post traditional viewbook

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I can do it, “ IfANYONE CAN!

Where will i find the time and resources? Our tuition is the lowest in the Upstate and nearly




hroughout this publication, you’ll meet others like Patti. Students who are defying the odds and overcoming obstacles. Some are returning to school to get their degree after several years of working, raising kids or serving in the military. Others are looking to fine-tune their existing skills or learn a new technology. Whatever your reason, we hope these stories will remind you that you are not alone in the journey.

Our Learning Commons combines library and tutoring services. Last year, we had


In the past six months alone, NEARLY 400 ADULTS have sought help with career planning from our Career Services Office, and the staff performed

MORE THAN 20% of our student body is






with 23% of our students benefitting from this FREE ASSISTANCE.

with students wanting to improve those skills.




A QUIET LOUNGE set aside for Veteran-specific counseling, group meetings, study space & free coffee!

while attending school. They work an average of

23.2 HOURS PER WEEK, and 45% attend college part-time.

200 STUDENTS Our Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) serves

EACH SEMESTER, & THAT NUMBER CONTINUES TO GROW! The ARC team has 30-50 connections with these students every week to ensure they have access to the support and resources needed for success.

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❏❏ Submit a nonrefundable application fee. ❏❏ Provide satisfactory placement test scores (Accuplacer writing, reading and math taken within the past three years) or college transcripts showing an earned “C” or better in math and English coursework. ❏❏ Submit a final, official high school transcript from an accredited or approved institution or official high school equivalency score report. ❏❏ Apply for Financial Aid. Start at ❏❏ Register for Orientation, which will include Advising and Registration. DETAILED CHECKLIST AVAILABLE AT TCTC.EDU/CHECKLIST. SKILLS ALREADY ATTAINED on the job may qualify for college credit. In fact, in the last five years, we have awarded more than


COLLEGE CREDITS to 400+ students for prior work experience.

Will Previous College Credits Transfer? What About Work Experience? We will need to evaluate an official copy of your transcript to see which credits we can apply toward one of our degrees or certificates. We typically accept credits from other regionally accredited colleges or universities, provided you have earned a letter grade of “C” or better. We also offer prior learning assessments that may provide you with college credit for your work experiences. We have experts in our enrollment services areas to help you maximize your previous school and job experiences.

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Where do Ii start?

❏❏ Complete an application for admission APPLY



graduate of Clemson University, Patti Ables has enjoyed a wonderful career in horticulture, but she is ready for a change. She thought about the MBA route, and then life happened. She has two sons. One son was having a difficult time and needed to be homeschooled, and the other was diagnosed with cancer. She left her job to care for her boys. Patti met a young lady who had completed her Engineering Graphics Technology (EGT) degree at Tri-County. “She spoke so passionately about the career field that I wanted to learn more,” she said. Patti loved the thought of being creative but technical at the same time. And she did her research. “The Upstate Area is a hotbed for great careers in this field,” Patti added. The demand for skilled workers is great, as is the pay. (The EGT degree has been renamed to Engineering Design Technology to better reflect the overall emphases of the program.) Patti admits that the thought of returning to

I can do it, “ IfANYONE CAN!

school was scary. “I was afraid my capacity to learn would be less. And I was afraid of being surrounded by kids just out of high school,” she said. Both of her concerns were unfounded though. She enjoys the diversity in her classroom and appreciates the small class settings. She has turned fears into passion, saying, “I have life experiences and a work ethic that get me through any challenges. And I understand the value of this degree. I don’t want a piece of paper. I want every bit of knowledge I can gain that will help me succeed in the workplace.” “Go for it!” is the best advice Patti says she would offer to anyone considering a return to college. “The instructors I have encountered really want to help you succeed. They are invested in your success and will be there championing you along the way,” she said. Patti is grateful that both of her sons are doing well, and looks forward to this next stage in her life. “If I can do it, anyone can!” she said.

