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T CT Founders’ Focus Securing the Blessings of Liberty for Tomorrow
P.O. Box 25155 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80936 719.260.7776 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lana Fore-Warkocz Publisher William T. Gillin Editor-In-Chief editor@theconstitutionalisttoday.com Julie Ayers Managing Editor julie@theconstitutionalisttoday.com Teddy M. Otero Art Director/Internet Manager web@theconstitutionalisttoday.com Joan Eich Events Editor/Board Secretary joan@theconstitutionalisttoday.com SALES Lana Fore-Warkocz ads@theconstitutionalisttoday.com
Janel Amella Terry Amerine Chuck Baker Rebecca Donahoo John Pawelski Kathy Pullara Jim Williams EDITORIAL Aimee R. Holden Copy Editor
Featured Writers: Bod Adelmann Matt Arnold Douglas Bruce Jeff Crank Mike Holler Alfred C. Maurer Michelle Morin Jim Pfaff Ellis Posey Dwan Rager
Writers/Columnists Brian Beck Eli Bremer Jimmie Butler Jay Cadillac Dave Doll Rich Eleuterio Pat Francomano Kyle Getchey Chuck Graybill Leah Hotchkiss Sid Huston Lynda Jones David L. Kelly Brad Kerstetter Cindy Lyons Ryan Parsell JM Peterson Jacek Popiel Helen Sabin Dave Skiver Courtney Stuard
Cartoonists Chuck Asay Francois Ferret Michael Ramirez DISTRIBUTION Patrick Shaffner Distribution Manager distro@theconstitutionalisttoday.com CREATIVE DEPARTMENT Teddy M. Otero Creative Director print@theconstitutionalisttoday.com
Bethany Kerstetter T Jay Carter Cover Photography by Brad Kerstetter SUBSCRIPTIONS
You can subscribe to our newspaper for $34.95/year. That’s less than $3 each for twelve right-to-your-front-door issues! Just send a check or money order, payable to The Constitutionalist Today, along with your preferred delivery address to: The Constitutionalist Today P.O. Box 25155 Colorado Springs, CO 80936 COPYRIGHT© 2010: The Constitutionalist, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Constitutionalist Today is distributed at over 900 locations in El Paso, Teller and South Douglas counties. Limit only one copy per person. This newspaper is for reading purposes only. Republication and/ or reproduced in whole or in part is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the publisher. The Constitutionalist Today makes every effort to insure accuracy in advertising and editorial content; however The Constitutionalist Today and/or any of the board members will accept no responsibility or liability on inaccurate information provided by the advertisers or from editorial submissions. One copy only per person, which is extremely expressed and enforced.
Needed: A Strategic Marriage William T. Gillin, Editor-in-Chief
Powerful families around the world have long practiced arranged marriages for their offspring. Usually their main goal was to cement relationships between families and kingdoms, thus creating some measure of peace and stability. Imagine a castle decked out in finery for a royal wedding. Guests are gathered under the flowing banners as a nervous bride and groom stand at the front. Perhaps they have never seen each other before. The bride peers through her veil at the man she is about to marry, not knowing what she is getting. The groom tries to stare through her veil and imagine what she looks like. They both feel pressured to say their vows, as the future of the kingdom is at stake! This is not unlike the Republican Party today in the U.S. and in Colorado. The establishment wing of the party has invested decades of work and money to build the party and elect their candidates. Now they are facing a difficult marriage with the tea party types. Many of the tea partiers have never been involved in a political party, some have never voted, and others cling to their libertarian values. It’s safe to say
that not many of one group have mingled together with the other group at country clubs or shooting ranges. Yet both are now faced with a common threat to their existence: a socialist big government that will severely impact their ways of life. The backlash against the destructive policies of liberals in Washington DC and Denver has given Republicans hope for a big comeback and some real change in government. However, in Colorado the two factions of the Republican Party are fighting it out in one of the most contentious primary elections in decades. It would be a tragedy if Republicans selfdestruct from infighting and hand victory to the Democrats who will continue with crushing taxes, deficit spending, and overwhelming regulations and control. Just as kingdoms found ways to unite against the onslaught of invading hordes, so the Republican Party must come to grips with the larger threat. Every segment of the party needs to understand the peril to our country and state if we are divided and the progressive Democrats are left in power. Whoever wins the primaries, I would rather have a glass half full of conservatism and freedom, than a glass overflowing with socialism.
About Our Content: The Constitutionalist Today provides a voice for freedom-loving Americans and urges them to action. Our aim is to educate citizens about our nation’s founding documents and to analyze current events based on their principles. At the present, we do not offer investigative, in-depth hard news reporting. While lovers of liberty share many common values, our opinions sometimes differ. This paper’s staff and writers possess a range of worldviews from religious to secular and from conservative to libertarian. A diverse group, our Founding Fathers also had their differences. However, those who established the greatest free nation on earth were united in their love of liberty and resistance to tyranny. Today, we are likewise united in our love for those founding ideals. That said, the opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the staff of The Constitutionalist Today.
GOP: Party of Unity or Division? Julie Ayers, Managing Editor
The word “unity” brings to mind people of various backgrounds and beliefs, dressed in flowing robes, joining hands in harmony and singing “Kumbayah.” I’m not sure why that word inspires such a bizarre visual for me. Perhaps it’s because we’ve become a country so consumed with celebrating diversity that unity is a farfetched concept. At their monthly meeting in June, the El Paso County GOP Executive Committee announced they will host a unity party after the primary election. I had to stifle a laugh. A wonderful idea, but in reality, I seriously doubt there will be any unifying happening between the GOP establishment crowd and the conservatives. Why so skeptical? Could it be all the mudslinging, dirty political tactics, verbal attacks, and downright disrespect the GOP backed candidates have displayed toward their conservative opponents? Could it be the recent musings of the state GOP as to who they would put on the gubernatorial ticket if their handpicked man dropped out of the race? Or perhaps it’s the latest rumor that if their man loses to the conservative candidate in the primary, the GOP will not support or back the conservative candidate and will have proven his right to be on the GOP gubernatorial ticket in the general election? The GOP’s willingness to completely ignore and bypass the other Republican candidate—who has been in the race for a year and a half and has proven himself by winning the state assembly vote—shows complete disregard for the people and their voice. The GOP chooses to dismiss that win and continue to treat conservatives as insignificant citizens who can be easily swept aside by their powerful, corrupt political machine. Their display of arrogance toward the conservatives and the Tea Party movement is shameless and disgusting. How can they not realize the consequences of their actions will be to drive people away from the Republican Party? In a July 15, 2010 media release on the state GOP website, Chairperson Dick Wadhams said, “Hundreds of thousands of Colorado Republicans will vote in the
primary to determine our nominees for every office from county commissioner to U.S. Senator and governor and that is how it should be.” Conservatives/Tea Partiers need to send a strong message to the state GOP that we will not put up with their underhanded political games. Demand that they recognize us as card-carrying Republicans who have a voice! Demand that they will support our candidate for governor in the
general election if he wins the primary! Ask the GOP: Are you the party of unity or division? Note: TCT contacted Dick Wadhams for a response concerning this issue. As of press time, July 25, a reply had not been received. To contact the Colorado GOP chair, Dick Wadhams, call 303-758-3333, or email info@cologop.org.
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T CT Founders’ Focus
Restore Basic Principles Lana Fore-Warkocz, Publisher
Primaries are right around the corner and I am just thrilled. Over the past year, I have been so absorbed with meeting candidates, organizing events and launching a newspaper that Colorado can be proud of that I have forgotten to take a moment to embrace our state’s beauty. I need a vacation, any ideas? My thoughts have deepened in recent weeks due to events that have transpired. I have always been a person who tries to do what’s right, to live according to our heavenly Father and to be the best daughter, wife, mother, sister and friend I can be. I promise you I will always fight, I will always stand up for freedom and liberty, and I will always tell the truth. These last months have tested my principles. I respect those candidates running for office in every race. Their families, personal lives and privacy have been invaded. This is the cost in running for office and I thank God for all of them. As I listened to radio hosts, read blogs, absorbed other news outlets and socialized on Facebook, I was shocked to learn
that some people actually think they have all the answers. They dictate their views and shove their personal agendas down our throats. I am appalled at the comments, the name-calling and the downright lies that have surfaced. Folks, listen up! Our state and our country is at a crossroads, and I have told you in many previous editorials to get informed, get involved and keep focused on the main goal. We have to stop pushing candidates through for namesake. Where do they stand? What is their voting record? I don’t care if they are your “friends;” my friends wouldn’t make me pay for the biggest tax increase in Colorado’s history. Come on folks, stay awake and GET INVOLVED! God-willing, we can stop the monstrous problems that this progressive movement, this congress, and this president are leading us toward. Those in office or running for office, listen up: We are watching. We elect you, we hire you, and I promise, we can and will fire you as well. We are going to keep our eyes focused on you. Every step you take, every move you make, we are watching you. (Thanks, Sting!)
“Freedom Rag” Defined Teddy M. Otero IV, Creative Director/Internet Manager
Wildfire Merchantile, a small mom and pop gun store, would like to send Jan Brewer the Governor of Arizona a message that we support her stance on immigration and securing American’s borders. Freedom loving Americans need to send a message, crying with a loud voice: STOP the illegal’s from crossing our borders, taking our jobs, receiving social security, free healthcare, fraud, identity theft, stealing from the very homes that border our land, homes and business; and have the nerve to protest in the streets - burn our American flag - or fly their Mexican flag above ours! Well this little mom and pop store wants to show Jan Brewer the Governor of Arizona we are sending a check of support for Securing our borders. We realize times are tough and money is being stretched but if we don’t’ make a stand now we could lose America. Make a check out now, $5.00 - $10.00 or more. Make the check out to: The Governor of Arizona/ Border Security c/o Wildfire Merchantile 6225 McCandlish Rd Falcon, CO 80831. I will forward the support letters and checks along with our own to show we stand with Arizona to secure our borders.
4 | The Constitutionalist Today
Early on, the TCT Board of Directors made a policy to not endorse candidates. While we didn’t go so far as to cater to the third parties, we didn’t want to alienate the Republican Party at large from the liberty movement. Despite our careful and measured editorial stance, we quickly found ourselves marginalized from all sides. The Libertarian and Constitution parties viewed us as “GOP tools,” and some Republican campaigns would not give us the time of day. When we honestly and fairly reported this behavior, we were promptly labeled the “pro-Maes publication.” I fought the charges of bias frequently and honestly, and stand by my reasoning to this day: Co-founder, publisher, and part-owner Lana Fore-Warkocz, had been a Dan Maes supporter all along, but she became ever more ardent as the McInnis campaign marginalized her efforts to hold candidate events in Colorado Springs. She was even approached by Dan Maes to chair his campaign in El Paso County, but turned it down
to keep her focus on TCT. Regardless of her affiliations, Lana doesn’t now, nor has she ever, had any editorial control whatsoever. On the other hand, managing editor and part-owner Julie Ayers certainly does have editorial control. Before joining the TCT team, Lana recommended her to the Maes campaign as El Paso county chair. She is as invaluable an asset to his team as she has been to ours. Committed to a fair look at the candidates, however, she never allowed her interests to conflict: Not once did she turn down a story critical of Maes, and if ever an article was at all critical of McInnis, she’d contact his county chair for a rebuttal before running it. It is a simple exercise to peruse our first six issues and note the absolutely fair coverage of the various races. Rounding out the board are two other co-founders and part-owners, myself and Editor-in-Chief Bill Gillin, neither of whom have any political affiliations to disclose aside from our Republican registrations. The liberty group leaders and politicians we had tapped to write for TCT generally RAG on page 5
Correspondence Fellow TEA Partiers:
Good Ol’ Boys
As August ends with the primary for the Republican Party and because we have all participated and have great concern for where this country is going, it is important to remember how we got here. We must remember why we are fighting so hard. We must keep the larger picture in mind and remain united to save this great country of ours. Today we must remember the reason we arrived here was because the Democrats are better at forgiving and forgetting than us. November is what we must look to, not what the other candidate or their advertisements said. Today we must unite and conquer. If we quarrel, we divide ourselves and we will fail. We must stand together and vote for whomever wins the primaries. Buck and Norton, Maes and McInnis supporters must unite and defeat Romanoff/Bennett and Hickenlooper. There is a greater goal, the goal that Ronald Reagan challenged us to return America to the “Shining City Upon a Hill.” That is America’s place in the world, and we must forgive and unite behind the candidate that wins the primaries. This is not about Republicans, Tea Partiers, conservatives, Libertarians, or constitutionalists; but the threat that liberalism and socialism place upon this great nation. So I call upon everyone as Americans to stand up against Washington and liberals and say, “No longer will we just allow you Democrats to say how things are run. No longer will you endanger our country. That ends Today!” -Justin Bohall
I am fairly new to the political process but I was taken aback by what I witnessed at the recent County Assembly. The “Good Old Boy” network “Love Fest” is alive and well in El Paso County Politics. We have County Commissioners including Commissioner Lathen and Commissioner Clark up on stage endorsing Sheriff Maketa, a candidate who has already served two terms, of questionable character (Maketa endorsed then District Attorney Newsome after he was caught drinking on the job and later drinking and driving a county vehicle, issues of malfeasance under his watch), who no longer wanted the job, while there was another viable candidate in Chief Jake Shirk who received 44% of the vote. What message does it send to the voters and other candidates? For the sake of the appearance of impropriety, shouldn’t the County Commissioners refrain from endorsing any candidate whose department’s budget they oversee? Shouldn’t public trust take precedence over personal endorsements? When I voiced these concerns, Commissioners Williams and Lathen respectfully responded to me while Commissioner Clark forwarded my e-mail to Sheriff Maketa saying “Terry, I think you need to see this.” Is this the type of behavior we want from our elected officials? Shortly after I received a condescending e-mail from Sheriff Maketa saying “I represented the audience the Independent articles attracted.” He would not answer my questions or concerns of what was reported on the news regarding his questionable leadership and his failure to address personnel issues in an appropriate way. Who are the constituents here? As Senator Scott Brown from Massachusetts so eloquently said during his campaign “the seat was not Ted Kennedy’s seat, it is the people’s seat.” The same principle should be applied in El Paso County. The “Good Old Boy” “Anointed Candidate Process” needs to stop and the establishment needs to let the voters do the endorsing. -John Cafasso, Colorado Springs
Second Amendment Woes Thanks to a recent five to four [Supreme Court] decision in McDonald v. City of Chicago, our founding document, the U.S. Constitution, and the Second Amendment are intact. For now. Are they well? It’s doubtful. The recent five to four decision on the Second Amendment was close enough to make us sweat rocks. One might conclude we can always count on Ruth Bader Ginsburg—soon to be Elena Kagan—or Stephen Breyer, David Souter or Sonia Sotomayor, to vote, not based on the law, but on what they “feel” the mission of the law should be. It is even conceivable that all future decisions coming before the Supreme Court will be voted four to four with Kennedy as the swing. Yet we cannot depend on Anthony Kennedy always to vote according to orignalist ideals. What if the constitutional applications in McDonald v. City of Chicago had been of such fine nuance to the Second Amendment that Justice Kennedy had decided to vote the other way? It is certain we haven’t seen the last of the challenges to the Second Amendment. Or for that matter, the First Amendment. At stake is not just the Constitution, but liberty itself. This is why we must retake Congress in November and in 2012, send the president home with a nice retirement package where he can spend his leisure time playing golf. Not because his only experience for the presidency was in “community organizing.” If we don’t, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are in grave peril. -John Shaffner, Colorado Springs
RAG continued from page 4 had their favorite candidates, as did the members of the grassroots who submitted articles. Opinions are inherent in the articles of an opinion journal, after all, but need not indicate an editorial slant. Finally, we are a printed publication whose website took a backseat due to limited resources. (We were mistaken for an
Godly Heritage I appreciated Mr. Holler’s article, Myth #4. I stand by him in affirming that the United States was—at least in part—and must continue to be founded on the gospel of Jesus of Nazareth; which simply stated says, “Jesus is King and Caesar is not!” Our targum for that might say, “Jesus is King and neither Marxism nor capitalism are!” I find it always helpful to remember that no summation of history is ever complete and those bits which were left out, as well as those which were left in, were done so in order to make a point. The point that Christianity had a pervasive affect on our Constitution is an important one to make. To be fair to the writers of it we must be sure to acknowledge the long and fierce debates they had on how exactly to express the interaction of a supreme being with the workings of humans. Over stressing the deist influence of the day would be just as inaccurate as over stressing the leanings toward the Christianity of that day. History does not fully understand either. The document we have in our pos-
“online newspaper” by many radio hosts after we posted Dan Maes’ taxes on our website, but obviously you hold our flagship in your hands.) Like the Peoples Press Collective, we tapped a few bloggers and aggregated their posts for timely, easy content on our website. Many of them post entries favorable of certain candidates, but a disclaimer on every post explained our online
session now—if we disregard those items removed or added since the addition of those first ten amendments we so love to argue about—is some marvelous combination of the two which allows discussion and requires accountability. It is also helpful to consider the teachings of Jesus before invoking them as the basis for our form of government. For example, consider the fact that he was neither a revolutionary—he could have called a legion of angels to destroy all his adversaries—nor was he out to make a worldly profit. Considering the second point first, it has been my experience that most folks in the U.S. have read the second paragraph of The Declaration of Independence as, “We hold these truth to be self-evident, blah, blah, blah and the pursuit of happiness”, and they mistake Posterity for prosperity in the preamble of the Constitution. As for the first point, simply consider how many days may pass before another hot-blooded discussion of “Amendment II” will be overheard. The difference between worldly and godly (Christian) power is sometimes represented as a chasm we are not able to cross in this lifetime; we can never exert enough worldly power to make us gods. Christianity is not a magic power to be invoked against our enemy. (Whatever happened to The Sermon on the Mount?) Truth and justice are everlasting powers we hold onto in faith and action. Being a Christian means loving truth and justice more than life itself. As Christians, we are to stand for those principles and die for them if we must. Either way we are telling the powers of the world that there is a greater power on Earth that will outlast them all, and it doesn’t require a sword or a dollar. These are two necessary principles upon which Christianity is built. We can choose to ignore them, along with the other necessary principles, or perhaps make them into something they are not. But, if we do that we might as well be honest and own up to our real intentions. Then we would declare ourselves as faithful Marxists wielding power at every opportunity and turn all human beings into happy little consumer units whose sole purpose is to support our corporations and governments. Now there’s hell on earth, and not at all what the writers of The Constitution had in mind. -Steven Castleberry, Kiowa, CO
Gubernatorial Goings-On Dan Maes IS a citizen statesman. He’ll bring his lifetime of experience and integrity to a much needed governor’s office and state government. To all the naysayers, just ask yourself this: If the people who followed the process and voted at the State Assembly (for their choice of candidate on the primary ballot) can just be ignored, then why bother with the charade of elections in our nation at all? The progressives are doing a pretty good job at that now. -Katie, via theconstitutionalisttoday.com So where are the actual [tax] records? An independent review would help this man’s candidacy. Right now, we have two foundering candidates, and Hickenlooper (Colorado’s Obama) is running under the
situation and held that their opinions were not necessarily ours. The Colorado Springs Independent labeled us the “freedom rag” early on, which we appreciated. Somehow, however, in our effort to extend a hand to the GOP at large, we stepped a little too far from our roots in the liberty movement: we are not the “GOP paper” that the Libertarian and Constitu-
Send Letters to the Editor to:
Editor, The Constitutionalist Today P.O. Box 25155 Colorado Springs, CO 80936 -ORletters@theconstitutionalisttoday.com Letters 250 words or less will be considered for print. radar, making a bee line for the Governor’s mansion. God help us. -Kurt, via theconstitutionalisttoday.com As a small businessman myself, and struggling through the devastation of the economic meltdown, I identify with Dan better than most. I am still in business, but it is extremely difficult. This [tax record] disclosure is a plus, almost everyone who works for or runs a small business will understand and sympathize. I think it makes Dan much more attractive as a candidate who truly understands the issues caused by massive government debt and bailouts for everyone ELSE. One thing I can say about Dan that I can’t say about anyone else, at least he understands that by giving the exclusive to TCT, he enabled the NEW MEDIA. Show me another gubernatorial candidate that gets it that well. -Tim Davis, via theconstitutionalisttoday.com Tancredo didn’t even give Maes or McInnis an opportunity to challenge or comment on these accusations before he jumped in to declare himself a backdoor candidate– and acting as if we live in the wild-wild west declaring that if Maes and McInnis don’t drop out of this race by high noon on Monday–he is going to call them out in the street.–LOL. A vote for Tom Tancredo is a vote for Hickenlooper. -K Scott, via theconstitutionalisttoday.com I find it hilarious that Tancredo has decided for himself that he is “a great candidate” to represent us in this race. Forget the caucus, assembly, primary, general election process.…if Tom says it’s so, then it’s so. Man, and I thought Obama was the greatest threat to this country — now I’m wondering if Tancredo has got him beat! -iLoveTea, via theconstitutionalisttoday.com Tancredo’s intent was not to commit political suicide or win the Governorship — it is to teach the Republicans a lesson. I hope they are listening because a far as I am concerned the Republican Party in Colorado is dying a slow painful death under the current leadership. -J. Anne Huss, via theconstitutionalisttoday.com Living in Colorado as I do, Tancredo is a one issue candidate. Scott screwed up but still is the best shot we have. -Tommy Crist, via facebook.com/theconstitutionalisttoday I’ve met Maes, and when he speaks you can sense the fire in his belly. Wait until he starts debating Hugginpooper…if Colorado votes for Hugginpooper, then Colorado…will have proved that Californians have californicated Colorado. -Del Sharp, via facebook.com/theconstitutionalisttoday
tion Parties accuse us of being, we are the “Tea Party paper” that the moderates and liberals accuse us of being. We don’t just have our finger on the pulse of the liberty movement, we, alongside the Tea Party, 9-12 groups, and countless other libertyloving organizations, run through its veins! As such, please turn to page 22 to view our candidate endorsments.
