Institutional Advancement News Clemson Downs Donation Supports Nursing Scholarship Clemson Downs made a $1,500 donation to the College’s Foundation to continue its support of a scholarship for a nursing student in Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens counties. James Hill, executive director of Clemson Downs, second from left, presented President DeHay, third from left, with the check. Also pictured are Ruthie Millar, director of community outreach at Clemson Downs, left, and Courtney White, director of development for Institutional Advancement at Tri-County.
Commissioner Martin Retires After 16 years of representing Anderson County on the College’s Commission, Pruitt Martin, left, pictured with Chair John Powell retired in February. Commissioners honored him at the February 3 meeting. “I appreciate your friendship,” he told fellow Commissioners, President DeHay, members of the Executive Leadership Team, and other attendees. “It’s been a humbling experience and something that I will never forget,” he said. Mr. Martin has represented Anderson County on the Commission since June 2004, serving as Secretary/Treasurer for many years. Throughout the years, he also served on the Finance, Foundation, Building, and Curriculum and Instruction committees.
Building Relationships at TLC Café The Office of Academic Development (OAD), Faculty Development, Learning Commons, Accessibility Resources, and Information Technology hosted the TLC Café January 15. Guests enjoyed learning more about how these offices provide ongoing support of teaching and learning efforts. Here, Sarah Shumpert, director of OAD, talks with Roger Burgess, center, and Ken Fletcher.
Rep. Gary Clary Speaks to TAPS Members Rep. Gary Clary spoke to members of the TCTC Association of Political Scientists (TAPS) recently. Rep. Clary reflected on his career as a retired S.C. judge and discussed his current work in the State legislature. “Find a career you enjoy,” he advised the students.
January 2020 • 5