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Adult students often have family obligations that feel too overwhelming to even consider attending or returning to college. We know this is a major life decision, and we are here to help you make the transition back to the classroom. It is possible, even for a single parent. Just ask Patrice Cleveland.


can’t tell you how many years I just hid behind my smile,” says Patrice. A single mom of four boys, Patrice shared that she quit school in the 9th grade, got caught up with the wrong crowd and started using drugs. Any hope for her future seemed out of reach. Patrice said she knew deep inside that she wanted to go back to school. After a few failed attempts at obtaining her GED, she found help through an organization called Ripple of One, a nonprofit organization that works with low-income families. With her GED in hand, this boost of confidence helped Patrice enroll in college. She completed the Administrative Office Technology associate degree program and is now adding courses for a medical emphasis. Patrice definitely faced obstacles along the way. “As a single parent, childcare was a major issue,” she said. Patrice became a master planner and called on family to help. “So many people made so many sacrifices,” she recalls. The best thing about this journey, Patrice says, is that her children see her efforts and enthusiasm. “At the beginning of every semester, it’s like there’s a fire lit in me. I am encouraged by so many people who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself,” she said. “Donald White, my success coach, talked me through times when I was mentally exhausted. My instructor, Beverly Vickery, motivated me to step out of my comfort box and to work hard.” Patrice has benefitted from many services offered, especially the tutoring center. “I love to express myself, but they help me do it better,” she added. Patrice is active in SGA and is also a part of the National Society for Leadership and Success, where she says she is regularly inspired to never give up. Patrice encourages people who might be feeling they don’t deserve an education or opportunities to get rid of those thoughts right now. “You can do this. You will have to want it – and to want to work for it. Most of all, know you are worth the effort,” she added.

#1 Student Success Rate in SC Technical College System

Student Success Center and Services 75,000 SQUARE FOOT OF SPACE dedicated to the needs of our students. • Learning Commons that houses library collections, flexible meeting spaces for students, computer labs, study areas, computer laboratories, supplemental instruction, and tutoring spaces; • Student Development Offices; • Information Technology Services; • Campus Store; • College Café; • Printing Services; • And more!

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At Tri-County, our vision is to transform the lives of those who come here, one student at a time. We know that placing you in a classroom with 300 other students will not enable us to truly connect with you. That’s just one of the reasons we maintain a low student to faculty ratio of 19 to 1. Small classes to provide you with the focused attention you may need in your courses.

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It’s a limitation you put on your mind. – Jackie Joyner-Kersee –

“ Age is no barrier.

The average age of our students is 22, so expect to find yourself in a classroom with a diverse student body. You’ll be seated beside students who have just graduated from high school as well as older students looking for a new start. But it’s this dynamic learning environment that creates opportunities to learn from one another. Embrace the differences, Jim Yancsek would say!


im calls himself a “Q-Tip” referring to his white hair, but doesn’t want to share his age – because being back in college makes him feel young and energetic again. Jim started out on a traditional pathway, going to college right out of high school. He enjoyed a long career that ended abruptly. “The first thing I thought about was money. But then I thought about what else I could do,” he said. He thought he might enjoy being a baker, so a manager at Village Bakery in Pendleton let him job shadow and learn. After just 27 hours, Jim says it was clear to all that this was not his calling, and he was fired. “But they still want me to come in to talk to the customers, because I was really good at that,” he quickly added. “Nothing like being fired from a job I never even had to put me on this journey.” He also drove CAT bus at Clemson. “It was in that environment that I realized challenges can become excuses. Mine are that I am old, poor and short, but ‘stupid’ would not be on that list,” he said.

Jim knew he wanted to go back to school, so he started asking others about careers he would be most suited for. His sister and girlfriend are both nurses and emphatically said, “You should NOT be a nurse.” So, Jim decided to enter the practical nursing program at Tri-County. Jim says the best thing, besides learning new skills, is the impressive faculty and staff he has encountered. “Some people turn their noses down at a community college, but I have taken classes at Princeton, Rutgers, Stockton, Mercer and more, and I couldn’t be more impressed with the knowledge and dedication of the people here,” Jim said. He calls biology instructors Heather Irwin and Stephan Irwin the “one-two punch” for the department. “They are dedicated to making sure you can think and learn and then apply what you learn,” he said. “Tri-County’s instructors are the real deal.” To anyone thinking about a career change, Jim says, “Stop just thinking about it. Walk through the door. No one will laugh. The people here want to help you.”