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We the People | Grassroots Perspective
Local Liberty Groups Compiled by Joan Eich
Can I make a difference? How can I get involved? Which organization fits me best? These are the questions we hear most often from our readers, so we want to make sure it’s clearly answered online and in every issue. What follows is an alphabetical list of liberty-loving groups and organizations in our area. Also visit wwwlibertyevents.org for a calendar of upcoming events. Sign up, step up, speak up!
El Paso County Tea Party www.epcTeaParty.com • amy.mitchell@epcteaparty.com A local movement of American Patriots from all walks of life dedicated to uphold and defend the United States and Colorado Constitutions. Our goal is to give voice to the people and hold government officials accountable for their oaths to uphold those constitutions.
9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots www.freeandunited.com • donrodgers@hotmail.com • dwan.rager@yahoo.com An organization for like-minded Americans who believe in 9 principles and 12 values as they apply to our government and in our own lives. We provide members with the platform and resources to pursue any project or cause of their choosing: from education and discussion to community activities or action.
El Paso Republican Headquarters www.gopelpaso.com • info@gopelpaso.com • 719-578-0022 The party of the open door; the party of liberty; the party of equality of opportunity for all and favoritism for none; the more socially conservative and economically libertarian of the two major parties, generally supporting lower taxes, limited government and more economic freedom.
The American Café theamericancafe.blogspot.com • homeinspections@pcisys.net • 719-573-2193 This group gathers each week for Constitutional studies, political action and prayer. Please contact us for information on how to get involved.
Elbert County Tea Party www.elbertteaparty.org • 303-601-7608 We work to restore constitutional government, control government spending, and to vet candidates to insure their goals and values match.
American Majority www.americanmajority.org • facebook.com/AmericanMajority • 719-573-2193 Attending a rally is no longer enough; from organizational structure to advanced new media, our Activist Training prepares you to make substantial changes in your community. Upcoming events in Colorado Springs (7/10), Canon City (7/17), and Pueblo (7/31).
For What Is Right www.forwhatisright.org • dlewis@forwhatisright.org • dkelly@forwhatisright.org An online community whose purpose is to educate the American citizen in matters of civic and political knowledge. Our intention is to have a well informed electorate who will keep and preserve the rights guaranteed us by the U.S. Constitution and by our Creator.
Americans for Prosperity, Colorado Chapter www.americansforprosperity.org • infoco@afphq.org • 719-494-0797 Americans for Prosperity, Teller County Chapter AFPTeller@gmail.com • 719-684-2180 An organization of grassroots leaders committed to educating, engaging and mobilizing citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local state and federal levels.
Get Out Of Our House (GOOOH) www.goooh.com • goooh.co.05@gmail.com • 719-321-5123 A bottom-up organization without a platform; NOT a political party. A system allowing you and your neighbors to choose a true citizen representative, an independent candidate to represent their district.
Clear the Bench Colorado www.clearthebenchcolorado.org • info@clearthebenchcolorado.org A grassroots movement to hold Colorado’s Supreme Court justices accountable to the Colorado Constitution and to the people of Colorado. Coalition for a Conservative Majority www.ccm-cos.com • info@ccm-cos.com • 719-351-6075 We unapologetically espouse the nation-shaping values embodied in the Constitution and detailed by the philosophies of our Founding Fathers. Colorado Springs Republican Women amymit@quixnet.net • 719-260-0283 This group wants to educate and inform all Americans about the principles and values which make the Republican Party what it is.
Green Dragon Tavern http://RonPaul.meetup.com/310 • admin@GreenDragonTavern.com • 719-330-1358 Our Founding Fathers met at the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston, MA to plan the Boston Tea Party. We work to re-establish the Founders’ vision of political and economic principles inherent in nature’s right by fostering understanding and respect for the Declaration of Independence and state and Federal Constitutions. Liberty on the Rocks, Colorado Springs Chapter www.libertyontherocks.org • david@libertyontherocks.org • 719-237-4598 A grassroots organization whose goal is to provide a social environment to unite libertyminded individuals with one another and with freedom-based organizations in their local communities. Tavern-style politics in the tradition of our Founding Fathers! Limited Government Forum www.limitedgovforum.org • sean@limitedgovforum.org • 719-576-9055 Works closely with UCCS Center for the Study of Government and the Individual and Cheyenne Mountain Civic Solutions to promote the ideas of individual responsibility and freedom. Local Liberty Online www.locallibertyonline.org • sean@LocalLibertyOnline.org • 719-576-9055 An online community that focuses on local issues to expand freedom, opportunity and prosperity close to home. Our goal is to educate rather than indoctrinate, while conducting ourselves in the spirit of civility and good humor. Pikes Peak Economics Club www.pikespeakeconomicsclub.com We promote economic and civic literacy. It is our contention that you cannot have a controlled economy and maintain a free society. Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition www.ppfc.org • info@ppfc.org • 719-596-3921 A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. —Amendment II, U.S. Constitution Pikes Peak Young Professional Republicans Eli.bremer@gmail.com • 719-213-3428 Network with other young professionals, ages 20-40, who share the same goals and aspirations. Please come and join us! Politics on the Rocks www.politicsontherocks.com • nina@pinnaclepros.com • 719-533-0571 We link like-minded professionals together in a monthly power networking mixer where they can network, socialize and hear directly from prominent politicians and successful business leaders on matters of social, economic and public importance. Southern Colorado Tea Party www.socoteaparty.com Committed to restoring our state and our federal Constitutions to our Founders’ original intent. Diligent in our restoration and preservation of freedom. We hold our elected officials accountable to their oath of office. Sunrise Republican Women www.coloradosrw.com • lindarshannon@gmail.com • 719-598-1305 We promote an informed public through political education and activity, and increase the effectiveness of women for the causes of good government. All ages are welcome! Teller Tea Party www.tellerteaparty.com • tellerteaparty@gmail.com A local movement of non-partisan American patriots who uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. We are dedicated to protecting freedom for all, promoting truth, limiting taxes and government, and preserving our inalienable rights UCCS College Republicans • 719-251-7765 We Are Change Colorado Springs wearechangecoloradosprings.org • chris@wearechangecoloradosprings.org • 719-209-3118 A grassroots organization, neither left or right, dedicated to informing the public on matters of government corruption, malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance.
6 | The Constitutionalist Today
The Constitution Made Easy
Seven Deadly Myths, #6 of 7 Paul T. Prentice, Ph.D., Guest Writer
Following the Great Depression of the 1930s, a new myth emerged that free enterprise doesn’t work and that government should manage the economy. In fact, it is still taught in most schools that FDR and his interventionist policies “saved” us from permanent economic collapse. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, Harding cut taxes and cut spending in order to free up more money for the private sector. He knew that free people, not governments, create income and wealth. Just as important, he knew there was no authority in the Constitution for government intervention in the private economy. The economy recovered by 1922 and the “roaring twenties” ensued. Following Harding’s death, Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) continued to respect the Constitution with its vision of limited government and its protection of private property rights. But how do we know that the Founders wanted a free economy, and what in the Constitution enshrined that? First, we have their own words:
When government seeks to control the economy, it seeks to control our property, and thus to control our very humanity itself. Every year, the Heritage Foundation publishes its Index of Economic Freedom that shows a striking correlation between economic freedom and prosperity. The purpose of this essay is to dispel that myth, and to make the case that a free-market economy based on private property rights is the only Constitutional system. Business cycles, booms and busts, are as old as humanity itself. Yet history shows that the busts are short-term in nature and self-correcting. History also shows that the more government intervenes in the economy, the more extreme and longlasting are the busts. Americans are not taught about the depression of 1920, even though it started as badly as did the Great Depression. That’s because it didn’t happen. After the progressive Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) was replaced by the more constitutional Warring Harding (19211923), the downturn was left alone by the government to self-correct.
I think all the world would gain by setting commerce at perfect liberty. -Thomas Jefferson I own myself the friend to a very free system of commerce. -James Madison
Second, we have their philosophy of political economy as envisioned by Adam Smith in his 1776 book, The Wealth of Nations. Smith made the argument that nations should set their people free to specialize, produce, and trade. Free people, pursing their own enlightened selfinterest, would be led as if by an “invisible hand” to create the largest good for the largest number of people. Note Smith’s term, “enlightened self-interest”, not “selfish self-interest.” This implies a moral code, that of pursuing your financial betterment without
interfering with others’ pursuit of theirs. In fact, this moral code of free-market capitalism stems from the Judeo-Christian Golden Rule, and it is the moral code of liberty itself. It is actually called the Law of Liberty in the book of James in the New Testament. It is known that Ben Franklin met with Adam Smith on at least one occasion, perhaps several, on his trips to London. It is likely that other Founders did as well, but I can’t document that. Smith’s idea of the invisible hand is hinted at in many of the Founders’ writings. Third, we have private property rights as enshrined in the Bill of Rights, Amendment 5. We cannot be deprived of private property without due process of law, or without just compensation. John Locke, writing 100 years before America’s founding, said that every man has a property in himself. Our very humanity is our first and foremost property. Without property rights, you can’t have freedom of the press, since they could take your newspaper. Without property rights, you can’t have freedom of religion, since they could take your church. Without property rights, you can’t have the freedom of self-defense, since they could take your guns. To the Founders, property rights precondition all other rights: Property is surely a right of mankind as real as liberty…Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist. -John Adams
John Adams makes a Ten Commandments argument for property rights: The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God…anarchy and tyranny commence. If ‘Thou shalt not covet’ and ‘Thou
shalt not steal’ were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free. -John Adams
Abraham Lincoln made the point that our income, i.e., the fruit of our labor, is our property, when he said this about a female slave: …in her natural right to eat the bread she earns with her own hands without taking leave of anyone else, she is my equal, and the equal of all others. -Abraham Lincoln
When government seeks to control the economy, it seeks to control our property, and thus to control our very humanity itself. This is incompatible with liberty, and is clearly unconstitutional. Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution grants the federal government the power to “regulate” commerce among the several states. This commerce clause has been used to justify all kinds of economic intervention. But that was not its original intent, which is clear from a historical understanding of the word “regulate.” To the Founders, to regulate meant to regularize, i.e., to standardize. At the time, some states imposed punitive tariffs on goods entering from other states, and favored some states above others. The purpose of this clause was to standardize trade among the states. It had nothing to do with our modern usage of regulating production within a state, or regulating distribution between states. Dr. Prentice teaches free-market economics at The Vanguard School, is a Fellow of the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University, and is a Senior Fellow at the Independence Institute. More information can be found at www.PikesPeakEconomicsClub.com.
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We the People | Grassroots Perspective
Just ask Randall & Rego Unity or Bust?
Compiled by Cindy Lyons, Senior Staff Writer
Expires August 31, 2010
TCT: The El Paso County GOP is talking about having a Unity Party after the primary election. Do you think it’s possible for the unaffiliated and conservative voters to unify with the GOP establishment voters? Do you think people would participate? Why or why not? Richard: It is extremely important and I would encourage that. I don’t care who wants to have the Unity Party, whether it is a Tea Party or an individual or the El Paso County Republicans. I think that if unity does not happen by way of a physical event or by way of heart, then we are going to lose the election. If it is a grassroots candidate that prevails in the primary, the only way that candidate is going to win in November is if the establishment, the people in the party who have pushed for more established candidates, supports and works hard to help finance the grassroots candidate. The grassroots candidates don’t have the money and they are going to need that. Conversely, if it is a more established Republican candidate that does not have the support of the grassroots, they are liable to lose in November. It is as simple as this: we need everybody. I talk with people who say, “Well if my candidate does not win I am not going to vote, or I am going to write his name in, or I am going to vote for a third party.” If we have much of that we are going to lose in November. It is worse than a waste of a vote; it is a vote for Hickenlooper or a vote for Bennet or Romanoff. Jarred: This is one of the most winnable election cycles to come around in a long time for conservatives, Republicans, right-wingers, etc. I’ll tell people that if you got the middle in politics and you’re not a moderate, you say, “I’m the slightest bit conservative,” you are still better off voting for the Republican Party than a Democrat. It’s the same if you are far to the right. If you sit there and say, “Well this person is swishy on a couple of issues and I think they only align with me 80 percent of the time,” that is still better than the (at best) 5 percent alignment that you could hope for out of a Democrat. If you are a far right conservative and say, “a Republican candidate, because he is an establishment candidate, doesn’t represent me and Bennet doesn’t represent me,” who is going to be closer? Of course it is going to be the Republican.
Richard: That vote is being wasted over one issue out of fifty. Bennet and Romanoff and Hickenlooper are on board absolutely with Obama. It’s bad for America and it’s bad for Colorado. Jarred: A quote from Reagan goes something like, “It’s better to be 80 percent my friend than 100 percent my enemy.” The reality is that you are never going to find someone who is going to absolutely line up with you on everything. Richard: Even as much as I liked Reagan I could probably find things I could disagree with him on. I agree with Michelle Morin who said, “Unless Jesus Christ himself is on the ballot, you’re always voting for the lesser of two evils.” Jarred: Reagan Democrats came to Reagan because they agreed more with what Reagan was saying than what Walter Mondale was saying. Someone sent me an email saying, “…the Republican party
This is one of the most winnable election cycles to come around in a long time for conservatives, Republicans, right-wingers, etc.
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8 | The Constitutionalist Today
needs to be as conservative as possible because Reagan was a super conservative; that’s why Reagan Democrats supported him.” Well no, they just happened to agree with enough of what he was talking about. The Republican is going to support your beliefs and stand up for you a higher percentage of time than the Democrat is. Richard: At the end of the day Reagan asked the question, “Are you better or worse off than you were four years ago?” The Richard Randall Show airs weekdays in Colorado Springs from 8:30am to 10am and on Saturdays from 6am to 8am on KVOR radio, 740 AM. The Jarred Rego Show airs weeknights from 10pm to 11pm on KVOR radio, 740 AM.
Life Academy
Sharon Boileau, Guest Writer
There is a one-room log cabin schoolhouse located in Monument where the Constitution is taught year round to junior and senior high school students. This is a school whose students attended the Colorado Springs Tea Party with posters in hand in April as well as the Monument National Day of Prayer in May as voluntary activities in lieu of classes. Life Academy is a Christian alternative junior and senior high school, that breaks the mold
make their political (among other) views understood to legislators. For visitors entering this school for the first time, there is definitely something that instantly sets it apart—student behavior. Behavioral expectations are very high and nothing less is tolerated, according to Palmisano. It is obvious to any visitor that the students are very respectful to each other, their teachers and to visitors. I was amazed at the students’ confidence and poise at being called upon, without advance notice, to explain what they were working on or why they chose Life Academy. Although the daily academic expectations are clearly laid out for each student in their customized daily planner, the classroom takes on a more relational, family-type atmosphere due to the one-room concept. Palmisano has nearly a quarter-century of teaching experience, including more than 20 years of experience with at-risk students in New York City. He founded and taught a program serving over-age male inner-city dropouts for the NYC Board of Education. He holds degrees from Queens College, CUNY and Brooklyn College, CUNY with a BS in Environmental Biology; an MS in Science Education; and Advanced Certification in School Administration and Supervision. He was named Athlete Scholar of his graduating class, lettering in both basketball and lacrosse. Because of his athletic interest, this small school sports a winning basketball team. His patriotic passion became known when he became a modern-day minuteman on September 11, 2001 as our country was attacked by terrorists. He became a first responder after leaving the safety of his school in Fort Tilden, NY, borrowing turn-out gear from a local volunteer fire department, and arriving at Ground Zero 20 minutes after the second World Trade Center tower fell. This is the spirit that fills this small school nestled deep in the back woods of the Baptist Camp property off Baptist Road in Monument. In spite of its location and size, it has proved mighty in its ability to light the future of our children and our country.
This is a school whose students attended the Colorado Springs Tea Party with posters in hand as a volunteer activity in lieu of classes. of an “alternative” school not only in what is taught, but who attends. Over the past five years, students who have transferred into Life Academy from the public school system and other private schools run the gamut of student profiles—from those looking for a more conservative and personalized educational environment to those needing more structure and boundaries in their learning environment. More than 90% of Life Academy graduates enter college. Paul Palmisano is the founder and principal of Life Academy, assisted by teacher Lexie Forbes. And since Palmisano and Forbes consider themselves “strict constitutionalists”, their students graduate with a clear understanding of American history. The school offers a core curriculum written to Colorado State standards and is free of state and federal funds, supported by donations and tuition only. WallBuilders is a major curriculum source at Life Academy, as it is dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious and America’s constitutional foundation. The Constitution is also taught through classic American history books, written assignments and a mini-lesson prepared and delivered daily by Palmisano and Forbes. Although oneyear of American history is a school requirement and the remaining curriculum is centered on basic core classes, Forbes adds that the art of expressing oneself through writing is a definite focus at Life Academy. As she coaches the students through English, she explains to them that if they cannot express themselves clearly in writing, they will not be able to
Sharon Boileau is a member of the Coalition for a Conservative Majority, and may be reached at momcatboileau@comcast.net
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We the People | Grassroots Perspective
Dick Morris and Elbert County Tea Party Stage “Adopt-a-Candidate” Joy Overbeck, Guest Writer
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1/11/10 4:20 PM
Dick Morris and the Elbert County Tea Party are of one savvy mind when it comes to the political strategy needed to reclaim our nation. Morris appeared onstage before 750 conservatives at the bang-up finale to the Western Conservative Summit at the Marriott South July 10. His megawatt grin will doubtless require future thousands of dollars in offset carbon credits if ever the regime’s cap and tax fraud passes. In a speech titled “How to Fight Back,” the political brainiac and the man Time magazine named the most “influential private citizen in the U.S.,” urged the crowd, “Adopt a district—go to another district and volunteer to work there!” Was the petite pundit eavesdropping on the Elbert County Tea Party think sessions? Could be. Weeks before, Robert Rowland, chairman of the 300-personstrong Tea Party, had come up with an adopt-a-candidate program that was later launched at their July 17 meeting in Elizabeth when three Colorado House candidates and senatorial candidate Ken Buck, addressed the group. Elbert County is one of the most reliably Republican statewide, so red that the Democrats have surrendered the field to popular incumbents for the Colorado Senate (Greg Brophy) and House (Cindy Acree). Rowland said, “They are great conservatives, but they’re limited in what they can do because they’re outvoted by the tax-addicted Democratic majority.” Aiming to retire some of those obstructionist House Democrats, Rowland analyzed 2009 voter records and found eight Colorado districts where a Democrat was elected despite a less than five percent gap between Democrat and Republican registration. In two of the districts, a Democrat won even though there are actually more registered Republicans. Those districts are choice pickings for Republicans this year. “If we really want to make a difference and take back the majority, we have to reach out to these districts,” says Rowland. He sent invitations to the candidates. Three candidates – Kathleen Conti, (District 38, Arapahoe County); Tom Janich, (District 31, Adams County) and Pauline Olvera (District 7, Montbello and Green Valley Ranch) – spoke to the group in July and enlisted their help with donations, phone banking, and walking neighborhoods. Margo Knutson, local conservative organizer and co-founder of Coffee 4 Conservatives in Franktown, is drumming up similar support for seven Arapahoe County candidates seeking to unseat incumbent Democrats in the Colorado House. At the behest of Arapahoe County Republicans, she recently sent out an email to Operation Avalanche conservative leaders, listing the candidates and asking the leaders to pass the information on to their members. “Arapahoe County is a swing district, and this boots on the ground effort is go-
ing to be crucial in a November victory,” she said. “Our next goal is to get with every Tea Party/grass roots conservative leader and pull in all the GOP counties from all over Colorado to start an initiative to get behind the ‘R’ candidates who win the primaries.” The 2008 election was a hard lesson she won’t soon forget—or repeat. “Arapahoe County was swarmed by the Obama people: ACORN, Move on .org, and the rest.
