Elites Unmasked | Oct2010

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Are You Willing to Throw Away Your Vote?

About Our Content:

Julie Ayers, Editor-in-Chief

I’d like to ask my fellow conservatives who have rallied behind Tom Tancredo to consider the consequences of your actions. Are you willing to throw away your vote in November? Surely you realize that a vote for Tancredo equals a vote for Democrat John Hickenlooper. So why are some of you eagerly jumping onto his bandwagon? Are you willing to hand our state over to another progressive governor for four more years? If you like the path of destruction our state is headed down now, then I guess your answer is “yes.” Are you willing to pay more taxes to foot the bill for illegal immigrants and see Colorado become a safe haven for them? Are you so desperate to bring the GOP down that you will vote for a third party candidate who entered the race under questionable circumstances? Tancredo is the same man who told everyone in the liberty movement not to join a third party, then went against his advice and did exactly that. “Some patriots are tempted to launch a third political party or back one of the existing small parties that never attract more than one or two percent of the vote in state races. I strongly believe that such a course is suicidal and would only result in splitting the conservative vote and guaranteeing the re-election of liberals and socialists.” – Tom Tancredo, 2009. Do you happen to remember another time when Tancredo did not practice what he preached, calling for term limits

but continuing to serve in his position in the state legislature? Apparently, rules apply to everyone but him. Tom Tancredo has made a mockery of our electoral process by completely circumventing it. He does not have our state’s or its people’s best interests at heart. Tancredo proved that when he said he does not care if interjecting himself into the gubernatorial race ensures the Democrat will win. How can you trust such a man? A man with no convictions. A man who changes his stance on issues with the direction of the wind. A man who escaped the Vietnam draft by failing a psychological evaluation. If he wasn’t mentally fit to fight for our country alongside his peers, how can he be fit to run for governor? As a former Army wife, I have no respect for such a man and do not want him leading my state. How can you respect such a man? How can you, in good conscience, vote for him? If you vote for Tancredo, are you willing to tell your children that you did everything in your power to give them a better future, when in fact you did the opposite by ensuring that a progressive would win and our state would continue its headlong rush toward economic disaster? Julie Ayers has worked in the journalism field for 13 years. As a former Army wife and great niece of five WWI vets, she is an avid supporter of our troops. She is the proud mother of two sons and strives to give them a better future.

The Constitutionalist Today provides a voice for freedom-loving Americans and urges them to action. Our aim is to educate citizens about our nation’s founding documents and to analyze current events based on their principles. At the present, we do not offer investigative, in-depth hard news reporting. While lovers of liberty share many common values, our opinions sometimes differ. This paper’s staff and writers possess a range of worldviews from religious to secular and from conservative to libertarian. A diverse group, our Founding Fathers also had their differences. However, those who established the greatest free nation on earth were united in their love of liberty and resistance to tyranny. Today, we are likewise united in our love for those founding ideals. That said, the opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the staff of The Constitutionalist Today.

The announcement by former congressman Tom Tancredo that he’ll run for governor of Colorado as a fringe party candidate follows a familiar pattern: established politicians turn to protest campaigns only after they’ve been disgraced, defeated and rejected by the mainstream. —Michael Medved, 9/8/10

“You Silly Little People” Lana Fore-Warkocz, Publisher

It’s October and fall is my favorite time of the year. The leaves turn orange, gold and brown. The chili is on the stove and I’m curled up with my laptop on my couch. Can it get any better? Yes, it can. I want to tell you a story that you just won’t believe. I call it, “You silly little people, otherwise known as 400,000 Coloradans who just don’t matter.” Do you like the title? I think it fits perfectly. Once upon a time (19 months ago) a man named Dan Maes entered the governor’s race as did two men named Josh Penry and Scott McInnis. Penry dropped out for whatever reasons. Rumors abounded but no one really knows why. I would never speculate, because it’s not the right thing to do. After that Penry and a man named Tom Tancredo went to Scott with a “Platform for Prosperity” and asked him to sign it. My question is simple: Who do Tancredo and Penry think they are? I mean, really, who are they? A governor candidate drop-out and a has-been congressman, right? Was one of them the Colorado GOP Chairman? Nope. Who gave them the power to request Scott to sign anything? Scott and Dan remained in the race, went through the process, met with folks from every walk of life throughout Colorado, campaigned throughout the state for months and were vetted. Dan won the state assembly with Scott coming a close (and I mean close) second. Good job guys! It was a great assembly. Of the delegates that packed the Budweiser Events

Center on May 22, a whopping 60% were new to the process! Tancredo didn’t like what the media was saying/doing to Scott, and he decided Scott was unelectable. Tancredo felt that he should be Colorado’s savior. He didn’t like Dan from the beginning even though he’d never met him. Again, who is Tom Tancredo? Tancredo decided there was no other option than to give up his Republican affiliation, you know the one he’s had for a billion years. Ok, not a billion, but close enough. I mean he’s been in office since… well, forever. He decided to run as a third party, a minor candidate and just bypass the system and get into the race for governor. Sounds like what illegal immigrants do, right? Bypassing the system? Dan then went on to win the primary on August 10 and Scott graciously conceded, getting behind Dan—full steam ahead to the general election. Soon after Aug. 10 the liberal press went after Dan. After all, he’s the “nobody” who actually won the primary. Who is this Dan Maes? Tancredo told one of our reporters in late August that “information on Dan is going to come out soon.” My question is a simple one again. How did he know? Stories start launching about Dan, his past and the reason why his socks don’t match. Those horrible mistruths, lies and false information really hurt Dan, his family and those who support him. Know what happens next? The Denver Post corroborated Dan’s statements against the lies and buried it on page 6 of the political

section. But it was too late—the damage was done, right? Dan has never wavered in his campaign to be our next governor. He has remained steadfast in his plan for a better Colorado. He has earned my vote and he deserves the vote of the people. Stories like this have surfaced all across the country. Why? Have the “powers that be” lost control of their puppets? Tom Tancredo is not just a third party/minor candidate. He’s simply a Republican who did not follow the rules. He skipped the process and will become the spoiler unless we all unite behind the one candidate who actually is the people’s choice. Will Tancredo support the ACP (American Constitution Party) platform? They do not stand with Israel or approve of women in the military. What about the other ACP candidates? I will bet you that Tancredo will not publicly support them! The next time you see Mr. “I-can’t-make-it-through-theprocess-so-I-will-cheat,” please ask him who he supports for secretary of state. Republican candidate Scott Gessler or ACP candidate Amanda Campbell? What will happen when Dan is our next governor? Imagine all those backs that won’t be rubbed? I can’t wait! A military wife of 21 years and the daughter of a WWII veteran, Lana ForeWarkocz is completely devoted to those who have served our country. She has been involved in the broadcasting and publishing industries for nearly 20 years.

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Correspondence Freda Poundstone and IOU’s Before you join the pity party for that 82-year-old lady in the attack ad on Dan Maes, take a breath and consider that this is not just any hapless little old lady. She is the infamous Freda Poundstone, former state legislator, former mayor of Greenwood Village and author/promoter of the Poundstone Amendment that throttled Denver’s penchant for rabid annexation. Freda is a power broker who has achieved that status by knowing how to leverage a position by bringing people to her way of thinking. I’ve little doubt that with her extensive political experience, Freda knew that it is illegal to take a cash political contribution of $100 or more but not to give one…just call it leverage! As contributor, signatory and promoter of this fall’s ballot issues—60, 61 and 101— Freda hasn’t exactly been sitting on the shelf in a convalescent center. In fact she personally gathered many of the signatures to get them on the ballot! I would suggest that it is not coincidence that Dan Maes refused to support these amendments just before she discovered a new preference for governor, the sponsor of this hit ad who supports them. I have a healthy respect for Freda, just like I respect a rattle snake on my path. I’ve been on both sides of issues with her but I’ve tried to be careful to not let her add me to her handbag full of IOU’s. Be aware, those are not wrinkles, they are battle scars. -Merlin Klotz, Parker, CO

Dan Maes is the Man for the Job


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4 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

Dan Maes scares those who want to take and keep control of our government, so they attack. Let’s ignore their attacks and focus on the reasons for electing Maes. First, he is truly our candidate. It wasn’t a national party pushing him to the winner’s circle; it was us—you and me, true grassroots—who selected this man as our next governor. We feel good about that! Second, he can beat Hickenlooper according to the polls. That’s important! That is our goal! We don’t need another Democrat in office to run our 60 million dollar deficit any higher. We have had enough of reckless spending and so has Dan. He wants to balance the budget while putting others to work. He wants to see this state out of debt and its citizens fully employed. We have had Ritter, a Democrat, who chased away jobs and allowed a state budget to skyrocket to 60 million into the red. We don’t need Hickenlooper who is just like him. Many are questioning why we haven’t withdrawn from Maes. The answer is this: Despite his flaws, he is the best candidate for the office of governor. Yeah, he has made mistakes, but who hasn’t in their lives? We still believe in his principles, motives and desire to do a good job for us as he is one of us. Our gray hair and the wisdom that comes with it tell us that despite the attacks, we still believe that Dan Maes is the man for the job. We hope you will also. -Marc and Helen Sabin, Colorado Springs

Letter to Tancredo As concerned citizens and Republican delegates, we were able to meet, interview and vet many of the candidates who respected the caucus process enough to solicit our support in their bid for candidacy. Since you elected not to participate in that process, we feel that the following questions must be answered before you can be deemed worthy of support: 1. You made a solemn term-limits vow to serve no more than three terms as a Congressman, not once but on numer-

ous occasions, and you also headed the Colorado Term Limits Coalition, by saying: “We want to reinvigorate the electoral process by introducing people into the system who think of government service as a temporary endeavor, not as a career.” This sounds like Dan Maes. Then you said, “I will live up to the pledge. That’s it. That’s the overriding issue.” Why did you break your pledge and betray your supporters by running for a fourth term in Congress in 2004? Would it not have served your cause better to mentor a younger Congressman who could carry on your torch? (tomtancredo.org) 2. Since you are such a strong crusader of illegal immigration, please explain why, when you hired a construction crew to renovate your basement, you did not express concern that only two of its members spoke English, nor bother to check the workers documentation to see if they were legal residents of the United States. You could have been a trail blazer for us all in discovering ways to be on guard when we encounter similar situations. (www.alternet.org/story/69391) 3. You voted for the TARP bailouts twice, and not against the General Motors bailout as you promised. Then requested earmarks over $220 million for 17 projects, from a light-rail system west of Denver to a Center for Audio and Video Forensics at the University of Colorado. How does this support a free market and conservative principles? (www.usatoday.com/news/politics/ election2008/2007-07-05-candidatesfunding_N.htm, www.theconstitution alisttoday.com/tancredo-conservativerepublican, rockymountainright.com /?q=node/529) We are committed to stamping out the corruption and “politics as usual” that have plagued our legislators and distorted the constitution for decades. Each of the questions above address areas of your political career where you have failed to uphold your promises or consider your constituents’ best interest, from breaking a pledge for term limits to ignoring your crusade against illegal immigration to failing to detect illegal immigrant labor when it suits your needs to supporting big business through the TARP bill at the expense of ordinary American taxpayers. Presently, you are backpedaling on your advice to the Tea Party/912 groups to not split votes by running as a third party. We the people are looking for a candidate with integrity and principles, and since your campaign ads seem to constantly attack the character of your Republican opponent, we believe it’s imperative that you answer for these inconsistencies in your own. -Doug & Maureen Paterson, Clint & Erika Sattler, Paul & Sharon Steiner, Tony & Claudean Boatman, Martha Maxwell, Hal Brown, Robert C. & Lauree Bunderson, et. al.

GOP Frustrations First let me thank you for your newspaper, I think it’s great. Hopefully it will become a voice for so many people who feel unconnected and discounted. After reading your newspaper a couple of times I thought it is time to get involved. I found, about halfway down the [Local Liberty Group Listings], El Paso Republican Headquarters. “The party of the open door; the party of liberty; the party of equality of opportunity for all and favoritism for none; the more socially conservative and economically libertarian of the two major parties, generally supporting lower taxes, limited government and more economic freedom.” Two words in LETTERS on next page

continuing resolutions to keep government running until Obama could take office. They passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY2009 budget. Where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a Democratic Party member of the very Congress that passed all those massive spending bills, and he signed the FY2009 bill. If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was in FY2007, the last of the GOP budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending and that includes President Obama who voted for the budgets. If he inherited from anyone, it was himself. -Brad Lamdin, Colorado Springs, CO

IB is About Money LETTERS continued from previous page the preceding statement made me furious. First, the word “more” in “the more socially conservative.” Either you are or you aren’t and that is the problem! Next, and even more frustrating, is the word “generally” in the statement “generally supporting lower taxes…” This made me just mad! The above statements are the reason for all the anger and why I am not walking into the Republican headquarters to work the phone, give money, hand out whatever, or just help. I am thinking about giving directly to Republican candidates instead. I have been a life-long conservative and have voted for Republicans every time but I have never worked for a campaign or ever worked in a Republican headquarters. This year, I thought it was time to get involved; but from the above statement in your newspaper it seems like “just more pastels and not bold colors.” It is sad, very sad, at least from the headquarters statements. I think it is time to at least throw out the person who wrote the above statement for a start. -Larry Stevens, Colorado Springs, CO I attended the Republican Meeting this evening at the Valley Hi Golf Course. After Karen Maes spoke to the group, Representative Marsha Looper addressed the group. I was appalled at her opening remarks. She violated the Republican Party rules by looking at Karen Maes and stating, “that was a very nice speech, however as many of you are aware, I support Tom Tancredo.” This was not only a violation of the Republican rules, but was also unbelievably disrespectful to our party’s duly elected candidate’s wife. Representative Looper made this statement directly to Mrs. Maes and owes her and the Republican Party a written apology for her offensive behavior. As a Republican woman and a board member of a Republican Women’s Club, I call on all Republican Clubs to ban Representative Looper from attending or speaking at any other meetings until she does so. This behavior cannot be tolerated by our elected officials. -Donna Burkhead, Colorado Springs I would like to ask Rep. Liston why we have witnessed him walking precincts without all the literature in his hands for ALL the Republican/conservative candidates? He is an embarrassment to the Republican Party and will not get my vote on November 2nd. I live in HD 16 and I will promise that when I walk my precincts, I will encourage folks to know the truth about him and his disloyalty to the other Republicans who went through the process and became our nominees. I will encourage those to vote for Janet Tanner for HD 16. -Sara, Colorado Springs Voter

Citizens Should Memorize Founding Documents The other day at the library I encountered a lady returning her copy of the Independent. I politely suggested she try The Constitutionalist Today. She looked at me with disdain and said, “Oh, that’s completely against my philosophy.” I was astounded. How could anyone find the one document that guarantees her right to say whatever she pleases to be “against her philosophy?” Liberal thinkers should be on the front lines to support and revere the U.S. Constitution. Yet it’s as if they think the U.S. Constitution is a plot conceived by Republicans (or worse, conservatives) to deny them their inherent right to be wrong, or right. Do they not know that the 1st Amendment was written for one reason: to protect our precious right to say whatever we choose, no matter how foul or wrong it might be? The U.S. Constitution protected Jane Fonda from being tried for treason when she went to Hanoi during the Vietnam War to speak with the enemy against her own country. It was the U.S. Constitution that allowed protesters to storm our streets, burn their draft cards, and to call for our government to be overthrown. Is it possible those who hate the Constitution have forgotten that a Kent State University incident happens every day in other countries such as China, Cuba, and Iran or just about in any country in Africa? Someone once said that democracy carries the seeds of its own destruction. I don’t disagree. The First Amendment has nothing to do with political philosophy or, for that matter, political parties, other than to guarantee them to us. I think as a requirement of citizenship to the United Sates one should read the U.S. Constitution and be able to cite by heart and understand the Bill of Rights. -John Shaffner, Colorado Springs

Whose Budget Deficits? The Washington Post and other print media continuously babble about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush. Amazingly a lot of people swallow this nonsense. So here is a short civics lesson: Budgets beginning in Fiscal Year 2008 continuing through to the present come from Congress, and the party that has run Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party. They have controlled Congress every year since then. In that first year they had to contend with President Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending. (Not to give the GOP too much credit because they had been spending like drunken sailors.) In FY 2009, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely and passed

In last month’s letter to the editor Ms. W. Carol, a retired IB teacher, cited incorrect information about IB (International Baccalaureate) and her knowledge of it in her critique of the August issue article “IB: Who has control and What does it really teach? ” Since I am limited to 300 words for this reply, here are just three examples of the most egregious errors in your letter. First, Ms. Carol, you are wrong about Swiss Law not governing in IB—it does. The IB homepage (www.IBO.org) clearly states in IB Article 33: “Swiss law governs these general regulations and all other procedures relating to the assessment requirements.” Furthermore, Article 34 of the IB regulations states: “Any dispute… shall be finally settled by one arbitrator in accordance with the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce. The seat of the arbitration shall be Geneva, Switzerland. “ Second, Ms. Carol, again you are wrong again about IB materials not being “secretive” (your term, not mine). Unlike AP course syllabi offered for free online by our American College Board, IB course guides must be purchased from the IB store if one wants to “review” exactly what it is IB may be teaching. IB is all about money, not education. Third, a former IB teacher disputes your claim about quality in IB: Sal Pietromonaco of Eugene, Oregon. “IB is getting far too much credit (undeserved) for being at the cutting edge in education…My biggest problem with IB is their internal assessment. The process is contrived, very subjective and is in my opinion an enormous waste of time for both students and teachers.” Go read and learn Ms. Carol. Become educated. -Helen Sabin, Colorado Springs, CO I am writing in response to the letter (August issue) that attempted to justify IB. The cost of training a single teacher to IB standards exceeds $40,000. Academy School District 20 has spent millions training teachers in this quirky educational method that benefits a few students (60 out of 1100 at one high school) instead of investing in all students. Imagine the computer labs and science classrooms that could have been equipped with that level of funding! High school IB students are taught to look at “alternate viewpoints” which would be fine if the textbooks being used didn’t focus on the socialist agenda. As far as academic rigor goes, the teacher is responsible for ensuring that component. IB training does not improve what some IB teachers never had, which is a solid understanding of their subject area and classroom management. IB does look very nice on the teacher’s resume, but I thought schools were supposed to provide educational opportunities for children.