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or Danny Adams, the word “obstacles” is quite the understatement. A single dad of four children, Danny hit rock bottom – and then went even lower – before he found the courage and perseverance to face his fears. At the age of 28, he has just received his very first college transcript, having earned all A’s, but it hasn’t been an easy journey for this young man who recalls periods of homelessness, sleeping under bridges and in trash cans to stay dry. “I had been in trouble since I was seven-years-old,” Danny said. His school years were filled with what he describes as “sex, drugs and rap.”

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have to start to be great. – Unknown –

He spent time in juvenile detention, his dad committed suicide, and he found himself an active member of a gang. And all this happened before he dropped out of high school at age 16. Danny has a constant reminder of his past through the gang tattoos he wears and the scars from the times he attempted suicide. Even so, he considers himself blessed. It was while serving time in the county jail where he was facing 65 years behind bars where he started to have that urge to make more of himself. He participated in a Bible study in prison where he felt encouraged to “be better” and “do something positive.” With a new-found commitment, he began to make a plan. When Danny was released on bond and placed on house arrest, he was able to put his plan into motion. Danny started out in Adult Education in Pickens County to complete his GED. “College was never a part of my reality. My mind wasn’t trained to think like that,” Danny said. During his time with Adult Ed, he overheard a conversation about Tri-County’s I-BEST program. He immediately said to his counselor that this is what he wanted. “I found myself saying to her that I was willing to do anything I could to go to College,” he added. A very nervous Danny met with Ms. Diana Walter, Director of Technical Skills for Success at Tri-County, to learn about his options. When he stepped on the campus the first time, he said to himself, “This is really happening.” During his initial meeting, he says, “Ms. Walter did not pretend this would be easy. She told me I had a long way to

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“ You don’t have to be great to start, but you

go, but that if he was willing, there were people here who would help me.” That was exactly what Danny needed to hear. While in his first semester at Tri-County, he said he always felt he could meet with his instructors when he needed extra help, and he has really enjoyed the resources available in career services, especially the mock interviews. Danny tells the story that he even had a “crazy conversation” with the president of the College, although he didn’t know he was the president at the time! Dr. Booth asked him if he got out of his first semester what he thought he would. “I said NO. But then I added that it was so much more. This has been an amazing experience. No one here has ever dwelled on my past or talked down to me. No one here has ever told me I could not do something,” he said. The two carried on a conversation that covered Danny’s tattoos, his fears, his past and his hopes for the future. “He talked to me like I was a real person, which was great, but when I learned he was the president, it was just a crazy feeling, like I would make it here, like everyone, even the president was pulling for me,” Danny said. Danny is proud of his accomplishments so far at TriCounty and encourages others who find themselves in life’s low points to not give up. He says, “Keep your mind open, apply yourself, focus on the bigger picture and get to know the people at Tri-County. Do not be afraid of the unknown. You can come from nothing and still make it.”

The Best investment you can make is in yourself


arren Buffet gets credit for that great line, but Engineering Design Technology major, Marvin Woodward, gets props for bringing the phrase to life. Marvin went to school at Permian High School in Texas, made famous through the television series “Friday Night Lights.” When he decided to start his college journey right after high school, he had big plans and dreams, but he also had more appealing party invites helped put him on a fast-track to academic probation and dropping out. Without a college degree, though, “Doors were slamming faster than I could open them,” Marvin sad. “I had an epiphany and knew it was time to grow up.” So, he joined the Navy. “Four years and done was the plan, but I stayed for 21 years,” said Marvin. He once again found himself asking, “Now what?” At the age of 48, Marvin started exploring a return to college. He was on a guided tour where he says, “Brittany Talbert patiently took me around campus, and she introduced me to faculty, faculty who took the time to stop and talk with me right then. I went home that night and made a commitment to myself to do this.” Marvin describes his first day back in college with one word: terrifying. “It was being in a room with 25

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kids, literally kids,” he says. It didn’t help that the first fellow student he encountered said to him, “Sir, do you grade on a curve?” Since then, he has become friends with fellow students, even unofficially mentoring a few of them. “I have the utmost respect for the students who are really trying, who are asking questions, who are really working hard to meet their goals at their young ages,” Marvin says. As a veteran, Marvin says he finds incredible support here at Tri-County. The financial aid experts worked with him to maximize his GI benefits and even found additional resources to get money for college. Patriot’s Place, though, is where he feels most supported. “Veterans are wired differently. Most of us have seen things and done things that you just don’t have a regular conversation about. Patriot’s Place gives us a safe space where we can uncoil our springs and just be ourselves,” he said. Marvin will share with anyone who asks that getting his education is a solid investment. “It’s my full-time job, and I am committed to it,” he says. He has the grades to prove his dedication, but now that he is older and wiser, he has found the balance between work and play and says, “I am having a blast!”