Colorado has been identified…as one of the most critical battlegrounds in the upcoming elections. They made a systematic effort to register Democrats and targeted the cities of Englewood, Littleton and Aurora, contacting voters five to 10 times before the election. Their work paid off greatly as shown by the huge increase in Democrat registration and by the wins Democrats had in traditionally Republican areas. The GOP just didn’t have the volunteers to fend off this assault on our neighborhoods.” She vows this time will be different. Knutson plans a meeting in early August to come up with a strategy to recruit campaign volunteers. Their efforts will include door-to-door literature drops, getting out the conservative vote, making phone calls, serving as poll watchers and “surrogate” precinct leaders.
Dick Morris with the author, Joy Overbeck
Colorado has been identified by the political pundit-ocracy, and Dick Morris in particular, as one of the most critical battlegrounds in the upcoming elections. “We can’t win the Senate without Colorado, and we can’t recapture the House without saying goodbye to John Salazar, Betsey Markey, Jared Polis, and the rest of them,” he said at the recent Summit. Morris told listeners to “set up your own electronic precinct and email articles, videos, and my columns to everyone you know at work, your church group, your clients, your social circle, your family, all around the country.” Morris himself is adopting 45 crucial House districts where he’ll be campaigning.” The stakes are huge, he said. “Is it our country or isn’t it? Do we follow the European model of secular socialism and economic stagnation, or not?” For more information, visit the Elbert County Tea Party website: www.elbertteaparty.com. Reach Margo Knutson at margoknutson@ gmail.com, or coffee4conservatives.com.
The Centennial State | El Paso County
Colorado Springs Debates Strong Mayor Kyle Getchey, Contributing Writer An initiative that may appear on the upcoming November ballot will ask voters to change Colorado Springs’ form of governance from a council-manager structure to a mayor-council structure (i.e. the strong mayor form of government). Two versions of the strong mayor ballot initiative have been prepared. One version is backed by The Citizens for Accountable Leadership, which seeks to place its initiative on the November general election ballot. The group is prepared to submit the requisite 25,000 petition signatures to
ly hired. Indeed, in a recent press release issued by the group, some variant of the words “elect,” “vote,” and “accountable” were used a total of 28 times in a 734 word argument advancing the strong mayor initiative. But is it really the case that the city manager is unaccountable? In “The Relative Efficiency of City Manager and Mayor-Council Forms of Government,” a study published in the Southern Economic Journal (1990) by Kathy Hayes and Semoon Chang concluded: The mayor-council (the strong mayor) will want to be responsive to the demand of voters who will be voting in the next election. A city manager is hired by an elected council who will also be responsive to the median voter. The council has the power to formulate policy. A city manager wishing to remain employed will implement that policy. Thus both the city manager and the mayor-council forms of government have incentives to be responsive to voters’ demand. The median voter model predicts no difference in efficiency levels. The second most prominent argument presented by The Citizens for Accountable Leadership, from the same press release, is that “[a] full-time mayor will have expanded ability to make and implement decisions in line with a vision for the city…” This means if the traditional functions of the mayor are restored and the mayor is given even greater powers, such as a lineitem veto and appointing the chief financial officer, fire chief, police chief, and city attorney, then the mayor will have greater ability to lead the growing city into the future. Indeed, in “Policy Leadership in Council-Manager Cities: Comparing Mayor and Manager,” a study published in Public Administration Review (1992) by David Morgan and Sheilah Watson concluded: “The largest cities (i.e. those led by a strong mayor) also were considerably more likely to exhibit governing coalitions where strong appointed and elected executives operated together.” It is further interesting to note that the authors also concluded: “We found considerable evidence of close associations between mayor and manager in council-manager cities regardless of size.” This raises the question, does Colorado Springs’ population of almost 400,000 truly serve as a justification for shifting it from a council-manager to mayor-council form of government when much larger cities like, Phoenix, Dallas, and San Jose have shown success with the councilmanager structure?
…the strong mayor is elected directly by the people, and thus is directly responsible to his constituency… the city clerk for approval, in order to secure the measure on the ballot. The other version, created and backed by Douglas Bruce, seeks placement on the April municipal election ballot. However, the measure must first meet the requirement of the city charter that any proposed initiative must not alter more than one subject of the city charter. Bruce is awaiting the city clerk’s approval on this front. Under a council-manager form of government which Colorado Springs currently has, the mayor functions more or less as a figure head of the city council and exercises few powers beyond that of other council members. For instance, Mayor Lionel Rivera may vote, but exercises no veto power; presides at city council meetings; serves as the official head of city government; supervises the execution of legal documents; represents the city at ceremonial events; and may take command of police and military in cases of emergency. Conversely, the city manager of Colorado Springs, who is recruited and confirmed by the city council, and thus accountable to city council, performs much of the work traditionally thought to exist in the executive capacity of the mayor. For example, the city manager generally prepares the municipal budget, sets the agenda for city council meetings, and plays an active role in formulating, initiating, and recommending policy options to city council. Thus, the fundamental distinction between a strong mayor and a city manager is that the strong mayor is elected directly by the people, and thus is directly accountable to his constituency; whereas the city manager is hired and retained by the city council, and thus is indirectly accountable to the citizenry through the members of city council. Much of the campaign by The Citizens for Accountable Leadership for getting the strong mayor initiative on the November ballot has focused on this dichotomy between being directly elected and indirect-
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Kyle Getchey is a third year law student at Regent University, in Virginia Beach, VA. Getchey can be contacted at: kyle@theconstitutionalisttoday.com.
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The Centennial State | El Paso County
Cop vs. Sheriff
Cindy Lyons, Senior Staff Writer
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The primary campaign for El Paso County Sheriff has been heating up. As I sat for the first “debate” between Chief Jake Shirk and Sheriff Terry Maketa, I saw it as the non-p������������������������������������ olitician vs. the establishment. Maketa pointed out a long list of accomplishments and innovative approaches during his tenure. Shirk spoke to me of his eagerness to tackle this new position and see where savings and improvements could be made with wisdom gained from his long list of experiences in a variety of positions. Later, I was able to interview both of them by phone. Several voters, after one of the debates, reminded me of a dilemma we all are facing in choosing the best candidate by asking the question, “Are the candidates going to seek innovative ways to address crime that will not result in asking for nor supporting tax increases?” Here I have attempted to outline what I see as some positive and negative attributes of each candidate.
Chief Shirk’s Positives He has 35 years of law enforcement experience in a variety of positions, most recently as Chief of Police of Monument, CO. He may see El Paso County with new eyes and be able to break up any cronyism that may have developed here. He says he will not seek nor support the raising of taxes on citizens in El Paso County. He supports an immigration bill for Colorado similar to Arizona’s recently-passed SB 1070. Shirk promotes on his website: “As Sheriff, I will fight to pass ‘Freedom to Carry’ legislation. Arizona recently passed comprehensive legislation making it legal for law-abiding citizens to carry concealed without a ‘concealed carry’ permit and we need someone to lead the charge for similar legislation in Colorado through 2010, 2011, and beyond.” While we are not living in the Wild, Wild West any more, it can be proven that more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens will deter criminals from behaving badly. If criminals know they will see more of the pointed end of shotguns and pistols, they will be less likely to commit crime in those areas. Shirk’s focus on “Freedom to Carry” legislation highlights a solution to prevent some crime from happening, thereby reducing expensive but necessary law enforcement involvement.
Chief Shirk’s Negatives He will be new to the position. Fiscal transparency is important, and Shirk wants to post the budget online, but I do question if it has to be displayed in its entirety on the web.
Sheriff Maketa’s Positives Maketa has been the elected Sheriff of El Paso County for 8 years. He has developed relationships within the community and is supported publicly by many of his employees. He also supports an immigration bill similar to Arizona’s. Maketa is always seeking ways to make best use of funding and actively seeks grant funding. If the people initiate and pass tax increases, he will be there to apply the taxes in a fiscally innovative way. He is actively pursuing arrests for small crimes to prevent crime from spreading. He has created an atmosphere conducive to capturing illegal aliens under the ICE program as his website explains: “A partnership developed in March 2008 with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) under the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement which delegates federal authority under section 287 (g) of the Immigration and National Act to specially trained deputies to conduct investigations and process individuals illegally in the United States for deportation. This partnership has expedited the deportation process of those inmates incarcerated in the El Paso County Jail.”
Sheriff Maketa’s Negatives Maketa has publicly supported huge tax increases. Most recently he supported Proposition 1A (a $75 million tax hike) albeit for seemingly good reasons. However, during these perilous economic times that may not be the best approach. Check the candidates’ websites for information and updates. Both make accusations that the other refutes on their respective websites. Chief Shirk: www.chiefjake4sheriff.com Sheriff Maketa: www.maketaforsheriff.com Disclaimer: It is not this writer whose name is listed as a supporter on Maketa’s website.
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Marijuana Industry Denies Right to Vote Troy A. Eid, United States Attorney for the District of Colorado, 2006-09 Supporters of Colorado’s burgeoning marijuana industry recently announced plans to wage a statewide campaign in 2012 to legalize the drug for recreational purposes. Yet big marijuana is determined to keep Colorado Springs and other communities from voting on the future of retail marijuana stores or so-called “medical dispensaries.” There’s no excuse for this double standard. When big marijuana says you don’t deserve to vote, remember their real agenda: Using dispensaries as a fundraising machine, and to seduce or intimidate local politicians, in order to fund a statewide legalization campaign just two years from now.
There are 764 total marijuana dispensaries statewide, according to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office, more than all the Starbucks and Subway shops combined. They aren’t the mom and pop caregivers voters thought they were supporting back in 2000 by attempting to provide a narrow exception for medicinal purposes. The truth is, nearly three in five marijuana dispensary owners in Colorado have criminal rap sheets, according to a June 2010 analysis by the Drug Enforcement Administration. One in five has at least one known prior felony conviction. Felonies with which current Colorado marijuana dispensary owners have been charged include rape, sexual assault, do-
mestic violence, burglary, robbery and kidnapping. Predictably, some dispensary owners are showing up at local chambers of commerce and trying to act like respectable neighborhood business people. Some local politicians are too intimidated to challenge the increasingly powerful political influence of big marijuana, especially when it means potential new tax revenues. But big marijuana can’t become respectable in Colorado unless, and until, Congress acts. It’s still a federal crime to distribute, sell, grow or use marijuana. The Obama administration reaffirmed last October that “prosecution of commercial enterprises that unlawfully market and sell marijuana for profit continues to be an enforcement priority” for the U.S. Department of Justice. The newly enacted Colorado Medical Marijuana Act allows voters to decide whether to allow dispensaries to operate in our communities. This is only fair. Colorado voters never approved having hundreds of marijuana storefronts selling illegal drugs. Dispensaries aren’t authorized by — or even mentioned in — Amendment 20 that Colorado voters passed in 2000 so primary caregivers could prescribe small amounts of marijuana to their patients for valid medical reasons. The purpose of all those dispensaries in El Paso County and beyond is now clear: To pave the way for recreational marijuana in every community in our state by providing a new fundraising base and political constituency. Colorado voters have said no to statewide legalization before, but that was prior to big marijuana’s dispensary-building binge.
I have no problem with physicians prescribing marijuana that is dispensed through pharmacies — if and when federal law permits this, and assuming marijuana successfully undergoes clinical trials and is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration like other medicines. Sick people who are in pain deserve the best medicines we can lawfully and ethically provide. But as Colorado’s former chief federal law enforcement officer—and as a parent—I’m concerned about big marijuana’s ties to organized crime and the drug cartels; the undisclosed criminal records of too many dispensary owners; the industry’s defiance of state and federal law; and its blatant disregard for sound medical practice and regulation. Legalizing marijuana for recreational use—the end-game of the reefer madness that is Colorado’s “medicinal” experiment—will only increase its availability, use and abuse, especially by young people. The rapid growth of dispensaries has already substantially lowered the average age of medical marijuana cardholders registered by the state health department. Many new “patients” are 30 years old or less. This issue is vital to Colorado’s future and demands a vote now, not just in 2012. When big marijuana says you don’t deserve to vote, remember their real agenda: a statewide legalization campaign fueled by dispensaries’ illicit profits and aided by far too many complacent politicians. Anything else is just blowing smoke. Troy A. Eid is a partner at Greenberg Traurig LLP in Denver and served as the U. S. Attorney for the District of Colorado from 2006-09. He lives in Morrison.
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Amendment 60 Reforms Property Taxes Natalie Menten, Guest Writer To all property owners (present and future), renters, and consumers: The main goal of Amendment 60 is to protect your home from abusive property taxes. Everyone knows that old adage, “Your home is your castle.” Property taxes and “fees” are raining down on your castle. Like an umbrella, Amendment 60 on November’s ballot will shield you from getting soaked. Amendment 60 also helps renters and consumers. Landlords and businesses pass
Politicians want to keep excess property tax revenue and our tax refunds forever, with no right for citizens ever to reconsider that vote. Amendment 60 just lets voters review that issue every four years. Amendment 60 also lets citizens petition to lower property taxes, a right we lack now. Governments should never get permanent blank checks. This simple, half-page plan is both Tax Reform and Tax Relief. It makes the system fairer and more rational. It stops illegal property taxes. It uses state aid to phase in broad-based tax relief, the same for all owners. It ends a hypocritical tax exemption for governmentowned businesses, and shares that new money as equal tax relief for all. It strengthens your right to vote on property taxes. Ending property taxes by unelected boards enforces that rallying cry, the Spirit of 1776: “No taxation without representation.” Property taxes have soared 183%, a $4.4 billion increase since TABOR passed. Next year, it will be almost triple the property tax level when TABOR passed. Reading our modest proposal, your only shock will be how arbitrary and unfair the current system is. One short reform can’t solve all problems, but it will make the system work better for us, government’s customers. Resulting economic growth will also create tens of thousands of private sector jobs. No one wants a tax revolt; everyone just wants taxes to be less revolting. It’s time to change the rules! It’s time to fight back! It’s your government; you have a right to reform it. It’s your property; you have a right to rescue it. It’s your financial future; you have a right to restore it. This is not a game; it’s your life! Tax attacks on your home attack your family and freedom. Don’t be a victim! The bureaucrat’s dream is unlimited government spending. Your duty is to defend the American dream. Timid status quo types say we should never amend the Constitution, not even to protect our homes, our rights, and our way of life. Here is the reply by one of America’s greatest patriots, best known for proclaiming “Give me liberty, or give me death!”
Ending property taxes by unelected boards enforces that rallying cry, the Spirit of 1776: “No taxation without representation.” on their property taxes to you in higher rents and higher prices. Today, an average family of four pays over $5,400 per year in direct and indirect property taxes. That’s outrageous! Politicians constantly seek ways to tap more from your wallet. Government controls the process. It taxes you on false values. It ignores Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) rules. It shrinks your ability to vote on taxes. It writes misleading ballot titles. It imposes taxes without voter approval. Your home, business, and other property are stationary targets. To fully appreciate Amendment 60, start with our sentence-by-sentence Explanation at www.LimitPropertyTax. com. Don’ fault the half-page text. It must be written in precise legal phrases, not as casual chats. It is direct, clear, and carefully drafted. It simply requires governments to phase in specific needed changes to help taxpayers. Property taxes are based on property value, not an ability to pay. Amendment 60 reduces that burden by gradually lowering property taxes for all. That relief means the most to homeowners on fixed incomes. Denver politicians doubled senior citizen taxes this year. Liberal opponents, funded by over $1.5 million of special interest group donations, claim school revenue will be halved. Nonsense! There is NO revenue loss to any school district. State aid is already required to replace 100% of school tax revenue. The amount of school tax relief is under half. It is phased in over 10 years. Amendment 60 reinforces existing legal requirements by mandating “state aid shall replace that revenue yearly.” For further proof opponents are not honest, see 15 “Fibs by Foes” at www.COtaxreforms.com. You will also find there an exposure of their donors, many outside Colorado. Of their donations, 99.8% are from shadowy groups, not individuals. Should this election be decided by lobbyists, labor unions, and corporate welfare parasites? Of course not. View, then volunteer.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government, lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. -Patrick Henry would vote YES on Amendment 60. You should, too.
Natalie Menten is a small business owner living in Lakewood, CO. Volunteers may contact her at (303) 914-1000, email her at info@COtaxreforms.com or volunteer online at www.LimitPropertTax.com.
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The Centennial State | Colorado
Why Citizen Participation in Judicial Selection/Retention is Vital Matt Arnold, Featured Writer
A number of years ago, Colorado embarked upon an experiment in government that was touted as a great reform. Attempting to “take the judges out of politics” our state did away with direct, contested elections of judges in favor of the “merit selection and retention process” pioneered by the state of Missouri (the “Missouri Plan”). Under this system judges and supreme court justices are nominated by commissions, appointed by the governor, and only subjected to checks and balances by the citizens of the state in periodic “retention” elections (posed as a simple yes/ no question on the ballot). For Colorado Supreme Court justices, the opportunity to hold them accountable comes around only once every 10 years, posed as a ballot question: “Should Justice [name] be retained in office?” (Yes/No) In theory, the system looked like a good idea. Selecting judges and supreme court justices on the basis of “merit” instead of “ability to win an election” – putting professional qualifications ahead of political ones – appeals to our common desire for fair play and “equal justice before the law” and removes some of the most direct and obvious temptations for corruption via “quid pro quo” campaign contributions. In practice, however, the Missouri Plan systems in place in several states seem to have merely shifted the potential for undue influence to well-connected interest groups (particularly the in-crowd of bar associations, other attorney groups, lobbyists, and others directly involved with the courts) operating largely outside of public scrutiny. Lack of transparency—in both the up-front selection and back-end review and retention processes—has actually led to an utter lack of accountability for Colorado Supreme Court justices. A recent Wall Street Journal article (“Voters vs. George Soros—Taking judicial selection away from the lawyers guild”) highlighted some of the concerns with the judicial selection and retention process under the Missouri Plan used by Colorado: Designed to take politics out of the courtroom, the plan has in practice handed disproportionate influence over the judiciary to lawyers and bar associations. The effect has been to give a single profession control over a third of state government, with little political accountability.
As with many things brought to us by the good idea fairy, the devil is in the details. Colorado’s Judicial Performance Review Commission (JPRC) performance reviews are heavily biased in favor of judicial incumbents (issuing only 15 recom-
mendations for non-retention resulting in only seven judges being voted out of office over the last several decades). It provides little substantive information for citizens trying to decide how to vote on judges, especially supreme court justices. These JPRC review narratives (published at taxpayer expense in the “Blue Book” voter guides) focus almost exclusively on qualifications (essentially, have they checked all the right boxes) instead of performance (have supreme court justices, for instance, properly carried out their duties—and lived up to their oaths and obligations, or not). The most important judicial quality of all—upholding the law, as written (not fabricated or interpreted according to a personal or political agenda)—is given short shrift or even no consideration at all. Additional information on the shortcomings of Colorado’s Judicial Performance Review process is available in a pair of Denver Post articles: “Demand accountability from judges, too” July 2 guest commentary; and “Evaluating the performance of justices,” Feb. 13 guest commentary). The recently announced impending retirement of Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Mary Mullarkey—who decided to quit rather than be held accountable by voters this November—has also raised interest in how Colorado appoints and evaluates judges (and particularly supreme court justices), in the first place. The process is not merely of academic interest. From an Institute for Legal Reform publication reviewing merit selection systems and best practices across several states:
during front-end judicial selection, and in back-end judicial performance review and retention) and lack of meaningful opportunity for public participation
Lack of transparency…has actually led to an utter lack of accountability for Colorado Supreme Court Justices.