Send Letters to the Editor to:

Editor, The Constitutionalist Today P.O. Box 25155 Colorado Springs, CO 80936 -ORletters@theconstitutionalisttoday.com Letters must be 300 words or less. Letters from readers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TCT. Families are drawn into this program as it is presented as equal to, or better than AP in terms of college. That is true, if your major is liberal arts. Enrollees can expect to spend all their time doing IB requirements with other IB students with little time to pursue activities outside IB. For high school, parents should consider AP or post-secondary enrollment options for true academic rigor. We need educated, well-rounded citizens, not people educated in a bubble. -Audra Parker

Be Grateful There is so much grief and sorrow associated with our country and its leaders now, but there is something we can do. We can be grateful. Not for the difficulties but for the beautiful country we live in, for the military people who are willing to sacrifice for our freedom, and for the freedom we still have. Yes, we worry that the freedoms will disappear, but we are working to protect them. In the meantime we can look around and be grateful for what we have now and have had in the past. So take a deep breath and relax and know that as long as we recognize our gracious Lord and His provision we’re going to be all right. -Lloyd Wasserott, Colorado Springs

Socialism Destroys Founders’ Intent As we plunge headlong toward socialism, we are gradually losing the intent of our Founding Fathers. They wisely gave us a system of rules, designed to protect us from each other, from foreign influences and from the passions of the masses; a government based upon Christian principles and their set of moral values. The First Amendment is often misunderstood and it simply states that government can’t start a religion. Founders knew that government religions of the past had a way of becoming tyrannical and that religion should remain an individual responsibility. The most important lines in the song “America, The Beautiful” are; “America, America, God mend thine every flaw, confirm thy soul, in self control, thy liberty in law.” These days, the dollar is of little value and I sometimes wonder why work? As I see it there are three motivations to toil: for profit, the motivation of all of us; for altruism, the motivation of the dreamer; and for the maintenance of what we have earned, to use, to enjoy our days and to spend according to consciences and perhaps to keep and save some of the fruits of our labors. Profit and altruism made our country prosper! Those who gave us our Republic declared National Day of Prayer to encourage each person to pause and reflect upon his blessings in line with his own religious beliefs, no one excluded. This special day has recently been canceled so as not to offend anyone. This cancellation has offended many, including me! It’s long past time to appreciate God’s gifts to us; liberty and time. Let’s use our time wisely to promote our constitutional gifts. The duty is ours. The result is God’s. -Margaret Henkens, Colorado Springs

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We the People | Grassroots Perspective

Get Involved in a Local Liberty Group Now! Compiled by Joan Eich

Can I make a difference? How can I get involved? Which organization fits me best? These are the questions we hear most often from our readers, so we want to make sure it’s clearly answered online and in every issue. What follows is an alphabetical list of liberty-loving groups and organizations in our area. Also visit wwwlibertyevents.org for a calendar of upcoming events. Sign up, step up, speak up! 9-12 Pikes Peak Patriots www.freeandunited.com • donrodgers@hotmail.com • dwan.rager@yahoo.com An organization for like-minded Americans who believe in 9 principles and 12 values as they apply to our government and in our own lives. We provide members with the platform and resources to pursue any project or cause of their choosing: from education and discussion to community activities or action. The American Café theamericancafe.blogspot.com • homeinspections@pcisys.net • 719.573.2193 This group gathers each week for Constitutional studies, political action and prayer. Please contact us for information on how to get involved. American Majority www.americanmajority.org • facebook.com/AmericanMajority • 719.573.2193 Attending a rally is no longer enough; from organizational structure to advanced new media, our Activist Training prepares you to make substantial changes in your community. Americans for Prosperity, Colorado Chapter www.americansforprosperity.org • infoco@afphq.org • 719.494.0797 Americans for Prosperity, Teller County Chapter AFPTeller@gmail.com • 719.684.2180 An organization of grassroots leaders committed to educating, engaging and mobilizing citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local state and federal levels. Clear the Bench Colorado www.clearthebenchcolorado.org • info@clearthebenchcolorado.org A grassroots movement to hold Colorado’s Supreme Court justices accountable to the Colorado Constitution and to the people of Colorado. Coalition for a Conservative Majority www.ccm-cos.com • info@ccm-cos.com • 719.351.6075 We unapologetically espouse the nation-shaping values embodied in the Constitution and detailed by the philosophies of our Founding Fathers. Colorado Springs Republican Women amymit@quixnet.net • 719.260.0283 This group wants to educate and inform all Americans about the principles and values which make the Republican Party what it is. El Paso County Tea Party www.epcteaparty.com • amy.mitchell@epcteaparty.com A local movement of American Patriots from all walks of life dedicated to uphold and defend the United States and Colorado Constitutions. Our goal is to give voice to the people and hold government officials accountable for their oaths to uphold those constitutions. El Paso Republican Headquarters www.gopelpaso.com • info@gopelpaso.com • 719.578.0022 The party of the open door; the party of liberty; the party of equality of opportunity for all and favoritism for none; the more socially conservative and economically libertarian of the two major parties, generally supporting lower taxes, limited government and more economic freedom. Elbert County Tea Party/9-12 Group www.elbertteaparty.com • 303.601.7608 We work to restore constitutional government, control government spending, and to vet candidates to insure their goals and values match. Equal Justice Foundation ejfi.org • facebook.com/ejfi.org • ccorry@ejfi.org • 719.520.1089 We are a non-profit 501(c) 3) public charity supported entirely by members and contributions. Our areas of interest and activism are the courts, civil liberties, prohibition, and open, fair and honest elections. For What Is Right www.forwhatisright.org • dlewis@forwhatisright.org • dkelly@forwhatisright.org An online community whose purpose is to educate the American citizen in matters of civic and political knowledge. Our intention is to have a well informed electorate who will keep and preserve the rights guaranteed us by the U.S. Constitution and by our Creator. Get Out Of Our House (GOOOH) www.goooh.com • goooh.co.05@gmail.com • 719.321.5123 A bottom-up organization without a platform; NOT a political party. A system allowing you and your neighbors to choose a true citizen representative, an independent candidate to represent their district. Green Dragon Tavern http://RonPaul.meetup.com/310 • admin@GreenDragonTavern.com • 719.330.1358 Our Founding Fathers met at the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston, MA to plan the Boston Tea Party. We work to re-establish the Founders’ vision of political and economic principles inherent in nature’s right by fostering understanding and respect for the Declaration of Independence and state and Federal Constitutions. Guffey Tea Party guffeyteaparty@gmail.com • http://sites.google.com/site/guffeygroupteaparty We are a local movement of non-partisan American Patriots who uphold and defend the Constitution of The United States of America. Our core values include limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free market economy. Kickoff rally is scheduled for September 18, 2010 at the Bullmoose Restaurant in Guffey, CO from 1:30 to 4:00 for lunch, if desired, and an inspirational Constitutional message by Mike Holler, author of The Constitution Made Easy.

6 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

Liberty on the Rocks, Colorado Springs Chapter www.libertyontherocks.org • david@libertyontherocks.org • 719.237.4598 A grassroots organization whose goal is to provide a social environment to unite libertyminded individuals with one another and with freedom-based organizations in their local communities. Tavern-style politics in the tradition of our Founding Fathers! Limited Government Forum www.limitedgovforum.org • sean@limitedgovforum.org • 719.576.9055 Works closely with UCCS Center for the Study of Government and the Individual and Cheyenne Mountain Civic Solutions to promote the ideas of individual responsibility and freedom. Local Liberty Online www.locallibertyonline.org • sean@LocalLibertyOnline.org • 719.576.9055 An online community that focuses on local issues to expand freedom, opportunity and prosperity close to home. Our goal is to educate rather than indoctrinate, while conducting ourselves in the spirit of civility and good humor. Pikes Peak Economics Club www.pikespeakeconomicsclub.com We promote economic and civic literacy. It is our contention that you cannot have a controlled economy and maintain a free society. Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition www.ppfc.org • info@ppfc.org • 719.596.3921 A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. —Amendment II, U.S. Constitution Pikes Peak Young Professional Republicans Eli.bremer@gmail.com • 719.213.3428 Network with other young professionals, ages 20-40, who share the same goals and aspirations. Please come and join us! Politics on the Rocks www.politicsontherocks.com • nina@pinnaclepros.com • 719.533.0571 We link like-minded professionals together in a monthly power networking mixer where they can network, socialize and hear directly from prominent politicians and successful business leaders on matters of social, economic and public importance. Royal Gorge Republican Women (Fremont County) www.RoyalGorgeRepublicanWomen.org The purpose of our organization is to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through political involvement, to encourage women to run for political office, promote an informed membership and electorate through political education and activity and to work together for the election of Republican candidates. Southern Colorado Tea Party www.socoteaparty.com Committed to restoring our state and our federal Constitutions to our Founders’ original intent. Diligent in our restoration and preservation of freedom. We hold our elected officials accountable to their oath of office. Sunrise Republican Women www.coloradosrw.com • lindarshannon@gmail.com • 719.598.1305 We promote an informed public through political education and activity, and increase the effectiveness of women for the causes of good government. All ages are welcome! Teller Tea Party www.tellerteaparty.com • tellerteaparty@gmail.com A local movement of non-partisan American patriots who uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. We are dedicated to protecting freedom for all, promoting truth, limiting taxes and government, and preserving our inalienable rights UCCS College Republicans • 719.251.7765 Vote Trackers (Fremont County) www.votetrackers.com • penknife101@yahoo.com A nationwide group, providing free 1-page charts for each of the 50 states, showing how that state’s U.S. senators and representatives voted on the Banker Bailout Bill, The Stimulus Bill, Cash for Clunkers, Cap and Trade, and the Health Care Bill. No fluff. Just facts. These charts can be printed out and taken into the voting booth, lest we forget. We Are Change Colorado Springs wearechangecoloradosprings.org • chris@wearechangecoloradosprings.org • 719.209.3118 A grassroots organization, neither left or right, dedicated to informing the public on matters of government corruption, malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance.

The Constitution Made Easy

Enemy of the State Mike Holler, Featured Writer

Power controlled or abridged is almost always the rival and enemy of that power by which it is controlled or abridged. -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 15

So who or what is the state, and who or what is the enemy of the state? Is the state the NSA (National Security Agency) or the metropolitan police? Is the enemy Will Smith or Jason Lee? No, the state could be any government, in this case the federal government of the United States, and the enemy of that state is the United States Constitution. Wow! We were never taught this in state school. No, duh! Why would the state teach the children under its control that the state is the enemy of their liberties, or that the Constitution is the guardian of those liberties? Yet this is exactly what our founders believed. Jefferson said, “In questions of power then let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” No one doubts that our federal government possesses and wields enormous power. What our founders knew, and said in as many ways as they could think of, is that political power is dangerous to individual liberty. Ronald Reagan said, “Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.” Humans are ambitious by nature, and when they have power it is natural for them to want to expand that power. This was not taught to any of us in

public schools, but it was commonly understood until modern times, and once considered, becomes self-evident. What the Constitution does is grant greater power to what was then called the

When a radio caller or audience member wants to trick me in this area they will sometimes ask whether Social Security and Medicare are unconstitutional. The answer is a clear and unambiguous “Yes!” Now that seems to set a lot of people off because the question they think I am answering is, “Do you want to cut people off from the money and medical care that they have paid for in advance over many years?” But that was not the question asked, and if it was my answer would be different. Under the Constitution, the federal government is forbidden to become involved in education, police work, agriculture, labor, energy, transportation, housing, urban development, health and “human services” to name a few. Yet there are whole departments and cabinet positions by these names and billions of dollars spent and millions of workers employed under them. Some of these departments may arguably be necessary, and all of them were likely started with good intentions, but they are still very much illegal.

Today we stand at the political threshold of hell. Our present government recognizes no boundaries on its power and is about to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America into a single homogenous state that recognizes no sovereignty of the member States, and only a few rights or privileges as it should determine in its sole and absolute discretion. Such a state is the enemy of every freedom-loving citizen of this country, whether they know or think they care. They will care soon enough. But this statism, that appears to be near “overwhelming the system” that once protected our rights, has a powerful enemy in the United States Constitution. Those who intend to be our masters still take an oath to support and defend it, and we can hold them to their oaths if we understand the Constitution they are swearing loyalty to. Only if we have read it and studied it can we get the right words to flow from our pens and lips. This is our last chance for a peaceful solution to a clear and present danger.

Good intentions will always be pleaded for any assumption of power. The Constitution was made to safeguard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to

Mike Holler writes and speaks about freedom and the United States Constitution, is a frequent guest on talk radio, and travels with the Tea Party Express. Contact Mike or view his recent book at: TheConstitutionMadeEasy.com.

Why would the state teach the children under its control that the state is the enemy of their liberties, or that the Constitution is the guardian of those liberties? “general government,” and then strictly limit that greater power to a short list of areas in which it was to operate. We often refer to this list as the “enumerated (numbered) powers.” The Constitution, strictly speaking, is not the enemy of the government it created, so long as that government stays inside the boundaries of the agreement. By limiting the powers granted, it became the friend of liberty, and the enemy of the state, or more specifically, the enemy of statism: the increase and glorification of the government. Over the past hundred years, we have seen government “progressively” take over areas that were forbidden to it. Madison warned us to be vigilant against progressive or gradual transgressions by government, “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedoms of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”

govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. -Daniel Webster

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We the People | Grassroots Perspective

It’s Your Choice: Progressive Socialism, Politics as Usual, or a Government of the People A 9-12 Project Perspective Don Rodgers, Featured Writer

On November 2, Colorado faces clear choices. How we match candidates with our core values plays a critical role. Con� sider the principle of “Government works for me, I do not answer to it” and the value of “Honesty” in the Governor’s race. Making a decision on the three way race becomes a matter of what value you place on your principles. John Hickenlooper is a giant government progressive. He praised Obama’s Green Jobs Czar Van Jones as a “rock star.” Then he denied any knowledge of his existence when Jones was exposed as a self-described Communist and founder of STORM. This excludes him on honesty. Tom Tancredo presents a profound dilemma for values and principles voters. The former Congressman voted for TARP. Many supporting him have railed against TARP and massive spending for 18 months and brutalized Senate candidate Jane Norton over Ref C & D. Tancredo states he has no problem sup� porting GOP elected officials who push liberal agendas. From the Liberal and Loving It interview on September 1, 2010, David Thielen asked, “I then flipped it and said still [if the GOP candidate for Governor] had personal integrity, but they were a RINO [would you vote for them?]” Tancredo said he would “stay out of it,” but would “vote for them.” Tancredo likes the idea of replacing TABOR. From Mr. Thielen’s interview, “[I] next asked Tom about my idea that

we replace TABOR, Amendment 23, etc. with an amendment that says total receipts to the state cannot exceed X% of the state’s GDP. He said, ‘That’s quite interesting…I like it.’” How many Tan� credo supporters advocate for the elimination of TA� BOR? On July 22,����� ���� Col� orado State GOP Chair Dick Wadhams stated: “But now it appears he wants to destroy Republican chances to win a governor’s race after four failed years of Bill Ritter. Regard� less of who our nominee is for governor after the primary, if Tom Tancredo car� ries through on his threat to run as a third party candidate, he will be responsible for the election of Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper as governor and for other races that will be imperiled as well.” Yet Tancredo and his GOP supporters, in� cluding several elected officials, are will� ing to surrender Colorado to the progres� sive socialists. Governor Owens switched his endorse� ment from Bob Schaffer to Pete Coors for senator in 2004, as he (Owens) felt Coors had a better chance of winning. Tancredo criticized Owens, saying it infuriates the base. Like ignoring his own promise on term limits, Tancredo no longer sees this as an issue as he encourages switching endorsements away from the GOP pri� mary winner.

Tancredo advocates legalizing all drugs. Calling his own policy recommen� dation “political suicide,” he called for le� galization. Do his supporters find this as one of their core values?

Tancredo and his GOP supporters… are willing to surrender Colorado to the progressive socialists. Many Tancredo supporters are align� ing themselves with someone who has a record in direct contrast with their own expressed values. This is especially true for liberty movement members who have chosen this path. How they reconcile these conflicts are individual matters, but it’s different for elected officials who aban� doned all Party ties to support this third party candidate with a record most would feel uncomfortable running on. The third party bid pins its hopes on the acceptance of politics as usual. The actual record of the candidate reflects one of big spending, a willingness to ignore the will of the people and back room deals to gain the support of other politicians. Dan Maes is not a politician and the campaign reflects as much. In the beginning, liberty groups and many of Maes’ current detractors clamored for just this. They knew there would be problems campaigning against the political “machines,” but politics as usual and career politicians had to go. Maes built

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8 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

a following that earned over 196,000 votes in the primary by building trust one hand shake at a time on a message that resonates with many. �������� Unfortunately, missteps have overtaken this candidate’s message. Voters must evaluate if these missteps were intentional misrepresentations. For the many thousands who know and support Maes, that seems very unlikely. We have a unique chance to change the progressive liberal state Supreme Court, stop the redistricting plan by those that will work against us and pass a bill next year to greatly enhance Colorado’s ability to control illegal immigration. None of the advances we hope to make will happen if the political power brokers value their own survival above Colorado’s. They fully understand if Maes becomes governor, they no longer have the power. Losing the governor’s race turns us over to the progressives and the enabling of “politics as usual” career politicians we have sworn to sweep from power. The individual candidates have warts. Do our values and principles require us to reject and surrender the whole of Colorado over the warts of one man? Or is advancing the cause of limited government and individual freedoms the principled thing to do? It’s your choice. Don Rodgers is a 9/12 District 5 organizer for the Pikes Peak Region.

Just ask Randall & Rego Don’t Stay Home on November 2nd!

Compiled by Cindy Lyons, Senior Staff Writer TCT: How do you feel about the state GOP trying to force Dan Maes out of the gubernatorial race, thus ignoring the voters’ choice? Richard: It’s wrong. If they didn’t like the candidates, they should have had different candidates who went through the caucuses and the state assembly. We have grassroots and the Tea Party who think the establishment Republicans are the problem and vice versa. Both groups are wrong. Hickenlooper and the Democrats are the problem. Contributing to that is Tom Tancredo being in a race that he does not need to be in. The authors of the Blue Print said “The Democrats have this philosophy that any Democrat is better than any Republican.” I wish the GOP had a belief that any Republican is better than any Democrat. Jarred: The one who was nominated by Republicans in this state, that’s who’s got to cross the finish line. TCT: Explain what “splitting the vote” means. Richard: It means we’re screwed. Tancredo is going to single-handedly be the one person who allows this state to become a sanctuary state. But Dan is the Republican and I am going to work hard and do everything I can to get him elected. Why? Because he’s better than John Hickenlooper. Simple as that! Jarred: People call in to our shows and say, “Well Tom’s tough on illegal immigration and he’s more conservative than Dan or Tom’s more of a name than Dan,” okay…but Tom’s not going to win. Richard: Dan has a chance of winning. When people meet him and get one-onone with him or to an event he’s at, people come away impressed with him. Is he a perfect candidate? No. Has he made

Jarred: No, and they talk all this stuff and trying to brow beat a guy into doing it himself. If you go through the process and you’re nominated, they can’t force you to go especially if you haven’t a broken any laws or committed any crime or aren’t incarcerated. Richard: If you go back through past gubernatorial and Senate races, many of which were orchestrated by the party or by Dick Wadhams and you look at the results, we got a lot of guys who lost. We got a Terry Considine, Bob Beauprez, Bob Schaffer, a long list of guys who lost in general elections. It’s not like they were king makers and working magic. They would make it seem like their track record has only been soiled by the Tea Party and the grassroots movement. And I would submit that their track record of electable candidates in Colorado goes back a lot further than any grassroots movements. Jarred: How were they not able, in one of the biggest Republican year in a generation, to put forth an airtight candidate? If McInnis and Maes were that flawed or are really as terrible as they’re portrayed in the media, then the Republican Party shouldn’t have let them run in the first place and had a better alternative six months ago. TCT: Dan Maes had the most votes ever for a GOP gubernatorial candidate in a Colorado primary. Doesn’t that indicate grassroots support? Wouldn’t state and national GOP want to work with that instead of against it? Richard: Add all of Dan’s and Scotts votes, are all of those people are wrong? In order for Dan to be elected, the grassroots people and the establishment people need to work hard for Dan. Write a check, exercise their ability to run campaigns and stop fighting with each other. Jarred: The Republican Party should have said, “We are going to do everything we can to try to help him win”... not conceded it two months ahead of time. I’m saying, “Vote for Dan Maes! Vote for the Republican.” If you’re representing the party and you’ve got the nominee for your party, how can you not support him? What is the purpose of that? Richard: The cult of personality and the individual candidate has triumphed over the party and what the party stands for and what conservative values are. If anybody is staying at home it’s going to cause us to lose the election. What we have to do is to start winning votes from that one–third that are neither Republicans nor Democrats?

