss 6987 ff. 29-31 , James to Charles, London, 17 March 1623 o.s.) A contemporaryobserver recalled later that Jamesaskedthe chaplains "to have a care of Buckingham as touchinge his sonne Charles he apprehended no feare at all of him for he knew him to be so well grounded a Protestantthat nothing could shake him in his religion ... " (James Howell, Two Discourses lately Reviewed andenrich'd, London, 1644, p 10) Meanwhile the Bishop of Lincoln , the Lord Chancellor , wrote to Buckingham about his anxiety that the Spanish "will not believe that we have any Liturgy , or Book of CommonPrayer, at all" . Consequentlyat his own cost he had "caused the Liturgy to be translated into Spanish and fairly printed" . These copies were sent at once to Charles for James "alloweth of the business exceedingly" (Cabala , sive Scrinia sacra, London, 1654, p 284) This text called Liturgia Inglesa o Libro del Rezado Publico (London, 1623, STC 16434) was written bythe former Dominican, Fernando de Tejeda. Thearrival ofthe two chaplains, whom the Spanish court mistakenly believed to be "two ministers of Calvin's sect" created diplomatic embrassment . Olivares refused any authorization for protestantservices in the Prince's quarters in the royal palace in Madrid Consequently the chaplains became guests of the Earl of Bristol at whose residence Charles and Buckingham had the opportunity to worship (The Narrative, pp 211-12) In London, meanwhile , James I had granted approvalto his SurveyorGeneral , Inigo Jones to prepare designsforthe Infanta's chapels in anticipation ofher arrivalin England Jean Baptiste


van Male soon reported to Secretary Charles della Faille in Brussels: "The Lord Treasurer [Middlesex ], the Earl of Arundel, Secretary Calvert , don Carlos Coloma and myself have visited last Mondaythe sites for the Infanta's chapels, that is at the court of the late Queen [Denmark House] and in that of the Prince, which is called Saint James, the length will be fiftyfive feet and the widthin proportion.As for the principal church, orders have been given that the large hospital ofSavoy should be fully repaired and set in order, and I assureyou that if these threebuildings are built according to the drawings of the king's architect then we shall have nothing to complain of" . (P C 59 f. 231, letterof 12 May 1623; see also C.S.P. Venetian , 1621-23 p. 569 and Per Palme, A Triumph of Peace: A Study of the Whitehall Banqueting House (London, 1957) pp. 20-22).

His Majesties owne directions and commands given at Newmarket the 10th of March 1622 to the princes two chapplens concerninge the service in Spain.

That there bee one convenient roome appointedfor prayer, the same roome to be imployed duringeour aboade to no other use .That it bee decently adorned chappellwise with an altar, frontl, palls , lynnen coverings, demy carppet , surplices , candlesticks , tapers, challices , patterns a fine towell for the prince, other towells for the household , a taverso , wafers for the communion, a bason and flagons, 2 copes. That praiers bee duely kept twice a day, that all reverence bee usedby everie one present, beinge unconvered , kneelinge at due times , standinge up at the Creede and gospel, bowinge at the name ofJESUS .

That the communion bee celebrated in due forme, withanoblation of every communicant and admixinge water with the wine, the communion to bee as often used as it shall please the prince to set down , smoothwafersto bee used forthe Bread

That in the sermons there bee no polemicall preaching to envaigh against them or to censure them but onely to confirme the doctrine and tenets of the Church of England by all positive arguments either in fundamentall or moral points and especially to apply ourselves to morall lessons to preach CHRIST JESUS CRUCIFIED. That weegive no occasions or rashly entertaine any of conference or dispute (for feare of dishonor to the Prince if upon any offense taken hee should bee required to sende away any one) but if the Lord Ambassador or Mr. Secretarie² wish us to heare any that desire some Information, then wee may saffely doe it; that wee carry the articles of our religion in manycoppies,the bookes of commonprayerin severall languages,store of Englishservice books, the kings owneworkes in Englishand Latin.

1 Possibly tabard, his coatofarms .

2 i.e. WalterAston and Francis Cottington respectively ; the Earl of Bristol was Ambassador Extraordinary


1. The documents are indexedforboth English and Spanish versions.

2. An asterisk (*) signifies morethanone entry on a page

3. Footnotesare indicatedby the abbreviation "n" .

4. Clergy are indicatedby theappropriatetitle.

5. Seventeenth century books havebeen given a commonentry underthat word, withthe name ofthe authorand the pageforthe titleindicated.