Serving Those Who Served

Patriot’s Place

We at Tri-County appreciate the service and sacrifices made by the brave men and women serving our country and feel it is our responsibility to ease the veteran’s transition into college by offering resources specifically focused on our returning heroes.

Patriot’s Place is a peaceful lounge area (in Anderson Hall on the Pendleton Campus) exclusively set aside for student veterans. There are multiple amenities offered there, including • Computer and Internet Access

Financial Aid for Veterans

• Counseling

We have experts who are knowledgeable about Veterans Affairs (VA) education benefits and the eBenefits portal for veterans, service members, and their families to research, find access and manage their benefits and personal information.

• Group Meeting Areas

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• Study Areas • Free Coffee


at Tri-County

• Accessibility resource center • Advising and coaching services • Career counseling • Comprehensive library services • Unlimited tutoring • Writing assistance • And more!

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“ Unless You Try T

To Do Something


o meet Melissa Brown, you might not think she ever had any doubts about making it in college. Truth is, she did. She considered herself weak in math and too busy, already working a full-time job. When she made up her mind to return to college to get her associate degree, though, she fully committed herself to do her best and make the most of the opportunities. A meeting with her Student Success Coach, Tasheka Johnson, helped her create a plan that would work with her. She already had a Human Resources certificate to her name, and Tasheka encouraged her to keep going. “Based on my grades, she told me I could really do this,” said Melissa. They worked out a schedule that would enable her to take evening and online courses so that she could continue to work. Melissa was very excited, but equally nervous. It wasn’t long before she felt overwhelmed, but it wasn’t her coursework. “I found my classes to be very interesting, and I love to read,” she said. It was her job, not school, that was draining her. “It was demanding and getting in the way of my goals to finish my degree,

change careers and do something better for my future,” Melissa said. With the support of her family, she quit her job. A couple of her classes were tougher than expected, like accounting and economics, but Melissa found several resources that helped her, including the tutoring center, the library, her advisors and instructors. Melissa didn’t just want to attend classes, though. She wanted to be involved. “Being an active Senate member in Tri-County’s SGA was great,” she said. She was recognized for her commitment to this organization by receiving the Outstanding Student Government Association Award. She was recognized as the Outstanding Student in her Management program as well. Melissa offers a few words of wisdom for those considering a return to college. “Don’t take more classes than you can handle. Think positively, work hard and study. Most importantly, make up your mind to do it, and do it!”

What You Have

Already Mastered,

Never Grow – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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You Will

Life Begins at the End

of Your Comfort Zone


hen Rachel Ossman lost both of her parents within one month, she withdrew from the world. That was her low point. But it was also the fuel for a new-found passion for school. Rachel dropped out of high school at 15. She admits to having low self-esteem throughout her life, and felt like since neither of her parents graduated from high school that she’d be fine. “I applied for some of what you would think are the simplest jobs, but even those jobs require a high school diploma these days,” Rachel said. She started to understand the importance of education. She enrolled in the GED program, but ended up dropping out at least a half-dozen times. However, before her mom passed away, she gave Rachel one last gift. She signed her up for another attempt at getting her GED. “I didn’t even want to get out of bed after she died, but knowing this was the last gift I would receive from her, it drove me to move ahead,” she added. “I realized I wanted to LIVE after my parents’ deaths.” Through the encouragement of her husband and her teachers, she earned her GED and is now enrolled at TriCounty in the I-BEST program. “Here I am in my 40s, kicking myself for not being here earlier. I like school so much and cannot wait to get here every single day,” Rachel said.