In order for Dan to be elected, the grassroots and the establishment need to stop fighting with each other and write a check. some missteps? He has. All politicians and all people make missteps. People need to get beyond that. Tancredo is the problem, not Maes. Jarred: Tancredo said on Colorado Pols that his whole purpose in being in the race was so that Dan doesn’t win. He is on a personal ego vendetta. He knows he’s not going to win. He doesn’t care. He’s “teaching us a lesson.” Richard: Of everything Jarred has ever said, the thing I am most proud of him as a talk show host is that he distills this argument to one simple fact: that if Tom Tancredo is really concerned about illegal immigration in the state of Colorado, he would not be in this race at all. Period! He’s handing this state to John Hickenlooper and he’s helping create a sanctuary state. TCT: Should the GOP be allowed to circumvent the electoral process and withdraw support for Republican candidates so they can put in their handpicked candidate?

The Richard Randall Show airs weekdays in Colorado Springs from 8:30am to 10am and on Saturdays from 6am to 8am on KVOR radio, 740 AM.

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We the People | Grassroots Perspective

Former Democrat Embraces Conservatism Cindy Lyons, Senior Staff Writer Derrick Wilburn is a former Democrat turned conservative. He is a black American and the owner of a small business. Wilburn wants the black American community to become independent thinkers and break free of the Democratic Party hold. He wants to begin a free-flowing dialogue between the black and white communities. TCT: How long were you a Democrat? What changed your mind about it? How did you turn from liberal to conservative? Wilburn: I was a Democrat for nearly 30 years. I registered as an Independent due to my conversion to Christianity and my becoming a family man and small business owner. This impacted my view on how the role of government was to be. Government needs to keep us safe but above and beyond that, the private sector is just more efficient. I’m person over party. I care about where politicians stand on issues that are important to me and to my family. If their views on those issues and my views on those issues line up, then I’ll vote for them. There are issues with the Democratic Party in terms of its positions on some social issues that I struggle with. I am ardently pro-life. I think it’s murder. So it’s tough to endorse that. TCT: What about the Democratic Party today? It seems like they are all in lock step on key issues. Wilburn: There are good people and bad people on both sides of the aisle. There are good and bad ideas on both sides of the aisle. I like what Rick Warren said, “In order to fly straight this eagle needs both a left and right wing.” The problem we have now is that we only have one. We have a single party dominance, all we have is the left wing and it’s showing up. The Republicans have had super-majorities in the past and they screwed it up, too. There’s no checks and balance. It’s not healthy to just vote one side of the fence on all people and on all issues. A lot of the positions held by the Democratic Party are very harmful to people of color. They’ve given us public housing that is riddled with drugs and all kinds of issues. Nearly one third of aborted babies are little black babies, and yet we are supporting a political mechanism that keeps expanding abortion rights. We’re exterminating ourselves through blind allegiance to a political system. The narrative in parts of the black community is that if you are really going to be black, this is how you are going to think politically. And I refuse to let anyone tell me how to think.

TCT: The true issue is not Republican vs. Democrat, it’s big government (Bush) vs. much larger government (Obama). Wilburn: I agree. I mean a million and a half on the government payroll is too many, because government doesn’t produce anything. I like being an Independent. In the black population in this country we have identified ourselves so much with one political party, that it is on autopilot. TCT: Is that good for the black community? Wilburn: We’re hurting ourselves. I don’t so much see it as an Obama thing, although that is a big component of it. We have reached a point now where we have one political party that spends very little time, effort, and energy to reaching out to the communities of color. Because why bother? Why invest resources to get 4% of the vote? And you have another political party that puts a lot of window dressing on their message. And they don’t have to do anything because they are going to get 96% of our vote no matter what. TCT: Why did you decide to invite U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck to your home? Wilburn: I reached out to Ken Buck to say, “Look, the Republican Party has done a very poor job of outreaching to communities of color. I will open up my home to give you the opportunity to meet with people of color in Colorado Springs

…we are hurting ourselves by not engaging both political parties.

10 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

and talk about issues that are important to you.” This whole idea that if there is an R or D after your name, “I will not vote for you. We don’t vote Republican.” That is just foolishness. This is an attempt to communicate to people of color that we are hurting ourselves by not engaging both political parties. By simply being sold out to one, the loser is us. The fact is that most blacks really do hold conservative values. TCT: How did your family react to your decision to become an Independent? Wilburn: I haven’t had a lot of push-back from my immediate family. I do have some from my extended family and we debate all the time. While Cindy Lyons would rather be writing novels or short stories, she despises being lied to by the sharply expanding federal government; as such, she has become a citizen blogger, self-trained out of deep concern for her nation and in passionate opposition to the current progressive onslaught.

Mr. President, Mark Your Calendar Jay Cadillac, Contributing Writer November is coming. These three words shout out from a sign I brought home from an Acacia Park Tea Party earlier this year. It stands loud atop a shelf in my living room, proclaiming to all visitors that November 2010 is going to be a special November. An angry November. A righteous November. A November people will talk about for years to come. Those three words worry Democrats a lot. Just two years ago, my liberal friends were soaring high when a scared and frustrated America swept into power the most radically left-wing and arrogant rulers this country has ever seen. Barack Obama, a Chicago politician with no executive experience who has lived his entire life inside a liberal bubble and who has said there’s nothing special about America, has devoted his administration to a radical transformation of our country. Obama and his similarly left-wing lieutenants in Congress have scurried tirelessly to make their mark on future history books, at least those history books authored by fellow liberals. When they get done, they assured each other, the United States is going to look a lot more like Europe; whether we non-Europeans like it or not. Stimulus. Bailouts. Obamacare. Stupid cops. Arizona bigots. Ground Zero mosque. Bows and apologies to foreign despots. No more of that American-exceptionalism nonsense. No more humans into outer space. (Barack Obama sure ain’t no John Kennedy, his Democratic predecessor.) It took less than two years. Americans are fiercely showing they’re fed up. Democratic politicians, all but those in Boulder-type districts, are reading dismal polls and either inching away or sprinting away from the president as November creeps closer. Keeping in mind that this is only October, a month sometimes full of big surprises, I am reasonably confident my fellow voters are going to deliver a big “Who Do You Think You Are?” to zealous Democrats in a few weeks. That said, I’m still puzzled and depressed that in 2008, 53% of us trusted Obama enough to hand him that sacred four-year watch. Never once did I feel I needed to purge my collective white guilt and help elect America’s first black president. Not after I examined, even cursorily, who that aspiring president really is. It’s a tragedy that our first AfricanAmerican chief executive is not more like Martin Luther King, who gave his life by fighting for the simple, commonsensical

proposition that people should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. It’s sad that our first black president is not more like the high school principal character portrayed by Morgan Freeman in the movie “Lean On Me,” who sternly lectures his underperforming black high school students to quit fulfilling racial stereotypes, to quit listening to those condescending liberals who want to keep them a perpetual underclass. Or more like Bill Cosby, who tells black kids it’s time to stop blaming Whitey and scolds them for their 50% school dropout rate and shockingly high incarceration and illegitimate-birth rate. “We have to take the neighborhood back,” he thunders at them. Barack Obama could have been a genuinely postracial leader, a healer, a Lincolnesque president holding malice toward none. He might have counseled his fellow blacks not to forget, but to move on from America’s ugly sin of slavery and racism. But how could he have done this? From his earliest days he’s surrounded himself with the elite Left, those who ridicule Americans for clinging to their guns and religion. He belonged to a church with a pastor who screamed to his flock, “It’s not God bless America ... it’s God damn America!” We gave Obama a precious gift two years ago, the honor of being our president. He took that gift and spit it back in our faces with a haughty message that America’s days as a great country are just about over. This November we will slap that man. Last January my daughter gave me the most beautiful granddaughter a man could ask for. I sit holding her and listening to my president scold my country on TV — the country that spent the blood of 600,000 to free blacks from slavery; a country that spilled the blood of a half million more to save civilization from a new Dark Age of fascism; a country that gave its treasure and went to the brink of nuclear war to contain, and extinguish, the Evil Empire of worldwide communism — a country to which millions of wretched people risk their lives to flee to every year. My granddaughter has a grand inheritance coming — a land of freedom and of liberty. A land that is a shining city on a hill. You, sir, will not take that away from her. November, Mr. President, is coming. Jay Cadillac is a former newspaperman and currently a freelance writer.

What the Heck is a Tea Party? Dr. B. Leland Baker, Guest Writer

What is a Tea Party? That is a fair question, because so many members of the mainstream media have distorted people’s views of Tea Parties. I followed the Tea Party Express bus across the U.S. in 2009 and 2010, conducted hundreds of interviews, and determined that Tea Partiers’ have five foundational beliefs that are interconnected.

1. Constitutional Compliance Tea Partiers they understand that the U.S. Constitution is a restrictive document that describes the powers of the U.S. federal government and provides a tough amendment process for changing those powers. The federal role was limited, because history has proven the more powerful a central government, the less freedom their citizens enjoyed.

2. Smaller Federal Government

The size of the federal government would be substantially smaller, if our politicians strictly adhered to the U.S. Constitution. Entities such as the Departments of Education, Energy, or Health and Human Services would not exist since they

were not authorized by an amendment. Tea Partiers are opposed to government growth that is not authorized by our constitution.

3. States’ Rights

The 10th Amendment states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” States or people retain every power if not specifically delegated in the U.S. Constitution, reinforcing the Tea Party stance against a bloated federal government.

4. Lower Spending and Taxes

A smaller federal government would result in less spending, and fewer taxes confiscated from our paychecks. In 1913, U.S. income tax rates began at 1 percent and rose to 7 percent for citizens with higher income; in addition, less than 1 percent of Americans paid income tax at that time! Today, many citizens lose a third of our wages to an insatiable federal appetite. TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already! Just think of what you could buy if federal tax rates shrunk from 33 percent to the original 1 percent – or none at all!

5. Individual Rights, Responsibility, and Integrity There was a time when individual responsibility and integrity did not need to be explained, but today our legal system makes excuses or exceptions for guilty parties. For instance, Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury related to sexual misconduct. Although perjury is a felony, he was not removed from office. Why should laws against perjury apply to citizens, but not our elected officials? Tea Partiers are opposed to a class-based society whereby

political elites are allowed to violate laws, but citizens are prosecuted for similar conduct. Tea Partiers support the rule of law and equality for all Americans. What is a Tea Party? A Tea Party consists of activists who have decided that enough-is-enough and advocate a return to traditional American values! Dr. B. Leland Baker is the author of TEA Party Revival: The Conscience of a Conservative Reborn—The TEA Party Revolt Against Unconstrained Spending and Growth of the Federal Government.

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Centennial State | Colorado

Race to the Top Why Coloradans Should Be Celebrating Helen Sabin, Contributing Writer Recently, Colorado lost in the second round Race to the Top funding competition. Hooray! Colorado is not now beholden to the Obama agenda, to the federal government, or to a Department of Education that is trying to remove control of education from the state. As The 10th Amendment Center states, When the federal government decides it’s too risky to usurp the powers reserved to the states respectively, or to the people with outright force or fraud, it often employs a softer approach involving bribery. It should surprise no one that the Department of Education (DOE), under President Obama, is at it again.

Coloradans who believe that these funds will improve education in this state need to realize that the Obama track record on school reform is miserable; it gets an “F.” Obama’s education reform history shows this clearly. Obama and Bill Ayres wasted $100 million in Annenberg Challenge Dollars trying to reform Chicago schools, but students’ attendance didn’t improve, the scores didn’t improve, the rates of graduation didn’t improve, and Chicago children who really needed help didn’t get it. In fact, GreatSchools.com ranks Chicago toward the bottom with a three out of ten. Chicago still has many students who can’t read, speak English correctly or do basic math. But the kids did get a steady diet of social action and community organizing propaganda thrust

down their throats. They did learn how to agitate and feel victimized by society. Now Obama is at it again with his “international benchmark standards.” While those standards might be good for Colorado to consider as just one resource for determining what children should learn, it should be parents and school boards who decide—not the federal government and not some international committee. Education should remain in state hands and in the hands of parents who know best what their children should learn. As County Commissioner Candidate Peggy Littleton believes, We already know that the federal government, or at the least consortiums of states, wants to develop assessments to assess the Common Core. The scary progression continues…National Common Core, common assessment, will inevitably lead to a national curriculum.

in front of us with strings attached. The Feds already have Colorado jumping through hoops without assurance of any financial reward. It is time to manage our children’s education closer to home in an environment that fosters healthy competition between, public, private, home and charter school choices.”

Colorado also lost because the teacher’s unions wouldn’t hop on board. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of the teachers unions. Delaware and Tennessee fumbled their way to the winners’ circle not due to cutting edge reform but because their teachers unions endorsed their Race to the Top application. Change is coming to Vermont? Hardly. “If you want a revolu-

tion, you don’t give money to the regime in control,” states education expert from the Cato Institute, Neal McCulskey. So what do we do other than celebrate being declared losers? Coloradans can retaliate in two ways: by electing only those candidates for any office, state or federal, who did not support the Race to the Top and in November by throwing out of office any state legislator who voted for the funding. Helen Sabin is a retired college professor and former administrator who sees blatant subversion of America’s principles, values and ideals in educational curricula today and encourages parents to get more involved in their child’s education.

Colorado lost because candidates for state and national office spoke out against it. Their words were heard loud and clear in Washington. Dan Maes, Mark Barker, Peggy Littleton, Ken Buck, and Darryl Glenn were just some of the candidates who were not in favor of these restrictive and controlling grants. Dan Maes had this to say about the Race to the Top funding: Race to the Top funding is another example of Washington dangling our tax dollars, repackaged as federal funding,

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The Centennial State | Ballot Initiatives

The Taxpayer’s 3 Amigos Amendments 60, 61 and Proposition 101 Jeff Wright, Guest Writer Recent opposition comments, opinion letters and press releases are a mix of fear mongering, misleading, or totally false statements opposing these ballot initia� tives, the taxpayer’s “3 Amigos.” Previ� ous articles in The Consitutionalist Today have described the positive features of the 3 Amigos. Let’s look at the op� ponents’ arguments. The opponents use, as one leg of their campaign triad, the idea that knowing exactly who the authors, editors, contributors, re� searchers, and supporters are, only applies to these three initiatives. Do the opponents know who those same people are for each of the ini� tiatives and referenda on the ballot? Who wrote all those documents? Lawyers? Cit� izens? Who exactly? Of course they don’t know. That’s because it was irrelevant until these issues came along. The initiative or referendum process has many authors and contributors. However, it’s about policy, not personality. When the elected officials, judges and government employees exceed their au� thority, fail in the public trust, or simply engage in bad behavior, the initiative pro� cess is one fundamental check available to use when events so clearly call for it. Even with TABOR in place, we’ve seen state and local government spending rise 320% at all levels ($15.1 in 1992 to $46.9

billion in 2010), property taxes 183% and a disproportionate increase in the num� ber and cost of employees in government. According to current Colorado Bureau of Labor Statistics data, right up until May 2010 state and local governments contin� ued to add employees while the private

Even with TABOR in place, we’ve seen state and local government spending rise 320% at all levels since 1992. If left unchecked, total government spending in Colorado is projected to increase another 22% by 2012. sector has steadily lost jobs since 2007. I hardly see how one could say that these are conditions a self-stated fiscal conservative could ever accept. Even a liberal tax-and-spender must concede a 320% increase isn’t peanuts! In my book, that is government expan� sion, not smaller government. Electing so-called fiscal conservatives for nearly two decades hasn’t brought benefits due to big government interest groups, judges and politicians ignoring, misdirecting and outright implementing circumven� tions of TABOR. The few true fiscal conservatives we’ve elected in the last 18 years simply aren’t enough in number to stop the others from spending so far ahead of the carrying capacity of the pri� vate sector.

Given the extremely small number of We the People’s initiatives that reach the ballot and are approved, it is important that they truly be effective management tools. Amendments 60, 61 and Proposition 101 are intended to slow the rate of in� crease in spending through slowing the rate of revenue increases, eliminate and reduce allowable debt at the state and local levels, respectively. There are no ac� tual budget cuts. Remember that state and local government will keep every bit of the $47 billion in spending made across Colorado by government in 2010. It’s the rate of increase going forward that will slow when fully implemented over the next 10-15 years or more. If left unchecked, total government spending in Colorado is projected to in� crease about 22% from 2008-2012. In addition, total debt for all levels of gov� ernment would rise approximately 26%. In the last decade, state debt alone has tripled and debt service doubled. Total state GDP will only increase 12% during the same period. Local and state taxing, borrowing, and spending, combined with the grossly increased spending and debt at the federal level, de� fines the word “unsustainable.” It’s time to get serious! Exactly as they did during the TABOR campaign in 1992, the opponent’s pur� pose is to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD). Next they redefine wants as needs. Such redefined ‘wants’ then be� come ‘needs’ that can’t be touched, as so many government programs are today.

Clearly it has become necessary for the people to re-impose a proper understand� ing of the difference between “wants” and “needs” on our public servants. Look at what the special interest groups that drive so much of the increases in state and local are spending attacking the 3 Amigos. See “Opposition funding” at COtaxreforms.com. Total revenue and spending increases are projected to jump to $58 billion in 2015; the government would still get $55 Billion with the 3 Amigos. With debt al� ready at unsustainable levels, beginning to eliminate some of that 26% increase by 2012—all existing debt at the time of 61’s passage would still have to be paid off— can only be a good thing. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, as the govern� ment is doing by spending and creating more and more debt, and expecting a dif� ferent outcome. The opposition should have to explain exactly what government we can afford when that government bankrupts us. Amendments 60, 61, and Proposition 101 place reasonable con� straints on a government seemingly gone mad. Please urge your family, friends and neighbors to vote yes on 60, 61 and 101. Truly “do it for the children” this time. Jeff Wright is secretary and co-founder of the Pikes Peak Economics Club, an original petitioner/campaigner for TABOR, 1991-92, and relentless fighter for freedom and liberty.

