College Celebrates Black History Month The College kicked off Black History Month with performances and exhibits held in the Student Success Center.
left: Of Ebony Embers: Vignettes of the Harlem Renaissance is a chamber music theatre work conceived and performed by THE CORE ENSEMBLE. The February 3 performance included the works of Aaron Douglas, Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, and Countee Cullen. right: The True Black History Museum is on tour and made a stop here in February. The exhibit features more than 150 artifacts, including
original documents from historic figures, such Frederick Douglass, Mary McLeod Bethune, Booker T. Washington, Rosa Parks, George Washington Carver, Angela Davis, President Barack Obama, and many other great African Americans. Assistant Vice President for Human Resources Marci Leake, right, and Janay Craft, the museum’s director of operations, are seen discussing the exhibit.
Youth Apprenticeship Meeting Held A strategic planning meeting was held February 10 to develop and grow Youth Apprenticeships in the Tri-County service area. Agenda topics included youth apprenticeship program structures, PAYA (the Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship) tools, and a path forward for the AOP. Attending were representatives of Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens Counties Career and Technology Centers, Apprenticeship Carolina, and multiple departments at Tri-County. Pictured from left to right are Amanda Donald, Career and Employability Resources; Ken Kopera, Physical Plant director; Kelli Lancaster, Anderson 1 & 2 Career & Technology Center; Chad Lusk, Oconee County Career and Technology Center; Dana Grant, Anderson Institute of Technology; Ken Hitchcock, Pickens County Career and Technology Center; Carla Whitlock, Apprenticeship Carolina; Douglas Long, Apprenticeship
Carolina; Coni Campbell, Integrated Workforce Solutions; Bryan Manuel, Integrated Workforce Solutions; Chris Marino, Institutional Effectiveness; and Amanda Blanton, High School Engagement and Outreach.