The procedures that determine how state judges are selected and placed on the bench, particularly those in the highest courts, are central to the ultimate quality of justice in our courts. Every American has a stake in the way state judges are chosen. Some states that select their judges through a commission-based appointive system have been criticized for the absence of public input into the process, lack of transparency, secretiveness in their procedures, and the political cronyism that can occur when commissions and the governor operate in what is essentially a closed system. [Emphasis added.](Source: http://www.instituteforlegalreform.com /images/stories/documents/pdf/research/ meritselectionbooklet.pdf)
The common theme in critiques of the Missouri Plan system of “merit selection and retention” is the lack of transparency in commission deliberations (both
and comment. This lack of transparency leads to a lack of public confidence in our judiciary and ultimately to a lack of accountability for the increasingly active and powerful third branch of our government. Our judicial system depends more than any other branch of government on public trust and confidence that the law is being applied fairly and impartially for all citizens—that our supreme court justices are fulfilling their proper roles as referees upholding the rules rather than players attempting to score for their team’s agenda. In sports, referees who violate the rules and demonstrate a consistent bias for one team lose their jobs. In government, because Colorado Supreme Court justices wield so much power, the stakes are much more important than an athletic contest. Of course, the biggest political players are well aware of this – they naturally prefer the closed-door, non-transparent, unaccountable, political insider-dominated process that allows them enormous influence behind the scenes. The usual suspects include the lawyers’ guilds and similar groups. The WSJ article also singles out another powerful and well-connected cabal: The system has powerful defenders, however, including groups connected to the George Soros-funded Justice at Stake.
Soros’s group would be more aptly named “Justice put to the Stake.” Here in Colorado, a new pressure group of apologists was recently formed by politically influential and well-connected attorneys (led by Democrat super-lawyer and frequent Colorado Supreme Court litigator, Mark Grueskin) specifically to counter the growing supreme court reform and accountability movement spearheaded by Clear The Bench Colorado. (Story broken by Law Week Colorado, “Group aiming
to defend Colorado judiciary comes to light” and followed up in Westword and the Clear The Bench Colorado website (“More details emerge on group formed to oppose accountability for Colorado Supreme Court incumbents”). Along with articles published in mass media outlets (for example, a recent Denver Post article calling “Criticism of retiring Judge Mullarkey unfair”), these groups are attempting to maintain the crony system of political insiders picking and preserving in power supreme court justices who rule against the rights of the people in favor of big government—putting you in your place as a subject, not protecting your rights as a citizen. They can get away with it only as long as they succeed in keeping voters in the dark. That is why public participation— not just by a select few politically connected individuals put on commissions, but by fully informed public discussion and debate—is so critically important to maintaining good government (and accountability) in our judiciary. Become an informed citizen—review sources such as Clear The Bench Colorado and get to know your courts to get “the rest of the story.” The original purpose of using a commission-based merit selection system was to reduce the politicization of the judiciary system. As such, it is imperative that merit selection systems not simply hide the politics behind the closed doors of a commission but drive out destructive influence through a system that is transparent and accessible to the public. (Source: http://www.instituteforlegalreform.com /images/stories/documents/pdf/research/ meritselectionbooklet.pdf) We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. -Abraham Lincoln
Matt Arnold (info@clearthebenchcolorado.org) is the founder and director of Clear The Bench Colorado, an organization working to restore accountability to the judiciary (particularly the state Supreme Court) in Colorado.
The natural cure for an ill-administration in a popular or representative Constitution is a change of men. —Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #21
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Kitchen Table Politics Rumor Has It… Leah Hotchkiss, Senior Staff Writer
Recently I opened my Facebook page to a startling post: “All supporters of Tom Tancredo vote for Scott McInnis in the primary. Dan Maes is Tom’s enemy.” It went on to say that if Tancredo’s supporters wanted to have him run for governor they should not write in his name on the primary ballot, but vote for Scott McInnis. Curious as to what this was about…I had to check it out. When McInnis made headlines with plagiarism allegations, people started to wonder what the Republicans were going to do. When I asked Dick Wadhams, Republican chair of the Colorado GOP, he said, “The Colorado Republican party is neutral in all primaries including the governor’s race.” In previous weeks, Mr. Wadhams declined to make a statement as to whether or not the Colorado GOP had plans for McInnis, or any plan at all. Rumors persisted, mostly in print articles and blogs, that the GOP had something up their sleeve. Mr. Wadham’s statement did not touch on the situation after the primary which I believe added an aura of credibility to the rumors. Enter Tom Tancredo. With his verbose style, conservative street cred, and many loyal supporters, it seemed like a logical conclusion that Tancredo would enter the race. It appeared plausible that the GOP might pick Tancredo to replace McInnis, if—and that is a really big unfounded “IF”—the leadership decided to allow McInnis to continue, forced him
to step down after the primary, and then appoint a new candidate. Some Tancredo supporters, hoping all this was true, declared with certainty, that this plan had to be implemented. When reached for comment on July 20, Jen Raiffe, acting as spokesmen for Tancredo, said, “Tom has said he is seriously considering all options. If and/or when
quest, and do not make a public commitment to this end no later than noon on Monday, July 26, I will announce on that day that I will seek the nomination of the American Constitution Party for governor of Colorado…A great deal needs to be done for any candidate to put together a competitive campaign. Of course that includes raising the money necessary for such a race. Every hour of delay makes that a more difficult task. This decision is completely in the hands of Dan Maes and Scott McInnis.” A written statement was issued by Dick Wadhams, shortly after Tancredo’s press release, stating: “Let there be no mistake about it: Regardless of who our nominee is for governor after the primary, if Tom Tancredo carries through on his threat to run as a third party candidate, he will be responsible for the election of Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper as governor and for other races that will be imperiled as well.” Mr. Wadhams also referenced a Dec. 21, 2009 article in which Tancredo appeals to the Tea Party and 9-12 activists. In his open letter he urges all to return the state GOP to constitutional and conservative roots by working within the Republican party and to not go a third party route. When asked for a comment, Sean Duffy, spokesman for Scott McInnis, confirmed that McInnis agrees with Mr.
Would [Tancredo] be able to run a successful campaign after angering both McInnis and Maes supporters? he decides to enter the governor’s race he will hold an official press conference.” That statement sounded a little dicey. It was not a solid “yes” or “no,” and left big questions. A visit to Tancredo’s webpage had no mention of a gubernatorial bid. Here’s where the story takes a turn into crazy town, and whispered rumors become partial truth. On July 22, Tom Tancredo issued a press release stating that he now believes that neither GOP primary candidate will be able to defeat Mayor Hickenlooper. The press release also delivers this stunning ultimatum: “Therefore, today I am asking for a public commitment from both Scott McInnis and Dan Maes that they will do what is right for the state of Colorado. Regardless of the outcome of the primary election on August 10, on August 11 the winner must agree to remove himself from consideration if polling on that date shows that he is losing the race for governor. If either or both choose to ignore this re-
Wadhams’ rebuttal, and he will continue to run. If McInnis wins the primary, he will not step down but will fight hard to win in November. The campaign had not issued a formal written statement as of press time. Dan Maes issued a written statement which says, in part, “I remain the consistent conservative in this race, and, as the state assembly proved, I am absolutely electable. I have no intention of leaving this race now or after I win for freedom and liberty in the August 10 primary. Polls show me neck and neck with Hickenlooper, and my determination of the last 16 months will continue through November for victory in Colorado.” So, from where I sit, a few good questions should be pondered. First: Will this solidify the Republican base against all third party bids? How much credibility has Tom Tancredo lost with this threat? Would he be able to run a successful campaign after angering both McInnis and Maes supporters? Second: This race is being closely watched and tempers can be classed at a terror alert system RED. The Colorado GOP has now issued a strong statement defending the primary process. If the Colorado GOP makes any attempt to replace a primary winner, the negative fallout for the party would be almost incalculable. Third: Now that I have written all of this, will Tancredo supporters post on Facebook that I am Tom Tancredo’s enemy? If they do, why should I care?
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The Centennial State | Colorado
If “The Price is Right,” Colorado’s Children Will Be the Losers Peggy Littleton, Guest Writer Get ready for the season finale of Colorado’s version of ‘The Price is Right’ game show. In an article I wrote, “Is it a ‘Race to the Top’ or a quick plunge to the bottom?” (Gazette, January 20, 2010) I warned of the danger of the federal government’s game show ‘The Price is Right,’ better known as ‘Race to the Top’ (R2T). I questioned why Colorado was applying for R2T funds (gambling and playing the game) when the dollars and prizes sought after are conditioned upon adoption of the national Common Core standards and other surprises hiding behind curtain one which we cannot see yet. (What was behind the curtain on Obamacare? What’s behind the curtain
• It’s against the Colorado State Constitution: Article IX, Section 15 states, “local school boards shall have control of instruction in the public schools of their respective districts.” • It flies in the face of freedom, liberty, and local control. If national Common Core is adopted, the inevitability will be national Common Curriculum. What’s behind that curtain, eh? Who modifies the standards? To whom is the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) accountable? How often will they morph? The feds are stating there is “voluntary” adoption, yet states are required to have their boards of education adopt (or not) the Common Core to apply for R2T funds. Right now we hear the enticement of adopting the National Common Core as, “Certainly we can all agree with common math and English/ writing standards.” But, the USDOE has not issued any document as of this date stating what it means to sign on to the Common Core. How long would it be before we have revisionist history made compulsory? If the true intent of the USDOE is to ensure that there is a ‘bar above which all states must be able to jump,’ why will they not allow the states to check a box that says their state standards ‘meet or exceed’ the Common Core? The districts that ‘win’ RTT funds will now be spending more money than they bring in on compliance. In tight economic times, is this a wise purchase? Are we willing to sell out Colorado’s kids for a mere $50.00 per pupil per year for only four years? The further away the decision is from the child, the less effective and poorer the decision will be. (Note: Congress recently voted to reduce the Race to The Top funds by $800 million, so the promise of money is slipping away, but states will already be locked into using the Common Core.) Some say the federal government already has our money and we should try to get it back. Are we willing to sacrifice our children? Are Colorado’s kids for sale? Some think it is noble to have all kids learning the same thing nationally. But remember that “The philosophy in the classroom one generation will be the philosophy in government the next!” – Abraham Lincoln. It’s only English and math. Surely we can agree what all children nationally should know in these content areas, right? Well, hang on, because once these are adopted, history, science, health and sex-ed are right behind the curtain on the list. Obamacare, Obama-standards-assessments-and-curriculum. Which deal will the state board choose? Find out the results in the September issue of TCT and what the decision will mean for Colorado’s kids and families.
Will you let the Colorado State Board of Education vote to give control of your children’s education to the federal government…? on Obamacurriculum?) By the time some of you read this article, it may be a done deal. The Colorado State Board of Education may have voted to choose the prize and every deal that goes with it behind the mystery curtain. Colorado’s children will forever be the losers! Will you let the Colorado State Board of Education vote to give control of your children’s education to the federal government without knowing the whole deal? Will the state board of education give our children away for the weak promise of $50.00 per year for four years? You must not sit by idly as an observer in the show as the state board is at the podium making deals. To stop the trading of Colorado children you must act NOW! On August 2, the Colorado State Board of Education will vote to either: (1) Keep the Colorado Model Content Standards (Which Colorado taxpayers funded and were just revised and adopted in December 2009 for all 11 content areas), OR (2) Adopt the national Common Core standards (and all the unseen, yet unwritten, behind the curtain deals). Immediate action steps you can take: (1) Send a brief e-mail to the Colorado State Board of Education at State.Board@cde.state.co.us (cc: Peggy@PeggyLittleton.org). Explain why you do NOT want the National Common Core Standards adopted. (The information in the following segments may be helpful for your writing.) (2) E-mail me at Peggy@PeggyLittleton.org to let me know that if a public hearing were to be held on August 2 in Denver, you will attend. The state board of education needs a crowd clearly telling them, “No! Don’t do it!” Why we don’t want National Common Core Standards: • It’s against the U.S. Constitution’s 10th Amendment: “The powers NOT delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
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The Centennial State | Colorado
Obama and Old Guard Republicans: One and the Same Chuck Graybill, Contributing Writer I spent the last week like a fish out of water attempting to be an investigative reporter and prove my suppositions of dirty politics, or business as usual in the Republican gubernatorial primary race: A newcomer, Tea Party favorite with no political baggage or favors to repay, versus the Republican machine’s golden boy with more strings attached than a fisherman’s net. It’s a proverbial David against Goliath struggle compounded recently by campaign record keeping miscues by the underdog’s campaign accountant. So, off I went on a search for the Holy Grail, or evidence to tie a certain attorney to the golden boy and the apparent attack on the gubernatorial underdog. You see, that same attorney was suspected by a northern Tea Party of trying to unduly influence them on the golden boy’s behalf, by offering to arrange payment for a nationally known conservative speaker for their group’s statewide gathering. Twisting roads, stops and starts—he said, she said—but no concrete proof of any ties or wrongdoing, and then the plot thickened. The old guard’s chosen one, the golden boy, was accused of doing much worse than mistakenly failing to report the occupations of some campaign donors. According to newspapers, blogs and the golden boy himself, writings submitted by him to a local foundation were plagiarized, supposedly by a research assistant the golden boy has subsequently thrown under the bus.
According to the golden boy, none of us care that his direct or indirect literary theft, or incompetent actions by failing to review writings of an assistant before passing them off as his own, reflect upon his ethical or moral character. (Isn’t leadership about character?) Or, that his failure to take any responsibility or accountability for actions of his staff speak volumes
Our cities, counties, states, country and Constitution will not be restored on the backs of career politicians.
about the way he will govern if elected. It seems to me that his staff, and future staff now know where they will stand, and he will stand, if and when the going gets tough! Maybe, he too, like Obama, can blame Bush and Cheney and avoid all attempts to display and utilize leadership skills and attributes. So, how are Obama and the GOP old guard synonymous? Just like Obama and Congress, even though Dan Maes, the underdog, won the Republican assembly giving him the top spot on the primary ballot, and solidifying him as the people’s candidate, the Republican old guard appeared poised to run one of its own at the eleventh hour rather than endorse Maes as their candidate if the golden boy opted out of the gubernatorial race. Amid all the negative press for their golden boy, and calls for his withdrawal, the GOP powerbrokers did not once speak of endorsing Maes and throwing their considerable political weight and wallets behind the people’s choice, Dan Maes. There is no difference between the tactics and deceit of Obama and the Republican old guard:
• Both ignore the will of the people not part of their inner circle.
socially inept. We are fodder for mocking, too honest and incorruptible.
• Both believe all problems can be solved with dollars.
They just don’t get it! Our cities, counties, states, country and Constitution will not be restored on the backs of career politicians. They are too ingrained, too entrenched and too comfortable selling their votes and souls, and selling-out their constituents and our allies. WE THE PEOPLE will restore this great nation by electing and supporting ordinary civil servants, everyday Americans, who will work tirelessly for her and for us, not themselves, special interest groups and a select few elite in their inner circles who they deem have been bred properly and matriculated well. They just don’t get that they work for us and serve at our pleasure!
• Both are addicted to power and control and will do whatever it takes to acquire and keep them. • Both are elitists prepared to run roughshod over all of us and dismiss us without a second thought, as idiots incapable of independent thought. • Both dismiss the Tea Party as a passing fancy unworthy of serious consideration for office or capable of mounting a serious challenge to what they now perceive as their thrones. We are not qualified to be their successors. They view us as culturally deficient and educationally and
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20 | The Constitutionalist Today
Dan Maes v. the Republican Establishment Kyle Getchey, Contributing Writer
Republican gubernatorial candidate, Dan Maes, really ought to consider getting out of the race. After all, he is the only conservative that has been in the race since last year. He has put in countless hours traveling all over the state meeting with prospective voters, attending events, and logged a mere 80,000 miles on his car in the process. Oh, and did I forget to mention that he won the state assembly May
For his part, McInnis began stumping by meeting with other high profile Republicans in the state who could fund his campaign, while avoiding the voters of El Paso County like the plague. Instead, McInnis sent proxies out to nearly every event where energized Tea Partiers were likely to ask him some hard hitting questions. Admittedly, however, this was an improvement over raising and spending money before announcing his candidacy, as he may have done earlier. [McInnis unwittingly left a message for a potential supporter in April 2009, wherein he signaled his connection to a 527 group (e.g. youtube.com search: McInnis 527)]. In the same vein, Josh Penry issued a press statement declaring the withdrawal of his candidacy from the gubernatorial race and his “enthusiastic” support of Scott McInnis. Similarly, “Chief ” Tom Tancredo told the press, “Everybody is happy and satisfied and singing ‘Kumbaya.’” Finally, some of the behind-the-scene supporters who don’t like to tip their hand while working the microphone, got to work writing editorial columns in the Denver Post paying homage to McInnis for the unity platform, thereby lending him credence without a direct endorsement. The only problem with all of this is that the conservatives comprising the grassroots movement were not buying Scott McInnis—damn! In all honesty though, the Tea Partiers were not that much of a concern to the Republican establishment. Sure, if the grassroots conservatives sat out the elec-
Apparently they…do not know what to do…now that…”McIssn’t” going to cut it in the general election. 22, making him the top choice on the Republican primary ballot? Regardless, now that the primary election is looming and McInnis has lost support in the wake of his plagiarism scandal, Maes really should drop out. At least, that is the message the Colorado Republican old guard has been trumpeting the past few weeks. Apparently, they really do not know what to do with themselves now that their designee “McIssn’t” going to cut it in the general election. Walking into a back room deal last November, Scott McInnis, Josh Penry, Tom Tancredo, and no doubt some other prominent Colorado Republicans (including a certain radio commentator who comes to mind), thought it would be a good idea to put the fix on the next Republican gubernatorial candidate. They designated Scott McInnis the presumptive nominee. Leaving the meeting with the “unity platform” in hand, each then did his part to propel McInnis to the front of the pack.
tion, the Republicans would obviously lose big in the general election. In the end however, the old guard would have rallied that great silent majority to once again come out and hold their collective noses while they voted. They know the drumbeat and it is a simple one: “Hey! You don’t always get what you want! We can’t let the Democrats win, can we?! So, get out there and vote for the hand-picked Republican with the non-conservative voting record.” In the wake of McInnis’ plagiarism scandal, all has gone awry. Now all we hear coming out of the establishment machine are cries of concern: “Who will we get to replace, Scott? Oh, my word! What will we do?!” Uh…Establishment Republican Party? Hello? This is your base calling. We just wanted to tell you that we are not happy with Scott, which is precisely the reason why he is not the top name on the ballot. No need to worry about getting a replacement. We already picked one a few
months ago at the state assembly. Maybe you have heard of him—we can’t be sure. His name is Dan Maes (not Don Maes). Unfortunately, the Colorado Republican old guard is still not taking our calls. So, Dan, you gave it a good run, but you just have to go now, Chief Tom says so. In case you had not heard, Chief Tom said that if you do not get out of the race, then he is going to step in and take it from you. Only…because the Republican Party has this ridiculous rule about not jumping in as a candidate at the last minute, Chief Tom is going to have to run as an American Constitutionalist Party candidate. Now, you can imagine how that will look. We don’t want those Republicans, err…Democrats to win, do we?! Go get em’, Dan. Kyle Getchey is a third year law student at Regent University. Getchey may be contacted at: kyle@theconstitutionalisttoday.com
We are reduced to the alternative of choosing between an unconditional submission to the tyranny of irritated ministers or resistance by force. Honor, justice, and humanity forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. —John Dickenson, Constitutional Framer
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www.TheConstitutionalistToday.com | 21
The Centennial State | Colorado
Establishment Elephant in the People’s Room Why The Constitutionalist Today has Chosen to Endorse Teddy Otero, Board Member Tea Party Targets Awakening slowly, the liberty movement initially railed clumsily against the expansion of government promised by the election of Barack Obama and the 111th Congress. However, as formerly-casual voters turned their attention away from the reruns of summer 2009 and towards basic Constitutional principles, they discovered that their beloved Republican Party was complicit in the steady march towards tyranny of the last centry. The strained loyalties were plainly seen in the conspicuously non-partisan targets of the rallying cries, “Vote the Bums Out!”, “Get Out of Our House!” and, “Remember November!” Holding nothing sacred but the U.S. Constitution and the blessings of liberty it secures, the movement ultimately embraced George Washington’s early warning of political parties altogether. While one might suspect that this would drive its members towards smaller third parties or solely idealistic voting patterns, the leaderless, populist nature of the movement has rendered it surprisingly agile and pragmatic. As such, the reality of the two-party system led the movement to choose the Republican Party as their most effective political vessel, despite its questionable track record. The resulting conflict was inevitable: citing “We the People,” citizens rightly saw themselves as the direct master of the government while the Republican Party was unwilling to relent its position as the broker of governmental power, fostered for
generations. The grassroots sought responsiveness, but received only politically expedient doublespeak from the party: at times it would align itself with movement, and at other times suggest that the movement was a ragtag group of fair-weather idealists; “drunk drivers behind the party wheel,” one radio caller offered. Like the Democrats, Republicans quickly found themselves squarely within populist crosshairs. Specifically, the movement’s newest target was the “Republican establishment,” and was not limited to just the party elites and insiders; it included any GOP loyalists who put party before principle and looked down on political rookies. Like the Democrats, the establishment has had little recourse against the decentralized movement, and resorted to misrepresenting them and lashing out. Raging nationwide, this party vs. people showdown has rarely been more evident than in the 2010 Colorado Republican gubernatorial primary race.