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The Centennial State | Gubernatorial Race

Why Hickenlooper is Wrong for Colorado Cindy Lyons, Senior Staff Writer

Issue Background/Occupation

Third-party candidates NEVER win elections… We refer to these thirdparty candidates as ‘spoilers.’ -Sen. Dave Schultheis

In the gubernatorial race, if the Democrat John Hickenlooper win it means four more years of the same: more federal oversight in education, little to no restrictions on illegal aliens, higher taxes, continued or increased tax burdens on small business, and surrender to Obamacare. Hickenlooper is a globalist whose agenda threatens to become the most expensive of all Colorado’s governors. Hickenlooper supports the Dream Act and other pro-illegal immigrant actions. Although he has told several media outlets in Colorado that Denver is not a sanctuary city, facts dispute that. Sanctuary cities are defined as cities that provide a safe haven for undocumented illegal aliens and where police do not enforce federal immigration laws. A training bulletin, put out to police officers in Denver, cites section 104.52 of the DPD Operations Manual that Hickenlooper’s policies do in fact establish sanctuary city status. According to the website site.wrongforcolorado.net, “As a restaurateur, prior to being elected mayor, Hickenlooper and partner Lee Driscoll hired over 100 improperly documented workers who were in the country illegally…” The facts speak for themselves: Hickenlooper is soft on illegal immigrants.



Small businessman; business owner, entrepreneur.

Denver mayor; lawyer.

August 2009

When Ritter dropped out.

Believed Colorado needed less government and more free enterprise.

Received the call from the Obama administration when Ritter was told to drop out.

Criss‐crossed the state meeting people.

Attends fund raisers with Democrat insiders.

Will appoint constitutional conservatives who will judge, not legislate from the bench. Has pledged to hold the line and even reduce taxes. Will support the repeal of the "Dirty Dozen Fees." Plans to bring energy jobs back to Colorado; reduce taxes on business to stimulate growth. Will undo Ritter’s executive order to unionize state workers. Wants to shrink state government; has pledged to reduce.

More of the same liberal activist judges we got from Ritter. Has said that taxes are as low as they can go; expect to see tax increases. Supports union and government jobs. Free enterprise need not apply. Loves unions and their campaign funding. Supports Card Check. Will keep all the thousands of government workers Ritter hired.



Pro‐2 Amendment; would support Vermont‐style open carry law.

For gun control.

Race Entrance Running because…? Campaign Style Supreme Court Taxes Jobs Unions Size of Government Right to Life 2nd Amendment Illegal immigration State Budget Healthcare


Has made Denver a sanctuary city. Will make Colorado a sanctuary state.

Would support Arizona 1070‐like law. Would work with the state legislature to reign in state spending. Supports Amendment 63, Freedom of Health Care Choice for Colorado.

Would take his marching orders from Obama. Would implement Obamacare as quickly as possible.

Bottom line: If you want more Ritter, vote Hickenlooper. If you want smaller, fiscally responsible government that is responsive to the people, vote Maes. (Table data compiled by Al Maurer.)

And let’s not forget that Hickenlooper’s Chinook Fund scandal exposes funding for many social justice and globalist type organizations. Among the many groups funded by the Chinook Fund are: Re-create 68 and Transform Columbus Day Alliance, Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace, Denver Cop Watch and, yes, ACORN.

For more information: web.archive.org /we b/*/w w w.chino ok f un d .o rg , ju s t i nbl o ug h .c o m /2 010/09/09/ hickenlooper-2010-iclei-unesco-u-nbringing-global-government-agendato-colorado, www.cairco.org/sanctuary/ sanctuary.html, beforeitsnews.com/story/ 175/079/D e nve r_ Po s t _ s a i d , _ Denver_ i s_ not_ a _ sanctuar y_ city.

html, List of sanctuary cities: ojjpac.org/ sanctuary.asp While Cindy Lyons would rather be writing novels or short stories, she despises being lied to by the sharply expanding federal government; as such, she has become a citizen blogger, self-trained out of deep concern for her nation and in passionate opposition to the current progressive onslaught.

Out of Nowhere and Into the Light A Flash in the Pan? David L. Kelly, Featured Writer Several weeks ago if I was asked about a third party having any chance of changing the face of politics in Colorado, I would have laughed and declared that those pesky pundits were at it again. Now we find ourselves in a political firestorm which can be directly attributed to Tom Tancredo’s abandonment of the Republican Party and acceptance into the American Constitution Party as their new Colorado gubernatorial candidate. Many people may not know much about the ACP so let me tell you about this political party that may have a chance to become a major party (needs 10% + of gubernatorial votes) in Colorado after November 2. This is a party that has only 1,961 active voters (as of Sept 1, 2010) compared to the Republican Party’s 850,000, according to the Colorado Secretary of State’s active registered voter list. In 1992, the birthing of the U.S. Taxpayer Party by a coalition of independent state parties found life on 21 state ballots. Delegates at their national convention in 1999 voted to change their party’s name to the Constitution Party to best reflect the party’s primary focus of returning government to the U.S. Constitution’s provisions and limitations. The ACP Party advocates for limited government, states’ and individual rights and secure borders to name a few. They’re

pro-life, pro-family and are supportive of religious liberties of the people. Sounds good, but the ACP also has a dark side that very few people know about.

that parents should be in charge of every aspect of their children’s rearing. They claim the American people have no duty to provide for the defense of any foreign nation:

…but the ACP also has a dark side that very few people know about. The ACP views the U.S. Constitution of Article I, Section 8 which provides the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations as follows: We support a tariff based revenue system, as did the Founding Fathers, which was the policy of these United States during most of the nation’s history. In no event will the U.S. tariff on any foreign import be less than the difference between the foreign item’s cost of production and the cost of production of a similar item produced in these United States. The cost of production of a U.S. product shall include, but not be limited to, all compensation, including fringe benefits, paid to American workers, and environmental costs of doing business imposed on business by federal, state, and local governments.

Is this Free Market Capitalism or is this a Mercantilist Trade policy? I found that the ACP wasn’t a big fan of the Department of Education or foreign aid of any kind. Bluntly, they feel

The ACP proposes that the Constitution be obeyed to prohibit the United States government from entering any treaty, or other agreement, which makes any commitment of American military forces or tax money, compromises the sovereignty of the United States…

This would end the UN but does this mean that the U.S. must abandon our allies such as NATO, Israel and Taiwan? To prove their party’s limited government and pro-life platform, they have endorsed Colorado Amendments 60, 61, 62 and Proposition 101. Many a Republican have openly opposed the tax cutting ballot issues as well as remained silent on the pro-life initiative. This clearly separates the Republican Party from the ACP and how they view limited government. Even Tancredo’s support of TARP definitely goes against his new party’s freemarket/tariff based Constitutional platform. Obviously the party and Tancredo have worked out their differences or he had an epiphany and saw the light of his past errors. Regardless of the past, the ACP is quite happy to have Tancredo as

their gubernatorial candidate. The previous candidate, Benjamin Goss, stepped down and allowed the replacement process to begin without much of a fuss. Tom quickly won his candidate post and has even remained on the ballot after a recent challenge to his legal status regarding the validity of his candidacy. Overall, the party has rallied behind Tancredo and is quite supportive of him. The ACP has been jettisoned into the bright limelight of Colorado and national politics with their decision to run Tancredo, while potentially altering the Republican Party’s future as a major party. There is no doubt about the fact that we live in interesting times and that as many have already predicted. This upcoming election will be the most important one in your life. I’m sure November 3 will bring a new chapter to the story of the ACP, as well as to the future of the Republicans, Colorado politics as a whole and Tancredo’s infamous legacy. David L. Kelly advocates for liberty, freedom, limited government and free markets. He leads Liberty on the Rocks’ Colorado Springs Chapter, delivering “Tavern Style Politics in the Tradition of our Founding Fathers.” (www.libertyon therocks.org) David is also the co-founder of For What is Right (www.forwhatis right.org)

www.TheConstitutionalistToday.com | 15

The Centennial State | Gubernatorial Race

GOP Establishment Bully Eating its Young

Tom Tancredo: Principal Over Party

Chuck Graybill, Featured Writer

Dr. Michael Schneider, Organizer, Vail Valley 9-12 Project

Old guard, establishment Republicans would rather eat one of their own and hand the governor’s chair to Barack Obama’s disciple John Hickenlooper than give up their power and control of a party dying under its own elitist practices and image. The assault on the grassroots movement started in 2009, when upstart gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes was told by an establishment Republican to pull out of the gubernatorial race because he could never win. The onslaught has continued to today, with the GOP elite continuing their attempts to negate the vote of the people by forcing Maes to withdraw in favor of a handpicked successor. Maes’ admitted miscues were the public excuse for the mudslinging and character assassination that now appears to be part of an orchestrated nationwide attack on all grassroots candidates by the GOP establishment. You see, the Old Guard appears to fear the grassroots conservative movement as much or more than the progressive Democrats. This smear campaign against Maes is not about whether he embellished his resume, made campaign reporting errors or did or did not accept a gift, donation or contribution from someone. This is about the ability of common citizens outside the GOP inner circle to enter the political battlefield and run for office. Dick Wadhams and his henchmen and women appear intent making an example of Maes to discourage anyone from following in his footsteps. In the process they will hand the election to the Democrats if we do not stop them. This is a “take that,” Dan Maes! How dare you even imagine, let alone enter, the gubernatorial race without first paying homage to the powers that be in the GOP elite, obtaining their blessing and learning the cost of admittance into the club? This is a message being sent through Maes to any commoner contemplating a future challenge of the GOP establishment. Maes, Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell and others like them all believed they had an army of steadfast supporters protecting their flank, no matter what the odds against them. I thought we self-styled patriots believed in and wanted to restore the Constitution, and yet many of us pronounced Maes guilty without any benefit of due process. It happened so quickly, conveniently and with so little evidence

that it appeared many grassroots supporters had been anxiously awaiting any excuse to jump back on the GOP establishment bandwagon. Maes gave up his privacy, opened himself and his family up to public scrutiny, and took the challenge for every day, working Coloradans, who he believed wanted true change to restore the rights and wishes of We the People… only to be deserted when he needed our support most! Guilty until proven innocent has always been the motto of the progressives toward conservatives; now it appears to be the rallying cry of grassroots deserters who, out of convenience, want to throw their allegiance to Tom Tancredo, the American Constitution Party’s newest member. This is the same man who didn’t even respect the election process enough to go through the normal nominating process of his own party and now wants you to believe he is doing it for you. Tancredo appears to have an obsessive compulsive disorder about immigration,

This is about the ability of common citizens outside the GOP inner circle to enter the political battlefield and run for office. almost to the exclusion of all the other issues like jobs, taxes, debt, the economy, state rights, health care, education, and tort reform; issues Maes is focused on fixing. When you can’t hang in on the issues, I guess you can always resort to mudslinging and character assassination. Would Tancredo’s personal life withstand the intense scrutiny the media and GOP have focused on Maes? Has anyone looked into the rumors of his past and present mental fitness issues? Has anyone critically analyzed the Democratic candidate’s business abilities or miscues, and apparent ability to make money in spite of himself? Or, is this just going to be a love-in for all the gubernatorial candidates except Maes? If we allow the continued assault on Maes and throw support to Tancredo (an apparent petulant, spoiled brat starved for attention and the sound of his own voice), we deserve the four or more plus years of Hell that Hickenlooper will rain down upon us. Remember, he is a progressive first, and businessman a far distant second. If Coloradans want continued unemployment, the “Denverization” of the rest

There was a recent Facebook post by one of Tom Tancredo’s operatives that stated “Tom Tancredo–Principle over Party.” I do not know where the expression was first used but I do believe that the current use of “Principles over Party” began at the meeting of the Colorado 9.12 Coalitions with Dick Wadhams and Tom Tancredo back in December 2009. I know—I was present at that meeting. It was there that I first met Tom Tancredo and agreed with his diatribe on the failures of third parties and their candidates. I wrote the Tancredo operative who posted the Facebook piece and said that if Tom Tancredo was going to take a page from the 9.12 folks that he should get it right. It is Principles over Party not the singular. After seeing what has gone on over the past weeks and especially after watching the Aaron Harber interview with Tancredo on Channel 3 on Sunday 9/12, I think they had it right the first time only the spelling was incorrect. It should have read Principal over Party. It’s all about Tom and his inflated ego. Mr. Tancredo was asked this question by Mr. Harber: “If you knew that Dan Maes would beat John Hickenlooper if you dropped out of the race, would you drop out?” His answer was an emphatic “no!” Tancredo then followed up with a telling statement that “win or lose, it won’t affect my life.” That is the epitome of arrogance and complete disregard for the voters of Colorado. Just who is Tom Tancredo? He explains away his draft reclassification during the Vietnam era as “there was a question on the form regarding mental illness. I was treated for depression in high school and I indicated such.” Please correct me if I am wrong but as I recall, after graduation from college you were automatically re-

classified from 1S to 1A. Reclassification was only done by request. How about his explanation regarding the 12 illegals who worked on the remodel of his home? Tancredo said he checked with the owner of the contracting firm and the owner said they were legal. Wait a minute! You are Tom Tancredo, the champion of legal immigration. There are a dozen people working in your house who do not speak a word of English and you just take the word of their employer? Wow!

of Colorado, making it a safe haven for illegal immigrants, support for every Obama initiative, no tax cuts and continued economic downturn, then continue down this holier-than-thou road and refuse to let Maes prove his detractors wrong. Don’t give him the second chance all of us hope for when we misspeak or err. Look around the country; the GOP elite are systematically attacking Tea Party, grassroots candidates in a last ditch, ill-fated and ill-conceived attempt to stop us from taking over and creating the

new Republican Party. Those in power, who have so badly abused their elected positions and our trust, deserve to be replaced by us commoners, because they do not possess the honor and integrity to step down in disgrace. They are not our betters despite their beliefs and actions to the contrary.

Tom Tancredo is on his way to become the pariah of the conservative grassroots movement in Colorado. I received a copy of a letter to Tancredo from an organization that supports border enforcement. The letter was responding to a Tancredo request for financial support. The last paragraph of that letter compared Tancredo to a general who led his troops to the battle and then went home. The last line of the letter was “you will get no money from us.” Tom Tancredo is on his way to become the pariah of the conservative grassroots movement in Colorado. His disdain for Dan Maes is out of balance with his complaints. Just a reminder: Dan Maes is the legitimate Republican candidate for governor. Tom Tancredo is just a spoiler with a whole lot of baggage. Originally from New York, Michael Schneider has lived in Vail, Co for the past 22 years where he is a podiatrist. He organized the Vail Valley 9.12 Project in September 2009 in the hopes of being part of the force to return our government to the principles of our founders.

Chuck Graybill is the owner of Maggie Mae’s Restaurant, a former financial executive with BP, and author of Cannibals of Capitalism.

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American Voters: Do a Better Job on November 2nd! Col Jimmie H. Butler, USAF Ret, Contributing Writer Many of us look to the general election with anticipation. We must rectify critical mistakes of November 2008. Unfortunately, we can’t yet give the men and women in our armed forces a commander-in-chief worthy of them. We can, however, restore some checks and balances the framers of our Constitution knew were so critical. We must rein in the current crop of ambitious, liberal tyrants. Voters in 2008 were conned by a mantra of hope and change. This year we must do better. I believe aroused American voters will do just that. Here are issues that determine my votes this year. I’ll vote for conservatives who will defend the Constitution and traditional American values against liberal Democrat disciples of Alinsky’s Marxist plan to take over America. In most races nationwide, those conservatives will have an ‘R’ by their name. Minor parties will put up conservative candidates but can’t match voter turnout of major parties. Don’t be fooled by career politicians such as Charlie Crist in Florida, Lisa Murkowski in Alaska, or Tom Tancredo in Colorado. They couldn’t win their Republican primaries. Their vanity can only hurt America’s efforts to take our country back from the elitists. In congressional races America would be better off if we throw out everyone who voted for Obamacare, cap-and-tax, irresponsible spending, and unqualified leftist ideologues for the U.S. Supreme Court. Their defeats will make America a better place. Incumbents normally receive lots of campaign cash—in addition to all those favors throughout their terms that we never receive as grassroots citizens. So the people’s candidates need your donations of time and money to defeat entrenched members of the political class. This is the year to make it happen. That’s why I’m voting for Ken Buck for U.S. Senate and to re-elect Rep. Doug Lamborn. State races are critical as well. Thankfully polls predict a tidal-wave election for retaking control of governorships and state legislatures. Learn who the real conservatives are in your local races and give them donations. Beware of campaign literature touting an incumbent’s conservative values and not mentioning a party affiliation. Search the web and you’ll likely find a liberal wolf hoping to confuse the sheep once more.

Vote wisely for governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and state legislators. This is a year for party-line voting to throw out radical liberals who’ve corrupted the Democrat party. Many states will elect Republican governors, and they need a good strong team below them, along with conservative legislatures to rein in excessive spending. Note states such as Indiana, North Dakota, and Texas are in the best financial shape and are run by Republican governors. Attorney generals and secretaries of state are our first line of defense against ACORN-style fraud that has become a major tool of Alinsky-ites. Keep liberal Democrats out of those positions. Colorado and Delaware experienced similar tantrums by entrenched Republicans when conservative voters didn’t pick the party’s anointed choice. Nearly 200,000 voters picked Colorado gubernatorial grassroots choice, Dan Maes. The Republican hierarchy spent the next month in a shameless attempt to overthrow those votes. I don’t accept the wisdom of the state GOP machine declaring assembly and primary winner Dan Maes to be unelectable when the ruling elites have a solid record of picking losers. I commend GOP county leaders, such as El Paso County Chair Andy Merritt, who are in touch with the grassroots and are supporting Maes. We’re more determined than ever to keep the elites from giving the governorship to a liberal Democrat. The stakes for all Coloradans are too high. The statewide “Clear the Bench” effort should get three liberal state supreme court justices off the bench and give the new governor three important appointments. Do you want three more liberal justices or do you want three Constitution-following justices who will protect taxpayer rights? We need a conservative team in place in Denver when the 10-year redistricting takes place. Colorado voters must do better this year, as well. That’s why I’m voting for Dan Maes to head up Colorado and return the state to the prosperity we deserve.

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Jimmie H Butler is a retired USAF veteran who flew 240 combat missions in Cessnas, mostly over the Ho Chi Minh Trail through Laos. He is the author of A Certain Brotherhood and two technothrillers.

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OLIVER’S DELICATESSEN This cozy neighborhood deli located in the Rockrimmon area is the place to be anytime Monday through Saturday for breakfast and lunch. 6602-A Delmonico Dr., Hours: Monday–Friday 6:00 am–4:00 pm, Saturday 8:00 am–2:00 pm, 5999411

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FRANKIE’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL This casual neighborhood sports tavern and grill offers delicious food, good service, big screens & pool tables. Two locations: Powers & Galley in Colorado Springs, 574-4881; Woodman & Meridian in Falcon 495-8707, www.FrankiesBarGrill.com

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FRONT RANGE BBQ Southern-style slow smoked BBQ & home cooked meals from scratch. Two locations: 2330 W. Colorado, 632-2596; 4935 Templeton Gap Rd., 598-8895. Visit our website for menus, catering, live music & events schedule: www.frbbq.com

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JAKE AND TELLY’S We offer an array of traditional and family recipes such as lamb dishes, casseroles and mezzedakias (appetizers) and world-class wines. Located in Old Colorado City, in 26th block of Colorado Ave. Hours: 11:00 am to 10:00 pm, 7 days a week. JOEY’S PIZZA From pizza by the slice, specialty pizzas, calzones, stromboli, subs, salads and more, there will be a taste of New York in every bite. 1829 Briargate Blvd (across from Chapel Hills Mall), 265-6922

VIETNAMESE GARDEN We serve authentic Vietnamese cuisine made from scratch, no MSG, gluten free meals and take out available. Military discount. 3043 W. Pikes Peak Avenue. Hours are 11am–8pm Tuesday–Sunday, closed Mondays. 520-9299, www.vietnamesegarden.net

The Centennial State | Gubernatorial Race

Tambor Williams Puts Rumors to Rest


Leah Hotchkiss, Senior Staff Writer When Dan Maes announced Tambor Williams as his choice of running mate in the gubernatorial race on Aug. 17 many questions arose about her past voting records, her stand on crucial right to life issues, and her 2nd Amendment stance. As events wound up over Tom Tancredo, these questions have fallen into the background noise of the overall media blitz. The opposition, and some within the Republican camp, have asked both legitimate questions and thrown some pretty off–the-wall accusations at Williams. Here are Williams’ answers to a few of those tough questions. Q: Why did you support Referenda C and D? A: Tambor said she did not support C and D. She was not in the legislature when this controversial issue came about. She was however, in the governor’s cabinet. As a cabinet member it was Williams’ job, as she put it, “To advise the governor.”