Abbot, George, Archbishop , 11 , 46, 47, 86, 88, 114, 115, 119n; and Carvajal, 15-19 ; and Worthington, 70-72; and Ferrino, 95*; and a press, 142 , 144

Albert, Archduke , 55, 57

Alburquerque , Francisco de la Cueva , Duke of, 149, 151

Aldobrandini, Cardinal, 176

Aliaga , Luis de, Friar, 9, 75*-82*n , 101n

Andrewes , Launcelot, Bishop, 112*113*

Angus, William Douglas, Earl of, 178, 184n

Anne, Queen, w. of James I, xvii, 43n , 67, 69 , 77, 80, 98, 101, 178 , 186; and Gondomar , 32, 33n, 98*

Argyle, Archibald Campbell , Earl of, xviii

Aremberg , Count of, 178

Army of Flanders, English volunteers , 33, 45n, 120-21 , 130 , 132 , 134-36

Arostequi, Antonio de, 60-61

Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of, xvii, 36-40n, 91, 93 , 186 ; Lady Alathea , Countess of, xv,xvii

Aston, Walter, 153-155 , 165n, 186

Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam , 86, 88, 95* , 111 * , 112, 113, 121,123 124n

Baldwin, Rev. William , xvii, xxii, 107 , 109 , 175 *-183

Balfour of Burghley, Lord, 183n

Barber, Henry,xiii

Barclay, John, 107, 109, 110n

Bayley, Lewis, Bishop, 139*41*

Beaton, James, Archbishop , 176 , 183n

Bedmar, Alonso de la Cueva, Marquis of, 126, 147n

Bellarmine , Saint Robert, Cardinal, 107 *-10*n

Bennet, Rev. John , Archpriest , 24, 151n

Bentley, Edward , 62*-65 *n; Catherine , wife, 62, 63, 64n; children : Freerick , Edward , Henry, John , Anne, Catherine, Ibid.

Berry, Richard , xiii, 5*-8* , 58 , 59* , 60n

Birchett, Rev. George, Archpriest , 24-26

Blackfriars , accident at, 156*-62*n

Blount, Rev. Richard , 96n, 107, 109, 175

Boisschot, Ferdinand , 22, 23 , 24n, 47,58

Books : burning of, 72*-74*; and Dr. "Martos " , 11, 12n; translations of Lewkenor , 104; on Spanish marriage, 119n; denounced by James , 16, 23n, 30, 33n, 73, 142, 144; Authors: Acuña , 104; Bellarmine , 107, 108, 110n; Bentley , 65n ; Carier, 14n; Chalmers, 61 ; Coloma, 137, 166; Contarini, 104 ; Edmondes, 57n ; Finnet, 101n, 104; Gee , 141n, 147n; Guadalajara, xxiii; Guardiola , 60n; James I, 53* , 55* , 57 , 58n, 147n ; Howell, xxiv, 185n ; Lopez de Haro, xxii; Mantuano, 119n; Muñoz, 27n; Nicholls, 15n ; du Perron, 12 , 57n, 58; Prynne xi, xxiii; Suarez , 23n; Tejeda, 185; Widdrington , 15n; Wilson, 154; Yepez, 72n

Borja y Velasco, Gaspar, Cardinal, 66, 68, 70n

Bristol, John Digby, Earl of, xiv, xviii, xix, 24n, 46n, 53n, 116n, 122-24n , 185*; and marriage negotiations, 49 , 51* , 75* , 82*n , 83-85n, 99-101n , 143, 146, 149 , 151 n, 162 , 164; and Lerma, 9 , 12-13, 65, 67, visited by Pérez, 91 , 93 ; and Berry , 5, 7, 8n, 58,59

Bruneau, Jacques, xiii, xiv, xv , xxi* Buckingham , George Villiers, Duke of, xv, xviii, xx, 99, 107*-10, 116, 118, 144, 147, 167, 168, 175, 185 ; Lady Mary, Countess of , xviii, xxivn