Primary Posturing Lines were drawn early in the primary race. Career politician and gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis appeared on Fox News in December, naively claiming to be the “the country’s biggest Tea Party candidate.” Outrage at this arrogant presumption further rallied the Tea Party around his relatively unknown opponent, Evergreen businessman Dan Maes. The establishment argued that Maes wasn’t “ready for prime-
time,” but as you’ll see, that presumption endeared him to the Tea Party all the more. By spring, it became evident that McInnis and the establishment had no intention of so much as recognizing Maes’ candidacy. Despite dozens of offers, McInnis flatly refused to debate Maes, appearing beside him at only a handful of events. (McInnis very reluctantly attended TCT’s candidate forum in March and all but ignored a June debate co-sponsored by TCT.) “I’m running against Hickenlooper,” McInnis would say, further enraging the base. Then, as if trying to pick a fight, members of the establishment began to baselessly opine that the grassroots’ idealism would lead them to abandon McInnis in the general election should Maes lose the primary, and would hurt the entire ticket as a result. Recent history points to the contrary: this is the same movement whose pragmatism helped elect liberal Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts and, even while in gestation, turned out en masse for moderate McCain in 2008. The liberty movement responded to these provocations by redoubling their efforts, and Maes’ victory at the State Assembly rocked the establishment. Dick Wadhams, Colorado Chairman of the Republican Party, estimated that 40% of the delegates rose when “first-time delegates” were asked to stand at the Assembly; other eyewitness accounts placed that figure at well over two-thirds. Doing their best to appear unfazed, however, the McInnis campaign continued to ignore now-frontrunner Maes. In early July, both candidates ran into trouble [see Hotchkiss, p17; Graybill, p20], and the party vs. people skirmishes quickly erupted into a full blown war.
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22 | The Constitutionalist Today
Once the McInnis plagiarism scandal deemed its gubernatorial candidate all but unelectable, the establishment acted precisely as it had faithlessly predicted the liberty movement would: it abandoned the remaining candidate. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, as the establishment never attempted to hide its contempt for Maes; long before the plagiarism was revealed, one Republican asserted in mixed company that she would “never vote for Maes.” While the establishment’s ultimate motives behind abandoning Maes are shrouded, we can glean clues from the candid statements made and contemptible actions taken in the weeks since. Immediately and not-so-subtly, the establishment began plotting to put up a third gubernatorial candidate. Politicians were named, state laws and party rules were pored over, loopholes were thoroughly explored, and scenarios of Maes and McInnis resigning were staged. Details remain murky, but McInnis’ decision to remain in the race may indicate complicity, and Tom Tancredo’s egotistical threat to run on the Constitution Party ticket demonstrates their “we know better” restlessness. Now, under the guise of preparing Maes for the onslaught he’d be subjected to by the Democrats as the Republican nominee, the establishment has begun to call into question Maes’ qualifications and ruthlessly attempted to discredit him. Others have dispensed with the guise altogether and openly declared Maes unelectable. [see Getchey, p21] This assertion rang hollow, as Maes perpetually polled neck and neck with both McInnis and Hickenlooper. Obviously, they would see the assembly winner and people’s candidate stopped at any
Endorsement Colorado Governor: Dan Maes Dan Maes emerged from the grassroots, and was embraced by them: he works hard, pinches pennies, goes to Church, and is a devoted husband and father. Maes has been a model of accessibility, attending every event possible and responding to any and all media requests. Through tireless work, unwavering dedication, and consistent conservatism, he earned the people’s trust with a win at the State Assembly. The flurry of incoming attacks have only further endeared him to the people: He started a small business and made very little at first? That’s how it’s done. He grew that business over several years before it was hit hard by the economic decline? We can relate. He decided to step up and be the change in his government? So did we! He was fined for a bookkeeping mistake because he was running a campaign on a shoestring budget? We all take responsibility for and learn from our mistakes! The Constitutionalist Today enthusiastically endorses Dan Maes for governor of our state of Colorado.
cost, which begged the question, “then what’s the point of the primary process?” The actual reasons behind this stonewalling, of course, lie in the Republican Party’s position as power broker between the people and their government. Maes owes nothing to the Republican Party, has no political ties to speak of, and hasn’t looked for any favors. Maes isn’t a cog in the establishment machine, without which the machine would quickly sputter to a stop, unseating some, interrupting some back-scratching, and ultimately allowing the people more direct access to their government. If the people’s choice for Colorado governor is unelectable, it is solely because the establishment abandoned him after their candidate came up embarrassingly short. The GOP establishment will again have the opportunity to back Dan Mae, but they have plainly demonstrated that they will not; not because he is unelectable as they’d have you believe, but because they have a substantial amount to lose should he win.
Populist Picks As I mentioned in my editorial [see Otero, p4], our initial intention was to wait to endorse until after the primaries, if at all. Unfortunately, the establishment is foolishly backing the grassroots into a corner, and the staff of TCT knows which end of the soon-to-strike Gadsden rattlesnake we belong on. TCT was founded to give a voice to “We the People.” As a natural extension of that purpose, we have decided to take a stand and remind Colorado that the grassroots have made their choices, are standing by them, and will not abandon their principles to a party. Many muse that, without conservative results, the next federal Republican majority will be the last. If the party proves to be broken beyond repair, the base will depart en masse. However, tens of thousands of Republican cards will burn much sooner, and on the steps of our own state capitol, if the GOP shenanigans in Colorado lead to the people’s choices being usurped or the conservative vote being split. Teddy M. Otero IV works in web design, print design, marketing, and social media. He and his wife explore Colorado together whenever possible.
Prima Ballerina: Jane Norton Leah Hotchkiss, Senior Staff Writer
The ballet term “chaines” is an abbreviation of the term ”tours chaînés déboulés,” meaning a series of rapid turns on the points. Seasoned political campaigns and their lead “ballerina” politicians are experts at dancing on the political stage, masters of the chaines. These ballerinas use lighting effects to create scenes which hide what would, outside the political theatre, be labeled a lie. Unfortunately, like all stage shows, once you can spot the strategic moves and turn up the natural light, the beautiful theatrical aura fades. Let’s bring down the stage lights and bring up the natural light on a very compelling stage show. Several chaines, performed by Jane Norton, have become obvious to political observers. Let’s analyze a few spins Jane has pulled off.
Penry, who said, “A Washington, D.C.-based special interest group wants to buy this election. We won’t let this happen.” It looked like a good idea to find out just who this D.C. group was. The only D.C. based group this reporter could find that has spent money for Ken Buck is the…wait for it…Senator DeMint’s Senate Conservatives Fund. Again, technically, Norton never directly stated the name of the special interest group. So either there is another hidden group with scads of cash, or the Norton camp just landed their second spin, on the same point. A true work of political ballet beauty. For Jane’s next spin we have to first go back and remember the scene from the June 29 debate at Stargazers Theater. While getting the logistics together organizer, Lana Fore-Warkocz, asked each campaign for a candidate bio. She received an email from Josh Penry in which he tells Cinnamon Watson, Jane’s campaign staffer, “For these debate bios I want to sex it up on the substance of our candidacy.” Did he miss the memo that said Jane doesn’t like that kind of talk? The actual stage for the debate was going to be set with high stools and no table. Jane’s campaign was informed of a potentially embarrassing clothing situation so that she could dress accordingly for the event. Josh Penry asked in an email that the format be changed to standing because, “Yes, Jane does wear a skirt and heels—it’s the preferred attire for those who haven’t increased their budget by 40 percent in 5 years.” Amazing! Penry clumsily manages to assert Jane’s feminine appeal, and yet manages to land heavily on what must have been that day’s talking point against Ken Buck (budget). Jane didn’t seem to mind using her gender to differentiate herself at the event. She was asked, “How are you and Ken Buck different?” Jane replied, “I would hope it was obvious…” at which point she got laughs from the crowd, then looked slyly at Ken who also laughed. Fast forward to last week... When asked by a person off camera, “Why should we vote for you?” Ken was recorded answering, “Because I don’t wear high heels,” which got laughs and was promptly explained. Jane’s campaign quickly jumped on Ken’s joke. They are now calling for conservatives to defend the honor of their prima ballerina. Jane sent another email to supporters that including a comment from State Senator Nancy Spence: “I was appalled to hear Ken’s latest and most ridiculous comment.” Spence goes on to finish by saying, “Will you join me and stand up to Ken Buck’s childish remarks?” With that, Jane lands the most recent in a series of chaines. She doesn’t quite stick the landing—and I thought I heard Josh Penry’s back crack as he tried to work that Ken Buck slam into his routine—but the lights are on now. How much beautiful aura remains?
These ballerinas use lighting effects to create scenes which hide what would, outside the policial theatre, be labeled a lie. In June, Jane Norton, Marco Rubio (Florida Senate candidate), and Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania Senate candidate) attended joint fundraising events. Each candidate agreed to take portions of the proceeds raised at the events. Afterward, the Norton campaign sent out an email stating: “…conservative upstart Marco Rubio… is such an important figure in American politics: Rubio’s a conservative, and he’s running to shake up the status quo in Washington. Today, it was an honor to campaign alongside my friend Marco Rubio and longtime conservative, Pat Toomey…Rubio and Toomey joined me at campaign events and fundraisers in Colorado Springs and Denver today.” There seems to be no problem with this statement. They did come to Colorado and were seen at events with Jane. On closer examination however, we can see the rapid turning on the point. Rubio and Toomey are part of the Senate Conservatives Fund. The Senate Conservatives Fund has endorsed Ken Buck. Calls to Rubio’s and Toomey’s campaigns have confirmed that they have not, and will not, endorse Jane Norton. As far as Rubio and Toomey are concerned, they were at the events as fellow Republicans, not “with” her as conservative candidates. Neither campaign would give any further specifics except to say the candidates go where the money happens to be, and that is just good politics. Technically, Norton never directly stated that Rubio, Toomey, or the Senate Conservatives Fund endorsed her. The implication was clear, and there was a photo of the three candidates for set dressing. One spin smoothly executed. Will Jane attempt a second one? On July 20, another email came from the Norton Campaign. This time it was Josh
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Endorsement US Senate: Ken Buck Despite being the target of a negative campaign, Ken Buck has remained focused on his message: he wants to represent Colorado’s conservative voice in the U.S. Senate by fighting for term limits, smaller government, a balanced budget amendment, and the repeal of Obamacare. He has said he’ll go to Washington without friends, and return without friends. His position as district attorney in Weld County has prepared Buck to work hard, stand on principles and resist pressure. Winning the state assembly in a landslide, Buck has emerged as the solid choice of the grassroots. “If it’s not in here,” Buck has said, holding up a pocket U.S. Constitution, “I won’t support it.” For these reasons and many more, The Constitutionalist Today endorse Ken Buck for U.S. Senate.
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Games Politicians Play
Ken Bull, Guest Writer
There are games people play, and there are “games” people play. Some are athletic events at various levels; some are fun things for friends and family; some are petty psychological games; while some are political games. Many political games are purely for power, but some people playing for one reason totally miss other factors, which may cost them more than they realize. Republicans have their share of petty games. A few years ago, in a congressional race when the loser was upset, they set up a Republican for “the Democrat” group. The district is a Republican stronghold so it would only be in effect for two years until the next election. The losers thought if they gave the seat to the Democrats for those two years they could win the seat then. That game of giving the other party a seat is played more often then we realize. For several years a few “heads” have cho-
She was selected in a backroom deal and wouldn’t even go through the assembly process for the delegates to have a say. She brought in excesses of money from Washington and politicians from elsewhere for support. She also brings up the subject of ethics, which considering the above, leaves her in deep water. Norton brings up the only question concerning Ken Buck’s otherwise stellar career when many of us know that Buck was supporting the Constitution, trying to reign in big government and an abusive Democrat U.S. attorney. That is another ethical violation on Norton’s already long list. There is also the matter of the Republican gubernatorial candidate selected for us by the same ilk. Yes, once again they stacked up the elected officials on stage at the convention. They also pushed one of the best candidates out of the race, and they have again told us, “We need to get behind one candidate” even after the other candidate still in the race, Dan Maes, won the Republican state assembly vote. Why doesn’t Scott McInnis drop out and get behind Maes, so we are all behind one candidate? It truly exposes their lies, doesn’t it? Scott McInnis lost because he has a voting record which tells us who and what he is. According to The Conservative Index, ranking all congressmen on constitutional issues, Scott McInnis had the worst voting record of the Colorado delegation in Congress, behind Democrats Diana DeGette and Mark Udall. On one Conservative Index, Scott had a 30, while Diana DeGette had 40 and Mark Udall a 44. What about Bob Beauprez? He had a 40 right along with DeGette. On another Conservative Index, Degette was 35, Udall was 42, but McInnis was 25. For the record, a low number is not good! The most significant thing these losers (who lose seats for their party) seem to miss is, even if every Republican voted for the Republican candidate, he (or she) still couldn’t win. When Republicans run RINOs (Republican In Name Only) they don’t please the unaffiliated voters. Republicans are generally behind candidates who support the constitutional republic. When elected officials show their stupidity by forcing liberal candidates like Beauprez and McInnis on us, many Republicans won’t vote for them. They don’t impress us.
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Scott McInnis lost because he has a voting record which tells us who and what he is. sen Republican candidates. They get all the Republican elected officials on stage to support that person. They tell the Republicans that they have to get behind one person to win. If there are other good candidates running, they push them out. Remember when Bob Schafer was a shoo-in for the U.S. Senate? But, they put Pete Coors on the primary ballot creating more votes than there were delegates at the convention to make sure he made the ballot. Some Republicans think they purposely gave that seat, now held by Michael Bennet, to Ken Salazar. Later, they talked Bob Beauprez into dropping out of the 7th Congressional race, leaving that seat to Democrat Ed Perlmutter and Bob Beauprez ran for governor. Did Bob Beauprez win the governorship? Do these “Republicans” give seats to the Democrats on purpose? Now the same crew is trying to force “Referendum C” Jane Norton on us for senator after she backed the largest tax increase in state history. Are they using her to give another seat to the Democrats? One of her mailings identified Governor Charlie Crist of Florida as negative on two perspectives. She said that he is a big spender. Has she forgotten that she backed Referendum C? Which one is really the biggest spender? Has she forgotten that she thumbed her nose at the Republicans, skirting their convention? Norton also said, “The backroom deals and ‘Chicago-Style’ politics have to stop.” What does she think put her in the race?
Dr. W. Kenneth Bull is a retired educator. Formerly, he was a guidance counselor, district director of guidance, state director of guidance service, school superintendent and a vocational school superintendent. He also worked for the U.S. Border Patrol and served in the Army.
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The Republic as it Stands | National
Political Wild Life: Dems and Populists Unmasked An article by G.F. Ruxton from 1900 S.B. Bond Peters, Guest Writer On the eve of the 1900 presidential election, a local reporter was sounding conservatism’s clarion call while revealing the Democrats’ timeless agenda. In 1900 it was corporations being demonized by the Democrats and populists.1 Realists of the time saw corporations as an “organization of corporations, [just] as corporations were organizations of individuals…” These ventures were neither unconstitutional nor illegal. Their existence came under the Constitutional doctrine of states’ rights. The recently evolved corporations of 1900 were basically “creature[s] of competitive industry.” Democrats, on the other hand, “completely distorted” and demonized every corporation into “a thousand-fanged dragon.” They had used “the most ingenious distortion” of the terms “trust” and “monopoly” by which to define these new corporations. Once the “meaningless” metaphors were in place, “class hatred and prejudice…against corporations” was “fanned by the ‘spellbinders’ of the new democracy into a popular frenzy.” The hatred was then applied to “all corporate interests.” In reality, the corporations, trusts and monopolies of 1900 were not running free and wild. Both a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court had used the Republican-enacted 1890 Sherman Anti-Trust law to rein in dishonest corporations.2 The dragon was being de-fanged. So why were Democrats engaging in the “agitation and stage thunder department of anti-trust legislation”? William
Jennings Bryan, their presidential candidate, tells us. In 1899 in Chicago Bryan demanded, “Congress…should have the power to destroy every trust in the country.” In case that was not tyrannical enough, he explained, “Congress ought
Using the political mobs’ irrational frenzy to shred our Constitution has been the Democrats’ goal for over 110 years.
now to pass such a law. If it is unconstitutional and so declared by the Supreme Court, I am in favor of an amendment to the Constitution that will give to Congress power to destroy every trust in the country.” By 1900 Bryan was pledging, “If I am elected, I promise you that in a year there will not be a private [corporation] in existence in the United States.” Using the political mobs’ irrational frenzy to shred our Constitution has been the Democrats’ goal for over 110 years. Can there be any doubt Bryan’s Democrats of 1900 and Obama’s Democrats of 2010 are not identical? The party was and continues to be “guilty of the most flamboyant demagoguism since the French Revolution.” Ms. S.B. Bond-Peters is a resident of the Pikes Peak region since the early 1950s and a graduate of UCCS with B.A. in Philosophy. 1. All quotes are from “Trusts as an Issue in the Campaign; the Actions of the Democrats and Populists Unmasked,” Colorado Springs [Weekly] Gazette and El Paso County News, 31 Oct. 1900, p. 22. 2. “Trusts,” col. 22, p. 4-5: U.S. Supreme Court, 24 Oct. 1898 “Joint-Traffic Association” and 4 Dec. 1899 “Addystone Pipe and Steel vs. United States.”