Partial Birth Abortion. Criminal Partial Birth Abortion is a class I Misdemeanor.” First, all four criteria need to be proved in order to make it criminal PBA. Even then, it would have only been classed as a misdemeanor. Williams was not satisfied with that level of “criminal” classification. Q: Wouldn’t this bill have at least done something? At least made someone accountable? A: The final problem with this bill was it was not an equal application of the law. The bill exempts the women seeking the procedure. “A woman…may not be prosecuted under this section for conspiracy…” So in a constitutional light, this was discriminatory. If it is a crime, then it is a crime. All parties involved should be open to prosecution. To apply a law to one person and not another, who is equally guilty of the crime, is unconstitutional. With this bill being so obviously flawed, and many members voting to send it back to revue, clearly Williams made right choice. If this had passed without corrections then we would have a very specific definition of PBA that could be easily overcome by any lawyer, a criminal definition of PBA as a mere misdemeanor, and the only person who could be prosecuted for this misdemeanor would be the doctor who performed the procedure. Q: Did Williams approve funding for Planned Parenthood? A: “The Republican Caucus made a separate line item veto for Planned Parenthood funding so that Governor Owens could veto that line if he wanted to. All nine house women, including Lola Spradley, Lynn Hefley, and Lorrie Clapp, went to talk with Owens. They pointed out to him that Planned Parenthood had established a completely separate entity and that in many areas of the state… provided essential services not available elsewhere.” Subsequent audits have confirmed that no dollars have been taken from the funded Planned Parenthood entity and used to fund their abortion entity. Q: The last and most ludicrous accusation comes from the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners: You’ve been accused of being against 2nd Amendment rights. Is that true? A: Williams has her Concealed Carry Permit, has an A+ rating with the NRA, and hosts an annual fundraiser for the Friends of the NRA. (I’m not sure how much more she needs to do to be progun.) I think Charlton Heston himself, rest his soul, would have been okay with that record. With this quick glimpse at Tambor Williams’ past political record, hopefully we can reduce some of the useless media white-noise.

The opposition, and some within the Republican camp, have asked both legitimate questions and thrown some pretty off-the-wall accusations at Williams. Q: But isn’t that just a fancy way to say you supported C and D, since the governor supported it? A: “No.” Williams made it clear to the governor that she disagreed with C and D. She did not speak publicly for or against because it was not her place to lie and push an agenda she didn’t agree with. Nor was it her place to openly disagree with the governor. “I voted on C and D just like everybody else, not as a legislator, but as a Coloradan. For the record, I voted “No.” Q: Did you vote to stop a bill that would ban partial birth abortion? A: Williams said she voted to send this bill back to committee to be worded better. It was not a final ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote. On the second reading of this bill, 2/3 of the legislature voted ‘yes’ to send it to the Judiciary Committee for review. Q: Why did it have to be made better, after all a ban is a ban, can it get any better? A: This one is complex, and to understand Williams’ answers first look at the original bill. HB97-1136 was well-meaning, but full of flaws. The bill gave four very specific rules that would define Partial Birth Abortion (PBA). (Note: For anyone with a sensitive stomach do not read the next quotes.) a) Deliberate dilation of the cervix, usually over a sequence of days, b) instrumental conversion of the fetus to a footling breach, c) Breech extraction of the body excepting the head; and d) partial evacuation of the intra cranial contents of a living fetus to effect vaginal delivery of a dead but otherwise intact fetus.

Any one of these criteria could be avoided. It only takes three of these actions to get the desired outcome…PBA. Thereby, officially this would have given doctors a technical ‘out’ to get away with one of the most brutal procedures known in America. Williams thought the definitions too specific and easily manipulated. Q: But didn’t the bill at least make PBA a crime? A: “No.” Williams explained, the bill states that “Any person who…commits criminal

Leah is a native of Colorado, wife, mother of 3, and loves individual liberty and freedom. Her feelings on the current political atmosphere are summed up in the quote, “Why stand we here idle? What is it that we patriots wish? What would they give us? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!” If you can name the author of this quote then Leah will give you a cookie.

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The Centennial State | Gubernatorial Race

The Old Guard Just Doesn’t Get It John Alexander Madison, Guest Writer A funny thing happened on the way to the Republican nomination for governor. Only one person was chosen by Republican Party voters to represent about 1,000,000 registered Republicans in Colorado’s November general election. On the road to the nomination, the 2006 party nominee chose not to run again in 2010. (For the record, Bob Beauprez was eminently more qualified to be governor than Bill Ritter. Most of us knew it then, and we all know it now.) Then, a former one-issue (immigration) congressman with the initials of TT decided he could not win the governor’s office so he backed down in the fall of 2009. Touted as “the future of the Republican Party” the current Senate minority leader entered the race then dropped out this spring. Many are still wondering why. Finally, after a two-year run, former Congressman and well-qualified candidate Scott McInnis was defeated at the Republican State Assembly for top line on the primary ballot. In August, he lost the election. Both he and the eventual nominee ran strong races but only one person prevailed. Story over, either conservative Republican Dan Maes or ultra-liberal, far left wing John Hickenlooper, Mayor of Denver, will be our next governor. Not so fast, John, the story does not end there. Re-enter stage right (far right) is none other than lifelong Republican and former presidential campaign dropout Tom Tancredo, who determined early on that Dan Maes cannot win so he ordered Maes to drop out of the race and let the power brokers select a replacement candidate. If not, he said, he would leave the Republican Party and run as a member of the American Constitution Party. By doing so he is flaunting the primary election process and Colorado election rules prohibiting such a move.

According to a Denver Post article, the good news for former Congressman Tancredo is that 20 “influential” Republicans have endorsed him. The bad news for him is that only 20 influential Republicans have endorsed him. Is that it Tom, 20 influential Republicans? Before his supporters get too excited the list includes a state representative from Iowa; dropout gubernatorial candidate Penry; a wannabe “influential” Republican and county clerk from the Denver area; and nine other former elected representatives. Wow, underwhelming Tom. You and 20 endorsees want to reject the decision of 195,000 Republicans who voted for Dan Maes in the primary. Who are they? They are the old guard, the very old guard, who have systematically reduced Colorado Republican representation in Congress to just two of seven seats; who have handed both U.S. Senate seats to presidential lapdogs Udall and Bennet; and who have handed the governor’s office and a majority of both the Colorado House and Senate to liberal, big-spending Democrats. These long-time party leaders and businessmen, well-meaning as they may be, want access to their elected politicians and they believe their party nominee cannot win so they are jumping on the minor third-party candidate bandwagon or, heaven forbid, the Hickenlooper bandwagon. What they seem to be missing is that while the old guard is out, the grass roots movement (TEA party, 9-12ers, and millions of other average Americans) is in. They are sick and tired of politics as usual, sick and tired of all the politicians who have failed us and of tired, old politicians who just don’t know when it is time to go away or who won’t admit they have failed us. Don’t they know that our successful governance model is government of the

people by the people and for the people? That is the people, not the powerful few! The people have spoken. The only thing standing in the way of taking back our government and reducing out of control government spending is a former Congressman who did not receive one single vote in the August primary election. Clearly, he now cares little for the political party process which supported his election to Congress each time he ran. To be fair, a recent TV ad made it abundantly clear that Tancredo also has the support of an 82-year-old “victim” of the party politics, one Tancredo used in an attack against Dan Maes. They say like minds attract and perhaps that is why Tancredo, hand-in-hand with poor Miss Freda, has engaged in a full frontal assault on the Republican nominee for governor. Yes, the one who came out on top in the Republican primary election, a process in which nearly 400,000 voted. An interesting footnote, in the general election campaign is Tancredo has raised

a considerable amount of money in his first few weeks in the race. However, as McInnis found out in the primary, he who spends the most money does not necessarily win. He who gets the most votes does. McInnis apparently outspent Maes by about 10-to-one in the primary. If Tancredo is truly a conservative why is he destroying the grass roots, anti-government, conservative, back-to-the basics movement which is defining this year’s elections across the country? Tom, you are not listening. The people nominated Dan Maes, you nominated yourself. At a recent Dan Maes rally, a south Denver businessman opined this year is all about a spiritual battle for the soul of our nation. Are you ready to stand up and fight? John Alexander Madison is a weekly contributor to The Jeff Crank Show. He posts every Monday morning at www.jeffcrank.com.



20 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

Dan Maes, Bike Paths and Sustainable Development Bob Adelmann, Featured Writer It didn’t take the Denver Post long to repeat what gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes told his supporters what he thought about Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s support of bike paths, and to make Maes’ comments sound extreme and out of touch. What the Post forgot to mention is that Hickenlooper’s support of ICLEI—Local Governments for Sustainability—is exactly what Maes said it was: “These aren’t just warm, fuzzy ideas from the mayor. These are very specific strategies that are dictated to us by this United Nations program that mayors (like Hickenlooper) have signed on to.”

port system. Action must be taken now to control [those] human activities…” But as the UN’s efforts to impose “top down” dictatorship in the name of the environment and “sustainability” concerns became increasingly better known, “bottom up” efforts such as ICLEC were undertaken. As Freedom Advocates explains, it is “ICLEC’s job to implement United Nation’s policies that restructure our representative form of government [though policies that] take control from our [local] representative government and put it into the hands of regional, nonelected boards…[this] turns us into a soviet system…” As Freedom Advocates summarizes, in the name of Sustainable Development, the ICLEC seeks: • Step by step abolition of private property through the implementation of the Wildlands Project and Smart Growth. • Education of youth to prepare them for global citizenship. • Control and ultimate reduction of human population. “Smart Growth” initiatives include requirements for “high rise living”, “mixed use buildings,” and “walkable communities” with mass transit such as light rail, and bicycle trails. Denver joined ICLEC in 1992 and George Merritt, a spokesman for the Hickenlooper gubernatorial campaign put the best face possible on the matter, claiming that the group’s goal is “to bring cities from all over the world together to share best practices and help create the kinds of communities people want to live and do business in. John Hickenlooper believes [that such] collaboration leads to smart decisions.” Nothing was said about the underlying agenda of ICLEC. Maes was much more forthright: “At first, I thought, ‘Gosh, public transportation, what’s wrong with that, and what’s wrong with people parking their cars and riding their bikes? And what’s wrong with incentives for green cars?’ But if you do your homework and research, you realize ICLEC is part of a greater strategy to rein in American cities under a United Nations treaty…Mayor Hickenlooper is one of the greatest fans of this program.” In fact, Maes concluded, “Some would argue that this document [of membership in ICLEC] that mayors [like Hickenlooper] have signed is contradictory to our own Constitution.”

“These aren’t just warm, fuzzy ideas from the mayor. These are very specific strategies that are dictated to us by this United Nations programs that mayors (like Hickenlooper) have signed on to.” -Dan Maes It sounds innocuous enough. The ICLEI, founded and funded through the UN in 1990, claims that it supports “local government in the implementation of sustainable development at the local level…[with] initiatives that can provide an effective…way to achieve local, national, and global sustainability objectives.” To readers not sensitive to the use of “cover” words, this sounded reasonable. Who doesn’t want to sustain growth and development to fulfill local objectives? As Tom DeWeese from the American Policy Center put it, “There is a nearly universal lack of understanding of the issue of Sustainable Development and the dangers it poses to our liberty.” The roots of ICLEI go back to the UN’s Earth Summit which adopted Agenda 21 which calls for “changing the very infrastructure of the nation, away from private ownership and control of property to nothing short of central planning of the entire economy…[it] is designed to change our way of life.” DeWeese quotes from the UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report that the following items and activities are not sustainable, and must be controlled and limited by the UN: ski runs, livestock grazing, plowing, building fences, single family homes, paved roads, logging, dams and reservoirs, power line construction (as well as) economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment. [emphasis added] This was confirmed by the UN’s 1995 report from its Commission on Global Governance: “Human activit[ies]…are impinging on the planet’s basic life sup-

Bob Adelmann writes for The New American magazine, and lives in the Colorado Springs area. He can be reached at BobAdelmann@msn.com.

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It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please. Certainly no such universal power was meant to be given them.

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The Centennial State | Gubernatorial Race

Do You Believe It’s Time to Legalize Marijuana? Tom Tancredo Does Col Jimmie H. Butler, USAF Ret, Contributing Writer At the Sept. 25 gubernatorial debate sponsored by Action 22 in Colorado Springs, former Congressman Tom Tancredo revealed why he might be the darling of some Libertarians and most pot smokers. However his unequivocal stand on legalizing marijuana makes me wonder how any Coloradan with children to raise would consider voting for Tom Tancredo. Why are some establishment Republicans who turned their backs on the people’s choice, Dan Maes, willing to link their names and reputations with a proponent of legalizing marijuana in Colorado? The three-way debate between Democrat John Hickenlooper, Republican Maes, and self-appointed third-party candidate Tancredo started out informative and spiced with controversy. This key exchange started with a rather simple question on what should be done about the flood of marijuana dispensaries rolling over the state since the approval of medical marijuana use in Colorado. I expected answers involving zoning as is currently being wrestled with in Colorado Springs and El Paso County. Tancredo responded to the issue of legalizing marijuana first. His stance is that since the war on drugs has been lost, Coloradans should just go all the way and legalize marijuana and tax it to increase state revenue. In one way this was a typical career politician’s answer similar to what we’ve seen this year from the liberal Democrat governor and legislature in Colorado. Find something new to tax to feed the government’s ever-growing ap-

petite. The implications are much broader, of course, since joining the liberals on this issue puts the lie to Tancredo’s oft proclaimed label of being the true conservative in the governor’s race. Maes attacked the concept of just legalizing various vices with the goal of increasing government revenue. He challenged Tancredo on what would be next. Legalizing prostitution, cocaine, heroin, etc.? Maes pointed out the fallacy of thinking the revenue from taxing marijuana would be free money to the state. He predicted the costs of Colorado dealing with the consequences of much wider marijuana use would like eat up all—and more—of the imagined windfall Tancredo forecasts. Hickenlooper started off jokingly warning Maes that such sarcasm likely would reappear in an attack ad (by Tancredo) suggesting Maes supports legalizing prostitution and drugs. Hickenlooper made a reasoned argument for medical marijuana in cases where it was uniquely able to treat symptoms such as chronic pain. He cited a council member whose back pain was relieved only by taking

small doses of marijuana. Hickenlooper said that every person he’d talked to in law enforcement and social services has told him legalizing marijuana would be a bad idea. Hickenlooper’s assessment should have convinced Tancredo he was off the grid. What true conservative positions himself further left than a liberal Democrat? Nevertheless, Tancredo started off his rebuttal stating that he, too, had talked to many police officers. They all said that when responding to an incident, it was easier to deal with someone high on pot than someone who was drunk. Tancredo seemed to think that logic supported his case for legalizing marijuana. Last year Tancredo stated his position on legalization while speaking to the Lincoln Club of Colorado on May 20. He said since the war on drugs is lost, it was time to consider legalizing drugs. He spoke of how violence between drug cartels over cocaine smuggling is moving closer to our borders and that the Drug Enforcement Agency says Denver is a distribution hub. So Tancredo’s May 2009 stand adds credence to Maes’s concern that Tancre-

do’s legalization of marijuana could be just the first step. A Governor Tancredo might well push to keep legalizing more drugs with the politician’s dream of pulling in more tax money while more lives go down the drain. In this year of peaceful revolution with millions of Americans standing strong to take America back, I doubt any career politician will be elected on a platform of undercutting our society by legalizing drugs. Tancredo will not become governor by offering to champion such change for Colorado. In the 3-way debate, Tancredo was obviously the odd man out, leaving Colorado’s governor’s race as determined at the August 10 primary: Our choice is between Hickenlooper continuing the wasteful spending and progressive policies that have hurt all Coloradans, or conservative grassroots businessman Maes leading us back from economic failure. If you’ve been taken in by the gutter-level attacks on Maes by career politician Tancredo, I urge you to attend a debate and get acquainted with Maes. On Sept. 25 I saw Tancredo as diminished on stage beside Maes. I concluded that was because Tancredo had to be silent on the lies his campaign ads push because Maes was there to refute all the misleading statements Tancredo has built his ill-fated campaign upon. Jimmie H Butler is a retired USAF veteran who flew 240 combat missions in Cessnas, mostly over the Ho Chi Minh Trail through Laos. He is the author of A Certain Brotherhood and two technothrillers.