Burghley, William Cecil, 3rd Lord, xviii, 87, 89, 90*n; William, 1st Lord , Ibid

Caetano , Antonio, Archbishop , 1 , 3,9, 66, 68, 99, 101n

Calvert, George, xv, xviii, 149 , 150, 151n, 185

Cardenas, Iñigo , 50, 52, 53, 56 , 61n

Carey, Thomas, 99, 101n

Carier, Benjamin , 14*n

Carleton , Dudley, xix

Carlos, Infante, s of Philip III, 95, 162n

Carondolet , Francois, Archdeacon , 156,157,158 *-61 *

Carvajal, Luisa de, 16*-23*n , 26, 27n, 59, 60

Castro, Francisco , Count of, 27, 28, 35* ,41,42

Catherine , Queen, w of Henry VIII, 62, 63

Catholics of England , embassy reports on, xxi; report of Archpriest, 25; Gondomarassists, xv, 29, 153 , 154; and army, 120*; and penal laws, (1615 ) 47,48 ; (1617) 92,94; (1618 ) 99-100 ; (1619) 121,123 ; 125 * , 127,128 ; (1621) 141,144 ; (1624) 170-72 ; and embassychapel, 32, 33n, 114, 115, 167, 168, 169n policy of Philip III towards, 2* , 3* , 12-13, 175*-83; and French embassy, 166, 167, 169* .

Chalmers, David, 60*-61*n

Chamberlain , John,xix-xx

Charles, Prince, plot against, 45*; rumours of conversion , 149 , 150 , 185-86 ; interest in marriage, 41, 42, 65, 67, 77, 80, 91, 93, 114; see also, Maria , marriage, Gondomar

Chester, Catholics of, 171 , 172

Chichester, Arthur, 10, 12n

Christian IV,king, 98 , 101n

Christine , d . of Henry IV , marriage of, 95, 100, 163,164

Ciriça , Juan de, 58, 59, 60 , 61, 102 , 103, 153, 154, 162, 164

Clement VIII,Pope, 176

Colleton, Rev. John , Archpriest, 158

Coloma, Carlos, xv, xx -xxi*, 156* , 157* , 165 *-69* , 185,186

Cornwallis , Charles, xviii ,103n;Thomas II, 102-103 ; Richard, Thomas I, Ibid

Cosmo II, Duke of Tuscany, 66, 68 , 70n

Cottington, Francis, xviii, 117, 119n , 143 , 146, 147n , 176 , 186

Cotton, Robert, 49, 51, 52n

Coventry , Thomas, 152

Creswell, Rev. Joseph, 1 , 5-8, 73 , 124n, 176, 181

Cross, Humphrey, 171 , 172

Davis, Rev. , 170 , 171

Derby, Henry Stanley , Earl of, 180 , 184n

Deventer, city of, 130 , 132* , 134*137*

Digby, John, see Bristol

Dominicans , see Orders of Preachers

Douai , college of, 47, 48, 73, 74n

Drummond, Lady Jane, xviii, 43n

Drury, Rev. Robert, 156*-57*n; Sir Robert , 44, 45n

Dumferline, Alexander Seton, Earl of, xviii, 97n

Dumolin, Pierre, 50, 52, 53-57n

Du Perron, see Perron

Edmondes, Thomas, 53n, 57n

d'Effiat, Antoine Coeffier Ruze , Marquis, 166*-69*n

Egerton , Thomas, 15-16, 88

Elizabeth I, Queen, 47, 48, 76, 80, 87, 89, 125, 126, 127, 178, 180* , 181, 182

Ely House, xvi,xxiiin

Englefield , Francis, 5, 7 ,8n

Espinoza, Melchior de, 130 , 132 , 134-37

Estates General of 1614 , 54,56

Faction, 'Spanish' , xiv -xxii* , 34; Comment of Pérez, 91-94*

Ferdinand II, King, 100

Ferrino , Rev. Pablo, alias Tomaso Cerroneo , Estanislao Ferrerio, conspiracy of, 95*-96*n

Fitzherbert, Thomas, 5, 7, 8n

Floresdavila , Pedro de Zúñiga, Marquis of, xiv, xviii, 1* , 62, 63, 169n , 175

Fowler, Francis, xiii, 21-23

Francisco de Jesus, Friar, 75 , 78, 82n

Frias, Juan de Velasco, Duke of, Constable of Castile , 181 , 184n

Fuente, Diego de la, Friar, xiii, xvi, 107, 108, 110n, 116-19, 120-24 , 125, 126n ; Cornwallis , 102, 103n; Lewkenor , 104-106; journey to Rome, 141 , 144 , 148*-51*

Gage, George, 148*-51*n

Gatehouse prison,86 , 88

Gelder, Rev. Francis, 75, 77, 78, 81 , 82n

Geraldine , Roland , 131, 133

Gondomar , Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, Count of, career, xiii-xiv, 169n;and James I, xiv -xix* , xxii*n , xxiii*n , 65-69 , 117 , 119; comments on Catholics , 10-13, 29-32, 83, 84, 111 ; release of prisoners, 141* , 147 , 152-54*; Queen Anne,