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“My husband has always told me that I was smarter than I ever gave myself credit for. Now, I believe him, and that’s such a blessing,” said Rachel. These days, she is influencing her own children by talking about the value of an education. Sometimes they try to escape to the outdoors, saying, “Momma won’t stop talking about how great school is!” Other times, she talks about the investment, saying “If you don’t go to college, you are setting yourself up to make only a certain amount of money forever.” Rachel says she overcame other obstacles as well, especially the fear over finances for college. She completed the FAFSA and didn’t expect anything. She thought that might be an excuse. However, she did receive financial aid. Then, she thought she’d just be a little fish in a big pond and that it might be too easy to slip away. “These teachers and staff really care. I see their passion for helping in people like Mrs. Garrison in career services. She really motivated me by talking about careers and education. And then there’s Ms. Julianne who sends me notes of encouragement,” she said. “These people told us they wanted to help us be our best and that they really cared. The words were nice to hold on to, but their actions have blown me away. I feel like I am welcome here, like I belong, like I have the support I need.” I am on my way to a great career, said Rachel.

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Programs at TCTC ARTS


There are only a handful of colleges in our nation that offer a two-year degree in the exciting field of media arts production, and Tri-County is one of them! Our programs encompass visual media, graphic design, interactive media, computer animation, audio production, broadcast regulations, and more. Courses will prepare you to create media content wherever it is needed and to work in a variety of positions in the growing field of mass communications. You’ll train for careers that include audio and video production, videography, TV and radio production, photo journalism, copywriting, video editing, electronic media, web design, production and direction. You’ll learn to write, light, shoot, interview, record and edit content for multiple media platforms, while developing your personal talent and style as a communicator.

If you’re driven by the thoroughness of crunching numbers, the excitement of closing a deal, or the empowerment of being your own boss, a career in business might be just what you’re looking for. Our programs teach you to plan, organize, direct and evaluate business functions that are essential to productive operations. We offer options in areas of Accounting, Administrative Office Technology and Business Administration.

• Media Arts Business (C) • Media Arts Production (AD) • Audio (C) • Digital Photography (C) • Digital Production Techniques (C) • Graphic Communications (C)

Accounting Accounting is a highly-respected profession and one that consistently ranks as one of the top career opportunities in business. You’ll learn to examine financial statements, accounting books, and procedures, to ensure accuracy, compliance and efficiencies. And the really great thing about accounting is it’s a career you can take anywhere, from a small office setting to the exciting world of manufacturing to the medical field to non-profit agencies and more. All companies need someone with exceptional accounting skills! • Accounting (AD)

• Payroll Accounting (C)

Administrative Office Technology With new technological advances in today’s modern office, the administrative professional must fill many roles. Through Tri-County’s Administrative Office Technology program, you’ll gain skills in critical thinking, office systems and software, interpersonal relations, and other traits that will make you invaluable to any business office team. We also offer an associate degree in this area with a Medical Emphasis for students wish to work in a heath care setting. This pathway provides training in the complexity of medical terms and procedures, as well as the specialized skills needed in the medical office environment. • Administrative Office Technology (AD)

• Data Entry Clerk (C)

• Administrative Office Technology, Medical Emphasis (AD)

• Medical Office Specialist (C) • Office Support Specialist (C)

• Administrative Support (D)

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Business Administration Whether you’re interested in managing your own projects or teams, developing successful marketing campaigns, working in the field of finance, or finding your own way in the world of business, our NEW Business Administration program offers a number of options to help you meet your goals. With six distinct pathways within a solid business program, we offer training that will help you foster the success of both projects and people. • Business Administration (AD) • Business Administration, Banking and Finance Emphasis (AD) • Business Administration, Entrepreneur Emphasis (AD) • Business Administration, Management Emphasis (AD) • Business Administration, Marketing Emphasis (AD) • Business Administration, Operations Management Emphasis (AD) • Business Foundations (C) • Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management (C)

EDUCATION Working with children in any capacity requires a mastery of many fields, but there are few careers quite as rewarding. Whether you are helping children to master the ABC song or teaching them their numbers, there’s no greater feeling than experiencing first-hand that “ah-ha” moment when the students get it! If you feel called to work with children, the future of tomorrow, our program and on-site placements will give you the training and tools you need for a rewarding career. You’ll learn to develop age-appropriate education plans and to create settings that will foster learning for children, and ultimately, become a committed, capable, and compelled early care and education professional. For those who wish to further their education, we can help there, too. We have agreements in place for students to transfer seamlessly to Anderson University, The Citadel and Southern Wesleyan. Just work with your advisor to establish and work toward your overall goals. • Early Care and Education (AD)