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22 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

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The Centennial State | Clear the Bench Colorado

Silent But Deadly

How Judicial Despots Have Quietly Seized Power in Colorado Matt Arnold, Featured Writer The heretofore largely invisible but (alas!) not so helpless worms of the Colorado Supreme Court have indeed been busily employed in consuming the substance of our Constitution, setting aside the clear letter of the law in favor of imposing their personal political agenda. In an increasingly flagrant series of rulings—beginning with the judicial takeover of legislative authority over congressional redistricting in the notorious 2003 Salazar v. Davidson case (in which the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling majority effectively declared themselves part of the General Assembly in order to justify the judicial power grab)—the Mullarkey Majority on the court has steadily expanded its claim to power and authority over ALL state policy questions, …gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped. -Thomas Jefferson

The Mullarkey Court has eroded individual property rights (the “Telluride Land Grab” case); violated the constitutional rights of Colorado citizens to have a say over increased tax burdens (first by allowing a tax increase by calling it a fee—such as the Colorado Car Tax—in the 2008 Barber v. Ritter case, then aiding and abetting additional unconstitutional tax increases via the subterfuge of calling them a rate freeze—the 2009 Mill Levy Tax Freeze case—or an “elimination of existing tax credits or exemptions”– the 2010 Dirty Dozen tax increases); and more recently declared that unelected judges (not elected school boards or state legislators, exercising constitutional budgeting authority) have the final say on school funding. This Supreme Court recognizes no limits on its power. This majority has arrogated to itself the ultimate power to decide all questions—legislative, executive, or judicial—in the state. For them, their word is law; according to them, the Constitution is what they say it is. They do not recognize a standard or limit. The Constitution...is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary which they may twist and shape into any form they please. -Thomas Jefferson

The Mullarkey Majority’s rulings have reeked of judicial activism (pushing a personal agenda, not upholding the law) for years. This is not merely a partisan issue; former Democrat governor Dick

Lamm characterized a 2006 Colorado Supreme Court ruling as: a matter of raw, naked, arbitrary political power on the part of the court. In a decision that does not reflect legal reasoning but instead a political agenda, four members of the Colorado Supreme Court decided not to let Coloradans vote on this issue. Their action was unprincipled, unjust, unfair and unjustified. -Dick Lamm, Denver Post Guest Commentary, “Politicians in Black Robes,” June, 16, 2006

The legal establishment special-interest groups (led by the Colorado Bar Association, COBAR) have joined together in an odoriferous association to boost their buddies on the bench by recently launching an education campaign (electioneering without using the magic word of vote ‘yes’ or vote ‘no’) to prop up incumbent judges and justices. Combined, these special interests are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in television, radio, and print ads providing nonpartisan information about the performance of judges seeking retention that, curiously, all supports a retain vote. Education campaign? It doesn’t pass the smell test. More than a whiff of corruption and the stink of a serious conflict of interest adheres to these special interests lobbying on behalf of the judges before whom they practice law. These politicians in black robes have been able to get away with their silent but deadly takeover of political power and authority (and serial violations of the rights of Colorado Citizens) by operating outside of public view (Jefferson’s invisible worms analogy). Sunshine is the best disinfectant. By shining the light of day on the serial transgressions of our judicial incumbents (three of whom—Michael Bender, Alex Martinez, and Nancy Rice—are seeking an additional 10-year term in office) and educating voters on our right to hold these unjust justices accountable at the ballot box this November, we can clean up our judiciary. We the People can exercise our right to hold these unelected officials accountable. No more stench from the bench! This year, ‘no’ your judges—let’s clear the bench, Colorado! Matt Arnold (info@clearthebenchcolo rado.org) is the founder and executive director of Clear The Bench Colorado, an organization working to restore accountability to the judicial branch in Colorado. For more information, visit www.clearthe benchcolorado.org

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The Centennial State | Fremont County

Kevin Grantham

Candidate for Colorado State Senate District 2 Dusty Foster, Contributing Writer

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Expires Oct. 31, 2010

24 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

TCT: Kevin, why did you decide to run for state Senate? KG: I felt it was time to get more involved in the decision-making process in our state. Colorado is dealing with some very critical issues and we need a senator who reflects the values of this district. We’re a rural agricultural district that’s conservative from one end to the other, regardless of party affiliation. I felt I was in a good position to serve the people in District 2 by running for this senate seat. TCT: Give us a little of your background. KG: I grew up in the Arkansas Valley, in Crowley County and since 1998 I’ve lived in Fremont County. This gives me a wide perspective on the views of the people I will represent, if elected. I’m a real estate appraiser. My family has been in the real estate business for decades. And I’m a happily married family man with two great kids. TCT: Specifically, what state problems caused you to decide to run? KG: One problem I saw was the mishandling of our Constitution in order to dive into our pockets. The Supreme Court has given carte blanche to the legislature to do as they will as far as raising taxes and fees. There’s an environment in Denver that skirts around TABOR, calling tax increases ‘fees.’ I hope to do something about this haphazard handling of our Constitution. The Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation & Economic Recovery (FASTER) regulation is a good example. They circumvented the Constitution and raised the car registration fees, essentially taxes. This has been very unpopular with the people. It’s a violation because it didn’t go before the voters. A lot of this money went to increased bureaucracy. The voters have had no say in how much it is or where the money goes, which is a requirement of TABOR. Bottom line, we have to repeal FASTER. TCT: What other issues do you see as thing that need to be solved? KG: There’s the whole regulatory environment in Denver making it increasingly difficult for businesses to come into Colorado. Here again, they have imposed fee increases. We have seen the negative effects on the oil and gas industry due to these new regulations. These regulations were not necessary and many lost their jobs needlessly. Colorado is one of the greatest sources of energy resources but we’re no longer competitive with other states. We need to reverse this. TCT: There is a shortfall of funds in Colorado. What solutions do you see to that problem? KG: It’s a question of priority spending coupled with returning to the legitimate roll of government. We need to focus on what the fundamentals of government are, staying within those boundaries. Government’s role is to take care of transportation and water system infrastructures. And there’s public safety, which are the police forces and prison systems. I’m not saying it’s an easy job going through the budget, deciding priorities, but even with a $1.5 million shortfall, we can find ways to fund the essentials.

Another primary function of state government is to get the federal government to do what it is supposed to do, such as enforcing immigration laws. If the federal government fails in its responsibilities, the situation can become a safety issue for Coloradans. The state legislature has an obligation to do what it can to protect Colorado citizens. TCT: What other concerns do you have? KG: Second amendment rights. We see this problem across the country. There’s a blatant disregard for the plain reading of our Constitution. Where it says, “The right to keep and bear arms shall not be

It’s going to take eternal vigilance on the part of state legislators to prevent encroachments on the people’s lives and freedoms. As a state senator, I can…bring these issues to the public eye. infringed” is easily understood by the average reader. We don’t have to read all the case law and commentaries. The same goes for all the amendments. But the 2nd Amendment is constantly being twisted and legislated away. It’s a fundamental right of every American. It’s not a right granted by government but one recognized and enshrined in our Constitution. As it stands now, we have to face a bureaucratic monstrosity just to buy a simple gun. It’s an affront to the Constitution and as a state senator I will work to correct this. Then there’s the issue of property rights. With the Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site in Las Animas County, we see the property rights issue in full force. It’s the federal government against the ranchers and farmers. Even after promises made and broken, they’re still trying to expand Piñon Canyon Army Maneuver Site. Having hundreds of thousands of acres of ranch and farm land taken out of production would be devastating to the economy of our part of the state and the people of Rocky Ford, La Junta, Las Animas, Lamar and other places in the Arkansas Valley. This is unacceptable. TCT: What can be done about this? KG: It’s going to take eternal vigilance on the part of legislators to prevent this and other encroachments on the people’s lives and freedoms. As a state senator, I can be a voice to bring these issues to the public eye. I can say, “Look at what’s happening here. This is wrong. We need to bring pressure on our federal representatives to put a stop to this.” We need to let them know we understand the issues, that we are watching what they’re doing and we need to keep them honest. In my role as state senator I will stand up in the Senate and take a stand against these things, persuading my fellow senators that these bills are bad for our state. On the flip side, I will fight resolutely for those good bills that will promote business, freedom, liberty, and limited government. Dusty Foster lives in Cotopaxi, Colorado and is founder of the nationwide Vote Trackers Project, www.VoteTrackers.com. For questions or comments email Foster at penknife101@yahoo.com.

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What America needs is a rediscovery of the capitalist economic system and a renewed participation in it. We as a country have not taught capitalism to our youth nor encouraged small business ownership, the backbone of our economy. Our way of life is best preserved by those who run small businesses. It empowers the individual, provides jobs, and shrinks government. Capitalism has gotten a bad rap lately in the liberal media. The disregard of the work ethic, the promotion of easy money, the dismissing of personal responsibility and the indulging of self pity has landed us where we are today. A fundamental misunderstanding of how the world actually works and ignorance of our national heritage (largely perpetuated by the media and the public school system) have earned us ignorance of the natural laws of success. Rich DeVos, a home-grown billionaire, defines the basics of the free enterprise system as the Ten Pillars of Economic Wisdom: 1. Nothing in our material world can come from nowhere, nor can it be free: everything in our economic life has a source, a destination and a cost that must be paid. 2. Government is never a source of goods. Everything produced is produced by the people, and everything that government gives to the people, it must first take from the people. 3. The only valuable money that government has to spend is that money taxed or borrowed out of people’s earnings. When government decides to spend more than it has thus received, that extra unearned money is created out of nothing, through the banks, and when spent, takes on value only by reducing the value of all money, savings and insurance. 4. In our modern exchange economy, all payroll and employment come from customers, and the only worthwhile job security is customer security; if there are no customers, there can be no payroll and no jobs. 5. Customer security can be achieved by the employee only by cooperating with management in doing things that win and hold customers. Job security, therefore, is a partnership problem that can be solved only in a spirit of understanding and cooperation. 6. Because wages are the principal cost of everything, widespread wage increases,

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place and condition are changed by the expenditure of 2) human energy (both muscular and mental), with the aid of 3) tools. 9. Tools are the only one of these three factors that humans can increase without limit, and tools come into being in a free society only when there is a reward for the temporary self-denial that people must practice, in order to channel part of their earnings away from purchases that produce immediate comfort and pleasure, and into new tools of production. Proper payment for the use of tools is essential to their creation. 10. The productivity of the tools—that is, the efficiency of the human energy applied in connection with their use—has always been highest in a competitive society in which the economic decisions are made by millions of progressseeking individuals, rather than in a state-planned society in which those decisions are made by a handful of all-powerful people, regardless of how well-meaning, unselfish, sincere and intelligent those people may be. Capitalism works! Free enterprise fueled by hard working, conscientious, freedom minded independent people, opens the doors to human potential and empowers man to be his best. In its wake, it creates jobs, pays for government, solves problems and universally improves the human condition. If you haven’t yet considered being your own boss, now is a great opportunity to follow your dream. Owning a business is not for the faint of heart and couch potatoes need not apply. Be in control of your destiny and participate in the free enterprise system. Brian Beck is a local small businessman and Air Force veteran concerned with intrusive government.


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without corresponding increases in production, simply increase the cost of everybody’s living. 7. The greatest good for the greatest number means, in its material sense, the greatest goods for the greatest number which, in turn, means the greatest productivity per worker. 8. All productivity is based on three factors: 1) natural resources, whose form,

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26 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

What’s the Objective? Rep. Kent Lambert, Guest Writer The first and primary military Principle of War at any level of conflict is “The Objective.” That is, to direct every operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goal. Throughout the course of any war, battle, or mission, the objective may change as a conflict progresses, but without a clear and well-understood objective, all other phases of planning may fail. As circumstances, resources, or environments change, leaders need to constantly reassess whether the objective has changed or must be modified. The same principle can be applied to political conflicts. So far, the conservative movement has been on the defense against the socialist destruction of our liberty and the economy, assaults on the rule of law, election fraud, and the rejection of the will of the people. Now shifting to offense, conservatives are gaining

debate after debate, Democrats seem totally calloused to the fact that their policies that consume businesses and private sector jobs. In 2010, everything is at stake. Obamanomics is unsustainable, and perhaps unrecoverable if Americans don’t act now. Conservative Objectives include a balanced state budget with no tax increases, control of the bleeding of jobs and taxpayer funds due to illegal immigration, and restoration of the affordable energy industries. Conservatives will reject or replace judges if they oppose the clear reading of the Constitution, increase the transparency of all public money, move to restore the power of states from the central planning of an irresponsible and corrupt federal government, contain business-killing overregulation and lawsuit abuse, eliminate expensive forced unionization, rebuild a sustainable state retirement system, protect private healthcare

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Green Acres Granite one victory after another against a biased media, alliances of special interests, tone deaf liberalism, and even many court cases and contested political races. According to official statistics, about 14,000 government jobs in Colorado have been “created” by continuous government expansion, the highest levels of spending in history even in the midst of a recession, and court-brokered jobstealing tax increases. The corresponding cost to the private sector has been the loss of 170,000 Colorado jobs, business failures, foreclosures, unemployment, and the huge resulting losses of revenue. In

options, and increase parental choice for quality education. A Republican majority will draw legislative districts more fairly, will restore fairness in elections laws and 1st Amendment rights, and will protect the rights of gun owners to defend themselves and their families. The current conservative offensive could result in historical wins in November. Some optimists believe Republicans could regain control of both Congress and the Colorado General Assembly. Such a shift in society is a predictable reaction to the outrageous and reckless OBJECTIVE on page 29

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Free Markets | Eye on Entitlements

The Enslavement of America Jeff Crank, Featured Writer

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28 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

“I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted.”

Those were the words of Frederick Douglass, former slave and abolitionist leader. Last month as I traveled through the neighborhoods of Washington, DC—a city with 54 percent black population— Douglass’ words came to me. The squalor found in the neighborhoods of our nation’s capital, as well as most every urban city in America is a sad testament to the disastrous War on Poverty begun by Lyndon Johnson but it reflects also on the immorality of what has become government imposed slavery. Blacks in America were never broken by slavery. That fact by itself is testament to their faith, family strength and perseverance. It is one of the most admirable traits of the black community in America. The injustice of slavery might have broken the will of many people but the abiding faith in Almighty God so prevalent amongst blacks in America has, throughout history, led their spirit to the Promised Land. It is simply the chains of government that keeps many of their earthly bodies from true freedom on this earth. A proud and faithful people who survived the immorality and bondage of slavery followed by the hatred and bigotry of segregation have only one master who still lords over them—the federal government and its War on Poverty. My great-great-grandfather, William C. Hunt, fought in the Civil War to free slaves and to preserve the Union. His writings confirm his desire to see all men free. I’m certain that neither he nor Douglass could ever have imagined their sacrifice would be hijacked by a government which enslaves people for political gain. The entire social experiment known as the War on Poverty, conducted over the last 40 years has not only been an abject failure, but its intentions—raw political power—are even more sinister. Some politicians in America have for decades used the promise of federal assistance as a way to get votes and stay in power. From Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton to Barack Obama many black “leaders” have chosen to exploit their own race for political gain and co-opted the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King. Even giving them the benefit of the doubt—that they are well-intentioned and actually believe that government is the answer—forty years of failure and misery should lead every American to one, simple conclusion: government is the problem. Take inner-city schools for example. Only politicians with a slave-owner mentality would protect a school district like the District of Columbia. All children are born with hope and promise but many in

D.C. are eventually beaten down by a system that they have little chance of overcoming. Parents who love their children just as much as suburban parents simply can’t afford to send their child someplace else, and leaders like Jackson and Obama defend that system and continue to prey on the victims of the system because it pleases their labor union bosses. Let’s see, keeping others enslaved so you can maintain power and live a better life yourself? Are they any better than the slave masters of old? The federal government has forced its way into the business of caring for our neighbors and it can only be characterized as a hostile takeover. Traditionally, churches and synagogues have joined forces with private charitable organizations to meet the needs of those less fortunate in America. As government has

“…events like that change a man for the rest of his life.” encroached in this area, the private sector has allowed government to intrude and become the main caregiver. But why would this make a difference? When religious and private charitable organizations help those less fortunate, they do it out of compassion, and that compassion shows in the way they carry out their mission. When even well-intentioned bureaucrats hand out government benefits they do it to receive a paycheck, and their motivation shows as well. Many who work for the federal government in the area of social services are compassionate, caring people; but compassionate, caring people can also care for their neighbor through private organizations and without getting paid along side other citizens who work to make the world, our nation and community a better place. Simply put, government does not deliver compassion, Americans do. As I reflect on black America, I’ve often wondered what a less faithful, less family-oriented, God-fearing race would have done to survive the indignity and inhumanity of slavery. Most would not have fared well. Two obstacles stand in their way of true economic freedom in America: government intrusion into private solutions to poverty and politicians who continue to enslave for political gain. After 234 years of slavery, isn’t it time to break the bonds? Let Frederick Douglass realize his dream that slaves recognize they have been held in bondage because they can’t do the things they want. Only by breaking the shackles of government imposed “compassion” can Martin Luther King’s dream be realized. “Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.” Jeff Crank is the Colorado Director of Americans for Prosperity and host of The Jeff Crank Show on KVOR 740 AM.

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. —Frederick Douglass

Free Markets | Energy & Environment

Kitchen Table Politics Wind, It Really Does Blow Leah Hotchkiss, Senior Staff Writer In an April report titled How Less Became More: Wind, Power and Unintended Consequences in the Colorado Energy Market, Bentek Energy LLC compiled real world data and analyzed the effects of “green” legislation for the last four years. Their introduction gives away the ending, but it’s a really nice way to say that the bureaucrats have really messed up. …the emissions benefits of renewable energy are not being realized as planned based on examination of four years of Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCO) operation history.

Juxtaposing the reality of higher pollution and higher costs, with green policy goals this report reads like an Ayn Rand-ian nightmare for consumers and utilities providers. To understand the report you first must understand that magic fairies do not create electricity, and that the laws of phys-

Now, cycling also affects the efficiency of the plant. When ramping up, plants put off higher levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrous oxides (NOx), carbon dioxide (CO2), and other air pollutants. As these plants are cycling they are not operating at their “steady state” designed efficiency. The report states that this “variability causes problems with the way they [coal plants] interact with their associated emission control technologies, frequently causing erratic emission behavior that can last for several hours before control is regained.” The need to aggressively follow energy demands with the process of cycling must continue to be used if wind is to be integrated into the current system. The data from Denver area plants, Valmont, Arapahoe, Cherokee, and Pawnee, shows increases in SO2, NOx, and CO2 outputs from 2006-2009. Only the Cherokee plant showed lower SO2. Cherokee switched to a lower sulfur coal so their reduced SO2 isn’t from wind offsets. The report uses several examples to show how the estimated wind savings are nowhere near reality. In an example of cyclic records from July 2, 2008 the report shows that “By netting out the emissions associated with the coalfired generation that were avoided by using wind, the result is that due to wind generation, SO2, and NOx emissions were significantly higher (23% and 27%, respectively) than they would have been if the coal plants had not been cycled to compensate for wind generation.” To add insult to injury, when a coal burner does ramp up, manual adjustments must occur to control the varying temperatures. This is not nearly as simple as it sounds as up to 50 required adjustments must be made. Because boilers are designed to run efficiently, these changing conditions make the combustion process “suboptimal and the calculated adjustments do not have the expected impact on the boiler operation.” These adjustments expose the plant to its “greatest risk of instability.” Uh-Oh. This could lead to “Significant emission excess… leading to lower efficiencies, sometimes to partial loss of flame and, in an extreme case, to a total plant shut down.” Well, one might ask, “Why don’t we stop this cycling thing?” That’s a valid question. One that has been already been answered. Wind is now considered a “must-take” resource. Maybe a green group will build an ad campaign around the motto “If it blows…use it.” The wind

One example showed that actual coal consumption “was actually 22 tons greater than if the plant had not been cycled and generation had remained stable.” ics, thermo dynamics, and weather do not change. In reality, power plants must use fossil fuels to efficiently produce energy. But for a moment let us enter the parallel universe that is green legislation… Amendment 37, passed in 2004, is an adoption of renewable energy standards. In 2007, Colorado’s HB-1281 was passed thus increasing the requirement for utilities to purchase renewable energy and adopt the Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP requires Colorado to use wind to reduce its “greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 2005 levels by 2020.” Also, the Colorado state legislature has increased the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to “30% of sales by 2020, which will force PSCO to add even more wind capacity to its system.” Now back to reality…this government plan has serious problems, the biggest being the effects of “cycling.” Cycling is when a plant must “ramp up” or “ramp down” its power generation in order to accommodate inconsistent wind. As a coal-fired plant is ramped down the generators cool. When the generators ramp back up they consume more coal. One example showed that actual coal consumption “was actually 22 tons greater than if the plant had not been cycled and generation had remained stable.”

