Grant Will Provide MSSC Training to Assist with Companies’ Workforce Needs The College received a $57,310 grant to award 20 scholarships for industry-based training that can give individuals the skills and certifications that can qualify them to work in local manufacturing within two weeks. The grant was awarded to Tri-County by the SC Department of Employment and Workforce through the SC Technical College System. Individuals can apply now for the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) classes. Contact Wade Pitts at 646-1718 or visit him at the Industrial and Business Development Center on the Pendleton Campus. This fourweek class will begin in February. MSSC classes cover four areas of concentration in the Certified Production Technician training curriculum: safety; quality practices and measurement; manufacturing processes; and production and maintenance awareness. Applicants are referred to WorkLink to verify eligibility for scholarships, followed by a criminal background check and drug screening test. Applicants also must score Silver on the WorkKeys exam.
Once accepted, within two weeks of class, individuals can participate in interviews with local manufacturers and be eligible for employment, said Dr. Rick Cothran, dean of our Corporate and Community Education Division. “MSSC training is the perfect way for qualified folks to get their foot in the door. Successful students will be guaranteed an interview. We have a 95 percent placement rate with our MSSC program,” he added. Tri-County administers the MSSC Certified Production Technician program to help build a new workforce through skills upgrades and can reduce on-the-job training for new employees so they can be productive their first day on the job, Rick said. “Industry tells us that this type of training cuts on-the-job training by one third.” Since 2009 Tri-County has taught MSSC classes that assist in providing area companies with a qualified, more productive workforce. Tri-County Technical College is the third largest awarder of MSSC Certifications nationwide.
President’s List Recipients Announced
“Congratulations! We are proud of you and share in this celebration of your success,” Dr. DeHay, front, center, told the President’s List recipients (who earned all A’s for Fall Semester 2019) at a reception January 16. To be eligible for the President’s List, a student must be classified as a degree, diploma, or
certificate-seeking student; earn at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 100 or above; attain a GPR of 4.00; cannot earn an “F,” “WF,” or “U” grade for courses numbered 100 or below, or MAT 150 or ENG 150.