• Early Childhood Development (C)

• Child Care Management (C)

• Infant/Toddler (C)

HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE: Animal Care Take your love of animals to the next level. There is no doubt our society is filled with animal lovers. So much so we expect the same state-of-the-art health care for our animals as we expect for ourselves. In the exciting field of veterinary medicine, Veterinary Technicians provide support to veterinarians, biomedical researchers and scientists. From administering anesthesia to assisting in surgery, Veterinary Technicians can be found in practices, zoos, laboratories, and pharmaceuticals. We also have an agreement that allows graduates from Tri-County’s veterinary technology program to be accepted in the Animal and Veterinary Sciences program with junior standing at Clemson University.

KEY: (AD) = Associate Degree (D) = Diploma

Hands-On Learning Leads to New Homes

Our students work with animals from area shelters to prepare them for adoption. Dogs are trained with basic commands on a gentle leader head collar and socialized. Cats are constantly handled to help them enjoy playtimes. All are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and checked for heartworms or feline leukemia. Each semester, the department hosts Adoption Days to help match the four-legged friends with community members.

(C) = Certificate

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HEALTHCARE: Health Professions All too often when people think of careers in healthcare, they zero-in on nursing. While that’s a great career, there are many other options to consider! In fact, those working in health professions (outside nursing) make up about 60 percent of the workforce in this industry.

Emergency Medical Technology

Learn the skills needed to provide medical support and transport to injured or critically ill patients in through Tri-County’s Emergency Medical Technology (EMT) program. When working in a first-responder situation, such as an ambulance service or fire department, EMTs are dispatched to the scene of the medical emergency, which can be as varied as a car accident, a fire, a falling injury, a animal bite, a shooting or stabbing, a birth, or a person who’s suddenly fallen ill. Once at the scene of the emergency, EMTs assess the situation, determine if additional assistance is needed, and, if necessary, order the additional help. The degree and certificate programs prepare students to test for national certifications. • Emergency Medical Technology • EMT Advanced (C) • Paramedic (C) (AD)

Expanded Duty Dental Assisting

Dental Assistants are multi-skilled dental professionals trained to work in many specialty areas of dentistry, including restorative dentistry and preventive oral health care. You’ll learn the skills necessary to provide patient education, apply pit and fissure sealants, produce intra-oral and extra-oral radiographs, polish teeth and fillings, assist the dentist, prepare dental materials, and manage dental offices.

Medical Assisting

If a medical office is where you see yourself, but the long hours that nurses put in give you pause, train for a great career as a multi-skilled health professional. A medical assistant balances duties that range from taking and recording vital signs and medical histories and preparing patients for appointments to drawing blood and maintaining medical records. And this field is red-hot: the US Department of Labor expects medical assisting to be one of the fastest-growing occupations through 2022.

Medical Laboratory Technology

Medical Laboratory Technicians are ranked in the top twenty-five fastest growing career fields in South Carolina by the US Department of Labor. Your training will lead you to great careers in hospitals, clinics, private labs, and even research departments at pharmaceutical companies. No matter your location, you'll play an important part in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of illness and disease.


Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) programs typically require two years of undergraduate coursework followed by four academic years of professional study. The Tri-County Pre-Pharmacy program provides students with the same opportunities to enter a school of pharmacy that a four-year college or university does -- at a fraction of the cost. Though effective skills-based training and program-specific preparation, our students are well-prepared for the rigor and demand found at the graduate level.

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Surgical Technology

ln the operating room, surgeons lean heavily on the expert support of surgical technologists. As a surgical technology major, you'll learn not only how to hand over the scalpel (and other instruments) right on cue, but also how to sterilize and clean equipment, maintain inventory, and perform other tasks that help keep everything functioning safely before, during, and after surgery. Not only is this an exciting and rewarding career field, the job market is wide open -- surgical technologists are ranked in the top ten fastest growing career fields in South Carolina by the US Department of Labor.