America, Be Good Sid Huston, Contributing Writer
As we ready ourselves to cast our votes in the upcoming midterm elections, we are actively searching out the best candidates and scrutinizing their beliefs, values and practices. At this time in our history we are highly motivated to take this responsibility seriously. We have seen the slide, and what left-leaning leadership and weak morals have done to our country. Just as we are going to intensify our scrutiny of the candidates for each office we also need to evaluate our own lives. We need to regularly review our own beliefs, values, and test our own records to see if we are living above reproach. In the early 50s “Ike” Eisenhower gave a campaign speech where he spoke to this issue and referenced a “wise philosopher” who came to this country to glean the reasons for America’s greatness. This wise person said: “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast world commerce and it was not there; in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” My natural tendency is to berate the preachers because I have witnessed some weak sauce. I would like to shame these purveyors of tripe and goad them into changing their ways. But the truth is poignant; we cannot sit back and blame the paid preachers. Shoot fire, they are paid to be good. We need to take up our own personal responsibility, because Jesus
commanded all of us to live it out and to preach righteousness. Today we see a lot of self help stuff being preached. We even see the health and wealth prosperity trash being strewn about. We see all types of philosophies being bantered around but what we are suppose to preach is righteousness. The most helpful improvement we can make to our country is to align our personal lives with true righteousness. We often forget that our national strength is directly related to our moral purity. America will only be great as long as she is good. America is you and me; we can’t just point our fingers at others, or yell at the TV. We need to fall on our faces and ask God to do what only He can do. There is good news and I am happy to say, God can make bad men and women into good men and women. That is to say, He can make unrighteous people into righteous people who are truly pleasing to Him. I know many readers will say mind your own business, you are sounding judgmental, and to call people out is not the
We often forget that our national strength is directly related to our moral purity. politically correct thing to do. But, we all need to be challenged by the question of Cain who asked God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” This question shows the moral weakness we are plagued with today and our tendency to shrink back, acquiesce and appease. We have all heard people say, “Judge not.” Yet the Book of Proverbs states: “the righteous are bold as a lion.” So how do we get to good? You might be asking, how can I become a righteous person? We all know that there are hypocrites everywhere, and I assume you don’t want to be one. No one can respect a fake. Just as our country has its Constitution BE GOOD on page 27
26 | The Constitutionalist Today
Common Defense | Military & National Security
Chiropractors Offer Free Care for Returning Vets Rod Frieling, Guest Writer
Doctors of Chiropractic from around the country have answered the call to participate in a new initiative aimed at supporting America’s returning veterans with immediate access to chiropractic services. Out of a desire to serve and to fill in a vitally important health care gap, chiropractors have extended an offer of care for any U.S. military veteran returning from overseas deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq, for one full year at no charge. The concept was developed by International Chiropractic Associations Southern Regional Director Dr. R.J. Kelly, who had initiated such a program in his own personal practice, with very positive results among veterans. “The greatest gift we chiropractors have to give is the correction of the vertebral subluxation to restore the flow of Innate in another,” Kelly said. “My greatest joy is to be allowed to do that for the people I meet. I am pleased that so many of my colleagues share my vision and my understanding of this current need, delivering this gift to a special group of our fellow citizens – our men and women in the Armed Forces of the United States.” Since October 2001, approximately 1.64 million U.S. troops have been deployed for operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) in Afghanistan and Iraq. The care of the more than 800,000 returning military veterans who have been released from service and the hundreds of thousands who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan and remain on active duty is an urgent national priority. It is so because of the sacrifice they have made for us, and because of the unique and powerful contribution chiropractic can make to the healing process. This new generation of veterans has been subjected to a level of stress and trauma that has not been seen in living memory. The 24-hour stress, the nature of injuries, the length of deployments and the uncertainties of returning to civilian life all contribute to the physical, practical and financial, mental and spiritual burdens returning veterans must face. The statistics are staggering, with nearly 10,000 amputees, more than 18,000 brain injuries, approaching 50,000 wounded in
BE GOOD continued from page 26 and our Declaration of Independence, the Bible has its constitution. It is the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans and it is all about righteousness. Nearly 30 years ago I was called out and I have been living it and actively preaching this message ever since. After a class I was walking back to my dorm room across the Kearney State campus in Nebraska, when I saw the most unusual sight. A man was standing in the center of a commons area with a ten-foot tall aluminum cross-like apparatus hoisted from a holster on his waist. On each side of this cross were banners, banners that proclaimed his message. One said: “Repent and Believe,” and the other side said: “Read the Bible, it will scare the hell out of you.” I stepped into this large gathering crowd and heard the sweetest presenta-
all categories of physical injury, thousands with emotional and psychiatric damage, and the numbers continue to mount. Back and spinal problems represent one of the leading causes of lost time in action and are the leading cause of disability retirements from the military. Thousands of U.S. military personnel are being rotated back to the U.S., many to civilian life. All have been subjected to exceptional strain, with a new pattern of injury and trauma. Regrettably, the care those returning veterans have been receiving through official channels has not always been adequate. Whatever the situation for returning veterans, they need help and support from the community, including the chiropractic community. The impact of war on the human body and soul has been given much serious consideration over the years by chiropractic leaders. ICA believes that through the power of a chiropractic adjustment, chiropractic offers a unique asset, as returning veterans strive to recover and restore their lives physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. “Right now there are literally thousands in our country that are offering an even greater gift... their lives. Our military, our returning veterans, whether visibly wounded or free of outward symptoms, are coming home changed, and need our help as chiropractors,” Kelly said. ICA has been in contact with various veterans’ organizations and service groups. They are developing a protocol for this new program and developing lines of communication to inform veterans of this initiative and how to find a participating doctor of chiropractic in their area. “We want to help volunteer doctors reach out to the returning veteran population in a spirit of service in the most clinically sound, ethically based and timely manner possible,” said ICA Executive Director Robert N. Pohtos. ICA has posted a roster of participating doctors of chiropractic on the ICA website at www.chiropractic.org. Rod Frieling is a chiropractic doctor in Colorado Springs. For more information about free chiropractic care, or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Frieling’s office at 719-592-9400. tion of the gospel I have ever heard. Sure I was impressed with his strong stance as it took real human strength to hold this thing up, and his massive biceps let me know he was no wimp. What an impressive sight, the banner being held by his left hand and the Bible in his right hand. But I wanted to know more about his message. I was a new believer, hardly a year old in my new faith, so I called out, “Hey, tell us your testimony.” His response called me out and set me on this course. He said, “No, you tell them yours.” I did, and nothing would please me more than to hear that this little article called you out and set your heart aflame. Sid Huston is the host of the SYI (Securing Your Identity) radio show broadcast daily at on 100.7 KGFT at 3:30 p.m.
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Common Defense | Military & National Security
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Hometown Hero Chuck Hadley Brad Kerstetter, Senior Staff Writer Chuck Hadley was married 10 days before he was drafted into the Army. His wife, who worked at the induction office in Des Moines, Iowa, inducted him into the Army where he served as a teacher at Officer Candidate School and then with the 120th Combat Engineers, 45th Division in Korea. “I graduated college in June, went into the Army August first, and got married in between that time.” Hadley said. He went to Fort Belvoir, Virginia, for 16 weeks of basic training and another eight weeks of leadership school. Next, he went to Officer Candidate School for six months and graduated with a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. Instead of being shipped off to the Korean War right away, the Army had him turn around and teach at OCS for six more months. “They kept me there as long as they could because I was a graduate of a teachers college,” Hadley said. In early 1953 Hadley was sent to serve with the 120th Combat Engineers, 45 Division in Korea where he was stationed on Heartbreak Ridge. His main duty during the war was to evaluate the strength of various positions against mortar fire. “Things where winding down at that time,” Hadley recalled. Both the Americans and the North Koreans knew the end of the war was in sight. “We were not shooting at one another because the other side knew [the war would end soon] too. We knew it was needless to be killing people at that stage of the game,” he said.
a Shameful
Our children are destined to inherit trillions of dollars of our debt unless we end our spending and debt addition.
When the war ended in July of 1953, Hadley was assigned to help rebuild the infrastructure that had been destroyed during the war. “I was in charge of two rock crushers, [which were used] to rebuild roads,” he said. Hadley’s problems did not stop at the end of the war, but they did change. The main concern after the war was keeping the Koreans from stealing supplies and equipment. For Hadley, the main targets were the large leather belts used in the rock crushers. The locals would sneak in and take the belts, cut them up and use them as insulation for their homes, he explained. Hadley said the only real harm that came from the thefts were delays in various projects because of the missing belts. “The Koreans never harmed anyone; they just knew what they needed to survive. If we had something they could use, they managed to get it, one way or another,” Hadley said smiling. Even though he was about to be commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant, when Hadley was offered the opportunity to return home, he took it. “President Eisenhower came out with what was called a Circular 51,” Hadley said. Basically, any officer that served at least two years in the military could get out by signing that document. After serving his country, Hadley chose not to remain in the Army because he wanted to go home to coach and teach. He earned his Doctorate from the University of Wyoming before moving to Colorado Springs where he taught school for 25 years in District 11.
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Government spending is so out of control that we’re stealing from our children and grandchildren to satisfy our debt addiction today. Our future is foreshadowed by current riots and destruction in other countries. Stop this madness by supporting constitutional restrictions on reckless government spending and debt. Unite now to leave a legacy of freedom and opportunity for our children and future generations.
28 | The Constitutionalist Today
Bill of Rights | Tenth Amendment
Nullification Limits on Government David L. Kely, Contributing Writer
Nullification is not an obsolete theory as many historical scholars and federalists would want you to believe. Nullification, the process of making null or of no effect, is in fact a theory that can be practiced by every single individual on any given day. It is driven by freedom of choice and is granted to us at birth as an unalienable right. With that said, I’m sure the Obama administration will circle the wagons and declare an emergency at the first hint of trouble from the states, while not truly understanding the effects of nullification. That’s because nullification is what separates free people from forced servitude or slavery. It is a fact that the thirteen colonies were independent sovereign states that joined voluntarily together under an umbrella of a federal government. Each colony at the end of the American Revolution was a separate sovereign country or state. Each state had formed its own government, with a constitution, approved by the people of the state. This is as true today as it was when the Constitutional Convention was held in 1789. Yes, Colorado is a sovereign state (country) that has agreed to be part of the United States by accepting the terms as described in the U.S. Constitution. In simpler terms: Colorado entered into a contract with the federal government of the United States. A contract is an agreement between parties and by all parties to the agreement. So if any party does not agree to all of the terms, then they best not sign that agreement. I’m one of those individuals who will cross out any part of an agreement that is preprinted and thrust in front of you when you’re buying a car, house or even filling out the legal paper work before a simple surgery. If I’m going to agree to the terms of any agreement, I best be sure I know what I’m agreeing to. As an example, everyone who knows me and my recalcitrant ways knows I will never agree to arbitration. So if it’s hidden in the legalese of a contract I’m considering signing, I’ll find that clause, “x” it out and “nullify” the arbitration portion of the contract. If the other parties don’t agree to my nullification of the arbitration, then we all walk away. It’s that simple. The 9th amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” The 10th amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Getting back to Colorado and the U.S. Constitution, if the federal government passes and imposes laws and or mandates that are not delegated or enumerated to the federal government as a power or right, then the people and the states have the final say. This is where nullification becomes a key tool in keeping the federal government from usurping the Constitution. The problem is that too many people and state representatives have no true understanding of the Constitution nor the rights of the states. Many will use the ambiguous and misused argument associated with the “supremacy” clause and/or the “general welfare” clause that seems to be an end all to states rights. Others choose to remain ignorant or expose their hubris-infected minds by agreeing with the federal government, like many a politician in office today or seeking office. The ink may be dry and aged on that sacred parchment, but have no fear; the strength of that contract remains and must be used as our founders intended – to keep limits on government. Nullification is a term that I’m sure will become a household word before November’s general election. The Independence Institute is in the process of collecting signatures to place an initiative on the ballot which will nullify Obamacare’s unconstitutional mandate that everyone must have health insurance. This initiative is well within the rights of the people and the state of Colorado as agreed to in the Constitution. To regain our liberties and to live free under limited federal government, it is up to us to demand that our state representatives uphold their sworn responsibility to adhere to and abide by the Constitution. That means, if necessary, enforcing our rights of nullification of all unconstitutional federal mandates and legislation. If our representatives are unable to fulfill their Constitutional obligations, we must remove them and replace them with those who will support the Constitution, in its entirety. Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. -George Washington
David L. Kelly advocates for Liberty, Freedom, Limited Government and Free Markets. He leads the Liberty on the Rocks Colorado Springs Chapter, delivering “Tavern Style Politics in the Tradition of our Founding Fathers.” www.libertyontherocks.org David is also the co-founder of For What is Right (www.forwhatisright.org) which will be bringing Constitutional education opportunities in the near future to all, young and old.
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Bill of Rights | Second Amendment
Gun Rights One Vote Away from Being Supremely Gone Jeff Crank, Featured Writer “No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” –Thomas Jefferson, Proposal for Virginia Constitution.
The July Supreme Court decision in McDonald v. Chicago, the landmark gun rights case which reached the high court was a victory for gun owners and for the Second Amendment. In the case, the Supreme Court ruled that gun ownership is an individual right and that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed by state or local jurisdictions. While this was a clear victory for freedom and for our Founding Fathers, Americans should read the majority and minority opinion in McDonald. If they do, they will come to one undeniable truth: the right to keep and bear arms, granted to us by God through the inherent wisdom of the framers of our Constitution hangs by the vote of one justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. The right so essential to our founders is, in essence, a heartbeat from being taken from us. In the majority decision, Justices Alito, Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, and Kennedy laid out a solid legal foundation for their decision predicated on the fact that the Second Amendment was an individual right protected by the U.S. Constitution in the same way that the First Amendment right to free
speech has been applied to state governments. In essence, their argument was the same as George Mason, the author of the Second Amendment – that the right of free people to keep and bear arms was undeniable and applied to all citizens by birthright. Sadly, in two minority opinions, Justice Stevens and later Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, and Sotomayor applied a very different standard to gun rights than they have ever applied to the First Amendment. To believe their argument that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to states and local governments, one would have to ignore the fact that these very same justices have jealously guarded the right to free speech from encroachment from the state. In essence, they make the flawed argument that while the First Amendment protections of free speech apply to individuals and cannot be infringed upon by the state, somehow the writers of our Constitution didn’t mind states trampling on the Second Amendment. If this argument weren’t so dangerous, it would be laughable. Clearly the four justices who ruled the wrong way in McDonald are using inconsistent, illogical reasoning to make their decision in this case. The minority also made the argument that guns are such an important issue in our society—an issue of life and death—that judges should not be left with the final de-
cision about the regulation of firearms and that it is more suited for elected representatives. What? These are the same justices who have no problem with judicial ‘regulation’ when it comes to abortion in Roe v. Wade (all four justices have supported keeping
We are dangerously close to losing our right to defend ourselves, our property and our family. If one of the justices who voted in the majority leaves the court, President Obama will surely replace them with a judicial activist who will have no problem unraveling court precedent or the Second Amendment itself. As president of the Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition, an organization that you should join if you care about your freedom whether you own firearms or not, I am often asked if I believe that the Congress and the president will make a major offensive on guns and start passing restrictive gun laws. I think we just discovered the answer: they don’t have to. All they have to do is wait us out. They just have to wait for one of the men in black robes who stood up for us in the McDonald case to retire or die. They are just one vote short of taking away our right to keep and bear arms in America.
Clearly the four justices who ruled the wrong way in McDonald are using inconsistent, illogical reasoning to make their decision in this case. Roe intact) or in countless other cases where the Supreme Court and judges in general have trampled upon the decisions made by elected legislators around the country. How about instead of leaving gun rights to liberal judges or politicians we just respect the right laid out plainly in the Constitution? These liberal judicial activists have no problem using the courts of the United States to strike down law after law created by duly elected legislators and signed into law by duly elected executives. But somehow they use that very logic to try to strike down a fundamental, God-given right written into the Constitution because they don’t happen to agree with that right. They are hypocrites of the highest order.
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Jeff Crank is the President of the Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition, the Colorado Director of Americans for Prosperity, concealed carry permit holder, lifelong firearms owner, hunter and outdoorsman. He is also host of The Jeff Crank Show on KVOR 740 AM.
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Free Markets | Economy
Fixing State Budgets will be Painful Bob Adelmann, Featured Writer
When given some options to reduce state spending in order to bring states’ budgets into balance, those polled by Pew Research didn’t like any of them. When Pew Research released its Congressional Connection poll last month it asked if federal bailouts of states should be considered. Nearly 60 percent said no, that the states should take of their problems on their own. The other options offered by Pew included cuts in funding for transportation, health services, police and fire departments, or public schools. Each of these was also strongly opposed, often by majorities approaching 70 percent. With chances of a double-dip recession increasing and the economic recovery stalled, states will be increasingly hardpressed to present popular solutions. Economist Nouriel Roubini wrote that even if there is no double-dip recession, “growth [will be] so anemic that [it] will feel like a recession even if it’s not formally one.” Such a double-dip wouldn’t be unique in history, either, according to Professor Sung Won Sohn of California State University who believes that just such an event happened during the Great Depression. “As the U.S. economy was recovering in 1936 and 1937, it slid back into a recession as interest rates rose,” according to Hin-Hai Tseng writing for CNN. Investors Business Daily just reminded its readers that the biggest tax increase in history will happen automatically on January 1, 2011 when the
Bush tax cuts put in place in 2003 will be allowed to expire. President Obama’s national debt commission also painted a gloomy picture for the economy. Co-Chair Erskine Bowles said the nation’s debt “is like a cancer. It is truly going to destroy the country from within.” Carly Fiorina, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in California, said that the United States could end up just like California if something isn’t done about its spending. She said, “California is kind of a test case of what happens when government gets too big, spending gets too high, regulation get too thick, entitlements get too rich. We start destroying jobs and that’s what we are doing in California.” Peter Schiff, author of How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes, notes that governments historically get themselves into trouble by spending more than they have. “Politicians make lots of promises to secure their elections [but] voters rarely consider the ability of taxpayers to actually foot the bills [when they come due],” he says. But cutting spending is more difficult, as noted in the Pew study, “because those whose benefits are cut are particularly apt to express their hostility both at the polls and on the street.” Another alternative is to default on the promises made either by telling the government’s creditors that they cannot pay off its obligations, or by reducing the promised benefits to the beneficiaries of state and federal largesse. Schiff points out, “The creation of ever greater quantities of debt BUDGETS on page 34
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Free Markets | Economy
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BUDGETS continued from page 33 has given us a [temporary] reprieve from the process of returning to living standards commensurate with our productivity. But at some point,” he adds, “we will have a very ugly encounter with our debt.” Colorado is facing its own set of financial crises, without much success. When the legislature recently cut the COLA for pensioners from 3 ½ percent to 2 percent, unions filed suit to restore the original increase. The state also tried to appropriate $500 million from its private workmen’s compensation fund, without success. Colorado is finding it more and more difficult to face reality and instead continues to do everything it can to kick the can down the road. That is the primary flaw in the Pew Research study leaving out the other inevitable options which will eventually have to be exercised: defaulting on the states’ debts by rewriting the contracts, renegotiating the terms, rolling over old debt into new, or
34 | The Constitutionalist Today
TheConstitutionMadeEasy.com The Friends of Freedom PO Box 7333 Woodland Park, CO 80863
changing substantially the promises made. Most states, including Colorado, have huge unfunded pension liabilities and substantial bonded indebtedness. Reducing those promised benefits, or rewriting the debt instruments to a level commensurate with the state’ reduced abilities to pay, wasn’t even considered in their poll. Modifying police and fire department expenses, reducing health services, cutting transportation budgets, and shrinking school budgets will all be painful, no doubt. But just wait until pensioners start seeing their benefits being cut, and bond holders having interest on their holdings reduced or eliminated altogether. Then the pain of past politicians’ promises not being able to be kept will really, and inevitably, be felt. No one will be immune. It’s just a matter of time before reality kicks in. Bob Adelmann also writes for The New American magazine.