98-99; Palatinate, 142-43, 145-46 , 162 -65 ; and Carvajal, 16 *-23; and Baldwin, 110, 175*-76 ; and Berry, 5-8, 58-59 ; and Northampton, 36*40*;and Stanley, 129*-38; and Bentley, 62-63 ; and Worthington, 71-72; and Cornwallis , 102-103n; and Friar Paul, 173-74 ; and Scotland, 142 , 145 , 163, 165; and Irish clergy, 138 , 139n; wife of, Doña Costanza, 22, 23 , 102, 103; see also marriage negotiations , JamesI

Grant , Jasper, xiii

Gregory XV,Pope, 148 *-51*

Guadalajara, Marco de, Friar, xiiin

Guadaleste, Felipe Cardona, Marquis of, 45, 46, 61n

Guise, Charles de Lorraine, Duke of , 55, 57, 58n

GunpowderPlot, 2, 4, 175

Hamilton, James, Marquis of, xv, xviii, xxivn

Harrison, Rev. William, Archpriest , 24

Hay, James, mission of, 66, 68, 70n

Henrietta Maria, d. of Henry IV , possible marriages, 100, 101n, 159 , 161, 168

HenryIV,King, 1, 76 , 79 , 180

Henry VIII,King, 62, 63

Howard, Henry, s ofSuffolk, 37 , 39 , 40n

Huntley, Henriette, Countess of, 178 , 184n

Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego, xiii, xx-xxi

Idiaquez , Juan de, 1 , 2* , 3 * , 177, 184n 'Incognito' , informant, 169, 170*-172*

Infantado, Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza, Duke of, 2,4

Ireland , Catholics in, xxii , 10 , 12n , 97, 99-100, 126, 128-29 * , 138* , 142, 145, 147n, 163, 165, 182*

Isabella, Archduchess, xx, xxii, 98, 152-53 , 158

James I, King, xiv*-xvi* , xix, 47, 48; and Paul V, 1 , 9, 15, 35; changes terms of marriage, 49 , 51, 66, 68 , 82, 83, 84n , 116-19, 126, 148 , 149 , 164, 165, 166, 168; relief to Catholics, 2, 3, 32, 71, 76, 80, 107 , 113, 123, 153n, 154, 172*n , 177; describes parliament , 142-43, 145 *147*n; complains of Anne, 98*; and Baldwin, 175*-76 ; denounces books , 73 , 74*n; and du Perron, 53-57*n; and Savoy, 43 , 44; and Northampton, 36, 38 ; and Charles in Spain, 185-86

James, Thomas, consul, 5, 7, 8n

Jay, Anne,xiii 189

Jesuits, in England, 30, 59, 60, 107, 109, 126, 127; in Scotland , 97 ; in Milan , 95, 96 , see also Bellarmine, Blount, Robb , Ogilby, Ferrino

Jones, Inigo , 185-86

Kearney, David, Archbishop , 138*

Laing , William, xiii

Lake, Thomas, xviii , xix, 13n , 34*

La Laguna de Cameros, Sancho Cerda, Marquis of, 2,4

Lennox, LudovicStewart , Dukeof, xv , xviii

Lerma , Francisco Sandoval y Rojas, Duke of, xiv, 1 , 3 , 5-8, 12 , 13 , 65, 67, 76 , 77, 78, 94, 102 , 103

Leston, John , 170, 171

Lewis, Owen, Bishop, 177 , 184n

Lewkenor , Lewis, xviii, 104*-106*

Lindsay, James, 180, 184n

Louis XIII, King, xvi, xvii, 55, 57 , 159, 161,166,168

Lombard, Peter, Archbishop , 139n

Louvainpress, 73* ,74*n

Macdonald , Lord ofIslay, 61n

Maitland, Lord of Lethington, 176, 183n

Mancicidor, Juan de, 177, 184n

Mantuano , Pedro, 118, 119n

Maria , Infanta, d of Philip III, 41, 42, 49, 51, 53n, 65, 67, 114, 115, 159, 161; letter of, 155*; English household for, 76, 79, 102, 103, 185; James I's plan , 126n, 143-44 , 146

Marriage Negotiations , Gondomar's summary of, 162-65 ; Spanish doubts against, xvii, 91*-94* , 99100, 117, 119, 161, 179*; articles changed, (1614) 41*42* , (1617) 75* , 78, 82n , (1621) 148-51n , (1623) 162 ; James's comment in parliament , 143-44, 146-47n; clergy support, 138, 139n; see Gage, Fuente, Bristol, Gondomar , JamesI