OBJECTIVE continued from page 27 assaults on liberty by Barack Obama and the current majority. Big legislative gains should block many extreme liberal goals, but legislative gains alone will not allow us to fully implement the conservative agenda we would like to see if a Democrat governor retains the power to veto it. A Democrat governor will appoint new judges even if the people vote against retention, pick dozens of senior government leaders, unilaterally spend hundreds of millions of federal grant funding with no legislative oversight, and generally block redistricting and any gains that the popular conservative movement has been working so hard for. Without a victory for governor in November, there may

be very few conservative legislative victories for the next four years. The current objective for conservatives is to help regain control of America and Colorado government, and elect leaders who can restore common sense and freedom. That objective can only be partially met by taking the legislature, and will not be complete unless the Democrats are denied the governorship too. That objective is clearly defined and will be decisive. The only question is whether it is attainable. The presence of two self-described “non-establishment” conservatives in the governor’s race may make it unique among all the races across the country. Both conservative campaigns should have the same objective: to defeat the

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blows mostly at night. Demand for power at night is low. When wind power production is higher than demand, then coal units are forced to shut down completely. Wind tapers off around sunrise, just when the demand for power starts to increase, which forces coal units to start up again. More coal usage, higher pollutant outputs, and in a totally overlooked area …damage to the plant itself. Somewhere a mechanic is quietly playing “Taps” . . . Maintenance costs have been totally ignored in cost estimates for green policies. In a footnote, the report explains that, “While most of the plant is designed to cycle, the change in generation has a direct impact on the plant water systems, pulverizers, boilers, scrubbers, heat exchangers. Catastrophic failures as a result of many unit cycles are most commonly in the form of fatigue, corrosion, and cycling related creep. These failures may eventually cause plant shutdowns, and high capital costs due to necessary replacement of the damaged equipment.”

Who pays the “high capital” costs? Your utility bill gives the answer. Colorado’s energy market picture looks pretty bleak. We must face the fact that green legislation is not about cleaner air, better use of resources, or about putting people to work. It merely creates a power structure that is inefficient, unreliable, cost prohibitive. Hey wait a minute…isn’t that the very definition of a “government plan?”

Democrat opponent; but in a classic scenario of “splitting the vote,” their objectives are not currently attainable. This is almost identical to the famous logic puzzle, “The Prisoner’s Dilemma,” where if two prisoners act in their own best selfinterest, they both lose; but if they each sacrifice their own best self-interest, they gain a more mutually-beneficial result. Only when patriots in both conservative campaigns understand that loyalty to our objective is more important than loyalty to any individual will all conservatives attain that mutual objective. In the most desperate battles, any soldier must be considered expendable to the objective, but we consider those who sacrifice themselves for others to be the greatest heroes.

If meeting the objective is important, we all have to decide very soon how to let one candidate beat the Democrat, and how to let the other go. We should also consider our Republican heritage. As Abraham Lincoln quoted from the teachings of Jesus, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Not wanting to spend four years fighting with a gridlocked liberal governor, that’s a very important objective to me. How important is it to you?

Leah is a native of Colorado, wife, mother of 3, and loves individual liberty and freedom. Her feelings on the current political atmosphere are summed up in the quote, “Why stand we here idle? What is it that we patriots wish? What would they give us? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!” If you can name the author of this quote then Leah will give you a cookie.

Kent Lambert is a graduate of the Air Force Academy and is currently a Colorado State Representative running for State Senate.

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Common Defense | Military

Hometown Hero: Lester Stroup 1000 Days in a North Korean POW Camp William T. Gillin, Founding Editor Huddled on a hilltop on a cold November night, Lester Stroup’s unit was surrounded. The bushes came alive with Chinese and North Korean troops. Outnumbered, with nowhere to run, the Americans were forced to surrender. Just 20 years old, Lester would spend the next three years enduring the brutal conditions of a North Korean POW camp.

1950, waves of Chinese soldiers swarmed across the Yalu and hit the American positions. Stroup’s battalion commander ordered the men to disable all vehicles and retreat. When they stopped to rest, enemy forces captured them. The men were interrogated and marched back north without their shoes. Their uniform clothing was inadequate for the cold weather, adding to their misery. They eventually reached a mining camp where they stayed for a month. Of the 750 U.S. POWs who entered the camp, fewer than 250 walked out alive. They were marched to the banks of the Yalu where several POW camps had been established. Stroup and his fellow POWs were fed two bowls a day of rice, millet or corn, and were forced to work. Stroup said he weighed 169 pounds at his capture and, at his lowest, was a mere 100 pounds. Three times he was given up for dead when he was weak with dysentery and carried into the clinic tent. In his camp of 300 to 500 POWs, 10 to 12 men died every night. Several POWs were assigned to carry the bodies across the frozen Yalu and bury them in Manchuria. Some of the men on burial detail

Of the 750 U.S. POWs who entered the camp, fewer than 250 walked out alive. Born in Oklahoma, Stroup moved with his family to Colorado when he was 16. Three years later, in 1949, he enlisted in the Army. In June 1950, war broke out in Korea and Stroup’s field artillery unit shipped out in two months later. They landed at the southern city of Pusan, where U.S. and Republic of Korea forces were holding a perimeter. They soon began the push north to liberate Korea. Stroup was part of the U.S. forces that reached the Yalu River at the northern end of the peninsula. On 30 November

were so weak they had to be carried back to camp. One night while scrounging for firewood Stroup was caught, interrogated, beaten, and thrown into the “hole,” which was just big enough to squat in, but not to lie down or stand in. He spent the next three weeks there, and was let out only once every day or two for interrogation and indoctrination. The POWs were constantly bombarded with Communist propaganda by their captors. Prisoners who disrupted or questioned the indoctrination were beaten and thrown into the hole. Those who cooperated were moved to “progressive” camps where they were treated better and given more food. The Chinese offered these men the promise of a plot of land in China and a wife. Stroup knows of 21 men (“turncoats,” he called them) who took up the offer. He said these were men who had no rank with the Army and had nothing back home.

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The Communists separated the POWs by rank. Junior enlisted men were in one camp, senior NCOs in another, and officers in a different camp. By separating them, the captors could more easily indoctrinate the junior prisoners. The American troops were illprepared for this kind of brainwashing, Stroup said. Another tactic used by the Communist captors to demoralize the POWs was selective distribution of letters from home. Stroup’s sister wrote in September 1952 that their mother had been killed in a car wreck, but his captors held the letter until Christmas Eve. In August 1953, after 33 months (1000 days exactly) Stroup and the others in his camp were released. They left the camp in trucks, and when they came over a hill at Panmunjom and saw an American flag, no one could say a word. When asked what kept him alive, Stroup simply replied, “Willpower.” He STROUP on page 32

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Common Defense | Securing Our Borders

Immigration Hogwash Chuck Graybill, Contributing Writer America is largely a nation of immigrants; hearty souls seeking freedom of thought, action, belief and the opportunity to succeed or fail. Immigration enabled this great nation to grow and prosper into the most successful and envied melting pot in the world. The crucial element in that success was the willingness, as well as the desire and determination, of most of those immigrants to assimilate into American society, without demanding or expecting preferential treatment, segregation, or the right to separatist beliefs, privileges, and legal status. On 9/11/2010, it was reported by the Colorado Springs Gazette that Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, Democratic gubernatorial candidate, said that, if elected, he would “lead an effort to craft an immigration compromise among the nation’s governors.” Not only is he misguided, wrong-headed and a candidate for most “outofthelooper,” he just doesn’t get it! Successful immigration policy and law is about assimilation and obeying all U.S. laws, not only the ones that don’t inconvenience or offend. If immigrants begin the journey toward citizenship and/ or legal residence by entering our country illegally, they are lawbreakers and there is no room for debate or compromise. They have inherently chosen not to assimilate, and have displayed open contempt for our laws and history. Why do people entering our country outside of approved policies, plans, and procedures deserve preferential treatment just because they exploited our porous “homeland security” and highlighted the inability and refusal of elected Progressives to safeguard America and Americans? If immigrants are permitted through “compromise” to break the first U.S. law they encounter, why should we expect them to respect any of our laws? What unique skills or knowledge do these illegal invaders possess that makes them more valuable than legal Americans? Do they possess the cure for cancer, or did they develop the formula for a magic pill or elixir to forever end weight gain and

obesity? Aren’t most undocumented immigrants unskilled laborers with no possessions or visible means of support or gainful employment when they enter the country? I know that when I went to London to work for two years I had to prove to the British government that I had a unique skill set and knowledge in order to get a work visa. When will the law be passed so that legal American citizens get to break a law and then get amnesty via “compromise?” We are supposed to be a nation of equals under the law but, increasingly, elected Progressives like Hickenlooper believe they are above the law and able to bestow favored status on anyone outside of mainstream Americans who routinely follow the rule of law. For me, compromise is rarely, if ever, a real solution but rather a cop-out because both sides are losers. Of course, Hickenlooper has no intention of his compromise being anything but thinly veiled amnesty for illegals. Any wannabe elected official trying to get elected on a platform of breaking the law is not worthy of election! Hickenlooper’s lack of depth of understanding was eminently exemplified by his comment that “if (Dan) Maes had his way, jails would be so full of illegal immigrants that we’d have murderers running down the streets.” In Hickenlooper’s sanctuary city, where illegals are welcomed with open arms, he has no way of knowing who is on the streets, since he has no way of knowing the background of undocumented illegals! Lastly, that comment displays a tremendous lack of understanding of the processes, practices, and solutions already in place in Arizona, where authorities have been told by Hickenlooper’s benefactor and mentor, Barack Hussein Obama, that they cannot even question, let alone investigate or detain, those seeking illegal entry into our country!

STROUP continued from page 31 explained that he believed in what they were doing and he knew what he was coming back to—his family and friends. Stroup says he is concerned about our country today. He blames our current crisis on a lack of leadership, and believes young people are not being taught to appreciate our American values and heritage. Lester Stroup retired as a first sergeant at Fort Carson. For many years he enjoyed dressing up as Abe Lincoln to speak to school students about American his-

tory. He is commander of the ex-POWs in Colorado Springs.

Chuck Graybill is the owner of Maggie Mae’s Restaurant, a former financial ex

Editor’s Note: “So Far From Home: The American POW Experience in World War II,” is currently on exhibit at the Pioneer Museum in Colorado Springs through May 2011. The Colorado Springs Veterans’ Day Parade will be held downtown on November 6, 2010 at 10 a.m. William T. Gillin is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and is a commercial pilot.

32 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

Bodies, Drugs Plague AZ Border Al Maurer, Assistant Editor When I was flying back They feel as though they and their propfrom Tucson on August erties are expendable, that the authorities 22, I noticed the woman are protecting the border cities and ignorsitting next to me was ing the needs of the rural areas which are reading an article in the becoming funnels for illegal activity. Arizona Star entitled “Nearly 1,700 Bod� The drug smuggling is a serious enough ies, Each One a Mys� problem along the bortery.” The article was der. We saw the signs about the bodies the warning people to stay Pima County Mediout of certain areas: “Accal Examiner’s Office tive Drug and Human has found in the desert Smuggling Area.” In over the past 10 years. addition to marijuana, The volume accounts for cocaine and other drugs 20% of the office’s workare being smuggled load. across by Mexicans paid The number of deaths around $1500 per trip. isn’t the real story, They walk for several though. The problem is days across the fragile much bigger than that. desert environment, I’ve talked to people damaging it in ways who lived in southern that may take a century Arizona in the 1980s to repair. Where are the and early 1990s. Immiprotests of environmengration does not seem talists? The drugs are not to have been a problem for Arizona-only conthen. Ranchers and others we talked to in sumption. Once they reach the interstate Cochise County, in southeastern Arizohighway system they are bound for a locana, said the border was open. I saw a coution near you. ple of boundary stones that were, besides Worse is the human trafficking. In a livestock fences and cattle gates, the only show of sinister entrepreneurial spirit, way to know where the border had been. the drug cartels are increasingly in conToday it is much different. One ranchtrol of the human traffic routes as well, er and former Arizona legislator told combining them with their drug trade. us when she walks her property in the And just as there is infighting among the Ramsey Canyon just east of the Huacartels for drug shipments and routes, so chua Mountains she does so with her too do they fight over human cargo, who cell phone, a camera and her .38. She has are often virtual slaves. These Mexicans found 40-60 bundles of marijuana on her may be brought across the border for property and has hauled four and a half the sex trade or they may be legitimately truckloads of looking for work. trash from her They may simeight acres. ply hop on a bus Cybercast for anywhere or News Service they may be held (CNS) reported for ransom until Sheriff Larry Detheir relatives in ver of Cochise Mexico pay an County said the additional fee. U.S. Border PaSome come on trol has pulled their own, makback from parts ing their way of the border in across the desert, his and neigha walk of about boring counties. five days. Some “You frankly will become caChris Holbert and BLM Warning Sign have border pasualties that the trolmen—and I know this from talking Pima County Medical Examiner’s Office to Border Patrol agents—who will not will try to identify. But it is not just Mexiallow their agents to work on the border cans crossing the border. One rancher because it is too dangerous.” we talked to said a neighbor found a disAnother rancher, whose family carded Islamic prayer rug on her land. ranched in southern Arizona and New Korans have also been found. The Border Mexico for four generations, finds it too Patrol even has a category for these peodangerous to live at her ranch. She has ple: OTM (Other Than Mexicans). It is a reduced her herd of cattle from 600 head growing number that includes Somalis to 250 and plans to sell her ranch—if she and even Chinese. We were told that the can. The ranch is more than 25 miles going rate to smuggle a Chinese person from the border. across the border is $30,000. According to CNS, Pinal County SherThe Mexican/U.S. border is a serious iff Paul Babeu said requests by Arizona and complex series of issues that include law enforcement personnel and Arizona not only illegal immigration but also Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl for crime, drugs, violence, the environment 3,000 National Guard troops along the and even national security. By its failure state’s border have been answered so far and outright refusal to act, Congress and with one percent of that number. Our this administration has created grave contacts said the last time the National problems for the country. Guard showed up, they set up observation posts on hilltops where they were Al Maurer is a former military officer and certain to be seen by smugglers. political science professor called once again It isn’t just Maricopa County Sheriff to serve the cause of liberty. He writes the Joe Arpaio highlighting the problems. All reclaimtheblue.us blog and hosts a weekly counties in Arizona are affected although Reclaim the Blue radio show Saturdays at I’ve cited just four of them. 9am on 1460 KZNT. The implications go far beyond the residents and ranchers of the border counties.

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34 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

Constitutional Carry, No Permit Gaining Steam Dudley Brown, Guest Writer

The 1990s and early 2000s saw a wave of states create shall issue concealed carry permit laws, which have certainly captivated the attention of our nation’s gun owners. But there’s a stronger, more principled movement afoot, and it seems to be surfing on the waves of resurgence for our Constitution. That movement is permitless carry, sometimes called Vermont Carry, but most properly known as constitutional carry. By definition, it means carrying a concealed handgun without a concealed carry permit. The state of Vermont started this when they drafted their first state laws by not criminalizing concealed carry.  Something that›s not specifically listed in law as illegal or criminal is, by definition, a l lowed . T ha n k f u l ly, it’s not the other way around. If everything was, by default setting, prohibited and citizens needed to seek statutory permission for every new activity (the Internet comes immediately to mind), freedom and innovation—inseparable qualities—would be stifled. So, Vermont residents can carry concealed without first seeking permission from Big Brother. And though their residents can still acquire permits for concealed carry, they aren’t required to do so. Vermont, not coincidentally, is, by most measures, the safest state in our nation. Why shouldn’t gun owners demand constitutional carry? Permit systems, by necessity, have lists, and lists of gun owners are dangerous. Though many states have tried to pass constitutional carry laws, they’ve often been opposed by the institutional gun lobby and their statelevel minions. What’s their reasoning for opposing real concealed carry reform? I’ve heard, “We can’t have everyone carrying a gun,” and, “There’s no training required, so it would be dangerous.” However, I see little evidence that either objection is valid. After all, I practice my First Amendment right to free speech without government-mandated training. The objections most likely stem from either ignorance of the facts or because

constitutional carry isn’t a cash-cow industry for those objecting. I’m a firearms instructor myself, and I train students in the carrying of concealed handguns, but I’d gladly trade that for the freedom to carry concealed without a permit. I’ve been involved in pushing for constitutional carry for more than 17 years, and the exciting part is that now there now seems to be some steam to pass this law in many states. In 2003, Alaska passed a measure to decriminalize permitless carry, while still leaving their permit system intact. However, it seemed this was an anomaly until the last two years. Arizona passed a constitutional carry law in their 2010 legislative

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners has pushed constitutional carry bills in Colorado many times, and will continue to do so until we pass it. session, but it was overshadowed by the uproar over their illegal immigration legislation. Nevertheless, Arizona residents can now carry concealed without a permit. Despite a limited 30-day budgetary session, Wyoming passed a constitutional carry bill out of the state house. That measure died in their state senate, but only because of time. And both Iowa and Montana had constitutional carry bills offered in the last few years. Although I’m not opposed to shall issue concealed carry permit systems—I have a permit and I have trained hundreds of men and women in order to get their permits—I’d much rather pass a constitutional carry law wherever possible.  Rocky Mountain Gun Owners has pushed constitutional carry bills in Colorado many times, and will continue to do so until we pass it. Since most gun owners oppose regulations, registration, and restrictions on carrying concealed, I believe it’s a smart move for our community to set constitutional carry as a goal. After all, we’ll never get more than what we ask for. Dudley Brown is the executive director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners.

Eternal Vigilance | The Fight Against Tyranny

What to Vote for in November Jacek Popiel, Contributing Writer There are times when issues are clear and choices straight-forward, and other periods when the options are murky and the outcomes uncertain. The year 2010 falls in the second category. At first glance it would not appear to be so. From what is referred to as “the right” comes the call to resist the encroachments on our freedom by big government and creeping socialism. From the other side, or “the left,” we are told to beware of unfettered capitalism and the greed of big money, which only government can tame. Such all-encompassing statements are emotionally satisfying, as long as one believes. Politics should not be a matter of faith, but of logic, deliberation and consensus. Ideological certitudes are conve-

the people. This means first that the people are capable of ruling themselves, and have the necessary understanding and wisdom to do so; second, it implies that citizens know where their interest lies and can, through discussion and consensus, reconcile individual and collective goals into a coherent policy. Such measures need not be founded on some article of faith. They need to define the goal to be achieved—or the problem to be solved—and do so in clearly understandable terms. A policy or law which requires a university degree to be understood is not democratic, but elitist, and will most likely serve the interest of lobbies and small, ambitious groups or cabals. From this flow the first rule for evaluating what is offered for a vote: Where are the specifics? Why is this measure needed and who needs it? How will it achieve the desired result, and what will be the consequences? And finally, who will pay, and how much? The second rule flows from the above. If the specifics cannot be provided in a few sentences, then the policy is insufficiently worked out or is too complicated to apply. If the candidate cannot state her or his position (and then justify it) in a short stump speech, then she or he has not done the homework needed, and a supporting vote will most likely lead to undesired consequences. The third rule has to do with human limitations. Such goals as establishing peace, insuring a lasting prosperity or eliminating hunger have been with us since the dawn of time, and we are still working at them, with mixed success at best. Anyone who promises such achievements is overreaching and is deceiving both himself and the audience. On the contrary, the one who promises only what is clearly feasible is more worthy of trust. In the coming election, we should vote for whoever offers specific, welldefined goals and does so in clear and concise language all can understand. We should vote for someone who is willing to admit that he will need your help and active cooperation to deliver the promised result. If there are two or three of those, pick the one who spends the least time and money attempting to destroy the opponents’ reputation. A candidate who relies on personal invective is likely to have little else to offer.