Confidence Key to Economic Recovery Jacek Popiel, Contributing Writer The U.S. economy is in the most severe recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Some improvement has occurred this year, but many indicators— particularly employment—point to a prolonged downturn. Recently some key indices have turned negative, so the question can be asked: Is the economy indeed recovering, or are we heading down? The government, led by the Federal Reserve, has reacted by attempting to “avoid the mistakes” that turned the 1929 stock market crash into a 10-year economic slump. This remedial action has involved open-ended assistance to large banks, interest rates near zero, provision of massive liquidity to the financial system, and unrestrained deficit spending by the federal government. Will this be enough, or have these efforts only postponed the inevitable? The current approach is typical of a school of thought holding that, fundamentally, the government can control and direct the economy, despite occasional setbacks and errors. In this top-down framework it is the state which, through monetary and fiscal policy, provides the means and incentives which power and direct the economy. The role of the general population, particularly at ground level, is relatively passive: their function is to respond to the incentives provided by the top financial authorities by saving, spending or investing as the government directs. While this approach has been credited with “avoiding another Great Depression,” its results to date are rather meager. Roughly three trillion dollars have been spent over the last eighteen months (the equivalent of an entire federal budget a few short years ago), and temporary improvement is visible. Unemployment, however, remains exceptionally high, businesses are struggling and credit is rare and expensive. Entire sectors such as housing are still in deep crisis. More importantly a sense of gloom and pessimism is gradually settling in. This leads to suggest another explanation for the crisis, relying less on highlevel policy and more on popular perceptions. To illustrate this let us recall what happened “at ground level” during the Great Depression. The crisis started with the 1929 stock market crash. Not only were many investors ruined, but thousands of banks, having imprudently gambled their capital on stocks, went bankrupt. Millions saw their savings vanish, and these people dropped out of the market economy, curtailing
their expenses to the minimum and going into survival mode. Corporations responded to the drop in business by curtailing production and firing employees, which reduced demand further. The vicious circle of lay-offs continued until a quarter of the population was unemployed. Those still with jobs hunkered down and watched every penny. Corporations struggled to survive. Fear of personal and national disaster replaced exuberance. The Federal government attempted to reduce the crisis from above, but nothing really worked. Whatever money the authorities provided the people took and squirreled away. Confidence in the future was dead, and no one spent or invested, except the very rich. This dragged on, with relative ups and downs, until the attack on Pearl Harbor. The war changed everything. Not only was the economy ramped up through massive defense spending, but a new sense of national purpose was born overnight. Now there was a goal and a mission beyond bare survival. Americans forgot their personal troubles in order to support the war effort. The collective will hardened through the early reverses and the first victories. As the war effort moved on, optimism was gradually reborn. We know the rest: public confidence rode from victory into half a century of growth and prosperity. Only in the last decade has our sense of national destiny again been challenged. Which brings us back to the economy: an alternative theory of economic progress would put the emphasis not on topdown state management, but on the sense of confidence of the individual citizen. If confidence in the future is present, people will invest, buy, build and create. If it is absent, no amount of state intervention can replace it. Government can certainly help in creating the needed conditions. But only a confident and energized population will make great things happen. The fostering of popular confidence and energy is a primary function of leadership. Great leaders can bring forth faith and vision in the most difficult circumstances, and such vision is a far more powerful motivator than any amount of financial manipulation. Most of all, recovery needs public confidence, and confidence rides on leadership. Jacek Popiel was born in Poland and lived in Africa, Europe and North America. His career was in the military and in international business development. He is the author of Viable Energy Now.
The “Crown” is Clueless on the Basic Laws of Economics
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Richard Eleuterio, Contributing Writer Academicians don’t normally place wagers on their theories but in 1980, Julian Simon, an economist, and Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford professor of biology, made such a wager. Ehrlich advanced the idea in his book The Population Bomb in 1968 that resource depletion, species extinction, and an exploding human population would result in worldwide poverty, famine, starvation, and death within 10 years. In the wager, Ehrlich selected 5 commodity prices, contending that these commodities would be less available and in greater demand, forcing their market prices higher. The bet required that all 5 commodities
doned. The right to own property was basic to our founders. The thinking was that if individuals lacked this right then only a tyrannical government would have ownership rights. There is evidence that the founders had an understanding and preference for economic freedom. Benjamin Franklin spent some time with Adam Smith discussing free market ideas several years before Smith published The Wealth of Nations (1776). That classic work, the first comprehensive study of free market economics, was well known to the Constitution’s framers. In Jefferson’s words: To take from one… (because he) has acquired too much… (and give to more needy others) is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.
Ultimately, the American Revolution was fought to free the colonies from such economic and political control. (copper, chrome, nickel, tin and tungsten) have a lower price in 1990 (corrected for inflation) for Simon to win, which he did. Ehrlich paid the $10,000 but then refused a new wager proposed by Simon with a $20,000 payoff. Why did this Malthusian prediction of famine, starvation and death from Dr. Ehrlich fail so profoundly? He lacked an understanding of the market pricing system. (Malthus, a British Economist of the 18th century, theorized that population growth tends to outstrip the growth in food supply with disastrous results). There have been persistent predictions that the world oil supply would soon be gone. The first oil well was drilled in western Pennsylvania in 1859. By 1874 there was such a “peak oil” prediction. More than 10 such oil shortage scares have occurred to the present time. These “peak oil” projections continue to be
England and most of Europe in the 18th century had an economic system called mercantilism, a monarchical form of state capitalism. The object of such an economic system is to enrich and empower the crown through taxation, regulation, and public ownership. The British tried to impose mercantilism on the colonies with the 1733 Molasses Act (import tariffs on molasses); the Navigation Acts (requiring colonial goods to be shipped only to Britain); the Sugar Act of 1764 (levied taxes on sugar bound for the colonies); the 1767 Townsend Acts (imposed tariffs on colonial imports from Britain with a troop quartering provision); and the Tea Act of 1773 (taxed British tea imports). Ultimately, the American Revolution was fought to free the colonies from such economic and political control. In an attempt to inoculate the new nation against these mercantilist controls, the Constitution incorporated provisions to secure property and contracts, and provide the legal structure to facilitate a thriving free market economy. Ironically, our current economic policies more closely resemble the European mercantilist system – minus the King – than they do the free market model. The terms are different: business/government partnerships, stimulus, financial regulation and bailouts, as opposed to free trade restraints and tariffs. There is even ownership of failed companies like GM, AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by the “crown.” Through the pricing system, the free market solves the failures of the contemporary neo-mercantile economy. What a surprise to find that advocates for greater state control endorse this archaic relic of the Middle Ages!
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…the Constitution incorporated provisions to secure property and contracts, and provide the legal structure to facilitate a thriving free market economy. declared by many industry and non industry oil experts, yet oil consumption, proven reserves, and production continue to increase at an accelerating rate. Why is this so? The answer again lies in the market pricing system of supply and demand. Higher prices caused by diminished supply or an increase in demand tend to result in lower sales. Sales in turn tend to increase when demand decreases or supply increases because of lower prices. More technological investment is possible when the price is higher because a higher price enhances profitability. This also invites competition and investment in more expensive means of extraction and exploration, which ultimately again lowers prices as the supply increases. It is clear that our nation’s founders understood free markets. John Locke, one of the inspirations for our Declaration, used the unalienable right of “property” in his treatises on government. Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration, changed “property” to “Pursuit of Happiness.” This was done partially to avoid the appearance that holding slaves as property was con-
As a child of Portuguese immigrants with limited formal education and means, Richard Eleuterio perceived in them a strong work ethic plus a deep and abiding love of this country and its incomparable opportunities. In addition to a love of classical music, he became strongly drawn to the ethics of fair play and honorable competition in sports. He has been intensely interested in politics and economics for many years, finding the current state of affairs cause for concern.
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Free Markets | Energy & Environment
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The massive scientific fraud known as anthropogenic global warming (AGW) or man-made climate change is collapsing with unprecedented speed like a house of rotten cards built on quicksand. The revelations of scientific misconduct now coming from some of the core scientists have reached a daily flood with example upon example of fabricated data, pre-conceived results, perversion of the peer review process, manipulation of station data to fabricate or exaggerate warming trends, and reliance on environmentalist advocacy fiction substituting for peer-reviewed research, and so on. Many of the claims of the climate change alarmists have become little more than comedy punch lines. In reality, there are several scandals, each built upon the others and closely linked. These linked scandals did not start out as such. The building fraud was more of a case of various individuals and groups jumping onto a convenient bandwagon headed in a direction the perpetrators each wanted to go for their own reasons. The first scandal is the obvious one, the fraud of AGW science built upon a theory the original author disavowed almost a century ago. Once started, scientists jumped on board in pursuit of research grants and many other reasons. Most of them fell for their own fraudulent science and ignored the violations of basic scientific processes and ethics. With the recent admissions by some of the scientists at the core of this fraud that no statistically significant warming has occurred in a decade and a half, that the debate is not closed and there is no real scientific consensus (as if such a thing were even credible, valid or legitimate) the collapse of the scientific fraud of AGW stands exposed. The political scandal includes those who jumped on AGW to push a political agenda and to simply pull in votes. The political agenda is one of control and the seizure of energy markets through governmental over-regulation. The marriage of environmental extremist groups and opportunistic politicians is a world-wide movement that seeks to derail freedom, individual liberties, economic prosperity and life itself for many through an agenda that includes population control measures, unelected international government controls and the stifling of economic freedom that is already resulting in poverty and starvation for hundreds of millions. The financial scandal includes the profiteers. The artificial carbon market
including such risky schemes as carbon credits, carbon off-sets and carbon trading under various names is built on the first two scandals. The financial bubble of carbon trading is quite literally built on nothing more than hot air and adheres to no standards consistent with securities trading or financial regulations. As the scientific scandal crashes, the entire basis for the carbon swindle evaporates. This is a world-wide financial bubble about to burst and add to the stress of global financial markets. The voluntary US carbon market has already flat-lined. Next is the media cover-up and whitewash. Here in the US, the media have largely been complicit in pushing the scientific fraud, have aligned with the political agenda and ignored the financial swindle. Now that the scientific fraud is collapsing, the media here in this country for the most part continues to ignore it, cover it up, or white-wash the investigations. The media overseas, in contrast, are starting to cover the daily meltdowns more thoroughly. The failure of the national “mainstream media” will further fuel the declining readership and ratings of what can best be called the propaganda press. The willful participation by academia has provided cover, funding and a base for those scientists engaged in the scientific fraud. The con-men masquerading as professors have enabled and covered up the academic misconduct of their peers and suppressed opposing viewpoints on campuses. On most college campuses the very existence of opposing views is refuted with skeptics called “deniers” and worse. The tyranny of political correctness on campus includes the suppression of academic freedom and any open discussion of the science behind natural climate change by professors protected by tenure while defrauding their students of an actual education and swindling them out of their tuition money. The monumental combination of fraud and deceit crossing science, politics, financial, the media and academia will go down in history as the greatest attempted scam of all time. As the financial bubble of carbon swindling bursts, the hearings on securities fraud must soon follow. Andres Pico, of Colorado Springs, is a retired Navy Commander, Naval Flight Officer and project manager in the defense industry. He is a signatory of the Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change (www.climatescienceinternational.org).
Free Markets | Eye on Entitlements
Yet Another “Gift” From the Health Care Bill
Timothy J. Priebe, Esq., Guest Writer As we have all seen, when you pass a bill into law that is 2,409 pages long and our representatives are on record stating that they did not read the bill before voting on it, it is only after it is passed that we truly understand how it will affect us. Such is the case for small businesses. Starting on January 1, 2012, due to an amendment to the IRS code in the health care bill, all companies will have to issue a 1099-Misc tax form to any individual or corporation from whom they buy more than $600 in goods or services in a tax year.
totaling $600 or more. Buy a new computer from Office Depot over $600? You will have to obtain the information needed to complete a 1099-Misc at the time of the transaction or face IRS penalties. Then you will need to retain this information, create the document and mail it. Remember not to forget accounting for all of those forms come tax time. So why make such a change? The 1099Misc was designed to track off-payroll employment. But now it will become a way for the government to obtain more in revenues without having to enact new taxes. A 2007 report from the government’s General Accountability Office estimated that establishing additional 1099 provisions could provide up to $345 billion annually in new revenues. As businesses are waking up to this new provision and its requirements, they are expressing their anger. Some in the government are listening. In May, Rep. Dan Lungren, (R-CA) introduced the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act (H.R. 5141). This legislation would repeal the portion of Section 9006 regarding the changes to the 1099s. We can only speculate right now as to the true effect that this will have on our small businesses. The IRS is not due to release its regulations on the new law until sometime next year. It will only be then that we will fully understand the new changes and the costs associated with complying with the regulations.
As businesses are waking up to this new provision and its requirements, they are expressing their anger. Some in the government are listening. Section 9006 of the health care bill made what appeared to be subtle changes to Subsection (a) of section 6041 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Section 6041 contains provisions regarding 1099 forms. If you currently own or ever owned a business, you are aware of 1099-Misc forms. Currently, these forms document income for individual workers other than wages and salaries. For example, if your business hired an independent contractor to perform a service, your business would file the 1099 and mail him/her a copy of the form after the services are provided. The business would then document the payment on their tax return as would the independent contractor. Under the new changes, the bill expands the breadth and scope of the 1099 forms by using them to track payments for not only services but also tangible goods. Additionally, the bill requires that the 1099s be issued to both individuals and corporations. So as of January 1, 2012, you, as a small business owner, are required to draft and mail a 1099-Misc form for all purchases
Timothy J. Priebe is an attorney licensed in Colorado and California.He assists businesses and business owners with their legal needs. He is an NRA instructor and teaches others in proper shooting techniques and obtaining their concealed handgun permit. He can be reached at tim.priebe@colawyeronline.com.
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Eternal Vigilance | The Fight Against Tyranny
Fake Tea Parties
Alfred C. Maurer, Featured Writer
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The Democrats know they can’t run on Obama’s record this fall—or their own records, for that matter. Even The Washington Post reported on July 7 that the Democratic Party is moving faster and more aggressively than in previous election years to dig up unflattering details about Republican challengers. But that is just more of the same. What is new this year is the outrageous attempts to fool the public by creating false flag op e r at i ons — f a ls e Tea Parties. The first was the “Tea Party of Nevada,” formed on January 28th. The Los Angeles Times already trumpeted it as a spoiler that may save Harry Reid. Nobody in the Nevada grassroots movement had ever heard of any of the people supposedly forming this party and half the signatures on the petition to have the party recognized could not be verified. For bringing these facts together, one needed to rely on the British press, the OfficialWire. But the left is hoping to confuse some people anyway. Scott Ashjian, an asphalt contractor who faced charges for writing bad checks, is the party’s United States Senate candidate. Despite being denounced by Nevada tea party groups and the Tea Party Express, he is still running. As early as November 2009, a Democratic operative registered the Florida Tea Party as a political party in Florida, one of about 32 minor parties. Then, on June 25, Human Events reported that a blockbuster video by Tony Pipitone, a WKMG reporter in Orlando, Florida, exposed financial links between Rep. Alan “Republicans-want-you-to-die” Grayson (D-Fla.) and “funding for the Florida Tea Party political party and ads for their candidates—raising more questions about the party’s opposition candidate in his own race.” Grayson is widely suspected by Tea Party movement activists of using his personal fortune to back Peg Dunmire—his Tea Party candidate opponent—as a means to pull conservative votes away from a Republican opponent in November.
Rep. Grayson is widely suspected of backing a Tea Party candidate as a means to pull conservative votes away from a Republican opponent.
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Florida house. Yes, both Dunmires share the same address, and Margaret Dunmire of—you guessed it, the same address—is Darin’s campaign treasurer. What a politically active family! A prior report by Pipitone exposed $27,898 paid by Grayson to political consultant Doug Guetzloe, the man who helped form the Florida Tea Party last year. The left-leaning media meanwhile have been denying the link. The real Florida Tea Party has started a web site called Fake Tea Party (www. faketeaparty.com) to keep track of these false flags. They report a third instance in Michigan: Zarko Research of Lansing has learned that a nefarious unknown group calling itself “The Tea Party” at PO Box 23 in Richville, MI 48757 (near Flint) is circulating a petition on a paid basis, at roughly $1 per signature to the circulator. The group is so new that the Secretary of State had nothing on file. Circulating the petition was Progressive Campaigns Inc. (PCI), an organization funded by George Soros and the Michigan Democratic Party. Such trickery relies on people not really paying attention to what is happening. The Tea Party movement is a movement, not a party. Nowhere does a tea party organization of any kind put up candidates for office. Most Tea Party organizations don’t even formally endorse candidates; so-called “Tea Party candidates” are called such by the media because they are not political insiders, they hold “tea party values” and they are helped by individuals who share those values and identify with the Tea party movement.
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Pipitone’s new video report ties several Tea Party candidates to Grayson, including one candidate, Raul Rodriquez, who listed himself as treasurer of “Friends to Re-elect Alan Grayson” and “Friends of Alan Grayson” when purchasing Grayson radio ads on WORL radio. This fake Tea Party is running three candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and thirteen, including one Darin Dunmire, for the
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An American Patriot, Contributing Writer Current headlines—at least on FOX News— provide additional graphic examples of how Alinsky-ites in Washington, D.C. continue attacking American values using the essence of Alinsky’s Rule Four. Radical liberals continue to push through laws of more than 1,000 pages establishing additional bureau-
vealed a policy of the DOJ Civil Rights Division to not pursue civil rights cases against blacks violating the civil rights of whites. Not exactly an attitude of providing all Americans equal protection under the law. Holder’s leadership looks even worse with the release of videos of one of the New Black Panther leaders expressing the need to kill some “cracker babies.” There’s a new report out about a lawyer for the NAACP having lobbied for that case to be dropped. So, in addition to being derelict in prosecuting the 9-11 conspirators or acknowledging the continuing deadly threat of radical Islamic terrorism, Holder fails the American people here as well. Consider the selective enforcement of America’s immigration laws where Holder files a flimsy lawsuit against Arizona for trying to protect its citizens. Supposedly he doesn’t want a patchwork of state immigration laws, but his DOJ shows no interest reining in the patchwork of sanctuary cities that are magnets for illegal aliens. The lawsuit attempts to avoid protecting America’s borders as a political lever to force “comprehensive immigration reform”/amnesty with the sole goal of legalizing massive numbers of new liberal voters. All this seems to violate the oath of office taken by the attorney general and seems destined to either force the American people into submission to tyranny or into rebellion. In 2009 when Janet Reno’s Department of Homeland Security published a report warning of potential homegrown terrorism by returning combat veterans, I immediately suspected a more sinister motive. Was the Alinsky-ite strategy to perpetrate so many unconstitutional and illegal actions that they expected to incite an open rebellion? The Alinsky-ites’ obvious problem is the millions of American veterans who would live up to their oft-sworn oaths to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Consider that, in light of Obama’s campaign speech on July 6, 2008 in Colorado Springs when he stated: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. Academy We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Unbelievable! Ask yourself why Obama would think he needs a force that would match the strength and budget of the Pentagon? I see parallels to the Iranian Republican Guard, Hitler’s SS, and Lenin’s/ Stalin’s secret police, all formed protect the regime and keep the people in submission. Connecting these dots produces a truly scary picture for America’s future.
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Alinsky doesn’t call for making everyone live up to the rules. Only his enemies.
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cratic rules to which they expect law-abiding Americans to submit. And, the liberals continue to exempt themselves from laws they want to ignore in their unbridled grab for irreversible power. Thinking strategically, I fear an ominous connection to a seemingly unbelievable goal candidate Obama announced while visiting Colorado Springs in July 2008. The link between these recent stories is an assault on the American system of free and fair elections. One July story covers research into the long-contested 2008 Minnesota senatorial election. Al Franken was declared victorious by about 300 votes. A study of voting records indicates approximately 1,000 felons cast ballots. Few of those illegal voters likely voted for Republican Norm Coleman. In a mid-July story on Hotair.com, Ed Morrisey stated, “Federal law requires states to regularly audit and cleanse their voting rolls to remove the dead and ineligible, in order to protect the value of eligible votes. The Department of Justice has become disinterested in enforcing this part of the Motor Voter Act.” Sounds like selective enforcement by the Department of Justice to favor organized election-fraud organizations such as ACORN, to get more fraudulent votes into the ballot box. The ideology-stained leadership in Eric Holder’s Department of Justice keeps the DOJ from living up to its name and to its sworn responsibility for equal protection under the law. Not long after taking over in 2009, Holder’s DOJ decided in the pending cases against widespread 2008 voter fraud by ACORN that no laws had been broken and thus dismissed those cases. Two months later a judge was ready to sentence two members of the New Black Panther Party. They were videotaped intimidating voters, perhaps more precisely poll watchers, outside a Philadelphia voting place in November 2008. Holder’s DOJ dropped the charges and got a ruling that the one who had carried the nightstick would have to stay away from Philadelphia voting places. The recent protest resignation by career DOJ attorney J. Christian Adams has re-
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Eternal Vigilance | The Fight Against Tyranny
International Baccalaureate Who has Control and What does it Really Teach? Helen Sabin, Contributing Writer
In 2009, The St. Petersburg Times broke a story about the International Baccalaureate (IB) educational program found in schools all over the United States and in Districts 11, 20 and 38 in Colorado Springs. The story highlighted major concerns with the IB program including a lack of local control and the quality of the books and teaching materials used. It raised valid questions and concerns about IB including who controls it and what does it teach? Mindy Mercado, a junior at Gulf High School in Port Richey, FL had already been recruited by both Yale and M.I.T when she was assigned to read The Wind Up Bird Chronicles for an essay on magical realism. When she got to page 10, she realized she couldn’t continue as it had graphic phone sex and masturbation in it. The passages, which her father described as “porn,” went against her Christian moral principles and she requested an alternate book. Her principal couldn’t provide an alternative nor could Assistant Superintendent Reilly who stated in the article, “The school does not have the ability during the current year to modify the curriculum.” IB initially offered Mindy alternatives: Read the book, take a zero, take a black marker and blot out the offensive words or possibly resign from the program. Eventually, after consulting a law firm about her rights, Mindy was offered another book and some independent study. According to Mr. Stephen Kern, IB DP Administrator at Palmer High School in Colorado Springs, the “loss of control” evident at Gulf High School didn’t oc-
cur when he faced a similar incident at his high school. “We sat down with the family, discussed their concerns, and after informing IB, we were able to offer an alternative.” This story provides a life lesson for parents who have children in IB schools.