Marie de Medicis , Dowager Queen of France, xvi, 1 , 3 , 4n, 43 , 50 ,52; and English marraige, 66, 68, 70n , 83, 84, 85n

Marta, Jacopo Antonio, 11, 12n

Mary I, Queen, 5, 7, 30, 62, 63, 182-83

Mary, Queen of Scots, 36 , 38 , 62, 63, 182-83

Massimi, Innocenzo , Archbishop , 162

Mathias, Emperor , 9, 55, 57

Mawe, Mr. 185

Mayenne, Henri de Lorraine , Duke of, 95

Messia, Agustin, 2, 4

Middlesex , Lionel Cranfield , Earl of, xviii, 186

Middleton, Thomas , xiv

Monson , William, xviii, xix, 104, 105n

Montague , Henry Browne , Viscount, 62, 63, 64n

Montague , Henry , 16, 17, 23n, 124n; James , Bishop, 112, 113

Montaigne , George, Bishop, 158 , 160 , 162n

Montesinos , Luis, 75, 78

More, Saint Thomas, 62, 63, 64n

Morra, Lucio,Archbishop, 111

Naunton, Robert , xvi, 142, 144

Naylor, William , conspiracy of, 45* , 46*n

Neile, Robert, Bishop, 15 , 23n

Newgate prison, 170, 171

Norfolk , Thomas Howard , Duke of, 36,38

Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, xvii, xix, 32-34, 36*40*n, 91 , 93, 178

Oath of Allegiance , 10 , 11 , 71 , 72 , 77 , 80, 151n, 181

Ogilby , Saint John, 50 , 52n

Oliva , Rodrigo Calderon, Count of , 26, 27

Olivares, Gaspar de Guzman, Count Duke of, 163-65 , 185

Order of Preachers, xxii, 173*-75; see Friars Paul, Diego de la Fuente , Francisco de Jesus, Antonio de Sotomayor , Luis de Aliaga

Overall , John, 14, 15n

Owen, John , 47, 48, 49n

Oxford, 28 n

Paget, Charles, 177 , 184n

Palatinate , xvi, 142-43, 145, 147n , 163 , 165

Parham, Edward , 120 , 121n

Parliaments of James I: 34-35, 92-94, 143-44, 145-47

Parma, Alessandro Farnese, Duke of, 130, 134-36 , 137* , 180, 184n

Pastrana, Rodrigo de Silva, Duke of, 169 *

Paul ofLondon, Friar, 173-74*

Paul V, Pope, prohibits English marriages, 35 ,41 , 42 , 67, 69, 70n; and dispensation , 76* , 79 , 80-82n , 99 , 100 ; and James I, xxii, 1 * , 3* , 9-10, 35, 143, 146 ; and Savoy crisis, 43; and Holland, 35*; and Barclay, 107, 109 , 110n

Perez, Rev. Agustin, xiii, 36, 37* , 39.90*-94*

Perron, Jacques Davy du, Cardinal , xxi, 11, 12n, 53 , 55* , 57-58n

Phelippes, Thomas, 170

Philip II, King, 62, 63 , 137n , 182-83

Philip III, King, and Gondomar , xiv*xvii ; and a papal entente, 14, 9; approves marriage, 41, 43n , 163, 164, 178-83 ; see also Carvajal, Berry, and Bentley, Lerma , Bristol

Philip IV, King, and marriage, 151n , 162ff.; see also Gondomar , Catholics, Coloma , Ynojosa

Piracy, 18, 23n

Porter , Endymion,xv,xviii

Proclamations , 47, 48 , 49n, 86, 88, 90n


Protestant League' , xvi, xvii, 35 , 56, 167

'Puritans' , described by Gondomar , 29-31 , 34; demand penal laws , 11 , 46, 47, 123, 125, 126n, 171 , 172; denounced by James, 97, 145; reaction to Blackfriars , 157-62n