HEALTHCARE: Nursing Nursing is often described as a “calling,” a career that enables you to help others. It is an emotionally fulfilling and personally rewarding career, with excellent job prospects, a wide range of areas to specialize in, and strong salaries. With an aging population and a shrinking nursing workforce, nurses are in higher demand than ever before. Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) have very different roles, and the nursing programs at Tri-County will ensure that, no matter the path you take, you’ll be trained for the specific tasks and settings in your future career. • Nursing (AD) • Practical Nursing (D) • Health Science (C) • Nursing Preparation (C)



From business to industry, education to government, it's virtually impossible to work in today's world without computers, and Tri-County offers two tracks to help students discover their passions and abilities. Students pursuing a career in computer programming or software development should consider the “Computer Technology” program of study, while those who are interested in a career as a computer support technician or networksupporttechnicianmightenrollintheInformation Technology Emphasis program of study. Regardless of the degree selected, the programs offer hands-on training that helps students prepare for quality and rewarding entrylevel positions in a variety of settings.

If you are motivated by the desire to help people and make a difference in the community, a career in the field of Criminal Justice might be exactly what you’re looking for. Ideal for those who thrive on doing something different every day, we offer classroom training and field experiences that prepare students for careers in law enforcement; corrections and detention centers; communications and dispatch; victim and witness advocacy; court clerkships; pardon, probation and parole; loss prevention; and the fast-growing area of private security. We also offer a pathway that emphasizes paralegal studies. This track provides theoretical, practical and technical applications of legal skills.

• Computer Technology, Cybersecurity/ Forensics Emphasis (AD) • Computer Technology, Network Systems Management Emphasis (AD) • Computer Technology, Software and Web Development Emphasis (AD)

• Criminal Justice (AD) • Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Operations Emphasis (AD) • Criminal Justice, Loss Prevention and Security Emphasis (AD) • Criminal Justice, Paralegal Emphasis (AD) • Criminal Justice, Leadership and Management (C)

MANUFACTURING South Carolina has a strong foundation in manufacturing. Once leaders in the textile sector, we are now a leader in advanced manufacturing. From the production of automobiles, appliances, aircraft and more, no other sector in our state contributes more to our state’s economy, including job creation, high wages and community support. Our state continues to grow in our ability to manufacture complex products, and our area employers pay premium wages for these high-skill, high-demand jobs. Tri-County is pleased to partner with manufacturers in our area to grow right along with their expanding needs and goals, and our hands-on programs train our students make immediate contributions as they begin great careers in manufacturing.

CNC PROGRAMMING AND OPERATIONS Virtually all industries depend on precisely machined parts when building their products. Tri-County's CNC Programming and Operations program was developed to meet the demand for highly skilled technicians in this specialized field of computerized machining operations. Created with employer input each step of the way, our CNC graduates will be in high demand for great-paying jobs with advanced manufacturers in the Upstate who are using the latest technologies to stay competitive in the global marketplace. • CNC Programming and Operations (AD) • Basic Machining (C) • CAD/CAM/CNC Fundamentals (C) • Introduction to CNC (C)

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Love working with computers? Interested in a great-job and great-paying opportunities in manufacturing? The Engineering Design Technology program prepares students to translate product ideas into engineering models and documentation using computer software. Students also learn how to draw mechanical parts in three dimensions using CAD/CAM software packages such as ProE, CREO, Catia, and MasterCAM. By producing 3D prototypes, students experience the capabilities and limitations of equipment such as mills and lathes.

Looking for advancement in your current position as an operator or technician? Are you a team player or born leader? If so, the Manufacturing Management and Leadership program can help you reach the supervisory level by fine tuning your leadership and communications skills. We train students on Lean Manufacturing practices, production scheduling, quality principles, and industrial safety.