IB in this case didn’t uphold its values and seemed to act in contradiction to its own mission statement posted on ib.org: “…other people, with their differences, can also be right.” In Mindy’s case it took consultation with a law firm to make IB recognize her rights and differences. Further, IB seems to have failed in teaching its students about rights, differences, compassion and understanding, as shown by the 260 remarks posted as comments about the article. For example, Anonymous wrote: Sep 16, 2009 8:42 AM, “I hope she fails the class. We’ll see if Yale and MIT are still interested after this nauseating display of religious intolerance to forms of art.” Another posted, Sep 15, 2009 11:14 PM: “… I am appalled at what a philistine this student is. …We in IB focus on world view.” (Philistine: one uninformed in a special area of knowledge.) A person’s words often reflect the education and upbringing he or she receives. Is IB really educating its students with a good “world view” or are the comments an indicator that IB is failing its students?
…some educational groups agree, stating that Swiss Law governs and overrules U.S. Laws. Do they really know who is in control at their child’s school? Do they know who has control to make a decision about educational conflicts that may arise? They must check with their schools as to who has control – the principal, school board, superintendent or IB. They must ask if US sovereign rights have been or are being signed away as some school districts claim that dropped the IB program. Parents are encouraged to get their school districts to obtain in writing from IB a statement as to who has “local” control over the IB program and post it to their websites for citizens to view. According to the IB home website, they have absolute control over the program. Some educational groups agree stating that Swiss Law governs and overrules US Laws. (See www.thetruthaboutib.com) Are parents also aware of what is being discussed in a classroom, what is in the materials their children are reading, and what values are being promoted? Values children learn often come from the classroom and the education they receive.
The same question can be asked about the literature chosen for IB classrooms. Given this review posted on Amazon.com about the Chronicles, parents should look closely at what their students are reading: “…It read like a barely revised acid trip. Some parts were beautiful. But have you ever talked to someone on an acid trip or been on one yourself and tried to remember what exactly it was that was so meaningful and deep the next day? They think they’re making sense. But they’re not.” Parents should look at the political philosophies, moral values and the “tone” espoused in educational materials before allowing their children into IB or any other educational program such as the Confucius Curriculum being considered for California schools today. They may find the exquisite marketing done by such programs doesn’t really produce a well educated child. Helen Sabin is a retired college professor and former administrator who sees blatant subversion of American principles, values, and ideals in educational curricula today and wonders why parents don’t get more involved in their child’s education.
In my views, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed. —Noah Webster
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American Heritage
A Different Breed of Politician Pat Francomano, Contributing Writer Modern public choice theory is a branch of economics that gained significance in the mid-twentieth century. Simply stated, it is the economics of politics and government policy. As such, it deals with the understanding of the behavior of politicians and their decision-making regarding regulations, tax laws, income distribution and spending of public funds, and the effects of these decisions on society. James M. Buchanan, one of the founding fathers of public choice theory, concluded that governments are not efficient, altruistic agencies correcting the “failures” of the free market. Rather, governments are a collection of individuals pursuing their own private interests rather than the public interest, and politicians are as selfinterested as anyone. In other words, public choice theory brings formal credibility to the common-
to consider some characteristics of group behavior. Here are a few: • A group of individuals tends to behave as a single unit because of what is called group cohesiveness. • Natural leaders will soon emerge or be selected among the group. • Most individuals prefer to be followers, and thus avoid responsibility. • There is a natural tendency of the individual to yield his ethical judgment to the leadership of the group. In his book, The People of the Lie, psychiatrist and author M. Scott Peck investigates human evil. Peck points out that “the patterns of group behavior are remarkably similar to the behavior of an individual.” He notes that one of the strongest influences toward group evil is narcissism, that is, an over-exaggerated feeling of selfimportance and entitlement. Narcissists behave arrogantly and cannot tolerate criticism. It’s important to know some negative group behavior characteristics:
Today a different breed of politician is in control of Washington…villifying those who have dared to criticize them. sense notion that a politician cannot keep his own self-interest out of the mix of the public choices he makes. It helps to explain how political decision-making brings about results that are often at odds with the desires of the general public. Chief among a politician’s self-interests, of course, is reelection. Another is the hope of landing a cushy lobbyist position with a large corporation upon leaving government. In either case, public choice theory explains why a politician’s self-interest drives him to practice pork-barrel spending and earmarking on behalf of his constituents, on the one hand, and on behalf of special interests on the other. Traditionally, because of reelection concerns, when voters have made their voices heard, politicians paid attention and adjusted their positions accordingly. For example, a few years ago regarding granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, there was such an outcry by the public across the country that one senator proclaimed to his colleagues, “What is it we don’t understand about ‘No’?” And the citizens prevailed—at least temporarily. Today a different breed of politician is in control of Washington. The leadership in both houses of Congress and in the White House has deliberately ignored massive public outcries against cap-andtrade and health care legislation. These politicians have used questionable procedures, phony cost analysis, and reasons that defy common sense to push their agenda forward. They have thumbed their noses at their constituents. Indeed, they have proceeded with a “we-can-do-nowrong” attitude, even villifying those who have dared to criticize them. And they are planning more of the same. In an attempt to explain this relentless, tyrannical mode of operation, it is useful
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Peck defines evil as the “use of political power to destroy others for the purpose of defending or preserving the integrity of one’s sick self.” The reader is left to decide whether the behavior of the current crop of Washington politicians rises to the level of group evil. Group character is ultimately determined by the individuals who make up the group. Ironically, if enough individual politicians would simply succumb to the traditional pressures of self-interest, as cynical as that seems, there would be a glimmer of hope for a change in current behavior. Pat Francomano is a freelance writer living in Colorado Springs, CO. He is a retired software engineer and holds a master’s degree in mathematics. He is a CTM Toastmaster and focuses on social and political matters as they relate to individual liberty.
Nothing is more essential to the establishment of manners in a State than that all persons employed in places of power and trust must be men of unexceptionable characters. —Samuel Adams, 1775
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• Individual responsibility is diffused; it becomes easy to “pass the moral buck.” In fact, the “conscience of the whole group can become so fragmented … as to be nonexistent.”
• Group narcissism is seen in “enemy creation,” or hatred of the “out-group.” One of the best ways to “cement group cohesiveness,” says Peck “is to ferment the group’s hatred of an external enemy.”
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• Group evil may occur among members who are not themselves evil.
• Groups may exhibit “potentially evil” narcissistic behavior. That is, to avoid “self-examination and guilt by blaming or attempting to destroy whatever or whoever highlights its deficiencies.” [Emphasis added.]
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American Heritage
Federalist Papers Relevant Today Jon Nicholas, Contributing Writer My arguments will be open to all, and may be judged of by all. They shall at least be offered in a spirit which will not disgrace the cause of truth. -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper No. 1, “PUBLIUS”
A major issue that launched the tea party movement is ensuring respect for our U.S. Constitution. For conservatives, the debates over national health care, a cap & trade energy bill, and a host of other issues must begin with the U.S. Constitution. The federal government’s powers are constrained by that Constitution, not just the limits of progressives’ political imagination. Much of the news coverage of these disputes understandably stops short of examining the history of our Constitution. That lack of context leaves many voters without the facts necessary to judge such debates. The Federalist Papers consist of 85 opinion pieces written to advocate passage of the U.S. Constitution. The essays appeared in New York newspapers from October 1787 until August 1788. The purported author “Publius” was a pseudonym adopted by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. Why did the authors write anonymously? Hamilton’s political opponents used the same rhetorical tools as today’s political consultants and campaign operatives. Personal attacks were common and could derail an argument.
ally hope to evince the justness of their opinions, and to increase the number of their converts by the loudness of their declamations and the bitterness of their invectives.
Hamilton’s first essay warned readers against the dangers of making their decision about the proposed Constitution on the basis of personal attacks. Logically, the strength of an argument for or against a given position does not depend on the identity of the advocate.
Political campaigns consist almost entirely of building up or tearing down reputations.
A torrent of angry and malignant passions will be let loose. To judge from the conduct of the opposite parties, we shall be led to conclude that they will mutu-
Yet look at the state of political debate today. Political campaigns consist almost entirely of building up or tearing down reputations. Candidate positions on issues that will affect Coloradoans for decades to come become an afterthought. Hamilton and his co-authors understood this eternal problem. Both the federalists and their opponents routinely used aliases to diffuse such attacks. Ideas themselves can be subjected to name-calling. Political philosophers describe the constitutional protection of our liberty against government intrusion as “negative rights.” Conversely, government-mandated programs where government gives health care, food or shelter to people are described as “positive rights,” a language only slightly more subtle than bad and good. Advocates of liberty are labeled as only advocating “negative” rights. The topics set forth in Federalist No. 1 demonstrate how far our debate on the role of government has changed over
time. Hamilton and his co-authors sought to convince citizens that we needed a national government powerful enough to ensure both freedom and security. The Articles of Confederation provided so little federal power that the states risked shattering into separate nations. Today we are debating whether the federal government can mandate the purchase of health insurance by its citizens. Attorney General Eric Holder is suing the state of Arizona to block a state law that would sentence illegal immigrants to 2030 days in jail, followed by referral to federal immigration authorities. Hamilton, who was considered a big government advocate in his day, would be befuddled. First principles are crucial in any public debate. The Federalist Papers’ lasting contribution to political philosophy demonstrates that. No other set of editorials has had the lasting political impact of the Federalist Papers. The U.S. Constitution was adopted to protect the natural rights of citizens, as derived from their creator. Big government advocates largely reject natural rights as an archaic or sectarian concept. In 2008 conservatives warned that Barack Obama sought to go beyond our Constitution and create “positive” rights to ensure his vision of justice. Ed Morrissey of Hot Air was among those who highlighted a 2001 radio interview in which then-legislator Obama explained that “the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can’t do to you, says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf. And that hasn’t shifted.”
Get Involved! As a reader of the Constitutionalist Today, you can play an important role in educating and informing others about the U.S. Constitution. Here are some steps you can take: • September 17 is Constitution and Citizenship Day. Find out how your local public school or college plans to observe the day. Public libraries may also sponsor programs. Attend or offer to help with a classroom or public presentation. • Many local tea party or 9/12 groups distribute pocket constitutions as both educational and promotional items. Get involved in such efforts. • Learn more about the philosophy of the U.S. Constitution by studying the Federalist Papers. The Library of Congress provides an on-line version, http://thomas.loc.gov/home/ histdox/fedpapers.html.
Modern conservatives and libertarians recognize that “positive” rights to government programs must necessarily infringe upon and ultimately undermine the right to liberty. Study the Federalist Papers and judge for yourself whether the philosophy behind the U.S. Constitution deserves protection. You will then be well-armed to counter the big-government agenda. Jon Nicholas is a conservative activist. He has organized two successful municipal initiatives since 2008. He also served as a campaign manager against the longest-serving member of the U.S. House. He writes from Northern Colorado.
Wisdom from Our First President Col Jimmie H. Butler, USAF Ret Contributing Writer “We can have little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our arms if we continue to insult it by our impiety and folly.” -General George Washington, General Order to the Continental Army, August 3, 1776.
I memorized part of that order more than 50 years ago during my first summer at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Sometimes I think back on those words when today’s radical liberals attempt to rewrite history to deny America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. George Washington had no doubts about that heritage he left to us. America’s first president left behind significant guidance that makes for interesting comparisons with the failing leadership and anti-American policies of the current president. I’ll offer a quote, then list thoughts that come to my mind. See what thoughts and comparisons these quotes inspire in your mind. “It is much easier at all times to prevent an evil than to rectify mistakes.”
Obamacare: Putting America’s future at the mercy of radical leftist czars who create thousands of pages of regulations to give Washington, D.C. bureaucrats tyrannical control over our daily lives. “There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet an enemy.” “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”
42 | The Constitutionalist Today
These are two versions of Washington’s recognition of the concept of peace through strength. The incompetence of this administration in putting political gain over America’s basic foreign policy interests invites aggression by enemies previously held in check only by America’s strength and resolve. “I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an ‘Honest Man.’”
A concept obviously alien to this administration. This president’s character is at the opposite end of the scale from that of America’s first president. “Undertake not what you cannot perform but be careful to keep your promise.”
America sorely needs leadership of men and women of high character who keep promises they make. Remember the promised laser-like focus on jobs, followed immediately by a switch to pushing Obamacare again along with the rest of the radical leftist agenda? Remember the promise not to rest until the oil spill disaster in the gulf was resolved and lives were restored? Being president isn’t a part-time job that only occasionally is permitted to interfere with living large. “A people... who are possessed of the spirit of commerce, who see and who will pursue their advantages may achieve almost anything.”
President Washington obviously didn’t believe in destroying the profit motive. He saw the value of American free enterprise, which flourished until 2006. Then Demo-
crats took over the House and started this downward spiral of irresponsible spending by an out-of-control Congress. “To contract new debts is not the way to pay old ones.”
A concise critique of Obama-nomics. “The best way to preserve the confidence of the people durably is to promote their true interests.”
This administration and the radical liberal leadership in Congress unabashedly promote their self-serving interests first, and then that of corrupt cronies in the unions, etc. That unchecked corruption has fueled the Tea Parties and other constitutionalist-based groups. November is a time for a strong vote of no confidence. “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that natural morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.”
Are there no men and women of sense and character in this administration? The unbridled lust for power stains them all. “Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains taken to bring it to light.”
The mainstream media fails us all. “Let the reins of government then be braced and held with a steady hand, and every violation of the Constitution be reprehended. If defective, let it be amended, but not suffered to be trampled upon whilst it has an existence.”
The Alinsky-ites have been fighting for decades to undercut the basic religious principles upon which America was founded. Think Helena, Montana—an attempt to start sex education for kindergarteners, with pro-gay teaching starting only a couple of years later. Would George Washington have stood by quietly witnessing such affronts to the basic principles he fought for? I think not.
As this administration undercuts the Constitution in a variety of ways, I believe our first president would urge on those coming together to “reprehend” these violations and not let them stand. I’m sure he would stand at the head of our collective group of determined 21st Century Americans.
“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”
Jimmie H. Butler is a combat veteran of the Vietnam War and author of A Certain Brotherhood.
Pursuit of Happiness | Book Reviews & Humor
How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century by Thomas Woods Reviewed by Bob Adelmann, Featured Writer This book will give great comfort to those on the edge of discouragement or frustration about their inability to have any impact on political events in the country, or “having any say in the matter.” These would include those who are tired of endless politicians’ promises to “fix the system,” or failed lawsuits designed to bring constitutional principles back into play. This would also include those who, having read a little history, have concluded that for all intents and purposes the Constitution has become a meaningless document, regularly ignored by those sworn to “preserve, protect and defend” it. Woods doesn’t think so. “Nullification,” he says, “begins with the axiomatic point that [any] federal law that violates the Constitution is no law at all. It is void and of no effect. Nullification simply pushes this uncontroversial point a step further: if a law is unconstitutional and therefore void and of no effect, it is up to the states…to declare it so and thus refuse to enforce it… Nullification provides a shield between the people of a state and an unconstitutional law from the federal government. He successfully answers the objections brought by the left, namely: 1) Nullification is unconstitutional! (O the hubris of those making such a claim!), 2) Nullification doesn’t work, and 3) Nullification advocates are racists who want another civil war. The first he dispenses with quickly by noting the irony of those claiming the nullification is unconstitutional when those making such claims have not shown the
slightest interest in following the Constitution in the first place. The third objection he answers with the simple fact of history that “nullification of the Fugitive Slave Act from the Compromise of 1850 was…widespread and highly effective.” Where Woods really shines, however, is his response to Objection #2 that nullification doesn’t work. In the past two years, Woods reminds his readers, multiple states of have passed laws making national health care mandates illegal, eight others have passed laws nullifying some federal gun laws, and other states are working to ban federal cap-and-trade regulations. Fourteen states have actively defied unconstitutional federal laws regarding marijuana use, and more than two dozen states have passed laws banning the RealID act. Many readers will find the most value from Woods’ book is the history lesson embedded between its covers. His notes and appendix are a virtual treasure chest of links to major historical documents which haven’t, until the present difficulties, seen the light of day. At the moment, Nullification is the best place to begin in understanding the force and power that states have in successfully reigning in the excesses of the federal government. It is only a starting point, and more work needs to be done, perhaps by Woods him self. However, it is an excellent introduction to perhaps the most effective tool against tyranny that has too long lain dormant in the toolbox of concerned activist citizens.
Top Ten Reasons to Support the Constitution of the United States of America
Ellis in Wonderland
Reshaping America from the White House Tree House Ellis Posey, Featured Writer
9. If we don’t follow it, someone will put a CAP in our TRADE.
We revisit the tree house in a remote corner of the White House lawn. Boards nailed to the trunk form a ladder. A rough-lettered sign reads “No Girls Allowed (Hillary and Sarah This Means You!!!!)(You too neither Michelle).” Inside President Obama and V. P. Biden sit cross legged smoking grapevine. Biden looks green.
7. Health care is a privilege, not a right.
OBAMA: I had a dream last night that it was gettin’ close to November and everybody was startin’ to catch on, Joe
Young Republicans Brett Olkowski and Mick Murray 10. I can’t find Amnesty in here, can you?
8. The real CHANGE can only be found in the Amendments.
6. The 10th Amendment really IS a Constitutional Amendment-really!
5. The Bill of Rights is the ONLY bill we do not have to pay for.
4. It doesn’t limit the the amount of salt we use, only the amount of government.
3. Constitution or Revolution!
2. The one document that separates US from the rest of the world.
1. We the People ARE the Power! The Constitution is not conservative principles, it is AMERICAN principles!
BIDEN: You mean that this grapevine smoke could be hazardous to our health? OBAMA: No, dummy. Too many Democrats in Congress are catchin’ on that stimulus packages don’t stimulate nothin’ and voting for them will hurt their chances for reelection. BIDEN: But I thought they loved you, Sir? OBAMA: They do, Joe, they do. But not enough. Some of them have the idiotic idea their political careers are more important than mine and Nancy’s and Harry’s. But that’s not all. Did you know that more voters are catchin’ on to what radio talk show hosts are sayin’? BIDEN: What are they saying, Sir? OBAMA: Stop saying Sir and call me Mr. President. They’re saying I don’t really want to clean up the oil spill on the Gulf. That just because I was late to let for-
eign countries help clean up the mess, or didn’t let the Gulf states build sand berms to keep that stuff off their beaches and outa the marshes, or don’t want any more offshore drilling that keeps thousands of folks employed, that I’m not really interested in their problems. That’s downright ungrateful, Joe. After all I’ve done for them, what with reducing taxes and giving them cradle to grave health care and saving the earth from global warming. Unbelievable. BIDEN: And you didn’t even mention winning the war in Iraq. OBAMA: Good point, Joe. You may be some good after all. Now, help me think of ways to keep voters from finding out I really want to wreck the U. S. economy and remake the country in my own image by bailin’ out the banks then bad-mouthin’ Wall Street and Arizona and the Tea Party. And I’m doin’ other stuff I’m too busy to remember right now. BIDEN: Makes me proud to be an American, Mr. President. OBAMA: Now you’re catchin’ on. And speakin’ of proud, you remember they named America after some Italian explorer? Maybe it’s time we renamed it for a Hawaiian-Kenyan-Indonesian-Chicagoan guy who’s exploring hope and change. How does Obamamerica sound to you, Joe? Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Or maybe the United States of Obamica. Let ‘em catch on to that.
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