Pursuivants , xxi, xxiiin , 111 , 114 , 115,152,171,172

Ralegh, Walter , 99

Ramsey, John, Lord, 87, 89, 90n

Ricaut, Peter, 167*-69*n

Richardson , John , xiii

Richelieu , Cardinal, 158

Robb, Rev. John , 142 , 145 , 147n

Roper, William, 87 , 89, 90n

Rous, William Cecil, Lord, xviii, 66, 68, 70m , 175

Rutland, Francis Manners, Earlof, xviii

Sackville, Thomas, 30

St.John, Oliver, 99

Salazar, Luis de Velasco, Count of 130, 132, 133n

Salisbury , Robert Cecil, Earl of , 40n , 177

Sanchez de Ulloa, Julian , xiii, xix, 112-16, 120n

Sandobal y Rojas, Bernardo , Cardinal of Toledo, 75, 78, 85n

San Lucar, convent in, 174*

Sarmiento de Acuña, see Gondomar

Savoy, 43-44*n

Scotland , xviii, xxii, 50, 51, 61n, 85, 87, 97, 142* , 145 , 147n , 163, 165, 176, 178 ; see Angus, Anne , Semphill , Robb, Dumferline, Chalmers

Scott, Thomas,xiv

Scrope, Emmanuel , Lord, 112-14n


Seminaries, 33n, 71 , 72, 73* , 74*n , 124n, 163, 165

Semphill (Semple), William, 176, 183n; Helen, 178, 184n

Sessa , Antonio Cardona y Cordoba , Duke of, 5 ,7

Sheffield , Edmund , Lord, 85, 87,90n, 112, 113, 114n

Soissons, Louis de Bourbon, Count of, 100, 101n

Somerset, Edward , 120, 121n

Somerset, Robert Ker, Earl of, Viscount Rochester, xvii, 18-20, 23n, 47, 48 , 49 , 51, 91, 93

Sotomayor, Antonio de, Friar, 75 , 78 , 81, 82n

Spifame, Samuel, Sieur de Buisseaux , 1, 3, 4n, 9*n, 23, 24n, 175

Stanley, William, xxii, 129*-33* , 134137 n

Sterrill, William, 154, 162n , 170

Suarez, Rev. Francisco, 16, 19, 23 , 24n

Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of, xvii, 34, 37, 39, 40n, 86, 88, 91 , 93,95

Tassis , Juan Baptista de, 134 * , 136 * , 137n , 177, 184n ; See Villa Mediana

Taylor, Henry, xiii

Throckmorton, John, 139*-41*n; Lady Margaret, Ibid

Tillieres, Tanneguy Le Veneur , Count of, 156, 157 n, 159, 161, 173n

Toledo, Cardinal of, see Sandobal

Trever, Richard , 40n

Trumbull, William, 74n

Tyrconnel, Rory O'Donell, Earl of, 182, 184n

Tyrone, Hugh O'Neill, Earl of, 182 , 184n

Urban VIII, Pope, 162

Van Male , Jean Baptiste , 72*-74*n , 139, 141n, 170 , 186

Vasquez, Rev. Antonio, 130* , 132 * , 133n

Velada y Astorga , Antonio Gomez Davila, Marquis of, 2,4

Velasco , Alonso de, xviii , 67, 69, 175

Verdugo , Francisco, 134, 136 , 137n

Vieuville, Charles de Ville ,Marquisde la, 169n

Villa Franca , Pedro de Toledo Osorio , Marquis of, 2,4

Villa Longa, Pedro de Franqueza, Count of, 181, 184n

Villa Mediana, Juan de Tassis, Count of, 178 , 181

Villa Viciosa , Cosme de, xiii, 129 , 131 , 133m

Wales , xxii, 139*-41*n, 171, 172

Walpole, Rev. Michael, 22 ,24n

Wenman, Thomas, 27, 28n

Wentworth, Rev. Thomas, alias Juan Hidalgo, xiii

Weston, Richard, xviii

Wharton , Michael , 85-86, 87-88 , 90n

Widdrington, Rev. Roger, 15n

Williams, John , Bishop, 154 , 185*

Winifred, Saint, well and church , 139-41

Winwood, Ralph, 34*n, 35n, 53n, 95*

Wisbech castle, 46, 48

Worcester, Edward Somerset, Earl of, xviii, 86, 88, 120 , 121

Worthington, Thomas, 70-72*m

Wotton, Edward , Lord, xviii, 32 , 33n, 94,95

Wren, Mr., 185

Yelverton, Charles, 103n; Henry, 127 , 128, 129n

Ynojosa , Juan de Mendoza, Marquis de la, Marquis of San Germano, xx, 155 * , 156 * , 157*, 158,160,168 , 169n

York, Catholics in, 85-88, 112 , 113 , 152 , 153n , 171 , 172n

Zúñiga , Pedro de, see Floresdavila

Zutphen , 134, 136

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