• Engineering Design Technology (AD)

GENERAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Looking for a fast-paced, high-tech career in industry? General Engineering Technology prepares students for 21st century manufacturing. Students will learn how to interface, program, troubleshoot, and optimize complex systems and equipment. Through hands on projects students learn about control systems, sensors, lasers, robotics, programmable logic controllers, and electronics. This multidisciplinary field provides the necessary skills today's technicians need. • General Engineering Technology (AD) • Engineering Science, Transfer (C)

• Manufacturing Management and Leadership (AD) • Introduction to Manufacturing Management Technology (C) • Introduction to Quality Assurance (C) • Manufacturing and Continuous Process Improvement (C) • Manufacturing Operators I (C)

Mechatronics Mechatronics is a new interdisciplinary field involving mechanical systems, instrumentation, electronics, robotics, automation, computers and control systems. Systems are networked together to meet the demands of highly automated manufacturing processes. Mechatronics technicians are trained to master the skills necessary to install, maintain and repair this sophisticated equipment.

Industrial Electronics Technology

• Mechatronics (AD)

Industrial Electronics Technology will prepare you to pursue virtually any career with “technician” in the description. The program provides a solid foundation in DC and AC electricity and electronics as well as solid state electronics. You'll learn from hands-on courses in basic motor controls theory, ladder logic, and control wiring progress to advanced motor controls applications such as variable frequency drives, DC drives, and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) integration. The program covers digital logic basics, moves into the foundations of PLCs, and culminates in Advanced PLC applications using a variety of programmable controllers.

• Technical Operations II

• Technical Operations I

• Industrial Electronics Technology (AD) • Basic Electronics (C)

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SKILLED TRADES Skilled trades encompass career paths that require work with hands and minds. The work requires realworld training and certifications to be successful, but it also needs a solid foundation and understanding of processes and problem-solving. Working in a skilled trade is an excellent option for those who enjoy a hands-on approach to work and life.

HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING From small stories to skyscrapers, HVAC technicians make sure the temperature is just right. In supermarkets, they maintain coolers to help keep your food fresh. In manufacturing plants, they keep the air workers breathe pollutant-free and the systems operating effectively. In homes, they simply make life bearable, keeping us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Whatever the speciality, this skilled trade offers great opportunities! • HVAC (AD) • HVAC Apprentice (C) • HVAC Installer (C) • Residential Wiring (C)

Welding Automotive Technology Driver's safety depends on the diagnosis and repairs made by auto mechanics. With more computerized automotive systems in today's increasingly complex cars, mechanics must have an understanding of both mechanical and electrical principles. In this exciting skilled trade, many automotive technicians now specialize in a particular area, such as air-conditioning, transmission, or brakes. • Automotive Technology (AD)

The Welding program prepares students for a variety of employment opportunities, primarily in construction and metalworking. Courses offer handson, practical training in basic and advanced welding techniques. Students learn to weld steel, stainless steel, aluminum, pipe, and other welding skills needed in the workplace. • Welding Technology (AD) • Industrial Welding (C) • Multi-Process Welding (C) • Operation of Manufacturing Robots (C) • SMAW Pipe Welding (C) • SMAW Structural Welding (C)

• Automotive Braking Systems (C) • Automotive Engine Electrical Systems (C) • Automotive Engine Performance Systems (C) • Automotive Transmission Systems (C)

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Top 5% in the Nation in SUCCESSFUL TRANSFERS

University Transfer Whether your goal is a more affordable start to your four-year college plans or the need for smaller class sizes to help your transition go smoother, at all of our campuses, we offer a variety of quality, transferable courses to help you get started on your educational goals. The College has two University Transfer programs, Associate in Arts and Associate in Science, that are designed to transfer to senior colleges and universities. For maximum transfer credit, we urge you to work closely with your academic advisor to review the requirements for your anticipated major at the college to which you plan to transfer. The Associate in Arts program is designed for students who plan careers in business, education, journalism, psychology or another liberal arts field. The Associate in Science program is designed for students who plan careers in computer science, engineering, medicine, agriculture, or another science- related area. Additionally, we have transfer and bridge agreements in place with several great fouryear colleges and universities, including Anderson University, The Citadel, Clemson University, Lander University, Southern Wesleyan University, University of South Carolina, USC-Upstate, and more.

Post Office Box 587 Pendleton, SC 29670 864-646-TCTC (8282) PENDLETON CAMPUS 7900 SC Highway 76 Pendleton, SC 29670 ANDERSON CAMPUS 511 Michelin Boulevard Anderson, SC 29625 EASLEY CAMPUS 1774 Powdersville Road Easley, SC 29642 OCONEE CAMPUS 552 Education Way Westminister, SC 29693

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