Politics should not be a matter of faith, but of logic, deliberation and consensus. Idealogical certitudes are convenient for totalitarian states. nient for totalitarian states. In a democratic republic citizens are expected to use their heads. A short, fact-based analysis will easily show that the claims of both right and left are questionable. After a blind belief in the wisdom of free markets had led us into the deepest recession since the 1930’s, government has compounded the problem with massive bail-outs and gigantic deficits, neither of which has brought much improvement. So we are left to mull around the center between the extremes, perhaps with the vague hope that a miraculous third way will be offered to us. This will not happen, and no new grand vision will appear. In fact it is such great designs that got us into the current quagmire. A mistaken faith in the power

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We will not be saved by ideology, left, right or middle, because ideology is fundamentally a tool for domination, and not for the promotion of freedom. of markets allowed for the creation of casino capitalism, which then crashed over our heads. Now an erroneous belief in government power and wisdom is tying heavy debt and regulation burdens on our backs. We will not be saved by ideology, left, right or middle, because ideology is fundamentally a tool for domination, and not for the promotion of freedom. The providers of grand designs have shown themselves to be, time and time again, merchants of empty promises bent on their own advancement at the expense of others. America, instead, is committed to the rule of the people by the people and for

Jacek Popiel was born in Poland and lived in Africa, Europe and North America. His career was in the military and in international business development. He is the author of Viable Energy Now.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. —Ayn Rand www.facebook.com/TheConstitutionalistToday | 35


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Eternal Vigilance | The Fight Against Tyranny

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36 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

One could easily believe those are the words of some underdog military commander from before or after an epic battle. Actually, that’s Saul Alinsky’s first rule of power tactics. It fits naturally in the Alinsky method based on routine deceit and treating those who politically oppose Alinsky-ites as enemies. This rule comes to mind when an establishment politician declares a conservative to be unelectable. That tactic undoubtedly suppressed grassroots conservative candidacies in the past. The unelectable label is being tried again this year and unfortunately we’ve seen it from ruling-class Republicans against conservative winners in Delaware and Colorado. However, Americans are fed up with power brokers of both major parties and are shouting back, “We don’t think you have that much power!” Alinsky’s rules chapter also includes an interesting couple of lines that characterize Alinsky-ite tactics and values. “In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.” That’s who America is up against. We must be on guard continually to reject their deceit and to recognize them as the enemies they are to America and our way of life. During this critical election season, the news is filled with stories with Alinskyite roots. Although seriously crippled because an aroused electorate is fired up to turn back Obama’s Marxist/socialist agenda, the Alinsky-ites will make abundant uses of Rules 5 and 8 in concert with Rule 1. Learn to recognize each and be ready to explain all such attacks as the work of ideologues who deal in lies as a part of their way of life. Rule 5 defines ridicule as “man’s most potent weapon.” Unhampered by a mainstream media that should be defending the American people against political lies, Alinsky-ites pick insignificant comments, past history, personal views, etc. and turn one or two into days of ridicule. The leftist media joins in in a concerted effort to take opposition candidates off message. The goal is to belittle the enemy in the eyes of uneducated voters and to keep from having to defend the Alinsky-ites’ records of corruption, reckless spending, and votes for freedom limiting legislation such as cap and tax, Obamacare, and record deficits. Ridicule has been a very effective tactic to stifle opposition but will become less useful the more the American voters recognize such ridicule for the fraud it is.

Don’t expect Rule 5 to go away anytime soon as it is reinforced by Rule 8: “Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.” An example here that isn’t election-related is Obama using the gulf oil spill to put greater restrictions on American energy production. His administration’s weak early response was then followed by bureaucratic red tape that delayed actions that could have kept more of the oil off the beaches and marshes. Such delays that increased damage helped build his case for killing offshore drilling jobs and making America more dependent on foreign oil. If he

Americans are fed up with power brokers of both major parties. hadn’t let the oil reach the coast, the biggest lesson would have been that a major spill of the light gulf oil can be controlled if procedures are quickly followed. Relative to elections, Alinsky-ites remain ready to take any event and skew it for their benefit. So far most of their lies about patriotic Americans standing against the socialist onslaught haven’t really stuck. But they are undoubtedly trying to exploit the divisions arising as some old-line Republican elites fight the surge of grassroots conser vat ive s that should have been a big resurgence for the GOP. As moderate-to-liberal Republicans have been defeated in Delaware, Alaska, and Florida, some losers are getting sympathetic support from Alinsky-ites and favorable press from leftist allies in the media. While some in the faltering GOP machine are making shameless fools of themselves, you can bet Alinsky-ites are working propaganda from behind the scenes. They are trying to save discredited liberals from being thrown out by a united conservative counterattack in various state races. In Colorado primary races, I saw messages from people using conservative titles for themselves or supposedly conservative organizations in direct attacks on the conservatism of candidates with proven grassroots conservative credentials. I assume many of those came from deceitful Alinsky-ites trying to do anything they could think of to bring forward weaker Republican candidates into the November elections. Get acquainted with the good conservative candidates so you can immediately recognize the lies, and you can help these candidates push back against Alinsky’s plan to subjugate America.

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In Charles Dickens’s classic, A Christmas Carol, there is a telling exchange between Ebenezer Scrooge and two men seeking to collect “some slight provision for the poor and destitute” during the Christmas season. When asked to give to this charitable cause, Scrooge hid behind public programs for the poor—prisons, Union workhouses, the Poor Law, etc. Scrooge’s visitors argued that such programs “scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude.” This exchange highlights the stark contrast between socialism and true charity. Government redistribution of wealth is at best a poor substitute for voluntary giving from the heart; at its worst it can destroy the very fabric of good social order. Even so, there continues to be much media assertion that spreading the wealth around by government is the Christian thing to do. Of course, many of these self-proclaimed “experts” on Christianity are simply trying to shame people who have a conscience into acquiescing to their viewpoint. The truth is that socialism is not Christian for at least three reasons: it is “legalized” theft, it corrupts society, and it puts government in the place of God. For the past century Americans have allowed the government, by threat of fine and/or imprisonment, to confiscate the hard-earned fruit of people’s labor and give it to others, even for purposes that violate many taxpayers’ core convictions. Both the U.S. Constitution and the Bible identify legitimate purposes for collecting taxes. For example, it is appropriate for government to provide for the common defense (the Constitution) and to “execute wrath upon him that doeth evil” (the Bible, Romans 13:4). But when it comes to redistributing the wealth, government clearly crosses the line of legitimacy. But what if the majority wants it? Isn’t that the democratic way? Sadly, many misguided Americans think so. At this point in time, nearly half of American households don’t pay federal income tax, and many of those actually get a tax refund of more than what was withheld, thanks to the earned-income credit. History has shown that once a majority of citizens decide to elect a government that will steal from others and give to them—the ultimate welfare state—that society collapses under the weight of its own corruption. A vivid example of such corruption is the left’s flagship front group for wealth redistribution—ACORN. From offering to help get government funds to promote the “business” of a teenage prostitution ring, to widespread voter fraud in an attempt to elect politicians who support le-

galized theft, ACORN is the poster child of why socialism is bad for America. And the more loot amassed by pillaging productive Americans, the greater the cancer of corruption spreads, and the more people become rich at the public’s expense. Whistleblowers, honest auditors, and independent inspectors-general who try to expose this cancer are vilified and even fired. How can we trust the federal government to police itself when it won’t even prosecute a clear cut case (caught on camera) of voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers? Is there any doubt which group of politicians these intimidators supported? Yet we still hear that socialism is Christian, even though the very government

Government redistribution of wealth is at best a poor substitute for a voluntary giving from the heart; at its worst it can destroy the very fabric of good social order. supposedly doing this Christian work also seeks to purge references to Christ completely from the public arena. Are the recipients of this ill-gotten plunder encouraged to see it as provision from the Lord? Absolutely not! They are told that the government is their benefactor, not only for their financial provision, but also for the very liberties endowed by their Creator. No wonder socialism so readily leads to tyranny. Here’s where the truly dark side of socialism surfaces. As former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher rightly noted, sooner or later socialists run out of other people’s money. When that happens, do they admit that they were wrong and embrace the free market and charitable giving instead? Rarely, if ever! At some point they conclude that their policies aren’t the problem, but rather there are just more people to care for than the confiscated funds can support. Ebenezer Scrooge referred to those in need as the “surplus population.” It’s quite revealing that those so generous with other people’s money are also inclined to support measures often used for population control. They apparently can rationalize almost anything in their government-is-god mindset, including health care rationing, tax-funded abortion on demand, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and even forced sterilization/ abortion given the right circumstances. To paraphrase a well-known socialist of today, let us be perfectly clear. Not only is socialism not Christian, it is the very antithesis of biblical Christianity. Dave Skiver, a retired AF officer, is now a pastor, adjunct university professor, and freelance writer/editor.

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The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. —Winston Churchill

38 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

Points to Ponder Before Voting

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Pat Francomano, Contributing Writer In the Beginning Democracy! What a concept! But our founders never intended that the United States should be a direct democracy. They intended that it be a democratic republic. In fact, Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution guarantees “to every State of this Union a Republican Form of Government.” That is why they left it largely to the states to prescribe their own voting requirements. Further, in their

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Current Events A recent news article pointed out that “in the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.”

Today, with the available overload of information and misinformation, voters are still being “misled by a few designing men.” concern about the “tyranny of the majority,” they gave us the Electoral College system, rather than a direct national vote, for selecting the president and vice-president.

Early On

These Are Not Normal Times

The various states originally had very restrictive voting requirements. Although there were variations, for the most part a voter had to be white, male, religious, and a property owner. Fortunately, the franchise today is open to all races and ethnicities, to women, to those at least 18 years of age, and there are no property or religious requirements. The reluctance early on to have a more open franchise was based on concerns that the population was too spread out and communication was very slow, thereby leaving the people relatively ignorant about the various candidates and issues. Some comments of the times: George Mason, delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention said, “The extent of the country renders it impossible, that the people can have the requisite capacity to judge of the respective pretensions of the candidates.” Elbridge Gerry, delegate from Massachusetts added, “The people are uninformed, and would be misled by a few designing men.” Notice the mistrust of political candidates even then.

The expansion of the size and scope of government that started under George W. Bush and is being frighteningly accelerated under Barack Obama is crushing—crushing to the economy and crushing to liberty. The massive outcries of opposition from the public against this encroaching expansion have turned into a huge awakening among Americans. This can be seen in the Tea Party movement and elsewhere. Citizens recognize that reigning in this out of control government will take a long time and a deep commitment, and they are answering the call to make it happen. Many are voting for the first time, and some are running for office. They are preparing to take back their government at all levels—from the school board, to the city council, to the legislature, to the Congress, to the White House.

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have been around a while, but have had their conservative consciences rekindled; a few have been solid conservatives all along. But all of them are fed up with the ongoing destruction of their country. They want smaller government, free markets, individual liberty, and individual responsibility. So, dear reader, we have better candidates, and we have the privilege to vote. Let’s use that privilege in the upcoming election! Sid Huston is the host of the SYI Show heard daily on 100.7 KGFT at 3:30 p.m.

If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed. —Mark Twain

Galley Rd

Airport Rd

Join us for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner. (Open 6am—10pm. Breakfast all day.) 975 A. N. Academy Blvd. C.S. CO 80909 At the Polls 314-3616 Because of this revival in political interNeighborhood Diner est, we have a better selection of conserBlvd Military vative candidates. Some are Academy new; some , “Keeping It Local” s y a w l a s Fountain Blvd

Today, with the available overload of information and misinformation, voters are still being “misled by a few designing men.” For example, just days prior to the 2008 presidential election, an excited Obama supporter exclaimed, “I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car! I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage! You know, if I help him, he’s going to help me!” It’s difficult to comprehend how anyone in this country could be so completely fooled.

Concealed Carry Permit Class, 1-4 hours:

A Danger

The Cloward-Piven strategy (whose aim is socialism) of creating crises for governments so that problems are forced up to the federal level for solutions has been playing out before our eyes. But what happens when the federal government fails? It will be taken over by those already in positions to implement a complete statist regime. Precisely the structure Obama has been putting in place since he took office.

Fast Forward

Classes are twice a month or can be fit to your schedule—just call for dates and times.

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Pursuit of Happiness | Book Reviews & Humor

Give Us Liberty A Tea Party Manifesto, by Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe Reviewed by Al Maurer, Assistant Editor This is a book every Tea Party activist should read. Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe have written an engaging book about what has become called the Tea Party movement.

“Today’s spending is tomorrow’s taxes.” Armey worked with Newt Gingrich in designing the 1994 Contract with America that returned the Republican Party to the majority in Congress for the first time since 1954. But, he says, innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit of 1994

didn’t last long. From the inside, Armey saw a much different picture and in 2002 he quit Congress and joined Citizens for Sound Economy, which was founded in the 1980s and is now called FreedomWorks. This is the opening of the book. The second part describes the American revolutionary model as it applies to the modern Tea Party movement. In Europe, people revolt because they want something and usually they want the government to give it to them. Greece is a current example of this. In America, people revolt because they want tyrannical government to get out of the way. Taxes are usually the match that lights the fuse.



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40 | The Constitutionalist Today, October 2010

in the establishment recoiled at supporting a politically-untried businessman. The result is a three-way race that the

“The Tea Party has evolved from political revolt to social movement” Democrats are likely to win. It’s not just the Colorado governor’s race: it’s also the Minnesota governor’s race and Senate races in Alaska, Delaware and Florida. Before we can get the country back on the right path, we have to get the Republican Party on the right path. And so the final part of the book consists of a grassroots tool kit and points to further resources online. The book is not as daunting as 272 pages might suggest: the epilogue and appendix start on p.175 and reading goes quickly because of the engaging style of the authors and because it is the inside story of events we are familiar with. If the book has a fault it is that it tends to place FreedomWorks in the center of events and as the driving force behind the Tea Party movement. It is certainly true that FreedomWorks was well-placed and influential, but it is not the entire movement. As the title of their last chapter says, “We are a movement of

“The establishment doesn’t like it one bit. They will kick and scream and throw every possible roadblock in our path.”

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The Democrats were (and I think still are) confused by the 2009 protests because they hadn’t increased taxes—only spending. But as the book notes, today’s spending is tomorrow’s taxes and Americans are smart enough to figure that out. The Tea Party movement is solidly in the center of the American political tradition. The third part tries to describe how the movement needs to proceed to accomplish its goals. The authors had pointed out earlier how the limited government movement of the 1990s failed to achieve long-term results. This time they see the Tea Party movement as the beginning of a social movement that will last. From my vantage point inside the revolution, I and my millions of newfound friends agree. If the protests of 2010 are fewer and farther between and attended by smaller numbers, it’s because we have moved on from protest to organization. Tea Party Patriots, for example, has moved from 1800 affiliated groups in late 2009 to over 2800 groups today. They number over 18 million members—and that is just part of the story. This is a very potent force for social and political change, which is why the left is so desperate to discredit it. Armey and Kibbe give the movement its direction: in order to remake politics in this country we must first take over the Republican Party. We do this because the Republican Party at least nominally stands for the same values as the Tea Party movement: it has been the party of limited government and fiscal responsibility before. But, they warn, it won’t be easy. The establishment doesn’t like it one bit. They will kick and scream and throw every possible roadblock in our path.

This has come as a surprise to some in the Liberty movement. In Colorado, for example, we were advised to play within the party rules. We attended caucuses and assemblies, we were elected to party positions, and we worked and voted for our preferred candidates. When the anointed party gubernatorial candidate lost, many

ideas, not leaders.” What they mean is that we are not a movement coalesced around a particular leader the way the left has found its messiah in Barack Obama. There is no Washington, Lincoln or Reagan to save us; we the people will save ourselves. I think that is one of the best messages we can take from this important work. Highly recommended. Al Maurer is a former military officer and political science professor called once again to serve the cause of liberty. He writes the reclaimtheblue.us blog and hosts a weekly Reclaim the Blue radio show Saturdays at 9am on 1460 KZNT.


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The American Minute Men were ready in less than a minute to defend freedom with their lives. The American Minute Kids are young patriots ready in less than a minute to defend freedom and the Constitution with knowledge! We would like to introduce The Constitutionalist Today’s American Minute Kids Page! This month’s issue is a chance to meet our characters. Next month, be ready for four full pages of fun information that will engage your kids and get you talking together about the thing we love best…America, the Constitution and freedom! We will have lots of fun facts, games, stories, suggested family activities, and suggested books for you and your family. So are you ready to learn fun facts, gain understanding of your rights and freedoms, and defend your Constitution?

Coloring Contest!

Dear Kids, TCT is having a coloring contest of the characters on this page. Please pick your favorite character and color him, cut him out and send him to the address below. Age categories are: 2-3, 4-5, 6-8 and 9-10 years of age.  All age division winners will win a FREE dinner for one person at Bambino’s. Please send your picture to: TCT Coloring Contest, P.O. Box 25155, Colorado Springs, CO, 80936.

John Hancock was a larger-than-

Benjamin Franklin was a pub-

life Founding Father. At 27 years of age he was the richest man in New England and his signature is the most recognized in all of American history. When he signed the Declaration of Independence King George had already put a price on his head of 500 pounds. As the ink of his signature was drying, Hancock declared “There! George the 3rd can read that without his spectacles [glasses]. Now he can double his reward for my head!” John Hancock will be giving us lessons in civil government and the basics of the Constitution.

lisher, scientist, writer, inventor, and an American statesmen. Ben Franklin influenced the people around him with his writings. He used the printed word, and a few assumed names, to grow freedom and spread the ideas of liberty throughout the colonies. Ben Franklin will be narrating “Headlines in History.”

George Washington was the first

president of the United States, but before that, he did a lot of other interesting things. He was homeschooled by his mother, became a surveyor at the age of 16, and led troops into battle in the French and Indian Wars at the age of 23. As a young man he wrote some rules for how people were supposed to behave in public…110 rules to be exact! George Washington will be teaching us virtues and good character traits that all young American citizens need to know.

Davy Crocket was one of Amer-

ica’s greatest adventurers and became a legendary historical figure. His real life was just as exciting as the stories that grew up around the things he did. He fought to open the wild frontier for settlers, served in the Congress, and died at the terrible battle of the Alamo. Davy Crocket will be telling us stories about American legends and about some wild adventures that happened early in American history.

Game Maze

Find your way through the maze. As you go along the correct path you will cross words that you can use to complete this famous quote from the Declaration of Independence.







to be self ___________

men are _____________


That they are ______________ by their creator with certain ________________________







rights, are





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Her Future

Depends on Your Vote For the past 19 months I’ve traveled from the Four Corners to Sterling to hear what matters most to Coloradans. Over and over you’ve told me it’s our children’s futures. You tell me you want value from your government. As your governor, I will…

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